Swarthmo~: Col1eg~ Library FREE X·RAY OCT. 4 H,IGH SCHqOL 3.20, 'to ,'5 PM THESWARTHMO and 6.30 to 8.30 PM . VOLUME -----~~~-=======~~-------------------=~~--------------------------------------------------------------------~26-NVMBER.'40 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, ocroBER 1, 19M I3.SO PER YEAR - Civn Defeilse, Red Cross Course Here 00 Volunteer Workers 1 Le arn Methods' of Mass Care A Clvil netense,Mass Care drill , Co_mmunlty - Nursing 5ervlc;~r • H Id d ' :alst:,o~:l:.in Swarthmore Defeats Servu.as to UO-lte Darby· Team 25 to 14 Red Croll to Meet The .1dumn mee~ of Ule Swarthmore Branch, American Red Crou, will be held on FrI- "'" day mo~, October 8,- at 8:3' a.m. at the home of the ChaIr-_. Mrs. ~• Alb~""· ....... Jones, 303 Elm .veIlue. Mrs. Groff to Direct New Red Feather Serv·lce For All chaInneD wi1I report on Bel"'riees since MaJ'. OlBeen aDd dIrecton wm aUeJuL The work of the months ahad. will be 296,000 • Funeral services were held Monday for Ralston McLaIn, who cUed Friday, September 24, at his home at S09 Harvard avenue. Mr. McLain worked for 35 years for Sun Shipbuilding and Dry :POCk Company before he iet.tred this year. Surviving are two sons, Ralston, Jr. of Palla, Illlnols, and Millard J. of Wilmington, Delaware; two sisters; Helen L. McLain of the Harvard avenue address, and Mrs. Ruth, McLain Wurts of East Orange, N. J.; and a brother, Louis, of Btyn Mawr. Meet Nether Providence Today at 3:00 P.M. , Rutgers Field and instrUetlon WQ conducted at At the ftnal meetings of the A newSwarthm~re hJgh sChool the Woman's Club TUesday and Board of Direc:tors, the Commufootball' team bounced back from 100 volunteer workers from a four ODWnetL 'l'IIe next; report. meet- nlty Health Society of Central a 14-13 deficlt to win the IBM county area assembled for the all Delaware County and the Public opener against Darby 25-14. A day program. Mrs. J. Albright in&' will be In ~an1lal'J'. ' Health Nursing Service, Delaware large ~wuthmore rooting section County, voted to consolidate their enthusiastically turned out and Jones, chairman of the Swarthmore branch, American Red Cross, organizations in the interests of sh~ the victory with the boys. opened the program in which 42 better service for 296,000 resiLady Luck gave the Garnet a swarthmore volunteers partlclpaSW-Im' dents in the 130 square miles of good send-off when Charlie Humted. Father' McCloskey of St. the county., mer's klck-ofl was recoveted by Charles Seminary pronounced the Under the leadership of Samuel his teammate, Terry Dellmuth, on invocation. Preliminary Ob·ledions Evans; Jr., of Lansdowne, presi. ' the Darby 40 yard line. With Jack Anderson, Director, Eas•• dent of the Public Health Nursing quarterback Randy Malin calUng tern Area, State CounUI of Civil Dismissed On . Se.'"Vice, and Mrs. Carl-H. Schmitt; the plays, Cal Coleman broke DefenSe, discussed. "After the HMonday of Springfield, presiC\ent of the through a large hole on the fourth Bomb, What?" stressing the uncerCommunity Health Society, work Officers to Greet Guests, play for Swarthmore's first touchObjections to the building of the has been going on for months ,to Members at Opf'ening down. The extra point attempt by tainty of attack and deflning Civil Defense as an insurance policy Swarthmore Swim Club's proposed arrange consolidation of the two " 'co-captain Dellmuth was blocked ' as it prepares selt and family to community pool at mverview ave- nursing services. ~t is hoped that Tea Tuesday but Swarthmore stoat! in the lead care for themselves in the' event nue and the railroad were dis- the formalities will be conclud~ The Woman's Club of Swarth- 6'-0. Following the next kick-ofl. of an emer,eney. _. missed Monday morning when early in October. more will officlally open the year Darby was stymied by a great ' Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Groff will 1954-55 with, a tea for members defensive line play by the SwarthPolice and ftremen. all the nor- argued before the four judges of mal governmental agencies wii.I be the Delaware County Court of be the Executive Director of the and their guests on Tu,esday, from more grldders'and were forced to too busy to help. l'amIly doctors Comm~ ~leas in the Media Court whole which will be known as 3 to, 4: 30 p.m. The officers of the kick. MIxing line bucks with end and nurses will also be in too House. The court ~ted that the the Community Nursing Service, club' will rec:eive and past presl- sweeps by J,ohn Lewis, tile Garnet much demand. Take the Red matter be ordered down for an D 1 Co ty with ffi at dents will pour tea. ' was again pounding on the toucbCross Boine Nursing Course. Keep early trial. Although no date was e aware un, 0 ces The officers are Mrs. Frank G. down door. The decisive play here fire extingulshers in your homes set at the time, it is expected the 60· S. Lansdowne avenue, Lans- Keenen, president; Mrs. Morris H. was a great line buck by Dellmuth caSe will be heard within the next ::;n~~~weste~ an~~en- Fussell, first vice president; Mrs. at the 10 yard line, giving a very and learn how to use them. Mr. Anderson closed with a plea few weeks. ' ea a Joseph B. Shane, second vice pres- much needed first down after liavfor greater' support, ftnaitcial and Lgal proceedings qainst the ch~ who, serves ~n th,e ident; Mrs. D. Mace Gowing, trea- ing been tackled in the backfteld. active, of the Clvil Defense set-up. placement of the SCtO-famlly mem- Board of Directors wiU operate to surer; Mrs.C. Russell Phllllps, re- Two playa later De1lmuth went Mrs. Dorothy S. Abriunson, de- bership pool on the lour-and-a- promote local initiative and par- corcllng secretary; and Mrs. Rayn- oc a gaping hOle in right tackle puty director of welfare, Eastern half acre vacant plot bordered on ticipation. Offtces wlll be continu- ham T. Bates, corresponding seen!- for the score. This time the extra Area, seCD, then coope.t:ated vQth the east by the Plaaeckl HeUcop.; ed in the Borough Hall, Swarth- t a r y . ' point ,was made and Swartbmore Henry Ross, cUrector of Disaster ter plant and on the north by more, for the Western area. Mrs. Julius A. Flncken and Mrs. stood in fron\ 13-0. But not for Services, Southeastern Pennsyl- Spr1ngft.eld Townsbip were instiIt is hoped that by this consoli.. J. Roy Snape, co-lili..alnium of 1<;1ng. vania Chapter, American Bed tuted by several residents of the dation, with its elimination of hospitality, with their entire comThe Darby Rams, finding it Cross, in an ,hour and a half drill Riverview avenue area last spring boundary problems, health serv- mittee, are in charge of refresh- practically impossible to gain on In organJzlng a 30 lit 80, foot emer- following approval of the pool and iees may be given more' equitably menta. ',Mrs:. Robert Grogan, gar- the grouna, turned to their air ganey mass care shelter. Comment site by Borough Council and the ,and efficiently and that greater denchairman~ and her committee attack, and in one of· the most by workers p~':the ex~Swarthmore Property Owners As- 'ec:onomy ~ugh centra11zed pur- will provide the.,decorations. sensational playa' of the game, as aneftectiv~·leslOll.""','-' lOClatlon. <. ,::" .' _, .. chasJng •. ~.- ad~ation ma Quarterb8d1: Paacbal, retreated Following the luncheon recess, result; ,., S~~t:~· deep in his territory and hurled Admiral J. V. McEldu1!, County ~ner The proposed new organization . Op- U ~ a 40 yard pass to a teammate who Civil Defense chairman, welcomed "I"" will be a non-profit incorporate On Monday evening, Oetober 4, twisted and turned his way the the reassembled workers prior to b~y,and a member of the Com- the Men's Club of Trinity Church_ remaining 30 yards to Darby's a drill demonstration in registra, mUnity Chest of Philadelphia and will be host at a parish cUnner. first touchdown in two years. They tion and inquiry in which all volThe Junior Woman's Club of Vicinity - a Red Feather Service. The guest, of honor vim be the completely fooled the Garnet'boys unteers participated under the Swarthmore announces a sparkUng Rt. Rev. Quentin K. Y. Huang, when they threw a pass for the leadership of CllfIord Lane, su- program Tuesday night, October who is Bishop of the Holy Catholic extra point rather than klcking. pervisor, Delaware County Board ~,at 8 o'clock to open the season. Church in China, an autonomous (Contmued on Page ,,> of Assistance. Each worker rec:elv- Members of the club, cUrected church within the Anglican Comed a pamphlet of Mass Care cen- by Ruth Wagner, entertainment munlon. ters. chairman, and Grace Myrick, Bisop Huang is now a refugee Mr. Ross answered a~ question mistress ot ceremonies, will"pre-, As a result of resolutions ap- in the United States. He was ''What is the Red Cross' part in sent "Hernando's Hideaway. proved unanimously by the elec:ted Bishop of Yunkwel, which Civil Defense?" with "Cooperation The floor show will f~ature a Swarthmore aqd RuUedge school is in Southwest China, In 19-47. The Girl Scout organization of will the Civil Defense in each 10- quartet composed of .Mrs. Carl boards at their 'September meet- Two years \ater,the'hard-worlffng troopS and leaders for the coming cality as it is asked." In Swarth- Fox, Jean Blaldston, Mrs. Peter ings, the f?llpwing question wID bishop, wno was in the process of year has been completed. Mrs. more'1'4ass Care is under the cU- Miller and :Mrs. Gregory Heath. be submitted to voters of, both Organjzjng 'I;rla new diocese, found John W. Carroll" nelghborhood rection of the RQd Cross. "The MisS Blakiston wID present some boroughs at. the general elec:tion that Communist forces were chatrman, announces the following Red Cross is decllcated to all of the latest droodles. Three piano on November 2: sweeping fro~ eaSt to west. NOt troops by grades, together with dis te d anytime it is caned selections will be played by Mrs. "Shall a l!nion School Dis- IlUlIlY monthS later, the clty of their leaders and place of meeting. outasit ~ an J. Fuller Colller. M;rs. Scott Wel- trict be formed composed of the Kunming feU and the two pto- All girls. who 8re interested but " he concluded. ~onds Sh' te local chairman don and Mrs. Edward ColUns are School D~cts of the ,Boroughs vinces, Yunnan and Kwelchow, have notreglatered are urged to of s. . ~ :Ol~teers worked in charge of refreshments. Mrs. of Swarthmore and Rutledge?" which comprised his cUocese, were make a special effort to attend the Wit~ J throughout the WaJter A. Hannum, president, will The two school boards favor the overrun. next meeting. , • ones welcome new _rand returning l1lem- creation of the union district and Blshop Huang wa~ the first Registration. for third grade will day. bers of the club and; guests. seek the approval of a majority of bishop to be imprlso~ed by the be held in three places: Meeting Oftlcers and board members met those voting in each borough. Re- Chinese Communista. He has writ- House, Tuesday, 3:~O, Mrs. Rlchat the home of Patrlcla WeUand jection by either one would defeat ten a book, "Now It CiJi Be ard Enlon and Mrs. John Aaron, IN 8T.H YEAR OF ' Ii Se tember' 1" Told," describing his _experiences leaders. 428-243 Haverford aveBALLET INSTRUCTION on Tuesday nlg t, p the plan. H approved, the union before and durtng his imprlson- nue, TUesday, 3: 30, Mrs. Harlan Marie Louise Forsythe is start- to complete plans for the ~d in district would become- effective in ment. . Jessup and Mrs. Edward Fehnel, ing her elgh~ year of teaching ,season. A dance will ~ be an- July, 19155, the beginning of the ,T~e Bishop was, educated in leaders. Rutgers avenue school allballet toe acrobatic and tap dan- November with detaUs ,'next school ft.acal_year.. In the near Episcopal schools in ChUla and purpose room, WednesdaY, 3: 15, clng here'in swarthmore at the nounced later. SWarthmore 8- future pri.nted ~ormation will be was ordained'to the ministry In Mrs. Walter Taft and Mrs. Ralph Woman's Club. She "has three Grace Myrl':'eume, Media 8- circulated in both.. boroughs, and the United state's after study at Park, leaders. ' The fourth grade scouts are other studios, located in WalllDg- &MO, and Jan berIhl chairmen, public meetings will '~' arranged the Uni~ty of Pennsylvania ford, Media and Springtleld. ' 0319, are m~ from anY to further explain the~roposal. and the Philadelphla Divlnlty asked to meet at the foUowing A new class has been formed and welcome ~ th mmunity Meanwhile,· for the enUghten- Schadl. Be will ~ to mem~ places: No. It-Meeting House, for three and four year oTd tots, young wome~ in.in ~:OClub. ment of Its readers The ..Swarth- of Tiinlty ~hurch 011 his exper- Monday; 3:30, Mrs. May Wllllams , ~hich / together, with her other interested in 0 g morean presents the following In- iences in China. The public is and Mrs. Edwin Marshall, leaders. classes takes care of girls up in 5 i Parenh Meet. formation in question and answer invited to hear him at 8 o'clock No. 225-Rutgers avenue school their teens. Mrs. Forsythe has en O~t meeting of the fonn. ' in the parish hall downstairs. all-purpose room, TUesday, 3:15, 8pecial tap and acrobatic classes An lmPO • h School 12th Q.. "What .... 1bd01l ~ Mrs. Mathew Mc~lnnell and Mrs. for boyS. Swarthmore ~ be held on ,A. A Union district 18 similar SAlAH E. HILKIRT Lemuel Solt, leaders. No. 10MarleLouJse I'onythe is a grade parents at 8 J).m in in every ,respect to,any other Mrs. Sarah B. Hllkert died on Rutgers avenue schooI. ldDdergar• fonner student of the Llttle6e1d Monday, October ~ roO!n at school cUstrlct of the same popu- TUesday, ~tember ~21 after'a ten room, Tuesday, 1:15, Mrs. Stucu.o, BernIce Bolms of Chlc8lo, the "inu1ti-P~L lation bracket, excep~ ~t it 80- brief iDness at the home of her Horace R. Renshaw and !Ira. Banet Arts and Vilzak-8cbollar of gers Avenue 00 the aeulor compasses two or more areas for- son, Mr. Robert N. BIlkert, U5 $,tuart l'uDer. 3r., leaders. New York City. I'ollowina her Charles Klemmer, futUre merly separate sc:boo1 entlUes. A Pre,ldent avenue, Rutledge, where 'Becl*ation for flfth graders ballet study MIa I'orsythe danced class advisei', ~::Ofm.nn single board operates the 8Chools she had been nmcllna. will be held In two I'laces: No. ~ Pl'ofesalonaily In leCIm.te theatre senior activities. Ii tranc:e. In accordmee with the Pemlsyl- III 'addltIGD to her . . ad bII :-Butaers avemae. -echool all-:-piIJrfor three )'ears and did solo work will speak on ~~ dJ8- ..ma khool Cocle. 8Iac:e the wife, Ibe 18 sunlvecl _ anotbei pose room, IICIDda7. I: 15, lin. , In te1tivialoo. She __ . . . a lor- WlD'am Bush. PrllJ':l~~ iched- cl,.tflcaticID of • 1DIIaD district daqbter-ID-Jaw )In. Boler lID- ltobe!'t Bud..... Mrs. Walter Iller IIltmber ole. Uttle8e1d Bal- CUll .-dor ftnaD,ceI, depeiadI_eD "~Ied popula- bri at To1ec1o, Oblo ad . . IIoir aDd lin. .J.aph starIaaI. let CamPDJ' aD4 the RacJlo Cit7 w.. uraed to attellcl. (CailtID. . . . . . . . . ') ~ (CoDtinuecl OD Pate f) • Court Trial, Ordered On Baro Club W' oman SCIUb-, In Welcoming (vent Junior Club Hish· - A' thor- Gay Floor Show FaetS Ab'OU' t School Un,ion 'Wi,th Rutledge Mr mini uiri! iut- :m 1I1111e B~ B.net. All pareots are " ': .' Girl ScoutS Announce Leaders and Meetings • Pqe 2 Personals . Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Lang of Maple avenue will entertaIn at an open house Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Homer of Warwick, Virginia, will be the guests of Mr. BD;d Mrs. Clyde M. Mlller of Swarthmore over the wE!!!kend and will, also atten~. the Drew-Lang wedding Saturday. Misses Ethel and MIlch-ed Myer of Lancaster are guests Of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. LewiS of Yale avenue. K~ E~~t' ~w!!~nd m:.~ Bethany Beach, Maryland. Miss Mary Bye and Min Elln'lr Bye of C0 11ege avenue entertained Qver the past weekend, their aunt and 'uncl" J\4r.' and Mrs.,:EImer BY.~ of Wlhn1ngtpn,.. : M\1fi1ll Wa~ Q( C~lleg~ avenul' has begUn her second year as a member. of the' Co1.incll of the Woman's At.hleticAssociation of HIram College, Ohio; She is also a member of the 'group that represents Iliram In the play-oils for .the Cleveland area hockey team. Mrs. Russell A. Gaul of Hohnes entertained'a group of her friendS yesterdaY for bridge. 'Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Hopson of Rutgers avenue entertained over the weekend their children and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Harrison and infant son, Randall, of ROslyn lrclghts, L.I.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hopson and son, Jellrey, of IrvingtOn; and Mr. '4ldMrs. Davis B. Hopson and children, Debhle and Peter, of. WaJUnlitcird.· . Judy Jarratt, daughter 'of Mrs. Robert B. Jarratt of 'Princeton avenue, 'enrolled it aeorge School as a soPhoniore last week. Mr. and Mrs:· Howard C. Jackson of Vassar avenue are entertalning as their house guest, Mrs. Jackson's father, Mr. William Burke of Bethesda, Md. Capt. and Mrs. Malcohn J. Agnew, USAF, returned to Hahn, Germany after a four month trainIng mission in Badajoz, Spain. Mrs. Agnew is the fonper Miss Marion Karns of Swartfunore. Mr. and Mrs. Heston B. McCray of Cornell avenue were in Wash-' lngton, D.C. for the weekend. Mr. A. W. Bass, Jr., of Ogden avenue returned last week from a weeks business trip to Belgium. '. ENGAGEMENT' Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Mitchell of Haverford, announce the engagement of their daughter' . Miss Jean Row I\IIitchell, to Mr. Charles Evans Gillespie, Son of Mrs.. George Gillespie of Slrath Haven avenue and the late Mr Gillespie.' . Miss Mitchell is a graduate of Edgewood Park Junior College. Mr. G1l1espie is a graduate of Mercersburg Academy and Princeton University. FETE BRIDE . Mrs. Charles W. Lukens, Mrs. George F. Corse, and Mrs. Robert P. Bradford were hostesses last Sunday night at a supper and ('Revere Ware" shower' for Miss Jeryl Faulkner Whose marriage to Mr. Julius Charles Townsend III, will take place on .October 9. ' $600 MONTtlLY FETE BRIDAL PARTY A rehearsal dlnn,r will be given tonight by Mr. and Mrs. Raymon~ K. Denworth of Elm avenue honoring Miss Marjorie D. Lang, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Lang of Dickinson avenue, whose marriage to M!. I,awrence E. J)rew, .Jr" will take place tomorrow in the Swarthmore Presbyterlan ChtU"ch. Guests will Include members of the b.ridal party and the immediate famw~ . . JlIDlea "Bald~ston ." . Mrs. of Montclair, N.J., coUSin 'Of the bride-to~l>' will serVe.aaJDB~on, ,of honor ~!i the .bri.c;l.ef"wl,wpl'ill be Mrs. WillIam.q. and,. Miss . . . . . "Flacher . . " .... '. Joan Eynon of Swarthmore, Miss Constan~ Kl1,o.wlea:.ofParkside, Miss Gl:on;l F~~eof,PhlJ.adelphia, and Miss Ga,rollne Sl;1ortlldge of PaolL ..'fMr. ~w.rence E, Drew, of Media, father of the. groom, will serve as best man. Ushers will be Messers. William C., Fischer, WIlliam Scholl, William McIntyre, and Charles- Giles of Swarthmore, and Mr. Milton. Helmuth' of Springfl.l!id. Miss Margaret P. Gray of Overbrook, Mr. James B3lderston of MontclBlr, N.j., and Mr. and Mrs. Lang will also be present at the rehearsal dinner. ' W·ITHAM.CORDNER The marriage' of Miss Jeanne Ami Cordrier, daUghter .of Mr. and !4rs. George A. 'Cordner, of Atco, New Jersey, to Mr. Robert Edwin Witham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willlilm E. Witham, of Crest lane, was perforrnl!d by the Rev. Lee W. Truman in the Atco Methodist Episcopal Church on Saturday, September' 25.'- at'4·p.m. -':C' ',,' BYRNE-fUCH-S The marriage .of' ,Miss Ruth Joan Fuchs of Washington, D.C. and Mr.' 'yVilliamE. Byrne of St. LOuls, Mo. ,.was performed Saturday, September 25. in St. Aloyslus Church, Washington, D.C. A reception followed in a nearby hotel. . Miss Fuchs formerly lived Lafayette and Princeton avenues. The newly wedS will be at home nert week at 2150 PennsYlvania aveue N.W., WaShington, D.C. \ at ANDERSON. BLACKMAN Miss Lora Blackman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson Blackman ofSprou,l road, became the bride of Mr. Leroy 1., Anderson, Jr. of Wyndmoor on Saturday afternoon, September 25, at 4 o'~lock in Trinity Episcopal Church, Swarthmore. The Rev. H. Lawrer.ce Whittemore, rector of the church, officiated. The bride, W!lD was given in - . . - . - , - . >'! .: CQU.EGE THEATRE Swarthmore; Pa. AIR CONDITIONED .obert Taylor ' aeo.or Po;".r ANTIQUES SHOW AND SALE James Hall ' .__ OPEN DAILY FROM 11m A.M. TO 10m P.M. ./: lefarll VI,I" Fret ALL EXHllln FOR SALE ,I" .1, 11154 n. BEAUTY SAtON .' ~ '~::r I ~ -= ,~ . Russell's Service' , Don't i ~': Moliere's Physician in Spite of Himself I~ ~ Performallces: Ma~day, Oct 11 _i _ Sw.rtlllllOre Lea,.. of BIRTH Women Vaters T•••day, Oct. 12 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Reese of Althea lane, Morton are recelvBenefit Call Mrs. D. J. time 8.1 5 P.M. ing congratulations upon the birth of thelr thlrd child and second SOn 310 Dartmouth Avellue SWarthmore 6·6571 John Edward on September 22 in the University of Pennsylvania ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIUIllIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ Hospital,Philadelphia. Litt)e Jackie and his mother returned home Tuesday. Mr. Reese Is Instructor in physical edWhat ucatlon for boys in the loca~ i= I :;;:~s i Are ,tlheBenefits of i }; t ,; , ~. ' f i t - ,; fl I ' . meet the wishes of each dtizen or group, they In turn are urged per:' sonally to cOiuIud 'their children to' , school.' This woUld hi! niore teJsonable than' aSserting that Council must answer for the safety of chlldien 011 the streetS. ' The letter ImplleS tliafCouncit Is negligent In providing for pubnc safety, In pinching pennies and does not particularly care.. All of theSe '!inpUcatioliSare erroo"ecius artd . ill adVisM.' During theIl1St' Six' years "there has harciIy1leen: a 'meetlng' of' Council when the safety of peilestrianS; eSpeclaijy ch1l~n, has not· been the subjeCt of earnest consideration. Conditions haveIHiek .tuaiedand action Wtelnn'iramc 'relIuiaUoDa; iideW~'I'~' po~ce A"'1lgr1mentS, iigns an~, m~ . ~~I!f , subjects' that have a' direct bearing on thla problem. These actions _·tam.:. iIlar to"most clfuen~· but eertaln facts can stand soD;e repetiUon Olferlng, the As a ~8xPaylng resident, I opThere, will .be. a .celebration of .will be used to pose such an expenditure on the the Holy ,Contmunion adl o'clock . the Presbyterian' groun~ tlia~, Itlseeltherri...,.,sSliry CUes TraIIIc Faefa and again at 11 o'cloCk Sunday . servicemen. n.or di1fra~~~, I love:. nly chlldten morning at TrInUy Church. Ch1ld- of new memberS Wili. be a~ mu~b,B!I. alll;' P~t' ~here ren In the. Brd grade and up will the 11 o'clock Service. ~9-d,o, ~ot wish them (or any To the Editor: meet forC!lurcllSchool at 9:30, . Chll!ch Sc~cKil ~lI!SSeS will be other ~lillih'en>'h3rni on the hi~': . A ~t letter to TheSwarthand at ,11 o'clock'chIldren In the held lit . both 9:30'aiidll:00 for way Or ~~~~ ~lse: But;· Ido ~orea~ ~uests crossing guards. 2ndgradQ ~d. down will meet. all'p~' exceiit ffu. the Junior not consider It the, resi>oDSlbillty at a~ major tramc intersectloJis The Canterbury .Club will hold a High ·Department,·whlch,Ji.,.\ts o~" the' ~~Wl~~ 't~ "proted them an" . lI\ltS' the' Boro 'CouncU "on' ,. crOsSing,~, . r'" ,f ·th· 'fI.rni'. noUee, that'they 'will "be' held sujlper meeting at 8:30',p.m.; at onlyl!t,,9:,3~,lIiid,the.Sem,or High,' . . am 0 e responsible' by'tbe mbtherS of 7:30 the. Young People's,Fel1ow- Department whIch meetsoniy at opIffi.c;>n th~tl'!are~ts shci4I~.rec;O~~ Swarthmore for'all accidents that here. ";,, " ,.. ' .'.,'. ~ ,. ship will meet. and at· 8 o'clock 10:45., "_"0." ... Dire it as their 'resjlonSibilitY new acolytes will. meet with' theTl).e· Wclmen;s, Bible 'ClaSs will teach their chlldten the' rather niay"'happen if guards are" not '1n 1949 Couili!J.i-tnstalled: tiiliftc Rector for training; hoi.d its first meetrng of this ~le,!,eilta'9:' ~iirii:i.aM'e.niaiflD.volve.d proVidelL,'A Seemingly' simple're:; Ugh!>; along Chester road for conquest; a' singularly striking argu.: trolling the greatly increased vehiBoys' ,Choir nihearsala will be chiirch .year ills Sunday in the iI\,~sing streett safely; P~es: ment.· Let me hasten to' reply; clular traffic this s!reet and to beld as usual on Monday and Wed- Woman's AssOciation Room at 9:30' trians lire respoliSl~le fori their Council will try to' do its best. pennit safe pedestrian crossings. nesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and .' ,The Men's Bible Class will meet own w\,uare whlln In the street In the meantime, or until such . Dun,ng' the last six year.·. the on Thursday at. 7:80 p.m. The as "usual at 9:30. a.m. iD the and pa~~ts "f".n.!,gllgen.t in not (Continued on Page .'.7) . Giris', Choir will rehearse on Mon- He;u'th Room,' Dr. E. J;'ay Camp- instilling tills concept Into their time as provisions are made . 1to " .-, day at 5 p.m. bell, leader;' children from the beginning. As a The r~ular mid-week celebra'l;'he Senf,or High' Fellowship result of having someone stop cars tion of the Holy Communion will will have its meetlng at 7 p.m. for t them, yo,;;,gsters have In rebe held at 7: 15 Wednesday morn- this -Sunday ~eni'ng, preCeded by cen rears, ecome. accustomed Ing. supper ;'t6:30.·", to havmg the right of way whether At 11:30 Thursday there will be The 'lI"oungAdllits group will it Is th,~s orn~t. Ther are tsught a celebraUon of the Holy Com- meet sunilay evening at 6: 30 for trallic ,v?ill wrut until they are are expertly and sympathetically munloD- lIhis will be followed by sUpp,er and a meeting. out of' ~he w~y. They grow up the lun$eon ,meeting . of the On TuesdaY evenIng, October 5, with someone else assunting the filled at the, price you set. Woman's AuxiliarY. The Rev. Jer- the MissIons and Benevolences responsibillty for their safety. WhY lOY E. Carpenter of the' C1~ Mla- Committee w1l1have a regular should th"')' change? The young: ' sian will be tile gueat spe.!lker. monthly meeting at 8 p.m. In the sters cannot be' critldzed for this There will be a service of Even- Woman's Association' ROOm. attitude if· it has been their teachIng Prayer at 5:30 p.m. Friday. A Dsy of Silence for th,e wbmen ing: Tramc congestion is on the Inof .the' congregation will hi! OIRICIORI O. _PAll on TJiursday,· October 7 In crease in Swarthmore and everyPRESBYTERIAN NOTES' 1820' CHESTNUT STREIT Thi$Sunday .wiIl be known as church saiictu!'l"Y.·from 10: 30 unUi where else and is going to get a OUVER H......R, found... MAAY A. lAIR, Prod"... World' Wide. COmmunIon Sunday, 2: 45 p,m. Mr. Bishop' will be iii lot worse, not better, in the years charge. The women are' 'asked ·to ahead. Pedestrian accidents can and tlIe Sacrament of Holy Com'el.phone RI6-1581 lirlDg a box lunch and eoUee' Wni best be reduced, not by placing a muni~n'wIll be observed In every be s e r v e d . ' guard at each intersection, but by counifY In· the world. Holy Com_ _-'--'-"-'--'---'-'" teaching youngsters how to cross munion will be 9dmi nlstered at METHODIST NOTES both the 9:30 and 11:00 o'clock services, and .theRev:.· JosePh P. 