Swnrthr.tore SVlarthmore .,. ., SW A [(Tft MOS' COLLEGE }.Jl', • , Flowerless ..... LIBRARY Flowers For The ft_ THESWARTHMOR VOLUME ,26-NUMBEB, 36 . SWARTIJMORE, FRIDAY,' SEPTEMBER 3, 1954 .' For The Flowerless 13.50 PER YEAR . .~ Mutuat Exchange Sept. 21, 22 Nears Flowers ".", Red Cross to Give Mass Care Instruction . , DU's WiD Convene School Lists Homeroom Assignments to Ease Opening for Sr.-Jr. High School Students. I At College Tuesday Mrs. J. Albright Jones, chairman of the Swarthmore Branch of the American Red Cross, anSchedule Initial Half Sessions for All Classes: CommiHee Busy With nounces an all.day four-com- President Smith to Welmunity course on Tuesday. SepStagger Dismissal HOU~5; Ask Parent Details of Boro's come Delegates; Local tember 28, on Emergency Mass Aid in Clothing Labels Fall Outlet Man in Active Roles Care in the Swarthmore WoReturning vacationers are re- man's Club. Red Cross specialSchool students of Swarthmore are anticipating the ists in all phases of mass care Delegates from 66 colleges and d d th min e at the Woman's Club, ' universities in the United States opening of school next Thursday, September 9. They are Fall Mutual Exch~nge is conveni- will give instruction completeently just ahead" Tuesday Sep- ly free of charge to all who and Canada, numbering over 200. eager to see their new rooms, meet their new teachers, greet tember 21, and Wednesday Sep- wish to attend. will invade the Swarthmore Col- classmates, and look through their books. Also, they will tember 22. Settlement date is SepMedia, Springfield, Ridley lege campus on Tuesday, Sep- e~perience the realization of promotion into a new grade. tember 24. Right now is the ideal Park and Swarthmore will at- tember 7 when the 120th annual The opening of the Rutgers Avenue addition will provide moment to sort out those winter tend the course. Detailed an- international convention of Delta items a vacationing family has nouncement of the program will Upsilon. college fraternity, reg- much-needed additional space for the elementary classes, and shot right out of, get them cleaned, be made soon. isters in. Herbert Brownell. At- make two additional classrooms available in the high school. mended. into the kind of condition torney General of the United Pupils returning to the high school classes next week will that sends them straight to a new States will address the Conven- find the homeroom assignments ready for them and posted and delighted owner.· ... tion Banquet on Thursday night. conspicuously on. bulletin boards in the corridors. For their , Mrs. Robert A. Boyle. general Swarthmorean Thomas B. Mcconvenience, the following homeroom lists may be used: chairman of the Club' Exchanges, Cabe, class of 1915 Swarthmore Te&C),ber Room PupUs with announces the' members of, her College, will be the toastmaster at Final InItials capable. durable, enthusiastic com- Total Enrollment Up 88 that high moment in the conclave. Mr. Hofmann 201 A-G -< 0 3 2 0 Several local men are pronii- SENIORS mittee, now returned from a varMiss Zimmer 211 H-O lety of summer interests to the ver 195: 0 nent in the, executive committee Mr. Klemmer 215 P-Z task a h e a d . ' Over '1952 which has piloted the affair. Clark Mr. Marish 202 A-D Mrs. Robert P. Bradford. Mrs. The Swarthmore Schools open W. Davids, Rodgers lane, Walling- JUNIORS Mr. Yocum 208 E-LAN Samuel Carpenter, Mrs. A. Sid- next week for the 1954-55 School ford, is the general chairman. WilMr. Snyder 213 LAW-RI ney Johnson, Jr.• are in charge year with an enlarged but com- liam F; Lee, Swarthmore 1933, Miss Barten 200 RO-Z of checking in articles for ex- plE!te teaching staff. There will be resident of Guernsey road, is 206 A-G change on Tuesday, September. 21. three more, eleIQ.entary teachers chairman of reception, Ellis Ridg- SOPHOMORES Dr. Irwin , Mrs. Mathews 203 H-M from 9:30a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Alice and two more high school teach- way. Swarthmore 193~. 420 River Miss Armstrong 209 N-SM Marriott will distribute conslgner ers to meet the rise in pupil en- view road, is in charge of acMiss Strouse 216 SN-Z numbers aJid preside at the desk. roUment. commodations; Paul B. Banks, Miss McKie 107 A-G Mrs. Paul R. Hertel is in charge At the present time the school Penn State 1922, 724 Harvard ave- FRESHMAN Mr. Hall 7 l H-M of police. activity. Mrs. L. J. faculty is complete. In the high nue is Chamberlain; Walker Pen. Mrs. Seymour, 105 N-G Servais and Mrs. Edwin W. Cros- school, William Bush is the Prin- field. Williams College 1919, 430 ,Mrs. Becker 103 A-G by Will d1iect hanging. clpal. The ,teachers include: Mrs. Riverview avenue, Recorder; Mr. EIGHTH Mr. Bell 100 H·P Mrs. Raynham. T. Bates will Hanna Mathews. MarY,Armstrong,1 McCabe is Auditor. UndergradMr. ,Mlller 101 Q-Z oversee the arrangement and ex- Irma Zimmer and Elizabeth Mc- uate chapters of the fraternity at Mrs.' Wright 1 ' ; , A-G change of household items in the Kie teaching English; Henry H:of- Swarthmore and University of SEVENTH Mr. Jamison 102 H-N Club Lounge. Mrs. George Wagner mann, Frederic Yocum. Mrs. Mar- 'Pennsylvania are co-hosts. Mrs. Mr.: C;::Qnw 5 O-Z and l\frs. D. Reed Geer will handle guerite Seymo,,":. S~ial Studies; Banks heads ~~ Ladles CommitThe morning,.seasiol;l of the high school will begin at 8 :45 baby elotb.!'i.:, Mrs. GeorgeP. Mrs. Marion ~k~;:,,:Mrs. Ruth tee. which has arranged many Warren, is;cbaJrw.~ ,,~~,:.~1!( .~r~t,~~;Na~ l!e11, ~ac~g 'events {or w1v~i, of ~~v~llt~~~ daily. Upon -arrival :.t~8cbOOl'pupils should' godii'ectly' to their 'clothes; Mrs.' Frank' McCowan of both ErigUsh,a~ SociaY'Stlidfes m~tors., ' ..," new homero~ms fo~ meetings with their respective homeroom skirts. Mrs. W. Alfred Smith 'of the.Junior High Sch~l. MatheClothier Mehlorial and Parrish as to the plans for the day. All supplies wfil be disteachers evening dresses. Mrs. William maUes. J. Eugene Duncan, Charles Hall wi1-1 house all convention tributed there and pupils will be Lowe of boys' clothes. Mrs. Robert Klemmer. James Miller and Walt- business. Dr. Courtney Smith will handed their individual class B. Clothier. of women·s dresses, er Hall; Science, Elizabeth Bar- welcome the group at the conschedules which have been preMrs. Robert Richardson of men's ten. ,Charles Marish, and James ference on leadership scheduled viously prepared during the sumclothes Mrs. Franklin Andrew of Jamison; Languages, Dr. James for all day Wednesday and Thursmer months by Mr.' Bush. the chiI~'s. clothes, Mrs. T. E. Irwin, Latin; Adeline Strouse, day, the alumni conference fol,Hi.h School Principal. The reHessenbruch of sweaters Mrs. French; and Russell Snyder. Ger- lows on Thursday and Friday, mainder of the morning will be Robert AlUson of the ckessing Mathematics. man; and Joseph Conte~ Latin ahd generaI · Friday and SatsessIons T,he Rev. Canon S. L. Greens- devDted to auditorium assembly, room. . urday. In addition to the banquet lade from England will be the classes; receiving books and work Mrs D . d Bin h d Mrs The teachers of non-academic g ainm Cahnarge of· subjects are~ Health and Physical. which is to be at the University guest preacher at the Swarthmore assignments. • R. aMVlarey are ti Virginia All P tri of Pennsylvania Museum, a clam- Presbyterian Church this Sunday Frank Session Schedule settlement on Friday which will Educa on; . en, a Cla bake, at the farm of Dr. Clyde morning at the 11 o'clock service. Thursday and Friday Will be keep the treasurer Mrs. D. Mace ToId'RMUl~rArtdROcbllnsodin and Wikl~ Spangler in Concordville is sched- Canon Greenslade is the head or half days or morning sessions • au a R ancGe. liam eese. Gowing and her assistant Mrs. Musi B ttej G d 11 d R b t uled for Friday afternoon and a the Department of Divinity in only, throughout the school sysRobert M. Grogan extremely busy. HOlm~' H:mer:~g,aJe~e S~~; supper dance Friday night at the DUrham University and Residen- tem. The afternoon sessions will Industrial Arts. David Watkins; AroniininkCountry Club. tiary Canon of Durham Cathe- begin on Monday, September 13, Commercial subjects. Mrs. Erma Speakers' at the luncheon pro- dra!. He holds the Degrees of for the junior-senior high school LATE FOR SCHOOL Foley; Librarian, Mrs. Anne Boul- grams will include BeverlY Mur- M.A. and D.D. of Oxford Univer- classes and grades 3 to 6. Full Goran Lindgren, the 17 year old t phy, president of Campbell Soups; sity. Canon, Greenslade's chief day sessions' will begin SeptemSwedish exchange Student will be erAtthe College Avenue Elemen- Arthur Kobler, vice-president of academic subject is Ecclesiastical ber 16 for the second and on late to school this September. Due tary. School. the teachers will be (Continued on Page 5) History. especially the Early Thursday, September 23, for the to red tape concerning his visa, Mrs. 'Abbie Enders~ kindergarten, Church. first grade. The Kindergarten M Formerly librarian of St. John's classes will have half day sessions Goran, who was sCheduled to arMrs. LaVina Hurst, first; rs. rive ,in Swarthmore August 28 Barbara Keyes. second; Mrs. 0' College, Oxford, Canon Green- only throughout the year. after docking in Quebec four d a y s ' slade is now Librarian of DurThe elementary schools will li Grace Witter. third; Jean Mcham 'Cathedral. He, is PreSl·dent o· ear .er, will be unable to attene} Creight,. fourth; Nell W i s e m a n , ' " begin at 9 o'clock in the mornthe opening days of' schOOl. H e ' d . Durham and Northumberland is expected to be here by the flfth; and Margaret Yeatman an The Swarthmore Mother's Club Arch~logical and, Architectural ing, morning sessions extending middle of Septenlber. Philip Swayne. sixth grade. will open its season Thursday, Society. He has taken part in dis- from 9:00 to 11:40 a.m. and in the , At the Rutgers Avenue Elemen- September 23, with its annual cussions on the Church of England afternoon from 1:00 to 3:15 p.m. While in Swarthmore, Goran tary School" the 'teachers are: "hello" party to welcome returning and the' Church of' ,Scotland and In the high s.:hool the hours will will live for a time with Mr. Caro1 Ann' H e tze, 1 kindergarten·• and new members, Mrs. Howard has been at' Oslo in simllar dis- be from 8:45 to 12:15 in the mornand Mrs. Lym'an A. Darling' of Ru th Abbott,Mrs . Janet WUI- Y. Clymer is p res! dent of the club. cussions on the Church of Eng- ing and 12:55 to 3:20 in the afterLafayette avenue, whose son John cox, Mrs. . Marian stuart, first; Mrs. Brinton Liddell is chalnnan land and the Churches of Norway noon. a senior this year and with Mrs. Janet Groff, Mrs. Barbara of membership. The "hello" party Denmark and Iceiand. • As heretofore, the high school UU'. and Mrs. H. lillldley Peel of Yohanan and Nancy Hagy, sec- will be he I d in Mc' cafeteria will serve putritious -------Columbia avenue, whose son ond; Mrs. Elizabeth Garrahan and Cahan Hall. Presbyterian Church. lunches at a reasonable price, Craig is also a senior. Mtlry Alice Lilly, third; Mrs. Young mothers in the communiKAPPAS TO PI<:NIC which will be available to - all Goran will be the second for- Roxanna Jackson and Mrs. Bess ty are cordially' invited to attend The Kappa Kappa Gemmas will pupils who tio not have time to eign student to be a Swarthmore Seidel, fourth; Margaret Moore. the party. A complete program of meet for a picnic supper at the go home for lunch. The school. School guest since World War II. and Margaret Shaw, fifth; Myrtle Mothers Club events for 1954-55 home of Mrs. Norman H. Winde, (Continued on Page 7) lie is frQm a southern Swedish McCallin, Sixth and Mrs. Albert will be sent out during the early "High Winds", Ridley Creek road, country town, Tollarp. Gwinn. music. weekS of September to all mem- September 9 at 5 p.m. , is Elementary bers' and prospective' members. Any Kappas who have not been In Horticulture Talk Since everyone has been caught Mr. by red tape's web of delay in School PrinCIpal" Ruth Har- Mrs. Liddell may be con~cted for contacted ·are asked t() call their Anne Werstner Wood (Mrs. SOtnemanner Goran's delayed ar- bison, Elementary ~ ~ea81er'information. acceptances to Mrs. Winde at HarrY C.) North Chester road rival is understood and even en- Mrs. Edith Kenney, School Nurse, The program f~r the evening is ME 6-1204 and if trahspot1ation will be the special speaker at the. Vied by his eagerlY waiting high and Mrs. Once Narbeth. Cafe- being planned by the membership is -desired. to 'call Mrs. Walter monthJ¥ meeting of the Norwood school classmates. After all, who teria Manager. Frank R. Morey: is committee, which· includes Mrs. Shoemaker at SW 6-0296. Horticultural Society on Wednes-, can suffer from a school tardiness Supervising Principal of Schools. William Abbe, Mrs. Joseph Donaday· evening, September 8 at 8 When govemment. red tape ofters In October, 1953, the SWarth- van, Mrs. Raymond Hood. Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman p.m., which will be held at the the best possible excuse? more Schools had 580 elemen~ Mrs. Alex MlUs. Mrs. Joseph of Westminster avenue entertaln- bmnanuel Lutheran Church comer . pupUs on the rolla, and 531 bigh Paul, Mrs. William Spencer, Mrs. ed at a neighborhood cirop-in- of Chester Pike -and Winona Avschool pupils, a total of 1.111. At Harold Drumm, Mrs. Peter Miller, party Wednesday eveninJ in ~ue. The public is invited. Mr. ·.and Mrs. Paul WilUams the present time, the enrollment )Irs. HarUe R~' Mts. ThOmas honOl' of.)lr; an4 ~ E. II. ,Mrs. Wood ~ the .author of sev-' ThOl'bahn,Mi'B., Joseph Snyder, .Tohniona1soOf Westmlnster ave- eral booJfa. on the subject of hortihave returned to their bome on is 823 elementary sc:hool yeU Mrs.:J. W. '~' and MrS. nue who are ~vlng FridaY to c:U1tuJe" the most NC:eUt ~';, ' h88oo1~ , lJ'DhWsity Plac:e 'aft« a two week anll~ 5'18' ~ aSC two~,,"" RenrYB~. "" Atlanta, Ga." " "i'I~~ows8nd~es", ,.' vacation, at SebascO Jatates, aio-~ . . . ' . ... EnIdS arge Ch00I., FacuIty on Mark I · Presbytenans to Hear Durham Canon M thers Club Sets Date 'f or 0' pener !_ Thom~ ~oyle of ,---. ~ _over purr:; w.,ta ' \ September 3, 1954· THE SWARTBMOREAN Pee 2 NEWS NOTES sage. The brldegroom's mother was lin the Swarthmore Methodist two ounces upon his birth on Aug- of Irvington. N. J .• are receiving . dressed In sea-green Organza with. Church. . . ust 26 In the Nassau Hospital. cODgratulatlons upon the birth or Mrs. Charles Benjamin Keenen champagne _ colored accessories I The Rev. WllUam H. Bollman. Mineola. N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. How- their ftrst child. a son Jeftrey Ed.and her Pare?ts. Dr. and Mrs. I and an orchid corsage. pastor of the FIrst Refilmed ard G. Hopson of Rutgers avenue ·ward Hopson. on August 25. Mr. Garry deNeuv'lle Hough. Jr.. of The church was decorated with Church of Lancaster. Will otBelate are· the baby's maternal grand- and Mrs. Howard G. Hopson are Longmeadow. Mass.. will be ferns and white flowers. Eva Jean and will be assisted by the Rev. pa'rents. HIs paternal grandparentjl the grandparents· of the baby'who guests of honor Sunday afternoon Feather of Westlleld. N.Y.. the John C. KulP. pastor of the local are Mr. and Mrs. Harrison of weighed six pounds. four ounces at an open house given by Mrs. organist. played the traditional Church. Mrs. Daniel G. Nicely of Garden City. 1.. I. at birth. His maternal grandpBr_ Keenen's father and mother-In- wedding marches and accompanl- Kutzto':"'n will play the tradients are Mr. and Mrs. ·Alfred Ver Mr. and MrS. Robert G. Hopson Valen of Baltimore. MeL law. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. ed Mrs. Mary Demyan of Mount tional wedding music at the organ. Keenen of Harvard avenue. Lt. Lebanon. soloist. who sang "I Mrs. John M. Shroad of Lancaster (jg) Charles Keenen Is currently Love Thee". "At Dawning". and will sing "0 Perfect Love." "Beaboard the destroyer Henry W. "The Lord's Prayer"; cause." and "I Love You Truly" Ruth S. Duncan Tucker which Is cruising. In the Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey left for before the wedding and "The Pactllc. a wedding trip to New York City. Lord's Prayer" during the cereJudy and Randa Roess returned They are now residing at 25 mony. . to • lhiIlted namber of adto their home on Cornell avenue Wigtel Lane, Bellport, L.I.• N.Y. Mr. EllIng will escort his daugh"",.eel dudenta after returning by plane from The bridesmaids were sorority ter to the altar and give her In D ....er ",,_......tor '" Martha's Vineyard. Mass.. where sisters of the bride at Westminster marriag". The bride will wear a Mrs. John Schott they motored two weeks ago, College. from which the bride and floor length gown fashioned of UDlverslb' of PeDJUl)'lvania bridegroom were graduated In white chantilly lace and misty Formerly member of facalb' 322 RUTGERS AVENUE Muslo and ENGAGEMENT June. The bride is a member of nylon tulle. The snug bodice of Eastman School Upsilson sorority and the WIlson Coil". SW 6-5663 Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Barnes Theta bridegroom of Phi Gamma Delta lace with long sleevs has· soft of Gatewood Falm. West Chester. fraternIty. Mr. Godfrey Is as- folds of tulle to form a portrait SWARTBlIiORE 6-4944 formerly of S ••k. _. -. CALL· 'FOR iindDELIVERY SERVICE AIii;Ie FREE ......... SWatt'ii1'Ore· '~3154 ., Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. For- Ic-----~~---------------~--.., sythe will entertain at an outdoor THE SWARTBMO~ steak dinner In honor of theWaiPt1B1JSHRD EVERY F&lDAY AT 8W~TBIIOaL PA. ter O. Heinze family tomorrow '. . '1- . . " ., • L ~ORJB TOLD, "UB~RU8 . . of evening. The guests wUl be Mr. J?IoDe 8WartImIore '~tIIHI and Mrs. Donald Heinz. Dorothy tlO.USt:HQJ.Q FURNITUR. Heinze; and Mrs. Heinze' mother. PB'fEK Eo TOLD. Ec1ltol' Mrs. Mendius; Mr. and MrS. John ~~.P~l ~orIe Told Frances P.. Murray A. MIller. Mr. and Mrs. Norman 11l!~ll'!g sold my house .I!t Entel'lld ... Second Clau Matter. January 2". 1929. at the Post Brosch, Mr. and Mrs. Wll11sm 4' 0 No~ Sw"r1\!!!'a"8 ~y.I'= o~at Sw~ore. Pa.. under 'the Act of Ml!rch 1879. Lilley. daughters and sons-In-law I am seDing all my household DBADLINE--WEDNF$I!JI.Y,}{pQN of Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe. Ellzgoods i~~udl'!.g some antiques abeth Forsythe. BUI Z1egepfus and Mr. and Mrs. ~orge Graham Robert or Wynnewood. Hours 9 A. M. to 'P. M. PR~5BYTERIAN. NOTES t.t~HQPJST ~QrE$ . Rev. John Schott with Mrs. . KhlCJsle, 3·1879" The Official Board will meet·to_ Schott and children John and ThIs Sunday. September 5. The Carolyn lett yesterday for New Rev. Canon S. L. Greenslade from night at 8 p.m. in the Chapel. ., . '_' I,.' Church School begins at 9:45 York City where John and CaroEngland will occupy the pulpit a.m. with classes for all ages. At lyn will spend the weel< end while and cOl!duct the whole 11 o'clock the 11 a.m. Morning Worship. the Rev. and Mrs. Scjlott journey to service. Canon Greenslade is head Rev. John C. KulP.· Pastor. will Schenectady to visit Mrs. Schptts of the Department of Divinity in use as his sermon theme. "Are We parents. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin We are .on a much needed Durham University and Resi- Weak and Heavy Laden?" taken C. Waite. Rev. Schott will be guest minister at \he First Pres"Post Moving" vacation. dentiary Canon of Durham Cath- from the text of Matthew 11 :28. This Is the second In a series of byterian Church in Auburn. N.Y. edral. sermons on the themet uGod's on Sunday. Our (new) store at 6 Park Ave. IS OPEN. Sunday. September 12. the Help for Llfe's Discouragements." Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Greene Drop in to see the rest of the Gang. Ushers for the morning servfce returned recently from a motor double session of ~e Church School and the double, session of will be George W. Zanzinger. trip through some of the western and southern states. They stopped (CLOSED ALL DAY LABOR DAY) Worship Service at 9: 30 and 11: 00 head usher. assisted by N. Martin first In Dayton. Ohio to visit a Kapp. Walter Snyder. Lemuel J. o'clock will begln the new church Holt. Theodore Haddad and Ron .niece. and then visited eight days G. WEST COCHRANE year. lit Overland Park. Kansas with Sutton. A Church Hour Nursery will be A nursery for children will be their son and daughter-In-law. held again this Sunday for chil- supei"vlsed by capable women In They toured most of the southern dren of Kindergarten age and order that the entire family may states. stopping in Boone. N. C .. to under. during the church hour worship together. attend a performance 'of "Horn in FrI. 9 ta 8:30 SW 6-4191 worship service. This will be held The Ladles Bibl\! Class will hold. the West" before returning home. Miss Priscilla Rogers of, Park in the Nursery Room. located In the regular meeting and covered the new building. starting at 10:45 dish luncheon on September 8. ai avenlle returned Satur~ay after a.m.. under the supervision of the home of Mrs. Paulson. 100 visiting friends In Great Barrington. Mass.. Newport, R. I.. and MIss Virginia Tiller. Park avenue at 12:30 p.m. The regular meeting of the W. New York City. Tuesday evening. September 7. Mrs. J. A. Perry and Miss Olive H~ there will be a meeting of the S.C.S. will be held on September , Perry of the Swarthmore Apart15th jnstead of September 8th. at Missions and Benevolences Comfound~~ our org~nization 76 mittee at 8 p.m. to be held In the 1 p.m. with luqch at the In- menls returned to their home last Friday,. after vacationing in Cape Woman's Association Room. Also. gl~neuk. May'sb,ce August 9. years ago. am. family there will be a Church School Mr. Paul C. ·Murray returned TRINITY NOTES Cabinet meeting at II p.m.. to be' op.r~t~.!t today. W2dnesday to New York City held In the Clwrch Lounge. The regular schedule for serv- after spending the month of AugThere will be a dinner given Ices will be in elf~ this Sunday ust with his mother. Mrs. Fred J. for the Ushers' Association by the morning at Trinity Church. At 8 Murray of Yale avenue. Board of Deacons OIi Thursday o'clock there will be a celebration :-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ _ _~ , evening at 8:30 p.m.• Septemb& 9 of the Holy Communlon and again .. . How C.rlIH.. S.,.... Heal. In McCahan Hall. The speaker, at at 11 o'clock a service of Holy '820 C".STNUT STIllII this dinner meeting will be Communlon will be held. The ''The Lasting Solution GUYIIIL ~ ' ••M1~ MIfY A.IAII, Pr ••••• George L. Hergeshelmer. a mem- Rector will be In charge of both To Conflict" T..eph.... 116-,511 ber of the Ushers' Association of servfces. .-' . the Ocean Grove AuditorIum far The usbers for thIs Sunday will WI. I". ICC) S.....y••:41 many years. and now Assbclate be as followa: R. J. Baker. A. G. Treasurer and COlllptroller of the B!>yC!.. W. L. CleavilsJ. L. Cornog. Division of. National MIssIons of J. H. FUrlong. J. vr.-Jones. E,' C. the Board of Missions of the Page. Jr.. and G. S. Valentine. Methodist Church. Joseph Gibson will serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock. and David CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES Bass at 11. SALE STARTS TODA.Y . p.mcil TOJ.!). 3: Broo", . ,~ ~. "NO AD THIS WEEK" &HOBBY SHOP THE CAMERA OLIVER '. BAIR 111•• • 'HE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. "'1.".' ",IIUU ~, ~:'" -' A.M. The abillty. power and sinless perfection w h I c h characterize man's real nature In God's likeness will be brought out at Christian Science services Sunday. when the Lesson-Sermon Is entitled. "Man." NEWS NOTES Mr. and· Mrs. Peter Murray of Media ";111 accompany Mrs. Murray's college roommate and her husband•.Mr. and Mrs. B. Paul Miller of Carllale to Stone Harbor. N.J. where they will spend CHURCH SERVlaS • the Labor Day holidays. . Mr.~ S. B. ·Brewster of SwarthPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH more avenue entertained WednesJoseph P. Bishop. Minister John Schott. AlISOC!iate Minlater day evening at a family party to celebrate Mr. Brewster's l?4"th~. • Sanda,.. September 5 11:00 A.M.-The Rev. Canon S. L. ri.fr." c;,riteU Ar~hbold returned to bIs hOme on,Swalthmoi"e aveGreenslade will preach. nu!! after a sbQrt visit to the METHODIST CHURCH AU;res. He Wm return shortly to JOHN C. KULP. B.D.• M.A.• ~r$,?· \Vashlnf,lon Universj~y. MInister wBshlngton. D.C. where he will EDWARD THORNTON. A.B.• begin . liis. stUdies· as a second Assistant MJnister year law student. MRS. RUTH G. NICELY, 'MrS: 'NicholaS Turkevich of Organist-Director of MWIlc Houston. Texas Is the guest of Sunda,., . September 5 "-<\I' 1lWth\!.f, lo!!rs. Carl Clea~ of 9:"5 A.M.-chunll School 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. ·Swarthmore place. having flown up to attend the wedding of her TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector sister, Florence. Mrs. Roberi S. Bird of Rutgers 8unda,.. September 5 avenue and Mrs. Joseph Howe of . 9:00 A.M.-Holy Communlon. S\V~mol:e avenue entertained. 11:00 A.M.-Holy ~,:"",~nlon. at an outdoor supper and swimTHE RELIGIOUS. socIETY ming party Saturday evening at OF FRIENDS the Bird's newly acquired proPSunda,.. Seplember 5 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. erty In celel.lration of their husband's birthday anniversaries. All are welcome to attend. Monday. September' 6 $ is iSS , .. S All day sewing for A. F. S. C. Wec1IlelldaJ'. September 8 All day sewing for A.F.s.c, There's new drama in the "Casually Cor· rect" loo~ this s_E!ason . vivid,ly C:9,!)trp~,jJ:1g. color. . The ,drama of CARDIGAN and PULLOVER Fullfashioned ORLON . .. SWEATERS " " ; \ .' ) p,..tty Colon WOOL SKIRTS Straight or Pleated , To Mi. or Match and Sons FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIS:t'.1. SCIENTISII' SWAHTIDIORE Park Avenue below Harvard S-andaJ', September 5 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. 11:00 A.lII.~The r-cm S IJlClIl will be "Man." Wednesday evening meeting eaell week. 8 P.IL Reading room· open dally exeept Sunday II to 5 P. I(. ·Wednesday ..-1n1B 7 to ':GO P.II. aDd II to 11:30 P.II. / 1$ F~rmerl, CAlt'NS , , SouthQ'$"r~,~,d HOURS: 10 A. M. TO,5:30 P. Y. ' 650 BalHmore Pike .& sprln9f!eId, Del. Co., Pa. SWc.rtlI..... 6-0450 A.".""'''' 0,..' , f • . . Beginning. T~J Se.,~ 7 . Pqe4 Mr. and Mrs. John Honnold and ter, Mrs. Gordon Wallace on Long Mrs. Alfred E. Longwell of Lata G u_ J hnson an em an , a...... 0 , their dallghters Carol and Heidi Island. ployee of the Remington Corpora_ fayette avenue returned recently and their son Eddie returned t.o "Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold u_ d" H H Hop tion, has been transferred to At- fr week in Albany N Y t ...... an _rs. orace. om a , . ., their home on Ru ,ers avenue returned to their home In Wall_ klns, of Crest Lane moved yester- lanla where he will be district where she visited her mother, after spending a week In Martha's day to their new home at 55 sales manager of the southeastern Mrs. H. F. Roberson, her sister, Vineyard, Mass. While there they ingtord from a week at the NOrth_ Wellesley road, which bas just region. Miss Lll1lan Roberson' and her plslted aboard, the boat on which em Lake George Yacht Club Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Peterson aunt, Miss MarIe L. True. MIss Dr. and, MrS. Arthur H. Silvers where they took part In ~ been completed. John Pegram, son of Mr. and ot Vassar avenue returned last True, who has: visited Swarth- "and children also of Rutgers av- about Class Sail Boat regatta. The Mrs. William B. Pegram of Yale week after a four day motor trip more many times, feU and broke enue, are spending their va- Lake Paupac CI"b, of which Mr. avenue, returned Monday from through Virginia, Kentucky, Ten- her leg while Mrs. Longwell was cation on a salling cruise which and Mrs. Arnold are members, Aloha Manor, Fairlee, Vt., where nessee and West Virginia. Monday there. was at that time at port at VIn- had an entry In these races. he has been a counselor during they were the guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of yard Haven. Mr. and Mr~. Harold Grey of Mrs. Henry Shipherd, formerly of Laf the summer months. tte tertalnlng Th "Isses U ry and Eleanor aye 'avenue are en e ... ...a Chicago, Ill., recently spent the Mr. and Mrs. David Cleland of Swarthmore. Mr. Sbipberd is as their house guests for a week, Bye entertained at their home on weekend with Mrs. Grey's sister, Chestnut Hill and Miss Margery teaching at the lllghlander Folk their son and daughter.in-law, College avenue last Sunday Mr. Mrs. C. D. Schloesser of Park Rev. and Mrs. Richard Hart and Sam Lanbom and Mr. and Mrs. hi t d Shoemaker of Phlladelphia were School, Monteagie, Tenn. Walter Saurman of Huntingdon avenue. Jean Sc oesser re ume the dinner guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Plowman chlldren, Richard and Sara ElIzawith her aunt and uncle to spend Walter Shoemaker of Riverview of Harvard avenue and their beth of Pleasantville, N.Y. Valley at dinner. a week with them at their home. road last Friday evening. M"lSS daughter Ellis will spend the MIss Louise Archbold Is visit- . Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bass, Jr., Edmund S. Dawes, t ofgrBenjamin Shoemaker remained to spend the Labor Day weekend at Lake ing her mother, Mrs. S. B. Brew- with their two sons Dirk and duate of Paupac. D'avld returned to their home on West avenue, a recen a ster of Swarthmore avenue for a III t Leh'gh weekend. Carol Shoemaker of Haddon- few days after returning from Ogden avenue 'last Sunday after George School, w th en er , Mr J hn M Ram ' ey has re s. o . t d t h h spending their vacation at BoothUniversity this mon. ' turned to her home' on Yale ave- field, N.J., re urne 0 er orne Oakland, Callf. wrere she has been after visiting with her grand, working as aSSlS' tant fash,'on editor Bay Harbor, Malne. ' Mary Lou Hodge Strath . h nue from a three mont stay In tu edofWedn P arents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. of the oakland Tribune. Miss Mrs. C. D. Schloesser with her Haven avenue re m t eek visit es'th West Southport; Maine. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Johnson Shoemaker of Riverview road. Archbold will teach Home Eco- daughters Jean and Karen of day from a wo w w, and sons, David, Richard, and Mrs. J. Albright Jones and nomlcs in the junior and senior Park avenue lIew home from New Mary Ann Thome, a college classDanny of Westminster avenue daughter are vacationing at High Schools at New Castie, Del., York last weekend after spending mate, at her home in Puerto I~ve today for their new home in l~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~a~~:,~e:r~_~:o:_~~f:~~~:::s::. ____~t:hI:·S~!.~e:ar:.__________________~__ aw_ee __k_wl __t_h_li! __rs_._S_C_h_loes ___se_r~'ssls- R_i_c_o_._____________________ NEWS NOTES Ati iiirn- I DU's THE SWARTBMOREAN Will----Convene At College Tuesday (Continued from Page I) cur t Is Publishing Company; phI1lp Sharples, president of the Sharples Manufacturing CompatiY;' Carroll Larrabee, editor of Printers Ink; William F. Jones, president of the fraternity; Fulton Samson, 'and Standish Marsh, J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency. Wednesday dinner wl1l observe interfraternity night with presidents of live national fraternities as guests and Herbert Brown, Swarthmore 1915, a Swarthmore Phi Sigma Kappa and vl..e-president of the National Interfraternity Council, acting as toastmas_ ter. More than 500 delegates 8...1 alumni are expected to attend the conference. NEWS NOTES Addis Gilfillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilftllan of Yale avenue, has returned from "Camp Hagan, Del. Addis was elected a member of the Honor Council during her stay at camp. Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. BlUstein, Ross and Freda Billstein of South Chester road returned Sunday from a four day sight-seeing trip in New York City. Joan Narbeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Narbeth of Yale avenue, returned home Saturday from Aloha Manor, Fairlee, Vt., where she spent the summer as a' junior counselor. Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Kletzien of South Chester road celebrated their twenty-llfth wedding anniversary on ,Sunday with a small family gathering at their home. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Karns of Wellesley road returned Wednesday from a motor tour of the west and the national parks. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Federolf of Amherst avenue are spending two weeks in Beach 'Haven, N.J. Today they leave the shore for a Miss Betty McCahan of Strath weekend visit to their farm In Haven avenue returned Monday Woodchoppertown, where they to the Yale School of Nuratng have vacationed for the summer where she Is a first year student, months. _ after a weekend visit at her home. Mrs. Frank GIU~ie of Harvard Mr. and Mrs. John Hannold of avenue has returned from a three 'Rutgers avenue; motored Monday week vacation spent. In Honey to Fellowship House Farm In Harbor, Georgian Bay, Ontario, FagleysvlUe where Mr. Hannold Canada and East Aurora, N.Y. remained to take part In the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moran and week-long Singing City conducchlldren Ba..bara and Joe have tors and singers workshop. Mr. returned from Devereux Camps in Hannold Is a co-conductor of the Maine' 'to their home On Yale Media Fellowship House choir. avenue. Mr. Moran spent the A group of Swarthmore High summer as director of the camps School girls are taking part In with, which his family has been the Towers Hockey Day Camp connected for 10 years. The which is being held at the Ellis Moran family spent the last part Country Day School in Newtown of their vacation this week at Mr. Square. These girls, who are preMoran's father's cottage in Beach paring for Swarthmore lllgh Haven. School's busy hockey season are: Mr. W. I. McNair of Wellesley Anne Driehaus, Louise Johnson, road who has been a patient in Mary Lou Friend, Gladys Durthe Bum Brae Hospital In Clifton boraw, Leigh Hollis, Mary MuUat, Heights for two months was mov- Mary Phillips, Martha Calboun, ed Saturday to the Darlington Jane Valentine, Janet Eisinger, Sanatarium in West Chester. Jean Golf, Mary Mellace, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hall and Candy Allen. ' family, have moved from their Lorraine Saunders of Niagara home in Bethesda, Md., into the Falls, N.Y., formerly of Swarthformer home of the Lawrence more, is visiting Mary Lou Hodge Wight's at 223 Park avenue. Mr. of Strath Haven avenue for a Hall is Production Sales Manager week. They will be joined today for Mrs. Smith's Pie Company. by Jane Asleck of White Plains, Mrs. Paul E. Wlttreich, daugh- N.Y., who is in town for Christine ter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy deFuria Ford's wedding and will remain of North Chester road, left for for the weekend. Newport, R.I., on Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Ford Robinson join her husband Ensign Paul E. with' their 'children Peggy and Wittreich U.S.N.R., who is re- Jimmy returned to their home on turning after a two months tour Guernsey road after spending a of duty aboard the U.S.S. Stod- week at Virginia Beach, Virginia. dard. Ensign and Mrs. Witterich will remain in Newport until January. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Moir of North Chester road with their daughters Jinnie and Joan left Wednesday for an auto trip to one of the lake cottages near Pontico, Mich., where Mrs. Moir's mother, Mrs. Frances Lumsden of Ken- For information call MEdia, 6-2601 or MEdia 6-2888 with her hrother during the sum- mer months. Mrs. Lumsden will return with the Moirs after Labor Day. I 9 A.M. - 6 P. M. FRIDA Y 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. SCHOOL YOURSEL.F. • • Last year in Pennsylvania, 70 children between the ages of 5 and 11 were killed in traffic accidents. In addition, 12 others were killed while riding bicycles. J. 40% Rran Flakes 2, .I"oz. pkgs. 31 c Pot Holder FREE Doeskin' MARTEL BROTHERS THE BOUQUET HORACE A. REEVES SWARTHMORE co-op W. MARK BITtLE B. J. HOY,S AND 10 JOYCE LEWIS BAIRD and BIRD BUCHNER'S, INC. E.i. 'NOYES' and CO. FUSCO MOTORS PEI;Eit E. TOLDMICHAEL'S COU·EGE A. GREEN ATZ AUTO SERVICE STRAm HAVEN INN FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF DELAWARE COUNTY 'I'HE SWARTHMOREAN , HANNUM &: 1VAlTE THE INGLENEUK PHARMACY '. • - - Soft Bathroom TIssue .. " .. . " ~ 4' rolls , - ' STRrt TH HAVEN INN Yole & Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore, Pa. WALTER E. PARROTT, M\lr. FREE 'AlliN. WELCOME TO PARK AVENUE Camera and Hobby Shop Music Box West Cochrane is cordially invited to write PAULSON ads any time he,wishes. (pA"'~D" !.t c,,'"~~! . . . . . . a.-prt'a.' • ComaII- ... Baa. . . . . ._UOI . . . . '. 100 p~dt Ave., Swarthmon. , •• SWarthmore 6·6000 I TREND SUDS Reg. Pkg. 1 c. 32 c Pr~mium Swift"s ....;, Ch.ster Ros. • Porterhouse - FIG BARS 59c; 'b., WHOLE HAMS T-Bone Ivins 8ge 33c: lb•. pkg. WHEATIES 'b ''Breakfast of Champions" Sirloin ' 21 c: Ig. 12-oz. pkg. Swift"s Grade ""A""' 'EVISCERATED TURKEYS S9c 'b. WHOLE WHEAT FLAKES EX. FANCY·CAL. PEARS' LARGE JUICY LEMONS & LIMES Your Choice Sc: eac:h Homogenized Norris PEANUT BUITER 3Sc - 12 oz. glass vacuum packecl California Extra Strong CELLA-PAKSCARROTS 2 for 2Sc Cut-Rite Large Assortment SYLVANIA , New For Dishes & Fine Fabrics '57c: . Local Fresh 'CABBAGE I nllllllllllllUllllUlUllllllllllllllllllnllllllUlllllIIlIIllIIllIUIIII~1D1II11I1nnnnlllDllIlIIlllDlllllillulillummmnnllll r A$$'t C9lors' Elevator 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE • spoonful", I Comfortable Rooms Day or We.k FOO·D· MARKET STEAKS Grape-nuts 21c p~g. "More 'energy per MAKE 1954 THE SAFEST YEAR EVER. DINING ROOMS •• d LOllY All CONDITIONED Swift"s' Premium Posts's , School yourself to save our children, BUSINESS MEN'S LIJNCH 12-1:30 P. M. 1ll1II1II1II1I1II1I1II11II1II1II1II11II1I1II1II1I1I1II1I1II1I1II1I1I1U1II1II1II1I1II11II1II1II1I1II1II11II11II1I1II1I1II1I11II11II1I11111111111111 net weight New! It's Dellclotii Makes'3 Quarts Now, often the driver isn't entkely tp hlame,hut that fact doesn't help the child who is dead or crippled. You must Stlhool, yours~1f to clrive slowly ••• be on the alert ••• ready to make Budden, unexpected stops ••• wherever children are. EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILmES Weekend of Sept 2, 1954: Non Fat Dry Milk SOHds 30c: 9- 3/4 OZ. SW 6-8718 727 Yale Ave. with purchase of reg. size PET It's Teacher of Piano . - Instanf And in the same age-group, 3,476 Children were injured while walking or playing. While riding bicycles. 693 were injured. You can learn the easy way-by being extra careful when you drive through school zones and other places where children are likely to he playing close to traffic-to pr'ltect children .from.injury or death. You can leam the hard wayby being responsible for a heartbreaking, accident involving a child. Closed daily ,1-2 for lunch Nothera B. Hubbell FAMILY DINN . .S to SUIT ... TASTE of EVEIYONE Unique country day school for children. Nursery through sixth grade. yon avenue has been vacationing . Miss Winnle Rumble of Swarthmore avenue entertained members of the Buck Ridge Skl Club last week at a song-fest. ' TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order THE ,SCHOOL IN ROSE VALLEY Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Thurs. - Sat_ / AIds Freshme. Barbara Rlis Shlpherd, a third year Antioch College student formerly from Swarthmore, will be a "big-sister" advisor for a group of freshmen entering the YeUow Sprtngs, Ohio school this week. Barbara Is pursuing a five year pl"ogram for her bachelor's degree under the college's study-pluswork plan. During her work periods, she has worked as a nursery school teacher In Tennessee and Philadelphia. She is majoring in sociology. I STORE HOURS , Pqe5 ,Se 'b. WAX PAPER / 23c - cl25 ft., • September 3, 19M POST SUMMER FIRES Alnslee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alnslee Firemen were called Ol1t Sun- and their daughter Judy returned day at 2:3Q p.rn. when a chimney at 9:30 that evening from a montlts vacation at Crystal Lake, .t 421 Dickinson avenue, the bome Frankford, Michigan and a visit Qf Robert F. Cox, II, caught on to friends In Detroit. In the. chilly weather, they turned on the 011 lire. Monday night at 11 :25 they burner and an apparent leak /lDBWered a call from 641 North Ignited. Chester road, the home of E. D. Neighbors rushed to the rescue and had the .·ftree~tlng\nshedbY the Fire Company's appreciated ,THOM SEREMBA arrival· go home for their lunch It and when such a plan can be arrange ed. The price of the' full Federal (Continued from Page 1) lunch will be thirty cents. hOwever, feels It would be better On the first day of school each for the children to get away from child will be given a letter from school durtng. the noon hour and the school to the parents, covering Swarthmore Ref.,.c.. Phone: SW &-4216 EMIL SPIES w..........r· ..... S ....... HIII.0734 More than 2S "tan ell:perl. . . Formerly of F. C. Iodo. & Sons 118 Yale Ave. Swarthmore, Pa. Fine Walch ond SwarthMoN '.144; Clock Repairs WILLIAM BRPOKS Ashes & Ruhhish Removed Lawns Mowed. General Television & Radio Service Ca.p'." St.c. of roha for Ha •• Repalra Hanllng 236 Hardin!: Ave., Morton. Fa ROIERT IROOll5 SVW '.'II'--VW... Daya III '.1879--Ev.... S •• day TDlKElI ~~ PETER 01 NICOLA OIL· HEAT _ _ .M BIIBRIPP~ of RBAL ZSTATB IIHIIBIPrB OPPICE 8BBRIPP'8 OPPICE COURT BOUBB, MEDIA, PA. of -.u. I!8TATB Prlday, Driveway Construction COMOIt~oa..-.en 0I11oOll1" • Ott. .U.N.... WAUl .....111. Asphalt or Concrete t Cellar Walls Re-Plastered Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 DAY and NIGHT Oil BURNER SERVICE ~day, Sep~ 17. 1951 9:30 A.M:. Eastem Daylight TIme Conditions: t250.OO caah or certl· fled. check at tlme of sale (unleaa ottieniliiO .tated In advertll!ement) balance In ten days. Other cond1tlo~ on day of MLle. PIERI FACIAS No. 1406 JUDe Term. 19M .ALL THAT CBBTAIN lot of ground with ~ bundlng. thet'eOD In Darby TOwnahlp, Del. Co.. Pa. BEG at a pt. on a.W. ad, of Pine Road. at dtat. of 304.17' m ...... along same S. 24 dog. 15' E. nom tte intersection with •.e. ad. of Laurel lI(edia. . of Rose Tree, near . Sheet Metal Work p~ivate entrance, kitchen prtvl- ~F;'o~K~';;'SALEm""'~-'U"'p:'ih"'o"'1st=e=ry::-=an=d"'S"nr=p leges. SWarthmore 6.1452;'~ 'u ~ ~ covt;t' Cloth a~ tJ!,an whole-FOR RENT - Second atlipr:'room:; siUeptice. Thom seremba, Sharon ~Ir ~.djtl'llln, shares bath with one other mil 01.4. . . . HeaR., roomer In an attractive home: Business person or student pre- FOR SALE - '42 Chevrolet Club Oil • Gas • b'l'IIers ferred. Call SWarthmore 6-1675. CouPe, radio, heater, spot, Ex'.. FOR RENT ..;; uililiHiThhed... .part- ~~~:~ tires. $85. SWarthmore Sment, Prospect Park, four large ,~""=;:--:=-.,...-:-:-....,,....-rooms and bath. Second floor. Re- FOR SALE - Thot'Oughbred horse . fined neighborhood, near train and and pOny. USed in· chlldrens' bus. Utilities except gas. W Ash- camp: Reasonable. Call SWarth- 10 48 Sill I'" L "740 burn 8-2477. .. more 6-5477. X ... ",.,. IT'norev-v FOR RENT _ Second flQOr Apart- FOR SALE - Elght cu. ft. Gen-I';;;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;:~;;;::~===~ ment, six rooms, porch, adults, eral Electric refrigerator. ExceL. Ii garage, $100, ThIrd floor apart. lent condiUon. SWarthmore 6ment, . six roomS, porch, adulls, 5305. Large lawn, heat and· bot FOllQ . ~ .. ' ......../I,!~~S.~owSIsANth-e water tncluded; but notelectrtclty Ttl tJE ~"" ... 200 W. Ridley Ave. and gas. Newly renovated. AvaIl- time to decorate for, FalL B)lflet, • Ridley Pari! able September 10. SWarthmore china closet, six chaira. SWarthmore 6-3050. . SW 6-4742 ,pR ~Illesple built seven WA 8.~44q i'~~~.~~E 'room home 15 years old. '$18,\'! 8. 000. ·Livlng room 23 ft .• fire place. A.tlJorfzed 1)'11';1• •1'1 . for !:~______~~~__________ Co~v~~nt to ~res ~d ~ portatlon. 'SWarthmore. 6-1760. fJiAA'_ _~LO;;ST:....,==~= I FOR SALE - Very cheap, refrigLOST SHver identification erator and automatic washer, bracelet with letters "Ed Y. working but need repair. SWarthand Harrts". Call SWarthmore ~6912. more 6·5305. 4.4212 Samuel D. Clyde. Jr. J. Edward Clycle Geol"ge Plowman o.t r•••, 'or o.I.~ •••ther ••• change to modern, automatic .ess IIRwl AT Llncasler Brand Sba"lckll Smoked, Ready·to-Eat ShankI_ Half ~ru~lCIAs iD.creued 3Z7!J'. IO-MONTH BUDGET PLAN The convenient blldget plaa. Is anileble U _ charge. It permits ,..... to Ipread your pa,....eMer a teD·month period. Vilit or .telepboae ..., Phil.de!phia Electric o8ic:e to am.... eaq. ~ ing of,.oar gas beating pa"",ents _ -.on. lW AUTOMATIC GAS IIOU$B IlBATlNG. ulI 8r' fIhiI ,.", If , ~ oj .",. .., If _ .Ifl-. Swarthmore and Vicinity Many Attractiv' ..0 ..... Av,II...,. _,1m ;, /.....:. ",,-, lIalrd & Bird .'hr, ... . . - . Req~. ~ PIILIIILPIII ELECIIIC C. .'AI' .. SW 6-0108 • 0ppolltelorough Han • • .0: ~ ••.•: .... .-,.. - /" -- •• TURKEYS NeW r _ B_> ~.J', - J IDEAL PURE 10 CooL " B-" .... d ...... ut. . . . -8 12-oz gl.... ORANGE ... . ;':rd~:~:=~;:.r:;.~he~I;:'~ COunty Dela.ware and Of StB.ta' of Pennsylvania: CONTAINING , , r CRACKElt&-····:··~ .. " . - !DUCA101 .CRAX S"'UTH v 2··. 5··'. c ·'246-0· '·'9. C can··l . • AMERICAN CO'.RII· E·D· BE'E'F m Northerly B1de of FRONT Third ALONG BtTeet the meaaured thence Westwardly twenty feet and extendIng. in depth Northwardly between parallel lloes a.t rIght angles to said. Third Street one hundi'ed. and forty feet to the Southerly stde of a twenty feet Wide alley. which extends from said Engle Street to Townsend Street· BOUNDED ON THE EAST by lands now or late of Prank O. Clark et' ux and on the West by landa now or late of Peter !4\aturak: BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED aa No. 2216 West Third Street; TOGE'lHER Witb the right and ·use of . &aid alley ·in common with the ownera, ot other lands abuttlng thereon. BEING THE SAME PREMIsES which Laurence E. Rac1Iie and Dolores S. RaCine, his wife. and :Mar1o Frelkle. by their Deed dated the 18th j - . CRISP eo 12·lb A _ SIitAWHERRY PRESER··VIS Ployementa'tlIereoll SITUATE on :the _Northerty a1d~ of Third Street at .the ~Is~"" .of one huni!i'ed and sIXty feet me8BUi'ed Weatwardly from - 69c 45c .\h 59c Ib 63c III I IIS-e..... hoasier Blllnd, Young Hen No. 588 ~ester. I. 39c CRiici,iOAST ~ 35 Of~d~~ ~~~~:: :ll':- . RI'( ·DRIIiK (. 46-oz GnpeDrlak) e....ted. can 25c .... 59.C C June 'l'1!rm, 1954 ".,ne,.. ARANTIC FUEL OIL USE THE CONYENIENT Ib Shankle.. Portion Whole Ham Frankfurters .....<&0,... B..d ....... 25c Rib Roast Beef 0... Price, Noo. R...... Bonele.. Cross Cut Roast SHERIPF BALES of RI!:AL l!BTATE SHERlPP'S OPPICE COURT BOUSE, MEDIA, PA. 1?1day. Sept. 24, 1954 . 9:80 AU. Eastern Daylight TIme Conditions: t260.00 cash or certlfied. check at time of aale (unl... other. w1se stated In advert18ement). balBnee In ten days. Other conditions on OtIV AR .STUFFED OLIVES day of Nov• .!r.D. 1958 and forthwith 1ntended to be recorded in -the omCe Hits New Higb in Knock-Free Power! tor the Recording of Deeds in and for Delaware County aforesaid conveyed unto Archie L. Daub and MBrg~~_ Daub, h~ ~e •. in fee. _IiD.provement& . CQns1st of a 3 story brick· buUdlng 18 x 18 feet with 2 story frame rear-IS x 8 teet . Sold lIS .the 'i>l'oiH>riy of' Archie L. Daub &. MugaretDaub. his wlte. Attys: Edward M:cLaUgblln and Don. ald W. Lebrklnder. . 8t:9-3 F. A. SNBAR, Jr. Sherifi' , VANALEN s.m-er Is the ideo1 dme to iastaU .!""m.~ .... houe badag-then yoa will be reed,. _ &JL With &\Io1Omadc gas ho.... beadng, JOU will· eni..,. the ~nftnlence of deaD, quiet automatit headng. Withi...m.e I'!S~ be ,.ean alone, the numbu. '?'f' luburban PhUadelphia home. beated b,. gala . npplied b,. Philadelphia Electric Compo,. baa • .. George Myers HOUSE HEATING ,I MONDAY. AUGUST 23rd CHe.ter 2-4759 2·5689 Air and SlIlp Travel . PICNIC !o many unclaimed arUeles are left at the school, which might have been returned It they had been properly labeled and marked with the children's nameS. "t'NtH Y'< ami HOLlQAVS , EVERYTHING ·FOR THE owners. At the end of each year, COAl FIRI;PLA(:E WOOP 110 for Your 'hopplng Comfort Parents are urged to mark and label childfen's clothing, so that articles that are lost or mislaid may be promptly returned to the CLOSED' I Swarthmore 6-2253 SW 6·4041 Samuel D. Clyde AIR- Need Labels BUILDER p• M • Satutday Till 6 P. M. Where there have been changes In the schools the elementary chll. dren will attend, whether it be Ruljiers or College Avenues, notices of the change have gone out to parents. Car~ have been sent out to all parents of kindergarten children informing them which session and school their children are to aUend. NOON 34141 TW and not in the classrooms. sw. 1·6618 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • &FIL 9 Teaeher Workshop i 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE SREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER Our Swuthmore Markel Now During the early part of next week the teachers will be meetIng in workshop conferences and also preparing their rooms' for the .. receiving of children on Thursday. Special attention Is beIng placed upon the. work of the various committees of .the faculty. Final registration for the new school year must be completed today.. Entr.ance for ktndergarten Is available to children born prior to January 31, 1950 and admlssian to first grade is available to children born ~rior January 31, 1949. All regIstration must be completed in the School District office in the high school building Iii CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Monday Through Saturday CONSTRUCTION Alterations iNN-" a number of Items of mutual interest Includtng the school calendar. for the year and plans for ~arlous special claSses and health mstructlon. ••Ibi'iidlRUl.~ MONDAY TBBU SATURDAY _ , 3-6141 Pqe"l School Lists Homeroom Assignments UPHOLSTERING SUP COYEIl5-DRAPEtUES TIlE SWARTIlMOREAN . '_, . l. SHERIFF BALES . of REAL ESTATE SHEruPF'S OFPICE COURT HOUSE, MEDIA, PA. FrIday, Sept. 24, 195~ 9 :30 AM. Eastern Daylight TI..., Conditions: ~50.00 cash or cerrt11led. check at time of sale (unteea otherwise stated In advertl8emont) bal. ance in ten clays. Other' OODdlti~DS on day of sale. PIERI FACIAS (ALIAs) No. 270 . Bept. Term, 1951 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece New Premium Bason. SIRCL I PO .- :'0•• Fusee , CHESTER' and FAIRVIEW ROADS PIIOII_ SWartilinON 603681 . . - Ellrichettendlng along the -.me 45.18 teet more or lees to the I\nIt mentioned point and. place of beglnDlng. . . 00. Mist ,..•• pta 33c Plain or Marbled '" feet more or lese to a point, thence Improvements Bachman's Pretzels SLICED ROLLS of ground, SITUATE In tbe City of Chester, county of Delaware and State of Pennaylvanla, boUDded and described IIS,follow8, to wit: SITUATE at the Northeast corner of ~lfth Street and Plower Street, thence _ d i n g Northwardly along the Easterly BIde of wei Plower Street 80.01: teet thence Ba tw&rdly by a llne parallel with the Bald Twelfth Street oIngle bouoo 20 "18 feet. a ~:~~~ tnme _ 18 • 6 reet, a!sO a frame ~etaebed bQ1J"'''I 18 p'~{e ·411,( f}tdUuJ S.He4t{o", .9deaI Cheddar Chee.e""ty Sharp Ib 63c Glendale C....se Slices ..... P'0'27c .9deaI Creamy Peanut Buffer lI·. . .umbl.. 33c 'f'1."/.tC ~ {JIrltjt, ~4't, - PO'~IO C..,PS f: 25C: .1~ 39C SWnrthmore COllegrL1bra~y·· SVlarthmore Page SeiJlember 3, 1954 THE SWARTHMOREAN 8 Grant Nursery School • On Vassar Avenue Troop 2 Boy Scouts To Hold Eledions Insurance· Available For· School Children WEDDING DAY JINGLE When young folk whom we've known for years Stand up to take their vows, the tears Well up unbidden in our eyes And stirrings deep within us rise To find expression in our prayers. For a box of fine chocolates You sometinle will fall; They're here in the cooler, Not rancid, not stale. 1'1========$=====~ all Are Benefits of SAt:E-T-WAY SERVICE to you, your fami'y, your community? Your Safe-T-Way Service Check RUMSEY CHEVROLET SUBURBAN . . . ,..::=~=.! Two families are anxious to pay Swarthmore taxes if they can find houses for $25,000 with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, powder room, high and dry basements. If your's' comes close to· these requirements, please call BAIRD & BIRD. SWa~m.... 6-0108 COAT ESTER'S Fashion Cor"; HERE ARE SOME OTHER BACK-TO-SCHOOL SUGGESTIONS Bruxton Shirts •••••••• 1.88 - 2.88 School Sweaters •••••• 4.40 - 5.40 rufl·les Dungarees ••••••••• . 2.74 Nylon Stretch Socks •••• SOc - 60c THE SWARTHMOR For The The Boy Scouts of Swarthmore Troop 2 will choose which patrol ' In the troop they will join and Parents Can Insure Pupils Mrs. Stuart's Application elect patrol leaders and other offiThru School Group Favored by Council cers for the coming year at the Re/IU14r film, Colot"Film. Abo 7: 00 p.m. troop meeting next WedPolicy fart 24 hour develOpln" .enrice. After Hearing nesciay night, September 8 at the Accident Insurance for Swarth- A prayer for blessings on thelr Following a public hearing in Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. home CATHERMAN'S the Councll Chambers, Borough Scout leaders predict that there more school children will become A prayer for all the years to come DRUG STOU Hall on Monday evening, Borough will he a record turnout of scouts a reallty with the opening of The unadulterated joy SW 8-0ssa Council granted Mrs. Alvah Wood for this meeting since no SCOlut I scbool In September. This is lowcost group Insurance covering Of first born child-a girl or boy Stl1art a special temporary excep- will want to miss the chance And all the things which make vote in these elections. school hours and school activities, tion to the Zoning Ordinance for the sum available to all ctiildren for whom operation of a nursery school $600 MONTHLY The Fall program for the troop, the low cl)arge of $1.25 per year under her .supervislon on the sec- which wIU be announced at this is paid by parents. Of life together so much fun, , ond floor of her home at 327 meeting, includes a number of Startln9 IOlary for 2 executive-type The evenings after work ls done The injury must be caused by tet -rep.....eht lortj1* Eastem Vassar avenue for a 'period of biking and camping trips to such And even days of toil and strife salum." financial corporation. No tra.... I. Sat ... three years. All members of coun- places as the Appalachian and external, violent and, accidental Which enter into every life ' ond obUlty desired. ,sta. ell except Harry Wood, were Horseshoe Trails and the Bohemia means. It must be sustained whUe But bind their hearts and make ..~rlenc:. Itshed resident, 25-40 y.an old, mar· River in Maryland. attending school, while traveling present. 'ltd, capable of oHurnlng 'tiponslbll. them one Scouts of troop 2 invite any to or from school, or while activeThe motion which was made by 1t1*S. In requartlnl) Inhrvl.w ,ltaSt Public Safety Chairman Ambrose boys in the borough of ages 11 to ly participating in extra-currlcu- These are the things for which Includ. brl,f pe:rsonal history. all r.pltes canfldenlal. 011' &CIt,sm_ ha .... Van Alen and seconded hy J. Roy 14 years who are not now scouts lar activities (excluding parties we pray bun Informed of fhts ad. lox A. L. Carroll was unanimously passed to join them in these and other picnics, dances), includiag On this your happy wedding day. $warthmorean. sports except the play, practice as writt"n. by Attorney A. David activities. CHARLES KURT.ZHALZ or travel of interscholastic footM. Speers, substituting for Boball. Travel to and from extrarough Solicitor Clarence J. Myers I saw it in the Swarthmorean. CLASSIFIED ~DS Gn ACTION curricular activities, such as baswho is vacationing abroad. It Local Women Teach ketball games, concerts, etc. is further stipulated that not more . In' Rose Valley covered. than 20 children should be accomThe persons insured under this modated by the school and that When the School In Rose Valley at the close of the three-year opens September 13 for its 26th policy must be bona-fide students What petiod, or earlier if Mrs. Stuart year, there will be six new teach- or employees of the Swarthmore should cease use of the premises ers. Three of these stall additions, schools. Only those will be includ-· for the nursery school, the build- however, have been associated ed for whom ttie premium is paid. ing should revert to its former use, with the school for as much as 20 The daily period of coverage is that of a single family dwelling, years and two others are local for time spent at school, and for unless an extension of the varitravel to and from school which ance is applied for and received women. takes place not more than one Cornelia (Mrs. Allen G.) Clark from Council. hour before the official beginning It was further agreed that Mr. of Moylan sent her two children of the school day, or more than and Mrs. Stuart as owners of the to the school 20 years ago, served one hour after the official close of property should enter into a writ- on Its Board of Directors, was the school day. ten agreement that would be pub- president of the Pl'A and taught The benefits under this policy 'licly recorded to the effect that the as an assistant and substitute. are . very generous. Medical and v!,tiance granted shall not con- Mrs. Clark, a ·graduate of Swarth- dental benefits from anyone acstitute a permanent change In more College, taught at Media cident may total $2,000 covering the nature of the dwelling from Friends School in 1948 and has medical, surgical or dental treatthat existing at the time the ex- served on the Board of the Delament, and hospital, ambulance, ception was granted. ware County Child Center for the and graduate nursing service. In Before the Borough Secretary past four years. She will be the addition, the payment· for acciThe 10.polnt Safe-T-Way Inspection listed can issue a· bulldlng permit for second grade teacher. dental death is $1,000 and diserection of fire doors and a fire will be given yoar vehicle every ·Hme yoa Another new teacher but old asescape leading to a rear second sociate is Mrs. Rebecca Bradbeer memberment benefits range from bring It In for service. . .