Coliep Library · Best Wishes To The Class of 'S4 Best Wishes THE 5 VOLUME 26--NUMBER 23 HMOREAN SWAR11IMORE, FRIDAY" JUNE ~ 1954 To The Class of 'S4 '3.50 PER YEAR " . :1• Swarthmore CoHege To Award 200 Degrees I~.t?vil Defense IHigh School Seniors Prepare For June 8th ' t 0ay Exercises · Monday Readies for All-Out In, Commencemen "Operation Alert" Commencement; Baccalaureate Sunday Eight local residents are listed. among, the 200 undergraduates of Swarthmore College who wi~ be presented to President Courtney Smith as candidates for degrees on Monday morning, June 7. The exercises will be held at 10 a.m. in the Scott Outdoor Auditorium with Philip D. Reed, chairman of the Board of the General Electric Company an.d director of, the Ford Foundation Fund for the Advancement of Education as the Commencement speaker. In the event of rain, exercises wi1( be held in CIJthier Memorial, with admission by ticket only. "Operation Alert", a fullscale civil defense training exercise, will be held Monday, June 14. All 48 states as well as Hawaii Puerto Rico Alaska and the can~dian provi~ces will take part. State officials report that the alert will be based on a presumed atomic attack on 42 critical target Local students receiving their - - - - - - - - - - - - - areas, of which Philadelphia and degree.s include: , its Delaware River enterprises Emergency , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown, Jr., of Harvard avenue, Edith W. Mrs. L. A. Wet.laufer, SWarih· are one. Local CD officials say there Hay, also of Harvard avenue, and more 8-1270, ohalrman of the Elise 'F. Jones of Benjamin West Blood Service, for the local will be a signal alert in the mornavenue Who will be awarded their branoh, American Red Cross, ing when police will stop traffic B. A. degrees in his*ory. informs the oommunity and Dena J. Dannenberg, Harvard vicinity that requests for blood for 10 minutes and the public is avenue, recetving her B. A. de- durin&' the summer months may expected to-take shelter or follow gree in fine arts; Clarence' C. be made through her or through the suggestions of wardens. The Franck of Cornell avenue, his B. her co-chairman, Mrs. H. LeRoy exercise will 6how how much S. degree in mechanical engineer- McCune, SWIU1hmore 8-24'14. trained and volunteer personnel ing; William D. Jones of Vas- During the ~ year 15 re- will be available on a day-time sar avenue, his B. A.. in eco- quesis have been met, locally basis. There may be another alert nomics; and William H. Jones, the amounts varying from six on signal that night. Jr., of Morton. ,his B. A. in pints ~ one pint per penon. Penonnel Needed chemistry. Local defenses are underriianBaeealaureate ned, especially for day-tiMe ocIn other commencement weekcurrences, accor~g to Charles end activities, Professor TheaRussell, local chairman. New dore M. Greene, of the Philosovolunteers, as well as those who hav~ signed up but have had' no phy Department of Yale Unlverdly, will present the Baccalaureh' I· . d training, are asked to report to ate address on Sunday moming, Teac ers Sa aries Raise their Post Wardens at area headJune 6 at 11 a.m. The speaker at Through Maintenance quarters (see map page 9) and the Last Collection at 7:30 p.m. C be assigned. H there is no imon Sunday evening will be Prout mediate job, such volunteers are fessor Peter van de Kamp, direcMeeting Wednesday evening, asked to be content to stand by tor of the' Sproul Observatory with still no indication that the and observe the operation. After and professor of astronomy, at State'-vnll eventually" ,declare thE! all~clear, Post wardens will Swarthmore College. Swarthmore a third class sChool explain how they can fit into the 'Th~ Phi Beta . Kappa LeCturediStrlctlthe five-member School ol·ganization. The need is greater will be presented in the Meeting BoardA~ided' it could safely de..: than ever, before, Russell comHouse on the campus at 8:30 lay nO-,longer in adopting its mented. p.m. on Sunday evening. Speaker '1954-55.budget so took action on Swarthmore is making a serious on this occasion. will be Profes- a financial set-up balancing at effort to perfect its defense orsor Brand Blanshard' of Yale $701,400 for the new fiscal year ganization against disaster and University. begJ:"ntng the first Monday in' emergency of all kinds. Borough July.' This represents a decrease CD leaders point out that while of $24,000 in expenses and an in- it is no one's desire to add to crease o! $19,000 in income to the anxiety of the times, trainMusic~s offset the $43,000 deficit in May ing of personnel and civili,ans to 19th's rough draft. ' m e e t disaster is good sense and, in Robert Borer was elected next Resetting' all tax rates at the itself, may prove insurance year's captain of theffigh School legal hilt the Board estimates an against disaster. In the June exBand and Nancy Carroll, president income of $240,500' from the 35 ercise, actual personnel representof the School, Orchestra, it was mill realty levy, $43,500 from two ing homeless out-of-town disaster announced at the Dessert-Enter- per capita taxes 'totaling $15, victims, will be treated at the tainment given' Friday night by $18,000 from 1% realty transfer (Continued on ~age 9) the parents of both groups. Senior levies, $9,750 from interim taxes and junior high musicians of both on newly improved properties, groups were the honored guests and $3,500 on ~elinquent taxes. , at the, occasion marking the close $47,000 is due from State -apof the year's activities. proprlations, $93,050 from tuition , Music, refreshments and the students, $12,000 .in short term annual awards comprised the loans for furnishing the new eleAlumni Day at Swarthmore evening that opened at 7 p.m. in mentary builcnng and other long College will be held tomorrow, the school auditorium. Ray Smith, term investments not covered by Saturday, on the college campus. blind pianist,' was the featured current income, • and $1400 in In honor of the returning AlUmni artist. Movies of the University rentals and other incidentals. A numerous special events have of Michigan's outstanding March- balance of $54,000 including tea- been scheduled, for them and ing Band were also Shown beforechers' summer salary reserve, and their friends. the combined groups repaired to $178,000 in the building fund for In the moming two symposia the cafeteria for their strawber- the Rutgers avenue' addition com- will be presented on topics of ries, ice cream and cake. plete the $701,400 income side 'of interest to everyone. Professor The giving of the awards fol- the sheet. About $17,000 over last George Becker wlll lead one on lowed. In addition to first, second, year's 'taxes is expected, and ''Trends in Contemporary Literathird and fourth year pins given $18,000 in tuition increases. ture" and Professor Paul Ylvisafor faithful service to band and It was stated that 6.4 mills of ker will conduct the second on orchestra, several new awards the realty tax will be used for "Some V·lews 0 f....... T eaching 0 f •.ue 'Were made. debt service and, the remaining Government". Both. of these A senior, Roland Kenschaft, 28.6 for genera! purposes and gentlemen will be assisted by baritone horn, was cited as the teachers salaries. other memb ers 0 t. the faculty. best all-around boy musician, and Sophomore Mary Lou Friend, A total increase of $12,100 in At 2: 30 p.m. the annual parade flute, won the award for the teachers' salaries was voted. This of the Classes will take pla~e on Cirls. An eighth grader, Douglas includes $4 400 state mandated in- the walk in front of Parrish Hall. Worth, clarinet, received the crements ~d $7,700 service mer1- A softball game between the a\Vard for the most improved ted raises. The total amounts to an Alumni and the Faculty will be boy. musically, and Mary Me\- average increase of $257.45 among 'featured at 3:30p.m. The evelace, a junior, received the award the district's 47 teachers. The nin.g will be marked by reunion for the girls. Mary, who just Board as a whole approved the dinners held by many of the began her' study of the French importance of the salary Increases, classes and a Dance and Sing behorn this year placed In the di8- although it meant further pQSt- ginning' at 9 p.m. triet orchestra event through ponement of repair and modemiAll alumni are encouraged to tGmPctiUve audiUon. zatlon -of the high school e1ectric- return and participate, in these ,,_John M~, out-going Bank al system and other needed main- events even thoulh this may not ,-Ptaln, was presented with a tenance. Last year salary increases be a "reunion year" for ibelr ~et. (CGDUnued on Pqe I ) ' particular clas. Phones Sch00'I Taxes Stat·Ie, Budget Adopted Parents Entertain Young' Alumni Day at College Tomorrow June 5th " " Summer Club Director Announces Assistants Jerry Nowell, director of the Summer Club section of the SwarihhiQre Recreation Association, has-:announced his assistants for the activitieS scheduled to begIn on June 28. Alberta Blankenship, teacher at Media Friends School, will have charge of arts and crafts. She will be assisted by Janet Thompson, a senior at Swarthmore High School who expects to major in art education at college I~ athletics, Gordon Smith~l Mimi Wisdom will be in charge. Gordon plays basketball' and track at Swarthmore High School; Mimi is a hockey, basketball and lacrosse player. Receives Alumni Award Robert H. Reed of College avenue, is one of five alumni of the Universit3,r of Kansas named to receive the award for Distinguished Service based on "individual' contribution to the welfare of mankind"; given by UniverEity an'd i~ Alumni Association. Reed, an editor of the Country Ge,ltlemen for 31 years, will receive his award at the. 82nd annual Commencement on the Kansas campus June 7. He will fly out Saturday night, and return Tuesday. Sponsor Ball Team For Young... 80ys \ " ~t ," . I, ,,' ,/ " ", , " , , " ,,' " ~ I': iI ~ -------------Scholarship to Alice DeCaindry; Elizabeth Hubbard Bonsall Scholarship presented by the Swarthmore Woman's Club to Racheal Baughn. , I . f', ,~I ~' i ; ;',1 ! Award Winners Named The awards for the Class of 1954 are as follows: Rose Allce Richardson will receive - Women's Phi Beta Kappa Association Book Awardy Swarthmore Library Association Award in English, Reader's Digest Award to Valedictorian, Woman's Club Award in French, and the Bausch and Lomb Award In Physical ScieJ1ce. Rolan~ Kenschaft will be given the Business Men's Association Award in Mathematics, the Albert D. Spaeth Memorial Award in', Science, and the Nell Delaplaine Memorial Award in Instrumental Music.John Conard will be awarded the Phi Beta Kappa Association Book ,Award, and the Hermine Meyer Memorial Award inGerman. Other award winners are: Peter IDoom, Blackfrlars Award in Dramatics; Janeth Thomson,' Charles D. Mitchell Memorial Award in Art; Anthony Sobzcak, Swarthmorean Award in Journalism; (Continued on Page 6) • Memorial Day Speaker C·te I S Need for 0oers , , , Swarthmore High School's graduating Class of 1954 is making plans for its commencement activities which will begin this week-end. With final examinations finished today, exercises and rehearsals will keep the class busy until Tuesday night when diplomas will be awarded. The Baccalaureate service for the the class will be held' in the Presbyterian Church at 5 p.m. Sunday afternoon. The Baccalaureate sennon will be delivered by Reverend Joseph Bishop, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, who will be assisted in the service by the other ministers of the communnity. Music will be provIded by the High School Chorus and the ushers will be eight young men from the Junior Class.' After the Baccalaureate Service, tea will be served by the parents of the class in McCahan Hall to friends and families of ,the seniors. On Monday night at 6:30 the Ciass Banquet will be held at Whittier House on the Swarthmore College' Campus. After the banquet, the yearbooks will be distributed by the sta1f of which Joan Edgley is editor. Scholarships and awards to be presented to members of the class by WllIi B h hi h h I in' 1 in:~de~' g sc 00 pr clpa, Home and School Scholarship to Jane Leavitt;· Music Organlzationa Scholarship to Susan Hansell; Class of 1954 Scholarship to George Allison; Baccalaureate _ _ _ _ _...,...-_ _ _ _ _ __ , , , " ;' " " , ,~. , ' .. ~ " ", I. ' ,', , uAmedca is suftering from a ~d ", case of 'speakitis' and 'lisleniUs' when the world and na;tiOD ,w~t someone with 'do-iUs' ", the Rev. John C. Kulp told the perfect-day turnout of Borough residents at Monday morning's Memorial Day rites. Cit i n g current· Washington hearings as prime symptom of a national malady, the Swarthmore Methodist Church pastor and former NavY chaplain said, "The dead we honor 'did with lives what we cannot do. They gave their lives because they were asked to, - that men" might be free to live, to learn, and to build. Today the nations of the world are watching America to see if she will carry this era's gener81 'doit;.yourself' fad' to real purpose. We are not called upon now to make or take up arms. Our surplus energy should be used to elq)ort the Christian way of life. Asia wants us to do it. The three difficulties there are hunger, illness, need for learning. Hand in hand with missionaries must go food, doctors, teachers. "Our Lord said, 'Be not hearers of the word onlY, but doers also'. We cannot do tor others until we do for ourselves by llving f8 the Lord provided. We must Cdo-itourselves' in the spirit of Christbuilding with the master plan He gave us." ' , The Lions Club of Swarthmore is sponsoring the organization of a summer baseball team for boys, ages nine to 12 inc=lusive. Practice is held Tuesday and Thursday evenings on the Riverview ,field, and the schedule, caIHngfor two exhibition games a week -, all at home - begins June 15 and continues. through juiy. All boys expecting to be i~ Swarthmore during this period are invited to try out with coaches Postmaster Walter C" Snyder, sullivan ~d McLaughlin 'on the past CQIIUDander of' the Alnspraetice daY& , ' - . • worth-Wernhel' , Post No.: 42'1, Uniforms for the team are being Amerlcan Legion, presided at the provlded-"by"Rumaey Chevrolet. (Continued on Page 5) Ii ,, c " .' , ; Pap 2 the home in .the eveDing i frotu GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Memorial Day when those present end. He will return'here for a 7 p.m. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kent Included Mrs. Campbell's parents short vIsit before flying back to of Wall1nlford, will celebrate . :Mr. and. Mrs. Allen Hutchinoon his home on the West Coast. Mrs. WIlliam H. Thatch. of ok .Beverl,y J'atms.. Dr. Dr. and Mrs. Albeit W. Kitts of their Golden Wedding AnnIver- IIBS. B. KAtlFFlIIAN College avenue will enteriain at Campbell's' patenta Mr. and Mrs. Riverview road enteriained as 8Ia7 OIl June 8 at the DuPclDt lIS DarbDouUl Avenue a buJIet supper at her home this D. R. Campbell of st. Petersburg, their house guesta last week Mrs. Country Club. Wilmington with a S..artLzDore 8-iOio dinner party given by Mr. and evening for 50 members of the Fla.. and his sister Mrs. R. David James S. Branch of Salisbury. Md .• and Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Mrs. Norman W. Kent of 2 Oak 81lB8CRIPTION8 1914 class of Swarthmore College Thomas and family of Merion. FOB ALL Crest Lane. Wallingford. IllAGAZ1NB8 who will return for a class reWilbur Hoot of Lafayette ave- Solis of Springdale. Conn. Friends are cordially invited to Mr. Waldo Davison of Swarthunion. .nue. a freshman at Denison Un!Mrs. Alexander Ewing of Dart~ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulk- verslty. is a new member of the mouth avenue has returned home ner of Dickinson avenue are at- "D" Association at Denison. He tending the graduation exercises was quallfied for membership by after spending several weeks in 'of their daughter Jeryl at Rollins his participation in varsity Florida. Carol Honnold of Rutgers aveCollege. Winter Park. Fla.. being basketbalL nue is recuperating at her home held today. June 4. Their other Mr. William S. Hobbs of Park following a mUd attack of pneudaughter. Mr~. Murrell D. Wess- avenue. accompanied by his BEAUTY SALON ner of MorrIStown. Tenn.. will mother-In-Ia M G D M h monia. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Bittle of FOR PERFECT GROOMlIIG IN ANY IYEIIT also attend. They will be ~he ney. llew sun~ay : : privat~ PI~n~ Rutgers avenue spent Memorial· gue.sts of Mr. Ray. Greene durmg to Ridgway. the latter's former thelT the home " Mrs M~"t f or Day week-end as the guests of 9 SO!lth Chester Road . • stay and WIll • occupy • UJUl.ey will VlSl Stud.o Cottage On hIS lake front three weeks with friends and Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Wolverton Call Swarthmore 6-0476 property. relatives.' Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones ENGAGEMENT of Harvard avenue entertained of North Swarthmore avenue acMr. and Mrs. Willlam J. Charles as their house guests last week companied by their daughter Beth of Sharon Hill. bave announced II Mrs. Jay B. Snape and baby son and son Larry. spent the boliday the engagement of their daughSTATE AUTO INSPECTION Richard of :Austin. Texas. Her week-end In Hot Springs. Va. ter. Miss Barbara Charles. to Enhusband. Lt. J. B. Snape has Donna Crosset of Riverview sign Samuel D. Reynolds. Jr.• U. May lst to July 31st arrived in Japan. road, is improving at her home S. N. R.. son of Mr. and Mrs. The neighbors of the 500 block where she has been confined to Reynolds of Benjamin West avCheck your car now for Summer Driving of Rutgers avenue gathered on bed with glandular fever for the enue. the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel past three weeks. Miss Charles. a 1953 graduate L. Althouse for a picnic on MemoMr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Web- of the Pennsylvania State UniROBERT A TZ. Owner rial Day. A Father and Daughter ster. Jr.. and daughters Caroline. versity, wbere she was an honor RUSSELL'S SERVICE. baseball game. Incidentally. was Nancy. and Beth. of Elm avenue student and a member of Alpha oPPosln IOROUGH PAIIKING LOT won by the daughters. The group spent Memorial Day week-end at Xi Delta sorority. Is now emwas ister entertained at the home their summer camp on Skanea- played with Farm Journal, Inc. SW 6-0440 Dartmoath & Lafayette Aves. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hether- teles Lake in New York State. Ensign Reynolds received hi, Ington at which time Dr. Robert They were accompanied by' Judy B.S. dellre1> In Metallurgical EnGrogan showed pictures of his Coles of Walnut lane. gineering last year at Lehigh DEUCIOUS D.INNERS to SUIT the TASTE of IYERYOIII recent trip to Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Harris. University where he was a memTENDER STEAKS alld CHOPS Cooked to Order J. Francis Taylor. Jr .• of Ken- their son Eddie. and Mrs. Harris' ber of Theta Chi fraternity. Foryon avenue will arrive home mother Mrs. Edgar Yarnall of m~rl~ associated .with the Steam ExCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FAtILmEs Monday from Pennsylvania State Princeton avenue spent the DIvisIOn of Westinghouse Electric University. He will re~ there week-end at their' new summer Corporation. he is now assigned BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1:30 P. M. In the fall to complete his senior home in Stone Harbor. N.J. to the Destroyer. U.S.S. Meredith. Elevator Comfortoble Rooms Day or Week year at the end of the llrst semesMr. and Mrs. George M, Ewing TO AnEND COUPLE ter. of Columbia avenue have retumMrs. William Ward. 4th. of EasMr. and Mrs. Edwin J.Faulk- ed from;' week·s. trip to Toronto ton will be ber sister's matron o( ner of Dickinson avenue enter- and Hamilton. Canada. . honor, and Miss Donna Crosset, Mrs .. J. WaiTen Paxson of Vas- another sister. will attend as maid tained the members of the Varsity Yale & Harvard Avenue•• Swarthmore. Pa. and Junior VarSity Tennis Teams sar avenue, who had been a of honor. at the marriage of Miss WALTER E. PARRon, Mg.. FREIPARKIIIG of Swarthmore College at a pic- patient at 'Taylor Hospital with a Barbara Crosset. daughter of Mrs. I nic supper at their home recently. fractured hlp for three weeks is Donald Adams Crosset of Rlver- i Mr. Oscar S. H:u-t of Lafayette now recuperating at the Rod~ay view road. and the late Mr. Crosavenue is improvmg at his home Smitii Convalescent Home in set, to Mr. William Brink. son of following a heart attack on May Media. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Brink of Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Grilfin Newark. Del.. which wiU take 22. His son. the Rev. J. Richard Hart of Pleasantville. N.Y.• vlsit- of Rutgers avenue spent several place Saturday. June 26 In the .ed here for a few days of this days on a motor trip to Wellsboro. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Specializing in the Cleaning of week. the Grand Canyon of Pennsylva- The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop will Dr. and Mrs. Frank Me12ger of nia. They also visited their son officiate. Dartmouth avenue left by plane Mr. Robert Grilfin and family of The bridesmaids will be Mrs. from New York Saturday for Basil. Westfield. N.Y. William Fischer of Swarthmore Mr. and Mrs. James L. Malone Mrs. James Bowen of Wilmington' Switzerland to visit Dr. Me12• ger', parents. They will also tour of Dartmouth avenue entertained Del.. Miss Carolyn Bradiey of the Continent before their return at a picnic supper for 35 guests Alexandria. Va.• Miss Betay Brink . In two months. . on the lawn of their home Sun- SIster of the groom. will be a Mrs. Roland G.. E. Ullman of day afternoon. Junior bridesmaid. "Applebrook". Park avenue enMrs. George M. Ewing of Col- ·Mr. John Westberg of Longtertalned over tlIe Memorial Day umbia avenue entertained the meadow, Mass., will serve as best week-end ber cousin Major Emily House Committee of the New man for the groom. and the ushers Ulricb MIller. recently returned Century Club. Philadelphia at a Will Include Messrs.' William after a three-year tour of over- I uncheon at her home Friday. Ward. 4th. David Wakefield of M. WEINSTEIN & SON seas duty with the Women's Army Mrs. J. Francis Taylor of Ken- Rehoboth Beach, Del.. Cecil Moore Corps. Major Miller is now sta.Cleaners - Tailors tioned at Ft. Meade. Md. Mrs. yon avenue entertained at a of Williamsburg. Va .• Lloyd Hines luncheon - 'brldge at her home of Suftolk. Va .• and James CockU'.lman entertained at a family 100 Park Avenue 'SW 6·1727 dinner party Saturday Tuesday with Miss Dorothy Craig erille of Arlington, Va. A r"""ption at the home of the honor Of her cousin. of Germ~ntown as guest of honor. bride's mother will follow the Pick.Up and Delivery Dr. Arthur J. Jones of North Mr. and Mrs. Carl de Moll of ceremony. Swarthmore avenue left by plane Park avenue entertained at a for Grinnell. Iowa and the West family dinner party Thursday BIRTH Coast. He wiU visit In Portland evening in honor of their house Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Miller • guest Mrs. de Moll's brother Mr. O re.. an d B a uld er. Colo.. before of Marietta avenue, have anhis return the latter part of June. A. E. Hitchner, of Three Arch nounced the birth of their third .Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Klamer. Bay. Calif. Mr. Hitchner will atchild and second son. Geoffery former residents of Lansdowne tend his 50th class reunion at moved last week-end to 7ml Rutgers University over the week- ~orison, who was born May 13, in Chester Hospital. ' Fairview road. Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson and children of Amherst avenue spent the holiday week-end visiting Mrs. Patterson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McKee at their Swarthmore. Pa. cottage In Shipbottom. N.J. AIR CONDITIONED Dr. and' Mrs. Hallock C. Campbell of Vassar avenue entertained Fri ... Sat. at a family picnic supper for 14 on the lawn of their home on DON'T MISS Personals 114_. The Bouquet liiiii~~~~~iiii~~iiiii~ii~~~~~iiiiiiii~~ J. STRA..TH HAVEN INN I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Certified Cold Fur Storage Slip. Covers Draperies Curtains . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ii' CHARTER A BUS COLLEGE THEATRE GRADUATION PRESENT? Why not a 35mm or 828 Camera 10 differ:ent ones to select frclm CAMERA' & HOl,Y SHOP 405 Dartmo. . . Ave. SW 6-41.1' ~ WOr the second service, Samuel on Wednesday evening. and Rogers. the peninsular TeleDodd.· H. Weston Clarke. Walter A Church Family Picnic Is phone Company of St. PetersMagee. Harver WhItaker. Benjamin MIles. 'w. Rass Thomson. planned for Salllrday, JW1e 19. burg•. Fla.,. and the Reading ~Q­ Robert !loyle and Clarence at Smedley Par~ ~ JiloiHImlire oratory. Incorporated. She Ia~ur­ pike. The occasion is promoted· by rently working for ber degree at Franck, Jr. . . a representative committee of IT.'ml~e University. 2X.02-12 ZIPAROUNDS - Janben taaors these with adroitly young adult families of the placed da!i1, brief cuffed legs. Sham that lead a busy life playM .... HOQIST , , NOTES 1119 evervWl!ere under the sunl In fine Cotton Gabardinll, Sanchurch. Elected Tonight. Friday. at 7: 30 p.m .• foraed, Merc~raed and sun-and-water tasted. In I~ sharp solid A. Ray Thbmpson. Wallingford. the congregation is urgently. Incolors. Saes 9-20. 3,95. . has been elected second viceTRINITY NOTES vltedto attend an open meeting GAB BRA • • • holds its shape and yours due to the exclusive There will be a celebration of president of the Philadelphia at the church tor ~e l'urpose of Electric Company's "Quarter CenJannen miracle fabric, PellonG:l ••• the best shape-insurance II reviewing and approving the the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock tury Club". The club's 28th angal can have! Bottom-banded. too. for firm support, and the and again at 11 o'clock Sunday plans for the rem<>ll of "Get Ready for Summer" Services 8anda:F, 'une 8 the Holy Communion will be beld 8:00 A.M.-Holy CommllDion. at 7: 15 a.m. Wednesday, and at 9:30 A.M.--ch1U'Ci!. s.ihOol· (Ird 8 o'clock Wednesday evening , CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK the Bible Study' Group will grade and up). l-(:HANGE TO SUMMER OIL PLUGS ,. 11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. me9t.. Wl\lter on is too thin for' 1i!'.m. 11:00 A.M.~hurcll SchOol SesDirty sparle plugs can waste as much weather. We drain it--and refill alon. (2nd grade down). .The Men's Club of TrInity as lout of every 10 gallons of Summer type Sunqco 01 7:30 P.M.~Young People's Fe!- church will sponsor tJ:Ie Annual 2 CHANGl' TO IUMMIR GRA, gasoline. lowshlp. ParilIh PiCl)lc whim will be held . Tv","y, .._ 8 at tl;Ie Old MIll In Rose Valley LUBRICANTS 7--CLEAN AIR FILTER 5:30 P.M.-Evening !'wayer. Friday• June 11. starting at 5:30 Drain transmission and rear refin Wec1n••• .,.. ,nile' 0 Lets your engine breathe easier with Sunoc:o AII~J'urpose Gaar lu7:15 A.M.-Holy CoIIIWu.n!OIl. p.m. ' lceeps. dirt out of the carburetqr. bricant - specially made to resist 8:00 P.M.-Bible stUdy. Jl'rlday. , _ 11 . high pressure and heat. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES 8-DUIN ANTI - FREEZE AND 5:30 P.M.-Ev{!ning Prayer. 3 CHASSIS LUBltlCATION FLUSH RADIATOR The importance of understand~ Special Lubricant used to help keep THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS God and man from the standout squeaks and wear. Won't dry OF FRIENDS -ADD RUST RESISTANCE point of spiritual causation will !!'!t, won't wash out, won't squeue Sanda:F, 'nne • If you have permanent anti-freeze, 11:00 A.M. "'" Baccalaureate at be stresseq at Christlllll' Science Cll!fl HtID. Im~'" JJ_as mileage. services Sunday; When the subClothier Memorial. it for next winter. BriIl9 ycur lOve 4--CHECICOIL FILTER M="y, .1_ 'I jeet of the Lesson-8ermon Is own container. . ' ~ct cartridge and check for All dav sewing for A. F. S. C. "God The Only Cause And , -,~~", . CHECK.UP O. TIRES , Creator". . 5--BATTERY SERVICED All day ~. A.• .s.c. Correct "Swit~" Improves the The Golden Text is from RevWinter is especiaRy tough on batmileage. We cian: also have yovtr elation (4' 11): "Thou art worthy. teries. W. check strength. clean tertires recapped. if n..ded. o LOrd. to receive glory and honminals, acid distilled water. our and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thY • pleasure they are and were created." The pubHc is cordially invited •. , ...... < .. "'"Stat. Fiberglas cabinet forTty it yourself. For just pennies a ~ you cau own a usAIRco room air OtMat. __• See it touo:IOW. tacky Is the bride who receiftll e1ec:abl .... A _ . klDp, radio, or co/H:emaJrer holds the promhe of pl.sant, convenient JBJoa die ,.u 'ftIIUld. on.. 8ft elecnical gifts £Or tm:rf _ _ die . . . a.