'This evening at 8 p.p1. the Bishop will give a communion Olllc1lQ . ilOiiid m~t,: at . , .. meditation at both services. There church. On Sunday, at 9:45 a,m.; Churcli will be a. special World Wide School classes will meet for' all ages beginning at two years. There CHURCH. SERVICES is a new Young Adults' 'Builders PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Class. Joseph p, Bishop, Minister . There will be two services John Schott. Associate Minister Snitilay, October 3 Holy Comm~on in obsen'ance 9:30-10:45-11:00 A.M. _ Chul"ch of World Wlde Communion SunSchooL day. At the 8: 45 a.m. Service the 9:30 and 11 ,A.M.-Mr. Bishoo ushers will be Mr. Martin Kapp, - head usher, assisted by Jack will.preach. , METHODIST CHURCH Elander, Bernard Webb, Ronald Sutton' and William Collenberg. JOHN C. KULP, B.D., M.A., Minister Greeting at the door will be Mr. EDWARD THORNTON A.B. a,\d Mrs. George Bradfield. At the Assistant 'M1niste~ , a·a.m. Service, the ushers will MRS. RUTH G. NICELY, George Zanzlnger, head usher, asOrganist-Director of Music slsted by Lemuel Holt, Theodore Sunclay, October 3 , Haddad, Louis Rowley, 9:45 A.M.-Church School Simon and Walter S'iiyder. Greet11:00 A.M.-Mr• .(tulp will·preach. !iig: at the door-for this service TRINITY CHURCH will be Mr. and Ms. John R. Corke. R. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector At 7 p.m. the Methodist youth SlUJclay, October 3 Fellowship will meet in the 8:00 A.M....::.Ho.ly ~ommunion. church. The topic for the evening 9:30 A.M.~h~h' S,chool (3rd wIll'lIe "We Live lri Deeds-Not Years." June Holt will be the lead1 ~ade and'up,) ',:', . \.00 A.M.-HOly Communion. '. . . ." • ih ft 1!:00 A.M,-Church School (2nd er: There Wlll be a s"';ia our a er grade and down. the meeting a~ the home of Doris 6:30 P.M.-Canterbury Club sup- Snyder, 209 Dartmouth avenue. per. Monday evenillt af II p.m. there 7i~! P.M.-Y.o~ people's Fel: will· be a· Teacher Trhlnlng' Sesshll!,siOli at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 5.30 pTuMead':'~enln' OctobePrar 5 Charles Hoover; 613 Yale avenue, . . .-~. g yer. . Wednesday, October 8 Morton. h 7:15 A.M......HolY)c:!t'lmmubion. The pastor will have office ours , r; _"':'" Thuftda'1 Oetober '7 for' counsellng In the church office 11:30 A.M_-Hob. communion. on Tuesday .from 4~5 and 7-8 p.m; ~,,~r8. M 8 p.m. on Tuesd~y the Adults , . ~:30 P.M.-Evening . Prayer. Cottage Pray~ meeting will be We're proud to announce that we THE RELIGIOUS l?OCIETY the home of Mr. and. Mrs. George • OF'FRn:nriS . Dunn, 204 Dickinson avenue. now have a compkte line of fabulous Snnday October 3 ' Lemuel Holt, leader. The Vn."n" I Rcvlon Products ... Touch-and·Glow, 11,00 A.M.-Fa'mily Day at Meet- Adults' Cottage Prayer Moon-Drops, White Sablc, mg for Worship. All are wel- will be at the home of Mr. and Aquamarine Body Luxuries, No~-sllle.ar COme. , Mrs. John Flood, 14 l3epjamln Lipstick, Improved-Formula Nrul AU Monday, October 4. West avenue at 8: 30 p.m. . Enamel •.. and all the other Revlon . day sewing for A'. F. S. C. Boy Scout Troop 3 will meet at AlIW~~y, ~ber 8 7 p.m. on' Wednesday In the cosmetics you love so well! daY seVrlrig .to~ A.F.S.C. . Social Hall. At 8 p.m. there So don't wait ••• come in soon for aU ~T 'emmCH. OF be a Teacher Tralning SesslCho,n ...les I your Revlonbeauty needsl lUttS,.. SCIENTIST the home of Mr. and Mrs. SWARTHMORE . Park A Hoover. venue below Harvard . At 3:30 p.m. on Thursday H'OO S~, October I . Cherub Choir will rehearse In L'; tHEATRE 11:00 ~.JI--Sunday School. Chapel. The Junior Choir ~ re""" . .-The Lesson SelDlOD 8 ':m "UJ. be,\'lJnreaI1ty.".: . heatse at 4 p.m. At' P . 'Air Conp!fi~n~ for .Yo!,r, Co'mfort eaohWeclneeday eftmng, _ _ will be a balD dinner given by 2I>en 8 P.M.· Reading room Ladies' Bible Class. and at 8 p.m. :.' Ii. II. ~ly except Sunday 12 to II the chancel choir will reh- In ':10 1''' ednesday ",",In.. 7 to the Chapel. . .', .to on YOUR NEEDS .. THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. will Make Theatre Pharmacy r<; r. ~ headquarters . " SAFE-T-WAY SERVICE to yOU. your family. your community? • The· 10',olnt Safe.T~Way Illspection listed _ _ will be glvellyour. vehicle every time you brlllg ithiforserYlce. ID STEERING o HORN '0 EXHAUST SYSTEM 0 GLASS D nus '0 WINDSHIELD WlPEIS ,0 IIAI YIN Mluoa painting, for aUI GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS UN our layaway pIa. 'or First in Service ,: :' CIIrlsfma. ,'. , J't'l!J ~ Ott ~lc ~,.. ::hc.r; •. 'JZ f)ib .)!:s on J"(. ;'.: RUMSEY· 'Cllft'OLD" """''', " , .' ". ," '. $Wall'.o,. 6-6130 'Theatre Square - THEATRE PHARMACY First in Sales " 1£:"1; ~ for all your " beauty needs! ..... -0 BRAKES '0 lEAR LIGHTS ID FlONT UGHTS , And hobby itams Dear Editor: Last week there appeared In your column an· open letter to BorO;OUgh Counell hnl'loring. it to appropriate funds to maintaIn a traffic omcer at the Intersection otSwartiunole~ Elm and PriJiceton avenues to assist children' in cross- streeta. There are not uninterrupted llnes of speeding ears on Swarthmore aven)1e or any other street in town that ,are without brew In them of ample duration for children to get across if they are taught to wait until a break I~ traffic comes. The responsihil{~ for..such teaching Ues not with ~e .l'I'hool, not the police, not the c:ouncll, not anyone elae, but c\ellJ'ly with ourselves. Let's recog~th1s ~act and face it. Let's not . pass the buck to Council . Sincerely, Mace' GowIng your Toot our own hom, Blow our own whistle, Or Ring our own bell. ,Art supplies for fan I.IJTflS 101m fMOI '''-'',~Daq .,' . , ~ . '. '--:--;;;;;:;;~"i];~~::-~~~j:t::;:j:::~~~~-__ llng while going to and rro~ sChoot ·STRATHHA.VEN INN.' Cameras to snap pictures, T~:.;.:nd games to p!e.ase .the Post 3, 1879. •J • • .' '. , 'Yare But We Do Have THE' SWAR'fBMOREAN O1IIce I "Fearless FoliCI.... for elIlld,... Sat. 1 P.M •. plas cartoons. comedy. aMi Capt. America serlo' WIled cUd sclHtfsts d'Ro"~ I. ... 111E SW ARTHMOREAN Entered . LUNCHEON AND DINNER SERVED '" : :. .This is primarily due fo 'he fact that we: - . , PtilBit B. TOW». Bd1Jqr.. Rosalle Pelrsol Marjorie Told' FrIQll:eBP.,Murray Sally Alden , . Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Oct. 6,7,8, 1954 'r Egyptla. _btl?? KINGS'" . . (tee..I,J'r) . _.; 8urmont Road at School Lan. Admission SO Cents October 1, 1954. PUBLISHED '''BB~ ~AY AT .wABTDIIORB, PA. PBTER " TOLp. JIIAlUOIUB TOLD, PUBUSBBBs .. , ., P~De 8WarUame~ S-IIO, Bt:oad Sfreat Memorial Methodist Church ITS CAIIN. THAT SAYES THE WEDIN. EYNON.ELLIS The ,marriage of Miss Denise 9 South Chaster Road Ellis, daughter of Mr; and Mni. W. CllIfotd Ellis of.Media, to Mr. Call SWarthmore'6·0476 " : ' • ,r", .. .-{r! T ;"-r-lf ........... David Eynon, son of Mrs. JohnS. Eynon of Swarthmore and the "'i";r;oT~";":::~ ',h" ~ ., Ii late Mr. Eynon, took place in St. Davids Church, Radrior, on Sat.AMILY DINNEIS to SUIT ihT.4TI",~.fl'~~!9N,i' " urday, 'September 18. TENDER STEAKSalld CHOPS COo.~, f9 Order i Miss Joan Eynon, sister of the EXCEU.ENT BANQUET AND 'PARTY FACILITIES =~i bridegroom, attended the bride as BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH maid of honor. Brldesmaiwi were - 12-hSO P. M. , Mrs. Frank Fishel of Maplewood, DIN INS ROOMS .... LOllY 'AIR CONDITIONED iii N.J., Mrs. George' Walmaley of Comforhlble looml Dar Dr W... Elevator ROEe Valley, and Miss Diane Adkins, of Buffalo, N.Y_ Mr. William David Webb, Jl., of Jenkintown . § was the .best . ·man. Ushers in& HarvorciAvellUtil,Swarihmcir., PIII."-·· , § cluded Commander L. Sprague 'WALTI~E: pJiil~~""!'i9~;,, ....' ... ,,- ..' ji,~~~.~A!~iN"1 deC.amp of Wa1llngford, Mr. Harrison Maitland, Jr., of Middie. '. r. ." rr. .,..., ''>-rr town,. and Mr•. Walter Dempster of Philadelphia. A reception at Rose Tree Hunt Club followed the marriage cerPRESTONE ZEREX emony. The bride is an alumna of WestAUTO .REPAIR,S'. town Friends School, Centenary Junior College and New York ROBERTcJ;AT%, Owner University. Mr. Eynon, is a graduate of Swarthmore'- High School and Pennsylvania MIlitary ColWkeel Balanclllg Auto ... , Lite Batteries lege. He also has studied abroad and during part of his Army . SW'6-0440 " • - . DarimoulI1h'cilfd' Lafayette Avenues . "7 '.' • service In the European theatre during World War II was on the ,!IlIlIlInnlllllllllmnUlllmnlllllllUlllIlllllllllllllnmlumUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIWlUUllnlllllll'~ staff of the Stars and Stripes. = = Mr. and Mrs. Eynon have re- ~ miss the ~ turned from a wedding trip In t .. r 300th Anniversary RevivaLof, • New York State and are now at :: home in·thelr newly\ purchased house at 3~6 Chesinut)ane. Don't have" hom to toot, A whistle to blow, Or a bell to ring. -"VALLEY .OF THE DREXEL HILL . . - - Mo,.er, sister of the groom, of Oak lane, IUld Mrs. Lawrence C. Otto of Danville, Illinois, wore matching gowns of pale blue. Mr. George P. Warren, Jr. of Swarthmore served as best man, I!!1d ~he ushers 1n91.uded Messrs. Ralph K. Ritter, Ralph E. Steffan, E. Thomas Moyer, William T. Anderson, brother of the bridesroom, and Jackson Farr Blackman, brother of the bride. A reception at the home of the bride's parents followed the ceremony. After a wedding trip to Bermuda and Maine, the couple will reside at the Stenton Apartments In Oermllntown.. BeY, Mrs.E. Thomas' marriage by h,er father, wore a _S=ch=O=O=ls=.==========. gown of ivory satin, fashioned on ,. princess llnes,' the wedding dress MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN of her' maternal great-grand- ;113, Danmouth Avenue mother. Her ¥I legth veil of ivory Swanl.more 6-2080 tulle was attached to ,a coronet. SUBSCRIPTIONS She carried a bouquet of stephan- FOR ALL otis. . MAGAZINES Miss, Mary Staefsler of W1lrr.ing- II~;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ton, Delaware, maid-of-honor, and Ii the bridesmaids, Mrs. Arthur A. '.. We Don" Like To: Jenpings of Springfield, New Jer- .. , ,·Fri. & Sat.' Startfng salary for 2 tlCtcutin-type saletm.n .to r.pr."nt lar~e Ea.t.m flaandal corporation. No tranl. Sal•• ezperience and ability desired, established r.sldent. J5.4O pan old, marrl.d. copabl. of assuminCJ responslbll_ Ittes. In requ.stlng Intervt.w pleaH lnelude brt.f penonal htstory, all npli.s confldenial. Our sal.sm'. havtl b•• n informed of this ad. Box A. L. Swarttunorean •. - Oetober I, 19:;t THE SWARTHMOREAN ",;' .. <: 1':" South Chestf;lr Road :eek, Call . -- an411.to 9:10 P.M., .. , .' ~, - Fo-: and Delivery Service ....... SWartlnnore 6-3154 I Pap 4 LIBRARY BOARD The Board of Directors of the Swarthmore Public Library wlll meet in the library Tuesday evening at the call of the President Robert E. Splller. . Kappas to Sew The Kappa Kappa Gamma sewInfl group wlll meet on Tuesday, October 5 at the home of Mrs. E. Laurence Conwell of 111 Columbls avenue. The younger members wlll entertain at luncheon. PI'HIS~LE Benefit Glltlinburg School Lansdowne Baptist Church October 14, 2-5 PI .., Te. DETMhOSCwRAartThmS FABoYOR ghUNION e ore rou Dem_ ocratic Committee voted unanimously at Its meeting Sunday night at the home of Borough Chairman Harry Oppeolander to support the decision of the Swarthmore School Board' In favor of union of this lIChool ellstrlct with the school diatrlct of Rutledge. The Delaware County group of Pi Beta Phi wlll hold Its annual tea at the Bapttst Cburch soclal room, Lansdowne and LaCrosse avenues, Lansdowne on Thursday, October 14, from 2 to 5 p.m. Jewelry, Unens, and crafts materials on diSPlay at this event made by members of a mountain school in Gatlinburg, Tenn., which is sponsored by Pi Beta Phi. Proceeds w1ll go toward the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES maintenance of this charity The lnflnIte allness of God, good, schooL ' and the consequent unreality of The publlc Is urged to attend. sickness and dIsCord w1ll be stressed at ChrIstIan ScIence serLe,lon Auxiliary Sale The American LegIon Auxiliary vices Sunday, when the LessonSerinon Is entlUed Unreality. w1ll conduct a rummage sale at are the Woman's Club on October 7 from 2 to 9 p.m. and October 8 from· 8: 30 to 11 a.m. for the benefit of disabled veterans. Articles, contributed to the sale should be left at the Woman's Club after 8 o'clock a.m. October 7. A committee headed by Mrs. Ellen Van S. Cleaveland will supervtse the sale. "F::::;::::;::::;::::;=====;:::;::::; I A ."". I, fi. ..at IHt 0 .. err. .,.. .f Ci"at••, H••• " IIbleGNt c.....r 106 L ,til cituter 3-U" SIn.' ,. October I, 1954, THE SWARTHMOR&\N FALL TRADE ROUND-UP 119 allowance fJn,a/":a"flance. an" fe/evll'an .et. witell" you "uy a new a.e. ' , . 24 North LansdawneAven.e Lansdowne Open Evenings RCA Color Television - (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) leaders. No. 423-Meetlng House, It was evident that Swarthmore Monday, 3:30, Mrs. Robert Bern- was a little over conlldent at thla hardt, Mrs. Courtney Smith and moment, and as the result of a Mrs. Neal Weber, leaders. punt fumbled by Cal Coleman on Sixth grade will register In the Swarthmore's own 10 yard Une, tollowlng places: No. 83-Presby- Darby was In possession of the ball terian Church, Monday, 3:30, Mrs. and threatening to score. Three Helen Johnson and Mrs. Richard plays later they pushed over and Brandt, leaders. No. 26IJ:-TrInlty went ahead 14-13 at half time. Cburch, Wednesday, 3: 3D, Mrs. The third quarter saw a much Harold Roxby and Mrs. Lester more spirited and determined Mondale, leadU'8 No. 429-Trln- S~arthmore team. Although· it was Ity Church, Wednesday, a:: 30, Mrs. scoreless, they tb,!"arted all Darby Newtown Ryerson and Mrs. WlI- attempts and condition started liam McCawley, leaders. to tell. As the fourth quarter got Seventh grade. scouts No. 331, under way, Darby agaln turned will meet at the Presbyterian to their air attack which was brokMr. Dick McCray, son of Mr. Church, Monday, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., ,en up immediately by Dick SDl"and Mrs. Heston McCray of Cor- Mrs. Roy McCorkel, Mrs. Hans der's pass interception on the nell avenue, began his first ;year Borel and Mrs. Stephen Wblcher Darby 40. From here you tould cif· studies. at the Yale Divinity w1ll serve as leaders. see the new Gamet team go Into Sch901 last week. The eighth grade patrol No. 16 action and In two plays with great Mr. Carroll P. Streeter of Co- w1ll meet at 221 N. Princeton ave- blocking by everyone, Ca.l Colelumbia avenue left Sunday on a nue Monday at 3 p.m. under the man traveled 35 yards to Swarthgoose hunting expedition In Hud- leadership of 14rB. Frederich more's third touchdown. AgaIn the Tolles. Senior Troop 16 wlll extra point was blocked but son Bay, Canada. meet at the Presbyterian Church Swarthmore had the lead 19-14. Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. with Mrs. After the Idck-ol'f Darby again BBQUB8T FOB BIDS Sealed. blda win be received In C. H. Yarrow and Mrs. J. Alfred tested Snyder's defensive ablllCoun<:U Cbamber. Borough Hall. Calhoun serving as leaders. ty and he promptly Intercepted 8war.thmore, PL. on october 11. 19H Troops listed at meeting In the another aerial, giving Swarthmore at 7:80 P.M. for furnloblng materials and doing tho work of layIDg a.ppl'Ol1- Meeting House are meeting tam- flte ball at midfield. With a permate1r 880 fi. of 8" terra cotta -.nJ- porarlly In hoDies \!D.tI1 the ton- s1stence that was not to be denied, tary . .wer In the _ of DreW and the team movl!d the ball down to ·Strath Haven Avenues (unopened,. structlon there Is completed. the goal Une where Co-Captain Blda ah&Il be made on fonna and In accordanOO with plana and Mr. and Mrs. Charles LIncoln Dellmuth threw across the goal tIons. ,all or wIlIch mar be obtained entertained with a lobster supper Une for the last and final touchupon appncauon to tho underoJSnecl. TIle poreon or arm 110 wham tho con- Saturday evening. down. FIrst downs showed Swarthtract Is a _ shall execute a conmore leading 14-3. There were tract and turnloh honda lIB reqUIred f3HP!Rm SALBS many newcomers In' the ' Uneup by law. copIee of which m&r be .en at tho om.. of the underBIgneCL A or RBAL BSTATB who did a fine job.' Particularly certllled check for '100. ah&Il """""'oo~ C::f~. PA. outstadlng at end were Charlie panr tile bid of each contract>or. TIle l'rIdAY, october ~, 19M Hummer; AIlen Vaughn and Borough ...-Yes the' rlg'ht to reject 9:30.uL s _ TIme GtorgePappas. Ed Noyes did well anr 01" o.ll blda. BLLIO'l"l' mOBARDSON Conclltlon: G80.00 _ or certl1led as defensive tackle as did Tohn BoroUgb Secretary. check at time of eale (UDl_ ~ wIae stILted In adverttsement). bal- Lewis at right half back. Of anee In ten dar. Other conditIOns on course, the performance of Codar of FACIAS sale. PJBRI No, 1998 Captain Dellmu th 'an d· .Zensen Nov. "l'8Tm. 1958 . s~ out from the beginning and ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece much more can be expected from of land' erecten. Pa. ' , 5...." of r.~,,~ 8mmAY~ and HOLJDAY8 .. , co.,,,,. f.r Ho•• 11.,.,,. .. • PIoooos: 306141 . "Iterations . . Televlsioa& Radio 5enIce SW 6 ..4941 ,: mdg. .> ...... "Uanlbur NOOIli: _ ". , ,~9~".1l~14~,v Robert 16011-1e' P.lil1adelpb1l\. '7, ~ WILLIAM BROOKS Ae!\ee & Rubbisb Removed LilWD8 Mowed. General BONOAY TBB,[j' '8~T1lBDAY . ', ... ,'_., "~- Smllil Motor SERVIGf\' . ." , 'i ,·.1 RESID.ENTIAL ~ND .. ,. '-' " - I ' '- , REELSHARP. SW 6-4100 011:' BUR~ER ." . THE SWAR11IMOREAN Letter to the Editor the services of Swarthmore College taken over by the women on a students, who give decUve ser- strictly volunteer basis. In Swarth(Continued from Page 8) vice. Last year, ten such students more, some find It easier to take were emllloyed. Because of con- pen in hand and work with words. police force has been considerably tIi~ts in colle,e SC~edules It was What can the citizens of Swarthexpanded. to proyide more patrol- necessary to have cmTent arrange- more do about safety? Industry ling of streets and better enforce- meilts with siX young tnen In believes that the most slgniflcant ~ent of the moto~ .code. The order, to. provide reliable service answer Is education. So do many councilandlrlthe Burg_are coo,- at thIs,one cr~g..ThIs.service citizens. And safety education of tinually see Dg ways for ~ clUtnof start ..with the Opening of children begins and should con!lftlorcement of our laWs. A hlgh~ the pu~Uc schools as we must walt tinue in the home. If we had pronte..of.anests has.been.ol!taiDed. fo~Sw8rthmore College to con- per safetytraiDlng,1n the home T!'e c~ of 0P!!1'8t.I].>B our 1,'ollce vene aild' 'iln'8ngements to lie and In thll school, do you suppose DepmeuL,1I8s j.riCle!lsed i ~m made, (Let it be made clear' that that our Ilhildren would continue $22, 1!'t.7 to $3M9~. ~.. 1953. the Writer of t\le )etter pyblished to climb the railroad fence at the The poli,ce budget for 1954 W:Ill be/In. T.he ~marlhmorean last week station, that they would continue exceeded because of increased ,ex- I\ad received: erroneous . Worma- to cut the wire fence near the pend!tures ,for public safety. when siie state.tthaf she was railroad, school underpass, or that .In ~'!. f@. gtj ~953!H" IC~cil informed that the CounclJ. had two little girls would stand conac;lop~ 8 . p~ ~ ~ ~~ of ref~ed to apPropriate funds for versing two feet from the curb tlJ.e .n:\o~. ~1lJ!.'.~\1S ..scllm .cross- a police auxiliary oliicer at the in Swarthmore avenue near ings fljy,l>W .• }!C~ool ~~t)lours. ~warthmore avenue crossing. No Princeton, with their backs to the This p1!u.l ~'l'aIns hl, !lffec;t. this change from last year's arrange- road. If we expect Boro expend!fall. Thl,s. c",!"pare$~th'Sp!'ng- ments had at any time been auth- tl!res. to. correct .such cop!lltipns fleld '..T~hip, II .much larger Orized) ~ ~I'. a~ sadly. m,istak~. N:o, .pte co~~ty :v;:~.ere 6 sch~l. cross- There are several other cross- ~nswe~ Is...in '.afety. ~g ,~d logs .~e gulirded by part-time ings which may be . considered education. We IIV~ 11:> "d!'l'!lerous eQIployees, supported half by the hazardoUs but we h'a,;~ been' bU- a~e and learning the rules for "';IrSl\hOO~ board and half by the mun- able to obtain pari-time employ- Yival ~'just ~ Important as learnicl'pallty.. Tp~ three. Swarthmore ees iQ man them. It Is not a ques- mp anthmetlc or poing to a footctossIngs .are: Yale .and Rutgers \ion cif money but a lack of Inter- bail game. The results of a safety avenu&-be!ng guard~ by a est on the pari of people willing program are not glamorous, somepolic: olllcer except dunng emer- to act as guards. An dort was one just goes on living, but they genCles when.. he,.,!,ust attend to made by the former Burgess J.o get results and intelligent people regular poliee duties. . obtain the sUpport' of several are for It. Chesterroac;l and College ave- wom"!:l~' ~up's, either Yl" act as All who are Interested i:" safety nu~belnjlgulirded by a d.epl1- vol~f""rs ~r help in flndlng part- fo.r this Boro should get m touch ti2ed pari-time Im!ployee. We are tim'l employees. An article was WIth the CItizens Safety Commltfortunate at this point to obtain published In' The: SWarlhmorean tee that has recently been ap.. the services of a public minded soliciting help along those lines. pointed. by the Council to study citi2en who, in my humble optnlon, If we were- to judge the need for hazardOlls conditions In the Boro has been instrumental In saving guards by the response to this and to. report their findings and lives. approach, there just wouldn't be recom~endations. Very soon now, Swarthmore, Elm and Prince- any crossing guards in Swarth- you WIll be b,earlng directly from ton avenues-being guarded by more. Yet in several sUrrounding them and I hope' that you respond. deputi2ed pari-time employees. In communities the whole' problem Sincerely yours, this case we w';? ~~re ,¥> ~ctqe; :o.f ! " .~. schooL c~ossings i s ; Thomas W. Hopper Ill"'. .' .c:ON5TRUCT.JON - ..... ,., . caiJ" ;c· Sw .......o.. 6-1441 ": , Oetoberl •. I954 FOR SALE - Cocker Pups. AKC.· Six weeks. Hea1thY·home raised.·,Stud service. SWarthmore 6BUILDER 5751. . "'. FOR SALE' _ Book sets. Encyclopedla Britannica, Journeys Through . Booidand, Standard Swarthmore 6-2253 Amerl~an Encyclopedia. . Call SWarthmore 6-7479. . FOR. 'SALE _ .. Anti,que mahogany ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'arop .. leaf table. Reason!,ble pdcle. SWarthm6rl! 6-7097. .. . FO~ SALE .-' .Gl!:Is 26~ilHercules EDWARD G. CHIPMAN English' Bike,' . Coaster .. brake. Good condition. SWarthmore 6. ,. , AND SON. . . 2342; '! ' '. ..• , A'''''OR FOR· SALE . Baby parakeets. GrNfRA1.: CO~. '"~ Healthy, home raised. Seven . .' P'I' .1 ·• .....1 weeks old. S\.Varthwore ,8-2694. nle FIlion -' as c •• e FOR SALE _ Something old, Moden Kite .... ' Alte .1 something especially for YOIr. ra !tIl' Complete dining room suite. Decorate with Allison· Antiques. 1401 Ridley Avenue SWarthmore 6-3050. '. 759 FOR SALE-HARVARD CLASS~ CHester 2-4689 lCS ._ in mahogany sectional 2-$., " bookcase. Pe$ct cllndltlon. $50'I~=~========~ Books alone. $25. SWarthmore 6- I 6. A-I references. uOl~4~2r'"'CnrTir=-W';;;;;:;;-};OU'iifi'ii WANTED-Two rooms and bath. FOR SALE - Warm, beautiful Unfumishen. Call Rom a n coat. Straight line back. Black. Hromnyskv. Swarthmore College. Real beaver collar. Size 17. $30. WANTED - Graduate student SWarthmore 6-1666. . desires ride to vicinity of Uni- FOR SALE - Lionel trains and v'ersltv of Pennsvlvania, arriving accessories. Excellent condition, 9 a.m. dailv. WilIin~ to share some practically new. Original PAINTING cost.. !':WarthmoTe 6-2730. cost $250. Will accept reasonable and WANTED - We will buy at best offer. Call SWarthmore 6-4430. prices olrl china. cut glass. fur~ FOR SALE - Sturdy crib and N RY niture. Call Holly Oak 4313 or chest to match, Phone SWarthCARPE T . Hollv Oak 6720 collect, for ap- more 6-4121. 8761 pointment. All business confl- ~F:;;O~R;:"';Sr.A;;LET=--:-;Ar;m;;:;';'er;:jl;;;ca;;;n;-;;o~rir;;enn:ttiiial dentlal. Colonial Cupboarrl. No.5. rug. 10% by 20 feet. Beautiful SWarthmore 6. Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, looks. $395. And others. calli :~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~ Del. SWarthmore 6-3811. WANTED - Young wnman for FOR RENT work in local store. Part-time IF"O=R-;R"'ENT;;;<;'"---='':;L~a;;r:;;g;;;e:'':,;;;co:;;m;;:f;;;o;;;rt;;;.a~b;r;;le rlnrin!! autnmn. FilII time at d th room. Home-like surro~n mgs. O Th S e war. - Convenient to transportatlon and Christmas. Box , Gutters ;~D - Userl trumpet for tearool,ll. Phone SWarth".'ore 6- Roofing. AII' Conditioning beginner. Call· SWarthmore 6- ~4:;12~4~.';i'i;:;u;;.-::::r;;:;;;-;;;;;;;;:;"(;;;;;;u.;: 412'1':'" •. FOR RENT - One· room. GentleHeating man preferred. Convenient to FOR SALE shops and transportation. Call Oil - Gas - burners FOR !':ALE - Amana freezer, ui KlngswGod 4-0455. cubic foot. 18 tnonths old. Rea- ~F~O~R~R~ENT~~~';;Gr;a:;;ra;;;g;;e;-;;;ap~a;;;rt:t,mm.;;en;;t.t. son able price. Call SWarthmore Three rooms and bath. 738 Harvard avenue. Call SWarthmore 6-4039. wh.oles~le prices. Thorn SeremD Box48 SWarlhinore6-0740 ba. ·Upholster. Phone Sharon Hill ",",,=.:L:::O:::S;Ti::::A=N:=D=.FO.=.U=N~;r.;:;;;;:: 0734. SALE - Bendix' automatic LOST ... Br0WJ>..calf SaturFOR day -afternoon. Elm bag. avenue be- '===========~ ;. . washer. in perfect working con- tween Walnut lane and Chester dltlon. $40. WAshburn 8-7767 Finder keep after 5.' . contents. FOR SALE EasY spin-dry 200 W;;RI~leYA~e. . washer. Olr!. but running well. Ridley Park $10. Phone SWarthmore 6-0657. FOR SALE -. Excellent top solI. $10 load. Mushroom soil. $20 load. Call SWarthmore 6-2078. Old Bank Building, Dr. Authorllitd Dlst~lllutors FOR SALE-Westinghouse roast. c~!:;~ee~ Th S th for . er. New, latest model, at half Box T, e' war ~ retail price. $24. SWarthmore 6- ~Fm~Oo;rUND;:;:ea~n~'-::"--;I;::n7tr"ic::a:;:t::-e-:s"'il::ve;;;r::-hbr;:;a;;:d!IIi:_ 6665. FOR SALE _ 1940 DeSoto sedan. let on Cornell avenue near Rut-· . and $90 Radio. heater. Phone J. L. gers avenue. Phone KIngswood 4Kauffman. MEdia 6-2863. 0171. tlon: SAVE ,. " - ~ 16c ", .9t/JiiI 'Plincy (Red' BaDd) ,IWlaPEAS· 1/dtIil.PUJI:! toog-:Cut .i '~UERKRAU' ·IM.' Red . ~, .'~EEI!II'-S I/tIItd Pancy TOMATOES :: i'" .'.. i '.1. "; IItbrll Golden .!JdNIJ " ) I, • Homestyle Halves PEACHES' ........ . Jack Prichard j J Pancake Flour !\illnrc S~f 20..% 15c 1 4 0... 29c pks pq/JdNII Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese Ib 79c Kraft Velveeta' Cheese Spread 2·lb loaf 95c Glendale Cheese Slices ".o.k.27c r.JJ ~ 0fMtl Sheet Metal Work ., .-,'; < I Hits New High in Knock-Free Pow8rl Big Values in Frosted foods George Myers Valley Stream ASPARAGUS Spears 29c Pkg Blue Bird Oronge Juice IS VAN ALEN BROS. SI CLAIR Po'. . ' ,: ~ FU~AI R);> Swarthmore and Vicinity . Many Attractive Homes Available o. RO,(DS CHESTER' 'and <:,...... SWal~llInor. 6.3681 Baird & Bird "Realfbrs ; , . SW 6-0108 , Opposite Borog•• HaD ATLANTIC FUEL OIL IRON AREMAN OIL alld heatlng."alpment av"lfaW. to Oil' c.mmars all all malre. of ollll.r..rs . Level paylMllt pia. on oil bm.. A....aHc delv.rle. Sa"'ce of 011. ...... "ria, ............ Gsz ....·i ... 5•••• ~ & Wi .!~J':!~!!b 2~'~rcbued . .. . ,. . Selected :SW6-4742 VIA 8.2440 New Premium GasoOn. - . -.