SlY;\ !ff' t r,~,! (~~ R ~ (;0;... -.•••• ' , ,-OJ .. NEW YEAR I - LIB1U!,¥ tlAPPY TH,E SWART SWAR~ORE, ., \ REAN FRIDAY. 1ANUARY 1.1954, 13.50 PER YEAR McCorkel to Address STUDEN: :~::~CJ':::'ICE Mrs. Buckley to Speak ~:~N:~::I~~~::~::u. Judges Name Winners Mothers Club on' U.S. o~nsun~y Stu~~; At Woman's Club Tue. ;:::. m;,~r :~: -In Lighting, Contest Or wasl n ro:':o: . . '" . ClllU'llhes throughO¢ .thll country. • • Traveling Seminar which will enInchlng tbrough the borough CARE Diredor Will c~Ue'ge stu.dents; h~me fo~the Chester Nursery· Dlredqr plane Saturday, January 2, for an Swarthmore one darK night within holidays, wbo J»ItI.cipated ilq;unTo Talk on "Youth the past . week, four intrepid ' At Annua I ~!S . day moriJing'lI' stildent Service at extenqed tour. The group ~I judges undertook the dubious Night Jan. '14' the Swarthmore Meth:odist Chill-ch Conservation" visit Presbyterian missions. In pleasure of selecting the 1953 cash "Roy Mccorkel, director of were: .rune Sbearer, junior at· Mrs. Walter Buckley, executive Puerto Rico, Dominic~ . Repub- winners of .the outdoor lighting ~ will W!Illam and Mary, who' gave tbe director of the Chester Nursery lie and Cuba. contest sponsored eacb ChrIstmas CARE' _ •• hel s· .....- p pro... gm, • Invocai.lon; Ralpb Park, Jr., W..shMrs. Cblld will visit frienda at season by the Business Assoclape 'guesl speaker at the annud Ington and Lee ~enior, wbo read and Boarding Home, will be the tion and The Swarthmorean. Father's Night Dinner of .the the Scripture; Robert .I'.llIson, speaker for the Woman's Club at the Theological Seminary in MaThe task was not an easy one, Swarthmore M~tller'8. Club ',to ~. sophomore at WestChester, wbo its meeting Tuesday, January 5; at tanzas, before returning by· way the four reported, adding that. the held Thursday evening, J,,?Uary led In' prayer; Charles H. Grier, 2 m of Florida. ' many varied, gay and colorful dis.14, at 6:30 at McCahan Hill m tbe. Jr:, Grove City .freshman, and p.. I th t d tb t ch Presb'''--I Cb h MrS. Buckley has been I n ' c h a r g e ' pay. a .ma e e our so mu , urc. Joan Matthews, .WesI Chester Is 'd to m ake , .. ~"" an p Ieasure, 0 servesome\hing Getting the alub off to a gala senior, who spoke on "Tbe Mean- of the Chester b~me for 18 years. ' . their final aserection of • Speak :: MentaI HeaIth Film T0 Be Shown Wed• start, for this will be the. first Ing of the Church In a 'Student's In addition to wide experience a problem. Winners, however, program meeting-in the new year, Life and. in Helping. to Adjust to previous to her present position, were named by unanbnous declMrs. Lawrence Conwell, chairinan College." slon as follows'. she keeps in touch with the latest .~ for the' affair, has announced that F' t . f $1500 t A S'd . developments in cbild welfare Home & S h I' C . IrS prize 0 0 . 1the dinner will feature .many ~ c 00 om. ney Johnson, Jr., 61,0• North Chestempting delicacies made by club wq,rk through frequent refresher Initiates New Series ter road for his door display of a members, will include roast courses at various universities. In d t 'lgh School· e.corated Chris At H beef as the main meat·dish. The discussing ber subject "Youth With soft greens. mas tree, framed a1fair will be open to ill mem"Conservatipn Begins In BabyThe first of a new serieS of Second prize of $10.00 will be bers tbeir busbands and their • bood," she will present some case , , .. Cur t a i n Go i n 9 Up" histories of children whom she mental health films, ''The Feeling d!vJded between Francis Plowguests. L has known through her work. of Depression," will be shown man, 425 North Swarthmore aveo "Th: 'the Features arge The Chester :oay Nursery IIDd Wednesday m0!1llD.·,g at. 10:30 in N!,! ast, Crews . C United Stales In Worid Affairs" Boarding HomEt, located at 315 the, visual educatIOn room of the combined display of blue lights will be the title of McCorkel's Blackfriars, the dramatic group East 5th street, has a capacity of high school. featuring the large handsome tree talk to the group. His ~Ive at Swarthmore High School, will 118 children. Occupying its present Each Wednesday for the next between. experience both In this counlrY., present the annual play, "Cur~ site since 1918, it was begun as several weeks at the same time The $5.00 third prize has been and abroad make him well quallf_ taln Going Up" on January 16, at a civic project of the Chester and place a .fllm will be sbown awarded to Ernest A. bberg at led to ~s this topic. • the High School Auditorium. The New Century Club. Althougb, it under the sponsorship of the the southwest comer of Harvard McCorkel, who Is now director entire production Is under the di- started as a day nursery, that Health Advisory Committee of the avenue and South Chester road, of CARE's "self-belp" program, rection of, Henry F. Hoffmann, name is now a mIsnomel. For Swarthmore Home and School ~dr tbeir lighting display iwblcb which represents CARE's Interest faculty sponsor of Blackfriars. He mDre than 10 years children from Association. The pictures, which outlines the house, and spots his In a voluntary Point Four or will be ably assisted by two. stu- toddlers to fourteen - year olds come highly' recommended, are singIng carolers on the porch roof. techn IcaI a Id program, h as been d ent dIrect ors, Ginn y M agee and have been boarded there. It Is ordered by the school for use In H onorable menUon went to the with this organl%aUon since 1949. Joan Narbeth. Jane Leavitt, head known ~ "an emergency and advanced classes, are .provided by Young Adults of the Presbyterian First tbe regional director of of the grotip, and Steven Carter tempor&ry home for dependent the Pennsylvsnia State Depart- Cburch for thetr crecbe In front of Sou thern Europe, h e was, fr om wIII aIs0 assl·st' m and neglected Thet of Health and Welfare and Ib echildren." n .. e ch urch on H arvard avenue. A June, 1950 to June of the followThose in the cast Iftclude': length of stay depends on the are made avall!ible for th"; use baby camel and a little shepherd .• Individud· cas~ and care Is prob 'h Ing year, CARE' 8 regI0nat chief o. 'Janet Crothers,. Sandy MIlne, of the Home and School.Commit- .oy ave been added to the dIs-. . ~'ssI • .... I d Scotland vided as long as needed. Mrs. A. . lay' It . ed 51 ...... ODS ~or ",~.~an." '" 'Karen" Mondde, Mary' Meilace, tee, with the hope that as' wide p. SIDce was award fir W~ Nortl!ern lreland,JI,~ Margo Morrison, Barbara Bloom; H. ~abb of Swarthmore Is a an audience for tbe. films as pas,. prize last year. . zrr.."c~.. Benel]Dl,. G~e, CZe:bo- ( _ Braun,. Jean.¢~;.~'J"", l1li!mber: the board. sible IIUIY be 10un.damongparents Anotber honorable mention was ., . 8lovalda, .ttaly, lI!alta, FInland. M:liWplne.· . Martha' Calhoim; . The Iion'\e Is-'supported by cOn- and townspeopli!. . awarded to the Wdton Nasons at Norway, and Yugoslavia. He was Mandel Milch, Steve carter, Gary tribuUpns from the parents, ·by This year's fllmseries' wlll.ln- 323 Cornell avenue, who tblsyear responsible for lIason between Carey. Preston Hollander, 'Karl Community Chest funds, a small at the earnest request of insistent CARE and the various overseas Th01D8.3. , Da.vid Deacon, Tim Ryer._ allocation from the State Depart- c1ud~ th~ t most popular of last young neighbors, patiently added · yeet s asPICwe. ures and some new govemm.ents,working out . clinson, Carol Topping, .Gail Meyer, me nt 0 f =elf ¥Y' are, an d gifts fr om films II. Announcement of .''our more reindeer to theU" '1952 tract ' ne..~otia·ti ODS w he'n ent...... -~ i.nd. ividuals and agencies. There is nrlze -wIDrung~ .. .. ' .... ~..... JIIDe Elliot, Kathy JeSSup, LInda the title for the week will be made' ..1ay 0f S an t a, new CARE missions and· Inter- Rothwell, C.andy Allen and Gladys no regimentation, and everything sleigh and (0 n I y) half his -_.. - I th possible Is done to creat. a'home- in The Swarthmorean. Complete coursers. . tin h gin _ pre g c an g n"""", n e Durbarow." lists of the film titles will be dIscountries !o CARE, New York. Eacb of the numerous commit.:. ·like atmosphere. The stalf numIn concluding their report, the . . , bers' nine persons, Including a trlbuted through the school and Bom'ln lJlly, he recelved'his B. tees which help put on the plaY ~.v be obtained by call1ng the judges urged sightseers. not to · o.f bave an old Blackfriar as suPer~. well-trained teacher. Mrs. Buck:- - nurse or Mrs. Louis Robln~ miss the Donald Jones' display at A • degree from the C0 llege scbool -.. _I", Ohio. --" win d ' . , ley tl!llS with pride of former "UllO g gra ua- visor, with a colrimlttee· chairman. son, chairmsn of the Health 407 Swarthmore avenue; th~ Jessd the world, Members of the Stage Crllw, for "children of the nursery" who are Advis, Mrs. January 4, at 8:15 In the American at tbe comer of Walnut and Elm Russia In 1936. 'In 1937, the year On the CoStume Committee, Henry I. Hoot" Mrs. Donald P. Legion room of Borougb HaI1, it avenues. of his lI1'aduiltion from Yale, he Sally Bates Is the supervisor, Jones, and Mrs. Raymond E. Wll- was announced by Mrs. Edmund attended the World Council of Kathie Jessup, ~bairman, and the son. Jones, ch~irman of the group. . . Churches Conference at Oxford, members Jane EllIot, Gail Meyer, Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins IIDd Dr. Eisenbud will talk about . At their tina"! meeting for the England. In 1939, he attended the and Mary Lou FrIend. The super- Mrs. Leslie A. Wetlaufer will parent-child relationships and will year, the Delaware County ChapWorld Conference of Christian visor of the Property Committee pour. Mrs. Paul E. Zecher of tbe lead a discussion on "The Child's ter Daugbters of the American Youth at Amsterdam, Holland. is Sue l{ansell. Ginn)I TIller and hospltilltycommitt.!e, assisted by World." The child' study group, Revolution, heard a talk on the He has worked with the Stu- Ginny be Calndry are 'the co-' Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad, Alice which'is sponsored by the SWarl\l- life 'and paintings of· Benjamin. dent Christian Movement,' with chairm'ID, with members Nancy Marriott, and Mrs. Richard Enion, more Mother's Club, Is open to all West by Mrs. Earl P. Yerkes at - the Consumer Cooperatives Move- Bunker, Carolyn Schott, Nancy wlll prepare .the tea. members 'of the community. ber home on South PrInceton ave- . ment.1n the East and before com- Neuweller. . Don Poole, J 0 a n nue. Ing to CARE he' was with the Thompson and Anne DrIehaus. Mrs. Yerkes reminded ber auTHIS WEEK'S CAtEN_DAR American FrIends Service COm-. On the business and publlcity , dience that Benjamin Wesl was mittee In Philadelphia. He has committee, Pete Bloom and ROse born in Swarthmore In 1738 of New Year's Eve spoken widely In the United Alice RichardsOn' are co-supervlsQuaker parentage, and that he States on the international situa- ors wltb Dotty lfopklns and Allce 9:00 P .M.-"The Sickle or the Cross" ........... , Methodist Church painted over 3000 paintings. There tion and the relevance of religion DeCaindry as co-chairmen. Mem- 11 :00 P.M.-Walcbnight Service ............. '.. " Methodist Church have been more books written '" econo!Di~ problems and edited bers are Jimmie .Lewls, Jane VaI.11:30 P.M.-Walchnight Service .............. Presbyterian CbUrch about Mr. West In Pennsylvania the book ~o1aes from the Young- entbie, EvelYn BuUitt, Barbara than any other State, due to the er Chureiies." ., HarrIson and Gladys Durbarow. QUaker intereSt, Mrs. Yerkes s81d. ' 'McCorkel, a resident of."CcIme1I . The sound - eff~ts committee • SDDday, S Among .other interesting Items avenue, Ismairled and. has three contists ~ Dick: FelloWs as super- 11:00 A.M.-MO~ Worabip .. .' .................. Locd Churches brought ,!utirom her research was cblldreD. He ill a Conservationist visor, while John Pegram takes that he had help In mixing colors MfI-"l". , . .....,. , from the Indians who used to and haS 'jj treetann· in central co..... of the sounds and Damon 2:00 P.K.-Frlendly Open H;'use Group ....... PreShyterian Church 11ft 81'OUIId these parts. Pamsylvania wb~' i.elenWlc for- K1etze1n the lights. esirf practices. are, followed. Molly Banks and Nancy New- 8:15 P.!(.-Child study Group .......... , .......... '~ BoroUlh Hall Among the best known of his . " ~ are. co-supervlsors of Make/ / paintings In this country Is' the UP,. and Nancy :Bunker Is the Ta h~,,~ one hanging In the Penns)1vanIa ' ·clJafiman: The· m...."...·1Il'e Ann 2:00 p.M....:Mrs. Walter Buck:ley .............. : ... ~ Woman's ·Club. Hospital at 8th 'and Pine, wblch ThIt f~;;=~' .J.!mI. J.n, Lawrence, LIz campion, Club ~oc:~ ~:=t!'..:! InI 0nIup' . iii ¥arIanne ~pson,. Judy Abbe; .:00 P.M...,....Art.Leeture: Nancy Sylvan~ . :.:}'f.. Jr. "aIlWirT: II;, at the J'n.nM '~~, l'a1v ~cGobta!e Wei ' ~, Ie tr Jt'. '. . ally imo'lR1,mbo' Jl'arekilowa to . ~ ... cOnoe.IIJ '. and'lJiMfa Rothwell . 10:30 A.M.-lIIenlat Heat~ I'Ilm , ......../ . , .•...•.... HIah &+ 001 be exhibited :now• ------=---- and BIackf·flars t0 G"Ive AnnuII PIay Jan 16th ::~:!s~iu~~ Ro~; ~~';":~!o~;n,,!~~~~I,e, ;~: • O • 0; " searfoss, . DAR Grou., Hears Tark ''''lIU'7 II:. Kappa . . Woman'. ~'. . " . U / • , mE SWARTBMOREAN THE SWARl'HMOREAN IIRTH' '," Page 2 PUBLl8HED EVUY nIDAY AT 8WARTllMORE, PA. PETER B. ToLD. lIIABJORD TO~_~VBLlSIIBIl8 Phone 8W~ 8-8_ Personals pftB& & TOLD. IWtor BABBARA lUI1ft'. ""..-In&' Edltor Roaalle Peirsol Marjorie Told Lorene McCarter Enteted as Second cta.i Matter. January 24, 1929, at the P...t Oftlce at Swartlmlore, Pa.. under tile Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Harvard Inn,· .' . . Mr. ~d Mrs. Aaron C. F. Fink~ blner of uElmsward", Norristown, anno~nce the engagement of their d'lughter. MIss Nancy Ruth Finkbiner to Mr., David McCahan. Jr.• s:.n of Dr. and Mrs. McCahan of strath Haven avenue. . , Rarnnl and It."" iil!iDT Avea_ and TltAN8tBNT Om:8ft P~OIIe 8..nhmore 1-17" STATE AUTO-INSPECTION' Novem..... Ist to January 31 st Presione - Wlnterl.. Now Zarex AUTO LITE IATTERIES WHEEL BALANCING ROBERT J. ATZ. Owner HINKLE • HERTEL RUSSELL'S SERYICE . OPPOSJTB BOROUGD PAUJNG LOT Dartmouth & Lafayette ""Yes. SW 6-0440 " TRINITY NOTES Tonight. New Year's Eve,' the, There will be, two c:eiehrations church invites memb,ers', and of the Holy Communion tbIs Sunfrienda to spend a wholesome 'eve- day. one' at 'the 8 o:cloclt niD, In the company of ~ai1 '~d,theother at '11. At 9:30 friends durl'ng the cl~ hours all, ,departments of the Church of 1953. The sound motlon"picture S.c:hool will meet. "The Sickle or the Cross'; wIll'j)e 'The ushers for Sunday will be shown at 9 p.m. Following the plc-' as follows: ture will be a social and 'coffee :J, L. c::ornog, Theodore Evans, . hour. A Watehnlght and Covenant service will be held troin' 11 p.m. John Aaron. J. D. Bowden, Jr., , ' J. B. BullItt. Jr., R. G. Fox. A. to W . Kitts, and ~.. T S Thompson. Each family should bring that ' midnight. On Sunday. Church School Lyman de Camp will serve as night one "the following in slifclasses for all ages meet at 9:45. A acolyte at 8 o'clock. and Bennett, quantity to feed four: salad. sPecial class for Young Adlilt5"a!so Hill at 11. Durin,' the 11 o'clock dessert, 9r meat dish. Coffee, rolls meets at this time. Holy Commu- service Anne Morse an~ and but~r will be provided., nlon will be administered at 11 Reed will be in charge of the 'Young, Adults will meet this 'a.m. Nursery for the children will nursery. Sunday evening 'for a supper at be supervised by Mrs. Frank RomWednesday specialist It was pointed distance 'was Mr. S. P. Bose of O~that when heart disease is dis- Calcutta, India. ' cov""ld at an early age prompt , Nicky Stuart of Vassar avenue trea~nt can Increase the p06- has been home fml!l Missouri Valsibillty' \( a cbmplete cure. ley College for the holidays. B. J. HOY W. MARK BITTLE • happy and prosperous New .Year'! May 1954 begin and continue with . A Happy New Year , Horace A. Reeves • 171/2 South Chester 'Road peace. and' happiness for, all our friends. • '(;O-Op To' all our friends ., • The Boliquet • ., ¥,¥.-_.-;. • \ To all our May you get the big - Friends and Patrons Happy New Year May every hour of the New' Year hoi d' happiness, goo d ~ .. . ."" • ."" '- • i "- - health and pr~sperity for aU of part· of the year's' . ~ Enjoyment, -- you ~ our frier:l~s. Pros'perj~';."~ o i . , ...... " The Swarthmorean Staff Happiness • -Success \ , ~ • , 15 South Chester' Reid . ',: ,', , . ,' , ... F.,~LACKMAN 335 DAITMOvrH AVENUE ,J •. • Fuseo' M.,tor Co. • i .'. the 'joy and peace May t.he harmony, . of this season, be W 'lth you and yours throughout the The New Year wishes May your 1954. year - we send. you are meant to last as HAPPY NEW YEARI long as the green of the evergreen. 1 New Year Harr~s' & be filled Company A salute to the New Year ••• I BAIRD and BIRD . and to all our' friends ,our sin· Lafayette Avenue Park Avenue cerest wishes f~r all the happi. with laughter ness and good fortune life can • that is joy, the mellowness of friendship • give. \ arid the satisfaction .of accomplishment. NEW YEARI HAPPY First National Bank Buchner's, Inc. a Park Avenue We wish all of Delaware County Swarthmore Olice our friends and neighbors a '. joyous future' , HAPPY NEW .YEA~! and that their . . -' .pleasures ;will many through' all of 1954. J.A•. Green l'South Princeton Avenue • "f- May this season's joy. follow you • I HAPPY NEW YEAR throughout the coming year. . an~ warm . .' . . wishes that all' the friendly cheer • Celia Sh~' I Shop . ~f the closing -year abide with you throughout • the New. ,Peace and flappe ~r Best Wishes for 1954 May the first day and every day of 1954 bring an abundance Mayall good cheer and joys stay with you and your dear ones throughout the New Year. 1954 May the New Year bring to our· many friends all . the rieh blessings that will make for happiness and joy throughout. of happiness and success, to you and your family. M. Weinstein & Son. . . 100 Park Avenue Michael's College Phannacy the . BOB· A ttl Proprietor 011 Russell's Serv'-=-· Auto Repairs . Hannum and Waite .! Yale Avenue and Chester Road • .~" • and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde, Jr.• and NEWS NOTES and Mrs..Frederick W. Held, Mrs. sons Samuel D .• 3rd, and Billy of ' .... ewMem ers ecelve Malcolm J. Marryat, Mr. and Mr. James R. Taylor, Jr.. of TI Wallingford. Into Presbyterian Church Mrs. Dgnald R. Mathis, Mr. and Alexandria, . Va., arrived home Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of The following new membiors Mrs. Peter P. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy F. F. Wright of Kenyon last week to spend the hoUdays Park avenue were . hosts at 'a were welcomed into the fellowship John T. Pinkston, Jr., Janet Scar- avenue, Co-chalrman of the of the Swarthmore Presbyterian borough, Dr. and Mrs. Glen T~ ChristmaS Seal Campaign, today with his pa';'nts"Mr. and Mrs. family "Carol Sing at their home . Church early in December: Smith, Peter J. and Mark A. m!lde a special plea to all those R. Taylor of Westdale ave- "C~hrI=stm~as~Ev=ei!!'==i!!O!==ii!!iji Mr and Mrs. Edward·D. Ains- Smith, Mr. and .Mrs•. William W. In Delaware coUnty who hhve not James nue. . _ Edna C Baker u_ Smith, WIlUam R. Thomson, Ruth· contributed to the 1953 sale I ee. . J'.r., u P'UD. • t ~-.. "',_ d u_ Geo g . , Mr. and ·Mrs. Samuel D. Cly e . ,ATTERSON and' Mrs. F. Stuart BteMlller, C. Webb, BU. an ..~s. r e d o 80 pt'ompt"ly. of "Swarthmore and Ogden aveFmlBBAL BOMJI Nancy A. BreMIller, Mrs. Stokes H. Weiss, and Mrs. Roy L. Wll''We are within $19;1ioo of our nues entertained as their hol1BIIhteon y..... BlIperIetl'" F. BurtiS, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Rob- k l n s o n . . ' Mr. Wright announced, day house guests Mr. and Mrs. 'Phcme Media iI.MOO art L Da Waldo B Davison . "and have extended the campalgn Charles Thackara, Jr.• Mr. Walter A price to meet eve., Mf.. . d Th 'B Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates .. of to January 10 19M for the conMIss Virginia Clyde 'h~ :r:~i4ra.?d",~bow, ~Orth Ch:Wb=:.yen:~ veDience of ';'hO have not Thackara Thackara and ot "Hope Lea.", Eaton~ G1j1dys' D\ltl>oofl, . "'~:"anil Mrs. ~on~s:r son Johnny Bates, had time to mall their contrib- town. N.J .• Mrs. L. A. C. WllUams JuJlus PIlicken;" home from Lawrenceville School, utlon,'" and children Randy, ~eand Hrs. FrankUn B. Gillesp!e, Mr. befGre the .Swartlmiore Junior At the same time. Mr. Wright Ann of Greenville. Del. They were THOM SEREMIA and: Mrs.TllOII\¥ Y. Haua, Mr. AasembUes Tuesday evening. thanko!d all those, individuals and Joined on ChrIstmas Day by Mr. industries who have so generously Slip ..... Upholstering contributed to the 1953· campaign. Draperies. and made special mention of the Sw....... '"'441 . great 1!!IJld of volunteers which WILLIAM BROOKS W. will use your doth or you to date· has raised over $3.500 Aflhes & Rubblah Removed throuitl bOoth sales and special may select from our semples Uawna Moweci. General colldons in school. and•• se~ice •• p,,' es. "By the time ,all the returns lSI are in, the volunteers' total will Pha•• SharQ. HiD. 0734 probably reach well over $5.000", MlI. Wright said. PETER 01 NICOLA ''Each year approximately 300 new victims in Delaware County Drlv.way Construction are stricken with tuberculosiS. yet this Is a preventable disease". .. Asphalt.r Concrete said Mr. Wright. ''The added fact C.llar Walls Re-Plastered that tuberculosis Is one of the most serious and most costly pub- Phone 6.2526 Formerly lic health problems in PennsylCARNS vania points to the need for ~~~~~~~~~~~~ strengthening Delaware' County's ;:. 650 Pike program .in the coming year," Springfield. Del. C... Pa. CONSTRUCTION continued Mr. Wright. Chi'lstmas SWarlllmore 6-0450 RESIDENTIAL AND Seal contributions from County op•• 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. r2~ldents in the pa~t have. sup. COMMERCIAL ported the extensive program of the Association. he stated. and will Alterations _ .' continue to' do so in the future, thereby affording protection for 335 Dartm.uth Avenue all from the ravages of this Infectious disease. J. F. BLACKMAN ,. ...... .... " With' all goodwlshes b R • d Makes Special Plea For Seal Sales J for the New Year =. 1954 Dona.-: th':r You .....~'t .,.dy ~~~~~Pam~I~IJ'~a~D~e~e~G·~~~i those r. hard Bardin&'~~ to learn about good party·line telephone ---,-------,--------------'!:""':-- Geo,rge -,Myers Swarthm.ore. Pa. DiLuzio and Sons flf)rist At the coming of the New Year we want to ---. wish all of our many friends the richest of life's . treasures - peace, good health and happinessl Sheet Metal· Work ---;...-.--------------------~ Edward L. Noyes & Co. To be a good party.line neighbOr, ~ember to release the line reasouably BOOn when someone e1'!'> is waiting· to use.. it . . • and' hang up gently when' you find the Une in use. Your party-Une neighbors will retum the courtesy. Result: better telephone service for all on the Un" I 23 South Chester Road .... lell T.""_ CI ,..y.f ....sylv••la ®. Classified Ads ~~s~w6~.6818~.~ PERSONAL - Edward F. Mau A\lto Driving School. Professional instructors. Dual control aSsure your safety. We call . you. SWarthmore 6-2469. If no answer. SWarthmore 6-0740. PERSONAL - Piano tuning - PERSONAL - Baby sitting. Re. sponsible woman. Call SWarthmore 6-4251. P~~~N~;k-. ~~~ s:~~!ni: I/tlY. Dadl , NEW YEAR WISHES . ., bring you, . .lOY, and prosperous 19S( . = __ IfI5II:lR • "",CJanl . V PItH ~ r - Ie eM eta- S II".... rr, - you desire. ~lX1IAfNft .: ~~~='~':.-::::.. LOST =~ CONTRACTORS .~__ Passm 0 re . d:."'.t..'l: mn. mIaimI, dllferentiol and wheel bearin'" We chect and service baitOJ)'. tires, spark plup, ndiator and air and oil fll,ers. Drive fa /lOW ••• get our WInter SpecIal Ofter• , PETER E. TOLD ., GUAUIfIIID-fJ usco • CHESTER' anti FAIRVIEW ROADS FLAGSTONE OR :; ~ CON~~i~~:y~TIOS ~= =i __ CL9-5171 - PAINTING' and CARPENTRY JtIlAL IlSTATIl .. INSU&AHCIl 609 S. CH.ITIIB .... SYABTJDlOU, PIINNA. SWarthmore.6-8761 -============- J 'TlHtiElW . All U_ of ....s.,..c. • • • 333Dartmo~1h Aveuue . SWCirtl"noN, Pa• "hone SWarthmore &03681 VAN ALEN BROS. 200 W. Ridley Ave. Ridley Park . SW 6·4742 WA 8-2440 I OIL BURNER SERVICE , MONDAY TJDiu SATURDAY NOON . SW 6-4041 , SUNDAys ...d HOLIDAYS COAL . FIREPLACE· WOOD J. A.GREEN , . ' .. Cement and Stone Work Jack Prichard .OIL HEAT ; . 3 So'uth Chester Rd. ---=! irllUlUlIlIUllIIlIIllIIllUllI'lIllIIlIIlHlIIlHlIIUHIHlllUli , ~~ .' The Fountain = !§ B. LOST - TIger lqtten. part Persian. Answers to name of "Mittens." Reward. Finder please call ! OIL.....,,·,.:;;=· Ieo()ll~ SWarib m o6-8788 re. OIL .oeUIl.OIlI.IMI". WATII "IA'UIo , LOST - Spectacles. pink rimmed, '---le::;;;;;;:'-f In village. Tuesday. Call SWarthmore 6-2211. DAY and NIGHT your CPnk....... lubricate ch ...... _01_ .. , - " , ~ 5 Cell,ars Waterproofed HO 1l A C B bination washing ·machine and and many miscelof private home. • . P T· •& 5 • Inarl on FOR SALE - Dining room and bedroom furniture; Thor com- . IR,,'ze . ._IItII,.,..0fII' . 10 "',.. happiness , . success' • Swarthm'ore 6.2253 !§ FOR SALE FOR EXTRA DUTY THIS WINTER YOUR CAR NOW and aU the RUlnsey Chevrolet .' I FOR 1954 " wishes for a joyful :; =-__=_= WANTED - Yard work and odd jobs wOnted by reliable white man. Nat i v e Swarthmorean. CHester 3-5736. OUR our warmest illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllll';' BUILDER ture covered. 'Paper tOken away. estimates. Call WA 8-6107. FOR RENT - Room. to gentleman. Convenient to transportation and' tea-rooms. '112 'Rutgers AVenue. SWarthmore 6-3889. FOR RENT - Attractive room In new hoUse. for gentleman. Call SWarthmore 6-1781. .• 'we send you Box 48·Sviarthmore 6·0740 \~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR RENT In ringing tones GEORGE MYERS Charles E. Fischer ~~u~i!f~~!~i:~~~~~70~~::;' • • Air Conditioning PERSONAL and' best wishes for the New Year • Roofing Gutters SWarthrnore 6-0740 Aafllorized Distributors for ATLANTlCFUEL OIL IRON FIREMAN. OIL BURNERS and heatl.g eq.ip• •t and Service avdlfable t. oar castomers 011 afl makes of . 011 b.r.ers L.vel paJllle.t 08 bills. Automaflc delIveries of 011 d.r1ag file lteatIag pl.. .. sealO• O••anilld, 5.....4 Coal Woman's. Club Notes SUPPORT mas evening•. The gueeta Jncluded NEWS NOteS BAPTIZED 'der, ColO:;'andhls dauehter LoIdll8 of New. York City, arrived Sunday The sacrament of baptilDl was Muriel Watkins Is spending th~ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. FrescoIn The executive board will meet for a abort visit with Mr. and Mrs. aclJn4>lstered at the Presbyterian Chrlsbnas holidays at her home on of Piq~a, Ohio, Dr. and Mrs. }fenIn the lounge at 9:30 a.m. Monday, .Donald P. Jones of Swarthmore Church - t l y by the Rev. Jo.-~ College avenue. Muriel Is a junior ry Sangree of Philadelphia, Mr. January f. avenue. of seph P. Bishop. ~Ong the in- at HIram College, Ohio. and Mrs. Theodore Bridge of' . The youth Conservation departMr. and Mrs. Randolph Lee fants baptiaed were: . Proviljlence road, Media, Mr• ment, Mrs. Henry I. Hoot, chalr- Haverford place will entertain at Barbara Tennev G"''''" daughMr. and Mrs. Howard M . .Jen- George Ftescoln of Sharon Ht1I, ear's Eve ,........ Idnaand Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. A _ will be In charge of the open house on New .... x' • ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Miss delalde Hoover of PhIlaChester road d-' meeting Tuesday, at 2 p.m. Mrs. ruce G'odfrey 0 f Vassar ave- Griftln of Summit, N.J., lUld a Jenkins of N....... v, ~ .,.phia, Mrs• John H. Pitman Walter ~y, supeJintendent nue, who has been home from of Mr d"'- entertained at a family dinner on -and Mrs. Lorene, lI>ircarter of granddaug~ter ' . ' an .... ": ChrIstmas Day Their guests were . of the 'Chester Nursery and Board- Westminster College· for the Harold G. Griftin of Rutgers av8'.. Swarthlilore.. , Mr. and Mrs., Roland Quyres and Ing HOlDe. will speak on "Youth Christmas holidays, left Wednesv Conservation Betilns In Baby- day to spend New Year's as the nue. S Fry daughter bab' son Malcolm of H-..... ~ ....... guest 'of Miss Ella Caldwell of Louise p!!ncer, Texas, Mr. and Mrs~ Edward A. hood," of Mr. and Mrs. Horace P. Fry, Jenkins, 2nd and children. David The Junior Woman's Club will Carnegie. Jr., of West Chester, ·and a grandmeet at 8' p.m. Tuesday. N""cy. Dr. and Mrs. John B. Roxby .of ••_ R Chest and Susie of Chester, N. J., Mr. andarthm ......,... er and Mrs. Kenneth Snvder and ffYlvanus will give a lecture on Kenyon. avenue will entertain at child of Mr. f S ' open holfse from 3. to 7 on New Spencer 0 w ore avenue daughters Janet and Mary Ellen art. • and Mrs. H. P. Fry, of PhIladel-. of Hatooro, Mr. and Mrs. William . • Bew.,e or mae••; . 'The Literature departMent, Mrs. Year's Day. ,.' · . f phia. . of . B\alsdQU and Children C'"~'3 ......... • Joseph B:· Shane, chairman, will It may creep .10w),. Mr. JIlld Mrs. RIcbard Enion 0 Leslie Ellen .Agnew, daughter meet at 10 a.m. Friday, January Riverview road will entertain at lteallhlly upon you. II Mrs Mal 1m J A and Barry of ArliJlgton, Va.,' Mr. co • gnew, a and Mrs. Wayland E1sbree, their 8.: Florence J. Lucasse will review open house before the DUck Club Mr. and . • you are not i-rj-ell, granddaughter of Mr. and ·lIirs· daughter Mary and son Schuyler ''Vermont Tradition: The Bio- dance on New Year's Eve: -II, see'your Doctor; George M. Karns of Wellesley· , ,rapby of' Outlook on Ufe" Accept hit iound ad. Mr. Ralph Schmidt of Parrish road, and a great-granddal!ihter of Wallingford, Mrs.' MarllIlina by Dorothy· CanJleld FIsher. road bas arrived home from a f W I M Nair ls f W-" _ Robinson and sons Alan, Miles, vice. And bring hi. pre0 •• ac , a 0 0 ., and Jerry :. Miss Kraft's class In rhythmic b u sin ess' trIp to Bra- ley road. _ . of Wam-"'ord, ~'. Mrs. ICriptioDS to us (or pre; exercises will meet January 8 at zli and Argentirta. Thomas Charles McIlhenney' 'Frances Slllugh and daughter Suciae compoundiilg. 9' a.m . at. the club house.. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harrison, ' zanne of Swarthmore, and Miss . J e'nkin'S 0f N 0rrIs town. . . d M ts. H a rrIson 's son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Florence Jr., W h 0 jOlne . rd G' McIlhenney of Yale avenue, and Tw Iud ts f distan H M CATHERMAN'S parents Mr. and rs. o w a , ds of Mrs Ell B IiI 0 s en, rom a ce, NEWS NOTES Hopson of Rutgers avenue during a gran. on . a ea e, BenjamJ.n Beatty of the State of Miss Winifred Rumble of DRUG STORE are now South Princeton avenue, and Mrs.. Washington and MIki ....., ..ak1 Swarthmore. avenue entertained the Christmas holldavs, , Charles McDhenney. .' 0 ... . . of Japan, were also guests. ' at a Christmas party durtng the. visiting Mr. Harrison's parents of City, L.I., before returnDouglas Walla Rutan, son of Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie of holidays. Guests were members of Garden' . t B 'ck- 11 U· .... Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Rutan, Jr., H rd the Buck Ridge Sid Club. mg 0 u ne Dlversh3' was baptised following ihe Chrlstarva av~nue spent. the holl~ Lt. Cmdr. James H. Conner will. . December 20 His days with friends and relatives in Nancy Schrilidt of Parrish road, mas servIce • Buff I N' Y and W. Cornell Archbold of return to "The New Jersey", Nor- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. a 0, • • Swarthmore avenue, students at folk, Va., Sunday after spending Stewart R. Thorbahn of SwarthM~ Lovett Frescoln of HarGeorge Washington University, the holidays with hj~ family on more avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. vard avenue entertalned at a d1nflew with the college chorus, "The Fairview road. Cmdr. and Mrs. P. J. Rutan of Ogden avenue. ner and holiday party .on ChristTroubadours" to Labrador. "lee- Conner entertained at an open iPiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!im_iiiiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii_m~i.ii land and Greenland. On Christ- house and house warming Satur- LWV to Interview mas Day they sang at an Army day evening. S Pri • I Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hopso" Form~r H.. nClpa Base near the North Pole. The G. Baker Thompson, assistant students will arrive home by' plane of Rutgers avenue entertained as their guests On Christmas Day county superintendent of schools, January.2. Jim Schmidt, who is attending Mr. and M"';_· n_ M. Livingston and will be Interviewed by members omcers Candidate School at Fort daughter Betsy bf West Chester, of the Swarthmore League of Sill, Olda., Is spending the holf- and Dr. and Mrs. Albert Goho of Women Voters on the radio prodays at his hqme on Parrish road. Harrisburg. gram to be broadcas~ Tuesday MIsses ElInor and" Mary Bye of morning at 9 on Station WPWA. Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of '. Swarthmore avenue, and Pat and College avenue' entertained at a Mrs. William C. McDermott, Polly Told, entertained at a sur- family dinner party on Christmas voter's service chairman, Is In piise open house Sunday after- Day. The guests were Mr. and charge of the program. noon from 3 to 6 at the home of Mrs. Elmer Bye and Miss Helen Mr. and ¥.g,; Jones In honor of Bye of Wilmington, Misses Sue the 25th_ng anrilversary of and Lavinia Bye and Mr. Malcolm PIANO TUNING Mr. and ·Mrs: Peter E ..Told of Bye of Denton, Md. New and RebnUt P1anOB and BepaIrIn&, Since 1808 Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wisdom Mr. and Mrs. Rlcha\ll. M. Daniel of Vassar avenue and daughters ALBAN PARKER Ckl..d Si.t.. rday,· Jan.. ary 2nd of University place win. entertaln Mimi and Kathy, were joined for PhOD~ Media 6-1IGII5. informally Saturday afternoon. Christmas dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McConeChy Samuel C. Wisdom and daughters and their daughter Doreen of Jean, Judy and Heather of Wall, South Chester road" will enter- Ingford, and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. O. tain at open house on New Year's Redgrave of Swarthmore. Day. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McConecby Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wisdom of South Ghester .Toad, entertainof Vassar avenue entertained at ed 10 guests on Christmas Day. open house Saturday evening in Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. MacI honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Millan of Vassar avenue spent the Johnson of Bethesda, Md., who Christmas holidays with their son-, were the holiday h.,use guests of In-law and' daughter Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Claire H. J eglum of Samuel F. Rarlg and children of HIllborn avenue. Glens Falls, N.Y. Helen S.' Stuart's Nursery School Mrs. William H. West of PrInce_ closed for the holiday season with ton avenue is spending the holi· a Christmas party for parents and days with her son-in-law and · children. The llrDup was' enter_ daughter Mr. and Mrs . .John Ay\ tained with a Puppet Show given raUlt of R,ichmond, Va. I --., . by Mrs. Ralph V. Little, Jr., of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Shay, Jr., Haverford place. of Walnut 1ane, with their chilMr. and Mrs. Frederick Miller dren Gaynor and Chippy, will of Lincoln, ru., were the holiday leave January 9 to spend 10 days guests of Mrs. Miller's parents of skling In Canada. Mrs. W. F. Hanny of Yale aveMr. and Mrs. William S. Hobbs nue entertained through Christof Park avenue. Jack Thompson, son of Mr. and mas week-end her nephew Pr". . . Mrs. John Thompson of Media, fessor James Wlkolr and his wife · entertained at an open house on of Lexington, Mo. Miss Doreen of Wednesday evening, December 23, and on Saturday left for Miami South Chester road entertained at where he will attend the Orange a lunch,eon-brldge on Monday. . Bowl game. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Bowditch, Mrs. Wayne Gersen of Salt Lake .Jr., of Cornell avenue, spent the City, Utah, with her three . chil- Christmas holidays with their son dren, will arrive this week to visit and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. • • her parents Mr. and Mrs. Stan- Willl~ .Bowditcb and four sons • ley L. MacMIllan of Vassar ave- of Hilton Village, Va. nue. Mr. Gersen who has been June Hobbs, a sophomore at tranaferred to Wilmington by du- Abilene· Christian College. AbiPoots, will join his family Jan- lene, Texas, will return to college uary 8. They will make their fu- by plane January 2 after a holiture home In West Chester. day vacation at her home on Park I Dr. Burton W. Jones of BoUl- avenue, • THE LOCAL VOLUME 26-NUMBER 2 Parrish . Road . E . Dies Suddenly . January 4 .Camera &.Hobby Shop ;"~':~~~~:F~5u~ Association. . , HAP.PY NEW YEAR ·TO ALL , PETER • E~ TOLD John Jeffords, :rreas....... Box 261. Swartlalllore. " '- ~ ,!Iso survives.' UCP YOUNG ADults PLAN FIRST MEET,ING MONDAY Ruth Webb 316 South Chester , road, chairman, of the Young AdUlt Group of United Cerebral • Palsy of Delaware County, announced at a committee meeting at her home In Swarthmore this week that the first session of the young adult group will be held . Monday, January 11, at 8 p.m••n the Woman's Association room a t . the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. At this informal meeting, programs and projects for future sll!!sions will be discussed. An Invitation Is extended to all young adults with cerebral palsy . to attend this Initial meeting. I . SWARTHMORE FIRE· AND PRO~ECtIVE" ASSQCIATION . .- ,. DESI&N WINNER Alan Eo McChesne,. of South , byterlan ministers:' James, pastor Eteet Hopper To Head Boro Over 200 Families Set to Swim by June President Hopper made the fol- p!Ua, several years ago played at at Stevensville, Pa.; Charles, a lowing appointments as chairmen . He brought his family to a Children's Concert of tfle PhiISwarthmore from MorristoWD in adelphia Symphony Orchestra un~ der Eugene Ormandy. He has alSo l~~rviving'besldeS his wife, . m<>qe a. guest ,appearance ."t,one . "'Mrs..Mary C. Barrett,·of the former .,' PhiladeIphia. ", ....... ' " Forum . " .' Con, whom he married June 23, 1951, cerll!. TWO yea"'; ago he played the are four children by his first Chopin Piano Concerto ko.·l With Wife, nee ElsIe E. Deken who died the Sw¥1hmore College Orchestra, ':,. ;'.iI' ',' . ..••. . ..' In 1950 '. Carl living in Napoleon, \ Ohio; After a" slio;r: ifitl'njIi!IsIon the 11 t . t Orchestra will 'give II ~Qrt group Thomas, an AIr F orce eu enaQ.. of Roumanian Folk D'ances b" stationed at San Antonio, TexaS; J Nancv , freshman at George Wash-' I, B,Il'Il,k. The conclu~ng ,,,,umber , the eveniDa.· will "be 'Brahms' Ington University; and James at- 'I'hir'CI s" h""'~:in'F -. ajar tending Officers Training School at YRlP ""3 • '.' I J ) . . Ft. Sill, Okla. A stepson, AIrman ... '. FIrst Class Arthur Dean Barrett, in Furstenfelderuch, Germany, ,Fire Company , The Woman's Club of Swarthmore will hold its monthly stated meeting at 2 p.rn. Tuesday, January 12. The program, which Is open to the, public, will feature Dr. Milan Wayne Garrett, director of air raid wardens, of Swarthmore. He will talk on "Swarthmore's C i viI Defense Problems." Dr. Garrett received his Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees at Stamford University, and A. B. and Ph.D. degrees from Oxford Univer.slty, -England. -He is a Phi Beta KappH and a Rhodes scholar. Since 1927 Dr. Garrett has been associate profeSsor of physics at Swarthmore ColIege, •having had previous teaching experience at Bodley Protests M,et·e •.s IWeston House. He has pubtlshed in Residential Church various articles In the calculations of the inagnetic ft·eld. Area The meeting is in charge of Mrs. Morris H. Fussell, chairman of the civil defense committee. its tiAPPY NEW YEAR! Women Schedule Open Meet on Civil Defense Samuel H. Mollett, author of the current study book "Where'er the tor of the Jan' Church, will Sun" published by tbe Friendship funeral services today at.2 p.m. PreSs of the COmmission on Misat the WIlllam's Fwiet'al" Home; sionary Education of the National Clifton, for Ralph Gillis Schmidt Council of the Cburches of Christ who died suddeniy Monday morn-- . In the United States, will address ing at his home, 668 Parrish road. the Woman's Association of the Death was attributed to coronary Presbyterian Ch~h at ItS lunchocclusion. eon meeting Wednesday, January Born In Morristown, NJ., on 13. July 27, 1899, Mr. Schmidt became Dr. Molrett was born in Korea, an engineer with the Lima Locothe son of Samuel A. Molrett who Inotive Works, Lima, Ohio, after went to North Korea at the turn graduating .from the' Pratt Enof the century. There was no gineering' School, Brooklyn. In: other Christian inhabitant within 1941 he became chief engineer for 150 mlIes, since by treaty· rights the AlaSkan Nati.9nal Rallway no westerner was to go Inland -in 1943 was appointed Army Cillief I from Pusan. His - father was the of Rail Transportatio>;l for the Shapiro, Student ~oloist,1 ftrst westerner to go to {'yengGovernment. Yang; he was stoned in the streets Following the Second World d in Liszt .Feature. but lived to see one of the men War, Mr. Schmidt wSs chief meConcerto _ who stoned him become the first chaillcal engineer for Canadian foreign missionary of the Korean Locomotive Works' at . KIngston, The Swilrt!>more College Orches~ Church. Ontario: Transferring to tbe Baldtra will give first concert of the Dr. Molrett was educated In the 'win Locomotive Coinp"'" he represented its intereats.ln India and college year on Friday, January United States, receiving his docEgypt in 1947 and i948. . . 15, at 8: J5 p.m., in Clothier Me- torate In historY at Yale. He .He continued as II consUlting moria!. The commUnlty .. 1s invited taught English in China at Yen Ching and Nanking Univer.ttles engineer. with that concern now to attend. from 1947 to 1951 when he was merged Into the Baldwin Lima Conducted by Dr•. Peter van de forced out by the Communist reHamilton CQrPoration, Etidy~tone Kamp, the 9rchestra - a group of gime after being imprisoned by which sent 1W,n to Spain in 1952 over 50 Instrumentalists - will them. • and to Brazil and. Argentina two open the concert with the RussIan months ago. He returned horne Dr. Molrett Is now assigned to and Ludmllla Overture. by Glinka. the Philadelphia Presbytery as a from .his South. American trip The neXt number on the pro- missionary In residence and prethree days before CIirlstmas. gram will be Llszt's l"iano Con- paring to -leave' soon for Korea - Mr. Schmidt was a membei:·of cerlo No.1 in E flat major, wilth'[where he ill under /lPpolntrnent as the American .Assoclation of Meas.' . Shapiro, chanical En8Jnoots, slid' ot tboi ColJege Orchestra' To Present . .Council President .3.50 PER YEAR Tuesday's Program Will Feature Milan W • . GarreH ~V'~:~~~:~~;~::i;'1 all·a __ DIMES Churchwom'en to Hear China Teacher, Korea Bound,at 2 P. M. The ReV: JosephP.B1sboj), n:';",,'1 > If you do not receive a notice and care to join and contribute 'maR your checks to the' , • Sam. Moffett To Speak Here .Wed. For Ralph an . FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 19M familYRil~sJ~.aJ.,. srEAlTII During the next few' days y~u· will' receive. the annual notice . of dues of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Assoc:;iation. The Swarthmore Fire and Protective ~ Association is a~ volunt~er organization wo-rking for the benefit of 'our community. Support of the Fire Company is . an investment in low Fire Insurance rates. It takes the cooperation of th.e entire community ·to. maintain these low rates. OF • IB Wishing you THE SWARTHMORE MARCH "Pla'ns'. Pa'nel 00' 'Schoo'.Is' .&Taxes' Donald P. Jones, comptroller of Sun 011 Company and president ot the Swarthmore School Board~ will be one of file guest speakers on a pafiel discussion on schools and taxes \0 be heId at the Jannary' luncheon meeting of' tIie Swarthmore League of Women Voters Friday, January 15 at 12:45 . 'House. p.m. at Whittier Subject of the panel will hi> r "Schools and Tax."," In addition to Mr. .Jones, those wno will apo pear on the paneI include: Mrs. MichaelDunri of the Radnor League of Women Voters; G. Baker Thompson, assistant county superintendant of, schools; and Frank R. Morey, superintendent of· schools in SWartiunore. Mrs. JOhn M Moore of the Swartbmo1'e Leape: will chair tile rrPeHng_ The meeting is open to all members of the co~unity. Chester road, won second prize of $25 in n eomp!!tition for designing • railroad statio.,,'ln, which alumiop•• N..... at Sprotd num is uaed..lI/IeChesney is a senior in archlteeture at the PennsylSproul Observatory on' the Colvania State Univenity. Ieee cBlnPus will be Open to the The W'I atitlon was 1IJIOIlo--m Community 'durlnlf .J;'nua~ on by the At.mnum ('.ompany of 1'1'IJ"'17, tbit 11th, .ad Tuesday, Amerlea. tile bet P ID if and .:10 p.m. (Coiltinued on Page 8) ·Charley's Aunt' Opens At Players Club Mon. of Council committees: 'Finanee~ Frank McCowan; Public Safety, A, H. Van Alen; Public Property, J. Roy Carroll; Sewer, Walton Nason; Highways, Mr. Wood; Accourits, Mr. Morse. Wood was also appolntt!d to the Tree Commission for tl1ree years and Morse, along with Mrs. Peter E. Told, to represent Council On the Swarthmore Public IJbrary Board for two years. D~• .J•. Albrlght Jones was appointed Borough -Heaith Officer (Continued on Page 8) The Players Club of Swarthmore presents ctChai-ley's Aunt" as its January show opening at 8:20 p.m. next Monday, for six tI rf t th ;eonsecu ve pe ?rmances a e clubhouse on Falrview ~~ad. Reportedly one. of the. funniest, best~lov~d .and enduring farces ever produced," the Thomas Brandon drama was ftrst produced in 1892 and has been a favorite with audiences ever since. Although modernized in recent Any dog with half an eye can years for the benellt of this new see the handwriting on the wallJannary 15! generatioll, the Players Club verAnd any dog six months or slon will cling to the original script which is dellghtfu"" rem- more, known. intuitively what it iniscent of the g.v"Jof the means~, 'Nineties. Expiration of 1953 Dog Ueenses Optimists of this world woUld Heading the cast are Henry cheerfully correct that to "The Lemeur, Andre PbllOck, Anse1 beginning of the 1954 licenses." Butterfield and. Chades Stockdale, 6iU no canine was ever an optiably supported by J/laeph .. W. de- mist. For d ogs are wIse. -~oo weU Furia, Bill Clement, Jean Philthey know the strain, the galling Ups, Jane Bertram, Barba"& 'rhordays before otherwise devoted bahn and Barbara Jarden. owners get around to acquiring Mr. Butterfield and Mr. CI~ the new license - of running at . d ouble d'" men t are scrvmg U'3 lIS lar1!e at -the mercy of ·the dogassistants to Mr. Pyle. catcher, the police; with no respite Behind the scenery deslgued by at the SPCA, or even the home, Henry Gayley. will be Charlotte for dogs, like cars, mllA be lIcensMaas as stage- manager, and Paul ed to be legal In the sight of the L. O'Neill, Robert, Wells, and law. Theodore Gntves, eledrici'Bru,; I No wondj!r some dogs chase Emma J!yle sits In the prompter's angtily after cars, promptly 'bo".; Betty Bentley, Katrina licensed, their drivers with curaild Marte. Donnelly apply rent permits In the wallets, purses lIUlke-up, while Mrs. Geollle H. or pockets. Perhaps. If they could, Jarda. h e a . , ' committee on the licenseless dop of the Borproperties, . by Mrs. Clar- ough would trot over to. Media ence Franek,i Robert Grogan, Court House and get their oWD Mrs. Harold' Ol,illUl, Mrs: Charles licenses, or better yet, (and not Packard, Genevieve quite so bazardess,) ·take their ~"""" 114,.".. !l.lban Rogers, Mrs. problems to _ or the he or abt notaries of the BonlUlb. Interest on the part of families in neighbo~g communities continues to grow, despite the fact tbat no solicitation has been made outside the Borough limits. Such applications are being, accepted, dated and heId subject to a determination of the total number of Swarthmore families who will want to join be~ore February 1. At that time the membership committee of the board of directors rnay elect to carefully screen and accept a limited number of families from neighboring communities, If they have accommodated all_ Swarthmoreans who wish to belong. All , S wa rthmore f a ml1Ies who wish to have more information or . want to join the Swarthmore Swim Club are urged to contact one of the following members: President, Fred Van Urk. SwBfthmore 6-4973; Vice - presldent, Gordon Lange, Swarthmore 6-$034; Treasurer, Mrs.. D. Mace Gowing, Swarthmore 8-2489; See_ retary, T. W. Prescott, Swarthmore 6-8185; Mrs. C. D. Sch!n ell eI, Swarthmore,8-44.13; William Gill, ~r~ 15 Dogwood Lane. Swarthmore HIlia, SwartIunoI'e, Pa. SwartIuno!'e 8-. 8H7; Dr. Jolin WIgtOn, Swarthmore 8 atK. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE JanuBl'Y I, 1954 TIlE SWARTBMOREAN Page 10 Woman's Club Notes The executive board will meet in the lounge at 9:30 a.m. Monday, January 4. The youth Conservatlon department, Mrs. Henry I. Hoot, chairman, will lie In charge of the meeting Tuesday, at 2 p.m. Mrs. Walter IJL>ckley, superintendent of the Chester Nursery and Boarding Home, will speak on "Youth Conservation BegIns in Babyhood." The Junior Woman's Club will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Nancy Sylvanus will give a lectUre on arlo 'The Literature department, Mrs. J~seph B. Shane, chairman, will meet at 10 a.m. Friday, January 8. Florence J. Lucasse will review "VennoDt Tradition: The Biography of' an Outlook on Life" by Dorothy Canfield Fisher. . Miss Kraft's class in rhythmic exercises will meet January 8 at 9' a.m, at the club house. NEWS NOTES der, Colo., and his daughter Louisa of New. York City, arrived Sunday for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of Swarthmore avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Lee of Havedord place will entertain at open house on New Year's Eve. • Bruce Godfrey of Vassar avenue, who has been home from Westminster College for the Christmas holidays, left Wednesday to spend New Year's as the guest of Miss Ella Caldwell of Carnegie. Dr. and Mrs. John B. Roxby of Kenyon avenue will entertain at open ho\ from 3 to 7 on New Year's Day. Mr. ,and Mrs. Richard Enion of Riverview road will entertain at open house before the Duck Club dance on New Year's Eve. Mr. Ralph Schmidt of Parrish road has arrived home from a two-month business· trip to Brazil and Argentina. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harrison, Jr., who joined Mrs. Harrison's parents Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hopson of Rutgers avenue during the Christmas holidays, are noW visiting Mr. Harrison's parents of Garden City, L.r., before return- Miss Winifred Rumble of Swarthmore avenue entertained at a Christmas party during the holidays. Guests were members of ing to Bucknell University. the Buck Ridge Ski Club. Nancy Schmidt of Parrish road, Lt. Cmdr. James H. Conner will and W. Cornell Archbold of return to "The New Jersey", NorSwarthmore avenue, students at folk, Va., Sunday after spending George Washington University. the holidays with hi:s family on flew with the college chorus, UThe Fairview road. Cmdr. and Mrs. Troubadours" to Labrador, "l:ce- Conner entertained at an open land and Greenland. On Christ- house and house warming Saturmas Day they sang at an Army day evening. Base near the North Pole. The Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hopsoh students will arrive home by plane of Rutgers avenue entertained as January, 2. their guests on Christmas Day Jim Schmidt, who is attending Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Livingston and Officers Candidate School at Fort daughter Betsy of West Chester,. Sill. Okla., is spending the holi- and Dr. and Mrs. Albert Goho of days at his hqme on Parrish road. Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of Misses Elinor and Mary Bye of Swarthmore avenue, and Pat and CoI1ege avenue entertained at a Polly Told, entertained at a sur- family dinner party on Christmas prise open house Sunday after- Day. The guests were Mr. and noon from 3 to 6 at the home of Mrs. Elmer Bye and Miss Helen Mr. and ~. Jones in honor of Bye of Wilmington, Misses Sue the 25th _ding anniversary of and Lavinia Bye and Mr. Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of Bye of Denton, Md. Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wisdom Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Daniel of Vassar avenue and daughters of University place will entertain Mimi and Kathy, were joined for Informalty Saturday afternoon. Christmas dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McConechy I Samuel C. Wisdom and daughters and their daughter Doreen of Jean, Judy and Heather of WallSouth Chester road will enter- ingford, and 11k and Mrs. A. R. O. tain at open house on New Year's Redgrave of Swarthmore. Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McConechy Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wisdom of South Chester road, entertalnof Vassar avenue entertained at ed 10 guests on Christmas Day. open house Saturday evening in Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Machonor of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Millan of Vassar avenue spent the I Johnson of Bethesda, Md., who' Christmas holidays with their sonwere the holiday house guests of in-iaw and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Claire H. Jeglum of Samuel F. Rarig and children ot Hillbom avenue. Glens Falls, N.Y. Helen S. Stuart's Nursery School Mrs. William H. West of Princeclosed for the holiday season with ton avenue is spending the holia Chrisbnas party for parents and days with her son-in-law and children. The group was enter- daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Ay_ tained with a Puppet Show given rault of Richmond, Va. I by Mrs. Ralph V. Little, Jr., of Mr. and M rs. L eWlS. . L Shay. J r., Haverford place. of Walnut lane, with their chilMr. and Mrs. Frederick Miller dren Gaynor and Chippy, will of Lincoln, Ill., were the holiday leave January 9 to sp_end 10 days guests of Mrs. Miller's parents of skiing in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hobbs Mrs. W. F. Hanny of Yale aveof Park avenue. nue entertained through ChristJack Thompson, son of Mr. and mas week-end her nephew ProMrs. John Thompson of Media, fessor James Wikoff and his wife entertained at an open house on of LeXington, Mo. Wednesday evening, December 23. Miss Doreen McConechy of and on Saturday left for Miami South Chester road entertained at where he will attend the Orange a luncheon-bridge on Monday. Bowl game. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Mrs. Wayne Gersen of Salt Lake Jr., of Cornell avenue, spent the City, Utah, with her three chil- Christmas holidays with their son dren, will arrive this week to visit and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. her parents Mr. and Mrs. Stan- Willits Bowditch: and four sons ley L. MacMillan of Vassar ave- of Hilton Village, Va. nue. Mr. Gersen who has been June Hobbs, a sophomore at transferred to Wilmington by du- Abilene Christian College. AbiPonts, wilt join his family Jan- lene, Texas, will return to college uary 8. They will make their fu- by plane January 2 after a holiture home in West Chester. day vacation at her home on Park Dr. Burton W. Jones of Boul- avenue. NEWS NOTES BAPTIZED The sacrament ot baptism was Muriel Watkins is spending th~ administered at the Presbyterian Christmas holidays at her home on Church recently by the Rev. Jo- College avenue. Muriel is a junior seph P. Bishop. Among the in- at Hiram College, Ohio. fants baptised were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. JenBarbara Tenney Griffin, daugh- kins and Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Jenkins of North Chester road Griffin of Summit, N.J., and a entertained at a family dinner on granddaugllter of Mr. and Mrs. Christmas Day. Their guests were Harold G. Griffin of Rutgers ave- Mr. and Mrs. Roland Quyres and nue. baby son Malcolm of Houston, Louise Spencer Fry, daughter Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. ot Mr. and Mrs. Horace P. Fry, Jenkins, 2nd and children David Jr., of West Chester, and a grand- and Susie of Chester, N. J., Mr. child of Mr. and Mrs. R. Chester and Mrs. Kenneth Snyder and Spencer of Swarthmore avenue daughters Janet and Mary Ellen and Mrs. H. P. Fry, of Philadel- of Hatboro, Mr. and Mrs. William phia. Blaisd"'l and Children Christy Leslie Ellen Agnew, daughter of and Barry of Arlington, Va., Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm J. Agnew, a and Mrs. Wayland Elsbree, their granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. daughter Mary and son Schuyler George M. Karns of Weliesley of Wallingford. Mrs. Marianna road, and a great-granddaughter Robinson and sons Alan, Miles, of W. I. MacNair, also of Welles- and Jerry of Wallingford, Mrs. ley road. I F:raI1c,,, Thomas Charles Mcllhenney, I' Slaugh and daughter Suson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. zanne of S~arthmoreJ and Miss Florence Jenkins of Norristown. McIlhenney of Yale avenue, and a grandson ot Mrs. Ella Beagle, Two students, from a distance, South Princeton avenue, and Mrs. Benjamin Beatty of the State of Washington, and Mikio Miyaki Charles McIlhenney. Douglas Walls Rutan, son of of Japan, were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Rutan, .Tr., Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie of was baptised following the Christ- Harvard avenue spent the holimas service December 20. His days with friends and relatives in grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. BulIalo, N. Y. Stewart R. Thorbahn of SwarthMrs. Lovett Frescoln of Harvard avenue entertained at a dinmore avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Rutan of Ogden avenue. ner and holiday party on Christ- LWY to Interview Former H. S. Princ:ipal G. Baker Thompson, assistant county superintendent of schools, will be interviewed by members of the Swarthmore League of Women Voters on the radio program to be broadcast Tuesday morning at 9 on Station WPWA. Mrs. William C. McDermott, voter's service chairman, is in charge of the program. PIANO TUNING New and 'RebuUt Pianos and Hepalrlnl: 81n.. 1908 ALBAN PARKER Phone Media 6-35.';5 scriptions 10 us (or pre; cise eompoundidBo CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE ~----~~~--~ Wishing you .' HAPPY NEW YEAR! Camera &.Hobby Shop Closed Saturday, January 2nd Fire and! Protective Association is a. volunteer organization working for the benefit of our community. Support of the Fire Company is an investment in low Fire Insurance rates. It takes the cooperation of the entire community to . maintain these low rates. John JeHorcis. Treasurer. Box 261. Swarthmore. , . ", '.', ...... ' ". . {, ,: ~ r -<, ~ ~WARTIIMORE. Peter Van de Kamp FRIDAY, JANUARY 8,1954 Dr. Sam Moffett To Speak Here Wed. Council President ....-, - : MARCH OF DIMES $a.50 PER YEAR Women Schedule Open on Civil Defense Tuesday's Program Will Feature Milan W . Garrett The Rev.. Joseph P. Bisbop, pastor of the Swarthmore Presby;teFian Church, will conduct private funeral servicp.s today at 2 p.m. at the William's Funeral Home, Clifton, for Ralph Gillis Schmidt who died suddenly Monday morning at his home, 668 Parrish road. Death was attributed to coronary occlusion. Born in Morristown, N.J., on July 27, 1899, Mr. Schmidt became an engineer with the Lima Locomotive Works, Lima, Ohio, after graduating from the Pratt Engineering School, Brooklyn. In 1941 he became chief engineer for the Alaskan National Railway and in 1943 was appointed Army Chief of Ran Transportation for the U.S. Government. Following the Second World War, Mr. Schmidt was chief mechanical engineer for Canadian Locomotive Woz:ks at Kingston, Ontario. Transferring to the Baldwin Locomotive Company he represented its interests, in India and Egypt in 1947 and 1948. He continued as a consulting engineer with that concern now merged into the Baldwin Lima Hamilton Corporation, Eddystone which sent him to Spain in 1952 and to Brazil and Argentina two months ago. He returned home from his South American trip ~hree days before Christmas. Mr. Schmidt was a member of the American Association of Mechanical En~neers, and of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Cbl'rch. He was active In the Pratt Alumni Association. He brought his family to Swarthmore from Morristown in 1948. Surviving· besides his wife, the former Mrs. Mary C. Barrett, whom he married June 23, 1951, are four children by his first wife, nee Elsie E. Deken who died in 1950: Carl living in Napoleon, \ Ohio; Thomas, an Air Force lieutenant stationed at San Antonio. Texas; N'ancy, freshman at George Washington University; and James attending Officers Training School at Ft. Sill, Okla. A ~tepson, Airman First Class Arthur Dean Barrett, in Furstenfelderuch, Germany, also survives. Samuel H. MolIett, author of the current study book "Where'er the Sun" published by the Friendship Press of the Commission on Missionary Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United Stales, will address the Woman's Association of the Presbyterian Chu~ch at its luncheon meeting Wednesday, January 13. Dr. Moffett was born in Korea, the son of Samuel A. MolIett who went to North Korea at the turn of the century. There was no other Christian inhabitant within i 150 miles, since by treaty .rights no westerner was to go Inland from Pusan. His father was the Shapiro, Student Soloist, first westerner to go to PyengYang; he was stoned in the streets Featured in Liszt but lived to see one of the men who stoned him hecome the first Concerto foreign missionary of the Korean The Swarthmore College Orches- Church. tra will give its first concert of the Dr. MolIett was educated in the college year on Friday, January United States, receiving his doc15, at 8: 15 p.m., in Clothier Me- torate in history at Yale. He morial. The community is invited taught English in China at Yen to attend. Ching and Nanking Universities from 1947 to 1951 when he was Conducted by Dr. Peter van de forced out by the Communist reKamp, the ()rchestra - a group of gime after being imprisoned by over 50 instrumentalists will them. open the concert with the RussIan Dr. Moffett is now assigned to and Ludmilla Overture by Glinka. the Philadelphia Presbytery as a The next number on the pro- missionary in residence and pregram will be IJsztts Piano Con- paring to leave soon for Korea certo No. 1 in E flat major, with where he is under appointment as Joel Shapiro as soloist. Shapiro, a at} educational missionary.I~e_ bas_ student of Vladimir Sokoloft:ot the three' brothers who are also 'PresNew'SchOoI of Music in Philadel- byterian ministers: James, pastor phia, several years ago played at at Stevensville, Pa.; Charles, a a Children's Concert of !!Ie Phil(Cm1tlnued on Page 8) adelphia Symphony Orchestra under Eugene Ormandy. He has also The Woman's Club of Swarthmore will hold its monthly stated meeting at 2 p.m. Tuesday, January 12. The program, which is open to the public, will feature Dr. Milan Wayne Garrett, director of air raid war den s , of Swarthmore. He will talk on "Swarthmore's C i v i I Defense Problems." Dr. Garrett received his Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees at Stamford University, and A. B. and Ph.D. degrees from Oxford University, England.