- yoan lit your elecuiClll , • 403. DA.RTMOUTH AVENUE the motorist cOIllI_9 towant yoa • • • YOUI" STEERING WHEEL wlJl ... p you OD the rlgh' e.ereods rust problems! 19c large. head , "dIN. Have you. car eli........ : B. . . . . It I. _ _ _ _,~•• at.,."'.ehaoileal condltloD ••• that your ~_ BRAKES w11l hold If.a,c.lld.darts yoar ' polh ••. Your TIRES W08't ...d on wet road. ••. Yoar HORN wlJl wa .. ot.... w.o caD'. ••• you ••• Yoar HEADUGHTS wo." bJl.d , Local Hall GaUa. "For Summer Stoving" , ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~ Ii 2.5689 How 00 I keep SO fresb and cOol these 39c bunch 29c dozen 2Sc KI 4·0252 Tile Floors • Plastic Tile Modern Kitchens Alterations 1401 RldleyAvenue CHester 2-4759 24c bottle 25c ~.M. Springfield Laundromat Hellmann's Cream Style ..WIENERS· 53C Extra Special Formerl, :lBUTTER FRENCH DRESSING Oscar Mayer Rib Roast. :(~ Hellmann's Old Homesteact -- - ••';;.=.= ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - SWIFT'S· PREMIUM Florist ... . George H. Knerr of Villa Nova avenue, has been promoted to sergeant at Pennsylvania Military College where he is a senior. DiLuzio and Sons : 100 for $1.59 50 cups '1.15 (Continued trom Page 1) totaled about $15,000 or a $300 average raise. Expense side of the budget lists: general control, $11,770; tnstruction $357,670; auxiliary agencies, $11,100; operation, $39,890; maintenance, $\2,450; fixed charges, $30,570; deht service, $45,075; capital outlay, $192,875. Last year's budget totaling $858,050 listed higher debt service, capital outlay. maintenance and general control items. All other departments of the budget show tncreases for the new year, SO that current expenses represent $463,450 of the grand total although the latter is nearly $157,000 lower than last year. The 1953-54 current expense budget represented only $416,165 of over-all total. Variations in bond issue monies on hand during construction of the new elementary wing at Rutgers avenue prevent a simple comparative picture. Instruction alone jumps $39,000 for the new year, operation and fixed charges go up $16,000. Maintenance drops $8,000, a 40% cut. Property Chairman Samuel T. Carpented reported the new 'bullding ahead of schedule, with plastering to begin June 3, ripping into the old building for connection to slartthe minute school vacation begins on the 11th, and the all purpose room to be finished by August. Mrs. William H. Thatcher of H. Pedersen and children of Jr.: Private Isaac Johnston, Louis College avenue will entertain over Green Lane. Mr. Pedersen will Emmertt Congdon, Edmund M. Crenshaw, Walter C. Snyder, Sr., the w"!lk-end her son-in-law and participate in a fifth class reunion daughter Mr. and Mrs. Christian at Swarthmore College. (Continued trom Page 1) Lewis D. Yerkes, Charles F. annual ceremonies In memory of Dorey, Samuel Jr. ·Bennett. A those who gave thetr lives in the wreath was also placed at the $650 MONTHLY service of their country. He ex- grave of Cllarles F. Seymour, Sr., pressed the hope that the day's color S\!rgeant of the 30th Infan- Stcrrtin9 Ml1aI'J for 2 1.lcu.iye-type exercises might "deepen rev- try, 3rd Division tn World War I salesmen to represent lar,. Eastem erence for our dead, renew or. and a past commander of the financial c:arpora.lon. No fravel. Sales 504 Baltimore Pike pledge of loyalty to our country local Post. The prayer was offered aperlenc. and obiltty duir.d, its flag. and resolve us by I by the Rev. H. Lawrence Wbltte- lI,hld re,ldln', l5-4O ,eon Old. mOtword and deed to emphasize the more, Jr., rector' of TrInIty tled. capable of ollumlng re,ponsibllItles. In rlquestin9 'nt'l'Yl,w please privilege and duty of patriotism." Church. Indud. bri.f plrsonal hIstory. all The ceremonies formally openr.pllis confidential. Our lallsmen hay. Rear ParkIng Lot Firemen for U1e Day ed with the playing of the Nab..n Informed of thIs ad. &ole A. L. Rear Entrance Up 0 n the parade's return Swat!hmorean. tional Anthem by the Swarthmore High School Band. Postmaster Scouts, Band members, and 250 Snyder introduced Speaker Kulp 'civilian' small-try delighted tn following the invocation by the in their traditional excusions Rev. Joseph P. Bishop. pastor 'of aboard engines of the Swarthmore the Swarthmore Presbyterian Fire Company under the direction Church and chaplain of the of Eugene Finnegan and George Legion Post. HUm p h r i e s, assistant chiefs American flags were placed at Engineer James Dunn, William the foot of the memorial tablet at Hartman, Robert Boyle, Tbomas Park and Dartmouth avenues by Conway, Thomas Clay, George Scouts as past-commander How- Froebel, Robert Atz, Jr., and Fred ard G. Hopson read the local list Behenna of the local Volunteers, of World War dead. The Legion assisted by several tnterested The "Two-Ten" Handyman Auxiliary wreath was placed by fathers and mothers. Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest and the Charles Lukens and his AuxilLegion wreath by Ferris Mitchell. iary Police greatly assisted Chief After a three-volley salute by the of Police Thomas Bateman and eight-man firing squad from the his department in maintaining local Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bri- order and safety at exercises and gade and ''Taps and Echo" by the parade. Band, Mr. Bishop pronounced the -------MAY 1 - JULY 31 benediction and the Band played To Serve 6th Grade "America the Beautiful." Nell Wiseman's Fifth Grade, ---------------~----------To be a good party.!iDe aeighbor, remember to reIeue the George S. Myers !iDe reasonably Soon when _ eIee is waiting to OM it . . . aDd bang np pntly when you. find the !iDe ill OM. Your party-!iDe ueighbora will retum the cc.wt&y. Buill': 'eftc,. r.lepb"" ••,."ice fa,. alia.. tIN Ii... I ,. . . . . " .... 1 ( 1 . · "' Box 48 6 to I : .- d ...... m UlJ Pbi1adelpbia mectdc: ...... Be Model •••• LlVE ~ ir~.!t!'!!~~l\.,~i~,!.t!~l!~!~,.~4»I1..~~~". • • . . ' " . _ , , _ _ • F. , • SWAHTH~lOR. COLLIWE 1'111 SWAR'I'W'lOllEAN Hi9h School Seniors H. S. SENIOR WINS Prepare For June 8th REGIONAL SCI"'I (Continued from Page 1), John McCahan, American Legion Award In Social Studies; Ann 'Lord, Rotary Club Award In Latin; Vance Tucker, Community Award In Biological Science; Judith Ammerman, National Honor Society· Award for Service; Joan Edgley, D.A.R. Award in Contemporary Problems; Gwen Adams, Award for Excellence in Home Economics; Barbara Cobots, Award In Secretarial Studies. Peter Bloom and Janet Crothers will share the John Shafer KlIne Memorial Award in Music; and Roger Livingston and Thatcher Magoun will share the Donald B. Rutherford Memorial Award In Track. Tuesday at 8 P.M. At 7 p.m. Tuesday, the class in their caps and gowns will assemble in front of Martin Laboratory for the official class picture. At 8 p.m., to the traditional strain!:i of "Pomp and Circum- stance," the class will begin the processional to the stage of Clothler Memorial Hall where the graduation exercises will take place. The choral reading of the class will consist of the One Hundredth and Twenty-Third Psalms. The Senior Choral Group, Including Barbara Cobots, Alice DeCalndry, susan Hansell, Robert Clothier, John Conard, Richard Reese, Racheal Baughn, Janet Crothers, Janet Leavitt, Peter Bloom, Wllllam Haynes and David Jenkins will sing a special arrangements of "Now Thank We All Our God." There will be two addresses, one by Peter Bloom entitled ''UpTo-Date". He was assisted· In the preparation of the material by Mary Bunker, .William Cope and Ann Lord. John McCahan, president of the Class will speak on the topic "What Next?" Roiand Kenschaft will entertsln with a Euphonium Solo, ''Bride of the Waves," by Herbert Clarke. William Bu..h, Principal of the School will present the class for the diplomas which will be awarded by Donald P. Jones, president of the Board of School Directors. After the class song '1"itten by Kay Lanning, the class the foyer where they will sing the Alma Mater. The officers of the Class are: President John McCahan; Vice. president John Conard; Set\retary Ann Lord; Treasurer Winthrop Wright. TH~IlE'S Best laue .... 1954. ¥r. and Mrs. John W. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Nichols St. Mar. LOCAL MAN TO GRADUATE TODAY FROM ANNAPOLIS and family, '!4r. and Mrs. George tin Vorys of Yale avenue, who W; Patterson and family, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Yarrow and famlly of Swarthmore, held a picnic luncheon on Memorial Day at Valley Forge. A feature of the day was the trial run of the YarroWs, new boat on the Schuyl. kill River. Roger L. Livingston of Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luzern G. Livingston, has been awarded the Oberlin College Regional Scholarship for the Central Atlantic Region and will enter Oberlin as a freshman in the fall. Ranking in the highest quarter of his class at SwarthmOJ,'e High School, he has also participated in a variety of school activities. He was scenery chairman for the senior play, co-activities editor of the high school annual, secretary of Photography Club and Varsity Club, Cabinet representative. In Norill· Scputh Contest John Snape, a senior at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. and captaln of the lacrosse team, has selected to play in the NorthSouth lacrosse game on . Island, Friday night, June 11. Snape is believed to' be top scorer In the Umd during the past four years. The 5-11, 160 pound senior dented opponent nets for 146 goals during the four years he starred on the Hobart attack. Other records held by Snape are 10 goals for one ganw. scored as Hobart turned back Penn State 18·16 this year, and the one season high of 41 goals, scored this season. Snape Is also a Dean's List student and all-round campus leader. MORE IN ST~E FOR '54 Gr~~ion W,is,hesl CAMERA AND . ' :SHOP 405 Dal1mQ\,Ith .Ave"ue CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF '54 Swqrthm~rE: Bral'lc:;h Annual LeHer Banquet Held Last Night at H. S. Swarthmore High School's annual Letter Banquet was held last evening In the school cafeteria. Boys and girls Who had participated In botb athletic and non-athletic activlties were awarded· school letters and certificates as reCognition of their achievements. The event was sponsored by -the High School Student -Cabinet. Special guests for the occasion Included Henry (SandY.) Ford, All-American soccer player at Wesleyan, Conn.; ,John Snape, captain of lacrosse at Hobart and top scorer in the country; and Willi,1!ID McHenry o( WasbIngton and Lee, who was recently sel'1Cted as the most outstanding athlete of the year at the university. Frank R. Morey, supervialng principal, and William BUsh, high school principal and Girls' Coach· es Virginia Allen and MrI!. George P. Willets and BoYs' C""ches Millard Robinson and William Ii,eese were alJlOq speakers listed on the proi!ram. GRADUATING ",.'.,,,,... OF CLASS . I'! Heartiest HARRIS & CO. !!!lmnUlIIIIBIUlUllllnmunlluulllllllllnlllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllllDlllllllllnnmUlIilDllllIlllIDlliiiilllllnllllll1!! 3 3 !~ !~ CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF '54 II iii ;;; a § - W S' BITTLE & SON • • • , iii lind' I {:ongratulations •• '- > ~-". to § ~ 3 == ~ iii = the 1_ 3 Bh_illl,IIHIHIIIAIUlllmmDllllmft1mDlmnIlllllDlllummIIllllllllUIlIillllllllllIIIIi Class j '. I CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF '54 fIA~K of litE BARBER May You Continue to ProsperI 1954 CLASS OJ '$4 HOLLYHOCK SHOP MARK BAKER MARY BANKS SALLY BATES RACHEAL BAUGHN BEST OF Michael's LUCK TO ENTDTAIN CLASS OF "54 THE CLASS OF '54 College THE CLASS OF 1954 Pharmacy *** FUSCO MOTOR CO. "On the Corner" CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS CONGRATULATIONS! IlARTEL BROTHERS MICHAEL BENDER PETER BLOOM ARCHER BROWN MARY BUNKER ROBERT CLOTHIER BARBARA COBOTS JOHN CONARD CHERRY COOPER OUR HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 1954 4 Park Avenue GRADUATES * * ,.* , , * JOYCE LEWIS ALL HAIL , GWEN ADAMS GEORGE ALLISON JUDY AMMERMAN JOHN BADGER BEST WISHES TO THE ~ I!!~!!!!~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. H. Merle Mulloy of Winding lane, Media will entertain at a picnic on the lawn of their home this evening for members of the 1924 class of Swarthmore College. Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of Park avenue will entertain at cCJes; p r; DeBarrie Bovard., 4(,,-. 4dventurC -. • borah BrOwn, Cook, Cat and Dog, Ad ..., . . " Y~~~:r; ~~~n ~~ce, Ho~e.;. keeper, Pottery,Adventurer;Judy .. W C oIes, Cook, ~working, Games poiiei-Y; Adventurer, Dra~ . ti' , N d P an 810. ?'l'i ... an~y ~lld Virginia Craig, Garden Flowers, Adventurer, Pot~, 'Flve Ye!'" Pin. !:iusan Driehaus, Games, Pottery, 'Adventurer, Cook; Five tear J.'I"; 'Gowing, Pot~, !:ieamstress, Adventurer' Five y~r ;Pin; Joan Hawltins: Housekeeper, )'4:usician;' Adventurer, Filre ear Pin' Betsy Hicks "ot~,Adven~~,Cook,¥iV~ year Pin; Patty Narbeth HousekeePer" ro': D. ;McfJenrr of P!'IriSh Mrs. Jame:; J. Eglolf, the forC;!, Ra ph !>. ~ark Jr., of Park ~er Anne LukenS'; daughter of ~J;en:;~ and ISleve Snow of Wal- ;Mr. and Mrs. ~rles W; Lukens bY a'!tomo!?~e ~ ~1l4 ~ver~l de ~eeS' at'Nf I ~elve !>!,chelor pf Strath Haven avenue, will be daYS at sweet Briar. ~..., YI~hington anc;! Lee ~!lng the candlall and cap- als ' ti" th od' tained th t · 0 ac vo 10 m ern cjance ..... ,1, rr~f! ~a~ d~rmg ~s 5e~1ior club a~d ticie ated in ," 'h-ayear. He also lettered three limes m' al" '~'I' .. iP . . . . h~ . I 114 H ur sporUJ. r"~s sprIng s e won 10 acrosse. c enrr is a mem- th f th ." tsta di . ber of pte Delt~ Tau Delta 80e cup . or t e ou. n ng seruor . I f te't '. . woman a thle e. cIa ,r~,~. y. __ park, son ot Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jane AJlen, daughter of l\:fr. an~ p,,!~,"~ ~eivin" a Bachelor of !\irs. George M. Allen of Ri......... ~ll!nc~ 4!'~· lJe inajor«j in View ~!,a!i, is among th!, ~7. panpre-medicine. A ~ember of Phl "idates for the Bachelor of ArII1 Beta KapPa. and presi~en~ Of ~I! .(\JP/IB J';ps1lon Pelta pre-med degree at Weliesley College'. 78tji f~.te~tr, 'I!~~k ~~~~ ~ -J1~~ an~H~J ~q~T~cem~Rt Q~ ~.:. ~!lF ~s P'~~11"~ S~Iie college yearbook for 1953-54. ~'a !JI~!!i~t~q'hi ~appa $i1Pn" Jail';! 'Is Milo' a memil'er ;;Fziit.i social fg/,erl!j.!;y. . f:LAS~ ~64 Alpha ~cle~y, an ex~a-curric­ ~~apne ·:r.1owman~ ·Child . ~~~~, ~!?!l ~~ ~~ ~. c. ~~ow ular organization open 10 juniors Adven~Urer, POltery, ~ve Year "!!I!i ijr~~ !! ~ac/le!or III SciPin. ence aegn>e from the School of and seJ!iors at Wellesley w)Jo are . Jj:e' is a of Interested in modem drama. norothy Prentice Adventurer, Commerce. .. , . n", ,> .' • ",1·-' '. • · " A 'W' .' , . . . PhI Y~Dpa Slltma sOClallrafernlty P ottery; nne atkins Adven- -,1'1 p., • . ..... .. --"... - ..... '. - Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Brad21, S~UTH, C~tESTER ROAD turer, Five Year Pin; Nancy Web}I'I~ Wal~ Daelw,fler, Jr~ ford of Swarthmore avenue will ber' ?hofOlfra~"er, gOi3i.eketlpeir SWarthmore 6-0401 Handywolnan, Pottery,' Adven- daughter of Dr. and !'-Irs. L. G. leave P! ",o~ ~ex~ ~"""!,y to Livingston of Morton, a' can- attend the graduation exercises turer; Caroline Webster ... , Pottery ' didate for 8 Bachelor ot Fine at the University of the South iJous.e/is B.A. degree. . ,. . . - . . . . . .... be' held on &Unday afternoon, June !:i....1Ul Whicher Potlery, Ad- 6, at ~ on the Grey· Towers cam- Their son-in-law and daughter M.r. !1m! Mrs. John W. MCCB1Wl"Y venturer; Rosemary cadigan, Adpus, Glenside.' WIll arrive by plane from Miami, . , ve~tu~er; Mary Lou Gray, Ad·MrS: '. Daetwyler, the 10rmer Fla., to also attend the graduation. venturer, Cat and Dog; Janet Jester, Adventurer, Pottery; Caro- Carol Jean Livinll~lon ~ ~radu"te William C. Morrow will reline Adventi..rer Pot~ of !'lw~~o!e ~g)l Sc)lool, ma.. MacNair:; . jOred in.' r~fnting at Beaver ceive his B. A. degree at HIrani tety; 13etsy ?4cKeag, Adventurer; where she was a member of the College Commencement exerSondra Skoglund Adventurer', Susan Wright, Adventurer, Cat 'l'heatre Playshop, the decoration cises on June 6. '1'j1e son of Mr. cominl.ttees 'for the Frei;JuDan apd Mrs. W. C, Morrow of Hara~d po~. " . Dance, 'the Soph Hop,' and 'the vard avenue, Bill is a member Junior Pr!lm "nd 'the !'-lay Day of the Alpha Society, the hlghest Dance. MrS: Daetwyler was $0 scholas);/c-ilonor at the ~ent, Ohl6 ~~~ Bq~~b~1I T,~.,. Mr. and Mrs. Chqrles H. Grier, 1.~ the publicity chairman for 'the college. Athletic Association, a .student • , .... t.. ," • , • 19 ~outh C~~~,~r ~9~~ The Swarthmore Recreation counselor, and a member of the Faulkner, daughter ot AssOciation BaSeball Team made ju~io~ y~~ ~ac~e ~am. . Mr.Jeryl and Mrs. Edwin J; FauUmer, its .openirlg bid for -Ia successful . .' '., ,. •• " ,-" sum~et season' 1uesday night John Snape, son of Mr. and Dickinson avenue, is a candidate wp'e~ It ~oOk ~ow~ul 11 to 5 Mrs. '~. ioy' Snape ~f Harvard for t1!e degree '1f ~ache,or of victo~ over Aldan. Coach Bill avenue, will receive his Bachelor Arts J\!ne .'from ~ollins~qllege. While at Rollins, Jeryl was a Reese ~pparenHY had the perfect of Arts degree "Iii econoriiics and '!lember ot Kappa Kappa Gamma c~mbhiatici~' in ';"pp'i!Jl¥ ~iS pYSchol~gy at ~obarr Colle~e bve j)Bttery ot Richard' Gurin exercises 'to be held June 1'3" 'in Sorority sen1n~ ''!'' ~~tary her pltcller, and Seth Singleton, cat- GtesiAwartl, presented by the d~nt of her senior year. Cadet' Ht~~. to Firmer Footing \ ~. ~ "" Air Reserve Offlcers Associatiorl, In addition he is' a charter memMarian !of. Ransburg, qaughMrs. Clara M. Bates of New FQf.. ¥qllr . .... "', .. Future ber ot the iJobart chapter the ter of Mr. and' Mrs. F:' T.'·RansYork City, whlle ViSiting her son Nation,,1 Anlold Air SOciety ~nci bUrg, of Harvard avenue, was Dr: JOrui R. Bates and fruiiJiy of the first graduated ' iro';"· West 'CheSter North c::hester road, will show is the commander' celebrated Miniature FrCnch cadet troUI? to complete the ad- state Teachers College, at compoodle, "Misty Demon" at the vance A. F. R. O. T. C. training mencement exerciseS held laSt weSt Chester. program at Hobart. He will re- week' '" in Rose Tree Dog Show, Sunday. ceive his commission as a second Marian rCCf>iveq.· tpe de~ of Mr. and ~s. Arfhu~ Jenlieutenant on -June 13~ and enter Bachelor of Science in' elenings and son Toby of Sprlngthe Air 'Cadets in Novemb~. mentary education. ". .. field, N.J. were visitors over the 102 Park AV~PM~ holiday week-end with Mrs Jennings parents Mr. and Mrs.' H. F. Brown of North Chester road. wm will Success CLASS OF '54 to the l, Class of 'JJT qF LUCK. ~ OF \ 1954 em: RQberfs Cleaners 'member = ........ -.-. I, •.•••••• '. ' • • ' is " * , - " OUR VERY BEST WISHES TO . . , CLASS OF '54 ..... " May all your Wishes " UTILITY SHOP . Wins Opener', a elfec- DEW DROP INN NANCY NEWNA~[ DICK HEESE HOSE ALICE HlCIIAHDSON HOBEHT SCHULTZ PEGGY SCHU~[ACHEH JOEL SINGLE :,\[AHYELLEN SNAPE ANTIIONY SOBCZAK BOB STILWELL LO[S STOHLAZZ[ PAT STUAHT JANETH TilmIPSON VANCE TUCKEH :,\[AHY WOELFEL HOB WH[GHT Be Fulfilled N:' THJ: a1 , • 1 '. • has .,... • _ .' • J SUCCESS * TO THE of TO THE CL4SS OF 1954 CLASS OF 1954 'Vith the sincere wish that all yom' HANNUM & WAITE amhitions will he fulfilled 9 South Chester Road *** Chester Roads $"01 IHO' Swarthmore 6·1250 5 & 10e Store Swarthmore S. ",1' Graduate! Do your best to present yourself WI'HES TO THE 'iP'9I'ATES B.J.HOY 2 Park Avenue CELIA Con9r"tul~t;ons. Yale and BOUQUET BEAUTY SALON of \ MAY CONTINUED SUCCESS 8~ YOURS INGLENEUK TEA ROOM to God as one approved, a workman who has no need to be asha~ed, rightly handling the word of truth. " Tim, 2: 15 R.S.V. SECOND EXPOSURE Page II June 4, THE SWARTIlMOREAN feel, SCHOOL HIGH SWAR TH,"ORE GRADUA TING CLA S S OF Success ~LAS~ Qf'~ t i",' • -,," ",- to the .. j,' Class ~ ~~, ::';' '-. ~. ..: ,.'" q~ ~~~~ of ~LAS~ Of~~ ~ ~. I . . ., \ 1954 ~ert's ~ , Cleaners .' "~'U:TH,C~EST~R ROAD SWarth"",. * ~, ~UR YE~Y BE~T \V~~tll5$ r~ C'-ASS OF '54 May all your UTILITY SHOP' Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Grier .... . - " . ~. ... .1 1? .~~uth 9~~'r "~~~ Wishes DEWDRePINN NANCY NEWNAM DICK REESE ROSE ALICE RICHARDSON ROBERT SCHULTZ PEGGY SCHUMACHER JOEL SINGLE MARYELLEN SNAPE ANTHONY SOBCZAK VANCE TUCKER MARY WOELFEL ROB WRIGHT BOB STILWELL LOIS STORLAZZI PAT STUART JANETH THOMPSON Be OF .-.!: 1954 CONTINUED T;:J~f-.\."1-;'~"'~' .;.~(. Fulfilled SUCCESS * TO THE TO THE CLASS OF 1954 CLASS OF 1954 'Vith tbe siucere wish that all you.. HANNUM 'fI.~f r-, to Ffrrne",'ootfng . '~r Future - CELIA ~"Ol IHO' &WAITE ambitious will be fulfilled BOUQUET BEAUTY SALON 9 South Chester Road ** Yale and * po . , " WllttES TO THE Chester Roads tNlt'ATES B.J.HOY Swarthmore M,AV YQur be~t to Pfesentyp,ur~~lf to God as one approved, a workman who has no need tp be ashamed, rightly handling th, word of truth. .' CQ~INUED SUCCESS I~ VPURS .... ". -;-°r\,', 6-1250 2 Park Avenue Swarthmore INSLENIUK III .~OOM ,\" II Tim. 2:15 R.S.V. . I! '. . • . :'". • 5 & 10e Store : C - " . ItNt ., r.... . fer H... ..,.".. Local Civil D~ense Dr. and Mrs. Henry ;r. Well· and 0; 'South ctiesier road retUrned !alit Frld8y'frOm a eom· blned business and' pleasure trip IOI11T 11000 IW Wllf-W'" Deys JOSE'H ·SW....._6-27I1 1:~S1~W~6-~I"~'~.~_;~.~s~ ••~.~II!~r=!ltocountrieS EurOpe. They visited nine ~ during their two month tour. They sailed on ~ Queen . . t -- h .THOM SEREMIA. Mary and returned OIl he ... =c UPHOLSTERING LIne L1berte . _ _ ........_ _ I' _r..... HIlI .-. . .... -lIoa M... • IS ,"" ... '-============~ .''5••"'_" 6-144. WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes &: Rubbish Removed · Lawns Mowed, Geuenl . Haulinlr . U8 .......un. A ..... 1IIo.....n. .a. ~ !ff.!: -C)l'()8!~ WILL DB RB- awol 01 the Prlday. l'llol,e Swarthmo'n . ~2'52.'1 ,"!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, ,.. CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL !~..o;;;;-;' wise stated In' advertisement) balance aDd' bidding aIleets In tan d"JB. Other conditione on· day _y be obtained at the 0lIl00 of the of .....e. . . OIlIer ClerIt.OOUrt; Houae. MedIa. Fa.. PDmIPACIAS' (ALIAS) No.IOS6 !Lot of' grouDd "'. tildg. S1t.: In Dela_. • J. F. BLACKMAN 8W 1-1111 --------- . Charles E. Fischer 8UILDER Swarthmon6-2253 1 - - - ~----==----------- Jack Prichard PAINTING and warr J ..OB.AW11'OJI.D. A .... 1It-1I-91 00UDt,' N. BlCbteoD Media, ·Del. CO•• PB. '" d ..... accordIng to plan 01 ClTeen Hili Manor mad•. by Q. D. Houtman, C. ill: dated 11/28"7. t"lIowa: Beg. at· pt. on· S.B.erly aide ,01 .N. RIdge lid., ·whlcb pt, 1t 203.6' mea. N. 69 dog. 22' i!l. along ...Id aide of N. Ridge lid. tr. Inter· .. JR. ccm>m'''nn_ c. tJ>raugI1,the ...~ mes.. boundtd N. ad. grantees B. by Llndwoad Bldg. '" L. Ida belong'g toP. Otis Br;;Mt: Potter St.. OI1eate<'. Fa, ,'. Improvements oonBl8t of ..' 9 tram.. twin house III x 22 teet • one story trame ailed 12 " 6 teet. Bold 88 the pr~ crt Fran"," Forbes and RIta lot. PorbI!a, hle·wUe. Atty: GeoI'ge H. Claaa. l!l1!q. 8W-4 P. A. SNBAB. Jr.. Shorllf. lid. Oont. In fr. or br. along tbe s. elde 01. N. ;RIdge Rd. N. 69 dog. 22' Ii. 96.6'. aDd ext of t .. wldtll In I. or d .. S. CLASSIFJED ADS Bxpedenee 6._ ~. . PamUy"s n_. ,VAN ALEN a A C,JI· . . . WA 8·2440 ,. ARANTle FUEL OIL .nd and HOLIDAY!!! COAL FIREPLACE, WOOD JaA. GREEN . ~arthmore 6-07~ I' Fancy Golden cans' , \ ......... , I' , . aod heating equipment SlIlrllrce ..a"all••'e to our customer. on m.le. of . . . oil (e';.'- payment pl~n on 011 bills. Automatic dell"erles of 011 during the heatlllg .J' Many Attractive Homes Available Baird & Bird ... SW 6-0108' Realtors . -. - .. ; ' . , •, Opposite .o~ug' Han . - ,., ' .., POST Ii 1I51a ...>. , • ,• 1 : .H.ason , ,," ,, • " " < I hmill..d, standard Coal ...z ..J ..J a:: 0 u .....~ 3 46-00 COD. $1.00 ,9dmI Apricot Nectar 6 16-00 caDI $1.00 ,9dmI Apple Sauce F..., 4 :It....... $1.00 Hunt's Cling Peach•• 4 -..... $1.00 HI·C Grape Drink. .4 46-00- $1.00 HI·C Orange Drink r9dmI Grapefruit Jqlee 5--$1.00 Odeal Cranberry Sciuee 6 16-0...... $1.00 Playboy DOg Food 6 15-00 ...... 1.00 • lh • • • , '-1 • He 12 lO~o()I '100 Tomato Soup 16c POST 5 I/derrl Condensed lU302 ana Pi.aiA_PL. T~ 6 ., ....... ~''''", .44114:41(" ,f. u. s. 1 : '100 11. tpt.,,,.tuli ....,. Graded Otoice STEAKS ' ~79C REI"'I 'R Rib N.w HiP ill . ""·1,,,."-_, . lirloin, T -Bone, Porterhouse ~~~--~---c---­ Regular Ground ...., Frankfurter. Laa_IIndAII 1 ( _ u. s. I • CIaoica - Ofta RIady RIB ..ROASt Fresh Kil1ed Loag Island "", "."". INCLAI. R- .useo ' . -.j , ...-,.,• AND PO Swarthmore and Vicinity SWEETPEAS _-,.----,,, I ;n;t;;;;;__.""======_ . 8 ~$10016c Farmdale Large OIL ,;. ,; 2k lk OOLLEGE I -- . ·SW6·4041 ~UND"YlI I I \ Serve . I ' .- George Myers' TIIONDAY TBRU SATURDAY NOON· ....' ... -'" fo~" ... . OIL BURNER SERVICE , i Turkey Brand lU300 \ SW 6-4742 .... Passmore ' ..\ 5 $1° 0 -TOMATOES . 2!:.~ ;;;k&8eanl 10 ~ $1°.° .1Jr/MI:I. WHOLI. CORN 7 1~ $1°° 16c \ POST 2 Ridley Parte . H 0 ' .. SALI 'Ol1C5 AGREE SAV. A'I lIeM. 200 W. Ridley Ave. · Sheet Metal Work _~ ," " ", v<. DO ~1 " -============ FOR SALE - Top quallty toP"' spc'~ib)~ woman. soU, $10.00 load. Call Warren core 8-4251. Pierce. SWarthmore 8-2078. PERSONAL - Television. radio SWarthmore 6·8761 FOR RENT and appliance repairs - prompt FOR RENT _ Large. comfortable service. TV sets repaired In the . rooin. Homelike surroundings. home. Robert Brooks, SWarth· Convenient to transportation and more 8-3889 or SWarthmore Stea.rooms. Telephone SWarth. .:19::..:.:7~.._ _~===__'--_ more 8-41U. WANTED Roofia. Gatten FOR RENT-Media Apartment- WANTED - High School girl de· large living room. 2 bedrooms. sires baby sitting job In July Air Coadltlonla. , tile bath. kitchen. private enor August. Experienced In baby Heatln, t ran c e. Near transportation. sitting and summer recreation 011 • Ga•• banen Adults. $80. Av:iUable June. work. Can cook, sew and dlIIve. MEdIa 6·1870 and MEdIa 6·0153. Please cali Nancy.'Carroll, FOR RENT - APAR.i'JIiitN'f In SWarthmore 6·2988• Swarthmore. H. B. Passinore. WANTED _ Electric washer, ice SWarthmore 6·5510. .. bucket - sUver or metal. Also FOR RENT - Furnished _ July card tables. Box C, The Swarth. 41 SWmll.nDn6-074G 1 to September 15 - new stone morean. h 0 use In Swarthmore HIlls. WANTED _ High School girl de. Sweeney & Clyde. CHester 3· sires baby sitting during sum· . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - . . " ii61;;;'~1;.,' mer months at shore or moun· FOR RENT - Comfortable room. tains. Excellent references. Call den and bath for gentleman. MEdIa 6·3452. Phone SWarthmore 8-'133. W~ANTED~;,;;.:.-=~C ..O ..~-,-T,=EG=E"'S"'t"'u"'d-en-:ts:FOR RENT -. Avalon. N.J. - have fun and ea.-n a good beach front apartment, ;rune Income this summer In' contact ~F~mJle anl'l July. two weeks or by month. sales - children'. and women's Reply Box B., The Swarthmorean. apparel. For Information onH~T CLearbrOllk 9·1325 between 7 .......... . . . _ -~ ... MAI. . . ' .,·at their mothers were in- canoe and two regular canoes. t Mr d M B will Those p artIcIpatI n gwill In- vlted guests. Patrol I, Carol Goff cemen • . anTexas ~t rown tbIIR , After arrlval and setti ng up fly to Victoria, clude: leader, presen+":' . 1aw and d aughter Mr. and ~ dolls from nine camp, the boys spent . the. after. son-lnLiUl an F a irba nks ,Lea Ann ,'r,d ~~gn countries, Each girl had noon and eveni~ m SW1~ng, Mrs. Robert J. Stewart. They will Chucker Kurtzhalz, Susan Brlice,l :vlsitild. the library and collected fishing and boatmg. Winding up later vacation in Mexico and on Barbara Donahue, Ba.rbara Gar- infonnation about the country of the day wi~ a campfire ceremoy. the West Coast before· their rerison, Jean Harris, Carol and Hel- the doll and Sheila Clark. Caroline ClifJord, Reynolds, Don Little, Andy Box• EdIth Bunting. Pam. Engle,. Nancy Goff, Jean, by, Kelly Murphy and Frank An,.._ _ _. .;.._ _ _ _ _ _... Hams, Manan Hemenway, Har- drew' and Recruits Bob Lowe dence generations of ri~t Hudgins, Linda Jones, Judy Bill Nickerson, Dwight Sipler, Ed How C.rI.tI". ScI••ce H ••". famdi... have placed In UI. Lincoln, Peggy Lowe, Grace Mc- Borer and Bill and Bob Warden. Jem Mi..,:.:.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dennott, Susan Martin, ''HWING THE AFTER chener, Virginia Moir, Joan San- JOAN BLANTON WINS EFFEa5 OF WAft' born, Anne Stauffer, Bianca StorAUX. ESSAY CONTEST I ROGER RUSSELL = -r:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i CONFIDENCE w. til"", • WI' "10 IC) S.d.y. 9:4& A.M. THE OLIY..... BAIRCO. lazzl. Troops 10 and 19. closed the year ,ml'i!.,a joint outing at Smedley Did you' know that in, the· . ~a~k: on Wednesday. The girls Swarthmore Co-op, and in all enjoyed a wienie roast and an Cooperatives. membership is afternoon of fun and games. The open to all. regardless of fl!lce;' girlS cit these Troops are: politics. or religion? You 'can .', Eloiliie Abbe, Constance Chamloin ~nd yo~ will be we!i:ome:, 1?!'rn.tqrul Donovan, Susan Fuller, It IS also Important to'mow Frances Gibson, Linda Hunt, Jane that in a. Co-op earnings· are Jackson, Helen Morrison, Martha divided in proportion to Jour Ann Moscrip, Faith Rogers, purchases, and that a fixe in. Betsy Schad, Suzanne Sturgiss, Jerest is paid on stock. LeSlie Walmsley, Emily Barnett. The Swarthmore Co.op· Lee Ann Bauer, Julie Brooks, , .Food Store Mary Coles, Dorothy Gatewood, (across from 80ro Hall) June Marshall" Joan Plowman, ~=========~=~ Gaynor Shay,Jan Jody Skoglund, .