-,. . ". SAVE MONEY flE](,T ,TIMEf _ I " , TAKE· THE TlfAIN I on Shopping, Theater in-city AppOintment Tri~s' I-DAY ROUND-TRIP THRIFT TICKETS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD @ . lfatfon. ,. '''''.d.',.. ,. 2 for 29c Guarclliteed Meats ciicirRoAsi;~~e31C . Boneless Rolled Crosl Cut Roast Ib 69i: Reg~lar Fresh GrOUiidBeef .. 31ba $1,.00 Square Cut'Shoulder Lamb Roast Ib 39c Shoulder Lamb Ib 59c Neck, Shank . ~~,1,cr' . R~y to Cook . :. . .;. .;.-'-S_lB. ; W. ; ;. .IN. .:~-,-·:...'_ _,eod .very dey fro. till p......... .. 011 . ., .....,.. . ... n~ d .....~.....h~...gfflt. ........ 66-....... 79c 3 6-oa tbl. 29c OvenR~Y,0UD8 . '. Toms-I.20 lbs, Mound.Fjfl.tle'. '."". Panty lGrgfr'shrimp No.1 Smelts . .... ~J;~ :": .~·-,l·_ 49 . \b .! \bAt· '" , papa THE Woman's Club. Notes have always attended Swarth- no direct hearing on the tax rate more. (Some of the Present Board except, of course, to make It unl_ Facts About School The executive board of· the Union With Rutledge members are graduates of Swarth- form for all taxpayers In the area Woman's Club will meet In the more High). Assessed valuation. Involved. Since it is hardly likely / lounge of tbe club house at 9: 30 (contituud from P",e 1) 1954: swarthmore $1,011,000 or that the Swarthmore rate can be tlon of the component unlls at the 28.61 per cent of market value; reduced, it means that the pre~ a.m. MondaY, October 4. Formerly The Needlework GuIld Annual last Federal Decennial census, the Rutledge $11A,900, 30.95 per cent ent lower Rutledge taxes will be new district if approved would of market value. Approximate Increased. Taxes for any liven Meeting will be held In the club automaticall3 be third class. It ratio of public acbool puptla to year are levied by the school house of the woman's Club at 2 650 aalMmore PIke therefore would have aboard of total population: Swarthmore .19; board In the spring when it es- p.m. Monday. Mrs. A. Sidney S,rla,fleld, Del. Co.. • .. Johnaon, Jr., is the president. seven members. Rutledge .15. tsbllshes the budget for the fiscal SWarthmore 6-0450 'l'uesday from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Q. Bow woald the boarIl be Q. WlIM ..... the a4ftDIap8 to year hE'linnlng In July. At that 0,.•• A.M. to , P.... the opening tes will mark ·the -"&oW? Swaribmore In f~ a union time the board decides what taxes oftIclal openlng of the club year. A. One of the seven members cJJstrI"'? and what rates must be levied to Members and their guests are inwoUld be elected from SwarthA. 1. Our High School would be raise the amount needed. There is more and one from Rutledge, the assured of the attendance of near- no reason to expect that cost of vited. At 8 p.m. Tuesday the Junior other five being elected at large. lY all Rutledge pupils (over 80 per operating the union district would Woman's Club wlll hold its openHowever, the board would be cent of whom are already attend- be more than the combined total ing program-''Uernando's Hidecomposed initiallY of the present ing on a tuition basis) whUe the cost for the two districts, and it away"--a talent show by club five members from each district cost would t>e horne by Rutledge Is hoped it might be somewhat members. ' • 'J'IMq CAlI be (a total of 10) who would serve taxpayers on an equal basis with less. AS a third class district, the doe aboac it. YOII all W until December, 1955, when the our own. For instance, the cost of union would not be limited to the P.T.A. SPONSORS TEA caI1_ ,oar Docro~ - terms of four members (two from capital improvements, which can- 35 mill ceiling under· which both lnt.....,mioaolfllCl" The Walllngford School Parent Swarthmore and two from Rut- not be Included In the calculatlon Swarthmore and Rutledge now DeJa,. • ....t Teachers Association wlll sponsor led,le) will expire. One newlY- of tutition rates, would be shared operate. AocI",baa JOII..... a SUver Tea on Thursday, Octoelected member, having been by the combined districts. 2. Q. When a union cUaf;rlct Is aeecll'M • del' en dpWo t-" chosen from swarthmore as the Whatever economies may accrue formed. what happelllJ to the ber 1 at 3 o'clock, In the school _pdOD seniee. 1M law requires because it is the as a result of a somewhat larger _ta, UabDJtles anll propem of cafeteria. to ,....,ember thai - .... Mrs. Richard Unruh, cbalrman larger district, would take office district would be to our benefit. 3. the HParate cUaf;rlota' PresaiptioD Spedall.... of the P.T.A. wlll preside, with then, making a seven-member A. All debts and liabWUes of Elizabeth T. Doherty, superyisor Since the union district. would board. As other terms expire, automaticallY become third-elass, component districts become debts of elementary education, presentCATHERMAN'S members would be elected to fill it would not be necessary for of the union district, and all propDRUG STORE the requIrements of a third class Swarthmore to incur the expense erty becomes the property be- Ing the new teachers to the district. Members to be elected at of a Federal census to achieve that comes the property of the com- parents. large would appear on the ballots status. 4. The union will strength- bination. Swarthmore'S bonded inof both boroughs, whlle the others en the position of Swarthmore In debtedness as of JulY, 1954, was would be chosen by the voters of the face of increasing pressure $411,000; Rutledge has none. Bortheir own borougbs onIy. from the state to form larger dis- rowing capacity of the union Q. How do the two boroucha tricts, 'when approval of building would be 1 per cent of the comeomp.....' plans that Involve state aid is re- bined total assessed valuation; or A. Swarthmore's population In an increase of $54,000 . over 1950 was 4,822, Rutledge 921. Cov- quired. P'dllIfIIlIlII'lDIDiiriIW.iiUihdiillllll_nmiIIIMIHiilnlllmnulllwilW Q. What effect will the union Swarthmore's alone. IUlA' / ering area of .17 square miles have on our state reimbursement' Q. What IIIlhooI faeUlUes doeII about five blocks In each direcA. To encourage the form.ation RuUedp have? tion), as compared with Swarth- of union districts the law provides A. One school bullding In good more's 1.45 square rnUe, Rutledge that a bonus be paid by the state was chartered in 1881, Swarth- according to formuia which Is conditIon easUy accommodating more In 1893. Both were formerly estimated to yield In our case an grades 1 to 6. Since the borough is completelY bullt-up, little or part of Springfield township. LIke additional $18,800 per year. no increase In school populatio~ Swarthmore, Rutledge Is entirelY Q. Bow wID CAUtlon of a IIIllon Is .expected, and no additional residential. Since its educational dlsU'tot deet tIie tax rate' faclllties ate comtemplated. Rutalms are .imllsr to our own, most A. Approval of union will have ledge's present .average dall1 Carpet makes it quiet of Rutledge's high school puptla school attendance Is 88 elemenAIlDITOBS Bft'OB'r tary 'and 82 high school puptla. Carpe! makes it home FOB 'rBB SWARTHMORB SCHOOL DISTRICT Hlndergarten bnotavallable, and FOB 'DIll YII&B ENDING nlLY 5, 19114 JI ed w.1u&tlOD of tMl ..tate In the dl8trlct •••••••••••..• t8.88t.MO.OO if a union Is established Rutledge NUmber of _ ·levted. 1958 ............ , • .. .. .. .. • .. .. • .. • 95 pupUa would· probllbIy attend See new colors/ textures, fibres at Per capita> . . ra_ ~ ........... "'. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15.00 kindergarten In either or both of Number •• eel wttl> per eoplta tos ........................ 8111 AMOUNT 01' SCHOOL TAX PrOperty Per capita TOtal Swarthmore's elementary schools. ADUNnt l e _ (Pace of 1858 dUpUCMe) lHQ,MUil 4.8,885.00 28',606,'1 Trangportation would likelY hi Ad41t\0DJI to .1IJ:ate.. . . .... .• . . ••.. ..... 6."189.89' &,'799.89 Penalt\OS ... ' tnt:......... ;............. 48'1.48 ."',BSl~~~ 699.119 the responsibWty of the parents. Tow.t amount «1' 110 be ooUectecl •••••• ,2OB.IIQ ~ , - 21K.M6.09 Child~en of other elementary Em.......tlona (B&s _ ) • .... .... .. .. ... 6,OlIa.oo 5.096.00 grades In both Swarthmb:re· and Liens 1IIed. (1958 _ ) wlUl pJ:Otl1on-.-y . 1958 tax returnad to COUDty comm'' ',,118J'B 2,1188.69 &10,00 2.748,69 Rutledge would continue to attend D\8COunt8 .. .. .. .. .... .. ....... .. .. .. .. • 4,800.76 618.110 4.980.26 the schools of their respective Not lIled ... liens or ...,~ ............ 142.10 142.40 111 ..... C I ' . " _ _ • •• Net amount of 1958 _ couected ........ 210.639.'4 40._.60 281.186.84 boroughs. ,Sum of Itema 5. 6. ,. 8. 9. 10 ............ M7~.09 ol6,BSUO 294.080.59 .. 100 A-. hlrlhm«.. P.. and Sons 1'", , i Floriat PARADE CARNS THURSDAY ~ Larke.., • • • this afternoon. (Friday), October •• 9 1rts . • • • • •. • • • ••• •• !lId Lank Luildlns an i!iid IT'S SO NICE TO HAVE A HOUSE AROUND A MAN 24' .,.011.,... • •• 11...._1"" .... M ADDITIONAL TAXBS UNDBB ACT 481 OF 1941 AS IAMBNDBD Amount Amoun:t Bate AMlclpate4 Coll_ Boaree or 'rJIHI at Tar: 1% 17.000.00 16.09'.'5 'Deal _ TraDafer Tar: ............... . SWarthmore 6 6000 FRIENDS MEETING NOTES FIrst Day School will open on Sunday, October 3, witli Famlly BBO&lPl'S auBBBNT EXPENBBS Day at Meeting for W 6rship at :Balence on hand JUly 8. 1958. All fUDda ""clualve 11 o'clock. On the following two or 8InI 1958) vooatb>Da1) •• complete 82,086.81 HOSIERY - capital OUtlay (H) ...... 22'.1!18.98 .. .. .. .. .... 400.000.00 2,190.89 DEPT, premium ...... .. .. .. -..te. Bale of Real supplies. and equlpDUlnt All otber sources •......• Total reooiPts, including 580.28 61<1.25 beglnnln&' bal....... ••••• 8'78._.81 •. ~AL in Delaware Co. --....:......:::::!::.~CH ESTER'S ' sUMMABY RZO&1P18 (Item 14. 'Page 1) •••••••.•••••••.••.•••••• 'l'O'1'AL PAYIoIEIITB Total current Jbpo.-& (Items A-P and Joint BofI,l'd) •••••••• 888,411.'10 TOtal Debt BerV\oO ( _ G) ••••••••••••• 8lI.088.81 Total. Oapltal OUtlay (Item H) .... . . . . . . 2111,1!18.118 ......ee on llaDii (To be ~ftlJallle for .. e ..... _ 19M-15) ... • Fashion Corner EDGMONT AVZ. - 1th AND WElSH STS. 8'78._·81 8'!lI,511.99 lIOII,BSI.8lI I ALBA , ASSB'rS . 8$001 buUdIng a1tee at BUIa coat pt.Id on N_ Bldg.) ........ 1,518,0'10.00 (InClUdesand Land and 'I'eXtbOOb aDd. ectulpmea.t at cost ............................ 208.01,..00 Uupt.l4 11158 TU 19511 Tax 1111it TU _ ....................... 2.:186.59 ....................... 626,93 ....................... 11.08 _ to 19&1 DUplicate •••••• 45l1,19 '1'IIltion _ I _ l e e2IKI.10 Other _ _ Deceivable .62.90 BaJanco on b.aD4 all fUnds ezeludlDg alnJrjng fund ...••••••• "lVl'AI. ASSiiiB ................................... . Courtesy lI,!I8I1.119 8lIIi.OS 11.08 452.19 353,00 lI05,8Sfo.8lI \ BERKSHIRE' I and , Prompt BELLE SHARMEER t,035,MO.Ml. Quality Always KAYSER LJABILITd8 _:ai' 'IOI'AL IiIABJI,.l'l'ID •• • •• , •• • ................. . AmouDt of 'l'K 0clI , .... BGM •..••..•..•..• t2\IO.oeulI ........ nO; of ~. _ ................ • 2,Il00.00 Am"""" of secastezJ'. Boa4 ••••••••••••••••• 1.<100.00 . ., I '"'flee ., IIaak !tales. " a.e 01 Bc1""" 'Yea" _ ..... - -'-'1nd" CJIlec*8 •• , • • • • • _____-, I __ ........... •••••••••••••• •••• ••••• 'e.' ~ ... ~ .. '--- ... - IS all new ••• BURLINGTON Burmil Cameo • - -.. •• • • •• • • ••• • • • • • • ... • • • • • • • • • ••• --pain OD _ to ... A _ " Bo I e1aware College, noW the Univeralty of Delaware, with a B.S. dligree. In 1909 he recelvd his J.(i;. from Delaware. He did additional study and taught .chem~::.. ~~ll~g~ort time at Swarth- P,50 PEa YEAR Service Tomorrow for Benjamin L Kneedler The Citizen's Committee on Public Safety reeenUy appoln&ed by Swarihmore Borouch Counell requests the lubmlsslon In WI'I~ aDf hasBrdeWi eltua.tio... which. the wriff,r bo1Ieves should be coJUldered or invesU-· pted. Letters of sunesUon are Former Pre sbyteria n Organist Died Wednesday to be addreued ,to the Cltbena Safety CollllDiltee, care of Borouch BaIL The commlttee'baa met twice, lendhiJr, and already considered a number of lundous. It expect.. to be able to obtain a. comprehensive satety survey at no cost to the Borough. The oommlttee baa atudl4id' exlsilnlr. potenUal cia.....,... · re- ., Funeral services for Benjamin Lord Kneedler, former organist of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, will be held at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the CushIng. Home, 1801' PIne street, . Philadelphia. FrIends may call at the funeral home between 6 and 8 o'clock this evening. Interment will be in Arlington cem- Fun~ral I Edna Bockste'ln I'n Concert Here Oct. 13 College, School Orchestra Parents Sponsor Pianist A plano recltal by Edna Bockstein, famous American pianist, . In. 1908, he became Chief will be held In Clothier Memorial chemist for the Charles E. Hires on Friday evening, October 16, Company, phllsdelphia In which 1954. The recital Is belDi sponsorposition he remained until his re- ed by Swarthmore College and by ttrement In 1948. With his father the Orchestra Parents Assoclation . J. Will Perkins of Elkton, he or- of the Swarthmore Public Schools. ganized the 'Ilrm of Perkins and It will begin at 8:15 p.m. Perkins, Inc., which manufacured MIas Bockateln ia a native of fruit juices and soda. fountain New'York City and received her supplies In Elkton from 1913 tomuslcal education In that clty. 1928. In 19111 he became also the. She Is a graduate of the Julllard manager and co-owner of the School of Music and of the JulElkton Gac Company, unttl 1923•.liard Graduate School, to which In ana around Swarthmore, he she .was awarded a· Fellowship. was well-k!townfor his extensive She studied princlpallY with rose garden on whl.1;h he had con- James Friakln, noted Bach excentrated, much time and enerll1 ponent. _... his ':'--ftt.·H .~~____ 'EdDa Boc~-'n _ad .. __ '" .....ce " re .... e.......-.. . - - e ...,. ....ew his biterest In 18th century Eng_ York debut at Town Hall In 1941 (Continued on Page 'i) and has since liven a Dumber of r~ltsls at that famous auditorium, with much critical and popular success. She has played a ~ ~. ~~"'! Commun"lty Chest Driye. Starts Tuesday M h(c~ntinuTed em 0 ot onHpage 6) ear == IaUDg to ... kaftl6 orr-street _..... haaarcla ... wellanll as etery, Hill. Mr. Drexel Kneedler passed away earlY. Wednesday morning in the Lankenau Hospital, where he had been a patient for three weeks. He had not b~en In perfect health for the Since prompt atteDtion to past half-year. sltoallolUl .is ODDBorn In Philadelphia on eldered Important, the COIIIDI1truary 12, 1883 he was the son of tee ho_ the sugcestiOIl8 o f , David and Hester Pattison KnnedresideD will be mailed lOOn. First· Stated Meeting of ler, niece of Pennsy1vanl,,'s GovW 'CI b ernor Pattlson. HI! graduated from oman 5 u Tues.. Philadelphia's Northeast High Afternoon School, attended the University of Pennsylvania and the PhnadelThe Ilrst stated meeting of the phia Conservatory of Muslc. W.oman'. Club of Swarthmor'; for He first came to the SwarthPlayers' Club· to Present the . year will be held more Church as organist when a 'Aff' f St t ' Tuesday, October 12, at 2 p.m. at boy of onlY 13. Later, for some airs 0 ae the club house. A poem will be years, the ~ console was· 1UPNext Week read by Mrs. George Warren in plied by one. of his puptla, a observance of pennsylvania Week. Swarthmore pi named Alice "Atfalrs of Ststs" will be the hilehe ·was organist at A program, "$ongs by Seth," Emery, w October production of \he Players will be given by E. Lippard, various Philadelphia: churches InClub of Swarthmore, running 0.,- baritone. The accompanist will be cludlng the' Gentral Congregatober 11 throUgh Saturday, Octo- Mrs. John Schott a: member of tional Church and the Church of ber 16. . the club and wife the Reverend .the Restoration. On October 20, This show the first of the 1111!4- ·John Schott, minister of 1909 In the 'Swarthmore Presby' , the Presbyterian Church. terIan Church Mr. anll 55 se,"!Ion, is not_ one of, th~ . '(Continued on Pa- ") liI-.e"i'. nor' is. ''t .tb.. .. Mr... _Llppard.Is .. ,',... , .. '.. T:" -:-,-.-,. -,-.-,:-_, liDit 'iNhere hlt'llttended Weke- " "edge-of-chalr-suspense" typ&. College. 'He has studied voice for "AJJ:alrs of State" Is Intended to six years and. was winner of the· . do just one thlng-.mtertaln; to Welsh Esteddfod Contest In 1954. start laughs, keep the audience Mr. IJppard was a singer In the . -an edUcatiOD proP'BDl for both. aDd adalt.. In sat. ~wi L."ppard to Present 'Songs by Seth' Fe~ Hook Directs· 1st PIay o·f Season, ~954-55 .S~th ~f ~oclate' "Wl.tb~'a Caro ~D.'.North '1110.1'" , SkIn T_ 'palan To Flall.r y_ Oomplllllan , Service \ HUMMING BIRD' i \L__H_A_N_E_S_.-I' , HOSIBY-RRST FLoOIt "'~';'"-,~,-': '".:-, Kneecner ¥ , Library·.Circ'ula·"tl"o'n··' Reaches New' Peak ::~~n!t:':yltf!~:::; : : ~:..~::~ ~d~S~tsc~:a~ 2~thB Anniversary Brochur baritone soloist at the FIrst Methd S d' d b an evening of skillful romantic odist Church In Germantown. He U get tu Ie y Dorothy comedY can produce. is a resident of Lansdowne. Diredors Louis . VerneuU's "Malrs of • . Ml'li. Schott, who will accomFour months operation of the Mrs. Dorothy Waldo Philllps State" opened sucq,esstul Broadway run aInvery 1950,. sta--'.~ pany the singer, ls a former mem- Swarthmore Public Library was you met ........ her The residential, drive of the 1955 will otherspeak half' on of "Have your child", at 'the the Celeste Holm and Reginald Owen. . 0 f the faculty of Eastman reported to the IJbrary Board of Community Chest wlll open'In the f th Mr. Vemeull Is a """'':'chman; School of Music and of Wtlaon Directors' meeting Tuesday night e Is /":--. College Chamber b g P Sh In the Library, Borou"" Hall. Ilrst program meeting a but· his his witfirst andplay. idiom are n as g received del\"eea. frome Dr. Robert E. Spiller, Borough Tuesday, October 12, Swarthmore Mothers' Club on this In E l i sher h 'A.B. s ur, .... president under the. leadership of District Thursday, October 14, at 8:15 p.m. American· as the World Series Syracuse University, 'her A.M. of the board, presided with DIDlrec:tor.Maurice L. Webster, Jr. at McCahan Hall, Harvard ave- or Lahol,' Day at the shore. from the University of Rochester, rectors· Philip H. Jewett, Robert The campalgn In which 120 nue. This sparkling 'comedY Is dir- and has s.tudled at Fontalnebleu, Brodhead, Birney K. Morse, Dr• Swai1hmoreljjlll will participate Mrs. Phillips, authoress and ected by' Richard .Hook with France. J. AJtreaCalhoun, Mrs. Peter E. activelY seeks to raise Swarth- teacher, was horn In England, ed- George JaI-den and Wlillam Cle-. Hostesses for the day will be: Told, Mrs. John _Seybold and more's quota of $15,000, Its share ucated In English schools .and at ment assisting. The cast, a bril- Mrs. E. Shirley Borden, Mrs. Ro~ AlIce Barber present. In the $2,100,000 goal for Phila- the college of ·Neuchatel, Switzer- Iiant one, Includes Wlillam Price, ert P. Bradfbrd, Mrs. RlchBrd A. Dr. Calhoun, chalrman of the delphia 'and vicinity. Last year Ian. She was a member of the Marcy Roderick, Loreah Metcalf, Enion, lu)d~. Philip s. Wrights- committee· on ·llbrary practices, Swarthmore contributed $14,300. faculty at the former Mary Lyon Ned pyle, Isabel Seymour and man. Presiding at the tea Vlill 'be reported extensive' work done Ninteen Red Feather Agencies In Junior College, teaching course. Robert Gilfillan.· Mrs. S. MUton Bryant and Mrs. throughout the suinmer by his the close viclnlty depend on the on human relations and conducted "Malrs of State" has the in- Robert L. COates.·' committee which had reviewed drive for funds. slmllsr courses at Valley Forge gradients of a fast moving c o m _ t h e magazine subscriptions of the . Mr•. Webster has divided the J4illtary Academy, Wayne. Mrs. edY-- ex Secretary of ;State Ii. NURSIN. G BOARD library and had withdrawn a few borough Into· 19 sectloi.s, each Phillips was also dIreCtor and or- danger of losing his attractive, . seldom clrculated and added section with a soliclting team ganizer of the cbUdren's camp and youngish wife to a United States . fETES STAFF ''L'illustration,'' "Sports," ''Photoheaded by a captain. . summer·currlcu1um at Skytop, for Senator, but con~ the sit~ The Boal-d of DIrecto of the gral,lhy," "Etude," and ''Parents Captalns who have· assumed 16 years. uation with such diplomacY that Commtmlty Health s.:ety. of Magazine." The recommenllatlon responslbillty for districts In the She is the author of a book, it is to be wished there were half Central Delaware coUnty enter- of the committee that the magcurrent drive Include Leonard C. "Dear Mrs. Bender," as well as dozen like him In Washington tained the seven staff . hers t azlnes be reviewed and their cIrAshton, W. Mark Bittle, Mrs. J. many magazine articles In such todaY. Add the Sellator, who starts luncheon at the culstion studied annually reCeIved Paul Brown, Mrs. C. Fay publications as "National Parent- out knowing just what he wants nesday, prior to, the proposed the unanimous support of the bell, Isaac G. DarUngton,R. E.Teacher" . and "HI.gh1ights ted for politicallYIn and.-'_.. emotionally, . F consolidation.. Twenty-four mem- board. becomes cre_lY confused as bers of the Board were present. Dr. Calhoun also presented copy arrington, Mrs. Casper S. Gar- Children." She has conduc rett, Mrs. Morris L. Hicks, Mrs. state wide conferences and pro- the action Pl'Oili =es. for a twenty-ftfth anniversary Ernest A. Isberg, Charles C. Mar- jecls on education ~or living under A school teacher from J4inneaMrs. Carl Schmitt, president, pamphiet on which his commlttin, Walker Penfteld, Theodore W. the auSpices of the state Amerl- polis leaves teachl"g for. a threO expresse~ the hoard's appreciation. tee has been workinl throughout Pn!5COtt, Theodore 1. Purnell, can Association of University year contract as a wife, because of the high callber' of the staft's the summer. A sketch of the lilin. .John W. Seybold, .John F. Women of WIsCOnSIn. Wchlgan the pay is betterl Then there is work. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Gol!, ex- brary window drawn and conS-., W. W. Watldwi, and and .MiaIoiU'L Sponsored for manY the present 8ecJeta:, of Stafe, a of tile Commu- tributed b;t AlIce Barber to the l\aym0lld F. WIncli. years by the 'Ohio eongress of jOvial and hl!lllV politician, proService, Delaware library received the praise of the SoUclt\Dg teams are now vIr- Parents and Teachers, she con- ponent of a "h1-pUtlIan theatrical County, responded.to greetings at board. The pamphlet goeS Into tually organiJ:ed. 'lI1I.d will be an- duc:led Institute programs and policY" for the' DaUon, and WOII.the final meeting of the preparation immediatelY by actiOll / nounced lOOn. worked In public schools In Ohio. dertullY unaware of the chlcanery board. , of the bo8rd. Mr. Webster will be assisted by Hostesses for the eveIlIng will golnI on around hhn. In a s6J0piiae presentaUon, the Librarian. Bettina Hunter M. Hugh O. Thayer, aecretary. be Mrs. James Foller and Mrs. Sea!lOll th_ InCndImts well staff p_ted each dfreetor with ported a peak circulatiOll to date ....... Thayer's work will be shared B. SAeJams,.' 'lrith fast tDoviD& dfalOlU and a a small ·memento bearlna the of 20,111 books during the tour Mrs. I_ud C, AoIrtm, lin. annual Kiddie ItarnivBl ftrst-rate Cast; the I'elUhIs a dish name of the NcletJo, a p1cture of months. Of this ftgu:re, 12,1MO were '" Pay CampbeD,. JirL iLB. Gib- Win be held Saturday, ()etober 23, that will surel7 appeal to, a public bnlth n - . an.'! the borrowed by aduJt :readers, 8,lin. O. JI. Hook and 't the old bank building lot on on6', taste. CUttIIID 1tme .. B.211 dates f4 the Nclety'. Oft by the 7Q\IliaII!r:readers. Vaca..... C. 1. V e . avenue. , p,JII. 1921 to 111M. " (Colitinuecl OIl Pqe I) . C t' We b 5 t er N am~s ap ams In Campaign For $15I 000 Pbi11ips I~:: ~ we:- b~t ~";w~ lIoDded ~_ (W\Ul . . - or 81_ _ ) ............ .. B ted lDdebt;edr " (Wl\hCIU.t; 'tOto or eleotOr&te) •••••••••• 8IIlarlea .18 ....................................... . Oclta' 8, In the Rigby Funeral Home, Media, under the s.upervislon of the Swarthmore Friends Meeting for Joseph H. Perkins, Sr., of Cedar lane, who died at his home early on the morning of October 5, having been stricken the previous day with a coronary occlusion. He was 69. 7 P.M._ Seth E. Lippard " ASK COOPERATION Edna Bockstein, Services will be held at' 3 p.m. .' ••• ••• ~WARTHMO 28, SWARTHMORE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1954 Services for Joseph. H. Perkins, Sr., Tuday Cedar Lane Resident Dies Tuesday After Adive Career ca- • alice THE VOLUME 26-NUMBER 41 P()sififle/y II ............ G*l,.. daD"o'" OCTOBER HALLOWEEN u.-. ~ ~ The ~ .Jr~ ~utcen • ~- ~ INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE October I, 1954 sss, is is THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 I 'J"~' . have always attended Swarth- no direct bearing on the tax rate Woman's Club Notes fads About School more. (Some of the Present Board except, of course, to make it uniThe executive board of the Union With Rutledge members are graduates of Swarth- form for all taxpayers in the area Woman's Club will meet in the more High). Assessed valuatiQn. invoived. Since it is hardly likely (Continued from Page 1) 1954: Swarthmore $7,011,000 or that the Swarthmore rate can be lounge of the club house at 9: 30 tion of the component units at the 28.61 per cent of market value; reduced, it means that the pres_ a.m. Monday, October 4. Formerly The Needlework Guild Annual last Federal Decennial census, the Rutledge $77.4,900, 30.95 per cent ent lower Rutledge taxes will be new district if approved would of market value. Approximate increased. Taxes for any given Meeting will be held in the club automatically be third class. It ratio of public school pupils to year are levied by the school house of the Woman's Club at 2 650 Baltimore Pike therefore would have a board of total population: Swarthmore .19; board in the spring when it es- p.m. Monday. Mrs. A. Sidney Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. Johnson, Jr., is the president. seven members. Rutledge .15. tablishes the budget for the fiscal SWartkmore 6-0450 'l'uesday from 3 to 4: 30 p.m. Q. B"w would the board be Q. What are the advantages to year beginning in July. At that 0,.. 8 A.M. to 6 r.M. the opening tea will mark the eoDSUtnled? Swaribmore in forming a union time the board decides what taxes official opening of the club year. A. One of the seven members district? and what rates must be levied to Members and their guests are inwould be elected from SwarthA. 1. Our High School would be raise the amount needed. There is more and one from Rutledge, the assured of the attendance of near- no reason to expect that cost of vited. At 8 p.m. Tuesday the Junior other five being elected at large. Iy ali Rutledge pupils (over 80 per operating the union district would Woman's Club will hold its openHowever, the board would be cent of whom are already attend- be more than the combined total • ing program-"Hemando's Hidecomposed initially of the present ing on a tuition ·basis) while the cost for the two districts, and it away"-a talent show by club five members from each district cost would be borne by Rutledge is hoped it might be somewhat members. • There can be DO q-- • (a total of 10) who would serve taxpayers on an equal basis with less. As a third class district, the doD .bout it- V .... " .."w • until December, 1955, when the our own. For instance, the cost of union would not be limited to the call OD yo..r Doc:co~ DI the • P.T.A. SPONSORS TEA terms of four members (two from capital improvements, which can- 35 mill ceiling under which both &nt aauesdoll of JIICCII • The Wallingford School Parent Swarthmore and two from Rut- not be included in the calculation Swarthmore and Rutledge now Delay k claagero...