SWArthoore Coliegr Idbrary SVlarthmore l!EI • Best Wshes Best Wshes to . the Class, of 1955 THE SWARTHMOR to ~he Class of 1955 .' VOLUME 27-NUMBER 22 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, June 3, 1955 ... '3.50 PER YEAR Hold Services for Ordained 30 Years . IJ t-· BI k S US Ice ac, enator Plans for Commencement Russell H. Kent C;:!~~~:r~ ;~~~il~~ .;;l:::!: Douglas to.Speak Here H. S. Graduating· Cltiss The thirtieth anniversary of the Sw-arthmore High School's graduating Class of 1955 is making plans for its commencement activities which will be · commg . under way t hIS week -end. With final examinations finished today, exercises and rehearsals will keep the class busy until Tue~ay. night when diplomas· will be awarded. The Baccalaureate service for the class will be held in the Presbyterian Church at 5 p.m. Sunday afternoon~ The Baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by the Rev. John Schott, associate minister of the Presbyterian Church. He will be assisted in the service by the otller ministers of the Wool Executive Re;sided on ROlverv·lew Road 21 Years at a special service at 4 p.m. Sunday in the St. Peter's Church in the Greaot Valley, Paoli. The u~ R ev. W·lli P . R0 b erts, D.D. m. 1 am former Missionary Bishop of . Commencement Activities At College Center Busy Week-End Funeral services for Russell H. Sh:~!~~~;n~~e~ =~ :::~tor of Swarthmore College will conKent, Riverview road ·resident Trinity Church here from Feb- fer degrees on 215 on Monday, from 1929 to 1950, were conducted ruary 1930 through January 1943. June 6. The program will be held in Philadelphia Tuesday after- He beeame rector of St. Peter's in the Scott Outdoor Auditorium noon by the Rev. Dr. Alvin Duane later that year. While 'here . he if· weather permits. Speaker at the commencement exercises will d h b Smith. Mr. Kent died early Fri- serve on t e Pu lic Library be Justice Hugo L. Black of the community. Music will be proday mornm'\g' at his home, the Board, was president of the . F mily S · h I SUpreme Court 'of the United. vided by members of the High a ervlce, and c ap ain of School ChoruS. Ushers will be Dr. Henry J. Weiland Presidential Apartments, City the Swarthmore Volunteer Fire States. eight young men from the Junior Line avenue. Company. The Baccalaureate services on Class. After the B a c c a l a w . : e a t e ' . i t . member of the board of diDr. Guenther's many local Sunday morning will be addressservice, there will be a reception rectors of the Kent Manufacturing friends will join in the occasion's ed by Paul H. Douglas, U. S. given .by the parents ,of the class Company, Clifton Heights, Mr. felicitations. . Senator from Illinois. Both of . in McCahan· Hal! for the families these gentlemen have daughters Kent was born in Clifton Heights . h . I and friends of the. seniors. m t e Semor C ass who will be 'On Monday night at 6: 30 the August 31, 1891. He graduated receiving· degrees at the comClass Banquet will be held at from Penn Charter in 1908 and men cement program. Whittier House on .the Swarth-· from Cornell in 1912. He married As always Commencement more- College Campus. After the Dorothy Curtis of New CasUe, Pa., weekJ..tend will be marked by banquet, the yearbooks will: be on Nov~mber 19, 1914. L • S H S B d many programs and activities. ' distributed by the staff of which eglon, couts, .'. an Festivities begin with the annual A member of the American . Karen Schi1f is editor. Lead Annual Alumni Golf Tournamept at the Society of Mechanical Engineers, Scholarahlps Awal'ded Mr. Kent was a charter member Porade Rolling Green Country Club at Scholarships and awards will be of the Rotary Club of CUfton 2:30 p.m. on Friday, June 3. presented.-to metWers of the-. class Heights-Aldan, a member of the The Swartlunore High School Saturday is Alumni Day and all by William Bush, high· school Union League, a member of the Band. local Boy and Girl Scout, persons who have ever attended principal.' The scholarships· have Overbrook Presbyterian Church, Cub, Brownie and Sea Scout Swarthmore College are invited been awarded as follows: ... and· a Mason. He was an en- Troops, Red Cross, American to return to participate in the Home and School Scholarship to thusiastic yachtsman. During LegIon and auxiliary. turned out events of the day. The Alumni ;. Michael Hurd; Music OrganizaWorld War II he served on the in unifonn Mon~ay morning for Council business Meeting will be tions Scholarship to Kat'hleen JesSelective Service Board of this the ·borough's annual Memorial held at 9 a.m. on Saturday folsup; Class of 1955 SCho.arsbip til district from 1942 until after the Day tribu~ to members of the lowed by a Faculty Symposium James . Keighton; Baccalaureate war's end. armed forces Qf the United States for· all Alumni. This symposium Scholarship to Virginla DeOa1nwho have given their lives in the will give alumni an opportunity r . dry; Eliz$eth· H~bard. Bonsall. • aK~~~tes:"i:oo~y ~. country's s~r:vices. They were to question members of the faculScholarship p~ted by the sons' Russell H Jr' of S' ring- join~ by many patriotic spec- ty concerning the present teachSwarthmore Woman's Club, to C d· I · °d .., ., . p tators.. ing program. at the college. re Its Loca . Resl. ent field and Il.aurence S. ~f Quinc;y, Wo~ld War II veteran John E. The parade of classes is schedPamela F08ter. .. On·'Tuesday night at'l the.cJaas With:"Maior·Rol~.~ :~t" Ill·',_an~~:c~i~~~dr~;.·· ;.. ,p~~, .Jr.,c:ommander of the uled to begin at 2:30p.m. in front in their caps and goWns will asCh~mical Paterit'-:'··· .. .. . ..... ,'. '..... , .. Ainsworih-Wemher.'Post,.Ro;;..U'l'f(P.atIish.Hall~~.will: ~oncll.lde selnble In front of Martin Labortt- . . American Legion, presided over at.theSc~t Audi~oriur:n where the tory for the omcla). class pictllfe. Dr. He.nrY· J. W~iland, manager . the ceremonies. Herb~ BasSett, Alumni Association Meeting will At 8 p.m. the class will begin the of the pat~nts section of DuPont's World War I veteran and past be under the direction of Morris processional to the stage of Organic Chemicals Departme-nt'j commander of the Post, read the L. Hicks, president. A softball Clothier Memorial Hall where the. retired on Tuesday, May 31, after names of Swarthmore's five World game between the alumni and graduation ex~ will take a 3.8-year career. He·was honored· Swarthmore High School's 1955 War I, 25 Wo~ld War' II, and tw.o the Faculty will follow the alumni place. .. . by hiS assocIat~ Friday at a track team took three events and Korean conflict ~ead as Boy meeting. Special dinners have The choral reading of the class luncheon in the Hotel' duPont. sc.ore~ in three others to ta~e the Sc.outs placed flags lD markers be- been planned for those' clases will co~ of the _One H~ Dr. Weiland played a major DistrIct. 1, Class B tiUe m. the fore the memorial tablet at Bor- whose numerals end in "0" or "5" Twenty-First P~ and the role in building the Organic state-wide PIAA Competition ougb Hall plaza. The Legion and since this is tIleir reunion year. Lord's Prayer. The Senior Choral Chemicals Department's pate-nts ~e1d Saturday at Penn State Uni- Legion Auxiliary wreaths were The day will end with a dance Group, consis~ of Ferrell. Beck, section to its present organizatiod. v e r s i t y . . (Continued on Page 5) in the dining room of Parrish Hall Martha Calhoun, N.ancy Carrol~ While engaged in patent work for First honors went to Pete and a sing on the Parrish porch. Vir~a DeC.ai~dg" Doroth~ the last 20 years, Dr. Weiland Kroon, heaving the "javelin tor On Sunday the Baccalaureate Hopkins, Ka":tleen Jessup, Sandra also had extensive experience as 177 feet, 1% inches; Cal Coleman, . service will be held in Clothier Milne, Karen Schiff,. Vir~~ a research chemist. Many. of the running the 440 in 51.4. s~onds; Exc~' Memorial at 11 a.m. The Last Smith, Emily Terry,Stuart Bo e, processes for common. high pro- and members of .the mile ~lay Collection program will be held (Continued on P~ge. 5) duction intermecUates which he .team, Gordon Smith, Scott Pickat the same-place at 7:30p.m. developed are stiJ,1 in use at the ard, Bob Borer and .Cal Colem~, Karachi Girl to Live Speaker for this occasion will be companY's Chambers Works, who took the event lD thr.ee mlDDr. Wolfgang Koeler, .Research Deepwater Point, N. J., and dur- utes, 32.7. .....__ And Study Here Professor of Phllosophy and Psyr lContinued on Page 6) . Charles Rumer placed third.iii Next -Year chology who retires this year. The • I . the. shot put, and Gordon SmIth , annual Phi Beta Kappa Lecture, With courage unbounded, a rare t?ok another· thi~ in the 180 yard William, Bush, principal of the (Continued on Page 5) speCies of Buttercup has appeared low hurdles. The" half mile re- Swarthmore High School, has reat theSwarthmorean Office. Unbe. ' . lay team, George Pappas, Gordon cently been informed that the ttnownst to anyone, it· took root Smith,. Mal Tippett, Clift Hop~s American Field Service Commit- Flower Drive For along the driveway, throve , came m for the runner-up pos1- tee has designated Miss Nevaz Hospital Begins through April rains and May - tion. Panday of Karachi, Pakistan to drought, and was discoVered with Board Accepts· Bids in be the foreign student ofSwarth..; Mrs. Robert M. Grogan, who is glee by.Dr. Samuel C" Palmer on SUPERTANKER CHRISTENED more High Sch~l next year. chairman of the Garden' CommitJune flrst. Yfednesday·,. BY LOCAL CITIZEN Pal Lindgren of Sweden has tee of the Woman's Club, has anRetired professor of biology at Session· been a resident student in the nounced plans for this year's Swarthmore College,' and an au.. Mrs. Frank. R. Markley oi Swar.thmore High School this year "Flowers for the Flowerless" th9rity on plants and fiowers, Dr. Low· bids toU!ling $30,410 for Gu~rnseyroad presided at th.e through the cooperation of John campaign. . The season will run Palmer had never seen the species construc;tion of a choral addition chns~g May 26 of thhe sun ?ll ·Carroll, president of the Home from June 1 through September, _ Ranunculus acrfs, comntOD to to the High School band room and Company s newest mere ant s.hip, d Sch' 1 Asso i t· .. d J h with each of the local churches . replacement .of a High School the S.S. Eastern Sun. The super- c an t OOf Wilmi·c a Ion, an . °t nd responsible for one month. New England-in DelawareCoun. . t ch t 1 on an 0 ngton aSSOCla e ty, and was pleased to announce boiler were accepted Wednesday tanker, blgges mer an v~e 'th th A ' F' 'Id S h 1 Buckets of water to receive the l. 'ng by the School Board. scheduled for delivery from wshi Ie mencan Ie C 0 arflowers will be left on the Club his find to the owner, one of his evenl p , fonner college students. Martin Brothers Construction AmerIcan. yards in 1955, has a Ac!::~g to past custom Nevaz porch Wednesday ~oons a n d :J To untrained wes the New cOmpany was awarded the con- cargo capacity of 10,500,00.0 18;1.• ' . evenings throughout the sum-· England visitor looks exactly like tract from among eight bipders Ions of gasoline~ and was bullt at will live with severalloc~ fam- mer. Women of the individual the Delaware 'Coun- brand (Ra. era! onstruction of the a cost·:Of '1Y.e'million dollars, llies. in Swarthmore dunng the ·parishes are to be responsible for v :wge:oom. ~ portion of the financed entirely-by the Sun Oil COJn1ng y~ar. Diaklng~ections Thursday nuncu1us bulbosus) , only a little w·ork am'oun'ts to $21,735. The Company. .Ne.vaz IS 17 years of age and mo-:"-. The flowers will then more spread· out, Uke a saucer. 11 be membe f th s e n i J . & U U 6 ' > B heating contract, for which there Mrs. Markley. is the wife· of WI a. r 0 '. e. . or be taken to the Philadelphia Genle:~:ea!~~e':e!~rg:d u:,.d : ; were 14 bidders, went to' George Sun's vice president In charge of class.. She IS .•of P~taill na- eral Hospital for distribution. rooted, would lack the bulb that s. Truskey, InC: at $7160. McGee marketing.. . tiona~ty and her ~eligJous amn~-: The Church committees are as provides the name for the local Electric Company with a bid of ' tion IS Zoroastriarusm. Her ~ather folloWs: for the month of .June, $1525 was low among five who . KA'PASTO MEET, is a stock broker in Karachi and Trinity Church, in charge of. Mrs. species. Dr. Palmer plans.to ..hJ_t the sought the electrical contract. ., Kappa' h.er mother a h~e and W'. W. Watkins; July, the Presby• JICIUA& • resenting George Members.. of Ka~. school cUrectress. Sh.e has· two terian Church, in· charge. of Mr8. ~unen and add it to his famous. Alex ~om~· ., 8rchi~ for Gamma will meet for • day of brothers and a sist¢r. At; present, George P.· Warren; A,ugust, the. ::ection of ,water colors. AS for M. ~t work should sewing 011 TueedaY•..Ju.ne a~ the $he is a student in the Karacbl Methodist Church, JIr.s. .H~ . tIl~ ~adnext~ in order to. ~- home of .~.!f~ ~ ~~~arBn~ool .. ~ she hal Bemanl;. Septem~, ·Prf'" bounty Of, ItaUDCQltlV!ltecJ ptc1eD. (CoIlODued . OD ~ 5) man, rndban Jiute, IIedJL atucUed iJ sh <, ~ee'MI~ .... ~. Bltt)e. " . Gensemer Presl-des at .Memorial Day Rites DuPont Honors Dr_ W81-Iandat Ret-lfement w:e .. ,::. SHS Track Jearn WI-n·s elas·s· B11-tle Name Nevaz Panday aoge Student Discovers' New England· Visitor ChoraIRoom . .B01-,er at School Cost $30 410 takiNS:':iOt:'cie : = ?, SVlI1rthr.tore College Li hrary SVIfI rthmore lJp • of 1955 ...... BW A ~<-, ;: •..:(,:,~:. (,\~ :, i -' Ll:.i. Best Wshes to the Class ... '''''-, ........ .(.-.: "'l Best Wshes THE SWARTHMOR VOJ...UME 27-NUMBER 22 to Class of 1955 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, June 3, 1955 H. S. Graduating Class Hold Serv~ces for Plans for Commencement Russell H~ Kent ~he 83.50 PER YEAR Ordained 30 Years . IJ tD 81 k S t Ice ac, ena or 0ougItS as 0, peakHere US The thirtieth anniversary of the ordination of the Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, D.D. will be celebrated at a special service at 4 p.m. Swarthmore High School's graduating Class of 1955 is Wool Executive Resided Sunday in the St. Peter's Church making plans for its commencement activities which will be in the Great Valley, Paoli. Thc Commencement Activities on Riverview Road under way this coming week-end. With final examinations At College Center Busy Ht. Rev. William P. Roberts, D.D. 21 Years finished today, exercises and rehearsals will keep the class fOl"mer Missionary Bishop of Week-End Shanghai, China, will speak. busy until Tuesday night when diplomas will be awarded. Funeral services for Russell H. Hev. Guenther was the rector of Swarthmore College will conThe Baccalaureate service for the class will be held in Kent, Riverview road resident Trinity Church here from Feb-I fer degrees on 215 on Monday, the Presbyterian Church at 5 p.m. Sunday afternoon. The from 1929 to 1950, were conducted mary 1930 through January 1943. June 6. The program will be held Baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by the Rev. John in Philadelphia Tuesday after- He became rector of St. Peter's ~n the Scott Out~oor Auditorium Schott, associate minister of the Presbyterian Church. He noon by the Rev. Dr. Alvin Duane later that year. While here he If weather permIts. Sp~aker ~t . . . served on the Public Library the commencement exerCIses WIll will be assisted in the service by the otber ministers of the SmIth. Mr. Kent dIed early Frl-, . be Justice Hugo L Black of the community. Music will be pro- - - - - - . . Board, was preSIdent of the . day .mornmg at his home, the F amI'1y S ' ' 0 f Supreme Court 'Of• the United vided by members of the High . . . ervlce, an d ch apIam Dr. Henry J. Weiland PreSIdentIal Apartments, CIty the Swarthmore Volunteer Fire States. School Chorus. Ushers will be eight young men from the Junior Line avenue. I Company. The Baccalaureate services on Class. After the Baccalaureate A member of the board of di-' Dr. Guenther's many local Sunday morning will be addressservice, there will be a reception rectors of the Kent Manufacturing friends will join in the occasion's ed by Paul H. Douglas, U. S. given by the parents of the class Senator from Illinois. Both of Company, Clifton Heights, Mr. felicitations. in McCahan Hall for the families these gentlemen have daughters Kent was born in Clifton Heights and friends of the seniors. in the Senior Class who will be August 31, 1891. Hc graduated On Monday night at 6: 30 the receiving 'degrees at the comClass Banquet will be held at from Penn Charter in 1908 and mencement program. Whittier House on the Swarthfrom Cornell in 1912. He married As always Commencement more College Campus. After the Dorothy Curtis of New Castle, Pa., , week..Jcnd will be marked by banquet, the yearbooks wi~l be on November 19, 1914. many programs and activities. distributed by the staff of which legion, Scouts, H. S. Band Festivities begin with the annual A member of the American Karen Schiff is editor. Lead Annual Alumni Golf Tournament at the Society of Mechanical Engineers, Scholarships A warded Rolling Green .Country Club at Mr. Kent was a charter member Scholarships and awards will be Parade 2:30 p.m. on Frtday, June 3. of the Rotary Club of Clifton presented· to members of the class The Swartlunore High SchOOl Saturday is Alumni Day and all Heights-Aldan, a member of the by William Bush, high school Union League, a member of the Band, local Boy and Girl Scout, persons who have ever attended principal. The scholarships have Overbrook Presbyterian Church, Cub, Brownie and Sea Scout Swarthmore College are invited been awarded as follows: and a Mason. He was an en- Troops, Red Cross, American to return to participate in the Home and School Scholarship to thusiastic yachtsman. D uri n g Legion and auxiliary turned out events of the day. The Alumni Michael Hurd; Music OrganizaWorld War II he served on the in uniform Monday morning for Council business Meeting will be tions SchOlarship to Kathleen JesSelective Service Board of this the borough's annual Memorial held at 9 a.m. on Sa,turday folsup; Class of 1955 Scholarship to district from 1942 until after the Day tribut~ to members of the lowed by a Faculty Symposium James Keighton; Baccalaureate war's end. armed forces of the United States for all Alumni. This symposium Scholarship to Virginia DeOainMr. Kent is survived by his who have given their lives in the will give alumni an opportunity dry; Elizabeth Hubbard Bonsall wife, a daughter Bar:bara, two country's services. They were to question members of the faculScholarship presented by the sons Russell H., Jr.,' of Spring- joined by many patriotic spec- ty concerning the present teachSwarthmore Woman's Club, to ing program at the college. Credits Local Resident field and l:.aurence S. of Quincy, tators. Pamela Foster. World War II veteran John E. The parade of classes is schedIll., and six gral).dchildren. On Tuesday night at 7 the class With "Major Role" in Gensemer, Jr., commander of the uled to begin at 2:30 p.m. in front in their caps and gowns will asChemical Patents Ainsworth-Wernher Post No.. 427, of Parrish Hall and will conclude semble in front of Martin LaboraAmerican Legion, presided over at the Scott Auditorium where the tory for the official class picture. Dr. Henry J. Weiland, manager the ceremonies. Herbert Bassett, Alumni Association Meeting will At 8 p.m. the class will begin the of the patents section of DuPont's World War I veteran . and past be under the direction of Morris processional to the stage of Organic Chemicals Department,', commander of the Post, read the L. Hicks, president. A softball Clothier Memorial Hall where the I retired on Tuesday, May 31, after names of Swarthmore's five World graduation exercises will take a 38-year career. He was honored Swarthmore High School's 1955 War I. 25 World War' II, and two game between the alumni and place. by his associates Friday at a track team took three events and Korean conflict dead as Boy the Faculty will follow the alumni The choral reading of the class luncheon in the Hotel duPont. scored in three others to take the Scouts placed flags in markers be- meeting. Special dinners have will consist of the One Hundred Dr. Weiland played a major District 1, Class B title in the fore the memorial tablet at Bor- been planned for those clases Twenty-First Psalm and the role in building the Organic state-wide PlAA Competition ough Hall plaza. The Legion and whose numerals end in "0" or "5" Lord's Prayer. The Senior Choral Chemicals Department's patents held Saturday at Penn State Uni- Legion Auxiliary wreaths were since this is their reunion year. The day will end with a dance Group, consisting of Ferrell Beck, section to its present organization. versity. (Continued on Page 5) in the dining room of Parrish Hall Martha Calhoun, Nancy Carroll, While engaged in patent work for First honors went to Pete and a sing on the Parrish porch. Virginia DeCaindry, Do rot h y the last 20 years, Dr. Weiland Kroon, heaving the javelin for On Sunday the Baccalaureate Hopkins, Kathleen Jessup, Sandra also had extensive experience as 177 feet, 1% inches; Cal Coleman, service will be held in Clothier Milne, Karen Schiff, Virginia a research chemist M ny of the running the 440 in 51.4 seconds; Memorial at 11 a.m. The Last Smith, E~ly Terry, Stuart Bowie, processes for com~on a high pro- and members of the mile relay Collection program will be held (Controued on Page 5) I duction intermediates which he team, Gordon Smith, Scott Pickat the same place at 7:30 p.m. developed are still in use at the ard, Bob Borer and .Cal COlem~n, Speaker for this occasion will be Ka rachi Girl to Live company's Chambers Works, who took the event 10 three mmDr. Wolfgang Koeler, Research Deepwater Point, N. J., and dur-I utes, 32.7. -.r-w And Study Here Professor of Philosophy and Psy, (Continued on Page 6) . Charles Humer placed third .in Next Year chology who retires this year. The the. shot put, and Gordon SmIth With courage unbounded, a rare annual Phi Beta Kappa Lecture, took another third in the 180 yard William Bush, principal of the species of Buttercup has appeared (Continued on Page 5) low hurdles. The half mile re- Swarthmore High School, has reat the Swarthmorean Office. Unbelay team, George Pappas, Gordon cently been informed that the knownst to anyone, it took root Smith, Mal Tippett, Cliff Hopkins American Field Service Commit- Flower Drive For along the driveway, t h r ov e came in for the runner-up posi- tee has designated Miss Nevaz Hospital Begins through April rains and May tion. Panday of Karachi, Pakistan to drought, and was discovered with Board Mrs. Robert M. Grogan, who is Accepts Bids in be the foreign student of Swarthglee by Dr. Samuel C. Palmer on chairman of the Garden CommitSUPERTANKER CHRISTENED more High School next year. Wednesday· June first. , BY LOCAL CITIZEN Pal Lindgren of Sweden has tee of the Woman's Club, has anRetired professor of biology at Session nounced plans for this year's Mrs. Frank R. Markley of been a resident student in the Swarthmore College, and an au"Flowers for the Flowerless" Low bids totaling $30,410 for Guernsey road presided at the Swarthmore High School this year thority on plants and flowers, Dr. campaign. The season will run Palmer had never seen the species construction of a choral addition christening May 26 of the Sun Oil through the cooperation of John from June 1 through September, - Ranunculus acris, common to to the High School band room and Company's newest merchant ship, Carroll, president of the Home with each of the local churches New England-in Delaware Coun- replacement of a High School the S.S. Eastern Sun. The super- and School Association,' and John responsible for one month. ty, and was pleased to announce boiler were accepted Wednesday tanker, biggest merchant vessel Conant of Wilmington, associated Buckets of water to receive the for delivery from with the American Field Scholarhis find to the owner, one of his evening by the School Board. scheduled flowers will be left on the Club American yards in 1955, has a ship plan. Martin Brothers Construction former college students. porch Wednesday afternoons and According to past custom, Nevaz To untrained eyes the New Company was awarded the con- cargo capacity of 10,500,000 galevenings throughout the sumEngland visitor looks exactly like tract from am.:>ng eight bidders lons of gasoline' and was built at will live with several local fam- mer. Women of the individual the Delaware County brand (Ra- on general construction of the a cost of 7l,!! million dollars, ilies in Swarthmore during the parishes are to be responsible for nunculus .bulbosus), only a little new room. This portion of the financed entirely by the Sun on coming year. m a kin g collections Thursday Nevaz is 17 years of age and more spread out, like a saucer. work amounts to $21,n5. The Company. mornings. The flowers will then But the flower is larger, and the heating contract, for which there Mrs. Markley is the wife of will be a member of, the senior be taken to the Philadelphia Genleaves are" different, and if up- were 14 bidde~s, went to George Sun's vice president in charge of class. She is of Pakistani na- eral Hospital for distribution. tionality and her religious affiliarooted, would lack the bulb that S. Truskey, Inc. at $7150. McGee marketing. The Church committees are as tion is Zoroastrianism. Her father follows: for the month of June, provides the name for the local Electric Company with a bid of species. is a stock broker in Karachi and Trinity Church, in charge of Mrs. $1525 was low among five who KAPPAS TO MEET her mother a housewife and W. W. Watkins; July, the PresbyDr. Palmer plans to paint the sought the electrical contract. Members of Kappa Kappa school directress. She has two terian Church, in charge of Mrs. SPecimen and add it to his famous Alex Ewing representing George COllection of water colors. As for' M. Ewing Company, architects for Gamma will meet for a day of brothers and a sister. At present, George P. Warren; August, the the Swarthmorean staff, it is the addition, said work should sewing on Tuesday, June 7, at the she is a student in the Karachi Methodist Church, Mrs. Harry taking a great deaf of pride in the begin next week in order to as- home of Mrs, Howard B. Steigel- grammar school where she has Bernard; September, Friends' man, Indian lane, Media. (Continued on Page 5) studied English. bounty of its uncultivated garden . Meeting, Mrs. Mark Bittle. I Gensemer Presides at Memorial Day Rites I DuPont Honors Dr. Weiland at Reti.rement SHS Track Team Wins Class 8Title I Name Neval Panday Exchange Student Discovers New England Visitor Choral Room, Boiler at School Cost $30,410 • ., , r , Pqe2 '1111!: SWAR1BMOREAN Personals Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murray of Park avenue entertained as house guests Mr. and Mrs. B. Paul Miller of Carlisle over Memorial Day week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Murray S. Stedman of Crum Ledge expect the arrival on Monday of Mr. Murray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Stedman of Youngstown, Ohio. Mrs. Lewis Fussell of Benj amin West avenue was visited by her son Lewis Fussell, Jr., of Concord, Mass., over the week-end. Nancy Gatewood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gatewood 'of Elm avenue entertained at a picnic supper Friday after Field Day for Philip Swayne's slx1h grade class. Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. Bilistein of South Chester road will travel to Wilkes-Barre this week-end to attend the graduation on Monday of their daughter, Freda. A student at Wilkes College, Freda Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Shane of College avenue entertained guests at their cottage at Buck Hill Falls last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Helfer of Cleveland, Ohio visited last weekend with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gersbach of Yale avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker of Riverview road entertained as house guests last weekend their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and. Mrs. Louis W. Flaccus, Jr., and children, Margaret, David and Laurie, of Scarsdale, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Flaccus attended the Westtown ljehool Alumni Day last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer of Strath Haven avenue will entertain as house guests this week Mrs. Hans Boetcher and, daughter, Ruth Ellen, of Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Boetcher will attend the fes- majored in Journalism. tivities of Swarthmore College Mrs. K. E. Fisher of Princeton commencement week as her avenue spent the Decoration Day daughter, Jane, is a meJll!ber of week-end visiting with. relatives the graduating class. in HarriSburg. Waldo R: Fisher, son of Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Kapp of Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher of Guern- Cornell avenue and their two sey .road, will serve as Medical daughters, Nina and Marion, visitAssistant at the International ed Mrs. Kapp's parents, Mr. and Grenfell Association Hospital at St. Mrs. William F. Heimberger and Anthony, NewfOundland, this sum- family of North Hills, Pittsburgh, mer. Waldo, who was chosen with and Mr. Kapp's parents, Mr. and live third year medical students Mrs. W. W. Kapp of Grove City from the U. S., Canada, and over the week-end. Britain will leave early in June Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. 'Ainsand expects to return in Septem- lie of North Chester road enterber. tained at a ,house party over ·Mrs. C. W. Worst of Cornell Memorial Day weekend. Their avenue returned last week from guests included Mr. and Mrs. a month's v.isit in California. Mrs. Kenneth Callow, Mr. and Mrs. Worst lIew to San Francisco with Hilton Grier, and Dr. and Mrs. her daughter, Mrs. Peter Nowell A. W. Sqult:es, all from Detroit. and two children, to join Mrs. Mr. Harry E. Oppenlander, Jr., Nowell's husband at the Navy of Benjamin West avenue gave a Yard there. Mrs. Worst flew home cocktail party Sunday afternoon, with her mother, Mrs. John G. in honor of Anna Mary Fussell Pew of Wallingford. and Eben Lang who will be marMr. and Mrs. E. L. Conwell of ried June 18. Columbia avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of Park W. D. Gorman of Westfield, N. J., avenue, will entertain at a lunchformerly of Swarthmore, and M •. eon for her friends today. and Mrs. G. W. Collins of West Ginny Bevan, daughter of Mr. ,Chester spent the Memorial Day and Mrs., Henry D. Bevan of Crest weekend at Cape May. lane, arrived hOme tram Simmons Mrs. Paul Zecher of SwarthCollege last Tui>sday, Ginny plans more avenue and Baltimore plke to spend the summer at Fal-' is recuperating from bursitis and mouth, . Mass. a secondary infection of the left Molly Banks, daughter of Mr. knee which has kept her bedrid- and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harden for the past three weeks and vard 'avenue arrived home from necessitated several days' hos- Marjorie Webster Junior' Coliege pitalization. on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. William Ram- 'Mr. 'and' Mts. Lester Mondale say Df Mt. Holyoke place returned and family of College avenue Thursday after II week at Virginia spent last weekend at Barnegat Beach, Va. Their children, Chick Inlet. Sidney Johnson of North and Heather, visited Mrs. RamChester, road and Mr. and ·Mrs. say's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Frank S: Farson of North Philadelphia L. Gettz, of Harvard avenue during their absen~e. were the Mondales' guests on the Jimmy Richards, son of Dr. and trip. Mrs. James A. 'RIchards of DartENGAGEMENT mouth· avenue, is recuperating at Mrs. John R. Kline of Riverhome from a tonsillectomy he view road, and ,Mr. Roland L. underwent last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen 'Eaton of WiIinington, Del., anof Park avenue expect the arrival nouncethe engagement of their Eunice Story next week of their daughter, Mrs. daughter, Miss John W. Taylor, Jr., and little girl, Carol of Baltimore. They will stay with her parents while Mr. Taylor is in Boston on a business COLLEGE THEATRE Eaton, to Mr. David lnrich Ull- lng, May 27, In Wom~'s 'HOBPltal,/ Mr. and Mrs. WUUam of South man of Amherst avenue, son of Phlladelphia. Chester road and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of Deena Is 11 granddaughter of Jared Moore of Chatham, N.J. , "Applebropk," Vassar avenue. Miss Eaton is a graduate of Bucknell University and a member of Kappa Delta sorority. Mr. Ullman Is secretary and treasurer of the Roland G. E. UlI~ man organization. The ,Bouquet " BEAUTY SALON BRIDAL FESTIVITIES Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Boyle of Wa1lingford entertained recently at the Aronlmink Golf Club at a ,dinner dance in honor of Anne Marie Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O. Larson of WallingfDrd, who wlll be mar-! rled June 25 to John C. Mutch or! i Norwood. Mrs. Jerome Bell and Mrs. Charles E. Acker of W"llilagf'orell gave a dessert shower for Miss Larson at the home of Mrs. Acker. 'FOR LOYELINESS THAT IISES TO AMY OCCASION • 9 South Chester 'Road Call SWarthmore 6-0476 ~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;~~ NAMES AnENDANTS Miss Jane Thompson Patterson will act as maid of honor at the wedding of her 'sister, Miss Alice Sulli)l'an Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carter Patterson of Swarthmore,· and Mr'C' Robert Melvin Harter, son at Mrs. Reba Miller Harter of Rich.mond, Ind., and Mr. James Harter of Miami, Fla., which will take place on Saturday afternoon, June eighteenth at four o'clock in The Swarthmore Friends' Meeting House. The bridesmaids will be Miss Margaret Ann Hiatt, Locust Valley, Long Island, N.Y., Miss Jean Eli"n Hol",an, Swarthmore, Miss Margery Latimer Toomer, Buckingham, and Miss Ann Berlinger, Denworth, Swartbmore: A reception will follow the ceremony at Whittier House, on the campus. Spring Cleaning Specials 00 c HARRIS &: CO.' 11 PARK· AVENUE SWlirthniore 6-0504 tr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ State Auto Inspeetl,Ui, SUBSCRIPTIONS ~RALL MAGAZINES ms. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN 313 Darbnouth Aveuue Swarti.more 6-2080 May 1st to J ...y 31~t( Chee:k your car now for spring and SUrri~er driving. Coinplete tuning and lubricl1tion'. Re" ;'m~ve winter-worn I, ~j/s [an.d leplace with fr~sh ', ... '. ,. "".. ,(~ " ,Iubrid:ints~" ,"," '. ' ' ' ' .' , . ' '. ' Right in the C~n"r of' T~wn RUSSELL'.S. 5~1I\lICE Mrs. Rabert J. A~gr: , Dartmouth and LafayeHe SWarthmore 6-0440 I======="==~===:=ll r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S~~~~~~~~ time to do . the laundry . • CHURC.H-REEV-ES, ID:C. GENERAL ,CONTR,A,CTOBS , .. AIR CONDITIONED Fri• • Sat. Swimming An all Disney Academy Award Show ''THE LIVING, DESERT" -PLUS- "BEN. ME" S.arkels.- Masks Nase au Ear pillgs Swim FillS. Etc. Plut-Goofy and Donald Duck EntIN Shaw In rechnicolor Fridar-LQst feoture 10 P.M. SCit. nlght-hatuNo times' 8 & 10 KIDDIES-See this &ame Walt Dfs,.., show all doy· Saturday 2 cample" shows II A.M. a 2 P.M. a 2nd Floor Hgla~EAt\:ND. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE Doon Open 10:30 A.M. Additionpl color corjoo"s and Man with the St.el Whip serial for this Matine. 6 Park Avelllle Pia. ; , . . FUMING NaTUIT 'STuDiO Phot.........i Silpplies RUSSELL stat. It Ma.roeSts. ·'M••II., 6-2)76 SiI••• ALAN LADD ~a•. JEAN ARTHUR VAN HEFLIN "SH~"'" (Tech.) The treohst ....._ m tt.ot .os .....r model • Last _ ·what would you ,do without SPRINGFIELD WATER? .' 'There's no greater household , convi&nlence than your everready supply of Springfield Water! And the average family enjoys this convenience for approximately a dime a clay. It's today's biggest bargain. It woUld be a' bargain, eVen at twice the prlCel l-Build your new home. 2---Remodel your present home. 3-Add a new room. " 4-:-lnstall a new playroom. 5-Correct, your damp basement. 6-Repaint and decorate you', home. 7-Remodel your kitchen with beautiful "Geneva" Modern All Steel or "Quaker Maid" d~'u}!:e. wqod_ cabinets. All Financing Arretnl'" • • Industrial Eled'Spring Sports Honor Mrs. COates At College Ca~'tairlsl Writers Club Meeting ~holarships HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS' 0' (PAuls"" ~ --.1< CO"'r.enl!t 'er,'a" . ,~ 'recision' * , exclusive Slip-Loop· bra gives Stay.pu. nll.el ing for Honors in Chemistry and lives in Rydal, Pa., and Jack address with a Hcoekadoodle doo" plans to go on to graduate school foliowing receipt of his Bachelor's Finkelstein a graduate of Central which brought a welcome to the degree in 1956. Oljenweller V(llJ High of Philadelphia, are both 65 in attendance. Swarthmore ranks second in enter upon a program leading to members of the varsity football £ar. . . . . . . Complete Si.. Haap _ _...tal . . . . Honors in Electrical Engineering team . and keep in shape during number of club members among 100 Park Av..., Swartlimore, Pa. next year. He is a sophmore. Both the spring by competing against the suburban groups. Those' who IW tl!lunore.~ - C~ elJ"brook 9-4646 belong to the Writers Club from Potthoff and Levien are juniors all comers in Lacrosse. Swarthmore are Mrs. FIorenc~ for ,Sal. majoring in Mechanical Engineering and will probably seek em- Poppy Drive Success Bremer, Mabel Talley, Mrs. Ellen Cleveland, Mrs. Bess Lane, ployment in this field upon gradThe sum of $170 was ralsed this Florence Lucasse, Mrs. Oscar Giluating in 1956. Levien is followyear, by the American Legion creest, Mrs. Franklin Church and ing the Swarthmore Honors pro" gram which involves a seminar Auxiliary on Poppy Day, held on Mrs. George Hunter. method of study during the Jun- May 6, 9 and 13.' Those assisting in the campaign ior and Senior years. NEWS NOTES 'were Mrs. Margaret Servals, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, W. Heston McCroy, Mrs. George Held ,of Westminster avenue UCP FINAL TOTAL The' sum of $1,375 was an- Warren, Mrs. George Sickel, Mrs. spent the Memorial Day week-end Arinitage, Mrs. Alex visiting Mrs. Held's parents, Mr. nounced this' wftk as the final George Ewing, Mrs. Ellen Cleaveland, and Mrs. Paul J.' Snyder of Attotal for Swarthmore's United Mrs. Paul Brown and Mrs. Oscar lanta; Ga. Cerebral Palsy fund campaign. Gll,creest, chairman. . In making ·the· announcement, Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates and Ruth C. Webb, chiurman, added family of North Chester road, that the figure was the largest of Red' Cross Aides to spent the week~end visiting in the organIZed campaigns in the Attend r,..n~'''r.t;t'n; Long Island. Elizabeth Foster, daughter of county. Five SPIff aides from the Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Foster of Har'.'1 would like to thank everyone again," Miss Webb said·, for Swarthmore Branch of the Arner_ vard avenue, will graduate from giving such a wonderful response. IcanRed Cross will gD to Atlantic the University of Maryland toCity to serve as hostesses at the morrow. Elizabe~ majored In National Red Cross CODventiDn edUCation. , 'I . on June 15., Those who will atMrs. RusseY Heath of Cedar tend are Mrs. David Bingham, I.I.~" entedalned at a breakfast Mrs. H. LeRt,y' McCune, Mrs. party on Memorial, Day 'in honor Robel't Grogan, Mrs. Walter Dick- of her aunt, Mrs. Lionel Wurts of COUNTS •••.•• , inson and Mrs. , Sune 5 ' p.m. (Friday). Included In the Lesson-8ermon " 9:30, ,10:45,and. IJ A.M.-Church Church ,School classes for all is the accpunt of Christ Jesus' School Classes. " " a!les beginning at two years con- healing of the centurion's servant 9:30 A.M;-Men's Bible Class. vene at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday. who was "sick of 1he palsy, '9:30 a,nd 11:0q A.M.-Sacram:y Festival. year olds; Mrs. Lemuel Holt and METHODIST CHURCH David Loudin, four and five year John C. Kulp aIds. These is also a Junior Minister Church,program under the superRudolph H. Hodge vision of Mrs. Alton Smith for AssiStant MinIster children of grades one to five Mr., Fred Haley inclusive. 'rganlst-Direcior of -Music The Methodist Youth FellowSunday, JOne 5 ' 9:45 A.M.-Church School. ship will meet at the church at 11:00 A.M.-Holy Comm)lnion. 7:00 p.m. Our. Spring Car Save'r Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of 7:00 P.M.-Youth Fellowship. \. Wednesday, 12:30 p.m. the regTRINITY CHUnCH "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer ular mon thly meeting of the WoH. L,wrence Whittemore,-"RectClr man's Society of Christian ServSunday, June 5 ice will he held at the home of 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Mrs. Walter Lovekin, 408 HaverRight Now Y~ur Car Needs These 9:30 A,M.-Church School (3rd ford place. A box luncheon will Grade and up). "Get Ready for Summer" Services 11:00 A.M.-Church School (2nd ~e followed by the business meet~ Grade and down}. lng, 11:00 A.M.-Holy 'Communion. On Thursday from 12:30 to 7 Monday, Sune 6 . l-CHANGE TO SUM M ER 01 L. 6-CLEAN AND ,ADJUST SPARK 4:00 P.M.-Boys' choir rehearsal. p.m. the ninetieth anniversary of Winter oil is too thin for warm PLUGS Tuesday, Sune 7 the Methodist Home for the Aged weather. We drain if..-and' refill Dirty spark plugs can waste as much 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. In Philadelphia will be ohserved. Summer type Sunoco Oil. I fOIl Wednesday, JUne 8 There will be an historical 2-CHANGt TO SUMMER GEAR 'g a~solin~~t a every I ga ons' of 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. pageant at 3:30 p.m., dinner and LUBRICANTS 8:00 P,~-,,=;.,SSt;:t'9 hymn sing at 6:30, Drain fTansmission and rear refill 7--CLEAN AIR FILTER 7:30 P.M.-Men's' and Boys' choir' , Children who come to Church with Sunoco AII'purpose Gear Lu. lets your engine breathe easier _ rehearsal. ' ,' ' School and stay for Chureh-time brieant-specialiy made, to resist keeps dirt out of the carburetor. FrIday, Sune ,10 -, nursery are asked to bring a large high pressure and hellt. \ ' 5:30 P.M.-Evening Pra;::,y.:,er..;.__ Turkish towel with their name on 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION 8-DRAIN ANTI. FREEZE AND THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY It to the church nursery. These Spedal LubriCant used to help keep FLUSH RADIATOR OF FRIENDS will be ,used for a rest period for out squeaks and wear. Won't dry CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS SundlQ>, .lone 5 the children. h 't squeeze -ADD RUST ' RESiStANCE 11:00 A.M.-Baccalaureate service in Clothier Memorial. out, won' t was out, won If you have permanent anti,freeze, Monday, Snne 6 out! Helps improve gas mileage. FRIE~DS MEETING NOTES 4-CHECK OIL FILTER, saye it for next winter. Bring your All day sewing for A. F. S. C. Inspect cartridge and check for own c o n t a i n e r . ' WetInesclay. On Sunday, June 5, there will ,b, ' All day sewing forSune A. F.8 S. C. be no scheduled Meeting for Worlea' , '-CHECK "P OF TIRES ship. Friends are cordially invited S-BAnERY SERYICED ,-, FIRST CHURCH OF ,to attepd the Baccalaureate ServWinter is .specially tough on bat. Co_ct "S~ing" improves the CHRIST. SCIENTIST te ries. We check strength, clean termileag. H, Iso h SWARTHMORB Ice In Clothier Memoriill at 11 I ...... can a ave your Park AVy Ryerson, comment ~as made concerning will join Mrs. Good 'with the group in Rome in July and will Karl Thomas will sing a tradi- the splendid work done by' the tional English lIlelody ''This 1s My student officers this year, inC!udreturn to the United States with Father's World." ing Bob Borer, Band Captain; them. Address By Malin Nancy Carroll, Orchestra Presiand Mrs. G.W. Brodhead 237 BALTIMORE, PIKE' of Mr. Gordon Smith, class president, dent;_ :,nd ,Mary Jane Schrader, Maple avenue and Dr. and will then present the Commence- ~ibrarIan. Pal LIndgren, a Swed~ SW 6·1441 Mrs: James Eckenhoff of South ment speaker Patrick Murphy Ish exchange student who has Chester road took their families Malin, in addre.... entitled 'been visiting Swarthmore this KNOWN FOI QUALITY WOIKMANSHI' FOI OVEI 25 YEAIS into the Ringling Brothers, Bar- "Dovnocr'lcy Is The Opportunity year, was presented with a tape num and Bailey Circus In Phil. To Go, On Working." recording of a broadcast that he a4elphia last week. ''Send 'Forth Thy Spirit" by made with the All.High School Joseph Schuetky Will be played Festival . band at Springfield by a brass septet including John earlier thIS year. Other awards Darling, Mary Mellace, Pamela Included:, . Foster Charles, Nason Gordon Best girl musiCIan, Mary MelSmith: C!Iarles fiummer 'and Craig lace;, best boy. musicians, Bol> Peel. Principal B)lsh wllJ present Borer an~ Pal ~ndgren; most ~m­ ENGINE,.TUNE,",. 'I the class for diplomas which will proved gIrl, Gail Meyer; most 'mLUBRICATION -I' .. be awarded by Donald p, Jones, proved boy, Petel' Smith. Completely tune Completely lubricate, chassis 1pI,esideJnt of the Board of'School ,Jane MacA!plne, head majorClean and oil air cleaner Directors. The Class wlli then ette was pres~rited with a gift Change oil 10 proper grade proceed in the Recessional to the in recognitlon>:of: .th_e excellent, Check ignition system foyer where they will sing In the work she has done m training the 1 Repack front wheel b.eorings Parts' & 011 traditional manner the Ahna majorettes and twirlers during BRAKE SERVICE Additional Mater of the school. her high sch?ol career. 