~ Kathy Titus, Turner, Judy CO-ED BEAUTY Tyson, Dee Wagnon, Susim Wigton. DIlmou o. PUNmALI Joan Blanton, a junior In the Swarthmore High School, wlls named the winner In the essay contest sponsored by the Swarthmore Legion Auxiliary. 1820 CHISTNUT STRIIT /MAY A. 1AIa. OUVD H. IAII, ........ Telephone RI 6-1511 III Saw it in The Swarthmoreano'" 'You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" i~~= ~ffi~rF~;;:=;::~~ FOR SUMMER COOL LINGERIE ... GET THIS CHARMER· .......'..::=~~HESTER'S:...;F.~as~h-ion~CO~r-ne-r FROM EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. SPEARE'S SALON Closed Wednesdays Opera Thuraday Nigh,. PARK and DARTMOUTH A~ S.vartblnore 8-181S 4JOII,fI.... SLUMBER SET SUffiffi£ V8&81\On's perfect for billell or lounging, tool HAVE A RUBBER STAMP MADE FOR MARKING YOUR OIILDREN'S QOTHING NO CUTTING - NO SEWING Ca.not be Palled off Clottllllg You'lI .Ieep. lounge. play and even work around the jlatlbOtouP Jl\ltn1Jtim •• '1' . .AI •• nK CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 405 Dartmo... Avell•• west Cochrane • _ Wed. at I '.101. 510.......... , ATLlIITlC ctn Pr,"d,. house in this enchanting. ballet·skirted beauty be· cause it comes with separate. matching shorts. It's newly styled with unexpected Touches. Full" cut shorts. Jaunty little collar. Sizes 32 to 40. UN6ERIE Fint FJoor. SW;, ETH~fOlt. cuUJ,;UBl Ll is J',A RY , . ..' JUN 111954 ~RTHM6REAN . Alert Monday SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1954 VOLUME 26-NUMBER 2.4 - Alert Citizens for Air Raid lest ' S ometime' Mon., Between 9-2 I I I a Air Raid Coliegr Library Bridge Party June 30 Mothers' Club Aid Nurses' Fund Names Chairmen To A summer bridge party will be ··Air Raid A1.ut Monday 13.50 PER YEAR Summer School Ben Tolls for Mon., June 21 held the end of this month for the benefit of the Nurses' Educational Loan Fund and other spe- Six Week Session Will elal projects of the Community Close July 30 Health Society of Central DelaAt S.H.S. Sometime between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday, June 14, ware County. The affair will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, June 30 By tradition, gentle June clobthree air raid warning signals will serit out on statewide in the Woman's Club of Swarthbers the school bell and conjures basis. The first will be the "Lemon Juice" signal, a code name more, Park- avenue. up in the minds 01 many, the lazy, for the "yellow" warning. This signal will be for county and A committee of Swarthmore sunny days of ease and relaxa- . local Civil Defense personnel only. The second, the "Apple board members comprised of tion. ,To some, however, (usually Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr.• Mrs. parents andlor teachers) it Is a Jack" or "red" alert will be the public's first and only warnD. Mace Gowing, Mrs. H. Lind- golden opportunty to pursue ing of a simulated (or real) air raid. The coded "Snow Man" ley Peel, .and Mrs. Charles Luk- further' academic endeavors In the or "white" :all-clear will:end the pra~ticealert. ens are rapidly completing the dear old summer school; and to The red signal is at~ minute warbling of sirens, or plans. Tickets may be obtained others, further academic endeavfrom any Swarthmore board O!"S In the dear old school in the short blasts on the: whistles. The ,white signal is a one· member. at the Bouquet Beauty good old summertime, is a bleak minute steady blast, of sirens or whistles, then two minutes· IS,.IOll, or at the door on June 30. necessity. of silence; then,a one minute steady blast, followed by two A similar party Is being held In . But regardless of viewpoint, minutes of silence, and· concluding with the third one minute Springlleld on the same day. This Swarthmore High will open Its steady blast: .' , Mrs. Howard Y. Clymer, pres!.. party, 'which wlU benellt the Because this "Operation Alert" dent of the Swarthmore Mothel')! same causes, Is In Charge of board doors June 21 for Its 1954 Summer Session. And for six weeks Is to be a test of public reactioo Club. has annow.ced committee members f~m the districts out- (until July 30), the doors will to semi-surprise warnings as well 'I chairmen for the coming year side of Swarthmore. remain open from 8:30 to 12:30 as a teSt of ' volunteer defense a~ follows: Monday through Friday for puplls workers avatlable during the dayMrs. James L. Jezl. ~elePhone; (Continued on Page 8) light hours, the State CD authorThe Swarthmore and Rutledge Mrs. Vernon Urbani, weliare; and ities have not announced· a dell- School Boards met Monday eve- Mrs. Charles Schrader, publicity. ning in Swarthmore High School The announcement was made nlte time for the signals. Swarthmore wm make the with County Superintendent Carl ':t the board meeting held Monday alert a real test ot actian, and G. Leech and his assistants evening at the president's home Receive Honorary the control center will "fan-out" George Croyle and Clyde Dalton on Park avenue. At the same Four Degrees at College !he teSt signals to clvll defense to discuss a possible jointure. time, chalnnen were named for personnel. Auxiliary police and Dr. Leec'h presented a study of the special events scheduled on Monday Two Girls Win Blazers air wardens will be called out to comparative data of the two the winter calendar. Swarthmore College cooferred For Play On 7 stop traffic; people on the street communities including population, Mrs. J o~ Gersbach will be in degrees upon 200 grsduates at will be asked to seek s1}elter; school enrollment, financial worth, charge of the Kiddie Karnival in Varsities and routine transmission of mes- and taxes. After consideration of the fall; MJ;s. Randolph will head its Commence.....ent exercises MonSwarthmore High School's Letsages will be carried out, between the size, wealth, and school prob- the annual fasbion sbow; Mrs. H. day morning In the Scott Outdoor Auditorium, and' conferred four ter Banquet honoring boys and the live posts (Shown In, the map lems of eaah district he listed ., , L e l a n d ClifJord will plan published last week In The Swar- eight problems which, IIbould be spring danCe, and Mrs. EdmulDd honorary deg1'ees' to outstanding girls who have participated In thmorean) and the control center. welghed suah as advantages to Jones will· take charge of the citizens of the country. athletic and non-athletic activities Those recel11ing the honorary during the year, was held ThursAll but emergency traffic will the districts, how .to allocate Father's :Nlght progr&.n. degrees were Philip n. Reed'L. be stopped 00 the red signaI, and costs of new sehool construction. · D day, June 3, In the school cafe. residents. 'Should take self-pro- and operating expenses, whether In eiective offices, are Mrs. E.' L • D ot Henty C a dbury L • L • . J " Lawrence Conwell and Mrs. Helm: Elmer· Davis (In· absentia) L. H. terla. 11 tective action. So' that localresl~the union wOl,lld apply to a and,Jamesl\iliclianer. L. if•. Di ... Bop ylothi'l'", president ot StuFive resident8from swartlmiorli dent Cabinet whlch sponsors the and tbe neighboring area· were annual event, was Master of CerUst will be given ilgain at the end ci8ss~. !tnd whether a jointure among those graduated with emonies. Others taking part In the of this article.. or mergllr would prove the more honors. In the, division of the so- formalities were Joan Edgly who Those with' appointments, or benellclal . clal sciences Edith Hay of Har- gave the blessing, Frank R. who plan to use public transporAt the end of the meeting the be a School' B'oards Confer On Future Jointure Philip D. Reed Gives Commencement Talk High School Banquet uonors Letter Winners n ~=~~rh:~:'!'te.n:s,P:! :1-'o1··~iy"Pfo"eDi!ghtw~~; ~~~uidt;~ia~~'~' Select. Taylor For Writer Work yard avenue received honors. In Morey, supervising principal who lation between 9 a.m. and 2 sChool directors, reil1izing the the division of the humanities welcomed, the gnests, and Sandy p.m. next Monday should 'allow need 'for more Information than in Elizabeth. RaSh Brown of Har- Ford; representing the Alumni. , lor a 10 to 20 minute delay. was af hand, asked Dr. Leech to Regional Conference vard avenue received highest FIrst on the program of awards June 14 has heen designated, as make a detailed and compreheilhonors: Ralph Sawyer Brown, was the presentation of cedlllPhiladelphia Next a day· for CIvil Defense Activl- slve stur;iy of all educational and Jr., Harvard avenue high honors; cates by Frederic Yocum to all ties and there will very UkelY IInancial aspects of a cooperative Week . and Dena J. Dannenberg, also seniors with their athletic and bea SECOND Alert ,DurIng The effort between the two districts E. H. Taylor, 300 Harvard av_ Harvard avenue received honors. activity achievements recorded. Early Evening· Hours at which for presentation ·at an~tl)er comenue, associate editor of Country In the division of mathematics Other awards were as tallows: lime the public will again he bini!1 Petrlng Busllman of Greenwich, Conn., ,",GU, ColIl!t- "'y•••• announce the ena:aa:eDient of their ment of an~logy at the UniMEMBERSj:j PS AVAILABLE daughter, Mlsa J'anet Bushman, verslty of Peruisylvanla he to Mr. Douglas Murray Sears was the author of many' pubUSingle, SIO: Double, $15; FamilY,SI7.50: Junior, $3 Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. cations on the culture of the CaU SW 6-2182 or Media 6-2170 Steven M. Spencer of Ogden avAmerican Indian. The bride studTENNIS LESSONS FOI CHILDRIN ,.15 YEAIS enue. ied nt the Philadelphia ConservaF"lYe Weeb _ Two one-hour lessons weekly Miss' Bushman attended the tory of Music and the University For Junior Members ($3) - 10 Lassons, $5.00 Country Day. School, Rosemary of Pemisylvanla. She was a teachMrs. Inn"l Foley, Indruc:+or . HaIl in Greenwich and Is now a er at the FrIends School.. Media Call SW 6-3783 or SW 6-6230 seruor at Swai-uunore . . College. last year. Registration JUNE 21st. '.10 a.m. on tllliCourts After graduating from SwarthThe groom Is also the son of the (Limited to 40) JUNE BRIDE late Dr, L. M. Hartmann, formmore mgh School, Mr. Spencer ------------------------------------------------received in 1953 his A. B. degree The marriage of MIss Allce erly of Munich, Germany. Dr. from Swartlunore College and Is Parks Hornad~, daughter of Mr. Hartmarin spent several yearS of now studying at the UniVersity and Mrs. JiMes H. Hornaday of his early life as physiclan at the of Pennsylvania Medical SchooL Dlcldnson avenue, to Mr. William Wilmington General Hospital, Del. We Believe C.oleman ,Wtboefer, Jr., son of The groom Is a graduate of SwarThat We Serve The Best Mr. and Mrs. Mithoefer of Cin- thmore College and of Rottwell Germany. College, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Faulkner cinnati, Ohio,' 'Yill tal!:e place in Mter a motor trip through of Dickinson avenue, announce the Swartllmore Presbyterian ICE CREAM SODA. Eastern Canada, the couple will tlie engagement of their daughter, Church on Tuesday evening, reside in S~arthn)(,re. , Jeryl, to Mr. J. Charies Town- June 22 at 7: 30 o'clock. IN SWARTHMORE send, 3rd, son ilf Mi-. and Mrs. The Rev. Joseph P. BIshop, KEENEN·HOUGH Townsend, Jr., of Orlando, Fla. minister of the church, will perMiss Faulkner is a graduate of fonn the ceremony. MIss Charlotte Hathaway Swarthmore mgh School and of 'Mrs. Robert E. Fry of Vassar Hough, daughter of Dr. arid Mrs. Rollins College, class of 1954. She avenue, will attend her alster as Garry deN. Hough of Longmeawas elected on Florida All-State matron of honor. The brldes- dow, Mass., became the bride of THEATRE SqUARI! Basketball team, and was award- maids will be MIss Doris C. Lt. (j.g.) Chari';" Benjamin Keeed a silver cup on Class Day for Black of South Chester road, nen, U.S.N.R., son of Dr. and "outstanding women athlete of MIss Dorothy E. Dale of Colum- Mrs. ,Frank G. Keenen of HarComplete A/reolld/tlo"/lIg for YOII" 1;0lll'ort. class of 1954" at RoUlns College. bus, Ohio, and Mrs. J)qnal~. F. vardavenue, on "Saturday at a Mr T d d ted fr McQuilkIn of Lakewood, Ohio. 4 o'clock ceremony in the South CALL FOR and DELIVERY SERVICE Cl~on o~:~d ~ ~Ollege Mr. Wllllsm C. Mltihoef,:, Sr., CongregaUonal Cliurch, SprlngJanuary of 1952 and has served will serve as best man for his SOli. field, Mass. Ample FREEPatking as a FIrst Lieu~nant in the Air The ushers will include Messrs. The Rev. James Gordon GilForce in K r Robert E. Fry, Harry .E. Oppen- key, ~r of the church,offto ea. lander, Jr., of Benjamin West av- clated before. a chancel banked SWarthmore 6-3154 enue; Donald F. McQullkln, and with Woodwardia ferns, whlte ISSUE INVITATIONS David Lose of Pittsburgh. stock, peonies and gladioli with Invitations have been Issued A reception at the home of the stancfun /l,oo/ candelabra at either for the marriage of MIss Ann Ha- bride's parents will follow the side. Arrangements of cathedraI i vi1and Sibley, daughter of Mrs. ceremony. candles, whlte peonies and hucIf W. Get Any More Items Fi'ederlck Haviland Sibley of After a summer spent at camp kleberry were placed in each Bennington, Vt., to Mr. Ferris in Maine the couple plan to re- window and clusters of peonies ,~ Little Sh,op, We'll Thomsen, Jr., son of Mr. and side in Durham, N. C. and smilax decorated the aisle HAVE Give You Curb Serv· Mrs. Thomsen of PrInceton, N. J., The bride was recently' guest leading to the altar. icel ~p in While· There'. fonnerly of Swarthmore, whlch of honor at a dinner party given Mr. Robert Swan, organist, prewill take place Saturday, June by Mr. and Mrs, Wil1Iam R. Huey sented the traditional wedding Still RoOM. . 26 at 4 o'clock in the Chapel of of DickinSon avenue. marches and additional selecUons. the FIrst BapUst Church, BenMiss DorIs Black entertained at The bride, given in marriage • Croquet Sets nington. a luncJieoD. and miscellaneous by ~er father, wore a gown of A recepUon will follow at the shower on Saturday, June 5 in nYlon tulle over summer tatreta • Badminton Sets-Also Rackets, Nets, Birds and Pole Sets home of the bride's mother. honor of the brlde-to-be. . tlishloned with fitted bodice, por• Basketballs, Baseballs, Softballs, Bats and Sioves Mr. and Mrs. Thomsen, parents MIss Hornaday, a teacher tor of the groom, will entertsln at a tIIle past year of ~e FIrst Grade • Swim Fins, Nose Clips, Ear Plugs LLOYD E. KAUFFlIIAN 1uncheon at "The Four Chlm- 0 f R u t gers avenue school,was IIIRS. 313 Dartmouth Avenue neys", Old Bennington, Vt., on gUest ot. 'honor Wednesday after- Swarthmore 6-!080 ' • Tots' Swim Pools, Sand Box Buckets and Toys Saturday preceding the weddlIig. noon When entertmned by· her _ Roller Skates (three sizes) Among the wedding guests pupils and their mothers on the ~S~IPTIONS will be Mrs. George E. Silloway lawn of MIs. John B. Roxby's MAGAZINES • Bows, Arrows, Quivers, Bow Strings of North Chester road, grand- bome on Kenyon avenue. 1i====::::::==========~1 _ Deck Tennis Rings, Utility Ball (inflatable) mother of the groom, who will be ~-;;:::=======::::- II accompanl"" by h~ granddaugh• Scooters, Wagons (several sizes) ~, ~, Nan~1. 'Y:~ter of Pasadena, Calif.; Mrs. Hiinrletla Fricke • Fishing, Equipment for Small Fry . . and son Mr. JOIm FrIcke of North Rods, Sirikers, Hooks, Ries, Reels, Roats, Lines chester road, lind her son-in-law Swartllmore, 'a. • Knives (poc:ket and hunting) 8JI5l o:ia~~ Lt. and Mrs. AnAIR CONDITIONED drew W. Mathieson of Haddon• Ping Pong Balls, Nets, Rac:kets field, N. J. Fri•• Sat. • Tennis Balls, Jo Kari (teathered tennis) MONTGOMERY CLIFf ANNE BAXTER TOWED • Tots' Car Seat, News Print Papar "I CONFESS" • Direchd by the Master of Suspense The marriage of MIss Eloise • Compasses, TaI.scopes, Binoculars Alfred Hltchcodl Norvell Knapp, daughter of Mr. Where r SW~lm.M.~R~.,~ t"N~tS ,~~U. coil.,. THEATRE PHARMACY 0: . II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ caur to CHARTER A BUS •• :it.~e?;~, 1. tr~~!'!..: NOiIIiup 1iiiY, Ion Oi Mi':-~ Old: ChuX~eW ~::rt~ ~~. at. TiiimiaS MOt:e II . York CItY. . ~. HaJi 'ifill serve u best man tor bls son. Mr. and 11ft. Hay, parents of the bdd'iP &an, entertained the ......JI~& ~, at ~I net at Ute ~ Club, ~ Y_ CiI7 Pft''''''In. the relIeusaI Th\lNdaJ' eorenIq•. ..... chart.r... for ..,. ...... of .I"allrfp. - PHONE '!andon 2-3ODD • GIcooIte 6 1000 k_O AIUlOW . UNES, , 691. STlEETTE.MINAL U'PEl D.o..av, PA. COUEGE THEATRE eo..d.·, CaIOrIuI qiooboc: SpeCIal ~HII"'.;1ii S"w RImed I, $Ghirday. 1 Po M. ..cro.. "IOMIA AND 1I1E HII)J)EN cm" ~.oe. ... mY. SRIAL Enrt AND Sat. MaII_ Sa. . ., N.... Fee.a ...... . 5.... M.... T..... a JAMB imWART Wetl. JUNE AUlSOH. "n..... Mil.... Story" HEAl AIf(I~f1f";l~JWIlE Hmll ,:n!tL. ,; "SOt, ' HIJ ~I'H,," IbeAllf AT HIS liml "RAT THE DIY"''' JENlli.a JONEST".£ia LORl' • -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f , ilrlOiesmald. ~!J:,,~~:':d:~ th~~:':' "" .. aged to attend. It will talJ:e the Mr. Waldo Davison of Swarthplace of formal FIrst Day School more avenue left last week by pETBIl E. TOLD, IlAlUOIUE TOLD, study for Mullis and children. plane on a two-mOnth business P".ae.8W~'-_ trip to the West Coast. While PItID B. TOLD, Bdltor CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES there he will also visit his son Mr. BAR.aRA. KENT, Man....... BdItor That. spiritual understanding of Charles. Davison and family of RoSalie Peirsol . MarlorieTold Lorene McCarter God prot~ts man from disease Covina, Calif., and his dalllthter' Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 192~, at the Post and danger, and Is not subject Mrs. Edward H. Cooley and OIIIce at Swarthmore, PL, under the· Act of March 3, 1879, to material laws of chanee 'and family of Lake Grove, near PortDEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON change, will be brollltht out at land, Ore. ChrisUan Sclence services SunSally Bates of North Chester SWAilTBIIGIlB, PENNA., JUNE 11, 19M day, the subject being "God the road entertaIned the Senior Preserver of Man.'~ class of Swarthmore mgh School METHODIST NOTES·~ PRESIYTERIAN NOTES Ke~ote of the Lesson-Sermon at a breakfast Wednesday On Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Chil- Is the Golden Text from Deutero- morning before the class members This Sunday, at both the 9: 30 and 11 o'clock services, the chil- dren's Day will be observed' in nomy: "The eternal God is thy left for the traditional ouUng to dren of the Church School will a combined session with parUcl- refuge, and underneath are the Ocean City. plIrllcipate in the Order of Wor- paUon by all church school deship tor Chlldren's Day. Bibles, partments. Parents are especlaIly everlasUng arms," to (33:27) All are invited attend the li1JnDaIs and CerWlcates will be invited. services at 11a.m., Sunday at the presented to children graduaUna: At 11 am.. morning worship, FIrst Church of Christ, ScienUst !rOm one department to another. Rev. Kulp, will use as! his ser- on Park avenue. Choir Scholarships will also be mDn subject, "Send the Army Away." There will be two superawarded. The Senior High FellowShip has vised nurseries for the d\ildren. to provide Impecc:able iervlce In cOncluded for this year. A Sum- Those in charge will be June Red Cross Thanks your home, your place of worship mer Senior High FellowShip will Holt, Mrs. Lemuel Holt, Mrs. To the EdItor: meet next Sunday, June. 20, at George Zan.lnger and Patty NarOnce again It was our pleasure or our centrally located building. 1 p.m. H there are enough young beth. Ushers for the service will to receive a large number of people interested, subsequent be. Charles ,Grier, head usher, asknltt'i'd squares for afghans from plans will, be made. alsted by George Shubert, Edward the Swarthmore Brancb. On Monday evening there will L. Alston,. WUlIam CoUenberg, This makes a total of 854 be a combined meeUng of qu, John Corke and Charles Hummer, squares received this past year, or . .ClOU . , PUN• •" Christian EducaUon Committee Jr. enough to make more than five and the Church School cabinet at 1120 eMIIINU' ITUII On Tuesday at 8 p.m., the Cot8 p.m., to be held at the homp. of tage Prayer Meeting will be held afghans. MMY A. IAIIt, ....., .... May we express our appreciaMr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tion to all workers? Their co-opTelephDne 116-1581 South Chester road. Wesley iTance, 328 Sedgewood A special combined meeUna: of road, Springlleld. Charles Hoover j us! suCh whlch allows ItRed eration Is e1Iort very encouraging. Is The Session, Board of Deacons, will be the leader. Cross to do the extras for the Board of TrUstees, and MissIons The Ladies', Bible Class will service man whlch give hlm much and Benevolences Committee will hold the regular monthly meet- comfort. be held on Tuesday evenina:. ing at the home of Mrs. Ralph MRS. OSCAR B. QUINTO, RegistraUons for the Dally VaAdams, Glenwood avenue, .Moy- Chairman Prodl\.ction Service, cation Church· School will be held lan, on Wednesday at 12: 30. S'THE'T'RN PENN. CHAPTER in the Church School office after Tbe Commlsslon on Pinance the Chl1dren's Day Services this will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. GaskiU Sunday. Parents are invited to Specializing in the Cleaning of W. S. C. S. Circle 4 will meet of University place spent several enroll their children in the comon Wednesday eyenlng at 8: 30 days recently at White Sulmunity program to be held in p.m. phur Springs, West Va. Before rethis cburch from June :11 to July The Chancel Choir will have re- turt$lg home they also visited I, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. I Monday heeraaI at 8 p.m. in the Chapel Mr. and Mis. Jack Thompson of through FrIday. The school will on Thursday. Cllfton Forge, Va" formerly. of be under dlrecUon of Mrs. Charles A Church Famlly Picnic Is Swarthmore. C. Hoover. planned for· Saturday, June 19 B~glnnlng next Sunday, June Mr.. Charles G. Thatcher of (raIn date, June 28), at the Pic20, there will be only one church Ogden avenue apent a recent nic Grove in Valley Forge Park worshlp service, at·11 BoIn. This just olf Route 363. The planning week-end with her son Mr. Alschedule will extend throlllth committee has arranged for the bert Thatcher and family of Labor Day Sunday. will be Mountain Lakes, N,J. • summer session of tIIle Sunday day's program as toUows: 9: 00 of Maplewood, N.J. a.m., breakfast 10: 30, organized M. WEINSTEIN. & SON· School. beginning on June 20 Mrs. ·Maurice L. Webster, Jr.; games for the children of all tbroug1, Sunday, July 25. All ages with prizes; 12: 30, lunch. of Elm avenue entertained at a Cleaners - Tailors tlasses will meet at 11 a.m. recently in honl)r of Ice cream will be provided. Af- tea 6·1727 ternoon tree for sports. Any SO her new neighbor. Mrs. Arne 100 Park Avenue CHURCH SERVICES desiring may remaIn for supper. Fopand who arrived from Nor'PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Those .needing transportaUon wIlY. in April. Mr. and Mrs. FotPick-Up and Delivery Joseph P. Bishop, Minister should meet at the church at 8 land are residents of 603 Elm lohn Schott, Associate Mlnlstclr a.m. Others wisblng to go later avenue. "SUIIda3", lnne 13 for lunch only and needing trans9:30 and 11 A.M. - Children's portation should. meet at' the _D~.~y",S~ervJ,~~·ce~':"""=-===::-__ I church at 11 a.m•. METHODIST CHURCH . John C. Kulp, Mlnlster TIINITY NOTES John W. Laney, Assistant Mlnlster R. Burkholder, Organist-Director Holy Communion will be celeSunday, lnne 13 brated as usual at 8 o'clock Sun9:45 A,1III.-ChIldrel1's Day. day mornlna:. All departments of 11:00 A.M.-,Mr. Kulp will preach. Wednesday, lune'l!! the Church School will meet at 12:30 P.M.-Women's Bible Class. 9: 30 for the closing exercIses. At TRINITY CHURCH 11 o'clock there will be a service l!. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector of Morning Prayer and Holy BapSunday, .Jnne 13 tism. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 'Those serving as ushers Sun9:30 A.M.-C1oslng exercises ot daywl'U b eJ. 'E. Bell, F. , S Churcll School. W 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer and Chambers, Jr., W. L. Cleaves, . Holy Baptism. R. Fawcett, B. Harrar, W. ,F. 1:30 P.M.-Young People's Fel- Klug, S. D. Reynolds, and C. M. Waterbury. Pierre Decrouez is lowshlp. . Monday (St. Barnabas) scheduled to serve as acolyte at 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. the 8 o'clock service, and John 8:00 P.M.-Vestry MeeUng. Walmsley at 11, DurIng the· 11 Tuesday, .June 15 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. o'clock service Mary Fellows and Wednesday, .June 18 Lesiey Mae Hassis will be in 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. charge of the nursery. 8:00 P.M.-Bible Study. There will be a celebraUon of FrIday, Jnne 18 0 ~30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. the . Holy Communion at 1 THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY o'clock Monday morning, and at OF, FRIENDS 8 p.m. the Vestry, will meet. Sunday. lune 13 There will be a· service of Eve10:30 A.M.-·Famlly Hymn Sing- ning Prayt'r at 5:30 on Tuesday Iting in MeeUng House. evening and agaIn on Friday at :00. A.M.-MeeUng for Worship. the same hour; £hlldren cared for in WbltUel' On Wednesday at 7: 15 a.m., the "ouse. All are welcome. U f . Monday, .Jnne 14 regular mid-week c~ebra .on 0 AU day sewing for A, F. S. C. the Holy CommunIon will be Wedneaday, lnne 16 held, and at 8 p.m. the Bible _ AU day sewing for A.F.S.C. Study Group will meet in the FIRST CHURCH OF Cleaves Room. CHRIST, SCIENTIST _ _ _ _ _ __ SWARTHMORE FRIENDS MEETING NOTES Park Avenue below Harvard Frienda will have the opportun1 SIIIh1Q,6'" II 1:00 A. M.--Bunday School. Ity for worship through hymn It:OO A.M.-The Lesson S IUlOD singing at 10:30 Sunday mom~!!" ''God, the PnseiYel ,of lngs during the Summer months. Wednesday evenln& meetlnl Those iJiterested will gather in taCh week, 8 P.II. Readlnl room the Meeting HoUse for 1I1e half FUSCO MOTOR COMPANY \ ~ly except Sunday 11 to 5 hour preceding Meetfllg for SWartilmon 6-3681 CMIhr alld Falrvl_w Roads , "ednesday evenings 7 to Worship. This plo....."" will begin 7:50 P.M. and 9 to 9:10 P.)I. pU8Ll8BBD BVBBY JllUDAY AT 8~~~~:=~::'~PA. THE SWARTllHOIIEAN '. .n. Dr. 8ncl 3oha' R. ~iii North Ghester' road entert,'necl over Swartlunore High Sch\lOl Commencement week-end Dr. Bates' mother Mrs. Cl8ra M. Bates, his cousins MllIII LIla C1ari: and Miss Louise LeWIs of New York City, and Mrs, Batea' aunt M~. Edward F. Stevens of Miller Place, L.I. ; Dr. Robert C. Good of Forest lane left Tuesday by plane on a business trip to Germany and Central Europe. Mrs. Good and children Jayne and Mark will sall July 2 on the S. S. ltaUa to join Dr. Good and travel on the Continent unill the middle of September. • 73 Different Sames for Summer Cott,.._ (for rainy days) . f~;m~"t=~·s ::r~om.n~s)'···",'i'. • Mystic: Tape (assorted r:ol~rS and widths) • SCOtChlite R.llec:ting TaP. • on and W ..tercolcir Paints and Suppliits WE ARE PREPARED Letter to the Editor • INI OLIVER H. BAIR CO. r;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Certified Cold Fur Slip Coven Draperies Curtains SW with "the newest.. usual. ti' I rrljlll1 oj ii.~ae, j;;M.\i·1tT .~. trip' td . ' . I ~~r'~ ~ • JimIm' at DeJlI_' UiIlvel1dW, they will tour En,l,nd, Gennany. and .Joe, Pew of Wplu..1ford, it HoUancf, SWltzetlaDd, it.l1- and .' With ~ "II . 'Wo . Mrs. BcIw8l'll Mr.. anCheck your car now for Summer Driving The resulfs of the xcraya will be road. and Mr. William Brilik at sence their house be OCCupi. sent only to the individUalS and Newark. Del.. whose mi!ttI~ge ed by' Mr. attd' :t.rrs. Robert S. their personal physicians. If Ir- will take place June 26. In the Brodhead and daughtar Virginia. ROBERT J. ATZ, Owner regularities other than TB symp_ Swarthmore Pteabyterian Cburch. peppet Neal. Instructor In toms appear. they. too. will be reMrs. W. Rodman McHenry at Physical Education at Ch~tham RUSSELL'S SEIVICE ported very promptly to both the Parrish toad entertained at a tea Hall~ Va .• Is speiJ.dlitg a week at OPPOSllI IOIOU.H 'AIKIN. LOT ii'ldlvidual and the doctor. Wedi'le~day afterno~n in honor ot her home on Benjamin West ave. Dartm'oiith & Lafayette Aves. Miss Joan Cope ACKer at W'aIifng- nue. She will leave June 15 for 5W 6-0440 The next tree chest x-ray sur- lord. whose engagement. to her Tupper Lake. ne8f Lake Placid, vey will be scheduled In -the FaIi, son, Mr. W'lniam DUnlap Mc- N.Y.