-aad • Teachers Association will sponsor ledge) will expire. One newlyof tutition rates, would be shared operate. ~,..Aad heA,.....baYe • a Silver Tea on Thursday, Octoelected member, having been by the combined districts. 2. Q. When a union district Is ..-l for. depeD'1IER ACT 481 OF 1947 AS 'AlIlIlNDED SWarthmore 6-6000 Amount Amount FRIENDS MEETING NOTES HALLOWEEN Florist PARADE P()sitive/y/l •••••••••••• • ... • • • • • • • ••• ••• IT'S SO NICE TO HAVE A HOUSE AROUND A MAN 00 • • 00 • • • • 00 ••• 00....... • 00 • • 00 00 • • • • •••• 00 • • • • • • • • 00 00 . . • • • • • • • • (PA"'~"" l! CMttge!! Rate Source or Type of Tax Antlclpated Colleeted 1% 17.000.00 16.097.75 First Day School will open on Sunday, October 3, wltli Family RECEIPrB CURRENT EXPENSES 3 _ J Day at Meeting for Worship at Balance on har~d July 6. 1953. All funds excluslve or &inking fund ........• 45.361.29 General ContTol (A) ••..•• 10,525.56 11 o'clock. On the following two Sundays, there will be First Day property TaX Instruction (B) • • • . . . . •• 275.487.78 1953 ....... ,240.639.74 School assemblies held in the Per capitaAuxlliary Agencies and Meeting House at 10 a.m. I 1IIIIIIIIIIIUllIIIIIIIIIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllmlllllllllllillUllllllllllllllllllllnllllliiIIIIIIOIUIIIIIIIIII TaX 1953 .. t40.546.60 Coordinate Activities (0) 9.336.75 281.188.34 Real Estate Transfer Tax •....•.•..•••.•• Dellnquent taX 4,886.06 Operation ot SChool Pla.nt (PreVIOUS lOO.OO _Illation or _ _ ce at CI_ or 8chool Y.28 00 • • • • 00 . . . . 00 00 00 in Delaware Co. 878.406.81 00 . . . . • • • • • . . • • • • • • • 00 00 • • • • 00 00 00 -. DEPT. EDGMON'r AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. .. SChool building sites at BUls cost paid on New Bldg.) .......• (Includesa.nd Land and Textbooks and equipment e.t C05t •••••••..•••••...•.•••••••• HOSIERY -.....-.L..:..::~~~EH ESTER'S Fashion Corner 614.25 Total receipts. inclUdIng complete have BR1JCB D. 8IIr1'B BOBBRT R. KuRI ZF al,z RICHARD II. 8ia..... A1I41_ _Ie' ber 10. 11M all new • • • BURLINGTON \ HUMMING BIRD Burmil Cameo Skin Tone Colors To R.tter Your Complellion I I KAYSER l Service , HANES \ HOSIERY-FIRST FLoOR -,. ., , . -, ...: y Diluzio and Sons CARNS . ~ THURSDAY THE ~WARTHMOR~- 28, 7 Services for Joseph H, Perkins, Sr0, Today Edna Bockstein ASK COOPERATION The Cilizen's Commlttee on Public Safety recently appointed by Swartbmore Borough Council requests the submission In writing any hazardous situations which the writer believes should be considered or investigated. Letters of suggestion are to be addressed to the Citizens Safety Committee, care of Borough Hall. The commlttee· bas met twice, lengthily, and already considered a number of suggestions. It expects to be able to obtain a Cedar Lane Resident Dies Tuesday After Active Career comprehensive safety survey at Seth E. Lippard P.M.~ $a.50 PER YEAR SWAR1HMORE, FRIDAY, OcrOBER 8,1954 VOLUME 26-NUMBER 41 Services will be held at 3 p.m. this afternoon (Friday), October 8, in the Rigby Funeral Home, Media, under the supervision of the Swarthmore Friends Meeting for Joseph H. Perkins, Sr., of Cedar lane, who died at his home early on the morning of October 5, having been stricken the previous day with a coronary occlusion. He was 69. Mr. Perkins was born in Elkton, Md., on June 22, 1885. He was educated at Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Md., and graduated from l>elaware College, now the University of Delaware, with a B.S. d¢gree. In 1909 he received his M.S. from Delaware. He did additional study and taught chemistry for a short time at Swarthmore College. In 1908, he became Chief chemist for the Charles E. Hires Company, Philadelphia in which position he remained until his retirement in 1948. With his father J. Will Perkins of Elkton, he organized the firm of Perkins and Perkins, Ine., which manufacured fruit juices and soda fountain supplies in Elkton from 1913 to 1926. In 1915 he became also the manager and co-owner of the Elkton Gac Company, until 1923. In and around Swarthmore, he was well-known for his extensive rose garden on whieh he had concentrated much time and energy since his retirement. He shared his interest in 18th century Eng(Continued on Page 7) OCTOBER Service Tomorrow for Benjamin L. Kneedler Former Presbyterian Organist Died Wednesday Funeral services for Benjamin Lord Kneedler, former organist of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, will be held at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Cushing Funeral Home, 1807 Pine street, Philadelphia. Friends may call at the funeral home between 6 and 8 o'clock this evening. In .. terment will be in Arlington cem- no cost to tbe Borough. The committee bas studied etery, Drexel Hill. existing, potential dangers reMr. Kneedler passed away early lating to trallic hazards and Wednesday morning in the Lankoff-slreet hazards, as well as enau Hospital. where he had been an educallon program for both a patient for three weeks. He had children and aduUs In safety not be,en in perfect health for the matlers. past half-year. Since prompt attention to College, School Orchestra Born in Philadelphia on Febhazardous silu..tlons Is eonruary 12, 1883 he was the son of Parents Sponsor sldered Importsnt, the commltDavid and Hester Pattison Knnedtee hopes tbe suggestions of Pianist ler, niece of Pennsylvania's Govresidents will be malled soon. First Stated Meeting of ernor Pattison. He graduated from A piano recital by Edna BockWoman's Club Tues. stein, famous American pianist, Philadelphia's Northeast Hi g h will be held in Clothier Memorial School, attended the University of Afternoon on Friday evening, October 15 Pennsylvania and the Philadel. ' The first stated meeting of the phia Conservatory of ~usic. 1954. The recital Is being sponsorHe first came to the Swarthed by Swarthmore College and by Woman's Club of Swarthmore for the Orchestra Parents Association the year 1954-55 will be held more Church as organist when a of the Swarthmore Public Schools. Players' .club to Present Tuesday, October 12, at 2 p.m. at boy of only 13. Later, for some years, the local console was supIt will begin at 8:15 p.m. the club house. A poem will be 'Affairs of State' plied by one of his pupils, a Miss Bockstein is a native of read by Mrs. George Warren in Next Week Swartbmore girl named Alice New York City and received her observance of Pe~nsylvania Week. Emery, while he was organist at musical education in that city. "Affairs of State" will be the A program, "'Songs by Seth," various Philadelphia churches inShe Is a graduate of the Julliard October production of the Players will be given by S~th E. Lippard, cluding the Central CongregaSchool of Music and of the Julbaritone. The accompanist will be tional Church and the Church of liard Graduate School, to which Club of Swartbmore, ruunlng OcMrs. John Schott, a member of the Restoration. On October 20, she was awarded a Fellowship. tober 11 through Saturday, Octothe club and wife of the Reverend 1909 in the Swarthmore PresbyShe studied principally with ber 16. J ahn Schott, associate minister of terian Church Mr. Kneedler and James Frlskin, noted Bach exThis shOW, the first of the 1954- the Presbyterian Church. (Continued on Page 7) ponent. 55 season, is not one of those Edna Bockstein made her New uwith a message," nor is it \he Mr. Lippard is from North Carolina where he attended Wake York debut at Town Hall in 1941 type. College. He has studied voice for and has since given a number of "edge-of-cbair-suspense" uA~airs of State" is intended. to six years and was winner of the r~citals at that famous audltodo just one thing-entertain; to· Welsh Esteddfod Contest in 1954. rium, with much critical and popstart laughs, keep the audience Mr. Lippard was a singer in the ular success. She has played a laughing, and send it home with First Church of Christ Scientist, 25th Anniversary BrochuI' n that warm friendly feeling that Swarthmore, and is at present h(continuTed Page 6) baritone soloist at the First MethBudget Studied by an evening of skillful romantic odist Church in Germantown. He ot 0 Directors comedy can produce. is a resident of Lansdowne. Webster Nam~s Captains Dorothy Louis opened Verneuil's of State" a very"Affairs successful Mrs. Schott, who will accomFour months operation of the In Campaign For ' $15,000 Mrs. Dorothy Waldo Phillips Broadway run in 1950, starring pany the singer, is a former mem- Swarthmore Public Library was will speak on HHave you met 'the Celeste Holm and Reginald Owen. ber of the faculty of Eastman reported to the Library Board of Mr. Vemeuil is a .Frenchman; School of Music and of Wilson Directors' meeting Tuesday night The residential drive of the 1955 other half' of your child" at the this is his first play in English College, Chambersburg, Pa. She in the Library, Borough Hall. Community Chest will open in the first program meeting of the but bis wit and idiom are as received her A.B. degree from Dr. Robert E. Spiller, president Borough Tuesday, October 12, Swarthmore Mothers' Club on American as the World Series Syracuse University, her A.M. of the board, presided with DIunder the leadership of District Thursday, October 14, at 8:15 p.m. or Labor Day at the shore. from the University of Rochester, rectors Philip H. Jewett, Robert Director Maurice L. Webster, Jr. at McCahan Hall, Harvard aveTbis sparkling comedy is dir- and has studied at Fontainebleu, Brodhead, Birney K. Morse, Dr. The campaign in which 120 nue . J. Alfred Calhoun, Mrs. Peter E. Mrs. Phillips, authoress and ected by Richard Hook with France. Swarthmoreans will participate George Jarden and William CleHostesses for the day will be: Told, Mrs. John _Seybold and actively seeks to raise Swarth- teacher, was born in England, ed-ment assisting. The cast, a brilMrs. E. Shirley Borden, Mrs. Rob- Alice Barber present. more's quota of $15,000, its share ucated in English schools and at liant one, include. William price, ert P. Bradford, Mrs. Richard A. Dr. Calhoun, chairman of the in the $2,100,000 goal for Phila- the college of Neuchatel, Switzer- Marcy Roderick, Loreah Metcalf, Enion, and Mrs. Philip S. Wrights- committee on library practices, delphia and vicinity. Last year Ian. She was a member of the Ned Pyle, Isabel Seymour and man. Presiding at the tea will be reported extensive work done Swarthmore contributed $14,300. faculty at the former Mary LyolJ. Robert Gilfillan. Mrs. S. Milton Bryant and Mrs. throughout the summer by his Ninteen Red Feather Agencies in Junior College, teaching courses "Affairs of State" has the inRobert L. Coates. committee which had reviewed the close vicinity depend on the on human relations and conducted gredients of a fast moving comthe magazine SUbscriptions of the similar courses at Valley Forge drive for funds. edy-an ex-Secretary of State in NURSING BOARD library and had withdrawn a few Mr. Webster has divided the Military Academy, Wayne. Mrs. danger of losing his attractive, seldom circulated and added borough into 19 sections, each Phillips was also director and or- youngish wife to a United States FETES STAFF "L'Illustration," "Sports," "Photosection with a soliciting team ganizer of the children's camp and Senator, but controlling the sitThe Board of Directors of the graphy," "Etude," and "Parents summer curriculum at SkytoP, for headed by a captain. uation with such diplomacY that Community Health Society of Magazine." The recommendation Captains who have assumed 16 years. She is the author of a book, it is to be wished there were half Centra:! Delaware County enter- of the committee that the magresponsibility for districts In the dozen like him in Washington tained the seven staff members at azines be reviewed and their circurrent drive include Leonard C. "Dear Mrs. Bender," as well as today. Add the Senator, who starts luncheon at the Ingleneuk Wed- culation studied annually recetved Ashton, W. Mark Bittle, Mrs. J. many magazine articles in such out knowing just what he wants nesday, prior to the proposed the unanimous support of the Paul Brown, Mrs. C. Fay Camp- publications as "National Parent- politically and emotionally, but consolidation. Twenty-four mem- board. bell, Isaac G. Darlington, R. E. Teacher" and "Highlights for becomes increasingly confused as b Dr. Calhoun also presented copy ers of the Board were present. f or a twenty-fifth anniversary Farrington, Mrs. Casper S. Gar- Children.'; She has conducted the action progresses. A school teacher from MinneaMrs. Carl Schmitt, president, pamphlet on which his commitrett, Mrs. Morris L. Hicks, Mrs. state wide conferences and projects on education for living under polis leaves teaching for a three expressed the board's appreciation tee has been working throughout Ernest A. Isberg, Charles C. Matthe auspices of the State Ameriyear contract as a wife, because of the high c~liber. of the staff's the summer. A sketch of the litin, Walker Penfield, Theodore W. Prescott, Theodore L. Purnell, can Association of University the pay is betterl Then there is wor~. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Goff, ex- brary window drawn and conMrs. John W. Seybold, John F. Women of Wisconsin, Michigan the present secretary of Stafe a eculive director of the Commu- tributed by Alice Barber to the Spencer, W. W. Watkins, and and Missouri. Sponsored for manY jovial and hearty politician, p;"" nUy Nursing Service, Delaware library received the praise of the years by the Ohio Congress of ponent of a ''hI-partisan theatrical County, responded to greetings at board. The pamphlet goes Into Raymond F. Winch. Parents and Teachers, she con- policy" for the nation, and won,- this, the final meeting of the preparation immediately by action Soliciting teams are now virof the board. tually organi2ed and will be an- ducted institute programs and derfully unaware of the chicanery board. worked in public schOOls in Ohio. going on around him. In a sUrprise presentation, the Librarian Bettina Hunter renounced soon. Hostesses for the evening will season these ingredients well staff presented each director with ported a peak circulation to date Mr. Webster will be assisted by be Mrs. James Foller and Mrs. with fast moving dialogue and a a small memento bearing the of 20,119 books during the four Porrs. Hugh O. Thayer, secretary. first-rate cast; the result is a dish name of the society, a picture of months. Of this figure, 12,040 were Porrs. Thayer's work will be shared E. S. Adams. The annual Kiddie Karrdval that will surely appeal to every- a publIc health nurse, and the borrowed by adult readers, 8,by Mrs. Leonard C, Ashton, Mrs. C. Fay Campbell, Mrs. H. H. Gib- will be held Saturday, October 23, one'S taste. CurtaIn time Is 8: 20 dates of the society's existence, 079 by the younger readers. Vaca_ ,1921 to 1954. (Continued on Page 8) SOn, Jr., Mrs. O. M. Book and at the old bank building lot on p.rn. Rutgers avenue. Mrs. C. L. Mao. Edna Bockstein in Concert Here Oct. 13 Commun"lty Chest Drive. Starts Tuesday M Hook Directs 1st Play of Season Library Circulation Reaches New' Peak °H ers ear Phillips ".". THE SWARTIlMOREAN . I 0e101ier 8, 1954 THE SWARTHMOREAN PlIiIe2 'South Orange, New Jersey, will The church pews were decorated and Is the grandson of Mr. and Muhlenburg avenue announce the , serve as best man for his brother. with candelabra entwined with Mrs. William R. Huey of Dickin- birth Qf a son,' Jeffrey David, on son avenue and Mr. and' Mrs. E. September 26 at the Sacred Heart Ushers will include Mr. Thomas smilax vines. The bride, given in marriage by C. Gustafson of Metuchen, N. J. HospitaL Mr. and Mrs. Field have Mr. and Mrs. James B. Doug- I.ee Reeves of darden City, broththree other children, two girls and las of North Chester road, and er of the bride; Mr. Earl Wesley lIer father, wore a wedding gown Mr. and 'Mrs. David Field of a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoemak- Veazey of ,Newry, brother-in-law of lace over white satin featuring er of Riverview road attended the of the groom; Mr. John Carl Rut- nylon net pleated inserts in front, golden wedding anniversary of ledge and Mr. John E. Burkam, a rounded 'neekllne, and long tapMr. and Mrs. Edward von Palnen- both of Rutledge. erlng sleeves. Her linger-tip illuberg In Sprlni Valley, N. Y., on slon vell fell from a satin crown Saturday, October 2. Mrs. DougTO WED IN DECEMBER of rhinestones and pearls and she ,las was a classmate of, Mrs. von The malrlage of Miss Jean RoW carried a cascade bouquet of white Palnenberg when they attended fugl chrysanthemums. Mitchft!I, daughtero~ MI'. and Mrs. BEAUTY SALON ' d 11 Swarthmore Co ege an was a ,J'ohn Allen Mitehell , "Jem mll," Mrs. James Balderston of Montbridesmaid at her wedding. Haverford, and Mr. charles Evans clair, N. J., as matron of honor for IT'S CARIN. THAT SAYES THE WIARIN. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoe- GilleSpIe, of Mrs. George her cousin wore a ballerina gown maker of Riverview road e,nter- GIllespie of Stratli Haven avenue, of peacock blue taffeta and carried 9 South Chester Road talned a fam1ly party of 18 for ~1I take place on Saturday, De- bronze and yellow ehrysantheCan SWarthmore 6.0476 dinner at the Ingleneuk on Wed- cember 4, at 4 o'clock in the Rid-I ~'lDlS entwined with croton leaves. nesday. The .pariy was in honor It.y Park Presbyterian, Church, wore ivy entwined with chryof Mrs. Shoemakei-'s sister, Mrs. Ridley Park. ssnthemum petals in her hair. John S. Salom of South Harpswell, The Reveren.d Mr. James Harold The bridesmBids, similarly atMaine, and Mrs. William R. War; Guy Will perform the ceremony. tlre d ,were Mrs. Willi am Fisch er .A..,LY DINNIRS to SUIT ".1ASTI of DIRYONi ner III of Norristown who are . A reception will follo~ the cere- and Miss Joan Eynon of SwarihTENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order sailing with Mr. Salom for Eur- mony at the Rose Tree Fox Hunt- more, Miss Constance :KD.owles of EXCEJJ.ENT BANQUET ANn PARTY FACunmS ope on Monday. ing Club, Media. Parkslde, MIss Giorla Feil.ce of BUSINESS MEN'S LUNcH 12.1,30 P. M. Dr. Wallace W. McCrary of Philadelphia, and Miss Caroline IiININ. ROOMS ow. LOllY AIR CONDITIONED Westminster avenue has been REYNOLDS _ CHARLES Shorilidge of Paoli. elected a Fellow of the PhiladelMr. Drew served best man Comfortable Rooms Day ar Week Elevator phia College of Physicians. lI;Jembers of the immediate fam- for his son, and the ushers inPvt. Lyman Darling of Lafayette Illes attended the marriage of cluded Mssrs. WllI1am Fischer, avenue has recenUy been trans- Miss Barbara Jean Charles, William Scholl, William McIntire \. . . ferred to Schwabish Hall in the daughter of !\fr. and Mrs. William and Charles Giles of Swarthmore, ,Ycile IrHarvard Avenues. Swartllmo.... Pa. southern part of Germany. J. Charles of Sharon mll, to En- and, Mr. Milton Helmuth of WALTIIt E. PA!lltOTT, M,r., FiE. PARKiN. Mr. Carl de Moll of Park ave- sign Samuel Dornon Reynolds, Springtield. nue returned on Saturday from Jr., USNR, son of Mr. and' Mrs. The bride's mother chose Ii gown Jefferson Hospital where he has Reynolds of Swarthmore. The f bl el t f turI and half weeks. 0 navy ue v ve ea ng a been for three • double ring ceremony took place squafC coUar of rhinestones and ,Mr. and l\!rs. H. W. Dodson of FrIday evening, October I, at pearls. She wore a piJik velvet 801 Harvard avenue have had as the All Saints Protestant Episco- hat and carried piJik carnations. their guests this w~ Mr. Dod- pal Church In Darby. The Rev. A reception was held after the ZEltE! PRESTONE' son's mother, 'Mrs. James H. Dod~ Charles' D. Snowden officiated., ceremony at the Rolling Green 'son of Niles, Ohio, and his sister, Given in marriage by her father, Golf Club ID Springfield. FollowAUTO JtEPAIRS Mrs. RusseJl Seiple and Mr. SeIple the bride wore an ankle-length Ing aWE.d.ciliig trip to AUantic ROBERT J.ATZ. Owner . of Massllon; Ohio. gown' of white satin and Chantilly City the couple will llve at 324 Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Ford lace. Her Illusion vell was attached South Scott avenue, Glenolden. bride is a graduate of drove to Grenwlch, Conn., on Sat- to a lace headpiece. She carried urday,' October 2, to attend the small white roses and stephanotls'IFJie"ds' Central and attended 'EarlAuto Lite Batterle. Wheel Billaaclng , wedding of Mrs. Ford's ,cousin, Mrs. Leon W. Cottrell was ham, College and the University iJarimoulith .nd, Lafayett. Avenue. ,SW 60440, Mr. Truxton B. Pratt, Jr., of Mont- matron of honor' for her sister. of Pennsylvania. The groom served clair, N. J. 'to Miss Elliabeth Love She wore an allkle-length gown In Korea, and attended the UniStrattQn . of Belle Haven, Gren- of shrimp-colored tissue, taffeta versity of VIrginia. Wich. They also visited Mrs. Ford's and carried a cascade bouquet of motber" Mrs. Sewall S. Shaw, Jr" lilVender asters. Bl'RTtiS in Brooklyn, N. Y. t4r. Wali!>r C. ReynQ~ds was his WEEK hrotlier's best man. Mr. Cottrell ~. and Mrs. A. R. Maa''';'' of ENGAGEMEN:r served as usher. Cornell avenue, imnourice t1ie Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Jones of " The bride's mother wore a dreJ!s birth of a' daughter on WednesRIIY'I'AMIC .EXERCI5JS fOr ~DUlTS ....;.Friihiys,' 9 A. M. Strath Haven avenue announce the of steel-blue taffeta with piJik day,OctoDer ii, weight 8 pOunds. engagement,ofthetr daughter, Miss accessories. The groom's mother The child is granddaughter of Coil SWarthmore 6-6476' " WOMAN'S CLUB Rosamond ' Jones, to Mr. John M. wore 'a dress of garnet shading ,and Mrs. H. M. Anderson Hannum,-,SO\l of Mrs. ~*: Pen- \i1toblue and navy accessories. of Urbana, m., and Mr. and Mrs. rose Hann~" Jr., of Media', and ' After a short honeymoon in the G. E. 1I(aass ot St. Lapis, Mo. Mr. (HflOREN'S RHYTHMIC DANCING-Thundays, 3:30 P.M. the late Mr. HlIIlIlum.' Pocono., the couple will reside at and Mrs. MaasS have two ,other SW. 6-1808 or 6-8153' Kindergarten Rm" College Avo., School I the home otthe bride while children~ twin sori:i, Andrew and Bridal Festivities' awaiting Ensign Reynora's per- David. ' C Ch manent duty orders. Mr. an d Mrs. WilU am. eeseMr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Snyman of' Lansdowne will give a The bride was graduated from dinner party at their home fol- the Pennsylvania State Univer- der of Hatboro, Pa., announce the lowing the rehearssl of the wed- sity in 1953. Mr. Reynolds re- birth on September 29 of their ding of Miss Jeryl Faulkner to ceived his B.S. degree In metal- third c~ild and IIrst son, Kenneth -THEATRE SQUARE Mr. Julius Charles Townsend III lurgical engineering' from Lehigh Moore Snyder, Jr. The baby is a which will take piace on Saturday, University in 1953. grandso".of Howard M. and Elsa Alrconii,t'on'n, for Your 56opp'II, Comfort P. Jenkins and a g.eat-grandson October 9 in the Swarihmore Presof Edward A. and Ellen A. Jel~- ,I byterian Church. Included in the CALL FOR aild DELIVERY SERVICE festivities will be the brldai party Miss Marjorie D. Lang, daughter kins, all of North Chester road, and, the out-of-town guests. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Lang Swarihmore. Ain,'e FREE Parlling There will be a luncheon given of Dickinson avenue, became the on saturber 10, at 5: 30 p.m. The PERSONAL TOUCH ill Catering of Church School will be held. , A celebration of the Holy ComImmediately following tI1e 11 munion . will be held at Trinity o'clock ~ervice, the congregatiC?D Church Sunday morning at B, 0'will meet in the Woman's A8s4?clock. Children in the 3rd grade cla~on ~m for a coffee hour, and up will meet fo/ Chutch with speclal guests this Sunday School at 9: 30, and those in the from two zones: Zone A-2, whose zone leader is Mrs. Thomas H. 2nd grade and down will meet at 11 o'clock. The regular service of METHODIST NOTES Ingram, and, Zone 5-6, whose zone Morning Prayer will be held at Church School classes will meet leaders are Mr. and Mrs. Fred 11 o'clock. The Young People's on Sunday at 9: 45 a.m. with Wilson, Jr. Fellowship will meet at 7: 30 p.m. classes for all ages beginning at Sunday evening, the SenIor Those serving as ushers Sunday two years. There Is a new Young mgh Fellowship will /iold the w1I1 be: C. B. Blake, C. S. Brown, Adults Builders Class. regular Supper ·meetlng starting W. R. Fawcett, E. M. Hillary, C. At the 11 a.m. Morning Wor- at 6,:30 p.m. The program for the S. Keller, R. B. Price, Jos. Rey- ship, Rev. John C. Kulp, pastor, meeting will be a continuation of nolds, and H. G. Toland. George will use as his sermon subject, a discuSsion on "The Meimlng of Hansell will serve as acolyte at "God's Man for These Times.... the Bible." Tbe Young Adults 8 o'clock Sunday morning, and There will be two nurseries for group will meet also at 6: 30' p.m. John Walmsley at 11. During the children. Infants to 18 months will for a supper meeting. 11 o'clock session ot the Church l>e cared for by mothers in the The Couples Club will hold the School LInda Reed will assist in nursery room. Children from 18 monthly meeting on Monday, Octhe nursery. months to five years will be under tob~ 11, at 6: 30 p.m. In lI.JcCahan The Boy's Choir will rehearse the supervision of Mrs. Henry Hall. The theme· of the prQj(ram on Monday and Wednesday at 4 , •• ~. and a selected staff. There will be Scandanavian, ,with, a O'clock, the Girls' Choir rehearsal is a Junior Church program under smorg~$bord, games and Ii mOVIe. will be held on Monday at 5 d- the supervision of Mrs. Alton The couple, in charge this month clock, and the Men's and Boys' Smith. Grades one to live Inclu- will be Mr. ,anll Mrs., George Chotr will rehearse on Thursday slve w1I1 sit in a body at the front Welss.;-',":" ' " evening at 7: 30. of the church and be excw;ed to On 'Tu~:r..' evening, October The Vestry will meet at 8 0'- the extended Junior ,Church ses- 12, the Boiaid..of Trustees will hold clock Monday evenlnJt. in the Rec- sion during the singing of the Its ~egu1ar' monthlY meeting at tor's study. second bymn. 7:30 p.m. lrithe Woman's AssoOn Tuesday, immediately after Ushers at the morning service clation Room. ' school, the arts and crafts group will be Charles Grier, head usher, The Woman's Association "\vill will meet 'in the basement of the assisted by George Shubert. Ed- meet on Wednesday, October 13. church. All children interested in ward Alston, Wi1llam Collenberll, There will be a Board of Director'. making things tor the Holiday John Corke and Charles Huinmer, meeting in the Women's AssocllJFair are invited to come. A service Greetin!l at the door c'!!li1l be tion Room at 10: 30 a.m., which of Evening Prayer will be held at ,and ~. lAImuel aC!l~, will be followed by Devotions for 5: 30 p.m. aI\d ,at 8 o'clock the The Method,llrt Yputh, Fel1o~ship the whole association at 12 noon fIrst~~m~ee~tin~g~o:f~th~e~Ev~e:n~ln~g~~~1 w1I1 meet at the church at 7 P, m. in the ChUl'Ch, led by Mrs. Donald _ The annllal B:ls1!pP's mbbard. be CHURCH SERVICES Confe,~ce for the South Dlstrlct 1.. served at 12: A 30 luncheon by Circle will 3, Mrs. convenes at Calvary Methodist J. V. S. Bishop, chairman. The PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Church, 48th and. Baltimore ave- program will be a brief report by Joseph P. Bisbop, Minister nue, Philadelphia on Monday with Mrs. Theodore D. Stevenson and John Schott, Aaioclate ~ , sess£ons at. 3:30, dinner at 5:30 Mrs. Peter E. Told on the ,WomSunday, October 10 ' and a rally, at 7:45. . en's Quadrennial at Purdue, fol9:30-11 :00 A.M•...