;"'''''~·~r'I_.C.·' ., nrthr.1ore • :SV!~lrthworG lJp • - BUY' HELP FIGHT. T. B. THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 26-NUMBER 49 Services Held For Alexander M~ Lackey Ogden Ave~ue Resident's Death Saturday' Ended Cosmopolitan Life POSTPONE ASSEMBLIES SEALS .3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FIqDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1954 Because of the football banquet, the eighth and tenth grade assemblies have been changed from December 4 to Wednesday night, December 29. CHRISTMAS Wed. New England Artist at Sir George Macleod Hold Services For Reginald Chase Woman's Club Tues. At Clothier Sunday IS' k Mass Meeting at 8 ,Will Services at Church for Oon D_0-Iek-IOSOB Hear d .. . F~7:,~ste;lsl'mg Services were held Wednesday afternoon (or Reginald Banfield Chase, retired Philadelp,hia banker, who died at his hOqle at 620 Parrish road Monday morning. Of~~~~:~r:,l~! ~:r~::!:e~~ Herve Gou et to pea on Decorating Christmas humane causes for animals, and Herve Goulet, popular lecturer Alexander McKinlay Lackey The Reverend Sir George Mac- was a member of the board of op interior decorating and flower died at his home 315 Ogden aveLeod, 4th Baronet of Scotland, directors of the American Anti- arrangements, will speak before Funeral services (or Don D. f ound er and iea der 0 f th e I ona Vivisection Society 01 Philadel- the Woman's Club of Swarthmore nue on November 27,after a Iong I Dickinson, 405 Park avenue, were C · t · - d fi rst phia and was editor of the or- Tuesday, December 7, at 2 p.m. . illness, at the age of 6O. M emorla ommum y 10 S cotl an d an evening in E F d' k V· 't' conducted Wednesday services were held at his home Harry merson os IC lSI 109 ganization's magazine. He was a on the subJ'ect, "Let's Decorate for the Swarthmore Methodist Church U· Th I ' I member of the Masonic Order. Mohday evening, the Rev. Joseph Professor at mon eo oglca Chri~tmas." Mr. Goulet will use by the Rev. John C. Kulp, pastor. 1 dd bl' . Seminary, wil a ress a pu IC Mr. Chase is survived by a SlSgreens instead of flowers for demP . Bishop officiating. Interment in North Carolina fol. ckey had been a resident mass meeting in Clothier Memoter, Miss Agnes F. Chase of Paronstrating seven basic arrangeMr. La lowed later in the week. d arthmore since 1929 when rial on the college campus Sun ay rish road. ments. Since he uses whatever of Sw Mr. Dickinson, who was manth oved here from New York. December 5, at 8 p.m. under e • containers and trimmings the club he m ager of this area for the Brown t t f I Thirteen years ago he built the and Williamson Tobacco Com-' sponsorship of the Depar men 0 furnishes, the program is inform a and shows what can be done with home at 315 Ogden avenue which pany, died 'shortly after noon on Philosophy and Religion thof ili e • materials which most fam es he and Mrs. Lackey occupied at Monday -in Crozer Hospi taI , U p- Swarthmore College and of the time of his death. land. He bad been a patient in Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. have stored away. Dr. MacLeod is one of the outMr. Goulet, a New England · d b dIn He was loved and a rre y the hospital following a heart atThe Swarthmore High School artist with a French family backhis circle of friends for his modest tack two weeks earlier. He had standing theologians of the world. 1954 football team turned in a ground, has traveled and studied and self-effacing manner. To been released over the week-end He has attracted tremendous at- perfect record for the season in in France, Mexicd and Canada. He those who did not know him well, but suffered another attack. tention as leader of the lona Com- one of the most thrilling games of has been represented in the Nathis masked an extraordinarily Born in Winterville, N.C., on munity which seeks to bring min- the year Thanksgiving Day. Their tional Gallery, Washington: th~ brilliant intellect, a knowledge of December 8, 1900, he attended the isters and laymen into a fellow- victory in this thirty-first meet- Sweet Museum, PorUand, Maine; English and American literature public schools of Washington, ship that combines religious disci- ing of the two teams broug~t the Springfield Water Co~or Club; which was equalled by few of his N.C., and Washington (N.C.) Col- pline and manual labor on the Is- Swarthmore even with Lansdowne and has haa "one man" shows in .contemporaries, and a keen and legiate Institute. land and in missionary endeavor with 14 victories each along with New Bedford and Canada. analytical appreciation of politics He was chairman of the Ushers in industrial areas. lona was the three ties. In addition to his recognized and economics.' Association of the Swarthmore early center of the Celtic Church With a beautiful sun overhead artistic ability and his marine and Mr. Lackey had .an interesting Methodist Church and had re- and the landing place for St. but a very damp field underfoot, little village paintings, Mr. Goulet and varied career. He was born signed as steward on the official Columba' and his disciples from the more than 5.000 spectators has an informal mannel\.4~g his in Aberdeen, Washington, on July board of the church in April due Ireland. . were treated to one of the most lecture-demonstrations which in22, 1894. In 1915 he received his to failing health. He had 'Uved in The visiting professor was born spectacular games of the _l~ng vites audience participa\i.on -and A.B. degree from Reed College, Swarthmore for 18 years. in Glasgow, Scotland in 1895 the series. A scrappy, big and exper- makes him a most pOpular platOregon, ·and went on to study for Surviving besides his widow, .grandson of the Rev. Norman lenced Lansdowne team put on form personality. . . his Master's Degree at Columbia Thelma, are three sons: Walter, MacLeod, chaplain to Queen Vic- thelrftnest exhibition of the Herve Goulet selects fabrics and University. After the start of the Don and Luren; a daughter, Mary toria. He received his B.A. degree s~ason. 'A team heralded as po- backgrounds for Phyllls Smyser's First .World War he received an Ann (Mrs. George) Strain of in 1919 from Oxford University tential champions in the early word' portraits of. her life in appointment from the State De- Wynnewood; tWo brothers, Wil- after serving from 1914-1919 with season, o~ to be riddle~ by in- Europe and the ·Far ~t. ·He has partmEmt a, Vice-Consul in - the liam ~.Dickinson of Wa~gton, the- British ~tionary Force juries to key men in' their first recenUy transferred his studio and . office of the Un1~ _~ta~, ConsUl N~C!, 9:Dd .Jas:per B. of Richard, with the ranks of captain and few games, found its~lf at full shop from New Bedford t9 PhilaGeneral iil ide J~e1ro. Brazil, 'Cit~. Tenn.; a sister, Mrs., Mar- djutant in the Argyll and Suth- strength for the flrst time ,In many delphia's Rittenhouse section. . . " and In.,IB1D served on the staft of. &aret 'J:)i c;=~t1~r ,of Washington, :rland' ·'mgqlanders... ' ,He was games,' and of. co~ in the role.. .~~~. fortJ;le 'day will be. RlchaTd ~p: Momsen,';aD attorney ~.C.• an4 o~e.grandcblld, Dl~a. . H_t1i,,r'Milltaiy CrOss 'and' of,- underdofl. . . ~~ ,1~\,-.""ijL;Mr8:~•. BateI~Mn-Bl)h" .. ·. .l·o de' . Jan-':--.· .. ' . . ' : Lee Strain. • .' '.' awarded to ~lHeath, Mrs. Belden 8. in IU ~u th the Croix ._e. ~e Guerre. "spirit and' determination. .. . sell M·. . ..... oelfeJ. 'there, onlOctober 23, 1919,_ he . The family requested that ?se Afte' lod of study at vage.the season. Its ninth Tucker and Mrs. GeorgeW was married to Dorothy Green of wishing to send floral tributes, 10• r a per Edi _ The Garnet, seeking At the tea Mrs. D. Reed Geer and '. In 1923 he left Rio stead make contributions to the DivlOity Hall, Universit~ of n straight victory, although never Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher will New York th S th burgh, he came to Umon Theo- wavering in confidence and will, . de Jari~o fot New York and in Memorial Fund of e war - logical Seminary, ~~~., i~. J.9.~~-~2 found, itself a tittle . off, balance pour. that' year'his daughter Doris Col- more' ~ethodist·Church, through as a Jarvis Resident F~ll0w.~ He with the absence at' Pete Kroon ... , ~ "~ 4"'" ' llns, now Mrs. Harry McCloskey Mrs. Ray Harlow. served as missioner to a group ?~ and with the recent illness of star -Christma's Sea,: 'Booth of Sparrows Point, Md., was born. British Columbia lumber camps 10 haHback Cal Coleman. Pete , Opens in Bank, His wife his daughter, and a DOHERTY Off TO Canada, then became assistant Kroon, the county's leading extra I . sister,' William Paul of . NEW DELHII. INDIA minister in St. GUes Church, point p~oducer, excellent kick-oft The 1954 ChrIstmas Seal boot~ Juneau Alaska, survive him. Kenneth Doherty, Elm avenue Edinburgh and was ordained by man and the Garnet's key target ~pened Wednesday, December 1, He j~ined Dwight P. Robinson resident, track coach and associate the Church of Scotland in 1924. in its passing attack, was side- at the Swarthmore branch of the firm professor at University of Penn-:&; Co., .Inc., an enginee~nhg th For two years he was' chaplain lined because of a bruised knee First National Bank of Delaware in New York and: while wit em sylvania, left Idlewild Airport, N. at Talbot House ~ettlement in 30 minutes before g~me time. ~ounty. The booth, open \fr~m 10 was sent to Seville, Spain, on Y at 4 o'clock Wednesday after- Glasgow and for four years col- Coleman, having been a virus vic.. a.m. to 3 p.m. December 1 through \Vork connected with the construc- n~on on a two month athletic mis- legiate minister at St. cuthbert's tim the previous week, had not December 10 is operated for the tion of the American Consulate. sion to Europe nad Asia arranged Parish Church, Edinburgh. Since been tackled since the Prospect convenience of ci~izens who ha~e With his grounding in portuguese by the state Department's Inter(Continued on Page 8) game and his lack of old form was not received ChrIstmas Seals 10 and Spanish. he' could draw up national Educational Exchange . verY noticeable, although. on sev- the mail, or for those who wish legal documents and carry on d eral 'occasions' his ball carrying additional ones for holiday greetbusiness correspondence,' as well Pr~gr::~ ~ll conduct'a five day Community Sing an sparked touchdown drives. All the ings. as converse fluently in both clini~ in Rome for coaches and Tree lighting Dec .. 10 seniors lea by Co-captains Terry Mrs. Edward Cratsley and Mrs. languages. . thletes then sp' end t~o days in . Dellmuth and Roger Zen)en I Carl J. Atkins are working at the . d th BaldwlO a , . . ~veryone is invited to particiIn 1933 he jome e _ Athens Greece before JOIning bowed out in fines t y1e. Roger 's booth in the bank as well as su- . Locomotive Works where at the B t s' Hamilto~, athletic director pate in the Comunity Christmas great defensive. play and oppor- pervising collections at the theatre time of his death he was. a super;niversity of California and Sing at Bclrough Hall Parking Lot tune recoveries of two fumbles and food store lobbies. Other visor in the Comptroller's De- ~ead coach of the 1~~2 United Friday, December 10, at 7:30 p.m. early in the ball game was an women assisting in Ithe sale of partrnent. states Olympic Team, 10 B~ut, The Sing is sponsored by the outstanding p~ormance in every TB Christmas Seals at the booth He had one of the very large Lebanon on December 10. To- Swarthmore Business Association. respect. are Mrs. Mark Bittle, Mrs. Wil- private libraries in Swarthmore ther they will proceed to New Spectators are urged to bring Terry Dellniuth,' back into the liam Fetzer, Mrs. Walter Divekey, -English. Spanish, portuguese ~e lhi India where they will con- flashlights. game at full strength for the ~rst Mrs. William Prentice, Mrs. Harry . and FrenCh. One could name d:ct •a cUnic for university ant!. Choirs of the· Methodist, Pres- time ~ce Media, gave an exhi~ Toole, Mrs.' Gorton Brush, Mrs. few authors or titles in Englis~ llege c~ches from December 15 byterian and Wesley A. M. E. tion of ball carrying that was Thomas Chew Mrs. Samuel CarLi,terature, contemporary, class - cto° January 4. For the balance of churches, the Swarthmore High inspiration to all present. Randy 'A' W B J Mrs ass, r., cal or alicient. on which h e coU ld Doherty will traveI School Chorus, the. H'Igh S c,hool M alin's genera1sh1p at , quarter- penter, Mrs. P. 1,. M G g. not discourse intelligently and Jthranouuarygh India visiting athletes not Glee Club and the Swarthmore back' brought the team through H. . Lindley ee rs. eor e thor lhi n i will'si d r the (Continued on Page 6) Karns, Mrs. John Soule, Mrs. interestingly. He was co-au able to attend the New.De co - College Cho r . ng un e Marian Willard, Mrs. Harry L. of a book on building methods. ference. He, will return to the direction of Miss Bette-Jo ~oodMiller, ,Mrs. Percy Gilbert, and that received' wide accepta?ce. United States early in FebruarY· all. supervisor of vocal mUSIC at Cubs. Sponsor Drawin~ Mrs. Joseph Walter. For 10 years he led and adV1S~d D hrty earned worldwide atten- Swarthmore High School. A brass A small Cub Scout may nng Proceeds from both mail and a local reading group, which 10 • 0 through his book "Modern ensemble led by Robert Holm, your doorbell one of these days booth sales of 1954 C)uistmas . that time has .read more than 50 tion k and Field" published last supervisor of instrumental music and ask you to take a ticket on Seals will finance the County TB books. ~:;. He is. currently president of 'at the high sChool, will pl.ay. a turkey. Cub Scouts are raising Association's prevention 'and ,conG. S. ~ National Track Coaches As- Henry Hoftmann, high school money in this manner to buy tur- trol program during the coming -------~atlon. Uriiver.q.ty of Pennsyl- teacher, will act as announcer. keys for Christmas basket:' fbe°r year. With an. aim of gi~ 100.. HAPPY DalVlNG so • granted him leave fqr this The program will commence the poor. The drawlDa will 000 free chest survey x-rays every n v~~on whith was arranged at with a number by the btass ~- held Saturdb, December 18, at 2 .105000 is the minlmUJD Harry P. RobertS of 4 KedrO miSSl 'est of the Indian govem- semble followed by a short p.m. at Borough HalL Prizes will \ year, ~ , avenue, Mot-ton. an employee at !:he requ arently as a steP toward speech' by Burgess .JoseP- Reyn- be four 12-lb. turkeys, four one- goal of the 1954 campaign. '. th~ Philadelphia Electric Com- ment,r:Won for the 1956 Olympic olds Carol singing will- be fol- pOund con~ers of cotree, eight . . pany, was the luckY winner of a ptepa in. Australia., 10~ by several nUmbers by the cans of Cranberl7 sauce, and f()Ur ,IAPPAS MEET . 1955, 210 Model Chervro1et at the Ga~ DohertY'S absence the dl irs an instrumental piece by b.Oxesof homemade ChrIstmas . Members ,Of' Kap~ Kappa draWing held Friday night at. track team will train for the th: b~ ~semble, and several cookies. . Gamma win meet at the home of llumsey Chevrolet, Swarthmore. penn season under·.Jeff Kirk, more carols by choirs and partlctScouts- soliciting ti~ets are Blll ! Mrs. 'Oliver Go' ~. S12.;Horth Three memlMh-s of swarthmo~ indoor swarthJnorean. a former pants. Llghunt ~.... c;brIstmas 011;1, !lark Good. Pard Kri.tgf~l\" CIi~ ~~ OD~ ,_'DecemBorough Council officiated at the fOrDl~ty 01. pennsYlvaDia track tree and the soq,'-sDent ~: Ian. 301m McK1n.n8Y,:,ob .~.';'fdi'. ".-an 4iIilr:wewina chawlDa:Council,President unt:un and hurdler on ,~'\~. -..:o;;:~'; · R - : , S e I I . " H. S. FootbaU Team F-InlShes U'0defea'ted \- Rio Mrs.. I :u 1 '11M.'.' ·B.~c- ~~~ .' -,'.... , .' .'''' '.' • :.-- pqe2 Personals / Dr. and Mrs. Courtney C. Smith and family of Cedar lane spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Boston, Mass. Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Weiland and Patricia of South Chester road had as Thanksgiving Day guests Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. St. Clair of Wilmington, Del., and Mr. and Mrs. J. David,Weiland and infant son, John 'Davld Weiland, Jr., of Elkins Park. . Mr. and Mrs. Johil Cornog, of DIckinson avenue had as Ttianksgiving Day. guests Lt. (jg) and Mrs. John L. Cornog of' Washington, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Cornog • Deeember 3, 1954, mE SWARTBMOBEAN MIsses Mary and Elinor Bye of College avenue entertained at a dinner party on Sunday their coustns, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Asbman aDd children, Walter and Nancy, of Glenside, Pa.,. and Miss Emily Ashman of Brielle, N.Y. Donald MacElwee of' Mt. Holyoke place was awarded a varsity letter and sweater at the annual football banq~t of the PrInceton College football team which was held Monday night, November 29, at the Princeton Inn. Jack Thompson, former Swarthmore .High School varsity gridiron player als~ rec.eived a letter at Princeton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gerner of Princeton avenue, entertained Mrs. Gerner's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Green and children of Media at Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Howara R. Drake of Amherst avenue attended the National Social Studies Council at Indianapolis, Ind.,' November 25, 26, and 27. Mr. Drake is on sabbaUcal leave from LansdowneAldan High School and Mrs. Drake is on sabbatical leave from Jlidley Township High School. Miss Alice Pennock of North Chester road spent· Thanksgivnig at the home of her ,brother and sister-i~-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Pennock Of Baltlinore, ~~d. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyon Chandler of Providence road, Wallingford, are In Cambridge, Mass., for the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the founding of Radcliffe College. Richard Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Davis .. of .Fairview road Is celebrating his ninth birthday party at a family dinner party on Friday night entertained at luncheon on Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Trocme of Media ond Lt.. (jg) and Mrs. John L. Cornog. Mr. and Mrs. Phillp Carruth of Elm avenue entertained Mr. Carruth's aunt, Miss Alice Carruth of Shaker Heights, Ohio, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe of North Chester road have returned from Ocean City, Md., where they spent the Thanksgiving holiday. Midshipman Donald T. Ogram, Second Class, attended the 'Army. Navy football game Saturday with his classmates, and after the game had dinner with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogram and HarRiverview road. old Ogeam, Jr., Mrs. Russell Heath and Barbara of Cedar lane accompanied Mr. Heath on a business trip to Mex. ico City. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Soden of College avenue entertained Lt. William G. Soden, Lt. and Mrs. David Peas, and Lt. and Mrs. Glen Burke, all of Quantico, V~., last Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Godfrey week-end. After their guests at- . of Bellport, L.I., visited Mr. Godtended the Army-Navy 'football frey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Godfrey of Vassar avenue, game Saturday, the Sodens enter- over the week-end. tained with a buffet supper Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Douglas of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Good North Chester road entertained at Forest lane had as their guestS a family dinner party on Thanksthis past week-end, Dr. Good's giving, Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. parents, Mr. and Mrs;' Robert Conwell and chiidren of Columbia Good of Pittsburgh. avenue, Mr. and, Mrs. James B. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Patter- Douglas, Jr., and ·son of GwinSon and Robby of Maple avenue hurst, Del., and Mr.. and Mrs. Gorspent the Thanksgiving holiday don W. Douglas and children of with their daughter Alice who is Springfield. leaching at the Richmond Day Mrs. John R. Bates of North Nursery, Richmond, Ind: Chester road wlll be at her home Miss Betty McCahan, daughter in Shoreham, L.I., and' 'in New of Mrs. David McCahan of York City for a few days this Strath Haven avenue, was home week-end while Dr.' Bates is in for the holjday week-end from Texas on a busiyess trip; Yale· University in .New Ha,y-en Sgt. Edward Bogardus, formerly . where she Is in nursing training. with the Army in the Far East, MISs Jane Allen, daughter of has returned and is living with Mr. and Mrs. George M. Allen of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. James Riverview Toad, was home for the F. Bogardus of Pinecrest road, week-end from Boston where she Springfield. is employed at IBM. Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCoubGeorge Allen, son of Mr. and rey and their' twin sons, Stephen Mrs. George M. ,Allen of River- and Daniel, and John of Bethany, view road, was home for the hol- Conn., arrived for Thanksgiving iday week-end from Washington and to attend the Army"Navy and Lee where he is a sophomore. football game' with Mrs. McMrs. Alexander Ewing and son, Coubrey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob, 'of Dartmouth avenue at- Birney K. Morse of Harvard avetended the Army-Navy football nue: game on Saturday. They joined . Sally Gaskill, a junior at DenLt. Col. E. C. Aiken and'his guests ison University, Granville, Ohio, at the game. served on the Panel Discussion Capt. and Mrs. J. L. Woodruff Committee for the Autumn Chrlsof ··Secane had as their week-end tlan Emphasis Days. She is the guests, Mt.and Mrs. F. Jean daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Little of, Detroit>. On Saturday, Gaskill of' Unlversio/ place. the Woodruffs and .. their' guests attended' the Army-Navy footbaJl of .game. . Mrs.. John R. Bates of North Chester road will entertain her bridge club at luncheon and bridge today. ,COLLEGE THEATRE Swarthmore, 'a. AI. CONDITIONED friday & Saturday THE PLAYERS CLUB OF .SWA.•THMORE p,..••.,. "The Cat and the Canary" CHARlES A pow.rfal alld movllH) IrfHsh fUmll Ralph RIchClrdso. 'THE HOt-LY & THE IVY" "lei pic'." "n.,. 1M ' . . . . ~ ... tItIs ..." -.Ied .... 112, ' . II - ' W. IlOY _ I S ..... for ell.' .. $at, 1 P.M. . . . . ....... .. Mul, • • T...... T_ ....w. . Saturday, Decem.ber 11 Cu, 1 TI.. IdI '.M. J. ArfIIIir ..... ,"XW" .... MI . . . . . . . " ... ..... Ai.Ic .... --- ...... "MALTA STORl"' A 11'461.. .,1111 .¥E.... ,.. ~ BEAUTY SALON BEAUTY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 9 South Chester' Road can SWarthmore 6-0476 STATE INSPECTION PERIOD Ends Jan. 31 Hav. your car Inspected now WINTERIZE with PRESTONE or ZEREX ROBERT J. ATZ, Owner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swann of Drexel Hlll annQunce the birth of a son, William Charles, on N:ovember 19 in the Bryn Mawr Hospital. The child is the grandson of Dr. W. F. G. Swa~ of Ogden' avenu!'. BOO KWAYS presents HAMLET directed by Barbara 'earson ,Lange CLOTHIER MEMORIAt HALL' . (Stuting) . Although our stock was over. flowing just days ago, we aro now geting low on some items• (Wing' That is the limb that the last minute shopper finds himseH out on. (Cold Gravy' The corn bustin' you get from shopping in crowds in the big city. . (Hasll) . 'What the "last day" shopper Sto, Locall, - ., Save TIme, $f."'."'" a"if'.. '.a... Ay.... SWarthmore.6-4ItI. ()ptA evenings 'fl!. Christmas '... ~t Dece""' .... 8 p.m. 2 p.m. December. 3, 4 December 4 - Matinee ADMISSION $1.00. (Stu~~nt admission forSatur~,~d~a~Y'=i=~i4i=i~.~$~I~.5~O~)~ FAMILY rUNNERS to SUIT ... TASTE of EVERYONE TENDER STEAK',~n,cLfHOP5Coo~ed .to Order EXCELLENT BANQUET ANDPAR'tY ;FACIUTIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1:30 P. M. . DINING ROOMS ,and LOIBy'AIR CQNDITIONED Comfortoble Room$, Day or Week ~ Elevcitor . ~~'. With .this heading we try to aHract people from nearby areas to our showroom for fine' rugs ..• and they come. We got to thinking, though, about the other fine places right here in Swarthmore. Noted for outstanding schools,. beautiful homes, truly FRIENDLY people, fine eating places; we can also' boast the unusual in shops. , . Wheth~r it be a men's wear store which always hasyoursiz~, or a television store where they really know, how to keep· your set working, whether it be a beauty treatment, a prescrip' tion to be filled, toys and hobbies ,or the latest in fashions, you can do beHer if you shop right , here inSwarlhmore'. . -. ' To. our fellow~businessmen, for maintain· ing excellent standards of service; we.doff our hats; and to." our f~lIow·Swarthmoreans, we say: . SHOP IN SWARTHMORE .. .. ~. : ltCM.,~!! .... .......... • .. ·.c s" ........ . ' I . al.l A.... 1•••1 I SWw"-e" 6000 .. .... . Jh .~ I the succulent bird - stuffed and roasted for your Christmas table ~ . i,I i i · . .." pastries to ~ fit the occasiCi" . " with the holiday sparkle - yet Mother's free ofthe kitc:hen I iI I I " I, ~ I " -:andall inthe Ingleneuk tradition - ~' Jh "the persor)al touch" ~ when you buy FINE RUGS ~ ~~ hor d'oeuvr,es for your open house sandwiches ~~ SWARTHMORE NOWTHAT THANKSGIVING • •• IS PAST - LEl'S TAlK TURKEYI will get. THEATRE CLUB ARTHMORE '. ~ ••• 1 ~. Advent Calendars Now COME TO There are only 18 shopping days until Christmas I M• SELECT BOOKS SOON WALTER E. 'PAI\ROTT; N, •• ,\ FREE PARKING ,- . -- - . . .' --HII IlIIliullllIIllIll 0110111111111111 '11111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 (Not All White Meat' I . I PLEASE . ORDER BOOKS EARLY AND .. - r~===========~ The pleasure of HOLIDAY I ~ HOSTESSING is all YOURS I ' .I ~I • Yale & Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore, 'a. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL . MAGAZINES Order Now for Christmas Pay In January . . ' .." Auto Lite·BaHeries Dartmounth and Lafayette Avenues Wheel Balancing SW 6.0440 'STRATH HAVEN INN MRS. LWYD E. KAUFFMAN 313 Dartmouth Avenue Swartl.more 6-2080 II ~ i ~ II Russell's Service BIRTHS CAMEIA & HOllY SHOP Director .....gta we:. icp ••, F. SEYMOUR, Monday, December 6 Mr. and Mr.. Henry D. Bevan of Crest lane had as' their guests over the holiday. Week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Brown and their children, Emily' and Stephen, of Stanford, Conn. The Bevans' daughter, Ginny, was also home from Simmons College where she is a junior. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of Elm avenue will entertain at a tea on, Sunday afternoon, hl>Doring. Judge and Mrs. Harold L. ErVin of th~ Swarthmore Aparbnents, who are newcomers to Swarthmore. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kelly and twin daughters, Carol and Joan, of Seaford, Del., were the week':.end guests of Mrs. Kl'l1y's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Charles C. Brogan of Guernsey and Thayer roads. Mr. and Wrs. William J. Blackman of Media had as their guests over the holiday week-end, Mrs. Blackman's mother, Mrs. Alexander RobinSon of Chestnut Hill and her sister, Mrs. Arthur Carles of Cheslnut Hll1. Judy Ainslie, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. E. D. Ainslie, Jr., of North Chester road, returned on Saturday from Culver, Ind., where she visited friends and attended the annual Officer's and Cadet's ThanksgIving Ball at Culver Military Academy. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Blessing of Elm avenue had as their weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arrowsmith of Fairfield, Conn., and their three children, Pet"r, Jane, and Leighton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Breakell of Magill road and their family visited Mrs. BreakeJl's brother-inlaw and sister, Maj or and Mrs. Charles C. Ellett in Washingtpn, D.C., this past week-end. Mrs. John Bailey of' . Ogden avenue spent the- week-end in Nicholson, Pa., visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harrts Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary this past week-end. -~~~~~~s~~~~~~~~ss~ss~s~~ss~s~~~ ~ ',. ~ Can us early - our calendar's filling up, too " ~ . •• ~ I i~, l~· Thelngleneu . ,SW 6-4569 _. , . . '. ,.'. ,".'. .·~*~.9_~~..:'at:\'lt:\¥:a:9*:~¥. ~~~l:~l:S:t1C'tl!:~>i'I .", .• , ~ '.' ""'" • town. Husb,anda and wives are I cordially Invited. , . - THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FJtWAY AT SWARTHMORE. PA. PETER E. TOLD. M/l.BJORIB TOLD. P17BLlSBEBS Phone SWar&hmore '·0900 Rosalie Peirsol PETER E. TOLD. EdItor Marjorie Told Ellen S. Simon N.O TIME TO LOSE IT'S TIME TO CHOOSE Sally Alden Entered as Second Class' Matter, January 24. 1929. at the Post Omce at Swarthmore. Pa.. under the Act of March 3. 1879. , DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE. PENNA.. December 3. 1951 PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Friendly Open House will be held On Sunday, December 5, there in the Woman's Association Room, will be a Communion Service at far all the older folks of the comWE FEATURE FINE QUAUTY GIBSON CAI~DS both the 9:30 and the 11 o'clock munity. The Women's Association will service. A Communion Medita• have their Christmas Worship tion will be given by Mr. Bishop. The Senior High Fellowship Service. followed by the Christand Junior High Fellowship will mas Tea, on Wednesday, Decemon the corner in Swarthmore meet at 6:30 p.in. for supper. as ber 8. starting at 2 p.m. The regular Choir Rehearsals well as the Y06ng Adult Group. All groups will dine together. then will be held on Thursday. Decemmeet with their respective groups ber 9. meeting at 3:30. 4:15. and for different programs. The Senior 7:30 p.m. High will have a film entilled "Japanese Family," and two FRIENDS MEETING NOTES A series of two meetings to disJapanese Nationals who are presenlly at Swarthmore College. will cuss the Evanston Assembly of lead a discussion' on "Children in the World Council of Churches founded our organ~ation 76 Japan Today." The Junior High will be held at the Adult Farum beginning next Sunday. At the will have a choir rehearsal at 7 .years age. The saine faml~ and follow with a' short program. first one, James·Walker. principalemeritus of Weattown School. The Young Adu)ta meet at 6. p.m. operate. It today. for Bible Study,' with Mr. Bishop clerk of Philadelphia Yearly e as leader this week. After supper. Meeting. Arc,h street, and executive secretarY' of . the Friends this group, will' go to Clothier Memorial to hear Dr. George World Com¢ttee•.will speak on CO~ MacLeOd from Scotland •.who will "The Significance of the EvansPliNnMi ton Assem~ly tor Friends." This be the speaker at a meeting for is at 9:45 a.m. in the meeting 1120 CHESTNUT STREIT the church and tlie community at CIUYIII H. JAIII, , ••• . MAJtr A.. JAIl, .......... 8 p.m. .house. .- . On Monday. December 6. there. On D~ember 1.2.W~lliam HubT...,.......·,.I ..15.1 will be a Retreat. held in the ·ben. editor of the Friends Intelchurch sanctuary' for all' the ligencer. will .continue the dis. ' . cussion..· • miDlsters of the Presbytery In the Sat' d _'_R D ecemb er 4• thO . t b' I d . ur ay mor.....,;. · Phila d e1ph la "rea... IS .. 0 e e at 9: 30. the U.F.S. will have a • by Dr. MacLeod. . bake sale next to the' hardware '~'. At '2 p. m.· on Monday. the l1tore. for the .beneflt of a German orphanage. On Sunday morning S .. .. : . ; . . " CHURCH SERVICES. they . will vis~t the Moorestawn (N.o1.) Meeting. On Sunday evePRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ning they will meet in their room · Joseph, P. Bishop. MInister under the. M~g HoUse at 7 John Schott. Associate JIJnIaer p.m. Mrs. Philip-Jacob speak SnntJa:r. December 5 9:30-10:45-11:00 A.M. - Church to them about integrated housing. SchooL 9:i-vI.~e~ 11 A.M.-Communlon fliNt" NOTES' . 9:30 A.M.-Men·s Bible Class and At 8 o'clock Sunday morning . Women's Bible Class. and again at·ll ;o·cIOck·therE: will . &:30· P.M.-Young Adults Group. be a celebration of the' :HolY 6:30 ship,P .M.-Seulor High Fellow- Cammunion. Children in the 3rd 6:30 P.M.-.Junlor High Fellow- Grade and up will meet at 9: 30 ship. a.m. for Church School. and those METHODIST CHURCH in the 2nd Grade and Down will John C. Kulp meet at 11 o·clock. At 7: 30 p.m. MInfater the Young People's Fellowship Rudolph H. Hodge will meet. Assistant Minlater Ushers for the service Sunday Fill your home with aclciIl.. nwardiog record . Mrs. Ruth G. Nicely will be as follows: A. G. Boyd. IUtening. Give ynur family a magnificent h;Sh,fide1iry ·Organlst-D.!rector o.f MUIIc F. • S Chambera. ..r.. T V. L. Fine. Webcor FODop thb Xmas. Choose flOm .,.petb, . Sunday. Deeember 5 C• H • W • I ngraham. W . F . KI US. 3-speed lightweight portabJ••• , flOm 1:45 A.M.-Church School F . W. PIowman. J . H . Schad. and A exqublce au_tic uble modell. 11:00 .M. - Sacrament of Holy G. S. Valentine. Grant' Hebb'6 Communion. . ... Vbi, UI coday, for a thriDlog demoutration. 7:00 P.M. - youth Fellowship will ineet. and Joseph Gibson, George HanTRINITY CHURCH sell, and Gordon Wyse will be' . H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector on duty at 11 o·clock. During the Snnday. December 5 11 o'clock service Judy Dennis 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. and Victoria MacNair will be In Lark 9:30 A.M.-Chui-ch School" (Srd charge of the nursery. TonI'_ . . . ' ..,Iiq aacI TV coeuol make thil • · grade and up.) . Tlie Boys' Choir will rehearse IUpetb poHabIe. P..,.. 011 f1:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. on Monday and Wednesday at 4 J ipeedi. aacI ~. Ja IfIack.BeIa< 0. . 11:00 A.M.-Church School (2nd p.m. The Girls' Choir . rehearsa.l... BIoWa..Taa fiaIsb. . grade and doWn. .,. 7:30 P.M.-Young People's Fel- will be held on' Monday "at '5 $~9.95 lowship. o·clock. and the Men's and Boys' Tuesday. D~mber''''' . Choir will meet at 7: 30 p.m. 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Thursday. 'Wednesday.December 8" A service at~enlng 'Prayer 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communian. will.be.held on Tuesday at 5:30 Friday, December 10 ' , p.m. . ~. . W.Mer MII••tro · 5:30 P.M.-Evening :Pra}er.'· . Tl)e re~~r mid.~eek celebra" " ....ooderful hqb·fideU., mmual.portable 'oDDP'. THE'RELIGlOUS SOCIETY' \1011 :pt.'the Hoiy'Cc>mmunion will _ 3 ..... of .-rds. Ibo _ rei"" Ofpe c:ob., OF FRIENDS' .. ", be ~4 at 7:15 'a.m, ..Wednesdliy: '.el. Uahiweiabr .ad .. Sunday, ~~:S, . . . At --6:45: Wedri8§day.· elieninga 1OWdr. $54.50 9:45 A.~.--,-Adult Fliruin. daines patlsh LOyalty Dinner Will be held $59.50 Watker" will • speak on "The at· . the Strath, Haven Inn ' Evansto'n Assembly" '. . " ' , .' 9:45 A.M.-·First DaY' School. 'l'here will be a service Of. Eve11:00 A.M.-Meeting"tor Wllrshlp. nlng.PraYer at 5:30 p.m. Friday. HI'i' 7:00 P.M. - 'Unlted Fellowslijp .. Students Meeting. . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES " TRUB hl,h.lldell" Tb............. Monday. December 6 The understanding of the good- HI mqalttic pickup, , w.rt amplifier CleliYen '0 10 All day sewing for A. F. S. C. ness of God which brings lasting 15.000 cycle•• I. , .. 1(11 WedDesda:1. »eeember B . peace and ha1'!1lony will be lit A _ of po1 "'e., All day sewing for A.F.S.C. brought out at ChrlatIad', ~eDce ., .. . .Ie , J " ,- : FIRST CHURCH OF services Sunday/'lD' the LessOn-:: .' , fran. $139.50 C":~~::i=ST Sermon entilled "God The .Only· . Park Avenu~ below, Harvard Calise and Creator." Snnday;Deeember" 'l'he Golden Text is froin GenU :00 A. M.-Sund&i SchooL esis (1: 1): uIn the beginning God 11:00 A.l\I.-The T eSBon SeldWh created the . heav.... and the." will be ''God the ~ Cause ,.... ~ and Creator." ." earth!' Wednesday evening moetlne public is cordially Invited each wel1k. 8 P.M.• Reading Room. to attend the services Firat PARK AVENUE Phone SW 409 Dartmouth Avenue. Dpen Church ot ChrIst, Sclentlat, Park 0,.. IYery IY..... Ulltll Cllrlst.cis , ••cep(Dec. 4 aMi 24) weekdays except holidays, 111-5. I'rIcIIiy ~I 7-9. SundllT at- !'venue. Swarthmore. Sw1day 11 ~ ...'____ . • . 'j _ - _ we WiIOOD. 2.3lt-t:io. . . . ' A.M.. Wednesday a,P.1II. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY All Gifts Christmas Wrapped at no extra charge OLIVER H. BAIR ,~ Ronson Lighters Briar Pipes TOIlSTER . IHE OLIVER H. lAIR .were. o. _"_~M I most pre c lou ~ . . .'. ' ~. '.:~ ~ will Zippo Lighters ANI) GAMES Egg' Cooker' Parker Lighters Irons by Sunbeam Tobacco Pouches Holgate - Transogram Gilbert .:" ·Scotty • Bradley e.lI1ereeMusical Instruments , . j ---_.- - , ___ __________ ____________ ~~ Blanket WAFFLE IRON •I . "1. Toastfl'laster I ~ Kaywoodie Pipes Gj~ •Applici~ees • All popular brands of Cigars & Cigarettes COFFEE MilKERS 'Wbitman $chrafft I Katherine Beecher \I '. WliEeC9R • w._. I w........• 10"""'. I = The .. at I,. _0.,.........,-; The· Music Box 10 -- - . Gilbert 'If. ~ .~ .~ ~ Miss Martin's ~ I I .~ II I I I I I I I. fie."';' 6-1460 Johnstoll' .... 1Jab_. . . Plantation Dainties hlgh.fldellty fonograf I "1 .. ' by I· I i I~ I '.CANDY .~ IM Walle;~ monogrammed while you ., - walt . Large selectiQnof' Christmas Cards Christmas WrtJppings Ansco& Kodak cameras. ~, LANYIN -,AaDEN - ,". YARDLEY~ M Dresser Sets , ~ CI~cks a ..d Watches ...... RUBENSTEIN COTY'- GOURtELL1'-;' .' . ,- SHUi.TON , ,,- I~ I REYLON TUSSY - MAX FACTOR LUCIEN LELONG - Costume Jewelry UNTHERIC White & WyckoH Identification .... - bracelets Pe ...· & Pencil Sets • . Stuart Hall MEN'S SHAVING SETS AmericaJli Greeting . Monogrammed Hairbrushes while you wait ) I.,;: Kirig's HIen - Old Spice . (. Gciurielli ..;;". Mtix Ftlc~ .. Yardley . - ,Mftnnen ....;;. Pal.... olive .' ~ ~. . ~ THEATRE . . " TheaiTe Square IF." -:.'. ',' , .EI.USEQUllTELEPHON~' 5H~PPING SERVICE ".~ '. ,.,' .:":.·.,.S.!.·.~.'ItT .'.,;.H,..~M.·~• •',:3154 YOU .PRIF .. -. ........; .' ..... , , ' . . ." ··~~~~~~~:.\:~:..~ii-"$~li_'¥~'l:~~. • , THE Page 6 Dr. imd Mrs. Donald N. Twad- NAME MISS McKIE dell of Fairview road will enterMiss Elizaheth McKie, a memtain for the weekend Dr. and Mrs. ber of the Swarthmore School James W. Robinson and children System, waS elected a member of of Summit, N.J. the Board of Directors of Aptitude L .. ~ Associates Incorporated of Mercia Ice Dar ie. fteld, Va., at a meeting of the Board held on November 12. Miss McKie obtained her Master's Dei gree in psycnology from the Unio K ul In~ versity of Pennsylvania in 1934, and has since then maintained an "ctive interest in psychological problems relating to educational $500 MONTHLY guidance. Aptitude Associates is a nonStarting salary for 2 IXlcutiv..tyPI proftt corporation primarily de.al•• mtn 10 rtpr."nt faro, East.ra voted to the wider application of finonetal corporation. No travel., Sales the ftndings of scientiftc psycholIIP"lencl and ability d • .slred. Idabogy. Miss McKie's education and IIshed resldlnt, 2S..tO yean old, mar· rlld, copgbl, of anumlng respons1b1l. experience are expected to prove Itlts. In requestfng IntlrvtllW' pltale particularly helpful to Aptitude Includ. brl.f ,.nonal history, all Associates which is at the, present repU.. conltd.nTal. Our sol.smtn han time concentrating its efforts on b..n Informed of this ad. Box A. L the identiftcation and guidance of SworthmortQn. mentally gifted children.' I 9I t Id ban S b Id You neecln'l go prospecting to. find a treasure in party-line service ' ..