• , to act ,as camp counselor for when .the high schools at Swarth- Henry has been announced; MIss the summer. more. Eddystone. Marple:.New- ACKer will reiilni' to the UniverDELICIOUS DINNEIS to SUIT the TASTE IVIIYONE Dr. J. Kenneth Doherty of Elm town. Yeadon. Upper Darby. and sity of Matylmid as a seruOl' In avenue•.track coach of the Uni. TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS. Cooked to' Order Chester will be visited. Also Glen the tall. Mr. McHenrY is a .June versity of Pennsylvarua. left by EXCELLENt It~Quri ;~tiLmES Mills School and WIlUamsou graduate of VIash1ngoon and' Lee plane for. Englaod. He Is aCCOIn. School' at Mechanical Trades will Unlvet.;ily. BUSINESS- MEN'S LUNcH 12~1't3O' Poi M. , .' panylng Penn and Cornell tract be Included. '*illiiuri :M. Bus'b. SWartlunore men to Oxford Uruversity where Elevah, Adults in the cOJD!!lunitiea of lr!~~, SChoOJl::ciPal. .md, .Mrs. they will cOmpete with OxfOrd the ftrst (9)ll' high. schools men- Bush ot :Of n avenue, enter- and Calilbridge teams. FOllowing tioned will also be Invited; ~ t~ed at open howre SatUrday this they will io' to' Be1tast, Ireparticipate.. The Annual Christ- ?li'r40~ for members Of the land and B~. B~lki\:tin for mas Seal Sale supports thla pre- Sclt9,9~ Fa~~o/., comp:etltfOl'l. vetlUve program for DelaWIIR .L,Ir... J. Kenneth Iloherty of Elm Mrs. Paul E. zethet lind chil. County. avenue left Tuesday to visit !1l 1952 1953. entering th, Naval 'Aw.':. Cadet program In J annary .of year at Willow Grove. H;e Is n~w aSsigned to the U. S. ~iiVat A1lxI1Iar)' Air Station. Whiting Field. MIlton, Fls~ where liii Is " engaged In p~1iry IDght 'traIn- FATHER'S DAY i. . SUNDAY, JUNE 14th Named Editor Carolyn Wilson of DarinJouth avenue has been named builetili editor for the Interboro BusinesS iuiet Protessional Women's Club lor next year. FINE SELECTION OF GIFTS ing. A . sev~ hits, ~::: trip~ b1 I .the localS WILL IE FOUND AT Buchner'S, Inc. • Pat:'k ner erie rU.n. . an' •. m -. -. _--------1 !~If--=======;;;::::::::::;;;::::=:, In the .. '. 'i/Iy p p" of : : . by pitcher two runs to sca,re I . the . score stood at 3 to 1. and I Although the season' was In the red, In >:tigard to wins and losses. CO.Rch Millard Robinson -elt it • ;~ c:ere~~~;ea':.~st improved .:!':. , Mrs. Wayne. R. Bu.el:!ler. Of.hoCk!ln c*~~ tiP SWart\lmore's liiiiiliiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Iprlngfleld will serve as a co- 'Y0rst . d~~at bi several years. !II rhalrman of social service for the' 'l'I!e final I/lIme at the ~eason auxi1i • . . . . l!r!>tlgh~ Ridley Park to Swarthar)' !p.oJ:". m an impOrtant game for Ridley Park. mi Ii defeat woUld NEWS NOTES ~q,* th'1!il. oljt a tie for U)e ch'iimpiOtls1)lp. Allison made IiiS Dr. and Mrs. Nichols St. Martin. '.'.' '. Vorys are' moving today from third appeannce of the W~~~. "'1!l:, Yale avenue to their new resi- although very effective most ot dence, "St. Martin's Farms", Box- the time, it was his wilder moley. Ohio. Dr. Voryli. who has ments that· cost him the served as Consultant at J effer- game. The P.arkers threw their SOn Hospital. has been appointed ace. Joe Michel, and although 6-2176 Diagnostician at the municipal t1th~e~G:a~r~ne~t~c~on~ec~te~d:..:a~to~tal~~~~~I!!!!l:!~~~~~~~~ hospital In Columbus. George Lamont Vorys. who was a competitor in the Inlernati<>nal. .:.. ....' Chess Tournament at ~t!fl!. Switzerland. will accomP'IW his St,,~~ Yo~r, parents to Ohio. • '. <, Mr. and Mrs. Charles BO)!1!!. "fP .. daughter Elizabeth of wa'IMg~' fUEls. arE!, and fOrd. will leave Monday to· SJ!¢.!d I m'otli' ai''1aUf~6'ft''.. crowdln'g' in :?W,;. the summer In Stone HarbOr: ·N. ot Let. ,t!.'!t,""'6.If~ <;I,-~n ~n,~ 0 .Rugs • J. ~~fe f~~.~ Jir~,.< t~eft toile; e*,~g~~ fi,fe.p~.O~ st~~~(! C~a~,.: HOURS:, 9 A.M. to 3 Mil. And friday Ev.nlngl 6:30 to 8:30 For Adults June 15 • Aug. 5 Register by June 12 IN FLIGHT TRAINING was ideas? Have Yair car c,..c.... NOW. .. .... it Is I••ofe ...choi.lcol co.dltloo ••• yo.r llAKES will .old" if 0 cllUd dartsI yo.r _ _ ' , , • patll ••• YOIII' TIRES wo.·t oI _ _ ...... -.....'tod!Ir. Y............ ~~ _be' J. A. GREEN • MARTEL BRQ'fHERS ATZ AUTO SERVICE SWARTHMORE CO-OP HORACE A. REEVES W. MARK Btfi'LE B. J. HOY, 5 AND 10 JOYcE LEWIS SI'RATR HAVEN INN THE SWAR'tBMOREAN FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF , ' , DELAWARt; COUNTY" HANNUM a: wAD'E THE INGLENmK ,u.. . THE BOUQUET BAIRDIlil~ BIRD BUCHNER'S, INC. ,E. L. NOYES and CO. , ' FUSCO MOTORS PEI'ER Eo TOLD PHARMACY , .' : "Ie S. Myers, MICHAEL'S coi:Uilr~ " . err. on u.. .. u.. lox 48 ~aul ... o... W740 Woollla.1I A. . . . . 'owelllo.1I . • . . . I . M,OT 0 R S, 1NC,. , , P.,e8 ~~~:~;:I!~~~~,=r:'eSI:deo:~t KEENEN-HOUGH ~Now' &FILTIl 9 P.K. Saturday Till , P. M. LIADS THI ".IILD" WIth ... June DAI FESTIVAL -, 'PICIAL Chee. . .ood PRiel 2~69C IUFT VELVERA e 79C likes ...... babltant or the ScI100I WALLSCUPING family of Harr1sb\1l'g. Floon and Fuml"". Jeryl Faulkner of Dickinson or the Borough or &tnIl'tIunore, county" Pa., aDd. Impoo\Dg • Fully Proloctod _ Old avenue, was one of two Rollins ....... 1 per cent _ e r tax on the trans" ' _ Ta... Away. College athletes receiving baSket- fer by deed or JUl estate situate or partly _ "'" boUDdFREE ESTIMATES ball charm awards for four years wl>olly _ or the ScI100I DIotrIct .. Call WAshburn 8-6107 of team participation, at the Borough of 1IwartI>mOre. Pa.. have been ;;;;;~ Honors Day program held l"rId..,., OoUntr. without mba1:,ntlal chaDp In Winter Park, Fla. She also re- ......e taxes llave been Impooed ceived the Emblem award for play the IChool flocal ,ear 19114-1955 by LANDSCAPING the Board of SChool DIrectors of lI1e on 11 vatslties. A member of the SchOol DIlitrIot or tile Borough or 11'1'....& & Shrubbery "R" Club In 1952, Jeryl won her 8waRl>more. KARV 6. ct SPILLBR, Bl;u:er In 1953. 8oCteta:y _ _ or Flower Beds Made George 11'. Dunn, Jr., son of Mr. School D1JIeCtOr8 of the SChooJ. D1atrict of the and Mrs. C;;. F. Dunn, Dickinson Lawns .. Hedges Cut Borough 'i~aa, ac~~~parned. ~r her Jr.; accompanied his father, to tile BusIness Adminisbalion motli.e,: Mrs. Chi!l'les. It. Pailsebl, Capitol, for a week-end. Captaili and her slster,.~. Phl1Ip .ReidY Winter is chief of dependent serv._ ,Schclol of Worcester, Mass., have return, Ice at !he U.S. Naval Hospital, C.II SW.rth.ei.. 6-1747-'04'56 ed from a .toil! . south, which tn- PhIlade1P1!1a. eluded the graduation exercises at =i3:iii3'~'ii'ii"·i:iiiSi:iiSi:iiiiiii:i.iiiiij l::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;:::::::;:;:;2;;::::::;;::::::~ Washingtori~d Lee University, ~ ,Lexington, Va. WiUiam ,McI;tenry, a memt\er of. tb,\gr",c;lul!~' class,I.OZI' CO-ED BEAUTY ~~;"::' a Bachelor of, 5eience . Wor~ Roofilig Gutters Air COlldlHonlng HeaHng 011 - Gas - burllers Box 48 SWarthmore 6-07441 11IE SWAIl11lMOBE 4N ~ aD.' .Tune 19' ori a .atlJctent . . . tour of Europe, Wlttna England, Mr. and lin. A.Wllllam "---, H llan ....... 0 .. Switzerlan" 1"'-, ,,-_ Jr., of Ogden avenue have r e turn -'" ... ....., ~' ' a w-.......... In many and France. home trom ed ....... ..... Oregon, IIl., durin, which time Mr. and MrI. A. Sldney.Johnson, J·r., o'f No~" H.. Ch~-_.... road en_ they celebrated the 50th anniversary of Mr. Bass's iertatned for a short visit this Sheet Metal George, Myers , Jqae 11, 19M N~ NOTES J~ck Prichard PAINTING and CARPENTRY .. head • 19c lilt CoN 100 PIntle t . . .; Iotb criifI ".' ... . "~" Philip D. Reed Gives Commencement Address Final Scorel at Irldte The linal meeting of Crum Creek Bridlle Club . was held Tuesday night at the. hQme Qf Mrs. George E. SillQway Qf NQrth Chester road. High scores at. t'IIe eight-week tournament were held by Mrs. T. Saulnier, first: Mrs. Samuel Hanna, secQnd, and Mrs. William H. Webb, third. The match play fDr t'IIe enUre seasDn was WQn by Mrs. W. R. Shoemaker: Mrs.T. S auInier, secQnd: Mrs. Samuel Hanna and Mrs. John Brownell tied for tbird place. Annapolis AppCtintee Mrs. Casey Announces 1954-55 Board Qf LW'I ~~tt~~::'::' ~ retary,Mrs."· ·LeRoy Peterson; .aM treasurer,. Mrs. Reavl!' Cox. Mr.. H. Mather .Llpplncott apd Mr.. RQger RuSsell were elected to 'serve Qn the nQmlnating cQmmlttee. . Richard K. Alexander of Sout'll Mrs. ThQmas G. Casey, presiSwarthmQre avenue, a member dent Qf t'IIe SwarthmQre League (CQntinued from Page 1) Qf Naval Rese..-ve DivisiQn 4-11 at Qf Women VQters, has annO\Ulced Qutstandlng cQntributiQn to the Eddystone, has received Qrders cQmmlttee chairmen and memlield Df education as exemplitl.ed appointlllg him to t'IIe U.S. Naval bers who will serve on the board through his wQrk with the FDrd AcademY. He is t'IIe son Df Mr. of I the Swarthmore League of FD)Il1dation Fund fQr Education, and Mrs. Andrew Alexander. WQmen VQters fQr the 1954-55 delivered t'IIe CDmmencement adFor the past year, Alexa~der program year. dreSS. has been attending the Bullis In addition tQ the elected Qtliestating that his listeners must School in Silver Spring, Md., ers those whQ will serve on tb,e SCHOOL IN ROSE VAlLEY Where he was a i member is! . Dft'II' at board Qf the League Qf WQmen believe in the impQrtance Qf eduMoylan, Penna cation else they would nQt' have Naval Reserve D v· Dn In a VQters and the CQmmlttees of which they will be In charge are: been assembled there that day, area. Mr. Reed turned attention to Alexander graduated from RidJUNE 21 10 JULY 30 Mrs. HQlden Furber, world higher education and the prob.. ley Park High SchQol. in' 1951. trade: Mrs. Vincent Lat'llbury, AGES 3--9 Later attending Drexel Institute, United Nations; Mrs. Clark Byse, lems itS institutiQns face today. Brownies to See '. Shop, Art, MUllc One half elf the 985 accredited 'Big. Top' Tomorrow he then worked for the Gulf Oil Individual Liberties; Mrs. PhilSwimming and Hot Lunches colleges operate at a loss, the B' Wni Tr 10 Third Grade Company for a shDrt time. Dur- lip Allen Jr. and Mrs. Carl :aarus,. Weekly Rates on Request speaker said, a fact familiar to CQl:e Aven::'P will attend the ing that period he ·was a membe~ State ConsUtution. Transportation Available every alumnus, and almost every Sealtest Big Top tomorrQw, June o~ the Naval Ro:serv"e at Eddy Also, Mrs. William' C. McDercorpQratlon, large Qr smalL 12, at the 1I8t'11 AAA Pennsyl- s Hnee. will report to the Naval mott and Mrs. Victor Haworth, Josephine Miller, Director voter's service: Amy HQwland, "A schoolcannQt be separated frDm the context Qf the people it vania Nati~nal Guard Armory. AcademY as a midshipman Qn local taxes: Mrs. Heinz HelneThe Browrues will march In car- J 29 Phones mimn, newspaper publicity: Mrs. serves nor from the overall social rying their Troop Colo\"S, ac- une... School - ME 6·1088 framewQrk in which t'IIe pupilS comparu·ed b Y TrOQP Lea de Mrs In high r· edI school, Alexander book was d William C. Watkins, radio and Head of Admissions will prob~bly function as adults, Robert sturgiSs. Girls whD vpn photo tor Qf t'IIe year an televisiQn: Mrs. James J. Malone, Harvey-ME 6-1541 Mrs. Doris Mr. Reed declared "The economic ak th tri a member of the newspaper staft. newsletter; and Mrs. Joseph Bisbasis of our education must be m EI:ine eAb~" ~~e Chambers, IQ additiDn, he was manager Qf hop, publications. Interrelated to the ecQnDmiCS of Gall Donovan, Susan Fuller, the varsity baseball team. Mrs. MQrrls Fussell, second vice-president, will. have charge Qur life, its politics to our pDli- Frances Gibson, LInda HUnt, Kappas End Season Qf the actiQn committee. Elected tica11lfe·.as certain incidents of Jane Jackson. Helen Morris~m, The Kappa Kappa GammaS qf Qtlicers, in addition to the presiour time bear painful witness. Martba Moocrlp, Fait'll Rogers, Swarthmore and vicinity will "This is sil far true that at our Betsy Schad and Leslle Walms- meet next Tuesday, June 15, at dent, are: flrst vice-president, Mrs. Hallock Campbell: recordstage Qf natiDnal development I ey. the home of Mrs. HQward Stelgel- ing secretary, Mrs. William Cope: is doubtful that educational pracTransPQrtatiDn will be pro- man of CIQt'h!er Hill, Indian ticas' are an exportable commodi- vided by Mrs. HQward C. JackLane, Media. ty. England, SCDtland, Austratla, son and Mrs. William C. Abbe. This . will. be the last meeting New Zealand, even thQugh in The program can be seen over until next fall for Kappa memcommon AnglD-Saxon traditiDn, CBS TV from 12 to 1 p.m. bers Who have been sewbig for all have different patterns of The Sixth Grade Girl The American Friends Service. education". SCQut TroOps, 331 Rutgers AvThe speaker qUQted a British enue and 429 College Avenue, liE BODO OLD IN PIANO RECITAL • There can be ao q-- • member of the United Nations Dn held a joint meeting on WednesUllMER TIllE The pupils of Charlotte May the cDnstant dltliculty Df attempt- day . at 1 Q'clock, in the Cram . doa .bouc i1.Yoa """,14 • Chute will present a pianQ recital ing w dAal with the Soviet dele- Woods. Mrs. Roy McCorlde,Mrs. Is allO the time caI1 oa YO"" Doctor as the • gatiDn and their friends, who de- ._Borel and Mrs. 'Henrietta tDmQrrQW afternDon. June 12, at 6n« Rautioa ofllleell • ......" people .et hart. Ac:scribed the experience as sitting Bruce, junior 'high troop leaders, 4 p.rn. In the Whittier House· on Delay Is dangerous-and • cident. COlIt mone,.. Let at a card table. and playing a were introduced by Mrs. John the college campus. ThQse partic--'yo ADd wlleA you ha... • ... tell "."u how Acc:id_ card Qut of one's hand and having Carroll, Neigh.borhood Cl>airman·. ipating In the prDgram include: aeod (or. depend.ble pre- • will prot.ct KaTen and Barbara Mangels, his DPPDnent resPQnd with a Plans for next years' Sevent'll "ou ftom' fiDanClal .1oA ocripdoa be • Gary Hand, Elaine Abbe, Laura chll'lsma n , Grade Troop' were discussed. co remember chac _ an • • _ • all " ... 10.... ''The truth is that it is getting The gtrls brought a nose-bag and Sara Enion, Mark Good, Josie Pre.orlpuna Spec:iaUoU. increasingly dltlicult' for educa- lunch and beverage was provided Lange, Susie Preston, Joyce and CATHERMA"'S • tlon to live by its Dwn econom.- by the Leaders. After the meeting Carol WIlliams, and Fordie KriegDRUG STORE PETER E.TOLD ics." QUQting William James as games were organized and the er. all of Swarthmore; Susan EmersQn, Mrs. Park Miller and saying. that wealthy men tend. to girls spent the aftp.rnoon becDmAll U••• of I••urance give without' any distinct Idea as Ing better acquainted with each Karen "Miller of MDylan: and 333 Dai+mouth Av•• JQhnny Jubin of Wallingford. other. to the improvement of its inner ,. SW.rtIo_re 601133· fDrm, Mr. l\Qed commented, Select aylor For Mr. and Mrs, WIlliam H. Webb ''Happily, if .Tames were right, Writer Work S~IOJ)I and Miss Rut'll Webb of South there have been many excepChester road left Wednesday for tions, as your own Arthur. Hoyt their summer home, "The Ant(CDntinued from Page 1) Scott, MQrrls L. CIDthier, Edward dra KrQPQtkin, David Taylor, Mc- l~rs". in Cresco, in the poconos. S. Harkness. Allan Kirby, Thom- Cready Huston, Jean Corbett, as B. McCabe, and GeQrge WDrth Donald P. Macrae and Wharton bear wilness. StQrch as speakers. Clinton L. AlthDugh private sources of Meller, president of the PhiladelSpringfield. " philanthropy are not yet dried phia Booksellers wlll be master Laundromat 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE up, our institutiQns of learning of ceremonies. . . have lost a gDod deal Df thll po504 Baltimore Pike BRI;AKfAST - LUNCH - DINNER tential they once enjQyed. It has CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY become self-evident that colleges mer Qf the Rivers Df America KI 4.0252 OPEN '7 A..M. to 7:30 P.M. can nD longer live Dn endowments series, Stephen Whicher, AI Bendiner and George and Helen Pa-. Monday Through Saturday alQne and that new sources of inCQme must be sDught. pashvily, speakers. The closing program June P a rII' 119 Lat - ' Daily Dinners 90e to $1.65 . They have increasingly turned will In 1 d P 1 H f Rear Entrance . cue au 0 Spec/al Children's Plafters to industry, and properly so, he 8 : 15 p.m. continued, since it is one of the Rudisill Mu'hienbergPre!os, Press a~!1 Qf Qf Westminster largest consUmers of their prod- fman ucts, and it is extraordinarily Joseph Shallitt, speakers: and' concerned with the quality Qf the awarding of prizes in the conference cQntest.· . product. WQrkshops scheduled from 9 Industry is the biggest tax CDla.m. to 4:45 p,m. June 17-18 are lectors in the cQuntry, the biggest cDlIectors of funds fQr per- instructed by Neil Harvey, Evesonal health and security of in- lyn Nevin, Malcolm Stewart, Lois dividual employees, the bigg""t Clair GQutman, Richard Sutcollectors fQr contributions to clJife, Margaret Widdemer, J dhn W. Alexander, Pauline Bloom, welfare activities. Caskie Stinett, Marione R. Nick"Just as a pDlitician must get les, Charles Lee, Judith Unger himself re-elected in order to SCQtt and Elizabet'll Abell. remain a politician,· SD also a business man must make a profit SWEEPSTAKES WINNER In order to remain a businessMrs. Charles Paim, Swarthman". And contribution to edumore business woman, was the catiDn instItUtiQns are an added • • • sweepstakes winner in t'IIe Ancost of business operation, he said', NQt only must business manage- nual Spring Flower Show held ment be able to justify tQ its recently by the NorwoDd Horti95 JAYSON SUPER WHITEHALL SHIRTS share owners a contribution to cultural Society. . . Mrs. Palm's 17 ribbons-live .the support of private educatiDn, lirsts, four seconds and eight 50 it must also be able to hold. its ESQUIRE EXPANDO SOCKS thirds-earned for her the G. F. own with compAtitora, some Qf which do not contribute at ail. . McDonald trophy offered annualto plus tax SWANK JEWE~RY "It is the role of every one of ly by t'IIe society. us as propreltors of education tQ 1.19 - 19 , lind sound answers for ijle In- appears 'to have acquired seeuriDACRON TIES atltutions ·that· have produced us ty. withQut having earned it, more • :. • the mQre ehance there is of often. than not, it turns out to to plusta~ FAMOUS" BUXTON WAll.ETS preserving and building our In- be illusory. ltltutioos of higher learning on "The QPportunlties In America MEN'S DACRON and ACETATE CORD SUITS IL tree· buis, the more ehanee are ~. But they there .Is tOr personal liberty for thOle WhD are wbIe 90 CCIIltIDlIe ID \:he Unitell Stajlell UId . not to eXaaeftte the MEN'S ·Al.l wci::nSPoRT' :COATS . for \:he reat of the worIa." portanc:e of aeeurity and who are Ro 1IOftIIDIIIlt, Vr. Deed de- willlnI to leave that J'ePI*l TRUNKS cJared. auaran1ee ro.- falterill& cdd II1II11t o " ' " -1IiiIe I !IlII~. ~ Summer Day Camp Positively!: •••••••••••• • _ell I............ ..mce. -r ·l ••• • • • • • • ' ... - --- 0EW 0R0PIN N H.J~~;~ ::i~: ;~.;:' c~i ~ . Earlll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ill~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ON FATHER'S DAY FROM SPEARES 3. 1.00 1. 2. 50 1.00 6.00 2. . 2.50 10.00 . ·21.90 21. 35.00 35.00 . SWIM !IIiIIIIitI.... }.It!.• \ .......... ' , C()j.1.". L.~l1.i~;., '. '. '.Y ~~~ .. _ .. Remember Remember THE SWARTHMOREAN Flowers For Flowerless 1;:==========;;;;;;=; two i J - 11, 19M 11IE SWARTHMOREAN Pap 11 ~::~~;: Co~ie@r Ltbrary Flowerless '3.50 PER YEAR SWAR.'fBMORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1954 VOLUME 26-NUMBER 25 Flowers For Stalte T~rns FDed0wn SICJhDD FI'S LROCedal ce!'Sf'USt" MrD'S, Msartthrda BIeNS~i~~t R:terV:::!n F~~ool Nursing Service b eqUires era 0 or aSSIICa lOR les aU ay Igil In Annual Meet Although several nearby districts have recently qualifi· Memorial Service To Be ed for reclassification from fourth to third class through the Held June 27th For taking of local interim censuses, a new rtlling by the State Former Educator Department of Justice prevents Swarthmore following suit. Mrs. M~rtha RlppendDn BlesThe Swarthmore board of school directors was thus notified sing, widow of Dr. George F. by a June 10 letter from John ·M. Lumley, deputy superin- Blessing a fDrmer head Qf the tendent of the State Department of Public Instruction, read engineerin",. department of at Wednesday evening's session of the board: "I am advised SwarthmDre College until his that on the basis of advice received from the Department of death in 1921, died Saturday evening at the Friends Hospital, PhilJustice we may nol;o accept the special ce~us enumeration adelphia, fQllowing a long illness. made under the direction of the Swarthmore Borough School She was 76. District. On the basis of 'advice from the Departmeilt of T he ftrst wOl1l3l1 to .teach higher Justice we believe that only an ehumeration niade'by Federal mathematics at the University Qf Census authorities may be used as the basis for the re- Kentucky, Lexington, Mrs. Blesis also thought to have been classification of a school district." The:Jetter referred to the sing the lirst woman dean Df men at a population listing accomplished laSt winter by volunteers United States College when she under the' guidanceQf the school administration. This was Dccupied that post at MQ!>rehead submitted to Harrisburg several months ago and the local State Teachers CQlIege, Moorehead, Ky., from 1931-36 where District had been awaiting notification as to its status. she was also Associate Professor Registrations fQr the Swarthmore Community Bible SchQDI will be accepted this mQrning, June 18, at the Presbyterian Church from 9:30 tD 11. The sessiQn will begin MDnday, to contlnue E hthrQugh d art Friday, July 2. ac ' ep kbo mentk dis has completed la i p tinsiti.or wor 0 cuss Qn andf t h Id th . t C achildre v es fro 0 0 f em erest '1Id n m our yearsAlfred '1 • d Mrs fur gh QU SiX gra ers. . ill sh Ferrer of Yal e avenue w ow siides Df Japan and Korea taken Summer Bridge June 30 To Aid Nurse Study Loan Fund More than 100 persQns attended the Annual Luncheon Meeting of the Community Health Societv J tD Central Delaware County yesterday in the Woman's Club, Park avenue. The group included rep-' resentatives of cDDperating Qrganizations within the six CQmby Mr. and Mrs. Ferrer while living in Japan. A ftim strip Qn muniiies served by the Red FeathAI. er nursing agenc v , volunteers who rica and one· on American " . aid its nursing serv'·c~, phvs,·c,·an·s Indians will be shown during the ~ J secDnd week. WhD serve on Its Medical AdvisQry Committee, members Qf its Men's Advisory Board, the Agency Stall, a charter member, and past pres!dents. A 11 were guests of the Board Qf Directors who individually proJQseph J. Conte Df Philadel- - - - - . . . . . . , - - - - - - - of Mathematics. FQllowing ·the Six Councilmen, meeting Mon- vided the luncheon which was death of her husband, she was as- day night in BQrough Hall, accep..served by !'lembers of the bia was named teacher Qf ninth sistant dean of women at Swarth- ted with regret the resignatiQn of SWarthmore Junior Red CrQSS. grade science and Latin fqr more College for Dne year. . Patrolman RDbert TinunOns from M,rs. Carl Schmitt, president of "ear and Patricia Told of Park BDrn In LexingtDn, Ky., the the Swarthmore PQlice FDrce. the Board, presided. The Invocaavenue was named physical edudaughter of James Garrard and OfIIcer TimmDns, who has been Qn lion was given by the Rev. .Tohn catiQn teacher in the elementary I n Elizabeth RippendDn White, she the force fDr several years, sub- Schott.' . . . . Annual Awards Made mitted his resignation because of The Agency's Nurse Educationschool· for the 1954-55 leave of d uated fr om the Uni veTSIty 0 f the serious Illness of his father in gra . Traditional Program Kentucky and received an M.S. al Loan Fund and Qther special absence Qf Mrs. Alice Pulnam from Chicago University befQre Fl~~:clt appointed In ·his place projects will be alded by two Wednesday Willetts. Mr. Conte.r~eived hil! pachelor Students of Swarthmore High beginning her teaching career Staniey A. Shepanskl of Chester, summer bridge.partles to beheld degree In languages at VillIBIllnralSchool gllthl!red In the school as- which Included six years Qn the Qne Qf live 'applicants for the po- Wednesday ",Qming, June 30, at University in 1949 and his masters sembly Wedllest!ay 'mQrning for faculty of the fDrmerMary Lyoa sitiDn. Shepanski has been as- 10 o'clock, In the Swarthmore degree In educatiQn in 1953. He the traditional MQving-Up Day School. Harvard avenue. '. sQciated with. SwarthuiQre the Woman's Club and In Sprlngfteld. has taught In Philadelphia schools exercises closing the school year. Her marriage to Dr. Blessing past two years as Qperator of a DlrectQrs frQm Swarth:more are wheri! he is bY'fI\embers of the band Qccurred In LexingtQn In 1905, garage at Rutgers and Yale av- In charge of the local afIatr while 'of the faculty of J· the ditecliDn Qf fDllQwing· which she came to ·enues. board members frQm the other 'High Sch901. Holm" a ,OhQral Reading Qf, SwarthmQre.She built her home The Dff..r Qf William C. Mor- live cQmmunities served will conMiss TQld graduated from 100tli anit· the· 23rd psalms at· .• his i:a.w of pay. one .efforts Qn the Swarthmore High School in 1949 the graduating class opened the death on .the site which they had third the expew;e Qf laying draIn- Springfield party. and received a'bjich&ior of science program: George Garrett, presl- .hos~il. A wide traveler, In recent age pipes through his property to Mrs.. A. Sidney JQhnson, Jr., , . dent a.f. the ,Junior High School years she bad wintered in Tucson Crum Creek if Swarth:more and Mrs. D. Mace Gowing, Mrs. H. Student Cabin"t an4 winner of fQr her health. Springlield 'I'ownship would each Lindley Peel, Mrs. C. W. Lukens (Continued Qn Page 4) the American Legion Award for She was a member of Kappa pay one third was discussed but may be contacted locally for in" this year, led the pupils in the Kappa Gamma, the Swarthmore action on the matter postponed formatipn. . Flag Salute which was follDWed Monthly Meeting of Friends, and pending advice of Borough l!ln-------by the singing of t'IIe NatiQnal a former member Qf the Womlln's gineer G. D. Houtman. The pipes Anthem by the. entire schooL Club of Swarthmore. WQuld be laid to draIn water from , .." ..",' The installation of Cabinet ofServices were held in Lexing- Mt. HDlyoke place and. part of Sum mer Sc~e.dule· ficers, took place with Robert, ton on Tuesday with interment In Harvard avenue. The· request of several residents resld t the family plot there. A memQrlal tiri Cl thi Hours Now In 0 er. in re. ng p en . swearing Michael Hurd, t'IIe, service will be held in Swarth- in the new development knQwn Mothers Council Elects Elect incoming . preside!'t.