-..church School. ThE!. TeaChe" ,T!~ing,. Session lowed hy." a pr0urs regular Choirs will meet and reMETHODIST CHURCH for counseling In the church office hearse at their respective hours; on Tuesday fro!" 4 to 5 and 7 to Primary Choir at 3:30 p.m., WestJOHN C. ~ste:.D., M.A., 8 p.m., . minster Choir at 4: 15 and Chancel p Cottage. Prayer GMrou 1d Choir at 7:30 p.m. Thursday evenEDWARD THORNTON, A.B., AssIstant MInIster meet at t~e home of r. an rs. Ing at 8 p.m. the Christian EduMRS. RUTH G. NICELY, W. Lovekin, 408 Haverford place, cation Committee Vlill meet in Organist-Director of Music at 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Mrs. Paul the Woman's Association Room Sunday, October 10 M. Paulson will be the leader. for a monthly meeting. 9:45 A.M.~urch School At 8: 30 p.m. OJ) Tuesday even11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. Ing Cottage Player Group 2 (for Ushers for the m~nth of hocto~3eOr tJiose with young children) will will be as follows. At t e 9., TRlNl:rY CHURCH meet at the, home of Mr. and services: Messrs. Graham S. H. LaS'':~~~~J!:~rio Rector Mrs. George Glaesser, 309 Dart- Wentz, Augustus S. Titus, Robert 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. mouth avenue Mr Ed Thornton G. Gllllllan, Jr., Clark R. Allison, 9:30 A.M.-Church School (3rd will be the l~ader: The memory a~d Roland 1... Coit. At the 11 grade and up.) verse for these two groups Is 0 clock services. Messrs. Harold 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. Pro b 3' 56 C. Mabbott, R. D. Fetherolf. 'David ver s . , . B' h Layto Nrtbru J ' 11:00 A.M.--Church School (2nd Th W S C S luncheon and gen- wg am, n 0 p, ames gratle and down. eral ':n~~ ~1lI meet at 12: 30 Hornaday, Ernest Isberg, Matthew 7:30 P.M.-Young, People's FelW dn d y The program McKinnell. and Edward M. Mcnlowship. p.m. on e es a . aIn Tuesday, October 18 will be on a missionary theme. w . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5:30 P.M.-Evenlng Prayer. Scout Troop 3 will meet In the Wednesday, October 13 Social Hall at 7 p.m. on Wednes- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. day., The everrav~b1Uty of the FrIday, October 15 ". C~uregatl"Pal Meeting Is heauiig ~wei- ot th~'Christ, Truth, 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. called by the Board of Trustees will be brought out at Christian THE RELIGIOUS SOC;IE;;;;l;;l(:the Q~ asking the en- Sclenqe servt~ @is $\indaY. ill OP FRIENDS l'cilimlHinneIlt the church corpor- the Lesson-Sermon entitled "Are Snnday, October 11 ation for the amount of $20,000 Sin, Disease; and" DealJi RealY" 10:00 lIi..M.-Flrst Day School As- SQ 't)i,,\tbe wor~ approved by the Selections to be read' from the sembly In Meeting House. C mmitt d Board of 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Building 0 ee an Bible include the acCount of Christ Trustees and outlined In the .~ed- Jesus' healing of the .leper, as All are welcome to join uS: Monday, October 11 ule mailed to each member mlght given ill Matlhe"" (II: 1-3): "When All day sewing for A. F. S. C. comple~,,: . he was come doWn'from the mounWednesday. 0cI0ber 13 The teac,her trs1ning session wdl taln, ~t ,m!Jltltu(les followed All day sewing for ~ee\ at 8:30 P.l!'· on Wednesday him. And; behold, there came a FIRST CHURCIf'oF ai the' hoine of Mr. and Mrs, leper and worshipped him, sayCHRIST, SCIENTIST , ICI~~:~, Hoover. ing, .Lord, .if thou Wilt, thou canst SWARTHMORE chOirs will rehearse on make me elean. And Jesus put Park Avenue belowllaTVarll Thursday, Cherub Choir at 3:30 forth his hand, and touched him, It_day. October 1. p.m.; Junior choir at 4 p.m.; and saying, I will; be thou ,clean. And 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. , the chancel choir at 8 p.m. lrnIlledlately his leprosy was 1t~ Ab!" ..Ai:est:,n~as!t:m:d Reporters tor the "Caller," the cleansed." new monthly cburch paper, must A cordtai invitation is eztended Death Real? meetiDa send or deliver their ~es :: to all to attend the ~ces at 11 Mrs. Raymond ~~Oeto- a.m~ rust ~'" CIuis\ Park t.!~~, .venue. avenue, SwarthlDore. of the Woman's Auxiliary will be Your Cocktail Party or Tea' Fancy sandwiches - hors d'oeuvres Whalever your choice may ,be - Now Avalfab'. '''rou,6 THE INGLENEUK , SW 6·7848 SW 6·4569 OLIVER H.. BAIR founded our organization 76 years ago~ lhe lame family operates h today. • 1M' OLIVER H. lAIR CO. , MIICI. . . . .' . . . . .' · 1120 C18,I.YNUT IIIMI H.IAII, , ",r nun MAlI A. ..........., "i,ph........1111 rl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLASSICS MACSHORE ;;111 ¥!8 '1 Wed•• TII.rs.. FrI. Ir Sat. I .......' , Lay Away Now ...... ...... ...... • $I~ Patterns arid Colors ..................... ChI •••"."_ &. Tn_' $100 and $180 I, "MAN WITH A. MILL'ON" , "ROSE ~ARIE" of , ____ c : . . . " = - FrI. ,Ir Sat. ' sii... Ma.. & TMs. G IF y'! ~~S 9 x 12 Cofton $40 , The Blouse That's Distinctively; You On the scene wh\1rever t4e smart l;IU'eer ~rl goes . . . this trimly tailored blouse by Macshore In NOFADE impllrted 1!jm.IMt~tWm au~n, 'i~. doneJ~y:ctS. two b~t­ ron novelt')' pooJiet;- Wblte, melba, gold, royal. firebird red. black. s~ 80 to, 88. _15 South Chester Road .- .... • ~ • - ,~""- -,,, > . - _. , ... --~~--,- THE SWARTBMOREAN United Nations Day In BoroOctober 24 Local Churchmen Announ Plans fO'r Community U. N. Sunday • three or foUr specific problems of the United Nations which will be announced in the social science classes of the high school and for which resource material for study will be available In the school. A trip to the United Nations Hearquarters in New York is planned for Tuesday, October 19, ,!nd hl&b scho;>ol students especial_ ly will be urged to take advantage of this opportunity. It is hoped this will be a com_ munity project in which every citizen of Swarthmore has a part. Each organization In Swarthmore is asked to participate in three ways, (1) to act as a sponsor of the program, (2) to inform and interest each member of the group In the program, and (3) to help lInance the program. The expenses will not be large but printing costs and travel expenses' of the speakers will haire to be paid. Dean Everett L. Hunt in chairman of the local committee. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, the Rev. A. N. Clerk, the Rev. John C. Kulp, and the Rev. H. Lawrence WhIttemore comprise the committee. • • take the _ •.•• ~~._ . . . . __ Ie',. Invite Parents to • . H •Igh School Nlg"t Dr. Frederick H. Allen A High School Night program ',. 'NotedPsyschiatrist . Chistian Science Teaches Reliance On God Alone tOTH GRADE TEA •. : , ,:, '-. ' 7 ; .- ..-..... i The 10th Irade molbers wlll hold, a iea in' tile §w~rthmore High Sche>IlJ ~~~terla on Oct!)ber 14, at 2:1~. :William ~. Bllllh, principlll; ~ R. ~orey, and James ~. Irwin will be present at the tea. Friday, Oelgber 15, 1954 at 8:15 p.. M. . - - -;.. . First Church of Christ, Scientist • ' .. I ," _ .-;:. '. . ' AVENuE, SWARTBMOR.E, PA. 206 ,PARK I 4". ~e oor4~ly. in"ited DIAMOND CRYSTAL When dusk steals over the OCfober skiesdeath steals over Pennsylvanili'sliighwa'ys! } ~ I If the year's total of traffic accidents between the twilight hours of four to six P.M. were Immmed up in one two-hour period-it would mean a death every 34 seconds •• ; two people injured every scco;'ld. ~ FREE with purchase of 2 pkgs. LABEL co. - op SPECIALS Tornato JU'~ c A little caution goes a long way at dusk. It can save your life on the highway. Twilight is the most dangerous time to drive. Light·is tricky. Make allowances for this by slowing down. ! Salt & Pepper .Shakers . Stay well within posted speed limits. ~. FOOD MARKET 40~ DARtMOUTH AVENUE Weekend of October 8, 1954 46-oz. can 34c . Ap~e MARTEL BROTHERS ATZ AUTO SERVICE HORACE A. REEVES B. J. HOY, 5 AND 10 STRATB HAV£N INN '6 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SWARTHMORE co-OP W. MARK BI'I"I'LE BAIRD and BIRD BUCHNER'S, INC. JOYCE LEWIS Sweet Potatoes E. L. NOYES and CO. 18-oz. can 27c THE SWARTHMOREAN HANNUM &: WArrE PEI'ER E. TOLD MICIfAEl,'S COI.I·EGE Vacuum Packed THE INGLENEUK. DELAWARE COUNTY Cranberry Sauce PHARMACY • • I \ 21/2 size can l6c . , 11..." c.n 1ge • d. ,S,t~(,1m~ A.Sm '.... c···22c TOMATO KETCHUP Sirloin - T-Bone - Porterhouse 14-oz. bottle 23c Extra Fancy White or Yellow Juice Pumpkin THE BOUQUET· HEINZ ,STEAKS ~WIET one quart 2S c J. A. GREEN lb. pkg. 49c - ~6-oz. can 43c Large SilI:e WALNUTS SWIFT'S PREMIUM . . , A,pricot Nectar 7ge .CALIFORNIA WHOLE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .5? t~. SHANK ENDS ......•.............. .63 lb. BUTT ENDS ...•.••.••.••.....••.•." .65 lb. Pineapple Jui~e * '2 lb. pkg. SMOKED HAMS 46-oz. c;an 2S MAKE 1954 THE SAFEST YEAR. EVER I 100% rURE PARADICHLOROBENZENE SALT Objects take on a false sense of distance -they are nearer than' you think. Then be on the alert for sudden stops ••• cars making turns ••• cars coming out of side roads . ~ • clearance distance when pasSing. You can escape this "murder by the clock" by remembering: , IODIZED Turn your headlights on at the first ',J • sign' of dusk-and don't "override" your headlights. Confers wi" la •••rs Harold Ogram of Riverview road, vice-president of the First National Bank of Delaware County in charge of the Swarthmore office, attended meetings of the Council of Administration of the Pennsylvania Bankers Association on Sunday and Monday at State College. will be held at the SwarUunore High School on Tuesday, October 12, at 7:45 p.m. During the homeroom period which will begin at 7: 45, each parent will be given a copy of . Doris Greene of South Chester his or her son's or daughter's road left on September 22 to beschedule. This homeroom period gin her senior year at the Uniwill be followed by six 15 minute versitY of Delaware In NeWark. periods, during w'hich the teachers will endeavor to acquaint the par$600 MONTHLY ents with the work planned for this year. StarHn9 salary for 2 executly..trp. It !shoped that an' parents wtl\ sol•• men to rep"-sen' 10"1e Eadem make a particular ellort to be financial corporaHon. No· tra.,.I. Sal. present, for this program. It has, .xperf.nc~ and ability desired, "tab-in the past, been of great interest U"'" ,.lldea', 254 yean Old, mar~ to parents and of repl value to the 'led. capabli of o·S$um'"~ ","".IbU.. ; .." 'ft' nqu.tHn9 lnt....t.,,· plea.. faculty. In many cases It has Iff fnclude brief personal htdory. all Dr. Frederick H. Allen will enabled parents and the school replies confidlalal. Our IGlasmen have speak Monday evening, October 11 to work more co-operatively in b.en Inform.d of thts ad. loa: A. L the 'educatlonallprogram that has Swarthmorean. at 8 p.m. at the first meetU;g ~f been developed for our students. the school year of the Swarthmore PresbYler;'an Nursery Day School. His .topic will be' "The Child Becomes -s: Person." Dr. Allen is Director of the NEED GRAY LADIES Philadelphia C h i1 d Guidance A class to train Red Cl'OIl!! Cllnlc, Clinical Pr\>fessor of Psy-. Gra)' .LacHes' for Blood ServiCe chiatry at the University of PennoDIy Is seheduled lor Wednes- sylv8pJa, and President of the da)', October 27, In Ihe Assem- Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society. ATTEND A FREE LECI'vRE ENTITLED bl), Room. Re.t· Cm... Bead- He Is internationallY known in the guartiors; 71h 800r, 253 N. Broad, Held of child psychology and is a "Christian Science past president of the International Phliadelphla. A Religion Of Mrs. George Plo~, local Association of Child PsychiatrY.. chainnan of Gra)' La4les, states The meeting will take place in -Demonstrable Prayer" . ~ II ' .', the Women's Association Room of thai the .Red C1'vss Is badJ;V In '. by . Deed of volwtleer Gra), Ladies the Prl)Sbyt~rian Church, and is to.ro~" on mollDe UBi", and in open to all who would like to Belen Appleton, C. s. 'Boston, Mase., member of the Board of the Blood Center 11.1 Chapter come. . Lec\o~p ~t The MoOler Ch~h, 'fhe ~ ~ureh ,,' christ. Solentillt, Boston, Mass. . . ,'. . Headq~;· She a'sb .n"one A committee of Swarthmore citizens has initiated plans for a cominunlty program on United N ations Day; October 24. This program will support President EIsenhower's Proclamation of June 24, urging the "citizens of this Nation to observe Sunday, October 24, 1954, as United' Nations Day with. community pro~ grams that will demonstrate their faith' and support of the United Nations and create .. better public understanding of iis aIms, , , acNeyemen~ an4 prol)lems." ....... , : _. I:' The main feature of the program .wlUbe ii piinel discussion to be held in the Swarthmore Frieno;J's ~eetlng 1I0US~ at 8 p.rn. on the subject "What Should the UnIted States POllCY Be 'Toward the United Nations?" Tl\e moderator of this panel will be Dr. Philip E. Jacob, Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvanlll, and. the' other participants will be His Exellency James Barrington, Ambassador from Burma to the United States and perma_ nent representative to the United Nations; General Hugh B. Hester, Brigadier" General of the United suites AnDy, (retired); Ivan H. Peterman, columnist, Philadelpltla Inquirer; and one other with whiimarrangements are not yet completed. . During the afternoon, therewtll be informal c:iJscuS$lon groups of IbtereSte.i' &0 arl'&Di-e. with her cj)~ onOdober co~tej!~ ~d ~,:"~hool ~ge young to peopl". The leaders of these dIs- 27. All appHOUlIll m_ be becussl()11 groups will include members . oftJiepl)ii~j,alBclence de- ,tweeD. the &Pi of 21 and 55 aDd have luid a hlCh sChool edpartm~nts of Swarthmore College el_ on and University of Pennsylvania. These discussions .be based on • Pap 5 ' POTATOES C R IS C.O Jumbo Stalk b~nch 23~, PASCAL CELERY La,.. . . ~ :. ..... ' 2 'b 29c GREEN BEANS Pink Seedless • GRAPEFRUIT • Mrs. H FR -15-. . FRENC . , .. '" _., . an4 " . 'au"s ~RABC4I(ES \ . Bot.. for Coupon worth 1Oc on each label KEEBLER EXTRA SPECIAL .rod·s 3 .". can 99e.· , CRACKERS " 49c New p'ackage IIb.pkg. 39c INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE October TIlE SWARTHMOREAN Page 4 S. 1954. October 8, 1954 United Nations Day In Boro October 24 Local Churchmen Announ Plans for Community U. N. Sunday three or four specific problems of the United Nations which will be THE SWARTImIOREAN Page 5 Dr. Frederick H. Allen Confers with Bankers Invite Parents to • • Harold Ogram of Riverview High Se:hool Night, road, vice-president of the First announced in the social science classes of the high school and fo which resource material for stud ~ will be available in the school. ) A trip to the United Nations Hearquarters in New York is planned for Tuesday, October 19, A committee of Swarthmore and high school students especial_ citizens has initiated plans for a ly will be urged to take advantage of this opportunity. community program on United It is hoped this will be a com_ Nations Day, October 24. munity project in which every This program will support Pres- citizen of Swarthmore has a part. ident Eisenhower's Proclamation Each organization in Swarthmore of June 24, urging the ucitizens is asked to participate in three of this Nation to observe Sunday, ways, (J) to act as a sponsor of October 24, 1954, as United Na- the program, (2) to inform and tions Day with community pro~ interest each member of the group in the program, and (3) to help grams that will demonstrate their finance the program. The exfaith and support of the United penses will not be large but printNations and create a better public ing costs and travel expenses of understanding of its aim s the speakers will have to be paid. achievements and problems." , Dean Everett L. Hunt in chairThe main feature of the pro- man of the local committee. The gram will be a panel discussion to Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, the Rev. be held in the Swarthmore A. N. Clerk, the Rev. John C. Friend's Meeting House at 8 p.m. Kulp, and the Rev. H. Lawrence on the subject "What Should the Whittemore comprise the commitUnited States Policy Be Toward tee. the United Nations?" The moderator of this panel will be D.r. Philip NEED GRAY LADIES E. Jacob, Professor of Political A class to train Red Cross Science, University of PennsylvaGray Ladies for Blood Service nia, and the' other participants only Is scheduled ror Wedneswill be His Exellency James Barday, October 27, In the Assemrington, Ambassador from Burma bly Room, Red Cross Headto the United States and permanent representative to the United goarters, 7th floor. 253 N. Broad, Nations; General Hugh B. Hester, Philadelphia. Mrs. George Plowman, local Brigadier General of the United chairman of Gray Ladles, states States Army, (retired); Ivan H. Peterman, columnist, Philadelphia that the Red Cross is badly In Inquirer; and one other with need of volunteer Gray Ladies whom arrangements are not yet 10 work on mobile units and in Ihe Blood Cenler at Chapter completed. During the afternoon, there will Headquarters. She ask. anyone be informal discussion groups of interested to arrange with her college and high-school age young to lake the course on October peoille. The leaders of these dis- 27. All applicants must be becussion groups will include members of the political science de- Iween the ages of :U and 55 partments of Swarthmore College and have had a high school education. Registration closes on and University of Pennsylvania. These discussions will be based on October 22. A High School Night program National Bank of Delaware County in charge of the Swarthmore will be held at the Swarthmore office, attended meetings of the High School on Tuesday, October Council of Administration of the 12, at 7:45 p.m. Pennsylvania Bankers Association on Sunday and Monday at State During the homeroom period College. which will begin at 7:45, each parent will be given a copy of Doris Greene of South Chester his or her son's or daughter's road left on September 22 to beschedule. This homeroom period gin her senior year at the Uniwill be followed by six 15 minute versity of Delaware in Newark. periods. during which the teachers will endeavor to acquaint the par$600 MONTHLY ents with the work planned for this year. Starting solory for 2 .x.cuti.....typ. It is hoped that all parents will solesmen to repr"ent lor9' Eadem make a particular elTort to be financial corporation. No hanl. Sal.s present for this program. It has, experience and obility desir.d, .stablished r.sldent, 25-40 years old, marin the past, been of great interest rIed, capable of olSumtn9 r.sponslbll· to parents and of real value to the me., In requesting IntervIew plea •• faculty. In many cases it has InClude bri.f personal hhtory, all Dr. Frederick H. Allen will enabled parents and the school replie. confidenial. Our sal,smen hove to work more co-operatively in b"n informed of this ad. Box A. L. speak Monday evening, October 11 Swor'hmoreon. the educational 'program that has at 8 p.m. at the first meeting of been developed for our students. the school year of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Nursery Day School. His topic will be "The Child Becomes a Person." Dr, Allen is Director of the Philadelphia Chi I d Guidance Clinic, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, and President of the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society. ATTEND A FREE LECTURE ENTITLED He is internationally known in the field of child psychology and is a "Christian Science past president of the International A Religion Of Association of Child Psychiatry. The meeting will take place in Demonstrable Prayer" the Women's Association Room of the Presbyterian Church, and is by open to all who would like to Helen Appleton, C. S. Boston, J\fass., member of the Board of come. Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of I Noted Psyschiatrist I Chistian Science Teaches Reliance On God Alone The 10th grade mothers will hold a tea in the Swarthmore High School cafeteria on October 14, at 2:15. William M. Bush, principal; Frank R. Morey, and James F. Irwin will be present at the tea. DIAMOND CRYSTAL When dusk steals over the October skicsdeath steals ovcr Pennsylvania's highways! If the ycar's total of traffic accidents bctwecn thc twilight hours of four to six P.M. were summed up in onc two-hour period-it would mean a death cvcry 34 seconds ••• two pcople injured every second. Tur!1 your headlights on at the first . sign of dusk-and don't "override" your headlightR. Objects take on a false sense of distance -they are nearer than you think. Then be on the alert for sudden stops ••• cars making turns. _ • cars coming out of side roads .•. clearance distance when passing. You can escape this "murder by the clock" by remembering: Stay well within posted speed limits. A little caution goes a long way at dusk. It can save your life on the highway. Twilight is the most dangerous time to drive. Light is tricky. Make allowances for this by slowing down. "- MAKE 1954 THE SAFEST YEAR EVER 1 * SALT FREE with purchase of 2 pkgs. co - OP I AU are cordially invited 100% PURE PARA DICHLOROBENZENE 2 lb. pkg. 79e: WALNUTS SMOKED HAMS 46-oz. e:an 2Se: Pineapple Juice WHOLE ••. ,,"""""""""""",,""""""""" .59 lb. SHANK ENDS ••.•••••.••.•..•••••••63 lb. BUTT ENDS """"""""""""",,""""""""" .65 lb. 46-oz. e:an 34c SWIFT'S PREMIUM Apricot Nectar Sirloin - T-Bone - Porterhouse Pumpkin J. A. GREEN MARTEL BROTHERS THE BOUQUET ATZ AUTO SERVICE SWARTHMORE CO·Op BAIRD and BIRD HORACE A. REEVES W. MARK Bl'I'ILE BUCHNER'S, INC. B. J. HOY, 5 AND 10 JOYCE LEWIS E. L. NOYES and CO. 18-oz. e:an 27e: STRATH HAYEN INN THE SWARTHMOREAN HANNUM & WArrE THE INGLENEUK PETER E. TOLD MICHAEL'S COI,I,EGE PHARMACY Vacuum Packed 2112 size can 16e: Sweet Potatoes Cranberry Sauce 17-oz. can 19e: Strained Ap~e Sauce lb. can 22c . lb. 29c bunch 23c Jumbo Stalk PASCAL CELERY HEINZ 14-oz. bottle 23e: 3 SWEET POTATOES lb. pkg. 49e: TOMATO KETCHUP STEAKS Extra Fane:y White or Yellow Large Size CALIFORNIA Tomato Juice one quart 2Se: DELAWARE COUNTY 206 PARK AVENUE, SWARTHMORE, PA. 403 DARtMOUTH AVENUE Weekend of Oe:tober 8, 1954 LABEL SPECIALS Apple Juice FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF First Church of Chris', Scientist FOOD MARKET 46-oz. e:an 43e: , Friday, October 15, 1954 at 8:15 P. M. - IODIZED Salt & Pepper Shakers Christ. Scientist, Boston, Mass. 10TH GRADE TEA C R I S CO 3 lb. can 99e:, Loe:al GREEN BEANS Coupon worth 1Oc Pink Seedless " GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 29c KEEBLER EXTRA SPECIAL Broe:k's FRENCH FRIES and Mrs. Paul's CRABCAKES Both for on each label CLUB CRACKERS 49c New P.ackage lib. pkg. 39c . Odober 8, 1954. THE SWARTBMOREAN Page 6 and Miss Hunter expressed theIr Library Circulation appreciation to Herr Russell SnyReaches New Peak der, instructor in German at the high school, for his transIaUonoi (Continued trom Page 1) tion loans totalled 709. June was the sixteenth century script which the highest month with 5,309 with may be seen on one side of the September a close second with 5,- two sided picture. The translation 250. In August 4,947 books cir- will be avaIlable at the library. Treasurer Jewett presented the culated and in July 4,613. In 1953 the four months total circulation final report of the 'library's fiscal was 18,044. 374 new books were year and suggestions for the budadded to the Ubrary collectinn get change received consIderable during the period, and 293 new discussion. The formal budget will be presented at' the board's next members joined the library. The visit to the library of the meeting, plans for the budget seven visitors trom Stade, Ger- were considered In the 'hope that many, and their genuine interest money allotted for books could be In the book collection and circula- increased. Leonore Perkins was appointed tion was reported. Dr. Spiller directed the atten- clerical assistant to the library. A tion of the visitors to the Stade letter from Rose Alice Richardpicture presented to the Borough son of the high school' graduating of Swarthmore by its German class in appreciation of receiving visitors which Is now on exhibit the Library Award In English was in the library. Both Dr. Spiller read. Mrs. Jacob To S~ .At W. I. L. Meeting Edna Bockstein In Concert Here Odober J 3 child in furtherance of his musical education. The Orchestra Parents' AssocIation Is anxious to obtain musical Instruments for use by the pubUc schools for Instructional purposes. It also helps to make such instruction avaIlable to children who show Interest and talent. In working together w H h Swarthmore College to sponsor MIss Bockstein' the primarY objective of the Association on this occasion, however, is to bring to Swarthmore music ·which will Inspire children and adults to cultivate their musical capacities not only for the making but also for the apprecIation of fine music. (Continued trom Page 1) Women's International League great deal of chamber music with for Peace and Freedom will open its 1954-19,55 program. by present- ensembles drawn from the New ing Mrs. Philip .Jacob as apeaker York Philharmoolc SymphoDY, to its members and guests at the the N.B.C. symphony, and the home of Mrs. Edward .Jenkins on Philadelphia Orchestra. She bas October 14 at 2 pm. Mrs. .Jacob comes to the group been with a number of symphony wi.th a vast knowledge and ex- orchestras, both In concert ball perience, not only in the fields of and on the radlo. Her next New finance and internatioilal rela- York recital will be in Town Hall tions, but more recently in con- on October 31. For two succesnection with lntensltled work with sive seasons she was soloist with the United Nations' International the New York Phllbarmonic in its Children's Emergeney Fund. As Carnegie "Pops" Series, and bas AssIstant Executive Director of played under Alexander Smallens, UNICEF trom 1947-1952, she vlslt- Fritz Reiner and Alfredo AnLITERATURE ed 22 European countries seelng tonlnl. flnanclal minlsters and governDEPARTMENT The program on October 15 ment heads to' get support for the The Literature Department of will be one of unusual variety. It UNICEF prograin. the Woman's Club of Swarthmore, Prior to this, Mrs. Jacob, a grad- will include the Trio Sonata No.5 uate of Wellesley College and a in C major (for organ) transcrib- Mrs. Joseph B. Shane, cbalnnan, will hold its first meeting of the NIIIIJlIIIIIIIIlIII"IIJIIIIIIIII!IIHlHllnnIUlIIUIIIIIIUIlllllUlU11nIlDlIDIUIIIIllllll\lllllllIlDlIDI~ duate student at Yale, partlcl- ed for plano by Edna BoclJ D"il ,"'Olf' frlon'90'llu, and Ch· ~'cr C('unrrc~ • SBRVICE. DElLAw 1ffiB\ . DEW DROP INN D ·Iy D· 90 . $1 85 I ::=..c:=ta:: a:n:a; I I- About balf the cast af a loaf of bread buys tbe average family ! whole day's supply af Springfield Water - ----- OOUNTY.. ,I' '_ SEPlII/MiB_ TERM, 1954 Sandwiches - Casseroles - Salads Registered Nurse Day Care for Children 2 _ 6.Yrs. 