SWArthmore' Coiiege-L1brary Swa,rtlunore , COLL;'~;:; K LIH 1~':\ l\Y l!Et, • GIVE TO THE SWARTHMORE . BLOOD BANK , .... . , RedCrossloodmobile Mother-D.aghter Fete W.e.Snyder Confirmed To May ·13th :m~ran;:=a:.! ~~:~: . The annual Mother and Daugh- VISit Here. Quota.Set ,at 125 Pints , " In Borough's, 1-954·· ".:' ,' D .'. "D" .. o~O~: " ~~' ;: ',' The Red Cross Bloodmobile will ~ ~t the SW8nhn1o're WOI;llan's Club next Thursday, May ~ . fr 'I k ' 3 i 1." om 1 o'c ,oc to 6: 0 for ts only, visit to S'Yarthmore, fOJ: 1954. The women of the local Red Cross chapter are '~g an I3.SO PER YEAR :SWARTHMORE,, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1954 5 ., BANK " VOLUME 26-NUMBER 19 . ,', .~. BLOOD " ~, •• GIVE TO . HOME AN~JC:~~LMAY 17 Annual Club LUIle_ . o;n!e~~ee:: Set for 12:30 Tuesday ::b Borough PostmaSterfO;':e f ; = on Tuesday evening May 11 at Home and School Association wm 6:30 p.m. at the Strath Haven Act i n gPo s t mas t e r' s take ,place Monday eveniD&', Kq .Tbl8 'event, one of·the:mbst- fesPosition Ratified 17Th , bj tive of. the club season will be • ' e su ect of the meet1ng w.U1 tbe'~~a1 p~gram 'o~ current on April 29 be "E1em~~ Education In "WUo Swarthmore. ______ series. " Walter C. Snyder .fI,Tr., a-u-~ Patricia Weiland is in cbarge of postmaster of Swarthmore alDce arrangements 'for the dinner wIth August 1, 1953, was confirmed by ,Boys Ruth Mangus resPOll$ible tor table" tbe Senate as ........tmaster on April ' ,A " " and floral decorations. The officers 29, following nomination by f to dired ,the Club for its: President Dwight Eisenhower. e flvlng neXt. season ~ open in the fall ,One of four applicants for the wID be' installed following the, post, Mr. Snyder rated first on Campaign Opening'Mon·. dinner. the list of eligibles who took the E h· N df written examination last July. mp aSlus ee or inn. th; el~tt!d H. S. Stage 5th Sa 0 -- Week I ' ,. Members ,Honor Guests , To "Hear Duo Pianists The Woman'S Club of Swarthniore will hold its annual meetIng and spring luncbeon at the C'IU b h ouse Tuesday, May 11, at 2 30 1 honor will be Mrs. S. Blair Luckie; Mrs. Russell Clem-' ents, recording secretary of the Pennsylvania State Federation" Mrs. Edward,Lodholz, state ~U:~f vice.: all-out effort to make Blood Donor's Day a success. Tra ffoIe Sa fety , ,. ora ragolzatloos' Born in Pottsville, the 30n of president in charge of the southTbe Motor .corpswlli 00011 .'~ the late Walter C., and Evva P. To' eastern section; Mrs. Arthur BUhand to provide transportatioh Snyder, he moved to Swarthmore help meet the problem' of be, . flrst vice-president of .the for any who need it. Leono~ , . once in 1923 when his, father 'became the continued rise in deaths, in- county federation. and Mrs. John Perkins will: again maintain ...~. ,': chief of Swarthmore Police. A juries, and cost of highway acel- E. Michael, second vice-.I)resident nursery in the lounge to care for Bette-so Goodall Conducts graduate of Swarthmore High dents, the junior boy,s of ,the of the county. Others invited as the pre-scbool age children of H. h 5 hiS. . School~'.,he enlisted in the U. S. driver education class at Swarth- honored guests are: donors. All the servtces of, the, Ig, C 00 " Ingers In NavY in October, 1942, serving on more High School are staging, The past presidents of 'the club; Red Cross will be on hand to 8 o'Clock Program destroyer duty until his honor- the, fifth annual Safe Drlving the auditors, Mrs. Carroll P. expedite and make the donor's The choral organizations' 'Of the able discharge in September of Week which will open Monday at Streeter and Mrs. Thomas K. experience a happy one. Swarthmore Public Schools will 1945. Entering the postal service the high school. Brown, tbe retiring and newly Mrs. John' Lord. recruitment present t be i r annual Spring that same year as a substitute Using the fa~i1iar slogan. "The electP.d presidents of the Junior chairman, leeis 'quite' conftdent Choral Concert. tonight, May '1, at carrier, he became superintend- Life You Save May Be YoUr Woman's mub, and the six new that Swarthmore will,meet its 8 p.m.'in ·the"High School Audito- ent of mails in 1950, a position he Own," the boys have scheduled memberS received since the Januquota of 125. pints. However, to rium. Tne' High' School Mixed held until his temporary appoint- a program that promises to be ary luncheon. bigger and better than ev~. One ,Past presidents of the club indo so, Mrs. Lord, points out, ChorUs, the Girls Glee Club, the ment last August. it is essential that everyone Senior High Girls Chorus and the ;He Isa member of the Swarth- of the highllghts of the week elude: who has made an appointment, Boys Chorus, comprising the 190 more Methodist Church, the Lions will be the assembly ,Tuesday Mrs. Robert' L. Coates, Mrs. keep it; that many of those who voic~, ,are, the' participating Club, the Swarthmore Fire and afternoon featuring George ~w,,· Alfred. G. White, Mrs. 3. Robert ilidicated 'on th,e telepbonecan": groups singing imder the direc- Protective Association, and a past former assistant director of ' sate- Kline, Mrs: J~ Paul Brown, Mrs. vass that they would come if they tlon of Bettejo Goodall, music di- commander of the Swarthmore ty for the Commonwealth. and Jesse H. Holmes, Mrs. Roland G. could, make a sincere effort to American Legion Post. He is mar- presently traffic safety engineer E. Pllman, Mrs. Peter E. Told, rector. Several small ensembles, f At! ti R finin C ' stop in;. alld :.that people who trortlduet to the'15'membere. Is a resident at UniYlngllng Is with Aviation Gas Mo. versity .HoSplts). . . ',' . Turbine Division of Westinghouse Mr. Robert Piper AlbuquerElectric Corporation which is que. N. M.. visited Is mother. SPRINGFIELD MEMORIAL PARK BIRTHS Mrs. Henry A. Pi transferring to Kansas City.' of North (West Springfield Road) Peggy Carroll. six and a half Chester road last w and Mrs. George Andrews Mr. year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hay, Jr' J of Cambridge, Mass., ~~ Children 75c (tax; Included) Adults $1.35 J_ Roy C8rrQ'll,J.... of North ENGAGEMENTS formerly of Swaltbmore, are reCheiter road Is recuperating at .1Il~~:I~dP8i'eilts -The Bouquet '. CHECK- ,your CAR for SPRING J. ~~~~!~~ii~~~~~~'!'~~~~~~~~"~~'~~~~ STRATH HAVEN INN ! Springfiel'd lions Club HUNT BROSe CIRCUS· THE , PUBLISHED EVERY FBlDAl' AT ~WARTBMORE. PA. PETER E. TOLD, lIIAlUOBIE T4 loD, l'UBLlSBERS , I'IIoae SW!Ifthmore -OHe E. LETTEIS rOrHI IDITOl headq~ in Phliadelphla,. then Man's real spiritual ststus as telephoned back to say ~ the perfect Image and likeness of When 111M" Strike. was in readiness for Paul's God, not subject to'sin or other To the EdItor: fusion following surgery. ThE! cost weakness. will be emphasized at Through the war years, Paul' of procwng the blood a very Christian Science services Sun- and I gave blood regularly nominal sum-was all we paid. day. when the subject of the through the Red .cr.oss for the Otherwise it would have been $50 Lesson-Sennon Is "Adain and men In service, But not until lasf; a. plntl Fallen Man." IJ'lnt~y, When Paul needed bloOd On1y",thOBe who have bali per_ The following passages will be following an operation, did .we sona! eXperience can fuib" !IPpre_ read from the Bible: "And God realize the full value of the Blood pate the. worth and imPDl1&nce said, Let US make man In our Mobile to folks at home. . : of the Red Cross Blood ,M9b1Ie• Image. after our likeness ••• So We have expressed our appre~ It·1s really.a valuable aervlce, and God created man hi' his own elation to Mrs•. Leslie Wetlaufer I do hope all th.- who can will Image. in the Image of God ere- and the local CODJJnittee' but· with' turn out nen, Thursday at the aled he him: male and female the Blood MOblle ~ to Woman's Club, and do their bit. created he them." (Genesis 1.:,28 Swarthlnol-e nextweei<, ~ would Gr.o~. to 27.) to emphasize again the value PEGGY ZECHER All are Invited to attend the of this service when "llIness services at 11 &.1n.• FIrst Ch"-". strikes. .., ...~. ". . a ce 1» Clrk'~ e" of Christ. Scientist, on Park aveIt took jWlt one tel,...,ho.ne.. eall ' nu... e\ to Mrs. WeUaufer (a very hrief " one at that) to make all arrange-: METHODIST NOTES ments. ' old I T nI F She took my' __ ........uest. called . _.' DG D In. .. !' ght, ridl!Y. 8 pm., Ute Official Board willatmeet in the chapel'of the church. TO~I~J)~.~~~r~::~ __--,~--EdUor Lorene McCarter Entered as Second Class Matter. Janu~ry 24. 1929. at th~-P;;'t Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under thF Act of March 3. 1879.' DEADLINE-WEDNESD",Y NOON , SWARTHMOBE. PENNA., HAY 7. 19K evening. All friends are cor.dlally invited. The Christian Education Commlttee and the Church School Cabinet will· have a combined meeting on Monday evening at 8 at the hQme or Mr. and Mrs. Schott, 15 Benjamin West avenue. The Board ot Trustees will eet, in tbe "" m noman•s. AssoclaUon room at 7:30.on Tuesday.evenlng. The Woman's Assoelation Executive Board will meet at· 10: 30 Wt;dnesday morning. Devotions for the Woman's Association meeting will be held In the chur.ch tion ~oom. l'he officers Ilf the at 12 followed by a luncheon in Morning worship on Sunday Woman's Association and Cirwill be in bs McCahan Hall at 12: 30 which ' 0 ervance of Mothers' cle chairmen will be the special will be' served by CirCle 9. A dra- Day. Mothers of the coDgregaguests. . .. ' mattc biennial summation by the tion Who will' be ·tsktng partin The Senior High Choir will re- circles will be held at the meet- the service are Mrs. Alton P. hearse at 5 p.m.. Sunday. The Itig. . . Smith. leading the Prayer of Senior High Fellowship will meet Registration for Dally Vacation Confession; Mrs. James H. Confor supper at 6:30. ·At 7:15 a Church. School will 0..' held iii nor,leadlng the Responsive Readpanel of young people from the the church school omce on Sun- Ing; Mrs. Charles F. Seymour. "'vlng the Lesson from the ScripFellowship· wil.1 discuss "Stan-. day. May 30. and Sunday, June eodards In noting,", 6. The school will be beld in the ture; Mrs. John H. Pilmari. PrayThe Young Adults Group will Presbyterian Church from 9:30 er and Choral Response. Mr. Kulp meet for supper at 6: 30 and will to 3 will use as his sermon subject 11: 0 am. aisrting June 21 "Mother's Home." . go to the concert of Sacred Music and ending July ,2. Mrs. Charles ' ' ". .,:." which Is being given in the church C. Hoover will hi! the director of Ushers for· Sunday'. . seivice at 8. the school. will be Charles Grier, Theodore Eugene . Roan, orgatrlst. and' The choir rehearsals on Thurs- Haddad. George Shubert, Edwar.d Carol Rawlings. contralto. of the day will be as follows: The Cher- Alston. William C. Collenberg Curtis Institute of Music will give ub Choir at 3:30. the Westmlnster and John Corke. Nursery for the a concert of sacred mualc in the Choir at ~. and the Chsncel Choir children will be supervised by church sanctuary at 8 Sunday at 8 p.m. Mrs. Alfred Williams. Mrs. S. W. , Johnson. Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, -'--and Mrs. Wesley France.': ' CHURCH SERVICES TRINITY NOTES h- Mr. and Mrs. Marvel WilSon of Strath Haven avenue will entertain at a cocktail party from 4:30 to 7 tomorrow' afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will entertain as their week-end 'guests Admiral arid Mrs. 'J. L.' Pratt 'Washlngto~;" of pre•• nts "Yictoria Regina" It, Laere.ce HOIIsmae • WILLIAM W. PRICE Diledoi" .S. LLOYl) E. KAUFFMAN SlI Dartmo\lth Avenue Swa:rUimore 6-2080 Sj]issCRrPnONS FOR ALL ~qAZtIlllis ~==;;;;;;;======;.;-. i=§======~=~ Broad Horiion Ranch COLLEGE THEATRE MUNCY VALLEY. PENNA. (Near Eaglesmere) Boys 8 to 16 years June 26 to August 21 The Swarthmore Players Club Mr. and· Mrs. Louis deMoll of Moylan announce the hirth of theirtbIM chlld and first son, Christopher, who weighed eight pounds. one ounce when' boni (Full or Half Season)· • Horseback Riding Opt.) (Western Style) • Small Enrollment • Home Interviews (if desired) , • Beaptlful Mountain Lakes . • Altltwde 2100 fee. ~ No mOSCI.ltoes • 35 years ezperience For Information Write ,CHARLES M. FYFE 315 N. Mo_ St.. Medl. or .. ..... M. . . 6-2752 Ho... 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. . ,SwC!rthmore. 'a., , CONFIDENCE' . • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. ...Iao. . . OUVER H~ lAIR" .... ... " ", .' .' ..,:. Telephone . .,,'." MAJY A. lAIR, ~",.""I.r...... a' ... I 1581: WE DO NOT. • • perform miracles in one operation; b~"':-" We WILL Get 'Your Clothes \ . " . Whiter .and Cleanerl us OUT & JUDGE FOR YOURSELF 8 pounds washecl-l5c Wa.hed & Fluff-dried-65c • \ S RINGFIELD LAUNDROMAT Evelyn. Bob and Buck, owners 504 Baltimore Pike 'lust east of Suer Ave.) Springfield. 'a. Klegswood 4-0252 ,. but Which ••• BLIND FjlR W~uld please cit • • • • • • • 'Swarthmore Fire House May 20th - 21st - 22nd Working Members of the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind Delaware County Chapter Will Have • FREE DEMONSTRATIONS SpoetorN Iy FeaIG•• ","II PUNIUU Not What? '1 Spedal CIolld_.. _ Sot. I P.... 'HNdI,,' For Gud', Celc.. "" CARTOONS. CO"EDY. SHI"l PlUS a, Nlo" o.ty a. 1820. CHISTNUT STREIT Third Annual. friday 10 A. M~ to 4:OQ P. M. (Opee till 8) Satwrday10 A. M. to 4 P. M. ScSaoloo ••nI'd.... . familie, have placed in us. TRY D-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j "The Captain's Paradise" : .. IUS may WEEKI I .". · We are proud of the conn. dance thr_ .generation, of BREAKING ALL Alec Guinness S , . , HELD. QVER .INQEFINIT~LY' RECORDS! HIS LATEST . & GREATEST t I "Ie Lurid c the n celvlngof congratulations uponMills the birth a daughter. Jennie Hay. on April 22. The grandparents are ·Mr. and Mrs., Hay. of Harvard avenue. The baby Is named for her great-. grandmother Mrs. John E. Weeks of Portland, Ore. 9' An, Saturday, May 8, 1954 her home following a tonsiUecMrs. Lucy Norvell Knapp of tOIDy In Bryn Mawr Hospital. Bronxville. N.Y.. has announced the engagement of her daughter. FrI~. Wllllam H. Thatcher pf Miss' IDoise Norvell Knapp. to College avenue' returned home Mr. Stephen ~. Hay" son ot Mr. !4Qnday following a 10-d~y vlsW ,and Mrs. Edward ·N. Hay of • with her' son-In-law and daugh-9g!len avenue. ter Mr. and Mr$.. Willlam n.. Mc- ·Miss Knapp is a.daughter also Inroy and daughters, Patsy. Tru- of Mr. G. Prather Knapp of Forest die and Margy of Canton: Hilis, N.Y. She· w!'" graduated Mrs .. Joseph E. Padgett. with frQm Elmira College·.and received her Infant son Jay. is vIsltlng her master's degree from Rad-. her parents Mr. and Mrs. George clltre, College wJ>ere$he Is now F. Dunn of Dickinson avenite a teaching falloy/_ will she joins Mr. Padtett"1n !\fr. Hay, who is a member of Cincinnati. Ohio where he Is noW" the Telluride AssOciation. attend~ ed beep Springs "College in Caii~ lOcated with Kett Corporation. . . During t h ' . -'" Mrs. Edith Hendrickson of the fomla. e war he. serv"" Swarthmore apartments enter- as 'an enlisted .man and ~ lieu-. talned at' a luncheon-bridge at tenant iD the U. S. Infantry. He Strath Haven IDn WedneSday. received his B.A. at Swarthmore Pqe3 ttans- IlABBARA KENT. ~ G: Rosalie Pelrsol Marjorie Told '/ • PRES_nEllAN. NOTE$ The title of Mr. Bishop's ..nnon at the 9:30 and the 11 o'clock servlce$ Sunday will be "Abiding Joy.'" All departments of the Church School and the Men's Bible Class w III mee t at 9:30. Th'e SenIor Hi",. ~" Bible Class will meet at 10:45 and the rest of the Church School classes will be he'Id during' the 1'1 a.m. church service. The Women's Bible C~ will meet at 9:45. There will be a' colfee hour immediately following ,the second service In the Woman's ASIIocla- . CHRISTIAN SCIENCI! NOTES THE .SWARTllMpREAN P~ swARTilMOREAN, MOTHER most? Housecoats? Pajamas? Nightgowns? . Slips? Hosiery? Blouses? Mixmates? Jewelry? Oli, we'~e a HOST of suggestions that than delight, in "Remembering Mother"! w... more • THE BIID CROSS 1IIOTOB 00B1'8 will be a& ~'""' service OD JIIIQt' 13, to ehaatrear ~ou to BI..... DoDora' Day. CaD 8W .- THE SWARTHMORE LIONS CLUB i ", . ,.,. .... SW· ...tllt. 15 South Chester Road IL_~ ______.;.......;____.;..;,.~~~~_~ May 7,1954, mE SWARTIIMOREAN . Legion Auxiliar.y . Conshohocken Wins I '. 4-2 in Ninth Ip nin9 To Meet Monday City Planning Series Concludes On Sunday, The Garnet baseball. team EdmWld N. Bacon,' executive threw a real scare into· the director, City Planning Comwsleague _ leading .Conshohocken sion of Philadelphia, will present Bears Monday when they jumped tbe tlnal lecture in the series on off to a 2-0 lead' in th.e first "City and Citizen" at Swarthmore ~nning. It looked IJ.Ite -a real pollege on SWldsy evening, May upset Wltll the visitors tied the score at 2-2 in the fourth inning. 9, at 8: 15 p.m. The topic of Mr. Bacon's adThe fielding, pitching. and hit- dress will be "The Relationship ting showed great improvement Between ArchiteCtUre and City over previous games 'and as the , game wore on. hopes were high. Planning." This; -series,- which 'has" dealt Although George Allison was very effective most of the game; with the objectives of city· planit was the unsteady moments thilt ning and the practical.' prohiems ,,' '-';1 ' • proved his downfall. His .few involved. 'now ~ to ~he actual walks. aided by teammate errOl'S; architecture of the city and its • SITE SELEqioN sent twa more rW1S across in the relationship to the over-all plans. • J)ESIQN .(:ONSULTATION ninth Inning which turned out to In presenting this Series the WilUam J. Cooper Foundation and CONSTRUCTION mean the ball game. tbe departments of economics, Visiting pitcher Graham ap- fine arts. and' poUtical science of '. RE.6:S0NAsLe· COSTS .- . peared to be too. much for the Swarthmore College have aton local batsmen as he was able· to tempted to relate the responsi"Third Generation Builders" Wednesday Evening scatter hits effectively through- billtles ot the individual to the oat the game... ·Amazing as It may planning that will best insure MAY 12th AT 8 O'CLOCK soWld. the homesters out-hit the the intelligent use at materiala at Trinity Church Bears 9-2. Mark Baker·s· single and resources. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION scored Terry Delmuth and George Vote,.' S.rvlc. c ••• Itte. of f " .~ 'HONES • A11IsQn with. Swarthmore'sanly Swar".oro SW 6-3450 Wo ••• Vo~.. Wins four Straight runs. .sW 6-3451 yesterday the tei'm traveled to 'The baseball team of the Glen-~or to start the' second half Swarthmore JWlior High School SSSSSS' is SSSSLLSSSSSSSS $ iiSSSSSSS' SSS'SSSSSS"" S'SSSSSSSSSS'S of the league with promises' to is now on a victory streak ot . ... ,, ... ',~- ........ ' " ...... ~ .... "' .. , .... ......... come ·back with more victories on four In a row. Following an ini,. .,1.1 '" .,' • ...... • this turn aroWld the circuit. The tial los. to Nether Providence, Garnet will travel to Lansdowne it has de f eat e d,in order, for another battle Monday. Smedley Junior High, Folcroft, 11 the Juulor Varsity. and Folcroft. Mr. and Mrs. 'LaRue Hendr!xRemaining games on the schedson of North Chester road spent ule '!!':l"< ...Lansdowne. away. May the week-end ·In Northampton, 11; Nether Providence. :home. May Mass.. and attended Father's Day , 21; '. Springfield; away, May 25. at Smith College where their and .the Junior Varsity. May 28. daughter Claire Is a sophomore. Members at the teatn are: James' Bruce. Dick Coles. Kenny: Crowthers, Harry Habbersett, Bill HIll, George Kroon, Raymond CO-ED BEAUTY Lassiat. Ed Noyes. Jim' Pappas." Mark., Plafker.Fred Schwartz. SALON Tad Ritzinger. Dave Thomas. Harry Tarr•. Charlie Wentz. Paul Closed VVednesdayo 'n .- . Willis. Barry Wright, and Drew Open Thursday Nigh,. Wagnon, manager. Members of the Swarthmore Legion AuxiUary will convene Monday. May 10, for a 1 o'clock dessert meeting at the home of Mrs. Howard Hopson. 218 Rutgers avenue. Mrs.' J. H. Jessup will be the co-hostess. On 'the agenda will be completion of plans for the pOppy campaign. and a consideration of general business. The group will also discuss a questionnaire conceinin~ the "Key to Peace" by Clarence Mamion. Thi~ book has been reviewed for the auxiliary by Mrs. Oscar Gilcreest. WHEN YOU BUILD .CONSIDERBESALE VALUE Consult" Us Withlouf'" Obligation • .QOAt:ITY" Meet Your Candidates 'HORACE .A. REEVES' La..... 0' . -. ., - . "",·~t Sealed Orders Loca,l ,man ,w~n't open pay envelope until·he's safelyinsi' e bank .. . . , PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE •. ', Swarthmore 8-1011 ., There's a. chap who brings his' pa i ,. - ( Miss ElIzabeth B. Carlisle of Elm. avenue will entertain as her week-end guest Mis. Harriet Wil_ son at Providence. R.I. envelop.e into the bank un- opened every week. When he's safely i~ide he opens it and . . . I _ . . . __ ;j~=-:;~====_"""Ii::m:~E~S~W~A:R~,·~I'HM==O:REAN~~·""7'"---~-------'----Congr. Candidates WiH May 7, 1954 ' deposits 10% of his earnings in his growing savings account_ He says that's the only way he can be SURE ha'il get a share of what he earns_ If ~e spends all he. ma~es, he claims he's just Choral Organizations '" ,Concert Tonight Speak atLIY Meeting Gir~c~:~::d ~:ms~s:e,,~!.s Hyde, Mangone'to DOls'cu' SS . Issues facing Congress . Two congressional candidates will be. iDest ope8kers at the annual.box lWlCh meeting of the Swarthmore League of Women Voters ~o be held FrIday. May 14, .a~ 1 p.m., at Whittier House on the COllege campus. Harry Hyde Jr.. Independent RepubUcan candidate, and Gerard Independent Democralic candidate. will dillCU8S the problems facing the current Congress. he sho~ld get the first cut. Once a pay en(Velope is opened these days the money evaporates like snow on a hot stove_ . is well up into four figures right now_ Does that give you any ideas? In 'Mlkada' be held tomorrow. Saturday. May' , s nct chairman tor the 8, 'from 1 to 5 p.rn. at the school one-day fund !1ri'1e for Children's premtses on Rose Valley road. Hospital. Philadelphia, reports Orlgin,,1ly started. as a' sale that ·$785.~6. was' collected in the ot plants raised by the chil- tour.communlty area of IIwartbdren in 1948. ~e May FSJr bas more, Wallingford, Media. Springexpand~ in the' interveirlng deld. on :DJIisy Day, ,May 1. MrII. years, until noY( it'ls a Jones commended the high school tlve affair enUsting' the . setVlCes girls who gave their time to the not only of the children but'-of cause on Saturday. the' faculty and teachers as well This ',district collected the largand now ofters' in addition to the' est amount In .the. rub.ur"•." 'area,' Bah in the Savoy Company's presentation. of. the "MIkado" next Friday apd Saturday. May 14 and' ;15. In Philadelphia.. to;~e :~~I~~~':"~~~ey:W;~~ I av:n:~J:u~~r1ght Jones of Ehn Pl:::~;::esth~tp!7~": ....... to ch. ~~,::,t slate of omcers for 1954-55 were Mrs. John Delaplaine. chairman. Mrs.. Raymond It. Denworlh, and Mrs. LeRoy Peterson. In addition. to election ot omcers the group will adopt a budget for the year and discuss what phase of Swarthmore government the League will study durjng the coming year. There will be a dis c u s s Ion of League flminces. Convention Report . Mrs. J. Burriss West. who has recently retqrned from. tpe . nlltional convention of the League of Women Voters held In Denver. Colo.. will give a report of the convention.· . Members will bring their OWl). box lunch. Mrs. Hans Borei ot Rutgers avenue will provide coffee tor the group, The'sillimil 'meeting of the Council of Leagnes of Delawa~: County will be held on May 27 at the Media Woman's Club, of Swell... · The eighth grade Boys Sextet providing a group of numbers' "Girl of My Dreams,tl uGrand~ father's ClOCk." "That's Where My. Money Goes," and "Street Urchins Medley!' (Members' of this grOUP Include Jack Calhoun. Peter Campbell, John Fischer .Palmer Skoglund,' Robert Watkin~ and Edward Payne.) . The Moderns. singing a medl~y of novelty numbers. The combined choruses will .conclude the program' wit h "Choral Procession" from liThe Song of Man" by Kountz; Proceeds from the concert will go towards the Music Scholarship and for additional choral robes. =CI:l!:O:el~:: 0EWJ,P.R 0PIN N I Set up as a home';style entertaloment with outdoor recreation for .the whole family. the cOmlJIned forces will have this year a real country auction a. an add- e e ed attraction Ov' . § er-all chalrm'!Jl of the FaIi' is Mrs, John Dickey of Rose ~ ~~~en ·~ngbe Mrhesr. paaSSuitstinFo.xg _~ . 407 DARJMO'uJpt :'~VENU!E BREA 6:30 h 8:30 CLOS-ED J?/i:RY. SUNDAY OPEN 7 A .M. t ~ 7-"0 . ~ PM'· . .. Mondey·ThrOugh Saturday . ' . ' . ' Daily Dinners 90e to $1.65 ... Special Chlldrell's "'oHers S~ARTHMOItE oma R.fton AYI•• C.....r Road laaMwood g.ruaa ••• mak.. cablaet surfaca euy 10 keep cl_ . A!'d hard 10 ....... Appropriate, ......'I.ued door and diIi..er pulla add to ch. (harm of chose delightful cabinets. Plan DOW to own oa. oE chose beautifal, modem kitchens. Pay U ",11"" it! We'U show you how. Do rou . <.. fIo.Ute.,.., ....... .,......, ...._-.... .. M.., CWm .... M ... ' _ Swarthmore· MiDIA. PENNSYLVANIA. Springfield ..... ~\ C .......... Morell 12,'J164 • . - I ....... I ......... Deposit I ........ Corpo...flo. . ~CHEN~ I '.' l J n~M'l>~ ITCHaN " ,'.' . ," .... , II '. .......... ~ 10 _ _• ....:. . .. ' FREE ESTIMATES LOOK , PICK 21 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD SWaH.,hmore '6-0401 ~a'es ;...•;> '.- CHulcr 3-t171 SW ....1'1 Frt. ...~ and. fri4ay Nights ., .-.,:, This ~kably lOw figure brings yoq.-n tIIe:acJ....oMgea of traditiODlll ~ ~~"J~. aDd ,~.. ~~ rJ'l~'~ than eVer in ,_ . . . ' ",$oJ . lIIlfetY It brings you &Dd convemence features that are oft'e.ted in the lowprice! fic1donly by Cl\eyrolet. Such features as 'Bddy by Piaber, SAfety Plate glass aU around in sedans and coupes, "Jumbo-Drum" brakes . (1argest. intJiec loW-PriCe field). .And it brings yoU the neW Power 8nd P.¢If~ (IE .Chevrolet'" "'Blue- what you get ~:l1!I" ep&i!,e• Here's r8l."l1 value I Come in soon and sec for your1ielf_ ... . Powered' for Performapc".! .Eng~neered. f~r Economy!. LEI' US FIT. .TH!M.TODAY . w_ c.eIIqae . '.' , ."-. ., f.'.~ ..~ LOOK up ';;2.95 ; .. Room Open 7-9 Monday. W.,dnesday > foUllitatlon 40~ Dcliu,OtIIIIAft_ . " UP AND DELIVERY Robert's Cleane,rs .at our price, . CANVAS SHOES Co_ra or Fllmae- CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP • ". ]} F Goodrich .PoIIw. qulreme.h! " E"pert Tailorlll" Ciaonin" and Presslll" SII.....er? ... a. for year : ~ McCoy. don't fol'fJet h . ' CHILDR_Ns. FEE-TN.E" If It's h be the real 7: ..'" Adfve, Litt'. Or are you going to settle for a pair of tickets to "Cinerama"? rt .......... . . . . . . loci'" 7 'n cw. ... _ . -'''is AY nllH ....'l\1li.., ... '. To Do .• 6 NECKTIE~ CLEANED FREE WITH EACH SUIT. COAT or DRESS Extensive Traveling _ C . Ex~ . ~te~r~.aaaS~$~$$$~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~~·.'~"·:~·~~~~~~~~~~ VULCANIZED for Longer Wear ... Safer Washing '·iiacU ....~~·~~~ cho orlalaal ....1117 of Hlected ' : ' . . . .' KFAST - .~UN. C,H - .0. INNER ot· Guernsey road. In charge of " IInlllll1II!lIll11l1nUIII,nIllUllllllllllmlllllllll!!I!IIIIIJ/IIIU!IIIIIUIIUIIJIIIU!1II1II11I1I1111111111UllllllllooIIIIIIIII 101IIII' III nuTER CO" frieacBaftIdccb... for hom.. tho lank ..l1dln9 ,So"", cr..... , Road -'I' ·Wolfa.. Fund. sale, tab~ of bakedg"Oods :nuIRIIIIIIUPWUIlIUIHlIIIUlUIIIIIUlllllilnm_IIII11I1UIIIIIIIIIIUIIIHlUIIIIUIIllUllllllllllliili a penny y sale and such 51 . . games c:esdre'n. : 1= The Boys Quartette. including handwork; Mrs. James Delano ot" Allen Baughn. Peter Bloom, John Chester road,. plant sale; Mrs. Conard, and Tim Ryerson. singing Fred Skilhnan' of Moylan. in "Mosquitos" and Sprln~ime"; ,charge of children'~ amusements· The Quintet consisting of Gall Mrs. Harry Milliken, also of MOY~ Bauer. Racheal Baughn. Bill Ian. clothesline exhibit, and Mnr. Haynes. Ken Riddle and Karl Charles Van Dusen of Media, reThomas rendering a novelty num- freshments. ber called "Tabby the Cat". arranged and accompanied by AdelMiss Nancy Hoot of Lafay~tte aide Sadler; avenue will entertain at a lWlCh'; Mandell Much and Bev Crowth. eon for'eight tomorrow In' honor er. duet singing "We're a Couple' ot Mrs. Donald Ormsby of· Ches~ !lIfol'llw. 6. . P•. Ioj, ., < They help children play HOURS: 9 A.M_ h 3 P.M_ Alld FrIday Evenlags Yar,slty Club~ake. S!!I1e 'FRIDAY, MAY 14 1',.-. sented the folloWing slate of omcers for election: lPresldent Mrs. Thomas G. Casey; First Vice-President Mrs. Hallock Campbell; Recording Secretary Mrs. WIlUam Cope; Directors Mrs, .Phi11Ip Allen Jr. and Mrs. William C. McDermott; and nominating committee Mrs. H. Mather Lippincott. chairman, and Mrs. Roger Russell. Members of the nominating committee that subm~tted the Leaoue Elec:liom Scheduled ~;:.::::;::;:;:.:;;;:;::;:;:.:;:.:;;;;;;;:.::, coopera- . All members are urged to at.. tend the annual meeting,' which will tollow the lWlcheon, starting at approximately 2 p.m. Electlonof omcers' for the coming year will take place and the annual reports ~mmi~ will be given. ThQ nominating has pre- Mango~e. a Sounds logical ~o us and we can vouch that it works. His account are: ROSE VAI.LeY SCHOOL DAISY DA.,Y IRINGS $785 MAY,FAIR TOMORROW FOR CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL Frank R.. ~rey: supervising pr!nclpal. William Bush, high schoolprin'clpal. Thomas Boyle. elementary school prinCipal, Millard Robinso.n, Walter Hall. Russell Snyder. Henry Hofmann, Robert Holm, and Fred Yocum. The traditional medley, writ' ten1 produced and SWlg by' the Boy's Chorus, will be presented just before the finale. . The ensembles and the numbers lows: to be presented are as fol- Did you kn9w that the Co-operative Movl!l!'ent is'atworkon' some of. our biggest national problems induding health rand housing? There ere Cooperative H.elth. Sch~mes in many areas,i!!c:ticli~g '. group' medical plans. Right .,\lere in the Philadelphia ·~rea t/iere is Cooperative" Optical "S.ervice as well as. a Cooperative.· Dental Service; Further infoinietion.· can be secured' at the Swaithmore Co-op. across from Boro Hall. working. for other people. He earns the money, '50 .he figures a Grand Night for Singing." "JWle is Bustin· out .all Over." written by Roey .submitted by Property Chairman enjoyed a treasure hunt and an Samuel T. Carpenter two weeks hour of baseball. They were ac- ago. It was reported. that Allan companied by Mrs. Henry Pelrsol, C. WOOd, president of the SwarthMrs. F. G. Forwood, and by Mrs. more 'Property Owners A8socIaG. Wills Brodhe\ld, who Is TrOOp tion, who at firIIt questioned the Committee chairman. In addition amount of the expenditure, had to other badges earned this year, checked specifications and job site each girl In this troop wfll receive and agreed to the new procedure her second' class. and hospltallty in view ot plumbing and fixture badges. . requl.rerilents. On .Monday, May 3, Troop No. The action came in a short 83, Fifth Grade Rutgers Av.enue, fonnal meeting whlch preceded held a fire-building drtll. At one an_informative session with board time tJ:1ere were 11 fires, .Ilolng .m~bers and elementary ,sChool and the afternoon was pro- faculty at the Yale avenue home nOUDced a complete suc~ _~?,'. qf Supervising PrIncIpal Frank R, Troop Leaders Mrs. Jal'!'et; '('!':- ~rey. . lor and Mrs. Walter M~." :i _ _ _ _ __ .ecure I Troop No. to find a treasure in -party-line. .service - ._----------------------- , .tI ". .'. 331, Sixth 'i.Hr~cl!\ .. To Show Slides (Rutgers Avenue, held the .lI,rl;t ..ol '. -three cook-outs In Smedlel;;Yark 'One week from tonight, FrIday 0'1. MOnday. The three patrola ll!YlIDing, May 14, Mr. and Mrs. !~l take. turns at ftre-bulldlhg, Willard Tomlinson wfll show their 'c!boklng and clean-up, Troop unique collection of color· slides Leaders Mrs.. Victor Haworth and of Quaker Meetiughouses. The Mrs. William McDermott report showing wfll be 'held in Whittier that next Monday in addition to House at 7: 45. the cook-out the girls will visit The slides will IIiclude views the Tyler Arboretum. of the meeting house that has been in two states, the oldest frame MOTHERS TO GIVE meeting house in the United SPRING DANCE States, the meeting houses of John Decorations which will Include Woolman, Elias Hicks and Rufus the loveliest· of local fiowers and Jones, the smallest meeting house, some surprise entertainment will the one farthest south, and many feature the spring dance of the others. All FrIends and all other interSwarthmore Mother's Club to be ested persons are cordially inheld Saturday evening, May 15, from 9 'til 1 p.m. at the S.warth- vited to attend. more Woman's Club. NAMED MODERATOR Mrs. J. Harold Dumm is committee chairman. Serving as door . Alfred H. Williams of Wallingcommittee chairman will be Mrs. ford, president ot the Federal Roland Coit, while Mrs. Thorbahn Reserve Bank of PhiladelphIa, wfll . have charge ot decorations. wfll serve as moderator for the Mrs. Charles Rldewood .and.i..Mr& .. P.!t"el . 4Jsc .' ussion byslx of Penn,lJaymond Hood' Jt-wfll lie. ~~ ~Vaidk'B le8dbig -Industtlalists' :charge of the retresbments;' .. , 'at tne Pennsylvruna 'Bankers AsPrice Dowdy's orchestra will soclation Annual Convention on furnish the music for the dance, Monday, May 24. The four-day which promises to be one of the convention wfll be held in Atlanhighlights ot the clf:1b year. tic City MaY 23-26. TRY IT 30 DAYS • May 7,1954 Minstrel Show Billed For Mothers Thursday Woman's Club Notes On Tuesday, Mey 11, at 12: 30 (Continued from page 1) p.m.. the annual meeting and . the various acts In the show, are spriDg luncheon wfll be held at )4rs. Norman Weeks and Mrs. the club house.;Telephone reseru __' - vatioM before May 8 to Mrs. NorPeter E. Coste. Mrs.;fohn .....uAU;T will be the Interlocutor, while man B. Jones, SWarthmore Mrs. John Patterson wfll give a 8-1247. monologue. The Junior_ Woman's Club will Mrs. Alfred Mangela wfll. be I bold a mother and daughter dinIn charge of properties, end Mrs. ner at the Strath Haven Inn at Lawrence Conwell wfll have 8:80 p.m. on May 11. The new charge of make-up. Mrs. O. W, ofllcerSwfll be installed. Greenwood will serve as prompter. ',r·here wfll be a meeting and App..,m,g ill the chorus wfll tea ot the art department, Mabel be the following members: the Talley, chairman, on· 'thursday, Mesdames Merion Lomax. G. Alex May 13, at :& p.m., at the home J4llls, Robert VanRavenswaay, J. of Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin, Rose p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;=;;;;;;=::;;~ VI LoVeland, BroOks Bunting, Valley road, Moylan. Mrs. GoodWilliam Harrtson, Joseph Honer, win will Show pictures and tell $650 MONTHLY John Kleinz, Harvey Angstadt,· ot her recent trip to the Hawaiian Startfnv lalary for 2 elllcutfv..type Paul Brown, Howard Smith; Is=lan.:::::ds.::.:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ salesmen to represent lor9. Eos"," Frank Sterrett, Jack Fitch, H. W. corporot[on. No hoval. Sal., McCallister, Richard Turner, sponcfu,g' secretary; Mrs.· David •Rnanclal .,.,tance and ability d ..i~. estab-David Field, Chandler Rozear, Speers, treasurer; Mrs. Edward lI,heel , ..ldent, 2S-4O years old, marJames J. Lynn, John Gersbaoh, Cornelius, hospitality chairman; ried. capabl. of anuminQ fesponslbllLawrence Conwen. John Fran- Mrs. Pfelfer, membership ftfes. In feq ••stinV tnt,",... plea•• cis, William Fischer, Leo Mrs. - Heinz Heine- I"dude btlef personal history.. all shall, Roland Colt, and chairman; Mrs. topllo. co.Rd.. Ou. sal.sm.. h••• G. Mills, telephone! chalr..... IlIfarmod·.af this .d. Io. A. L. RIal. Cant!leUght Ceremon.v mm, . Mrs. Fred Michel, wel- :SwGrlhm...... ".I. .ire~·~~J.\I~j~rm~an.~======~~==========~ln ="... ._ . 1.\ . J.rr, Songs 'the group wfll sing in- f!• .. clude ''Dark Town strutterS' G t D ., "Come ...J .JGq =:: "r:Yit ;ou'::" True What' They Say About Dixie?", "Wait;; ing For the Rober! E. Lee, "Swanee," "Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown," ELIMEBURNER CO. •• uBlow Gabriel Blow," THAN EVER NOW ON .. ... _J 6915 LUDLOW STREET UPPER DARBY, PA. 192i CHESTNUT STREET ' ' PAOLI-PHILADELPHIA -• •• MEDIA-PHILADELPHIA 1 ft ~ ~( ... ~ . '" .., See How little it Costs Swift"s Pr.emium ~RibRoas 57~ fo.:ColMlute PRRI ••• just felax in a fast comfortable' -.- . PRR train! ~ow much faster, more coinfQh;.l>(e, dependable it isl -' Read your newspaper ••• enjoy the . . ... ~.' '''. ease Give Mother homemaking. with an electrical gift. She'lI,·eniOY modem e\eclok IMno with a toaster, grill, vacuum cleaner, Or deep-fat frpr to help wHh everyday hou.1 hold chores. your electrIcal glfll at your .Ilieh icaI dealer's or at . any of our ,10'" Choose . '- ; Be lWei'll .. Uv. ,EleotrIeIllJl' '. . , '" . 'IILIIBPI.A·· ·ILICllle .CO.,AIT .... _...... '.Da,_.n.... Trip SWAIIIIIlIOIl · ••II_M.... Pint -·47c .. Quart ";'c.694~ Ga!lon - $2.69 Check it for K9nomy, toO. It's the best way to and (rom work! SAVE ... 1-dey trip, to Phl.....lphlal luy PRR', roUnd-trip THRIFT ftCKET. Good • ....., day_cepf clurI... ..... commutl... hours. '.,J ' ..• ; 's " ' . ,. ~ BEST FOOl)5Jt· .,' . Horseradish Mustard 2 lars -19c *.61 *.65 US US FREE PLASTIC KNIFE ...lrIdod Iloo Monthly D.U 1190 with each jar Un...1ridod Iloo 14.60 1S.4O 1.75 US Thrift '., companionship of neighbors. A 81fT Of rEAI'IOUN. (O"VE" .."", T,,..f Ttc", MOIITON UnlII/tedIloo W"1c/y • Monthly • 24·Trlp n..._ ·.... _'T_ . . Also. We :Offer Lin9,er~e .... Nightgowns Scarves Hankies Wallets Buchners 8 PARK AVENUE -SWarlhmoft'6-0240 "';"- . '.&tlllI SAVEll It's to Your Advantage Large Cc.lifornia '.. .r- . SHOP AT THE Iceberg· LeHuce C()~·O,p· ··19c·head- Local Asparagus ',: ~ - ~.' • , . j • Medium Size __ ._ Lcirge.. Bunch -29c IASY RECIPE ,..... .... J, •• i ....... ,....""' ........"" --~ .. . . . . . . 1111' , I' IIY. sulll .... - III ........ . •• m"lll ... FaIIII.' 7 r,1IIII1I 5 ..... ~ 8fIIIT u ..mll o..rtap ,I_Ie 1• ...,t 'i " co-op .~ Maraschino Cherries , 16 oz. Jar59c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wItIIQIII1IIIII III'''' Dill 9 1 ...... II ........,. tdd ....., .... ..... Me . . . . liii0..., ~ frill. CIII1L .11 FlIn'I' ......... lillclltned. lilt IIftIII Chot ~_ pmUs, .... _ ....,.. willi IIIItI. Tu,. lItO lION on' clelfl.,.,. CIIIH .do fir-. 1III. .1d ....... . . . . S - willi But ,..,. or 1ItII_.. .... .... 1I1111U.SIMI.1I1Q. ..., .... ,...,,"*'. Canada Dry Ginger Ale 3 large bots. 49c plus"c;I,~posit Jello 3 forl23c co-OP Friday and Saturday Special' Cling Peaches TAKE THE TRAIN TO .TOWN! ~--===~ ' Hellmann's Sandwich Spread 39c pint PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Regular 1.35 ••••••••••••• 1~09 Regular 1.50 •.•• .. , . _••• _••••• 1.19 , Ib Mayonnaise j '. ~-::-:,------- NO DRIVING,'-'o· tralIic tension, no io·cily parki.n~ fees, no red ligbts 71 st Anniversary. Sale SHOP LOCALLY _ --. - McCallum ·'Hosiery PHILADELPHIA 3. PENNA. '- .. "": : rl .. THE PRR BETWEEN GuIld OptiCIan,,, BRYN MAWR. PA. " SE~VICE IS BETTE~ MAY WE SUGGEST .• • 827 LANCASTER AVENUE Hellmann"s . Real - . " • Experts in the Making and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses "AIn't She Sweet?", "Enjoy Yourself," "Swing LoW Sweet Charlot," "Shortnen Bread," and "Good Night. Ladies." A new note wfll be added when for the first time there wfll hi! a candlelight ceremony .to Install the new officers. Annual reports will be presented by the following board members: Mrs. William §pencer, corre- "'Let"s Eat. Outdoors"' with Best Foods Pr~dilC~ts • Claire Hendrixson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. it. Hendrtxson ot North Chester road and a sophomore at Smith College, was recentl;y elected vice-president of Elm, her college dormitory. . Jim Wolt, a student at Davis and Elkins College, spent his spring· vacation last week In Miami, Fla., with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Leroy T. Wolt of Park avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Lang of Maple avenue returned Tuesday on the Queen Mary from il six-week trip to Europe. They visited ltal;y, Austria, Switzerland, France. an4 J;,ondon, England. 2 cans 49c Hellmann"s "Old Homestead" FRENCH ·DRESSING 25c 7-qt.. boHle Dill I",.u'. Av••• TOE SWARTBMORE 4N .'P!1,19M May 7,1954 MRS. FRANK GRiER Mrs. Frank Grier, the mother of Charles H. Grier of Dartmouth avenue, died Monday morning following a ,five-month Illness. She was 18. .....