~ deck entrance, Mrs. Stuart whose two children attended the $1,000 to $7,500 per accident. This plan will be put Into effect .lIiriIst submit an outline of proposed Scho!,l !n Rose Valley 10 years chllnges bearing the approval of ago. She has previous teaching ex- during the first few days after the ppening of' school. Explanatory the PennsYlvania· State Departperience at the school and at leaflets will be sent home with ment of Labor and Industry. Haverford Friends School. Mrs. every pupil, explaining the plan A letter from George M. Ewing, ro STEERING 0 EXHAUST SYSTIM 'D IUIES a member of the board of adjust- Bradbeer will teach music and and inviting parents to participate ,0 HORN '0 GLASS ·0 REAR LIGHTS '0 TIRES '0 WINDSHIELD WIPERS by sending in·'$1.25 for each pupil ment, and a personal plea from singing in the primary grades. '0 FRONT LIGHTS Mrs. James Delano of Swarth10 lUI YIEW MIIIOl . to ·be included. The homeroom Allan C. Wood, representing the Swarthmore Property Owners As- more whose children have been teacher will then prepare the lists sociation, sued Counell to weigh enrolled in the school for 6 years of participants for each home, the matter of precedent In grant- is a graduate of the Washington room, thus putting the plan into GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS Ing exceptions which might create School of Nursing In St. Louis and active operation. A minimum of an open door to others perhaps will serve in a triple capacity 100 . pupils is required to start of more objectionable nature, and as schoof nurse, as accompanist to the plan. First in Service - First in Sales to guard agaInSt the possibility of the dancing teacher and as singThe School District Office now Ing teacher in the nursery groups. the property in question later dehas the "lIraster Policy No. 13535 Mrs. Ludwig Hartmann, for- of the Pilot Life Insurance Comveloping into an apartment house. Several of the many neighbors merly Alberta Blankenship, of pany, of Greensboro, N.C. This is who had· signed a letter indicating Swarthmore will be teaching the a LimIted Policy, that is, limlted· thetr willingness to have the school kindergarden group at the sChool to school days, school hours, and .5Warthmore 6-6130 operated by Mrs. Stuart at her this year. Her teaching experience school activities. It does not cover South Chester Road home, were present at the hearing. has been in the Swarthmore pub- chUdren during weekends or vaTheatre Square Others who testified as to the llc schools, the Swarthmore Pres- cations. good character i>t the applicant byterian Nursery school and the and the school which she formerly Media Friends School. This past ran at· Whittier House on the Col- summer she has directed a group lege campus, and as to the com- in the Summer Club of the Start Him Back To munity's need of sufficient good Swarthmore Public School. School In The schools for pre-schaal youngsters Other new faculty members included Mrs. Paul E. Zecher and include Sonia Ruth Levy who will Dr. Heinz Heinemann. teach dancing. Mrs. Levy is,a well known both as a teacher and Miss Joan Effing of Park av- dancer. She has been associated enue whose marriage will occur with the Philsdelphia Dance this afternoon in the Swarthmore Group and with New York pro~ ONLY Methodist Church was the guest fessional dance groups. She has of honor at a luncheon and mis- taught at the Oak Lane Country EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. cellaneous shower last weekend in Day School as well as her own 99 Lancaster. Mrs. A. Z. Moore and class groups in Chester; In sumMrs. WiIllam H. Bollman were mer camps and. this past summer, the hostesses. Among the guests at the childrens camp at the from Swarthmore were Miss LesThe leather buttoned Suburban coat is a sure Ann Kurtzh~lz, Mr. mid MrS. Al- School in Rose Valley. bet to become his favorite wear for school Mrs. John Hampton of Media bert L. Scholl, and Mr. Frederic or dress.up. It's warmly lined with rayon Schoff of Michigan avenue. Miss will be teaching· In the Nursery quilting, has fashionable side venh and flap Jean Jenkins and her mother Mrs. Scbool. She assisted there last pockeh that hold all the necessities. Even Dal Jenkins of Euclld, Ohio year and has been a councillor the sleeves boast tabs with leather buttons. were also among the out-of-town in the School's summer camp as Grey or Camel Tweed. Sizes 6-12. well. guests. TAXES 1'£1 • Flowers 15. Flowerless ~ _ _ _---J/ Flowers For The Flowerless \ VOLUME 26-NUMBER 37 Program Plums to Clubwomen's Taste Preview of Club Calendar Points Up Year's Top Features SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1954 ,--------L, FEELING HOSPITABLE? Th~ Rotary Club invites 'the community to participate in the program of entertaining or housing tbe delegation from Slade, Germany, which is expected on September 18. Anyone who wishes to oller entertainment or housing for one or more of the anticipated seven guests is requested to call Charles G. Thatcher, SWarthmore 6-0200. Mothers Club Usts Program Teazers Opener September 23 to Set Tone For Season . Mutual Exchange to OHer Child Care Something Dew has been added &0 the WOlDBD's Clnb Mutual ElI:clJance, accordiDg to &be announcement of lIIrs. Roberi ABo),le, general chairman. The announcement will b~ cheer &0 Ole IIJaD)' mothers wlIo plan &0 rash &0 the Exohange on . t3.50 PER YEAR 4Groups Plan· Co. Tuberculosis Meet Dr. Boucot to Address 10th Annual County Health Conference Dr. Katharine R. Boucot, Pr0Membe f th S fessor of Preventive Medlcine, e I warthmore Mother's rs CI 0b Wednesday, September 22, totlnc Woman's Medical College of to an inter u tI can dook forward babies In their arms and hoping Penusylvania, will be the luncheon es ng an busy club year rdin ,acco g to Mrs. Willlam &0 keep other YOU11&" fry dose speaker at the 10th Annual DelaJ. Harrisson, vice-president and at hand whUe they investigate ware County Public Health ConaU Ole , ....lnaUng IIOIIIIiblUUes ference, to be held Thursday, program chai1'l)lan. September 30th, at Drexelbrook TheFair' club on year will open with of Ole Exchange. "Fun Thursday, SeptemInn, Drexel Hill. A child 0lU'e center will be ber 23, at 8 p.m. at McCahan "TB Surveys and Lung Cancer", manned In Ole Library l"8Om of Hall, Swarthmore Presbyterian will be the theme of Dr. Boucot's Church. All young mothers in the Ole CIDb from 9 Lm. wilen Ole address. She will be introduced A legal argument concerning community are . invited to oome doors open, until lZ N:oon b), by Freas B. Snyder, president of Mrs. WIlllam Bash and Mrs. th S arthmo and join In the fun. the Delaware County Tubercue w re Swim Club has Mrs• D oro thy W aIda Phillips, Inll... Flnoken who will be weD losis and Health Association, who year. Gord.on. Davis, program been manager of KYW will pose the scheduled at the Media authoress for the magazines suppUed wiOl entertabiment will preside at the session. question "What's Wrong with Court House during the week of "Highlights for Children" and aids. The afternoon session, beginListeners?" . when he addresses September 27. The Common Pleas "National Parent Teacher" will ArtIoles will be brought for ning at 2 p.m., will be in charge the club on October 19. Coll!"l will hear argument as to speak on "Have you met 'The exchange on Tuesda,.~ Septem· of Dr. Merrill B. Hayes, president DIsC.... Antiques jurisdiction of the Court In the Other Half' of your child?" at the ber 21 and settlement wiD be of the Delaware County Medical The club's many antiques en- zoning matters involved·in this first business and program meet- held on Frida)',' September 24., Society. thuslasts will anticipate the talk case and as to the proper pro- Ing of the club In October. with Mrs. David Bln&'ham and Charles L. Flounders, former on "Queen Anne and Chippendale cedure for presenting the objecIn November, Mrs. Mildred Mrs. Frank R. Gra)' in ,,~... president of the Chester Hospital Furniture" to be given with color- tions raised by the parties. Brain of the Media Friends School Board of Managers, will outline ed slides from the WInterthur. Following the Court's decision will discuss the new method of chest screening in County hoscollection by John A. Sweeney oil a hearing will be scheduled for ~ teaching the first R. The Christpitals. Dr. Fay K. Alexander, of the curator staff of the Henry later da~, probably this fail, mas program will feature Mart~e Department of Radiology, Francis duPont Winterthur Mu- when evidence will be heard by jorie Penny from the Fellowship Fitzgerald-Mercy Hospital, will seum. The Needlework Gulld and one. of the Judges sitting without House in Philadelphia and music participate In the discussion. the Club will jointly present a jury. by the Media Fellowship House Latest develoPments of TB Estella Mayer :McBride in "Music It is hoped that the hearing will Chorus. Thirteen Scouts and two leaders treatment in State Sanatoriums and Poetry from the Standpoint be held and that the Court's deciFather's Night of Swarthmore Boy Scout Troop will be presented by Dr. R. H: of a Blind Artist" in November. • sian, after hel\ring the evidence The annual Father's Night din- 2 spent the Labor Day week ·end McCutcheon,· Chief of Medical In that month Kathryn Borden, will be rendered this fall. ' ner will be held in January with hiking on the Appallachian Trall Services, PennsYlvania State Sanmonologist will enliven the Club Dr. Courtney Smith, president of near Port Clinton. in the Blue atorium, Hamburg, Penna., Dr. J. with her program "Life Upon the Swarthmore College as speaker. Mountaln region. During the trip W. Cutler, Medical DIrector of the Wicked Stage." "Making Money• Dr. Rose W. Marks, psychologist they hiked a total of 30 miles over Wawa Chest Hospital, will be A F i tin for Chester Hospital, will discuss , "Problems of the three year old rugged mountainous terrain, set- the discussant. . asc na g Business" will be the enticing topic of Mrs. Rae V. and under" in February. tlng a record for endl,ll"ance. The Ellzabeth McHose, associate proBlester, superintend~t· of the Mrs. Raymond K.. Deilworth ''Mother. and child-a perennial group camped. near the trail on fessor of Health and Physical Philadelphia ~t. FUny in time .was e,tectedflrst vice,.preSldent of !beme in art" wiU'.be the .saturday and Sunday night and Education, ~emple University, will fOf resort travelers ~'t:Mi the Swarthmore l;88gue of Women otJol1nR, Baxt&:01the Pbiladel- cooked thetr food over IlP'!I1 fires. close th.eprogram with a talk presentation on November 3&' of·Votel'll. atll meeting of the .LWV phta· Museum School of Art in The seou~·hikel"s wereKAilth on "Your Part in the COmmunitY "Be . Penny-Wise but Travel- board held. Tuesday at TrinIty March. In April, there will be elec- Richardson,' Pete Walsh,. Dave Health Team." The Conference is under the . '. tion of officers followed by a talk· Shute, Sven Borel, Dave Moscrip, Sm ar tOO '""y. M arj orie Harker, Church. travel consultant for the Union Mrs. Denworth, who has been on "Interior Decoration" by Mrs. Steve Hansell, Rich Kent, Skip general direction of the DelaPacific Railroad. for many years active In com- Mickie Harris, Drexel Hill. The Bernard, Craig Houllston, Peter ware County Mealcal' Society, the Cbrlabnu Procram munity organizations, will suc- May meeting will feature a gay Bender, Roger KUCi Jonny Sey- TB and Health Assoclati.on, Health In preparation for Christmas, ceed Mrs. Hallock Campbell, who nineties rewe with Mrs. Donald bold, and Eddy Eckenholf. The and Welfare Council, Inc., and the . Department of the Club will present Herve Gou- has accepted a teaching position Hand and Mrs. W. J. Simon as adult leaders were Jim Calkins P4Innsylvania Health. let, New Englsnd artlat with a at Media Friends School. Mrs. co-chalrmen. and Arthur Moscrip. French family background, In a Campbell will continue in her post The annual Kiddie Karnival will Troop 2 Scouts are now looking demonstrlltion of seven basic ar- II:' membership chairman. be held in October, with Mrs. John forward to a trip of a very rangement "Let's Decorate for Mrs. Denworth has previously A. Gersbach as chalrman. "Meet dillerent sort for the week end of Christmas" and', Or. Stanley K. served on the board of the Swarth- the Press" will be a panel discus- September 18 and 19. They will Gambell, minister and television more League, and has attended a slon in November. camp on the banks of the Bofavorite In the telling of Van national LWV convention held in Informal Pariy hemIa River in Maryland and deDyke's "Story of the other 'Wise Cincinnati as a delegate of the Small informal parties in De- vote their time to swimming and . The Girl Scout program is getMan." Swarthmore league. cember and card parties in Feb- canoeing. All boys of ages 11 and with tipg more undertroops way than In the Borough ever before 14 To look forward to; also, are She has held many offices in ruary will be held in the homes in the Borough who are not heing organized.. the coming appearance of Eve- the community and County.. She of club members. The annual now Scouts but would llke to go To meet the need for new leadlyn Palmer, returned from a year was president (>f the Swarthmore fashion show with Mrs. Randolph on this trip and future trips ers, Training Courses are being as the wife of a Fulbright pro- Woman's Club, 1951-1953; served Lee as chalrman will be in March; should be sure to attend troop given at the Woman's Club In fessor in Delhi in her talk "Our as chairman of the Delaware Literature night in April will be meetings at 7 p.m. on Wednesday Swarthmore and at Smedley Park. Neighbors in Delhi"; a fashion Countly Health and Welfare Coun- led by Mrs. Heinz Heinemann. nights at the Swar_thmore Presby-· The course at the Women's Club show of 40 costumes from 1900 to ell; served for 12 years on the Mrs. H. Leland Cl!fford will be terlan Church. will run from 8 to 10, two evedate called "Fifty Years of Good- Swarthmore School Board as a chalrman of the senii-formal nings a week on Tuesdays and will Fashions" and a widely an- member and as secretary. spring dance in May. Dr. RuthTO HEAR PRICE ' Thursdays for four weeks, beticipated spring program by Harry Mrs. Denworth recently was ap- Jean Eisenbud will be discussion The United World Federalists ginning September 28. The Smedand Anne Werlsner Wood. pointed by Governor Fine to leader for llie child study group West Delaware County Chapter: ley Park cllurse is an accelerated An open .evenlng meeting will serve on an 18 ·member state ad- with~. ~~~ Jones as chatr- have scheduled a meeting on Sep- day-time course, four hours on be olfered the community when visory commltlee on problems of man. asses 4ge, Mrs. Rich- tember 30, here when Dr. Charles Tuesdays and Thursdays" for two alrman, and Price head of the Chemistry De weeks, beginning September 14. Carleton Smith president of the the aged. She is a member arwidngFarriMrs~n-;-ct'I' -~'"of se . unu e W . Greenwood ' . If th i h I Sw of .,nu- -chairman will int rest partment, University of Penn ere s anyone w a th nks Nationlll Arts. Foundation which the Board of M anagers directs the interchange of artists mOFe College. a board member of be' e many· sYlvania will address th - she mIght like to help with the alno f Family Service of Delaware Coun mem rs. A ed e group. Girl Scout program and at the ng oreign countries will be·ty d b f th .tMrs. Frank W. Chapman is dicover dish supper will prethe speaker. tee' an a mem er a e comnu - rector of the Mother's Club Chor- cede the meeting which will be same time hIlve a lot of fun and th Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe who is on operations of e us. . announced in detail, later. Mrs. get acquainted in the community, illlam J. Cope, 6 Crum Ledge, please call Mrs. John H. Carroll, program chairman of the State ch"."t. Memhers of the program comFederation is program chatrman The 1"I!Slgnation of Mrs. Thomas mlttee for the year are: Mrs Har- IS chalrman of the organization SW 6-2986 or Mrs. WiIl!am McOf the club. Mrs. Frank G. Keen- W. Casey, president of the rlsson , chairman, Mrs .. lI. Mather and in that capaelty was hOStesS Dermott, SW 6-6347 for further en the club's president. Lea.gue, due to her s Lippincott, Jr., Mrs. Howard B. bto a planning meeting of the details about the courses. transf t W hi gt For mothers of training future Brownies b usmess er 0 as n on, Smith, Mrs. Thomas McIhenney oard on August 24 and will enD. C., was accepted by the Board ·Mrs Heinz Heinemann Mrs H' tertain another meeting on Se _ and Girl Sc.!'uts who feel they are with regret. It awaits the report M. Bunting, Mrs•. verno'n Urb·ani,· tember 14. p too busy. to help this year, it , PI Beta Phi f th min ting coimn!ttee bemight be well to take into con'!'he Delaware County group of a e no a Mrs. W. J. Simon, Mrs. Edmund· slderation that leaders often have Pi Beta PIli will meet at the home fore further action. Jones, Mrs. James Jezl, Mrs. DonSix Weeks· CMlI.. to go to Chester or 69th street for of Mrs. Alfred H. Marsh, 103 Coald Hand, Mrs. Edw. G. Bull. Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthur W. Binns these courses and this Is a good , of Muhlenberg avenue have re- opportunity to take the training llUnbla av(!nue at 12 o'clock, FriTwo Months In Earope day, September 17. Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. HamCalls MeeHlIg turned froin a six week cruise up conveniently for future use. Frlelldly Circle ingson of Philadelphia, son-in-law Mrs. Valentine L. FIne, general the New England colIst, having '!'he first Fall meeting of the and daughter· of Mrs. Marjorie chairmlin for the Holiday Fair ~ as far east as Boothbay Har- Senior Class Mothers Meet FrIendly Circle will be held on Davis of ~arvard avenue, sailed which is a feature each year at bor, Me. WIlDe in Long Island Mrs. Charles Hummer of Guer~y, September 18, at 2 from New York Wednesday on Trinity Church,!'Ill meet with all Sound. they vjslted Mr. Binns' nsey road will entertain the n at the home of Mrs. CecIl the "Haasdan". After arriving in· chairmen of commi.ttees Wednes- brothers Mr. Joseph Binns, Mr. officers of thO!! motherS group of .~ward. 1311 Rutprs avenue. Southampton, Mr. and Mrs. Jlam- dBY mornin& September 15, at 10 ,JOhn Binns, and· Mr.. Edward .thesenior eIass at a luncheon at WlllladI WDlard will be inlison will start their two month a.m. in. the Cleaves Room of the Binns and thetr famDl'!S on the her home on Tuesday September . the ClO-bOBt,.. hostel!ng trip thrOUIh EUrope. Clmrch. • Conneetieut shore. 14.· ' Following the annual welcom_ ing te a on October 5, the approaching season of the Woman's Club of Sw. arthmore will bring to the community a rich and v8ried program wldch will touch all facets of women's interests. baritone beSeth E. Lippard, . _ , will accompanied by clubmember Mrs. John Schott in his program "Songs by Seth" in October. Mr. Lippard is the winner' the Welsh Esteddfod . Contestof thli Swimm-Ing- Pool Status Unchanged Boy Scout Troop 2 Hikes Labor Day Mrs R ay Denworth Takes LWV Post the = T Girl Scouts List Leadership Series ~gency commuru~ IOC~1 hu~band :W Pqe 2 sUcks whlcl!. had been brought form-fitting princess style with a by the bride's grandparents from peter pan collar delicately emTurkey. broidered with pearls and a long Dr. Kletzlen gave his daughter sweeping train. Her vell was in marriage. The bridal gown was finger-Up length of net with tiny of oyster white antique aUk ruchirigs falling from a coronet of ENGAGEMENTS talfeta, trimmed in heirloom lace lace. She carried a prayer book Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Alden and styled with a fitted bodice wjth a cluster and spray of white of North Chester road, have an- ,and full skirt with a chapel length sweetheart roses and stephanotis. nounced the engagement of their train edged in the lace. The veil Miss Elsa Mary Reese, as maid daughter, Miss Sarah 'Wheeler was of heirloom lace and tulle, of honor, and Miss Patricia Blake, Alden, to Mr. Daniel Stevens the lace framing the face in man- Miss Jean Galbreath, Miss Sally Griffin, son of Mr. O. Thompson tills effect. The bridal bouquet Gaskill, Miss Virginia Gehring, Grillln of Hudson Falls, N.Y., and was of white ehrysanthmums and Miss Marilyn Green, Min Greta the late Mrs. Margaret KnIght Ivy. Richardson, and Miss Catherine Griflin. The marriage is planned The bridal attendants, Miss Wisdom, as bridesmalds, wore for the spring. Edith D. Kietzien, the ~Ister of gowns of green changeable taffeta Miss Alden was, graduate from the bride, as maid of honor, and with pleated skirts and off-theWilliam Smith College, Geneva, the bridesmaids Miss Margaret shoulder necklines. They carried N.Y., in June. Campbell, sister of the groom, and bouquets of pink sweetheart roses Mr. Griflin is an alumnus of Mi.. Katherine Bugbee, cousin of shading from pale to deep and Kimball Union Academy, class of the bride, wore ballerina length s p ira 1 eucalyptus and wore 1949, and Hobart College where dresses of reseda green taffeta matching clusters in their hair. he was ;, member of Kappa Sigma with double shawl collars and full Mrs. Ford, the mother of the Fraternity. He is in pilot training skirts. They carried cascade bou- bride, wore a dress of navy lace with the U. S. Air Force and is quets of gold chrysanthemums and taffeta. Her hat was of yelstaUoned at Vance Air Field Base and ivy. Thetr headdresses were low crepe de chine and her corin Enid, Oklahoma. circlets of the taffeta leaves with sage of yellow sweetheart roses. short vells. Mrs. English, mother of the brideMr. and Mrs. R. E. Cordray of Mr. Christopher Pottle, of New gJ:oom, was gowned in beige Pine Ridge, Media, announce the Haven, Conn., served as best man. cotton lace. Her accessories were engagement 'of their daughter, The ushers were Mr. S. Damon in toast and her corsage of feathMary Virginia, to Mr. Earl Francls KIetzien, brother of the bride, Mr. ered bronze chrysanthemums. Neldered, son of Mrs. Bernard Stephen W. Smith, of Winnetka, A reception followed the cereNeiderer, of Hanover, and the Ill., Mr. JameS Ellis of Little Rock, mony in the parish hall of Trinity late Mr. Neiderer. Ark., and Mr. James L. Mac- Church after which Mr. and Mrs. Miss Cordray is a graduate of Donald of Darien, Conn. Engllsb, III, left for a, wedding Trinity College, Washington, D.C. Mr. Eugene Roan, organist of trip in the Smokies. ,They will reand of Catholic University, Wash- the Church, played the traditional tum to Duke University on ington, D.C. Mr. Neiderer Is also wedding marches and Purcell's September 23. a graduate of CathoUc University, ,"TrUmpet Tune," Handel's "Lar- I The bride was graduated from and at present is in Hashemite go," Bach's "Now' Let Every Swarthmore High School and Is a Kingdom of Jordan, where he Tongue Adore Thee," "Sheep May junior at Woman's College, DUke is with a consulting engineering Safeiy Graze," "Jesu, Joy of Man's University. She Is a member of firm working on one of the Jordan Desiring;" Beethoven's "Joyful, Pi Beta 'Phi sorority. Mr. English River irrigaUon projects. Joyful we Adore Thee," and GOU-I' attended Pen n Harris High The wedding will take place In nod's "Sanctus." After the cere· School, Harrisburg, and is also a mid-October In Batrut. mony, Mr. Roan played "A junior at TrInity College, Duke Mighty Fortress is Our God" and University. He is secretary of Phi BRIDAL FEstiviTIES Miss Jane C. Darger of Upper "Love Divine, All Love Excelling" Kappa Psi fraternity. ' Montclair will entertain at a on the memorial bells. BIRTHS The bride's mother wore a luncheon at her home today In Mr. and Mrs. Mlirshall Schmidt honor of Miss Nancy Williams gown of sand shantung, accented by an heirloom topaz brooch. Her Kenyon of that town. Miss Kenof Dickinson avenue announce the yon's marriage to Mr. Robert Du- hat was of cinnamon satin with birth of their third child and secBois Hulme, 139 Rutgers avenue, sUppers to match. Her corsage ond son, William Clarke. The baby was born September 3 at wIll 'take place Saturday after- was of brown orchids. The groom's mother was gownnoon in the Presbyterian Church, the Methodist Hospital, Philadeled in champagne peau de soie. phia, and weighed 8 pounds, 10 Upper Montclair. Her hat was of ic .... blue velvuounces.· MisS Dorothy Kern wIll give a Paternal grandparents are Mr. luncheon In honor of the bride sheen and her corsage of fuji and Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt of and her attendanta at the Mont- chrysanthemums. A reCeption followed at the Riverview road. Maternal grandclair Goll Club, the noon of the home ot the bride's parents. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. William wedding. . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulme bride's going-away suit was of A. Clarke, of Rogers lane, Walparents of the prospective, bride- tweed, with which she wore an liitgford. groom will entertain the bridal oriental red hat. After honeymooning In HolderMr. and Mrs. D. Graham Foster, party and the familles of the bride ness, N.H., Mr. and Mrs. CampJr., of Ithaca, N.Y., are receiving and -groom at dinner Friday evening before the weddirig re- bell, Jr., will fly to Chicago on congratulaUons on the birth of a Sunday to take up residence at son, n"ereck Graham, born on hearsaL Several surprise showers have the McCormick Theological Sem- September 2. Paternal grandparents are Mr. been given f'lr Miss Kenyon by inary where the groom is In his friends. Mrs. Willlam Kennard second year of' theological train- and M.s. Duncan G. Foster of and Mrs. Rodney Odell, Upper ing. Mrs. Campbell will complete Crest l~e. Montclair, were hostesses at the her work for a bachelor's degree Kennard home on September 2 at ~ake Forest College, Lake Lieutenant, Robert Rowand, M. and Mrs. John L. Palmer of East Forest, Ill. C. and Mrs. Rowand of the Bronx, Among the out-of· town guests N.Y. are receiving congratulations Orange, Miss KeDyon's matron-ofhonor entertained for the brlde- who attended the wedding were on the birth. of their .e~ond Mrs. George' 'Dutton Smith of daughter, Janet Lee. elect Saturday. Mrs. George W. Place, Jr., 228 Hubbard Woods, Ill., and Mrs. Gr8ndparents of the baby are Garrett avenue, one of Miss Ken- Klewen's uncle, Mr. John C. yon's brideSmaids, entertained at Damon of Newton, Mass. MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN a luricheon In her honor yesterENGLISH. FORD 313 Da~outh,J\"enue day at the Montclair Golf Club. Swartl.more 6·2080 The marriage of Miss Christine CAMPBELL • KLETZIEN Shaw Ford daughter of Mr. and SlJB8CRIPTIONS J\LL The SWarthmore Presbyterian Mrs. Henry Crawford Ford of FOR MAGJ\ZINES Church was the setting for the Amherst avenue and Mr. and Mrs.I'~==============~ marriage of Miss Phyllis Klewen, S. James English, In, son of Mr. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Seymour e Mrs. English, Jr., of Harris, W. Kletzien of South Chester road and burg, Penna., was solemnized OJ). I to Mr. Edward Fay Campbell, Jr., Friday afternoon, September 3, at Swarfllmore. Po. son of Dr. and Mrs. Campbell of 4 o'clock in the Swarthmore TrinAIR COND1TIONED Cornell avenue, on Saturday ity Churcb. The Rev. Laurence I\fternoon, September 4, at 3 Whitteinore, rectOr of Trinity FrIday &: Saturday o'clock. The Rev. Dr. Campbell Church and the Rev. James Trost, WIlliAM HOLDEN and the Rev. Joseph P. i3ishop assIStant rector of St. Stephan's "EXECUTIVE SUITE" performed the doubl....ring cer- Cathedral, Harrisburg, perform. aepeot On Q great draliloll emony. ed the ceremony, "THE 'LUNDiiIERS" "for airelr" The chancel was decorated with The bride, who was given in Sahrday. 