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. SWarthmore 6-31'38 KI 4-0371 MARGE HURD NOTICE Notlce is hereby glven that the PUblic Health Nurslng Bervlce, Delaware County and the Oommuntty Health SOciety of central Delaware County Intend to apply to the Court of COmmon Pleas of Delaware coun- L::====;:========:!..:.!!:============= ty. pennsylvania, tor permlSBion to consol1date and. tha.t: --: 1. The names and the locatIOns of >the registered omces or the Constituent Col'PoratlOns ere Publlc Health Nursing S e r vic e, Dela- County, WlIl"l 60 SOuth Lans- downe Avenue, Lansdowne. Delaware county. PeDDIJYlvanta, and COmmU- nity Health Society of central Dela- ware OounV. SwartJlmore Borough Hall. 121 Delaware 2. The proposed. Park Avenue. Swartbmore. county. Pennsylvania. name and locaUon or the reglstered oftlce o~ the new corporation Ia Community NursIng SerVice. Delaware COunty. 60 SOuth So far •.. and yet so near Faraway friends and relatives are only seconds away by Long Distance. And it's so pleasant-and inexpenBiv_to talk with them oftenl You can call anywhere in the United States for $2 or 1"'!8 (excluding Federal tax, which ia now ooly 10%). Look in your telephoDe directory for rates £fom your telephoDe to keycities throughout tbe country. The Bell Telephone CompanJ of Pennsylvania LanSdowne Avenue. Lansdowne. Delaware Count!. Pennsy1.vanla. • 8. 'IbIs consolidatlon 1s to be effect.. ed under the provlslons of the Non- COrporation Law approved t.he of May. 1933. sod the supple- prollt 6th dAY ments aJ!.d amendments thereto. i. The plan of consolldatlon brletly contemplates a. new corporation with the following purposes: (a) Nursing care and health guidance to individUalS and fam- . Ilies at hame. school. wol'k and AUTOMA"IC Into action community bealth p>DUDt levted (Face ~ '1961! d,UPl\Cate) 5:'1911£9' 5.'799.Q9 names in induStrial research. A4dlttona to duplicate ...•........... ::: '467.49 17l1.50 689.99 Herbert Winfield GrahllJ!l. 247.208.59 46,887.50 294.046.09 . , ,. Penalties 1I.d.de 13~ OCTOBER SHOULDEI ~AMB a:' 1b~ge Shoulder Lam'll Chop. '·49c The annual meeting of the a Needlework, Guild Was held at the and community In safety matters Woman's Club on October 4. Mrs. Mothers' Meeting Also of this kind. ! A. SIdney Johnson, Jr., the presiHears New H & S Mrs. Peter E. Coste was Intro- dent, presided. • • • duCed as this year's secretary of Mrs. Bruce Smith, chairzoan ot DIVISIon the Parents' Council. Mis. Wayne The Parents CounclI, initiating Goff was announced as picture the nominating committee preMrs, Johnson stressed the need "I saw it in the Swarthmorean.Ibe cheery and glamorous multi- chairman and Mrs. Louis N. Robpurpose rOom of the new Rutgers fnson as health chairman of the avenue school wing to non-staff group. use Monday afternoon, endorsed Group Exeutslona o.~ a .plan by which students will A book entitled "Community J1IIse money for needed extras in Resources" accounting industrial Ibe elementary schools by selling commercial and other enterpris~ !DlIgazine subscriptions. Meeting In Philadelphia and vIcinity . hi h again Wedriesday morning the eleW c PlenlarY section of the Council are open for tour by school chllnamed Mrs. NIno deProphetis as d~n, was presented to the CounRutgers School chaIrman and Mrs. CiJ~:t was suggested various grade John Schumacher College Ave- gr ps might use the publication nue School c~ of the sub- to pJanlnteresting and educaICl"iption sale which will be held tfonal excursions for conference in a 'tew weeks and be CODcen- afternoons.. Swarthmore Elemen_ (on the corner) !rated in a ten-day period begin- tary· PrinCIpal Thomas A. Boyle niog and ending with consecutive Was a member of a teachers comweekends. . mittee of the Philadelphia SuburAll magazines will be avallable ban Schools Study Council which under the student sale plan, one of complied the handbook. Mrs. several which have been used suc- James Cl!Jford· was named chaircessfully by other'school. The plan man to disseminate information not only provides the school with and aid local groups In avalling 30 to 50 per cent of the total sub- themselves of opportunities listed ICl"iption collectfon but makes pas- in ilIe book. sible the purchase of desired ~h School Group. equipment at wholesale prices. A Approves VisltID&- PIaIl few of the needs which cannot At the clol'" of Monday's meetbe met out of School District funds Ing of the enUre Parents Councll are planos, visual aids materials, tIie Junior-SenIor High School llbrary books, phonOgraph records. Section adjourned to the high It was slated student canvassers school library with its chairman will not seek transferral of suI!- Mrs. Morris A. &wie and High scrIptfons which havl!hitUerto School Principal William Bush. been plaCed through local inca- The group discussed and enthusfpacltated persons whose livelihood astfcally approved the contlnua.Ask for a circular listing over Is earned by such commissions. tfon of last year's periodic cia.. Pup1ls in arades 8, i, Ii and 6 visiting days for mothers. of both borough elementary 300 drug and sundry items schoois will take part in the drive. WINS SCHOLARSHIP The individual grade mothers' Deborah Reeder, 423 Harvard IfOUpB will have representatives avenue, luis been awarded a scbol1 day during president of the Philadelphia Mus!he campaIgn . ical Academy. Deborah, a student Twice as much for a penny more Mrs. C. H. Yarrow, presiding at at Swarthmore Junfor High School Monday's Session, announced -last will stUdy under Lome Munroe' sprID g 's recommendation of the noted 'cellist with the Philadel-• group that the 1954-55 Home and 'phia Orchestra. Re alllcSale Bon.I... Rolled B~" P0L!oalt,u II> Ib 39c Whole Canned Chicken s..nd' ~ $1.39 Lancalter Brand Slice.. K,~~s_... Ib ~1.23, . Lanca.t.rB~~d.mok.d"'fTonl"'l 53c Mary 0Wn\Dg or hOlding 1 pen:1;mOU4;I1 Unpaid Tu'" 1958 Tal< _Y PeI1DBi1vanla •. for CJa\iOber 1. 1954. 2011,884.82 ASSl!T8 C08 t at BcbOOl bullcllng and Sdltes d B U1a - ' " on New Bldg.) •••••••• ( Lan an '"1"eStbOOblJlC\udeo and equIpment at cast. •...•.•.•.••••.••.••..•.... 8ee- !t~~i~~gi~lH~::4S: published NEEDLEWORK GUILD Coming to t Total receipts. Ineludlng 1 beginning b81ance ••.•• 8'78.~~y Charles LIncoln,· Mrs. Charles R IIIl1is, Jr., and Mrs. Daniel S: ===================================== I Peter E. Told to A'id Schools' By SeUing Magazines ~a;rt!' ~r·'w:r~: w'::n~e ;~:i = i :I". UPI~. THE SWARTBMOREAN '._fa.louna IIIYICJGf JI II laW • I I'.~ ... _ ......~ nmmn_~_.; ._ • , w . . ....... ·L_----------------·-----. : ' , Pap 10 October 8, 1954 CoII~ge. ~omecoming I Set For October 9 PETE~l)1 NICOLA D,rly.l!'!'Y ~on••truc~on Alp••tt or eo.c..... Cell.r -Walil R........red 1'110.. Sw.rthmore 6-Z526. ~o.,~97 Term, 19K I saw It In The Swarthmorean. THOM SEREMBA U,..-,siEIING , . Ct.OM$J~.~IQ." SLIP COVEl5-0lAPElIES Swarthmore .......ca ~~,~')NTI~L A.oND CO~NJJl~J~ ., . '\ - For • "tee1sharp" A,t,rqtio,ns p'''' Shc• •f r .... f.r Ho_ I.p.lrs Ronn IIOOKS sw 6-31If-W... Da,. Eft..·• S..day lawnmow.r. Call REELSHARP, SW 6-4100 Small Motor Specialist C•• . 135 Darhllo.tfl Ay•••• J. f. BLAC:1(MAN SW .....U ,CL S 81 F l~. D~.~A=-:,D=-;S= ~~~~ 1J~Min.~~~~~;-;;;r;~ 1t;;.;-:.> I .( _ _ ._ ~ _ 4 toll ••• • . . IVlMI". WAUl ...." . . ~ DAY and NIGHT II. HOakC. OIL BURNER SERVICE old china. M. Call- The Swarthll)orean. Call Holly eut Oakglass. 4313furor J. FOUND Gold. In\tialled earOak 6720 for allring. Contact Swarllimorean confi" _____ 5; -vo~m~c!e~.,--_-==-== FOR RENT O"R......,R"'ENT=~..:==-cC~e=n;tr:::al:.-;:lo::c=ati ..on::=. fOur bedroom apartment with Large dog house. modern kitchen lmd tile bath.. Prl6-5932. afier-vate entrance. Edward L. Noyes noons. and Co.• SW~more 6-01~4. WANTED-Kiddles with pentiles: F.O~ RENT - Two •.tory bous!' .o~ to be exchanged for fun and country estate. Wawa. ~na. prizes at the Kiddie' Karnlval, Ck- Seven: miles. Swarthmore. Llving lober 23. . r.QOm. dlninO! room. bedroom. kit_ $en. Two bedrO!'_~ anc;l ~a,th. 9.n WANTED - Three room' ap~ second floor. La~ garage· ai)4 ment for young business couple. storage S'pac.li. '$80 month. Reply Contact Box R. The Sw8rth- Box X. The Swarthmorean. morean. FOR RENT -:.,. Large. CC>lnfortable WANTED-Second hand art SIip~ rooni. Home-like surtoundlngs. plies. Paint box. brushes. etC. Conv!'n,lent to 1f~n.tlon Il1)d Call SWarthmore 6-1971.' . tf:1'.!.o.",:". Phon..!, sY"..art,hpl.ore. (1wANT1!lD - Junior slze.bed ,or 4l,.,. l),"* bed. Phone SWafihmore iP'li RENT;:::qlilrl\l!e, . c!>ny",!lent~ 8-1929. . . ly l,?cate,4 01;1: .~~ ~!ern{i! be~ WANTED _ Part-time tween' CHestCr roaa and Cedar three or four mornings a W~"I<. lane; KIngswood 3-3189. 1 , Passmore IIONDAY TBRU SATlJRDAY NOON SW 6-4041 SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS COAL FIREPLACE WOOD J. A. GREEN ··...i\. . ....u: .. a srATa • ,HSVIUHc:609 S. CR..Tn a .. IWM1'IfM'"9" , .-. T_'' ••• ,•. ""to . \ ~ . \ LOST - S.H.S. class ring. Ruby ,tOne. Hockey .field. Initials L. buy at l:~~:~~~~:~!:JI ~f~~ !~~~t;~[:~All SWarthmore 6-0740 l .. Charles f. fisCher ;F... ~~~ain~d~~~~~~:~! I QUl,ll)l:R SW.rtlllllore 6-2153 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L;:~====~~=====i Jack Ptich~rd -' ", - ... Sh.et Metal Work H••Mng G.s • burners \ !~~~~~2~~~~~~ New High in .. ' Knock·Free, hwerl nurse. Kiddie FOR) SAtE Karnival.. -." Maille CIlI;f gas 0,,11'. two to riiiige"~l)inbiJi~tI'1n s'l'ffilg - out broileYand wiiri'nIrlif oven. Large p.m. KI ngs- oven_ lj!xcellent condition. Cash only. SWarthmore 6-3873. fEll-SONAL - Or4ers V{ill be FoR SALE _ Orley food !feezer. t!lken now until November 1 for 350 pound capacity. Crown gas :80x 48SWilriliwlore 6.0740 custom-made doll wardrobes bv stove, 30 inch oven and 'ljroililr. Committee of' HOLIDAY SWarthmore 6-0401. . I~~=~=~=~~~;::;;;;;~ Trinity Church. C a.ll FOR SALE-Blanket'. chest. chest art-hmore 6-6699 or SWarthmore 6-1940. of drawers,· small: !!~. sI$. DecoratC y;ith Allison's AIitiques. PERSONAL - LAMP SHADES- ",s~W~a~r~th~·in~··~or:;,e,-'"~6-:;3~0;.50~';::-==-';1i\ Old Shades re- FOR- SALE _ Studio caucl:\. $10. ex~sitc Four' drawer steel letter .,...- 1I1e materlals. c~. $5. Walsh; sw.mllDigre 8- ~ care for yel,rs. 7 a.m. to George Myers 11!1J;.. . . IMeL I. POW RCHESlER 'aM PAlltVlew .GADS '1O••e SW.......ore 6-3681 • <:. : FOR SALE -. biiiiili room' fUi1iiture:SWaHHni&te li~el; ~~~.1f-2~. il'lUila "loset, gold disks. ~~~~~tr:" t ..l>la~ . nue.American FOR SALS·,::::-··naWt!iibii· with more 6-4281. slipcovers,' Photle' eYI!Ilinp or LOST _ Black and gold BOT Saturdays. $WaftI)Jllorelt-1l13. fraternity pin. Initialled D. 13. FOR SALE - Antique pin!! and Farrington. Rewljrd.· P" 0 n e cherry cupboard. $100. SWarthKIngswoOd 4-01181.' . . 6-8621. . . : N.w Remlum BasoII. Fusco\ • ..... :' ... " Swarthmore an" Vicinity MailY ~~CI_t;tive "'Plft.~~ ~~~I"Ia.ble • Baird & BIFd .Realtors" Swwl08 _.. . .()ppo.llte j .....~t..... ~::n: !~~~~ of Park NAMED PMC SGT. WORK FOR FAIR Ernest A. Isberg. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Isberg of South Chester road, has been one of several boys named to top military posi_ tlons In the corps of cadets at Pennsylvania Military Preparatory School • Ernest received his appointment as sergeant latC this summer. He is presentiy enrolled as a senior. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Thompson of Bowling Green and Mr. Il1)d Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of J'4t. Holyoke place drove to New York on Saturday to attend the Columbia-Prlnceton football game. Their sons. Jack Thompson and Donald MacElwee. are members of the Princeton team. avenue is being detained In the beEvery Tuesday beginning OctoPhysicians Hospital in Wan r .5, all children in the com. en- mundy Interested in arts and A dinner for all alumni of the ~wn. Va.. foll0win¥ an automo- crafts are Invited 10 come to college and the Iootball game be- bile accident In Which she sus- Trinity Church after school Il1)d tween SusqUehanna University talned back injuries. make things for the arts and crafts table of the Church Holland Swarthmore College will Neei:ii.worll Guild day Fair to be held November 17 highlight the activities of the Membership Week and November lB. Homeconilng celetiration on Sat. . • . Co~hairnien of the project are at ,Iff urday. October 9. :R:obeit 11:. Kint- WN'OOdle-york Guild Membership Mrs. H. L.Hariis. MrS. L. N. tI.e. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Jack- 0.. c". ner. president bf the Ainericim j. "ee~ .ym end. tomorrow. Octo- Robltisob. Mrs. J. H. Schad and Bible Gift C....r Boardcasting Company and a Der ~; TheN'eedlework Guild is Mrs. L. L. Wallnsley. These ladies son of North Chester roed have the charity that helps other will be aSS!irted by a group Of high returned from Buck Hlll where 106 L ,.. S..... graduate of the~o~egc }'Iill speak charititis" With over 500 branches ilchoOl students. they have been vacationing since CM••,.,. ,.D" at the dinner to be held fu the SomervmeRecreation Center at in the United States. Each branch ~eintier8 of the Holiday Fatr J;:,uly~;;;'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~i makeS a yearly collection of 8rt!doll committee meet each Wednes- Ii . " ... , 6:30 p.m. Mr. KIntner ..yill speak on the sUbjeCt "Freedom on Tele- c1es of clothing wh!ch are given day at 10 a.m. at the home of vision." Dr. Courtney Smith, pres- to local needs through accredited the co-chairnian, Mrs. William E. ident of the college. will speak charities or to individual tempor- Hetzel. Jr. of 414 Thayer road. fiood, She and Mrs. W. R. McHenry are Ilg allowance on ord .ppfl.nc•• and f.r.v;.'on set, briefly to bring greetings to the ary needs as a result of or any local disaster. directing the work being accomalumni who have returned to the More members are needed and pllshe.l by Mrs. Richard W. Batwh." ,Oil b.,er ititw on•• campus for this occasion. minimum requirement for ten. Mrs. Walker Penfield; Mrs. Activities for the week end will the members Is a gift of two new ,J:ames Cooper. Mrs. a. Lawrence ..' . : . begin with a meeting of the entire articles of clothing or household WhIttemore. Mrs. John P _ EspenAlumni Council on FrIday eve- linen. A contribution. of money schade. Mrs. John Aaron, Mrs. Your GE Dealer ning at which Morris Hicks. presi_ which will be used for the same James Breu:iIil. Mrs. Charles ... ... 24 North LaBldow.. Ay.n•• dent will preside. On Saturday purpose also meets the minimum Brenn.a.n• MrS· .. illiam McCawley, Lan.dow•• morning several committees of the membership requirement. For any- and MrS. DanIel Bowden. council wlll meet and will have one intCrested In joining the Sample dolls· were displayed at Open Evenings MA 3-0767 lunch together in the college din- GuIld more, information may be a tCa at Mrs. Hetzel·s home on ing room. Following the football obtained by calling any director Tuesday at which time many RCA Color Television - $495.00 game a !lumber of teas and open or officer in Swarthmore. orders for dolls were placed. ' • houses have' been scheduled by fraternities and other campus or, ganizations. All the dormitory sections and the fraternities have been invltCd to competC In a decoration contCst and the winner -will be announced Y ' . at half time at tbe footbaH game. This ront!,st Is an annual event .' .. and frien!!s and neighbors of the '. . ' .. college are encouraged to make a to:1r of the campus to see the results of the efforts of the various groups to win the ''Bronze Shoe" which Is persented by the . . . Society of Kwiiik. Kwink Is the organiza~ian .of Sports managers., on the' campus. A"". ,..'w,.... ••, Cltr.,... .F·A·LL TRA'DE RO· UND·.'UP- are. WILCOX APp· L' IA' NCE Co. h 0 t' .•. , k3 time • SEA SCOUTS ME!T borhood with small familY. Call !'OR' 'RENT..::-;Room SWarthmore 6-5806.Iii lIOad n'81i1h_ . '• • SALW Mrs. an FOR SALE - LIonel. trilfn!! and ;:: aceesllOp.es· l$:'f~.ent. condition . some nrarHeallv· new. qriglnal copt $250.. WIl) '(Al"Air Co.dlMonlng sitter. Phone nlvaI' appetitC. octoller 23 at the ~ , . . .....af i ;; Page 11 11IE SWARTHMOREAN Members of the Swarthmore Sea Explorer, Ship, Leo Maris, elected new 'ollicers l;"t Mondily night. Walt Reynolds was re. elected Boatsw,lin while Ted Shatagin was elecied Yeoman and Lynn Purnell elected Storekeeper. The new crew leaders are: Crew 1. Kelly MurPhy; Crew 2. Andy Roxby; and Crew 3. Frank Andrew. Committee chairmen are: Social. Bill Warden; Service. Don Little; Vocational, Bob Warden; and Outdoor. Dwight Sipler. Plans for the tire prevention SUrvey to begin the week of October Ii were discusSed. Scouts Will make visits to each section of Swarthmore next week. This prOject wlll De conducted as a Part of the Fire Prevention Week actiVities. Immediately following the lIleetlng. tIle ihip committee. made up Of advisors and fathers. met and agreed upo~ requisitioning a 38"foot NavY "LimdiDg Craft. The .hip is expected to be In the water and In use by spring. Thiswee1 • th rary chairman. has announced • fotmaUOllb't· thl!cI~ ~u.tng "iIndPlinlilng .CbimCIl .of ....:~ County. Al!ot1!er \eJ1ln,~y off!'%;n!; Allen T. Bon::tOf *,' . ' ora, vice p'resi" 'lie' Plans are underway to Int" ~arlous citizens organizations . ~cU.county to-~tc with the JOhn" llt,e, There~~e 640,OOO'l!In~s.,_ofp.~stalroutes in the U.. - S. and .they all .. ,. ~. ." lead to our front door) No, we're not plan 'ling on opening a branch office on the Moon. Though recognized as a progressive bank .. we'll stick to Delaware county for the . present. The point is, no maHer where you live this bank is as close c;lS your ' ' nearest mailbox. Banking by. mail is easy, safe, convenient, saves tinu!land t"lXIvel, lets you forget banking hours and holidays. Of 'course, we're always • hcipp>, to have you come in and personally transact your business 'hete. 'Bot 'if tlleat isn't convenient, we can take verygo'od 'care ~f you - by mail, as we do for hundreds of customers we've never seen. Waiting to hear from· you, we are Very truly , your's~ S'1VA1n'flM6RE 'OFFICE • Rutgers Ave. &. di~sterRoad , HOUlS: 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. And Prldoy Ev.nlngs 6:30 to 8:30 . W. Carroll of COllege aveIt., Pres!dent ciatlon to be held' at the high Orchestra Parents Association. in now the Brown Instrumerit Com- Swarthmore Red CrOJll volUnteers will'· be Itost today to W.il- school auditorium at' 8 p.m. on conjunction with the College. In . ted i th' t d b M liam B. Lan. ge. Governor of the Tuesday. October 19. The school order to call thi! communlty·s atpany. Educa.: n e publlc were repo.r e y ,s. Corhln boards of both SwartbiDore ~d tentIon to Its activities. and the schools 'of Phlladelphhl; Mr.' Bel- Shute. vice - chairman of the 266th District of Rotl!l'Y Inter- Rutledge have recommended that urgent need of the Swarthmore field continued study In mechanic Swarthmore Branch. at its fall national. who is making his an- the two districts unite. The pro'- Pl!bllc schools for the acquisition arts in Chicago and waS employed meeting FrIday. october 8 at the nual l visit to each of the posal will be placed before the of new mUsical Instruments. with tithe Bellleld bet b Company min t for Albright ho'me' of Jon~ the chairman. of Elm avenu· Mrs. e'. J. thirty-one. Rotary . Cfubs in the voters .. at the election on NovemAt the present time a total of some me ore eco g a eaDistrict.. He . will address the club ber -2. . • 111 children are receiving InsIrU- " . of the Swarthmore mental Instruction at school - '' cher of mechanic arts In Frank. The report covered the Ilve- and will coufer with President c' .".embers U ford High School. Philadelphia month period since the spring a School tloard who will brielly dis- most of It .·In. individual lessons." and the I1ranch in of early very Blake and SecretarY Alvin CUBS the topic. life: Donald P. Beginning Instructi()n Is free. butl h 1later H ,Inti Overbrook' Hiil> I)leetlng May. All of vo·luntee. services .the 'Carney and committee chairmen. • R Jones. president. w. hO will speak advanced students pay at an est-:' Sc 00 • e re red 12 years ago: to S w arthm f rom branc.h participated In the June onI olary administration. and on on "Background oOhe Union Pro• ".-.• . ovmg · ore f ti i (Continued on Page 10) M Philadelphia 48 years ago Mr~ alr raid drill. - the June 22nd local. pans Club or Inpar pation by obthe posal'" • M rs. Ma ry S PIII..er. w h 0 . thec world-wide Belfield enjoyed wrnught iron bloodmobile at Baldwin·s. and the servance of Rotary's Golden An-.. wl,ll discuss "Effect on InstrucUon ' k' la'II\P looal chest x-ray da•v on October niversary; February 23 to June an· d EducatIonal 0 pem.«qn:·; Sam- '.. creation. f ancy m etal wor. '. making. and turning the spacious 4 in 'Y.hich 711 chest x-rays were . d . . uel C.arpenter who Will talk on grounds' of b,ja home Into' a ,plc- \!lIten. from tM Borough and 2ft • 1955.. c·.··· - ''PrQblems of· the .PbysicalPlant"; tureSqueSite. The brldgtla.bTOok 8OO'froin the school. On Octobe;. ... Dlrec- and John Spencercwllo.will.dIs. with swans glldlng on adjacent 22 they will participate In a blood .tor of Inter-CoUhtY Hospltaljza~ cuss ,iFlrianciai Aspects,,;' .... . pond long attracied numerous mobile visit to Sun Oil at Marcus tion Plan. inc., of Glenside ana is County Superl,ntendent of Next Sunday afternoon. Octr.ber roadslc;1e vJsitors.. He was a zeal~ Hook, Five requ~ for blood past president of the RotarY Club Schools Baker Thompson. will ex- 17th. the.· Swarthmore School ous booster of the local. high school from local residents Well! recelved of' Jenkintown. He was elected plain the proposed union In Its Board will prlp of~3lI9.- Ih,ls special meeting so that. fUll ..clses will begin. at 2:15 p.m. wi~ others: Percy. Jr. of Vilianova 000 buslness and professional iriformation may be obtained on music by the Htgh School or_ avenue; John of Wynnewood; and Louis Verneuil's "Allalrs of executives in 811· countries and this, vital sub,ject befo~ elecUo!' chestra under tlie leadership of Henry of Lansdowne;sunivehlm State" provn.a happy choice by geOgrapli!ca!'regioDs throughout day. : '. :RobertM. Holm. At.2:30President as; also does his se<;ond wife. the the Players Club of Swarthmore the worid.' . .' The. Swarthmore Home._and, of' the .School Board Donald P. former Katherine Barten; a bro- as the curtain' raiser on the current . . . clubs are Association' plans '!ii' in- Jones open the meeting. After th"• .T\lomas. of MerloQ; and II. season, Directed by Richard Hook located: President' Blake assl.rted ~resting series of m"l'tiIillafor. welcoming the audience. he will St, Paul; with.' the' assistance" cif William In ditcu.s.ng the Governor's ,(i!litl;·:t e forthcon,ung Subjects.:.!!> introduce·the platfonn guests. in: , . . . .. . . Clement and -George" Jarden. a their activities aresitftHlir to·those·!::' hve~d ~carilude such topics as cluding Carroll· P. Streeter. who C ! ,'. ,opnotch turned. in on. of. the local club they are er; :: highes. an:. was PrE!Sldent of· tl)e School Board night one of .the best Ilrst IxIsed on tile lIt!Dera:I obj_ ' : of. htterei;. the 'planiiirlii of the build- m~re om"'.. '0pen House Sunday RutgerS .Ave. ·School ~ 4l~ ~~,~nae ~1s~E..x~tive Player's Club. .8it . . ead$ ·0'ff'.··s!utSOn ~ '~f Whe~ever ~otary sis~.er;.Elsie.:1n Mr. S~ ~hOO~ ~i ~nn.· Die z..~aY A' ~t· "'e.~ G e o . r" ' . yea~. c~ M~- ·bec~USe sam~ 'Initer'.·r·.ft~.· GIl . a~t.:.. Ea·s'·u·'a"w'n~ons. t :p:.ru.,~ lfu;;re durl~g s~;' night perfo=ances m several sea- tives - developing better :uhder- to grade and high i · · · · · ground-breaklnl.ceremony. Ing. .and . who presided atOctothe '. .stltnding and fell~~P a,!,:onii .~ill be supervised :;.h :rs~t:,'; . The' play. in the process· of bu~iness. and protessional men. ence Yarrow. cluiirman of the ber 17•. 1953. '. ' . '. . Anna 'Bretz, wife of George manipulating affalrs of the heart. "romoting community betterment Parents CO\lllCu, ·Mrs.. MOrris The will open A •. Breh' o.f '1'" SOuth PrInceton makes passing comment. on such. undertal!lnlS•• raisinl' the ·stan.- Bowie. vice chatrman for •... with a by Rev. John .. curren:t concerns. as the plight of "'" C Kul f th M thodISt Church avenue. l\lterre.d Saturday In school teacher. the clards of business and ,Professional School. and .Mrs. V'lncent T.Lath- .' . p o e e .. ', • Eart1awn ceJn'l\ery 'atter services _ f ao,d tbl.allvance- bury. Chairman" 01: B1ementary followed by 'jMlveral addresses: . wages· and lopg 'Workinl hours 0 men"t of I ...... ''''''''. 'un'"d'er;;'0ndln'g Parents' . ~.-' ps. ~esentatlon. of Build.inl" by h e1d at a Cbester' funeral home. the American housekeeper. and """ . . . . . . . . . . (C tIh ed Pa 5 In iIll health since last spring, Mrs. the . tenuous outreach' of the op- and peace \U11.PDa., pt!Qples 'o!'. the . on u. on g e ) 4 ... Brttz became worSe on Monday poIntment ofa Senator's wife to a world · ·,.1.' of:last week and entered Taylor minor committee. There Is also a sponsoring l>l Stade- tea!" of 51... Women' Mad, Glad and. Hospital where death came Wed- good deal,of.bypIar on . , Sad at Jr. Octo' 19' .a1temoon. . . sanshlp, ludicrotislY pointed to- in recent '.. . ' . . . . . '. UHII weinsteller In wan! a new "project." The '. . Dr. Harry H.Pote, noted heart Pottstown on January 1'. 1891. tlcian is the butt of se.eral com- vice cOAtlPuB' to • 'the for the_ Woman's speciakeralist, wtll be the princ:lple . Mrs. Bn!tz was' married there on ments on the whole gentler than grow .iI!' .nUlnber8 . and 1treDg\h. Club of swarthmore fdr OCtober sPIt at eventna meet1na of Defernber 2., 1912. She moved to custo';'ary. "Affalni' of. State" is Du?nl the paat :r.ear. WI 19 at 2 'p.m. has bi!eD atranged 'by the Swarthmore JuniOr Woman'S Chester In 1915 and came to exactly what the Players Club new Rotary Clubs were organized Mrs. Paul E. Zecher. cl!atrmail ot Club which will be held on. Ocfour years later. Uv- styles it, delightful froth. in 51 eountrles of· North. SOuth the Communications Department tober 19 at 8 o'clock In the clUb Ilrst .on Union avenue and. Isabel Seymour' "'" Irene Elliot, and C""trel and her co-chairm"" •.Mrs. Hor- house.. Pote. whose subject IlUlce 1929. at the Princeton ave- starS In the performance, appear- Asia. Africa ana the:, Island" of .ace Jr. ).frs. G. wiJI..lM....'Women Mad, Glad. and nue address. ' " jog In bet' IlrSt recent. JD8jor' role. the Paeille.: . ',\' i.,. "Zeller.. Jii!IlP'. b beinI presented by the ~rs. ~ o~lal ~rogram ~nvocation ~h theAmerl~ari' e~ICB. f~ &s:tjpi:n~'b:ir:"the'ree"'.'t ~e ...v.... U·.S~U;·n~. _.Y·,.·' '. l~ .a" t.w. u "nswer . . . . .' . bi_partl.ClYicLe~,:~·.