· He is a Phi Beta Kappa and a Rhodes scholar. Since 1927 Dr. Garrett has been associate professor of physics at Swarthmore College, . having had previous teaching experience at Bodley Protests Meters Weston House. He has published in Residential Church various articles in the calculations of the maguetic field. Area The meeting is in charge of Mrs. Thomas W. Hopper was elected Morris H. Fussell, chairman of the president of Borough Council at civil defense committee. its reorganization meeting Monday night in Council Chambers, Borough Hall. Birney K. Morse and Harry Wood, superintendent of Swarthmore College were seated for their first terms on Council. Retiring. . Burgess Charles R. "Come on in the water's going Russell who did not ~t't!k rt!t!ltx_ to be fino, U :1d.y UVC.l zoo IamUies tion, inducted his successor Joseph who have joined the Swarthmore Reynolds into office. Hopper sucSwim Club. As of Tuesday, the ceeds H. Lindley Peel as president. Mr. Peel and Charles G. new and rapidly increaSing.. total Thatcher retired fr'f' Council of Swarthmore families who plan after declin;ng. to stand fOF re-. to, swim this summer , w'as announced by Membership Drive eb~ctiOn. ~~ . Chairman, T. W. Prescott. President Hopper made the folFoliowing the temporary halt in lowing appointments as chairmen Membership canvassing occasionof Council committees: 'Finance, ed by' the holiday season, the reFrank McCowan; Public Safety, sults are pouring in at an unA. H. Van Alen; Public Property, J. Roy Carroll; Sewer, Walton precedented rate. Workers on the Nason; Highways, Mr. Wood; Ac- membership drive are reporting cOUllts, Mr. Morse. Wood was also growing enthusiasm and mounting appointed to the Tree Commission applications. Extra share participation by for t~ree years and Morse, along with Mrs. Peter E. Told, to repre- community minded citizens is sent Council on the Swarthmore helping to enSllre the building of Public Library Board for two the pool so that it may be in use by June. Such shares can be reyears. Dr. J. Albright Jones was ap- sold when the expected waiting pointed Borough Health Officer list develops. Gordon Lange and his Extra Shares Committee are (Continued on Page 8) working to swell the list to Swim Club Boosters. Interest on the part of families in neighboring communities conAny dog with half an eye can tinues to grow, despite the fact see the handwriting on the wall- that no solicitation has been made outside the Borough limits. Such January 15! And any dog six months or applications are being accepted, more, knowns intUitively what it dated and held subject to a determination of the total number of means Swarthmore families who will Expiration of 1953 Dog Licenses Optimists of this world would want to join before February 1. cheerfully correct that to tiThe At that time the membership combeginning of the 1954 licenses," mittee of the board of directors but no canine was ever an opti- may elect to carefully screen and mist. For dogs are wise. Too well accept a limited number of famthey know the strain, the galling ilies from neighboring commudays before otherwise devoted nities, if they have accommodated owners get around to acquiring all. Swarthmoreans who wish to the new license - of running at belong. All Swarthmore families who large at the mercy of' tile dogcatcher, the police; with no respite wish to have more information or at the SPCA, or even the home, want to jOin the Swarthmore for dogs. like cars, must be licens- Swim Club are urged to contact ed to be legal in the sight of the one of the following members: law. President, F red Van Urk, No wonder some dogs chase Swarthmore 6-4973; Vice - presiangrily after car s • promptly dent. Gordon Lange, Swarthmore licensed, their drivers with cur- 6-3034; Treasurer, Mrs. D. Mace rent permits in the wallets, purses Gowing, Swarthmore 6-2489; Sec_ or 'POCkets. Perhaps, if they could, retary, T. W. Prescott, Swarththe licenseless dogs of the Bor- more 6-6185; ough would trot over to Media Mrs. C. D. Schloesser, SwarthCourt House and get their own more 6-4413; William Gill, Jr., 15 licenses, or better yet, (and not Dogwood Lane, Swarthmore Hills, quite so hazardess,) take their Swarthmore, Fa. Swarthmore 6problems to one of the or six 8947; Dr. John Wigton, Swarthnotaries of the Borough. more 11-3444. Ruth Webb, 316 South Chester road, chairman, of the Young Adult Group of United Cerebral Palsy of Delaware County, announced at a committee meeting at her home in Swarthmore this week that the first session of the young adult group will be held Monday, January 11, at 8 p.m. in the Woman's Association room at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. At this informal meeting, programs and projects for future s"!!sians will be discussed. An invitation is extended to all young adnlts with cerebral palsy to altend thfs initial meeting. DESIGN WINNER • .. ' Churchwomen to Hear China Teacher, Korea Bound, at 2 P. M. FIRST MEETING '" SWARTHMORE FIRE AND PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION '. Parrish Road Engineer Dies Suddenly . January 4 ucp YOUNG ADULT"SIOPILNAIDNAYI If you do not receive a notice and care to join and contribute, mail your checks to the , Family Rites Today For Ralph you are no. perfeell~ _II, see' your Doeror, Aceep. hi. sound advice. And bring his pre- . 1" THE SWARTHMOR VOLUME 26-NUMBER 2 • Bewue ot mAe ••; I. may creep slowl,. .'eairhily upon you. If During the next few days you will receive the annual notice of dues of the Swarthm9re Fire and Protective Association. The Swarthmore PETER E; TOLD LOCAL • Fiie Company Dues HAP.PY NEW YEAR TO ALL THE STEAl1" a" ·a l'€'. SUPPORT mas evening. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Frescoln of Piqua, Ohio, Dr. and Mrs..Henry Sangree of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore BrIdge of Provi<;lence road, Media, Mr. George Frescoln of Sharon Hill, Miss Adelaide Hoover of Philadelphia, Mrs. John H. Pitman and Mrs. Lorene Mrcarter of Swarthmore. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!!ij r SwnrthmoreCollegr Library Swarthmore Alan E. McChesney of South Chester road, won second prize of $25 in a competition for designing a railroad station In which aluminum is used•. McChesney Is a senior In architecture at the Pennsylvania State University. The competition was sponsored by the Aluminum Company of America. .' College Orchestra To Present Concert :ra~:e Iip~~~!.:::aar;~;~matc~~~ 'Charley's Aunt' Opens ~he 'At Players Club Mon cert~ .. Tw? years ago he played Chopm Piano Concerto No. I Wlth the Swarthmore College Orchestra. . After a short· interrrifssion the Orchestra will 'give a Short group of Roumanian Folk Dances by Bartok. The conclucUng ~.number of. the evening will be Brahms' Third SyinphOhy in F major. League Plans Panel On 'Schools & Taxes' Donald P. Jones, comptroller of Sun Oil Company and president of the Swarthmore School Board, will be onc of the guest speakers on a panel discussion on schools and taxes to be held at the January luncheon meeting of the Swarthmore League of Women Voters Friday, January 15 at 12:45 p.m. at Whittier House. Subject of the panel will be "Schools and Taxes.H In addition to Mr. Jones, those who will appear on the panel include: Mrs. Miohael Dunn of the Radnor League of Women Voters; G. Baker Thompson. assistant county superintendant of schools; and Frank R. Morey, superintendent of schools in Swarthrnore. Mrs. John M. Moore of the Swarthmore League, will chair the meeting. The meeting is open to' ail members of the community. Ope_ Nights at Spl'Olll Sproul Observatory on the College campus will be open to the community dUl'in~ Jrmuarv on Tuesday, tile 12th, and Tuesday, the 28th, between if and 8:30 p.m. • The Players Club of Swarthmo~e presents "Charley's .Aunt" a~s Its January show opemng ~t 8:20 P.~. next Monday, for SIX consecutive perf~~ances at the clubhouse on FaIrvIew road. Reportedly one of the "funniest, best-Iov~d .and enduring farces ever produced," the Thomas Brandon drama was first produced in 1892 and has been a favorite with audiences ever since. Although modernized in recent years for the benefit of this new generation, the Players Club version will cling to the original script which is delightfully reminiscent of the gay side of the 'Nineties. Heading the cast are Henry Lemeur, Andre Pollock, Ansel Butterfield and Charles Stockdale, ably supported by Joseph W. deFuria, Bill Clement, Jean Phillips, Jane Bertram, Barbara Thorbahn and Barbara Jarden. Mr. Butterfield and Mr. Clement are serving double duty as assistants to Mr. Pyle. Behind the scenery designed by Henry Gayley, will be Charlotte Maas as stage manager, and Paul L. O'Neill, Robert Wells, and Theodore Graves, electricians; Emma ble sits in the prompter's box; Betty BenUey, Katrina Ives and Marie Donnelly apply the make-up, while Mrs. George H. Jarden heads tile committee on properties, a _ " by Mrs. Clarence Franck, ;Mlil. Robert Grogan, Mrs. Harold Ogram, Mrs: Charles Packard. Genevieve Reavis, Nancy ~oe.. M-.. "lban Rogers, Mrs. Eltct Hopper To Head Boro Council Over 200 Families Set to Swim by June the Men's and Boys' Choir rehearsal.will be held on ThW'8jlay eveTHE SWARTHMOREAN .. .. This SUJlday; the First Sunday ning at 7:30. PUBLISHED EVERY PiuDAY AT SWARTBHOBB. PA. after The Epipha.".y, th,ere will ~ » PETBB E. TOLD, HAlUOBIE T()LD, PUBLISHERS a celeJ>r.ation of the Holy CommuFRIENDS MEETING NOTES '. Phone SWar1bmore 6-0900 . ' . '. nion at 8 o;clock. deparlmlUlts' . f th Ch h J. RUssell Smtth, Emeritus ProPETEBE. TOLD, 'Edltor 0 • e urc School will meet fessor of geography, Columbia Un. . BARBARA KENT, Menacln, ElUtor aicet9.30 a.m., and the regular serv- Iverslty, will speak on "World Rosalie' Pelrsol Marjorie Told ' Lorene' McCarter group will m~ at 10:30 a.m. of Morning Prayer win be The Christian Eciucation Com- held at 11 G'clo k At 7' 30 th Geography and World Peace at the Entered as Second CIsss Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post omce at Swar,tJunore,. Pa., under the Act of· March 3, 1879. mlttee will meet on .Thursday at 8 .Young peoPle~s' Fell~ws~·m·wIl~ ,.,.dult Forum next Sunday".Janp.m. In the WQman's Association meet . p .. uary 10. This Is the second talk In .' ~EADi.mE-WEom:sDA:Y NOON; , room. • . the current series· de.!Jllng. with the '., . The regular monthly meeting question of the U.N. Charter Re" ,SW~Tf!MO~E: PENNA~ IANUARy '-::-_......---,,,.,..,,.....,•.,..-,:'"..,.._,....,.....,.",.;", .. _._.,.-...",.. _.",...,..,...,......"...,."•.".._ _, , - _ .• '.1 I METHODIST NOTES of the Vestry will be,held at 8 p.m. vision. All are welcome.. ,. PIIIIle2 Per's'onals , Mrs. Ezra Cresson of :.\:mtierst avenue spen.t.several days dtir. . log the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Suplee of Clayton, N. J. Mrs. Cresson was accomld panied home by elght-year-o Donald Suplee who visited here foru_ a few days. .... _ B . Clo. ' . • f I~ vacation In New York City, and Miss Hunt a graduate of ter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Thorbahn announce theblrtho! a .vislt wUh relatives In' Ruther- swartbmore HIgh' ~hb6l where HUey' of>~ avedu!- andt.:::;.J\Oberi Cook Thorbahn, od . .lie was.; ~eadP.tajotet:le at '~; hl.>~:.Mrs, ;.f'rank Newman of· , . , ber 18 In Honolulu, Hawaii. ,the fO~.~~~ ~. Paul B. Bsnks.ofSchQO!·bandln '50 an.d '51. ~heat:-: :!Ir VorkClt~: New ," . gi'andparents of the baby Harvard avenue have been enter- tended Maryland CoUege for WOo' are • Mrs. Thormen and Moravian College for Lt. (jg) and Mrs. S. Robert bahn ofand Swarthmore avenue. taining as their house· guest' for I several days Mrs. Banks' brother Women. Miss Hunt Is a member of Ir Mr. Paul Mitten of Morrow, Ohio. the Bach Choir of Bethlehem. Mr. Thorbahn Is a' graduate of Mr. John Bates of Yale avenue swarthmore High School mtd atIs spending the week skiing at tended Pennsylvania S18te' UriI, Laconia, N.H. . verslty.. ' . , . . . L ~. ':- .. ..'" ,. . ...... Ro""'.' .' ., .....~. 0 Mr. and Mrs. SarDuel D. Clyde . . ~OYELYLADIES 'IND THI WINYII •• n . Coluinbls avenue attended a Pan- of Swarthm9re avenue left Th~ LIIIITON • tiEPP Hell~nic luncheon, as counell rep- day to vacation at Delray.. Beach, .. ~tative of Theta SIgma Up: Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Clai'ence M. Hepp Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. BIal,::; .:' At 6:00 p.m. there will be a : ,Mr. Peel.has·;beeil inoffil!e for eight Yeal'S; Mr. 'Tb'atcher supper meeting ot the WesleY Felf?r five, blP,v,i:ng, be~m aPllOinted in ~Ji~~,' ;ig~~ to lawship. The pro~ Will· be a fill the unexpi~ ..~rm of Andrew Simpson, 'resigned, 6- symposium on Chriatianvocations "fi' hed • 1 te f f . ".' d ' and life work. B . ~gess. R USBe.n IDS a smg e. 1-'lIl 0 our year:' unng The Methodist Youth Fellowshl~ which his s~.charge ,the. :Police,f()rce:~as effiCient and for teen-agers ~ me<)t at 7 p.m. hanponious and fr~ from outsid,e ~~ence or pressure. None After .themeeting the. y~. peaof the three stood for reelection. All three were in otJice at pie w!ll go to the hepe:fJt·of.t;'I.'t ci51I~;:~':~'o" munity. Suppo.rt of the FireC~mp"I1Y is ~n" investment in low Fire Insurance ta'kesth; coo~er a~dl performance. new economy and value for 1954. Come see all the· new features and advantages of· th~ car -that's sure to be the best seller again in '541 . H-O Oats •.••••••.••••• 0- ... 16-0% : - - Mrs. Fanning"s Bread and Butter dollar earning interest. Come in soon. Pickles •••.•••.••••• : ••••• 2 -for Hellman"s French Dressing. 8-oz, bot . " HOUIS. 8 A. M. to 3 P. M. FrIday,. i. 8 !I! 'Hellman"s. S"dwich Spread .~8-oz bot , SWARTHMORE OFFICE 1.1<).... Ayo•• Chi. 10•• Broccoli ••••••••••••••• ~ ~ • bunch - "). .~ FuscoMotor '0. ,. '.on•. SWa.....more 6-3681 ._ • . ,·,au 0 , I......., I. _ . Fo"~ De"..., I ....... C.";.NI"~ , .. :SWart.more • • DC! hu.11t AYO •••. ~ '.. ' ,. ~ .',.. • is is 'i' s· is .5 5 " . .. . . '-61jo .. "'e,¥tb~L~ ua~ South Chester ltoad '....! (Across ..... 10...." Han) : :-\< ". \. • ~.,.:.'. - .,'. . / ,~, 8 .. RUMSEY eH'EVRO,LET ... f"· " . S..a"hma. . . MIDI., PI""SYLVAN'A • Sprinl/fi.ld • CkrfWad "orell II , · "', , ... CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS "- Ibs " 2Sc , " 25c ' _ 4'__.._ "-". ' ...... - ,-'" _. - .... "Gkl Seout Troop 429 :< Picked for Observation Girl Scout Troop 429. the sixth grad e .t roop 0 f Ca IIege Avenue School• h as been seI eoted as one .... of th e t. roops a f Delaware Coun" to be observed by the Girl Scout . CO\1DciL Mrs. E. M. Mount. Jr. of the Council, attended the December .5th meeting. The about girls were to write a report whatasked they liked and did no! like about the troop and what badge work. they would like best to do. These papers were given to Mrs. Mount to~ethe~ with repGrts from Troop .. Leaders Mrs. Maurice Webster and Mrs.. William Bruce. The troop will be observed at Its regular meeting Jor three successive weeks. ... :Troop 429 was pleased to hold Ita first meeting of the New Year In the .newly renovated and decorated Young Peoples' R'lom in WhIttier House. This room was almost entirely a volunteer pro. ject with the scouts co-operating In the work. The Troop flag and the American flag, which were presented to the troop by the Rotary Club, were proudly installed In the new meeting room. The Annual GIr) Scout Ice Skat-Hi911 Scores at, lliCIte ing party w.. held Monday. DeMrs. Elizabeth . HillIard and cember 28 at the Philadelphia Skating and Humane Society Rink Leslie Luckie held high score at in Ardmore. The four SWarlh- the December 29 meeting of the Crum Creek Bridge Club. Mr. more troops attending were: and Mrs. Will,lam H. Webb held Troop.429 and Troops 331, sixth second place. The players. were' grade at Rutgers; 225, third grade seated north and south. at Rutgers, and 269. fifth grade at College avenue. The girls 'were acSeated east and west, Mr. and companied by Leaders Mrs. Maur- Mrs: Earl Depplch 'were high. with . d I ice Webster. Mrs. Matthew Mc- Alben E"..::.~O=ne::-::n:-::e::w:-nWiT:e:::st."in=-g=-_ furnished room, private bath. house Imperial 30 Electric Stove, for gentleman. SWarthmore. 6- $200. Call SWarthmore 6-3124 1443. _ after 7 P.M. . FOR JU;NT. _ ,Completel:yfur- FOR SAL1Il-."Cil81fl'olet, 1948, 2, .'. bishedltOuse.'.L'6.,rooms" Ii: ~: St!d~ ~eater. defroster. blith; 'Garage: sh~ti.oiith" ie~.. ExceIlent'corillitfoll.· New ba~. • ... "ati", eqalpllle" ~pproxlmateJ.y. two, miles from !''lw Urea. Reasonable. Call even'Se"'" avaJra.'e to oar Swarthmore. Phone WAshbmv. 8- lOgS. SWarthmore 8-3070. "c.lfomers oa .11 maltes of 6135. 'LOST, ell . . . . ~ . . FOR RENT - Large coJl!f'?'1alJleLQST,-I>ecern~, 28,Ught brown ~I~""'''' room, 3 windows. Con~fto ·2-s£in fur neck piece. HeWSI'd. :.Level payme.. ,Ia. oa 011 !ranoporlaUon and tea-rooms. Mrs. George C. Broadben:t, '.•IIIs. Automatic dellverlel Telephone SWarthmore 6-4124. SWarthmore 6-4389. ':of oIldarilltJ tIJe '.-oR. ~·l""suUe; ·~.o~''' . . ,,-:,:!, FOUND , . ._ living room, bedrOom and bath, ·_~~;;:=~===~I for business or professional man. FOUND - )4op.ey on hrk a~ . Drfftway. , C.llars Wahrproafed ell Phones: 3-6141 3-6142 4:4291 4-4292 $1,000,000 iNVESTED lN EXPANSION EVERY WEEK! Philadelphia Electric is iilvesting an average of more than one mjIUon dollars each week to - keep ahead of the _~er increasing 4emanda for utility service. This continuing expansion program ~ ab1mdaj,t; . el~c'a8rVice for industry. colllllll!l'OO, and the home. ARANTIC FUEL OIL , OllAR1 Sbe$lA6 ------ . .' CONCRETE 'AT~OS I ,. = wA c...... and $,10.00 Purcha.. SPRINGFIELD WATER ""- .- .. R 'E elftu 29 EAST,5TH ST., CHESTER .VAN ALEN BROS. I!;::. aso 51. uiurfiiXliiftioWLS'" -.lINI<,WItIo A"'" 1_11_. CIIIJICiIJ Since llnalJ 1 1146 a,. a':'~S50 -a PhUadelphia Suburban Water Company's lire h~ts, hel . guard the homes and business 1...,u,_._ of'Its C'1~ pmg ~u.uI.U.I'lP now nwnher 4.658 • , • and Jnore hydrants will be added in 1954 "venue.; C '" SWEEN EY & C.LY·DE·. il! 1 .. 'CONTRACTORS I C L ~ S S I. F I. E D A. D S CL '.5171 Ph~adelphia Suburban Water CompaIiy's 3 main ~Ping stations now have a pumping capacity of 125 Million Gallons Philad"!pb.i. ~uburban Water Company's 18 ,";"dpipes !lnd 6 d1S~~UtiOn reservoirs now have a combined capacity of. 46 Million. Gallons • , • and more storage l'acilities will be added m 1954 ' I ,P•. TlnClri' & 5011: .I.nib". effort to live b~?~~tiCD~OlIth . . A omp ete IIsurllllce ESq.• secretary of the Jewish Com- 'Pvt. Robert Atz, Jr.• returned !!II== munlty RelaUons Council. to Fort Sill. Okla.• oTanl!BrY 1 after ~iii~iii~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii Various examples of' both the vtsluDg through the ilolidBys -with II ...liII'll 2.. succeSs an,d fallure·of the ~mmu- his parents.Mr. and·Mrs. Atz of 51 8W 8-8818 ~ . A3'" 1I111III II .PIPtIiIe Mlleap SlIce JIUJ 1,1141 Formerly with WIIsol'I Dorsey session February -17. Featured Holyoke College. Monday after a speaker will be Joseph X. Yaifee. two-week hC'llday. vacation. ~ ,-. . Will talk toty and "Civll Groups" 335 Dartmollth Avenue ImY'. . .... • -.z...,,.... .' February 10 on the ''His- Mal-y College. Sunday following 327"Mapl. Ave, Mortol. Pa. SWarthmore 6-07'0 ~ , ContribuUon of the Jew," the holiday vacaUon. I,============~=;;;;';;;;;';;';';';;;';;;'~~";';;= Rights and Minority Ph:yillls Kletzien of South Ches- I: IIIiI! is the 'subject for theter road returned to MoUilt puanmIDWIIIBDIIIIIBDIDI1IIBIIIftIIIBIIIWlmIUUOnOUIIWnWUUIllUOIII!WllUnUIIUIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIILE! I Alterafions are ' 1 I J. A. ·GR·EEN·· of As the population grows, water service must grow, too, There is no place where this is more evident than here iri Suburban Philadelphia, Since the close of World War II, a. surprising, . . t i m ' I Since January I, 1946 . e. 0.- HIl' ""'T • . 'Jack Prichard' r tv':', .......... V ... C•• J.~ , DI••crO•• 0' PUNIIALI g......... ._;0 " ''The Feeling of Overdependeney'" Is the film to be shown on .Wednesdav morning at 10:30 in ' the VlSUB'I .educaUon room of the HIgh·. School. This marks the secand In a series of moUon pictures open to the public and sponsored b·u .the health.. advisory commit' tee 01 the Home. and School AssaciaUon.· AddiUonal. films wll1.' follow on Bucceasive Wednesday~ at the sam"e e and place. . A young married man's inability A'ne_, robl of to face the or~.., p ems rue Is the theme 01 .thIs second pteture. The film wll1 run for approximately one-half hour. followed by group discussion during the remainder of the fourth perlod. / -------- I wll1 Research in Human ReJaU!lDS. Media's Fellowship. spon- Panel members -ere E. CPI1rI1and ' series " winte Forum WI' 1610 ltC, S......y•• :41 A.M. sor a r ."""" - Wright,. County DetecUve 'Of Dela..PAINTING ed to promote better racial and h Get religious Understanding. Dr. Al- ware Co\1Dty; Mrs. .Josep· : and hin Bonnell; pre8!dent of the cir- uhenteld, president of the SIste\'CARPENTRY --'--U ,. baa ced hood of Beth Israel CongregaUon; on. announ. and Gordon .o\.llen, director 01 the The coUne. eomPrlSed of' seven eI .t . . d I ". __ ._. Delaware County Health and W I Charles Fischer ec ures. an one. pane ..........~ fare CouncIL ' SWarthmore 6-8761 sf begins January 13 and will on. ..~_ •• _ March . . . . .3. Tak- .' Concluding .lecture wll1 be· by ~~;;;~;;;iiiiii~~~;;~;;;;j continue uuvush . pasta pUt wll1 be' social sclenUsta, the Rev. Joseph H. BIshOP. r ...,.. . . '. of" the Swarthmore· Presbyterian re!lgl.ous and civic leaders. . . urch. In hta talk Rev. Bishop PETER 01 NICOLA The forum wll1 be held every Ch .• . We.mesday dUrIng the eight-week wll1 oulllne. a course of. acUon for Driveway c.......ctio. period from 8 to 10 p.m. at the b9th individuals and. groups of inBeth Israel CommunliyCenter on dividuala who wish to make demoAlphalt or Galley street, Media. Dr. Bon- craey a vltal part of the commUC.llar Walll le~Plalte"", nell. expressed gratitude for the nity. Fellowshl' --------------------Congrega~on's generous offe" of ReservaUo~ for the . , ' p PIIo.e Sw~rthmore 6-2526 their bullding. Fellowship House Forum may be made by calling GRADUATE REP. TO SPEAK . ta being remOdeled• h e Sal·d.• a n Tham Seremlte! d ·Media .6-.0956 between 10 da.m. and AT COLLEGE WEDNESDAY ~~==~=~====~ ho. aHin to Fel can not be used as a meeting place 1 pm. or ~.., m, g a carBeatrice L. Mulvehlll, assistant , lowship House at 302 South Jackth f UPHOL5T.ERER or e course. . director of the Radcliffe· College Opening the lecture series will' son street. Management Training Program in 'I'IM~l" Large Chair Rebuilt ill .Tapestry he Dr. Ward GoodenOUgh.proUfesNEWS' 'NOTES Cambridge. will be at Swarthmore P.~~fi,-- ~,A.... ..... or Damaslc Cloth - New Web- sor of anthropology at the nlCollege on Wednesday. January: ~~ Greta Richardson. a sophomore 13. to talk with yoting women in-: . bing and Springs - Woodwork versity of Pennsylvania. Subject of, his. talk wll1 be "Race and ~eat Western College for Womerl, terested in this one-year graduate .. ~ Repaired and Polished. $53.50 0Il ....... , . _ COItCIITIOttIIoIO 0& I'I.IaJUGL ._. havior.u . OXford, Ohio, returned :to co)1ege 'course in personnel and business on IOtUII·OIl .UIJIUCO "AUI ....lI1l1ll I I Dr. Stanford S. KIght. director Monday· after spending the holi- adlDinlsiration. . of the Feis Group Dynamics Cen- days at her home on Park avenue. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone Sharon Hili 0734 ter, speaks January· 20 on ''The Bruce Gemi-nill. a stude,nt at PUBLIC NOTICE DAY and NIGHT \. Psychology of Prejudice." Ren~aer Polytechnic Institute, A propooed bud8"t for tile Year J=====~;;::~, ==~=~ ''The History and ContrJbuUon Troy N.Y.; spent the .holidays a~ 1954 Sa available for public inspectIon OIL BURNER i' . II . ed .• V·"· at- the ofllce of the Borough secretary of the Negro" wi be present on his home on. assar avenue. . located at Borough Hall, Park Avenue, 'Swart...a •• 6.1448 .January 27 by Dr. ·NeIIle Bright. 1'Ifr. and Mrs. ,rQseph H. Perkins Swarthmore, Pa.. between the bours SERVICE WILLlAM'BR00KS· fonnerly of the Raynolds School· of Cedar lane recently entertaln- of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 PM. for IIfteen - a f daJ8 subaequent to the publicatIon of MONDAY THRU SATURDAY Ashes & Rubbish R"moved in Philadel·phla. ed. at a dinner p arty.' in h onor thIa notIce, . NOON Lawns Mowed, General ''The Negio in Our. Democracy" Mrs. Edith Sloan of RockpOrt, ELLIOTl' lUOHARDBON '. Baulliur . SW 6·4041' will be discUssed at the February waShington. who will return to .238 Hardl;'.. 'Ave.. 'Morton. Pa. Borough Secretary 3 meeting by Jacques Wtlmore. as-' her' home shortly after visiting SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS' si!llant .s\!Cre!ary ot the Comntu- wlth.her son-in-law and 4aught~r I:l;:t====;:;;;======-, nib' RelilUons Council of the Comdr. lind Mrs. J. G.rant Hebble. It COAL CONSTRUCTION . '~.J C d In SWarthmore It-7f12 American FrIends Semce om- III, of North Chester roa s ce JAMES .H. FINCH 'FIREPLACE. WOOD rnlttee. Octo~.. RESIDENTIAL AND Rabbi Theodore Gordon, MaIBarbara Crosset' of Riverview Alh•• ald,Ro""',. R...oved eOMt'ERCIAL line Retonn T.emple Haverford; road reoturned to William and Cella .. Cleaoed -'J •• ,., are expertly and sympathetically SECOND MENTAL HiALTH FILM TO" IE SHOWN WED. , ., Electricity is still one of the lowest ~ fam~ budlJe&. priced _iRes i,. § ~ 55 .iii I ; local Studen' t'sChosen' , . . For District Chorus Dr Sam Moffett To • Speak Here Wed. the hoUl'll of work. Meala will be served at the school cafeteria and visiting chorlstep! will live In homes of local pupils' .01 the PennsburY High School The Disbict Chorus is scheduled to SIng with the Philadelphia Orchestra In February at the Academy of Music. . . BetteJo GoodaD. director of vocal music In the Swarthmore Schools. will be with the ~dents at Yardley and will asslst m the training and tr~"Out .program. , ~ducate To an Education \ rw~ e ~~ The Home .and School Asaoelatlon has announeed its w11i1nlDeIIS to sponsor a book committee to read and cHs<:usa current books on education. 'Several people have expreased the desire for an opportunity to keep abreast of Dterature on educatlon iii the. home.· school and community. Books reviewed and discussed' In monthly meetings could be circulated amoDg Inter- .. ested parenta and teachers. Such a grouP. it is belieyed. would BUPplementand further Interest In the Home and, School shell reo cently' estabUahed In the local public library. Anyone interested In joining a group of this kind is asked to tele- (Continl/ed from page 1) . missionary In Indloa on a twoSix From H.S. to Take Part 1 . II Id d year leave rom e e an now In Concert Jan. 16th. associate pastor 01 the Fourth At Yardley Presbyterian Church, LoulsvI11e, Six members of the High School Ky.; Thomas. a pastor 01. Four !Chorus have been chosen for the States. West V.... Chapel In the Disbict Chorus Concert to be Morgantown Mountaineer wntng given at' Yardley bn' Saturday. MJ.o;sIon. Another brother Howard. Higil January 16. The chorus of about a medical missionary to Korea at 150 voices wiD include the schools present on furlough.' wascaDed SaturdllJ, ,lallllCll'J 16 ottill;·ii'outheasie~';'dis(rici.'c;;ver- iEledHopper to back frOID reserve status Into the Ing BuckS, Montgomery, Delaware Head Borough Council armylntime to parttciPate In tne at 8:20P.M. and Chester counties. Inchon landing. Korea. 1951. .' Swarthmore .sludent&. taking (Continued from Page 1) Dr. Mollett'. talk wiD liegln at Reserved neWs',:,,:, $t.OO part are Roberta Grooters. ftrirt and Milk Inspector for two years; 2 p.m. and. anyorie' Interested in soprano; Can Iiauer, Second 50-. G. D. Houtman. Borough Engineer, hearing him Is welcome. to attend Unreserved - 75c: p~ano;. Nancy Carron, secolld alto; for two years; Clarence G. Myers, the meeting in McCahan Hall. John Conard. first ter.or; Thomas Borough Solicitor lor four years; pi>ldmeyer, bariton~;' David 'l1ell- Elwood.Chapman to the Jloard ..of .. __ ==~111IIllIIIIIIIIII1II0I1IID1IIRlUUUlnmllllll1lllll!IWIIIfIUOl.I"YOU Meet the Nice.sf People. m,S.. p.e a . r e ' s " , · , kins. &l)cond bass:.. . Adjustment for three years.WIlTwo days, Thursday and Frl- lIam Lee to the Civil Service • day, January 14 and W, and part Commission for six years; Mary P. of Saturday, will be devoted to Dodd, collector of sewer rents. for rehearsals, with 'Ute public con- one year; and Mrs. Charles TOWD- § S·-. "A' . cert being held in. the Pennsbury send, assislant Borough Secretary, i i=§ • . . Ii High School at 8 o'clo& Saturday for two years. . !II = night. During the same three-day J. J. Bodley. 143 Park avenue. § 6"S iii period there will be try outs for appeared before Council as a ~ . . S.~5. " ~ State chorus and' it is anticipated member of the Official Board of E I!"J''' ... that one of the Swarlh. more stu- the Methodist Church and as a ===ii==_tJ ra$ .'I;vU...... E.DGMONT AVE. _ 7th AND WELSH STS. dents will be select'ld to represent 'd t f P k t the southeastern district. test en the 0 planned installation of resl ar avenue 0 pro- =_= FIRST QUALITY iii In addition to the rehearsals, meters i:t the 100 block on Park, there will be recreation, with a three counts, that they were ~=;: ~ dance, party and movies to. lighten on unsightly. would depreciate property. and questionable, legaDy. ~_Extra Large. 5.69 ==!!I Council decided to now omit 'placement of meters in front of ~ the Church and residences on that g Big values at their regular § side of the street although Coun= rI th · § p ces J ese are wonderful 51 cilman Van Alen stated that the .buys right now. For they = meter installation had been' ap"'v'e you contr0 1 and maxi- . Former'y ·proved earlier as a means of pre- §===_ mum freedom and cointortCARNS venting a tax increase. $394.81 withnut a seam; .stitch. or was ordered paid· to the Mageebone. AU latex with cloud650 laltimore Pike Hale Park-O-Meter Company. this 'ft f b . .' !!I ·Springfield, Del.' Co., Pa. amount being half of the meter =_= so a rIC lining. Qirdle and _=!!I • jlanty' girdle styles In Pink SWarldmore 6·0450 receipts from August 2 to Decem- ;: . op•• 8 ....M. to 6 P.M. ber 30. or White; regular_ price. --= $5,95 - extra-large. $6.95-~ The Annual Report of the Police 5! at $4:69 ($5.69. for e>i:tra-. Department listed nine children = ..Iarge) they'll go fast; so buy 5! ;; returned to their homes 'in 1953, = several! = 297 parking tickets given, 54 auto- _~ . =~ .' mobile acclde'lts within the Bor- a ii ough limits.·The annual report of =_ NEVER BEFORE AND NEYER AGAIN ,BRAS-GIRDLES 2nd FiOor a 'u. 5 .. BLACKFRIARS ' D'ram'al.-·c· = ESTER'" = h" Co . IOn rner P-,AYTEX·. .G·IR.DLES· I L 'E '. \ I= 4'.' 6'.''. 9." = .! Diluzio and Sons· Florist = __a= = I _ I = i= i ,leal." .); I ~~~-~ mean., • Yea, by aU learn . •he (acts concerolngyour 'physical condition: Health ia. ap.redo... 1I. .et. GwU-d it Car,;fully. Consol. your phy.lCl.... at the first. sag" gesrion of illaeoa. Aod be .~ to bring hia .preocripo uo... here, where you are ~ careful compound. IDg ....d (air price., alw~y.. CATHERMAt!:~ ", DRUG STORE Measles .th" highest Incidenc of iiumaun1UllIUUIIIIHlnmUIIWIlIIi!UlDllmUlIIIDIIIUIIIIIIDIHIIIIIIII;lnIlHllllllllllmllllllllllllnllll1llIIIIIIInunu1Ull~IIUIIIIUIIllUIIII~1UIIIUiwullnWIDUI"IIIIIIHnJ..' contngious dise~ses within 41 cases ' - . ' listed . ., , JR. ASSEMBLIES TO MEET' The seventh 'a~d' nlrith . grades of the Swarthmore Junior Assemblies wiD meet tomorrow evening in the Swarthmore Woman's Club. The seventh grade. meeting from 7 to 8: 30 will have as hosts' Mr. and Mrs. J. Archer Turner. Jr. The ~haperons will be Mr. and Mrs.;A,-li:. Marsh' Bl)d Dr. and Mrs. , . Neq D..WllliamS.; • Mr:' and Mrs. Raymond C. Lassiat will serve as hoSts for the ninth grade .meetlng ft'\lm 8: 45 to 10: 30. The chaperons be Mrs Robert Jarratt, Mr. and, MrS: Hen~ ry S. Shipherd. imd Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Coles. . can go hand in hand , , , . ~ ....:... -, -. -" 1•. , , ,, .. . wirh self-seiedion shopping for your . convenience in line with f!1~rchandising' foun~ed"'7'f~esh . drugs ~ and allied merchandise, friendly service, and fair prices. You must agree with us for our prescription business has ,i:. - i;'clloared to 'an undreamed-of height. registererd pharmacists, their knowledge and their ,accuracy, is most gratifying'. Thank you. , > Micha.'