~wnrthnore ColiegrLtbra~y SVlartbmore , SW A HTH MOR. ro! L i :1; E l!El. J Ll~HARY' Flowers zuW' THE SWARTHMOR For ·The Flowerless VOLUME 26-NVMBER' 32 ' AUGUsT··f; 1954 _... ---- -,----Stop, Look, Listen-and Expect the Unexpectedl .. For The Flowerless SWARTIlMORE, FRIDAY, . Borough CouneD Calls· on HaRroad for , Gates at Swarthmore Avenue Crossing Last Flowers Week's Fatality Also Results in Committee to Study Other Hazards P.so . . Citizen PER YEAR Summer Pupil KiHed At Railroad Crossing 13-Year-Old Holmes Boy Going to High School Hit at Swarthmore Ave. Borough Council Monday !'lvening, in a session adjourned from the regular July meeting for the purpose of accepting .an air horn bid, passed two resolutions designed to prevent a recurrence of'last Friday morning's tragic accident. . Last Friday Swarthmore made the. lead columns of daily newspapers in Philadelphia and vicinity. Printed in full elsewhere in this Swarihmorea.n the first resolution In a tragedy which shocked calls upon the Pennsylvania Railroad to install automatic gates at men, women and children for miles around, the Borough found its Swarthmore avenue. crossing where a local summer school student no consolation in the fact it had . was killed by a train July 30. This resolution is also being transmitted not supplied the victim - for it to the Public Utility Commission. provided the site, and must conThe second resolution authorizes tinued to harbor the same potential death trap until the town's the president of Council to appoint efforts to have the Pennsylvania a five-resi~ent committee to study Railroad barricade its tracks while other crossings of the railroad and ,its trains cross Swarthmore aveof streets which constitute a dan:" nue is successful. . ger to children. William Hollenden of Holmes Visit Primary A . letter of regret that the Mothers would have been safe at home the Groups for Varied following day h:ut on Friday he Swarthmore Home'and School As.. I Local youngsters get a sad lesson in safety as BoroUJ'h Ponce came to Swarthmore to pick up sociation had not acted earlier Programs Chief Thomas Bateman shows them the remnants. of a bicycle an his report on the last day of the a petition regarding the railAs the Summer Club began its hour after its rider was killed by a train at this Swar1hmore avenue six-week summer school session road crossing which it had in pre- final week the six teams were so crossing. . which he'd been attending at peration as the school year ended, closely bunched that it was anySwarthmore High School. Juanita Paul holds the shom front wheel of the bloyole, Justlne was received from John Seybold. body's guess who' would come out Bodl ey surveys Its pretzeled rear wheeL Jean Paul supports the . William's parents, John and last year's president of the Asso- on top. The Rockets, although twisted front frame. Jtast right of tile alCnal .tandard Is • p • • er'by Ethel Hollenden, having reared elatlon. The letter is printed else- Captain Nancy Weber has left on awed by the traCed, which tooK the HIe of a lad about his own _e. their only child to the age of 13 where in this newspaper. her vacation, had climbed from At extreme lett a motorist Is directed across the pteleas &raeks years and 11 months, mlght have last place to within 13 points ot thought the "ordas that beset aU The bid of the Reading l!'ire the leader by Tuesday. Sparked by one of a on!1t of Pennsylvania BaUroad men enaared In testing . i ng h·••L .-~ Intersec.on. . .. parents who Obil, dren must make £quipment Compapy. f or provid- by Captain Bob .Wagstaff and the opera.·1on 0 f Bl gila - a. wae ~ .. """,. ;_.. .. d insta·lling i h I their way across railroads and &U6 an . an a r. om n. team members HUnter, Alllson, motor highways had lessened a the S wa rib more C0 11e ge power Brad Donahue and Don Jone~, the County Health Meet Commissioned house as an alann system which .... mite., can be heard thlrougbout the. bO- Vigilantes are also moving up fast. ' Set for Sept. 30th Arthur P. McCormack son of In the. preoccupation of dallY ~ ted. Th pri The Rebels,· although still c l i n g - . Mr.. and Mrs. A. J. McCormack of routines one easUy forgets to dwell tl2881;'~C:P U b etb ::'ing. to:ftpIt place, have· sUpped . The 10th. ~ual· Delaware \100 Ogden avenue; was commis- on the fallibUityof both mechanirOugh ~d a Feder~ ~IJi; De~ense· ~adly ~~~ the w~~ after. los~ County Public Health ·Conference si~ned today a~ a s~cond lieu- cal ,and human elements. The best ., arant. . ing .the~r .~ap~.: rose~ C~dlgapr~u.~ ~eld oI\·Thursday.. Sep,em- ,ten~nt. iI}th~ Artillery of. the machinery can faU,the most cauClip Shay andBo'b Brad$baw•. ,. < -',.: •• , , : ~!'.--"'~"~~.", , ' j ~" Umted.Statea ~Y·Reserve. tlous ( "e sll Either Borough Councll will sit in its Wednesday morning found the' ber 3D, at DrexeJDro~·tnri;Drex- ~- 1.t: McCormack. co~pl;ied hl~': I 0 . .cl" a. e:I c8ll,. PJ, • regular August session at Borough Rebels still holding the lead fol- e lbrook drfve ,an d V a 11t:y . roa d , aca d emic wor .. k· f or a commission, ioss. a one,When can the cause an insu1ferable chililces of imperHall at 7:30 next Monday evening. lowed· by the O~angoutangs and Drexel Hill. at Princeton University. To obtain fection.in either or both are more Vigilantes. tied ·for second place. In Spo~ored· by the Delaware his commission as a second lieu- than minimum, corrective measfourth . place were the Rockets County Tuberculosis and. Health tenant, he enrolled in basic mil- tires are imperative if the chance with the Coucou Crumbs, and itary science. After two years of of avoiding such loss is to be bringing up the rear in last place, Association, the Delaware County basic he was· selected ori the b~is maximum. but not too far behind were the Medical Society. Health and Wel- of his academic grade averag~ and Blockbusters. fare Council, Inc., Delaware leadership ability to participate in Recollections of the car that the advanced military science prO- was wrecked on the Swarthmore A break in the water main leadEvidence of the flne job done County District, and Pennsylvania gram. The advanced program is a avenue crossing several years ago, ing in!o Michael's College Pharm- this summer by the counselors is Department of Health, this Con- t d i 1 and the earlier one whose occuwo yearbyaca em c course supp e. acy early Wednesday morning shown by·tbe' Increased atten- ference will 'attract leaders and mented this six-weeks summer pants went with it, remain in the flooded store rooms In the base- dance. There were 74 regular workers ill all fielc;ls of health, camp in which the students train min < , ., .", ' . -'. . '. " " • .\ ,., , "i.1 :,~ :-t.. '. ii,. .,", " I t", " .,,I " ;, ,. ,i.. SVlnrthnore College' Library Swarthmore - .. - .... t'fl 1)£1 • ; ...,~ " 1': L! .• :: .i rt Y Flowers For The Flowerless ...., THE SWARTHMORE VOLUME 26-NUMBER 32 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S_W_A_R~TII=l\=f_=ORE, Borough Council Calls on Raftroad for Gates at Swarthmore Avenue Crossing Last "'-"-' Week's Fatality Also Results in CommiUee to Study Other Hazards FniDAY~ AUGUST 6, For The Flowerless 13.50 PER YEAR 1954- Stop, Look, Lisfen-and Exped the Unexpededl Flowers Summer Pupil KiHed At Railroad Crossing 13-Year-Old Holmes Boy Going to High School Hit at Swarthmore Ave. Citizen Last Fr:day Swarthmore made Borough Coundl Monday ~vening, in a session adjourned from the, lead columns of daily newsthe regular July meeting for the purpose of accepting an air horn papers in Philadelphia and vicibid, passed two resolutions designed to prevent a recurrence of last nity. Friday morning's tragic accident. In a tragedy which shocked Printed in full elsewhere in this Swarthmorean the first resolution men, women and children for calls upon the Pennsylvania Railroad to install automatic gates at miles around, the Borough found no consolation in the fact it had its Swarthmore avenue crossing where a local summer school student not supplied the victim - for it was killed by a train July 30. This resolution is also being transmitted provided the site, and must conto the Public Utility Commission. _________________________ - - - r tinued to harbor the same poThe second resolution authorizes I tential death trap until the town's I efforts to have the Pennsylvania the president of Council to appoint Railroad barricade its tracks while a five-resident committee to study its trains cross Swarthmore ave\ other crossings of the railroad and nue is successful. of streets which constitute a danWilliam Hollenden of Holmes ger to children. would have been safe at home the Mothers Visit Primary following day but on Friday he A letter of regret that the Groups for Varied came to Swarthmore to pick up Swarthmore Home and School AsLocal ~'oungsters get a. sad lesson in safety as Borough police his report on the last day of the Programs sociation had not acted earlier Chief Thomas Bateman shows them the remnants of a bicycle a.n six-week summer school session upon a petition regarding the railAs the Summer Club began its 1 hour after its rider was killed by a train at this Swarthmore avenue which he'd been attending at road crossing which it had in pre-I final week the six teams were so \ crossing. Swarthmore High School. Juanita Paul holds the shorn front wheel of the bicycle, Justine peration as the school year ended, closely bunched that it was anyWilliam's parents, John and was received from John Seybold, . body's guess who would come out Bodley surveys its pretzeled rear wheel. Jean Paul supports the Ethel Hollenden, having reared last year's president of the Asso- on t~p. The Rockets, although tWisted front frame. Just right of the signal standard is a passerby their only child to the age of 13 dation. The letter is printed else- Captam N~ncy Weber. has left on awed by the tragedy which toolt the Ufe of a lad about his own age. years :md 11 months, might have At extreme left a motorist is directed across the gateless tracks thought the worries that beset all where in this newspaper. her vacation, had climbed from . . last place to within 13 points of by one of a crew of Pennsylvania Railroad men engaged in testing parents who children must make The bidt C of the Reading Fire the leader b Y T ues d ay. S park e d the operation of signal lights at the street intersection. . f·d thejr way across railroads and Equlpmen ompany or provi - by Captain Bob W t ff d motor highways had lessened a . d. til· . h . ags a an 109 an IDS a mg an air orn In team members Hunter Allison, mite. the Swarthmore College po~er Brad Donahue and Don Jones, the County Health Meet Commissioned In the preoccupation of daily house as an alartn system which Vigilantes are also moving up fast. Arthur P. McCormack son of routines one easily forgets to dwell can be heard thlroughout the?,>- The Rebels, although still clingSet for Sept. 30th Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McCormack of rough was accepted:. The prIce, ing to first place, have slipped The 10th annual Delaware \ I?O Ogden avenue, was com~is- on the fallibility of both mechani$3288.14, will be split b~ the bo- badly during the week after los- County Public Health Conference SlOned today as a second heu- cal and human elements. The best rough and a Federal Civll Defense, ing their captain, Posey Cadigan, . tenant in the Artillery of the machinery can fail, the most cautious of creatures can slip. Either, grant. Clip Shay and Bob Bradshaw. Will be held on T~ursday, Septem- United States Army· Reserve. Borough Council will sit in its Wednesday morning found the I ber 30, at ~rexelbrook Inn, DrexLt. McCormack completed his alone, can cause an insufferable regular August session at Borough Rebels still holding the lead fol- elbrook drive and Van~y road, academic work for a commission loss. When the chances of imperfection in either or both are more Hall at 7:30 next Monday evening. lowed by the Orangoutangs and Drexel Hill. at Princeton University. To obtain Vigilantes tied for second place. In Sponsored by the Delaware his commission as a second lieu- than minimum, corrective measfourth place were the Rockets County Tuberculosis and Health tenant, he enrolled in basic mil- ures are imperative if the chance with the Coucou Crumbs, and itary science. After two years of of avoiding such loss is to be Association, the Delaware County b . he 1 t d th b . bringing up the rear in last place, aSlC was se ec e on e aS1S maximum. but not too far behind were the Medical Society, Health and Wel- of his academic grade average and Recollections of the car that Blockbusters. fare Council, Inc., Delaware leadership ability to participate in was wrecked on the Swarthmore A break in the water main leadEvidence of the fine job done County District, and Pennsylvania the advanced military science pro- avenue crossing several years ago, . t "'.; h ' h gram. The advanced program is a and the earlier one whose occumg in 0 ~U&c ael s College P arm- tilis summer by the counselors is Department of Health , thl·s Con - two year academic course supple- pants went with it, remain in the acy early Wednesday morning shown by the increased atten- ference will attract leaders and men ted by this six-weeks summer minds of local citizens who have flooded store rooms in the base- dance. There were 74 regular workers in all fields of health, camp in which the students train watched school after school facilment of the drug store at the cor- members thls summer with well welfare and civic organizations. to carry out tactical missions as ity built to care for greatly inner of Chester road and Park av- over 100 guest fees paid during A luncheon session at 12 noon officers. creased numbers of youngsters as enue. ' the season. will open the Conference, presided Lt. McCormack will be called to new homes have sprung up on According to John E. Michael, Alberta Hartman and Janeth over by Freas B. Snyder, presi- active duty with the army some- both sides of the railroad. Motor proprietor, water had apparently Thompson helped the youngsters dent, Delaware County Tubercu- time prior to July 1, 1955. He will vehicle traffic on Swarthmore been rushing in over an hour and to enjoy a variety of experiences losis and Health Association. At serve a minimum of two years on avenue which connects Yale avestood about five feet deep when in arts and crafts while Mimi the afternoon session, beginning at active duty and six years in .the nue, a main through artery, with State Route 320 and United States Robert Tramba~gh of the store's Wisdom and Gordon Smith direct- 2:00 p.m., Dr. Merrill B. Hayes, reserves. Roule I, has been further skystaff opened the pharm'acy and ed a sports program which in- president, Delaware County MediOn Dean's List rocketed by industrial developmade the discovery at 7: 30 a.m. eluded many different athletic cal Society, will be in charge. Harlan R. Jessup, Jr., son of ment in the nearby area. Sixty local agencies are cooperMichael's as well as The Fountain events. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup of Now that Death has again dealt next door and the apartments Today is the final day of this ating in the conference plans. To Haverford avenue, and John R. date the following have officially his irrevocable reminder, on the above were without water for sev- summers' activities and will see Phillips, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. responded: Delaware County lips of practically every Borough eral hours while Springfield Water the presentation of emblems to Russell Phillips of Strath Haven Federation of Women's Clubs; family -are accounts of their own Company repairmen corrected the the members of the winning team avenue were among students at Community YMCA & YWCA of narrow escapes at this same crossleak. .'. I as well as other awards. A trip Dartmouth college named to the Eastern Delaware County; Office, Mr. Michael estimated damage I'down the Delaware River on the County Superintendent of Schools; dean's list by Dean Joseph L. Mc- ing: When they have heeded the to drug and other supplies at Wilson Line will wind up another Delaware County Unit, American Donald for work during the blinking red lights only to find academic year just completed. around $2,000. The area was pum- successful season. Cancer Society; Pennsylvania Dethat after lengthy waiting the ped out by members of the Borpartment'.; of Public Assistance; Fete1\l0thers Dr. and Mr. George B. Heckman warning signals are being operated ough maintenance crew. Pennsylvania State Employment entertained as their house guests by a train shifting back and forth Ending a sum~er of fun and varied activities, the pre-school Service; Community Nursing Ser- for a few days this week Mr. and on a distant siding. By the time OH to Europe and primary groups of the vice; Delaware County Hospital; Mrs. Wallace Wilson and SO?, a motorist leaves his car, walks Family Service of Delaware Coun- Pete, who were enroute to their 'ahead for a clear view up and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Myers swarthmore Recreation Associaty; Community Health and Civic home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., down the tracks, discovers the of Dickinson avenue, accompanied tion concluded their summer Association; Taylor Hospital; after spending a month in Beach aforementioned situation exists, by their son-in-law and daughter, school program with a morning of Delaware County Children'S Aid Haven visiting .at ~he summer and returns· to his car, it is posMr. and Mrs. James A. Hughes, special events for their mothers Society; ,and Chester YWCA. home or Mrs. WIlson s parents. sible for a train that is actually Jr., of Philadelphia, sail today who visited them in their room. going to croSs the highway to The primaries entertained their tor a six week tour of Europe. Dr. Arthur J. Jones of North Mr. H. A. O. Speers has been come along 'and catch him in the They will motor through England, mothers Thursday mo~ng with swarthmore avenue left yester- visiting his son and daughter-in- mid-track. several songs and refreshments. Ireland, and Scotland and then day morning for Sebec Lake, Me., law Mr. and Mrs. David M. Speers When lights for some reason "BoW Belinda" was sung ,and travel through the continent. where he will vacation until the of Yale avenue after spending danced to by the girls and the have not worked when they seven weeks visiting his sister in should (as can easily happen to . Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of boys formed an orchestra for the Labor Day week-end. Northern ireland. Mr. Speers rePark avenue entertained at a bon negro spiritual "Angel Bard". All Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Johnson and turned to his home in Indianapolis any mechanical device - even gates that would lower to obstTuct voyage dinner party Tuesday, eve- the children joined to dance the children John, Chris, Scott, and the track as a train approached.) ning in honor of Miss Barbara "Paw Paw Patch" and concluded Carol of Park avenue left yester- on Wednesday. Bartlett Kent, Managing Editor their program with the Barnyard day for Cape May, N. J. Whw, having stopped at the John Robert Schott of Benjamin warning llght, people have seen of The Swarthmorean, who and Alligator songs. West avenue is working at the for Europe on August 11 to travel Lemonade and cookies were a train cross and either faUed to Dr. Frank Keenen of Harvard Lincoln Electric Company In there until November. Guests in- served by the group followed by avenue left Tuesday on a brief (Continued OIl Page 'l) Cleveland, Ohio. this summer. dUded past and present staff of an exhibit of their handcraft pro- business trip to Chicago. The Swartbmore&n and close (Continued OD Pase 8) friends of the guest of honor. I SRA Teams Vie for F~na' Top Honors I I I Drug Stote Flooded When Pipe Breaks sans , '. ., 'lUt; SW AK'fHMOREAN THE SWARTBMOREAN Jim Wolf of Park avenue has NAMES AnENDANTS returned to his home after spendThe marriage of Miss Christine ing the month of July as a water- Si'-1'w Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. G. Alexander front director at Camp Slnklng Mrs. Henry C. Ford of Amherst Milla and family of Walnut 'lane Creek near State College, Pa. avenue to Mr. S. Jamea. English returned Saturday from a two Mr. andM_rs~ 'y? H.·~rTy and III, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jam~ weeks vacation on Lake Kzar, Me. Mrs. Harry Reese of Springfield, English, Jr., of Harrisburg, will Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Derikson, Ohio are visiting Mrs. Benjamin take place on Friday, September 3 Jr., and sons John and Peter of O. Largent and Dr. and Mrs. at 4 o'clock in the Swarthmore Wesiminster avenue left todty for Frank Keenen of Harvard avenue Trinity, church. The Rev. James a three week vacation at their this week. . Trost of, Harrisburg, assiated' by summer home In Ocean View, Del. Mrs. Leroy Peterson of Vassar The Rev. Lawrence Whittemore Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Dickln- avenue, with !Jer three daughters will officiate.' son at Park avenue entertained' as Karen, Erid and Kristin, returned Miss Elsa Mar:v Ruse of Miami their week-end guests Mr. and Monday from a II!, day visit with Shores, ;Fla.• will attend Miss Ford Mrs. H.' G: Selby and daulihter Mrs. Peterson's parents, Mr. and as maid of.honor. Bridesmaids wili Hazel of Goldsboro, N.C. Mrs. H; H. Goodenough in Sprlng- be. MisS Jean Galbreath., daughter Mrs. Samuel Dodd of Swarth- field, South Dakota. While they of M,. and Mrs. C. Irwin Galmore avenue left Mond~y for a were away, Dr. Peterson' attended breath Jr.• of Benjamin . West avweeks vacation in Ahatauqua, N. the Instrumentation Sessi~n on enue; Miss Greta Richardson Y., with her son .and daughter-in- the Gorden ReSearch Conferences daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lJoberi law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dodd in New London N.H., and paid a ·W. Richardson of Park avenue' of Framingham, Mass. week-end visit to hia sister and Miss Catherine. Wisdom, daughte; Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Donovan of brother-hi-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. of Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wisdom Elm avenue are attending a con- W. Trainor near Lowville, N. Y. of Vassarlavenue; Miss Sally Gas.vention in Meriden, N.H. for the Dr. Peterson waS accompanied kill. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . to New London by Mrs. Herbert Joseph F. .Gaskill of University week. Mrs. L. F. Coy returned to her Huse and daughters Sally and plac~; Miss Virginia Gehring, dauhome on Elm avenue following a Julie who will spend the rest of ghter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. the summer at their sunimer home Gehr~g of University place; Miss visit in Tacona, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hop- near New London. PatriCIa Blake, daughter of Mr. son at Rutgers avenue left MonLt. (jg) and Mrs.· William De and Mrs. Avery F. Blake of Amday for their summer home at forest Fetzer and daughter Jean herst avenue; and Miss Marilyn North Mountain in the Allegheny of Springfteld, Mass., and Dr. Jean Green. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mountains for a week. Holdridge of Wyendotte, Michigan Howard W. Green of Yale avwill be house guests of the Frank enue. M d M· r. an rs. E. H. Lee Bauer and family of Riverview road left Keenell\l of Harvard avenue next Mr. John Wlnand of Harrisburg today for a weeks visit with Mr. ,,:eek. will be best man. Ushers will InBauer's family in West Virginia. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Clothier clude Mr. D. Michael English Mr. and Mrs. John Schumacher and son Girard of Columbia ave- brother of the ·groom; Mr. Henr; and family of Ogden avenue re- nue have x:eturned from a three C. Ford. Jr., broth.er of the bride' turned last week from a months week vacatIon at the summer"col- Mr. William· Zollars of Walllng~ vacation at Avalon, N.J. I tage of the Chase's of Wallingford ford. Vt.; Mr. William Singleton Mrs. Howard Y. Clymer and In Ke'.'nebunk~ort, Maine. of Akron, Ohio; Mr. Edwin Jones children left Tuesday for a weeks DaVId C. ChIckering, son of Mr. Mr. William Lutz and Mr: Joh~ stay at Cliff Point Md Mr CI and Mrs. Charles Chickering, for- Spangler, all of Harrishurg. mer will join his f;mil; lat~r. y- merly O.f .Nor.th Chest:r road and A reception will follow the cereMr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson of now.resldl'.'g 10 Lakcma Park, Md. mony at the Episcopal chur~h. Amherst avenue returned early rec~lve~ hIS B.A. degree from the this week from a montbs vacation UmversJt! of Maryland In June. BRIDE.TO·BE In the Poconos and left Wednes- At t.he same time he was comMiss Marjorie D. Lang, daughday for three weeks In Rehoboth ?,lsslOned as a sec,!nd lieutenant ter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry W. Beach, Del. ' 10 the Army Air Force. After Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manthey ~ompletlng his prelimlnar:v train- Lang of Dickinson avenue was and small daughter Karen LYnn of 109 at Sampson Air Force Base, guest of- honor at a luncheon and Virginia, Minn. arrived Tuesday Geneva, N.Y., he was transferred surprise shower given by Mrs. M. for a two week visit with Mrs to Loury Air Base, Denver, Colo. Miller. at Villa Nova avenue. The . Manthey's parents, Mr. and Mrs: wh~re he has heen assigned to In- luncheon was .held at the Strath Haven Inn on Saturday, July 31. H. Lindley Peel of Columhia ave- telllgence. Miss Lang will be married OcRobert W. Tucker, Jr., son of nue. tober 2 to Mr. Lawrence E. Drew, Mr. and ·Mrs. J. H. Dunn and Dr,. and Mrs.. R. Whitney Tucker family of Dartmouth avenue 'will of HerndQn, Va. forme~ly of Cor- Jr., son of Mr. Lawrence E. Drew· leave next week for a 10 day nell avenue, received his B.A. and the late Mrs. Drew of Media. vacation, at Hungry Mother's'p k degree Cum Laude from .Harvard in south western Virginia. ar University in June. For the next BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. F. G .. Wood and two years, Robert will work at Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. daughter Gail and son Chipper of ,~he Peter Bent Bingham Hospital Solimin! of East Baintree, Mass. Oberlin avenue have returned' 10 Boston. are receiving congratulations on from a two week vacation at AvaTed Carey, son of Mr. and Mrs. the birth of their second child and lon, N.J. Paul Carey formerly of Swarth- fi rst b oy, Thomas Ray. Born July Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. H~is more returned this week from a 28, the baby weighed seven of PrInceton ave!'!'e have return- six week. trip to Europe. . pounds, twelve ounces. ed to their home after vacationing Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Jones of Grandparents of the baby are at their cottage In Stone Harbor Strath Haven avenue have re- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harlow ot LaforMthe month of July. turned ks home following several f aye tte avenue and Mr. Vincent r. and Mrs. Valentine Fine wee vacation on Nantucket Is- Solimlnl at QuIncy, Maas. with their daughter Bliss and son land, Mass. While there the Jonea Ashley have returned to their motored to Connecticut to visit r home on Swarthmore avenue friends. MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFI'lIIAN after spending two weeks at Re-------31 3 ~.r&mouth Avenue hohoth Beach,· Dei. ~arrled In Germany S.......u.more 8-2080 The Rev. John Schott of the Mrs. Frances Wills Slaugh of SUBSCRIPTIONS Presbyterian Church spent Wed- Elm avenue announces the mar- ~t~ nesday in Princeton, N.J., attend- riage of her daughter, Miss SUZ-' .. S ing the World Alliance of Presby- anne Kille Slaugh, to Corporal terlan Churches. Rev. Schott vislt- Thomas Moore Stabler, United ed ~th many of the past guest States Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. MinISters of the church and stayed Laurence J. Stabler of Wallingtor the Communion Service held ford pn July 27, 1954 in HeidelWednesday night. berg, Germany. ' Personals AIJ8U&I 6, 19S. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thatcher of Mountain Lakes, N. ,J. announce the birth (}f William Falrbalri:., their , ,third son, on August 2. ·The baby is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thateher of Ogdon avenue. .. REPAIR AUTO , Gulf 011 and Gas Auto LIte Baterle. . Mr. and Mrs. John Toll YOIlll& of Narberth announce the birth Of a son, John ToU. Jr., on August 1 in..the Bryn Mawr Hospital, Mrs. Young Is the former Mar:v Lee kartzel of Wa1lingford. ..- . ~ , ROBERT J.ATZ. Owner RUSSELL'S .SERYI~E '. Motor Tun~up Wheel Alignment Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. OOJ.tEPE ,THEAtilE Swarfllmo.... Pa. . Ol;'r First ~nd last AIR CONDITIONED $a'~ . ~ Dislocation 405 Dartmo... Ave. August 6f\! and 14th i~c1. ~%. OPEN EVERY EVENING 7 C;»FF ON ., .. ALL , MOIASES OVER $1.00 ' The Bouquet - Soott to ... at 6 ..... Aft. ...••.80'"- 6-41.1 -. . ,-.. . Wed••.' to 1:010 Fri..' to 1:30 AND S~RIAL Plus-8ig S"""';- ~ PETER E. TOLD All ~.e. of '''Ql'Clllce i3:.o. r " ..... ~ye. .~.:,~~ cars THE OLIVER' H. lAIR CO. CLOSED AUGUST 16•• FOR VACATION REOPEN AUliUST 30th 9 South Chester Road Call SWarthmore 6.0476 \ (" REMOVAL SALE STARTS TODAY All Summer SAVE 30 to 50% THE MUSIC BOX ..