Swnrthiiore Coil lege- T.i hra·ry Swarthmore • }lEI. . SUPPORT.· tHE SWARTHMOREAN MARCH OF . ~*".. DIMES" . SUPPORT . MARCH OF , DIMES -,.~. 8WAllTBMOlU):, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7; 1955 VOLUME 27-NUMBER 1 13.50 PER YEAR .' Colle9.e Orchestra Wi! I James C. Taylor'. Annual March of Dimes Hugh Thayer Retires Judges Ann.ounce TOnight InterredTuesday Comes January 25 From DuPont Corp. Ughting inners Give Concert ~oncert :..n.e annual winter ofl the Swarthmore College orchestra will be presented this evening at 8:15 p.m. In Clothier Memorial . ' Hall on the college campus. Flfty-flve musicians w11l play under the direction of James Sorber acting conductor. The program order of presentation Ineludes Brahms' "Tragic· Overture," "'Flute cOncerto K314," by Mozart with Michael CaUngaert as soloist, a group of ''Folk Dances" by Bartok, and BeetUoven's "Symphnoy N(). 8." Mr. Sorber has ~vited the public to attend the program. . The annual polio drive will be'. gin on Tuesday, January '25. This Praise Effedively Lit, Noted Local Busme~sman I campaign, popularly known as Associates Honor •. ·lmmed, Borough Died Suddenly on The Mar~ of Dimes, will be T • His 42-Year ,. headed agam this year by Mrs. J. Doorways' January 1 v. S. Bishop of Harvard avenue. Career The many friends of James C. The six captains covering SwarthHugh O. Thayer of 625 North PrIze winners In the annual Taylor of E. L. Noyes and Com- more will be: Mrs. George Armi- Chester road rellied December 31 community ChrlMmas lighting pany were shocked by the news tage, Mrs. Johan Natvig, Mrs. M. tram 'the tarlft division of Ducontest are announced by the flve of his death at 4 a.m. Satur!iay H. Fussell, Mrs. Ruffo J. Herndon, Pont Corporation's development ,udges who traversed the streets morning, January I, In his sleep. Mrs. Alfred J. Calhoun, and Mrs. deparlment after a career of more of the Borough every evening Services were held Tuesday H. B. Coles. than 42 years with the company. during the holidays but were still afternoon In Kennett .Square. More complete information Mr. Thayer, who had worked in unable to come to a declslon In An affable, friendly person, Mr. about the drive will be publlshed the research, production and adtime for publication In last week's Taylor was highly regarded in the In next week's issue of, The ministrative divisions of DuPont. paper. Thay were aetarred by the Borough...An outdoorsman, he was Swarthmorean. was honored at a luncheon given thick tog one evening and a blindenthusiastic about his. hobbies, by his associates at the Wilming· Ing rain on two others .and by the bird dogs and' fishing, which he ton Club December 27. tact (which lias reared its disshared with several business and :Mr. Thayer was employed by turblng head in other matters) professional I!\en at the comDuPont in 1912 as a chemist at thaqu!res.t munity. He cameedto Stwwarthman'dOrea Barksdale, Wisconsin, Durinln the ex...... .......... . . In 1946 but mov .. 0 . plosives department. g the' · .Judges of former years whose half years ago to bla farm In • • next 17 years he held vartous BnOllylllOUS aervice (consequently Unionville, Chester cOunty. Pa. Long-Time ReSident superviaory asslgnmllllts at other fl,ankl'lSS) hU been cheerfully , Born In Philadelphia 63 years Began Job ezploslves plants at Ashburn,. Mo.• given wiil sympathetically under- Public 'Is Invited to ago, Mr. Taylor graduated from rrd' BIrmingham, Ala., Gibbstown, . atand the ·.eztra time n~ed for Come to Clothier Northeast High School and the Mo . ay N.J.. and Wyside, Pa. He was the ,ob's three phalea of Initial Wharton School, University of Swarthmore started out. the transferred to the DuPont Rayon appreclatlim, comp8rlson and flnal . Memorial .Pennsylvania. He became a New Year with a new postmaster Company In 1921 where he held a re-evaluation, each procESS arous".John Wesley." amotion plc- realtor in Ocean City and when -Robert G. (''Bob'') Gllflllan, Jr., number of cellophane pr04liction ture featuring the elPteenth ceD- he Willi not accepted for the armed of 410 ~ale avenue, who waS In- and research assignments. !fr. Ing considerable discusslon. Proof of the .~ inte,rest In tury clergyman and educatOr, will services durJna the war, he went stalled Friday afternoon and 'as- Thayer came to Wilmington .in the results Ii to be found In the be shown at CI9thier Memorial, to Miami where he dill civilian awned his new duties Monday 1940 as. assistant manager Of. the .fact that nearly every other call to Swarthmore College, on Sunday, W81" work throughout the war.l»"'.r.:·;J.ia. ;jf~':'r.1'~.r&rft···~'~rHrft~lAJi.-nallii;';~~· ••'~w8rtJuii9re: bo.iIt'iJ,T"~:":1(~. ,:-~,~ ·pni~iieia. ~Jiie'~o a~.· .~ ·'C~eYsintfl".piesldent U of PPlayers' T or. until J(~. .,'11l0iii,".:=: ,.... ",. . ': :~~' ~. "". Pari.: ~~ ,: . _wd&et4 .. , i· ' .. ', • ,•• ~'. ,'~ "'" ,. ,< ___ _., __.. ,. 'ie"~il~f -~ . .'" ... . ~ ~mancUOl1es ' •• ~- ~ . . > ;~~'- !•"',• ;~ • , 7, 1955 1UE SWAR1BMOREAN Pce 2 Personals Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Binns of Muhlenberg avenue had as thelr guest over the holidays, Mrs. Binns' sister, Dr. Helen T. South, professor of English'at New York Unlversit;y. Mrs. W. W. Mitchell of Univeralty place spent the holidays with her son-in-law and daughter, Commander and Mrs. C. H. Parmelee and family of Annandale, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Harl of d Lafayette avenue spent ten ays at the home of their son and daughter-In-law, the Rev. and Mrs. J. Richard Hart of P!easant- Mr. and l\iis. E. D. Ainslie and their daughter, Judy, of North Ch,ester road, bad as their guest during the holidays, Mr. Robert Kaump of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. AInslie entertained at an open house on Wednesday, December 29,'and at an egg nog party on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of Princeton avenue spent ~the Christmas holidays. in Greenfield, Mass., with their son-In-iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Guenther Froebel, Jr., and their. three chlldren . Debra Reeder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Reeder of Harvard avenue was chosen for the first chair in the celio section of the District Orchestra. Debra Lo M first is a student of rne unroe, cellist of the Philadelphia Orchestra. The District Orchestra Festival will be held on January 16 in Prospect Park. Capt. and Mrs. C. C. Shute of Maple avenue had as their guests over the holiday season, Mrs. Shute's sister, Mrs. W. W. Lewis of Smyrna, Del., and her two children, Jeff and Clift. Col. Lewis Is stationed in K,,!ea. Dr. and Mrs. J. Russell Smith of Elm avenue had as their guest, their son, Mr. Newlin Smith of Medford; Mass., recenUy.. Currentli,: they are bO\Dg .vlslted by the tWID daughters of the J. stewart Smiths, formerly . of Swarthmore. Candy Smith left on Monday for Vassar College where she is a jurilor, and Henrlelta Smith will visit' from Goucher College, where she. is a junior, this week-end. David Spencer, son ()f Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Spencer of Ogden avenue has been elected trelsurer of the class of 1957 at Wesleyan University, 'Middletown, Conn. Mr. Jones iii a graduate of verslty of Nebruka. No date has been set for the Sprlnglleld High School, MontMiss Susan Marx, daughter o~ gomery ; County; Germantown wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Simon K. Marx 0 Academy.- and Swarthmore ColNew Orleans, La., was married on .IRTH the evening of December 22 to lege. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Greene Andrew Lee'March, son of Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Duane R. Terry of of OVerland Park, Kansa., anMrs. Harold March of North Norlh Chester road announce the nounce the hlrth of a daughter, Chester road. .The double rIng engagement of their daughter, cynthia Anne, on December 9, in ceremony, for the Immediate fa~- Nancy, to Mr. Ralph Leonard. St. Luke's Hospital, KanSas City, Illes only, was performed Y Johnson of Lincoln, Nebraska. Kansas. The baby' weighed 8. Rabbi Julian B. Feibelman in the f pO'un' . ,;~, 4'L 0'unc'es. . ts Miss Terry Is a graduate 0 Wi.". home of the bride's paren • The baby's paternal ---ndparSchool. She -by h er Swarthmore ffigh arri Given In mage , Ants are Mr. and Mrs; Grover C: f attended Bowling Gl'8eI\ State ~. . father, the bride wore a gown 0 Greene of SOllth Chester road. . hi ed Ith a University and Is now teaching white satin fas · on edi'w llar In the schools of Longmont, Colo. The matemal grandmother is Mrs. a m Cl co th U· Isabel Fritts Barr of Philadelphia. chapel train an having a v-neckline. Her flnger- -;Mr~.;;J~0;hnso~~n~a;tte~n~d;;;ed;;;;;;;;;;e;;;;;;;;m;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 tip vell was attacped to a Juliet r. cap, and she carried a bouquet of white camellias. Miss Paula Jean Beaver of New Orleans, as maid of honor, wore a green taffeta ballerina-length dress ahd carried a bouquet of BEAUTY SALON birds of paradise. Mr. Roger Lee March of ReadBEAUTY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT ing, Pa., was bes) IRan for his brother. . 9 South ,Chester Road The bride was graduated from Sw~rthmore College. The brideCall SWarthmore 6-0476 groom graduated from Swarth- Shi~~.\March DEW DROP INN 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE BREAKFAST .- LUNCH· DINNER , -_=~ FA~CY .. ' !D~lily Dinners 90e:. to $1.85 . iii Spec/a' C""dren's Phlltter. MONtHLY . f1III Medical ReI,""w •• . mont iDdaded. for 2 '~''''TOI:D s', laace CIIMI .,.bOn, cIesh!:I .......~ .... ..!in aid. -... __I ~"""""'I~ ~ ..... I. "'Wq\acicR"" liifCiiltiJw . . . 1oo:IIiIo_ Wory. en -. ....... '=wlds". 0.. ...... ...,. . . . . ., r " , .... od. . . A.L si.t . aca CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Joseph P. Bishop, Minister John Schott, AssocIate MlnIster Snnday, J'anuary , 9:30 A.M. and 11:00A.M.-Morning Worship Service. Mr. Bishop will preach. Sermon topic: liThe Inner Balance-Wheel" 9:30, 10:45 and 11:00 A.M. Church SchooL / 9:30 A.M.-Men's and Women's Bible Class.' , . 6:00 P.M.~Young Adul.ts. ' 6:30 P.M. - 'Seniorand Junior High Fellowship. METHODIST CHURCH John C. Kulp MinIster Rudolph Hodge Assistant Minister Mrs. Ruth G. Nicely Organlst-Dtrector of Music Snnday, J'annary 9 1:45 A.M.-Church School 11:00 A.M. - Morning Worship Service. Sermon topic: "Uncertain Trumpets." 7:00 P.M. - Youth Fellowship will meet. ROBERT J.ATZ. OWlle" Russell's Servie:e Auto Lite Batteries Dartmon" and LafayeHe A';e.ae, .. TIle Administration and Fa,.alty of Swarthmore College present H: liThe Man Who Came To Dinner" by Hart and Kaufman Starring Pr.ofessor Clair Wilcox Friday and Saturday eves., Jan. 21 & 22:1955, 8:15 PM Clothier Hall Admission--$I.OO Students with athletic ticket-.SO ,~ , , .. TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector , There Is No Substitute For Quality • Sir;kneas is a great leveler. All the world is related when • illnesS comes. Prince and pauper have t the same desire-to get we1I. .> . This cannot be accomplished by r.heap medicines, designed to c:unt . . evc;rYthing from Water on tho . brain to hOusemaid's knee. When ill, you must have a remedy to meet your own exact ~uire- , . Consult your ment. phyaician. Tbenbrinc .... ~ to .. bc:on~mdin&. :we·are .....::J , -'l""\A& 'P"Ci_. ua. . . . -.a~ ~ .~ .Ar~· " ......II•• """ "fa todtnt lJMt!edol COipc;aUOtt. No ..,...... Sal. n.w • "leI_, E Have your car Inspected now WINTiiitlZE with PRESTONE or ZEREX Wheel Balancing SW 6044D .' wiJ.J6use ~ his, ·sermon theme, I "Uncertain Trwnpets." From January through Easter the Methodist Church is engaging in a nation-wide Church Attendance . Crusade under the theme, "God is our Strength." Interfaith .in its appeal, this crusade comes to challenge people everywhere to return to the things of God for greater power and strength in 1955. Methodist Churches everywhere will make a concerted effort to challenge their members to 100 per cent faithful attendance at least from January througbEaster, The church, under the sponsorship of the Commlsaion on Membership and Evangelism, takes pleasure in endorsing this crusade and taking the necessary steps to see our members 1111 their pews every Sunday. . At 6: 30 p.m. the Met-hodlst Y!luth FellowshU> will meet at the church to go together to the motion picture "John Wesley" to . , . nesday at 4 o'clock, and the Men's and Boys' Choir will meet at 7: 30 p.m. Thursday. The Vestry will meet on Monday at 8 p.m. • service of Evening Prayer will be held on Tuesday and FrIday at'5:30 p.m. On Wednesday the regular midweek celebration of the Holy Communion wlil be held at 7:15 a.m. Beginning Wednesday evening, January 19, at 8 o'clock and continuing for., five successive Wednesday nights, there will be a special workshop lor the Church School teachers· of Trinity Church. PRESlnERIAN NOTES .' The regular two MOrn!ng Worship Services will be i!eld on Sunday momlng at 9: ~~ 8I!Ci 11 a.m. with a sermon' 'by Mr. Bishop on be shown at the Clothier Memor- In addition, speclal music for the event will be provided by the 7 p.m. on Sunday, thls church, Eventide Male Choir of Delaware ln cooperation with the Christian Co., Mr. Oakley Van Alen, dlrecAssociation of Swarthmore Col- tor. This popular group will pro- . lege, Is co-sponsorlng an evening vide uisptring music In unusual program at' Clothier Memorial. arrangements. This arrangement makes possible On Monday at 8: 30 p.m. the unusual opportunity of book- W.S.C.S. circles 5 and 7 wUl meet. ing and showing the new featureMr. Kulp will have his regular length motion picture in color and office hours for counseling from sound, "John Wesley." The Chris- 4-5 and 7-8 p.m. on Tuesday. At tlan Association wished to present 8 p.m. the Bible Study Class this fIIIh on campuS and the taught by the pastor and sponchurch Is pleased to co-sponsor 'sored by the Commission on Memthe occasion and invite the public. (Continued on Page 7) Ial. • OLIVER H. BAIR founded our or,ganization 77 years ago. Jhv s~me family operates it today. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. D".cr~U " AII ...... .,'...,..- ouva H. lAIR, _ . MAIt'I A. lAIR, _ Telephone RI6-1511 III ......... A••• S•• ,. In, ... THEATRE SQUARE ·CALl. )POI ·.,iI DEIJYIIlYSIR..CE ..... 'fi~·hitd... _ •••••.;•• 164194 • :.. _ •• ' • ".. it 11:00 A. M.~unday School. 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson Sa..... will be "Sacrament." .. Wednesday evening weellnc ::a,:: ::.ch ~~ ~ • 'days ezcept hoUdayz, 10-5. , COATS 20% OFF • BETTER ROBES $11.90 JACK.ETS$7.90 BEITER HATS , • ':. .• .- y_ :: ' ,. '". ", $10.09 . GROUP Ol=HPilS', -$S.to· ALL DRESSES REDUCED .,. -. - .. -.. ~ '8DlI ''1:'' p.m. Thi""",1lY evening also the ChrIstIan Education Committec. 1Irill meet at 8 p.m. ·In the Women's Assodatl~ Room. '15SoutlJ C'hester :'Woad METHODIST NOTiS The 0IIlcIal Board wlll meet to- m;..(W~;,\~. ~:f."Jl'J '.t~.!~ ;~l.,~'r+"d.~ .. .c • ... "The Inner Balance-~" ~e John Wesley Film to Be Shown at Clothier Memorial Sunday, Jan. 9, at 7 P.M. Sacrament of Baptism·wIll be per- . ' ,_. , , . .. . formed at the 11 o'~",* ~c!!. ' , Church School cllUl3ll!' will b,l! held at 9: 30, 10: 45 and 11, aa w@ as the Men's Bible CIIIl!II and the Women's Bible CtaSs ;'neetiiig ~t 9:30. There will be a Coffee Hour in the Women's Association Room immediately after the 11 o'clock service, to which all members of the congregation are cordially invited. CIrcle 5, Mr,. Luther Conant chairman, will be In charge. Sunday evening, the Senior ffigh Fellowship wiJ1 meet for supper In McCahan Hall at 6: 30, followed by a program at'. which will consist of a film entitlet! "A Time FGr Greatness," published by th.e American Friends Service Committee. Earl Edwards, an eX_ . ecutive of the AFSC, ·will lead a dlscUaaion-on the Quakel'approach to the problems of war and peace. The Juniorffigh. Fellowship will meet as usual for supper at 6: 30 in McCahan HaJJ, followed • by a choir rehearsal at 7 and then a program. At 6 p.m. Sunday evening, the Young Adults meet for Bible StUdy in the Women's Association Room. The group will .then have ThIs scene from the motion picture "John Wesley" shows the 18th century English churchman breaksupper in McCahan Hall, after Ing tradition by preaebing in the fields to the Bristol miners. The 77-minute rum was produced In the which the group will go to the latest Eastman color by thI! RadIo an4 Fiim Commission of The Methodist Church In cooperation Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church to join the meeting of the'Young with .1. Arthur Rank. This pjc&ure, featnred in LIFE Magazine, will be shown at Clothier Snnday: Adults group of that church. , On Monday evening, January 10, the Couples Club wiJJ meet for a covered-dish supper at ,6: 30 In McCahan Hall with a "White Elephant" auction follow:Ing.. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fox will 00 in charge. Any couples Interested' in attending are a~ked to call SW 6-2801. A joint meeting of the Session 8nnday; J'anuaJ'7 9 . 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9:30 A.M.-Church School (3rd . Grade and Up). 11:00 A.M.-Church School (2nd Grade and Down). 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. 6:30 P.M.-Canterbury Club. 7:30 P.M.-Young Peoples Fel, lowship. Tuesday, J'...uaJ'7 11 and the Board of Trustees will 5:30 P.M.-Evening PrQer. be held at 7: 30 p.m. on Tuesday Wednesday, J'anuary 12 evening in the Women's Association Room. ThIa will be a meeting 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. . FrIday, J'IUIuaJ'7 14 of the members of the 1954 5:30 P.M.-E-vening ~ayer, Boards. • THE RELIG-I-OUS-soe:=U="1=-Y=-On Wednesday, January 12, th~ . OF FRIENDS Wom~'s Association will hold, the Snnday, J'&n1U117 II monthly Board Meeting and the 9:45 A.M.-First Day School. Annual Meeting. A Worship&rv9:45 A.M.-Adult . Forum. Dr. ice, for the Association will be Wi11lam McDermott:''The Early ,. Background of the Human held in the church at 12 noon. Freedoms." , _ ~.)IAcl\8AA.~.Q!t .~ed at 12: 30 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship: in McCahan Hall, with Circle 6, All are welcome to join with us. Mrs. J. R. Hoover chalrnian, in 7:00 P.M. - United Fe1Io~p. char.ge. The business and annual students.· . meeting With. the installation of 1I1IIlIIay. """"'" 1. ,\ olIl min f~the luncheon.. All day·sewlng fC1r A. 1'. s..q. I .·~5'lo"": " iY( tI . W~u'-.i, .1.......,. u There Will be a en tled "The _....:;;:AlI~d=ay::...=;se:.:W;.:I=D.~for"" ..""+l~.,.PC.~I~~dttn. ~~ IlJ!d a skit by . •. . . rQen>\i.in of the Association called CHUR FIRSTIST, S"'B~.O ... "Money Talks In){any ToDlUes." CHR SWARTHMORE • tlesi!lar. Ohoirtlehearsals will Park Avenue below Harvard be held Thursday at 3:80, 4:15 S ....... ,........,..• ' . O. fVNUAU 1820 CHESTNUT STREET !: .'tIIl"" .tbre!ipd Mr. fAsersohn The ctass of ':1950 at Swarthmorp. on' 'J1lursday,; Dec~j)e" 30. l' are student.1it ,'AntioCh College, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox II of Yellow. Springs, Ohio.. High School held its 5th annual reunll>n at the home of Mr. Larry Dickinson avenue will entertain Franck of Comell avenue on Sat- at an open house at their home , . lNGAGEMENTS urday evening, December 25. on Saturday evening.. ' . Mr. arid Mrs. William Hall Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Franck .Mr. and Mrs. FredenckAnthony Paxson of Springfield, Delaware of Cornell avenue entertained will be the week-end guests of County, announce.the engagement some of their neighbors at mopen Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of of their daughter, Miss Margery house on Sunday, January 2. Swarthmore avenue. Mr. and Paxson,. to' Mr. William Domild Doris Greene, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Anthnoy, who make their Jones, Jr., son of Mr. and Mr•. .•nd ·Mrs. Grover C. Greene of home in Longmeadow, Mass., are William Donald Jones of Vassar S()uth Chester road has returned former Swarthmoreans, having avenue. to Delaware Univ~rsity. while lived on Haverford place. Mr. and Miss . Paxson is a graduate of h()me on Christmas vacation Mrs. Jones will entertain for their George School and is now atDoris entertained some of he; guests with an Informal supper tending Swarthmore College. college friends at a party on party on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs, Robert M. Fudge New Year's Eve. David Cox, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Columbia .avenue entertiincd ~~a~::'?o~ ~v~n~~N Reavis Cox of Walnut lane, spent Mr. and .Mrs. E. B. Th()mpson and Rwarii.DlOre 8.2080 . the latter part of his Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Herbert IIDothby of euisSCRJPTIONS vacation mountain climbing In the Wynnewood at dinner last Satur- F:OR ALL Adirondack mountains with three day evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. . MAGAZINES of his friends from the Wesleyan Lindley Peel of Columbia. avenue J~iji;;;;;;;;~iiiiiiiiiii;~ University Outing' Club. David were New Year's Day dinner has been named one of the co- guests of the Fudges. captains of· next year's cross.. June S. H?bbs of Park avenue country team at Wesleyan. was a guest of Louise Valentine Mrs, Joseph H. Walsh of New in New York City several days Galena, .Bucks County, Pa., made last week. a shoI1 visit wtlh her mother, Mrs. r===========~ M. R. Dimmitt of Rutgers avenue. SM returned home on Tuesday accompanied by Miss Barbara Kent of Philadelphla,- formerly of Swarthmore, Po. Swarthmore. -AIR C'ONDITIONED Misses Mary and Elinor Bye of College avenue had as their guest . Fri~ay & Saturday .ioI.o.t over the, New Year's week-end, "GIL~ERT & SULLIVAN" Mr. Frank Moore of Wilmington, IT.....I . - I ' Del. They spent the Christmas hr tIIos. wIto appl"Klate .... vmtHt I. fine .wt.rtal.......U holidays with their cousins, Mr. that doctor and hOlpital and Mrs. Howard Ashman and bill. D_~ at...,. come ·family of Glenside, Pa. ill fo~wiDI: . . 8cdd...tl That'l 1Ih7 It PQI to dat T _ ' -__ - _ with :! J8D1UU')' ' . . .' ". . , - . - .,'. .. -, . -.' -;~ . --. ~.': ,',,"" " - .. , .. 0" • -, :-. •••• _ INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE .' pqe2 , TIlE SWARTIlMOREAN Sh~~. BEAUTY SALON BEAUTY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 9 South ):hester Road ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;.;~~~~~~~~~ !!I1II111II1II1I1I1II11II1II1I1I11II!lIIl1l11l1l11l11l1ll11l11ll11l1l1l11l11l1l11l1l11nlllllllllllllllnmlllllllllllllllllll1I11111111111111Pl!! i D E7 W 0R0PIN N for 2 eJ:lICutiYe-typ. solflmen to ~,.p... ,ent larq. Eadem financial corporaHon. No Ira.,." Sales operiltftce and ability desirlld. estob- ITectt.fcolor' ...... ... 9fHt "Ilher ,. taw .1_.. I1shed mid..... 25-40 yean old, mar.. " TONI~Hr AT 8:30" solory rt.... capable 0' CllaumTnq responsibn .. ItIH. f. reqUIIstfnq intemtw ~.oH "dad. brief ,..rsonol history, all repli. CCftIidenial. Oar sal"",,, hove __ tnfonned this ad. Boll A.. L -. 0' . . .yol Wed. & Thurs. Noel Cmrord'. 3 _ _ _, IT.......... Add_'SlUDENTS IN PAIlS' Star.ti., friday "REA,C:Y;:·=·W.ND" . fT.Ton .". J PETER E. TOLD All ""'... ef ' •••rene 133 Dartflloath Ave. Swa ........ Po. ;;; BRE1~~~!D-E~~~~~N-D~~NNER _ 7 ~O P M OPEN 7 A.M. to :~ •• d Th hS t d Mon ay roug a ur ay FANCY SANDWICHES _ Dc-ily Dinners 90c to $1.85 _iil = _ ~ Special Children's Platters iiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111116. STATE INSPECTION PERIOD Ends Jan. 31 Have your car inspected now WINTERIZE with PRESTONE or ZEREX I COLLEGE· THEATRE ; DARTMOUTH AVENUE iii ROBERT J. ATZ. Owner Russell's Service Wheel Balancing SW 6·0440 Auto Lite Batteries Dartmaunth and Lafayette Avenues The Administration and Faculty of Swarthmore College present "The Man Who Came To Dinner" by Hart and Kaufman Starring Professor Clair Wilcox Friday and Saturday eves .• Jan. 21 & 22. '1955. 8:15 PM Clothier Hall Page 3. TIlE SWARTHMOREAN 7, 1955 be shown at the Clothier Memor- In addition, special music for the monthly meeting. event will be provided by the Church School classes meet at ial. THE SWARTHMOREAN 7 p.m. on Sunday, this church, Eventide Male Choir of Delaware 9: 45 on Sundays for all ages bePUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PA. in cooperation with the Christian Co., Mr. Oakley Van Alen, direcginning at two years. There is PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, PUBLISHERS Association of Swarthmore Col- tor. This popular group will proa Young Adult Builders Class and lege, is co-sponsoring an evening vide inspiring music in unusual Phone SWarOImore 6·0900 an Adult Bible Class. program at Clothier Memorial. arrangements. PETER E. TOLD, Editor On Monday at 8: 30 p.m. At the 11 a.m. Morning Worship, This arrangement makes pDssible Rosalie Peirsol Marjorie Told Ellen S. Simon S.!'lly Alden the pastor, Rev. John C. Kulp, the unusual opportunity of book- W.S.C.S. circles 5 and 7 will meet. ing and showing the new featurcMr. Kulp will have his regular Entered as Second Class Matter, January'24, 1929, at the Post will '·use as his sermon theme, Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Ad of March 3, 18711. length motion picture in color and office hours for counseling from "Uncertain Trumpets." sound, "John Wesley." The Chris- 4-5 and 7-8 p.m. on Tuesday. At DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON From January through Easter tian Association wished to present 8 p.m. the Bible Study Class SWARTHMORE, PENNA., January 7, 1955 the Methodist Church Is engaging this 111m on campus and the taught by the pastor and sponin a nation-wide Church Attend- church is pleased to co-sponsor sored by the Commission on Mem(Continued on Page 7) nesday at 4 o'cJock, and the Men's ance Crusade under the theme, the occasion and invite the pUblic. , TRINITY NOTES and Boys' Choir will meet at 7: 30 "God is our Strength." InterA celebration of the Holy Com- p.m. Thursday. faith .in its appeal, this crusade munion will be held at 8 o'clock The Vestry will meet on Mon- comes to challenge people everySunday morning. Children in the day at 8 p.m. where to return to the things of • third grade and up will meet .at "service of Evening Prayer God for greater power and 9: 30 for Church School, and those will be held on Tuesday and Fri- strength in 1955. in the 2nd grade and down· will day at 5:30 p.m. Methodist Churches everywhere meet at 11 o'clock. The regular founded our organization 77 On Wednesday the regniar mid- will make a concerted effort to service of Morning Prayer will be week c~lebrati."n of the Holy I challenge th~ir members to 100 years ago.. The same family held at 11 O'clock, and the ushers Commuruon wlil be held at 7: 15 per cent fa,thful attendance at will be as follows: a.m. least from January through Easter. operates it today. R. J. Baker, W. M. Bush, Wm. Beginning Wednesday evening, The church, under the sponsorFreegard, J. H. Furlong, T. W. January 19, at 8 o'clock and con- ship of the Commission on MemHopper, C. S. Keller, W. T. Salom, tinuing for. five successive Wed- bership and Evangelism, takes and N. A. Weber. At 8 o'clock nesday nights, there will be a pleasure in endorsing this crusade Richard Turner will serve as aco- special workshop for the Church I and taking the necessary steps to DIIICTO.S O • •UN'.AU lyte, and Hugh Morrison and Jack School teachers of Trinity Church. see our members fiU their pews 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Calhoun will serve at 11. Dur• every Sunday. ing the 11 o'clock service Patricia OLIVER H. BAlR, fovnd... MARY A.. BAlR, Pr ... d .... PRESBYTERIAN NOTES At 6: 30 p.m. the Methodist Beals and Linda Reed will be in Telephone RI 6-1581 The regular two Morning Wor- Youth Fellowship will meet at charge of the nursery. ship Services will be held on Sun- the church to go together to the There will be a supper meeting day morning at 9: 30 and 11 a.m. motion picture I'John Wesley" to • of the Canterbury Club at 6: 30 with a sermon by Mr. Bishop on p.m. Sunday. A discussion of the "The Inner Balance-Wheel." The meaning of Foreign Missions will Sacrament of Baptism will be per- fohn Wesley Film to Be Shown at Clothier Memorial Sunday, Jan. 9, at 7 P.M. be held. At 7:30 p.m:the Young formed at the 11 o'clock service. People's Fellowship will hold Church School classes will be their regular meeting. held at 9: 30, 10: 45 and 11, as well Choir rehearsals will be re- as the Men's Bible Class and the sumed on Monday, the Boys' Choir Women's Bible Class meeting at meeting at 4 p.m. and the Girls' 9:30. Choir at 5 o'c,lock., The Boys' There will be a Colfee Hour in Choir will rehearse again on Wed- the Women's Association Room immediately after the 11 o'clock a w;j 5 ctc service, to which all members of CHURCH SERVICES the congregation are cordially inPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH vited. Circle 5, Mrs. Luther Con_ Joseph P. Bishop, Minister ant chairman, will be in charge. John Sehott, Associate MInister Sunday evening, the Senior Sunday, January ! High Fellowship will meet for 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.-Morn_ supper in McCahan Hall at 6:30, ing Worship Service. Mr. Bis- followed by a program at'1 which hop will preach. Sermon topic: will consist of a film entitied "A "The Inner Balance-Wheel" Time For Greatness," published 9:30, 10:45 and 11:00 A.M. Church School. by the American Friends Service 9:30 A.M.-Men's and Women's Committee. Earl Edwards, an eX_ Bible Class. ecutive of the AFSC, will lead a 6:00 P.M.-·Young Adults. discussion on the Quaker-approach 6:30 P.M. - Senior and Junior to the problems of war and peace. High Fellowship. The Junior High. Fellowship METHODIST CHURCH will meet as usual for supper at John C. Kulp 6: 30 in McCahan Hall, followed Minister by a choir rehearsal at 7 and then Rudolph H. Hodge a program. Assistant Minister At 6 p.m. Sunday evening, the Mrs. Ruth G. Nicely Young Adults meet for Bible Organist-Director of Music Study in the \Vomen's Association Sunday, .January 9 Room. The group will then have 1:45 A.M.-Church School This scene from the motion picture "John Wesley" shows the 18th century English churchman break11 :00 A.M. Morning Worship supper in McCahan Hall, after Service. Sermon topic: HUn_ which the group will go to the ing tradition by preaching in the fields to the Bristol miners. The 77·minute film was produced in the certain Trumpets." Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church latest Eastman color by thl! Radio and Film Commission of The Methodist Church in cooperation 7:00 P.M. youth Fellowship to join the meeting of the Young with J. Arthur Rank. This picture, featured in LIFE Magazine, will be shown at Clothier Sunday. will meet. Adults group of that church. TRINITY CHURCH On Monday evening, January H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector 10, the Couples Club will meet Sunday, January 9 for a covered-dish supper at 6: 30 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. in McCahan Hall with a "While 9:30 A.M.