-------------------------_. SWA on the Lansdowne ,safety out in front 2CJ..19, one point leas man by GeOrge PappllB. than the identical score two years But there ts no rest fOr the ago. The great play of Allen weary, as Lansdowne struck back Vaughn, p~g right end with a for a 70-yard kick-off and' again little more than one day's practied the score at 19-19., The Gar- tice in place of the injured Kroon, net was not to be denied and pro-' and George Pappas at defensive ceeded to doriUnate the rest of left end for the ftrst time aU the game, scoring in the last season were big factors In the ftnal quarter on a plunge by Terry outcome. In addition', Sophomore Dellmuth. Hummer's plunge for' Warren Single's kick-off for Pete the extra point put Swarthmore IKroon helped the team immensely, H. S. Football Team Finishes Undefeated (Continued from Page 1) again, but it was his great play on defense, saving, many a Lansdowne touchdown, that made this one of his stand-out performances. Carl Thomas and Ed Noyes defended the center of the line like a block of granite and it was Stu Bowie and Mike Hurd who opened up the tremendous holes in the big Lansdowne line. Charlie Hummer ripped the opponents' line to shreds on his gallops and scored the all important ftnal extra point. Preston Hollander, specializing on punt rushing and the responsibility for playing either left or right guard, was tremendously important in the outcome. Also Steve Carter stood ready to back up Randy Malin as did John Coleman and Manuel Hallier. Swarthmore jumped off to a 13-0 lead on touchdowns by Coleman and Hummer, but the second quarter saW the "Lords" ftght ~ack and drive to a touchdOwn and the half ended with the Gamet in the van 13-7. ' The third quarter witnessed another Lansdowne drive which produced a second touchdown imd as Aldan missed the extra pbint Swarthmore stood even at 13-13. Then with the same swarthmore spirit that has, been so typical durinll the whole season and particularly in TUrkey Day classics, following the ensuing kick-off, TetTy Dellmuth exploded through a huge Stephani-Bowie hole and ran 60 yards to touchdown territory. A perfect job by every member of the team made, this possible, parilcularly the ftnal ,*\'*' * for everyone at FOR your CHRISTMAS shopping OPEN every night to 9 P~M. · C .. I Our Christmas Shop-no rush, no riot OMPACTS - mighty preHy - ertificates (gif\l - mighty welcome , Is open evenings-browse in peace & quiet No charge for lovely GIFT wrapping H ~~~s . 104 Park Avenue SWarthmore 6·2513 , of wool 'n' nylon stockings wispy sheer in every shade smartly detailed B£R.'SWH£••:',. PRR'. . . . .;": ..\ '.,",'t ,,' '-DAY ROUIIII,i.I'R,P -------------------------BOO'" S£.,".$. ,YOU ..£RF.C." Y I To be a good party-line neighbor, ';'member to release the line reasonably when oiomeone else is waiting to use it . . . and hang up gently' when you find the line in use. Your party-line neighbors will i#urn the courtesy· ReBult: better telephone Be""ice' for:l,it..U ,''In the line I ,Ih Ie" T.~~_ci"••~ef ' :•• s'IV.BiB ~.) • 'IHR'.I' 'I'C•• I' '"'. , " -: - ... "r .~:'.:' ' NTIMATE LINGERIE HIRTS III5II'ING SANfA, •• and the kiddies love to ride the train. Thrifty, too! Childre.~ 5 ~ and under. 12-HALF FAREI U1IIkr5-FREEI . , .. " '" \ ,_.91,~"l.~r,:'t\!~, .•~5'}~iy -::7, styled for: ,comfOrtable,lov.eliltes' in nylon~; rayon - f1anne'l ".J , , S I ALWAYS SAY: I .' \ -\ ' ' ' "f1annei' & wool for sp?rtsmeri ~ . , trimly tail?red for the man " ", about town any dayl So ",,,,,,,,nient at night, too, for Uwse pre-lwlidlJy """ni_ SHOPfIING l1lI'S ••• when. stores remain to a man's taste. Why not a brace of fiile silk exclusives? o~ ' EN'S WEAR by Botany, Arr9w, Interwoven, Pleetway,etc . • , • Every woman wlll agree with this. Thouaands stay youthful In spirit ad looks beeall88 electricity has freed them from the unending rounds of drudgery. H housewOrk is gettipg you down, perhaps it is because you are not letting your electric servanta do the disagreeable tasks In your hous&. To see that electricity is alWBJII waiting at the switch -the men and women of your Electric Company work around the clock and plan for the years ahead. If MOOON ••• UVlltfCrlllGUlY" A.malM.M'GID fAX..AWIG UIUIY COMPANY O_ID IY "_., lO0,O0O alOClltOlDlD ,- . /H.aN APPOINTMEHlS • , , lI ....i".,.,. or aocial. No JroIfic to buck, no car to park - tJ1'f'ive cool. c01kcted, refresMd· , THESE REDUCED-FARE COACH TICKETS are good every day from all PRR suburban atatiQD8 to Philadelphia on ALL TRAINS except during morning and late afternoon ruah commuting hoursMonday through Friday. BE THRIFTYI 'Buy the PRR THRIFT TICKET .•• for savings and travel comfortl IHfATRf AND, D1NNa fNGAGlMENlS , , • with A fast, convenient troina before and after. Pork yoW' car at YOW' home Illation. , HOW YOU SAVI W"H. 'HI THIll" - to PHUDILPII1A IEGUtAII IOUHO-_ COAatnom WAWNGfORD' SWARTHMORE 'MORtON (Rull....' SECANE PRIMOS CLinON (Aldan) rrc;.,,' $ CCESSORIES :- Belts, Tie-Clip~, ......... IItIIffnom ... ' d Wallets, Glov~sl ~ Handkerchiefs O~"y .70 ,70 '" , ~ , IOUHO-_ .92· .1'.7'- , 'SWEATERS by , , Jantzen .64' .55 for him for hert~ey're bright, in color they're right in style .S5 .so ~Itct to lOY. Fed.nli Ta , I'A•• 'lB. "RA'.'IO I'OW.' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ____~4 BUCH , ER's ' , ' Evening until Christmas except Dec. 4th Open Every , • . ' 8 PARK ,AVENUE SW 6-0240 P~e mE 8 "I saw It in The Swartbmorean." THOM SEREMBA UPHOLSTERING MARGE HURD SLIP COVERS-ORAPERIES Swarthmore Referenc" Sandwiches - Casseroles - Salads ..... Sharo. Hili 0734 Mortl than 2S years •• perlenc. ~ Sprin,gfield Laundromat K14-0252 Rear Parkl., Lot-Rear E.tra ••• Sheet Metal Work Roofing Gutters Air Conditioning Heating Oil - Gas - burners i Sir George Macleod' At Clothier Sunday chaplain to Toe H. Scotlimd. Arrangements have been made for Dr. MacLeod to conduct an all-day interdenominational meet(Continlled from Page 1) ing' for ministers on Monday be19~5. he has lead the lona Com- ,ginning at 9 a.m. In the swarthmunlly which gathers for a three more Presbyterian Church. This month period on thl> Island each meeting is under· the direction carries on a ministry In universities, city slums, and parish missillns during the Swarthmore 6·1448 I winter months. One of the projects of the community is the WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Rubbish Removed restoration of the Abbey Church and building which were disLawns Mowed, General mantled in. 1561 at the victory of • Hauling the Scottish Reformers. 236 Harding Ave•• Morton. Pa Rev. MacLeod is the author of "Govan Calling," "Speaking the Truth in Love," "We Shall ReJewelry Repaired Phoono: SW 6-.f216 build," and contributes to the EMIL SPIES B. B. C. series HThe Way of God," Watchmaker Formerly of F. C. Bode I: Sons In 1945, he was sent as an Army Fine Watch and 128 Yale Ave. .lecturer to the Middle East, in Clock Repairs Swarthmoflt, Pa. ~~;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~11947 Canada andyears the to United States,toand in recent New Box48 SWarthmore6·0740 PETER DI NICOLA VAN ALEN BROS. Driveway Construction Asp"alt or Concrete Cellar Wails Re-Plastered Swartflmore 200 W. Ridley Ave. Ridley ,Park ' , SW 6-4742 WA 8-2440 Authorized Distri"utors for BORACH ATLANTIC FUEL OIL and IRON OIL BURNERS 11. Passmore Zealand. AUstralia. Germany. and South Africa. H~ was Cunningham Lecturer at Edinburgh's New College this year. He Is honorary Wh1.·I~ Rumford Co. " ' ,Builders SWarthmore 6·6455 the Philadeiphia Presb)lteiy's committee on Spiritual L i foe, Roger A. Huber, Chester, chair' man. CHester 4-6246 Jack Prichard PAINTING . , FOR SALE the coat she's yearned 'CONSTRUCTioN .. RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL 335 Dartmouth Avenue J.F. FOR RENT-Room, kitchen priv. jlegj!S for' women' in teachers apartment. Call SWarthmore 6__ __ washer. Almost new. $25. Call FOR RENT - Apartment. Two Klngswood 3-3257. bedrooms. combination living FOR SALE _ Registered Springer ~oom and 'dining room. kitchen. Spaniel Pl,lps.:Cholce,of litter. private bath and entrance. Will hold until Chl'istmas. MEdia ~S;;;W~a~r~th~m~or",ec.:6~-~5~03~2=-. 6-4263. FOR RENT ,- Large. ,comfortable FOR SALE -'- Antiques. Chrlstroom. :Ucim~l~ sjlI!l'oundlngs. mas pre~!,nts. Vlctor!!.n secre- Convenient to ·transportation and tnty; 'Mahogany Sheraton twin tearooms. Phone SWlIr:thmore 6tables and, Empire sideboard. 4124. ..,' h, • Telephone SWarthmore 8-2400 FOR RENT - Sprln.dleld. Four after 3:30 bedrooms. one and one-half baths. 011 heat. garage. Walking distance all schools. Convenient to transportation. Pleasant nelghborhoo CHESTER a.d FAIRYIEW lOADS, -. ... Pho•• SWartilmore6-3681 ~ '- ~ ,"- ".COAL , FIREPLACE WOOD ';'8alrd ' & Bird·" .. -,' J.' A.:GRt:EH ~.' .SW·Yl08 ' ,.' " . down-n-nl' '" Swarthmore and Vicinity :R.ealtor~. ' , NYLONS77:.sqsheer they're , 1I0NDAY TBRU SAT1JRDA'J NOON Many~Attractiv. Homes,4vallatile " , ' men. Genuine Bendix parts. and We atso repair ABC Whirlepool 8- Kenmore. 51 South Morton avenue Call SWarthmore 6-3312. . of the season's gay~st:. '. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS " o. ' ;: WANTED '-" Fusco ruffle of a dreaml 1 '~r~R;e~w~afrd~'~ii'~~~~~~ ,,' new hat~ - so rightl The Charles E. Fischer ,neekp~:e~c~"'l~~~i~~~~~~~ a 'ruffle on Christmas fulfillment Girard avenue, LOST--8mall black female cocker more. SWarthmore 6-2198. Furniold. (With- ture refinishing. Custom cabinet ,MEdia 6-1361. work. General carpentry. Free estimates. pup PERSONAL - Bendix home apwearing license. If pliance service. Washers, driers, found. please call SWarthmore 6- ironers, Factory trained serviceof keys. Call 0279. ' BLACKMAN ~~~~~ \,~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOST AND FOUND New Premium Bason". on fluff - set off by one of our SW 6-6816 FOit SALE MinkP~rf.e':t , 'THree' lar!(e-, ,skinS. dition. Call MEdia '8-5418. ' - , B a b y FOR SALE _ Parakeetsl':-.-1';;;11: to 5:30. Call greed blue male babies. prize .. 8-;i7~1l~4;;.'=----;~~~-=_c winning stock. No more before WANTED - Full time maid. Call Christmas. SWarthmore 8-2694. after this Sunday. SWarthmore FOR SALE _ Canaries. Healthy .. 8;:-0~9;;7;5.,=,.-_-=,.....,,--_ _ ___ home raised males. in song. Also W ANTED,_ Business WOIllan have females. Call SWarthmore 6wants small apartment, furnish5751. ed or unfurnished, Private bath.. FOR SALE _ DuncanPhyfe din- Write Box G. The Swarthmorean. Ing rooln suite. fine walnllt twin WANTED -' Maple bunk beds. beds. Complete. Kitchen bar and Call SWarthmore 8-4388. stools. upright freezer. Interna- WANTED - Experienced, trained tional Harvester refrigerator. Odd post-maternity ,practical nurse pieces. Call SWarthmore 6-5240. wishes case after January 1: FOR SALE - Flat top oak desk- Phone SWarthmore 6-2194. 30" x 40". Ski suit. size 12. PE"!;. ON aL Misses flannel slacks, size 14. !'\. H Jantzen ski sweater. size 14. PERSONAL - Registered Spencer SWarthmore 6-0403. corset/ere. Mrs. Elsie H.' McFOR SALE - Attractive chaise Telephone SWarthmore lounge in !(ood condition. Call SWarthmore 6-3547. :', FOR SALE-Small four burner gas range • .white and black. Excellent condition. Call SWarthmore 6-SQI7. FOR SALE Boy's 24 - Inch Schwinn bicycle. Excellent condition. $15.00. Call SW 6-3995 aftl!r six. , FOR SALE--ChiidstricycIe. Two sleds. Health horse., Electric hedge clipper.' SWarthmore 4230. ' tracting fluff free - so holiday-ish - Alterations FOR RENT in this year of dis- for - so snug - so care- " FOR SALE - Dutch cupboard. marble ~op dresser, . chest of drawers. Come see us at Rose Tree and help us select a name for our shop. Allison Antiques. :::s~W:.:a::rthm=::.0::r:.:e:-:6;:-;;::3:::05:.:0::.=_ _ __ I~F~O~R~S~A~T~E~.-=~A~u;t~o=m~aT.ti~c~dlcsLh--! ~8~90~7~.~,~~ Never enough petticoats - SWarthmore 6-8761 FOR SALE FOR SALE - 'Beautiful black coat. beaver collav,.1S'h' matron's. Excellent' condition. Onefourth price ..Call, SWarthinore 61666. . , FOR SALE ' - Excellent top soil. $10 ,load. Mushroom' soiL $20 load. Call 'SWarthmore 6-207S. FOR SALE--Girl',; 28". bicycle in usable, condition. Call SWarlhmore 6-4413 after' 4 p.m. alld' CARPENTRY CLASSIFIED' ADS ' ,they see ~=========~ Football Banquet The annual football ,banquet .will be held in the High SchQol Cafeteria at: 6:30 p.m. Saturday. December 4, ., Players, coaches, senior' cheerleaders, and others associated w~th the team. will sit down with parents to a steak dinner.' The Junior High School football squad is invited for all the ice-cream and cake they can eat at 7:30 p.m. The program of awards and short talks which will begin ,at 7:45 is open to the public. :-::==== and heating equipment Service avaffa"'e to our customers on off maires of off "urners Level payment plan on 011 bills. Automatic deliveries of all during the heating season - , ===========~ I factories, year and 504 Baltimore 'Ik. George Myers SWartflmore 6-3138 . SW~rfhmo~~ 6.biAO >, .', ,', - mE • Page 10 ORPHAN'S COURT OF DELAWARE COUNTY SHERIFF SALE of REAL ESTATE NEWS. . . NOTES . . J)eeember 3, 1954 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Malone PENNSYLVANIA Notice of FUln, aud Audit of SHERIFF'S Ol'P'ICE of Dartmbuth avenue attended the Accounts COURT HOUSE. MEDIA, PA. Anny-Navy game this past weekI Notice Is hereby given to helr8, Frldoy. December 10. 1954 . -Jegatees, creditors and all pel'80DB In· end as the guests of their nephew, 9 :30 A.M. Eastern Standard Time terested that accounts In the follow ... Raleigh Ralph Ford of Carthage, estates have been IIled In the conditions: e260.00 cash or certl1l.ed 10/1 Omce of the Be(lster Of Wills and Texas, ·who is a student at Ancheck at tlme of &ale (unle88 other- Clel'k Mr. and Mrs. Malone of OrPhan's Court as the case napolis. w1se stated in advertisement). bat- may be. and that the same will be entertained at a bullet supper at .... nce in ten daYI. Other conditions on presented to the Orphans' court of day of sale. said ~nty on Mond.a.y. DeCember 6. their home following the game. No. 2242 19M. at 10 o'clock A.l\L, B.S.T.. for LEVARI PACIAB Mr. and Mrs; F.· Bromley of confirmation, at which time the said Harvard avenue entertained a t a June Term. 1954 court will audit sald IWCOonte, hear 1. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or exceptions to the same and make dis- famiyl dinner party on Thankspar.cel of land with the bulldlngs and tribution of the balance: ascertaIntenny has been the director 106 E. , .. S_t Woman's Club of Swarthmore and rule. To those who do not really be the December production by of Fellowship House for 21 yean;., CHeder '·2396 the Junior Woman's Club Tues- know us we stand for neon signs, the Playerll Club of Swarthmore The house Is a center for human day evening, November 30. 011 derricks, bubble gum, and beginning December 6 through relationships and concerned with Mr. Smith has been working in coca-cola. We have substituted Saturday, December 11. Consid- building peace on a local level, 28 countries on a mission trying trial by gossip for trial by jUry, ered by many to be the finest play The Philadelphia house is the to estabUsh five annual prizes in According to a British authority of its type ever written, It will· mother house of 13 other interfields not covered by the Nobel who deplores' the. Invasion of pri- be presented under the direction racial centers to the south and prizes. Suggestions for awards in vacy allowed here, we even place ot Charles F. Seymour, assisted west. All of them provide social architecture, sculpture, drama, the flashlight bulb under the by Donald Hand, and a splendidly activities for their neighborhoods. . j'udge's nose." painting, and music were among balanced cast has been assembled Christmas music will be pro~ those given. Churchill, with Mr. Smith looked into the fufor a blending of characterizations vided by the Media Fellowship whom the speaker often visited, ture, foretelling great extension House Chorus, under the direction to enhance the mood ,suggested after careful deUbera- in the span of human life and fan- calculated of the play and to keep the aud- of John Hannold, co-director. tion, "Give a prize' to the man tasUe advances in transportation, ience in a state of suspense. Robert Grooters Is director of the Yes, we emphasize who makes you proudest of being electronics, and pea'e time uses chorus. SERVICE in our headline, a member of the human race," of atomic energy. The real probThe play was written by John Mrs, Vernon Urbani, welfare because you'll find it em· "Nehru, of India, asked 'Do y(lu lem, he feared, will be the same Willard and was originally pro- chairman, has asked· members to phasized here, io our know how many millions here how to understand and get duced in 1922, It combines sus- bring christmas stockings· f!lIed prompt and precise com· have been kept alive by your along with ourselves. He quoted, pense, drama, and a rather .gen- witl.> gifts for the boys at S\lDllYpounding. And you will find our prices unifo,:mly grain and the work of Point Four? "If thy soul is a stranger to thee, eral state of fright - in fact,it crest Farm, ~oys for· the children fair. So try us next Ume. But the people of India followed the whole world Is without a might best be described 'as a "kiI- at the Dante Home in ConcordYour patronage i. sin· home.'.' ler - diller - thriller - chiller:' niys- Ville, as well as Christmas cookies a man who wore a loin cloth, , cerely appreciated! Gandhi. They will not follow the We are never too old to start tery. The play has had many for these grO\!PS, to the December West for material advancement, painting or music, Smith stated. ,Iruns" and "re-runs," including ninth meeting. Mr•. Robert Cassidy, hospitality but for some inner spiritual qual- "The United States Is the only a movie version ·which featqred CATHERMAN'S ity. Go to some· qulet little vil- country which does not have sub- Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard, chairman, has asked that anyone DRUGSTORE lage and find there the man who sldies for the arts. We look upon and the amat'$ur rights were, but who borrowed pie plates at the embodies the inner spiritual qual- art as simply entertainment," but recently rll-released. November meeting bring them to lties worthy of award'." Smith defined it is education and Audiences' are in for a real this meeting, __________ Carleton Smith, like Kettering, urged that it be subsidized as· a theatrical treat. How long has It ••••• thinks we neglect the creative im- part of education•. "It Is a means been since you've seen a play Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mc- •••••• pulse in man, The universities, of expressing ourselves and we which combines a haunted house Dermott of Yale avenue· enterhe said, have produced no out- express oUrselves not only when at mI~ght, a West Indian Voo- tained over the holid8y week-end, standing work in drama, poetry we are the musicians and the doo woman, an altered wili, an Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Casey of or music; we have taken our painters but also when we listen escaped lunatic, a missing heirvalues from the market place; the to a great orchestra or see a loom, si.x scared you,ng people, a at painting." wealthy heiress, and several secr",t amount of money spent on science gre is a thousand times what Is spent Mr. Smith paid tribute to Al- passageways? "The Cat and The on the arts, ' bert Schweitzer who has created Canary" will bring you right .\1P The speaker continued, "In the for himself a philosophy of life to date, . . last 150 years we have raised the and has lived up to it; he gave up cUrbrln time is 8: 20 p,m. standard of living and practically everything-and he had so much-' abolished matenal poverty, but to help the ·people . of,. equatorial NO:'PlCTURE? NC)'SOUND? we .liave not··abollshed ·splritual Africa conquer disease. .. TV Service / $2.50. Include, h~C:G" defec .. . ': poverty. ·Communism uses the Mr. Smith stressed again tI,e . <:... ' • -. -:' ; , •. '; tlv. 0" weak tub •• .:... adl",t lI'ctu,. for fJ words of,~e poet, Goethe, and the need of finding ourselves spirit. "focUs. -' clarity; c...tef1"9,· 'k"'Fiiiiii~;iiiSii=iiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiill ually. Material gain as such is IlOBERT· BROOKS tl no.t bad, but must not be an end 'Cat and Canary' Opens 'Monday P.M. Fellowship Head At Mothers Club * BROKEN DISHES· AR:E,. WORTH " \15c each D\luiftnd SO,'OS .Florist :I!~:~t T~~dU~~dr!~~e:' t:: world' in an effort to find them- SW!lrtklli.!II"'" ~3889 selves in spiritual re1p\; )t muSt have reverence for otl!er IndiViduals and IIv""'::'true ~ever­ erice . for the way other nations wish to llve.. It would , do well, he. conclUded, to follow the motto over Churchill's easel, "If men could only understand each other, they would neither idolize nor PlaURE FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO PHOTQGRAPHIC SUPPLIES . the Fo,,,,erly • CARNS 650 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. SWarillmore 600450 Op •• 8 A.M .. to 6 P.M. bate." as trade in on ANY , BOO.NTON WARE WILLIAM F. UTHE ROGER RUSSELL oppo~lte State .. MORroe Sts. Media , Kings_ad 307730 ," < file ~"road, .tatlon , .' Morton, Pa. 6--2176 W hat Are tlhe Benefits' of OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING TILL SAFE-T-WAY SERVICE 9 P•Mo ESTER'S Fashion Corner fam~IYr • youl" community? EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS, The lo-polnt Safe-T-Way Inspec:t~an listed will be given your vehicle every time you brl_g it In for se!'Vlce. . THE STO~E OF 100,000 GIFTS • State Inspection Deco 1 thru Jano 31 Calling all smart Santas " Your Safe-T-Way Service Check GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS First in Service - First' in Sales . ." to the best gift buys in town! snEIINa D DHAUST SYlnM HOIN D .uss T1IIS D W1NDSHIRD WlPI~ DAR WI" MIUOI ' CHEVROLET RUMSEY SWain ••,.. 6-61. South <;hesterRood . . -'. . CHRISTMAS ,. • T.B. VOLUME 26-NUMBER 50 Gambell to TeU Van Dyke Story .JUNIOR A$SEMBLIES We're all aglow with holiday spirit _ •• and ~Habrim with me kind of gifts Ihat Christmas dreams are made of ••. at prices mighty easy on every Santa's pocketboold From every department here at Speare's we are ready to serve and fulfill your every nMd, . Spew "wear, Hosiery, Jewelry, 0--, Coats. and oh 10 many, many other departments to set you aglow and make this holiday a to IMi remembered with beautiful gifts. Forfl)e fined In Gifts, reme~ber you'. fIncIthem . , , at Spitci,.... one , SEALS '3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1954 Ass' n Invites Ie·'ommuOIty · . CaroIso109 Business 'Cat and Canary' Is Santa For December J7 The 7th and 9th Grades will hold their Christmas Party at the Santa Claus will make a preWoman's Club on Saturday; DeChristmas visit to the Borough of cember 11, Swarthmore next Friday, Decem- Early Who-Dun-It Proves 'The Other Wise Man' Is Host and hostess of the 7th Special Program at 7:3P ber 17, at the urgent request of Highly Popular at Grade are \IIr. and Mrs, John the Swarthmore Business AssociaPrecedes Tree Womall's Club PreSeybold who will be assisted as tion. Ensconced in his own, perPlayers Club 'Lighting chaperones by Mr. and Mrs, RobHoliday Fare sonal house, to be raised specially liThe Cat and the Canary" comert Kamp, and \IIr. and Mrs. At the Swarthmore Community for the occasion in the Borough The Woman's Club of .·Swarth- Philip Jacob. pletes its suspense-packed Players Parking lot, Santa will receive more will hold its monthly stated Club revival with performances Mr, and \IIrs, W. W. Watkins .Sing tonigh$, the Swarthmore his young visitors from 3: 30 to High Schoo'i Chorus, the Glee meeting at 2 p.m, Tuesday, Detonight and tomorrow night, The 5:30 p,m. .away;' popular vehicle has drawn cember 14, followed by the pres- are host and hostess of the 9th Club and the brass ensemble will The parade to welcome Santa Grade and will be assisted bt> join with the Swarthmore Colenthusiastic houses and kept even entation of "The Story of the Mr. and \IIrs. A. J. Schroder 2nd, lege Chorus and the choirs of the will begin at the Old Bank Build- those familiar with the plot inOther Wise Man" by Dr. Stanley and Mr, and \IIrs. Joseph Walter, Methodist, Presbyterian and Wes- ing on Rutgers avenue and escort tensely alert. Kiehl Gambell. Dr, Gambell deley A.M.E, churches. This will be him to the house. The sponsoring Charles F. Seymour directs the lighted the club last year with Association quoted Santa as sayClub's 325th production with a a special music program as a his reclial of Dickens "A Christfeature of the Community Carol ing he would have a gift for each sure touch. Donald Hand assists mas Carol!' Sing to be held on the Borough little viSitor. him: The two sets are interestDr. Gambell, now In his 11th In the event of rain, Santa will Parking Lot at Borough Han at ing and cleverly handled, and the year as minister of the Woodland 7:30 p.m. Burgess Joseph Rey- make his visit on' Monday, Decomplicated stage business essenpresbyterian Church in Philadelnolds will welcome the assemblY cember 20. tial to the suspense Is ably manipphia, Is the featured artist on the A Building Fund Drive for following the opening selection. Ulated. The cast is a happy comTV program "Stories Retold," The $110,000 opened last week at Trin_ blhatton of newcomers to the The public is urged to attend,. 100th production of this shOW, a ity Episcopal Church. The funds wear a warm coat, bring a ftashclub and seasoned players. Three religious program planned and will go toward expanding the light, and join in singing Chrlst0 of the 10 appear for the first \.Ime dramapzoo entirely by Dr. Gam- Church School facilities by add- rna.. carols. Following the conhere, two for the second. bell, was celebrated August 1 of Ing a new wing to the present clusion of the Sing, the· ComDick Hook, as the indecisive this year. He will be appearing building, . munity Christmas tree \Jghting Mrs. Pearl R. Downton, of 236 Paul Jones, gives a stand-out peron special TV shows during the The canvass will continue until will tske place. Dickinson. avenue, passed away formance in a role which shifts Christmas season with Christmas December 17, 1954, D. H. Dawsnn Monday evening in Taylor Hos- from cautious straddling to deThis ambitious and extensive stories. of Wallingford is general chair- occasion will be sponsored by the pital, Ridley Park, where she had cisive action, He gets every bit DF:Gambell serves as trustee man of the drive and J. B, Bullitt Swarthmore Businessmen's Asso- been a patient for ·a month, She of humor out of his Unes and of the Presbyterian Hospital and Is canvass. committee chairman, ciation. Bettejo Goodall, Director was the widow of Wll1Iam Down- gives to the role a credibility and a member of the Board of Man- other members of :the committee of Music in the High School Is in ton who died 11 years ago, maturing which strengthens the Mrs. Downton had lived in play. Mr. Hook .has had a busy' agers· of the West Branch Y,M, Incillde P. B. Banks, J. D, Bow- charJe of the combined choruses C.A. He has been giving' '~A den, F.;' S. Chambers, W. L. and Robert Holm, Instrumental swarthmore for over 30 years and (Continued on Pagll'tl2) . , Christmas Carol" .and other re- Cieaves, R: H, Fellows, William Music Instructor of the Schools, is WlW she became III several years citais before various groups for Freegard, W. C. Giles, W, E. Het- in charge of· ilia. brass ensemble ago had been an active member 14 years. oel, Jr:, Pierce MacNair, W; M, and the Community Sing. Henry of the Woman's Association of the .This meeting will be the an- McCawley, F. W. Plowman, R. B. Hofmann, teacher in the High Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, the Friendly Clrc!e and the local School, will be the announcer, nual :Christmas party of the club Price and C. W. RandQu, Jr. ' Woman's Club. , The director of the College with a tree decorated by the GarAssisting the Cl!J1vass ComMItShe is survived by a son, WI\Claude C, SmIth, chairman. of den Department, chairman Mrs. tee are Mrs, p, B. Banks and Mrs, Choru.. is Professor James Sorber; lIam, of the Dickinson avenue ad- the Board of Managers of SwarthRobert .~, Grogan. The Youth Daniel Morse, hoStess comMIttee director of the Methodist Church dress, and· several sisler!! in· the mQ~ College, today announced ·Conservation Depart.men,t, of cha.irman and,Vice-chalrman; Mrs. Choir, MJ;s, Ru~ NleeiY; director Pittsburgh area where interment the election of Dr. Alfi'e6:H. WII-, which lr4rs. John 'W. Soule ls R 'B",Prloe, ,",I\ngements chair- of the Presbyterian, Church Choir, took· place laterintlie week.; IIaIpll. ~Ident of the Federal anddlrector oJ the ch~ :.req~estS gifts for Glen man,' .pd, l\4rs, ·V~·r.... Fine a~d Dl>Q, . .. Ii ... . , w. , '. Re;erverBiilik of P.buadelphia, to WeSley' A.M,&: Choir; James . MIliS School boys' aged 12 to 111.0~ Mrs, Brown, pubUclty ch!lli', .••.. -.--, H. ..D, , - .. -. . . roll: 'ull\ts ''ah\l"'th;'::'plibUo-,ad-- SWARt. . ILOI·B".I.··~R;..., .. H' CO.·U:·"~'.·. liriiUr: ~,'_;Qq,:the.Boud." IlR II ,,~-·-D:;:-\fii'ij-;.,;s-,··~~h~--'';'U-'·:Prollirlll of the same age at Sleighton men,· " . dress system will be provided by . Farms, Candy;' gloveli; gam""; sox, In comieclion with the drive fessor of InduStry .and Dean of the Swarthmore Fire Company. Monday thro1l&'h FrIda:!' or jewelry .are suggested. The for the new· educational unit of the Wharton School of FInance 2~ 5.·PJII. . gifts are to be appropriately the Church, the Canvass Commltand COlplDerce, of the University Bereaved 7 -9 P.~. wrapped, marked "boy" or "girl" tee held a dinner for all mempers of Pennsylvania, Is expeCted to Saturdays '.; , : \IIrs . .' Paul Geinmlll of Thayer and the age for which the gift Is of the Parish at the Strath Haven cQ\:ipibute materially to the 9:30 A.M.~.lZ Noon .,,~' strength of the. Board because of Intended, and placed beneath the Inn on ,WedJlesday, December 8 roaq has been cal\ed. ~o HU!ltingZ-4P.M. , • hi•.Impressive record in the field Christmas tree, at 6:45 p.m. Hostesses for the din- ton, ..V"Va., by· the death of her The library wlllbe ",.,.eel;;" of .education. A trustee of 'the Hostesses the day will be: ner were Mrs. J, A, Calhoun, Mrs. brothe~, Willi~m lioIIDes Brown 5 "oM. ~n Chrtstmas Eve.lid, Ul)iversity of Pennsylvania· and of that c1ty~ The' services were Mrs. S, Blair Luckie. Mrs. War- I S, D. Clyde, Jr., Mrs. Douglas New .. '!(ear •. J;ve, and aU da¥ the Cheyney State Teachers Colren F. Faragher, Mrs. J. Kenneth Courtney, Mrs . E, O. Cramp, Mrs, held On Thursday and he was Chrlshn.s Day and NewYear'8 lege, Dr. Williams also serves with Doherty, and Miss Grace Deets, E.I, Duer, Mrs .. ~. H: Gibson, inierred in Llncoin, Va,; near his Day. President Courtney Smith of . Mrs. Clillord Banta and. Mrs. Ro- Mrs. Elizabeth Hilliard, Mrs, W. family home. Swarthmore College as a trustee land G .. E. IDlman will .preside M. McCawley, Mrs. W. R, Meof the Eisenhower Exchange Felat the tea· table. ' . Henry, Mrs. H. N. Nutt, Mrs, R. lowshJps, Inc. H. Reed, Mrs; D. S. Walker, Mrs. He is also Director of the • B I c, M. Waterbury, Mrs. W. w. American Academy of Political To Play In Orange ow Waterbury, Mrs. W. W. Watkins and Social Science, Director of directory?" thp. voice inquired. Frederick MaCG.re.gor Campbell, \ and Mrs. W. H. West. HWell, no," Santa .said. "You the Pennsylvania State Planning Jr., son of Mr. an!1~rs. Freder\ck . . see, I did have one last year, too, Board, the· Urban Traffic and M. Ciunpbell ot ·Rutgers. avenue SAFE DRIVING DAY hut you people change it everY Transportation Board, the Walter and a senior at Duke Univ'ersity, Bnrgess. Joseph .Reynolds and year. Of course, I probably E. Hering Foundation, and will play on the Duke uiuversi ty I Preslden' of COUDoD Thomas wouldn't remember it anyhow," Institute of Local and State Govfootball . team when it· roeets Hopper 'are nrging citizens to " ... it?s a Klngswood number/' he explained earnestly. "But it':; ernment. He is a member of the Nebraska in the Qranile Bowl give their . full cooper&.. .. on in Santa Claus hellowed cheerful1y for all the children in the Swarth- Swarthmore \IIethodist Church Festival to be held in Miami on making December 15 a Safe into the public telephone receiver. more borough - up to 10 years. and makes his home in ,WallingNew Year's Day. "I know that much. I ..." that is--who want me to come ford. Dr, Wll1Iams Will replace ,Fred, who· graduated from DriVing Day, uYou'U have_ to dial informa- visit them personally on Christ- Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton who has Swarthmore Hlgn School in 1951. preslden'· Eisenhower bas tion, sir." the efficient voice on mas Eve, and since the calls are become an Emeritus Member P roclaimed this daY as the date won All-State !!lid honors as an kalll the other end stated briskly. to begin on the tenth of Deeem- after serving faithfully for 20 end on the high s"chool team, and for the naUon to keep C Santa sighed, and with a plump ber, I thought I ought to make years. was also an All-State performer aooldents a' an absOlute mIni- finger, 'patiently dialled 211. a check call to ,see that everything Chairman Smith also announced in traek, mDDl for a 24 hour period to llLong dis-tance;n announced is all right. Not that you people the re-election for four year At Duke Fred has been a mem- prove· dm' kallie aool4ents ~ another efficient voice. terms of \IIrs, ·Newlin T, Booth would make any-" ., , f three be prevented by indlvldnal and "Yes'," said Santa pleasantly. ber of the track team or uName and address, please?" of New Castle, Delaware; Richard seasons and captained the varsity commnnlty acIlon. uI'm looking fol;' my neW phone "Santa Claus,"'" said Santa, C, Bond, President of John'Wannumber for all Swarthmore chil- "North Pole, but that·s not-" heavyv.:eight wrestUng team in ~is amakers, Philadelphia, and Theojunior year. As an outstandmg MAGAZINE ARTICLE dren up to 10 years who want me ''You'll h~ve to, call long .dis- Pa. The Alumni Association has tackle and a two year letter mall . FEATURES MRS. WOOD to come visit them on Christmas tance for· that, Sir." The voice Pa., The Alumni Associtaion has re A few of Anne Wertsner (Mrs. Eve, and since-:-" . on the football team he was sounded a mite patient. uJusi dial recommended and the Board con~'Dial Information for all local 2-" centlY chosen as a member of the Harry) Wood's ideas for Christfirmed the eleetion of Mrs. Fredfirst team of the 1954 All_Atlantic mas decorations brighten this numbers," th.e voice cut in. uIt's UNo, no," said. Santa gently. lilt's erick S. Donnelly of Baltimore CoaSt 'Conference Football Team month's issue of 4'~e co~try 411," It added· kindly, in Swarthmore: It's my annual Md ., an,,\, ~J William F. Lee, who' Santa opened, the door brieflY phone that I have every year for resides in Swarthmore, 'to aerve Gentleroanu in an artic:le wrItten by United Pi-ess. Fred Is a political Science b Bernadette Daily. Entitled for a breath of. fresh air before the swarthmOre children, you for the term of four· years . as· Major at ·Duke and a l.1leI1lber of "iiake It Merry," the article gives dislling Once more. know, who want me to come visit Alumni lI(anagers on· the Board, "Informa-tion," sang the third yen illustrations emphasizing them personally on ·Chris-" The following persons 'were SAE social fraternity. eIIIclent voice. . . "I'll look It up for you," said :;'",pliclty and Mrs. Wood's basiC elected as officers of the Corpora."Ah," said Santa hopefUlly, the voice crisplY. There was a tion at today's meeting: PresiCollege Water Ball,et Idea that "you can use .almost and for the third time stated his pause, and then the volee came de!)t, Claude C. Smith, Vlce-?resThe Swarthmore College For- anYthing and make somethiDi arproblem. ''1 want to know my on ~ "I have a listln& here Ident, Philip T. cn._-"les, SecI'l!mation Swimming;Team will hold tistic." . phone number. It's a KIngswood for a Santa Claus in Swarthmore." Mrs. . ...~..eoreA resident of Walnut lane, !!Irs. number over here In Swarthmore. a water ballet entitled "American ''Yes'' said Santa ''that's it." ~,Willtam A. Clarke, As, .. ., . . SlStant Secretary, Mrs, Edward H. . Splash" at the Hall Gym1laslUJll Wood Is the secretary of the It's for the childull really, to "The number Is KIniswood tha-\Worth, and· TreasurerJ .. LIlWI'- . this evening. The two shows pennsylvania Horticultural S0- ask . . to-" (CoQtinued on Paie8)·· $lee Worstall. .,' .. begin at' '1 p.m. and 9 p.m. and ciety. Sb.. Is a noted I~ and "Have you looIolool"ed!d Ii up in the the admission Is free to all those an author in her own rIih .. . Who wish to attend. 'Pre-Holiday Fun Tonight at Boro H,II TrolnOlty Church· Opens• Building Fund Drive MrS. Wl'l loam Downton o·les In Hosplta - I . Name Dro WiJJiaD\fi On College:'Board Mauils.. -.~~ car- '~ ior I SANTA CLAUS PHONE, KINGSWOOD',3-1516, READY FOR ANXIOUS YOUNG CALLERS I THURSDAY, FRIDAY a D D D THE SWARTHMOREAN FIGHT I "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" to you. your BUY Deeember 3, 1954 THE SWARTHMOIlEAN the me , ••, , pqe2 TIlE SYAJlTBMOREAN the Bethany Lutheran Church In. Sallsbury. .... The paslor, the Rev. Clayton W. Hammell, ~rformed the eeremony and an mformal reception was held ~ the home of the bride's brother-In-law and sister, Mr. and Mr•. William T. Thornton, Jr., of Sallsbury. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a light brown woolen ballerina -length dress. t~immed with crystal beads and rhmes~nes at the neckline a~d a matchmg satin hat, feather trunmed. She car.rled a bouquet of ~een and· wme c!,mbodium Personals EnsIgn and Mrs. Paul E. Wittreich of Newpo'i' R.I., visited Mrs. Wittrelch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy deFuria of North Chester road for a few days this past week. MIss Donna Crosset, daughter of Mrs.. Donald. Crosset of Riverview road, has been pledged to Pi Phi Sorority at WiiUam and Mary where she is a freshman. Pvt. and Mrs. Irl Duling are staying at their home in Newtown Square since Pvt. Duling is on a 10 day leave from Camp Gordon, Ga. orchIds. The bride's sister, Mrs. ThornMr. and Mrs. David Morgan, Jr., of Dogwood lane were in New ton; and her husband were the York last week to witness .the in- attendants. Mrs. Thornton wore a stallation of Mr. David W. R. moss green dress and a small Morgan, Sr., as president of the feather hat. Her bouquet. was of American Society of Mechanical dark rust chrysanthemums and small cattails. Engineers. After a wedding trip to WilMrs. Maxey Morrison of Dartmouth avenue will entertain Mrs. liamsburg, Va., the couple will Sadie Gregory of Canada over. the live In Swarthmore where Mr. Bethard is employed by the Sinweek-end. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Haire of clair Oil Company. Crum Ledge will entertain at a tea-dance at the Strath Haven BRIDAL ATTENDANTS Inn on Friday evening, December Mrs. William Guy Piper will be 17. matron of honor fo):, her sister Mrs. Carola 13ell Williams, Miss Marian McCahan 'Ransburg, mono-dramatist and playwright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank visited Miss Ruth Webb of South ·T.. R~nsl>\,lrg of Harvard averiue Chester road for"two lay, or rather, of the woman · term! nation t a rnak e jouma . excellence . of. the production is an d th egrr, . I f or thesinguarconI an e. ndurlng career. Brown, who attended Middle- shared by director, Mrs. Gordon trlbution of Jane ·Woodbridgc. bury C;::ollege and graduated from Lange . ' wh0 eng'meered a b n'11iant who· played Ophelia, was to make' Yale UniversUy,. worked on the !,Iece of good theatre, fast-mov-' clear that she in fact is a lovely, Wilmingt~:m, Del., Journal.. the lng, well ... paced, and nev;~, ·dull, mixed-up, but very young per~ New Haven Journal Colirler, and out of the well-known sc.npt, and son, were well handled. Miss served as editor of the Sou~h- Charles Cooper, co-captam of the Woodbridge was frighteningly ington News and the Branford Re- Garnet foo~ball team, who gave convincing in portraying Ophelia's view, weekly newspapers, before the most difficult of characters a insanitY during the latter part of joining the. Evening Day in .July, mature, balanced interpretation. the play, while Shirley Lasch as 1952... From the opening scene played the Queen handled a difficult and Marrlei1 ·to the former Atty; under an effective deep blue unclear role with mature feeting, Trudell . G~en . Of Philadelphia, light, with the sudden revealing making the spectators realize that Mr. Brown's· two young sons and of an eerie flourescent ghost, here is a woman who is more his wife will accompany him to through the difficult soliloquies, weak than evil. India. . He hopes to delay his de- given well-spoken meaning by The Swarthmore students t parturefQr' India until March so Cooper, through the famous "Get played it for action, ,working for that his reSIdence there can extend thee to a nunnery" scene between an exciting and intelligible perinto 1956, a year during which Hamlet and Ophelia, to an excit- formance, and played down some regular parliamentary elections ing and perfectly staged wind-up, of the introspective aspects of will be conducted In India. the drama.' . The Labor Brown became interested in lead the way to peace and point ThUs ultimate meaning was at Is Ours India and Its problems while a the way to a middle way for each time sacriflced to a clearer por. student at Yale University. There side. trayal of events. The soliloquies, he met many Indian students, "I also think \hat India, a leader for example, were spoken more The Pleasure Is Yours among them an Indian lawyer and in the east w~th close western ties, with reference to what had judge studYing at Yale under a is the best place for an American transpired in the play than to Hors d'oervres & sandwiches for your open houseFulbright scholarship. He also with 1!mi.ted time to learn the the poetic insights into the human The succulent bird for your Christmas table. • consulted with Chester W. Bowles, Asian viewpoint." process that they contain. By . Pastries to fit the holiday season former governor ~f COnnecticut "I want to tearn more of Gandhi doing this the play was better to and all In the 'ngleneuk tradition and former ambassador to India, and find out how much his teach-. watch and hear. One realized who 'encouraged him in his Ing has· persisted, and I want to that, after aU,· Hamlet and tudl observe the coming election cam- Ophelia, or JIamlet and his s Br~~ lists his reasons for the paign." mother, are primarilY individual impending trip to India. as .folBrown, a Marine veteran of ch~racters in the play, though : - Call Early lows:, "I see India as the key to World War Two, Is now a resident they remain representations of the east-west struggle where. ,;l~ of,Old Saybrook, Conn., where he ·the eteOlalconlllcts between the SW.rthmore SWarthmore legiance might sWing the balance.· ...nd· his wife organized' a meeting sexes, or between son and mother. Je5JNPlli_ _ _ ~lIIIilllllillll5i5l111illOiiOW_-"lIIIil- . . But, more Important, I see a of the Society of Friends a year sibillty that a neutral India might TOYS - FOR ALL AGES CHRISTMAS WRAPPINGS • "ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON 'CRUSOE" , FflIIIted ''I_I sc.... ..,..... .. I. -Gl." kartoo. K.""I hr Sat. 1 P.... PI. ca ...... .IMI Trad..r T. . SertoI. '. .ww,.. SAY. NHHfr ONLY-RA1U1ID _10 Monday, De'Ceinber 6 "7 BRIDES FOR .7 IROTHDS'" "eTed."& nO.6'..... . CI . 's ',d • ..... ·i,·....... manNl/llOlII UTILITY SHOP DoUday At Its Best " \c;PA.d~lt . Cm.tret\! • ..... Ilaw. ' l ' e. C .'l1li . . . . . . . . . ' I II .i SWarthmore i 6:: I 6-7848 , '. 6-6OIKi . tJ'iJ"4'$1I~ .-.S••".... .R'''. ,, =========~~===:::::=== , Christmas Cards J Swarlhmore$hops In Right Here • , with Monogram at slight extrei cost '. i ." • ..... . I. '" Ave., Swwlhmen. , .. • You Save Time, Energ,y, Money when you shop locally . .WALLETS I t· , MONOGRAMMED FREE * * * THEATRE PHARMACY Adolph's Barber ShoP Co.op Food Market Michael's College , Pharmacy . "" THEATRE SQUARE CALL FOR and DELIVERY SERVICE .Ample FREE PaJt:lng SWarthmore 6-3154 , S·· • . II. jer·chandise wh.en y. ou shop in Swarthmore You find Qualify in Se ec I~n, erVlce, IVI '. n • •RKDf.g story of a. amealnll lnCIali DOIII•• D.Fo."s classic . WOOLEN GlOVES Pas- Gift cards available for YOU 'or . Jim Brown Receives THE .·N·GLENEUK ainew. rug or carpet. • =S~~IPTIONS 'Friday Ie Saturday - P...·, . One of the most MAGAZINES THEATRE ra. 'l1IESWAllTHMOBEAN .. MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN 313 D_oath AVeDne Swarthmore 6-2080 ALIO BARBER Glm <:idal. TI. ., • • P.... ROBERT J. ATZ, Owner Mr. and Mrs. Orrin M. ElUott of Startiilg S.lIday Saturday, December 11 WINTERIZE with PRESTONE or ZEREX ~~~~~~~~~~; Director 0,.. 1....1... Ulltll C.r1sl ••• I Wheel Balancing , i "Uostessing· Have your car Inspected now Mr.aild Mrs. Robert Lees of Media announce the· btrth of a daughter, Martha Elizabeth, on November 30 at Taylor Hospital. The Ilttle gtrl Is the gr&nddaughter cif M~. and Mrs. Robert J. Atz I :::.~~ of Dartmouth avenue. duffer for ages 8-80 "~.'. STATE INSPECTION PERIOD Ends Jan. 31 BIRTHS CHARLES F. SEYMOUR, OLD I"NI ILD6. 11~~~~ii~~iiii~;~ii~~~ii;~ii~~~ii~~ii~ Mr. and lIIIrl.' Jack Rlcksecker of Cornell avenue aDilounce the birth of their third son, William Scott, on FrIday, December 3, at Hospital. The baby weighed 8 "lb. 2'1.. oz. HIs maternal grandparents 'are Mr.· and . Mrs. Harry Wood of Walnut lane, and . paternal' grandmother· Is Mrs. Charles A. Ricksecker of La;~ downe.. ' CO~LEGE • - I at the back, and the long skirts HemlOCk. road, Pine Ridge., .pa., The new bOy Is the grandson Of ended in small ·tI'ains. They car- announce the birth of a son, LewIs ~. and Mrs. Percival AnnItag e rled round boullUetS of allver Armitage, on FrIday, December 3.. of 'lIarvard avenue.· Cbrlatmas tree bells sUrrounded by hony and other greens and tied with sliver ribbons Th also wore tiny tiaras of m1na~ silver Christmas tree balls and holly. Bridesmaids were Miss ·Jean L BEAUTY SALON Tyrrell of Merion, Mrs. Thoma~ W. Ward of Rosemond and Mrs BEAUTY IS WHAT YOU MAKE·IT John M. Powers, Jr., of Villanova: They also wore gowns of Chrlst9 South Chester Road mas Red taffeta similar to those Call SWarthmore' 6-0476 wbrn by the. honor attendants. They carried round bouquets of honor and Mrs. John A. Mltchell, I~.;M;;;;;~;;;n;;;ed;;;d;;:lrec;;;;;;;;t;;;fro;;;;;;;m;;;;;S;;;W;;;ari;;;;;;b;;;mo;;;;;;;;re;d. Jr., of Bryn Mawr, sister-in-law I: of the bride, was matron of honor. They viore gowns of Christmas Red taffeta with tight fitting Swarthlfto~.· shirred' bodices, off-shoulder low necks, and tiny short sleeves. The AIR CONDITIONED \louffant skirts had large bustles THE Deeemher 16, 1954 , , ~. luchHjo'1i The First NatiollCll lank of Delaware County The Fountain Camera and Holtby Sho, . WilllC!lm S. Bitfle.•ad Se•. The Strati! Have. ~.1!1 Cello Shoe Shop . . Edw. I,.. Noyeli I. J . ~.. Co: H~SlelO --r . I Oronge Cleallers Th!! Swarthmoreall Dew Drop Inn . BOII,quet Beau~ Shop ~ . .. ' " \ 'allison' . Hollyllock Gift Shop Utility Shop Catl!erm••·s DratJ Store Sherwin's Jewelry The Music lox Ingleneuk Hannum .and Waite Joyce Lewis Robert's. Cleaners, Sipler Hardware Horace A. Reeves M. Wel.stel. Ie 5011. . , Alllerica. S..-res ~. Mario Do.iteil, MEMBERS OF THE SWARTHMORE. ~USJt\"ESS· ASSOCIATION • \ . • .laird alld Ilrd Page 4 • p,eemy- • 1"I;1~ - .' .SW .~1'IDIOREAN ...' , . .'". ~. THE SWAR'fllMOREAN PUBLISHED. EVER» Jl'lUDAY AT SWARTlIJIIOBE, PA. PETER E. TOLD, lIIARJOillE TOLD, PVBwuims Phone SWanbmere 8-88" ' PETER E. TOLD. Edlior Rosalie Peirsol Marjorie Told Ellen S; Simon Sally Alden Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. W.S.C.S.. Circles II and 7 will meet on ~OIlday at 8: 30 p.m. Mr. Kulp must cancel his office hours for personal counsellng on Tuesday. Other hours will be 1Il'~ ranged by appointment. There will be Cottage Prayer Meeting on Tuesday at 8 P.m. - lit, 1954, 7: 15 Wednesday morning. The lags 'wllI be resumed after the last Bible ~tl.ldy, meeting before New year.",.. , . " Christlna1l will be held at 8 o'clocR A otEvenmg piaYer Wednesday evening. These meet- ,will be he.ld at 5:30 p.m. Friday. fete Undefeated Team At Football Banquet '.ernc:e . the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley' France, 328· Sedgewood . road Spring1leld.. David Hurst, will b~ DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY.NOON • the leader. The Memory verse is are expertly and .yn;palhelfcaUy SWARTHMORE. PENNA., Deeember 10, 19M 2 Cor. 8:21 (RSV)( I - -____:-----------------~------II The Ladies' Bible Class will filled at the price you .et. have a covered dish luncheon and PRESBYTERIAN NOTES with Mr. John Schott in charge. Christmas party on Wednesday There will be the regular two Supper at 6: 45 p.m. in McCaqan at 12: 30 at the home of Mrs. Morning Worship Services on Hall, will be followed by a pro- Paul Paulson, 100 Park avenue. Sunday, December 12. Mr. gram. 'Circle 4 of W.S.C.S. will meet Bishop's sermon topic will be On Monday, December 13, at at 8: 30 Wednesday evening. DIIICTOU O. RlNIULI "Belief In The Supernatural." At 6: 30 p.m. the Couples Club will Choir rehearsals are on 'llhursthe 11 o'clock service, there will meet for a Covered Dish Supper, day for the Cherub Choir, 3: 30 1820 CHESTNUT STREET, be the Sacrament of Baptir.&n. followed by a Christmas program, p.m.; for the Junior Choir, 4 p.m.; OIlVH H. IAII. _ . . MARY A. lAIR, Prosldont and caroil singing; Christmas and for the Chancel Choir, 8 p.m. Immediately following the 11 Stockings wllI be 'fllled. Couples Telephone RI6-1511 o'clock service. there will be a who are interested in cOming are TRINITY NOTES Coffee Hour in the Women's As- asked to call Mrs. Howard B. A celebration of the Holy Comsociation Room to which all mem- S IDl·th, J r., MEdia 6-2261. munion will be held at 8 o'clock bers of the congregation are inThe Board of Trustees will meet Sunday morning. Children In the vited.· Circle 8, Mrs. Charles C. fo# Its regular monthly meeting third grade and up in Church Martin, chairman, will be the on Tuesday evening, December 14, hostesses. at 7:30 p.m. In ,the Women's As- School will meet at 9: 30, and at 11 o'clock those in the second The Senior- High _. Fellowship .sOciatiorr Room. grade and down will meet. The will meet for supper at 6:30 in On Wednesd~y, one Circle will regular .service of Morning McCahan Hall, Following supper, meet-Circle 5, Mrs. Luther ConPrayer will be held at 11 o'clock. this group will do a Christmas ant, chalrman-at the home of Service Project downstairs in the Mrs. Richard E. Farrington, 523 At 6: 30 p.m. the Canterbury Club will meet, and the Young People's HeelalOrJwhshiRpoomw··illThaleSOJ."enl1.Ji~OryHigthhe Cornell avenue. The Christmas Fellowship will meet for a social F program will be given' by memevening from 7: 15 to 3: 45 p.m. 6: 30 supper; a choir rehearsal and bers of the group. Ushers for Sunday will be as a l?rogram wi!1 folloW. ThIs Thursday at 3: 30 p.m., the follows: . group consists of the seventh, Carol Choir will rehearse, folR. J. Baker, J. L. Cornog, W: R. eighth and ninth graders. lowed by'the Westminster Choir The Young Adults meet Sunday rehearsal at 4: 15. - The Chancel Fawcett, R. G. Halg, R. B. Price, evening 1't 6 p.m. for :&ible Study Choir will rehearse at 7: 30 p.m. W. T. Salo~, and G. W. C. Wagin the WOlllen's Association Room, Friday evening at 8 p.m. there ner. . Hugh Morrison will' serve as nine ••• n'ineteen •••, or "not teffing'\•• will be a Christmas Party for . acolyte at 8 o'clock, and Walter the Young Adults Group and the CHURCH SERVICES Young Adults ot the United Cere- Reynolds and Andy Hopkins at 11.Fine Letter Papers PRESBYTERIi\N CHQRCH During the 11 o'clock service bral Palsy of De!aware\ County; Josej:Jh p, Bishop, Minister John Schott, Associate !ODIster to be held in the Women's Asso- Carol Goff and Amy Ryerson will ar~ be. In ·charge of the ,hursery. ciation Room. • Sunday, Deoenfber 12 Choir reh.earsals for the Whether choosing writing paper to brighten yo(u9:30 A.M.-'Men's Bible Ciass and will be held as usual on Monday Women's Bible Class. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES own "wta-by-majJ, or to give 88 a gift, there'. an 9:30-10:45-11:00 A.M. - Church The effectiveness' of scientific and ·Wednesday at 4 O'clock. On Eaton paper in 0111' wide, wonderf1.1J ael~ that SchooL Monday th,e Girls' Choir will meet 9:30 and 11 A.M. _ Mr. Bishop prayer in meeting human prob- at 5 o'clock, and the Men's aDd will do )'01.1 proud I Come in soon and ~. will preach. Sermon topic: "Be- lems of every kind will be set Boys', Choir will rehearse on . forth at Christian Science serv- Thursday at 7: 30 p.m. lIef In the Supernatural." ' 11 A.M ...,.sacrament, of Baptism. ices this sunday, when the, LesOn TUesday there will be a 6:00 P.M.-Young' Adults Group. son"Sermon Is entitled "God the of Ev~g Prayer at 5:30 service 6~p~.M.-senior IDgh Fellow- Preserver of MIin." ' on the ·corner in$wartpmore p.m, 8:30P.M.-Junior High Fellow-' '])he midweek celebration of ship. .. ' FRII!NDS' MEETIN&NOTES. Holy Commwnon wllI be' held at The FIrst Day School will hold METHODIST CHURCH its Christjnas Barrel Packing ac, John C. Kulp tivities during the First·· Day Minister Rudolph H. Hodge School hour ,in ~e mbining~ On ', ' AsSistant MinIster Sunday, December' 12. 'At 4 p.m. Mrs. Ruth G. Nicely First Day Schoolattenders and Organist-Director of Music their famllle.S, -and M(!!!fiIigpeople SIlI1da7, Deeember 12, who are interested, will gathetin 11:45 A.M.-Church School the Meeting House for the ariiluai 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. Carol Sing. 4:00 P.M. - Christmas Vesper The United FellowshlpSt,udent; Musical. 7:00 P.M. - Youth Fellowship wl11 meet in their room under will meet. . Meeting House at·7 o'clock Sun~ day evening to hear Orrin 'Evans TRINITY CHURCH speak on the race problem in H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector ., Chester. Sunday, December 12 At the Adult Forum next Sun8:00 A.M.-Holy .Communion, 9:30 A.M.-Church School (3rd day William Hubben, editor of ,grade and up.) the Friends Intelligencer, will 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. continue di~ussion of the Evans11:00 A.M.--Church School (2nd ton Assembly.of the World Coungrade and down. cil of Churches. 6:30 P.M.-Canterbury ClUb. 7:15-8:45 P.M. -Young People's Fellowship. ' . METHO~IST NOTES , . Tuesday, De.ember 14 Church School meets .at 9:45 on 5:33 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Sundays when consecratect 'te~ch­ Wednesday, Deeember 15 ers conduct classes for all ag~ 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. beginning at two years. The 8:00 P.M.-Bible Study. teacher for the Young Adult Friday, December 17 Builders Class will be William _5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Collenberg. THE RELIGIOUS SOCI¥TY At the 11 o'clock Morning WorOF FRIENDS ship, Mr. Kulp continues an Aa. Sunday, December 12 9:~5 A.M.-Adult Forum. Wil- vent series of sermons on the bam Hubben wi.11 spe"k 0'1 "The theme, :~Deliverance 'from ,DarkEvanston Assembly."· . ness . Into Light." , The '- sennon 9:45 A.M,-First Day School. 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. topics will be: , ~n are welcome to jOin with us. December 12, "The Book of De4.00 P.M.-Annual Carpi Sing in liverance"; December 19, ''The the Meeting House.' Day . of .Deliverance"; December 7:00 P.M. - United Fellowship 26. "Student Recognition Day"; Students Meeting. January 2, liThe Result of DelivMonday, Deeenfber 13 eranc;e." ." All day sewing for A. F. S. C. At 4 p.m. the choir will present Wednesday, Deeenfber 15 its annual Christliiils Candlelight All day sewing for A.F.S.c. Vesper Musical. Seasonal music , FIRST CHURCH OF of varied natUre had tM.en pteCHRIST, SC1ENT1&T p~red by the choir -under the-' di~ SWARTHMOR~ Park Avenue below Harvard rection of Mrs. Ruth Nlcel7; Sunday, Deeember 12 At 5: 15 p.m. the WeslEiy Fi!iiow11 :00 A. M.-Sunday School Ship leaves feir supper and· the 11:~ A.M.;;-The Lesaon-serMon ; will be God The Preserver of Chrlstmas progriun with the WesMan." • ley Found"tilln at the, University Wedne.dav evenlnJi! meetinll of PennsylvaDta. " .' ,... . each week, 8 P.M.. Reading Room The Methodist Youth Fellow,409 Dartmouth Avenue operi Ihe Compliments of the Swarthmore Business Association weekdays except holldaY; 10-5 ship will meet at the church at Friteday evening, 7-9. Suncb.y af': p.m. A social hour will follow the moon, 2:30-4:30. meeting. _ flect Pete Kroon CClptain . Of Team .For 1955 YOUR NEEDS • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. , EATON S p4itl"$onality-perfE!ot MlCJlAEL'S· COLLEGE PHARMACY SW 6-0857 We Deliver .... "He's coming~lQ:.'·Swarthmore! ,FRIDAY" DECEMBER 17th . " And Will Be in His Own: Shack 3.30 P.M. t~S.30P.M. i~ Fr~nt of Borough Hall Wit~ .'. Page 5. , ,- ~ it would rest In th h ds these b e a n of oys. Their example of loyalty, courage, teamwork and perseverence have been an inspiration to all Who have been associated with the team. It has be;n the foundation upOn which this undefeated season was built and also th . ese. are'the real exper_, Iences that are ,sure to serve the boys the rest of their lives. He also expressed thanks to the band cheerleaders, town fathers and th~ school for their ~ooperation during the past season: ' Citizens Achievement Awards were 'awarded to, Co-Captsin Roger Zensen and Terry DeU- HOllie. From Ellrope \speaker's good taste and sk.!llin '. • • '. :','! l' , handting materials were greatly Leslie D. Polk, son of Mr. and , A very appreciative audience. admired. Mrs. W. H. Polk, Sr., 401 Brighton enjoyed Herve Goulet" New EngMr. Goulet's witty replies· to avenue. arrived on Thanksgiving land. artist and Interio~ de~orator, comments from the audience eve to -spend an extended hollday In his demonstration Let s Dec- added to the enjo ment of the visiting his family and friends orate for Christmas" at the altern ' y after an absence of nearly flve oo_n_._ _ _ _ _ __ Woman's Olub of Swarthmore years in Europe, working at FaA Tuesday afternoon. Dump Truck Overturns headquarters in Paris and curSeveral club members had A Ford dump truck belonging rently assigned to U.S. Regionlil brought greens, containers, candies, ribbon, snow sprays, fruit, to Peter DiNicola of Milm0Ilt Organization also located in Paris. and bright cOlored balls for Mr. avenue overturned on. Michigan The latter organization Is the Goulet's use. Since he did not avenue on Tuesday afternoon as headqUllrters of the American delknow in. advance what materials a result of a broken steering egations' to . NATO and OEEC. would be available, his arrange- mechanism. The driver of the After routine consultations In ments were informal and showed truck, Irvin Alexander of 245 Washlngion and spending the ingenulty and resourcefulness on W3Iflut street, Morton, was able Christmas holidays with his parmuth who, in turn, presented en- the part of the artist. ents, he will return to Paris In to climb out uninjured. graved, silver trays to Coaches The truck was righted by a late January for another tour of The arrangements were varied Hall and Robinson in apprec;ation to illustrate what could be done crane owned by Jacob Miller that duty at USRO. of their. leadership., . to decorate a hall table, mantle, was being operated in that vicinAt this time the out~tanding op- or dining room table. I saw it· in The Swarthmorean. The ity. ponent' halfback and llnemen elected by the team each, year were introduced. They were bon FRESH AND DIPPED CHOCOLATE Day of Media and Chuck Cook ot S!t&\,on HjJJ. , Dipped While You Wait . Roger ZenS~n then announced' Pete Kroon as the captain elected MILK AND DARK CHOCOLATE, FRUIT for, the 19li5 ,season. , , Mr. Miller, coach 'of the cheer AND NUTS- $1.85 le~ders, presented gold megaphones to the three senior memNutritious and DeliciouS'. bers of the squad, Phyllis Adams, / Margie Feeser anti Ferrell Beck. . , Guests present were Mi'. and Mrs. Gene Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Jl!IDes Miller, Dr. and Mrs. Heckman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klemmer, Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence Swarthmare SWarthmore 6·5300 WhittemDre, Bob Borer, band captain, Peter Asch, Gamet editor, P.S~You s"ould see our Chrlstmos pod:agesl Mr. and Mrs. Ke~eth Hay, and 1 Miss Virginia Allen. The annual Swarthmore High School football banquet, sponsored by the town fathers, wail held in the high school cafeteria Saturday, December 4. Steak with all the trimmings, mixed with the pride and enthusiasm that always accompanies a fine t~am, made for a very colorful evening. This dinner to honor the high school team was attended by more than 300 guests, parents and rooters. Following the ·lnvocation by Rev. Lawrence Whittemore of the Episcopal- Church, Avery Blake took over as master of ceremor.!es and directed the evening's ~ctivitiesJ contributing many ,humorous witticisms and personal reflections. on the highlights of the Beason. Following the consumption of julcy ~ ste8ks served up by the town fathers, Miss Bettejo Goodall and Mr. Robert Holm of our music department led in singing which was featured by an original take-off on uHernando's Hideaway" by the football squad which more or less eulogized the annual football camp. As has been the custom, the boys playing college football are Invited ba.ck as guests and those present were: Jack ThQmpson, center at Princeton, Tom Simkin, fullback at Swarthmo;>re, and Rob Wright, freshman quarterback at ,li'rapklin anci .~l\l'l!haU . The Cit}zens Committee Certificates of outstanding achievement in football were awarded to Tom SJDi-, kin, Dick Burtis, and Fred Cahlp-, bell, who incidentally was selected a tackle by the United. Press on the All-Atlantic Coast Conference Team. Special certift-· cates of merit presented by the Varsity ClUb, were awarded . to "Mr. Saturdiiy MtlS Incidents for the enjoyment of every one. He P8rti.cuIarly expressed nttle con' cern about the future of Ameriea "Dr.: ~ ,,-.--.- Shows Seasona~ Trim Morrow's Cracker Barrel We·re eager Ne~ to rru~et and greet you as your ••• Dodge Dealer ,.GUTHIIIE-SMITH, INC. 250 Yal,:Avenue , --, .." . - ,,- KI 3·7100 Morton, Pa. Custom Royal V.a 4;,joor Sedan Co:rn.ein! Lets g~t acqu a iI1.ted! Thrill to Dodge Power~te fullY- autoDrop In I Help US celebrate. Let us matic transmissio.n, to f)l\l-time Power , show..you the thrilling new, flair-fashSteering', Power Brakes and other ioned •55 Dodge .•• flashing ahead in great Dodge features. ...e..~r -.party tomorrow' night dewy, "and I'd Ilke me. to go there for frlerids from Springfield; Wal~. last so I'll be sure to be there Iingford and.,Newark, Del. . . when I come." Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Reed, of .~."uOh. I'm so ·sorry," the .voice apologized, "We just never know iohen Santa will come--but before ilawn, of course. Is that a new heet in Swarthmore?" West Laure' HIli CrematorY provIde, "No," Santa replied. UBut modern fac:lUtfes for compl ....· ""Tce. thanks vefy much for. your • Bf!outiful chapel trouble. I'll be talking to you • Crematory on qrounds • Dignified columbartum again, I'm sure. And until then, • Individual or familv niches a very Merry Christmas to you." • Wide selection of urn5 Santa hung up gently. Inlpectton Invlfed "Well," he sighed happily. WEST LAUREL HILL "Everything is in excellent order. Now, what .else is on my· list?", CREMATORY ... _ ,,"YO. abo... City Un.. and Santa bauled out his own lo'a.cPwvd IYyridg. 3.1122 Personal list, by tradition, the to the player who has "contribut- the college la*t week.: Bradbeer was captain of the ed most In sklll and sporlsman_ soccer -team this. season. . ship to the success of the season." The award was made at the first I saw It In .The Swarthmorean. annual Fall Sports Dinner. held by ....:....._---'"--- Millium lined .. The Lightest Winter-Warm Jacket in America 6.FOOT ALL WOOL SCARFS SLIPS. ,GOWNS by Van Raalte JANTZEN SWEATERS , • CARDIGAN, PULLOVERS " ROBES by Botany BUCHNER'S . . SWarthmore '6·0240 Open Every EvenIng Unfll Cllrlsfmas • . ." FOOD MARKET "'.. ' . I , 403 .DARTMOUTH ·AVENUE Weekend:·of December 9, 1954 Swift's Premium T·Bone STEAKS Co-op labels - Porterhouse' - Sirloin APRICOT NECTAR large can .45' , APPLE JUICE large can .39 PINEAPPLE JUICE. large can .39 .19 PUMPKIN. 1 Ib 13 oz can EVAPORATED MILK. 141/2 oz 4 for .49 BARTLEn PEARS. large can .39 ~34 Vacuum Packed SWiETS FR'IENDLY OPEN HOUSE ~~d:e ~~de:~e~i~~rlg:i i~:~ The Friendly Open House met Adler, a Junior. The Chorus will on Monday, December 6, at the Presbyterian .Church: After the present a group of unaccompanied madrigals in keeping with the singing of Christmas Carols, Mrs. season. Admission is free and ali I.Gael:oi,rmge P. Warren gave a dramatiare invited to attend. I~ of James M. Barrie's "Rosa_ . MiSs Mary M. LeCron, daug!i\"r of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Leeron l>t Cedar lane, will sing in the Messiah chorus this week-end at Denison University, Granville, Ohio. Mary is a junior at Denison. ,E. H. Tayior of Harvard avenue spent Monday and Tuesday in Washington, D.C., attending sessions of the first National H ow C' • Ist.. I Heal. ''YOU CAN HAVE GOD'S HELP NOW" WI' ". 0 • $500 MONTHLY Storti", lOla..,. for 2 executlv..type sal....n to repres.nt IOf9' Ea.tern "nalldal corporatfon. No trav.l. Sal.. .........c. and abUI" dfllred, ••toa,.. It"'ed "1Id..t, 2S-4O yea" old, ma,rled. capable of auumlng *ponslbll. Itl... Ie nqu..tln9 Iraft"l.. pllICIH ladwd. brIef ,.J'SOIMII REGULAR HOURS Monday through Friday Registry, stamp, and parcel post windows 5:30 P.M. Money order and postal savings window - 9 Saturday A Registry, stamp, and parcel post windows 12 Noon Money order and postal savings - 9 A.M. to _ Inform'" of 1101, ad. ... A. L IICI Sudo" ,.45 A.M. Ij~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~iiiii~~iiiiii~iiii~~i Hollyhock Gift .Shop Tea was served by Mrs. Joseph H. Walter and 'her committee from the Friends Meeting. Two afgbans to be sent to the servicemen' at Valley Forge Hospital were completed and displayed. The next meeting of. the group will be beld on December 20 when a Christmas program will be presented. Open EveiJings until ChristmcJS 8 A.M. to A.M. to 5 P.M. - The loveliest gift _ • 8 A.M. to 12 Noon. under the Chririmas tree ••• foamy lingerie, laced with a lavish CHRISTMAS BOURS Sunday, December 12 . Stamp and parcel post windows open-l P.M. to 4 P.M. Stamp and parcel' pOBt' windows open till 6 P.M.. Sunday, December '19 .! Stamps and parcel post windows open - 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. Post .Office· lobby· open daily ........ '. 6 A.M. to 7 P.M. Saturday ........................ 6 A.M. to 4 P.M. Sunday ........................ 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. . .Stamp vending machine in post olllce\lobby Ior the purchas~ of I, 2, and 3. cent stamps, thiS machine "!~ll.i>perate with nickles"and d1me",'l..I!\Y... ' '.' . /: ,:' .::=>-"~' '. . F6i'.'your protection ·INSURE parcel. post and REGISTER valuable first class mail. . . Payment of SPECIAL DELIVERY tee ineails prompt .handling and transportation, and immediate deliverY at olilce of destination during prescribed hours. . . , Payment of SPECIAL HANDLING fee entitles such-~~tter to prompt. distribution, dispatch and th~ most e:'PedllI."us handling and transportation practicable, but NOT to ImmedIate delivery at olilce of address: . . . Special regulations apply to weIght and sIZe of parcels mailed to another First class post oliloe beyond the third zone and to Air Mail parceis. For any specific information stop in or call the Post Olilce. hand and molded to figureflattering perfection r USED.. t.ARS. 1953 QODGE. Four Door Sedan, Light Green, Heater, Turn Signals, Seat Covers, Low Mileage. One Owner . 120 different kinds of Christmas Tre~ Ornaments 10 to 25% off list price $1295.00 1952 DESOTO FIREDOME "S". Four Door Sedan, a beautiful dark blue. Radio, HeatWall Tires, Tinted Safety Glass, Low. 'M'II eage. . 1 particular 6wner. $1395.00 . . Large size California DIAMOND WALNUTS Cummings ¥a" Drill' Kit Complete - Drill, sanding discs, wool bonnet, wire brushes,· etc. 39.98 value - 29.77 RKER. Four Door 1952 CHRYSLER NEW YO Crosse & Blackwell FRUIT CAKES , CASCO Dry and SHAW Irons 19.95 value -15.88 ?-. lb. Carton - Ball Bearing ,Roller Skptes 3.98 valu, - 2.99 • .." . , 2 cello paks 23c : " . -'. suitable for mailing LrnucE TOMATOES 19c head 29c·lb. J.;,mbo heads c~lIo-paks Sedan. A' clean light gray in color. . • Radio Heater, Seat CovTorque d rive, , T' t d Glass Low Mileage. pne ers, 10 e , $1595.00 . ·owner. HANNUM & WAITE Yale Ave. & S. Chester Rd . . -SWarthmore 6·1.250· " all Swarthmorean. . - history. repll.. COI'IRdlnlat. Our sal.smlh hay •. . lind!' WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES The Music Group will meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday, December 14, at the home of the chairman, Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty, 609 Elm avenue. The monthly stated meeting will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, followed by a Christmas party. Sci.... Watershed Congress. Mr. Taylor was chairman of .the committee on "Elements of a Sound National Land and Water Policy," er, Power-Steering, Seat, Covers, White \ za_-. Dr. Stanley Kiehl Gambell wi1l give a recital of "The Story of the Other Wise Man!' At 8 p,m, Tuesday the Junior Woman's Club will hold a board meeting at the home of Mrs, J, F, Collier, 35 Netherwood drive, Springfield. Thursday evening at .8 the Travel Group, Mrs, Judson d, Jr., chairman, will preHaldy Miller Crist In costume, with pictures and 'a talk on the Holy Land, SWarthmore 6-1719 Khara Fleece 8 PARK AVENUE formation Swlmmlng Team Water saliet will be presented m,. the sWimming pool of the Hall Gym at 7 /lnd 9 p.m. each evening. The production this year is under ~e direction of student· captalDS Janet Kuhl and Jane Ge1sman. Both of these gi~ls are Juniors whO have been working with the group for three years' and advance reports state' that this year's presentation will be of the same high standard established in the past. Everyone is. invited to attend. Admission i.s free. FrIday, December 10 For all those who had an opportunity to witness the fine production of "Hamlet" by the Little Theatre Club last week-end and all others interested in the subject of drama, a panel discussion will be presented at 4 p.m. in the friends' Meeting House. The subjcct of the discussion will be ''Possible Interpretations of Ham_ let." Various members of the Engjish Department will participate:: Thursday, Decem~ 16 The annual Christmas Concert' presented by the College Chorus and the ,Chamber orchestra will be given In Clothier Memorial auditorium at 8: 15 o'clock, The orchestra and chorus will be under the direction of Professor James D, Sorber, The program this year will inclUde three cantatas by Johann S. Bach COm;,:;,ed for the Christmas season. e organist will be Jerrold Moore, a Senior, and ail soloists are stUdents, An added feature this year will be the appearance Swarthmore Post OHice Sweater and Skirt Combinations Just the small radio for the Kitchen shelf .-:.... ARVIN 1 each, - Red, Green, Blue 16.95 value"":"" 15.88 , oPPosite ffte ""roael,fat/o. KI..swood 3-7730 Morto., '0, .,,~~i::nC Spt..Sh" ~eCannuM Suggestions Insulator Jackets - /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lo~n~g~e~s~t~in~t'h~e~la~n~d~'~~~Mi~ WILLIAM F. UTHE Thursday, FrIday, Dec. 9, 10 AIRWAY CREMATION , At Swarthmore College .- P.,.7 'IDE SWARTBMOBEAN .. "15 South Chester Road , . Open T~is F~id~yEvening . ..... . and Every EVf!ning Exc.~pt Saturday .,,' Through December 23rd ., Pap 8 , s~ ..t Metal Work Roofing GuINn Air Conditioning Heatlag 011 • Gas • burnen George Myers Box 48 SWarthmore 6-0748 VAN ALEN BROS. 200 W. Ridley Ave. I Louis B~er and their daughters, NEWS NOrE:S PICTURE? NC) SOUND? Phebe and Barbara, ,of Drexel TV Service $2.50. Inclu,des locot.. d.fK· Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Bauer of Hill; Mr,Jack Liddle of ·Singafive or .eak tubes - adlust p1dure for Cornell avenue have as their pore; Miss Joella Owen, a' student focu,. clarity, CHt,.ilng, etc. guests, Mrs. Bauer's parents, Mr. ROBERT BROOKS and Mrs. F. G. Mehr of SaInt at Swarthmore College; aDd Miss SWarthmore 6-3889 Petersburg, Fla., who will re- Jenny Brown of SummerVille,N.J. Mrs. N. M. Kapp oi. CQ+Dell main through the Christmas holidays. The Bauer's daughter, avenue entertained the '1.'r,oop Gretchen, was home from Grove Committee of BrowDle 'rroop 441 THOM SEREMBA City College, where she is a at a coffee hour" last Frida'y UPHOLSTttuNG I junior, for a recent week-end. morning. SLIP COVERS-OU'ElIES Mr.' and Mrs. Robert D. Baker Leroy T. Wolf of Park avenue Swarthmore bferences of Whittier place had as their is recuperating from an emer0734 guests f or Th a nksg'vi Mor. thann.ra. 25 yearsHili experience 1 n g dinn ert gency appendectomy at the Edgewater Hospital, Miami, Fla. Mr. ~====::;~:;:;:====( Dr. MacNair ~ Scott~d andMrs. son, Thomas RoBert, of North Wolf has been in Miami on busSw",rthmore 6.1448 • Hills, Pa.; Miss Elizabeth Parker iness since early in August. Mrs. olf is with him in Miami. WILLIAM BROOKS of Germantown; Mr. and Mrs. o "0" Ridley Park ATLANTIC FUEL , IRON BURNERS 236 HardinI' Jewel,., Repaired ~ve., Morlon, WANTED WANTED Junior High girl wants to do baby sittlng from 2:30 to 5:30. Call SWarthmore 67114. WANTED - Aa piano in good . condition. Call SWarthmore 6- Pa, ' Phone: SW 6-4216 EMIL SPIES Walchs.ker and Form.rly of F. C. Bod. A Sons 128 Yale Ave. Fine Wotch and Swarthmore. Po. Clock Repairs and heating equipment Service avalrable to our customer.' on all malre. of olr burner. Level payment plan on all . bills. Automatic deliveries of oil during the heating season Guaranteed, Standard Coal . FOR SALE Forge), Rose Tree,SY/llrthmore 6-3050.' FOR SALE - ' Girl's 22" bicycle. Good condition. Call MEdia 64247. FOR SALE - Tropical Fish., Eight 6298. varieties. Aquariums, WANTEIJ _ Girl's 20" bicycle SWarthmore 6-4893 after supplies. 3 today and medium size sleds. MEdia or' tomorrow. ' . ;;;;;;;;~;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 16-2156 in the evening. FOR SALE - 1949 Ford convertWANTED - Reliable school girl ible. Radio, heater. Good top wants baby sitting, 2:45 to 5:45. and tires. Reasonable. SWarthAlso evenings. Please call SWarth- I ;;m;;;0~r~e...6;:,-::;5~3:;;0:::5.:....=-=,....,,..,.._,.-~ PETER 01 NICOLA more 6-6185. FOR SALE - Child's tricycle for WANTED - Home for tiger and four and five, year, child. White Driveway Construction w hit e female kitten. Call portable sewirig machine. Good SWrathmore 6-1947 after 5 p.m. condition. SWarthmore 6-2335. I • Asphalt or Concrete FOR SALE - Girl's ice skates. LOST AND FOUND Brank new. Brooks White Shoe. Cellar Walls Re.Plastered LOST Cadillac hub-cap in Size 7. Call MEdia 6-3624. . Jack Prichard PAINTING and CARPENTRY i \1lf.I___ SWarthmore 6-,8761 I;====::;=======~ - .- Siamese kitten' left for some- one's Christmas stocking. Cilll SWartbmore 6-180a. FOR SALE _ .Norge wringer washing machine. Exceptional condition. Price $25 •. Call SWarthmore 6-5819. FOR SALE _ Moving from large house to small house. Marshall Wendel Baby Grand Piano in good condition.,$501l. SWarthmore 6-2871.' FOR SALE _ Spinet Piano in Hits New H;,h in Knock·Free Power! , CONSTRUCTION PERSONAL Woman .desires baby sitting, light housekeep'ng, chair caning. Write Mrs. Harper, 503 East 9th Street, Chester. PERSONAL - Laundry washed '. and dried. KIngswood 4-0252. 504 'Baltimore Pike, Springfield:'" FERSONAL-Stores, g~s .stations, agencies - local, g,;lldu~te.r.as open capacity to keep sevl!ral sets of books. For at place phone New Premium GasoHne SINCLAIR POW R-, \ and fine mahogany case, duet bench to match. Call soon, will made in wood or me,tai ex"ctl,y sacrifice. Phone MEdia 6-3555. as you want it and in time FOR SALE _ Cunningham Bab~ Cbristmas. Skilled designer, artist, ~ and craftsman. Estimates. ~all Grand Piano,. fine tone, good d S . action, nice appearance. You must Mr. Reynar 1 Warthmore 6-8 48. see it and hear it to appreCiate it. PERSONAL Having trouble Phone MEdia 6-3555. with Freach in school? GenUeFOR SALE- Alu.minum·curtain ma~l=~~:r~h ~~u~~~t,:'n~~:,rllihedln a ineet WINS AAU RANKING' last August. The 'AAU ,anJ)ounceMrs. Frederic Child of South Chester roa~ has an' American ment was made last week. Suzanne bas been competing In Amateur Union, swimmer Ii. her meets for' a year. Her brother, fslllily In her ten-year-old grand- Ambrose, Jr., has already won daughter, Suzanne salniini of several free-style rac~ and was a Yonkers, ,N. Y. Suzanne, the defending titUst In the event until daughter of Ambrose S!ilmi~ 31Id he lost last summer. Also In the the former Adrienne Child, won swim are their younger sister 1 ki . th' Rosemary, 7, and, Ilve-year-old · h er Ilfth nat lOna ran ng In' e P eter. . 