1 P. N. simplicity. Cybotium ferns gave marriage by her father, wore an PIUs-CartDons. Comedy and background to the ivy-twined exquisite gown of ivory satin in a Captain A_rlcal Serial seve~ branched candlabras. Bos. -sAT. NiGHT ONLY-'-I'bTUUS ""0 ton ferns banked the altar and in flont of the Communion table Sii.... Mo.... THI. &:. Wed. , ' stoo!l two tall brass single candie_ WAYNI _ CIAI~ TU.YOK Ruth S. Duncan - Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Gurin and sons, Robert and Richard returned Sunday, to their home on Amherst avenue from a months vacation in Sorrento, Me. • ; . I \ I Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Noyes of look Hospital, Summit, N. J., the parrish road, and Mrs. Elwood M. baby weighed eight ~ou:nds four Rowand of Elm avenue. ounces. . Paternal grandpareilts are Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Randall and Mrs. Richard G. Halg of RivHalg of Westfleid, N. J., announce erview road. Maternal grandparents are Mr. the hlrth of their third child and third son, Jeffrey Randall. Born and Mrs. John R. Remington at Tuesday, September 7 at Over- Rochester, N. Y. NClthel'a 8. Hubbell • Teacher of Piano "THE HIGH AIID THE , MIGtilT' Cl_ _ .... T....,..,... Daa"er Coal!, • 'til'J' tis Teacher 01 Pidrlo n7Y. Ave. SW 608711 UlII.venl~ ... Usedl ....... '" • "n.. TRINITY NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. BemMr. and Mrs. H. W. Brinkmann har4t and daughter, Barbarll of and daughter, Betsy, have returnAt 8 o'clock Sunday morning Princeton avenue return'ed home d h h .... in t 1 PUBLISHED EVERY'FRIDA\- AT SWJ\RTH!IIORE. PA. there will be a celebration of the Sunday' after s'pendm' g two weeks e to t eir orne on .. a u ane Holy CommuniOR at Trinity after a three month. tour of PETER E. TOLD, lIIA.R.JORIE TOLD, PUBLISHERS Pune 8W~~ 1-1100 Church. The regular service of a.;;;,t;;;Mo;;;,~.o;;;s;;;e~L;;;ak;;;;;;e;;;B~ri;;;d;;;ge~.t~,on;;;,~M;;;;e;;.;;;;;;;;;.Eu;;;:;r.;o;;p;;;e.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,j MOrning Prayer will be held, at ~ ..BTU E, TOLD, Bc1Hor 11 o'clock. Ushers for Sunday Marjorie Told Frances P. Murray Rosalie Peinol be as follows: John Aaron, W. M~ri~ Lq~ise ~tered as Second Class MaUer, January 24, 1929. at the Post M. Bush, R. M. Daniel, W.C. (Fo,fII\~ Broadway and TV DanCer) OftIce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3. 1879, Giles, F. R. ·Gray, C. S. Keller, R. B. Price, Jr., and C. M. Water~t.,4i~ ~f the DCllnc~ DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON . '. bury. Walter Reynolds is SchedS~a!1h.mc»'" Woma .. ·s Club uled to serve as acolyte at 118 9'''1~ .~e, and ~orgl' A. B.llet, Toe, Acrobatic lind Tap at 11. Hansell PRESIYTERIAN NOTES CHIJISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES Enroll N"w - Classes Start September 25 Tlie first fall meeUng of the This Sunday, September 12, the The pracUcal value of under- Vestry will be heid on MondaY D'~I WA 8·'959 9r ~W 6-'6,B~ double session of Church School standing God as the source of all evening at 8 o'clock. Choir re(Special Top and Acrobatic Classes for Boys) will begin the regular yearly true substance will be stressed hearsals wIll also De resumed on at Christian Science services program by having 9:30 and 11:00 Sunday in the Le..on-Sermon en- Monday, the Boys' Choir mE!et1ng I at 4 o'clock and the Girls Choir classes except for the Junipr High t,itled "Substance". at 5 o'clock. The Boys' Cboir will Sunny DeJ>Bl1l:nen,t ~If~ V{ll! 'Peet oniy Fro!p. the Bii!l~ ~ll ~ read meet again on Wedoesday afterat 9:30, anq ~e ~nJor Jligh De- t!>!' t~ll~ p~ges from noon at 4 o'clock, and the Men's parimept which Will meet only at Psalms (37:3-5) ''Trust in the and Boys' Choir will rehearse at 10:45. LQf<\. jI\1d, d,~, 1!9.Dfl; ~ shalt thou 7: 30 p.m. Thursday. The two morning 1'(o.l"s!!iP serv- ~'!r'!il In, ~ land, and verily A service of Evening Prayer Elberta • White Hale - Aftr.eglow ices will be held in the church thou shalt be fed. Delighf thyself will be held on Tuesday and Frialso In the Lord; and he shall day evenings" at 5: 30. also at 9:3(, and 11 o'clock with a give thee the desires of thine full worship service at both ~imes. Chairmen of all committees for The topic of 'tile sermon by the heart. Commit thy way unto the Holiday Fair will meet WedRev. Joseph P. Bishop will be LOrd; trust also in him; and nesday morning, September 15, at shali bring it to pa ..... 10 o'clock In the Cleaves Room, "The Quiet Hllari." , OUR OWN FRESH PU~LED SWEET CORN The publlc is cordially Inylted with Mrs. Valentine i.. -Fine, genSunday morning at 8 a.m. there to aHend the services at 11 a.m., eral chaIrman, presiding. wIll be a Holy Communion Serv- First Church of Christ, ScienUst,1 ice for all the young people who on Park avenue. FRIENDS MEETING NOTES are leaving shortly for college. MEdia 6-16BO ' Route 452 Following the service, a breakfast On Saturday, September 18, the METHODIST NOTES will be served in McCahan Hall. Social 0 r d e r Committee of 1/4 Mile South of. Baltimore Pike Lima .. .._ .. The minister and' five laymen of Swarthmore M~ting will act as The Couples' Club, the group of young married couples formerly the chu""h will be attending the host to the Fall Planning' Conknown as the Mr. and Mrs. Club, Annual Retreat for spiritual re- ference of ,the Philadelphia Yearwill have its first meeting of the freshment at Pocono Plateau, Con- ly' Meeting Social Order Committhe te church year on Monday night, ference Camp Grounds of hos •• 1 e. T Sessions wlll start at 11:15 a.m. September 13, at 6:30 lI.m. This Philadelphia Conference. with a meeting of the subcommitwill ~ a get-acquainted party, a attending today and Saturday covered-dish supper, to be held at Rev. John C. Kulp, Mr. Wm. tee on Industpal RelaUons. The . are e~pertly and sympathetically Collenberg, Mr. W. France, Mr. general business meeting will be the Old Mill in Rose V"ll!!y. Res- L. . Holt, Mr. W. Lovekin and Mr. d' '"hel from 1:30,to 5:15 p.m., with ervations may ,be made by calling ~t pdce you set. S. W. Johnson. an Intermlsion for tea at 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Goldmeyer, Church School classes 'begin At 5:45, the group will 'have supKI4-0359. 9: 45 a.m. with, classes for ali ages. per at the Dew Drop Inn. The Board of Trustees will retbe 11 a.m. Morning Worship The evening meeting will consume regular monthiy meetings At service, Rev. Kulp, pastor, will THE .OLlVER _~IR by meeUng this Tuesday, Septem- use as his sermon subject, uFrom vene in the Meeting House at ber 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Wom- Trial to 'Trust" taken from 7:15. The subject will be "Creative _Iaoas o. ""'••11 an's AssociaUon Room. text of Romans 5: 3-4. This is Approaches to the Problems of 1 "20 CHESTNUT . . . 'STREET . ". , A Workshop for the Circle lead- third of a series o~ sermons on the Aging." Gordon Lange will OLMII H. IAI" w"u A,. ~"" ...... d.... ers and co-chairnien, and chair- the theme, "God's Help For Life's report with sUdes, movies and T.lephone RI6-l5" men of Program, Projects, Devo- Discouragements." Nursery chil- tap" recordings on his cross coundren will be sup~e4 by captry research project of ~ _ past tionals, Ecumenical Missions and Social Education and Action Com- able women so thilt the family summer. Members of Swarthmore Meetmittees of the Women's Associa- may worship together. Ushers for the morning service ing are Invited to the morning and tion will be held on Wednesday, will be Charles Grier, ,head usher, afternoon sessions; the general September 15, from 10:00 a. m. George Shubert, Edward L. Alpublic wIll be most welcome for llntil 3:00 p.m. This is primarily for the purpose of orga~g ston, William Collenberg, John the evening meeting. plans for this season's worjdn!l Corke and Charles Hummer, Jr. From Monday to Wednesday the NEWS NOTES year. Luncheon will be served. minister wIll be attending a PasBERKSHIRE ALL NYLACE tor's Conference on Family CounMr. and Mrs. William F. Brown, CHURCH SERVICES FULL· FASHIONED seling at Camp ,Innabah conducted Jr., and son have moved from PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH by the MethO!list Board of Edu- Ridley Park to their new home STOCKINGS Josellh P. Bishop, Minister cation. at 600 Parrish road. J obn Schott, Associate Minlster The W.S.C.S. Executive Board Mrs. Albert Behenna of Princ.... Sunday, SeptelDber 18 ton avenue returned recently meets at the Parsonage for lunch8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. eon on Monday at 12: 30. Plans for from a trip to Glacier National Service for young people. 9:30-10:45-11:00 A.M. - Church the coming months wlll be dis. Park where she visited friends for cussed. All officers are expected to three weeks. Mr. Fred Behe""a is SchooL staying for two more weeks and 9:30 and 11 A.M.-Mr. Bishop be present. will preach. At 8 p.m. on Tuesday, teachers will return home in time to start and officers of the Church School Pennsylvania Mllltary College on METHODIST CHURCH JOHN C. KULP, B.D., M.A., will meet for a Worker's Con- S.=ep=t=e=m=b=e=r=2=3=.======~ Minlster ' ference at' the church. r EDWARD THORNTON, A.B., The Cottage Prayer Group will Assistant Minister resume its weekly gathering at Paulsons and The Swarth· MRS. RUTH G. NICELY. 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Paul Organist-Director of Music M. Paulson, 100 Park avenue on morean were both very Sunday, SepteJnber 12 Tuesday evening. Mrs. Paulson 9:45 A.M.-Church School kind to us. 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp wIll p~ach. will be leader. This will be an organiz,aUonal meeUng. TRINITY CHURCH t, At 8: 30 Tuesday evening, Cir~le I To Paulsons: We wish to H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rec 0 No. 5 will meet at the home thank you for your nice Sunday, Septemberuni12 ; M~.' J: 'W. "Loveland, 48 Yale 8:00 A.M.-Holy Cpmm on. .I compliment! 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. avenue, lind Circle No. 7 Wli Tu""4Jay, September 14 meet I\t tlle home of Mrs. John To Pete Told and The 5:30 P.M.--1Ngber 15 Scouts will meeet at 7 p.m. on AU day sewing for A.F.S.C. Wednesday in the Church. , FIRST CHURCH OF Circle No.4 of the W.S.C.S. will i C'W4S~.;:mrmOREST meet at the home' of MrS. Allce ..... Patehell, '61 S. Morton avenue, Park Avenue below Harvard Morton at 8:30 Wednesday ev.... S......,., September II _._~. Thursday at I p.m., Circle 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. '~'6 will t t the 11:00 A.M.-The I on SUiDOD No.6 of W.S.C.S. mee a "w"6~~~ , Will be "Substance." home of Mrs. And%eW A1exand~, SwoI'fII_, Po. , Wednesday evenIn, meetin' 111 sWarthmore avenue. each week, 8 P.M. Readlnl room The Chancel Choir will bave SW ....191 .... .,.:30 ~ dally exeept Sunday 11 to (I rehearsal at 8 p.m. Thursday eve- TIlt: SWARTliMOREAN 1------------;:--------____ - BEAUTY SALON IT'S CARING THAT SAVES THE WEARING 9 South C,hester Road Call SWarthmore 6-0476 - Bra, 'Orchards PEACHES FAMILY DINNERS to SUIT ... TASTI of EYERVONE TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order EXCELLENT BANQUET ANn PARTY FACiLmES QUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.1:30 P. M. DINING ROOMS ••d LOllY AIR CONDITIONED Comfortable Rooms Day or Week Elevator ya~!!~~~v!!~~!!~;:pa. WALTER E. PARROTT, ..". • _ , __ .' ,._,_, APPLES 'I FaurARKING§!! it E GIS T RAT I ON at Media FrienCis School (age 3 throu!lh 7th grade) Will Contine Throagh Tuesda, ' sEPn'MII!R 14tll For all group. exceRtillg, five.ye,ar....ld, and four~year.old grciUps ~hii:h are now filled to capacity -~. flU" I~;;;;;;;;:.;;;;;~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;.;~ ~lllIlllIIlIIlnfllnilUlliHImlllllllllll1lllllllmmUlllllmwlllll/JmnlijllnnmnlillliiiiulillnmmlinminlDnllJ!g .. ~ = i= - , LITtLE SPRUCE LAKE i~ ' Lakewood. Wayne Co.. Pa. -~ i 5 i OWEN W. GAY = ~ ~ Wallingford, Pa. Telephone MEdia 6·2479 !I s= iii !!i = i I i ~ s E It is delightful here in September and Odober. ~ Modern and well equipped coHages. = ~ !=."Be Gay With the Gays at- Little Spruce" != §illllDnulllllllllnlllhRlIIIIIIIIUmmnmlDllllnnnnllnlllllllllllulIlllIIlIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1II11IDIIIIIUlllllllllml=. BiuEt: CASES - NOTE BOOKS NOTr: PAPER - PENCILS - RULERS - PENS eRAYONS. Et~. THEATRE PHAR'MACY THEATRE sQuAaE A'rcoldlfJoI'at for Yo.r StollPJ•• eoilifOrf DELlYERY $llttleE' PiIrliit Wolff's Appl,e Ho.use YOUR NI.DS Call ,Media 6.0984 ~ "Pill !ua~ AVIiNuB sW ••II1II PapS . CALi.. FOI ci.-d of ...,lnIda THE SWARTHMOBEAN Forsythe COLLE'G'E mE' n A"I'-R'E w. ~. Well_', 2.Y_ ........... SeplelDher 10, 1914_ the • if. . -or _l, .... The Camera and' Hobby SlIp ,':Jt..l'tltl"V; _m 1 ~ DJng;" 'IL---...:---------.,; 15 South Chester RC)ad CO. .. The marriage of Mrs. Richard T. Randall, Jr., formerly of North Chester road, to Mr. Wlillam Avery of Cambridge, Md. was solemnized Tuesday, September 7, 1954 at the Twlllght Park Chapel, Haines Falls, N.Y. . ;n>e couple will. reside m CambrIdge, Md. • FETE BRIDE·ELECT Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan of Mt. Holyoke place will entertain at cocktai1s on Sunday In honor of Mrs. Swan's godchlld Miss Lora Blackman, daughter of Mr. and Mr.. Wlillam Jackson Blackman, and Mr. Leroy L. Anderson, Jr., of Wyndmoor, whose wedding date is September 24. Mr. September 10, 1954 THE SWARTHMOBEAN AVERY • RANDALL - , , r...e4 George P. III '_...." ·"bH' , i 'Miba Gall Redden, daughter of Mr. turned recently from a week's, anl1l11l11l11nut........11· , and Mrs. G. T. Redden of Cornell vacation at Ship Bottom, N.J. avenue celebrated her third Bill and Jim Row~d, sona of blrthd;y last Saturday with a Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Rowland of party for her friends. College avenue .returned home last .. • .. Mr d Mrs William E H tzel week from Camp NiBsokone. First reports on Needletuft Georgian Nylon " an. . e 'Oscoda, Mich. where they were ' •• h h • d I Jr., and MIss Carol Hetzel, of. callipers for five weeks. carpet mdlcate t at t e carpet survive near y Thayer r~aghdtreafterturned ho~~}ethPthree times as many revolutions of a. tember el spenuuq; e _ • I wear masummer months In Eaglesmere How C.\i."•• Seleno Hoo" chine as a comparably priced woo carpet; and their summer home "Tlde"Social Adiusfment water" In Ocean City, N.J. Stains such as coRee, cola, mustard, permanent Without CompromiH" Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Russ ell blue-black ink, and even animal stains were aland chlldren, Peggy, Emily and Stephen of Haverford place re- WIP 161D I[CJ S..... ,•• :41 A.... lowed to stand 24 hours, and then completely F·Irst reports on Nylon Carpet AMAZING IF TRUE I........................ iiiiii....................iiiiii~ will serve Mr. Anderson as his best man. The ushers will be Ralph E. Steftan, Jr., of Pittsburgh, Mr. Ralph K. Ritter of Haddonfield, N.J., Mr. E. Thoma~ Moyer of Philadelphia, Mr. William T. Anderson brother of the groom, and Mr. Jackson F. Blackman, brother of the bride. Miss Black~an will be' the guest of honor at a surprise shower this evening at the home of Mrs. E. Thomas Moyer, one of her bridesmaIds, In Oak Lane. On Tuesday, Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie of Harvard avenue will entertain at luncheon in her honor. NEWS NOTES vacation STORE HOURS Mon. • Tues. • Wed. Thurs•• Sat. HANDLING CHOICE FOOD MARKET CHICKENS Robert Brooks 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Hours 9 A. M.-to 9 P. M. Kingsley 3-1879 Weekend of Sept. 9. 1954 Nabisco Swift Premium COOKIE ASSORTMENT 9 A.M. - 6 P. M. FRIDAY M . . . . . Ceq. L ' , 100 0 C_Fl........... 0 ..... 1_'ai' M A"", s-tIunwe..... 9 A.M.'- 9 P.M. .... Closed daily 1-2 for iunch SWarthmore 6-6000 UlIIIDII1I11I111IIIWlUlmmmmlUDlllnnnlllllllllllllllllll1ll1lU1DDlllIIIllIII1lfi1Bdlll1lllllllllll0,M.. Ivins i Famous SLICED WAFERS To t e an c 2 WEINERS lb. box 3 times! Brock's Frozen French Fried POTATOES . There are 640,000 miles of postal routes in the U. lead to 'our front doorl , s~ and they all 2 pkgs. 27c • No, we're not planning on opening a branch office on the Moon. Though recognized as a progressive bank, we'lI stick to Delaware county f9r the OATMEAL 27c package SWARTHMORE OFFICE Rutgers Ave. & Chester Road • HOUIS: It: Mon ••• 11 I-Jo.W. WMIe I s-.IH. ......oagIf....u_ ... .."M , A.M. to 3 P.M. AIId friday Even.ngs 6:30 to 8:30 36c Doeskin Soft Bathroom Tissue 4 rolls 2 lb. 2Sc Large Assortment White or Yellow SYLVANIA Large, ,LIGHT BULBS 2ge each Birdseye 19c lb. FROZEN PEAS 23c:, ~ead 1 lb. Se 2 for 3le GREEN PEPPERS Snow-Crop Birdseye ____ ~ kI fIIIr • CONTEST Fresh Fruit Sherbert MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE NUCOA 1 Ib·29c: PINTS - , 25c: 8ge '2 for 3Sc GET CONTEST DETAILS WITH NUCOA ....... A1'UIIIIC . , F R EE and Sons Florist MULTIPLIER - CARNS 6SO ..tH_ ..... s,~" ....... Dol. I.a II.DN 600450 eo.. ... O"'.A.M. .. ,P.... DIVIDER PENCIL BOX ForlM", Swolfb..o,. • MIDIA. PENNSYLVANIA. Sp""-'ielcl CI ......... "" JJ. 'Uf • I """ I ..... ......... I... •• C.,."a'lw 57c Ass'teolors Jumbo -1.19 1/2 Gallon - 6ge lb. SEEDLESS GRAPES ICE CREAM 1/2 Gallon Full Pound Extra Fancy HEAD LE II UCE WHITE SQUASH BREYERS PINTS Very truly yours, APPLES PEACHES 49c 4Se lb. SLICED BACON . VELVEETA A Kraft Product 2 Pound Package 7ge Jumbo , you, we are Oscar Mayer Fancy travel, lets you forget banking hours and holidays. Of course, we're always' happy to have you come in ar.d personally transact your business here. But ' I CAULIFLOWER present. The, point is, no maHer where you live this bank is as close as your nearest mailbox. Banking by mail is easy, safe, conv~nient, saves time and PARTS OF CUT.UP Chester Rose Hickory Smoked Keebler we do for hundreds of customers we've never seen. Waiting 'to hear from W RIB ROAST , if that isn't convenient, we can tqke very good care of you.....,.. by mail, as o WE ARE NOW , • Having sold my house at 410 No. Swarthmore Ave. I am selling all my household goods including some antique. Mr. and Mrs. Brinton Liddell of Riverview road and Mr. and Mrs. Millard Fitzgerald of Havertown have returned from vacationing for a week at Schroon Lake in the Adirondacks, N.Y. Mrs. Henry Heisler of Park ' avenue returned this week from a month spent at Hyannis, Cape Cod. Mrs. Benjamin W. Collins of Hillbom avenue returned last week after spending the month of August In Avalon, N.J. While Mn. ColUns 'was there she entertaIned her three sons and their faml1les for a week each and was visited by Mrs. Charles 'Elllott of Ypsilanti, Mich., for the last week. Tom Alden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Alden of North Chester road returned home Tuesday after spending eight weeks as a swimming Instructor, at Camp LaNaki1e in FaIrlee, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Longman arid sons, Robert, Douglas and Alan moved to their new home at 631 Pa~h' road on August 20 from Chappaqua, N.Y. '~ytember removed using detergent. 12' and 15' widths, needs no binding, 12 colors, 15.00 sq. yd. CHINA - SILVER CUT GLASS SALE Warren, Jr., pecials to, elcome You Home T.V. Time Hull.less POP CORN with this NEW ECONOM·Y PAK 98e Value for59c with 3 pencils 4 Complete Poppings Sharpener and Ruler Mak.s 12 a.arts Page? SepJemher 10, 1954 THE SWARTBMOREAN --~--------------~~~======~----------------~ r---------------; WS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Zimmerman avenue entertained some of his , - - - - - - - . . , . - - - - - - , Sw.rtIo_.re ..,448 NE and their children Carol Ann, classmates from th" class of '54, Media friends School WILLIAM BROOKS Aahel! & Rubbish Removed LaWll8 Mowed. General Hawm.. ZS8 IIarcIIq Ave.. 'lIoa1oD, Pa. .======;:;:;::;=::::::;:===. . HoaACJI Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' B. Rogers and their daughters Lynne, Jean, Karen, and Feith formerlY of 217 Harvard avenue are settIed In their neW home at 5540 BeUnda avenue, Kansas City, Kans. THOM SEREMBA UPHOLSTERING Passmore SLIP COVEA$-DIlAPEIlIES Swarthmor. l.f.renCft ..." s...... 4.-a EMIL SPIES Formerly of F. C. Iod. a $olll Television & Radio Service c._,r.f.H._ 1 /?~-~ PETER DI NICOLA - OIL HEAT • 0Il-S·_ OtlIOM.I". Oft ,.,JlI•• , -~ wau. _IAUall • DAY and NIGHT Oil BURNER COAL FIREPLACE WOOD , a n___ I __ 111116 .. I .... !.dIIIiJ)IIUII._ ~ftI:. nil L.2.ARA S.(Iun; ... ~ SWARnIMO .... PA. " ~-=.~=-==::.:..=--~.:.,:. , Laundromat 504, ..Ifl••re .... KI 4-0252 loa ......., Lot-ltoa. . .tro... I~===:::=======~ of BI!lAL ESTA'rB SJQ:RIPPS OPPICE ' COURT HOUSB, MEDIA. PA. PTiday, sept. 17, 19M 9:30 AM. Eastern Daylight Time conditions: '260,00 cash or oertIlied checll: at time of 1liiie (unleos otherwlae stated In ad_ _ment) balance In ten cia18, Ot;he:r conclltioDB on day of 1liiie. PIERI PAOIAs .rune Term. 19M No.1_ ALL THAT CBBTAlN lot of ground With_ ,thOribn 'In Da:rhy TownaIllp. Del. dO" Fa, BBG' at a pt. on a.W. ad. of Pine Road at dlst. of 80U7' moas. along"""'" B. 2", deg, U' B, 1>'0111 Ita Interoectlon With a.e. ad. of along aaldLaurel lid. of Rd.; PIne erldg. Rd. 8, thence 21 leg. 15' B. 24,3S' oto pt.; thence erldg, S. 65 dog. 46' W, 70' to oenteo' line 'of certain 4' wide alley; thence extdg. along' center line of ...Id alley N. 24 deg. 15' W. 24,3S' to pt.: thence erl c.n~__;>i: able September 10. SWartlm!i>re 6~1205. . ,,' FOR RENT - Furnished room and bath, second fioor. Available October 10. SWarthmore 61205. chair; one pair VicFOR RENT - Second stOry room, torian vases. L!\mps; tile tall.l.. ; shares bath with one other pair bronze figures; dozen: FrenCh roomer' in ion attractive Business person or student pre- Havlland sou p s with plates. Call SWarthmore 6-18'15. SWarthmore 8-2395.. nome. Swarthmore and Vicinity Many AHrac:tive Homes Available Baird & Bird g,pctli,. .or~.I~ "'.11 • Change to modern .utomadc gas hc:iuseheatiog now iO that you can enjoy cOiilplete home heatiog comfort ":uring the first cool spell. The cost of equipment and installation for gas house heating is'lower than the cost of comparable ailt~matic headng equipment using other fuels. Furthermore, the overall cost of gas heating is economical, •• compares favorably with any automatic heating_ FOLKS· AGREE ••• SAVE AT ACME!,... FEE WITH PUReHASE OF ANY LOAF OF SUPREME BREAD Virginia Lee '~9C :,';i', ' 12 in pkg CANTALOUPES ATLANTIC FUEL OIL and 'I.'RON .OIL-BURNERS .Iid heatln, eq.lpmeat ai, Serv1ce .yalla"'. fa ellofr ...lto..... on mates oll ...r ..... pia. o. 011 --.... of oil dIIri. . . . . . . . . ... ~F".II ,~ parallel lines, at right angles to said ThJrd Stteet ODe hundred and forty teet to the SOutherly side of B twenty teet wide alley. which extends from sald Engle Street to Townsend Street· BOUNDED ON TUB EAST by lanW; for the RecordIng of Deeds In and for Delaware COunty aforesald cOnveyed unto Archle L. Daub and ldiu'garet Daub, hls wife. tn fee. Improvements ODIl81st ot a 3 story brick bUnd~ 18 x, 18 feet wIth 2 story frame Tear 18 x, 8 feet. , Sold as ~e propertY of Archie L, Daub & ~t ,DaUb. his WUe. Attya: Edward McLaughlin and ,Donald W. Lehrklnder.. 3t-9-3 F. A, ~, Jr, Bherlll ' No, 270 State of Pennsylvania. bounded and described as follows, to WIt: • you _I.rw'n ........ AUTOMAtIC GAS HOUSE HEADIIG, cal or vi.. y_ plum_, I 11"1 CI IcdM., _-..y ...........h . . . . . . SITUATE at the Northeast cotner of ,Twe1fth St.-eet arid Plower B_t, thence extending N'ortbWlOrdly lIIong the Basterly Bide of oaId Plower Btnet 8O.M feet thence • 'tWardl,. bY a line pazalJeI With the aald Twelfth B_t 43 feet more or 1.... to a point, tIlence Southwardly 80.02 feet to a pobit on the North Bide of 'l'Welftb - . -thence eDendJDB' Wlsch"ully along f. the eamo fB.16 feet more or _ to the !\rOt men_ed point arid place of. bfgInntng. ~ts-i!II of 'a 1,", story ,,",COO slriiilel>~ 20 " 18 a I at<>rY frame oiled ,18 " II feet, also a I story frame det&ehlld buIldiJIg 18' K • feel. iIoId as the 'IILIDIL'III ILICTIIC COM'Alr $l.69Vcilue Point .9dNII With "PurChase of 100% Pure 4-oz J.r INSTA.T COFFIE 4.oz jar .9riNz4 $1' '15 ,~. NEw LOwn ..RItE Pure Fruit PRESERVES !h Jar 29C Peach, Apricot. PiDeapple, Peach·Raspberry or Aprico'-PiDeapple Farmdale Large, ,Eltlra Standard 2 ~% 29C S.ED PEAS 81G fROZEN fOOD DOUAR SAUl .9t:kaI FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 7 ~::~ $1.00 ~ FOrdhook Lima Beans 9dealCauliftower 9deaI Lemonade (K~n. Size) SliCed Strawberries 10-0••q F Your Choice 4 lQ..oz pq for 12_:: f $1.00 """ned as you wish. Smaller quantities at regaW pt;ice. T·Booe, Porterhouse Chester, County of DeIa........ and payments oeD season. 'eRE' E r ',Retra;iit SHERIPP 8AL1!s of REAL ESTATE sirim.IF'P's OPPICE Bept. 'l'en!l, 19M • Spread payments over .. ten-month period and make mid-winter paymeots easier, There is 00 charge for this convenient budget plan. T elephone or ~iSit iany Philadelphia Electric office to arrange, eiaIy..budgeciog of your gas house heatiog JDP·.l3c : '·lb ••• 25c Rob-ford, Fancy Rice :tN FRONT ALONG the Nortb.ei'ly side of Third Street measured thence Weatwardly twenty feet and extending in depth Northwardly between AU. THAT CJm'J'AlN lot;;r piece of ground, SITUATE In tile, City of 4!'t.or'lf~ Drltrr.a~rs for 2 B\Zty feet meaaured W ..twardly from the Northweste:rly corner of sald Third Btreet and Engle. In the CItY of Chester0" COunty. "Of .Delaware and State of Pennsylva.nla: CONTAIlUNG of we. FIBRI FACIAS (ALIAS) WAS-2440 j.olif COlt'. 27 Si;re Largest California on the Northerly Bide of Thlld street day afternoon, October n, as the defensive tackie, a guard and two hood of the Rutgers avenue the past decade. Last year she Services, six mass care centers date for an open house exhibition backfield' positions are sUU ques- school. $8,500 had been asked to served as chairman of the Kin- have been set up to operate in of the new building. flon marks. Fortunately there match the amount posted by dergarteb. Mothers Group of the Swarthmore. seems to be enough available ma, C.lebrotes.55th teerial to till .nv (ConUnued on Page 4) Rutgers Avenue ,School and. as Few people realize just wh a t ~ week spots that den mother of Den No.3, Swarth- the program is and what Is being Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates appear. BesideS, the regulars are more Cub Scout Pack 101. Two done. In case of attack, not on of Harvard avenue celebrated sure to be pressed hard by boys years ago she Was awarded the the Immediate vicinity, but on an their 55th wedding. anniversary from the talent-packed sophomore class, whose oniy handicaps a,:" Dale Carnegie Speech Forum's area close enough so that Swarth- on Monday. cup for de\lvering the best speech more will receive evacuees, the In honor of the occasion, a ,you~ and lack of varsity expenThe Swarthmore Mother's Club during the Forum sessions under .program Is expected to care for small group of friends took them ence. wel~omes in the new club year the sponsorship of the Philadel- i500 people. The community is out to dinner. ,. Three newcomers have attracted with "Fun Fair", on Thursday, phia Engineers Club. asked to do for others what some Mr. and Mrs. Coates have one especial attenUon. Charles Hum- September 23 ·at 8 p.m., at McIn addition to her husband B!id one else would do for us in case child, four grandchildren, and six mer, though a local boy, has been Cahan Hall, Presbyterian Church. Many booths, including fortune parents and a sister, Mrs. Mary we are wltbin the hard hit area. great grandchildren. out of football for several seasons, Ann Gerlach of Washington, D. The six mass care centers set up buf Is now making his presence telling and refreshments will be Trinity T.a felt at the fullback spot. Charley arranged. Games will be played C., Mrs. Ullman Is survived by in the borough are: the High two sons, David Ulrich, Jr., age School cafeteria, the Woman's The. Woman's Aulxlllary of Is big and one of the fastest men so that old and new members may 8 and Roger Roland, age 5, who Club, The Presbyterian, Trinity, Trinity Church is giving a tea for on the squad besides having good become acquainted. The mistresa had entered the fourth and first A.M.E. Churches, and Whittier old and new members of the football instinct. Another, also of ceremonies for the festive eveI presently trying out at fullback, is ning will be Mrs. Trevor Roberts. grad es 0 f the R u tgers S ch 00 re- House. At the alert last May the parish to meet the new ,officers for spectively on the morning of Womans' Club Center carried out 1954-55 on Thursday, September George Pappas from Chester, who Hostesses ", will wear gypsy costheir mother's tragic death. The a very successful drill and even 23 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the parish is proving something of a terror at tumes. Refreahments to carry out the boys are now staying with their . hall of the church. blocking and handling blockers, A grandmoU,er, Mrs. Roland Ullman, '(Continued on Page 5) third Is Mal Tippet, a transfer theme of the party will be'served of J\pplebrook, 41? Vassar av- . from Frankford High, who bas dis- by the hospitality chairman, Mrs. \' played unusual downftefd "lUDlng Robert Cassidy, and her· commitenue. ' Cld ' Many tributes to Mrs. 1JJ1man's Stade Visitors a en ar ability. Ed Noyes is also showing tee: Mrs. E. S. Adams, Mrs. Paul Brown, Mrs. Peter Coste, Mrs. generosity, friendliness and cour-' The delegation from Stade to be entertained in Swarthmore (Continued on Page 8) George Evans, Mrs. James Foller, age were made by friends who under the auspieces of the Rotary Club willarriv.e on Sunday Mrs. Raymond Hood, Mrs. Edgar Needleworll Guild (Continued on Page 8) . from Washington (where they have been spending this week). Howe, Mrs. Hugh Jackson, Mrs. They will arrive about 2 p.rn. and will be introduced into the The Board of Directors of the John 'K1einz, MrS. Leo Marshall, homes where they will be guests for the 1st week. Swarthmore Branch of the Needle- Mrs. Francis Saul, Mrs. Charles Girl Scout Cook-Out M',onday, September ZD-will be Borough Day. work GuIld met at the home of Sweeney, Mrs. Frank Starrett, 'nlere will be a cook-out on Tuesday, High Sehool Day. . the president, Mrs. A. Sidney Mrs. George SmIth. Monda:r, September 20, from 5 to Wednesday, Visit to Scott Paper Co. and Ford Motor Co. in Johnson, Jr~ on Wednesday, Sap7 p.m. at the Presb7lerian Church The decoraUons will be under Cbestet. tember 15, at which time plans the dlrecUon of Mrs. JJnday for all _ t h I1'8de pls and Thursday Swarthmore College Day. were made tor the I'all ~ther- Wolfe. gIrls of seventh grsdeage who are Friday; vistt to Lankenau Hospital. Guests at Rot&r7 Meeting. Ing. All young mothers in the comInterested in joining Junior High Sunday, Local Church Day. The Annual lIIeetiq of DheeMunity are lavlted altmd. Girl Scout Troop No. 331. Monday, PbIladelphia toUr. d Laneuter and Cbester tors will be be1d at the SwarthTbls Is the 4rst of two "come Tuesday, Visits to Lonpood Gardens an " more Woman', Club on 1Ioncla7, Nazi•• CIIaI••• and see'" open meetlnll when County Farms. . October • at 2 p.m. All the ISheeDr. B. L. X - of Oidea·plana for the ::rear .will be disWednesday, Delaware County Courts. '. tors are uraed to attend ada meet- nue has been nemect chairman of C1IaecI. The girls ar4t uked bring Ihelr fOod and eooIdn, Thuraday, m_IUT ~~_ Qetober ant tor ,..,..10; InIr when pIaD8 will be IiIade for the. Campa'''' Committee of the 'l'be team will leaft " "- home tbIi ~ W be heW GIl TaeI- DeJaWue C-ty Pollo Chapter equJp_t. Be •• qe will be .up., IIUed 117 the leailel" Mrs. Roy L:tbeII=~to:.:tII:~W=-~C:Oi=I\:..be:.:.:r,i]~:.;:;..1ea_VIna __._ ... - ___ -_.....