'nspect brake linings and drums' COOLING SYSTEM cARE Officers of the Class this year Band offiCIals for next ~eason are President Gordon Smith, Vice include .Barry Gwinn, captam; Ed Fill master cylinder ' Drain, ,f1!1sh and refill radiator President Edward Noyes, Secre- Borer, lieutenant; John Wetlaufer, Adjust brakes' Check all hose, tighten connections tary Nancy Carroll, and, Treasurer sergeant-at-anns. Robert Warden. Three students S~ Houssman w~s elected graduating with 'the class. whose preSIdent of the orche~tra. pictures d~ not appear In the InPalmer Skoglund WIll head the sert are Dianne Stewart Peters, Band Parents group for the comWillis Bishop, Skillman, 2nd" and ing. y~ar w?lle th~ Orchestra, As250 Yale Ave. Morton. Po. Klngswood 3·7100 Charles Kirby Nason soclation will agam he, under the _ _ _-"___ . __ leadership of Mr. Seybold. Author/zed Dodge-Plymouth Dealer . ' The Band 'and Orchestra memhoral Room, 80,ler bers presented Director Holm At School.cost $30 4J 0 with the gilt of a new trumpet case as a token of appreciation for , (Continued from Page I) a most exceptional year. sure the room would be ready for NO FRIENDLY WAVE occupancy September 15. The new room will provide accommoda. . Dr. Fred~rlCk W: LUiIsed on past exraisiag. f~ thl' '1~,OI\O l?ucJge~ set perience of actual numbers elig~ecrealion up for· ~ year, to· collecting ible and a~tendlng camp. The new Board Members of the Full capacity of the camp is SUI' table, new camp clothing for each of the p.rospecttve campers. 200. a figure which, if used, would Swarthmore M"ther's Club met evening atH the Accor"·n~lu,. G. n. HQutman of automatically raise each. section's on Wednesday h sid . . . .. home of t e pre "edia' ,. ~rm·er presld'ent of the quota. But officers and committee disent, Mrs, emz ,u .u Heinemann, to cuss programs board, .has sent out letters of chairmen, after taking a long for the 1955-56 season. Mrs. Howsolicitation to · interested residents view of the treasury of $500 last I Id t ard C ymer, past pres en, was of the county. Milk botUes, al- February, )Nere convinced that present. . The Board unanimously apready placed in bustness houses enrollments· should be limited to throughout the county, and care- 120 for 1955, and planned accord- proved the support of the Swarthfully labelled "camp Sunshine", ingJy. more ~reaUon CenteI: and LIare silently doing their bit for the Actual statlstlcs on the matter brary in addition to contrlbutlng MIlk Fund. revealed that the 1954 encamp- to many charitable· orgsnizations. On another front, a "W"J1Iiam ment col;t $13,651.12 for 5166 Commitlee chairmen were apDavis Memorial Camp Sunshine camper days - 246 camper., or proved by the .board with Mrs. Fund" is in Qpl$ation In memory six more than the total 240 which Charles Durkin, publicity, Mrs. of the late William Davis, a the board plans to accommodltte H. Mather Lippincott, welfare, druggist and former member of this year. Mrs. Thomas McIJlhenney, telethe bOard of directors. phone, Mrs. Edward Thomas, To pro,"1de all children sent to CRUY CI,EK l"IPfE CLUB membership, and Mrs. Herbert tho camp with -clothing, two rumMrs. Samuel Hanna and. Mrs. Smith, hospitality. mage sales have been held to PhlUp .KnIskern won first place. The rather'. NiJiht Banquet raise fimds. And although. many last Tue.4!lY llVenlpg at the reg" wlll be conduoted by Mrs. John orgsnlzatioDS, both locally and in ular meetlpg ~ the Crum Creek S. Francis and Mrs. Dino Connors the county, sewed· faithfully and Bridge Cl",b. Jl4rs. G. E. SlIloway will be in charge cif the Spring donated generously. to this need, and Mrs. A. L; ClIfton tied Mrs.. Fashion Show. underWear, camp Clothes, pa_ T. Saulnier and Mrs. W. R. ShoeOfficers serving with Mrs. jamas and bathing suits for boys maker for second place honors. HeineUllUln, include Mrs. Brtoton The cimclal season ot the club Liddell, first vice-p;resident; Mrs. and girls ages· seven to 10 are still needed. ' will en" n:~t T,u!ls.!iay with a Henry· Roth, second vlce-presiMrs. Henri J. Veliz of Drexel party at the nome of Mrs. Sillo.- dent; Mrs. Wesley Simon, recordHill Plaza, telephone CLearbrook way on North Chester road. ing secretary; !4rs. Paul Brown, 9-1577, co-chairinan of the c1oth.... ,. , cOITespondlrig secretary; Mrs. ing committee, is currently conMr. and Mrs. Samuel Althouse George R. Dunn, treasurer. ducting a drive for these needed of Rutgers avenue entertained at Refreshments were served imitems. No S\1Ieaters or sweat shirts a neigbb(,rhood picnic Monday mediately· following the business wlll be collec~ as these are even#lf. meeting.· being purchased out of the Arthur Dwyer Me;"odal°·Fund. Shoe's are also excluded from the plea since the Che:'te~ Business Mim's Ass0ciation has tor the pa.tt 10 yearS supplied each camper with a new pair of sneakers. The 120 boys, and the 120 glrI8 awaiting 'their turn for' a .three ' week spree· of their own beginning'July 21, are Young residents· of the county who otherwise would have no opportunity ~ attend anY other camp; who have shown indIcation of lowered resistance to disease; are under the supervision of local h a I t it agen~les and! or from a family receiving aid from relief agencies. Dese",ing children' from veterans' families are· also given special consideration; . accOrding to the regulations released by Robert W. Bernhardt. Princeton avenue, chairman of Admissions. Mr. Bernhardt and his committee. which includes Mrs. Charles E. Fis~her of DiQkinson ,avenue, and Mrs. Mathias C. Uslnger of Media are ·guided in their selections by nominations entered by physicia~ schpol and visiting nurses; r~liet; welfare and health agencies, and elementary school nue arrived home Monday evening tor the summer vacation. Don Is a Junior at Gettysburg College. turned home Thursday from Brown University, Providence, R. I., where he has just completed his junior year. '0 nice glv•••• t. receive I n',... Mothers Club Aids LilJrary, - ~"ENsI _Th::;~~1 slot with checks. (Don't deposit cash this way). If the banlc is closed. you'lI . - 1 .JAN1UM find the envelopes ."der the slot ,n a 1 container outside. Convenient? Yas! Try it! /' 2M-60 "SQUID" SKIN DIVERS--AND--here's ,news-they're reversible-plaid on one side. plain on the other! Whe~e. oU swim or sit around in the sun. these the ticket for yo kin Divers will fit you lilce they should-snugly. yet comfortablythey have a California Side Zipper, elasticized insets in back. straight leg cut for snug fit. and cotton mesh s"pporter with elasticized legs, In some of the newest. Scotcll clan plaids of ·6rant gingham. iII.....·s Clooney (R.eMllaclt). McPherson 1Whife. .Bleck). McLean (Green-Reel), Logan (Navy-Green).· ·and MaccIutch , ~.~~Y~, R - Willi TIlE ..1.....W ....-..... ' •• LOor· . --...,.. .. Ay I. NATIONA!,- .AP~rY-~¥~~" I!IIO~TH-CH.CK YOU .. CAR. CH.CK ACCID .... T.' _ __ H. WAITE. INC. Yale A'ft. . . CIJe....r ROC!lI --~- fOIl . . . . . . , . 1V, ........ " - , IR," . . ,. ... -a'"" _~a_ GIl " , - .. . . " ' . . . . . . . . . S.MI •••No PI!. AIiID It,,_' '. '. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE "lOge 6 ------------------- DuPont Honors Dr. Weiland at RetiremEmt (Continued from Page 1) ing the period from 1917 to 1930 John T. Tyler I her daughter, at a Girl Scout party. She plans to avenue spent the past week at attended classes and in the cve- eighth for Annual Day. Cape May. Mrs. P. L. Whittaker of Park Dr. Weiland joined the Newport avenue entertained her son-jnlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Craton Pitner of Baltimore and their little 'boys, Tommy and Bobby, over this past weekend. Chemical Company as a research chemist at CarrollviUc. Wis., in 1917. From then until 1925 he engaged in design and start- up DC plants for the manufacture Andy RoX'by, son of Dr. and of organic chemicals. In 1925 he was assigned to liaison work on patents and in 1928 he was pro- Mrs, Hamid C. Roxby of Elm avenue, entertained some of his school friends at a barbeque cookout last Saturday afternoon. Arter eating, the party attended a local movie then returned to the Roxbys' for games. moted to head of the Patent Qepartment for Newport Chemical. In 1931, in addilion to his patent work. he was appointed assistant When Liz Forsythe, daughter of Mr. the Newport Chemical Company I C:;RAtIU,AT'ES TODAY and Mrs. F. H. Forsythe of ThayWas purchased by DuPont in 1931, FROM ANNAPOLIS er road, and her college roomDr. Weiland Was named director Midn. l/c John T. Tyler, son mate, Mona Aboud, will arrive of the CarrollvUie Laboratory. of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo L. Tyler In 1935 Dr. Weiland was named of South Chester road, is sched- Tuesday, June 7, from Denison special assistant to the director of uled to graduate today from the University, Granville, Ohio. They the Jackson Laboratory at Deep- U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, will go to Boston, Mass., to attend a wedding on June 9. water Point, N. J., in charge of Md. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. SeyOl'ganic Chemicals patent servHe entered the Naval Academy mour of Cornell avenue enterice. In 1941 he was transferred on a Naval Reserve appOintment tained at a family picnic on to WiJmington, Del., as assistant in July, 1951, after serving as a managel' of the patents and proMemorial Day. Those attending seaman apprentice in the Naval cesses division, becoming manager Reserve. were Mr. Seymour's mother, Mrs. in 1943. Dr. Weiland has been Melandie D. Seymour of Devon, Midn. Tyler attended Swarthmanager of the patents section of more High School and Bullis his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. the Organic Chemicals Depart- Preparatory School in Silver and Mrs. John D. Seymour and ment since 1948 and a member Spring, Md., for one year before five children of Shortsville, N.Y., of DuPont's Patent Board for the coming to Annapolis. and his brother, Mr. David Seylust 20 years. Upon graduation he will receive lllour and two children of HighA native of Rochester, N. Y., a Bachelor of Science degree and land Park. OJ'. Weiland received his bache- be commissioned a second Iieu-I Eck Gerner, son of Mr. and lor's degree in chemistry from tenant in the U.S. Marine Corps. Mrs. Charles Gerner of Princeton the University of Rochester in avenue. will entertain nineteen 1913. He received his master's Morris Smith of Cornell ave- guests at a pal·ty tomorrow on his and doctor's degrees in physical nue has been i1I at his home for eighth birthday. chemistry from the University of the past ten days. Mrs. George P. Warren of Illinois in 1915 and 1917, respectively. Dr. Weiland is a member i!!,III1I1I11I1I1I1I1I1DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1I1I1II1I1II1Im1lP,l!! of Psi Upsilon social fraternity. Sigma Xi, honorary scientific, and Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chemical. He is a Deacon in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. GUILD OPTICIANS Dr. Weiland married the forFor Lenses of Superior Qua'if., mer Florence Black of Kaukauna, Wis., in 1922. They have two chilNewly Designed Frames of the Finest Workmanship dren, John David and Patricia J. Weiland, a grand-son, and live on Bryn Mawr 827 Lancaster Avenue South Chester road, having residUpper Darby 6915 Ludlow Street ed in Swarthmore since 1939. Lt. j.g. Samuel Reynolds, U.S. N.R., has been transfered from his former station with the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray !ii Active Member of Tire Swarthmore Buslness AssociatIon i Debbie Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Thompson .of Clifton Forge, Va., formerly of Swarthmore. will graduate next week from Clifton Forge High School. Debbie plans to attend Denison University, Granville, Ohio next fal1. Florist ~ a supply of deposit envelopes in the bank (the same as used for mail deposits), fill in in the usual manner and drop in the slot with checks. (Don't deposit cash this way). If the bank is closed, you'll ®JANTZEN container outside. Convenient? Yes! Try it! Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. SWart;'more 6-045n Member: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation present. The Board unanimously ap- proved the support of the Swarth- more Recreation Center and Li- fully labelled uCamp Sunshine", ingly. are silently doing their bit for the Actual statisties on the matter brary in addition to contributing Milk Fund. revealed that the 1954 encamp- to many charitable organizations. On another front, a "William navis Memorial Camp Sunshine Fund" is in operation in memory of the late William Davis, a druggist and former member of the board of directors. ment cost $13,651.12 for 5166 camper days - 246 campers, or six more than the total 240 which the board plans to accommodate this year. --------- To provide all children sent to the camp with clothing, two rummage sales have been held to raise funds. And although many organizations, both loeally and in the county, sewed faithfully .\Od donated generously to this need, Philip Kniskern won first place The Father's Night Banquet last Tuesday evening at the reg- will be conducted by Mrs. Jl)hn underwear, camp clothes. Pleasing the bride with the gift of an electric appliance is a big thrill. It's mighty thrilling to receive one, too, because electrical housewares such as clacks, waffle irons, toasters, and coffee makers provide convenience long after the gift-giving occasion. Committee chairmen were approved by the board with Mrs. Charles Durkin, publicity, Mrs. H. Mather Lippincott, welfare, Mrs. Thomas Mclllhenney, telephone, Mrs. Edward Thomas, CRUM CREEK BRID~E CLUB membership, and Mrs. Herbert Mrs. Samuel Hanna and Mrs. Smith, hospitality. Choose your eledrical gifts at your electrical dealer's or any of our stores. ular meeting of the Crum Creek I S. Francis and Mrs. Dina Connors Bridge Club. Mrs. G. E. Silloway will be in charge of the Spring and Mrs. A. L. Clifton tied Mrs. Fashion Show. Your electricion can give you all the facts on l00-A pa- T. Saulnier and Mrs. W. R. Shoejamas and bathing suits for boys maker for second place honors. and girls ages seven to 10 are The official season ot the club still needed. will end next Tuesday with a Mrs. Henry J. Veitz of Drexel party at the home of Mrs. SiIlo.Hill Plaza, telephone CLearbrook wayan North Chester road. Officers serving with Mrs. Heinemann, include Mrs. Brinton Liddell, first vice-president; Mrs. Henry Roth, second vice-presi-j dent; Mrs. Wesley Simon, recording secretary; Mrs. Paul Brown, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Althouse George R. Dunn, treasurer. of Rutgers avenue entertained at Refreshments were served ima neighborhood picnic Monday mediately following the business evening. meeting. home wiring and even help you finonce this excellent inve,lment. Call him todayl I PHILADELPHIA UECTRIC COMPANY would have no opportunity to at- night, any day of the week. Simply get 650 Baltimore Pike for the 1955-56 season. Mrs. Howard Clymer, past president, was tend any other camp; who have shown indication of lowered resistance to disease; are under the supervision of local h e a It h agencies and/or from a family receiving aid from relief agencies. Deserving children from veterans' families are also given special consideration, according to the regulations released by Robert W. Bernhardt, Princeton avenue, chairman of Admissions. Mr. Bernhardt and his committee, which includes Mrs. Charles E. Fischer, of Dickinson avenue, : have a California Side Zipper, elasticized insets in back, straight leg cut for snug fit, and cotton mesh supporter with elasticized legs. In some of the newest Scotch clan plaids of Grant gingham, there's Clooney (Red-Black), McPherson !WhiteBI.ack), McLean (Green-Red), Logan (Navy.Green), and MacKmnon (Brown-Green). 28-36, $5.95. I CUSTQ;BUILT ';-CHENS I I ~~~I I I I I I I MONEY DOWN! I NOYEARS I TO PAY! I LOW AS $3.50 WEEKLY I I Delaware County's Reliable Home Remodeler Since 19321 Wall Tiling • Floor Tiling FORMICA TOPS I 1 No Job foo $ • •". No•• foo Large SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP, Inc. Park Avenue I CHESTER I WOODWORKING CO. I 1 C~3"'tw, E.7", St. CH 4.3161 Pa. 'IVI I - ---I worter. most POwerfUl v-a engine designs I PowerFllt. No-clutch Drive ••• most automatic of all I Full-tIme Power Steering ••• on the job all the time , Ch",.rer-or/ldna"'" Powe. Brakes .•. extJ.""arge. I extra-safe Everywhere you look, inside or out • • • under ita gracefully tapered hood or back along its shining length ••• you'n find more bonuses in style 'lIld performance in the new Chrysler than in 1lIIY other car. For Chrysler brings you an entirely new fashion in motorcar styling ••• a long, low look of swift mobility that's setting a style trend for all other cars to fonow. You get bonus after bonus in pure driving plea8tuw, Orillow shoot absorbers ••• double-strength cIoubiyeffectlv. , Super-$cenk: Windshield ••• swaptback for maximum vfslon too, from the faultless performance of Chrysler's brilliant new family of V.g engines and fully-automatic PowerFlite Drive. 4nd Chrysler's Full-time Power Steering and giant Power Brakes give YOU the allimportant extra bonus of greater safety and road control. It's a wonderful driving experience, and here's another bonus ••• the price-tag on this beautiful car is much ... tban you'd guessl CHRYSLER - WITH THE "IOo-MILLlON.OOLLAR LOOK" - - - - MAY IS NATIONAL SAPETY·CHECK MONTH-CHECK YOUR CAR, CHECK ACC·IDENTSI-_ __ PORTER H. WAITE, INC. Yale Ave. and Chester Road _ _ _ POI nil aT IN IV, SEE "It'S A QUA' UFI," "QIMAIII" AIm "SHJIW& OF STAtIS." SEE IV P..." Swarthmore. Pa. POI _ ..... STA_ _ _ __ ,, PBKe8 " ~tumIng, the train will leave the Stadium 20 minutes after the conclusion of the performance. In A special train wllI be oPerated the event of J1DlavorabIe weather from Swarthmore by the Penn- conditions on Frid!ly night the sylvania Railroad direct to Muni- special train will be Oper.ted the cipal Stadium on Friday evening, following evening. . June 10 for the convenience ot The railroad suggests that music 10 v e r s attending the patrons purchase special rail Eleventh 'Annual PhUadelphia tick'lts (regular commuter-type Music FestiVal. tickllts Will not be honored on The train which will arrive just this train) from suburban station outside the Stadium well in ad- agents promptly so that the propv~ce of the 8 p. m. program er number ot cars can be assigned opening and on which special to meet travel needs., reduced fare round-trip tickets The Festival is sponsored by will be honored, leaves Swarlh- The PhUadelphia Inquirer Charmore at 6'49 (ED T ) · t i . . . 1 es. Offer Special Train ... M .. or usic Festival PERSONAL 1ij::~?t;~~~~a;;;n~d~raidi~o Daniels, • Ninety boys and girls from Swarthmore schools, who have served at &dely Patrol posts during the past school year, will attend the ball game between the PhUUes and Milwaukee Braves morrow afternoon at Sbibe Park, PhIladelphia, as guests of the Keystone AutomobUe Club.' Five adults w1ll accompany the c:hUdren ,Who w1ll leave the College avenue school by bus at noon for the trip. -------Grace McDennott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. McDermott of Yale avenue spent last week-end at the shore visitin,g Iazzi and fljrnily. . David C. Campbell of College avenue gave a bachelor' dinner last night in honor of Steven Spencer and Eben LaDs- 10-1 r==================; For a Real Sharp LAWN MOWER , FOR SALE FOR SALE-Excellent top soU $10 a load. Mushroom soli $20 a load. Call SWarthmore 6-2078. FOR SALE - Television, good condition, with table. Extra picture tube, new. $15. SWarthniore con- 6-5956. Call ' Reelsharp Mower Senic. on Premises SHERWIN'S JEWELRY 7 South Cheder Road "N"AL COlfr.AOO. S .......... 6-1 ..... WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes &: Rubbillh Removed Are SON Til. Plastic Til. MotIe ... IItcIMnl Alt.i-atlo81 FIoo," lawns M_ed, Geaend " IIauJiq ZM ~ Ave., "Heno.i, P.. 1401 RldIe, A ••••• CHester 2-4759 THOM SIREMBA UPIIOLSTEIING sup, COVEllS-OlAPHJES SwaI'fluncJ,. Ie" eae• yean........... . ..... ....... HIJIlm "on-ilta. 2Ii 1m. I. RunifordCo. B,dm.-nton se, TO THE Passmore r-----------"""'VI - Cloc. Repclirs '1lI Ya" Ave. Swarth~~, Po. , ~ - = , BUILDER ~ ' Swarthmore 6-2253 a~ CONSTRUCTION Many Attractive Homes Available Swarthmore and Viciilily Baird & Bird , J. F. BLACKMAN Realtors KI~"lSOO Opposite ,.o , ....g •. HaH Tree S••• r, to. 305; MedIa. , .. .. 2CIO ¥(. RhOe, A..... ,SW 1NIe"... 6-4742 WA ~2440 f . --------------------------- bon on number, and WIll also --------------------------- To be a good ,party-line neighbor, remember to release the line reasonably soon when someone else is waiting to use it •.. and hang up gently when you find the line in use. Your party-line neighbors'will return the courtesy. Result: better telephone seruice for all on the liner 5 = Elevator - a hornet ~ June 1. and their second with Aldan, away, on June 6. - Norris 8W ....1. FROZEN -- - .'. Jack Prichard ._! ·1 -_ ,~. , ORANGE PAINTING , JUICE. and CARPENTRY SWarthmore . , 403 DARTMOUTlt 'AVEN'ue . ' 2 ROOFING ,.utters' Warm.Alr Heatlog Air Coodltlnlng Sh.et 'Metat Wan .". .:- Weekend' af J~ne 2i 1955 : j Rib, Roast II II • • • ,53c lb. LO,cal RHUBARB, Large Bunches U.S, No. 1 nB" Size Calif. POTATOES Box41 SWw.IDiiOre6-074G 49c 10c Sibs_ 29c 3 for 2Sc 2 l bs. S9c Tender CORN ON COB Crackin' Good FIG BARS, • - ..t .SIZE Paradichlorobenzine 4 Ibs. for S 1"55 , DAY and NIGHT Oil _'BURNER SERVICE ,1IIONDAY TBIlU 8ATI1BDAY ': , COAL FIREPLACE WOOD 'J.A~GREEN , SWarthmore 6-07.tO DEVIL'SJOOD 33c: ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX r S3c: SCOTKINS 2 Ply Dinner NAPKINS FAMILY 'SIZE lQO% PURE _~ _II.".~ WI.... "':-'" ........ ~ I 2 for2S e REGULAR _ _ .AIIi .. BEST QUALITY Local ASPARAGUS, Large Bunches TID E White - Yellow E. _i for George Myers , ; CAKE MIX FOOD MARKET • .. SWANSDOWN INSTANT SWIFT'S PREMIUM - 6-8761 SW 6-4041 ..so......m ..Au .... aOLlDAY8 .... to learn about good party-line telephone service accept registrants on their opening day, June 27. It is requested that all children who have registered ,bring their receipts to school on the first day. The baseball season was official_ ly opened this week on Tuesday night when the "Wasps:' as the new Intermediate team is now known, met Springfield's 14 to 16 year oldsters on Riverview field. Their loss to Springfield by 8 to 1 did not dampen any' of the enthusiasm for the games ahead. Games are scheduled against Ridley Park here on June 2, and with Broomall at their field on June 6, The Hornets, Junior League team, have been practicing each 'evening for their first game against Sharon Hill, at Snow Crop 335 Dartmouth A.Hu. Call MEdia 6-0523 LESLIE You neeeln't stuely harel Alterations MOON VAN ALEN BROS. STRrfTH Hrf YEN INN --:;:::===================::;:-""'":" " HEDMS TRIMMED Ladocap/q .. - " .- = iii !i by 11:111 IDlgnl alSO lue aavantllg. of the longer evenings to go down to Riverview field· with the rest of th... family to cheer the team alOlUl. ruJIN"""'IUIIIIIIIIIIWIIUIIIDllItllllllDDUIIUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlUllllllnnllUIIIIDlDIIIIIIIUlIIIUllIUIIIIIIIIHInUliiI fellow townsman, so that both RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL , ; iI teoams may practice or participate at the same time. It has been suggested that all those mothers who get early dinners each night so th~t 'he bov· con r ..aeh the field 5 Coach Bill Reese has found an iii Yal. Ir Hal'Vard Avenues; Swa!'fhmore, Pa. 5 able helper in Lee Swan, a ~ WALTE.R E. 'ARROTT, M.r. FREE 'ARILING ~ Swarthmore College student and . l .AMILY DINNERS ta SUIT ... TASTE of EYERYONE TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH' 12-1:30 P. M. DINING ROOMS a.d LOllY AIR, CONDITIONI!D = ;;; a Comfortable Rooms Day, or Week in ing THE SWARTHMOREAN ei,QDIDHIIUDlDlmllllBDIIIIIIIIIBnnanllllllllnnllUlllmmmumullllUlIIUlllllnunuUlUlIIIIIIIIIDlllllllllUUIIII~ Charles E. Fischer beat. I OF i 955 CLASS 'Form".. '" F. C. loci. " _ R .. .'!Vatdt and' SliU' ll"me 'to Reg-Ister ror SRA Program. re :: Jr., 234 l>icldnson avenue. ' In addition to those already t mentioned, members of the class who remBin residents of SwarthThe Swarthmore Recreation more include: Barbara Dolman Association announces that, in (Mrs. John F.) Spencer, Barbara spite of fairly heavy registl'ation Turner (Mrs. William) Driehaus, last week, there are still a few Eleanor Windell (Mrs. John E., vacancies-open in the pre-school Jr.) Gensemer, Margaret Cresson and primary' - 0 f th (M R b ~ ... ups, or ose rs. 0 en) Detweiler,' Sarah who were unable to register beJessup (M~. Charles) IJnCOln, fore. These are still limited to a Pearl Bastian ('Mrs Augustus) total of 30 . h f th thr Ti ~ . In eac t 0 ed ee, tus, ,Elizabeth Lumsden (Mrs. f . ki d t, o u r , pre- n ergar en an pos Joseph) Moran, Grace Shelley kindergarten gr It' d' (iMrs. Frank) Mader, 'Stewart Ie oups. 1S ~ VlSFlood, Henry A. Peirsol, Jr., :: b fO:hparents of young ~dren George Roberts, Robert Allison, . e :re early f~r lasl-mmute Irma Kelghton, Katherine Bas- regIStration on operung day, J~ne sett, Grace Otte . 2.0' Summer Club has no .llm1ta- PhOfte: SW· &-4216 ¥ ~ I~hnas~~c!se~:- :::U::te 1F================";;';;"';;;;;y~=======u EMIL SPIES Watc••a ••r -----J HERE'S THE ,EASY WAY TOBUY, Class °R f 1!30to I eumte at nn Swarthmore High School class of 1930 will hold its silver anniversary reunion at the Strath Haven Inn at 6 p.m. Saturday, June 11. James P. Faries, president of the ,class, wi.U act as master of ceremOl)ies. David Vint, president of th~ Rutledge School . .m ch, a_- ..e 0 f ~erva ti ons Board ,IS for ~e event which Is the second reunion to be held by the class. ' its tenth ann!verI! ce1e b ra ted ith dinn in U D sary w a er p~r arby in 1940. The whereabouts of only' one member ,of the class is unknown at present, that of Virginia Talpey. Anyone having information CONGRATULA TlONS! Jewelry Repaired Builders B..lfimore Pike & Woodland AYeo.e Springfield, , •• ,1BE SWAR1BMOllEAN # SHS I.I~======~===~ street, Chester. more. Aged, SWarthmore 6-4100 valescent men women. Ex- ==:S.,,,::-:=~=-~--..,..,~15000co Servlc. Statio.' SWarthmere6-6455 cellent foods spacious grounds FOR SAlE ,Cocker spaniel pupBlue Cross 'honored. Sadie D: pies. Black and I;>uft. Male and Saw. FlI... a.d Set ..d ....... Pippin proprietor' CHestei' 2- females. AKC regJStered. Home Tool. 5.0.,..... 5373. ' • 'raised. SWarthmore 6-,..:'1:,:;6,:;14::.._ _ CHester 4-6246 PERSONAL - Bendix Home Ap- FOR SALE - ' Book case, Dutch If;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I pHance Service. Washers, driers, chest, grandfather clock. Bed. II ironers. Factory trained service- AlllBon Antiques. At-the-Forge, I'------".-___ men. Genuine Bendix parts. We Rose Tree. MEdia 6-1407: ' also repair ABC Whirlpool' and FOR SALE _ Good, sturdy redKenmore. 51 South Morton Avewood 5 foot picnic table. 2 , nue. Call SWarthmore 6-3312. benches. $20. SWarthmore 6-2312. Sets - 'ole. PERSONAL - Landscaping and ·FOR ,SAI,E Enamel top kitchen Nets-Ilrdl lawn maintenance. Furnish and, .table and 2 chairs nice for I Rackets - 'r•• plaht nursery stock. MEdia 6-0736 summer cottage. 'KIngswood 3or Valley Brook 2551-W. 4215. " 2nd Floor PERSONAL Furniture relinish- FOR SALE - 8 foot, Cbl'Is::Cratt ing, custom cabinet work and sBillni: Pram 'cOlllPlete with general carpentry. Andrew Span- trailer, cushions, paddle and oars. THE CAMERA AND ier. Jr., SWarthmore 8~2198. Perfect condition. $175. Phone HOBBY SHOP PElISONAL 'HandYnian and MEdia ,6"3935 after 7 .p.m. ' , 6 Park Aveou. gardener available anytime. FOR SALE - Used tape recorder' ,Experienced. Call SWarthmore ,~BO fiute. Inspect now'at Scbooi ·· Dist.ict O1IIce. Make offer. 6-5811. ' · I'E$ONAL=Electrlc wlrliii, new FOR !lALE - Rug samples, good and old, residential and comtor use on the steps. 18 x 27 mercial, done in compliance with inches. $2. Paulson, 100 Park HoaACB .. Fire UnderwriterS Specifications. avenue, Swarthmore. " Sale and service on electric Water ,FOR ....T Heaters, Ranges, and sm.all elec- w;>i>';;;;;=i-"-'i;:=~,==,~ trical appllances. Call: Erich H. FOR RENT - Second fioor' apart.. Hausen, SWarthmore 6~2850, Corment, 228 Garrett avenue, ner of Park and Michigan avenues. Swarthmore. Four rooms, tile bath with shower. Near schooL WAlPERSONAL - Man wUI contract nut 2-8741; SWarthmore 6-0489; for care; house FOR RENT ~For 'summer, furaway on vacanished aplirtinent. 3- bedrooms, care. 2 bathrooms. June ,14 to Septem~ ~adL aSTA.Ta • ber 14. Phone SWarthmore 66587. . " IH'VltdNCa FOR BENT-Second fioor,private , . , S. C ••n.. aD. entrance, furnished, 3 large Shop, IW'BI'Q«1Pw,. haag. rooms and bath. Ample closet . 4934. ' space. Convenient to transilOl'ta_ PERSONAL Resister you r Small-Fry now at the Swarth- ~n and stores. MEdia 6-4772. Boothbay Haroor more School for the faD FOR RENT Maine, log cabin, living room: --':;:C';;;;-C; G. W. Brodhead, 2 bedrooms, electric kitchen. JulyYou can buy your August. SWarthmore 6-5938. ' ing oil on our special FOR RENT - 5 room and Ilath offers list apartment centrally' located. TREE WORK badpt plall. Paymenta :;'!r ~;::~~~:.: Can SWarthmore 6-0111 or 0975. ., SWarthmore 6-0240. are spread over the Trees trimmed, topped, cabled and removEd " ~PERSO;;;;;~:;;N;-;;AL7""=-~Pr::-:o~fe::-:ss:;i=on::al:;-;:Pi;;.a::n:'::o LOS:r AND FOUND months eo that your MatCavity Work-l'eedlng-8pray!ng Service. !l'unIng, repairing, re- 'jLOSnc::'iT~="'cfu:h::.n::g=-7.:=:=;vI='~~", I Latest chain saw and power ins biD is as low Janubuilding,moth~roofinll. Stacy e purse CUuty equipment ~ post olBce and bank. Would , ary as it is in ApriL Reeves, Jr., Swarthmore, Pa. Tel. finder please return tiny key? Free Estfm·tes -Terry Kerr;, Georgia TechDamon KJetzien; New York University-Jlm :t;ewis; University of Rochester - Cha~les LiVingston; Iowa Sta!e-Jane MacAlpine. Allegheny College .- Sandy ; Milne; George School-Ed Noyes; ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Middlebury College-Cralg Peel;' Ii' Boston Conservatory at Music Laurn Mae Roherts; Antioch Roger Russell; Hood College .., Karen Schiff; Grinnell CollegeCarolyn Schott; University of Beverly Munich (Germany) Searfoss; Lafayette :.- Bill Skillman; Bucknell University - Virginia Smith. WISHE-S THE CLASS Lehigh - Bill Skolnacker; New Mexico School of Mines - Dave OF 1955 CONTINUED Strachan; . Lake Erie College Emily Terry; Wagner College Glnna Tiller; Princeton - Bob SUCCESS Warden; Generai Motors Institute -.Dick Wright; Bullis School Roger Zensen; Harvard - Gordon JOYCE LEWIS' - \ § iii, l!i ill , == . _ ; i!5 ;a .' . . J CONGRATULATIONS "SS FRANK THE BARBER May You Continue to ProsperI --' 1955 . OUR VERY BEST WISHES TO • CLASS OF 155 THE MUSIC BOX * 10 Park Avenue Smith. Other Occupations Those going into Nursing are: University of Pennsylvania Hospital - Carolyn West; Philadelphia General Hospital - Josephine O'Ne!ll; Mercy Douglass Hospital-Barbara Jon~. Those going to continue their schooling but who have not as yet made their choice as to which . college to attend include Farrell Beck, Chuck Nason, Preston Hollander, and Liz Gibson. Those going into the military service are: Waves ' - Baroara MacDonald; Air'Force-John Coleman, Michael's Here's to Firmer Footing' , For Your Future --, , GRADUATES OF 155 'CELIA , SHOE SHOP 102 Park Avenue Pharmacy . Congratulations, Graduatel BEST WISHES TO' THE MAY CONTIUED SUCCESS BE YOURS INGLENEUK'TEA ROOM . I I , I Do your best to present yourself to-God as--one approved, a workman who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. II T.... 2:15 R.S.V. PHYLLIS M. ADAMS PETER ASCH NKEOCHI ATUANYA CARLA G. BAUER FERRELL BECK H. EARLE BIEDLING LILLIAN J. BLANTON ROBERT C. BORER, JR. STUART S. BOWIE BETSY J. BRINKMANN College OUR HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;~~G~r~a~d~ua~tes~.~W~h~O~wl~I~I~b~e~·;g~o~m~g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GRADUATES - lEi , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~ of iii_ Ii iiIIIuIllllllllUUlUlUU_..IRIIIIIIIIlIIIUlIHBDWlUlnnoiIunuuuu........I.11I1HII11IIIIIII - Class a 'TH E CAM ERA &. MO·BBY SHOP a ' iii 6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore' the ~ CLASS OF 155, . , ; , iii -E DEW DROP INN CLASS OF to (LASS OF 1955 "On the Corner" co-op FOOD MARKET Consuller's Cooperative Ass'n of Swarthmore, Inc. 401403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE MARTHA H. CALHOUN MARY E. CARNEY NANCY M. CARROLL STEPHEN W. CARTER JEAN H. COE JOHN L COLEMAN JOHN A. DARLING MARY V. DECAINDRY CARL S. DELLMUTH JANE L DERRICKSON LOUISE P. EMMONS MARJORIE M. FEESER RICHARD F. FELLOWS PAMELA A. FOSTER INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 10 THE SWARTHIUOREAN I I June 3, 1955 '90%0 of H• .1...{' SCI1]OrSI June 3, 1955 directly into indust.ry are Gail I Day ~ Roberts, Mary Lou PIerce, Ed MeOur Very Best Wishes to ~ d ?aughey , Jim ,Bind, Bob HE.ther- The twenty-seventh ann u a 1 THE CLASS OF '55 i · ~n urtll~I mgton, and MIke Worth. Field Day of the combined eleMonday evemng. Pal Lindgren will complete his mentary schools, held Friday 19 South Chester Rood Mrs. C. S. Christie of Rutgers! Over 90 per cent of the 5tU- education upon his return to morning at the Rutgers avenue avenue WIll leave next week for dents in the high school graduat- Sweden. athletic field, resulted in a score a summer vacation in Rhode 15- ing class are planning to continue of 76 for the White teams and 72 land and Maine. their education. As of this date, 79 Fellowship Awarded for the Garnets. Added to· their [ saw it in The Swarthmorean. -_.;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,j out of 87 will be attending at Ta Local Boy 432 .portsmanship points for this rr least 57 different schools as fOI-1 . AI McCh f M school year, the White's field day lows. an esney, son 0 rs. score brought them a total.of 508 . . Mary D. McChesney of South points and the honor of winning WE COMPLIMENT YOU Swarthmore College - MaggIe Chester road a senior majoring for the thirteenth time since field Atuanya, James Keighto.n a~d in architectu~e at the Pennsyl- day was first established. Dave Preston; Cornell Umversity vania state University recently The Gar net s sportsmanship ON A WELL EARNED VICTORY -Dick Fellows, Karl Thomas and won the $1500 Stewardson Feltotal was 420 making their final Ann Wal.ker; Amherst COllege-IIOWShip for study abroad. total 492. They have won the Stu BOWIe, Terry Dellmuth and event 14 times, so next year Charles Hummer; Dartmouth ColOn Lacrosse Varsity • should see a spirited contest with lege - Mike Hurd, Randy Malin anq Tim Ryerson; Pierce Business John Hilkert, Colgate sopho- the Whites trying to tie the score School -- Phyllis Adams, Bob more from Rutledge, is a member on times won. The day's events were planned Worst and Bob Young; University of the varsity lacrosse squad. of Delaware-Mary Beth Carney Hilkert, who was a football and by William Reese of the faculty. and Jane Derrickson. baseball star at Swarthmore High Many groups held class picnics at Earlham Colleg~ohn Darling School, is curently competing for the close of the athletic contests. and Ginny Hubbell; Oberlin Col- one of the attack positions on lege-Peter Asch and Nancy Car- the newly-revived lacrosse team. I I saw it in The Swarthmorean. i!!1II11II1II11I1II1II11II1II1I11II111II illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll rol; Stephens Junior College - Fr;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;' Louise Emmons and Diane Peters; University of Vermont-Barbara :: ALL HAIL Harlow and Kathy Jessup; Penn _ 5 State University - David Lynch CONGRATULATIONS and Buddy Stephani; West Chester State Teachers College-Mary Mellace and Mary Jane Schrader. ~ ~ P.M.CC.-EarJ Biedling; Drexel § ~ Institute of Technology - Gale Bauer; Duke University - Joan Blanton; University of Pennsylvania-Bob Borer; Marjorie Web~ 5 ster-Betsy Brinkmann; Carleton 55 5 § , 4 Park Avenue § College-Martha Calhoun; Renssalaer-Stevc Carter; Mt. Holyoke 5 55 ---Jean Coe; Ohio State-Ginny a 5 r.11I1I1I1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iiii DeCaindry; Grove City-Marjorie Feeser. Sa r gent Coliege of Boston U ni - . ~lIIlIIlIIllIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIIlIIllIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIlIIllIlIIlIIlIIllIIllIIlIIllIIlIlIIlIlIIlIlIlIIlIIlInllllllllllllllllllllllll1II1111111111~ versity-Pam Foster; College of ~ Dr. and Mrs. Jerome B. Smith of Westminster avenue entertained at a dinner for twelve guests PI F ' Griers' Utility Shop -- Whites Win Field THE SW ARTlllUOREAN ---- --------- SWARTHMORE iltUtwY HIGH SCHOOL ----- Page -------- GRADVATI OF "============= _ I Our CLASS OF '55 HARRIS & CO. Heartiest I I = = ; THE CLASS OF '55 HOLLYHOCK SHOP I CLASS'OF '55 = = : w. = BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF '55 JOYCE LEWIS ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;g rr DEW DROP INN WISHE'S THE CLASS OF 1955 CONTINUED SUCCESS r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF '55 FRANK THE BARBER May You Continue to Prosper! Congratulations William and Mary-Jim Godfrey; Colby College---,Jean Goff; University of Cincinnati-Tom Goldmeyer; Gettysburg College - Ed Grant; Maine Maritime Academy - Manual Hallier; Pembroke Dorothy Hopkins; Tern,ple University-Mike Iacono; Dickinson College-Terry Kerr; Georgia TechDamon Kletzien; New York University-Jim Lewis; University of Rochester - Charles Livingston; Iowa Stat~ane MacAlpine. Allegheny College Sandy Milne; George School-Ed Noyes; Middlebury College-Craig Peel; Boston Conservatory of Music Laura Mae Roberts; Antioch Roger Russell; Hood College -. Karen Schiff; Grinnell CollegeCarolyn Schott; University of Munich (Germany) Beverly Searfoss; Lafayette - Bill Skillman; Bucknell University - Virginia Smith. Lehigh - Bill Skolnacker; New Mexico School of Mines - Dave Strachan; Lake Erie College Emily Terry; Wagner College Ginna Tiller; Princeton Bob Warden; General Motors Institute -Dick Wright; Bullis School Roger Zensen; Harvard - Gordon Smith. Other Occupations Those going into Nursing are: University of Pennsylvania Hospital - Carolyn West; Philadelphia General Hospital - Josephine O'Neill; Mercy Douglass Hospital-Barbara Jones. Those going to continue their schooling but who have not as yet made their choice as to which college to attend include Farrell Beck, Chuck Nason, Preston Hollander, and Liz Gibson_ Those going into the military service are: Waves - Barbara MacDonald; Air Force-.lohn Coleman. =_- S. BITTLE & SON BEST WISHES TO THE 55 ~ - 5 ~ CLASS OF '55 TH E CAM ERA & HOBBY SHOP ~ ~ ~ the m Class Ei_ ~ § _~=! to 6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore _~=B = ~ of 5 = ~=_= ~ ~ ~ ~ iiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill1II11111111111111ffl 1955 OUR VERY BEST WISHES TO CLASS OF '55 ,,, THE MUSIC BOX * 10 Park Avenue Michael's Here's to Firmer Footing For Your Future -- CELIA , SHOE SHOP Pharmacy 102 Park Avenue GRADUATES MAY CONTIUED SUCCESS BE YOURS Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth_ II Tim_ 2: 15 R_S_V. INGLENEUK TEA ROOM OUR HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS TO THE fr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~G~r~a~d~u~at~e~s;w~h~O~W~i1~1;.~be~~g~O~in~g ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ BEST WISHES TO THE H. EARLE BIEDLING LILLIAN J. BLANTON ROBERT C. BORER, JR. STUART S. BOWIE BETSY J. BRINKMANN College GRADUATES OF '55 Congratulations, Graduate! PHYLLIS M. ADAMS PETER ASCH NKEOCHI ATUANYA CARLA G. BAUER FERRELL BECK , CLASS OF 1955 "On the Corner" co-op FOOD MARKET Consumer's Cooperative Ass'n of Swarthmore, Inc, 401403 DARTIIIOUTH AVENUE MARTHA H. CALHOUN MARY E. CARNEY NANCY M. CARROLL STEPHEN W. CARTER JEAN H. COE JOHN L. COLEMAN JOHN A. DARLING MARY V. DECAINDRY CARL S. DELLl\IUTH JANE L. DERRICKSON LOUISE P. EMMONS MARJORIE M. FEESER RICHARD F. FELLOWS PAMELA A. FOSTER ~ARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS' OF 1955 June 3. 1955 TIlE SWAR11IMOREAN , . SWARTHMORE Hail BEST WISHES fora HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING OF CLA.SS 1955 , I ~, , j . i: ,I • Graduates! HAPPY and • * .. ' SUCCESSFUL You're FUTURE • to the Bound CLASS OF 1955 To Build A Better * World! EDWARD MANUEL A. HALLIER BARBARA L. HARLOW R. P. HETHERINGTON, JR. JAMES W. HIND WILLIAM P. HOLLANDER ELIZABETH T. GIBSON JAMES W. GODFREY HELEN J. GOFF THOMAS E. GOLDMEYER EDWARD M. GRANT, JR. ,. June 3, 1955 11IE SWAR11IMOREAN GOOD LUCK TO • GRADUATES OF DOROTHY L. HOPKINS VIRGINIA B. HUBBELL CHARLES D. HUMMER, JR. MICHAEL HURD MICHAEL IACONO, JR. KATHLEEN L. JESSUP BARBARA A. JONES JAMES D. KEIGHTON TERRANCE W. KERR S. DAMON KLETZIEN BAIRD & BIRD Lafayette Avenue Opposite Boro. Hall and CO. Congratulations * BARBARA C. MACDONALD RANDALL MALIN E. O. McGAUGHEY, JR. MARY A. MEllACE SANDRA J. MILNE EDWARD L. NOYES, JR. JOSEPHINE M. O'NEILL CRAIG L. PEEL MARY LOU PIERCE SAMUEL D. PRESTON GAIL ROBERTS LAURA MAE ROBERTS ROGER S. RUSSELL, JR. TIMOTHY RYERSON KAREN M. SCHIFF Swarthmore Toggery Best Wishes BEST OF Shop To the Class of 1955 LUCK TO Inc. *** THE CLASS OF 1955 Swarthmore 6-6130 THE PREP SHOP, Inc. 23 CLASS OF 1955 1955 * L. NOYES JAMES A. LEWIS PAL G. LINDGREN CHARLES E. LIVINGSTON DAVID R. LYNCH LUCIA J. MACALPINE S. Chester Road Swarthmore MRS. ROBERT J. ATZ, Owner RUSSELL'S SRVlCE Dartmouth & Lafayette Avenne Phone 6-0440 RUMSEY CHEVROLET Phone 6-0144 Park Avenue Theatre Square South Chester Road 40S Dartmouth Ave. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ,' , '-,L f"', HIGH WARTHlHORE SCHOOL J",... 3, 1955 June 3, 1955 THE SW ARTHMOREAN GRADUATING CLASS OF 1955 a 1955 THE SW ARTIII\IOREAN SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL Page GRADUATING OF CLASS f1>" \.' ; Hail BEST ., .. , ~ ~ ,- . i ",' " iii . ' ) J .' " ~' " ).,:;". ,J ,-, ' /.' •... " '--.:.- ';,\1 WISHES Graduates! fora HAPPY * and SUCCESSFUL II YOlt're , FUTURE 1 ~ . ,j ,. to the CLASS OF ' .. . '. r .. Boltnd \ " " L•• :. ' . ;' . "0-., ! ;.: . 4 .. / f I To Bltild i 1955 t· ~ 1,.\ I;t~"'i~ , I>-. World! ,I, EDWARD MANUEL A. HALI.lER BARBARA I.. HARLOW R. P. HETHERINGTON, JR. JAMES W. HIND WILLIAM P. HOLLANDER GOOD LUCK TO DOROTHY 1. HOPKINS VIRGINIA B. HUBBELL CHARLES D. HUMMI,R, JR. MICHAEL HURD MICHAEL IACONO, JR. KATHLEEN 1. JESSUP BARBARA A. JONES JAMES D. KEiGHTON TERRANCE W. KERR S. DAMON KLETZIEN A Better ./.,I * ELIZABETH T. GIllSON ,AMES W. GODFREY HELEN .I. GOFF THOMAS E. GOLD;l.IEYER EDWARD ;1.1. GRANT, JR. , ( ·1 ' * L. NOYES , and CO. . JAMES A. LEWIS PAL G. LINDGREN CHARLES E. LIVINGSTON DAVID R. LYNCH LUCIA J. MACALPINE BARBARA C. MACDONALD RANDALL MALIN E. O. McGAUGHEY, JR. MARY A. MELLACE SANDRA J. MILNE EDWARD 1. NOYES, JR. JOSEPHINE M. O'NEILL CRAIG 1. PEEL MARYLOU PIERCE SAMUEL D. PRESTON GAIL ROBERTS LAURA MAE ROBERTS ROGER S. RUSSELL, JR. TIMOTHY RYERSON KAREN M. SCHIFF Swarthmore Congratulations Toggery Best Wishes BEST OF Shop To the Class of 1955 LUCK TO Inc. *** THE CLASS OF 1955 Swarthmore 6·6130 THE PREP SHOP, Inc. 23 GRADUATES OF CLASS OF 1955 1955 * BAIRD & BIRD Lafayette Avenue Opposite Borough Hall S. Chester Road Swarthmore MRS. ROBERT J. ATZ, Owner RUSSELL'S SERVICE RUMSEY CHEVROLET Phone 6·0144 ,. Dartmouln & Lafayette Avenue Phone 6-0440 Park Avenue Theatre Square . , South Chester Road 405 Dartmouth Ave. TIlE SWARTIlMOREAN WARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS GRADUATING OF 1955 COLLI';G~ 'THE SWARTHMOREAN Your Flag Class , , LlJIRAliY • • to the IW'ARTIHWd • Display Success n ... .., l'El ., June 3, 1955 " " -~. On Flag Day June 14th , SWABTBMO~ FRIDAY . , , Malin Vlerg~s DfOe¥hlaItYr Boy Scouts Seek Camp Leaders Boy Scl>utll Of Swarthmore Troops 2 and 3 who are looldng forward to spending the lI.rst two Freedom Quest Wilt . weeks of Augw,t ai nearby Camp For Former, H. S. Delmont are stalking the BorThey are hunting for . Grads Tolci: man aged 18 or over to accom"Soviet tyranny wIlI be broken pany them to camp for one or by an ineradlca6le h'Unat\t which bo~, ~,those,"w~to assist as Is themalildlstlnct!.onOf· al!.... er of tile group. . human animal." Patrick M\u-pby Leii"ders who go to CIll!'P with Malin. of the Americal Civil Llb- the ScOUtS are' not required to erties UniOn;. told Swarthmore, "been themselves. mgq School's claslr Of 1955 at its a stall' graduation exercISes in .. whO . Illstruct Scouta In all . activitIeS: Memorial Tuesday evening. Mr. Malin, whose son Randall For further information regardis a member of the class andwin~ Ing this matter. call Peter Murner of seveml awards, explained ray at KIngswooei' 4·1335. the hunger. "the ultimate guar.1'8 antee against winning by tyran· ny." as man's llunger for freedom MItj 10 explore the mystertes of the 1eS· world and freedom to fulfill his purpose In life by choosing among the manifold desires he experM~moriol Service Will lences. Russi" cannot teaeh her B" H 'Id S d A people to ",ad indetlnitely Withe e un ay t out thelr1hlnking, he said. Meeting House Scttlng forth ''The OppOr!unSwarthmore has lost one of'its ity to Go.on Working" as Democ- outstanding cltlzens.Aliee Hall ncy'. only reward. Malin stated Paxson wh be III at her Democracy's problem is "how to "summ • h 0 • came e m Buck HIII. and (ContinUed on Page 5) died ': _ _ _ _..:'___ • a ay. June 4. Swartb, more Frlenda' Meeting d th l an e " community in )"hich she lived .for so many years. will miss her quiet presence. The legacy Of her busY life., her calm judgment and her shining spirit wIlI remain a never Trainer Reteives Unique, source 01 inspiration to all a June 10, 1955 AIJ Rai" Alert Set' li:or' f I Tennis 2·.05· CIu~oSG':t. IIderwcnrl Again this year, Swarthmore College is making the College avenue courts available to memo bers of the Swarthmore Temlis Delaware "County Alert Scheduled For W'e'd. Evening· YiwI ts.50 PER :. ',' . Clllegt .Alanis 3 ",HoRor3fy' Qegrees Ambassador; 'Ju~tice and Senator Konored At Commencement Club during tIie collej/e vacation period: A lIniiied' number at new 'An All' Raid Alert. "OPeration memberships can still be accep~ed. Alert. 