~~..... • 40'1 Dartmouth Avp.nuA H 1::< lMilS 16 Sunny Brae Orchards PEACHES Best Early Yarletlell Now APPLES Eggs •. Pouitry • Vegtables Wolff's Apple House Route 452 , 1/4 tfme South of Baltimore Pike Lima We -" '.( Car' ,..... ry 'a. Cit omp eeL··.IDe 0f.' Di,a-Mel' Dietetic Foods . ..: ' . . -".. "Tastiest Mad~ for Diabetic and Reducing Diets" CO!ls'stlng of JOJ Tasty Af'rac'.' ••• Including CHOCOLATE BARS 'BON BONS b· . . ...................... , ..... .,. 25c . CHOCO ALMONDS; 'b~~ ...... , .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80c CHIl\4llNGGUM, pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $11'Oc°5 iClRYSTAL -MINTS ............................ . CHEkRY DROPS" p~g. , ..................... ,....... 20c GLUTEN BREAD '(s~c:d, ·t~~rl.;ci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20c GLUTEN. FLOUR bo ) box .......... . .. . ... 5'1c GLUTEN SPAGH'ETTIx ~ ............................ 6!)c: ElQOW MACARONi, b:x .... · .... · .. i . . .. .. .. .. ... 39c GLUTEN NOODLES box ................ : . .. .. ... 39c MAYONNAISE . ' ................. , ........ , 39c SUPERBE DRESSING . b' til.. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. soc BR!=A~A~T CEREAls 0 bo· .. , ...................... ,49c J&UIES, glass ',' • x.. ..... . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. 49c C(>OKIES box'· ............ ·· .. · .... ··· .. ·· ...... · 39c Mi~DI~6.\IOx· : : ; ...................... : ........" :~ , .. ElnN ·COCOA. ~~ ............ >. . . .. . . . • . . . . . . .. 350 ~ELA ~...... .. g.. . . ................ '.' . . . . .. . . .. 3'91:' , ............... . ............ T"EAT!!TR P"AIM~gy .. . ... E SQUARE . ")'Irc:••~lfl~"'•• for YOII{ ~~P'~~f~.."rt CALL F()~ ~"~ DEUYERY SERVICE ~ SW 'J ,_ " 'tHE • BEAUTY SALON ,... C~~TOONS. CO.... ~Y. 'lIIe Cu a~~ & ~ ~ '-. P. t.1. ' 'llcept FaIr rrade 'tem.-. . ,.. ~"i -. ,- lEAD OVER HEnS I well as saddened. I have at home what Is plain and necessary In signal or would clOS4! a gate when caples of a petition to the Bora sufficient time?) no train Is approacblng. If any further impetus must be An over- or under-pass Is the , Council, to tile Pennsylvania RaUpUBLlSBBD EVERY PBlDAY AT SW~T1DIORE. PA. road and to others who may be produced to avert a recurrence of long-run objective we should PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, fUBLlSIIEB8 concerned, which was Introduced a tragedy of this magnitude, it work for. Until that end Is acPhone SWartbmore 6·09011 at a Home and Sebool meeting at should be the product of a new compllahed a gate should be erect, PETEB E. TOLD, Bdllor' which I presided early In 1954. It ellort, and we who failed to act ed and a watchman placed on duty BAItBABA KENT, Man..,tq BcJHor was Harlan Jessup who read this In time should learn our bitter during the hours children go to RosaUe Petrsol- Marjorie Told - F. P. Murray - Lorene McCarter petition, which proposed that an lesson. and fro from school.· Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post automatic crossing gate be erected How can we excuse the presence I know I need not seek to soUclt Office at swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. at this location for reasons which of this unguarded crossing In the lour concern In this matter, since ever:vone recognized ~o be un- face of the volume of traffic which It is as deep and fresh as mine•• DEAD~WEDNJ'SDAY NOON as~allaDle. A good many, people ~"w makes demands upon. It? AU I can do Is to express m:v SWARTIIlIIORE, PENNA., signed tlie petition that night. EYeD: automatic gates are a poor relret that I did not do m:v part After It was Introduced the mat- substitute for the. precautions In time, and that again we must ter lay In-.our lap. We broupt It ,.,hleb should properly be taken.,' le 81'l1 our lesson at a cost which TRINITY NOTES PRESBYTERIAN NOTES A service of Holy Communion up for additional signatures at the W.Ith..!,hat appears to be Increas-. nOlle of us can measure and no During the month of Aujust, next Home and School meeting, lng frequency the switcblng of one can repay. The Rev. John Schott, Aasoclate will be held at 9 o'clock Sunday but then the end of the school frellht sets all the warning JOHN W. SEYBOLD morning at TrInity Church. The JlInister will OCCUpy the pul"l~ year was upon us, and I decided .... , , , , , , . and will preach a series of ser- Rev. Henry S. Paynter will be In to let the matter rest until > mons on the topic: "A Rapid Sur- charge of the service. Those scheduled to serve as fall, In the belief that tiU! need vey of the Bible." This Sunday, ushers are as foUows: J. E. Bell, J. woUld become even' more selfMr. Schott will use as his first B. Bullitt, S. D. Clyde, Jr., Theo- evident as additional houses in sermon for the month "The God dore Evans, B. Harrar, A. H. the Dartmouth Circle area 'were of HIstory," a study of the hisWe are proud of. the conficompleted, further obstructing the torical books of the Old Testa- Knabb, S. D. Reynolds. and W', T. Salam. Pierre Decrouez will serve view' of the crossing. dence tbree generations of ment. Had the matter been pressed at Mr. Bishop will be away on as acolyte. On Tuesd'lY, and again on Fri- the time it was raised we might families 'have . placed in us. vacation during the month of , day, there will be' a service of by this time have been successAugust. Mr. Schott will be in the Evening Prayer at 5:30 p.m. ful and the tragedy could thus ofllce study during the mornings ------' h!'ve been averted. and is available at any time durCHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES I hesitate now to go forward Ing the month through the church How the Individual can find true with this petition. Its arguments, DIIIICTOU 0' ruNlUU ofllce telephone SWarthmore 6- joy, health, and courage through 1820 CHESTNUT STREET 4712. There will be someone in the gaining a spiritual understanding though forceful, have none of the church office every weekday dur- of God will be explained at Chris- cogency of the fact that this acOUVER H. JAIl, ,;..,.... MMC1 A. JAIl, ......d. . cident has now occurred. (Why is ing the summer. tian Science services Sunday, . '.Iephone RI6-1581 Music for the Worship Services when the Lesson-Sermon is en- it we most always be prodded to . action. after the event? What during the month of August will titled "Spirit." lethargy prevents us from doing be provided by Euguene Roan, Keynoting the Lesson-Sermon Is organist, and selected soloists. the Golden Text from Galatians (5:22, 23): "The frult of the SPirit METHODIST NOTES is love, joy, peace, longsuilerlng, Church School will begin at gentleness, goodness, faith, meek9: 45 a.m. with classes for all ages. ness, temperance: against such At 11 a.m. Morning Worship Ser- there Is no laW." From the Bible, the. 10llowing vice, Rev. John c. Kulp, pastor, will use as his sermon subject pasSage will be among those read "God Gives Guidance," the sixth (John 4: 24): "God Is a Spirtt: ana In a series of sermons on the they that worship him must wortheme, "God'. Promises :ror D,uly ship him In spirit and in truth." . Living." NUrser:v children wiU be The public is cordially invited supervised by capable women tp 'at~ t!>e. syrvlcllB at,l. p,a.m, throughout the summer. Ushers Sundays at the First Church of for the morning service will be Christ, Scientist, on Park avenue. Charles Grier, head tisher, assisted by George Shubert, Edward L. Alston, wtIllam Collenberg, fK: J August 3, 1954 I J'rNext Sunday, Rev. J. Carpenter Dear Fellow Sv.rarthmorean: Zook, member of the Philadelphia "BillY Dicpl't Walt for the SecAimual Conference wtIl be the and TaIn." What a cruel, penetratJohn Corke and Charles Hummer, lng, soul-rending phrase for .' , guest preacher. and Ethel Hollenden. Billy was' In case of any pastoral need they had that really counted. And during the b r i e t ,times Mr. no one can ever erase the deep Kulp and his family will be out scars from their souls. the. terrible of town on vacation or when there emptiness, . ~he b.ltter yearnlhg may be no one at home at the each will carry to his or her dying parsonage you are encou1'8ged to day. get in' touch with one of the Yet 'maybe it need never nave neighboring pastors, Rev. Wallace happened . to anyorlli. If we F. Stettler,' Springfield (SW Swarthmoreans, you, I and every 6-0363' S.W 6-1570) or Rev. Wm. other adult, hadIJ't been cQm;; W. S~iegelbalder, Media (ME placent about ail obvious h~~8rd, . 6-3172). Also, tlie pastor's secre- if'each of us would have stopped ~;;~;aiiiiii~~~~~ii;iiii~;i~ \ar:v, MrS. Conner, can assist (KI to realize that.it could happen to 4-0868; WA 8-56111'). our Michael; tim, ourMilly, our Carol. Polly,our Harlan, CONFIDENCE ::;;========~==;:;;;:; i~~i:~~~~i:~;;:~~~~~~~~;;:;;~~~~~~~ DisLQCatiQn.... Sale! II ·tile OPPOSITI! IOROUGH PARIIING LOT SWarthmore 6-0440 - 'C Fill """1' '".. .. ••.•" .. ~.~IIIOr. . .1114 '. " !'! -, t ~ c.' . ' ... _. -,.-; "':. ' rHi flilrOR ". 2 Price aUf our CHURCH SERVICES , would we remain idle. permitting the danger to stap' , " ,- . . .. ', ;: . - • p..,s mE 8WARTBMOllEAN . NEWS NOTES . Mr. and Mrs. Davies B. Hopson and family, formerly of Dartmouth avenue, moved recently to "Clift' Media House," P axon Hollow road, • . ~. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of Wallingford returned Sunday trom a months vacation In their summer home "Atmslee" on Lake Paupac, In the POCOno Mountains. ,·Mr. and Mrs. James Delano and family of North Clrester road returned last week trom a months motor trip to Canada. Anne Delano of North Chester road is attending camp at I.e Chalet Francais, Deer Isle, Me., (or the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Zecher -, , • , .I r / Hits New High in Knock-Free Power! '. New Premium 6asoline SIRCLAIR POWER- • "Road ,hog" is more than ,usta • . slang term. Road hogs constitute 18% of the drivers involved in accidents on Penn,sylvanla's highways..50, when 'you drive ••• yield therigh.t-of-way·'i, to the.~ other v$hiel'e when it is tryine. to pass • • • give pedestrians a . break ••• keep "to the right side" of the road exe.ept when you, are passing_ And FuscoMotor o. CHI!5STER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Phone SWarthmore 6·3681 SUGAR 2ge pkg. MILLER"S HORACE A. REEVES B. J. HOY" 5 AND 10 STRAm HAVEN INN • FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DELAWAJU1, COUNTY co-op W. , MARK BI'l'fLE . JOYCE LEWIS .' . '. ..... 'I'HE'Tr.' SWARTHMOftE.,uf 'HANNUM a: WAITE BAIRD and Bmo " FUSCO MOTORS , PET~ E. TOLD MICHAEL'S COI.I.F.GE TIlE INGLENEUK PHARMACY '. • Suits AND , , ,Dresses Reduced 1'2 I ..:: .. ~ ~ , ". :. . , FOR DELICIOUS ... HOME MADE POTATO SALAD HELLMANN"S " MAYONNAIsE 73c qt. ' 25c 0-0%. {or . 45e pt. jar DIGESTABLE ' NUCOA '29C lb. DRESS' PARADE, '25e Ib'S9 LEGS 0' LAMB' c " , . " FANCY LUNCHEON MEAT , ~ , SPICED MUSTARD ,PIlISH , , ALL SWIFT'S PREMIUM iiEST FOODS BUCHNER'S, INC. E.L. NOYES and CO• and family of Swarthmore avenue returned recently alter spendIng two weeks on Lake Boyden, Robbinson, Me. While there the Zechers journeyed to Prince Edward Island. Gladys Yates from Pittsburgh and PWI Brady from Cleveland, Ohio, motored to Swarthmore last week-end to visit Gladys' roommate at Denison College, Liz Forsythe of Thayer road for the week-end. Gladys leaves today. Pamela Foster of South Chester road is attending the Junior Maine Guide Testing Camp this week at Rangley, Me. Participants come from many Maine Camps. Pam is completing her second year of: counselor training course at the Bankor-Beaver Girl Scout Camp Natarsuri, Millinocket, Me. She I will spend the latter part of the' summ,er as a junior counselor at Aloha Manors Family Camp at Falrl~e, Vt. on Lake'/Morey. Mr. and Mrs. Grier Shotwell and ,daughters Anne and Sylvia of Indianapolis, Ind., recently visited i Mrs. Shotwell's' brother and sis-' ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David M. Speers of Yale avenue after re-! turning to'thls country upon the' completion of a seven week European trip. , Mrs. Mary C. Foster and daughter Pam of South Chester road 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE PICKLES 53e ~-qt. ;ar , , SWARTHMORE State .. MOllroe Sts. MedIa KOSHER DILL SPREAD ATZ AlJT(),.SERVlcE ROGER RUSSELL oi 6.2176 ~~r.~a~n~d~M~rs~.~Do~n~al~d~G~.~F~o~lle~tt~~~~~~~~~~~ . HOME STYLE SANDWICH THE BOUQUET PlaUlE FRAMING . PORTRAIT STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHIC ' SUPPliES FOOD ,MARKET POTATOES '5 Ibs. 2ge . GENUINE SPRING '. LOIN LAMB CHOPS . HELLMANN"S MARTEL BROTHERS" I of Oberlin avenue Is 'actiDg as a transit-man for G.D. Hartman • Sons, Civil EngIneers for the summer. 1\1r8. Charles Paxon of Cedar lane visited her cousin, Mr. Charles McDowell at the Friends Home In Newtown, Bucks County. ' . WAFERS IOe ;ar * J. A. GREEN", .' - - week at Martha's Vlneyard and motored through New Brunswick to Nova Scotia before taking Pam to camp at MillInocket, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Y. Clymer of Park avenue had as their house guests for. a week Mrs. Clymer's aunt, Miss Faith Hatch of El Centro, CaUl. and Mrs. Charles Barron of San Diego, CaUl. ,Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McLarty of Oberlin avenue returned Monday from a motor trip to Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Flood and son, Dennis of Benjamin West avenue have returned to Swarthmore after a 10 day vacation at Cape May. Mr. Gordon R. Follett, son NABISCO with Horseradish SLOW DOWN AND LIVE I • • ) spent 'a lb. $1.19 SWANS DOWN , CAKE MIXES .' . ..' , DEVIL FOOD - 'pk~. YELLOW· CAKE - 35. WHITE. CAKE co-oP YELLOW FREESTONE PEACHES 1ge.can 3Sc . SPARK UP YOUR LUNCHES with MRS. FANNING", . ,I_,N". lutter PICKL£S' 2 ;ars lor' 4ge . '~ AMERICA'S MOST REfRESHING DRINK , Non-C.lllated BLE~.t4D, 1ge. cOn ": l !; ( TOP YOUR CAKE WITH FOR UNUSUAL 39c 4" . POTATO SALAD ADD '. HELLMANN'S , ,qJ.D FASHIONED . FRENCH DRESSiNG 2Se~f.: • .' t . A'Iiguai 6, 1954 I ~f ftI·" School in June. David, who Is a RB NEWS NOTES recipient a Swarthmore ColWHEREA SOLtlTION '... " . . S· lege scholarship, w J 11 enter ing of August 2, Borough Council has, at its mee,tMeclta cIIoal Mrs. T. W. Simpers of the Swarthmore in the falL automatic traftlc gates fed "pon the Pennsylvania RaJlroad to install Creeds Swarthmore Apartments returned Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Markley grade crossing; and 0 approved design at the Swarthmore Avenue' Three Y"K1 ti.lougb 7th Grad, saturday from a weeks visit with WHEREAS, there are n .. . h . hi1 To lim. J. Archer Turrier of Cornell of Guernsey road retUrned Sunday from spending sever'al weeks said railroad and " ... aveiiiie and her sister, Mrs. ThomaS Ingram of the Swarth- In Jasper Park, Alberta, Canada. NOW THEREFORE, th Pres . .. ..: Ann Cooper, daughter of Dr. r!Zed to appoint a committee ef ft Ident of Council 18 hereby aUUlD- r more Apartments who are vacaand Mrs.. J.ames B.. .Cooper of au aspects of this to °repovrte of and the Borough to.~dY Sp~~i."'g~ltld tioning In Ocean Grove, N.J. to the Council as 'problem, .......... ,,_ as ctI reitssidents flndtngs recommen ....tlons .-In In . David Tucker, son of Dr. and Parrish road is. attending Camp .~ pra cable. PASSED this Second day of August A.D. 1 9 5 4 . . Mrs. R, WhItney Tucker formerly Aloha on Lake Morry;Falrlee, Vt. for the month of August. SEAL BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ........ . cif Swarthmore, was graduated from the Herndon, Va. High Swarthmore Poll c e C h i e f ' THOMAS W. HOPPER 10.....' 4-0252 Thomas Bateman and Mrs. BatePresident 'of Council ............ La. lear hfrall.. man, of Upland, are spendtng a Attest ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Jewelry Repairod Phone: SW 6-4216 two-week vacation at the shore. APPROVED this 4th day Borough Secretary EMIL SPIES CONSTRUCTION Watch.. ak.r Mr. and Mrs: Frank J'IlcCowan of August A.D. 19M. Form.", of F. c. Bod. I 50111 of Vassar avenue returned home JOSEPH REYNOLDS RESIDENTIAL AND 128 Yale Ave. Bur:.=.:ess=-_ g Fine Watch and SwarfhmOle. Pa. recently from a months vacation I ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Clock kepoirs COMMERCIAL RESOLtlTION Ocean City, N.J. I ~ Misses Mary and Elinor Bye of Alterations College avenue have returned Re: Swarthmore Avenue Grade Crossing the recent tragtc death of a schQolboy on a bicycle THOM SEREMIA home after visiting with Miss at the :wHEREAS, Swarthmore Avenue grade crossing of the Pennsylvania RaU335 Dartmauth Avenue Emily Ashman at Breille, N.J., for road :acks Is ~u~ the latest of a series of accidents at said crossing UPHOLSTERING a week. SLIP COVERS-DRAPERIES and . e Counc~ IS of the opinion that flashing light signals do not Swarthmore k.f.renc., J. F. BLACKMAN Miss Alice Ayres of North constitute sufl\clent protection of the public at said Crossing 'ko.. Skaroo Hili 0734 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the prcis:er olD.cers Chester ·road has recently returnMor. thon 2S V.ars experience SW '·661' ~ ~e ~orOUgh shall confer with representati~es of the Penrisylvania ':::===========~ ed Eaglesmere, home after Pa. ten· days vacation at II ftoo; . Fry the Swarthmore Nursery = radio, foreign stations excellent S~ool now. Open Sept. 15. Phon.., 3-6141. ~.. TeleVision, radlu and appliance repalrs - prompt 8-4819. ~ Cbange to modern gas bouse heating now and wben fall arrives you'll be prepared with com. pletely automatic beatiog. Each year more aDd . more .people are eDjdying the convenience of automatic gas bOllSe beating. In the past five y~1 alone, the Dumber of suburban Philadelphia bomes beated by gas IIlpplled by PbiladelpbJ& mectric Company bas Uicreased 327%. ... " Alterati !l1I1 ~~,::.e. R'!Xe~etsB::~:-edS:..Jt~ , SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE Published pursuant to the Act of June 25, 1941, P.L. 159 CHester 2-5689 2-4759 Jack Prichard more 6-3889 or SWarthmore 6· 1947. PERSONAL - Alterations - ftt~~;mJA";--===-"""("""'" STATEMENT OF GROSS LIABILITY, NET DEBT, ASSESSED VALUATION, ASSETS, MaTURITY DATE OF FUNDED DEBT . AND BORROWING CAPACITY ' Assessed V~luation (1954) $7,108,415.00 Indebtedness AUowed by Law (7% of assesseli valuation)' $497,589.05 Gross Liabilities 659,342.88 Deductions allowed by Law (Section 202) Cash in Sinking Fund . none Delinquent Taxes $3,285.81 $2,957.23 (90% estimated. collectible) Current Revenue Applicable within Fiscal Year 53-54 206,124.92 Total Deductions 209,082.15 Net Debt 450,260.73 Borrowing Capactiy (excludtng borrowings In anticipation of current ,'evenues) 47,328.32 ----------------STATEMENT OF DATES OF LAST MATURITY OF RESPECTIVE FORMS OF FUNDED DEBT Bonds-All serial bonds Rate Maturity Outstanding Date' of· Issue 4% 1956 $15,000.00 1926 42,000.00 4% 1960 1930 14,000.00 1934 3% 1959 400,000.00 2* 1973 1953 ASSETS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WITH THE CHARACTER AND VALUE THEREOF - JULY 5, 1954 . Assets Cash-General Fund Delinquent Taxes Tuition Receivable School Buildings, Sites, Textbooks, Equipment tings ASsociation by appointment, your home. with inEstelle Dress Shop, 69th Street, SWarthmore 6-4934. ~piiEiiRF.SriO~N~AL=U!:"'Li'":::awn=-:m=o=wer':'s"',"ih"'a-n-'d FAMILY DINNERS to SUIT ... TASTE of EVERYONE TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PI\RTY FACILmES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·} :30 P. M. DINING ROOMS a.d LOlll'AIRCONDlTlONED Comfortable ~oom5 Da~ ot' Week Elevatar Yale & Harvard Avenues, Swarthmare, Pa. WALTER E.. !,ARROTT, Mil', FREE .ARKING· C"L 0 SED' Sheet Metal Work George Myers 12 Box41 5W.. O'CLtlCK AUGUST • _-month period and 'I'beI-. .. -,r- .... iiifW: " . '. ..... AUTOMAtlC4IAI ..... :",::!.~·-:- . . SW,ar.thmore " Many Ati...ctf"e Home.·· A.Gllable· .'. Baird &. Bird yewii ..••• It '_. ssee. .~ ILICllle c".al'-: and Vicinity RfiGlt'" SW 6-0108 Qpposlte lor~.g". ~.n alld .ulilNJe4IlIi,.... Senr.. ..".... to aar .rb,,.. .. ." ....... of ..wI.ccr: •• . . . . . . . _ Mv.rle' . ~"'l'iIar~.· ~ of 011 . 011 I .••' ·. . . . . . . . .... 1. ,•• n7••~ ••11 • • ___,.,-..•.•••rt_. - 15c ~ picked, tdeaed, wbite ~, s!c,rl, cooked wltb potk aDdSPICJ _ _ /Jd«lIIIDIEI lUIS .9dmI WHOLE CO.I /Jd«lI CUT IEDS .9dmI TOMATO SOUP MOlT'S APPLE JUICE· . HUNT'S PEACHES ~'sfl:!.,9dmJ APPLE SAUCE .9dmJ PINUPPLE CbUDb BATHROOM TISSUE ~.,. .9dmJ SWED PUS·l:,.d4 10~'1 15< 7~'1 liSe 12 ~~ '1 12. 12'~-'1 liSe 4 i!:' '1 Be 4~$1 Be 6 !!;:: $1 6!!'::'1 10 ,OOG-.beet $1 roU. Farmdale Large, Extra·Standard SW,EET PEAS Glenside, Brand . 17. n. 15< 6~'1 n. 8~$1 16c 7~$1 23c . TOMATOES, - PriDcesa Brand FACIAL TISSUE II;.!! $1 30c pkp PUIIOY DOG FOOD '. . 6~· '1 . 11c Fancy California Seedless GRAPES Bartle" PURS , . u. S. Graded "Choice" .Chuck Roast ltewlng .... .... '"49c 'Iank St.aka Short RIbs • 73c I .... Kldn. "'S9c 3 a. '1.00 GROUID BEEF a=. 59' TENDER liB ROAST 13c Beltsville 'TURKEYS{::KD~ .,at;! 11> 650 Baltimore- Pike 11> . SWart~m~'" 600450 0,.. , A.M: ... 'P.M. . '.', . , . . . ,-0" . . . lanIaster Brand s."1~I.s. Frankfurten AD,II... k. 2l1c. I Ib fILII. c . ... ~~. *u Sliced, Olive or Pepper L~ ~ \Ik& 'L.....;. Mldgetlrci.,nswelg ... · '''''~' ... ~ ~, . ., . . ~ . '.'..".11 ~ SIi- Ib .1." lb ~,4,;:;mat;; OILHMT -~ .-~... . . . . .s . . . . . . . . _ ...... , ... 4 HADDOCK,~ ""a NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE . W~NDAY 'tPJlU SATOaoA'I' ~OOI! . SW 6·4041 s1JNDAYS ....l1doLmAY.. COAL FIREPLACE WOOD , . J.l~ . ~ GREEN . SWarthmore 6-07oU) 95' Veal Should... Waldorf Saladin . . . . DAY First In Safes ·39c "19c Steer .... Liver "~"!!..__':":3~3~c...!.~.~a~C~D~n~A"':':':~:I'" Sprln~'eld. D.I.Co•• 'a. . SW......rW 606130 TheQtre Square II~$I Pork & Beans .....n. mao._do< CARNS l~T" CAR$.. IAVI pmCl Formerly RUMSEY CHEVROLET , IT'IONE DOLLAR SALE Florist AUGUST 23RD First In Service - SaturdAy Till.ti· P. M. CHECK UP AND STOCK UP IN OUR BIG DiluziO and Sons NOON GOOD DRIVE . +-. DRIVERS • . . SAFE P. M• for Your Shopping. Comfort Starting salary for 2 exeeutive.type salesmen to repre.an' lartllt Ecn'ern flnandal corporation.· No Ironl. Sales axperlene. and ability d ••ir.d, establishod residant, 25:-40 years old, mar· ried, capabl. of a"umln~ r.sponslbll~ 1.les. In reque.tln9 In'.rvl...,, pl.asa Inc1ud. brief p.trsonal hldory, all r.plles confldenlal. Our sal•• man have bean Informed of thil ad. 8oJ: A. L Swartbmorean. DO tl*je cor dUs ciiDftoiat budget pIaa.. T. pboae or 'riIit any PbiWelpbi' medli':.oIke 10 .·unDp~~',ofyoar gas boateheadoS paJllllll" Dati 1 . Till AIR-CO $600 MONTHLY RE-OPE" MONDAY , &FRI. 9 OPEl 100"" lruh meat. choppccl..aut coobd In ill OWII Juicea. VIN~AI.EN ATLANTIC FUEL OIL Oar Swarthmore Market Now ?otice the lights were still blinkmg or assumed the continued bl~king, and any whistle that nu~ht be sounded, came from the tram .which had just gone by. T~n JUbt as they were about to enter upon the track another train zo~ms from the opposite direction. ThiS has happened to many people at the same time of day, 8.11 a.m., that the Hollenden boy was kilied. It has happened to others at varIous other times. What one does not realize until one analyzes the Swarthmore - Philadelphia time_ table is that this nearly similtaneous passage of trains over the r~adway is occasioned about 18 tJme~ during eaelf week-day and evemng by trains slopping at Swarthmore alone. There are othe~ times when empty trains re_ turnlOg 10 the railroad yards, express trains that don't stop at ~warthmore, and freights further Increase the danger at this crossing. The majority of trains leave Swarthmore for Philadelphia at 21 and 51 minutes after the hour and come into Swarthmore from Philadelphia at 22 and 52 minutes following the hour. Even if trains are on perfe~t schedule they can hardly miss making the crossing within but a few seconds of each other, since the cross is located about one-half minute east of the station. At similar crossings some railroads have gates, centered by two attendants bearing stop signs in addition to the warning red blinkers which have· been SwarLltmore avenue travelers' only protection. To Mr. and Mrs. Hollenden and to all concerned it can be said: "Swarthmore cares! It looks sorrowfully upon the threat tbat has been so tragically brought to the fore. It will do all in its power to prevent any further accident at this exposed crosSing." The utimate verdict lies with the railroad. - -"I - for vacation ·wA ";244'0 make mid.wiDtetpaJlll_ easier. 471,000.00 188,342.88 1,258,574.83 Total Liabilities 1,917,917.71 ASSETS .IN SINKING FUNDS AS OF 7-5-54-NONE Published by Order of the, Board of School Directors DONALD P. JONES, President ·MARY S. SPILLER, Secretary SW6-4742,· ~ ,p&;niePI"~ $1,917,917.71 Total Assets Liabilities Outstanding Bon!'!s Accounts Payable Assets in Excess of Liabilities 200 w. ·Ricil. ,. 205,834.82 3,285.81 290.10 1,708,506.98 STRA.TH, HA.VEN INN PAINTING and CARPENTRY Summer 'Pupil Killed At Railroad Cr'rI..,~~:jnt (Continued from Page I) 1401 Ridley Aven. . and power, sharPened· and reSWarthmore 6-8761 paired. REELS HARP Mower Servic.... SWarthmore 6-4100. Rennie Renshaw and George Stauffer. I f~~~====E~==~ FOR . RENT H FOR RENT - Swarthmore unfurnished 3rd .1I00r 'apartment and garage, a,'allable Sept 1st . G1dters suitable business couple. SWarth~ Roofiag Air eoadltfonlng FOR SALE _ Upholstery and slip more 6-6236 if no answer MIdcover cloth at less than whole- way 2-0947. , , , HeaHiag sale price. Sharon HIll 0734. FOI.l RENT, - One m,onth, fur011.. ~ - barnel'l FO~ SALE _ Top quaUty toprushed third. floor apartlilent, . ,.' . SOli, $10.00 load. Call Warren ftve rooms, two ·baths, SwarthPierce, SWarthmore 6-2078. more station and bus. Phone :fOR SALE _ Kitchen drop leaf SWarthmore 6-6142 after 6 p.m. table $3.50. Toy box and seat FOR RENT-Duplex, Media; real$1.50. Mahogany bureau with mlr- . ly beautiful ~p!,cious ftrst floor:I",,.6-074O ror $8. Call SWarthn)ore 6-S0liO ..liylng r,,!,m, dlOlOg room, 2 bedWANTED·: ',rQ'Oms~. tile ba~,flrepIace, cedar . ... , Illbse~ .modern kitchen.. dlshwashWANTED _ Woman desires days er; clothes washer. Garage. Near .. , . work Monday or Tuesday. Iron- transportation. Beautiful lawn and 109 or cleaning just the month of woods. Adults. $145. MEdia 6Au~. ~ CHl\Ster ,3-~837. CIIIl 1870 and MEdia 6-0153. after 6 p.m. ... '.. . . FOR ..RENT. - Nicely furnished y WANTED _ Swarthmore CoUeg,e '.~ room, ,:foi", YO)!ni man. , '.~ld"Y Part . ri=aduate, young attorney· mlU'~' Alr,Y.,. vate-1tom~,1l9Y1lle Ave, three children, returriliig to nue, SWarthmOre 6-41i9. . . scl1001 for advanced degree de. LOST siri!s to rent three-bedrOoU: un Aat.orlzecl.Dldriblifors ~Ished house, Swarthmore vici: ~ST - A pair of bi-focal glasses' ruty, for period September. 1 1954 in shell frames. Finder please for to Do:cember 31, 1955. Qul';t, re- call SWarthmore 6-6638. ~l1S,lble, best references. Box 0, LOST - Inch-sized, mottled aqua, ,. e Swartlunorean.. ..... . arrow:sha~ braceI.et stone "ISilwlt 'in The ·Swartbmorean" ATuesdayceallvenll\g ~vicblitt6-1808. Park • v,enue. SWarthmore INSTALL~~~ ; TIl. Floors Plastic Tile Moden• llte.ens = . washer.. Like new SWarthmore PERSONAL - ;; .Samuel D. Clyde 51- J. Edward Clyde Po . :.tIIIIUIIIIIIllIllIiIllHnlDllIIlIIIIIIIIUlUIIIUIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUmIDlIIIODlUlUlUHItHllmna'_WII.I"e"i b adthwelling, four bedrooms, 2 s, large lot. Immediate posession, ~lce4 fllr quick 'I8le. Telephone SWarthmore 6·4653. FOR SALE _ Full sIZed ping po!,g table, Encyclopedia Brlta~'c~ . purchased new 1941. SWarthmore 6~7479. FOR SALE - Dr Scholl's shoes . HOUSE HEATING NOW! 7~B never worn. Paid $18, will ~~~. reasonably SWarthniore 6,. EDWARD G. CHIPMAN· AND SON GfN·II'·' COmA-OR . . . . . . . .' I ::!!f~I::;e: ::w:=:: ~;;~t::!~~;i.d,5. C&=;lf=============~ FOR SALE - Registered' pedl': .....191 4,42" i!iI .. greed black cocker spanlal. 6 5 month old female, from a long line _ 045f 47w• inners. $40. KIngswood 3-. Samue,l D. C.. lyde. J.r. :; . George Plowman 5=_ . - Swarthmore, single _ FOR . SALE 3-614. ~ .! 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER iii = WANy'iD WANTED-Mother of seven must get six ready for school, desires gift of pedal type sewing machine. Pho MEdl 60860 ne a •. WANTED - Second hand F.MA.M. player. radio with Webster 8 speed record Tone and condition -~~ANN--.~UAL---S-T--NT-E---ENT--OFnm~~BB;T~NE~8;S~A8~O~F;;1.~5:.M~--~~TH~E~S~W~A~R~THM~~O~RE~AN~----__--------~-- AlIP't 6, 1954. ;, .• ftC _-----It! ....39 .. ... .. Swnrthnore Collegr Idbrary Svrarthmore .~\' THE SW AnTlIl\lOlU';,\~\' Paae 8 end as guests of Barbara Kent of Rutgers avenue on Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kent's cabin cruIser the "Able Minnie V.' on the Chesapeake River. Robert Clothier Jr•• Is spending the summer as a life guard at Paupac Club near Buck· Hlll before eritering Dartmouth College in the fall. Private Lyman A. Darllng. Jr.