• -------~"""'-----In addition to her son, she is survived by another son, Llndwood Grier of East Gftenvl1le, a daughter, Mrs. Clarence Rosenberger of Quakertown, and seven 'grandchildren, including Charles Jr., Sara Beth and Jeannette Grier of Swarthmore. Services and. Interment will be held today (Friday) at 2 p.m. In Pennsburg, With the foods she likes at ALWAYS THINK OF OTHER prices that help her ave - and DOW for her day • 2 Corsage of o Beautiful HawaIIan em. 1arge wirh CHI D 5trim':~= GOLD.N.SNO Lee LAYER CAKE Social Security lenefits ON 'MC BOARD In the reorganization of' the board of trustees of the Pennsylvania Military Colle,e, Clarence L. Conner, Wallin8ford, was elected secretary. and Clarence H. Thayer. also of Wallingford. was elected a vice-president. Other local members of the board are WJlllam Craemer of Harvard avenue, and Dr. Newton A. Wyman of Wa1lingford. Among local memberS of the ad'V!sory board are John G. Pew of· Moylan, and Lt. Col. Stanton S. vonGrabill of Ph""nIx, Ariz., formerly of Swarthmore. Among committee appointees are Executive conimittee, .Mr. Conner, ~halrman, Mr. Pew and Mr. Thayer; Milltary Committee, Mr. Craemer; ScholarshJp commJttee, Dr. Wyman. "How to Estimate Social Security Payments for You and Your Family." is the title of a new leaflet announced by Herbert W. Gruber, manager of the Social Security omce, Chester. Free . May Graduate copies may be obtained by writAlvah Wood Stuart, Jr., son of ing for leanet number 3D, at the Mr. and Mrs. Stuart. Sr., of VasChester omce. sar avenue, will graduate With the 1964 Senior Class at Missouri Valley College, Marshall.· Mo, Stuart Will receive an· A.B. Degree in English :at the graduation' ceremony May 30. .. . While at Missouri Valley Stuart was active in the Sigma Nu Social Formerly Fraternity, director of Inter~ CARNS muralS, 'and varioUs other campus activities. 650 Baltimore Pike DiLuzio and Sons' Florist All Itlul Mother'. ,l?"1 GIft , wirh purchase FREE '15.00 orman: 1 Pair First Qua1ity Pull Pashioned Virglnla Lee NYLONS Springfie.ld, Del. Co.. ~a. SWartilmare 6·0450 Mr. and Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden avenue will entertain as their week-end guest Mrs. Richard Beckett of Dover. Del, 0,. •• A.M. to 6 P.M. Choice of 15·51 or 15-60 Luxury Sheer in 2 colors, Taupe or Beige, and 6 sizes. Made wirh 100% Dupont Nylon .STEAKS Sirloin T·Bone Ponerhouse 37c Ab 59c Square Cut Shoulders Veal Shoulder Veal Chops u. S. Choice - Oven Ready ,Ib J . One RIB ROAST k;~:r j" ,,,", 9c Ib I Mrs. Charles S. Christie will arrive Monday to visit with her daughter Mrs. Walter C. Giles and family of Rutgers avenue until July. Mrs. Christie has been spending the past month visiting anothe!' daughter Mrs. V. H. Zahn of New York City.. Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moh' and daughters Jinnie and Joan of South Chester road 'Will be week-end guests· of Mrs. Cora Moir and daught~rs of Cape,J\lay Court House, N..J. 79c Ib Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Enders and Mes. Frances Enders of Elm avenue have been entertaining as their house guests for 10. days. Mrs. Raymond Stockwell, her daughter, Mrs. John Elder, and chfidren J obnnie and Susan of San Be~ardlno, Calif; Mrs. Stock_ well is the d8ughter. of Mrs. Enders, Sr. .. Donald MacElwee of 1141. Holy_ 9 ke place. Is captsln of theffesh_ man lacrosse team of Princeton University, which defeated the freshman lacrosse team of the University of Pennsylvania With a score of 23-0 in PhJladelphia Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Edgar Campbell, formerly of Swarthmore, is now at the McNeal Convalescent Home on Baltimore Pike, Chester Heights. Miss Ruth Trauger, former teacher· at both Rutgers avenue and College avenue schoola, has been appointed one of two Supervisors of Elementsry Schools of Bristol TownShip. MISs Trau_ ger was released from classroom teaching to assume her new duties on April 1. 114r. and Mrs' " H· F Brown o'• North Chester road will leave to. day for a IO.day vacation in Hot Springs, Va. During their absence their home will be occupied by their son - in _ law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Douglass. Mr. Douglass has been transferr_ ed frem Seaford. Del.. to Wilmington. ' Mr. Charles E. Lincoln of Westdale avenue will leave tomorrow on a month's business trip to the West Coast. Mrs. Lincoln will accompany him. LmGasler Brand Quality B~el U. S. Graded Choice NEWS NOTES ~t'sFace It-theMen started it·Those Hats! ElSie Felker, custOm milliner and designer of. PhJlad~phia, !poke on her favorite topic, ~la, al the . regular meeUllg of the woman's Club .Tuesday· ~rnoon. 10 her talk, 'entltled, I Love. lIats", the speaker' traced the history .of he'l'd ... ~overlpg .from 3000 B. C. to the present, illustraUng her t;Ilk with 30 exqulslte JOinlatures. IIFor- ~any years." h she. said, d ea col'er- "only the men wore ings; womell,belng jn th~ ~ackground, ilJd n~t. ~eed them. Hats were ·worn . for . personal: adorn· Olent, Incompli~~~ WIth. ~e superstition that·,the·"gods·wouId not answer the prayers of those with heads Uncovered. as a pro" lection against the elements, and a means of protection' from the enemy In warfare.". . . . "At times,"' she continued, "the style and. size of hat would den~te difterence of rank; slaves were noi permitted to wear h!lts. Hell;g10n fljfured In' ihehistory .of headgear. as evidenced by the head coverings of nuns and Olonks, the cardinal's lujt, and the bishop's mJtre. The indians wore an elabomte .bead dress· .of teathers, and the feathers had to be earned-the 'expresslon 'put a feather in your cap' is related to ibis practice. Even today two types of hats must be earnedthe nurse's cap and the'student's Olorlar board." Miss Felker said that. designers get ~eir ideas for hats. from art gall~les, museums, .and from the world of history-even carvIngs on Egyptian 1 tombs as far back as 3000 B. C.. glve information on the :subieet. The Greeks. Romans; and the :.Crusaders all played a part In the development of headgear. . The audience was Interested to .learn rhat the actual term "hat," or itS equivalent. was not used Ul\tIl about 1404. Bonnets or shawla designated the head covering. . Miss Felker. brougb.t out ,the, fact that the original trade between England and the Ame!lean Colonies was started by hats; the IwlonlBt '·would .. trap. th~ b~aver .for the }leaver hats so much' ·des.Il-ed by ~e EDgJJsh. many styles. Influenced largely by changes in. hair styling. The automobile. women's entrance Into. business, aviation, the depression-all made their mark on headgear. ~e depression, In fact, BAKE SALE , . ' LONGWOOD GARDENS . .. Ip;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=. 7 to 8 P.M. In front of Swarthmore Bank How C.".Haa Scl•• c•. HH" , . .. . ·Soqth'CheSter. Road "',' Sponsored lIy Jr, Woman's Clull io YOUR GOD.GIVENHEALTW' VALLEY FORGE PARK I SUNDAY. MAY 9 ~the"'ln",elr.S~rlngglory 10UN.D .... ,P ,.. •• ,2.00 lnd. ... ca....... SATURDAY. MAY 8. SUNDAY.,MAY 9 ~ the. ~gwood In bloo.. 10UND JIIIP ...... SUO ewwr--SUI '""":. to ' lMIWded all.tt"ol'll_SOc (no la) $1.21 htd. fa NIl lId_fuloa e...... -: BUllS LEAVI 12 NOON to x. I PM .Certified Cold Fur Storage Specializing iii the Cleaning of Slip Covers Draperies Curtains . -- , . "'. Friday'evening; May 7 . ... I FROM 69TH ST. "RMINAL TO p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::~~:::~~~~ "As tor women's hats." said ~~~~~~~~~~~~~t I Miss Felker, '.'there are many, ~ "AWAKEN was en route to her home in Mexico City.' following a twod month Mediterranean cruise, an trip to the Holy Land. =~=~~~:::~~~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii. hat.that to the towearer. Miss.Is.becoming Felker brought the club many beautiful hats. of various styles which her .mOther, Mrs. Ethel E. Felker. modelle!i very effectively. The . speaker concluded with,. the .advice, "Take time enough to~ select your hat and go to a millIne~ who Will take time and pains to help you. Don't do as one .woman customer did. in my shop. . Seeing a hat on a hat stand, she sald. 'I'll take that. If certainly lookonbetter on ·me.''' it looks well that stand. it will Miss Felker was introduced by Mrs. W, Alfred Smith. chairman Men's hats from 1880 on have .of the American home departshown" very littlevarietr. Be- ·ment which sponsored the pro~ tween 1880 and J900 'the Hom- gram. burg-later known as Ute fedora ;;;;;"",;;50;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a""''''';;50;;;;;;;e;;;aa -was designed in E;urope' and IT IS' NOT TOO LATE 10 brought to this country. Mr. Eisenhower gave increased popu- make _ date to elve_ pint of larlty to the Homburg by dis- :rour :ver:r best; blood .to the carding in his Inauguration. ,the Red er-. Call SW 8·2785 IIr conventional . high, .,hat ,for the SW 8-031' for aD ·appointment. more comfortable Homburg. M. WEINSTEIN & SON Cleaners - Tailors. SW 6·1727 100 Park Avenue Pick.Up and Delivery WI' (610 IICI 5.....y. ':45 A.M. ......... , .. ~ I i• , I ! You're 'Ylith h.p. , .' 35c Ib 79c Smoked Dried Beef Loaf Corned Beef· Brisket Lan ...... B'and Cry-o-vac wrap . Mrs. Robert B. Jarratt of North almost ended the millinery Industry." Princeton avenue entertained as her house guest for 10 days her The present trend Is to seek a aunt Mrs. Donald J. Hutton who 4".pk. J,fresh.Killed, Neuby SlEWING ,CHICKENS :~k ~~) ·DUCKLINGS inr:-~~ ( IOC Same Ducklings - OVEN READY Presh Chesapeake SHAD Bu,&. . Because the safely of every driver aDd pedestrian us:ing Pennsylvania·s. highways is synibolued by the ",afety .sticker." Twice each year official car inspection makes certain that: cars are io ~ driftDg coDdition. Ib Ib49c = Roe .: How do I keep so Cleaned Panl!ead, Ib 16c I Pan Ready Ib 28c Genuine Haddock Fillets . Ib 39c I 5 ~ $1.79 is. I1UU ~ ttaftic accidents.dUe to mech.nical failure of can .... ridui:ec\ . ' . to • minimum. . "Crisp, California Iceberg , PeDDsyl1'ania·. car ~q"P'~iOD has' 'receh'ed national recognitio,n ~ • leadiD~ CfCtOr in ·~eIiDlJl.,.ani.·s low 'f traffic acddeDt rate.. . , LEnUeE Callfomla Pascal Celery Large Grapefruit Florida Dun... Size ,. Frosted Pood V.dues fresh and cool these .hot summer days? ... BccaUlO my bousework'•• ciDcb . ............. ' . Oy .a~. prIItCA - , DO. ....- 01' UUH dirt arouDd ,iDee ..e lot a UIAIRoo _ air cooditioner, I' bcP the wiaduws closed and my 19c 4 for-29c .taIk dirt and polleD out·ol the air. Ibnemrit!ht tbrouahmykilcbm cIIonI, too, .......... IiIIo UlAJIlco. room air conditioaer keepa me cool 8Dd comtonablo. k', 10 _ to ,._)'OU with UlAlR.m'l Mdoma maiDIaID !lie_I \WIlt' MOTe JI;rginia LBe Pealures Yoa~JOV family-are safer because your cat PECAN STICKY BUllS 15e SUPREME BIEAD IRAFT CHEEI WHII~'\:"2fC:It'"a.c lEE DETERGEIT is w~. Take your cat to an official iaspectiOD .tation. A qualified mecbanic will cbedt JOUr car 27 ways. Yon wiU know that JOUr braba,glus,lights. tires, exhaust are in &ODd coodltion. .. . . . . ACME MARKET, Chester Rd., Swarthmore COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA .loaf onlr . Open Thursday and FrIday to 9 P.M. Open Saturday "tI16',,,~ ric ..... wuotat. Fiber... cab_ Coc· nereuds rust problems! Tiy it yourself. Foe just pennies a clay can own a vsAIRro room air wnditioner. See it tomorrow~ )'OU .' You drive 235 UP FirePower V-S ••• most fJOIM'JuZ engine on the road. ~dall.tiJiIe rd ,breaker at Indjanapolis and Daytoni Beachl You drive with Pow~FIite .•• reco .. .. . , Full time P wer S.........MW and power ~ of all nc).clutch traDsmissj9~ And With 0 ...... - . . I tmoong'" ';surest; safest car.oontrolin automobile history! Come be Number one~~~ •. . , •• , ,"_. r I • , ." ' '- ., .-~. . In a f INsPECiEO NOW;"BE READY FOR SUMMER AND VACAnON DliVlNGl ono •• MIIAIK I ........... ,. • -ONa c. M. WIlHaM , CO...II , '...... . , . .....vtv."'a Sf... PClnco. George S. Myers lox 48 SWarthmore 6-0740 . " The power and, look of leadership are you.rs in a , OFFICIAL INSPE~ION PE/tIOD STAlTED M.AY1. HAVE YOUR CAR D"I~t .f lewe••• .10... S. FiNE. Go_Mlor . moB' ~lIItera theduat, STRAWBERRIES Dr~~raod ) ( SaveUPID 5caloaf .- °-1 Han'num' & CHeSTlR ROAD -,. -;. . . . aad YALe-'A'EN~E .' ' • Walt.e,~ SWarthmore • 6-125~ Pace 10 . THESWAR11IMOllEA.~ COUNTY OF DELAWABB PropoOaiS will be ....>OI.,ed • HoaACB NEWS NOTES Bealed at tile O!II... of tbe OIlier the Court Houae, ICed1&, Pa. up tU 13:00 Noon Baatem Standard Time, on Woedneoday, May 19, 19M, wbloh wtu be pu1>lloly opeDecl In til. _ of the county cam. "'!Bolon.... at 1:00 P. JI'. BJ3.T, on tllat date, for t1imJshlng _ dellv. a. Passmore erIng vartou. uniforms for tile use of the Guards, '1'IpstaIr8, and (lOurt Orl"", of the County of DelaWlll1!. bid Obock muot be· a BRoil Oortllled In -:~~~~.~ 1 '100.00, drawn to the onIer Oounty of Dela........ SpecUloatloll.l md bidding lIIleota may be obtaIDecI at tile O!IIce of tile OIlier OlerIi:, Court HOWIe, _ , J'a. The Oounty Ownm'M'onera. reserve tile right to 1'OJect any and all bld& IUfA.L BSTA.TB 6 JHSVRA.HCB 609 S. CHBIT.. aIL I"trAftHMOU, I'IINHA. . ALBBaT J.ORAWPORD, JR. 2t-~.,. county OymmIM'onen. . Coal Prices were reduced as much as $2.80 per . ton on some sizes. Here they are: . PERSONAL PERSONAL - WIill. Scraping _ clean .work. Floors and furniture fully protected. Paper taken away. Free estimates. CIill. WAshburn 8-6107. PERSONAL - Brick, Bl9Ck, Cement work. No job too large or all Fr 8m • Dorsee, Add SOc per ton for wheeling 'or carrying coal. Add $1.00 per tpn. if nClt paid in ten days . , Prices are scheduled to go up June 15th . . - , c:Ji , ~~~~~~~~~~ SWarthmore 6.4742 Van Alen Brothers 200 W. Ridley Ave. WAshburn 8·2440 Ridley Park tlngs your . Estelle home. St. SWarthmore Dress Shop, 6·4934. PERSONAL - Television, radio and appliance repairs - prompt service..TV sets repaired in the home. Robert Brooks,' SWarthmore 6-3889 or SWarthmore 6· 1947. PERSuNAL _ Baby sitting.. Re. sponsible woman. Call SWarth"lOre 6.4251. PERSONAL - Electrical wiring new and old reslde/ltial and corrimerlcar . done In complhince with Fire Underwriters Specific. atlons. Sale and Service on elec. Water Heaters, Ranges· Washers Dryers•. Pumps, Fans: .cteanerS and small appliances. Call: Erich H. Hausen, SW 6-2850, Corlier of Park and Michigan avenues. . ~~:;::;::;::;:=========::=:;:====~=:;:~ I PHONES: CHester 2-4759 2-5689 Free Estimates EDWARD G. CHIPMAN & SON . GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1401 Ridley Avenue, Chester, Po. . TILE FLOORS • FORMICA • MONOTILE • PLASriC TIL! MODERN KITCHENS ALTEItATIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~='I - '.., , FOR RENT. FOR RENT _ Media _ Duplex. Automatic dishwasher, auto. matic clothes washer, cedar closet, electric kitchen, two bedrooms, tile bath. large living room, large dining room. Garage. BeautTIiilly decorated. Near transportation. Available May 15. $145.00 per mo. MEdia 6-1870 or MEdia 6-0153. FOR RENT - Furnished Mecila vicinity - June, July, August and September. Living room, dInIng room, modern kitchen, pantry, laundry, five bedrooms, 3 baths, two-car garage, sun porch and terrace. No children under 15 f age. $250.00 per month, years Box C,0The Swarthniorean. . FOR RENT - Apartment - Nar· berth large - attractive. Large living room, large dlirlng room and kitchen, two Dedrooms. Convenient to tile bath. Very tranaportation. $115.00 'per month. Immediate possession. Telephone MEdia 6-1870 or MEdia 6.0153. FOR RENT _ UnfurniShed first 1I00r apartment _ 6 room._. Garage. Convenient to station. CIill. SWarthmore 6-0753.· FOR RENT _ For summer _ furnished ,,001 house, shady lawn. June 15 to September 8. Ph SW rth one a more 6-0667. FOR RENT - Large comfortable room - convenient to transpor_ tation and tea-rooms. Homelike surroundings. Telephone SWarthmore 6·4124. - . Hits New High in . /(nock·Fr" Pow.' • New .... _llI1e PIQ... .... ~ 81!lee 111_ ALlAN PARKER Pho6eo Media 6 'US THOM SEREMBA UPIlO~TERlNG . SLI' COVEIS-DIAPEIIES _ _ IeI_ oper,.. .~.. Shr.. NIH 0734 ... or. titan 2S yeo" 5"'.... _ 6-1 ..... WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes &: Ruhbiah RemOVed LaW118 Mowed, Gene..... ~~rton, Pa. 2M IIan1lq PETER 01 NICOLA CLASSIFIED AD,S ~'. .. Mrs. Ford F. Robinson of Guernsey road entertafned at a mother and daughter tea Wednes. day In honor of Mr. Robinson's mother, Mrs. Nella Robinson day, will leave May 15 to visit daughter Mrs. Estes Nelson . of an Sacramento, Calif. Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. Bowie of South Chester road, entertain. ed at a buffet ~upper Saturday ib.-JIOC..ilrere ... ~;.:; ..;;ti8 tile rlpt to _ evening In honor of their weekany or all blda In whole or III """ to award on any end guests Mrs. earl Borgomann cr ltoma makIng up any bid. of Burlington, Vt., and Mr. and . KART B. 8P1JJ n, 81 .~ Mrs. Paul Conway of Washington, 8~80 D.C. Mr. and Mrs. John Bird of Wal- 'elevislon & Raclio Swwlce lingford are entertaining as their c••".,. Sfeet . ., , .... house guests for several weeks, f.r H••• Mrs. Blrd's mother, Mrs. SW 6-3 ••t-W.... D.,. Taylor and aunt Miss Edna ConSW 6-1f47--1".L • S••••y verse of Chapman, Kans. _.,.r,. "I sa",:, It In the Swarthmorean." .' PIANO TUNING 00II1_ .JOHN H. DOBBRTY A. O. TIIliONB Stove Nut Pea· Buck Rice $20.45 $19.95 $17.95 $17.45 $15.85 "y May 7, Driveway Construction FOR SALE FOR SALE - Hide-a·bed sofa Aspllalt or Concrete and love seat, Simmons chair, platform rocker, mahogany dlnCellar Walls R..Plastered Ing room table with 6 chairs. 2 mahogany desks - brass pulls, Plloae Swarthmore 6-2526 upholstered headboards fo~ twin "!~~~~~~~~~~~ beds, pair of matching· lamps, r Englander twin beds, complete. Westinghouse "twins,'~,. Conlon CONSTRUCTION mangle, 13 ft. Philco rll!rlgerator, R.C.A. TV 16 In. screen with ;1_ RESIDENTIAL AND speed record player and radio combination, girl's 15" Bendix COMMERCIAL bike with auxiliary wheels. Toys, books, odds and ends. CIill. MAdIAlterations son 8.6883. T;FC;:;O;;;R;'i'i"~:fir:~~~~=;-;= FOR - Seven room, two bath.SALE room house on HIll, re-a..... ,.;; tionroo min basement. Possession September 1. Call owner SWarthmore 6-6205. . , WANTED 7,.1954 , Mrs. Clarence B. Campbell of College avenue was elected. vicechairman of the newly formed Woman'. Allxll!ary of the ,Delaware County Branch of the Pennsylvania. Association for the Blind at the organization meeting held last week in Ridley Park". 'l:'lte new group will reDder voluntary· aid. ~ the phIlanthroplli work: . of _ til.. , bran~Jl, p. articular'''' q In. the· 1I~1d8 of clerical aSsistance;. assistance . In eXhIbitors, recreatiOnal . . , events; . j Iii fund· ra!s... lng, ,aJ1d ·In. socia and personaJ seMilceS. ,. . . . :. . Among local· reslden. ts, Present , at the mee,1Ing .were-Hrs. ·Camp,. bell, Mabel Talley; ·Mr.i.·~to.i H.' Fus!iell 'and,· Phllip C. WrightslD;m, of Swarthri!.ore; Mrs. Norman W. Skillman of Wallingford, . and .Mrs. . Ray . H. Tlnimons Mrs. Joseph M. Howe Sr. oi·Medla.· . NEWS NOTES and Mrs. Kenneth M. Reed of North Chester road will enter~ taIn at :a. dinner party tomorrow eveiting prior to the final performance of "Vlc!c.rla Regtna" at the ·PIayers Club. Mrs. F. A. C. Vosters ot Secane has returned from a month's trip south, where she visited her son, Mr. James B. Vosters of Miami, Fla., lind friends and relatives throughout the state of. Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur O. James of Park avenue entertained at a cocktail party. Saturday· afternoon in honor of their week-end guests, Col. and Mrs. Harold W. James of No· rwa Ik, C0 nn ., and U_rs.. R . R • Wagner of Portland, Ore. The visitors were also honor guests at a brunch gtven Sunday by Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Rackwltz of Bryn Mawr.. , . Mills Anna W. Coaie is convalescing at her home on College avenue after being a patient In Taylor HospitaL: Mr. and Mrs. David M. McCahan of Strath Haven avenue Will leave this morning by plane on a five-day business trip to St. Petersburg, Fia:: Mr. George Gillespie, Jr., of Pittsburgh .pent a recent weekend visiting his mother Mrs. Gillespie of Strath Haven avenue. Mr. and· Mrs. Arthur S. Jennings and'· infant &on: of Sprlngfteld. N.J., were weelt-end visitors With Mrs. Jennings' parents Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Brown ·of NOl:th' NOON SW 6·4041 . 81JNDAYS aDd HOLIDAYS COAL FIREPLACE WOOD J. An GREEN .. SWarthmOIl8 6-0740 - 7-CLEAN AIR FILTER Leh your engine breatlle eesier _ keeps dirt out of -!he carburetor. . 8-DRAIN ANTI - FREEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR . CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS -ADD R.UST RESISTANCE If you ha~ permanent anti.freeze, sllve it for ned ",inter. Bring your own container. 9-CHECK-UP OF TIRES Correct "Switching" improves tile mileage. We can also have your tires recapped, if needed. Chester Road and Yale Avenue SWarthmore .6-1250 Theatre harmacy Has A Com.,,1 te "New Loolc" \ I New Management· New Personnel Completely Renovated 1lPEl11111GA1 UncJer Our Personal Management We Pledge OUaiity • Courteous Service •. Cleanliness·· Accuracy In addition to a highly Ethical Prescription and Drug Service PETER E. TOLD .All LIlies of Insurance . 333 Dartmouth Ave. SWor....or. 6-1833 We Offer For Your Convenience / Cbester~r~o~ad~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ample Free Parking Space Pick-up and Delivery Service . Spacious ,Fountain & Booth Facilities Complete Luncheon Service Personal Cosmetic Service Brightal the B _ LighteD theBo~wod! ) Complete Air Conditioning for Your Comfort during the coming Hot Months Lot PAULSON do. _ _.littIe ~·..a"e 1 ',. __ Ie....n_ He ........ 117--' ......... OIL BURNER SERVICE TBRU SATUltI)A'I' 6-CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS Dirty spark plugs can ",aste as much as , out of every .10 gallons of gasoline. ... HANNUM & WAITE' B.· :MUrray of· DAY and NIGHT 1I0NDAY 1-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Winter oil Is too tIIin for warm weatller. We drain it-and· refill Summer type SuniH:o Oil. 2 CHANGE TO SUMMER GUR / LUIRICANTS Drain transmiuion and rear· refill ",ith Sunoco AII.,Purpose Gear Lu. bricant - specielly made to resist high pressure end heat. 3-CHASSIS LUIRICATION Special Lubricant used to halp keep out squeaks and wear. Won't dry out, won't wash out, won't sqUGeze outl Helps improva gas mileage. 4-CHECK OIL FILTER Inspect cartridge and check for leab. 5-IAnERY SERVICED Winter is especially tough on bat. teries. We check strengtll, dean ter. minals, add distilled ",ater. and· Mr. Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "'Hinter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer Right Now Your Car Needs These "Get Ready for Summer" Services Media, Jane Currie and Mrs. Donald M. Allen,bot!> of Wa1l¥'gford. --., _.......-as 011. MJRHI·" su ••,•• WAU .....U ••• ~""~ ... Mrs: . CLEAN· lUGS· • LET US· HELP MAKE YOUR CAR RUN BE II ER - LONGER ..... osu,~ ' ..1 Da.II'Sc. $7.50 (fA"'SMt it Cmt.~!!ll - . . . . . . Cl • , ....... CAmpl.... lIbe . . . . . . . . Ie . . . . . . . 100'' ' "'va.. Swall_e, Wi • ,"'- .. 60DD - CleerllcoQk Pe. 9~ :. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE COSTS NO Theatre Square Phone SWarthmore 6-3154 w.. R. (Dick) Fawcett Paul J. Carey, Jr. \ Swnrthmore Coliogr Idbrary Swarthmore .,.7,19M - P8Jl:e 12 Audiences Crowd Club~ for 'Victoria' Regina' THIS . CALENDAR WEEK'S INFLATION makes It hard Frida,.. 1Ifa,. 7 to put mone,. In &he baDk, but 8:00 P.M.-Sprlng Choral ,Conce~ ....~: ... : ..... , H. S. Auditorium 8:20 P.M.-''Vlctorla Regina" ..... , .... , ............ Players Cillbi 1& wIU be eas,..to put blood In &he Bank on lila,. Istia. IIfaJ' 8 ." '8:20 P.M.-"Vletotia Regina" .. :....... .,. ...'.'...... Players Cillbl~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •" Sanda,., 1Ifa,. 9 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship .................... Local Churches 8:00 P.M.-Concen ot Sacred Music ..•..... ;; Presbyterian 8:15' P.M.-Edmund Ba~n, "City and C1t1~e~, ...... ~ng House .. 'Monday, lila,. 10 Safe Driving Week Opens at High School Tuesday. llfay 11: 12:.30 P .M.-.-Am!u!ll Meeti'¥l and Lunch""n' .. . . . . . . .. Woman's Club ·6:30 P.M.-Jr. Club Mother &< Daughter Banquet .. Strath Haven Inn WednesdaY, 1Ifa,. 11 10:30 A..M.-Mental Health FIlm . '," .....•....•..• : ... High School 8:00 P.M.-x.:W.V. Local Candidates Meeting .....•. Tr1nlty Church 8:00 P .J4.'--Mental He81th Film ..........••.......... High School ThundaY,lIfaJ' IS 1:00 to 6:30 P.M.-Blood Donor Day .......•.. ,. .... Woman's Club 8:00P.J4.-Mothers' Minstrel Show ................ McCahan Hall Sa&urda,.. . ',. VOTe TUESDAY I Players Club aud1~~~e overflowing the Fair;vI!,w . road theater by Tuesday and Wednesday ot this Week to view the Players' closing prOduction of the ;.ear, ''VIctoria Reg1na.'" William PricA¥ TAILORS . Hiram. Ohio. have been selected supply. Dr. Merrill B. Hayes of PhiWps as Lady Grace. Peggy for membership In the Alpha Unlveraity place is presldent of I"nd the Coun+'" Medical Society. I · L d Pu h LADIES AND MEN'S SUITS MADE TO ORDER g as a a y - n,,~1'1 """,. Society at the college. Members.ndra Milne as Lady Augusta, ship In this society represents the .,. and Jean Milne who do~... ·.a "SF.-:- b1ghllst scholastic honor to come tlcularly understanding b!~: ~ .\l!!' to 'a"lHiram student and is IImltnuchess of Suthertand, and Sara ed to juniors and seniors who at the Louise Messolonghltes as the ap- have attained a high cumulative pealing and "plaln"L8dy Jail!!•. , ,j average In their academic sindles. · SCHOOL IN ROSE VALLEY Wlliiam E.', aBltlmlin. as tota Muriel is the dltughter of, Mr, Rose Valley Road Conyngham#. . .~Gualt,ieri as the and Mrs. Wllliani~atkins of 'ColArchbi.liop :·C' ¢mterburi. Mr. lege avenue. and WUliam Is the Price as Lord Melbourne. No,rmanl son of Mr. and M . William MorH. Brown as Prince Ernest, WII- row of Harvard a!enue. 1·5 P.M. liam G. Park, the endurable foot.J.. • R•• I C9utry Agetlo. man, J. Bennett Hill, Jr., as Dr. Boys' YCirsity C'lub PI... S.I. Men's Suits,~ Ov,rcoats Stanley, Jack Tomlinson as. Mr· PlClns BClke SCile •• Cloth •• II.. PIcture _. i . Tupper, Charies Seymour, gentle~ .. Ez~lblt man, Ansel Butterfield a~.. .r.tm!ili . The Swarthmore High. School • Fort••• Tell.r - Ladies Coats .Albert's secretary, Andre liiiilock Valiolty Club is giving Its annual • ..... Ga .... 5.1• as Mr. Oakley, Paul 1,. O'N;ei/ Bake Sale on Friday, May 14. • H••dwo'" 5.1. Cloth Dr.ess.s '&. Blankets , " as", Bertie, David C. . beside the Bank building on South JspeclCllly for Childree Victoria'S Secretary, Cliellter road. Cakes, cookies. pies • "P.ay Rid •• .•• a ••, the gentlelIUlll With\;th~:.e,~'~~;~~~ 1~rid fudges. ·baked and brewed to '.. ' ...y Toy 5.1. : Scots accent, and III the: Swarthmoreans' taste will go cln as Mr. Richards, Prince on sale at 6 p,m. at the South ou Meet the Nicest People at bert's ,valet who is delightful Chester road site. the pantomime. pr~8:.', "'Proceeds from the sale will be famous shave. " u s e d . for the Varsity Club welThose planning to attend' the fari. fund' which helps pay; doctor Boy and GirlSeouts concluding .' performances and hospl!"l bills ot injured athand tomorrow are urged to come letes In nee.J of financial .ald. early; for the show Is a fitting .Coach Millard Robinson is the Get Your Summer Camp· close to the club's 43r!i season. faculty 'advisor of the. club. -Bill Ha"nes, presldpnt is'· chalrNCimed by loterboro Group man' of the sale, Other members ing NeecIs at Speare'. . 'Carolyne Wilson of Dartmouth helping are G..,rge Allison, john EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH'STS. ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ avenue has been named alternate Maschal, Vance Tucker, Rob delegate to represent the Inter- Wright, Bob Clothier. SandY '§w>\.-.. boro BusinesS and Professional Brown, Mandell Much, Mike. ~Jt~,.. f\,{-;:c.: . Women's Club at the state con- Hurd, Randy Malin, Terry Delvention at Buck Hill Fa1la on muth, Terry Kerr. Gordon S~th, May 21, 22. 23. Roger Zensen, Steven Carter, Pete On May 5 ·the Interboro Club Kroon; Stu Bowie, Karl Thomas. met at Howard Johnson's in Glen- Thatcher. Magoun, and Pete Arlrl-I olden to eleCt otIlcers and hear SOD. Rose Marks, Ph.D.. Chester PSY.. c,hologist, on ''People Are DIf- . Mr. and Mrs. James H. Horna, ·1erent." day of Dickinson' avenue entertained as their g u est last ., . ELECTED week Mr. Hornaday's sister Miss 1Uchard Burtis of Che:ster road, Mary Hornaday of New .York a junior at Swarthmore College, City. Miss Hornaday was gneSt bas been elected to membership speaker at the Philadelphia in the Swarthmore CMpter' of Alumnae Club luncheon of Pi ,j"; • summ£R VRCR1\On _atlbotOul!b . JIllenbtim . Harris & Company -===='3=======::=::; MAY' FAI R SATURDAY, MAY 8 SPRING SPECIAL for Cleaning & Pressing $ SuitS &: .-...."".:::!:::~~CHESTER'S Fashion Corner always filWst quality- ~~' 'always flawkss fit . '. BELLE~SHARMEER ,.,- Book and Key, men's natlOn~.lf;;;~'Ph~i';s~a;t~S~tr~a~th~Ha;;V;e;n~l~nn~. honor society for scholai-llhlP" and 11 service. ';. .. , PlClO to PI... but· Dick Is vice-president' at· the PICIn willi • .... Student Councll and a member the varsity football and lac:r'Iis~ Foundation planning. front and back lards. We plan it. you ~. He.is majoring hl zoOlogy. kg-size . Mr. and MTs. Charles B;'Sha,., . of Ogden avenue entertained a. "their week-end guests tht!lr ·:"'r _ asfl.... _ e. over 18 Next Year Also complete the final arrangements Mr. and Mrs, Vincent P. Carro1\, ferquently. cerebral palsy results ' S c h e d u l e d for the GI'rl Scout Fly-up, A d1f·j t b' th years of age and residents; of and Mr. and Mrs. S, Herman Coo- from a b ra In In ury a lr or ferent presentation has been . f rom the Swarthmore, or, It residing out-' A varied program featur Ing a planned for this y,ear consisting per of 221,315 and 351 Riverview sh ortly a fter; 1·t can arlSe side the Borough. must have preI RH blood f t It avenue. respectively. ac or; can occur a t pane discussion by members of a pageant showing different vlously resided here. and conII The suit ·seeks an Injunction en- any age d ue t 0 high f evers or the elementary school faculty wi phases of Scouting. It Is inlportant tihuously exhibited with the dub. .. B joining· the Swim Club fro.m pro- severe blows on the h ea". ebe presented at the IInal meet- that all Scouts and Scout Leaders · I Members ofihe.-Woman·s Club, ceedlng with its nl,,!DB and thoIi cause a baby W Ith. cereb r al pa sy ·lng of th'l Swarthmore Home and be present for a complete re... S ch 001 A ssocla . tI on being . held on hersal to be held Tuesdav night, BOrough from allowing anyone is bom every 54 mi' nu t es, the wherever the reside. are ell"'ble. ... " dI t Each exhlblior may show two - Audielse to use the plot of ground In aiJIlction is named the pre ,,Monday. May 17. at 8,p.m. in the .... "' 18, in the High School .. plces of original work (not • ....., Ipp1er. question for a ble c:r_,-_,--_____ totium' at 6:45 sharp. ' slml.lat purpcise. "opies). Pictures may be In any high school.audltorlum. Johnson said June 18 would be The Fly-up Ceremony will be medium and must be framed. . The discussion on The Integratthe IIqt date on whl"h a hearing SWIM CLUB IN .... Type Program In a G.ood Ele- presented to the nelghbodhood on · UCIAL MEET with screw eyes and wire attach- ..,. CR would normally be held In such ed. A nominal fee for expenses mentary School will be moderated. the fo1\owing Tuesday, May 25. a ease and that additional weeks The Board of Directors of the Incurred will be charged those not by Mrs. Robert Spiller. secretary' 7 o'clock. Parents and triends elapse before decision. He stated, Swarthmore Swim Club ha.called members of the Cluh. An exhlbl- of the School Board, with the of Girl Scouts are Invited. "Whereas the Club originally a. meeting of all subscribers on tor may h ' one picture fo1\owing as panel members: ang only sought prompt granting of the ThursdllJ'. May 20. at 8 p.m. in when the picture measures 24 by Mrs. Robert K. Enders, Mrs. BAPTISMAL FONT TO BE permit SO that it could begin the Woman's Club to adopt a pro- 30 or over. Charles Witter, MnL Ruth wright, DEDICATED AT TRINITY construction,· it now desires it In gram of action to <:ontest the law Work shOuld be brought to the Mrs. David Hurst, Mrs. H. ·ChalA new limestone font is to be order that the se rmingly Inevi~ suit which 'temporarily delays t h e ' mers Stuart, and Ruth Abbott, at TrInIty Church, . t·· d' (Continued on Page 6) tabl ll.. -ti e _- on can ge un erway building schedule. 1r-----..-----=--;,...--rI Anne Jane Cleaver. Carol.. Anne Swarthmore. at the 11 o'clock and to final settlement." At any Hetzel, and Marpret Yeatman. sorvice on Sunday. May 16. The rate It appeared (exclusive. of Const:ruction of the poo.I. acPOLLS ~PEN f t Is In em of Ollve Julia ' .... _.. to th direC'!o st teA discussion period wIU follow. 011 m ory their own tubs. garden hoses or 'co........ e . rs a Polls. will be _ tram 8 Cleaves, who resided at Swarth umbrellas) any dampening ment, would have started May The 111m "SkIppy and the Three ......... 18 b t f th t legal bp.m. on R·... 'wi11 be shown· prior .to the more place, and Is given hy her POOl advocates receive In Swarth~ u or, e curren o . lIIa7. 18, fer &he ppi'lrt_ anel talks. famlly. The Rev. Geoige C. An- c more during 1954 would be COD- structlon. tI-. . P . de1'8OD. a former rector of the fined to their sptrits. ------. Another important feature "f church, will asidst In t!te special -.~~ Council authotizell. i!sOreliestra Concert 'DIe , ..... ..u. .. '8w.-III- the evening will be ~ ~ service platmed for this occ:asion. _uY6U _ ....... Neal' D i l l ' the ool sollcitor Clarence G. - to of 0 c:ers .or next sch Included win be a baptism. at . -.;t'~. . . - For _ Ji t, answer the hill in equity. a .......~ year. Kathryn Ruth .MaItia Ii mMMer of the Delawue The Swarthmore Schoola' __ 8 til; fw .... . . I D . . . . . Refreshments will be ... led daUlhter., ,Mr. and: . Count;y 8U" ere'er The 'l.'he ush~rs for Sj1Ilday will be That man can .aIn health, hap" There are 1.857 diaaj>led VetdaY;~i ;Venlng for.: the relU'tRr Suri" Wlil 'be given bY 'Mrs• .f»vIn R. M.' patiiel. William Freegard. piness. and immortality by rely_ erllllS . 1t! fE!l'J'.Y .Pq,n~ Hospital, " , MacJ:1WI!e.." . C. H.. W. Ingraham. E.' C. Page Inc DIl'th" spiritual fRcIa Of God Md.. many tif them !'rom Penn. CHURCH SERVICES At 12 NOlIn, Circle J. ChaIrm~ Jr.• W. N.l\Yerson"W. T. Salom, and man talllht by C!lrt4t Jesus aylvanla, and aPProximately 2,800 .....;~==:::.....;:;;:.:..:~:::...~ . Bh's' Seymour W. Kletzlen,' mid J. H. Scliad. and J. S. Thomplon. will be emphasized at. C~tan ID. CoateavUle· Hospital. These' PREsB¥TERlAN CHURcH Circle 9,. Chairman Mrs. W. 14- George Hanlel) Is scheduled to Science services SundIQ:, when groups as well as the Adminlstra_ · .. Joseph P. Bishop. Minister fred Smith, are planning a trip to serve as acolyte at 8 o·cloclt. and thll title of thll Leason-5erm1in Is Veteran Hospital In 'West Uon's ..John Schott, Auoclate M!nIder see tour of the PresbYterIan inet~ Ted .Cifrvy will hfi crucifer' and "Mortals and Immortals." Philadelphia and Valley Forge A cordial invlU.tlon.1s exten'ded Sunday, Ma,. 11· ropolltan mlsalOIl8. The bus w1l1 David .Bass acolyte at the 11 10:45. 11 A.M. - Church \eave ~ church at 12 Noon and O'clOCk service. During the 11 to aIl,to attend the se'rvices at Hospital Veterans receive benellts )J!,t;.hOGl. return. at 4:30. Those who have o'clock service Jane Derickson 11 a.m. Sunday:·. at·. the FIrat from the Auxlllary 'of this area. Let us keep true faith with not· 'yet made reu"'atimis, are and Joan Thomson will be in C!lurch ot ChrIst;·· B\lIentlst, on these llvlng victims· Of past, hOrPark aven~.. ' . a8keclto call Mi's.K1etz1en, charge of the n11r8erf. rible wars. Let us experience a swarUuno.n. 6-8249." . Regular choir rehearsals will . sU!!nt prayo; for, them; as .we aeTO •THI IDITOl. • • a.B<:lpw-and-glve'.geDeroualY; At .12:30, -CIrcle 2, Chairman ~ held this week: on< .:M!>iiQw . . utTERS • _ - - ' . ;. ," .... " 1'-,." . H.' H. Hopldas,·wIll meet af and' \Yecmead.,y. at '. o'clock' for . 'The Popp" C.mpe.... remembering their ""rvices in our the ·b.ome of Mrs, Harold Gold- the Boys' Choir; on Monday, at To the Editor and People Of behalf; smith, Wallingford HIlla. Walllng- 5 o'clock for ··the GIrls' Choir. SwaribDlore: ELIZABETH Y. GILCREEST ford. Mrs. Glenn Morrow will talk 'and at 7: 30 p.m. Thursday for Agaln let me remind you of Chairman of Poppy .Project, .SIIIICIaJ', Greece. the Men's lind BOys' Choir, the Legion Auxiliary project durA.M.-Church Scl~~'l. and Publlc[ty C;:halrman .for At 6: 30.. Cli-cle 10. Chairman The Men's meeting of. the Con- Ing . the . coming weeks before u:oo ~M.-Mi'. Kulp Awdliary Unit 427 In Swarth. .>'1:00 P.M. lIfYF Mrs, ..W"ltar Moir. will" have a vocation of Ohester' will be heid Decoration Day. The Workers arl'.; more. ; Church. c~~ ~h suP~in McC~ ------------~----------------------------~--~--~-------------____ Wednnda". ilia" It Hell, . A talk will be given on . 13;80 P X~Ladl~ B~ble C)au. ''MY W{!, and Experiences In ,. TRINITY .CHURCH Korea" by Mrs. George C. Ames. H, Lawrence .Whlttemore, Rector Members are asked to brln. a .' 81111C1aJ'...Ma,. 18 casserole or salad or dessert for 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion.. four pepple. Those attending. are . 9:30 A.M.-Church School (8rd asked to call Mrs. Moir. SWarth.• grade and up). .: ' more 6-0498. . . 11:00 A.M.-Morulng Prayer, . 11;00 A.M."-Church School Sea- . On ThUrsday" the . Women's ; sion; (2D4 grade,down) •. Prayer Group, will, mee,t as USU:al., 11:00 P.M."-Canterbury Club...... 7:80 P.M..-Young PI!ople'a .. "'_ ~!.a!.~SO Un. with Mr. BIshop as " 10Wship. ' " .. . . In the afternoon . ! . Tqe.4aYi'Ma,. 18 Chetub Chok rehe&rse 1i;3PP.M.:'-~e~ ~'!r. . 3: th!l Westmtnster Choir at ",:,:.. ' • • elda,.. IIu 11 "-'," 4. 'aM tlie 'Chancel Choir will re7:15"t.~-Ilq]y C. :-;.. __ ..'_;-.. ,-- .·. .PI~ . .. .w.; . .. l .. aI ..... In ....... ,' .'W II-.t ci:IIt 1'Laq're . tllelleit ad; . . . ~ ..,aw~ ... . 5 7 _h."*-,. ,t'834-~t _ . '." ~'Dupl! . ,~ .. ,.. 2 .•- ,. """',c ·~Y~.··1·~~.~·_19~"_··~_____··____· __________________~1HE SWARTHMO~ TIlE Page 2 NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe of North Chester road spent last week at Hot Springs, VL While there they .attended meetIngs of the Business Advisory Council for the Department of Commerce. . Mr, and Mrs. ·Harold. March of North Chester road spent a week-end recently at· their mer horne in' ,PacI{er Corners,', Vt. On the way back .Mrs. March visited· her mother, .M'rs.· ,John Clarence ~e of Stamford, Conti., arriving In ilme tG meet her brother Mr. Cuthbert Lee, portrait painter of Ashville, N. C. Mr. Lee recently returned from London, England where he had been commlsslonOO to do a portrait. Mr. and Mrs. Birney K.·Morse of Harvard avenue have returned from a business trip by automobile to Cincinnati, Ohio followed by a week-end as guests at the Kentucky Derby. sum.,. Pvt. John M. Bates of Yale avenue completed his basic tralnIng at Camp Pickett, Va. and after a to-day furlough reported to Camp Chaffee, Ark., where he is with the ATII10red Division. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Reynard and son David of Westminster avenue .and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tomlinson of Rulgers avenue will visit Mr. and Mrs. William Pit.hardo 011 their farm In Pittstown,. N. J. during Ute weekend. " , '. . . ENG~GEMEN'i' Mr; and· Mrs. Wllliiun C. EIlls of Sandy· Bank road, Media, announce the engagement of their daughter; Miss Denise Ellis, to Mr. David Lewis Eynon, 3rd, son of Mrs, John S. Eynon of Vassar avenlle, and the late Dr.. Eynon. Miss Ems Is a iimduate of Wesltown Frlerids School and Centenary Junior College and attended New York University. Mr. Eynon was graduated from Pennsylvania Millfary College and attended the University of Utrecht Mrs. Donald W. Poole of North in Holland. Swarthmore avenue entertained at -A Septemb~r wedding is plana luncheon and bon voyage shower ned. Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt of Riverview road A JUNE BRIDE who Is leaving for Europe the Miss· Catollne Ann deFurla, latter part of the month; . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy G. .The Delaware County Council deFuria of North Chester road, of Mother's Clubs held· a lunch· will become the bride of Mr. Paul eon-meeting Monday, May 10 at Edward Wlttrelch, son of Mr. Strath Haven Inn. and Mrs. Andrew O. Wlttrelch of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W,·Crosby TenaOy, N. J., on June 12 at of Providence road Media, have 3 o'clock in the Swarthmore Preshad as their house guests for the byterian ·Church. past w""k Mr. and Mrs. Henry J, . The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop Faust and daughter Kristina of will perform the ceremony. MiiledgeviJIe, Ga. Mr. ;Faust was A receptlo;l will follow at the Minister of Music at the Swarth- Springhaven Country Club. more Presbyterian Church for Miss deFuria, a·· graduate cf eight years prior. to moving to Swarthmore mgh School, win Georgia. receive a bacheior of arts degree on June·7 ffom Pembroke College Mrs. Birney· K. Morse of Harin Brown University, Providence. . vard avenue wllI entertain the members of her bridge club at a R. I . . Mr. Wlttrelch, a graduate of luncheon-bridge at her home LawrencevlI'/.e School, wID reMGnday. ceive a bachelor of science degree Mary Spiller of Ogden avenue, in Chemistry from Brown Unihas recently been honored at versity on June 1 when 'he will Wellesley College where she. was also be commlasloned an Ensign selected a freshman u.F'rc!m Maid" In the NROTC Unit. He is a for the lunlor prom. She Is also member of Delta Tau Delta fraa member of the Wellesley Col- ternity. lege Choir. ----Mr. and Mrs. ¥'lrvel Wilson of TO WED TOMORROW Strath Haven avenue, Mr. a,nd The marriage of Miss Joan Mrs. W. Sproul Lewis of Grady-. Rockwell Huse, daughter at Mrs. ville, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Charlot of Rose Valley,. w!l1 spend Robert E. Huse of. Chevy Chase, IIhe week.end playing golf qt Md., to Lt. (jg) John ·L. Cornog, ·Jr., son ·of Mr. and. Mrs. Comog Farmington, Va .. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of of Dickinson avenue, will take Harvard avenue will entertain at place tomorrow afternoon at 4 a cocktail party from 5 -to 1 on o'clock in St. John's Episcopal Church Washington, D. C. . Sunday afternoon. The Rev.. Dr. Leslie Glenn will Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Harris; officiate: Jr., of Vassar avenue return~d Miss Pamela Huse of. Chevy home Tuesday following a week'. Chase .!sterof the bride, will atvacation in Atlantic· City. terid ~s maid of honor. Miss BarDr. and Mrs. John R. Bates 'of bara Gapen· of Chevy Chase, and North Chester road, spent the Miss Eteanor Hatlon of Montweek-end at their summer place on Shoreham, L. I. They were accompanied by their son John, MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN home from Lawrencev!l1e School, 313 Dartmouth Avenue and Edward Borer of Garrett Swarthmore 6-2080 avenue. SUBSCRIPTIONS ALL Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederic C. Beck FOR MAGAZINES of North Chester road went to New York City. Tuesday to meet their son - in -law and daughter Capt. and Mrs. Joseph Lauo and son j Sleven Who returned on the S .. S. Americ. Capt. Latzo has completed his overseas lour of duly in Germany. Mr. arid Mrs. R. C. van Ravenswaay of Haverford avenue entertained as their house guest for a few dayS the former's brother Mr. Charles van Ravenswaay of St. Louis, Mo., director of the Missouri Historical Society. Last 2 daYS1l ALEC GUIHNESS I "The Captain's Paradise" "Bomba" & "Los' Volcano", for ChUdt.'" Cartoon" Comedy, plus-Bellinnln. Ra• .lava ••pper Startlllg San. &~und aael Whole 'o! lUIl-TH'S AREAII ACADEMY "WARD W'NNER Antiques & Gourmet.· Shop ""... MEdIa. '"4151 New Serial with Canadian Mounties 'a. WIlliam HOlden "THE MOQN IS BLUE" k,eomm.rtd~ for Ad..ts Only. Chester Club, Chester. with forget-me-nots. Miss Cecelia R. Dyka of Vassar . The couple will live in Shreveavenlie, foster sister of the bride, port, La., where the groom is stationed at Barksdale Air Force attehdOO as maid of honor. Base as Airman First Class. The bridesmaids were Miss Mary A. Hammond, stster of the BIRTHS groom, and Mrs. Walter S. Payne Lt. (jg) William DeForest Fetof Ogden avenue. Catherine Rum- zer and Mrs.. Fetzer of Springfield, .sey of Park avenue was a junior Mass., are ..recelving congratulabridesmaid. The bridal attendants tlons upon the birth ofa ·daughwore dresses of white embroidered ter, Jean Hamilton Fetzer on May organdy over blue taffeta featur" 10 In Wesson Memorial.Maternity ing wide sashes of biue taffeta, Hospital, Springfield.·· with white accessories: They carThe baby is a granddaughter ried old-fashlonOO bouquets of of Dr, and· Mrs. Frank G; Keenen blue forget-me-nots with wreaths of Harvard avenue, and Mr. and of matching fiowers In their hair. Mrs. Paul· L. Fetzer. of ,Ridley· Mr. Albert Rusinak of Chester Park. served as. best man. The ushers were Messrs. William Carter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bird of Media, John D. Hammond, brothe~ Rutgers avenue announce the of the groom, and CJif~ord G. birth of a daughter, on Tuesday, Rumsey or'South Chesler road. May 11 in Lankenau Hospital, A reception followed at the .Phlladelphia. The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON DON'T WORRY AIOUT IEAUrr-THAT'S OUR TASKI 9 South Chester Road Call Swarthmore 6-0476 21. Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. JenkIns of North Chester road and Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Elsbree of Walllngford, will entertain the wedding party at a brunch at the Jenkins. home on Salurday morning preceding the wedding. H~MMOND·RUMSEY The marriage of Miss Eslher' Marian Rum·sey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rumsey of Va~sar avenue, to Mr. Samuel H. Hammond, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Hammond of Media, took place Mondily afternoon at 2 o'clock Roman In Our Lady of perpetuall Help, Catholic Church, Morton. The Rev. Joseph B. Gibson officiated. The bride given in marriage by her father I wore a go"Wn of candlelight· Chantilly lace over slipper saUn, fashioned with a fitted bodice featuring a calla iJly neckllne, long tight-fitting sleeves and bouffant skirt. Her vell of candlelight illusion was attached to crown of seed pearls· and she carried a inissile covered with orduds and saUn streamers caughl a CHECK your ,CAR for SPRING • • • • • • • • TUNE.U. MOTOR ROTATE TIRES FRAM FILTER lRAKE LINING CHANGE OIL FLUSH COOLING SYSTEM TEST IIAnERY LIGHTS .. WIRING ROBERT J. ATZ. Owner RUSSELL'S SERVICE OPPOSITE 10ROUGH PARKING LOT . SW 6.0440 Dartmouth Ie Lafayette Aves. !~~~ii~~~ii~~ii~~~ii~~~ii~~i.iii~~iiii~ 6 NECKTIES CLEANED FREE WITH EACH SUIT. COAT or DRESS Expert. Tal/oring, Cleaning and PressIng PICK UP AND DELIVERY Robert's Cleaners 21 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD SWarthmore 6.0401 Marie Louise Forsythe's Studios of the Dance presenls "Peter Pail" . Third Annual Nether Providence High SehGol Auditorium .Saturdays-May 22 and 29 at 2:30 P.M.· Admission 75c FAliR BLIN : 'TBE'SWARTHM!·REAN at Swarthmore Fire House May 20th - 21st - 22nd· HOW TO EIIJOY SPRING MOTORING Carelul driving and the dependable Automobile Liability. Insurance makes m~tor1ng more.. pleasant. You are taking a terrible Working Members of the PennsylVania Association for the Blind Delaware County Chapter Will Have gamble by going ..lthout this protection. PETER E. TOLD All LInes of Insurance. FREE DEMONSTRATIONS Friday lOA. M. to 4:00 P. M. (Open till 8) Saturday 10 A.. M. to 4 P. M. 333 Darfllloath Ave. SWartlolllo" 6.1133 Sponsored By THE SWARTHMORE LIONS CLUB Page 3 held at the home of Mrs. Ray at All Saints' Church, Upper -Mrs. L. J. Servais, Mrs. Frances Harlow, 315 Lafayette avenue on Darby, at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. Lumsden, Mrs. Lewis GoodWednesday al 12: 30 p.m. The P.UB.LlBIIED EVBaY FRIDAY AT ARTHMORE. PA. A service of Evening Prayer enough .. Mrs. George Warren, ~s. .PE'J.'EB E, TOLD. MAlUORIE TO ,PUBLISllEB8 Commission on Finance will meet will be held at 5: 30 p.m. TuesNorman Hulme, Mrs. John jef. \ I'l10... SWafthmore ',0900 at 8 p.m: in tbe' Chapel. day and Friday. . fords, Mrs. William Bullock, ¥rs. On Thursday at 3: 30 p.m. the The regular mid-Week cele- Howard Hopson and Post-Cpm_ . PE1'ER. E. TOLD. Cherub Choir wlll rehearse in bration of the Holy. Communion . .. BABBAaA UNT, ManEditor Roaalle Pea.ol .. Marjorie Told , Lorene McCarter the primary department.· The will be held at 7: 15· a.m. Wed- mander Howard HOjlson.. The Poppy you will receive, has Junior Chotr will rehearse at 4' nesday, and at 8 p.m. the Bible Entered as SecondClaas :r.h.tter, Januuly 24, ·1929, at the~ bcen made b v a disabled Veteran p.m. and the Chancel Chotr w#ll Study Group wiJI meet in the omce at Swarthmore, PL, under Ihe Aet of March I, 1819. Without income, the Veteran who .rehearse at 8 p.m. in the ChaPel. Cieaves room, DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOO."l" beseeches the Auxiliary to order. .On Saturday, May 29 at 3 p.m .. more poppies thai he may earn. the Chancel arid Junior Chotr FRIENDS MEETING NOTES more. He is not asking for benewill sing in the Westminster Choir TOnight, Friday evening at 7:45 tits; gratis, but eager to earn them. .RISlnIRIAN NOIIS monthly meeting, in the Woman's .College Massed Chotr Festival, to in Whittier House, Willard and It means, to him, comforls not be !>eld in Princeton, N. J. Those Comella TOmllnson will sbow The Utle of Mr. Biahop'ssermon Assooiation room. SUPP~ed by hospitals, and perOn Wednesday the toUoWing who are interested in attending their colored alides of "Quilker hap. Ii morale ralser, now and on Sunday at the 9: 30 and 11 may contact Ruth Burkholder for Meeting Houses from Maine to o'clock services will. be "By Circles will meet: then. A dlsablOO Veteran is an furtlier information. Florida". AU Frlenda and others What Authority?" Thls 11 the At 10:3Q a.m.-cJrcli! 3, Chairindividual, dIs.charged from the The Community D~y Vacailon interested are welcome. in a series of sermons on Ihe man Mrs. Harold GrI1IIn, wlU ServIce, but unable as yet to cope On Saturday the Friends Hisgeneral theme at "Questions meet at the home ot Mrs. JaM Bible School will be conducted with ille outside of a hospital. Asked Us". ' S. McQuade, Jr., 44 Shady Hill from June 21. to July 2 at the torlcal Association will hold ita In tact, he may never be able 10 Presbyterian Church. Reglstrailon .Sprlng Meeting at Lincoln UniThe Chbrch School c1asses wID Road, Moylan. Mrs. F. S. Gilles- may· be made at this church on versity, Oxford, in connection with leave. be held at 9:30, 10:45 and 11 a.m. pie· will lead an old-tashloned Sunday with Mrs. Charles Hoover tbelr l00th year Anniversary MIss Moira Michael of Athens, The Men's Bible Class wlll meet Hymn Sing. Members are request" and next Sunday during Sunday Celebrailon. Friends are cordially Ga., on the staff of the.Y.M.CA. as usual at 9:30 a.m. The Women's ed to bring a glass of jam or School. invited to this meeting at 3 p.m. Overseas Headquarters, had a vlBible Class Is meeting at 9:45 ·a.m. jelly tor Mrs. C. D. Howard to Those attending shouid take a box alan ot many returning soldiers qurlng the. mGnth of May. Mrs. take to the Home tor Widows TRINITY NOTES supper; dessert and beverage will and, their future needs. She disDonald Hibbard will. be the guest and Single Women. Circle ·4, tributed poppies to men attending There will be a celebrailon of be provided by the Assoclailon. . leader of the class on Sunday. chairman Mrs. David McCahan the Twenty-Fifth Conference of Mrs. George Hunter, the regular will meet at home of Mrs. J.V.S. the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock, The Adult Forum this week wlll the Y.M.CA. during the home_ Bishop, 136 Harvard avenue; Sunday. Children In the third deal with the proposed addition coming of the 32nd Division in leader, wllI return on Mal' ·23. Circle 5, Chairman Mrs. H. L. grade and up will attend the 9· 30 to Whittier House. "Why a Bulld- Milwaukee, June, 1919. Passersby Sunday evening, the Senior Peel, will meet at home ot Mrs. service of Church Schooi ~nd ing Program?" "What Plans have took .a poppy, from a decorated High fellowship wiJI meet for those In the second grade' down been Made?" Friends are urged to supper at 6: 30 with a program Charles D. Mitchell, Avondale booth and lefl a contribution. road, Walllngford. There will be will attend the 11 o'clock session. avail themselves of this opporfollowjng at 7: 15. This meeting tunity to learn more of the plans Mary Hanecy, serving In this a surprise program by Mrs. Owen and n'lxt the Fellowsllij>.~ c;pnAt the 11 o'clock service of for improving Whlttler House and booth, developed an Idea for the sider the opportunities in India Gay. Circle 6, Chalrman Mrs. ¥ornlng Prayer there will be a its facilities. future needs of disabled Veterans, Herbert ·B; Sanford, will meet at today for Christians. A technispecial service which wlII include Monthly Meeting for Business presented it to a member of POst the home of Mrs. R. W. Deacon, color .film wnrlM' shown. a baptism and the dedicailon of will be held on Sunday at 1: 30 Number 1 in Milwaukee, and was Rlvervjolw end· Wellesley roads. the new baptismal font. The Len- p.m. in Whittier House. The responsible for the first regular T!>e Young Adults Group wllI Mrs. John Fawcett will speak ten Mite Box presentailon service coverOO dish suppers have been Poppy Dayan record. meet for supper at 6: 3Q, and see on "A TreasiU-y of Christian a fIlJn: eniltloo "In Larger· Free- Hymns" in the morning. Circle will be held at the Episcopal disconilnued tor the summer The American Legion adopted· at 4 o'clock, and at 1: 30 months. dom". a movie concerned. with 1, Chairman Mrs. H. Weston Academy the Poppy in 1920 as their na-' p.m. the Young People's Fellowthe atructure and actlvliles of the Clarke, wlU meet at home of tlonal, memorial flower, giving ship will hold Its weekly meet~ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES the Auxiliary complete charge of U.N. the Chairman, 2~, Cojlege avenue. ing at Trinity Church. The Session will meet on Tues- A Book Review ot ''WIlere'er The That man can gain health, hap- Ihelr national, memorial program. The ushers for Sl'nday will be There are 1,851 disabled Vetday evening for the regular Sun" will be given by ·Mrs. Irvin R .. M. Daniel, William Freegard, piness, and tmmortality by rely_ erans in Perry .Point Hospital, MacElwee. C. H. W. Ingraham, E. C. Page ing on the spiritual facts of God Md., many of them from PennCHURCH SERVICES At 12 Noon, Circle I, Chairman Jr., W. N. Ryerson, W. T. Salam, and man taught hy Christ Jesus sylvania, and apprOximately 2,800 Mrs. Seymour W. KIetzlen, and J. H. Schad, and J. S. Thompson. wllI be emphasized at Christian In Coatesville Hospital. These PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Circle 9,. Chairman Mrs. W. Al- George Hansell Is schOOuled to Science servlcllS Sunday, when groups as well as the Administra. Joseph P. Bishop, Minister fred Smith, are planning a trip to serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock, and the iltIe of the .Lesson-Sermon Ia tion's Veteran Hospital in ·West John Schott, Asaoclate Mln1ater see four of the Presbyterian met- Ted CaI1!y will be crucifer and "Mortals and Immortals. n A cordial invitailon Is extended Phlladeiphla and Valley Forge Sunday, May 16 ropolitan missions. The bus will David Bass acolyte at the 11 9:30, 10:45, 11 A.M. - Church I th h h t 12 N d Hospital Veterans receive benefits oon an o'clook service. During the 11 to all, to attend the services at School. .eave e c urc a from the Auxiliary of this area. 9:30 and 11 A.M.-Mr. Bishop return at 4: 30. Those who have O'clock service Jane Derickson 11 a.m. Sunday·. at the FIrst Let us keep true faith with will preach. ' not· yet made reservations, are and Joan Thomson wlII be in Church of Christ, Scienilst, on these living victims of past, horPark avenue. 6:30 P.M.-Br. High Fellowship. asked to call Mrs. KIetzlen, charge at the nursery. rible wars. .Let US experience a 6:30 P.M.-Young Adults. SWarthmore 6-6249. Wednesday, lIIay 19 . Regular chotr rehearsals wlll silent prayer for them, as .we acWoman's Association Day At 12: 30, Circle 2, Chairman be held this week: on Monday LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. cept a .Poppy. and give generously, Mrs .. H. H. Hopklaa.. will meet at and Wedriesday. at '4 o'clock· for The Poppy· Campaign remembering their services in our METHODIST home of r Mrs. John C. Kulp, ClIURcli M i n the is te . Harold Gold- the Boys' Choir; on Monday, at To the Editor and People at behalt. John W. Laney, AssIstant Mlntster smith, Wallingford Hills, Waillng- 5 o'ciock tor the Girls' Chotr, Swarihmore: ELIZABETH Y. GILCREEST R. Burkholder, Organist-DIrector ford. Mrs. Glenn Morrow will talk and at 1: 30 p.m. Thursday tor Again let n.e remind you of Chairman of Poppy Project, Sunda,. Ma, 16 on Greece. the Men's and Boys' Choir. the Legion Auxiliary project durand Publicity Chairman for At 6: 30, Circle 10 Chairman 9:45 A.M.-Church School. The Men's meeting of. the Con- Ing the coming weeks before 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. Mrs. Walter Moir, will have a AUXiliary Unit 427 in Swarth_ 7:00 P.M. MYF Meets at vocation of Chester' will be held Decoration Day. The Workers are: more. Church. covered dillh supper in McCahan Wednesday. lila, 19 Hall. A talk will be given on 12:30 P.M.-Ladles' Bible Class. "My IJte. and Experlenees in TRINITY CHURCH Korea" by Mrs. George C. Ames. R. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector Members are asked to bring a Sunday, May 16 casserole or salad or dessert for 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion, four people. Those attending are . 9:30 A.M.-Church School (3rd asked tG call Mrs. Moir, SWarthgrade and up). 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. more 6-0498. On Thursday, the Women's 11:00 A.M.-Church School Session, (2nd grade.down). Prayer Group, will mee.t as usual, 6:00 P.M.-Canterbury Ciub. In 30 ·th M Bish 1:30 P.M~Young People's Fel- at y: a.m. WI r. op as lowship. lead~r. In the alternoon the Tuesday, May 18 Cherub Choir will rehearse at 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. 3: 30, the Westminster Choir at Wednesday, May 12 4, and ilie Chancel Choir will re1:15 A.M.-Holy Communion•. 8:00 A.M.-·,Bible St"dy. ' hearse at 8 .p.m. . . *tor 11m --!=======::"':='-:---cJ per ~daY;Ma¥ 5a~rday . Nlqht Only-hatares 6-8--1t Spl.. Islaa.. s 'ro"_". Rei., Wanlatford, M~Y BRIDE . The marriage of Miss, Mary ~ell Dickinson, . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dickinson of Forest lane, to Mr. William Bartram Hippie, Jr., son of M'r. and Mts. Hipple of Broomall, wiJI take place Saturday, May 22 at 2:30 o'clock In the Friends Meeting House, Swarthmore. Miss Dickinson was gu.,..t of honor at a shower given recently by Mrs. Laurence J. Stabler of Walllngford. . The brlde-to-be wiJI be guest of honor at a iuncheon and miscellaneous showcr to be given· tomorrow by Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan of Mt. Holyoke place. Mr. and Mrjl. Hippie, parents of the groom, and Miss Ruth ffipple, will entertain at the rehearsal dinner on Friday evening, May realization that you ha~e Saturday I P..... New Low Pepper Prices gomery, Ala., will be bridesmalda Mr. Stirling H. Carpenter of Haverford will. serve as best man. The usherS wllI Include Messrs. David R. Dorrance of Haverford, John Breynaert of Springfield, Mass.; Jefferson Abercrombie of Washington, D. C., and John Wallace 'of Boston, Ohio. Following a wedding trip to Bermuda, the couple will live In Washington, D. C. COLLEGE THEATRE Swarthmore, Pa. Fri, .. Sat. May 14, 1954 SW ARTHMOREAN !1 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer, . - . .... THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OFFRlENDS . FrIda" May Ii 1:45 P.M. - Colored slides and talk "Quaker Meeting Houses," Willard and ·Cornelia Tomlln. sOil. .• !'Iunday,_lIIay 16 9:45 A.M;-First Day School. 9:45 A.M.-Meetitlg for Worship; 9:45 A.M.-AdUlt Forum '''i'Iie Building Program." 1!:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Children cared for in Whittier House. All are welcome. . 1:00 P.M.-Br. High Fellowship. 1:30 P.M. - Monthly Business Meeting. Monda7, May 17 All day sewing for A. F. S. C. Wednesday, Mat 19 All day sewing for A.F.s.c. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE . Park Avenue below Harvard . ~ . METHODIST NOTES . Church School classes for all ages. will meet at 9: 45 on Sunday~ Mol11ing Worship will begin at 11 a.m: Mr. Kulp· will use '\S ·hls sermon subject, "Those-Who See Jesps." Nursery children will be . supervised by Mrs. O. T. ~edden, Mrs.' - ElIa ·Beagle, Mrs. Charles SeymOUr and Doris Snydel', The ushers for Sunday's service will be James Stephens, head usher, assisted by John Flood, Theodore Purnell, Robert Brinsfield, Richard Snyder and Warren Crafts. . The Methodist Youth Fellowship for teen-agers will. meet tor dlseuaslon at 1 p.m. The topic will.. be "Program> and Acilvliles of the ·M. Y. F." There will. be a social hour ~erwards. Cottage PrayerM~tlng will. be . . .- . . ...... " " " 'J. at the home of·!lr" ilnd Mrs. U:OO A.M.-·The· I.esson-8ermon Ha.-old· P~nrift.. SoUth Chester will be "Mortala. and., Imv-.-, 1Dorta1s." f --. -; .. : . road 8iId. University, Plaee, with Wi!dnesday evening meeting Lemuel Holt as leader on Tueseacb week, 8 P.M. Reading room day evenIng at 8 p.m. ~ tt.:~t ~~~r: 121tOt!·Thererwar monlhly meeting 7:50 P.M. and 9 to 9:30 P.M. ot Ute Ladi~' Bible Class win be , ·11·.00 A. !:n"!'un'!!!7..!!oo. .. ?. 61 to 130 more miles aStudebaker! 27zats rulmt tlw '51 Champion got in lite MoAilgas .EcOTlOIIlJ'.Htm against COlI¥Joting·/mujJricetl(J(U'$! Come ill and look at the. m ja! AAA _ aheet·oftIie MobilRun. The Studebaker o'a, ,rial> lot 61 Ix> 130 mere . IIIlib per 1IIDkfUJ than ita four ,'ClitIA. in the Jow-priced field I StudebRer rmiahed lhWtiDtheGrandSr;: Ipt..... .-'-lint In ..'tnat iiIDe8 pes' pl- ;.uQ . • I.' -- _$1834·04. . .. FUSCO MOTOR COMPA",Y Cllaster 1/ Fairview .ds. . . , _~.,. U . sw.,. I.!'f'e ~J681 '. .'. MIIY 14, 1954 Page 4 WIL STUDY MEETIN& TO BE HELD THURSDAY May 14, 1954 THE SWARTBMOREAN • Councn Takes Positive Action on Many TO WENDELL IN HONOR HOUSE Polly Told (If Park alfnue, a Bucknell University juruor. has been been selected to reside in Ilonor House during her senior year at college. T1)e 12 residents of Honor House are· elected on the basis of leadership and' general participation In school activities. Polly Is president of the Women's Student Govemmenf ciation. She· is a member of Psi ChI. national honorary psyschDlogy fraternity, and Kappa Kappa Gamma. social sorority. DaUghter ol Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of Park avenue, abe Is studying for her bachelor of arts degree. Littie brown fellow with friendly face You used to run all over the place Up through the Borougb on to the Action by Borough Council In monthly' session Monday night in_ College As if you were seeking to add to cluded: your knowledge Acceptance of the Asphalt PavIng and Supply Company's bid ,for You helped with the class in resurfacing 10.000 square yards of philosOphy , . .' , Borough streets. And spent much time in the liOrdering the ·public safety combrary mittee to study the need of in_ And although I have never heard creased lighting in the business It so stated area. I feel quite sure· that you gradApproving change of plans for uated Arthur Binns' apartment houses You marched in every college on Dartmouth avenue making a total of 60 apartments in place of procession the 52 apartments and elght stores \'lIth ne'er a· diploma In your or ollices originally scheduled. possession I aaw IT in·Tbe Swarthmorean. Granting a subdivision variance But with head held hlgb and in to George Dunn.· 204 DickinSon perfect step H.w H.." avenue, in order that he might All that you lacked was a gown purchase a 90 x 35 foot addition and cap to his f\!Br yard from his Harvard 'THE RULE FOR PROGRISS' avenue nelghbor ~. Allen When college was over and the Smith. An exemption to the zondays grew hot WIP 1610 Ie) s ••••y. ':45 A.M. ing ordinance was necessary beThe Swarthmore Bank was your cause Dunn will now own up to a favorite spot 5 $ , $ 58SSSSSS foot from Mrs. Smith's garage. You found a cool place on the Approval of an agreement perlioor Where the breeze blew In from bitting John G. Brittan, Jr.• of the northwest comer (If Swarthmore the open door. avenue and Cresson lane, to cross When you were thirsty and want- Borough property with a temporFormerly ary sanitary sewer tying in.Ito ed a drink CARNS Springfield Township's sewer until You did not have to stop and such time asa sewer is lald In think 650 Baltimore Pike the street of Brittan's property. For Doctor Shirer was just next Springfield. Del. Co.. Pa. Approving plans for continuadoor SWartilmore 6-0450 And he always kept a pan on the tion of a storm sewer across the 8 A.M. t. 6 P.M. Mt. Holyoke place and Harvard lioor avenue Intersection belng paved And then one summer you were by Dartmouth Builders. developers . of the adjoining Springfteld all upset And so sick that we hurriedly cal- Township area. CO.ED BEAUTY led the Civet"· . Receiving report that the· ColHe looked you over, then shook lege power house can adequately SALON his head accommodate the Borough's pro"About forty-eight hours" was posed new air hom. It remains to Closed Wednesdays what he said . secure College authorities· permission to install and maintain the ,Open Thur.day Nigh .. But he left some pills - I"ld us community alarm apparatus In what to do that location. PARK and DARTMOllTB AVE. And before ve..., long you were Resolving to give notice 10 S~ore 6-1015 good as new Frank Richardson, proprietor of And whenever I took you o"t for the Flxit Shop. 17'h South Chester a walk road. to discontinue unlilwful use There were do~ens of people who of premises as a 'domicile. stopped to talk . Approving leave of absence to Patrolman Robert E. Timmons of I couldn't call many of them by the local Pollee Department form name April 26, when he was called to But they knew who I was because Florida by his father's illness, of your fame until May 27 without pay. And maybe some day when I Passing a resolution providing break my last tether tor payment of police for all You and I will again go out walk- extra-hour a$S1gnments, and eming together. ployment of additional officers C.K. when required. Considering recommendation of KAPPA MOSTESS William Downton for a traffic light Kappa Kappa Gammas of at Yale and Swarthmore avenues, Swarthmore Blld vicinity will but deeming same unnecessary meet 'to ,sew for the American at present. Friends Service" on Tuesday, May Expenditure of $75 for removal 18. Mrs. Carroll McCulloch of of a sycamore tree at 331 Union 439 Sharpless Street, West Ches- avenue, and expenses upto a like ter serye as hostess to the sum for the attendance of Borgroup; ouch Secretary Elliott Richardson !It the Boroughs Convention in Pittsburgh June 28 to 30. Authorizing Public Property Chairman J. Roy Carroll to study the Public Library'S request for Air ..... be dirty, lIDhcallhy "" opening one pane of its stationary breath ••• but not if the cfirt aDd poIk:n arefillcR>d out by. usAIRco main front window for ventilaroom air coaditicmor. Air condltion. and ell'penditure' of an tioaiDa'jo a _ JiCo.ca_ if you .,6dlOmdllotaDdpolleaaDeraieL amount not exceeding $250 to Clean CnsIl air ........ 'bdtcr Iaeolth. effect the change If it is judged Sla:p ia importaol"" BOOdboollll, worthwhile. too. A 1lIAIIloo room air COI>II;;. . tiooI!:r djmjnatee '" i'M' ni&1* ......... '..... Women's International League for ·Peace and Freedom wi1l hold Its last legislative study meeting on Thursday, May 20. at the home ot Mrs. Eric Hausen, Park and MIchigan avenues, at 8 p.m. The evening wi1l be devoted to the discussion of current legistation on the national level with particular emphasis upon: civil liberties and international tensions. . Plans will also be made for an interim committee to collect material and plan fall activities. Margaret Price and Mrs. Glen Oneal are in charge. Members are urged to attend and bring a guest if they wish. • e.rI,tI.. S.I.... NEWS NOTES M~. and Mrs. WIllIam M. Bush of Dickinson avenue spent a recent week-end visiting friends in Blngbamton,' N.Y. JIIIrs. A. William· Bus. Jr••of Ogden avenue entertained at a small bridge-luncheon at her, home Wednesday. Drop in. phone or write us for your FREE copy of "C.mera, Film and Photograpliic Ro· strictions" for most Foreign Countries. No Obligations. LAWN MOWERSI CAMERA & HOBSY'SHOP Asso-I ;:====::==;::=====::; SHAlPENED AND UPAllED ...... PI.k-U. and Dolly",.. ' 405 Dartmouth Ave. R~I~harp Mower Service SYI._,. 6-4100 West Cochrane SW 6.4191 Fri. 9·8:30 Sol.. G ......... 5"'.... 1•• _ s.m._ _.... n. IIgge.t "Uttl," Store in the County Plan to 'Iaat but $650 MONTHLY Plant with a Plan For .....fl. . . . . . . .y ••• pl., p ..IoI•••• SW W. G. 6-3354 Cali TREZONA Morton. Pa. PETER E. TOLD' All U ... of ' ...ra.ee 333 Dall:. . . I. Ave. ":. 'George S. Myers 10)[ 48 SWa. I.more 6-0740 . - sw." .......'U3 . Upon assuming her new offic~~ Mrs. Worst made two. appoint. ments: Mrs.' Newton Ryerson, chairman of the hospitality committee; and Mrs. Harold Gibson, Jr., chainnan of the education and publicity committee. Dr. John R. Bates of North· Chester road, left Monday by plane on a week's business trip to HoustoD, Te~. Kl'{OWS Carpet THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIlIICTon o. PUNIULS 1120 CHESTNUT STREET 0UVft H. lAIR, _ . . MARY It.. lAIR, "Mld... , .' TeI.ph.,.. RI 6-1581 .. Certified Cold Fur Storage ~ Specializing in the ~Ieailing • of Slip Covers Draperies Curtains M. WEINSTEIN & SON Cleaners - Tailofs 1954 Chevrol.t "One-My- 2-door, 6-:pauengor ledan White lidewallll,.. oplloaa/ al ....... coot SW 6·1727 100 Park Avenue Pick.Up and Delivery . LOOK • at our price WHEN YOU BUILD CONSIDER RESALE VALUE Consult Us Without Obligation over • • •. • SITE SELECTION DESIGN CONSULTATION QUALITY CONSTRUCTION REASONABLE COSTS "Third Generation Builders" HORACE A. REEVES ~:":d~~uIUt,11 . Mrs, David Bingham of Princ:eion avenue will serve Federal Jury at the Court House in PhIladelphia theweelt ol May 24. . / • Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop of Harvard avenue was the guest on Mother's Day of her son Mr.· Ellis G. Bishop and family of Cranlleld, .N. J. . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gehring of University place visited the week-end with their son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacFarland and sons of North Augusta. S. C. Mrs. J. Albright' Jones of Elm avenue entertained the Philadelphia Alutnnae Group of J&ppa Alpha Thetas at a sup~ meetIng at her home tPlu.I••~ filled at the price you s.t. NEWS NOTES one shot the wrong way . H . . . .k £a......... Complete 51... R...... UrI. . . . . . . . .. 100 P,rk Ave•• Swarthmor., P.. . SW .rthmore 6-6000 - CL .a,Ii,oQ!t. 9-4646 are expertly and sympathetically _. and you may be f •• ed with • claim for damage.. WI.e golfen (and other.•portlmen too) 'protect them.elvOi with Comprehen. .ive . Penoul LlablUtj' tRiuranee. Samuel of Manhattan, Kans. work of the Sponsors Committee of the Friendly Open House for Mrs. Ralph V. Little, Jr., and Older Swarthmoreans. At the Ancaughters Shirley and' Janet of nual Meeting held Monday at the aavedord place presented a pup- home of Mrs. Mark Blttl \!, :Rutpet show entitled ''The Wee Folk" gers avenue; a unariii'nous vote at a Mother-Daughter banquet was cast for Mrs. C. W. Worst, held in th" Third· Presgyterian president; Mrs. J. Ilerbert Glenn. Church. Chester. Monday, eve- IIrst vice-president. in charge of ning. program; Mrs. Clyde M. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. WlJIlam M. Bush second vice-president, in charge ot Dickinson avenue entertained of membership; Mrs. C. B. F. recently as their house guests Mr. Kent, secretarY; Mrs. H. Lindley and' Mrs. Charles S. Douglas of Peel. Ireasurer, and Mrs. John Binghamton. N. Y. H. Pitman. leader· of tile group ·for .ne",t ye~r. Annual reports of the various committe~s were given, and plans for the coming year discussed: Close interest shOwn in the work of the'Delllware County Commil. Brighten the ROIDe tee on Our Later ·Years, Initiated LiPten theRousewon: by the Health and Welfare Councit. has' resulted JOn' membeI'ship LeI PAULSON . . . T on that committee, of Mrs. Harold II!'d houMe!e·ni.. wDI __ • Hille re. ...u_ '110 . March and Mrs. Paul Banks. Both duat t. ftT _and IDd ...... are past presidents of the Sponback .. ·e~ 50r5 Committee. . 9x12Do_lie. $7.50 YOUR NEEDS will . Whether you have a low handicap or admit to being a "hacker,1t lend jUlt c. W. ra.. I••• • BUILDING CONSTRUCTION '. 17112 S. Chester Road PHONU sw ....... SW'W4I' LOOK what you get Sales Room Open 7-9 Oed Icate New Bldgs. Mrs. Thomas G. Casey, presldent ot the Swarthmore League of The Wallingford W Presbyterian omen Voters, and Mrs. Hallock -Church, Avondale and Turner Campbell, vice president, will roads, wllJ begin the week-long officially represent. the local dedication of its new church league at the biennial Stale Coun- school alld parisll building a~d cil Meetfng o~ the Pennsylvania rtlfllode!ed ,Church, Sancluary League to open next Wednesday;, Sunday. May 16, at the 11 o'c1ock al the Strath Haven Inn. ' 'morning worship. Tbe Rev. John .Delegales from the 32 Leagues B. Rowland. S.T.D., paslor ot the of Women Voters in Ihe Common- church, will conduct this service, wealth. and members oi the State and the Rev. Charles P. RobshaW, BMrd of Directors will set up Ihe S.T.D.,paslor of G1ading MePl1954-55 program and adopt a orial Presbyteiran Church. Philbudget for the comi~g year. adelphia, will be the guest' speakHighlight of the opening day's er. session will be an. address at the Another service have been dinner meeting. by His Excellency scheduled for 7:45 Wednesday Profes:;;or Ahmed. S. Bolsbari, evening 'when the Rev. Gordon E. Ambassador. Extraordinary" and Hermanson. field director for Plenipotentiary, Permanent Rep- Christian Education of the Synod resentative to the United Nations of Pennsylvania of Ihe Presbyter_ from Pakistan. Members of the Ian Church will speak on the local League may attend as visi- .topic, liThe Task We Share!' A tors and reservations should b, short organ recital presented by made Immediately. Frank H. Thompson, organist of Following the dinner a recep- Immanuel Protestant. Episcopal t· lOn t or Ambassador Bolsharl, all Churc~J Wilmington, will precede council delegates and board mem_ the service. At the close of the bers of the local League. will be evening, light refreshments will . be served in 'the reception room. h eld by Mrs. Joseph Shane, Swarthmore College Campus. A service of music, dedicating Among the assisting hostesses wi1l the organ, wlli be' conducted the be: following· Sunday, May 23, at 3:30 p.m., by guest organist Howard L. Mrs. Frank Pierson, Mrs. RobRalston. 'A.A.G.O. of the nelleert Walker, Mrs. William Cope, field Presbyterian Cburch and Mrs. Carroll Barus. Mrs. Stephen lecturer at Western 1'heol(lgical Whicher, Mrs. Hans Borei. Mrs. Seminary, Pittsburgh. Edward Cox and Mrs. John The new, two-story stone buildMoore. ing is the jeEond ac:t<:!ition to thl Mrs. Donald F. Bishop, of Phil- plant In the 63"year history of adelphia, president of the Penn- the Wallingford. Church. Resylvania League of Women'Vot- modeling of the older buildings ers, will preside' at the sessions. now provides for seven separate l'!Irs. Robert Williams, of Lower church school departments, a new Merion •. is in charge of the pro- kitchen, and chur~h offices. The gram. seating capacity of the Church Sanctuary has also been increased and the church beautified' by the NEWS NOTES addition of a divided chancel and Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby and her the rebuilding of the organ. daughter Mary Willis of ProviNew and remolded buildings dence road., Media, formerly of will be open for leisur~ly inspecSwarthmore, will drive to 'New tion Tuesday, May 18, 'rhursday, York Tuesday to meet S/Sgt and May 20, and Friday, May 21, from Mrs. AUen P. Willis and two small 7:30 p.m. until 9. sons who are returning to this country after' three and a half Mrs. H. O. Thayer of North years in England. Mr. Willis will Ohester road flew home from receive his discharge from the U. Hot Springs, Ark., where she had S. Air Force a~ Camp Kilmer, N.J. visit~d ~Qr three weeks with her Mr. and Mrs. 'David Bingham of mother Mrs. J. C. Gilmer. En South Princeton avenue will route back she stopped in Columleave today by automobile tor a bus, Ohio and was accompanied week's visit with Mr. Bingham's home by .her young grandson mother Mrs. Edward H. Bingham Scott David Thayer. son of Mr. of Cedar Rapids, .Iowa. En route and Mrs. Paul Thayer, who will they will visit Mr; and Mrs. Wai- visit here until June 15. ter H. Flinn of Western Springs, Ill. "I Saw it in The Swarthmorean!' Yes, It's Cotton Time! Monday. Wednesday ) and FrIday Nights at· 'J.'hia remarkably low figure brings you all tbeadvaDtagea of traditional Chevrolet CCOIIOIQY and depend· !lbility .'. .• • better ·than ever in Chevrolet for 1954. It brings you IIIfcty and convenience ~t are offered in the low· price fi~ only by Chevrolet. Such features aa Body by Fisher, Safety Plate glaBS aU around· in sedans and coupes. "Jumbo-Drum" brakes (largest in the low·price field). features And it brings you the new power and pcrfOl'llUlllCC Flame PageS S:I~:~:r~e;o~r:;::::s LWroVoCpeOnunHCielreMMeeatyinlg9'Walli.n.gford Church to ~:e:; ~;~~"~~~~:':U:!t~':.. t::s~ se~:W f:~C::: 7o~~:WI~=ct:~.:,~ fAUlso¥lv C'""~!!!Z 0,.. A S10,000 DRIVE a~E:: ~~~~ Mr. Tyson of Guernsey road are entertain- etlAN RUGS Foundation planning. front and back yards.· Wa, plan it. you plant it. Unhesitating replacement on any item that may fan ,to live. ' StarttlH) &alary for 2 .ecUtl...fyp. salesmen to r.preMlnt larll)e Eastem financIal eorporatlon. No traYel. Sal. _pertence and abll1t, desIred, I$tab-nshitd ,esldent, 25-40 rears old, mar.. rled. capable of anumtn, t.spanslbll. mes. In r~u.strn, Inhf'Ylew plea,. Includ. btlef JMl'IOftal flldory. all repll.s confldentlal. Our salesmen "ay. been rnformed of this ad. lox A. L $warthrnoreon. Florist doe "" hot humid" !her. Push • baIIon aDd the lIIIit will QIleIaIe qaioIJy all Di8ht Joas. You'lf sleop Comfortably aDd wake uprefresbed. 'lbioR'. DO DCCCi to sutr~ from beat fiWsue, dust aDd poIk:n aI. leqies .... sleepless Dishts onr ioq. er. Get a usAlRco room all' eonditioDe< today. You'n feel bcUer 8Dd be bealllri,'" .. -.. ---~~~--:-~=:...:...:.:..:=..:.:====-=-~-~----I . ARE YOU GOING TO BE ABROAQ THIS SUMMER? TSKI TSKI Diluzio and Sons What air conditioning can do for your health TilE SW AR'fHMOREAN 115~' of Chevrolet's' "Blue· engine. . acre's real value I Come in soon and see for younclf. ' Powered for Performancel Engineered for Economy/. RUMSEY CHEVROLET ·SWarthmore 6·6130 South Chester, Road Theatre Square .DRESSES SEPARATES and PLAYCLOTHES • 15 South Chester Road .. ,. ' ~y 14, 1954 . 'J1IE SWAIlTIDIOBEAN • STUDY MIITIN. • TO IE HELD THURSDAY ::. . : j . .' TO WEHDELL . Little brown fellow with friendly face . You used to'run allover the place Up throuah the Borouah on to Collep . . M If you were IIe'Hng to add to your knowledge . , You helped with the .class In -pbi1cieOpby -' .. '::.' ." .. ,. ," . And spent.mueh 'Ua:u! In the 11brary althouah I have never heard it so ·stated . I feel qUite sure· that you· sraduated .. . . ' Women's International League . \~ce and Freedom wtIl bold last lepJative stud.Y meetinJ . . ThursdaY. May 20. at the ofJ4rs. Eric Hausen. Park and f!Il~blpn avelluee, at 8 p.m. The eveninlJ wtIl be devoted to thE! cIlIcuaaion of current leglalation on the J!B~onal level with pu1icular emphaals upon civil IlberUee and International tenatona. . . . . , ~lans wtIl also he "",de for ..an Interim eommittee to cojlect materJal and plan fall acti~$1es. Margare! Price and. Mrs. Glen Oneal are.1n charge. Members You' marched mevety 'eollege to attend and. brlnl a guest proceealon· they wish. With ne'er: a· diploma In your . possession I saw IT In' The Swarthmorian. But with head held hilb and in perfect step ·H.w AU that :you lilcked was a gown and cap ColI.OCInTakes Acl,·on on Many Items . Councn by Bo~h in . t~ seu1onMonday nlght Inmon . . cluded. . Acceptance of the &phalt PavActio Blnpanrtori.· N,Y. Mrs. A. WiIllam'Baa, Jr.•of Olden avenu•.. en~ed at a small . bridae-luneheon at her. heirne Wedne,day. ! i r::;;;~~~~~~~~~~l inI and Supply CompaDY·. bid ·for Student AsIIO10•OOO acinl i'esurf square yards of en's clation. She'lsGovenunent' a member of. Pal Borough streets.· .' Chi, national honorar:T psyIIChDOrdering th.·pubUc aafeeedty COIO inmUtee to stud)' the. 1\ fJf .., creased 11gIitinJ in the blLlin_ arta. Approving change of plans for ArthUr BInns' apatbnent houses on Dartmouth aVenue makiDS a total ot 60 apartments In place of the 52 apartments and eight stores or oIIIces orlgln~ scheduled. Granting a subdlvision variance to George Dunn,' 204 DJckln80n Drop in, phone or write us for your FREE copy of "C3iner... Film and Photogrllpliic Ro. "rictions" for most Foreign COllntriel. Obligations. ! IEPAIIED lollY fraternitY. and Kappa Kappa Gamma. social sorority. IIaUghter of . Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told .of . ' I . ' Park avenue. she is atud.Ylnl for her bache10t of arta decree. . 'l""II'''~r..,~:!,,:~ .. , ., . .,' . -' $W 6.4191 n. . Fri. 9·8:30 11"tid uLlttl." Sior. fa fill". CoUQty plant it. Unhesitating replace. ~ any item that. may ft....101 ........ ollon. N6 - . Sal.. _perl.nee ' CIftd .WIlIy 11_ .... d ••t. zs,e old. ...... .Ied. ... ... bI.· of 0 ......1.. _lbI.· y.... avenue. in order that he mlght ·to'live. . . purchase a 90 x' 3)5 f~t addltion I....• to his rear 'yaid tram bill 'Harvard 1Il00. I. roq.. 'THE RULE' FOR p ........... ' .