-Church School (3rd Elephant" auction following. Mr. Grade and Up). and Mrs. Karl Fox will be in 11:00 A.M.-Church School (2nd charge. Any couples interested' Grade and Down). 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. in attending are asked to call SW 6:30 P.M.-Canterhury Club. 6-2801. 7:30 P.M.-Young Peoples FelA joint meeting of the Session . lowship. and the Board of Trustees will Tuesday, January 11 be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 5:30 P.M.-Evening Pra:),er. evening in the Women's AssociaWednesday, January 12 tion Room. This will be a meeting 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. of the members of the 1954 . Frfday. January 14 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. - . - - - - ._- ._-- Boards. On Wednesday, January 12, the THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Wom!!ll's Association will hold the OF FRIENDS monthly Board Meeting and the Snnday, January 9 9:45 A.M.-First Day School. Annual Meeting. A Worship Serv9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. Dr. ice for the Association will be William McDermott: "The Early Background of the Human held in the church at 12 noon. Luncheon will be served at 12: 30 Freedoms!' 11,00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. in MCcahan Hall, with Circle 6, All are welcome to jOin with us. Mrs. J. R. Hoover chaimian, in 7:00 P.M. - United Fellowship charge. The business and annual Students. . meeting with the installation of Monday. January 10 offic~rs Will folIbw the luncheon. All day· sewing f~r A. F. S. C. There will be a film entitled ''The Wednesda,", Jannary 12 Hidden He~" and a skit by All day sewing for A.F~.C• members of the Association called FIRST CHURCH OF "Money Talks In Many Tongues." CHRIST, SCIENTIST Regular Choir Rehearsals will SWARTHMORE be held Thursday at 3: 30, 4: 15 Park Avenue below Harvard 'and 7: 3D p.m. Thursday evening Snnday, January 9 11:00 A. M.--Sunday School. also the Christian Education Com11:00 A.M.-The Lesson-8ermon mittee will meet at 8 p.m. ·in the will be uSacrament!' Wednesday evening meeting Women's Association Room. each week, 8 P.M.. Reading Room, 409 D~mouth Avenue, open METHODIST NOTES weekdayE except holidays, 10-5. The Official Board win meet toFriday evening, 7.-9. Sunday afnight iltS ·pm.for. theii'~lar !.~,.2:1Ol!t:80; ... .' - . I Call SWarthmore 6.0476 ;; January OLIVER H. BAIR The Bouquet ~~;~~~::f~/:E~:~t £v!:; i_=~_ Starlinq 7, 1955 Mr. Jones is a graduate of versity of Nebraska. MARCH.MARX No date has been set for the Springlleld High School, MontMiss Susan Marx, daughter of gomery County; Germantown wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Simon K. Marx of Academy, and Swarthmore ColNew Orleans, La., was married on BIRTH lege. the evening of December 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Greene Andrew Lee March, son of Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Duane R. Terry of of Overland Park, Kansas, anMrs. Harold March of No;th North Chester road announce the nounce the birth of a daughter, Chester road. The double rIDg engagement of their daughter, Cynthia Anne, on December 9, in ceremony, for the immediate fam- Nancy, to Mr. Ralph Leonard St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, ilies onJy, was performed by Johnson of Lincoln, Nebraska. Kansas. The baby weighed 8. Rabbi Julian B. Feibelman in the Miss Terry is a graduate of pounds, 4'h ounces. home of the bride's parents. The baby's paternal grandparGiven in marriage by her Swarthmore High School. She ents are Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. attended Bowling Green State fa ther, the bride wore a gown of Greene of South Chester road. white satin fashioned with a University and is now teaching The maternal grandmother is Mrs. chapel train and' medici collar in the schools of Longmont, Colo. Isabel Fritts Barr of Philadelphia. Mr. Johnson attended the Unihaving a v-neckline. Her finger- Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ainslie and their daughter, Judy, of North Ch!'ster road, had as their guest during the holidays, Mr. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Binns of Kaump of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Muhlenberg avenue had as their Ainslie entertained at an open guest over the holidays, Mrs. house on Wednesday, December Binns' sister, Dr. Helen T. South, 29,' and at an egg nog party on professor of English at New York New Year's Day. University. Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes Mrs. W. W. Mitchell of Univer- of Princeton avenue spent _the sity place spent the holidays with Christmas holidays in Greenfield, her son-in-law and daughter, Mass" with their son-in-law and Commander and Mrs. C. H. Parth and family of Annandale, daughter, Mr. and ~rs. Guen .er melee Froebel, Jr., and theIr three chllVa. dr Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of cu. Lafayette avenue spent ten days Debra Reeder, daughter of Mr. tip veil was attached to a Juliet at the home of their son and and Mrs. Robert K. Reeder of cap, and she carried a bouquet daughter-in-law, the Rev. an d Harvard avenue was chosen for of white camellias. Mrs. J. Richard Hart of Pleasant- the first chair in the cello section Miss Paula Jean Beaver of New of the District Orchestra. Debra Orleans. as maid of honor, wore ville, N.Y. Lo M first Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Guthrie of is a student of rne unroe, a green taffeta ballerina-length Cornell avenue and their son, Don, cellist of the Philadelphia Or- dress and carried a bouquet of a junior at Gettysburg College, chestra. The District Orchestra birds of paradise. Gettysburg, Pa., returned recently Festival will be held on January Mr. Roger Lee March of Readfrom a trip of two weeks to 16 in Prospect Park. ing, Pa., was best man for his Miami Beach, Fla. Capt. and Mrs. C. C. Shute of brother. Mrs. James streeter of Scranton Maple avenue had as their guests The bride was graduated from spent the holiday week-end with over the holiday season, Mrs. Swarthmore College. The brideher husband's parents, Mr. and Shute's sister, Mrs. W. W. Lewis groom graduated from SwarthMrs. CarroH P. Streeter of Col- of Smyrna, Del., and her two urobia avenue. children, Jeff and Cliff. Col. Lewis more College and recently returned from a year's study in Mrs. Dirk A. Dedel was enter- is stationed in Korea. Austria on a Fulbright Fellowtained at a tea by Mrs. Robert Dr. and Mrs. J. Ru ..ell Smith Baker of Woodward road, Wal- of Elm avenue had as their guest, March is the grandson of lingfbrd, during the Christmas their son, lVIr. Newlin Smith of Mrs. John Clarence Lee of Stamseason. Both are members of the Medford; Mass., recently. CurDelaware County Chapter of the renlly, they are being visited by D. A. R. the twin daughters of the J. Stuart Bowie, son of Dr. and Stewart Smiths, formerly of Rev. and Mrs. William F. March Mrs. Morris A. Bowie of South Swarthmore. Candy Smith left of Beirut, Syria. Chester road, entertained mem- on Monday for Vassar College After a. brief trip through the bers of his senior class at a New where she is a junior, and Hen- South, the couple will live in Year's Eve party. rietta Smith will visit" from Newport, R.I., where Mr. March Joan Hemenway, daughter of Goucher College, where she is a will attend the Navy Officer CanMr. and Mrs. S. H. Hemenway of junior, this week-end. Strath Haven avenue, entertained David Spencer, son of Mr. and did a te Training School. members of her 11th grade class Mrs. Steven M. Spencer of Ogden TOWED at open houses on Wednesday and avenue has been elected tre~sllrer Mr. and Mrs. John M. Moore Thursday evenings, the 29th and of the class of 1957 at Wesleyan of 'Whittier place announce the 30th. University, Middletown, Conn. approaching marriage of their Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. BradM r. and M rs. W'lli . h I am H . Drl'e- daughter, Nancy, to Mr. William shaw ~ntert8.1ned at an open ouse I hallS of Yale avenue entertained Bock Lasersohn, son of Dr. and at tl1elr hom~ on Ogden avenue at their home on New Year's Day Mrs. Martin Lasersohn of White on New Year s Day. I with a family dinner party. Plains, N.Y. Mr and Mrs. S. L. Althouse of I The wedding will take place Rutg~rs avenue entertained on! Lt. (j.g.) and. Mrs. Char~es S nday afternoon with a reception Keenen of CambrIdge, Mass., VIS- in Whittier House on Saturday, f~ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edwards of 'ted Lt. Keenen's parents, Mr. and January 15. Miss Eleanor Moore Macon, Mo., who have been vis- Mrs. Frank G. K'*!nen of Harvard will be her sister's only attendant. Dr. Lasersohn will serve as best fing their son-in-law and daugh- avenue. ter, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Mrs. Alton P. Smith of Westdale man for his son. Miss Moore and Mr. Lasersohn Scarborough of Rutgers avenue. avenue entertained at a small tea The class of 1950 at Swarthmore on Thursday, December 30. are students at Antioch College, High School held its 5th annual Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox II of Yellow Springs, Ohio. reunion at the home of Mr. Larry Dickinson avenue will entertain Franck of Cornell avenue on Sat- at an open house at their home ENGAGEMENTS urday evening, December 25. on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Han Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Franck Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Anthony Paxson of Springfield, Delaware of Cornell avenue entertainet! will be the week-end guests of County, announce the engagement some of their neighbors at an open Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of of their daughter, Miss Margery house on Sunday, January 2. Swarthmore avenue. Mr. and Paxson, to Mr. William Donald Doris Greene, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Anthnoy, who make their Jones, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Grover C. Greene of home in Longmeadow, Mass., are William Donald Jones of Vassar South Chester road, has retu~ned former Swarthmoreans, having avenue. to Delaware University. While lived on Haverford place. Mr. and Miss Paxson is a graduate of home on Christmas vacation, Mrs. Jones will entertain for their George School and is now atDoris entertained some of her guests with an informal supper tending Swarthmore College. concge friends at a party on party on Saturday night. New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fudge David Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. of Columbia ,avenue entertained MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN 313 Dartmouth Avenue Reavis Cox of Walnut lane, spent Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Thompson aud Swarti.mnre R-20RO the latter part of his Christmas Mr. and Mrs. He;bert Boothby of vacation mountain climbing in the Wynnewo~ at dmner last Satur- SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL Adirondack mountains with three day evenmg. Mr. and Mrs. H. MAGAZINES of his friends from the Wesleyan' Lindley Peel of Columbia, avenue University Outing Club. David were New Year's Day dinner has been named one of the co- guests of the Fudges. June S. Hobbs of Park avenue captains of next year's crosswas a guest of Louise Valentine country team at Wesleyan. in New York City several days Mrs. Joseph H. Walsh of New last week. Galena, Bucks County, Pa., made a short visit wtih her mother, Mrs. F============~ M. R. Dimmitt of Rutgers avenue. She returned home on Tuesday accompanied by Miss Barbara Kent of Philadelphia,· formerly of Swarthmore. Po. Swarthmore. 'AIR 'CONDITIONED Misses Mary and Elinor Bye of College avenue had as their guest Friday & Saturday Robtort Marley over the New Year's week-end, "GILBERT & SULLIVAN" Mr. Frank Moore of Wilmington, IT'S NO ACCIDEKT (reellnlcolor) Del. They spent the Christmas For thos. wb aPPl'ft;iafe the qreatest In fine en'ertaiftmentll holidays with their cousins, Mr, that doctor and hospital and Mrs. Howard Ashman and Bh~ ROY ROGERS show for children bill. nearly alway. come Sat •• 1 P."'.--.185 cortOOBS. comedy. 'family of Glenside, Pa. & Trader Tom serial. in following an accident I That's why it pan to have Sahrcfay night onlr-feahlres 6-..10 Accident Inanrance with Sun.• Mon •• & Tues. $500 MONTHLY full Medical Reimbnne. H......re,. ..... Jose Ferr... ment ineIaded. "CAINE MUTINr' Personals January , Admission-$I.OO Students with athletic ticket-.50 • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. 1 There Is No Substitute For Quality ~ n 8}) rf? tt- f • Sickness is a great leveler. All the world is related when illnesS comes. Prince and pauper have I the same desire-to get welI. .> 'oN This cannot be accomplished by COATS 20% OFF ...heap medicines, designed to curo everything from water on tho . brain to housemaid's knee. When ill, you must JACKETS $7.90 have a remedy to meet your own exact re'!!.uire- ment. Consult your Physician. Then bring IU prescription to us for c:o~undin&. We are paw. • • •lCr1ptiOD specialists. .' ! :..tA THEATRE PHARMACY THEATRE SQUARE CALL FOR and DELIVERY SERVICE Ample FIE!! ra....., SWarthlllore;6..J154 BEITER ROBES $11.90 BEITER HATS $10.00 GROUP OF HATS $5.00 ALL DRESSES REDUCED 15 South Chester' Road January 7, 1955 i ~~~~~------~~--~----~~~~====~~--------------------------=Hold Father's Night Mrs. Wesley Simon and Mrs. I IGeo1'le Wilcox. Firemen Plan Open House Dinner Thurs., Jan. 13 (Continued from Page 1) ner and has appoInted the follOwing committeea: _ Decoration: Mrs. lUchard EckJ enroth, chplrman; Mrs. Howard Coats, Mrs. Edward ,Goldmeyer, Mrs. Ralph Hancock, Mrs. C~ S. Jones and Mrs. Joseph Schu- THE SWARTHMOIlEAN Pap 5 Dance: Mrs. Frank Chapman; chairinan. -' Informal dancing will follow the dinner and .address of the eveDing. ________ NEWS NOTES Miss Constance Cochrane of Bywood Is entertaining at ii small bert.. dinner party at the Strath Haven Table Setting: Mrs. Henry Roth, Inn In honor of ,Mr. and Mrs. chairman; Mrs. John Bond, Mrs. Dirk A. Dedel of W81J!ngtord. John Derickson,·~. William Mary Leeron, daughter of Mr. Fuller Brown, Mrs. WIlliam How_ and Mrs. W. R. LeCron of Cedar ard.. Mrs. Joseph Layton and Mrs. lane, entertained informally on John McKInney, Jr: Tuesday night before the Varsity Kitchen Supervision: Mrs. Ed- Club Dance In honor of Miss Carol ward Thomas, chairman; ~~. Ed- Miller of East Lansing, Mich:, and war~ Bull, Mrs. Roland COlt, Mrs. Mr. Lynn Doherty of Elm. avenue. DaVId Field, Mrs. Ross Freer,-Mrs. Peter Mlller, Mrs. Howard Smith Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson of and Mrs. Harry" Young. Amherst avenue left On Wednes,.. Coffee: Mrs. George Dunn, day. morning for ~t. Pe~burg, chairman; Mrs. Warren Bingaman, Fla., where they WIll vacation for Mrs. H. Leland Clifford, Mrs. three months. . Frederick Kelly, Mrs. Ray Klub- Mrs. Peter Murray of Media erton, Mrs. John McAndrews, MrS. entertained her college roommate, Jerome sinith and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Paul Mlller of Carlisle, Pa., Taylor. last week. Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Meat: Mrs. Mathews Johnson, Miller attended a shower given for chalrmap; Mrs. Charles Durkin, another college friend, Miss Nancy Mrs. Brinton Liddell, Mrs. Robert Thomas of LaJ;lsdowne. \ Van Ravenswaay. Ralph Sbappee Park, Jr., Son of Casseroles: Mrs. James Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Park of Park chairman. avenue, is enrolled as a freshClean-up:. Mrs. Peter Coste and in"" in the School of Medicine of Mrs. ·Thomas . McIlhenney, co- Washington University, St. Louis, chairmen;.Mrs. Heinz· Heinema~, Mo. . Mrs. George Krenlkoff, MrS. Mrs. Dirk A. Dedel, formerly Harlie Reynard· and Mrs. Thomas Miss Eleanor Wilson Geary, of. Thorbahn, MrS. Robert Cle~land, Wallingford, will entertain Mrs. Mrs. James Deen, Jr., Mrs. James Harvey F. McPhail of GermanGoings, Mrs. John Javornisky and town and IIer former classmate at MrS.. J. WeSt· T.ovi!land. : ... Cedar Crest College III Allentown, Finance: Mrs. Vernon Urbani. Mrs. JllIllton Tucker ot Germanchairman; Mrs. Harlie Reynard, town. Mt. and Mrs. McPhilil will Mrs. Herbert SDrlth, Mrs. Zino entertain at dinner in honor of Connors, Mrs. John Francis anc.' Mr. and Mrs. Thldel January 10. Mrs. ErIc Kent.' Mrs. Bess Lane of Swarthmore Hostesses: Mrs. Paul Brown, a~enue has returned from visiting chairman; Mrs. Edward Cornelius, her son and daughter-In-law, Mr, Mrs. Frank Forwood, Mrs. John and Mrs. Robert I.l!ne of New Frank Maselli. (left), chairman 01 the hOuse eomm Ittee. and Fire Chief John Rumsey, leaf throul"h . lnvitaUons to be maUed for the lire company.'s op en house to be held tonight. Gersbach, Mrs. Mason LIndsey, Haven, Conn. . Courtesy of The Evening Bulletin • on "Drive to stay alive in '55" . .On December 29, 19·54, our organization at Miller-Flounders joined with that of Abbotts Dairies, Inc., Philadelphia, to provide you with all of the resources and specialized dairy experi~ce of both of ·these famous independent dairy concerns. In 1889 Alfred E. Flounders began as a producer-distributor to 'deliver milk to residents' of Delaware County. He continued until 1917 when his son, Charles L:Flounders took over the busi. ness, which was then delivering less than 150 qU~ of milk a day. Later in 1919 Howard A. Miller, upon his return from World War I entered the ~ business as a distributor. In 1922 these two companies were' joined to form a partnership Irn"WD as Miller-Flounders Dairy. The company moved to its present location n\ 1989, and the partnership was changed to a corporation. tD~.. L~" 1'1t.:_l•... of the good reasons for traffic laws, signs and signals , 9,r..aQU1rC lO (J/1UJl( -and obey them. . l< o ~L~" 1'1t.:_l.··. of my physical limitations before ever taking the ,wheel-and respect them. ..aesllLrc lO (J/IUJl(. ~ ~ fI'D ~L~" 1'1t.:_l.·· .of the happy results of courtesy, good judgment and 9,..aesolrc lO (J/1UJl( common sense-and, demonstrate them. " ' . TWO FAMOlfSDAIRIES JOIN FORCES /IResolve to fIinJ. ... of my dnving as I drive.l....and stay alert. /IResolve to (/hini. ... of the stupidity of e:x:cessive speed-and never speed. 9,fI'D fI'D ~L.".." 1'1t.:_l.·.: of every man~ woman an~ chlld's right to live-and 9,..aesolrc lO (J/1Ull( respect that nght. . . rID ~L."..,,· 1'1t:_l_· .. of the heartbreak caused by drivers wIw do,,'t tkink9,..aesolrc lO (J/1UJl( and not be one of them. In 1942 Earle J. Duncan joined the Miller-Flounders organization, and in more recent years ~. R. Brunton and Emer fJ. Flounders. became a part of our official family. , * • Thirteen years before Alfred E. Flounders started in busi'ness in Delaware County, George Abbott in 1876, a dairy farm.er of Salem,:New Jersey, began his dafioy business at 6th and Noble Streets, Pbiladeiphla. \ • In 1918 George Abbott, the founder- and then President, was by Christian R. Lindback, under 'whose vigorous' di- _ rection Abbotts .'grew· to one of the leading independent dairies in America. Thru his uncoinproinising zeal for highest quality, Abbotts introduced many revolutionary improvemen!s to the dairy industry. Probably the most notable was the introduction in 1914 of the first "A" Milk in Pennsylvania, throl laboratory control and payment of a bonus to the farmer for ~ sanitary care. AbbOtts were the first dairy in' Pennsylvania to introduce 8ucceed~ I J. A. GREEN ATZ AUTO SERVICE HORACE A. BEEVES B. J. BOY,' S AND 10 SWARTBMORE CO-OP W. MARK BIrl'LE • , JOYCE LEWIS . scilAm HAVEN INk / . MARTEL BROTBF.ftS , THE SWARTHMOREAN FlRSTNA110NAL BANK OF DELAWARE coUN'tf HANNUM THE a: YAlTE , .. INGLENEuK , THE BOUQUET BAIRD and BmD BUCHNER'S. INC.. E. L. NOYFS and CO. 'PETER E. TOLD 'CATIIERMAN'S DRUG . STORE . '. , tuberculin testing' of their herds: Abbotts were likewise thefu'st to produce their own Grade "AU cream supply, under sanitary conditions ·as exacting as bottled "AU Milk. In 1960 Ridgway Kennedy, Jr., closely associated in the company with Christian R. Lindback for more than forty years, became President of Abbotts Dairies, Inc. Under his direction the high ·&hns of the company and itS forward progress continue. . , This great friendly organization, with ideals so like those of ·MiIler-Flounders, 'is now joining hands with 'us to continue to giye 'you the highest quality and service that represent the finest in the dairy indURtry. We at Miller-Flounders have associated with the management of Abbotts Dairies, Inc., in problems of common interest to the milk industry and the public over a IOl}g period of years, and have always admired its unswerving high character and the wonderful spirit of company loyalty, teamwork and enthusiasm that pervades the entire organization. We are proud to be a part of this new relationship, and we are confident you will be happy with it. Charles L. Flounders', will become a Vice-President of· Abbotts Dairies, Inc.• Included in his duties will be hi$ ('ontinued ' management of the Miller-Flounders divisio.n. Chester's new' Expressway' will soon pass through the plant of the Miller-Flounders Company. Land has been purchlU!ed tor our new location at Townshi)} Line and Keystone Road, Upper Chichester Township, Delaware County. Immediate 8teps will he taken to erect the first unit of offices and distribution center from this new location. . . .' MILLER-FLOUNDERS '. DAIRY, INC... .., ., MILK. ,. ~IIOTlIS I 4, , .... - ~. ' ... • -- -9~'P'~ nO I ' L ", " DJllliS, IK~" ~ .; " I • '. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE January 7, 1955 THE SWARTHMOREAN ~p~~e~4~______________====::::::::::::~~~~;;;;;;;;;; January 7, 1955 ~~~~~----------------------~~~~~--------------------------------------=-­ IMrs. Wesley Simon and Mrs. Hold Father's Night THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 5 George Wilcox. Firemen Plan Open House Dance: Mrs. Frank Chapman, chairman. (Continued from Page 1) Informal dancing will follow ner and has appointed the folthe dinner and .address of the evelowing committees: niqg. Decoration: Mrs. Richard Eck-· enroth, ch.airman; Mrs. Howard Coats, Mrs. Edward Goldmeyer, NEWS NOTES Mrs. Ralph Hancock, Mrs. Curtis Miss Constance each!"!!ne of S. Jones and Mrs. Joseph SchuBywood is entertaining at a small bert. Table Setting: Mrs. Henry Roth, dinner party at the Strath Haven chairman; Mrs. John Bond, Mrs. Inn in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Derickson, Mrs. William Dirk A. Dedel of Wallingford. Mary LeCron, daughter of Mr. Fuller Brown, Mrs. William How_ ard, Mrs. Joseph Layton and Mrs. and Mrs. W. R. LeCron of Cedar Jane, entertained informally on John McKinney, Jr. Tuesday night before the Varsity Kitchen Supervision: Mrs. Edward Thomas, chairman; Mrs. Ed- Club Dance in honor of Miss Carol ward Bull, Mrs. Roland COit, Mrs. Miller of East Lansing, Mich., and. David Field, Mrs. Ross Freer,.Mrs. Mr. Lynn Doherty of Elm avenue. Peter Miller, Mrs. Howard Smith Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson of and Mrs. Harry· Young. Amherst avenue left On WednesColfee: Mrs. George Dunn, day morning for St. Petersburg, chairman; Mrs. Warren Bingaman, Fla., where they will vacation for Mrs. H. Leland Clifford, Mrs. three months. Frederick Kelly, Mrs. Ray KlubMrs. Peter Murray of Media erton, Mrs. John McAndrews, Mrs. entertained her college roommate, Jerome Smith and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Paul Miller of Carlisle, Pa., Taylor. last week. Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Meat: Mrs. Mathews Johnson, Miller attended a shower given for chairmap; Mrs. Charles Durkin, another college friend, Miss Nancy Mrs. Brinton Liddell, Mrs. Robert Thomas of Lansdowne. Van Ravenswaay. Ralph Shappee Park, Jr., son of Casseroles: Mrs. James Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Park of Park chairman. avenue, is enrolJed as a freshClean-up: Mrs. Peter Coste and man. in the School of Medicine of Mrs. Thomas McIlhenney, co- Washington University, St. Louis, chairmen; Mrs. Heinz Heinemann, Mo. Mrs. George Krenikoff, Mrs. Mrs. Dirk A. Dedel, formerly Harlie Reynard and Mrs. Thomas Miss Eleanor Wilson Geary. of Thorbahn, Mrs. Robert Cleeland, Wallingford, wi!l entertain Mrs. Mrs. James Deen, Jr., Mrs. James Harvey F. McPhail of GermanGoings, Mrs. John Javornisky and town and her former classmate at Mrs. J. West Loveland. Cedar Crest College in Allentown. Finance~ Mrs. Vernon Urbani, Mrs. Milton Tucker of Germanchairman; Mrs. Harlie Reynard, town. Mr. and Mrs. McPhail will Mrs. Herbert Smith. Mrs. Zino entertain at dinner in honor of Connors, Mrs. John Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Ded,,1 on January 10. Mrs. Eric Kent. Mrs. Bess Lane of Swarthmore Host~sses: Mrs. Paul Brown, avenue has returned from visiting chairman; Mrs. Edward CorneJius, her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. Mrs. Frank Forwood, Mrs. John and Mrs. Robert Lane of New Frank Maselli (left), chairman of the house committee, and Fire Chief John Rumsey, leaf througb Invitations to be mailed for the fire company's op en house to be held tonight. Gersbach, Mrs. Mason Lindsey. Haven, Conn. Dinner Thurs., Jan. 13 I I Courtesy of The EVe:iiiug Bulletin "D. rive to ·stayal1ve · m · 7557~ IfBesolve to (/Ainl ... of my driving as I drive-' and stay alert. IfBesolve to (/Ainl ... of the stupidity of excessive speed-and never speed. dID m:_l• ... to VIUIll( dID .1..r. m:_l•• .. iJ .ll~Ol,re to VIUlIK , dID .1..r. m:_l.· .. iJ rll.~Ol,re to VIUIll( .1..r. iJ ..a~Ol,re of the good reasons for traffic laws, signs and signals -and obey them. of my physical limitations before ever taking the wheel-and respect them. of the happy results of courtesy, good judgment and common sense-and demonstrate them. dID .1..r. 1-. m:_l.··· of every man, woman and child's right to live-and iJ ..a~Ol,re {O VIUlIJ( respect that right. . dID .1..r. 1-.. m:_l.· .. of the heartbreak caused by drivers who don't thinkiJ ..a~Ol,re {O VIUlIJ( and not be one of them. ATZ AUTO SERVICE HORACE A. REEVES B. J. HOY. 5 AND 10 STRATH HAVEN INN FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DELAWARE coUNTY • tuberculin testing of their herds: Abbotts were likewise the first to produce their own Grade "AU cream supply, under sanitary conditions as exacting as bottled "AU Milk. In 1960 Ridgway Kennedy, Jr.. closely associated in the company with Christian R. Lindback for more than forty years, became President of Abbotts Dairies, Inc. Under his direction the high aims of the company and its forward progress continue. This great friendly organization, with ideals so like those of Miller-Flounders, is now joining hands with us to continue to give you the highest quality and service that represent the finest in the dairy indm,try. We at Miller-Flounders have associated with the management of Abbotts Dairies, Inc., in problems of common interest to the milk industry and the public over a long period of years, and have always admired its unswerving high character and the wonderful spirit of company loyalty, teamwork and enthusiasm that pervades the entire organization. We are proud to be a part of this new relationship, and we are confident you will be happy with it. In 1942 Earle J. Duncan joined the Miller-Flounders organization, and in more recent years Harry R. Brunton and Emer e. Flounders became a part of our official family. Thirteen years before Alfred E. Flounders started in business in Delaware County, George Abbott in 1876, a dairy farmer of Salem, New Jersey, began his dairy business at 6tb and NlJble Streets, Philadelphia. MARTEL BROTHERS THE BOUQUET SWARTHMORE CO.OP W. MARK BfI"ILE JOYCE LEWIS BAIRD and BIRD THE SWARTHMOREAN HANNUM & WAlTE THE INGLENEUK On December 29, 1954, our organization at Miller-Flounders joined with that of Abbotts Dairies, Inc., Philadelphia, to provide you with all of the resources and specialized dairy experience of both of these famous independent dairy concerns. In 1889 Alfred E. Flounders began as a producer-distributor to deliver milk to residents' of Delaware County. He continued until 1917 when his son, Charles L.Flounders took over the business, which was then delivering less than 150 quarts of milk a day. Later in 1919 Howard A. Miller, upon his return from World War I entered the dairY business as a distributor. In 1922 these two companies were joined to form a partnership knnwn as Miller-Flounders Dairy. The company moved to its present location in 1939, and the partnership was changed to a corporation. . * J. A. GREEN TWO FAMOUS DAIRIES JOIN FORCES • BUCHNER'S, INC. Charles L. Flounders will become a Vice-President of Abbotts Dairies, Inc.. Included in his duties will be his l'ontinlled management of the Miller-Flounders division. • In 1913 George Abbott, the founder and then President, was succeeded by Christian R. Lindback, under whose vigorous di. rection Abbotts ·grew to one of the leading independent dairies in America. Thru his uncompromising zeal for higbest quality, Abbotts infroduced many revolutionary improvements to the dairy industry. Probably the most notable was the introduction in 1914 of the first "A" Milk in Pennsylvania, thru laboratory eontrol and payment of a bonus to the farmer for extra sanitary care. Abbotts were the first dairy in Pennsylvania to introduce Chester's new Expressway will .soon pass through the plant of the Miller-Flounders Company. Land has been purchased for our new location at Township Line and Keystone Road, Upper Chichester Township, Delaware County. Immediate steps will be taken to erect the first unit of offices and distribution center from this new location, MILLER-FLOUNDERS DAIRY, INC. E. L. NOYES and CO. PETER E. TOLD CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE IUER-ltOIlNDER\l M SAFE MILK Ll .------------_. _.. --=--.::::.::=:.--------------.-,: r· • January 7, 1955 mE SWAR11IMOREAN Page 6 " "Our Neighbors in Delhi. . or Woman's Club Notes A board meeting ell the:U::: 8 d Woman's Club will be hel A group from the p.m. Tuesday, Welfare Divlslon will meet m home of Mrs. Peter er, . lounge Tuesday at 10 a.m. to work letta avenue. er dressings for the ComThe Home Department, M~ on Health Center. Mrs: Jud- Charles H. Zensen, :'m. m . Is' charge. meet at the club house a ·son R. Hoover, Jr., ill Thursday to make plans for an A meeting of the MusiC' Group . t at the County Fine Arts will be held Tuesday ats:: will be held In March I at the J:1ome of Mrs. J. J. r 'at Lanmowne. . 