• and his ·brother. John. traveled to New York last week to visit their Aunt and Uncle Mr. and Mrs, Frailk Suchanee of Brooklyn. N.Y. Following their visit there they visited Mr. and Mrs. Sturgess Darling at Hastings-an-Hudson. NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson of Fairview road will leave tomorrow for South Bend. Ind. where Mr. Johnson has accepted a position with the Bendix A viatlon Corporation in the Guided MIssile Division. The Misses Pat and Polly Told of Park avenue spent last week- 20% DISCOUNT on Imprinted Christmas Cards , ·J1NGLE .We have ping-pong ballstennis balls golf balls and such t Also maw add things Which at times you want much. Ordered During August RegulaT film. CotoTFilm. Also fast 24 hOUT delle loping .eroice; CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE SW 6-0586 Aupet 6, 1954 - for the past few weeks, : Mrs: H. Lindley Peel's sister-in. A farewell parly given FrIday law. Mrs. Cralg' LipplncoU 01 by the leader and helpers made Plainfield. N.J.• her daughter. Mrs the day a memorabl~ one for the Richard Lang and son Ricky . ~oungsters. A speCIal treat at . ais<. cookle time Included lemonade of Plainfi~ld. motored to Swar!h. and cup cakes and all agreed that more Tuesday for a days Visit It Was a happy ending to an in- with the Peels at their home on terestlitg six weeks. C~lumblaavenue. SRA Teams Vie for Final Top l-lo.!1ors (Continued from Page 1) jecls. The SRA magazines. for which they had made original paste-on covers. were distributed at the conclusion of the program. u'ln Slap CIrelli! The pre - klndergaten group made circus wagons from abcleboxes and filled them with a variety of circus animals. Animal pictures pasted on construction paper along with original. handdrawn pictures also decorate4 the room walls. To add even more to the "Big Top" atmosphere. the distributed about the room circus posters given them by the Sealtest Dairy Company. On Thursday, one would have thought that the circus had really come to town, which. in fact, it did at least for the pre-kindergarteners. The· group arrived at school transformed into clowns, bare-back riders t gypsies, cowboys. balloon sellers and Indians. A large circus parade formed and marched at 10 a.m. to a vigorous Nc.w, 01 you 100% NYLON PWSH CARPET, 12 colors, 12' and 15' widths, $15.00 sq. yd. 100 % RAYON PLUSH CARPET, 18 colors, widths to 15', $B-$10-$13 100% SPRINGLOOP CARPET, 12 colors, widths to 15', $B.OO sq. yd. 100% COTTON PLUSH CARPET, Bcolors,widths to 15', $5-$6-$7 SPRINGFIELD WATER ----- c_ ,Ire 04.."'11. Fomll, Only a for a Who,. DaY- DI... a Da, . Supply PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY s. t.r~q , '.. :7,',11'1" t'lOl ']I, (PA"'~()" & CDm~~! ....... c:arpeda ' • Complete SIse lWt.......e. . . . . . . . lOOP,,,, Ave. SwarthlllOl'e, P.. SWarthmore 6-6000 . time drinks, you apprecIatemont than ever - the sparkling purity of Spough was the final reMr. and Mrs. H. Llndiey Peel of current expenditures. $82.036.31 ,Russian delegation arrived too quest. The Rotary Resolution arrived 107 Columbia avenue whose son' Thornton to Help Minister, for debt service~ and $227.123.98 late. after Council had· already taken Craig is also a s e n i o r . . . Mrs. Nicely Will . for capital ouUay. -The convention. after 14 days action in. the direction sought, at Goran is from a southern S w e - · 8otII'eeIo of Income of study and de1l»eration, adopton August 2. dish country town. TollarP. where . Lead Music . According to the report this ed 10 articles. They neutralized a meeting A letter from Harlan Jessup of his education has emphasized . Last Sunday. the congregation money was derived from a num- the wounded and. invalId soldier.. mathematics. physics and lanof sources of which the bond personnel and material necessary Haverford avenue as ·pub1lshed in last week's Swarthmorean. also ·guages. including En........ _11_" German of the Swarthmore Methodist ber issue loan of $402.190.39 was the for their care and treatment. and French. He plays a clarinet Church welcomed two new per- largest. The total receipts were The group also adopted a unI- requesting that the RaIlroad be required to !nstall crossing gates. in the school orchestra. He has an sons to the church ~. At the $878.406.71. Property taxes ac- form flag - the Red Crosa _. for was received. older brother and his father Is close of the service. Mrs. H. Miller counted for 32 per cent. of tbIs all neutral hospitals. ambulances in the house painting· business. Crist. chalrtrum of the Music afnount .wlth $240.400,31 from and parties engaged In caring for Stod:r l\IeasurM His grandparents have lived ill Committee. introduced Mrs. Dan- current property taxes. $5.028.09 !be sick and wounded. • Borough Fllthers continued conthe United Sta tea f or a b aut 19 from delinquent pr~"'" taxes. ·... h will u . . . . . ., centratlon on safety measures at G N Ice..,.. w a years and . his great serve as and $16.097.75 from the 1 per cent LOCAL LWV. SETS . grandparents . , lel • , . . Monday evening's session. Sldewere .American citizens. Goran. OrganIst-DIrector of· Music. suc- property transfer tax. In ·addition. school matks put him well into PROGRAM· 'SCHEDULE g Ruth Bu.--kholder, The $40.644 was received from the the upper quarter of .his class and latter. having received her Master. $15 per capita tax. Current propProgram topics and meeting tween MarIetta and Strath Haven his hobbles arepbDtography and at Music Degree at Westminster arty taxes were collected in the dales of the Swarthmore LelillUe avenues. and on the BOUth llide· of ~mmlng. _ . . . . ,. ' , . . . . amount. of 97 per cent of the total f W . V ters f th min Sir th H fro R _~.. _ H me and· SCbool·ChciIrCollege. has accepted a . ,_. ., ood 1- 0 omen 0.. or e eo g a aven avenue m utS w......... o~o ....' .. _ . levy which Is ~. Very g co., year have been· announc~. As gars to Westminster avenues tor • Asaoclatlon. ,Is, ~~!!.'!!!n_,. ~e ar- poslt!o~ .. as, f4Inlster of MllBicJ~ :1tQtl~.~~•. ' ...•. ,' _.. . . . ' ·i1Chiiduie.t now ·'alI· ii)~ WIll~ ;th.-p..tectIop.Df ~ attaDd~g~IJlI!Il~' forGo~'s stay ~ .(J£osstI."o~te, Mich..: -. ··.The nextIargest source,·of in: beheld at the Wi.ittlerH"Us~. J . in.. the expanded· Rutgera Avenue swlirthmoie. Parents of the ":e Mrs. Nicely•. a junior at West- come wu the tuition of non-reslThe season WID begln'with Elem~tary SchooL Parking on c!eDts coming to, this countr». n minster Choir" College. and a dent PlIPlls which amounted to evening mecllng. Monruiy. 8ep_ Dartmouth avenu!' was ba11cDed expected tb pay transpl)rtatio $'18.683.85•. The State approprla- te her 20 t 8 "The UnIted for· a distance of· 75 feet east and eOsts to this country and provide major in Organ. will carry the tion Is the- amount of $48.775.60 N:UOns" ~~ bep:e topic of the west of the Princeton avenue inspending money when"ver they broad range of choral work. pro- was up $10.893.30 from last year. h ded b Mrs Vin - tersei:tion used by pupils of the are able. Tbe average additional gramming and instruction that The balance at the beginning of prof~' thbea F Y turin • ~ College Avenue SchooL In addition a suggestion by cost per student over and above has characterized the . music of the year was $45.361.29 which in- ::"tingals a ~;";":t: sou:d film. the amount pald by parents is the church during the past year. eluded reserve o~ $40.000 for "World Without End" followed by Councilman J. Roy Caroll that a $650. Thill. amount cdio.vers trans. al' f tlnseachers' swnmemirsalaries anMisd ftreel a discussion led by Dr. Frances R. survey of the town to determine portation an!i spen ng }DOney She will qontinue the tr nmg 0 urance pre ums. . c - Fussell where other sidewalks might be deficits. 'U,S. travel. a 30-day the three choirs· the cherub. laneous sources accounted for $1._ Mrs. 'Wllliam C. McDermott will needed for the publlc's safety. was sight-seeing bus trip. health and junior and chanceL . 194.53. have charge of the October 15 followed. The highway committee Mrs. Nicely, who before her reAs.. 001 Value program to be held at 1 p.rn. was commissioned to lead such a accident Insurance. field trips. arThe assessed value Qf real estate "Voters Service"· wlll be the topic survey. rival. and departure expenses and cent marriage was Ruth Eleanor other admlnlstration expenses, against which the 35 tax was of thiS meeting. Harry Wood reported a ~P"esThe families with· whom-Goran Christman. Is a native . I J of Kutzd levied·· was -$6.910.340. This is Mrs. Phll1ip Allen. Jr.• and Mrs. tlon had beeilmade to Springfield ' will stay are providing his room. town Pa. Mr. Nice y. a une gra -. about 28 per cent of the market Carl BarusWl11 head the Novem- that the"'Wwnship. complete the board anp. incidentals. The school uate from Westminster Cliolr Col~ ~alue of the taxabie ~roperty in ber study and discuss the Penn- sidewalk -&.1 Its .iiest side of board has granted his attendance lege. has begun service with the Swarthmore. as reported by the sylvania State Constitution. Swarthmore· avenue between at Swarthmore High School so United States ArmY. State Tax Equalization Board. "Schools and Taxes" wlll be Dartmouth Circle and Yale. avlong as he is living in the BorAlso at the close of Sund"y's . The total ~ditures of the discussed at the next meeting enue. but that Springfield was not ough, service. Dr. Alfred IJ.. WJlllams. School District are distributed in which is sched~ for January interested'in so doing. John W. Carroll. president of chalrman of the Pastoral Relations .!lght departments. Six ·of these 21. 8:15 p.rn. with Amy Howland The POnce. report for July dethe Home and School association. Committee. and Mrs. Williams In-· are designated items of current in charge of ilie program. noted considerable activity on the states that this undertaking will traduced to the congregation Mr. expense and Include the followMrs. Thomas Casey and Mrs. part of the ,local Force in appreprove of major value to the stu~ ·ahd Mrs. P. Edward Thornton. Jr.. ing: Fussell are arranging for an addi- hending speeding and reckless dents of Swarthmore HIgh School of Chester. Mr. Thornton. attend(A) General Control. ,10.525.56; tiona! program in January. Plans drivers within the Borough. and will. as It Is multiplied over Ing Crazer Theological Seminary (B) Instruction. $275.487.78; (C) are underway to have a joint TWelve persons were brought 300 times throughout the country. there will be Assistant Minister. AuxilIary Agencies. $9.336.75; (D) meeting with. the swarthmore before magistrates for motor vebe an important means for sprea~- suc~ the Rev. Mr. John W. Operation of School Plant, $33.- Woman'. Club. A panel discussion hicle code violations during the log the value and worth 'of Demo- LaDey. now serving as MinIster 583.09; (E) Expense!l of Main- on topics in the news wlll fea- month• .13 cases are pending. and cracy to other parts ot the world. of Education in the first Baptist tenance-of School Plant$17,316.31; ture this meeting with six per- 11 convictions were made. "Next summer a Swarthmore Church, Bethesda. MeL (F) Fixed Charies $17.182.21. sons. three from each grouP. parI'llbUo JIeaiiq High School stUdent wlll be eUMr. Tbornton. a native of West All of the above Items are con- tlclpatlng on the paneL Counell fixed August 30 for a eible to return the visit to the Virginia. Is a graduate of Blue- cerned primarily with aspects of Swarthmore high school classes public hearing on the application home of a high school student in field College. Bluefield. Va.• where the Instructional services for chU- will be inviltersburr. • Ie\oeral days last week vlsltIrig rlage. shEde ti n at Lynchburg. delphia. where he is ChIef En- Mrs. -Holden Furber, who is in Fla.. who is here far two 1O:ith . inligious uca 0 charge of the April 18 eveninII' weeks. ·Kr. Conrow will' Spend law their daughters· and sons- - C 11 ge and a lead.... in campus glneer. . . .. . Mr meeting will assist· with il pro-the latter part of the month .vlslt• Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Geisen 0 e This assignment has taken ~ gram about'· "nI'-"' Stales trade ...... his son In Dart.... ' Conn. and' lIIId tile ·'l...o.i. ~. OIl both . . - LIbertIes" is Ills .... claUlhter in- Harrb:OIl, N.Y. beIIr ~..." of w:--~. ---~ and afta1rs. Th u assIstant to Hoot to visit .. ..."Lut"weo!k policies. "IndI~ , . and ~=.~ th~~. WDI su~ ~ : e : : ~d=rva., Qu~ the tople tor tile )lay • -IIDC tbre ftturnlna to J'lcidda In SIp· . ~:ti~ In _ . City. with the junior and or,. ~t,l!l.I~ !II141",*"","~ h~a.ded lI:y1ilrs. ~ Byse. . . telnber. ~ .... · .•~" sct.,ol J01lth feU,owshIP 1P.CiUPf. , . .......... ...... . , .. ... Methodists CaU 2 to Church .Staff 8\,8&7 :"~si~er;f·~.;:! ~~n:: cewnn ::= an mm 3.:';t. .ft_"_ :: .., " m!on, .-. 'HIE - A1J81I8t 13. 1954 11IE SWARTHMOBEAN Pqe2 his brother. The ushers were Mr. Mrs. Earle Jackson MIss PbyUls Kletzlell of South Chester road wu· 'guest of honor Mr. and Mrs. James Egloff reat a surprise mbcelI.aileous shower turned Saturday from a two week Thursday The hostesses , camping trip in the Grand Tetons were Mrs. Walier ilayne of Ogden and Yellowstone N'ational Park to the Strath Haven avenue home avenue and Sue Goldsmith of Wed Sept. 3 of Mrs. Egloff's parents Mr. and Wallingford. The party was held at the home of Sue's parents Mr. Invitations have been issued to Mrs. C. W. Lukens. and Mrs. H. E. Goldsmith. SIier- the weddIng of MIss Joan Leslie MIss Helm Disque and Mr. wood lane. Wallingford Hills. Elling. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gulf 0,1 and Gas Auto LI" B!rterhtl Robert Disque. daughter and son Gerald H. Effing of Lancaster. to of Dr. and ~. R. C. DIsque of Mr. Frederic. Schoff; son of Mr. SEPTEMBER IRIDE ROBERT A TZ~ Owne;' Strath Haven avenue returned and Mrs. Albert L. Schoff of Mr. md Mrs. Herbert Branson Monday from a ten day sailing RUSSELL'S SERYICE Michlgan avenue. cruise from Mystic. Conn.• to Nan- Spackman. Thornbury Farm. West The marriage wlli be solemnizWheel Alignment Motor Tunnp tucket, MaSs. Mr. and Mrs. George Chester. have Issued Invitations ed September 3 at 3 p.m.•. in the Wilkerson. the Dlsque's son"in- for the marrIage of their daughter Swarthmore Methodist Church. law and daughter. of Andora were Miss Kathryn Glauser Spackman The Rey. Wtlllam H. Bollman. OPPOSITI IO.OUGH PARKIN. LOT and Mr. Marvin Verne Andersen. also in the party. SWarthmore 6.0440 Dartmouth &LC!lfa,ette Aves. Jr.• on Saturday. September 4. at pastor of the First Reformed Miss Dorothy V. Harvey of 4:30 o'clock in the Church of the Church of Lancaster will officiate. He will be assisted by the Rev: Welit Chester has been the house Holy Trinity. West Chester. John ·C. Kulp. guest of Polly. Told of Park aveA reception will follow at the nue for several days this week. lI'..rs. David C. Buchanan of home of the bride's parenls. Princeton. N. J. t a classmate of Mr. and Mrs. Graeme G. WhytMiss Effing's will· be matron of law of Cornell avenue entertained FETE BRIDE honor. Miss Jean Jenkins of· EucMr. Paul C. Lisse of Youngstown. lid. Ohio will be junior brides~ Miss Marjorie D. Lang. daughBEAUTY SALON Ohio. last week. Mr. Lisse was maid. Mrs. Burton N. Cox. Jr~ of ter of Mr.' and Mrs. Harry W. one of the contenders in the InCLOSED AUGUST 16t1o FOR VACATION Towson. Md.. sister of the groom ternational Bridge Tournament at Lang of Dickinson avenue. whose and Mrs. Henry L. ~utler of DrexREOPEN AUGUST 30tf0 . marriage to Mr. Lawrence E. Washington. D.C. Drew of Media 'will take place el Hill will be bridesmaids. '. 9 South Chester Road Mr. George N. Queen of PhilaMis s Florence Lucasse of October 2. was guest of honor at Call SWarthmore 6-0476 Princeton avenue. Mrs. John Mc- a dessert and surprise kitchen delphia will serve as best man. Ahee. of Wallingford. and Miss shower last Friday evening given Ushers wlll include Mr. Daniel Mabel Talley of N. Chester road by. Mrs; Fre~rlck A. Patman of Tyawsky of Philadelphia. and Mr. ~=========~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ .................................................. ............ .................... ........... .... .................................. , Burton N.· Cox. Jr.. of Towson. returned home Saturday follow- Princeton aveaue. Md. ing several days of vacation in ReMIss Elling will be given in hoboth Beach. DeL SURPRISE SHOWER marriage by her father. Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones Mls~ Christine S. Ford. daughMrs. Daniel G. Nicely of Kutzand daughter Pat of Elm avenue ter of Mr. an.d Mrs. Henry C. to'Vn. Pa.. wjll play the wedding spent last weekend at Blueberry Ford, of Amherst avenue' was music and Mrs. John M. Shroad Hill, Eaglesmere. where their guest of honor at tea and a sur- of Lancaster will sing. A reception house guests were Mr. and Mrs. prise kitchen shower Wednesday. will be held at the Swarthmore Crawford Lance of Haddonfield. August 11 liiven by ;Jean H. Gal- Woman's Club immediately folSAYE 30 to 50% N.J. and Kay Lanning o{N. Ches- breath; dauj:hter of Mr. and Mrs. lowing the ceremony. ter road. C. Irwin Galbi-eath. Jr.. of BenMIss Elling Is a graduate of Verjamin West avenue. . mont Junior College. Montpl!Her. Mrs. David Mowrey and daughMiss Ford will be. married Scp- Vt.• and. a lDember of the Juni~r ters Cheryl. Linda. and Jan.elle of tembei; 3 to Mt" S. James Eng- League of Lancaster and the JuLoraine. OM'; visited the' Harlan 409 D.mnauth Av........ Jr.. of H8rrisburg at the nior Woman's Club of Swarth.lish. R. JeSsups of Haverford" avenue Trinity Chl!J"ch. for' several days this week. more. She andPatman. recep- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~ tionlst for Is Drsecretary ..Frederlck . Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup Park avenue. POWELL-MULLOY and their daughters Kathy and . Mr. Schoff was graduated from Martha of Haverford.avenue leave The mamilge of Mi1;s Barbara FrIends Central School. Philadelthis weekend for Wallfngford. Vt. Ann Mulloy; daughter of Mr. and phia and Adiniral" Farragut Acawhere they wlll remain until after Mrs.'.H. Merle Mulloy of Wlnd- demy, Toms River. N. J. lie atLabor Day. Carolyn Schott and. Inlf ~e. Media.: to Mr. Arthur tendep Tufts Co}.lege and. Drexel \ ,Jane MacAlpine will be . their' W. P ell. son 01' .Mr. and Mrs. InstitLte,'.ol TdChlifology. He Is A. At ur Powell of M'pylan,· Pa. employea now as a research tech-;I guests for a week. 1. We are moving the whole Shop from 405 took place Saturday afternoon. nlclan lor the. Intemation'al ReMrs. Claire H. Jeglum of Hill- Allgust 7. In the Wallingford Dartmouth Avenue to 6 Park Avenue soon born avenue has returned from a Presbyterian Church:, Wamngford. sistance Company of Philadelphia. The couple will reside at tI4 A two month visit with her ·faD\llY The Rev. John B. Rowland perPark avenue. In Sac City. Iowa. Mrs. Jeglum's formed the ceremony. 2. We also have changed our Black and White . son Carl spent a few days In Sac The bride was escorted by her BIRTHS City before leaving for Pingree father. She wore a gown of chanFilm Service - we now offer the best qualPark SUmmer Forestry Camp. tilly type lace with a scoop neckMr. and Mrs. O. David GIlColorado where he will remain Une and short sleeves and a bou- creest. Colorado Springs. Colo.• ity available all films Fine Grained Deuntil August 21: Mr. and Mrs. Jeg- ffant skirt with an inset of nylon announce the birth of a daugh• lum . will motor to Fort Collins. tuUe at the h!>m to form a short ter. Nancy Susan, on August 3. 'veloped. Colo.. upon Carl's completion of train. Her finger tip veil was at- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest the Forestry School session and taclled to a callot of matching of Vassar avenue and Mr. and visit with. him' for two weeIis. lace and her flowers were white Walter Johnson of Bethesda. Md .• rosebuds and stephanotis with ivy. wlll .accompany them. LLOYD E.KAVFFMAN , , - . . 405 DA..RTMOUTHAYENUE Miss Martha Mulloy•. sister of MRS. 313 Qartmouth Avenne the bride. was maid of bonor. The Swaru..;,ore 8-2080 . :FrI. , to 8:30 Wed. SW·6-4191 b~idesmalds were Miss Joan YerSmlscRIPTIONS Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Reeves ger of Norristown. Mrs. John Por- t'ORALL . Our SALE is still on Ends soon of Elm avenu,," announce. the en- ter of . Media. and Mrs. C. Scott MAGAZINES gagement of their. daughter. MIss Seltzer of Glen Riddle. They all Jean Trainer. Reeves. to Mr., Fred- wore gowns of aqua silk organdy , rt~k N. Feer. Jr. •.son. of Mr. and and white linen picture hats and Mrs._. F. Nicholas. Feerof South carried bouquets of. yell~w. roses. QrI!l}~. N. J. .. garden flowers. and Ivy. .Mi$:i.. Reeves. a~nded East Mr.. John Powell of Highland The ~e High SChool imd ~du­ Park. N,J.• was the best man a~ .frQlD Pine Bluff 'High ~.;"·ho<,l; Ark.. and Berkley School 9ian!c!e: Mr. Feer is a ~duat"" of 'c::OI~bia High School In MapleWoOd. N: .J..and of the st;;VeDS ·Swarthmore.P•• Institute of Technology. AIR CONDITIONED MIss Reevel; 'Isemployed by the School DIstrict Of Swarthmore as will be SEE OUR NEW. LARGE Registrar . B1td Secretary to the WIDE VISioN • Supervising PrincipaL· Mr. Feer CINEMASCOPE SCREEN!!!! is 'a mechsnlcal engineer with the HEAD DVER Im.s & Sat. Piasecki Helicopter' Corporation loy MIlICiId Grace 1["1, in Morton. in trouble. That'. where FOR MURDER" . The wedding wlll take place on . "".)tAL(INMTEcHNICOLOl' you'll 'be If ._oil. i. October 30. '.' accldentall, "Inj"",,aad ..,.,... ••• 1"eIf-' ....al_1 ... ,au are foUDd liable. ... ~I ..... tor . .!lUna Comprell.all •• ........ W. , P.M..... co""'" FROM Penonal ~ PoUq n •• ~" & ....... eveliina. I THE SWARTHMOREAN En",ed ... _--_ _--_ _ -_ _-REMOVAL SALE STARTS TODAY .THE MUSIC BOX • Changes " INGLEN.EUK . COLLEGE THEATHE > FrJ: CLOSED w.,. _ PICTURE fRAMING PORlRAIT S'IUDIO PIfOTOGRAPHlC . SlllPUES .,' RIIIB .. , ' ..... 5...........,...Sts. 6-2176 SAT. NI&HT ......5:... ,-y ..... -~ ONLY~1UlEs WolD M.... & T.s. .of dallan. "1CNIGWiS OF THiidiiCii TAILE" ,,!c~=::r:~ 'i, , ',ir) . .. ':!_ Ft!'e••"Y_m . PETER E. TOLD All u.. of ·I...tane 333 .al h••• I' .Aye. SW.lt .,s 1-1U1 MONDAY. AUGUST 23rd Kalter, January 24. 1929. at the Post ·ACt of :MA1"ch a. 1879. " _ DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWAaTBIIORE, PENNA., AUGUST 13, 19M.' ; Church School begins at 9: 45' ..",.with classes for all ages. At \lie 11 a.m. Morning Worship. ReV. J. Carpenter Zook, membei" af the Philadelphis Annual Conference. wlll be the guest speakUshers for 'the service Will be James Stephens. head usher. assisted by John Flood. Theodore Purnell, George Dunn. Richard SnYder and Warren Crafts. A nursery for children will be supervised by capable women throughout the summer in order that the entire family may worship together. In case of ali emergency need during any summer absence of Mr. KulP. the pastor's secretary. Mrs. Mildred Conner (KIngswood 40868 or WAshburn 8-5609 C8l1 assist hi securing pastoral care. The W.S.C.S. wUl hold a Peach Festival on \be. lawn of the church on Thursday. August 26. A cold dinner wUl be served cafeteria style. • That tru . Sincerely. 11:00 A.M.-M.;eung·, for Worship. All are welcome to attend. MARY B. BLOOM 7:30 P.M.-Monthly Meeting tor (Mrs. Herman M. Bloom) business wlll be held in the · Meeting House. , ~~y,A1IC1III&16 All day sewing for A..I'. S.C. SET OF SIX We4D" u''a-;-; A1IC1III& 11 Ail day sewing for A.F.S.C. Penla .Date' Side Chain FIRST CHURCH OF . CHRIST. SCIENTIST Original Fi~ish - Wooden Seats : About · Will be "Soul." -" OLIVER H. lAIR found.d our organi%ation 7' years ago. The same 'famlly operate. It today. all the of the field shall clap theirtrees hands." An Invitation Is extended to all to attend the services at Firs! Church of Christ. ScIentist. each Sunday at 11 a.m. n;~ ~:r.r·~'!"t:!.::~~inQll TUESDAY~ SEPTEMIIR , . 71.It .. --:-F.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~~~~~~=~ tained Mr. Maass' . mother and grandmother Mrs. George Maass and Mrs. C. Ecchenberger of St. Louis for several days last week before they took their guests to New York where they sailed on The America for Europe. Because Of· the renovations now In progress in Whittier House. Monthly Meeting for Business PRESBYTERIAN NOTES will be held this month In the At the 11 q'clock service the Meeting House on Swiday eveRev. Jolin Schott will use as the ning. August 15 at 7: 30. topic of his sermon.· "The God of Moral Righteousness". a study·Of the prophetic books of the Old BAPTIZED Testament. Little Karen Lynn Manthey. A Church Hour Nursery will daulh'ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas be held during the month 01 Manthey of Virginia. MInn. and August for children .of klnder- her baby cousin LIndley Browngarten age and· under. Kather- .tng Speers. daughter of Mr. and Ine Jessup and Caroline Schott .u . ._ .<0.. A • Dav id M . Speers 0 f .Ya Ie wlll be in charge of this nursery avenue were baptized In the and Will be aVsllable in the nurs- Swarthmore Presbyterian Church ery room. located in the new Sunday morning. buildIng; at 10:45 a.m. . , Th.e music for the Worship Mr. and Mrs. H. LIndley Peel of Columbia . avenue are the Services this Sunday will be pro- babies' grandparents. vliled· by Eugene Roan, organist. and Carol Rawlings. soloist . until Mrs. H.for C. aMabbott ~venue month. of Harvard Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Maass. and CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES family of Cornell avenue enter- METHODIST NOTES . THE CAMERA &HOBBY '.1 SecoIi\l·.CIfs!! ~ce .at Sw~~. ~a.; wider the ; The Bouquet 'A. PETER E. 'fOLD, EcJller ~e "'!tao~ ~ ~!I,ri"Told ~ F. p. ~Urray ~ Lo_rene Mccarter AUTO' REPAIR J. Dartmouth avenue returned Sun- Mrs. Cora Moir at Cape May dsy from a two 'week vacation In Court House. N. J. Dr. Moir wl1l join his family over the weekencL Mr. and Mrs. C. H. W. ioira- New London, "N. H. hwn of Vassar avenue spent last ! Dr.CJ1arles ~. .'.fltoJM8, of weekend at Glenn Summit Springs Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Molr Riverview road at the invitation visiting Mrs. Ingraham's sister a,nd daughters Jlnnle. and Joan of the United Stales Bureau 01 Mrs. Harold Huvlnger. of South Ch~. road sPent las.t MInes .. attended conferences oli weekend in Ocean City. 'Md.• witli Mrs. John D. McNell and her Dr. and Mrs. John S. Plemence Shale' Oil at Laramie. Wyo.• and' sons Rlchsrd and Douglas of and daughters of Washlngion. Rlfte. Colo. August 10 to 13. Manhattan•. Kans.. are visiting D. C. ThIs week Mrs. Moll' and Mrs. McNeil's parents Cot and her daughters wlll spend with .. 1 ..w·n in the Swarilunorean. NEWS NOTES PUBLI8J1E1) EVERY FJUJ)AY AT 8WAaTBIIOBB, PETER L 'fOW, IllAJUOBIE 'fOLD. p.UBUSBEBS PIMlDe SWlII1tml!l"e ....... of Aspen. dsll on August 2. John' Porter•. ~. .Robert Van Colo.. are the infant's grandThe maternal grandparents ~ WInkle. and' &. W~ Mulloy. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulme at brother 01: the bride.' , d Rutgers avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Merrick • 3r. A reception followed at Rolling of Cleveland,.. Ohio announce the -------Green Golf Club. Springfield. birth of II daughter. Laurie Ran_ I saw it In the swarthmore an. . Fete Bride-to.Be Persorw,ls - -"'-' .. Plio ............... W......• _ , _ L.H' ," J.~.,-- ~- .-~- .. , . -- ... ~.--- .- '-~" _.- "" ,... .. ~ • ...... ~ • _._ . . . _...,. -..,':;' ':"0 ~~- 'c>.' .-'," , • Joan McKinnell, daughter of Camp Ellzabeih Borton for two Mr. and Mrs. Matthew MeKinneU weeks. MIss Wanda Mofgan of Sacraof Yale avenue, left last week fot: mento, Callf., formerly of Swarthmore, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin of Rose Valley IBst PIANO TUNING week. Mia!! Morgan was returnlog " ....... _ a l I t _ from an 18 month's trip to Europe, where last winter. she ALlAN PARlER 'Ph_ _ ..._ taught In a girls school In Tours. France. -.....-.-- During August HANNUM & WAITE will be and " $Warthmore 6·1250 WHEN YOU BUILD CONSIDER VALUE Consult Us Without Obligation • SITE SELeCTION •. DESIGN CONSULTATION : • .QUAlt.rY:~!CONSTRUCTION ' . REASON.6:BLE COSTS "Third Generation Builders" REEV~ BUILDING CONSTRUCTlON .HONU IW 6-3450 IW 6-3451 171/2 S. Chester Road . ,I , Type Thla Is a sad story rm tellln' And no lot of bunk that I'm selUn' H I had lois of money I'd surely have Connie Or EdIth or Allce or Helen. Now EdIth as you may have known Was a gal down iii old San Antone But she loved a Van Dusen A man of her choosln' So she married and left me alone. Then Alice. my next secretery I found It was qulte necessary That J leave her behind For I had on my mind The burdens the,new man would carry. AUsU' 13; 1954 ., Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden of Elm avenue spent several dan Jut week ylsittng her daughter and son-In-law. Commander and Mrs. La':""'ence G. Traynor of Lakehurst. N.J. ' . Mr. and Mrs. J. K1nball Barr!. man and SOD.I, J!IY and John frOJn Greerisboro. N.C~ are vlsillnc Mrs. H~'8 'aunt and unc1e, Mr. and Mrs. Harold GoodWIn Of Rose Valley. I , $600 MONTHLY Diluzio· and Sons Shrrtf.. Mia" for 2 1954, Christmas Seal Rece"lved 650 laltlmore 'Ike Springfield, Del. Co., Po. SWartilmore 6-0450 TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES • BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.1 :30 P. M. DININCio ROOMS. aId LOBIY AIR CONDITIONED Elevator STRATH HAVEN INN . And now that J run retired J feel like a man who's been fired Laid up on the shelf I type things myself On a typewriter no one desired. WALTER E. PARROTT. M,r., . -. - . . / . -. ,~ , We jusl wont be underpriced or OUI-traded ! We will make you Ihe deal of your lif. ! - i Don't'Treat BURGLARS ToA Vacation Too!, Of course I can write what J please , But J find that I hit the wrong keys And the words I misspell Make me madder than H-NO ty ist Wo' type p uld liens LIke THEse. CHARLES KURTZHALZ Jane and Joan Jackson. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson of Vassar avenue, ¥e visiting with their aunt Mrs. Wel-. lington Francisco of Bethesda. Md .• at her summer home on Lake Wankewan. near Lake Winnepa"'!auk N.¥-, , Make sure your home, and everything in, it is adequately insured against burglary, theft. fire and other' perils BEFORE 'you leave on your vacation I It costs so little brings great peace' mind. Call SW 6-1833 for details. Fire Insuranc:e All Rlsb Insuranc:e A'c;c:ldent Insuranc:e ee• ,. '..., Mr. and·"Mrs. E. R Mullins (amilyit' ;!foi1h Chester.road returnedt.'!'0¥!IY from P.eachaDi; Vt. where ·.'they.. spen.1 several days visiting. :Mr.: and, Mrs. P. W, Carruth at Elm avenue. ~ .,, Heal" IDlurance \ IE. ~==============================~==== or., LlabllHy Inlura,,~e., " PETER E. TOLD. Agent fOr' . CLOSED for vacation' 20;%' . , ' RE-OPEN MONDAY AUGUST·23RD .GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS • '. First In Service - "" er's, Inc. RUMSEY CHEVROLET t j , -,:.;, ' First In Sales . SWartl""re 6-6130 Theatre ,Square· . " South 'thester Road NORRIS PEANUT BUTTER' 3Se SWIFT·S PREMIUM MAYONNAISE 7Sc qt• Ice Tea Spoon FREE . KRAFT ALL OIL 43e pt., • .Read label and see how to get first pint FREE! NORRIS GREENIES SWEET PEAS 23c 1 I~.,ca. OL, DALMATIAN GLASS 1 ! 11 Packed in a HRLMAN'S in • SUMMER SUITS .' SPORT COATS • SUMMER SLACKS • SPORT SHIRTS • MEN'S SUMMER ROBES , 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE 12 O'CLOCK 'NOO'N AUGUST 14TH , REDU II N i '. MARKET I " - :, Aeha Casualty & Surety Compa~y Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Ransburg of Harvard avenue, accompanied by their daughter' Marion and' her fiance, David Hartney. and Mr. and Mrs. William Piper and daughter peggy Lee. left Monday' for a weeks vacation at Rehoboth Beach. DeL ading iambor•• in ourhistoryl .7b ~"i1c tmdeslUn6eut@ledeulsIAmazindterms/ . FREE ,"'RiliNG. ;- mont. Colo., where she Is teach- stopped to see MIss May parry. Ing physical education. Next they visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood In South Sterling and Miss Virginia Hath' and Miss' then went on to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gertrud Rath of Yale avenue re- Edwin Fsulkner at Buck HIll turned from a motor trip where Falls where Mr. Faulkner Is dlthey visited several of their rectlng tennis for the summer. Swarthmore friends who are vacatlonlng. At Twin Lakes they I saw It In the Swarthmorean. STUDEIA ER SALE OF 5.000 CARS I 5 DAYS FAMILY DINNERS to SUIT ... TAITE .f· nERYONE Yale & Harvard Avenues. Swarthmore. Pa. (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mr~. Hesb,n D. McCray. Jr.• of Cornell avenue are entertaining as their house guest, Mr. W. Shsfer of Ventnor N.J ' • Miss Nancy TLrry of North Chester· road left yesterd!IY for MaIne where she will visit friends. Later, she will motor to Long- OlGA IC 0,. . . A.M. t. , '.M. ------_ ......._-- Th"IS Week' Rotary Urges Gates at FatalRR Crossing Th. biggest CARNS Comforfclble Rooms Day or Week p,. ... 5 SWARTHMomiAN bearing signatures of Vassar and The 1954 Christmas Seals. com- Dickinson avenue neighbors apmemorating the first seal Issued proving her application. 50 years ago In Denmark, were Wil1Iam F. Delehanty. executive 'received this week at the Dela- secretary of the Delaware County ware County Tuberculosis and Chamber of Commerce. Was grant- -----------..:...;....--..:..-~=-:::=--==:....:.::::~-.:..-=::...:.:.::..:::..:===:::=:.... Health Assoclatlon headquarters ed an exception to the building In Chester. code to permit him to erect a The artist Jorgen Han ....n. who three-fC?Ot wire fence the length Is himself a Dane. although he of the property line along the Ii now Uves and works In the Dicklnson avenue side of his home United States, based his seAl de- at Dickinson and Yale avenues. sign on Denmark's traditional, Delehanty requested the excepchristmas Eve celebration when tion on grounds that the fence Is families join hands and dance needed to keep people from tresaround the Christmas trees. passing across his lawn. Across each sheet of the 1954 Council declined to change from Seals dance rows of children residential to business the zoning holding hands among brigbt17 of a lot on the north side of Fair_ lighted trees. The Chrlstmasy view road adjacent to the Fusco effect was achieved by use of Motor Company and Service Sta_ two coordinated Seals. one wlth • a red. and ,the ·other with a green tlon. The change was requested by Murray Loosely who wanted to background. move his beauty salon across the This. golden anniversary seal. street from its present location. At the request of Burgess symbolizing the fight against TB across the world. still costs only the original penny it did fifty Joseph Reynolds the public, propyears ago. As usual. sheets wlll erty committee will study and be mailed tel all residents of the make recommendations of types of county In the' fall. during the as- emergency lighting and racUo powsoclation's . (!Diy , solicitation for er generators which could be ... secured to avert a rectlJ:rence of funds. last month's blackout and loss of LeRoy F. F. 'Wright, of Swarth- police communications when wires more. and, {rank E. Ritter. of iUdley Park. 'Will again serve as were broken during a storm. Borough Secretary Elliott Richds . th . d to d . co-chairman of the seal sale com'tt ar on was au orlZe a vertise rru ee. f b'd . . ,or 1 s for pavmg Drew and Mrs. :aul E. Zecher. Swa~h- I Strath Haven avenues as soon as Studebak.'. dynamic new expan,lon more, WIll continue as education-. agreement with J. F. Blackman is. 'program gels off 10 a flying start with this al director for the sale. and so- I gigantic barglJln sale. s gned and necessary funds are I"t th aid f 100 . I d , , IlClb , led 0 k CIV C kan deposited with the Borough by . We're gMng terrific trad_unbeatable eu ea ers as ey wor ers hO illl throughout the county. 1m and W am A. Clarke. Jr.• deals amazing I. In ordeI'lo sell our anoth,er developer of the area. to , share of 5,000 additional Studebaken In 5 cover cost of the improvement .. days. Mr. James Ca1kii1" of South Chester road returned last weekCallIe In and virtually write your own tidcet. Mr. and Mrs. Irl Duling of end from a two weelts vacation. We guarantee 10 sell you a brond-new 1954 Newlown Square return this Slvdebolcer sedan, sports model or station Mr. and Mrs. John M. Moore week-end from a week's vacation .wagaa at a Hlllafianal cosh savingl and daughter Nony of Whittier, spent at the shore cottage of place returnad Tuesday from a Mrs. DUllng's parents. Mr. and flve week camping and touring Mrs. W. Henry Linton of WaWa. FUSCO MOTOR COMPANY trip in o:>lorado. In Brant Beach, N.J. Chester and fairview Roads SWarthmore' 6-3681 'ormor., lod"". btlef .........1 hldory. all replies COftfld••lol. Out, sal..,.,... hoytl _ Informed of this aeL loa A. L Swarthrnorean. 1'IIE ---~~------~~~~~~--~----------~~~ Florisi elwe•• he I,pe salesmen to ...pretent I.,.. Eo ....... "nande. corpora's.. No tt.vel. Sal.. ........"" end abtl"' dnlrllCl. .,...... lI,heeI ...tld..t. 214 yHrs old. mat· 'led. ws-ble of _"",ln9 nspontlbU· Itles. In feCI.,..Hn. fn ......._ pltaN Then Connie. the last of them all A girl who was English and 'tall A wonderful worker And. never a shirker Always ready to answer my call. Closed Sat. at 12 Noon HORACE A. O.LeaI'llI.,1o And Helen was handed me down By my late friend and boss Harvey Brown I hated to lose her But I had to use her For Se!,l sale which brought her renown. Open Wed. Afternoons Chester Road & Yale Avenlle - ,," RIB ROAST . Ib'S3C CROSSE &BLACKWELL CR,EME RATH·S 'PORK SHOULDER BUTTS/b 7ge OSCAR MAYER·S .Ib WEINERS 4ge MUSHROOM BISQUE 2 13-oz can~ 49c KRAn's DAIRY FRESH '. ARMOUR·S STAR S,lieed Spiced LUNCHEON MEAT EXTRA FAt-;lCY LOCAL TOMATOES • 2 'bs 2S • - CALIFORNIA CANTALOPES 2/or3ge CASHMERE BOUQUET TOILET SOAP BATH SIZE 2~r Igc LARGE' CALIFORNIA GREEN Lf;lTUCE C CARAMELS I., Iii pkg. 2Sc Head 1ge MEDIUM SIZE 3 for 19c • _-----,---!2TBE~~~~~-:-----..-.-=----=~I --....;~~~ Page 6 J .... I.., RopO ... d , Ph ••• , SW 6-4216 EMIL SPIES , W. tc•••••r _..:Mr=. Fonnerlyof F. C. lode a SoDs fine Wotch end CloU Cellar Walls Re-Plastered oe ~. 4e' W.• b ween pare.uel lin" Call SWarthmore 6-1528. nity, for period September I-t. 1954 at rt. angles to Pine Bel. "10' to ""nte' to December 31, 1955. Qule" rePho.. Swarthmore 6-2526 lIDe of a certain 4' wide alloy. LOST - Grey and white cat, dark sponslble, best references. Box 0, Swarthmore 6-2253 Being Lot No. 6l-HoU&O No. 1000 spot on nose. Disappeared from 'rhe Swarthmorean. Pine Road. vicinity of Walnut Lane August TOG1!i1BERwltb the uae of alley. 9. Reward. SWarthmore 6-2242. WANTED - Used refrigerator, _ _ _ _ __ : _ - - - - - - . , subject to'l>,opovttonate expense of good condition. Call SWarth- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m ~ , upl<lth Bender. and Eddie Eckenholl of tern Is held inadequate protection RichardSon. who took top honors the Paul Bunyan Patrol; Bob and the Borough's desire for aut~In ang1lng; the nature team: Bob Hudgins. David DePue. Rich mati,!' gates Is set forth. Beckmann, Seth Singleton, George Kent. Larry' mddle' and Billy Following Wednesday's meeting Gilmore. Jay Lord. and Rich Biddie 'of the Bat Patrol; AssIst- Mr. Hopper said. "Although nothKent; the campcraft team: Bob ant Patrol Leader Jonnie Seybo'd, . ., 109 definite was decided at this Warden. and Dick Mills', and the George Gilmour. and Dan H-..... ...u~ preliminary meeting. the railroad waterfront crew: Bill Warden. of the Wolf Patrol.' Leader Burke . apparently appreclates the probSeth Singleton. Keith Richardson•.Jackson. Sldppe'r Bema,rd.' and lem and we expect' to meet again Bob Hudgins and Fred Keller- Saul' Schwartzman of th'e Eagle in a couple of weeks." mann. Patrol; and Patrol Leader Dick Leadership COline Mills and Marty Franck of the deep impressions in carpet which are hard to get out. SOFT AS SILK Changing furniture about in the room helps to equalize wear in carpet. ~MlSOM. vComge?l! • N.C. I "eC jhei __ " , _ . , lao N A.... S.all,. . . Pa. SWarthm..... 6-6000 (pIA ..'"'''' • ZS SS1 '.,...... IIl. ..... \ , KARA-LON SHRUGS For that luxurious feeling •.• these beautiful Kara-lon shrugs ceme in 10veIy ah&des of light blue. pink, and white, also. SIzes small, Swarthmore scouts also did well In the camp lea'aership training courses. In which the boys ,are :~~ps.dO ,jobs as leaders in S.9S .SPORTSWEAR - SECOND R.OOR '3.50 PER YEAR Exchange Sept. 21. 22. 24 Dates for the eagerly awaited Fall Mutual Exchange of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore have been set for September 21. 22. and 24. according to the announcement of Mrs., Robert A. Boyle. general chairman. The Exchange Is run by the Woman's Ciub as a community service. It benefits not only the conslgners (some have cleared as much as $85 in one Exchange). but it Is a boon to effielent' housekeepers who welcome the chance to pass on clean and usable goods and make room for Methodists Begin Interior Projects Church Interior Must Enlarge Due to Growth RatUesnake Patrol; 'Senior Patrol Leader Sen> Singleton and Sven Borel represented Troup 3 'at camp. Troop 2 Benny EchenIioll 1IIId George Troup 2 has now resumed Its 'Gilmour were trained as campfire regular 7:00 o'clock Wednesday Iuid'game'leaJlerS; Seth:SIn;ietlm' evenlng,meetlngs at the Swarth" and Sven Borel as aquatics dlrecPresbyterian ,Church.; The tors. Bob Beckmann and Rich troup plans an active program of Kent as nature directors. John camping and hiking trips for the Thurman and David Shute '8S.comIng year and invitas all health and safety directors Swarthm~re boys who are loJohnny Seybold and David terested to join In these and maoy Pue as handicraft directors. Pete other activities. Walsh and Dick Mills as b1kemotorized valves,_ dividing tile masters. Skipper Bernard and plant .into three separately conEddie Eckenholl as buglers. Bill, Neighbor Flower Show Kick-off S'arbecue Thurs. trolled units. and Bob Warden as explorer T The ,Fourth Annual Flower Departure Precedes scout field sport directors. and Show, of the Piile Ridge Gaiden KAPPA HOSTESS For Comp Rich Kent as quartermaster. Club will be open to the public Merit Bac4es Colonel Howard' ~. Fair. of from 3-S'and 7-8:30 p.m.'1n the Mrs. Frederick S. Wood of West The scouts did particularly well Unionville. Pa.. will be guest Wallingford Grade School CafeTraining lor the 1954 football Chester. president of the Beta In the eanrlng of, merit badges; speaker at the Swartlimore Rotary teria on, September 11. season will get under way at 9:30 Iota Alumnae Association of Kapmany of which very difficult luncheon today. His subject will Classes for children. which In- neXt Thursday morning wben pa Kappa Gamma sorority. reto obtain. Camping merit badge. be "Arena Polo." clude an arrangentent, of flowers candidates for the Swarthmore cenUy entertained the executive for example. requires among other This type game eyolved from In a salt shaker.' an arrangement High School team will report at board, members at a three day things that a scout have camped the old Indoor polo, for a time of wild flowers and grasses suit- Rutgers SchooL for their physical house-party. The party was held In the "open at least 50 days and called' indoor-outdoor polo. was able for a kitchen WindOW-sill In examination and Initial workout. at Mrs. Wood's summer cottage. nights. while 101' the hiking mertt brought along mainly by Stewart a painted six ounce frozen julce Practice sessions will folloW on "Woodbrhik", Lake Wallenpaubadge a scout must take five ten Iglehart. Michael phipps. George can and an arrangement for, a Fridsy and Saturday and at 1 pack in the Pocono Mountains. mile hikes and one 20 mile hike. Oliver and John Ivory In Detroit breeakfast tray." IU~, exciting con- o'clock 'Sunday afternoon the Those attending were Mrs. John Thurman led the scouts of and In the Orange Bowlin Miami. sI~e~ble commen~: lor their s1m- squad will leave for Y.M.C.A. Sewell W. Hodge. Mrs. Walter R. , Troup' 2 by earning five merit It Is now being successfullY played pliClty, and creative outlet. , Camp Lookout at Downingtown Shoemaker. Mrs. Ollver G. Swan. Mrs. Milton H; Fussell and Mrs. badges during the two week stay by the Brandywine Polo AssociaMrs. is in Coach MIllard ,P. Robinson In camp-athietics. swimming. tion at its new headquarters at charge of stagmg. 14r•. 'E. Fu.lI~r- pects 40 hoys to make the trip to Charles S. Schrader of S-warthpioneering. first aid. 'and cooking. Toughkenamon. Pa.. on Route 1 ton COOk. of educati°nalexhiblts. camp. accompanied by himself more; Mrs. Robert H. Dunn of . badg Mrs. Orrin Elliott ,co-chairman of • • es south of Kennett Square. t1 d M """"d K ASSJStant Coach Walter Hall. Jr.• Lansdowne; Mrs. 'Lynmar Brock D aVId Shute earned merit In athletics, life saving. ploneerC~lonel Fair Is a high ranking reserva ons. an rs. ~~J e~. Trainer John "Shorty" Wilmore of Newtown Square; Mrs. Howard lng. and hiking; Jily Lord In cook- player of the Brandywine Polo Mrs. T. G. 'Reynolds general chatr- and Waldo· "Dr. Ripper" Davl- B. Stelgelman and Mrs. Norman lng. first ald. pioneering. and Association. His high scoring and men. son. friend and counsellor of many H. Winde of Media; Mrs. William biking; Bob Hudgins In basketry. fast riding ahillty has made him ' Swarthmore High teams. The E. Geboe of Ridley Township. cooking. first ald and fishing; Bob a very popular player with the Suff~rs Injury squad will return from camp FrlTO ENGLAND POST Beckmann in basketry. cooking. Brandywine fans. He lives at Mrs,' Joseph Pickin of Grace day. September 3. and on the 101fishing and leatherwork. Unionville. Pa.. and has a polo Park Is sufterlng from a back in- lowing TUesday will begin IntenKelth Richardson was awarded record extending back to 1924 jury sustained. wl!\le riding horse slve training for the season's openMr. and Mrs. E. H. Lee Bauer merit badges In athletics. pioneer- when be rode with the Royal back at the farm of her parents er with Darby. September 24. of Riverview road and children. lng and fishing; Jim Robinson In Home Artillery. British ArmY. in Hendersonville. S.C. The third annual klck-olf barn- Carol LeAnn 9. and Garrick 4. athletics. pioneering. and life sav- and often played along"slde Lord Mr. and Mrs. Pickin and their ecue. which has become a popular, sail for Europe August 27. on the Ing; David DePue In cooking. flsh- Louis Montbatten. then in the son. Jay. had traveled to South opening feature of the football S. S. America to reside in DufIng. and first ald; Pete Walsh In Royal Navy. He has played with Carollna to vacation with Mrs. season. will be held at Belfield·s. field. Derbyshire. England for a leatherwork. fishing and camping; Montreal Polo Club. ,Canada, at Pickin's parents on their farm. beginning about 6:15 n.,.t Thurs- year. Burke Jackson In basketry. swim- Meadow ,Brook (W.) and In Although Mrs. P1ckln was not day evening. Parents and friends Mr. Bauer. who is employed mIng. and cooking; Marty Franck many international matches. 'thrOwn from her horse, she suft- of the boys on the squad are In- with the Aviation Gas Turblna In 8rst ald, cooldng. and basketry; Managed and coached Phlladel- ered thelnjurj when her horse vited to attend and get acqualnt- Division of Westioghouse Electric Eckenholl In athletics and phla Polo at Philadelphia Country jumped a fence. Several verte- ad. ' Corporation LestEr, Pii.• wlll eom.. mence his recent appointment as bugling; Dick Mi11s in b'asketrY Club. Penllyn and Bryn Mawr brae In her back were crushed BOd eookina; Fred Kellermann In from '36 to '39 when he went and she Is now at Ashville HosMr. and Mrs. Avery F. Blake SenIor Westinghouse representa6rst aid and basketry; Bich Kent overseas with the Canadian Ar- pita!, N.c.. In a back brace. and their daughter. Pat of Am- tlve at Rolls Royce. LImited In In fishing and cooking; Eddie tillery. Colonel !'air will be preFrIends who wish to write to hent avenue entertained three of Derby, Entiiand. .' Eckenboff In ftrst aid and basket- sented by George C. Salmons. Mrs P.Ickin may do so by sending Pat's friends at a week-end part,y Upon their return to the United l'y; DIrck Bass m lint aid; chairman, this week's luncheon ~ her parents "lito will for- on their boat In Ship Bottom, N.J. States· the Bauers will reside In Skipper Bernard In swimm1nl; meeJ:lnl. eIr ward it. The address Is: Mrs. Guests Included: Sara Cronin of ~!!DA' City where the main aeBOd In a OIIe Wf!* In camP, Swarthmore :at- Joseph Pickln" clo Mrs. ..... L. Aberdeen, MeL, PhUIp swayne tlvity of tile Weetlnllhouse AvlaJ~ ~bold; eamed Ant aid RotarY-ADDs are ~ T~ AnderS. 201 Price Strat, Hellder- and 0rvIDe Wrilht, Jr~' pi tIon 0 .. TurbIne DlvisloD Is now BOd awIlN111nl merit bacIPstend t2le polo a , soavlUe. S. c. .swu1hJnore. beIDa _riidatecl. ,~ ScOIlts, ~ WadeD (contfmled lID 1'IIC8 6) tim,. more' "ne-: CO.I' Howar 'd C. F31"r H. S. Squad Starts Football Training R0tary,Speaker 10day" are Wi11la~, ~!,Ier ~ mall , medium and large. Flowerless Construction has begun on the first phase of an extensive remodellng progr~m In the Swarthmore Methodist Church. Park avenue . according to announcement by the Building Committee of the church. Last week work began on a new pastor's study and church office Installation. Norman Hulme 139 Rutgers more. As was true of the Spring avenue is the architect and since Exchange. there will be no pre- his first blueprints covered this view or sale for clubmember phase and part of this addition workers. Nothing will be sold was memorialized before the before 9 a.m. on Wednesday. building fund canvas last winter. September 22. although there the committee thought it wise and will be considerable eyeing and economical to begin this project as yearning as goo¢! for exchange soon as possible. . are brought to the Club on Eventually as plans become Tuesday. September 21. lrom available and contracts are 9: 30 a.m. until 3: 45 p.m. Set- awarded the entire structure wlll tlement will be on Friday. be remodelled inside. increasing September 24 from 9 a.m. unll 1 ' the total church school facillties p.m. Long experience h8Il by more than 100 per cent. Recent shown 1 that winter clothing Increases in church school enrollmoves Ex- ment and In church membership h haster t h In hthe Fall ' cgenerall' ange u d ouse I bl old goods11 are have necessitated this enlarge' y es we .... ment. It Is stated by church toy hi h hra e as timel s Iw N c ave a ess officials. ,t. h appea . a s oes. hats.· at New departmental space will be pocketbooks wl11 be accepted for created in the gymnssium. The · IDENS' SCREEN exchange. All articles must be ' W cleaned and 'In good repair. church parlor will be relocated By a unarilmous decision of and furnished as a multipurpose Th e Callege Thea tre has recent • )y installed., a new-large. silver the large and Iiardworked cluh- room. The liltchen will be relocaiClnemaScop~, screen. one of the members who plan the Ex- ed. enlarged. and re-equipped. most mode*, , available ,at ,the' change and man Its hours of Special attention Is being given to present ,All CinemaScope, labor. thO! Club will' not be re- needed facillties for an adequate pictures are,tlImed with a wide-. ,sponslble for goods left after youth and college program: .n~gle lens ap.d when,pro,iectedon ',th,e fin, al seitleme,nt on FrIday. ,Scbed,uled to be completed thIS Oili.., new sq-een; 'g1_'the'villWer ',the 24th. All ioods then' r0- mOnth.lB. the il!sta1l~tlon of Ii new. a depth prospective, feeling. ,malning will be !ilv!iiito: chlirI~ , oversize oil - fired steam boiler. "We will endeavor to show the 'ties. ' " ' This contract. which, was awarded last week, will complete the modfinest In motion picture entertalnernizing of the .heatlog plant ment". says Merrill Joire. manwhich began last winter with the ager. "Don't miss the great proInstallation of economizing sec_ ductions coming to this theatre tionallzed heating by. automatic soon!" 'Bil-ck Moving furniture even an inch prevents For The SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20,1954 VOLUME 26-NUMBER 34 ' Sunny Brae Orchards P~ultry rHE SWARTHMOR For The Boy Scout Troops 2, 3 Earn Distinctive Boro Talks With R.R. Fall Honors in Latest Delmont Encampment Regarding Gates DRUG STORB 8W 8-0588 , Eggs • Flowers , Flowers .JINGLE Afr~oltdHlo"flt' for Yo.,. Sioppfll, Comfort FVNBRAL HOMB BtchtftD y...... BxperIenee • BWARTHMOBa (;QLLF.GE -l avenue. Miss Ruth M. Cole ,of Sala(Continued from Page 1) manca. N.Y.• will arrive today to by the large margin of assets over spend a week with her sister. liabilltles. The total asilets of the Mrs. Warren R. GodfreY of Vasdistrict are $1.935.537.73 of, which sar avenue. " a million and a half \'tonus are for school buildings and sites. On , this property the school district carries a total of $1.314.800 of fire insurance. The balance on hand covers the reserve to pay these contractual obligations. The balance at the All orders for eoal must be end of the year was $205.834.82. ' placed with the dealers this week , I. The net per pupils cost to tIj.e by order of the Unlted States Government. Those failing to re- school district last/year In the eleport may ,have to go without next mentary '!Chool was $250 and the high school $402 per pupil.' The winter. average' teachers' salary was $4,120. Prof. Roy B. Pace. Assistant The borough auditors are at Professor of Edgllsh at Swarth- present making a complete annual more College. has enlisted In the audit of the school accounts which Y.M.C.A. service for one year In ineludes not only the school disthe French Army. trict's accounts but those of the Student Treasury and the Cafeteria funds as welL A report of Three canoes at Strath Haven findings wll be prepared and subInn were stolen last week. Chief mitted to the Board In the near Sweeney found two at Eddystone future. and the other was shipped by express down In Pennsylvania and will be recovered; The two men NEWS NOTES Implicated are under' arrest. Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Murray of Media spent last week-end as Mr. J. V. S. Bishop has gone to house guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Pittsburgh In the .lnterest of gov- L. Linton and Mr. and Mrs. Irl ernment work. Duling in Brant Beach. N.J. Swnrthmora Collagr SViarthmore l'a. ~ Ro~:m l ~x­ Page; THE SWAR1DMOREAN A1J8Ust 20, 1954 they visited Mrs. Althouse's moth- for his brother. Ushers include , . . . - - - - - - - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ , er, Mrs. H. H. Givens. Enroute Mr. Hamden B. Baskin, Jr., of home the Althouses stopl?ed in Clearwater, Fla., and Mr. E. ·Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter Mount Morris, Ill., thl!Ir former Gerry Merrick, III of Cleveland, of Columbia avenue retUrned re- home to visit friends there. Ohio, brothers - in - law of the Dinmc ~oom ()pen To Public cenUy from an eight day motor groom; Mr. Edward A. Fenwick, Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Snyder, Jr" of Arlington, Va., Mr. .John L. trip ~rough Quebec, Canada. Dickinson avenue, are on a camp- Palmer, Jr., cousin of the bride, Gretchen and Gail Bauer, touring trip to the west coast. and Lt. (j.g.) Richard P. Taylor daughters of Mr. and Mrs. !=. Enroute they have visited Inter- of Jacksonville, Fla. , Thomas ~auer of Cornell avenue lochen, Michigan where they saw Miss Kenyon attended Montwill leave Monday by train for Swarthmoreallll, Mr.' and Mrs. D. PEiOOOO:N'l' and GUESTS St. Petersburg, Fla., where they Kenneth Doherty and then jour- clair schools and Is a senior at Swarthmore College, Mr. Hulme Harvard and Buteel'll Avenu.. Phon Swaribmore 8-9128 will visit their grandparents, Mr. neyed' on to Lake Louise, Jasper graduated from the University of and Mrs. F. G. Mehr for about National Park. Southward, they toured the Columbia River VaI- Virginia in 1950, received his two weeks. -..... . .... '. ley and the California Redwoods Masters Degree from Temple UniMr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilson of and headed east through the versity, and Is currently doing FAMILY DINNERS to SUIT ... TASTE of EVIIYONE Ogden avenue returned home yes- Rocky Mountains National Park, graduate work at the University TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Co.ked to Order of Pennsylvania. He Is associated terday from Mt. Desert, Me., with home their present goal. EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PAR'q FACILmES· with the Sun. 011 Company in where they spent two weeks vacaBUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH l2-l :~O P. !\I. Bill Bevan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philadelphia., tioning. Henry D. Bevan of Crest lane DINING lOOMS LO.IY All CONI/ITIONED Mr. and Mrs. A. David M. has been spending the summer at BIRTHS C.mfort.ble Rooms Day or Week ~I.eyator Speers and chllllren, Jonathon, Orleans, Cape Cod viSiting his Mr. and Mrs. Seymour S. RuthDavid and Lindley, of Yale ave- aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. erford, Jr., of Wayne anno~nce nue· visited for a few days this Chester P. Baker. the arrival of a daughter Agalia week Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ross Billstein, son of Dr. and Anne, born on August 7 in Bryn Yale Ie Harvard Av.nues. Swarthmor•• Pa. Bloom and family in Beach Mrs. Walter P. Billstein of South Mawr Hospital. WALTER E. 'AIRon, Mllr. FREE .ARKING Haven, N.J. Chester road returned recently Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Rutherford Mrs. John M. Pearson of Cor- from a motor trip to Lake Louise of Waddington, N.Y., formerly of . nell avenue entertained Mrs. Fred with Mr. Arthur Hoch and family Swar.thmore. and Mr. and Mrs. .. Henry Baxter of Falmouth, Mass., J. Murray and Mr. Paul C. Mur- of YaIe avenue. ray of Yale avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Sgt. Jim Hornaday arrived in are the baby's grandparents. Peter E. Told and Miss Patricia Seattle, Washington Saturday 4ut. Life Baterl!,s Gulf Oil and Gas Told of Park avenue; and Mr. and after 15 months in Korea with Mr. and Mrs. Brant Millington Mrs. Peter Murray of Media at a the 40th Infantry Division. He of Crpydon, Pa., announce the ROBERT J. A TZ, Owner "combined birthday" party last Is awaIting discharge and is ex- birth of their third daughter, SaIly Sunday. pected at the home of his parents Jean, born August 4. RUSSELL'S SERVICE . Mr. and Mrs. JameS H. HornaMaternal grandparents are Mr. Miss Jeryl Faulkner is on a day of Vassar avenue this week M.tor T.neup Whe.1 Allgnme.t motor trip through the West with end. With his parenls he will leave and Mrs. R. E. Wilson of Ogden her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. for South Casco, Maine to visit avenue. OPPOSITE IOROUGH 'AIKING LOT and Mrs. Murrell D. Weesner of his brother-In-law and sister Mr. SWarthm.re ,,0440 Dartmo!lth & r,.afayeH~ Aves. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reeves Morristown, Tenn. and Mrs. Wlillam C. Mlthoefer, _, .................................................................... of Garden City are receiving con- .......................... ...........................................................................,---_.