~!,'CoIlege PhII1lICY, Inc... We inv~, y~ur ca. abcut anything relating to carpet, ~~~,~~!! ..:Pt.t. < Your confidence in our . ~ If your carpet is not wall t~ wall. we Can do a muc:h better iob in Our plant, and service is quick.. . . . .. (on the corne,., . ." . . Swarthmore 6-0857 M" •• LOCAL . w. DeI~.r . , w. "" YOU..... ,.~.crl,.t'o.7 OF • • Temple Dean' Ta1ks :At Club Tues. Night PI Red C. T~th Gri<~es'Of an . ross ~FI"rst'.A'iII Coo'rse Swarthmore Jr. Asamblle. DIMES .a.SO PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, lANUARY'iS, 1954 VOUJME 2~ER 3 / Able Residents Vie Ho........ School toMHt· , The' secOnd meetbtg of ·the the: SwBrthmore Junior Swarthmore Home and s~hOoi ASbileS win meet' In the Woman's soclatJon will take piace on TUesClub tomorrow evening. day evening. January 26. . Sr.' Woman's CluDs "The EIgl)thGrade meeti~g from Tues. Night Session. Start Dr. RObert A. Weich, practicing 8 Candidates Stand for . Co-Sponsor 'Education . 7:30 to 9:15 will have Mr. and Jan. 26; Will Cover psychiatrist and on the staff at . Eledion' at Library , Mrs. Robert WUson as hosts. The Temple University. will speak on . and Cold War' 'chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Atom!c Injurie, "The Emotlo,,,il ~ts of EduJanuary 23, 25 Dr. John Anthony Brown. Jr. H. D. Bevan. Mr. and Mrs. TheaUnder the sponsorship. of·' the cation. 'Elllht Borough residents seek wtu. address ~ joint meeting of dore. PurneD. and Palmer Skog- swarthmore' Branch. Arneri~an election to two vacated posts· 00: the Woman's Club of Swarthmore lund. . Red Cross, a class in Standard the board of the Swarthmore Pub·e Junior Woman's Club. ,to Mr. and. Mrs. James .B. Bul1itt lic Library Association at 'the .. th . and oats f· t'h T th Grade Red CroSs First Aid wiD' be ofbe llE;ld Tuesday, 'January 19. at will'be h . or e en • forth~oming election to occur in 8 p.m. at club house. His sub~ from: 9:30 to 11:.15. Serv-fered on six Tuesday nights from the Library on Saturday. January 00' l'o,ir. and 7 unl11 10 o'clock In the American . 23, during Library 'hours and on j i!ct will. be "Education> and' the Ing as chapel'Ol1S ··'rs .. Bu~hanan Hattar a.nd. Mr. I I 0 d J. anuary . 25. Vo.t'~ng on Cold War." ". Legion Room. Borough Hall. be~ App ications T o t a v a i ' ... ...onay. 'and Mt;!: Charles ·Llncoin. . _ Monday WID take place durmg LiDr.. Brown Is dean of men IIt ginning January 26. The course 300; Payments brary hours until 8 . p.m. when . Temple. University. and assistant will cover aD First Aid procedDue Now the Annual Meeting beliins and. p~es,sor o~ International politics' . ures. iiIcluding the latest advised the ballot box' is closed. there. He has been a member of . . . ' In the past week. 94 additional All' th . , Wil .on. atomic' injuries. Those who reSIdents of e Borough the faculty of the Woodrow Swart!unore families applied for who are qualilled to vote In the son .School for· Pub!1.c and· Inter-· . complete the course satlsfact!)rily membership I'n .the SW'arthmore municipal elections are entItled to national Affairs at PrInceton Unwill be given a certillcate which Swim Club to 'swell the total to vote for Library Directors. The ivermty and spent the 1951-52 ac- Population ci(Over 5000 is a prerequisite for Advanced over 300. Despite freezing temper- term of olJlce Is three years. ad~c year on leave of absence Would Put Borough First Aid or the Instructor Course. atures and snpw, interest In Listed· alphabetically, the canfrom Temple'engaged In research , In Th',rd Class ~nanl _ Anyone wishing swimming next summer remalned dldates are: under a' srant from the FOrd. "hot." Foundation. He has done graduate FirSt Aid Instruction for Civil Alice Barber, owner of a local work at the UniversilY ,of CPicago. Plans .are being pushed for the :pefense emergencies inayattend Notlce is hereby glvo;..n that the gift shop. who previously served PrtncetOn Unlverm.ty, and eolifui- takJni ofa Coihplete population o.nly three of the sessions (nine few Swarthmore famllles' who as a' Library Director for nine hta Vnlverslty. census of Soorarthmore for the hours) and will be qua1illed to 'have sent In their appHcation years. She was elected secretary School DistrIct within the n""t without 'lnoney must now send in of the Board and secretarY of the Dean Brown Is a weD-known several weeks. In the 1950 census. volunteer In ..the Borough's CivU their payment In order ·to become Delaware County Library Trus-~'~r in the Philadelphia area. . was ... A l,..." Swarthmore's population. - Defense Medical Division. . These members. Checks should be drawn tes Association. She was for sevand author of Ii' w~ neWS col- 8.22 and it Is estimated that the three B"",lons are desilDed after to "Swarthmore Swlm Club". and eral years chatrman of the Board umn entitled "World Politics Is present· pop\\1ation 19 about 5.300. New York State's CivU ])Qfense' sent to the treasurer. Mrs. D. Mace Committee on Library Practice Your' Politics". He~erves as a. If the pbPulatton Is shown to be nine-hour cOurse and cover onIy Gowing. 635 Parrish road. which oversees the. management member of the executive commit: over :5.000•. :Swarthmore will be ~mergencles which would be likeFurther pUrchases of extra of the Library. For flve years betee of the Board of Directors of the entitled' to be advanced -from a ]y to ariSe in home defense shares by community-minded clti~ lore election to the Board she volInternational IJIIltitute. and .. a1sC). fourth class 'dlstrict . to' a third situetlon. zens are urgently needed on a untarlJy served at the circulation serves in the same capacity' tor class district. . Anyone who has taken either of temporary. loenbasls to provide desk";' Monday evenings. A gradthe Citizens' Committee for the Arrangements ior the census In- these courses in the past but n~t for l>ulldlng tl}e paol. Thet!& uate of FrIends Central, she at~ elty charter. clude - dividing .the district Into wlthl\I the last three years IS extra shares. wJl1 compensate' for tended '. Columbia .TeachersCoIDr. Brown Is also, a m~1;),er of about 50 sections. each with one JI:ged to take tills cour~ In. re- the delayed payment basis which lege and taulibt primary school at the executive committee' of the enumerator. The enumerator vIew. In order to keep I!Is knowl- many younger families lind it nec- Media and at Lansdowne and Citizens' ConUnJ~:o~.public ed- would' thus be"rI,spOnslble for edge and practice up to date. The essary'to use... Such shares.wIll be edited an economics book manuucatlon 'in Philadelphia. He is a about 20 families, to secure cer- courses are being -run slmultane- re-purchased and made avaUable script prior to establishing her resident: .of . Mi.' ;~. and the tain limJted informatiOli. about ously. the IIrst three le""ns being to neW members as a wai.Ung Dstbuslness here. Art Is her hobby' father ofllf~~'I~ of .f~ ... ' . . each' me.mber. ~iun.· ..~.' reo. deVOted. to C.i.rI e~l Fl1's!" .·... ,;:...~.:._ _.1 .."" .he ..· r;;;'l<.etches 'of land."' . :." ,"" .~, " .. '.::.:, ,. Ports would \)e·~b~,.Cob)-' ·Ald.'1Ile t: are·("penfo·'lfnioile'Th ":'~~eS who . have 'not. been mari:Saxe.popular. She IS a homeOpener' piled by the sectetari' 01 th.e the Boroug\! over 15 years of age. contacted as .yet but who wish V> nwner at 506 Harvard avenu~. SchOOi District :~d so;nt.,,!> tl1e men. women. and teMagers. There join or to obtain Infomlatlon ruay Robert S.· B~ead;.a resl~ent .super(ntendent of Public Instruc- Is no charge' except for a text do so by calling Bny of the fol- of' the ·Borough :smce 193~, 18 a lion who would have ~e authority book. lowing members ot the .board of graduate of the UniversIty of to declare the new classlftcatJon Advance registration is .-aquest- directorS' . Pennsyl"anJa with major in Engt' . Devotees for the District. ed and may 'be. made by calling . .' . ' , lish. uses the Library steadily' and' In t rep''d Sage' . . , T!Ie"iDlPortance of the census. The .Swarthmorean, SW 6-0900. President. Fred .. Van Urk., believesthat'lt "would he good to >Brave Weather for lies in the advantages to Swarth- All those planning to take the SdwatrthGmodre 6-Lan 49.73; vs·ce rthm" presi- have a part:1n its progress." Books . . ' . .. ' en or on ge, wa ore . 'Chartey's Aunt' '" more . of. being a third class. . dIs- .cour~e are asked to report to the '6- 30:'4' . '" D" hobby; .het collect;., a ·tre"surer. .urs. . ...ace are hisH" .d .Ameril ' th . 'ts trict.. T his new r1ass.flcatlon Legl.on RO\lm on T\lesday evening, G' In' S· arth 6 2489' .,: cana. e 18 a' pas war en n e ~. ~ owg w more, sec. The Players Club opened l would entitle it to 'have seven January ·26. lit 7 o·clock. For furt 'T W· Pr tt S 'rth' local CivU Defense set - up. He , . "CjI'" . .Sch 00.' B oar. . d ther Information. . . . re ary.6-6185' . . esco. wa - I".ves· a t 2ft7 318th produc.hoO:. .ar.eys members . on.the call Vlrgulla " N. S warth more aveAunt," by Brandon Thomas. in a .thUJi havilld two' additional mem- Rath at SWa.rthmore 6-4608, be- m,?re. • nue with his wife. a teacher in blaze of theatrical tradition. "the bers to share the burden of the twee~ 5:30 and. 6:30 p.m. . Mrs. C.D. Schloesser. Swarth- the psychology department at the shbW'must go on" which warmed work involved In planning and more 6-4413; William GiD. Jr.• 15 college. and, daUghter. a student the. chilly audience of 24 intrepid carrying on the school needs dur- M • I B dl H d Dogwood lane. Swarthmore 6- in the fourth grade in the local devotees who had ignared all day ing the. time of the exp!'nslon of aglca 0 eys ea 8947; Dr. John Wigton. ;,;;"arth- school.. radio warnirigs' that aU evening school facilities. Also It would be Methodist Program more 6-3.444. Mrs. Robert J. Cadigan was a functlonswerestormcancell'l!i.artd possible to adjust the bud.get of (Continued on Page 5) drew from them a burst of enthu- the District to meet more adeFolkB who have always wanted LWV HOLDS slastic support .".hich made' 'them 'quately the.risilig costs of the ed- to pull a rabhit out of a hat or sound like 300 when applause In- uCRtional program 01 the growing sweep away worries with a wave PANEL TODAY . OUO sisted on three curtains. By the community. especiallY 'to flnance of a magic wand should be on "Schools and Taxes" wili be th.l' an unusual additional plant .~nd instructional hand FrIday ~venlng, J~nuary 22. . . end of the third a,ct when a mall1cal performance by subject of a panel discussion to . hed be The "Duo di Roma", a pianistrapport was establis tween facilities. a . Swarthmore 'mother-daughter be held today, following a lunchcello duet featuring Omelia Pulltl cast, production stall. and audlThe plan outlined for the census ""n. at the. January program' meetence. Despite ;',mergencies In the has been used iiI nearby districts. duo will be presented at the ing of tIle Swarthmore League of SantolJquJdo and Massimo AmS rthm M thodlst Ch h t storm aggravated production, de- the .Iegal papers are In good form wa . ore e urc a Woman Voters at WhIttier House. fitheatrof. win give a recital on . spite la hoarse voiced principle or and the plan has been approved 7:45. . The luncheon will start at 12:45 Sunday, January 17 at 8: 15 p.m. In (Coatlnued on Page 8) Mrs. John Justus Bodley, of Park p.m. with the pallel discussion to the Clothier Memorial Auditorium two. the first night of the' Ned on the CoDege campus. 'ThIs Is Pyle directed play came to a trI. avenue. and ten-year-old Justine. start t I 45 .umphant conclusion. ' . Orchestra Concert IIfth grade pupil at the College Thoase ~oP~1 appear on the another in the series of programs "h '1 • A t ' f urse " Avenue School, wJl1 be .<$ to sponsored by tbe Cooper Founda'" ar ey s un 18. u r e d °co , Tonight iii elo. thler trickS designed to delight . the panel include: Donald P. Jones, tion which in the past year insheer farce and has end many comptroller of Sun Oil c.ompany 'durerent presentatlnns. The PIByPiano Concerto No. I in E flat young in heart,. of aU ageS. with and president of 'the Swarthmore eluded outstanding performances ers 'Clu b N ews state• tha t I't h as major by Liszt, featuring Joel their varied hocus pocus. ' School Board; Mrs, Michael Dunn, by Joseph Szigeti and The Dublin been running. continuously SInce it Shapiro as soloist, will, higIiUght An honorary member of magl- of the Radnor League ·of. Women Players. Omelia Pulltl Santoliquldo is was IIrst produced I'n London in t h ",' II rst. concert a f the co11ege cal societies in the United S.tates. Voters; G. Baker Thompson. asItaly's best keyboard artist. In 1892. So'me' of its youthful ebuUi- year to be presented by the England, Scotland and France, s1stant county superintendent of addition to her appearances in ence still survives; some of it is Swarthmore CoDege Orchestra to- Mrs. Bodley has won recognition schools; and Frank R. Morey, suworn. The PI~ Club's use of night, January 15. at 8: 15 In In the art of magic ,SInce the age perintendent of schools ill Swarth- solo and chamber performances, the orlglju.i script With its "polnt- Clothier Memortal on the College of 12 when she amazed mllny old- more. Mrs. John Moore, of the she Is an active faculty member ed asides and romantic 1anguagen campus. # siers here and abroad with. her Swarthmore League, will chalr .,f· the famous Academy of st. Is refreshing and commendable; Dr. Peter· van de ltamp, profes- manipulative s1dll. She Is one of the meeting which !JapeD· to all Cecllla In Rome. VassiiDoAmdtheatiOl, the ce11Ist, has been ae'i'Ilecast, iIi the order of itS SOl' of Utronomy aDd direCtor of the lIM and st1H matively few, membm's of ~ cominunlty, . claI}ned throughout Europe 811 a listing, puts tremendous vim and Sproul Obsenatory, will conduct women to practiCe legerdemain. leadUl& recitalist drt"" intO ~ presentation. Joseph the orch~. The program will A quartet from Chester Fiieiftl.y Circle MeeHlIIJ The duo was formed by two of W. deFuria «toes.a remarkable job open with Russian and Ludmilla Y.M.C.A, Glee Club Is ..meduled The meetinI. ' . of the the leading members of the eel.. .. the I n - " ' _ pompous and o..erture. by GUnka, to be fol- 'to Impart mwile to' the evenJng's Frleftdly Circle will be held at the brated "VIrtuosi en Roman,. &Ull1ble SjIItUCue... AruoeJ. ~tter- lowed hy the plano concerto. A entertainment. A drama$le 1IkeIdl fteld as CAfe. Sif I'rmcla Che&- short group of Boo!!llaman Folk coaclied by Charles l!fe:Ymour_- home of Mrs. J'raDk 0ettI" 110 erouP of 14 Italian artists of Del', Bart, Is WIQ(J Ihftl1 pliant aDd Dulces by Bertoli: aDd Brahms' plates expectations of a wen- Harvard avenue, Oft ThUl8dlt7, mlItdiI- abUlt7, who made a 9t the cild lCbool ancI--oU iii voice TbIrd in P mejCII' are IOUJlCIed 1lIatit Gl fila, aU pro- I_wary 11. Mrs. P. Co A. VciI!en tour of the UnJ.ted States in 19110 wen _:eI.ed by" au.durin« the w.k-wiIl ~'de- lnchlded OIl the JIliICIWDL. eeeds or whleh wl1l b 't tile 10- wID. aasIat lira Gettz as eo- and _ host e.... • dIeaces aDd. edtlca aUke. " . (Continued OIl Pace 4) . TIle jJubUc Is invited to attead. cal a","'md.,. So ltoal. .' , The EilhUl arid 'For 2Library Posts ;Jf., the meeting SW"lm. Club: Adds 94 More Fam"'Inies to ll"st will Sch00'I PUShes· PIans' For CoDIPIt' eeCensus a rm,.dS .r..' N"lgbt· Mooday.· Proves Theat'er· Ad"age pet . . 6. " ......," _ '" • "•• •',. '._ •••... ".' ' ' ' ' . ; . ' :.', '. .• C F d" ooper abon to Sponsor 'Duo di Roma' idea,.¥et we have ret,ained • - THMOREAN THE o" >; .' the traditions on which our business was . Rate, most jobs, 10e sq. ft, Best time of ye,ir is when you have your heat on. . Pauhol\-KNOWS Carpet . . It has been six months. now since we. remodeled our !tore . the most lTlodern We prefer to inspec:t your carpet before accepting it for deaning, and there is no obligation.. . A..... S.wthn:a.. h. :we 6:MIQD ~ 0. .... 1. . . . . . . . I "/ If your"~~ipet is fairly new. we sh.II most likely recommenda powder deaning: otherwise, a "Qwik-Dri" shampoo, which has been a specia!,ty of oul'$ since 1937. SW ~ ,." ;. • 1 , " ,, . .'. " TRADitiON and PROGREss wrn Wall to Wall Carpeting cleaned in the home ." . ,. " MARCH SUPPORT ' the s,m...., .eIl recwar. e: 'THE SWARTHMOBEAN -" T. lb'e of. Glen Mrs. W. Rodman McHenry of party. IIRTH, Parrish ,road entertained at a Mrs. Norman Soyder ofMt. and Mrs.'John C. _Fermof , ' "llund!leon ather home TUeSaiy. ,PlaCe is recupt,rating at Mr. Paul 'Zecher of swartbrnwing a day evening. Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rut- rived January 2. lOa ALL : r.."arU,t'~d~~tomy performed 1»". and ~. Walter N. Molr gers avenue was hoatess to the Mrs. Ferm is the former MIss (llAOAZINBS and daughters Jlnnle and, Joan of Tuesday Morning Readlnl-Group I).OrI,s By", daughter of' Dr. loin, Irvin R. MacElwee of Ml South Chester road win' &pend at 'a luncheon-meeting this Holyoke place Is gtving book the week-end in New York City. Dr. J. Kenneth Doherty of Elm " , vleWB next week, as a . avenue. track coach at, l;l'nIyer~ ,the S':'-~""'ore--'on' 's Mrs. Jam<:a DOuglas of North' • " .....uu ...... _ Cheater road B.entertained at a sity of PennsylvNilai, ~t-~ to the followlni cluba: Rldiey luneheon-b!;ldge at 'her home week attending the National Col. Park, Ardmore, . Manoa. Glenleglale ASSoclaticin meetinIS in olden and Maivem-PaoU. _' Tuesday afternoon. " Mr. Richard N. Mitten of Fre- Cincinnati, Ohio. While th&e, Dr. .IAUTT UNDI WAiMTH TO WI","'S ,CHILL . loin. Robert Lyle of Amarillo, Nebr.• flew. home Wednes- Doherl# also lII1perviaed _a c1inIc Texas, with her baby daughter. day following a week's vIS1t with for track coaches. has returned home after a visit of his aunt. Mrs; Paul B. Banks and lIfrs. Charles 1.. Chandler 'of several montha with her aunt Mrs. of Harvard avenue. Wallingford left fpr New York 9 South Cheater'RoAd W. Alfred Smith and family of City to visit for a few weeks with Call Swarthmore 6-0476 Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Amherst avenue. Her husband Is on sea duty on the AIrcraft Caris spending several days of and Mrs. Theodore N. Andonlades. rler "Anletlum" in the Caribbean week in New York City, Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones tten"'"d the theatre 'with .;waters for a few months. a....... D ...... Raymond Lauerman' of Marinette, of Elm avenue entertained mem- PU8LI8IIBD",ui'~'" .,.T SWAiUDiORB. PA. I'EiD E. TOLD, JUaiOIDE' TOLD, P1JBLI8HER8 PIIoM 8W~re 1·0901 '. __ .' .' DIUCIOUS DINNERS to SUIT tile TASTI .. nDYONI TENDER ST KS d C . EA , an -HOPS, Cooked to 0 .... EXCEu.ENT BANQUET 'AND PARTY FACILITIES' . • BUSINESS ,MEN'S LUNCH 12-1.30 P. II, COmforter.l. Rooml Day or W..k ,-{. STRA.TH HA. YEN IllN fltl!1 .AIItN. r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prelto.. - WHEEL BALANCING A. , ZaNI(' 'A1n'0 LITE BATTERIES ROBERT J ATZ'• Owner· . .•. RUSSELI:S SERVICE OPPOSITE BOBOUGHPABKING LOr Mrs.ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~·~~~g~~~~ LITTLE SPRUCE LAKE· COLLEGE THEATRE • Accommodations for week.end parties up to twelve Chef available . ~'8eGay With the Gays at Little Spruce" • BL E SALE The-Swarthmore Players· Club presents .DiLuzio· and Sons Florist ,iCharley's Aunt" , 'ormerfy "n last P.rforrnaRC•• . 650 ialflmore "'ke SprllI9f\eld. Del, eo.. ..a:. SWarfiIMore' W4sO • friday. Jan. SatUrday, Jan. 16th ' - - ' - .HI> Loeoloe , 15th, .c".:.....; ...:21 P.,.; , S,.P"." Ore........ sp~.... IIlddIes S..~ ,many fashi,!)n-favorite 'style$including' long sleeve COTTON SHIRTS Satwr4ay I '.M. 'YLI. DI_. CARNS, p,...'•. to 6 ..... . A.M. . "Giselle" Brandon 11I0mas' . c ••••, .~cid.. "trtDI.O&ENHURRicANr " . 's.t.riI~ N/hi 'o.ty .,.......n.e. , • _II '~ the Hoover upright'. ';Ioop.", ,Never befQre . In; any car ! .. ",' . ' h. 'S"3S' , p. plusPo1NerFllte O~.'.tMB.EA~TI~"'L . • '"WildStailion" . 'WI. C.,I ... ncI .. HEATED COTTAGES BLAZING FIREPLACES ICE SKATING from U~e (P",ulSbtt UCm..~n! , be Lak.wood, Wayne Co.. Pa~ Ow•• w. &ay. w'~Antford, 'a•. T.I....... MEdIa ''-2479 , BETTER HURRY TO OUR BIG ecne. '.y 15So.- CheSter , Road - • see Dartmo.... & LafGyette Ave.. SW 6-0440 ,~.TIQ.IOU: ;'BNNA.. .JANUAJtYI5,..-lI5f' ChUrch School classes wilI--be . '. . " "" . , held at 9:1IO. ,.10:45"':'d 11 ,am. ..,,,~,.MrrHODIST, NOTES.: :i:~'dish supper at the Church. The Women·sand. Men's Bible ':_",' •.0..--, •. ' , .'." "'_ ~ 'On Wedliei:day fi'om f-5 and will. both meet at.9:30 a,m. ,,"'J'liUi,eh 'Sc:hool 'clasSes· for.all ,7-8 pm. the Pastor will have as usual on Sunday morning. .~.m,~ . at}~;~;9~,S\lDdar:'~ Office Hours. for Counaelin'gin .the ,The Senior ffigh Fellowship will :apedal .clill!B' tOl'" YD\w.i AduI... li18O'iiu!ets' at'thiS tIJile~'- .' ',.Church Study. At 8 p.m. the Com- meet for the regular Swiday eve_ _ , _____ , ___ mlsslon,on.,~ee will meet~in ning--meeting for supper' at 6:30 We are proud of the confl-' -At the 11 a.m. morning worship. the Chapel and at 8:30 p.m. the, followed by a recreational prO-: : the Rev. Mr. Francls Whltln!j a regniar monthly meeting of W.S. graip. led by' :Peter Bloom and dence three generati90S of ,regular member of the spealtln!l C.S" Cm,le, No.4 wilI"be' held. Lord. The Young Adults will 'families have placed in us. ataff of the Pennsylvania T~~' qn..,~h\lrSdliy' :the'-J'~or Choir also evening for sup. eran!'l' Le~e. will p~t the rehearses at 4 p,m. and the Chapel per at 6: 30 after which their pro,ammon. He Ia associated .Wlth the Choir' ·re!>eBlles. lot 8 p.m. in the gram will be "Neighborhood SerBaptist JYbUcation SOCIety and ChllPei:' vice-Report . from the Home THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. : Is an adult editor of "In~matl9nal OnFrid..y at 7:45 p.m. "Home Front", by The Rev. Ulysses B. DIIICYOU O. pUNIIIALI ' · sun~y, ~ool Lessons.. ' ToWn HlghDghts", an entertain- illakeley; Director of the Camac 1820 CHESTNUT STREn T~C!" N~for children will ment program •for all' the familY. Community C!,nter .in PhIladel•be su~ed by Mrs.. Fred Mur- especially the 'chDdren, will' fea- phla. Chalf!Jlan of the meeting wi!!OLIVER H. lAIR, roundor MAK'f A. lAIR, Pr_d. ::rBY! ldrs.,a.)W!lerCr!st,'andMrs.' lure the Magical·Bodley·s. a be Gerry Thumm. The Junior TIII.phon. RI-6-1581 Charles Griel'. d:Irec:ted by Charles Seymour. ffigh Fellowship, will meet at 7 p. , The ushers will be John Flood, selections by a mali,- quartette. m. Sunday eveniJig to complete a project for the presbyterian HosCharles Grier. N. Martin Kapp, Members of The Ladfes James O. Stevens. Bob Brinsfield Class have tickets. ' pita!. and. Robert c. Stever. GreeterS On Tuesday, January 19, the , will be Mrs. Fred ScOtt and, Mr. T,Rltun NOTES SessIon will meet for' the regular cI~an ,Robert Detwiler. On S~day' morning there wiu monthly meeting at 8 P·III. in the : -At 6·.p.m. there will be a supper be a celebrati';-ri of the Holy cOm.' Woman's Assocla.tlon Room. The meirtlDg of the Wesley Fellowship. munloJ:l· ..t 8 o'clock. All classes -of of Deacons will a!so'mel!t !: Thesound,mO\lon picitm:e "Cross- the churCh School will ineet at same evening at 8 at the home roads'! will be sliown. 9: 30 a.m.:A.t i1 o'clock' there will of Mr, Scho~t. · Tbe-Methoolirt Youth Fellowship be 'the, s,.rvlce of Moming' Pray'er On Wednesday, January 20, the for'teen~agen will meet at 7 p.m. with sermon. ,. following Circles will meet: A vacuum cleaner does not shampoo or brighten .- The discussion theme will be The,pestpreaeqer-:«ill .be ,the 10:30 a.m. : "Blessed Are ·the'peacemalters." Rev. Robert M. McNair. professor Circle i-Chairman. 'Mrs. Seyyour carpeting, of ilC)nrae, ))utit ean make colors - After'the meeting, the young pea- of moral theolOIY and ChriatlaJi mour W. Kletzieri-will meet at much fre8her and it can make the earpeling ,""ier . _. pie will go to the home of Mr. and_ ethics. ~ftJ,te PhDadelphla, D~vin- the home of Mrs. Charles L · Mrs. Theodore Purnell for their Ity School. He wilI,take both the Thomas,455 Riverview road; coto ,hampDo pro/a,ionmly. ;: aoclal hour. Sund&,y serVIces in -the absence -of hostess, M1-S:' J. H. Perrine. DeOn Tuesday. at 12:30 ,p.m. the the Rector 'Who will be leading vollons will be led by Mrs. J. J. :Ask for a free two weeks' Home Trial • _ Ladies; Bible Classwi1lbave Ita a'; intensiv'e ·Weekend Conference Bruestie. Pr<>Jr8!Il: a book review . regular montiJlycovered dish l~,. for other parishes in the Diocese; hyMrs. Irwi'; MacElwee on ".: YouWil1l'e1l1lt .dlfferenee. chiton lqid meeting,at the homeof . :- At 7:30Slinda)', ".: _' . -- " ' 'oR. Biirkholder Organist-Director 'the' Girls' Choir rehearslik at . 5 -, :siuulay: JanuarY 17 ' . dclock. At 6:30 p.m ..the- Men's 9:45 A.M.-Church School, Young Club dinner meeting will be .held. Multo. ' . ' .- T)iere',will be a cel~bratipn,of · 11:00 -'A,'t6..~Mr. Whiting will the Holy 'Communion at 7: 15 Wedpreach. '. d . At 4 m 6:00 P.M.-Wesley Fellowship; nes ay morumg. p. . 7:00 P,M,-Youth Fello__~'1ship. BOY.~':-Choir wiII rehearse and · WedD~Y. January 20 choir rehearsal will be held at 8:30 p.M.-Circle 4. will meet. 7: 30 p.m. Thursday. ~TRINITY CKUI\CH '" H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES , Sunday, .JanU8I'Y.l1 -' That harmony in dilly malrs 8:00 A.M,-Holy Communion. demanda obedience io God's laws 9:30 A.M.-Church School. ' will be emp,haslzed at· Christian 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. , 7:30 P.M.-'YOung people's Fel- Science sen-ices Sunday. The Leslowship. son-Se"rmon entitled uLife" In, WedDesday. January 20 'eludes the following account' , of ' '7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion.' 'counsel by Christ Jesus froni the . THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Bible: " ' ' OF FRJENDS • "Arid, behold, one came a~d said Sunday. JanU8I'Y l' ,9:45 A.M,-First Day School. unto him, Good Master, what good 9:45 A.M.-AdliIt Forumn. Clar- thing shali I do, that I may have enee 'Pickett: ''Peace ThrOughetemal life? And he said unto Love a.nd ServIce." 11:00 A.PoL-MeeUng for Worship. him. Why 'callest thou me good? Children cared for in Whlttierther.e ts none good but one, that is. House. All are welcome. God: but if thou wilt enter into 5:30 p.M.--COvered Dish ~r. life. keep the commandments." 6:30 P.M.-Moj1tbIy meeting for (¥atthew 19: 16.17) , Business. 7:00 P.M.-High School FellowGr.-teat performing "power team" of all time! Sarest. FRIENDS MEETING NOTES ship. , -1IIoet powerful of today'. V-8 engines ... most powerful, Mgnda)'~ .Jan....,. 18 _ ...,' IlllIotII.ti~ of all trtnsmlalQnal Come try them for Clarl!nce E. Pickett, fonner exeAll day aewing for A. F. S. C. ~ ••• in the ear that broke all prev:lo~ recorda iD cutive secretary of the American We1n' c.r;':r1llUl8Q' 21 .,the wotld·. tougheIt otock-ear teat at IncliaDapollll, All day sewing for A.I'.s.C. Frlenda ServIce Committee. will , , aikIress 1he' Adult Forum next FJR8TCHURcR'oi Sunday on 'the subject ''Peace CHRIST, SCIENTIST SW/lRTHM:ORE ~ ~ and Service.'.' TbIs . ..Park Avenue below Harvard Js~the third in tile ,current Foxum . 8 .....67• .J8IUIU'Y 1'1 .~ by the Peace Com· 11:00 A. lI.-8unday ScbDlll,..' ;:: . ..:......... ot •.:...:iIe.·,ng. AlI are -.'_ · , 11:00 A.M.-The T lUll Ji' iDbia '. ....._ ..... • .__ W10I HANNUM & WAITE WIll. lie "LIfe." C.HESTER 'OA" .cnnlYALE AVENUI' .. Wedn eveDInC meellD& FrIends will gather at 5:50 SWartl!_re 601lst ' .acb. ' , II .... Pta Ung _ 'Whltttler HOUM for a dIBh Wall to,Wall COTTON CARPET? STATE AUTO INSPECTION WinteriJe Now topic' "Fint-Hand Relt- Q. What is the best way to Yale & Harvard AY.nues. Swartfamore. Pa. , t:lovember 1st to January 31st ~':m~e IC,M. • Ij~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig .'UTlI ... 'AlIOn, .. ,;, 'D~~WEDNESDAY N09N 11-~~:~5~~~~~5~~:::~~1 ...... CONFIDENCE ' " NOTES On Sunday there will be, two worship aervices, at 9: 30 and ,11 a.m. at which the sermon will be preached by The Rev. Joim Schott at The· BoUquet , ;RESln~RIA" -' pensK£NT,Menepa. E. TOLD, J!dItorB . 4lt.. ' BARBARI( _Rosalie J¥nOI Marjorie Told . Lorene McCarter Bntered .. Second Claa Matter, ,January 24, 1929, the Post _ OI!lce at Swarthmore. P&., under die' Act ot March I. ,1879. week.1~;;~~~;;;;~;;~;;;;~;;~===:::;:;====;:::;=~===:: . Circle. f Cheirman, loin. ........ for on ....otlCbester road; 'co-hosWa, Mn. ,David ~hlIID-wlJl meet .., FIrSt D8y,Janu8.ry 17. CblJd care WUlIam Detehanty. ProIP'8Jll: Mrs.. the home of Mn. WllUam GehrIng, w1l1 be provided durm. Moothly Hugh Tha,yer will qle8kon her lr1eetlng for those who desire it. work as a m~cal therapist at thi: 1105 University place; co-hostesS, (Continued On pqe II) PhDadelphia Naval H~taL _. THE SWAllTBMOREAN- '. ,Is PerSona c!t. '::::eMenrs·te!.~·edHOmPkinsembers°f WIs.' bers of their bridge club and a , few additional friends at a dlnnerof their bridge club at a dessert~t. Malcolm J. Agnew. U.S.A.F., bridge at their home Saturday KIlm da bridge Friday ev~g. reported Mon y to Camp . er, Mr. an d Mrs. WIlliam L. Scar- N.J., and is being flown to Frank- evening. Mr. and Mrs. Johan Natvlg' of borough of Rutgers avenue are fun,. Germany for three years of d b b Harvard avenue entertained at a d ty =, - wif entertaining as their house guest foreJgl1 u . -"u'. e' join an him a Y Norwe"'an breakfast Sunday. Mr. ' will ghter Leslie da Mrs, Scarborough's mother Mrs. u NaMg,'" home on leave. will' report M Ago' ew, Earl Edwards of Macon. Mo. Mr. the re this summer. rs. Edwards has returned home after the former Miss Marian Karns, is for duty Tuesday. visiting with her parents Mr. and Nora Wain Osland-Hill of Eng. spending the holidays,here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Corben Shute of Mrs. George Karns of Wellesley land. and her niece Carol Wain of Maple avenue will entertain at a road. Sl Louis, Mo., spent aeverel days dinner.brldge at their home toMr. and Mrs.•Tames A. Brobeck of last week visitiag friends in morrow evening. of Yucaipa, Calif., who have been Swarthmore. Mrs. Osland-Htl1 has Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood T. Gar- vacationing in the east, will visit returned home after spending rett of Princeton avenue will en- for a week with' their son lind some months in this country on tertaln their club members at a daughter -in -law Dr. and Mrs. a lecture tour for the Korean ordlnner.brldge tomorrow evening. John R. Brobeck of Vassar ave- phans. Mr. and Mrs. George 1. AIaton nue and fainny including their ENGAGEMENTS of North Chester road entertained baby son John Thoma., born in at a family dinner party last week December. The engagement of MisJ Frances in honor of Mr. and Mra. Alston, Dmcel'1' and Conimlttee Chalr- Newell Pearson. daughter of Mrs. Jr; Mr, and Mrs. Alatan and child- men of the 12 Grade Mothers John ~agous Pearson of Corne11 ren Joanrie and George. 3rd. Club were entertained at a lunch- avenue, and the late Dr. Pearson. formerly of Springtleld, have eon on Tuesday _by Mrs. Charles to Mr. Peter Bryant Murray, son of Mrs. Frederick- James Murray moved to Harrisburg where Mr. Maschal of College avenue. Alston is associated _with the"u_ ,~. an d ~.. Ed win H. Mar· of Yale avenue, and the, late Mr. DOdjIe Mota\" Corporation. shall of Forest lane- will entertain wasanannounced Donald MacElwee of Mt. Holy- as their week-end goests Mr. and Murray. Pearson at. open house.bySaturoke place has returned to Prince- Mrs. David Angus of Bucks Coun- day afternoon. ton UniverSity following the holl- ty. • Miss Pearson. a graduate of day vacation. WhIle home Donald Dr. and Mrs., John R. Bates of Swartbmore Hlgh School and Wllentertained at open house for a I Nc,rth Chester road will entertain son Conege, is now doing graduate 'group of friends, including'-hIs at a dinner party tomorrow eve- work at the University of Penn'1£53 classinates of S~ ning. ' j . "t . SYlv~~, . . ' , • HIgh School. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bolto'; Mr. ' 'Murray, . ' graduate of ~embers of P. E. O. of Cedar lane have returned after Swarthmore High School" and Chapter P, of Swarthrolore spending the holidays on a ranch Swru:thmore Conege, is a chemist vicinity, will entertain their hl1!J- in Wickenburg. Ariz. En route with Sun 011 Company. Marcus banda at, an annual dinner at they visited the Grand Canyon. Hook. He is letlder of local Boy .Strath Haven Inn this evening. Mrs. Curtis Gallagher 9f Dover. Scout Troop No.2. Mrs. Richard L. Jones of Par- Del.. wD1 visit her parents Dr. A spring wedding is planned. rIah road will arrive home next and Mrs. Frederick A. Patman of Tuesday on "The Constitution" Princeton avenue whDe Mr. GaIfrom Gibraltar. Spain. Mrs. Jones lagherts on a business trip Mrs. Robert, Huse of Chevy had sailed for EurOpe In Novem- Canada for the next few weeks. Chase. Md., announces the en.ber to join her husband Ensign Mr. and Mrs. John c. MSLcAt-i gagement of her daughter. Joan Jnnes who was serving with the pine. Jr., of North Princeton ave- Rockwell, to Ll (jg) John LauU. S. Navy in the Mediterranean. nue, and Mr. and lIfrs. Fred renee Comog, USNR, son of Mr. . of Ml Alverno Road, and Mrs. John 1.. Cornog of DickMr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of North Swarthmore ,avenue will win entertain at the Mac- inson avenue•. entertain at a dinner-bridge to. home the members of the MIss Huse, daughter ot the late Blackbiars Club and the cast fol- Mr. Robert Huse. Is a graduate of morrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. For- lowing' their performanee in the Smith College and also attended sythe of Thayer road will enter- HIgh School Auditorium tomor- the Women's College of the Unitaln at a dinner.brldge tomorrow row evening. Mr. Henry Hofmann versity ot North Carolina. evening. Their guests will include director,. and Mrs. Hofmann ' Ll Comog Was graduated Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen. also be guests. the Episcopal Academy, OverMr. and Mrs. BIrney K. Morse. Mrs. George F. Corse of Yale brook and in 1950 from Prince~ :Mi. and Mrs. Peter E. Told. Mr. avenue spent several days of last ton University. A year later he and Mrs. Robert Turner of week visiting her son Mr. Corse, received hI'-Master of Arts degree Swarthmore, and Dr. and Mrs. Jr., and family of Martinsville. from Harvard University. He is John Abersold of Lansdowne. Va. , n o w stationed with the Navy in Mr. Paul B, Banks of Harvard Carol Lee Espenschade, daugh- Washington. D.C. avenue is staying at .the ffickory ter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Es-If===";'-=~====='"'i Mountain camp near Pittsboro. penschade of Dogwood,l,ane.-cele'N. C.• while on a week's hunting hrated her .ixth anniversary Wedtrip south. nesday by entertaining her little Mrs. R. Blair Price of North friends of the First Grade of Col·Swarthmore, Pa• Chester road entertained members I ege avenue schooL at a birthd.ay of the Eightsome Bridge Club at Starting Frl; for one week a luncheon~bridge "at her home ,FIrst. ""'JI'.lp.'a Sbowl., • , Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole YALERIE HOBSON I. of North Swarthmore avenue . "Murder Will Out" spent the week-end at their cottage at Rehoboth Beach. Added • C'~,,'c Ballet . ,".' la to II ..... daU7.'t slld67 . - ,-., -- . .... WeJDn'v .t' d"p , to supper wIIIeh -will be f01lawed at . ,:110 I: 10 p.m. bT the .ftI\Ilar . P ... and • to 1:10. P.II. '-".'~' -,... KCIIlthlf -" "',' - '.A \ Swarthmore Joins In $eholarship Plan Kappa." Sew The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewing Group wlIl meet Tuesday, January 19, at the home of Mrs. James B. Douglas, 600 North Chester road. Swarthmore College is one of 11 prominent universities and colleges which bave accePted an invitation' to participate In ·the JaM Wanamaker schoI8rsbip of $1000 be awarded annuillJy for one . Woman's Club Notes . year of professional graduate study leading to the degree of The Amei:lcan Home' Departmaster ot science In retailing. ment, Mrs. W. Alfred Smith chair,Other, schools taking part are: . Irian,' will sponsOr . a. .workshop Haverford Colleg~, University Tuesday, January 19, from 10 a.m. ot.Delaware, Princeton Unlv......ity, to 3 p,m. The 'work ~ .consIst of Temple University, Bryn Mawr tray palnllng, textile painting, • College, Ursinus College, Drexel lamp sbade and rug making, knit.. InstI~ute ot Technology, Univer- tIng, upholstering, and embroldslty of Pennsylvania; Bucknell ering. For further information call University, Pennsylvania State Mrs. Smith, SW 6-8864. Tuesday at 8 p.m. the Senior University. The Senior students of the Uni- and Junior Woman's Clubs invite versities represented will Join In the families of members to hear the competition for the scholar- John A.Brown, Jr., dean of men ships. The winner of the competi- and assiatant professor of internation, selected by the Scholarship tlonal politics at Temple UniverAward Committee, will enter the slty. He will speak on "Education New York University School of and the Cold War:" Retailing at the beginning of the Thursday, January 21, the Art Fall term o! 1954. Depertment will meet for lunch The award has been Instituted at 12 noon in Philadelphia. They as part of Wanamaker's long- will then visit ihe Philadelphia range c~mpaign to attract blore of M~eum of Art to see the largest the countr,y'. top college grad- collection of Van Gogh paintings uat~ into the field of retailing. ever assembled. Those deslrlng to make luncheon reserVations may telephone the chairman, Mabel Talley, SW 6-7079, by Monday, January 18. CO-ED BEAUTY The Litersture Department will meet Friday, January 22, at 10 a.m. Mm. Thomas G. Casey will Ciosed Wednesdays review 'Too Late the Phalarope" ·by Alan Paton. SALON Opell Thursday Nigh,. Mr. and Mrs. Herman M. Bloom of Columbia avenue wlIl vacation for a .month In Hot Springs, Ark., and also attend poultry conventions In' Chicago and Kansas City. PARK and DARTMOUTH A VB. S ..arthaoore'8-1011 cost .'haircutsl with tha sai'lSa,ionqt\t.w ; , Play'eX- ably unwinded performances, considering the chases and near escapes he undergoes. Mr. Stockdale never has diftlculty being fllllllY and this role does not tax his talents. Bill Clement's Brasselt is a shining light in the production, so SWARTHMORE POST OFFICE INFORMATION LOBBY HOURS Daily, 6 a.m. to'7 p.m. Saturday, 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday and Holidays, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. plspatch of outgoing malls, closing time at Post Office letter drops: Daily, 7: 30 a.m., 2: 00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. SaturdJlY, 2 p.m. Sunday and Holidays, 2 p.m. A stamp vending machilie is In the lobby of the Post Office lor the convenience of patrons. WINDOW SERVICE Parcel Post, Registry, Stamps, General Delivery: Dally, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Postal Saving., Money Orders: Daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 noOD. ¥oney Order Fees from: $0.01 to $5.00-.10 5.01 to 10.01)....0.15 10.01 to ~.00-12~· . SO.OI to 100:00-.35'" International Money Order service avallable to most countrle•• COLLECTIONs made throughout the' Borough at the foliowing times: , Daily, 8: 30 a.m. (by truck)'By City Carriers as their traverse the streets. 5 p.m. (by ,truck). Saturday, 8: 30 (by truck). By City Carriers as they traverse the streets. ,Sunday and Holidays, 12 noon. . Extra collections are made throughout the business section time posted on letter boxes. ' You can havo smarl-looking "hom." hoircufl for as "Hlo as k eaclt. Adfusr ••"Roaihog Dial: _ ..... .""·••·lido (..It10or right) to trim $--5 •• ......In_..... yovr hair ony ,.,.. you wiah. Blade toward Ac:TIIAl SIZE c. ........ with 4 1IIO~,.f'"""''''''''' IIyIow .....lna bruoh. CUNI. 5°0 .. 3 for '.-.. . . .... ,~~'::dwl... 5 s loJ I..... .u.s.A. .....r .... · MICIIAR'S COIl Ell PHARMACY , "o~ - It nught COlt you a lot of mo~ey. Protect yourself PEiERLJQLD • - .................. I'IIIlIIIfJI..... .o-".... .. .. If a vilitor at your bo~e ~bou.ld Buffer an accident. .". . " the corner" , .. '. All UIIO' of '".lrallCe .333' hi 'i1io." Ave. SW 601833 '. '. Mrs. Howard W. Crawford who member of Phi Bell Kappa has ihree children iii the local died Saturday morning at the SWSruunore College from which schools, 9th, 7th, IUld 2nd. graders, home of her sister, Mrs. she was graduated in 1935 with all of whom use the Library regEsslInger, 100 Columbia avenue, honorS in English literature. uIariy. Ite has, therefore, a special ",as' burled In Chester Rural· She presently reviews books for Interest in the children's depa.rtcemetery on. Tuesday fQllowlng Presbyterian LIfe. She is one of menL 1leIVices at the Bleyer Funeral the founders of the Mothers Club Dr. WIlliam Rlil.. homeowner at Home, Chester at 2 p.m. and a member of the Board of 215 Harvard avenue, has- been a Born In Chester OIl July 3. 1900 Deacons of' the Presbyterian practicing pbysician In the BarMrs. CraWford was the formex: Church. Her children are in the ough since the fall of 1951. He is Emily Ewing, daughter of the late 10th and 5th grades of the local a graduate of the UniYe1SiIY,' of Moses and . EmIly Ewing, of schools. Her home Is at 607 Elm PittHburgh in engineering and in swarthmore. She was taken III avenue. She patronizes the Li- !Iledlcine. He is ~hief cif the .Med..ith a heart condition three weeks steadily, with special in- Ical Division, Delaware County ago at her home, . 905 UpllUld terest In biography, and hiStory. Civil Defense Council. A' member avenue, Upland, and had been at Thomas G. Casey, lt6 Park ave- of Trinity Church, he has three the Esslinger home since Tuesday nue, Is a native SWarfumorean children, four, two and a half, and of last week. ..ho has spent 30 of his years In one years of age. His family uses Surviving besides her husband the Borough. He gradua~d from the Library and Dr.' Rial believes who is associated with the Sun Swarthmore College with an Eng- it important to the cOmlnunity; Oii Company, are another sister; lish major, having studied under Mrs .. Phelps Soule, 410 Park Mrs. Marian Jump of Chester; Dr. Robert E. Spiller. For. several avenue, was a member of the vears he has been a federal em- or' ~lnal Library Board and made and a brother, George Ewing of • - to door calls for dollar .memColumbia aven"lie. ployee, an administrator in the door Department of Justice. He 'Is berships in, the Library before it . • chairman of the Federal Personnel was tax supporle\i. DUring' the Play Howell System Council for Philadelphia and a war, she was chainnan of the local Crum Creek Bridge Club mem- member of thi! Philadelphill Man- Red Cross Blood Donor service, bers playing the Howell sy'stem,i agement Council. He is a present serving in that capacity for seven at their Tuesday evening meeting, member of the Library Board, years. She was a board member of ", report the following: having been appointed to fill the the Woman's Club of Swarthmore Holding first place were Mrs. unexpired term of Oliver Rodgers, and of the League of Women VotFranklin S. dillespie and Mrs. W. nOW seeking reelection. He is a ers and served the Club as chairRodri1an Shoemaker; second place, member of the Library Finance man of literature. Her husband Mi-. and Mrs. Kay, C. K e 1ll1ed:r; Coinmittee. His son is in the 5th was Edjtor 01, the Yale Press and third place, Mrs. George E. Sillo- grade of the local school.' Director of the University of ..ay and Mrs. R. Bates. Robert G. GiltI1lan, Jr., .410 yale Pennsylvania Press prior to his avenue, Is almost a native SWarfu- retiremenL morean, having been born In WalHoward H. Williams, is in llngford but coming to live in the charge of Reader Service, which PIANO TUNING Borough at one year of age. He ;Deludes reference and' circulation, " New and BelUdlt PIanos and Bepalrlnr 8lnce 1908 has lived here for 4~ years. A at the Swarthmore College Ligraduate of the' Swarthmore brary. Mr. Williams i. a ,raduat'ALBAN PA~KER schools and of Duke UniversitY of Lake Forest College, and holds phonr Media 6"SS115 I' SWARTHMORE; PA. . TA1LORS .. . ... LADIES AND MEN'S Sl,IlTs M,.DE TO ORDER " DRY· CLEANING. AND.P~l;SsING.......,~'l-HOUR SERVICE . .' . " - - . '.I?AI"Y<'.!'.R~ING . , . .,sER~ICE. ..' " . " '. Sunny Breie Orchard' .' Best Varieties in Pdme .C::ondition CIDER . A Specialty - Always Good' Potatoes - , Eggs :..... Chi~kens Large Choice of· Winter Squash. Butter.uta. Buttercups. Acams, .. Hub!ta"~s, Etc. Honay - Fresh Vegetables. Oil Paintings ' Nice Open Fire < . OPEN ALL WINTER ' - ' Visit - • . Wolff's .Apple House 1/4 Mile South of . 11ft.I.'I. 'Pa, 'ME .......,.... :=:~::::~:~~=~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~iii~~~=ii~iiiiiiiii~ So, '. alltbe~ It's to Your Advantage , 'fj O-O'p . he where served he majored for three inyears economics, In the LNav,v' as commanding officer of the USS LSM 68 in the South Pa"itlc invaSions. He is nOW with . the Pennsylvania Department of Highways, a director of the Play- masters ture and degrees Library in English ScienceLiterafrom Columbia University. Prior to his ~ present post at' Swarthmore' College, he held a position in the TeacherS' Coliege Library, CoIUIllbia University. Mr. WWlams knows libraries and has become Ir~r,,~,tlv interested In the Swarthmore Public Library during. his five years In the Borough. He is UJUIUlrried' and resides at 500 North Chester road. . .!commDtion:~ ,'aboutl' ~~"P AT THE . '.. i. C;AI!ilIi'I~ (, HOBBY SHOP 405 Dartmouth Ave. sw . . Wed. '.1, frI. • .- Nothing SWIFT'S PREMIUM' RIBROAST . ' LEG of LAMB . Mr. W. Stanley Kite of Ogden returned to Hahnemann HoQntafCin January 5 for a bone grattlng operation on his right leg. 'Mr. Kite has had his leg in a cast for past nine months. He be home within two • , SO· Refreshing as a , . • • CHESTER 'ROSE'Bttst Sliced Baeon •••••••• ~ .1/2 ' . Ib, . ' . ........• -0· ... roll ............ -: ·2 ........ ~ ...... ·2 3 • • • • • • • • • • e, • • • • • • 2 for GOOD " • 3ge ' lSc SHOWER for for for CHEVROLET 1ge BIRDSEYE PEAS ~e"'ive Penona! LiabUIty Inaaruee. ' 3_~.-' .11 PARK AV~N(JE SW 6-3450 - 3451 ,..... 171h S. CHESTER ROAD Waldorf I FALL - .' HORACE A. R_EEVES, "Third Generation Builders" ~eottissue RIDIIIG FOR ". __ ,Established, I~U _ '. ..' • 50ft-Weave against such unezpected ezpenae with Compre.. UcI_If_ ... -NEW PORCH -NEW ROOF . -NEWSID.NG - DORMERS - FLOORING - PANELING -An.C now • • . the longer . Make them . you W81t the. more, Costly. - GARAGE DOORS - INSULATION .ANOTHER BATHROOM Hake them now • • • stop de• BATHROOM REPA.RS preciation .of ;your property. • MODERNIZE ROOMS . he' thelll now" . • . us1n g our . , • PLASTERING convenient Budget Pannent P:I • PAINTING No red ta I tallm . • an. ' . . pe. ns , ents arrang. , MODERN K.tCHEN ed ,to. suit your Income. . ' ' .... eosy-ta. faUD W . ·dlnction oh...... on in a . 10IIII _ . ~'Harrls MAKE THEM , ~-... ' $ . .' APPLES· Those Needed Repairs Scott, T.owels , the i!reatest invention since the Bafely razor and the home' permanent ' , a pre<>iBion instrument th"Bt eutH, trim.. tlPns and grades for a complete haircut .' "l>rOfeasional.looking haireutH at home for as little a. 3c each , ea8>:'Lo-follow, illustrated· dire<>tiOD8 for,cutting any hah8ly!e, come with each Hau' Cutter . • as important to good ~oo as your comb and brash nung • safe, 8anitary, foolproof for hair a" top; hlad. dOier ~ to .dg. to toper the Ihorter hairs. trav.1 Do Lu•• GoId.PIatod "itO.'••Y' .. proper, so philosophIcal, so BritThe play set lor this· reviewer Ish. .. at least, SOlliething of a record lor Proves TheCrter Adal!le/ Jean Phillip,s as" Ponn" I,ucl~ sh (Continued from page 1) • d'Alvado~ is lrio;n· .. delJghtfiu. " eercourage aDd .Bood trouping, both to S IUld t h 'Sh' The fact that 121' were in ..... _velop his role.. Andre Pollock as. ee 0 ear. e does ~ ......... Jack ChesneY is a' bundie of an ~dmiraDle task wfth the stilted, daY's',audfence it in itself a !rib-' energy and appeallng In his love pellod ~nes .which raises the play ute· to the .production'. drawing difficulUes, ,tilted In keeping to ..posslbllity. Her audience cbm- poW'";,,,since·Tuesday was another m He bounces through' ors . rnes. the U A for S more. J8'le Bertram.' as ch Din-g.· snow and lce-driven evethe first act and that is no small my pettigue, is pleasantly aptribute. ' Barbara Thorbahn as Kitty, the belle with a true Henry Lemeur is Charley heart, is. very abie and. charming. . Wykeham, whose possession ot an Barbar!, Jarden appears with aunt is the core of the plot which grace, in the difticlllt roie of ~a seems to 'have such timeless ap- Delahay, who never has a .empeal. His Charley is youthful and ~Iance of reallty in any producappealing and, 01 course, winning, Uon, just personifies wistful literally. Charles H. Stockdale yearning. enjoys ·the role of Lord Fancourt Babberley IUld turns In a remark- Monday Night 'Opener 0' ·d V' era Club, ch~ 1lII! Pr416bl,Resl ents .e terian Usbars' Association) 'and' a For Two Library Po:stsl member of the .Church ~IODII (Continued from Page 1) and .Ben4lvolen",. ti!e. He • M"_ ,-rawford At E5SlIngar An automatic gas water . - Maybe you mined Qur grand premier showing, but you haven't . i ed the center of attraction-the beautiful Dew Chevrolet for m. ] . . 1954. It's still on disp~....;.sti11 waiting for you to. come in, tQ see it, to try it o~t for yourself. It's a wonderful car-with plenty of Dew featureS, More tlUm ever. before, Chevrolet is powered lor performance, engitieeredfor economy-the car that has more things that more people want. Come in now ••• see what 3Sc: CELLO.PACKAGE TOMATOES 23c per package CELLO~PACKAG'E ' CARROTTS 2 one-pound packages 29-=. heater provides all the hot water you n8ed for dish", showen. laundry, and other household demands. So enjoy plenty of hot water with the automatic gas watar heater you select at • prplumber's. dealer's . 01' any lthlladeiphia Electric , ,suburban store• all the commotion', about. ,IiIIiGllt,yf .' ;- RUMSEYCH-EVROLET , .. .. ' ,- . , " J '.' . .......... .; . 'SWarthmore 6-6130 .South Chester Roael ' Theal.. e Square -. .-. ,. _ ," "'.',- . . ;~ . PIILIIILPIII . ILIC'RIC COIiPII' • . - -,' ... -.-~ . " brMrs. tee.' •. wo!. . . book ." .: Smnue1. Car-. and tr'anIPortatlcm, and medleaI,peater OIl "That The World May . . evacuation, and man power dlvI_ KDow", and by JoIn.. A. S. ~anI _ ..I slona. Dyck OIl "Where'er The Sun. UIIidf "SWIIl'tImaore'. nearness to Phil_ • 12: ao p.m. adelphia-one of the nation's .89 Clrele 2 _ Chsirman, Mrs. H. H.. . ' . Dr. Mllan Wayne Garre«, 8110- crftical aress and to industrlal Hopkins will meet at home ot elate protessor of phYSics at Chester," ssJd Dr. Garrett, "makes Mrs. A. S. Johnson, Jr., 820 .N. SwarthmOre College anc\ director Its problems vety real Since it. is Chester road; co-bostesses, Mrs. of air wardens ot the Borough, evident tbat 80 per. cent .pt the D. Reed Gear and Mrs: John H. was the speaker at the burdenot civil detense, will ha~ Fawcett. Program; a talk by Mn. of the Woman'. ClUb, Tuesday. to be carried 'on b>:.the. women, C. M. Albright who will glve'some .. Dr. Gatrett, who was Inlroduced women IJUISt realhe their. ~n- interesting tacts about the Pres~ . by Mrs. Morns H. FUssell, 1Irst sibllity In this work.". byterlan. Church., . . viCe president and chal ot Many clup memben In the audl8:00 p.m.. : the civll'!!e!ense committee; spoke Bigoed cards showing in what Circle 10 -"Chalnnan, Mn. on "Swarthinore's Clvll Defense ailnsions they could help... Walter MoJr-whl meet In the ProblemS." Hosie.... tor the day Mrs. Woman's Association Room ot the :'The problem ot civll Avery F. B1aj..:.._--.----.:......_.-.:. ...._." .".-- --"'.-.--. -.- .".;. , 335 D.rtmouth Aye... J. F. BLACKMAN -" --.~.' . ~ .. Roofing . 'Gu~rs - AII' COllditlonl.g lOll LOST - Man's gold. EIglnb wrist d In t b ith expansIon an, wa c Rewar. w d Call village. , SWarthmore , 'f)adl' . I/tlY,OR EXIRA DUlY IHIS, WINT.R I YOU. C ,C• • "OW, 'z. .' . ' ft. fOIII "... ,:Z .,." eA- . - .... L4 _. . eft . LOST - Two keys. m ard 6-1985. brown leather key container.. Rew . Call SWarthmore 6-1639. GEORGE MYERS 41.Sw.rtfllllOre 6-07,.. VANALEN BROS. 200 W. Ridley AYe. . Ash811 & Rubbish B.-moved Lawna Mowed, General ~~~~::'I.;rIon, P.. 'Ridley 'ark sYI-6-4742 WA 8 2440 WILLIAM BROOKS _ AafIJOrlredf!:'fr:I~"Ors a OIL ATLANTIC FU' . lila:: .......... ~-= . =... ti~ ", '._...,.1 .. Chester nu., D.I . ~I,. Swartltnm ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -., ALE - Cow manure, for R S more 6-2772. 11 FO beds. Order \ gardens and ower aII. Glen noW Bruce F. Durn M. Moore 25.685 after 8 P. SALE.- 8" table saw, stand" . Charles -E. Fischer' 01 BURNERS FO~oto&~Un~~e ~iieeN~l. ~~~~8~-11I82. CHES'tER and FAIRVIEW ROADS 'Phon. SWaniiia:6f.... ,,"3681 ment for person 5 ft., 3~ to 4". $100 ory skIIa,. ·pole&, waxes , tL clamps and 8 size ..., Also new. b_ Cobbler's.. . ' ~::"~or IInIsh (made by expert- J.r' season Guaranteed, Standard Coal i ,. l~~~~iii~ii~~~~ & Son p, . '. ' '. .. ' . , '" 'CONfIACTORS ' . . Sto.. Wort . FLAGST.ONE OR • ·CONClm"'.ATIOS DrlYawlCrJ! c.......te.,.. ••W ''': .~.'UNG ~2253 . Swarthmore \ ·n,,"EN r!%J~ 01\ .011115. 01\ 'C.lllellt ••eI IIIDIl" ••d heating '"Ial,...t Sel'Ylce a.vallable to caito,..... OD all malre. all b.rDers Level paymellt pia. 011 oil bills. Auto~.tlc deliverle. of oil during tile heating , I OIL'HEAT ..,.. : 8UILDER . FOR- SALE Double bed Hollywood, complete. ~~Mth­ after 7 P.M. Monday, diffemllial ODd wheel .... n ..... end service bauery, .. spark p1up, ndlator and air a.;td ,,!I filters. DIM fa _ . . . . oar SincI....-ize.fOl' WiIaw S; IA 0Ifer. SWarthmore 6-8761 c FOR SALE • Por safe, We dtalll ~~_ ...:.... _ JOUr c:raDk........uv.....c , • lIS CARPENTRY "er'!aI plat!! with wires atu hed Call College' Post Office. tac. Small black terrier. F~~pots OVer eyes and on legs. collar. 'Call Swarthmore 6.4400. . . • end 0:; PAINTING and FOUND =~;;;:;;;:;;;;;: h;;;rmND~=-< campus. " _ . _. . .-...,.. " ' _ ....... 1ICnA1UIY " AIt~rations any ar- ~~~~LOST~~~ . . . . i' ." c., E, or for couple daughter. Call .@.t) .' . Morlo.. Po. CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL , Jack Prichard . Open Thun." CIIt~ ~~ay .~;."P.M. Op•• SCdwrday 'til 6 P~M. . 327 Maple AYe., t:':'~ :~~,~===~II IRON ....... E» . ;o~_ t:o ZI8 10 ..... , CI...... Form.rl, with Wilson 00,.,. -~- Working, Advanced and C?il. Paint- - - - -- .' ACME ... ~ Sheet Metal Work .- ' ;"o'n JeHords. Treasurer.iBox 261. Swarthillore JAMES H. FINCH $......_60144. . , $Via_ '-7t72 March tor 1. Rep..,. .' .. woman desires day or night. Call . .If you do not receive a notice and care to join and contribute, mail your checks to the . Sharo Hill 0734 sW~i W'Joooo:"":::-=jiiiu; ~::~~~II :":! APPLE SAUCE LOAF CAlB' - 29c' SW4.RtHMORE FIRE AND . -PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. '''~NA8LE NCD .. SWAUHMoa ...... SAMI'W ard. _ . a :.:,~.. , ~d maker), l.aaeaste......... F.....kfUl'te... ...'47., Dn.... Wldtla, s .;:,~ ... lb.,. CHICKENS ~. 45- •..;...........,. . & Slip Conn ...,.-...·:.:. .. ',.. ..r w .1•• C LAS S I F IE D . ADS So...... ". '. 1l00k 'I.oltster T.... , Chloll... PI.. ~=.l"': THOM sEREM BA .",..i ........hI! ••- .... • sSe '" S. . . W •••'. DeUdo. . ;L~. 4 . . Kls"u,'........Jutaut . _ " f.;: aeo taaca.te.. B~d 'S..... '..... ' It 4,. During the past few days you have received.l11e: annuainotice of dues of the' Swarthm~-r~'-Fire' . . and Pro~ective Associ~tion.; The S~a_rth'more Fire andPro'tective 'Association is a ';olunteer , or:9anizati~n working for the benefit of our community. SU'pport of .the Fire Compan'y is an investment in low Fire Insurance rates. It takes the cooperation of the entire' community to • malntain these low rates. = I!~PI~IIOI~-~..~~==n=====1 ~t ShoUld... ..... ,......~ I ..... •C""., Sqaare H~th One \ .~ . -,. M... C. H. Yarrow, Troop ary and·....... u_ Edward daughter E.. Han- er, accom....... _ on the Beth Hannum, ___ led the fllrla ofM Mr train. . . t Oberlin avenue celebrat_ _ _ _ _ _-::-_ num 0 rthd anniver_L __,""ean." ed her second' bi BY . "I saw It In the Swa...~_ sarY Wednesday. lema'••• CrG•• Cut::::" ~69c a Flank Steaka No 69c ,~ ~hooI. BlInd Aaocliltlon ine1ude lilts. J. , ~1 Golf, Mary Wlnters, NorV s libhop Clarence B. CampClark, Marganrt BuIUtt, Nancy d ..:... 'lIIts.. 14: H. 1'uAe1l, a.n Mrs. I'II8I'1e1dlng, Prather. Diane Philip G. Wrlghtsm~. . Corbett. ,. . . Lead ........ FOIIIMT ' t.. '.: CIUCK.ROast ~3ge Fire Company Dues: matle ------_. "'. !\. ----. , " i _. ui y . ~y --~-~---- -~ . bbor remember to release ~ To be a good party.liDe~~ne 'lise is. waiting u:! Ilne leasonably soon w h e n ' \. ,find the liDe .... it .•. and hang;upP?'~: will~~ the <:o~y." use. Your party.liDe , Beroice lor all, on the h".1 , Re.ult: beUer Ie ep 0 , . . .. " ~tU'~uji " ',' _ '--.~_ "The Feeling of Hostility 18 shown Wednesday "morning at 30 a.m. in the visual education' of.the HIgh ThIs J. . f ftlms pre th'; third of a sedes 0 to the. public by the coounJttee of. the Home ._--.-tion. d .........,... ,an . Us will proSIxth grade pup hool chIldrell vide care for to attend. A. whose parents wl11 follow the brief dlscwIslon showing of the fl1m. SW ".,18 .' c;:; < ... qQ==ij.~iiii~!i:E~~'i~~ b~ th~'1'nembers mualcianwho,helb~" ~he Teresa VOll Parades,· on Tuesday, and blInd 17M. ractlced.bed making and table. the ftrst school for '" p '. '. . ulrements Parif.'. • .'. . setting, two of the reg _ lnThe .. on January 28 ... ;!.; must meet, before their I'ly""_' the end. of ear• . .• JoIn. B........ Ferau- .U"" wUI preseo. 'relatlons " Troo No Jon, chairman ot public . (;h'1s .of .Junior HIgh p. .HEA~TH FILM '. TO I' .SHOWN n' WED. to Cochran, SWartb- ~ $S$ $, " . -~----------- --,--a wu ... _ - bTj!le for the BlInd Assoclation, whO who are worldng 101' their Drswl11 tell of the help' liven by Badge enjoyed a trip . IIJ,.,.,nty Needlewotk Gullcls to the PhI1ade1phis on Wednesday,.. silIhtleas ta the county. . thq' attended the television show S . rtbmoreans sc!l'V/ng oil the '-Cinderella W~H The atrls makof the county branch'of the. lng the trip were: ....d III banel ~ ·· . at· i ' i, ' . : '( is S, Drlyeway Coastncf(o. . . AspIIalt or ~itcr.te Cellar W.lIs Re-Plaster" Sw.rth_ ----:----- ," $ PETER 01 NICOLA to lead the way to good party-line service !>f the state ot Pennsylvania there Homes will rx; given by repre- Robert :cadlgan,. Mrs. Franklin .9difII are only III paid workers, Includ- sentatives each Home. Mrs" , • Frank S. Gillespie, 'James MacPherson; Ing sten?l(l'aphers. On the Circle 6from _ T. Mrs.: , . _....,;;;'";,0,_',-,'..;,'.'.',;.'__- . - - ' -__- - - -_____ level It IS a question . Herbert -Sanford-will meet at Robert Walker to the Board ot volunteers to give their lime and the home ot .Mrs. Carroll P. rleacons. ' effort. Streeter, 130 Columbia avenue; Dr. Garrett empbaslzed the Im- co-hostess. MnI. Sanford. Proporlance ot adequate warning in gram, Mrs. C; M. Albright will NEWS NOTES' air raids, A Bingle bomb of the lalk. , . modem type could cause 300 to Circle 7 _ Chairman, Mrs. H; Mrs. Henry A. Piper of North .,~ I. . . . . .h .......... · 500 thousand casualties. With antClarke-will meet at 'the Chester road Will entertaln at a i lIcient warning this lIgurecould home of Mrs. W. E. Medloid, 514 lunCheon'at her home Monday. 'be cut to 60 per cent ot this S. Chester road; cO-hostess,' Mrs. Mrs. -Frank R •. Morey ot Y!1le ·numlJer. John W. Pittock. avenue enterlalne4. at. a tea trom:' Charles Russell is dlrect~D of Circle 9' _ Chairman, Mrs. W. 3 to 5 on Thursday in honor 'Ot "~"": ~ civil defense in SWarth!nore, and A. Smith-will meet In t,he Dr. Gertrude Crandell ofWoostef, ,'" ...... ' .~ . .. - -" '\ the set-up conforms to the bor- Woman's Association .Room at the Ohio, and Mrs. Frances Enders, of ' ough's particular needs. Arrange'- church; CO-hoSteSses: Mrs. Edwin Elm avenue. Dr; Crandell ·bas. . ments have been made for severaJ P. Leonard and Mrs. Guido Sav- been visiting her daughters Mrs. "'J~. diVisions - wardens, firemen and elIi. Program: COl1tinua!lon at a Louis N. Rohlnson and Mt:s. Robert K. Enders ot Swarthni,ore. i'SS sSS'ss ~halrman, . You.~"'t _fltwI George to the Irustees; and Schoblnger Samuel L. Althowie, Mrs. : • i~, a~~uatedetense staff on all levels. from and Mrs. Reports department the Oscar three Hart. Presbyterian "~a.H . B~d, ~ ... :'~".' '~:h: -, - ' , -.'::.';..... , JUICY ~c: e. !lADld s "BUDd Hour" pro:-:eo:"ty BOred by the Dela Pennsylvania Branch of the ........ ·.AssoclaUon for the are ."... ._. this month on·WVCThUl'S-H. ...... ..-tion ...- at Z·p.m. o"er... "'"3to be ·heard ·on The program.. " A eBB. . .. . Girl S«:oufs Active" d ~erica.. tOWl~tlon 01 ~ BliBilThe Brownies of'Troops423 an a;;ilwlll tell the'Hfestory ofM~ ua vlslted the homes 0I.f01l1 of ;JuUllD'vJ1 ILiND 'ASSOC); w~ contln~ed, .. ~CL 9.51'1 , OIl ...-m W",II ........ ; , DAY and NIGHT Oil BURNER SERVICE MONDA,t'TQUSATtJRDAY ·NOON· . ·SW 6-4041 - ,- s1lND;iys • _ i. f . IUId HOLIDAYS COAL '''fJREP(jCe'viooo J.A.,GRIEN SWarthmore " • School' Pushes ' Plans For Complete Celnsu1si (Continued from Page 1) by the representative of the Departmoot of PubUclDatrucUon. ::t'h", plaD will be much less expensive and equally as adequate ffJr; loc!.l 'purposes aa would a cehsuB taken by the Federal census Bureau. 'At the present Ume, the check map of the Drn.: trict is being prepared and enumerators are being secui"ed for each area.' " If is hoped that there will be a number of volunteers fo'r this This is cated to v,:hose , owners not yet their all dedidogs have purchased 195Adog Ii- censes which go into effect TODAY vital community service. Since a total of 50: are needed, there are sUll several ;",ore, to be secured. Any' volunteers who' woUld 'care to participate in thiS program are asked to telephone Mrs. John Seybold, ,chairman of the' enumerators any morning at her home on Amherst avenue, Swarthmore 60460. The work should take· only a few days 'and it is 'aliticlpated that It will be undertaken within several weeks. Before the work is begun, instructions will be tbe enumerators at the time the forms are distributed. The questions to be asked of families this space Clark to Receiye 'e•• Alumni Merit' Award January 15th MOTHERS HOLD DINNER MEETJNG WIWam H. Clark, Haverfofd place, will be honored In recognition of outstanding service to the University of Pennsylvania at the Founder's Day exercises of the University tomorrow, JaDUary 16. Clark, who will receive an Alumni Award of Merit, is uslstant director ,'of' the employee acUvltles division of the Philadelphia Electric Company. He studied in the Unlverslty'~ Evening School of Accounts and FInance, and was graduated with a certificate of proficiency In 1944. He is a former president of the Evening School Alumni Society and ,!1S0 had ,the d1sUnction of being the, ,lint ~deDt of ,hIa .Jack Streeter of Collunbla avealumni 'class. ' nue, home on letVefl'om Camp His Interest In fund-raIBIng ac- Pickett, Va~ reports for duty at Uvltles on behalf of the Univer- Aberdeen, Md., JaDuary 18. slty has twice Won for him the Ii_.,iiiiiiiiiii,ii.iii,iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Alumni Annual Giving kchievement Award; ,he haa served on the editorial board of t1ie General,,I\lUd)nl Society, and is now All ~ of stuff' general ch'&iiiDan of the Eve.rlng on oU,r School's Golden Anniversary Committee. ' '~MuIs and Clutter TaitIe" Earl G. HarrIson -' of MoylaD!lose V"lley, former dean of the at ,price or lessl Law School at Penn and presldoot of the, General 'Alumni Soclety, will present the award. COME and GET rn '12 alice -, M~ef the.N;~#eeople at . '.' ".