227 Park avenue.. The new term of the class m Monthly stated \neeting will oc- rhythmic dancing, Mrs. Edward Heal~ ~ Januar~~l, a~:~ ~s:c c~;~ l~' ~~b~hlCh ~28~e ~v~ue l\IIh:;! UPHOLSTERING SLIP COVEIlS--DIlAPElIES SWarth...... .,_c.. ..... S..... 101... IIoan IS yea r~ad' dwel~ :"his Ju~':; SW.rIhmoro ;~;.~n..... I~F=:=;:=;:=;:=;:=:=;~:=====~ h:~:e Thir: ":r: b c eru ~ers Rool., •• lIen Air C ••cIIt1o.lq Heatlq on • Gas • ~1MI..rrll.~ersrs ~r:::eM.atAlle: beau~ul ~;:;;;:=~~;;=:=;:=;~;::ll n' VAN ALEN BROS. 200 w_ J':"lty ••pa;..d Pt..n.: EMIL SPIES Wi 6-4216 W........... Form..I, 01 F. Roo Watch and c. I0your electric _pur . ttancb ready to provide it. * CRACKERS 28c, pkg T£TLEY ·TEA 48 bags 61 c .' Coupon word:!: 15c in -each package . • 8R£YER'S· leE J.A. GREEN . SWQI..I,m,~ ~1..40. 01 10 'Nabisco "'MDAYS!!:!~TIJBD.Y . Liver Horsemeat Beef .' Chicken Kibb'ed. Biscuit Buy the Best· 1I , J SW 6-4041 HO .. U4valla b l . . , 'pilimAY8 ... , Many \,Attractiv.· , PA. . UPPER DARBY. PA. e_ Call SWarth- 4 for 3Sc .CANNED DOG FOODS Dm... p • MUSHROOMS Journeys Through Bookland. $10 FOR each. SWarthmore 6-7479. WALLINGFORD FOR RENT-· Pleasant unfurnlshFOR SALE - Antique dining CONSTRUCTION , ed apartment size cottage, one table. (Accordion t~pe); Very • h IJ e lot in an excellent reside.nbedroom, refrigerator include?, rare and unusual. Allison s AnRESIDENTIAL AND New brick. colonIal °IT~ on 12 macrw"lth tirep·lace dining .oom, large lot, very reasonable. MEle Mrs. with their. new pet convenience. of Westdale avenue. Which only goes to show that Virginia and Evelyn Bullitt, . WlIIlam F. DeI~hanty and Mrs. William A ..Ralman will pour. no matter how much time and of Mr. and Mrs. James energy you' spend trying through of Lincoln avenue returned . - L .. ~ personal contacts to tlnd the on Wednesday to their respective GIIC~ Dar._ new home for somethin~ you schools after spffidlng the holilonger need, a few penrues spent days wtIh their parents. Virginia . on a classified ad In The Swarth- is a student at Oldtlelds, Glencoe, Inc morean is the cont~ct you seek to Md.. and Evelyn attends Chatam o _ tum the trick! Tried one latelY? Hal\ in Chatam. Va. Mr. and Mrs. James Bullitt of , Lincoln avenue entertained at a New Year's Eve open house. Dr. and Mrs; Walter Scott, formerly of Swarthmore Col\ege, and now of Thomasville, Ga., vis. ited their daugh1ers. Mrs. B. E. RAYON remnants, sizes to 12 X 29,; Gold, Blue, Schmidt of Wyndom terrace, Turquoise, Green, Cocoa, Copper, Greige, San- Secane. and Dr. Kathleen Pilla of Huntingdon Valley. Pa., and son, dalwood; Beige, Gunmetal, Gray-$6 sq. yd. Walter Scott of Lehigh University. Douglas Spencer. son of Mr. and COTTON remnants, sizes to 12 x 31, ~eige, Mrs. Steven M. Spencer of Ogden avenue visited Mr. and Mrs: RobGray, Cocoa, Sandalwood, Blue, Green ert Petrlng Bushman and Miss .' . $3. sq. yd. I Jar,et Bushman of Greenwich. Conn., for four days during the boliday vacation. WOOL remnants, sizes to 12 x3l , G 0 Id , B Iue, Mrs. Paul Banks of Harvard A.I hI T I SOUth;of~t::h~e~N~O~rth;:tlrii~~:~::::~iii ROGER RUS'sm' -- 9 IdI bankt buildS I I Carpet Clearance Hits llew High in Knock·Free Power! Gray, Beige; Green, Oyster White, Nutria, ncon-.avenue ey, Chartreuse, Sandalwood $9 sq. yd. Telephone inquiries i.vtn Fremont, tomorrow to visit her WDllam Mitten and Hamilton MItten, and their familles. Mrs. Mildred Eschmann of Swarthmore avenue is visiting friends In Lancaster. Pa. invited All goods subject to prior sale fly to llew . -"."". . . . . . IIReL I.. PO.E.·.. , Some seconds included : . . ~A",Stm ft Ccmt~!ll a_.. H ..... ~..pedal •• A P'ROOF THAT PRAYER HE.ALS·· , WI' " " let . . . . ,••141 A.II. e .............. 1110' Pad.:.Awt... SWartfnnotoe.· Pli. - He. Ctrl.H.. ScJ_ H..,. " , .·.Complete SI ... , . - , SWarthmore 6 6000 A._'."" ......... '"'.{F'4 /IJ _ . ," - n_ '-!- • P•. MARCH Florist Fairy Godmother . PIANO TUNING 44 Yean. Piano Tuning with all !'lakes ALlAN PARlER ".' Fusco . . . . MiEdIoo 6-JlII -~"";"~,.:-'.~.~~.JI , . ", .' CHESTeR .Clnd . FAIRVIEW ROADS , "1IOn~ SW!lrtII...... 6-3a11 ' SUPPQRT SUPPORT THE SWARTHM·OREAN OF DIMES MARCH OF DIMES ( .• , VOLUME 27-NUMBER 2 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1955 JUNIOR ASSEMBLIES Ra'dio Speaker at Rotary College Statement Rotarians will hear a talk: by The following atatement is Dances for the 8th and IOU, Edwin T. Randall of Wallingford Is~ed by DeaR E"e1'ett; Hunt. Grade. Junior Assembl1es will be • . 'h Jngl stbaTthmOTe College: a1 t a day s meeting at t e enheld. at the Woman's Club on euk at 12:10 p.m. The speaker. "Early T u e s day morning better known as "Ed Randall" on Holmes Strozier. a sophomore Saturday. January 15. _,··€ampaign for. Funds his ''Let·s Be Friends" program from Akron. Ohio. was ahot and Host and hostess 'of the 8th , Operion Tuesday over WCAU.· Is also engaged .in k11led .in his dormitory room in Grade are Dr. and Mrs. Ned B. 'z"~ Jan. 25 " radio work -for the 'Amerlcan Wharton HaU on the Swarth- Wi1llams. who will be assta!ed as · d ~ SeI'Vlce . Committee. more campus. chaperonea by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fr . Bish I jen oP•. genera The meeting is in charge of "About 3:30 a.m.. Robert Bech- Brealeell and Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. J. V. S. chairman of the polio drive in J. Lewicki. Swarthmore. has announced that Horace Passmore. tel. a .student 'proctor in the Mr. and Mrs. B. W111ls Jack-, the foIlowing workers will par• ., dormito'I occupied by Strozier. son are host and hostess of the ticlpate in the . campaign for appeared at the Swarthmore Po. lice Station and stated that he 10th Grade and will Nbe assisted funds which will commence Tuesda J 25 had done the' shooting. Robert by Mr. and Mrs. H. • Rltzlnger y. anuary : Bechtel. was a Junior In College. and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Trosley. Fussell. capMrs. MIlton H. tain; Mrs. R. T. Bates. Mrs. Edith a graduate of' Hill School, and entered Swarthmore with a a good H. Black. Mrs. Avery F. Blalee. record and a scholarship ward., To Study Relation of Mrs. Alfred G .. Boyd. Mrs. Barton At no time did ius admission or W. Calvert. Mrs. Donald G. FolCivil Liberties and subsequent College record give lett. Mrs. Buchanan Barrai-. Jr.. Christi~nity evidence of emotiQnallnstabllity. Mrs. B. I. Hoot•. Mrs. William R. .A,t the beginning of this college Buey, Mrs. Ralph V. LIttle. MI'!!. A series of four discussions on year he was appointed a procLocal Business Man Joseph S. Lynch. Mrs. William VI. the general subject of ''The Rela- tor by a committee composed of Stricken Dec.' McClartn. Mrs. Frank H. Murray. tlon between Civil Liberties and Deans and repreSentatives of Mrs. H. Lincliey Peel, Mrs. Robert Christianity" will be presented at Student Government.. Proctors 20th T. Pfeifer, Mrs. John W; Pitman, the Swarthmore Friends Adult I ted to . are appo n serve as counRobert J Atz owner and op Mrs. John B. Shane. Mrs. Thomas Forum during January. The dis- sellars and guides respecting the to . f . R • 11' A to ti B. Sweeny. and Mrs. H. ElUott cussions will be led by men who rules of the College. era r a usse s u m o ve Wells. . are leaders in their tlelds and w111 Service at Dartmouth and Lafay· . Armlta' tain "Holmes Stroz1er was a gradM rs. Geo rge ge, cap ; start promptly at 9:45 a.ln. eacb uate of Buchtel High School In. ette avenues. died of lun" .. cancer Mrs. R a b ert G rogan. Mrs. J a hn Sunday in the Swarthmore Meet' at 4 o'clock last Friday afternoon AllIs . Akron. Ohio, with a superior Pinksto Mrs 1· n. . C ark on. Mrs. Ilig House. record which he maintained in' Taylor Hospital; Ridley .Park. Lemuel Holt. Mrs. Lynn Kippax. .The Ilrat discussion. on .January . while in College. Be was a mem- Mr. Au. whose home was on Mrs. 'Vernon Tribalette.' Mn;i, 9 ''The Early Background of the .ber of the swimming team. Providence road. Media. became Charles Lincoln. Mrt. N. B. Ltv- Human Freedoms," was led hy Dr. . '. ill 'atwork tlve days before ' ''Tb ..e CoUege' ~mmunlty is Ingston • J r.. M rs. J 0 hn B ond • Mrs. William' ·McDermott. :Assoclate w Christmas and it was 1irSt th6ught Louis Knox. Mrs. Sara J. ~orn- ProfeSS\lr .of· Classical Studies of deeply grieved by this tragedy." that he sulfered gas poisoning. He dolfer. Mrs. Fulton Hutchison. th'e Uni'verslty of Pennsylvania. dmitted to th h ita' was a e osp " on T 0 thIs statement The Swarth- th Mrs. EI11s Rumsey. Mrs. Morris Dr. MftDermott -'-~ussed the COD_ ni ht f J 1 • ~. CUB. nly e g o . snuary . Potts, Mrs. Birney Morse. Mrs. ditions of human freedoms from morean can a . add the com. Phil del hi in 902 Edward Cratsley. Mrs; ArtbIirSl1- anclentGreece through Roman. munlty·s sympathy for. both Born m a p a 1. ~ Rloha d N Mr L y utbs h Id b ly f Mr. Atz. was .brought as a baby M verso '''', r aye. s . . times to. medieval Europe. He in0 w a pa so· eaVl or . pressur C . Baleer. . Mrs. George Stauner. cluded a 'consideration of the at- sooial . , es a f their ti me. to live on Creek road. Media, by Mrs. George . Gl\1esple ,and Mrs. mosphere surrounding the earlY and. its . regard for ;the college his father John, who established David McCahan.' " churcb' . which bears this burden for the a farm there. .and· his mother. Mrs.. J. A. Calhoun.' captain; The 'second discusSion on Jan- tlrst time in its long' and hon- Marie. After graduating from Mrs. Ellls B. Ridgeway. Jr~,. Mrs. uary' 18.,. '''l'be.~ of Clvl1 ored hilitory. Marple-Newtown Blgh School he S. Herman ~ooper. Mrs.. ~Qtm.~-I4~es~' ..wJD;be . led. by Dr, -----,,---'-studled mecbanics at Spring den penschade. Mrs, W. M.·MCOawley" "I;a'iiimi\ie',t:8f6re'Ofa','sWIirth_ Penri'Ali.urirli' ~ Gar.H Instili~te.t Mrs. T. B. Good. Mri!, Frank more 'CoUege HIstory Department. ." .... -_ ..." ........ e was .8 oP' oraman .of tile. Wildebush. Mrs. William W a t k i n s , ' , Cite Roy MerCe'rLansdoWile Ford agency before Mrs. Cwrord Banta. Mrs. Robert An Alumni Award of Merit 'for entering the employ of Russell's BradheM. ·Mfa. Lester ·Mandale. "". t. outstanding service to the Uni(Continued on Page 4) versity of Pennsylvania will be '. , , Mrs. J. Grant Hebble. Mrs. James Mrs,Bisl~op Announces Polio -Drive Workers .,I Frle"nds Adult Forum Plan D'ISCuSSI'on Serl"es Robe'rt J Atz DI"es I'n Hos'pl'tai to' "IIlUege. F'aeuI yAnd ~el:ria:rsH!U:rer~.a~l. :.~s~ Staff Present Play ... rletUj . Fricke. Mrs. C, COl'bln presented to Or. E; LeRoy' Mercer. during Fqunder's .Day ceremonies IS.50 PER YEAR Four Candidates Run For Library Board Citizens' Wil! Ele~ New Members Next Weekend C·tlz f te h Borough will I ens a eI t . ect wo new directors to membership on the Swarthmore Public Library Board on Saturday. January 22. and Monday. January 24. F our resl'den ts a f S wa rth more have med as candidates for the t wo vacanCIes . on th e b oard, and. listed alphabeticaUy. they are: Mts. John B. Aaron, 636 Maglll road. has lived in the Borough for four years. Reared in Blrmingham. Ala .• Mrs. Aaron Is a graduate. of Birmingham Southern College with an A.B. degree. Mr. Aaron is employed by the DuPont Corporation. Mrs. Aaron. a member of the League of Women Voters, also works with Brownie' Scouts as assistant leade,·. and Is a member of the Trinity Eplscopal Church. She Is the Inot"er of .. three y.oung children. Jane. Jack and Harriotte.· . Heinz Heinemann, 213 Dlcklnson avenue. has been a resident of the Philadelphia "rea for 14 years and of Swarthmore for four years. Dr. Beinemann. employed as a chemist by the Houdry Process' Corporation. came to: the United States in 1938 tram' ·Basle. Switzerland. where he received a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from tbe University of Basle. Dr. Heinemann. who has' written numerous articles dealing with chemistry. is interested in the arts and literature and is a past director of the New Chamber Orcbeslt'a of Philadelphia and of the ntemporar;. Art.' Association. He is married and has. tYlP.JllPall """''''-".,., chlidren. 'one of whom atlends the Rutgers Avenue School. Maxey N. Morrison; 101 Dart- Talk on Beauty Aids At Jr Woma'n's' Club 'll'me Ou't for G"lnger' At· PIayers CIUb Mr~ Will (Continued on Page 4) . Shute; MrS. JameS'DonOvan; :Mrs; 'IThe : a':n" 'Wh'o 'Ca' me to at. Dr. the Mercer, University on January whose 'hillrie' is15.at •. . . . Ell d M Dinner' at Clotliier 133· 'Ogdell av.enue.. is .emeritus . Jan. 21-22 professor ofphyslcai education Reynolds S'peak . and former d~anof the DepartAt Program' "The Man. Wbo-came to'Din- ment of 'Physical Education of J. William Simmons To . _ ner." the comedy hit by George the University. He retired from Tues. Dired Next Week's' S. Kaufmann and MoSs Hart. will active service there In JlJDe. 19~3. be given an in~esting portrayal During: the' time. Dr; Mercer . l "How: to be, Beautiful though Pro~uction January 21 and 22 at 8:15p.m. in stu"cIi'e'd"in'the ""hoo"l o"f'uedi'cine Harrie~".is.the1OplcMrs. Joseph o. "" Reynolds ". of '. SwartHmore bas The Pare,,:t Study Group. under Clothier Memorial, when members at' PennsylVania, from which he chosen for the January 18 meetNext week. starting Monday. the auspices of the. Bealth Ad- Qf the. Swarthmore College facwas graduated m' 1913. students January 17. through Saturday. ." , Ing of the Junior Woman's Club vlsory Committee of ···the· Home ulty and .admlnlstratvle staft will in.' tha_t school were eliorible to '. .. January. 22. the p.. layers Club. of resent it as th.eir ·b.ieonial play. .... D' . to be held at tile Woman'S Club t and School Association. will give P D" compete in varsity sports and he at 8 p.m. . She' will demonstrate Swarthm~ will ptes~n, the play Swarthmore parents the opporIrected DY Mrs. Barbara Pear:- soon established' a reputation as bow to use cosmetics. cleanse the "Time Out for Ginger~', by Rontunity to study tbe problems of son Lange. ,the pJly Is being pre- an outstanding athlete. . aId Alexander, arid directed by J. rearing respoilsible children at ,a sented both to raise money for B' skin and malee up in the shortest William SImmons This play has e was. tWIce named to the late ppsslble time. Each member at. ' · ch 1 hi fund series of, meetings which com- a • a ars p and t a Illve W 'lte C • All A . . tendiDg the meeting' is eked tOo had a long and successful run on ',mence January 18. the Swilrt\unore student body b ~ ~ ampts. - menthcanifotot- b . h' d mirr 'f . h . Broadway and on the road. but With the aid of well chosen tUms comic relief' during' th middl f a oms. Wlce won e . n er- rmg a· . an or, our mc es was just . tly released for and expert leaders. they will con- the ~m ~od. e e Q collegiate. title In broad-jumping, by six inches or large~. 10 aid In amateur p~~on. The Swarthsider sucb qqestions 'as, ''What Taking the part of Sheridan and .w~ a member of the 1912 .the person,al "application of the more Players are the. tlrst ones demonstration. to put it on in this vicinity. does It mean to be gr~wn. up?" Whiteside.' "the man who cjllrie to OJ,YniPIC s q u a d . . ''When can we start treating our dinner" will be Clatr Wilcox of For··a number of years he st,rved Mrs. ReynoldS is well qualified, . '. ThIs is kgood, ~hojeSOme, live childrenUke ·growrl-ups·.? ... ·'Why the economics department. His .as.,~o~egephy~ciaIi,·athle.ti.c 'di- ~avlng taken courses with Eliza- story of a fllDillyand their teen-. . do sonie chI1dren accept respons- harrassed hosts Mr. and Mrs rector, !l'.'d physical education beth Arden II;Dd Dorothy Gray In age boys. and girls. Problems arise ibl1ity better than ,others?" "Is Stanley. win be played by Mr: chairman at Swarthmore College New York~ and lias been a bnyer around school activiti8s, love afthere a ceria!n age at which we and Mrs. Stephen Whicher. Mr. before he returned to Pennsylva- o~ c05pletics '!;Ir 20' years at fairs, parental disclptlne and life automatically become .responslble Whicher Is """ociate professor of nia as head· of the. pepartment of MIchael's. College' Pharmllcy. She in general. but somehow all these citizens? Is it at 16. wben we get English. Physical Education there. Is a graduate of Swarthm,?re Col- become solved by the end of the a driver's license, or ai· 18. When Deborab Wing. 'acting dean of Dr. Mercer is one of clglit grad- leg~, a, resident of ~e borough for play to everyone's satisfaction. we are subject to the draft. or at women, wll1 portray Mr. Stanley's uates who wlll be honored at the 20 years. past presIdent of the The cast is an excellent one. 21, when we cali vote?" "Or is "strange" sister. The rebe11l0us Founder's Day c""emonies at Swarthmore Mother's Club. and consisting of five adults who are .beIng a responsible citizen a Stanley. chQdren will be played by Pennsylvania. which are conduct- a treas~rer of the. Swarthmore some of the' Club's most active lIrame of mind that haa to be Arthur Gladstone of the psy~hol- ed annually by the General ~ecreation Assoc!8tio~. Members veterans. as well as five teendeveloped fr desire-to let weD. \ ...... - \ . PaulSon '1;'-'&10.;;;.,. i'o:...<'. . "UW~...urpet " . . UII rheapmedicines. designed toc:me i ment. Consult your Phy$ician. Then brine hili·: • pescription to . . . . . . . . ; '. _.' _ .us ale a 'ponMin.. We -.e .... t!A~~lt ~e"! .._ ......... .... SW....incire II 61iOo . This canriOt be accohtpllalaed '- . brain to housemaid's knee. When iii. you mu.t have a -... ...- to meet· your . . own " met n:quJie.. .~ Some seconds included 100 Pad: A",.. 5w.II.i_. ; ••. iIlne.. everything from water on the :. goods subject to prior sale .....- a ..·....... . Complete SlOe D _ _ ' Is related when comes. ~ sq. yd; . - , . , . .,... 001, '",.,.. _10 . S........ fiEtfE 'l!iiLY • 'sicknea Is a creat leverer. All COTTC>N remnants, sizes to 12 x 31, Beige, Gray, Cocoa, Sandalwood,. Blue, Green • DOON" There I, No .Substifute For Quality . dalwood, Beige, Gunmetal, Gray-$6' sq. yd. Telephone .inquiries invited "lEAP THE WILD WIND" ".R ~ , ,~ .. . RAYON remnants, sizes to 12 x 29, Gold Blue . Turquoise, Green, Cocoa, Copper, Greig:, San: ~ec:iiptiOo 1P"d;;1j.....' -, _. j * t~~IIPRA1DIAtY . . ... '. . THEATRE SQUARE .CAt" 'M .~~~ blL~ItYSl!lttd! . ....,.. Fill P'tn\ilil . . '.ij; . .lIIfi'. "-"54 .. - " METHQDI~T Yf.I.llIll~~ ~e / ~ncy Mrs. J. V. S.. Bishop chairm..n, CHURCH Enrollm~nt Fee - $2;00 -' Mrs·li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at iI!'ll!e'!lf W~~ Cr,!e~.~,.~ Harvard av~nu".. ,p~h~: . Mrs•.,:.1'. $lm~. DlWotIo:ms:.Mrs. .G~rge HIJD.Ier• ., Ji'r<>l!I1U": ~. Crliemer .wilJ complete the review of "Und~r Three .Flags." ,Circle 4, ¥r-<. J. )?IllHl ~rown chalpna,n, wllJ mee.t at th" hOple of Mrs. Clifford Banta, ~.~.O Parrish r~d. fyirs. sp~aker. Glen T. Smith will talk on "Pres· 7~lh ~!;t. - youth Fellowship ent Day· I~ciia.'; n.evotions: Mrs. Robert Boyle. Circle 10, Mrs. TRINITY CHURCH Birn.ey Morse chairinan, will meet H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector althe hOrne of Mrs. J. Roy Snape, . Sim4a,.• .Janllill"7 16 137 Harvard avenue. Co-hostess: 8:09 A.M.-·Holy Communion. Mrs. James Daugherty. Program: 9:S0 A.M.-Church School (Srd Mrs. George P. Warren will speak Grade and Up). . 11:00 A.M.-Chqrch School (2nd on Metropolitan Missions. Circle Grade and Down). . . 11, Mrs. Frederick Patman chalr11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. man, will meet at the home of 7:30 P.M.-Young Peoples Fel- Mrs. Marjorie Smith, Copples lowship. . . lane, Wallingford. Co-hostesses: Toesda,.. .IanDIII"Y 18' . 5:30 P.M.-EvenlDg Prayer. Mrs. E. L.'Harvey and Mrs. PatWednesday, .Janna..,. 19 man. Devotions: Mrs. Zella Wal7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. ters. Program: Mrs. Smith wtll 8:00 P.M.-Bible Study. present a program .under the aus· FrIda,., .JanDlllT :Ill pices of the Social Education and 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Action Committee. Clrc!.e 12; Mrs. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Russell Smith chairman, will meet OF FRIENnS at the home of Mrs. George 8C111day• .JanDIII"Y 18 Schobinger, 285 N. Swarthmore 9:4l> A.M.-FIrst Day School. avenue. Program: Mrs. Lee will 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. Lau- speak th Chin U,· rence Latore: "Beginnln of on e ese ·....SSlon Civil Liberties." go Home in SI)ll Francisco. Circle 5, 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Mrs. Luther Conan~ chairman, will ChIldren cared for in WhIttier not meet this week, but will hold HQ~. . . . their meeting next WeclnesdQy,. welcome to jom with us. because of the Annual Meeting. . 7.00 P.l\!. - United Fellowship Students . ';;-~.i:i=~~';~;;;';;;;:::;~ . Wecmesday . evenmg at 6: 15 ";da,.. .JanDIII"Y 17· there will bea congregational supper held In McCahan Hall, All day sewing for A. F •.'S. C. Toesda,.• .Iann,,", 18 prior to the Ststed Annual Meet8:00 .P.M.-.Mont'.'lJI: Meeting for iug of the Congregation whicp Busmess House. will be called at 7: ~O o'clock. ' will be "mLWhIttIer ife." ·. The Wednesday• .JanD111"7 II cM.rI!e for~e cfu.mer will be $1 All day sewing for A.I'.s.c. per plate and res lYatIObS may be .. FiRsT CHURCH OF . made through tile ,chureh oIIIce. CHR~. SCIEHTIST The regular chureh choir re. SW:A1\~.. heu:saIs wID meet on ThursdaY Park Avenueb in McCahan Hall at 6:45 and the Men's and Boys' Choir ices will be held on Sunday at followed by a program in the rehearsal will be held Thursday 9: 30 and 11' o'clock at which Mr. Women's Association Room at 8 at 7: 30 p.m. Bishop will use as his' sermon p.m., at which time Howard On Tuesday there will be a .. tOpic, ''WIiat Is A Christian?" Brinton of Pendle HIll will ialk service of Evening Prayer at 5: 30 Church School classes meet at on''Democracy in Japan." p.m. 9:30, 10:45 and 11. The Men's ThIs week a COnllrmiltIon Class, There will be a celebration of and Women's Bible. Classes meet d tea b Mr Blsh will b the Holy Communion at 7: 15 at 9:30 .a.m." con uc y . op, e- Wednesday morning. At 8 p.m. Sunday evening, the Senior gin at Ii p.m. Sunday afternoon. there will be a meeting of the Expert management, sympathetic mgh Fellowship \viii meet for ThIs class for all Junior High and Bible StUdy group. William Dan.understanding~ cemral-c:ity location, supper in McCahan Hall' t 6· 30 Seulor High young people who t rtiI. will d this and reasona~le prices add up to p.m. followed by a at 7. have not joined the church, will 0 A service co:r u::'enlng at which a 111m entitled ''The meet every Sunday a,fternoon will be held on FrIday at 5: 80 renowned Oliver H. Bair service. Peoples of Russia" will be shOWn, thereafter' in Mr. Bishop s study, p.m. followed by a discussion led by until Palm Sunday. Jcfhn Shatagin. The Junior High On Wednesday, January 19, the ·METHODIST NOTES ]!,ellowrhip will eat supper at 6:30 following Circles of the Women's Church' School classes meet at In McCahan Hall, and follow with Association will be meeting: 9: 45 on Sundays for all ages beDla.c:TOa. O. "'KRALl a choir xettearsal at 7 and t:li.en 10:00: Circle 2, Mrs. David Bing_ ginning at two years. There is amee'ting. Thlswekthemeeting ham chairman, wlll'meet iii the a Young Adult Builders Class and 1820 CHESTNUT STREET will be a plannhlg session with Women's Association Room at the an Adult Bible Class. OUVER H. IAlII, Paund.. MN.Y A. BAI" PnoId.... the\advisor and the inatallation church. Co-hostesses: Mrs. RobAt the 11 a.m. Momln WorTelephone 116-1581 of new .officers. ert D .. Lanning and Mrs. Charles ship the Rev. g The Young Adults will meet DaVIS. The program will be Lewis E tern Dlstri S I Sunday at 6 p.m~ for Bible Study ''Presbyterian Hospital-Past and ,'is ct upermin the Women's Association Room. Pr~t." Circle 9, !IIrs. W. EdThey will be studying the Synop. ward Medford ch'lllrmim, will meet tic Gospels under thl! • leadership at the home of Mrs. Heston D. L:....w.. ..., . "c'." ',., ,.,..w ~cray, Jr., 229 Corp.ell avenue. CHURCY Co-chalrman: Mrs. LesUe A. Wetp~rent Study Group on Child Growth .. .. ,.,. 'f. . , . laufer.Diwotl~: Mrs. w. L. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tho~. "¥an and God In the Date Joseph P. Bisho~, MinlsteJ1 City" will be reviewed by Mrs. Film. Leader John Schott, ~. M1m.te1: Fran!!: Markley. . Tues. Jan. 18 Preface to a Life Dr. Wm. Prentice 8unda,.;.Janulll"Y 16 .. 10~.30 _ Circle 1, Mrs. Irwin Tues. Jan •. 25 Fears of Children Mrs. Maria Shelmire 9;:'0 ~. ~d ~:O~A.MM-Mom- MacElwee ch~ will meet at Tues, .Ftib. I . ~hYJ!less· Dr. Rachel Coli g . ors p er ceo r. BIs- the home of Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes Tues. Feb. 8 A .. nftPVloyWi·lli·amPeltz,·'.O. hop will Sermon topic: 1· PrIn ' avenue, . . "'., m M.D. "What Is prel\ch. a Christian?"" ..9 . ceton to sew. ~o- ' . Tues.· F,, b• 15 " ... well to Childhood Elizabeth Humenon, 9:30, '10:45 and '11:00 A.M. _ .ho~.tesses: Mrs. E. D. Brauns, Mrs. Wtd. Feb. 23 . Hlg. WaD . • Rev. Joseph Bishop Fenwick ~asse~ Mrs. Oscu- Hart ~oii. Fiib. 28 Feelings of over-De d J h L M0 Church SchooL. . 9B:SIObIA'C!asaM.Men's and Women's· and Mrs. Hi. ProWed. Mar.· 9 . FeeUngs of Hostilitype.. Leoonn SYaounls,., O· • e • gram: Mrs. l/'ranklln . Gillespie .. ' ' m. • 6;00 P¥._:Y~un,g Adults. '" I¢Il talk on "StrivID' to he FaithWeiJ. . M.,r. 16 It T~ke. All Kinds Mr. Grant Husband 6.30 - Senior .. " RfGop.". ..11 ' . . . 3, 8 :. 15 1n I and Room .behl nd iH . HighP.l\!. Fellowship. .. and Junior • fu.l to.th.e WW Pircle g h School progr~ W h I f ·1· h b /e <;Ive severa amI les w 0 want to uy an older four bedroom home in Swarthmore. T hese Sue Swartz.· The Ladles' Wble Cll1ss will meet for luncheon at 12: 30 on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. GIlbert Cheyney of College lane. Boy Scout Troop 8 will meet in the High School Gym on Wednesday at 7: 30 p.m. Circle 4 of the W.S.C.S. will meet at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Wesley France, 328 Sedgewood road, Springfield. W.S.C.S. Circle 6 will meet on Thursday at· 1 p.m. .Cholr rehearsals will be held startiDg at .3:30 p.m. for the Cherub Choir, 4 p.m. for the Junior Choir and 8 p.m. for the Chancel Choir. (Continued on Page 6) HIGHEST STANDARDS ' IiSUPPLjES '~~~~J~~~O, I! Cdrp".' .at .Clearance··· II ROGER "RU'SSELL I State &c MO.rCie Media , = ~. -." ~ar service of Morning Prayer wilJ be held at 11 o'clock. ~e Young Pepple's FellQws!llp ~~LINE-WEDNESDAY NOON will meet at· 7:30 p.m. Sunday. SWAKTBlIIoaE, PENNA., .Jail1l1117 It, 1955 The Boys' Choir will rehearse 1.-..:....:___._'_. ....;.'__._c.__'_·--;'_--::--_______......;.;:.;.·_11 on Monday a,nd Wednesday at 4 PREslYTER IAN N O ' Maxey Morrison. Supper o'clock, the Monday Girls' Choir re. . TE otS Mrs, hearse on at 5 will o'clock, BEAUTY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT ~nmnnuHDtD11mllnIIUIIIIIIIUIIII_1IIlI ~==========d~==========~ 1~~ii~ii;·;S;tu~d~e~n~ts~w~i.th~a~th~l~e~ti~C~ti~.Cik!'~t~·i·5;0~1ii~~~~~ ; 1"Iloae SWcinbmere ...... ." .. PBtJ5B E. '!'OLD, BclHor Rosalie Peirsol .l\4arjorJe Told Ellen S. Simon Sally Alden Entere4 as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post OffiCe st Swil:ribmore, Pa:; under th~ Act of MarchI, 1879. BEAUTY SALON Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pfor~ of _ _ _ _ _ _ _....;.._ _ _~-------~(L-----Wallingford are being congrat- . ulated upon the birth of a son on i!lWWllUlUllllllUlllnmualUlDBIDBIHIIIIDIllIUIIIUlDDIDUDlHnllllllllllllnllUnnlllUII1IIDlllHUIIIIIHIII1I January 11 in Lying.In Hospital, FAMILY DINNED to SUIY tile TASTE of EYERYONI Philadelphia. TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS 'Cooked to Order EXCELLENT BANQUET AND P···R·TY FACILITIES Mr. and Mrs. Irl N. Duling, Jr., = _== BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH n12.1·.30 M. of Mary Jane lane, Newtown § Square, are receiving congratula~ ii DINING ROOMS .. LOllY AIR CONDITIONED ii tio.ns upon the birth of their first ~ Comfortable Rooms Day or Week Elevator =!!i child, a daughter Barbara Grace, ;; = born Sunday, January 9, in. Del- § . ,,:ware .Hospital, Wilmington. The little gIrl weighed 7 pounds, 10 = . Yale & Harvard Avenues, $warthmol'e. Pc.. =~ ounces. The ~atemal grand- § WALTER E. PARROTT. MI'. FREE PARICING parents are Mr. and Mrs. W. = . . Henry Linton formerly of i!iil:IU:IIU:I:III:IIU:II:II:III:IU:UI:III;;;UU;;;U;;;IH;;;III;;;III;;;III;;;II;;;III;;;III;W;lln;";III;III;III;III:III:III:III:IIU:II:III:UU:II;IU;III;III;II;IIU:II:III:1II;III;III;III;III:IU~1li! " through Saturday, January E. TOLD, IlABiOlJlB '!'OLD, P1JBLI8IIBBS' ~ BIRTHS Monday, January PenJlQtvanla Temperance League will be the guest speaker. There are two P,UrRries for childr!m and a .Junior Cburch program f,or children of grades one to dve inclusive.· The' Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet at the church at 7 p.m. The dlscusston topic will be "So Far" with Sue Swartz a~tlng iIs Leader. There will be a soclal hour after the meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cbar1es Hoover, 618 Yale avenue, Morton. The following were elected as new officers of the MYF for the coming year:' phsident, Earl Wolfe; vice president, June Holt; secretary, 'Linda Hall; treasurer, A celebration of the Holy Communion will be held at 8 o'clock Sunday morning. Children in the third grade and up wilJ meet for Ch,"""h School at 9: 30 a.m., and at 11 o'clock those in the second grade and down wIIl·meet. The PUIILIlJBBD WBVy""BB"Y ftlDAY AT ilWAKTBKO¥. PA. The ·BllualJtel ave-IF~=!!!!!!=====~==~ Mr. W1lllam M. Bush, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam M. BuSh of Dickinson avenue, spent part of the holldays with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vall and Miss Susan Vail of Binghamton, N.Y. ~ent, TRINITY NOTES ENGAGEMENTS Mr d Mrs Crosby Morton . an . Black, Jr., of South Chester ro:.d announce the engagement of. their daughter, Miss Doris Cecelia Black, to Mr. Richard Hansel Groff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baldwin Groff of West Chester. The wedding will take place on Friday, January 28, in the Swarthmore Presbyterian ~hurch. WIP 1610 I~J. papa • 1'IIE SWAIlTIlMOBE4N J' " ..• • - ,.". ·JANUARY ·CLEA'RANe E SALE • THE ANNUAl JANUARY SALE THAT SWARTHMORE HAS BEEN. WAITING FOR • !ill.al-e ... ~., NOW BETTE. R THAN EVERt . . ,, , IS *r,::,a tl"'!~'_":'''' - , ..... , .' . . " '. .. I. I" .,', .,. Sou.C~R08d -:: ,~,.,:r~~-;;". ~.: •. :-' ',' .. :" ".' =-- - - . -.:- - - -=- ~ • - '- - j,., • - • January :14, 1955 P_.,:ag::!:..e-=4~_ _ _ _ _ _-;-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _·,::n:::JE:.:...::S:..:W:..:AR=.:.::.):.::.H:.:.M:....O_REAN _ _. _wv--::-;~-;;es~~~--~;~·-d-y- ·-:-R-o-&-ert"'--j7".-A-t~z-D-";":'es"'---"""--'- . L Lar"e~. t January 14, 1955 Thetas Will Sew . Four Candidates Run :,.S I '. (Continued, from Page 1) i Swarthmore Thetas wl11 hold (Continued from Page 1) . Of Teachers a aries Service 12 years ago. He. had altheir monthly sewing at the home mouth avenue. moved to SwarthA comprehensive study· Of'1 ready made'a host of 'friends in of Mrs. Edson )$. Harris of Rose more In 1946 from Caldwell, N.J. Swarthmore teachers' salaries will Swarthmore When he pUrchased old Lanlc Valley on Tuesda)l, January 18. Mr. Morrison, an executive at AI be presented by the. Committee the business here in July,. 