---------Mrs. William I. Hull of the Jr., who are cOUllllelors at Camp gratulations on the birth of a 'Wauwenoc .. Swarthmore Apartments Is visitseven pound, eight ounce daughing her sister, Mrs. Powers Sailor ter, Donna Lorene. FETE BRIDE·TO-BE at EnglewOod; Nj. . . .,. .' , . Grandparents of the baby are Miss Christine Ford, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Horace Reeves ,of Virginia Bevan, daughter of Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford of Elm avenue and, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Henry D. Bevan of Crest Ian~ has ~en working th:Is sum- Amherst avenue was guest at Dean Church of Chester. honor at a dessert and Unen mer in Harwich Port, Mass. , . BEAUTY SALON . r shower given Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Squyres ~ei!!~ JilPls!ein of Sou~ Ches- by Miss Greta. Richardson and of Bellaire, Texas, ·announcie the CLOSID AUG¥$T ,MIl fQI ',"CATION .. I.O.IN AU(lUST 3Df11 . ter f~ad entertained a~·~er ~ouse Miss Patdcla Blake at the Rich- birth of a daughter sari! on A",gu~~ Iastweelh her college room- ardson homl'. ust 15. 'Mrs. sq\lyresJS the 'fonner , 9 SDUth Chester Ro.. r1 ~~' ~ flit M~'Ills of HllI'eIEilen Jeriki n t"8nd the baby'S. a Can SUI ·0 un'1. "~~IS .TrENDANTS • ,.,.naril!m9,r.~7~ grandda~ter Of )(jo.anil ~ An afternoon wedding In the Howard ,M. Jenldns and a gi-eat Mrs. Robert H. Nichols Is visit(- "~-'--' -.-.... ~--::.:.& ing her liriiJidmilther, Mrs. GeOrge PreSbyte~iim . Churcli of Upper graiutilaqhter Of Mr. and iIn. .," .. ' , ' : .·..21, • • . Ed'WUcPA. .Jenldns ot)North.CJieii; r. , , MontcjaIl', N.J.; Is' being planned E. Silloway'of North Chester road ter road.. Iii1til ·she can secure passage to by MIss Nancy WIlIi..m. Ke~io", daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hallas England to join her husband. Mr. anet· Mrs•. Harvey Clayton Sunny O~~haFds Edwin· ·Kenyon of Upper MontTaylor of RUtaeis aV8ll~ anMrs. John H. Bennett of the claIr, N.J., 'who will become the liwa~m~rtl AParbnents ~ just bride of Mr. Rob.ert DuBois nounce the blrtb· of tIaeir teeond >;eturneci from a two weeks vaca- Hulme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- 80n and third child., Bruce· Clayton. Born August 1', at ,the Unition at Ocean City, N.i. Mr. Ben- man Hulme of Rutgers avenue. Best Mld·S.alOlr Vaii~•• Now versity of Pennsylv~· Hospl~, nett joined his wife over the The ceremony will take place week-ends during her stay there. at ':30 p.rn. with The Rev. Har- the baby w!'i&hed sqc. polUlds, nine ounces. • Mrs. George E. Silloway of old W. Schenck of U,e Montclair .. G1:i\'ldparents are ~. ana Mrs. ':'"' ?. - ., Heights Reformed Church and WUiIam. -H.·· ~ . of .HarVard avNorth Clieilt¢i;- roaq ~c~o)npanled Eggs • Poultry • Vegtables· The Rev. Joseph C. Dickson, pas. by her daughter, Mrs. Henrietta .. : " tor of the Presbyterian Church, ep,u'l and' MllI, Francis 't~19'" of W. FrIcke, retuPled tpIs Wee!< from 'l;1l1"~a. ~oJidl!. omclat!ni: a four wee~ vac'!-tlo,n at Te.naquid ,J. i. 'A r~tion at the Woman's ~ach, ¥.e. lin rO\lte hOme they s!Oppecl aJ Camp Deerwood, Hold- Club ot'Upper Montclair will folePless, Vt. to vi#it Mrs. Silloway'. low ~atelY after the, ~ 1I••ta,4:52 daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and mony. Mrs. John L. Palmer, Jr., of 1/4 So~th Bal~',m~r. Pi~. •. I _ , .. : ., Mrs. Ferris Thompson. East Orange, N.J., will be matron Mr. and Mrs. W. Alfred Smith of honor.' TII'e bridesmaids inclUde ./ . of ~e~.t ,\venue leav'! tod!lY MISs NimcyL. Coxey and:M!" f9 r . Qu.~~ec, Can~,.nt .IV_ ALLYSON ·-.uCUTlVE SUm" . PIn 1DaDr- coan. ' " ra.n Ave. AI" U ••• of ' ... ROGER 333 Dal h...... .. ,-,au, sw~ " .6-2176 CLOSED FROM t.40NDAY. AUGUST 23rd !E,TER E. TOLD .A star'sl "tJ' -. . . . . . .~·""I.W . of· ••If.1I ~our m- aft.t 7011 ca1I til. Fire Deparlmlllt. Bett•. let 1W check~ ~ ~., ~. Qll,t ~1l bqe. tiDoqh !npraDce to· cOy. .re,. lAT. NIOHTO....,.......fIIIIb I+lit WlWAIl HOLDIN will be \ ELIZABETH TAYI.O. "RH"PSODY" of INGLE,tI'i\U~ COLlEGE THEAlRE until - •• _ THE SWARTHMO~ swan11iiiiir8 Pboue ~.ll! p~i, pE'iEi 1 S-;OIOI row, E. Editor Marjorie 'J:oidL .tranc~?. __ ~ class Murray 8J Second Matter, .TrillUary' 24~ 11129;"t tlie Poill OfDee at swarthmore, Pa....under the Act of lI/Iareh 3, 1819. Entered 8"ARTBMO~E, ' \ . /, PENNA., AUGUST 20, 19U , ... ,,\o~.~ .'\'.. ~ .. ; MtrHC)DIST NOTES PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Church School begins at 9:45 a,m. with classes for all ages. At the 11:00 a.m. Mo!"ning Worship, The Rev. Laurence J. Seyler, Associate MInister of the Covenant Methodist Church, Springfield, occupy the pulpit. He is a graduate of Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester, and will become a member of the Philadelphia Annual Conference of the Methodist Church. Ushers for the morning service will be Charles Hughey, head usher, assisted by Wesley France, David Glenn, George Glaesser, Chartes KIng, Dave Behenna and George Dunn. A nursery for children will be supervised by capable women throughout the summer in order that the entire family might worship together.. In case of any emergency need during any summer absence of Mr. Kulp, the pastor's secretary, Mrs. Mildred Conner (KIngswood 4-0888 or WAshburn 8-5609) can .issIst in securing pastoraI care. The Rev. John Schott will preach this Sunday at the 11:00 Worship Service, and will use as his topic for the sermon "The God of Love," a study of the Gospels, which Is the third in a series of sermons given by Mr. Schott on "A Rapid Survey of the Bible." A Cl1urch Hour Nursery will be held duriug the month of August for· children of KIndergarten age and under, under the supervision of Katherine Jessup and Caroline Schott. This Nursery will be held in the Nursery Room, located in the new building, starting at 10:45 a.m. The music for the Worship Service this Sunday will be provided by Mr. Eugene Roan, organist, and Miss Christine Clark, soloist. , , wm The importance of relying wholeheartedly on God, divine MInd, for guidance will be stressed at Christian Science services Sunaay, when the t1Ue of the Lesson-Sermon is "Mind." InCIuded in the Lesson-Sermon Is the following passage from the King James Version of the Bible (Proverbs 3:5; 6): "TruSt in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not tinto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowloidge him, and· he shall direct thy • •.. - . paths." : The Golden Text is from Daniel (2:20, 21): "Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: . . . he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them tqat know understanding." A cordial invitation Is extended to all to attend the services at 11 Sunday mornings at the FIrst church of Christ, Scientist, on Park· avenue. CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Jose.ph P. Blsllop. Minister John Schott, Associate .MInbter $lIllda)', AqiiiiUI l1~~.~,M,-:-;.The Rev. John Schott '!~.l!~e!lc~ . 1IIIETHQDl~'l:. CID!R..011011. John C;I¢Ulp, ~ John W~; AliSIit8nt M1n1ster R. Bur·'· ." organist-Director . ".~ Aucost 22 9:45: A ::'-Church School 11 :00' A~ -Mr. Kulp will preach. ~ TRINITY· CJWRCH H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector Sunday, AQ'wI& 211 9:00 Ai:e.::~;:;:"li"' 5:30 PX-EVenIng.Prayer. Flitit; 'A1ItliSt 27 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer, THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS·' S -"~~,' ......... A-'-"'" ....... 2! ll:oo A.M.-'Meethil for Worship. All are welcome to attend. . 1:30 P.M.-Monthly Meeting for business will be held in the Meeting House. Monday. A1lg1IId 23 All ~To&~r;:· C. All day sewlnl for A~.s.c. ::a:.:::. and Mrs. Raymond F. ton, D.C., joIned the family group Winch and their children Peggy ovet th~ weiii< end and will ai:Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of and Betsy have returned from cciinpany Mis. weSt and' MrS. Holyoke pI:ice and Mrs. LeRoy v,acatlo~ in Rosring Springs Peterson of GreenWich, Conn., with college friends Mr. and Mrs. Melkai'. to Tonowanda f~r a VisIt. motored through New England Robert Hoover lind in Ocean City 1IIIr. aDd Mrs. Paul E. Zecher of last week. They stopped in Fram- Gardens with Mr. Winch's parents Swarthmore avenue 81.. ~teitain­ Ingham, Mass., and New Port, R, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winch. They Ing as their house guest for several I., to visit friends. .!'Iso spent a few days at the days this week, Mrs. Zecber's Charles E. FIscher farm in Notaunt, Mrs. LeIgh E. Wlttell of Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Twomb- tingham. . ,Lancaster. ly wh" have been visiting with Mrs. Hugh McLean of Tono-I .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;;;;;;;;;;; Mrs. Twombly's parents, Mr. lind Mrs. Guy DeFUda of North Ches- wanda, N. Y. and her four daughBO~~AYS ter road, left Wednesday for Cam- ters lIre visiting MrS. McLean's 417 Dual' ; •• AYe. Swa......... bridge, Mass. After settling in mother Mrs. William West and their new apartmelit the couple brother-in-law and sister Mr. and CI.sed August 23 will travei to Fort Fairfield, Me., Mrs. W. Norton Landon of PrInceUntn Labar Day to visit Mr. Twombly's mother, ton avenue. Mrs. West's sister Mr. Opea T_ _,. s.pte.'1r 7 Mrs. Charlotte Twombly where Frederick W. Hadley of Washlng-' they will spend the reSt of the summer until Mr. TwomblY returns to hIs second year in the Harvard Law School. ...." DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON ...... .. Mr. NEWS NOTES ~, .1.·.' - ' --------~------ ~ _I, PUBLISHED EVEBY FJUDAY AT SWAa'l'llKOBB. PA. PE'l'IIB B. ~~. JIw'9BIB TOLD, I'UBLISIIBB8 Harvard Inn ~. ,. ,',/, TRINITY NOTES A service of Morning Prayer will be held- at Trinity ChUrch Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Mr. George Bogdanich, a student at the Philadelphia Divinity School, will be in charge of this service. Those serving as ushers will be as follows:· p. B. Blake, C. E. Fellows, R. G. Fox, William Freegord, W. C. Hogg, Jr., W. F. Klug, W. N. Ryerson, and H. P. Stsmford. David Bas. Is scheduled to serve as acolyte. are expertly and sympathetically filled at the price you let. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. ....CTan o. PUNDAI.I Dr. Robert T. Pfeifer, Mrs. Pfeifer and their son Keith returned Sunday from .vacationing in Booth Bay Harbor, Me. Mrs. Pfeifer and Keith spent a month there while Dr. Pfeifer joined them for the last two weeks of the time. Miss Eva Lowry of Melrose, Mass., 'Y8S the Pfeifer's guest while she vacationed from her duties as an a1rijne hostess. rbe opinIons upreued below .... tb..... 01 &be Individual writers. AIl !etten to 'l'be 8 _ _ m1llt be 81Cned. PleudOD)'DlS may lie UBed ' II . tbe IdenUt)"of the wTIteo ,. . Is known· by the EdItor. Letten , wW .be publIshed only at tbe dIscretlon 01 tbe EdItor. L-_ _ _ _ _':..-._ _ _ _ _- ' Dear Editor: To all of our friends and neighbors who extended so many courtesies and performed so milDy acts of kindness· oil. our behalf during my'recent illness, Mrs. Hart and I wish to take this meallll of expressing our gratitude. OSCAR S. HART OUVEII H. JAIl!, mil' .DiLuzio~ and Sons Florist I( MAaT A. JAIl. PowOld'" Teleph""e R16-1I11 - " .' .., ~..:..:- ~ ,.~_l 'AT. PEND. , by "P)U , Mrs. MeiaJ!l.e Dolman Seam.lo\lr of Bensonvill~, Ill., arrived at the Philadelphia: Airport tp vacation with members of her family until her return /lIght on September 1. She will visit with her sons and daughters - in -law Mr. and Mrs. David Seymour of Highland Park and Mr. and Mrsc Charles Seymour of Cornell avenue; with her niece Mrs. John F. Spencer and her husband and children of YaIe avenue;· and, with h~ nephews Mr. Geo!!.ey Dolman and family of Collegeville arid ·Mr. R. EfIInghaif. Doliriim and' family of Newark, Del•. SWaifllmo... Pound.. , Ricky Ullman, son of Mr. and Mrs. David U. Ullman of Amherst avenue Is vi¥ting his grandparents Mr. and 'Mrs. D. D. Wensink in MIlwauKee, WiS., until Labor Day. Dear Editor: May I send this leUer to the residents of Swarthmore through you? Mrs. Frank C. l'ierson returned Facts are not needed to arouse to her home on Ogden avenue tointerest or solicit help in the cause day after being In the Pennsylvaof polio. Swarthmore's response to nia Hospital for the past three the March of Dtmes evidences that. But·a speclaI; ~arn.est plea weeks. for the· emergeney drive during Mrs. Henry L. Sinith of Rutgers the remainiri'g· daYS of August Is avenue has refurned home after a not out of order. visit of two weew. at Quoque, L.I. The 'great experimentS. with Gamma;' Globulin' this year and hlSf' alid' .;xpostire of hundreds $600 MO~THLY of tiioiiSUiili' of children to the Sauk serum throughlout epidemic StGrttnl) salary· for 2 _~atlq.."'p. areas have reSulted iri nimlons of salesmen to. ~p'r.~nt . IOfl}! Eastem dollars de6clt In the national polio Gnandal corporattofl. No Myel. Sal., tr'eiisury. We are assured that we ••"'de.c'· ana·- abliliY. d'.ilr~. Istab-are on the verge· of the end of this IfllliMI m'tdiiftt, 2S..4if .,ean· old. mar· rled, capable. Of GUVm1n9· r.j,onslbllkiller and crippler; we believe the HT.... In NQuestfft9 l....mew pleaM next year or two will produce this IncI""o ..,.... personal hlslo", .11 re,li.. cOntldenlol. OUr saiesiri_ hove happy result. . The response of every citizen in b"';· lafonMd of thl. ad. lox A. L. Swarthmore, along with every SwarihmoNCln. other throughout this country to ~iiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiii~ the letter just received from;: Media headquarters may achieve this end. Let each of us put oUr shoulders to the wheel with a few dimes or dollars. Checks sbould be made to· the National Foundation for Pallo and sent with. an enF.rftierly velope contalning any coins to CARNS MAUD BISHOP Chairmilii of Pollo' 6SO leltlmore Pi•• 138 Harvard avenue, Sprfugleld. D.I. Co.. Pa. FIRST CHURCH, OF· CHRI~ SCIDTIST Park mueT:~~~tv&rd SomdaJ", A"'" !I 11:00 A. M.~unday SchooL 11:00 A.M.-The Lessm Sumon will be· "MInd." Wedn~ eVenIni mee~ Swarthmore each weell, If P.M:· Reading room "Perl dally,~t.Sunday 12 to II Be a Blood !?onor-NOW. CalI P. . . Weibiescl8y _Inlll 1 to LOcust 4-21530. 7:10 P.K. ad • to 1:111 P.JI. 182Q CHESTNUT STREET Bethy Thomas of Aldan Is the guest of her grandmother Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of Park aveillie while her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Thomas are vacationing in Toronto, Canada. Her three - year - old· sister Kathy is visiting her co u sin s Sandy, Tommy, and Carol IDlman in Villanova during the same period; I ' YOUR NEEDS Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Hilles o~ Crest lane have returned home after a stay at the Thousand Islands and a ten day motor trip through the Adirondacks. En route home they stopped in Schenectady, N.Y., to visit their sonin-law and doughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Bryant. (mEIS TO THE ED.rOI f'" 6-0450 opo. • AM........; 11.:S ..i:i ..s.'s-si;'-t.:'iI":i;':i;--:a:ii':ii.-':I::i:l::i:D:s ~ f· .' THE SENSATIO'N~ SLIMMING PANEL-ACtION, Slip,o",'EN7'.lJjllY~/or ~he .surprise dJ~f ~t,piN~ b'bd.h 0/ a' tJVolutionlJPy netb: entwlning- panel:ocribn tlUa· your' iA' /atJuloiilly' /untrional-f/arrering 0;,,1 (iJ.tten1ng: !J~e ,,{nylon leno eliuric ••• &4 .he rRlII/Ie i&'lfII etJiJflC "a,.e~tio" . to,~ yiiu. ,;j a Wisp 0/ your jormer lelf· Small, medium or large siZe&, While only. 15 South Chester Road. a. CIOIeci SClhrclayS hrlug Jilly AlIIJ1Ist PANTY .r GIRDLE W. Tucker who w1ll travel In Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fis- at Lake Wallenpaupack enroute Col. Howard C. F'air ~es::eeCh:~C:~';':g:~ Europe for two months; touring . cher will be the house guests of home. Rotary Spealcer Today Princeton, N.J. the United Nations. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Farley of Mr. and Mrs. George McKeag (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. James H. HornaWllkesbarre at their summer V polned a L ~ home in Noxon. They will visit of Parrish road entertained at a kenamon on August 26th. The day of assar aven~..... in' New a c,e Dar.e ...... last Sundav ""hedule --,,- for two games -"h family bon voyage p~".r di :b~riieifl.yiawiiiith~Mrs~~.~RieiilniiimPi·iiiiiiKroqniiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiniilneiiiiriiiPii~iiiiii".riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii·iiiiiiiliiiii ~........ ~-. York City Wednesday for the 8 I l..ua...... UI ..... : : . , : : : : salUng aboard the Queen Ellzabeth I t. L. a proximately 15 will. be beneftt of Mrs. Hornaday's brother and ! . DanK DUI Int performances with the proceeda siste ;:an=d=Mrs=.=M;:BZ==============i .. going to pono, Cancet, Muscular .~ During August § Dystrophy, Local Hospitals, Y.M.C.A., Chester County Glrl !!Ii Scouts, Local FIre Companies, to IE name a few. REGISTRATION II ;:s::.:!t :::!s~ "fiI"•••• I HANNUM & WAITE I Mon. Ie Tues., October 25, 28 Del. County Teachers Institute Wed., November 24 Last day' before hoUday. Close Noon Thurs. & Fri., November 25, 26 Thanksgiving Holiday Wed., December 22 Last day of School before Christmas-Close Noon Thurs., December 23 Christmas HoUdays SCHEDULE NEWS NOTES Miss PrieWa GUes of Rutgers avenue return'¥l home Saturday !! after vlsiUng her Jlance and his § parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. ~ Llffauer of LouIsville, Ky. 5 Mrs. Augustus H. Senf of Chesier is spending the month of g= August with her son-In-law ·and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. PRIOR ·TO GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 2, 1954 = M~;::n::~as~:. a;::':ed 1_=_ § SWarthmore 6-1250 §_E 5 iiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllnlllllllUlllllllllnlUllllIIlIIHlIlIllUlUmlRlII1II1II1II1I1II1I111II1Imlll~ A lood Ilass of lemonade begins with good water you malt. Summer- ~:::== time drlnb, you appreclateenore than .ver-th••parkll"l purity of Sprhighld W..... SPRINGFIELD WATER ;;-.;;;-",-",-= PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY S -""HI !9/,1IfH('POI'" [I, ',',J< .. "'J""". r'" : '·r C~CJ'" , September 2nd to her home on South Chester road after spending a week with Mary Phillips at her family's summer cottage in Cente~ Harbor, N.H. Gloria Ann Peirsol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry' A. Peirsol, Jr., of Lafayette avenue is spending this week and next week at Camp Innabah on French Creek. Mrs. George_ Strainer, Jr., was guest of honor at a combined surprise blrthday and housewanrilng party last Wednesday. The Strainers· and their small daughter, Diane moved recently Into their new home In Peitn Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Harris, Jr., of Vassar avenue returned recently from a vacation at Surf City, N.J., where they visited Mr. Harris' sister, Mrs. W. Dittig. Mrs. W. T. Davis of Los Angeles. California, who left Wednesday after a month's visit with her niece Mrs. Ford F. Robinson of Guernsey road was the guest of honor at a tea given ~day afternoon by Mrs. L. C. Decker, Jamestown road, Broomall. Mn. C. C. Franck and: Mrs. Cl1Itttes LIncoln entertained" in , Mrs. 'Davis' honor on Friday and on. Tuesday at luncheons. . . d Mrs. ·Will"rd. P. TomMr. E· I1naon . Huqers aveliue\9in tertain' . arrow eveiling In honor of Mrs. ''fheodcre W. Croaean a formed Swarthmorean now As- en- J . Last day an elector may move from one election district to another in order to be permitted to vote at the General Election. Mon., January 3 September 1101 Last day all electors may register to vote at the General Election. This includes electors who will become of age on or before November 3rd, 1954. September 13th Last day for any elector who has removed into a new election district to give notice to the Registration Commission in order to be permitted to vote. at the General .Election. The removal card must set forth a removal date Into the new election district which cannot be later than September 2nd. COURT HOUSE HOURS Spring Vacation, Easter Holiday Tues., April 12 Schools reopen Mon., May 30 Memorial Day Holiday Sun., June 5 Baccalaureate Tues., June 7 Commencement Wed., June 15 Last day, Pupils Thurs., June 16 Last day, Teachers !Ilon., June 20 to July 29 Summer High School Regular business hours up to and including Saturday, September 11th. • i Clip This Box for Puture Reference Monday through Friday ............... 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday .... ... . . . .. ....... 9:00 a.m. to 12: Noon together with such additional hours as designated below ' August 20th, Friday ................... 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. BOROUGH BALL ON WEDNESDAY, ~UGUST . Hits New High in KRock-Flee PDwer' New ".". CasoIine SINCL IR POR- Fusco Motor o. .. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Phone SWarthmore 6-3681 -., . Robert' Thorhahn and children, Loreen and Bibbie, are returning from San Francisco, California to vacation with Mr. Thorbahn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Thorbahn of Swarthmore avenue. En route from active duty ill Hawaii, the family stopped to visit Mr. Thorbahn's sister, Mrs. Paul J. Rutan, Jr., of Alameda, Callfornla. John D. Pearson of Cornell ave_ nue returned home last Sunday after spending two weeks at Camp Delmont as troup leader for Swarthmore Boy SCilut TfouP. 2. Lieutenant and Mrs. Jay B. Snape and son lUcky are vUdting Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape of Harvard avenue for two weeks before they go to Austin, Texas where Lt. Snape will be stationed. Lt. Snape, who is a jet pilot, has just returned from Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bradford of SWarthmore avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin CroSby of Media were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faulkner at their cottage at Buck Hill Falls last week. end. Miss Virginia Hath of Yale avenue was their guest for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dewhurst, formerly of Ardmore andForrest Hills, L. I., now residents of Florida, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest of Vassar avenue over the, week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Althouse of Hibbing, Minn.. are visiting Mr. Althouse's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Althouse of Rutgers .aven'4e. . Virginia Smith, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. W. Alfred Smith of Amherst avenue returned recent~ FROM 2:00 PoM. to 9:00. P.M. I BREAKFAST _ LUNCH ~ DINNER § CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY 0 PEN 7 A" .M. t 07: 30 PM ., Monday .Through Saturday !!! IE ~_ iII= KRAn = ALL PURPOSE i OIL 43c pint ~=== g = ;;; - 90c to $1.85 . Daily Dinners ~= ia . e DRIED BEEF 3Sc J/ lb .. IIUUIHOHHHllHOlllIUlIIllIUIIUllIIIHllUlIIlIUllllUUUlllIIUlUlllmUHlIDlllllllllllmUllllllllUlllllllllllnllllUllll ., The outside containers of these famous cosmetics 'are slightly soiled. The con· tents perfect. THEATRE PHARMACY THEATRE SQUARE Alrcondltlonlng for Yoar S.opplng Comfort CALL FOR and DELIVERY SERVICE Ample FREE Parking . SWarthmore 6·3154 '. NORRIS Store Hours HOMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER 34c 11 oz. • OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FRIDAY 9 1 P. M. 2 9 P. M. 9 A.M. to 1 P. M. 2 P. M.to 9 P. M. SWIFT'S PREMIUM DALMATION GLASS STEAKS PORTERHOUSE - T-BONE SLICED· SIRLOIN PRESSED VISCERATED lb. CO·Op VALUE Consult Us Witho!Jt Obligation e SITE SELECTION e DESIGN CONSULTATION. e. QUALITY CONSTRUCTION e ·REASONABLE COSTS YELLOW FREESTONE PEACHES 32c Ig. can SPECIAL "Third Generation Builders" HORACE A. REEVES BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 17112 S. Chester Road .HONIS SW1-341t SW 1-3411. HELLMANN'S FRENCH. DRESSING 23c bot. . ." NUCOA 32c lb. . 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE LONG ISLAND DUCKS BUILD '. IT'S ALL NUTRITION ,IT'S .DIGEST~BLE FOOD MARKET 4 CONSIDER 20% TO 50% REDUCTION \ SLICED 'i SpecIal Children', Ploffer, COSMETIC SALE STARTS TODAY Mrs. E. D. Gustafson and children left for their home In Montclalr. N. J. after visiting her par'ents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Huey of Dickinson avenue for a week. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dryden and children Deborah and Deirdre of Dayton, Ohio formerly of Swarthmol'e, returned home Monday after spending a week with Mr: Dryden's mother, Mrs. Alexander M. Dryden, of Barnegat, N. J. Mr: Dryden's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol, Jr., and daugbters of Lafayette avenue joined the group over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George McKeag and children Be~y and Ian of Parrish road were guests of State Senator Arthur W. Lewis and Mrs. Lewis last Saturday evening at the Water Pageant held at Medford Lakes, N.J. RETURN LABEL FOR COMPLETE REFUND I 18TH, i D E W DR 0PIN N lng as their house guests, Mr. Marsh's sister-in-law, Mrs. George R. Marsh and sons, George and Jeff. Mrs. Marsb, formerly of Nashau, N. H., is enroute to Alpepper, Vlrg1nta, where she will make her new home. Be a Blood Donor-NOW. Call LOcust 4-2530. ROVING REGISTRARS WILL BE IN SWARTHMORE AT ~'- Durin, Craig Peel, Columbia avenue, and Gordon Smith, Harvard avenue are visiting in Beach Haven Terrace, N. J. School's reopen after New Year's Mon. thru Mon., April4-11,lnc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. McCowan, of Vassar avenue, left this morning for Warrendale, Penna., to visit a sorority sister Nancy· Rees before they leave tor·Cleveland, Ohio, to spend several days with Constance Sawyer, Milly's roommate at Pennsylvania State University. They will then be entertained by Milly's brother and sister-In-law Mr. and Mrs, Robert C. McCowan of Dearborn, Mich., and will return by way of Canada and Erie, Penna., where they will spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. McCowan, Jr., and their little daughter Barbara Ann. Before returning home on September I, Milly will visit a former roommate Mary Lynch in Latrobe. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Marsh of Columbia avenue are entertain- Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tomlinson of Rutgers avenue returned last week from a vacation In New . York State and Maine. the early part of the vacation thet drove to Silver Bay on Lake Mr. and Mrs. PerC)' Gilbert or George where Mr. Tomlinson atPark avenue returned home retended the Conference On Human cently from a 10 day vacation trip Relations in 'Industry In which to Lake George, N. Y. and ShelMr. E. N. Hay of Ogden avenue bourne, N lI. conducted seminars on Executive Compensation. The Tomlinsons Ann Drtehaus of Yale avenue, spent two weeks on Spntce Point vUdted Joan Hemenway in Tunkat Booth Bay Harbor. annock,· Penna., for several days last week. Mrs. Herbert L. Ott, the former Ruth Lipman, and her children Mr. and Mrs. Casper Garrett· David and Helen spent a recent and children, George and Chrisweek the guests of Mrs. Ott's tine returned to their home last aunt M!"S. J. V. S. Bishop. week after a 10 day vacation in Beverly and Robert Bishop, Avalon, N. J. children of Ellis and Caroline -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!ij Bishop of Cranford, N.J., are II ,visiting their grandmother Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop at her home on Harvard avenue. as Mon. Ie Tues., February 21, 22 Washington's Birthday, Holiday sistant· the Dean MacMurray College, to Jacksoinvil1e,' m Mrs. '==::::::::===============================;;;;;;;;~ itllIIllIlIUUlIlIlUlIIllllIIlIIUllllllUlIIDlIllllIlIHllllllUnnUUllIIlllHlUllHlHlllnmlllImnIUIUUUIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIU~ Crossan will be. the week end Ii IE house guest of Mr:__ and Mrs. liorace H. Hopkins, Crest lane. _ . = Lieutenant (j.g.) and Mrs. a 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE !! , I'·~ . Da7 . Firat Day, Pupils iii GI School District of Swarthmore Id . Thurs., September 9 Closed Sat. at 12 Noon Now.. • Teacher's Workshop and =- 1.1 School Ca'endar for 1954-55 Tues., September 7, 8 Open Wed. Afternoons 1 = Chester Road" & Yale Avenue 5 Ii! § ! t _~;:r;:-in=-la=w=Mr=. a will be 9 k NEWS NOTES 63c. HAM 45c Jf2 lb. -------~ GUINEA HENS per brace 4.25 CALIFORNIA BARTLE I I PEARS· 4 for each CUCUMBERS. IT TAKES REAL MAYONAISE TO MAKE REAL POTATO SALAD HELLMAN'S 19c ' qt. ·pint 3c . COMPLETE LINE ALL FRUIT JUICES' Frozen and Canned FANNINGS BREAD & BUmR PICKLES. 2 lor 49c P~e6 .:::::..-----.~--- -- -~------~~~~~~~~~~~-------------r--~----~ i Pti, Medla Frie.d. Sellool Serving aU Races. all Creeds . Three Years through 7th Grade To Enroll. phone MEdia 600914 Springfield Laundromat SOl ..ltI......Ik. 111911ay 4-0252 laor ·•• rkI., Lot-Iaor IEJotra... I 5 ! 36 Years Ago in Swarthmore Do not be a slacker; join the . ''soldiers of the soU" today. From the Swarthm~r$ar..FiI~s !l=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;';;~';;';~~~;;';;;;"'=;;;;;;=~~;i;l;iiii;;;;;;;;;;!'