40-meter freestyle for tlie ten_ _ _ _ _ _ __ I saw it in The Swarthmorean. and-under class with her time. a . .AMILY DIN NIlS to SUIT ... TASTE .f n'ERYONI TENDER STEAKS a.d CHOPS Cooleed to. Order EXCELLENI:.BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-1130 P. M. DINING ROOMS ••d LOllY AIR CONDmONID. Elevator Comfortoble Rooms Day or Weele .STRA.TH' HA.VEN INN , ' Yale & Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore. WALTER E. PARROTT. Mg.. ,-0. ,FREE PARKING I .' , WHEN YOU YOU'LL PREFER House Heating -----:-1 Here are the fACTS about house heating that will'ead you to choose &AS I I I COSTS INSTALLATION \ I I using other fuels. " 1 I " • costs -The cosJ , ., 'I. HIDD~N COSTS -There are n!l "hidden costs" with gas beati!1g! No cosdy service contract needed. There is no electric pow!'r cost for burnet' operation. Gas heat. ing equipment has fewer moving pans to \ wear out or fail than any other type of automadc heating equipment. This means less wear ... longer life and less maintenance cost. Depreciation is less! .' \ I I . OVER-ALL COSTS -Taking all the hid. den extras of other types of antomatic heating into consideration, gas heating 'is . , I 1 " WHAT do you expect of the automatic house ,heating-fuel you choole? The following CJclvCJnfCJges are outstanding ' leatures .1 moJ.rn gas bouse ,b.ating I, DEPENDABLE, QUIET - Your modern automatic,gas house heating system is . OPERATING' COSTS -1he thousands o( people who change 10 gas house heating ' each year "Xpect to pay something more (or the many exclusive benefits gas ofTers. Yet, it. cnst is favorable when, compa! ed with all of the costs of anv other automatic heating. NO I I I I I I I BENEFITS' .of equipment" : and its installation (or gas bouse b""ting is lower than the, cost ~f comp~~able 'autendableandcarefree ... portunlty for board members and teachers to become better acqualnted personally. J.V. coach Charlie Klemmer has a splendid group of boys up from the Junior High team of last year. Coleman, George ·Pappas, Jim Noyes, Andy Jones, George Kroon, Terry 'Allen, Dave Thomas, Kehny Crouthers Bob Gilfillan. Joe Hansell, and 'freshman Skip Skoglund. The non league schedule is as follows: Friday, December 10 Springlleld, away;' Tuesday, De~ cember 14" Darby, Home, 3: 15; Friday, De.cember 17, Lansdowne, Home, 7:00; Tuesday, December 21, Media, 23, Home, 7: 00;. Thursday, December Alumni, Ho.me, 7: 15", ~,'Clifton His., Away..".., ' .... <- p,.u School Board Memb A ers nd Teachers Meet The Swartlun The Swarthmore HIgh School are SchOOl Board baSketball.team, under the leader_ and the Rutledge School Board, ship of captain Randy Mallo together with all elementary opens its 1954-55 season In a non- te~chers from both school disleague tilt, tonight on the new trlcts, were guests Wedn d Sprlnglleld High School court.· ' es ay special ceremonies and a specCal :ght, December I, at Ibe home of program, are In order In Ibe ded- Sr. ·and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of Ication of Springllelll's new facll- w~ore avenue. Mr. Jones II! Uy, and the Little Gamet will be pr dent of the Swarthmo"'; It there to spoil, the proceedings. School ~oard, entertained the Coach Bill Reese has been group brlelly before a meeting of school board members and t h warking the local lads since Ners oto- discuss ' Ibe reading eac vember 30 and has a rangy crew. gram of Ibe schools. proGone from the squad of last year are Robbie Wright, George AIliThe. program of the evening son, Dick Rees~, and Bob was In charge of Thomas A I Clothier. The seniors who are Boyle, Principal of the Swarth~ •. expected to form the backbone of more Elementary Schools. Four. the present aggregation are, in ~Iks .were pr~sented including . addition to Randy Malin, Charles Reading Readiness" by Carol Hummer, Gordon Smilb Bob Ann". Hetzel; '''Foundations of Borer, Dic\( Fellows, Roge~ Zen- Reading': by Rulb Abbott; "Types sen and Terry Dellmuth. Juniors of ~;admg as related to PurDick Snyder, Pete Kroon, Les p'0se by Marg.aret Moore; and Keighton, ·Barry Gwinn, and Remedia~ Readmg" presented by sophomore Charlie Wentz are ex- Mrs. Ab~le Enders. Following Ibe pected to push for johs, and for presentation of ~hese .toplcs, there some to·eventually wind-up play_ was general diSCUSSIon, led by ing key roles. . members of the school boards. ' Tuesday, ','fanuary • THE SWARTBMOREAN II.S. Basketball Team • T' OpeDS f..a mpmgn omte COME AND SEE ME \ TUESDA DEC. 21st 2 P. M. • FROM • TO 4.00 at , HANNUM & WAITE , !llnce the iavorable vote in Rutledge and Swarihmore on Ibe union of the two schools, ..the board members and teachers are I( looldng forward this winter to YALE AVENUE and CHESTER ROAD meetings which will provide an opportunity for the school officials' . ,and ~achers of both communities ' SWarthmore ·6·1250 to ese become better acquainted on " _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ _ ~___ lb. ~casl·ons. !. I , ~ . . J --------------------~-------SHOP LOCALLY - "-- .. '" ,- ~ 4'NDSAVEII .. :' :!" •. Br.and Names'----· L'ook No Further! , . NO FUEL QRDERING-A gas furnace' orders its own fuel. Alidooly as it is. needed. There's ·nothing. f9 r YQU' to remember, nothing to (orget. Letter to the Editor . . • Cameras' Toys Kalarl Flash AHachmenn Airquipt & T.D.C. Slide liAagazines Diamond' Gadget Bags Polaroid, Hilander Cameras. Meter Flash Eastman, Ansco, Argus, Zeiss . Ollmeras and Sen Viewmaster Viewers and Reels G. W. & Weston Exposure Meters Sylvania Flash Bulbs Revere, Argu. and Viewlex Slide Projectors Replogle Globes Printing Paper and Chemil:als Projector Bulbs Darla-oom Aids- timers, easels. dryers. cuffing braide Slide Binders & Materials Recording Tape - 3 sizes Tiffen Filters. Lens Shades. etc. Cut, Film Holders Slide File Boxes Stereo Cameras; Viewers Albums Cut Film. Roll Film & Film Packs Tripods Lincoln Logs, loc-A Blocks Block Oity-Miniature TimberS , Doll Dishes M"del, Tonka. Structo. Nylint and Cooking, Pastry, Desserl. etc.. Sets 'Miller-Ironson Trucks. etc. "Blockbuster" - Light KinderRide 'Em Locomotive and Steam garten Blocks Roller Cardboard' Play Store & Jail Dall E Nurser; Shopper. Housekeeper, Dinky Toys Tin Tears. Tony. Beny McCall and ToonieToys Ideal Dolls Guns & Holsfers Pogo Stick - Stilts Plush Toys , Express Wagons - SI$ds Slinky and Slinky 'frains Tinker Toys Games - 120 different ones in Plasticville stock Rocking Horses Trinket Kits and Supplies Typewriters Toy Soldiers Adding Machines Doctor and Nurse Sets . . Playskool & Child Guidance Toys Telescopes . Pull Toys Jig Saw Puules Spitz Jr. Planetarium American Flyer .Train Equipment Nimble . Numbers Gilbert· Microsco"e. Chemistry In!lian on Horse & Erector Sets Animal Cards American Bricks and Logs Doll House and Furniture Hobbies H.O. Train Sets. Kin. and Supplies Boats, Airplanes-Kit & Built Up Model Ga. and Electric Motors X·Acto Knives and Tools Art Materials Oil and Wafer Color Sets . Brushes. Canvas Panels. etc. Miscellaneous \ Flashlighn,Pen!ights Knives. Scout Axes Camera & Hobby 'Shop 6 Park Aveny~: .. , . SWarthmore 6-4191' '-." ,Qpe,n ." .-. , ..,' ~v~.nin9sUnt~t Christmas . . ': ' .• ~ -"'\:'-·'t,-·~~-.·,i_-:;- • , ... Page 12 LIBRARY ELECTION Two dIree&ors wID be elected &0 tbe Swarthmore Publlo LIbrary Board In .January. The elecUons >VII be beld In the 11, brary on SaturdaY, .January ZZ, and Monday, .January Z4. Results of the election wID be announced at tbe annual ,,!eettng on Monday, .January 24, at 8:00 p.m. Any citizens wbo are interested In tbe library and willing &0 serve on its Board of Direc&ors may seeure DomlnaUoll blanks at tbe library desk. Ten signatures of residents are required for nomination. The blanks must be returned io the librarian before midnight, Deeember ,~mber THE. SWAJlTJIMO~ 10, 1954, Mrs, William 1. Hull' (If Walnut lalle and Mrs. Ida Stabler of Rutavenue' attended a luncheon week at the Carnegie Inter~ national Center, N.y.; honoring the woman delegates to the United Nations Assembly. Two hundred women from various Pl>.rts of the Unitea States were present. Twenty-one repreSentatives from as many coun.. tries, including some from eastern Europe, were guests. The event was sponsored by the -W0n:ten's International League for Peace' Freedom, celebrating its fortieth anniversary this season. Mrs. Stabler' also attended a three day seminar, held at United 31. Nations. Conferences were held with Dr. Hugh L. Keenleyside, 'Cat and Canary 'Is Director-General of UN Technical Pre-Holiday Fun AssistanC/! Administration, Stamovik of Yugoslavia, H. Jonker of (Continued from Page 1) the Netherlands, and others. fall with the Players Club. , Sonia Grill\n as 'Annabelle West Kapp~ t;hrlstmas Tea does a qui'ltly consistent and charming interpretation of a The Kappa KapPll Gamma young artist whose fortunes take Citristmas Tea will, be held on an uncertain tum for the better. Saturday, December 11, from 3 to Among oth!,t things,· Annabelle 5 at the home of Mrs. James B. faln4; with decided grace. Douglas, 600' North Chester road, Dorothy K. Moore in the re- when everyone will bring a gift quiring role of the West Indian for Kappa Sewing. There will be Voodoo servant, Claudine, is sub- a short business meeting prompttle in her threatening infetences ly at 3 o'clock. and her awareness of ghostly Kappas are also asked to bring presences. \ roller skates, boys books, games Sally McFadden as Susan Sills- victrola records of the old "76" by fully comes up to Players Club style. These Iterns are to be .ent audience's expectations. 'Miss to the Sunnycrest School for boys Sillsby was not written to be a at Cheyney. pleasant character, and Miss McFadden is quite .successful in the role. Philomena Silvers as mousy Cicily· Young appears to advantage in her IIrst appearance with the Club. Annabelle's two suitors are in, terestingly handled by Maurice L. Webster, Jr .. and James P. Hornaday, whose Harry Blythe and . Charlie Wilder come across nicely as de1lnite oppaiiltes, and are' In and out of audi. . . . favor as they are in and out of'5Annabelle's. ,Lewis E; Goodenough retUl'lls to the club stage In the lawyer· role of Roger Crosby, whose de'votion to his eccentric client bears unanticipated reward. Charles Packard as Hendricks, the guard, contributed ominous un, certainty, r'·and J. Leslie Ellis as , Dr. Patterson . appears in Playwright Willard's take-off of medical calls., One of the early who-dun-its, "The Cat and the CaIlary" makes p.o pretense at psychological involvement in which more recent plays of the same character have embarked. The IInal lines' are .anti-climax but .the plot rolls off lhe audience lightly. "The Cat and the Canary' is fun and exciting and chilling to see. The Players' Club plays it to the bilt! Beautiful "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" ESTER'S fashion Cotner EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELsH STS. THE STORE OF 100.000 GIFTS Time For ... The Really Smart Santa to Christmas Shop At Our Lingerie Department •.. There are so many, many lovely gifts for you, Santa, in our, Lingerie department for' you to choose from to please your: lady fair. Visit us any evening anc;\ let us help you to ad~ joy; to her holiday season with the perfect select!ons, the Smart Santa Shops at Speares. LINGERIE DEPARTMENT - SPEARE'S SECOND FLOOIt f\J:;VER..E· WM,E Sets. . ;. II, .. or the -R-.,EVER-.,EWAR-.,E Olle ea. "n a' Chrll'mal time. 11 PURPOSE SET includes: .. 1 quart Covered Sauoo Pan • a 'J"'!rl Covered Sauce Pan • 8 fuch Covered Skillet and E!!l! Poacher Inset • 10 moh Covered Skillet .• l}i ~art Double Boiler . " ~acl:.id Deluxe UangiDg Now .pe mch Covered Skillet • 10 inch Covered Skillet • (> cut' pereotator • S...."a1 Delus. Haugina l&ci< ' N".; specia1!Y priON ... , Attractively packaged in colorful chesta, these sparkling copper-clad stainless steel assortments are designed· for a lifetime. of cooking pleasure•.You'll he amazed at fuel . savings in one month's time· ••• the speed and . ease ~th which you prepare meals. The sccret's in .tIle quick-heating copper bottoms which cut cooking time even though you use low heat. Don't wait another day to own whichever set you prefer at these special "easy-on-the-poeket. book" prices. Use our budget-payment plan if you wish ••• and remember, with lifetimeconstruction Revere Ware, your first cost is your lasfl Discover 8S millions of AmeriCall homemakers have, that the finest utensiJ& are the .m08t, eConomical as well. Stop in tomorrow I $39.95 -' 13,50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRlDAY,I)ECEMBER 17, 1954 ·Snow FoDlin' If That SaliM Plans White Stuff Descends ISchool Classes Plan '\ Hannum & Waite Visit Tuesday Christmas Programs Elementary Grades Invite A-shoveling We Will Go, Oh, No?-Also Save a Mill or So SEALS School Board Renames Jones and Carpenter SANTA TO VISIT BOROUGH TODAYI Pick Swarthmore-Rutledge An emissary from Hannum and Union District as Visitors to Yule-Tide Waite~s Garage stood at the padSanta Claus ls holding open dock and too-hooed to Santa New Title house this afternoon from 3: 30 to Events Claus who was contemplating his 5:30 In the borough parking loti In the pre-Christmas closing .Just how the Swarthmore BusRe-elections were the order of Borough Councll passed a mo- Eight with an almost critical eye. the evening when Swarthmore tion Monday evening that is sure ·'InspectlOD,tI said S a ~ t a • days o~ school next week the iness Association managed &0 lure School Board held Its annual oN to have at least half of Swarth- "Horns, tread, and so forth- children of various Swarthmore the satnt in these busy days before more's residents ardently hoping safety /Irs!, as you know. Have ~asses wID have their annual Chritltmas is a secret all its own, ganlzation meeting In connectinn but &0 insure his comfort during with' Its regular monthiy session the weather man continues to a lot of visits to make and I want Christmas programs. his visit, members of the sponsor- Wednesday night. Donald P. miss, on his predictions of snow. to be sure-II On Monday, December 20, at tng group erected a house for Jones continues as president, The only' sidewalks to be plowed nAh, yes, II said the emissary I Santa In the southwest comer of Samuel T. Carpenter as vice-presby the Borough In future, accord- "You're 'coming to see us on 1: 45 p.m. In the High School the parking lot so that he can chat ident. 'Renamed to committee Ingto a plan adopted Monday are: Tuesday, I hope, at the comer Auditorium the children from in comfort with his IItUe friends. chainDan:shlps were: Dr. Carpen.grades one to six of the College both sides of all of Chester road of-" Also excited by the visit is' the ter, property; Charles Martin; and Park avenue; both sides of "Yale avenue and South Chester Avenue School will present their FiI'e Company which is offering saiary; Mrs. Mary Spiller, InChristmas program. This proYaie avenue· between Chester road, Swarthmore," Santa VOlUngram will be entiUed "The Night one of the fire engines for Santa struction; and John F. Spencer, road and Swarthmore' avenue; the teered, "From 2 to 4 p.m. Nope, Before Christmas" in which the to ride on. A parade, &0 form at Anance. south side of Dartmouth avenue; I'm certainly not going &0 forget children discover the reason for the Old Bank Building, has been Solicitor A. David M. Speers one side of, Coll~\te, Benjamin that date." He beamed upon his many of our Christmas customs planned too, and with members of told the Board that the certillcate West, North and South PrInceton visitor. "It will be 'an anniversary and the countries from which they the high school band to set the. of election approving the union of avenues; one slde of Rntgers ave- -my tenth visit to Hannum and c8D)e to us. Thus the first grade pace, will escort him to his bOr- Swarthmore and Rutledge School nue between Chester road and Walte's. Districts had been received from will depict the customs of France: ough home in the southwest. "Always ,had a lovely time the second grade, Spain: third Strath Haven avenues; and one So, those with Christmas wishes the County, recorded by the side of Swarthmore avenue be- there, at Hannum and Waite's," grade, Sweden: fourth grade. Ger- are urged to "come on'" for it'll be Quarter Sessions Court and fortween Chester road and Yaie ave- Santa continued, "and all those many: fifth grade, England; and a gay old time, and as for Santa warded to the State Council of nue (it should be ;nterestlng to children. 1 do dearly love," he the sixth graders will present the _.he can hardly walt! Education which desired adoption see how the plow sticks to one confided, Uto talk to c~dren!U of a name for the new united disUnited States with a pantomime "We're inviting boys and girls of Roy W. RIngwald's "The Night trict in order that it might be side here while the sidewalk skips listed for approval at the next back and forth across the street). between the ages of two and ten," Before Christmas." . meeting of the Council early In A former Councilman, William the emissary said. The script of the play was writJanuary. 'Some discUssion of apGehring, present at the session; "Lovely ages:' agreed $enta, ten by Jean McCreight and Nell pellations en"ued with Swarthexpressed surprise' at Council's who delights in all ages; "Lovely Wiseman. Each scene will be diledge mentioned and onememrected by the classroom teacher: sudden curtailment of a .former ages, two to ten." Borough-wide service, especially First grade, Mrs. LaVina Hurst; Sweney Denies Injunction; ber partial to Rutmore because "Well, glad to know you're ~om­ In view of the purchase of a ing," the emissary said. Second, Mrs. Barbara Keyes; Nine Restrictions "for one thing It roJ.ls off the . . . tongue so easily," but all agreed' tractor several years ago to re"Oh, I wouldn't miss 11," Santa Thlfd, Mrs. Grace Witter; Fourth, Imposed tha~, if Rutledge concurred In the place the earlier horse drawn ·exclaimed, hauling out his note- Miss McCreight; Fifth, Miss Wiseman, and SIxth, Margaret YeatThe Swarthmo.e Swim Club selection, the Utle Swarthmoreplow for snow removal. book to check the date. msn and Philip Swayne. The "Tuesday," he said, "l.."f!t's see, was given the green light last Rutledge Union School District The Borough ordinance which music is under the direction ot Monday by Judge Henry G. would be forwarded to Harrtsthat's the 21st, from 2 to, 4 requires all homeowners to have Bettejo Goodall. Parents and p.m. Yes, sir! T"U the boys and Sweney to go ahead with its pl~ns burg. their . sidewalks . clear within ·46 friends are' cordially invited. girls I'll be there with bells ·on'" to bulld a swimming pool on tl)e The Board expressed appreciahoUrs 'after a snow fall, stiIl east side of Riverview road,., tion to the Home and School comElementar;JChorus stands. One· woriders if the "J1IlBut the judge, In an opinion mlttee headed by. l{ewton ,Ryerde!'Privileged" streets might have On Tuesday ev~,· Decemher ~ In. Deiawake 99u.n~.. ,C?\l,rI so~ tor the inform difficulty .infliiclig tjle, help or lll,sk,l ,_~.pl;., the, C!)lJlb!ned at h ationlsseCured Media,:Jmposed.'a numbe~"pf In\1!'e reC~t.1eac! er-sa ry sur"the heart" to equal 'the plow on Eletnentary ChoJ"llS, of ,120. voices restrictionS on 'the operatioliS--of vey. It was decided to ask Rutand the Elementary, Orchestra the next street. the pool designed to meet the ledge to send a representative· &0 will present a .Christmas musicale On the brighter side. Borough objections that have beolntment around Pugh, and Richard. Hook will also , SundaY, neeem Locai Churches Ing contributionS &0 the' fraterntell the story. C1i1lrles C. Martin. there.n 1l:01f A.l'II.-Morning WorshiP , ............ 'Clothier Memorial Ity. Santa added that calls could Raymond R. Gemmlll, and Allan 7:00 P.M.-Christmas Vespers~.;.~ not be accepted lifter 5 o'clock C. Wood will be the three Kings. MondaY, Program ' . UglatI.g CO.test . A quartette composeot of Bettejo Thursday, December 23. 1:45 p.M.-College Ave., ElementarY H. S. Auditorium TIle' OIl' I M LIPtbc 001>"I'm scirry.... and Santa sounded GoOdall. Betsy Hunter, Dan Kirk, .test, ..elol ~ In tile 1IerDeeflIIlbel' 21 positively crushed, ''But I've got and Edwin C. ICrosby will sing. oada, will be .. t I TUaoJa:r, Hannum & Waite ada, &0 make, up the itinerary. so Mia NIno deProphetls, Roben An- ~. Del L will be ~: nt . 2:00 ~ 4:00 P.M. Santa ctaus . '~h~~' please tell them" pI,!",,"> please, derson lInd Mrs. Matthew MC!Kln- III IIUI week.. _ _ 7:00 P.M.-ElementarY Chorus & RUtgeI's Avenue Auditorium nell will be the ablolsl8. please call Santa _ I " , Boro. Swimmers· Get Green Light on Pool Christmas Vespers In Clothier SUnday in' see William it 'zii' WI,LLIAM 'F. UTHE ) .~'L:"_':=:'_':;;;;;:;·;;':_.iiii7iiiiiiiilliis WQll1an's·~Ju.~ ParlY. 11 PURPOSE SET I CHRISTMAS launches' Yule SeasOn A lIllIe Is fA. " .., gHl ,, THE SWARTHMOREAN vOWME 26-NUMBER 51 KITCHEN 'EWEL CHES" . 106 E. 9th Street CHester 3-2396 FIGHT T. 8. your LIFETIME investment in time-savi~g , , ,fuel-~aving cooking Choose either the, , • Bible Gift Center BUY HELP , Loeal Women AHend L Luncheon in N.Y. At: the Store with Many Departments Housewares'" Hardware • Power Tools • Gifts ~ 'Toys Morton. Pa. -,..... tMI!IS IIOIl THI. MAN. WoMAII" OIl.CHILD , . , -.' .... . ttn.. Paae 2 Personals Mr. and Mrs. Albert Behenna of Princeton avenue, will' have as their guests over. ~e hol1d~y", Lynne Ann and Jean Rogers" daughters of' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Rogers of Kansas City, formerly of Harvard avenue. The girls will be arriving In Swarthmore on the 26th of December. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bennett of' Sw~hmore: Apartments arrivedlled as a freshman. South Chester road, arrives hume Art Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. today from Grove City College, Donald P. Jones of Swarthmore TO Grove City, Pa., for the Christmas avenue, arrived home Saturday holidays. Janet is enroned as a 'rom Wesleyan Coilege for the freshman In college. Christmas holiday. Sandy Heath, son of Mr. and Tom Alden, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Russell, Heath of Cedar lane, Philip M. Alden of North Chester will arrive home Sunday from road, will arrive home tomorrow Dartmouth College for the Christ- 'rom Amherst College where he mas holiday. ,Sandy will leave is enrolled as a senior. Christmas night for Marinette, Frank Flaherty, son of Mr. and Wisc., where he will act as usher '\Irs. Franklin T. Flah~rty of at the wedding of a friend, Ken- Guernsey road, will arnve tonarrow from MaSSachusetts Instlneth Cover!. William D. Z1egenfUS, son of , te of Technology for the ChristMr. and Mrs. William ZiegenfUS ~as hOlidays. Frilnk Is a junior of Dickinson avenue, a sophom?re 1t M. I. T. Mr . YALE AVENUE and CHESTER ROAD Salty Gaskill,' daUghter Of. . at Amherst College, will arrlve tomorrow for the Christmas vaca- 'nd Mrs. J. F. Gaskill of Umve,:" ity' place, will arrive home thIS SWarthmore' 6·1250 tion. 'ng tram DenIson University, Judy Ammerman, daughter of , • Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ammerman r;"r:vIlle , OhiO, where she ts of Harvard avenue, a freshman at rolled 8II's' junior. ," , EImIra'ColIege, 'Ebblra, N.Y.; 'sr-' FOR THAT LAST· ~ DEC. 23rd Mapanl • , n. doy. 1:30 P.M. a daUghter, 0 Pls'tathl on Dec emligher l4. fThe. baby e granddau ter 0 Mr. and Mrs. Reba MIller Harter of Rlch- of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wray of Mrs. Norman' Krase of Middle. mond, Ind. He is also the son of Walnut lane. town road. Mr. James Harter of Miami, Fla. ¥iBs Patterson attendlld the Swarthmore. ,School/!; ,;graduated from George School and was a member of the Class of 1955 .. • loll ~izesJ' ." '. • ;" . . , •. Earlhilin .-College ; ili 'Richmond •. " • ~<. ' • ~ . • • .• She Is no:Wassocilited with th~ " Rlc~,?Qd Dl\Y. Nllr'!el'>" , Mr. 'Harter'iii StUdYlllg' at In\~:S& diana University.' . .;, • . ;"r .' .- . . . . . . J •. \. •• A- June·, we,ddlng',Is' , pranncd, afJer, which the couple will live in 'Bloomlllgton, Ind.,' while Mr. Har. ' ter comp!et~ _his .~ol\e!le .work. . ,..,. 'Miss Mary-' Zanah' Garrett, daughter of. Mr.land Mrs. Fred McClure Garrett of Louisville became the bride Coast Gum:..i Ensign WilHam Forrester Stotz, Jr., son of 'Mi:. and'MrS'. William F. Stotz of- 'WalJingford' on Sai~ urday. December 11" at 8 O'clock In Grace Episcopal Church in and Mrs. William Kurtzhal. of Louisville. The' Rev. John S. Park avenue, celebrated ,his tenth Letherman performed the cerebirthday with a sup r rty mony. . pe -pa The bride wore a gown of imMonday evening. ported Chantilly lace ,over Ivory Dr. ,and Mrs: Arthur H. Silvers of Rutgers avenue will leave to· satin, made with a full skirt and morrow for Fort Lauderdale, Fla., cathedral train. A small lace ,cap where they will spend the Christ- embroidered with pearls held the finger-tip veil of illusion. She mas holidays with' DJ;'. Silver's carried orchids and stephanotis. parents. ,The' malron of honor, Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry, Lynn Whiting Logan of Sarasota, Fla., and Jimmy, of Vassar avenue, sister of the bride, wore an Icespent la,st week-end with Mr. Fry's bl'l.e satln gown and carried' red parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Fry, roses. The bridesmajds, similarly in the Pocono Mountains. attired, were Misses Caroline Dr. and Mrs. N. B. livingston, Gordon ,Miller of Louisville', DorJr., and children, 'John and Peter, othy' Hope 'Garfield of Wellesley, of University' place will spend the Mass.; and Constance Burnham Christmas holiday.s in Minot, Reel of Columbus, Ohio. North Dakota, with Dr. LivlngsLt. (j.g.) John Varney of Scitton's parents. uate, Mass., VIas best man. The Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Greene ushers were Messrs. Robert H. of South Chester road wiJI entertain at a dinner for several guests Stotz, the groom's brother, of Wal-, lingford; C. W. Ferguson , Jr·0, of before the Keystone School dance Wayne, W. Va.; Navy Ensign Harat the Woman's Club tonight. old Warass of Sacramento, Cal., Mrs., Robert Bird of Rutgers and Mr. Covington Logan. avenue entertained with a birthFollowing' reception at Big day last Saturday aftemon, Spring Golf Club, Mr. and Mrs. the sixth birthday of her Stotz left on a wedding trip daughter, Beverly AlIce. 'Pwentythrough the South. They will liv"" six small guests erijoyed the in Key West, Fla. ' , afternoon. " ---"--'-""";--'BIRTHS BRIDAL FESTIVITIES Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. WeltMrs. Fred N. Bell will enter- mer of West 'Chester announce the tain at a brunch at her home brlth of a daughter, Donna Newon Harvard aV\lllue on Saturday kirk, on December 1 In the Bryn morning, December 18, at 10 Mawr Hospital. Mrs. J. Samuel o'clock in honor of Miss Marian Weltmer of Vassar avenue' is the Ransburg of Harvard avenue paternal grandmother. whose marriage to Ensign David Charles Hartney will take place MRS,Li.q~, E. KAUFFlIIAN' on' the 18th' of 'December in, the 313 Dartmouth Avenne Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Swarthmore 8-2080 Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Percy Gilbert, Mrs. A. H. Van Alen, Mrs. ' ,:.g:~jFONS Paul B. WilJiarns, Mrs. H. Weston MAGAZINES Clarke,' ,Mrs, ,J. Francis Taylor, Gift available lor you or ' Mrs. H. LIndley Peel, and Mrs. MaIl~ direct from Swarthmore ' Leslie, A. Wetla\.\fer_ , . (Tott::.hnTcolor) pfchrra ..at ltael hllaM 1. au uproarll A.IIIIGI C'rlstnlas party of Sprlqtlelcl A/4 & Coop.raHafJ loeal d.bs Soh,.. e birthIn Lying-In f ~argi'retthKrase, Hos_ caras 1 _II /1 THE SWARTHMOREAN l _ . ~ : ME .. PUBLl8HED EVERY I'IUDAY AT 8WAltllUiioU, PA. PETEB I!. TOLD, MAJUOBIE TOLD; Pi!aUSBU8 . PhC1n8 SWaa1hmore 8-0980 . . there win . fJ-,·---.AR~mr!~I.~~.~,!~.~E"l a . .~it~ whic~ .tiJDe~~e c,I Lower School. Chrisl!nasParly. PETER E. TOLD; EdItor Ushers for .the serVice SlUida,y Rosalie Peirsol Marjorie Told Ellen S. Simon Sally Alden will; be as f?llows: J~ Aaron. Entered. as Second CI8Sl/Matter, JmuarY,24, 1929, at t1ie POst R. T. Bat'l",G.·W.,Coc~ T. VI Office at Swarthmore, Pa" under the Aet of· March 3, 1879. Hopper, j. it N/ltt, V;t. :R.m~ BANK BUilDING & THE U. S. POST OFFICE dall, Jr." B.,td ,ii. P., StaDttord. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY Nobf.l , a~ ,ej~ a new perch 'for Cliristmas LYmall DeCBmp will serVe SWARTHMORE, PENNA., Deellmber 17.. 19M acolyte at 8 o~clock, md George L......,_ _ _ _ _......,_-::-:_,.....,---_---:-_-_ _ _ I Hans~lllmd WllUalil Morrison'lit SELECT PRESBYTERIAN' NOTES Women's Bible ClasS, who usually 11. During the 11 o'clOck service AUSTRIAN LONG NEEDLE This Sunday will be Christmas meet on Sundays at 9: 30 a.m. will Carolyn 'Danforth md Janet Sunday in the church with three not meet this Sunday. Also, the Lynch will be in charge of tlie Ben,fit Swarthmore Sea Eiplortl.s; B.S.A; special services during the morn- Senior High Fellowship ,and the nursery. _ _ !l!!iII~_~!l!!iII!l!!iIIFKFK~~FKFKFK!l!!iIIFK~, ing. The first will be at' 9 a.m., Junior Hlgp. FelloWs1!.ip ,wlll not Regular choir rehearsals will be a Family Service for' Church meet Sunday evening for supper held .on Monday md Wednesda:( School young people md their and mee~ng.. ' .... at 4 o:clock and again on Thursfamilies. There will be no Ohurch "lEn'tertain' Polk, custoqjan. at the,school, ..1s The Fifth Grade Girl' Scouts of an honorary member of the class. , RutgerS Avenue, Troop 95, enterHonprs for coming the longest tainedtheir mothers In the ,Alldistance were shared by Jack Purpose rOOm on Mondsy, DecemSchurz, who drove with his wife ber 13, at a Christmas party aIld from Chicago just fot the occa- play called "Christmas Comes' to sion, and Reed;Whitney who came Hame1in." by private pima and train from ,After a few announcements by Wilmette, Ill. Other out - of - towners were' Marian S. Wood of Albany, N. Y., $500 MONTHLY Mrs. Alma Boysen Grubb of Middletown, DeI.; Kendall Ewer of Cape May, N.J: and Mrs. Ewer; Starting salary for 2 .x.c:trl'i....typ. to represent 10'98 Eastem Built by Laurence Marot of Chatham, N.J. ICIlesmen Rnancial corporation. No travel. Sales 5Iud'.bak""ackar~ Carporatlon ..... and 'Mrs. Marot;. Mrs. Herbert experlance and ability desired, ••tabworld's 4th larg." 'al&.l1,.. "oduc. McCollom (the former Dorothy Ilsbad resident, 25-40 years old, marof CCII'I and trucks Allison) of Hightstown, N.J., and ried. capable of' assuming ,asponslbll. WN ONB of America's great "name" cars! Ittes. In requast1nlji Intervtew please Mr. McCollom. tnc:lude btl.f ,ersonal history, all The magnificent 'ss Studebaker Commander Right around home, in addition repUa, I:Onfidanlal. Our salesmen hoye V.S now sells in the lowest price fieldl , to the Wisdoms the Moores and b ••n Informed of this ad. Boa: A. L. Award winning high sty!e! This finest, most,powerful Commander in Swarihmorean. the Pritchards, were: Studebaker history spa.rldes with advanced styl. Mrs. Samuel Reynolds, the foring. It's roomy-Iuxurlous-brilliandy powered Power-packed performance! ..• and its great Stndebaker engineerms won the Mobilgas EconomyRun Sweepstakes. See the new Studebaker Champion, too-and Di.rectly competitive with the power-packed new Studebaker President V ·8, - < • - ' " Fifth Grade Scouts Mothers .. • .' • o-fl/~ ,~ ~IAlI} , ' "/fP"" O ANNOUNCING • • • . . '- . c..,,~ lowest priced , v·a s ! STUDEBA.KER l<:' . Studebaker..,to muclt btter made •.. lIIorilt IROTtf 1II!ten you I_I COMMANDER IT-S FUSCO MOTOR COMPANY - Chester and Fairview Roads "~~,~,.,com~lIg-t, ',: ".':,:\0" . ,, Last Minute " Swart'h' .more.I > . " fo~' your Christmas List o * * * THEATRE PHARMACY FRID~Y, DECEMBER 17th- And Will Be in His Own Shack '. - ' THEATRE SQUARE CALL FOR and DELIVERY' SERVIQ.i Alllple FREE Parkl., .- '·3.30;.P.II.·tQ.5.30 P.M. .in' front of Borqugh Hall ! -'1'- i',,", -"I""'.';~~~ I"~?', . --< • .•. .J -: . , ..... , . .~ With the Cortlpliments of the Swarthmore Business Association SWarthmore 6-3154 . ~---:..:.- - ~ . --- ..- mE SWAIl~OBEAN P.e6 Mr. and, Mrs. Herbert E. weeka over the Christmas holiMichener and daughter, Anne, of days. Also home for the weekPalmyra, N.Y.; and Ensign and end will be Robert Weltz of Salt Mrs. Allan Rumpf and son, Billy, Lake City~ of Washington, D.C., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. NorSally Bates of' North Chester man Krase of Middletown road. road will entertain with an at Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sheppard home for her friends on Monand son, Scott, of Jacksonville, d!lY evening. Johnny Bates arFla., will visit Mrs. Sheppard's rived home yesterday from Lawparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl H'I rencevi1le, N.J., for the Christmas Weltz of College avenue for two holidavs. - . , , USED: CARS 1953 DODGE~ four DOQ[ ... , , .' S~dan, Light~reen, H~ateri Turn Signals~ Seat Covers, Low $1295.00 Mileage •. One Owner 1953 PLYMOUTH, Club Sedan, Dark Blue, Radio and Heater, Turn Signals, White Wall Tires, One Owner, Low Mileage $1195.00 1951 DESOTO, Blue, Custom Six Club Coupe, Light Radio, and Heater, Seat Covers, One Owner, Low Mileage '" 1952;eHRYSLER Sedan. A $995.00 ' NEW YORKER. Four Door clean light gray in color. and 'held for further study' by th,e 603 Harvard avenue. ,Howard Siple!: who BOUght perpuhlic safety co~ttee. mission to extend his living room (Continued from P It was announced that the Fire at 120 Harvard avenue eight feet ag~ 1) Company Is purchasing a coding closer to his property line than is covering loans on the building of apparatus which will assure more permitted by the ordinance, was the underpass, borough, hall and even soundings of the atr hom advised to secure neighboring covering loans on the bullding of blasts now used' for fire alarnis. owners' approval. , cut of one-third from the current The coder, which will cost the A survey and plan to greatly three mill tax levied for that area. Company about $300, will free step-up lighting along the busiThis would bring taxes for Bor- the policeman on office duty at of Chester road ness sections ough purposes to a 16'h mill total the 'time of the alarm, to better and save local property owner~ handle the telephone, radlo and Park and Dartmouth avenues and one mill on every dollar of as- other asslgDments incident to accompanying costs per annum were presented by, a Philadelphia sessed valuation. At the same each 8larm. It was further antime a slight cost of living raise nounced that Swarthmore Col- Electric Company representative. for police and others on 'the com- lege's request for a definite' num- No action was taken. William Downton of Dickinson m!.'?ity.paY~oll is provided in the bered slinal for alarms at' the avenue wrote Council 'urging that • I!:ew' budget.' The tree committee College, had been answered by too, lienefitilfroJl) im initial appo~ setting, four blasts for that area. organizations campaign to fill a need for a hospital in the Swarth_ pri!ltion 01 $2,000 'for use in its Other numbers to indicate whether etJorf 'to. maintain' a perfectly the fire' Is north or south of the more, Sprmgfleld, Media area, treed toWn., Borough Secretary railroad, 'or out of town are being and otJered to contribute toward such an institution. Councll reElliott Richardson was authorlz~d decid8li upon by the Fire ComMonday night to arrange for pany and should be made public plied that the will of the late trimming or removal 01': unsafe soon. It was stated that two, or Samuel Riddle provided for estabtrees at an expenditure not ex- three blasts are insufficient to lishment of a hospital in this section and doubtless contributions ceeding $700 of the appropriation. carry well so these numbers will from sources would be' appreciatJ. Thomas Montgomery of 305 'be retained only for the necesSary ed when the project gets underChestnlJt avenue implored Coun- hom testings at 9 A.M. and 6 way. cil to pave the roadway of P.M. daily. his one-block long street, ,grantH. Mather Lippincott as archling it the improved status teet and Dr. and Mrs. Philip E. WOOD IE.ELECTED of other Borough streets: He, Jacob of Swarthmore avenue as The board of directors of the was told provision for the' owners, submitted a preliminary ·Swarthr.1ore Property Owners measure had been made in the plan for the sub-dlvlslon of the Association at its annual organnew budget. The tentative budget remaining piece of ground in the ization meeting relected Allan C. for the new year totals $176,881. former William Morrow tract off Wood, president and H. Weston Bids for an emergency genera- South Harvard avenue. lying C:larke, vice-president. Mrs. Wiltor for Borough Hall were opened partly in Swarthmore and' partly. 11am C. McDermott was ~amed in Springfield Township. Allen secretary-treasurer. Scott Olmsted, attorney for the !!!lIIlll1l11l11l11l1l11lmmlUJlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDI': ~ project said righ~ of ways in- e ;;; PIOURE FRAMING § volved in development of the PORTRAIT STUDIO = property were still under investiDlc:klnson Custom Made =' gation. Council s tat edmore Preserves = PHOTOGRAPHIC § specific plans and Information Charlotte Charles 'SUPPLIES ~ Confec:tlons would be necessary before it ;;; ;;; could give an opinion on the proLindt .Swiss Choc:olates ject. Wonderful Selec:tlon of ;;; Robert Wilson presented eviGift PClc:kages iii \ State & Mo_rae Sts, = dence of neighbors' approval and ;; Media 'iii Antiques & Gourmet Shop was granted a zoning variance to Provld••c. ad.. W,alll.,tord, bulld a carport two feet from PItOII_ MEdIa 6_4761 the property line at his home at ;UIIIHlllllllllllllllllnnHlnllDllIlIlIIllUlllllllllllmnlllm ~ ~ ii &WAITE I- ROGER RUSSELL , Yale Ave.' & S. Chester Rd. , SWarthmore 'Sn~w Foolin' ,If, That White Stuff Descends Superior Sweets Torque drive" Radio, Heater, Seat Covers" Tinted Glass, Low Mileage., One owner. $1595.00 ~E'6:2176 6-1250 17, 1954. Deeember 17. 