-:~......___. ~; day. Hove ..... for 1"" ! .' . lrecorlde MId·1In. a- Bon!. HS Football Prepares' For Successful Year Cl"vl"1 Defense I"n Mass Care Course Mothers Club to Open Thursday ------'--------------------TI to to .. , THE SWARTHMOREA.1If Pqe 2 Personals Ii While Clyde's family home in Wellsboro. there they were visited by their children and their families. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. ThackNorth Chester road have just re- ara, Jr., of Shrewsbury, N.J., are turned from a trip to Mary Wash- visiting Mrs. Thackara's parents, ington College where ,their daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of ter, Sally Bates, will begin her Swarthmore and Ogden avenues freshman year. Mrs. Bates and for a few days , this week. 6OD, Johnny, will soon leave for 8 Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore trip to their home on Long Island Elkinton of Harvard avenue have where they will inspeCt the returned h9me. Enroute to Nandamages caused by the hurricane. tucket Island, where they spent On the way home, they will go three weeks, they visited at the to Lawrenceville, N.J., where home of Mr. Samuel Seaman, Johnny will attend school. formerly of Strath Haven Inn. On Mrs. Albert Stsmford of Strath Nantucket Island they called on Haven avenue and her son, Jerry, Miss Margaret Price and Mrs. have recently returned from a lsobel Price. Friends were visitsummer at Ocean City, N.J. WhIle ed along the Maine coast and there, they stayed at the cottage three weeks spent at White Point of Mr. Roger M. Wood of Strath Beach Lodge, Nova Scotia. They Haven avenue, Mrs. Stamford's report weather throughout under tather. Alan Stanlford has spent 80 degrees. two months at Camp Red Cloud Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cartinon Lake Champlain. Motoring up hour and their son, Jack, of Baldto get their son, Mr. and Mrs. win, N.Y., visited Mrs. CartinStamford visited Montreai, Ot~ hour's sister, i'4rs. Robert R. Wagtawa, and the Thousand Islands. staff of Haverford place, over the Nancy Wrightsman of Cornell weekend. Mrs. Withers Speers of avenue returned last Saturday New York City, Mrs.' Wagstaft's from an extended tour of Europe. mother, has also, been visiting for Nancy was a member' of a student the week. group which toured England, Mrs. Robert F. Cox 2nd, of France, Italy, Switzerland,' GerDickinson avenue is arriving home many, and Holland. today, after a summer in RangeMr. and Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, Iey, 1'4e. Jr. of Wallingford had as their Mrs. Warren B. Warden of Yale guests the past 10 days th~1r son, . avenue, an d h er sons,' R 0 b ert and and daughter-in-law, Mr. . and W'III 1'4 Rob rt B b I am, h ave ret urned t a th" elf rs. e. uz y and Infant home after spending the summer son Mark Hoover Buzby of Clarks t B t B h' N J . W a II'mgford, a ran eac m ew ersey. S urnrru.·t. Wh'I' 1 e m Mrs. Buzby entertained with a Mr. George P. Warren, Jr., of luncheon and a shovier for Miss Chester road, will, entertain on Nancy Wiswell of Germantown, Friday night in honor of !'ridesmaids included Miss Jane C. Barger and Miss Nancy L. Cox"y of Upper Montclair, Mrs. Karl E. Nicholai of Philadelphia and Mrs. George W. Place, Jr., of Garrett avenue. They were all similarly attired In cocktail lenglh dresSes of golden yellow crYstalette arid carried bouquets of chrysanthemums and ivy. Dr. Norman A. Hulme of Albany, N.Y., served as b",t man for his brother. Ushers [ncluded Mr. Edward G. Fenwick of Arlington, Va.; Mr. E. Gerry Merrick, Srd, of Cleveland, Ohio, brother-in-law of the groom; Mr. John L. Paimer, Jr., of East Orange, N.J., cousin of the bride; Mr. Georlle W. Place, Jr., of Garrett avenue; and Lt. (jg) Richard P. Taylor of Jacksonvllie, Fla. The bride is a descendant of Lord Lloyd Kenyon, first Baron of Gredlngton and Lord Chief Justice of England, and Moses Brown, Quaker educator and a founder of Brown University. She is a senior at Swarthmore College majoring in Fine Arts. Mr. Hulme was graduated from the University of Virginia in 1950, received a Master's Degree from Temple University and is currentlY studying for his doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania. He is associated with the Sun Oil Compa;;y in Philadelphia. , IT'S CARING THAT SAYES THI! WI!ARING 9 South Cliester Road Call SWarthmore 6-0476 AUTO REPAIR Gilif Oil and Gas Allto Lite .ateries ROBERT J. A TZ, Owner RUSSELL'S SERVICE Motor Tuneup Wheel Alignment OPPOSITE BO!lOUGH PARKING LOT Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves, ---------- ------- ~""~-~-,-~~~~~~~,~~~-,~~~,~,~~~~~"----~"--~ $unny Brae Orc:hards PEACH ES· Plums...,. VllfJetabies APPLES OUR OWN FRESH PU ....I!D $WIlET cQRN Wolff's Apple House MEdia 6-1680 . Route 452 If.. Mile South of Ba~timore Pike Lima Renovate Your Family's Autumn , at the • MUTUAL EXCHANGE " ... Bring Articles Tuesday - 9:30 A,M, to 3:45 P.M. Buy Articles Wednesday - 9 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Settlernent Friday - 9 A.M. to 1 P.,.,. • • • SWARTHMORE WOMAN'S CLUB September 21. 22, 24 "waril.mnre 6-2080 SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL MAGAZINES COLLEGE THEATHE Swarthmore, Pa. AIR CONDITIONED DURING SEPTEMBER Friday & Saturday "GENTLEMEN PREFER "BLONDES" CTech.lcoiorl Shop will be closed Wednesday afternoons during September DIAN MARTIN <;QN.CORD GRAPES For Eating, Grapejuice, Jelly, Jam, Etc. Watch for the sign on Rout~ 352 .betWe.e.. Lima &- Gr.adyville """1I1'd MEdia 6~3872, BRIEF CASES - NOTE BOOKS NOTE PAPER -·PENCILS - PENS SAT. NIGHT ONLY-RATURES _ID, Sunday - ./IUY UWIS IT..........) Tuesday RULERS - . eRAYONS. Etc. & Monday "LIVING IT UP" & VVed.esday 'THEATRE PHARMACY· J. Art•• r la.. ,. ......n.STANLE\' HAUOWAY ,~IIFIELD THUNDERBOLT' . (T• •II,DlD.r' s.recfecf os ... of 11t9krH". ""0_""' THEATRE SQUARE AJrcoadHlonln" for r~.r S;'oppl.g CALL FOR TII.n., Fri. & Sat. DICllI'OWR.L "SUSAN and Alliple - . . IIYNOUIS SLIPr ....... 'J. ' , . . . c ...... ""', There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Sunday morning, at which time Phone Sw.......re the teachers and staft of the Church School will be Installed. PETER E. TOLD, EdHor Following this service, there will Rosalie Peirsol Marjorie Told Frances P. Murray Sally Alden , .. ,.be breakfast for the faculty and EnU!red as second Class Marter, January 24, lIi2ii, at the Post staff. Office at Swarthmore, PL, ,UDcier . the Act of March 3, 1879. At 11 o'clock the regular service ot,Il{orl,ling Prayer wIll be held, DEAD!.I'NE-wiIDNEsDAY NOON after which there will be a special SWABTIDIORB, PENNA., SBPTEMBER 17, 1954 coltee hour given for the reiurn' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , l l l n g students at Swarthmore ColPRESBYTERIAN NOTES The Session of the church will lege. It is hoped that many mem, . rshi ' ,hold its regular monthiy meeting bers of the congregatioli will be The two Morning Wo p Serv- on Tuesday eVening S t b . III b h Id' th h h ' ep em er on hand to welcome these 'young ICes w e e m e ~;a~ 21, at 8:00 p.m. In the Woman's people to Trinity Church. this Sun~ay at 9:30 and 11 a CDC. Association Room. The ushers ior Sunday will be The suble,ct of the sermon, by Rev. On Wednesday, September' 22, . as follows: R. T. Bates, S. D. 'T will Joseph Bishop be ornor- at 3 p.m. Circle 6 Chairman Mr , Church" ,," s. Clyde, Jr., J. E. Eckenhoff, R. q. row s . Judson R. Hoover; Co-Chairman, H' alg, W. E. Hetzel, Jr., J. N. Nutt, f 11 win th 11 ••~ di!elY Imme a a a ge, "'"... William Turner, wjll meet and C. C. Wallin. Pierre Decrouez o'clock service, there will be a for their first meeting at an Ac- is scheduled to serve as acolyte at special Coffee Hour held to honor quaintanceship Tea at the home of 8' o'clock, and Ted Carey at 11. the Swarthmore College students Mrs. Hoover, Brookhaven and Boys' Choir relfearsals will be who WiU be worshipping with WEngie Rds., Wallingford. Wednes. held on Monday and Wed\lepday this cqurch, year, as well as the day evening, at 8 p.m., Circle- 8, at 4 o'clock. The Girls Choir will six citizens of ,S~de, Gennany Chairman', Mrs. Charles Martin; rehearse on Monday at 5:00 p.m., w!>o are vlslting this community will hold their first meeting at the and the Men's and Boys' Choir for two weeks. home of Mrs. Martin, 406 Haver' Church School will meet as ford place. ThIs will be a time to will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. usual at 9:30 and 11:00 o'clock, get acquainted and to discuss the A service of Evening Prayer the double session being held for plans of the Circle for the coming will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesall classes except for the Junior year. ' day and agahl on Friday at the High Department, which meets same hou~. only at 9: 30 and the Senior HIgh METHODIST NOTES On Wedne~day at 7:15 a.m. the Department which meets only at Church School will begin at 9:45 mid-week celebration of the Holy a. m Sunday morning will 10:45. . , . Ther e a rCommunion e, ' he resumed. The Men's Bible Class will re- classes for all ages. At the 11;00 The first fall sessions of the sume their meetings this Sun- a.m. Morning Worship Service, Church School will be held on day at 9:30 a.m. under the leader- Rev. John C. Kulp, pastor will Sunday, September 26. Children ship of Dr. E. Fay Campbell, who preach. There will be two nurs- In the third grade and up will Is the Executive Secretary of the eries for children. Infants to 18 attend classes from 9:30 to 10:30 Council of Theological Education months will be cared for by moth_ a.m. Those in second grade and of the Presbyterian BQard of ers in the nursery room and chil_ below will attend at 11 o'clock. Christian Education. dren from 18 months to 5 years The High School Fellowship will be under the supervision of FRIENDS MEETING NOTES will begin its regular meetings Mrs. -4lice Hoot and a selected Swarthmore Meeting is host io this Sunday evening at 7: 15 p.m., staff. Instructive and educational the Fall Planning Conference of preceded by supper at 6: 30. An toys will be provided for these the YearlY Meeting Social Order organizational meetin'" will be children . ~ Committee this Saturday, Ser ._ held at which time new officers The J uruor . Church program h as tember 18. There will be morning, .. of the Fellowship will be elected. b een re vised and'IS un d er th e su- afternoon and evening sessions. Mr. Bishop will lead a short dis- pervlsion of Mrs. Alton Smith. Meeting member~ are welcome at cussion with the young people on G d t fi . I I III ' ra es one a ve mc us ve w all of them. The general public is the subject of "How Can I Make Sl't in a b ad y at the f ron t a f th e most cordiallY invited to the eveThis My Best Year at School?" ch urc h an d b e excuse d t a th e ex- ning meeting on "Creative A~ The High School Youth Choir t d d Juni ~will begin regu,lar rehearsals thls en 'e ' or Church session 'proaches to the Problems of the Lange will' reSunday afternoon a.• 5 p.m. All during the singing of the second Ageing." "'ardon " new members are urged to at- hY~. ~rades six and above will. port with movies, slides and tape tend rehearsals on, this first meet- remam m the Sanctuary through iecordings on his cross country the service. The program of Jun-, :research project undertaken this ing. ior Church will rotate accordllig past summer. to Sundays. Monthly Meeting for Business CHUR~H SERVICES At 12:15 Sunday morning there will beheld In the Meeting House PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH will be a Coffee Hour to receive on Sunday, September 19, at 7:30 and welcome Swarthmore College p.m. Joseph P. Bisbop, Minister John Schott, AssocIate MinJster Freshmen. All persons attending Sanc1a:v, September 19 service are invited to remain for CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES 9:30-10:45-11:00 A.M. - Chmch this time of fellowship. School. How we may prove and experiThe Methodist youth Fellow9:30 and 11 A.M.-Mr. Bishop ship will meet at 6:00 p.m. Sun- ence man's God-given dominion will preach. day evening for an outdoor sup- over material bondage of all kinds METHODIST CHURCH per and devotional meeting at th. - sin, disease, and limitation JOHN C. KULP, B.D., M.A., home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pat- will be brought out at Christian MinIstei' Sci~nce services Sunday, when terson, 45 Amberst avenue. EDWARD THORNTON, A.B., the subject of the Lesson-Sermon Monday evening, at 8:30 p.m. Assistant Minister Dr. Alexander K. Smith, District is uMatter~" MRS. RUTH G. NICELY. An invitation is extented to all Superintendent, convenes the first Organist-DIrector of Music to attend the services at 11 a.m., Quarterly Conference. All memSanc1a:v, September 19 bers of the Official Board are ex- First Cliurch of Christ, ScIentist, 9:45 A.M.~urch School 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. pected to be present. Officers of on Park avenue. organizations will make oral reTRIN\.TY CHURCH ports. ' H. Lawrence Whltt~more. Rector The Pastor will have office Ballet Classes by ''VIVIENNE'' Sunda:v, September 19 Classes starting Oct. 8th hours for counseling on Tuesday 8:00 AX-Holy Communion. from 4-5 and 7-8 p.m. At 8:00 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. For registrations call p.m. on Tuesday there will be SW 64430 - afte~ 4:00 P.M. Taesdil:v, September 21 5:30 P.~.-cial Order will meet simultaneously in the Committee Planning Conference. churcb. Chairmen of the Commis- Santa Claus (bless his cottori 7:15 P.M. - Panel Discussion: "Creative Approaches to the sions shouid notify their Commis- socks) has just deposited dozProblems of Aging." - Meeting sioners of this first meeting. House. The Chancel Choir will meet for ens of samples of his new Sanc1a:v, September 19 rehearsal at 8:00 p.m. on Thursitems at The CAMERA and 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. day. All are welcome to join with us. HOBBY SHOP for you to look oDIIa)" 8e1!temA.berF2Ds C grlrilnlUiHHHiDiRh'hMirilniMHlhiiihiiilllhinillli1 All Mday sewing .or .., e over. Wednesc1a:v, 8eptembft lIlI 51 PlcnJRE FRAMING ;;; Three months pass quickly~ll day,sewlng for A.F.S.C. STUDIO ~ --" \.. a " - ' PapS Dr. North at Barnard Dr. North, formerly assistant professor of classics at Swarthmore College, will be visiting associate professor of Greek' and Latin at Barnard CoUege, New York. City, this year. During the past year, she has been In Rome doing research in Grl!eit thought of the Hellenistic and GraecoRoman period at the Vatican Library, under a Fulbright Award and a grant by the Ford Foundation. Dr. North was the Faculty Chairman of Red Cross Blood Donor Day, while here, working with the Swarthtnore Branch, American Red Cross. Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, Jr., of Wallingford, en tertalned her Friends Central Alumnae group for luncheon and bridge on Wednesday. DARK BLUE CONCORD AMERI(A'S FINEST GRAPE Sweet, juicy . ripe on the vine Delivered when you want them -anywhere in Swarthmore Phone SVW 6-1496 YOUR NIEDS are expertly and sympathetically filled at th. price you ,et. • THE OUYER H. BAiR CO. ...aOu· .....NW'" 1820 CHISTNUT STREET ,=====___ OUYH H. IAII, ......... MAlT A. IAlI, "'osId'" TeI.phon.1I16-1581 , JANI RUSSELL MARILYN MONROE Howard Hcrwfres' Bf9 ROY ROGERS Show for and..... Saturday t P. M. "us--Cartoons. ComedY' and Captain America Serial TRINITY NOTES t-"" BEAUTY SALON Pears - THE SWARTBMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SW.\llTIDIOBE, PA. PETBB E. TOLD, lIIAJUoBIi: TOLD, rUBLlSHEBS The Bouo1uet SWarthmore 6~440 September 17, 19M TIIE- SWAR'I'HMOREAN , MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN , ~o~'e...bia 17, 1954 '313 Dal1mou&h Avenue sem~st~r. Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Cratsley and familY of Strath Haven avenue returned last week from a month's vacation in northern New York. Enroute home, Mr. and Mrs. Cratsley picked up their sons Bruce and John who had been attending camps during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of Swarthmore and Ogden avenues returned Sunday aft e r spending the summer at Mrs. September , ',! ,~ DELIVER" SERVICE fRiI '~q ,$Wawhm~'" 6-~tS4 v.;' . ~' Cell.fort , • . . I PORTRAIT ,=. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard ~~~=~::1. 1111:00 :00 A.M.-The Lesson SIrmon WilJ. be "Matter." Wednesday evening meeting eaOb week, 8 P.M. Reading roOm daily except Sunday 12 tD 5 ft' I(, Wedneda)' eftnius"l'· to ':50 P.II. and 9 to 9:10' P.JI. ?" E iii § PHOlOGRAPHIC ~ES ROGER RUSSEll slate • Mo.roe Media 6-2176 sts. Ii!5 ; i Last shopping days are hectic! ~ iii Opeiv.i 6 Pa'" Ave. . . SW 6-4191 Fri. 9 to 8:30 -Fri. 1 " ,-' ~ ..IU~~rs ' Get the SCOOp ill felt, wool or velveteen • . , joyous fumpers, making the news for day or date. We have Spalle! ~ 5 - 1__- - - -............----'""""0..( 15 South Chester Road --=----.. .--------.. . . . "," _ •. 1...........- - - - - -.......... , THE SWARTHMOREAN Page " 17, 1954, September Zoning, Paving, Light Occupies Council (Continued from Page 1) Miehael~s·· Jackson Blackman who Is constructing homes on the other Ride of the street. Clark msintslned only sewer, water and gas lines ' and curbing could be put In before next spring and the major part of the expense would be the actual paving of the road. Council decided to Ie-wer the figure to approximately $3,000 to cover the improvements planned for the near future. A commensurate rebate will be made to Blackman froin his monies already deposited with the Borough. !In. Stuar1 Decides BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SHOP fAtUege PharDlaey , Cordially Welc:omes Freshmen and Upper Classmen r.o ~. (the druggie on the corner) the. class of '58 * * * - The place to buy your Freshman accessories • Come In on Your First Trip to the Village * * * 8 Park Avenue 1/2 GALLON the returning upper classmen Welcomes fellow Swarthmoreans .' VACUUM PACKED I A Perfect "Finis" For Your Dinner Party I DININ.. 100..5 .1Id LOllY All CONDniONID Eleyator Comfortable Room. Do, or W. .k STRA.TH HAVEN INN on. Sundays: 8:30 A.M. - 10:30 P.M. WALTIR I. ' ..... their surgeon neighbor was at home; that the wound escaped, though narrowly, the'maln artery. Dr. Silvers and another neighbor had just extricated a boy whose clothes were caught on the fence on Saturday. The tence was ordered by the School District to protect children at the school from delivery trucks and other vehicles using" an adjacent driveway. "9<. FlEI 'ARKING . CHINA - SILVER CUT GLASS SALE ''THE CORRECT.. VIEWPOINT HEALING'" SHO" LOCALLY • • • AND SAVEl Having sold my house at 410 No. Swarthmore Ave. I am selling all my household goods induding some antiques CORN MEAL What Are 2 lb. box '0 .......... '.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .29 lb. "- 6ge BREAST .................................................................... .19 lb. CAULIFLOWER (Jumbo Heads) •••••••••••••• each LOCAL LI~AS (Full Podded) •••••••••••••••• 2 Ibs BARTLETT PEARS (Extra Fancy) ••••••••••••• 6 for SEEDLESS GRAPES ••••••••••••••••••••••• lb. 25c 29c: 29c: 29c: SAFE~T-WAY SWEET PEAS , co-OP 16 oz can 22c: . Try Applesauce Cake Recipe on label Modernage - 54 Gauge - 15 Denier contolns 3 IRON FOLIC ACID ",... than minimum daily adult requi ......nt .2 milligram; .... ul.. m.nt undefarminecl VITAMIN E require.,....,,' unclt....mined LIVER CONCENTRATE, N. F. 100 milligrams o ___ VITAMIN Bz 11',_ _,_dally NIACINAMIDE 20 mllligl'Ol'l'lt: ad.qu_ cIoily adv."'.... D EXH... UST SYSTEM HORN 0 GLASS ·0 TIRES 0 WINDSHIELD WIPERS ,0 REAl YIEW "IIROR. 10 STEERING BRAKES o GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS, First in Service - . First It's so easy to travel around towo by PTe. You get a fast, worty·free ride to your destination • • • with DO tralIic or parking problems aDd at less cost. You can make most in-town trips as Cut by PI'C .. by car, if ),ou _doe time of driving, JIUIda8 ud thea to your destina. doD. Highspeed ...bway aDd e1eft1ed trains are neD faster. ....wag in Sales 36-DAY SUPPLYa. 144 CAPSUW . 172-day supply'., •• 288 CAPSULES 1144-c1ay supply•••• 4 79 7 95 PlENAMINS ARE SOLD AT REXAll DRUG STOR S EVERYWHERE i Michael·'s College Pharmacy (ON THE CORNER, \ Full Fashioned NYLONS ALL SIZES 79~ pro MILK 4 c:ans 49~ , un"'.trml_ The 10-polnt Safe.T.Wa, Inspec:tlon listed will be given your yehlc:le every Hme YOIl bring It In fOr servlc:e. O REAR LI.. HTS .D FRONT UGHn RUMSEY ., CHEVROLET SW....... ore 606130 Theatre Square ) South Chester Road .. . " 2YJtimn doN'""'.........' CALCIUM PANTOTHENATE . Your Safe-T·W~y Service Check VITAMIN D ..1 _.. daily advh SERVICE ~ CO-OP EV4PORATED ...chclo.. require",.". 16 oz can 2Sc: APPLESAUCE ".,.n'a"I....... ,witch,•• • to you, your family, your' community? NORRIS , .....'Ih; """ aNd - . , """ abI'lty 10 .... a 'iving-.U """ be 011_ by faU_ "."ppIIIlllIOl your cfiet with CI c'lw. yet non-fattenint .....ltI-wftamin ....... uct. ThaI', whF o-r day tIIciv.-cIo .... to ....u _ ..... Token Travel Is SO Easy SPICED WAFERS LAMB SALE NOW -10 IMPORTANT VITAMINS, INCLUDING 112, PLUS LIVER CONCENTRATE AND IRON-You """ be _ . . . . ._ . Y- the Swarthmore Woman's Club on Tup.sday. September 28. This wUl be an all-day.course open to all in the community able to attend. Two sessions will be held, 10 to • NABISCO - micrograms and Benefits of 12 the air alerts. The services par- Pennsylvania Defense authorities will Civilian give a course at 2 lb. pkg, 22c: 3 IIG EXTRAS-PlUS RED VITAMIN 8 THAT GM YOU VITAMIN B' 2 11~iiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~iiiiii~iiiiii~~ WATER GROUND ....in. VitaminsP-TAlCETHE liND received a bus load of evacuees from Philadelphia. To man these centers the Volunteer Services of the American Red Cross bas approximately 50 women who have reported at all Robert Brooks Hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Klngsle, 3·1879 • WHITE 1) ticipating are: Canteen, Gray La.llies, Nurses Aides, .Sta1f Aides PrOduction, Entertainm;nt,"' Supply and Motor Corps. So that these workers will be able to do the most efficient work and be of the most help if the need arises for their services, the State of CRUTCHFIELD'S OLD VIRGINIA SWIFT'S PREMIUM Civil Defe'nse in Mass Care Course (Continued from Page SWarthmore 6-0857 NECK (for stew) .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~ Yale & Harvard Ayen ..e., Swarthmore. 'a. RIB CHOPS ............................................................ .79 lb. c:an 33c: _no' OpEm Weekdays: 7:30 A.M. - 11 P.M. CHOCOLATE BITS OL old. ..... TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-1130 P. M. • • • ROCKWOOD Mint Flavored 8 SWEET SHOP FA.. ILY DINNIRS to SUIT ... TASTI-a' I'III'ONI LEGS .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .64 lb. SHOULDERS (with bon.e in) •••••••••••••••••• .39 lb. CHUCKS .................................................................19 lb. SALTED PEANUTS ::===========i . all of you. • FRESH THIS WEEK!! LUMMIS. Mf.. Weekend of September 16, 1954 , Regular Price 1.19 Recipe on package for Famous Chocolate Mint Cookies will ;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Ili 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE 99 6 oz. pkg. 23c: I Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kirby of ''''JURE ~ Evanston, m., have been vWting D ON SCHOOL fENCE 12 a.m. and I to 4 p.m., and It Is Defense Program, who will be unMrs. Kirby's brother-in-law and Nine-year-old Sandra Althouse I hoped that there be a large able to attend the all-day session, sister, and Mrs. George S, is recuperating at her home 516 turn out on this day. he or she is asked to contact Mrs. Valentine of Benj min W t ' . nue '_ a es ave- Rutgers avenue, from a mutilated If there is anyone interested In Moir, SWarthmore 6-0498 or Mrs. left arm sustslned at 5 o'clock helping with the- Borough's Civil Shute, SWarthmore 6-3735. Sunday afternoon when one of a F=====~~~~~~~;;:~;;~;;~;;~~=::; group of neigborhood chUdren, vias climbing on a fence at the she $600 MONTHLY The back of the Rutgers avenue school, slipped and caught her arm on the Statflll9 ..., • .,. for 2 """of,"",,,," Old Bank B .. lldlng Swarthmore jagged wires which top the fence. salesmen to ......... IflIrt_ Eosttm . ,Hunery School tlnaadQI COQpoIaliOli. No frovel. Salll Sandra, the daughter at Mr. and ILicensed) SW 6-4597 .,pwlence and obtll., clnlred. .....bMrs. Sam)lel L. Althouse, Is a yea" fourth grade student at the school. ,led. capabl. of cnaurnln9 rMpoIlSlWI .. 