. . ' CITIZENS OF THE U.S.A. AWAKE! we are facing a food crisis stop the manufacture of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AT ONCE Urge the government to comandeer grain held in storage hy the brewers if this Is not done speedily FAMINE AND PESTILENCE WILL OVERTAKE THE NATION War Chest, but they opened a successful aeason in baSeball by d .... feating Olenolden sCouts on Saturday. The team cO;lIilsts of tile following scouts: NeWlon Landis, Henri Belileld, Charles Roberts, Prentice Manning, Frank Onyz, Waldo Yarnall, Carvel Worrell, Bud Dederle, VirgU Baird and Charles Fellows. GaAMMAa SCHOOL BOYS WANTED 1900 grammar schoo) boys are BOY SCO'OT f}()INGS wanted to do chores on farms and The Boy Scouts are not only to assist the farmer on truck successful in selling Liberty Bonds patches. A ten days course of and getting subscriptions for the instructions at State College will CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL I Alterations 335 Dartmouth Avenue HOBSE roB SALE . The horse found by Chief of \ , ........ & Rail".. Sentc. pti~ate entrance. De a tluot classlllcation or '~Aputment BOllA· DIaf;r\Ct" IDiteaa Of: "Bualn_ DIstrict" baa become mare _ n a t e for that portion of the b".ln... _at' 01 the IlClrOU8J[ "-- To Accident Victims lfoci . , .......... ~"'" .... U_&IlI ...UVIfoa Fishing was a daily practice. Only carp and small time shiners Can today survive this menace. lise at the Interaectlon of Dartmouth and Lafayette Avenues to the dwel ... Rippling waters flowed so gently 'Twixt the banks all lined with flowers, Smelling sweet and shining brightly . Bringing peace and happy hours. oar- PETER 01 NICOLA IlDg of AlIce BIIIr!I. 810 Dartmouth 4venue (noW zoned Apartmeut Bouse D1&trlot "P"). tbe BorOUgti. OOUncU bas scheduled a publlc bearing at the iIOrOUgh Ball to oonslder ouch propooed oh"np In tho 8Wai1>hIilore ZonIng Ordinance at 7:80 P.M.. Mon· day. september 18. 1964. Tbe propooed ordlniulce may be IDS_ _ between the !lours of. 9 A.M.· and 6 P.M, In the oMce of the under8lgiJ.ed. Elllcnt Blchardson Borough _tar!' Driveway eoDstraetioD Aspllalt or CORerete Cellar Walll Re-Plastered Phoae Swarthmore 6-2526 '-:~~~~~~~~~~~ TDlKEN ~;~atfe Apartment, 4 Rooms Bath and Garage,' Private Entrance. $80 per month. Colafemina Vineyards, Lima, Pap Phone Media 6-3672 r J. A.·GREEN Each year accidents run up a huge toll across the nation. More than 90 times as many Americans were injured In acciderlts during 1952 as were wounded durIng the 3 rears of the Korean war. A large number of accident VIctims suffer shock, amputations or other serIous injuries, and their survival depends ~n prompt use ~=a~~ :a~£~h~~~~~f =Av'he~ru: ~. Clhlld: nt!lt~ door. or. the n'l'lgbbor across the street wIio will need bloOd. tliIs yelir;·Glve blood - give an accident victim an extra chance for survival; Call your Re(I' CI:oss ~pter 10 learn when and where you can gi,ve ~ .. Bloo~ Be a 1Je-I:Ior NOW SW··E·E· -EY. - .&. _. C·LYD· E·· 6~2078. Jack Prichard Q"II ~,~t Swarthmore and Vicinity ~any VAN ALEN BROS. 200 W. Rldle" Ave. RIdley Pari! The electric rang6 hu made cooking ClOni1>letdy modem, automatic, and BUnO. And what I modem cooking doea in' (hHitClien, the automatic wuh... add ~tric clothes dry,or. do in the laundry. All through your home, every bour of the dar md night, electricity worb for you ••••aving ....e. , .. preventing drudg.,ry. bringing entertainment, making life mOl'epleil8ailL Attractive MO'lll'es Available Baird & Bird Realtors SW6-4742 WAS..2440 Autllorlzed D'lftl...o,..' Opposite Borough Hall SW 6·0108 for ARANTle FUEL OIL and IRON OIL ,...1It and .eaHq' ~.. ServIce· avafl••'. to on celtomen o. malr•• of ai, off . .r ..... ,.,..1It pl.. , Level o. 011 bills. AatoAelle .11v...... of 011 •• 119 r... .... ...... -- '01. Gsa.\sI~ 51 W J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Guild 0 pticim,.'1 827 LANCASTER AVENUE BRYN MAWR, PAp 6C115 LUDLOW STREET UPPER DARBY. PA- 12 Q'CLOCK NOON r , • AUGUST 1.4,'H, - ... ~- , _ " IOf,OOO lie 1923 CHESTNUT sTRm PHILADELPHIA 3. PENNA. CIOICJU" AN OBDlNlANOB PROVIDING FOB THE ACQUISITION AND INSTAJ,iWoTION IN THE POWE&BOt78l\· CIP,8WAlloTBMlORlIl COLI LiGIl O~ ~ 01JTDOOB AlB i. ~ l?J;\.li. w.yt.NlNG SYSTBM; , AUTBOIUZlNG T H B PROPER. OPPlClmS' TO TAKE APPROI l!BJA"l'Jl. 4(ll'10N ABD ENTER INTO APPROPRIATE AGIIBB· MBNTB. TBB ·COUNOIL OP SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: oMcers Section 1. TIle proper Bl'" . hmeby I\utharlllod &D4. directed to enter Into a Contract with' Reading FIre Equipment company for the acqulBltlon and _ t l o B In otIle powerhouse of 8warthmore OoUege of an outdoor alr ham. warn1ng system. te~ co~talned Upor;1 the In wr1t~n by· the Borough C!III.1Or. Beo;tlon. 2. The. ~ lio.e[!!1Y autho~: ~d enter Inl elLry I... South Chest.r Roa~ APPROVED tl)1a lU.h. day or Augu'" . LD. 1". . JOS&I'Il RBYNOLDS BurgeM .. . , -a.f~tir·tJ;~U. So GoV't a.~ce ,th.~ ~•. I;)IU,V~RS DRIVE SAFE CARS Experts fn tile Marcing and Fittfng of Spectacles and Eye Gla.se. Crum Creek waters· then wUl sparkle By erasure of disgraces Bringing gladness to our children. Bea.uty shall replace this darkness• SAMUEL C. PALMER i. "SCOOP" .... Hope we have that those who foul it Change of heart wi1\ give them vision. Streams are one of Nature's bounties Never subject to pollution. 0, forYacalion . . BOROUGH 8"~THMORE ORDINANCE NO. 1!68 (l O· 5< EDr . George Myers ) lti Now we sigh with saddened heartache As we see that ugly water Dribbling by in blackened shadows. Auger wills my faith to falter. 4·2530 "'or RlC1RIMY.!IJII~ ~I!I for Your Ihoppln8 Comfort Mrs, F. WllflIen Lippincott of Rutgers avenUE is vlslting ber son, ~ichard .Ewlng LIppincott and family at .tbi!lr home in MoLean.] Va. . " . ,\ ., .. i ;= AIR-CO DITIO ED Memories dear of old time mo .. . ments When we swam, or fished, or skated Bring a hope that in the future Present ills will be abated. 8ILDEAT ==;;-_=__ Saturday Till 6. P. M. Boats were floated on its bosom Youth enjoyed its pleasing features; Many came to praise the beauty Crum ~eek gave to autumn pictures.. " .FOR RENT &FRLTilJ'P,'M. ming, sw Wllt-WHII Dcrya sw "I"'~···iw"" a StIIilHy which ·.faoos theand IIOIIth side ofeut Dart-I mouth' AveDue extends of !~~iiiii;;~~~;;~;;~~ the Robert J ..... meastor B .. At1I Our Swarthmore Market Now Here our lads found joy in swim- -In O&.-s ..... COIIWI~ 011. ~ FOR SALE on. .Oll..... _ 1"••' • • •":11_ ....." .. trlil1sporta~on. Available SeptemFOR SALE MIniature Grand ber 1. Adults. $80 including util" Charles E. Fischer Steinway piano $850. MEdia 6- ities; Call MEdia 6-1870 or MEdia 1440. . 6-0153. .. FOR SALE - Davenport, blue, FOR RENT - Furnished apartDAY and NIGHT all-wool needie-polnt, seven ment, two rooms, smail kitchen I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~ BUILDER feet long. LIke new. Reasonable. and bath. Sirictly private. Gar- I OIL BURNER Phone: SW 6-4216 Phone SWarthmore 6-2312. age avaUable. SWarthmore 6- Jewelry Repaired SERVICE EMIL SPIES FOR SALE English springer ;;31~6:;:8c-. ==---,spaniel puppies: Males. AKC FOR RENT - Six room apart'MONDAY TllRU SATtlBDAY Swarthmore 6-2253 registration. Innoculated. Sired by ment with bath, centrally locatNOON Formerly of F. C. Bod. I Sons Belfield Sports Extra, son of ed, available September 1. Box V, Fine Watch and 128 Yale: Avo. champion Frejax Royal Salute. The Swarthmorean.. . .. SW 6-4041 Field and show prospect. VaUey FOR RENT _ Comfortable bed- ,;:C:::loc:::k:::R:::e:::p.:::h:::'==;;':::S;;wo;;";;hm:::o:::,o;;.;;P;;o;;.~I SUNDAYS aDd HOLIDAYS Brook 3178-M. room, den, private bath. One ;: FOR SALE -. Peac\les, yellow or two gentlemen. Adult home. COAL and white Freestone. Apples. El SWarthmore 6-4133. . THOM SEREMBA FIREPLACE WOOD EDWARD G. CHIPMAN Rancho Orchards, Providence road WANTED UPHOLSTERING one mile north of Rose Tree, near AND SON Media. . W~ - W,he will buy at best SLIP COYEltS-DlA'ElIES SALE· ~ Upilolstery and sUp pnces. old c Ina, cut glass, furSwa rthmor. Rat'rencft GENERAl• CONl'RAaOR FOR cover cloth at 1... than whole- nilure. Call Holly Oak 4313 or ... •• s...... Hili 0734 Oak 6720 collect, for ap. Mor. than 25 ,Ian experlenc.· Tile PlGOn • Plastic: Tile sale price. Thom Seremba, Sharon Holly SWarthmore 6-0740 pointment. All business confiModen Kltchel1s Hill 0734. dential. Colonial Cupboard, No.5, FOR SALE - Bathinette, small Philadelphia· Pike, wnmln~, IftIII1IIIIHnmUUlnnmnlllltnHlllmUlIHlUlllllnnlllldlll.unitUlnlUUlIUUltnIIlHlnUlHllIIllDlnnllnm~a Alterations crib, teeter~babe, toidey seat Del. §I 1401 Ridley Avenue and pad. Ve r y reasonable. ;;W~AN!'=TE;;;r.:D=--~---':F;:"o'-r-:'burn""·"" -ed ... · .... ·::..~~..,.t ~_ A Comp"" Insurance anrl "".,Estate Agen"" ~_ • SWarthmore 6-40~7 .famlly In swarthmore, pillow 5 -, 5 • CHester 2'4759 FOR SALE - Top quallty top- cases .and throw rugs. Call:! Air and Ship Travel 5 205689 a son, $10.00 load. Call. Warren SWarthlnore s..cMu . Pierce, ·SWarthmore WAN'tJ!lb _ .. slLn flpnisbed;= N·· la= ~===========~ 1 FOR SALE-26 inch boys bicycle apartment, bed ·bath.· Jdtehen'completely recondiUoned. call ette adeqliate tor' one lady. Reply SWarthmore 6-4261. . ... Box F, ·.l'be: Swartbmore,n., .: ·1= 29 EAST 5TH ST.; CHESTER i_ FOR SALE -. Two four 1?ui:ile1' w~WomlUl with Swarth;gas ranges 10 good condilion more.referencelfto do ftrst claSs 5 _,3-6141 3-6142 +4291 4.4292 iii table top models with large oven' itoning··· one day a week. Call Samue. I D. CI,de Sam. uel D; CI,de. Jr. and storage space. Very reason- SWartHmore 6-4t2Q. a able. Telephone KIngswood 4- WANTED _ soJ.n furnished ~ J. Edward Clyde George Plowman ~ 0474. . . apat1ment, two 1/eoh'O...oms, pm.·- - . PAINTING FOR SALE - Matched set Mac- erablY8Ubur~ loi'ation clOse to ;;a.MI="lllIIIIIIIIIIIIIiqilllllllliltIIIllIlUUlllnDllllnIlAnlllllnunIlIllIllIllIIlIIllIllIRUDlRnnmmnmll~ Gregor golf clubs, hos. 2 to 9. Cheste~; Bent. tiot over - $100 and Excellen~ condition. Regularly monthl7. young engineer, wife $115. PrIce $40. SWarthmore 6- and fiVe yeat old d&i1ghter. Serld CARPENTRY 5103. partic.qlars to P.O. Box 350, CheSFOR SALE - 1940 Mercury, $65. ter, Pai'. . , . .. : • ·,,.ICftOln· . Four· by six utility trailer, $25. SWarthmore 6-8761 Phone KIngswood 4-0474. L_. , . .~"/·. • ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ PERSONAL~.. :;-.-,-_..".. PERSONAL - Furniture rellnlsh~ ===m;,==;;;,:,;:·;:· lng, general carpentry, light PERSONAL - TeleVision, radio hauling. Phone SWarthmore 6and appliance repairs - prompt 2198. Sheet Metal Work Hervice. TV sets repaired in the pi5ERS~~O"'N;;ALrT--;D"'uP"""·o::n"'t"'e::·m=p=-i"'o=yee== , home. Robert Brooks, SWarth- desires to join car pool driving 1<1. 'Raofil19 Guthws more 6-3889· or SWarthmore 6- Wllnllngton. Phone SWa:rthbiore' 1947. ; , Air Conditioning PERSONAL - Business man deyour Heatln9 . sires room with small family. Fry In the Swarthmore Nursery 011 • Gas • burnen 413 Morton· Avenue, Ruttedge, Pa. Scliool now. O. pen Sept. 15. \ PERSONAL - Six kittens to give Licensed. Ages 3 to 5. Call Mrs. Brodhead, Director, away, five females,' one male. G. . W. Call SWarthmore 6-2844 ar.yUrne. SWarthmore 6-4609.. Box 48 SWarthiiore ...740 What has hlighted Cru~ Creek waters Once a beauty in our valley Sparkling clear and full of fishes Now polluted and so filthy? Blood MeaDe Life H._ ..!:'_r.... c••,fIiie PUBLIC HMinNa ON ZONIHIi Believing LOST - Waterman's garnet foun- FOR RENT - Third floor apartment, Media. Newly decorated. tain pen between bank and railroad station. Reward. KIngswood Large living-dining room com4-0178. bination, two bedrooms, bath, kit- chen. CRUM CREEK WATIIS Police Sweeney will be soid for I ~=========;;;;~ his board on Saturday. Ii . FOR R,I!NT LOST SW 8·8818 WILLIAM BROOKS .t Rubbish. Removed . Lnw M~ GeDeraJ. TIlE SWARmMOREAN Ashe. BaaUnl!!. 1M IIudIiiII AYe.; WI1on. Pa. CLASSIFIED ADS J. F. BLACKMAN Aupet 20, 19M Sw.rfIo.......144. CHUCK Roa." 1\5ed 35C, lb Iomtl... CIlO ....eut O.nulne Veal' L1yer· 1.'65e " Ib 4ge 1033e Ib 4.ge Veat Raas'Bo.,;. Veal, Sh~r· Chop. IJrea.tl. N~c;~ or Sha"i of V8C.I1 O.~"Jn_ ,(",Im, '"' "I~.r . Asw'. SQM.•~ . "II> 31e Boiled, Ham, '........ "~,su... Im~rtod c;a~qd~n Ham Pftlla.Killed "Ready to Cook" I I~c Ib Ib 59c 35e 75e $7..89 "Ib 6". . _ . . .. Ib . IELTSY"lE 'UIKEYS' ~: Il>. saC. 4'*"ff#. ~..~"s~oi 6ge J,Ilo.IIo> , Ib7ge • 3 =45C ~------ PERC.. , FI.LUlS 39C ..t . ..... ··9'°' 39c: Ib IoaI ISe ,, I I, Swarthmore Collegr Ldbrary \ Page 8 " August 20, 1954, THE SWARTHMOREAN week. Howe1fer, the bird was back Wednesday morning and It Is expected It will continue to return periodically for a few weeks. Through the generosity of the Swarthmore College zoology deWhile most Swarthmoreans are partment, before the close of ColBtill pursuing summer· vacaUons, lege, and later Charles LIncoln one locai family Is momentariiY of the LIncoln Foundation on expecting the departure of one of Har1fard avenu'!, the hawk has its members to a winter haven. I!~ been well supplied with a diet of the recent chill nights continue white. mice. It Is very tame and the seeker of warmer cUmes will apparently doesn;t realize It can probably take II.Ight quite soon. also eat birds. It Is qulte friendly Although not officially named with the various song birds, cats "Anybody" Allison, the broad- and dogs In the &rea although wing~d hawk which came to live these usually keep their distance at 408 Vassar avenue last May Is uless he Is on his perch. The birds definitely a member of the Robert come to eat at a bird feeder close Allison family which resides there by when he is on the perch. _ in fact he's an established part Sometimes they torment him by diving at him .and he seems to of the oeighborhood. actually be afraid of them. Caught whlile a fledgling, by It he leaves the perch, a mouse George Allison, age 18, In one of placed ·near it, or a member of the the boy's wanderings through family walking around carrying Crum Woods and environs studythe perch brings him back. His Ing birds, the hawk was caged only during his first two weeks of cry is similar to that of an owl. It wlll be Inteersting to see If captivity. Since then he has been be has a successful round-trip tethered to a perch just a couple feet off the ground. Several weeks and wings back to Swarthmore ago he was cited on the front page next summer. of the PhiladelphIa Evening BulNEWS NOTES letin for having provided the local Fire Company with its strangest Mrs. Richard Schmidt drove call to date "to get a bird· down from Detroit, Mich., to visit' their out of a tree." The hawk had family In Ambler. En route they sllpped its leash. but a restrain- stopped to see Mr. and Mrs. RayIng cord remained connecting its mond F. Winch of Dickinson avfeet. ThIs cord became entangled enue and· wlll return this week In the top of a high sycamore tree end for another visit lind a rewhere the bird perched and his union with friends here after a distressed cries demanded he be week at the seashore. rescued or shot. Fortunately, the Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. GodFire Company as usual rose to the frey and SODJ James, of Vassar occasion and George did not have avenue left today for Carnegie, to do away with his pet. Pa., to attend. their son, Bruce's George, who graduated from wedding. James will serve as best Swarthmore IDgh School last man for his brother In the cereJune and has been employed in mony which will take place tomorthe Ardmore office of the State row at 2: 30 In the First United IDghway Departme,nt this sum- PresbyterlilD Church of Carnegie. mer, has long been .lnterested In Dr. and Mrs. Wllllam Wesserbirds. Two years ago he had a pet crD¥!'. He spent ·severai. years strom and sons Robbie and Andy as Imtu'i'e· counselor at Camp will move from their home on Sinking Crl!ek, State College and Parrish road August 24 to 135 •was assistant trail director at the fairhaven road, Rochester, N. Y . . camy last year. He leaves Septem- Dr. Wasserstrom will teach En" ber 12 to enter Gettysburg .CoI- glish Literature at the University ' .: lege and hopes that by then the of Rochester next year. hawk wlll be well on its way to Mr. and Mrs. BIrney K. Morse South America where the rare of Harvard avenue returned home variety migrates In early Septem- Monday from two weeks In· Canber. Gecrge placed a National ada. After a week's huslness trip Wildlife Service band on the to Sarnia, Ontario, the Morses hawk's leg this week and remo1fed motored through Ottawa, Monits f"tters. Monday afternoon it treal, Quebec and spent some disappeared, apparently answer- time In the Laurentian Mountains. ing the call of. ·another hawk Jean Holman, daughter of Mr. which the family has seen soaring and Mrs. Frank H. Holman· of "hIgh, high above for the past College avenue returned home Tuesday from a week In New England where she visited some JINGLE of her camp friends, We have ping-pong ball&Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bodley and tennis balls golf balls and children, Justine, KathIeen, end such, Allce of Park avenue returned Also many odd things holne Saturday after· a two wee!< Which at times you want much. vacation at Little Spruce Lake. Regular /11m, ColoTFilm. Allo Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Marsh fast 24 hour developing seroice. and' daughter Sue returned after CATIiERMAN'S a weeks visit with their daughter DRUG STORE and son-in-law,· Mr. and Mrs. SW 6-0586 William Prouty who are noW llv- -- Vassar. Avenue Hawk Ready for Take-Off ~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~gii~1n Hudson BUR,GLARS To A' Vacation Too! Make sure your hQm8 and everything in it is adaquately insured against burglary, theft, fire and other perils BEFORE you leave on your Acclde.t Insurance Weather and customers permiHing, we expect to close shop Saturday, August 21st, Avenue) and open 9:00 after lunch (at A.M. Monday, August 405 ~3, Dartmouth at 6 "ark Avenue. VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION TRY OUR ALL NEW PHOTOFINISHING SERVICE Temporarily Located Along the Sidewalk Between 405 Dartmouth Avenue and 6 Park Avenue Fri. 9 to 8:30 Wed. 9 to 1:00 SW 6-4191 Select with care the color of your OLD GOLD TURQUOISE NYLON CARfET MOSS GREEN ••• No one TEAL BLUE SPRUCE GREEN COCOA· knows how long·it will 'last. COPPER SANDALWOOD NEEDL1:TUFT GEORGIAN 12" an". IS' wid~hsl ROSE BEIGE needs no binding, 15 00 sq. yd. PEARL GRAY TANGIER 'WHITE O',,"'son & Comr..e!l! ....... au.!¢'-. • Complete Sbe R~ ~ .............. ,100 P.rIe Ave., Swarthmore. Pa. SWarthmore 6-6000- CL ~rbroolc 9 4646 ..Rap ... _,.. _~ di.,/"""" ia :yow " - • Opojo "",E , ;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;~O!li$~;;;;;:;;;~;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;~~'You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's"~;;;;;s~ Headqllarters· ·for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouh Uniforms Clnd Equipment PETER E. TOLD. A.tllt for A 1_ Cuull, • s••., CC:...._IJ THE SWARTHMO Schools Ready for September 9 Start Flowerless 13.50 PER YEAR SWAR11IMORE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1954 SMITH PORTRAIT Names Committee Included In the Direct Colour Portrait Exhibit which Fabian Bachrach is holding at the Barc1ay on September 28 will be a Urge All Registrations Be portrait of Dr. Courtney C. Smith, . Completed Prior to president of Swarthmore College. Opening Week The exhibit, whIch- will open Tax Deadline Tuesda:y, August 31st, Is &be last da:y 1954 local &axes ean be paid to receive clIsconnt. Whit Is Where, or Where Is Who 111 One Leaves Town, Others de Furia Begins Washington Task ~-::=::,. ESTER'S Fashion Cor..... EDGMONT AYE... 7th AND WELSH STS. . CHINCHILLA CHARMER ~~~ Play Hide and Seek Finai plans are being completed with a cocktail party on SeptemIf change is progress Swarthfor the opening of the Swarth- ber 27 hosted by Mr. and Mrs. more has been progressing at an more school. on Thursday, Sep- Fabian Bachrach, will be open to unusual rate these waning sumtember 9. at ~e regular hours, Chester Road Man Sworn mer weeks. In fact the only rethe public on Tuesday. 8: 45 for hIgh school, grades 7 to turning vacationists who know in Saturday as Asst. 12, ·9:00 a.m. for all grades below which door to go into in the shopCo.msel ping area are those who have seventh. Any parents who will read and remembered the new have children entering the GUY G. defuria, 622 North address announced in Tp.e Swarthmore Schools for the first Chester road. went to Washington swarthmorean's adverUstng COltime In September but have not Monday to begin his duties as asumns. completed registration details, sistant counsel to the special'SenG. West Cochrane, who three should do so at once In the hIgh S D B k ate committee which will probe years ago set up the Camera and ept. ac s school building on College avenue. tate censure' charges against Senator Hobby Shop at 405 Dartmouth After teachers return, much less Here' of Leaders in Joseph McCarthy. avenue, has moved what started time and care can' be dovoted by 'German City THOMAS W. HOPPER A former first assistant district out as his hobby and turned Into the registration office to pupil President of Borougb Council, regisiration .details. At the suggeslion of the Amerl- who ,last evening announced attorney, Mr. deFuria was sworn everybody's hobby, to 6 Park avin Saturday to assist E. Wallace enue. West's hobby for many The first two days, September can Foreign Affairs Institute and Safety Committee. Chadwick, former congressman 9th and 10th, ail classes will have with the support of the United - - - - - - - - - - - - - and county judge, who was named years has been photograpf,y. When to that he added the hobby morning sessions only. On SepAugust 17 as chief counsel to the of catering to other people's hobtember 9th, the morning.-kinder- States State Department, Swarthsix-man committee. garten groups will attend, and on more will be host to a group of bies (even down to the bubble Announc.ement of the appointblowing set) and the hobby of September 10th, the afternoon adults from Stade, Germany for ment was made Saturday by San- placing "Sprlngmaid-like" ads In kindergarten groups. Full kinder- two and a half weeks in Septemator Watkins and deFuria was The Swarthmorean the walls of garten sessions will begin Mon- ber. The group wlll be sponsored sworn in on the same day. hI. original shop soon weakened day, September 13. Parenls will Hopper ""ames Res'ldents A native of CheSter, deFuria their seams trying to' pack In be notilled by mall before Lal>or locally by the Rotary Club, the .... attended Franklin Grammar every customer's favorite equlpDay to whlch.group their cbUd is action Ilttlng in with Rotary's to Study, Recommend School there and was graduated assigned, that Is,-which school. strong International program. Corrective Steps ment and the latest varieties of from Chatter IDgh School. He en- materials to intrigue the wide and whether the morning or The two . communities, Stade younger group, or afternoon or. and Swarthmore, have been in Thomas W. Hopper, president of tered the University of Pennsyl- tastes of those who pursue hobolder group. If the parents have c,!ntact with each other for sev- Borough Council, announces the vania, was elected to PhI Beta bies In Swarthmore (are there not been notilled as to placement eral years: Three years ago Klaus personnel of the seven member Kappa and received his bache- any who don't)? of their -chIldren, they are asked Lange was a guest In Swarthmore Citizens Committee on Safety lor's degree in 1925. Three years ShoP Crowded to call the school for one year during whIch he at- which Council authorized hIm to later he graduated from the university's law school and became However, on Wednesday the FIrst Gracie _'Pnplls tended the local schoola and was appoint at Its meeting in July. First grade pupils will have a member of four host familles. Charles B. Howland, 505 North assistant district· attorney that. new shop was crowded with shopsame year. a post he held until pers enjoying the 8)nple· shelf morning soissIotis; only, iticluding RaIsed $4,000 Swarthmore avenue, Is chairman 1944. space where tiny toys are clearly Wednesday, September 22. Full 'I'hfee. earlier, under the c:qliunittee. Howland Is a de Furia active in political ·and 'Seen. A bigger place was even day sessions fOr th<9 will be ·held those leaders In their home community. Delaware County and to the Chesdays, however.. They are scheduled to arrive in In making the appointment, ter Rotary Club. one of the stores a few doors to ElementuT Grade Do..... the United States early in Sep- Council Pres\dent Hopper ampliMrs. deFuria is the former Car- the south, formerly occupied by In the elementary grades, the tember and will spend some time fles ''The Citizens Committee on oline Casacclo of Lansdowne. the Liberty organization. ThIs hours will continue as heretofore:. In Washington, D. C., in an orien- Safety will survey and study haz- They have two daughters, Mrs. J. left a place with a basement for Grades 2 to 6, 9:00 to 11:40 a.m. tation program under the direc- ardous crossings to streets and Robert Twombly and Mrs. Paul storing all the things Santa Claus is SeJ;tding for Camera and Hobby and I: 00 and 3: 15 p.m. Grade one, tion of the State Department. railroads in the Borough, and will E. Wittreich. Shop 1954 Chrls\mas display, and They will coml' to S~~~,~~:~ prepare a report on their findings will be the sarDe, except that afC " H dolled up the place and temoon dismissal will be at 2: 45 about September 19. After with recommendations to Borough CORRECTION moved into its new shop last SatCoUncil, ThIs report wlll consider p.m. In the kindergarten, the two and a half weeks here mOrning group will attend from will go to the West Coast, probab- the cost and practicabillty of varThe correct address of Mrs. urday. Next Don Matthew's Music Box 9: 00 to 11: 450 a.m.-the afternoon ly to Eugene, Oregon for a similar ious plans for special conslruction, Joseph Pickln whose serious acgrOUP from ·1:00 to 3:15 a.m. At visit. safety devices, regulations and cident was reported In last week's located at 409 Dartmouth avenue tnId-year, ahout February I, 1954, They will be Interested In ob- educational programs for improv- Swarthmorean Is: Mrs. Joseph for over a decade is picking up the groups will exchange, the serving and understanding civic ing saiety at cril;ical points . PIckin clo Mrs. F. L. Anders. 205 its televisions, radios, records and mornings becoming the after- and governmental operations and "The Committee will act in an Price Street, Hendersonville; N.C. its record expert, ''Patty Campbell", and moving this weekend noons, and vice versa. agricultural and idustrial develop- adVisory capacity to Council and into the other location vacated by At the Rqtgers Avenue school ments In the United States. will cooperate with Council's Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Johnson, Liberty, adjoining the present due to the splendid classroom ad- Swarthmore will have an unex- committee on Public Safety. In Jr., returned to their home on Orange Cleaners. For the next dition, there will be, this year, peeted, additional share in certain Instances the Committee North Chester road after vacathree ·ftrst and three second grade Interesting experiment in Intema- maY help Council In obtaining tionlng since August 7. They spent two moves, Into the former C " H and Music Box sites, .we'll have rooms; and two each at third, tional understanding. necessary facilities from .outside two weeks in Averill, Vt., at Quimto wait and see who makes up fourth and fifth with one sixth. At agencies or ·corporations. The by Inn and last week end at Lake his mind to go where. College Avenue school, there will Rotary Outing work of the Committee will go Paupac where their daughter OGIer Benovalknls be one first, one Second, one third, forward immedIately and should Louise who has spent two months one Thetheir Swarthmore Rotary CI'lIb If you've already located about "~hsfourth, one fifth and two and Ro'ft-_.-~' held a I be complete on or before April I, at Camp Onaka joined them on ""'" . Insofar as possible, where _ J ........ 1955» Sunday. Enroute home ....ednes- :the best you can, the motto seems changes of school are made, or combined meeting with the Con. "'eanw"'''e Borough Council Is day. they collected Sidney,ft' Jr., at to be ""retty up and get IIlOII'e n ..here a ebange is made from the .,.;rdville Club at MIller's Farm _WI assignments ._~-.. by the near Gradyville, Wednesday af- carrying out, through Its officials Camp PocOno. where he has been cmofortable • Thus Robed and _.___ • d its Public Saf..... Chairman A. for the past e· ....t weeks. Betty Michael Hopkins' "Founaehool teaehers Jut spring, par_ temoon. A picnic supper an ~.J W~~~aroudfuecomer ents will be noWled. Also on the sened with everyone . H. Van Alen CODSUltations with fOur weeks ago. One such meeting on South Chester road on Mmday Brat day of 1Choo1, a t;yped list the nrimmin, and games. the PennsY~vania RaIlroad in n!- with ofIIcials Of &be railroad was afte:I' a week barrl~. for ezot pUpIb for each room, In all At 7 o'clock the clubs journeyed to the lnsbillIttion of safety held on August 18 and anotlfer is tenslve renovations. R~ !t's not trades, elementary and hiIh. will to see the polo games played at gates at the Swarthmore a:venue expected ~ week. (Continued 011 ...... 'l) be JIOIIted' ciiiblde e8eh hometoonL the Brindywine pi!lo a!siwol a1ioD. crOssing where a boy' was ldlled sense: I The Original COAT THAT GROWS mind: eal SW 6-1833 for details. ....... 1. . . ._ Flowerless For The :reBf",·· DESERT BEIGt: vecationl It costs so little _ brings g...... peace of LlaWIIty I..._e For The Flowers Appoints Citizens Safety Committee • .... , . Flowers Rotary Sponsors Stade Visitors The Camera &Hobby Shop . 1'[1.