1949. He Paul Lefton Advertising Agency, on Local Government of the ",as a member of' the Swarthm~rel graduated from Princeton Uni- League of Women Voters at their 'Lions Club, the Swarthmore Fire versity with an A.B. degree. He regular monthly meeting hext Company,. the Swarthmore Auxhas been active in Cub SCiJ1t Monday, January 17, at Whittier lliary POlic.e .and the local Buswork,' and is especially Interested House at 8 p.m. iness AssOCIation. A, 32nd degree in conservation, being a member Members of the Swarthmore Mason, he was a member of. of the American Forestry Asso- School Board, Home and School Media's Blue Lodge. ,He was. a dation. Mr. Morrison is married Association. Swarthmore Teach- 'member of the Media Methodist and the father ot three children. ers' Association and members ot Church. the school district administrative His wife, ,the fOl"!Der V. Eleanor Hugh, William and Helen. Mrs. C. D. Schloesser, Jr., 314 staff cooperated In the', project. Wilson of Media whom he m~rPark avenue. has lived in the The study does not duplicate . wIth the rled I'n 1925, was associated . "Analysis of Teachers' him in business and Slll"Vlves him, Borough for nine years, coming here fro m Chicago, Ill. Her late survey, d son Pfc R J Atz Jr S 1· . the Swarthmore as 0 a t . • . J ., husband, was a member ot the a arIes 10 who was called home from U.S. Swarthmore Borough Council. School D!strlct." recently ~om- Army service in Japan for his bY the :::I:r~ ~o:~~~~:~ tather's tuneral; a daughter Mrs. Mrs. Schloesser, who works on pleted H the Girl Scout troop committee of the ome an co., Robert Lees of Medla;.a six-weekand is a member ot the board of tion. The League CommIttee s re- old granddaughter, Martha Lees; the Swarthmore Swim Club, is a port sUPi>le~en~s the Home ~nd a brother, 'WiJUam. of. Thornton; member of the, Presby~rian School ASSOCIatIon report by 10- and a Sister. Mrs. Frank Deichler Church. She is the mother of two cluding and explaining many of of Highland Park. children, Jeanne and Karen. the variables which affect teachInterInent In Cumberland cemAll residents of the Borough ers' salaries, and also indicates etery Lima followed services at who are qualilled to vote in the new trends in school salaries in a M~dia fu~eral home on Wedmunicipal el.Ctions are eligible to other states al)d communities. nesday afternoon. Members of the organizations vote for these candidates. The term of office is three years. assisting in the survey are invited The library will be open from to attend the meeting. as weIJ as Mrs. Bishop Announces 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2 representatives from other inPolio Drive Workers p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Jan- terested groups. There wiIJ be a (Continued trom Page 1) uary 22. and from 2 p m to 5 p.m. .period for questions and discus- Raymond Fellows, Mrs. Edmund and from 7 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. on sian. Dawes, Mrs. William Leach, ,Mrs. Monday, January 24. The ballotCharles H. Topping and Mrs. ing will end at 7:45 'In order that Accident Jams Traffic: HIlton Dullng. votes may be cou'nted and election At attempted left turn into ColMrs. R. J. Herndon•. captaln, as_ returns made public at the annual lege avenue at 5 o'clock Monday sisted by Mrs. Joseph Quinlan. meeting of the Swarthmore Pub~ afternoon tied up traffic along Mrs. Johan Natvig, captain; Iic Library Association which will Swarthmore's entire length of Mrs. Adoiph Rubin, Miss Olive begi~ at'8 p.m. in Borough Hall. Chester road tOl; an hour. Perry. Mrs. Ernest Isberg. Mrs. An emergency-you muat quickly reach ,The car of Harold A. Weselius Henry Hoentgwald, Mrs. Fred spmeone Car away-=- and you turn to of Clltton Heights, traveling north Shoff, Mrs. Williain Uthe, Mrs. Long Distance. of course. But Long C II F I d ege acu ty an 'and trying to turn left, was in Peter Told, Mrs. Matthew Mco Distance means pleasure, as well-for it Staff Present Play collision with t!le automo!>lle of KInnell. Mrs. Robert Wood, Mrs. can melt the miles that separata you William R. Scholl of Mt. Holyoke William Craemer, Mrs. Kilby (Continued from Page 1) from dJataDt friends and relatives. And &peaking of bargains, you can call anyby PhilIp Prager, a member of place, Swarthmore. It was esti- Fentrlss, Mrs. John McKernan, where in the United States for $2 or 1... the engineering department. mated about $600 damage was Mrs. James Clifford, Mrs. Bess (""cluding Federal tax, which ill now Friends visiting Whiteside at the done to the front of the WeseliusHoward, tI!rs. Charles Brady, Miss only 10%). Look in'your telephone direcStanley home include a famous car and approximately $400 to the Margaret Campbell, Mrs. J. C. tory for rates from your telephone to key scientist, played by Edward left side and front of the other HayWard, Mrs. William Taylor cities throoghout the country. Fehnel of the chemistry depart- car. Both vehicles were towed and Mrs. Edmund Jones. men!, an actor-playwright. played from the intersection by a nearby . Mr.. H. B. Coles, Jr., captain: 'fhe Bell Telephone Company by James Sorber of the Spanish garage service. Broken glass was . MOrris· Fussell, Mrs. Leslie L. of Penllsylvanla department, an actress, portrayed pusiled to the. curbline by pass.,.~s- Walmsley, Mrs. A. Sidney Johnby Barbara Lange, and a Holly- by. son. Mrs: Raymond Lassiat, Mrs. wejod comedian, played by Dave Patrolmen Ellis LIndsay and H. Logan Lawrence, Mrs. Duncan Peele, of the librm;y staff. StimIey Shepan$!. of the borough Foster, Mrs. J. Archer Turner, Jr., i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiii·iiiiiiiiii police operated 'the traffic light Mrs. Joseph H. Walter, Mrs. VIn~ manually at the scene of the ac- cent Lathbury. Mrs. Lewis Elvereldent while Burgess Joseph Rey- son, Mrs. G. Alex MI11s, Mrs. nolds, stationed at the underpass, Richard Wray, Mrs. H. W. Brinkassisted in unsnarling the heavy mann, Mrs. ~lIIial!!Prentice, Mrs. pre-dinner traffic. Patrolman John Samuel Carpenter, and Mrs. RichEACH YEAR THE SWARTHMORE FIRE COMPANY CALLS Morris of the Ridley Township ard Brandt. . , police alsc; lent a band. Mrs. i. Paul Brown is chairUPON THE CITIZENS OF SWARTHMORE FOR HELP. JUST AS man of the. special gifts commit• MEET tee which Includes Mrs. R. Blair The Thimble Group met on Price. Mrs. Marvel Wilson. Mrs. YOU CALL UPON US FOR HELP. WE HELP YOU WITH A QUICK Monday at the home' of Mrs. G. F. Wayne Rand'all, Mrs.' Charles E. ) Noyes of Parish road.. There Fischer•. Mrs. William H. Gehring RESPONSE OF MEN AND EQUIPMENT AT THE TIME YOU NEED were 11 members present. and Mrs. W. E. Netzel. alice 9I I S Lliildln~ LONG DISTANCE puts the world within your reach mE swARTHMOREAN , H&S·GUI"dance PaneI "k·ed· 0f 0"ISCIP• I"me experi~ncing' 's Mr. Taber that "rebeJUon is the hajlmark . of adolescence" and It Parent Study Group Sche,dules Meetings is as rough to be the adolescent the physical and (Continued from Page 1) emotional, metamorphosis and nevertheless juvenUe delinquency is on the increase; they feel, Tuesday Skit Sets Off conflcting loyalties to parents and further, that many men and Tips on Family fril'fds, as it is to be the parent. women, gOOd citizens in the comA certain amount of "fight", is munity, are sometimes emotionally Relations healthy and necessary for growth crippled and unhappy within. The • "Today's parents and ieachers toward' 'ultimate independency, So committee believes that the course -tend to be overindulgent at one that even the child who rec~g­ offered will help parents to under'momept and rigid and repressive nizes when his parents are right stand the process.of growth in con_ the next, when the whole Impor- often finds to hard to overcome a siderlng such questions as, "When •· our teen-age tance ot 'discipline as a needed, natural contrariness within. him. w.e wonder· w.. 'OJ cohesive fllctpr depends upon ac- As Mr. Lange said. ''What Is daughter is unreasonable over ceptance ot 'rules and'regulatlons, rebelled against and how" is of late hours do we look back and consistence .. ' and: ,persistence In more importance than the re- remember how we worked with holding children accountable." So bellion itself. Mr. Taber added her when she was younger? Did • h replied Roberl Taber Ilt"Tuesday "only when a turmoil, results is we gIVe her a c ance to solve evening's Home' andSch",,1 ses- ther danger." problems when she was sinall, or was it always easier to do it oursion when a parent inquired if Mrs. Seymour's observation selves?" The comniittee believes there shoul~ .be more .discipline that parents should openly admit that future jeen-agers are the , applied In. today's juvenile prob- humanness and inability to al- product of the way in which they lems. . , ways'" know the right .. answers~ are handled today as small chilTaber, gUidance director for met . general approval. Children dren 'in learning to take rePhiladelphia ,Public Schools, a are able to feel more secure in sponsibility.· . member of the Governor's Com- their own uncertainties if they The schedule of meetings in this nlissJon on Children and Youth, realize parents, too, feel In- series appear on page 3. It is and noted' mental health author- adequate at times and must pray open to all adults: Meetings will ity, . moderated a lively discussion for guidance and wisdom. ' be held il1 the High Sch~l Cafefollowing a dramatization ' of , Parental faith, or lack of faith teria at 8: 15 p.m., and the IIrst adolescent problems by members in the child/is reciprocated in the meeting will be held on Janof the University of Pennsylvania child's attitude tdward the parent uary 18. Players. The skit "High Pressure and spells the difference between Area" and ensuing commentary success and fallure when crises 9th-Grade Party Ninth grade students and their by Teachers Elizabeth Barten and arise. This was welJ demonstrated parents will have a party this Marguerite Seymour and Parents in the evening's skit when, after Gordon Lange and Mrs. J. Alfred spuming her parents' protecttve evening at 7: 30 in ,the high school _ Calhoun provided as entertaining reasoning and withholding of per_ gymnasiu~. Mrs. John McKernan. program and inforInative an evening as missiol}, the heroine cuts· loose chairm,{n, met with Elizabeth Mcany parpnt - teacher organization from the parents leaving them could desire. At the same time it only anxieties as to, whet"er Kie. class advisor, and a commitgave a real send-off to, next "she'll fare all right" and whether tee of parents and students to arweek's opening of a community they have given her what she range an eve11nig of fun for all. Wills Brodhead anH Andrew , series ot films 'and' discussions ~on needs for successful maturity. A Schroeder will act as Masters of family relations and personality happy ending rewards the preCeremonies. growth. , scribed "faith, hope and charity" Mrs. Frank WiJdebush and her Although the coming series will which the skit's. parents have committee 'wtll serve refreshstart with the youngest 'chlld and habltualJy practiced in, their rela- ments to the 300 expected guests. progress through young adult- tionship with their daughter. hood, Tuesday's' program' illusIt is never too late to begin or dance. as well as through' the trated ,the Importance of every- to begin anew in the business of formal' presentations at such gathone .having knowledge on all trying to understand and further erings. it was stated. phases regardless of the particular good family relationships, parents ages of one's own children. In were assured. Home situationS order to understand the adolesshould be kept as sweet as poscent a knowledge of his earlier sible so "communications won't life is nepessary and to attach break down", at least not persuffiCient import to proper handmanently, and a real "war of Ii,!g ,of 'Ismall-fry" it is helpful to have a preview of the final re~ nerves" ,thpugh ~eaten~d as in , Ai I!ormerltt•.'" ~ . suits .of good or faulty beginnings. the. skit, can be avoid)ed. Parents should work In grOUPS, such as CARNS As P"l"ents, teachers, grandgrade organizations,' rather than parents, rieighbors all people's 650 Baltimore Pike as singly enlightened individuals, lives' contain contacts with groWSpringfield, Del. Co.. Pa. concluded the moderator. Educaing youth. . ,SWartdmore 6-0450 tion is furthered by comments Panel members agreed with contributed by parents in at~n0,.. 8 A. ... tD 6 P.... I Pap 5 BAKE SALE Cram Creek Bridge CI~b . .The Junior., Woman's Club '.of The Crum Creek Bridge Club Swarthmore will hold a bake sale met l!lSt \ Tuesday ,evening, and this evening 'at 6:30 p.m. In front high scorers were .fohn Fricke 3rd of the Swarthmore National Bank, and Copeland Palmer. and Trust Company. A variety of home baked goods will be available for Friday night shoppers. $500 MONTHLY . Mrs. Frank Starrett and Mrs. Roland Coit will be in charge Starting ':Gla..,· fot 2 ••ecutive-iype PUBLIC NOTICB A pro_ budget tor the Year available for pUblic laspec_ tlon at the o1I\ce ot the Borough secretary located at Borough Hall. Park Avenue. SWarthmore. Pa. between the hoW'S of 9:00 A.14. and 5:00 P.M. tor IItteen days subsequent. to the PUblication ot thJs notice. BLLOTT RIClIARDBON Borough Secretary 1966 Is I and Sons $warthmorean. r-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;~;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;2;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;~ THE DARTMOUTH HOUSE 325 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Located in the Heart of Swarthmore 2 Minutes from Train , , taletme. tv. np,...nt 10l"ge Eastern flnandal COfporatfon. No frov.f. Sar., -perl.dce and ability desired. edabo • IIshed resident. 25-40. . . years old. mar. rlK. capable of Guumhl9 responsTbli. ftles. In reqvedln9 Imnrr. plto.. Induct. brl.f "nonal hbtory. all repll" confIdenJal. Our salftmM have ..... Informed of this ad. lox A. L Living 8 Garden. Apartments Room, Kitchen, 2 Bed Rooms, $110 to;$117 per month 16 Apartments Living Room, D!ning Area, Kitchen, 1 Bedr~om, Bath· $95 to $105 per monht " , 36, Apartments Living Room, Dining Area, Kitchen, 2 Bedrooms, Bath Florist $125 to$1l5 per month RENTALS INCLUDE HEAT, HOT WATER & PARKING AREA - Stop In and l.ook Around _ Rental Agent on Premises 2:30 P.M. to NEED YOU - - BY CONTRIBUTING TO OUR' 1955 FUND DRIVE. " THIS YEAR APAMPJiLET WILL BE SENT TO EACH HOME AND RESIDENT OF SWARTHMORE, DESCRIBING EACH TRUCK • ANI) THE EQUIPMENT ON THE TRUCKS. WE HOPE YOU WILL TAKE TIME TO PICK THE BOOKLET UP AND READ IT. !!!JllllmUlllllllllllllmnllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllUlOllnlllntlnlllllllllnllllllllllllll1II1111111111111111111111H1iln"ll! = e=== = SWARTHMORE " FOR THEIR GENEROUS CO-OPERATION IN THE' • PREVIOUS, YEAR AND .. TO . WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY AND • PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR FOR -, 1955. . ~ ;;; = i \ ~ ~. . .. THE. SWARTHMORE FIR.E . . AND PROTECtiVE ASSOC" ., ' . Box 261 '. " . , ~ ·Swcirthmore.Pa" ' i ; a announces I ~ College-level Courses Starting ~ :; Fe~ruary 7 a f = ;; s· e iL i ' . !, :: § ~ 51 , ' = PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGE i;;= !!!= In PUBLIC SPEAKING BUSINESS ENGLISH AND REPORT WRITING HUMAN RELATIONS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY e THEORY OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS I, II § FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS i iii for 1955 ••• longer, and inches lower than other big cars in tbe most striking new car design of recent yean,! Noteworthy' is the new BtOePIback Super-8eeaic 'W'mdshield ·that "wraps around" both top Bnd bottom for greater (and safer) vision. AIlt:hrysJers are DOW V-8's, with , Courses in CHRYSLER'S: 100-M·ILLION';DOlLAR: LOOK! Ap~ications Now Being Accepted', .", ---------~------- GOO'D Registration: MondllY through ThursdllY, Jllnullry 31.F.abriiilry' 3, ,!:OO.9:OO p.m., l>:nd ~lIturd!lY. February ~, 9:QPi-_ , ".3~!I.m••. ~?monlll Ubrary, or bY'lippointment" Evanmg D,v,s,on Office; Main Building, .!'MC, " campus. Call CHester ~2556. ' ',._.; engines up to 250 hp. The Dew ChrysIer look of mobility and 'l\l1"Poscful power is further tl'anslIited into actimc by the_1II03t alllomatit ~n_jssjon in any car ••• ~clUsive C::;11rya,l8!" FulI-thne ;POWBt Steering ••• ud Power Brakes with a Dew. safer acting double-Width brake pedal. Bylill odds, thi$ is d~njteJYthe car to'llIOk at· and drlvejir81 iJi 19551 .-. , , ' ,',: . PRINCIPLES' OF ACCOUNTING ENGINEERING DRAWING , tlSS CHRYSLER NEW YORKER DELUXE 4.DOOR SEDAN AN EXCITING. NEW DIRECTION in motorcar styling begins with Chrysler = ENGINEERING METALLURGY VISUAL EDUCATION Continued • I (non-creditJ = a PLEASE SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO: -== § OF = THE FIRE COMPANY WISHES TO THANK rHE PEOPLE OF i THE' EVENING DIVISION -. ,. .' .. -. , DRIVIERS :""~' 'Ha I1n'" m ".Y.ilJe Ayenueahd.Chest,rRoad.; . '.- '.' . ..... . . .. , . -.. /' 5 ".M. . US THE MOST. YOU CAN HELP US AT THE TIME WHEN WE Bath •• " a'foreclli.t fashion '. ior ~II Ca~' 10 f~lioWI • •• i.nuuyl~ Pap.6 FRIENDS MIITIN& NOTES (Coutinued from Page 3) MARGE ",URD Sandwiches. Casseroles· Salads SWarfII_re 6-3138 '-===========::I ;:. The new Adult Forum Series, "The Relation between Religion and Civil Liberties," ~as·launched with a talk by Dr. William C. Mc· Dermott of the Department HIstory and Classical Studies of T·HOM SERE MIA UPHOLSTERING the of penns;ylvania on ''ThUniversity E ly Background of the e ar" Human Freedoms. SLIP COYElS-DRAfEAlES Dr IIIcDermott, devoting his Swa_ 101__ u"ssi rimarlly to the Greek ........... Hili 0_734 disc on P civilizations pointed hi !loa 21 yean ..... and Roman , ~:;;;;·=======,I out that, contrary to popular be· civil liberties as we know today were practically non- ,-;:=:; ... ,;; Sheet Metal Work Sw.rtio••,.. ~144' Roofilll) &.tters Air CCIIDdltlODlng HeatlDg 011 • &CIIS • bu...ers WILLIAM BROOKS ABhes & Rubbi8h Removed LaWDII Mowed, Geueral HuliD« 236 Bardin&" George Myers ~ve., 1IIomn, Jewelry Repaired Box48 SWwllunore6-0740 Pa. Phone: SW 6-4216 EMIL SPIES watc....... Form.d, of F. C. Iod... SFine Watch ond 128 Yal. Ave. Clock Repairs Swarthmore. Pal YAN ALEN BROS. 200 W. Ridley Ave. Ridley Park SW 6-4742 WAS-2440 PETER 01 NICOLA .DrivewClly CODstractlon Aufllarlzed DIstrIbutors fOr Asphalt or Concrete ARANTIC FUEL OIL and IRON OIL BURNERS Cellar. Walls Re·PIClistered Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 • tSer the All are lnv1ted to atten4 the existent in the cIasslcal period. ~e will meet In their room \ID services at 11 LID., I'Irst Church described the great contrast be- llleetipg House at 7 p.Dl. S\ID- of Christ, ScIentist, Park avenue, tween the privileges of the rul- day. . Dr. Frances J'w;seU will Swartpmore. . Ing aristocracy and those of the speak to them. . Ie and slaves. lIIonthly llleeting for huslness CO~~=Cli Lafore of the HIs- will be held at 8 p.m. in \fhIttier to;' nepartment of Swarthmore House on Tuesday, J~Wl1"J' 18. Colle e will cOntinue the d i s c u s · . slon.'with a talk on ''The Begln- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NQTE' 0 f Civil Uberties" this SunI day, January 16, at 9:45 a.m. n Meetipg House the f . th unger Cbild care or e yo members during the lIIe.;ting for W bip will be resumed m Whitors . Th ill tier House this S\lDday. ere w be two grou~:;hfO~~:~ f bildren in age, and °dne or c primary gra es. _ The united 'Fellowship Students .. ,;,._. How spirl,wu God divine LIfe opens the as . ill to healtbier, happier liVIDg w be set forth in the Lesson-Sermon entitled ''Life'' at Christian Sci· d ence services Sun ay. Th Golden Text is fro;" John (17:;): ''This is life eternal,' that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom r C:YI~:~~ D.ES:~t:.. S0r91ca1 &armonh Mrs. MCII!'9C!1ret litrltmClthr SWarllunor. '"7197 281 Uod.. Avo. ~=======lutI=od==9.='=Pa=' =i EDWARD G. app... AND SON ~'Nf"A1 CONT",aOIl Til. FlCllCllrs .. n thou hast sent. • PICllstlc Tile .Modern Kltch.ns , Alteration' 1.01 RI!lI.y ~V.D•• CLASSIFIED ADS CHester 2-4759 .. . ... .. 2~S689 LOST ~"P FO",ND ~~~~~~~~~ LOST - Man's brown pigskin glove on December 22 near the Ingleneuk. Phone' CHester 3-4922. FOUND _. Brown leather glove Charles E. Fischer ' on 400 block Cedar lane. C~ SWarthmore 6-5932, LOST _ Would the person who . found brown lizard handbag in 8UILDER vicinity Theatre Square, evening January 10, please return bag and contents to Box J, The Swarthmorean. Liberal reward. SWCllrthmore 6-2253 LOST - Man's gray suede glove. Please call SWarthmore 6-6629. FOR SALE FOR SALE - Albert violin. Good condition. Call CHester ·3-8943. FOR SALE - Boy'§ ice skates. Size 6. $5. Call SWarthmore 6' 1698. , FOR SALE - Kenmore Deluxe '., . Private young house. .man. gas range. Almost new.· Was 119 Yale· avenue. 'Builders $200. Asking $100. Call SWarth4199. \ WANTED more 6-1935. WANTED _ Housekeeper for FOR SALE - Antiquesolld wal~· . f ' l nut drop-leaf table. One drawSWarthmore 6-6455 small apartme nt.• wO m alDl y. er. Goo.d condition. $50. Call Cooking, cleaning, lIght laundry. Modem conveniences. Six days a =s:-:w::a::r..:;th~m:-:o;::r:::e_6:.-.:;5;;50::=3:,:;';-:==--:-:;-:;; week: Live out. Phone SWarth- FOR SALE - FOl'd coupe 1940 CHaslar 4-6246 more 6-4182. small car weli ~ared for in WANTED-Practical nurse wants exceptionally goo d condition. work. )':xcellent China closet and several electric I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---' CHester 2-7159 fans. Walnut spinet piano like !n;,w. phone SWarthmore 6-0261. FOR SALE - German Shepherd puppies. Six week's old. AKC Champion blooil line. Beautifully marked. $75. WAshburn '8-5431. FOR ·SALE .:.. jelly cupboard• Dry sink. Chest of drawers (marble top). AlJlson's Antiques, At the Forge. Rose Tree. "We buy PAINTING you an and sell Antiques." SWarthmore your attic with a large 6.3050. . and , . speaker and will sell cheap? Call "F:-'O":'R~S:-AL:-::-:E::-':'-:T:-w-:I-n-:-b"ed::-s-wi-::th CARPENTRY Steve Kamp. SWarthmore 6-4430. excellent mattress. Very reaWANTED - Apartment, first or sonahle. Telephone SWarthmore second floor. Immediately or 6 6168 . within 60 days. Call SWarthmore • . SWarthmore 6-8761 6-1047 after 4:31 P.III. FOR SALE - Firepla~e· wood. Ali hard wood. $24 a cord. call1l-::==========~ WANTED _ Garage apat"tment for two adult women. Occu- SWarthmore 6-6317. . It panel' before Feb. 1. TRinity 7PERSONAL 4496.. CONSTRUCTION - Television, rI"lio WANTED - One or two four- PERSONAL and appliance repalrs--'prompt drawer metal filing capinets. service. RESIDENTIAL AND . TV sets repaired in the Phone SWarthmore 6-3450. home. Robert Brooks, SWarthCOMMERCIAL ;WANTED Light housework, more 6-3889. mother's aide or baby sitting. - Belvedere ConAlterations Phone CHester 4-3321 after 5 PERSONAL valescent Home. 2507 Chestnut P.M. street, Chester. Nursing care for WANTED - Sales Associate -. ali illnesses. Professionaliy statr~ 335 ;DCllrimouth .Aven.e for reputable national company ed. State licensed. Special diet with offices In principal, cities. cases. Spacious grounds.· Sadie D. Will interview man between ages Pippins, proprietor. CHester 2J. F. BLACKMAN of 21' and 35 for sales position in 9997. . • local area.' Prefer married men SW 6-8618 w!th college training, or wilt PERSONAL-Start the new year accept high sc~ool graduates with right. Send your· pre-school to The Swarthmore Nursery _ successful selling or adminl$tra- child School. Call Brodhead tlve experience. Compensation.' on 6salary basis. Income will incre~e through salary and commission. Management opportunities available after one year's successful field experience. Complete home office and field traIning program. ~7~at/e Letters will be acknowledged and quallfled· applicants· interviewed on a basis that will not l'rejudlce _ _._ i oa......-.cw present employer. Ou,r present .. "''''UlaOlL·..,. .. n. . ..,u••"'"" f associates are informed of this advertisement. Write Box R, The 1£.._ . . . .:., :tfJl---'~ Swarihmorean. ' WANTED - Woman desires day DAY and N1GRT work. Call CHester 4-4988. ed by Boy WANTED - Second hand stroller Phone SWarthmore OIL BURNER for two -year - old. Ph 0 n e 1 saw it in The Swarthmorean. SWarthmore 6-6769. FOR RENT FOR RENT - Spacious two bedroom apartment wit,h 30 foot living room. Modern kitchen and bath. Garage and large yard. Vacant. $115.00 SWarthmore 61202. . • RENT - Garage in vicinity of Yale and Vassar Avenue. Phone SWarthmore 6-0112. FORREN~.!..- Attractive room next to bath. Private. home. Excellent trans· preferred. iii .. =r::-==-.:: 1m. W. Rumford Co. !~~r£~!~:~:~~i~ , CIInd heating equip ...ent ServIce CIIval/ob'e to our. customers 011 all males of all burners Levei payment plan on all IImS. Automatic deliveries of oil during the heating season S PEN C ·1 R \;:===========. Gvcnnteedi Standard Coal C -- .. ,. ( I I' ... 1955 'IDE SWARTHMOREAN BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE Woman's Club Notes ORDINANCE NO. 1171 An Ordinance FIxing the Rate The annual l\IDcpeon honoring of Compensation tb be Paid new members of the Woman'. the Various Officers and EmClub will be given Tuesday at 12: 30 p.m. The DeSio Trio will ployees of the Borough of play. . Telephone reservations by Swarthmore, C'1mmencing as January 14 to JIII.s. Norman R. of January 1, 1955, and ConJones, SW 6-2147. tinuing Unlli Further Action of the Borough Council, and Making A I> p'r 0 p ria t ion s coliected by her; a commission Therefor. equal to two (2) per cent of the THE COUNCIL OF THE BOR- net borough delinquent taxes; OUGiI OF SWARTHMORE DOES when and as such delinquent ORDAIN: taxes are paid over to the bor~ SeeOon 1. CommJ!~cing Januaty ough lily the county comtn1sslon1, 1955, and uhtil mOdlfled or ers. A proportionate allowance for changed QY Boro,Jigh Council or expenses, as provided by law. other authority· in accordance Collector of Sewer Renta - A with 'law, the compensation of commission equal to two and one'the following named officers, haU (2%) per cent of the net officials and employees of the rents collected. Borough of Swa11hmore shall he Chief Of. Police - $4,584.00 per at the rate hereinafter set forth: year, payahle semi-monthly. . Borough Secretary _ $5,880.00 Sergeant of Police - $4,120.00' per year, payable semi-monthly> per year, payable semi-monthly. This officer shall be entitled to p ..trolmen - $3,804.00 per year, additional compensation as here- payable semi-monthly. tofore or hereafter authorized for Auxiliary Policemen -. Whose performing duties in connection employment shall be authorized I with preparation of the tax dupli- by Borough Council, such comcate, and as buIlding and plumb. pensation from time to time as ing inspector, and;secretary to the authorized or ratified by Borough board of adjustment. ' Council. AsSistant to the Borough Secre. RadIo Operator - ' $2,964.00 per tary - $3,960 per year, payable year, payable semi.monthly. semi-montbiy, and such addlRadIo Operator. Deck Clerk ' tional compensation for assistfng $1,920.00 per year, payable semiin the preparation of the tax monthly. duplicate, serving as stenographer Janitor - $2.040.00 per year, to. the Board of. Adjustment,' as payable semi-monthly. may hereafter be authorized by Foreman - Highway, DepartBorough Council. ment - $3,384.00 per year, payBorongh Treasurer _ $250.00 able weekly. per year, payable quarterly. Laborers Highway Depart· Borough Engine.,.. _ Such com- ment - Payable weekly, skilled pensation and fees for specific at the rate of $1.30 pe. ho'P"; unservices authorized by the Bor- skilled at the rate $1.20 per ough Council as· Council may hour. fi~'.". ~e ,to time approve. SectIon 1. The proper officers Borougli Soil"",,r _ A retainer are hereby authorized to' take of $1,200 per year, payabie quar- such action in connection with terly, and, in liddltion thereto, the annual.1iudget and appropriasuc!> fees for spooiftc' services tions to be provided therein, as authorized by CouncIl as Council may !:Ie necessary to give e!fect may from time :to time approve. to the foregoing. ' Health OfIlcer _. $250.00 per PASSED this 10th day of Jan. year, payable monthly. oUary A.D. 1955. . AssP.tent to BeaiU. OfIleer _ (SEAL) $200.00 per year, payable month- BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ly. By Walter H. Noon, Acting Mitk~fcjr - $180.00 per . Pre8tdent'of Counc11 year, pavable,.se~~l!Ilnually. Attest E1li~tt Richardson ~r - $284.00 Borough Secretary Per year, payahte.semHnonthly. AFPROVED this 11th day ~~.,-. A co~on of January A.D. 1955. equal to two arid one-haH (21h) Joseph Reyn~ids per cent of ilie;,,,t borough taxes Burgess / Hits New High ill KnDCk·fll8 ;.. • Po.' . . PO· " . ',' . SERVICE " . . . "-. - . .~. : " ~Clny At:tr,t\lctive Ho~.s Av~U,b.~ .Swarthmore and Vicinity 'Balrd & Bird lealtois . • CHESTER ,,.... '........... , 3681 SW 6-0108 Oppoilte· •• . , tlONDAY TBltU SAT1JaDAY NOON SW 6-,«)41 ~~~~-.i:BoLIDAY8 FIREPLACE 'WOOD ~ct.rtbm~ . ~ , WAG I saw It In The Swarthmorean. FOOD· MARKET , 403 DARTMOUTH. AVENUE Weekend of January 13, 1955 SWIFT'S SELECT Ri Roast cl • EXtMA SPECIAL , , Co-op • 4 Evaporated Milk cans39c Limit 4 to Customer 2 cans 3ge Co-o' Apple Sauce Regular 22c per can . , CO-t>p Grf"en ,> .- ,_ ... ~. ",' ".<,- v' , ..... , ..... _.... _\,_ Label Peaches 3Sc • Regular 39c co-oP Tomcito Juice 64-oz·29c Grade A - Re'gular 33c • Goodluck Oleomargarine 29.: """ -, \. Cashmere :Bouqtiet .a lATH SIZE REGULAR SIZE • lb. let :Soap for 19c 3 19c , 1 lb. Pkg. NAIISCO Premium Saltines ••• .. 28c Fresh Local Automatic CAS 8'00se Heating provides GOld weather comfort! Just set ~e ~ermostat for ~e automatic gas house heater and enjoy dependable, uniform warmth tures change. There is no heater to tend, no fuel to order or store. , ~It ~rplUljI1*, .lie6tingcolllhxiut,. " . . or visit any Philadelphia Elecllk suburban store for inforlMllionon !lie adlOmcitlc·. . '. hoUIe healer best IUIIad to your ne.dl ... - .- MUSHROOMS Cello Pac tOMATOEs GREEN PEPPERS even When outsi~ temp!!ra- . roe.' .hI J.,A.GREEN G. E. Ullman in a review of "Seven Years in Tibet" by Frederick Harrer. The Delaware County Federation card party and fashion show will be held at Wanamaker's Friday at 1: 30 p.m. Swarthniore club members are urged to attend. • .faX ~ COAL noon Arts. ForI\lDch reservations telephone Miss Talley, SW 6-7079, by Tuesday. The Travel Group. Mrs. Judson R. Hoover chairman, wiD meet at 8 p.m. ThUrsday. Mrs. Russel Van Tine' and Ann Lewis will speak and show pictures of "A Flying Tour of South America." There will be a meeilng of the Literature· Department Friday, PJuiDb'ini TOI&D Sl CL I will discuss and demonstrate the use of cosmetics. A business meeting will precede the program. The Drama Department meeting scheduled for Thursday at 10 a.ln. has been cancelled. ' The Art Section, Mabel TaJfey chairman, will meet for lunch at 12 Thursday at 114 North 19th Street, Philadelphia, and then or '-============ OIL HUT The Junior Woman's Club will go to visit the 150th Anniversary January 21, at 10 a.m. JIIrs. Joseph meet at 8 ~.m. Tuesday at the Exhibition at the Academy of Fine B. Shane will present JIIrs. Roland club house. Mrs. JOSE.ph Reynolds I • j Pille? . BANANAS' .BREY.