~:~unitr' poll~ ,J;a~ y~. ~,~d-~d4!.~ orga~ ~ n~ay ~warthmore ~ featuring an wool or velvet sets. Famous labelsCoetcraft, Little Sport, Tocidlercraft. Beller &redfor boys and gilts. Sizes I to 4lr. Solid colon tweeds, boucle and broadcloth or wool fleece• HIGH GRADE CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIR ~ 8:15 In Clothiflr Nicely . VarIed _11- Born P.M. .a.so PER YEAR' ~ The 8~han~ lOth Grade Junior Assemblies will begin th~' 1954EquJt7 . _roc.e'lnIB aPIDd 55 season with their first" dances the BOroqh of Sw....u.- ...... at the Woman's Club on Saturday the Swarthmore Swim Club In night. October 16.. .. rePM' to the proPGRd swimEx~1'eacher. Was Resident Host and hostes. of the 8th ou Riverview ..ve.... Grade are Dr. and Mrs. Ned B. will be held FrI....,.. Octeber 29. Here a HalfWillla'ms. who will be assisted as .., 10 o'eIoct LID. a& the CoIll1 ·Century chaperones by Mr. and. Mrs. Wll80_ .. Media. . Percy C. Bailleld d\l!d at' 5; 30 liam K. Uthe and Mr. and Mrs. W1tD_'. for the Swim Club last Thursd'!y afternOQn. at Ills Robert M. Grogan. i .......... BoI'oqh. .. well .. .... home 232 Michigan avenu¢. A.di':betic. Mr. BelIleld had ben ill for Mr. and Mrs. H. Willls ,JackSon complainants. will "Ye the past tWQ years. Death followed are host and hostess of the 10th mony and the Colll1 1fIII then a stroke. TiJ,e Rev. H. Lawrence Grade and will be assisted by M r . r e J U I e r ' a decision on the m;Uer. whlttemote.' nietor•. conducted fu- and Mrs. Raymond C. LUstat and .. neral servtces .at TrniIty Episcopal Mr. and. Mrs. Ellis B. Ridgway. Jr. Church. swBJ1hmore. on Monday The 8th· Grade Dance will be ,",U . at 10:30 a.m. Mr. Bellleid had held from 7:30 to 9:15' and the been an active member of 'Trlnlty lOth Grade from 9:30 to 11:15. parlsn'for'mall.)' years. Intennent .. . wasHill. In Arlington ·cemetery. Dre,,Schooi Board To. el . Local Red Cross S 2 . elVes 440 Hours. R0ta.rV.. t0 WeIeorne 5 J O'lstr"lct Go'vernor' 7 - POOL HEARIN5 Rotary' Governor .28, ~am ~e > dan;be~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiS~ eo. TAILOIS ( ~ ~ fore openInl Duc:It Club theirthe home on SaturdaY n1gbt HARRIS & 1'" - THE SWARTHMOREAN ~erlca," ~pe. ~thou8h 'deW\ecl Inu an _ble 'mlfl betwe.DC1i~='~ hOlDe The contrast Stetz pretatiOll of school tea... ian and. wife of an ~ her !l~d ~~ E ."llv!ll1. '. (0 her tI•• lin. ~ Z:r=.. ~~~ ~ <,' .. "'!" .~ ., . , .' =~: be.a ....eat ..", ~ =:~~W~1iett"\l:u~ Gordon Da:.n.; nr .' ~eworl< QIdld 'OO11e(etICID. =0:S:~~~!:~~~ t=n~: ~::tr~~~ ;::%:1~f=l1= =: ~ ~::= m N:n.= ~ ~.tI\e ~ Jil ~:r: =~. .::._,.c-n,.ltD to.,.lMl •. 'her'. witIi span SWarthmOl'e Metho" v high ~ ~~ . . ''M' ......;. ~. .~: ~Ptoo, ~ ~t:r. ~~tion.t enough JIlr. and Mri.b.omu Jahn~ 'er of KYW. wlU:Pgi'!. : n;' - :;: !n .: ..fl stated ",eetbi& of the club Robert (fteer of Media, WIll cele- iOl!o Mr. DaVIs'· prnpotn. .. wea1m and ilc.iii ,..' Qt. . . . Mr. aDd Mra. tremendoUs audiences ., ndIo ddR r.:~Se>:::0:U~JIlIer clUb to dem- .1Irate thelrOc~"ll''f'i"n anmverof versa- ~fU'Y on 40Da • df~·~ • and)lft. ~ _...- Gum' ..~.. ..... . _ " _ . 4, "-r. :.: 7 1\Ii:f1IH ZTbtt .. -~ -,,, .. (. MilL... --... ..... -~· .... I!'·cr ddldl .... lM ......";"',:'lv'1' ·,i" I: ,,,"'"~_- "" - .' .,.., .,. .... ""'" ,=,,,.,,,,, .......:. - - ~.' 'C......., .' _"'-"'"...........')~. • • -'&Il1010 ,...,..._uev on tOf ....t.:r..'L9It' 7:'.:.='.,::: '. , ... ~.'::t«.t'':':! :.,._. '.':-.... _ ~!':;:... ""iC..!;&l"C' ~ ':':~\iii J.oresh -'''*. ... . ~ ~ .ha~CIf1'adlo'ti'Jo...· .....~ -' ~ 'I . __ 'wa-* -."" eI:aI1l"' iI~' ........ . .' . , If_ 0:1 to eonll_·II_'of two artIeles . •. any . . will be ,; , • . ' .' . -.. IS' " ·s ......... - ,'.' '. ~ 11 . .... ' ...... ...3&-' JUNIOR ASSEMBLIES 3 camped overnight at French There is an urgency about send_ Creek State Park Saturday. SepLOOK AT THESE ing that enrollment card in quick- tember 25. They enjoyed clear September weather for roaming ly for the Assemblies! Classes FAMOUS are ftlling up fast and Phil Coop- in the woods and along the shore of Hopewell Lake. The stars were er has all sorts of ideas to make LABEL this season a memorable one. He's brighter than they can ever be in town,"bui most the Scouts missed going to bring along a date named the display of the Milky Way and Lois Carter to help him teach :tou autumn constellations because the mombo and all sorts of new they had already retired to. their dances. Quick action wUl get sleeping bags. everyone in on the fun. An unscheduled event of large proportions was the two-day frog EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. hunt staged by Ronnie Taylor. Specimen of the bull, leopard and varieties were taken, • tree-frog plus a real beauty of a water •• snake. Two cooks acquired the COATCRAFT • art of fiipping flapjacks and dazzled their campmates with a suc• Yes. 'his is the place •• cessIon of back flips and half for dependable pre• gainers. scription service. Be 'UlTLE SPORT ] •• Campers were Peter Essl. BUI sure to bring us your Doctor"s prescriptions. Medford. Gene Melcher. Harvey •:• Pierce. They will be comSeth Singleton. Ronnie TODDLERCRAFT pounded expenly by a : Taylor. Bob Wagstaff and Candiskilled pharmacist. •• date Don Crafts. Troop commitYou will find, too, that teemen Warren Crafts and WilBElTER GRADE ] our prices are always • liam Singlelon camped with them. uniformly fair. • to you. your family. your community? Your Safe-T-Way Service Check --------...!. RUMSEY CHEVROLET TODDLER'S .........~-.::=~~CHESTER'S Fashion Corner • •• •• •• : : •• •••••• ••••••• I I I I Ensign Avery Blake, Jr.. has returned to his home in Coronado. Calif., from Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego where he underwent an operation for appendicltus. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Zecher of North Swarthmore avenue will entertain at a cocktaIl party at their home on Saturday night before the opening Duck Club dance. HARRIS & CO. TAILORS aad FURRIERS 11 Park Avenue I I • CATHERMAN'S DRUGSTORE COAT SETS 15.99 to 26.99 • •• Swarthmore GET YOUR FREE COpy OF THE OCT. IAIY MAG. LADIES and MENS SUITS MADE.TO·ORDER w. 'mare Fa.rlc. of tt. Hf,.ed Grad. . SWarthmore 6·0504 OCTOBER AUXILIARY MEETS Celebrate 50th The first regular meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood B. ChapMrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of M!. American Legion Auxiliary will Health leaders. workers and man of Harvard avenue celebrated Holyoke place returned on Friday be held on Monday. October 11 at Christmas Seal Chairmen heard' their 50th wedding anniversary on from Los Angeles where she at- Dr. Katherine R. Boucot of the October 5. They received many 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. tended a meeting of the National Women's Medical College of Penn_! greetings and messages from their Margaret Servais. swarthmore of Republican Women. avenue. sylvania emphasize that tuber-; friends and relatives. 'Physician in Spite of Federation Mrs. MacElwee 'was co-hostess to culosis control programs have been A family dinner was held that Himself' Monday P.M., Mrs. Betty Farrington. congress- curtailed by official agencies be- evening. THETAS TO SEW attended by thelr'daughwoman from Hawaii; and Mrs. cause of premature optimism. ters and sons-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. The Swarthmore Theta seWing Tues. 3, 8:15 Summerfield. wife of the Post- based on falling tuberculosis mor- N. O. Pittenger and Mr. and Mrs. group will meet for all day sewing Swarthmore theatre goers antic- master General of the United tality rates. R. P. Hunt and their daughters. on Tuesday. October 12. at the ipate the League of Women Voters States. Speaking at the Tenth Annual Julie and Janet Hunt. The Chap- home of Mrs. J. Passmore Elkinton Delaware County Public Health man's other two grandchildren. of Harvard avenue. sponsored performances of MoConference last Thursday at Drex- John C. Pittenger of Washington. liere's "Physician in Spite of Himelbrook Inn. Drexel Hill. on "TB D. C.. and Mrs. Stanley J. Gill self" on Monday and Tuesday at Surveys and Lung Cancer," Dr. of Ithaca, N. Y., were unable to Hedgerow Theatre. Rose Valley. The Stade Team bade farewell Boucot complimEOnted voluntary be present. Two benefit performances will be to a group of host families and tuberculosis agencies for their The Chapman. have been resigiven for. adults at 8: 15 on both members of the sponsoring Ro- vision in stressing chest survey dents of Swarthmore since 1920. evenings. October 11 and 12. tary Club at the Swarthmore sta- work at this crucial time. I saw it in the Swarthmorean. Tuesday afternoon at 3 p.m. a tion last Saturday evening. and "As a natural by-product of performance of the play geared were escorted to Philadelphia by tuberculosis surveys. a significant I iii:ii:=i:ii:==i:ii:iiiii:ii=i:ii:iiiii:ii:ii=iii:ii=ii~ ......... to a teenage audience will be George Salmons where they en- amount of lung cancer can be'l presented at 3 p.m. at the theatre. trained for Buffalo. Chicago and found." said Dr. Boucot. pointing 1 the first of the League's sponsored the west coast. out that from 100 consecutive series of three Hedgerow plays The group of seven civic lead- proved lung cancers detected at for young people in the area. Oc- ers from Stade. Germany left tired two official Philadelphia survey tober 12 is a conference day in but happy I having acquired an en- units, more than 20 times as much the local public schools. The re- tirely new outlook on the Amer- cancer of the lung was found among men than among women. maining plays announced for this ican way of life. The two week stay in SwarthStressing the importance of perseries are "Twelfth Night" during more was climaxed by a day on iodic chest x-rays for all adults, Christmas week and "Noah" the college campus. President and Dr. Boucot especially urged that scheduled for April. Mrs. Courtney Smith gave a tea all men past 40 report every six Hedgerow's first performances in the afternoon for the Stade months. . of "Physician in Spite of Himself" -• J ~, • October 8, 1954 THE SWARTHMOREAN Featuring all wool or velvet sets. Famous labels. Coatcraft, little Sport, Toddlercraft. Better Grade for boys and girls. Sixes I to 4x. Solid colors-twe8ds, boude and broad doth or wool fleece • ii ; ii£i ~ ~ ;r;i HIGH GRADE CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIR f • •II.ted "" PARADE THURSDAY THE SWARTHMOREAN Percl ,C. Belfield Dies I Th~U8~~~~d ~o~~E:!~~EJ~niOr I I FolloYling Stroke Was Resident Here a Half· Century 7 P.M. SWAR~T~H;;l\~I~O:;;R;;;E;-,-:F;;;R::ID:::-A~y:;-,--:O:-:cr=O:-:B=E=R-:-:1::-5,-1::-:9=5:-::4-----------'-3-.5-O-P-E-R-YEAR-- VOLUME 26-NUMBER 42 Ex-~eacher 28, Rotary Governor POOL HEARING SET EquIty proceedIngs apin.8& the Borough of Swarthmore and the Swarthmore Swim Club In regard- to the propOsed swimmine pool on Riverview avenue be held Friday. October 29. at 10 o'clock a.m. at the Court House In Media. WItnesses for the Swim Club and the Borough, as well as the complainants, will give testimony and the Court ...111 then render a decision on the matter. Assemblies will begin the 195455 season with their first dances at the Woman's Club on Saturday night. October 16. Host and hostess of the 8th Grade are Dr. and Mrs. Ned B. Williams. who will be assisted as chaperones by Mr. and Mrs. William K. uthe and Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Grogan. Mr. and Mrs. H. Willis Jackson are host and hostess of the 10th Grade and will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs_ Raymond C. Lassiat and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis B. Ridgway. Jr. The 8th Grade Dance will be held from 7:30 to 9:15' and the 10th Grade from 9:30 to 11:15. ,,·m Pianist in Two Firsts Tonight Bockstein Concert at 8:15 In Clothier Nicely Varied Tonight's concert in Clothier Percy C. Belfield died at 5: 30 Memorial by Edna Bockstein, last Thursday afternoon at his noted concert pianist, will include home 232 Michigan avenue. A diatwo first performances. The Bach betic. Mr. Belfield had ben ill for Trio Sonata for organ, transcribed fhe past tWQ years. Death foIlowed by Miss Bockstein, and a Haitian a stroke. Tl).e Rev. H. Lawrence Folk-Tale. composed by Lina MaWhittemore, rector, conducted fu. than Blanchet. will be given their neral services at Trnii ty Episcopal try-outs here in Swarthmore. Church. Swarlhmore. on Monday ~C prior to Miss .Bockstein's appearat 10: 30 a.m. Mr. Belfield had ance later thls month at Town been an active member of Trinity School Board To Hall in New York City. Other parish for many years. Interment numbers in this program. which was in Arlington cemetery, Drex. Discuss Issue begins at 8: 15 p_m_. will includ~ el Hill. Tuesday the Beethoven Sonata in A flat Born in:l>hiladelphia on March I major, Opus 110, five selections by 13. 1876. Mr. Belfield was the son liThe Proposed Union of the Brahms, and pieces by Hindemith, of T. BrOOl1l '~elfield ardent supSchool Districts of Swarthmore Rachmaninoff, Debussy and Choporter of Christ Church and the Responds to 5 Requests and Rutledge" will be \tie subject pin. , Episcopal Church Farm Schoo\, of the special meeting of the This free concert has been For ,Blood; Asks He was also the grandson of HenSwarthmore Home and School As- brought to Swarthmore by the Cards, Wool ry Belfield. founder of H. Belfield The Rotary Club of Swarth- sociation to be held at the high Orchestra Parents Association, in Company•. Philadelphia manufacschool auditorium at 8 p.m. on conjunction with the Colle-ge, in 2,4411h hours of service by turers of 'brass valves and fittings, Swarthmore Red Cross volunteers more will be host today to WiI- Tuesday ~ October 19. The school order to call the community's atnow the Brown Instrument Com- were reported by Mrs. Corbin Ham B. Lange, Governor of the boards of both Swarthmore and tention to its activities, and the pany. Educated in the public Shute, vice _ chairman of the 266th District of Rotary Inter- Rutledge have recommended that urgent need of the Swarthmore. schools of Philadelphia. Mr. Belthe two districts unite. The pro- public schools for the acquisition field continued study in mechanic Swarthmore Branch, at its fall national, who is making his an- posai will be placed before the of new musical instruments. arts in Chicago and was employed meeting Friday. O~tober 8 at the Inual official visit to each of the vote"rs at the election on Novem- II At the present time a total of with the Belfield Company for hom: of the chaIrman. Mrs. J.' thirty-one Rotary Clubs in the ber 2. ' 111 children are receiving instruD'lsnc. t . t H eWI'11 a dd ress th ecu I b some time before becoming a tea- AlbrIght Jones of Eim avenue. Members of the Swarthmore mental Instruction at school The report the flve. confer WIth . PreSIdent , - d covered . ' the . and WIll cher of mechanic arts in FrankSchool :Aoard who will briefly dis- most of it in individual lessons. th perIO smce spnng ford High School. Philadelphia mon meeting of the nranch in early A very Blake and Secretary Alvin cuss the topic a.re: Donald P. Beginning instruction is free but and later in Overbrook· High May. All volunteer services of the I Carney and co~~itte~ chairmer;t Jones, president, who will speak advanced students pay at an' estSchool. He retired 12 years ago. (Continued on Page 10) branch participated in the June on Rotary administratIon, and on on "Background of the Union ProMoving to Swarthmore from air raid drill _ the June 22nd plans for participation by the posal"; Mrs. Mary Spiller, who Philadelphia 48 years ago Mr. bloodmobile at' Baldwin's and the local Club in the world-wide ob- will discuss HEffect on Instruction Belfield enjoyed wrought iron local chest x-ray day October servance of Rotary's Golden An- and Educational Operation"j Samcreation, fancy metal work, lamp 4 in which 711 chest x-rays were I niversary, February 23 to June uel Carpenter who will lalk on making, and turning the spacious taken. 411 from the Borough and 2nd, 1955. "Problems of the Physical Plant"; grounds of his home into a pic- 300 from ·the school. On October Mr. Lange is Executive Direc- and John Spencer who will disturesque site. The bridged. brook 22 they will participate in a blood tor of Inter-County Hospitaljza- cuss "Financial Aspects". Next Sunday afternoon, October County Superintendent of with swans gliding on adjacent mobile visit to Sun Oil at Marcus tion Plan, Inc., of Glenside and is 17th. the Swarthmore School pond long attracted numerous Hook. Five requests for blood past president of the Rotary Ciub Schools Baker Thompson will ex- Board will present the enlarged roadside visitors. He was a zeal- from local residents were received of Jenkintown. He was elected plain the proposed union in its and improved Rutgers Avenue ous booster of the local high school and answered during the same District Governor of Rotary In- relationship to the state wide ed- School to the citizens of the comathletics for many years and ac- period. Swarthmore College blood ternational for the 1954-55 fiscal ucational program. A question and answer period munity at an open house. tive in the Fire Company during I year at the annual Rotary Con- will (Continued on Page 9) Prior to the visitation of classfollow. Refreshments will be its early days. vention in Seatt~~. Wash., last rooms, a brief dedicatory proMr. Belfield had four sons by June. He is one 'Of 220 District served at 7:30 in the cafeteria by gram will be held in the school Harriet Coffin whom he married Governors supervising the activ- the Eleventh Grade mothers. . General Purpose room. The exerEveryone is urged to attend in Muirkirk, Md., and who preities of some 8;300 Rotary Clubs this special meeting so that. full .cises will begin at 2:15 p.m. with deceased him by 12 years. One which hiIVe a membership of 389.in·formation may be obtained on inusie by the High School orson. Charles. died in 1947. The 000 business and professional this vital subject before election chestra under the leadership of others: Percy, Jr. of vlIianova - " .Robert M. Holm. At 2:30 President Louis Verneuil's "Affairs of executives- in 89 countries and day_ avenue; .Tohn of Wynnewood; and State" proves a happy choice by geographical regions throughout The Swarthmore Home and or' the School Board Don'ald P. Henry of Lansdowne; survive him the Players Club of Swarthmore the world. School Association plans ari: in- Jones will open the meeting. After as also does his se~ond wife, the Wherever Rotary clubs are teresting series of meetirt"gs for welcoming the audienc:c, he will as the curtain raiser on the current former Katherine Barten; a brolocated,· President Blake asserted the forthcoming year. Subjects to introduce the platform guests, inseason. Directed by Richard Hook th+r, Thomas, of Merion; and a with the assistance" of William in discussing the Governor's visit;' be covered include such topics as cluding Carroll P. Streeter, who sisf_er;.Elsie,'in St. Paul, Minn. ' Clement and ·George· Jarden, a their activities. are similar to' those teachers' salaries, and future was President of the School Board ., ' topnotch cast turned in on. Mon- of,,the local club becaUSe they are plans for the high schoo\" Pro- during the planning of the buildday night one of ihe best first based on the same general objO'C- gram _planning of special interest ing. and who presided at the night performances in several sea- tives - developing better .·under- to grade and high school groupS ground-breaking .ceremony, Octosons. . standing and fellowship a'mong .will be supervised by Mrs. Clar- ber 17, 1953. . The play, in the process of business and professional men. ence Yarrow, chainnan ot the The official program will open manipulating affairs of the heart, promoting community betterment Parents Council, Mrs. Morris with a invocation by Rev. John M rs. Anna Bretz, wife of G eorge makes passing comment, on such Bowie, vice chainnan for 'High C. Kulp' of the Methodist Church. A. . B r elz. 0 f · 1& S au th p"'nceton current concerns as the plight 0 f undertakings, - raising the stan- School. and Mrs. Vincent T. Lath- followed by several addresses: avenue, Ylas interr~ Saturday in the American school teacher. the dards of business and professional bury. chairman' of Elementary Presentation of Building. by Eastlawn after services wages and long 'working hours of ethics. and fostering the advance- Parents Groups. (Continued on Page 5) , held at a Chester funeral home. the American housekeeper. and ment of good will. understanding In ill health since last spring. Mrs. the tenuous outreach of the op- and peace ampng peoples of the Women Mad, Glad and became worse on Monday polntment of a senator's wife to a world as typified by the recent 'Iast k d tered Taylor sponsoring of the Stade te'am o· f . of : wee an en minor committee. There is also a Sad at Jr. Club, Oct. 19 Hospital where death came Wed- good deal ot· byplay on bi-parli- CIvic Leaders to our community .afternoon. sanship. ludicrously pointed to- in recent ·weeks. Elorn Anna Weinsteiger in ward a new "projec!." The poU- ,Each ye.ar. this wQrld-wide serDr. Harry H. Pote. noled heart Pottstown on January 14. 1891. tician is the butt of several com- vice orgimization continues to The program for the Woman's specialist. will be the principle Mrs. Bretz was married there on ments on the whole gentler than grow In numberS. and strength. Club at Swarthmore for October speaker at .he evening meetlog of D"l'ember 2., 1912. She moved to custo':'ary. "Affairs of. State" is During the past fiscal year. 448 19 at 2 ·p.m. has been arranged-by the Swarthmore Junior Woman's Chester in 1915 and came to exactiy what the Players Club new Rotary Clubs were organized Mrs· Paul E. Zecher. chairman of Club which will be held on OcSWarthmore four years later. liv- styles it, delightful froth. in 51 countries of· North. South the Communications Department tober 19 at 8 o'c1ock in the club ing first on Union avenue and. Isabel Seymour as Irene Elliot, and Central America. Europe. and her co-chairman. Mrs. Hor- house.. Dr. Pote. whose subject since 1929. at the Princeton ave- stars in the performance. appear- Asia. Africa and the'. Islands of ace N. Compton. Jr. Mrs. G. K. wi1l be _"Women Mad. Glad. and address. iog in her fIrSt reo:ellt major role. the Pacific. . ,., . Zeller; . county communicatiOli, Sad... being presented by the Althoughdevoied to her hOme The contrast between her interchairman, will be.a gu"st-lII)d w11l Health • Welfare Committee in , f h I teacher-'librar "M"'- ! ..AU.> speak briefly. coJljunction wit h its annual ana an able seamstress. Mrs. Bretz pretation 0 sC 00 - - -.... '. • N~ework Guild collection. actively. assisted her husband ian and wife of annkY nd so COD sen. Thomas • manag•. stated meeting of the club _ Mr. and MrS. Janney erGordon of KYW will program give a talk on ..; the news 'ag' 'ency he ope' rated at ator Is subtle. spu ,,'~._ _ .... : . f 1&22 29th . . , wiIl·'. be held prior to Dr. Pote's th . h wence ~ Brown a Street, N.W.. "What's w1'~ous ...,w.... '00 ~avis. ~ ~entation d......~,wedding· we:.:c:om,- .. itiee'tlili- -.. -' pqe2 ()eIoher Personals .Miss .Mary Knllbb of ~c#, avenue entertained three. of sorority .Isters for the week end of October 2. While here, ~iS attended the WUUam .,. ,Mary-Unlversity ~f PennsylvaDla footbllll game. FolloW-inti the game, the Knlibbs en~.$.ODle of the 6i W\Iliam le.Mary team for iIiJliier. John D•.Pearson, ~~. !I~ ~. John .M. Pearson of Cornell avenue bas been named to the dean's list of Brown Uliiverslty In Provldence, R. I. A candldllte for the Bachelor of Sclence degree, Pearson Is a member Of the RQdio Club, the Brown Orclhestra, and the Kappa Sigma fraternity. Mr. and .Mrs.. Joseph Walter of Cedar lane .en~rlai~ wf Sunday at a familY. re~on "In their home. Those present Included Mrs. Wa!ter's ~niS, .Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur C. .Jacksoli of North Chester road, anil Iier sisters QUd their husbands, .Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Kamp of Riverview road, Mr. and .Mrs. William Boone' of Washington, and Mr. and .Mrs. Leon Rushmore of East' W~lIston, L. I. Mrs. Edward F. Stevens of Miller Place, L. I. has been vi.itlng her niece, .Mrs. .John R. Bates of North Chester road for a week. D,u,rin~ ~er viSIt sli~. a~~omp8iuf!d Mis. B"tes on. ". v~t to S.aUy Bates at .Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Va. and fr1e/lds In Charies County aDd Richmond. . M~'. Sew.elllIoJew En '. ... d states. . ,. .' . Dr. and .Mrs. W. R. '. ' , . " . - .. -,Gilmour ...... ,- of Harvard .~!!!Jlue\ B;te, ~,~II! and .Mrs. GrIftIn Townes of Lat- Rev. Joseph P. Btshop performed ber 11 at Crozer HospltaL The Chester. Mr. and Mrs. John Bur. ayette avenue, celebrated her the cereinony.. maternal gnindparents are Mr. ris West of BeDjam\n·Weat ave. qc~ !' ~1h Th~.i!r1de, &lven In'~e by and MI'1!. JlIlIles B. Beam'''!' of nue are the;paternal erandPlll'nnIL , ~~'T;S~ "er·\f~~,er.. ",ore a 'f'edcling . ~ m\!8' <4. ~i'c!lliered nylon tjJUe faf~ ~RtIea with a CII~ tralp, ll,. . on tiCltOber 7. lusion neckline, and small collar .Mrs. C. C. Shute of Maple ave- of embroidered tulle. Her veil Of nUj! entertained at a small Jun- illusion was held by a band of cheon' lind bridge party on Thurs- Slltin set with pearls lind she car.' BEAUTY SALON day. •. . . fi~ Ii ~!Ide. ~!l"~ o~ ff~f8 ~ . " .... il ~!.},. -l·-:' ;:. f .Jady Lo~eU. d!!~.~ter of .Mr. ChInese chrYsanOlemums surrotinIT'S CAIIN. fHAT SAftS 'fill WlAUN. QUd ~, .J2~ .~DP,'ell o~ .Park ding a Idngle purple-throated ,-,' . " , '. ,. avenue, haa &eii among white Ozehid... 9 S,!ifh .CIt""r 1t9<1~ fresh ~~}9.<~re~~.4¥.~.1J!. tb!!te .Mrs. Murrell Weemer of .Mar" Call SWarthmore 6-0476 1Il;"~. c~~~..ii:\ ~~ ristown, Tenn., attended her sIsn, ..,; ~ ",,' ~are of Walling- ter as matron of honor. The for4 Iic~()P,IP!l¢~ ~er h!Jsband to bridesmaids were' .MIss .Mary ~w .:'irorli: !1~ 9.C1obe!, 3 prior to Coroe of Yale avenue, .MIss .Marlbls. ,trip to ~glahd, and will re- lyn Smith of Toledo, lind .Mrs. ., SUIT ... TAm ~f IYI~Yc»N~ III~1n ther~ f!lr 10 days before re- James .J. Eglo~' .of' Doylestown. ST~~S aRd CHOPS Cook(td .to . ~rcI"r t1.ll'ning bome. They wore 'IdenticIII gowns of . BANQUET AND 'PARTY FACIUTIES .Mr. and .Mrs. Philip .M. Alden pale green lrrIdescent tlssue tatof North Chester road returned on feta featuring full skirts and emBUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·hSO Ii. M. Wednesday from a four day trip to pire midriffs. .Mrs. Wee.ner wore DINING .... ,.._. lOOMS . . , •• d .LOli" - .. Ali CONDITIONED. Hershey and Atlantic City. a headband of yellow cbrysanComfortCilble Rooms Day or Week Elevator Claire' Hendrixson, daughter of themums and curled lemon yel.Mr. and Mrs. LaRu.e Hendri~on low . cbrySllnthemums apd oak of North Chester road, and a Jun- leaves. The bridesmaids carried ior at Smith College, has been lemon yellow and bronze cbrysan. . ' named to tl!e delln's list at Smith themwris lIna oak leaves and wore .Y~ht • l:Iarvarci Avenues, Swcirtllmore, :Pa. for having mairi¥,lned an academ~ matching headpieces. .