• VOLUME 26-NUMBER 35 That isl Falls, N. Y. Don't Treat All IIslIs 1.,arallCe We're Not All Here·t - • ~ Pure wool chinchilla in .. lIecaming p".micl fashion with fin. sfitching details .nd novelty side belt iI,lered. Sm.,.1 Prac:ficall RM or navy. 3 to 6X with lie b: 7 to 14. ------'6"------- • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE SVlnrthr.!ore Co llegll" Li brary Swarthmore August 20, 1954 TIlE SWARTIIMOREAN Page 8 I.. week. However, the bird was back Wednesday morning and it is ex-II pected it will continue to return periodically for a few weeks. Through the generosity of the Swarthmore College zoology deWhile most Swarthmoreans are partment, before the close of Colstill pursuing summer vacations, lege, and later Charles Lincoln one local family is momentarily of the Lincoln Foundation on expecting the departure of one of Harvard avenu~, the hawk has its members to a winter haven. If been well supplied with a diet of the recent chill nights continue white mice. It is very tame and the seeker of warmer climes will apparently doesn't realize it can probably take lIight quite soon. also eat birds. It is quite friendly Although not officially named with the various song birds, cats "Anybody" Allison, the broad- and dogs in the area although winged hawk which came to live these usuaUy keep their distance at 408 Vassar avenue last May is uless he is on his perch. The birds definitely a member of the Robert come to eat at a bird feeder close Allison family which resides there by when he is on the perch. _ in fact he's an established part Sometimes they torment him by diving at him and he seems to of the neighborhood. Caught wh!ile a fledgling, by actually be afraid of them. If he leaves the perch, a mouse George Allison, age 18, in one of placed near it, or a member of the the boy's wanderings through Crum Woods and environs study- family walking around carrying ing birds, the hawk was caged the perch brings him back. His only during his first two weeks of cry is similar to that of an owl. It will be inteersting to see if captivity. Since then he has been tethered to a perch just a couple be has a successful round-trip feet off the ground. Several weeks and willgs back to Swarthmore ago he was cited on the front page next summer. of the Philadelphia Evening BulNEWS NOTES letin for having provided the local Fire Company with its strangest Mrs. Richard Schmidt drove call to date "to get a bird down from Detroit, Mich., to visit their out of a tree." The hawk had family in Ambler. En route they slipped its leash. but a restrain- stopped to see Mr. and Mrs. Raying cord remained connecting its mond F. Winch of Dickinson avfeet. This cord became entangled enue and will return this week in the top of a high sycamore tree end for another visit and a rewhere the bird perched and his union with friends here after a distressed cries demanded he be week at the seashore. rescued or shot. Fortunately, the Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. GodFire Company as usual rose to the occasion and George did not have frey and son, James. of Vassar avenue left today for Carnegie, to do away with his pet. Pa., to attend their son, Bruce's George, who graduated from wedding. James will serve as best Swarthmore High School last man for his brother in the cereJune and has been employed in mony which will take place tomorthe Ardmore office of the State row at 2: 30 in the First United Highway Department this sum- Presbyterian Church of Carnegie. mer, has long been interested in Dr. and Mrs. William Wasserbirds. Two years ago he had a strom and sons Robbie and Andy pet crow. He spent several years will move from their home on as nature counselor at Camp Parrish road August 24 to 135 Sinking Creek, State College and was assistant trail director at the Fairhaven road, Rochester, N. Y. camp last year. He leaves Septem- Dr. Wasserstrom will teach Enber· 12 to enter Gettysburg Col- glish Literature at the University lege and hopes that by then the of Rochester next year. hawk will be well on its way to Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse South America where the rare of Harvard avenue returned home variety migrates in early Septem- Monday from two weeks in Canber. George placed a National ada. After a week's business trip Wildlife Service band on the to Sarnia, Ontario, the Morses tmwk's leg this week and removed motored through Ottawa, Monits fetters. Monday afternoon it treal, Quebec and spent some disappeared, apparently answer- time in the Laurentian Mountains. ing the call of another hawk Jean Holman, daughter of Mr. which the family has seen soaring and Mrs. Frank H. Holman of high, high above for the past College avenue returned home Tuesday from a week in New England where she visited some JINGLE of her camp friends. We have ping-pong baUsMr. and Mrs. J. J. Bodley and tennis balls golf balls and children, Justine. Kathleen, and such, Alice of Park avenue returned Also maay odd things home Saturday after a two weelt Which at times you want much. vacation at Little Spruce Lake. Regular film, Co/orFilm. Also Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Marsh fast 24 hour developing service. and daughter Sue returned after a weeks visit with their daughter CATIlERMAN'S and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. DRUG STORE William Prouty who are noW livSW 6-0586 ing. in Hudson Falls, N. Y. Vassar Avenue Hawk Ready for Take-Off I Flowers We're Not All Here! That is! Weather and customers permitting, we expect to close shop Saturday, August 21st, after lunch (at 405 Dartmouth Avenue) and open 9:00 A.M. Monday, August 23, at 6 Park VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION TRY OUR All. NEW PHOTOFINISHING SERVICE ,, The Camera &Hobby Shop Temporarily Located Along the Sidewalk Between 405 Dartmouth Avenue and 6 Park Avenue Fri. 9 to 8:30 Wed. 9 to 1:00 SW 6-4191 To A Vacation Too! Fire Insurance All Risks Insurance Accident Insurance liability Insurance Health hlsurance Make sure your home and everything in it is adequately insured against burglary, theft, fire and other perils BEFORE you leave on your vacation! It costs so little _ brings g.eat peace of mind: Call SW 6-1833 for details. PETER E. TOLD. Agent Ama Can.lty for & Surety Campa.y For The Flowerless THE.SWARTHMO VOLUME 26-NUMBER 35 Schools Ready for September 9Start Urge All Registrations Be . Completed Prior to Opening Week Avenue. SWARmMORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1954 SMITH PORTRAIT Included in the Direct Colour Portrait Exhibit which Fabian Bachrach is holding at the Barc1ay on September 28 will be a portrait of Dr. Courtney C. Smith, president of Swarthmore College. The exhibit, which· will open with a cocktail party on september 27 hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Bachrach. will be open to the public on Tuesday. Tax Deadline Names Committee Tuesday, August 31st, is &he last I day 1954 local taxes can be paid to receive discount. de Furia Begins Washington Task Select with care the color of your NYLON CARPET ... No one knows how long it will·'ast. NEEDLETUFT GEORGIAN 12' and IS' widths, needs no binding, 15 00 sq. yd. OLD GOLD TURQUOISE TEAL BLUE MOSS GREEN SPRUCE GREEN COCOA COPPER SANDALWOOD ROSE BEIGE DESERT BEIGE PEARL GRAY TANGIER WHITE (PA"'Sbtt & Com~!!,,Moha.k (:arpetbI1!C • Complete Size Rang. • Orle.a.1 B." 100 Parle Ave.. Swarthmore, Pa. SWarthmore 6-6000 - CL earbrook 9 4646 ;;$==~=;;$==~~="You Meet the Nicest People at Speare''''''=~~1 Headquarters for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Uniforms and Equipment ESTER'S Fashion Corner EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. CHINCHILLA CHARMER cz,~~ The Original COAT THAT GROWS ~4ro". ~ ...... ,,11 t Pure wool chinchilla in a becoming pyramid fashion with fine stitching details and novelty side belt interest. Smart! Practical! Red or navy. 3 to 6X with sllIcb; 7 to 14. Flowers N For The Flowerless '3.50 PER YEAR Who Is Where, or Where Is Who??? One Leaves Town, Others Play Hide and Seek Final plans are being completed If change is progress Swarthfor the opening of the Swarthmore has been progressing at an more schools on Thursday, Sepunusual rate these waning sumtember 9 at the regular hours, . Chester Road Man Sworn mer weeks. In fact the only re8: 45 for high school, grades 7 to turning vacationists who know in Saturday as Asst. 12, 9: 00 a.m. for all grades below which door to go into in the shopI CO'lnsel ping area are those who have seventh. Any parents who will , have children entering the read and remembered the new Guy G. defuria, 622 North address announced in The Swarthmore Schools for the first Chester road. went to Washington :;warthmorean's advertis1ng COltime in September but have not Monday to begin his duties as ascompleted registration details, umns. I sistant counsel to the special'SenG. West Cochrane, who three should do so at once in the high State Dept. Backs Visit I ate committee which will probe years ago set up the Camera and school building on College avenue. censure· charges against Senator Hobby Shop at 405 Dartmouth Here of Leaders in After teachers return, much less Joseph McCarthy. THOJIIAS W. HOPPER avenue, bas moved what started time and care can' be dovoted by German City A former first assistant district out as his hobby and turned into the registration office to pupil President of Borough Council. At the suggestion of the Ameri- who last evening announced attorney, Mr. deFuria was sworn everybody's hobby, to 6 Park avregistration details. in Saturday to assist E. Wallace enue. West's hobby for many The first two days, September can Foreign Affairs Institute and Safety Committee. Chadwick, former congressman years has been photography. 9th and lOth, all classes will have with the support of the United and county judge, who was named When to that he added the hobby morning sessions only. On Sep- States State Department, SwarthAugust 17 as chief counsel to the of catering to other people's hobtember 9th, the morning kindersix-man committee. more will be host to a group of bies (even down to the bubble garten groups will attend, and on Announc.ement of the appoint- blowing set) and the hobby of adults from Stade, Germany for September lOth, the afternoon ment was made Saturday by San- placing "Springmaid-llke" ads in kindergarten groups. Full kinder- two and a half weeks in Septemator Watkins and deFuria was The Swarthmorean the walls of garten sessions will begin Mon- ber. The group will be sponsored sworn in on the same day. his original shop soon weakened day, September 13. Parents will locally by the Rotary Club, the Hopper Names Residents A native of Chester, deFuria their seams trying to pack in be notified by mail before Labor action fitting in with Rotary's to Study, Recommend attendeq Franklin Grammar every customer's favorite equipDay to which group their child is strong international program. School there and was graduated ment and the latest varieties of Corrective Steps assigned, that ls.-which schOOl, from Chester High School. He en- materials to intrigue the wide The two communities, Stade and whether the morning or and Swartmnore, have been in Thomas W. Hopper, president of tered the University of Pennsyl- tastes of those who pursue hobyounger grouP. or afternoon or vania, was elected to Phi Beta bies in Swarthmore (are there contact with each other for sevBorough Council, announces the older group. If the parents have not been notified as to placement eral years: Three years ago Klaus 1 personnel of the seven m~mher Kappa and received his bache- any who don't)? of their children, they are asked Lange was a guest in Swarthmore Citizens Committee on Safety lor's degree in 1925. Three years Shop Crowded for one year during which he at- which Council authorized him t~ later he graduated from the unito call the school. However, on Wednesday the tended the local schools and was appoint at its meeting in July. versity's law school and became First Grsde Pupils new shop was crowded with shopa member of four host families. Charles B. Howland, 505 North assistant district attorney that First grade pupils will have pers enjoying the ample sheH Swarthmore avenue, is chairman same year, a post he held until RaIsed $4,000 morning sessions. only, including space where tiny toys are clearly of the committee. Howland is a 1944. Wednesday, September 22. Full Three years earlier, under de Furia active in politica" and seen. A bigger place was even day sessions for them will begin the leadership of the hi g h Philadelphia attorney. The two civic affairs is a former solicHer needed for West's famous sense Thursday, September 23. Second school students and their faculty women who have accepted ap- of the Chester Housing Authority of humor. and lor his family when grade pupils will have morning advisers,Swarthmore raised $4,000 pointment are Mrs. J. Albright and present solicitor and director it now comes to visit the shop: Not sessions only until Wednesday, for CARE packages to Stade Jones, 303 Elm avenue, chairman for the Delaware County Trust the least of West's own hobbies September 15. Their full day ses- which helped Stade in its prob- of the Swarthmore Branch of the Co. He is assistant treasurer of has been givIng the name of Coch.ions will begin Thursday, Sep- lem of caring for thousands of American Red Cross, and Mrs. J. the Chester Merchants and Me- rane to those who already have tember 16. refugees who overtaxed its re- H. Foley, 208 Dickinson avenue, chanics Building Association and it-although West would be the tea c her in the Swarthmore The regular morning session in sources. solicitor for the school districts last to admit he married Ann just schools. Avery F. Blake, 49 Amthe high school will begin at 8: 45 Another year a motion picture of Ridley Township and Lower for laughs, and Ann can't deny a.m. and continue to 12: 15. From film of a year in Swarthmore was herst avenue, president of the she got more out of the marriage Chichester. Swarthmore Rotary Club and 12: 15 to 12: 55 school lunch, fed- completed with a sound commenAn interested worker in the than just an "e" on the end of erally supported, at 30 cents per tary and sent to Stade to deepen lacrosse coach at Swarthmore Col- rlelaware County Committee her surname which she formerly meal, will be served in the high the understanding and friendship lege, Charles W. Lukens, 916 which maintains the children's spelled plain "Cochran". At any school cafeteria. The afternoon of the two communities. Mean- Strath Haven avenue, head of the Camp Sunshine, Mr. deFuria is rate all the Cochranes and the session will begin at 12: 55 p.m. while many local organizations Auxiliary Police Department of also active in Boy Scout work and Cochrans, and their customers and continue to 3:20. Special mu- conducted correspondence with the local Civil Defense organiza- Red Cross and Community Fund are happy that the Liberty's Advertising Company's recent move sical organizations' rehearsal similar groups in Stade, the Ro- tion, Peter E. Told, 322 Park avenue. editor of The Swarthmorean. campaigns. to larger quarters in Collingdale periods will be· held from 8: 00 to tary Club among others. He served as solicitor for the and Charles H. Topping, 323 set in motion a chain of checker8: 45. On Fridays of home footDelaware County Magistrates AsSeven In Groap North Princeton avenue, engineer board hops that put several local ball games, the morning session sociation, instructed in the county with DuPont, have also agreed to businesses in expanded and .imwill be lengthened, and extend According to advance informaPolice Schools and was a member proved locations. into the early afternoon, before tion there will be six men and one serve on the committee. of the Co",st Guard auxiliary. He First the Orange Cleaners dismissal for lunch. Only one ses- woman in the visiting group, all Explains Duties belongs to the Lawyers' Club of moved from 6 Park avenue into leaders in their home community. sion of school will be held those Delaware County and to the Ches- one of the stores a few doors to In making the apPOintment, They are scheduled to arrive in days, however. ter Rotary Club. the south, formerly occupied by the United States early in Sep- Council Presi.dent Hopper ampliElementary G..a.te Hours Mrs. deFuria is the former Car- the Liberty organization. This In the elementary grades, the tember and will spend some time fies "The Citizens Committee on oline Casaccio of Lansdowne. left a place with a basement for hours will continue as heretofore: in Washington, D. C., in an orien- Safety will survey and study haz- They have two daughters, Mrs. J. storing all the things Santa Claus tation program under the direcardous crossings to streets and Grades 2 to 6, 9:00 to 11:40 a.m. Robert Twombly and Mrs. Paul is sending for Camera and Hobby railroads in the Borough, and will and I: 00 and 3: 15 p.m. Grade one, tion of the State Department. Shop 1954 Christmas display, and They will com~ to Swarthmore prepare a report on their findings E. Wiltreich. will be the same, except that afC & H dolled up the place and ternoon dismissal will be at 2: 45 about September 19. After their with recommendations to Borough CORRECTION moved into its new shop last Satp.m. In the kindergarten, the two and a half weeks here they Council. This report will consider urday. will go to the West Coast, probabthe cost and practicability of varThe correct address of Mrs. morning group will attend from Next Don Matthew's Music Box ly to Eugene, Oregon for a similar ious plans for special construction, Joseph Pickin whose serious ac9: 00 to 11: 45. a.m.-the afternoon located at 409 Dartmouth avenue safety devices, regulations and cident was reported in last week's group from 1: 00 to 3: 15 a.m. At visit. They will be interested in ob- educational programs for improv- Swarthmorean is: Mrs. Joseph for over a decade is picking up mid-year, about February I, 1954, serving and understanding civic ing safety at cri~ical points. Pickin clo Mrs. F. L. Anders, 205 its televisions, radios, records and the groups will exchange, the "The Committee will act in an· Price Street, Hendersonville; N.C. its record expert, "Patty Campmornings becoming the after- and governmental operations and bell", and moving this weekend agricultural and idustrial develop- advisory capacity to Council and noons, and vice versa. into the other location vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Johnson, At the Ru,tgers Avenue school ments in the United States. will cooperate with Council's Liberty, adjoining the present due to the splendid classroom ad- Swarthmore will have an unex- committee on Public Safety. In Jr., returned to their home on Orange Cleaners. For the next dition' there will be, this year, pected, additional share in its certain instances the Committee North Chester road after vaca- two moves, into the former C & thr... first and three second grade interesting experiment in interna- may help Council in obtaining tioning since August 7. They spent H and Music Box sites, we'll have necessary facilities from outside two weeks in Averill, Vt., at Quim- to wait and see who makes up rooms; and two each at third, tional understanding. agencies or corporations. The by Inn and last week end at Lake his mind to go where. fourth and fifth with one sixth. At work of the Committee will go Paupac wbere their daughter College Avenue school, there will Rotary Outing other Renovations forward immediately and should Louise who has spent two months be one first, one second, one third. The Swarthmore Rotary Club be complete on or before April 1, at Camp Oneka joined them on If you've already located about one fourth, one fifth and two Sunday. Enroute home Wednes- ,the best you can, the motto seems sixths. Insofar as possible, where and their Rotary-Anns held a 1955," changes of school are made. or combined meeting with the ConMeanwhile Borough Council is day they collected Sidney, Jr., at to be "pretty up and get more cordville Club at Miller's Farm Where a change is made from the carrying out, through its officials Camp Pocono where he has been comfortable". Thus Robert and near Gradyville, Wednesday afassignments arranged by the Betty Michael Hopkins' "Founand its Public Safety Chairman A. for the past eight weeks. ternoon. A picnic supper was tain" reopened around the corner School teachers last spring, parserved with everyone enjoying H. Van Alen consultations with ents will be notified. Also on the the Pennsylvania RaIlroad in re- four weeks ago. One such meeting on South Chester road on Monday the swimming and games. IIrst day of school, a typed list gard to the installation of safety with officials of the railroad was after a week barricaded for exAt 7 o'clock the clubs journeyed of pupils for each room, in all gates at the Swarthmore avenue held on August 18 and another Is tensive renovations. Here it's not (Continued on Page 7) Krades, elementary and high, will to see the polo games played at crossing where a boy was killed. expected next week. the Brandywine polo association. be posted outside each homeroom. ,I Rotary Sponsors Stade Visitors Appoints Citizens Safety Committee Don't Treat BURGLARS 1'£\. o THE SWARTBMOREAN PIIJe2 Personals Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Forsythe of Thayer road will motor to St. Michaels. Md.. to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jackson. Jr•• of "Upholland" for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey of Yale avenue telurned recenUy from a few days vl;caUon at Slone Harbor. N.J.. where they visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Young and their children Rochelle and Gideon Lee have moved Into the residence at 408 Yale avenue formerly occupied by the Charles H. Harrison. Jrs.• from Yeadon. Mr. Young is a che1"ist associated with the Sun Oil Company. Betsy Jarratt returned to her horne on N. Princeton avenue Wednesday after vis.ltinJJ hill' aunt Mrs. WlllllllD E. McC,n. Jr.. at Chebeague Island. Maine. Her sister Cathy returned yesterday from Camp Strawderman, Columbia Furnace. Va., where she has sPent .the summer. With their mother, Mrs. Robert B. Jarratt and brother Rob they will drive to Trout Lake In the Poconos to collect their sister J~~ y;ho has been employed there for a month as ~ mother's assistant and all proceed to Lake PI!~P,!c for. the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Held, 3rd. of Westminster avenue have returned from visittng Mrs. Held's parentS, Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Snyder In Atlanta, GeorMr. ~d Mrs. Harry Case of ~I; for a weel<. E!lflier Mr. and Pittsburgh were overnight guests Mrs. Held were In Hamilton, BerSunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. muda for 10 days. Foster L. Gearhart of Strath Mr. and Mrs. David Bingham of Haven avenue. Princeton avenue spent last week at Lake Paupac. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn M. Patterson and their family of Amherst Dr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Ellis, 624 avenue h a v e returned from South Chester road, I returned spending three weeks on Long Thursday from a f"ur' week vacaBeach Island. tion. ~hey spent a week at a camp at S~ult Ste. Marie, Canada and Mrs. Arthur Geib and her two children Kathy and Billy of Col- then drove to New Orleans where umbia, Tenn., left Sunday after a they boarded the S8 Chirikuy for three week visit with Mrs. Tay- South Amerlc~ via Panama. Crislor's parents Mr. and Mrs. Norris tobal, AI Mirante, an~, S:mta M~rta, Colombia. Dr. Ell,s sISter O. Taylor of Westdale avenue. MIss Margnen'te Ell'IS ftew f rom ·Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Den- her home In West ~alm. Beach, worth of ]j:lm avenue have re- Fla., to meet the Ellises In New lurned from a trip to Alaska and Orleans and 'malle the South the Canadian Rockies. Enroute Athmlerican trlPDrwlth them. Aft~r they visited their son-In-law and • and. Mrs. Ellis e r ,!'turp daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harold drove ho",e, stopping at Warm Stratte, Jr., of Rochester, Minn., Springs, GI;., enroute. and family and their son-In-law Steve Kainp, 320 Riverview and daugliter Mr. and Mrs. Van R. Gathany and daughter Lynn of road and Hal Lawrence, Wellesley road,. returned Monday from Lake Forrest. m. Camp DeerWOOd. Holderness, N.H. Edwin McAmis of Sikeston. Mo.• visited John Davis of Amherst Mid~hipman ~n E. McChesavenue over last week end. ney, 17 South Chester road, Is due to relurn to Norfoik, Va., Mr. and ~. T!J~"'as Moore, the end of thJs month I\board the Jr .• of Mexico City, former r8!'i- escort deatroyer USS Raymond at dents of SoUth Chester road, a,nd the 'compietion of the third sum.Ple!r d"ughters Mary Anna and It\er midshipman .tralning cruise Helen Jane will arrive at the which left Norfolk on July 19. Strath Haven Inn on September Tqe squadron of 14' ships 'has .~ for a two week stay. Mrs. operated in the Western Atlantic. Moore's mother, Mrs. T. R. Boone Aian is a student at Penn State. of Wichita Falls, Texas, will be . .. with them, coming with Mrs. BOSSHARDoCLIFTON Moore and the girls from Cape The marriage of Miss Joan MilCod where they have been while dred Clifton. daughter !If Mr. and Mr. Moore attende4. the Graduate Mrs. Dewees Clifton of PoughSchool of Sales Management .and M.!tketlng at Rutgers· UDlverslty keepsie, N.Y., to Mr. Richard M. for two weeks. Mr. Moore flew Bosshardt, Ensign, U.S.N., son of . . from his home on August 4 and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bosshardt of 'lisited his broth.er -In - law and Park avenue will take place Sunsister, Mr. "ndMrs. Brul' ·was given by Is known b,. tile Bdlter. LItten Washington, D. C., recenUy to sightseeing. MoseS, but grace and truth came wW be PUlollii.eI """ ac tbe dis- spend a. few by Jesus Christ ... ·· .' .•.. .' ereUoJi or·_'BdltW. . All are Invited to attend the services at the FIrst Church of Singles Out Issue . ChrIst. Scientist, Park avenue. at Dear Editor: 11 a.m. Sundays. The notice which appeared in your paper of a public hearing to .CHURCH, SERVIcEs be' held In Council Chamber a.t PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7:30 p.m. on August 30 p~~=~~1 Joseph P. Bishop" Minister an interesting problem to ( J obn Schott, ASsOciate Minister and one .whlch might well InterStmday, A...-A Z' est property owners generallY. 11:00 A.M.-The ·Rev. John Scholt The hearing is on the application will preach. . of Mrs. Helen S. ~tuart of 327 METHODIST CHURCH Vassar avenue for permJ&sion · M.A Install a school room In the 2nd B D KULP JO HN C. •..• .• 1I4Inlster . aooraf herd~eiung with a.n ad131 Park Avenue, ditlonal exit from the 2nd floor THE.OUYER H.. BAiR CO. QPPOSITI ,OROUGH PAlliNG LOT SWa"'.~C!N 'I'HE SW ARTHMOREAN • Qwn~r .....jo,...atU ' " , __ .'. • ..\. Aupat 27, 1954 have and Gas .r 'I ". RUSSELL'S' SERVICE ville; ill. ·...r:..ay -. JUST A FEW MORE DAYS TO ORDER IMPRINTED >- . .COLLEGE THEATRE • '" .., ,. . . \ 105:30 , -<0. ':so PlI. lind. .:10 P:Jl. .... u.......· •• • • Aupe127,19M Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Gaul of Holmes returned last week from a few days vacation at Lake George, N.Y. En route home they stopped at Dover, N.J., to visit During August I! ~ • ~ ;;; HANNUM & WAITE !!! ~ ~ ~ will be ~ iii ~ Open Wed. Afternoons E ~ ... e;;;~ a~ ~ iii I§ :: Closed Sat. at 12 Noon i_ii ill § ~ ;;; .!!!; a Chester Road &: Ya Ie A venue i ' " \..w rth '<1250 :Ii a more... iii ~ ill ~ § = rullnlllllllllllllllllllllllllmlUllIIlHlllllllllllllllllllllllllinllHnlllUnllllUllIII1II11111l1ll1l1lnnmmnmlUlIIlIIlIlIIl.lffii To Accident l'ictims , BUILD Each year accidents run up a huge toll,across the nation. More than 90 times as many Americans were injured In accldents during 1952 as Wel'e wounded during the 3 years of the Korean war. A large number of accldent victims suffer shock, amputations, or other serloUl injuries, and their survival depends on prompt use of human blood to help them. Often they receive serum albumin before reaching the hospital. It could be you, the chUd next door, or the neighbor across_the street who wlIl need blood this year. Give blood - give an accIdent victim an extra chance for survivaJ. Call your Red Cross chapter to learn when and whel'e you can give blood. •ut To A Vacation .Too! All Risks Insurance LONG DISTANCE of "I SAFE·T·WAY SERVICE . , to you, your familYl your community? The HI.point Safe-T-Wa, Inspection listed will be given your vehicle every time you bring It In for service. ' • Your Safe-T-Way Service Check ID SnElING '0 EXHAUST SYSTE.. iO HORN '0 GLASS co TIRES i(] WINDSHIELD WIPERS ,0 REAR VIEW MIRROR • GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS , get away to see far-off friends? Cheer up •..a warm telephone chat is almost as good, and you can be there in seconds by lonk Distance. You can call anywhere in the U.S. for $2 or less (exclud. ing Federal tax-which is now only 10"4.). Look in your telephone direc· tory for rates from your telephone to key cities throughout the country. SWartllllt_ 606130 South Chester Rodel Accident Insurance Liability Insurance MeaAh Insurance PETER E. TOLD. Agent for Aetna Casualty &: Surety Campany I The INGLENEUK will be CLOSED FROM ClS .....'I'· Call by numberit's festerl • First in Sales RUMSEY CHEVROLET Theatre Square Christmas Holidays Mon .