•. avenl1e' neighbor f41' 8 Allen ladodo _ ..... _ . .1s\t>rY. ern When cOllege was over and the eal SmIth. An exemption to the zon- ..piles 0.. ;......... '""'" days grew hot WI" 16'0' lie) .....ey. tlU ~... W. G. TltEZONA The Swarthmore' Bank was your inI or~ance was neces ary be- ..... I.rarinod of ...., od. . . . A. ... cause Dunn will now pwn up to 'a Swo,lIoi_••: SW 603354 Motto., 'a~ favorite spot You found a coot' plilce on. the Approval of an agreement perfloor foot from Mrs. Stnlth's garage; Where the breeze blew· in from bitting John G. Brittan. Jr•• of the northwest. comer. of Swarthmore the open door. avenue and Cresson lane. to CrollS . . Borough p!'OPBriY with a temporWhen you were thirsty and wantFormerl, . ffn sariltary sewer tyinginlto edadrlnk . CARNS You did not have to stop and Sprlnglleld Townsblp's aew~ until .... expertly and aympathetlalll, such time asa sewer is lald in think 610 BalH_re ,Ike· For Doctor ShIrer waa just next the str&ecauSe Florida by lils father's !!Iness. of :your fame : until May 27 without pay. And maybe some day when 1 Passing a resolution providing break my last. tether for payment of polIce for all You and I Will a8llin go out walk~ extra-hour ajlSigmnents. and emin.I,to~ther. .,loyment of· addltional 01l\cem ·cx. when ·.required. . .. .0;....·5..155 Considering re<:OInIIlendation of _ r~ _ .• William Downtonfor a tralBc light M. WEINSTEIN & SON Kappa Kappa 'Gammas of at Yale and Swarthmore avenues. Swarthmore and vicinity Will but d~ng same. unnecessary cieoriers - To;lors meet ··to . lIeW , 20. and Friday. May 21. from . Allen 1'. Willis and two BDUll! 1:80 p.Pl.. until.a. sons who are returIiing to this country after . three ·and a half. Mrs. H. 0, Thayer of 'North years In England. Mr. Willis will Chester road fiew home from receive his discharge from the U. Hot Spril.gs. Ark .• where she had S. Air Force a~ Camp Kilmer, N.J. visitl!<\ ~or three weeks with her Mr. ,md Mrs. 'Davld Bingham of mother Mr.. J. C. Gilmer. En South.. Princeton avenue will route back she stopped in ColJimleav.e today by automobile for a bus. Ohio and was accrunpani~d week's visit with Mr. Bingham's home' by .her young grandson moth~r Mrs.. Edward H. Bingham' Scott David Thayer, son of Mr. at Cedar Rapids•.Iowa. En route and Mrs. Paul Thayer, who will they will visit Mr: and Mrs. Wale. visit here until June 16. ter' H~ FlInn of Western SpringS; "I Saw it In The Swarthmorean." . Ill. .Sales Rc,am·Open 1·9 will A service of music. dedicating th III b . d eorgan. w e ' .COIl uctoo the following. Sunday. May 23. at 3:30 p.m .• by ·guest org'!!Jlst Howard t;.. ~ton. A.A.G.O. of the 11ellefleldPresbyterian Cburch 'and lecturer at Western TlIeolQgiCill Seminary. Pittabur8h. The new. two-atory stone bulld- Moore. Mra. Donald F.BlBhop. of Philadalphla, president of the Penn. sylvania League of Women' Voters. will preside' at the sessions. l\'Irs. Robert WIlliams. of· Lower Merion•. Is in 'charge of the program . -o-;Rr.y02.ttoor; il'pa_nge, ..dCIII WWte sJrI ........ 0"1IaI ., ufnI cod ,100 Park Avenue' What'air conditioning ; t~ leale ew gr. mem- H . . . . . . ~ •• CD",,.,,, S!ae 100 p~", Av... Sw.rthrn~, Pa. th.· To ~:~~r~;~9!WDedin~ngfOrdN ChuBrc1dh l:r.,'. __. _ YOUR NElDI' 0,.•• st~~~:r~ec;,°7,w;.~::s. . C··' , ~ ," A"',... ~~'" V O'.'~.~II. t1·!·_. I!=r~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r and Sons a~:'~! ~~~E:' Mr. Tyson of Guerl!Sey road are entertaln- . New' omcers were elected t o · . ing as thel~ .hQuseguest for three savve for the following year's Mrs .. Thomas G. Casey. presi- : ..... ~ week;s l>Irs.··1'Y80n'~ mptherMrs. work ·of the Sponsors'Co~lttee dent of the Swarthmore Le8lUe·of. The Wallingford Presbyte~lan C, W. S"muj!l of Manhatt&!>. ,.....'1111··1 of the Friendly Open' House for Women .Vot era. and .,.rs. U H,e11'l'" ..."h hA da Ie and' Turner ..... urc. VOIl Mrs. Ralph V. Little, Jr.• 'and Older Swa~oreans. At th~ An- CamPbell, viCe pte..ldent. wW toads; will belli? :the . week-long e. .Iocal dedlcaUon ot lis' new chur~h H.~vert!lfd "lla,ce presented a pup- home' of Mni. MlITk Blt11\!. ~ut- league.at the biennial State Coun- ~l and parls)l. buildln•. alid pet ..how' entitled "The Wee Folk" gers" aVeDue~ . a . u'naniDJous vote ell Meeting of the Pennsylvania ~eled - . Church." Sani1tuaTY at a: Mother-Daughter banquet -was cast for Mrs. C. W~ Worst. League to op';" next Wednesday: 8und!'y, MIlY 16, at :the 11 o'clock held In th\! T1!1rd' P~byterian president; Mrs, J .. Herbert GlaOn. at the !!lrath H!lven Inn. . morn\l)g wol"ship. The. Rev. John Church. Cllester•.. Monday .eve- Ilrst vice-president, in cha~e 'of .D!!legates from the.32Leaguea. B. Ro~land. S.T'~, •. pastor· of the nlng. program; Mrp. Clyde M. Miller, of Women Voters In the Common- church. wtIl conduct this service, Mr.· and Mrs. Wllllam 14,. Bl!l!h secondvlce-pres1dent. in charlie wealth, and members of' the State !'I'd the Re:v. Chw.:l~s P •.Rob"haW. of Dickinson avenue ep.tertaIn~ ot membership; .Mrs. C. B. F. BOard of Directors will set up' the s.r·D.•. pastor . of gladlng M;ePlMr. Kent. secretarY: Mrs. H. Lindley 1954-55 program I"l~ adopt a 0 rial .... "-es, b"'· recently ·as their house ..';"ests .ellan Church! Phil and' Mrs. Charles S. Dougias of f\llli. treasurer. Il11d Mrs. John budget for the c!>llling.ye!!.r.adalphia. will be the guest speakBi1\lIh11mton, N. y . H . Pitman, leader. oftpe group ~.... er. session .. atday's the Another service have been. fov .~ " .' . ..' Hi ......wlll·be-an.ad·dress·· ght 'ofthe opening Annual rllPorts of the various iched 1 d f 7 45 ~'d d dinner me~t1ng. by His E.xcellen .. cy ue or : .. e nea ay ~:=,;:ej!:o~: ~::~. ProtllJsor AJ1!ned.!!, Bol#harl, livening 'when the Rev. Gordon E. . Ambassador , Extraordinarv" and ·Hermanson. fleld' dlre~tor .for J Christian Education of the Synod. Close Interest shOwn In the work B......__ .... B _ of the 'Delaware County Commlt_IPllenllpo·tentla"y, Permanent Rep- of Pennsylvania of tbe PreSbytertee on Our Later .y.ears. Initiated resentatlve. to the" United -, Nation. . ' lan Chnrch iwl i speak'on the theBoueewodt by the Healtll and Welfare Coun- froJ'll Pl!klStan. Members of the :to lc "The Task We Shar ." A . ell. has' resulted In' membersblp looal League may attend a. vialP. .' e ~A~ on that committee, of Mrs.-.Harold tors aDd reservations' should ~ short organ reCItal presen~d by . ' _ aUdIe ' - =,Ji_ '1Ie . l>Iarch and Mrs. Paul Blinks. Both made Immedlately. .. .I'ranl!: H .. Thompson. orgarust· of d1IIt .. IIJ .......,.) ...a ..... ' lnunanuel Protestant.. Episcopal 10aek _ .•••,.... a1'll past presidents of the SponFollowing the dinner a recep- CbnrclJ•. Wilmington, will precede . '..' Co~ittee. .. tion for Ambassador Bolshari,.' all the" service. At the- close .of· the! . 9lI12.Da.ui" $7.50 Upon assuming her new ofllce. council delegates and board evening. light refreshments· wili Mrs. Worst made two', appolnt- bers of the local League.wUJ he be served 'in 'the re~eptlon roorP. flF$~~::~~~::~:::~:~~~~:::~:$' 'CWN-..· .1'008'. ,Ial to 'I••t biit Plalit wltli a Pia. .. Foundationp/llnning,.fI-ont and baek .Iards. .W•. ·Plan.· it, 19U _to d.t... ..... . . -' Weet coehrane . Sal. s ..,.. A. IN'" Senlc. HINCK•. L ....t , .. 1Itittt.. to'o" ,. 2 ....D avenue spent a recent week-end villlting friends In Bucknell Univenlty junior. been been selected to rtIslde. in Ronor House during her aenlor year at collep. Tile 12 re.1d1!n~ of Honor House are elected on the bula. of leadership and' general part1c1p.tlonin ""hool activities. Poll7 is president of the Wom- '. ., ..... ~ _ _ _--,-_-t,_--'-_..,--..,.....---:--:.-:.-~7___..,.:..,..~-~-~-----'_;_-----------'-__: .AR~ YOU GOING TO· BE NEWS NOTES iN HONo. HOUSI Poll7 Told' fJf Park a,.nue, a i . • 15 South ~YCLOTHES .' May 14, 1954. mE. SWARTHMOREAN THIS AUDITOR'S REPORT .. .". WEEK'S . CALENDAR' County Fair May 25th " Benefits Camp Sunshihe 'rof. 'rad., ·OpiB.,s Frlda7, ilia), 14 Borough Council and Bura'eu Borough of Swarthmore Swarthmore, Pennsylvania It seems Uke a short IWim for 1:00 P.M.-LWV Meeting .. ..... .. . ........ WhIttier HoUle 7:00 P.M.-FIne .and Industrial Arts Exhibit ..... High sthool Bldg. $200. No one's even wet. Still, a 7:45 P.M.~"Quaker Meetlq Houses," slides in color. WhIttier HoUle suit has been thrown In. 8:80 P.M.-Swarthmore Symphony Orchestra ........ Players Club (In other worda, haq your S1IIlda7, ~ II Clothes on a. hickory Umb, hut not 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ...•................ Local Churches near Riverview road.) 7:80 P V StrIq Quartet ....................... Bond Memorli1 ' Gentlemen: Your Auditors have completed their 'examlnatlon of the IInaDeIal records of the Borough Secretai)', TreasUrer and Tas Colleator for the year ended December 31, 1963, and present herewith a comparative statement of receipts and expenditures for the years '1962 and 1963, together with a statement sboWiritf tbe. Jlnanclal position of tbe Bor~ ough as of the close of tbose years: • Our examination was made in accordance. with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly include' Buch tests of accounting records and Buch other auditing procedures aB we cOlUlidered necessary in the circumstances. In accordance with the practice of previous' years, the _eta shown In the permanent fund reflect the gra.. a ..et value, no depreci. ation having been taken thereon. . Re.pectfully submitted, ·. Rieliard M. Snyder Robert H. Kurtzbalz Bruce D. Smith • " MODda)" ~ 17 8:00 P.M.-Margaret PrIce-"EarIy Childhood In Europe" . Presbyterian cpurch 8:00 P.M.-Home and School ................... H. S. Auditorium Taellda)', ~ 18 . , Polls Open 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. ITEMS NEEDED FOR SRA 'Mrs. FrankUn Rahblee, director of the Pre-School and PrImary Groups of the Swarthmore· Recreation Association, Is seeking books . ' records, games, sand box toys. and doll coaches for use In her grouP 'lburacla7, ilia)' 20 activities. Anyone having such 8:00 P.M.-Swlni Club Meeting ~ ................•.. Woman's Club Items available, Is asked to tele8:00 P.M.-WIL Study Group ............ Park & Michigan Av~ phone Mrs. LIndsay Wolfe .SWa.rthmore 6-41148 for collection' or to bring' them to Mrs.' Herbert' Council OK) Pool; Woman's. Club Art Michener, 230 ·Park avenue. Borough of Swarthmore C'.omparative Slatement of Recelp18 and Diabunemen18 . . 7 Couples Say 'No' Receipts . Exhibition May ·25-30 YEARS ENDED (Co.ntInued from Page 1) (Continued from 'Page 1) LWY Meeting Today Increase Dec. 81, '. Dec. 81, stated its decision to grant the (Decrease) 1958 1952 clubhouse Sunday afternoon, 'May . A box luncheon and election of Taxes Collected .....•..•••.. $117,950.00 $115,360.60 $ 2,589.40 pool permit followed repeatetl 23, between '2 and 5.. Name.' title, ffI' will '. (3,094.98) Sewer Rent and As....ments.. 19,769.45 22,864.48 public hearings. and much study 0 cera . feature the May meetand' price should be on back'0 f' Ing' of th S rthm T --_. Assessments on Street e wa ore _~e of ( 423.79) which convinced It that the pool work. If a work Is sold, a commis- Woman Voters 220;00 643.79 Improvements and Liens •• to be held today (16.25) 1,595.86 1,580.60 Pole and Main Tax ......... .. was not only pe~lble under slon of 20 per cent will be reat 1 p.m. at WhIttier House. 1,242.75 3,263.25 4,506.00 Permits ........................ . Two Congressional candidates, ( 486.40) the zoning ordinance but would tained by the Club. . 4,866.81 4,379.91. Rents (other than sewer) .... . 17.00 ?ot be Injurious to the public's . There will be a reception hon- Harry Hyde, Jr., Independent Re702.00 719.00 Fines .................................... . ( 15.86) mterests. 4,822.99 4,807.63 Liquid Fules Fund •....•...•• oring exhibitors on Sunday, May publican, .and Gerald Mangone, (50,686.50) 114,075.50 63,389.00 Cash from Sale of Investments Tbe agreement entered Into by 30, from 3 to 6 p.m. Cards of in- Independent Democrat, will dis2,926.19 3,572.62 6,489.81 Other ................................. . the Swbn Club I requires that the v1tstlon will be available for each cuss the problems facing Con505.85 1,172.70 1,678.05 Interest Received ..•••.•..... (12,000.00) 12,000.00 pool remain private, be completely exhibitor to send to his frleJ:lds. gress. Advance Payments-New Streets .......•. I fenced. have a hard surfaced en- Pictures should be removed at the TOTAL RECEIPTS ....... $226,498.45 $284,940.04 ($59,441.59) trance to its parking lot and close of the reception, or not later COUNTY FAIR gates to be locked when pool than the following day. Dlab1U1lemen18 $ 6,104.80 Is not open. It agrees that the General and Administrative... $ 22,344.64 Any person eligible to exhlbt is Benefit Camp Sunshine 11,687.32 28,836.49 $ ~;~~:~~ Highway .................... Tllesday EvenIng. May.25 3,780.62 Borough has pOwer to regulate cordially invited to bring' his 34,712.61 Police ....... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. 88,498.13 traffic by .Igns and barricades work to the club bouse May 23 6 .... ' Loopatd 5'.11"9 "'.na 409.10 8,058.55 Fire ........................ 8,467.65 limiting and directing flow, and according to the art chairman' riCKETS $1.00 4,806.96 970.&3 . 5,777.59 Health ...................... (60,311.13) 70,998.76 10,687.68 Public Property... . .••....... ( 449.81) prohibIting parIdng In the v1cln1ty. 7,676.86 Light and Power.............. 7,127.04 (15,198.01) The club Is to provide adequate 78,295.69 Sewers ................ a.a • a • • • • 58.097.68 114.47 off-street parking for members 8,914.63 Library ..................... . 9,029.00 ( 2,312.75) and guests aild 'regulate same fQ1' 21,674.00 Sinking Fund ................ 19,261.25 Coal Prices were reduced as much as $2.80 per order . and safety. Prevention of ($66,804.76) TO~AL DISBURSEMENTS $208,121.10 $263,425.86 ton on some sizes. Here they are: unnecess/ll'Y noise or disturbance, EXCESS OF RECEIPTS also glare from any lightlq Is OVER DISBURSEMENTS $ 17,377.35 $ 21,614.18 ($ 4,136.83) stipulated. Plailtlngs to screen the Stove Nut Pea Buck Rice , project from the nearest reSidenBorough of Swarthmore $20.45 $19.95 $17.95 $17.45 $15.85 ces, In particular the Liddell Comparative Balanee Sheets property. ;which border'll the parkIng lot; are to be supplied by the' Club: ..••. <;,,' '.. . Add SOc per ton. for. wheelingo~ carryi~g. coal_ YEARS ENDED Increase Dec. 31, Dec. 81, Add $1_00 per ton if not paid in· ten days (Decrease) "I Saw.itl';'.~. S..varthinorean." 1952 1955 .. . . General Fund: II . Prices are s.cheduled to go up June 15th Casb-General alld Special Funds ..•.••.•...••..•... $ 69,973.12 $ 46,691.96 $ 14.281.16 26.000.00 (26,000.00) AnRACTIVE PLACE MATS !II Investments .............. . ...•. .... . 20 for 51.00 $Warthmore 6-4742 Van Alen Brothers Receivables : 3,939.58 4,963.47 1,013.89 Unpaid Taxes ............ . Se.... of HI''''rlc 'hlladelphla 200 Unpaid Leins and 1,122.92 1,241.50 Call Mrs. W ... T.".r, SW 6-4680 WAshburn 8.2440 . W. Ridley Ave. 2,364.42 Asses.ments ........... .. lIwarth.... W•••o', CII. Ridley Park $ 66.277.12 $ 77,768.35 ($11,491.23) .o . . . . . . . DEMOCRATS MEET IAnISED, Swarthmore Pemocrats gttherThe Rev. John C. Kulp ofllclated ed In WIhIttier House Monday at the baptl'mal service In the A County Fair for the beneftt of evening to heat- candidates 811- Swarthmore Methodist Church camp Sunshine, Delaware Coun- Cloned by the Borough Commit- S und ay. afte rnoon a t 8 o'dock. Iy's children's camp, will be held The five babies' baptised InTUesdaY e~, May 25, at the tee: Gerard:l. Maqone for Con- cluded Diana Lee Strain, daughter Great Leopard Skating Arena, gresa,. Dr. Julius Schulz for State of Mr. and Mrs. George Strain of Cbester: The Fair Is being spcin- Committeeman, an4 Mrs. Agnes Penn Valley, and granddaughter sarod by the Delaware CountY Gallagher for State Commlttee- of Mr. and Mrs. Don D1cklnBeverage Dlstrl\lutors In "oopera- woman. son of Park avenue; LInda Joanlion with Jack W. Coopennllth; j,' .' Harry Oppenlander, Borough 'ne Strong, daughter of Mr. and member of the Camp's' board of committee chairman, presided Mrs. Robert Strong of Sprlngdirectors. over the discussion which out- field; Glenn Vincent Wtillarno 3rd, Bootba•. refreshments, and en- lined the Committee's reasons for son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WlIlertalnment featuring champion challenging the present Demo- liams of Swarthmore; Nancy Jane skaters, local Went, Rquare danc~ crat1c Party organization. After Wade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Ing for ail, cake bakes, card table;s. the speeches, an intensive question Willard A. Wade Jr., of AIdan; ba:l1room dancing .to a good O'~~ period tollowed. and Robert Bruce Bower, son chestra - all may be enjoyed for The Importance of the primary of Mr. and Mrs. William N. the price of the ticket. . the only Bower of Swarthmore. was stressed as al'lordlng The benefit Is open to the public opportunity for voters to exercise Blind Program Thursday and tickets may be purchased a choice within the party. A program prepllled by the from truck drivers wearing th~ American Foundation for the large red and white Help Camp friendly CIrcle to Me.t Blind concerning the life of Laura Sunshine buttons. ToW procee ••••• '; .840,8(06 . 80(.l1li(:11 , . (16,000.00) ( 2.000.00) 86,1110.74 ,*,8(05 ~,88Ul $ 19,610.74 . i . TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLus ......... '.-. " - .' "'82,247.75 . $758,868.07 $28.50-Extra Trousers $9. 50 .. ~ , -:...-- .. POLAIRCORD (All Cotton) Washable; Sanforized $27.50-Extra .T,ro~s.ers $8.50 . A conference for Fulbrlgbt Scholars In the Eastern and School, will have charge of games Southern ststes will be held at and amusements Wednesday, May. Swarthmore College June 9 to 19, when Chiefs of Police ot DeI-·13. : It will be attended by 41 aware County and their assocl~i~s ~or~lgn Fulbright Scholars, 22 put on their county-wide': outinlC A,rnerlcan educators, and a few for more than 4000 school safety students who will share their unpatrolmen at Lenape Park .on derstan.ding of' American' student May 19. . . . life with the visiting professors. Members of Swarthmore's SafeThe opening addreas of the conty Patrol .will be "mong the f~l'. P.rkA..... Cute. cuddly .nd kMlbIe .. • Idtten .,.. B. F_ Goodrich $2.95 $4.95 5 ,Toggery Pet~ Sun-alllpl ••• breay~ ....... .blt fabric (1II1II1. In Sum- . from $6.75 to $9.95 I . SWwlI '1'1 6.1250 • in Summer's $3.95 .SUMl\tiER SLACKS , mileage. We can also have your .tireS recapped, if needed.' ' H'HliUM & WAITE ill.'" y••~~ . Shorf Sleeved y;,cii nun..Is, add distilled water. . sus . 8-DRAIN ANTI. FREEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR . CHECK:' HOSE CONNECTIONS -ADD RU$T RESISTANCE If hav. 1permanent anti-freeze ·lIIve it fC!!' next winter_ Srin" you; , Own cont.~. ':I' the' Social Sciences, the Physical and Biological Sciences. 6 ~. College Will Be Host To Fulbright 'SehoIars Millard Robinson, athletic director of Swarlhmore HI g h 13,214.26 3,561.48 Borongh of Swarthmore . Comparative Balanee Sheets LIabilities and Surplus ',.'. · (Nylon, Rayon & Acetate) Our Sprir!g Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer 2,735.00 $628,844.85 $604,334.11 $ 19,510.74 TOTAL ASSETS .......... ,782,247.76 $758,368.07 NORTH.CORD LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR , J. 'RUN BEilER-LONGER 49,426.69 233,338.54 288,781.24 $27.50 IF;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;,;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! . $ 16,117.58 $ 14,882.59 $ 1,234.99 Sewer Fund: Cash ••••.••••••••••••••••• Investment ••••••..•••• a • • • Unpaid Sewer Rents ........ Rayon &. Acetate " OUTING MAY 19 FOR· '. SAFETY P~TROLME.N as members of the Board of Jacob, professor of political sclGovernors are Jonathan Prichard, ence, Uillversity of Pennsylvania. Edward H. Pyle. II, Charles F.· Conference Director will be Willis D. Weatherford, assIstant profesSeymour, and J. Burris Wesl Members of the nominating sor of economics at the College committee were Morris E. Smith, Mrs. Edward H. Pyle is secretary: chalrman, assisted by Paui. A year ago a number of forBanks and Charlotte Maas. elgn professors lecturing in American colleges and universities exSub-Freshman Weekend' . pressed the desire to study the .Judith Ammerman, a senior at total setting in which American Swarthmore High School, was a higher education takes place. guest of the Class of 1957 at El- They were here devoting time to mira College last weekend. While their specialty, but had become at Elmira she attended classes, Interested in our educational systhe Merry Chanters, a dormitory tem Itself, and particularly in the party and a' picnic. .Judy Is the life o~ the American' college studaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard dent. and the informal studentC. Ammennan, Harvard avenue. facuity relationship•. They felt the fohnaJ. learning process depended Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden enter- upon the campus life peculiar to tained the "Elghtsome" at a our Country, and so wanted to luncheon at the Ingleneuk Tues- learn more about this informal day, followed by bridge at. her student life. In respon.e to this ..eed, the home on Park· avenue • Committee on International Exchange at Persons. which a d) • ministers Ft:lbright Awards, In conjunction with the American Council on Education conducted a conference onSl:liAnt Life at Haverford College in the summer of' 1953. The response to this conference was enthusiastic that two such conferences were planned this year, the one at Swarthmore College for the eastern area. ~nd one at the Universitr of Chicago for .. mid-western uits r=============i P•• 7 THE S'tVAIl'l'BMOJIEAN May 14, 1954 ~_s CELIA SHOE SHOP 1~ ~ARK'AYINUE 5......_ ........ ' . . . . . SW· . ._ · · CUB SCOUT BOOKS . ON EXHIBIT The Swarthmore Public Library w~ exhibit., next week. books bought with the recent $50 gift of Cub Scout Pack No. 101, according to the announcement of Librarian Bettina Hunter. Tbe occasion of the exhibit is the annual Spring Book Week observance. . Did you linowthat the 'Cooperative Movement is the biggest single business in England? It is likewise a very sizable affair in ..II' tlie S"andinavia" Oountriel. and in Switzerland; Co-ops are widely distributed in Europe gef!8rallY_ln an these countries' Co-ops operate food stores, but in addition there are Co-op Department Stores, C0op Canneries. Co-op Mills, C0op factories; and especi..1y C0op housing . some of the finest housing to be found anywhere. The Swarthmore Co-op . (across ..~ *'!e Bcwo Hal) Is a part of iflrs WIder democratic move- . ~ . ,...... . ". '~.' ":.' • ': M.y 14, 1954 THE SWARTHMOREAN I'age 8 Swarthmore Student Receives Scott Award First .... You Buy SATISFACTION AT ·ACME Confidently you select. because you know that dependable high quality foodS are a habit .wIth Acme-that .ad.faction II planned b. you ." Aane. You . . aln,. ClCIWlt on A.cme·. unquali- fied jllW&Dtee of aaWfaaion. CelebratIng 'Y . ." MaJu:t ··ARMED FORCES DA 'Satwda "POWER FOR' PEACE" Lancaster Brand Genuine Spring LEG 0' ~/ Wfb,e LAM'B E~~ 63C 59C :, Ib __________Ov __~_R_~~y_____ 43c 'Ib 59c Square Cut Shoulder Lamb Roast Shoulder Lamb .Chops . Ib U. S. Graded Choice Beef CHUCK ROAST~: 'b37c . . RIB. ROAST Boneless Cross Cut I. ~:np~;dy 73C.• Whole tb 59c' Ib 65c : Ground Beef HAMS Shankl... Smoked LancasterBWld Deari Everett L. Hunt of Swarthmore.. Collelle hal IIDnounced that J. Lawrence Shane bas been.. awarded the Scot\Award. for 195•• Lawrence;,SOD of Mr. and Mrs •. Joseph B. Shane of College avenue, is a sophomore at the College. . Tbls . awarQ. which Is in the 'form of a twoCyear scholarship for the' junior and senior years at Swarthmore, Is given _. to that stud~nt. male or female; who 1a planning' to embark upon a business c,!reer and who Is ju~­ ed by both studenls· and faculty as an outstanding member of the sophomore cbiss.· The award is known as the Scott Award in memory of ArthUr Hoyt Scott, of theCtsss of 1894. The annual award· amounts to $i,ooo to be paid to ~he deslgn.ated student at the beginninll of the latter's junior and senior. years respectively. . The concept underlying tbIs award is that students who expect to enter business maybe stimulated to strive for a proper balance of desJrable personal qualities and not to limit themselves to any one particular area of interest, whether.lt be scholarship, atbletics, drsmatlcs, social. life or any other specific extra-curricular activity. Larry is a graduate .of Geor•• School where' he had an',outstanding record In a number of fields. He wrote for the school n ....... paper, was a member of the d .... bate team, served on the religious O"en-llead,. None HIgher 1',.010 Reaular SIwIkl... Half Ib 35c 69C Ib ( 20-22.) lbi . Crisp, Snappy, Presh, Tender .GREEN BEANS 2 25c Ibs 'sa~ND RIPE TOMATOES 25C cell. ok. Loco' Club Gives 80.0# in Independence Hall Project BOBOUGH OF 8WARTHMOBB ) _uU"" Be 8J1!"U1. I\IialllnmODta '. fIJI' I'OlIce om-. Attractive place .mats, picturing WBI!l\IIAB. ftom time to time It seenes of historic Philadelphia, are becomes nee see:ry to.. employ ODe or belq sold by the Swarthmore more addlUonal poUce. omcera on a Woman's Club to assist In the temporary buls becauae Of the 111.neaa 01' &beence on vaeaUOD or other leave General. Federatllln of ~man;s of. membent of the pollee ferce. or beClubs restoration of IndePendence ca_ of ·the -temporary neecI. for additional pollceiDen; and, , HaU. . Four different scenes, 'Inciuded WlIERBAll. members of the SW.....hPolice Dep~ment ha.ve requesIn the set of 20 mats, are repro- more ted that where _Ibl.. they he saductions 'of water color paintings signed to WCh additional polloe 'work by Arthur R. Herrick, natlonally- during their olr dUty hOUR. at .. compensation to _be fixed by Borough known artist, and cousin of Mrs. Councl1: . Harold Griftin of Rutgers avenue. NOW THBRBPORE. he It resolved They Include· the Liberty Bell, ~h&t whenever the Burgess BDd the IndePendence Hall, Carpenter's Chairman or Acting ChaIrman of tIie PUbUc Safety oommlttee IIhall ·from Hell; and Christ Church, . time to time agree upon 4>b& necetIOlty Mrs.. Frank Keenen, president of of employing additional police 0lilthe Swarthmore Club,. Is' chairman cera, or U:1Jlgnlng oMcel'8 of the Bor... o.ugh to such ad.dltlon~ pollee work of the sale' for the Southeast dis- during eertaln of the h011rB When trict, and. will set up a special they wOUld _0rwIse he.DIr duty. the of such additional tembooth for selling the mats during .employment porary omcers. or the M8~ent 01 the State. Federation's convention re'gular omoers of the Borough to next Monday through Wednesday such oflempOrBry additional dUU"" II> hereby authorized. The compensation In Pblladelpbla. .. to be paid such oMoera on spec1al asMrs. 'WllIlam' F. Taylor, 2nd, of signment shall be such 88 preocrlbed the Burge.. and the eald Chalr340 Haverford place, in chairman by maD or Acting Chairman of the Com .. of local distrlubtionand those de- mJttee on PubU'o SafetY. but not in string setS of 20' may call MrS. excess of- the going rate per hour for SUch services 'then prevRUtng In DelTaylor at SWarthmore 6-4680. aware COunty. Aaslgnmente made and As a result of the Americanism compensation p4lld or prom.l8ed prior the date or this l'e801utlon are Campaign, the Federation of to hereby g.ratlfled. conftnned. and apWoman's Clubs plans' to restore" proved. the entire first floor of IndepenPassed this 10th day of Kay, 1954. dence Hall,. which includes the Borough bt Swarthmore .. Assembly room, the Supreme Court chamber and the main hall By THOMAS W. HOPPBIi. where the Llberiy Bell now rests. PrIee1dent of COuncil. CAULIFLOWER 1~ 19C FROSTED FOODS Val'.y Frost' Melon 1a'1s •...... 29c J/dIDI 8a"y L'ma...... 2·......... 45. .. .= Corn BlossoDl ilr Banquet Bi;and .• . ... . . BONED.CHICKEN' 27C :25C DILL PICKLES CUT BEETS 3'~ 25C AU Ctlsp Kosher . Jdul Brand . ' ...,.--;--'--~-:------- Sunrise Tomato Juice' 46....... 17e Flako Bonita Fish ........ I,e Hom-de-Llte Creamy Mayonnaise .. Jar S5e Fanndale' Non-Fat Dry 'Mllk " 2 t·Ib":",59.e Virginia. Lee Sugg~sI~' ·'IGEL BREAD Il~ FOOD .o~35c,. SIi~D . '. SLICES =27- c...... . . · AlI'V~ Made_ WI IJdMI IiXtra st.a,p. :.. .... Dah, a..... 79c ACME' MARKET,' Chester Rd., Swarthmore . .' 0.,... n ....day aRd ....elay to'·P.M. 0,... Scnrclay 'til 'P.M. ~_.. Unlv~ty children Uncia I....JIII! 'R.ftanlilll IIDd Mrs. T. lties . at M .... Philip Jacob of Swarthrnn- ~- and Paul, Jr., of aVenue . apent Swarthmore a~~ue; wID be given on Tues~ M day•. May 18, at 8 a.m. over radio uther's Da,.. week-endwilb ~- J acob· ,wUl". Mrs. Zecher's mother Mrs. Martha sta·tion WPWA' . .,.;~.. be presented as purl of the WomFIsher of Ventnor, N. J. en'l International LelllUe fDOnlbThe first annlvenary of Charles ly radio vult to the Marian Pe4c.~.roBatl. art!, son of Mr'-lind low prOlrim- . ' , ' . . Mrs. Brogan .of Forest lane was, Mrs. Jacob .worked f';" saveD ee1ebrated with a birthday party years in the olilce of· the United given by his parentsSund.ay. NatiODsIntemationai CbIldren's , . Mr. and Mrs. Gneme G. Wbyt-. J!ltnergency Fund as speeiai asslalAw of ComeU avenue, entertained tant' to, the' Executive Director. as their house lIuests last week Sh{! was prtmarllY concerned with Mr. ." arid Mrs, Thomas H. Mather tIiIance and the seeurIng oi' gov~ of Darwep, Lancasblre, England.' 'einment contributions filr the FOR RENT. Mr. and :Mrs. Mather were hOsts fund. Prior to .thIs position, Mrs. at .. ' small' dInller . PartY. at .the J4cob worked. with' UNRA ·'·r' ... · ... ' Hotel DuPont, wtlniIngtOn, FrIdliy S1I&eialldJia' In' legislative . prob~ . Be.utiful. first 'floor ,.p.~ent in' finest Chester reside~tial evemn.. Mr. and Mrs. Whytlaw lem.. . .. . entertained at cocktail and supper Tliiisd8y"S program I s ' sec:tion. h.ving .ntr.nce h.n, living ·room with fireplace. dining' parties in honor of 'thll visitors pl,aiined' for primary day as. a '" " ' " . I" , . " , , room, bre.kfast tooin,' mcidem k~ri, 2 bedrooms. modem before they left for Canada Sun- non~~an, fact-presenting disday evening. cusSion ot the work of' United tIle bath. Gar.g._ Mr. and Mrs. c. Ram- Stales CpllIIJ;'eJ8men; what .me , IIIlYot LBfayette avenue have re-. of experience and training . . turned from a five-day' trip by helpful in their work; and ConThis ap.rtment-Is in pemc:t condition. By .ppointm.nt...... . plane to Boca Raton and Miami l/iesSmen's imporlance in governSweeney' Cl-ide.29 'E. 5th S...... Chest.r, Phon. CI-I..ller- Beach, .Fla. While tD. Boca RatOn ment, espec:Wty In the'fleld of ulayattanded the annual i-euntoa toreign . alIalrs. Mrs: Maurice 3-6141 an~ CHester 4-4291. the Ford Motor Company's ·Webster, radio chairman of South East ReSionaJ Mercbandls- local lealllle, will preSent Mrs. I log School ....duates. . Jjlcob. . Slidoier wve lint, Wilb Mrs. Included Mr. IIDd ...... I'rancla H. WI 1r..11Ik*Il d vr.. W F~rsythe. Mr. Mrs. JOIIePh , 'r...... - oe . · lr.,..".. . all' , • 1'. aa. ~r· •. --'"' u_ T~-3 _'"_ ldll _....... . __ m ..... ; -)f.;.'.' ~. ".; F. F.Wrlaht, Mr. arid MD. Gao.... seate4 east and west, Mrs. I. R ..B. Thorn, Mrs. W. R- LeCron Mrs. JIiOElwee and Mrs. .JoItD. Ander- J •. Kenneth Doherty, and' Mrs. ,aD am.,Mn..Jobn,8rowoell and I'iank H. Hn!nilon: The slu!ients lit. Webb second. . attendiDi 'DenIson are ElIzabeth . . Forsythe and . Marjorie Thorn, saw It In the SwarthmorearL" freshmen; Sally GliskIll, Kenneth arut n • •_ ...... "'"'" wuuam .. .,' ...... 1;. ", ' wllllain . . is faculty committee to evaluate and recommend changes in the soCial system at Gieorge School. He was captain· of the tennis team and co-captain of the basketball team, and was a Prefect 'of the freshman and sophomore boYs dormitory during biB' senior year, . Sinc.e conilng to'. Swarthmore ' Colleg~ he hwitaken, part in numeroUs extra -'"currIcular activities. He is secr~tary of the Phi , Kappa Psi fraternity, ;. member . .of the varsity basketball soccer, and tennis teams, and In the upper qUarter "f his class In the field of engineering. W.lnners of the Scott Award are offered employment with the Scott Paper Company dJlfing the SlUD- • . performance, .acceleration, endurance, ~ess " . and, ride. ' ; I ~ Ceaseless vigilance at the pumping stations ••• ·In the laboratorlas ••• at the telephone switchboards •• '.keepa Springfield Waler ever ready at the turn of a faucet. ~. SPRINGFIELD WATER ,junior and junior-senior years and at the time of graduation. How" ever, such .employment is entirely optional on the purl of the re- .. c:ipient. ·,DC 'es PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY , , 1, ",' , ~ •• ~- , Now you're set to compare the facts, weigh the recorct . Serving you 'round the clock ••• for only a dime a day! ~," . One \Iundred and seven,y-three members and ...... of the WOQIIID'S Club of Swarthmore at. Ijjnded Ibe anlluai spriDC.luncheon Tuesday !lftemooli at the clubhouse. The honored 1Uest8 in~edpast preIldenta ·of iii.. club; II!PI l\!Iltatives "'Of" the' .. County and State l'ederatloM, the telIrInt presidents. of ~e Junior, Mrs. Robert Greene and Mrs.,.Hobert . Weller, and the newly.. eleeted •.~ents. Mrs. !alter Hannum and Mrs. K8rl .. OlL In appreclatlqn of help , given the Juniors during the year. Mrs. (lreen,e presented the Senior' CIUll"With a beautiful liasssand-; wich tray. SIx new' members received this . sprinlwere among the ..trW!sts ·Cif honor, 14.... J. Herbert Foley, Mrs. H~·. T., Gayley,. Jr., . Mh. Ed-· wl!fd S. Goldmeyer. Mrs. Charles M:ib.01', Mrs•. Donald T. Ward,' and.MnI. ~lIDG. Young. I(rs. S. BJ.aJr.·tuCki&' whb eel.... brated her 83rd' birthday on Mai" . 18, wal surprised with a bh'\bd!IY cake, set before her the audience sang "Hapw Blrtt.da:r; as ' . '. I fibS . . .- I • ,. . '.-. .' r" \~\' f " Cooking'. ,o~-.\ \ LEGION AUXILIARY .tLl:CTS OFFICERS //. The. LeSion Auxillary';meetiDC Monday,at the home of Mrs. Howard Hopson, elected tbe foll~wInl officers. for the next year of serVIce: President. and Treas~rer. Mrs. Alben Eavenson; Vice - preiildent Mrs. Francis Lumsden, Recordtnt . secretary Mrs. Jo~ WbIti1er, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. L.' • J. Servais, Chaplain Mrs. Gil.reest, Sergeant-iitCAl-inS Mrs.' ", ,. Hopson, HIstorian Mrs. AJljan. .- Rogers. _ r An outstanding' essay written; by Joan Blandon of the SWarth- I more' Junior High" School . _ i chosen by the three judges to win' '. ~e locai LeSioll AuXIliarY medal. ' The essay Will be sent to the AuxtlIary State Contest.' During the last two months, the Auxiliary has Inade the following contributions: Cancer, $5.00; Sal~t1on ~, .SS. OO; picnics for·. Coatesville, Perr,- Poin,and' V&terans Ad~ . ministration Hospitals, $11.00: Camp HOJ\M!, $5.00; Camp SuIlsbine, $5.00; PoPpies, $25.00; lind National American Korean ........_ . dation, Veteran'. CominlttfJe, " ~ P. •• I "\. ,. . '~ "I \ , ! on an AUIOMATIC Osear '., Dodge loyal the RMonI No. 0'" C. Call MatdI ·RANOII ' ......... • •'11. . . . . . . . . . . "a. , Dodge 10 lie tIrIt _ • Aatomadc lighting assures .che hat JOG wailt at the tarn of • knob. o. broiler, OftD, or top .... "'"1 Runt --_ .... .,.,.. ....... ... QiIr" I.'~". -'-. _ .... --. .. "e __ , , oI~'J ....... 5 ~ . .DllllllII.. !'P,. , '. ..... -.- ......... 0. . . . .11.'........ ' want ...", .. .. cta.forc , "=, . . puL_co to I Isaho r.nn. po....-far : ".... ,..- ............ ... . .. ' .. .~~\~\~ , '. 'Ned' " . •. " ' .. 500"1 . . . . . "; I, " , ',' Was tol- IIQ,,,','ed by a deliB)1tftiI program uf d,!o pillno selections by .'lI!Irs. I Geor',Ie T. SBrgisSoD'ot Ridiey Mrs. WAlliam L. Scdr"Swarthmore, a ml!!ll.the club. These. aCCQallt pllsl.ed pianists gave an eltcellent interpretation of Bach's uIt Is a True Saying", Beethoven's "AlS9n~M!. ~,!s 7~', Rachmanl,"!Prelude Milltalre", and :~~l to"Suite Opus 15:" In ,the\enthu.iastic ap- , they- . played .. ;'uoe Cake" by Price and "The Sleigh" by Kountz .. .. "The delicious luncheon was pre- . pared by Mrs. Paul R. Hertel, Mrs.' Charles V{. Lukens, MrS• Blniey K! t.a'orse' and their ccimmittei:~ The servlrtg"wBS, in\ charge of MrS. Robert J. TUrner. Mrs•. Cl1arles 1.. BQYle, chalnnan of' the gBrdliIidepaitment, planned and artanied .the' lo~)'decio~ti_• , Reservation. were in charge of Mrs. Norman R. Jones' and Mrs • Leslie A. Wetlaufer. ; NAtiEI) lCHAIRMAN UC, INDUSTRY CONNlnEE , 'N-o..a..-"',' :1"' •. a.Ji' hoi. Cot·........ " , an 'AAiio'-1111·11101_..... ·• j " ·1t~~·GIr i;, , ~ '- • ~,.:'::.~~ , .. - John MacAnespie, Oberlin. amll"; bas iIili!epted the c,haIrof .tt1ClustryCcim-campatin .CIt' ~;i'PaJ."" of Dela-.. 'Minty. Is MaeAneI>year' .to head· the he has' named ",ij'," .,lIItIkn'BI":'MC'TV~."."('IC."··Ii·· ,'.'z···', .;: J~~=:t;;:::~:0Ir;.~,(dt' .. , d U· H y' T O'.'.R,,'.,,'" .',. IN'.'. C' ," '. ~i'.'",.';"·"IIO~ c:: II . .' ...............1V..... :'~ Youpt priza-winning economy, prove4 In the fa- ., Mobilgas Economy Run. • Y ~'pt .recol-d-breaJring .perfonnance, provail In oflIeieJ.A.A4 tata 011 the 'Bonneville SaltFlatB, that IetII You driie withlrl'ellter eoltftdence. greater l!IIfet.1. . plllter eontrol. . . Ii you 111-' value In th. new ear ~ bu:1• eome _ tIUs big new '64 Dodge with itIl,.1oDI.·ic;t1r, ziatura! lines. Discover Dodge oIf. . . . .' ~I . _ 10"'". ....... NJo. .......... " "'ILADIL.".A ILlClalC . c • • • • • y .' to_ ... for_ii101' AN I' -,tap' S And. the bambome. modena ranp b deaigned ~ CIOokiDg _ and tams oat food cooked .. JOG like it.. plt1ledelphk B1auic . ",bar- U 1'1-- • '. k:z.. a II , . . he F Y PI.... • " II Moblltcrs [ • The atitOmadc OftD.cloc:k· conttol tamS the Men on and o. and cooks ~Dilet whO•. ,aa~", ....., fro.. che kltcbe& . ' ::";-:.orat .., , •• '1 .... "'...·.....'0 " ..,.. Dodge . . . . top-.... eta. . . lie " ' - burnen. at,... ,............ ., . . 1;1- fa the one new ear for 1964 that backII up .ltB . piomjee with IlUbstantial proof. . . '. .~ Goose yoar modem 1M ranp v·a f"",.D •• , Soda.' ." 'llhe~ .business. ;m~U.ng I . . ' ': Mi-I. Edward Lodholz, state vice-president In charge of the South.East DIstrict, gave a. Ih~ speech compllmentlnll the club, on Ita 56 years of servlce·aild'·utlf-· log the members to attend the:. Pennsylvania Federatilln convention to be held In PhUadelpbla week. . At~e .tsted meeting reports were' Siven' by the recording' sec~, M~ C.: ~Jsse)] PhiJ-' Ups, and the treasurer; Mrs. D. Mace ,GowIng. ,At' the, .BDDUal meeting wblchfollowed, Mrs. Gowloggave Iier" annual· report . wblch had been audited by Mrs. CarrplI P ...Streeter and Mrs. Thomas K. Brown. After the installation of the' new d1ie.tors, . Mrs. S. 1., Althouse, Mrs. Robert '. ,A. Boy~e, Mrs;' Francis .H. Forsythe,lind Mrs. RobertM. Groj·g"n:tllu, Cl\1b Pr4sideI\t:¥rB.'l'ran!< . G. Keenen StlJlIIi>ed up the accompll!ihments ot the year' and ex" pressed' appreciation ot the work , . of the offi,cers, board, committee cruilrmen, and general membersblp. You've read abouj;" heard about all the .clahris. for economy, • '" 113 Women Attend Club Annual LHa. ~rs.Luclde". Attest: and EI,J.I0Tl' ru(JJlAim60N SODS Jimmy and David' of Dic1e uee wives and gueats at the Spring" Herbert W. Gr.'ber, manager of I. haven Club last Saturday night the' Chester Soflal Securtty Office THOM SEREMIA" Blob bid. muat be _panled by at their alljlual Ladles' Night. advised today, Gruber pointed a certUled ChecII: amount '" ----~------A delightful dinner was enjoy- out that It Ia not nece_ to UPHOlSTERING' . fl00.00. drawn· to to thethe order or_ OODJ County or Dola........ LBOAL NOTleB ed, during which background have a job to get a card but In SLIP COYEIS-DIAPEIIIS" SpeoUIoatloDa and hlddlng Ith_ '!'lIe 8obool DIatrict '" swarthmore music Was supplied By Pat Dla_ most cases It Ia necessary to have S-rIII-.. mond's Orchesira at Philadelphia, ." social securtty card to get a job. The Oounty 00mm1ae10Den1.. ... BUIIdtng CCl'IIer '" 0011_ III1CI after which John Michael intro- Employers must have each 'emtIoe right to raJ_ &It1 alll1 all blda ~ Avenues. BWIU'thm..... duced Dr. Ira Griffith, president ployee's social security number to ._ •• of the Philadelphia College of complete their quarterly reports S......... 6-1441 ALBlIBT J. CBA:WPORD. JR. blda at a meettng '" the at Pharm!lcy who gave an entertain- of wages paid to each employee. WILLIAM BROOKS 2t-5·7 COUJrty OOmml""l"".... the SchOOl D1IIIrIct Those who. have lost their cards,' da" _y 18, 18M. omoe at. 8 on p.m" or at Ing and thoughtful talk· Aahee & Rubbish RemOved "I saw It in the Swarthmorean." an adJourned moeu.'1I. trw Dr. Gri1llth and hIa charming should get a duplicate card betore La __ Mowed. GeaBla! MrYIoe, fuel 011. bus ..moe. . BpecIlIe&tto"" .... and be MC\Il'ed be- wife were just returned from a starting on a Job. . Ba1l1lq II a.m. and , p.m.