£R1S 'ICE .CRIAM PiNtS....;;. :OME;;'HALF G~LLONS , PAIW-fA1Cr'..;.;;.i'·-jitliVililal ~ , , ', •.• :.> , r .... J-~ "14, 1955 _~~~~ __________~________________~~1~D~E~SW~AR~'~IH~M~O~REAN~~~__~~~~~;:~~~~__~~ ~., 8 Frle.dly Circle M.... . Club To Honor Added Members The meeting of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore to be held January 18 at 12: 30 p.m. will be a luncheon meeting honoring the 35 new and reinstated members received Into the club· this year. Mrs. PaulR. Hertel and Mrs. Charles W. Lukens are In charge of the luncheon. The gardell section, Mrs.' Robert Grogan chalrman, wlll arrange the decorations. Reservations should be made to Mrs. Norman R. Jones, SW 62147, by Friday, January 14. For entertainment Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty, chairman of the music division, has secured the De Sio Trio. Julio De'Sio, violln1st and d\."I!Ctor, s~died at the JulllIard' School of Mu,sic In New York under the renowned tescher Edward Deathier. He..!s a member of the AtianUc City Symphony Orchestra and, fonnerly played with the Ocean City Con~ Symphony Orchestra. Mr. De SID Is a teacher of violin In Delaware county. Joseph DeMaio, cellist, was a . student at Curtis InsUtute of Music In Philadelphia. He has been associated for many years with the Atlantic City Symphony Orchestra, the Ocean City Concert Symphony Orchestra, and has pillyed with the orchestra of the Flanders Hotel In Ocean City for some time. ' Benjamin Cortezl, pianist, has been a teacher for ma,ny years and has played in leading hotels in Philadelphia and the Flanders in 0 C'ty H I h S Hotel' cean I.. e a so a accompanied many artists. Hold Annual Meeting Of Co-op Next Wed. .. William G. Loftus, news editor of the Philadelphia office of the '11 be guest Ass I ted Pr oc a ess, WI speaker Wednesday, January 19, at the annual meeting of the Co- --. Op Credit Union, 308 Rutgers avenue, the home of Daniel Goldni water, president of the U on. Loftus, who will 'return Wednesday morning from Harrisburg, where he is' scheduled to cover 'the inaugural of Governor George '. Leader, will discusS "State Govtt Art" · Th F emmen te orgo e n . A veteran of the state buildings of both Harrisburg and Albany, Girl Scouts and Brownie Scouts wlll. sell cookies In Swarthmore this week. Proceeds of the sale will be used to support the Girl Scout camping program in Delaware County with a small percentage going to each of the thirteen local troops' treasuries. The price of the cookies is forty d cents a box, and vanilla an chocolate cookies are available. Cookie sale chairmen are Mrs. A. Stoll Titus, Troop 10; Mrs. Thomas Prather, Troop 16; Mrs. Charles Brooks, Troop 19; Mrs. Sidney J)iamond, Troop 8f; Mrs. George Stauffer, Troop 95; _Mrs. Robert Wood, Troop 225; Mrs. Henry Coles, Troop 269; Mrs. Maurice Webster, Troop 331; Mrs. Ellis Ridgway, Troop 423; Mrs. Harlan Jessup', .Troop 428; Mrs. Lee Gatewood, Troop 429; Mrs. Leslie Baird, Troop 441; and Mrs. Jobn Espenschade, Troop 560. Boro Budget For·'55 Nears FlOal Adoption • • The regular monthly meeting of the Friendly Circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Mark Bittle, Seven Swarthmore High School 125 Rutgers avenue on Thursday, ~tudents will participate In the January 20, at2 o'clock. Mrs. H. Southeastern District Orchest~a E. Corl will serve as co-hostess. , Festival at Prospect Park this weekend. Rehearsals were held Nud Chrl.tma. Cards . yester!lay and today In preparaA speclal reminder comes from tion for the public concert to- the American Legion Auxillary of morrow night in the Prospect Swarthmore, that the Child Health Park High School auditorium. Hospital on Conshohocken avenue, While In Prospect Park, the stu- philadelphia, will welcome 'used dents will be guests In local Chrlsimas cards. ~ere are never homes and will attend several enough for the chlliiren. Cards may also be sent ·to the banquet dinners given by service clubs of the commu.nity. Ti!eodore Betty Bacarach Home, Longport, Karhan of Pennsylvania State N.J. University will be guest conductor. The 100 piece orchestra was formed through competitive audiHORACB It. tion with 25 schools in the five county Philadelphia suburban area sending candidates. The concert will be transcribed for broadcast on Saturday, January 22, from' i p.m. to 1:30 p,m. over ; -~ WDRF, Chester. "'r -- -.;" :-=1 ~'............ Swarthmore students particlpating in the festival are Nancy Carroll, Debbie Reeder, Noel SnyR.A£ alTAr •• der, Mary Mellace. Molly Huse, IHSURAHC. Susan Houssman and Romona 609 S. CaBlT•• Van-Urk. SYAaTIDIOU, ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Borough Council, presided over by W. H. Nason in the absence of President Thomas Hopper on Monday evening, decided to ad- W k U d verUse its new budget' as ready for Inspection. Expenses for the On R.R. current year are listed as $129,971 The fennsYlvania • Railroad for general borough. purposes; started work last week on the In$10,450 library; $15,691 sinking stallation of the latesl type safety funds 12 and 13; and $22,111 sewer e -a total of $178,223. The new gates at the Swarthmore avenu crossing hran.ch. of the line's Mediabudget Is based on a proposed tax I~:~.~ Chester rate of- 16'h mills which Is a one-mill reduction from last year, The Installation follows various conferences of .railroad officials .the rate for sinking fund 12 hav- with Swarthmore Borough CoUning been cut to one-half mill and cil and the PeDDS)'lvania Public sinking fund 13 to one and one' h rt half. The share for general bor- Utility Commission. The s 0 . mill arm gates will be Installed at a s cost of more than $25,000, with ough use would remain 13 and for library purposes one and Utility Conimlssion appropria half mills. Before its ado~tion $5 000 from a special leglsnext month certain minor adjustf' d d the pennsylvania ments will be necessary, one of . un ~ f which will be the addition of Railroad paymg the balance 0 $20 000 The present $2455 in salary Increases to police mor~ than ': will be and other borough employees, flash.mg warning lights passed by Council on Monday. continued to supplement the f ty t Lester Mondale, spokesman for sa e ga es. , n 14 residentS whose properties abut The, gates are expected to be i I 'ftd operation within 60 days. on Chestnut ane, presen... a petition asking Council to defer A Sidney Jolmson, 3rd, son Of the paving of the street. Coun",'1 Mr. had told another resident of the . and .Mrs. A. Sidoey Johnson, 'll street J Thomas Montgomery Jr., of North, Chester road WI ,. . t rt ' t d" tomorrow who sought its improv,ement last en e am, a Inner '. month, that the project ~8s In- , be~ore the 8th Grade Jurtior or What can you buy for a-dime? about ludf ' a loaf of bread coffee or a local plwne,call 6-5510 or a whole day's supply of Springfield Water. •• •• • •• ••• •• •• for an average family When you look at ~ay'. other . prices. you suddenly real ... thot Springfield Water coats I_ than' anything el.. you buyJ II It any wonder that 10 many agreo. "Springfield Waler would be a bargaln-_ at lwice the price 1M •• •• •• •• WI!! ••• • ~ •• •• •• • CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE ~RINGFIEL~, WATER ••• ••••••• ...... , Loftus a graduate in the new budget. science isand economicsin ofpolitical Syra- cluded petitioning residents olIered The to»}'A~s~se~m~b~li~e~S~D~a~n~c!e~'$$$$~iiai~$$$~~~~$~~iiaiiiai~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cuse University, where he served pay $100 for crushed. stone to re, . . .., as an instructor in· a course on pair the street more) ,"Fundamentals of American Harry Wood, chairman llighGovenunent.". A member of the ways, expressed himself as beUnited States AIr Force Intel- lieving the street should be paved ligence branch, he served for but moved that decision be posteleven months· In the public reia~ poned until Council's next meettions department at Stewart Ail- log: Force Base, West Point, N.Y. Action was taken on the la~ng Following graduation' fro~ of sidewalks along the east side ,,' Syracuse he was employed as of Riverview avenue. This impolice and city hall reporter for provement Is to be completed by the Syracuse Post-Standard, and June 1. in this capacity was assigned to George Ewing of Columbia aveboth the RepUblican and Demo- nue;- former Councilman and decratic conventions In 1948. He signer of Borough Hall, was rejoined the ASSociated Press In named to the Board of AdjustHarrisburg' in 1950, and came to ment. Mrs. Mary P. Dodd was Philadelphia in 1952. His assigu- reappointed collector of sewer rentals. ments here are political. Loftus Is married and the father The public safety committee , . of two children, LInda Jo and ported completion of the purchase ". ,'. Brian, an dIIves at 424 Haverford of a $425 emergency generator. to . place.' run the heating sYstem,' pOlice The business meeting will begin r~dio and vital lights In Borough \ : .. at 8 p.m. Mrs. James L, Malone Hall In case of Interruption in the " ":; ... "' Is program chairman. The public regular electric service. , ',. ls Invited to attend. Council received a letter from . Mr. and Mi". Robert D.. Hulme of Ogden avenue asking that itse I. Appreciation Mrs. Roberl ;t. Atz imd her fam_ of the lighted cross at the underIly thank the comn;.wtity for its pass \It Christmas he .discontinued. many acts of sympathy and affec- Mr. and Mrs.-Hulrile, Who pretion during the' illneSs and death fer use of a Chrisima. tree, were of her husband. to be informed by the borough secretary that such seasonal decorations are not erected at Coun~ cil's direction, but have been InslaUed hy publlc-splrlted citizc11s' ,-\ REMEMBER * Your.· Car Must Be Inspected by January 31,st re- • groups.. \ * *,' ' • !-. ,..; : I . , ," CoUncIl moved to require the payment· of $25,000 fmIl· w.,a.q Clark, Jr., and Swarthmore Gar-I dens tor paving of' Michigan ~ nue In the area of their develc/pmeD1B; aIJ.4i; the. reRa~ .Of . . feet of Westminster and the lower _ .. end of Marietta avenues wbtm! __ I , .-~, ...ft •••. ' ...ving 1a1d1ast.~ hu dela...._'..;;S"'~._Ih_""_jOl_re_6-4_I9.I__..... Iorated and bem COIIdemned. - HANNUM & 'WAITE , , 'Y~le . ',,~ , '. • Ave...e .• Cllester Road , • SWAB'lBMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1955 le,ln Hn h GIt 0" Sirens Wilf.'Start Polio Elemelltary Conferellces pa~ent-teacher a na e Z leS, 74-Year Resl"dent Drive Tuesday Evening mid-year' conferences of Swarthmore's two elementary schools began Wednesday afternoon of this week, and will continue for the next three Mother of Assessor Boy Scouts and Girl Wednesday af~oons. An eduCame Here in Scouts to Aid . cational program for pupils of 1881 Campaign both schools will be given in the High School auditorium from 1 Mrs. Hannah Gibbs Gettz, a resThe siren will blow at 6:55 and ill 3 'lock n ·thes after 0 c 0 e - ident of Swarthmore since 1881, again at 1 p.m. Tuesday evening, un noons. was buried In Arlington cemetery, January 25, announcing the ~argaret Yeatman's sixth grade, . Drexel Hill, following serfices "Mother's March" in Swarthmore ~olleg~ avenue school will begin held "t 2 o'ciock Monday afterfor funds to fight polio. Its conferences a week late due, noon at the Patterson Funeral lI{fs. J. V. S. Bishop, chair- to the illness ~f the tl1a cher with Home, Media. Mrs. Gettz, who had made her man 'Of the polio drive, alUjounced virus pneumorua for the past sevthat the blowing. of the siren at eral weeks. home for the past 20 years with 6:55 p.m. is the sigmil for all who her son Frank L. Gettz, tax aswish to contribute to tum on sessor for Swarthmore, Rutledge porch lights. When the siren and Morton, died Friday morning blows again at 7 p.m., the workat the S. Rodway §Imith Nursing Home, Media. She had been a ers will start their ,rounds, asking patient at the Nursing Home since for contributions to the fund. Boy Scouts will place stickers Fire Deaths of Children, her release from the Delaware Baby-Sitter Felt County Hospital two years ago -in conspicuous places around the after an attack of pneumonl,a. Borough on Monday, January 24, Keenly Born In West Chester on August publicizing the drive, and Girl As The Swarthmorean goes to 21, 1862, Mrs. Geltz came to Scouts will remove the stickers press, the borough lies In the Swarthmore in March, 1881, as after the drive is concluded. gJ;owing state of shock and grief companion to Mrs.- Franklin Hail, Mrs. Bishop believes that every as the news spreadS. of the terrible wife of the man who managed block in the Borough will be covtragedy which took the lives of Swarthmore College's f3rm. She ered by volunteer workers; she the three children of one of lived with the Halls In the Colappreciates the cooperation of the SwarthmOre's native sons, Robert lege farm house on College lane, many persons In the commwiity Chester Spencer, Jr., whose home jtiSt east of the present College who olIered to solicit funds In the Power House. ThIa house, todrive. 1n Walllngf'!rd burned yesterday gether with the cottage further down ,the lane backing on the Results of -the Salk vaclnne, morning. Despite efforts of 100 firemen woods 'where Mrs. Gettz moved given to 1,830,QOO children In the and police from surroundil'lg comsiter her marriage were the onIy United States last summer, will munities the lives of the littletwo houses In th~ area at the be known this spring, ADd If the vaccine Is successful then at last girls Stephanie, 7; Selby, 6; and time and with the CoUege ''Prespolio, the crippling disease, will Hillarie, 3; and their baby sitter, ident's House': and Benjamin West Mrs. Hellle Wlndgate, .65, of House comprised two-thirds of the be conquered. Media were lost In ,the fire which total of six houses existing In the left only the walla of the a1x- enUre of S';"arthmore when Mrs. year-old brick and frame .ranch Gettz·arrlved. She was ati ardent style home on Hlckory lane. HII(Continued on Page II) larie, thll first to be carried out, at HospitaL Like I .•. - • T • • conveniently located pharmacy sJ'e party will be Mr. Spencer, with his wife who H.LIndiey Peel took the reservainantIy, and has been qulte suc. . tions. cessful In league competition to' used for the work of, the depart- is recuperating from an illness, Among the honored guests were date. Their section m standing Is ment, which. Includes the follow- had been In Atlantic .City since several Pllst presidents, Mrs. 2 wins and I loss giving them a Ing projects: CARE packages, sup_ Monday and· would have return- Frank D. Wilson, Delaware Countie for 2nd place. The local boys port of a Korean War orphan, ed home last night. He is connect- ty Federat;lon treasurer, Mrs. Family Drama Delights have experienced victories over Valley Forge Veterans' Hospital, ed with the Chester printing firm, Francis H. Forsythe, state, county, the Players Club Conshohocken 58-42 and Glenand International House in Phlla(Col;ltinued on Page 4) and local program chairman, and Nor 62-53 and have lost to Ridley delphia. The department has alMrs. S. Blair Luckie, recently Audience Park 65-54. The little Garnet ready given $50 for CARE packh Id f S rthm d th . . h agas this club year. onored. as the first pres ent 0 wa oreans an elr netg - at present Is in a three-way tie • the Chester Y.W.C.A. ~ bors in the surrounding vicinity for 2nd place along with Ridley Mrs. Brushl is serving as 'chair. A red rose of friendship was are rushing this week to take Park and Eddystone. Tonight's man of tickel!' Snd reservations. given. to M:s.. Robert L. Coates, "Time Out for Ginger," the cur- game will decide who rates the Other committee chairmen are: / who IS leaVIng soon to make her rent' Players Club, production third place. decorations, Mrs. Robert M. Gro- Resident of Swarthmore bome in West Chester. Apprec- which is proving to be one,of the Last Tuesday night at Col1lnggan; serving: Mrs. William B. F 0 42 iation was expressed to Mrs. most popular of the season. dale (in a non-league, tilt) Lowe, Mrs. Robert,J. Turner; des:' . or ver Coates for her service to the club Lured by tire star-stu,dded, J. Swarthmore went down 10 defeat sert, . Mrs. Clarence C. Franck, Years and community. Mrs. Coates, William Simmons directed cast, 55-40. After a very ragged first Alice Marriott, treasurer, Mrs. Mrs. Harry Lie))eck of 210 Park who received the' Delaware Coun- long-time Players Club members quarter the Garnet took to the Carroll P. Streeter; tallies, Mrs. avenue, a resident of Swarthmore ty Soroptlmist Award In 1941, turn out in quantity. Five new court and out-played opponents, Robert B. Clothier; tables, Mrs. for over 42 years, passed· quletly has done much work In promoting young players are the lodestone but had gotten too far behind the Raynham T •. Bates; publicity, away at Friends' Hospital, Phlla- publicity for women's ·clubs. She for drawing a tremendous youth first.half to'overcome the lead. Florence J. Lucasse. Mrs. C. Rus- delphia, on Friday evening, Jan- pioneered as clubwoman's editor audience. Evidence is clear also Some of the lada who have been sell Phillips and Mrs. Leslie A. uary 14. of The Chester Times and at one that the f!'ther-daughter team of scoring consistently and have Wetlaufer, will take tickets. at the Born Josephine Mary Heilman, time edited the State Federation David and Joan Narbeth has given gOOd accounts 'for them·door. she was' the daughter of Ann club magazine. Her book of tremendous appeal. As for sports selves In all around play are CapOther members of the cDmmit- Wilmore and MoJlJ'Ol! Heilman, poems "Beach Pebbles" has given lovers In the community, the-one taln Randy Malin, Terry Delltee Include: Mrs. FrankuD. H. and a direct descendant of John inspiration and pleasure to many. man football game Narbeth plays muth, Charlie Hummer, Roger Andrews. Mrs. S. L. Althouse, Adam Hellman who came to this Her salute in verse to the Club deserves' to draw standing lines Zensen, Barry Gwinn, Pete Kroon, Mrs. David Bingham, Mrs. Ed- country in 1739. She was 80 years upon its 50th anniversary was down Fairview road by tomorrow Les, Keighton, and sophomore ward Cratsley, Mrs. Walter H. of age. read by Mrs. R. G. E. Ullman. night. Charlie Wentz. • Dickinson, Mrs. Howard Dodson, Mrs. Liebeck is survvied by her A delightful musical program Heads of the Carol household After losing two early-season Mrs. Julius A. Fincken, Mrs. husband, Harry Li~, a daugh_ was furntshed by the DeSio TrIo, are Franeella Willts as·· Agnes games by one point the J.V. team FranclsH.:I'orsYthe, Mrs. Edward ter, ~. William F. Uthe, also of who played Brahms' ''Hungarian Carol and J. David Narbeth as has gone along without a defaet. F. Gold-Meyer, Mrs. Wayne R. Park avenue, and two grand- Dance No.5," parts of "Cavallera Howard CaroL Mrs. Willis Is !lJl D1ness has made things more d1fGolf, Mrs. 'T. E. Hessenbrucb, children, LInda Liebeek Utile and Rustlcana," selections from Jer- experienced and highly' favored ficUlt, but In spite of the sickness Mrs. Howard G. Hopson, Mrs. Ir- Rhoda Hellman Uthe. ome Kern's "Show Boat" and. a player who has starred In many they ~ave managed to pUll game wiD R. MacElwee, Mrs. H. LeRoy Services were held In the medley from Victor. Herbert's~arller productions. Her appear- after game out of the ftre. Boys McCune! Mrs. R1ebard It. Noye chapel at West ,Laurel ~ on works: JUleDeSio,violln1st and &nee In this role 01 mother par who have shown up well for the III, Mrs.\ Jolm T. PInkston, Jr.. MoIiday, January 17,. and' were .directOr, .TosephDeMaio, cellist, exce1lellcO ill whieh she supports Junior Varsity are Andy .Tones, ¥rs. .T. Boy Snape, Mrs. John W. COIlducted by the Rev. Samuel and Belqamin Cortez!,. pianist, ~ single member of her family .Tim Pappas, Jim NOyes, George Soule, Mrs. 1rI1l1pm F. Taylor, MacAcIan$, a former pastor of proved themSelves musiciaDs of Is superbly dOll.. . • Pappas, GeoI:ge Kroon, Bob YelMrs. .Toseph I. StorJoal, BDd Mrs. tile Swarthmore Metbodis\Chureb taleDt and,theIr coneert was reNarbetb, 'whose roles with the lowlees, Palmer· SiI:oghmd, Rap Barry It Toole. and an old trlend of the famDy.eel.ved with generous applause. (Continued 011. Pnp ') I)Imnlng, and Raimy T,alsslat. , "TiIme 0ut for G"IDger" proves Cornedy H"tI Mrs Harry L"Iebeck O.les January . 14 I • TIlE SWARTBMOREAN ·P..e :I I new boy are Mrs: WiJ,liam H'I Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Pedersen of Highland Park Club In Lake Mrs. William Bush, formerly of Thatcher of College avenue and SUmmit, N.J. Swarthmore, and now ot Sanford, Wales, Fla. Louise :Johnsol), daughter of Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Harolcl Griffin of . Mr. and Mrs. R. V. LItUe of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Rutgers· avenue . entertained !It Park avenue bad as tbelr guest Jr., of North Chester road, will dinner on Thursday evening In for a week, Mr. Ralpb M. Brown enterlain at dinner tomorrow of Tulsa, Okla. nigbt before the Junior Assem- honor 01 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates of Harvard avenue. . Miss Sally Alden of North biles Dance. Mrs. Addison S. Wickham of Cbester ro~d was guest of honor Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lewin and BEAUTY SALON at a sbower given by Miss AlIce ~on, George, have recently moved Winter Park, ,Fla., formerly of BEAUTY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT Baumann of East WIlliston, L. I., from Elkins Park to their new Swarthmore, has recently been elected president of the Orlandoon Saturday, January 15. Guests bome at 566 Juniata avenue. Included former classmates from Gayle Hanna, daughter of Mr. Winter Park Chapter of tbe Unit9 South Chlrster Road William Smitb College In Geneva, and Mrs. Jobn R. Hanna of Rlver- ed World Federalists for 1955. Call SWarthmore ~76 N.Y. view road will spend the weekend Mrs. John M. Rainey of Yale Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moir of with her parents after the mid- avenue left· on Wednesday for a South Chester road are leaving term examldations at the Grier trip of 10 days to New York. , next Wednesday for a vacation of Scbool of Tyrone, Pa. Mr. George W. McKeag, of 12 days In Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Mrs. O. Thompson Griffin of Parrish road is attending the midHudson FaIls, N.Y. is spending a STATE INSPECTION PERIOD Ends Jan. 31 Mr~. Birney K. Morse of Har- few days with Mr. and Mrs. winter meeting of the Pennsylvavard avenue entertained her Philip M. Alden of North Chester nia Bar Association at Pittsburgh, Have your car inspected now Pa" this week. , bridge club at a luncheon-bridge road. WINTERIZE with PRESTONE or ZEREX on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. George B. Sickel MOORE-LASERSOHN Mr. and Mrs. William Conron, of Strath Haven avenue and their MRS. ROBERr J. ATZ. Manager Jr., of Havertown had as their son. Dr. G. William Sickel spent ~ Nancy Elizabeth Moore, guests this past week end. Mr. 10 days in Atlanta. Ga .• visiting daughter of Professor and Mrs. Russell's Service Conron's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Sickel's son-in-law John M. Moore of Whittier place, William Conron of Stamford, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. was married Saturday afternoon, Auto Lite Batterles Meel Balancing Conn .• and Mrs. R. Bruce Slagle. James H. Archer of that city. January 15. to William Bock Dartmounth and Lafayette Avenues SW 6·0440 also of Stamford. Mrs. Conron is William D. Jones, Jr., son of Lasersohn, son of Dr. and Mrs. the former Eunice Shay of Mr. and Mrs. WiIIlam D. Jones of Martin Lasersohn of White Plains, Swarthmore. Vassar avenue is leaving on Jan- N.Y., in Whittier House of the :!IlllIIllllIIlIIlIIlIIlllIIlIIQllllllllnlllnnlllllllllnllllOllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllRlIlllIllllHl11I0011111111HIIIII1ll1I1I1S Mrs. Howard W. Green, for- uary 25 for Jackson. S.C. where Swarthmore Friends Meeting. ~ FAMILY DINNERS to SUIT tIut TASTE of EYERYONE. : merly of Yale avenue, now of he will be stationed at Fort JackGiven in marriage by her father, :: TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked Order ~ Lima. entertained at a luncheon- son. the bride wore a satin brocade EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY F.(CILITIES a Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M. MiIIer dress fashioned on princess lines. bridge party on Wednesday, JanBUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-1:30 P. M. uary 12. of Michigan avenue entertained Miss Eleanor Moore was her sls- -_ = 5 DINING ROOMS o.d LOllY AIR CONDitIONED ~ Mrs. Walter James returned to at a dinner party at their home. ter's~nly a~endan~, ~d Dr. a her home In Scranton thts past on Monday evening. Their guests erso serv as rfes mdanby' the Comforfclble Rooms Day or W..k Elevator ~ ceremony was pe onne e weekend. Mrs. James has been were Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. R D Willi' H rd f th = · af DIckl nson avenue, M' ev. r. am 0 faculty. ern, 0 e the guest of ber son-in-law and Lang r. Swarthmore College daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. and Mrs. Paul Hertel of SwarthA reception was held at· the ; Yale &: Harvard Avenues•. Swarthmore. Pa. iii Campbell of Cedar lane over the more avenue, Rutledge, and Dr. home of the bride's parents. holidays.' and Mrs. Frederick Patman of The bride and groom are stu- : WALTER E. 'ARRon, Mgr. JlRII 'AiliNG, Mrs. James Clifford of Rutgers Princeton avenue. dents at Antioch College, YeJ10w btmulBlDHIJIIIID1BlllRlIIIIIIiummIUUWIWIJIW_lIIIIIIIIInlinmnIJIIIIIDIIlHHUllllliIllllJlillJlJlIIIlAllill avenue and Mrs. Stuart Fuller of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coates of Springs, Ohio. Harvard avenue are entertaining Harvard avenue were gueSts of _ _ _ _ _ _ __ We have several families who want to buy at a supper party on Saturday honor at a dinner parly given BIRTHS niaht In honor of Mr. and Mrs. last Saturday evening by a group an older four .bedroom home in Swarth'more. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murray of William Gaylord of Rutgers ave- of friends at the Slrath Haven These homes should be priced' under 328 Park avenue announce .the nue and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Inn. Mrs. Thomas McCabe of Nortb birth of a daughter, Jean 'PearPillsbury of Rutgers avenue who $20,000 and not be too far from the s,;hools. have recently moved to the neigh- Chester road was hostess on Wed- son Murray, on January 14 In the If you are the oytner of home that. m.ay borhood. Also present at the party nesday to lbe monthly meeting J;.npg-1n ~ospltal, Philadelphia, weight 7 pounds, 3 ounces. The meet these conditions, please call wiII be Dr. and Mrs. Harold C. of the Providence Garden Club. Roxby of Elm avenue and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker and little girl is the granddaughter of and Mrs. Charles B. McLane of three children of Whittier place Mrs. John M. Pearson of Cornell are moving into the Robert L. avenue and Mrs. Fred J. Murray Kenyon avenue. Realtors Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Har- Coates home on 200 Harvard- ave- of Yale avenue. SWllrtlliilore ~108 vard avenue "ntertalned last nue since the Coates wiII be IivOpposite BoroulJh Hall Monday in honor of Mrs. Harriet Ing at Hickman House; West Mr. and Mrs. John G. H. Hal- ~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~ Givens of Colorado Springs, Colo. Chester, Pa. Mr. and Mrs'. Roland stead of ottawa, Canada, announce 1\Irs. Givens has been the guest of Pennock are ,coming )lome fro,,! the hirth of a son, Ian McAITlie AdmiRlltratlon ~i1d Faculty' her son-In-law and daughter, Mr. England next week, and wiII move Ii~er H~{ead,bn January 13 in Ottawa. ' of Swartlimore College and Mrs. S. L. Althouse of Rut- back Into their Whittier place The maternal grandparents are present gers avenue since the IIrst of No- home that the Bakers are vacatMr. and Mrs. Paul F. Gemmill of vember and has now returned to ing, on January 27. liThe Man Who Came To Di~ner" her home. ¥r. and Mrs. Peter B. Murray. Thayer road. Mrs. RusseII Cook of Monclalr, formerly of Media, have moved . by Hart, and Kaufman !\ir. and Mrs. Christian· H. N.J., has been the guest of ber into their newly purchased home PederSen of ·Green Lane, Pa., an. StarrinlJ ProfesSor Clair Wilcox sister, Mrs. Robert B. Clothier of at 328 'Park avenue. nounce the birth of a sop, Kal Friday and Satunlay eves•• Jan. ~1 .. 22. 191$5, 8:15 PM Columbia avenue for a ·few days Dr. and Mrs. James R. Gay of Hsnsen Pedersen, on January 16 ' this we.ek. ·Bep!lehem. Pa., visited Dr. Gay's at the Montgomery Hospital in Clothier Hall ,Admissio~ 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reed of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gay Students with athletic tieket-.50 North Chester road entertained at of Wallingford over the weekend. Norristown. Grandparents of the . Mr. and Mrs. Mathews M. a small dinner party on Wednesday evening, preceding the per- Johnson. and their four chUdren, MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN formance of "Time Out for John, Chris, Scott and Carol, have 313 Dartmouth Avenue Ginger" at the Swarthmore Play- moved from their home at 328 Swartl.more 6-2080 ers Club. Park avenlle'to their new home SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL Mrs. Robert C. Reed and her at 338 Park avenue. MAGAZINES two sons of Landenberg, Pa. are Miss Nancy Hoot of Lafayette visiting her mother, Mrs. William avenue has recently returned f;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;~ Thatc;her of College avenue for a from Taylor Hospital where she few days. was a patient for two weeks. Mr. Roger M. Wood of Strath Mr.s Walter R. Shoemaker of JANUARY ; Haven avenue has left to spend Riverview road returned recently • If your watch sto'pS running, the balance of the winter at the from a two week vacation at the "FURII SALE Highland Park Florida Club in or runs too fast or too slow, you Lake Wales, Fla. On the way Complete Stock We hove "Fur" Sale a ta.ke it to the finest repair shop North. Mrs. Shoemaker spent the of Tubes night at the home of Mr. and number of interesting items you can find. Why shouldn't ROBERT BROOKS you give your body the same 'Personals The' Bouquet . !et ! r::- = I = ~ STRATH HAYEN INN' . I i ' a BAIRD .