1955" will be staged ,next Local tennis enthusiasts should The confen-Ing of honorary Wednesd.~. Junl! 15'. trom 2:05 degrees at the Swarthmore Col· "" contact club members or memo I to 2: is p:m. The test Will ege Commencement program natlon.Wide and Include all bership chairman RaymllDd R. Tuesday paid honor to three high United States territories BJid Gemmill, SWarthmore 8~3081. ranking public servants. The de· sessions: Group instruction for 10 to 15 gree of Doctor Of Laws was conDuring the ten-minute interval. year old children ds planned from ferred upon Amos J. Peaslee. U. all tramc WIll be stopped 9 to 11 a.rn. two days a week for S. Ambassador 10 Austrialla. pedestrians will be asked to a five week period, b!>glnn1ng L. Black, Associate Justice shelter. June 27. Instruction for indlvid- of the Supreme Court of the Evening Alert uals or groups of up to four United States. and PaUl H. DougAnother alert will be held ladles will be available. Junior I U 't d St t s Tennis chairman, WillIam M Mc- as. Dl e a es enator from throughout Delaware C0Wi'ty the Cawley shoUld be contacted DIlnols, The ceremony was given same evening. from 8:45 to 6:55. SWarthmore 6-0854 by those In- a family navor by the fact that Again. all traffic Will be stopped terested jn instruction. Ambassador Peaslee Is' a grad~ and pedestrians asked to take uate of Swarthmore College In shelter.' the class of 1907 and Is the fath· Atter the 6:45 p.m. aleri. 2000 er of a graduate. Justice Black, persons will be evacuated from who delivered the Commencement Philadelphia out Baltimore pike I Address and Senator Douglas. to Chadds Ford by private aulawho spoke at the Baccalaureate mobiles, The general public l ' . services yesterday. are parents of should try to avoid Baltimore pike 955 Projed to· Exclude graduating seniors. Josephine that evening as this evacuation Third Grade, and Black and Jean Douglas. , will be a considerable' project and p• The recommendation of Amtalie most' of the evenmg. . rlzes bassador Peaslee cited his devo. AIr RaId Tests are held for the Moth,ers Groups representatives tlon to. the promotion of better public's defense. Citizens' are oronday ' tu'giid to thlnk about whili they met ... morning With Ele- relations between the countries would do In case of an actual mentary School PrIncipal Thomas and peoples of the world. "He has Alert. A', Boyle and decided the school s~ild hiS country· and his proCharles Russell is dlreclor of should endeavor to Issue a state- fesslon in connection with the the Swarthmore Civil ment direct. to parenta' this wre4!: AJnerican Commission 10 nego.. Council. ~les,"W. Lulfens. ~ellDga:~nge'.wthh:remab .. ~e.. ,.at ,Venem .... '. ~, a . Award in 51st Yr. With kn'!W~er•. ,_ . retai'y:!'r·' ,. ,.," ' ." " . .... r 'the United states . Inst."t·utioo'"";' , '" Alice Hall waa'the claugbtlflr 01 ' , ,', "';'0lleY. for variOUII'" ,needs, for Defense In 1M6. as -' ..... omas and" • -di H-": ..,,. " which cannot be met' unde~ the a representative to the sin FranAt, the '~~;;;;~re College in' 18;mo: a "7..::'"n:: SChool District's limited tax cll!co COMelehl>e fot the estabCommencement 'exercises Tues- GoBhenville. Chester County. '" bUdget, lIsIiment of the United Nations, as day PreSident Courtney Smith Later. the familY' removed to ~Q Mr. Boyle' reporied that: .5, President ot' tJie" American Branch made th~ second annual presenta- West Chester, where she attended II realized last October throuih Of the International Law Association of the John W. Nason Alward. FrIends' SchooL She entered Registration for. the summer Swarthmore's Initial partiCipation tion. and as Secretary General of Recipient Of this unique honor Swarthmore College in 1884. and session" at Swarthmore High in 9uch a" venture. had stiiiPli~ a the International Bar A'!Soclawas Ruffin Herndon. head' train- when she graduated In 1888. the School this year will be held on tape r~oi'd\;r, several.. reCord ~on." He was' appointed Ambass· I Room 202 players p'lctu're" ador to Australia b'y "'-'den· t ' d to S w arth more, She M ond ay. J une 20, n er, of the Swarthmore College f a mil y move ' . 'a', large mo'''-.~... en"" Athletic Department. :Mr. Hem- married Charles Paxson in 1897. In the high school between 8: 30 screen; and $150 wortH of visual EIseilhi>wer In 11153. don. known' to., hundreds of It was. then the home at 311 and 11' a.m. :, aius giftI!. Ali bear Vice-Chainna!1 JOhn M. Patter. mediates. AppcilntDients with iIiplayed then and the way we play some of the last minute expenses. temporary " marked "Gift son. vke-piesldent and general dividuaIs will be made iii such a Ioday,r S81lI Ruff. ''We frequellUy RurifHI Wo""'s Gifts 01 S w o r e PreiSb)'terIan mana~e:r ot'ti;,nllihway EXpress way they can aISO'partlclpate iii played With 11 men during The eholr, wbich gives' this SecretBry Dr. Gerald other summer' work such the entire IIM!I8 and the onIrreason ..;.,.,.,n onq tIm!e days prior to The chnlr plans to PI sent some M. Thwmil. piofesaOr Of Political reueatlonal program or reguJ8r BnyODC! came out was because Its take-olf from Idlewlld AIrport of the dolls f!> orphana~ in ScIence, University of Pennsyl- academic c1. _ A summer band COuld no IDDger stand.", Members on June 19. is," warmed by the Germany. under the vania; Treasurer JOhn' R. COrke. or orchestra will be organized to of that sqUad included the thought of a large Vllriet¥ o1baDdIIIIfswerk, to countJy cost accountant Of the Bell Tele- provide pleaaure-p~ 0PllOrtu. _ t foo1ilall officials made gIft$ Pi ented to them under the I'reuncbchafta. Company: Bem!YoIencci nitles for studentS who have had "Tiny" Maxwell and Wilmer the 12 Cireles and the helm in Pe' "", also in Germany; Treasurer George W. Zanzinger, some previous instructiOn and Crowell. '!be team played Penn. IrouP Of the Woman'. AIIIodatloa. and daDs and other articles to professor of Electrical Enldn'l!er- who desire to gain or Improve Navy. Cornen. and Lafayette These gltIs, for " retreat <>eIileia 8Dd ac:hooIa at Ing. P.ellnSyllranla JIIlItary COl- their fa 'In, for en.......'" pt8yYear and In elrbt games rolled up ilVCUIS and inItltutlonl . van- . . 81aDa1llelr tour. FiDucial Sec:re,tar:v. lin. iIig. A DIlmJw:r Of school oWned 178 PDinta to their ~ta':a. 8ft at this mcml!llt in tbe:c:wliodJ' '1'!le Iffta wee ~ at the 1.. Harlow; and MrS. Lay IDstnunmb will be available to Dr. 3, It. ShelJ, dJra:toto1'ath- Of 11ft. RoIIert 0004' 'ilI/ Fonal cbutcb. end ....ma1l7 WilIiam c. OIl e:lo!Im buIa. letb . had hIa eyeI end .1aIIa Tw_of 1'Idla- - I ~to the. elich' at the will iod___ oil . wbD..n !oIIIIT' d, of 1955 * May all your Wishes Be Fulfilled . AI. Han Paxson', ' O· June '4 FavorMagazineSale' . ·s For SChOut .. Nee'dS w:: Colleg'e' Ree'OIRI·Zes Herndon's . sec. SiIIiHR8r SCIloOl Apen June' "I :.ofn ~::~ ~:o~:~~~:. ~'::.:~ . O'~~.~~nElth.Ctled o~~es ~clPal :it::: pe~n adva~ced New Board' CAROLYN E. SCHOTT MARY JANE SCHRADER BEVERLY M. SEARFOSS WILLIAM H. SMALLWOOD GORDON V. SMITH VIRGINIA L. SMITH WILLIAM J. P. STEPHANI WILLIAM J. STOLNACKER DAVID J. STRACHAN EMILY TERRY KARL M. THOMAS VIRGINIA G. TILLER ANN WALKER ROBERT B. WARDEN SARAH A. WEST ROBERT P. WORST MICHAEL D. WORTH RICHARD D. WRIGHT ROBERT A. YOUNG ROGER ZENSEN * PORTER H. ~~ TO THE CLASS OF 1955 SUCCESS TO THE WAITE, Ine. CLASS OF 1 955 With the sincere wish that all your ambitions will be fulfilled BOUQUET BEAUTY SALON 9 South Chester Road Chester Roads Swarthmore 6-1250 B.J.HOY 5 & 10e Store 2 Park Avenue Yale and Swarthmore PTesbyteTlan, '· hO"T ;-' Farewe·ll COMcert , _rear as INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 8V1nrtlu:Jore ColleglE' Lihrary SVffI rtlunore June 3, 1955 THE SW ARTHMOREAN Page'll. CLASS ~~ WARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING OF 1955 Success Display On Your Flag Day Flag June 14th , VOLUME 27-NllMBER 23 . .I to the ./ Class of 1955 SWAR'lBMORE, FRIDAY, June 10, 1955 Tennis Club Season Seek Malin Weighs Gamble Boy Scouts Air Raid Alert Set To Camp Leaders Of Democracy, Tyranny For 2:05 Wednesday College AWards 3 Honorary Degrees Freedom Quest Will Win For Former, H. S. Grads Told Ambassador, Justice and Senator Honored At Commencement Get Underway Boy Scouts of Swarthmore Troops 2 and 3 who are looking forward to spending the first two weeks of August at nearby Camp Delmont are stalking the Borough. They are hunting for a man aged 18 or over to accompany them to camp for one or both of those weeks to assist as a leader of the group. Leaders who go to camp with the Scouts are not required to have been Scouts themselves. Camp Delmont maintains a staff who supervise and instruct Scouts in all their activities. For further information regarding this matter, call Peter Murray at Klngswood 4-1335. "Soviet tyranny will be broken by an ineradicable hunger which is the main distincUon of the human animal," Patrick Murphy Malin, of the AmerIcal Civil Liberties Union, told Swarthmore High School's class of 1955 at its graduation exercises in Clothier Memorial Tuesday evening. Mr. ~Ialint whose son Randall is a member of the class and win .. ner of several awards, explained the hunger, "the ultimate guarantee against winning by tyranny," as man's nunger for freedom to explore the mysteries of the world and freedom to fuUIIl his purpose in life by choosing among the manifold desires he experMemorial Service Will iences. Russia cannot teach her Be Held Sunday At people to tead indefinitely without their thinking, he said. Meeting House Setting forth "The OpportunSwarthmore has lost one of ~ its ity to Go on Working" as Democ- outstanding citizens, Alice Hall racy's only reward, Malin stated Paxson, who became ill at her Democracy's problem is "how to summer home in Buck HiIl, and (Continued on Page 5) died Saturday, June 4. Swarthmore Friends' Meeting and the community in which she lived for 50 many years, will 'miss her quiet presence. The legacy of her busy life, her calm judgment and her shining spirit will remain a never Trainer Receives Unique failing source of inspiration to all knew her. Award in 51 st Yr. With wbo Alice HaI! was the daughter of Institution Thomas and Lydia Hall. She was At the Swarthmore College born in 1868 on a farm near Chester County. Commencement exercises Tues- Goshenville, day President Courtney Smith Later, the family removed to made the second annual presenta- West Chester, where she attended tion of the John W. Nason Award. Friends' School. She entered Recipient of this unique honor Swarthmore College in 1884, and was RufIln Herndon, head train- when she graduated in 1888, the er of the Swarthmore College family moved to Swarthmore. She Athletic Department. Mr. Hern- married Charles Paxson in 1897. don, known to hundreds of It was then the home at 311 Swarthmore graduates as uRuff", Cedar lane was built, and it is (Continued on Page 9) this year completes 51 years of service to college and community. The John W. Nason Award, given in honor of the Eighth President of the College, is presented Four members from the class annually (Ito one or more memof '56 have been elected to the bers of the total staff of the Col- high school student government lege, or to members of their fam- for the coming year. The presilies who have made a distinctive ident of the council is to be Gary contribution, beyond the scope of Levin. His vice-president will be their normal duties, to the life of Happy Dunning, Chosen as secthe College community." The retary was linda Rothwell while Award is made by the Instruction Jonnie Lange will serve as, and Libraries Committee of the treasurer. Board of Managers upon the advice of the President of the College and consists of a formal citation and a monetary award of one thousand dollars." This award is made possible through the contribution of an interested The Presbyterian Touring Choir alumnus of Swarthmore College. will give its Community Farewell Mr. Herndon first came to Swarthmore College in Septem- Concert on Thursday, June 16, at ber of 1904 as a janitor on the 8 p.m. in the church sanctuary third floor ot the men's section ot on Harvard avenue. The choir Parrish Hall. He immediately evi- and its auxiliary, together com .. denced his interest in athletics prising a little over 60 people, and in 1905 was asked to accom- will leave the following Sunday pany the football team on its trip on its four week European tour. The concert will be free, but to Ithaca to meet Cornell. "What an offering will be taken to defray a change in the way the game was some of the last minute expenses. played then and the way we play today," says Ruff. "We frequently Re&eive Women's Gifts played with 11 men during the The choir, which gives this entire game and the only reason c~ncert only three days prior to anyone came out was because he its take-off from Idlewild Airport could no longer stand." Members on June 19, is warmed by the of that squad included the two thought of a large variety of handgreat footbaI! officials Robert made gifts presented to them by UTiny" Maxwell and Wilmer the 12 Circles and the sewing Crowell. The team played Penn, group of the Woman's Association. Navy, Cornell, and Lafayette that These gifts, for presentation to year and in eight games rolled up groups and institutions abroad, 176 points to their opponents' 22. are at this moment in the custody Dr. J. K. SheI!, director of ath- of Mrs. Robert Good of Forest letics at that time, had his eyes lane, and Julia Turner of Philadelphia, who sail today for (Continued on Page 8) Delaware County Alert Scheduled For Wed. Evening An Air Raid Alert, "Operation Alert, 1955" will be staged next Wednesday, June 15, from 2: 05 to 2: 15 p.m. The test will be nation-wide and include aU United States territories and pos- sessions. During the ten-minute interval, all traffic wiII be stopped and pedestrians will be asked to seek shelter. Evening Alert Another alert will be held thI'oughout Delaware County the same evening, from 6: 45 to 6: 55. Again, all traffio will be stopped and pedestrians asked to take shelter. After the 6: 45 p.m. alert, 2000 persons will be evacuated frOin Philadelphia out Baltimore pike to Chadds Ford by private automobiles. The general public should try to avoid Baltimore pike that evening as this evacuation will be a considerable project and take most of the evening. Air Raid Tests are held for the public's defense. Citizens are urged to think about what they would do in case of an actual Alert. Charles Russell is director of the Swarthmore Civil Defense Council, Charles W. Lukens, secretary. Alice Hall Paxson Dies June 4 * May all your Wishes Be Fulfilled CAROLYN E. SCHOTT MARY JANE SCHRADER BEVERLY M. SEARFOSS WILLIAM H. SMALLWOOD GORDON V. SMITH VIRGINIA L. SMITH WILLIAM J. P. STEPHANI WILLIAM J. STOLNACKER DAVID J. STRACHAN EMILY TERRY KARL M. THOMAS VIRGINIA G. TILLER ANN WALKER ROBERT B. WARDEN SARAH A. WEST ROBERT P. WORST MICHAEL D. WORTH RICHARD D. WRIGHT ROBI,RT A. YOUNG ROGER ZENSEN PORTER H. SUCCESS TO THE TO THE CLASS OF 1955 WAITE, Ine. CLASS OF 1955 With the sincere wish that all your ambitions will be fulfilled BOUQUET BEAUTY SALON 9 South Chester Road * Chester Roads Swarthmore 6·1250 B.J.HOY 5 & 10c Store 2 Park Avenue Yale and Swarthmore $3.50 PER YEAR .. College Recognizes Herndon's Service SHS Student GOy't. Officers Elected Summer School To Open June 20 Registration for the summer session at Swarthmore High School this year will be held on Monday, June 20, in Room 202 in the high school between 8: 30 and 11 a.m. Preliminary plans are under the direction of Henry F. Hofmann, who will supervise the teaching of social studies for the first two weeks prior to taking over his duties as principal of the new E. 1If. U. High School on July 1Harry Oppenlander will be director of the SUmmer Session. He will be assisted by Mrs. Laura Junkens from Nether Providence, supervising the teaching of languages: Mary Armstrong of the high school faculty, supervising (Continued on Page 5) Again this year, Swarthmore College is making the College avenue courts available to members of the Swarthmore Tennis Club during the college vacation period. A limited number of new memberships can still be accepted. Local tennis enthusiasts should contact club members or membership chairman Raymond R. Gemmill, SWarthmore 6-3081. Group instruction for 10 to 15 year old children is planned from 9 to 11 a.m. two days a week for a five week period, beginning June 27. Instruction for individuals or groups of up to four ladies will be available. .Tunior Tennis chairman, William M. McCawley should be contacted at SWarthmore 6-0854 by those interested ,in instruction. Favor Magazine Sales For School Needs 1955 Project to Exclude Third Grade, and Prizes Mothers Groups representatives met Monday morning with Elementary School Principal Thomas A. Boyle and decided the school should endeavor to issue a statement direct to parents this week regarding the magazine subscription sale whereby pupils can raise money for various school needs which cannot be met under the School District's limited tax budget. IIfr. Boyle reported that $925, realized last October through Swarthmore~s initial participation in such a venture, had supplied a tape recorder, several record players, a large moving picture screen, and $150 worth of visual aid materials such as film strips selected for wide-range use among elementary classes. Although the bulk of needs existed at the Rutgers Avenue School, where seven new classrooms had (Continued on Page 10) Methodists Elect New Board Officers New officers of the Swarthmore Methodist Church Official Board were elected at last Friday's regular meeting to serve for the coming year. At the urging of the Pastor, a layman, Dr. Alfred H. Williams, was for the first time elected chairman of the Board. Dr. Williams is president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, a manager of Swarthmore College, director of the Europe on the Nieuw Amsterdam. forthcoming Food Distribution Center of the Greater PhiladelThe four, large, carefully phia Movement, and former Dean packed bags include 60 hand- of the Wharton School of the dressed dolls, many with extra University of Pennsylvania. He wardrobes; 55 aprons, 18 hand- was honored last Sunday by being made men's and boys' flannel conferred the honorary· degree of shirts; oDe dozen T-Shirts; stuffed Doctor of Law at the University toys; red, white and blue cro- of Delaware where he gave the cheted bean bags; an impressive commencement address. array of costume jewelry, and Other officers of the Board are other miscellaneous gifts. All bear Vice-Chairman John M. Pattertemporary tapes marked uGilt son, vice-president and general of S war t h m 0 r e Presbyterian manager of the Highway Express Church." Company; Secretary Dr. Gerald The choir plans to present some M. Thumm, professor of Political of the dolls to orphanages in Science, University of PennsylDuisberg, Germany, under the vania; Treasurer John R. Corke, Evangelishe Hilfswerk, to country cost accountant of the Bell Telechildren under the Freundschafts- phone Company; Benevolence heim in Petzen, also in Germany; Treasurer George W. Zanzinger, and dolls and other articles to professor of Electrical Engineerretreat centers and schools at ing, ~ennsylvania Military Colvarious stops along their tour. lege, Financial Secretary, Mrs. The gUts were displayed at the Ray L. Harlow; and Mrs. Lay church, and were formally pre- Leader William C. Collenberg, sented to the choir at the Tues- federal' tax consultant, Philco (Continued on Page 10) , Corporation. Presbyterian Choir to Give Farewell Concert Thursday The conferring of honorary degrees at the SWarthmore College Commencement program Tuesday paid honor to three high ranking public servants. The degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Amos .T. Peaslee, U. S. Ambassador to AustriaJia, Hugo L. Black, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Paul H. Douglas, United States Senator from IlI-inois. The ceremony was given a family flavor by the fact that Ambassador Peaslee is a graduate of Swarthmore College in the class of 1907 and is the father of a graduate. Justice Black, who delivered the Commencement Address and Senator Douglas, who spoke at the Baccalaureate services yesterday, are parents of graduating seniors, Josephine Black and Jean Douglas. The recommendation of Ambassador Peaslee cited his devotion to the promotion of better relations between the countries and peoples of the world. "He has served his country and his profession in connection with the American Commission to negotiate peace at Versaill~ as a member ot the United States Council for Defense in 1946, as a representative to the San Francisco Conference for the establishment of the United Nations, as President of the Amel'lican Branch of the International Law Association, and as Secretary General of the International Bar Associa~ion." He was appointed Ambassador to Australia by President Eisenhower in 1953. The citation for Justice Black emphasized his defense of our basic freedoms of belief and expression. He was pictured as a vigorous opponent of unrestrained power, public or private, and as a person who has advanced the cause of constitutional liberty by helping to build these principles into the law of the land. Senator Douglas, an authority on the economics of labor, employment, and social security, was cited as having made his name a symbol of intelligence and integrity in the public service. Summer Music Program Once again this year, the Swarthmore Band and Orchestra Parents Association will sponsor a Summer Music program from June 20 through July 29. AI! groups will meet in the music building directly to the rear of the high school proper. The program will be under the direction of Robert M. Holm, of the high school faculty. The session of six weeks duration is scheduled during the morning hours apd will include instruction for beginners and intermediates. Appointments with individuals will be made in such a way they can also participate in other summer work such as the recreational program or regular academic classes. A summer band or orchestra will be organized to provide pleasure-playing opportunities for students who have had some previous instruction and who desire to gain or improve their feeling for ensemble playing. A number of school owned instruments will be available to beginners on a loan basis. Registration will take place on Monday morning, June 20. HOMI ROM JOURNEY Mr. and Mu. Lucian w. Burnett Jaue 10, 1955 'lHl!; SWARTBMOREAl'f , P. .e2 Personals ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Falrfleld Eager Raymond of Cambridge, Massachusetts, announce the engagement of their daughter. MIss Fay Chandler Raymond, to Mr. Paul Duane WIlllarns. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Duane Wi1llams of University place. 'MIss Raymond Ia a graduate of Shady Hill School and Concord Academy. and Is attending BriarcM Junior College. Briarclllf Manor. N. Y. A debutante of the 1954-55 season. she Is a member of the Vincent Club and a Provisional Member of the Junior League. Mr. Wi1llams Is a graduate of The Haverford School. attended Williams College. and was graduated from the Wharton School. University of Pennsylvania. where he was a member of Phi Kappa Alpha. He Is a member of the Williams Club of New York. the University of Pennsylvania Club of New York. and the Pennsylvania Soclely. Sons 'of the Revolution. He Is working for the First National City Bank of New York. was solemnized during the past .Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wlttrelch of Phltade1phla are the maternal week~nd at Trlnlty Episcopal of Newport, RI., announce the grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Church.in Swarthmore. The Rev. birth of a son, WilHam Paul Wlt- Paul Coste of Phlladelphla are the Dr. H. Lawrence Whltte,,!ore. Jr.. trelch. on W.esday• .June 8: The paternal grandfather and grandmother. the rector. officiated al the d o u b l e ' . ring ceremony. little ~. welsh'ng eight pCIWlds. The bride. alIIllated with the was born in Chetter Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Elverson Library of Congress. spent much Maternal grandparents are Mr. of Walnut lane are receiving CODof her girlhood in Swarthmore ODd Mrs. Guy G. deFurta of North gratulations on the birth of their where she was graduated from Chester road. third child and first clrl, Sara-Jo, -high school prior to her atlenwho weighed e\aht pounds, seven Dr. and Mrs. Peter E. Coste ounces when born Thursday, June dance and graduation at the U\11verslty of Rochester. She Is the of Dickinson avenue announce 2, in LeRo,y Hospital, New York . daughter of Col. and Mrs. G. the birth of a son. John Clarence Clty. . Grandparents of the little girl Coste. The little boy was born In Hurst PaUl, of Pennsylvania Mil, ltary College, Chester. She Delaware County Hospital, Tues- are Mrs. Mary of '1'0lIl8 River. N.J., and Mrs. H. H. Ella8 studied music and languages day. June 7. abroad for two years. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hodges of New York CIty. The groom, who holds baccalaureate and Ph.D. degrees from Johns Hopkins University. is with CONSULTANT the Department of State. HIs parental home, Is at Franklin. N.H. ~'i). •(~'Jemour S. Preston tIIill be at die $traJIa HlIWln Inn The brlde's matron of ~Ii!," the summer and VliU be atItIlloble lor colUultathrough Canada. They will llve at liOn ~I aray one need. him. Jaeger. of Drury College. Springfield. Mo.. and the best man was No more adll8rtiseme_ tIIill appear until nes' Henry J. Young. Ph.D.• of York 1!IlL II 'You need his help, eall SWarthmore fi.068O and Harrisburg. Ushers were Dr. -lor appointment. Vincent DeSantis of Notre Dame University and Dr. Philip A. , Mr. and Mn. James Taylor and daughter. Jeri. of Wesldale avenue leR Thursday to attend the graduation ceremonies at Pennsylvania State University. State College. where their son. Smedley Graeme Taylor will receive his degree. Julie Roess. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Roess' of Cornell avenue. hu arrived home for the summer from' Penn State. Julie. who has completed her junior year. was named to the Dean's LIst for the term. Pamela Foster. daughter of Mrs. Mary C. Foster of South Chester road. entertained as her weekend guest Lynn Mechesney of Kansas City. Ka. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour W. Klel.. zien of South Chester road have been entertaining their daughter. -Mrs. Ted Campbell' of Lake Forest. Ill.• who came east to attend the graduation of her brother Damon from Swartbmore High last Tuesday. The whole family has gone 'baok to Illinois with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lange of Knechel of Hunter College. New Mrs. Campbell 10r her commenceYork City. j; ment exercises at Lake Forest Cedar lane have announced the Following a reception and College. Edith Kletzien will re- engagement of their daughter. luncheon for the wedding party. ceive her degree in the five year Julia A,lIce Lange to James ParkI::t trip nursing course at the University er Hall. III, son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hall. Jr.. of Highland of Pennsylvania on June 15. Dr. S. Gertrude Crandall of Park. Ill. BIRTHS Miss Lange Is the granddaughWooster. Ohio. is In the East visitMr. and Mrs. John D. Chlter of the late Paul' M, Pearson. ing with her daughters. Mrs. a former professor at Swarthmore quoine 6f Metuchen, N. J.,. are Robert K. Enders of Elm avenue College. director of the Chau- receiving congratulations on the and Mrs. Louis N. Robinson of tauqua Association of Swarth- birth of their .econddaughter. Wallingford. more, and first civil governor of Erica. who arrived Sunday. June Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam N: Dalley the Virgin Islands. and the late 5. In the Muhlenberg Hospital. of' Dartmouth House entertained Mrs. Pearson. Her paternal grand- Plainfield; N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Dalley and parents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erica Isa granddaughter of Mr. Mrs. May Hammond of Maple- J. Lange of White Plains. N.Y. and Mrs. 'Pemberton M. Dickson wood. N. J.. and Sandbornville, Mr. Hall Is the grandson of of North PrInceton avenue,. N. H. Louis Daiiey;,' II'), . plder the late Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Hall Mr. John;E. chlquolne of Wilbrother of William Dalley. is an Chicago and Mrs. Eugene B. mington. Del. formerly of Swarlhattorney In New York City. and Ferris of Vicksburg. MIss.• more. broadcasts a weekly discussion of the late Mr. Ferris. His patern,,1 International. events entilled. grandfath"r. after whom he was Mr. ~:lII'fi,. George F. Corse. "World Peace Round-up." Mrs. named, was the ftrst pean, . Jr. of Wallingford Summit an. ~ammf1nd. a f~,;mer resident of the '.Law. School at the Unlve~ty nounce the birth of their-. third Hampstead Heath. ,England. Is the ot' Chlc.\go.· , ' , ' . child and SOl'ond son. Robert Bin.; .nother of Mrs. Loula DI!iley. Botb Miss Lange and her cliffe Co11Ie., The little: ibOy waS • born May 81 at the University' of Dr. and Mrs. Walter .N. Moir were graduated from the and family of South Chester road at, Its commencement exercises Pennsylvania Hospital in Philaentertained Dr. and Mrs. John last Monday. i delphia. The paternal grandparents are S. Clemence and family of WashMrs. c .. Justus' .Garrahan of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Cor... of Yale Ington. D. C. over the weekend. College avenue announces the en- avenue. Mr and Mrs. R. G. RInJohn R. Phillips. son of Mr. and gagement of her daughter. Mej cliffe of Strath Haven avenue are Mrs. C. Russell Phillip. of Strath Garrahan to John H. Bernard. son the maternal gr~dparents. ' Haven avenue and Frank T. Flaherty. Jr., son of Mr. anli Mrs. F. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. ;MacT. Flaherty of Guernsey road, of Union avenue. . Miss Garrahan and her fiance Farland. III. of North Allgu.ste,;j sailed June 9 on .the S. S. Colboth graduated from were S. C.. became the' parents May umbia from Montreal.' They wlll Swarthmore High School. Miss of a baby girl, Ba.bara Jean Macspend the summer on a bicycle Garrahan attended Alfred UniFarland. Her matenial.' grandtrip through' England. Belgium, versity. Alfred. N.Y.. and the and Keystone Secretarial School. Mr. parents are Mr. rid Mrs: William Germany. Switzerland. H. Gehring of Uniyerslty plaoe. France; returning home the latter Bernard Is with the George M. part of August. John .has just Ewing Company of Philadelphia. completed his sophomore year at No date has been set for the SUBSCRIPTIONS Dartmouth College. and Frank his FOR ALL wedding. junior year at M.I.T. MAGAZINES Mr. and Mrs. Albert Behenna SOKOL-PAUL MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN of South Princeton avenue have With the audience limlteo:! to 313 Dartmonth Avenue as their house guests their daughrelatives and close professional '"iisiwiairtili·m~orie~8-i2iDi80~iiiiiii~~~' ter. Mrs. L. E. O'Neal and her associates and childhood friendS, i! daughter, Tyra Rydelle O·Neal. of the marriage of Miss Joann Louise Kalispell. Mont. Paul and Edward D. Sokol. both David F. Jenkins. son of Mr. currently of Washington, D.C., and Mrs. Howard M. jenkins of North Chester road. left last Saturday to spend the summer In &Uaire, . Texas, with his sister, Swarthmore. P•• Mrs. Roland E. Squyres. and her family. AIR. CONDITIONED Elverson of Haverf«d place w1il. welcome the arrival thla week-end of Mr. Burnett's brother and slater-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis .K. Burnett,· and their SODS. Bob and Billy. from Ohio, formeri,y i1l Drexel H1lL Mr. and Mrs. Bobert D. Hulme of Elm avenue aDd Mr. and Mrs. David B. Daugherty of 'Lerittown will leave thla evening for Charlo\tesville. Va., where they plan to attend the festivities at Mr. Hulme's and Mr. Daugherty·s 8fth reunion at the University of VIr~ gInIa. Mr. Daugherty Ia the son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Daugharty of Dlcklnson avenue. . MIss Hagy's Rutgers avenue second grade class enjoyed a plcnlc lunch on Tuesday at the home of Brian Clymer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Y. Clymer of Park avenue. , COLLEGE THEATRE SHOWER GIVEN CRUM CREEK BRIDGE CLUB Slip Covers 'Draperies Curt1.ins Anne Marie Larson. daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. John O. Larson of Wallingford. and brideto-be of John ,C. Mutch of Norwood. is being feted today at a luncheon-shower given by Mrs. Homer McCormick and Mrs. Roberl Owen of Norwood at the Corinthian Yachl Club,. PICTURE FRAMING PORTRAIT . STUDIO PIIot....plaic SappIies ROID ·5..... Mall.... sts. Md•• (CTnemascope.Tec:hnlcolor) From that powerful book that topped best sellers for 128 weeks Weekdays .SlInday-lad feature 9:50 sat. nitahf anly-Features 6-8-ID Lass;e In "HILLS OF HOME" (In Tec.hnicolor) For chUdren Saturday 1 P."". -PLUSColor Cartoons, Cornedy ond Man with .... Steel Whip S.rial. Wed.Oalr Most re~uested picture In past 12 months1 J. ArthIR" lon.'s "TIGHT LITTLE ISLAND" Last _ 9:45 ........ Mo9ad- raII.1 EKeIIeIlflI "THE LITTLE IIDNA.PERS" 2 _7:11 .... _ . Last_,_P.... · If your home burned, yon might have many new ex- meluding the cosb of temporary I~­ log at a hotel. Bnt dOD t worry. Additio....t LIving 'B"pense Insurance will pay theBe e"tra billL See a about it hOw. pense-, Peter E.' Told S33 Daa.,..._tb Ave. .. J.Ar1Mr ......... H"ld Wfllt 6.....,.~ WHERE WOULD YOU LIVE? . .4ll Linea ,011"";'_ StarHlItJ TIl..... ,..., BEAUTY SALON 9 South Chester Road Call SWarthmore 6-0476 Active M...... r of M. WEINSTEIN & SON 100 Park Avenue Pick.Up ...... State Auto Inspection' May lst to'July'31st Chec~,; ,your car now for"spring; and. summer 'driving. Complete tuning and· luisriCqtion: ' . '. ~ . moya ~inter-wOrn oils and repl~ce.with fresh lubricants. Right in the Center of Town RUSSELL'S .SERVICE SWarthmore 6-0440 SW 6-1727 Mr. and Mrs. Harold G~ GrIftIn of Rutgers avenue spent last week a~d Delivery ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ln Magnolia. !!ass. .Vacation Chang':O,erSpegal ENGINE TUNEUP', . ' . .' LUBRICATION' oj" .' . ". '.i C(nl)pl~hilly~~~;·e!'igin. '1:'"5" ".' . c~~Pi~t.el~ ·1.ub~icatechasSi~ , , ". h '. ' .' Clean and od air cleaner .' . Check ignition system ' C ange,od to proper grade . . '. ..' .. P.rts & 011 Repa~~. front wheel bearings • BRAKE SERVICE' AddlHoI.1 '. . Inspect brake linings and 'drums . COOLING SYSTEM' CARE Fill master cylinder . Drain, flush and refill radiator Adjust'.b'<.'kes,. " , Check all hose, tighte" c()nnections '$'" 1\ .. " G"UT·H.'RIE-SMlTH', I'NC. Mrs. Robert J. At-Mgr. Oartmouth and Lafayette MrS. Theo. Saulnier took first place for the entire year winning • the trophy c~p. and Mrs. Samuel Hanna was· m second place for the year. winning the silver tray. Cleaners - Tailors a. SwartloOIOre 1 ••1•••• AssoclaHoa " The Crum Creek Bridge Club held a. delightful party at the home of Mrs. 8eorge E. Silloway Tuesday evening. Mrs. John Bates was In charge of refreshments. Mrs. Wayne Randall and Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker won first place for the eveninll. Mrs. I. R. MacElwee and Mrs. John Fricke won second place. Mrs. Samuel Hanna won the spring tournament. 250 Yale Ave. Morton. Pa. Klngswood 3-7100 Authorized Dodge-"rmaut" Deoler . GET YOUR -lIPAR INSPECTED EARLY- AND AVOID THE RUSH CHURCH-REEVES, GEN£RAL CONTRACTORS 00 $ Let Us ... .' l'-Buildyour 'new home., 2-Remodel YO'lr present home~ SWarthmore 6-1883 H. S. Graduating Class Receives Awards Awards for the class of 1955. like to COngratulate these two fine Swarthmore HIgh School. were men and dedicate to them thla announced Monday night at the yearbook." Class Banquet held in WhIttier I In other events 0" the program House. WllI!am M. Bush. high Kathleen Jessup read the CI~ school principal, presented the History; John 'Darllng anJiounced awards as follows: the "Academy Awards"; and Swarthmorean Award in Jour- Nancy Carroll read the concludna!ism to Peter Asch; Rotary Club 1ng summary In the Year Book. Award in Latln to 'Ferrell Beck; "RetrOSpeCt." Community Award 10 Biological Gordon Smith. president of the Science to Joan Blanton; Swarth- Senior Class. and Mr. Klemmer more LibrarY Award in EngUsh as chalrman'of the Class Sponsors, and Women's Phi Beta Kappa were,.. charge of the Plogr&m. Assoc. Book Award to Martha' Faculty guests at the bBnquet Calhoun;WDman's Club Award in Inclu~ed Frank R. Morey. superFrench to Mary Beth Carney; visln&: principal. and Mrs. Morey; Hermine Meyer Memorial Award Irma Zimmer. teacher of EngUsh· in German and Anierlcan Legion and Mr. and Mrs. Hofmann. ' In Social Studies to Nancy Carroll; Award for Excellence In . Lost and Found Home Economics to Jane Derrick_ son. A large collection of Lost and Award In Secretarial Studies to Found articies assemblM In the Marjorie Feeser; Bausch and offices of the Swarthmore Schools Lomb Award in Physical ScietJce are clamoring for their owners. to Richard Fellows; D.A.R. Award These forgotten scarts, IIlass,,". In American IDstory to Dorothy rubbers. and other Items of clothHopkins; Albert D. Spaeth Mem- Ing. are begging for their rightful orial Award in Science to Charles owners. Hummer; Reader's Digest Award The articles. now gathered in to Valedictorian and Phi Beta the elementary olliee at Rutgers Kappa I\ssOclation Book Award Avenue School, and In the high to Randall Malln· Charles D school office at College Avenue Mitchell Memorial Award in School. may be examined any to Karen Schiff; John Shafer week-day moming by parents or KlIne Memorial Award 10 Music pupils during the next two weeks to Mary Mellace and Karl for identification and clalm. After Thomas; Donald B. Rutherford this period. all unclaimed srtIcles Memorial Award in Track to will be assembled In the cooking Robert Borer. Charles Hummer. room of the high school tOr' anand Gordon Smith. ther two or three week period. The Blacktri A ds Any remaining srtIcles alter , a r s war in this fin aI Inspec"..on period will Dramatics were awarded to Jane M cAl In be turoed over to· welfare baH p e.:'d Stephen Carter. agencies. In tribute to many y I enry ofmann. tea~er of mothers who put name tags In soc al studies. The Business Men's Award In Mathematics was pre- clothing. the collection at this time sented by Charles Klemm to is smaller than in previous years. Robert Warden. The Na:onal A caretullnspection of this disHonor Society Award for Service play shows that there are some was presented by Robert Borer. a very nice coats(!?,. jackets. gloves. member of the Society. to Mary hats. rubbers. sweaters, glasses Jane Schrader. and glasses. cases. empty wallets. etc. It Ia hoped that owners will The 'f" 11 0 win g Scholarship come to tfie' ;s~hool and claim Award winners were given their their PossesSIons as soon as po.... letters of. certification: sible. Home and School Association SCholarship. Michael t1urd; Music High schooiCla''55' Organ1za~orui Scholarship. ··Kathleen Je~p;'Class of 19S5 Schol-' . Of "S5Relaxes arshlp. 'James Kelghton;' EacThe Swarlhmore .Hlgh School calaureate Sch~l~rshlp. Virginia graduatlng class. with only two DeCaindry; Elizabeth Hubbard or three exceptions. drove .down Bonsall S,cholarshlp presented by en maSse to Ocean City last Wedthe Swarthmore Woman's Club. nesday to spend a week resting Pamela Foster. up from their exams and eeleKarenSchllf. editor of the Year brating their commencement. An ~OOk. announced that this year's enUre hlitel has been rented for . ey was dedicated to William the duration of their smy Among the festivities· ~hlch J?olk and Fermon Carpenter. Mr. Poili: has been a member of the have been planned for the class' Custodia! Staff for 37 years and were included a beach party Isst Mr. Carpenter for a years. The night. a trip to Allantic City this evening. and a supper parIy at ' following dedication was made: . "Two members of our school the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. who. have <;<>ntrlbuted devoted Charles D. Hummer on Sunday. se';V'ce are Mr. 'William Polk and Jean Rogers. a member of the Mr. Ferman Carpenter. . class before she moved has come Art 10 "William Polk capacities has servedsince the friends east fromatK,ansas her school In many the City shore. join Debbie and will behis remembered for Thompson. nowtoofbeClifton i"'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Il~18 hIS friendliness. faithful care Va .• also hopes able toForge. come of our property.' and· his consdentlous Interest in every aspect of school. 'Many of us w1l1 again and again thank Fermon Carpenter for the warmth of his' understanding, for the wisdom and straightforwardness of his advice. and the unse1tlsh contributions he has made to the well-bejpg of both students and faculty. ''We, the class of 1955, would th; Steps you up to a new Dodge! 6-Repaint and decorate your home. 7-Remodel your kitchen with beautiful "Geneva" Modern All Steel or "Quaker Maid"· deluxe_ wood cabinets. Free Planning and Estimating All Financin!!! Arranged See Oat New ICItcIIu Dls,l., NEW SALON -------------------------------------------- .t Whh.w..aa ........ , ' Yes! A. Big Dodge 6-paSSfllgar sadon, Ior.gast car In Its fIWcI, for oven less than many modols In tho so-callad -low priced threel"l'raIght, handling, state and local taxas, If ony,ema;~ , 5 II. ,T 0 U R DE - PEN D" • LI DOD. • 361 Baltimore Pike. Springfield o. Friday. June 10.'1955 D I'A LI R For Appoi.tme.t. c.n Ilagswocid 4-1313. Feature. Stylists - Mr. Edwards and Mr. Cl!MIes . . .' • • • AcHw. 1I Ial_. A ... da,lo~ . ••••r ,d. Th. Swertlt••re . . SALON Annou.m:es· the Opening of Another 17'12 5.... CIIeller Ro*d • summer. EDWARDS' HAIR 5-Correct your damp basement. SWao I • •ore / • up for the festivities. Parents who have volunteered their services as chaperones are: !!r. and Mrs. Raymond Fellows Mr. and !!rs. Alvin R, Carney. Mr: and Mrs. Robert Zensen, and Mr and Mrs. John MacAlpine . . Miss Margaret Price, of Rose Valley lett this week for Nan_ tucket. where she will spend the Delivered a new room. 4-lnslall a new playroom; JEAN PETEIlS "A MAN CALLED PETER" . Bouqu~t.,·, J""" .EIFECT GlOOMING IN ANY EVENT WlI. Matllem.tlcsPrlze Specializing in the Cleaning of w a;.....:Ad~ fri .• Sat.. Sun.. Mon,. Tues. RICHARD TODD The THtas R•••lte Mrs. J •. Passmore ElkInton of Harvard av.enUl> entertained June 2 at a 'luncheon for ten at the Haven Inn. The ladies. all of whom were Thetas at Swarthmore College at the same time • • are part of a group of 14 members who have been circulatlng a contlnuous "round-robin" letter since 1911. Mrs:' E. ; M. Busett of North Chester road and Mrs. James A: Lamb of Rose Valley also feted the group which attended the festivities atAlumn1 Day at the college. One of the members came all the. way from Duluth. MInn•• to attend the reunion. Certified Cold fur Storage p ..... ::mco~:~: ~~~o.motor MIss Margaret Price of Rose Valley. Mrs. Lucy Stephens of Rose Valley and Mrs. Frederick Chlld of South Chester road returned Wednesday; June 1. from a 18.000 mile journey around the United SlJtes. Leaving In January, theytra"eled down the east cout to Florida. crossed the Gulf states to Texas and went from their, to 'Mexico for a 18 day visit. . They then returned to El Paso. Texas. t!-aveled on. to Albuql,lerque. N. M.. crossed Arizona. seeIng the Grand Canyon and nuin~ erous Indian TeservatiOns, and on to CalifOrnia. where they spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dart and family of Claremont. Calif.. fonnerly of Swarthmore. They then journeyed ul> the w~t cost to British, Colwnbla. and tlnall,y across the mldd1ewestern states to the east cout and home. John R. Phillips of Strath Haven avenue, was recently awarded the Thayer Mathematics Prize at Dartmouth College. Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell Phillips. he attended Swarthmore IDgh School and Is now a .opho. more ~ Dartinouth.'A member of l'hi Sigma Kappa fraternity. he has chosen chemislry as his major field of study. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;~;;;;;~!~~'~~~;;;;;~~~~~ .. . Sw..... _re CoIIeg. • FRIENDS NDTING NOTIS IAPTISED Meetln, for worship will be Maynard Dickson M~k1e. POINdBIIBD EVEBl' nJDA'J AT "W~O~ P+ beld at 11 a.m. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Mc;' PE'lER E. TOLD. IlAlUO. . . ~. '~""'8 Chlld care during Meeting has Corkle, of Newtown Square. forPIIoae BW. . .., Ie ..."'" ~ .discozttlnued during the merlY of Swarthmore, was bapl'£'1'IiR E. '!'OLD. _ _ summer months. tIsed Sunday at the St. Alban's Batbara Kent. Mamiglng Editor Episcopal Church in Newtown RoIIall!! Relrsol Matjorle!l'old Ellen S. Simon tflll1~YK.~uIm.e METHODJ51 N.OTIS Square. . 'c . . f'1'J!Il . ~ l1li SecOnd ~ ¥atter. JanuarY 24. 1JI29, at the P~ Church School clB! 18 for all Mr. and Mrs. remberton JIll. to Alabama nut 'jVl1e1'l1 ~~' ~~~;- ~; \!SIder·~'.,.~'~ '~!J; 1878; ages' kom years up ~vene Dickson:of North Princeton ave- ~ lVI1J ~ fill IIIh,r at hiI DEADLIJfE-~*,,~ l,iPQN _ "t ,:.~ a~ OIl Sll!'dST. ~ble nue, an~ ,JIIIr. and Iofrs. Guy Iole- ,JmIPIy ~8 Wfdlll!ll ~ "lin!')' School registration win be held GorIdeof StoDe:lUdge. N.Y., at- .Du;Is _ . .J~ 19, Dcm.will atso , SW~~0R!!~ PENNA-. lC!, 1955 outside the ·Pri!ftari Room. , tended the service. ~ve hU w1nIs and be com... __ .• ___ .................. ". " ___ . _. .___ ' .. _... _ ,f.t the 11 o'cloc!$: Wor'. . mi!lSioned +he l\Ia$le Corps as PUSIIYTIIJ." .",IS ~. s. ~Um Bryant, South , . . . . . .. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. HarrIs' '. - ffl rr... .. - '.. . ... , . . , ., ' . . .' ship service. Mr. KuIp will use of. Prine , lIeJJ.~'- nllqt .hl. mnn'" ThIs Sunday wlU be ob~rved ."'~ ~d. !it II p.m. as 'hiS sermon subj~ ''HOw the • : eton avenue enteria1ned , . "" ..,.,ft't rr -....,.. ...~,,"" . ..,.. . . • ~g1str:a~!ID for ~. COJ!ID1un- ChrisUan BuIlda.'· Sunday will be some newcomers toSwarthmare TI.I""E' LO" -. .. aa ~blldren s pay. ~ the 9.30 ity Qa1ly "'".catlon Cliurch School observed as iJIIIethodiSt· Student at a dinner party last Saturday rAL RE$ID,,.TS a.m. W~p S\!rvIc~ chlJ.dren Wi!l ~ h!!14 in the Cl>tJrCb School Sunday In all Methodl;.t Churches. el'~. They are Mr. and Mrs. flOQ HO~'J'ALI~EI;I from the various departments ofllce at~ /hli' Children's· D&1 There ate three nurseries in Jerom~ iMartIn and daugbter, f?ever41. local residents bave will assist in conduct1ng the serv- Service tl1i,s ~~. All com- operation in the cburch scbool PatriC18 who are living in the been bospltalized as the result of Ice. Tbere will also be the .pre- muni.ty parents are invited to en~ rooms. Those supervising for Dartmouth ;,.House. two dI1I'erent accidents last week. sentation of Hymnals and Bibles roll their children in this com- Sund..,. will be: Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Jen- Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Jo)mson of to the gr{'duatlrig classes from One munity program to be beld· from Mrs. Cranston Bernstort, In- klns of North Chester road enter- Amber$!: avenue, and JoIrs. Johndepartment to another. June 20 through July 1 from 9:30 fants; Mrs. Tbeodore Purnell, two talned Mr. and Mrs. Tbomas L. son's sister, Mrs. Ecrj!t of Upper At the 11 o'clock service there to 11:45 a.m. eacb morning Mon- and three year olds; Mrs. Wes Eagan of Cbevy Chase, Md., as Damy, we involved in a serious will be the regular Worship Serv- day through Friday. Loveland and Cbuckle Soul, four house guests over last week-end. auto collision JIIIemorial· Day Ice. Tbe Sacrament of Baptism For the last two. Sundays in and five year olds. Tbere is also Tbey and Mr. Jenkins were mem- weekend just beyond the ferry also wfil beobsel'\'ed. The ser- June and all the Sund..,.s in JUly, a Junior Churcb program under bers of the Class of 1920 of exlt in Bridgeport, N. J. Mrs. mon to be' given' by Mr. Bishop the ~h!>rtjl music for the worship flte supervision of Mrs. Alton Swarthmore C~e!le and took part J~bnson Is repo~ to have suswill be entitled "Tbe Originality services w!11 be furnished by it Smith for children of grades one in the festivities connecle4 With I$~ a brokep collar Jlpne and of Jesus." volunteer summer choir under the to five inclusive. the 35th reunion 'of that class. thumb while ber· sister ·bas sevAfter this Sunday there will be direction of Eugene Roan. Anyone Metbodlst Youth Fellowship Mr. Robert Brodhead bas re- eral broken ribs. Mr. Johnson only one serVice each Sunday who would like to sing is urged meetings have been discontinued turned from Taylor Hospital and escaped witb lacerations of the morning at 11 9'clock. Cburch to come to retiear$als at 10 a.m. f!)r the summer. Is convalesCIng' at bls bome on face and bead. All three received Scbool classes will not meet agaiD. eacb Sunday mrplng belore the Mr. K)lip will ip!!al< at the Ogden· avenue. . cuts and body ·bruises, baving until September 11. Tbere will b~ worsbip service. Everyone from 'If the .,our Cbaplains, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. HarrIs of 'been thrown trom the ·car. Tbey . Temple, Pblladelpjrla. at. PrincetOn avenue were visited last are being Ireated at Underwood a ~burch Hour Nursery con- High Scbool age up is welcome. ducted for the cblldren of P'!1'' p.m. . servic!" is in obs!"rv~nce week-end by Mrs. Harris' brother- Hospital, Woodbury, N.J. ents attending tl1i,s 11 a.m. service .JIUtUTY NOTES of Flag Day. 'f\1e public Is in- in-law and sister. Mr., and Mrs. Also injured quite ,eriously eacb Sundav at least through the vited to sbare In a wii.que inter- David Jackson. Captain f!l1dMrs .. over tbe same weekend was Mrs. , Tbere will be a celebration of racial service. . month of June. Josepb Calboun of Wynnewood, Horace P. Fry of North Cbester the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Children coming to Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Webb road. Mrs. Fry received second Sunday evening.. the Young Sunday morning. Closing exer- Scbool and staying for Cburcb- 0 f Wa sbIngton. D.C., wbo gathered' and third degree burns from a Adults will meet at 6 o'clock to cises of tbe Church School w\11 time 'nursery are asked to bring in Swarthmore 10 attend the fes- faulty sbower wblle she was bathgo out to a Covered DIsh Supper be held at 9: 30 for cblldren In a large turklsb tow@{[ (preferably ' tivities at their 30th reunion at Ing. She msy bave visitors now to be held at the home of Elise the third grade and up, and for a· beach towel) .to the Church the colle,e. at Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park. Remont in Moylan. those in the second grade down at Nursery 10 be used for a rest A combined Christian Educa- 11 o'clock. P!!riod for the children. tion .and Cburch School Cabinet Tbere will be a service of W.S.c.S. Circles 5 and 7 will Meeting will be held on Monday, Mormng ~yer at 11 o'clock. meet On Monelay ev~g at 8:30 June 13, at the home of Mr. and ustiers for the service will be as p.m. Ctrcle ~ will meet at 8: 30 p.m. 09 Wednesday, and Ctrcle 6 Jobn Aaron. G. W. Cochran. V. will meet at 1 p.m. on Thursd&1. L. Fine, W. E. Hetzel, Jr., '1'. W. Next Saturday, JUne 18, the Ourparlolj are air conditioned Hopper, A. W. Kitts, J. H. Scbad, Churcb Fam11y Picnic sponsored for your comfort. anlfG. S: Valentine. .. l>y the ''Pairs· aDd Spares Club" Robert Watkins Will $erve· as will. be ~d at Valley Forge. Acacolyte at 8' o'cl!lCIt, and Carl t1vities ~ '!Y~~, ~ft!!kta~ ~4 HallY and ~l Turner ')'iii be 0)1 continue thr9111!bqqt moat of the dutY at 11.- i>uriligthell o'clock d&1. Those planning to attend liei-V!ce,Judy",'lennls ·.nd 'vicitbri8 s b 0 u 1 d return their'· "'~ 1IIa1Cl0ll1 0' rul'~".' Mt\cNaldrill ~ 'in ctiiiig" Githe promptly,' I< . " ,Jursen. A#er thla SunliB1 t h e " - - - ,. ~~;ry wiii' be discontinued uii- PupIls of Mrs. MariOn stuart's JO~.t\Ji. ~i::~.:;;r"". til the fall. . RulSers al'lIDue Schoo1 Ilrst grade 0UVft II. ~ P. • dor M/IItII A, IA!t" " tid •• Sa .... u • .I~ 11 ,. Th~ ~ul!1 PaJW1 ;picnic will and .their ~es ~nj~~!!d a picT.leph... 116-1511 1'HE SWAR'fBMOREAN w" two JUNE .Weighs Gamble 01 Democrac.,. Tvranny . I,. . Mrs. Roger Bu"el) cil Haverford p)as:.e ~e C!'1t \0 Oberlin ~~e to plck .\!P he/:' son Chuck '!Vho h., j~ ~pl!¥4 hiI junior year at that school - Mrs. Don D. Dickinson and son LureG of ~k - ue win motor _ornIng V"C~TION ~ lni:c~supper:~:In~Sm~~ed:l:e:y~p~a:r~k~M:o:n:-~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L ·LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR RUN BE'II ER ~ LONGER ·"'n • .0 a 'Get Ready for Summer" Services ..... !'. ;rsque. ~ ':~.f!lW"'f~ '".Ia,•., -=:i~'" M.. '.P( on . , m "" "'Of'\' ~ ~~~=r#,~n te,r~ yJ; QutfL o W-.+e .H. WAITE, Inc. '~ 00 on POII,T,~R •• ;.. .,,,,,,, Mow Y"r Gar • TIME lP,,~lsc)t\ It (C~f.en,!! "HE OLlVIIt H. BAIIt CO. * Swarthmoreans Reeeive Degrees, . Diplomas From Many Campuses lborougb·.lenbeim ,p...... , 9:30 beld ~Ill., this .• Sunday. at day' evening. I""~ A.M.-Chlldren·s D8¥ Serv- be a~ut t th~ ()~d Mill in 1~~~ ~~;~"'~r~IW~1!CI~\.Ip: ~l"Ie Valley. Th~ plWninli 10 .• t prel!cb. Sacrament Of ·BiIltism.' "~!!. beld ()fnn!~-lllr!!cto.r pf J![usIc on Wednellday 11I0f1l1nll Ilt 7 o'~ Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get' Rid of . S~:r. ~_ II clocJ<. At 8 o'clpclt th~~ f!Veniog 9:i5 A.¥.,.:.,cblll'!'l' School.' the ~lble SWs!Y ~uP wlllmeet ··Wi.,terDrag" and Get Your Car Completely Readyf~rSummer ll:Qg A.~;-Mr. ~\!I~ Will i>r~ac~ IQ .llIe CIj1'!vJ::! ~. . A Wtv~I'f!' P.r ~"mng Prnyer . TRINI~ CIIlJRCH H. Lawren"l' WPit~J1l~, Rector wljl be 1'eld at 5: 3p p.m. Frld..,.. N"".TIJ'~t I\~, ,,~ II Cbolr rel\lla1'$l\ls ban been dls8:00 A.M.-lIolY Cpmmunlon. continued for tbe summ,er montbs, 8:311 AJ!4:.~\I1'ch School' (31:cj \lut wlll be re8)UIled September Grade lind up). .'. - . 11:00 A.M...:.church Scbool ' ...... 1 12. . l-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL 'Grade and down)~ 6. '~tI$' ~~ A~"5T ,,~., Winter on is too thin for werm 11:00 A.l\I.~Mornillg Pr&1er. weather. We· drain '*--,«nd refill .:00 P :M.-Parlsh Picnic. DirtY sp.er/I ~ut:; al much 'i'ueiid&i• .JUne 14 How the real man of God's Summer type Sunoc:o on. • I ~ Of.' 10 ,aRons of 5:30 P.M."':'Eveninjr PrQer. creation . Is dfllliu!lY protected, 2 CHANGltO'SUMMER GEAR . Wecbl.....tq. :ruDe -15 maillijdned, and sustainJ!d will be ~ L"IRI~~NTS ' 7:00 A.M.~Ho)y CoDimunion. brought ·out Ii> the LessOn-8ermon ~I' tr,nlfllWCIII ""d ....r miD 'f~~"," ~, "LTQ 8:00 P.JIII.-Blble Study. entitled ''God. the 1'niserVei- of FrIda:r• .Jnne 17. Sunoc:o AI-"purpo. 6ur luLets your engine breath. easier 5:30 P ........Bvenlng l'Qftr. Man" at Gl!ristIan Science servbricant:""- specieHy made fj) n!Sist g,ps dirt out of the carburetor. Ices Sundai:· '. high I'ressure and hut. THE ~m¥~,,lJT¥ K!!YnQ,t\og tlie ~n-8ennOll J.~-ceH~~Sl!~~'CA~'Q~ _ Is the Golden TeJrt from Isalab 8 1IDt1a:r• .J_ U (', 23) ''Wh . 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. . . : , : en thou penest AND All are welcome. through the waters, I will be wjth 0'1\\". _QNS ~gt, won't ~. w'"''tsqu~ lI[on~. ~ 13 !bee and through the rivers, 1Ile,. If you lteVII permanen .nti-&.,ze, . pUH ' . H .. !IIps IfIIp!'o~ miea,.. ' All day sewmg for A. F. S. C. sball not overllow thee: when . ~ftlCK OIL FlL_ .. sa.,. it tqr next winter. Bring Y9ur th lk t th . Wecblesda:r, .lane IS All d&1 sewing for A; F. S. C. ou wa es rougb the lire, own container. ~:t.. cartridge and chllck for thou shalt not be burned; neither FIRST CHURCH OF shall the flame klndie upon thee. &-lAnny SPyICED . CHRIST, SCIENTIST For I am the Lord thy God, the 'Mealw Is tough INt. . SWAllTHIIORB HolY Ont! of I"""e1, UIy Sa'riOlIl'...· Park A veIIU," ·belOw Harvard The ScriPtural selections win 8'""'", . . . . ' 1 1 ' Iinclu,~e the following fran ~ 11:00 A. 1I[.~unday School. (,n 11) ''Wltbh Id t th ..., . 11:00 A.M.--The Lz lID S 1 _ ....: : 0 no ou "'" will be ''God the Preserver of tender mercies from me, 0 Lord: l1Ian." let thy l~ kindness and thy Wednesday- evenfng ~I truth continua'Uy pres lYe me." aeh weeIr, a P.l1l_ Readln. ltooai; A cordial invitation Is eztended . • Dartmouth AnnUli; CIpeD to Ch........... AftIi.. SWNrl .... 6-1250 •• Ud.,. . e:xeept bolIdays, 1001. .all to attend the services at f"rUu, ZP'U' 7.... ~, atFIm Chuffi! ~ Chfist teibiiiiu."'i:lO-.-:»O:"'" = r . .• I Pout: avenue at 11 a.m. man in '.a DemOCl'BC7 to have some limit on how h18b11 he thinks of blmaelt. not be too sure • (Continued from Page 1) he Is r:labt at all times blat al\\,av,..1 have enOU8h jU8tlce to cemeot all know / he Is too small In the scheme of thing. to be .ure he Is Holbrook M111er Buotlnl, Jr.• I William Frederick Beheuna. son people totðer "tI'ith _ kind· right. A doPIine Haven avenue, reeeiv.ed Vir~ 8JI!i l«ary. Campbell. .. , _fordc\l~ are up t9(1"y .. P-",ple want much ~er bach,elor of arts degree from dallgbtep'8 ofCaP~· &,nd Mrs. Fred • porches hotel W4tct In &,nd qulck1y~ Only a complex sod~ DePau", University Sund&1 eve-. C~pbell ~ .RulSers ,av""l1.e, were ely can give these things yelit Is ning during the school's 116th, .gt!Iduated tr_ Marjorie W.ebster almost unmanageable 'VVith so annual commencement exercises JUr;Uor Colllllle. WashingtOD. D.c .• c:all Atlantic CIty 5-1211 many individuals making de- held On tbe GreencasUe, Ind., on May ;11. clsions - so few people tecbni- camp~. Viginia received ber teacbing cally qualified to judge actions in certificate in kindergarten educathe atomic field, foreig;, po1lcy, or Muriel Watkins, daughter of tion and wl11 teach next year in even tbe matter of the SaTh vac- Mr. and Mrs. William Watkins of Baltimore. cine handling. College avenue, was graduated Mary, wbo received ber teacbIn closing, Malin cited three from Hiram College, airam, Obio, ing certificate in physical educathings today's graduates :must do on Sunday, 'June 5. A social sc\- tlon, has accepted a pOsition as for the graduates of 1990 to build and German major, Muriel assistant pbysical education inon: was a member of the W.A.A. structor at Friends' Central 1. See that all peoples are School. quickly provided with food. clothTwo Swarthmoreans, Mildied ing and shelter - otherwise all McCowan" daughter Mr. and Mrs. Cadet Sergeant Ernest A. Isover Alda extremist solutions will Frank H. McCowan of Vassar berg, Jr., received bis diploma soon spring up. avenue, and Smedley Graeme Saturday, June 4. at Commence9 II 12 D_.lflc 2. Politically keep main chan- Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. James me~t e~ercises held at Pennsyl$7.50 nels open for freedom of religlop., Taylor, ofWestdaie avenue, ~aDla Military Preparatory School speech, "due process." fair trial wl11 be graduated from Pennsyl_ m Chester. He is the son of Mr. and authority before the law vania State University, at the ~~~ Mrs. Ernest Isberg of South wbicbMalin stressed as of mo"'; 100th Commencement to be held Ester road. concen than economic policies. tomorrow. June 11, on the State rnest was award~d the George 3. Govern not by cocksure ben- College campus. Speaker for tbe ~'. ~etzel Record PrJZe for maln(:arpe. . . . . Complete Sl~ Raup .....e.ta1 ...... eficence but by compassion ~nd occasion will be the· President of aiDIng the highest scholarsblp . 100 P~ Ave., Swarthmor•• Pe. reverence. A fine underlying hu- the United States Dwight D average among, semors, and the SW vJ.hmore 6-600II ~ CL...••rbroOk 9-4646 manistic pbllosopby is nDt neces- Eisenhower.' - -. Baltou~ PI.aque Honor and Key for bemg Judged "blgbest' in bls sary, - just a personal preference fo.. Safe e"ofc:e 'ersfa" class in scbolarshlp, loyalty to Ihe for compassion and the ability to Frederick M~cGrege teacbJn, \If Engllsli dt!rinI nue, r~ved ~ bacbelor of sclimrt of the "",,",on; 'Louise Ha,Ig, enee liecree' in bom/l ecl1nQmics n,. and MrS. JIIIorrls A. Bowie again tea~g \rplng; 'l'ld .J0Ilepl) frOq1 'II1e l1Pl.versily of Delaware, spend Ulis weekend in Oberwill Con~ of the high school staff. Newljl'k, a~ co_e!lcement exer- lin, Obio attending the comThe summer schoollaculty wiU cises beld ~l,IIld..,., JUlie 5. She is be one of the largest ever. thus the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. W. m~!l""mellt Cf!~moules of Oberlin College at whicb their daughmaking it possible to keep classes Alfred, Smith. ter Sandy will be graduati.d. small and to scbedule an additional full period of supe..,(,!sed Walter Edward M~dfor4, Jr., Is Elizabeth B. FO~, daughter of study for practlcaJly every class. a candida~ for the bachelor of Mrs. Vaughn It. Foster of HarThe teaching staff wilJ be made science degree trom· Yale Univard llv~ue was graduated from up of sI:x student teacherS from verslty at the. 254th CommenceSwarthmore ColJege, ·about ment to be held next. Monday, the University of Maryland at o • student teachers from West Ches- June 13, at 10:30 a.m. on the Commencemel1t exercises held Satqrday, JUlle 4. Sbe majored in ter State Teacber's CSio"I,I.etrg~ehll"anD,..d.1 New Haven. Conn., campus. He Is edUCation. two graduates of. the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dressmaker Higb Scbool. Arthur Jones of Medford of South' Chester road. )l4r. and Mrs. Warren B. WarWesleyan will teach math or sci9 den of Yale aV"llue bave welence and Ann Hilkert, a graduate Anne HIlkert of RuUedge, was comed a visit by Mrs. Warden's ~n.~ of Wilson, will teacb English. graduated on Monday, June 6, Students m&1 attend the six from Wilson College. Her par- mother. Mrs. W. E. Life of Oneida, N. Y. ,,!eeks sessions f9r anyone, or ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert HilLa't~'S· all, of the foUowing l'l'IISOI3S: To raise a falling grade to a ker!, ilttel!ded the weekend l\c' SHOW YOUR COLORS passing ~e; to raiSe a "D" tivltles at Chambersburg. . ~y Fly y~", AIIMI'i_ Reg to the College c~ grade of Polly Told of Park avenue, an_d !'C"; to "preview" a course in Pl"'paratlon for studies next year; Sue Goldsmith of Wallingtor TItI. Ad for ........----::::-:-At the conclusion' of these But RuJt.s; service is· not only _ awards, Elinor Burgett, a form- to the college and Its athletic er . Swarthmore 'High varsity program. F.or 40. years he has goalie, spoke a few words. . been a· member of the Oftl.cial BoyS' Track Coach James Mil- Board of the Campbe11A.M,E: , ·ler awarded letters to Bob Borer, ChUrch In Media. He has worked Eddie Grant, Charles Hum- to Increase the influence of this mer, Terry Kerr, Gordon Smith, Church in the community.and has Bud Stephllni, seniors;. Pierre been rewarded by Its growth over DecroueZ, Pete Kroon, Bob La- ~e years. Another outlet for the fore, Scott Pic'kard, Mal Tippett, seemingly bottomiess well of juniors; Cal Coleman, Cliff Hop- energy ,of this "young" mnn is kins, George Pappas, Bill Welsh, Camp Hope, a camp tor under'. sophomores. priviledged children of Delaware John .Pegram was manager. County located In French Creek Activity Awards State Park. Ruff is joined in these Mr. Yoc\lm presented the Sen- activities by. his wife, Victoria ior Awards to all member. of the Herndon. The two of them have graduating class for their record raised money, cooked, and helped in activities and athletics. Activity the camp with many problems pins for those seniors and jun- as well as having been an Inspiraiors who have given of service tion to the many children who and quality in activities were have been. assisted by this organipresented by Henry F. Hofmann zation. as follows: Mts. Herndon is also a former It's easy to do, too, when there are electric Seniors, Peter Asch, Ferrell employee of SwarthnlOre College; . aHic or window fans to Cr&l(lte . Beck, Stuart Bowie, Martha Cal- starting flrst as a maid and then houn Pam Foster Dorothy Hop- ·taking over at the telephone a refreshing atmosphere, exhausting , ~''n kins, J Mike Hurd, Kathy Jessup, switchboard when thIS ew constale air, and circulating fresh air. . Dave Lynch, Randy Malin, Mary traptlon" was flrst introduced. Mellacl', Craign Peel, Mary Jane When asked abeut the Award . Electric ventilating fans, also available Schraeder,' Karen Schiff, Karl itseH, Rut! is completely at a loss in portable models, are ideal for every Thomas, Roger Zensen; Juniors, to explain how he was chosen for roOm fram the bedroom to the basement. Candy Allen, Gladys Durhoraw, this honor. "There must be dozens Barbara Bloom Fred Bloom, of people at the College who have Select yours soon at your electrical dealer's Linda Rothwell,, Noel Snyder, done more than I have,.. h e exor at any Philadelphia Electric stare. Barry Gwinn, John Wetlaufer. plains. "I just don't see how they At the 'conclusion of these came to think of me_ All of these awards Mr. Yocum presented an years I have just been doing my Your electrician cOn give activites Award. . jS LUNCH 12.11~ P.M: .' 1I11!IIIGIf)OMS .... LQIIY All CONDmONID Comforfcrb.. Room.• ·IJ~'· or Week . lI.v....r The Business Affairs of the SWARTHMORE PROPERTY d -------------Pennsylvania Railroa .. TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Caek_. baseball fan. Most recent of this trainer's :~::::::::~-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ____________, ,base'ball graduates is Dick Hall '53, Branch Rickey's bonus rookie F. C. Barnett and .daughters, Lan! anei Betty Ann, of Honolutu for several day, thls week. . David Badger; son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ba~. of Sprlng_ fie1d, has returned home for the summer from. his sophomore year at PrInceton University. ' MIIILY DINNIU .. SUIT. 1M. TASTI ~.AIICY SANDWICHES.. S '. fa' p,atters C."fI...... Park' .anaue . . entertalnln. of North· Chester road entertained friends at a cocktail party last SaturdaY eveniDa. Mr.' and Mrs. Orlando Shoemaker of Media welcomed to.' an afternoon, garden party last Sunday.' . BREAKFAST - LUNC cit 1m. 1fary'1Iobe1s ~ • ," • l"_ _ i, , The'105 by 75 foot hole in the ground, pictured above, may seem a grand opening BUT the grand .opening the 400 families of the Swarthmore Swim Club are eagerly anticipating is the one when . last, driIIi of 'concrete shall have been pouted and the water I..~'~. Is ready for the "plunge in" signal. Although the picture shows concrete being poured at the deep end of the L shaped pool, and the longer upright portion of the L just being prepared for concreting, p~ogress Is being mllde at a rapid rate and actual swim- ming is anticipated by July 1. The beard of directors and various committees of the club have been working feverishly to hasten the pool's completion. At a meetIng Monday evening it was announced that 1I1ters would be installed Wednesday and the last tiny section of concrete poured yesterday. Coach Mil1ard Robinson of Swarthmore High School has been named msnsger of the pooL There will be two fences, one around the pilol Itself and the other encircUng the entir~ 'property. Courtesy of The Evening Bulletin Although the limited 400-family membership is now full, a spokesman for the Club said on Tuesda~ tlIat the turnover is such that It has been possible to accept a' few applicants from the original waiting list into. this charter membership. The waiting \1st situation is there})y relleved to the exient that later applicants may· be hopeful of early acceptance. FamiUes wishing to apply for membership should communicate with Dr. John H. Wigton of Ogden avenue.. membership chairqlan. OIl You r *;*********************~* ,.':. ' '...... ~! l':*, ,t;, : PETER ~. TOLD * All Kinc!s of 'nsurpnce 333 -Dartmoutll- Ave•• SWCilrthmore : :'AcfHt"· .....,5i1f·iJk * * : * * .SWarthllt*-N '6-Ut33; -~;~;: .:" :* s~~.;....,."'!!"" ~..... : *********.************* • .. -c. •• • ." Thursdays, arid meet their requlrementa at any days,F.riday., ~ . or after 10 p.m. any time during the week. . " ~o sprill!ffln..·.on Monday.. . - " .. , , .. -, '. Gel· away from il all •••. wnH ELECTRIC VENTILATION! PIIUJtBPHIA mCIRIC COMPAIIY CP.E TAKE TNE ., . . . , -,' CHRYS·LE·R· "laO· Million· Dollar Rid.... . .------~------------~,-.~--~~~~.~ • -.< , . A...... ~L ..lw .... d.,';~ •.. ' : " L {';., ~!'; - - - POI .1111".". . . .1Y, J' ,~ ~"'" 't''': .~\" 00" ~, .. :'::.~ " ~ .: ~ ; '.'1 ,. " ,0" D~ PRnnI 'epwLyl _____________________________________ ;.., 1; '! AITE. I~~. SW....0,. "lZSO . PORTE~,. H.,. " "'In A . a ,:,' . ~\'::.( . '. TAT",,. "'CI~_ ~. . "I... a,,-!Onw.... . s.wn •• ,..... ot·. "~~lI\!t '! ~~.~ ~ . 11,11~",.~ "AIIOIII._ ~.... .' . , , ' . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ,'O,!!!, 6 ------------------- Letter Awards Given At SHS Banquet Terry Dellmuth, Terry Kerr, Dick Charles mores Ellen Lambert. Barbara Posey, and Barbara Ziegenfus. Managers of the teams were Sally West and Ginny Tiller. Coach William Reese presented the awards for Boys' Basketball. They went to Seniors Bob Borer, What can you buy for a dime 1 .j 1!1t" "..,....." . : '.'. ' about half a loaf of bread or a cup of coffee or a local phone call or a whole day's supply of Springfield Water for an average family When you look at today'. other prices, you suddenly realize that Springfield Water costs'ess than anything else you buy I Is it any wonder that so many agree: "Springfield Water would be a bargain-even at twice the price I" t?~RINGFIELD WATER NEWS NOTES Fellows, Martha Calhoun and Terry Dell- • ;!!llImIllIllIIIIllIllIlIllIIRlIIIIIllIUUIIRlllllllDlllllllllllllUlnmtIOnIIIIIIIlDIIWInmlnmwlnnulm~ i Hummer, muth. Randy Malin, Gordon Smith, and Roger Zensen; Juniors Barry Gwinn, Leslie Keighton, Peter Kroon, and Dick Snyder. J. V. Letters were given to Bob Yellowlees, and Happy Dunning, juniors; Andy Jones, George Kroon, Jim Noyes, George and Jim Pappas, Charles Wentz and The 1955 version of Swarthmore High School's annual Letter Banquet was held last Thursday evening, June I. in the high school cafeteria. Mike Hurd, retiring president of Student Government presided over the event, Cal Coleman, sophomores; and and extended greetings to the Freshman Skip Skoglund. Peter Asch was manager. assembled students, faculty, and In Boys' Baseball, Mr. Robinson guests. presented Varsity Letters to William M. Bush, high school Stuart Bowie, Randy Malin, principal, offered the ble~sing. David Lynch, Terry Dellmuth and Singing, led by Coach Millard Mike Hurd, seniors; Lee Gemmill, Robinson followed the dinner. Dick Snyder and Dave Deacon, Supervising Principal Frank R. juniors; and Dave Thomas and Morey introduced the speaker of Charles Wentz, sophomores. the evening, Kenneth Doherty. Team manager was Fred Bloom. Awards Presented Receiving their J. V. leiters Athletic awards were made as were Juniors Allan Baughn, Ed follows: In Girls' Basketball, Coach Vir- Collins, Happy Dunning, Bill Lee, ginia Allen presented lette,rs .to Gary Levin, Leslie Keighton, Bob Seniors Jeanne Goff, Jo 0 NellI. Yellowlees, and Ted Shatigan; . and Sophomores Ken Crowthers, Mary Lou Pierce, and Emlly George Kroon, Jim Pappas, Tad Terry' and to Juniors Beverly R.,ts.,nger, Warren SI.ngle, Noel , L . h Crowther, Joan Hemenway, Turner, Bruce Wilson, Mark and Hollis. Pat O'Neill, and ary Steve PlaCker, and Harry Tarr. Phillips. GI·rls' Lacrosse Varsity Letters Junior Varsity letters went to Seniors Pam Foster and Gail were presented by Miss Allen to . J u d y A·nslee Roberts; to JUniors I. • Seniors Betsy Brinkmann, Martha Lainie Hopper, Pat McGonigle. Calhoun, Pam Foster, Jeanne Louise Johnson, Beth Jones, Mary Goff, Mary ~ellace, J? O'Neill, Ellen Warnes, Joan Thomson, Mary Lou Plerce,. Emlly ~erry, Nancy Dellmuth, Margery Green. Gail Roberts, PhyllIS Adams, and and Jan Lawrence; and to SophO-\ to Juniors Candy Allen, Bever~y r:;,lg Page 7 June 10, 1955 THE SWARTHMOREAN DEW DROP INN 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE The Varsity Club Award for all around athlete and sportsmaniii ship went to Randy Malin. Intramural Awards were received by Jim Godfrey, in first place; Bill Smallwood, Manuel ; Hallier, and Steve Carter, tied for = ~ :§ I BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER ~ CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Monday Through Saturday § second; Craig Peel, third; Bill ii Stalnecher, fourth; and Dave Lynch, Damon Kletzien and Roger ~ FANCY SANDWICHES § Russell, tied for fifth. Specla' Chlldreft's P'atters ~ The singing of the Alma Mater § iliIlUUIIUllllllillUllIIlIIlIIllIlIIUlOllllllllllllllnlllllllllllUlUlIllIIHlIlIHIHHllnlAullill11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUlllnum., concluded the evening program. I College Recognizes H.erndon's Service (Continued from Page 1) peeled for a "big husky boy" to take over as handler for the teams. He decided that Ruff filled the bill and arranged for him to take courses at night to learn how to ease strained muscles and how to patch up "his boys" so that they could go on with the game. Rut Ruff's memories are not restricted to football. The names of Johnny Ogden '19, Jim Clancey G '21, Curley Ogden '22, and eorge t b· Earnshaw '23 are sure 0 rmg a gleam to the eye of any true baseball fan. Most recent of this trainer's baseball graduates is Dick Hall '53, Branch Rickey's bonus rookie who went to the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1952 and came back to Crowther, Jan Lawrence, La~Ie graduate the next year. Hopper. Pat O'Neill, Mary Ph.'lRuff has seen the boys come lips; and Sophmore Ba["bara Zle- and go and on a number of occagenfus. sians has seen their sons come Manager was Joan Blanton. for- their turn. He recalls Tad J. V. Letters were received by Eberle who set the record for the Judy Abbe, Judy Ainslee, Susan 220 yard dash and then saw Buzt Braun Ann Driehaus, Barbara Eberle, Tod's boy. come along a Bloom'. Joan Hemenway, Leigh few years later and break that Hollis, Sandra Hoot, Pat Mc- record. Gonigle, Joanne Shearer, Peggy Recalling another father and Hoch, Beth Jones, Nancy Martin, son combination Ruff speaks of Linda Rothwell, Bea Schoenberg, Les and Bob Asplundh. He says, Gail Steigleman, Sue Swartz, Jane UBob was good, but he just didn't Valentine, Nancy Newueiler, have hiS father's toe. No one Mary Ann Thompson, Miml• W·15- could punt like old Les." Les. of dam. course, was in the class of 1923 Lacrosse pins for the girls on and Bob in 1952 but Ruff talks the undefeated lacrosse team who of both as if they were here just had not previously won the award yesterday. were made by Frederick Yocum Many Swarthmore graduates to the following: and especially those who. comMartha Calhoun. Pam Foster, peted on various Swarthmore Mary Mellace, Emily Terry, squads over the years are amazed Candy Allen, Beverly Crowther, at Ruff's ability to address them Jan Lawrence. Lanie Hooper, Pat by name when they return for a O'Neill, and Barbara Ziegenfus. visit to the college. At the conclusion of these But Ruff's service is not only _ awards, Elinor Burgett, a form- to the college and its athletic er Swarthmore 'High varsity program. For 40 years he has goalie, spoke a few words. been a memher of the Official Boys' Track Coach James Mil- Board of the Campbell A.M.E. ler awarded letters to Bob Borer, Church in Media. He has worked Eddie Grant, Charles Hum- to increase the influence of this mer, Terry Kerr, Gordon Smith, Church in the community and has Bud Stephani, seniors; Pierre been rewarded by its growth over Decrouez, Pete Kroon, Bob La- the years. Another outlet for the fore, Scott Pickard, Mal Tippett, seemingly bottomless well of juniors; Cal Coleman, Cliff Hop- energy of this "young" man is kins, George Pappas, Bill Welsh. Camp Hope. a camp for undersophomores. priviledged children of Delaware John Pegram was manager. County located in French Creek ActivIty Awards State Park. Ruff is jOined in these Mr. Yocum presented the Sen- activities by his wife, Victoria ior Awards to all member of the Herndon. The two of them have graduating class for their record raised money,. cooked, and helped in activities and athlctics. Activity the camp With many p~obl?ms pins for those seniors and jun- as well as having been .an msplraiors who have givcn of service tion to the many chll~ren w~o and quality in activities were have been, assisted by thiS orgampresented by Heni'y F. Hofmann zation. as follows: Mrs. Herndon is also a former Seniors, Peter Asch, Ferrell employee of Swarthmore College; Beck, Stuart Bowie, Martha Cal- starting first as a maid and then houn, Pam Foster, Dorothy Hop- taking over at the telephone kins, Mike Hurd, Kathy Jessup, switchboard when this "new conDave Lynch, Randy Malin, Mary traption" was first introduced. Mellace. Craign Peel, Mary Jane When asked about the Award Schraeder, Karen Schiff, Karl itself, Ruff is completely at a loss Thomas, Roger Zensen; Juniors, to explain how he was chosen for Candy Allen, Gladys Durboraw, this honor. "There must be dozens Barbara Bloom, Fred Bloom, of people at the College who have Linda Rothwell, Noel Snyder, done more than I have," he cxDarry Gwinn, John WctJaufer. plains, "I jU5t don't sec hO\. . . thcy At the conclusion of these came to think of me. All of these awards Mr. Yocum presented an years I have just been doing my' activitcs Award. job from day to day and a man Special Awards shouldn t receive any special For his outstanding contribu- award for thaL" lion to school activites during the This is not the way that gray past 14 years on the faculty, Mr. haired men talk when they reHofman received an activities pin turn to the college and remind of his own for his "outstanding Ruff of a word of advice that he contribution to school activities gave them ten, 15, 20 years ago during thc past 14 years." when they were still "wet behind The Babe Ruth Award for out- the cars" and a Hbit too big for standing sportsmanship, service. their boots." Ruff has never been scholarship was presented to thought of as only a trainer. I Daily Dinners 90e: to $1.85 I Comfortoble Rooms Day or Week ~ Elevater Ii ~ -5 STRATH HAVEN INN ~ Yale & Harvard Avenues, SWarthmore, Pa. ~ FREE PARKING :;; 5 ** * ** * ** ** I I I I II I EXCURSIONS I TO NEW YORK I I Wednesdays I I To and Including June lS I I Only FIOM PENNA. STA. (:I01H ST.) I AND N. PHIlA. STAnON I I Including Federa' fax I . ch I . Sorry-not valid on reserved-seaf coo rorns. TRAIN I OARDING TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED BEFORE B I I GOING_Leave9:00A.M.fromPanna.Sta.(30thStreetl;9:08 I A.M. from N. Philo. Stallon or on any train th_fter. I I RETURN on any train until 1 :30 A.M. Thursday. I Times Shown-Daylight Serving. 1______ Tear Ouf and Keep Ad For Reference • _ _ _ _ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "'i, DINING ROOMS oad LOllY AIR CONDITIONED ~ *********************** * * T RIP CO A C H I 3 $ 50 - = Ii iillUUllIIllllIIlIIlllllIIllIIlIIllIIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIlIIllIIlIlIlIlIIllllIllIIlIIllIIllIIlIIlJIllIIlJIlIlII1II1I111I1II1II1II1II1I1I1II1If<; I lONE-DAY ROUND- TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-1 :30 P. 1'1. ~ WALTER E. PARROTT, Mgr. __________________________ , LADIES' DAY = ;; = 5 We' have no Executive Sessions, and any members of the Association who wish to do so are welcome to attend these meetings. Pennsylvania Rai roa 5 FAMILY DINNERS .. SUIT th. TASTE .f IYERYONE I The Board meets regularly on the first Monday of each month at eight o'clock, and the meetings are in the Legion room in Borough Hall. d Workmen Rush Construction of Swimming Po~1 puulmmll1lDllllUUllllnumWlHtIllHtlllnHHlllllllllllnllDDlHIIIHlumllllllllllllmmlnllllllll1l11lnuml~ !!I iii This is a representative body consisting of two members each, from the Northwest and the Southwest sections of the Borough, and three. members each, from the Northeast and Southast sections. I Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Shoemaker of Media welcomed friends to an afternoon garden party last Sunday. = ~ The Business Affairs of the SWARTHMORE PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION are conducted by a Board of Directors of ten persons who are elected by the membership at the annual meeting in November. I I I I I Mrs. Mary Roberts of North Chester road entertained friends at a cocktail party last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Belden S. Tucker of Park avenue are entertaining Mrs. F. C. Barnett and daughters, Lani and Betty Ann, of Honolulu for several days this week. David Badger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Badger of Springfield, has returned home for the summer from his sophomore year at Princeton University. I: J * * ** * * * ** * ** The happiest man in town! ** ** He just tossed a few hundred worries away by ** * * taklngoutthesuper-conv~nient,money_saving Hom.. * * owner'. Policy that provide. four kinds of necessary Insuronce In just one policy I * * No more separate premIums.. No red tape. And * he', saYing up to 20" on premium cost_ * Happy man' You bet. And you can get Into the * ..... h _ of mind Ity doing !he same thing. * Jwt IaR for detail.. * * * * * * III * * *********************** * * : PETER E. TOLD : * * 333 : * * Swarthmore * All Kinds of Insurance Dartmouth Ave.. SWarthmore 6.1833 * Actlv. N_ .... • , Tie Swe".I11......1.... AII.clen•• : *********************** Courtesy of The Evening Bulletin The 105 by 75 foot hole in the I ming is anticipated by July 1. Although the limited 400-famground, pictured above, may seem I The board of directors and var- ily membership is now full, a a grand opening BUT the grand / iOllS committees of the club have spokesman for the Club said on opening the 400 families of the been working feverishly to hasten Tuesday mat the turnover is such Swarthmore Swim Club are eag- I the pool's completion. At a meet- that it has been possible to acer]y anticipating is the one when I' ing Monday evening it was an- cept a few applicants from the the last drop of concrete shall nounced that filters would be in- original waiting list into this have been poured and the water stalled Wednesday and the last charter membership. The waiting level is ready for the uplunge in" tiny section of concrete poured list situation is thereby relieved signal. Although the picture yesterday. Coach Millard Robin- to the extent that later applicants shows concrete being poured at son of Swarthmore High School may be hopeful of early acceptthe deep end of the L shaped pool, has been named manager of the ance. Families wishing to apand the longer upright portion of pool. There will be two fences, ply for membership should COmthe L just being prepared for con- one around the pool itself and the murdcate with Dr. John H. Wigton creting, progress is being made other enCircling the entire prOP-II of Ogden avenue, membership at a rapid rate and actual swim- erty. chainnan. water Company Urges Sprinkling Schedule night and those consumers having Due to delays resulting from uneven house numbers should do local opposition and litigation, the their sprinkling on Wednesdays, new supply from the Perkiomen Because of the extended dry Fridays, and Sundays, or after 10 cannot be made available lor at spell, the Philadelphia Suburban p.m. any night. least 18 months. Until this proWater Company's sprinkling load ject is completed, the"·danger of has reached an unprecedented THERE SHOULD BE NO an extended drought makes it peak, requiring -the careful reg- SPRINKLING ON WASH DAY- imperative tbat all our consumers ulation of sprinkling. Tberetore, MONDAY. cooperate in an effort to forestall the company has urgently reA schedule such as this will any possibility of a serious genquested that its customers comply give the sufficient· protection re- eral shortage. with the following schedule, ef- quired on the lawns and shrubs Sprblk~ Sehedllle fective immediately. and still wll\ reduce the peak Even House Numbers, TuesConsumers having even house loads to a point where everyone Jdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. numbers should do their sprink- should have sufficient water to I Odd House Numbers -Wednesling on Tuesdays, Tbursdays, and meet their requirements at any days, Fridays, Sundays: saturdays, or after 10 p.m. any time during the week. No sprinkling on Mondays. I I Get away frolll it all ••• I 9 WITH ELECTRIC VENTILATION! It's easy to do, too, when there are electric attic or window fans to create a refreshing atmosphere, exhausting stale air, and circuloting fresh air. Electric ventilating fans, also available in portable models, are ideal for every room from the bedroom to the basement. Seled yours soon at your electrical dealer's or at any Philadelphia Electric store. Your electrician can give you all the focts on lOG-A I . .::.:W YORKER DELUXE NEwPOR1" '~~.~here a,re you going with .ny Chrysler?" .. , ' He'. Hke IlIIT IIormaI h_bud with • DeW C..,.. ID the family. He'a leanalq wfa7 Blore wive. "borrow" It thaD AD)' other earl It _ _ that once. wife or hlllhaDd pta to know the .... and control 01 Chryaler'. Full-time Power steerinr, AD)' _i-power Iteerinr teel. clumsy and beavy-handad. Tbe, both prefer Chryaler'.IIIIlOOth..... aetInr Power Brakeo • • • and tile tJIiN leellnc of anlImlted power ID ChryaI..... De.. va encineol Tbq like &he utter IIIIOOthna ad oIlence of a-' Po_FlIt. Automatle DrIYe ••• etld ....., " . . 1Ao,..va. kiN _ ... adIt!iMI i. A ........'• ....., - ' " .,..,.,., _I Now two Cluielera would IMlIy keep a lamDy like this happy. Nevertheless, they'd be the flrat to tell you that""" Is • thousand timet better thaD uone at all. That's why we urp you to come In for • perat!nal look_ and a drive. It'a a truJy wonderful uperfeaee. And • • • Sir or ltIacIazn • • • _ fIIIIPlI& you brine your .........1 COME TAKE THE CHRYSLER "100· Million· Dollar Ride" home wiring ond help you finance this excellent -----------------------------------GCH)D DRIVER. PRIVE ••FELyl--------------_____________________ investment. Call him todayl Y'" AYe••ad PHILAPELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY c....... load - - FOIl THI lIST IN TV, sa PORTER H. WAITE. INC. SWarthlllore 6-1250 '0. Swarfllm.re. "IT'S A GUAT Up!," "QIM~ AND ''SHOWD Of ITAIIS." sa TV PAGE fOI 'rIMES AND IT.nONS-_ Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Gold- land, son of Bishop and Mrs. smith of WaUfngtord Hl11s wID leave Wednesday, June 15, to make their home at 9522 Lawndale avenue, Evanston, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Georle W. McKeal of Parrish road returned recently from a five day visit to Haddon Hall, Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Paul BanD of Harvard avenue attended the ordlnatlon TuesdaY of Hobart Hels.. Thomas J. Heistand, at Episcopal Cathedral Church lIIrs. NOnDan Hulme of Rut- ;lers~~~av~en~u~e~~en~tertaIn===ed==her:; recently. ot the St. Steven In Harrlsburs. A luncheon at the Bishop's home followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mra. David B1nsham of FaIrview road were visited for several days 'by Mr. and Mrs. WIlUam B. Burllnpme of Cortland, OhIo, formerly residents of Swarthmore. - 10 and 15. Two days a week for IS..... SorwICe Shotlo., Saw. FlI" .... Set •••••••• T.... ...,..... . GAUL FORIENT TREE SERVICE • h f n· JUNE-The welg t 0 a In· Apartments, Ocean City, N. J. Second street, Ocean view. Go .from backyard onto beach. Walk to stores, amusements churches. Ample ftee parkIng. Automatic washers, heat, hot water. First door 61k rooms and bath, $125 per week. Second floor 81k rooms and 2 baths, $150 per week. Special seasonal rates. CHester 4-1177. eon- eI women. Exds.- foods, spa ous sroun Blue Croas. honored. Sadie D. Pippin, proprietor. CHester 25373. • Klngswood 3-7803 ';:=====================i I Kenm~r~e~.~5~1~Sou~~th~MiOirt;o~nti!1 The Swartbmorean. . ~~~~~~In:;~::~~ WANTED. WANTED -' Receptionist and cle~ to operate PBX exchanse, mimeograph and ditto machines; FO~ RENT - Moy~, fully furtypewrlt1ns speed required; serve noshed apartment, living as order and receiving clerk. 12 bedroom, 2 .baths. Separate month job. Call Mrs: Fear at trance. All' utilities. Garage SWarthmore 6-4800 any week- one car. lIeautifui situation. day RR station and bus lines. . children. Telephone MEdIa . WANTED - Boy to do a l i t t l e ' . painting. Cali SWarthmore 6ll33. WANTED - Female help, telephone survey, part-ttme. $1 an hour to start. Can FLanders 26618 bellween 10:80 a.m. and 12 noon only. WANTED To buy 39 InCh wooden bunk beds that convert to lIwin beds. MEdia 6-1796. WANTED - To rent - 2 bedroom house with fenced yard for children. Partially furnished preferred. TEnnessee 9-8882. desi·re summer work house painting carpenlering. &Dand - general 2 mealc81 studen1s WAN Expert and careful. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms reasonable. SWarthmore 6-3056. WANTED Small, used refrigerator in gDod condition. Phone SWarUtmore 6-1898. WANTED - Two-wheel, second hand bicycle, size 20. Call SWarthmore 6-8135. WANTEo:::::Garage for the stDrage of a car for the months of July and SWarthmore 6~2371. CLASSIFIEDS PAY ~ .... IIIIbn110c ~=======; THOM SEREUBA UPHOLSTEIIIIG . Sau.IM........ q~.1 -.lI_HlR~· 2S ,..,. . . • Mcn-~ Jewelry Repaired """"', sw IoGI6 EMIL SI'IES w_....... Fo..n..tr of R.. Wotcll and Cloc:k _I.. C. Iod. __ F~ s- 121 Yalo Avo. _ _• Fa. ted. Charles E. Fischer Designed to meet your individRamb11nS,. free40nn or coI\ventional designs: in colored flaptone, cemOl1t. or woodland garden. Patios., of cedar slices. We wID sIaIIlY show you some of the work we have done. • J _~. BUILDER Swarthmore 6-2253 LAWN CARE Call us to cut your srass and dll your flower beds whether It. Is for one cuttlnl or dlsg1n1 or service for all ~n. CO.NSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL 4ND COMMIRC,IAL HEDGES TRIMMEP Alterations Call MEdia 6.0523 .LclHaCa,,,",, ••• T... S.rgary J. F. BLACKMAN .8W 8-8818 Box 305. M.dla, 'a. ~~ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ . ":ll Coat" ... Ins.....e.