• &ad dallyholls- European trip ot six so ApplicatiOns for cards can be Jl8 JIanUaa' A..e.. lIIorioa. .... Jewelry Repaired Phone: SW 6-4216 cept Saturda.Jw. 8UDd&ya, that h rinkled his weeks, dis EMU. SrlES day&, at the School DIatrict omoe. e sp' . course .obtained from the local post office Watchmak.r The Board _ _ the right to reo with timely anecdotes that serv- or the Social Security Office. So Ject &It1 bldacxm:tracte to wIloI.onoranr to ed well to drive home hIa main Completed applications tor new or Form.,." of F. C. nl J)N't anti or to all award 0; . . Woleh ood 128 Yol. Ave. Item or ltome mating up any bid. theme of the value ot Rotary's duplicate cards should be mailed PETER 01 NICOLA Clock Repo;" SworthmOt•• Po. HART B. SPILLBR. creed at service and understand- to the Social Security Office, 302 Drlv.way Co.strucHo. "=~~~~~~~~=,:;;;;;;;;;,;;;<~3~t~4;.8~°inm;;;;;;;;u.;;;;;;m.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~s..~~~elal7;;; ling fellowship as a basis tor world Delaware County Trust Building, auwUllllUunullulUmnOHllUHllllUlllllllllllllllnlDmunmllDulwmllumnllHlDDmlllnnll1DDInnnllllO~ p e a c e . . Chester. Asphalt or Co.cnte a = After Dr. Griffith's talk the orA Comp'ete Insurance and Rell' Estllte Agency chestra again took over the dancCellar Walls Re-Plastered Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald 5 ing and some skits, including local Swan of Mt. Holyoke place were .Swarthmore 6-2526 Air and Ship Trav.1 !i! talent which surprised many, but week-end guests ot Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Stevenson of Mt. Kisco, !s: i= b;a:ll:.rranged bi N. Y •. committee composed of John Kenneth Wright of Kenyon CONSTRUCTION §_. 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER Michael; George Salmons, Bill avenue. a sophomore at Denison RESIDENTIAL AND - Kurtzhalz, Lew Elverson, Pete University, was recentlyfj elected I PIlon.,: 3"'41 3",,'42 4-42.' 4_42'2 s Told, with Avery Blake as chair- publicity chalnnan of the Young COMMERCIAL Sa!lluel D. Clyde Samu.1 D. Clyde, Jr. ~ man. Republican ClUb. ~::"e :~~. =~~ ':==========:::::! lof_.. : ~~'I,=..H!.~~ :;':"~:"~tJ."":'~~~ =.::oe~da:.t::: =: ~= ~ 1~ng:m'l'Y "===========:::: :;~~~. u~8:: ~.m.~ w_ Iod.. .. = = i i!! = . . 0.. = SWEENEY & CLYDE i w::h~::'~~ a e i= George Plowman ~ Iii J. Edward Clyde ~nmrlUlmlllllmmllmlllllmllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllmIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ Fre. Estimates PHONES: CHest.r 2-4759 2·5689 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT WANTED .,... To rent tWO-be~_1 'F;;:Om;R~RSENTii'.;;;;;i~:':Ii:m;;:a;;:Il1:i·n:::e::-::a;;ll"Ctithj:;:s::-- GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1401 Ridley Avenue, Chester, Pa, TILE FLOOIS - FORMICA • MONOTILE _ PLASTIC TILE MODERH lUTCHENS ALTERATIONS \ MEdia 6-4259. WANTED -Part-time bookkeeper tor local busi"ess. Box G, Tbe Swarthmorean. mE SWARTBMOREAN Girl Scout Troop 269 In Court of Awards • -. 22 Fifth Graders Receive . Second Class Badge · .' d" M on ay A Court of Awards was held by Girl Scout Troop 269, Fifth Grade .t College Avenue, on Monday afternoon In the Presbyterian Church.. Mothers of the girls. were Invited to be present. Other guests Hall k were Mrs. oc Campbell, outgoing NeighborhoQd Chairman; and Mrs. WllI,IaJ)l McDermott, the new :ASsistimt 'NelghbOrhood Chairman. Mrs. John Carroll, In~ coming Neighborhood Chairman, PREMIUM SALTINES I, ' Hits New High in Knock·Free Power! Leg of Lamb Qeorge Myers 3Sc.Box PILLSBURY ~,~~I.)E!f_ MIX. ~QQKI.E MIX 29c Box Tartar Sauce SINCLAI·. PO .- Fusco Motor o. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Phone SWarthmore 6-3681 SWarthmore 6-!I460. . ".' - , Q -. ",qUfI!"" Baird Ie -Bird Rea/tors SW 6-0108 , VONDAY . TBJiu N@~ . ammA.U . . . HOLIDAYS CQ~~ FIREPLACE WOOD . . -. ' FANCY TOMATOES !" . BEST FOODS. IIIUflCIUiER.NEW IOlLl uSJ. CELLO PAKS 19c Box 27c 8-0z. Jar 2 for 19c Extra Special U. S. No.1 Hellmann's Sandwich Spread Friday and Saturday Special NEW POTATOES' 5 pounds 33c 39c pint SPECIAL·OFFI., 2 lb. 59c 6ge Qt. Hellmann"s Regular FRENCH DRESSING 24c 8-oz. Btl. Hellmann"s "Old Homestead' FRENCH DRESSING 2Sc 7-oz. bottle H-O OATS 17c BOX , , Try Press Boot Polish ..Parade J.A. GREEN SWarthmore 6-0740 \'. 89C'b Finest SW 6-4041 \ Ib Alileric,,'s 8A.T1JJloAY 4 Tall Cans 49c Steaks DAY . . and NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE co-OP . EVAPORATED MILK T-Bone - Porterhouse - Sirloin 2 Jars'49c ~I Swqrthmore Qnd ViCi!lity .,any 4ttractive ~o",S "Fine with Fish" .Bread·.··Butter Pickles Baby sitting. Responsible woman. Call SWarthrlOre 6-4251. ui SWIFT"S PREMIUM Hellmann"s OILD&4T 1947. an • Fanning's TL"O;;;S:;;;TC.'R;:e=v=er:::si;o.b~le=-.red_gray boy's l'ERSuNAL jacket on College avenue field, 69~ CHOCOLATE CHIP COO.KIE MIX , TIM"•• ~;~ New Premium Casoline . FOOD MARKET 10c Coupon in each Box 1:===========: ~ CO··OP SWIFT'S PREMIUM Jack Prichard , 9 Id bleb Id Special 41 c large Box 49c Box PILLSBURY f i.e t 5 Self-Rising Cake Flour • pound Box .. SHOP AT .THE J. F. BLACKMAN ~~~555;;;;5;;;;;;~ I a icc !tar Presto ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX i1ltra modern kitchen, tile bath, large living room, large dining room, 2 bedrooms. Garage. Convenlent to P. R. R. Beautifully decorated interior and lanih!capWANTED-- Second-hand tricycle ed lawns. Adults only, Rent $145. and doll coach. Call SWarth- Phone MEdia 6-1870 or MEdIa 6Charles E. Fischer more 6-1848. 0153. WANTEn. - 'High SchOOl girl ~FO~Ri-R;::ENT=;;;---S"'In=gl~e-r~oo=m,""-:thir=·~d desires Job as, babysitter, shore 1I00f. Large double room, secor mountains during summer. ond lloor. Comfortable .. Near bus BUILDER SWarthmore 6-5708. lines. SWarthmore 6.-6750. . WANTED - Tricycle for tbree- FOR RENT - Apartment, second year-old child. Call SWarthfloor - Narberth _ large _ attracmore 6-5368. tive. Large living room, large dlnSwarthmore 6-2253 WANTED DuPont executive ing room and kltc"en, two bedand wife, two. small daughters rooms. tile bat~. Very convenient prllfer living in Swarthmore. Will Jo transportatlo!,. $115.00 per maintain your home and grounds ttJonth. Immediate posses.,on. at their very best. Occupancy de~ Telephone MP;dla 6-1870 or MEdIa sired next 60 days. ReferenceS ;;6-:::;O:;::Ii=i53;:,.==---:==;-,;________:furnished; Box D,' The Swarth- FOR RENT - Second-fioor apartmorean. \ ment-two bedrooms, bath, dinWANTEI>O=Young couple desire. ing room,' livillg room wit" flrefurnished apartment - 2 or 3 place, kitchen, center hall, 2 rooms, by June 1-7, in Swarth- porches. Heat furnished. Adults more or vicinity. Reply Box F, only. $135.00 per month. Sweeney The Swarthmorean. & Lukens, 523 Welsh Street, PAINTING Chester - CHester 3-7183. FOR SALE and FORRENT - Comfortable room, FOR SALE 25 Horse-Power den and bath for gentleman. Mercury Thunderbolt - fully Phone SWarthmore 6-4133. CARPENTRY re-conditioned. Like new. $390.00. FOR RENT - Siogle room, sec.Telepholie CHester 2-2506. ond floor. Newly decorated. FOR SALE - Top soil and mush_ Convenient to both bus lines and SWarthmore 6·8761 room soil. Ideal for yards. Call Harvey, SWarthmore 6-6317. village. SWarthmore 6-2194. FOR RENT - For summer _ I' FOR SAI.E White kitchen table, furnished cool house, shady 2 matching chairs. Call SWarth- lawn, June 15 to September 8. Sheet Metal Work more 6-6514. Phone SWarthmore 6-0667. FOR SALE - Plymouth ConvertRoOtlDg Gutters PERSO"AL ible, 1951, original owner. New tirES, battery. seat covers, rear PEJlSONAL -' Brick, block, ceAIr CODdlNolllllg window. Low mileage, Call mellt work. For free estimates, H.aNllg SWarthmore 6-6296. caU Dorsee, masonry contractor of 011 • Gas • burll.n FOR SALE - 1951 Ford V8 Cus- Media. lOngswood 4-04&1. tom Tudor with radio, heater, PERSONAL . - Gardens plowed o1?erdrive, turn signals, original and rototilled, any size. Call owner. $850. Also pine bureau $10, Emerson Radio-Victrola $15, , carry-crib $13, double bed 7 feet long $20,other househbld !tems. lIox48 ~Wllrthmore6~740 Everything in good' condition. Must . seli leaving country. Phone MEdia 6-5780 after 8' A.M. Tuesday. appOintment. in your FOR SALE - Top quality top- home. Association with Estelle . soil, $10.00 loa~. Call Warren Press Shop, 69th SI. SWarthmore Pierce, SWarthmore 6-2078. 0-4934. FOR SALE - Swarthmore Co- fERSONAL - Television. radio operative Stock at a discount to . and appliance repairs - prompt settle estate. Mrs. LouisN. Robin- service. TV sets· repaired In the son, 411 College avenue. _ _ _ _ Allcel:.... ' _'. ... _ home. Robert Brooks, SWarthmore 6-3889 or SWarthmore 6on. 1IOIt ••• - .... a ... _ ........,. ••••urlS L05"--- Harvard's Graduate School of Education while working for hIa doctorate. He has been appointed Assistant Profeasor of n....chology ~~3 at Haverford College for the comlog year. ....:'-'-_~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ 't's to Your Advantage 335 Dartmouth Av.nu. SW 8-8818 Douglas Heath, son of Mr. and Mrs. RuSseu Heath of Cedar lane h . as completed the reqwrements for his Ph.D degree In Psychology at Harvard University. Dr. Heath graduated from Swarthmore High School in '43 and from Amherst C"llege 't9, summa cum laude, PhI Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi: He has been an Instructor In Psychology at I NABISCO 25c P ..ell RECEIVES PH. D DEGREE made the awards. Ryerson. Swimmer Badge was help In checking badges and to Second CIus S_ta awarded to Justine Bodley, .Josle Lange for demonstrating , Marsha Hunt , Cathy Jarratt' Josie . Second Class and Hospitality A foutstanding t e th Scout qualities. t h · ls d Lange ~en' Mondale Gloria reprogram e gJr an were awarded to the fol- P eirso'I, M'arj orIe R ox b' IBadges in girls' y, Cyo thIa their guests enjoyed refresh _ ow g . Topping and Abigail Warnes. ments served by the Troop ComVicki Baker, JusUne Bodley, mlttee. Mrs. George Patterson and Chari t BodIn addition, Bettie Bovard reM Bettie Bovard, 0 te r Mrs. orris Hicks are the Leadhead, Barbara Coles, Barbara ceived the Games Badge, the ers of thla Troop. Donahue, Gall Forwood, Betsy Metal Badge was awarded to Friend, Nancy Gatewood, . Patsy Jelln Patterson, Betsy Friend reE & S BRIDGE Grace, Marsha Hunt, Cathy Jar- celved the Drawing and PainUng Badge, Nancy Gatewood the .The Annual Dessert-~rldge of ratt, Josle .Lange, Sally McCaw- Seamsiress Badge and Dramatic the Entertainment and Supply ley, Ellen Mondale,' Jean Patter- Appreciation was awarded' to Committee of the Swarthmore son, Gloria Pelrsol, Marjorie RoxBranch of the American Bled by Mitzi,. Ryerson, Cynthia T'op- Glorle Pelrsol. Two girls recelvd N ancy CrOss will be held In the Woman's ping, Abigail Warnes and Kathy ed the Housek eeper Bage, Walsh. Gatewood and Cathy Jarratt. lCiUb on Thursday, May 20 at p.m; The Cook Badge was awarded For the Mothe... The committee, of which Mrs. to:' In order to show their apprecla- John M. GOOd is chainnan, serves Justine Bodley, Charlotte Brod- tion to the Troop Committee Moth- the Federal Hospitals hi the head, Barbara Coles, GBu For- ers, the girls presented them with Southeastern District, Naval Hpswood, Josie Lange, Sally Mc- corsages. A corsage was also pre- pltal in Philadelphia, Valley Cawley, G~orla Peirs.ol and .Mitzy. sented t;, Mrs. Peirsol for her. Forge Hospital, and Coatesville. PILLSBURY WANTED room apartment within Swarth- . Automatic dishwasher, cedar more School District by June 1. closet, automatic clothes washer, EDWARD G. CHIPMAN & SON Alterations - May 140, 19" . Whites 403 DARTMOUTH AYE~UE / . 2Sc ; In!" "" .... ,#~ Sets Two Day Registration Period '.. Contest Tuesday Gives Citizens Opportunity . To Choose Candidate,s • May 14, 1954 TilE SWARTHMOREAN Paille 12 , Registrars To Be Posted At Both Schools May 24,.25 Two days, Monday, May 24, and Tuesday, May 25, have been set aside for registration for the summer sessions of the Swarthmore Summer .Recreatlon Association. . Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs, J. A. Turner, Jr., and Mrs.· Lindsay Wolfe will be In charge of registration desks at· both the Rutgers Avenues and College Avenue Scliools from 10-12 and 1-3 on both days. Mrs. Franklin Robblee is re~ turning for the sec:ond year as dIrector of the Pre-School and' PrImary Groups, which will begin thetr sessions on Monday, June 21; Jerry. Nowell will direc:t the . ·At Tuesday's Primary Elec:tlon, voters in Swarthmore will have an . opportunity to vote for the candidates th.ey want to represent theil' parties in the Fall Election. The offices for which citizens will cast their ballots are: Three Judges to the State Superior Court; Governor; Lieutenant Governor; Secretary of Internal Affairs; Representative to Congress; Four Representatives to the General Assembly; a State Committeeman and a State Commltteewoman; Prec:lnct Committeeman and Prec:inct Committeewoman. Locally, the only contest for committeeman· or -wQman is in the Western Precinct. Republican voters must make a choice between Robert G. GillUlan, Jr., and Herbert E. Michener. For the General Assembly on the Republican ticket, five. men are running for four offices. Incumbent Edwin E. Lippincott 2nd. Primary Group activities will be from·9 a.m. until·11:45 each day. Field \rlps to the WCAU toadl" and TV station, to Acme Bakery, and farm and swimming expeditions have already been scheduled. The Summer Club under Mr. Nowell will continue dally from 9 a.m. to· 12 with three, one hour periods rotating the activities. Emblems will be awarded to all participants, and dch Friday. will feature a sp~lal event, from a treaaure hunt to pet show, field day and swim meet. As 1\1 previous years, supplies for ·activlties In arts and 'crafts will be Included in the reglstrati~ ·fee. 7t11 Gracie Ple.le Planed Seventh graders and' their parents will have a picnic June 2 (a Wednesday) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Preston . .Jr., Farnum road, Media. Families will bring theIr own suppers. Cokes, coffee and dessert wI!l. be - BLIND FAIR May 20. 21. 22 at the Swarthmore Fire . House Lafayette Avenue Sponsored by tJle Swarthmore Lions Club Catherman's ·Drug Store .m.....'....~' STRATH HAVEN INN Harris "'Company SPRINQ SPECIAL for· Cleaning & Pressing Overcoats Coats Blankets .49 up FROM 69TH -I' TO . LONGWOOD. VALLEY FORGE GARDENS?H f i ',";' PARK SUNDAY, MAY ;6' .' SATURDAY, MAY 1S .......... -St>rintglory .... "1~O.!!.._ftl.' ~ . ,k; -- a..L 1 1M ... ~. f'r " "'~' .~ '''NDAY. MAY 16 ae clift w.0~. . aOUND m. ' •• I:k ••~::.'= ' '.;._->' t c"-wa .. -" 7 ... ,., 7 .IUIIS .... orr AI .... .....::' '211_ '0' PM ... FAIR THE ·SWARTHMO $ Readers' Heyday In May 26· Exchange MEMORIAL DAY PARADE?·'. The -tmerican Legion has annowli:ed' thai they will not sponsor a Memorial Day Parade thIS year. .' Btind F31"t· 0pen... .. ·Th"IS Weekend in Firehouse to Book Tea Offers Chance to Share· Favorite, Find New Books a ''Bring book you'd like ·buy-Buy a book you'd like to h'b' t t' X I ItS, emons ra Ions read" Is the slogan under which 10 CIrcles of the Wfoman's Asao-Open Today. until 8; dation of the Presbyterian Churcb. , 4. P.M. Saturday vigorously undertaking· the .. , . . Annual Book Exchange Tea which The thtrd annual Blind Fatr Is WIll take place WedDesday after-· 'In Swartlimcmr this week-end a~ noon, May 26, from 1: 30 until 4 the Fire House on l>artmouth. in the grUs' court in front of the avenue. Sponsored by tPe SwarihDavid Braun Memorial Building. more Lions Club the Fair gives in the event of unsympathetic. ~dentll of·, S.warthmore and weather, the arraDg~entll wI!l. nearby communities an opporbe set up In LoeIDer ChllpeJ. tunlty ·to see demonstratipns of The entire community, aU ages. .work done I»' blind members o~ bOth sexes, Is Invited In tilt cer- t1!e Delaware Counl?' Bt:anch of taint)' that ther$. jrIlllle books to the Pennsylvania .AssocIation For suit every taste, ai-Otie nom- The Blind. E D are moat Inal CJl prices. AdmIsslon Is one or more books and a ama11 fee to cover . . .""",ble· zefreshmenti. will complete the Koreanboolt fund which baa Spon_ sored the Korean pubUcatlOll in Korea of "Conqueror In ChaIns", a ute of Paul by Miller, and ·un.;,: derwrite a new circle project to be aeJected In the falL . . There will be tables of recent and aitraptlve books for ~ lind for adults a cho1ce andwideb' -_......... II tInn of ~·-t fic ...- CO ec . ~--r tlon, humor, hiograpliy; adventure. reUgion, and an inexhaustible ez_ change of who-dun-its. The children's eorner will be a browain« corner where cbI1dreII. may happily Choose theIr" aelecitlOUB.' Proc:eoos Memorial Service Sun" For Mrs. C" Wbx f . An inter-church cooperative effort for Presbyterian Hospital wlll bring together members and ,friends of eight Presbyterian Pro essor's WifeSuccumbs Churches In the area next WedAt Ogden Avenue nesday evening, May 26, In McH M 18 Caban Hall on Harvard avenue. ome ay The occasion, entitled "Operation A memorial service will be held Operation" wi 11 feature Dr. at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 23, In the Samuel ~. Hadden, chief of the . Swartbmore FrIends Meeting H aspIta!'5 N euro-Psychiatrlc staff House for Mrs. Florence Chapman who will speak on "Our Hospital WSilCOX, WhhO died Tuesday, May asTha Chriss,tilankSYmbol!' 1 at her ome, 510 Ogden ave 0 c oc meeting will also enue. With her husband. Clatr present members of the Student Willcox, professor of ec:onomlcs at Nurses' Choir, who will offer Swarthmore College, she had been lively songs from their varied a resident of Swarthmore since repertoire. Another student at 1927. Death.was csused by cancer the hospital, Susan Anderson, will after an illness of several months. give a brief talk. Mrs. Wllcox has served, until Mrs. Daniel C. Johnson, assisted rec:ently, as director of arts and by James R. MacPherson, deacon crafts activities at Swarthmore of the local church, heads the College. She was a membft fI. the conuirlttee of representatives of Board of Overseers of the Swarth- the eight participating churches: more Monthly Meeting of the· ~ Opening yesterday. at 10 a.m., the fatr continues today unW 8 p,m. and '~. 4 p.m, Saturri may see cha1ra ~, tl\at, being· caned, jloor· mats made, Iron ~0I!rd. and aprons sewn, and floor . mopS manufac·tured. Bl!amples of all other items made b,. the Delaware . (~tin1MIjl. on ~ge 13) . '.., . clety of FrIends and was ChaIrman of the Meeting's Committee on Family Relationships. ·Born In Ashiand, Ohio in 1898, Mrs. Wilcox was graduated from Ohio-'W!elIleyan UnI-ti1initY In 1921 and held a Jl(aster's degree In soclolollY froIJl the University of Perms71vania. She wu Interested In inuslc and art. havInJ sung In the chorIU of the PhIladelphia Civic Opera lUi Company. and studied ""'nUna and sculpture with teadlen blSt. . Loula and Philadelphia. For some "" bU years, she taught art to c dren The Scholarship Committee of at the School In Rose Valll!lJf.. She the Swarthmore mgh School had a1ao been . active In the work through Frank R. Morey. ·Super- of the' League of Wo;nen' Voters viaIng PrIncipal, has just; an.. and.the Pennsylvania· Federatlnn -,II1to Coven . Five.. ·.SeninrS Wm" H S SchoIarshipS AVhUe.~~. fall as Elevel).th Grade ruary, 1952. He was admitted Men"s Suits BW;\i:j'lUJOn. 1'(1.• I A l l •. . , , " Mrs. Carl. Schmitt, Springfield. was reelected president of the Commimlty HeaHh Society of Centra! Delaware County last Thursday .morning at the May meetlrig of the Board· of Dtrec:tors. Mrs. John W. Iliff, also of Springfield was renruri~· fIrat vice-president and Mrs. H. LlndIy Peel of Columbia avenue, second Vice-president of the Red Featlier vlsiting nurse agency which serVes Swarlhmore, Morton,· Rutledge, Springfield, Rldll!lJf Township and Ridley Park. Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe of Thayer road, was renamed treasurer. with Harold Ogram asslstant treasurer. Mrs. Walker Evans of Ridley Park, wag elected secretai-y and' Mrs. wntner COtes: of. Ridley Township, cc.nespondlog sec:retary. Officers wI!l be· Installed at the annual luncheon meeting of the SocIety to, be held June 1'1, 10 the Woman's Club of Swarthmore. Two new directors were elected. to the board, Mrs. Pa!li 'l'arr, Jr.; ot Morton and Mrs,. Conway ZlroIde, e. 'l'he resIpatIon of Mrs. R. Blair Price, In the snenth (Continued on Pap 8) I Secan. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Swnrthr.Iore Colleglr' Library Swarthmore Page 12 Contest Tuesday Gives Citizens Opportunity To Choose Candidates Primary Group activities will be from 9 a.m. until 11:45 each day. Field Irips 10 the WCA U radio and TV slation, to Acme Bakery, and farm and swimming expeditions have already been schedRegistrars To Be Posted uled. The Summer Club under Mr. At Both Schools Nowell will continue daily from 9 May 24, 25 a.m. to 12 with three, one hour Two days, Monday, May 24, and periods rotating the activities. Tuesday, May 25, have been set Emblems will be awarded to all aside for registration for the sum- participants, and each Friday will SRA Sets Two Day Registration Period BLIND Attend FAIR Swarthmore's BLIND FAIR May 20, 21, 22 I STRA.TH HA. VEN INN I Harris & Company ~ Iii 1 ~ SPRING SPECIAL f or CIeanlng • & Pressing Overcoats Cloth Dresses Blankets .49 up ROM 69TH ST. TERMINAL TO LONGWOO~ . VALLEY FORGE GARDENS!· , l. SUNDAY, MAY 16 Soethemm"'.rrSOrinvvlort ROUND TRIP AtWh-$2.OD 1ttcL ... ............-soc (_ tal o. _ _.......... ,.... \ PARK SATURDAY, MAY 15 SUNDAY. MAY 16 Soe the dogwood In b...... _---SI.SO ............. c'*'we aOUND ftl" GiWno-$1M AI ta~_ IUSES LEAYl12 NOON TO 1 PM iM:IuHd How slim she does look in a Chubbette. The dress specially designed for her full little figure. Wonderful assortment of styles featured in ollr Girls Department. Sizes 10 to 14112 sub teens and 8V2 to 14112 girls. SUB TEENS - 10 to 14 GIRLS DEPARTM~T !_ = =~__ $ Coats . . . . .~...::=~:tH ESTER'S Fashion Corner GIRLS 4.49 up SPEARE DOWNSTAIRS STORE I ATTEND •• THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME2&-NUMBER21 Catherman's Drug Store Ladies Suits r BLIND FAIR 3rd Annual Swarthmore Fire House Men's Suits \ ATTEND At Tuesday's Primary Election. at the voters in Swarthmore will have mer sessions of the Swarthmore feature a speCial event, from a an opportunity to vote for the Summer Recreation Association. treasure hunt to pet show, field candidates they want to represent Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs. J. A. day and swim meet. As in pretheir parties in Ihe Fall Election. Turner, Jr., and Mrs. Lindsay vious years, supplies for activThe offices for which citizens will Wolfe will be in charge of regis-' lties in arts and crafts will be Lafayette Avenue cast their ballots are: tration desks at both the Rutgers Included in the registration fee. Three Judges to the State SuAvenues and College Avenue Sponsored by the perior Court; Governor; Lieu7th Grade Picnic Planned Schools from 10-12 and 1-3 on tenant Governor; Secretary of InSwarthmore Lions Club Seventh graders and their both days. ternal Affairs; Representative to Mrs. Franklin Robblee is re- parents will have a picnic June Congress; Four Representatives to turning for the second year as di- 2 (a Wednesday) at the home of the General Assembly; a State rector of the Pre-School and Pri- Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Preston Committeeman and a State Commary Groups, which will begin Jr.. Farnum road, Media. Families mitteewoman; Precinct Committheir sessions on Monday, June . will bring their own suppers. teeman and Precinct Committee21; Jerry Nowell will direct the Cokes, colIee and dessert will be )~z!S5z!Sz!S5!S5z!S5~ woman. " Summer Club opening one week provided. Locally. the only contest fol' later, June 28. committeeman or -woman is in Mrs. Robbleets supervIsory and DELICIOUS DINNERS tD SUIT the TASTE Df EVERYONI the Western Precinct. Republican Congressman James who seeks leaching personnel will include: TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order voters must make a choice bere-nomlnation on the RepubliMrs. Elizabeth M. Taylor, with tween Robert G. Gilfillan. Jr., can Ticket, EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES the three-year-olds. Mrs. Taylor and Herbert E. Michener. was graduated from Friends CenBUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1:30 P. M. For the General Assembly on the Bar in 1933 after graduating tral and Arlington Hall Finishing the Republican ticket, five men from the University of Pittsburgh School. She received her B. S. Elevator Comfortoble Rooms Day or Week are running for four offices. Inin 1925 and that University's Law degree from Beaver College, and cumbcnt Edwin E. Lippincott 2nd. §I School in 1928. In 1948 he was has had considerable experience Clarence D. Bell, Joseph W. named Special Counsel for the with deaf children in Mt. Airey. Isaacs, and Joseph H. Foster, are ~ State Insurance Department. He For the past 10 years she has being supported by the Republibeen teaching in the Upper Darby Yale & Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore, Pa. 11 is married and the father of two can County Committee. Donald School District. WALTER E. PARROTT, Mg.. FREE PARKING III children. H. Pugh is the Independent CanMrs. Doris Collins, in charge e _41 @'e !I Mrs. Gaynelle M. Dixon of Butdidate. There is no contest for this of the four-year-aIds. Mrs. Collins 311111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ" ler County, is candidate for the office in the Democratic Party. . ~ Republican nomination as Secre- is from Drexel Hill. A graduate !a The Congressman on the Re~ tary of Internal Aiiairs. The first of Ursinus College, she has taught !a publican ticket, Congressman Benjamin F. James, is standing woman to be selected for such a Bible and Nursery School for sev:; high elective public office in the eral y e a r s . ; ; ; for re - election. Congressman Mrs. Charlotte C. Snowden will ~ ~ State, she is now serving her third James is considered by many have the IIve-year-olds. She is a !a Established 1912 ~ authorities as one of the ablest term as President of the Pennpsychology graduate from the 5 ~ sylvania Council of Republican men in the House of RepresentaUniversity of Cincinnati with a 3 11 PARK A VENUE SWARTHMORE, PA. iii tives. He is being opposed by Women. specialty in marriage and family 3 § Frank F. Truscott, Republican Harry Hyde Jr. relations. She worked for the 5 On the Democratic ticket, candidate for Lieutenant Gover- Cincinnati Hamilton County Farm TAILORS ~ nor, now a resident of Philadel.. Gerard J. Mangone of SwarthLADIES AND MEN'S SUITS MADE TO ORDER more who has the support of the phia, was born in East Strouds.. Training School for two and a §i half years, and more recently for i ~ Swarthmore Democratic Commit- burg, and served as an officer in the Collingdale Cooperative Nurs_ ~ § tee, is opposed by O. Arthur Cap- the Field Artillery in France in e~ 3 iii World War I with the 28th Divipiello. Mrs. Elizabeth F. Wall, will ; The only other contest in the sion. A.fter the war, he entered work with the six-year-olds. She iii the University of Pennsylvania Democratic party is for Goverhas her degree in physical educa- = § nor in which three candidates are Law School. He has been very ac_ 5 seeking norpination by their party. tive, for years, in veterans' affairs. tion from the Marjorie Webster § Lieutenant Governor, Lloyd H. School in Washington, D.C., and -_; ;"'; ; The three candidates supported has a specialty in children in the by the majority of state leaders Wood, candidate for the Republifour to 16 year group. She has !a iii for the Republican nomination to can nomination for Governor, was been head of summer camps for 51 j born in Grampian, Clearfield the Superior Court are Judge ~ George W. Griffith of Ebensburg, County but now lives in Mont- 10 y e a r s . ! Mrs. Margaret Buehler of,. = gomery County. He served as a Judge Robert E. Woodside of MilSwarthmore will be in charge of ~ & ~ lersburg, and Judge Ralph T. Bell Corporal in the United States the seven and eight _ year _ aids. '" ;; Marine Corps during World War § 5 of Pittsburgh. With a bachelor of music degree 5 & iii I, and at the end of that conflict Judge Griffith, a Judge of the from the Philadelphia Conserva- a !5 Cambria County Court since 1942, entered Ursinus College, later graduating from Temple Law tory of Music, Mrs. Buehler has, ~ & ~ was born and still lives in Ebensmore recently, been in summer iii .... .School. He served four terms in burg. He is a graduate of Princework with hand-craft, metal and a 3 :;;; ton University and the University the General Assembly and was jewo!lry work. iii elected to the State Senate in of Pennsylvania Law School. He 1946. He was elected Lieutenant Hours for the Pre-School and i5I11JUIIIIIIIIIJIIIJIIIIIIIIIIJIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIJIJllIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlJlIIIIIIIIIIIIJllJllIIIIJIIUIJIJIJIIIIIIIIJlllJlh~ served as an ambulance driver in 1917 with the French Army, and Governor in 1950. 'You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's' a Second Lieutenant, 316th Field Artillery. 81st Division, in 1918 TENTH GRADE MOTHERS· ELECT NEW MOTHERS and 1919. Always interested in the problems of youth, he is chair_ Tenth Grade Mothers held a man of the Pennsylvania Council tea-meeting Wednesday afternoon of Juvenile Court Judges. He is at the home oC Mrs. Howard E. married and has three sons. Shearer of Swarthmore avenue. Judge Robert E. Woodside, who Mrs. J. W. Warnes has been servlives in Millersburg, began his· ing as chairman of the group. political career in 1921 when he W,jlliam M. Bush, High School served as a Senate page boy. He Principal, was guest speaker. EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. served for 10 years in the Gen .. Officers elected for the next . eral Assembly and was elected to year are: the Dauphin County Court in 1941 Mrs. William Thomson, chairand served in that office until his man; Mrs. Charles E. Lincoln, appointment as Attorney General program chairman; Mrs. W. H. in 1951. He was appointed to the Driehaus and Mrs. Philip Allen, co-chairmen of hospitality; Mrs. Superior Court in 1953. "HOW SLIM I LOOK!". Judge Ralph T. Bell, born in William Lowe, secretary; Mrs. Washington County, one of 10 Leslie Wetlaufer. treasurer. children, was appointed to the Al- .' -They will begin their new duties legheny County Court in Feb-- Ill" "the fall as Eleventh Grade ruary. 1952. He was admitted ~ i 1'£\ • May 14, 1954 TilE SWARTHMOREAN ! '_I'· '"' I ~ Readers' Heyday In May 26 Exchange Book Tea Offers Chance to Share Favorite, Find New Books SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, MAY 21,1954 MEMORIAL DAY PARADE? The "-merican Legion has announced that they will not sponsor a Memorial Day Parade this year. Blind Fait· Open This Weekend in Firehouse PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES PLAN FOR MEETING WED. An inter-church cooperative elIort for Presbyterian Hospital will bring together members and friends of eight Presbyterian Professor's Wife Succumbs Churches in the area next Wednesday evening, May 26, in McAt Ogden Avenue Cahan Hall on Harvard avenue. Home May 18 The occasion, entitled "Operation A memorial service will be held Operation" will feature Dr. at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 23, in the Samuel B. Hadden, chief of the Swarthmore Friends Meeting Hospital's Neuro-Psychiatric sta1l House for Mrs. Florence Chapman who will speak on "Our Hospital Wilcox, who died Tuesday, Mayas a Christian SymboL" 18 at her home. 510 Ogden avThe 8 o'clock meeting will also enue. With her husband, Clair present members of the Student Wilcox, professor of economics at Nurses' Choir, who will offer Swarthmore College, she had been lively songs from their varied a resident of Swarthmore since repertoire. Another student at 1927. Death was caused by cancer the hospital, Susan Anderson, will after an illness of several months. give a brief talk. Mrs. Wilcox has served, until Mrs. Daniel C. Johnson, assisted recently, as director of arts and by James R. MacPherson, deacon crafts activities at Swarthmore of the local church, heads the College. She was a member of the committee of representatives of Board of Overseers of the Swarth- the eight participating churches: more Monthly Meeting of the So- Memorial Service Sun. For Mrs" C" Wilcox $3.50 PER YEAR School Orchestras In 8:15 Concert Tonight Soloists, Ensembles Also Featured In Annual Program The annual concert by the Or"Bring a book you'd like to chestral groups of the Swarthbuy-Buy a -book you'd like to Exhibits, Demonstrations more schools will be held tOnight read" is the slogan under which in the High School auditorium at Open Today until 8; 10 Circles of the W1oman's Asso8:15 p.m. Featured will be a 30 ciation of the Presbyterian Church 4 P.M, Saturday piece Elementary School Orchesare vigorously undertaking the tra, the 45 piece High School OrThe third annual Blind Falr is Annual Book Exchange Tea which chestra and several soloists and will take place Wednesday after- in Swarthmore this week-end at smaller ensembles. The program the Fire House on Dartmouth noon, May 26, from 1: 30 until 4 will be directed by Robert M. in the grass court in front of the avenue. Sponsored by the SwarthHolm assisted by Robert Barclay, David Braun Memorial Building. more Lions Club the Fair gives string instructor in the grade In the event of unsympathetic. residents of Swarthmore and schools. nearby communities an opporweather, the arrangements wlIl The Elementary School orchestunity to see demonstrations of be set up in Loemer Chapel. tra will be heard in a group of The entire community, all ages, work done by blind members 01 three selections including their the Delaware County Branch of both sexes, Is invited In the cerown arrangement of the current the Pennsylvaula Association For tainty that there will be books to favorite "Oh! My Papa." Soloists sult every taste, at-4ne most nom~ The Blind. Opening yesterday at 10 a.m., clety of Friends and was Chairwil! be Jean Patterson, violinist; inal of prices. Admission is one or Stephen Bancroft and Christy the fair continues today until 8 man of the Meeting's Committee more books and a small fee to on Family Relationships. Decker, trumpeters; and Saul Schcover seasonable refreshments. p.m. and· through 4 p.m. SaturBorn in Ashiand, Ohio in wartzman, saxophonist. A grade Proceeds wlIl complete the Kor- day, that visitors may see chairs 1898, Mrs. Wilcox was • school String Quartet comprising, being caned. floor mats made, t ean hook fund which bas sponHeidi Honnold, Cally MacNair, sored the Korean publication in iron board covers and aprons graduated from Ohio-:W!esleyan University In 1921 and held Program at 2 P.M. Tues, Ann and Jean Paul will perform Korea of UConqueror in Chains", sewn, and floor mops manufacCloses Woman's Club an arrangement of Silcher's a life of Paul by Miller, and un- tured. Examples of all other a Master's degree in sociology froJ» the University of PennsylSeason "Loreley." items made by the Delaware derwrite a new circle project to vania. She was interested in music Noel Snyder and Rose Alice (Continued on Page 12) be selected in the fall. and art, having sung in the chorus The annual Art Exhibition of Richardson will be featured scThere will be tables of recent of the Philadelphia Civic Opera the Swarthmore Woman's Club 10ists with the High School group. and attra.ctlve books for children, Company. and studied painting will be officially opened next Rose Alice will play a group of and for adults a choice and widely and sculpture with teachers in SI. Tuesday afternoon, May 25, when three piano numbers including an assorted collection of current ficLouis and Philadelphia. For some members gather in the Park ave- original composition, while Noel, a tion, humor, biography, adventure, years, she taught art to children nue clubhouse for their final 'cellist, will perform Saint Saen's religion, and an inexhaustible ex_ The Scholarship Committee of at the School in Rose Valley. She meeting of the year. The club's "Allegro Appasionato." Noel is ~ change of who-dun-its. The children's corner will be a brows- the Swarthmore High School had also been active in the work twentieth exhibition will feature members of the New School of ing corner where children may through Frank R. Morey, Super- of the League of Women Voters the work of Florence Tricker, Music quartet which recently rehappily choose their selections vising PrincIpal, has just an- and the Pennsylvania Federation guest artist who will give a ceived the coveted Award of while their mothers make their nounced the members of the of Planned Parenthood, serving demonstration of oil landscape .Merit at the Cultural Olympics own in peace. Children's punch graduating class of 1954 who have for a- time as a meinber of the painting at the 2 o'clock progra'ni: MusIc Night. · ts f th e board of the Maternal Health Sponsored by the organization's The High School Orchestra wlll and cookies will be served there, beenseIect e d as rec iplen a · hi ds 0 11ered b Y Center in Chester. sc 0 ars p awar art department under Mabel Talplay Weinberger's famous uCzech h 1 also, making it possible for moth. . t· f th In addition to her husband, she I e comey. chairman, the exhibition will Rhapsody," Bloom's "Song of the ers, uncles, cousins, and aunts to varlOUS organlZa Ions 0 munity. is survived by two daughters Anbe open to the public without Bayou," The Golden Sceptre out-wait the late comers, each of The Home and School Associa- drea and Carolyn, and by her charge from 7 to 9 that evening, Overture of Schlepegrell, and a whom adds new books for extion scholarship of $250 per year parents, Judge C. C. Chapman and with daily hours thereafter from dance novelty, "Midnight Bechange. for two years has been awarded Mrs. Chapman of Ashiand. 