& BIRD n ~~~~~~ You Wouldn't Take Your Watch to a Plumber TV COLLEGE THEATRE CAMERAS . consideration you give yc,ur Swa~more. Pa. 12 or more - 35mm etc:. watch? Too often, when illness AIR CONDITIONED' (all new - only one of -each) PLAYERS CLUB FrIday &: Saturday. 20% OFF OF SWARTHMORE "PHFFFT" SW 6-3889 _ THE presents Giant karfoon Karnivul for children Sat. I P.M.-Plus comedy. and Trad.r Tom ,arial. "Time Out For Ginger" -rday 111... Di,.ctor Fridgy, Jao"ary 21 aod ~tl,l~day, Jci.nu~ 22 ..... 1:21' ""'r-f_.......,. SUR.. MOR.. &: Tllel. J. WILLIAM SIMMONS c., I.... JUDY HOLLIDAY '.M. J. Arthur Rank's ,English COIMd, TOYS Many popular items 1/3 OFF AMERICAN FLYER Train Equipment-30% OFF PAUL DOUGLAS "HIGH &: DRY" '_Ibl, 1M funnloSt ........ to'd..... '. Ti~ Malmlne Wed... nlln., JAMES STEWAIT Alfred HUd FrI.. &: W. &lACE KELLY :..... 'Tlwiner "lEAl WINDOW'" '(fiil_I~' limited Quantity " Tillie .. comes, we listen to well-meaning friends or an- 8Wel'the ca\l or the patent medicine vendor. The' CDrftCt thing to do is to consult your phyaician_ He alone can diagnose your trouble, prescribe proper treatment. We are ready at all times to fill . your prescriptions properly. THEATI.E PHAR.MACY .' . TI:i~TRE. SQUARE &Ha~1Iy SItop 6 ,~ ~ve.. $..... "m.~ SW 6-41'1 . . 101:38 .' . . . Cmun FrI.' ~AL" .po, c"le. DEJ.'VeRY SERVICE AwiP.Ie F,IIE 'arti"9 SWa .....o... 6-3i54 . . I . • January 21, 1955 ~=======·======~t~==;l THE SWAR'J'BMOREAN p..,s THE SWARTHMOREAN t: TIINln NOTES At 8 o'clock Sunday morning there will be a celebration of the PUBLISHED EVERY PamAY AT SWARTBIIOai PA. Holy Communion. Children In PETER E. TOLD, MABlOBlB TOLD, PtJBUSJIIlBS the third grade and up will meet , PhODa SWutluDore I-HOO for Church School at 9: 30 a.m., , PETER E. TOLD, BdlCor and those in the second grade atld Rosalle Pelrso1 Marjorie Told E1len S. Simon Sally Alden down will meet at 11 o'clock. The regular service of Morning Prayer Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post will be held at'l1 o'clock, and at Office at Swarthm.!,re, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. 7:30 p.m. the Young People's FelDEAD~WEDNESDAY NOON lowship will meet. " The ushers for Sunday will be /SWABTBIIORE, PENNA., Janu..,. 21, 1955 as follows: John Aaron, J. L. Cor_ their Bible Study meetings at 6 nag, Theo Evans, W. E. Hetzel, PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Jr., E. M. Hillary, J. N. Nut!, S. hi f M This Sunday morning, there p.m. under the leaders p 0 ill r~. be D. Reynolds, and G. W. C . Wagwill be the usual two Morning Maxey Morrison. SupJllD' w ner: Robert Watkins will serve "Worship Services held at 9:30 and served in McCahan Hall at 6:45 as acolyte at . 8 O'clock, and John. 11 o'clock In the morning. Mr. p.m. followed by ,a meeting in Bernard and, Noel Turner at 11 Bishop will use as the topic of the Women's Association Room at o'clock. During the 11 0 '1 c ock his sermon at both services, 8, with a program and speaker service Mary Fellows and Lesley from the "Camp Farthest Out" Mae H asslS . w ill Iie in ch arge af "Loving God Is Not Easy." th Movement, Church School classes will meet . e nursery. y at 9:30, 10:45 and 11, with the On Tuesda: everung, Ja,nuar The Men's Club will hold their Men's and Women's Bible Classes 25, at 8 p.m. m the Women s As- monthly dinner meeting on Monmeeting also at 9:30 a.m. i' sGciation Room, the Board of day at 6:30 p.m. The Rev. Deacuns will meet 'for their reg-' Nathanael Groton, D.D., former Mr. Bishop will hold the second ular monthly lIIeeting. rector of, St. Thomas' Church in of the Conllrmation Classes, At the Annual Meeting of the Whitemarsh, will be the guest which started last week, for all Women's Association held on speaker. He will talk on "What I Junior High and Senior High Wednesday, January 12, the fol- ~ave Itarned a.bout h~~n na~ure young people who il),tend to join lowing new officers were installed: after 45 years the church on Palm Sunday. These President, Mrs. Peter E. Told;' On Tuesday, the. Convers,on of classes will be held every 'Sun- F · V' Pr Id t d Ch" _ St. Paul, there will be a celeair b ra ti on .fth C . t day from now on until Palin Sun- Irst ,ce- es en an 0 e HI 0 y ommum.on a man of Circles Mrs. Morrie 10 o'clock.. Immediately followday, at 5 p. m. In the Hearth ing this service there will be a Room. • Bowie. Sunday evening, the Senior ineetlng of the Altar Guild In the METHODIST NOTES Cleaves Room. Active and Inactive High FeIlowship will mo.et. for supper at 6:30 p.rn. followed by a Church School classes meet at members are invited' to attend program. The Junior High Fel- 9: 45 on Sundays for all ages be- this meeting. The Rector wiIl lowship will also meet In Mc- ginning at two years. There Is a speak on the symbolism of the Cahan Hall for supper at 6:30 fol- Young Adult Builders Ci""", Mr. vestmeil.ts. A service of Evening lowed. by a choir rehearsal at 7 Robert Detweiler teacher, and an Pr.iye~ .v.iiIl be held at 5:30p.m. : The reguJar. mid-week celebra-' and' then a meeting. . Adult Bible Class. At the 11 a.m. morning worship, tion of the Holy Communion wilI The Young Adults will continue Rev. John C. Kulp, Pastor, wiII be held at 7: 15 WedneSday mornuse as !its sermOn subject "A Pop- ing. 'At 8 p.m. the Bible Study CHURCH SERVICES :ular Lie." There are two nurseries group' Will and the Church PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH for children and Ii Junior Church I;lehool teachers. will "hold their Joseph P. Bishop, Minl~ter program for children of' grades workshop at 8 p.m," A--~"'ate .... _ ..... The Women's Sewing Group h tt ...... :ra hn S co, """ .......... -.. o"e to live. •. . 23 WiII meet on Thursday at 10 S unday, ..... ualT 'The Methodist Youth Fe.Uowo'clock in the Cleaves Rooin, and 14 11 00 A.M 9:30 A.M. and: . - orn_ ship will mee.t at the ch.urch. a. t 7 •m g Wo rshl Service Mr Bls on FrIday of Evening . ' , .topic:- p.m.. The discussion topic, Ie"... by Prayer will abeservice hop wiIl p pielich. Sermon held at 5: 30. "Loving God Is Not .Easy." Mr. Rudolph Hodge, wiJI be . Choir Rehearsals WiIIbe held on 9:30, 10:45 and 11:00 A.M. "Through the day with the Master Monday and Wednesday at 4 p.m. Church SchooL in' Scripture and Song:" The ·and . 9 :30 A '14 . -14en 's . Women's young· .people will meet at. the for the Bo'Ys' Choir, 5 p.m. on Bible CJass. Monday for the Girls' Choir, and m nurus!r?" CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES God's readiness and wil1:lngness to heal sickness and sin today, as He did In Cbrlst Jesus' time, be set forth at Christian Science services this Sunday, when the Lesson-5ermon ts entlUed "Truth." Scri9tural selections will include the account of the successful healing missions of Jesus' disciples, as recorded In Luke's Gospel (Chapters 9,10). The Golden Text is from Psalms (57:3): "God shall send fortb his mercy and his truth." An invitation ts extended to all to attend the services at 11 a.m., First Church of Christ, Scientist, Park avenue, Swarthmore. will BAPTISM Tbe baptism of Gwendolyn Elizabeth Conran, daughter of Mr• and Mrs. WIlliam M. Couron, Jr., of Burmont road, Havertown, took place on January 16 In St. George's Church In Ardmore. Mrs. Conran is the former Eunice Shay of Swartbmore. The baby's godparents are the Rev. Joseph P. Bishop of Westdale avenue, Mrs. Howell Lewis Shay, Jr.,' of Walnut lane, and Mrs. R. Bruce Slagle of Stamford, Conn. I saw It In The Swarthmorean. Watch This Paper for an Announcement by CHURCH .. REEVES, INC. SWarthmore 6·3450 17112 S. Chester Rd. Modern Homes. Modern Kitchens· , Alterations • EXPERT MANAGEMENt down to the smallest detail has made our service , renowned for 77 years. meet, • THE OLIVER H. BAIRCO. D•••Cloas o. .UN ••au 182C) CHESTNUT , . OUVER .H. BAlli, Founder STREET MARY A. BAla. ........... Telephone RI6-1581 ~~!3:0~p~.m~.~Th~ursd:~ay~.:fo~r~:the~M~en:'sl~~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~~~~~~~~ 6:0'0 P.M.-Young AdultS,Class. the MYF at Ebenezer 5:00 P.M.-Conftrmatlon church onrally Monday at 7: 15 toMethgo to and Boys' Choir. 6:30 P.\it --' senIor,,·and_Junior o~t.it.temore. Rector evening at 7: 30 p.m. At 8 p.m. • the Commission on Education will Sunday, 23 meet In, the church office and .the 8:00 A.M.-HQly. Communion. 9:30 A.M.-Church School ~3rd Commission on Membership and Grade and. Up). Evangelism will meet in .the 11:00 A.M.-Cburcb School (2nd Sanctuary. Grade and Dowil). Choir ~earsals will be held on 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. 7:30 P.M.-Young Peoples Fel- Thursday starting at 3:30 for the. lowship., . Cherub Choir, 4:00 for the Junior Taesda:y, .Jann....,. 35 Choir and at 8 p.m. for the Chan(Conversion of. St. Paul) cel Choir. 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Wednescla3', January Z8 FRIENDS. MEETING NOTES 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. 8:00 P.M.-Bible Study. The Adult Forum Series on Friday, JanllBlT 38 Civil Liberties will continue this 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Sunday'with Orrin Evans, newsTHE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY . paper reporter, speaking on "Civil OF FRIENDS Liberties and Human Relations-. Smiday, " .........,. Z3 1955." Mr. Evans will discuss the 9:45 A.M.-First Day SchooL present situation in the United 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum.' Orrin States, dealing especiaJly with Evans: "Civil Liberties Today." racial' and religious Intolerance. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Children cared lor in WhIttier The United FeJ10wship Students House. All are welcome to join will meet In their room Sunday with us. evening to see a film on Work 7:00 P.M. - United Fellowship Camps, "This Way Out." David Students. Richie, secretary of' the Social 1II01111ay, JanualT Z4 Ph11ad 1 hi All day sewUig for A. F. S. C. Order Committee of . epa . W ..... ! ''IF, JUlualT 18 Yearly Meeting will speak to them All day sewing for A:FAc. on the Work Camp program. .FIRST CHURCH OIl" The Annual Meetings of ·the CHRIST, SCIENTIST American FrIends ServIce ComSWABTHMORE mittee will be held at the MeetPark Avenue below Harvard llig House at 15th and Race SUDc1ay JIIIi1I8lT Z3 . . streets, Philadelphia, on FrIday 11:80 A. M.::::&;;;day School· and SaturdaY, January 21 and 22. 11~ 1:~:.!- [)Jl SUD10D Frld~ sessions start. a~ 2 and at Wednesday evening meetlnl 6:45;. those on Saturday at. 10 e!lch week, 8 P oM.. Reading RooJn, am. III1d·!J p.m. A detaUl1d pro409 Dartmouth Avenue,OJieD gra;D :fsavallab1e at. the,MeetIDg weekda:rB. ezcept hoUdays, 10-5.. 0ftIee. . All biletAb!d welI'rtday evening, 7-9. ,Sunday af· ." . . , .. - . . , 2,:8O..f:lO. . . ' .. " come"to attend: ""'lIBlT y CLEARANCE 'S A.L E THE ANNUAL JANUARY SALE THAT SWARTHMORE HAS BEEN WAITING -iiOOil, FOR NOW BETTER' THAN EVERI • IS South Chester Road .are ." • \ 21,19$5 THE SWARTllMOREAN Boro .Crushed by Spencer T,agedy not been set when The Swarthmorean went to press, but a spokesmnn for the' family ssid services would probably be private. The fullest measure ot sympathy goes to all members of the. bereaved family, from the great numbers of their friends in Swarthmore and vicinity, Including members of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Sunday School which the little girls attended regularly. Parent Group Sees Film The first film len the current Heads Hannah 'Penn House January 21, 1955 "Time Out for Ginger" Proves Comedy Hit series being presented by the (Continued trom Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) Health Advisory Council of the Players' Club count into the hig" John Spencer, Inc., founded by Home and School AssocIation left Mrs. Irvin Reed MacElwee, 909 thirties, according to club records, his grandfather and now operated Swarthmore parents and teachers by hIs tather,' R. Chester Spencer, asking themselves searching ques- Mt. Holyoke avenue, was install- is one of the club's most versatile of Swarthmore avenue. Two of tions. Are we mature persons? ed as president of Hannah Penn players. This role Is detlnlteIy Just what is maturity? Are we House, home of the Republican hls meat but SUCh an active one his brothers, John who is treasurer of the Swarthmore School setting standards so high that Women of Pennsylvania, 250 the audience fear. fot his erBoard, and William also live in our children grow up insecure, South 16th street, Philadelphia, hausting at its end and hope that Swarthmore. fearful of all standards? Or are on January 17. Her installation he, -aJong with Ginger, has been Time of funeral services had we over-protective; denying them services were followed. by an observing trainingruJes in prep--'::":'::=--~"::'==~~---"-:'---':'---------Ithe right to independence? Have addrese by Kenneth Wells of the aration for the game. Allison Roberts' (Lizzie) conchildren a chance to get out from Freedom Foundation, V' a II e y Forge. tributes much to the ordered conunder adult domination? Mrs. MacElwee has been an fusion of the Carol menage, being "Preface to a Ute," produced for the National Institute of active resiaent of Swarthmore for a loved tamily "Hazel." Many a Mental Health, intniduces its the past 19 years. She has played weary mother in the audience audience to a new-born child, many roles in the Swarthmore yearns· for a Roberts "Lizzie." The Carol daughters, Jo),ce loved and wanted by his parents. Players Club of which her husThe father's a{llbitions and the band is now president, appearing Michael as Joan, Jane MacAlpine mother's desire to love. and be in, among other productions, "The as Jeannie, and Joan Narbeth as loved by her son begin to operate Farmer's Wife," "I Remember Ginger add up to a charming, inin those first days of life. The Mama/' and "The Warrior's Hus- teresting family ~ varied stages film then follows the child to band." Last year she was co- of adolescence. Joan is in' love, adulthood in three possible pat- !,aptain with Mrs. Graham Wentz, Jeannie in love with the stage, terns: (1) domination by Ws Strath Haven avenue, of women's and Giq.ger is in love with equalfather's desire to have him Ubest" golf activities at the Springhaven ity. Ginget Is the title role and in everything (2) domination by Country Club and is a member of is tremendously well cast and his mother's loving concern (3) the Springhaven bridge team. A: well played. Jeannie is delightfreedom to grow into his OWD member of the Swarthmore Wo- fully handled, and Joyce is quietpotentialities with his parents' man's Club, she has taught its ly . and Skillfully interpreted. acceptance and guidance. Completing the adolescent bridge classes and given many group are Michael Hurd as Eddie book reviews for it and other Davis, and John Pegram as Tomwoman's groUPS locally anci at my Green. Each is ideally cast It's Worth a Visit some distance. for his role and each adds a could 1101 provide lood Mrs. MacElwee has been a great deal to the pleasure of the member of Hannah Penn since Gourmet Clearance Table performance. Sta1ford W. Parker equal to your dally lar.' 1929 and she served as chainitim as the high school priitcipal, Mr. of the Young Republican Group Wilson, is harried and driven, Reductions Electricity has multiplied the joys of immediately after Mni. John understanding if bedeviled, in the IivfDc for this generation far beyond the Lord, Jr., whom she now also fashion of school administrators, & Goumet succeeds. She was elected presi- a . quietly, smoothly interpreted cheam& and hopes of even kiugB and dent of the Friday luncheon ro~e well in keeping with the POtentates of years gone by. To-day group for a two year term, has more than 50 roles Mr. Parker has "drudgery" is found in the dictionary, been on the board of dtrectors played with the- club during the but no longer In household tasks when since 1943, a vice-president for last 25 years. . ~triclty is permitted to do the job_ I sE~veral terms and program chairshouldering the Simmons, man for two years. double responsibiIlty of directing It is the privilege of the men and women of DRAPERIES In addition, she is a member of and aeUng a part, appears as your electric company to see that electricity the board of managers of. the' Banker Holfman with grace an(l. Exclusive shall remain one of the lowest-priced Philadelphia chapter, D.A~., a adds pleasure to t"e play. fabrics nCCE88ities In the family budpt. member of the Nationai Socie~ Eloquent plaudits are earned by Window Shades of Colonial Dames of Am,rica, of the stage. crew, Edward Bull I f MODERN • •• UVE ELECTRICAllY Venetian and Bamboo the Da.ughters of the Seventeenth chairman, the properties commitBlinds Century, the Pennsylvania His- tee, Mrs. David Bingham chairtorical Society, the Pennsylvania 'man, for a setting which is one STYLE CRAFT Genealogical SOciety, the' Woman's of the most successfUl in a long A IUII.US M~.AG[O. TAX·PAYlH UTlLnY COWAIIY 111 South Olive St. Medical College Auxiliary, the line of expertly staged produconto BY-IUILY 100.- STOCIQ1OIOt:. Emerg'1n cy Aid, Pennsylvania tions. Music by Frances MyrlclI: MEdia 6-6115 Horticultural Society, the Dela- and Hannah Melcher rounds .out " ware County Garden ClUb. For 2 the production. For the gayest ot evenings, get terms she acted as province dI. rector for her national fraternity. to the club early tOnight or toShe has been a guest speaker at morrow night before the curtain. the Matinee Musical and New rings down on "Time Out for Ginger." Century Clubs, Philadelphia. Mrs. MacElwee was graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Friends Take Over Nunery School having a,ttended Carrol College, I The former Helen S. Stuart Waukesha, Wis., a Presbyterian preparatory school. She has two Nursery School 1"e!>pened Tuesday children, -Mrs. Bruce Throckmor- morning under the auspices of the , ton, Los Angeles, Cal.,' and Donald Swarthmore Friends Meeting. Beall MacElwee, a sophomore at Mrs. Stuart Who operated the school under her Own name in Princeton. Whittier House of the Friends ; Meeting for five years prior to the closing of Whittier tor building $500 MONTHLY 5TATEMENT. OF CONDITION of an addition this tall, will be dlre~tor of the llew school which . \ StatflnQ salary for 2 ex~ut1Y...trpe will be kn9WD as the Swarthmore salesmen to represent IOfge Eastem FrIends Nursery SchOOl. Mrs. DECEMBER 31. 1954 ffnanr;tal corporation. No travtl. Sala; Ford Robinson and Mrs. Gertrude erperfenr;. a,nd abmly desired, estabBell will continue on the teachlished ....ident, 2S-4O "'Of1i old, marI ing staff. rIed. capable af auumlng rtspon.tbll. ltt... 1ft requestln9 Interview plea .. Open house for parents of pupIls RESOURCES Includ. brief ...nonal history, all was held from 9 until 11 Monday Cash and Due from Banks ..... . repUes eonfldental. Our .alesmen ha.,. m?rning in the newly completed 5,584,989.21 been' Informed of thl. ad. Box A. L. ~. S: .Government Securities ... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $ 16,436,682.83 WIDg of the Whittier House. Swarthmorean. unlclral Bonds ... :.......................... . 770.081.66 E"dera Reserve Bank Stock ................... ~.:.:::::::::: ~===========~ !,",mnllimnDlllIIlRlllllllllllllllllllllllllnllnnnuul~ 48,000.00 Aoans and Mortgages .................................... _ . E PIOURE FRAMING § 7,427,849.74 ccrued Income ........................ _ ... . 99,275.15 Bank Buildings and Eq"ipment ........... : .. _ ... : : : : : : : : : : : .. PORTRAIT STUDIO 330,000.00 , . Gettz Dies, LWV Woman's Club Rutledge Joins In Hannah 74-Year School Board Session hOrs!;~~U::df::e hors~)from In Joint Program David Vint, president of the the college stables over the open Rutledge School BoarJ, told countryside whereon tOOay's Swarthmore School Directors at streets. of borough homes were Wednesday night~ meeting that subsequently built. Rutledge Borough Council had Marrying Frank R: Gettz, who agreed to turn over to the School came to Swarthmore to ald the Board 1 per cent realty transfer in the blizzard of l888 tax which Council formerly col- and remained a member of its lected. The change will equalize maintenance department until' his tax policies for the two school death in 1934, she rsised a daughdistricts when Swarthmore and ter, Hannah (Mrs. Nathan T. Duff Rutledge became a union district of Elizabeth, N.J., who died three 'Ye'ars ago) in addition to her son , in July, Swarthmore School Dis-'" . trict having levied a similar tax Frank' with whom 'she lived All the Ru ..... of Ancient Philadelphia Electric Company THEFIR?ST NATIONAL BANK OF DELAWARE COUNTY Media Swarthmore Springfield. .$30,696,878.59 i i .I.magine! !§ = all the I Capitol Stock ................................. Surplus ...................................... Undivided Profits ..... _....................... Reserves .......... _................. .- ........ . $800,000.00 . 800,000.00 . 1:!7,479.03 _ 296,(127.27. Accrued Taxes, Expenses ..................... _........ _.... . Deposits ............................................... . you drink in ~ ~ Q costs less than $ 2,033,506.30 101,931.98 28,561,440.31 $30,696,878.59 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES .; § - i ROGER RUSSELL I§ SPRINGFIELD WATER LIABILITIES i a fraction of l¢ State & Monroe Sh. Media' ita 6-2176 ~n rdlll..riIMr_ldLNllhIllilllHiwaai" = § Ev:l Diluzio and sOns' Florist Local Commentators To Survey Current Scene The Woman's Club of Swarthmore and the League of Women Voters will hold a joint meeting at the club house Tuesday, January 25, at 2 p.m. The meeting is open to the public. Mrs. Claire H. Jeglum,' chairman of legislalion of the Club, will present a varied program on "What's in the ~\~i~~:onW~~:-u~h~ro':,c~~~ N~~;?;~eakers from the two clubs panied to 130 Harvard' avenue will give short talks on current when he built his new home in topics. Those who will take part 1950. in the program are: Mrs. William Many yean; ago Mrs. Gettz was C. McDermott, "Local and State elected a life member of the News"; Mrs. Maurice L. Webster, Swarthmore Fire Company in rec- "International Affairs"; Mrs. Mol'ognltlon of her activity in behalf riB H. Fussell, ''The National of the company which her hus- Scene"; Mrs. Robert B. Clothier, band had served as chief fOr sev- "The Theatre"; Mrs.. Morris A. eral years. She also was active Bowie, "Current Musical Offerin the early life of Trinity Epis-I inl~s": and Florence J. Lucasse, copal Church, Swarthmore. Dur- "Art News in Philadelphia." Mrs. ing' the first World War she was Raymond K. Denworth will act a~ a busy knitter for the local Red coordinator. Cross. In World War II while Hostesses for the meeUng will on an extended visit to her daugh- be Mrs. Philip Allen, Jr., Mrs. ter, she engaged in Red Cross Raymond . K. Denworth, Miss work in ElJzabeth, N.J. Grace A. Deets, and Mrs. Russeil Board granted request Surviving besides her son, Heath. At the tea table Mrs. of"The the County Board ofthe Education for use of Swarthlnore's facilities are two sisters, Mrs. Mar- Charles L. Boyle and Mrs. Alexgaret O'Brien of West Chester and arider M. Lackey will pour. to accommodate the high school Mrs. Mary Chandler of. Brookdivision of the C!'unty Teachers IJne; two grandchildren,' MarIns~tute next October 24 and 25. guerite (Mrs. C. William) Ramsay .' POOL BOARD TO MEET . The board of directors of the A charge of $50 will be made. of Mt. Holyoke place, SWarthSwarthmore Swim Club wIIi meet . Carol Anne Hetzel, kindergar- more, and Frank'Duff of Elizaat the Benjamin West ten. teacher in the Rutgers Ave- beth, N.J.; and two great grandnue School, was granted a leave children, C. William Ramsay, Jr., home .of Theodore W. Prescott at 8 O'clOCk next 'WedDeSday eveof absence without pay, for med- and Marguerite Heather Ramsay. ning to arrange details .of proical pl1I"J)Oses, 'during the month ceeding with ·.,onstruction of the of . February providing a suitable Judge Sweney Club's community pool. substitute can be engaged. At Fire Co. D;n,nerl~===..;;;,;;;==;;;;;;;;;; Mr. Morey's staff report revealed that numerous dentai defects (ConUnued from Page 1) BENEFIT were found in the nearly 400 focal iJ) charge of the comp~'s sucDESSERT - BRIDGE school children examined this cessful banque\s for several years. winter, While only a few pupils Introduced as members of his were found to have physical ail- committee were Firemen Engene INTERNATIONAL. AFFAIRS ments. 'A cafeteria profit of $300 .Finnegan, EIIls Rumsey and Bob DEPARTMENT , was reported for last month. fol- Boyle. 10'f.!fIg .B!,v.eral .mOlllhs of deficits. - Other guests included charter I . of. the -' \. 'member Howard W,.Borden; Dr. . '-WO","'ScCL"UB' Of _. Board members signified' their John' B. Roxby, past president of intention of 'attending thl! PhUa- the association who served .for 20 . . SWAR....HMORE ! delphia Suburban School Study years; life members of the fire Council's meeb."bgs next Monday company, Charles Kimmell and . Thurs" February 3, 1955 evening at Springfield Hi g h Ed Kasten, and their wives; DelI:QO p.m. School:MontgoDlery County. Mrs. aware ,county Fire Marshal Frank Mary Spilier, secretaty of the Dolan, and the Sixth Tickets $1.00 for sOlite years. Carl D. Anderson, S. Clayton Wicks and Robert Seeley of the Rutledge Board were also present at Wednesday's meeting, and were invited to at. tend an informal get-together at 7.30 Wednesday evening, February 2, ,at the Yale avenue home of John F. Spencer when a committee of Swarthmore Hi g h School faculty members will discuss plant and curriculum needs of the school. Supervising Prinicpal Frank R. M 0 r e y repotted Swarthmore'S 1955 real estate assessment is $7,25.5,765, an Increase of $244,000 over last year. , will Swarthmore Board, speakexon Arcot; MarshalBorough Tom Solicitor Areol and Mrs. what a school· board shOuld Clarence pect of an elementary school. G. Myers, Borough Secretary ElThe Board decided to write to Hott· Richardson and Assistant the Pennsylvania Railroad re- Secretary, Mrs. Charles Townsend; questing aileviation of dangerous Borough Councilmen· Frank Mcconditions at the Princeton. ave- Cowan, A. H. Van Alen, Birney nue underpass by placing of !t K. Morse, Harry Wood, and their handrail along the steps on the Wives; the local police force, Chief south. side and resurfacing crum-: I ~~~~~;.. Bateman, Sgt. Elmer bled step tops. ' I: Officeni Peter McGinnis, Charles Martin, chairman of William Weidner, Stanley Shepthe salary committee, discussed at anski. and their wives, and radio length a growing impression that operator Dorothy Lindsay;' John local teachers are dissatisfied with E. Michael, .Victor A. Shirer, and the Board's present merit system Magistrate Morris Smith. of salary increases, not so much because they think they are not districts like Swarthmore which faring as well as teachers in other were small enough to be able to school districts, but because they honestly handle ""rsonal evaluado not understand the localsys_ tions and performance ratings. tem which is less concerte than the fixed schedules of othel' disWEST LAUREL HILL tricts. Board members expressed themselves as felling'a salary sysCREMATORY tem where there was some rela........ Ave. above City U ... tion between reward and contri- lalo-Cpwyd IYyrf.... 3.1IU bution" was the ideal system in Certificate covering cost of service ip beautiful chapel, cremation, choice of urn and perHow C.rIIH.. - Scleace Heal. manent niche, may be obtained advance of need~ A modern "HOW I LWNED TO service at ·reasonable cost. OVERCOME LACK" CARNS O'-.A.M. ........ , Swim Party Ricky Gwinn-girls, Ellen Mondal"e; Butterfly, boys, Roddy Blair; Diving, boys, Ricky Gwinn. Winning relay team for the boys included Keith Fox, David Walmsley, Craig Houliston and Chuck Fellows. Winning relay team for the girls included Betsy McKeag, Sondra Skogland and Cynthia Topping. . The .ixth grade glass of the College Avenue School met tor a swim meet and party last Saturc,Iay afternoon, January 15,- at 2: 30 p.m. at the U.S. Army Pool on Harvard avenue. Phillip Swayne, sixth grade teacher, and Eld Shelmerdine served as lifeguards. The sixty foot long pool WIIS well. adapted to the swlmming contests and relay races held. Winners Ilf various contests were: Sides~roke, boys, George Abbe - girls, Sondra Skogland; Backstroke, boys, Roddy Blairgirls, Cynthia Topping; Freestyle, boys, Keith Fox-girls, Betsy McKeag; Underwater Distance, boys, I saw it In The Swarthmorean. / tHE DARTMOUTH HOUSE Located in the Heort of Swarthmore 2 Minutes from Train 8 Garden Apartments Living Room, Kitchen, 2 Bed Rooms, Bath $110 to $117 per month 16 Apartments Living Room, Dining Area, Kitchen, 1 Bedroom, Bath $95 to $105 per monht 36 Apartments.. Living Room, Dining Area, Kitchen, 2 Bedrooms, Bath $125 to $135 per month RENTALS INCLUDE HEAT, HOT WATER & PARKING AREA - Stop I.. and Looll Around _ ~ to 5 P.M. Rental-Agent.on Premises 2:30 P.M. • . REMEMBER * * Your Car Must Be Inspected by January 31st , WI' 1610 Ie) Sadey, ' ..5 A.M. DEW DROP INN .I CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Monday Through Saturday FANCY SANDWICHES Dally. DI••ers tOe to ·$1.85. , • HANNUM· & WAITE • • • 325 DARTMOUTH AVENUE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER For_rly Pille 5 II You!, inquiry is inuited. 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE 6SO IoIH_,..·,...· .SprIlltlehl. Del. Co., ... SW.. nl I,.. . . .. . • § . THE SWARTBMOREAN _ Yale Av•••• & Chester Road .SWartlnore 6-1250 f - , • I'IIIIe6 . JanWll')' THE SWARTHMOREAN Rootillg G....n Air CciacllHo.11Ig Heatl.g 011 . . . . . btI.....n George Myers Box48 SWm Ildnore6-074G Mrs. F. W. IJppincott of RutLegion Auxiliary Ilers avenue is l'isiUng Mrs. WilThe American Leilion Auxiliary Ham West Wilson of Berwyn, for bellan their work of service- for a few days this week. veterans at a meetinll on Janllary 10 at the home of the president, Swa....... 601441 Mrs. Alban Eavenson. WILLIAM BROOKS A total of $119.00 was given to ABhes & Rubbish Removed the followinll: rehabilitation, LaWll8 Mowed, General cigarette fund, and Scotland Bauliug School (home for orphans of vet!liS Hardlae Ave., Horlon, Pa erans); Child Welfare (children of veterans); Sandra (adopted orphan of Auxiliary); Coatesville; Jewelry Repaired Phone: SW 6-4216 Perry Point; Jun~or B&seball; EMIL SPIES 'coupon Watc... j,k.r VAN ALEN. BROS. Form.rl, of F. C. Iod_ a Sont 128 Yote Ave. Swarthmoro. Po. Crock Repairs Fine Watch and 200 W. Ridley Ave. Ridley_ Park ~::===::::;;::::::=::t I SW 6-4742 WA 8·2440 PETER 01 NICOLA Authorized Distributor. for Driveway ConstMlcHo. Asphalt or Concrete Fund; Polio;_ Poppies; Poppy Seals; and preser.vatlon of The Flail House in Baltimore (home of the Star Spangled Banner). I Christmas cards may be sent to the Child's Heart Hospital of Con- shohocken avenlle, Philadelphia or to the Betty Bacarach Home in Lonlle Porte, N.J. Cards are needed at both homes. On· Friday evening, April 22, the Swarthmore Auxiliary will give an After Easter Party in the Woman's Club. THOM SEREMBA UPHOLSTERING SLIP COVERS-O.....auES SwarthmOre References ..... SIIIII'OII HOI 0714 More thaa 2S yea,. axperllKe SPENCER· INDIVIDUALLY OESIGNED LEHIGH U. BANqUET Corsets: .. Glrdl.. • Itauteres The Lehillh University Club of . SurQtcal Garments Philadelphia will hold its sixtyMn. Margaret Strltmatter second annual banquet on Frtday, 201 Linden Ave." SWarthmor. 