· The . new mDre by the Kappa Kappa Gam- as DartmQuth Circle not -to be Mrs. C. E. Yarrow officers SWQrn fu by Michael mas in the Friends Meeting House required to lay side walks was BDrer: next Sunday, June 27, at 4 p.m. denied. CQuncil will take the matChairman Directors Df the· SwarthmDre Vice-President . RQh~ Secretary, M'Bly Beth Carney: and She is survived by a daughter ter of sidewalks along the east Public Library studied a suggeStThe elementary grQUP Qf tbe Mrs. Alden Van' Kirk of San side Swarthmor.e avenue beed $11,873 budget for August I, Treasurer. Roger zensen. tween.of.the rallroad and Yale avParenta -Council of the .Swarth1954 to August I, 1955 presented A new, feature in this year's Fr,,;ncisco, Calif., and a, son, enue under advlsement. more Schools unanimQusly recby Treasurer Philip H. Jewett MDving-Up Day exercises 'was the GeQrge F., Jr., Cif Elm avenue, A bid· for an air 'hDrn to be In- ommended that an elementary and Assistant Treasurer Robert annQuncement of studenls whQ and tWQ grandchildren George stalled Qn the College Power s!",tion Qf the Home and' School Brodhead at the regular quarterly were the recipients leadership and Ann Blessing. (Continued Qn Page 10) AssociatiQn be established' next meeting in the Library Tuesday awards. Michael Hurd was sel,ect··1 fall in cDnjunction with the opentQ atte!ld the Rotary Leadership night. ing of the new wing of the RutCamp which Is held June "20-25: gers Avenue School building. The summer schedule Qf .hours Mary Beth Carney was chosen is !lOW in effect, according to the announcement of Librarian Bet- to attend the AineriCan LegiDn One hundred and eighteen tina Hunter. ,The Library is oPen Auxiliary girls' state program at children have been' registered for (Continued on Page 4) three afternoQns each week, Mon~ the pre-school and primary sumday, WednesdRY,an4 Friday . . mer program of the Swarthmore 2 until 5,· two. evenings Monday Recreation Association which and Wednesday from 7 until 9, begins ·this Monday, June 21 .at and Qne mQrning, Saturday, from the .CQllege Avenue School." Mrs. 9:30 until 12' Noon. . ,,~~. LIndsay WQlfe and Mrs. J. R. Turner, Jr., will, be on hand to Circulation_for April' and May Swarthmore students interested direct ehildren .. to their particular was reported by Miss Hunte~ at In any Qf the several. music acgroup the ftrst d8y. 9,423, a rise Qf 700 over the same tivity programs to be offered durperiDd last year. Seventy ing June and July, wlll register Here's a. garden IDver whQ Mrs. Franklin Robbl~, directQr of the program, has .announced new. members were added and In the Music building at the rear 230 new books accessioned, in- Qf the HIgh School Dn MondRY needs no invitation to enter her that there are still a feW opencluding the 20 bOQks purchased mQrnlng, June 21 between 9 a.m. neighbor's garden. No need to ings. Parents who wish tQ regpost a sign for her on the gate: isler their children may come tD with the $50 presented by the and noon. "Ali Who Love FlQwers, Enter the school ..t 9 a. m: on Monday. Cub Scouts. Miss Hunter.mentiDn~ The program, sponsored. this On June 28, one week later, Here." ed among these the three vol.ume Iyear· by the SwarthmDre Band It's a warm and friendly gasthe Summer Club will· begin for set of the "New century· and Orchestra Parent Groups, Inpedia of Names" as beIni a 'Val.ued cludes Jnstruc:tion for beginners fure, that sign, , and many are children who have' completed the pennanentaddition to the Ll- and ensemble work tor Interme- they whQ take advantage Qf it, tbird grade. There are. still openbrarJ"s reterence collectiDn. . . and the more advanced either over the gate .Qr through Jngs for the full program being , players. A few sehool-owned in- it. But because there are Qthers prepared b" Jerry Nowell, direcLocal first, second, and fourth struments will be avallable to be- such as the ward patients In the tQr, and his std. PLAN FALL BROCHURE cr.ade sc$ool cluses and a Rether ginners on a loan basis. In most Philadelphia General Hospital, A committee of parents and Providence High School it is possible to schedule who cannot answer the Invitation, bring their bouquets down to the teachers met with Elementary ' musical activities and still SwarthmQre women devQte a Woman's Club WedDescIaJ' .... Princlpal Thomas A. Bo"le Tues. hay. visited the LIbrary durlni the Spring months. eurolleCl In either the Summer Itood bit of their time gathering ninp or by I a.m. ~ day of this week to. deslin a Board Prellldellt Dr. Robert So IlecIdt10n pNIl8Ul or one of the the liowers for them." buckeb of . . . . . . . . pat brachure on ·the schoOl calendar' WomeJI of 'l'rInity Church have out for.the ............ and practiCell of the eIemenbnT Spiller presided at the meetIn8 academic ,,1 u .tdch was attended b" tM ... AD of the Summer J(usIc work charge of the project tor the . ~ but the. -'en. "AD ........, TIle brocohme wm be prenear,. ABee' 8artJw,:. Kra. WIll be· UDder . the dlrectloD of JIIOIith.ofJune. AD th:il!ie with Who LOve P'iowers'l!riDt' TMm pared dariDa the .. unmer for BeftIo1d, ]In. P. 'l'old, BJmey ·Robert Il. Holm of the to UbcI. 10 JIen," .. III 11&'11' .. disb'IbutIGIl to p&reIIts nat PalL tile ...8.~tr'" ~. I . " Patrolman TI'm'mORS R' eSlgns From Force 'Moving Up' Close School - ' curreQ.t1ia"miUe~m:ber::I~·~~~IC. TIlden .. 811~ ~~e:follD~'~ • D. Ubrary Irectors Study New Budget cen~ate ~ Group Recommends Home. &School Split of SRA Younger Group Begins Monday Morning Summer Music Reaid1-ation June 21 cases IwbeIi ItlCiWm.. -..,are: .. ., • JUDe 18, 19$1 Page 2 ENGAGEMENTS WlnREICH·deFURIA Mrs. and Mrs. Herbert Branson Spackman of "Thornbury Far:m/' West Chester, formerly of FarDUm road, Media, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Kathryn Glauser Spackman, to Marvin Verne Andersen, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Andersen of North Muskegon, Mich. Miss Spackman was graduated from George School aDd Vassar College in 1950. She received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan this month. Mr. Andersen, a graduate of the University of Michigan, will attend the Medical School of the University of Michigan in the falL A September wedding is plan- The marriage of Miss Caroline Ann deFuria, doiughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy deFuria of North Chester road, to Ensign Paul Edward Wittreich, U.S.N.R., soli of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O. Witlreich of Tenafly, N.J., took place Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock' in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church before a chancel, banked with cibotium ferns, white calla lilies, delphinium, roses ,and stock with standing floor candelabra at either side. The aisle leading to the altar was alight with Candelabra entwined with fern. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop performed the double ring ceremony. The bride, who was given in marriage by 'her father, wore a bridal gown of whi~ mousseline de soie over blush taffeta, featuring a bateau neckline outlined with Alencon lace over which pearls and paillettes were scattered. The boullant skirt of chapel lengll" was appliqued with matching lace motifs. Her long veil of French Illusion was held in place by a cap of Alencon lace, and she carried a cascade bouquet of white roses and lilles of the valley. Mr.. J. Robert Twombly of ,Cambridge, Mass., sister of the bride, as matron of honor wore a g!>wn of pale blue nylon chl1lon of ballerina length, fashioned with a cowl neckline. Her trlcorne cap ned. Mr. ,and Mrs. Fred McClure Garrett of Louisville, Ky., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Zanah Garrett, to Mr. William Forrester Stotz, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. St<>tz of Wallingford Hills. Miss Garrett is a graduate of Wellesley College and is at present studying for her Masters degree in Library Science at Simmons College in Boston. Mr. Stotz is a graduate Friends Central School, Philadelphia, and of Middlebury College, and is a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity. He will receive his M.B.A. from the Harvard Schriol of ausiness AdminiStration thiS month., was of matching blue velvet sparkled with rhinestones, and she carried American Beauty roses. Miss Sally Alden of North I The new baby is a grandson of of, Strath Haven avenue, and Mr. her father, wore a gown of emMr. and,Mrs. William L. Medford land Mrs. O. C. Ryan of Richmond, broidered nylon tulle fashioned on princess lines. Her sbell cap of illusion featured Belgian lace and seed pearls, and she carried white roses and gypsophila. Miss Ann Hay, sister of the bride and her only attendant, wore a gown of embroidered organdy over pale blue ,satin with BEAUTY SALON ' headdress of blue tulle. She carried a bouquet of blue delphlnIEAUTY 'LIASES FATHIR, TOO ium, pink rosebuds" an~ gyps~ phila. 9 South Chester, itoad Airman Morton Miller of ColIege Can SWarthmore,6-0476 Park, Md., served as best man. I The Rld-I~~~~~~~~ii~~~~ii~iiii~~~~~~iiii~~ land of Seattle, Mr. ErThe ushers were Wash., Pvt. John win Epbron of ·New York, city, and Mr. George 'Andrews Hay, Jr., brother of the bride. ' The couple are on a wedding trip to Cape Cod. • Both the bride and groom graduated with honors from Swarthmore ColIege on June 7. Mrs. FerrelI, mother of the bridegroom, entertatned at a dinner party at the Art A1lIancl!, Philadelphia In honor of the couple. STATE AUTO INSPECTION May 1st to July 31st Check your. car now for Summer DrivinQ RUSSELL'S SERVICE O"OSITI 10Rollia" 'ARliN. LOT SW ~40 Dartmouth • Lafayette Aves. AUGUST BRIDE DEUCIOUS DINNOS -to SUIT til. TASTE of EVERYONI TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FAClUTIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1.30 P. M. , Elevator Comfortoble Rooms Day or Week STRA. TH HA V EN INN Yale. Harvard Avenuel, Swarthmore, Pa. WALTER I. PARRon, Ii,r. 'RII! 'ARKIN. 11~~~~~~~;;;;~~~!~~~~~!!!!!!!~~ Chester road, Miss of heirloom Brussels laceroses. and of Belmont, Mass.,Nancy and Faber MiSs veil carried a bouquet of white Miss Ella Caldwell, daughter <>f Joanna Slesinger of New York Mrs. Richard L. Neale of ChapMr. and Mrs. J. A. Caldwell of City as bridesmaids, wore identl- paqua, N.Y., was her cousin's only Carnegle, will become the bride cal models and headdresses to 1ai;ter,dant. She wore aquamarine of Mr. Bruce Warren Godfrey, that of the matron of honor. They linen and carried Talisman roses. son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. carried bouquets of Bountiful Mr. Hay served as best man Godfrey of Vassar avenue, <>n roses. for his son. The usbers were Saturday, August 21 in the Ftrst Dr. Warren J. Wittrelch of SU- Messrs. Peter M. Hay of East United Presbyterian Church ver Springs, Md., served as best Haven, Conn., and R. Duncan Hay Carnegie. man for hiS brother. The usbers of Concord, Mass., brothers of A reception will follow at the were Messrs. H. Boyd Cameron of the bridegroom, and John P. Hal~ home of the bride's parents. ElyrIa, Ohio, J. Robert Tw9mbly, stead, Jr., of Bullalo, N. Y. and Ronald A. Wlttrelch of EngleThe c<>uple will spend a year , I " wood, N.J. ", " In Japan and' India, wbere Mr. HONOR BRIDE The bride's' mOther chose a Hay will work for hiS Ph.D. de,. Miss Barbara Crosset, daughter gown of lace and chl1fon of Perl- gree on a Ford Foundation Schoof Mrs. Donald A. Crosset of winkle blue with matching acces- larshlp. Riverview road, whose, marriage -------"to Mr. WUliam Brink, son of Dr. sories, and hat of tulle. Her cor.age was of white orchids. The BIRTHS and Mrs. R<>bert Brink of Newark, Mr. and Mrs. C. WUliam Philgroom's mother wore a gown ot Del., will take place Saturday, lips announce the birth of a son, toast colored lace, a small flowerJune 26 in the Swarthmore PresClyde Martin Phlllips 2nd,' on byterian ChUrch, was guest of ed hat, and a white orchid corJune 6 in the Memorial Hospital, honor at a luncheon giVI!\l' last I sollIe. Wednesday by Mrs. William After a wedding trip by auto- Wilmington, DeL The baby is the grandson of Mr. Ward, 3rd of Chester. mobile to New York State and Mr. and Mrs. Walker Penfield Canada, Ensign Wittreich will re- and 'Mrs. Robert Richardson of <>f Riverview road will entertain port for duty with the U. S. Navy Park avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Phillips of Newark, Del. at a bullet supperfoIT<>wing the on July 2. rehearsal next Friday evening. -------Dr. and Mrs. D. Dixon Meyers Guests will include the bridal FERRELL-HAY of, Mobile, Ala., are recelvihg party and out-of-town guests. The marriage <>f Miss EdIth congratulations upon the birth of Whitman Hay, daughter of Mr. their second child and first son, RICHARDSON.ECKERT and M..". George Andrews Hay of James Lester' Meyers, on June , Harvard avenue, to Mr. WilHam 14 at Mobile Inflnnary. Mr. and Mrs. R<>bert I,. Eckert RUssell Feltell, son of Mrs. W. Mrs. Meyers is the former Miss of Merrimac, Mass., have an- R. Ferrell <>f Los Angeles, Calif., nounced the' marriage of their and the late Mr. Ferrell, took D<>rothy L. Wilson, daughter of daughter, Edith Sarge?t Eckert, place Saturday, June 12 at a 2 the late Mr. and Mrs. James H.II to Ensign R<>bert William Rlch- o'clock ceremony in Trinity Wilson of Dartmouth avenue. ardson, Jr., son <>f Mr. and Mrs', Church, Swarthmore. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Ryan " Richardson of Park avenue. The Rev. H. Lawrence Whitteof West G'rove announce the birth The wedding was performed on more olliciated. Saturday, June 12 at 4 o'clock in The bride, given in marriage by of a son, Robert William Ryan on the Pilgrim Congregational - - - - - - - -_ _ _ __ June 10. Church, Merrimac. ~==;;:;:========~I Miss Grela Rldhardson, sister of the groom, attended as bridesmaid. Mr. Keith Richardson, brother of the groom, was an usher. Swarthmore, Pa. Mr. Richards<>n served, as best .' AIR CONDITIONED 'man f<>i hiS son. After a honeymoon spent at the Fri. & Sat. Chateau Frontenac, Quebec, CanHUMPHREY BOGART AT HIS BEST! ada, the couple will stop in Swarthmore enroute to Washing"BEAT THE DEVIL" j CO-STARRING ton, D. C., where Ensign RichardJENNIFER JONES PETER LOllE son will be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, parSpecIal Children's Show ' ents of the groom, entertained Saturday.' 1 P. M. the bridal party and <>ut-of-town "Wagons West" guests at a brunch ~aturday (IN TECHNICOLOR) momtng. CARTOONS. COMEDY. AND SUI ..... "I Saw it tn The Swartbmorean." "_Iv '-... •• \'II . . . . . . U. ,,'AtUltiC CITY lilts. LLOYD E. KAU.fMAN' Sll Du1mou&b A_a. 8~'-!'1IO 81lB8CJ1D'T10N8 I'OR AJ,L ~OAZiHEII Every Sat. M""_ Sala..H, HIPI 011" Flail... ""'" Sail. • MOil. '. • Wed. AU W.....T DISNET SIIOW "'INOCCHIO" PLUS ACADEIoIT WINNER "Alaskaa 10TH IN GLORIOUS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTBMORE. PA. PETER E. TOLD, MAlUORIE TOLD, PUBLISHERS Phone SWu1Iuaore 8-01100 Busy Trinity Women Begin Seveath Grade Plcalc Labors for Nov. -~,,'enlt I.J'OITInWedO in hundred and twenty-five the fun at a family A.,end 1"lItallatloa Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Bell of Harvard avenue were In WashIngton, D.C. Friday t<> attend the installation ceremonies <>f Mr. Bell's brother-in-law Justice Samuel J. Ervin, Jr., of Morganton, N. ,C., who took the oath of office as U. S. Senator for the State of North Carolina. ---,----------Seely, hospitality; and Mrs. P. J. Kroon, telephone. On the theory that if summer picnic of the Seventh Grade held comes, Trinity's Holiday Fair can- recently at the home of Mr. and not be far behind, women ot the Mrs. Seymour Preston, Jr., of PETER E. TOLD, Ec1Itor church began this ,week the job Farnum road, Media. BARBARA KENT, ManasIDa' Editor Rosalie Petraol ' MarjOrie Told Lorene McCarter of coordinating the w<>rk it takes Officers elected for the Mother's to produce this event eadh No- Group next year include Mrs. Entered as Sacond Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the PllSt vember. James B. Cooper, chairman; Mrs. Office at, Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Under the leadership of Mrs. John McQuade, Jr., program DEAD~~~~DAYNOON Valentine L. FIne, general chair- chairman; Mrs. William Medford, SWARTIIJIIORE, PENNA., JUNE 18, 19H mali for the Fair slated for No- secretary - treasurer; Mrs. Robert .11 vember 17 and 18 at the Chester PRESBYTERIAN NOTES ' M"HODIST NOTES road Church, heads of c<>mmittees met to receive assignments This Sunday there will be one A church Family Picnic is and begin preliminary work on service of Moniing Worship, ~t planned for Saturday, 'June 19 the booths and special eventa. 11 o'clock. This is the start of the (rain date, June 26) at the PicMrs. Fine announced that Trinsummer' schedule which will con- nic Grove In Valley Forge Park ity would have as its drawing founded our organization 76 tlnue, through !3eptember 5., , just 011 <>f Route 363. The p1atl- card for the sec<>nd day, Mrs. Mr. BiShop, will preach thiS ning committee has arranged for Ann Werstner Wood, author and years ago. The same family Sunday momlng on the 41st the day's program as follows: authority on holiday decoration. D-brealdast: 10:30-0rganized Psalm. The title of his sermon is operat.. It today. Mrs. Wood will present her ori"Thlrst F<>r The Living God." games for children of all ages ginal suggestions for holiday This is the first of two sermons on with prizes; 12: 3D-Iuncb. Ice tables and home decor preceding the Psalms. Next Sunday's Ser- cream will be provided. The luncheon that day; her popularity mon, on the 84th Psalm wtri be afternoon will be free for is so great locally that Mrs.R. entilled "The Place, of Fountains." sports. Any Who wish, may re- Blair Price, chairman of the decDIUCnIU O' PUNDAU main for supper. The Senior High Fellowship orations committee, is already reI 1820 CHISTNUT STRI!IT Those needing transportation will meet at 7 Sunday evening to ceiving reservations for the lecOWER H. lAIR. Found., MJdI( A. lAIR. ......dont should meet at the church at 8 ture. dflIcuss pI;Ws' fo.Summer m~t­ a.m. Others wiShing to go later logs. S1,IpPer' will not' be seried. for lunch only a,nd needing transmeet Monday at ,Mrs. ,SunUner CrurCh' SChool win portation sh<>uld meet at the men Thewill group of 25 committee woWood's home on Walnut lane to start' I;lunday m<>ming. Classes at church at 11 n a.m. will ,,,ontihue through, Church School will begin at further implement preparations July 2~. 9: 45 on Sunday with classes for for the lecture and similar plans. Other c/lairmen who received The choir will rehearse this all ages. At the 11, o'clock morSunday morning and each Sunday ning wor~hlp se\'vice, Rev. Kulp' c<>mmittee assignments from Mrs. hereafter through Jill;!' '25 ;1t 10 will use as his sermon subject, Fine this week include the following: a.m., ,beto~ thli m<>#rlng woi-sbip "Trembling into Rest". servicl'. ,~liiene RoaJi willielid the Nursery for the children will be AssiStant chairman, Mrs. WruItchoir. supervISed by Mrs. George Dunn, er Penfield; Wednesday family Mrs. Harold R<>xby, Aim and Jean dinner, Mrs. Paul Bariks; Thurs-, Paul. Ushers for the service will day luncheon Mrs. Wayne RanTRINITY NOTES . .. . be James Stephens, head usher, dall; dintng room service Mrs. J. This Sunday, the first Sunday assisted hy John Flood, Theodore D. Bowden Jr.; holiday decoraafter TrInity, tliere 'will be a Purnell, George Dunn, Richard tions Mrs. R. J. 'Baker and Mrs., V{. service (,1 'Holy Commuulon at 8 Snyder, and Warren Crafts. C. Ho~ Jr.; glfts, Mrs. Randall a.m. At' 11 o'clock' , the ., regular On Wednesday ,at 8 p.m. the Reed ,and Mrs. R. W. Glck; Small service <>f MornIDg Prayer be C<>mrnissi<>n on Membership and Fry Shop, Mrs. Samuel D. Reyheld. Evangelism will meet in the nolds, and Mrs. Frances Lumsden', Chapel. The, usbm:s ~ ,this service will Doils, Mrs. W. E. Hetzel Jr.; be R. S. Bird, S. D. Clyde, Jr., C. The Chancel Choir will rehearse aprons Mrs. H. H. Gibson; The E. FellowI', ~. ,.f;;. fflUls, E. M. on Thursday at 8 p,m: In the Attic, Mrs. R. T. Bates. Hij.!,ary, A. ~. Knabb, ,J~l!ph Chapel. Books, Mrs. J. BurrIS West; Reynolds, ahd ' N."N.: ·Weber. LyFood Fair, Mrs. W. M. Harvey and man de Camp Is scheduled to FRIENDS MEETING NOTES Mrs. A. H. Knabb; preserveS, serve as acolyte at the 8 <>'clock A family hymn sing will be Mrs. C. W. Worst and Mrs. H. G. service; and John Bemani at 11. 11Idd In the Meeting HoUse at HopSon; candies, Mrs: J. W. The nursery, during the 11 10:30 B.m., preceding MeetlDg f<>r Haubner and Mrs; Rufus Wixon; o'clock service, 11as ~dilJcon- W<>rship at n. " art. 'and cmtts, Mrs; L. Harris, Mrs. Louis N. Robin_ tlnued until the fall. Friends will ~ather for the There will be ,Il servJce of. EVI!-' regular Monthly Business Meet- son' and Mrs: J. H. Schad ehllning Prayer on Tuesday at 5: 30 ing at 7: 30 p.m. Sunday in Whit" dren's movies, Mrs. A. D. Mosp.m. and again on Friday at the tier House. crip' and Mrs. F. S. Chambers same hour. Jr;; Fish Pond, Mrs. C. S. Keller There will be no mid-week CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES and Mrs. George A. Hansell Jr.; celebration of the Holy Commu"Is The. Universe, Including publicity, Mrs. Herbert Bro1h-n, ni<>n as Mr. WhIttemore will be Man, Evolved By Atomic Force?" assisted by Mrs. J sines L. Malone. in Hartford, Connecticut, until will be the subject of the LessonJuly 2, attending a conference on Sermo!, to be read at Christian "Group Life." . ,'. , Science services Sunday. Manis dominion over all ma15 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD CHURCH SERVICES teriality is stressed in the readings from the King James Versi<>n of PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ,the Bible 'as well as those from Joseph P. Bishop, Minister John Sch<>tt, Associate MinIster "Science and Health with Key to ,~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill~iiii the Scriptures" by Mary ',Baker Sunday, .Tune 28 ~. Bishop will Eddy. The Scriptural selections 11:00 A.M. Preach. include the account as given in 11:00 A.M. Summer Church Matthew (14:22-32) of how SchooL Christ Jesus and Peter waIked OD METHODIST CHURCH the sea. ... they're push-overs for gifts, so happy to be Jolul 'C. Kulp, MiniSter ,The Golden Text is from John W. Laney, Assistant Minister r~membered, so delighted with your choice for R. Burkholder, Organist-Director Psalms: uGod 'hath spok~n once; twice have I heard' this; that S~,.Tune 20 him ... (is this for ME?) 9:45 A.M.-ChurchSchool power belongeth unto' God." 11:00 A.M.-.Mr. Kulp will preach. (62: 11) TRINITY CHURCH A cordial invitation Is extended H. Lawren~e Whittemore~ Rector to aU to attend the services at Sanday, .TanIO 20 11 a.m. Sunday at The' First 8:00 A.M.-Holy Commuulon. Church of Christ, Scientist on 11:00 A.M;-Moming Prayer; Park avenue. , Tnesda¥, .Tane 22 5:30 P.M.-Eventng Prayer. FrIday, .TlIDe 18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. RichJune 20th 5:30 P.M..-Evening Prayer. ardson of ~Wk avenue, accomTHE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY panied by' their daughter Grela, OFnuE;NDS S~, .Tane 20 and son Kith e ,were w eek-end 10:30 A.M.-Family Hymn Sing. guests of Mr. and Mrs. William 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Biddle of Amesbury, Mass., while Children cared for in Whittier In New England to attend the House. All are welcome. dd' f th . Ens 7:30 P.M.-M<>nthIy Meeting for we mg a err son ign RobE usmess.' . ert Richardson and Miss Edith , Monday, .Tane 21 ,Eckert of Merrimac, Mass., SaturAU day sewing for A. F. S. C. ,day. Pvt. William Burdsall Potts of WedneslllQl', .Tune 23 , All da:f sewing for A.F.8.C. Yale avenue, a graduate of FIRST ClIURCH OF ,Swarthmore HIgh School and <>f C~J,~:~ST Pennsylvania State University, ,Park Avenue below Harvard was inducted into the U.S. Army S . . .'I', .T_ II In November, 1953. Pvt. Potts is 11:00 A. :M.-Sunday SchooL now stationeji In Camp Truscott, 11:00 A.M.-The L' on S lmon Salzburg, Austria ,where he ill 1lJilJ. be "Is the Universe, Inplayinjr the elarInet in &be 149th cluding Man, Evolved by . ' Atotnic Foree?" U.s. ArmY Band. Previously, he ' eveaIDg mwllD& "PI asented Swarthm<>reand Penn ; : ........ 8 P.M. Reading room State University In the 8 Parlr Ave• • .11 ~ except Sunday 11 to II and Btpld and "I'tHi'tra 1 .$117 - " ' I S ., to ' ., :', ..,. ':so.Jt~ IIbd • to IIJO ,P.II. Con 4 ta. 1-----.,...-,---:------;-----________ OLiVIR H. BAIR • rJ~~~~~~~~T~.~I~.~P~ho~..~e~R~I~6-~'~5~1~'~~~~~~;!_f By the .Sea , or wil! HOUSE CLEARANCE OF DREsSES 1/3 OFF 104 Park Avenue I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~ COUEGE THEATRE THE SWARTHMOREAN PapS THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. ROBERT J. ATZ. Owner HAY·KNAPP Miss EloiSe Norvell Knapp, daughter of Mrs. Lucy Norvell Knapp of Bronxville, N. Y., and Mr. G. Prather Knapp of Forest Hills, N. Y., became the bride of Mr. Stephen Northup Hay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Hay of Ogden avenue, on Friday in the Church of St. Thomas More, New York City. The Rev. Edward J. Quirk officiated. The bride, escorted by 'her brother Mr. George G. P. Knapp, wore a gown of Ivory satin with THE SWARTUMOREAN Jane 18, 1954 THE SW AR11IMOREAN WiHiam 1. Crist Becomes Owner Of Adolph's Barber Shop On June 1, 1954, William Crist, who is known to many of us 0$ "Bill", became the new owner of Adolph's BarberShop. He has' been with the shop for many years, and is respeded by all who know him. At the start of Adolph's illness, Bill was seriously thinking of going into a business of his own.' Because of 'his loyal friendship and sincere personal feeling for Adolph, he abandoned the idea and stayed on. He has admirably carried on in the absence of Adolph, and both Nelson and I wish him a suecessful future in his new venture. We also take the opportunity at '. this time of thanking everyonewhohas been so kind to us. Mrs. 'Adolph Rubin In it ~atalina . . and Jantzen Bathing Suits are a Joy! Fathers Are Vulnerable! CHOOSE FROM A SHOP WELL':'VERSEO' IN MEN1S WANTS Slacks Shirts Ties ... '."!In eon. Pajamas Wallets June 18, 1954 THE· SWARTHMOREAN Page 4 discussions under qualifted lead- State Turns Down ers on family relations and child Sch00,•S LocaI (:e''1sllIsl growth. She also requested use of . E' 2JIUIUnlllllnmwllllllllllllllllllQIIUDI\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! 'Moving Up' xerClses i ·PIOURE FRAMING § AT FORT DIX Pvt. D. Jeffery Hartzell. son of Close School Year §' PORTRAIT STUDIO . Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. ~artzell (Continued from Page 1) of Wallingford. has arnved at PHOTOGRAPHIC Fort Dix. N. J. and been assigned Shippensburg. The winners were SUPPLIES to the 69th Infantry Division for announced and introduced by last. iii I I . the audio-visual room of the high (Continued from Page 1) school on Tuesday evenings degree in physical education at scheduled for this purpose. Both eight weeks of basic training. year's winners, Bob Clothier and Sargent College. Boston Univer- :.vere granted. Rose Allce Richardson, respecHartzell ls a graduate of Penn sity in 1953. For the past year Permission for the continuation Charier School. Philsdelphia. and tively. State I: Monroe Sts. sbe has been a physio-therapist in of tuition-free enrollment of the Amherst College. He was formerly Frank R. Morey supervising a Roxbury. Mass.. hospital. She. children of WilHam Reese ·and employed by the Defense Depart- principal of the Swarthmore Media _.,.,. Open has done practice teaching in Mel- Henry Hofmann. faculty mem- ment. Schools, presented the American 6-2176 fri. Ev rose and Brookline schools in liers in the elementary school His wife Ann. the daughter of Legion Award for ninth grade ~"lIIlHlllmllllllllmluIIIRlIlIlIlIlHllllllllnHn Massachusetts. has had three was'granted. Mrs. E. G. Shmidheil!er.resides boys to George Garrett and the years of settlement work as basAmerican Legion Auxiliary New history text books for ftfth in Wynnewood. ketball coach and recreation lead- and eleventh grade were adopted. Award for ninth grade girls --------er at Roxbury Neighborhood to Eleanor Moore. Dan JackNEWS NOTES . RIDING IS The Evening Shop Program on son received Honorable ,Mention House. She has been a member of David Cox of Walnut lane has for the boys and Karen Rogers the All_American Women's La- Tuesdays beginning September 28 under David Watkins was authoreturned home after completing received Honorable Mention for crosse Team, and has also rized. as also was the Saturday his sophomore year at Wesleyan the girls. THAN DRIVING IN attended ·Merestead Hockey and sports under William Reese and University. lIfIiddletown. Conn. Lacrosse Camp in Maine for five Willard Tomlinson of the HarJAMMED TRAFFIC seasons. taught riding for two Millard Robinson. Mr. Reese will Mr. and Mrs. Reavis Cox of vard Club of Philsdelphia presummers at Camp Vega. held Bos- be in charge of football from Sep- Walnut lane. accompanied by sented the Harvard Club Book ton local official's ratings in hockey tember 18 to November 20 and their daughter Rosemary. will Award to Charles Hummer. Harry and basketball for two years. and baseball from April 2 to June 4. vacation for a few days at Hol- Oppen\ander, a graduate of is a former vice-president of the Mr. Robinson will direct basket- derness. N. H. w'here they have Swarthmore College, presented ball frOm November 27 to March taken a cottage on Squam Lake. of Sigma Chi Book Award to RoBoston Lacrosse Association. 26. and lacrosse from April 2 to Rosemary will leave there July Three local teachers received June 4. 1 for C1IJDP Aldha. Ely. Vermont land Kenschaft. William B\1Sb, high school eligibllity ratings from the Coun. where she will be a camper for principal, presented th!, Elmira It was announced that the the balance of the summer. ty superintendent and will be Suzanne Plowman of North Key Award to Karen Schiff, and issued tenure contracts: Mrs. Ruth salary,~~4!.~ommittee of the Home ana School Association Swarthmore avenue entertained the Junior Scholarship CUp and Wright. Jeanne Swift. and Walter would meet last evening in the 30 guests at a supper party and the Franklin and MarShall Alumni Hall high school, and that the School a scavenger bunt Saturday eve- Book Award, to Randy Malin. Mrs. John Nason requested Bettejo Goodall, director of voboard's ~approval of an adult edu- Board would reconvene next n!ng In honor of her 12th birthTuesday or Wednesday evening if day. cal music, presented the certillcation course of movies and group Mr. and Mrs. Karl M. Fox of cates of the PennSYlvania Music a quorum can be secured. It was also reported that Harry Oppen- Yale avenue h;lve returned from a Educator Association to students SCHOOL IN ROSE VAlUY lander of the high school faculty week's motor trip to OXford, Ohio w'ho participated in the. Dlstrict would lead a dlscussion on edu- where they attended college re- Chorus. Those receivIng certiftcates were J obn Conard, David cation for the gifted child. at the unions at Miami University. Secondary Education Conference Mr. and Mrs. Josepb H. Per- Jenkins Nancy carroll, Carol Moylan, Penna at Drexel Lodge next week. kins of Cedar lane recently enter- BOwer,' Roberta Grooters, and Swarthmore schools wlli send tained as their week-end guests Thomas Goldmeyer. JUNE 21 to JULY 30 three custodians to a, tralning Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beaven of The traditional Moving-Up ExAGES 3-9 course conducted by the Institute Catonsville. Md. ercises and the singing of the of State and Local Government Cornelia McKernan of Rutgers Alma Mater concluded the proShop, Art, Muslc= under the Suburb·an Study Coun- avenue who has completed her gram. Swimming and H~t Lunc:hes cil's Group A sponsorship at Rad- freshman year at Elmira College. Weekly Rates on Request nor on June 22 23. 