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 through Satur- guine." Four girls of the High Mrs. H. H. Hopkins is once more ·tt d ght· f Mrs The family has requested tbat er a . day. School orchestra will appear as in charge of the over-all arrange- to Jane Le aVl, au ed erner of I'ddJe to wn no flowers be sent. Local artist and teacher, Miss a quartet playing Tschaikowsky's M Fr W ments with a representative from Township. Media. Jane has been Tricker was a four year scholar"Andante Cantabile." each circle on the enthusiastic ship student and did post gradHerbert W. Huse and members committee. Anyone wishing to con- accepted at Middlebury College and plans to begin the four year uate work at the Philadelphia of the Orchestra Parents Associa(Continued on Page 12) course there next year. School of Design, Moore Institute. tion will serve refreshments to The Music Organizations scholShe studied sculpture in the the participants at the conclusion arship of $200 for the freshman Pennsylvania Academy of Fine of the concert to be followed by year at college has been awarded Swarthmore's volunteer fire (Continued on Page 6) dancing in the gym to music proto Susan Hansell, daughter of Mr. fighters were kept on the jump vided by the School Dance OrTwo hundred and fifty Girl and Mrs. George A. Hansell of last . Sunday afternoon. Dashing chestra. --------Scouts and their more than 25 North Swarthmore avenue. This to Martel Brothers' Swarthmore leaders are busy rehearsing and scholarship is provided by the market on South Chestcr road bepreparing for the Fly-Up which choral organizations, the band and .low Fairview at 1.02 p.m. they they will present on Tuesday, the orchestra and is awarded to controlled, withln 15 minutes. a May 25 at 7 o'clock in the High a senior who plans a four year blaze which demolished the John F. Spencer was reelected School auditorium. All parents college course. Sue is enrolled at store's delicatessen kitchen and trellsurer of the Swarthmore School Board for the next IIscal Mrs. Carl Schmitt, Springfield, and friends of Girl Scouts are in- Dickinson College and plans to meat preparation room. attend there next year. Springfield Township Fire Comyear beginning July 5. Also rewas reelected president of the vited. The Bonsall Scholarship of $150 pany also was on hand to' fight the elected at Wednesday night's sesCommunity Health Society of Troop 331 on Over-Night Troop Leaders Mrs. William provided by the Woman's Club of fire -which apparently started in sian of the Board were: Claude Central Delaware County last McDermott and Mrs. Victor Ha- Swarthmore has been awarded to the refrigeration motor room. The C. Smith, solicitor; Mary Parke Thursday morning at the May worth, accompanied Girl Scout Rachael Baughn, daughter of Mr. alarm was given by Mrs. Abe Dodd, tax collector; Dr. George meeting of the Board of DirecTroop 331 on an over-night on and Mrs. Wilbert Baughn of Mor- Schwartz, wife of a former Mar- B. Heckman, team physician. Erma tors. M .... John W. IliII, also of Friday, May 14. The girls cooked ton. This scholarship is awarded tel produce department employee, Foley was hired as a commercial Springlleld was renamed first dinner on open fires and after- to some deserving girl regardless when she smelled smoke in her teacher and Philip Swayne as ele.. vice-president and Mrs. H. Lind.. ly Peel of Columbia avenue, secward sang Girl Scout songs of college plans but to. be used apartment above the store and mentary teacher. for further study. Rachael is planheard the market's alarm-system The 1954-55 school calendar ond vice-president of the Red around the camp lire. During the was adopted. It provides for Sep- Feather visiting nurse agency night when it began to rain, they ning to be a nurse and expects to sound. enroll at Fitzgerald-Mercy HosLocal firemen had scarcely rolltember 9th opening of classes, which serVes Swarthmore, Morsought shelter and, dampened in pita1 for her nurse's training. ed up the 1600 feet of hoseline with teachers reporting' on the ton, Rutledge, Springfield, Ridley body but not in spirit, spent the The Class of 1954 Scholarship used at Martel's when at 3.07 7th for a two-day workshop. Township and Ridley Park. rest of the night in the Old MIll of $100 to be awarded to that they were called to a field fire at There will be a Monday and Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe of in Rose Valley. student who plans to continue a Swarthmore and Princeton aveTuesday holiday at Washington's Thayer road, was renamed treaAfter breakfast Saturday mornfour-year college course has been nues. Birthday, and Spring Vacation of surer with Harold Ogram asing, the Scouts packed up their awarded to George Allison, son of At 4.36 in answer to a alarm a week and a day will fall in sistant treasurer. Mrs. Walker cooking equipment, rolled liP their bed-rolls and returned home Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allison of they _ sprinted with the booster Holy Week. Last day for pupils Evans of Ridley Park, was elected secretary and Mrs. WIlmer Coles reporting the over - night had Vassar avenue. George plans to line to Palmer Hall, Swarthmore I is listed as June' 15. enroll at Gettysburg or West College girls' dormitory on South The Board's insurance advisor, of Ridley Township. correspondbeen a complete success. Chester road opposite the Swarth-. Edward Clyde, reported a survey ing secretary. Officers will be inThe girls who enjoyed this out- Chester State Teacher's College. The Baccalaureate Scholarship more .Apartments, where a mat- of group accident policies which stalled at the annual luncheon ing were Betsy Bennett Susan of $100 which is provided annualtress, bed, table and window the School District might make meeting of the Society to be held Campbell, Marlon Detweiler, Barly at the Baccalaureate service of frame were burned. available to parents desiring to June 17, in the Woman's Club of bara Edwards, Ann Essl, Nina Jerry Martel announced on have such coverage for their chil- Swarthmore. Kapp, Shirley Little, Mary Lou the graduating class is being awarded to Alice DeCaindry, Monday that the store would dren while at school and en route. Two new directors were elected McCorkel, Barbara Moran, Nita daughter of Mrs. William A. Deprobably be closed throughout The Board decided to make the to the board, Mrs. Paul Tarr, Jr., Stattner, Sally and Suzy Stephens Caindry of South Chester road. this week for replacement of plan of the Pilot Life Insurance of Morton and Mrs. Conway Zirand Martha Tiller. Alice has been admitted to the damaged equipment, renovation Company available beginning next kle, Secane. The resignation of Ann Haworth, member of JunUniversity of Maryland which is of the su:>oke-damaged main mar- fall. Premiums of $1.25 per child Mrs. R. Blair Price, in the seventh ior High Troop 16, assisted the the alma mater of her late father. (Continued on Page 12) . (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 6) Troop Leaders. 20th Art Exhl"b"ltl"on Opens Here May 25 Five Seniors Win H" S. Scholarships Girl Scouts Rehearse For Fly-Up Tuesday Martel's ·FI"rst Of Three F"Ires Sunday Board Names Spencer, Smlth, " Dodd, Heckman Com" HeaIth SoCle• ty Reelects Mrs. Schmitt I I THE SWAR1lIM0REAN Page 2 May 21,1954 NEWS NOTES Delaware County group of the ISSUE INYITATIONS Mr. and Mrs. James G. DaughMr. and Mrs. Charles R. SchPI Beta Phi sorority' at a lunchDr. and Mrs. Gaqy. deNeuviIle erty of Park avenue announce the roth of Wallingford annouDee the Mrs. Burton Cox of Baltimore. eon-sewlnil meeting at her home Hough, Jr.. of Lo~eadow. birth at their third da...... ter, birth with her small daughter Susan. today. ' MBBB.. have IsliUed Invltationa f o r ) : s a ...u of their third child and seewill arrive next Tuesday to vIaIt the marriage of their daughter. Robin II~. on May 14 In Bryn and daUghter. Martha. on May ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. James J. EeIoft of HospitaL 15 In LaDkenau HOSpital, Ph1laL. Schoff of Michigan avenue for Bucknell University spent the CharI0 tte H a thaway. to Lt. (jg) Mawr The babv •• a ....... cIdaughter -'" -delphia. the balance of the week. week-end with Mrs. Egloff's par- Charles Benjamin Keenen, USNR son of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gil~ of Mr. and Mrs. James P. DaughBaby . Martha b the grandMr. and Mrs. Russell Heath of ents Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cedar lane entertained the hus- Lukens of Strath Haven avenue. bert Keenen of Harvard avenue. arty and Mrs. M. H. Hurd, both daugbter of Mrs. 11:. M. Rowand bands and wives of Swarthmore Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Walk- 00 S a .... ""'y. J une 5. at 4 o'clock College's 30th Reunion Commit- er of WhIttier place will attend In the South Congregational tee at a dessert-meeitng Sunday the Bach Festival being given In Church, Springfteld. Mass. evening. l-fr. Heath is eha1rman Bethlehem this week-end. of the committee. . The Tuesday Reading Group Is IIITHS John Snape. a senior at Hobart meeting for the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Guilbert S. WInCollege, spent a recent week-end Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop of Harvard chell, of South Lin·CO£Ut ,- Uu.&.ass., anBEAUTY SALON at his home on Harvard avenue. avenue. nounce the btrtIi of a nine pound Mrs. Hallock C. Campbell of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bowden, Jr., son. on Tpursday May 20th In "MATCH.MAUU"-THI !)ICTATJ Of fASHION Vassar avenue, present Nelghbor- of North Swarthmore avenue are Emerson Hospital Concord MBBB hood Chairman of Girl' Scout enterta1n1ng as their house guest Mrs. Franklin •TFlab.,rly Troops for the past two years. Mr. Bowden's mother Mrs. J. D. Guernsey road Is th~ grandmofuer 9 South Chester Road and Mrs. John W. Carroll, In- Bowden 01 Atlanta. Ga .• who ar- of the new baby. Call Swarthmore 6-0476 coming Neighborhood Chalrman, rived Tuesday for a month's visit. -. Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Young entertained the Scout leaders at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Chew, Buzby of Clark's Summit, anMrs. Campbell's home Tuesday tormer residents of Park avenue. evening following Fly Up re- have moved Into their newly built nounce the birth of thelr ftrst chlld,- a son Mark Hoover Buzby, hearsal at Swarthmore Hi g h home at 115 Yale Square. STATE AUTO INSPECTION School. Capt. and Mrs. Ralph S. Hayes on May 14. The baby is a grandson of Mr. Fifteen members of .the Swarth- of Oberlin avenue spent the 'May 1st to July 31st , more Presbyterian Church at- week-end visiting with their son- and Mrs. Judaon R. Hoover. Jr.• of tended Anniversary Day at the in-law and daughter Comdr. C. E. Wallingford, and Mr. and Mrs. Check your car now for Summer Driving Presbyterian Home for Aged Nelson. U.S.N.. and Mrs. Nelson Harry Rlckly of PhIladelphia. Couples and Aged Men. Bala on of Arlington, Va. Thursday. Mrs. Dale Guthrie and Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. Blake of Mr. and Mrs. Fredertck M. PorR08ERT J. Aft. Owner Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of Swarth- Amherst avenue entertained vIsi- ter of Walllngford announce the RUSSELL'S SERYICE more are on the Board of Man- tors from Baltimore at cockta11s birth of a daughter. Dorothy McopPOsm IOlOUGH .AlIING LOT agers at the Home. on Wednesday afternoon ot last Cahan .Porter. on May 7 In UnI. .Damno... & Lafayette Avel. SW '·0440 Mr. and· Mrs. Raymond R. week. verslty of "Pennsylvania HospitaL Gemmill of Vassar avenue will Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Mrs. Porter is the former Miss I~~~~~ entertain. at cocktaiis ·before the Winch and daughters Peggy and Patricia McCahan. daughter of Dr. I: Sertes Dance In the Woman's Club Betsy of D1.ck1n~n avenue spent and Mrs.. David M. McCahan of tomorrow evening. the week-end visiting Mr. Wmch's Strath Haven avenue. The pater6 NECKTIES CLEANED FREE WITH Mr. and Mrs. F.- T.Ransburg parents Mr. and Mrs. E, A. WInch nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. EACH SUIT. COAT or DRESS of Harvard avenue entertained at CollingswoOd! N.J.•. at. their Meredith F. Porter at Rose Valley. as their week-end' guest Mrs. summer cottage 10 Oclean City. . ElIpe" Tallorlll" C'''II'., all" 're"'II, Ransburg's brother Mr. Albert J. Dr. and Mrs.' Walter N. Molr Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. KneedMcCahan of Lynn, Mass. of South Chester· road will· visit ler of Bryn Mawr are being cOnPICK UP AND DELIVEIY Mrs. Alfred E. Longwell of La- college friends In Lancaster over gratulated on the birth of a daughfayette avenue Is enterta1n1ng as the week-end and attend a dance ter, RosemBl'y Helen. on May 12 her house guests through Memo- Saturday evening. In Bryn Mawr Hospital. . rial Day her mother Mrs. H. F. Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Molstad of Mrs. Kneedler is the former . (J(J , Roberson and sister Miss L1llIan Riverview road entertained at a Miss Helen Higgenkropp at Mt 21 SOUTH CHESTEI ROAD M. Roberson of Albany. N.Y. dinner party tor 10 at their home AIry, ,daughter of Mrs. H~ SWarthmoN 600401 t··~- I;O~f~In~C~k~ln~M~n~a~v~en~1I~~~'========~o~~E~lm~~v~~~~.~::~~~~ The Bouquet of -===========:::::======-----' R ...:Le'rt's .C·Z·eaners . Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones Sunday evening. ot North Swarthmore avenue enMr. and Mrs. Warren B. Wartertained ai a dinner party last de~ 01 Yale avenue entertained as Tuesday evening In honor of Mr. theU" h~use guests last week Mr. . and Mrs. Claude Freeman of Warden s parents Mr; and Mrs. Dallas, TIlltIl8. . ". . Harold N. Warden who were en. . Mr..and Mrs. Edward G. Bull. route tram their winter home In Mr•. and MrIL.. Edward Oornellus, Palme~o, Fla., t.1> theIr sulDJDer Mr. and Mrs; Frank Starrett. Mr. place In Wells River. Vt. ; . and Mrs. Edward Goldmeyer. Mr. Ensign Allan N. Rumpf. USNR, and Mrs. Roland L. Colt, all of who has been staUoned for the Marietta avenue. and Mr. and past two months In Jacksonville. Mrs. Howard Smith of Wa111ng- Fla .• has been transferred to the ford. entertained at a progresalve AeronauUcal Electronics School at dinner preceding the Mother's Memphis. Tenn. Mrs. Rumpf. who Club dance In the Woman's Club has been south with her husband, Saturday evening. Is the former Miss aarbara Krase Mrs. Benjamin W. Coll1ns of of MiddletOwn road, Medla. H1llbom avenue Is enterta1n1ng her duplicate bridge. club at a A88E.MUSKAT !::.~n-bridge at her home toMrs. Frances Spencer Muskat Mr of Newtown, Bucks Co ty • and Mrs.. E1Us B. Ridgway. daughter of Mr d un Jr., ed°f RltrVerview road have re- Chester Spencer ~ ~h ~arth' R. turn om a 10-day· trip b v plane to BermUda . .. . - more avenue, was married to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. &bert H Reed Charles Howaen Abbe of New . of York Newtown·· Saturd·... CaIIege avenue returned· home mo-'-~and M 15' at eI' ...". Sunday from .Bntm· . ......... ay. even o'clock where bee elf, .:c., ,I!J. P1'E8byter11Ui for three *eeb. n vacll,f.l(!.h\ng ,Church. The Rev. Joseph P; Mr ai¥.rr R J : . . . Bishop performed the ceremony. Swarirubii" sla' . . ~ttlE!fielclot :'A . luncheon . followed at the re p ce will entertaIn hoine of the bride's parents. as theIr week-end Wests Mrs Mr A Littie1leld's broth . . bbe is an architect· with er Mr. D. Thom- Harrison and Abramovitz, N son HastIngs and his wlte who York City. ew will arrive today whlle en route to their home. In Ware,. Mass•• after spending the winter In Daytona Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. William M. McCawley of Forest lane will attend SwarfflmoN,· Pa. a Conference held at The Center at Radnor over the week-end. HELD OYER INDEFINITELYI Members of the 1918 claas at .. ' Swarthmore High Scbool held a 1at Rlln':';;';'ThlsArea luncheon reunion at the Ingleneuk Tuesday. Academy Award Winner Mrs. W. W. Turner of Mt. Holyok" place will be hostess to the WiUiam Holden Higgenkropp of South Pasadena. California. The baby Is also a granddaughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Kneedler. Sr.. of Windsor CIrcle. Springfteld. Mr. 8IId Mrs. John Gale of Aston Manor. Chester. announce the birth of twin sons. David Mar_ tin Gale, and Kenneth Lloyd Gale. on May 17 In Ch""ter Hospita!. Mrs. Gale is the tormer Miss Betty Van Nest of West Orange, N. J., who lived with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel of Columbia avenue for several years. The childr'en are grandsons of Mrs. Wallace Van Nest of West Orange and Mrs. Lloyd B. Gale of Rutland, Vt. . i~~~~~~~~~~~iiiii~~~~!iii!!!iiii~ DIUCIOUS DINNEIS to SUIT " . T"STI of IYEITON! TENDER STEAKS and. CHOPS Cooked to Order EXCEll.ENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 1 30 P M . ' I J. Comfortable Rooml Do, .or Week Elevator STRATH HAYEN INN Yale & Harvard Avenllel, SwarfflmoN, Pa. ~F~~~~·~AI~I~o~n~.~M~'~'.;;;~~~~. ~;;;~~~FI~I!E~'~A~lil~liN!.~ ;; . .' .. WALT.I E. thc~· '~d o~e; theS~ore MRS. ·LLOYD E. KAllFFMAN S~ore '-2080 . S1JB80........0NS ~ ~3 1i'O& ALL Il.HA~.~OijAZlNB8~~~~~~~~~ I , .. Third Annual Mud. Louise FonyIM'. Studios of the Dance Swarthmore Fire House "peter prHenfs Pa." Ne"'" Providence High School Auditorium Sal."" MIIJ 22 aIICI Z9 at 2:30 P.M. Admission 75c NIQIot Oolr-ha_ 6-1-10 1 P.M. liD DiEs SHOW "ALLEfHlENY UPIISIN." .PIus Ca""-s, Serial, Clameely May 21 • 22 Toddy and Tomorrow IlAlEIlIE II FI11 Working Members of the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind Delaware County Chapter Will Have ''THE MOON IS ILUE" Recommended for Adults Only -OJ Soh.., BLIND FAIR at COLLEGE THEATRE FREE DEMONSTRATIONS PETER E. TOLD All U.e. of , ...,...~ 333 D. Imo.I. Ave. sw...._ .. .= ~= 6-11U . .. PUBLISHED EVDY FBlDAY AT SWABTBIIOBB.·PA. PETEB Eo TOLD. IIIABIOIUB TOLD. PtlBUIIBBB8 . . PhoIIII SWarUm.,......... PBTB& E. TOLD. Edltor BABBABA KBNT. . .n . . . . . . . EdItor Rosalle .PeIrsoI Marjorie Told . Lorene .McCarter Entered u SeeoDd .Clus llattar. January 24. 11129. at the Poat OIIlce at· Swarthmore, PL. UDder the Aet of IIareh 8, 18711. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON 8WAJlTIDIOBB. PEJIIHA., HAY 11.1854 large 3: 30 and ·the ·Westminster Choir at 4 p.m.' The Chancel Choir will Sunday. Mr. Bishop wtll preach rehearse at 8 p.m. on Thursday the second In a series' of three evening. . sermons on the general theme of "QuesUons Aaked of Jesus". "Who. FIIENDS MEDIN5- MOTIS Then. Can Be Saved?" will be the topic at both the 8:30 and 11 This Sunday marka the ~ o'clock services. session of FIrst Day School classes Church School classes will be for this year. The following week, Iield. at 9: 30. 10: 4,5 and 11. Men's May 30. will be Famlly Day at Bible Claaa will meet at 9: 30. and ~eeting tor Worship. This Meetthe Women's Bible Class will meat ing will be followed by a picnic lunch on the Whittier House lawn: at 9:45 a.m. On Sunday evening. the SenIor There will be two Meetings tor High Fellowship will meet aa Worship on May 23; one at 9: 45 usual for SUpper at 6: 30; their a.m. and one at 11 a.m. program at 7: 15 will be aium enUtied "Empty Shoes". The .TRINITY NOTES Young Adults will hold a Retreat Sunday at the First Church of Holy Communion will be cele- Christ, Scientist on Park aven':'e. ~ tOr the weekend at DownIngtown Y.M.C.A. Camp. Mr. BIshop will brated at 8 o'clock sunday morning. The split scsslona ot the be one ot the resource leaders. The Board of Deacons will meet Church School· will continuethe ih1rd gr&de.and up Il!eeting Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. In the at 9: 30 a.m.. and the' second .--n-e-Op-Inl-.... - -_ ---beIo--"-ar--,. _ Wleman's AssoclaUon Room. . grade down meeting durb.g the th_ i16 Ole IDdiYlluJ wrlten. 'All On Wednesday. the Woman's 11 o'clock service of Morning Jetton to The Bwarttun.......... AssoclaUon will hold the Annual Prayer. lie l'IIeudoa),nu may ~ Book Exchange Tea at the church, The ushers tor S)U1day will be It .tIle IdenUty or the writ« Is known I>y Ole Bdltor. Letten out on the lawn, weather pei-mlt- J hn A o aron. C. S. Brown. J. E. WIll lie pul>u._ Dilly at the c1Ioting. from 1:30 to 4 p.m.. Eekenhotr. J. H. Furlong. J. W. '_ _ or $he EdItor. Circle 8-ChIrman, Mrs. R. D. Jones. W. S. Patton, H. G, Toland, I.... Fetherolf. will m~ $t the home and G ..C. Wainer. Hugh MorriAnylll....,.'s Appreciation ot the Chairman. 108 Colun>.bla son is scheduled to serve as acoavenue, for luncheon at 1 p.m. lyte at 8 o'clock, and Noel To.. the EdItor and People ot. Following the luncheon. everyone Turner at 11. DurIng the 11 Swarthmore: The Legion Auxiliary extends will adjourn to the Book Tea at o'clock service Margaret GIclt appreciation to The Sw~rthmor­ the church. and Helene Hopper will be In ean which h8ll given generously The Women's Prayer Group will charge at the nursery. of space for the Poppy Project. meet as usual on Thursday at ~e Young People's Fellowship Also the Auxiliary wishes to 10: 30 a.m. Thursday afternoon the will hold Its regular meetJng at thank those who have rememberCherub Choir will rehearae at 7: 30 Sunday evening. ed the disabled Veteran. The Men's Club will hold Its are 29 )lllits In Delaware County. final dinner m.eetingat 6:30 Mon- whose AuxUlary women are workCHURCH· SERVICES day evening. The Rev. E. A. de- Ing for these Invalids. The benePRESBYTERl~ CHURCH Bordenave, rector of Christ fits received by these mE!n are Jose_ph P. Minister ,John Schott, te M1n1ster. Church, Pb1ladelphia. will be the two-told. First: the Veteran I)as . a paid·· oc~upat1on and'.feels use. SlUlda7. lila)' Z8 . guest speaker; ful; 8econdly:-wlth strength and ServIces of EVening Prayer 'w1ll 9:30. 10:45. 11 A.M. - Church SchooL be held at 5: 30 p.m. on TUesday health diminished, he still from 9:30 and 11 A.M.-Mr. Bishop and FrIday. his hospital bed can make this will preach; . project, the .. Poppies. during tirefl'he regular mld-week service ,6:30 P.M.-Br. High Fellowship. some illness. For the time being, of t)Je Holy Communion will be 6:30 P.M.-Young Adults. held on Wednesday at 7: 15 a.m. at least, his spirits are restored, Wedne&da)'. Ma:r 26 1:30 P.M.-Book Exchange Tea. At 8 p.m. the Bible Study Group will meet. . . METHODIST CHURCH On Thursday, Ascension Day. John C. Kulp, MInister John W. Laney. Assistant Minister there will be a celebration of the R ..Burkholder, Organist-Direetor Holy Oommunion at 7: 15 a.m. Sunda)'. lIIay 23 and again at 9 a.m. 9:45 A.M.-Church· SchooL The Boys' Choir will rehearse 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. 7:00 P.M. MYF Meets at as usual on Monday and W1ednesChurch. day afternoon at 4 o'clock, and again on Thursday at 7: 80 p.m. TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawren.e Whittemore. Rector when full choir rehearsal will be Smula)'. Ma:r :88 held. The Girls' Choir rehearsal 8:00 A.M.-'Holy Communion. will be held on Monday at 5 p.m.' 9:30 A.M.-Church School, (Ird grade and up). MDHODIST NOTES 11 :00 A.M.-Moinlng Prayer. 11:00 A.M.-Church School SesChurch School classes for all sion. (2nd grade down). 7:30 P.M.-Young People's Fel- ages will meet at 9:45 on Sunlowship. day. Morning Worship will begin Taesda)', Ma:r 25 at 11 a.m. with Mr. Kulp using 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. as his sermon subject, ''Keeping Wednesday, lila), 28 Steady Within." Nursery children 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. 8:00 A.M.-Bible Study. will be supervised by Mrs. Don Thursday (Ascension· Da)') Inckinson. Mrs. John Pitman, 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. Mrs. John Flood and Mrs. Paul 9:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Paulson. FrIda)" Ma:r 28 The ushers for Sunday's service 5:30 P.M.-Evelilng_Pr,,!e~r:.:.._ _ will be Charles Hughey, head THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY usher. assisted by Wesley France,. OF FRIENDS David Glenn, George Gl"esser. Sunda),. lila)' 23 9:45 A.M.-Last day ot First Day Charles King, and Dave Behenna. School. The Methodist youth Fellow9:45 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. ship for teen-agers will meet at 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Children cared for in Whittier 7 p.m. This will be the last meet- panlYTl!l1AN NOTIS shore the nm day for yOUl' house party. Have a good timel Sincerely. FORDHAM CALHOUN (Mrs. J. A.) Mr. and Mrs. L. ~. Gatewood of Elm avenue are entertaining lis their house guests Mr. Lee'a mother. Mrs. Lee C. Gatewood of Mexico City who is visiting bere until early In June. . Did you know that ·the Co-operative Movemant has" history W~~ich!al:i~S ;bl!o;:.th!fi~:·~,I behind it elfingand U was born in ,than 100 yeaR ago. It spread to most c:ountries of .world. Always it has grown . where men have known freedom. and the.. they were exploring the wider and . meaning. of democracy. Swarthmore Co-op Food St.,re' I is part of this Movement wh'ere people help themselves by owning and controlling their own businesses for the benefit of consumers.· . .::b~ef~oireiiYioiu~driii·viesito~th~eiiJ~ers~eyiiii~~~~~~iiii~~~' Letters to the Editor .-..e4. --_._------., ....KY I EF.1j1>Wo Star, SIYI I e. Sll~"''''' . NAT I II ---,---------.J . =- Ju......d 504 1ft cola --' . TOOTHPASTE L ....... I ~~..J. .......d Rap' *- .. double carton of KoIyllOl .... ~ £o4St J;lriP' ~ A. I '. r 1.. ___ ._________ _ .........,.. . . .YIIt ..u. IJIIIfI SwaU.,DI 0IIIr ......... 11. , _ THEATRE PHARMACY SWarthmDre 6-3154 Theatre Sqllare WE DELIVER AIR CONDITIONED The 1954 StudebakerB ·I.-============; Sl3 Dartmouth Ave.ue THE SWAR'fHMOREAN the Chancel Choir will rehearse and the Auxiliary women dbat 8 p.m. In the Cbapel. tributing them. hope for a On Saturday. May 29 at 3 pm. return for these needy victims ot the Chancel Choir and Junior war. Choir will sing In the Westmlnater Any individuals who may not Choir College Massed Chotr Festi- be able to contact the Poppy val. to be held in the Palmer Workers, and wishing to give an Stadlum. Princeton, N. J. Those offering. no malter how amaU. who. are Interested in attending may get In touch with Mrs. may contact Rutb Burkholder for Oscar .Gilcreest. 208 Vassar avefurther information. enue. telephone SWarthmore-6The Community Da11y Vac:atiood 3390. Decoration Day will end thla Bible School will be conducted effort. from June 21 to July. 2 at the E. Y. GlLCRl!:EST Presbyterian Churcb. RegistraUon Poppy and Publlclty Chairman may be made at tbls churcb on Auxiliary Unit 427, Swarthmore Sunday with Mrs. Charles Hoover. • • • ConcratulaUOIIII Seniors CHIISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES To the EdItor: That spiritualization of thought Will you please prinUhe tollowand action is necessary for real under letters to the EdItor? progress will be brought out' at To the Members of the SwarthChristian Science services Sun- more High School Class of '54: day In the Lesson-Sermon enDear Seniors: titled "Soul and BOdy." Congratulations on your deThe Golden Text Is from n c1slon to give up the all-night Corinthians (6:16): "What agree- party after Commencementl It ment hath the temple of God takes maturity and courage to with Idols? for ye are the temple change the set-up of several years of the living God." standing. .It proves your good The public Is cordially Invited sense and forethought to arrange to attend the services at 11 a.m. for a few hours of sleep and re.ot FrIday 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sahrday 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. advanced sLy.li", inS\lres you . high resale value! ~6nt~rJesitllII1iMY House. All are welcome. 7:00 P.M.-Br. High Fellowship. lIIoDday. lila)' 24 All day sewing for A. F. S. C. Sunday. Ma:r 23 All day sewing for A.F.S.C. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard Ma:r lIS ~~on s101l....... If THE SWARTHMORE LIONS .. CLUB , .. each week. B ~ dally except ".!I.. Wednesday '1:50 P.M. and 9 to -. ing of the season. All members are urged to attend. Cottage Prayer Meeting will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mr; and Mrs. John Patterson•. 45 Amberst avenue. William Collenberg will be the leader. Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. will be an organizational meeting of the Commission on Membership. Election of ofllcers will be held. ' On Thursday at 3:30 p.rn. the Cherub Cboir will rehearse In the primary department. The Junior Cboir will reheane at 4 Ji.m. and ~R.. SfODBBAKRB WlR8 SWBRPSUK RS AID S OlA Ka -mtsllfJ' High... gas Mlaage of _y Sweepstakes wi. . . in historyl Beilered only by a '54 SIucIebaker Champio." Champion averaged 29.58 miles per gallonl 1\.,-ow tbeIc's no question about Itl J.,. The 1954 Studebaker is Am..... ica's, stan" *4 car in updating ecooamy _ , . . _In at;yIe. Come iD ad take 2 ~ at dIe oOidal AM_1heet oraD the __ IntheMob!' Run. See how SO ... bam tall riDp MOUDd the field. Octlll! 'baRr'''''''-"'\Ji aDcl ..... .... both-aad be money ali, ... D ..... ' .. oraudebatel'llIol' Be [ -h) RaIl wbwea are at , ' . h dW, b alUl]Wilia&lJ' law , CX1& . FUSCO MOTOR COMPANY c ....... aed Fairview loadl SWattII_ 6-3681 " . ' Dedicated To Wa11ingford Chureh Happy Hour Friends To Dedicate New Organ Mr. Thomas A. Bradshaw of Bejamin West avenue has been on a bualness trip to Myrtle Beach. N.C .• this week. Our hair is gray. our eyes grow The services of dedication of . dim. Our minds roam o'er the linger_ the new and remodeled buildings Ing past; of the Wallingford' Presbyterian We strive to do what our strength Church will close Sunday after~ permits, . noon, May 23. at 3: 30; with a re. To ease the burdens wherever cital rededicating the church'. cast. rebuilt pipe organ. HOWard L. Ralston. organist and choirmaster Though we are not so nimble now. of Bellefleld Preshyterian Church, As years i1go- we boys and girls and professor of Church Music at Went waltzing through II' party Western and Pittsburgh-Xenia dance. Theological Seminaries. Pitts'In swoplng spins and dizzy burgh, will present the recital. whirls. The Rev. J obo B. Rowlan.d. S. T. D .• pastor of the' church. Will Yet we can watch with shining conduct the servtce. Following the eyes The deeds of younger. abler recital The Woman's Auxlliary and The Monday Evening Guild of ones; the Walllngford Presbyterian And praise with ca'Im approving Church will serve tea in tbe Rewords, ception Room. The accomplishments of worthy '1'la"U'••U At Morning Worship at 11 sons. AYU.'JC CITY o'clock a bronze historical plaque ...... CIIr We watch our daughters grow up recording the history of the church 501ft buildings will be dedicated for tall • Wlith sparkling eyes and lovely later installation. At that service grace Dr. Rowland will preach on the Who play so well the newer part, topic. "The Challenge of Our Which giv.es to them our fonner place. Mr. and Mrs. Alban E. Rogers of Park avenue will spend .Sun.,; day with their daughter Prtscilla at Penn Hall, Junior 'College. Chambersburg. Priscilla. a sen-. f(oM4 Certified. Cold Fur Storage summf J\ltnIJrim Though we have seen both woe and joy. ' ,Within -the llinits 'of our days; We prais" our Maker for his Grace, ' for~Ving • us our wandering w,,¥s. COIIpIJ or PtaISJfyIlil C.U by number_ it's fasterl You Can Afford CARPET LU.IURY For Every Room in the House For Living Areas. undreamed of beauty. luxury. and long _a, ill tough SYNTHETICS Cleaners - Tailors 100 park Avenue Mrs. J. RQY Sllllpe of Ifarv'ard avenue entertained members of her bridge cluj! at a luncheonbridge Tuesday. M1-B. Oscar S. Hart of Lafayette avenue visited for a few days with her ."n the Rev. J. Richard H:art and family of Pleasantville. N.Y. Mrs. George A. Hunter of Magill road returned by plane satnrday from Hawaii where she had been visiting her son Lt. Pam Ives Hunter and family of the rockham Air Base since early April. Mr.' and Mrs. Hunter' cruised on "The Lurline" from Los Angeles to Hawaii at tjlat time. Mr. Ifunter ,:"nn-;,ei! home May 1. Before going to Hawaii. they also viSited tqeir ~en all!! Ji!lljgpter-ifH!!w Lt. aqd l'4!'s. GeJlIJ" A. lJuqter. Jr., at the Edw8f~ Air Base in Cali_ fornia. ),fr. '!rid .I{rs. William Simkin ()f W~gfer4; accompanied by Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty and Mrs. 'Ayery, ~lak~ of Swarthmore. at- . tended ip8 '11ICI'QSSe Pm!! between Swarthmore and Penn State University. State College. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South Chester road entertained for a tew days of this week their daughter Mrs. Paul Lotto and young son Peter of Wi1mington. while Mr. Lotto was on a business trip to Los Angeles. Dr. and Mrs. Hallock C. Camp~ Of Vassar avenue are entertaining as tjleir house guests tor a week Mrs. Campbell's .parents Mr. anq Mrs. Allen C. Hutchinson of Winter Park, Fla.. who are en route to Beverly Farms. Mass .• for the SUlDlDer months. Mr. Francis W. Plowman of North Swarthmore avenue has returned from a week's business trip to Boca naton. Fla. Mr. and 14rs. Alban E. Rogers of Park avenue entertained as their week-end guests Mr. and ~. Alban Fjave~!1 of PIilladel""ia. and Miss S. Irene Eavenson of Re;l!llng. Garry Hollman of Havertori! p~ ~ fres1pnan at the University of l)ela~. has been initiated loto Alpha Tau' Om~p f~ater­ nity and has received a cup tor the outstanding pledge achleve-I ment of the fraternity•. et $8.00, $9.00. end $10.00 sq. yd. SW 6..1727 Fot Bedrooms. soft. thick, plush COITONS Pick.Up enel D.livery in luscious colors. $5.00. $6.00 and $7.00 sq. yd. Beautiful Wall to Wall Installfttions, or Well· Planned Rug Shes. Carpet samples shown in the home. t8 month. to pay. cf~",~ It '''''"rel\! • MINIMAX 'r • C ' '.r., jiu 7 •• CI . ' . "III!JII .... s ' .... I . P... A-. I •• PII. IW ...... '.1CIOlt - a.. ....... , ...... Rayon & Acetate KNOWS Carpet 527·SO NEWS NOTES The Bell TelePa NOW uits . The happiest part ~bout good Hews is Sharing it with rrie~ds and relatives. Let them know a~oul it while ifs fresh - by Long Distance. You can call anywhere in the U.S. for $2 or less (exclud. ing Fe!lerlll tax-which is now only 10%). Look i,n your telephone dl. ~tory for rate~, from your telephone to key citie3 throughout the country. II ;-ro~~~··~·aa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When we lay down. ouro weary 10lld, , An!!' look ahelld to ljlsting reSt We sing out th8nks for every. , thing. And j1/.dge it all was f~ the best. Samuel C; Pabner--·54. LONG . C DISTAN. E ... The Rev. E. A. deBordenave. Monday. May 24. at 6; 30 p.m. Membera and frlenda are corrector of historic Chrlst Church. in Phlladelphia. will be the guest' dially invited to attend. M, WEINSTEIN & SON _~ - speaker at the Trlnlty Church TRINITY MEN'S CLUB DINNER MONDAY, MAY 24 Men's Club dinner meeting on Slip Covers Draperies Cllrtains _.lbotouP ... Ma,. 21, 19M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---:-:-....::m::=E:....:..SW.:.:...:.::AR=.::.'I'=HM:..:...:.O_REAN _ _-;-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _ __ Specializ;'IfJ In ,... Cleaning of YBC81\On . ior. will graduate the ioIddle of June. She Is a member of the Governing 'Board of Student Council and is active in Glee CI1/.bs and Choirs at Penn.Hall. Jr. Assemblies Com. Elects New Officers At the annual meeting of the Swarthmore Junior Assemblies held May 11 10 the Woman's Club. the following omcera were elected for the 1954-55 season: Chalnnen Mr., and Mrs. John Lord; Co-chalrmen Mr. and M1-B. Robert J. Turner; Treasure\' Mrs. Elizabeth C. Preston; Secretary Mrs. William Singleton. Hosts for the six grades are Mr. and Mra. John Seybold, seVenth; Mr. and· Mrs. Ned B. Wi11iams. eighth; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wlatklns. ninth; Mr. mid Mrs. H. Willls Jackson. tenth; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond GemmUl. eleventh: and Mr. and Mrs. H. LIndley Peel. twelfth. Mrs. Willlam Hollander. in the absence ot Mrs. Robert Richardson. chalrman of the nominating comlnlttee. presented tile slate Which was unanimoualy received by those attending. Mrs. Thomas Hopper presided over the meeting Which heard reports from Mrs. Robert 'Grogan and Mrs.. Joseph Lynch.' outgoing secretary and treasurer respectively. Mrs. Hopper. 10 reviewing the year's accomplhhments gaye much of the credit to the instructora. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Mangone. Claire Hendrixson. a sophomore at SlnIth College. has ~ elected chairman of house pr0jects for the College Relief ComInIttee. a campus organization of students and facultY for the relief of peoples abroad. . NORTHCORD (Nylon, Rayon & Acetate) Club Members Atte~d State Convention The following members of the Woman•s CI ubof S war thmore • were delegates to the Pennsylvania State Federation convention h~ld 10 Philadeiphia Monday. Tuesday. and Wednesday of this week: Mrs. Frank G. Keenen. president: Mrs. Morris H. Fussell, first vice-president; Mrs. Joseph B. Shane. second vice - president; Mrs. D. Mace GOwing. treasurer; and Mrs. John E. Michael, second vice-president of the county and a past president of the Swarthmore club. Alternates were Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe. Mabel Talley. Mrs. S. L. Althouae. Mrs. George H. Jarden, and Florence J. Lucasse. Mrs. S. Blair Luckie. an honorary vicepresident of the federation., and M1-B. Raymond K. Denworth. past president of the local club. Mrs. Frank Gray. Mrs. Howard Hopson. Mrs. Avery F. Blake. Mr•. J: Kenneth Doherty. Mrs. Thomas Simpers. Mrs. George Cochran. also attended. , At the opening session Mrs. Luckie gave an eloquent memorial tribute to Florence Dibert. president of the stste federation 19191923. Mrs. Forsythe was on the registration committee. Mrs. Keenen. assllted by several members of the eiub. was In charge of the aale of place mats tor the Southeast dlstrict. and Miss Lucassa was a hostess on Monday in the pressbook exhibit room. CoDtest Wbmer The club. was pleased to learn that Mrs. John T. Pinkston Jr.• who joined the club this year. was awarded third place in the state creative writing contest for Iter juvenlle'story. PqeS Pres.Smith Announces 2 J.n P . Cu ege romotlons Dr. Prentice Ma de Prof. Or. StoH Associate Dean of Men Courtney Smith, president of Swarthmore College. 'has announced that Dr. Willlam C. H. Prentice had been promoted to a full' professorship and Dr. GU, ' more Stott named associate. Dean of Men. by action of the Board of Managers of the' College. 'Dr. Prentice is chairman of the department of psychology and has been teaching at Swarthmore since 1947. Prior to his appointment Swarthmore he was a member of the psychology depl\rtment of Johns Hopkins Universliy from 1943-1947. He has also serv_ ed on the faculty of the University of Vermont .and and Mary Coliege. • He graduated from Swarthmore College in 1937 and holds M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard University. Dr. Prentice was nam_ ed a Rhodes Seholar in 1937 and in 1952 received a Guggenheim Fellowship for study in hiS field of specialization -'- visual Perception and problems of human learning. This work waS done at the University of Ca1ltornia at Berkeley. Dr. Stott has served as assistant Dean of Men aince 1950. His activities have been closely connected with admIssions to the colIegeand the field tlt phlloMlpby. Dean Stott is also a Rhodes SchOlar. Is a graduate of the University of Cinn~lnnati. holda an M.A. from there. and a Ph.D. from PrInceton University. He has also completed work at the University of Oxford. England. at Willlams 528·50-Extra TroU$ers $9.50 • .. . ' . ! - IXPIRT MANAGIMINT " r Washable, Sanforized . '); , ,I , . .. ' , ." '. POLAIRCORD All Cotton) - .' '", down to the smallest d. tall hal mad. our lervic. renowned for 76 years. 527.50-Extra Trousers $8.50 , • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. IIIICY_ 0' ......... NORTHCOOL (Repelatized) 1820 CHESTNUT STREET (Spot Resistant & Water Repellent) ouva IL lAIR, -.t.. MAl« A. BAIl, r....rd .... '~h.n •. a'6-1581 S35·95 "- Jal)i7e.n. Bathing Trunks 1954 The Swarthmore Recreation , . fill,.. c.. ...... "0 I 2-tIoor. , , 'U" ...."" WIiiI.'i .......... ., _ _ Summer Pr.ogram for 1954 . ) at our price Re"sfNiitfoi, ,"'.nllay, ~., 24, and t ......,. ~., 25 to ••tiI12 Nooft - 1 until 3 P.M.' 10 tbe I!.I!Il at. Rutgers AvenUe School and 10 the hall 10 front of Sales Room Opei: 7·9 Monday. Wednesday and Friday Nights the ,udJf<*!.un!. In the HIgh School. . 1. PkE~s()BOOL ~ sD: wee'" ~ Jane :U. 11114. Mon. ' da,; through Friday. 9:00-11:45 a.m., at CoHege Avenue ScllooL ARROW - All Cotton AIRMAN - All Cotton AIRMAN - All Dacron Tbia . , Jrably low ~ brings .7OIl_......... - - - of-.. . .. _ 'ticmal eben 'at «c )"U' UId depend· abDit;r , • • better than ever in Qevrolet far 1954. LOOK $3.95 $2.95 $4.95 It brInga you l8fety UId convenience features that are ofI'ered in the low· price field on.(y by Chevrolet. Such features as Body by Fiaher, Safety Plate gls88 all around in sedans IIIlCl coupes, "Jumbo-Drum" brakes (luge8t. in the low·price field). ADd it brInga you the new powm and performance of Chevrolet's "Blue· lI'Iame 11S" engine. Here's rea/valuel Come in soon and what you get SUMMER SLACKS fro mS6.75 to 59.95 Bu(hner's Toggery' Shop 8 Park Avenue·, Bee . , for-yourself. Powered. For Performancel Engineered For Economy! '$wart.more. ,Pat RUMSEY CHEVROLET .. , =9:ntlN!4I...." 'a",.' ~ -... SWarthmore 6-6130 Theatre Square South Chester Road - ----~~ ~~:;:::::;:;::~-...:;-::--~~-- , ~--:::.;::..;;.:;::;:::;...::::-;::,-;::-=-;:;.,....-....:--=--~ - --~ - -~ ~. . . . For ~hildren.3 (by September 1. 1954) ... & 5. , . Feea' ,15:00 tllr one child· . . $:a5.00 tor two or more 10 the same family· 2 PRIMARY - Six ....eells .lIegInnJq June 11, 1954. Monday • through Friday. 9~1l:4~ a.m., 'It College Avenue School. For children who have com~eted the first IiXidjor second grades. Fees: ,10.00 for each child· Maximnm per fami'Iy is $25.00' Mrs. Franklin Robblee and het staff. of trained t ...~ and assistants will administer these programs. Games. muSlC. arts and crafts. story telling are included. ' 3. SUMMER CLUB - Six weeks bertnnlnrr June 28, 195'. Monday thrOugh Friday. 9:00-11:45 a.m•• at College Avenue School and Playground. . For children of an ages who have completed the third grade. . ' afts in Fees: ~,OO for each child (materials for' c\' cluded)' .. " Mr Jerrv Nowell and his stall of quahfled ~cwrs will supervise" this prOJll'am. 'rheclub will be orga~ed Into teams whi~ Will compete in softhall, basketball, tenms, ,:oll<:y ball, dodge ball. and other group games. Handcr~ WIn tnclude cloth,' leather. wood, beads. ratlla. paper. cera,nucs. and metal work. _ 4. LEAGlJE BASEBALL,- The "RDrneIB," for boys who h!-ve . not had their l*th birthdaybefoN May 1. 1954. First League ,ame Tuesday. June 1. Alden at Swarthmore Fee: $7.50 for each bo~ • The fnll amount of all fees will be. required at the time of registration. '. .. . .. , NO'DIS: All DJd-eI-toowD rea181 I . . . de . . p . . 8w_lI1- Short Sleeved Sport' Shirts· ~ssociation announc.s Its ; LOOK Bermuda Walking Shorts , -eI. tileBehll" allble . ... nfeel3l _ _ • - • < • ~rt., ehITd wellfer - .. -tile . TIlE SWARTIlMOREAN Page (, MIss Betsy Hunter of Magill road, flew to Detroit, Mich., last FrIday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles EdIe In Dearborn for the weekend. Community Health Society will represent It at RI ee ects Mrs.·Sh·ence. c m,tt Summer Brides (Continued from Page 1) year of her second nine year term as director was recently accepted with deep regret by the board. The appointment of anew. nurse, Joan Dougherty, to the staIf was announced by Mrs. III1J, chal~ of the nursing co~ttee. Miss Dougherty will begm her work on June 15. . Directors heard with Interest the report of the Finance Committee, Mrs. Forsythe, chairman, as it presented the revised budget for 1954-55 and the projected budget for 1955-56. Both w.,re accepted for submission to the Community Chest. In a long range plan the committee recommended the employment of a sixth staft' nurse by 1955 and hopes for a part-time physic-therapist In that year. Willlam H. Gehring of the Men's AdvisorY Committee,. Mr. Ogram, Mrs. Schmitt and Mrs. Elizaheth Ann Groff, executive director. deliberated with committee members Mrs. D. Mace Gowing,. Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson and Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt. Mrs. Groff reported during the month 'of April the stall' nurses made 584 home visits. 55 children attended the Woodlyn Child Health Center. 