• 'rYAL.,,, ... E, P~Il.cm, ~,r. !'lEI Ic average of "B" or better during Mr. Julius Charlolf' Townsend, the last college year. Jr., serVed as best man fbr his Mrs. .James Egloff of DoylesThe ushers were Mr. .John town has returned to her home Whl\l~.l! of Chu~eljtiln. S..C.,: .Mr. after being an attendant In the T. Allen x..egare Jr. of Charleswedding of JI4l6S .J!!ryl Faulkner ton, S. C.; Tho";'a. Saunders ZiEREX PREStONE to .Mr. Charleo ToWntiend III last of Drexel Hill' and .Mr. William w~ end. ,,' Wilson. of Easton, Pa. , AUTO REPAIRS f)'llSs, .fatherlne ~ow, sister of The bride's mother chose a . ' MrS. ,~I!P .M.. Al~~~ of North gown of irrldQscent slate blue tafROBERT J. AT%; Owner C;~l7'te~. t:r!a,d; "f,ef'urJl!ld to her feta and a blue sequin h~t. Her Russell's h,OI1!e}~ ~Ib~f~'1-ti on ,Thursday corsage was a pink tipPed white f~~!~Y'~~g. a summer visit at the orChid, The groom's mother ware AafO I.lte ~~I Balancing .-., lGiteriei ' ... Alden's. h0P.le. a goWn. o~' 1'I\$p~iTy taffeta wi~, L-crfal,etile Av....es SW •6-0440 "'~G'~'G'~II:E"~~ v.el,yet a~c~C!rles. She wore 81' . r 1:.. ... I:M .. 1 orchid conage. .Mr. and~: ~~' I. Hoot of The bride Is a graduate of Lafayette avenue IInnounce the Swarthmo~ High sChool and Ro!elliBgement 'of their daughter, Una Co~~e, Winter Par~ ~. dua llll1 fr~ Nancy;' to .Mr. Jolin C. Seils of Tbe. groGiii' was ,,1rth- .n.mea . riji. " SOD' ~. ilnd' _ ' _J ._ .. .. Si,vlei ,. .. gr" Los a!:~= ~~: ~:~ ~~~~t!.::'~inan:eSM':;'::c:' .~~.S; ElIIiighIiiri; lCiln;: . " l4i8S HOOt .attended Wheelock IKTtI COlleie, B08tOn; . .Miuinchuselts, and ...... d.."{ed· ffum Stale 'rea-"Mr. and .Mrs: Nicholas Mercur .... .... "" Saitto of .Media announce the eta' Colll!iii; West Chester.' birth of a daughter, Judith, on She 18'" "'_-.,.. employ'e.I at ~~ ....... , Cb' October 9 In'· t1ie Delaware CounScott Pii't*'t! ,Conipany; 'ester. ty, Hospital. The ......... d'parents are .Mr. 'Sellli. 'gradlllited from iCan;. -W· Ui!lverldty he v.i8s a Mr. and .Mrs.·Walker Penlleld,of 1"einber"of Tllu' Bet!\. Pi, SlilIna ~v~~I.ew: roa,d 8J!d. .Mr... and JI4:.':". Tau arid Pi TaU; hoil.oi'iity eilgin- o. N. ~~. of ~QY~!III" Mr. a~ eerIng tt4teni1Ues. He Is a daIidB1tan'''; ~\\I'~ r.ay'm~n'~ RetJ:ea.t ~ There will be the regular two • . , QVcle 9, Chairman P()COno Pla*eau.· l#YII1.en o,f. tile Morning Worship Services In the .Mrs. W. Edwl\rd Medford. at the Chw:~h wiU. plltllclpate In· conchurch" on' :sunciay monuni, .·~t home ot Mrs. w. StaQley. Igte, duct\I!ll:tbe.mol'Jl\ng sernc.e, 9:3!', "n.~ ~1. o~cl~. .Mr" BISh,op Ogden avenue, co-hostess: The~ wiU be two nurseries for Wi1l give the sermon at both serv4ines' H. Sbddo'1- Progiam; childten. Infants to 18 months will Ic:et lind -wm' \IS~- as IUs" topic; !look review by' Mrs. 'Wliliam be c~ f!>r. by. motilers: In the "The Shield lIf FIlth." Dflehaus on "The Christian Wom:; niirsery' rOOIl1 .. C)ljldren fwm· 18 church School Claoses will be an In Her Home": . 1lJ000tl1s to 5: years will he under held oii 'Sunday at' '9:30 ana 11 At .10:30 ".m.: Circle 3, Chalr- tile superv.!$Ion ·of. Mrs. Henry I; o'clock.. At"'jJ:30 a·.m. the .Men's .M H'?Ot. and, a selected: staff; The ~.. · .. , , man ,rs. J. V. 8" B},sho", at the revised. Ju"lor Church pro"""~ Is l Bib.. ClBlISJ and the Women s home of Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter, " a--" Bible ClIIS$' will hold theu- SUn~ 120' Columbia avenue. co.host- under the supervision of Mrs. Alday "claSsell; At 6 p:ri the Yollilg ess: :¥rs, Jiim8!' ~: Da$. Pro- tOD Smith. prades one to 8ve InAdults' Will have a' Bible s t U d Y ' clwlve' will' sit in a body. at the ~.am: A tal)< by .Mr. H,~ar. H. front of the church and be excuil, Gniiip, followed by a supper at Bhatti, a professor at SY'arthmore 6:30··P.m. TIle Semor mgh Fel- College; Circle 4, Chalrman.Mrs. ed. to the ext¢nded.Junlor Cburch 10WshIp 'will gatlier for supper at J P ••1 session. during the singing of the .: a... Brown, at the home of second hymn. Grades 'six and 6:30 p.m. and then have the meetP ul J R tan 109 0 d ;h tu ., 'r_ . .gN enI above wlli remain in the· SancIng following at the .Media Pres- I ',~;~~u;;a co- as es., ..us. ea tuary thr~ugh the service. byterlan ChurCh with their Fel- Thurman. Devotions, .Mrs. .Morris lowship.~ Potts;'Prograni will be' a speaker Ush.ers at ·tlle. morning service On' 'Tue~day, October 19, at 8 on Ilidia; Circle l!, Chairman Mrs. wll,l be James SWphens, p.m. the Sti,j"ion writ meet for th~ .Judson R. Hoover; af·the Ilome or usher, as,/sted by John Flood, regular monthly meeting, In the .Mrs; Ford Robinson, 135 Guernsey ~i.c)Jard Sl)yder and War_ ren Crat~. Greeting" at the Women's ASslidoition Room. road, co-hoSfeSs;·.Mrs: Thomas J. will be .Mrs. Don Dickinson and On Wednesday, October 20, the Prather. Devotions; .Mrs. Stuart Graves. .Mrs.' 'J'mer, . WedDtIII4&" QiJ&ober 20 rehearsals ~.• bI!. b . 7:15 A.J,1[...,..i.ltbl:;: 'Ciimiiilliiibh. mary, I Westil)ihster' and ~~~tt I'~·'~~t~;h 8100 P.M.-Bible Study. Choirs at theIr·'re.!ularr, Pitdal', Oetober U tl: . IlU~N. • Th.' best m~lic.1 METHODIST NOTES Church School clas.es will meet on Sunday at 9:45 a. m. with c~asses for all ages beginning at two yea.... There is a. new 'Ii'oung Adult l!uilders" Class. At the 11:00 a.m.' M"ornln' " Worship. In oil~e.~ance ~ia~Op.~! 0" ..4U are conlitilly i~ w' Pet4!l' E. TOld Puk avenue- vislted their dduJh~ Icslld ter, Polly, at BuckneU' College' over the week end. Anne daUghter of Mr. lUI!: SW ARTHMOREAN I ~~~~;II;~~~;s~'i'·~"~n~Lo~ui~se~~~-O~'n~~Oc~to-~ 0' her WINTERIZE Mr. Jrfad~aY; sey' l'oad' The , STRATH HAVEN iNN .. give8tld' II rectt'al' at' ei~em\'t 181:' hei" li\\aliMta;' Mr: .MolY... D: ,,,.,, . .' of .' - " - .. t1!eir.~~eUJ. ~e ~~ of .Yale A' 8J}~", w~ore a,v.I!~~eIj, ~h.eir F. .;;.;. TOYIMSEND v~?a~ h~~wi~, be, 'l"'W,me"a; three-year stretch as 1i=ii~iiii:ii.iiiiiiiiiii== siiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iii:iii:i.i~ a; theatrical· artist, vaudeville emIl :I: cee1ng, and three years' of 'freelance radiD wrltlng in Sap Franc!seo and Hollywood.. During the war he was"combat correspondent for· "The Starsanll'StrlPcS" m the I P'lciflc theatre, of , A discuSsion period will follow '.' Mr. DaviS" sp~h. Hostesses for the meetlne; are: Mrs. Leslie M. Clarke, Mrs. George l1li'. 'Ewing; .and Mrs. J.' Franklin Gaskl1l. Mrs: WIlliam J. Cresson and Mrs. HestOn p, McCray 'will pour. ,.'i - ~~ and Power Resources Board ill ,February of 195~.. ' , : ' , ' It is expected that the 'dam will be completed during the latter part of 1956. The dam and controlled structures·. will .cost In excess -. - - . "..' '. -, .-... . -' "., 'IJ IXHAUsT SYS'ml o HOlM IJ eLASS ,0 'min .. ' O,WlI4DSHIKD WIPERS 00 lEAl VIEW .M'HOI , .. , .Fi~ in '$~ice -;. . , , ! ~;. - F.i~~ . . ~<.: :." . , RUMSEY; ....._N c....,....... '· -'. .. "-. Ie· InIlI'N. ., Comander and Mrs .. Harry C. THEAtRE PHARM_~CY .' , OFF ~it EUROPE. Dr. Virgil W. Ware of 'Walllngford left for a business trip of several months \0 .London·,~ England, on Octobi!r 3. WhIle abroad he wiD· visit Engl~d, ,Italy;, Trieste,' J'rance, Yugoslavia; Holland, Belgium, Denmark, and Germany. 308 North Chester 'road, will move. to San Frane!seo, Calif., on October 18. Comiiunider Ttan~ sue will drive &.roUJh, 'leavlng fiere Monday. Mrs. Transue and their son Tommy will IIy west' on the ·18th. .. . • SAFE~T~WAY SERViCE .', """""----'-::-mm_~ CHRISTMAS· SHOPPING 01 What I T('amme, . ,,1rs·2tc THE INGLENEU,K SUN'BEAM APPLIANCES, EXTRA SPECIAL .1 'f' 25 will highlight a talk by Dr. The Swarthmore High School Samuel C. Palmer on his Bowparents grade lists are now 1Inish- doin-Baffinland expedition. (ContinUed from Page 1) ed. The secretin-y for each class dents to Represent !eam5 competing as Scott's Hi-Q Lewis., Shay, Jr., the architect; may get them at "Jr. Morey's StU . . mter,schopl acade~c radio quiz, Presen!ll~lon of Key, by :rohn Cor- 'omce. . RUMMAGE .SA"E Delegate Members of. beglbs its ~~th consecutive seaGeneral ContractOr. The ac--------United Nation's ' san this month.·", . Frle.dl, 0,.. H!t•• SWARTHMORE . E ch school ·11 IceJptalnce will be made by Samuel The Friendly Open House group over 40 Swarthmore' High. a groull WI partid- T. Carpenter, Chairman of the •· one 0 f School Board Building Committee. met Monday afternoon, October ~-, School studenta are' expected to Pate In three con...... METHODIST OIURCH which wiD be presented on ils take part In discussion groupa on ' . . . . '. . Avery Blake, President tlf the Ro- 11, at the Swarthmore Presbyhome auditorium stage The sh terlan Church with 30 persons in United Nations which will be held . . ows tary. Club, win make that club's . Wednesday, October 20' t TrlnityEplscop81 cburch on are .tape-f!!Cord~ at the schools I ?(·e..,nb.tioln 'of a ....t of' an Audi- attendance. 7 .p.m. - 9 p.m. a. 1M - and, broadcast Sundays 0 v e r I' 5U The group members told of Sunday, October ,between 4 Chester radio station WPWA. torlum lIag and classrooms flags. their sUmlner vacations which Thursday, October 21 and 6 p.m. as Pjartty of lthbe Stlwarth-f The .w~lt, school. in the 25- David Scarborough,· a' Rutgers were varied and Interesting. mo~~ ~mmun. ce ~ ra . .on 0 week.' ~ompetition will receive School pupil,. will accept the gift, The 'Methodist Church ladles 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. UDited Nations' Day.' ' . $1000 from Scott Paper C and lead the audience In the were the hospitality committee. H.enry - H. offman, head of the.. sponsor of the series, and ':ftanabYle' Pledge of Allegiance, using .the t d les sequence 0 f S wa rth - prizes will go to students as well socia1 s.u wordin g. LI nda 'de Proph et'IS, DIII ........IMlbUlmmlllllllll nHllnnlllnammnMIIUIII'bUImnmnnllllRbUlbUlI.......UHIlIHIIIlIIlM more High School, hD been coun_ as to runner-up schools. on behalf of the pupils and teachsoling the students on their pr~Top honors in Scott's Hi-Q pro- ers, will express ihe appreciation aration nf source and background duced and narrated by ROb~rt O. all feel for this beautiful school, materials. The students will par- JQhnson, television -and radio an- both new' and old sections. County ticipate by representing delegates nouncer from New York, were Superintendent of Schools. G. from various countries who are shared last year by Swarthmore Baker Thompson, wiIJ bring greet'" .. members of the United Nations. and Nether Providence. Chester ings from the County Board of Education. The meeting wiIJ close Two major ar~as for discussion High School placed third. have been c~osen: problems of Schools competing this year are with the benediction by Rev. economic developmen,t and prob- Chester, Chichester, Clifton Joseph P. Bishop, Minister of the lems of atomic energy. The group Heights, C0111ngdale, Eddystone, Presbyterian Church. ; will be .divided Into three panels GJen-N\>r, Haverford, Lansdowne, 'At the close of the meeting, H ...... c:...e 1M . . . Ie' . . . . so that " each student may more Marple-Newtown, Media, Nether the teachers wiIJ be In their rooms 100 P,rk Ave.. n~, P•• Providence, Prospect Park, Rad- to greet the visitors. The entire readily participate. SWarthmore 6-6000 Mr. Hoffman said that he was nor, Rldiey Park, Ridley Town- building will be open for inspectrying to give the students enough ship, St. James, Sharon Hill, tion. The parents groups are using of the background of other na- Springfield, Swarthmore. Upper this afternoon as their annual tions and their attitudes that those Darby and Yeadon. Open House to have all parents I .,,' taking part In the panels could visit the teacher of their child. present· a-good discussion from Water Company Lets One of the charming spots in mnmnnMIIIbUIUUlumIllIllUIIIIIIIIllIIIIIBIlRIBIMIIbUIDIIIIHlllllunulllmlllnmmnolli.._dUIIUII other naUon's viewpoints. Contra,ct for Dam the wall panel of 144 tiles, just Moderators for 'the panels will inside the door, painted by pupils be Dr. Murray Stedman, Jr., proThe Philadelphia Suburban last . spring. The young artists, The PERSONAL TOUCH in Catering fessor of· political science at Water Company 'announced today under the instruction of. Swarthmore College, Mrs. Betty that. a contract has been executed Anne ~ Cleaver, were: \ Jacob, special assistant to the dl- with the J. A. Jones .Construction Dirck Bass, Betsy Bennett, " , roctor of UNICEF, and Garold Co., New York, for construction of Susan Campbell, David Corbett, Your Cocktail Party or Tea Thumm, professor of political sci- a dam for its projected· reservoir Susan Driehaus, Barbara Edonce 'at the University of Penn- on the Perkiomen Creek' at Green wards, Susan Hayward, Les Ann It Is hoped that students par- Lane. KurtzhaJ,z,,"' Cally MacNair, Mary ticipating In the afternoon panels This dam will constitute the Lou McCorkel, Barbara Moran, Fancy sandwiches - hors d'oeuv.res will enjoy attending the program first' major step towards the com- Anne Paul and Jean Paul. to be held at the Swarthmore pletlon of the Green Lan e Friend's Meeting House Sunday Reservo!r following upon the reM Whatever your choice may. be. evening when a distinguished cent favorable action of the Penn- Listeners. ay panel including His Excellency sylvania Supreme Court. Learn Answer James Barrington, ambassador Increased demand for water (Continued from Page 1) from Burma to the United States last June and July has.emphasized I wantY", "When will we'get~ore How Avallabl. Th,o"gh General Hugh B. Hester, brigadier the need for prompt" action. By symphonic musicY" and "Singing general of the United States increasing the available supply to cOllJ!Ilercials _ how long, d~r Army, .retirlld; Ivan H. Petterman, meet the steady increase In the sir, how l{lng?" columnist, Philadelphia Inquirer, demand of the company's conA "br~ hat;' hil¥sIf Mr'Dal.. and Dr. Philip Jacob, profe¥or of stantly expanding territory, con- is is' dlr...ill;-;"'ponsibie ~t~r the political science at the University struction of these facilities has comp~te programming of one. of of Pennsylvania will be presented. fully' justified ,the ~ompany's pre- the nation's large stations, a sta, Other plans for the celebration dictions when they made their ap- tion known for the high calibre SW 6·7848 SW 6·4569 . , of United Nations Day In Swarth- p'lIcation' originally to the ,Water of its' programming and. its broad FOR YOUR .SWEET POTATOES The next meetinc on October Parenh Grade Llsh 21 Vacuum 'Packed' '. .: 2,·'~s~ 29c Open Hous~ Sunday Rutgers Ave; Schoo' Complete Line ' MRS. PA.UL"S .LARGE GREEN ,- A 'four-member .teljln from "ISCuss·lon GroUp' S Swarthmore will be, among UNO Delaware County . High School .~ HONEYDEWS . . . FIG .NEWTONS· Your Clloic:e Mel~tos" -S:taYman. -Winesaps . LARGE YINE~RIPENED SPINACH '~i( ~ . . COMPANY 64c lb. 7& lb.• EXTRA FANCY . DELICIOUS ··APPLES KRAFT'S . . NATIONAL BISCUIT c CHINCOTEAGUE. OY5TERS. S3 . \ DOZ, Prescribed by leading makers of automatic 2 lb. loaf' 8ge Resume . Hi-Q, Quiz " CHEESE NONE FINER· LEGS OF· LAMB 'RIB LAMB ···.CHOPS:.: 'LOIN LAMB CHOPS CHUCK OF LAMB ROAST DETERGENT· $5.29 Velveeta I High School Spuns.ors in S!i"es . -. '." . . P~6~________________~__~__________~~~~~~~~____~__--~~~----~----~~~~r~1~~~19~54~__~ Wlas Reserve Trop"y NOTICE It was announced on October ''Tho Board for the A...."""nt and Bevlalon' or TaX. . of the COWlty of ~ h!>rellr ~"'! not"'" that the Al!eellO"'ont ~1l has - n completed and wt11 be open fOr pubUc \nBpeCtlon be_n tbe houno of g:oo 4'M. jl4met Laces Media' :'!r ':!,:~~~~:a~:r!:ll=~) Must'a'n''gs 40. 611J~:~'::~s:tu~eFlaher, 7 that Lt. Commander Davi.d W. Shoemaker and his· Fighter Squadron VF933 received /lrst place hopors In' the competition for the Noel Da\'is Trophy for ~~c:.~t:'?~~~~~ emclent reserve UDlta at Willow and n.oo·Jtoon on Ba~ f.i> and Grove Naval AIr Station. 1.tl0lll~).ldlJ)g ~eml*. &t the oe ':0£ tlie: BDr8nl 1~ for•. "~ the ABse Sh~keJ," BJU!. bIa. squadron mmt 8iId _~ or Tax.., 'court won thta same honOr last year.· U'r'""~~DI!Ia"'- Co'lP,ty, PennHe.ip the. a~n.of M;r. an~ 1'>'Irs.' ·Y. v... ,' . . Walter·It. S~· of lUverNotice Ia aIoo given by u,Id BOord view road. .., ~...',' that .'I"Y perl 1D8~'~' the:·d&o¥,.nt·"ppe~.~. " .. Tbe, BaIrd tor.tbe. Is! nMlnt and ReYWon' Of 'tU..,of Catllerman's IJ/l := Here Today 3 P. M.· W&1. !)eta...... County. J08III:-B.I1. IJYlIl!l .vAlfBi' BARVEY RlOHABD EBLLY $600 MONTHLY • - .. ., 1 •• ~ • ,~. Starlin, saforr for 2 .sKutl"...",. saltant.. to npresent 10". Ea,hm fl'naRdal corporatton. No troy,l. Sales. experience and abRT". de,I,';:· .stab-. II~.I ~~~ ~ ~f' old, ,mart .Ied. c"""',·of.~~, _Ibll. ESTATE OF GEORGE w. Ti!B'WUNOW'OlI\ TBB, BOROUGH late or tho Baoough.or Swarthmore, 0111' SW~BI!l. DOB8"OBn4IN: , ~",,:="'ntary qn ~he above of8~::~i~:;~~4!t;!t"t:-:eOf~ btl.' 1106 Olmnl TrUot Bldg.. PhIlBdolpbJa ailaU bllCOD)e a part Of Apartment 2, Penna. HOU8e DIstrict' .'P'!' Section 2 •. From the effective date • of tbIIi .Orlllnance. that portion of the bualnelie dlatrlct Of the Borongh wblch Ia. \oc6tod r on _ northerly aldo of .' DartDloUth AvenUe commencing with the easterly property line or pre_ of Poter' B •. Told: and MarJotIe T .. bIB • Only. a dime a' day••• Wife, "'1-d ""te~lI)g thenqe '''7t~;1 Iy .to )l1'OJ>eJ:'ty D,ow ..,nO!! ment House DlItrlct "]),,. t1on 427 ------~ Ordinance ~ sa follows: PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY . Ser',',nu .J9 ""1)fll(lpalj'If!~ In Odawof( !o1on'tjom(·,y and Chr5/('f Count;e~ hereby of the amend~ or ough .. , ~9re of. this. 11th day or. QCtObOlri AD;; IDBi: ... P.ASI!I!:D. (seal) . '. I BOROUGH OP SWARTHMORE -. By r' . Atteot j . '. TROKAS W. HOPPER PreaI\IeJlt of QQtlI\CIl Sh=ess··S_"1.9 ... Ib . C ' ' -.,~ lb39c Ib 59c ~hClnld.is 'p.'"Plilftn Whole Ham , ' Ii; 35c Ib45c 'Ib 3;7C lb SIC Lancaster Brand Ready to Cook Hen TUIlIEYS. 8~:~:S .J ._.r .4~ 1fI~.$,~'1f1:i4, 'iIiI..l Your .~ '~~','1i~ ~QUlIGI. DIIIIK,; Mir1::!':"d Choice IRED IIINEI' r. r. ~ •~ •. s:~==~,1 J' 'I!:LLIOTT . Ik)rough. APPIIQVED ·tbls of 11th day Qp~:f"' 111M.... . JOS\!:PK Aje&s~' , , OLDS-- "'--' flounder FIII.ts Shrimp"=.9t/I4I .Spinach ,. PD." Lt= Cfllckan·PJe. 2:= 59c TurlreY'Dlnn.r.: '&;::79c V-etables·.... 2 ••- 39c '· ..·S7c '-59ft ,or -. .... 2'·"'39c Plavai' Pack prozen ~#S.. ~~t! l!igh.Jq Knock·Ftee· Sbanldess, 'Smoked ., . . . Section' 4. T/le' proper ~rough 0111cem are h .....by·autlioiiBed anddl1i!cted.to ,otrrec, t)lef!!fegQIDg, change.,. on the olllcla!. ZOntng· M»j> the Bor- ;"~-' ··' R to Eat . Zo••lng hUlldlnga; now' 'or h~ meted In Apartment HOuse Dliltrlct .,' ~' . to 'Sectlon 427. Subject to the provialon: that DQ existing dweUblg In· thls district shall be UBed for more than. three hause,keeplng unite or apartine,nts. aU the regulatiOns now appUcable_ In Apart.ment HbiiSe D1str1ot' IIA," 88 "",elided. shall I\iIpI". to and. rBBulate thO. UBe. of, al\.laD,d, and, all 47,:.' . i!!E'____ J . ~4I1t:4d~ bu.,!..... SPRINGFIELD WATER 12.oJi "kg .... IIAl 6....,'" .-. ,~ CekbrtlliW( 0&10&;'- Chelse P~ilHiM' silit, CHlUE1 //tile, Ixt:ra Sharp VlrJlDia ! ., "79c I lb 55~ Glendale Club c;:: 2-::'79c lee Plaln FOOD (,J:~) Reg. 3.94:=-.'O;;;;;.::... ::::...;::.. ;::.'Ilu-=-="-;I~1----~.... ~ u 35c Honey.BunI·B......... r •..m.. ....of63Oc = t.·.·.... ",. ·t· ~. ., .w;t;;;;;;;;~~~~71i1""'~ .... 25c ~IQAI.tr ••••• 1\7;.' :nl .... c~ ' Tbe Swarthmore HI&h School foolball aigrl!gatlon sCored Its lbird victorY. .of the seUon over wiD1ess Media on the' 10ller's lIeld 40 to 6 on Fridai. bi:tolil!J' 8, II was mUCh the same story dB In the tWo· previous games, alert and aggressive defensive play (OIIlbined with perfect perror)llance on offense. After receiving the kick-off the Gamet put on a 60 yard drive that cuJmlnated In a first touchdown when John Lewis swept Jeli end for. the score. The way was paved by Bud Stephani and Rod ""nsen. Pete Kroon converted th.e extra point. and Swarthmore stood out in front 7O. Media's tum with the ball was ,hort lived as the Swarthmore line headed by spIrited Stu Bowie turned b ack ,all Mustang p.Iays In the line of scrimmage. Media's kick was returned by Dick Snyder to the Media forty from where two plays later CoCaptain DeJlmuth broke through a beautiful hole provided by Carl Thoma. Krand M11te Hurd, picked up ~~OCkers _teo having :~n . . to the Il'JBln_ dlatrtct of 4Ibe' Borough wtilCh lIRdellll1*'-.•~ ."-'0' ~~ted_~ 1II,I"""tod. Db tIia SQUth 8lde. or Dazt.tgs s8ttfBUW_ ~ _"'" m_e mouth Avenue 'beg1@lng with" . . IHoc, ,.... ~.; l~to~I~' .!~~rr .•-'~:.~4.~,lIlIY~ Clal1m8 ~ e88torly line or' the"RuMeU i>1·e.ent ~ aame•. Without de ay. ~ pmpem .and, extending the".... fndad. persona' h stOry; a rlpll.' confwialaf~· 0.,,. sol ........ han I ·.. Gerttude. W,-..S_y•. ·.:I2ll V _ _ y to property now IOnod88 Avo" B~ore, Penna. Apartmont DIstrIct "11''' oha1l'cooae to _ tnfomood of '101., ad., tpz. "'. t,. or. to :'$" " Henry (larver. Attorney be,cJ...llI.Qd. as .. h"':lneoa zone and Swartltrooreon. througliout the second half: Dan Herb Stelgelman, Bruce, Mal Tlj)pett George Kroon;Scott Piceard, py Dunnln.; Andy Jones, Tad RltzlilIIer, Dick Coles, George Garrett, Manuel. Hainer, Bob Keller Lee Gemmill. Steve Carter, BlIi W~lch,. Hugh MOrrison and Joe Prather. .. T~ briiigsthe traditional nFle!gIJOOArhilnood fuSs to Rutgers e... e undefeated SpringlIeld team gives the Garnet their IIrst real test. The Swarthmore :YS know that they are going to ve to be at their very best as they plan to come out on top. Hap~ Springfield Cougars s Fresh Candies p ....... 7 mE SWARTHMOREAN , Webster Names Add"t" IlonaI' Work'ers The special appeal of the 1955 Red Feather drive which opened Tuesday in Swarthmore is to increase I individual contributions over last year. Increased support of the Red F th . I ti ea er 1S mpera ve becallSe of our skyrocketing population. It is necessary because InOation has cut the value of each Red Feather dollar to 82 cents and many agencies are critically near the point wbere they will have to curtaIi ds setvlces becallSe of lack of r------------,I help. insure the continued high Cresson O. Davis, Mrs. Augustus qUality of services by the scouts, Titus, Mrs. Robert Hetherington, I "Y's", health centers, hospitals Mrs. Horace P a s s m o r e ; , family services agencies, ch11d~ , Mrs. David Reese, MIss Cath- I car orgaDizationo, services to the erlne Isherg, Mrs, Walter Moire, I aged and the handicaj)ped and the Mrs. James Eckenhoff, Mrs, iI. H. USO. . Gordon !.tcConechy, lIha. AlOnti> District Director' Ma'urtce· L Tyler, Mr. J. B. Aaron. Mr. Henry Webster, Jr., iumounced the BaVeD, Dr. Fred D, Dudley. Mr. A. lowing additional Swarthmore Sidney Johnson, Jr., Mr. John F, workers: . MeKlniiet, :Mt!r. R. BOO Pricie, Dr, John E. Michael as Asso- Mr. K. M. Reed, Mrs. John Moore, clate Director for business district Mrs. William Prentice, Mrs. , and captalna, Mrs. Agnes iiai. Joseph Blaklston, Mrs. Harold , Sheldon and Mr. HairY F. Hof- Roxi>y; " mann and solicitors, Mrs. Wayne Mrs. G. Wills tlroadhead, Mrs. I Randall Mrs. Cbarles Thomas Jam~ H. Breakell, Mrs. J. A. Mrs. Fussell, Mr. Richard Calhoun, Dr. F. W. Luehring, Mrs. I Enion, Dr. Ned Wi1liams, Mr. Rob- Thomas Montgomery, Mrs. Charles I ert Carroll, Mrs. Fred Van Urk, A. Anderson, Mrs. Fred N. Bell, Mr, William Gill, Mrs. Arthur Mc- Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie, Mrs. Cormack, Mrs. Paul B. Rutan, Mr. John L, Good, Mrs. Roy S. LatlAlfred G. Boyd, Mr. Wi1liam Col- mer, Mrs. Johan Natvig, Mrs. J. lenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roy Snape, Mrs. A. H. Van Alen, , Gi1liam, Mr. Karl M. Fox. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. peter',' George F. Corse, Mrs. Walter Kroon, .~s. ancls Davis, Jr., Steuber, Mrs..Walter Shelly, J-I., Mr. Graham Wentz, Mrs. John Mrs. Charles R. Pratt, Mrs.' How- Derickson, Mrs. Martin Kapp, I ard ·C. Jackson, Mrs. Carl H. Mrs. Charles Lincoln, Mrs. Walter I Ingraham; Taft, Mrs. James J e z l . , M R b The assistant secretaries will be I r. 0 ert W. WoOd, Mr. Ed- at the bank from 9'.30 to 12'.00 ward MIftlIn, Mr. James Marsh, I Mrs. H. Parker Stamford, Mrs. each banking day until Novem': I Charles C. Martin, Mrs. Robert ber 1st. Daggy, Mrs. Harry Bewley, Mr. , Henry L. Bunker, Mrs. Edward Band Dessert Card Party , Cratsley, Mr. L. J. Holt, Mrs. H. Friday, Ocfob8r 29 , J. Weiland, Mr. P. G. Wrlghts, man, Mrs. Violet B'lgger, "'-s. . 7:30 P.M. I .... High School Cafeteria tot~ .... pm-a bI8 ,~cIt SIl)'der" ~'''''ncJinl OIl '.".~ Ib\6 W"!f'+: to IteciIa U aDd the mlreft:eptioD -ZM:t Ay"o"ld I , M~rrIs Ke~.::ethFrStuart, , Truffic ' III' ' I I ' ,, II ,PHI'LADELPHIA I TRANSPORTATION COMPANY' . , cln :.:~=:m:e:rt:.=P~r~i~I.~S~~~~D~D~n~a~t~la~n~7~5~c==l~-=_:-=-=·-=-=-:-=-=-=-:.:_:-J_ • . Sensationally low illtroau,cIory prices! :Packed with ~ew power! Sparkling with new beauty!' ttUE TilEY ARE. Ain.itft\it~ 'the first and Preei4eDU. They're the fastest _ _ the gel-away-the a8iest, ~t-stOpPins ears-In America I Tbey\-e built ~ Studebaker-Peek_'" quality Btandards t 'l'heY'pe eDg;"eered lor the BPJDe operatiDg eCOI\.omy that gave Studebaker the most sweeping victories eYer1lCDrell1n the MobilgaaEeoDomy B_1 n. d'D.• D1~e ~eadHiter8 of the Breat 8liidebaJstituted for DeJlmuth at 'IUUbac.k and 011 the IIrst play went distance untouched for the touchdown of the game. missed and Swarthmore IeIt the lIeld at half time intermission leading 27-0. The third quarter was a litUe story as' an aroused Meand reJillting Swarthmore tooth and nail between thirty yard stripes. As the quarter started, Cal Cole,. who has just recovered from • hip bruise, showed his early "ason form as he dashed off ielt bCkle 48 yards for the flfih ~uchdoWli. BIOcli:l.iiit by Geiirge P~ppas and Bud Stephani gave hbn tbe advantage he needed to &et into the open and outriui the Media team. The Onal touchdown, the third Co-Captain Dt!Jlmuth, was on ah liiterceptedpass til1lclt wak the' Mtii sUch pils!! tiy Ibe Swattllmbill teiiift dllfing the lame. Alert Terry picked the pass OUt of a potential receiver's hand and. went 30 yards to touchdown territory untouched. Pete Itioori bfi.\1 a.aae ,8Ilf:a.a,m lob on ~ !iObli e8hVW&h malle his OUrth SUc~:attempt· ilf the day iIIId bffi~lItSWlifbmiilre's I •• ". '.,. -'"~ • • ~ ~ •• " _ _ .... __ • __..,.- - - _ .. - • "_r _. 0', DEPENQAa,LE~ QUIET ~your. mi)d~ I I I . FULLY '~.~". 'm~t'·~'~ ':'e·,·D~.y~o'~n;i:r~·y;Co ;njD(, ·,°lrtao!!"U'~C~7tth'J; I I gas me!,.10 ~ci#R~,j~"~e ~ '.' . ~o~ ~.~~°Eri.·~t '(;rher uSe~ PfPose,pa.'s_ " CLE4N~::. N:o ~OOt ~; ~r~ ~;o'~~ I· . . :~~~~~t~~;I!':~~taq,~."~ t=dijQit'N.t)~~~,i~~~~b~~ ~~,;,. : 1~"8i'!r,!~ ...!'~, less m,udteUnce -,bl. ~ Cua lnghhoO'~ or~i(n"i.h~~e.e·~ • It~acf' 1iU1'Lr Wh~b it'i.n~d"'. V';;',Rq . hddQ~,eq~p~e!1t, TN·, ~~t!.~ leu . SDOW' co~: bepre"di\ii~ii lilei.1 , .... " (:-: ;~ ~ . ;,0, \ .~ -.'~ .. _. • ........ . ·.;nth ,incidtrll 'au'.' e- ...... ~ .. ~ You ~ave Va)q.ble h' ririe·:f~a ,;. econo~~~i-col1lF.~f1tv"~b.1y~~, '. ::r~p~:1 ~:~::'~o~~!!,f~~;:: I,:. .'--t!l~'!!J eJ '1' N6 ,F,.,DEt:5f,..{,[~ 1·\«;1_Wheiiy'ou H.~t.- , .' ""'KA of 1lUt0maikheat- aalomadeliaiin,. That'. ~~ythe nwnheroE . Su&1ii-6an p)illadeIj)JUi h_he&ie.l· .vttb I'