24. i. spending a few days of this J. Robert McHenry of ·Parrisb. Transportation Available ..' . week with friends in Ocean City. Laura Hobbs ·okPark avenue. Spencer P.· Carroll of North road. has been awarded the .deJosephil'!e Miller, Director entertained at a farewell dinner, Chester road left Thursdl\Y to partmental scholarship In phYparty last Thursday evening in spend a week at the Forest Lake slcal education at Washington and Phones honor of Jean Rogers of Harvard, Club in the. Poconos with her Lee Universityade for for 1954-55 The academic T V U k award was m ME 6-1088, SCh 00' avenue. The guests iJ)cluded 1iine aunt Mrs. Frederick . an. r Head of Admissions of her classmates of Swarthmore .and cousin Mary ,[anUrk of ThaY- achievement oll a com~titive ROGER ·RUSSELL :I (@J@l!.mlfa Summer Day Camp ----- ~M=n=.=D=o=ri.=·~H~aN~e~y~~~=A=E=6-==I54==I~~==h==~~OO~I~.~ ~roa=d.=========== Hellmann's '"Whole Egg'" _____~b=as1s==.===~~=========---~------==----~~= ... Hellma"n's "Old Fashioned" - MAYONNAISE 6ge Quart FRENCH DRESSING . 2Se FOOD MARKET Hellmann's SANDWICH SPRED "LET'S EAT OUTDOOR$' "HOT WEATHER SPECIALS" 3ge Pint 27e Half Pint H-O Oats BROCK'S' EXTRA SPECIAL! EXTRA SPECIAL! Frozen French Fried Potatoes 17e box 2 SWIFT'S PREMIUM Hellmann's Cream Style -'-Chuck Roast FRENCH DRESSING· Fresh Grou,nd Beef 24e 8-oz. btl. Dried Beef 'I.e/b. package -----=~--~-------- ," I, ... ,. ~ Jars 1 ge 3ge poun~ 4ge pound 3 5e , Horseradish Mustard 3 5ebox Blue Berries - Local EXTRA FANCY Cauliflower - Local large Heads j . SJlllHlllAllDllllUlIlllDlMllIIlllUllIIHHlHlllmllnnlUlllllUOllllHUOIIIUlllUnnnllftlUllllllUlIUIIIIInlllllllllllll Pan-Hellenic Council. and chair- Ding In Philadelphia. Harold, who § :; man of Publications for the col- began a two weeks Naval Re- = 1_ For Father's Under Stagdings- :; I i H.1_BOy· = i 5 95 =1 :; ia -· Shoe Shop _ Ii! i = son UniversityI - Presto "Self-Rising" Cake Flour 41'c: box . The "ISO" Handyman STATE INSPECTION MAY 1 - :Tartar Sauce 25e 8-oz. Jar JULY 31 • SPECIAL!! e Ibs. Hav. yoar car e"c'" NOW. . . . . . . It Is I. safe .....a.lcal e.HItIc. • • • y ••r 'lUIS wUl .... If a dolld arts .... ya.r ........ Yev· TIlES w••·t .....0 wat roa •• • • • Y.o. HOIN will wa" ...... w.a eao'. _ yo•••• Ya•• ·HIADU.HTS woa't ...... ... _ ...... e ••I.. yo. • •• Ya... STIEIIN. WHEIL will ..., yo. . . . . . rtt" .1•• of .... r ••cJ...-. •• A•• "'ot all YO" ...... ....1'.... ao. safety d.vle•• oro 10 de,. ••, ..... w ............... 4g First In Service ~ First In Sales Keep YOlr wilte .ioe. WHITE 2gedozen. PARADE BOOT POUSH Liquid or Paste 25c RUMSEY CHEVROLET- After her marria1(e last summer sbe withdrew from college. resuming her course work the seco,!d semester to complete requirements for her. degree this month . daughter Miss Carol Hetzel will leave tomorrow to vacation in Ocean City. They will also spend . part of the summer at their cottage at Eaglesmere Park wbere they will be jnin.oo by their sonin-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Morris and small daughter Ann of Troy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup of Haverford avenue left Tuesday to spend several months at their summer home "Birch Lodge". Wallingford. Vt. • Certified:> Cold 'Fur Storage Specializing in the Cleaning of R. Swan, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan Slip Covers Draperies .Curtains of Mt. Holyoke place. and Mark K. Dresden. Jr.. SOn of Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Dresden of Media. were among the 312 seniors receiving their bachelor of arts degrees at Colgate Universlty·s annual commencement held Monday on the Hamiltoo. N. Y. campus. Swan. a graduate of Episcopal Academy. received bls degree in botanY. A member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. he was a member of the track squad for two M.WEINSTEIN & SON C'eaners - Tai'ors years.· -----_1 South Chester Road ·m;;;;i;;;==;;i;i;;;iII;;;;;;----..... I!;;;;i;i< Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hetze1 of Thayer road, with their George . SWartlimore 6-6130 Theatre $quare Granville, OhiO, in the 12l8t annual CommenceFour residents of the area rement exer~ises Monday morning. celved their bachelor degrees She earned a bachelor of arts de- from the University of PennsYlgree with a major in government. vania at commencement exercises A 1950 graduate of Swarthmore held Wednesday morning in the High School. the former· Bicky Municlpal Auditorium near the Thompson joined Kappa Alpha campus in Philadelphia. They Theta sorority at DeniSon. In her are: sophomore year sbe was social Gunter Hausen. Cornell av~ chalrman of her class. and on the enue. his bachelor of science in· House Counell of ber residence electrical engineering; Warren Do hall both sophomore and junior Mulloy of· Media. his bachelor of years. She was' chainnan of the laws; and HlUTiet H. Cutler and Girl. Scout "ommtssIon of the Leonard A. King. Jr.• o!WallingDenison YWCA and publiclty ford. their bachelor of arts dechairman of the Women's Recrea- grees. tion Association one year each. I~ ______;;;_;;.;;,_______________;;;;; tow." NUCOA 2 serve training period June 13 at the U. S. Naval Training Base. Balnbridge MeL was graduated = 2. for 49t: ""'. - lege and headed the College Red Cross Fund drive this year. Active in the Women's Athietic Assoclation, she played varsity on both the hockey and lacrosse team. Chalrman of the costumes for the Colonial Festival in Williamsburg. she was a member of the Colonial May Couto and represented WilHamsburg as Miss James City County at Norfolk. Va. In addition sbe was SAE Sweetheart and homecoming Group Recommends Home and Schoo' Sp,it (Continued from Page 1) visits and trips and lUided toms. ~ _ i . iii ID. absent1~ J Parents were pleased with the· ~ A pair of B. F. Goodrich A graduate of Swarthmore High value to the sixth grade pUJ)ils $ ~ School, Harold is a member of frOm their vlsIt to the juniorhiJlh _~_ PI Kappa Alphil fraternity at school classes near the end of the = _ Penn. and a member of Beta term; programs bavlng to do with Alpha Psi honor fraternity. He the high school evaluation and the III Brown. Blue. Claret - Brown or Bille Mesh ~ was a ,member· of the University study of the elementary school $_= ....~ §= Band.· Mens' . Glee· Club. and program with· the· elementary Scales Honor SocIety of .the Glee school open house in the fall § • § Club. were also considered worthwhile , . § 5 qn~n. programs. = 5 Thomas M. Hopper was gradu= The discussion. of the part = ated 'Monday with a bachelor of played by the parents in the lIfe 1= : Robert H. Bradford. son of Mr. engineering degree at of the seniorS•. assisting witb· tlie .. = and Mrs. RotH.ri P. Bradford of mechanical UniverSity's 86th Com- sale of food. raising money for § § Swarthmore avenue, was awarded Cornell mencement on the Ithaca. N.Y. their extensive budget. assisting § ~ the bachelor of arts degree at the campus .. A graduate of Swarth- with the Senior Play. Senior Ball = c: 86th commencemeut exercises of morE' High School, Tom is the son and ftnally with the commence§$ the University of the South, Mo~of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hop- ment activities were stressed by _ day. per of Dogwood lane... PresIdent of the Senior Mothers. § : An economics major. Bradford Mrs. J. Albright Jones. Her re§ § has been active .in ..intramural § , sports on the. SeWanee ciunpus Donald W. Sweet received his port was especially effective in ·bachelor· of· science degree. and showing how pupils of the school . iii "-.. ·anl! played football for"three Richard Terry and Paul C. Tarr and the parents can work together ~ ~ years. He waS a member ·of the received the bachelor of arts de- to make the senior year a busY. § ' iii Order of Gownsmen. student 5 102 Park Avenue SWarthmore 6·2350 :; governing body. Bradford belong- grees at Dickinson College's 181st cooperative. and enjoyable one: Mrs. Gilllllan was assisted IQ!' !!i ~ ed to Alpha Tau Omega social commencement exercises held Sunday on the Carlisle campus. Vice Chairman. Mrs. Lathbury ~ OUr Golden Anniversary 1904-1954 § fraternity and to the Wellington Donald is the son of Mrs. and Secretary Mrs. Earle Ed§ :; Club. George W. Sweet of Garrett av- wards. At the close of the meet~lIlIlImlnlllUlmnnllllnIUlIUmllllll"IIIIUllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllll1ll11nll1IlIIlIlIIlluunUllllllllllmmlHi. enue; Dick is the son of Mr. ing, new officers were elected for Mrs. Joseph Gaskill. daughter and Mrs. Duane R. Terry of next year as follows: of Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Thomp- North Chester road; and Paul. Mrs. Clarence Yarrow, chairson. fanner residents of Harvard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Benja- man and Mrs. Morris Bowie, vice avenue. was graduated from Deni- min F_ Tarr of Morton. chairman. _ wit. Juicy Lemons . . "FOR SUMMER STORINO" . 1111% Pure P••ichIcnbenz- Crystals-4I_· $1.50 .25c . Bread Ie-Butter Pi~kle -June Graduates Receive College Degrees While Y.ou're Away ••• Have Your Rugs Cleanedl Digestible even for babies EXTRA FANCY THIN SKIN ~_EAl!INING'S P811:e5 Sc=hool In Rose Yalley Swan complet~ Jet Training at Day Camp Opens Monday Corpus Christi. Texas and is no~ Monday. June 21. marks the Mrs. E. M. Bassett of North ststioned at Cherry Point Air StaBarbara Crosset of RivervIew College at commencement exer. opening for the seventh season Chester road -entertained as her tion. N. C. road. and Mary Knabb of South cises !teld June 7· in New Wilthe summer day camp at the of week-end guests Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Ship- Princeton avenue received their mington. The son of Mr. and Mrs. School in Rose Valley. Moylan . . Warren R. Godfrey. he was one }lilton Read Qf Ventnor. N. J. herd and daughtera Barbara and bachelor of arts degrees from the of three seniors to· receive the The camp for children .ages three Capt. Cbristopher M. Swan. Jr.• Katherine; mov~ Friday from College of WilHam and Mary at award for outstanding achieve- to eight years will be in session and Mrs. Swan spent a short fur- their home on Dartmouth avAve days a week from 9 8.m. to. lough vacationing in Mexico. and enue to the Highiander Folk the 26lst commencement exer- ment in ,ournallsm given an- 3 p.m. during the season w'hich visiting with Capt. Swim's par- School. Monteagle. Tenn.. where cises held on the WilHamsburg. nl¥illY by the Ellwood City Ledcloses July 30. ger. ents Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Shipherd will be on Va .•.. campus S unday. June 6. Bruce will leave June 26 to A stall ;Jadult counclllon inswan of Mt. Holyoke place. Capt. the stall of the scbool. . Mary, the daughter of Mr. and take up bls. new duties as sports cludes specialis1s in sbop and Mrs. Albert H. Knabb. was a phil- editor and reporter for the Patch- carpentry; music. dancing. art and· I newspaper In swimming. osophy major and on the Dean's ogue-Advance Josephine Miller. form~q a' lIst for three years. She parii- Patchogue. L. 1. teacher at the School· in Rose cipated in the Varsity Show her Valley and currently the dlrectm' Priscilla C. Rogers. daughtoir Of first two years. and was an OrIof tbe Works'hop Scbool In Albuentation Sponsor her sophomore Mr. and Mrs. Alban E. Rogers of querque. N. M.. Is returning for Just like a vacation for your rugs. dean rugs year. She was treasurer for Pi Park avenue. has been· graduated the summer to serve as director. for two years. and active In from Penn Hall Junior College. Her stall includes Patsy Beatty look· beHer, feel beHer, wear beHer. Rugs Pbi the "Flat HatU her junior year, CI)8mbersburg. Miles. former teacber at the Media picked up and delivered when promised. the "Colonial Echo" her senior . Pri6cilla received the Honorable Friends School; Lise Faulkn~ Mention award for excellence in year. 9 x 12 Domestic. $7.50 social science; she is a member Jones•. formerly at the Puinam The daughter of Mrs. Donald of Kappa Zeta honor sociely. Child Care Center in Boston; Gertrude KIng. a music teacher A. Crosset, Barbara received her in Media; Sonia Ruth Levy. fordegree in education. A member of Kappa Alpha Theta social sorority Harold Ogram. Jr.. the son of mer teacher at the Oak Lane she was a member also of Kappa Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogram of cOuntry Day School. and Janet Delta Pi. honorary education Riverview road, was awarded his Hampton and Clarence Freeman. 11I . ,' .....kk·.,. I n •• C . '..............._••_ . .' . . . . fraternity. Head majorette with baChelor of science degree in both on faculty of the School. . 100 ;~ Ave., Sw8rthnww, PL the college band. sbe economics frOm the University of .. Mrs. Edmund Harvey of Media was Penns)'lvania at the graduation is director of AdmISsions. IW ........ 6CIOt - CL .........-4646 on Student Assembly. the exercises held Wednesday· mor- NEWS.NOTES Hellmann', -.' Best Foods 2 pkgs25e 7-oz. btl. ~e: 18, 1954:..__ ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-----.;~--;-TH-E-S_W_A_R_'fHM-_O_R_E_AN'---------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 100 Park Avenue Bruce Godfrey of Vassar av~ enue, received·. bls baebelor of arts degree. .~~ from I SW ...1727 Pic:lc-Up and Del'MIfY '-_._.. _.,____..;.......________.......l , T.I.vlsion & Radio Service T.".. Co.,,''' stoct of for H••• ..,.,.. ROIERT IIOOKS SW 6-3119-W... D.y. SW 6-1947-Ev... & S••d.y Mrs. George Plowman of Harvard avenue was guest of honor at a smali dinner party Tuesday evening at which time Mrs. Sam· uel Crozer Fleming of Wilmington entertained In honor of her birthd_a_y_anni __ v_ersa_ry_·. _ _ _ _ _ _ ~==========~ , . WALLSCRAPING , Floon GAd Furnitut. Fullr Prot.cted - Old HoaAC B PaIMr Tak... A..;q. nEE ESTIMATES Passmore Call WAshbura 8-6107 ~.a' - LAWNMOWERSI SHARPENED AND REPAIRED ~" Pick--Up and Den",ry Reelshal'D Mower Servic:e SYlarthmor. 6-4100 Sol.s-Geo"e A. Stauffer Slrvlc:e-I-torac.e R. Rlnshaw Jewelry Repaired II. RB"£ BIT "TB 6 lNIVR"NCB 609 S. eRU".. "8. Phone: SW 6-421& SW'AaTIQlOItII, P8NHA. EMIL SPIES r-.,1wM I •. 6-,,10 Formerlr of F. C. ~. a Sonl 128 Yole Ave. Fine Wotch and Swarthmore, Po. Cicek Rlipairl Receive Advance Degrees William Sickel, son of Dr. and Mrs. George B. Sickel of Strath Haven avenue, received his degree of doctor of medicine from Tempie University at graduation exereises held yesterday morning at 10:30. After a vacation in Ohio. h.e will intern at Chester Hospital. Kurt K. Bohnsack Jt North Chester road received the degree of doctor of philosophy from the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Michigan at the 1l0th Commencement Saturday In Ann Arbor. . . At the same I1me Alan R. Hun! of Elm avenue, son of Everett L. Hunt, dean at Swarthmore College, received the degree of i'!ris doctor from the University's Law School. Mrs. Alison R. Roberts of Wallingford, was conferred the master of science degree in library 1.::=========== .11~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I LANDSCAPING YAN ALEN BROS. & 1 200 W.Rldley Ave. Trees Ridley Park . Shrubbery Moved Flower Beds Made SW 6-4742 'WA 8·2440 Lawns & Hedges Cut Reasonable • Loc:al Aut"orlzed DI.trlbutors for ATLANTIC FUEL OIL IRON FIREMAN OIL BURNERS and alld heating equipment Serv/ce avallab'e to our customers on all malres of 011 burners Level paymellt plan on all bills; Automatic: deliveries at 011 during the heating season science at the 67th conunencement exercises of the Drexel Institute of Technology held Saturilay in Philadelphia. Mrs. Roberts was the recipient of the Library School Association Prize awarded at tbe annual Institute Day ceremonies on June 1. "I Saw it In The Swarthmorean." EDWARD $, CHIPMAN . AND SON G~NERAI CONTRAUOR Tile Floors • Plastic Tile Mode,. Kltchelll AI ..... -tlalll . .' 1401 RIdley Avenue CH t 2-.0759 es er ... FOR RENT FOR RENT. - To Business man. second floor room. Shares bath with One other man. House cool and attractive. SWartilmore' 611175. FOR RENT _ Avalon, N.J., _ beach front apartment, June and JulY, two weelm or by month. Reply Box B, The Swarthmorean. FOR RENT Se . _. ptember 1st, furnished apartment. Adults onlY. SWarthmore 6-1860. FOR RENT - Garage, 215 Cornell avenue. SWarthmore 6RENT _ Ocean City, N.J., for ,fuly. New modem second floor al'artment with garage. One kquare tram prqtectedbathlng beach. E. ~. Berger, 32nd and Asbury Avenue, Ocean City, N.J. FOR RENT _ NicelY turnished single room _ cross ventilation.. shower - to young. man. f19 Yale avenue, SWarthmore 6-4199. FOR RENT _ Furnished apartment _ one bedroom. $85 incl u din g utilities. Telephone SWarthmore 6.5757. I "D........ CLASSIFIED ADS Guwanteed, Standard Coal 2·5689 :"'::==========~.l============::l10538. _ FOR , ~:n::in ~~~::ent I THOM SEREMBA ' . ' ~. an.d' the 18te Mr. who was a past president .the Swarthmore Sc:IwoI Board a former Burgees of. the bo- ' PERSONAL PERSONAL - Weekly trips· to J. F. BLACKMAN Sales and Auction In Dutch country, For transportation and 8W 8-8118 reservation, call ALL ISO N ANTIQUES, SWai1hmore 6-305Q. ~~ . .; PERSONAL - Lawns cut durf#g Iii summer months. Call.' Jolin Fischer, SWarthmore 6-:l25S;;' PEiiSONAL - EGrOpean UDi~· 'Charles E. Fischer sity woman takes care of children In her suburban home. Instructlon In foreign langUages In" cluded. Transportation provided. Daily or~hourly basis. KIngswood BUilDER 4-0615. .. PERSONAL - AiteratlonsIn- your fittings by appolntmen\, home. Association with Estelle Swarthmore 6-2253 .Dress Shop, 69th St., SWarthIDore 6-4934. . '., PERSONAL NAME TAP~. Order now ' - 7-day delivery. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Utility Shop, 19 S. Chester Road. F PERSONAL - Baby sitting. Responsible woman. Call SWarth..''';;;0;;;re;.;6-;;4;:;2;:.51;.:.._-;;;......"....,-_---,~ PERSONAL - Television, radio and appliance· repairs - prompt service. TV sets repaired In the home. Robert Brooks, SWarthPAINTING more 6-3889 or SWarthmore 61947; and Hits New High in Knock·Free Power! .' Jack Prichard • SITE SELECTION • DESIGN CONSULTATION • QUALITY CONSTRUCTION • REASONABLE COSTS "Third Generation HORACE A. REEVES BUILDING CONSTRUCTION '51) 8!11ltbllQre., Pib" Springfield, ,Del. Ca... P4l, Sw.artil_re 6.IM50., 0,.." A.M; t. 8u;lders~' PHOHU 171/2 S. Chester Road '·'.u" SWW4.. SW W4SI , at I,afayette College•. Mr. and Mrs. J.. ROY, Snape of ,--.-.•~ avenu~, accoml"'uled by daughters Barbara and" l!arYellen,' sPent the week-end In Y.; and attended the festivities ohHo,... and· the their son ~"\!d an A. B. d~., IIJs. Herbert Spackman and her .ugblters KathrYn and, Amanda West Chester, formerly of, Parroad, Media, will leave next on the French LIne a six-week stay In EurOpe they wlll;tour.l'rance, Eng. Germany" SWitzerland CONSIDER RESALE VALUE Consult Us Without Obligation , adminlstra~e,. epgIn,.. In BUILD .. c..AJ~,,,,$. ~~'.1'11 ,35 Dartmouth Avenue WHEN' YOU =i;ji:iiiii~;q~:iiiij:iiiiij F.o~_rry, PARK and DABT1IIOUTB AVE. sundaY for, Detroit where McCoWIID will work with Oil Company. He has just rethe degree of bachelor of Members o( the American Leglon Auxiliary have completed a successful year with $256, brought in through the Poppy Project In May and $28 earned through their Dessert_Bridge held June 8. The annual Rummage Sale in the Fall date to be announced later, will a1!:o increase the treasury of the organization which 'boasts a yearlY charltable expenditure of $600, a yfu. Mrs. Alban Eavenson, president and treasurer, is anticipating an unusual display of, practical and luxury articles. Her cbalrman, Mrs. Ellen van S. Cleveland, urges Swarthmore friends to layaway this summer, used garments, hats, shoes, household equipment, toys, boots and' the like for the Auxiliary to meet the needs of those who will attend, the· Fall Sale. Betsy Friend, Joan Gabriel, Carolyn McKinnel, Helen Morrison, more will attend the first en- Martha Ann Moscrip, Diane Rencampment at Indian Orchards shaw, and Kathleen Titus. Day Camp for Girl Scouts (rom June 21 to J~y 1. They are: . , . will sell for you. Susan Dearmg, Gall Donovan, I SALON Open TlaurMltry"NIfNa Alterations Leg.'Ion AUXI'I'lary I . To Attend Day Camp p ' , .Girl ScO\l18 (rom SwarthOpPles Bring $256· Nine DiLuzio and Sons qO!oBD.QEAU'J1Y C1o/IM. Wec1DescIalS . FOR RENT - furnished apartment---3 rooms and bath. Avail_ ----=,..,..,.=~~---~.~. able end of June. Qulet· and WANTED • CARPENTRY pleasant. SWarthmore 6-2047 W~warthmore or VI'c;~after 6. ' ity, unfurnished house'- S ~ or SWarthmore 6-8761 FOR SALE more beatooms. Reliable couple, 2 children. Best references. Hob~ FO!t. S~ - Five-piece Maple is gardening, and ·will· keep liVIng room suite, $100; 9 x 21 premises In best of condition. gray rug and pad, $125; collection Box K, The Swarthmorean. Sheet Metal Work of old guns, $40; women's riding hoots, size 7, $7.50. Call SWarth- WANTED - Woman desires day's more 6-1830. . work or· part-time job. Good Roofing Gutters iiF~o;i:~riSALEm~:""""'C"o"'lli"'"e-.-p-up-p-:l-es-~ references. Call CHester. 2-8055. Air CondlHonlng SIX weeks old. Call after 5 PM WANTED - Homes for healthy Friday. SWarthmore 6-2160. . . trained kittens. Mrs. H. A. Heating Knowles, '. ROse' Valley. Phone 011 • Gas·· burRllrs FOR SALE - Wicker davenport MEdia 6-3793. . and chair - gray - newly up~olstcred cushions. Good condl- WANTED - Day's work. CHeshon. Phone SWarthmore 6-4560. ter 4-4968. FOR SALE _ Twin Holjywood WANTED Child's stroller, beds, head boards and legs. preferablY with space for shop. Hunter green. $10 pair. Phone ping bag. SWarthmore 6-7845. Box 48 SWl'lllllunore 6.0740 :::sWit1at'-rt~hf:im~0~r;:.e.!6~-~56~6;;4.::_:=--- WANTED - Housekeeper, white, FOR SALE _ Baby crib _ can for two adults, sleep In or. out. 1~~====~===~~~ .be made into Junior bed. $20. No laundry, plain cook. Refer- I· ences. Call MEdia 6-0927. Call SWarthmore 6.6328. jFOffiRnSALE~.rnr:~G~ir~I-;:'S~b!;.IC".y,..cle .....-:...- WANTED - .Young colored girl desires resort to accompany to .' '.'DI~mat 63f04u\l. S12e, $14. SWarthmore 6- summer for monthfamily of JulY. _~. j First Grade Motilers .. I M H I nFI n . .... a e e n g The. final meetinil of· the College Avenue· First ·Grade Mothers was' held last Thursday morning, June 10, at the home of Mrs. ValeQtine Fine, retiring program chairman afthe group. Mrs. John H. McWilliams, chairman, presided and Mrs. G. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alex Mills. P1el;e!1ted the slate of of Columbia avenue, Bob otHcers for next year. The folpresident of the. hIih schliol 10wlQl olllcers W"1" elected to government this.year, anI!. repreSen.t tb.e secllnd, grade Colroom president, class lrea- lege Avenue Group for 1954-55: junior class president, stu-• .1 'Chliirman Mrs. John A. Schu· cabinet representative and macher; Program Chairman Mrs. many other activities during F. D. Dudley; Hospitality, Mrs. course of ·his four hi~h school Richard Enion; Secretary-Trea. surer Mrs. John P. Espenschade; member of Honor Society, he and Telephone Chairman Mrs. news editor for the GalmetiCharles B. Howland. ",paper, and sang in the high Glee Club and Chorus. A Tommy Keller, son of ~. and letterman In football I!!ld M,rs. Collins S. Keller. of Cresson sketl,all, he was ..also a men;>-· Lane... wl~; Celeb~~'hIs fourth o( the, V~ty Club. birthday today. is the 'gr;mdson .of, Mrs, J. perry of th9' Swarthm~ ; . . ... .".' . .... Mrs. has UPHOLSlDING rejoined her son-In·law and SLIP COYElS-OlAPElIES daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Swarthmo,.· ltferenc... Keenen of Harvard avenue folHili 0734 lowing a 1Il0nth's visit to her More tha... Z5 yean ea:perfenc. former. home In Springfield, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape of Swart~...... 6-1441' Harvard . avenue attended the WilLiAM BROOKS North·South All Stars lacrosse game in Freeport, L. I., FrIday ~"es &: Rubbish'ed night. Their son John Snape was Lawns Mowed, General co-captain of the winning North Haulbur 236 IIardin6 Ave~ Morton, Pa. team. Mr. and Mrs. Alban E. Rogers of Park avenue attended the comWALLSCRAPING mencement exercises of their (Est. 18 , Work-Fumltur. alMl daughter Priscilia at Penn Hall Roo" Prot.ct,d Old Junior College, Chambersburg, Wall Paper Tabn Away. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. ROgers Joseph p, W.dsh were week-end guests of Mr. and MEdia' 6-2810 Mrs. J. Carlton Jones of WayneS- . boro. ~_;;;;;;;;_ _ _;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Dr. Frank G. Keenen of Harvard avenue returned ThursPETER 01 NICOLA day after attending meetings at Hot Springs, Va., and White SulDriveway ~'R~truc:Hon phur . spririp, weIi· V.. Mr.·and Mrs.. Harvey Whitaker. · Asphalt or Concrete and family formerly of' Winter C.llarW.IJ. Re-Plastered street, Media, have moved to their new home in Cheswick, a SUb- Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 urb of Pittsburgh· where ' Mr. WhItaker has been transferred. • Mr. Whitaker is the son of MIs. CONSTRUCTION P. J... Whitaker of Park avenue. Susan Preston of Dogwood lane RESIDENTIAL AND will spend the summer .onths at COMMERCIAL Camp Aloha, ElY, Vermont. ·BOX 102 Swarthmore, Penna. Clothier, Jr.~. 'a 1954 of . Swarthmore has been awarded. an N. C. Scholarshlp· to Dart. College. This coveted was made on the. basis of blgh scholastic record during ft.e years In the Swarthmore and his all-around school Jane 18, 19M THE SWAR1HMOREAN .. ARE' 'HtllHER FARES Y NEC.ESSAR'Y? " • youa. mui .. ......1 ••• StartiDg J~uary .1st of this year, Red Arrow increased the wagee cf ita workel8 • , , at a total cost to us of $120,000 a year. These Plowman, ot· North Swaravenue celebrated her anniversary FPday· ev~ by entertalning,2+obU. IMam':•• aationwide ••" . l.. ia ilnportant til the IDotoriat who......t. an4 ...aith. beSt. You can be sure we've tried everything possible to avoid making' this request. But now, because you're vitally concerned with Red ·ArroW service.~·, :We':tesincerely hoping we can count on your frjendlyCOoper&tlon. atoa'. Oil BURNER SERVICE ; VONDAY TRllU 8ATOBDA'I' NOON SW 6-,4041 REDAR."~ .<~ • 8miDA'I'S .... HOLIDAY!! .COAL FIREPLACE WOOD J. A.GREEN · SWarthmore 6-0740 IA'III I", lIT ••• Of eo.".. we'd ratber not ~ fares. But W8 are faoadwith cold IFIDIUDII· FlI nDIIDlE Ir•• rell.f to W." .: .,. ' .. : /' __ , .. ' ._, on "._'~"'••_"""~ , .' ., -, •. -.., ....... ___ .. _-..-.."'-,...fl!''''-''.,......,~.-..- •• ~ ...- ~ .• -.~ ' .. , .. ., ... ",,; " NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hllles of Crest lane spent several days of last week vlsiUng their son-in-law and daughter M~~:1..'lJt- Mrs. Clifford M. Bryant an~' grandchildren Clifty and Barbara of Schenectady. N.Y. En route home they stopped at Buck Hill Falls for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hansell, Jr., of North Swarthmore avenue spent last week-end at Carlisle and attended Mr. Hansell's 20th reunion at Dickinson College. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Shimp and sonS David and Steven of "', " . , I <. Yale avenue will move next week to Glens Falis. N.Y. Mr. Shimp has been transferred to the Fort Edward Plant of Scott Paper Company as General Manager. Mrs. Valentine Fine and chUdren Ashley and Bliss of North Swar\hmore avenue will ·visit Mrs. 'Donald Twaddell at Poin·. Pleasant, N.J. for several days of next week. ; ,.., • SBEIUFF' SALES , SHERIPP'S OFFICE COURT HOUSE. MEDlA, PA. ~,. Miss Ellse Remont of Moy'a", Is attending a course in advanced psychiatric Occupational therapy at the University of ~..JenJi5." va' nia. The two week course began on Monday. AI -C ?~~ .~ {:r. .ad. 'tanca".r Brand ,qllv.·or P...... Loaf - ... 33c Sklnl.uFranlai ". 2Sc' I • 47c Mldget Braunswalger - ... 29c 111_ I.ef lIo"na ..... 27. laked Loav•• Plliawl'loIdo . . . . . . . - ... 27c Smoked DrIed ..., Loaf ...... U. ONI PRICE • NON. PRICED HIGHI. .. VUnro Ma.thUOB and Marg....t V. ~epAC1'AB '(ALIAS) No. 264 Mathues. . . ~ .... "-uri •• G . . . . . . . . , 1958 .. A."v3: ce,IB.. reen,~. Lot or pIece of ground SITUATE _Term. ., to Be., ...· 37c Stewing CHICKENS 43c Ground III ~R1IADY NEARBY • FRESH KILLED .GeOrgeS. Myers BolI.d Ham l..