1flIo,1. _ _II9In....... pI_ HOME MADE CAKES Alice Grogan, of 520 WestminReg'lIfer NOW for Includ. brief history, .U ster avenue, a sixth grader also ,.pll.. confJdenlal. Oar talesmen hay. HOME MADE CANDIEs . playing at the playground which Flr.t Seme.ter bHn Infor_ 01 .d. lox A. L. Is bordered by the fence, assisted CUT FLOWERS and PLANTS SwarthmoNal. Sandra In reaching her home ~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;~~;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;;! where Dr. Arthur H. Silvers, of ~ 509 Rutgers avenue, attended her Mn. G. W. Brodhead and rushed her to Chester Hospltal where he was required to 308 Maple Aven..e use over a half-hundred Btitches (Former Broadway and TV Dancer) to close the tattered wound exSW 6-4609 Studio of the Dance tending down the inside ot the arm from elbow midway to wrist. Swarthmore Woman~s CI..b While carefully watching tor Age. 3.5 Ballet, Toe, Acroblltic lind Tlip any. signs of infection, trying to make up for the blood loss, and Enroll Now - Classes Stan September 25 Transportlltion Available hoping that a triangular portion Dial WA 8-3959 or SW 6-3688 of the rip will heal witho~\ (Spedlll Tlip lind Acroblltic CIIIsses for Boys) necessityare of skin the Althouses very graft, grateful that We hope It's a good year for FOOD MARKET c Page :; Marie Louise Forsythe the vacation-rested • ICE CREAM swAR'I1IM08EAN !h', WI' (610 IlC, S•••ay, ':45 A.... EXTRA SPECIAL .BREYER'S THE Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Oler of Washington, D.C. and their daugh_ ter, Helen LouIse, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Craemer the week.'of Harvard avenue for II...... _'d.... _ AcaInst Sohool A letter from Mrs. Alvah W. Stuart announced abandonment of her plan to operate a nursery school at her home on Vassar avenue, was received. Mrs. Stuart was granted permission to operate the school on the Rite, with restrictions, following a public hear-' ing several weeks ago. The letter gave no reason for Mrs. Stuart's change of Intention other than a mention that she had discovered one neighbor who !tad sigoed a petition saying residents of the area were wU11ng to have the school operated there, .had really not been in favor of it. Purchase of an emergency light, to be placed. in the entrance hall ot Borough Hall to light the police station and library In case of failure of regular power facUlties such as occurred in last July's windstorm, was authorized. A selt-charglng, wet battery type with two flOOd lights the new fix~ure will operate automatically when regular current Is Interrupted. 17, 19M September 'IILADELPIIA TlAIS,.ITITI•• C••'I.' , 1',." 6 ______ '. THE SWARTHMOBEAN ~---------------~--------~~===-----------r--------- I September 17, 1954 r--------...,.----, OFF TO SCHOOL p~rk av.enue will begin Fr."shmen Freshman year at the University David Jenkins, son of Mr. and' orIentation at Drexel Institute of of Delaware. Nancy Is the daugbMedia Frlead, Sc.ool UPHOLSTERING Mrs. Howard Jenkins of North I.Technology next week. . ter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Serving aU Ra"" aA Creeds Chester road, Roland Kenschaft, John McCahan and Bob Gurin Newnam. Three Years through 7th Grade SL!~.:~~~:::!ES son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ken- entered Freshmen week activities Tom Alden of C"ester road will To Enroll, phone ..... S..... Hili on4 schaft of Rutledge, William Cope, at the University of Pennsylvania return to Amherst College early MEdia 6-0984 104... tfo•• 15 yea ........ 1.... son of Mr. and Mrs. WUlIam J. last week. John Is the son of Mrs. next week to begin' his senior Cope, of Crum Ledge, and Mary David McCahan of Strath Haven year. Woelfel, daugHter of Mr. and Mrs. avenue and Bob is the SOn of Muriel Watkins of College aveSpringfield Jewelry Repaired Phone: SW 6-42:160 George Woelfel of College avenue Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gurln of nue began her senfor ye~_Friday. EMIL SPIES entered Swarthmore College on Amherst avenue. September 10. . . Laundromat Watc•••••r Thursday to begin their FreshLois Storlazzi, daughter of Dr. Judy Ammerman, daughter of iN . .,...... PI•• Fottn.rly of F. C. Bod• • Son. men year. . and Mrs. Joseph Storlazzi of Park Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Anunerman of· Ilt ...02H, Fine Watch ond 128 Yale Ave. Kay Lanning, daughter of Mr. avenue, will enter Beaver ColSouth Chester road left yesterlear Lot-llaer I_lra_.. Clock Repairs. Swarthmore. Pa. Robert D. Lanning of North Ches- lege as a Freshman on Monday. . day for Elmira, N.Y., where she ter road will enter Beaver College Mary Bunker, daughter of Mr. .will begin her Freshmen year at as a freshman early next week. .and Mrs. Henry L. Bunker of Mt. Elmira College.' . . Jody Longwen; daughter of Mr. Holyoke place left yesterday for Ann' LoreJ," of Crest lane, will CONSTRUCTION PETER 01 NICOLA and Mrs. John H. Longwell of Lewisburg, Penna., where she will arrive Mon0 Rib End Pork' Chopi Loin End Pork Chops Govt. Graded U. S. Choj~ Lancaster Brand Beef RIB ROAST 3:::4~ Ib Lancaster Brand Sliced Bacon Armour's Star Pure Pork Sausage Lancaster Brand Young Hen (New Crop) TURKEYS 8ar:~1bs Oven.Ready Beltsville Turkeys .... 1bo ........ Jb 43c Ib 39c 1b_49c ~ 59c 38c Ib 43c K Ib 53C . Ib 53c Stewing Oysters ....~.. 59C/ Frying Oysters...... ... 45c Frying Oysters .......... 63c Stewing Oysters ......... 39c r: 39c Flounder FlI,leh Dress.d Whiting 5''''''69c Extra.Pancy Jonathan APPLES Red Eating F""cy, Tender Stringl.... GREEN BEAlS 1'"9"'"' .&e Seh61 ~~ 39c Value Plain ANGEL FOOD Sticky , each 35C Cinna""on .BUNS /Id#d . , Pure ORANGE IUICE .9dmI 7 =$100. B::ai:b-y~L·lm-a--:Be=-a-n~s----.... ,0.... pks I 19c. Frosted SeaFoOds Rock Lobster Tolls Dresiecl Smelh Flounder FilletS Cod Fillets ....".. ".... 39c Ocean Perch Fillets ,.... 39c ~Ick... . . ' .... . ~ . . ! - ~ ?' ISr,' ~~COfFEES .WIN-CREST t!'s 99C . u ter bodied and ~;:::~IB:' .·.=tIJ:.·~···.=·'~S:;.1i!~~~ ..~ of Henry , Ib 63c Ib $1.19 Ib 95c Ib 59c Ib 39c " :If' :"'1~. , 'iir,t lU:~o re SVTa-rthmore • THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 hedges trimmed, Council Baked Service Sunday quick Action , Dr. FuslOll to Speak Secretary Elliott Richardson to Dr. Frances R. Fussell will be For Mrs. David Ullman Ralph V. Little's request to have Smith remove the hedge. the feature speaker at the openJ (Continued from Page 1) Council Monday evening to have ing September meeting of the the hedge along the Aubrey Smith Swarthmore League of Women I n'''''' the Friends Meeting House lot at Swarthmore avenue and the . Reserve Your ,Ticket for Voters sheduled for Monday on the Swarthmore College cam- south sIde of the railroad trimmed "LUNCHEON 15 SIRYED" Frosh Start Orientation evening at 8:15 p.m., Septem- pus at a memorial service at 3 to provide a safer viewing length ber 20 at Trinity Church. A 45 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Her of the track toward the station, SW 6-173 or SW 600498 Week Today; Several W'th death was a grievous thing for received prompt attention. ApI P.M. September 30 $1.00 minute sound nun, orId with 1 - her friends and community' to acFaculty Changes out End," will be ... shown, parently well aware of the usual W_o'. Ct.......... - , Fad Swarthmore College will begin Mrs. Fussell leading th'e cept, but the memorial tributes freshened In all present the meman orientation program for the sian' after the film. of her gracious, cOllsbrucUv1 new Freshman Class on Thursday, Mrs. Vincent Lathbury will be deeds in the community. John .JINGLE September 16. The weekend will in charge of the program. All Seybold spoke words of neighbor• If your head spins around be conducted for the most part members of the community are ly appreciation of her 'brave and Like a musical top, by members of the Senlor honorinvited to attend the meeting. gallant besring of pain', of' her Down a qulck Bromo Seltzer ary socieUes, Mortar Board and outreaching neighborliness. Book and Key. On Monday, all Mrs. Wtillam A. Clarke, spoke Former.y Then It sure will stop. H Football Prepares , students will register for the new comfort to the family quoting CAR N S Regul4r film, ColorFtlm, Alao term and classes will hegln TuesFor Successful Year in the promise, "Come unto me all fast 24 hour deVeloping aenriee. day. Approximately 900 students (Continued from Page 1) ye that are weary, and heavy 650 Baltimore Pike' are expected to enroll for the fall laden and I will give you rest." Springfield, Del. Co.. Pa. CATHERMAN'S semester. up well at one of the tackles. Mrs. Robert L. Coates read Llzette SWarthmore 6.(1450 DRUG STORE In addition to representatives of Pretty certaili standouts are big Woodworth Reese, "Tears." Mis. 0" . . . A.M. to 6 P.M. 8W S·058& many of the states In this country, Pete Kroon at right end, Stu Bowthere will be students from for- ie at tackle, Co-Captain Roger Henry L. Patterson read verses elgn lands here to be trained so Zensen at center and Sophomore composed while thinking of Mrs. that they may return and assume Calvin Coleman at left half. As positions of' leadership In their with any young team, some boys m::G. B. Mustin, Jr., read a native countries. One such foreign may catch fire and provide un- :~:gO~~X: ab~e~~=':i~TEACHER OF PIANO-classes in chamber student is Ken Matsumoto who looked for streDgth. Among such music and theory lists his address as 10-r0-4., possibillties are Scot Pickard at to her death including the peUNOW ENROLLING FOR FALL SEMESTER Nishikata _ machi, Komagome, end, Bud Stephanlc at guard and tion: "Our Father, we are beto understand at last that d I Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Ken is Dick Snyder in the backfield. the things that are wrong with special fundamentals course for a u ts a Bancroft Scholar which means Subject to almost certain shifts, begins in November that he has been selected front here is the way the squad lines our world are the sum total of Studio at 1332 Walnut Street' many applicants to receive a up at present: Ends: Pete Kroon, all the things that are wrong with us as individuals. Thou hast made Philadelphia scolarship made possible by the Scott Pickard, Lee Gemmill, Joe us after Thine image and our Telephone PEnnypacker 5·1771 or will of the late Ern at Cuddalore, India, a ers viclnii7 are cordiaU,. inviled wID be' helel In &be Tamil-speaking area, April 19, Swarthmore Woman'.. Club nest 1897, he received the A.B. degree _ _ A__ Madras Christian College In &U_, Septesnbe:r 28. ltepre1921 and MA. in 1923. He then IIOnlaUvea from Montco_17, Ch fer es ,anel Delaware Conn"- continued his education In the 1 ,OJ! United States, takln'g his MA. at C vtl Defense DDi&a are expected &0 aUeDd. . Te~chers College, Columbia UnlThe co_ wID be presenled versity, in 1925 and his Ph.D. in cooperative.,. b,. Clvtl Def_ 1929, While in New York he also and Red. er- Instrnctono. The studied at UnIon Theological meetIDa" wID convene a& 10 a.m. Seminary. He studied theology with also at Mt, Airy Lutheran Theoa talk "After the R-Bomb, WhaU" b,. .Jack Andel'8Gn logical Seminary at Philadelphia Eastern Area, ~lreo&or, S~ and took !>is BD). in 1928. He Connell of Clvtl DefellSe. taught for a perlod'Jn 1929 at the From 10:30' UnW H_ &be Lutheran Theological Seminary in audience wID break into aroUPII Chicago, and studied at Oxford for instruotion by Mrs. DorothJ' University before returning to S. Abl'llmllOn, Deput,. Director India. ' ) or Welfare, Elllltem' Area. Slato Eelueator CoIlllAlil of Clvtl Defense and Upon his return to India Dr. R&nl'J'~' Diluter Coordlna. Manika~,', became vice-principal fer, .t'oof."'ph Gh.a.~.r~ ofAneira 'Christian College at American Reel era.. ,A& HOOD dtiiltur: 'in 1937'he hee,,,ne ii 'see;' &be twa leaders wID mOderate' retary of the National Chrlstian questions. IIUcl di8euulon nntII Co~cll with special charge of the tile luncheon ....,. n ' Central Board of Christian Higher PrompU,. a& 1:30 Clifford Education. That board seeks' Land, essl"tsnt clirector, DeJa.- to supervise the 39 Christian colware Count,. Board af AsIds- leges in India. For some years he lanoe, will lead group partiei. has been the executive .ecretary patlan in Re/ds&ration anel In- of the National Christian CounciL qulry nnW 3 p.m. when' &be Dr. Manikam took a leading three leade.... of the claJ"s C01lJ'llll part in the Tambaram Conference wID help the group ......""ble lis of the International Missionary lntormaUon in a hrlef period of Council in 1938, and subsequently question &Wi discussion. (Continued on Page 11) • Mrs. .J. Albright .Jones, clwr~ 01 the Swarthmore Branch, Luncheon to Swell Amerlc&l\ Reel Cross, has been Scholarship Fund active in the irrangemenis for This coming week end at the course, which is e~ted .' swarthmore Methodist Church -~¥ A "Luncheon is Served" benelt , be of, great .help In clarifying will be gi Th d' Se t will be filled with activities cen' ven urs ay, p em' Club tered .around Gwendolyn Ute methocla 01 action In the ber 30, at the W omans Narbeth's missionary work in Con- event 01 a pneral emergenC,.. House at 1:00 p.m. by the Educaslantine, Northern Africa. Miss tion Department of the Woman's Narbeth is a memher of the . Club. Proceeds will go to the scholarship fund and all are welSwarthmore Methodist Church, The Community Arts Center In come to attend •. and is a local preacher. She will Wallingford will open its seventh to h er miss!on sta- season with a Tea and Open House Anyone interested in bridge is be re"'-'-.~....... 'esday S te b 28 asked to bring playing cards, TaTu 0 tion n , ep m e r · on Sunday afternoon, September bles will be provided downstairs. , 'On Friday evening, September 26, from 2 o'clock until 6. 24 at ,8: 00 p.m., she will talk to The 'public is invfied to attend headed Thoseby serving On the Mrs. Ford F.committee Robinson the women of the church and show this event. Oppol'tuntty will be and Mrs. Walter' N. Moir are: f hr work . All ladies iiiven to inspect the Arts Center, tures pic oe t . ' Mrs. Johan NatvIg, Mrs. Bruce D. urged are 0 come and bnng a to meet members '01 the t:enter Smith, Mrs. Hamilton Cochran, guest 11 possible. There will be a and Its board, to discuss with the Mrs. Daniel S. Harris, Mrs. T. E. f acuity the types of courses which social h our f 0 llowlng• ' onS a turda aftem will be Hessenbruch, Mrs. R. A. Alllson, y oon, a chlloffered, and to see a fac- Mrs. John G, Lord, Mrs. Charles dren's party will be' held In the uIly exhibition. . L. Thomas, Mrs, Robert J. TurnBunday Sch00I room at 3: 00 p.m., Classes in palntlng and draw- er, Mrs. John W. Soule, Mrs. f the Sunday ing, ceramics, metalwork, jewel- 'T.lm.;s' C"- rd w h en the '11 children 0"' b . .._ . " uuO , Mrs. W. Alfred I Wl Sc.hoo nng for the tered I You can't be two places at once! WI_". chll~ llfo~d1~~d • in wool, nylon, rayon, and cotton at 100 Anllid, "" , ........ 3n Darflllo'" Ave, CIDER Dear EdItor: How understanding of the spirMay I express In your cOIUlllDll itual nature of reality brings enPUBLISHED EVERY FJUDAY AT SWABTUIIOr~ PA. during health. harmony. and the position of some of the nel&hpETEB E. TOLD. lIIARJOB~ TOLD. PVBLlSfEBS progreSS...... will be set forth at bors with regard to the proposed Phone SWarthmere 6-090D . Christian Science services Sun- establishment of a nursery school day. wheo the Lesson-Sermon Is at 327 Vassar aveoue and the PETER E. TOLD, EolItor METHODIST NOTES entiUed Reality. Rosalie Peirsol Marjorie Told Frances P. Murray ~ally Alden structural changes necessary to Included In the Lesson-Sermon Tonight. September 24. at 8: 00 as Second Class Matter. January 24•. 1929. ~t the Post Is the following from I Peter (1: Implement the school? p.m.. Gwendolyn Narbeth. MisOtllce at swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of Marfh 3. 1879. Without a complete poll, I find sionary at Constantine Africa. and 24.25): "For all flesh Is as grass, that several of us gave our conand all the glory of man as the DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON a member of the churcli. wlU talk flower ot grass. The grass wlther- sent under varied misapprehento the women of the church and eth. and the flower thereot !alleth sions: ooe did not understand that SWARTHMOBE, PENNA.. SEP'J'FMBEB 2',1954 show pictures of her work.. A so- away: But the word of the Lord a zoning ordinance exception was PRESIYTERII.N NOTES year wiU be discussed. cial hour will foUow. endureth forever. And this Is the Involved. some thougbt the pro,!oIoming Worship Services will The Board of Deacons wlli meet On Saturday afternoon a chll- word which by the gospel Is jected school would be for only one year or' less, another did not be held this Sunday morning at for a regylar monthly meeting on dren's pariy wID be held In the preached unto you." d 11 o'clock.. The subject Tuesday. September 28 at 8 p.m. Sunday School room at 3 o'clock, The Golden Text Is fro ml Cor- realize that outside structural 30 an 9: In the Woman's Association Room. of the sermon by the Rev. Joseph when the children of the Sunday inthians (1:31): "As it Is written• changes would be necessary and BishOP will be "Where Do You On Wednesday. September 29. a School will briog gifts for the cbJ.l- He that glorieth. let him glory In anofuer thought Ole outside stairway would be oqIy temporary. Draw the Llne1" few of the circles will meet for dren In MIss Narbeth's school. the Lord." All this points only to carelessAll are Invited to attend the Immediately foUowlng the 11 the first meeting of the year: At Rally Day and Promoti~n Day o'clock service. there will be a 10 a.m. Circle 7. Mrs. T. M. Jack- will be held at 9:45 a.m. Sunday services at 11 a.m.. First Church ness on our part In signIng 8D7 special coftee hOl/r held to honor son. chairman. will gather for cof- in the Church School. Attendance of Christ. Scientist. 00 Park aye- petition without considering well the Implications Involved; and the visitors from Stade. Germany. fee at 238 Park avenue. At 10: 30. awards wlU be given. After a comthis experience might serve as a who are guests of our community Circle 4. Chairman Mrs. J. Paul bined session classes will be coo- nue. when other Bora zoning for two weeks. All in the congre- Brown. will meet at 526 Walnut ducted to their new meeting unERS TO THE EDITOR warniog changes' are proposed. gaUon worshipping with the lane for an Informal collee to get places. Many of us hope that Mrs. Stuchurch this Sundsy morning are acquainted and make preliminary At the 11:00 a.m. morning wor- r------------, cordiaUy Invited to attend this plans for the yeat's work. At 11 ship service. MIss N arbeth will deThe opInions upreaell below .... ari will succeed In finding another coffee hour and meet these six a.m.• Circle 9. Chairman Mrs. W. liver the sermon. Miss Narbeth. thooe 01 tlae IndlYldaal write... AI! location for her excellent scbool. citizens of Stade. Edward Medford. will meet for a local preacher. will be returulng 'otten to The 8WartbmonaD m." A NEIGHBOR Church School wiU be held at the first time at an acquaintance- to her Mission Statioo tIds week. be . a\cnecL PHudOO11lU1 may M Sa knOWD the Bdltor. '.30 and 11 a.m. for ail classes ship brunch at 514 South Chester Infants to 18' months will Be cared ..II tilebyIdentU1 01 the LotUn writer • 9 • except for the Junior High De- road. At 1 p.m.• Circle 10. Chair- for by mothers In the nursery will be published onl1 at tbe iIbpartment, which meets only at man Mrs. Birney Morse. will room. Children from 18 months to cnUon 01 tbe EdIt.<. 9:30 and the Senior IDgh Depart- meet at 742 Harvard avenue; this flv", years will be under the su_IL_ _ _ _ _...;..._ _ _ _ _- l ment which meets only at 10: 45. will be a get-acquainted-meeting. 'pervision of Mrs. Allce Hoot aod Alb ClYte PrIde The Men's Bible Class will meet At 3 p.m.. Circle 11. Chalrman a selected staft. Instructive and To the EdItor: sunday morning at 9: 30 a.m .• with Mrs. Fred Patman. will meet at educational toys will be provided Dr. E. Fay Campbell as the lea- 325 Princeton avenue. for a get- 'for these children. ' Those of us who have lived In t g the r1y Th e will b a Swarthmore for many yel\1's are der. a e r pa . er e The Junior Church program has much concerned with the litter In eeting and tea business rt h shi U F Hi eni The S or gh e ow P s 'll 0 be erved m been revised and ia under the su- our streets and around our bus ~ . will have its reguIar meeting on WI s· pervislon of Mrs. Alton Smith. Sunday evening at 7: 15. preceded On Wednesday evening there Grades one to five inclusive will stops. by supper at 6: 30 p.m. The pro- wiU be an "India Night" program sit' In a body ,at the froot of the We realize there is a busy highgram for the meeting will be a held for members of the church church and be excused to the ex- way through our attractive bordiscussion with two of the Ger- and their families. The covered- tended Junior. Church session dur- ough. man 'guests from Stade about dish supper at 6 will be foUowed ing the singing of the second Can we make a community youth activities in Western Ger- by a program of motion pictures. hymn. The program of the Junior effort to each do our part in many. At elections held last week. and exhibts of line articles from Church will rotate according to keeping our small town free of the following officers were elec- India. A guest speaker. Dr. Ralph Sundays as follows: 1st Sunday. rubbish1 Let us not put it up to the Borted: Craig Peel. president; Gordon B. ManJkom. executive secretary Filmstrips; 2nd Sunday. Mr. Smith. first vice president;· M1rl- of the National Christian Council Thornton; 3rd Sunday. Handwork. oilgh Council. • am Thorn. second vice president; of India. will give a short talk and Mrs. Kapp; 4th Sunday. Missions. Let us' get back of a drive 100 David Stevenson. treasurer; Don. lead a discussion. There will be a Mrs. Purnell; 5th Sunday. Learn- per cent. aid poole. Jr.. secretary. special program for the children. ing Hymns. Mrs. Pennock. From one who loves Swarth:' On Monday. September 27. Cir- Several Indian students and ex-I At 12: 15 p.m. there will be a more and has enjoyed many cle 2. chairman. Mrs. Davia Blng- missionaries and visitors to India coffee hour reception immediateiY" happy years as a homeowner. ham. wlll meet for a get-acqualn- will be guests. after service In honor of Miss Nar' Sincerely; ted coffee at 10: 00 a.m. at the All the church choirs will be beth and to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ellzabeth S. Johnson home' of the co-chalrman, Mrs. resuming their regular rehearsals Edward Thornton and Miss Ruth Harry F. Brown. 621,North Ches- this week as follows: Senior High Nicely. new members of the Alb Action' ter road. Plans for the coming Choir rehearsal will· be Sundays church staft. The entire congrega- To The Editor: ': at 5 p.m.; Primary Choir (lst. 2nd tion is invited and the college stuThe undersigued requests pub. CHURCH . SERViCEs' and 3i"d Graders) wlll. rehearse dents are especially welcOme. llcation of the following letter PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH on Thursdays at 3:30; WestmlnThe Methodlsl Youth Fellow- which has been sent to the ster Choir (4th. 5th and 6th Gra- ship will meet In the churCh at Swarthmore Borough Council. JO~selfc'ho1i. ~.::lt.:=- dera) will rehearse on T~ursd~~ 7:00 p.m. Sunday.' GenUemen: ~_ -6 at 4: 15 p.m.; Chancel Cho (ad M d enin t 8' 00 th There is no crossing guard or Sunda", S el'tem....r" holr) ill reb e on Thursday on ayev g a . p.m. e 9:30-10:45-11:00 A.M. _ Church c w ears first of six Teacher TraIning Ses- police auxiliary otlIcer at the InterSchool. evenings at 7: 30 p.m. slons will be held at the home of section of Swarthmore. Elm and 9:30 and 11 A.M....-Mr. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoover. 613 PrInceton avenues. which Is a deswill preach. TRINITY NOTES Yale avenue. Morton. These ses- ignated school crossing. But you can liave a METHODIST CHURCH A service of Holy Communion sions are for the ft!Ilchers of our Parents caUing the school have second telephone within JOHN C. KULP. B.D.• M.A.. wiU be held at 8 o'clock Sunday Sunday School. especially the new learn.ed that our harllssed and II!nJater . morning at TrinltY Church. All ones added this year who wish to worried school, officials are )lll. easy reach wherever you EDWARD THORNTON, A.B., departments of,the Church School perfect their teaching' technique able to hlre an adult to be on duty are! Costs so little .•• Assistant MInIster . WiU meet this Sunday. At 9: 30 and the understanding of their at this crossing because Borough . saves you so much. Ask MRS. RUTH G. NIcELy. pupils In the third grade and up.puplls. Mrs. Hoover has been ac- Counell has refused to appropriate Organist-Director of Kusic . will report to the church for as- credited by the National. Board a sum for this purpose. Such a sum at the Telephone COmSunday. September :16 signment to classes. The 9:30 ses- in Nashville to teach this courSe. was provided last year. There are pany' Business Office for 9:45 A.M.-Church .School sion will be' dIsmiased promptly The hours will be 8: 00 p.m. on more children using that crossing details about all exten· 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. at iO:30. 'Children from the sec- Mondays aod Wednesdays for this year. The school feels reiucTRINITY CHttRCH' ond grade down wlll come at 11: _ three weeks. taot to expose a stud:ear. During his a!1tomobiles are being IItrictly en· mark, Maine, have returned home. apd from the College Avenue service with the National Science forced in the borough. Many of Elementary School brought home Foundation, he will COl!tinue 10 our 'residents have been fined The allotment of coal for for the first time a Parents Hand- act as director of the Observatory and as chairman of the Astronomy including three of the councilmen. Swarthmore is 6,000 tons for the book. Department at Swarthmore. year, Api-il 1, 1918 to March 31, The ~Imeographed, stapled ar. New members who have been The Presbyterian Sunday School 1919. Everyone is urged to con· rangement of 8 by 11 inch'sheets added to the faculty include Mason picnic was held at 'Chester Park serve as much coal as ther can lists the schools' staffs, the 1954- Ulilre, Visiting' Professor of Psy. on Wednesday. There was boating, and no house should be kept 55 calendar, school hours, entrance chology, who has taught at Har. swimming, racing, base ball, tug a temperature exceeding 68 de- policies, tardiness and absence vard, M.I.T" the University of of war, quoit pitching and a great grees. regulations, features of the inCalifornia and has acted as con. plenty of "good eats". Special structional 'program, lunch facilisultant for the. U.S. Air Force; mention must be made of the ones " Gasless Sundays will continue ties, health and insurance proGilbert P. Haight, J~., Associate for an indefinite period in order visions, parent organizations, and THEFIREMEII who were awarded prizes for: Professor of Chemistry, who comes to conserve gasoline. Others are material on the schools' parent_ WON'T WAIT to Swarthmore from the Unlversi. giving their lives for the governBoyS 100 yard dash; 1st William ment-we are only asked to give teacher conf~rence system of re- ty of Kansas. Haight is a Rhodes porting on pupil progress. It will b. too late to In· Lederle, 2nd Prentiss Manning our portion of Sunday gasoline. Scholar who ,has also taught at crease your Fire Inlur· Issued expe.imentally this year Boys 50 Yard ,dash: 1st Kendall George Washington University in anc. after you call the in a form which permits adjust- Washington; D.C. and in 'Hawaii. Ewer, 2nd Gordon Sharpless Fire Department. B.tter An army officer said not long ments from year to year the pamSwimming race 1st McKinnon Also' Clark P. Mangelsdorf who tet ulcheck now to make ago, "I recently received a dozen phlet was prepared during the Ellis, 2nd Morris Smith. graduated 'from Swarthmore in lure that you have enough packages of cigarettes from' the summer months by Elementary inlurance to cover re.. 1958 will return after ·taking his war service committee of my )lome School Principal Thomas A. Boyle placement COIta. Master's degree at M.I.T. to in. A cable mess~e was l1lj!eived town. They were of no use to,!'le and several members of the e1eby the New ·York Y.M.C.A. on the as I do not smoke. Of course I mentary staff following a series struct hi Civil Enginl!erlng. Other morning of September 2nd and tha.:m.id, the committee for their of meetings of a committee of newcomers hiclude Olio' Butz, as. PET~R E. TOLD telephoned to' the college, by Mr. ki;'dness; but If they had only simt paren.ts and teachers' in regard to sistant professor of French, AI. All LInes of Insurance Philip E. Howard tbat Professor a dozen bars of chocolate ino;tead providing such a handY and' com- Science,' Frederic J.Grover, as. 333 Dartmouth AYe., Roy' B.'Pacedied on' August' 30 of the cigaretteS J COJ1ldhav~ be~n ' reference. The pert, lass and IliStant 'profe.saot of French, Al'''SWarfh_.. 6'-1833 , , while doing Y.M.C.A. war work genui);l,elY, gra~ful. In my, comsketched In the school zone bert S. Roe, visiting assistant pro. duty In' France: Before cOming to pany of 2S 'men th~ are ~!I ,on' the pastel cover sheet is not fessor of Flne Arts, and Richard Swarthmore College he was Pro· do' not smoke, but every mali the least of the booklet's interest- S. Rudller, asslstilnt professor" of PhilOSophy. fessor of Engllsh at the Woman's fond'ar choColate. 'YhY not' Ing !