63 children attended. !he Dental Health Center during the month. Mrs. Groff will attend the convention of the Pennsylvania League for Nursing on June 10-12 In Wilkesbarre and as chairma!l of its Department of Public Health Nursing preside at the Thursday luncheon meeting. Mrs. John Ross of the local board I HAND 1'1 TO THE MAN ••• 10f' satJing ",on'! on transportation I Two PTe tokens cqej; only 35c. They'll take you from home to 'mOllt Ul)'Where in Philadelphia ••• and back. 8IIc: a round tripl 89c II you WMI transferal Compare that with the cOIIt of driving • • • plus ~ ~ of aU-day paridDg., Y.., the IlWitch from your ear to PTe will aave a lubdantial amount each round trip. ..... , PHILADELPHIA IRANSPORTATION COMPANY , • And all tho SprlngRold Water' you 11M with a whole pound. of kG costs _nty a tiny fraction of 'e ------ SPRINGFIELD WATER PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY SCr'.',n9 ·!9 MUnleIPol'lr(s In D,I(1,-.or'· '.ionIUC-I"T"f, 'H'(' (hlS/'" (01.11"1'1(>< mE SWAR11IMOREAN May 21, 1954. ~~------~--------~------------,~~~~==~~~~-------------------~ THIS WEEK"S CALENDAR the conter- Parllea ~,May 81 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. Blind Fair Demonstrations ......... FIre House Summer bridge parties will be held in Swarthmore and In 8:15 P.M.-School Orchestra Concert ............ a s. AudItortum Springfield for benefit of the agency Scholarship Fund and the Saturday. May lIZ ViIoodlyn Child Health Center 10 A.M. to " P.M.-Blind Fair Demonstrations .......... Fire House Christmas Party, on June 30., Sunday, May 83 . Swarthmore residents on the 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ...................... Local Churches board will arrange the local party Mo~y, May z t ' ' while directors from other com- 7:00 P.M.-UCP Drive ' , munilies In the agency area will concentrate on the Springfield' . Tuesday, May 85 , party. 2:00 P.M.-F1~rence Tricker-Art Program ......... Woman s Club Among the contributions to the 7.00 P.M.-Gll'l Scout Fly-Up ••................ H. S. ~udItorium work of the Agency which were 7 to 9 P.M.~ ExhIbition :....................... Woman's Club announced at the meeting were )y~ejIda,y, May 26. ' $10 from the Health and Welfare 10:30 A.M.-Health FIlm .... , ........ ' .. '.. : .......... mgh School Department of the Swarthmore '2 to 5 P.M.-Art ExhIbition ........ :................ Woman's Club Woman's Club to the EJenita Allls 7 to 9 p.M.-Art ExhIbition ............... , . ' " . " Woman's Club Jackson Memorial Fund, $130 8:00 P.M.-Health FIlm ...... ,...................... mgh School from the Swarthmore Moth.ers Thunday. May 27 Club toward the purchase of a 2 to 5 P.M.-Art Exhibition ............. :.......... Woman's Club cblld's wheel chair, $50 from the 7'to 9P.M;-Art E>fhibltion .. ~:~ ........ , .:, .. :., .. ,. Woman's Club Swarthmore Rotary Club and $50 I'-:::==========,jr;iiiiiiiiiiiii;;;:;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii from the Chester Pike Rotsry II BOOK EXCHANGE TEA Club toward the purchase of a projector. • Wednesday, May 26 .' 20th Art Exh ·,b·,t.·on . '1:30 10 4 P.M. Swarthmo.. P... byto.Ton Ch.... Law. Admission; A look (earN"t) and 25c - ORA NGE'CIE AN E-R S. 1 " • EVAPORATED 2 large CIIIII 23c SWIFT"S FOOD MAR'KET NABISCO rd.' , 31c pound package CAMPBELL'S (AlL CUTS) PORK and BEANS24c Big New Family Size YOUR CHOICE RADISHES PEPPERS (UCOMBERS SCULLIONS With one man exhibitions in St. Peters- burg and Tampa, Fla., Kennebunkport, Me., and Gloucester, PILLSBURY Angel Food Cake ·Mix l'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fi Pictures ReceIved Sunday . Pictures will he reCeived Sunday, May 23, from 2-5 p.m. by Mrs. Longwell, Mrs. Marriott, and Mrs .. Wllllam F. Hantq'. The exhibit will· be hung by Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, Mr. and Mni.· MacMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. Blake, and Mrs. Willlam A. Ralman. Alexander M. Lackey, who for the past several years has made the neat and artistic name labels for the pictures ls offering his services again this year. Florence J. 'Lucasse Is chairman of the committee of. hostesses who will be present during the exhibit. N"EW and LARGER Whole. 49c box GOLDEN MIX Chester County's fastest ,rowin, antique business COOKIE MIX WEINERS 45c lb '.. WOOD'S COUNTRY STORE ·H·O OATS Route 202, Goshellville Op.. I to 5 ex".pt Muday. • bd wluI. III so 1IIIilJ' -JI ell IcltJ makD hcJnsehepiug easy. imecestiDg, cime-saviDg, infiDitdy better. • • =11 ' ... 1M • A•••• MW'_... 7-CLEANAIR FILTER Lets your engine' breathe easier .....· Iceaps dirt out of the carburetor. '. 8,-DRAIN ANTI. FREEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS -ADD RUST RESISTANCE If you have permanent anti-freeze, save it for next winter. Bring your own ,container. SUGAR CRISP llc GRAPE NUTS 21c GRAPE NUT Flakes 23c . . Green Label CoHee l09 pound , ".. . ' ~-.--.(.,:-:: '~r~";:':~- -.~ .. -'" .,,~- . Hellmann"s Regular Hellmann"s Sandwich $pread Pint 39c FRENCH DRESSING· Hellmann"s , "Old Homesteadl l Hellmann"s ~ 2StcuaJt, 5ge DEL MONTE Yellow Cling PEACHES, 2 Ige cans 49c 41c box SELF·RISING PRESTO 31b can BREAD AND BUITER Pickles 2 45c JARS, OXYDOL SPRY 89c 7-oz. bonle ~ lb. BAKE YOUR PICNIC, CAKE WITH 8i11 Rec:ommends '-CHECK.UP OF TIRES Correct "Switching" improves the mileage. We can also have your tires recapped. if needed. 2Sc initialed SPooN 27e ·8-oZe Jar . FRENCH DRESSING Original Roge" Silverplate Tartar Sauce Fanning's (Giant Size) .69c FA B 15c Coupon in each Pkg. (Giant size) 69c Small Package FREE WATCH YOUR CO·OP"S AD FOR MEMORIAL DAY SPECIALS '1I'r ..r r ~~U.:.:i~eo:I:~\II - " - . . . . . . IIIC I' ,:. . POST'S CEREAlS ' CO·Op '-CLEAN AND AD3UST SPARK" PLUGS . Dirty sparlr plugs can waste as much as lout of every 10 gallons of gasoline. I. - 2 jars 19c BORDEN'S COCKTAIL CHEESE SPREAD SPECIAL Vera Sharp, Bleu,Smoky, Cheese 'n Bacon Pimento, Olive Pimento. Relish, Pineapple 25-oz glasses 39c 2 5-oz glasses 49c 11c box l .. .HORSERADISH MUSTARD 19~ I BREAD For Your Picnic Cookies 39~, bunch BEST FOODS ,if . - ... \ ~ • • , • cUing the clrudgay out ellt, ping it Dew Bavcxt, Large Green OSCAR MEYER 4t,bo~ Do stop out then, and inslMlct our new building end enlarged perking area, designed for, your convenience and. in the colonial manner. Right Now Your Car Needs These IIGet Ready for Summer"" Services . . cIoae aomahing to the Uldem LOCAL ASPARAGUS • •• Showroom and facilities will open on Saturday, May 22, 1954' at l-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Winter oil is too thin for warm weather. We drain ~nd refill Summer type SunoC9 Oil. 2-CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS .' Drain transmission and rear refill with Sunoco An-'purpose Geer Lu. bricant - specially made to resist high pressure and heat. 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION Special lubricant used to help keep out squeaks and wear. Won't dry out, won't wash out, won't squeeze out! Helps improve gas mileage• "-CHECK OIL FILTER Inspect cartridge and. check for leab. . 5-BAnERY SERYICED Winter is especiaDy tough on bat. teries. We clieck strength. dean ter. minals, add distr1led water. , EXTRA FANcY Mayonnaise 10c CouPQn in each box "Fine with Fish" • ilKAl. DIVICII DO RllfIMI'I.r_ _ • Rib Roast RITZ CRACKERS , , Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and GefVour Car Completely Reqdyfor Summer _ILVIrOP_ PREMIUM POTATO CUIPS 25': bag • LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR RUN BEIIER-,LONGER 'IIIcR'. ncxblng mOle lIiodem , diu telerisioa, Uld there'. pmbeb1y DO hlllllUl an older dwl CXIOldng. But dectridty bu EXTRA SPECIAL! WISE (Continued from Page 1) 11 Arts and the Graphic Sketch Club, ' and was an invitation member of the Tiffany Foundation. Her work has been exhibited, In Avenue; Swat:,thmQ,re, .6 .,Park, ' " , . the National Academy of Design \ '-" and the Decorators Gallery i n , . Store Your Woolens' aild Furs Us New York, the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Art Club, Laguna Beach, Lo'~~st Rate~ -$1.50 ,;,i~imum cha~g'elor ~ool (Callf.) Club, the Albright Museum in Buffalo, the Art M;useum $2.00 minimum for fur storage in Memphis, Tenn., the Plastic SAFE GU, A..R.ANTEED . ,.INSURED Club imd Art Aillance in 'Phlladelphia. In addition she has had Cotton Shirts, beautifully, lauri'dered ~20c each o CO..,P . ,lIyOU CAN PASS THE TESTS OF LIFE" Op'ens Here May 25 ,~~~A~N~Y~I~O~OK~SEL~LS~I'O~.~1~2Sc~~~;;;;W~I~'~I~61~D~KC~J~S.~.~da~Y~'~9~"';;;S~A.~"~ • Mass. A good'pot of tea begins with good water . May 21, 1954. HANNUM' & WAITE Gldll' Road . . Y.1e a..... Sw••1 I .. 6-1250 2Sc 29c Page 9 Hyde, Oppenlander Discuss Issues at LIV • "Senator Joseph R. McCarthy should be read out of the Republican party." accol"dlng to Harry Sm,lIIimul MMUl1 SWing Vttl,", Witb Hyde Jr.• Independent Republican candidate for Congress, who spoke at the luncheon meeting of WiIh each '5.00 pwcbue 01 merctr· nd1w 1 Acme IIomJI .the Swarthmore League of Women Voters, held Friday at Whittier Dollar, wbicb an be applied .,.inlt die parcbNe of aay pmnig. House. .,..jI.bJe in our Premium PurdIaR PIm (Bmchwe m'ilecl .. JW). Hyde maintained that Mc1'beIe Boom Dollm haft DO cub redemptioa ftlut. Carthy was not a Repulillcan in the tradition of Abmham IJncoin or Dwight ElseDhower. He felt that the junior senator from Wlscousin should be denied poUtical patronage. committee asslgnmenta, and that he could be removed from his Senate post. Pointing out that ''McCarthyism" ta one of the main issues ·facJng the country today. Hyde decried any. tendency toward "charai!tel' urJuination _ shooting 1Inrt. and asking questions attetwlll"d." He waS in lavol" of the pasSage of the Morse-Leh~ man bnt. The spealter ~Ialmed that he bew of 'no actual comrrlunlst t1iat McCarthY hBII exposed, not ~ espionage either. . '.. . . _. Harr:Y QpJ\eblaI1der. who spoke In plate of Oetard Mangone. who ~as unable to attend the meetlUg. dirl!eted the major part .of hta speech to crltialabtOf the ~ ent Admlnlstration's for to 1Ii 1'1 policy. The A~min!stratlon has not ed Up to ita 1952 campaign Jlled.... Oppenlat1der .told the groUJI. ~e poJn1ld out the inconsister\l!il!ll. in the 191i!i Republican I!lImp81gn ple.dges of a war. olllberatiOll, """ cution in governillertt eJqJe)1llell. II balancing of the budget. and cut~ Ixtra .ancy .....h Corn .... 29c ting of taxes. Oppenlander cited the need for 1Id6'11 Fro.Md Bru••ol. 'proUb I~N 21c real bl-partisan participation in J/dM1 lrand lliced Peaches 2 39c American foreign policy. He criticised the use of the terms "masU.1. GcWt Graded a.ou:. Beef sive retaliation" and the "new look" saying that these terms had a bad elfect uP.On· countries IT abroad. These teriiis. he said. implied the use of at 0 m i c ••,.Iar ....... CIroIlllClI... weapons. the "most catastrophic type of consequence that fuight result." He said the use of these terllll! had a bad psychological a elfect at home as well. ·I ••""i:~"kl_ (--..) s·Half .. S~ to ACME BONUS DOLLARS roo _ ?IIe.t -I tI. 5.",•• WATER ELO S w_ = SlEAKS J:r:. III ROAST HAMS VEAL ROAST =... .... (N~) -73C ... tt. .", ~ Ib ...... I.a!e, Tasty. .. 594 k1"·69C .• Ihould., Veal Chop. Now Olivo or 'epper Loaf I"=d" Shrimp ....-4,DenInid, Sio P~»::" 10' Cook. ....... ladlridaolly Dre...d Whiting (Pan Ready) ....ulne Haddock. Fillet. Vlrgioia May 21, 1954 'IDE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 ·'9c :;33c ~75. "' 17c "'39c POTATO CHIPS t:25C LUNCH MEAT 1::37C Kinpal K.P 3~25C Sunsw••t Prune Juice =: 32c 'Recrt 7~~u '. no. I got rid ci tile lifeless feeliDg due .1:8. summer heat ~ I11C:!' A three-way PI'Q/IliUn ta planA minstrel show and lnstalla:Mrs. Thomas G. Casey was ned for the Band and Orchestra tion of officers featured the May elected president of the Swarth- Award Night Priday. May 28. at meeting of the Swarthmore Mothth lfigh Sch 1 e • I b h Id ",are Leagu.e of Women Voters at e 00 . r s cue Hay 13. at McAll members of the band and of Cahan Hall in the Presbyterian their May' ·meeting Iield' Friday. both orchestras plus their brothers Church.. at Wl)ittier HOUse. , and staters wlll head for the audl- . New officers for the .cofuing Mrs. HaI1o.ck Cllmpbell was torium at 7 p.m. where popular' year were installed. with Mrs. elected vice-president. Mrs. Wll, enterialner Ray Smythe; wlll'piay Paul Zecher. outgOing prestdent. lJ1!!n COPe recording ,!«!cretary. the plano a la Alec Templeton glvinB the, gijvel to l\frti. iro'wai-d Mrs. PhJ11Jp Allen.· Jr.. and Mrs. and two movie shorts showing the Clymer. presldent-elect. Willillm .. C;· . ~cDcrmott. were University of Michigan Band in Mrs. WHllam Harrison was elected vice-president and proelected directors.' EleCted' to .serve action will be shown. on the nomJpating. committee At the same time parenta of gram cliairman. to replace Mrs. were Mrs. H. Mather Lippincott these young m.aglclans will gather James Connor. who Is moviJ!g. and Mrs. ~o/lElr :ijusseU.. for the' annual meetings of their Hostess for the. eve'lir!g was Members . of the ~ominating associations at the school; Band Mrs. Alan Johnston; . with Mrs. commltte!i tiJilt' subrr'liited the parenta will assemble in the 'In- J.erome Smith. Mrs. Fred Kelly. slate' of officers were Mrs..John strumental Music Room (the new "'ld Mrs. Edward G. Bull. assistDelaplaine. chairman. Mrs. Ray- bullding .at the real" of the scltoOl) ing her. Presiding at the tea table mond K. DIII!worjh and Mrs. Le- while orchestra parenta wlll meet were MrS. Clymer and Mrs. WesRoy Peterson. . in the Visual Education RODm ley Simon. The group voted to continue a (flrst floor of the High School.). F=='=='=='=='===... study Qf lo~~ taxes dlJril!g the Promptly at 8 o'clock musicians. J,AWNt.40WER$! forthco-I~~ year'. and to study parenta. families. and friends wlll SHARPENEO AND REPAIREO ...l..1..li.16 • Fr~ Plct;·Up and O.Uwe" how a citizen can make his head for the school cafeteria ".,IJhllrp M.w,r $ervic.e voice heard tbro!'illi gaining In- where dessert wlll be served by sYI.rthm.... &.4100 Sales-Geort. A. Stauff.r sight Itlto local as Well ali national a cDmmlttee of mothers headed Stl'Ytc.-Horac. R. "n.haw issues. by Ml"8. Warr..n Warden and the It was announced that there presentation of awards. the high f;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ would be an import meeting to spot in the evenlpg for the young plan LWV financing for the com': musicians, will be made. $650 MONTHLY David Narbeth is president of ing year at th~ home of Mrs. Robert Walker on Whittier placEl. on band parenta and Herbert Huse StartIng ,~lqIJ for 2 executly..tyPti salesmen to repreHnt larogle Eastem June 9. at 9:30 a.m. leads the orchestm parenta asfinancIal CQr~tJon.· No tray,l. Saltis sociation. Mrs. J. Burris' West. former expertence and ability desr,ed, estabn.hed 'esl",ent, 25-40 yeart ald. m~,• pr~ident .<;If tile leQgue.. was '_I,~. copabl. ~ Quuming re$pOnslbli. delegate to the National convenBAND ORCHESTRA NIGHT Iti.,. I,.' requarlfng Interview pl'Clse ~on of the· League of Women . HIGH SCHOOL. MAY 21; 7 P.M; In~tn:I. brief penonal hhtory, all Voters hel~ in Denyer and gave a Entertainment. DeSSert replies confidential. Our (salesmen hay. report oil the convention. land Orch,stra ~emben Free . Vlrginia·L•• Jell, Donuts "P 3Sc .9tkaI Peanut luHar ..!!~.. 33c Our New Detergent P.M. YOU BUILD CONSIDER RESALE· VALUE Consult Us WithQut Obligation • • • • "Third Generation Builders" a Adults SOc . Child,.,. He been SITE SELECTION DESIGN CONSULTATION QUALITY CONSTRUCTION REASONABLE COSTS HORACE. A. REEVES BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 17'/2 S. Chester Road 'nfomed of this ad. lox A. L . SwartflmONan • "1 Saw it in The Swartbmorean." PHONES $W ••345D SW603451 '--~~------------------------ LOlN prloe" buys . . performanoe. .. . . . . . .. . - ~ top , uality. prestige YO -' . U CAN own a ChryaIer. • • with all its famous quaHty and luxury ••• SAVE ANY DAYI PRR'S LOW COST 1-PAY ROUND-TRIP fur little more tlwn a juUy-equipiJed "low price" earl You'll drive with POWERFUTE: moBt automatic no..cl¢elt, tTa1l81lJisBion • •• Spitfire: America's most brilliantly proven engine ••• and F1,Ill-ti71l8 Power Steering and Brakes! Here's a value in performance BDd prestige that simply has no equal. • THRIFT TICKET TO PHIL.ADELPHIA Come driH it-todayl PROM A.... PltR SU.U~.AN STATION. NO DRIVING, 110 tftBic telllio.. no in.dry parkioSCeea, _ nil llShlS ••• jlJSt reIu: ia • tuc COmfortable PRR ualal" HOW YOU IAVI - 10 ......• .... BEST WAY, BEST "BUY'" £. ••• Ihoppers ••• in-ciry appointmena. th-ao-n .1. WA".IIPOID IWA"HMO.' MOlTON YOUR THRIP'I' TICKET GOOD IN COACHES. _Y uUao e,ery da, ezceptdurinS the lIfonda,-chtouSh-Frida, rub CO_uling hoars. Step aboard-let . . clriYel SICAN. ..... -......... .......·..rIIf...... '_0' CU"ON (AhI-1 • •U ~-I '.011.....' -, _1DIr . ,., .",.7.. .70 .55 n .61 -"" .. '0" __ T.. .II • Only In a CHRYSLER NDSOR DeLuxe . OpeilSCIftJrcI.y. 'til 6 WHEN George S. Myers TAKE THE TRAIN TO TOWN.I Open ~.rsday .end. FrIday to , .P.M. , I As good u die bat. !lear ..... die rest. ACME MARKET, Chesti' Rd., Swartluae the Republican party of Delaware County. and J olm Sheehan, All chall"man of the Democmtlc party more League of Women Voters of Delaware county. wlll talk on are. invited to attend the annual the "Role of tlte County Chairman." . There wiU be a question meeting of the County Council of and answer period. Leagues of Wbmen Voters of Delaware County to be held ThursMr. and MrS. Edwanl G. Ainsday. May 27 from 10:30 a.m. to Ile. Jr.• of NortJ> Chester road en2 p.m. at the Media )\fornan's tertained as their week-end guests Club. South Jackson street, Media. Dr. and Mrs. Edgar James of ' C" Throne. ci!.airJnan of I 37C Critp d Ki"n Brand R~B.ans u"" hopes to adopt Ita new budget and set the tax rate fOl" next year. It wlll convene at 8 o'clock . (Continued from Page I) following a half-hour executive session. covered will be collected through the classroom. -----------The Board decided to take part in a county survey of the interest, needs and financial upecta of various areas Itl a' pOIsible technical school for lJelawpe County. Supervislog PrlncIJlal Frank Morey reporied Swarthmore does gei\; some students who desire this kind of immediate Job prepal"jltion. . At ·the suggestion of County Superintendent Carl Leech, the Board agreed to continue earlier discussions with Rutledge r&!Iardtug a jointure some b e in the future. A meeting till" tbta p11rpolle wlll be held June 2 If agreeable to Rutledge. The bid of Nlco Company. Philadelphia tor four in-wall folding tables and benches fill" the new multl-pufpose room at Butgera Avenue Elemenlal"y School was accepted at $1488 fOl" the lot. A change order to l"edImen... .,ow .. '·· •... Jettbe~ sion tbta many of the 11 table ....... ,...-'lllcllng' ~LIIAN PARKER .~ ~ 8-a,'1 Ohlef Clerk. 00Urt BO'WIe, 1IeCl1a. Pa... anll DO bill wl11 be UDlNe made out on _ bldcllng'''''oet. _ bid mwst be acoampanlo!l by _ oortUIe-noteh local talent, a comn g ~UIU conception ROUII. pl!!"1e lloouhowfeatJuiDgCanada's to maturity ,and is considered one of the best of its kind. Allthooe ~u:.~= and the Eastern UDited Sta'- mterested in thle fteld of educaan. champion roller skaters In add!- tion are cordially invited to attend. "',' n.". . . . . ,,"',~Ylla Hoo,no, . . ....... to many other even... .... The ...... ".'raI!w.. _ ....... v " is spoJIsored .... the Dr. Arthur J. Jones of North ~"A •• anza ~" Delaware County Beer DistribIl- Swarthmore avenue entertained tors Association, one of DIJUI7 at a dinner bridge Friday evening. groups supporting camp Sunshine, the cow)ty children's camp. The I'riendiy Circle and the' Legion AwdUary, both of Swarthmore. are among the organizatlons which have already given their annual contributions. Others Specials for House Cleaning Time are plal>n1ng activities to raise funds for the camp. The women's clubs of the Delaware County, ABC VENETIAN BLIND CO.• Federation presented $1,138.33 at the camp's last board of directors Primos. Pa.' MAdison 3-4229 Ung' mee . ------_ Estimates elle,rfu"y Griv•• .._.-...... .=. . m that put or on that In forehigh ~OOIPressures are necessary, .... dlscipUne on students in sixth il'ade Is good." thAnother father desired to Jalow • difference between yesieida1'1 ~lessive" education and the ","" instruction which ezIsts to: - )fr. Boyle explained that, it "". IIlerely the term 'progr lve' u.~ bad' come Into ill repute -_ IIOIIle teachers' I'OIng ~ In trying to CIIft7 out ~acuVity type PfOIiam &n4.by -""Ia "t IIIIstakenly CobsIdeHq It did not Include 1be three ;;;~~e, ~!~~:e ft" .,oU ....... VENETIAN BUNO LAUNDRY lII1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! holds enough tb cover the scholar- 'Johnny is dolDg as well as can be ship money but it will have to expected' has falled to satisfy be built up to face extraordinary some other parents. Therefore a 11).h/leo~aphed sheet guiding pardemands for facilities and equip- ent anil' teacher to apecillca under ment outside the School BOlill"d"S I budget neXt y~ when', the ex- several headings, such as emopanded elementary school is in tional, social and physical growth; operation." special Interests, abilities and needs; and academic achievement Supervising Principal Frank R. was developed by a committee Morey explained the sUll uni;ettl~ of teachers and parents,' in an ed status of the School District effort to attain the most satisfacrating, remarking that several tory coverage on each ' pupil. other districts hedab'~dy be- Mo~rs, s¥uid ask fo,: the sheet come reclassilled 9n the In~rinl if the teacller does not' proffer it census legalized whea the' last upon arrival for conferences. State LeBislature passed the so- They shouid write on it any parcalled Swarthmore, ,Bill, Wbne ticulilts they desire, S9' that th,.v·1 ironically Swarthmore's bid for will have a report card' if they ohange from fourth to third class want it to take home to Inform remains pending.' fathers of children's progress. Uniess a change from the usual "Don't discuss your complaints Tuesday meeting-night was responsiblp., Monday's meager attendance Indicated that even some of those who had heen desiring just such a program on the grade school level had forgotten the importance of elementary , ~on, stressed by John Carroll's llatement, "No high school teachr stands a chance of success with Il'upil who has not had a good ~ementary foundation." However, the half-hundred parents who did lee Monday night's film "S!.iures In 1954. According ~o Mrs. Robert Enders, klnd~ and former reIlledial reading teacher, the swing Is back to phonetics In teaching reading. For a while it was thOught that phnnetics slowed the process of learning to read. hut It now appears that was hardly poslible since children only sound out words that they do not know anyway. One father inqulred, "If klnder~n and first grade have a lax, 'follow the child's whim' Policy and 'formal, demanding Work for college preparation Is Illet In high school, where is the 'tightening up done'?" Mrs; Ruth Wright, 0 n e of three ~ grade teschera, rePlied, "I~ might, be sald jt /$ clolII' In fifth or sixth grade although the same unit type programs con_ tinue and actually learning ~_ COntrol and 'tigbte/).!.ng up' tor aecolllPlishment is gradual." Mrs. Wright further stated "We are not sure the elementary schoo}, !.: ~~::SCI::=! ;;; 'CLOSED' THIS WEEK..END MAY 21 AND'22 " BECAUSE OF THE FIRE • penlng R =!:n !~:~ with the school. We are hired to help your child and. to help you to understand him and send him on to '~·educatlon.a well ad'justed Student. Go Into your con~ ference and ask questions and you'll get the answers. Amonll facts you should be told is in which quarter of the class your child stands." Boyle, completing his first year 8!' principal. here, feels Swarth~ more yoUngsters Shouid test a ahead of the national average or 'norm'·for their grade due to, the better facilities and In~ dividual attention they enjoy as compared with some less fortunate districts. HIs conviction was corroborated by Mrs. Enders·who stated the local median usually ran a year !lhea!i in, all subjects except spelling. In the latter borough pupils remain In the median. . .• 'y-,- -' Monday, May 24t~ with complete NEW stock of Merchandise • FREE' Suzanne Harrar of Yale avenl,le, a·freshman at the College of WooOhio had a part In the 50th ' Color Day Pageant which was presented at the college on May 15. Y, ·TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 1;.============= May· 24· 25 ·26 ONLY CO-ED BEAUTY SALON 5 POUND BAG OF SUGAR ,ClOlle4 Weclneadaya Opera ThurMlsy Nigh.. , with each purchase of $5.00 or over PARK _II DARTMOUTH A'f'B. Swlldhmare 8-10tS ~~iiii~~~ii~~~iiiji' Yello,w Trading Stamps Given Away Every Mon., Tues., Wed. and·Sons Florist artel's c"Ai1fs 650 laltf... n PIlI. SprI....hI. hi. Co.. Pa. SWun .. ,. ..... 0,.11 A.II... , .... I ' The,".Scpare Soutls Chester Road Coliegtl"Library Page 12 ,l!n. Blood Donors Give 126 Pints to RedCross Once again Swarihmoreans have responded to the Red Cross plea for blood, and for the second consecutlve time have met the quota of 125 pints with one pint to spare. The Blood Donor's Day of May 13 wouid have fallen short, however, had not the respOnse from the army personnel statloned here in the borough been so excell!!nt. Over 20 per cent of the quota was supplied by the officers and men of the Post. . Mrs. John Lord and Mrs. Robert Grogan, co-chairmen for Donor's Day. wish to thank e'ttery individual who had any part in makiog the day a success-the donors, .the Red Cross volunteers, and all those who helped in various Ways. Special thanks are due a· local merchant who because of physiclll reasons couid not give blood, very generously supplled all the fruit juice served. And of course very special thanks are· due the following group of women who spent untold hours canvassing the vl1lage by phnne: The Mesdames S. L. Althouse, David BIngham, Dwight BraUDJI, Charles Brook, Thomas It. Brown, Jr., J. P. Daugherty, James Davis, .loseph Donovan, Anthony Fa!r. . banks, W. F. Faragher, R. W~e GOft, J. W. Hollander, T. E. Hessenbruch, WJl1iam Lowe, H. L. Peel, John T. PInkston Jr., Henry A. Piper, C. Russell Philllps, Ford Robinson, Adolph Rubin, J. W. Sidmp, J. W. Soule, WIlliam Taylor, Charles L. Thomas, G. S. Townes, W. A. WIllard, Joim Yingling, and Mls_ Mary Lou and Peggy ThQer. . . • IIce I. ~ - 9 ItS· L Dar~. ei Lank Luildlnc_ ol Blind Fair Opens This Readers' Heyday in May 26 Exch·ange Weekend in Firehouse Bereaved Western Ii ?IJ '::10 P.M. GREAT LEOPARD SKATING ARENA MIl and P.M SII.. ae.- Call MAdisoll 6-3675 -.. :-. Eastern Totals 59 64 73 66 54 21 98 260 307 239 235 260 132 360 65 181 24 32 138 428 47 lOB 8 122 144- 64 83. 264 349 172 95 97 49 413 188 177 .93 102 44- 419 196 187 102 126 121 78 107 404 518 495 271 443 41 38 40 26 25 25 142 139 140 19 30 3 9 21 2 77 88 10 39 19 133 232 2i5 118 44 18 ,.s. Why not ;.t tIM cam,ra befOre graduaHoa snap. of clournotes. . 140 36 36 21 20 18 21 152 121 121 136 2 81' 1 31 5 34 your SOd or daqtat. ~ tak. SWARTHMORE, PA. 11 PARK AVENUE TAILORS LADIES AND MEN'S SUITS, MADE TO ORDER SPRING~···· SPE~IAL: for Cleaning. & .Pressing Swarthmore Fire House THE SWARTH·MO Swarthinore Will have its,traditional Memorial Day parade, after aU. At 10 a.m. Monday the more High -School Band, the American Legion and iIiary, Boy and Girl ScOuts,' Brownies, Cubs; Red Cross, Fire Company, a detachment ot:the locally 'stationed 24th ' A'· ft Art· ·U· G' . _. • ..~ Ant1lrcra 1 ery roup and patnotic lUI-uniformed Board Names Mrs. C. Shute Vice-Chairman, Mrs. Bass Treasurer . Local volUnteer Red Cross workers served 10, 664',2 hours from May, 1953 th.rough April, 1~54. This report by Mrs, J. Albnght Jones who assumed the chalrmancitizens will join at Borough Hall. ship of the Swarthmore Branch ·Following the day's address given by the Rev. John G. at. tJ;'e close of Friday's, annual Kulp, pastor of the Swarthmore. Methodist Church, who meeting, was broken down to served as Na....... chaplaiIfabolird .. n tta k t it,' th show the equivalent .of 26_6 plus . ; .'''.~ a .•. c . ranspo ,. In e 40 hour weeks or over five :years Atlantic Fleet dunng World,War flags work by one person. the honored dead will be placed in front of the War The treasurer Mrs, Corbin Shute at the corner of Park and bartmouthavenues. Girl reported the total realized in the and Boy Scou,ts will alternate in placing the flags as 1954 fund drive at $10.461.19 with of local deceased veterans of World Wars I and II are read a membership of 1247 in the BoAdJ'utant Davis B. Hopson of the Ainsworth-Wernher rough, Of this amount $1500 was contributed by the Anti-Aircraft No. 427 American Legion. Mr. Kulp will be introduced Unit of the Army stationed in the Postmaster Walter C. Snyder, past old Mary. Lyon School buildings commander 01 the Post, follow- 10 A.M. SWARTHMO~ ~A~ MAY2~19M Rev. Kulp.to Give Memorial Day Mrs. I I Jones Address ·In.Ex····ercl'•s.es .Mon d·ay Heads Red Cross Pooll.tes Grant Funds To FI·ght InJ·unct·lon $ Men"s Suits & Overcoats Ladie.s Suits & Coats .to Cloth Dres"s & Blankets Cathermcin"s Drug Store 13.50 PER YEAR APPOINTED Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe of Thayer road, was appointed a member of the board of the Pennsylvania Federation of Women's Clubs at the State Federation meetlng held in Philadelphia last week. Mrs. Forsythe will act as program chairman for the state. Mrs.WJ.G.Swann Dies In Taylor Hospital Ogden Avenue Resident Had Bl"en P..r":Vt;! In Music, Art Mrs. William F. G. Swann of 609 Ogden avenue. .wife of Dr. Swann, director of the Bartol Research Foundation. passed away Monday morning. May 24. In Taylor Hospita!. . Born Sarah Frances Mabel Thompson in Homsey, Middiesex, England. she was the daughter (If William Joseph and Henrietta MacGachen Thompson. She was educated In Brighton High School, Brighton School of Art. and the Brighton School of Music where she was a Gold Medallst for Vlolin. Subsequently she studied under Cesar Thompson at Brussels Conset:Vatory in Belgium. and was also Licentiate of the Royal Academy of MusiC. London. Later she was prominent in muslcal work at the University of Sheffield. Wed .on August ·14, . 1909, she came with her husband· to the United . thllt· ~~aotlve In mus!- l ., . '., illness.· is :.' .;.; _ ,-1 Buy now and save! Berkshire's "Get Acquainted" Sale Get acqualnt.d with Berk.hlre', Nylac;e Top and Toe-Rlng ••• fala- wonderful, glamorous ~ 15 I ....... 60 galfge 1 pair (plaia . . . . _ ) :$hTQ;: 3 pain 6 pain _15111.1_. 51 gauge 1 paJf (plaia . . . . II':' 3 ....... ing Berkshire Stockings at great big eavingS. All the newest "IB/lea 30 dl.l_r, 11 g. ,_ (piela _ ) " ::$ ulous 2-way protection against runsl Here's your oPPOrwmty to bur a complete wardrobe of these , . _):s 6 ...... pair ,1-= 6'1 ...... pain . . . lS:South Chester -Road ,. 184 l, Tea Sunday to Honor Club's Art Exhibitors Womens' 20th Exhibit Will Close Tomorrow Evening . The twentleth Art Exhibltlon of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore will close Sunday afternoon with a reception and tea to be held from 3 to 6 in the Park avenue clubhouse for exhibitors and their friends, The exhibition which was formally opened Tuesday afternoon with· a special program for c'ub membership, will contlnue .today and tomorrow, from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p,m, free of charge. Florence Tricker, as gue~~ exhibitor was presented at the Tuesday program by Mabel Talley, h' c rurman of the art department, and in a very interesting demonstration of landscape painting in oils, gave her audience an insight Into techuiques. As she worked, she made a talk which was very helpful to arilsts and instructive to all interested in the technique of palnting. 011 palntlng may be done on various surfAces-mason_ ite board, rough canvas, or very line canvas. the last being used largely In portraits. There are many methods, Miss Tricker said, the broad brush stroke. drawing as one goes, with a fully loaded brush; the broken color method. which the French (Continued on Page 7) and $202.75 by students in Swarthmore College. Th!, entire Board Joseph BIshop, pastor of the and others present concurred Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. heariily to the magnll\cent job The Legion and Awdllary done by George Plowman, eamwreath will be placed at the palgn head. monument. The. 24th AAA Unit Nearly half of the Swarthmore F 11' 1 Swim Club's 473 membership 0 owmg annua reporis .by all will provide a firing squad as chairmen, Mrs. Paul Williams well as a color guard which will shares were represented at last chairman of the Branch for the be complemented by Scout and Thursday night's meeting In· the Woman's Clubhouse and voted past two years, presided over the Band colors. overwhelmingly in favor of allot- electlon . of new officers. Mrs. After three volleys by the ftrIng Shuje was elected· vice-chairman squad, Taps and Echo by the Ing up to $10 of their investment and head of volunteer services and Band, and pronouncement of the toward defraying $700 engineer- Mrs. A, W. Bass, Jr., was elected in lr d in benedictlon by the Rev Mr. Bishop· g expenses a ea y ourred in treasurer· to .flli Mrs. Shute's unthe annual parade' down Park av- drawing plans for the proposed expired t.erm.. Mrs, Edward K. enue to Eastlawn cemetery will community po·ol,· and toward Cratsley. and ;amId Ovam ,_were INSt&TE~·ORCH"STRA form in the. following order: . fighting legal proc~~ . . . ·elecied 'ilirectol'!i; ·'ea~t:·'fo.' lierve -.: "" Legion' caiors, 24th AAA Color ed by the owners of several prop_ three "ear't';nns t- Mr ~ Deborah Reeder. daughter of ·· th R' <> omce. S. n. . ·(Continued on Page 11) ertles near e, I~ervlew avenue Lindiey Peel was chairman of the D.C., Mr, and Mrs. Robert K. Reeder pool site who WISh to permanently nominating committee. with Mrs. MinneapOlis, Haven. at Harvard avenue, and Nancy curb those plans. In addit~on T. Gilbert and Mrs. David McCahan and tlitally in SWarthmore and Carroll, da·ughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Prescott reporied receIpt of her associate . Philadelphia. She was. for many John· Carroll of College avenue over 100 signed authorizations of . . s . years a member· of . . :Matinee were representatives of Swarthsuch expenditure, many of them Mrs, Jones s!"ted that It IS an Musicale Club and time of more in the All-State Orchestra lauding the Club directors for honor and a prIvilege ~ serve the her death was a the which gave its annual CQDcert the time and effort they have do~ Red Cross and speCIfically this Philadelphia Art earlier this month in Kingston. Br~ch as she took over the office Youth Leader. Resident nated to the community recrea- of A resident of for The orcheslra, sponsored by the ,ts chairman. She expressed for over 25 years. Mrs, had Pennsylvania Music Education Here for Many tion project. num~rous on~s urg(Continued on Pa e 12) ing that 'everything pOSSIble be g been a member of the Swarth- Associatlon, was composed of 153 Yea rs done to secure pool facilities in W more Music Club, and was a stal_ students selected from 271 parThe Rev. Edward H. Bonsall, '·Swarthmore. and some including ins Scholarship To wart support of the viola section ticipating schools. Nancy, a ju.lr native of Philadelphia died extra cash contribution and olfers Swarthmore College of the Swarthmore College Or- nior. played the viola, and DeM~nday. following a long to testify in court in behalf of chestra and of the Swarthmore borah, a sophomore. played the Roland P. Kenscjlaft, wpo will 1 thepoo . cello. Symphony Orchestra, He was 65. be graduated from Swarthmore According to Robert Holm, diShe was skilled in wood-carvMr. BolISI!ll. who llved at 222 President Frederick· Van Urk High School this June. the first Cornell avenue for many years, presiding at the meeting, told recipient of the Miller-Flounders Ing Slid painting, Modest with re- rector of instrumental music at was a vaduate of Episcopal those present that although the Scholarship just established at Il8l'd to her attainments, she was the Swarthmore Schools, it Is Academy, '05. Harvard Univer- posslblllty of having use of pool Swarthmore College for a boy en- energetic and efficient in action very unwnial for two musicians sity, '09, Philadelphia Divinity privileges this summer seemed tering the freshman class. The an- and was greatly loved by all who to be selected from one scl100l School, '12 and took his. Master's gone, ~ view of the legal suit nouncement was made by E!U'le knew her. Sbe was a member of He also added that preference waa gi ven ,to senior students. (Contlnued on Page 7) . Devee in Sociology at the Unl~ pending, the longer time available J. Duncan, vice-president of the verslty of Pennsylvania. Follow- for constructiQ!l before the 1055 Miller-Flounders Dairy which has ing his ordination by the Eplsco- swim _season shouid assure a set up the $500 award for·a Dela- BROWNIE FLY-UP AND GIRL SCOUT RALLY pal Church, lie served parishes In (Continued on Page 7) ware County boy attending a HELD IN SCHOOL AUDITORIUM TUESDAY Clifton Heights and Morton, and school in the county. was for many years youth DI- Rose Valley Round-Up The award will pe given in alThe annual Brownie Fly-Up and of faithfui work. Mrs. Campbell rector on the Staff of the Penn- At Old Mill Next temate years beginning in Sep- Girl Scout Rally was held Tuesday told the audience that the Girl sylvania State Council of C~tember, 1954, anel will be contin- night at 7 p.m. in the High School Scout program is offered to all tian Education, with headquarters The Rose Valley ,Round-Up will ued each year the recipient is in Auditorium. An orch!!Stra of vlo- girls from the third grade through in Philadelphia, and later for the be staged next Monday afternoon college,: provided he maIntains a lins, liutes and piano, comprised the eighth. Next year, plans are Washington-Northern Idaho at the Old Mlll·on Rose Valley record which meets the approval of Fifth and Sixth Gl-ade Girl being made for a Senior J1igh Council of Churches and ChristIan road. of the omcers of the college. To be Scouts, played ''Toy Soldiers on Troop for girls of the ninth grade. Education, In Seattle. Combining the. features of a eligible for tpe award t)le student Parade" as the eleven Troops "We do not expect every girl He also served aa 'Professor of rodeoicountry fair. family picnic must have. demonstrated leader- marched in, each preceeded by its to be a Girl Scout, but we do Religion and Vice President at and European bazaar, the event Is ship in scholastlc achievement imd Troop Flag and the American expect all girls who participate to Parsons College. in FairfIeld, a traditlon for many in this 10- in extra-curricUlar actlvitles dur- Flag. After the Colors were re- be good Scouts," Mrs. Campbell Iowa; . as Counselor for the El caUty. Entertainment for children Ing his high school program. tired, the curtain opened to show said, ''We keep our standards high Guaclo Christian Service Center includes pony rides, carousel and Roland plans to major in physics a "Space Ship" on the stage with in Swarthmore." She then turned in Puerto Rico, under the Presby- assorted ltames. in college and to do post-graduate its nose pointed skyward. As the program over to Mrs. John terian Board of MissIons; and. aa More serious side of the a1falr work in electronics.· His interest eacl} Brownie's name was called, Carroll who will be Neighborhood AssocIate MInIster lor the Green- includes ~rafts, noveltles, aprons, in electronics started' Bs a hooby she came through the door of the Chairman for tHe next year. belt Community Church, Green~ gifts and food provided by mem- and as ~ence and· trainIng space ship and was presented with Troop No. 4:W. Sixth Grade Colbelt" Md., with special emphasls- -bers of the Rose Valley Folk, moWited he was given the re- her Girl Scout wings by the lead- lege avenue, presented a skit on the youth program. sponsors of the event. In addi'of installlilg, maintain- ers of her Troop. •. showing the Troop makiog plans He Is survived by his wife, tlon, prizes, ranging from an elecand operating a customThe girls of Troop No. 331, for a winter over-night. The Emily; three daughters, Mrs. Roy tric clothes dryer and aD electric built amplifying Byitem for· the Sixth Grade Rutgers avenue. were girls planned the meals and deMcCorkel of Swarthmore, Mrs. wondefbar to a steam bon will h\gb school. ,_ grouped on the stage and sang cided what to wear in order to l!:ricBrilund of Greenbelt, and be awarded to holden- of lucky A member 01 the Varsity track ' HIGO SaI.I-&.or,. A. Sta .... s.,..tc ........ orac. R. bnshaw DiLuzio and Sons CO·ED BEAUTY Florist SALON . Formerly Closed Wednesday. CARNS Opell Thur.day Night. 