~ SIlA:ed " Ib 38c SEEDLESS. GUPES FIESI COIII~' 5 ldftll Prozm Chopped Broccoli 2 10 « - 1M'" Frozeu Winter oil is too thin for warm weather. We drllin It-and refill SUMmer type Sunoco Oil. CHANGl TO. SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS Drilin trllnsmission and rear refin with S~I)OCO ''''""jl;urpose Gear Lu· bricant _ ill ' made ·to -s""': DOLB HAWAIIAN 3 hig~· pressure ilnd hellt. • CHASSIS LUBRICATION . 'v," '. p"... Sflee.t4t4l ' Special Lubricant used to help Iceep out squeaks and wear. Won't dry out, won't wash out, won't squee%8 out! Helps improve gas mileage. "!, ~:k"* carfridge and checlc for S-IAnERY SERVICED , Winter is espeeiaBy tough on batteries. w. c1ieclc strength, clean fermlnals, add distJ'IIecI water. t-CHECK-UP OF TIRES Correct "Switclling" improves thit mileage. W. can aIsohllWl your tI.... recapped, if needed. CHECK OIL FILTER C with pwcbase of 3 packages at the regular price lMIIl EXTRA SHAJU> Tangy Sharp a.•• I........ Y... ' ..... • . , 5Wwl' .... 6-1250 . THE 1E1L TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA caU by number-it's I - I Summer is an ideal time to change over to modern gas house heating. Then you will be ready next fall with moderi':. automaticheating. You:ll have plenty of company. In the past five years, the number of suburban Philadelphia homes heated with gas'supplied by Philadelphia Electric Company has increased~27'" SLICESv~ Sunrise Tomato Juice I/dMI Tomato Jul_ IsIdmo Pink Salmon I!ada f , --19c --231 •.... -47c Paa. . . __ Oae ACMI BONUS'DOLLAR BIG SAVJNGI TO. YOU-NOT UOimaum.BJ.IOll CASH ACME· MARKET, Chester Rd., O,.a TII.mla, aael Frlelay to , p.M. Op•• Sa ••relay 'til • '.111. . PAY YOUR GAS FUEl BILLS ON OUR EASY IO·MONTH BUDGET PLAN ConyeDient budger plan COStS nothing extral Thousands of 'Our c:ilstomersmake mid-winter payments easier through an -.y Budget Plan. It adds nOthing extra to your SU BiO• yet spreads your payments over a ten.month period. Visit or ~elephone any P. E. office to urange easy budgetIIIg of your ~ heating payments next season. For _piela h~•• aLa. AufoMATIC GAS HOUSE MEA:r. ,,,,,,·or:YlI"';••, 11111111..........., • u..; ....liAs bcsll offI_ the und~lgned who requeota all High School graduate has been .The Class of 1954. Swarthmore Hig h S chool. is one of the smallest cIasses to graduate in recent years Despite ,'ts . th I • SlZe e c aSS has 'lIade its own SUccessful mark. and for friends Interested in Us future, individuals' plaris are listed below. . The class of '54 graduated 62 ' d ts s.u en . Of this number. 55 or 90% plan to continue their school_ ing. scattered to 39 different colleges. This class has a ..hI..... .."= percentage of its stUdents going to Swarthmore College. Penn State University. University of Pennsylvania and University of Delaware. fIlan has been the · trend in recen t cI asses. Similarly. some other schools, which in the P ast have attraCted S w arthmore graduates. do not appear on the list. The Schools and those planning to attend are: Swarthmore College- David Jenkins. Roland Kenscbaft. Rose Alice Richardson. Mary Woelfel, and Bill Cope. PI' . ennsy vama State University -George Allison. John Badger, Mark Baker. Cherry Cooper. Harvey Hignutt. and Patricia Stuart. . University' of PennsylvaniaBibsy Cobots. Bob Gurin, J~v.... McCahan and Margo Morrison. University of Delaware-Barbara Dunn. Nancy Newnam. Pellgy Schwnacber and Janet Thomson. Wesleyan University _ John Conard and Tony Sobczak; Franklin and Marshall _ Bob Wright and Mandell Much. Drexel Institut........cwen Adams and Archer Brown·. Beaver College-Kay Lanning. and Lois Storlazzl. Bucknell-Mary Bunker; Marjorie Webster-Molly Banks; Mary Washington-saIly Bates; Cornell-Peter momn. -J. persons Vlng e1alms or demands the Estate or the decedent to make known the e• and all ~~ns Indebted ._ ... -~ ""-' th...... e deoed.ent to ::!.'!!:~ Bpa~~Wlthout dela,. to ~well. Admlntlltra...... _ 1 Park Avenue, Swartlunono; Pa.'o;' to her Attorney. Morris H. ""-II..... 111 Boutll Avenue, HedIa, Pa ,--,., St-lI-18 . BBQUHST FOB BIDB Bealed hlds WIll be ,ooolved In COuncil Chamber "'--~ _ o r e , Pa. .io1Yv if'"1964Hallat 7:30 PM. Baatern Dayllgbi Bavlng TIme fOr aupplylng an AIr :'"'theW~ SH)'8tem to be lnBtaIIed cuw_ ouae 01 Swaztlunore COllege, Swarthmo.... Pa. Bids shall be made In _anco With specI1l. :..~~~~'::' =~"! r = to 1rilom the award la made ahaII ex:"!:..:n:;~:,,, fUl'\lIles sh bonds .~., cop of which may be seen at tho omce or the un::~,,!,,-. A oertUIed check for fI50.- contractor. The tho Borough hId or bids of each reoerve. the right to reject an, or all hlds. BLLIOTr lUCIlARIlso "'-.~ N _ u ...... ~ _,etary 2M-18 I.EGAL NOTICB BOROUGH OP .SWARTlIMOII.B onunanco No. 667 against _1ItUo. an OU_ -pan, AN ORDINANCI!I TO PROMOTE THB l'tmLIO IIA1"ln'Y AND WBLPABB' BY PB.OIIIBlTIHG TlIB OONB'ftl,UcrION OP VBl!IOUiLAK_ Dll.tVEWAYB AClIOSS TlIB SlDBWALB: ON THE BABTZlILY SlDIl OP. OIiiBIER. ROAD BB- 'rWEkN . Springfield Laundromat RtrrOBlIS AVB. AND 504 1.ItIM.r. 'Ik. ,The OI?uncIl 01 the Borough or dOOll Ordain: bBC'llON 1. In <'; penm'ental b ' t p BSlS a MC. It was earmarked for a junior who Is a science major. preferably in biD-' logical or 'bacteriololJical scialli ences. or ed medical sciences. IJnn will be a member of the se~or class this fall and is a major in biology. He plans to· study medicine after his graduatlon'fr . puC KI4-0252 Rear 'arkl., Lot-ll•• r E.IraIlC. How C",.H.. S.,.... H~i. "REMOVING BARRIERS TO PROGRi$$" WIP (6'0 ICI S.....,. ,,411 A.III; S,~:::~:.. S:'-:ti••. U.cI.rg....... Ga ........ · Db_,• Om,cI. Dral. ' ' - . Clotfo•• n...~ JOSEPH ZIZZA datel~F.:;;~s;;w;;a~rt~.~.~.~"'~6~'~U3~5~;;;;! 01 thIa ()nIlnanoo no lJIIIleer Or employee 01 UlIa Borough lIhan """'e any ~rmIt fat ~ or>enti>g ,«motructIon or uae '" any vehicular driveway the Swarthmore Co-op Food St ..."..,. the 1IId_ on -tho _ I v ore as we as in running all ....~ Bid. ~ - Ch~-r ~--. ~-~-C onsumer C ooperat'Ives. each -~ ~ ~.w~ RU.' ~ UniversitY of Maryland-AlJce gem and !'uk A""nu... The Opening b is . De Caindry; Pembrok~oan I;an~d~oo:natruc~:tlan 01 any such vohfo- mem er g8 one vote, regardEdgley; University of MlamlIn aald blOCk la hereb, less of how much or how litt/. Patton Gilmour; Dicklnson-Sue thIa 14th day June 1964 stock he may own? Th. idea is BOROUGH OP sw:;ARTIDlORIII . . basically democratic in that· it H anse11 . Middlebury'-Jane Leavitt.. ObBy Thomas W. Hopper ("gned) assumes that people and not Ptealdent or COuncil d II h Id' fI erlin-Roger Livingston; Mount Attest: EllIott Rldhardson (atgned) . 0 f Pranela 8ALES Mrs. John E. Michael returned Friday from Denver where she attended the convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs held May 30 to June 4.. Mrs. ~chael, who is second vicepresident of the County Federation. 'was a delegate from the Swarthmore club. MrS. S. Blair Luckie. historian of the General Federation. also aUended the convention. Mrs. E. H. Walker. who has spent the winter in Swarthmore. left this week with Col. Walker for CalifOrnia. WhIle· In· the east. Col. and Mrs. Walker attended LAYER CAKE O. D. Houtman, C. E. dated. 11128/4'1, _~ TREAT {:r GOLDIN Lot or ground '" bldg. Sit. In LlndwOQd Bldg. '" L. _'n and S. b)" Medl.. Dol. CO.. Pa. '" dese. according Ids. belong'g to P. mls Bryant. 718 to plan of Green Hill Manor made hy Potter 8t.. Cheater. Pa. P. A. 8NEAR. Jr., BherUl'. F~g. Chocolate check at time of sale (unless other- the N. line of scl prop'ty passmg wise stated in advertisement) balance through the center of the part'n waU in ten days. Other conditions on day sep. ad. meso from & contiguoUS f~e of aale. mea.. hounded N. hy I.... belOng'S to Pnml PACIA.8 (ALIAS) No. 1088 .ad. gnmtees B. by I.... belong'g to 3t-8-4 CONVENIENCe TO 'HILADEl'H'A'S WEmRN SUIUUS Saturday .TiD 6 P. M. Bide 01 Potter 8t. at the dlst. of 90' ' __________________________ &FILTill' OPEl '. Potter st. '" 7th 8t. In Cit)" or Chester, Dol. '00.. Pa.: CONT. In front em PrIday, ·,june 25. 1954 9:30 A.M. I$B&tOm Daylight TIme Bd. POtter st. ",.,.,.. thence N. 15' and CondItions: e:t50.00 cash or certlf!ed ext'g: In depth E: or that wdth. eo' aid SIde or N. RIdge Rd. fro Inter_Ion With center line or PIOvldence Rd. ODnt. In fr. or hr. along the B. aide'" N. Bldg.. Rd. N. 69 !leg. 22' II. 26.5' and ext 01 t. width In I. or d. 8. 20 !leg. S8' B. bot. para. lin", at right ..ngleB to N. RIdge Rd., ""","lng the }f._IB. of a cer. 15' w. drlYeWa- "'. I I comm. With another 15' w. drlvewa)". 'BBING No. 18 N. Ridge Rd. 1~~e~I~~I=9:54========~~~;;~~~;;~~~~'~TU:;E~S~W~A:R~TH~M~O~R~EAN~~~~~~ ~~ _ AnEND CONVENTION Page 9 90% of Class of '54 ~~or~~~·:B:~J~.!r"".)ued H. S. GRADUATE WINS ' " LINCOLN SCHOLARSHIP P . Ian F th st d S ur er u y fOR Our SWarthmore Market Now and lot or poe, of Id. BIT. on the E ... OP REAL ESTATE k Mr. Richard F. Barnes. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Barnes of Westtown. formerly of Swarthmore. has been appointed assistant manager of the Engineering Department at DuPont's In Wilmington.Mr. Bames Is a graduate of. the University of Delaware. class of '52. Mr. and Mrs .. Edward K. Cratsley and sons of Strath Haven avenue lett Wednesday by automobile for a month's trip to the west coast. They will visit relatives in Los Angeles. During their absence their house will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vorhees. Mr. Vorhees is with Piasecki Helicopter Corporation. Mrs. Donald W. Poole of North Swarthmore avenue entertained the members of her bridge club at her cottage in Rehoboth Beach. Del.. for a few days of last week. They included Mrs. Daniel S. Morse, Mrs. Lloyd Jones. Mrs. W. Sproul Lewis. Mrs. A. Chariott, Mrs.. John FUlmer. Mrs. Donald P. Jones. Mrs: Francis W. Plowman. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson. man. Benjamin Franklin InstituteRacheal Baughn; Pierce Business College--Sue Dean; NIll'SeS Train_ ing at Hahneman Hospital-Nancy Harper. Ginny Mage,.. Patsy Jones. and Bill Hayne have been accepted at several colleges and bave not as yet made their final choices. Mike Bender plans to enter. the Mei'chaiot. Marine Service, George Miller plans to enter the Air Corps. Bob Stilwell. Dick .rester, Snape and Joel Single Maryellen plan to seek employment. Ken Hasson and' Joan Narbeth plan to go to college after working for one year. . ,., Celia Shoe Shop 102 Park Avenue Will Close Saturdays at 12 Noon From. June 26th to September 4th i~~~~~~~'~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harvard Inn NEWS NOTES • Mr. William D. McHenry of Parrish road will return Sunday from a 10-day trip to New England. En route he stopped for the North-South All Stars' Lacrosse gatne on Long Island. the DartCATERING TO moo~ TiL.mSU:NT GUESTS mouth College graduation SunHarvard aDd Rutgers Avenues Phone SWBrthniore 6·9728 day, and the Middlebury College commencement Monday. Henry also visitea his. unc1e and II aunt Mr. and MIs. Philip;. ReIdy of Worcester. Mass., 'and' steve Snow. of Wa1lingfordwh(i Is vacatiorilng on Cape Cod. Optician.~ Mrs. Fred N. Bell of lIarvard , aVenue enteitainea at a lUncheon at her home Wednesday. OIit-of• tOwn' guests inclUded Bell's sistetMrs. SaJnaet J. Eriin. Jr.• and blS cousin Miss ElIzabeth 827 LANCASTER AVENUE BRYN MAWR. PA. of North carolina,' house guests of Mr. and MrS.. Ben for 69'6 LUDLOW STREET DARBY,' PA. a few days. ..' and Mrso S. Wrilbt. Jr.• 1!~ 1!c-IF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~ J. E. LIMEBURNER, CO. Guild Mr; Expert. in the Malclng and Fitting of Spectacl•• and Eye Gla••e. UPPI'R ::;=e;:~~'~ Wi11CeI,:b.1'llte • - McCorkel to India Reception Welcomes.\ To Represent CARE Travelling Whitneys Home 'i " ·1 .; "" ,! Mr. Belden Tucker of Park avenue left Monday by plane on a short business 'trip to Rio de Janelro and Sao Paulo. Brazil Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gwinn and sons Barry and Ricky of Rutgers avenue wlll leave today to spend the summer months in Cape May. N. J. Mr. Stanley X1te haS returned to hls home on Ogden avenue following a three week business trip to San FranciscO. San Diego and Los Angeles. NEWS NOTES HONOR ARCHITECT Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll. Of North Chester road flew to Bos. ton late yesterday to attend Iht National ConvenUon of the Amer. Ican InsUtote of Archltects. t.Ir Carroll will be one of 20 In ~ United States to reCeive the Fel. lows!liP Award being presented tonight. Earlier Thursday Mr. Carron read a paper on the construction of the Phlladelphla International AIrport to the, American Society of Clvll Engineers at the annual convenUon in Atlantic City. Second Lieutenant William q. Dr. E. Arthur Whltney. super- Sode'l'l. USMC Is spending a leave Roy McCorkel. Cornell avenue. intendent of the Elwyn Traiolng at his home on College avenue will leave July 6 for a three School. and Mrs. WhItney. were before reporting July ~5 to Quanmonth stay in India Where he wlll given a royal welcome when they tico. Va .• for basic traming in the serve as a representative for returned home on Tuesday. June Marine Corps. CARE. ' international welfare 8. via the Queen Mary from two June S. Hobbs of Park avenue. agency. Although his headquart- months of 'travel In Europe and who completed ber sopb«:>more ers will be in New DeIhl. he w1ll the Near East. year at Abilene christian College. spend most of hls time traveling Members of the Elwyn .taft met drove with friends from Abilene. through the country with the city them in New York as they dis- Texas to Salem. Ore, where she of Allahabad. where 20 years ago embarked and accompanied them wlll spend the summer. he was a member of the faculty to Elwyn. where more tban 175 Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Whitslt at Ewing Christian College. one of of the Elwyn Staft and employees' of Elm avenue have been enter- New Chest X-Ray Plan his first stops. were gathered in Barr Hail to ta!n!ng as their house guest Mr. Aims to Screen 100,000 Mrs. Paul J. Rutan of Ogd"" Mr. McCorkel. assistant execu- greet Dr. and Mrs. WhItney. Whitslt's sister Mrs. Cec1l Page The first meettng of the County tive ·director of cARE in charge When the greetings were over, of Detroit. Mic!h.. who retorned Committee to execute tl\e new avenue entertained her bridge cluh of eight members at a 1uncb_ of the Department of Public Re- Dr. Daniel X1rk, Cllnical Director. to her home Monday following a chest x-ray survey plan in local eon-bridge at her home Tuesday. lations. joined CARE In 1949 as who was in charge during Dr. 10-day visit here. hospitals has heen cailed by Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. C1:OIIbY J. William Wood. chairman. for Regional Director of Southern WhItney's absence. presented to Europe with headquarters in Dr. and Mrs. Whltney. on behalf of Providence and Line roada. Wednesday. June 23. at the AronlSwitzerland. From June. 1950 to of the Elwyn Staft and Employ- Media entertained informallY mink Golf Club. Newtown Square. June 1951 he was cARE's regional ees, a projector and screen on S=day afternoon in honor of The x-ray plan. which will chlef of missions for the area In-' whlch to Show the many pictures Mrs. Crosby's son and daughterscreen all in-coming hospital pacluding England. Scottand. taken during their travels abroad. in-law Mr. and Mrs; Allen W!Uls. tients. is under the general sup~ Wales. Northern Ireland. Austrta. Dr. WhItney in accepting the recently ...turned from England. France. Benelux. Greece. Czecho- gilt expressed his pleasure and Mr. W!Uls revelved hls discharge ervision of the Chest Survey Committee of the Delaware County slovakia. Italy, Malta. Finland. appreciation in being able to from the Air Force May 22. Tuberculosis and Health AssociaNorway and Yugoslavia. His du- greet the members of the Elwyn Mrs. Donald W .. Poole and sons ties included liaison work with "Family" so promptly on his ar- Don and Jack of North Swarth- tion. • When your Doctor During thls first meeting. the various overseas governments, rival,. and commented that this more avenue will leave tomorrow writeS &' prescription, he is giving you a pas.pan working out contract negotiations delightful surprise arranged for to spend the summer at th"ir cot- County Committee w1ll select a to Health and Happiness. representative serve on ·the TB as new CARE missions, were es- Mrs. WhItney and himself was tage in Rehoboth Beach. Del. It is a precious paper. tabliShed and Interpreting chang- but one more heart-warming exMrs. Claire H. Jeglum of Hlll- Association's Chest surVey ComBring it directly to Prelog needs in' the countries to perlence of the many 'happy El- l;!orn avenue left Monday by plane mittee. choose the hospital w~re scription Sp~cia1i5ts. Once CARE .headquarters in New York. wyn occasions he had known dur- for a month's visit with her par- the plan will first be Inaugurated; you learn about our skilled He had resigned from the .ing his 28 years of residence In the 'lnts Mr. and Mrs. George B. approve plans for the general service and uniformly fair prites~ you'll be bacI< often. Ewing faculty in 1934 to return, School. Perkins of Sac, City. Iowa. Her workings of the survey; discuss , to the United States for graduate' The committee in charge of this son Carl. a stodent at Colorado admiSSions, proced~ and' other work at the Yale Div!n1ty School' event was beaded by Dr. X1rk, A • 8< M • CoIIege. Ft •. C,ou.u~, ma~ters related to the hospital CATHERMAN'S where he recelved his B. D. de- and Mrs. S. D. Roberts. personnel Colo.. w1ll meE>t her there for a survey. '..h DRUGSTORE This plan is part of the Dela~ gree in 1937. Followloghls director. visit before retoro1ng to Colorado graduation from Yale, he attendto spend the summer at a FotesLty ware County TB Association's ,aim ed the Wurld Council of Churches Patrolman Timmons' Camp in Rocky Mountain Nation- to increase the number of 'chest Conference at Oxford. England. F al Park. Carl has been elected to x-rays taken throughout' 'the Lancers, a sophomore honor so- County to approxlmately 100,000 World ConResigns From orce In 1939. he was at the terence of Christian Youth· at (Continued from Page 1) ciety at Colorado A. 8< M. College. a year. thO k Dr. and Mrs . J ohn R. Bates, 0 f Amsterdam. Holland. He was as- House was tiauthorized. and Isd d bein soc!ated wltl>, the Student ChrIsg adver se 18 wee an North Chester road. accompanied "1 saw it in the Swarthmorean." tian Movement in New York and next. The authorization was the by their daughter SallY. and son then joined the Consumer Coop- result of a year's study following J obu. home from Lawrenceville «Btive Movement. the request of the Fire Company School, wlll leave today to, spend Before joining CARE. Mr. MCe for such a born. Council also pass- the summer at their place on Corkel was with the American ed Ordinance 562 prohlbiting the Shoreham. L . I . 'Friends Service Committee and construction of driveways across Miss Leanore Perktns of Cedar traveled widely \:broughout the the sidewalk on the east side of lane ,spent last week-end as the United sta~es. In 1~8. he visited South Chester road b!'tweel) Rut- guest of Mr. and Mrs. John BrowFinland. and was in Berlin dur~ gers and Park avenu'l'" nell of Telford. Ing the teilSe period of the airChlef of police Thomas BateX1m Brown has returned to her 11ft.' He has lectored on the inter- man reported that speed traps home in Glen Rock. N.J•• after 'a . naional situation and the relation liad been set up iil the borough short visit with her cousin Car,of religion to economic and sOcial and that eight arrests were made nena McKernan of Rutgers_ aveproblems, He also has edited a during the month !If May. nue. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins hook. ''Voices from the Younger In other borough business. the 'Churches". He is Interested in councilmen heard that seven dogs of' Cedar lane and their daughconservaUon and has a tree farm were destroyed during April jIIld ters Miss Leanore Perkins and In central Pennsylvanla where May. and four people fined for Miss Anne Perktns. recently enqUESTION _ What could I!e a nicer gift for a wedding trip scienUlic forestry practices are unlicensed dogs. and that the tertained at open house ,and a than a new 35mm Amera? 'followed. borough's share from the park- garden party. ANSWER _ Nothing; unless "!,meone would pay the trip bills! Mr. McCorkel married a ing meters in the period May 3 Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moir For a selection of .yer a dozen ca,,-era. ' Swarthmore gtrl. the former Miss to ,June 6 amounted to $547.95. and daughters Jinnie and Joan of that talce color ,lIdes ....::. lee Betty Bonsall. Thelr three chilMay Bond sal,es South Chester road w1llleave next Wednesday for a month's vacarec on 0 Jerry S· 1906 major. part, a chance to demonand Mrs. Paul Tarr. strate their dependahllity. Twenty and neighbpring communities started thelr six weeks summer Stat! , Named Services were held in the six members of the Red Cross session Monday mornlng. This In the program for the younger Swarthmore Presbyterian Church Greeting the attending guests. volunteer services were on hand figure representS a considerable groups. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Taylor Tuesday afternoon for Albert the staff members. directors. and to receive a bus load of "homeless Increase over enrollments in re- is in charge of the three-year-olda. Sidney Johnson. who died Satur- officers of the Agency. Mrs. Carl t . M t Us one of the largest groups in the day at 2 a,m. at hls home on 211 Schmitt, president. stated, "You evacuees" from the Blue Crescent Nursing Center. Philadelphla. on:s c:':e. program. She is being assisted South Chester road. Mr. Johnson an pakrteepsOf our US These included a real stretcher s me are takin t o g wa, an d a f ew by Sara Fraser. Caroline Schott. and tits late. wife. May Ple'rson going." case, a paralytic. who was safely pupils are allowed to take three Jac1de Ferris. and Amy Ryerson. Johnson. who died in April of moved and able to enjoy with the courses. With all enrollments not The four-year-olds are under' the 1953. had been i-esldents of Executive Director Mrs. others evacuated the punch and completed. the 325 are taking 480 direction of Mrs. Doris Collins Swarthmore since 1906. both beth A. Groff and StatI Nurses doughnuts served by the Red courses, In ciasses from 8:30 a. m. with Joan Thompson. Carol Top- warmly, held In tI\1s community. Dorothy M. Sidner, Joan ZJmmeruntil 12:30 p.m. daily. The school ping and Nancy Dellmuth to Born in 1873 in Wilmington. man. Mrs. Sallie Spencer. Mrs. Cross Canteen. closes July 31. assist. Del.. he was the son of Caleb Frances J. Zebley. and Mrs. Nel"The fact". comments Charles The SunUner School Is under Mrs. Charlotte C. Snowden. Parker Johnson and Martha W. Jackson cooperated in roRussell, local Civil Defense bead, ng the direction of Henry Hofmann with Gladys Durborow as helper, Young Johnson. ,A graduate' of the a d a birdseye view of board "that the operQUon ran so smoothly demonstrates what tra!n1ng and of the Swarthmore' School staft. is In charge of the flve-year-olda. Wilmington Friends School. he an nurse activity through the goo d leadership means. Our assisted by Mary, Armstrong and Elizabeth Walker Is teaching the worked as a salesman for vari- story of Agency service and its outreach unity' to one family in the thanks to ail of the ladies (26 Harry Oppenlander of' the High post _k Indergarten group with the ous steel companies. including six comm areas. others had torned, out for the a.m. School faculty. and Mrs. Laura assistance of Gretchen Robblee Cambria Steel. whlch he served Junkens from Nether Providence. and Joan Harrar. \IS head of the sales Annual Report Given drill) who participated in this Louise Haig of Upper Chlchester olllce for many years. He resigned In distributing the Annual Rejob." Mrs. Margaret Buehler. director this position Itt . 1923 to' establlah Is teaching Typ'ind.I of the Agency. Mrs. Sc!nnitt "Civil Defense Is In sad need of High School , .... ., of -the iiirge Primil~ ~up has his b ' and II ana Shorthand. BecauSe"of ., ... own usmess as ManufacturSaid. "We~ are proud of it and of • lot' more people in' every divithe heavy ·enrollment Mrs. Henry as her helpers ••ludy Abbe. Joan er's Representative. He was 'still the efficient. personal service sion, if it is to do the job it must Hoot has been added tO'the staff Shearer. Nancy Neuweller. and operating this business at the time given by our staft in homes visitdo to help our Borough in case of to teach Math. 8. Latin II. Book- Patsy McGonigle. The group will 0 f hl s d eath. ed." The report listed 5773 home an emergency. why don't you keeping, and Junior Business attend a tela-cast today. their He was' a member of the visits for bedside nursing care volunteer your services in Civll Training. first expedition of the season. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. and family health supervision plus Defense? Do it now!" Summer School Faeult:v the Meridian Club of Phlladelphla 167 olllce treatments; 432 visits Swarthmore College joins this ECLlPS( JUNE 30th and the Delaware Society of the to the Woodlyn Center 'by 203 year with West Chester State Sons of the American Revolution. chlldren; (34 Immunizations comTeacher's in supplying the faculHis many fiiends valued the in- pleted. 54 vaccinations. 31 hooster 'th Mrs Robert Brodhead tegrlty and independence of his shots); 1120 visits to the Dental ty Wl mind and the gentle courtesy Clinic by 153 chlldren with 36 d J thm . C 11 S f arry Oppenlander. teacher o f ' H _"';ence Davidsore of0 West Ch te whlch was innate in hlm. sodium fluoride treatments comand social .studies in seph 0 ,war ege an 0i plead . ti .th th . . f He is survived by a son A. Sid on es r High S chool served Swarthmore as chalrman of one of five stodY e supervlSlon 0 ney Johnson. Jr.• of North Chester Of U.e Agency annual expendigroups at the Drexel Lodge ConFro Swarthm C 11 . road; three grandchlldren. A. Sid- tures of $31.182.55., $16.180 was problems ney. 3rd,. and Louise P .• also of allocated by the Community ference held on June 23. 24. and Carolyn m Buck. teachlng ore 0 ege 18 25. The conference sponsored ,by of demoCracy and world hi.tory. North Chester road. and Nancy Chest of Phlladelphla and Vicinithe Phlladelphla Suburban PrinTowles Johnson of Wailingford. ty plus a speciai allocation of cipals Association was attended (Continued on Page 5) Amateur astronomers or anyone the daughter of his son. Lt. Dan- $1233.05 for a needed new car. by over 200 administrators and else Interested In the malter can. iel P. Johnson. U. S. N. R. who In line with the prescribed systeachers from the suburban area if they like "nd weather permit- was lost at sea during World War tern of rotaling board members, of Phlladelphia. Southeastern New ing. take a squint at a· partial 11; and a sister. Helen H. Thomp- Mrs. Sc!nnitt Usted directors roJersey. and Delaware. eclipse next Wednesday morning. son of Wllm!ngton. tiring duriog the year as Mrs. Mr. Oppenlander led a group For at .6: 05 (I) eastern daylight The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop con- Walter A. Sc!nnidt, Mrs. William cussion on the problem.' 