· nil ..., EsffIf.A,em:r. '" . Jack Prichard' ---Uenee, Air ulld S.lp T...".I SWEENEY a CLYDE , ! . ' PAINTING and . 29 IAST,STH. ST•• ·CHESTER '.on..: 4-6311 . 4-6312 ....313 Sam••1 D. Clyde • CARPENTRY 406314 Sam. .1 D. CI,., Jr. SWarthmore 6-8761 =:=-===-______ .:.:.:==-__ ROOFING check, deposit slot GalleH" Warm-Air HeatI.g Air eondltlooliICJ . near college. fireplace, bow '1i~~~I:: room, 3 'bedrooms, 2 water heat, basement, garage. 5.... Metal Work George Myers 1:~~~~3~_~78~3~4i.::~::;I Box48 SW...IHioore6-074C1 Swarthmore and Vicinity Baird & Bird Realtors Opposite Borough Hall .~----------------------' •• deposit your checks around a supply of deposit envelopes in the , /' bank (the 'same as used for mail deposits), _ _ ._ ca......as 0Ii. .c:IIl••, . an. ItVIIiI • • .U.I ......aI fill in in the usual manner and drop in 'IfIe f. slot with checks. (Don't deposit cash to ,:,~~e your. oil bl,lrner checked months are the best. time to give yoUr oil '!be Bnmmer your tank with ~tlantiC'8fa- . moua tripk-re/i1l#Xl heating oiL . A full taDk provides S1Jmmer protection frOm coodensatioD and. the formation of burnerclogging l'1lBt particles. . When cold weather rolls burner a thorough cJeatjing~ We remove BOOt and carbon from the sides of the boiler and combustion cbamber. This assui'es more efficient bUrning, mom efficient beat1ns for you . aroUnd, yound he mighty glad you called us todayl . .. next winter. While we're at it, let. us ftll VAN ALEN BROS.· 200 W. Rldle, Ave.... Rldle,'a"" SW 6-4742 ··WA 8.2_· II 4-1482 AL'S WINDOW QEANING Roor Waxing Wall Washing Service, Etc. 307 Maple St. Morton, Pa. • FOOD MARKET 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Weekend of· June 8. 1955 Legs 0' Lamb ••• 64c lb. <. 1 . _ .. . . ".' - .' 12 oz. 49c 6oz,2Sc . '., . 3 lb. CRISCO 84c 16 oz. 39c . Keebler Club CRACKERS CANADA DRY TRUE' FRUIT BEVERAG.E Root Beer· Black Cherry. Black Raspberry Large Bottle 2 for 29c plus deposit Juicy LIMES - this way). If the ba~k is c1os~d, you'll DAY' and NiOHT LEMONS 6 for 2Sc Sweet Ripe WATERMELONS .1 ·Sc lb. C 0 - 0 P _T I· RES 6.70 x 15 BLACKWALL $16 ~ 4· for $64 tax included WHITEWALL $18 - tax incl\lded 4 for $69 Nucoa OLEOMARGARINE 2 Ibs. 49c Hellmann's Real MAYONNAISE qt. 63c p~. Hellmann·s F~ENCH DRESSING Hellmann's Old Homestead FRENCH DRESSING 39 c 19c 19c find the envelopes under tha slot in a OIL BURNER SERVICE container outside. Convenient? Yes! Try it! '1IONDAYTlJ!lU SATURDAY . NOON 100% PURE Paradichlorobenzine 4 Ibs. for $1.55 SW 6-4041 SUNDAYS IIIId HOLIDAY!! COAL· FIREPLACE WOOD :J.'~CREEN . .-'~: . , 'PINTS $wor,hmore - MIDIA, PENNSYLVANIA. , SpringField v',,,, SWarthmore 6-0740 BREYER'S. ICE CREAM 99c Y2 gal. • SWARTHMORE OFFICE '.' • Rutgers Avenue. and Chester Road Member: Federal Deposit I_~ Corporation .. • 49c bag night, any day of the week. Simply get " THIS is the tlme refrigerat9r. Excellent condition. $50. SWarthmore 6-5287. ,. the clock: any hour of the day or Royale Model WE-21. DeLuxe I model, 21 inch set. Excellent cond~~~~ 4-0861 .. '" Hora~e Reeves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace 4. Reeve. of Elm avenue, who sraduated Monday from I>warthIDore Collele, has taken a positIon In· the fabricated steel division of Bethlehem Steel Company. He and his wife wID live In Bethlehem for about five weeD and then be re-located somewhere In the United States for two years while Mr. Reeves Is a member of the company's training prosram. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Walnut lane are entertaining their niece, Mrs. Richard Scblesel, and her four cblldren, Mark, Mike, MUlOt, and' Matthew of Wynnewood for three weeks. . Indian River Seedless ORANGES ' . in front of our SwarthmireOffice. Now you can ;;FO~R~S~A~LE~-=;P~o=w:::e:::r:-:m=ow;;;e;:;r::-.1:R;;;;;eo FOR~~ . . .- a new convenience George PIowincio electric fan; hydraulic auto jack; metal typewriter table. 21 President Avenue, Rutledge. SWarthmore 6-1937. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks and dalJllhter Molly ot Harvard avenue had as a house lUest 'last weekend Lt. Robert Jensen, USN, of Annapolis, Md. Waido Davtson of Nor t h Swarthmore avenue leaves today to spend a week visitlnl with relatives In sQuthern Ohio. The month1;y meet1ns of the Hl\verford Place BrIdIe Club took place Monday night at the home of Mrs. Lewis Detlolf. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothler f C mb 0 olu la avenue entertained at a bullet supper and bridge for their friends recently. William M. Bush, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.· W. M. Bush of Dickinson avenue has arrived home from the University of the South this week for the summer. Mrs. W. J. Blackman of Sproul road ~d her daughter, Mrs. LeRoy Anderson of Frankford gave a mlscelianeous shower recently at the Blackman home in honor of Anna Marie Fussell whose marrlale to Eben Lanl will take place June 18. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Brown of Riverview road and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kite of Ogden avenue spent the weekend recently at Skytop" In the Poconos. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bunker of Vassar avenue were recent hosts to Mr. and Mrs. George Richards ot Turtle Creek. Mrs. Richards ts the Bunkers' niece. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Brdbeck and family, of Vassar avenue are spending several dsys at Atlantic City whlle Dr. Brobeck is there on business. Mrs. W. L. Cleaves of Swarthmore place Is awaiting the arrival on Monday of her sDn-In-law aod daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Turkevich, and Uteir three daughters, Juliana, Elizabeth, and Barbara, from Houston, Texas. "=.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiii.iiilliiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ii~~~~~~iii ual taste; LESLIE (Continued from Pale 1) still the Paxson home. A member of Swarthmore FrIends' Meetlnl, Mrs. Paxson was active In Meetlnl alfairs. She taught In the FIrat day School for many years. She was 1natrumental In orpnlzlnl the Wecbtesday SewInl Group .dur1nS the First World War, to make garments and lather funds for the American Friends' Service Committee. She served on many committees In the Mon'''''' and Quar.....,. terly Meetlnp, and was a valued member of the board of the Friends' Bo.ardlng Home of Con- NEWS NOTES Conele avenue,reported by Miss Bye. When a 19-foot aluminum ladder, lent. by a neighbor on Elm avenue, was lodged against . b .. h I th e nestinl ranc,.. of t e map e Iree, one of the· fledgellnp lI~w to the roof of the house. This indicated that both babies were cord Quarterly Meeting for many beyond banding ale, so the lad- years. der was removed. Mrs. Paxson w~ a delegate to . the Friends' Generai Conterence Reports of additional nests con- 'held In London In 1920 and tinue to trickle In to banding worked' with a Yearly Meetlnl headquarters. Through roundabout Committee to revise the Dl5cichannels Was learned doves of pline 1927. of Shethe was a member might be Itnestinl at thethat residence theinboard Friends' In- I of Dr. and Mrs. WiIDam F. Mere- telligencer for many years. With dUh, 313 Summit road,. Sprlng- her sister, Abby Mary Hall RoblIeld, but investigation disclosed erts, she carried on Ute. publicathat this brood was lIedged about tlon of "Scattered Seeds" which a month ago. was distJ.:ibuted in the First Day The really "hot" tip of the past Schools, and served on a commitweek-end came from the Landon. tee Utat prepared two an1thollogie& I at 307 N. Princeton avenue, for cbIldren, Ute "Children's Story Swarthmore. From the window on Garden," (1924) and the "Chiltheir stair'landlng they spotted a dren's Story Caravan" (1936). dove broodlng In a spruce tree. In Ute midst other buSy life, This nest Is easily within reach of Mrs. Paxson's deep love of beauty a reasonably tall ladder and found expression in the enjoyshould furnish numbers three and ment of fine literature, the wrltfour In 'the Swarthmore banding Ing of poetry and the delicate series. water color sketches from her Mr. and Mrs. Landon have an brush. She was a lover of birds unusual . opportunity to observe 'and her garden was one of her such things as hatc~g dates and best fo:i ends. , . feeding schedules, so that Ute . Mrs. Paxson is survived by four proper banding date - six to 10 children, William Paxson, of days of age· - of the lIedglings Springfield, Eleanor P. Kelgbton should be established without of Cedar lane, Carol P. Brainerd, undue disturbance of the birds.. of Exton, Margaret P. Jacob of Readers of The Swarthmorean Elverson, ten srandchildren, and are again requested to report one great srandchild. Mourning Doves" nests to Dr. C. A long ..life and a good I,ite Brooke WorUt, SWarthmore 6- and we lire left· to gather up the 4444. harvesJ ~~ .. ~High . thoughts, ..p .... . • --·-'~'I-· -t:-. '" -.. justice, love - a part of Mrs. George W. Place of Gar-that creative srowth which Is rett avenue has lett Swarthmore' Eternity." to stay at the home of her parents A memorial service will be held in Upper Montclair, N.J., during at 3 p.m., Sunday, June 12 at the the duration of her husband's Swarthmore Friends' Meeting. term of service In Ute U. S', Army. Ethel G. Coates SLIP COVEIS-IILVEIIB ~ WALKS & WALLS J. !w.rd Clyde Many Attractive Homes Available ,l KI 4-1500 LnuB_ed, em iii AUO CHell" Box WILLIAM BROOKS .wa.. a: Rabhlsla Removed PATIOS Im."W. Rumford Co. . lliay 28, lIwo fll'dgllnl Mourn1ns Doves were banded at the home otMrs. Charles Zensen, 221 Sylvan avenue In Rutledse. ThIs nest was In. a pear tree seven feet '(not six, as previous1;y reI ported) hlgb and presented an easy bandlns problem. The same day an attempt was made to band the doves at 201 On All Types woodeD 1 _ erec- EDWARD G. CHIPMAN AND SON GfNERAI CONTRAUOR 1I00r apartment, surroundings, high celUngs, insulat- Til. Fleors • PI....c Tile ed, large living room, dlnlng MolII.m Kltc••os room, 3 bedrooms, hardwood AI......lo•• plant n\U'$ery 1I00rs, tile bath, kitchen. Large or Valley Brook 2551-W. deck porch. PrIvate entrance. 1401 Rldle, Avenu. PERSONAL Resister you r Near transportation. Adults. $120 Small-Fry at the SwarUtmDre a month. MEdIa 6-1870, MEdia 6CHester 2-4759 Nursery School tor fall ~rm. Mrs. 0153. 2-5689 G. W. Brodhead, director, SWarthmore 6-4809. 2 Handyman and Occupancy PERSONAL. lardener available anytime. ~Sw~ar~thm~~o::;re~:!!~:n:;--,,;-;;;;;!. Experienced. Call SWarthmore foR RENT _ Media, 1 and 2 6-5811. bedroom apartments, bardwood PERSONAL-Television and radio floors, tile bath, kitchen, private service, Mr. Scott Daniels, near transportation. SWarthmore 6-2708. and MEdIa 6Builders PERSONAL - Professional plano ~;:r' serVIce, tuning, V'1lclng, regu~ f ' ,":0} • lating, repairlnl.Telephone Stacy Reeves, Jr., Swarthmore. (Day) 1I![~~~~l';~~: 3 le;~~:~~~. b ..J.;~~ SVIa.ilinlOre6-6455 KInpwood 4-0474 (Night), KInKS- type, newly furnished, wood. 4-0797. trlc kitchen. Reasona'ble:-.·~~~~;I p!RSONAL - . Do\'B. your lawn wood 3-2080 evenings. 4 ' l 4-6246 need mowing? ,Can George ~L;;an~e::,;:w3eei-h001 a Iso shared in the funds they had helped to earn. Supervising Principal Fraiik ·R. Morey at' lasf week's clOsing Iiession of Mothers' Councll, stated a definite need continues for items which 'current tax funds are unable to cover. Mr. Boyle states a survey of the elementary schools' encycloPedias reveals them to he eight to 12 years old, whereas these reference books ate considered out-or-date five yeats after pUblication. A mobile set of MassThee in F," F. Bach, "To WeJ.Smg," PeterGerman; Tkach, ''Tenebrae Factae Sunt," Francis Poulenc, French; "Once to Every Man and Nation," David S Y rk American· Chorals from 1'4 te~ :'Jesus Pri~eless Treasur~ er~' J: s. Bach, and Motet, Op, 29 _ "Schraffe In Mir" Brahms, ae;:;::'';ing interniission, the choir will present a musicpI calendar of the Church Year with elections from both Europe and ~merica. Included in this section are: Advent - "Lost in the Night," F. Melius Chrl!'tianson, American; Chrlstinas "Le Sotnmell De L'Enfant," Gevaert, French; ~t _ "Cruclfixus," Lotti, Italian; Easier - "Easter Anthem," William Billings, first American Composer; Ascension - "I Will Not Leave You Comfortless," William Byrd, Engllsh. The program will conclude with a group of Negro Spirituals: "I Want Jesus to Walk with Me," "Set Down Servant," "The~e is a Balm in Gilead", ''Were You There?" and "Rock-a-my-Soul." the for. theschool second ftoor encyclopedia of each elementary is just one of many aids, to. learning which puplIs can fulfill for themselves arid tIIelr classmates. A silrvey durin'g the summer will provide a more specilic lIst. Monday's meeting followed dlscussions in various class meetings and at Mothers' Council regard1ng next year's project and passible alternatives. The consensus favored sponsoring the magazine sale again in October but eliminating competitive prizes and ~on fining participation to fourth, fifth, The Alfred Smith family of Amherst avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Farr and Donna FrI~ of Kittery, Me. this week Mr. and Mrs. Farr are the grandparents of Beverly Searfoss and Miss Fri~ her cousin. They attended her graduation from the high school whlle visiting here. Mr. A. H. Van Alen of Park Whiteman driv- avenue ton Universlty to attend 35th Holman's of Lansdowne Missare.Heien left yesterday for the Princeing. to Granville, Ohio this .week- reunion of the Class of 1920 of end to attend the commencement which he waa a meniber. Mrs. exercises of Denison University Van Alen will join him at Princeat which the Holmans' daughter ton tomorrow aa will their son-inJean will recelve her diploma. law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. . Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. Bowie John W. Taylor, Jr., and daugh" spent several days in Atlantic ter, Carol, of Baltinlore, Md., and City this week while Dr. Bow,le their son-in~law and daughter, attended an A.M.A. conference. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sprout The pupils of Charles Izumi Johnny, of HIghtstown, N.J. of .Benjamin West 'a'llenue· '7'~ I;~;;;';;"';';'''''''''''''~''''''''''''''''''''''''''if give two piano reciials within a week at Whittier House on the PIANO TUNING campus. The first is planned for, N.... 111111 BeIIuOC ....... .'itll aeptIkIDc, IIIDoe- 1808 Tuesday, June 14 and the for Sunday, June 19. ALlAN' PARkER Mrs. John M. Pearson of' CorPilon" Media 8-liliiii and sixth grades. Early all!louncethat students provide some/of. their ucational advantages might serve subscription pUrchases and, renewals for placement with pupIls during the campBign. THE CAMERA AND HOI.Y SHOP a .Sane 4th of July AItiq_ & " • •11 SIIop , .................. 1:1'..... 'a. .............. 1 VACATION CLOSI"G ..... - -... --. .. .. and' Sons ........ ~ .... , ~ ............ '", Form.r" SdENG CAR N 5 H&ALS 650 loffIm.... ;1I,e ",. HIM'.", ',,"' A.IL . Sprlll9field, D'I. Co., 'a. SWarHnllote 600450 ~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ ( 7TH and WELSH .....• STREETS Bridal Party Festivities VOLUME 27-NUMBER 24 ,SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, Jane 17, 1955 13.50 PER YFAJl Convey Greetings From Siade Board Honors Frank R. Morey Greetings to Swarthmore friends from their recent visitors from Members of the Presbyterian Retired Bell Engineer Slade, Germany, are being de- Supervising Principal Has Touring Choir and their awdliary Lived on Oberlin livered by Mr. and Mrs. Birney group will be winding up last K. Morse, Harvard avenue, who Served Here Since minute packing today and SatAvenue visited Stade on the European trip 1930. urday in preparation for their from which they returned last departure Sunday morning on Captsln Ralph Severson Hayes, week. Mr. Morse was chosen to The Swarthmore School Board their four week tour of Europe. U.S.N.R., of 31 Oberlln avenue, represent America in the NATO held its last meeting on WednesBy bus and by car, members Summer Club Begins died suddenly on June 9 while he Conference in Paris on the or- day evening, and in its final acof t he group will make their way k and Mrs. Hayes visited relatives ganization of ·the vast pipeline tion passed a resolutlon in tribute Fa II owing W ee. in Lowe, II Mass., after attending network of western Europe and t 0 th e past quarler century of 110 IdleWIld for their scheduled June 27 the fortieth reunion of his class they sailed April 20 on the Queen service performed for the School 12 noon take-off for London, England. The hus, leaving at 7 a.m. di d t at Phillips Exeter Academy. Bur- Elizabeth. District by Supervising PrinCipal from the churcll on Ha",?rd aveFiiJal plans were tinscusse a was in the Hayes' family plot At the Paris Conference the Frank It Morey. In repl,ying to nue, is slated for arrival at 10:45 the last hoard mee g of the at his boyhood town of Burllng- M<>rses met former Cornell avenue the resolution, which appears in at the New York international Swarthmore Recreation Assocla- ton, Vt., on Monday. He was 57. residents Col.· George Logan· of another part of this newspaper, airport. tion preceding the opening of the Captsln Hayes was born' in the Joint, Construction AgencY Mr. Morey said he has broken As plans stand' DOW, the tour suinmer prOgram. Newp!ay Germantown, Phlladelphia, and which Is in. charge of all Amer- the seven-year precedent set by group will spend! a day in I.t>ndon ment Is being added for both was graduated from Germantown ican Army, Navy, and AIr Force two men who held the principalbefore crossing the channel Monand Primary groups, Friends School, Plillllps Exeter installations including pipe lines immediately before him, and day afternoon en route to Amster- major ones being a new slide and Academy, Dartmouth College and in Europe, Aftica, and Asia Minor. that he had worked with over dam where the choir will PI ent swings, as well aaextra tricYcles. MassachuSetts Institute of Tech- At the close of the conference CoL of the 55 board members who its first concert. By this time next Registration for late comers will nology. He served in the United and Mrs. Logan drove the Morses have served the dlstrlct since its week the group will be in Duis- be available on opening day, June States Navy during World War I through' Belglinn, Holland, Den- inception in 1895: He attested to berg, GermanY. 20, for Pre-school and Primary, and remained active in the or- mark, Sweden, Norway. Enroute 'the unique slngle-mindednesS of Stopping also at FraDkfurt and and June 27 for Summer clubbers. ganized Naval Reserve thereafter. they visited Stade for 24 hours the Swarthmore Board. in Its inHeldelberg, they will arrive in All children already registered are Recalled to .clive duty in 1939, during which time they sawall tention to d~ what Is best and in Geneva, Switzerland, in time' to urged to bring thelr registration he served in the Navy through_ seven of the "team" which spent the complete absence of any politcelebrate the Fourth·of July. The receipts with them. out World War n, attaining th. a week in Swarthmore last fall, ical inftuence. He described locai trip continues' on through InterMrs. Helen Robblee director of ranit of captsln. For this service althoush the Morse visllo was directors as dedicated groups of laken, Fl.orence, and ,Rome, I+ftlv. Pre-school'· and . ary an- he was, awarded a commendation without previous arran.gament. . y nounces that She Is veiypleased by the Secretary of the Navy. Appropriately en,ough, they -will They foun!!. Stade in ... "''' process professional status; be in Nice, I'railce, lor Bastille to· have such a well qualilied Captain Hayes joined the o.f .""e . ra ng a 0 , Ascen _ --, b ti h liday As the Swarthmore Board P,I Day, July 14. The last stop will teaching staff for this year. Telephone CompanY'1I1,1822 ,on A r , . sl Day, and ,too'" ooms in a pared to "expire" in favor of .' be in ParIs, where they Will have Teacher of th,e three year olds e>ecept _ for the period . of his quslnt old inn on Stade s central birth of the Swarthmore-Rutledge three day. for eoncerts and 'sight- will be Mrs. Helen Horn Howard, World' War, n Navill servtce, was square. They told the innkeeper Board due the first Monday'in seeing before the ftiSht home on who has a bachelor of music de- asSocfated with· that organizatiOll that they were from ·Swarthmore July, Board Treasurer John F. July 19. , gree from· the t1JI1verslty of Wis- until 1952 wben' he retired with and ~"" to· see some of the added his personal __ . Wbl1e the 31 member clloir consln, with emphaals on ele- 30 years service. At <>De ~e "team." He .immediately notified gratulations .to Mr. 'Moreltifor presentIng'its concerts, members mentsry education, and who also had ,been hfl~ of ·the COm~ (Continued on Page 6) "outlasting the District." of the auxiliary will be taking did graduate work at Wisconsin PIl!Y's TNMjnlasJon SchooL At , In other action earlier in the gulded tours and private expedi- State Teachers Collep. In cII&rP ~ he was inthree-hour session' Mrs. 'Mary tiOllll.·of 1Deir OWD;t!B'weIf as of1be1our year 0Ids.;,m be l I I l r I o ' Parke Dodd waS reeIectiid,tax eol_ taking part with the choir in 1Oc8i B1lzabeth'l'Ord' Walker,. . . Ieetor at an Increaae, of $100 over 8IlIoth::"'erijl~..;~!!,P;-:t,;and DUrIerY. schooHv.,."", _ _ _ p.llinn.·eel been.aJunl.Ill' PO\in.seIJor'.at: a.~ to prOmotli'jite.tef ftiendsblpand Lac Camp, as well as a' gym '. their .He N B 'Id' nuii, was elected a in ,the understiinditlr .~ the COUD- leader at Episcopal Home for a stroog interest in 1IhOtoIrew .'. UI Ings" AI:tc itiiol'1lS.iscbOOI olllce Mrs. Dortries v1Gteci lind 0Ul"I. Children. and exhIbitlOllS or his Streets Demand otliy Crowther, teslgnM• The volunteer. ohoir under the The five year olcls will have 88 work appeared In ht :Mrs. Grace Yeaw, who has con_ direction of. boDa1d R. Mathis their· teacher, iMrs. Charlotte salons including those ollg ducled private classes and conrepreftlit vadOlis P:roteaslona, in- Snowden,. a graduate of the Uniscope. His great inBorough Counell Tuesday eve- tribufed some voluntei!r work in cludlnti teachlna, .chem- verslty of Cincinnati, with em- terestin sound engineering nini awarded contracts totaling the elementsry classes this year, Istry, Mw;·· lil,lIldng,pubUShing, pbasls on' child psycljololiY led to the invention $26,529 for street improvemen~ in was elected part-time teacher of advertlslnir, U. S. GovernmeDt, physical' education. She WQ and . of deviCC!i in yarl,oJ,lS .sections of the Borough speech arts for the next school music; homemaking,' and includes asslstsnt inphystcal edUcation for Hay4!l was an ar- and gave llnal pilssage to ordi- year. Mrs. Yeaw will serve in the several college students as well. three years, "n the Gtrl Scou~ dent gardener and W'asthe nances goveming the work. James hilb ••hool,one day a week and Its .urector, Donald R. Mathis, Advisory Board for two years, on (Continued on Page 1) J. SkeIiY, in9., of Media was low (Continued on Page 7) . minister ot music at the chlll"ch, the staff of the Cincinnati Farm of ten bidders on replacement of guides and conducts the choir in Training School, ran the Col1ingthe Cresson lane culvert of IJttle its good-wlll tour.' dale Cooperative Nursery SchOOl, Crum Creek by a ten-toot conA conductor of m~ years ex- as well as a Saturday Morning The Swarthmore Clippers open- crete bridge. Bids ranged from (Continued on Page 12) . l"ie~d' Trip Group and found ·time ed their season against Linwood Skelly's $6,184 to a high of $15,110 tesch Sunday' School !n . Tuesday night at the College Ave- 940. The job Is the 1I11It move in Members Honored' at tion for 15 years. . nue baseball field. the direction of paving this exJoseph B. Shane, vice president chaon Teacher for the SIxes will be, IJnwood behind the brilliant tension of Harvard avenue. of Swarthmore College in charge Mrs. Ellen S. Simon, a pitching of Junto, won a close 4: Raylis and Cravin, of Theatre of Alumni Mairs, has announced The closing lun·cheon of the of Cottey Junior College for 3 dec,·s,·on even though oulh,·t 5-3. Square, were low of two bids rein W in N d did gr d te celved for curbing and paving of the election of John H. Lipp cott, Swarthmore Teachers Association omen, eva a; a u~, costly thrOwiilg error in the newly developed sections ,of Jr., as president of the college Was held at the IDgleneuk on work at the University of Mis_ third' inning following a base on I II.lun.ni Association. Mr. Lippin(c t· ed P 12) . Strath Haven and Drew avenues. I' Monday, June 13.. Mrs Robert on mu on age and a single by Swail'ord Their quotatioos totaled $18,145 cott makes his home in Margate Spiller and Charles Martin, mem- YOUNG STALWARTS TREK opened the door for three runs. plus $34.80 per driveway en- City, N.J., ls manager of a hotel bers of the Board of Education T TN NK 0 N Previous to this rally,. Chuck: trance. The cost is to be covered. Atiantic City, a member or the were guesis of the faculty. IN 0 . E U N W Turner had retired the side in funds cleposited by. W. A. Board of Education of Margate, occasion were Bill Lathbury, Mike Yarrow order for two Innings, 1 .. 'J and J .F. Bl--'and Is a former president of the FrHonored on this . the ----".........an, Atlantic ank R. Morey, Su...... ~ing and George. BrOdhead spent Swarthmore staged a late rally C arAe, r~. of the area. City Hotel AJIsodation. Principal, James Miller and Mar- week-end exploring the head- in the final inning with one out' The AspIJalt Paving and Supply Other were garet Moore, for their completion waters Qf the Great Egg . when Houllston singled and scior. Norristown,' was lone Vice-President for Men William ot 25 years of servtce in the River in New Jersey. ed on a single by Innis who later bfdder for widening a strip of B. Plate of Summit N.J.; ViceSwarthmore School system. Best by two days. of skin-drenching, scored on. a wide pitcli. Abbe Michlpn avenue. Pri.ce was $1500. President for Women Mrs. JIer.. wishes were extended to Bettejo bone-nUmbing rain, the young was caught t.rying to steal second, The bal811ce of the be-hour W. Reisner, of CJIesfD.it mn. Goodall, Pet Told and Erma Foley adventurers set out, hom Sickle- thus ending ilie game. monthly session was devoted Philadelphia and Secretary Mrs. Who are leaving for Eui-Ope with vuie; N.J., launched their canoe, TheClippeIs, who played at consideration of the problems ot I W. Baidwin, Jr., ot Malthe Presbyterian Church Choir. (''make it yourself" variety , Trainer last night, will be back builders and would...!)e builders I, It was withregxet that the they cOnsttucted on the scene), home fOr games Tuesday, June 21, (private and professional) and One' of IJpplncott's group bid farewell to. James and traveled' a distsnce of ten and Thursday, June 23. the problems of those who have first pleasant duties was to anJamison, Mrs. Jeanne Martin, Pat miles, pitching a tent on the Members of the local team are patronized bullders in the past nounce that the Alumni Fund Told, Walter Hall, Mrs. l)orothy adjacent swampy-land at night. Hofmann, third base; JmiIs,.left and'inaydo SO in 'future (!nelud. had reached year Crowther, Henry Hl'hnann and When sli8htly aIIXlous paralts fleid; Abbe, short stop; Gwynn, ing CotmcD 1tge1f). '. the Fund Com_ttee set an anMrs. Geo.aec. W111etts who will met· their ,SOIlS at the journey's center field; Hansel, first· base; DanIel-Goldwater of 308 RIlt- nualgivlng gIIIIl,/!C $100,000 per be leavtnc Swarthmore Schools at end OD Sunday, they were greeted Sul1i .' d base' Turner avenue was dl!llied iIe1"In1a- year by 19117. '1'0 reach this loal the ClOR of the present ~. by spirits SOQY ·but un~' van, fl<.CGn tch,' ....._ _ ' (Continued on .... _ ') It would be nec ry 110 IDereue Fathers chalked Expedition up pitcher; Deeker. ca er; '-~J': last yaWs fuDd of $100,000 by'. ~" ••th WasIIl. . I•• SeIlI••1 as "goad expedence for them~ fte14; TIiompson,center fteld, 1& per cent each year. T,fppIn_ field;catcher. Hou1Iston TWO KILLED ON THE RUN. daya aII!IOUDCed with • few -chael Paulson of Paulson and while" mathers hoped "never fteld; left Kletzlen, still to 8O.inthat, ,the oiIWid. Summer Recreatl·on Program Up'ens Pri ' m. We.dcling G:9wns ,,$44.98 to $195.00 , Bahriria, waltZ length, also chapel and 'cathedral trains: V.IIs in fin91ir'~tip. full length. Juliet cap - crown, . Irelf Ii..ts. Bridesmaid Gowns $16~98 to $49.95 is Nylon Tulle' - nylon' chiffon. lace and net combination wifli anil-without jal:kl!t. . CATHERMAN'S DIU.STOR. Gowns for the M9ther . 6~wn' for' the mother of the' bride and groom - lace. chiffon Organza, $16.95' - $49.96. AND Hoops, crinolines. prayer" boou. garten, gloves, . lianlll... ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!!!!~:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEW OFFICE OUR (JUlt West of Saxer Ave.) . MR. RALPH: (dBY .MR. JOHN D~ BOBEitG MR. JOHN" E. WALKER: oftl~elected have joined our staff and· w~lr be available to setve your REAL ESTATE, or MORTGAGE requirements' Spec:ializin'g in' SpringRetd; Swarthmo~e, Rose Valley, Moylan and Wallingford. - aac. SELL YOUR HOME through' o.rMulttpl~ Llsli.g Service Nesse~ RealtY Corp. .' 23 Eo. Sprl.......d· R.ad gradua~ S We are pleased to announce that . ~ed!clne, SH Faculty Lun KI'4-1:600 UST Th Clippers Lose. 3-4 616 BALTIMORE PIKE • Borough ~schOOl Headquarters· for the • When your D'octor hands you a prescription, come direct to this professional pharmacy where careful compouncJing is • spedalcr. You are as.ured prompt, p.tedse service. at priees diat are Wliformiy fair. Why not try us with your nnt pre.cripcion? THE SWARTHMOREAN PresbyterianClwir,A uxiliary Captain Ralph Hayes Set for Noon Flight Sunday Dies in New .Florist CHRISTIAN EDGMONT AVE. - Attend J... 11-27 HOW • New Additions numerous' to mention I saw it in The Swarthmorean. . ....---- PRESCRIPTIONS? I'=============i nell avenue a house Frank guest p last weekendhad heras brother Davie of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup of Haverford avenue. lett Wednes2nd Floor- SpoilS Shop day . for their home, "Birch Lodge," in Wal1iogford, Vt. Mr. Coleman Gasoline Camp Stove and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup ot Sterno and Sterno Stoves Haverford' avenue will join them in Walllngford tOday, and tomor- Charcoal Briquets row they will' attend the gradua- Charcoal "Quid: Life" Fluid· tion exercises, of· Dartmouth Col- Golf Tees ' lege. Harlan R. Jessup, Jr., Is a Zi..... Canvas "S.wimor Golf" member of the graduating class Bags at Dartmouth. Swim Pools - 5 Sizes Mi-. and Mrs. Irl Duling and Penn Fishing. Reels daughter, Baroara, of Pittsburgh will arrive tomorrow to spend a Bike lights and Baskets week with Mrs. Duling's parents, RoDer Skates - 3 Sizes Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lintpn .of 1st Floor Wawa. Their daughter, Bamara, will be bapti£ed Simday in the Rf you'. pardon the expressionij uBurpII Suns Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, :\Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Kroon of . sizes of Lea'''r Gadget Bags Mublenberg avenue will leave ($6.95, SI.95 cntd SI1.95) TuI!Sday for Kansas City where 'Photograph Frames they will make their home. Their Bell· and HoweR 8MM Cam..a address there will be 8410 Sa.IIi8-1 and Prc.jector more, Leawood, Kan!!!!. City. IS, And many other items too MOo I d Presbyterian Choir Magazine So e avore ment was SUggd'sted in order To Give Farewell Concerf For Extra School Nltelelsi people wishing to help the II ~'900 , ~~>Ile Presid~nt l~Laat no.... Ute Col!lpany Is one of 12 rug clean- again. ers in the United States who par-. titipated last weekend in the inWater ....rld.... Allied I" -me duattys IIrst ''Creative TbinJring" BOrough Council I,? . . . lesaIon in' Washington, D. C. oIuIlon MCIIMIQ" It!". PauJ.on' reelected thtB IDlr . the,· PbIlede1pIda ~th vice president of tile Rug Water CompIinT 110 r.' •• lOIIitute.cd_phDM \'" . . . . ~<-."._. , ........ The S",.'bmOl"4! Property AroeIatiOll lias .m .• lIfhbUeb. Oem ---~;r , 01.,:' B ' ,~' 1. . "FoUr d'" deslrCJ1ed and two ldIled GIl tile run- in Swarthmore during the put mOllth ..... · BaroaIh CounCIl's 't _ .;.; ....... 1 .a-_ .~ ~."!' _ , _ _ 'eatdltir, reeat;i4ld Ji'«*i~. - ~ ~"." , -". . year the total IlWta ~d b,y AIimmI had amounted to $u8,uu, or III inenue 01. over :II _ _t. TI , .......___ :::.... .... the ' ........ _ a _ tot ...... d..... mer_l_ -J' fiIeIdI;;: ~ aDd' the 0eDi .... ! . 01. tile imlltatklft. .. " Mrs. Pearl J. ,Kauffman of Media Is recuperaUng from an illness at the home of her SOIIIn-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. George B. Heckman of Park avenue, following a two weeks stay In Taylor Hospital. one of the brldesmaida. wDl give a party at the Patterson home In honor of the bride and groom. . M~, and Mrs. Newlin F. Davis of Haverford will give Ii luncheon tomorrow at their home for the brldBl party; the famjlles Bud tI!e out-of-town guests. Mrs. Harter's mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Mote, and his three brothers. Ronald. James and Duane will be the week-epd guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Webster, Jr., of Elm avenue. HIs two grandmothers, Mrs. L. R. MUler and Mrs. E. T. Harter will be . the guests of Mr. and Mrs. HONOR BRIDE Several parties are being given for Miss Anna Mary Fussell. daughter of Mrs. Mi' H. Fussell, Jr., of Vassar avenue and Mr. Eben C. Lang. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Lang of Maple avenue whose marriage will be solemnized tomorrow afternoon in Trinity Church. MIss Catherine Fussell of Bryn M siste f th b Id to be r o e r e- • , awr, entertained at a tea Sunday afternoon in her honor. The rehearsal dinner for the wedding party Is being given tonight by captain and Mrs. Col1bin C. Shute of Maple avenue and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gehring of University place at the Shute home. Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden avenue and Mrs. William H. , Turne~ of Mount Holyoke place have Invited the wedding party and out-of-town guests to a luncheon at Mrs. Hodge's home tomorrow noon. MI ss Fussell has announced that her matron of honor will be he,r s1s~, Mrs. Arthur S. Cobb of Windsor. Conn., with her other sister, lI,fiss Catherine P., l1'ussell acting as maid of honor. Tbe bridesmaids Include: MIss Jeannine L. Earnshaw of GradYVille and Mrs. John C. Ruxton of Baltimore, Md. . Mr. Robert B. Lang will serve as best man for his brother. The ushers are to be: the Messrs. David Campbell, James P. Hornaday. and Harry E. Oppen1ander, Jr.• of Swarthmore, Harry Alexander, III, of Garden City, L.I., David Stone of Delray' Beacb, Fla., and George P. Warren of . Wilminglon, .Del. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Brencessorles. The bride attended Temple nan, .Jr,. of Media, are reeeivlng congratulations on the birth of University. , ~. Dodaoo Is In bIa fiDal year 1011. Charles H. Brennan. 3rd. at P,eriJ;1aylftJl1a M1llt:ary College. The ~ple are, bot",,~tes of SwiiitluDore 'HIgh School. Clm of 195~. On Thursday evening preceding 407 DARTMOUTH AVINU. the wedding Mrs. Yeager enterBREAKFAST .• LUNC", - DINNER tained at a. buffet supper at her home In Rutledge following the CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY wedding rehearsal. in honor of OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. her daughter Cynthia, and her MC!fICiey 'fh.rough Saturday, bridal attendants. The bride-toDaily Dinners tOe $1.85 be presented her bridesmalda with gifts as remembrances of the ocFANCY SANDWICH.S Frank Holman of College avenue. caslon. Other guests Included Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Thieme are hous- and Mrs. John Bre1g of PbiladelIng the ushers, while Mr. and phia. Mr. and Mrs: Helmuth and Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of ,- .-, .... ," ",' - "'.', EIin avenue will be hosts to a Barry of Secane, and Mrs. Dodson. nunwer of Earlbam "College friends. HANNUM..JONES The n'latrla'jj:e" of MisS Rosamond DODSON-YEAGER Jones. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Jones of Strath Haven BEAUTY SALON Miss Cynthia Jane, Yeining lil carried yellow tea roses. white ~esllyterian carnations and blue delph1n1um. .ReVerend JOsePh P. Miss Betsy Ammon ot Weikert, ,at the. double ., .... _," ,.., r. the ·maid of honor, and the brldesanJ¥odwnB'~!: maida Miss Lynne Rogers of ~:!n ", 'l'" tetay lst to July 31st Kan ...s City, and Mrs. John Mac- :, . "" .' . { ,( '. NeaI 0 f Chaster, wore blue or". ,·~.f~-l· , ... '~ DEW "DROP" INN I S'l'84fH {lAff:lY Check your cat: now for sp~ing and summer ),,:_, ';" ":J -.:' .,', ,..'" " . . driving. Complete tuning and lubrication. ReI'GtO',r'e '1:wi~~~~~w~~oils ~nd r~pja~e ' with' fr~sh -,;i ":. . ,- :;'-";-:' :'i.,' > .. '-rU': .;-' : ;OJ:; ~'.. " lubricants. .. . ~. low roses"and carnations" and the bridesmaids carried blue de:l'::~; lum and whitecm'naUons. ' wore wreaths of mafAihing llbfitiJrs,f, In their hiur. .' " " Mlss'Jean Hamllton Brel!i of PblJadelphia. the !lower girl, wore a frock of yellow nylon Jilet and carried a nosegay of delphinium ...d forget-~nots, and wore . on matching' flowers in. her hair. Reverend 'Ai/erill Carson' of Oceanelty, N:.J., was best.' man for' Mr~' Dodson~ aDd the' ushers ~ "" Inclu of phis. area with the help of three spoDSorll two SwarP>Philadelphia pubUs!)tog ~8S .' ScI!!IOlC:: for the and, representatives of the PbDa- held: at Camp: . , ' :~e! delphia Free L!.bnIr7.. T~", ' 'J .,,' 19 '. ' ...... e.·· une Z4. Tbe Mr. aDd Mr:s•. :I'. T. Flaherty of winners 1b1s year are Fred Bloom Guerlll8Jl! toad have and Gary Levin. from:'seversl weeki. 'Frank R. Mol9y, supervla1ng touring.' ·Italy,. Switzerland, principal, presented the American Frallce. ' LePon Award. for ninth ~ bo7s to Seth SIngletpn and the Am erie a D LegIon A1t1rUlary Award for nlDth grade gIrla to ./ . Molly Huse. Willard TomUn·on of the Harvard Club of Pb1ladelplqa then pteSeDted the Harvard Book Club,AwerlHo Noel Snyder. Charles Marish. science teacher, presented the Swarthmore College Clu!pter of Si3ma Xi Book Afud' to' Robert Warden. , ' William .' Blisb.'IifiJl'·· school prlitclpaJ, presented the" Elmira Key Award to Nancy DeUmuth, and the Junior Scholarship Cup . to Noel SnYder. Bon Voyage was bid to five students going to Europe this sw,nmer. CandY Allen, Nancy Dellmutlt, Nancy Martin. Pal Lindgren. and Maggie Atuanya. Following ,these awards. the entire school joiried in singing ''The Spirit of Youth" led by Bettejo Goodall. vocal music Instructor. Following the ''Moving-Up'' and the Alma Mater, assembly was adjourned. After reporting to their homerooms for repdrt cards. studenta depatted for summer vacation; to return with lbe opening of school on Monday, September who arrived in l,anJreuau Hosplt8l on Wednesday. June 3. The baby Is a grandchild of Mrs. W. H. Randall of Riverview road.' IIRTH chanUUy lace with matching ac- FEST. IVI,TI.•S FOR BRID-'TO BE gandY gowns 'Nith embroidered .. "' ruftles. Miss Ammon carried yel- . ,.- • JUDe 17. 1955 11D: SWAR'I1DIOIlEAN P..e :I .. ~-,i . • G.. scheduled to serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock. and PBTBB E. TOLD. JlAUOIUB TOLD. PVISLI8aj&by!s . Sunday. JaDe 19 rehearsals at 10 a.m. eacll Sun. grandparents· ·Mrs. 9:30 A.M.--Children's Day Serv- day. " . of HarVard' 'iI'v~u,e; PmILIBBBD .tBkY ftlDAY AT SWAllTBIIOIlB. PA. Mr. Bishop will Adults wIU meet at the evening, the church Yourig This Suilday lo':~.M.-Young Adults. at 8 p.m. for a combined meeting with the member. of the Young METHODIST CHVRCH Adult groups of the other John C. Kulp churches of Swarthmore and Wal_ M!nlster lingford. Mr.. Ernest Lewis will Rudolph H.· Hodge present the program. Assistant MInIster Tile Men's Bible Class will not Mr. Fred HsIey meet this Sunday morning; howOrganist-DIrector Of Music ever. they will meet Sunday, Sunday. June 18 June 26, at 9: 30 before Summer 9:45 A.M.--Church School. 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. vacation. On Tuesday evening at 7: 30 .the TRINITY CHURCH Session will meet for its regular H. Lawrence Whittemore, RectC'r monthly meeting. This will be Sunday. June 19 the last meeting until fall. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. The Boy Scouts will continue to Tuesday, June 21 meet at 7 o'clock every Wed5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. nesday night dur.log the summer W....nesc)ay. June 22 months. except for the lirst two 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. weeks in August when they will 8:00 P.M.-Bible Study. ... .. Friday. JaDe 24 be away. at Cemp Delmont. 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Nativity of St. John Baptist. FRIENDS MEETING NOTES 5:30 P.M.-lilVening Prayer. 11:00 ice. tM. - THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sunday. June 19 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship; All arp. welcome. Monday. ~une 20 All day sewing for A. F. S. C. 3:30 - 6:00 P.M. -' Friendship Party for New' Americana. WhIttier House. Tuesday. June 21 8:00 P.M.-MonthI:v Meeting for busloess. WedDea'-", laDe II All day sewing for A. F. S. C. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard ~UDe 19 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. 'Slllltlq, Sunday from 3: 30 to 6 p.m. the Social Service Committee of the Meeting will entertain at a special "Friendship Parly for New Amer_ Icans" at WhIttier House. Meeting members are \Il'ged to bring their picnic supper and join the group for a pleasant afternoon. Monthly Meeting for Business will be held on Tuesday evening .at 8 p.m. In WhIttier House. The annual meeting of the Friends Conference on RellgloD and Psychology will be heid at Whittier House June 24-26. Details are available· at the Meeting Office. 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson SI._ will be "Is the Universe, including Man Evolved by Atomic Force?" Wedn ...tlav evening m.,.,tln~ each week. 8 P.M.. Reading Room. 409 Dartmlnlth Avenue. open ...-eekdays except hoUdays, 10-1. VrIday evening, 7-9. Sunday af- ternoon. 2:30-4:10. TRINITY NOTES Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8 o'clock Sunday mornIng, and at 11 o'clock the regular service of Morning Prayer will be held. Ushers for the service will 10elude A. G. Boyd, F. S. Chambers, J.- H. Furlong, B. Harrar. W. F. Andy Hopldua Is William IIImT Mcwm"ms, In dWolvlDg ·CltIzeas BOD Saf~ ty .CommIttee, appointed last fall of John 8.. McWllllams of Norlh to llUJ'Vey and reco/DUlend allevla. avenue. and a grand80D of :Mrs. ElsIe H. McWilliams of tion of hazards In the Borough. Benjamin West avenue. and Mr. CoUDell Monday night expressed deep appreciation for the detailed and Mrs. Clair Ashbaugh of report submitted In May by the Merc&r _--' ....._~ Committee. In P·riva te ... .,..ces; prec......... the 11 o'clock aerrice, Carol VIrIt Is expeeted improvement In gInia Johnson, daUlbter of Mr. many sore apots can be facIDtated and :Mrs. Mathews -III. Johnson through the reports' information, of Park avenue received IDe aac· including Cedar Lane where Wilrament; and following the aerrice. 1Ism Campbell complained to Thomas Andrew Kerry Shay. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis Shay. Council Monday evening that of Walnut lane and a grand- apeedlog motorlats who wish to SOD of Mrs. 8. L. Shay of Rose I avoid the Swarthmore avenue and Mr. and :Mrs. Thomas light are becoming an Increased R. White of Chestnut HID. was tratric problem from 7:30 to 9 a.m. baptized. and between" and 8 p.m. Summer Rugs ClimB If/H.... II., ...n ... W. off., .n_D.d f ••fI. !tIoo for fho cIooni.; of .. ,"m.r fibre rugs. • 9 II 12 Fibre - t uk 1:11..... . . , . CempI... SIu . . . . . . . '1 ,.. .... 100 hilt Ave.. Sw.lhmor., P.. WI tdfu!t!re 6 ~ - C!. _brook 9-4646 Cllo'e. ...,.,.. Ro._ for NEWS NOTES PATHII'S DAY When a man has a pipe , Mrs. Henrietta Bruce of ParrIsh road hi entertaining Mrs. William H. Bruce. at Swarthmore College. She will be In the Philadelphia area for several weeks. Mrs. A. Marie Bosshardt of Park avenue will aaJl from New York City Friday; June 24. for Switzerland where she plans to apend an indefinite period of time. Before leavlog, Mrs. Bosshardt will visit her son Richard Bosshardt, USN. who Is stationed In Boston, and her son, Ernest Bosshardt, a flier. on Long Island. Mrs. Robert K. Reeder and daughter Deborah of Harvard avenue wlll leave next Wednesday, June 22 for eight weeks at The National Music Camp at Interlochen. Mich. Deborah, a celllst. won a scholarsbip to the camp last February while participatlog In the All State Orchestra Festival at Mount Union. Mrs. Reeder has accepted a 'position 10 tbe radio deparlment for the durof. daqg)tter's.,· studies' he smoke And a wife who Is loving and tr\le And a home where his cblldren can come And hIs wonderful grsndchlldren too Though he may not be able to saY All the things that he knows should be said Still for him, It has been a grond day And words come to him laterIn bed So I'm sending this late word of thanks For the presents you brought me,today. And to tell you how lucky I am And that. I've had a tine Father's .D~y. CHARLES KVRTZHALZ. Eighteen of PblJlp Swayne's College Avenue Sixth Graders look on as A. R. Mandeville, superlo- "I Saw It In The Swllrthmorean.'