650 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Dei. Co.. Pa. SWariilmore 6.0450 PARK and DARTMOUTH.AVE. Swarthmore 6-1013 Op•• 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. iYlIIllIIlIUlIIlIIlIlIlIIlIIIIIlIIlIlIllIIlIllIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlIIllIIlIIlIIllIIlIIUllllIllllIIlIUllllrulllllUIIUll1IIUIIIIUIIII~ I DEW DROP INN Poolites Grant Funds To Fight Iniundion ~ 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE (Continued from Page 1) better construction job in the long rim and possibly less expensive. Members were told construction would begin the minute legal obstacles are cleared. Van Urk explained that subscribers' funds, amounting to $68,424 to date, held in escrow until success of the pool venture was assured. will be placed in an interest bearing' account so that the investment of each subscriber will grow during the delay caused by the court suit. A. Sidney Johnson. Jr .• attorney .for the Swim Club. reviewed points of the agreement signed with Borough Council to protect residents of the pool area from unreasonable noise. traftic or other nuisance. Due to the fact that James N. Robinson. counsel for the seven couples who flied the l:!ill in equity at Media. plans to .be In JIlilitary encampment on the normal day of hearing. June 16. Johnson said Judge William Toal will probably hear testimony in the case on an early Frtday next month. A decision should follow in .another several weeks. after which the losing side may appeal to the County Court in full. and further to the Supreme Court if ·it so desires. It was generally conceded last Thursday night that should the . current pool, project' be .defeated Swarthmore could consider itself forever bereft of community 'swimming facilities due to. unMrs. W. F. G. Swann Dies availability of ground as wel1 as In Taylor Hospital the probable unwilllngness of any " residents, however civic-minded, (Continued from Page 1) to again undertake the exhausting B«hfarthePrilleof the Woman's Club of Swarthmore task of coordinating activities ·4 .... Jitower Mi.I"""'" . and of the Women's City ,Club of preliminary to actual peol buildPhiladelphia. During the war she Ing. . Hore', • lUIIIJIIer .....t you was active in Red Cross work. ....'t.affonl to miaol In ~diution to her husband. Mrs.. Whh .....ery traB"ant Iiottle. of Swann is survived by two sons. Blae Gr... Flower Milt, you WiJliam Francis of Rochester. N. , Donald J. Bren of Country Cluh .......... free of extra charp • Y.. Charles Paul' of Drexel Hill. lane. now serving in the Army at obuming plutic pulf.pulf con· and Sylvia Briggs of Philadelphia; Fort Jackson. S.C .• has been aptainer of Blue c".... Dueting and her brother. Dr. F. C. V. pointed an assistant football coach Thompson of Burton - on - Trent. at Pennsylvauia MlIIIary College. Powd.. 1 Bren attended Montclair AcadEngland; her cousin. Mrs. Thomas C. Phillips of Ottawa.' Canada. emy where he played .football. was with the faruiJy at the time of basketball and baseball. He· also graduated from Denison Univerher passing. Services were held privately on sity in 1952 where he majored in Wednesday at the Ogden avenue physical education. At Denison. address. Interment will take place he received the Gregory award on Great Chebeague Island. Me.• as the most valuable defensive where the family has had a sum- halfback and he also played varsity baseball. mer residence for some 30 years. He coached one year at LaThe family has requested that. grange, Ohio. Now serving as a in lieu of flowers. contributions be made to the American Heart As- corporal in the headquarters company of the 28th Infantry Reglsoelatlon. me:!lt at Fort Jackson, Bren will 8oz.BLUII_ n.o_ _ be discharged from the Army this WIL Delegate fall. . ,,;tL Gift of 1.00 PaIr.PaIr He plans to work on his doctor's DuatiDg Powd..... 3.50. Mrs. Roy McCorkel of Cordegree at Temple University nell avenue. was a delegate to while coaching at PMc. the 'annual all-day meeHDlf of the Women's. IptematioDBl LeaMrs. Francis W. Plowman of gue for PeaCe Il!ld' Fn!edom North Swarthmore avenue will Pennsylvania Brauch, held laSt n ••I,. s.. sw WI"'. wi!ek tn pMadelphla. JIupret B. entertain .at. • "",..heon followed by bridge at her bdaMI' nextTuelW........ AIr c ........ . J>unpn of WaJllnllford also par_ _--.,_ _~__'__ _ _ tlclpatlq In the meetIDg. daY• '. BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER CLOSED EVERY.SUNDAY OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Monday Through Saturday Daily Dinners 90c to $1.65 .Special Children's Platters ~~ CLEAN RUGS .BrigI.... the 1iNLiPteo theRoweMMlE BLUE GRASS Loa PAULSOIt ..... _ hi" a little ....... _ No daot to d, oroand ad -.Ie back ~ naJa' ; Is ftIII Del ko I ! with'l GIFT of Puff·Puff 9 .... X wll: QuoJoe.b~.· a Compl... lise 12 Domestic, $7.50' Baa. . . 0rI......... 100 P1M Ave.. Swarthmore, P•• IW artIunoN 6-60IID - . Cl. ••rbl'OQk. 9-46/16 (/JAI4I.... KNOWS Carpet 200 ALWAYS DRIVE AS CAREFULLY as you do j~t after seeing a honible srnash-up-AND. THERE WILLIE FEWER SUCH ACCIDENTS! A. GREEN ATZ AUTO SERVICE SWARTHMORE CO-OP HORACE A. REEVES W. MARK. BI'rfLE B. J. HOY,S AND 10 JOYCE LEWIs STRATH HAVEN INN 'tHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF 1I..4NNUM &: WAlTE DELAWARE COUNTY • swAR.'fBMOREAN THE INGLENEUK. THE BOUQUET. BAIRD and BmB BUCHNER'S, 'INC. E. L. NOYES and CO. FUSCO MOTORS PETER E. TOLD MICHAEL'S ·COU·EGE PHARMACY STATE INSPECTION Ass'" Coach atPMC - J. - ," ....--.. Theatre· Pharmacy a:•• MAY 1 - JULY 31 Have yo •• c •• ch.ckeel NOW. B. . . . . It Is I. . _ _h.al ••1 coadltl.a • • • tII.t Yo •• , lRAKES will •• Id If a child darb lato yoa. p.th ••• YD... TIRES wo.·t ,lid •• wat ....... • •• Y••• HORN will w.... ofllen Who c •••• , •• Y.M ••• Y... HEADUGHTS w ••'t hllad tho ..otorlst co..I., tow.nI y.. • •• Yo• ., STEERING WHEEL will ..... YO ••• tile rig" .hI. of tile roa""'" •• AIId tIIat .11 yo ... otllor. ....Ip....t ••d sahty d.vl...... I. d.p ••d .hl. workla, orde•• First In Service - First In Sales RUMSEY CHEVROLET •. SWartllMON 6-6130 theatre Square South Chester Road i ~ _q~e_8____________________________________THE~~'Q~.~~~~~~~__~________~__________~__~__~~~i!~ P friant, CONSERVATION DELEGATE E. H. Taylor of Harvard avenue, was a delegate to a meeUng of conservation groups held In Washington May 21-22 for the purpose of organizing a National Watershed Congtess. He was moderator of the Saturday session, which was devoted to a dlscussion of the poUcies Involved In the organization, adminlstraUon and coord!naUon of Federal, state and local agencies In a watershed project. Mr. Taylor is a member of " group which recently coinpleted a ten-month study of trends and policies in natural resource conservation. Circle, H...... Mrs. Eo W. Furst of Guernsey road was hostess last Thursday at a tea-meeling of the FrIendly CIrcle. Co-hostesses were Mrs. E. D. Brauns and Pauline Durnsil. This was the final meeting unUl September. Circle members' wish to thank all contributing friends for their generous support at the dessertbridge ~ld April' 211. The pIOceeds will be used for the work of Camp Sunshine and Camp Hope, as well as addiUonal worthwhile proj eets. III saw it in the Swarthmorean!' AID HOSPITAL FETE A room • CIIia',.w.- .... ,.. ..,eaoI fact< ittrea13)'OG'to made-to-order weather, '" eliminating eseen heat and humidity, and c:iI'o cu1atiOg fresh. cool air. Be cool at home this _ w i t h the room air conditioner you Ielect at yOGr eheuialldea1er'. or any Pbiladelphia PI... I k: IIUbarbaIl - . Be Modern ••• Live ElectrlcallV I BETTER VALUES AT ACMI IoIYe yoW .ood ... 0 ........... :MEMORIAL DAY ........ to Buy lnough this WMk....d A" Ovr Mart.,. Will . . CLOSID MONDAY::" May 31st, In Observance of Memorial Day -?u,," 714. *9'"" WATERMEL,O 5 I. Our, 'rosted foods Mrs. George L. Armitage of South Chester road entertained at a luncheon - bridge at her home Monday. JIdIaI ORAIIGE JUICE IJdIaI LEMOIIADI lIxuaPanc:y P10rida lled Ripe 'ash Cube ceived at the Offtoe of the Chief Clerk. Court House. MedIa, Pa,. up untU 12:00 Noon Bastorn Btanclud I!Dd publicly opened at 1:00 P.~ E.8.T.• on TUesday. June 1. 1954. for fUrillBhlng and delivering P.O.B, Court Bouse. lled1a. Pa., Roller Shelf Units to hOuse Doc1tots of tile Pro- TIm.. thOnot&i')"S Omce. Specifications aDd blddlng 8heets may be obta\Dl!d at tbe 0lIl00 of the Chlef Clerk. Court HeNse. Med1a. PD;" and DO bid w1l1 be enterta1ned. unless. made out on sald bldd.1ng &heat. _ bid mUBt be _panled by a Certlfted Check In the amount of f100.00. cl1'awn to the order of the County of Delaware. The County COmmlss'oners reserve , A. C. THlIONB _ AT,BJl!R.T J. OR.A.WPORD. JR. 2t-6-:U Oounty 00mm\IJ010llel'. 2=4'C Bar Association, a position he still 2= 2tc Mr. and Mrs. Oliver G, Swan ot North Chester road will drive to Le~ington, Va., next Tu~sday and WIll be accompanied honie by .4"'I"~"~".,",-StcW'" ti/ ?~ u. S. Graded "Choice" Lancaster Brand - ~-=~:- One Prioe - None Priced Higher ~en Turkeys " ..MOUed. ~ Gnlli . . . . . Y... A.... 'SKINLESS 'IO" 12~ DRIVE CAREFULLY! DESIGN CONSULTATION QUALITY CONSTRUCTION REASONABLE COSTS Closed Mo.day, May 31 sf "Third Generation Builders" CAMERA & HOBBYSIIOP HORACE A. REEVES 405 Darimou," Ave. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION west Cochrane Fri. 9-8:30 ~!n~~ H:~~~~ W~stmInster SW 6-4191 17'12 S. Chester Road SWPHONES 6-3410 ~~Th~.="~99~ost=..~U;Hf;.·~'5;10;';';i"~';h.~C;.;.;"ty;::!~=====~=========~=;SW~~6-~3~45~1~~=" holds. their son Lee, a freshman at Washington. and Lee University. 1~0~ ',3··C.Sh~e" ~. Ibf,. IbU7~ 'RAMi. I> Dodge R0701 V·S Club Coupe PowwRh TnNllllu~ full...... row. Stetring and FulJ.Poww 8tabI CMJiIobIe at mod..- &dra me. 10 11§;JI) !-Wiis rc~;r Bow I got rid ci the listless, Wing doe to heat Rftbt DOW, you can get a big, dependable '64 few doIlan more thaD you'd 4i4JiWI; 11\) pay for a Iicht In the lowest price . ~ ,4114 tIIlNn filii' I{o. fOIl will '""'" a IlION W ., " " t!IOII• . y~ wiD ~VI! lDore-~ length ad 1Iasbtag'lI$,fIe ••• more interior 1\JXUI'y. , 1"(Iq' will !!ave more power and performance from the 16o.h.p. Red RanlV~ engine. You have more prize-winning 8COD0DIy from the car that bas won two straight vicW.t_ In the famous Mobfigas Economy Run. You win have more enjoyment from (uII;pautomatic PowerFlite Drive, Full-Time Paw. Steering, and Dew Dodge Full-Power Brakes. And you will get Jasting satisfaction the If8lltest Dodge car in 40 If8IIt years. DisCOver aU that Dodge 01l'ers. Come In today! DWae for only a e••PE JUla (....,~j leverages 3 t:: 29C Sliced for Y_r, NIID CAli at COW.",." Bd Beautifully natural ••• naturally lMautllvll Dodge styling is sleek, graceful. Long, low linea and natural beauty prove a car can be big aDd impressive without being awkward or coo.ttfved! DEPENDABLE '54 .. v~ ".'" roc u;,m ,uS'i,m.dROLLS t\19c F....kfunor car wm A.'" '.';"~~' _ --~ .. " ...... ~ --' .,. ,- , MARKEl,. Cllster. ItL, SWartlunln , , , In 6-1250 • • • ib57c, Itead. -12016 lbo . . . . . LJI".~ ~eIr 7-CLEANAIR fiLTER Lets your engine breathe easier keeps dirt out of the carburetor. .,. Mrs. Roscoe A. Ammon of Westminster avenue was hostess .last Wednesday to the Senior CommlUee of the Lansdowne Chapter, Daughters of the Amelican Revolution. Fifty members were present. The Junior Committee of the Lan~owne Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, met the same evening with ~rs. Frederof guests 'I tt d mem ers and :._ _ _ n....::.a:.:.en==an=ce:._ _ _ _ Ib 59c latil.'Uttt' Brand Smoked Shankl... ·. . '-CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS Dirty sparle plug~ can waste as much as lout of every 10 gallons of gasoline. H,ANNUM & WAITE CONSIDER RESALE VALUE ConztM Us Without Obligation Ib 5'c ,uriKns (4~L) DdiaI 9-CNI!CK.U" OF TIRES C!lf'r8ct "SwHching" iIIIJH'0V8S the milellge. We can also have your tires recapped; If needed. ""I1 ---,bl.de bone removed. = ROAST Right Now Your Car Needs These "Get Ready for Summer" S,rvices 8-DRAIN ANTI.• Film AND' FLUSH RADIATOR CHECK HoSt CONNECTIONS -ADD RUST RESISTANCE If you have permanent anti.freeo s~ve it f~ next winter. Bring you; own contaIner. WHEN, YOU BUILD CHUCK _______ ROA-ST Ib3Sc Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely RflQdy for Summer l-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Winter oil is too thin for warm weather. We drain it--and refill Summar tYpe' Sunoco Oil. . 2 CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICAtfTS . , Drain trani'niission and rear refill Wifft Sunoco' AII:purpcile Sear Lubricant -'- speciallY made to resist ~ig" !'ressure and _h~at. 3 CHASSIS LUBRICATION Special Lubricant used to hetl' keep out squeaks and wear. Won'f dry out. won't wash out. won't squeeze out! Helps improve gas mileage. 4 CMECK OIL FILTER Inspect cartridge and check for leah. , 5--IIAnEny SERVICED Winter is especiaBy tough on batteries. We clieck strength, dean ter.",., IIdd elM... water. parti~ipate Davidson LuebrlD,g of North proc:ess research, Houd1:Y Process I r-========!!!!l!!!!~;;;"';;;;;';';;;;';';;;;'''''''=====''''''=====~===;'ii Chester road, haa bOOn appointed CorporaUon, whoresldes on. Dick- II staU . I on manager of WRUR, Uni- nson avenue, has been elected verslty of Rochester campui! radio chairman of the Csta1yals Club stauo~ t Whi~h ..,Is amUated with of Philadelphia, succeeding Dr. S ate n erc 0 bringe ...ate BroadcasUng K. A. Krieger of the University y m L ue was chiet of Pennsylvania. ~,_ . en.....Heeris.'or the staUon this year. The Philadelphia Csta1yals Club e a member' of Sigma Chi Is an organIzaUon of se\'eral hun=teN~ty and also belongs to dred scientists Interested in v;y ROTC, as a acholarship theoreUcill and appUed catalyals. member. 'A Junior, he' was a The membership area of the club member of Yellow Key last included the enUre Eastern United year, the sophomore honor grl:~~I;S:ta~tea:;'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ whieb serves as hospltalltY organlzaUon at Uni ' He is the son :,er;1~ f~ctl~, GET PLENTY, OF FILM Frederick W Lue . an • Chester road' bring, 314 N. FOR MEMORIAL DAY ___ • _ _ __ • SITE SELECTION. . D. A. R. Hostesses WEEK-END tary general of the International 0=*, " H'AM' , S'. .' LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR RUN BE I I ER .... LONGER advantage. of this ofter will go to the University of San oldest university In this phere, this summer. foi a weeks, program .durlDg July It is U August. , an clpated that a second group will spend the sec?nd semthesAmter 0lf thel~ junior year m sou er ca. Arrangements are tentaUve to send three students to LIma to study at the UnIversity of San Marcus and three to .Bogata to study at the University of the Andes. For the summer a knowledge of the language is not necessary but those going next spring must be able to speak Spanish. Mr. Peaslee has long been Interested in our relationships with South America and feels that it . . is Important for students from this country to have first hand knowledge of our neighbors to the south The fo..... students selected to in the program this summer are Elinor C. Meyer of Summit, N.J:., Gretchen C. Mann of Cobleskill, N.Y., Michael S. Dukakis of Chestnut Hill. Mass., and Peter E. Last of Larchmont N.Y. ' Mr. Peaslee graduated from Swarthmore in 1907 and received his LL.B. from Columbia Univer- ,Mr.' andWs. WWlltnf lock of Cedar 'Iane spent the sity. He gained world reputation as a lawyer in 11.s work as secre- COUNTY OF DBLAWARE SFlAX·ED PROPOSALS WILL BE BE- the right to reject Bll7 and aU bidS. JOHN B. DOHERTY. PHILADELPHIA ELE,C'lRIC' COMPANY . .....m ......•.... Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard avenue, and Mrs. John P. RIfe of Wallingford, are among the members of the Episcopal HosplW League for Service which gponsored the May Fete held Wednesday for the hospital's bulldlng fund. Mrs. Banks was in charge of music for the affair, Mrs. RIfe was chairman of the skirt table. indoor comfort ia IpiIe 01 bat, I L l . , . . Ja Foreign .' A mos J • P eaalee, U.S. Ambassador to Australia has es\llb1lshed at Swarthmore College, a - ' of scholarships for study in South America. The lira! group to take JOINS SINGING TOUR C1alre E. Hendrixson, a Smith College 'sophomore, will take part in the 1954 European Tour of the Smith College Chamber Singers, which will leave New York by air June 8. During the seven weeks concert tour of England, Holland, G<>rmanY, Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece and TUrkey, the group of more than 50 Smith singers will present programs of' predolnlnantly American music, both secular and liturgical, In London; Amsterdam. Paris, Munich, Florence, Rome, Venice, OpaUja, Dubrovnlk, Athens and Istanbul, In a series of concerts and broadcasta sponsored by the United States Department of State. The 1954 group Is composed of students from all four classes, from 13 states, chosen through competiUve try-outs from among the 400 singers in' the two freshmen choirs, the All-Smith Choir, and the Glee Club. Claire Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Hendrixson of North Chester road. ~~~CC:!:£~;C~UJ 'H c!ii 'of O......~Ciy:aild'Pfl&tay to 9 '.M. O',lIn SdNt4., 'til ".M. Gear.1 S. Myers Box 48- MURPHY MOTORS, INC. SWart'linore '6-0740 Woodland Avenue & powell Road Springfield. Pa. SWarthmore 63607 Jewelry .,paired Phone: SW 6-4216 EMIL SPIES w.tc •••••• Fomoorly 01 F. Rne Watch Gnd Clocl: Repain C;:. loci. a Sou 128 Yol, Avo. S':wotthmote. Po. PAnERSON FVN8BAL HOMB ..,..... y ...... BsperIeace 1'11_ Media 6-3COO A price ,to meet every PamI1". n_. ster. Ohio. has arrived Dr. and Mrs. Robert Good and week visit with her daughters. children Jayne and Mark of Mrs. Louis N. Robinson of College Forest lane. will spend the holiavenue and Mrs. Jtobert K. Enday week-end at Bedford Springs. ders of Elm avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Anderr son of Yale avenue will drive to c ..... Steps Tusculum College. Greenville. 5Id.w.lb. 'atla. U............. 5 ...... DI.,.. .. Tenn. for the week-end. Dr. Anderson. former president of TuB0....... Dral. "'" culum. will deliver the BaccaCIo ....II.. PI,.. laureate sermon' at the college JOSEPH ZIZZA sW..........1735 Sunday morning. -;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====::;1 ~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;11 VAN ALEN BROS. CLASSIFIED ADS LANDSCAPING IIT..... c. & Shrubbery 200 W. Ridley Ave. Ridley Park FOl SALE· , FOR SALE-A tlque Nova Scotia Flower Beds Made rug; small Dry - Sink; PennSW 6-4742 sylvania Dutch CradIe. SWarth, Lawns Ie H,!dges Cut more 6-3050. AIllson Antiques WA 8·2440 Shopping Service. Reasonable. Local Authorized Distributors FOR SATE Complete set Chlldfor craft books and supplements. BOX' 102 New condition. Best offer. MEdia' 6-0732. Swarthmor~, Penna. FOR SALE Westinghouse and roaster latest. model, used FIl:==============~ twice. $24.,-' SWarthmore 6-6665. FOR SALE - Six hundred books ., for collector to be sold 'at· aucEDWARD G. CHIPMAN tion at the Media Armory. SaturAND SQN day. May 29. at 10:30 A.M. George H. Wilson, auctioneer. and heating equipment GfNfRAI CONTRACTOR FOR ,SALE - Double bed-size Service available to our spring with open inner springs. Tile Flook Plastic' Tile customers on malles $10. Phone SWarthmore 6-2022. Modern Kitchens oll burners FOR ,SALE Kodak Duafiex Alterations Level payment plan on all camera. all attachments. Good condition. SWarthmore 6-5751. bills. Automatic deliveries 1401 Ridley Ayenue evenings. Ask for Jim. of 011 during the heating FOR SALE - Coat-long topper. CHester 2·4759 season size 18..Brand new - will sell 2·5689 for $10. SWarthmore 6-1847. Guaranteed, Standard Coal lniiiiiiiHniliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHniiHniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:llI1niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i FOR SA I EA.K.C. Dachshund puppies. III female. Registered. Call MAdison 6-8193. FOR SALE - Hollywood double A Comp'ere Insurance an" Rea' fsrate Agency bed - used only two weeks for guests before guest room became Air and Ship Travel nursery. $45. SWarthmore 6-1585. FOR SALE - Top soil and mushroom soil. Ideal for, yards. Call Harvey. SWarthmore 6·6317. FOR SALE - Top quallty top29 EAST 5TH ST •• CHESTER soil, $10.00 load. Call Warren Phones: 34141 34142 ......291 4_4292 SWarthmore Pierce. _ _-'-_ _ _ _ _6-2078. _____ Samuel D. Clyde. Jr. Samuel !). Clyde FOR RENT George P1owm,an FOR RENT - Avalon. N.J. J. Edward Clyde ,beach front apartment. June and July. two weeks or by month. Reply Box B. The Swarthmorean, FOR RENT _ Two apartments _ ATLANTIC' FUEL OIL IRON FIREMAN OIL BURNERS ' all of I SWEENEY & CLYDE ~, ---- of South Chester road. and Mrs. Frerierlck P. Mack of Lansdowpe. c..ler ............ ., ruHe_ ..,.,,. entertained at open house at the .01UT nOOD Warren home Sunday afternoon SW ..IIIf-W... Days in honor of lI/IIss Jane Mack and SW ""47-11"..... ......, Mr. George P. Warren. Jr.• whose I~============! engagement has been announced. II Mr. and Mrs. Herbert THOM SEREMBA and children Jane. Ned, and Anne UPHOLSTERING of Park avenue. will visit over SLI, 'C:OYElS-OlAKllES Memorial Day week-end with Mr. Swo,ttlf"ore ReftiNfte.. and Mrs. Richard P. GrIftIn of ........rea Hln 0734 More thaD 25 yeors ex.,.,II.'::1 Maplewood. N.J. PERSONAL PERSONAL NAlIIIE TAPES. Order now - 7-day delivery. Utility Shop. 19 S. Chester Road. PERSUNAL - Baby slttlng. Responsible womim. Call SWarth",ore 6-4251. PERSONAL - Gardens plowed and rototllled. any size. Call Harvey. SWarthmore 6-6317. ' , PERSONAL - Alterations - fittings by appointment. in your home. Association with Estelle Dress Shop. 69th St. SWarthmore 6-4934. PERSONAl. - Television. radio and appliance repairs - prompt service. TV sets repaired in the home. Robert Brooks. SWarthmore 6-3889 or SWarthmore 61947. PERSONAL - Wall Scraping clean work. Floors and furniture fully protected. Paper taken away. Free estimates. Call WA 8-6107. PERSONAL-Lawn Maintenance for Vacationers - Aerification. Scientific· tree care and spraying. Call ELgin 6-5187. Pen-Del Lawn and Tree Service. PERSONAL - May I take care of your child and/or baby while you vacation? phone Mrs. Marjorie Reynard. SWarthmore 68648. WANTED WANTED - High School girl wouldforlike to find wit." family several weeksjob at summer resort. Please call SWarthmore 6-3665. ' WANTED - Wish to rent unfurnished five or six-room apartment by July 1 in the Swarthmore School District. Will pay up a mo. Call MEdia 6-4259 Sw..... o.. "'44' WILLIAM BROOKS A.hea & Rubbi~h Removed Lawns Mowed, General Hil1illua ,Z38 Bardin&' Ave.. 1IIortoil. Pa. PETER 01 NICOLA Driveway ConstrucHon Asphalt or Concrete Cellar Walls Re-Plastl!red Swarthmore CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL Alterations 335 Dartmouth Avenue J. F. BLACKMAN SW 8-6818 I 1'"i555i5555555555~ Ii Charles E. Fischer BUILDER Swarthmore 6-2253 =-=t·~th~e~a~t~~~~ ~~==========~ , Hits New High,in Knock·Fr. Powerl 11IE SWARTBMOREAN Ku/p . to Give Memorial Address Monday at 10 (Continued from Page 1) Guard and Firing Squad. Band. Legion Members. other Veterans. I,.egion Awdllary. Girl Scouts. Brownies. Boy Scouts. Cub Scouts. Red Cr06S. Fire Department, Other Interested Cllbans. Charles F. Seymour. Jr.. will again place the Legion's Memorial Wreath at the cemetery where the service Is, held at the grave of his father. a past commander of the local Legion Post and its . first member to be ,buried there. Seymour will, read the llst 'of other Post members and veterans of the Civil and Spanish American Wars also buried in Eastlawn. Prayer offered,' by ,the Rev. H. Lawrence ,Whittemore. Ji:.. rector of Trinity C\lurch. Will .precede the final' saiute and ,Tapa. ' Rehn'l1 rpresident and founder of the sponsorship of the School ~_ day's. pnmmately 80.000 12" 10 - . _ poetry Group. Mrs. S. BIa1r tors and the Band and Orchestra WItt <;If.- County~. OfNIss Winifred Rumble of the lice. Luckie. veteran club woman for p'arents group. Registration '\9m bid muat be _PODt"lS 1»' 60 years. Mrs. Weiland D. Smith, ta! of Delaware. lI/Irs. Wl1llam Gabbott. county Monday. June 21 from '9-12. to Pine Creek over Memorial Day ,SpeaUI_one -,bIdIIIZIg,alleet.. chalrman of Libraries and Mrs. The program will run for six - y be ob~ at the o.mo.' of the weei<-end. Ohler Clerk, Court B"""",'~", ,.~ Lyman Brook, paat president of weeks. five days per week. from Tl:Mt COUnty CCMnm'......... t& Mrs. Charles Heisler of Glens the Writers', Club. ' Pen Worn.en 8: 30 a.m. until noon. Both begintbel'lgbt to..,jec:I; "'7 ""d all bItI& JOHN H. DOIIlmTr of PhiladelphIa and Philadelphia ning and intemledlate instruction Falls. N,Y.. with her sons Roly A. C.'THBONB ~onal Writers Conference. were will be olfered on all Instruments. and augh. is visiting, this week , ALB)m.T J, CBAWl"ORD• .m. introduced as special guests by A few school owned Instruments ,with her mother. Mrs. Hugh W. 2t-S·2I! County OOmm"""onera Mrs. Fred Werner. president. will beavallable on a loan basis. Do;wnlng of Riverview road. Mrs. Richard L. Jones. Jr.• has Mrs. Oscar Gilcreest. drama A summer band or orchestra Is T saw IT in The Swarthmoreen. joined her husband Ensign Jones chairman. Mrs. Bess Lane. Llt- planned to provide opportunities erature chairman. Florence Lu- for those students who already USNH-, in Yorktown, Va., follow~ alice casse and Mrs. Kathryn Church play and wish to improve !hem- ing a 10-day visit with her parattended fom Swarthmore. salves over the summer months. ents Mr. ,and Mrs. Daniel S. Morse Mrs. Donald C. Gumn of The program will be under the of ,Parrish road. Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd of SP~eld. blind poet and prose direction of Robert M. Holm. local ~Id Swarthmore avenue has retumlid wnter .was guest speaker. h1gh- school music director. from a short visit with her sonlf============.., lighting her life story with and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. ,U.W.F. EL"CTS humor. Mrs. Gumn referred to the talking books from the 11- , At the Annual Meeting of the Arthur V. Dodd of Framingham. Springfield brary of Congress and talking ma- .West Delaware County United Mass. Wl1llam M. Bilsh. Jr .• of Dickchines. avallable to those without World· Federalists. held May 20. L,undrolllat eyesight. In Lima. the following omcers inson avenue will return home next week after completing his The Writers' Club sessions will were elected: 504 .BalHmore Pille reopen in September. Chalrman Mrs. William J. freshman year at the University Cope; vice-chaIrman. Mrs. Clyde of the South. Sewanee. Tenn. KI 5.0252 Mr. and Mrs. George F. Corse Shuler; ,Recording secretary Mrs. 'NCOUNTY EXHIBIT Frank Royce; Corresponding Sec- of Yale avenue. with their daughFive members of the WIoman's retary Mrs. Albert Newbold; ter Miss Mary Corse. and their 'Rear Parking Lot _ Club of Swarthmore who exhibi- Treasurer Ralph Little; and DI- son and daughter-in-law Mr. Rear Entrance ted paintings, In 'the Delaware rectors. Harold Larsen. Mr. and and Mrs. Jack Corse and County Arts and Crafts League Mrs. Harry Laws. Mr. and Mrs. children of Lancaster. will'~===========:::! exhibition held recently at the Arthur Robinson. Joyce Shuler, attend a family picnic of 20 on ,. Bryn Mawr Art Center are: Frank Royce. Kenneth Wol1l'• Memorial Day with the Waugh Mrs. Frederick A. Patman. Mrs. Mrs. Grayson McCouch. Mrs. Matthews family on their farm at Charles L. Boyle. Mrs. Alfred E. Arthur Warner. Anne Longs- Sparks. Md. LONGWOOD Longwell. Mrs. J. Roy Marlin. and treath. 'and Mrs. Isaac Doroblum. GARDENS Mrs. Russell R. Smith. Retiring Chairman Mrs. Clyde LEGAL NOTICE The ClvU Servtoe COmmlsslon or MAY 30TH Mrs. Longwell. Mrs. Marlin. and Shuler. reported on activities of _ Borough of swartbmore will hold Mrs. Smith are members of the the past Yl'.ar and spoke of future competitive QamlDatlona fm.- the po_ 10UND ....' , palnting class sponsored by the plans. Mrs. McCouch reported sition of patralmlin at 9:00 A.M.• ._~ 1·2.GO ___ ,.O __ ....... Bastem Daylight Bavlng TIme. June club's art department. seven 'house. meetings. well at- 11th. 1954 In Borougl1 Hall. Swart'll. o. ' $1.25 IIML ten,ded with able speakers. more. Fa. AppUcation must be flied No .................. Mr. an.d Mrs. Avery F. Blake . . . . . . . .VI12NOONI01 . . The guest speaker of the eve- on or before June 9th, 1954. AppllcaIIIOMM1HST.T of Amherst avenue will spend the ning. Mrs. Dorothy Hutchlns'lD. tlon forms wl11 be turnished upon request by the UDdersigned" , holiday week-end on their boat ELLIOTl' RtCliARDBON "Annabelle" on Mannahawkin spoke' of United World FederalBorough Becretary Bay, N.J.. " Ist objectives and, steps tbWard IMeL IR e R- Fusco MotorCo. CHESTER and FAIRYIEW ROADS , ...... SWartlalllore 6-3681 I Swarthmore and Vicinity Many Attractive HOllies Available Baird & Bird Realtors SW 6-0108 Opposite Borough Hall Oil BURNER SERVICE MONDAY TBRU SATURDAY NOON SW 6·4041 SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS SWarthmore 6-0740 .._..-IDe._ ......... ~'~I:I~~' e LETTUCE • t · ".' - . ~. Porterhouse Sirloin J·Bone ." lJ 'S~te8ks '.' SWin PREMlUl1l • RATH • BLACK; HAWK • CHESTD ROSE WHOLE SMOKED HAMS 6ge ,Ib; CANNED HANt$ AVAILABhE . . .. " "UOSON 31c pound package ' ,TABLE'~NAPKINS 2 "Old HomesteC!ld" FRENCH. DRESSING 2Se 7-oz. bo.Hle Naa 2"S9c ,', . ,_., -,- 'B3~lb 1 to 10 Pounds Crosse & Blackwell RITZ CRACKERS Helllllann's .... SWIFT'S • • P ICOIC NABiSCO ' EXTRA SPECIAL! . COAL FIREPLACE WOOD J. A. GREEN -girts Lanlcbuild,ns FOOD MARKET OIL HE1I.T New ",.""Ium 'Basonn. Larker( CANTALoPES George Myers 'TDI"WN 1'''' EXTRA LARGE EXTRA WGE _daId ft pkg$. 23C 80 to thepkg. ,"at For Memoria', Day Picnic HELLMANN'S "Whole Egg" MAYONNAISE· 6ge .qu.t KRAFT VELVEETA BEST FOODS Horserad*1Ih FRR Cheese Cuffer with each loaf Mustard 21bs 83c 2 jars BARBECUEREUSH >'29c "jar 19c WISE POTATO CHIPS 25c bag 25c tmlMANN'S FANNING'S Sandwich Spred :~I!.~. ~."" : 39c phd '.' 403 DARTMOUTH 'AVENUE . . . . . . - ~" May, 28, 1954, THE SWARTHMOREAN Paae 11 Cancer Crusade Rose Valley Chns in LocalTotals $3,900 to Dat~ 'Yeomen of the Guard' Third Blind Fair Brings Over $400 ialvation Army' Over the Topl PLAN HOLIDAY JAUNT Officers and crew of the S. E. S. Leo Maris. 329, plans to take off this week-end for an expedl_ tion to Island Creek, ot! the Sassafras River, Md. The site was chosen bY Skipper George Myers, Mate Walt Weidner" Boat swain Walt Reynolds, Crew leaders Don Llttle and Frank Andrews, and assistant Crew Leader Ke11y Murphy on an exploring expedit~on last week. end. , ------------- The borough's 1954 Salvation The third annual Blind Fair AnDy Campaign has gone over at the Swarthmore Fire House the top with $4,102. an increase Performances to Conlast week-end attracted a steady of $56 over last year's total restream of visitors and produced ceipts according to Mrs. Robert tinue This Weekend R. Hopkins, Swarthmore chairover $.00 worth of sales for the ,and June 2-5 man. The 1954 version of the anDelaware County Branch of the nual 'Main~n~ce Fund drive The curtain went up at 8: 30 Pennsylvania Association For closed officially on Monday. Wednesday evening on the openThe Blind. Mrs. Hopkins" in making the ing performance of Gllbert and Again sponsored by the Swarth- announcement added her thanks "Sullivan's "Yeomen of the Guard" more Lions Club and supported to the 150 doorbell pushers who at the Players' Club in Swarthby the co-operation of the mer- made the drive a success. more, where the ,Rose Valley chants and townSpeople, the exBoth Mrs: Hopkins and Mrs. Chorus is presenting the operetta hibit and sale of objects made Paul Paulson attended the: V:i!:; from May 26 to 29 and June 2 to by blind workers was patronized tory Luncheon for the Salvation 5, Inclusive. " by "many Swarthmoreans who Army workers held yesterday in The presentation of this favorite came to see and stayed to buy. Philadelphia for the successful operetta of 16th century England Additional revenue from the do.t Salvation Army workers. • marks the 45th Gilbert and Sulnations made at the White Cane • Whe"e .hall 10. • llvan production of the Rose exhibit, ,not yet reported, will take yo'ar Docto~s preNEWS NOTES .:,f.!. •• Valley Chorus in the 47 years of increase the aid to the 600 blind sc:riptioo? May we sag· Paul Tarr of Morton, was one of its existence in Delaware" County. or partially blind Delaware Coungettthat you,briog it to •• 28 senior lettermen at Dickinson " dIU pharmacy, where tians supervised by the Delaware The production is directed by College, honored at the All-Sports •• p.rescriptiODS are a speCounty Branch. Perdue Cleaver" who also plays dinner Tuesday night in Carllsle. • duty? No matter how •• the jester, Jack Point. Sally McThe Lions Club has asked The Paul has won letters ,in both complex or Quulual, Fadden sings Phoebe, daughter of •• Swarthmorean to express the football and baseball. we'll compouod the the sergeant of the Tower Guard. • members' thanks to the Fire M/Sgt. and Mrs. Paul Lewis presqiptioo promptly, A. Hurford CrORlDan is the serCompany,' the merchants of the and their two children will move aad juat '.. directed. • geant. W. Donald MacRostie plays borough, and the residents of the to Levittown this month.' Sgt. Wilfred Shadbolt, head jailor of community for their help in mak- Lewis is attached to the 53rd AAA • CATHERMAN1S the Tower, Francis H. Spickler ,is COL. TUnLE NAMED ing this charitable, project a su~- Brigade stationed here in SwarthDRUG STORE the lieutenant of the Tower. ' COMMANDANT AT P.M.C. cess. more. • MyraJ ones Fisher sings the In addition to sponsoring the Col. William B. Tuttle, assistKenneth Wright" sophomore at principal role of Elsie; Anne Voigt ant to the president at Pennsyl- Blind Fair, the Lions will pro- Denison University, Granville, is Dame Carruthers; Harry T. vania Military College, will as- vide a seeing eye dog for Toni Ohio, has ben elected assistant Hall is Colonel FaIrlax. Others in sume the duties of commandant, Cowsert, whose former dog has leader of the Men's Glee Club the cast are Joseph A. Ferrone, as of Septembe'"r 1, it was an- died. • for the ensuing year. He is the Barron Helmuth, Francis T. Nich- nounced this week by Maj. Gen. son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Wright, olson, Glen Oneal, Jr., Charles A. Edward E. MacMorland, presiSupport MS Fund Drive Kenyon avenue. Packard, W. Allen Fisher, Marlon dent of the college. Ped10w in addition to the yeomen Swarthmoreans supporting the A resident of Wallingford, Col. of the guard and chorus of citi- Tuttle has been at FMC since current fund raising campaign zens. 1949. He was professor of mili- of the National Multiple Sclerosis Philip Warren Cooke is the)nu- tary sc.ience and tactics until his Society are Henry B. Coles, Jr., sical director, assisted by W. Al- retirement from the Army last Mrs. R. P. Kroon, Edward L. len Fisher. Accompanists are S. July and at that time was ap- Noyes, and Mrs. Roger Russell. . Established 1912 Francis Nicholson and Dolores pointed assistant to the president. MS, 'a disease of the central Bronecke. Assistant stage directors He served 36 years as a com- nervous system, is a disease for SWARTHMORE, PA. are Nick McFadden and Frederick missioned officer in the Army and which neither cause nor cure is 11 PARK AVENUE W. Echelmeyer. Ruth Harvey and served overseas in both world known. Proceeds of the 1954 camEstelle J arden are prompters. TAILORS wars. He commanded the 147th paign wi11 be used both for reGlen Oneal" is production man- Regimental Combat Team in the search and for aid to patientS, LADIES AND MEN'S SUITS MADE TO ORDER ager and Francis Spickler is in Pacific Theater in World War n many of whom are pedridden. charge of scenery construction. and later served as a regimental The Delaware County Campaign William H. Oakley, Jr., designed commander and corps chief of Committee for this year compri~e sets; Barbara and George ~', staff in Europe. ses Joe Grady, chairman; Mrs. Jarden, Jr., did the poster; Jane Tuttle is a native of EI Paso, William J. Fadden and Neville C. Swift, publicitY. Charlotte Mass. Texas, and attended New Mexico Gee vice-chairmen; Mrs. Carl E. Jack Manning and Debbie Wlll- Military Institute and New Mexi- Mau (Aldan) and Frank Wayne, iams are the electricians; Florence co State College. He received his publicity chairmen for press and Shields and Betty Spickler, cos- commission in the Regular Army radio, respectively. ume mistresses; and Betty Bentley as a result of competitive examMultiple sclerosis strikes young and Edith Mitchell are· in charge inations 'held in 1917. adults between the ages of 20 and , of make-up. Prior to coming' to FMC, lie 45, crippling them in, various Ticke~" may be had from Ruth had been deputy commander at ways by destroying patches of the Packard, MEdia 6-5159, from any Carlisle Barracks in Carlisle. His insulating material (myelin) pro& member of the Chorus, or at the decorations include the Legion of tecting the nerves. At least o~e door. • Merit with an oak ~eaf cluster and graduate of Swarthmore College & the Bronze Star Medal with an is a victim of MS. oak leaf cluster. Mrs. J . A . J one~... cancer Crusade contrtbutions for 1954 from residents of the b0rough and members of Swarthmore College have totalled $8,900 to date and may reach ",000 when aU returns are in is the report from ValenUne L. JIlne, chairman for Swarthmore. The Cancer Crusade has been a real community dort. More than 850 families, individuals, business organizations and clubs responded to the appeal that was made by 115 workers and team captains, and the students, faculty and administration of Swarthmore College conbdbuted gen~ through the Swarthmore College Chest. Mr. Fine expresses his appreciation to those who worked and who gave' and reminds all that the appeaJ for funds comes once a year but that the work which the drive supports goes on an year. Information on cancer prevention, ftlms, visiting nurse service, sick room supplies and cancer detection clinics may be obtained by calling ENterprise 10085. , •• •• • • • • •• •• •• • •• ••• •• ...... "( Harris~ & ••••• Company SPRING SPECIAL for Cleaning & Pressing Menls Suits Overcoats Ladies Suits ,Heads Red Cross AnEN-T-IO-N-A-L-L-B-O-WLERSI Wins Bond Award $ Coats Cloth Dresses & Blankets Joan Leslie Effing of Park avSWarthmore 6-0504 (Continued from Page 1) The bOWling green on the Whit- enue, won' a $100 War Bond duran who had served appreciatively tier House Lawn, is in excellent ing Chester Sales Day. under Mrs. WflUams' leadership condition, for the holiday ~eek­ their gratitude and the Borough's end according to John Michael, )].~ .. ~~~~~~~:=:S"You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's"~~"'~:::;;:"~911 for her devoted, quleUy efIleJeId acting chairman of the swarth'service. "It is a big undertaking more Bowlers in the absence 'of to follow her and her predeces- Charles Thatcher. Members are urged to" take adva~tage o~ the sors", she said. . Mrs. Jones announced the ap- green. AMERICA'S FUN GAME, Those interested in participatpointment of Mrs. Norman Hulme as chainnan of production, and of ing 'in this amiable sport are IS ON SALE IN OUR GIFT Mrs. George Plowman as chair- urged to contact Mr. Michael at man of Gray ladies, replacing Mrs. SWarthmore 6-0857 for further Percy Gilbert and Mrs. Oliver information. DEPT 1ST FLOOR Swan whose restgnatloDs were EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. , Attends Circus accepted earlier in the meeting. Mrs. Gilbert had reported 1095 Helen Warren of South Chester hours of work by eight individuals road attended the Barnum and • • • and several groups and Mrs. Bailey Circus on Tuesday with Swan 27821k hours of work in six 500 children from The Training hospitals, three federal and three School at Vineland, N. J. In spite civilian, by 12 Gray ladies. of rain. the children were transported by buses to Philadelphia, 2nd 'Gracle Mothers given refreslunents ~nd taken to To Meet Wednesday the circus." It is a proj~t of A meeting of second grade Parents, Inc., of The Training ~~~~~--.. SCRABBLE .' .• ESTER'S Fashion Corner FOR VACATIONERS FOR STAY - AT- HOMERS. LOOK AND FEEL- YOUR VERY BEST IN LEISURE" WEAR FROM SPEARES. mothers, Rutgers .Avenue SchoolS,;;C;;h;;OO.I;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mrs. Robert Yohanan's' group, .. .' ." will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday, f)id you blow that th~ c~" June 2, at the bome of Mrs. Al.,,,,,eHve Movn""en} exist.. to bert Stamford, 508 Strath Haven ~nefit you. the consumer? avenue. Consumers own and control Ca- Greta -RichaIdBoD, 'a 8OpbOmore at W&telD CoDeet fer Women In. ()dd" ,GbIO, .... , • "mmln, member of the "COl• Dolphin Club ~ Whtch pIluated four .,.fca1D.. . . . . reeetly. Gnta I I " " JIn. JI01.c wa_ ops. Consumers get .... ...,.. ings. COnsumers fix the ~ Consumers in the Co..-:att Movement .... the VI • 4he top I:w... You . .' • consum.... JOin ... 1M SW.,..... c.,. ~ Stare (acr0lS from .... 8Ofo MANY DELIGHTFUL CO-ORDINATE GROUPS • • • BEACH WEAR • •• AND DAY TIME "OR EVENING COTTONS" SPORTSWEAR'; - SPEARES SECOND R.OOR