'H ow ' Although Swarthmore's pu- time the moon will start one of ducted the 2 p.m. service. Inter- H. Gehring. Mrs. R. Blair Price, dis Can We Provide for the Needs pils have left their classes for the its more or less infrequent trips ment was private. Mrs. J. Paul Brown. Mrs. Peter. of Bright Children in the Typical summer. a number· of them have across the face of the sun. E. Told. She spoke with Bypre. . h School." Swarthmore HI'gh left behind some of their posJust when-or where-an AIDS RED CROSS clation of their contribution to Rig L hool has done sign!licant work sessions. These forgotten scarfs, eclipse begins Is a good bit like Mrs. Robert W. Deacon. River- the work of the Agency and of Sc in th fI Id f i 1 grams glasses. rubbers. etc. and an acthe anticipated service and Ine e 0 spec a pro cumulation of lost and found determining the end of the rain- view and Wellesley roads, is the for intellectually superior chllbow'. but in the Phlladelphia new chairman of Arts and Skills terest of new directors. ~_..!. according to educators, a d items unclaimed through the year area, the. phenomenon will be for the """'. n ' ore Branch of SpeCial Recognition and still unclaimed, are begging is ~cognized as one of the pio- for their owners. visibl.e 'between 6: 05 a.m. to 7: 57 the American Red CroSs. accordFifteen members of the Swarthneers in this aspect of secondary The "lost and found" a.m.. according to "The Institute ing to the announcement of Mrs, more Junior. Red Cross served' education. have' been assembled in the cook- News." The mlddie of the eclipse C. C. Shute. vice-chairman of the luncheon. Mrs. Sc!nnitt The Swarthmore Board of ~ room in the tlrst floor of the will be at 6:59 when 73 per cent the local organization. thanked them and the Woman's School Directors haS recently hlgh school building. Here they of the sun's disc wlll be covered. Mrs. Deacon Is a former chair- Cluh of Swarthmore for its hoscranted sabbatical leave to Mr. may be examined any weE>k-day the "maximum obscuration" in man of Arts and Skills for the pitality (to be extended again for Oppenlander to continue his stodY morning during the next twO this area. Lansdowne Red Cross and hils the moroing card party on June of educational programs for gifted weeks for identification and Actually. eclipses aren·t so contributed many years pf .serv- 30 for the benefit of the Agency's high school pupils. His researcb. At his rlod 11 scarce-there are at least two ice in this specialized field ,at the Elric S. Sproat Nurse Education lSUUU claimed articles will ,ad e1p h''a N ava be-'--'ng next fall. wlll m'clude claim. ter t pe be • aturned un- ,solar eclipses a year. but being Ph·l I Hosp'·tal. Loa n Fund J. Aida deFuria of the visitation to secondary schools in over to welfare agencies. In in the right place at the right staff who prepared the attractive the East where work Is being done tribute to many mothers who put time helps. Nehraskans w1ll see PLACES THIRD informative annuai reports. and dong these I!nes. name tags in ciothlng, the collec- the start of the totl!l ecl1pse on Mrs. John T. Pinkston. Jr. of all who, by their cooperation. , tion at this time is smaller than Wednesday. and, Indians (the Westminster avenue, was awarded make tl\e Agency a "joy to all Flowers for the Flowerless in previous years. eastern type) will see the last of third place for her story entered who serve in it". Gardeners wb:o j!Ojoy sharinll A carefu!lnspection of this dis- it several hours later; but It in the juvenile ciasstftcatlon of Mrs. Sc!nnitt expressed approtheir lIowers with the ward pa_ play shows that there are some be 300 to, 400 (authorities ""II the PhIladelphia Regional Writers' ciation 'to Mrs. Told who as tlents of the Pb!ladelphla Gener- Very nice coats and jackets with differ) years before the descend- Conference, held in the city chairman of Public Relations pre.t Hospital are reminded that no names in them,' gloves, hats. ants of the people In the same Wednesday. Thursday and Friday pared the luncheon, and gsve a buckets of water are placed on rubbers. sweaters. glasses and areas will be ahle to see it ,!ga1n. of last week. • special recognition to her her, the Woman's Club Wed- glasSes cases. empty wallets. etc. One thing is certain. whether Mrs. Oscar Gilcreest of v ..""",1 to. the agency 7 I. In It Is hoped that the own9fS will it's a partial or total variety. and avenue was,first vice-chairman of th;':':. "A Day With IP' cOme to the school and IdentifY no matter who, you are or which the., eoafeieDee. Philadelphla's Jrr& Avery F. men of AmIUD. g up their ,os d1)JlS and take bOUle centurY you _ I t in. dark glasses Otherstrom the to the and transported thellO articles. Potential own- won·t 'be enough to view an we're Mrs. Paull'. Gem- herst a_ue spent last ThursdaT her mother'..... Barry The women 01. the· m shOUld stop in at tbe recoil" ecl1pse., Authorities tecommend mill and Florence 101M' B All v!sItlnI NIeld of ' Chweh are ill dWP tim omce and asIi: lIIrs. DorOthy heavIlY smoked or o.ero:- four are 01. 1be _ . 9o" ' " lllm. Club 01. eel 325 P.upils Enroll In ~c~':O~~i:~ 1~~e c~~!:!e re::;:~~~ r;o~~or, ~;:n~a!h~~~~'::'s ~~~:tr~Cl!::"': SerVIC8 • Held Tuesday Summ'er School Here For A S John'son Sr ~: ~:,rs. :~~::~ ~g,:!ly. Y~utrereshteedlP Eliza~ ~~ 'Phllad~phla Local Teacher Chairs Conference Group ="te~~h:~. Lost and Found Items Beg for Owners at B.S. Swarthm~ arti~les· ~ll ~_"', fu~ ~~ a~e P~ ~ ~ ininvalu~le service th:~~ root ~" a~d1nl ~. ~ ~acific N. J. All the attendants wo"'; identical gowns of ballerina ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. length, of daffodil nylon net over "Nearest Everything" pale yellow taffeta with sashes of deep apricot nylon chiffon. JOHN H. WINTERS, Prop. Tels.4-9576 -4-5230 Their bouquets were' showers of gerbera in shades of daffodil to apricot and they wore wreaths of ivy as headdresses. TAKE IT EASY! Mr. Robert Lomerson of East Orange, N. J., served as best man That's What the ieiss for his brother. The ushers in(Continued on Page 3) Contaflex lets You Do HOTEL VAN BUREN The Rev. and Mrs. John C. Kulp of Park avenue, announce the birth of their second child and first son, John C. Kulp, Jr., on June 22 In the Methodist Hospital, Philadelphia. Have you plenty of these items for the big fourth weekend coming up? , Mr. and Mrs. John M. B. ,Ward of Haverford place, announce the birth of a daughter, Elaine C_by Ward, on June 20. The new baby is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley Kite of Ogden avenue, and Mrs. William Ward, 3rd of Chester, formerly of Swarthmore. CAMERA AND HOBBY SHOP Dr. and Mrs. Paul Gemmill of gandy. Her veil of illusion was Thayer road entertained the held by a skull cap of embroi- College. Commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force of the ROTC Unit, the groom will report to Texas in September. Ii I PICTURE FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO P~=HIC I ROGERRUSSELL LOMERSON·THACKARA Cibotium ferns, yellow 'roses and branch candelabra at the altar formed the setting in St. George's-by-the-River Protestant IS YOUR LIFE WORTH 39c? (plul Ie tax) ( for the . Wed. 9-1 fri. 9 Movl., fa 6 Park ........ thl. Aa'll.'. un fear of YOUf TAPE auto or bike) Fri. '.8:30 Moving to No. " Park Avenue this AUQust C()'ED BEAUTY , FOR'ALL ' MAY 1 - MAGAZINES COLLEGE THEATRE AIR CONDITIONED "ROOM FOR ONE MORE" CARTOONS. COMEDY, SERIAL, IIG SURPRISES EVERY WEEK PLUS-"FANGS OF THE ARCTIC" SAT. NIGHT ONlY-fEATURES 6-1-10 WINNER OF , ACADEMY AWARDS" Wed •• Tlturs., S~ie .~1'11 First In Service ~ First In Sales . SO., Mon., & Tues. "THE lEST YEARS OF , . OUR LIVES" . 0...... . Specla~ Children's Show Sat. I P.M. Closed WedDesdaJII PARK &ad DARTIII01JTB AVB. , .h. BETSY DRAKE FlEORIC MARCH MYRNA LO'! SAIoIUEL GOlOWYN'S ELEANOR 'ARkER fri., & Sat. CHARLES HESTON ''THE NAKED JUNGLE" _ (Tech_kG"", , ..... and hcifint Ad~ Story JULY 31 Ha.. yo .. ca." NOW. I ..... I. I. I. .afe .....a.lcal co.dIHo. • • • .ha. yo•• lRAKES will bold If a child darts yo •• po..... Yo •• TilES wo.'••kld o. we. road. , •• Yoa. HORN will wara 0 . . . . . wko ca.'t ••• YOI ••• Yo.. HIADUGHTS wo.'. bll.d lIIoto.I,. cOIIII., toward yo. • .• Yoa~ STEERING WHEEL will keep YOI on the .Ight sid. of tho .oad-. •• And that all yoa. oth •• .qalp.H. aad safety d.vlce. a .. I. dep••d., obi. wort/., , Swarthmare, Pa • CARY GRANT iLtim:adNP.:@;m:~t.iJ' Rosalie Peirsol Marjorie Told Lorene McCarter Entered as Second Class Matter, JlII)ul1l')' 24, 1929, at the Post OtJIce at Swarthmore, Pa., uDder the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESD~Y NOON SWARTIIIIIOBB, PB1'NA.. ..JUNB 25, 19M TRINITY NOTES There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock thla Sunday, morning, and at 11 o'clock the regular service of Morning Prayer will be held, The Rev. Charles' H. Long, Jr., former missionary in Cbina, will be in charge of. the services, The ushers will be C, B. Blake, G. W. Cochran, R. H. Fellows, R. G. Fox, W. E. Hetzel, Jr., W. C. Hogg, F.' W. Luehring, and H. P. Stamford. William KIug is scheduled to serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock and David Bass at 11. A service of Evening Prayer will be held at 5 :30 p.m. on Tuesday' and again on Friday. • PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Summer Church School classes will be held at 11 a. m. throughout June and July. The Sunday morning worship service will be held at 11 a. m. Mr. Bishop will preach on the topic, "A Place of Fountains", the second and concluding sermon in a series on the PsalmS. Choral music )Vill be turmshed by a volunteer summer choir under the direction of Eugene Roan, organist. Rehearsals are held each Stinday at 10 preceding the service. Regular meetings of tIKI ''Senior HIgh Fellowship will be helddor those young people Who '*m. be home during, the summer. Phyllis Kletzien and Ted Campbell will be the leaders, worship service, Rev. Kulp will .use as his sermon subject,' "How God Cares". Mrs. James mtt will be the soloist. Nursery for the children will be supervised by Nina Kapp, Mrs. Ernest Pritchard, Mrs. David Nar,beth and Mrs. George Alstou.· Ushers for, the service will be Charles Hughey, assisted by Wesley France, David Glenn, George Glaesser, Charles King, Dave Behenna and George Dunn. The Sunday School continues throughout iIle summer al" the usual hour of 9:45. This is the only. Sunday School in Swarthmore where this is true. There will also be the regular nursery for children at the 11 o'clock Morning Worship hour. clair schools and is a senior at Swarthmore College where she is majoring in Fine Arts. Mr. Hulme was graduated from the University of Virginia in 1950, received his Master's degree from Temple University, and is currenUy doing gr\lduate work at the University of PennsYlvan,ia. He is associated with the Sun Oil Company in Philadelphia. A September wedding ls planned. Mrs. Charles Kurtzbal z Mr. Schoft attended Friends Central-School and was graduated from Admiral Farragut Academy, Toms River, N. J. He attended II Mr. and Mrs. Gi!rald H. Effing of Lancaster, announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan Leslie, to Mr. Frederic Schoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert L .. Schoft of Michigan avenue. Miss Elfing is a graduate of Vermont Junior College, Montpelier, Vermont, and is a member of the Lancaster Junior League and the JUnior Woman's Club of Swarthmore. Secretary and receptionist for Dr. Fred Patman, Miss Effing resides with Mr. and CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES The vital importance of understanding the inspired Word of the Bible spiritually will be brought out at Christian Science services this Sunday, when the LessonSermon is entitled "Christian Science." LOMERSON·THACKARA (Continued tram Page 2) cluded Messrs. Waller M. ,Thackara, brother of the bride, James B. Pond· of Oak Park, Ill., John B. McClenahan, Lt. Ward de Groot, 3rd, USN of Red Bank, Kenneth Adriance of Summit, N. J., Wllllam F. Turner, 3rd of Red Bank and John B, .Adriance of Roselle. N. J. '. The bride's, 'mother chose a gown of honey beige chiffon. Her FRIENDS MEETING NOTES embroidered flat purse was decThere will be a 10:30 hymn sing orated with chartreuse orchids. in the Meeting House preceding The groom's mother wore a the 11 a.m. M:eeting for Worship gown of ,light delphinium blue lace with orchid corsage. Mrs. again this Sunday: Samuel Dyer Clyde of SwarthAfter this week, child ,care in more and Ogden avenues, grandWhittier House during MIletlng mother of the bride, wore a gown for Worship will be dIscontinued of French blue summer tafteta, for 1he months of July and August. Friends will be notified fashioned with a V -neddine, blue rhinestone clips on the fltted bowhen the service is resumed in dice and f.,u pleated skirt. Her the Fall. small blue velvet hat featured a crown of violets and veil of METHODIST NOTES blue illusion. Her cors,age was of Church School will begin at 9:45 white orchids. on Sunday witli classes for all Mr. and Mrs. Lomerson flew to ages. At the 11 o'clock morning Bermuda for their wedding trip. They will live in Hartford, Conn., CHURCH SERVICES where Mr. Lomerson Is with the research division of Pratt-Whit. P.RESBYTERIAN CHURCH ney. Joseph P. Bishop, Minister John Schott, Associate Minister ENGAGEMENTS Sunday, June 27 Mr. and ,Mrs. Everett F. Smal11:00 A,M. Mr. Bishop will ley of Wayne, have announced Preach. 11:00 A.M. - Summer Church the engagement of their daughSchool. ter, Miss Barbara Kemble Smal7:00 P.M.-Sr. High Fellowship. ley, to Pvt. Nicholas David Meyer, METHODIST CHURCH U.S.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. EmanJohn C. Kulp, Minister A. Meyer, of New York. John W. Laney, Assistant Minister uelMiss Smalley was graduated R. Burkholder Organist-Director from Swarthmore College. 8M is Sunday, .June 27 a granddaughter of former Post9:45 A.M.-Church School 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. master A. P. Smalley of swarthTRINITY CHURCH more, and Mrs. Smalley. H Lawrence Whittemore. Rector Her' fiance is an alumnus of Sid. Sunday, June 27 well Friends School, Washington, 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. D. C., and Swarthmore College. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. He is st1ltioned at Fort MonTuesday, June 29 mouth, N. J. 5:30 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Friday, July 2 --'5:30 P.M.--E'venmg Praye=r.:..~_ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crawford THE RELIGIOUS-SOCIETY Ford of Amherst avenue, anOF FRIENDS nounce the engagement of their Sunday, Jnne 27 daughter, Miss Christine Shaw 10:30 A.M.-Family Hymn Sing. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Ford, to Mr. Samuel James EnChildren cared for in Whittier glish, '3rd, son of Mr; and Mrs. Samuel James Enklish, Jr., of House. All are welcome. !IIoIlday, June !8 Harrisburg. All day sewing for A. F. S. C. Both Miss Ford ana Mr. 'Engltsh . We,bU,a.y, Jee 10 are attending Duke University. All. day sewing for A.F.S.Co ' FIRST CHdR(lJt OF CHRIST, SClEN'l'IST Mr. and Mrs. Hanas Edwin SWAR~O~E Kenyon of Upper Montclair, N. J., Park Avenue below Harvard and South Berwick, Maine, have S~, JaDe t'J announced the engagement of 11:00 A. M.-Sunday SchooL their daughter, MIss Nancy Wil11:00 A.M.-The Leli8On-8ennoD li--'- Kftn~on to Mr Robert duwill be "Christian Science." ""'" - . . . , • Wednesday evening meetina Bois Hulme, SOD of Mr. and Mrseach wO!B, 8 plio ReadlDt, room Nonnan Hulme of Rutgers avopen daily except SUl!day 12, to 5 enue. . P.M., Wednesday eriblrip .'1 to The bride-to-be attended Mont'1:50 P.M. and 9 to 9:80 P.M. RUMSEY CHWR().Ln . , SWartillnore6-6130 Theatre. Square South Chester Road Tufts College and Drexel Institute of Technology. He is .. research technician for the International ResIstance Company, Philadelphia. A fall wedding is planned. EXPERT MANAGEMENT down to the arnallest d. tail has made our ..rvice renowned for, 76 yean. e THE OLIVER He BAIR CO. DIII.cyon o. .vii""" 1820 CHESTNUT STREET ouvn H. lAIR, found.. MARY A. tAlR, "'""d_ T.I.phane RI6-1581 II It's Vacation • ~ Time at Everything for the Fourthl CoHons Separates Matched Mixed Shirts Shorts Blouses Pedal Pushers Skirts Suits Catalina Jannen 15 South Chester Road, Swarthmore , • ISOU • cars In I SALON Open Tlauraday IV.",. STATE INSPECTION SwarU..more 8-2080 SWSCRIPTIONS 405 Dartmouth Ave. SW '·4191 Wed. '·1 to B:30 The "ISO" Handyman 313 Dartmouth Avenue Fri. & Sat. ii :7:~;'J= SW 6-4191 MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN YOU'LL CALL IT A TERRIFIC COMEDYII ~ iI 405 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wiegand of Elm avenue have announced the hirth of a little girl, Nancy Kim, who was bdrn Tuesday, June 15 at Bryn Mawr Hospital. ,CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP ~. i Films, Flashbulbs Swim Rings, Fins. Ear Plugs, Beach Balls Tots Swim Pool - Seyer~1 SI~5 bridal party, out-of-town' relalives and friends at a luncheon' at their home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mithoefer, parents Ensign Allan N. Rumpf, of the bridegroom, entertained at U.S.N.R., and Mrs. Rumpf of Milthe rehearsal dinner at Drexel- I,Inglon, Tenn., announce the birth brook on Monday evening. a* • ............iUiAia. iiIE If============~1 '1 A REMINDER ••• BIRTHS the summer. SCOTCH 25, 1954 J., of a son, William Napier Rumpf, and Mrs. Norman W. Krase of Middletown road, Medla, and-Mr. Salur.da y ~un.e .19 for the marriage on June 22. f M V ni CI d Th cka F. W. Rumpf of Garden City, L. I. The baby is a grandson of Mr. adaughter ISS of IrlllMr.aand ye a ra, Mrs. Ch....les V Th kar J f '. ac a, r., a "H ' ope1'" ea , Shrewsbury, N. J., formerly of Swarthmore, to Mr. Edwin Orville Lomerson Jr. son of Mr and Mrs. w'mers'on of Easi Orange, N. J., formerly of Red Bank, N. J. BEAUTY SALON The Rev. George A. Robertshaw performed the ceremony. A,reCOMI SUMMER - co ... CARl ' ception followed at .the Rumson Club. 9 South .~hester Road .The bride's' wedding gown was Can SWarthmora 6-0476 of ivory satin featuring tiny but, tons on the long fitted bodice. A small wired ElIzabethan collar of old English thread . lace .. ,-,.,,',,'.-. " ' . ' framed the bride's face. The full STATE AUTO INSPECTI9N skirt fell into an extended train and her heirloom veil of Point May lst to July 31st Alencon Applique was arranged over im,!orted illusion. She carCheck your car now for Summer .Driving ried a Shower bouquet of bouvar-· dia, lilies-of-the-valley and forget-me-nots intertwined with small ivy leaves. ROBERT J. An. Owner Mrs. John M. McClenahan of RUSSELL'S SERVICE Princeton,. N. J., attended her OPPOSITE 10ROUeH rAlKING LOT cousin as matron of honor, and . Miss Ann Lomerson, assistant· SW 6-0440 Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. The bride's mother wore a gown dered lace and pearls and she carried a basket of white flowers. Miss Lucme Haldt, as maid of honor tor her sister, wore a dress of embroiderec;I pink organdy, and another SIster, Miss Laura Baldt, wore embroidered light green organdy. Joy Brubaker sister of the groom, as flower giri was dressed in yellow organdy. All the attendants carried baskets of flowers in shades of blue white, and yellow. ' Mr. Frank Razor of Media, served as best man. The ushers were Mr. Richard Brubaker brot~er of the groom, and Mr: Damel Cavaliere of Bala-Cyn_ wyd, cousin of the bride. .The couple left on a wedding trIP to New York, and to Bermuda by plane. . Both the bride and groom are June graduates of Gettyshurg JUDe PapS TIlE SWARTIlMOREAN IEpiscopal Church, Rumson, N. of delphinium blue silk with mits of pink tuUe. Her corsage was of rubrum lilies. The mother of the bridegroom chose a model of white lace with a corsage of pink roses and delphinium worn at the waistline. The young couple left for New York and a camp in Maine for t , June 25, 19M We will make you the deal of a lifetime r We just won' be underpriced or 'oul-tradedl See us before you take. an~ocIy else's deal I TfII! LID Is off and you'l get the greatest deal I ... the higgest trade-in allowanc•••• Y<* ever dreamed of on a big, beautiful, aew 1954 7e/'rilic 6a/'gains 10, yo(.l RIGHT NOW on all OUf new 1954 Studebakers Studebakerl . We've got to sell 0lIl' shore of 10,000 Stud.. bakers in 10 days-and w.'re going to do It regardless of proAtl The Iowast teniIS tNar o4fered are onaHable on .,..,., '54 Studebalcer·lIIOdel-sedansi .pam CIOOrp as, hard-tops and staticn wagons. Get the world economy champion I Get !he Mobilll_ EconCIIIIY Rvn wi_I Get the wll• • of 30 UenroliCnol _a"b for 1Iond-out styIel Come In right now. Cut youneIf In blgll." _-cor SCI'Iings aQaur. &felinlel Oft'" . FUSCO MOTOR COMPANY C"ester Clnd fairview R..... June 25, 1954 mE SWARTIlMOREAN Page 4- Mr. and Mrs. Carl deMoll of dre" for France on' Wednesday. Letter to the Editor They wili travel through France Park avenue sailed on "The Flanand England before their return U the Shoe Fila in two months. Members of their Dear Editor: Would the people of Swarthfamily, Mr. and Mrs. John deMoU and children Christine and Ricky more like to have trash, garbage of Harvard avenue, and Mr. and and weeds dumped on their propMrs. Louis deMoll and children erty? No, Well. we don't either. Lane and Cathy of Moylan, were As you probably know, the in New York to bid them bon building known as the Girl Scout Formerly voyage. House no longer belongs to the CARNS Marvel Wilson, Jr., Is spending Girl Scouts but belongs to the 650 Baltimore Pike a few days at his home' on Strath Sea Explorers. Springfield. Del. Co.. Po. After spending much time and Haven avenue and in New York I bid bon voyage to friends who money trying to beautify the SWartdmore 6-0450 ~il on the Queen Elizilbetlt Tuesbuilding and prhperty we ,:,ave 0".. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. s been bothered by several things. day. I At first, children tore shingles off ~~~~~=======-the roof, broke into the house and cut down trees on the property. After we put, up No Trespassing signs this stopped. Now we are bothered by the adults who don't trespass, but just dump garbage, trash and weeds along the edge ,of the property. We hope that these people will refrain from doing so in the future. SES LEO MARIS 329 SwarUnnore lii s s Among the !DIan,. ways in which electricity m_w life bener is air conditioning. The same magic that deans and cooks and saubs and entertains can also briog you complete relief from siu1ing summer heat. Air conditioning does more than cool the air ••. it liIters the air. circulates it gently. and removes excess moisture aod dust. This is another way in which electricity says: ''Live better-live electrically!" VACATION (LOSING J.n. 12th to 27th ••ln' U_IlLOADI .OR YOU .l~.'44t I WHEN YOU AIu '" ~~I 5 VJae.!lpeaod, '*' ripe, IUId filii of • .• • • fuI... Callfomla Red I ..... t!tJ • Refreshing ~ THUTRE PHARMACY == ~ nlEATI!.E !:QUAItE E ~ -5 CONSTRUCTION CDmp:ete Alrtonditionlng for Your Comfort ~ CALL FOR and DEL!VERY SERVICE ~ Ample FREE Parking :; :: -8 Lowesl pri -In -I I· 5 Ie , FLAKED TUliA 11/ ~«a(dtJ CHUCK loas'l lb Ib Ib 55 (Continued from Page 1) ~ and Anne Abern'!thy, teaching ~ eleventh and twelfth grade English. ' 55 West Chester has supplied Betty ~ Jones, a graduate of Columbia ~ University, who is teaching geo- = graphy andofcivics; Paul Gingrich, a graduale Juniata College who § is teaching Algebra I and II and 55 Plane Geometry; Shirley Hol= land, a graduate of Dickinson ~ College, who is teaching general ~ ~ science, biology, and American § history; Dr. Robert Clark a gradu!5 ate of Drew University and Tem- = I and II; Edward Koshinski, Jr., • a graduate of P.M.C. who is teaching physics, chemistry and basic math; Furman Minniewea- ther, a graduate of Lincoln University, who is teaching French I and II -and world, history; and Jim Beaver, a graduate of Penn State University, who is teaching English 9. to 10. '. H. Weston Clarke, Jr., of Col- lege avenue,. received his Master of Arts degree at Temple University commencement last week.. He has accepted a teaching position on the staff of the 'Psychology Department at Ohio State University' where he will continue his graduale work. . Boneless Cross Cut Roast Beef . Fresh Reg"lar Ground Beef 325 -Pu""-p-ils-'E-n-ro-II-'n= Summer School Here 55 Receives Advance Degree 33e Graded Qoice : ~ pie University; who is teaching Math,'7 and Latin I; Ann EckenSW 6-3450 17112 S. Chester Road § SWarthmore 6-3154 :: roth, a graduate of Dickinson ColSW 6-3451 ~ , E lege, who is teaching English 10, 11::=======~============~=~= ,ffillllllllll:nIl!llIlIllIIllIIllUIIIIIIIIIIHIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'lIl1l1llllllmlllllllllll1ll1111111111111111111111111iii English 7 and American history; := -.---- --- .. --.. ----- . ----. Betty-Temoyan, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, who is teaching English 8 and German BsIdmO Btand Light Meat Blade Bone All K,·nds of Swimming Accessories § HORACE A. REEVES Hom-d.Llte Mayonnal.. ollar 33c I qt/ar 59c Hom-de-Llte Salad Dressing /:: 29c I/:! 49c .4alle4'(eI'I ~"a"rJ-Sta",~ ' § PHONES 3~2ge W.III."...... 'a. !5 SITE SELECTION DESIGN CONSULTATION QUALITY CONSTRUCTION COSTS REASONABLE '. BUILDI~!G BEYERAGES u.S. ~ "Third Generation Builders" FRESH PLUMS • BATHING CAPS aE Consult Us Without Obligation lb Pho•• "Eliia 6_4751 69c 35c ----- K14·0252 Skinless 'ranks Lan~~!:aad ~ 25c I p~= 47c Oliva or Pepper Loaf Lecuter B .....d ..... pkg 33c Rear Parting Lot-Rear Enfrance LET US HELP MAKE YOUR' CAR RUN BEll ER - LONGER Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer , Shankless, Smoked t54 Dodge V·8 HAMS R~Y ~~l. 69c: Sh~t 63c Butt Half Prom 12-16 Ib average hams. ------~-------- Ocean Perch Fillets Fro...d Genuine Haddock Fillats Froated .DONUTS Plain, Suaared, CiDJWIIDD Ibpk. lb." · MeadDwbrook 4-0r. SIdon Ib 73c • • • 39c 45c • • •• ••• , • ••• •• ,• pi'! 19~ Right Now Your Car Needs These IIGet Ready for Summer"" .Services • 1-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Winter oil is too thin for warm weather. We drain it-and reRIl Summer type Sunoco Oil. . 2-CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS Dr"in transmission and rear reRIl with Sunoco AII"'putpOle Gear Lubricant - specially made to resist high pressure and heat.' , 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION Special Lubricant used to help "eep out squeaks and wear. Won't dry out, won't wash out, won't squeeze out! Helps improve gas mileage. 4-CHECK OIL FILTER '. Inspect cartridge and check for &-DRAIN ANTI - FREEZE AND FLUSH lADIATOR CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS -ADD RUST RESISTANCE If you have permanent anti-freeze, save it for naxt, winter. Bring your own container, 5-BAnERY SERVICED Winter Is especiaHy tough on bat. , , feri ... We check strength. clean fer: min.. add dist.lIed water. '--CHECK-UP OF TIRES Comt..ct "S,,-'.o...L" ......Ing " •Improves the mileage. We can also have your ' tires recapped, if needed. 7-CLEAN AIR FILTER Lets your engine breathe easier _ keeps dirt out· of the carburetor. HANNUM & ,WAITE 'sw....... 6-1250' ••• i •• ••• • Sa... up to '" .. Iaof. '-CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS Dirty spart plugs can waste as much as ,lout of every 10 gallons of gasoline. Domestic Blue' C...... ~ 59c !}deal Extra Sharp Ch_..~ 79c Kraft Valv_to C...... Food .... pkg27c FOLKS AGREE-SAVI AT ACMI FIG Delicious :s 21c • •• •, •• .'I •• • • • ..• i •• ••• 81, s-itI" 1M Y.. AeM. BONUS DOLLARS , •• ORE FOR THE MONEYl •• •• • •• • •• Dodgo Gives You Th_15 Groat Extra Value Features At No ExIra CoIf' • • • • • •• lIach '5.00 PIircbue earns you. Booui Dollar. Y." A._, • r CONSIDER RESALE VALUE 4c ..te,tIo Bre,," Qu'. . . . . . I • SUN TAN LOTIONS SUN GLASSES 504 Baltlmor. Pike A BUSINESS-MANAGED. TAX· PAYING UTIurv COMPANY OWNED BY NEARLY 100,000 STOCKHOLDERS • = Springfield Laundromat PlhUDEiPllIA GIFIJ11de COMPAIIY leah. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Spencer lane will leave July 1 to spend of Yale avenue, accompanied by Ihe summer at Spruce Shores, Mrs. Charles E. Bovard of East Boothbay, Maine. Dr. LathSwarthmore avenue, accompanied their children Susan, Jay, Jill and bury will spend the Fourth of by her daughters Barrie and Peggy. will leave July 1 for a July week-end and the month of Bettie, will leave Sunday for On- two-week vacation at Sea Isle August with his family in Maine, lario, Canada to join Mr. Bovard City, N.J. Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Shaw who is localed there temporarily. Mrs. V. T. Lathbury and chll- of Ogden avenue left Saturday I They will return home August 14. dren' Susan and Bill of Wainut for Ann Arbor, Mich., w\:lere Dr. , !l.UUllllllllmnIllJlUlnJlllllmIIllIllIllIIllDlIUIIllUIIIDUIIDIUJlIIlIIllIllIllIllIlIllIllIlIllIIUIIlIUlHlIlIlllllllllllmull1!E' Shaw will teach in the Department of Library Science of the ~ / ' ~ University of Michigan for the ~ ~ summer months. :: BUILD Page '5 NEWS NOTES li Antiqu.. & Gounn.t Shop 'rowld••c. Rd.. I - Florist BAPTIZED Susan Alexander Schumachet, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Schumacher, was baptized at the home of her maternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Alexander of South Swarth- . more -avenue, on Friday evening, June 11, by her great uncle, Dr. Kenneth Neal Alexander of Christ Church, New York City. Mter the baptism, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander' entertained at a family dinner. Dr. and Mrs. Alexander were guests of the family for the weekend. , The baby's paternal grandp"fents are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Schumacher af Green Hill' Farms, Overbrook. • "I Saw It In The Swarthmorean." TilE SWARTIIMOREAJ'IO -, -" - -',.- -----:-----;---;::-=--:7";:=~_::__:_-..::..:.::::...:.:.~~~~~:::...------'--------_:_------ Florence Lucasse of spend several days of this week princeton avenue left Tuesqay to in New York City. Diluzio and Sons -- 25 1954 JlJIle, ; DIIIIlICIrIc . . . liz • lis. 'lclnUs WIIlIIIr.,... ....... ~ a.. .... Ill.' SI1In flint IftstrumenlpaneI ....., nallt!eels r.. n*1nIIt sui CIISbIDD ladependlll! PIIkInI bran M'~"'''1I\Ir '-:t..... pris, . . r.- 111_. DlllIIICIrk bInS DIIID born lInE EIIIIIII IInIsh \ISUII£I ••• ••• •• •• •• •• •• •• • Never before such big car performance, luxury and value at this low, low price I This stunnjnc new Dodge V-8 4-door se