19S4 ~ ~r.e:ve~ •• • THE SWARTHMOREAN College Theatre Party . Tomqrrow Aids Needy A can of food Is the price of admission to the Chrlstmaa party to be held at the College Theatre tomorrow, Deeember 18, at' 1:30 p.m. The annual event, to which . . age are in' of . a11 children school vited, will feature Margaret 0'Brien in, "~eS"I'ret ,Garden," a serial, and several cartoons. All goods will be donated to needy families in the area, with the Swimmers Get ' Green Li fit P (Continued fr 9. on 001 refused ho o~ Page 1) junctio~ sowe;er, to grant the In~~ tbe protestors. Restrictions t ,ODS se orth in the opinion include' 1. The pro' . sold for any o:annot be rea private el°:,er than 2. Membership !.fllu . to 400 families, Prim~l Iimtted Boro. ';,"rty swim'::: SchCloI BClard Renames Jones and Carpenter (Continued from Page 1) phla Toro Company at a cost of $300 with possibility of. adding a snow plowing attachment later. The mower expenditure came under a transfer of $2750 from a surplus In the Insurance fund, to used for site planting, books, music ,and other equipment still needed In th~ elementary schoo\. Hollyhoc~ Gift Shop Open Evenings until be Christmas 11~;;~§~;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;~~~ii;;;~;;;;~;;~~ surplus and for certam renovations the Army. going to the Salvation Swarthmore. 3. A cyclone fence i y from ,high school. The insuranceinfund ' erected around th ~ to be surplus occured from changing to, An earlier performance, at e premISes a five ye 1 l' 10:30 tom"rrow morning, w1l1 be 4. The pool Is to be in - ar p. an 0 prelDlum payDID YOU KNOW that we Gift Wrap held for th G winter when not In u ment after higher three·year plan . ' toe the raceshows, Park children. 5. Parking Is to besep'rohi"-ited premiums had been budgeted. PrIor special D (And Nlc:ely too) Christmas music will be furnished on nearby streets. And Pac:k for SIiI"I_, in front of the theatre by Rudy 6. No public address system Is NEWS NOTES All wltflout eura darg.? Major and his entertainers of TV permitted and sounds from other Mr. and Mrs. William E. C.ohme in and look us over, We would love to help devices are to be co- a - d t th W.Itha,m o' Crest lane on th-'r w,t your Ctln'stmas I',st. andt tira dl0.'f fame., Police repre- club property. . . ..""e 0 e ' "" annual autumn-leaf to\jJ' followed I' - L ~ sen ves Isrom the five districts 7. Floodlights are not to shine the chang'lUg f 0 Iiage through the a Ice Dar • ',Open h awill w 0 II 0 be on hand include: on neighbors' properties. mountains of northern and central Captain Thomas V. Bateman 8. A 10 p.m. closing time Is Im- Pennsylvania down into the heart II Every Evenln, Swarthmore; Captain Harvey' posed . . Until 01 W . est Virginia to White Sulphur • Id I I L Id Williamson" Springfield; Captain 9. All gates and doors are to be Sprmgs and the Blue Ridge ParkC1 DanK Dui , Cflrl.tma., Gilbert F. Dean, Morton; Captain locked securely after the pool is way. They then flew to Miainl !I!lIIII!II:!!I!lIII!! McBride, ,Rutledge; and closed. and spent the rest of their vaca' GK!lOK!I!lIII _ _ _ !I!lIII!I!lIII!I!lIII-_I'!II"" Supermtendent Vincent KuberJudge -Sweney said that he was tion in Havana, Jamaica and Nasski. Ridley Township. placing the limitation on the pos- sau. Paul D. Shriver' and Merrill sible resale of the properly in -Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Warren Jolre are the co-chairmen of the view of what happened in Morton have moved to their new home on '1- drain~d ~-----,~ k L 9'I ' t 5 Josep~ In~ event; sponsors of the afternoon where a pool was operated as a Rose Valley road, Moylan, Pa. performance are the Springfield Athletic Association and The Swarthmore Lions Club, with the Grace Park Civic Association sponsoring the morning performance. Other sponsoring groups with the Springfield A.A. are Knights of Pythias, Morton, and the Ridley Township Citizens Athletic Association. The Communlty Health Society private club for years and - was then acquired by another owner who turned it into a public pool. May 11th Agreement Under an agreement the club made with the borough on May 11, ,the day before a building permit was issued, the club is to remain private and will not be open to the public on an admission fee or other commercial basis. The club also agreed to take measures will aid in securing names of to prevent unnecessary noise and d eliminate any glare from the nee y and help to ,screen them floodlights. through the Central Christmas "It's understandable that a conExchange at Media. troversy this' mat,_ ter," t..'Ie.should judge arise also in noted, "but the borougn's zoning ordinance gives residents the right to build A .,",. Is f'e " ••f g/H 0 •• caa gIve of C'rlsfmCl' time. recreational facilities in residential areas.", Bible Gift Center James N. Robertson, attorney 10j E. 9th St...t for the Riverview road residents CH.ofer 3·2396 fighting the pool, had contended -============::;" that the pool will create heavy traffic and parking problems on the street, that the lights, noise and ,confusion from the pool would annoy residents and that their properties would deprecIate in value. A. Sidney Johnson. Jr., and Guy G. deFuria, attorneys for the swim club and borclugh, denied these charges, noting that the location is near the railroad tracks and that a parking lot with space for 56 cars had been planned. Both parties are given the customary 20 days to file exceptionS to the adjudication. Otherwise, the decree will become final. ,1:\ 'The "Weak" Before Christmas! (Aren't we all!) Don't give up new items and re-stocking of old items .goes on - ' even at this late date. Ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-' Stop In and I.ook Around How C",I.tlan ScI.Dce Heals THE CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 'An Answer to the Problem of Social Drinking" SW 6-4191 6 Park Ave., Swarthmore Open Evenings 'til Cflrlstmas WIP "10 ICJS..day, 9.45 A.M; DEW DROP INN 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER Z .$ .. CLOSED EVERY SUN,DAY OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Monday Throu'gh Saturday LEG 0' t1~ft~ Premium PINK GRAPEFRULT _______.---.-----'_S_gc __lb Crosse & Blackwell 3 for2ge , Spec:lol Cflllcfren's 'laHers ~~~~ 52 Gifts in One 2 Ib95c 1 Ib 49c 13;.oz PLUM .PUDDING' 4ge EZ-POP OWN MAGIC 3ge pkg FIG PUDDING 4ge =FR=-=U=-=-=I==T-C---A-K-ES-----2-'b-2.-:...4-=9DATE PUDDING 1 ~~ 13 oz 63c .. ,MINCEMEAT 6 0z 49c HARD'SAUCE WALNUTS 8-oz 79c CAUi.hIFLOWER 8-oz 79c BLACK, WALNUTS WE HAVE IT!! Daily Dinners 90c to $1.85 POPPER 13-0Z (Packed in Cartons for Shipping) Your Choice liROCOLLI Rockwood " ;CHOCOLATE BITS appropriate family • 35c SHELLED NUTS Each' ALMONDS PECANS The Swarthmore'an One' of the most • gifts for Christmas is a new rug or carpet. 8-oz 69c 8-oz 79c $3.50 a year RITZ • RICHER - CRISPER Mint Aavored 23pkg FOOD MARKET Semi-Sweet 29 pkg 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE • of Dece.ber 16. 1954 . Weekend '. . . . -.' - CRACKERS SW6- 0900 'A",~,b ComJ:e~! II .• • ..... .eII •• ...... e _. .c 2,........ I P• .~II!I"'''''' , I . M Ave.. S.ul ......., .. SWarthmore . , 6-6CJOO "Every Friday" s< Gift Card .t, ... I saw It In The Swarthmorean. NO PICTURE7 NO SOUND711 I.. TV S.,.,.lct $2.50. Includes loeerf. defKII•• or .oak .. &OS - adl"l pic"" foc ... cla.I".... '';1'''. .... ROBERT IROOKS SWarthmore 6-3889 r============-.I MARGE" HURD • .. Sandwiches - Caueroles - Salads SWa....more 6-3131 Sw.....o .. 6-144. .. WILLIAM BROOKS ..... S"r. HUI 0734 Ashes & RubbiAh Removed .......wqa M~:m:-~eraI More than 25 years e.p',Ienc. . .... . Ua Sheet MetalWork' ~ "I ~,r ",',' ,.- • c ...... 238 &ar.ua.. Ave." . non, Pa. , George Myers 48 ·~$Yie::.h~o~~ 6-0740 j ; .j, I J" on vl.rSity ~. GranVl.li.e.· r· "'~_~I.~a~"nbo~Ia~~~~~tte~t.:~ha~Teatame~~e~·I:_j:~tuy~~OIl~ to the Indebte\!r, Mrs. PAINTING -Y';~ ~dhd' I • CARPENTRY t , i .:,:' ,-';'r' SWarthmore 6-8761 ". PETERDDI'NICOLA . . : '/:t per_I~=======;;:===~ Ii .-:: ~. -; "; - CHester 4-6246 Swarthmore, PCI. r 1': f SWarthmore 6-6455 . :.. ..; :. .' ,= ',_r - " ::,') " Builders lIW'artbm..... ,. pennsylvania pt,Dne: .~ ! ,,:., "' . _ent· to "(P&rrIsh'Road" •. , - ' Ir-....,.-----'-....,.---- CHA8~. .' presenWd 50th "Me'$S!liI)." Anniversary grogloainofthe Himdel's at SWaSeY-Chapel lit 'Granville, .ohlo', 11 and 12: The girls lire'December "aU students' aiDenilion Unl.. ,. ." Roolng Gllthn Air Conditioning. Heating... ', ... 011 - Gas'":b~rnen '-...;....' Deeembet17; 1954 .' DENISON STUDENTS SING, Landon E. "filler of Richmond, p,j' . ... " • . 'and his brother, Mr. Walter Lee tsy Jon~f daughter of-' -Dr. Tiller,' also bf Ricptnond: . and' Mrs. J. Albright Jol1es of Elm Betsy Sch!.d, da~ghter of Mr. aven~e; Mary Leeron, daughter of and Mrs. J. W ..Schad of RlverDr.. aQd Ml's.• .W. R. I.ec.ron of· ad . ""teriam'ed el'-"leen Cedm;: \~; Sally GaskIiJ, daugh::' View ro ',-"'" ".... ..... . ter ot~:'~ ?4s. J. J!'. 't;..kill of guests at f'er., ~\Il. blrthd\iY ' Ia" . . . d' J' 'H" party last Saturday. p ce; an eal1 01- ~",:",_-,-=,-._~-----r" ~ ..., andMni;.,.: "-tate' or'late ·'tt.BGINALD B. ~. . ofMr: College avenue deceased. ot ·the' BoI'oUgb' . or were . 225. sii1gers whQ 8_011>. Del_, .Oounty. pDe.. are >;emlnders of a ;.uraculous and style are welcome! interested may call Mrs. Bowie, star of Bethlehem." Sbe went on The Fellowship Choir meets swarthmore 6~3323, o!'. It4rs. Leon- to tell of .many legends, one of the every Monday evening at the ard Plottel, Campaign Chairman, most anCIent telling how the trees House for singing at 8 O'clock VI 4-4739. celebrated by bursting Into full under the direction of ~iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiim;;;Ui5ii_ii! blown fruit on ihe drst Christmas Grooters and John Honnold. " day-the rejoicing of !mture was Again, all Interested persons are so great that the stars came down invited to attend, and settled on the branches of an ,the' evergreens because. these poor Crum Crliek Irid~ Club trees had neither fruit nor blossom The Crum Creek Bridge Club to put forth in honor of the new met on the 14th of December. boni King."· • First place winners, seated North Another story attributed the and S9uth, were Mrs. George SilChristmas tree origin to Martin and Mrs. A. Lee Clifton. , Luthef. ··As he walked home one loway Mrs. Catherine Brownell·and Mrs. n,ight he saw the stars through a John Bates tied Mr. and Mrs. tree' and thought it 50 beautiful Webb for second place. that· he went home, cut down a Seated East and West, the first tree and adorned it with candles. place winners were Mrs. Irwin "The Christmas tree in this coun- MacElwee and Mrs. A. D. andertrY is credited to the German im- son. Second place honors went migrants," the speaker said. to Mrs. William Johnson and Mr. "Another early symbol was the Craemer. red holly berries, representing the blood of Christ and the glossy work with Mrs. .Tones at the green leaves promise of ever- Court House In Media and Mrs. lasting life." Leslie Wetlaufer told of the Mrs., W. W. Turner read some Christmas packages this chapter timely articles from the DAR was sending to two of the schools magazine and Mrs. Lovett Fres- the chapter sponsor~ , coin told of her search for BibMrs. Lloyd Goman of Wallinglical records of the members of ford, legislative chairman" gave the DAR. an admonition to members of all Mrs. David Bingham told of her DAR chapters not to express an idea of their own as coming from TRINITY NOTES the DAR cpapters as a whole. (Continued from Page 4) Mrs. John E. Michael told of Communion at 8 o'clock, and a her visit to the "Peace Pipe" Family Service will be held at 10 chapter in Denver this summer o'clock. This will be a service and Mrs. Henry Sweney told of of Morning Prayer and Christmas her visit to England ~d seeing Carols. the tomb of Benjamin West., For Your Holiday HostessiDg -that New Year'S Party ..:... Cali bn UsThe PleCisLltlt Is YtiUri the labor is ours big Christmas thrill ... Webcor 3-speaker Musicale fonograf! 8UILDER FOR SALE _ Boy's bicycle; Eng- PERSONAL - Television, radio and appliance repairs-prompt lish Raleigh. New condition. Three speed huh. Electric lights. service. TV sets repaired in the Will make ideal Christmas gift. home. Robert Brooks, SWarthSwarthmore 6-2253 MEdia 6-2103. .::m:::o::.r::.e~6::-:::38:::8:::9::.._ _ _ _ _ _ __ FOR. SALE ...=-xntlque genuine PERSONAL-ltegistered Spencer cashmere shawl. Approximately corsetiere. Mrs. Elsie H. Mcfive by eleven feet. Call SWarth- Willianis. Telephone SWarthmore more 6-0429; .6-4583 for appointment. FOR SALE - Would you Ilke to PERSONAL-Dressmaking, alterescape" from t1ae' kitchen' and ations. Expert fitting on suits. EDWARD G. CHIPMAN' save $100? Buy James Portable Rush orders a specialty.· Rates . AND 'SON Dishwasher. :r.To Installation need- reasonable. ELgin 6-5921.' .0'.' ed. Four months old. Moving to ·CONTRACTOR Belvedere Conhouse with dishwasher. Cost PERSONAL valescent Home, 2507· Chestnut $269.95. Will sell for $165. Street, Chester.~Nursing care for Tile Floors' - Plastic Tile SWarthmore. 6-0457. all illnesses. Professionally statfModem Kitchens FOR SALE Beautiful hand ed. State licensed. Special diet . . ,Alterations . dressed dolls, quilts. (Small cases. Spacious grounds. Sadie D. gifts). Pennsylvania Dutch fur- Pippins, proprietor. CHester 2" 1401'Rldley Avenue niture. Allison's Antiques, at the 9997. =P:::E=R':'S""O-'N"'A"'L=-':="-G-r..-ce-=L-e-w-'i-s-::E:-m'~ Forge, Rose Tree. CHester 2-4759 FOR SALE - One tuxedo; size ployment Agency. Selected do2-5689 36~37. One full dress shirt, size mestic help. Klngswood 3-7331. 14. Good condition. $15. Call Also top to bottom house clearling KIngswood 4-0895. service for empty houses, buildFOR SALE -Kenmore' wringer- ings. was her. Useable condition. -=------'--,..,-:-c----Make offer. SWarthmore 6-3997. FOR RENT· FOR SALE '- Old lamp electrlfi- FOR RENT _ On the hill in ed. Child's rocker, lovely gift. Swarthmore, Garage apartment. Coffee grinder, very old, perfect Four' rooms, bath; and . laundry. condition. Call SWarthmore 6- $70 per. month. Available after. 4583. first of year. Phone SWarthmore FOR SALE - Double hed, com- 6-3151. plete. Chest, two vanities. Large magazine rack. Odd tables. chairs. FOR RENT Two bedrooms, Kitchen bar and stools. electric living room, dinette, ki~chen, stOVe. Seven p~eces DuncaJl Phyfe foyer.' Electric refrigerator" and dining room suite. SWarthmore 6- stove. C.all Rupaca, Inc. SWarth5240. more 6-1228. FOR RENT - Professional' office. WANTED ' Ideal location for dentist or WANTED _ To rent house with medical doctor. SWarthmore 6at least four bedrooms, in or 12~8 . near Swarthmore. Possibility of FOR RENT - First floor apartexchanging modern two or three ment. Wallingford.' One bedp~rson home' In country in rental room, tile bath and shower, good transportation. arrangement. Call' MEdia 6-2954 closets. N ear af;.;:;te;:;r;;:'~5;;iP~.M~.-::=....,.,==~=::-:: MEdia 6-4751. . • WANTED - Old upright piano OIl........... , '0Il~ . 011 .ainu. 011 .Vl.NttlO _AU_ IIlA111" l that plays and small trimble LOST AND FOUND type type moveable baby crib. FOUND-On high school athletic SWarthmore 6-4201. fleld. Purple Heart' award. W;;o;A;';Ni:i;;;T~"'''D:::'::-=;:;Thr;;';:::;:e~e~ro'''o'''m'''-'''ap-a'''rt'':'- Please call Miss Bond, SWarthment. First or second floor, Im- more 6-4800. DAY and NIGHT medial< Iy or within 60 days. Call LOST - Will the person who SWarthmore 6-1047 after 4:30. took plant stand from "Sweet OIL BURNER WANTED _ An adding machine. Shop" Saturday, return it imCall' evenings MEdia 6-0860.' . mediately. SERVICE GENERAl Hits New High in Knock·Free Powerl )!n. MortiS A. BoWie, South Chester road. lias ~ appointed Give your family the miracle of TRUE high. fidelity record listening. Give the amazing new Webcor 3.speaker lII,[usicale Fonograf. The handsome., Musicale·with its" rkh . blond or natural . mahogany Cdbinet, pours forth music with such realism. yo". enjoy the. thrill ofa true· to· life performance. A famous G. E. magnetic pickup, powerful ~.w~tt. ~plifier and preamp 'andthree ~uperb Hi~Jfi 8peQ~~ra giv,; you 50 to 15.000 cycles, of pure li!\te,ning enjoyinent. There'. nothing like.. the 3,speed a'utoDiatic Mti.ieaJe· anywhere near its modest price. See and hear the Musicale today! Only ,149.50 u ......y TtiE Music BOX 10 Park .Ave.. Swarthmore a Hors d'oervres & sandwiches for your open house- The succulent bird for your Christinas table• Pastries to fit the holiday season and till In tlie 'lig'eilli"f trailltlort THE INGLENEUK - Call EarlySWarthmore 6-4569 SWarthmore '·7848 SHOP LOCALLY - AND SAYE!! _ _lIOI'lil lO'l_lIOI'lil Ol'lil Ol'li_IJ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES r"lIOI'li--lIIO'llllO'llllO'lllOl'li~_lIIO'llllO'l . Ills the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" .... ,._ Is the subject of the Lesson-Ser. mon to be read at Christian Sci- II!! ence··services Sunday. a Man's God-given dominion over materialism, including the so'called laws of chance and miS-I fortune, is brought out In the readings from the Bible, among which is the account· of Paul's . restoration of Eutychus, the young . ' man who. "fell .t,·. cember 9, at the .Presbyterlan Church. . In a Candlelight servic~, the 12 girls of this troop were presenled by Mrs. Alfred Calhoun, Troop. Leader, to Mrs. John Carroll, Neighborhood Chairman for hi~ vestiture. Having fulfilled the eight· requirements for Senior Scouting, theY' received their Senior Scout ·Pins. In the. same service, Mrs. C. H. Yarrow was invested as Troop Leader. The 'girls' repeated the Girl Scout. Laws and explalued ilOW they felt the laws sbould be interpreted for girls of Senior High School age as opposed to ··the slmpl,,' translation that would be for the youngest suitable Brownie.. Mrs. Frederick Childs, one of the original Leaders of Troop 16, was present and recalled some anecdotes of the early days. Other. guests were Mrs. Roberta MaGee, Troop Leader 10 years ago, mem-' bers of the Mariner Senior Scouts from Lansdowne, the eighth patrol' under the leadership of Mrs. . Frederick Tolles, and mothers of the 12 girls invested. These girls were: Virginia Pugh, Kate Bennett, Norma Clarke, Alice Carroll, Jeanne Schloesser, Karin· Borei, Anne Hirsch, Judith Myers,Judith Welsh, Betty Ann Coleman, Patricia Cox and Dianne Halsey, Officers of the Troop are President Karin Borei; Secretary Norma Clark~; Treasurer Jeanne Schloesser; After the Investiture.Ceremony, the girls and their guests enjoyed an evennig of charades and other games followed py refreshments of cider and "Birthday" cupcakes which the girls had made. Yule Party Features Fellowship Speaker both groups. T-hes-e-p-rol-ects--"-:'-----~-~............,..~'"--~~ll ,..F'fth ··'t.1latin.,el DiLuzio and Sons Cliristmas were under the direction of the' club's Welfare Committee, Mrs. Urbani, chairman. Christmas decorations were arrangejl. . by Mrs. Emerson S. Adams. Refreshments carried the theme of red and green. . Co-ho~ for the evening Leo Marshall, and Mrs. '::Iiarles S weeney. Presiding at II 'th'" e, table were Mrs. John and ·Mrs. David Speers. th '~llOWsh1P" was the theme at e warthmore Mothers Club's pre-Y~e:rarty held last Thursday m cCahan Hall. Spesker the occasion was Alberta residence hostess of Media Fellowship tIi ._" House and a member ' e s ...... ,at SleJghtonFarms. Beginning with the fellowship house, Miss Roak explained that lXlovement provided opportunity "to .Americans of vanous racial and rel;g(ous backgrounds l!J meet and try to solve the·problem of "How Can People Get Al?ng Together?" Since Philadelphia Fel10wship House was estabIished ove~, 20 years ago, Miss Rosk said, 13 other houses have been created; the one in Media is t~e closest, she added, and Kansas CI!y the farthest west. Fellows~p Farm at Collegeville provldes apartments for those interested In living the "fellowship .story." . Hear Fellowship Chorus A highlight of the program was the presentation of songs by the Media Fellowship chorus under the direction of John Honnold. Selections included "Sit Down a Negro spiritual; uBi.ot~ bam," a folk dance of Hebrew people In captivity; "Let Us Break Bread Together," and "Now Let Us All the Heavens Adore It," a' Bach chorale. Memb.ers of the club joined the chorus in the singing of Christmas Carols. To help make others happier club members filled stockings with gifts for 27 boys at Sunny-. crest Farm and collected toyS for 43 children at the Dante Home in Concordvllle, as well as. cookies . ~"'r • Roa4II Ave..., .. aHi, .R.,..n '. . Form.rly Saturday. DKemlNtr 18 1:30 P.M•.; . ,GARDEN" 650 Baltimore Pike SprIngfield, D.I. Co.. Po. SWartilmore 6-0450 with Margaret O'Brien AdmiRion-One can of. food Ben'efit Needy , Fammes 0,.. 8 A.M. to 6 '.M. FAMI.LY DINNERS to SUIY ... TASTE of EVERYONE Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Garrett of TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Onl.r EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACIUTIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-1:30 P_ M. " DINING ROOMS a •• LOllY AIR CONDITIONED Comfortable Rooms Day or Week Elevator STRAXH, HA. YEN .INN '. Yale & Hcirvard Avenues. Swarthniore; Po. WALTER· E. PARRon, Mt.. flEE ,.ARlING·,· ,. FRESH AND DIPPED·CHOCOLATE Dipped,\ While You Wait MILK AND DARK CHOCOLATE. FRUIT AND NUTS - $1,~5 Nutritious and Delicious Morrow's Cracker Barrel I SWarthmore 6·5300 Swarthmore P.S.-You should see our Christmas pocka,es' Corporal William B. Potts, clarinetist in the 149th Army Band and stationed in Salsburg, Austria, returned home by plane to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Potts of Yale fl,venue. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of Swarthmore and Ogden avenues entertained at a noon-day, party la.t Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Aspinall of London, England, and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Fairless of Ligonier, Pa. Mrs. Aspinall is the former JaQe KIaer. , Ho-Ho! . .. ( '1'11 Be Seeill'g You' SATURDAY ~- 10 A.M. - 8 P.M. '. . • Doaors appreciate the value of our specialized service. They know it is important to have pre~ scriptions compounded promptly, and precisely . as dUeaed. Ask ,.., Doctor. He probably 'witl suggest that yon turn to us. f: AND /' sUNDAY Through FRIDAY 2 P. M~ TO 8 P. M. at. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE ' r R .~. SWARTHMORE O'FlCIE. COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA . • . . College Theatre CARNS NEWS NOTES Princeton avenue returned Tuesday. from Oberlin, Ohio, where had attended services for Robert Milton Miller, the fiance of their daugbter Ruth. Robert died suddeoly of heart failure Satur!:lay morning, December 11, at Oberlin. Ruth· retun:ied to Swarthmore with her parents and will remain through tile Christholidays. Florist PRESIDES AT BAN9Utr . Polly Told,. a . ' senior,· irom Swarthmore, served: as toastmistress of the Student-Faculty banquet at Bucknell University, which took place ·Wednesday. A member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, Polly is this year serv. ing as president of the Woman's Student Government Association and is a resident of senior Honor House. witek week week week GO THE EASY WAY- ,.H"Allll,.H'A r.AN.,.o.rATlON cOMPANY • deposit deposit deposit deposit .. J)eeember 1'7, 1954 _ .. You can get no searching for a place' to park, no long walk to . , .- '.' ... --~", ... South Chester Road • - BUY HELP .THE -SWART·HMOR FIGHT , OPEN EVERY NIGHT' UNTIL 9 T. B. CHRISTMAS SEALS " VOLUME 2~NUMBER 52 ---":""'''''''::''::':''''CH ESTER'S fashion torner GIFT 1)'0 •.• THE WISE SHOPPER DEPARTMENT SHOP EARLY: AND SHOP AT Second 'Floor wit h SPEARE'S, THE STORE OF Gifts From Every Cor- 100,000 GIFTS, EACH cAREFULLY ner of the World. SELECTED TO GIVE YOU THE MOST IN QUALITY AND SHOPPING VALUE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT - First Floor Famous name hosiery from Delaware County's most complete hosiery department, a gift worth giving. Berkshire - for sheer sheer beauty ranging in sizes 8V2 to I I in many subtle tones - $1.35 to $1.65 Alba - 13 styles of this fine hosiery await your choosing - $1.35 to $1.65 • ;\. 'WI_ HaRes - for longer lasting beauty. show ~er you care with a gift box of tHanes - $1.50 to $1.95 Humming Bird - short.' medium.long prop~rtioned with you in , mind. A lovely longer lasting. better fitthig,stocking-$1.35 to $1.95 Many other famous name brand. to oho...... gift or gifk f ...",. LINGERIE DEPARTMENT - First Floor Intimately hers - a gift f,om our lingerie departrllent, a gift that tells her how muoh you cal'll. Famous name lingerie designed to please the modem miss is yours ber. at Speare's. Barblzoa's "PeHI Beall" CaR·Can Slip of ever rustling nylon·or· Ion taffeta - $5.95 ' Many other BarbllOn Slips, shortie gowns and night gowns-S2.50 to $10.95 qllllted dusters, a p~'rfect ~ift in several styles. in cotton. rayon and velvet - ideal for.her,leis~re moments - $4.79 to $18.98 qllllted Bedlackets - a practical and lovely gift in rayon or nylon - $3.79 and $5.79 I MEN'S DEPARTMENT - ManhaHan "Span" Broadcloth Shirts - $3.9S The goodlooking white shirt with popular style collars guaranteed to outlast the shirt itself. ' Gift Robes - good selection of plaids. cottons and 'other styles. An ideal gift - $4.99 ' 100% Wool Suburban Coats - $14.99 to $34.99 • Quilt lined. tweeds, novelty fabrics and solid colors, - Sizes 38 ~~ First Floor So many, many wonderful gifts for both the woman and the master of the house from our cosmetic departme~t, famous perfumes, ,shaving lotions, tales, and any number of gifts, even bubble bat\t soaps for the small fry of the household. Chanel Perfumes -. $7.50 and PltantiRe Perfume - Perfume and Cologne - Cologne Tabu Perfume - $2.75· $5.00 $12.50 plus tax $2.75 and $5.00 plus tax $2.25 and $3.75 plus tax • $10.00 plus tax A full line of famous Yardley products for both men and women, on your gift list plus many other wo~derful gifts. " Available in black. brown and tan.', ' Tho•• arc m~ny "ther gifts here for him, tl.s, soeb, paiamas, sport shirts, and so many others. You'll be glad you shopped here at Speare's for him. SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT - 2nd Floor Ours is a beautiful sportswear story made even more lovely by our large and wonderful assortment of blouses and sweaters not to men· tion some very lovely skirts. ' , Ship 'n Sliore, MacShore Classics are to name but a few and here are some of our sweaters:. '100'Yo Wool Hollywood Coat Sweaters - Assorted colors. Sizes 38 to 52 - $4.98 to $9.98 ' Beaded Shrllgs - An ideal gift - small. medium or large sizes $5.79 • $14.98 ' , High Styled 1000,{, Wool Beaded Curdigan Sweaters - Sizes " 34, to 40 -'$8:98 - '10.98, and up , Mak9 her Christmas a Sportswear Christmas! Many other gifts, a full line of lingerie, at quality and value standards you have come to 4jxpect from Speare's. COS~ET1C .~EPARTMENT - First Floor Gifts for'him, man sized gifts he'll enioy and use, Delaware County's most complete men's store. Fur Lined Gloves - $3.69 . A gift he'lI really go for a regular $6.98 value. From our downstairs. store comes an ever surprising number of fine ' gifts for, the iunior set, Boys, Girls, Inf.ants, anything and everything to please them and to please you - the discriminating buyer. Boys' Warm All Wool Topcoats with' zip.in lining - Sizes 6 to 12 - $18.99 - Sizes 13 to 20'- $22.99 ' Boys' Orlo. sUp-Over Sweaters 100% orlan - ' Sizes 6 to 12 - $4.49 - Sizes 30t640 - $4.49 ' Girls' Ship '. Shore 'Blousel, Size 7 to 14 - Colorful and well tailored -,-' $1.98 and $2.50' , ' Girls' S~.ate ..s - ,slipan and cardigan.' plain or jeweled trimmec;l , - S,zes 7 to 14 - $2.88 to $6.88 " ' Little Girl Bags - velvet. plastics. leathers, assorted colors and styles - $1.88 ~ $2.88 ' Sl?eare's hasn't fo~gotten the Infant, the newcomer to the family, : WIth a large selechon of new toys and lovely clothing for. them. . '. ' So many other gifts to choose from in our Jewelry Department or Hankie Department., There are gl~ves and umbrellas and notions. so large a selection we couldn't start to name them all. Stop in and see for. yourself. We have what you want. , , Secane planning was chairman the commlltee the of party, with Mrs. Stuart Dunlap and Mrs. John ruff of Springfleld. and Mrs. W. H. Gehring. Mrs. John Good, Mrs. Charles Lukens and Mrs. Carroll Streeter. all of Swarthmore. assisting. 'odl= In addition to the Wo J " party, --the' .Cel\1;ral ,Committee m,ade Christmas plans for distrlbutlng 'C1!e1ll' Baskets to shutins. Girl Scout Troop 58'1s helping W1.tIi thou. under the J,~ader· ship of Mrs. W; T. searbOrough ot Ridley Park. The Community Nursing Service, Delaware ('..oun· ty, is a Red Feather Agency. , get wa~,into the hot 6_ ;~p"e,(Jci~ ;N~, .io yjsl.t !hp'" 9n " EVet (Continueli~'Oli,'Pal!tHO)'" Service; DelaW11reCouni,.. wiD, ,"Aod'until,then, A 'be closed on ChrIsf,mas aru1 mas to you aU!" New Year'. . H.owever, a nurse Wt~ be oft The mixed chorus. orchestra and language departments of duly for emergencies and can HIgh School com· Swarthmore be reliclled by calling CLear· bined to present the pre"hoUday brook 9·3800. through Ule Jdndassembly Wednesday moining in ness of the Delaware County the auditorium; . Hospital. Doro\hJ' 'N. "Sldner, Chorus and orchestra joined in 'supervisor of the Weslein aRa presentation of Roy 'Ringoffice, ·....tes th'" a nunemay • • HOME COMING DANCE wald's "Song of Christmas." tellalso be called '" SW;.nJUDore AT H. S. MC)NDA,Y ini the story of the NativIty in 6-3498, courtesy of Ule Swarth· The Sixth Annual Christmas Christmas songs, carols and Bib· more PoU"". Homecoming Dance will be held Uca1 verses. . sponsored jointly by the Swar,tll, morean and, the'Swarthmore'B~", .iness AssQclatioo, opens ofBclaIIY for chrilitmas 1954 this evening a t 6 p.m. Already. the earnest judges, un· dertaking a difficult albeit very pleasant task, are sharpening their powers of perception' to decide HOLIDAY ASSEMBLIES which of the many, cheerful The 11th and 12th Grades will Christmas lighting displays will hold their Christmas Parly at win the $15, $10 and five dollar the, Woman's Club ou TUesday. prizes. awarded by the co-sponDecember 28: . sorS. Keeping half an eye on the Host and . hostess of the 11th rules of the contest - aglow Grade are Mr. and Mrs:,Raymond from 6 10:30 p.m. Christmas Gemmill, who will be assisted as Eve to New Year's Eve - the chaperones by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie judges will consider all private Church Drive Success in the High School Gymll;asI~ . ,. Monday, December 27, begmnmg Wetlaufer. dwellings, churches and public The current drive at TrinitY at 8:30. Robert Holm will '"ad Mr. and Mrs.' H. Lindley peel buildings as entrants in the conI!;piscopal ChurCh to raise funds a six piece orchestra at this beneare host and hostess of' the 12th test. for' a new'· educational unit was fit event.. Grade and will be assisted by Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Pyle officially terminated on Friday. Admission is free 'and all that Is and Mrs. Joseph Lynch; asked Is that everyone support The 8th and 10th Grades will of South Chester road will Iiave December 17. hold their Christmas Party at the as their guests over the Christmas 'The g'oal of $110,000.00 has been the many welfare activities that Woman's Club on Wednesday, week end, Mr. and Mrs. William leXCeeded. To date" the official are promoted 'by the Varsity H. Pease' of Rochester, N.Y. amount raised Is $13~,ll07.50. Club. December 29. ....:~ ~ Host and hostess of the 8th Grade are Dr. and Mrs. Ned B. Williams, who will be assisted as chaperones by Mr. and Mrs. Harry ~, F. Lewis and Dr. and Mrs. Glen T. Smith. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Mr. and Mrs. H. Willis Jackson are host and hostess of the FrIday, December 24 10th Grade and will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Trosley 10:30 P.M.-Holy Communion ., ....... " Presbyterian Church and Mr. and 'i£rs. C. S. Garrett. 11:00 p.M.--:Candielightlng Service, ....... ' MethOr of instrumental mustc, were in charge of this porUon of the program. , Traditional carols by students in the language departments com" prised the second part of the program. with Dr. James Irwin directing the Latin group. Adeline Strouse the French group, and Russell Snyder the Germ.n group. At the close of, the program, Santa Claus, bearing a strong resemblance to Supervising Principal Frank R. Morey, came in to ~h the combined junior, and senior high schools' a Merry ChristmaS,' and gave eaCh clasB representative a ~ gift rae'- l:::~~a~ tra1~ o~":" . Deeemher 24. 1954, THE Plllie 2 NEWS NOTES Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Loveland of Yale avenue will have as their guests over the Christmas holidays, Dr. Loveland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Loveland of Buffalo, N.Y. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Moir of South Chester road will entertain at a family dinner party on Christmas Day. Mrs. Frances G. Lumsden of Kenyon avenue will have as her guest for a week over the Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harkness of Champagne, Ill., are visiting Mrs. Harkness' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Whitslt of Elm avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Whitsit of Stoney Brook, Long Island, will join his parents on Elm avenue for the Christmas holiday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Steuber of Yale avenue will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steuber of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hunt .of Dickinson avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Bnrton Benedict of Montreal at Christmas dinner to- ville, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a rust velvet princess cocktail-length gown and carried a bouquet of rust and yellow cry~anthemums. MIss Mary Ellen Storck of New York City, sister of the groom, was the bridesmaid. She wore a moss green velvet cockt!'il-Iength gown and carried a cascade· bouquet similar to that of the maid honor. Lt. j.g. Charles B. Keenen of - LEES-SHELLER Mr. aDd Mrs. James Sproul Lees of LockSley FaIms, Locksley,Pa., announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen Doris, 'to Mr. Raymond Edward Sheller of West Chester, Pa., on Saturday, December 11, in Washington, D.C. A reception honorli:.g the bride a';d groom ,was given Sunday, December 19, by Mr. and Mrs. Lees at Locksley Farms, Locksley, Pa. of Swarthmore served as best man. IIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell J. Hawthorne of Arlington, Va., announce the birth of a daughter, Diane Dozier, on December 16 In the Columbia Hospital, Washing_ ton, D.C. The baby weIghed 8 pounds, 12 ounces. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crothers, Jr., of Walling_ ford. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haw_ thorne of Kenbridge, Va. The ushers were Mr. Durham mas holidays, Mrs. .Lumsden's Lawshe of Bronxville, cousin of brother, Mr. Frank A. Green of morrow. YOURS CAN BE A Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Mil- the bride; Lt. Henry W. Butler of Detroit. BLESSED CHRISTMAS EVE Mr. William S. Hobbs and ler of Lincoln, Ill., are expected Greenvllle, N.H.; Lt. John R. LeMere, of White Bear, Minn.; and At the Joyful Pageant and Candlelighting Service daughter, June, drove to Cincin- to arrive on Christmas· eve by 11 :00 P.M. ta Midnight . nati early this week to attend Mrs. Miller's parents, .Mr. and Cadet William W. Harris of Wilmette, 111. SWARTHMORE METHODIST CHURCH the wedding of Mr. Paul Mohney, Mrs. William S. Hobbs of Park Following a reception held at Mrs. Hobb's nephew, of that city. avenue. PARK AVENUE Mr. Hobbs and June expect to reMrs. Haldy Miller Crist of Park Cullum Memorial Hall, West Narrated Pageant: "Why the Chimes. Rang" turn on Thursday evening before avenue entertained at dinner on Point, N.Y., the couple left for a by the Choir and Youth Fellowship' Christmas to their home on Park Tuesday night in honor of Mr. wedding trip acro.s the country. Directed by Mr. Charles F. Seymour avenue. Special Music - Individual Candlelighting Chul 1m, dean of the women's They wlll live at Fort Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ashton of coUege, Sookmyung, in Seoul, Washington. Christmas Morning Children's - Service - 10:30 A.M. Elm avenue are visiting their son Korea. Mr. Im is guest of the HARTNEY-RANSBURG and daughter-in-law, Mr. and State Department in Philadelphia. Mrs. William Ashton of MontMiss Marlan McCahan Ransclair, N.J. While there they will ENGAGEMENTS burg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. also visit relatiVe\; who live in Frank Thruston Ransburg of Harthat area. Next week, the Ashtons 'Mr. and Mrs. James E. Barn- vard avenue and Ensign David will entertain Miss Jean McKin- hart of Baltimore, Md., announce Charles· Hartney, son of Mrs. Ben_ ney of Pittsburgh. the engagement of their daughter, son B. Hartney of Bethlehem, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Donald Poole of Alice E1Iza;beth, to Thomas B. and the late Mr. Hartney, were BEAUTY SALON North Swartlimore avenue will Johnstone of Douglaston, Long united in marriage on Saturday entertain Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Island, formerly of Swarthmore, afternoon, December 18, at 2 BEAUTY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT sone ofn Mrs. Wilson and sons of Strath H a v · John Recknagel, Jr., o'clock, in the Swarthmore Presalso of Douglaston, and Mr. James byterian Church by the Rev. avenue at dinner Christmas day. W: Johnstone ot Melfa, Va. 9 South Chester Road Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. LongJoseph P. Bishop. Can SWarthmore 6-0476 well and son, John Alfred, of East Mi~ .Barnhart is a graduate of The bride, given in marriage hy Greenville, Pa. spent last Sunday Wilson College, Chambersburg, her father, wore a gown of Chanwith Mr. Longwell's mother, Mrs. Pa., and is now a research as- til1y lace and nylon tulle willi a Alfred E. Longwell of Lafayette sistant in the Brady Research sweep train. Her fingertip veil Laboratory at Johns Hopkins Hos_ was 0 f ma t ching Cilan tilly 1aceo avenue. Mr.. and Mrs. Ernest D. Lewis pital, Baltimore. Mr. Johnstone, Mrs. William Piper, sister of the and children, Kendra and Lynn now finishing his service in the bride, was matron of honor and STATE INSPECTION PERIOD Ends Jan. 31 of Yale avenue, will spend the U.S. Navy, attended Denison Uni- her other attendants were Mrs. Christmas holidays at the home verslty, Granville, Ohio, prior to Frederick M. Porter of WallingHave your . . .car inspected now of ~. Lewis' mother, Mrs. Fred his entrance into the Navy, and fo~d,and Mi. ss Eliza b eth McK. Stern of Martinsburg, Pa. will continue his education at the Cahan of Swarthmore, cousins of WINTERIZE with PRESTONE or ZEREX d M A H· V· AI University of Michigan, Ann the bride. They were' dressed · . Mr. an rs. . . an en ROIERT J. ATZ, Owner alike in blue faille and carried of Park avenue will entertain Mr. Arbor. and Mrs. John W. Sprout and sons bouquets of· red roses. They Russe"·s Service of Hightstown, N.J., and Mr. and STORCK-STORCK wore coronets of red roses in their . Mrs. John W. Ta;tlor, Jr., and Miss Patricia Ann Storck, hair. Wheel Balancing _ Auto Lite I.ttarles Mr. William Odenwelder of Carol of Baltimore, Md., over the daughter of Colonel: and Mrs. SW 60440 Dartmounth and Lafayette Avenues Donald G. Storck of Bronxville, Bethlehem, brother-in-law of the Christmas holidays. G N.Y., became the brlde O Mr. and Mrs. Charles . f Lt. bridegroom, was best man, and Thatcher of Ogden avenue will George Hileman Storck, USA, of the ushers were .Mr. James B'rnes i-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;i La . f Mr E1 H of Broomall, Mr. Benson B .. Harttertal Mr R sell D Burlo en n s. us e • '.Crest ne, son 0 s', mer . 