~s (~~lot ststed) . The Alumni office of ,the College College of Richmond and Ouachita a arid candY fund is busIJy''ilngaged''ln preparing for COllege. He is the author of four do 'not !'1i~ tOUR' eURQp.E Homecoming which will bl! held Dr. and Mrs. Heinz Helnemnnn this 'year 'on SaturdaY, October 9. of ~ckirisoii aventi:e, left Septem- The day will bti nlarki!d with a ber'15'WaTWA'alrlliies'for a trip number of sPecial eVeilts for the ~O"EtiroJie." '. , ' , Alinnnl ahli' the football' game • . While 'in Europe, Dr'. Heine- between Susq'uehantia ' 'and " . mann; "who is 'section' "Iilef' of f3W 8rthib9're.·· '. J>ri>i:eSs Researeh'ior Houifty Pro;' Mr. and Mrs. L. C. G~tewood Corporation' "Viti 'Visit labOr: atories' 'lind "che!iuliBI" ilistliliatlons and family of Elm avenue have in' Eri,aand, 'France;' ~Wfiiiettiuld; returned recently frOm "'8. , 'two " Ge!'inany, ima' ~ehmJl<~" :week vacation at, Cape COd. On . ire'i Will "alSo I adctriisj chemical the waY . home, ·they" vlsftei!' meetings In P France;"" 't.: Glltewood's "slSteJ',< MrS: 'Kendiill "rf';• 'tM'lti'" .... Ger_ ~, of '1Wystlc;ConR~ 'for il few"dliy,l. d. 0. g.w erJsnarl!J" d; and.'-' J§SSEt1l. o , . " . • cess ' ,,", FOOP MARKET nlaDJ1,"·<,\"·' 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE •• "1"";,. "':'IP"'f . '. "!'" J'!; Mr.: . . ~." • ..!, ~ ..... *. !las' r&cfllltly returned from duty In Korea and Is no~. stationed at Camp Meade while awaltln; dis- , " ", ...... :., ' . ~~. WilY!I'Il Ji. ~Il' "Pn-h,la~ ~f 11)14 ~J. 'l!urris West of Benjamin west avenue, .. ', . 'I ;' ',.J A new project for the SwarthlIIore League of Women Voters will be the sponsorship of three well-knOwn plays to be presented for yo~ 'people In the area. All plays will be staged and presented at Hedgerow Th,atre by the J{edgerow rep e r tor y theatre group. The plays to be presented are "The J'bYSician In Spite of HImSelf H by Mollere, ''Twelfth 'Night", , William Shakespeare, and ''N0 ah" by Obey. These plays will be adapted by the well - known J{edgerow tltpertory theatre group to snit the needs and understandmg of young people. A matinee performance of Moliere's classic nThe Physician In Spite of HImself" will be held for children in the elem~ntary grades on Wednesdsy afternoon, October 13, while a performance geared to the high scMol audience will be held on Saturday afternoon October 16. Two matinee perforl!lances of "Twelfth Night" are, planned during . Christmas week, while two afternoon performances of the French author Obey's "Noah" are scheduled for early April. In addition league members will have two, adult ~nefit performances 'of "The 'Physician In Spite of Himself" on October 11 and 12. CORNELL ALUMNAE , NEARBY REASSEMBLE , '" . .J ,i ,. ';" 'i • . ~., ." ~ 1'"'' ~ "'. ,' r1 I' , : r •. '." ••• . ~ I I ';~.; " , ..... ,j-.,. o BREYER ICE, CREAM ;.. ,., , , I !i J 0 H N 5 EAR S ".,,'. '., j.! ':': ", ',!,. f' ,.! ouva H. lAIR, I'ound.. '''1 LUXURY·- MARY A. !AIR, PreoId... telephone R16-1581 I"~: [.~ ; . , 0 GlASS'" " 'BURGLARS ToA Vacation Too! ,.' 'D .TIUS ' 0 W,N,HHIILD' WlPEIS d '~I VIEW MIIIOI' , • , GOOD DRIVERS ORIVES~~ CARS " -. -~. 'r" • '. ,.~ I •. ·-AT A POPULAR PRICE Don't Treat ' '0 IXHAUST SYSTEM ' HOIN· . , Fire In",rance AU , Never have you sean or had the oppottuuftj to buy such II great value in F18~ ••• the fashion favorite. This new, exclumve, IMPORTED ANGLO-ISLE FLANNEL baa been loomed by oDiI of the IIIOIIt uotew.ortb,y mills iii ENGLAND. It is beautiful to look at; ••• baa a lumIio1Is mdeoe-feel ••• aDd, moat Important, a IItIIrd)' we rrlul~· - WAel tDIOx! " h .... ~ taiiored in ..... ... UId avejleNe in all ...· - .Ocig!e in IDIIl '_ IMPORTBD ANGLO-ISLB ds ' Make sure your home and everything in it is adeq,!ate. Iy Insured against burglary, theft, fire and other perHs BEFORE you leave on ,~our vacationl It' costs so I~ _ brings grellt peace 0 • R'III. lasura.ce , Acd.... 1.lIIraKe . ~. HEIGHT 1120 CHESTNUT STREET :"""ri1"'''' .' ~lte DlUCTOU O. PUNUAI.S yo,!~ c~~~~!,itV1 10 STIlliNG " ".',' I . , r ." LleltilHy lalllra_ , '-·n • d • va min SW 6-1833 for """I details. H_ltIIla~ • Park Avenu• :," : .PETIR E. TOLDI Agent , , . IN'N,, THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. .,~.. lo.",,,, $CI&-lWV,a, 'a.pactloa listed will, be gtYea' ,olr ,vehicle e1t~'" .tl.l,l). tii'ing' It 'In "for arvl••; " .·"'!."I;~~"'! 1'.' .: r.T~ . :."".'.Jj,~..... .... ":' ,. • I.". OIW ,BRO,D at the price you set. "0,, , III!U~~~~~~==================::::::::::::::::~~~ . ~.' 'CJloice of :f.J·~'!,~rs " ' Local Engineers to An appeal for women to enroll - - You are Invited -.-Be Honor Guests for service as volunteer gray ladies In qivillan hospitals and DR. CHARLES C.' PRICE Thomas W. Hopper, Dogwood with the blood program, is issUed lane and William B. Pegram, WIll DlscliiS by officials of the local Red Cross Yale avenue will be Introduced as SCIENCE. POWER ~ND FnE~DOM chapte!. incoming directors of the PhilaWoman', CluJ» HOUle Mrs. George Plowman, gray delphia Section, American SocIlady chairman for the Swarth_ Thursday. SepteJlll'er 30th. 8 P.M. ety of Mechanical Engineers, more Red Cross branch, said that Tuesday night, September 28, at Sponsored by In order to meet the need a class the organization's dinner-meeting • UIIJtecs'WorIci " __.rIlUsts, Inc. will be held for recruits on Oc- which will open the 1954-55 sea· We.t Delaware ~lInt, Chap'" tober 5, in the Snellenburg Au. ditorlum, second floor, 11th and Hopper, who is president of I: Market. The class will be con- son. Swarthmore Borough Council is !lltUlRnnnllnnnmmlilimmummnmUllmlW\II1numOlllllnlllnmIllU'RlMl'W'n..TlIIIIIIIIII:nnunnu. ducled from 10 8.m. to 4 p.m. She said numerous requests engineering manager Day liS and ZlmmermdD, Inc., with Philadel if have been received from hospital phia. Pegram is staff engineer authorities expressing urgent need with the International Resistance 401 DARTMOUT'" AVENUE for the additional gray ladles. The Corporation, Philadelphia. _ volunteers perform many services The annual faU social event of BREAKFAST - LUNCH • DINNER for patients In 48 hospitals In the the Society will draw nearly 400 CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY city and four surrounding counengineers to the Engineer's Club. i! OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. ties. , 1317 Spruce street. Guest speaker Ii' Monday Through ~.turdIlY Others are needed at the blood wlJl be Barney Berlinger, blg- _ center, Broad and Vine sis., and game hunter and former Olympic! Daily Dinners 9Dc tlO $1.85 = for service with the three bloodchampion. ~ SpecIal Cft"dreD" Platters mobile qnlls making daily visits pole-vault James A. Quaid Is the Incom- '" III1IIIIIIS to Industrial plants. Ing president, Robert E. Derby the ilinmlllUllIIlIUlUlIlIUlIIlIlIUllillllllUlIIlIlIIUIIIUUUllIIlIlIlIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIlIIllIIlIlIIlIlIIlIIllIIlI1IIWlR "There always Is a great de- vloe-president, James M. Harlow mand for the services performed I by Red Cross gray ladies, and ::~~~7.::!~ W. E. Belcher, Jr., such demandS do not lessen In The Gas the 'TEACHE,R 0, F PIANO--classes in chamber peacetime;H Mr•• ,Plowman said. Society willTurbine meet atdivision Drexel of Instl· "In the hospitals they perform tute of Technology on Tuesday music and theory a variety Clf duties, including evening, October 5. Dr. A. E. NOW ENROLUNGFOR fALL SEMESTER many personal services which Hershey, consulting engineer for make the patient's confinement the Combustion Research Laboraspecia I f un,d'amenta Is course for adults more pleasant and help to speed tories, Westinghouse, win discuss begins in November recovery. "Combustion Development for Studio at 1332 Wliinut Street "Those who serve with the Gas Turbines". Philadelphia blood program will be repaid The F1uld Power Systems DlvTelephole PEnnypa., 5-1771 a, ma"y-fold In th,e knowledge that lsion will meet Thursday evening, 'Volleybrook ~736-R.2 they are' helping to save the Ufe September 30, at the ClUb. V. V. I~ '~======;;;;~;;;;;;;;~~~==~~=~=!­ of a new mother or child, the Bla$Utta will discuss "High Pres· ~ sick and ,injured, by making this sure Hydraulic Application Prob· SHOP LOCALLY ••• AND SAVEl program possible through their lem". volunteer seryice." Some volunteers are needed for evening ,work, but the greatest demand is for tbose able to serve during !be daytime, Monday through ,Friday, Mrs; Plowman said. Applicants shoUld have a high school education or Its equlvalent and be between the ages of 21 and 55; They can enroi! by vIsltiilg the gray lady office at Broad and Vil).,E! streets, for an Interview Monw through FrIday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. • :j. " t , ,.... 'ct! ..-'....... . ,:, t~ jOJl,: ,QUr. "«mil,,;' THII LADIES • ~Afl-T~W4.yi··SE~VICE YOU CIII'I' ... ... . , . are expertly and ,ympat~.tJcally :',:.', " GJtAY YOUR NEEDS filled : .j SEEIC, Members 0 f the Delaw.are County-Main LIne section of the Cornell Woma~8 Club will, open their new season with a picnic lunch at '!loon on Thursday, September SO at the ,home of Mrs. Wi1UlunF. Stotz. Stratford road, WaUingtord Hills. Dessert and coffee will be served. Mrs. ,Roy T.LI.J)gle of Swarthmore, Mrs. Ernest Roth, Jr., of Media, and Mrs. Harry, Sternfeld, Jr., of Chester ,will assist Mrs. Stotz as. , co-hostesses. The prognUn jor the 'ai!alr will include a used book, sale, for the benefit of the' club scholarship fund. Thebnslness sessIon will be , conducted by Mrs.W•. Herbert Be' a Bldod Donor-NOW. Call Grigson ,of Downingtown, chalrLOcust 4-2530. man of the club .. ,:. as ItS 3d 61 J. 8Li. L. __ L. '." ", THE SWAR1UMOREAN LWY To Sponsor ' Tta.Cllltre Pr~iec;t What ~re tlh~ 8ene'itso'." .. ~ .... ,jJi . .) 1954 , ';~ .. ~ :-r'" - ,.~"'f .,.' :,', ' ."( j ~. ~ ~ ,,~_ C:" . ...",. : .. ; .~! ' for ..., •.,,, •• ,CR • I~' \ September In Its juvenile problem, which so far hss not included the violence experienced In some countries. Pal thinks movies and magazines (Contlnq,ed from Page 1) are blamed. The bulk of movies visited Tollarp. After a day or are American, English and Sweso of seasickness he became .such dish. French and Danish films are a good sailor that even the swirlalso shown. ApparentlY, Swedish ing skirts of Hurricane 'Edna' didn't phase him as he approached eqnlva1ents to objectionable comic books and misguided and fantastic New York for his September 13 science thrillers, exist. Many Swearrival. Last FrIday morning Mr. and dish-made movies are directed agaInst· 'crime. . The custom of Mrs. 1.. A. Darling and John met mothers being employed outside him as his train reached Philadelthetr homes Is also established phia and he began classes at the In Sweden. Pal's own .mother is local high school that afternoon. engaged in the manufacture of 1s& ImprealOJlS texttles. Admitting it Is dlfDcult to give Television has intrigued Pal his impressions of America at this greatly since there is no televiearly date, Pal says "Everything sion In his native country and Is different and I feel a little "it Is forbidden to advertise on confused. When I first saw New the radio.1t York it was an impressing but Compares Schools haming sight and X got hesltaThe chief differences belween tive. So this was America, X former and present school life his Ihought. No, il was only one part of it. A couple of days later so far seems to Ue in convenience X found Ihe other part, a nice 1I1tle of location, DUmber of hours, sublown in a beauliful neighbor- jects alid sports; the on-a-par chattiness between students and hood." teachers, the freedom of extended Although Pal had heard a greal "Everything seems discussion. deal of New York City and the United Nalions headquarters each more free" 'here.'" Pal observes, proved far more vast than his "you, say 'hello' to. your teachers. previous conceplion. ·He was At home we would not do thaL thrilled· by Radio Cily and the In .Sweden discussion Is usually 'first show!.,&, of the movie Briga- limited to question and answer." Pal Ihlnks American freedom Is doon which he altended there. good. He is amazed by the abundance In Sweden he rode a bus for of automobiles here as compared to his home lawn where motor an hour before arriving in Krlsbikes and bicycles abound but tlanstad for 8.15 a. m. classes. due to the required importation Lunch period was. an hour and 20 and the taxes levied on cars they minutes. CllIsses ended al 3.30 p. are so expensive that he estimated m. on weekdays and at noon on onIy 10 or 15 per cent of the Saturdays. There was no homepeople own them. However, what work over week-ends. Sport was cars exlsl are ,.. often stolen by chiefly soccer, no football or baseyouths - and Swedish· authorities ball. Pal eargerly anticipates atshare a .einingly unIversal con- lending his initial foolball fray, cern o1rer the apparent increase In having made the game's cquaincrime emanating from youthful tance via television. He played some soccer at home but his chief brackets. . Untouched by the war, except Interests were photography, develfor refugees and shortages In oplrlg and enlarging; and music. some commodities, Sweden prob_ His dark room equipment was too ably doesn't consider that a factor cumbersome to transport so his Pal Undgren Busy 'Adjusting' to Boro sight-seeing films are being com merclally devE'loped. However, the clarinet he played in his school's classical orcheslra should be heard In the SHS orchestra before long. In Sweden children e n t e r school at age 7, spending six or seven years In the primary (or elementary) section dependliig upon age or destre to enter the next phase ofeducaUon - four years of "real skala." The final three years, similar to senior high school in the United States, are termed "gymnasium." Pal's school contained 1000 pupils in a combined real skala and gymnsslum, housed in several large buildings including a modern biology. structure. Classes were composed of 30 sludents. Pal had two years of gymnssium to complete. when he lefl for America. He must take these two years when he ret\ll"lls. The year here will not be formally accepted In place of a year in his own educational system. In the year o~ gymnasium every stu_ dent takes courses In religion, history, French, German, English, Swedish, chemistry, p h y sic s, mathematics, music, art and gym. The last two years are more specialized relIgion, Swedish, English, mathematics, history, gym, are required but not French or German; and either chemislry or physics may be replaced by a language. Art Is taught once a week and music is elective these two years. Typing is not offered and sludents who wish to acquire this abfiity. take a commercial course later. Pal is avalling hlmseif of Swarthmore's opportunIty in Ihis course. When Pal finishes gymnasium he, 11ke all olher Swedish males of his age, will enter the 10month to two-year varnpllkt (miUlary duty). After that he will be ready to -conlinue toward his goal of becoming a denial surgeon. After a year at the University of Lund, he will be ready to attend a lIe!lW surgery school In Malmo. Tall, slim, pleasant, unassuming and quietly as ease Pal Is a welcome addition to the communIty. He comments, "X g",t on very well here at Swarthmore. I have found the Americans kind and always ready to help and much more courteous than I had fancied. The American education system Is new for me but as time goes on. I Ihink I sbaIl be able to manage it. My 10 monthS here will be a great experience and I .am very thankful to those who make sacriIIces for my sake, to make me happy here." Free Chest X-Rays Avaiiable.Odober :4 (Continued from Page 1) Noye, Mrs. C. RUssell· Phillips. Mrs. George Plowman, and !(ls. Richard Willis will be working In the afternoon from 3: 30 to 5. The evening hours from 6: 30 to 8.: 30 will be taken by Mrs. David Bingham, Mrs. Fred Bell, Janet Bourne, Mrs. C. B. Campbell, Mrs. Robert Daggy, Mrs. Walter Dicklnl;on, and Mrs. Hans Steinfeld: .Mrs.. J. Albright Jones, chalrrilan, and Mrs. Corbin C. Shute, vice chairman, will altend both sessions. WINS SCHOLARSHIP A senior at Swartlnnore High School, Karen Schiff, Rosetree road, Media, has been awarded a scholarship to the Moore Institute of Art's Saturday morning classes. Such scholarships are awarded to gtrls showing promise In the art field. . Twenty-five morning clssses are Included In the. series, during which the students will design, sketch, paint, and illustrate under instruction by members of Ihe Moore faculty. There will be an exhibition of thetr work In the spring when girls compete for 10 $100 ·scholarshlps. 24. 1954 • CUIS TO POW·WOW The Brandywine District Will hold a Cub Scout PoW-Wow at the Nether Providence SchOOl, Saturday, October 2, 1954. Regis_ trations will hi!g1n at 12: 30 p.m. and mining sessiOns conducted by specialists In handicraft, ceremon~ ies,· games and. pack pdmln!strs_ tions will start at 2: 00 p.m. There will be Ex)1iblts by packs of the to monthly District related themes that boys have made and Carnival Midway wlIh fun for /Ill. There will be a Blue and GQld Banquet at 6: 30 p.m. held In the cafeteria with a program of "nterta1ninent. The General Chairman in charge of the Pow-Wow, RObert Schollenberger of Leedom Estates, announced at a meeliIli for IInal arrangements, that Mrs.· Mary Brown wlil be In .charge of. handi_ craft; Mr. Edwin Morris, Pack Administration; Mr. 'Robert Childs, CeremonIes; Mrs. Alberta Campbell, Gamet'. . All Cub Scout Packs .are encouraged to be well represen.ted In the sessions. Leaders, Committees, Den Molhers and parents ":re invited. Cubmasters wlli notify Roberl Schollenberger Of 707 Clymer lane, Ridley Park,· how many will attend. . Auxiliary Rummage· The Legion Aux1llary will hold the An,nual Rummage Sale on Thursday, October 7, from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.,. and on 'Friday, from 8: 30 a.m. to 11 a,m., In the Swarthmore Woman's CIub Lounge. All friends and members are requested to bring thetr donations to the club loun", at 8 a.m. on Thursday, October 7. PrIor to this date, articles may be brought 10 Mrs. Herbert Bassett, 500 N. ~es_ ter road, or to Mrs. Ellen Van S. Cleveland,. 311 Park avenue. Mr. Sandy Ford of AIDherst avMost of the profits from the sale enue, a student at University will be sent to help disabled vetof Pennsylvania Medical Col- erans In federsl hospitals: lege, has recently joined Nu Sigma Nu Medical Fraternity. I saw IT in The·Swarthmorean. ===== KEEBLERS· .i " Town House CRACKERS l·lb package 32c MILK SHAKES Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry Just add MILK and SHAKE 59«: per tumbler SPECIAL OFFER . Get Magic Swirl MIXER FOR ONLY 25c Economy Size '. . If TilE FOOD MARKET 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Weekend of September 23, 1954 SWIFT'S PREMIUM "Magic" Boneless ROUND ROAST T·Bone· Porterhouse ~ 79c Ib S T E A K S 9 3 c lb. Large, Sweet 2 for 45c 2 Ib for 29c California Iceberg LEIIUCE Extra fancy SPINACHCCello PaksJ ALL C25-lb PackageJ I: COUPON l: ~ 01. 3 LB. CRISCO LABEL 11 : worth 10¢ on 1 GIANT or 2 REG. TIDE J~isco 99c 3·lb can Sirloin CANTALOUPES. Large BANANAS - 19c per head $5.29 KRAFT'S· VELVEETA CHEESE _ 2·lb pkg. 89c : : ~, September 24. 1954 THE SWARTHMOREAN ------------------~~~~====~~--------.------~~ Rotary Greets Stade MounlaIn Club where he was one Clyll Service Exa_ Girl Scouts Seek of Ihe leaders in mountain c1imbSwarthmore P. O. Visitors to Borough ing of northern New Hampshire. 2 Assistant LeadfJrs All applications for examin(Continued ~rom Page I) Boy ScoutS Undaunted By Rainy Weather i . i i ROGER· RUSSELL !e iii Media ill! = 0 6-2176 :r.e:yJ ~I1I11I11I11I11I11I1I1I11I1Wlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllii IME DiLuzio and Sons COOKIE MIX Formerly reg. price 33c ~N/~/II~/ CONTEST and lPAN New enriched 77c NUCOA CouPQn inside worth 10c 29c1b • DETAILS~ WITH and dotng the work of laying approxi- up, whether or not they have ever mately 680 It. of 0'" terra cotta sani- been a Girl Scout, are cordially tary sewer in the beds of Drew and invited to allend ·ttiis meeting of Strath Haven Avenues (unopened). ideas and discussien. Bids shall 'I" made on forms and In accordance with plans and specifications.. all of which may be obtained upon appUcation to the undersigned.. The person or :flrm Ito whom the contract is awa.rded shall execute a. contract and turnIsh bonds as required by law; copl.. of which may be seeD at the om~ of the undemtgned. It. certified check for ,100. sbaIl accompany the bid of each contractor. Tbe Borough resenes the rlgllt to reject any or all bids. N ELLIOTI" RICHARDS<> Florist CARNS 650 Baltimore Pike Springfield. Del. Co., Pa. SWartitmore 6·0450 BorOugh secretary- Open 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. S PIC 12t-9-24 water is all you add CONCORD '·G R A. PES McCORMICK TEA BALLS ·59c Package· of 64 ations for employment as substitute clerk and/or substitute clerk-Carrier at the .above named office must be filed with the Office of tbe Director, Third U. S. Civil Service Region, 107 U. S. Customhouse, 2nd and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia 6, Pa., on or before Seplember .30, 1954. ThIrty-three members of Boy prominently: as a constant reScout Troop 2 braved last Satur- minder of our German friends. day's cloudy skies to enjoy campAfter an explanation and InIn', • swlmmln' and canoein' In spaction of the borough facillties, the group were the guests of Ihe Maryland. The Scouts established Rotary Club Itt The Stratb Haven their camp on the banks of the Inn for luncheon. A tea was held Bohemia River and then plunged at the home of Mrs. Frank into the week end activities of Keenan, III the afternoon, to !Ileet o swimming and canoeing In ear- membeni of the SWaribmore WonesL maDS Club and learn of their ac- Rhythm Classes . Saturday night brought two tivlties. This was quite a new exAre Rescheduled memorable events. Firsf was the perlence for our guests. as they . Alice Kraft, who will .reopen campfire under the direction of have no such organizations In her children's and adult's .rhythBob Dawes, troop activities dI- their country, and much Interest mic dancing classes here on Octo. rector; and second was the camp- was expressed in the many phases ber 14 and 15, respectively, has er's nemesis rain,' which of this club. relurned to her Philadelphia The team attended the meeling studio afler a sumnler spent descended on the Scouts 11ke Ashurbanipal, the Assyrian, on a on United Nations activities held teaching at colleges and u\llver:" peaceful city. Thanks to skill and at Ihe Trinity Church by Ihe s1ties throughoul the county. This year Miss Kraft taughl al good fortune, the scouts survived League of Women Voters, in the the downpour more dry than wei. evening. Dr. Frances Fussell lead Baldwin University, Kansas; RedMore rain on Sunday morning, a discussion on Ihe subject after a lands Universily,. southern Calihowever, forced eveil these hardy moving plclure on Special serv- fornip;' Mills Coliege, northern souls to break camp hurrldly and ices rendered through UNESCO. California; Presbyterian Conferrel\ll"ll home.· Again extreme interest was ex- ence, Portland, Ore.; Kalamazoo The Scout campers were Pete pressed in the frank and open College, Michigan; and Ohio WesWalsh, Dave Shute, Sven· Borel. discussions that followed, and the leyan College, Ohio. . . .. W·lli T w· d J r., Eddie ·Eckenhoff, Bill 'Rowland, part all our citizens take in exnliS. 1 am . III sor, Pele Bender, Gralg Houliston, and pressing themseh>:es. of Dickinson avenue and Mrs. Skipper Bernard of the Paul BunTuesday was High. School day, Henry A. Peirsol, Jr., of Lafayyan Patrol; Benny Eckenhoff of and the team spend the day ette avenue will co-sponsor the the Panther Palrol; Tommy Fur- watching and partaking of the ac- class for children which will meet niss, Keith Fox, David Walmsley ·tivities under the direCtion of Mr. again in the kindergarten room of and Davis Moscrip of the Eagle Bush and MIss SIrouse. One of Ihe College Avenue School from P tr I· Rich Kent David Scar- the fealures of the day wss an 3:30 until 4:30 each Thursday ao" bl·th t. borough. and Roger Kuc of the· assem Y program WI a gues IOn afternoon beginning October 14. B t Patrol· Bob Backmann Jonny and answer program which provMrs: Edward Cratsley of Strath S:ybold, a:.d Julian Bullltt of the ~ most inlerestlng. In the eve- Haven avenue is chairman of the Cobra Patrol; Dlrck Bass, Bob mng the learn was the guest of adult class which Is held under D wes and John WigtOn of the Mr. Roy Carroll for dinner at the the sponsorship of Ihe Woman's P:liC.u: Patrol; Dick Mills, Christy Philadelphia airport. Club at 9 o'clock on Friday mornDecker, Ned Morris, Joe Rthl, Arrangements were made by ings in the Park avenue clubAlan Stamford, Saul Schwartz.. co-chairman Bill Lee. for visits on house. Mrs. Alfred G. Boyd of Dicklnmann, Dick Hutchinson, Ricky Wednesday to the Scoll P:pe~i;od e son avenue will be pianiSt for the Gwinn, Brad Donahue, and Craig where the group was en er Smith of the Rattlesnake Patrol; at lunch and shown through t~e adult class this year. Anyone who and Mahlon Boyer and Stanley large and Inlerestlng plant In can supply a similar service for Chester. A vlsll 10 the Ford plant the .chlldren's class. is asked to Lowe. followed, to demonstrate one of communicate with Mrs. Windsor Adults camping witH the Scout. the larger assembly lines in ac- or Mrs. Peirsol. as leaders were Carl Furniss, Bob . A Swarthmore institution of Decker, Jim Dwyer, Peter Murray, tlon. the. Rutgers Avenue many years stsnding MIss Kraft's A visit to Jim Bullitt, and Jim Calkins. School on Thursday morning com- cla"!!ses now include children of pletea the presentation of our students who enjoyed Ihe classes I saw 11 In the Swartbmorean. local school system, and our· themselves in former years. guests were given an open schedule In the afternoon to catch the,lr $~QO MO~IH~ •- brealli and visit places of person Sr.o.Girl Scouis ~.. interest if they desired. General To Organize Startlnl salary 'or 2 eXlctdTv..fyp. Grund was taken 10 Harrisburg A Senior Girl Scoul Troop is sol •• men to ,apr.,.nt lar9' Earl,rn for Ihe day, to inSpecl and visit being organized for the first time financIal corporation. No trayel. Sal" Ihe State Police School and see in Swarthmore. Izperienci and ab1l1ty desired, estab, their methods put to use. A dinner lished r.ddent, 25-40 yearl old, mar~ The Troop will meet every rlad, capabl' of assuming. responslbll. as the guests of the Michaels other week. The firsl meeting will itles. I,. ,.quI,fle, lnh,.,t... pl.aH family, at, the Strath Haven Inn, be Monday, September 27, from Include brl.f penonol history, all completed another busy day. 7 to 9 p.m. at the home of Mrs. ,eplles confidenTal. Our _ sal.smen hov. This morning the team will Maurice L. Webster, Jr., 605 Elm b ••n Tnformed of thfl ad. lox A. L visit the new Lankenau Hospital avenue. Swarthmorean. and relurn In time for lunch with Mrs. C. H. Yarrow and Mrs. J. the Rotary Club at the Ingleneuk. Alfred Calhoun, co-leaders, of the !'lllllmmllDllUUlllmlllmllllllHIOIlllnmnmUIHIUI A visil to Darby 10 help our local troop have made· tentative planS open the football season, and for the years' activities. These in_ § PICTURE FRAMING. ~ team dinner with the Charles Fischer. clude outdoor activities, dra~ PORTRAIT STUDIO ~ will complele their drst, very matics, square dancing, Ice-skatPHOTOGRAPHIC ; busy, but we hope fruitful week. ing, riding and some communIIy service. No badge work is plan§ SUPPLIES· !!i REQUEST FOR BIDS ned, bul asslslance will be given Sealed bIds wlU be received In any girl who Is particularly inCOuncll Obamber. Borough Hall. terested in this phase of Scouting. ali State &: Monroe Sts. E swarthmore, h" on OCtober 11. 1954 All gtrls of Ninth Grade and at 7 :30 P.M. tar furnIShing materials PILLSBURY Golden Rich 19c pkg. / For Eating, Grapejuice, Jelly, Jam, Etc. Watc:ll for tlt~ sign on Rou~e 352 between Lima Is Gradyv"'e Colalemina ·Yineyard ',: MEdia 6-3672 _ . . ' - _.,-,_ ~L" ~ -' There has been a fine t\ll"llout He will resume his third year at of leaders for the Girl Scouts this University of Pennsylvania Mediyear, but in order 10 do a really cal School this fall. good job, Iwo mor& assistants are How C.rl.Ho. Sc'uce H ..,. urently needed. Mrs. John H:Carroll, neighbor''FREEDOM THROUGH hood chairman, ts looking for volRIGHT DECISIONS" unteers to help Mrs. Hans Borel with the Seventh Grade gtrls and WI. 1610 ICC' SuMy, ,,41 A.... to help Mrs. Frederich Tolles with EIghth Grade gtrls. Anyone whose Interest quallfties is asked to call I\lrs. Carroll, SWarthmore 6-6347. RUMMAGE SAlE Fourteen troops are being organized, ranging from Third American Legion AUldllary Grade through the SenIor Troop Oct. 7. 