6--7197 January 28, at 6 p.m. at the Bar- After 2 P.M. ltutladge. Po. clay Hotel in Philadelphia. Guests from Lehigh will include r President Martin D. Whitaker and EDWARD G. CHIPMAN Vice-President E. Kenneth Smiley. J. Cullen Ganey, Lehigh '20, AND SON' United States District Court GENERAL eONTRAUOR Judge, will be the principal speaker. ' Tile Floon • Plastic Tile Modem Kitchens Alterations 1::======::Z::=====1 ., C L A. S S I FIE D A ·n s 1401 Ridley Avenue LOST AND FOUND LOST AND FOUND CHester 2-4759 Cellar Walls Re-Plastered j'OUND _ Boy's new bicycle, LOST _ Would. the person who 2·5689 "2526 near the Field House. Contact found. brown lizard handball in and Phane .Swarthmore ... The Swarthmorean omce to vioinity Theatre Square, evening '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! identify. January 10, please return bag and " L O S T _ Saturday night, a black contents t'.' Box J, The Swarthcat with white spot on chin. morean. Liberoll reward. Named Smokey. Reward. Phone LOST - A turquoise - blue earSWarthmore 6-0746. ring willl silver trim; between Charles E. Fischer FOUND-Pair Brooks Ice Skates, Michigan and post omce on Chesand heating equipment . size 8, at the Crum. Call ter road, Monday. Please return Service avallaille to our SWarthmore 6-7075. to The Swarthmorean omce. austomer. on all malres FOR RENT FOR SALE ollllurllers BUILDER RENT - .Apartment for FOR FOR SALE - Young man's tweed Level payment. plaa on oil rent in Rose Valley. Four overcoat. Size 40, regular. Very bills. Automatic deliveries reasonable. Call SWarthmore 6- rooms. Desirable for business of 011 during the heating couple or bride and groom. Call 1666. Swarthmore 6-2253 season FOR SALE - German Shepherd MEdia 6-1306. , PIlPpies. Six w~eks old. AKG FOR REloIT - Large, comfortable Guaranteed, Standard Coal room for gentleman in· private I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Champion blood line. Beautifully marked. $75. WAshburn 8-5431. home. Phone SWarthmore 6-5806. ~nlnnDlnnnammIDlnll"''''IIIIIII'''''''lm'''''m.'''n""'''""'''III"""'''"'''""n""I"""''"D1mnlllilll~. FOR SALE·- Automatic wllSher. FOR RENT _. Springfield. Furiii dR' E " A -~_. "Needs ABC. Less than· three years old.. Dished apartment. Five rooms, A Comp'e'e Insurance an.. ea. 5 a e ,.ncy repair. $25. SWarthmore 6- bath. Call after 4 p.m., weekdayS. 4744. . SWarthmore 6-0554' or SWarth!iI' Air and ShIp Trave! ~= FOR &ALE.- pormeyer portable more 6-5240. 51 electric 6mixerswNJj,ds net "'FO=R:"-:R~ENT=':?':'-R=-oo-m-Wl-:-:·th:-p-r-:i-va~t:-e Builders . ~ handle. $ .50. a more " bath for gentleman. Newly dec4971. orated. Near both bus lines and = FOR SALE - General Electric village. Gar age ·If desired. Z9 EAST 5TH ST•• CHESTER 5· retrigerator. Crawford electric· SWarthmore 6-2194. SWarthmore 6·6455 A631Z 4.6313 4.6314 ~==. __ range. China·close1: and 1940 Ford FOR RENT-·Apartment furnishPhones '. A 6311. ... Of" coupe. Call SWart."more 6-0261. ed or unfurnished. Convenien,t Samuel D. Clyde. Jr. ii FOR ~ALE - Large model.1951 to bus, train. Lady preferred. Call Sa muel D. Clyde CadIllac. Very good condItion.; SWarthmore 6-6638 CHester 4-6246 . J.Eward Clyde George· Plowman ~ Family driven, 28,000 miles. Call . ""IIUIUlmlnmmmuuIIII",u"IIIIIIIIImU"III"""UIUIIlIIllu""un"""",,,,"",,,Ul"'U"'"urulluuurmlllllllii! MEdia 6-1870 or MEdia 6-0153. WANTED FOR SALE _.. ·De1uxe Kenmore WANTED - Garage apartment gas range. Hardly used. Onefor two adult women. Occu- I, half original price. Call SWarth- pancy before Feb. 1. TRinity 7more 6-1935. 4496.. FOR SALE - Antique School- W~ANTE~;;;D;:;-'::'-S;;tarti==n::g-;F;;:e:;:b::ru:-:ary::· ='1, masters· desk. $25. Pine hutch three to five lurnished rooms In cabinet. $50. Call SWarthmore 6- Swarthmore area. Satisfactory 6273, rent Will depend on size, quality FOR SALE - Double antique and location. Box Z, The SwarthPAINTINc::; . walnut bed. Complete. Tn per- ;;m..o~riiean=.:...._===~~=~:-:-:; , fect condition. Call SWarthmore WANTED - .. Pingpong table, UBed and 6-4728. but useable. Call KIugswood 3FOR SALE - Dining room furni- 7678. CARPENTRY lure. Breakfast rooin set. Hot'- W;;o;ANTED~=;;<-=--;G;;ir"I"'d"es=ires=· :::-::m""o"'rrun=· "'::::g • point, 220 volt, clothes drier. Firepart-time job from 9 to 1 place sets. 24 foot extension lad- o'clock. Call CHester 3-22'15~ SWarthmore 6-8761 der. 225 N. Princeton avenue. Large house with WANTED 1 I' SWarthmore 6-2298. ' six or seven bedroon'ls for FOR SALE - Tropical fish. Mol- young family growing· in all dilles, Moons, NeoDS, Zebras, etc. rections. Prefer north side. Will CONSTRUCTION 3 to. 8 o'clock today. SWarth- pay over $25,000. Possible trade !I\Ilre 6-4893.· for new (1951) four bedroom RESIDENTIAL' AND PERSONAL house in borough. Phone SWarthPERSONAL _ Television, radio more 6-0854: "COMMERCIAL and appliance repai~prompt WANTED-Home for three well• service. TV sets repaired in the mannered, affectionate cats.· 2 Alterations. home. Robert Brooks, SWarth- males, one female. Used to quiet, more 6-a889.. refined people. G 1 ads ton e , ,; 335 Dartmouth Avenue PERSONAL - Bendix home ap- ~SitW:rartmhiim~o:;re::....;6;;:-~96::3:::6;:. pliance service. Washers, driers, WANTED - To purchase basketironers. Factory trained serviceball net 'and baokboard. Please J. F. BLACKMAN men. Genuine. Bendix parts. We call SWarthmorc=e:;,6;::;-:,-36"ifi,=5:-;. also repair ABC Whirlepool and WANTED - Sales Associate _ 8W 6·8818 Kenmore. 51 South Morton Avefor reputable national Cbmpany nue. Call SWarthmore 6-3312. with omces in principal cities. PERSONAL - Registered Spen- '.':iu ;"terview man between ages - T 1m. W. Rumford· Co. -. - I, CREME. SANDWICH Guthrie·Smith, Inc. Jack Prichard . LEMON CREAMS .-at COlT LOW CALORIE BEVERAGE. wit"o.~t . sugar GINGER. ORANGE. ROOT BEER Joseph . .. KI 3·7100 5 4 • .,. .... -~--:-~ Ne.r Mortoll P.R.R. Sta. DIETETIC BEVERAGE . Serving Your . Buffet - Reception - . Q,cktail Party - FofJDal Di.nner CHeSter 3-Q410 , .. 'We Serve "'."e. rou $hop' ... CO-OP RED LABEL .·CLEANING SPECIALS ... -.. IVORY SNOW large box 'SUPER SUDS large box TR ED large box AJAX CLEANER \ SIXTH ANNUAL STUDENT EXHIBITION and cer corsetiere. Mrs. Elsie H. Me- of 21 an'! 9= :ui :iales position in lew Premium IlasDIhM SINCLAIR POW R-' USCG 1 . CHESTER nd FAIRVIEW ROADS PIIOII. SWartllmo,.' 6-3681 local area. Prefer married men with college training, or will accept high school graduates with successfui selling or administralive exper~ence. Compensation on iPE~RF.sriO~N,jALrr~::-;Hi;n.g;;;h:-::Sch=OO:::l1ib:;;o:;;y~,1 salary basis. Income will increase 17, desires baby-sitting. Rea- through salary and commission. sonable rates. Reliable. Call any_ Management opportunities availtime at MEdia 6-2449. able after one year's successful field experience. Comp1l>te home PERSONAL .~ Dressmaking, slip office and field training program. covers, draperies. Ex per t. Letters will be acknowledged and Swarthmore references. Call Ethel qualified applicants intervieWed Jeffreys, FarragUt 9-1750. on a basis that will not prejudice PERSONAL - Radio and tele- present employer. Our present vision service. Scott Daniels, 2706. anytime, associates are informed of this SWarthmore 6- advertisement. Write Box R; The OPEN HOUSE and TEA 'iDI.... ~~a"4C I' , OIL HE1l.T· ....... _ , GIL toq,UI _ on. h1I ..... w,Uta ",AIO. Swartbmorean. DAY and NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE tIONDAY TBRU SATURDAY Many Attractive Homes Available • . SW 6·4041 • Swarthmore and Vicinity SUNDAYS .... HOLIDAYS Baird &' Bird COAL FIREPLACE· WOOD sw 6-010.' Realtors· Opposite lorowg. H~n , Sunday. January 30th. ~rom 2 to 6 o'clock Classes - NOON , 2Se 2Se 2 for33 e 2 for 1ge MUSHROOMS t Call . " Fresh Local I oa.....as '"' THIS WEEK ONlY Rogers Lane. Wallingford I 2 cans age • , The Community Arts Center ==_ 2 bU2ge APPLE SAUCE YOU ARE., INVITED TO ====::.- Williams.. Telephone SWarthmore 6-4583 for appointment. PERSONAL - Baby sitting. Responsible woman. Call SWarthmore 6-4251. 3g pkg " :====:::========: Hits New High in Knock·Free Powerl STEAKS ROUND ROAST , = 1;=:::;:=========:::::; - -- FOOD MARKET r SW'EENEY·& CLYDE doese. A smal1 American liall was The members of the Red CraBS alSo presenle4 to each person. Entertainment and SIlPPly ComMrs. Leroy Wolf, chairman of mlttee u _ John L. Good chair " teacher aalartes was on the upMrs Harry Blitea of Ridley "Indian Work," told of the work , ....-. The turnover of teachers in the swinll, adding that a community . man, wlsh' to extend a grateful Swarthmore public school system that took prtde in Its schools and Park presided, and introduced to· help IJidians and reported that ''thank YOU" to those people of during the past year was not due that wanted to conUnue to pro- Mrs. Willard M. Rice of German- Pennsylvania ranks first for the Swarthmore who so generously to more &ttractive salaries else- vide the highest type of edues- town, Eastern Director of Penn- amount of money given to help contributed to the Christmas Pro- where but to new positions in the lion wOllld obviously have to sup- sylvania, who gave an informative thia work. gram conduc~ by thia commit- school system, replacements for port such a program financially talk on the various activities of There were 53 members present tee for t,he hospitalized service teachers on leave, transfers with- and that adequate salaries would the chapters. One of these ac- at the meeting and the social hour m"n at pnited States Naval Hos- in the _school system, and mar- have to be paid the professional tlvitles is attending the Natural- which followed. 'pital, West Philadelphia Veterans riages causing residence in othl!l\ sta1f. ization Courts. Hospital, CoateavllIe. Veterans, places, it was broullht out at the The local chapter sent reprePvt. Oscar Glamer Is spending and V!,lley Forge Hospital. January meetinll of the SwarthHear Eastom Chalrmall sentatives to the most recent court his two week furloullh at the The following local young girls more League of Women Voters I at which time 83 persons became home of his 'inother-in-law, Mrs. helped to entertain the patients in held Monday evening at Whittier Mrs. Roy G. RincUtfe of Strath American citizens. Each person L. M. Dimmitt of Rtullers avenue. the Neuro-Psychiatric Section at House. Haven avenue entertained the was given a book entitled "DAR Pvi. Klamer was stationed at Valley Forge Hospital: Ginny A detailed' report on Swarth- Delaware County Chapter of the Mahual for Citizenship" which is Camp Gordon, Ga., and is now Gehrinll, Mary Jane Soden, Jean more teachers' salaries was pre- Daughters of the American Rev- sent out from Washington and enrounte to nis next base in Pine Galbreath, Ann Wright, Peggy sented at the meeting, with Dr. olution on Monday afternoon, outlines what a good citizen is and I Bluff, Ark. Thayer, Greta RI~.hardson, Fay Amy Howland, chairman 'of the . ._ . Brown, Geraldine J ahnson, and comrni ttee on local government in Etheline Wakefield. charge of the prollram. Mrs. Wallace McCrory, a member of the committee, told the Ilroup that the report was based on data compilild from questionnaires completed by b 1 teachers in the Swarthmore school system, replieS to a questionnaire completed by the superintendents of schools in nine Philadelphia suburban schools, as well as from interviews with members of the school board, ·.1eacher represent1954 Plymouth Vel. Sedan atives, and the County superintendent of schools, G. .Baker Excellent Cond.· $1595- Thompson. 403 DARTMOUTH. AVENUE She reported that the . purpose of the league in makinll 1953 PIJII10uth eranbrook thia study· was to present a factual • and realistic picture of the sal-' Sedan, Hydrive & h~afer. aries paid in the Swarthmore Weekend of January 20.' 1955 $1185 schools. Misa Howland explained that SWIFT'S PREMIUM salaries in the school district this 1951 Chevrolet Sedan - year range from $3,000 to $6,100, Sirloin. Porterhouse. -Bone Radio, heater, Power. the beginning salary by state law Pennsylvania being $2,400. $785 in·She Glide. pointed out that Swarthmore was fortunate in not losing 1954 Chevrolet 210 Sedan Ilood teachers to other schoof systems, but warned that this was Heater. $1485 no guarantee that It couidn't hap. pen soon, as she lelt that the facts . show that better salartes are beinll paid in many schools of com., NASISCO OREO . A"d ma"y o'''er fi"e lIuys parable qualitY. She cited ,the excellent raUnIL Iliven the Swarthe more. schools' professional stair by the Visiting Committee, which made an .evaluation of the Swarth_ F.F.V. more schools, and that a study made by the Philadelphia SuburAl!fIJorl~~ D9d,e ~ealer ban schools council shows that the .local teacheni give ·welJ. above"tIte ~.--. ,• .... - . . 250 Yale Avenue WANT AGOOD CAR FOR YOUR WIFE? ARANTIC FUEL OIL .FIREMAN OIL BURNERS 0' a Pap 7 LWV Presents Report average ~e to school BpODBOredlJanUlll")' 17. Mrs. Alexander and extra-curriCUlar activities. She re- Mrs. Jonathan ppchardwere On. Teachers Salaries ported that the trend of raising co-hostesses. Thank Donors I \ Sheet Metal Work 21, 1955 1BE SWAB.'I1IMOREAN J.A. ~GREEN ... SW~rthn.ore 6-07<40 Adults and Children Painting for Beginners and Advanced Students, Porlrait Sculpture, Early American Decoration, Puppet Making, Pottery, Rower Arrangl!ment, Weaving, Wood Working and Furniture Rl!finishing, Metal Work, Jewelry and Enamel!n!!, Physiodynamics, Dramatics for Teen·Ag8rs, Square Dlllncing,· Music on Records, Learning to Know the Great Painters, Photography. Creative y.'riting, BaDet & Acrobatics, Ceramics, Children's Theatre . Jumbo Bunch BROCCO,LI U.S. No. 1 Maine .POTATOES IO'lbs4ge . BREYER'S ··ICECREAM Register for your Mem~ip and for the Second Term Classes t.f_b,nhips; F!lIIIiIy. $10.00 -~~---~- ." Adult, $5.00 - Junior, $2.00 , PlNrS - ONE-HALF GAL,LONS PARTY·PAD - 8 Individual Slices ---- - -- -- \ - .. .. mE SW GrI·Ppe or Flu? Borough Has It • • 50 % of 7th and 9th Grades Absent Wednesday NEWS NOTES Mr. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., of North Chester road Is in Plttsburgh, Pa., attending a meeting of The Pennsylvania Bar Assoclatlon. Mrs. Dirk A. Dedel has returned from a visit with her aunt and uncle, Vice - Admiral, Ret. and Mrs. Edwin L. Cochrane of CamM Sh Iso Isited Mr b 'd n ge, a v Weston,. and Mrs. ass. A. S. eReed of Mass. John Pegram, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pegram 0 f CorneII avenue, took part in the World Affairs Council Debate on Peacetime uses of Atomic Energy last Saturday. John is a junior at Swarthmore High School. ' Local physicians all recommending that individuals particularly susceptible to respiratory infections secure innoculations protecting them against influenza, as an apparently modified form of the disease reached closed to epidemic proportion this week, especially in the junior and senior high school. Although there has been some incidence of illness, from colds to tonsilitis and even mild or mod- MOTHER'S CLUB STUDY GROUP POSTPONED erate forms of influenza, scattered throughout the Swarthmore The second course of the Chi'ld and general Philadelphia area for Study Group sponsored by the the past several weeks, it was Swarthmore Mothers Club under only last Sunday that cases began the leadership of Dr. Rulh-Jean to total an unusual number, ac- Elsenbud which was scheduled to cording to one of the borough's begin Monday, February 7, is medical men. A few of the cases being postponed. Dr. Eisenbud are reported as rather severe and will enter'the hospital for minor probably are the "flu" which surgery late this month. It is authorities predicted would hit hoped the couhe can begin in the area late this month, although March. Watch the Swarthmorean the majority a re considered for the new opening date. grippe. \On Wednesday 152 high school Eighth Grade Mothers stUdents were absent from classes. "Growing Up" will be the subThe seventh and ninth grades ject of a talk given by ·Mrs. Karl seemed the hardest hit with 42 Scholz at a luncbeon meeting of ill out of 99 enroiled In the former, the Eighth Grade Mothers Group. and 48 out of the latter's 98. The Mrs. Scholz, who Is " member eighth grade had 26 of its of the mothers group, Is the Chief 91 pupils on the sick list, the Psychiatric Social Worker at St. tenth and eleventh grades each Christopher's Hospital for Chn: 13 and the senior class 10. There dren in Philadelphia. She works seemed to be little of the infection with children and their parents in the elementary school. on childhood problems. Supervising Principal Frank F. The luncheon, which will be Morey said there·didn't seem to served promptly at 1:15 p.m., will be any point in closing the school be held at the Ingleneuk Tea but that light programs and re- Room on Thursday, February 3. view 'was being practiced by Arrangements may be made teachers in order that the health· through Mr~. Robert Seely, hosof well stUdents would not be 'pltality chlllrman, by Monday, l... . overtaxed by tiring schedules, and Janu ary 31. so that absent students would not NAME NEW CHAIRMAN. important' new work which w uld have to be made up. The Mrs. William R. Huey of Dicka erage absence is about four Inson avenue became chairman on .:E days. Faculty d to Ii h i ' ite seem lie e 0 dmg, up qu we. On Wednesday only Mrs. Marguerite Se~?ur, wh~~e whole. family had the b.ug, was recorded as ill, beSIdes Margaret Yeatman of the elementary school who has been confined with virus pneumonia ever since the Christmas holidays. A couple of weeKs' ago number of other teachers were laid up for a week or so wilh the grippe, inclUding Henry Hofmann, Virgblia Allen and Patricia Told. I • Or. Smith Speaks A' CI b O· t u Inner· Swarthmore Colle g e offers many opportunities to the townspeople, Dr. Courtney Smith, pre:'ident of the college, stressed In his talk "Town and Gown" before the Swarthmore Mother'S Club members and thel'r husbands at th e "Father's NI'ght" dl'nner last Thursday evening. The Carnegie Library, Friends . I Library, an d the enHistorlca glneering library are open to residents of the Borough, he states; the town may use the Field House, attend sporting events, public lectures and concerts under the Cooper Foundation, plays, art exhibits and visit the observatory. The Scott Foundation has planted trees, shrubs and flowers, hardy in this soil and climate, on the camplis, providing landscape possibilities applicable to individual's homes. :Faculty members are willing to speak to church and other groups, Dr. Smith said, and students of the college are active in the community. Many spend time in weekend. and summer w 0 r k camps; others help at the settlement house in Chester, the community centers at Lansdowne and Media, the mental hospital at Norristown, the Overbrook School for the Blind, and several are poll watchers or conduct commullity surveys. The college has a campus of three hundred acres and is the largest single tax payer in the Borough. N i n e hundred and twenty-five students from all over the world attend the college which was found in a Ford Foundation survey to be the first in percentage of scholars. A quality education, Dr. Smith stated, as received at Swarth_ more College, is achieved with small classes. He believes that it Is the college's responsibility to develop leaders for our time, that this is an urgent need of our democratic society, and the college must remain small and selec- Swn re Collegr Idbrary Swarthmore , FRIENDLY OPEN HOUSE Girl SCOIIt,MHfI., The Friendly Open House met A Girl Scout Neighborhood on Monday, January 11, at the 'MeetIna will be held· on WedPresbyterian Church for, a game nesday evening; January 26, at party. . .ttee Ilie Presbyterian ChUrch. Coffee The ,h06pitallty . conuru f the and dessert will be served at 7: 30 headed by Mrs. Ryerspn 0 Trinity Church served tea at 3: 30 p.m. and the meeting will start at 8 p.m. P';he next meeting will be on Joyzelle Peck, guidance counith January 31. Barbara Kent will sellor at schdOOl, ~ diS::":"ttee • leaders an _....... c . present rd a travelogue, using color- members behaVIor patterns and ed s I es. ways of dea~g with them in the I Scout, m~eting. Ideas for proHear Read ... g Expert grams will also t be discussed. Girl Sc Itt The Wallingford Parent Teach- is hoped tha every ou ers Association will have its, mid- troop will be well represented ... winter meeting Wednesday, January 25, at the Wallingford Elementary School. The open house will be from • 7: 30 to 8: 15 in the cafeteria. Dr. Russell G. Stauffer, Director of • .. U' ersity f the Reading Clinic, mv "R d0 •• Delaware, willdial speak on " eaR din • Yes, Ihis is the place •• ing and Reme ea g. for dependable pre•• -scription service. Be •• sure to bring us your Woman's Club Notes •• Doctor's prescriptions. Tuesday at 10 a.m. the Music • T~y will be comGroup will meet at the home of pounded expertly by a • Mrs. A. L. Baxter, 720 Ogden aveskilled pharmacist. nue. Tuesday, January 25, at 2 • You will lind, too, that p.m. there will be a combined our price. are alway. meeting of the League of Women •• uniformly fair. Voters and the Woman's _Club. • This meeting, ''What's in the CATHERMAN'S News?", will be open to the pub•• DRUG STORE llc. • An all day meeting Of the Del• aware County Federation of Women's Clubs will' be held •• Thursday, January 27, at 10 a.m. • • • • •f • at the 20th Century Club of Lansdowne. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ "I Saw it in The Swarthmorean." • .' • '••. •• •• • • •• •••••• ~~$~~~$~~$~~$~$~~~~$$~~$$~~ fn Enroll Now New Ter.m (Former Broadway & T.V. Dancer) STUDIOS OF THE. DANCE WSpringfield' II f d . T' a ing or II . TMedia Ab· a et, oe, cro atlc, ap Tots to Teens For information, Dial SWarth""ore 6-3688 . ttiiV~e~t~o~a~c;hi~'e~v~e~this~~.====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ January 1 of the Central Committee of the Community Nursing .: , Service, Delaware County, with !;!J]]IIIIWIIDUIIllDDlounnnnHlHllnWIIIIIlUUmnIlllllllllUUWDlUUnIllUIIIIIIDDlUBlIIIIIIlIIlIIlnllllllplllunIIDDURII1D1111UdUHnIRRlIUIUllllllftlDlllllll1Dl_, oftlces· th B h H 11 Sh e · . , SUCCeed~~. ~~:1es W~ Luken: ~ , of Strath Haven avenue who acted § as chairman protem during the 5 period of reorganization. iii ··You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's"_ iI 5 a PIANO TUNING !!! 44 Years Piano Tuning with all makes ALBAN PARKER . Ph.. M!dl.· 6·3555 !Ie is ~ Carpet Clearance RAYON remnants, sizes' to 12 x 29" Gold, Blue, Turquoise, Green, Cocoa, Copper,. Greige, Sandalwood, Beige, Gunmetal,. Gray-$6 sq. yd. conON remnants, sizes to 12,x 31, Beige, Gray, Cocoa, Sandalwood, Blue, Green $3 sq. yd. WOOL remnants, sizes to 12 x 31, Gold, Blue, Gray, Beige, Green, Oyster White, Nutria, Honey, Chartreuse, Sandalwood $9 sq. yd. 5 ~;;wrsi;~::c'RI:' Iii EDGMONT AVE. - i E i!= i the Il1011 woiulerful thin,' hal , 7th and WELSH STREETS. happen•• for YOUR 1eg.1 5 ! ~ i 5 i; , BUR-MIL Cameo Telephone inquiries invited -"'@ All goods subject to prior sale ' . . \ Some seconds included . «:a1.tJ'''' • C4I>mpleI!t SUe Roap ••••e ......... 100 Part A.v,., Swarthmore, Pa. - .' SWarthmore 6-6000 The First Top·To-T.oe Sheer I 'f~&~~~! 111. . ._ Nylon I , Shape 2-U Only .. .' S-T-R-E-T-C-H Stockings These beautifully sheer stretch nylons will give you leQ glamour you never thought possible. No wrin~ling-no sagging ever-and, seams stay straight always. Paulson KNOWS Carpet ,- !! !iI Ii . Ii 51 $1 95 PAIR , '. • JOIN, FIRST AID CLASS THE SWARTHMGREAN VOLuME 27~ER 4 , SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1955 Elect Mrs. Schloesser, S~dard:~ Aid Mr. ~orrison to Board • I' i : i: i ~ § : JOIN -,. :3:: FIRST AID CLASS 13.50 PER YEAR Mrs. Louise Sears Dies Tom ~~.:n;:~!a~~:~ce Woman's Club &LWV :~~~es;:; Monday Morning carrie~ Hold Joint Meeting . Thomas McDonnell, mail in Annua' I Report Reveals Aid, sponsored by the local , ti Sw"rthmore d tr t for I 38 years, reClubwoman and Teacher cember re om pos a service on DeFeature Discussion of Increased Library branch of the American Red 31, 1954. Cross, will begin on Tuesday, Succumbs After Long Born in Swarthmore, McDonCurrent Events and Adivity February I, in the Legion Room Illness neil spent his childhood in IreThe Arts '. hi' d of the Swarthmore Borough I d d Mrs. C. DutUey Sc oesser an I an an started with the SwarthThe program ''What's in the U rris d Jared Hall. There will be a series, of Mrs Lo' A Sip t ffi in Maxey ,,,,0 on were. ec . ll1Se • ears, a res - more os a ce 1916 when News?" featured at the joint eiected to the Board of Directors seven classes. dent of Swarthmore for the .past only two carriers served the resi-. meeting of the Woman's Club pf' of the Swarthmore Public Library The course -which Is open to 10 years; died Monday morning, d.ents twice each day. ''Tom,'' as Swarthmore and the League of anyone in Swarthmore over the J 24 in th M I N al tin th at the annu tI Dlee g of e age. of 14, will be taught by inanuary·, e ar att urs- he was known to many friends, Women Voters was arranged by H ni ht IJbrary Associa on Monday g , g Ome in Ridiey Park after a served the Swarthmore "HIll" Mrs. Ciaire H. J eglum, chairman January, 24, in Borough Hall. VJrglnia Rath. There is no, long Illness. Sbe was in her route until 1936 when he wI'" of Legisiation. Three members Dr. Robart A. Spiller, president charge. eighty-first year. Mrs. Sears Wll1l transferred to the soulh side. from the club and three from the of the bOadl, welcomed the new Those who are interested may living at 110 Park avenue with A World War One veteran who League gave brief talks On current members and praised the· work of . give their. names to The her sister, Emma Boesche; when served with the 79th Division In topiC>!, with Mrs. Raymond K. the retiring directors, Mrs. John ,Swarthmorean, pftlce today or she suffered a stroke in February France, McDonnell and his wife Denworth acting as coordinator. Seybold and Philip H. Jewett, each Monday. Miss Rath has reqaest- 1952. During most of the past have lived at 301 West Woodland Mrs. William C.McDennott, in of whom has serVed the library as ed that each person bring a three years she had been at the avenue, Springfield, for .25 years, speaking on "State and Local treasurer. They were given a vote triangular bandage 40" on a home of her daughter, Mrs. Stev- where they reared a family of .News," told of Governor Leader's of thanks ~or their service. . side, .and 60 cents for the text, en M. Spencer Of (>gden avenue. five sons and one daughter. proposal for reorganization and Dr. Spiller commented that the to the first meeting. Mrs. Sears was born in Council the Chesletman·Jteporl. . She said library's increased income Of oneBlulfs, Iowa, attended the public that in Pennsylvania Our rel1 ...• ...... · If. 0 - . schools of that. citY, and was grad- . sources are hll/h, but there is also IIIIIU" liD-- lU IlliCIt uated from the University of an eeonomlc problem with confiscal year fa DoW in \)peration Iowa, where she was elected to siderable unemployment. In from July ·31 to ,.r~y 31. The Plti Beta Kappa. For several Swarthmore much has been aclibrary stalf· hal been increased, . th ' years she taught Latin in the 012 . d complished and much plannedand Noted Brown'Collt!dion to Council Bluffs high school. Mrs. ner VadrieI&-.Couctrses For the budget fa balanced, even with tOry aud regu\1Itlons Is in elrculaBe Shown Tuesday Sears was married to Charles W. A Uln" an ;., a sligbtly lower tax rate.. Sean. an Omaha, Nebraska· attor.. Ch·,ldre·..,.. Mr&. MorrisH; Fussell reviewed 'lion. . Ph,ysicai chllll,(es to the At Club I -0.' died in ro' ''The National Scene" and sumlibrary inclulle a clOlle\ where the nay;' w ..O 19H! Community Arts Center in The Woman's Club of Swarth- . 1Ifrso:8ears: had been arnember marized very skillfull;r the State more will enjay a very WlWlUal: of"the P. E. O. Sisterhood for WaJUngtord will opim Ita seventh Of the Union Me_ge DIId' ventilation. 'program Tuesday, February 1, at many years, first in. Omaha IUld spring season with a tea &ruropen spee-bes of Mr. Elsenhower;''llbe . MisS Hunter's annual ~port 2 P.rn. when ~. J. Kenneth later in Chapter P; Swartb-,- house. including a student ezhIhI- mentioned the' p1ans for an exupon the occasion Of the library', ,~oherty, chairman. of the 111usic serving that groUp' &sits first .tJon. em S\IlJ&!Y, Janu~ 3~,trom paDded road system, increased iWenty-ftfth year, 1954, st:rdseci Departmeqt, will present Mr. and president; She was also a member 2 to 6 p.m. ~e public Is mvi~ housing, minimum wage ra~, its 'consistent' growth with the MrS. George Richard. Brown in of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Through- to inspect the .,Arts Center, dis- ~ges in foreign trade, incN8se book circulation in f954 totaling "The Romance of Musical Boxes" out her lite she retained a llvel . cuss courses gI~en at the center, m pOstal.rates ~d pay, and:~ 61,216 (adult 37,478, juvenile '23,- with an exhibit of their instru- interest in ' t affairs d inY view tha"exhiblt, and meet mem- other pomta Wlth the conclUSIon' curren an bers and, faculty. Mrs. Norman that the national scene has, an '138). Borrowers nUmber,I,071 and menta. educationai matters, and, she had D tto Wallingf"d t ch f optimiatlc outlook. the ll~ary now has 18,481 vol- ' The Browns are the owners Of taken up the stud, of Greek as u n , . or, ea er 0 Mr& Maurice urnes (11,688 adult, 6,,7~3J.uven" Ameri~a's tlnest collection of tare a hobby a short ~e betllre she pottery, will give. a demonstration ekib on ''lnter!;.~~ fie). ' . ' . .' . . . .. '. : . ., 'IIDd'-PJI'dOusmu.tie' m8kIt1g ma'- became ill. ' . .'. '. . of pottery making. J!4n.. VirgIl !'1M' " g . ,.... " mUte' li~8l)' . activltles "~.~.e.s;'~6.:~I!Jatt'.t;i:..eIJlltannation call Lioas Club' attlie:~, meet30, at· .:'tIVa.m..: ." , . .... .t'. CcIne·oItU·Ya!e·llft: tuueutr..:...... Mrs.·Brush,MEcUa.6-SMl". . _ _ .~ 101. _'.' .....' :=~e='::' :~~b~~~: A "- . Ho rts IlGllterto Id Open House Sunday om.. Old MUSIC• Boxes ~ an~ ~b~~!...~,*bee~r:;ru~~ -The :reco::-aC~!~~:n!:~o=: !:!r Marie Louise' Forsythe Swarthmore Drexel Hill B 1'£1 • ~er r Barr to Address Jr. 'Club Van w: &mclaY, 1Iri., 'Oo' ;'''' . , ., ,.