'n.ey of Be'titiehetn. , Mr. DaVl'd Mc....... "?;_. . .)iIjii)iiS 1 _ "JWJtU& 1 _~M#aAL11 Sr., of Havertown, Mr. Warren Walker of Presidio of Monterey, Paxton of Swarthmore, and Mr. Calif., and the late Colonel Louis Cahan of Bryn Mawr and Mr. , and Mrs. Russel1 DeBurlo, Jr., John Storck, in Cadet Chapel, William: Piper of Wilmington, Del.' Janie and Charlie of Medford, West Point, N.Y., on December 4 Miss Lois Wilson was soloist. Mass., on Christmas day.. Mr. and at 2: 30 p.m. The Rev. George She sang "0 Perfect Love," by ' J r., ar- Martin Bean performed the cere- Bamby', "I Love Thee," by Grieg, Mi's. Russe II D e B ur.o, DECEMBER . ed Ias t Tues d ay f or a h 0 liday many. and "The Lord's Prayer.". nv vsilt with the Thatchers. Following a reception at Mc25·26·27 The bride, given in marriage by Cahan Hall of the Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bovard h f th full I th of Clarksburg, W.Va., will spend . er. a er, wQre a eng Church, the couple left for a Ii the Christmas holidays with Mrs. ,vory satin gO~ fashioned with wedding trip to the Pocon"". a boat neckline· trimmed with, .. Bovard's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. d ls and m el train 115J1&_1illOi_ _ _ F. Norton Landon of ·North see pear . a. 0 ap . fI[ . ' .. ~£-1 Princeton avenue. Her finger-tip illusion veil fell SEA~ON'S GR. EETINGS Ii ., and II! TUESDAY. DECEMBER 28 l>I Dr. and Mr·•. George B. Heck- from a seed pearl crown headpiece. She carried a cascade bou. R ill man and children and Mrs. Heck- quet of bavardla inter'1lixed with BEST WISHES. for Ii ~ man's mother, Mrs. Pearl Kaull- small chrysanthemums. the NEW YEAR . \I ~ man, are spending the Christmas Miss Dorothy Storck of BronxMrs •. Lloyd. E'. Kauffman Ii .. .. . . holidays at Skytop Lodge In the III Pocono Mountains. t = t i o n s far. all Maga,. ine$ '" l>I Mr.two and Mrs. Thomas SWarthmore 6-2080 . 1;@~-~~_~_~_~~!~_~~_~~!!lII:~!!1~""'~!!lII:~_~_~_~l!~M'~!!lII:~!!lII:~_~~~!ol;~ _ _I _ _::: I!W§ and children, Ann andMorris J aan, . are Christmas guests of Mrs. MorSwarthmore, P a . . . . _ ~._ I ris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hetzel of Thayer road. Mr. AIR CONDITIONED and Mrs. Hetzel and .Cal will Closed Friday spend New Year's at Sea Island, n. maaale.ent aDd staff wish Georgia.. "A friendly feeling ev• ..,.••• a YERY . MERRY CHRISTMAS in the air The I ,·C· L O· SED· I I I I I I ! i OPEN I· N G·L ENE U K· CO·[LE'G'E TH·EAT·RE Hope. of the. World~ .nr ll!is IU1III !J1IIC ....... illY m. tflt--iU!J of laDli! a .aDtliIlt mltitJr bi ·GtJrdit.t1tt Jiprl. lilib2ill PAULSON, & CO." Swarthmo"re.. Pa:'. did.". wallt to be a Boy Sco" W.b~.o ';MR. SCOUTMASTER" Ai. alaftlq .. COMed, faMll,1 A thought of good CHRISTMAS EVE. • friends everywhere NEW YEAR'S EVe. .. for ... whle .5pe:clal .... for cIInd .... - Sot. lPM ....... 1.10. Ie tile Hon.· (tecll"coIof') ; pI_s Cartooas, comedy. Ie Trader To... Serfal Merry Christmas, everyone! CARNS 6SO 101Mmore Pike . . Sprl"gfield, Del. Co., Po. SWamnnore 6.0450 ~ • A.~~,,-, , .... • • THURSDAY Monday & Tuesday is home for the holidays. Carl Jeglum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claire Jeglum of Hillborn avenue, Is home for the holidays from Colorado A. &. M. Fort Col- Mrs. Goodwin Gibson, Jr., of Toronto, Canada and· Rer two daughters Debby and Diana, arrived on Monday morning • • spend a week and a half with Mrs. Gibson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Brown of River- lins, Colo., where he is a sopho- view road. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Basmore. sett, Jr" and three children of Bob Lang, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Lang of Maple ave- Seaford, Del. are spending the nue, is home'· for.' the holidays Christmas holidays with Mrs. E. from Rutgers University where M. Bassett of North Chester road. Mrs. Paul W. Gibson of Aurora, he is a junior. Ill., arrived Thursday to spend Mary Bunker, daughter of Mr. a few weeks with her son-in-law and Mrs,· H. L •.. Bunker of Mt. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. BelHolyoke place arrived home on den S. Tucker of Park avenue. Saturday from Bucknell UniverMr. and Mrs. Thomas Mulligan sity where. she is a freshm"n. of New York City will spend the Mary Jane Jones, a junior at the Christmas holidays at the Beaver College, has arrived home home of Mrs. Mulligan's uncle, Mr. to spend the Christma. vacation W. L. Cleaves of Swarthmore with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. place. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates William D. Jones of Vassar avenue. Mary will return to Beaver of Harvard avenue will visit their College on January 3 to resume son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and her studies In the Fine Ar1s De- Mrs. Eugene S. Farley of Wilkes Barrie over the Christmas holipartment. Robert Crowther, son of Mrs. days. Anne and Jean Paul, daughters Harry Crowther of Yale avenue, arrived Monday from San Diego of Dr. and Mrs. Joe Paul of Park on leave from the Navy to spend avenue, entertained with an icethe holiday season with his skating party last Friday in celebration of their birthday. faml1y. Mr. ,and Mrs. Thomas Chew of Lt. (jg). Robert .Jensen. of AnYale 'Square will entertsin at a napolis will spend Christmas family dinner Christmas day. week end with Mr.. and Mrs. Paul Guests will include Mr. and MTs. Banks of Harvard avenue. Percy Gilbert of Park avenue, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Ben Mr. and Mrs. James Hop~ and ,' Fred N. Bel1 of Harvard avenue Warren Hopkins .of Chester. is home from the University of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. NorthruP .North Carolina where he. is a of Vassar avenue will entertain sophomore. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Northrup of John Phillips, son of Mr. and New York City, Mrs. R. G. Lawry Mrs. C. Russell Phillips of Strath and Miss EdIth Gordon of WashHaven avenue, has returned from Ington, D.C. over the Christmas Dartmouth College for the hoU- week end. Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins of day. Cedat' lane will entertain her sisDick McCabe, junior at Colorado College, Colorado Springs, ter, Mrs. R. K. Levering of ClayColo., is home for the Christmas mont~ Del. over the holidays. holidays. Dick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ·£homas McCabe of How C.rlltl.. Sci.... Heal. North Chester road. Miss Helen Disque arrived "BRIDGING THE BARRIERS home today from New York City OF PREJUDICE" for the hollday~. Helen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. WI. 1610 KC' s••day. '145 Io.~. Disque of Strath Haven avenue. • • • • 15 South Chester· Road eltrijtmU$ reetiTt9~ ()ur sincere wishes • DEC. 24th • to come in a big package .... big enough DEC. 31st to contain loads o( cheer and good will (or aU our mends and neighbors. Happy Holiday to all! EVEN'IN'G~ December 30th .. 6:30 P.M. till 8:30 P.M. "HEIDI" 'ormer/., a junior at Wesleyan University OPEN SloT. NIGHT ONLT-RA1UUS _10 God aid Florist members of the Farm Journal stall at a supper and carol sing HOME 'FOR THE HOLIDAYS last Sunday evening. Midshipman. Richard K. AlexMr. and Mrs. Ray M. Vincunas ander has completed his first of Detroit, Mich., are visiting at term of the freshman year at the the home of Mrs. Vincunas' par-" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll StreetU. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, er of Columbia avenue, over the Md., and is spending the Christ- Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brauns of mas Leave with his parents, Mr. Vassar avenue will have as their and Mrs. Andrew Alexander on guests over the Christmas holiSouth Swarthmore avenue. days, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gary of David Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Washington, D.C., and Mrs. Ralph Reavis Cox of Walnut lane and Provtor of Claymont, Del. THAT'S CHRISTMAS" I. aU Its stOi ,boak wOltder for YOIIlt4J DILuzio and Sons of Columbia avenue entertained WE W'ILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY EVENINGS Saturday & Sunday CIIHoa a NEWS NOTES Mrs. Avery Blake of Amherst avenue spent several days in Baltimore last week, visiting her mother, Mrs. Harry K. Nield. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Streeter Barbara Darlington . . - I'riu _ . 19n. , ......... thai a4cIecI alhactta.t 'MIte ..................... ~.....,. Wedliesday & Thu. s4ay Are- ......c :Wi'" Following our usual cus- "A WOMAN'S WORLD" n ' , - h . . . 1'.= " c _ w_ _ stu' Dr 1'1 1c4 ....., ..... ' _ 'pe • • , " _._. " . . .I ~. AItrMot ".1 p",~ Soeit .... _ WI" tom the shop be closed for a tiny Christ- s;'o"","o,. • MID.Io, .INNSYLVIoN.Io. Sp,in,field mas ~acation. Monday as well as Saturday. BUCHNER'S of '['I ia~" Fe.,;.,·......." ,~.~·ce~~'.r... THE CAMERA & SHOP \ 8 Perk Avenue , 'HIE SWARTIlMOREAN Pap 4- '"THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY F1UDAY AT 8WARTHlIIORB, PA, PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, PVBLISBBR8 Phone SWlU1bmore 8-0900 Rosalie Peirsol PETER E. TOLD, Edltor Marjorie Told . Ellen S. Simon Siilly Alden Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore,. Pa., under the Act of March 8, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHlIIORE, PENNA., December Zf. 195' " , <111" onight the great world's heart becomes an inn \Ell Where 101'e may, for a season, make its dwelling. Above earth's old disorder and its din Unearthly harmonies are strangely swelling. Across the wasteland of our greed and sin We bear tbe mystery tbe skies are telling. And any other night could be immortal If love were bidden welcome at its portal! EUNOR. LBNNBN METHODIST NOTES The annual Christmas Eve CandleJighting Sel"~ice will be held at 11 p.m. Children of the Sunday School and Young People of the Methodist Youth Fellowship under the direction of Charles Seymour will present a pageant In pantomime and narrative of the story, ''Why the Chimes Rang." The congregation will become the worshippers in the Cathedral and join the characters of the story by presenting CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH _. Joseph P. Bishop, Minister John Schott, Aa80clate MInlster Chrlstmall Eve . 10:30 P.M.-Holy Communion. 11: 30 P.M.-CandleJight Service. Sunday, December 26 . 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.-Morn_ ing Worship Service. Mr. Bis- hop's Sermon: "Holy Flight." Church School Classes. 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. - METHODIST CHURCH John C. KuIp MInIster Rudolph H. Hodge Assistant MInister Mrs. Ruth G. Nicely Drganist-Director of Music Sunday, .December 26 8:45 A.M.-Church School . 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service. 7:00 P.M. - will meet. youth Fellowship TRlNIT~ CHURCH H~ Lawrence Whittemore. Rector Sundayt December 26 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Festival of Lessons and Carols. Monday, December 27 . (St. John, Evangelist) 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Tuesday, December' 28 (Holy Innocents) 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Wednesday, Deeember 29 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. Friday, December 31 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Saturday, January 1 (Feast of the Circumcision) 10:00 A.M.-Holy Coinmunion. ._----- THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS the annual Christmas offering at the "Cathedral Altar." The candlelighting ceremony wtll be followed with the ainglng of "Joy to . the Warrd." Followtng the service young people of the MYF and members of the choir and friends will go Christmas Caroling about. the village. Cluistmas Day at 10: 3D, the children of the. Sunday School will join in the Annual Service in honor of Jesus' Birthday. This half-hour celebration under the direction of Mrs. Lloyd KaufIman Invites the whole family to attend and children to bring their favorite toy or costume. Each child wtll receive a lighted birthday candle of Jesus, the King. Church School meets at 9:45 on Sundays for all ages beginning at two years. There Is a Young Adult BuIlders Class and an Adult Bible Class. At the 11 a.m. Morning Worship Service,' Student ReCOgnition Day will be observed with young people home for the holidays participating in the service. • The Methodist Youth . Fellowship will meet at the church at 7 p.m. There will be a MYFRally 7: 30 p.m. on Monday. Mr. Kulp must cancel his office hours tor personal counseling on Tuesday. Other hours by appointment. Boy Scout Troop 3 will meet at 7 p.m. 'On Wednesday. The choirs will rehearse Thursday . beginning with Cherub Choir at 3: 30 p.m., Junior Choir at 4 p.m. and Chancel Choir at 8 p.m. On Friday, New Year's Eve, there will be a Watch-Night and Covenant Service at 11: 15 p.m. and Ted Carey and Barrie Wright at 11. DurIng the 11 o'clock service Margaret BuIIitt and Judy Hollander will be in charge Df the nursery. A celebration of the lJoly Communion will be held on Monday morning at 10 O'clock, and agaln on Tuesday at the same hour. There ~ill be a service of Evening Prayer at 5: 30 P.M. on Tues_ day and Friday. The regular mid-week celebration of the Holy Communion will be held at 7: 15 am. Wednesday. Saturday, New Year's Day, there will be a celebration of the Holy CommuuIon at 10 o'clock. December 24. 1954 J)eeember , 24. .19M NEWS NOTES I hear the patter of little feet And a whispering on the .taft And I know without your telling me The children ~ every one there. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar lane attended the Bryn Mawr - Haverford concert and Chrlstm a.s party at Haverford colleg'e last Monday evening' with thel' r son and· daughter-In-law, Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Heath. Mr. and' Mrs. George Alston of Nort" Chester rqad will entertain at a family dinner Christmas day. Guests will include Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Wagner of Woodbury, N.J., M r. an d M rs. G eorge Alston, Jr., Joan and George III of Harrisburg, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. William ·W. Alston, George and Billy, of Rose Valley, Mr. and . Mrs. Edward H. Alston, Sally, Jinny and Edward, Jr. of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bald of pittsburgh, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Boyd and two daughters of Pittsburgh. Pat Jones, freshman at Denison University, Granville, Ohio, was recently elected social chair- They come tiptoeing down the steps And stand at the open door And gaze in rapture at the tree And the gifts upon the floor. the Barber HIGHEST STANDARDS • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. Pqe Ii THE SWARTllMOREAN A Christmas Poem When I see the light that s!\ines in Best their eyes -A happiness all of us share FRIENDS MEETING NOTES It does us good to realize Wishes for There will be no First Day That for them, Santa's just been School for any grade next Sunday. there. Instead; families are invited to a very attend Family Meeting together. And for those of us who are older The fact of the Savior's birth PRESBYTERIAN NOTES And the strength He gives for our Merry Christmas On Sunday, December 26, there daily tasks will be the regular two Morning Is the greatest gift on earlh. Worship Services, one at 9:30 a.m. and the second at 11 o'clock. The topic of the sermon by Mr. Then every year at Christmas time When we hear the children sing Bishop at both services will be FRANK Lllt us bow our hearts before Him "Holy Flight." And worship Christ, our King. The Church School classes will ,. 4' ',I'U!f: ...in:r..j:"' " , ~.; , be held as usual at 9:30 and 11. , ;. : ! -; '· , The Senior High and the Junior 1954. CHARLES KURTZHALZ HiIIb Fellowships will not meet thIs Sunday, but wtll resume their regular schedule next Sunday. On Tuesday, December 28, there will be a tea given by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bishop and Mr. and Mrs.' John Schott, at the Manse, 912. Westdale avenue, for Expert management,' sympathetic all the coilege young people of understand ing, central-city location, the congregation. and ieasonable prices add up to There will. 1:Je no choir r.ehearsals fo1'" the younger choirs renowned Oliver H. Bair service, this week,' but the adult I Choir, , the' Chancel Cltoir, will rehearse as usual on Thursday, December 30 at 7:30 p.m. DI••CTOH O. PUNIIALS Fricfay night, December 31, there wtll be a Watchnight Serv1820 CHESTNUT STREET ice held at .11 :30 p.m. in the OUVEI H. IAII, _ _ MARY. A. BAIl, ......donl church sanctuary. This will. be Telephone RI6-1581 New Year's Eve, and anyone wtshing to attend .the service' In party clothes is fiee to do so: Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Fine of North SWarthmore avenue will have as their guest over the Ch rlS . t mas hOlidays, Mrs. Fine's mo th er, Mrs. M. J. Hillyer of . N ew York City. M . rs. 'Claire H. Jeglum of HilIb om avenue, will have as her ~est over the holiday season ary 9uyer of Lima, Peru, who is a student at Westtown School. On Friday, Miss Mary Theye Worthen of New York City and and Mr. and Mrs.and H. Waiter, M. Johnson sons, David of Bethesda, Md., will arrive at the Jeglum home for the holiday week end.' Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Cadbury of Hendersonville, N.C., are visiting Mrs. Cadbury's sister, Mrs. Thomas K. Brown, Jr., of Dickinson avenue for the month. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Good of Forest lane will have as therr guests for the Christmas holidays, Dr. Good's parents, Mr. and Mrs. City, and two cousins, Nancy and Roddy Blair, also of Mexico City. . Mr. Frank Markley of Guernsey road returned on Sunday f ram a business trip to Europe. Julie Lange, daughter of Mr. d M GLad an rs. ordon nge of Ce ar lane Is visiting Mrs. E. B. Ferris of Vicksburg, Miss., over the Christmas holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Alexander of South Swarthmore avenue are entertaining as their house guests during the Christmas holidays their son-In"law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schumacher and two children Roger, Jr., and Susan of Washington, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol Jr., • and children· Gloria and Sandra, and Mr. Peirsol, Sr., of Lafayette avenue will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Rorer of Springfield' at a famity dinner party on Christmas Day. Lieutenant Commander a n.d Mrs. James Conner, and children, STRATH HAYEN INN .. Yale & Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore. Pa. WALTER E. , .....on, Mgr. F.EE ' .... IIING 1:===:i~==~~~~~:::=:::ir:=::~~~:::l:Jr:=:: DEW DROP INN 407 Dartmouth Avenue WISHES YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS CLOSED, Friday, Dec:ember 24 7:30 P.M. OPEN. Monday, January 3 7:00 A.M. Ii~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~ man of the. pledge GoodMrs. of Pittsburgh. Mimi Md., and will Jimmy, sorority, Alpha phi. cia". Pat of is her the Robert . Mr. and Donald P. Jones Park, spend of the Tacoma holiday daughter of pro and Mrs. J. Al- ot Swarthmore avenue will enter- week end at the home of Mrs. tain Mr. Jones' niece, Louisa Haldy Miller Crist of Park avebright Jones of tlDi avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schad of Jones, who is a sophomore at nue. Mrs. Crist will .also have as Riverview road will entertaln Skidmore College, over the holl- her guests for the week end, Miss neighbors at a party Sunday eve- days while her parents are in Elizabeth Conner of Lebonon, Pa. ning, honoring Mr. Leslie Walms- England on a sabbatical year. and her son-in-law and daugh' Terry Tul'ner, nephew of Mrs. ter, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Browne Ieyof N 0 rth Chester roa d who I' will Is dth Ch't . ' d, Jones. a 0 spen gOlDg abroa ·th h' e t' rlS d- and sons, Ricky and Jeff. maslvacation WI IS t aun an. Mr. and Mrs. William Brink of Mr. aD d M rs. W'lIi I am E . W't1 ' his . par~ ,s are In Triangle, Va. are visiting for two ham of Crest lane Spent a few, unc e SInce ··ti th eBaghdad, Terry N Y ork VlSlng days Inew . tHIraq. d ' IS a sopho- weeks at the home of Mrs. Brink's t h .t more loan exh I'blt'lonof D uC.maserMi a N arvar. WIt fP d a mother, Mrs. Donald Crosset of . i S8 ancy a er 0 asa en , Riverview road. . pieces m he Metropolitan C lif . d' W'd d to f M d 1 xh'bltio a., arnve e nes ay Patton Gilmour, SOn 0 r. an . d Museum an a speCla e 1 n d f ks ·th her . . 'spen a ew wee WI Mrs. William R. Gilmour. Harof spanish medIeval art .at The d th M George E gran mo er, rs. . yard avenue, has been placed on . Cloisters. Silloway of North Chester road. the Dean's Jist of' honor students Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Harper Mrs. Silloway will also entertain at the Pennington School in New of "West Cover", Culver Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Paul- J. Furnas and Jersey. N.J. are the house guests of Mr. son, Philip, of Richmond, Ind., Robert Schwartz of Mublenberg and Mrs. E. H. Marshall of Forest and Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Thomsen avenue, 'a varsity letter winner in lane for' 'the holiday season. Mr. and son, Leonard Sargent of Cross Country for the 1954-55 and Mrs. Harper are the parents Princeton, N.J. season at Haverford College, reof Mrs. Marshall.' Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Burtis, Jr. ceived the recommendation for Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Conwell of of Haverford place will have as Best Competitior Award, at the Columbia avenue will entertain their guests over the Christmas College's annual sports dinner. at a family dinner Christmas day. holidays, Mrs. Stokes' mother, Mrs. Alexander Ewing wtth her Guests' will in.clude Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Henry Reninger of. Lancas- son Mr. Robert Ewing of DartGordon Douglas and children of ter and Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Bur~ mQuth avenue, will visit her oldSpringfield . and . ·Mr. and Mrs. tis, -Sr. of Wlnstop-Salem, N.C. est son Lt. Col. E. C. Aiken and James B ..Douglas..,f North Cbes- Mr. and Mrs. WlIllalD Burtis and. familyo~ Q'!IU1t1~oJ-,..ya.,9ver ter. road. children of Chatham; N.J., i.villb"eChristrrias holiday. Frieda BilIsteln, daughter of at the Burtis home on Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Sergeant B.Bre,¥Mr.' and Mrs; W. P •• Billstein of day as wili Mrs. 'Fred Waldo of ster of North Swarthmore avenue North Chester road wtll leave Buffalo, NY have been entertaining as their .. on December 30 to visit her room- .Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Harris house guest Mrs. Brewster's fathmate at Wilkes College, Pat Mc- of Vassar avenue will entertain er, Mr. S. Philip Curtis of WesNelis of Ha~elton, Pa. for .the re- I Mrs. H. A. Scharfenberg and F. tern, N.Y. who will remain mainder of the Christmas vaca-I E. Scharfenberg of Lynbrook, through the holiday season before tion. . ,Long lsl, .," . Ridley Park , I~ii~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~~~ I Christmas .Hollyhock 'Shop will At this happy season it is a pleasure fo I.M~r~s.~Liiee~c~·iiG~a~te~w~o~oidio~f~M~ex~ii:c~0;jh~ers~·~tiiaiijviieiijn;jui\iei.j'iii~~liiiiiiiru;;iii1 have" returned afterChester a vacation Conechy of South .road spent in Miami and Fort Lauder- . dale, Fla. Mr. and. Mrs. Frederick M. Campbell of Rutgers avenue and their two daughters will travel to Miami, ·Fla., to see Mr. and Mrs. Ca"mpbell's son, Fred, play in the Orange Bowl football game on New Yea~'s Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood B. Chapman of Harvard avenue will celebrate Christmas with a family party. Those present will be their two daughters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Pittenger, their son, Jack, and daughter, Mrs. Stanley Gill; and Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hunt and their two daughters of HaverIDwn. . Mrs. Henry L. Smith of 'Rutgers avenue returned . recently from Las Cruces, N.M., where she vislt. ed her son and daughter-In-law, tbe Re". and Mrs. Bancroft P. Stnith. She will spend the Christmas hollday~ in CrIsfield, Md., Visiting her SOD - in - law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John T. ~·~:·~·:j~-:'~>~-:',T ;;:;~ ~:;" '~,", go~d of those it is our privilege to serve - i CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES An Invitation is extended to all to attend the services at 11 3.m., Sunday. December 26 11:00 A.M.-Family Day at Meet- First Church of C.hrist, Scientist, ing for Worship. No First Day Park avenue, Swarthmore. School. . Monday, Deeember 27 TRINITY NOTES All day sewtng for A. F. S: C. There will be a celebration Wednesday,' Deeember 29 All day sewtng for "'.F.S.C. the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Sunday morning. No Church FIRST CHURCH OF School classes wtll be held this CHRIST, SCIENTIST Sunday, but at 11 o'~lock there SWARTHMORE . Par:' Avenue below Harvard will be a Christmas service for all I Sunday, Deeember 28 members of the family. This will tl:OO A. M.-Sunday School. • be a festival of lessons and carols. 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson-SermOD Ushers for Sunday wtll be J. will be "Christian Science." Wednesdav evening meetlnl E. Bell, W. L. Cleaves, S. D. each week, 8 P.M.. Reading Room, Clyde, Jr:, C. E. Fellows, F. R. 409 Dartmouth 'Avenue, open Gray, A. W. Kitts, A. H. Knabb, weekdays except holidays, 10-5. Frlda1 I. '1,.9. SunclllY at", and R. B. PrIee, Jr. WnUam Klug ternOOll, Z:3O;.t:80; . will serve u ',loolyteat8 o'clOl!k;' eveniD.' . I . PHILADELPHIA ELECTRICC ': THE "(130Gb Will to aU men" , .... ~. . , , : , : •• , ......,". . ": ... . .' '.\":.', :..... 0.. '; ,;.:,.~. ...... • ;";'. to· ..... . ~... • a.. • ••• thie, in ita deeput "._ \:·t~: ...... ..... ... ::::. ". ... . ~ ".'" • . meaniDg, is our wiaL at CLriatmas. ::" .. \ A Bright and J1859iU~9 .at Merry Christmas To You All ILLIAM s. B and Son H,re's a hearty holiday wish to all our good friends . . . May your Christmas be 'abundant with 'health, happiness and contentment.. ij'iStm89 iMIIl,r,y Oile and All! B. J •. HOY. 5 & 10 BOB ATZ. Proprietor Allto Repairs . Rllssell's Servlc:e The spirit of that first Christmas is the most precious Greetings at Christmas! gift of oil. May it obide with you and yours DOW --3ur Holiday wuh ••. and always. lDay Santa Claus , THEATRE PHARMACY shower you: and. yours with everything your liearts desire. FUSCO MOTOR. COMPANY' We join the clear-voiced \ caroZ!erB in Bending out . our wiBheB lor a Happy Holidliy to aU our friends. \ MARTEL'S and .q.ood 'wi4hu CHRISTMAS .. ACLridmafIJ Greed.,.. ·to~ '<: " to.' O .... Wonde ..- ...ful COII.ilianitY . '. a . ~. -: . .. . . • . . . .:." - , . to "J"aJ.e t1e 'Jj~~d;of every . one ~f :lou. We'd li!.e to wiBL, you all '. ' a" per~o~a1 M~J CLfistlDas•. But, please ...... ;We'J lilte '.. ~aJ.e,tL'~t1ouB1t for:~Le a~~~Dcl accept our .incere g~9d wi,Ii~~Jo~ Hialtb, HappineSl andPro.periti.~o~a.itl·l!~waY81 ha2lda., l£alan GREETINGS fiRST NATIONAL BANK . HORACE A. REEVES 171/2 SOUTH' CHESTER ROAD \ EDWARD G. CHIPMAN. SON • • •. .' ••• - • • J ". • THE S~AJlTBMOREAN , With Warm ··Christmas Wishes . • .'.• . ~ • • t.,..- ,,~ • "lit • •• •• . '.. . .. .. .... • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• GJ:he joy of giving ••• the thrill of reeeiving ... all the warmth and good will of the Christmas season, we sinccre~y Page 9 • • • The best of everything for you and your family duro ing this Christmas Season - and always - this is our sincere wish. wish for' you and your". J. F. BLACKMAN 335 Dartmouth Avenue May the light of .the Holiday CELIA SHOE SHOP season shine bright and long upon you and yours • • • And may its cheerful glow. remain Hannum &Waite Corner Of Yale Avenae and Chester Road May .he 'oyoUl Iplrfl 01 Chrf,tm.. Clom. 10 clw.U fa , yODl' word for to blighteD YOl1r JUe throulholll the New Y••r ... Cheery (I Season . • . May your .To Michael's College Pharmacy Christmas be a' merry onel all our friends hom. during data glori01l8 ....OD aDd ruuJn (on the corner) and neighbors, we wish Q Yuletide full of cheer, good fellowship lIII4 "'ntentment. J. A. GREEN 1 Soath Princeton Avenae " CHRISTMAS GREETIN·GS . . .GEORGE MYERS Swarthmore Pa. May the joys of this season be .visited upon you and yours now and always. May your holi~ day be merry and filied with May Clui.tm.... bring *Jfccdth goodel.eer to you •.• * Jfappmu. tl.at fjll. your I.eart * Qood tl.e Season tl.rougl. .. • THE BOUQUET co-op FOOD MARKET The time h~s come to say again the things we all feel ... To wish you Health an~ Happiness and lots of Good Old Cheerl M. WEINSTEIN &: SON . Tailors 100 Park Ave. Cleaners SW 6-1727 , BAIRD &. BIRD , SVlRrthnore Page mE SWARTHMOREAN 10 FaIl Sports Letters Awarded Friday • Hummer, Randy Malin, Ed Noyes, Bud Stephani, Karl Thomas, CoCaptain Roger Zensen, Allen Baughn, Pete Kroon, Jolin Lewis, Dick Snyder, Cal Coleman, ~eorge Pappas, Manager Dave Pre'llton. . Junior Varsity: Manuel Hallier, Ed Collins, Hap Dllnnlng, Lee Gemmill, Bob Keller, Jon Lange, Bob Lowe, Hugh Morrison, Kelly Murphy, Scott' Pickard, .Mal Tippett, Jim Bruce, Dick Coles, Stuart Fisher, George Garrett, Cliff Hopkins, Dan Jackson, Andy The annual Fall Letter Award Assembly was held in the Higli School Auditorium last Friday, December 17. This special assembly, sp'onsored by the Student Cabinet, recognized the achievement of boys and girls in the fall sports program. Following the word of welcome by Student Cabinet President Michael Hurd, the Cheerleaders led in the singing of school songs. A take-off on a hockey practice and the coaching techniques of Virginia Allen, was presented by members of the Hockey Squad. Not to be outdone, the boys next presented a choral rendition telling of their funful and joyous days at football camp. Highlights of the girls' hockey season were given by Martha Calhoun who read a letter fr.om the absent captain, Mary Lou Pierce. Captain Pierce commended the team on their fine spirit, team play and expressed sincere thanks to Coaches Miss Allen and Patricia Told. Letters were' awarded by Miss Allen to members of' the Varsity and Junior Varsity Squads. In conclusion, Coach Allen commended the team on their fine record. COlich Millard Robinson introduced guests Judson Timm, backfield coach of Princeton University, and Harry Warren, former star fullback and a Captain of University of Pennsylvania. Harry spoke briefly to the assembly on "What my first letter meant to me." He emphasized how often the same athletic experiences have taken place in his dally living day, that the fundamentals of courage, loyalty, perseverance that are the foundation stones of athletic competition are also the very foundation of every day life. CO,aeh Robinson then presented letter awards to members of the 1954 Varsity Football Squad. Waiter Hall, Jr., followed with presentation of awards to theJ.V, squad. " _. Supervising PrlDlli.pal Frank R. Morey, as representative for the American Legion, presented the Delaware County American Legion Class A Football Trophy to Co-Captains Terry Delmuth and Roger Zensen who In tum presented the award to William Bush, High School Principal, for safe keeping In the trophy case. This trophy is shared with Ridley Park for this year. Mary PhilUps and Joanne . Taylor were announced as captains of next year's Hockey Team with Nancy Dellmuth acting as Manager. Pete Kroon will be the football captain for' 1955. The assembly concluded with the singing of the Alma Mater. Hockey Leiters Awards were presented as follows: Varsity Hockey: Betsy Brinkmann, Martha Calhoun, Mary Mellace, Jo O'Nelll, Captain Mary Lou Pierce, Jean Golr,' Patty O'Neill, Mary Phillips, Gail Roberts, Pam Foster, Emily Terry, Candy AUen, Anne Driehaus, Joan Hemenway, Joanne Taylor, Manager Anne Walker. Junior Varsity: . Liz Gibson, Judy Abbe, Bev Crowther, Sue Houseman, LouIse Johnson, Beth Jones, Nancy Martin, Barbara Wilson, Ellen Lambert, Barbara Posey, Barbara Z1egenfus: Gladys Durboraw, Leigh Hollis, Lanle Hopper, Sandy Hoot, Patsy McGonigle, Football Letters Varsity Football: Stuart Bowie, Steve Carter, John Coleman, CoCaptain Terry Dellmuth, Preston Hollander, Mike Hurd, Charles FOR RENT Swarthmore & Vicinity Several One and Two Bedtoom APARTMENTS available laird & lird Fire Comes to Fire Chief Mr.. and Mrs. Harold March of North Chester road lett Swarthmore last Sunday for New .Orleans, La.' They will attend the wedding. of their son, Andrew, and Miss Susan Marx, on December 22. Andrew has been accepted by the Navy for the Officers Training' School in Newport, R.I., starUng in early January. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulme of Elm avenue will visit Mrs. Hulme's parents in Upper Mont': clair, N.J., over Christmas. - I saw it in The Swarthmorean. At 5.30 last Friday afternoon the fire horn sounded. and voiPIANO TUNING unteer members of the SwarthAs lb. sow.r 90.. "fore the rflIp.r more Fire Company all dashed to So th. ,plano turne, must 90 b.fore th. prano playe, get the engines and rushed to the ALBAN PARKER scene of trouble - all,. this Is, except Fire Chief John A. 'Rum'ho •• MEdia 6.3555 sey who just stayed at his home at 400 Vassar avenue. After all, NO PICTURE? NO SOUND? that was the best place for himTV . S.rvice $2.50. Includes loeaf. d.fec_ since that was the site of the fire. th'. or w.ak tubes - ad1ust pfctur. fOr It seems Hurricane Hazel is still focu., clarity, centering, etc. causing reverberations. Electrical Jones, George Kroon, Jimmy ROBERT BROOKS Noyes, Joe Prather, Tad Ritzin- wires, repaired temporarily after . SWarthmore 6·3889 Estate ot REGINALD B. CHASE, ger, Warren Single, Herb Steigel- the storm damaged them, flashed deceased, late of the Borough of Delaware County. Pennman, Noel Turner, Bill Welsh, in the street outside the Rumse,. Swarthmore. sylvania: Letters Testamentary on Bruce Wilson, Barry Wright, and home, apparently burning· out a the above estate hAve been granted THOM SEREMBA Managers Walter Reynolds and transformer and sending current to the under8lgned. who requests all having claims or demandS charges into the Rumsey house persons Jim Pappas. against tho estate 01 the decedent to UPHOLSTERING burning out oil burner motor and make known the same and aU perSLIP COVERS-DRAPERIES indebted to the decedent to circulating pump motor on the SODS Swarthmore R.f.rence, make payment without delay. 3 Families Oust~d By heat"r. Rumsey was denied the AGNES FOLLANSBEE CHASE 'ho•• Hili On4 Mor. than 25 y.ars eJ:ptlrience 620 ParrIsh Road Fire Tuesday Night experience of going entirely into SWarthmore, Pennsylvania (Contin~ed. from Page 1)reverse and phoning instead of or to her attorney. aid ducts of an old heating system responding to the alarm. By the GEORGE W. McKEAG, EIlQ .. 1331 Fldellty-Phila. Trust Bldg. through which the fire was ap- time he smelled the smoke neigh- PhUadelphla MARGE HURD 9. Pennsylvanta. . parently traveling to upper floors. bors had already notified p.olice , 3t-12-17 The house now has a hot water and the Philadelphia Electric Sandwiches - Casseroles - Salads heating system. Company, and police were on the Fire Chief Jolin Rumsey and spot. They radioed the alarm, and SWarthmore 6-3138 Mr. Taylor said the fire started the Fire Chief proceeded to set LOST AND FOUND in defective wfring in the basea fine example. Pulling out plugs FOUND-Near Clothier Memorment. Fireml1n said they were to freezer, refrigerator and other Swartbmo•• 6.1448 ial. Child's dark blue felt hat. hampered in .flghting the fire in electrical pieces, he had the "fire" Call SWarthmore (1-2247. WILLIAM ~ROOKS the basement hy an accumulation under control even before his I 'L;;'::O::S:"T:::_':'::B::rc.:o=wn:::::::l:::ea":th:":e::rc.:w':':"a~lI-e-t,"':'vi-_ Ashes & Rubbish Removed of, trash and supplies which stood "boys" arrived. and there was cinity of Harvard avenue and Lawns :Mowed, General in their way. nothing left to do except say Chester road. Call SWarthmore Haulin. Ridley TDwnship assisted local "Merry Christmas" to them. 6-0171. 236 Bardinc Ave., 'iirorto... Pa. police in routing' carS around the LOST-Navy blue wallet in vi~ fire area. . cinltypost office. Monday. Re- I ~:::;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:~ SwartlIJnoN Higil 5011001", ward. Call SWarthmore 6-5829. I. Chief Rumsey estimated dam6ttI AIIIHICII C"'mnas LOST Vicinity of post office, Jewelry Repaired Phone: SW 6-4216 age at approximately $5000. The HOMECOMING DANCE handknlt Norwegian child's EMIL SPIES Monday, December 27th Taylors and Mrs. Kilgore spent mitten. Grey with red reindeer. Watchllla'•• H. 5. Gy...asJ.m - 8:30 P.M. the night with the Keppler family SWarthmore 6-5103. Formerly of F. C. ~e I: Soos SpoeIOHd by th. Vanity CI.b at 116 Cornell avenue while the LOST - Platinum. diamond link Fine Walch and 128 Yal. Ave. AdlllllSlol Fre. Durnall,s were guests of ·Postbracelet, vicinity Benjamin Clock Repairs Swarthmare. Pa. master Walter Snyder at 511 Yale wnnlllllllllllDlUIDlnlDllllllIIlllIlIIlIlIlDIIIIIIIDllnn!!i West or Swarthmore avenues. Re-I~~;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ward. Call SWarthmore 6-1732. avenue. The Snyders until several PIOURE FRAMING ~ LOST Would the person who months ago occupied the third • took Lillian little floor of the burned building. PORTRAIT STUDIO § blue two-wheelerFairbank's PETER 01 NICOLA bike from Mr. Heat was restored and electrical Biddle's lawn please return it to 5 PHOTOGRAPHIC work done the next day so that her at 230 Rutgers avenue. Driveway Con.trucfion SUPPLIES - LOST - Glasses. Please call Keith the families could move back into & E Asphalt or .Concrete ·Richardson, SWarthmore 6their apartments. 