2·' p.m. of Ninth and Tenth Grade girls. The Senior aJ.gh Troop holds Its Oct. 8, 9·11 a.m. IIrst meeting this week and the Swarthmore Junior High Troop will have Its second cook-out at the PresbyterWoman's Club Lounge Ian Church from 6 to 7 p.m. Monday, September 27. Donation - 5 cents Girls who are interested· but who were unable to attend thelf==============J first meeting are invited to come' and help make plans for the year's RE-OPENING activities. No registrations will be of taken for another week. • . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Casey and son of Park avenue will move in a few weeks to their new home In Hyattesville, Md. Mr. Casey has been transferred to Washington, D,C. Mr. Waldo R. Fisher ot Guernsey road, has ret\ll"lled from August Camp of The Appalachian BEAm. SHOPPE Friday, October 1 I LOUISE PICKIN 1309 7th Ave. Grace Park SW 6-4538 SEPARATES For All-Around CASUAL SMARTNESS A matter of cut and color Above all, ideas and lots of them See our new colledion of Cotton and / I Jersey Blouses and Wool Skirts String Trio A student string trio from HoIland visited Swarthmore last week and gave a recit8l at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Urk. The performing. students were: Ronny Beek, violin; Allart Muller, viola; and Johan Oey; cello. The boys, who are studying medicine and dentistry in· their country got ·their passage free in return for their performances on board the: steamer~ The three students are returning 10 Swarthmore from New York next Sunday, September 26 and will give a concert sponsored by swarthll!ore College at 4 p.m. They will perform· works by Haydn, Beethoven and Mozart. The public is· invited to attend. Ca.cel M.....g The meeting of the Literary Section of the Swarthmore Woman's . Club which was scheduled on the prograji,.' for October· has been caneelled, 15 South Chester. Road. , , , Television & Radio Service C••p'''' 'foci., 7.... THOM SEREMBA UPHOLS-B1NG ISIU SLir COVERS-ORAPERIES f., Ho_ Ie,.," a0111T laooKS Swarthmor. lof...n... SW 6-1.n-w... ...,. ~~~,=,!'!"....~?!1 Itl 3·1.7'-"..... S._, ~=:::::::::::::::::::; F========--======I .~ For a "reelsharp" Jewelry Repaired lawnmower can Phone: SW 6-4ZI6 EMIL SPIES ... w~ ~.tty f?I F. C. lode • Sons teredo They came baok by another route with a stop over at CharMr. and Mrs. Wallace Llpplnoott lotteville, Virginia. of South Chester road returned September • from a two week motor trip to the Smoky MounPAnElSON talns. They took thePennsylvan_ FUNERAL HOMB NEWS NOTES Sw.... .,o......, ..... WILLIAM 8ROOKS PETER 01 NICOLA Drlvewa, Construction Aspbalt or Concrete Cellar Walls Re·Plastered Phone Swarthmore· 6-2526 r T1."EN: I 0.1.. HEAT ..- SooulS want baby sitting and odd jobs on weekends. Sally HUEe. SW8J"Ihmore 6-4049; Ann HsLawaa Mowed, GeBeraI worth, MEdia 8-3463; Lynne U.uIbur Prather. SWarthmore" 6-5778; 238 IlardlDc Ave•• "IIIonon. r. Betty Ann MoCorkel. SWarthmore 6-6769; Dyaim Corbett. KIngswood 4-0517. PERSONAL - Start the school year right. Send your "small fry" to the Swarthmore Nursery Sohool. lioensed. Ages three to five. TransportaUon available. DI~ rector Mrs. G. W. Brodhead. SWarthmore 6-4609. PERSONAL Alterations. fittings by appointment in your I home. AsspelaUon with Estelle 1 Dress Shop; 69th Street. SWarthmore 8-4934. PERSONAL - Wall scrllplDg clean cork. Floors and furniture ;. - - - - - - - - - - - - covered. Paper taken away. Free estimates. Call WAshburn 8-6107., PERSON4L - Television. radio and appliance repairs - prompt .ervice. TV sets repaired In ·the HoaACB It. home. Robert· Brooks. SWarth~ more 6-3689 or ·K!agswood3-1879. ., ~~. . OIL_· ... on ~11"'· OIL ,"u.",•...........U" ~ , AI\Y .nd NIGHT ()II.BURNER SERVICE Passmore !IIOND"Y TRRU SATURDAY NOON 5W 6-4041 '.",,'1\ Y!I .nd HOLIDAYS COAL FIREPLACE WOOD RIIAL IISTATII • INSURANCII 609 So CH ••T.. .... SWAaTlDlOU, PIINNA. J. A. GREEN SWarthmore 6·0740 ... , . I j Hits New High in Knock~Free Power! 1~ PIIGDe Media 8 · _ PamII,·. nood. a..r nCR"'iUir:;iFO--::::R~S;:;A:i:iLr.:E;;;'~;:-::::rr- . .. .. CENTUR¥ OF SERVICE . . .' . :~i ••• . 104 kltt.... PI.. 1(1 4-02S2 ......, Lot-i.., 1 ......_ I~=======~ with twin beds. Either men or woD)en. Call SWarthmore 6-0144. - .. Springfield La,ndrolnat A price to meet OVGrJ' PERSONAL FOR lENT PERSONALEijlith grade Girl =F::::O:;;R~RENT==~·-_"::';::Lar-=g:::ec.:d-:'o-u-::b-:-Ie-::·:-·roo-m. Aahea &: Rabblsh Removed OVI;R A qUARTER " . CLASSIFIED ADS SmaU Motor Specialist Media FrIend. Scllool Serving all Races, aU Creed. Three Ye.1'$ through 7th Grad. To EnroD, phone MEdia 6-0984 . Elcll_ Y ....• Exporl_ ia Turnpike to Bedford. Ihlen south through the Alleghenys via the Blue Ridge Parkway to AsherviIle.H.C;. where they headquar- REELSHAttP, SW 6-4100 128 Yot. Avo. Swarthmore, Po. Fine Watch and Cloek Repail'l • SeptemlJeJ> 24, 1954. THE SWARTBMOREAN PapS· - FOR ·RENT - Furnished apartment. Three rooms. kitchenette. bath. !ltillties Inoluded. Garage available. SWarthmore 6-3168. FOR RENT Furnished·' room. GenUeman. Opposite Crozer Seminary. Upland bUE stops at door. One In family. Breakfast privileges. Call CHester 3-6409 ::'f,:,t~er~5~p~.!!jI~._~~~~_ __ FOR RENT _ Seoond 1100r unfurnished apartment _ living room, bedroom. kitchen. hath. Separate entrance and garage. 1AvatJable October 15, Box J, The Swarthmorean. . FOR RENT _ Room fin- genUeman. ThIrd 1100r. semi-private bath. SWarthmore 6-4230• CONSTRUCTION RE$IDENTIAL ~D COMMERCIAL Alterations 335 Dartmouth A".n.e J. F. BLACKMAN 8W 8-8111 1,===;:::::========= ====~::-?:.=:::::;=~-­ Charles E. Fischer =:-::=::--=W~A:=:N:.:T:.:E::D:__:_::~~ WANTED - Saleslady. full·Ume. Experience preferred. but not necessary. Apply In person. B. J. }loy. 1 Park avenue. BUILDER =;-:;==,,:;..;,,==~-~-:-­ WANTED - Experlenoedwoman Sworthmore 6-2253 wants cleaning by the day. Referenoes given. Call CHester 31207. WANTED - Boy 14 or over for ~~~~~~~~~~~~ errands and oild jobs. Apply in i= person. Alice Barber Gift Shop, Old Bank Building. EDWARDG. CHIPMAN . . WANTED _ Woman for general AND SON housework. 9 to 1. Five days eaoh week. Monday through 1i'rIGENfRAI CONTIAUOR day. Telephone between 9 and 10 a.m. SWarthmore 8-2804. nle Floors • Plalticnle WANTED-Soccer shoes. between Moden Kitchens sizes 7 and 10. Can SWarthmore Aiteratlons 6 135 ~-;;7;:;2;;;.=,..--;::--_-::::----:;-_ _ 1401 Rldle, A"en.e WANTED - Former Swarthmore resident deslrls to rent apart. CHester 2-4759 ment or house. preferably fur. 2-5689 nlshed. Two adults only. Prefer Swarthmore v I c I n It y . Call SWarthlnore 6-6247. WANTED - Baby sitting by reliable woman. Available day time. Drives own ooir. Reason" bl B f C II a e. est re erenoes. a after 7 p;m. WAshburn 8-6317. WANTED - Part Ume work, five day week. Monday to Friday. CHester 4-7535. Between 5 and FOR SALE - Excellent t0f. soU. $10 load. MUEhroom soi. ~O load.. Call I;IWarthmore 6-2078. FOR SALE· - Amateur bookbinding materials. Two presses, tools, eto. $12. SWarthmore 66252. FOR SALE - Poroelain top extension tyPe kitohen table and chairs. Also small roll-away bed. SWarthmore 6-2571, weekdays after 7 p.m. FOR SALE - Bendix automaUc washer. Excellent oondiUon. Reasonable. Call WAshburn 84100. FOR SALE _ Have fun _ add thousands of stamps to your ooliecUon at one oent eaoh. Also . old and better world-wideiltamps at 75 per cent disoount. E. R. Lambichi. 231 Haverford avenue. SWarthmore 6-0611. FOR SALE - Hanging kitchen oabinet. white. Reasonable. Call SWarthmore 6-8108. FOR SALE - Old benches. for plants to move In soon. Sohoo! children need desk and chest space. SWarthmore 6-3050. Alli- i;6ifP;;:;,m;i;ii;'Vii~-,,==;;:--::;== son AnUque Almanac. WANTED Graduate student ~FOmiRc=.iITV-:':::r.:ii::::~::-;;==~ I doing re~arch in Friends His. SALE - Labrador Retriev- torical Library wishes to do work ers. three month old. A. K. C.' t f Innoculated. Phon.e MEdia 6-6666. 11\ re urn or room and possible board. Phl1ne l)4E ment. yearly lease. Adults. WANTED Graduate student "=======3===~ Large living room, . two bedrooms desires rifle to vicinity of Vnl- i' • kitchen-dinette, hall and bath' versity of Pennsylvania. an1ving newly deoorated. Seen by appoln~ 9 a.m. daily. WUllng to $are ment. SWarthmore 6-0149. costs. SWarthmore 6'2780. . FOR RENT - Unfurnished dwel-L""ST AND .....IIND 200 W. Rldle, Ave. lin!! on private estate. Quiet. ,.. . . . . "r" . Rldle, Parle beautiful surroundings. Three LOST - Reward. ·Boy's red 26" bedrooms, garage, oil burner. $90 Raleigh sports ·blke with buUt.SW 6-4742 per .month. Adults preferred. Box in generator. call Jack Poole. WAS-2440. V. The Swarthmorean. ;:S~W;,;ar:=::th::m::o",f:;:e~6::--~1~75::;3:;. FOR RENT _ Room, well-fur- LOST - $22 or $23 In bills at AafIJorlzed DIstrIbutors nished, sunny, with private Ule Mortels from 2 to 2:30 on Monfor . shower bathroom. Oil heat, quiet, day. September 20. Reward. secluded, reasonable. Adjoins ~s",W;,:a;,;r~th::m::o~r~e:.;6;:;-;..:1;:06~2~.-;-~--"<_ _ Swarthmore College grounds. LOST - Gold bar pin and earEleven miles from Philadelphia. rings. Sentimental value. Reward. -.I Men oniy. MEdia 6-2525 after 7. SWarthmore 6-0266.· .1;;; CHIYSLER VAN ALEN IROS. '" New PremIum Baso/I,. IIReL I POWER-·, USCG CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS '.hone SWartlilBore 6-3611 , , Swarthmore and Vicinity Many Attractive , ·Homes Available 'Baird • BIni Realtor. 'SW 6-0108 ARANTIC FUEL OIL fIREMAN PLYMOUTH ., Waite :::-.,--=..--. . , . . YALE AVENUE . ..\.."",. ,,",- ........... . . -- and 01. . aud heating equipmeat Service ava"cr"r. fo o.r caito_rs o. aJl mans of 0""........ I:" Le... piau 011 011 .... trIoIHllc "'00 .dlnflllJ . tile I1Ht1II9 .n".....' ....#,.... S'."d(tlll .....i. .' SWARTHMORE , ~ ~..,. ~ 6·1250··-' 6.1251, • '. .!.~. • • •••• • • . ., •• ", • ," .; I. ' .. Page 10 ('.,OCI"-' S"t aeun Y 'Requ"lre ~I Chanaes ' , careful Study THE September 24, 1954 employed people in the nation not heretofore covered by social security has noW been brought in -the 3.6 milllon self-employed farm owners and operators. Commencinll January I, 1955, these farm operators will be covered on the same tenns as other seHemployed people, except for special provisions under certain conditions for figuring the amount of their net annual earnings. Abolishing the old requirement that farm workers be regularly plies' to' all workers' becoming ell,gible for benefit payments after August of this year. Some persons noW on the benefit rolis may I) qualify for the drop-out if they Markee Now acquire at any time, Ilk years of covered work after June 1953, or Till' P. No _ If they become eUgible ,after The sweeping new amendments AUllust 1954 to have their beneSalufday Till 6 P. No to the Social Security Act, signed fits refigured on account of addiInto law September, 1954 by tional earnings. ' president Eisenhower, will affect The new law increases the virtually every famlly in Delaamount of covered earnings a ware County according to Herbenp.f\ciary Is entiUed to have and bert W. Gruber, district manager still receive his monthly benefit of the Social Security Adm1plstrs- =I,,:v":' %~n~~:~oY::c:u:a~~ check. All beneflclsrles under 72 tion years of age may now have earn. ]a ext ds "erage farm employ..... (this includes in with 0. OUR EARLY The new w en co. mushroom and nursery employ- ings up to $1,200 a year to about 10 milllon more galn- ees) wll1 have social security pro- out, loss of any benefits. This apfully employed people, increases tection for themselves and their pUes to all earnings of any kind, payments to all those no~ recelv- families. The new provision simply whether covered by social seing benefits, and proVldes for requires that'the farm hand earn curity or not. After reachin« age other advantages. $100 cash wages in a calendar 72, the benetlciGry may earn any About 2,000 more domestic e m - ' amount and still receive benefits. 'ds will year from one employer. ( T his Is ..... - .."" -~. ...ve J anuary 1955. ) ployees in Pr1vate h ouaeh o. be covered by the law because of Immediately effective is the inThe amended act also provides the removal of the former er- crease in monthly payments to for the preservation of the benequira ment that the domestic em- persons nOW getting benefits. These fit rights of the totally disabled. loyee work 24 days In each cal- increases will show on the SeP- TTnder this provision a worker's ~';dar quarter in any one hOuse- tember checks wbich wll1 be maU- earnlngs record can' be "frozen" hold. Here the requirement now ed early in October. and he wll1 not sufler a reduction is the payment of only $50 casb. The present minimum payment in or loas of his benellt rights wages by one household employer of $25 to a reUred work~ has because of an extended period of in a calendar quarter. been ratsed to $30; the maXlmum no earnings due to totsl and proAbout 3,500,000 employees of of $85 has been increased to longed disabillty. To be eligible Sliced Cooked Salami LaD_ Bra'" .... pka 33c State and local governments, ex- $98.50. Dependents and survivo:" for a "disability freeze" a worker Sliced Olive or p• .,per Loaf •.;;::~.. 33c eluded up to noW because they are now getting monthly benefits W1ll must have acquired at least five Sliced a.ef Bologna Pi 27c under a retirement system, may get proportionate increases, with years of covered work out of the Comed Beef Brllket Cr7-O-v .. WnppeaPOrta.t1on. tuition. 48.'1'16.80 • If the deceased breadwinner in vocational) .... ' ...... 18.668.86 Debt service (0) ..••.••• 82.OS6.81 TUition nonresident pupUs your family had at least 1lk years .81.00 • ' l l i _ .............. .. capital OUtlay (H) •••••• 227.128.98 of covered work between January Bond oales 1M """,.' 1939 and September 1950, you . prmclpal . . . . . . . . . . .. 400.000.00 premium ...........• 2,190.39 should call ot write to the social Bale of ReBI Dotate. security office, 302 Delaware Counsupplies. and ~qulpDU>nt 680.28 ty Trust Building, Chester, Penna. All other sources ........ 614J15 TOtal reoeiPtB. InclUdlng and inquire about your survivor's beginning beola.nce ••••• 878,406.81 laafUB~oodal_"""""'.""""2"'l9cPnJ. 878.406.81 insurance beneftt rights." .. sUl\lMABY TOTAL RECEIPT8 (Item 1~. Page 1) .. 00 .................. .. 2 1-""29c ,9d.·fII Gr.en . . .. TOTAL pAYMENn! Mrs. Joseph Perkins of Cedar 2 1_ ..... 41c Total(Items current A-PEXpenses and Joint Bo&l'd) •••.••.• 368.~11.70 Mixed V...talt... lane had as her guests 2 1_ .... 39c Tot&l Debt service (Item G) ••••••••••••• 82.OS8.81 throughout August, her grandchU,9d.UlI Sliced Peachel Total capital outlay (IteJD B) •••.•••••• 227.128.98 2 1_ ..... 35c 812,1171.99 dren, Judy" Cordelia, Debbie and Balan'" on Hand (To be ava\lal>1e tor tIOhoal year 1964-65,.•••• BIni. Eye Pea. &. C.,.ots 205,83'.82 Caleb Cressman of Glen Riddie. #tIRII Conceatnted p A88ISTS Mr. and Mrs. James Marsh and BchOOl building ...... at BUlB C06t paid on N.... Bldg.) ........ 1,1118.070.00, children, Frances, Michele, and (Includesand. lAnd and Telenmark, Sweden, Swit....Iand, and the United states., Be attended the Whitby Conference as a membet of the Committee of I h e International MIssionary councll, and was a delelate to the AJJlSterdam Conference of the \Vorld Councn of Churehes. During 1941iDr. Manlkam has been chairman of the East Asian commiSSion, created !oinUy by 1M World CouDcil and the International 'Missionary Counell,' to arrange and conduct the Conference at Bangkok, Siam, from December 4 to 11, 1949. 1951 Dr. Manikam has iiii:ii ", .. SPAGHml CHisi~~ 63e: oo . . . . . . . . . . , 2~25e LETTUCE 1//Ie,u.ifI .4.... ~, tfeeu. • 1'"e.., '?-"" AAPinU.T JUICE 3 =29C 9dM1 00 .... 00 .. 00 . ORANGI JUICI 'l'O'l"AL A.8SI:IS •••••••••••••••••••••••.. , •• '••••••• LlABlLft'IIIS '5'7.000.00 14.000.00 Bonded ladebtedn""" (With _ of eleotora.te) •.••••••.•..•• BoQded'IndebtednMI (WlthOU\ ..- of.eIectora.te) ......... . ",,,'.98 ..................................... . 00 .. - , ...... .. 8a1a1'lea TOTAL LIABlLlTD!S .. 8'1,2&1.118 &08,1Ii'l.118 .. .. ,.. .. .. Amount of Tax 00llector'" Bond •••••••••••••• U20.06Ulli AmoUM of TreoaUI'Or'. DoDd ........ 1,&00.00 ArnoUn\ of BecreluJ'e Boa4 00 00 00... .......... 00..... ItecDDCU'....... 01 BUdt e-u-ee at 1.400.00 CIaIe or 8eboO' Year __. . 'Ba1lIt B,',nCft JulJ •• 11M ................................... • '101..-- .. OUIa_1De ........ • .................. BaI"_ on _ to lie A.._IlIIIJe far_ 8< ~ _ IOi Teor _1 We bOl'ebY cerUtY that ha'" _1 _ -" ,• t• s- ..,d tbUI _ _ "let IU\4 lIbI\ the . _ of _ _ of _ ~ ..... ID ~ • 00 ....... 00' "::'- "nOlI . . ].i..... ......... _1,,1* - 'Spunp Self MARKET ACME Chester Road Swartilinon ........ ,ac a--tsc ·-ac ---79C _"',ac -"'21e ' Gulf 011 a.eI Ga. ROBERT J. ATZ•.O,wner RUSSELL'S SERVICE Wheel Alignment Motor Tllneup OPPOSITE IOROUGH PARILING LOT' SWorthmor-: 6-0440 Dartmouth & Lafayett" Aves. • • Serving you 'round the clock""" for only a dime a dayl Ceaseless vigilance at the pumping station•••• In the laboratoriea ••• at the telephone switchboards • • • keep. Springfield Water ever ready at the tum of a faucet. ~ SPRINGFIELD WATER PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY S(>fV'''S' ~Q 'l.llJnrC'I,.,I,/" \ " :·do ... or·' 1,1on'oonl"'V ',,...d ,:h· H('r to "",es Reprinted by SPecial Request School Calendar for 1954·55 School District of Swarthmore Day Date Del County Teachers Institute Wed., November 24 Last day before holiday. Close Noon Thurs. & Fri., November 25, 26 Thanksgiving Holiday Wed., December 22 Last day of School before Christmas-Close Noon Thurs., December 23 , Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South Chester road spent last week end visiUng their son and daughier-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C." M. Bryant of Schenectady, N. Y. Mrs. George Silioway of North i ~lcI Chester road is entertaining as ~;';$aiai~~$a.$~~~ her hous~ guests her son-in-law .. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul ' J. Furnas of Richmond, Ind., formerly of Swarthmore. A family dinner in their honor will be glvGood for All Home H., S. en tonllhl Football and lasektball Game, ' i~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Price $5.00 , PIANO TUNING On Sale at ••• New IU\4 _aUt l'IIIn.. Catlterman's and ~I 8l,D", 1908 Michael's College Pharmac, ALBAN PARKER High School OfRee ' Phont Media 6-31115 The SwaHhmorean OIIiee Adult AA Tickets SALE the I 'have left - TWO ANTIQUE, BEDS - TWO ANTIQUE TABLES-SILVER- CHINA - RUGS Robert Brooks 410 N. Swartllmore Ave. Swarthmore, 'a. PAMILT DINNERS to SUIT .., TASTI of IYERYONE TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order EXCELLENT BANQIJET AND PART)' FAC,ILlTlES BtJSINESS I\IEN'S LUNCH 12-1,:tO P. 1\1. DINING ROOMS aid LOllY AIR CONDITIONED ComfortQble Rooms Day or Week ElevatQr STRATH H "'V'EN INN ,n. . Yale & Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore, Po. WALTER E. PARROTT, Mgr.' FREE PARIUN. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ observations in India. Mr. Hoft-I man will highlight the Presby- II terian Program In India. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Alter from the Swarthmore church are now serving in India. The Rev. Jc:>hn Schott, Mrs . Theodore Stevenson and marly others are serving the church to make this mission study meaning,fl!l to all who,_ attend. Rol>ert Fry chairman of program; MrS. Ed. Scheu is inviting International guests; Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie is in 'charge of dinner arrangements; Mrs. George Schobinger will arrange for decorations, Mrs. George Hunter, literature; and Irl Duling publicity. Mrs. S. James English III, the former Christlne Ford, left· on Sunday for her new home in Durham, N. C. Chris will. enter her junior year at Duke University. 9 I Lankt Luilcl,n{ 5. dlice Larl.ef J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. (;;,iltl 0 ptidtllJ.ot Experts In the Malc~ng and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses BRYN MAWR, PA. UPPER DARBY, PA. 827 LANCASTER AVENUE 6915 LUDLOW STREET 1923 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA 3, PENNA. YOqb #MR T/llIIK l .r#lS TIlE MOTI/lR OF 4 CROWN &/tLDR9I! ' Chri$t,r!1as Holidays . 't' 14on., January 3 Life Magazine. Questions wUl be an~wered pertaining to Presbytenan MiSSions In Indil\, by Mr. HOffman Who has reeenlly returne~ from a tour by plane, bus, and flckshaw of India. The Junior Choir is presenting a.n Indian song under the d1recbon of Donald Mathis. Kindergarten, Primary and' Junior progr.ams of stories, projects, games will be held in each department. Indian atmosphere wUl be created by the 'use of its sacred Dower, the marilold, on the tables. Saris will be modeled. Idols and various treasurers will be displayed and loaned by relfred missionaries. Poster publicity Is in charge of the Young AdultS. Senior IDghs will serve the tables. There wUl be a browsing. table of free picture pamphlets, "Now In India" and "Now In Pakistan." Also current stud~ •books, "Under Three rIalS," ".Ji'ace to Face with Ind,ia,", "Jeep. Tracks" and others. ''Viliage of the Poor" is a storY of three Individual , healed and changed by love. A beautifui young iemple dancer dying of Malaria, a poor farmer cheated of his passession by money lenders because he could nQt read, and an outcaste orphan boy find faith and a new life in the DEENABADPURUM, (Village of the Poor.) Halfman on his tour of India tallce? to Indians from many walks of life, and religious beliefs. He interviewed Christian ministers, missionaries, laymen and government officials. He visited representative exampl~s of hundreds of Christian medical ~ducational and agricultural pro~ lects. He has written articles for religious publications based on his Evenl Mon. " Tues., October 25, 26 " School's reopen after New Year's Mon. " Tues., February' 21, 22 w.ashington's Birthday, Holiday Mon. thru Mon., AprlI 4-11,lnc. Spring Vacation, Easter Holiday Tues., April 12 Schools reopen Mon., May 30 Memorial Day Ho1ida~ Sun., June 5 Baccalaureate Tues., June 7 Commencement Wed., June-IS Last day, Puplis Thurs., June 16 Last day, Teachers Mon., June 20 to Jub' 29 Summer High School ShlnI", ROOI WAI . Auto Lite Baterles 1"""tlte., Wii CAKES ... 59C Expect 300 An estimated 300 or more men women, youth and chUdren will unl'e ,for the annual' mission s~udy, the purpose being to proVIde inspiration, challenge and concern for Christian support and expansion in Asia.' . ''Village of the Poor," an excit mg and dramatic true story ftlmed In colorful India will be shown. A "lO-Question Quiz" wll1 be conducted by James W. Hollman ., assOC18~ editor of Presbyterian . , . AUT OR EPA-I R STEAKS s"" been serving as the Joint Secretary in East Asla of the World Counell of, Churches and the In_ ternational Missionary Council. Dr. Manlkam was' elected president of the Federation of Lutheran Churches in India at its triennial conference early in January. He is a member of the Madhya (Pradesh Central Provinces) Evangelical Lutheran Church. Pap II ARE YOUR AllTIQUES pRoTECTm? You can inlure your antiqae (amitnr., IIlver, paiatinp, tape'trie.' o~ other worka of art aplaat prac:tlcally all r1n. of lou ar ;',mage. Aak about our '.'A\l Riaka" Plae Arta Polley. The",'. a lot of youth still in her face and stepa and voice. Not like sOme women, 80 soon to become Caded and worn-slaves to household drudgery I In the old days that couldn't be helped. But to-day there·s no excuse for it ... not with electric servants OD every hand to do the laundry, wash the dishes. clean the floora, cook the . Peter E. Told food •.• do a hundred thinIII'. Your electric company is AU Li..... ollruuraiu:e 333 Dartmoo.lh Ave. . Swarthmore, Pa. SWarthmore 6-1833 • constantly workiDg and planning to free you from weeriaome taaka ' and give you more leisure. IE MODfRH ••• LIVE ElECtlllCALI,YI PhiladGlphia A • .,u_.~_acr 0"."1."116. ... : III , j .' I ,, ' i ! Page 12 , THE SWARTHMOREAN . RUTGERS SCHOOL I SAFETY PATROL I Dill McHenry to Coach at PMC re- Washington i Lee Gridiron • Star to ASSist Hansell Bill McHenry of Swarthmore, center and captain of the Washington and Lee University football team last year, has been appointed assistant football coach at Pennsylvania Military College. McHenry will be head coach George Hansell's number one assistant and wlll serve as line coach. McHenry was one of the South's leading players in his four years at Washington and Lee where he also was a four-year letterman in lacrosse. At the end of last year's football campaign, he was named on the AIl-State team in Virginia, the All South team" the All Southern Conference team and gained an honorable mention on the All American team. His play against, top ranking University of Maryland was so outstar;tding that he was named on Maryland's All Opponent team twice. He followed his .,brllliant collegiate career with an appearance in the annual Blue and Gray game at Montgomery, Ala. Last month he played with the College All Stars against the Detroit Lions in' Chicago where the All Stars were coached by the master of the split-T, Jim Tatum. The 22-year-old, 6 foot, 3 inch. 220-pound lad was, the sixth draft choice of. the' Washington Redskins of the National, Professional Football League but the higher salaries of Canadian pro ball made him decide not to "sign with Washington. McHenry's whole future in pro ball was changed. however, by his draft board two weeks before he left for the midwest for the College All Stars-Detroit game. He had a contrac~An:his pocket, from the Toronto Atgi:)itauts and was on his ",..ay to Canada to sign when his draft board informed him he would be' called into the Army in a few weeks. He then informed the Toronto club he would not .sign and joined the All Stars. Recently, however, his draft board has notified him. he won't 'be called until December. He said yesterday he has given up all ideas of playing pro ball and 'hopes to pick' tip ~ coaching ·duties when he finishes his tour ,of Army duty. McHenry was graduated from 'Swarthmore mgh School in 1950 where he was a stlmdout in basketball and lacl't'lsse in addition to football. He was co-captain of the Swarthmore football team in 1950, made the third team in the All Delaware County selections, was picked as center of the week twice and gSined ltn honorable mention on the Philadelphia' area AU-Star team. He holds a bachelor of science degree in commerce, having majored in foreign service. Starting at noon on Wednesday, September 22, nine safeties and two substitutes assUmed the sponsibllity for helping the 385 children at Rutgers avenue arrive safely at school and return safely home. They will go on duty each day at 8: 35 and 12: 35, remain until 8:55 and 12:55. Children are not expected to come to School before those hours. At the end of each session Safeties will agam be on duty from 11:40 and 3:15 until the children have passed their posts, approximately 8 minutes. This, of course, does not cover loiterers. Heidi Honnold was elected captain and David, Scarborough, lieutenant; they will' check attendance, appoiiJ.t substitutes, and assist in handling of safety problems. Kirby Noye ,and Linda de Prophetis will be 'ready at all times to fill the posts of absentees; when not acting in this capacity, they will be roving Safeties. The folfowing locations will be protected· by the Safe~es listed: North Entrance, Kathy Stamford; Main Entrance, Pamela McCrory; Front. Joan McKinoell; CQurt, Al~ ice Grogan and Mony Bunker; Rutgers and Westdale, 'Ralph Kletzien; Rutgers and Strath Haven, Marsha Silvers; Westminster and Strath' Haven, Sara Grogan; Cornell and Strath Haven, Roger Kuc; Cornell and WeStdale, Christy Decker. Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks and children, Antonica, Lillian, and Michael, of Rutgers avenue, have returned recently from a summer at Ocean City, N. J. Li!lian Jean Fairbanks of Rutgers avenue celebrated her eighth birthday on Saturday by entertaining a group of 'her friends. Mrs. Herbert Sanford of Vassar avenue has returned to her home after spending 10 days in Presbyterian Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Geor~e Schoblnger of Swarthmore avenue will have as their guests this weekend Mr. Schobinger's brother and sister-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Schobinger of Dobbs Fet:rY, N. Y., who are enroute to Mexico. • I I I I I • No need (or confusion Ol'indecision. When your Doctor writes a prescriptioa, , bring it right to P1'escription Spedalists. Precise compoundins and (air prices assured. I I I I I I I I I CATHERMAN'S I DRUG STORE I I -' ESTER'S Fashion-Corner EDGM