· tendent of the PhUadelphia Electric's Southwark electric ;renerating station explaios how electricity Is produced. At the same time, 16 of their classmates visited P.E.'s Conowingo bydromatlc generating station In Maryland. The trips were made In connection with a reeent science study unit on electricity. Plcturici abOve. from. len Ie right, In the Isst row: Barbie Coles, Sondra Skoclund; ibird' row: Ellen Mondale; Nancy Gatewood, Kathy Welsh, Janet Jest..r, Betsy McKeag, DavId sturglss; second row: AbigaU ·Wamell. SUlIaD Wrlchl, R-eI1 Doge, Ben!,le Eckenholl. ErIc Brown; lirst row: Tommy FurnIss; Keith Fox, Ronny Noyes, Dlckte Hutchinson. Dickie JacksOn. Drivers for the; Oeeaslon were MrS. Richard· Dunt, 1IIrs. Edward L. Noyl!s, auiI Mrs. Albert Doge. making the Southwark trip: and Dick Fellows. 1IIr!lo Leslie Walmsley. and 1IIr. Swayne, on the Conowingo eXpedition. are. DO ..• 5.'. '. e._ • • ~ • • • • ~~'.: .• • ."~'" .. ...: ... . . . • ..",,~ .'g .. ,".;'"; . Ptc. Richard W. Danforth, USM, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Danforth of HIllbom avenue, was translered recentl;v from Korea, where he had been stationed on the border zone. to h1a. Dew base in Hawaii. ,PYt. Da,Ilforth bas completed two of his three years the service. Don't iJIait until youger to the beach ~ •• 01' to the piimie ~, ••.• or-to' the lake. diit ... eo diM Moor 10 ...." J'" -AIR CONDITIONED , . If you have JOU poraIIle ndIo. Ow 0 Our parlors are air conditioned ' for your comFort. • Mr. and Mrs: Frollnk G. Keenan of Harvard avenue were )TisIted last week by Mr. Keenan's lath. C' ...&WarIt, er, Mr•J• • an 0 f .. Ohio. Over· the weekend their brother :and sIster-ln~law. Mr. and Mrs. ,.Walter A. Keenan of Washington, D. C; •• and their son and daughter-In-law. Lt. (jg) and Charles B. ~eenan of Boston 10 Park Av. . . . : >; _ICTOIII' O. PUNIIALI 1820 CHISTNUT STRIIT '.! .. 'I' • • ~~ Sw.rifllllore . ". .i '. ' .R••o......... Welic.r ••••• 'rap•• - ·5....• MiI.t. .. " .....: SW.... __ 6-1466 Opft ......, Enot... .L .... ,-:,-if f.:;r~~l 5'rlt r"Inlob .... ,~d b~:m 10 ~~m"\f emO'1 b J{" 'o•.d., • ...... * ~ " MAllY A. - _ ""101"",·. Toleph_ RI 6-1511 . • • and Mrs. Tbomas ~o~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L N. ~:~Mrs:~.:Ow~en~~O!I~bo~rn~e:.:J:r:.~, BE IT RESOLVED THAT WHEREAS Mr. Frank R. Morey first came to the School [)istrict of Swarthmore as Supervising Principal in 1930 and is now completing his . twenty.fifth year in that capacity· and your car ready for summer' Your Car Needs These Ready-for-Suminer-Services NOWI l-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Winter oil is too thin for warm weather. We drain it_nd refill Summer type Sunoco Oil. 2 CHANGE' TO SUMMER GEAR LUlIICANTS Drain transmission and rear refiH . with Sunoco A11~'purpose Sear Lu. bricant - special!}'· made to resist high pressure and heat. 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION Special Lubricant used to hel" keep out squeab end wear. Won't dry· out, won't wash· out, won't squeeze outl Helps improve glls mileage. 4 CHECK OIL FILTER Inspect cartridge and cheCk for leales. 5-IATTERY SERVICED Winter is especillDy tough· on batteries. We check strength, dean terminals, add distilled water. WHEREAS he has . applktd himself to his duties· with a remarkable. selfless diligence. and has demonstrated the ability to select and develop an exceptionally competent teaching· staff dedicated to the teaching and development of the chndren of Swarthmore, and 6 CI,EAN· AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS Dirty sparle plugs can waste as much as . lout . of every 10 gallons of gasoline. . them • .~j,!i " . .", has ,~). ; . !I" -- . _.. _:.t, " ' i '"' , '-" ' ,".' i ••• 1 ~" L'.. 'I, ,I. .'.~-:'l. : ... ,'.' '. ,. NOW;TREREFQRE,·, the :~litd of School 'Di~ of Sw~~mOttt *idiiHto .~Si' to' Frlihk,R;i llAcirey its commendation till hli IIch,evement$ In SWllrth",ore duro ing this period of twenty.five years and also its wry real appreciation of the manner in which he hal worked with that body toward the attainment of the highest possible J, education~ LONGER I objecli..es. ". .. It is fiWth.,.dtrecled ~at a copy of this resolution be given to Mr. Morey end .,' o', ' tJ:oaf.... NsoIutIon be.."..d upon the Pert of the PORTER H. WAITE,. Inc. Minutes of the School District and made a pannanant record. '~MUB. 'T. CA~PEt«ER.. V'oce President MARY S. SPIWR, Sa=alary ; : JOHN F. SPENCER, T _ CHARLES C. MARTIN • Lt. Colonel Robert E. Boulter duty at Fort George G. Meade. Md. Colonel Boulter. an Army Re.. servlat, Is. Supply Officer on the staff of the PbIlsdelphia Army Reserve Schoo~ of SchuYlkill Arsenal. PhUadelphia. The sta1f' of the PhUadephls School Is,conducting tralnIng In Army· ,Administrative .... _ .......... ure ~~ for 98 Adjutant General OBlciers from ten 'States and the DIstrict of Columbia. DurIog' World War II Colonel Bdulte .... . r aerved·..···· . as a member or the Staff at the quartermaster School•. and waj' In and Germany fot'sO Dlonths Petroleum, OIl·andLuhr1liants In support o.f the FIrst. Arn)y. ... ". " " . Franc.. Omcer MOl'~ V Ef{()nS to Band IOung M . ourlling Doves Over the past weekend a fcl~ low-up of the 'dove's nest at the Landon residence. 307 North Prlnce.ton avenue. disclosed that the nest contains one egg. As a rule Mourning Doves have two eggs per setting, although a few records exist of three or even four. Single eggs observed late 10 incubation, as in the present case, may indicate the loss of one through some acoident. On June 11 Henry Coe reported a nest with young near his home at 130 Guernsey road, Henry has just completed nIoth grade at Swarthmore High; he discovered the nest. about 12 feet In elevation, in a juniper tree overgrown' :Wlth· alongside an ash S!lpllng. Access to the nest wasattaloed' by scs1log the ash tre~ .,and . stepplog across to the JuiiJper. at nest level, a feat too ~ousto. be assigned to anyone but. 8!l.lQIent of the FIsh and WUdllfe..Service. ThIs nestcontaloed. apIn, a single fledgeling. just at proper banding age. The number 01 yo;>ung is of course not indicative of the original 'number of eggs, for accidents to baby birds are even more frequent than those occurring dUring Iocubatlon. vIDa. ' Mrs. w. O. HeInze. 822 Strath Haven aVenue,' telephoned abOut est In a n a hawthorn tree close to the boUse. Unfortunatel;v the young were full-ft... ~ and ~-..... -when a ladder was rslsed acaInst th~ ·~.,on June. 14•. ~~w ,WlIi -;~ng :wmgs. .. . " The iota! bandlogscore thus PIans Wen! dIscussed for an stands at tI>ree'.bitds. Furtliel' !ft· earI:v fall membership .1Il4!etInIi (onnatlon on Mourning Doves' . , and for participation in a state nests should Itl11 be ·tl!{knteil to dinner to be held In PbOede"hlil Dr. Worth at SWarthmore ...... _rs. . . DONALD P. JONES, President 6-1250 'I Wcimen's International League for Peace and Fri!edom elected officers· and' appolrited chslrmen of standing I!ominIttees at its Teg~ ular. Board' meeting held t-ecentl;v at the home of ilrs.Phillp Jewett · on' KenYon aVenue.· . OIIIcers and COmmittee chaIi-men will serve for the'conib1g year. 'Those elected,· ·were MrS. ; .TobD.Carrou;' chaimiim; Mrs. Roy McCorkel,· vice ch8itnian; Mrs. · EmIly Lohner, cOrresponding secretary; Mrs, '. Joseph CODard, re-cording secretary; Mrs. Ida Stabler, treasurer. : ChaImien of standing commit. Incl d ••- Frederick T II tees u e ......"'. 0 es, programs; Mrs. ErIch Hausen, hOSPitallty;Mrs. Richard EnJon, LeglsJatlon; Anna Hussey, way1I C H YaROw. and means; •• Art for World FrIendship; Mrs. Wallace McCroIy, United Nations. and international students; and'. :Mrs. Henrietta Bruce, publicity.; . WJ;IEREAS;th.'SChoolDiifrict Of Swarfhmtil'il under his leadership has attained a .~oIa"fc standing of unusually high quality largely as a result of the factors enu· merated above . . mileage. We can also have your tires recapped, if needed. .• ."WHEREAS he' c6ntinu~ to present forcefully. though courteously the physi. cal and instructional needs of the School. whilttat the same time demonstrating an understanding of the problems facing the- SCh661 District which have not always permitted. the comple.~ satisfac;tion of IUch needs, and . . I,·! Com!ct "Switching" improves; the are \VIL;,Elects Oilioors , . Appoints .Chairmen . 9-CHECK~UP OF TIRES In '''" . ' . '. . .".." ~ , .. machinery. depth of pool ",dings, and ·raln water accumUlated In deep end hazards -wllil>h the Swim Club diriiiiiors hoPe parents will have their children avOid by restraining from exploring. the site at Riverview avenue aDd the railroad unless ac· CODlpimIed by an adult. At Tul!sday nlght·ssessloil the board llnalized the Club'li initial I:.Y-Iaws which It plans to Issue to members very soon. It also concentrated everY eIIort toward tl-:vIng to 1Inlsh the pool aDd a minimUnio1 required auxillary facilities In time for members to be able to' enjoy their use over the Fourlh of JuIY week.end despite the deIsy Occasioned by · the past ten dayS' weather. WHEREAS he has on numerous occasions accepted criticism and blame right. fully belonging to others while at the same time graciously passing on to them the acclaim which, has followed the many and .. notable achievements of the School District, . . B-DRAIN ANTI· FREEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS -ADD RUST aESISTANCE . If you have permanent antl-fn!eze, save it for next winter. Bring your own container. SWw.· "'!lDY ~~ 7...;.cLEAN AIR FILTER Lets your engine breathe easier keeps dirt out of the carburetor., I,IT US HELP MAU YOUR CAR RUN lEITER - Children who Iiave 'bei!n visit· lng the Site ot the· SwarthmOre the In grateful recognition of the twenty,five y.ars of~faithful and effective service which FRANK R. MOREY has rendered to the Swarthmore School District, the . Swarthmore Board of School Directors unanimously adopted the following resolution . at its regular meeting June 15, 1955: is designed to help· get Club Doing Utmost Toward ,~u,ly' 1 Swimming ' ..... ~~en.~ ~. ~~pl~ ~e projet!t·tor use:·' The eODStruction RESOLUTION ON TOUR OF DUTY gfilJuld AVOid Pool Site ~!~~;n:e:'s a;;U:~~!eC':':~ • = Our ·Car Savei' ·Spedal Unch'ap·'er'oned Kiddies Swim Club's uDcompieted· pooi. unaccompanied . '. .. by . tnetr. ' .parerits. . were a source of anxietY- to the Clllb'~board" of'. dlrecitors at.·a meeting on TUesday, evening, Not~g thed·a~slnsuch vlhSitoIsrs essedhad~'; creas c.e sc 00 rec ~or afteriiooDs.iii,VB~ revieWed . . . • .. .. . . ..' aJao ~ere ,wlth,1ibelI4., .".: ....... ! ~e t .. dang~ .~chl::'cI1I.lpertycJr;en ",;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;ji;ji" ~c.cun er.. on ...e.poI) ._p~. ' .. K e e n ' THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. ~ H. IAIIo SWARTHMORE PUPILS VISIT. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC PLANTS can $6.00 (PAulSMt & CMtt~~! M PeeS INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ... •- - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Klug, W. M. 'McCawley, W. T. Salam, and G. W. C. Wagner. THE SWARTHMOREAN Andy Hopkins is scheduled to PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PA, serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock, and PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, PUBLlSIIERS Gordon Wyse at 11. Phone SWar&hmore 8-0900 There will be a service of EvePETER E. 'l'8LD, EdItor ning Prayer on Tuesday and again Barbara Kent, Managing Editor on Friday at 5: 30 p.m. Rosalie Peirsol Marjorie Told Nancy K. Hulme There will be a celebration of Entered as Second Class Matter. January 24. 1929. at the Post the Holy Communion at 7 o'clock Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3. 1879. Wednesday morning, and at 8 DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON p.m. the Bible Study group will meet. SWARTHMORE, PENNA., JUNE 17, 1955 On Friday, the Nativity of St. ____________________________ '1 John Baptist, there will be a celeIn case of any emergency need bration of the Holy Communion METHODIST NOTES at Ib a.m. Church School remains active for a pastor during Mr. Kulp's all summer long; classes for all absence, members of the congreCHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES ages beginning at two years con- gation may call the Rev. William "Is The Universe, Including vene at 9: 45 a.m: Pupils visiting W. Speigelhalder, MEdia 6-3172, (Media Methodist Church), the Man, Evolved By Atomic Force?" from other churches and comH. Jones, WAshburn Rev. Richard is the subject of the Lesson-Sermunities are cordially welcomed. 8-2931 (Ridley Park Methodist man to be read at Christian SciAt the 11 a.m. Morning Worship Church), or the church secretary, ence services this Sunday. service, Mr. Kulp will use as his Scriptural selections from the sermon subject, "The Songs of the Mrs. Mildred Conner, WAshburn 8-5609. King James Version of the Bible Forgiven SouL" During the pastor's vacation stress the supremacy of spiritual Nurseries will be in operation beginning the week of June 20, power and include the account of in the Church School rooms. ChilDr. W. Galloway Tyson will Christ Jesus feeding the multidren present for Sunday School preach on all Sundays f=om June tude as recorded by Matthew session and remaining for church28 to July 24 inclusive. Dr. Tyson (14: 14-20) and John's account time nursery are served orange juice and crackes at 11 a.m. Chil- was senior pastor of Broad St. (6: 16-21) of Jesus walking on dren coming to Sunday School Memorial Methodist Church for the sea. The public is cordially invited and staying for Church-time two years of Mr. Kulp's associate pastorate there. His preaching is to attend the services at 11 a.m. nursery are asked to bring a large considered among the best of tite at the First Church of Christ, turkish towel to the Church Philadelphia Methodist ConferScientist, on Park avenue. Nursery to be used for a rest ence. period for the children. BAPTIZED The Junior Church Program is PRES8YTERIAN NOTES discontinued during the summer. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop of The regular meeting of the This Sunday morning there will the Swarthmore Presbyterian Ladies' Bible Class will be held be only one Morning Worship Church administered the sacraat the home of Mrs. Paul M. Paul- Service at 11 a.m. with a sermon ment of baptism to four infants son, 100 Park avenue, on Wed- by Mr. Bishop entitled "Learn- at the 11 o'clock service held Sunnesday at 12: 30. ing to Trust." This schedule of day morning. The babies were: Beginning Tuesday, June 21, one service will extend throughBarbara Grace Duling, daughuntil August I, the church office out the summer until Sunday, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Irl N. Duling will be open on Tuesday morn- September 11. of Pittsburgh; she is a grandings only and the parsonage and There will be no Church School daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry office telephones will be discon- classes this Sunday or for any w. Lin~on of Wawa, formerly of nected. Sunday throughout the summer Swarthmore, and Mr. and Mrs. I. until Sunday, September 11, when N. Duling of Huntington, W.Va. ,~~UR I 's. ~ classes will be resumed. However. there will be a Church Hour Nursery for parents to leave their children from ages one to five years old; this will be held in the Primary Rooms during the church hour from 11 o'clock to 12 noon. Murray of Frankford, all attended the service. William Hany McWilliams, son of John H. McWilliams of North Princeton avenue, and a grandson of Mrs. Elsie H. McWilliams of Benjamin West avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Ashbaugh of Mercer. In private services, preceding the 11 o'clock service, Carol Virginia Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathews M. Johnson of Park avenue received the sacrament; and follOwing the service, Thomas Andrew Kerry Shay, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis Shay, Jr., of Walnut lane and a grandson of Mrs. H. L. Shay of Rose Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. White of Chestnut Hill, was baptized. avenue. Jean is METHODIST CHURCH John C. Kulp Minister Rudolph H. Hodge Assistant Minister Mr. Fred Haley Organist-Director of Music Sunday. June 19 preseht the program. The Men's Bible Class will not meet this Sund-ay morning; how- ever, they will meet Sunday. June 26, at 9: 30 before summer I 9:45 A.M.-Church School. vacation. 11 :00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preacb. On Tuesday evening at 7:30 the TRINITY CHURCH Session will meet for its regular H. LawrC'nce Whittemore. Rector monthly meeting. This wiII he Sunday. June 19 the last meeting until fall. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. The Boy Scouts will continue to Tuesday, June 21 meet at 7 o'clock every Wed5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. nesday night during the summer Wednesday, June 22 months, except for the first two 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. weeks in August when they will 8:00 P.M.-Bible Study. Friday, June 24 be away at Camp Delmont. 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Nativity of St. John Baptist. 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS FRIENDS MEETING NOTES Sunday from 3: 30 to 6 p.m. the Social Service Committee of the Meeting will entertain at a special Sunday, June 19 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. "Friendship Party for New AmerAll ar~ welcome. icans" at Whittier House. Meeting Monday. June 20 members are urged to bring their All day sewing for A. F. S. C. 3:30 - 6:00 P.M. -' Friendship picnic supper and join the group Party for New Americans. for a pleasant afternoon. Monthly Meeting for Business Whittier House. Tuesday. June 21 will be held on Tuesday evening 8:00 P.M.-Monthly Meeting for at 8 p.m. in Whittier House. business. The annual meeting of the Wednesday, June 22 All day sewing for A. F. S. C. FIRST CHURC!-I OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE Park A venne below Harvard Sunday, June 19 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson-Sermon will be UIs the Universe, In- Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology will be held at Whittier House June 24-26. Details are available at the Meeting Office. TRINITY NOTES Holy Communion will be cele- cluding Man Evolved by Atomic brated at 8 o'clock Sunday morning, and at 11 o'clock the regular Force?" Wprine~(lav evenine- meetinl! service of Morning Prayer will be each week. 8 P.M.. Reading Room, held. 409 Dartmouth Avenue. 'open Ushers for the service will inweekdays except holidays, 10-5. clude A. G. Boyd, F. S. Chambers, Friday evening. 7-9. Sunday afJ. H. Furlong, B. Harrar, W. F. ternoon. 2:30-4:30. It is expected improvement in many sore spots can be facilitated through the reports' information, including Cedar Lane where WIlliam Campbell complained to Council Monday evening that speeding motorists who wish to avoid the Swarthmore avenue light are becoming an increased traffic problem from 7:30 to 9 a.m. and between 4 and 6 p.m. liMo", Hot 1I... ow'" W. oH.r unexcened facilltiM for th. cl.aning of lummer fibre rugs. • , X 12 Fibre - June 17, 1955 DIE SWARTBMOREAN NEWS NOTES FATHER'S DAY Page 5 ;SWARTHMORE PUPILS VISIT PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC PLANTS Mrs. Henrietta Bruce of Parrish When a man has a pipe he can smoke road is entertaining Mrs. William H. Bruce, at Swarthmore And a wife who is loving and true College. She will be in the Philadelphia area for several weeks. And a home where his children can come Mrs. A. Marie Bosshardt of Park avenue will sail from New And his wonderful grandchilYork City Friday, June 24, for dren too I Switzerland where she plans to spend an indefinite period of time. Though he may not be able to sa;)' All the things that he knows should be said hardt. USN, who is stationed in Still for him, it has been a grand Boston, and her son, Ernest Bossday hardt, a flier. on Long Island. And words come to him laterMrs. Robert K. Reeder and in bed daughter Deborah of Harvard avenue will leave next Wednes- So I'm sending this late word of Before leaving, Mrs. Bosshardt will visit her son Richard Boss- day, June 22 for eight weeks at thanks The National Music Camp at InFor the presents you brought terlochen, Mich. Deborah, a me today cellist, won a scholarship to the And to tell you hoW lucky I am camp last February while particiAnd that I've had a fine pating in the All State Orchestra Father's Day. Festival at Mount Union. Mrs. Reeder has accepted a 'position in CHARLES KURTZHALZ. the radio department for the durof her daughter's studies ell Saw it in The Swarthmorean.'" ation $6.00 Eighteen of Philip Swayne's College Avenue Sixth Graders look on as A. R. l\-Iandeville. superintendent of the Philadelphia. Electric's Southwark electric generattllg station explains how electricity is produced. At the same time. 16 of their classmates visited P.E.'s Conowingo hydromatic generating station in Maryland. The trips were made in connection with a. recent science study unit on electricity. Piclured above, from left to righl. are. in the lasl row: Barbie Coles. Sondra Skoglund; third row: I N " . _ f:arpedag • CompJeleSlzoRroa,e • _ the ganddaughter of Mrs. John M. Pearson of Cornell avenue, and Mrs. Fred J. Murray of Yale ave- row: Abigail Warnes, Susan Wright. Russell Hoge, Bennie Eckenhoff, Eric Brown; first row: Tommy Furniss, Keith Fox, Ronny Noyes. Dickie Hutchinson. Dickie Jackson. Drivers for the occasion were Mrs. Richard Hunt. l\lrs. Edward L. ... .... ~':' : :.~. :.,. : ... ~ . . . • ••• 1..-';;:""" • . Don't VlGit until you get to the beach . , , or to the picnic grounds. , , or to the lake. Now is die tiIJIII to discover ~ have a t.d ba...,. iA _ porable We _ • _Jete be of RCA Batteries _ndjo.eggia..ed tot __ limoioB boon. "I'bue'•• lftoh RCA OattcrJ for e.ery leadIns IlOI1abIe. So, before Ie', tOO lace, let .. diecl _ ndIo ur!, if DO< I !'Y. repJKw with RCA D_I AIR CONDITIONED Our parlors are air conditioned for your comfort. o.uerIeo THE MUSIC BOX • 10 Park Avenue Recordl - DIRICTORS OUVfR H. BAlli. Fovndor out. won't wash out, won't squeeze out! Helps improve gas mileage. 4 CHECK OIL FILTER Inspect cartridge and check for leab. 5-BAnERY SERVICED Winter is especially tough on batteries. We check strength, clean terminals, add distilled water. SWorth",ore 6·1460 transfered recently from Korea, where he had been stationed on the border zone, to his new base in Hawaii. Pvt. D.... forth has completed two of his three years in the service. Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenan of Harvard avenue were visited last week by Mr. Keenan's father, Mr. J. C. Keenan of Newark, Sheet MUllc. Washington, D. C., and their son op•• F,lday Evenln'll' and daughter-in-law. Lt.. (jg) and Mrs. Charles B. Keenan of Boston also were with them. Telephone RI 6-1581 6--CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS Dirty spark plugs can waste as much as lout of every 10 gallons of gasoline. 7-CLEAN AIR FILTER Lets your engine breathe easier keeps dirt out of the carburetor. 8-DRAIN ANTI. FREEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS -ADD RUST RESISTANCE If you have permanent anti·freeze, save it for next winter. Bring your own container. '-CHECK-UP OF TIRES Correct "Switching" improves the mileage. We can also have your tires recapped, if needed. LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR RUN lETTER _ In grateful recognition of the twenty,five years of faithful and effective service which FRANK R. MOREY has rendered to the Swarthmore School District, the Swarthmore Board of School Directors unanimously adopted the following resolution at its regular meeting June 15, 1955: BE IT RESOLVED THAT WHEREAS Mr. Frank R. Morey first came to the School District of Swarthmore as Supervising Principal in 1930 and is now completing his twenty-fifth year in that capacity and WHEREAS he has applied himself to his duties with a remarkable. selfless diligence, and has demonstrated the ability to select and develop an exceptionally competent teaching staff dedicated to the teaching and development of the children of Swarthmore, and WHEREAS he has on numerous occasions accepted criticism and blame rightfully belonging to others while at the same time graciously passing on to them the acclaim which has followed the many notable achievements of the School District, and WHEREAS he has continued to present forcefully though courteously the physi. cal and instructional needs of the School while at the same time demonstrating an understanding of the problems facing the School District which hawe not always permitted the complete satisfaction of such needs. and WHEREAS the School District of Swarthmore under his leadership has attained a scholastic standing of unusually high quality largely as a result of the factors enu· merated above NOW THEREFORE, the Board of School Directors of Swarthmore wishes to express to Frank R. Morey its commendation on his achievements in Swarthmore during this period of twenty.five years and also its very real apprecialion of the manner in which he has worked with that body toward the attainment of the highest possible educational objectives. LONGER! PORTER H. WAITE, Inc. SWa,lI,more 6-1250 Unchaperoned Kiddies Should Avoid Pool Site Club Doing Utmost Toward July 1 Swimming Children who have been visiting the site of the Swarthmore Swim Club's uncompleted pool, unaccompanied by their parents, were a source of anxietY.. to the Club's board of directors at a meeting on Tuesday evening. Not_ ing that such. visitors had increased since scboom recessed for afternoons, the Board reviewed the many dangers which children encounter on the pool property as workmen rush to complete the project for use. The construction machinery, depth of pool sidings, and rain water accumulated in RESOLUTION Your Car Needs These Ready-for-Summer-Services NOW! 1-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Winter oil is too thin for warm weather. We drain it-and refill Summer type Sunoco Oil. 2-CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS Drain transmission and rear refill with Sunoco AII.purpose Gear Lu· bricant - specially made to resist high pressure and heat. 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION Special Lubricant used to help keep out squeaks and wear. Won't dry P~o..: Webcor Phonographl - Pfe. Richard W. Danforth, USM, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Danforth of Hillborn avenue, was Ohio. Over the weekend their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Keenan of MARY A. BAlli. Pr..ldent, is designed to help get your car ready for summer and Mrs. Albert Hoge. wingo expedition. Swarthmore THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. o •• UNIULS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Noy~s, makIng Ihe Southwark trip: and Dick Fellows, Mrs. Leslie Walmsley. and Mr. Swayne. on tbe Cono- ...&111 Bu.- 100 Pan. Av••• Swmhmor•• Pa, SW d",c;>." ~ - q, Mrbroolt 9-4646 Choice Persia" Rugs for Sale Our Car Saver Special Chester Road and Yale Ayenue Ellen Mondale. Nancy Gatewood, Kathy \Velsh, Janet Jester, Betsy McKeag. David Sturgiss; second Cotttr.en,! (PAuls"" [; nue. For the Sundays in June and Richard Roy Snape, son of Lt. I July the choral music for worship and Mrs. Jay B. Snape of Lockservice will be furnished by a bourne Airbase, Columbus t Ohio, CHURCH SERVICES volunteer summer choir. under and a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. the direction of Eugene Roan. J. Roy Snape of Harvard avenue, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Anyone who would like to sing and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Murray Joseph P. Bishop, Minister in this choir is urged to come to of Meadowbrook. The baby's John Schott. Associate MlnIater rehearsals at 10 a.m. each Sun- great grandparents Mrs. Mary Sunday, June 19 day. Snape of Harvard avenue, Mr. 9:30 A.M.-Children's Day ServThis Sunday evening. the Young and Mrs. Owen Osborne, Jr., of ice. 11:00 A.M. Mr. Bishop will Adults wiU meet at the church Germantown, and Mrs. Thomas N. preach. at 8 p.m. for a combined meeting 8:00 P.M.-Young Adults. with the members of the Young Adult groups of the other churches of Swarthmore and Wal_ lingford. Mrs. Ernest Lewis will to survey and recommend alleviation of hazards in the Borough, Council Monday night expressed deep appreciation for the detailed report submitted in May by the Committee. CLEANED of Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Murray Park In dissolving 1he Citizens Safety Committee, appointed last fall Summer Rugs Jean Pearson Murray, daughter of Safety Committee Thanked . the deep end are hazards which the Swim Club directors hope parents will have their children ON TOUR OF DUTY Lt. Colonel Robert E. Boulter of Riverview avenue, is currently serving a 15 day active lour of duty at Fort George G. Meade, Md. Colonel Boulter, an Army Re_ servist, is Supply Officer on the staff of the Philadelphia Army Reserve School of Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadelphia. The staff of the Philadephia SchOOl is condUcting training in Army Administrative procedure for 96 Adjutant General Officers from ten States and the District of Columbia. During World War II Colonel goulter served as a member of the Staff at the Quartermaster School, and was in France and Germany for 30 months as Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants Officer in support of the First Army. More Efforts to Band Young Mourning Doves avoid by restraining them from Over the past weekend a folexploring the site at Riverview low-up of the dove's nest at the avenue a'nd the railroad unless acLandon residence, 307 North companied by an adult. At Tuesday night's session the Princeton avenue, disclosed that board finalized the Club's initial the nest contains one egg. As a by-laws which it plans to issue rule Mourning Doves have two to members very soon. It also eggs per setting. although a few concentrated every effort toward records exist of three or even trying to finish the pool and a four. Single eggs observed late in minimum of required auxiliary' incubation, as in the present case, facilities in time for members to may indicate the loss of one be able to enjoy their use over through some accident. the Fourth of July week-end On June 11 Henry Cae reportdespite the delay occasioned by ed a nest with young near his the past ten days' weather. home at 130 Guernsey road. WIL Elects Officers Appoints Chairmen Henry has just completed ninth grade at Swarthmore High; he discovered the nest, about 12 feet juniper tree overgrown with vines, alongside Women's International League an ash sapling. Access to the nest for Peace and Freedom elected officers and appointed chairmen of standing committees at its regular Board meeting held recently at the home of Mrs. Philip Jewett in elevation, in a was attained by scaling the ash tree and stepping across to the juniper at nest level, a feat too hazardous to be assigned to anyone bu t all agent of the Fish and on Kenyon avenue. Officers and committee chair- Wildlife Service. men will serve for the coming This nest contained, again, a year. Those elected were Mrs. single fledgeling, just at proper John Carroll, chairman; Mrs. Roy banding age. The number of McCorkel, vice chairman; Mrs. Emily Lohner, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Joseph Conard, re-I cording secretary; Mrs. Ida Stabler , treasurer. young is of course not indicative of the original ·number of eggs, for accidents to baby birds are even more frequent than those occurring during incubation Chairmen of standing commitM tees include Mrs. Frederick Tolles, Hav::' W~ O. . !IelDze, . Hausen, 922 Strath . av nue, telephoned about hospitality; Mrs. Richard Enion, Legislation; Anna Hussey, ways and means; Mrs. C. H. Yarrow, Art for World Friendship; Mrs. DONALD P. JONES, President Wallace McCrory. United Nations and international students; and JOHN F. SPENCER, Treasurer SAMUEL T_ CARPENTER, Vice President Mrs. Henrietta Bruce. publicity. CHARLES C. MARTIN MARY S. SPILLER, Secretary Plans were discussed for an early faU membership meeting and for participation in a state ______________;;;;;;____;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;____;;;;;;;;;;__;;;;;;____;;;;;----;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;------=------;;;iI1 dinner to be held In Philadelphia a nest m a hawthorn tree close to the house. Unfortunately the young were full-fledged, and when a ladder was raised against the tree on June 14, they flew away on strong wings. The total banding score thus stands at three birds. Further in. formation on Mourning Doves' nests should still be reported to Dr. Worth at SWarthmore 6-4444. It is further directed tflat a copy of this resolution be given to Mr. Morey and that the resolution be spread upon the Minutes af the Schaal District and made a part af the permanent record. programs; Mrs. Erich Convey Greetings Expansion in Boro From Stade Keeps Council Busy (Continued fJ:om Page 1) Eberhard ZImmerman (business who saId that he would come to 1he inn at once. The MOISe ......... went to the dInIng room ';;;;"lunch and soon Mr. Zlmmennan came with hli wIfe, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Boyken (school teacher) Dr. and Mrs. H. J. von Brandis (~n), and Mrs. Hildegerd ScbneideNit (wife of a lawyer). Mrs. Scbneldereit broiJght with her a letter she had just received from Mrs. John Michael seying that she waS sorry that she would not be ahle to come to Stade on her present trip to Europe. Mr Boyken took the whole party· on a conducted tour of Stade which the Morses describe as a quaint, walled, medieval elty. They saw many rhOdodendron in bloom thought that the planting see similar to Swarthmore's Th: visited the "beautifui church" the town hall (It was there, 'they were told, that the team was chosen for their "great adventure"), the old Gulld Hall, several medieval buildings. man) ed Class of '30 Receives Awa Three Named t~ Posts , • in Philadelph.a ACS The American Chemical Society recently chose three members of Sun on Company's research and development department to hold posts in the orpn!zation's PhUadelphla Section for the coming year. The men selected were James L Jezl, Swarthmore; J. Harold Perrine, Wallingford; and Robert M. Kennedy, Newtown ~ith * * * * * * * "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .** * * * * ** * * ** ** ** ** ** *' * * * ** The .hapP,l"est man I"n town'"** ** * * *** ** *.* ** ** *. * lusel~us * *** . ** ** I *** ** . ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** ** * ** * * HOW SelENa HEALS WI. (Ill an its now 8ementary '~:;:r~ Ii by Korday THOMAS A. BRADSHAW -also~ JERSEY TOPS by Smartee Captain Rolph Hayes Dies in New England 15 South Chester Road (Continued from Page 1) of several published articles on the subject. Miss Jane B. Provost of Cornell He was a member of the Teleavenue returned. recently from phone Pioneers of America, the North Hampton, Mass., where she Franklin Instliute, the InstItute had viewed the dedication of a of Radio Engineers lit which he held office at one time, the Ben new chlipel at Smith COlleiiigiiieiii · iii Telephone camera Club, the Providence Camera Club and the Retired Officers AsSociation. He moved to Swarthmore from Ardmore In 1930 and was active in local organizations including .the Players Club, the American Legion and, Civil Defense. He atSEE THE tended Swarthmore F r i e:ri d s Meeting. ApPAREL FOR Surviving Captain Hayes are his wife, the former Gladys Warnock of Eastport, Me., and a daughter, 'Betty (Mrs. Charles) NelSon of Arlington, Va. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ready For Camp , VISIT OUR SHOP AND EXCELLENT CAMP 'WEARING "Men Six to Sixteen" THE PREP .SHOP, Inc~ 405 DARTMOUTH AVENUE SWAR'l'llMORE (Between Dew Drop and Co-op) • NVAlIIIR,I Sin, MR.' Winner of 36 International foi distinctive beauty! And Studebaker's Awards NVIW81R ~ I(J(JNIJM' (JAil.' Winner of Mobilgas Economy Run Sweepstakes for second straight with year, record of 27.4 actual miles per gallon! And Studebaker uses non-premium fuel! NVMIMR,I (lINIUTI' e'AII.' Count on quality in a Studebaker! These cars are products of far-ahead engineering ••• precision~machines and methods •.. finest materials, all through! wnw rHl UJIVIIr.' Commander is one of lowest price v-as ... Champion one of lowest price cars! . Studebaker.... so m,"11 bette,. ",ade ... -~ ,o81rtJde I mo,.. 111_ IN ROSE VALLEY m '''''$1 IB.l 1'EI.E..-E C• • • OF PEllIISYlV. . Write for illustrated brochure • II E .m ••• 1170". . . . . . . . . . . . _.,riEc_oo·,.. ... ...Cer/l/let/ -.............. .. IIIElIIF _ _ _ FUSCO MOTOR COMPANY • C•••'.r.1Id ............... , Changes, Plans at School in Rose Valley . Grace Rotzel, principal and founder of the School in Rose Valley, which has just completed its 26th year· of operation, announced a few changes in the facultyfiir: the coming year ,at the school's board meeting, June 13., . Elfrieda Muller, known locally through lli!r I work at the Wallingford Art Center, wID teach dancing. Sbe replaces SOna Ruth Leroy who Is on maternity leave tor 1955-56• A1s" on maternity leave is Alberta Hartman· of Swarthmore. Her replacement as kindergarten teacher is Mrs. Jom MacKay who has been an assistant in the nursery school class this year. Elsa Canton, also associated with .the Walllngford Arts Center ... will teach FIne Arts. Jean Coslett, . John S. Thompson, Jr., son of who' has instructed in' both arts Mr. and. Mrs; J. S. Thompson of and crafts work, will ,be in Media, has sailed from Montreal charge of ceramics, weaving, and abQard the Seven Seas for a ten other related sldll& week vacation trip to the British Ann Gale,' fonBiirly with the Isles and the continent. Spring IDll Country Day School, = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I l s scheduled to be the new seco~d grade teacher. Election of the school's board for the coming year was also held at the meeting. Jobn Dic!" _premlumcost. In the mol'lling Dr. Friedrich meetings of Springfield, Swarth- number of children produced' by Gronemann (judge) came to the more and Delaware. County Plan- the' class ( 9 4 ) . * Ifappy /lion' Youb.t. And you can get 1Il10 th. Inn. He had staYed at the. Morse DIng Commission .representatives Dr. John Jackson received ii . ,'''' Sa... frame of mind tiy dolilg the lame thing. home when in Swarthmore and had ironed out most requirements mo'!key for 8rrtvlng late from the JuII..on III for detolb.. was distressed to have been in satisfactorily with. Mrs. Jacob; Haiplemann Hospital "safari... .,,*.. '" :~. " , ' : , 'c. if Hamburg when the Mones had However, Swarthmore's requlr~ . '. . .. arrived. He ,breakfasted . with ment fol' a 50 foot public road and MRS. ELIZA DERBY them and visited until his court the complete piping of a storm Mrs. ElIza Hargraves Derby, open~ at 10. While the Morses sewer were deemed unreasonable wife of the late C. Decatur Demy, PETER. E. TOLD WI!l1li",packlng to leave, Heinrich by Mrs. Jacob. and mother of Mrs. Kenneth M. Quell (newspaper Pllblisher) Her new plan, which would re- Reed of North Chester road, died All Kinds of Insurance came to their room to greet them. quire Council's permission to pro- after one day's IDness at her home 333 Dartmouth Ave•• " Swarthmore He had been busy on his paper vide a 35-foot private road for In Lansdowne on Wednesday, the day and night before. IDs servicing two to four homes in June 8. SWarthmore 6.1833 . made the visit with each the Swarthmore portion' of the The funeral was held on ThursActive M....' of ri. Swa"6.o,••••1.... A..oelaHa. memlill!r of the Stade visitors com- development, was oftered in an day evening at a funeral home in plete. Eaoh wastheir anxious that the to get the.the· project Morses extend greetings to effort way and avoid' delay underOf a Lansdowne. Interment was on all their Swarthmore friends, couple of years litigation, Mrs. Saturday afternoon in the family From Stade the Logans. drove. Jacob stated. Council said it plot in Peru, N.Y. The committal Mr. and Mrs. Morse to· Hamburg. would have to have a certl1Ied services were preceded by rltuawhere they enplaned for London. engineer's drawing showing def- listie services of the Easter.n Star. Atter a few days there, they inlte boundaries in the arl'a beMrs. Derby was :born in Ausable toured Scotland and Wales .1'1' car fore it could consider granting an Chasm, N,Y., and spent most of before returning to Southhampton exception for the private road- her life in Peru. She went to to return on the United States. way. Mrs. Jacob said she would Lansdowne some years ago to On their trip they also visited provide the drawing· speedily. The live with her other daughter, Mrs, another former Swarthmorean, possibility of permitting part of Addison Lippincott, of that town. Jay Daugherty and his familY. the stonn, sewer to remain an Besides Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Daugherty Is working on one of open drain was discussed· by Mrs. Lippincott, Mrs. Del'lby is survived the pipeline projects. Jacob and several members of by two sons, Allen R. Derby of Council but no decision was made Pern, and Raymond' C. Derby of Named Honor Store at the time. Several residents Yakima, Wash., and ten grandMichael's College Pharmacy has with interests in' the unopened children. been designated a "Rexall Honor section of Harvard avenue, who - - - -_ _ __ Store" in recognition of Its '1JIIgh are unwilling to see any part of Mrs. Peter B. Murray enterstandards of community service." it opened as a means of entrance tained a tew friends at bridge You're singing happily away in the shower and ••• you The awards were presented to the into the proposed development, Tuesday evening at her home on store at the end of Kay. a·ttended the meeting and con- Park avenue. guessed it. The telephone rings in the downstairs hall. trlbuted to the discUssion. If you can't fight this sort of thing any longer. we'll be Borough Secretary Elliott Rich- tabled in favor of a J}.8W enginCharles LIncoln, Dr. Christopher Ross, Theodore Purnell, and ardson's request for an appropri_ e8!'iIlg survey to be conducted in happy to install a second telephone in your home )WherGlo.ria Simons were visitors last ation to provide band valves for an eftort to secure more satisever it will save you the most steps. The charp is sur· week at the National Americq radiators and a pump to protect factory performance of the heatprisingly low. Just c:all the Telephone Company Business Methodist Association Convention electrical equlpment.- in case of a ing system In the new Borougb . , boiler leak in Borough Hall, Was Hall. . held at Atlantic City. Office and ask about an extension telephone. com~ Pqe 7 member of lbe Society's interim committee and will I1181st in 1he fonnation of 1he Petroleum Group of 1he Philadelphia Section. I. Th k Sa vatlon Army an s Workers, Contributors USED CARS I Mrs. John M. Rainey of Yale avenue is 'spending sevelal days in ~st Orange, N.J., visiting her sister, Mrs. George Vannote. Lind/! Smith of Amherst avenue will leave for Grove Point Girl. ~t Camp in· Ear1ville, Md., on Sunday, June 19, wbere she will be a counseJo.- tor the summer. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE June 17, 1955 mE SWARTBMOREAN Three Named to Posts Convey Greetings IExpansion in Boro Class of '30 in Philadelphia ACS Keeps Council Busy Receives Awards From Stade (Continued from Page 1) Eberhard Zimmerman (business man) who said that he would come to the inn at once. The MQrse party went to the dining room for lunch and soon Mr. Zimmerman came with his wife, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Boyken (school teacher), Dr. and Mrs. H. J. von Brandis (surgeon), and Mrs. Hildegard Schneidereit (wife of a lawyer). Mrs. Schneidereit brought with her a letter she had just received from Mrs. John Michael saying that she was sorry that she would not be able to come to Stade on her present trip to Europe. Mr. Boyken took the whole (Continued from Page 1) Fifty-four p eo pIe, including sian for a garage addition which class members and their husbands would extend further to Nard the and wives, came from as far as street than the front wall of his I Massachusetts to enjoy school day home. Such permission would reminiscences and a ·briefing on quire an exception to the local each other's later lives at the building code. silver anniversary reunion of The proposal of H. D. Sipler to Swarthmore High School's class build a garage and storage struc- of 1930, held at the Strath Haven ture on a 20 by 20 foot foundation Inn last Saturday night. This was of a former building across the better than a 50 per cent turnout alleyway at the rear of his South since the class numbered 52 and Chester road place of business, several of the members came met with Councilmanic approval. singly to the reunion. Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. BillNews of those who could not re-I I I stein received favor for their re- be present was read quest to build a swimming pool Vint, who had acted as reservaat their home, 309 South Ches- tions chairman and also ran Mrs. ter road. Gennaro Pinto of 558 Juniata party on a conducted tour of avenue was told Council had no Stade which the Morses describe as a quaint, walled, medieval city. objection to his seeding and garThey saw many rhododendron in dening part of the unopened exbloom, thought that the planting tension of Rutgers avenue whfch seemed similar to Swarthmore's. They visited the "beautifUl church," the town hall (it was by David borders his home. Council listened to the complaints of a dozen new homeowners in the southeastern sec- Caroline Evans Ceton a: close second for the award for the "least changed." He was a]so presented with a "silver" gavel in recognition of his presidency of the Rutledge School Board. James Fairies, president of the class, and Harry A. Peirsol, Jr., lost by a hair to Mrs. Sally Jessup Lincoln member of the Society's interim committee and will assist in the formation of the Petroleum Group The American Chemical Society of the Philadelphia Section. recently chose three members of Sun Oil Company's research and Salvation Army Thanks development department to hold Workers, Contributors important posts in the organizaVolunteer workers in the retion's Philadelphia Section for the cently completed Salvation Army coming year. The men selected were James L. Jezl, Swarthmore; Fund drive were congratulated on J. Harold Perrine, Wallingford; their efforts in raising 138.4 per and Robert M. Kennedy, Newtown cent of quota during the twoSquare. month campaign which ended Jezl, a resident of Cornell ave- May 24. In a statement issued this week, nue, has been a member of the American Chemical Society's lial- William O. Fitzgerald, Jr., Springson committee for several years field, chairman of the Baltimore and was just appointed committee Pike section of the drive, expresschairman for the next year. He ed his gratitude for the cooperais also the general chairman of tion he received from each work. the Delaware Valley Regional Local chairmen in this section Meeting scheduled to be held in include Mrs. William F. Taylor, Philadelphia next February. II, Swarthmore; Mrs. Elizabeth Perrine, current chairman of Bollinger, Grace Park; Mrs. H. the Philadelphia Section, was re- S. Green, Wallingford; Mrs. Alelected as one of ACS's National fred Geistweit, Moylan-Rose ValCouncilors for that Section. He is ley; Mrs. Leon Piestrak, Pine manager of the administration Ridge; Mrs. Margaret Battista, June 17, 1955 mE SWARTBMOREAN Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lang, Mrs. Charles J. Brady of Rutof Maple avenue are entertaining gers avenue Hew to Chicago on Mrs. Lang's brother-in_law and Wednesday to join her husband sister, suffering from wars and occupations. At dinner the Morses and Logans were the party's guests A. Clarke, Jr., builder of the homes and present at the meeting, that the complaints be satisfied if possible. Leaky basements, windows, absence to their dog and cat collections. ** * * * * * ** * The happiest man in town! * * He just tossed a few hundred worries away by * taking aut the super-convenient, money-saving Home* owner's Policy that provides four kinds of necessary * Insurance In jllst one policy I * No more separate premiums. No red tape. And * he's saving up to 20% on premium cost. * Happy man' You bet. And you can get Into the * same frame of mind by doing the same thin'g, * Just eoll us for detailS! of John Gensemer and his wife, the at a restaurant overlooking the property line markers and faulty former Elinor Windell, were hon- jUllcture of Elbe rivers. sticking Steven Mason received additions the Schwinge and drainage which constitute a ored with a belated wedding In the evening a health hazard and require at least present (a pewter pitcher) as the gathering was held at the home of Dr. van Brandis and his wife who are planning to send the oldest of their three c!lildren, two sons and a daughter, to Swarth- one resident to run his lawn mower through water, were among the difficulties cited. Clarke said he could see no solution to the basement water except more College. only members of the class to have married clasmates. A rattle for having the youngest child (three months of age) went to Mrs. Dorothy Hebberd Gil- Here they were sub-pumps, due to the high water patrick who also won as the guest joined by Major-General Hans table of the area. from the farthest point. Grund. Questions were asked Mrs. Betty M. Jacob presented a Harld Hormann received a about all their Swarthmore hosts rough sketch of a new plan to shovel for his participation in and friends. They remembered develop an upper area of the part groundbreaking for the new EMU every detail of their visit here, of the Morrow tract she seeks to High School. even though it was at the begin- develop in southern Swarthmore Mrs. Margaret Cresson Detning of their tour of the United and adjoining Springfield Town- weiler won the "best memory" States. They felt that Swarth- ship. It was reported by Mrs. prize. mOl'e was more like a park than Jacob and Public Safety ChairDoor prize went to John Spena town. man Ambrose Van Alen that jOint cer for guessing nearest to the I In the morning Dr. Friedrich meetings of Springfield, Swarth- number of children produced by Gronemann (judge) came to the more and Delaware County Plan- the class (94). inn. He had stayed at the Morse ning Commission representatives Dr. John Jackson received a home when in Swarthmore and had ironed out most requirements monkey for arriving late from the was distress~d to have been in satisfactorily with Mrs. Jacob. Hahnemann Hospital "safari." Hamburg when the Morses had However, Swarthmore's require- arrived. He breakfasted with ment for a 50 foot public road and them and visited until his court the complete piping of a storm Que II (newspaper publisher) came to their room to greet them. He had been busy on his paper the day and night before. His coming made the visit with each member of the Stade visitors COffi- Mrs. Eliza Hargraves Derby, Her new plan, which would re- I1ced of North Chester road, died quire Council's permission to pro_ after one day's illness at her home vide a 35-foot private road for in Lansdowne on Wednesday, servicing two to four homes in June 8. the Swarthmore portion of the The funeral was held on Thurs; development was offered in an plete. Eaoh was anxious that the effort to get the project under- day evening at a funeral home in Morses extend their greetings to I way and avoid the delay of a Lansdowne. Intermcnt was on all their Swarthnlore friends. From Stade the Logans drove Mr. and Mrs. Morse to Hamburg where they enplaned for London. After a few days there, they toured Scotla?d and Wales by car before returmng to Southhampton to return on the United States. On their trip they also visited another former Swarthmorean, Jay Daugh:rty an~ his family. Daug~ert~ IS \V~rkmg on one of the plpellne proJects. Named Honor Store Michael's College Pharmacy has been designated a "RexaU Honor Store" in recognition of its "high standards of community service." The awards were presented to the store at the end of May. I couple of years litigation, Mrs. Jacob stated. Council said it would have to have a certified engineer's drawing showing definite boundaries in the area before it cou1d consider granting an exception for the private roadway. Mrs. Jacob said she would provide the drawing"speedily. The possibiJity of permitting part of the storm sewer to remain an open drain was diSCUssed by Mrs. Jacob and several members of Council but no decision was made at the time. Several residents with interests in the unopened section of Harvard avenue, who are unwilling to see any part of it opened as a means of entrance into the proposed development, * * *********************** MRS. ELIZA DERBY opened at 10. While the Morses sewer were deemed unreasonable wife of the late C. Decatur Derby, were packing to leave, Heinrich by Mrs. Jacob. and mother of Mrs. Kenneth M. Saturday afternoon in * * * * : * * * Dartmouth Ave•• Swarthmore * SWarthmore 6·1833 : * PETER E. TOLD All Kinds of Insurance 333 * more public speaking training in the schools. Selection of Seersucker PLAY CLOTHES plot in Peru, N.Y. The committal services were preceded by ritualistic services of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Derby was born in Ausable Chasm, N.Y., and spent most of her life in Peru. She went to Lansdowne some years ago to live with her other daughter, Mrs. The American Seating Company was awarded an order for 20 ta,blet arm chairs on its low bid of $244, and a science instructor's table at $345. John P. Morgan Company was low On folding chairs for the music rooms Korday at $246; and two teacher's desks at $124.90. Bids for 30 other -also_ JERSEY TOPS by desks and chairs were rejected as unneeded at present. New English, French, geography and shorthand books for next year were adopted. UNo Dumping" signs were ordered for the unused portion of Payment of $250 in addition to the $800 annual retainer for legal Smartee THOMAS A. BRADSHAW MORRIS L. HICKS Thomas A. Bradshaw, Benjamin West avenue, president of the Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company, and James M. Large, president of Tradesmen's Balik and Trust Company, have been the I1utgers Aven.e School named co-chairmen of the first Community Campaign grounds where deposits of debris United planned for the Greater Philahave been appearing. delphia area this fall. Mrs. Ruth Wright and Joseph Conte of the regular high school faculty were added to previous 15 South Chester Road Yakima, Wash., and ten grandchildren. Ready For Camp VISIT OUR SHOP AND SEE THE EXCELLENT CAMP WEARING APPAREL FOR "Men Six to Sixteen" THE PREP SHOP, Inc. 405 DARTMOUTH AVENUE SWARTHMORE (Between Dew Drop and Co-opJ ,I S,Yt, the Players Club, the American for 1955-56. Legion and Civil Defense. He at- tended Swarthmore Meeting. Her replacement as kindergarten Surviving Captain Hayes are teacher is Mrs. John MacKay his wife, the fQrmer Gladys War- who has been an assistant in the nock of Eastport, Me., and a nursery school class this year. daughter, Betty (Mrs. Charles) Elsa Canton, also associated Nelson of Arlington, Va. with the Wallingford Arts Center win teach Fine Arts. Jean Coslett, John S. Thompson, Jr., son of who has instructed in both arts Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thompson of and crafts work, will ,be in Media, has sailed from Montreal charge of ceramics, weaving, and aboard the Seven Seas for a ten other related skills. week vacation trip to ihe British Ann Gale, formerly with the Spring Hill Country Day School, is scheduled to be the new second grade teacher. Election of the school's board for the coming year was also Winner of 36 International Awards for' distinctive beauty! And Studebaker's long, low streamlines reduce weight and wind-drag ••. increase performance! held at the meeting. John Dickey of Moylan was chosen president. Louis Hoskins of Wallingford is chairman of admissions. Mrs. Robert W. Gicks, also of WaUingford, will be PTA president. Studebaker wins Gold Cup in N.Y.. One of 36 outstanding Intemational Awards to Studebaker for distinctive. far-ahead styling. Rothwell of Media. Faculty represeontatives are Janet Hampton and Cornelia Clark. The new building, now known as the Rawson building, in honor of Edmuntl Rawson, one of the school's first teachers, will be ready for full time occupancy this fall. Built by the parents, teachers and students on week-ends over ~ the past ~hree years, it has just ; been eqUIpped with new furni": i ture in preparation for the new i term. I Summer Day Camp for children between the ages of three Studebaker first in gas saving! Studebaker's Mobilgas Economy Run Grand Sweepstakes Wmner averaged 27.4 actual miles per gallon. If you can't fight this sort of thing any longer, we'll be happy to install a second telephone in your home wherever it will save you the most steps. The charge is surprisingly low. Just call the Telephone Company Business Office and ask about an extension telephone. an effort to secure more satis- factory performance of the heating system in the new Borough Hall. Other board members re-elected this year .include: James Delano, Mrs. Paul Fox, and Lindsay Wolfe of Swarthmore, Roy B. Davis, Mrs. Norman Brown and Mrs. George ~()1V18T.l so much better made ... worth more when you trade I Also on maternity leave is Al- F r i e'; d s berta Hartman of Swarthmore. etllR.' fllM~ CAR.' nounced a few changes in the faculty for the coming year ,at the school's board meeting, June He moved to Swarthmore from lingford Art Center, will teach Ardmore in 1930 and was active dancing. She replaces Sona Ruth in local organizations including Leroy who is on maternity leave I Isles and the continent. Studebaker ... tributed to the discussion. Borough Secretary Elliott Rich_ tabled in favor of a f,lew enginCharles Lincoln, Dr. Christopardson's request for an appropri- eering survey to be conducted in her Ross, Theodore Purnell, and Valley, which has just completed its 26th year of operation, an- Telephone Camera Club, the 13. Providence Camera Club and the Elfrieda Muller, known locally Retired Officers Association. through her work at the Wal- Commander is one of lowest price V -8s ... Champion one of lowest price cars! You're singing happily away in the shower and •• , you guessed it. The telephone rings in the downstairs hall, The United Grace Rotzel, principal and founder of the School in Rose the subject. ""'(JED WnN"" Pet peeve of yours? Peru, and Raymond C. Derby of for 162 separate health and wel- Captain Ralph Hayes Changes Plans at Dies in New England Scoomoseaey h I', R V II Count on quality in a Studebaker! These cars are products of far-ahead engineering , • , precision-machines and methods, •• finest materials, all through! by two sons, Allen II. Derby of there will be a simultaneous solicitation of both industrial and residential areas to provide support fare organizations. (Continued from Page 1) appointments to the local Summer School staff. of several published articles on Winner of Mobilgas Economy Run Sweepstakes for second straight year, with record of 27.4 actual miles per gallon! And Studebaker uses non-premium fuel! Besides Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Lippincott, Mrs. Der-by is survived Under the new campaign plan this fall-for the first time in the history of Greater Philadelphia- In the same connection, Morris Community Campaign has been Miss Jane B. Provost of Cornell He was a member of the Teleavenue returned recently from phone Pioneers of America, the North Hampton, Mass., where she Franklin Institute, the Institute had viewed the dedication of a of Radio Engineers in which he new chapel at Smith College. held office at one time, the BeU NVAlIIER,I partment for the Campaign. L. Hicks of College avenue, has termed the largest communitycounsel was ordered to cover accepted an appointment as chair- wide fun-raising effort ever conextra services involved in proman of the Delaware County De- ducted in this area. . , cessing the Swarthmore-Rutledge union. NVMIIIR:I Et/ONOMI' CAR.' Addison Lippincott, of that town. three other items ordered by the Board: 36 cafeteria chairs at $234; 60 by Adlve Member of Tile Swartlrmore Business Association *********************** the family 1---------------------------- Mrs. Peter B. Murray entertained a few friends at bridge Tuesday evening at her home on attended the meeting and con- Park avenue. Gloria Simons were visitors last a tion to provide hand valves for week at the National Americau radiators and a pump to protect Methodist Association Convention electrical equipment in case of a boiler leak in Borough Hall. was held at Atlantic City. ** * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * Local Men to Head United Community Campaign students that a need existed for *********************** ** ** * * p1ete with weiiding bells. Mr. and Mrs. Fairies and Mr. and Mrs. School Board Honors Frank R. Morey Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore who is on business there. The Wood and son, Sanborn, of Bradys will make a side trip to (Continued from Page 1) Kewande, Ill. Cincinnati before returning home. in the elementary schOOl. Her appointment came at the suggestion of faculty, parents and former division in Sun's Research and Morton; Mrs. Dorothy Tipping, for the "whitest haired." Mr. and Development Department at the Media; Mrs. Warren Price, Rutteam was chosen for their "great tion of the borough, as voiced by Mrs. Peirsol, who were celebrat- Marcus Hook Refinery. ledge; and Mrs. A. Carl Behenna, adventure"), the old Guild Hall, Luke W. Corbett, 546 Marietta ing their sixteenth wedding anniKennedy has been selected as a Aldan. s eve r a 1 medieval buildings. avenue, and William Dunn, 558 versary that night, walked off Teacher Boyken recited to them Marietta. C au n c i I President with the most luscious award, a the turbulent history of the city's Thomas Hopper suggested to W. '4happy anniversary" cake cam- there, they were told, that the Page 7 and eight will start this Monday, June 20, and will be held at the school through the month of July. Co-directors of the camp are Janet Hampton and Jean Mac- HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS ::w:zsz Kay. They report almost capacity enrollment of 37 children in the THE SCHOOL IN ROSE VALLEY 4a ow J, «" camp. .SESiG 2 II IS now accepting app ications for the 1955·56' eiir~lIni~--;;t iri its Elementary Grades 1-7. For information about the school, now in its 27th year of independent operation, call: MEdia 6-1088 BUYERS OF USED CARS! See our big ..Iectlon of Cer/I/letl THE InL TELEPHONE Visit (at the end of School lane, Moylan, WIP (610 Ke, 5 •• day, 9:45 A,M. Sl8IElAlIER DmliIOI OF STftRAIEI·PAClIAIl CO.POIAnol ••• DIE IF nE 4 IIAIOII FUll·UlE .... acEIS OF CAlS AID nllClS COMPANY OF PENNsnVANIA • Chester •• d Fainriew Roads I Mrs. John M. I1ainey of Yale ~venue is spending several days In :[;:"st Orange, N.J., visiting her sister~ l\Irs. George Vannote. Linda Smith of Amherst ave- nue will leave for Grove Point Girl FUSCO MOTOR COMPANY Write for illustrated brochure • USED CARS i~ SWa....more 6-3681 Scout Camp in Earlville Md., on Sunday, June 19, wher~ she will be a counselor for the summer. Pap 8 '......... 14"1'0110 CLASSIFIED ADS Craie Peel, BOD~f Mr. and Mrs. H. LlndIey Peel of Columbia ave- LEGAL NOTICB 1_ Expert WClltcll RepalrlllfJ OlVllZf~~-r.1 ;n:ue~,~a~n~dr~ec!en:t~Swartbmhas .. ,.1, 9.~ Pr,mise\", NOTICB IS JlBBKBT ooorewnHlghto the .-Iutlone adOpted In tJle autllbile IInishing. Phone MEdia 6-2368. I good condition _ state. inspectPERSONAL Register you red. $125. CaII SWarthmore 8 Small-Fry at the Swarthmore ~02~1~4~. .:..'_ _ _ _ _ _-,-_-,.:-:=Nursery School for fall term. Mrs. FOR SALE _ Chevrolet 1953. ·G. W. Brodhead, director, SWarth210, four-door, deluxe; ivory more 6-4609. over blue, bought December, 1953, PERSONAL _ Bendix Home Ap- heater lights, seat covlooks like new. pliance Service. Wa sbers, driers . , 6-6231. ironers. Factory trained sel'Vlcemen. Genuine Bendix parts. We FOR SALE - Refrigerator - G. also repair ABC Whirlpool and E. deluxe, four years old, 8 :!~t "!. or~-::":'':.7 ::eu1~i tJle BorOugb or 8 _ - John Pegram and GordIe Smith I~=====::::=====~ have entrained for Aloha Manor'l Delaware County.1'&., and 1m- Fairlee, Vt" where they both will Swa.....o....I44. ~:~~: aby 1,. r _tax on tJlo serve as counselors for the deed_ ote real oItu&te WILLIAM BROOKS 01' perlIy WltJlIn tJle bOIla- season, Ashes & Rubbish Removed darl.. of tJle 8011_ Dlatrlct of tJle Borough of Swarthmore. DeJa....... ~ Lawns Mowed, General ~:,n.!i ~~".:i :..~ Haollu£ 8ILIIle taxeo have been Impoeed for 238 H.rcllnc Ave.. "Horton, Pa. tJle scbool f1oca1 y.... 1955-1966 by tho Board of SChool QIlectOl'8 of th. Bcbool Dl8trIct of the Borough of swarthmore. TREE SERVICE Dletrlct I -============, GAUL MARY S. SPILLER, Becretory SLIP COVERS-DIW'ERIES $warfhmCH'. bf.rencH ..... S..... Hili 0734 More than 25 years UperlHc. Klng5wood 5.7803 CLASSIFlfDS PAY -:============;1;===========:; 'a. EDWARD G. CHIPMAN AND SON GfNflAI. CONTIAUOI Formtrl, of F. C. lode &: Sons 128 Yale Ave. ClOck Repairs Swarthmore, Po. Fine Watch and Charles E. Fischer BUILDER Swarthmore 6-2253 LAWN MOWER Call CONSTRUCTION Reelsharp Mower Service RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL "Itlmor. Plk. .. WoocIl.ncI Av.... SFringfl.ld. , •• SWal'flllilare 6-4100 IS••oco Service Statio.' Sew.' PlI... a.d Set ...d ....... . Tools .Hi,..... Alterations 335 Dartmoutll Ave.u. c•••na ... P5:t:1A. J. F. BLACKMAN 8W 8-611. Bookcase, ·bed. pine table, ,- hutch dry, slnk, Dutc1l cupbOaril'.we \)tQ:.:and sell AU~ tlques. A1\Ison's Antiques, at-the- I.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'I forge. Rase Tree; MEcHa 8-1407. Ii F Wm. W. Rumford Co. .', Builders Jack Prichard WANTED FOR RENT >. -.·.AMP!e .. storage sPa.ce: .. gWarthmore'6-1l28. . R RENT. _. the.'. 6eacn at FO. .,.,,, 7Tbed Cape MAv ~ larse cottage, . .~. room,.. 5'7'oaths: Jilly and/or August. $800 montbly. SWarthmore 6-1698. FOR RENT _ Attractive house ,.July 1st to September 1st; Reasonable rent. SWarthmore 8-1472. WANTED - Second hand furniSWGi.lunon 6·6455 . ture _ good condition"":' for g~~~n.and all rooms except bedroom. KIngswood 4-1927; ~W~.A~1'~'"""'~"'~_~I':n:':exp=e=rulI::.i:v:::e~.'lIr.:g~li~tCHester 4-6246 ~.. ~ "welght bicycle. Call MEdia 82184. WANTED Day's work, five dB1s if possible. Swarthmore references. CHesler 2-7739. , TREE WORK WANTED - Young .colored girl FOR RENT - Furnished apartdesires position as mother's Whell You Change to Trees trimmed, topped, cabled ment In Swarthmore - ~ helper or baby .sitter - by the . and removed rooms. choice location. Bo£ W'w .~e~ek~..... SW;o.:a!.;rlb~m:;0;;;re=8::-8::2:.:;1i:0':--::;:::::: Cavity Work-FeedlngoSpraying The Swarthmorean. WANTED _ Woman to share ATLANTIC Latest chain saw and power FOR RENT - Furnished apartapartment all or part of sumequlpment . ment,. adults only. Convenient mer. Write Box 'X, The SwarthFree Esfbn,tes For Prompt Service to . ,station. Available September morean. Completoe InInIl'II.IIoe Coverage WANTED _ college. or high . 1st, SWarthmore 6-1680. Call FOR RENT - House; 4 bedrooms, school students to sit with chilLANDSCAPING 2 baths excellent condItion. Male sitters but , July 15.....- Call Bittle, ~~~~~W~rite 6-0111. in. home· tasks Availlible SWarthmore 6-6847. _ front Lawn August 15 Ridley Park Labor Day. WANTED _ To rent or IIjorrow a piping Box N, The wooden fer: ~~~~ao:f~or ~~::y;,;t. :::: ~~ SW 604742 WA. 8-2440 _:'"......!L~O~S!.!T~A=N::D:;.:.FO::!.::;U:::N:.:.D==--:-:-_ ~ from Germany for ted. " . . ,,::L ] LOST ...: Pearl citele 'pln Friday, Lucy Lawborne, ,;;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;m PATIOS June 10. Reward. Call SWarlh- ~~g,;~ more 8-020Dbefore 4:30; evenings. CUSTOM-BUILT KITCHENS .,;: '<.. : SWartbmoJ;e 6:-8928. , .- . ALSO , .", , ~ Dark re,l'and :-Wblte WALKS WALLS . b9y's 26,;.lnch bike. standard tires dent Iii rear fender. SWarlb- i::~ new ted two - wheeler 'on school Ql' court. Reward for information PaUOiI of leading to return. SWarlbmore 6Will glacllY 4910~ . . . ., '. the work we LOST _. Boy's light brown tweed WANJ:ED - One or two room overcoat, size 10. Brown and apartment near train for yo~! NO MONEY DOWNI white plaid lining. SWarQlmore I business woman. Klngswood . LAWN CARE 6.'/'26t. ..... ..,.. . . 11144.' . PAINTING and CARPENTRY do • ,"' Certified Cold Fur Storage Slip Covers Draperies Curtains sw the ~~~~~~'R~~~~::~~~a:~:: . GUTHRIE-SMITH, INC. MallY Attractiv. Hom.s Avallabl. Swarthmore and Vicinity . Baird *' ~Inl Realtors OPPoslte lor...." 'M", ~----------------~ Wei Til"',,,. j _ Box48SW...lwora 6-0748 (OPENING SOON) •• rop WAIIli 'I'DII'*. ~. ... JOI. M........ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Steps you up to a new Dodge! Ad.pd......... _ A c ....c. Ie . _ . . wHh ..............1...... • wri"Jl/lfS 0fffIS r. ..... ...........,... , . . .w ................. .... . . . ._ ............. - . . . . . . pelley ,'. " .... u .......~.......... .... ...., .u ...... - •••• a ••. lis: • • OII.'1IGS ,. ·JHI fOllOWING 'OsmONS, - SAiD aERICAU STOCK DAY uut· NIOB'l' OIL BURNER SERVICE . L".O"I•• $ Uall • .,.. ........................... """",\ :-" \ 4.3161 1 .. SNELlENBURGS·OREGON AVENUE DEPA.RTMENT MANAGIIS JUNlOIl EXECU1IVES . SALES SUPERVISORS " ' " nMf - PMr JJMI - SHORr HOfIIlS • IVININGS INTERVIEWS Will IE HELD AT SNELLENIUIGS MAIN STOlE l~TH AND MARKET STIEETS PEISONNEL OFFICE-nH FLOOI WEEK OF '''U"E 20, 1955 ammAn uut HOLIDAYS GlESi_ WOODtMIIII6 . AT George .Myers fIoo..11Ing co. ,...~. c~ I IIICl L'::..... EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Sheet Metal Work FORMIC#i·TOPS I GET YOUR CAR INSPECTED EARLY-AND AVOID THE RUSH Gutters Warm.Alr HeaHag AIr Conditlonlllg '·<;,SW 6;.'• •1 If_".. fee s.d, ............... Kingswood 3·7100 - _ONDAY TOU '8ATmlDAY NOON .. ~aw_ County's ReliaYe Home Remodel., SInCe 1952 Morton. Pa. AuthorIzed Dodge-Plymo~th Dealer ROOFING I LOW AS SUO WilILY Vacation Ch-ange-Over. [Special t $15 250 Yale Ave. ,'~ t YEARS TO '~.l, In 4-1500 both SWarthmore 6-8761 - ~ ton avenue, who will enter Dartmouth College as a freshman nm fall, has been awarded a NaUonal Scholarship, Robert K. Hage, execuUve secretary of the Committee on Scholarships, announced. National Scholarships, divided between those named for Dart- the OOglnnlng of his sophomore Y4lllr aDd in his seDiOl' year was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. NaUonal Scholastic Honorary SodLocal Anny M•• Cited ety. He was a member of the Glee Club and the Choir for four Pvt._James M. Wo~ of Fort years and served on the staff of llss h th h of the college radio slaUon. He Several students of Swar'tbmore mouth's alumni Stateman, DanIel B ,Texas, ad e. onor played tennIs and basketball in and vicinity received tllelr bachand those oIl'eied by the being chosen to represent the 2nd his freshman year. He Is a mem- elor degrees from the Unlversity P. Sloan Foundation, are TnIlning BattaliC!n of the AAA as ber of Phi Alpha Pal fraternity. of Pennsylvania at the 199th awarded annually to freshmen of Soldier of the Mon1b. Commencement held at 10: 15 outstanding ablllt,-. Jim Is the son of Mr. and Harlan RobInson JessuP. Jr•• Wednesday morning in PblladelTbese repusent the blgbest Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf of Park aveson of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. J..;s;.p phia. They include: honors awarded to Incoming stuof Haverford avenue, was ...... dPhilip Hummer of Rutgers ave- dents. They are renewable each nue. uated from Dartmouth aill;" nue, and, James E. Schneider of year. and the amount of the sUwith an A.B. degree at Com. BenjBDlin West avenue formerlY pend is based on need. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkmencement Exercises beld Sunday of Dayton, Ohio. received MaUn's award Is honorary and ner of DIcJr!nSO'l avenue have re1 Patton Gilmour, son of Mr. and morning June 12 at Hanover their bachelor of science degrees Is based upon scholasUc achieve- turned from a visit paid to their Mrs. Wi11lam Gilmour, Harvard N.H.' , , in economics. Philip the son of ment. It Is a token stipend as son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and avenue, received his dIploma at Paul M. Humm~, was com- his financial need was riot so Mrs. J. C. Townsend of Louisville, the 117th Commencement of the Barbara Ernst Jess of Walling- mlssIoned EnsIgn in the United great as others. Ky. The Faullmen will leave Pennin~n School Saturday. June ford is a member of the class of States Navy at a special ceremony Randy. son of Mr. and Mrs. next week to spend their sum4.. Entenng Pennlngto.n last fall, 58 graduated from Friends' Cen- Wednesday afternoon. He reports Patrick M. ,!MaUn. attended mer at Buck HIll Falls. Glhnour has been active on the tra1 School at the Commence- to Athens, Ga., for further traln-I'IF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==i campus, winning his varsity letter ment held Wednesday morning ing. . . ~ basketball member of ~e Ag~s- June 10, at 10 o'clock. Barbara i~ Edith D. Kletzien, daughter of SlZ (science) Cluh; singing With the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour W. Kietthe Glee Club; and on the staff of Gordon F. Jess of Country Club zlen of SO\lth Chester road, rethe year-book as Associate Llter- lane.' ceived her bachelor of science in ary Edltor. His future plans call nursing. for continuing his studies at Dick.Specializing in the Cleaning of Carol Culln of Norlb Chester David L. Williams of Rose Val_ inson College in the fall, road was among the 111 seniors ley received a bachelor of arts , graduating Saturday, June 11, . degree. Mrs. Phyllls Campbell, wife of 61st. commencement ceremonies at _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Edward Fay Campbell. Jr., . a George Schooi, In Bucks County. Charles K. Nason of .Walnut student at McCormick Theological Daughter of Mrs. Barrett CuUn, lane, SOl) of .Dr. and Mrs. John Seminary, Chicago, Ill., was one Carol bas been on the glee club Nason, drove to Exeter, Mass .• this of 109 students who received at George School and the bas- week to join William SaltonstalI, bachelor's degrees at Commence- pitaHty and alIlliaUon committees. Jr.. on an extended trip to the ment exercises at Lake F?",st west. They will spend two months College on June 11. Phyllis: a Five Swarthmore students re- working at a lumber camp in graduate of Swarthmore High ceived their bachelor of arts de- Oregon. They will return home School, attended Mt. Holyoke Colt Ob Un C 11 ' 122nd in September at which tlm lege before entering Lake Forest. llI"ees a er a ege s . e Sh h j ed in reIlgi Commencement Exercises held Charles will enter the College of :m.~ ~:~ell was ~:~g the Monday, June 13, In Oberlin, Wooster, Ohio, for study in the Cleaners - Tailors eight students who graduated Ohio. They are: . Oeld of geology. with honors. Mrs. Joan Pennock Barnard, Lt.' j.g. Paul Hummer of Rut100 Park Avenue 6·1727 daugh\ter of Mr. and Mrs. :T. gers avenue,. has returned to his Roland Pennock of Whittier place; base at Yokosuka. Japan, after Anne Marie Larson. daughter of . Pick-Up and Delivery Alexandra Blanche Bowie, an air trip to the' Philippine Mr. and Mrs. John O. Larson of Wallingford was among the graddaughter andChesler Mrs. Morris Islands and India~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ Bowie of of Dr. South road: IWiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uates recelving degrees from A. Mary Caroiyn. Dcl!s. Call: Erich H. Heaters, RaltgeS and Small elecHausen, SWarthmore·6-2650, Corner' at Park. and Michlgan avenUes. PERSoNd ...,. Two IPgh Schqol girls desire. j~bs as. to0ther's helperS" ot taking cate of chIldren. Will 10 to the shore. OHestel' 2-7782."',· '0': SHERWIN'S JEWELRY7 South Chester Road Many Campuses avenue, n:el~~~:e~:= '-' '<;, "'4' \-~-~, COAL. •• _c .. flREPLACE··WOOD APPLY DURING STORE HOURSNO APPOINTMENT NEC:ESSAWY Do. WIth . . . . . . . . . . . ----=---~----------------------------------Yes! A Big. 6-p asnnger sedan. Iew",_ car In Its field, for even .... '. thctn many /llGd.h In .... _lied "low priced three!" flelgl.l, handling, slate and local taxes, If any, extra. S".YOUR IUPINDAaLI DOD.I ': ' DIAL •• J. A.GREEN ~_".,.:"t,';~'~ l ___ .•.. SWarthmore 6-07~ ...... _---_ .... - - --.---~ . __ ._._,,----_._,-- IOROVOB'o. BwAaTmwB1ll ORDIIJa.CIi 1110. 1"111 JUDe 0BDDfa.0II PIIOVWIlIIG POa TIm Of&4D10 AND DIPROVIlIIG 01' 8TRA'IB RAvmf AVBlIIoa (110 raT WIIlIK) JPROII TBB can!_ LINB or 8CKOOL LAlIIB PDT WIDII, TO a. The .June 01 free chest lU"f'Iey z-ran OIl Tuesclay and thi"ougb the week, eadln, ')n .June 21. Included in 1he lIChedule will be three community surveys and seven industries. They will be under the joint direction 01 the Delaware County Tubi!rculosla and Health AssocIation, in cooperatioo with the PlIII!IS,)Tlvanla Depariment 01 Health and the Delaware County Medical Society. AU adult residents of the county are in~ted to take advantage of these free surveys. Today, Friday, .June 17, the mobUe UDl.t will be at 89th and Market streets Upper Darby . ' from 12 to 8 p.m.;' and on Saturday, June 18, at 89th and Cheatnut Streets, from 10 to 5 p.m. During the May schedule, 2,826 local residents had a free chest x-ray survey. The' sumer schedule will open on .July 5. Mrs. .J1l~ R. Hocwer, .Jr., or newly elected presIdeat of' Woman's Club of entertained her ROROUOB OP BWABTIIIIomr members and department ~ 'lB0IIAB '(i. HOPPBP chalnnen at luI1cheon Tuesday 1're8Id.ont 01 00un0II. of last week at the clubhouse on A_ BLLIOTT RICHARDSON ~I!@ aecre....-y h,;;;iii rem"'n.ng Park avenue. of . . sgaIlI.It .At 10 a.m. the Goard convened APPPOVBP thIa 13th day be of Jun... M). ~,~. abuttlligthereon In tho BoroUiIh·of for a buslness &eISlon which was _ , In' equ1~I,; manner, followed by the luncheon at 12:30 J08ZPH PII1'lII0LD6 ::::!t.p~~~'!r PC=I1m~ p.m. In the afternoon, department ~ 8llal! pay no pai-t of the ooot of the chalnnen outliDed their plans for LEGAL NOTICE ~1<8 a~:::: ~I the 1955-58 club year. Ilie Btijjb. COunCt1~.rIlAJ Ii. ColliOfB'~ ~. Keenen; Education, Mrs. Wfuter lea • ._ tile PIIRIDIf ~ 'll&DiUIIJlIj. cera of. the moth.er's grolll' Moir; Literature, Mrs• .JobnT. _Ion 1. Btrath Haven AftfLue :,:c=~~t~ asslated Mrs. Preston in serving PInkston; CommunicationS Mabel .!,::,~wlu:.: regular meottng of _ ., oollee and deasert. . , H~, Mrs. R~bert H. (atW (00) teet ,...,., unopened) and C<>UncU. Ie hereby ~ ~ - y A J"llo$Iori of the nominating ReCIprocity Cliainium, Mrs. DreW AftDUe: and Drew AftIlu. (1lttJ ~ llIa ~ dA, 0( ~ A.D. committee ",as., given at the meetKllne,' NeedleWOrk" Guild, (IDI feel; WId., unosieDOd) frcm $be -. _ m y aide of Btrath BaftD ..._ BOROUGH.o. 8WAl\"l'BIIOBB Ing ¢ .*"e mo\i1en, and olllcers Mrs. A. Sidney Jiilinson; Seen!nue to IIlcl!lgan Avenuo (1lttJ (ID) for the coining year elected. tarlal SerVIces; Thomas K. feet Wide) abaII be opoDOd as of $be By 'lB0MAS W HOIOPP!'BB . ". width of IlttJ (110) toot. graded. tmd Pree1d8id""of .~..... Thl!y are 14"," WUllam l\owland, BroWn. ~~. ~ofYO ::='!almP(,,!,:)edt _A_ lILLIO'l'l' RIOHMI~lII C,,!!~; J/Jrl!. WUUIlll' '(.Jthe, Also, International Affairs, ~. p,;:'YIiic"'Oi bltuml;:'~I:eco~_ ";.1 . " •. '"lIoiO'uKIi $~ ~twii vice-chairman U,I!ip'ro~1Wl chair_ GOrton Vi. BruSh· MUIlc Mrs. $he ~Ion 0( gNDIte qurt>s. tmd J08!lPI[ PII1'lIIS: m~; ~rs' .E.d~ .~l~, 'lCCre- GladYs Ii. LeCrOn; R. =e -=r.~ TB1II COUlllOlL OP TB1II APPPOVBD this 18th dey tary; ~,r.&.Il!.;J~~ V.~n U:~k, .J. Turl!er;. LllDc~i!oD. ~. .J. lpecI1IoatiOns and With OP SWABTJIKOJm DOII!III of June. A.D. 18M. treasurer; Mrs• .James Erwto, as- Franklin Gasldll; Exchange, Mrs. _ plana .... IIle In tile _ of the Bar_ _ 1. lIlolllpn AftDUO ~ant treasl!r~r In charge ,!f ~I!rold ~iu8ms; 'i'ravel, Mrs. \JUIIh under 8acreterJ'. worIt _ lie Ie situate the Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Lee .... ~ Home and Sch 1 D ••'- Ed. .- Geo'rge Hunter ; D-_o ..... u _ Ed doae tho Bald IlUpervIaIon or the of . _ ....) within _ be '" . . , 00 .I'!'!'i. ~.. """",g, ....... Borougb _.t"'"1 and Bngtneer. pur!lU&Dt j~II8I~~~.~ft~tN~r~HH;av;ertord place are entertaining ward Goldmeyer, hospitality; ward Crataley; Americanism and B1ooJpOnedl and a Mrs. Claire H . .JegluID; and :PUbfoot frontagTbeof »orothe ee~ ab8~~ point two hundred-twenty (220) feet lIclty, Mrs. Paul E. Zecher. _mes. e ugu ~ w_~- northeast tIlereof. 8IId point marking more shall pay no part of tile ccet of the northeuterly boundary lIDe of t t the worl< autllorlzed by tble Or- the J. p. BIacI19POr .~ omcen ..... _ y auth_ ....d d~ to COD~ for. the doing of .aid wad: In _ 0 0 WltIl law and und_ wch other as DlaJ'. be nene.,., to oen'/ out the mew 'nIta" an _on AU~OMA"C GAS W~TER HEAl. . : O"",,.nce. prooIaIoDS of _ . ... ". ~~AI1 _... oc ... U. " .. : ;.- ......, i Silled t~.., I •• " E l'r"'. advid. .c;Wq :ail;n,;; any deficiency In tIle'BoI'OUgb apInot !LDJ J-, JIabIIItJ or upeIIIIO,Jn .. .hll8deJ~ naetal 1Ii!serv' . ~,~ was 'ch'Oiieii . Mrs. WUUam E. Danforth of and Chft-'. Grier' ';,.' ,-' , '. Hillbom avenue.is home from a ... '. ~ 'ili! '. ~ of the flv~ day stay In Taylor Hospital S~.o~ ~" ~ 5,h~1 Ia ~- and tec:uperatlng from the back ~ btii~ ":''ej,,~ the ~o8rd I.n~ condition ,which was respoMiDle clude Carl ~enna pr. M~ for her hospitalization. K9~P' Robert 'De~enerRairiiond Charles Grier, SOD of Mr. and Schubed;' .:..;·.ta ailll Mrs. C. H. Grier of Dartmouth waiter" LOVekt.ii: . . ..~..,.., , .. , avenue, has returned home after The .Board's' .ftrSt buahtess .,;,..;. completing his sophomore year at to appoint. lfIIFry Bernard as Grove City College. chairman of the property comMr. and. Mrs. Robert D. Lanmltteewlth the foll()wiDg sub- Ding of North Chester road spent chairmen: Warren Cnifts and Ali- lut week-end visiting the home drew AIe,zander, maintenance of 'Mrs: r.aDning's lather and committee; Raymond Sdlubert mother, Mr. and Mrs. Stalford and George Glaessei-, grounds Hutchinson of Trenton, N.J". committee; Mrs. Raymond Har- . Mrs. Vincent T. Lathbury of low and Mrs. K. Davidson, pur- Walnut lanereoently spent the chasing committee; Charles Grier day in New York City where she and .JOM Patterson building-use watched her mother, Mrs. Clarcommittee; Mrs. W~lter Lovekin ence . CQDY, , set sail for. Europe. and Mrs. Allce Patchell. sanllaUon Mrs. ~thbury was accompanied committee. on 1he trip by her daughter, Susan, Mr. Lovekin was 8lso named and. Eleanor I'reston. chairman of the special memorial Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. committee 'Which solicits all Lang 01 Mapl.e avenue are hosta menio$ls in ""nncction with the this week to David Stone of Delrecent Church aDd Sunday School ray Beach,F4t., and Ha':l"Y Alex~ alterations and remodeling' ander o~ qarden City, Long _ _ _-:-_ _ _ _• Island, both of . whom wUl ,be PMC STUDENT RECEIVES ushers at the'LaDg-FwSell nu~MILITARY MEDAL tials tomorrow alterMon, Howard .J '·DcIda. f 14 Mr. Walter Lewicki of West• OD, son 0 r. minster avenue will attend the and Mrs. H. W. Dodaou of Har- festivities colinecled with the 20th yard avenue, is among tencade~ reuiu'on of"his class at' Chester at P'MC who have been awanfoo Hi it S h ,., 'c .. ,. : ...,.,' medals as ''DIstlngulslied MilItary g C 00. ,,?DlO .night. Students" for their outatandlng Mr. and Mrs. Clylle '(I. Pace, recorda in mUitary sci Jr., of Fairview road were visited vl9fpies!cieJ 'or wilhen ' . . Several' cit1zo!DS from Swartbmore and vicinity have received William R. Huey, .Jr., SOD of advanced degrees from Univer- ~. and Mrs. W. R. Huey 01 Dicksities and, colleges in. various inson avenue,. was conferred the states. degree .of bachelor of laws at the 'J'rom the University 01 Penn- University of Michigan's ll1th aylv8l;lia, Steven S. Spencer of Ogden' aVl!llue, .SQQ of Ml". and Commencement held on Saturday, :Mrs'..Ste.ven M. Spencer, received .JllDe 11, in AnD Arbor. bJs dQC~r of medicine and Mrs. Alfred Swan of Walnut lane MDavid Tyner Brown, SOD of' celYed her doctor.' of phUosophy. Mrs.. Marian . -,. . S. Brown .. of Park .JilDles L. Larson ot· Wallingford, all'enu~. ~vfld bls bacltelor of was award~ IlL. doctor of dental ~"w:, ~grl!l"'~ : the Vnlveraity surgery. of Colorado, Boulder, at exerMrs. William E. Danforth Of cises held Friliay HlUborn avenue, end Mrs. Robert 10. Anthony 01 Moylan were awarded their master of .aocla1 ..work from the university .aftln", comP~tlng two years of graduate study at the School of Social Work.. Ting_ Ii Cho 01 PlusQ 'Mill road received his master of' city planning. ., {$5OO MONTHLY sa...... $!ort!0t9 .....0 .. ·',,;, '2' _ _ to reprl ..nt IoNJti Eostw. _ 0 1 _ ..... ,100. No. trovoI. _ _ _ """ obOIlr dotlted. _10- -.. -.w.., 2ttO ,..... old, ...... _ , ..poW.' of •....,.. _ _ iKIL' ,.:.' ...........' I........ !ocIttd. """'., _ I """". " ·~liuzifarid·SqjJf·· ,,', "'Florist,·,· •• ' .r ;;,.. . CARNS • Of !~l (', 650 Baltimore Pike Springfield. Del, Co,,: Pa. u SWartlnnore 6-0450 . q;y' FOOD MARKET . hl"'" ')", -o.".r ur: ",V iij, ;;' . " .•'''' "J 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE - ~~: ::1 I['i""<:' ~.. ;;"J !... '_ Weekend of'June·16. 1955 . ~ 1\. _. -b Roast an~ ~ :~ J -. Sgelb. tactics courses at the :.e S=;::d Ing the ,!cademlc year just clos- chUdren, Dotly and BUly. from Ing. Jellerson City, Mo. rI<.. _'1 ':i,',' If;"fJ .- " ,~. w~~so~..:nd .Joseph D. Mell of Mr. and Mrs. joseph Paul and -", ',~ il: ':1. u1slte !-w:ft=:~~': req- family of Yale avenue paid a call th . ' . . g thla recently on the Arnold Luders . summer, us making them el- 0 f Di ckInso igible to recei Arm . n avenue at .their sumve y Reserve mer home in Ocean City offlcers' commissions lJest .June Mr" d when they _ their . n . . an Mrs. Raymond. K. Den-~ "·f' r'~ .cV·~' f" 'r: _I,,)"' ..~. co ege 'lie- worth of Elm avenue have regrees. turned from attending the graduation of their daughter Ann at C -N~NOlES" . - Earlham' College, RleJtmond, Ind: The Russell ~f!lI4i: lamlly of Another daughter, Mrs. Harold : ",. , ..' . CSugar[Cuted'J...:...'liHic~ory Cur~df'" .. Waliingford . are moving .June 24 Stratte, .Jr., of MadlsolJ, Wis., ac. . to their new home on 4552 Old companied the Denworths. William Penn Highway, Mon.oe.: . Mr. and Mrs. Cresson PrIchard ville. ; .? . . . of Michigan avenue entertained 'Lr t r "I)" • -_.. .. ' •• 1 •• r r,r l :. 1. .. , f( ; Dr. and Mrs. ieroy E. Peterson 80 of Mr. CresSon's bUsln.... asso01 Vassar avenue made welcome clates at a picnic at thiitr home Mrs. Petersori'sparentS, Mr. and last Monday. ~s. H.: H: GOodenough trom Mr. and Mrs. William Prentice Oreo CREME SANDWICH (1 pound package) /?pringtleld, S.D., this week. Mi-: and family of Wbittler place will l: .. : ~.', 1 ' . 1 ' '. ' .. , . , •..• r ., . . o ~~ Goodenough came east to attend motor to Vermont for several days bls 50th reunion at Oberlin Col- where they will visit friends at Ju!'ket S~ER~ER M~?C CinciudingAexible mold) c ..... , _. ,_ .. ' )JIJ',v .'.,. ..•. :;- . . '.. . lege. Lake I!unmore and Mrs. Pren:'~'~" The Richard Hunts of Dickinson lice's sister at Montpelier. REA~ KILL SPRA~ - pint boHI,c with spray c avenue are planning to drive to Mr. and Mrs.E. Tiel Smith will ... ,, the west coast for a four week spend the sUlllJller at 235 Dick' . " , r·'·CKills'Bugs...,.;.· KeepsKiIIi~g for Weeks) vacation. They will visit with Mr. inson avenue while the Faulkners Hunt's parents, -Mr. and Mrs. are away on vacation. Ralph W. Hunt of Beverly HI11a, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Kroon and during thl!lr· stay In Calltomla. family of '. Mul!lenberg avenue Indian River SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT Mr. and Mrs. Ernestb. ,Lewis mO~ed TuesdllY to Kansas City.' for :" ';'" ~_::J...",. '.~ ';. _ I.! .... ~ .•.. , . ;'~;'!;-:1 ·J,S.! _,11':, f ), of Park avenue had as their house Their address there Wtil be 8410 guest last night Mise .Joyce Rine- liIagamc:ore, Leaw!>od, Kansas City Jumbo' Sweet. CANTALOUPE each . .' -. hart of Westminster, MeL 13, Mo. .,:;,:) ::r:~ r' .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Pierson ' Mrs. George V. Krerullkoff of LocalI Fresh BEETS • I~rgebunch and'family of Ogden avenue have Yale aveJ;lue left Wednesw, for : spent several aaYs at the Split a vacaUon trip out wiiSt: She Rock Lodge in the Poconos. plans to visit her daughter Diane The Reverend and Mrs. Charles Reypolda In Denver, make a, tour A. Anderson of Yale avenue re- of the Grand Canyon, and stop off turned recently fl'!)IIl a vacation In Kansas City to see the KrOODS trip to the west coast. While on In their new home. thetr travels, the Andersons visited ·Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Wood Los Angeles where the pastor at- and family of WaJUngford wUl tended the General Assembly of move next week to Karisas City, the Presbyterian Church In the Mo., where 'Mr., Wo' , • " ev., . rrow s=~ d:~ ~:. Commencement exerclsea took place Wednesday morning In Philadelphia. PlIIJe 12 Presbyterian Choir 5et lor Flight J W 'CI b r. ~man s u ~:~~ :~p.o1 POints New Season erans, and lmltted afghan squares ,to (COIDtinUed from Page 1) perience, Mr. Mathis sarved in the U.S. Navy during the S e c o n d ' World War. lie was first in the Philanthropic Program Subtmlrine Corps and was then Will Continue Under called into the entertainment branch of the service to take a New Guidance concert tour for ml1Itary person"You Are the LIght of the nel. World" ls the theme of the Junior Before being .appolnted to the Clubs in General Federation of faculty of the Westminster Choir Women's Clubs. Swarthmore JunCollege in Princeton, N.J., Mr. lor Woman's Club members have Mathis served churches in Chi- let their Ughts shine in their etcago and Peoria, IlL. as millister forts the past year and are Iay_ of music. Ing plans for continuing ftnL work He received his music degrees in 1955-56. and conducting traIning at Illinois The new Executive Board of Wesleyan School of Music and the Swarthmore Junior Woman's through study wlthsuchmusicians Club met Wednesday evening, as Fred Waring and Dr. John June 8, at the' home of the local Finley Williamson. . chairman, Mrs. James E. Steele, Members of the choir are given 558 Rutgers avenue, to discuss beloVl: plans for the coming season. Mrs. 1st Soprano: Mrs. Robert Good, Steele explained to each newlyMildred ,Magee. Ann Moye"" Gall appointed committee chairman Ticknor. Julia Turner: her duties for the year. A repor.t . 