4653. The occupants highly praised Cellar Walls Re-Plaltered the quick response, efficient and == FOR 'SALE E State & Monroe Sf,. considerate function of the Fire Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 SALE-Morris Minor, 1951. I! Media - FOR Companies. Mr. Durnall said, Excellent cOridition. $595. Call &0 "Another five minutes and It ELgin 6-7548 evenings and week6-2176' .. ends. ' , would have been a far sadder f,;.iiHllIIlIIllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllllllRlllllllllt'II FOR SALE--,-Chrysler 'sedan, 1934 story." model. A-~ running condition. Good rubber ~ Reasoriable. Call SWarthmore 6-6513. $.500 MONTHLY FOR SALE - Handmade quilts, Builders dolls and dolls' clothing, hangStarffnlJ salarr for 2 exec:uUv.·type ing wall shelf, comer brackets, sal.lmn to r.present la". Eadem spice box. Allison's Antiques,· at financial corporatfon. No trav.l. Sales the Forge, Rose Tree. ..perlence and abtllty d••lr.d, ,stab7 SWarthmore 6.6455 WANTED • If there is any question nilled reltde.t, 25-4D yean old. ma,· fled, capable of auumh\9 ruponslbll· WANTED-Home for male tiller about health, your Doctor itt.... I,. requadfng lnt.rvltw plea.. kitten. Call SWarthmore 6is the person to see-right Indud. brie' INnonal history, all 1947. CHester 4-6246 replI.c confld.nlal. Our sal.sm... han WANTED-To re/;lt garage near away. And, when yo~ have been Informed 01 thlo ad. Box A. L center of town. Call SWartha prescription from, your Swarthmorean. more 6-1727. physician. the next step WANTED Small. child's bed. Child's desk. Call SWarthmore is to bring it 1:0 us for WEST LAUREL HILL 6-7373. S..... Classified Ads = = i ROGER RUSSELL ! = = = ~E Frr:v~ ---------------------- 1m. W. Rumford Co. . our prompt. professional f=ompounding. CREMATORY 1eI...o•• Av•• above City Lt.e. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE lal..cyowyd IVyrldg. 3·1122 Certificate covering cost of service in beautiful chapel, cremation, choice 01 um and permanent niche, may be obtairied in advance of need. A modern service at reasonable cost. YOUT inquiru is invited. iF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~S;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~ , SING'LE RESIDENCE • For information call Mrs. George Corbett, . office of Baird & Bird, SWarthmore 6-0108. SW 604101 . .. '" \ Jack Prichard PERSONAL PERSONAL - Bendix home appliance service. Washers, driers. ironers. Factory trained servicemen. Genuine Bendix parts. We also repair ABC, Whirlpool and Kenmore. 51. South Morton avenue. Call SWarthmore 6-3312. PERSONAL - Television, radio and appliance repairs-prompt service. TV sets repaired in the home. Robert Brooks, SWarthmore 6-38Q9. PAINTING and CARPENTRY SWarthmore 6-8761 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~" Charles E. Fischer BUILDER Swarthmore 6-2253 I RCAIaPih• •'hlW.U a > FIGHT T. B. BUY • HELP THE SWARTHMOREAN • Fire Company to Hold Open Hquse Community Invited To Fire House On January 7 PUC Aids on R. R. Gafes According to announcement from Harrisburg the Public Utility Commission on Monday ordered, the Pennsylvania Railroad to instaU'new gates and flashing warning lights at the Swarthmore avenue crossing of its tracks here where a fatal accident occurred Bradshaw Named By United Fund Ogden Avenue Resident Will Head 1956 Campaign 'W A Com,'ete 'nsurance all4 lea' Estate AgeIICY Air od S'I, Trav.1 SWEENEY & CLYDE 29 EASl 5TH Sr•• CHESTER. 4-6312 4-6313 4-6314 PIt.H.: 4-6311 Sa..... D. Clyde. Jr. S_..I D. Clyde G ...... PIG"''' ~. Eward C~~ I SEALS, $3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1954- VOLUME 26-NUl\18ER 53 . CHRISTMAS FRIENDLY OPEN HOUSE Members of the Friendly Open House gathered together Monday afternoon, Dec. 20, to sing Christmas carols and hear the Christmsa message brought by Rev. Joseph P. Bishop. Mrs. Joseph Paul and her twin daughters, Jean and Anne, sang several songs. Santa arrived in the person of Dr. Samuel C. Palmer, who distributed gifts to all the members. The hospitality committee consisted of Mrs. Joseph Walter, Mrs. Mark Bittle, Mrs. Charles Thatcher, Mrs. Benjamin Collins, Mrs. Margaret Servais, and Mrs. Harry Miller. The next meeting will be held on January 3 . at 2 p.m. Stephen S. Follwell Interred in Mahwah Father Gf Mrs. Pratt Died Here Sunday Stephen Seymour Follwell, reThomas A. Bradshaw, Ogden Members of the Swarthmore last summer. tired agent of the export branch The announcement states the avenue, president of the ProviFire Company who open their 1955 PUC will pay $5,000 of the cost of the New York Railway Equlp- . Membership Fund Drive tom or- of the improvements, from a dent Mutual Life Insurance 'Comment Company, died Sund'ay row, will hold their third annual special legislative fund, and the pany, has been named chainnan morning at the age of 89 at 404 open house for residents of the railroad will assume the remain- of the 1956 Uuited Fund camVassar avenue where he had lived horough next Friday evening from' ing $19,000. paign, it was announced last for six years with his daughter, 7 to 10 o'clock at the Fire House. The PUC order caUs for instal- week by Albert J. Nesbitt, chairMrs. Alice Elisabeth Pratt. He Frank Maselli is chairman of lation in 1955. However, a spokes- man of the Board of the United had been in poor health for the the committee arranging the open man for the railroad on Wednes- Fund, following a meeting of Its past, year. house at' which apparatus and day said the Philadelphia division executive committee. Born in Bristol, England Mr. equipment of the local. volunteers engiDeer's office is starting' to The new chairman succeeds Follwell came to America with wlll be displayed for the inspec- progress the project immediately Richard C. Bond, president of his brother, arriving in New York tion of interested citizens and and the new gates and signals will John Wanamaker and a member City during the famous bUzzard their children. Refreshments w!11 be in operation just as. soon as of the board of managers of of 1888. fie 'helped lay the first be served. plans can be completed and re- Swarthmore College, who led the telegraph' cables across the AtAs an innovation in this year's quired materials seCured. 1955 campaign that ended on Dedd to England. He sailed back cember 7. Captain Albert to A ress lantic dilve r8F'$5' contributing memto England the 'day after the berships the Company Is issuing to Bradshaw' participated In the TuesdaY.Meeting sinking of the Lusitania and was each home a pamphlet picturing recent UDltcd Fund drive as vice Jan, 4 in London during .the First World its, six pieces of apparatus, dechairman Section I, comprised CaptaiD Francis Lee Albert, War bombings. scrlbing Ille equipment and funcof firms in the Insurance, paper, CHC USN will. address '.be From 1912 to 1929 he lived in tion of. each and giving maintenleather and automotive business. Won:an's Club of Swarthmore Maplewood, N.J., where his wife, ance costs on tJle three which are President Judge Sweney Nesbitt hailed the selection d:~ ':l'uesday, January 4, on the sub- the former Mary Barker Purdy owned by the Company, The other • • . . lIradsbaw . as . ch~an of· ject ''Looking into This· Ne", of Brooklyn died In 1928..He had three are owned by the Borough. Gives Final Order sixth annual camp81gn as an .ex- Year.'; Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe, made numerous trips to Peru and 'sviarihmorehomes eiijoy im' ex'Wednesday cellent choice to keep the l!ruted program chairman, will introduce Columbia, South America where Fund on the course that It has the speaker. ceptionally good fire protection the terrain often forced him to Swarthmore residents are assur- established. Capiain Albert retired June 30, ride r.lUleback even at the age of rating by insurance companies. Born In Ouray, Colo., Bradshaw 1953, after nearly 35 years of con- ti5. For 15 years he was his comThese low premiums depend on ed of a swimming pool next sumthe high type of efficient service me~. President Judge Henry Swe- attended high school In Fort Col- tinuous duty as a chaplain in the pany's manager in Rio deJaneiro. given by the active, volunteer ney handed down an Drder mak- IIns and then the University of regular Navy. He and his He was a 'member of the Brookmembers of the company. The ing this possible, on Wednesday, Colorado from which he ~d- live In Philadelphia. lyn, N.Y. Mistletoe Lodge of the' Chaplain Albert knows the Masonic Order. volunteers in turn depend upon December 29. The text, of the uated in 1928. Two years later he received his degree from its United States, having traveled in th'e. -p6tential recipients of the order which is final follows: At the age of 79 Mr. Fon.well ';And nOW, December .29, 1954, law school. all 48 states. He has spent 17 service to c!)ntribute funds for retired and went to Denver, Colo., He practiced law for a short of the past 36 years at sea and purchase . aDd maintenance of the Decree Nisi· $ntered Dece~. (Continued on Page 7) ber 9. 1954, be and the same. IS; time with his father In Fort Col- overseas, vtsiting 42 foreign counnecessary "ieces "f equipment not included in their aUotment from hereby amended in the followmg I'lins, before joining the legal de- tries. Durin!! the war,. as Seventh partment of the provident Mutual Fleet chaplam, he di.rected !he the Borough tax funds. Among respects only: "1. There shall be erected on December I, 1930. He became ministry of 206 chaplams servmg new prot~tlve pieces' purchased Me~ting by ~e COmpany for the good of around the pool, a cyclone fence, I assistant counsel in 1934. counsel 250,000 Navy men. In 1945, he with appropriate safeguards, to in 1942 and ge'leral counsel in dedicated 46 new Navy chapels all during the past year are a Leslie Polk, formerly of smoke ejector, a two-way FM prevent the entrance of persons, 1945, He moved Up to vice pres- on thirty Pacific is1anrls. childre~, when the ident and g~neral counsel in 1949 Captain Albe:t knows the Swarthmore and now with the particularly. (Continued ·on Page 7) pool is not m operation. The exact and on January 1 1953, assumed oburches, and IS perhaps the U.S .. State Department in France, location of this cyclone fence, and the presidency of 'the 89-year-old Navy', outstanding p~ponent of will be the guest speaker at the the area to be enclose~his!heCreburtY' Provident Mutual Life Insurance inter-faith collaboration-"C~op~ January meeting of Women's Inshall be determine~ by r ,0 Co. .eration without compromise. ternational League for Peace and after recommendatIOns by counsel h' ber of the During the past three and a half Freedom which will be held at the Brads aw IS a mem h d' 52 d'f f M Fr derl'ck Tolles I - home 0 rs. e , for the Plain~s and f or the board of directors of the Uuitcd years, he has pr<:ac e m . Dr. Courtney Smith, president of Swarthmore SWlIII Clyb. th Philadel hia National ferent churches m the Philadel- 606 Elm street, on January 6 at Swarthmore College, will be guest 2. The Swarthmore S,,:,im Club Funnkd, th: Insuran~e Federation phia area, and has delivere.d lec- 2 p.m. speaker at the Mother's C:1ub'& an.. may initially have as famIly mem- Ba, 1. well as the tures in many colleges, uruverslMr. Polk will discuss certain varua, as . . . 1 ts f resent-day Eur bscrl' b- of Pennsy nual hther's Night Dmner on berships the present 414 su. • h h ds In 1950 he ties, and semmarles. socIa aspec 0 P Thursday, January 17. ers who are residents of the Bor- com:"y e ~ the advance Chaplain Albert. has a Bac."- opean life with emphasis upon Mrs Edinund Jones, chainnan ough of Swarthmore, provided s:xv as ~Peht of the commun- elor's degree in Busmess Admirus- France; and will give his impresfor tbis affair, announced that ~n that no vacancies shall be fill.ed gifts depar m . tration, and is a Bachelor of sions of the contrasts and commembers and their husl?ands will until by resignation or otherwISe ity Chest. th Sacred ,Literature and 'Doctor of parisons between Ute abroad and be invited to attend by a special the membership shall have been He is also a membo:r of , e Humane· Letters. In the U.S. from the viewpoint of reduced to less than the \imitation Racquet Club, the Philadelphia, Dr. Albert has taken an active an average American who has committee headed by Mrs. James of 400 families contained in: the penn!;yl!ania and American Bar part In veteran and fraternal orlived in Europe and then returned Jezl, who will telephone each member' immediately after. the said Decree. Associations, gantzatlons. For two years he;",as to America. state chaplain. of .the American Mr. Polk who has been with the firSt of the year. The dlnner will "a. The bill herein filed is ~ Legion In CalifornIa and. for 13 State Department for three and a be provided in part by the mem- tained as to the Swarthmore SWIm Civil Defense OfIice Seeks Volunteer Typist years national. chaplain ot. the half, years, Is at present serving bers who will bril1g covered dishes ( Continued on Page 7) . "d D Ancient Egyptian Order of SCIOts. in Paris in the Executive Secre. of their own preparation. The County O.fIlce of CIVI e; He has addressed national and tariat of the United States ReAtter dinner and the address fense would hke a vOlu~tee state conventions with audiences I gionlil Organization, Headquarters, by Dr. Smith, the floor will be typist wiIli?g to ~v~ ,!WO ours 'up to 18,000 people. of the U.S. Delegations toN.A.T.O. cleared for dancing. The folloWeach week.m the CIVIC mterest;/ Mrs. Robert B. Clothier, Mrs. and O.E; E.C. ing members will serve as comcivil defense. Volunteers ~re a H . N. CDmpton, Jr., Mrs~ John W. He Is a graduate of Temple UnImittee heads: decoration, Mrs. Om.ers. of the Comtnnnlty ed to apply to Ofllce of CI~ DeSoule, and Mrs. Raymond P .. WUversity and did graduate work at Richard Eckenroth; table settini, Nursing S e r vic e, Delaware fense, Court House, Media, or son' will serve as hostesses for College in Vermoot. Mrs. Henry Roth; kitchen super- County, will be closed on New the meeting. Mrs. Robert A. Boyle Later he continued his adv~ vision, Mrs. Edward Thorn.as; cof- y ......s Day. HGwever. a nurse phone MEdia 6-0600. and Florence J. Lucasse will pre- study at the Sorbonne in Paris fee, Mrs. George D)lIIIl; casseroles, will be IOn doty for emergencies side at the tea table. and at the University of Perugia Scllool Receives Grant 1\Ina: Mrs. .Tam~ HudSon; meat, Mrs. and eaD be reached by ••~. Mathews JiIh""'*l; clean-up, Mrs. CL 9-31109, tbrOo&h Ulo The School In Rose v8Iley reKAPPAS TO '-SEW will intraThornas Mcnhenney, Mrs. Peter. ness of the Delaware eoontY . ceived as' a gift this Chris:tnas, . era! -~-... ~ M urice The ppa Kappa Gamma sew- duce the~. Gen """"~Coste•. finance, Ihs'lVernon Ur- HMPfW.. J)orotlQ> N. SIdnM', fr acres of land Our a . u_ 4.6 hich has lng group willmee. t 011.· Tuesday. , men of the meeting are ....... bani; 'host.· ••, l\irB.Paul Brown;. __' · Th.e school, w . B' Fred01_ tIIie wwlem ~ B • 0Oft.... o_.w Jan....... 4, at. the home. of lira. TDlles and Mrs. enrletta assistant hoot as ses,' lira. Edward . ~..... tIIat a n_ the land from Mr.t "'"eli,SewellW. -' ilib'lllCl!. ~rented a _ ' . . • sm. HodIe.of 111 0gdeII Mrs. ErIeh .... .....,.. is In CcinleUlIs· Mrs. Frank POiWO(Id, be .,.uec1 ..... ai SW sUIre 1933, bas paid as ren ea . ' . ' - sW"" , • of bOspI~ty. Mrs. _MfY!.i.;,":""way,. Mrs. Wesley .. _ of tile ~', ye!"", o~,,~~. _venue..~ . eoU StmonM'rs. .ToIm (Jersbach; .... er .........,' :r.raDk Chaptllaft Navy Chaplain to Open Club Year Swarthmoreans Will Swim This Summer of Polk WIL Speaker At January I Dr. Smith to Speak at Father's Night Dinner , PERSONAL Laundry washed and dried. KIngswood 4-0252. fii! 504 Baltimore Pike, Springfield. PERSONAL-Dressmaking, Blterations. Expert fitting on suits. Rush orders a specialty. Rates reasonable. ELgin '6-5921. PERSONAL Belvedere Convalescent Home, 2507 Chestnut Street, Chester. Nursing care for au' illnesses. Professionally stalred. State licensed. Special diet cases. Spacious grounds. Sadie D. Pippins, proprietor. CHester 29997. PERSONAL-Baby sitting. Responsible woman. Call SWarthmore 6-4251. . I Excellent location for adult couple. Most unusual facilities including 2~car garage, full eledric services and delightfully landscaped surroundings, complete privacy, newly created. Consists of very large living room 30' x' 22', kite:hen, bath, large bed room, many closets and available' II' guest room. Rent $125.00 per month includes eledricity, heat, hot water, garage, eledric stove and electric refrigerator~ . SVlll rthn!ore December 24, 1954 in Nursing Service Emergency Phones ~~ill~ta7e~ett '_emee. ,18ar Ka' . .... peeemher 31, 1954 Paae2 THE SWARTHMOREAN Personals from ..crozer Hospital where' she was a patient. Miss Joyce Cabots of Chester entertain with an open house on Ne~ Year's Day. Waldo R. Fisher, son of Dr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher of Guernsey road, is spending the holidays skiing at St. Sauveur Des Monts Quebec, Canada. ' M~. and Mrs. Duncan G. Foster, Jr., . Infant SOD, Derek, and Miss GO~lnna Foster, of Ithaca, N. Y., arrIved last Friday to spend the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. Foster of Crest laue. Corinna returned last Sunday to Ithaca where she is employed in the ;dministrative offices of Cornell University. Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Jr. and Derek will return to Ithaca New Year's Day. -Mr. anir- Mrs. Joh~ M.· Foster an.d infant son, Jeffrey, of Cam~ brIdge, Mass., arrived Sunday to spend the holidays with Mr. Foster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dunca.n G. Fosier of Crest lane. They WIll return to Cambridge on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cresson of Amherst avenue entertained at a family dinner on Christmas day. - • BRIDAL FESTIVITIES Mrs. Donald Poole of North Swarthmore. avenue and Mrs. Raymond C. LaSliiat of North Swarthmore avenue entertained at a bridal shower and tea in honor of Mrs. Jane Hanna Neuweiler and Mr. Wright W. Gary whose marriage took place on December 24. ' At Huntington Valley Country Club, a dinner was held in their honor by Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Hackley, Jr., of Meadowbrook. STATE INSPECTION PERIOD Ends Jan. 31 Mrs. John H. Pitman of Vassar avenue is entertaining Mr. and 'Have your car IRspected ROW Mrs. Joseph W. Frescoln of Piqua Ohio, Colonel and Mrs. Robert E: WINTERIZE with PRESTONE or zEREX Moist ,and children, Johnnie and Jackie, of Wautagh, Long Island, . ROBERT J. AT%. Owner and her grandsou, Johnny Avila, of North Franklin, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Carroll of Wheel Balancing Auto Lite BaHeries Riverview road entertained at a dinner party Wednesday evening. SW 6·0440 Dartmounth and Lafayette Ave~ue$ Muriel Watkins, daughter of Mr. 'iSSSSSSSSSSSS'SS"S" baaaSSSSSSsssSSSSSS$SSSS$s> \ and Mrs. W. Watkins of College NEUWEILER-GARY avenue, is visiting friends in Mrs. Jane Hanna Neuweiler Washington, D.C., this week. Mur.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuei iel, a senior at Hiram College C. Hanna of Maple avenue was Hiram, Ohio, will return to col ~ married Friday evening, D~cem­ lege tomorrow. ber 24, to Mr. Wright W. Gary John Tyler, son of Mr. and Mrs. of Princeton. The ceremony was Alonzo Tyler of South Chester performed by the Rev. Joseph P. BEAUTY SALON road, will return Monday to the Bishop in the Swarthmore PresNaval Academy at Annapolis byterian Church with only memB~UTY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT where he is a first classman. He bers of the immeiiiate families in has spent the past two weeks at attendance. 9 South Chester Road the home of his parents. Mr. Gary is president of the Call SWarthmore 6-0476 Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shoemaker Minerals and Chemicals Corporaof Riverview road had as their tion of America and former presholiday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ident of the Calif. Filtrol Corporation W. Flaccus and their three chilin Pasadena, dren, Margaret, David and Mr. and Mrs. Gary left by plane Laurie, of Scarsdale; and 'itrr. and for Honolulu on a wedding trip Mrs. David W. Shoemaker and and will return to California by their two children Carol and boat late in January. They will Chip, of Haddnofleld: N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edwards of be at home in Princeton, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Warden Macon, Mo., are spending Christ- affer February 1. of Yale avenue have as their guest mas holidays with their son-infor the holidays, Mrs. Warden's law and-daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ENGAGEMENTS mother, Mrs. W. E. Life of Oneida WiUlam Scarborough of Rutgers Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Park of N.Y. ' avenue. Park avenue announce the enMr. and Mrs. J. H. G. McConMr. and Mrs. Robert Clothier gagement of their daughter Miss echr of South Chester road will of Amherst A venue will entertain Patricia Lynn Park, to Mr. Gilbert entertain at an "open house" on at a buffet supper party before S. BarJles of New London, Conn. No date has been set for the New Year's Day. the ~ew Years Eve Series dance. wedding. ~. and Mrs. George McKeag of· Judith Vincent of Oberlin ColParrJsh road attended the wed- lege, Oberlin, Ohio and her brothMr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Wagner di?g and reception Tast Monday of er, John Vincent, a student at MIss Anne Livingston Johnson Westtown School are spending the of Dickinson avenue, announc~ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert week with their aunt and uncle, the engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Henry R. Horn, son Emerson Lamb Johnson and John Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Satterthwaite of Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Horn, Wei~ Mitchell Clark,' Lt. U.S. of North Chester road. Their of Essington. MarlOe Corps, at Bethesda, Md. parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. P. VinMiss Wagner was graduated Mrs. Johnson and Mr. McKeag cent of Wilmette, Ill., are in from Swarthmore HIgh School and were classmates at Swarthmore France for a year. attended Indiana State Teachers College. Pte. Dana Swan, son of Mi. and Mr. and Mrs. John S. Tennant, College. Mr. Horn was graduated ·from Mrs. Oliver G. Swan of North 3rd, and daughter, Sally, of New?nhest~ road returned to his base port are spending the Christmas Ridley Park High School and ~ 1 Miami, Fla., yesterday' after a week with Mrs. Tennant's, par- Columbia Schyol of Advertising. ten day Christmas leave ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. SatterthA group of better hats Liz Forsythe, daught~r of Mr waite of North Chester road. Mr. 'and Mrs. Howard E. :~d Mrs. F. H. Forsythe enter~ Lt. Col. E. C. Aiken and family Shearer of North Swarthmore -.aIDed at an open house at her of Quantico, Va., are visiting Col avenue announce the engagement hom~ on Thayer. road yesterday Aiken's mother, Mrs. Alexande~ of their daughter, Miss Mary June eve~lDg. IJz will be returning to Ewing of Dartmouth avenue over Shearer, to Ensign Gerald R. De~llson University, Granville, the New Year's week end. Simpson, son of Mr. and Mrs. OhIO, on Sunday to resume her Mr. and Mrs. Dirk A. Dedel, of Herbert M. Simpson of Merchantsophomore year studies Norbrooke, Possum Hollow road ville, N.J. . Mis~ Shearer is a senior at The Miss Catherine Isberg of South Wallingford, spent Christmas with Chester road is a patient In Meth Mrs. Dedel's cousin, Mrs. Webster C~lI~ge of William and Mary in odist-Episcopal Hospital in Phila= A. Melcher and her familY of Wllhamsburg, Va. She is a memdelphia. Cynwyd, Pa. ber·of Alllha Chi Omega Sorority. Gloria Peirsol, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Youngblood Ensign Simpson, who is npw in and Mrs. Henry Peirsol of La'- and their son, Russell, of Cin- ~ght training at Pensacola, Fla., fayette avenue, is visiting Mr. and cinnati, Ohio. spent Christmas IS a graduate of The College of Mrs: Frederick D. Kauffman and with Mrs. Youngblood's parents, William and Mary. He is a memfamlly of Westmont, N. J. The Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks ber of Lambda Chi Alpha Fra• Kauffmann'S will be New Year's of Rutgers avenue. temity.· Day guests of the Peirsols. Miss Pauline Beneke of New No. date has been set for the Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Reyn- York City spent the Christmas weddmg. . aIds and son, John, of Mt. Leb- holidays with her aunt, Miss Anne .. anon were holiday house guests Guetter of Cornell avenue . Mr. and M~s. Ea,le W. SweIgert of Dr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mal leri of flrexel Hill '?lDOUnCe the enof Guernsey road. of Ithaca N.Y. are visiting ~ gagement of their daughter, BarLois Storlazzi, daughter of Dr Malgieri'; mother Mrs Gil s. bara Ellen, to Cpl. William Burdand Mrs J' J St I ' , . man sall Potts son of Mr a d M or azzi of Park Spencer of Guernsey road. Mrs. I Morris L' Potts f Y I' n rs. . . . :venue, is spending. the holidays Spencer entertained in honor of' . a a e avenue. t home, having been released h,er son-in-law and daughter on Tuesday afternoon. MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN 313 J;Jartmonlh Avenue, •5" mm"""iiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiimm~ 11 SwartL.more 6-2080 Russell's Service . Iir~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d HATS $5.00 HATS - $10.00 SWEATERS - $5.90 SKIRTS- $7_90 AnD Denworth, daughter of Mr. sIster-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- In-law and daughter, Mr. and and Mrs. R. K.' Denworth of Elm ~ard ~~efler of Chester, N.J. over Mrs. N. Bruce Dultett of Aurora, Ill., and her son-in-law and avenue anli a senior at Earlham e C f)stmas holidays. . . COM MO N'W E A L T H OF PENNSYLVANIA , UPON THE CITIZENS OF SWARTH/:AOREFOR HELP. JUST PLEASE MAKE ALL NECESSARY BOOK EX- CHANGES BY JANUARY 10. USED CARS BOOKWAYS , 417 Dartmouth Avenue ROGER RUSSELL radio and heater. WW Tires. Tinted glass, two-tone green. This car was sold and serviced by us since new. Stop in and look it over. State & Monroe Sts. Media owner. 6-2176 Are Me ••ecessary I. "A WOMAN'S WORLD" scope' (hChlllcoior a.d d .... J ••• Clifton "·.bb $500 MONTHLY Stu'" n4 sala,! for 2 eZKutive.type sal II ......n to "p,.llnt larg. Eastern nandal corporoffon. No travel. Sales -"""enc. alld ability darred e,tabIIdied ~Id..t, 2S-4D years old' bI • mar• copa • of O$Iuml1110 NSpOftIibll. .'od ~ nq_O, ''''""'"'' __ od. r. brio! _, .r.ta.y p I. _ ........ COIt'.a...l. 0. ICI. . . . .• . ; : - 1oIoc...... 01 !tots '-to .... A. L IwGln DiLuzio and Sons Florist CARNS 6SO You're si~ging happily away in the, shower and ••• you guessed II. The telephone rings in the downstairs hall. ' CHRYSLER, New Yorker. A-door sc:dan . 1952 Torque drive. Radio and I;!eater, tinted If you can't fight this sort of thing any longer, we'll be happy to install a second telephone in your home wherever it will save you the most steps. The charge is sur· prisingly low. Just call the Telephone Company Business Office and ask about an extension telephone. glass. ,New seat covers. Light gray. One 1951 DESOTO, Custom Coupe. Radio, and HANNUM &WAITE. . 6+10 • "~O.Sc;.N'S 0 ...... , •• ....... ";, of tile yeartll ,,1_ CHOICl" ........ " . . . ·..... 2 ••11. AND THE EQUIPMENT ON THE TRUCKS. WE HOP,E YOU WILL THE FIRE COMPANY WISHES TO THANK THE PEOPLE OF PREVIOUS YEAR AND T9 WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR FOR 1955: PLEASE SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO: . THE SWARTHMORE FIRE AND PROTECTIVE ASSOC. StartiRg SURday , . AND RESIDENT OF SWARTHMORE, DESCRIBING EACH :tRUCK heater. Seat covers. Light blue. 1 owner. It•••• r .... _ CarfoOlls. cOMedy• • T~r ·To. MrIoI ..... otter fIte ....If.. Sea .......... rl. • owner. r. 'M_ Cap'. _l0i"~<>~"_~,.~. ~_s_~_a~rt_'h_m~o_re~6-_1~250~~ --~\ __ __ Swarthmorei Pa. .,, , • • • tion pictures to enrich tbls course even further • , THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, PUBLISHERS Phone SWarthmore 8-0900 Rosalie Peirsol , PETER E. TOLD, EcIltor Marjorie Told Ellen S. Simon Sally Alden Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the ,Post Office at SWarihmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON , ' SWARTHMORE, PENNA., December 31, 1954 TRINITY NOTES , PRESBYTERIAN NOTES • To make it worthwhile for all concerned and to justify the costs in ~ieparation and materials, at least 40 persons are expected to register on Tuesday evening. Boy Scout Troop 3 will meet at the church' at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Choir rehearsals will be held on Th ursday with the Cherub Choir at 3:30 p.m. the Junior Choir at 4 p.m. and the Chancel Choir 'at 8 p.m. There will be a celebration of On Sunday, January 2, there the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock will be the regular two Morning FRIENDS MEETING NOTES Sunday morning and again at 11 Worship Services at 9:30 and 11 The Membership Committee of o'clock. At 9: 30 children in the o'clock. The topic of the sermon by Mr. Sch'ot! will be "The Fruits the Meeting has arranged a Cof3rd grade and up will meet for of the Spirit are . . ." Mr. Bishop fee Hour for Friends' and, friends Church School, and those in the will be out of town. of Friends for naxt Sunday, Jan2nd grade and down will meet at Church School classes will meet 11 o'clock. as usual at 9:30, 10:45 and II. The uary 2. It will be held in WhitThe ushers for Sunday will be Men's Bible Class and Women's tier House directly after Meeting as follows: C. B. Blake, C. S. Bible Class are 'resuming their for Worship. All are most welBrown, R. M. Daniel, R. H. Fel- Sunday morning classes at 9:30 come. lows, C. H. W. Ingraham, F. W. a.m. The Unlted Fellowship students Luehring, J. H. Schad, and H. G. Sunday evening the Senior will meet in their room 'under. the Toland. George Hansell will serve High Fellowship will, meet for Meeting House at 7 p.m. on Sunas acolyte at 8. o'clock, and Lyman supper at 6:30 in MCCahan Hall. day. deCamp and Carl Hally will be on A program will follow at 7 at On January 9, a new Forum duty at 11. During the 11 o'clock which time a film entitled "The Series, on the "Relation Between service Betsy Brinkman and Joan Church in the Atomic 'Age" will Religion and Civil 'Liberties'! will , Thomson will be in charge of the be shown and there will be a dis- begin. Dr. William McDermott nursery. cussion. The Junior High Fellow- will be the first speaker. His topic A service of Evenlng Prayer ship wilt also meet for supper at will be "The Early Background ot' will be held on Tuesday at 5: 30 6:30, followed by a Choir Re- the Human Freedoms." p.m. and again on Friday at the hearsal at 7 and then a program same hour. of faith and f u n . ' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES The Girls' Choir will rehearse at The Missions and Benevolences The fact that no disability or 5 o'clock Monday afternoon, and Committee will meet at 8 p.m. on discord is beyond the healing the Boys' Choir rehearsals will be Tuesday evening, January 4, in power of God will be stressed at held as usual at 4 o'clock on Mon- the Women's Association Room. Christian Sclence services this day and Wednesday, with full Thursday evening, January 6, Sunday, in the Lesson-Sermon choir rehearsal at 7: 30 p.m. there will be a general meeting entitled "God." Thursday. of the Ushers' Association at 8 Scriptural selections will inOn Thursday there will be a p.m. in the Women's Association clude the accoUnt, as given in the celehration of the Holy Commun- Room. At this time the election seventh chapter of Luke's Gosion at 11: 45 a.m. This will he of new officers will be held. pel, of Christ Jesus' healing of followed by the luncheon Dieety' Thursday morning, at 10:30 a.m. othe centurion's servant who was ing of the Woman's Auxiliary. there will be a Dar of Silence "sick, and ready to die." CHURCH SERVICES • PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH JO~~sS'~o~i, ~.;'~;.~:er . S cia. 2 Il~~.-Morn_ J ing A.::an:' Worship Service. Mr. Schott 9:30 will preach. Sermon'topic: ''The Fruits of the Spirit are •.• " 9:30, 10:45 and 11:00 A.M. Church School. 9:30 A.M.-Men's and Women's Bible Class. 6:30 P.M. - Senior and Junior High Fellowship. METHODIST CHURCH, John C. Kulp Minister Rudolph H. Hodge Assistant Minister M~s. Ruth G. Nicely Orgamst-Director of Music Sunday, January 2 8:45 A.I14.-Church School 11 :00 A.M. - Morning Worship Service. Sermon topic: "The Result of Deliverance." 7:00 P.M. - youth Fellowship will meet. for the women of the church and friends. This will last until 2:45 with Mr. Bishop as the leader. The Ushers for this month will be, at the 9:30 services: Messrs. Graham Wentz, Augustus S. J~., , , I Eight Baptised In Methodist Church , , At a Christmas senoice December 19, in the Swarthmore Methodist Church, eight babies received the Sacrament of Infant l\aptism. The babIes are: Dorinne Stocltdale Aveson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S: Aveson, Jr., Park avenue. of Rev. and Mrs. John, C. Kulp, Park avenue. , Mr. Kulp's fatber, the Rev. Mr. Clarence F. Kulp, pastor of Berry_ Long Memorial Methodist ChurCh, Philadelphia, assisted bIs son In the service and baptized his grandson. Mrs. Kulp and the mate~ grandparents" Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Marian of Phila~ delphia, also, attended the service. Christmas 'Seal c:hairman f·' practical experience. Here's Whyl GAS • C rl' Atkins of Benjamin West Avenue, 1I1rs. Edward Cratsley of Strath Ha.v~n Aven::'.k a.~O~bY rs~he~e they ~onducted a booth sale, the look o,!,er the 1954 Christmas Seal Inbethe prevention and control in Delaware Counly. __ proceeds of which will be used for tu rc , OLIVER H.' BAIR operates It today.' • THE" OLIVER H. BAIR CO. o. 1820 eN.arNUr Sr'RElr ruNIIlAU • OlIVa H.IAIII,,' oI.r,' MARY A.IAII, TeI"",_ Rl6-1Al Electric Company _d_ JJ. 31.. tit ~~~~ , ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THE , JR 'If. . '~ 1'. , 1ft , SWARTHMORE FIRE AND PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION tft M INVITE ;t M ALL RESIDENTS OF THE BORO .It H'ope. of the. WorId~. · a~n~~~~!e OF SWARTHMORE .Ii': -= f!~.~ &~ ~. a;ic:O~I:r;I~; t . • I '. _~"_A Pa.·• SUggest that 9 r PAULSON' &~O.·'.' TO BE HELD AT THE FIREHOUSE 'II: *... ''-- on Easter. , TO THE 'ANN.UAL, OPEN HOUSE , 5 ., 'M. ! ~ old bank buildln~ ~ , ... . J. E. LIMEBU~NER CO. ~ SWilnayuv,ret .-. ~ ....... ~.-.r __ . FRIDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 7.1955 • Use the easy Budget Plan. It costs nothing extra. yet spreads payments evenly over a IO·month period. Visit or phone any P.E. office to arrange easy budgeting of your gas house h ••ting paymenll. Letter to' the Editor METHODIST NOTES TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrence, Whittemore, Rector Sunday, January 2 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9:30 A.M.-Church School (3rd Grade and Up). 11:00 A.r.I.-Church School (2nd Grade and Down). 11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Tuesday, January 4 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Thursday, December 30 (The Epiphany) 11:45 A.M.-Holy Communion. FrIday, January 1 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. - - ,-'-THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY ,OF FRIENDS SUnday, January 2 9:45 A.M.-First Day School. i2:00 Noon Coffee hour in Whittier House. 7:00 P.M. - United Fellowship Students. and sponsored by the. CommisMonday. January 3 sion on Membership and EvangelAll day sewing for A. F. S. C. ism will be held. This replacea Wedne..w.y, January 5 All day sewing for A.F.S.C. the Cottage Prayer Meetings for the purpos~ of prOviding a basic FIRST CHURCH OF course in Bible study on the subCHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE jeCt, "How The Bible Can'te To . Park Avenue below Harvard Be." Church School workerS and Sunday, January 2 any others .may take this course 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. for credit by officially registering, 11:00 A.M.-The Leoson-Sezmon will be IIGod.n reading the text book, "How Wednesday eveninl!' meP.tinlll: Came the Bible?" and completing each week, 8 P.M.. Reading Room, some study ailsignments. In addi409 Dartmouth Avenue. open weekdays except holidays, 10-5. tion to the text book, which all Friday evening, 7-9. Sunday" 81-_ may purchase, there will be frelernoon, 2:30-4:30. quent fibb striPs: and soiin:&.!DO- There is no fuel ordering or storage necessary when you heat with gas. Just set the thermostat and forget it. Gas house heating is dependable, quiet, aDd clean. No wODde~ so many people are switching to gas house heaung. The cost of equipment and its instaUation for gas house heating is lower than the cost of comparable automatic heating equipment using other fuels. Swarthmore exhibit its lighted cross each Eastertide, spreading Girl Scouts. Bro~n.ies ~::==:""'::":''-:'------11 of the Resurrection, For (un informal/on coli your pluntbar, f.ealiltl COIlIoaclal, in Christmas GIving The opinions expressed below are thend message that for futl.;!'e Christmases Of' mIY 01 our dtur6an offlc... writers. AI! tho e adept and community-spirited This December month of giving those 1 tte1'8oftothe Theindividual Swarthmorean mus and service found the Girl Scouts :e sl~ed. Pseudonymnll may t~: ponsors of the cross create and if the wrlter 18 known to bed :.aise at the underpass a replica of sharing, their Christ~a.s with used . f the Editor. Letters wtll be pUbtIB others. Two Troops VISlted. the only at the discretion or the the Star of Bethlehem, Sign 0 , Philade~phia hildren at the Robert Wade Editor. Nativity. • ~eighbOrhood House in Chester. Appreciative Citizen .