• January 3 School's reopen after New Year's Mon. thru Mon., April4-11, Inc. Tues., April 12 Schools reopen Mon., May 30 Me1norial Day Holiday Sun., June 5 Baccalaureate Tues., June 7 Commencement Wed., June 15 Last day, Pupils Thurs., June 16 Last day, Teachers Mon., JunO! 20 to July 29 Summer High School Dono~-NOW. . ..." - MONDAY. AUGQST 23rd until . . TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7th , NOTE PAPER - FRESH FRUIT SHERBET Y2 gal. 89c ' Pint 2Sc FROZEN ORANGE JUICE . MINUTE MAID SNOW CROP BIRDS EYE :2 cans 39c PILLSBURY ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX 49c 10c Coupon in -Each Package Reg. value sSe PENS " THEATRE PHARMACY . THEATRE SQUARE A/reolld/tioll/llg for Your S!t0pp/llg Comfort CALL FOR and DELIVERY SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Lockett of Riverview road returned recently froin a few days vacation at Mount Gretna, Pa. While away the Locketts visited Mrs. Lockett's brother and sister-In-law, Dr. and Mrs. C. Maxwell Meyers in Millersville. . Ample FREE Parking SWarthmore 6·3154 Yes! Our Cosmetic Sale Will Continue ; . Next Week Mr. and Mrs. Melvin K. Whiteleather of Magill road will entertain Mrs. Whiteleather's parents, 1 BRE'y~R'S .. ICE . ,CREAM Y2 gal. $1.19 Pint 36c PENCILS - RULERS,,,,,;, CRAYONS,,. Etc. Dr. anlS Mrs. George P. Warren of South Chester road al}d Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rutgers avenue returned home on August 20 from. vacationing for a week on Chebeague Island, Maine. Call LOcust' 4-2530. . BRIEF CASES --NOTE BOOKS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lincoln and family of Westdale avenue returned recently from a four week vacation at Wallingford, vt. The Lincolns visited Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Congdon in Burlington, Vt. Mrs. Congdon was formerly of Swarthmore. . Clip This Box for Future Reference Be a. :Qlood a Mrs. J. Albright Jones of Elm avenue entertained Wednesday at an informal lun.cheon in honor of Mrs. Ludwig T. Yanda who is here for a visit from Cincinnati, Ohio. Spring Vacation, Easter Holiday Can't DI ... 1;':'1 first in Service - Make. sure your home and everything in it is adequate. Iy insured against burglary, theft. fire and other perils BEFORE you' leave on your vacation I It costs so little brings great peae. of mind. Call SW 6-1833 for details. Fire Insurance . i Last day of School before Christma8-C\ose Noon Thurs., December 23 Hey 1CiI/., Mr. and Mrs. William C. Spencer and children, Billy, Sharon, Jimmy and Robin of Riverview road returned Monday from ... three weeks vacation at Wallingford, Vt. ' Mon. " Tues., February 21, 22 Washington's Birthday, Holiday BURGLAR'S .HONES SW 6-3410 SW 6-3451 Last day before holiday. Close Noon Wed., December 22 Professor and Mrs. William OnckMrs. John H. Pitman and Mrs. en of Washington, D.C., as their Lorene McCarter of Vassar avegueSts for a two week visit. nue returned Monday from North Franklin, Conn., where they had Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Green spent several days visiting Mrs. formerly of Yale avenue have Pitman's son-In-law and daughmoved to their new home In ter, the Rev. and Mrs. Carlos. A. LIma. Avila and their family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Lang of Dickinson avenue will entertain out of town guests at a dinner party tomorrow eventog. Thurs. & Fri., November 25. 26 . Thanksgiving Holiday BUILDING CONSTRUC;TION • First Day, Pupils Wed., November 24 HORACE A. REEVES 101lAKES '0 lEAR LIGHTS iO FRONT LIGHTS Thurs., September 9 Don't Treat "Third Generation Builders" What Are tlhe 8.enefits Teacher's Workshop Man. " Tues., October 25, 26 . Del. County Teachers Institute - SITE SELECTION DESIGN CONSULTATION QUALITY CONSTRUCTION REASONABLE COSTS 17112 S. Chester Road Tues., September 7, 8 PageS Mrs, F. W. Llpptocott of Rutgers avenue Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. WaIter Lamb in Bryn, Mawr for a week. Date • Be a Blood Donor - NOW! Calr LOcust 4.2530 CONSIDER RESALE VALUE Consult Us Without Obligation School Calendar for 1954·55 School District of Swarthmore Mrs. John H. Pitman of Vassar avenue recently entertained' her " son-to-law and daughter Mr. and --~ Mrs. Frank H. Robbins, and their daughters Ann and Galt. The Robbins left their former home to Green Ridge by plane last week to reside in Prairie Village, Kansas, where Mr. Robbins is with the Engineering Department of the Aviation Gas Turbine Divisian of ,the Westtoghouse Electric Corporation. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dickinson of PWk avenue left Saturday to drive through Blue Ridge Summit where they were luncheon guests of Mrs. Harvey Gearhart, the formehr Mrs. Ethel MticDaniels of SW9rt more, and can nue on' to Berkeley Springs to attend Mrs. Dlcktnsiln's family reunion, The Fearnow Reunion, on Sun~ day, returning home Monday. , . M r. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey of Yale avenue entertained the clerical staff of the Swarthmore Schools at luncheon on Tuesday at their home. NEWS NOTES home "High Meadow", Middle_ town road, on Wednesday,. September 1. - • • • • Blood Ileana LIte Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Church Smith is stationed now at Plca- of "Caltco Cottage," Baltlm9re tInny Arsenal. Pike are moving to their new I i:;:_ NEWS NOTES infant daughter, LInda Gayle. Mr. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUllllliiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii.,iiiijlt ~ I1i • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and mE SWARTHMOREAN ALL .FOOD MARKET 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Store Hours OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON .' 9 A.M. to 1 P. M. 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. SWIFT'S PREMIUM GRADE A VISCERATED HEN TURKEYS Ib·63c lb. 1.05 Ib·59c (Average 10 to 15 Ibs.) EXTRA FANCY LARGE BANANAS Ib'14~ LARGE CALIFORNIA SWEET CANTALOUPES each 29c FANCY GREEN PEPPERS and CUCUr.1BERS Your Choice 3 for 14c IT TAKES REAL MAYONAISE TO MAKE REAL POTATO SALAD c qt. pint HELLMAN'S 75 Prescribed for Automatic Washers FRIDAY 9 - 1 P. M. 2 - 9 P. M. LEG OF LAMB. LOIN LAMB ·CHOPS (Controlled S_J 47c in Metal Bucket 5.~9 NABISCO RITZ .,CRACKERS pound, package COMPLETE LINE ALL FRUIT JUICES 'Frozen and Canned • Aupe~27, THE SW ARTHMOUEAlli 1954, ,mE SWARTHMOREAN Auguat27,1954 , Jewelry Repaired THOM SEREMBA Phone: SW ' ....216 EMIL SPIES W.tc........ Formerl, of F. Fine Watch and Clock Repair, c. UPHOLSTERING SLIP •• $oItI ~ 128 Yal. Ave. Swarthmore. Pa .. ..... s..... Sw.rth..ore lilll 0734 More than 25 years ellIMriettee PIANO TUNING New anll _nDt PlaDoiI ..... ~!! SID"" 1_ ALBAN PARKER PIl~M_ COYU5-DlAPElIES Swarthmor. Ie(.... ~" . uoaACB Passmore 8-_ A~~ 6-1441 WILLIAM BROOKS Ashee & Rubbish Removed Lawns Mowed, General 236 Hardin!! Ave.,lIIorlon. P. .aAL aSTATa 6 lNSURANca 609 s. CHaiT . . ).D. Television & Radio Service SY.u:rHMOU. Co.p,ete Sfoek T..... for Ho... R.po',. T~"_ Haullnlt 0' J>BNKA. S". 6-,,,0 ROIERT IROOKs S~ S~ 6-3889--W... Daya 6-1947-1"... a Saadoy • PETER 01 NICOLA Asphalt or Concrote Cellar Walls Ro.Plastered Swarthmore on i (Il..-..as MIIlI. . . OK .".MI••••UH ........ Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schumacher. 10 Ogden avenue.' will leave Thursday to join ~end8 'at Manchester. VI.. where they will spend the week end. returning on Monday evening. throug" Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bovard, '205 N. Swarthmore avenue. have returned from nine weeks at Am· prior. Ontario, where Mr. Bovard was on a business assignment. With their daughters Barrie and Bettie., they spent one week In Quebec and another In Montreal. Barbara Ann and Patricia Jean Jezl left Wednesday by plane for I 1.' GfNfRAL COtnRAaOR CLASSIFIED ADS Tile Floars • Plastic Tile Modem Kitchens Alterations PERSONAL ------~~~R~S~A~LME~----PERSONAL - FurnIture reflnlsh- FOR SALE - Top quBllty top.. 1401 Rldle, Aveaue lng, general carpentry. light soil, $10.00 load. can Warren hauling. Phone SWarthmore 6- :.P.:;ie::r~ce:::l,"-S:::W.::.:art:::.::hm=o::;r:.:e:..::.6•.:2::0::.78::;.~__ CHester 2-4759 2198. FOR SALE ..,. Peaches,. yellow 2·5689 and white Freestone. Apples. EI PERSONAL - Television, radio and appliance repairs -- prompt Rancho Orchards, Providence 'road service. TV s~ts repaired In the one mile north of Rose Tree. near home. Robert' Brooks, SWarth- Media. . more 6·3889 or SWarthmore 6·1'f4~~~~:=-:~§i~~:a;;~~ 1947. I' - R. A~ Gaul - tree forester. servFOR SALE - Two mirrors - 64" by 66" and 50", by 60". $75 for PAINTING In yotir pair. Apply Mrs. A. Schwartz, home. with. Estelle 609 - A South Chester R 0 a d. and Dress Shop, 69th Street. SWarth- Swarthmore. more 6-4934. CARPENTRY ffil~~tTrr--n:==-::::=:: FOR SALE - Blonde male cocker PERSONAL College senior spaniel eight weeks old: Chamdesires room In exchange for pioned Sired, Inoculated 'wormed. SWarthmore 6·8761 baby sitting, household chores. for Phone FA 9-2580. the school year. References. Con. tact Box X, The Sw8rlbmorean. FOR SALE - Labrador retriever puppies. A.K.C. Excellent blood WANTED ....,""'...._..;;;;~:..;":;n:.=o:-:,,...= line. very alfectlonate. Inoculated. WANTED - We will buy at best Reasonable. Call MEdia 6"6666 CONSTRUCTION prices old china, cut glass. fur- atter 6 p.m. or week ends or write nlture. ,Call Holly Oak 43.3. or Box Z, The Swarthmorean. RESIDENTIAL AND Holly 'Oak 6720 collect., for ap· polhtinerit. AU busineSs 'cOnfl- FOR SALE, - Used frigidaire, COMMERCIAL dential. Colonial Cupboard, N(I. 5. good condition, 7 cu. ft. Call Phlllldelphia PIke. 'VIllmington. ;,:MEdl::::;::a::..::6:::-5::0:.:44.:;.=--_.:..-_ _ __ Alterations D;;~el;:;.:;;,=~-===:7"==~ FOR SALE -, ..Cheal'! Ypung WANTED - Furnished house or parakeet and cage. Must gO be· 335 Dartmouth Aveaae apartment by executive and cause of cat. Call SWarthmore 6wife. Pleasant surroundings of 2=2:::G~.==~_...:."'-";,,=,,:,:,,,;,,_ primary importance. Call Mr. FOR SALE _ RegiStered Beagle J. F. BLACKMAN Parry; 'CHester 5-4704 days only. puppies, six weeks old. Call 8W 1.1111 WANTED - Housekeeper: will- "S::W=art:.:;hm7::0=re:..::;6-:.:1:,:63~1::'_::"'"_":-.,._1I Ing. cheerful, aild attractive to I ; cook and take full charge of doc- FOR SALE - 'Sofa, ttiree piece . lor's Mme . ln country near !,iedia. sectional, excellent condition. :~tate salary desired. 'glve refer- Channel back chair. Windsor rr • , . .~nces' and. Information about Yilur- chili, night table. SWarthmore 6.t: ... , ·.elf. Box R, The Swarthmorean, ::56~06=,,'==,,-___..;..___-' WANTED _ Secretary to dean. FOR SALE - 1949 maroon Ply. Charles E,. Fischer Fast accurate shorthand, typing . mouth suburban station wagon. required. Also act as receptionist. Good tires. $450. SWarthmore 6· Call at Business .Managers Omce, ;;14;,0~7;-.==.-_=-~~~~. Swarthmore C;:oll~ge. FOR S4\LE - Chest of drawers, BUILDER WANTED - Woman desires part, lawn or' porch bench. kitchen time or days work. Rellable table, toy; .box. AllIson Antiques. references. Call' CHester 2-8055 SWarthmore 6-3050.' after, 6 p . m . ' FOR SALE - Nine cu, ft. refrlg. WANTED - Days work. Swartherator in excellent condition. . Swarthmore 6-ZZ53 more ,eferences. Can· CHester Reilsonable. Telepholle Klngs2-3144. . . ',' wood 4"0640. . J WANTED Postmaster or. post. FOR SALE mistress -at Swarthmore College. Spirll't;, ,40" -high,George walnut, Steck per- ~~~~5555~555~~ Ha. supervision of several stu- fect condition. For Information dents. 'Apply at Business Man- call SWart!>tI,1ore '6·4118. Sheet Metal Work ager" Office, ~arrish Hall. " '.' FOR RENT WANTEDCailhierat SWarlh- =",,'"".:=,;,-=:,:",,;::=--':". more College. Must be able' to FOR RENT - Six ,room apart· Roafi", . Gatters and ment with bath, centrally loeat· COildillanla, September 1. Box V, IioaHa, 011 • Gas • burllers « DAY and NIGHT OIL BURNER , SEiIlVICE tlONDAY TBRU SATURDAY NOON SW 6-4041 SUNDAYS an" HOLIDAY!' COAL-' FIREPLACE ,. WOOD OVER THE SREEI • liTO TIE REDI An Stua Comprehensive PerlOw Liability Inluranc. polley· ...otlld be part of every .lolfer'1 eqaipment! 'Thil wur~e, iet written oil • conY.D" three-year bull. protectec' you· qualt fljib", 'for "iiljun.. · to oth.... See nl aboat it todayl . pETER E. TOLD All III.d. of ' .....oce 333 Dartmouth Ave. Swart.Dlor.. '0. J. A.GREEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REGISTRATION 'SCHED:ULE ..; ! •• ' ,- PRiolTO GENaRA'L' ELSeTION' NOVEMBER 2. 1954 September Zltd Last day an elector may move from one election district to another In order to be permitted to vote at the General Election. September lUh Last day all electors may register to vote at the General Election. This Includes electors who will become of 'age on or before November 31'd, 1954. September 13Ul Last day for any elector who has removed into a new election ~~£t to, ~iv~!,otice to \he ~\!!listra~\o,!, ,CQ,ID\I'\ss.ioll In .order to, Ije p~tted to '(ote a,t the ~~er~,J1:\t!\lWll' 'Ul~ rem,oval car~ m!JSt ~qortll '" ~emovaJ, lIaW.l!>tQ tbr;. !;Ii\\(' ,~e~\i9n \liStrlct which CIW",otb.~ ~ater t\>al' Sept~1'1l>\'r ~!1., ., . -. , .,. " COURT BOUSE BOURS Regular business hours up ·to an~ including Saturday, September 11th. ' ' Monday through Friday """"'""" 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday "., , , , ' , , ' . , , , ' , " 9:00 a.m. to 12: Noon yp~ •• w".. I retu", the meal will be cooked." ~~~T REGISTER ~SoPPICE " COURT HO:17BE,MEDIA. PA. Prlday; Sept. ·1?, 1964 , 9 :30 A.M. Zaa\ern DayllKllt TIme COndltlDl1S: ~.OO caab. or certlfled check at 'time of 8ale (Unless TO VOTE !::=========================:..I 52 ,.. . .- and 40 ft, .. ,often go out for the ~rnoon ••• my c:iUtOmatic gas range cooks for me. Once the cwen control is let, lean forget the meat. And top burnen, broil~r, and oven have automatic lightIng, making the whale cooking job an ec:isy one.Choose the modem gas range you like best at your dealer's or any Phi!adelphia ElectrIc suburban siore. 2* cl0Be4 ~l'Ontl""'.11 I . . ILA.ILP.IA ILlelRle CO ••••y . -. ' 6-0108 , Do~1><>. Atty:Robert P. JacIaMID. Esq. St-S-n !1'. A. ~ Jr.. Sherll!. IjBZlUPP sAi.1!S ot RIDAIJ ESTATE BHE!IJPP'B OPPICE COUll.T HOUBlt, !IJ!;l)IA. PA, Prl4aY, Sept. 17;UM " 9:30 AM. _ D6yl1g1lt TIme Conditions: nso.OO C88h or oertlfled cheek at time of sate (unless Hits New High in Km!Fk-Free Pow.' oth~ for Your lhopplng Comfort Real Cool . MONEY SAYER With Purchase of $15°0 J;alance .9tka1 Grade A ONIIACH .9dfaI Whoie 'K~mel Cam !)deIII Baby ~~ma ~ns French Fried Potat_s .9tUa, Big Valiles In F QZEN FOODS ". ., . , -"'391 Mrs. 'aul's Fish Sticks Arctic Seal' Perch or Cod Fillets I - Pe a9c . 4alle44te4 '~MruJ i'pea'CallUut ~at4 ___.... u. S. Graded Choice Beef STEI S " No. 1406 lot 'of ground '. '_... Jlp.e 'renn, 1954 ~ THAT ~:rAIN wltlltl1e buDdllIiIs ·th....... In Da:rby TowDBhlp, DeL CO... Po. Bl!IO at " pt. ~)n - s.w. ad.' Qf P;ine Road at dl&t. of 304.17' ~~. aJo~ same B. H deg. Ui' . :'. ' . ' Sirloin T-~e Ib PorterhoUse Shoulder Lamb Sq~... cu. Should_.. Lamb Chops Neck or Shank Lamb Genuine Lca'lb Liver .' BooeJess Plate 11_-' POT ROAST .: lancaster Brand.,' -- Reacly-to-Eat ... Ito ~ Shankless , .. Half ,_ " Faricy Ntiarby (12-~ lbo HIID '_ACIIE$". . ~Rldl~y p"rII wlde alley: thence extdg. along center EConomy Sale - with s.e, sd . 24.33"to pt,: thence extdg, B. 65 deg. 45' W. ?o· to center line of certain 4' , Une or said alley N. 24: deg, ·15' W. 24.33' to pt,; thence extdg. N. IlII deg. 45' B, ?o' to beg. Being Lot No. 50. House No. 1000 PIne !IO&d. TOOEIBEIR wlt1l the use of alley, subjeCt to proportionate expense at upkeep. ATLANTIC FUEL OIL . ...",' AIR R~, ACME " MARK.ET u. eM_st.a . :;f' ~'., _: ~ Teo JIo&s i 1:'" ' " SIC .9dMzJ . -.., Rea. Pric.. 16 Tea &81 2c - ToW ~7c _,-"filDdt Juice 2 . -..... 391 Tomatoes, Peas, ....... Beans al--u. , Fresh Fruit IllS Reg. 5~ uch4 .. Dellclous.alslh . ~ .f1.,rI~a ~, and FAIRVIEW P.o.. SWartilmore 6-3,681 , VirginIa' lee .alc.ry Feateres ~- ,y~ .• brick row house 18 x 28 teet. ~ Sold as the property of Jerry L. Giddens. Atty: CbfLl'lea H. Heldmann , Beq. st-B-2?' P. A. ~ Jr.• Sherur. e 3g - TEA ,64. m~g Improvements eonslst of a 1 story , Ib39c Ib49c Ib23c ib 23c , VAN ALEN 'BROS. In~n ' ,- Fan~ ~e$t8rn Fre~h Peas U.S. No... _...·A White Potatoes ft'<1m'lts .. Yellow f~one .of Laurel' Bd.o extdg. thence along said 1Sd. at Pine Rd. S, 24 leg, 15' E, B, lli ~-- ) . 71e ----~------------Genu'ne Spr'", ~alll" condItions 9D,",d!"y of sale.' M-:'~E 3PGS FROZE FOODS .~ted In adoertl8ement) In ~!l ~ys; Other ~ !'~C]~ Many Attractive Homes .Availabl. ,.", SW and baclt shed 16 ,<"40 f e e t . · : SaId as the property of Hazel J. Swart~....qre'and Vicinity ReC*1fbrs . ITIO D IIR~C Plan of Bldg. Lta: A, O. Improvem.enta. consist at a &tory concrete block house With en- Allftorflod Dflfrflilrfors for lairll ." 'Bird P. M. Satu1'dayTill 6 P. M. . prem.. :tW'-4742 ., :WA 8-2440 0569. ment, unfurnished, FOUND-Link bracelet on cinder patl;l by railroad. Call SWarth· and bath. $50. 101 East 2nd Media. more ',6·0857. . I ..' : on ... autveYi!<1' by' Thomas 0, Janlver 4nd ,rae. ,at iIed1a,. Pa" in D. Bit. X, No, '1, P. 8're~CONT;.'1D 1l'ont on ad. Il:Umont Ave. 25 It and extg. In I. or' d. alg. the B; &d. ot LeIllgh Ave. _dly. of that wldtll bet. par. l1nes at right angles to ad. Milmont Ave. 1'" ft. the'S. Une thereof roD.nlDg t'IlrU tile mJd. of party wall di· viding the dwg.. bBe. on these from a SlmUar 'one erected on the adj. lot to, the S. 200'W~ RldJ.y,~ve. glasses, Gilmour" bftlance In stated ten. cla,s. conditlons otberw18e In Other advert1aement) • PJIIlU PAOIAS No, 1809 •. ~. I June Tenn 185. on day. of &ale. d~ODd • • & FlLTill , orwP., .~a SW;'I~~6-0740 • • •.'• • Our Swarthmore Market Now srr. In' R!dle~ ~. 00.. PB.. on the 8E_~cor• .ot. JIllm'ont and. Leh1gIi'. (formerly' PInt)' A ...., .... 118me 81"e laJd out of the !'eSP. wtd~ of··&O Air 'Hie 'lifers the most model'I! of local commer_ cal structures-a happy thought, for If it ,needed revamping It could mean hlgl,ter stamp prices or evfi!n incfel!Sed Income taxes for compatriots .of the local mailmen). At any rate, at the Bank workmen have been busy cutting cute round holes In the high ~eIlIng and building balconies around the balconies for quite a few weeks. We hear air-conditioning has now been turned on-all ready for 'rndian summer. New lighting is on the schedule and it's also possible that 'cllents calling for their Christmas Club checks will receive them over a' new modemtype counter. Time Marches On! Who Can Withstand It? Unless It be The Swarthmorean .with a deadline to meet every week. IIHERIPP BALES of RBAL ESTATE I " (Continued from Page 1) the shop that has moved but the door and tile windows. The entrance ~ormerly mid-ship now Is at the north and the two old-type display Windows It used to separate have joined hands and form' a coinmodiaus and plc.turesque modem front t1Jrough which you can't' help but find your husband or your coke-dr!nklug small fry even when your seeIng-eye dog Is on vacation. Then there's the Bank, the Swarthmore branch of ~e ~ Nati,opal Bank of Media that Isthe Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company that was,at the corner of Cb,ester road and Rutgers avenue, just as you go 'round to the Post Omce (which also deserves mention since it is ==-:-= SWarthmore 6·0740 7 Who Is Where, or Where Is Who??? Jack Prichard Dr;veway Construction ............ NEWS ,NOTES Pittsburgh to visit their grand· ,Media Frloads School parents Mr. and ,Mrs" W. Booth . Serving all ~a_i all Cruds Bannister, in Imf&ial. In the family party visiting there will be Three YearS 7th Grade their greatgrandmother Mrs. A-",os , TOj Enrol!, phone B~ter of Beaver FaJljalili MEdia 6-09i4 their uncle and aunt Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Bannister, Jr., and chUdren of New Castle, Penna. Ano!he~ SJ'rlngfield , uncle Mr. W. Booth. Bannister of Laundromat Charlestown, W. Va., will- join ~hem on Labor Day as will their 1M lalll.ore ..... parents Mr. and Mrs. James L. 11._, 400252 Jezl, 331 Cornell avenue. IN..... Lot-llN. lII~a_ Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Jones, are removing from their residence at '410 N. Swarthmore avenue to EDWARD G. CHIPMAN their new home outside Paoli toAND SON morrow. Page TIlE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 Chosen to Take Part in Vassar Research Study Mrs. Robert B. Jarrett, North Princeton avenue, returned Monday from a three day conference on personality assessment for maturity in women in which she was invited to participate at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y .. The conference was part of the Mary' Conover Mellon Foundation program at Vassar which conducts research on personality development in women with special reference to the effects of college education. Its major effort is directed to students in college but this firs t study of the alumnae group is aimed at securing an adequate concept of the social and cultural role taken by Vassar graduates and the future toward which college education is directed. The Program is directed by Dr. Nevitt Sanford. Mrs. Jarratt was one of 10 Vassar alumni invited from the graduating classes of 1930-1935 to return as guests of the Foundation for the conference in which 1% psychologists conducted tests. Each alumna underwent five one and haH hour interviews, 12 written tests, sat in groups of five to join in discussions of s~ch varied subjects as the ideal college and "McCarthyism". 'In twos they presented original soap operas and teamed for guessing games while the 12 psychologists observed. THE SCHOOL IN sixth grade. F...·lnformatlon call • Edla 6-2601· or . MEdia 6-2888 When your toothbrush is beat, And it's spikes stab your gums, It's a new brush>You need, Not a package of Turns. " Regula,. film, CoIcwFilm. Also fast 24 hou,. developing service. CATHERMAN'S DB.1JG STORE 8W 6-0581 Easy to Clean . . . Needletuft NYLON Carpet $600 MONTHLY Starting salary for 2 executive-type salesmen to represent larljle Eastern fhianclal corporation. No trovel. Sale,' experience and ability desIred. establlshed r.sldent. 2S-4O y.ars old. married. c;apable of alSumlnljl responllbtlItles. In requestln9 Intervl_ please Include I brief personal hIstory. all replies conRdenlal. Our salesmen have been Informed o~ this ad. Box A. L Swartflmoreon. ~lIIlmlnllmllltllllllftllmmllnllllDlDlDnnllDlllnnm = ~ i= e PIOURE FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES § I i§ Providence Concert road, was called to New Bedford, Be a Blood Donor-NOW. Call Mass., recently by the sudden LOcust 4-2530. death of his motlier, Mrs. Walter Walmsley. JINGLE , l V····ownLiW. Unique country day ~chool for children. Nursery through . Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Heinze Burma where he was studying of Strath Haven avenue returned under a Fulbright Scholarship at the University of Rangoon. this week to their home after a two weelt ftshing trip in northern The hal band concert by the Canada. lOOKWAYS Chester Elks 1Iand of Chester will 417 DartII .... Aft. be given at Glen Providence Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goodwin ~ Park, Media on Thursday eve- of Rose Valley entertained as their Closed A.g." 23 ning, September 2, at.8 p.m., house guest for one week Dr. Uatil Labor Day weather permitting, according to Robert Firestone Emery.' Dr. 0peII. THIdoy, ..,t... ., :~. H. Walter Weaver Superintendent ... E~m~ery;;;;r~e~turn~~ed;;;,rec;e;.n~tl~y~fr~o;.m~,~;;;;;.;;;~~~~~~~~;;;;~ ot Parks, Delaware County. • iilllllllllJllDUamH1lIllJllIIIllWlmnll1llHlllmlUUlIlII'nmnmlmammllllnnlllUlIlUIHIIlUlIIBlllll1iIIII J.' Harrison Eastwood will- b e ' I, ' , the vocal soloist for this seventh Tests used were based on those and hal concert. Among his of the University of California. numbers will be "At Dawning" and "Thine Alone". Johnny SaunNEWS NOTES ders, instrumental soloist, will play "Carnival of Venice", for Mrs. James W. Hubbell has re- which many requests have bep.n Soil resistant, stain resistanfr turned to her home on Yale ave- received. nue after visiting for the summer . fire resi.stant, wear resistant, Thomas Q. Leeson, conductor, in Texas, California, and Nevada. has arranged for a number of exmothproof, preshrunk . •. Miss Alberta Magee will return' tras on the ,program. this week. end from a two week The following program will he Needletuft ,. GEORGIAN" ,. 1 00'10 Nylon, vacation cruise to Bermuda on the presented:' march "St. Julien" ;s unbelievably beaut/iu/, Queen of Bermuda. (Hughes) ; waltz "Emperor" amazingly low-priced. \' .' (Strauss); trumpet solo, "Caml\$ss Mildred Magee entertained Ar S' ) / ivaI of Venice" ( r: talgers 12' and 15' widths, 12 colors, Friday with friends for a trip to and "Oh! My Pa-Pa" (Burkhard); the West Coast. where she will slow fox trot "Moonlight Sereneeds no binding, 15.00 sq. yd. visit friends in Los Angeles and nade" (Miller) ; tenor solo "At return home September 1. Dawning" (Cadman) and ''Thine Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt of Park Alone" (Herbert); Cambodian avenue returned to her home last Suite' "Berceuse"; "Nostalgia"; Friday after two months in North- "Cherie",. (His Majesty King Norodom of Cambodia); selection east Harbor, Me. "Wreck of the Hesperus" (An: Mr. and Mi's. Clarke Allison of Leeson); march "National Spirit" II. . . . . e...."I"t' • CcnapI... _ . . . . • ............ Michigan avenue drove to Cresco, -featuring Majorettes, Shirley 100 P,rl: A.... 5wMtfunore. , •• Pa., Saturday to bring th!'ee and Ruthe, (Huminel) ; march SWarthmore 6.6000 young Swarthmoreans who hap "Washington Grays" (Grafulla); spent a week at ,the Pocono overture, " "'Rienzi" (Wagner) ; Plateau Institute to their homes. modem "Hollywood Serenade" Mr. and Mrs. Don Dickinson of (Davis); tenor solo, "Softly, As Park avenue had driven Luren In a Morning Sunrise" (BomDicKinson, Anna Mae Allison, and berg); and "The Song of Songs" Bea Schoenberg to the Institute (Moya) ;' Pathetic Symphony "Anthe previous week end. dante". "March". (Tschaikowsky); modem "Arrangers' HoliMiss Belle Dudley of iVnssar day" (Bennett, Walters, Yoder); avenue returned. on Monday from excerpts "South Pacific'" (Rogfive days in Taylor Hospital where she recuperated from a fall down ers); march "Fidelity" (Blanken_ the stairs of her home on' August burg); National Anthem. 18 in which she broke her left BEREAVED ann and suffered head and hand injuries . Lesll~ Walmsley, N. Chester Testing continued during meals in which the p~ychologists jollied the group. Mrs. Jarratt,'whQ is the present president of the class of 1933 will help to write an article about the conference for the Vassar Alumnae Magazine. She ... came aw:ay from the conf~ence with the "utmost respect for ;the entire group," a feeling in which the psychologists expressed their complete agreement. POOl. ,ROSE VALLEY I SePt • 2 Final GIen Augaet 27, 1954, "9tember Vacation ! i§ NEW5·,NOTES Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer and their son John of Strath Haven avenue returned last week from a two week' vacation in Maine and N~w Hampshire. 'liOIIllDl".~.'Y ._taB... f . I.. THREE DAYS' Vou t:an havc your own 1M' x 36' swimming pool, in any .of 6 attractivo·shapes, for less than the price of the family carl Constructed of reinforced concrcte, the pool ~cs complete with fittings, piping and cqncrctc steps-is designed to last a lifetime. Bank lcnns. Filtration and accessories at slight extra cost. Dr. Frederick D. Dudley of Ma- all gill road flew to Toronto, Canada, last week to attend the International Institute on Child Psychology at the University of Tororiio. Pboae or Write for ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET VADI)' Stream 5-9060 . ' FReeport 9-7288 Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Weltz of College avenue returned Friday from vacationing fora. week in the Pocono Mountains. Nicest People at Speare's' : ROGER RUSSELL ! I 5 i. i5 State & Monroe Sts. Media :r:vJ 6-2176 &mmIllIllIllDlllllmUIHIRlllDllIlllIlllIHIJlllIlDllmm Diluzio and Sons ESTER'S Fashion Corner :EDGMONT AVE. - "lth AND WELSH STS. Florist Relax Ie tile IICeIft air ...,.. .. wMrt; SUtICIec:b, solaria, .... ........ surr-llaUllnt. 'Prilate IIucII tIItrance. tfot and e.Id fresIt lad sea water III all ~ Formerl, CAR'NS • T.... 1Iecfs and batII from $12.. 650 Baltimore Pike Springfield. De'. C.o." Pa. SWarDmoN 6-0450 OwMnI.ip ...... g.m."t. Jott.h Ltd. • s... ww.. Alrl&oroagfJ•. ,. . . 0 ..... A.M. to 6 P.... --IOAIDWAU • A'fUImC an 'AM.LTDINNIIS to SUIT ... TAS'I'I of IYDTONI TENDER STEAKS alld CHOPS Cooked to O ....r EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACIUTIES BUSINESS M~ LUNCH i2-1130 P.. M. 1"" DlNIN. IOOIIIS . . LOllY All CONDmONID C••forfable 1 __ or Weft ..." ..... STRATH HAYEN INN. ' , / 21M . Yale Ir He....... Aft.... S_, II ...... ... WALTa L 'AIIOn. Mtr. . . . ,~ . :. NEW SEASON SUIT FOR THE MISS 5'5" OR UNDER 35.00 Seen in the very best circles this fell ' -this pampered· beauty of a suit by Birchbrook. Deftly molded of rayon Shanbrook-mede lIli the more interesting by the detecheble velvet . ~scot bow you'll wear or not-:-just es the mood strikes you. Slot seam pockets, velvet trim, glittering 'lfiinestones eccents. Charcoal, brown, blue. Petite sizes to to '8 for the miss 5'5" under. or SUlTS--sPEARESSECOND FLOOR