2nd Ses, and Nancy Perrine will replace Nancy Ernest as a helper In. the third grade. Doris Snyder WIll serve as a helper in the four year olds class 'for the second week of the school. Many interesting activities have been planned to supplement the regular study sessions.. There will be two movies shown: ''The School 2,000 Years Ago" and "The Home 2,000 Yea1'S Ago". The Jun_ ior department w1ll be making paper mache puppets that they will use to present a puppet show for the ending program and character dolls to aid in the interpretation of the theme for study"How Jesus Lived and Grew." In order that the four and five year olds may have a rest perIOd and not become too tired with a full morning schedule. it is requested that the mothers Send with them a large bath towel to lie on during the rest period. Also during the session they will need one small cake of Ivory soap to use in an actIvity. Summer Recreation Anyone st1ll wishing to register Program Opens Mon. for the Bible School may do so at 9 a.m. June 20 at the Presby(Continued from Page 1) terian Church. souri. She . has supervIsed nurs_ _- -_ _....:..._ ery school children and taught Mrs; Ernest D. Lewis and her Sunday School for several years. daughter Kendra drove to MarIn the Primary Group, the dlrec- tinsburg to attend the wedding tor of the Arts and Crafts will hi! of Mrs. Lewis' nephew. Elizabeth Ann Cbllton. a Senior NEWS NOTES Mn. Bess B. Lane of North ~ft:vtweno~em'o=-'ttblsthe Sweekwarthmto........ Huckleberry Mountain Workshop Camp near Hendersonville, N.c. Dr. and loin. I'red Pabaa" Or Princeton oavenue. eD,joyed three days trout flsblne at WestIdll, N.Y., recently. Lt. and Mrs. ;Jay B. Snape and son Ricky have been vlsltlng tor a week with Lt. Snape's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ;J. Roy Snape of Harvard avenue. They returned yesterday to Columbus, Ohio, where Lt. Snape Is stationed with the Strategic Air C"",maneL * y",., We. emphas.i2e SEaVICE in our lieadline, because 'you'n find it emphasized here, in onr prompt and precise compounding. .ADd youwiU find 0111' prices uiiifo~y fair. So try us next «me. Your patronage is sincerely ..~preciatOdI; CATHERMAN'S DRU5 STORE THE CAMERA AND HOBBY SHOP ea. ......cODrte.' Fri~ 9 to 'D.I.en. CO,.., Delaware County's Home of Famous Name Bathing Suits 5.79 to 25.00 Marc:o, Wiant, Catarma, Cole of Califomia, Sea Molds' by Ra-.· Roxanne and many othen, comlllned to give you the very finest selection of latest styled lUits for summer's fun. Misses sizes 32 to 40 W_'s lim 38 to 54 Aho available I c:ompleh selection of lleact. accli ~ri... ' Mrs. Roy P. LIngle of Cornell avenue, ~as ()lanned a, western trip to VISit her married daugh~ tors, Mrs. ~ee Dut!ett, of Aurora, m., and Mrs. Robert Frost of Merriam, Ka.. and their famllles. Mrs. Lingle will be away for a month. ------I saw It ill TtleBwWiIluDut-. Store Houra: Mon. thru Thura., 11:30 to 5:30; I'ri., 1:10 to 1:00; Sat., 11:10 to 8:00 \ ,4th Sane of July THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 2'7-NUMBER 25 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, June 24, 1955 Fusco Safe Robbed A~~~~ !:!!,O!!e!~':~;;:~ay Big Plans Set For Safe, Sane Fourth Over Weekend Gun Also Taken Clue REMEMBER DAD ON FATHER'S DAY mes. a Forms Police i:iiiiiiiiiiiSiiiiii:i:ii:iiiii: at Mary Washington CoIlege of the University of Virginia. She has worked for two summers at a summer vacatiOID' home fo-"• 'orrow Some Mo••, From Him Mothers and Cblldren in the Kin-' A.rI 5at HIm A NIce GIH From dergarten vaup. She 18 a Physleal Education Major. With Special traIning, in children's handcrafts. ' Heading the Sports ptol1'atn 6 Park Avenue for the Prilnary-Iiroup is 'Leola Seemet, a Senior at the Uill"et~ alty of n.taware.': IltajOrih' in . SUGGESTIONS 'f' . lat Floor physical edueati.cm;" aDd captain .( . " ~ Film for practically. every girls' sPorts ~osure Metar Gadget Bag Rash Bulbs team at the University. She or~ Tripod .Slide Viewer ganized the SPOrts and Play days Slide File Case for ~ experimental group at the' University alid has been an asGolf Balb . Camp Stove sistant teacher and observer for Golfing Glove Fishlng RoeFor 'Reel elementary grades. Fishing Une Dr Lures Golf Bag The following High School girls Badminton Set Tannis Raelet will be helpers this year for Mrs. Rob'\llee and her staft: Tannis Bans Badminton Birds Judy Abbe,Betsy Brinkmann, , OR ....;., For.a. _eal Gala Day - Gat Him a ofSfeh.o Allce Carroll Beverly Crowther Carol Goff' Harriet HOWland' . SWcirthmC)re 6-4191 8:30 SusaniMa:m Sandra Miin; Sp9nrl tlla 4tll of 01, In Swarnmore Susan Preston: Gretchen Robbl';": Lots of Ac:tl"'tl• Sw. A.oc:. Amy Ryerson, Christine Sipler, ~~!~~~~!~~~~!~~~~!!!~~~!~~~ Joanne Taylor and Carol Topping; ~ SDmlN'1' Clnb Staff Jerry Nowell announces that his Summer 'Clubstalf is com. I te f this B h FI pear year. a neerelli, vice-principal of Vare High School, will be in charge of Arts and Crafts. He has had 20 years of teachin and administrative experiehce g has done summer k' d h . Iy a camp wor • an as preVIous had a year with the S.R.A. His assistant will be Barbara MciD6MONT AVE. - 7TH and WELSH STREETS Donald, a June graduate of Swarthmore High School, and to, gether they hope to get an enth lastl rkIng in ~ti c group wo Mr .;:S. 11' thl ti assistants • owe s a e c . will be MImi Wisdom, who Is well ImoW1l from previous years by Summer clubbers, and Charles Wentz. Jr., a junior at Swarthmore High School. Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth and daughter Ann of Elm avenue have planned, a trip to visit Mrs. Denworth's other daughters,' Mrs, Van R. Gatbany of Lake Forest,· m., and Mrs. HaroldStratte, Jr., of Madison, Wis., and their fam- Plan for Swarthmore police are explo_ing the possiblUty that someone famillar with the firm's practices may be accountable for breaking into the Fusco Motor Company at the southeast comer of Chester and Falrviewroads, and robbIng a safe late Saturday night or early Sunday. 'The theft was. discovered by Dominic Crispino, 39-year-Old mech.anIc, of Trainor, who found a casement window of the ladles' room on the north side of the ~:!~~ :1": s"t::l ~~e r:;:!:: evening at the Philadelphia Regional Writers' Conference· to those entering the contest on All Branches of Writillg. Mrs. Margarilt Pinkston of Westminster avenue received 1st Award for. Poetry and 1st Award for Articles. In the Workshops, a contest for those writers submitting manuscripts to Leaders or Teachers. Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Gilcreest of Vassar avenue was given first prize In Religious Writing, a teen age story. Mrs. Gilcreest Is a memlier of the Professional Writers' Club of Philadelphia and the Writers' Club of Delaware COUnty. Local Fire Company To Provide Surprise Demonstration Plans for everyone who stays home on the Fourth of July are rapidly taking shape. Based on the traditional pony rides. Parade and games for children. the celebration sponsored by the Swarthmore Business Association, is expected to be expanded this year to include nearly every age group in a big "Fun for All" program that will begin in the morning and continue until the last square dancer Is exhausted. Best kept secret of the day is Morning Card Party To Aid Child Health ::~'d:o~~a~:~o~: ~~: record books, canceled checks. state inspection stickers and postage stamps. strewn beside the open. overturned safe, when he opened the service station at 9: 15 a.m. Sunday. Swarthmore poUce. naMed Im_ mediately by Crispino, dispatched Patrolman William Weidner to the scene where it developed that in addition to $270 which had been locked In ,the safe at 5 p.m. Friday by. Charles Bartow, 20, of Ridley Park, a station attendant, a Degerre French. 32 caUbre automatlc pictol was also missing. The pistol which laad a sUver. dime inserted in the right side of Ita wooden handle was kept in an alii unmarked stock box behind and under other, packall~ of automotlve supplies., Authorities ba~ their SU3Pieion tha~ the fllb/Je':' was sl__ ~·;,...IiD1ineJrthe"~ tion lif'ilie 'Neapclb, Upon the fact that ,none of the i!ems on that shelf or any others ilef!med to have been dl.stui'bed. . Althouah In the same box, the pistol had been kept in another storage' area until several weeks ago when melm. there was removecJ..,aa, part of, diBlllanpmg operotlons in progress by the Sin(Continued on Page 5) Lost, Attend Borough Festivities t3.SO PER YEAR ;t~rn~o A~cI~faimed Bank Merger With Provident Underway Atter h~vIng been on display in the van.us buUdings the last few weeks, lost and found articles have now been gathered Two-Year-Old 1st Nat'l of together and are on display in Del. Co. Will Retain the cooking room of the high Officers, Staff school. They 'Will be retained for several days so that parents Directors of the First National and pupils who are looking for Bani< of Delaware County with lost articles may exam1ne the dis- offices In Swarthmore, Media. and play and see whether the desired SprIngfieid have voted to merge materials are on hand. with the Provident Trust ComThere is the usual collection of pany of Philadelphia, accordiag eye glasses, jackets. rubber boots, to announcement by Richard G• and other items of clothing and Burn, president. . equlpment. Directors of the Provident Trust Because of the care taken have taken similar action, set earlier to examIne the lost and forth In the joint statement with found. most of the good articles Mr. Burn by William R. Ii. have been recovered. Unclaimed Mitchell chaIrman and BenjaInln articles will shortly be turned 'F. Sawin president of the Provover to a charitable organization. Car Lands on Lawn ·In Yale Ave ColliSion ~:t ::;t~:::::~ !o~w:~= The ceMral comm1ttee of the and Protective .Association. The holders and regulatory authorCommunity Nursing. Service, of oniy report issued after Tuesday's !ties and will probably not be Delaware County is holding its meeting of the local volunteer f i r e ' •• final until late fall. ' annual beneftt card party to raise fighters was that observers of The First National Bank of Del_ money for the Woodlyn' Child the demonstration "might get ' aware County was formed two Health Center. ~. :sprinkled a little bit If they stand . An expectant mothel' from years ago. July. 1953. by the Two card parties will be held too close." An experienced ob- Philadelphia and a Swarthmore merger of the Swarthmore Nasiritultaneously on June 29 at 10 server who overheard that re- man narrowly escaped serious in- tional Bani< and Trust Company a.m. One w1ll be held at the mark has suggested that It might jury when two cars collided at and the FIrst National Bani< of Church of the Redeemer in be properly classified as "a mon- Yale and Park avenues at 6 p.m. Media. It has.deposits of around Springfield and jhe other at the umental understatementl" Tuesday. $28.600,000. Provident Trust has Swarthmore Woman's ClUb. Mrs. With the passing of fireworks Mrs. Betty R. Simpson of 282 deposits of around $189.700.000. John Iliff of SprIngfIeld and Mrs. from the American scene, except Nedra avenue, Philadelphia. was Stockholders of the FIrst NaJames Daugherty of Swar.tbmore in larger coinmunities, the com- riding west on Yaie avenUe with tional Bank of Delaware C~~J are co-chalrmen. miUee hopes to revive atradl- her 'husband, Francis Patrick will receive nine-tenths of a' The purpose of the Woodlyn tion that originally touched off Simpson,. 26, at the wheel of their of Provident Trust per share': acChild Health Center is to safe- America's first Independence Day red Chevroiet coupe. Struck In the cordlng'to the proposed plan.'1'his guard and promote the normal celebratlon-a pubUc . reading of rear ,by a black Ford driven by would make FIrst National Bank growth and health of the child the Declaration of Independence. John E. Anderson. 44. of 1! 7 Sum- of Delaware County stock wprth from blr.til to school age. An lmA ~omplete schedule of events mit street, Darby, the Simpson $108 per.share at the pnisent munizatlon procrsm preventS'dis- will be published In next week's car leaped the. sidewalk, slde- market value. ease and the pu:ents are educated issue of' the SW,A.RTHMOREAN. swiped a Irej); and landed In the Burn Will become a vlce-presto· care for Qlelr cIIlIdren. ChUcl ' . ,., ' . front: yard of Thomas Jackson on ident of' Provident ~t, accordHealthcenters'are mllll~ed .for: 'AJ'm~ ·"-~~··On' "Th' 'thenorihwest comer.···· Ralph iDg"to the" ~ent, ~ ~ell chlJdren'whOlfe parents are" osl.. '. ' .. i ,e ,Lltpe" ;Jr.. who was walking charge 0(' Its three Delaware !lDable 'to alford a private. phystoward. his HaVC,ertord place home Cliwlty !l1lfces" and pftlcers and icilin. ' barely mansged to jump out of personnel of the FIrst National The Woodlyn Chlld Health, . the .car'. path. Bani<, of Delaware County will be Center Is sta1!ed by a doctor, a No new nests were reported to The Simpoons. who expect the retamed by the merged bank. registered nurse from' the Com- Dr. Worth during the past week. bIrth of a child In another month, munity NlD'Sing Service, Dela- Mrs. Landon, 307 N. Princeton were comiag' to Swarthmore to ware County and' the assistance avenue, stated over the, telephone dine at a local tearoom. of volunteers. The members of that the egg was still unhatched Anderson, driving the car of the 'Central Committee hold a as recently as June 18. It has Fred Wilson of Darby, a fellowChristmas Party at the Center. thus been under observation for employee at Wilson Supply ComEach child receives a gift pre- fourtetl!1 days IIhd muat conse- pany, WalUngtord. said that ted b Santa Cl Th quentIy be on the point of hatch- Simpson gave a left-turn signal Large Enrollment For :ney rr:m the card ing. The coining week-end should and started to tum Into Park The Many Courses help to buy these gifts. 'therefore be an appropriate time avenue in that direction, and Tables may be reserved throtigh for banding the lIedglIng. then suddenly ~witched to a right Offered . Mrs .. Daugherty or members of BIrd-banders receive reports of turn. On Monday. June 20, 350 stu.' her committee: Mrs. Marvel Wil- their banded birds from the office Mrs. Simpson w.as taken across dents from Swarthmore and The Home Team Takes son Mrs Carroll Streeter' Mrs of the Fish and Wildlife Service the street t. the home of Dr. H. neighIiorIng cO!DlriuniUes started Second of Th'ree B~ey Morse, Mrs. Willian: at Laurel, MeL These "recoveries," Parker Stamford, denUst. and their six weeks summer 'sesalol) • Vel'ring, Mrs. John L.' Good and as they are called, depend on the treated for a bruised forehead lit the College Avenue School. ThiS Seas,onMl'S. Charles Lukeua.' finding of a banded bird. dead or and shock by Dr. Harold Roxby This is a consldersble increase Behind the four hit pitching of alive. by an individual who not of Elm avenue. over enrollments in recent years. , only notices the band but takes Damages to the' right rear of Most pupils are taking on'Ronnie Thompson, the Swarth- Mor' Degrees Given . I ..., one the trouble to write down ts the Simpson car were estimated course .• altIiough'some are taking more CUppers deteated Lower Chi T L I '5 h i t 4-2 in the Lower Delco Midget 0 C 0 ars number and then ,send a note 0 at $500. The complete front and two and a few three courses. With Baseball League Tuesday night William Comell Archbold Jr. the FIsh and Wildlife. Service. It radiator Of the other car were all enrollments not completed. " of can easily there are 350 pupils taking over at the College avenue field. son of Mrs. S . B. Brewster b'rd be t understood b banded that be- smashed. S thm many I s mus e 500 courses so for. Classes are tI Thompson allowed onIy two bases ~ar, ore avenue, racen y re- fore a bird bander receives such on balls and showed good con- ceved the degree of Bachelor of a notice from the FIsh and Wlld- Youngsters Sponsor' scheduled fr",?, 8:30. a.m: to trol throughout th" game. Laws at the annual Commence- life Service. Yet when t h e s e ' Benefit Show ~~~o 30~·m. d81ly. until Friday, RappaselU, 1ile losing. pitcher. ment of The George Washington ti arrive th- make all the ces work ' A Magic Show was given last An innovation was Instituted fanned 14 CUpper b atsmen and UnI , versl h ...... Washington --_., DC . . Mr• no tedious ofJ,bird banding passed four.· but his teammates .Archbold was awarded his B.S. . Tuesday evening by Sandra Alt- this year in a supErvised study couldn',t stop the CUppers from from Syracuse UniversHy in 1950. worthwhile. house, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. period where pupils obtain help scoring. A nmnlng catch by Peter Several Swarthmoreans reWithin.the past week,. Dr. ~. L. Althouse., Dorothy Hether- from teachel1l In learning how to Rumsey and a throw to the, plate ceived thetr degrees in graduate Worth was infonned of a 're- Ington. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. study and thereby receive greater from left field Scorinli Ii doulble studies at the annuBl Commence- covery" of a Common Tern that Robert P. Hetherington, and Gay attention to their indlvidual play cut off: a Lower Chi rally ment exercises held last Thurs- was banded last July 13 at a Silvers, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. needs. In the founh innIng. From then day at 'HarvardUniverslty. Robert breeding colony in Stone Harbor. Arhtur H. Silvers, all of 'Rutgers The Summer School is under on. they were no threat. D. Cross of Harvard avenue was Cape May Count,y, New ~erse~. avenue. The show. put on en- the direction of Henry Hofmann Swarthmore picked up two of awarded a Ph.D. degree. Alan R. That morning he set o~t ~.th hIS tirely by the three ten year aIds, and Harry Oppenlander. Mr. Hofits runs in the flrst innIng on back Hunt, son of Dr. Everett Hunt son •. Douglas, and a bIrdIng en- was for the benefit of the Chester mann will supervise . Social to back hits by Henry Hofmann of Elm avenue, received his LL.M. thUSlast from across the street, Hospita,l ChUiIren's Ward. Studies untl! July 1 when he and Terry Innis and two Lower and a Ph.D wss conferred upon Richard Coles. and succeeded An audience of 27 youngsters, leaves to take over the High Chi errors. The remaining two Arne A. W;ller. of Harvard ave- with their expert help in band- who had 'to contribute a book, School Prir!-cipalship for the Cenruns ClIIme in the fourth inning Due. Ing 98 fled,gllng Common Terns doll, or toy for admittance, par- tral Delaware ~ounty Joint lVhen live runners reached base Edna Meeke Renout of Tale and 19 lIedgeiing Black Skimmers. ticipated in !he tricks. Any puzzle Schools. Mr. Oppenlander will Without a hit. square accepted her Master·s De- The weather was hot, and biting that they were unable to solve, supervise Mathematics and SclThe Clippers defeated the gree in Education at the gradua- ftles and. knots made the eIlort the thl'e!!' chief magicians ex- .ence. In addition. Miss Mary 'l'rainor Boys' Club 8-4 on Thurs- tion ceremonies of Temple UnI- a harrowmg one. plained to them. After the show, Armstrong is in charge of English day, Jun'e 18. They now have a versity on June 18. Degrees were Of these 117 birds, not one had home-made lef!eshments were for the first week. Mrs. Ruth 2 and 1 record for the season. also conferred upon Charles TiU- been traced until now. This. served' by the girls. Wright, from Swarthmore, heilds Thursday, ;June 23, the CUp- son Fox of University place who Common Tern was found, preAccording to direct report, the Engliah and SocIal Studies, Mrs. Pers meet IIIarcus Hook at· home got bIs Doctor Of Scl_ in Med- sumably dead, at, Icacos Bay, affair was a; great succesa with Laura ;JunJdns from Nether l'rovIUId then play away at JIareus ieine and NIno cle Prophetis of Trinidad, British West Indies, by sixteen books, many toys and ideDce has Languages and Eng_ lIOOk .June 28 to COIIIplete the Cornell avenue who leceiied a a Mr. 1'. B. Anthony of Constance dolls, and pmes being donated lish; and' Joseph Conte from IIrst round of league play. Master of Sclence In M$iicine. Estate, on April 18, 1855. '. for the hospltall .... ~ (Continued on Page 8) "M '. D . 'F' t oummg ove ron '55 Summe.r School .Season Underway • h, . a·Ippers T'nump over Lower Delco ' :Sri,. W;;; K. e oca .-- ' P..e :I THE S'WARTBMOBEAN PersonalS Mr. and Mrs. V. L. FIne of North Swarthmore avenue wlli drive to Scranton next week to 'spend the 4th of July week-end with his brother and siste..-Inlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fine of that clty. The John Honnold family of Rutgers avenue returned Monday froiD a five day vacation trip to CacaPQn State Park In W~ Virginia. Mrs. H. C. Ford and her son honor for her sister and another s~r. MIss Ca~erine Pugh Fussell of Bryn Mawr. acted as maid of honor. The bridesmaids were MIss Jeannie Levis EarnShaw of Gradyville and Mrs. John Charles Ruxton of Baltimore. Md. They were all similarly attired In blue dotted swiss gowns and carried bouquets of pink roses. white daisies. and larkspur. The groom's brother. Robert Blair Lang of Maple avenue. was his best man. The ushers included I/Ie Messrs. David Campbell. James p.kornaday. and Harry E. Oppenlander. all of Swarthmore; Hift'r1 Aleiilnder. m. of Garden City. L. I.; and David Stone of Delray Beach. Fla.. MiS. 'Fussell wore a dress ,of blue lace and chitron with a light blue bat. Mr. Lang's mother was l" , . , • goWned in blue tissue taffeta with a flower hat. Following a ~eption held at the Ro11ing Green Golf Club. the bride and groom left for a three week honeymoon In Michigan. Upon their return. they will take up residence at 141 Rutgers avenue. Mrs. Lang Is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Her husband Is ali alumnus of Cornell University and is now associated with Brooks and Company. Investment Bankers. - Rose Point lace. and she carried the birth of thetr daughter. Bar- Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a small round bouquet of step- bara Anna, on June 15. 1955. Mrs. Raymond P. Wilson of Park avehanotis edged with a tulle frl11 Foster is the former MIss Betty nue. with blossoms of stephanotis caught on the streamers. . MIss Jane Thompson Patterson PICTURE FRAMING acted as maid of honor for her PORTRAIT SYUDIO alster. and wore a white organdy dress embroidered delicately over PhololrapWc SuppH. the bodice and most of the· skirt 'o,...rIy with a pale' blue satin diamond motif. The dresS was made With a CARNS tight fitting bodice. round low Slate Ii...... Sts. , 650 lIaltimore .Ik. neck. short sleeves. a sash of blue M.... Spr'lagtlol•• Del. Co.. satin. and a wide waltz l~h skirl. She carried a bouquet of 6-2176 $WartlllllOre 6-0450 white daisies and blue delphinium tied with loops of matching blue ribbon festooned with flowers. and wOre a banlleau of mat~hlng fiowers on her head. The bridesmaids wen; MIss Margaret Ann Hiatt. Locust Valley. Long Island. Miss Jean Ellen Holman. and MIss 'Ann Berlinger BEAUTY SALON ~worth. both. of Swarthmore. COME SUMMIR. COMICARI and MIss Margery Latimer Toom". ... . ,'". er. Buchln~am. They wore the 9 South Chester Road same model as that worn by th" CaR SWarthmore 6-0476 ~ ~aid of honor in white organdy Actlv. M_"r Of ft. Swill................ AUoc..,tI.. embroidered In pale blue satin. oil Diluzio and Sons Florist ROID a Mrs. . _,:II FlU" 821· &35..... mm Fans . 1tP.(W· CHRISTIAN. SCIENCE "'HEAlS . WlP 111. IICJ ,. ''''1 AM. ," I ' ... '.. ,. " \ ~ .' . Try The New Color Films Anscachrotna at~Chrome ' Both ASA.32 ho_h ..... Abo "')"tillable I. 1211 .~. • I. ' , "'O~.';('S,H,q.p 6.orIcA_ .. Moa.. T.•" _ YlelO.1 r,IA~nll~' ''YIOL (C'IiIi' E.;.uE$T _IQGNIN~ . S~ .llJ,AY" ~tOdl.~) '. \.ad"_""" Joiln Shlnwa-. Il10. \ . "EAST OF EDEN" (ClI*'ItCIScope;.Tedlah:clar) D I _ by _...., A_rd WI_ Etk.- Kenan l. · 'l;'he baby, Is. a grandehildot Mr. Jessup, Mrs. William Pegram. a~(l4rs; if~~~ati W..m'deof "High Mrs. H. LIndley Peel. and Mrs. HARTE~AlTERSON Winds". Media. Fred N. Bell will be hostess at a The marriage of MIss Allce Sulluncheon for the wedding party livan' Patterson. daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kirkman Fosand out-of-toWD, guests. and Mrs: Henry Carter l'attersm. ter.of 'Syra"~iIe" N:Y.• announce and llifr. Robert MelVin Harter. son L.\f."~fU,$SELL of David AlbertMo~ of RichThe marriage of Miss Anna mOIii!, Irid .• alid Mr. James Hart- ~.fr.~ O~8 Mary Fussell; , dal1glJter . of MrS; er of M(aml. Fia.~. too)t place on H.\OAZINBS MtIton . Howard" FuSSell. Jr.,' of Saturday afternoon, ..JI!!';'i' 1~, at lilts. LLOD Eo KAtJI"II'IIAN Vassar avenue and . Mr.. Eben four o'clock in The Swarthmore Ita.. DadDuiuth.Avenne Caldwell Lang. soil of Mr. and F.riends;. Meeting House. '. 8_........ 1t-!l10 Mrs. Frederick Robert i;ang of 'The"bride'Was escorted by her I'~~';;;~"~'~.~.~~~~~~~~ Maple avenue was solemnized l~ther.\tici wore' a white organdy II last Saturday' at 2' p.m. in 'the bi"idal goWn made with a tight Trinity EJ>iscoi>al Church of fitting '~Ice o~-shoulder low Swarthmore'. The Reverend H. neck. outlined with a band tawrelice Whittemore, Jr.• rector Isl1drring.· imdtlny short sleeves. of the Church. omciated at the Her bouffant skirt was made of ceremony. flounces of o~gand)' attached to FtI. & Sat. The brld", who was given in each other and endb)g In a short J. Arthur Inn1:.\' 'rllllant Comedy of RomaItCe marriage by her Uncle.. Mr. trllin. she wore a short w!lite •·••...,.1 aMI Ad.,Hm. George Newlin It'y,oln,g 0(. Rypal, v~ fa1llns from a coronet o~ "A DAY TOREMIMlil" was attired hi a tUll length gown , wlth'STAtUEY IfOUOWAY . Frl.~ of white embroidered organdy SGf,-haI\i" tI~~ '1. a I~. and .wore a finger-tip. illusion Yo. ".nty of .S_laIS,"",.,,, CloUd .... Sat. I P.M. veil. She carrleda bouquet of . . MICKEY lOONEY I. . gardenias and stephanotis. · "THE ATOMIC KID" Mrs. Arthur Spencer CObb of -PLUS~ Calor Cartoons, Com.d, Windsor, Conn., was matron of ~ Pap 3 KHcIaoI!'::l"-'.'. o.rSoal' ~.wCIIoIfer' .' . .~1'J1h METHODIST CHURCH John C. Kulp MinIster . Rudolph H. Hodge AssIstant MInIster • Mr. F'l"ed Haley Organist-Director of Music Sanday, Jone 26 9:45 A.M.--Church School. 11:00 A.M.-Mr, Kul., wlll preach. TRINiTY CHURCH H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector Sonda.y. .lone 26 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M.--Mornlng Prayer. Ta0sda7• .1_ 21 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Wedn0sda7. JUIl6 29 7:00 A.M,-Holy Communion. 8:00 P.M.-Bible Study. FrIday, .IDly 1 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. 8ltpei bi 81111da7, lane ZI 11:00 A. 1I.~day School. 11:08 A.II.-Tbe LUlDn S _ wru be "ChrIatIan Sclence.,,' Wednesday evening IIlMIinI each week, 8 P.IL Readin& Roam, 4GB Dartmouth Avenue, opeD 'II'!'kdQS, except . holldQa, 10-11.. !rJclai naJn&;. Sundq at... 111- t:......._,.,.e. . tams to It It, like ·'taIlored IIbieI." T!ae'. hD f" , Power It u..1or _ CI »J Pos. Hi ...., far lruMW. Extra . . . . . . . . ..., to ~ powar' • ~ • am. 8Ife iltupPna Tbat'. wIlY -...,. JOQ'reDOt oab'adIea.......Clu7aIer. . . ~ ~d weIl.lsn'tllOW. aood time to~ pacini the field ill 'the • that's the !ria _ of 19li67 We're ready to start l'Oil olf-tbe minute you say wlleDl THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS . . 81111da7. .lone 28 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. All are welcome. Monday. .lone 21 All day sewing for A. F. S. C. Wednes'ay• .I11De II All day sewing for A. F. S. o. FIRST CHURCH .OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST SWARTBlIIORE .. Park Avenue below ~ .,..ul.,. _ Yet, tbin b CocOantlaleu:laslwclrlve.fee&alw(aIlCbr1al_ 'odIfneted) It; h .......... . . , . . . . _ 01 70lIl" band. .' ' COME TAKE THE .. CHRYSLER ..100••ILLlO...DO....AR ....... .. '. . . . . . ; . . - - - - - - - - - - GOOD D.IY. . . . D ..IV• •A ...L y l - - - - - - - - - - - Yale A"•• a" PORTER INC. . . . - H. \vAITEi . , ClIo..... Rood -~ . - . SW.i I••IIN 6-1250 5 • • Iii...... 'a. . NEWS NOTES Hendrixson of North Chester road bas been entertaining her brother, Mr. Harry Millet of St. Paul, MInnesota. The mothers of the Swarthmore HIgh School class of 1954 have presented a ,uJtcase to Henry Hofman!, as Q expression of thanks for hl5 interest IJi all the members of the clua of 1954. MIss DIane Thomas of Riverview road who a graduating in September from Miami University at Oxford, Ohio, leaves by plane on Friday for a college tour of EiJrpe. She plans to return on August 9 on the Queen Mliry. Mrs. Benjamin Colllns. of mllbom avenue recently returned from YpslJanti, Micb1gan, where she was the houseguest of Mrs. Charles Elliott. While In Ypsilanti Mrs. Colllns attended the wedding of Mrs. Elliott's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mondale and daughters, Karen, Julia, and Ellen of College avenue lett Sunday morning for a 'round about trip to their Ozark timber Mrs. .JUDe 24. 111£ SWARTHMOREAN Pap" LaRue farm in MWourl where they plan to spend the s"mmer. They will stop in Boston to see historic landmarks, then make their way to Coldwater, Mich., via Niagara Falls, to visit Mrs. Mondale's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smead at their summer home on Coldwater Lake. Miss Rosemary Delat a entertainlng her mother, Mrs. Darwin Delat of Kansas City, Mo., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mondale on College avenue while they are away on vacation. Dr. and Mrs. Heinz Heinemann and family of Dicklnson avenue left last week for New London, N.H., where Dr. Heinemann plans to attend tile Gordon Research Conference. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Federoff and family of Amherst avenue have left to spend the summer at their farm near WoOdchopper, Pa. Mi.. PrIscilla Rogers of Park avenue returned last week from an automobile trip to Chicago where she was a bridesmaid in the weddlnlJ of a college friend. She Was ac<:ompanled on the trip by her cousin, Mas Molly James of Bryn Mawr. Miss Jean Bolman of College avenue will spend the week-end in Sewickley where she will be a bridesmaid in the weddlilg of her .college roommate, Jacque HeaslefIL Mrs. Howard Y. Clymer of Park avenue entertained at a momlng coffee· klatch for Frances Murrsy, a1so of Park avenue. Mrs. Mary Roberts of North Chester road entertslned the "RaIny Sunday Group" on June 19 for a picnic ~pper on the llving room Boor. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Falrbanks and family of Rutgers avenue are SOjourning at their summer home at Ocean Ctly, N.J., for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of Elm avenue will spend several months at their summer home at Stone Harbor, N.J. They will be joined there by their daughters, Mrs. Van Gathany and daughter, l.,yJm from Lake Forest, Ill., and Mrs. Barold Stratte, Jr., and children Kathy and Jimmy of Madison, Wa. Mr. Gathan)' and Mr. Stratte pbm to come on for the month of July. Mr. and Mrs. Joim A. Schumacher of Ogden avenue are beli1g ~ted tbIa week by Mrs. Schumacher's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bell and iofant daughter, Ruth, of Salem, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pennock of Whittier place have welcomed the arrival of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Joim Bernard and .young son, Bruce. The Bernards, both recent graduates from Oberlin College, will occupy the home next door to the Pennocks for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. ~. L. Conwell of Columbla avenue are liaving tbIa week for Cape May, N.J., where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mitchell and their famUy will occupy the Fairbanks home on Rutgers ave. nue during the summer. Betsy McKeag, daughter of Mr. 8Ild Mrs. George W. McKeag of Parrah road, and Posey Cadigan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RObert J. Cadigan of Elm avenue will leave next week for camp on Lake Fairlee m Ely, Vt. The girls plan to motor up with Betsy's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks and fam!), of Rutgers aveDue spent last week-end vialling in Glen Fa!ls> N.Y. MiSs Judy Pennock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roland Pennock of Whittier place, will ~ turn home from a three week trip through the Scandli1avian countries on July 1. Judy, who sailed from Copenhagen yesterday, sP8l!t her junior year at St. Andrew s University m Scotland. During the spring vacation, she also made· a tour of Spain. David Cox of Wamut lane a hollie for the swum.r from Wesleyan University. Mr. and Mrs. James Brewster of South Swarthmore avenue will leave Sunday· for a viait to Nantucket and Fatmington; Conn. Saturday BE • • Fusco Safe Robbed Over Weekend NEWS NOTES Pap S LOCAL EDUCATOR PLANS Ross BlI1steil), son of Dr. and ....10. Auillary E.... Sea... FrA CONYENTION Mrs. Walter Billstein of South Mr. and Mrs. Roberi D. Hulme Mrs. Alben T. Eavenson of Chester road, was feted recently (Continued from Page 1) of Elm avenue spent last weekPersonnel of Pennsylvania MIl- on the occasion of his 21st bir.th- South Chester road will preside clair Retlnlng Company ·which end at the home of Mrs. Hulme's itary College in Chester who are day by his associates at Sun Ship. at the season's last meeting of owns the buildlilg and is erect- parents, Mr. and Mrs; H. E. Ken- active m the Pennsylvania State Robert McHenry of Parrish road the Legion Auixillary to be held In!l a new service ststion in the yon of Upper Montclalr, N.J., unit, Future T~achers of America, is' home for the summer from at the home of Mrs. Robert Sheprear of .the property. Lewis Fusco where she attended engagement spent some time this week m Washington and Lee University. of Grace Park, owner of the showers for several of her high Harrisburg mapping plans for the David Eilrenbud of Yale avenue pard of Devon Forge. buslileas had left Friday to attend school . and Swarthmre College annual convention of the State Dessert will be served to the is spendlilg the month of July at a cathollc week-end.retreat. CriB- friends. unit. Jug mil Camp in New York members at 1 p.m. followed by a pino said he had· cleaned the gun Mr. and Mrs. George S. ValenOutllillng prellminary arrange- Stste. short meeting and social session. and replaced it in Its box on tine of Benjamin West avenue are ments was Dr. Theodore L. PurThursday. Be has been with the enterIaining their daughter,. Mrs. nell, of Cornell avenue, Associate ftrm since it opened in 1938. Howard Mauger and sons, Rich- Professor of Education and SciConlIicting with pollce theory ard and Robert of Columbus, ence at the Chester college, and $500 MONTHLY Thoughtful men and women on the gun however was the fact Ohio. Mr. Mauger plans to join faculty advisor of the FMC Chap- make proviaion tOr their final Startfn9 salary for :z nKutlv.type that $30 in worklilg cash, cus- them later when the whole famUy ter, Fl'A. . resting place just as they take tal..... to ,.."...... ra. Ecatwn tomarily hidden in a comer of the will go to the Valentine's summer The planning session in Harris- out life insurance or make a ft.ndol COipo,olkM. No traYeI. Saie. will. A souad investment in garsge, remained intsct. Nearly a home at Stone Harbor, N.J. burg was held In the State Eduaod abllHr . .Iroc!. _bhundred dollai1s in Saturday's reMas Romans Van Urk, daugh- cation Building, in collaboration advance .of-need. ....Wat. 25-4D yean old, ma .... ,W. capable of auumtlH) telpoftSlblr. ceipts hidden on an upper shelf ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. with Raymond C. Webster, Direc_ WEST LAUREL HILL IfIel. I. nq"",ft9 Int."'... plea.. by Service Manager Eugene Mil- Van Urk of Thayer road, has left tor of Field Service of the State CREMATORY Includ. bdtf _nol .Idory. all ler of Chester when he closed for camp in Casco, Mame. Her Fl'A, and Herbert Lauderbach, ....,.,.. coddtnlol. Our _'-l1l*I 1taY. Belmo.t Ave. above City the station· at 10 p.m. Saturday sater, Mary, will join her there Assistant Executive Secretary of _ I n f _ of till. ad. ... A. L Lllle, Bala,CYllwyd was also untouched. June 28. the State unit. Called from his bome In Sun Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Young _ _ _ _ _ __ IYyrldge 3.1122 'Hill, Chester, Sergeant Elmer of Yale avenue greeted Mrs. Professor George Thom of Zebley, fingerprint experi of the Young's cousin and his wife and Blackthorn road, Wallingford. has . Swarthmore Pollce Deparlment, children last week-end. They are left for Penn State UniverSity concJuq~,~ a.:·..fruitless quest for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tom and where he is attendlilg the NaA Choice tel1t*le"lIrrDtIi:. . ' sons, Jonathan and Stephen, f';Om tional Meeting of the Society tor Pollce also commented that Annville. the Promotion of Engineering Edmore than one person probably Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest ucation. Professor and Mrs. HowSe/edion of Seersucker was involved in the robbery on of Vassar avenue recently enter- ard Jenkins of North Chester road son-In-law and accompanied Professor Thorn account of the tremendous wetght tained their of the safe which had been moved daughter, Dr. and Mrs. David .Miss Phyllis Hall of Park ~ve­ ten feet from its wall position Warner and their children Roddie, nue Is entertaining Miss Joyce In the Studebaker sales showroolh Lynn, and Andy Jo from Xenia, Pattison of Shiloh,' Pa. for savporiion of the buildlilg to a point Oblo. Dr. and Mm. Warner· spent eral weeks as her hous'e guest. by where a display car screened the several days at Atlantic City while safe-breaking operations from he attended a coriference of the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Little of Chester road tramc's view. Here AMA, tJie children stsylng 'J'ltlt Park avenue returned from an the heavy safe was turned over their grandparents in Swarth~ Alumni week-end at Penn Stste two tires having been placed be~ more. Mter their. visit, the whole University. -al,oneath it to cushion its fall. No. family drove on to visit with Dr. Miss. Kathleen· Titus of &uth signs of forcing the safe open Warner's parents at their sum- Swarthmore, avenue will spend being evident, Pollce surmised the mer cottage at Lakeside, Ohio, be- several weeks at Camp Elizabeth Borlon, Frenclj Creek. lock might not have been caught fore returning hoine.· properly and was jarred loose by Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hayes Miss Cynthia Topping of North the overturning. of Clearwater. Fla., fonnerly res- Princeton avenue and MIss Nancy Instead of risldng detection by Idents of Swarihmore, are now Gatewood of Elm avenue are by leaving through the window· jim- staying at the Sirath Haven Inn leaving for Camp Mudjekeewis, mied for entrance, the thief or while visiting their old home C~ter Lovell, MaIne. Weves pried a padlock .off a rear town. They were entertamed at ~r. and Mrs. John K. MUrphy door for their exit. Until recent .. family supper Sunday by ,Mr. of Riverview road have 'been "'" demolltion ot an attached repair Hayes' brother-In-law and family, tertalnIDg Mrs. Murphy's mother shop, tbIa door had been an inner Mr. and Mrs. Alben E. Rogers of and sister, ~. W.T. Mabry, and . During July and August This Store Will Be door to the shop which extended Park. avenue. . MrS. W. H. Hulsey, both of BlrOPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY acr.. the rear and .had heavy Stephen Edwards, son of Mr. mingham, Ala. Illr; Murphy's WEDNESDAY AT I P.M. CLOSED slidlilg outer doors. and Mrs. Earl Edwards of Rut- mother, Mrs. Kelly Murphy of Exact estimate of the aID ount gers avenue, will leave tomorrow Tuscaloosa, Ala., is expected to of money the safe contained when for Darkwater Camp at Medford. arrive in Swarthmore this weekend to ~..witb: her fll111!)Y. Bookkeeper Willlam Langdon of N.J. "Prospect Park, left at 5 p.m. FrlMrs. Charles G. Thatcher of day was asceriained when Lang- Ogden avenue entertained the alice ton returned to work and pre- ladles of her bridge club on Wedi pared a tally Monday motning. nesday. About 15 yeara ago local pollce Mrs. William Thatcher of ColLuilclln~ noticed a jimmied window at the lege avenue was visited recently. . shop apprehendeita man by her brother-in-law sister- t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" hidlilg and inside, thus breaklilg up in-law, Mr. and Mrs.andHerbert a rmg which had been robhlng Thatcher of Tryon, N.C. garages throughout the area. A Miss Justine Bodley of DoylestrUck had been driven into the town,. formerly of Swarthmore, shop and. was being 1000ded with has been visiting her· former tires and other equlpment when classmate Gail Forwood of Oberpolice walked onto the scene. lin avenue. SEC URI T Y uport.... n..... Swa_. PLAY CLOTHES 'drivers· .', , 1955 Korday ~RE JERSEY TOPS Smariee LarL.-f t'·· 5 More accidents-and lIWre fatal accidents-occur on Saturday than on any other day of the week. , , ... ATZ AUTO SERVICE HORACE A. REEVES B. J. HOY. 5 AND 10 StRAm HAVEN·INN FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF· old Lank I MARTEL BROTHERS SWARTHMOREco.oP W. MARK BI1TLE SUlUlDertilDe In every sunny dime . . . you'll wear smart, .care.free sport fashions from our bright new group! 'Round the country or right around home, they're your best buys for sun fun! Bermuda Shorts , -, . BAIRD and BmB PEI'ER E. TOLD CATHERMAN'S DRUG· STORE Flannels $9.95 Arrow Sport Shirts Jantzen Sports Wear INC. 1'8E SWARTHMOllEAN PORTER H. WAITE, INC. THE INGLENEUK Your Car· Needs' These Ready-fOr-Summer-Senices NOWI , . l--CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Winter oil is too thin for warm weather. We drain it-and refill Summer type Sunoeo On. 2-CHAMGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS Drain transmission lind rear reGO with Sun~ AD;purpose Gellr LvbriC4ftt - 'pecilllly made to resisi high pressure lind heat. . 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION Special Lubricant used to helf» keep THE BOUQUET E. L. NOYES and CO.· your car ready for summer in the good old \ Washable $4.95 and $5.95 JOYCE LEWIS is designed to help get .. , BUCBNER~ II II Our (·ar Saver Special Saturday drivers accounted for more than 2(1% of ··Pennsylvania highway fatalities last yearmore than any other single day of the week. Friday, Saturday and·Sunday drivers accounted for ~re than half of Pennsylvania'S 1538 highway deaths.' This Saturday ••• this week end ••• etJery week end ••• drive as though your life dep~nd8 on it•••• IT DOES! .. , .Drive 10 sfay alive in '551 J. A. GREEN 9 IS South Chester Road Swarthaiore Togger, Shop 8 Park Avenue . I . ...:. ~. _ SWarthmore 6-0240 out squHb lind wear. Won't dry out, won't w.... out, won't squ_ outl Helps Improve gas mileage• 4-CHECK OIL FILTER Inspect cartridge end check for leab. 5--BATTERY SERYICED Winter is especillay tough on batteries. We died: strength, clean terminllls, add dislille«f w.... , 6 CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS Dirty spllrk plug, can Wllste liS much 115. lout of every 10 gaRons of gasol"rne. 7--CLEAN AIR FILTER· Lets your engine breathe easier - keeps dirt out of the carburetor. I-DRAIN ANTI. FltEEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS -ADD RUST RESISTANCE \ If you have permanent lInti-freeD, save It for ned winter. Bring your own container. 9--CHECK·UP OF TIRES Correct "Switching" improves the milellge. W. can also have your tiresrecappecl, if needed. ·LfT us HELl' MAU YOUR CAR RUN Im'ER - LONGER' PORTER H. WAITE, loc. SWaP' In 6-1250 , •.. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph HIrsch Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam S. Hobbs B8TATBNOTICB and da"~"'AIIn' of Be"'amln of Park avenue have been enterIIilTATB -~... SOB. late orOP _ .>06BPIi JIOroUghB.or DIOKIIf8_West avenue are leaving on Fri- talnlng Mr. and Mis. Fred MlIJer more. Delaware 00ImtJ. PeJlDSYlvanJa. day 10 spend the week-end in of LIncoln. DUnoIs. LIil XBk8 TZBTAllBllTABY OIl the WaUlngford. Vermoot. Mr. and Mrs. D. Malcolm Hodge :::,~n:"'~~ ~:'~ of Strath Haven avenue have left to a.. oaId estate are requeoted to for New York CIty to see their _ ,,:p;.;.at tile eame. without mate to pa-ont. and til""" having daughter. Mary Lou. off for an delay. 11 week lour of Europe. WAIIl'Z!L B. DIOKIIfSON 9S _ Avenue FOR SALE PERSONAL MIss Nelly M. Shaw of Chap8WVt1lmOl8. PeDDB)'lvanla I Y and her sister Cor- BUTLBR, Or to his BBATrY Attorneys.GREBR /II; . , paqua• 1'1..• ==-::-::-:-::~==-7.~:=:--7."::: FOR SALE Excellent top soil $10 PERSONAL - Prof~Ional pumo nella' arrived in Swarthmore June JOIlNSON . '. a load. Mushroom soil $20 a service. tuning. voicmg, regulat- 21 Th wlll be living t the 17 South Avenue load. 'Call SWarthmore 6-2078. ing, repalring. Stacy Reeves. Jr.. • ey a _ PeDDB)'lVaDta FOR SALE _ Scottie puppies. Swarthmore. Telephone (day) home of their cousin R. C. Harrts· . 4-0474, (night) KIngs- and his daughter Dorothy of GarAKC. all black. 5 weeks old. Price ,50. mlltop 6-6054. rett avenue until the bul1d1ng of mWARD G. CHIPMAN new home in Florida Is comFOR SALE -' Pachysandra - a AND SON hardy evergreeo cover child care. Will accompany family or ~~~~o~eJ