~~! On Thursday, December 16, the Suggests Cross at Easter SS~~SS~SS~SS~, Brownies of Troop 560, Collcge To The Swarthmorean: ~\::~~. avehue: presented the Childr.en ·tIi a Mitten Tree and With d a t the underpass for sev-. WI candy and other toys. 0 n Wed- peare ~ 'd f this week , Fifth Grade eral Christmas seasons' is a nesayo worthily conceived and exec~ted Troop 95 carried gifts of yarn Octopi which they had made for ymbol of a community's holiday the pre-school children. The :bservance. I am sure all Swarth- iii, 1,.(1 Scouts watched a little pro,1ram more is grateful to the ~rson or ~ prepared' by the settlement house persons responsible for Its erecyoungsters and then they all sang tion. t ~ carols toge~er. • The Fifth Grade Troop of Col- and appreciation I humbly offer a tion by which Swarthmo~e lege Avenue, 423, has been busy :~~": extend Its Christ~an tesl:i - iii, ~ collecting used books an? to~~ , . more appropriate velD ~ and gifts of food to be given e many 10 deserving people. They mad and at another Holy Seas()~ nOW ~ holiday posters and ABC scrap- little acknowledged by dIsplays ~ books for children less fortunate other thaI} commercial representa- ~ than they. Tonight they' plan to tions of the Easter Bunny. 'Although the birth and. the ~ carol to shut-ins. " , 'fixion of Christ are definit~ly Senior High Troop 16 made cruCl th Christian Bansel and Gretel Gi~gerbread related parts of e 1 ~ Houses which they delivered to faith the exultant joy of we com. ihe Holy Infant is the theme the Children'S Ward at Tay'or • 109 of Christmas, the cross being the ~ Hospital last Saturday. s mbol of a later sacrificial fulflll' y t Had the star not shone IIrst, ~ . ' . " , men. B.rth of a Saviour C:u.ist's death on, 1,.(1 ~:e cross for' the redemption of ~ mankind could not have occurred years ago. The same Family DlUCTOU , 'M u1!sts Founded our organ)zation 76 ,. Church School classes meet at 9:45 on Sundays for all ages beginning at two years. There is a Young Builders Class and an Adult Bible Class. At the 11 a.m. Morning Worship Service, Rev. ~ohn C. Kulp, pastor, will present the .. last in a series of sermons on the theme "Deliverance {rom Darkness Into Light" -' "The Result of ~liv­ erance." The Methodist youth Fello'Yship will meet at the church at 7 p.m. with a social hour follo,:,,ing. Mr. Kulp will have his regular office hours for counseling from 4 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. At 8 p.m. on Tuesday in the Chapel, the first session of a Bible Study Class taught by the past.or GIVES YOU MORE BENEFITS! BUDGET HEATING COSTS aven~~e,~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. and are free, to come in party clothes if SeT desired. Mr. and Mrs..William J. Cresson,' Jr., of Haverford place will entertain Mrs. Cresson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hayner of Floral Park, L. I. over the New Years weekend. Miss Mary Kay Baker of Elkins, W.Va., had been the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf and Jim Wolf of Park avenue. Over 60,000 customers •In Suburban Philadelphia prefer GAS for house heating Barbara Ann E!.utler, daughter Woman's Club Notes of ,Mr., and Mrs. R. Heberton Butler, Springfield, and grandOn Monday, January 3, "t 9: 30 daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Samuel a.m. the executive board will meet F. Butler of South 'Chester road in the lounge of the c1"b house. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. BerCaptain Francis Le Albert will nard of Union avenUQ:; and Bar- speak on "Looklng Into ThIs New bara's cousin, Leah Gould; daugh- Year" at the regular meeting of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. the club on Tuesday, January 4, Gould, Derwood Park, also the at 2 p.m. granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. The Junior Woman's Club wlU Bernard. meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. Mrs. Peter Robert Roy Howard III, son of Miller, chairman of the Home DeMr. and Mrs. Gecrge S. Howard, partment,' wlU present Anne Mt. Holyoke place. Mason of James Lees and Sons in Edward James Patchell, son of a program on interioi' decoration Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Patchell, -"What Goes With What?" Morton. ' The Literature Department ,.will Wendyl Lelgli. Simon, daughter meet at 10 a.m. Friday, January of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Simon, 7. Florence J. Lucasse will reRiverview road; her paternal view '''The Roosevelt Family of grandfather arrived, from Ber- Sagamore Hill" by' Hermann muda for the service. Hagedorn. John Alston Wagner, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Walter I.. Wagner of AIC Daniel S. Griffith of Enid, Woodbury, 'N. J., and a gr!'nd- Okla., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Philip M. Alden and Miss Sally L. Alston, North Chester road. Alden of J:lorth Chester road over ,John Clarence Kulp, Jr., son the h f l i d a y s . ; ,, The Golden Text is from Deuteronomy (6:4): "Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." ,The public is invited to attend services at 11 a.m:, First Church Clark R. Allison, S. COlt SWarthmore. 'J;'itus, Rober.t G. Roland Gilfillan, of Christ, SCientist, Parke and Graham S;, Wentz.. At ,the a iiili-iiililiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiii__ a.m', services: Messrs. Harold C. Mabbott David Bingham Layton . , , L. Northrup, James D. Hornaday, Ern'lSt Isberg, Matthew McKinnell.. Edward ,M,' 'McIlwain, John E. Gensemer, Jr. ' There will be a New Year's Eve Waichnight Service in' the' church, December 31 at which time prayers will be asked for the guidance of' God for Our lives in THE the New Year. Friends and members are cordially invited to come Nancy Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M.• Mooee of Whittier place and a student' at Antioch College, Is now working for the Long Beach Municipal Schools at Camp Hi-Hill, La Canada, CaliC. All Antioch students alternate periods of oncampus study with periods of , SEVEN TO TEN p, M. , , REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED ~ Guild OptlCWlU • Maleing and Fitting Experts .n the d E Glasses of Spectacles an ye. , . -' 827 LANCASTER AVENUE 6915 LUDLOW STREET' ., \ • • . . . ,\ PA 15' South Chester Road ., BRYN MAWR. • UPPER DARBY, PA. 1923 CHESTNUT STREET , PHILADELPHIA 3. PENNA. , to~\\ ~lt;:t":~li::t~lC::\~~ , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 4 THE SW ARTHMOREAN THE tion pictures to enrich this course even further .. SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PA. PETER E, TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, PUBLISHERS Phone SWarthmore 6-0900 .. Rosalie Pcirsol PETER E. TOLD, Edilor Marjorie Told Ellen S. Simon Sally Alden Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON ----- SWARTHMORE, PENNA .. December 31, 1954 TRINITY NOTES PRESBYTERIAN NOTES There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Sunday morning and again at 11 o'clock. At 9: 30 children in the 3rd grade and up will meet for Church School, and those in the 2nd grade and down will meet at 11 o'clock. The ushers for Sunday will be as follows: C. B. Blake, C. S. Brown, R. M. Daniel, R. H. Fellows, C. H. W. Ingraham, F. W. Luehring, J. H. Schad, and H. G. Toland. George Hansell will serve as acolyte at 8· o'clock, and Lyman deCamp and Carl Hally will be on duty at 11. During the 11 o'clock service Betsy Brinkman and Joan Thomson will be in charge of the nursery. A service of Evening Prayer will be held on Tuesday at 5: 30 p.m. and again on Friday at the same hour. The Girls' Choir will rehearse at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon, ar..d the Boys' Choir rehearsals will be held as usual at 4 o'clock on Monday and Wednesday, with full choir rehearsal at 7: 30 p.m. Thursday. On Thursday there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 11: 45 a.m. This will be followed by the luncheon meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary. On Sunday, January 2, there will be the regular two Morning Worship Services at 9:30 and 11 o'clock. The topic of the sermon by Mr. Schott will be "The Fru~ts of the Spirit are . . ." Mr. Bishop will be out of town. Church School classes will meet as usual at 9:30, 10:45 and 11. The Men's Bible Class and Women's Bible Class are resuming their Sunday morning classes at 9:30 a.m. CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Joseph P. Bishop, Minister John Schott, Associate Minister Sunday, January 2 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.-Morn_ ing Worship Service. Mr. Schott will preach. Sermon topic: "The Fruits of the Spirit are . . . n 9:30, 10:45 and 11:00 A.M. Church School. 9:30 A.M.-Men's and Women's Bible Class. 6:30 P.M. - Senior and Junior High FeUowship. To make it worthwhile for all concerned and to justify the costs ()ecember 31, 1954 December 31, 1954. , Eight Baptised In Methodist Church -~~~==~=~~~---------------------==~~=~====~--~----M- d ghter~Mrl Mr andMn.William~Cre~ Ch . t Nancy oore, au .I . '11 ns mas ·seaI Ch airman , Moore of' son, Jr .. 01 Haverford place w. Iand l\1r~. John M.. I cntertain Mrs. Cresson's parents, of Rev. and Mrs. John C. KUlp, Park avenue. Mr. Kulp's father, the Rev. Mr. Clarence F. Kulp, pastor of Berry_ Long Memorial Methodist Church Philadelphia, assisted his son i~ the service and baptized his grandson. Mrs. Kulp and the materna) grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Marian of Phila_ delphia, also attended the service. Whittier place and a studentk' at IMI" I,Antiuch CoJ1ege. is, now \\·o~· .mg Flo'...;, 'm • At a Christmas service Decem.. ber 19, in the Swarthmore in preparation and materials. at least 40 persons are expected to Methodist Church, eight babies received the Sacrament of Infant register on Tuesday evening. I\aptism. The babies are: Boy Scout Troop 3 will meet at Dorinne Stockdale A veson. the church' at 7:30 p.m. on Weddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas nesday, s .. Aveson, Jr., Park avenue. Choir rehearsals will be held on Barbara Ann Butler, daughter Thursday with the Cherub Choir Woman's Club Notes of Mr. and Mrs. R. Heberton at 3:30 p.m. the Junior Choir at 4 Butler. Springfield, and grandOn Monday, January 3, at 9: 30 p.m. and the Chancel Choir at 8 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel a.m. the executive board will meet p.m. F. Butler of South Chester road in the lounge of the club house. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. BerCaptain Francis Le Albert will FRIENDS MEETING NOTES nard of Union avenue; and Barspeak on ULooking Into This New The Membership Committee of bara's cousin. Leah Gould, daugh- Year" at the regular meeting of the Meeting has arranged a Cof- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. the club on Tuesday. January 4, . fee Hour for Friends· and friends Gould, Derwood Park, also the at 2 p.m. granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. The Junior Woman's Club will of Friends for next Sunday, Jan- Bernard. meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. Mrs. Peter uary 2. It will be held in WhitRobert Roy Howard III, son of Miller, chairman of the Home Detier House directly after Meeting Mr. and Mrs. George S. Howard, partment, will present Anne Mt. Holyoke place. Mason of James Lees and Sons in All are most welfor Worship. Edward James Patchell, son of a program on interior decoration come. Mr. and Mrs. J""eph F. Patchell, -"What Goes With What?" The United Fellowship students Morton. The Literature Department will win meet in their room under the Wendy' Leigh Simon, daughter meet at 10 a.m. Friday, January Meeting House at 7 p.m. on Sun- of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Simon, 7. Florence J. Lucasse will reday. Riverview road; her paternal view "The Roosevelt Family of On January 9, a new Forum grandfather arrived from Ber- Sagamore Hill" by Hermann Series on the I'Relation Between muda for the service. Hagedorn. Religion and Civil Liberties" will John Alston Wagner, son of Mr. begin. Dr. William McDermott and Mrs. Walter J. Wagner of AIC Daniel S. Griffith of Enid, will be the first speaker. His topic Woodbury, N. J., and a grand- Okla., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. will be "The Early Background of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Philip M. Alden and Miss Sally the Human Freedoms!' L. Alston, North Chester road. Alden of North Chester road over John Clarence Kulp, Jr., son the hplidays. Sunday evening the Senior High Fellowship will meet for supper at 6:30 in McCahan Hall. A program will follow at 7 at which time a film entitled "The Church in the Atomic Age" will be shown and there will be a discussion. The Junior High Fellowship will also meet for supper at 6:30, followed by a Choir Rehearsal at 7 and then a program of faith and fun. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES The Missions and Benevolences The fact that no disability or Committee will meet at 8 p.m. on discord is beyond the healing Tuesday evening, January 4, in power of God will be stressed at the Women's Association Room. Christian Science services this Thursday evening, January 6, Sunday, in the Lesson-Sermon there will be a general mecting entitled "God." of the Ushers' Association at 8 Scriptural selections will inp.m. in the Women's Association elude the account, as given in the Room. At this time the election seventh chapter of Luke's Gosof new officers will be held. pel, of Christ Jesus' healing of Thursday morning, at 10:30 a.m. ~he centurion's servant Who was there will be a Da¥ of Silence usick, and ready to die." for the women of the church and The Golden Text is from friends. This will last until 2:45 Deuteronomy (6: 4): "Hear, 0 Iswith Mr. Bishop as the leader. rael: The Lord our God is one The Ushers for this month will Lord." be, at the 9:30 services: Messrs. The public is invited to attend Graham Wentz, Augustus S. services at 11 a.m., First Church Page 5 TIlE SWARTIII\IOREAN I i fo,· the Long Beach d '-I'· D . E . H'lvncr of J.I 1~. < ~ Park. L. 1. O\'er the New l\hll1lclPall I ~.., Years weckcll(. Schools <:t. ~amp ~·::;i!:~:~· st~~: I\li:.::s 1\1:11'" Ka.," Bakl·r of Elkins. i Canada. CallI. All _1 \V V'\ had Ul'l'1l thl' house guC'st : dcnb:; aitl'l'l1alc Pl'riOrganist-Director of Music hers are cordially invited to come Sunday. January 2 and are free to come in party 1:45 A.M.-Church School 11:00 A.M. - Morning Worship clothes if sO" desired. SWARTHMORE FIRE AND PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Service. Sermon topic: "The Result of Deliverance." METHODIST NOTES 7:00 P.M. - Youth FeUowship will meet. Church School classes meet at INVITE 9:45 on Sundays for all ages beTRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector ginning at two years. There is a Sunday. January 2 Young Builders Class and an Adult Bible Class. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. ALL RESIDENTS OF THE BORO 9:30 A.M.-Church School (3rd At the II a.m. Morning WorGrade and Up). ship Service, Rev. 'John C. Kulp, 11:00 A.M.-Church School (2nd pastor, will present the last in a Grade and Down). OF SWARTHMORE series of sermons on the theme 11 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion. "Deliverance from Darkness Into Tuesday, January 4 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. I Light" _ "The Result of DelivThursday, December 30 erance." (The Epiphany) The Methodist Youth Fellow11 :45 A.M.-Holy Communion. ship will meet at the church at , Friday J January ., 7 p.m. with a social hour follow5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. - - - ing. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Mr. Kulp will have his regular TO BE HELD AT THE FIREHOUSE OF FRIENDS office hours for counseling from Sunday, January 2 4 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. 9:45 A.M.-First Day School. 12:00 Noon Coffee hour in At 8 p.m. on Tuesday in the Whittier House. FRIDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 7. 1955 Chapel, the first session of a Bible 7:00 P.M. - Unitcd Fellowship Study Class taught by the pastor Students. and sponsored by the. Com mis- • l\[onday, January 3 sian on Membership and EvangelAll day sewing for A. F. S. C. SEVEN TO TEN P. M. i~m will be held. This replaces Wednesday. January 5 All day scwing for A.F.S.C. the Cottage Prayer Meetings for the purpose of providing a basic FIRST CHURCH OF course in Bible study on the subCHRIST, SCIENTIST REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED SWARTHMORE ject, "How The Bible Came To Park Avenue below Harvard Be." Church School workers and Sunday. January 2 any others may take this course 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday School. for credit by officially registering, II :00 A.M.-The Lesson-Sermon reading the text book, l'How will be "God." Wednesflav evenin(!' meptin~ Came the Bible?" and completing each week, 8 P.M.. Reading Room, some study assignments. In addi409 Dartmouth A venue, open weekdays except holidays, 10-5. tion to the text book, which all Friday evening, 7-9. Sunday af- may purchase, there will be freternoon, 2:30-4:30. quent film strips and sound mo- Letter to the Editor Girl Scouts, in Christmas • • Use the easy Budget Plan. It costs nothing extra, yet spreads payments e'Yenly over a lO·month period. Visit or phone any P.E. office to arrange easy budgeting of your gas house heating paymenu. ~~ Philadelphia Electric Company '~~~~~~~""" M ~-Y<~=:I-'<~~~~""""'~~l ':lJo<~~~~~~~~""'~~~ Suggests Cross at Easter To The swarthmarcan: .,~..,.. ~ . The lighted cross WhICh has apd t the underpass for sev- ~ peare a 1 Christma:::; seaSons is a era t d worthily conceived and exec: e symbol of a community's hOh~~ observance. I am sure all S\t'ar more is grateful to the person or ~ persons responsl'ble f or 1"ts ercc. tion. t ~ F 'rth Grade Troop of Cole 1 b y b::; d ·fts f food to be gIven to an Ill. a eo Ie They made des~rvmg s~er; a~d ABC scraphOhkda Yf po hildren less fortunate boo s or c to th Tonight they plan than ey. . carol to shut-Ins. Senior High Troop 16 made Th ~:~~e~:~nuue;e12~o::: For full informalion call your prumh.r, healing conlradar, or any of our suburban affic... ~ M ~ I .. l J}.) u'~l: ~~pe~~ and appreciation I humbly 0 er b hich Swarthmore U ~t.;;. I', .. J. t~~$ ~~:tst~~~en~ ~s Chris~;~~e t:S:~ tf! W u''I.lll: many In more approp ~ and at another Holy Season noW little acknowledged by d.splays other than commercial reprcsenta- ~ h E ter Bunny. tions of t e a s h the birth and the ~ Allhoug. d finitely crucifixion of Chfls\~:e c~ristian " ~ ~ I W u'l: ~~::~ ~~ChG~~~~ ;:11~:~El1; ~::~~;:h~~~:I~~~r!tO~s O;h:e:~~:::~ ~ mg Ch ~ tmas the croSS being the ~ of rlls f a later sacrificial fulfillsymbo 0 h first '. t Had the star not sane men. . g the Birth of a Saviour ~ the Children's Ward a Hospital last Saturday. . '.,., Hope. of the. World,:' :~n~:r~~~mas, JrIU" until unu f1jbllr~. ·lltts ilag in. tJ!r-~!J . like to mltir~ iii ·el!r=~:I~ ~ Christ's de~th on ~ ~ til ~ ~ M ~:n~~~~s c!~~d t~~t '::;:~~'::'rr:! ~ . mllanUl a &!,~Ill' TO THE ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE W suggest that . - PAULSON & ~Oj' Guild OptJ,ctan.~ '!J. • tile Making and Fitting Experts .n E Glasses of Spectacles and ye tfi - 827 LANCASTER AVENUE , BRYN MAWR, PA. UPPER DARBY, PA. 6ql5 LUDLOW STREET 1923 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA 3, PENNA. f4 M M 15 South Chester Road ~. ~~ 'SI. tfi 11. f:...\\ A ~ ~.. I i.~ ~~~~~'l£~~~:::'i.'l£~~~~~~~ ~~:t~~- . J)eOOmber, I saw it in The Swarthmorean. NO PICTURE? NO SOUND? TV Service $2.50. Indude, locat. d.f.c~ tive or weak tubes - ad lust plctur. for fOCUl, clarity, unfeiin9 ••tc. MARGE ROBERT BROOKS SWarthmore 6.3889 Delaware County Football Champions HURD radio to keep flremen and police in constant contact during emergencies, and a coder to facilitate the operation of the new air horn lire alarm, The Company hopes to h~ve the pleasure of entertaining every Borough resident who is able to attend its open house next Friday, and further hopes 1955 will see 100 per cent of lor.al homes represented on the contributing membership roll of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association. SWarthmore 6-3138 Swarthmore 6.1448 SLIP COVERS-DRAPERIES WILLIAM BROOKS Swarthmore R.f.rencts '.on. S•• ro. Hili On4 Ashes & Rubbish Removed Mot. than 25 years •• perien!;. Lawns Mowed, General Hauli Sheet Metal Work 238 Harding Roofing Gutter5 Air Conditioning Heating Oil • Gas • burners . Ave~orton, Jewelry Repaired Pa Phone: SW 6....216 EMIL SPIES Mr. and Mrs. Howell Lewis Shay of Rose Valley entertained 23 members of their immediate family, including 11 grandchildren, for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of Wallingford held their annual Christmas party on Tuesday evening. Their house guests for the party were Mr. and Mrs. :!Iamuel Jackson of "Upholland," Saint Michaels, Md, Watchmaker a Formerly of F. C. Bod. Fine Watch and 'Clocl: Repairs George Myers Box 48 SWarthmore 6-0740 Sons 128 Yola Ave. Swarthmore, Po. PETER DI NICOLA Driveway Construc:tion Asphalt or Conc:rete YAN ALEN BROS. Cellar Walls Re.Plastered Phone Swarthmore 6.2526 200 W, Ridley Ave, Ridley Park SW 6-4742 WA 8-2440 Estate AuthorIzed DIstrIbutors for It. HORACB Passmore and • .4 Service available fo our cllstomers on all malres of all bllrners Level payment plan on 011 bills. Automatic: deliveries of 011 during the heating sea.50n a RBAL BSTATB • INSURANCB 609 S. CHBITB. B.II, SWAa11Drollll, PBNNA. T.upb_ S". 6-5nO Guaranteed, Standard Coal - Left to _ ,......~~; I~ WALTERYale'ARIOn, ...... flEE i !~~~1t:t~~~~;;;'li»A~ :on: E. iii .. , m '1'£ M fr I ~~ ~~. ~ ij i~ CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE ~lllllllllllllllllllnlllllnlllllmlllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil ~ FAMILY DINNERS fa SUIT TASTE ~ ~ m m ~~ prescriptions are a spe- cialty? No matter how complex or unusual, we'll compound the prescription pr.omptly, and just as duected. , FRANK DAY and. NIGHT e "It: '!J. Here Is wishing you 365 days of good fortune! We hope that everything you undertake brings you a fine reward • , • and we hope that you will c:ali 1955 "the best year OiL HEllT 'J ~~ Mr. and Mrs. William Ward of Strath Haven avenue entertained jff at a family dinner Christmas.~ day. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Clark· W. Davis of Walling- ~ ford Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Davis . and Margaret Anne of Media, Mr. and. Mrs. Stanley Stratton. of International Falls; Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Roberl Cox of Dickinson avenue. . . J, F. BLACKMAN ~~ _ ,. of South Chester road had.as their ~~~"\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ week end guests, Lt. Webb's sis .. ~-~~~~~~~>rt~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:~~;i::;;~~~~~~~~~~ ters and their families, Dr. and ii~~Sa.~~~:=-..!.'~~~~\.!~~:t.~~~~~~ Mrs. H. U. Faulkner and daughler, Shirley of Northampton, Mass., and Major and Mrs. Wil- ~. ~ liam Roberlson of Jersey City, N.J. ~\\t\\tt SW 6·6816 01. RU MSEY CH EVROLET vt 335 Dartmouth Avenult '1'£ M. '1'£ enjoy the good things NEWS pNrt°TEwS d '!J. ~~~ON~~tit L. P. Wray of Walnut I with the warmest wishes for peace, happiness and prosperily. QZ ~:nde.Mrs, m 'I{' Funeral services and interment were in Mahwah, N.J. Wednesday afternoon. ~ - m O'J: THE NEW YEAR order were filed by either side. ~ Pool Board will meet next week to sel wheels in motion for building the pool this summer. ~ to Swarthmore in 1948. Anolher daughter, Mrs. Mary also Katrina Ives,. of 207 Yale avenue, survives 1R '~ 1'£ W.E RING IN are unfilled by Swarthmoreans. 3. This adds the words "and r~viewing" to the original order. No exceptions to the original 1'. TIMI'EN' , Opposite Borough Hall M fft CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL Realtors ~ '!J. FOR RENT-Apartment for rent in Rose Valley. Four rooms, De_ sirable for business couple or bride and groom. Call MEdia 61306. • Baird & Bird 19 '1'£ tit PAINTING and CARPENTRY FOR RENT Many Attractive Homes Available ' 1IrM . 1'. four sons of Pittsburgh arrived Wednesday evening for a short visit with Mr. Wray's parents, Mr. ""='=---:==,....___ Tile Floors Plastic Tile Modern Kitc:hens Alterations 1401 Ridley Avenue CHester 2-4759 2·5689 SW 6-0108 Pblladelphla D, Pennsylvania. . ..~ regulations, requirements and rc~ Lt. and Mrs. William H. Webb, FOR SALE - Tuxedo, size 38-39. Modern style. Excellent condition. $18. SWarthmore 6-4430. FOR SALE _ Louis XV settee. Cherry table. Marble top wash- ~ stand and dresser. Allison's Antiques, at the Forg~r Rose Tree. SlVarthmore. 6-3050. ____ Swarthmore and Vicinily o. GEORGE W. McKEAG. ESQ.. 1331 FldelUy-PhUa. Trust Bldg. FOR SALE - 1953 Ford. One owner. 10,000 miles. Excellent condition. Second car in family CHesler 4-6246 being sold because company supplying car now. Call daily after 12 noon, MEdia 6-5049. L _ _ _ _ _ _ _......;____- l EDWARD G. CHIPMAN AND SON GENERAL CONTRACTOR New Premium Bason. or to her attorney. CLASSIFJED ADS WANTED - Geperal housework. Will supply references. Phone CHester 3-2382. WANTED - Apartlnent. First or second lloor. Immediately Or within 60 days. Call SWarthmore 6-1047 after 4: 30. WANTED - Part time or day's work. Tuesday,· Wednesday, Thursday. References furnished. CHester 3-2643. - AGImi! FOLLANSBEE CHASE BWBrthmare. Pennsylvania PERSONAL • '!J.~ tit strictions contained and provldod in the Decree as amended." Changes from the original order are as follows: ~ 1. The original order flatly re~~~w_~ around "the entire premises". This holds it open for the Court to perhaps permit a smaller area, ~ around the entire pool, if the Swim Club 50 desires. 2. This relieves the flat 400 membership limitation, so that the club need not cut 01I 14 resident 'S.9.. families. The non-residenls stilI deceased, late of the Borough of swarthmore, Delaware County. Pennsylvanle.: Letters TEstamentary on tile above estate have been granted to the undersigned., who requests all persona having clalmB or 4lemand& (Continued from Page 1) against -the estate of the decedent to make known the same and aU per- to make his home with Mrs. Pratt, sons indebted to the decedent to a member of Swarthmore Colmake payment without delay. 620 Parrish Road PERSONAL - Bendix home appliance service. Washers, driers, ironers. Factory trained servicemen. Genuine Bendix parts. We also repair ABC, Whirlpool and Kenmore. 51 South Morton avenue. Call SWarthmore 6-3312. PERSONAL Television, radio and appliance- repairs-prompt service. TV sets repaired in the home. Robert Brooks, SWarthmore 6-3889. Hits·.New High in Knock·Free PowBfl or REGINALD B. CHASE. (Contin~ed from Page 1) Club for the purposes Of enforcing and revieWing the condi lions P8le7 r:;!~~~SS~~~~SS~SS~S:zt It Steph~~te~~e~o~~~~hwoh ~ 1 ATLANTIC FUEL OIL IRON FIREMAN OIL BURNERS and heating equipment mE SWARTHMOREAN Fire Company To Will Hold Open House Swarthmoreans Swim This Summer (Continued trom Page 1) Sandwiches - Casseroles - Salads THOM SEREMBA, UPHOLSTERING 31, 1954' AM . . M I! M '1'£ I I • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE I'nge 6 TIlE SWARTHMOREAN I saw it in The Swarthmorean. NO PICTURE? NO SOUND? adjust picture for MARGE focus, clarity. cenlering. etc. ROBERT BROOKS SWarthmore 6.3889 Fire Company To Hold Open House HURD SLI P COVERS-ORAPERleS Sandwiches - Casseroles - Salads WilLIAM BROOKS More th.:ln 25 yeors experience A.hes & Ru .... ish R",no"cd Lawns l\lowed, General Hauling Sheet Metal Wark Roofing Gutters Air Conditioning Heating Oil • Gas • burners 236 Harding Ave.• I\-Iorton. I'a Jewelrv Repaired fN <¥> ~ v , .l 1JJ Or ~ 111. 1JJ fir 1q It 1)1 11 I Phonc= SW 6·4216 EMIL SPIES Watchmaker Formerly of F. C. Bode & Sons Clod Repairs 128 Yole Ave. Swarthmore, Po. I Box 48 SWarthmore 6·0740 PETER 01 NICOLA Driveway Construction VAN ALEN BROS. Asphalt or Concrete 200 W. Ridley Ave. Cellar Walls Re.Plastered Ridley Park Phone Swarthmore 6.2526 SW 6·4742 WA 8·2440 .. 1ft Fine Watch and George Myers Page 7 iTr~~~~~.S~~~~~S~SS~~~ Sw.1m Th,s Summer: lj{ tf! Swarthmore 6.1448 Swarthmore References Phone Sharon Hili 0734 Swarthm~rean~ Will (Continued from Page 1) .,. radio to keep firemen and police (ContInued (rom Page I) ,~~ in constant contact during emcl'- ~Iub for. th~ p~rposcs of cnforc- ! gendes, and a coder to fa.cilitatc mg an~ ICVlCwmg the COnditiOn~,:.~, ~ the operation of the new all' horn regulatIons, requirements and rc- i fire alarm. ~trlctions contained and Pl'ovi; tel'S and their families, Dr. and ~·.~,:~~~~~~..?:~~~~l-~~~~~~~~~~S'r Mrs. H. U. Faulkner and daughter, Shirley of Northampton, ~. Mass., and Major and Mrs. William Roberison of Jersey City, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. William Ward of fJ.1:' Strath Haven avenue entertained ~....: at a family dinner Christmas 'ff ~! day. Guests included Mr. and ~J, ~. 1\IIrs. Clark W. Davis of Walling- triford, Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. ~ Davis· and Margaret Anne of J.t) Media, Mr. and. Mrs. Stanley .. ,. Stratton. of International Falls, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert COX o( Dickinson ave~_ ~ 1JJ M Ok 1fJ 1fl. Dr ". . . Jill JI M i ~ I :~ take your Doctor's pre· seri ption? May we suggest that you bring it to this pharmacy, where prescriptions arc a specialty? No matter how complex or unusual, we'll compound the prcs-;ription promptly. and just as directed. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE lR ~ M ~ ~i f EVERYONE 0 d r ers EXCELLENTBANQUETANDPARTYFACILITIE BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1 :30 P. 1\1. DINING ROOMS and LOBBY AIR CONDITIONE:,evator Comfortable Raoms Day or Week 1ft Jr M ~ !~., ~ l'~ Here's to 1955 ... May • ,t :• Il~f~~ ~ lift 0 '" : Tf. •••••• i ~ •••••• TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to WALTER E. PARROTT, Mgr. ill ~ ~ " "" ~ M 1i! II 1JJ ill it be a year of good M If!. health ... of good fortune ... a nc! !-t a p pin e ss for a II ~. 0 IMl u r fr iend s. 1fJ fYI: '1ft BUCHNER'S ~=IA~ ;;; I fJ'i~ ';T ~_= = =_I' ~'I1- ~ 8 Park Avenue STRATH HAVEN INN - .1JJ RUMSEY eH EVROLET ~ la~~.. and Mrs. William H. Webb, A~ '1111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1111l11l11l11111l111l11l11111 ~ ~ FAMILY DINNERS to SUIT the TASTE ~ ill 1fJ fJk enjoy the good things in life for many years to come! A~~tft Mrs. Porter Wray and Iii"Mr: ..,. and~ NEWS NOTES four sons of Pittsburgh arrived Wednesday evening for a short visit with Mr. Wray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wray of Walnut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~" ,i li i i i i i 1i i1 1i i1 1i i1 1i i1 1i i1 1 1 1li i i1 1i i 1 1i i1 1i i1 1i il i it1li i1 1i i 1 1i i1 1i il 1i il ~lI~ ~£ Realtors Opposite Borough Hall Mayall our friends - ~ ~~~:;ni~~:ahwah, N.J. Wednesday ~ , FRANK the Barber ~ 1JJ daughter. Mrs. Mary also Katrina Ives, of 207 Yale avenue, survives. Funeral services and interment 'f I ... DAY and NIGHT 1JJ ill 111 ill' with the warmest wishes for peace, happiness and prosperity. ffi we hope that you will BUILDlffG CONSTRUCTION 17¥1s'CHESTER 10.-Sw.6-315O SW 6·0108 of We hope that everything OIL HEAT 1401 Ridley Avenue THE NEW YEAR • Where shall you J. F. BLACKMAN OIL luttulS ...... CQNOIIIOH'NG 011. ..... ouw:U OIL 1001En· OiL IURNING win. N111U~ M lege's class o( 1928. He accompanied her and her son, Chris- ~'!. topher Stephen, when they moved to Swarthmore in 1948. Another ~ w 335 Dartmouth Avenue ~' ~ tit ..~~\\t\\tt l COMMERCIAL 1JJ ill WE RING IN IT,M SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS FuscoMotor o. ChristIan Science Heals How , ~~um;: Tile Floors • Plastic Tile Modern Kitchens Alterations POWER- PhUadelphia 9, Pennsylvania -=============~ FOR SALE-Tuxedo. Size 42. In ,. good condition. Reasonable. Cal] _s:;:w::-;::a_rt::h::m::-:or;:;e_6_-1-:6;:;3_4-;.::-:::-;--:--:--::::: FOR SALE _ Perfect home for small family. Near Rutgers Avenue School. All brick. Six good rooms with plenty of closets. Plus: playroom, fireplace, storm sash, garage. Asking $17,800. Baird & Bird. SWarthmore 6-0108. FOR SALE _ Tuxedo, size 38-39. Modern style. Excellent condition. $18. SWarthmore 6-4430. FOR SALE _ Louis XV settee. Cherry table. Marble top washstand and dresser. Allison's Antiques, at the Forge, Rose Trec. SWarthmore 6-3050. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SINCLAIR GEORGE W. McKEAG. ESQ .• 1331 Fldelity-Phlla. Trust Bldg. FOR SALE - 1953 Ford. One owner. 10,000 miles. Exccl1ent condition. Second car in family CHester 4·6246 being sold because company supplying car now. Call daily after 12 noon, MEdia 6-5049. L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-' EDWARD G, CHIPMAN AND SON New Premium 6aso/in' ;W Stephen S. Interred in Mahwah AGNES FOLLANSBEE CHASE ~~ H if! deceased. late of the Bo.rough o.f swarthmore. Delaware County. PennFollwell sylmnla: Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted I to the undersigned. who. requests all persons having claims or demands (Continued from Page I) I against the estate o.f the decedent to. make known the same and all per- to makc his home with Mrs. pratt,[ ~ sons Indebted to the decedent to. a member of Swarthmore Col, make payment without delay. 620 Parrish Road ~ l. YJ M Estnte or REGINALD B. CHASE. LeCl 10 .. ighl. Carl Dellmulh and Roger Zensell. co·caplains of Swarthmore High School's 1954 Foolball Team. l\IiJlard Robinson, their coach, and Frank R. Morey. supervising princip~]J look over the • < American Legiott trophy which the team won for their undefeated season. (Courtesy Evening Bulletin) 16 'N i§ l~~~1£~ ~dlJmnnDllIllnlmnIRl11IHnml11lnml1ll1m1ImIII111111l11ImnllllmIDIIIIIIIIUll1II11IIH1lI'1l111111111l111II1111111111tr. • . '."1 ~_ ~. . j THE SWARTBMOREAN Page 8 1)ee4;mbel- 31, 19M At the close of another year, we 'realize how New Yea, with bright hopes (or the health and happlne.. o( all ow, load friona important your friendship and goodwill have been to us. It has been a privilege to serve you and now it is our privilege to say "Thank You". For the 'year ahead, we hope that our ser" CELIA SHOE SHOP J,-- at the helm vices will continue to earn your acceptance. Our best wishes for a peaceful, healthful • A New Year. : . and a new han,dat the helm. May he chart a and happy New Year. course for' you that is straight and true, to the realization of YO,ur fondest hopes. GREETIN'GS FIRST NATIONAL BANK cf th£ llew ~00111 / I \ We of Delaware County good friends ••. fol' 'a 'llew , r\\ ' " - ~ope You'll Bring Good Fortune To All Our Friends! Swarthmore Office OUI' best wishes to ou.. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY / / , May the coming year be, free of every 'YeaI' bUl'sting with health and happiness ••• and Cl'owned with success. trouble .. ~ may 1955 bring you the fulfilment of every hope and dream . ~ . may the next twelve months find you healthy" prosper9Us, ;al'ld con-tented in e,:,ery way. A ~ry H~ppy'New Y~~r to you., , GEORGE, MYERS MARTEL'S , . Swart~more WEIroME 19$1 Greetings to th~ glad New Pa. Year anc:tgreetings to all our friends and neighborsl , To everyone, we wish full J• , "measure of peace, joy and ,"111 Bring You Good Fortune!" , TO -EVERYONE! prosperityl May ,1955 bring the happy fulfilment of all your dearest wishes. That's what little 1955 BAIRD & BIRD seems to be saying to And to ever.yone, we send our bes~ wishes for a all of us and we hope he means 'it! We pray Welcome 19551 • New Year filled with LafayeHe Avenue the' coming, year will .be a year of health, prosperity May it bring you health, happiness and prosperity , and con- tentment for you in every way. happiness " • , BOB ATZ. Proprietor THEATRE' PHARMACY \ • M. WEINSTEIN & SON Tailors, • A... Repairs R.'MII', Service and success "", , ~ 'Cleaners ", , 100 Park Ave. SW 6-1721''' Deeember '31, 1954 Page 10 r------. l)eeenilier 31, 1954 I ""' " Here iswis~ing,~ you 365 days .r~1',' of good fortune! • We hope that everything. you undertake brings yol,l a fine We hope every one of your dreams come true tune atten ds you in every ventu re an d un,dertaking. for you by serving you the best way we know how! May you have good fortune in everything I I reward . . . and we hope that Happy New Year! you do in 1955. I you will call 1955 "the best J. F. BLACKMAN 335 Dartmouth Avenue year ever"l , ,Little New Year. in the year ahead ••• and we pray that good for- We thi~k it WILL be a bright New Year ••• and we mean to do our part to make, it one rll'S;-lIlIiIII&JIf.IltI:iilIll!liJCjji~ . · I ~- I • • ~ TO YOU AND YOURS! Page 11 THE SWARTHMOREAN may you bring the best in good luck and fortune.' i ;", I I May peace and 0 I ~~;::eri~ fo;o~! footsteps. IWILLIAM S. BITTLEI I '1 and Son ,AND ALL GOOD B. J. HOY, 5 & 10 • . I • _____.• __II& , WISHES FOR THE NEW YEARI ~ , ' May it bring snow for the children, clear roads for the motorist Hannum &Waite and the best in health, happiness and success to drivers and their passengers. Corner of • Yale.Avenue and Chester Road • A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! FUSCO MOTOR COMPANY AND A MARVELOUS NEW YEAR! "'II We sincerely hope that for you and youn coming year will be the happiest and brightest We Just Keep Repeating • • • that has ever colne your way! May you enjoy . \ ' good health and good fortune. J. A. GREEN 1 $Ollth Princeton Avenue nother begi~~i~g . J{ere comes anoth~r brand new ye~r ... May it prove richly rewarding to you and yours in good health. happiness and the fulfillment of your most dearly cherished desires· Om:.e 1I!JAln. with HORACE A. REEVES Ihe """roach of die Nelli Year. we reso/ue to sel'\le you cheerful/,,; courteous'''' lind 10 Ihe best of our IIbllll!/. THE BOUQUET * ~O-OP '.FOODMARHET' EDWARD G. CHIPMAN & SON . • ' .171/2 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD • . Page 12 Deeember 31,. 1954 mE SWAR1'HMOREAl'II ' • • SAFE HOLIDAYS . , I How you .drive-and walk-will determine how safe your Christmas and New Year will be. December. leads every other month in number .of a_ccidents. Longer hours of darkness ... heavy holiday traffic .. ~ winter weather.,;. are hazards you can overcome by driving with courtesy... caution ... control., DRIVE TO STAY ALIVE IN '55 , * , J. A. GREEN MARTEL BROTHERS THE BOUQUET ATZ AUTO SERVICE SWARTHMORE C().QP w. MARK BI'rru: BAIRD and Bmo JOYCE LEWIS' E. L. NOYES and CO. THE SWARTHMOREAN HANNUM &: WAlTE THE INGLENEUK PETER E. TOLD CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE HORACE A. REEVES B. J. HOY. 5 AND 10 STRATH HAVEN INN • FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF . • DELAWARE COUNTY , BUCHNER'S, INC. '. •