~. JRDuary 28, THE SWAR11IMOBEAN pqe2 1955 I Mr. and Mrs. irvin R. Ma,cElwe" not all, his. bene1l.la:· .'Who, for- until April 28. 1955. -...,----Dunn J f . v:e:;.-:sr;.•t~':Lr"= 409 Dartmquth weeItdays Avenue".opeD exeept holidays, lW. 'HOW A OWIGEINTIINKING ilWm TUIIRCUlOSIS' I'rfcla::r .evenIn&_'l-e. SuDdV' 1If- . . . . . . . IIC. S ............. '-mOOD, Z:S0-4:ao~ , , , , TrI-X Film '. 35 mm .. 120 Ektacllrome - 35 mm 120.,620, (Ansco Color Film - and 35 mm. New low price., , , CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 6 P~A.venue SWarthmore 6-4191 ~~~§~'~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ' .. OLIVER H. BAIR founded our org,anization 77 years ago. The same family' operates it today. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR . Swarili....re' Bildmlntoa , Club . co. DI••ClOD O ••UNDALS 18,20 CHESTNUT STREET OIl'(ER H. lAIR, found... MARY A. BAlR, Prosld... Telephone RI6-1581 - , Watch This Paper for an Announcement by CHURCH-REEVES', INC. SWarthmore 6..3450 M~.i'n HOlnes' -. Mod"", Klteliens - Alt.ratioslS' Call SWarthmore 6-4990 ANNOUNCING Built by . . . .bak_••kard CorporaIIon ••• ......... 4th_go" "'11-11 .. prod_ .......... 1Ivcb Come in. Or~er your own pace-SettU1g Ultra Vista Studebaker nowthe bestJ!!"ean~~,: auromoulRI .money ever boughtl;' Here's a far:- adVancCdadditiOnalUne of 1.9~S ' SiDde'bakers"':'" enormously increased invisibility-excitingly stepped up in powerno increase in prices I as eaCh t ,r., sana M r. and Mrs. George Dunn of DickInson avenue ': arrived home pn Wednesday for a mid-year vacation of a Week from the State University of Pennsylvania where he is a junior majop..g In Chernical Enginey, $35,POO home. Discussions are scheduled for , Third, if there is a sincere loca.! March and will, be open to th'e desire to strengthen interracial pUblic. bonds here in the borough how Organizations which are parUc_ about the very line groups who ipating in the planning of these now constitute a healthy part of meetings include:, Alumnae Disour community?, What plans or cussion Group, American Civil actions have been promulgated, Liberties Union, Daughters of the to help them, if they so desire, Arfterican Revolution, EconomIcs live in, better physical surround- Dlscussion Group, Episcopal ings? . ' Why should a new corpora~ ChurchMen's Club, "Friendly T.., m~ moked on a modern PI blIP tion be fOnDed and shares sold to Open House, Swarthmore Friends 7JJey tmI/it: driDintI' promote the, inCOming of new Meeting, Home and, School'Assapia. .'*!JODe ia the Th. mold", job DlId parking ]11'OiIJleIu groups when little has been done ciation, Lions Club, Media Fellowfa euy, rool Aa:arare men conrroll ....... to encourage and facilitate 1m- ship House: Mothers' Club, Presget to their desti"ati_ temperalllret dw turn om food cooked j_ right. proved relationships, among our byterlan, Church Men's Associa'C01IIJe7Jiently as wellu Why, march... aren'r needed in molt CUetO fM present netghbors? tion, Presbyterian Church' WomqUickly and cheaply. ,I sincerely hope that the pro-, e",'~' ,AssOciation, ,Rotary Club, lighdng lOp burnen or the oTenl 'moters of this' new community Swarthmore Businessmen's ABsaproject abandon their present ob- ciation, Swarthmore High SchOOl, Select the modern PI range yon like at your PHIUDI1PHIA jective and avoid' stirring up new Woman's Club, Women's Interdealer'. O1any P~.rpbiamearic,aubarbaa_ IlA H,POltrA7ION situations and, turn thetr zeal and national League for Peace and ardor to better local condJtions ~d~, t!nited World Federal" COMPANY and relaUonshIps.' i" . ,,' ,lat§ji,',ilnd the':l;eague of Women Very truly yours;' -, Voters. PIERCE MacNAIR. - _ _-'-_ __ A meeting of the Quaker VilIag", Puppeteers was held at the home Joseph . .. \ of the president, 'Mrs. Ralph Little, Jr., of Haverford place, Serving Veiur on Sunday, January 16. Those Buffet - Reception . present at the meeting included Cocktail Party • Formal Dinner people from the Philadelphia area, CHester 3-0410 New Jersey, Wilmington, and Har_ , risburg. RDPle Travel ·CDnveniently BY••• Rangel avoid ramn,.. ana / • • t". r - •• ,' PHILADElPHIA ElECTRIC COMPANY JanUary 28,'19&& 'IBE SWARTBMOREAN, • Woman's Club Notes Riverview road entertained at Carl P. Jeglum of HlUbom ave- luncheon last Wednesday, honorTu-"~-, February 1, at 2 p.m. nue Is one .of 48 soph omore atu- 1ng ¥N. Howard\Stratton of Min_ Mrs. -,., J. Kenneth Doherty, chalrdents ,1n1tiated ,into the hooorary nesota. Mrs. Stratton is themother man of 'ille Mwiic Department, sOciety, the Lancers; 'at Colorado of Mrs. Richard Davis of Media. " A. and M. College. Carl, a memFred Cmgpbell son of Mr and will present the George Richard her. of the Lambda Chi Alpha Mrs. Frederick Campbell of Browns in ''The .Romance of ' fraternity, is e,nrolled in the school :autgers avenue, 'arrived home Musical Boxes" with an exhibit. of forestry, ,majoring' in forest yesterday from Duke University The Junior Wpman's Club will management. ' for tJi" mid-year vacation. meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. Patricia Cornelia McKeman, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs, Jabez Carroll, Jr., Weiland, chairman of the Inter. Dr. and MrS., John/ F. McKernan of Riverview road spent last national Affairs Deparment, will ,: of Butgers avenue, arriotes home week-end '" Atlantic City, present the program. tomorrow for her mid-year holiPatricla Finnegan, daughter of On Thursday, February 3, at day from Elmira College where Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Finnegan 1 p.m. there will be a benellt desshe is a sophomore. of Park avenue, recently returned sert bridg'1 sponsOred by the InDonald ,S. Guthrie, Jr., SOn of from England where she spent ternational Affairs Department. Mr. and Mrs. D. S.' Guthrie of five weeks visiting friends. For table 'reservations call the Cornell avenue,' will be home, this Mr. and Mrs. Paul Paulson" of chalrman Mrs. Gorton W.' Brush, week-end from" Gettysburg '::01- Park avenue left Wednesday for ME 6-5263. Bring cards. lege where ,he is in his junior a month's visit in Pensacola, ,FlorThe Literature DiviSion, chairyear. in I 'WashingLt. and, .Mrs. Faber McKernon ida'. Tlfeywill C testop to vi f ' d man Mrs. Joseph B. Shane, will ton, D. ., enrou, s t nen ts. meet Friday at 10 a.m. Mrs. Claire and famllv have moved recentlv Mrs Ch 1 ' LiD In f"" ' , /, , " ar es co a to San Marcus, Tex. Lt. McKer- dal d Mrs J H J .. es - H. J eglum will review ''The ' " tertain essup nan is !liN"t instructor at the Alr f eH avenue rf dan d Woman Within," the autobiog6" a ave or avenue en e Fore<: Base in San Marcus, at a surprise birthday party on raphy of Ellen Glasgow. Polly Told, daughter of Mr. llnd Monday evening in honor of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Greene Mrs. Peter E. Told of Park ave- Harlan R. Jessup of Haverford and Lois of South C,hester -road Due will arrive home on Wed- avenue. ,nesday from Bucknell College for Patsy Blake, daughter of Mr. were the supper guests of' Dr. and the mId-year vacation. and Mrs. Avery F. Blake of Am- Mrs..J. W. MlJJer of Wl1mington, Del., Mrs. Randolph Roess of Cornell herst avenue arrived home on _ _ last _ _Sunday _- '_evening., _ _ _ _ __ avenue entertained her bridge Thursday from the University of club at, a luncheon at the IngJen- Ma~land for the mId-year vacaeuk last week. They returned tion. • to her home following the lunchDonna Crosset, daughter of Mrs. eon for an afternoOn of bridge. Donald A. Crosset of Riverview , Sally Gaskill, daughter of Mr. road,' will be home this week-end and Mrs;J.' F. Gaskill of Uni- from William ,alld Mary College versity place, returns home on where she is enrolled as a freshTuesday fiom Denison University man. Still Going Strong for the mid-year vacation, Sally Mrs. Albert N. Garrett of Gar~ is a junior at Den!son'. rett avenue returned Sunday from ',MID-WINTER - CLEARANCE Molly Banks, daughter of Mr. a week's 'visit with her son-in-law and, Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Har- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- Antiques & 'Gounnel Shop 'rovld••c. Rd., W.lJlltford, ••• vard avenue" will be home this don Power of Monkton, Md. week-end ftom -Marjorie, Web_ MEdla- 6-47S' ster Junior College in WashingSophomore Class Party ton, D,C;, where she is a freshThe mothers of the sophomore man. ,Molly, will be accompanied class of Swarthmore HighSchool by a school friend, ' are entertalnjng ,the students at a, ,Jean' Holman, daughter of Mr. covered dish dinner and dance on and Mrs.' Frank H., H91man of Saturday, January 29, iii the high Starting salary for 2 exectrtive-t,P. :'.Ea·....,., College avenue, ' is 'visiting her school cafeteria. " sal...,.,,:-,I'to :,e)raHnt" Rn~~,d~al .~~flon • . ,1"0 ,travel. ~I.. roommate at Denlson University, The program and decorations .Kperr.~ crnd 'ab1lffj" dHTr.d. .itab-o Jane, Geyer of Piqua; Ohio; over have been planned by committees nlhd ~w.IJ!lf",~ - yea" . old, Marthe mld-Ye;'" holiday. " from the 'class. The theme is a dedi capabl. of· oJlumtn9 ....pomTbn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B, Banks of I Mediterranean Cruise, and ,wui ItI... I. Nquestt,.. ,......," pi.... Harvard avenue had as their guestffeature several skits by the boys' Include bii~. HllQnol hllfory,. all repll., confld••lar. -Our salftIMJI have , " on Sunday and Monday; Mrs', ail!! ,gtrls~ Info""",, or this ad. ... A. L. Bank's brother, Mr. Paul Mitten of George Kroon will act,as master SwarflllmoteCln. M: Your Car, * ,,$SOOMONTHLY , , " of 'ceremonies,' ," 8 Garden Apartments Living RQo'!', Kitchen, 2 Bed Rooms, Bath $110 to $117 per month 16 Apartments • Living Room, Dining Area, Kitchen, l' Bedroom, Bath $95 to $105 per monht , ,36.Apartments . , Living Room, Dining Area, Kitchen, 2 Bedrooms, Bath ," '$~ ~5 to $135 per month RENTALS INCLUDE HEAT, HOT WATER & PARKING AREA , .,... Stop 'II alld Lopk' Around _ Rental Agent on Premises 2:30 P.M. to , 5 P.M. --------------------------- CLEARANCE SALE • of \ does Woriders for your skin LiqUID Dresses , .. ~ , SWartlilft..... 6-1250 2 Minutes from Train Special% to discover good party-line s~rvice , Yale Avenue & Chester Road , Located in the Heart of Swarthmore ~!~iii~~~~~~ij~~~~~~~~~ii~'~'~~~~~~~~~>~'~~~~~~~~~~ -,.". ,:0\_7#." ....:--.. , . :' • 325 DARTMQUTH AVENUE ~ \. January 31st' , HANNUM .& WAITE' I-saw it in The Swarthmorean. DARTMOUTH HOUSE ' TIl. , The public is invited to' enroll for bridge lessons' sponsored by the Swarthmore Mothers Club. The course will st8rt Thursday, February 3, and will be held from AI to 10 p.m. in the American Legion Room of Borough Hall. John Maerker will instruct the classes. THE -'ar._ '~~,n,ston, SPONSOR .RIDGE CLASSES '-;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w < ~ou needn't trayel f~r ,Must Be Inspected by , Freda Blllstein, daughter of Dr. and Mrs., Walter P. Billstein of South Chester road, will be home this week-end from Wilkes College in Wilkes Barre, Pa. Dr. .lnd Mrs. Billste1n and Freda will have as their guest over the week-end, Mr. John' Cave 'Of Harveys LaIoe, Pa.' Freda will attend the winter carnival at Split ROCk, Lodge in the Poconos befeore returning to Wilkes for the second term ""0"_ REMEMBER * P..e &. ~--~~~----------------------~~----------~~~~~------------------~------------------=-~. , Mrs. Jabez Carroll, Jr" of ,NEWS NOTES • * ... , --.--------------rerwm;:"-::,-;-;: .....-~o be a good 80_ -'- party-line neighbor, . ' tine reuonably'soon when is .' . . . . • . and - haDg up II8IItIy when :von - - find 1rai-to_ .t use, yOW', party-line neighbo.. will retoun the line .... Result: better telephone ae-.·- I _', ~. 'v ~~ ,or ... on the l;.wl c ,_, .. P. fb: ; ,I; I \ . (!)::"1 " " .~ichael's College Pharmacy,'lnc. I " ': r II ., \~. - 'on the comer In SW..'lhtl"*'* sw 6:Oa57 , , ,, ., 15 South, :Chester Road . ", - J . • We Deliver • • 'm P . .e6 , ·5............1441 WILLIAM BROOKS A81aee 4" RubbJ.la Removed L.wae Mowed, ce..eeal • _Ba_~"" 'THOM SEREMIA UPIIOlSTEIING / Sl.1P COYElS-DlAPEilES Swarttlmor. .efenDCeI , _ SIll... HIlI 17M MOii-tTtan 25 yeart .... hu. Asphalt 'or Concrete Pholle Swarthmore George Myers , 200 W. Ridley Ave. Ridley Pork :1-~28:-~24~__________~__________________ . SW 6-4742 WAS-2440 Compl_flI Stock ofT_. -. loiEi' IROoItS ,SW6-388t TV The annual christmas Seal campaign of the Delaware ~ty Tpberculoals and Health Association has netted $95,000 and representa 110 per cent of the 1955 goal Late returns are stI11 comIng in according to Robert W. Bernhardt, executive· secretarY; and there is still time for those who have not done so .to &eI\d in their contributioDs. Mrs. Paul E. Zecher of Swarthmore avenue praised the 450 volunteers who carried on booth sales throughout D eIaware County. "To all of them -/lOeB my warmest gratitude," abe said, "for ~ job well done. Wben' all the reports are in, we hope our total wUl exceed last year's returns." ai, rv. i?":f YAN ALEN BROS. S'ENCER INDIYIDUAIJ,Y DESleN. ConoIs • GlnII.. - _ _ 5.,.1001 Ga_ M.... 14artaret SWa.Uo._ ..7197 After 2 '.M. HORACB Tile ARANTIC FUEL OIL and IRON FIREMAN OIL BURNERS Passmore ,II ~ Needs repair. $15. Comer avenues. of ~t~io~n~r~adi~o~.~an~d~r~e~c~or~d~' ~p~la~y~e;r'l leenoll 1941 Guaranteed, Standard Coal 6~6838. , Hits New High in Knock·Free Powerl " POWER- USCG . v CHEm~ i • alld ~AIRYlEW' ROADS '"Ihn ' • make payment. and thooo having c _ to preoent u.. iI8D1O. without Doris Greene, daughter of Mr• deJay. to _ L. Gettz. lbecutor and Mrs. Grover C. Greene of 180 Harvard A••nlle South Chester road, arrived home. SWarthmore, Pa. today from the Unlversih. of Del' _ Or to John B. Gensemer. Attorney 'J lOCK Olrai'd TrUst Bldg. PhIladelphia. Pa, . 3t-1.:as aware where she Is enrolled in her senior year. I saw It in The Swarthmorean. ·• ·· ·· · al/~•• 33c 79c 403 DARTMOUTH. . AVENUE '.. SS.~5 . . , - '.' -, ; I Baird & Bird Realtors Large Giant Weekend of January 27. 1955 BUILDER . , Swift's P Swarthmore 6-2253 • --~~--~--~~~~~-- Builders. SWarthmore 6-6455 . CHesfer oU246 ium legs of·lamb _ __ 59c Indian River Seedless Grapefruit 5 lor 19c Ca'liforni~I' Carrols __~_2 for 19c . . . . ~ .. -. '--~v\7arllhmLore ~-0554 or SWarth""=::-A!!~;ffi;erDi;m . ~ 'urgent appeal for addltiOllal ey veil. . CH est er 2-"75' ... 2.5689 ~'~______~_ WANTED - Sales Associate for reputable national company with offices in, principal cities. Will interview man· between ages of 21 and' sales pOSition in local married men with or will • Fqr More Gray Ladles ,_ ~============~======~ hogany (dawn ' bookcase FOR new mabeds. $60, the 6-4273 . FOR SALE - Baby furniture; crib, carriage, play pen, stroller, and otliers. SWarthmore 65940. FOR SALE - Dutch wall cupboard, candle stand, marble top dresser. Allison's Antiques. At the Forge, Rose Tree. SWarthmore 63050 after. 4 p.m. FOR SALE - Large model.1951 Cadillac. Very good condition. Family driven. 28,000 miles. Call MEdia 6-1870 or MEdia 6-0153. .. . ice continues to grow, Mrs.' Plo';"man said. Another 50 Gray Ladies have been asked for by Valley Forge Army Hospital, and an additional 400 to fill the needs in some 42 cl1(llIan hoepitals in the area.' Women betw&e!l the ages of 21 and '55 are eligible for service, provided they are in good health and have a high school education or its equivalent. Those wishing to enroU or receive addltionaUn- A '::============i RIAL BSTATJI & INSURANca 609 8.' CHnT.. 1.11. SWoU.11lNOllll, l'IINNA. Red Cross Issues Call PlastIc TIle M" II. o ..ern tc ells Alfflratlolls Wm. W. Rumford Co. alld heoHlIg equlpmellt ServIce ovalloble fo our c"stome,. on all mates of 011 barllers Level paymellt pia" o!, bills. Automatic deliveries 'of 011 darillg the heatlllg , 2111 Lind.. Avo. auff.cfge. fa. THE SWAR1UMOREAN' Fl..,. _ 1401 Rldl LOST AND FOUND PERSONAL LOST - .Brass car key in black PERSONAL-SUp covers, custom case. .Please return to The made' from your own material. Swarthmo(ean office. Call SWarthmore 6-5154. ~L.!:O:!!S;':T:!!-~~o:!:n:!!e-'::;ic:!!e~-b:::l-ue--p-a-r-:ak:-ee""'7't, PERSONAL - Radio and televicinity of Cornell avenue and vision service. Call anytime, Fairview road. SWarthmore 6- Scott Daniels, SWarlhmore B- I 3350. 2708. . 11 =""-----------~------- PERSONAL - Dressmaking, slip covers, drapepes. Ex per t. FOR SALE FOR SALE - German Shepherd Swarthmore references. Call Ethel . puppies. Six weeks old. AKC Je1freys, FArragut 9-1750; Champion blood line. Beautifully PERSONAL ._ Electric wiring, marked. Wornied. $75. WAsh6urn ' new and old; resldental and 8-5431. commercial, done in compliance FOR SALE - Thor washer. Spin- with Fire Underwriters Speciflcaner type. Good condition. ~O; tions. Sale and service on electric Water Heaters, Ranges, and small Call MEdia 6-5399. electrical appliances. Call: Erich FOR 'SALE - ' Console combina- H. Hausen, SWarthmore 6~2850, It. Shitmafter ., ED'w'aBft _ G• CHIP'MA'N _aIM SON GftirRAL CfJlltRA(Joii CLASSIFIED ADS AdllorJzed Dlstrillutors . for , , Sally Bates, daughter of Dr. and h Mrs. John R. Bates of' t .Nor Chester road, Is home this weekend for the mid-year vacation from Mary Washington College where' she is a' freshman. Sally ~caTY will be accompanied by her roomALBERT J. CRAW'PORD. JR. mate, Gabrielle van Steenbeck of County. commission"", Hollywood, Fla. Box48 SWarthmore6-074C1 , I J9::e Cellar Walls R..Plaltered $95,00Q Drive, NetS COtJliTY OP DBLAWAlUI Sealed l'IOpoealS be reoelv""," at the omce of thewUI Chief 01_. to the County Comm'salonen. COlUt House. Media. l'B.. up to 1:00 P.M. on ~~~yu. : : = n ! ; &un~ Couunl8Sloners at 2:00 p.I(. on the BBIIle day. for fUm1sl1lng and dellvel'Ing DIvorce Pl>lders and 1!IXpans!on Envel_ of the County of Delaware, for use of the Prothonotary'. OftIce. Each bid must be accompanied by a Certified Check In the amount of '50,00. drawn to the order of the county Pl>nnsofor Delaware. Propooal may be obtained at the omoe of the Chief OIerk to the County at the Court House. Commissioners. Media. Pa. The County C\::mmlBBloneno ...... Ihe right to reject any and bid&. Driveway COllstructlon Sheet Metal Work Roolag 6uthn Air Condltlollig Heatlllg 011 • Gal - btlrnen SWAIl1'BMOBEAN Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones NEWS NOTES of Elm avenue returned on Mr. and Mrs. George F. ~orse, Tuesday night fI'om a 10 day Jr., of Martinsville, Va., have to The CloiIter, Sea Island, moved to their new home at 601 Lore avenue, WUmlIIgtOD, Del Mr. Corse has been transferred by duJewel" lepairod _ : SW 6-4216 Pont fI'om MartlnsvUle to WlIEMIL S'IES mlngton. Wille....., Patsy Jonea,daugbter of Dr. and _ I r of F. C. loci. II II ~4rs, J. Albright Jones of SwarlhRile Watch and .28 Yale Aw. more avenue, will return to her Clock lepa;,,' _rlhol.... Pc>. home tomorrow' for a mid-year vacation ot. a week from Denison University, Granville, OhIo. . PETER DI NICOLA J'-...,. 28, ·1955 . , BREYER'S ICE CREAM • One-Half Galloils· Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Soap Bath Size 2 for 19«= ,~eg..l ..rSize, 3ter 1~ , • , 101' QWWI¥ fUlL .Allllie_ $1 31 volue Oil BURNER SERVICE, DlTAIU A' .M ,. .. , smmXnuiti ' "'~ _ . , '. i SO ....AYS fiREPLACE WOOD ':J~ ·A~ ' 5 P'ECI . L! • IIPIAI "'-3 COAL, • . BONDAy TlQtu' SA'AJIlDAY NOON' ,SW 6-4041' ,.' I Ibs. age .f , \ GREEN' ., .wrt , SWarthmore' ';..(37• • • ',,' '~r .. , .... -, ,.-.. ",,~., .... , ,'';; ;:~' . ,'. .-." ~.'. . -, -', . - ',- - " - -,,, .. ~.' , , mE SWARTBMOBEAN ,P.,. is ,- / January 28, 1955 • 'LAN CHAIITY IADAR Diluzio and Sons · . Florist . I Formerl, In Hospital CARNS Mr. Horace Michael of South Chester road has be!n a patient in the LankEmBU Hospital in Philadelphia f~' the past few weeks. 6SO lalHmoN Pike Springfield, Del. Co.. Pa. SWartilmore ~04S0 0,.•• A.M. to 6 ,..M. Carpel .Clearance CoHons -S3sq.yd. • WEALTH • What greater wealth ,can you have than the gift ol sound heaith? Treasure and preserVe this precious,posses. sion. See your Doctor w.hen illness strike.. . Bring presCripd~ns here lor careful prole"sional compounding. hi, CATHERMAN'S DRUGSTORE 6x9 9x10 "9x12 9x15 9x1S 12x10 12x15 .. 12xlS 15xl0 15xis" , , Rayons $6sq. yd. 36.00 18.00 30.00; 36.00 45.00 54.00 ,40.00' . 60.00, 72.00 50.00 ' .. : 90.00 60~00 72.00 90.00 10S.00 SO.OO 120.00 144.00 100.00 lS0.00 T~e abo~e table- shows the prices ai, some typic61 s~ze~' du.nng. our s'a/e. Not oll.colors·ore avoi'oblfl'in very s.z~, but the se/e'c1ionis, still' big, 'qna many s.zes not I.sted are available. Some s~conds included. . .". e. (pA"'~6~l.tCom"At1tt . . ,; f,';" . . . . . . .IE f:arpe . . . . . Complete ""'~ Si.e Bins•• OrI&!.ta..... . 100 Parle Avt)•• Swarthmore. Pa. , Presbyterian Church Elects Board Members SWarthmore ' 6-6000 ~_....~(ilESTE'; ... F...i.. (or.:' - 7th 'and WELSH STREETS. SPEARE1S PRESENTSI ,~he Wonderful all the BOY COAT SPRINGFIELD WATER'I ,~ . you'use' 22·98 for 'your sho~er ~ costs less picTuRE' .. " . . . IUMING, PORTRAIT miDI"0 . PHOTOGRAPlBC , SWPlIES RmRUSSELL s.... MOIl,.. Sts. ~RINGFIELD , , WATER '-L.,'_ .-{"' ....... .... '*' - See UedN ... ~ur vast~',ofwinhr COB " values are yours for the ch '. ,is. on oostng. , & 6-2176 .• Every Girl wants abo' Iirlers are the ideal ,~~;at and these fashion head. n Dressy Smart and fash" .°ht :" your coat wardrobe. ., n 10ft I1CJ Tor eVArv occas· . .aL_' are a wool fleece·....ili.' but' ;'-. , " lon, mey • • ' won warm I"'M an -001' IInlng. Available in bn1iant tOnes f·~ '. '. ....·1"""'new aqua. , 0 navy~ reel, and new,' ",than 1; . • • • • • .' sa~. Treme~~ \,' ,t'..(; ••• ~ ~j, .' :', CoAT' DEPARTMENT SPEA" '. ': " . RE S SECOND R.OOR. '" . ' . ..... '1"" '''-'J':'. , - .-.,:,- . ,., ;,:', 'It'"';' . ... = ,', . "!'. - .. " ..... ~ ,a., ~,1' :J". r::.' \ •• ~1!' .... ,.~"- " .. ),.' " , ..-_.'. ,"" -. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE \ THE SWAR1'HMOREAN Page 8 College 'Hamlet' Set for TV Series . ' The University of the Air has scheduled an eight week series entitled "Hamlet in Rehearsal" to be presented by Mrs. Barbara Pearson Lange, Director of Dramatics at the College, members of the English Department faculty, and students from the Little Theater Club. The eight week series will be used to show the various problems that must be solved in any production of this nature. A special feature will be a discussion between Mrs. Lange, George Becker and Stephen Whicher of the English Literature department. This discussion will be around various interpretations that have been given the production of "Hamlet" through the ages. The entire series is as follows: Jan. 31 - Shakespeare for Audiences today - Mrs. Lang~ and student actors. Feb. 7 - This Man Hamlet Mrs. Lange and English Department. Feb. 14 _ Production Problems _ Mrs. Lange and student Crum Creek Bridge A meeting of the Crum Creek Bridge Club was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. George E. Silloway of North Chester road. The Howell system was used. The next meetinlt will be held on February 1, rather than February 8 as previously scheduled. First place winners were Mrs. Samuel Hanna anti Mrs. T. Saulnier. Mrs. George E. Silloway and Mrs. A. L. Clayden took second place honors. Basketball News Last Friday night the Swarthmore High School basketball team, displaying fine offensive power, downed Eddystone 71-61. The shining lights for the Little Garnet were Pete Kroon, CharJie Hummer, and Charlie Wentz, totaling 48 points among them. The locals jumped to a 20-10 lead by the end of the first quarter and held it throughout the remainder of the game. Tuesday night on Ridley Township's court the locals fought a losing battle 67-48. A complete reversal of the Eddystone game saw the Green Raiders jump to a 19-12 first quarter lead, increase designers. it to 35-20 at half-time and in.: Scenery and costumes crease their lead 4 more points Feb 21. - Rehearsal, Act 1, during the 2nd half. Little Johnny Scene 2, Laertes, Ophelia, Polo- Pfanders was the big gun for nius. Township getting 20 points and Feb. 28 _ Rehearsal Act III helping out with many more Scene 1, Hamlet, Ophelia. ' point~ in assist~. After SwarthMarch 7 _ Rehearsal, Act III, I ~ore s reboundmg improved, the Scene 4, Hamlet, Gertrude. Little Garnet played abetter March 14--Costume Rehearsal brand of ball but could not overAct IV Scene 5 "The Mad scene'; come Township's extra bit of " 21-Costume Rehearsal, "k now- h March ow" an d fi nesse. Act V, Scene 1, Graveyard Scene. Tonight the Local boys play March 28-Costume Rehearsal ProsDect Park in the last game Act V Scene 2 The Duel ' of the first round of the league. The' University of the' Air is A win will give Swarthmore a presented weekly on WFIL-TV 4-2 lo? for the first half of the from 11:15 until 12 noon. The ~amp~Ign and position them program is divided into "two parts' 1n thud place In the Suburban the first to be presented by Jeff~ Se.ction III behind Ridley Townerson C~l1ege will run from 11:15 ~hip and Ri~ley Park. This game until 11 :35: the Swarthmore por- IS a .must If our boys. expect to . . remam as a strong contender tIon wIll appear from 11:35 u n t i l . . noon. Captam Randy Malin has been doing a fine job in leading the team, and has been sacrificing any personal desire by acting as a "trouble-shooter" in any of four positions. ,,:ill Methodist Church Welcomes Organist This Sunday, members of the congregation will welcome to the staff of Swarthmore Methodist Church, Fred Haley who is taking the place of Mrs. Daniel Nicely as organist - director. Mrs. Nicely found it desirable to resign this position and to interrupt her training at Westminster Choir College in order to rejoin her husband while he is serving at a southern post in the U. S. Army. Mr. Haley comes from Pineville, Ky., where he was organist in the Methodist Church, his home church, from 1949 to 1952. He is presently a senior at Westminster Choir College, Princeton, N. J., where he is a pupil in choir conducting under John Finley Williamson and a pupil in organ with Dr. Alexander McCurdy. He is a member of the Westminster Choir and the Symphonic Choir, singing with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra under Bruno Walter, Dimitri Metropolous, and Guido Cantelli. While at Westminster Choir College he has been Minister of Music at First Methodist Church, Newtown, Pa., and was guest recitialist for the opening ceremonies of the new Lankenau Hospital. He is now summer organist for the drama group presenting "The Lost Colony" by Paul Green, playing in its 15th season at Manteo, N.C. E1!"R1II11II11I11I11D1""I11I11D1I11II11D1I11I11I1lIIllDlIIIIIIS ; II i§ II PlaDRE FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPliES II Rm RUSSELL I! State & MOBroe Sfs. Meclia 6-2176 . ~ ~ ~ ~ I Presbyterian Church Elects Board Members • Wood Will Address Horticultural outstanding colonial estates and I churches of Tidewater Virginia Group have also been planned. Harry Wood, superintendent of Swarthmore College, will speak at the ninth annual Garden Symposium at Williamsburg, Va., on March 18. Horticulturists, garden editors and landscape authorities from across the country will speak at the Symposium co-sponsored by "Flower Grower" magazine and Colonial Williamsburg. "Future Garden Trends" will be March 9 to 11 and the second session, March 16 to 18, wilI deal with the pleasures and techniques of living with gardens. A well known landscape specialist, Wood will discuss "The Care and Feeding of Lawns, Trees and Shrubs." He first took charge of the college campus in 1927 and supervised the planting of !rees and shrubs there under the Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation. He is a member of many horticultural organizations including the American Institute of Park Executives, the American Association of Botanical Gardens and ,Arboretums, and is a life member of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Special guided tours of the famous restored eighteenth century gardens of Williamsburg, have been arranged for the Symposium participants. Side trips to WEALTH • What greater wealth can you have than the gift of sound health? Treasure and preserVe this precious possession. See your Doctor when illness strikes. Bring his prescriptions here for careful professional compounding. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE WOMAN'S CLUB OPENS HART TALK TO AlL The community is cordially invited to an open meeting of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore to be held Thursday evening, February 10, at 8 o'clock at the club house. Morrow C. Hart, who gave a series of investment 'talks at the club five years ago, will speak on "Women and Mont:y." Both men and women will be interested in this lecture by a man who January 28, 1955 PLAN CHARITY BAZAAR Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee, Mt. Hol~oke place, p r 'e sid e n t of Hannah Penn House, home of the Republican Women of Pennsyivania, has .announced that Mrs. Wilhelm F. Knauer, Torresdale, will lead the charity bazaar this ye.ar and will greet the members of the Holiday Market's new executive committee. Diluzio and Sons Florist Former', In Hospital CARNS Mr. Horace Michael of South Chester road has be~n a patient in the Lankenau Hospital in Philadelphia f,?r the past few weeks. 650 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Del. Co.. Pa. SWartilmore 6·0450 Op•• 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Carpet Clearance 6x9 9xl0 9x12 9x15 9x18 12xl0 12x15 12x18 15xl0 15x18 Cottons Rayons "'S3sq. yd. Wools S6sq.yd. $9sq. yd. 18.00 30.00 36.00 45.00 54.00 40.00 60.00 72.00 50.00 90.00 36.00 60.00 72.00 90.00 108.00 80.00 120.00 144.00 . 100.00 180.00 54.00 90.00 108.00 135.00 162.00 120.00 180.00 216.00 150.00 270.00 T~e abo~e table shows the prices of some typical sIzes durmg. our sale. Not all .co/ors are available in e.very siz~, but the se/~dion is still big, and many sIzes not lIsted are avar/able. Some seconds included. (PA"'S"" & C"'"~n! Mola.",,k £arpe.lag • Complete Size Ra'nlt' • Orlenllal Bals '00 Parle Av~•• Swarthmore, Pa. SWarthmore 6-6000 Paulson KNOWS Carpet The congregation of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church elected new members to the church boards on Wednesday, January 19. Elected to the Board of Trustees are George M. Allen, Clarence C. Franck,' Ford F. Robinson Wil.liam L. Scarborough, Bruce,.n: SmIth, Mrs. Marjorie E. Smith and Harold C. Stott. Members of the session elected are Samuel L. Althouse, Harry F. Brown, William Craemer, A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., H. Lindley Peel, Robert M. Walker and E. Arthur Whitney. Elected to the Board of Deacons are J. Harry Beckmann, Walter Brand, D. Mace Gowing, Mrs. David McCahan, Virginia Rath, and Henry J. Weiland. all the SPRINGFIELD r \ ttl WATER~ you use 2..,_ for your shower ~ costs less ~~ ~RINGFIE~D tluLnll , WATER ...... : ...... z= :: !i II 0,"EVE • Fri. ..A1AU."_.*lIw_aauxcsaai. = ' I