- . ,. ,~=t=~iii~~~~:i\:'iFOR ~ !HAT DAY of DAYS COME to SP-=_I'~-= .............e.......:::::!:~CHESTER'S fashion Corner WHY? ,BE(;:AUSE ~ EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH'STS. , " ' SrAf~~"~ WEDDING " IS . That's right. Let Spore's help you , ' make that day-a truly glorious one. - . "- AT " , Our Bride Consultant ...ill be happy SP-EARE'S to discuss any' of the fashion ques,tions ...hich might arise. MARCH- FOR POLIO Bridal Salon. From the glorious Bride to the each outfit is -carefully selected 9nd prepared. -Let us join you in preparing for this happy day. death of her mother Mrs, Nancy bahn, Mrs. J osepb Donovan; kitEasUp Pfordt, widow of: Charles chen supervision - Mrs. James Christopher ,Pfordt, following __ a ~onnor, chainnan; Mrs. George Dunn, Mrs. F. G. Forwood, 'Mrs. three-year lllness In the Claypoole John JlIvornisky, Mrs, Fred Kelly; Nursing Home in Indiana, Pa. She flna~c_Mrs. H, W, McAIUster, was 87. ' chlllrnlan; Mrs. Donald Hand, Mrs. Burial was Saturday in Prospect Cemetery, Tarentum, Pa., where Wesley Simon, Mrs. Richard Eckthe greater part of Mrs, Easlip's enroth; pick-up, Mrs. Harlle Rey_ life was spent in active service nard, chainnan; hot dishes-Mrs. In her Church a siriger in the Brinton Liddell, ~balrman; Mrs: choir and a, teacher in the Sunday Mason Lindsay, Mrs. Roberta Sa10m; salad, Mrs, John School. , 'Mr. and Mrs. Williams returned schade, cha1rman; Mrs, David Morgan,' Mrs: William Rial, and . h9me Sunday, night. Mrs. R~. - ,. .. . Rolls and butter, Mrs, William ARTS CENTER PARTICIPATI!S Abbe, chairman; Mrs, Edward . IN EXCHANGE EXHIBIT The, Community Arts Cooter In Havens, Mrs. David Field; meatWallingford is currenlly having Mrs., ChaTles Schrader, chainnan; an exchange exhibit with the Mrs, George Wilbur, Mrs, Walter Chester County' Art AsSociation, Lewicki, Mrs. John McKinney, The ~liihitlon of paintings by Mrs. G. S. Townes. Mrs. Vernon members of the lalter group at Urbani; coffee-Mrs. Joho Patterthe, Arts Center, ROllers, hl~e; on ,son, chairman; MTS. 'George GlaesJanuary 3 and will continue ser, Mrs. Davis Hopson, Mrs. J. W. throughout the month of January. Loveland, Mrs. Robert VanRavenThe exhibition by members of sway; desserts, Mrs, Alfred Manthe Arts Center opened January gels; chairman; Mrs, John McWil10 in the New Art Center Build- liams, Mrs. C. T. Smith; and cleah_ ing, 100 North Bradford avenue up, Mrs. H~ M. Bunting~ chairman; (west end of Market street), West MTs, Fred Michel, and Mrs. William Hanison. Chester, The pubUc is welcome to attend both of these exhibitions, Bridal Salo~econd Roor as Fa"uloDs,FigD"'~S • ,, ...... '," . . , '- , That's the numbero-f prescriptions we deliv- ered during the snowstorm on Monday! So no matter what the weather , learn • • • ); " ~ a Precious aQet. Guard It ~all)'. Consult your .- phYSlaan ar the first suggenion of illness. And be sure to bring hlo P Swarthmore Home and School Aasoclatlon will present Dr. Robert A. 'Welch, practicing' psychlatriat as the guest speaker at its meeting Tuesday, January 26, in the High School Audlto- Dr. Welch hi an Instructor ill PI1ehiatiT at the TC!IIlple Uniftr-. ',tIb" School Of ~edlcllle Ud Is ,; well qUawIed to 'sPeak 'lin his topIe, "The EmotioDai AspectI of ,:8ducaticm." The 8 o'cJqck meeting will be Pzeceded by_the custom....,. 80Clal hour at 7:10 ,Pm. ill the Colletle Avenue SclIOo1. ~1Ifeter1a.:aetreshments wl11 be ..-weI by eighth IrBdemothen' with Mrs. H. D. ilevan aDd Mrs. s. W. Hollander as co-ehalrmen. The public hi ciOrdlalIy _invited to attend. - Local Women toMarch For Polio Tuesday P.M. SW,•1m CI_ubMe_mbers'h"' ,III' A'ppr'oaching40' , 0Mark-' FIre whistles at 6: 55, 7 o'clock and' 7: 05 next Tuesday night, will shout out the beginning of Swarthmore's march against pollo. The firsthlast will be the slgnal for residents to tum on their, It'.'going, pgoing, ogoner c h llghts. The second will alert as -SwartluItore famIlIes con- the marc, hers, women all tinue to jOin the .Swiu1hmore over the borough who by 7: 05 will Swim Club. With less ,thaD 100. ' ' be on their teet aDd at Ughted members at the start ot the new ' 'doorways for contributions to the year, over 100 appllc,tions were received during 'the first week', of fUnd which may this year, make January _ nearly '100 the second posSIble the victory oVer this crippling disease., we"k and the total members now are approaching ~OO. With almost Mrs• .1;. ,V. S. Bishop, general 70- workers who continue to ,re- chairman of the Pollo Drive in ceive family memberships, it is Swarthmore, has announced the entirely possible that the ,mBXi- borough's campaign as follows: ' mum total of 500 mell)berships Barton Calvert will visit ,the Miss Lewis, of will be achieved within the pres- business holfses of the village, and Will Review Currerit ent month. Swarthmor~ families Howard Sipler Is In charge of the PI who have not sent in their aP7 dlstrib;'Uon aDd collection of coin ays pllcaUons and money may nnd hoxes, The Boy Scouts will POst The annual 'luncheon honoring themselves on a waiting lIst the stickers bef!)re TUesday night's new and reinstated members of rather thaD "in the swim." march, iI1ld Girl Scouts are taking the Woman's Club of Prospective merr..bers are urged OD the job of cleaning up the rewill be given Tuesday, January to take immediate action in order mlnders on Wednesday. "26, at 12: 30 p.m. Miss Jessie Lewis to Insure membership 'for tllis The CQ1Jege Theatre will, carry will presoot the afternoon pro- year's swimming. All signed ap- a 'trailer In the Intereat of the 1I1'am, a review viewed, and many are deficit, now on file. Workers should be - The Board went through the Mental. Health Films There will be a Neigbborhood' su!;e to complete all work this, formality of passing, a resolution Meeting of all,Adwt Glr( Scouta we\!k. legalizing the ~-class·d1strict ~ In the Woman's Association room rating census, which It' plans to Enthusiasm for the curren\ of the PresbyteriailChurch on begin any day now. It Is estimated series of motion plcWres sponsor- Tuesday, January 26, at 1 o'clock. The, Junior Woman's ClUb has work of Ute 50 volunteer enumed by the health coJjtinlttee ot the This mootlna wlU concern iiseIt announcecf its declslon- to· devOte erators autl!.orlzed to list current Home and School Aasoclatlon is cbiefly with~ ., se1f-evaluatlon of the proceeda of its annual benefit residents under the resolution will nmning so high that Wednesday SeoutlDg In Swatllimore. One to be held oil the night of Feb- complete their work within one evC!DlnL showings h've been add- Leader fI'om each Troop has been rusry 18 to the Delaware County, week of. the starting date. ed to the weekly schedule. ' asked to give a brief talk on her Home for Crippled Children In After a discussion of correcting In ~ddition to the 'regular mom-, Troop activliies to date. her plana Lansdowne. _ overloaded,- unbalanced electrical inK movies already being shown In lor the remainder of Ute year, Mrs. Robert Green, club pt'esi_ circuits. In the high school - and the visual education room of the what problems she may have en- dent, has called a special meeting bringing present sub - standard high school from 10:30 to 11:30, countered and the general "ttltude of the Junior Board on Tuesday lighting up to that of more modern repeat" performances will beheld of_ her, Troop, both girla evening, Jan\l8l'Y 28, at the home classrooms here aDd elsewhere, it every Wednesday evening at 8 adults, towaad the SeouUng pro- of Ruth Wagner, Dlckl_ ave- was decided the School DiStrIct p.m. In the same place. ,gram. " nue. to _plete plaOll, for the 'Was In no position to take on any 'l'bI8 ~ peutdt busy fath..... to' iI'rom,- tIH!cIe ' P ...... ari.... - t , to be buUt, around a brief new expendltqre,atuu. time. Dr.' share ill the "learning and under- NeJcb!jorhoocl C!lImCU ' wl11 faahibli show by Marie DoaneJl:r. $amuel C8l'pentet-, propei l.t -cilialrstanding" procee'which so deavor to determine boW CommI~ chairmen wiD be 1111- man. who bad, urgeci the I\1lpormany moUIers are DOW experI8Ilc-ant ScoutIng. hi to' Swartbmoft!, Douneed fblJowlng the meeting. tance of tile move, If onlY in Ing alone. what kind of ~ should h4i" piece-meal fuhion, qreed, to its ''Who's' Bolls?" Is the, provoea- ~ed, and to whom. IIO!llt year. MEMOIIAL SElYICIS temporary deferment. tive tlUe of the fllm to be shown 'Any person Interasted In the FOI MAITHA~HAYILAND Adjourning ,before 10 o'clock, next Wednesday. Ita theme hi future.of Gltl 8coullbgln ~Memorial Services will be held' the members will reconvene at competition in n'IlIrrlage. more hi weJeome to atotend this at, 2:30 Saturday afternoon iD. !be Ogden avenue home of SecFlIms run approximately one meeting and exprell lier thoughta Swarthmore FrIends Meeting retary Mary--Spmer at 7:30 Wed.. halt hour followed by, brief grOup on the .ubject, briell;y. House for Martha Haviland whose· !lesday evening, February< S. for dIsCussion. The public (~aJ]y J'inal plana for !be G.ltl Scout deaUt occurreti Wednesday eve- one of the Board', series of 'dIstathe-rS!) ls eamestl;jr aDd cordla1- CooIde Sale; wldch -beglna- Feb- ,ning, 'J",\uary20; at' Memorial cIi8sIons em educational' matters 1y invited. . ' ruary 5, will be discussed. Hospital, WIISf-Chester. With members of the faC1,llty• C E Hannum O·les Sunday'.In A'nzona ,fl. &S. lio D",' r:- resent, , 0 R ' b rt; A W 'Ich .. r.', 0 e . e RED COURSE COURSE f3.50, PER YEAR All persona planning to take the class in Standard Red Cross FIrst Aid are asked to report to the Legion Room on TUesday evening, January 26, at 7 o'clock. For fur- Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop Heads ther informallion, call Vu-ginla Rath at SWarthmore 6~608. be:- ' Local Campaign tWeeD 5:30 and 6:30 p,m. for Funds vote the Swarthmore Puhllc Library AasocIation election on Saturday, January 23, during Library hours and on Monday, JantIary 25. 'VoUng on- Monday . will take place -during LibrarY hOurs 'until 8 p.m. when the AllOual Meetlng_ begins and the ballot box is closed. Swarthmore's CIvil ~ense per~ sonnel will get a workout In disaster procedures, 'next Wednes-:day, January 27, when aD area alert sounds oft at 7 p,m. C. D. organizations In 12 eastern Poon• • -_.Co tI ill d I ay v....... un es w 'reo er aa~DCe to- ~4in&" the ''incident'' Schedu1.ed tor this drill. I>elaware 'County's mission w i l l , .. d _ Old ", be_,to man, MaSi ,Care. Centers tQ _O pera,e _ est ! ' such depth that they could be acAgency In tually operated for.a ,peri()d, of, 10 , A' successive daYS, THe test will,'be - rea similar to the one, held' -In' OcClarenceE. Hannum, partner ~ tober wllen Philadelphia was the Hannum 'aDd Walte, ,was burled, target City.' ' In Eaatlawn cemetery here yesterAlthough Wednesday's drill Is day afternoon' follow!ngservlces being staged primarily for Civil conducted by a fellow RotartaD, Defense, and there_ will be' no_ the Rev. Joseph' P. Bishop of the blackout, the publlc' Is urged to Sw8rt.hmore PresbyteriaD Church, cooperate. All persona are urlied at a Norwood funeral home. to go to the sa-teat, place available, A llfeUme SwarthmoreaD Mr. ~'t!iey would during aD Hannum suff!!red· an aslhmatie actual attaclt., Utlllties showd be condition which, several years ago, turned oR, aDd radios kept OD for foreed him to 11,\ to ArIzona where C.D. broadcasts. The public Is also he dled,ln~e ElkalfospltaJ, Tuc-, asked, not-' to use the telephones soli e,ilrly Sundll)" morning, ' during "CondlUon Red", aild ' for Born' on Baltimore pike oppo~ halt hour after "An Clear" UD- site' the entrance_ to, Riverview less there' hi aD emel1lency'-; avenue on M:8y'26, 1886 he otten Persona on the streets and out spoke of the Ume when' there 'of-' doors '&r!' to seek shelter _on were only f!.ve houses In Swarththe 'red signal, aDd -all passengers more. He was the'son of Martha arriving ,at train or trolley "sla-Riglcy Hennumand ~ward WIor-, t10as during the cO!1dltion ied ralI Hannum, _ postmaster of - ..should seek shelter b!;:the neare.~ SWlU'thmbre' frt>m 1_ to 1908, \IUil~ un\il ,the All Clear', duriD8 which tb:ne the ,combined , """'~; " . I, ' ,,'drug dare ~d poet oftIcI!' mov8J;l. , JloetjJn, lIDd" OtJMn:a" ,". ,1ftm,tIIe.~~,,<4,g:cptr'q18~ , lIIifolseeli ein~ 'travel 'dar- ,~ Park aVenue to the Shl'rer Inc the test, are asked - to call l:mlJdlng. poIlce hea!fquarter& for police . . Afteratteudlnl the Oakdale cart to their destln,Uons. FIre en- School on BalUmore pik8 he transaInea, ambulaDces and other 8r!ler- ferred to the Old Yale aDd Rutge!'ll IeIlCY vehicles will be' ",ovIng avenue school whl~ hlld bIlt one. 4arIDIf the test. , " teacher at the time. Clvli nee- w~ aboU1d, He left sq,IlOOl In-' the ninth notify the1rdlvlalon ,chleta)f they giade to assls1 m. father_In a,~ ,do not" have their armbands; as cert businellS Which, - the ,lI!tter ,an u.c- without such Identlftea- Ilrst ope.rated as Haanum aDd tIon will 'be- stopped aDd asked Huflial on Chester ,,other '!Oo, :l{o!nry, as E. W. ~ check that they have their Hantium aDd Son at the site of tbe InstFuctiona. present food market at Yale and . A tbt1ie-mlnute warbung of sIr-- Kenyon avenues. " ens orsbortblasts on the whistles Mr. Hannum entered the emIs the '!CondlUOl1Red attack" s1g- ploy ot the local post office aDd 01., -Tru> ,"Ail Clear" signal is ilr 1917 wed LUcy E.Black who u.ree; ateedy one _minute blasts ,of also worked at the PGS:l offic".;Fol-' sirens oJ;. whlstl..,. separated - by loWIng World War I he spent Ii two miDutea of silence. year or ,so with the swarthmore --------"'-, Garage; preseritly housing the Co(Continued ,0, n. pa.g"e 5) rlwn. prJ-, alway-. SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 19M VOLUME 26-NUMBER 4. At Michael's College Pharmacy~ Inc. P.M. ," PsycJliatrist • Va, by aU means, lear.: the ,~_ concerning ),our phyoical condilioll. Health THE SWARTHMOREA as All the necessary items are found 'i~ our ~~:!.s , PAINTING . REPAIR 9C?ld, Lanlc Luilcllfte' Mr. Avery F; Blake of-Amherst aveQue returned from a business trip to Boston. - 7:00 WOMEN U1U111'lDilIRIII""IR1!IIDUlnUlIRIIIIIIRI'HIR'IiiIIiIIII' Despite the recent heavy snowfall, a large turnout at members of the Swarthmore Mother's Club and their husbands was reported at the annual Father's Night dinner hel~ last night at McCahan Hall, Harvard avenue. The guest speaker was Roy McCorkel, directime are much less numerous than tor of CARE's self-help program, who spoke on "The Responslbillty in the 1950 census. of the United States In World AfLW.V. STUDY G~UPS fairs," Mrs, Edward Thomas InWILL MEET NEXT WIEEld traduced, the ,peaker. The Individual Liberties Study General chairman for the roastGroup of the Swarthmore League beef dinner was Mrs, E, L, Conof Women Voters, will meet at 8 well, who has reported the fol,p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. lowing assistants: decoratlonWilliam J. Cope, N9. 8 Crum Mrs. Thomas McIlhenny, chalrLedge, . Mrs, John Derickson, Mrs, , "Our State Constitution" will be Ernest Federoff, Mrs. David Field, the subject of another study group, Mrs, Joho Gersbach, Mrs, Harold which will meet for the first Urne Hildestad, and Mrs. C, Wl1liam at the home of Mrs, Philip Alloo Ramsay. of Cedar Hill Fann, Medla, WedTable arrangement-Mrs, Lenesday, JlUluary 20 at 9:30 am. Roy Peterson, chairman; Mrs. All memhers and interested i>er- Robert Pfeifer, Mrs, Keyes, Mrs. .ons are invited. -' \ Walter Shelly, and Mrs. Henry Roth; hostess-Mrs, E. H, Lee Bauer, chairman; Mrs, Peter Coste, Mrs, ot Uni- Mrs. 'Edward Thomas, Mrs, Edv!!rsity place, waS c~U~ a~ay on Wednesday, January 6 by' the ward Coslett; Mrs. Thomas Thbr- Miss Anne J. Perkins of c,;dar lane ente~ined recently at an in_ tormal evening party., The guests Included MIss Kitty Smith of Wellesley road, Mr" and Mrs. Oliver Tait of Springfield, M'... Josephine Smith of -Ogdoo avenue,' Miss Elizabeth Harrar of Princeton avenue, and Mr. Howard Williams of North'Ch~ road. L~rt~ft 5' ' • Pulled OUt of the R'II I course Adult Girl Scouts TCLM, anuary 26 J, To Get "nd Showing To Aid County Home ..~ .: 'NTENT'ONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ........, .. , mE SWARTJlMOREAN Page 8 I School Pushes Plans For Complete Census (Continued from Page I) by the representative of the Department of Public Instruction. :rhe plan will be much less expensive and equally as adequate for, local purposes as would a census taken by the Federal Cc'nsus Bureau. At the present time, the check map of the Dis- trict is being prepared and enumerators are being secured for each area. It is hoped that there will be a number of volunteers for this vital community service. Since a total of 50· are needed, there are still several more to be secured. Any' volunteers who would care to participate in this program are asked to telephone Mrs. John Sey-bold, . chairman of the enumerators any morning at her home on Amherst avenue, Swarthmore 6- . January IS, 1954 Clark to Receive Penn Ibeing the lIrst president of • M • A d alumni class. Alumni erlt war His interest in fund-raising .Tack Streeter of Columbia avenue, home on leave from Camp ac- Pickett, Va., reparts for duty at This space IS dediWilliam H. Clark, Haverford tivities on behalf of the Unlver- Aberdeen, Md., .Tanuary 18. cated to dogs place, will be honored in recogsity has twice won for him the IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII nition of outstanding service to Alumni Annual Giving Achievewhose owners have the University of Pennsylvania at the Founder's Day exereises of ment Award; he has served on not yet purchased the University tomorrow, January the editorial board of the General ,AluD!ni Society, and is now All Sorts of Stuff their 1954 dog li- 16.Clark, who will receive an general chainnan of the Evening on our Alumni Award of Merit, is assis- School's Golden Anniversary Comcenses which go into tant director of the employee ac- mittee. "Muss and CIUffer Table" tivities division of the PhiladelEarl G. Harrison of Moylaneffect phia Electric Company. He studied Rose Valley, fonner dean of the at .price or lessl in the University's Evening School Law School at Penn and president TODAY of Accounts and Finance and was of the General 'Alumni Society, graduated with a certificate of will present the award. January 15th proficiency in 1944. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. , He is a fonner president of the Mr. Avery F. Blake of Amherst • Evening School Alumni Society avenue returned from a business and also had the distinction of trip to Boston. . COME and GET IT! liz 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInJ Despite the recent heavy snowa, few days 'and it is anticipated fal1, a Jarge turnout of members that it will be undertaken within of the Swarthmore Mother's Club several weeks. Before the work and their husbands was reported is begun, instructions will be at the annual Father's Night dinthe enumerators at the time the ner held last night at McCahan forms are distributed. The ques- Han, Harvard avenue. The guest tions to be asked of families this speaker was Roy McCorkel, directime are much less numerous than tor of CARE's self-help program, who spoke on "The Responsibility in the 1950 census. of the United States in World Affairs." Mrs. Edward Thomas inL,W,V. STUDY GROUPS WILL MEET NEXT WEEK troduced the speaker. The Individual Liberties Study General chairman for the roastGroup of the Swarthmore League beef dinner was Mrs. E. L. Conof Women Voters, will meet at 8 well, who has reported the folp.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. lowing assistants: decorationWilliam J. Cope, No. 6 Crum Mrs. Thomas McIlhenny, chairLedge. man; Mrs. John Derickson, Mrs. . 1I0 ur State Constitution" will be Ernest Federoff, Mrs. David Field, the subject of another study group, Mrs. John Gersbach, ~Irs. Harold which will meet for the first time Hildestad, and Mrs. C. William at the home of Mrs. Philip Allen Ramsay. of Cedar Hill Fann, Media, WedTable ?rrangement-MTs. Lenesday, January 20 at 9: 30 a.m. Roy Peterson, chairman; Mrs. All members and interested per- Robert Pfeifer, Mrs. Keyes, Mrs. sons are invited. Walter Shelly, and Mrs. Henry Roth; hostess-Mrs. E. H. Lee 8EREAVED Bauer, chairman; Mrs. Peter Coste, Mrs. Paul D. Williams of Uni- Mrs. Edward Thomas, Mrs. Edv~rsity place, was called away on ward Coslett,· Mrs. Thomas ThorWednesday, January 6 by the bahn, Mrs. Joseph Donovan; kitdeath of her mother Mrs. Nancy chen supervision - Mrs. James Easlip Piordt, widow of Charles Connor, chairman; Mrs. George Christopher Pfordt, following - a Dunn, Mrs. F. G. Forwood, Mrs. three-year illness in the Claypoole Nursing Home in Indiana, Pa. She John Javornisky, Kelly; finance-Mrs. H. Mrs. W. Fred McAllister, was 87. chairman; Mrs. Donald Hand, M'rs. Burial was Saturday in Prospect Cemetery, Tarentum, Pa., where enroth; pick-up, Mrs. HarHe Rey_ the greater part of Mrs. Easlip's nard, chairman; hot dishes-Mrs. Ufe was spent in active service Brinton Liddell, chairman; Mrs: in her Church as a singer in the choir and a teacher in the Sunday Mason Lindsay, Mrs. Roberta SaSchool. lorn; salad, Mrs. John EspenMr. and Mrs. Williams returned h~me Sunday night. Mrs. Ree:w. RoUs and c:ltter, Mrs. William ARTS CENTER PARTICIPATES Abbe, chairman; Mrs. Edward IN EXCHANGE EXHIBIT Havens, Mrs. David Field; meatThe Community Arts Center in Mrs. Charles Schrader, chairman; Wallingford is currently having Mrs. George Wilbur, Mrs. Walter an exchange exhibit with the Lewicki, Mrs. John McKinney, Chester County Art Association. Mrs. G. S. Townes, Mrs. Vernon The ~xhibition of paintings by members of the latter group at Urbani; coffee-Mrs. John Patterthe. Arts Center, Rogers lane, on son, chairman; M'rs. George GlaesJanuary 3 and will continue ser, Mrs. Davis Hopson, Mrs. J. W. throughout the month of January. Lovelanu, Mrs. Robert VanRavenThe exhibition by members of sway; desserts, Mrs. Alfred Manthe Arts Center opened January gels, chairman; Mrs. John McWil10 in the New Art Center Build- liams, Mrs. C. T. Smith; and cleaning, 100 North Bradford avenue up, 1\1rs. H. M. Bunting, chairman; (west cnd of Market street). West M'rs. Fred Michel, and Mrs. William Harrison. Chester. . The public is welcome to attend both of these f.!xhibitions. You Meet the Nicest People at 0460. Thc work should take only • his all MOTHERS HOLD DINNER MEETING THAT That's right. Let Spe1lre's help you make that day a truly glorious one, AT Our Bride Consultant will be happy SPEARE'S to discuss any of the fashion ques. tions which might arise, All the necessary items are found in our Bridal Salon. From the glorious Bride to the each outfit is carefully selected ~nd prepared, let us join you in pre. paring for this happy day. Bridal Salon-Second Floor ~F~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II -I ~~,~R~_ ~~:::~, :::~~~h.:r~ial~aaV~~ learn Miss Anne J. Perkins of Cedar lane entertained recently at an ili~ tormal evening party. The guests included Miss Kitty Smith of Wellesley road, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tait of Springfield, Miss Josephine S~ith of Ogden avenue, Miss Ehzabetlt Harrar of Princeton avenue, and Mr. Howard Williams of North Ches~r road. PAINnNG REPAIR WORK C.II JOHN CHAMBERS Mo"o., Po. );. • Y .... by all means, le~ the ~acts concerning your hySlca1 condition. Health ~ a precious asSet. Guard It ca~~fuUy. Consult your ph~laan at the fit.t sug. gesaon of illness. And be s~ to bring his Prescrip. tions here, where you are ~ careful compound_ IDg IUId fair pri-. alway.. r F b i F . · a U ODS Ignres ... . 46 , That's the number of prescriptions we deliv- , ered during the snowstorm on Monday! So no matter what the weather • MARCH FOR POLIO THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 26-NUMDER 4 Air Raid Wednesday .Will Alert 12 Counties Michael's College Pharmacy, Inc. (on the corner) is as close as your telephone. Just call SW 6-0857. CATHERMAN'S DRUGSTORE May ~e fill YOUR next pres~ription? MEdia 6.2604 • JAN, 26th LIBRARY ELECTION Jessie Lewis Women's Luncheon Honors New Members H. &S. To Present Psychiatrist Will Speak At 8 O'clock Meeting . At High School The . Swarthmore Home and School Association will present Dr. Robert A. Welch, practicing psychiatrist as the guest speaker at its meeting Tuesday, January 26, in the High School Auditorium. Dr. Welch is an Instructor in psychiatry at the Temple University School of Medicine and is well qualified to speak on his topiC, ''The Emotional Aspects of -Education." The 8 o'clock meeting will be preceded by the customary social hour at 7:30 p.m. in the College Avenue School Cafeteria. Refreshments will be served by eighth grade mothers with Mrs. H. D. Bevan and Mrs. J. W. Hollander as co-chairmen. The public is cordially invited to attend. $3,50 PER YEAR SWARTIlMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22,1954 All residents 01 the Borough who are qualilled to vote in the municipal elections are entitled to vote at the Swarthmore Public Public Cooperation Asked Library Association election on Saturday, January 23, during Liin Civil Defense Drill brary hours and on Monday, January 25. Voting on Monday will at 7 p, M. take place during Library hours Swarthmore's Civil Defense per- until 8 p.m. when the Annual sonnel will get a workout in dis- Meeting begins and the ballot box aster procedures next Wednes- is closed. day, January 27, when an area alert sounds off at 7 p.m. C. D. organizations in 12 eastern Pennsylvania Counties will render assistance to' Reading, the "incident" scheduled for this drill. Delaware County's mission will Oldest Autoi be to man Mass Care Centers to Operated such depth that they could be aoAgency In tually operated fora period of 10 Area successive days. The test will be similar to the one held in OcClarence E. Hannum, partner in tober when Philadelphia was the Hannum and Waite, was buried target city. in Eastlawn cemetery herl! yesterAlthough Wednesday's drill is day afternoon following services being staged primarily for Civil conducted by a fellow Rotarian, Defense, and there will be no the Rev. Joseph P. Bishop of the Miss Lewis, of lansdowne, blackout, the public is urged to SwartJunore Presbyterian Church, Will Review Currerit cooperate. All persons are urged at a Norwood funeral home. Plays to go to the salest place available, A lifetime Swarthmorean Mr. exactly as they would during an Hannum suffered an asthmatic The annual luncheon honoring actual attack.. Utilities should be condition which, several years ago, new and reinstated members of turned off, and radios kept on for forced him to go to Arizona where the Woman's Club of Swarthmore C.D. broadcasts. The public is also he died in the Elks Hospital, Tuc- will be given TuesdayI January asked not to use the telephones son early Sunday morning. 26, at 12:30 p.m. Miss Jessie Lewis during ''Condition Red" and for Born on Baltimore pike oppo- will present the afternoon proa half hour after "All Clear" un- site the entrance to. Riverview gram. a review of plays of the less there is an emergency: avenue on May 26, 1886 he often current season. Persons on the streets and out spoke of the time when there· Miss Lewis wfls born in central of doors are to seek shelter on were only five houses in Swarth- New York State, but was still in the red signal, and all passengers more. He was the son of Martha the grades when the family_ moved arriving at train or trolley ·sta- Higley Hannum and Edward Wbr- to Philadelphia. Her present home tions during the condition red raIl Hannum, postmaster of is in Lansdowne. She was edushould seek shelter in the nearest Swarthmore from 1899 to 1908, cated at Swarthmore College, building until the "All Clear" durinll which time the combined where she majored in dramatics sounds. drug store and post office moved and was known on the campus for Doctors and others requiring ftom the corner of Chester road her prominence in the. eolll;!ge prounforseen emergency travel dur~ and Park avenue to the Shirer ductions. . ing the test are asked to call building. Since graduation Miss Lewis palice headquarters for police esAIter attending the Oakdale has played with many Little Theacort to their destinations. Fire en- School on Baltimore pike he trans- tre groups, among them Plays and gines, ambulances and other emer- ferred to the Old Yale and Rutgers Players, the Swarthmore Players gency vehicles will be moving avenue school which had but one Club and the Lake Placid Players. during the test. teacher at the time. For over a· year she was part of Civil Defense workers should He lett school in the ninth .Tasper Deeter's Hedgerow Repnotify their divlslonchlefs It they grade to assist his father In a gr0- etory Theatre at Rose Valley. She do not have their annbands, as cery business which the latter has done considerable directing all those without such Identillca- lIrst operated as Hannum and tor various groups, and thus has tion will· be stopped and asked Hulnal on Chester road and later the point of view of the producer to take shelter•. Workers should with another son, Henry, as E. W. as well as of the acIQr. She has also check that they have their Hannum and Son at the site of the also appeared on television. This instructions. present food ";arket at Yale and winter she is giving a course deal_ ing with the history of the drama A three-minute warbling of sir- Kenyon avenues. Mr. Hannum entered the emfor a group sponsored by the ens or short blasts on the whistles is the "Condition Red attack" sig- ploy of the local post office and Lansdowne Branch of the Amernal. The "All Clear" signal is in: 1917 wed Lucy E. Black who ican Association of University Wothree, steady one .minute blasts of also worked at the post office. Fol(Continued on Page 4) sirens or whistles separated by lowing World War I he spent a year or so with the Swarthmore two minutes of silence. Garage, presently housing the Co(Continued .on Page 5) Dr. Robert A. Welch • • TUESDAY • Sunday in Arizona EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. rs, 7:00 P,M, WOMEN c. E. Hannum Dies DAY of DAYS COME to SP ESTER'S---E~as""!""h-ion~Co::-r-ne-r WHY? BECAUSE WEDDING ..... ," Adult Girl Scouts To Meet January 26 Mental Health Films To Get 2nd Showing Enthusiasm for the current series of motion pictures sponsored by the health committee of the Home and School Association is running so high that Wednesday evening. showings have been added to the weekly schedule. In addition to the regular morning movies already being shown in the visual education room of the high school from 10:30 to 11:30, repeat' performances will be held every Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. in the same place. This will permit busy fathers to share in the "learning and understanding" processes which so many mothers are now experiencing alone. "Who's Boss?" is the provocative title of the film to be shown next Wednesday. Its theme is competition in marriage. Films run approximately one half hour followed by brief group discussion. The public (especially fathers!) is earnestly and cordially invited. There will be a Neighborhood Meeting of all Adult Girl Scouts in the Woman's Association room of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, January 26, at 1 o'clock. This meeting will concern iIBelf chiefly with a self-evaluation at Scouting in Swarthmore. One Leader from each Troop has been asked to give a brief talk on her Troop activities to date, her plans for the remainder of the year, what problems she may have encountered and the general attitude of her Troop, both girls and adults, toward the Scouting program. ~From these summaries, the Neigbborhood Council will endeavor to determine how important Scouting Is to Swarthmore, what kind of program should be offered and to whom, next year. Any person interested in the future of Girl Scouting in Swarthmore is welcome to attend this meeting and express her thoughts on the subject, briefly. Final plans for the Girl Scout Cookie Sale, which ·hegins February 5, will be discussed. RED COURSE COURSE Local Women to March For Polio Tuesday P.M. All persons planning to take the class in Standard Red Cross First Aid are asked to report to the Legion Room on Tuesday evening, January 26, at 7 o'clock. For fur- Mrs , ther infonnation, call Virginia 1 Rath at SWarthmore 6-4608, be-' tween 5: 30 and 6: 30 p.m. . Club Membersh"Ip·, SWim Approaching 400 Mark I . J. V, S. Bishop Heads I • oca Campaign for Funds L Fire whistles at 6: 55, 7 o'clock and 7:05 next, will shout out the begmmng of Swarthmore's march against po~io. The first blast WIll be the s'gnal for residents to tUrn On their porch lights. The second will alert the marchers, women fr·~m all .... over the borough who by 7: 05 will be on their feet and at lighted doorways for contributions to the tund which may this year, make possible the victory over this crippling disease. Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. general chairman of the Polio Drive In Swarthmore, has announced the borough's campaign as follows: Barton Calvert will visit the -business -houses of the village, and Howard Sipler is in charge of the distribution and collection of coin boxes. The Boy Scouts will past the stickers before Tuesday night's march, and Girl Scouts are taking on the job of cleaning up the reminders on Wednesday. The College Theatre will carry a trailer in the interest of the drive, While Young Adults of the Swarthmore Presbyterian will add their bit in passing coin boxes ·between shows. Mrs. Bishop's captains in the campaign include Mrs. Milton H. Fussell, Mrs. George Armitage, Mrs. Johan Natvig, Mrs. Ruffin Herndon, assisted by Mrs. Joseph QuInlin and Mrs. J. A. Calhoun with Mrs. Henry B. Coles as her (Continued on Page 4) It's going, going, goneas Swarthmore families <:ontinue to join the Swarthmore Swim Club. With less than 100 members at the start of the new year, over 100 applic'!tions were received during the first week of January - nearly 100 the second week and the total members now are approaching 400. With almost 70 workers who continue to receive family memberships, it is entirely possible that the maximum total of 500 memberships will be achieved within the present month. Swarthmore families who have not sent in their applications and money may find themselves on a waiting list rather than "in the swim." Prospective members are urged to take immediate action in order to insure membership for this year's swimming. All signed application' forms in the hands of the workers should be turned in immediately so that none of the families who have signed will be left out. Families who have signed but who have not yet paid their money are urged to do so im_ mediately so that their memberships will be included before the total of 500 is achieved and the list Is closed. Application alone will not insure membership at this time. Cheeks shoWd be made out to the uSwarthmore Swim Club" and sent to Mrs. D. Mace Gowing, treasurer, 635 Parrish road. Those desiring additional information may call upan the following membership workers: •• William Scarborough SW 6-' Board Dehghts In One 3096; Robert Gro·gan SW 6-0314; less Financial Parker Stamford SW 6-5205; Jerry H d h Turner SW 6-6094; Mrs. John ea ac e Lord SW 6-276~; . Char~ Topping A tlnancial repart received by SW 6-6158; W,lbam G,II SW 6- the School Board Wednesday eve8947; Frederick Van Urk SW 6- ning revealed the school cafeteria 4973; Theodore Prescott SW 6- had operated at monthly profits totaling $361.71 S e pte m be r 6185; Gordon Lange SW 6-3034. Notice ~o Workers through December. The Board Swim Club workers are notified acknowledged tribute to Mrs. that this week is the last for com- Grace Narbeth under whose local p1eting contacts with Swarthmore management this school year the families. After January 31, appli- cafeteria has for the first time in cations from outside the borough many years failed to show a are to be fflviewed, and many are deficit. now on file. Workers should be The Board went through the sur,e to complete all work this formality of passing a resolution week. legalizing the third-class-district rating census which it plans to To Aid County Home begin any day now. It is estimated The Junior Woman's has work of the 50 volunteer enumannounced its decision to devote erators authorized to list current the proceeds of its annual benetlt residents under the resolution will to be held on the night of Feb- complete their work within one ruary 16 to the Delaware County week of the starting date. Home for Crippled Children in After a discussion of correcting Lansdowne. . overloaded, unbalanced electrical Mrs. Robert Green, club ptesi- circuits in the high school and dent, has called a special meeting bringing present sub - standard of the Junior Board on Tuesday lighting up to that of more modern evening, January 26, at the home classrooms here and elsewhere, it of Ruth Wagner, Dickinson ave- was decided the School District nue, to complete plans for the was in no position to take on any evenl, to be built around a hrief new expendit'!re at this time. Dr. fashion show by Marie Donnelly. Samuel Carpenter, property chairCommittee chainnen will be an- man, who had urged the importance of the move, if only in nounced following the meeting, piece-meal fashion, agreed· to its temporary deferment. MEMORIAL SERVICES Adjourning ·before 10 o'clock, FOR MARTHA-HAVILAND Memorial Services will be held the members will reconvene at at 2:30 Saturday afternoon in the Ogden avenue home of SecSwarthmore Friends Meeting retary Mary· Spiller at 7:30 WedHouse for Martha Haviland whose nesday evening, February 3, for death occurred Wednesday eve- one of the Board's series of disning, Jan).lary 20 at Memorial cussions on educational matters with members of the faculty. Hospital, West Chester. Cafeteria Pulled Out of the Red I . . mE SWARTHMOREAN Pap.2 · bodice Mliler of Drexel Hill announce the Mr•. and Mrs. Robert Longwell ENGAGEMENTS line of the fitted basquered t ~ birth of theu- tbird child and sec- of East Greenville, announce the and the long sleeves tape 0 . bo Tburad • birth of a 10 pound, f1ve-ounce • ' Mrs. Ethel Tull of Babylon, point at the wrist. Her finger tip· onddauibterKlm, m . ay. .' . ·Mrs. J. R. Kline of Riverview N.Y., announced today the engage-. veil' of illusion was held by a vel- '!loming, J~Uary 21,. weighing 6:n, J~hn, ~~anuary 17 in Pottsment of her dAughter, Jean Ethel, vet cap triinmed with seed pearls poUnds, 13 ounces... ' ~. osp road will be hostess to the Poets'to Mr. Artliur Hall Grover, son of and she carried a white Bible with Her maternal grandparents. are 'l'be baby Is.a grandson of Mrs. Circle next Monday. Mrs: R0i>!'rt Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Grover a marker of a white orchid and Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe Alfred E. Longwell' of LafayetUI L. CoateS will be In charge of the of Dickinson avenue. f1eur d'amour. and her paternal grandparents are avenue. program on :·BaUads." Miss Tull is a graduate of BabyMrs. John McCleary of Athens, Mr. and Mrs. Harry 4 Miller; ....7 _ _ The mothers of the 1952 class.' Ion High School and is now em- Ohio. as matron of honor. and the 'both families live on Thayer road.' Mr. IIl!d Mr/l' William R. Ba~ Swarthmore High School. are in- ploYed by The Insurance. Com- brideSlllalds. Mrs.' Clayton Stettof Springfield, 'announce the birth vlted to tea at the home of Mrs. pany of North America in Phila- ner and Mrs. John W. Stettner. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Malgleri, ot a son. Joseph Sumner Bates,. Donald P. Jones. 407 North delphia. wore gow~ of Irri~escent dubon- Jr.. oflthacil, N.Y., announce the 2nd" on JIIIlUIIr,Y. 20 in. Delawue Swarthmore avenue.. Thursday. Mr: Grover Is a graduate of net silk featuring matching velvet birth of a daughter, Antonla BIalr County· HospItal January 28 from 3 tei 5 P.rn. It Swarthmore High School and also bodices with shott jackets; Malgleri, on January 19.· .r (!'he .baby is a grandson IJ!. Dr•. will be their second re-unlon. of Peirce School of Business Ad- hoop sklrIs. ThW carried ColonIlil Mrs. Malgieri Is the former Miss and. Mrs.'. Joseph S. Bales or Fred M. campbell. Jr.• of Rut- ministration. He is now employed bouquetS of white camelllss \vith Sallie Spencer ot Guernsey road. "Rocky spring" Farm". Media. gers avenue. a junior at Duke by E. J. Lavlno and Company as velvet streamer&and wore ~ I;;;;~~::::::::===::::::::=====;=;;==:;;:;:;======l University, has been released.from an accountant. velvet bands with matching 1I.ow'. Duke Hospital where he was conThe wedding has been set for ers as headdresses. . fined with a twisted which April 3. Sandra Louise Althouse. eightoccurred while Wrestling. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Knowles. year-old sister of the groom. as a The Fa~ulty Wives Club ot junior bridesml!id, wore a 'dress of Pennsylvdnla Milltary College Jr.. of Parkslde,-announce the en- Irridescent dubonnet, silk with will have a luncheon-meeting gagement· of. their :daughter. MIss white velvet trim and' full hoop IEAUTY IS WHAT YOU MAil ITI Thursday. January 28 at the home Constance Joan Knowles, to Mr. skirt. She carried a Colonial bouof Mrs. Joseph Storlazzl. Park Charles DUdley Gl.les; son of'Mr. quet of whIte camellias and wore · a.nd Mrs:-Walter C. Giles of Rut- f1eur d'amour flowers with· a white avenue at which time Dr. Fra nc~s Fussell of Swarthmore will speak gers avenue. velvet band in her hair. 9 South Chester ROad on current International Mairs. MIss Knowles Is a graduate ~f Mr. Althouse, father of the Call Swarthmore 6-0476 M d Mrs Gilb rt S M Swarthmore High School and IS r. an . e . us- now a student at the Hahnemann groom. served as best man. The tin. Jr.• of Cornell avenue spent H 'tal ~h 1 t Nursing ushers were Mr. and Robert I~;;;;~;;=~;;==;;;;;==;;====;;;;;;;;;;;;=i the week-end skiing in Stowe. Vt. ':;~ Giles, oo~ a grad~ate .of of Swarthmore. Mr.Anderson John 13'11 Mr. and Mrs. A. Laurence Bax- Swarthmo~ HIgh School, is at MCCleary. ter of Ogdpn avenue entertained present attending the Spring GarThe bride's mother wore a cockSTATE AUTO INSPECTION informally Sund!'Y afternoon in den Institute in PhiladelphIa. tail length· dress of Royal blue honor of their niece MIss Sally No d,ate has been set for the crepe; featuring apurch. , :Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. War~arly' in february. '\. .. ' . In Korea with the 3rd Division, den o{'Y~le avenue entertained Colwnbu~,. . ' The ceremoDy,. was perform~d by and will he 'employed as a mining ~s ., their, week - e~d house. CUes.t the I\ev. John W. Stettner, asso- engineer at tIie Oliver Iron Mining The Board of Directors. is ready'to make its Mr. Paul Sonderetter of LincOln. Company in Hibbing. Minn; ciated with the, First J>resbytetian Nebr. report ancl a specittl'meeting oflhe member-.· Ch1,ll'ch. of EvanstOn. Ill.. brother Mr. and !d'rs. William E. Soden BIRTHS tertain at a take note!. bullet siJpper party next Tuesday Swarthmore, Pa. i evening before the Home· and School meeting. In honor of ·the Fri. cind 'Sat. guest speaker Dr;' Robert WleIch, and Home and School olllcers; 11011& FOR DORIS DAY. Mr. and Mrs. PierCe MacNair lFALL HOWARD KEEL of Maple avenue will entertain Ilt a small dinner party before the .I~ a vI,itor 'It your home ··Ca·lamity Jane" dance at Strath Haven Inn this · should auft'er an accident. A S.. al' Tech.'co'or M•• lco' eVening. it might COlt you a lot of Full L... ,th Child ...•• Feat... money. Protect younelf P,e·sonals ana The Bouquet I I .. J. NOTICE TO MEMBERS of -. COllEGE THEATRE Still, time to Save Do"ars on A ··LLlSON .. .UTHENTIC NTIQUES COMPLETE SERVICE IUYING SELLING RENOJATING SWartllinore 6-30SCI Saturday, 1 P,M. e c:.rtoo~,. Co."", - .ius "The $olCir Sky Riders" ~...r~(NI,.. F.~Ni' 6 - • - 10 . S.... Mo•• a" T..s. agaillSt ouch 1ID."Pocted expense with Compre-· h_ive Penonal LiabU. ib'I............. .. , Smart Winter Fashions PrnR E. TOLD ",,!u" Ave. ·'The Cruel ~a" .. , Holy Communion at 7: 15 a.m.• and at • O'clock the Boys' Choir will meet. I'tlBLISBBD BVBBYI1UDAY AT ..8WABTBIIORE. I'A. On Thursday at 10 o'clock the I'ETBB £. TOLD, IllABJOBlB TOLD, PUBLlfllIB!!i!I Women's Sewlpg Group, under the . PhoDe 8""~~ 8-0900 chainnansblp 'of Mrs. Carl S. . . PETER B. TpLD, Bdltor .. Cleaves. will meet in the Cleaves . BAJtBABA KENT, M·n.~ EditorRoom at the church. Any women Rosalie Peirsol Marjorie Told Lorene McCarter Entered alJ Secoild Claia Matter, Janll8l')' 2., 19211, at'1he Post . who are interested In this work are cordially invited to attend OlDce at Sw8rihmore, Pa.,, under ~ .Act of MarcIa. 1879.· -. .? { these meetings on Thursday' momDEADI.INJt.;..WEDNESDAY NOON· ings. Each person bfings tler own ·, -----------~~.~--~.~.----~--~~~--~ sandwich; colfee or tea will be SWARTHMORE, PENNA., IANUARY 22. 1864 served. The Sewing, Group supMETHODIST NOTES tlan.'" . . . plies~lothing ~or: the ~~op~ Wednesday the Pastor will have H~pita1, an EPISCOpal MissIon in Church School clal!!l~!or alt, hi&. otJIce for counseling Vlrgini", and for the Diocesan alles meet at 8:45 on.Simda)r;.~ f -- 4-5" d 7-8 i th .Headquarters from which masl>ecial .class for Young. Adults Cronlh"_'- StuBdnv The PC·mommlssi· none terial Is sent ou~ to institutions ~.a ,. als(u,,~~ 9:45. . ol(:Mem~i>.-'Md' '~eIi!mi and misslons. b o·th in thi s area and ; ,At U·.a-m. morning worship. the wiUmeet.jjt·'in tbe Chapel. ahroad. On Tl\ursday evening at 7:30 Rev. Mr. John C. Kulp, pastor• .will ·• hi t i "Christ The Junior Choir rehearses at there will be a full zehearsal of use as s sermon op c. 4 p m on Thursday' and the Chan . . , • PbrIfIes Life", a sermon for the cel' Ch I reh • t 8'00 ~; t\le Men's and Boys' Chotr. "'::-ual ... -----, th, C o r . earses a . p.= . o~",,,,",e.~ e. onver~ '''--·~t 8'pm 'h ........... Fello . ' . ...... slon of St. PaUl;-';'" , ,.... .'.............. • ",'" e ~:-:~. w-: FRIENDS MEETING NOTES ;.. . ' shIp Class will meet. The dlscus.-;The ~ursery for chil~ will slo~. th~e,.,"What., It Means to. John W. Nason of. the Foreign hy.:...¥rs. ~ge ~~.' Be'll:Ctl\i~h Membel"!. will be ll~: Policy AssocIation ..ill address zlMer, Mrs. J~bi). ~;, lusfrilted;"9Ihthe 'Sc~n by the the Forum on Sunday. Jimuary 24. Jl!mry Hoo.t. !1~~Grs ~1IF W~ sound fIlinstz:lp. "~k.;Ye First." : His .ubject will be "The proposed :t.tance, Ch~~, Hughe,.;. D!I;v>d an: Sa~y at ,.2,lp.m. there revision of the Charter. Is such ~benna. Gerold'Thumm; Charles will' be a'~kreiriew at the' revision desirable? Is it-·possible?" ~g and Stephen Pitkin. Greeters church sponsored by Circle No.1. On Saturday, January 30. ~on"t the door will be Mr. and Mrs. "or"- ····.T " - ' '. T' ·et'" k I d ' ._. •• tin will b ? uel Holt. ' .. : :.:. -' >. - .:; ._ •..., vp...... re" "'c, ea er." cord Quart , .er", ."ee g e ~ Mrs. Paul Towner will, discuss held at Swarthmore. The .after~:The Wesley Fello~!"p of col- "Th,e Lady of Arlington" hy lJar~ noon session wi!) start at 2 p.m. lege·.age:·youth·ls .recessed during net ·Caln. , " :. Supper will be served by Swarththe ,li'l~;.ex~~on:.and vac,,~ .. .... . . • more Friends. and chili1ren will be ~on pel'lod. The next supper meet- CHRISTIAN SCIEMCE NOTES cared for during the· meeting, .. TIlE SWARTilMOREAN- . .. t. • ~ a. . . . . . . .. .. _ I .pervised d'ours Ill! meantime, poo'p'le. m~f iilg will beyoung February 14. In join the ' 'l'he importance of honesty and There will be no evenlng>·sesslon. With the Youth Fellowship at its unserfishne..s iii seeking spiritual . understanding of God.. will bli 7.· p.m. ml!",tings. The Methodist youth Fellowilhip bro~ght O?t in ~e Lesson-Sermon f;'" teenagers will meet at 7 p.m. enb~ea .' T~th to be read in The,dI~oi;> theme'will be..ChrIstian ~Ienc~: churcl)es Sl!"''BIOssed,'An! ·.the: Peacemakers." t!aY.., .' ".. , : . The need of teachabieness .and After the m';"tlng. the "young people will go to the Parsonage recel'tivity. as highlighted in, the for theiJ.·'1i!)C18lhour, parltble of ·the sower. and J~us' . . explanation of it as recorded in The 1lrst Fellowship Class for .' • new. melnDers joining this church .the Bible P' Luke 8.4-15" will be· . ~.. .. read congregation on February 7 will . meet at:81'.m. Monday. The sound The. Golden T · 7:00 P.M.-Youth FellowShip. Monday. liulnar:r 25 of the Church. 8:00 P.M.-Fellowship Class. At the 11 o'clock service. Pres~. 8:00 ~~~:~~':I:~.. ...ton Ough of Lansdowne•.a secon~-: ", TRINITY CHURCH- ':" Y7"f'.shllile !'.t. at the Phi!adelphia: , . ~-.,. " ' . " ... :QIVinity Sdlool and semmary asH Lawrence Wh.ttemore, Recwr sI ta t t' T'j 't Ch h 'll' . • aD. 24 s n a r Dl y ure, WI glV~. Sunday. J uary a special sermon for Theological: 8:00 A.M.-Holy.Complunlon. EduCation Sunday , 9:30 A.M.-Church Schbol: ' .. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. All classes of the Church School. 7:311 ;PiM,-'Yoiilig"PeoplE\'sFel- will meet at 9:30 ·Sunday.,mom-. ~, ~. -ves'tment in' low Fire Insurance .rates. It takes the J • •••••.•••• • coope.ra.ti6h of. .the, .ent~re community to main, .' . ,., I .- .. ~T' .'-,. , If you ,do, not 'receive: a· notice and' care 'to ioin and contribute, mail your checks to the . ~.~,..:,' ":"~"':'" .': \~ .~ .;' .":~ ~:. : . .:>~ .--~; .. .: . ..,:~ SWARTHMORE FIR"EA~D:::,:,,<·:n: .. ~:.~IIROTEC'IYE:~AS50CIATIO'.:_ ..... .. ., , ,John. J.eHo~ds. ~. ,;~.: '. . . ,l , . Treasurer ••ox 261. Swarthmore ;. , . . .. '.. . Harvey" Mrs. Wiillam R.' HUjlY, Mrs. Ralph V. Little, ~. Joseph S. Lynch, Mrs. Wiillam W. Mc(Continued from Page 1) Clarln, Mrs.. Frank H. Murray, Mrs. Robert T. Pfeifer, Mrs. John men. ' W. Pitman, Mrs. C. wlUiain RanlMIss Lewis will be a guest· of saY, Mrs. Raymond B. Rogers, "We are destined to live In a time of social upheaval which is honor at the luncheon with Mrs. Mrs. Thomas B. Sweeoy, Mrs. H. S. Blair Luckie, a member of the worldwide", Roy McCorkel, dlElllot Wells. Board of the General Federation; Workers under Mrs. Armitage rector of CARE's' self-help pro- Mrs. Arthur P. Vincent, presiinclude: gram told members of the Swarth- dent of the Pennsylvania FederaMrs. ElllsRumsey, Mrs.Fulron more Mother's Club and their hus- tion of Women's Clubs; Mrs. SamHutchison, Mrs. Edward Cratsley, uel J. McCartney, first vice-presibands at the annual Father's night Mrs. Charles Linooln, Mrs. GeorgI! dent of the Pennsylvania Federadinner held last week In the Prestion; Mrs. J. F./lmond Shrader, Gillespie, Mrs. GeorgeSlckel, Mrs. byterian Church. president of the Delaware County Franktin Gaskill, Mrs. Vemon During the last 20 years there Federation, and Mrs. John E. Trlboletti, Mrs. Clsrk AllIson, has been a great awakening, a Michael, second vice-president of Mrs. Lynn KlPPax, Mrs. George Stauffer, Mrs. Clarence Franck, revolt and .upheaval among the the County Federation. Co-chairmen of the luncheon are Mrs. L. C. Baker, Mrs. Arthur illiterate masses who want eduMrs. Paul R. Hertel and Mrs. SUvers, Mrs. Richard K. Noye, cation, food, decent medical fa- Charles W. Lukens who will be 3rd, Mrs. Lemuel Holt, Mrs.Bircilities and freedom, he said, clt- assisted· by Mrs. Edwin Crosby, ney K. Morse, Mrs. John Pinkston, ing India and Africa .... some of Mrs. Robert P. Bradford, Mrs. O. Mrs. Morris Potts, Mrs. Sara the places where this social. up- M. Hook, Mrs. Leslie M. Clarke, Korndalfer, Mrs. Robert Grogan. heaval is takinll place. McCorkel Mrs. Robert Grogan, Mrs. Samllel Soliciting under ·Mrs. Natvlg said he considered It a "mark Althouse, Mrs. Wiillam Bush, and are: of human greatness for a hungry Mrs. Kenneth Sadler.. Mrs. Ernest Iseberg, Olive Perman to be discontent with his Mrs. Bobert Turner. and her ry, Mrs. Robert Wood, Mrs. WUhunger, to want to crawl 'out committee of 25 wl11 serve and from under colonialism and ty... Mrs. Charles L. Boyle, chairman liam Craemer, Mrs. William Fentress, Mr.. John McKernan, Mrs. ranny." of the garden department, and her James Clifford, Mrs. C. D. HowIt is up to the educated man, he committee will have charge of the ard, Mr.. Roy Latimer, Mrs. J. C. said, to understand wbat is hap- decorations. Mrs. Norman R. Hayward, Mrs. William Taylor, .pening and to want to participate Jones, Swarthmore 6-2147, is in Mrs. Edmund Jones, Mrs. George on the right side, charge of reservations, which close Corse, Mrs. Jack B. Roxby, 14rs. The Communists use thla desire this evening, January 22. A. S. Blankenship, Mrs. John for change to their own advantage, Longwell, Mrs. H. M. Crist, Mrs.. he told the group, citing that In Co. Democ:ratlc: Club Herbert Michener. 'the Soviet Union exists a· perverRe-elec:ts Loc:al Man North"of the railroad Mrs. Calsion of the desire of tjle people Harn- E. Oppenlander of Benfor a change. McCorkel clalnied jaMin West avenue, was re!-.elected houn's solicitors are:. that he doesn't feel that the great- second vice-president of the Cen-' Mrs. Ellis B.. Ridgeway, Jr., est danger today. I. Communist ty- tral Delaware County Democrac Mrs. A. W. Kitts, Mrs. John ranny; while he does not mini- tic' Club. at the group's first 1954 Espenschade, Mrs. W. M. McCawmize this threat, he -feels that the mori~ly meeting, held last night ley, Mrs .. Fred Van Urk,. Mrs. greatest danger to this country is at Whittier House. One of the Frank WUdebush" Mrs. William for people to see Communisril as original members of the year-old, Watkins, Mrs. Clifford Banta, Mrs. the only dallger. 9~-l1)ember CDCDC, Oppeniander ;Robert Brodl)ead, Mrs. Lester is also, serving this year as pro- Mondale, Mrs. S. T. Barnett, Mrs. We are not too clear to use this gram chairman. James Delano, Mrs, Philip Alden;' desire of great numbers of peoGuest speaker for the evening Mrs. J. Willard Hollander, Mrs. plie for social betterment to our advantage, for we are not always was Reuben E. Cohen, Philadel- Gerard Mangone, Mrs. Jane H. Mrs.· Carl Furniss, c~ear about our own objectives, phia attorney and lnember of the Neuweiler, according to the speaker.' . board of directors of the Amerl- Elizabeth Carlisle, Mrs. Edmund In closing, McCorkel quoted cans for Democratic Action. His Dawes; Mrs. William Bradshaw, from a poem which said in· part, topic was ''Planning for Political Mrs. Charles H. Topping,. Mrs. . Raymond Fellows. UNo man is an island, no man Progress." _ Workers under Mrs. Coles instands. alone. We need each other. clude: For each man is my Shares Spedal 'Day' , brother." sw.irthmor,e. Borough_ will be Mrs. Morris Fussell, Mrs. Leslie McCorkel spoke briefly about the history of CARE, teltlng a one of the communitieS sharing L. Walmsley, Mrs. A. Sidney capacity audience .wbich braved a special "days" during the 1954 Johnson, Jr., MrL Donald P. mow storm to li11 McCahan· hall, Philadelphia. Home Show· sched_ Jones , Mr.. Carl Dellm"uth, Mrs. that his organization set up the uled for February 8-13. at Com- J. N. Hlensch; Mrs. J. Archer Turner, Jr., Mrs. Joseph Walter, machinery for tndlvidual Amer- mercial Museum, Philadelphia. Eastern Pennsylvania day, in Mrs. Vincent Lathbury, Mrs. Lewis Icans to give to Individual persons abroa\!, with this persopal- which Swarthmore and over 30 Elverson, Mrs. Richard Wray, Mr~. ized tuuch having a tremendous other communities In ~e area will H. Brinkmann,.Mn:. W. C. H. Pren;. . resPonse both hom Am";rkans >lit be honored, has been set for FrI- .tice, Mrs., S;,muei T. Carpenter; Mrs. Il!,rold Roxhy, Mrs. Thomas ·home and from' recipients abroad. day,· February f:i. S. Clay. . ~ characterized the 'work of ¢ABE as a sort of voluntary Polot Local Women' To March 4;· brldglog the gap from relief to self-help. For Polio Tuesday P.M. The speaker was in1roduced by (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. Edward Thomas. Mrs.- L. E. co-chairman. Conwell was In charge· of the faTheir loyal footmen, who will ther's night dinner,while. Mrs. canvass the borough block 'by Norman Weeks, vice -·president,· ,block, collecting the contrlbuIntemationcil Friendship ~ tn charge of the program.' tlons which will be deposited that Department night In . the accommodating of the Swarthmore Blink, follow below. UWF BOARD MEETS South df the rallroad, Mrs. Woman's Club A full meeting of the executive Fussell will be assisted by: board of the West Delaware Mrs.·R~ T. Bates, Mrs. Avery F. , of Swarthmore County Chapter of United World Blake. Mrs, Barton W. Calvert, TuesdCllY, February 2, 1'54 Federalists was held last week Mrs. Jabez. F.· Carroll, Mrs. Dont M. at the home. of the vice-president, ald G. Follett, Catharine P. FusTIc:Km $1.D6 . sell, Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert, Mrs. Ralph V. Little, Jr., on Haverford Buchanan Harrar, Jr., Mrs. W. M. place. Plans were formulsted for a large meeting to be held at the Swarthmore Meeting House on February 16. It was also announCed that 'the next house meeting will be held on Reservoir road, West Chester, with Dr. and Mrs. Sydney G. Biddle at hosts. Dr. W. C. H. Prentice of SWarthmore College is the· schedUled speakei with the snap still'in them at the 8 p.m. program. World in Upheaval .McCorkeJ Tells. Group Woman's Club Lunch Honors New Members .BENEAT .DESSERT '0 S·unny Brae Orchard APPLES "I saw it in the Swarthmo~ean." DiLuzio and.'......Soos Floriai: . ;. For",.rI,· ;. . , CARNS 6SO laltf.....- .... . Sprf. . .Id" ..... SWGiI •••,. 600450 O"'.A...... " .... Co.,'" ,,""0 Your Advantage , '(;0··0,. SWIFT'S PREMIUM RIB ROAST ','." FOR THAT SPECIAL TREAT . $4.25 per brace .., , . OPEN ALL WINTER . Route 452 .....: t." "......... P.... 100..1.................... 6·oz. cans 2 cans 35c Fresh Style Green Beans· 2 pkgs. 39c Mixed Vegetables 2 pkgs. 35c Cut Corn 2 pkgs. 33c Peas '. , Fordhook Lima Beans Candied Sweet Potatoes -~ pkg·39C• I' . . ~', .' >, ' in - - .. Free Orange Juice Served to All Customers Friday and Saturday .' '. . SCOTKINS :. Scott's New 2-ply Pape:r Napkins. Lovely looking and of-a-strong linen-I.ike· finish. wn. 1028 .. __ used to ~o~pound prescriptions this weeki And , Family Size Dinner Size " 'J i That's: the number of different drugs we 2 for' 29c . per pkg. 23c Qur. pharm~ceu~ical . boasts.thou-·· sands, more-all -fresh-s() that your prescripti,on,' CELLO•.,ACKAGETOMATOES· - ~ ",- . -- . " .. . 25c per package '. is'compouridedexaetly as your physician orders. May. we. fill YOUR next JUICY ORANGES 29c per dozen • . .. M'ichael's College Phanaacy, Inc• J '/4 Mile South of Route 1 Lima, Pa.-ME 6-1680 .-. After F."olotls·Figures .pkg·69c - .- ~, .. fA"'~ tt C""'~!!! 2· pk~s. 35c . 2 pkgs. 49c 2 ·pkgs. ,49c Buttered Beefsteaks . ." ··WoIH'sApple House (2) SNOW. CROP ··SPEC'ALS, ." :::u:~o- fire, Joint Group Hears gOOd - If family is small--one will do. If .not-then try two from the famous . Blueberry Hill -Poultry Farm , s:~n ~o'::~;:::::~ Ie. E.. Hannum Dies' US Education Under Sunday in Arizona • • op, ; : : : : : : : ment port engineer, will retire bUe salesman by reselling cars Dr. John Anthony Brown, Jr., February 1 a1ter 30 years' serv- which the few motorists of the day dean of inen and assistant pro-' according to Charles L. Boyle, wished to exchange for newer f essorof In temational politics at Ice, JUl. in case you HAVE to go there,· , / department manager. WUUam models. He then joined the old · H t . bU Temple Univeralty, was the speakmale' sure that you have en.ough film Dalton, Media, assistant maln-' OverI and arper au omo e tenance engineer for t)l.e depart- agency at Fourth and Welsh er at a joint meeting of the W0before leaving home. ments, will replace him. streets, Chester, serving his sales- man's Club of Swarthmore and Mr. Herbert, whose engineertng manship there on September 20, the Junior Club Tuesday evening. counsel has guided the Sun Oil 1922 when, with Porter Walte, he After greetings by Mrs. Frank G. THE CAMERA AND IiOBBY SHOP fleet since 1933, served In various opened the Willys-Overland sales K<;!eI1en !lnd Mrs. Robert . G. capacities at Sun ShipbuUding & and service In the garage at the friday ,.a:30 SWarfllmore .6-4191 comer of Dartmouth nd Lafayette .Greene, club presidents, Mrs. Dry Dock Company from 1925 to a =============~===========~ 1932. During this period he avenues. Exactly four years biter Francis Forsythe, program chair... developed a· process whereby the firm moved Into the building man of the senior club, IntrO-:bunker "c'" fuel oil could be used it had built at Chester road and duced Dr. Brown, who spoke on "'nes l'nstead of· the Yale avenue where it has. operated 'E In diesel enD' ' ducation and .the Cold . War.... more expensive regular diesel ever since, weathertng the deDean· Brown, who spent the year fuel. The process· Is still In use pn!!'Sion lind other vicissitudes to stand today as what is sliid to be 1951-52 in research under a grant todI1y In all Sun diesel_powered the oldest Chrysler _ Plymciuth from the Ford Foundation, de. . ' shipL ag~ncy i!' County and scribed his Study of the Soviet Sometimes people tel). Us· that thq expeetthe earpet .. Behind him as Sun, Mr. Herbert the second oldeSt· business In system of education. Every text or Oriental rug they are _buying to last them "as leaves the following sea - fartng Swarthmore In collltinuou. opera- book was carefully scrutinized Herberts: his brother, John Her- tion by the same owner. In 1929 and from them Dr: Brown fowld _ ~ as ijley live." We always, express .the hope that !>e"t. chief engineer of the. MS when the switch to Chry.ler prod- his answer to the que:gtion, ClAre they will outlast the' carpetiDg, however durable it is. Bidwell and three nephews -'- ucts was made a Sunoco gasoline the Soviets out to do us In?" The You jeHlie Dl08t· Out of· YOUreliJ1)et whelt it is Henry Herbert, secobd assistant. station was added which grew 00- anSwer was definitely -"Yes", fo\f · properly ·s.leeted and eorreetly iD!iiaJjed~ with a gOod engineer of the .MS Mystic Sun, til It dispense. 'one of the largest every'text boOk - whether In if a vaeuum cleaner suCh as the ' .. Edward Herbert, quartermaster of volumes of mot'or fuel In this ter- langtlage, geography, hist-o·ry,. HOOVER is used.-- ~ .. the 55 MI"hlgan Sun,.and·Captaln ritory. arithmetic, or biology \IIIed Fred Herbert of the MS Sabine . Mr. Hannum somewhat inherlt- material with a purpose. PermeatSun; ed his early Interest In motor ve- ing everY one was a hatred of the Carpet also wears longer if· it is instaHed so that it hicles, his father and a contem- West -and all the West stands for. porary having assembled from odd Ch!lrch Guild to. Meet . . be turn~, !Jut it. is bette!; f,q !Jave fittecl earpet. The obvious and simple way. to The .,:ondBY Evening c:;uUd of parts what was probably Swarth- .win this cold· war is to build up · .which looks' good, evenihoUgh it tiannot· be turned. the Wallingford presbyter\anIDore" first automobile. . our armyt na'!Y, air force, atomic Often a fitted eioPet can be Dwle sinaller and turned Church will hold its first meeting A charter member of the weapons, and radar screen. Dr. after several yeim/_ of Use. of 1954 In the church ·on Monday, Swarthmore Rotary Club and a Brown does not say that these JanUary 25, at 8 o'clock. member of the Swarthmore Meth- preparations are unnecessary, but • odist Church, Mr. Hamium also felt that something more is needCarpet can wear as little as two yearS, or more than Mrs. John G. Robison, the new- held membership In the P!ayer.. ed. "We must turn our ideology ly Installed president, will conduct Club, the .Sprlnghaven Club, and 20 years, so'it lSimporlant to select it with eare. the busineSs meeting. . In the Media Masonic Lodge be- to democratic ideas. The· big test , There are lots'of good i:8rpet stores, but the oue we Is to look at education In·our counAlatJ.lela Reese, guidance coun- fore his Illness. While in Tucson try and see how it serves freedom. .always Uke to recommend is . sellor of the Nether Providenc,e he joined the ArIzona State E • am a great bellever In the lib• HIgh School, will discusS· "Guid- Association. eral arts, lithe freeing arts' as they ance In _the Secondary Schools." hIS marriage Mr. Hannum ha:ve been called. lived for a short time in the 200 "Education In OUr country is block·on Dartmouth ave:nue, movunder attack. In some places, as ing 35 yeil~ ago to 18 Oberlin Indiana and Texas, people with avenue where hi. widow and his the best of purpose. are conduct• ...... au•• ' ••• CampI... 8beBmIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . second son, Edward E., and family 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, P•• ing a close examination of our now reside. Other survivors are SW>IIrthll\Ql"e 4,6OQO CL .arbroqf 9-4646 text books. Others say education , . sons, David A., of Green Ridge, must not be tampered with. These and Walter A., of Girard avenue are the two extremes. Somewhere who is manager of the parts di- In the middle Is a road to make vision of Hannum and Walte; a our education function In perbrottu:r, Thomas of Media; two petuatlJ:lg democracy, a method , . SIsters, Mary (Mrs. Robert) An,-... .denon ot Philadelphia and ·Grace which ~ows people to va?, from .... .', ..... . t .(Mrs. Adolph) WIeIss of ~utledge; ~e opInion of the majonty. yet and six grandchildren, David,! lMposes on top a system of )lalue.: , .... ~',"":. ',' ' " t - ' •• _ , . Paul and Mary Beth, of Oberlin There are evi?ences that the war avenue' Sally nd John of GIrard' with the SovIets may nJlt,:~ I!n avenue' and ~arilyn· Susan of a10mic war, but an ideoT.;gr. Green Ridge. - U we: .are going to win this war, education must be our,weapon.." 11 . Frequently in his spe.ech and-in Hears Review. 9f the question period, Dr:· Brown , Aimalee Stewar.t Talk referred to the great feeling of .' insecurity 'aniong' yOung people A.ctIvities of the Women's In- resulting In· reactions of juvenile .: . ternational League for Peace· and delinquency, trouble on college Freedom have centered .this past campus~, and overcrowding of week upon the presentatinn of the psychiatric services. These Annalee SteWart, national legislasigns should, he said, I;how us , tive secretary for W.I.L., on a ·rathe cost of the cold war. This indio .program and a meeting of the security among youth reflects tllat legislative study group at". the of adults. Men have reached the ~..; i;" home of Mrs. Roy. McCorkel on stage where they see the problem January 21. as so blg they cannot do anything Mrs. Stewart, who is an ordainabout it. He stated that there is ed Methodist minister, gave a danger of rejecting moral .tantimelY discussion of W.I.L.'s. alms darcls and therefore, we must not and work in relation to current abdicate in our search for peace. legislation durtng her radio interview by Marian Pedlow. Her talk "Russia", stressed Dr. Brown, stl-esseti the need for alert and "is under a tyranny to perpetuate informed women to voice thelr the Sovi~t syStem. People under dep~rtment opinions on such questions, a. the a tyratmy dev.!Jop an immUnity Bricker amendment, world dlsar- to propaganda, become cynical and mament,-·and the strengthening of unconvlnced, and say what they do the United Nations. ., not belIeve." He found evidences Organized grOups of Citizens In- of this trend among the Russians terested In particular problems of and asked,: "Are we in danger of >. . our country often- help by giving adopting some totalitarian meththelr oplnipns to the law-makerL ods?" As an: example, he menAlthough such are called lobby- tioned the undul! fuss about Comists and sometimes. accused to fur- munil;m made in tbe State Dethering their own. ends, Mrs. partment. Good men no longer prescripti~n? ., . Stewart .poin~ out. that these apply and men in the field are ." :.'.' grOUpS not only represent definite beginning to give ambiguous re. oplDiohs _of podIonsof the elec~ ports lest 10 years from now these • ·,,-~~.- . -.. torate, but ·also are more often ret>Ort!l-t!e ~ agaimt them. The , than not organi""" beeause they men in 'our' foreign .ervtce inust believe In certain de:m~c prtn- be free men, he. Insisted. clples of government. ''In our State Department as i; The study group, after hearing well as In education and elsefo" the corner} a resume of MrL Stewart's talk, where", concluded Dr. Brown, ''we dlacussed WlI.L.'s stand ·upon the must not put on cbalns, bUt we BrIclter amendment and· a need do have the right to say that , for contlnuillg to work· for world men in our natlD!'. cannot advoWE DELIVER ·~Warthmore 6-0857 disarmament. Margaret PrIce and cate Ideas opposea to our soMrs. Lola Oneal were charge .eiety aDa the democratic way of of the dlscussIOII. life." eushion..aDli Shrimp Retire From Sun Oil HO¥(LO'NG,WILL MY CARPET LAST? HOW ABOUT A. FRESH FROZEN Orange Juice Wallingfo~, ",,0 nat You Go to Florida .. Next Month? 'SHOPAT THE ~IDER , Doe. URGENT Business Require. > (Acrou .......,~a ....... m - • , Mr. and'folrs. J. Roy Carroll; Jr.; NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. J. F. GUkm of· of North Chester road. left Thurs' . . 'U.lliverslty· place ,&8ve.. returned day to attend the Regional ArchAttorney A~. Sidney Johnson, from a visit with friends in Pitts$be nlDeJoware itectural Meetings to be held today Jr.,. and Mrs. JO~II of Nort!J. burgh and ,8 hunt1nir trip: while th_ of tlli IRdI..dUJ wrlterL Ail and .tomorrow at Chapel Hill" N. Chester road are in Harrisburg for stopping at the RolUDg Rock IeUen to Th. 8 _ .ut be ............. G. Baker Thompson, assistant C. Mr. Carroll will "be modera-,several days a~dlng the .mld- Country Club, IJgonier. '. . . - II tb. IdenUt, 01 tile writer county superintendent ot schools. tor ~or the forum on the, s1mpU-, winter Convention of the· PennMr. and ~. Wilson ~ ~Ush110 lmoWD b, tile EdIIGl'. Letten on the Swarthmore League of Bcation of drafting procedure. . sylvania Bar Association. _ ton and sons Chuck ilnd .tahn ot will be pab1la1led ODIJ al tbe _ Women Voters' luncheon panel Mr. and Mr•. William W. WatMr. and Mrs. Robert S. Brod- Sql!th Haven avenue' Spent the _Uon 01 tile BollIGI'. "Schools and Taxes" Friday in kins ot Magill road will entertain head of North Swarthmore avenue week-end at sput Rock in the To the Editor: Whittier House. said Pennsylvania as their week-end guest Mr. Wat- have sold their farm at Barto and PocorioS. . _. _ . could no longer be classed a slow. kins' sister Miss Louise C. Watare planning to locate perman' entM I am encI0 sing a· carbon t:Opy r. Warren B. Warden and Mr. of a letter which the Swarthmore conservative. cheap state In re- kIns of Cleveland, Ohio. ' , Iy In swarthmore. L. . W. Co~be" of Swarthmore League ot Women Voters has sent guacardtloton itsMrapPTrohPriaiions fcirhed- difference of sligh"- mill Dr. and Mrs.. Meh!in C;~Molstad spellt .. ~: w~. in WashlDgton, to Senators Duff and Martin, .. ompson, w ose WJ" of Riverview road will eriterlain D. C.• attending the Annual Meet-· Senator Fer~n, Chairman of wllllngness to stand as a candI~ might be needed In the nearer at a dinner 'party at their home Ing of the HlgbWIIy. Reseai-ch fOr the tomorrow evening. the Republican Policy Committee, dsautpee t~ tenSUCdCeedt Cthel GlateLea!;Y rhetired hifutuhre. he ,~~ought, c;Jreth Board.,. _ Senator Knowland Senate majornn en ar . c was g er ear..,. paymen... on· e new , ity leader. and Vice PresIdent announced. said the .226.000.000 elementary school' bond issue ~llIIIIIIunuWlIIIUUHlnlnrunllllJll.IIlUIDmllll!lllIIIIIIIiiI.ildiiiiUlJQHIDIDIH"' .mea NIXon. We. urge all citizens to which the State' government au- which was sold on a '20-year in-,II DIUCIOUS DINNERS to SUIT ft. TA$TI Df . ,. .'tONI write any ·or all of the abOve men thorlzed to help local schools face stead of 35-year basis to effect _: TEND!;~ ST~AkS_ and CHOPS Cooked ta Order oppOSing the Bricker Amendment. their emergencies in 1949·51 was maximum long range economy. - , . ". . " . . ' , ::'.. ,... , .. !ncre,ased to $286.000.000 in 1951If Swarthmore goes to a third _ . EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES' . Very truly yours, 53 d is t d $ Pected ·the ; Mrs. Thomas Casey. Pres. OOoan 'byexl9pe59c_ e to reach 580.- class IdIssistrlc t tilt is illexbec BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.1 :30 P. M. OOO 61 lica • . new c a on w ome at- =5 . Swarthmore League ot . Women Voters "It is a shock t!> any government fective· at the beginning .of the § Comfortoille Rooms Day or Week EIev....r _: . ' ;,' to find that much money for just. next fiscal year, July 5. 1954. In iii "Dear SenalorDuff: , one of Its services", ThompsOn conformance with a 1953 Iawthl! iii "The League of Women Voters said, predicting the new sales tax two addltlonal dlreotol'lt Qt, Swarthmore has considered the vill1 probably be doubled to two to the Board would serve full ~ YI ' ". . ' Bricker Amendment and wisher to cenis next Legislative SessIon. ~ermS, endlngin 1959, ..ather t~!! . . a e a. Hllrva,rd ~yenues. S.warthm.ore •. I'~ " ,,!,press its opposition to this pro. Swarthmore's Supervising Prin_ being .appolnted until the nexi L,WALTIRE.,PARR01J•. ,Mg.. . ." . . . ~1iE PARIING p""'!!. . clpal Frank R. Morey discussed election ,as hitherto.-dQoilUJWIllilljJIUIUIH"nnWUIWIUlllllllllllJlUUHWPlumunIlHmiuuulHllliul ' , '~Passage o! the Bricker Amend- the third class district rating cenReferring to improved state rev- ~IDIlDlnmlllUUllUlIH"IIIIIUnlllll""UIIIIIUlllllllllllmliIIllIllIIlIIlUlllUlUnllJ!ll,~ilUllJ!llllllll! ment would alter the .ystem of sus about to be conducted' by the enues granted, all pnblic, schools; checks and .I>alances set tip In the school dlsirict. stating the change Jones strongly reminded his aud- ~ Constitution. By necessitating wo~ld make legal a 25-mill basic ience "the State has no source of state approval of some treaties realty tax with unlimited mUJage revenue ,ot. Its, own ..,.. all its ~ '407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE '1DTfISrO THI IDITOl Old.,. __ d_ -,lie League Panel Airs School Tax Problems "?_ .STRA.rH H.4,VEN·lNN,·:·' !i • 0EW 0R0PIN N ., = B,REAKFAST- pf the Presldent's treaty-making maximum as a fourth class dispower to Congress and the states. tIict. plus a real estate transfer The Constitution gave the Pres~ tsx and $15 per capita levy. dent this power in order that he Morey said improvements in plant might act in the best interest of and broadening of several instruct the country as a Whole since il tional areas. recommended by a would be imPOl"'ible for him '~O recent survey o! ~~alllhmore High hool ,by vISlting examiners. attempt to represent the opinio of all 48 separate slates. We be- ' ould cost an undetermined sum. lieve it would be dangerous to He also presented an analysis of change this wise decision of the Swarthmore's standing in the SubConstituiion's authors. urban Study Council's new Report 't "In I addition the B ric k e r on Educational Costs and Surveys. communities involved could- be Amendment would slow up the treaty-making process and we can see no justification for substituting .. more cumbersome system of treaty ratiftcatlon tor the present one. particularly in these crucial times when swift and effective international action ts SQ badly needed. We believe COngr..... already has sufllclent power to nulli1y Presidential action of whlcb it does not approve. since a two-thirds majority of the Senate .must r'ltify any treaty and since Congress must vote appropriations n" . .No red tape. Insti.ItUeDts a1'i'an&;,:::, ed to suit your Income. ., '. JOUAIY Your COUPON No ", . Depa.1t Your . the synonyms you'll find cabbage, tit <:I"..... l'nOIIiirne '.it}'" • NEW PORCH .NEW·ROOF .'NEW SII)ING . el)ORMERS , • FLOORING . , • PANELING • ATTIC .. .•• G_ARAGE DOORS . • INSULATION .ANOTHER BATHROOM • BATHROOM REPAIRS e MODERNIZE ROOMS • PLASTERING • PAINTIN• . • MODERN. KITCH~ Join the 1200 Winne... for Hovens..... and December has been called many things. Among ihd .. F. G. Forwood of Oberlin avenue Is convalescing at his home with a broken lett ann sustained Friday on th~slippery walk leading to his house. Willis Brodhead ot Maple avenue is confined to his home with 8 dislocated knee. The accident occurred while skating on Crum Creek. MONEV • • • seen thmug1,l. such joining at 'the present time. . " . ' Mrs. M1thael Dunn of Radnor. who headed a County·L.W;V. battle for equalization of 'realty tax assessments, eited varied assessment Bgures and relatlons1iips' to market values. depl,oring the preS: sent system' of making assessorship appointments on a polltical 'j basis. Suggesting reforms of eduoational standards or Civil ServIce examinatio", for ass.....ors. a uniformity of assessed valuations ~ PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY • and set· ratio to k'et' ", al . 5""''11)9'''''''''''''1 D,'·" t.' '.d:, C ' " ' " m,a~,' v Ilea,. Ml'l!. Dunn conceded politicians , rounding areas. The situation of- were right in deemhig' their Ii.i~k~.. fera three alternatives: relatively ing for reassessment was not poorer Schools, relatively hlgber justified by the general publlc ell'· taxes. concern with· ·spendlng which does not want or under- - -- money to round. out services now stand such a move. thlnklug it limited because the district Can- means higher taxes. "n should be IIII'-"'~ IIiuI» not offer· a broad program in all done but it woUld require tre" . ,,'. -t~'0:1 ", Me. phases eco~omically," the ·'Board mendous leadership and money be:';d procla,med. - . (about $50'.000 to educate the pub- " " . . " , Local surveys ot the past sey_ 'lic through a publi I ti . ,.. . :'., eral years ant,'c,'pating fI . I c re a ons .;,:c·· ·.':'l'Iij.....odet:td.\)usewife has ' na n c,18 group) and I don't know where tirel~ electrii: serVants to do troub.1e tor Swarthmore about it·s coming from" Mrs D almost every ta5k. She is not . 1957-58, still hold", said, Jone",. A eluded. • . unn con• I?lave to never-ending drudgeries like the old-time bousekeeper because electric living bas freed her, giving bi!r ti!pe1"ot'reaiusefu1DesS . -in her 'homet ' in her CihurCh, . ' and in ber community. .·MAKE 'Jt's·.our ~ine., to make ... THEM electricity always ava1iable. J,ho·.s'e Ne.eded Repa.-rs 'Weather Casualties tertained at dinner Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary of their daughter-in-law Mrs. Samuel Butler, Jr., of Penn Valley. Among the guests were her husband and SOII8 Rae ~ .Ton, Mr. and Mrs. Willard S. Rundell of Prospect PArk, Mr. and Mrs. WllUam S. Canning of Rose ViIIley; and Mr. and Mrs. R. Heberton Butler and children Constance and Robert of Springfield. Mr. Heston D. McCray, Jr., of Cornell avenue is recuperating at his home following an operation pertonned In Chester Hospital. AIIC A. Dean Barrett, stationed in Furstenteldbruck, Germany, is spending a three-week furlough with his motber Mrs. , Ralph Sc1un1dt of Parrish road, , Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. RObinson of Guernsey road will entertain as their week"end guests Mr•. and Mrs. Carl Ryan of Summit, N.J., fonnerly of Swarthmore. Mrs. Fred .R. Wilson of Walnut lane entertained members of' her brtdge club at a luncheon-bridge at her home Wednesday. Shoulder La m 1J Chop. . Lola Lamll Chop. lb 990 U. S. Graded Choice Beef ;nUlIIllHllllllmllmlllllllllUIIDlIIIUIIIJIIUlllllllllllnHtIHIIPlIIIIUnlllllJllnlHlIUlnHIHnllHIIIlUllIIlIIDlml1llJJJiS _ • • ' .. , ·1. House met Monday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church at which time they heard Mrs. WllUam F. Mitchell of Drexel Hill give' a travdogue of her recent trip through England, France and Italy. The talk was illustrated colored slldes. Tea waS served by the hospitality committee of the Trinity EplscopalChurch, Mrs. W1. Minton Harvey, chainnan, assisted by Mrs. W. B. Tuttle, and Mrs. H. Bardwell Uncoin. The next meeting will be Februay 1 when Mrs. Peter E. Told will give a book review. SqUaN Cut Should.. ta",11 51 51 Daily Dinners 9~c to $1.65 § honor of new and reinstated members. ,\ The Music GroUp will meet ThUl"lldtly, .January 28, at 10 a.m. at the' home of Mrs. .J.. Kenneth Doherty, 609 Elm avenue. will be an all day meeting 01 the Delaware County Federation of Women's Clubs 011 Thul'8d8Y,. .January 26, s~ 10:30 aolD. at:. the', Twentieth century Club or' Lansdowne. The morniog speaker, will be Mrs. Samuol J. McCartney, vice-president ot the Penns:rlvania State Federation. In the afternoon B .....e Howard. who bas just' returned from a four inonths' trip to the Middle. East, wi!i'be the speaker. Club members are urged to attend. Under the sponsorship of' the health and welfare d\\partment. Mrs. David Bingham' chahman.' Ii box will be placed in the club house to receive gifts for Camp Sunshine from now until April 1. ArtIcles may be used bUt' in good condition. Socks, underwear, sweat shirts, Bannel 'Plljamas, bathing sUits, and dark blankets are urgently needed. I LUNCH-, DINNER <;:LOSED EVERY liUNDAY , OPEN 7 A.M. Jo 7;3Q; P.M. Monday Through Sa' is OrIN' HOUSI .' Tuesday, .January 26, at 12:30 GROUP HEARS TRAVELOGUE Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Francia p.m. there will be a luncheon in Members of the Friendly Open Butler of South Chester road en- ! =. :! :::~:ea~!~i~~"!.x!:~:; !I~e::e:u:o~c=:':. S';=~ ~:: ~=p::OIi~QUfr~~ ':':~ I agreements it would'transfer some more now levying ,the 37·mill State do not come iree; a cominu- i , Woinan', Club" Notes Ch........ ·...ret rz, II6f • ,tn•..., I. Fe....... Depallt r......ce eo.,....... , 't: .... r ....50 ACME MARKEt, .__ Rd., Swartbnibre - " . Open Thursday and Friday to. 9 P.M. ' . OpenSGturday ·til 6 P.M. • Pap 9 THE SWAB'I1DI()JlEAN Patricia Park of Park avenue, ''1 Sl!w it In. the ~warthmo..,an." was recently initiated Into Kappa Phi, religious sorority on the Ohio ~;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;,;:::;:, "RSON"L Oriental rUg, approximately 10 x University campus, where she Is THOM SEREMBA 16, $40. Phone SW!lrlhmore 8..,. l'lI:BSONAL' ~ Odd lobe. done. 0 3 1 9 . ' The Swarthmore Branch of the enrolled as a freshman. Upholstering & Slip (oyers PaIntln" etc., can for .Tilck Root, FOR SALE _ BOOKS ~ New N-'''ework Guild of America has "'-lle'ge . ~ I. ,CMlr dot" or f..... OIfr ....... arthmor . Sw e"", . and Used-CoD\e In and Browse recently compiled Its final report BEQUBST FOB BIDS RfASONAILII . 'RICES PERSONAL- . Domestic help, ~ Library and Lots bought _ th . SWARTHIIOD DRUNCH prac~cal nurses, eicperlenc8d Search Seivlce.' KASTENBAUM, for the 'lear of 1953. Three ousealed blcIB will be received In Pho Sh factory workers. Grace Lewis Em- BOOKS, 110 S. Orange, M.... ·a. sand, four hundred and seven gar- SwarthmOl'fl COUnoU Chamber, aron Pa.. on Borough MOnday Hall, Peb- ,,_ _ _ne ___ _ _Hill _ _0734 _ _- J ployment Agency. Notary·.Public. MEdia 6-2400. ...... ~ were ~donated. by 1,080 ruary 8th,' IBM ..~ 7:aO Pic. on ,. SWarthmore 6-JiOI9. FOR SALE ~ Man's skates, size members and 13 group organlza- fllmlah'ng and' I""talling one new!-.=;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;::::;;;:;=-S For hauling, fumi. tnu1am1t1>er PERSONAL . . U. SWa rth more 6- 0-......, tions to 18 cbar!table organIza- radio plote With an·---and o.ndreceiver rem-- com· e-. SWdrthmore 6-7972 ture refinished and repaired, -~ v~ JAMES H. FINCH light carpentrt.Call 'Andrew FOR SALE ~ Metal Hollywood .tions. trol unit. In BoroUgh Hall. 121 Park Spanier, Jr., SWarthmore 6-2198. bed 'frame, $10. Call SWarth-· The quality of the household ar- Avenue, Swarthmore. Bqulpment and A•••• a .... 1 •••1•• I ••a ...... C.lla" CI.a.... PEiGUNIrL __ . Electrical wiring more 6-8463 between 6 and 1. tlc1es, sheets, toWels and crib ~::U1oDBbe" ~;oc;:r'::t~h :!.~ Form.l, with Wibon Dorsey new and old residential and FOR SALE .-. 1946 Olda Club blankets, and the many attractive be obtained from the undersigned. A Marto., 'a. commedcal done In compliance coupe, radIO, heater. Excellent Item of lathing h wann' certllled ch_ for f100.00 must ...,- 327 Ma,l. Ave.. condition. PhOne SWarthmore 6s C ,.SIIC as company each bid and the firm or with Fire Underwri~ Speclflc- 5806.. _ jackets, wool sweaters, slacks and penon to whQlll contract la awarded atlons: .SaIe and Service on e1ec. will be uIrecI aI Water Heailirs, Rangea. Washers, .FOR SALE Hotj)Oint Electrir pretty ~es, was unusually fine .and f~ bonds~ ..::'~~~~ CONSTRUCTION Dryers, Pumps,. Falls, Cleaners Refrigerator ~ 7'1.z cu. it. Used this year. In letters of apprecla- the form of . which may be. seen at and stQ.aII 'appliarlceg, Call: ErIch l~ than 8 years. Very good con- tlon to the GuIld, many bene6ciar~ the oMoe of the underalgned. The RESIDENTIAL AND H. Hausen,oSW 6-2850, Corner of dltion. SWarthmore 6-4106. les remarked on this fact ~ the Borough ........... the right to reject p• ..:ar::.k=A::,n::.d:.,M=ic:::h::,lg!!:an=.=a.:;ven=u::es=:..._ _ I FOR SALE ~ Cow manure, for .. any or all blcIB. COMMERCIAL • . gardens and flower beds. Order children's organizations In parELLIOTT BIClIARDBON PERSONAL - Plano tuning ~ tlcu\ar. One organization director u ...... Bec:re'.qualified member National As~ now. Bruce 1!'. Durnall, Glen 1 22 2t ....... -, Alterations ....Iation Piano Tuners. For rates, Moore 25-685 after 8 P.M. . wrote: .:.,:' call Leaman, SUnset 9~5082. FOR RENT "The children were so delighted ESTATE NOTICE 335 Dartmouth Avenu. PERSONAL' _ Bally Sitting. Reto be able to go to school weU~ I!lSTATB OF ~SCHMIDT, onslble Call SWarthFOR RENT Newly renovated clothed. Needless to say, It gave Ia~J\~:'::augh Of B':"'~~,' sp .apartment ~ first floor -. bedri rity w_~ more 6-4251; . room. dinette, living room, kltch- them a sense of p de and secu . Delaware COUnty, PennaylvanJ". ~. ~. BLACKMAN · ~ mb f ur Letter.. or Admlnlatratlon on the PERSON.AL ~ Wall scraplng~. en. $70 per mo. Available Feb. 1. We want ea~ll me er , 0 '10 above' 'estate have been granted to 8W 6-8816 clean work. Floors and fumi- Desjrable for huslness woman. group to lplow how muc!> they the undersigned, who requests all ture covered; Paper taken away. MEdia 6-1810, ~ have contributed to the happiness persons haVU>g' elalm8 or demandS Free estImallls. Call WA 8-6107. FOR RENT ._ d Large, the estate of the decedent to make known the 88IDe and. all per- ;:: C comfortable . t t and' welfare of these little children agalnat 3 . WANTED' room, WID ow.. onvemen 0 who have never known what it 80IlS Indebted to the deeedent to transportation and tea - rooms. t dressed II W make payment without de.lay. WANTEJ>--CAn elementary teaCh- Telephone,SWarthmt>re 6-4124. was o. be , s o ·we. e KARY C. 8CHMJI71' er' _'. Media Friends School, FOR RENT ~ Furrii8hed room. have never received so many use~ 868 ParrIsh Boad Media, Pa. MEdia 6-0984. , Fine residential area. Close to ful and needed garments from any Swarthmore, Pa. WANTED ~. Dav's work, clean- trans~rtatlon.. shopping faclUtios. single 'branch of the Needlework OrG~l!lerw"ttorney, , KI 4 Oft-8 ~ . . MeKBAG, Esq. Retofing .' ing or laundry· work, 5-day - ..... .., --." '.' '. Guild and 'We are truly grateful 1381 1"Idellty·Phlla. Trust Bldg. week. References. CHeSter 3-0978. FOR RENT ~ Apartment - . 3 to your group for the interest they PhUadelphla 9, Pa; Gutters WANTED - Child's skates, size rooms a,!d bath, second floor. have shown in our work with the r1=-22=-S=t===='==;;;:;'==='=::::;1 ·or ... · SWarth-ore 6 0854 'One or two huslness people. Ref~ l iIi~.~~=:;... ;:::::::.;=-~~'=;;: AI.. Conditioning Wr.~' ANTED-German woman, with erences. Reasonable. Reply to Box dependent and neglected chUdren Sw...."'or. 6·1448 10 _ year _ old, girl;' deSires work H, ';!'he Swarthmorean=-._ of the community." WILLIAM BROOKS as housekeeper.• Good cook. Ref- FOR RENT Sunny, comfortable The Gulld officers felt that "such GEORGE MYERS A~hP.8 & Rllhhi~h Hpmoved erences. Call SWarthmore 6-51168. room for gentleman. 528 Cedar a hearl-warming letter .of thanks Lawns Mowed, General WANTED -.,. Yili"d. work and odd lane, SWarthmore 6-4646. should be made public to the Box 48·Swarthmore 6-0740' jobs wanted by' 'reliable ",hite FOl{ RENT ~ Suite, consisting of Swarthmore residents whosegenHauling man. Native ·Swarthmofean. living room, bedroom and bath, 'eroslty In the Fall Ingat.hering 238· Harding Ave.. Morton, Pa for business or professional man. CHester.' 3- 5736• reosuited In t·he fine collection of WANTED _-UnflH'llished three or Garage also available. SWarthmore 6-4555. .. clothing and household artlc)es." four-room apartment"for'couple with nine-y~ar"eld daughter. Call FOR,RENT~ffice space, SwarthPETER 01 NICOLA 200 W. Ridley Ave. more busmess section. C a 11 UCP YOUNG ADUlT ~ROUP Mrs, George Cochran, SWarth~ Ridley Park SWarthmore 6-6616 A.M. more 6-1707: ' ... IN· INITIAL MEETING MONDAY _Driveway ConstrucHon SW 6-4742 WANTED - Small unfurnished . .. FOUND apartment for young couple. FOUND--Fountain pen on Forest The' Young 4\dult - GroUp ff WA 8·2440 Occupancy March 1. Reply Box E, ...Asphalt ' or Concrete lane. SWarthmore 6-4354.' United cerebral Palsy of Delaware The Swarthmorean. Cellar Walls Re-Plastered AuthorIzed Dlstribufors FOUND _ Lady's wrist watch, County held its initial meeting this for' FOR SALE Sou t h Chester road. Call week In the Wom~'s Association Pho~' Swarthmore 6-2526 ore FOR SALE _ Zeiss-Ikon CBntessa E'Wa""1l11 6-6864 for identlflca- room of the' Swarthmore Prescamera, 2.8 'Tessar lens. Prac- tiOlt: ••..... , ~~£'byterian Church, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tlcally new. Half price. Call : :.:. .' ".' "&"0$"", ~, • .. Rup> ,Weh'b of South Chest6lr ',: and SWarthmore 6-5806. LOST.r..'Iloy·s"'!;Ied;-i!l>aJ"3i4 N;'. 'road, who·1s chainnan of the comFOR SALE -._Full lengt!l.silver Ch~ter road. SW~m;jl;~ 6.' mittel! led the'disc1,lS8ionof proo -..:m=u::skr=a::.t'_·...:c:.:o::a;,;~_ .. _s::lz::e=-··..::1~6:....·-.::$::5:...0....::.8'I:..:4:.:a::··_·_~-_..;··;.·l""'·:~_:...'-','.,_......:;,.•.:,..;.:_'_....:.:. 'planning for·~the. future· .. "~Jack. . ' . ." '; . _:,'::,.,'.! "::. monthiy meetings. ~t was the con. .~ 1:> cenSus of. those ¢asent that dls. ;" ... • cusslon' meetlnga with· guest ,. I r' . . c.' '.'.,' '.: spelikers be al.tero&ted with socl. al PAI.NTING . and heat ng equ pment·'Servlce available' to' 'our' ~..-:., " meetiriga> cind 'custoniers on all makes of' Needlework Guild Gives 1953 Report CLASSIFIED. ADS. . ;. ," " 8 .. =.,;-:.:....-::===--==-::---- '=============: Sheet Metal Work, ;,;' = 'VAN ALEN BROS" , . \\ \ \ \ \\ \ gram . . • . \ \ \ • .As: :t!'~th~;~ometer; goes d6wn-traffic accidents go u p ! ' You may do lesS' driving in January and Fehruary than you do in Spring and Summer' hut-even so-col.d facts prove that these months aTe the most dangerous on our highways. • .. ! ..... .' . J.·A~ . ..1 -. , .. • + '-'. JlOLLYBoq( ..SUQP·; . . . ,', :.. i '; HORACE ~"REiVES ~ .. " .. StAND 10 . S'I'lL\TJt IlAVEN INN '; . ': "B~J·IIQY. ...... ,. l'HEBOUQUET BAIRD and BIRD SWARTHMORE Co.OP W. MARK BITI'LE JOYCE LEWIS BUCHNER'S, INC. E. L. NOYES and CO. 'tHE SWARTHMOREAN :. FU~M0T6RSf ; _ ' . NATIONAL . DELAWARE .. ' ~~ OF' , . . '. to'UNTY .. . the FebJY!!l'! i,: • '; : . HANNUM & W AM. ' ,. '·Pi!:I1Ut'E. rouf .. '£'To'S ',' .',MI'I'D' ~ ..COf,l,EGE p' THE INGLENEUK '.' . . HARMACY \ . , I' _. , . • , , MP Charl&s E. Fischer NAMED COLLEGE EDITOR John R·. Schott, son of Reverend Swarthmore 6-2253 OIL -.-us .... COMDIlIOMlC':J eM fUltMACIl i Oil acllIl" .00lIUrNU,.. WAnt M.... ' . . ' I DAY and NIGHT OIL BURNER . SERVICE P. ; MONDAY THRU SATURDAY NOON 5 !:~oo"~~n;,~m~v::;g ~!i; InShaker Heights, Ohio, where he CONTRACTORS' =1 ;~ =.a.: t~:to:an~~~ :~~"':~;= = § SW 6-4041 C;:eme.f and. St!t!!.e Work . manager of tIUi yearbook.'H~ also ~ FLAGSTONE OR e received an award "For outstandCONCRETE PATIOS i . 5 cellarsDrw'vaewtearpysroofe'd -~=~ 81lNDAY8 and HOLIDAYS COAL ~ FIREPLACE WOOD J .' A' G' REE' N ~ cluded the chairmanship of the ;_= CL 9.5171 • MacArthur for President CommI~o~ .NortheB!!tern Ohio and, ~IlIIIIIIIIIIH' .I1U1III_nli_llIII~ .. SWarthmore 6-0740 presidency ot the Youth for Eisen- '_. .., M IIIDHIIHIRIIAlmhower-Nixon in Cleveland. _ .~._lnl._.HIIIII'P HIRPtIIWP _ I . =.:=: '.: . en~: ~ ~~::!rd~ ~tlcal "," Phetne SWartilmetre 6-3681 ( and Mrs. John has Schott, West avenue, lieenBenjamin elected ::~~~~~~~~~~~J~~~ News EdItor of the Haverford Col- ~IIRlllmIlRlmnRIftIIftIllUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRUnll"~ lege student paper, '~he News." 5_T.·nar". & San =_= John '"ame ·to Haverford this ... <" CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS I~===:;:=======~'" . BUILDER' Ing contribution to the News." HIs -=- USCG oildliring the .' non-academic activities' have in- .. . of . . heating. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gual'anteed;' . season Siandard Coai cutive seci-Eltary of the organiZation. • '. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson of'Fairview road, assisted with rehinents that 'followed the . meeting. ~': aI/burners ~iil~1 ::lo~:~c'ld:Ii::r~i! SWQrth' . more 6' -8761, _andc·Milll~<1Ilt No.,., JriII'.UOie.u .... but, 7tIII' Car wID last ...... ride -1IIlCIOUdY If,.,. wID lee .. I!IbtIcate it e-r 1;QOO m.- ... . ,. ,1Inc1+Q'I'I"!JN8 oil ' . , . ',:, ~ .Cloughan of. Drexel ...HiU, PhiliP; . ;~or.!)f y.;adoJ!.. Elli;e Remon!' fi :~~~"!'r~~~,~~;:d~~ COilnty, KIng, exe- ••• Aqd.r YEARr *,' CARPENTRY ~;;;;iJI;!I':- _.. . . .;. da ' Other.. present were' Mrs. Wan": McCloughan; and Edith Mc': WII'"Nt,1qU"b, • MARTEL BROl1lERS t, t .~~~~..~ ,Lit lr-o-1\. /....-.' . " Rl~=~=~~~e=~f:~ ~Dnootll l>fivlng/' "' GREEN '-: Prichard· . G ." .'," ••'·'IDI• •··:" :; * i{ . < "L'IT'"~'H: OU··-·;~a-. .:::A --: B~t no matter where you live, ~r where you drIve-he extra cautious. Leiu-n how to control your. car if it should start to skid. Slowd~wn in winter. Drive carefully. Make·. 1954 the safest year ever! 'Grl,ly wea~er ••• added hours of darkness ••• sno~ and haze ••• wet .or icy roads-all do their part to Increase' the chances of traffic .S I'N'C LAI'. .: .. ,." . II!!L-I Um .~m accidents. This is "skid" weather.' • . If you li~ In or drive tl;lrough' the mountain .regions of Pennsylvania-you know how much more alert you must he in winter t() avoid mishap. . . ., • ATLANTIC FUEL OI~: ,,,,.:IRON FIREMAN , OIL • Sci-I LWY Study Groep to Meet The League of W.omen Voters study group on the state constituUon will hold its second meet~ Ing Wednesday morning at 9: 30 II.t the home of Mrs. Carl Barus, 2 Crum Ledge. Mrs. Frederick Dndley will ex- SAW' (OJIIE",erEeN~·SoraEY· Bee a G 'CeCIl'~yst"D·AI8IICJ "-:a . E 29 lAST 5TH ST•• CHESTER Phones: 3-6141 3-6142 4-4291 50,"-"1 , D. Clyde J. Edward Clyde plain suJfrage and elections. , Sam..1 D. Clyde. Jr. Geo,..e Plow.•• -I P",e 10 1BE. SlVAR'imIOIlEAN H. G. Griffin Resigns Presidency of Ins.· Co. HEADS CdLLIGI PAPER Borough Census Set For February Ist-6th ••• just tune the TVa little louder , ...w , Nunerr - - ·t .1Ioft. Hessenbruch, Mrs. W. B. Lowe, Fairview road. Mrs. Thomas H. Ingram, Mrs. Don Dickinson of Park avenue Charles D. Mitch.eli, 'Mrs. WilIlam M: ~ark,~. Eric S. SPn>al,.Mrs. William SIckle, Mrs. carroll P. Streeter, Mrs. Charles Thatcher, Mrs. Ambrose Van Alen, Mrs. S. Murray· Viele, Mrs. 1.. Warnes, and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes. ·Re~yes Degree Vlrgtnia Joan Matthews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. IMatthews, G""", Park, was graduated from West Chester State Teacbers Co\'J.ege Wi!dnesday morning at mid-year cOmmencement exercises held fOr a class of 45 senior sWdim.ts. . She received the degree of Bachelor of 5clelice'\n '"etemenlal7 e.tucatlon from Dr;· CIui~ S. Swope, president of the. !,ollege. .IANO TUN,"& New au. __11& _ _ IIepmIq 8_~. lUI" ALBAN 'fdlKEl iii who has been reporting to the 5 -_.....£...;...:::::!:~ Air Force Station at Willow iii Grove, Will leave Monday by plane 5 for Flight Training .at Pensacola lii~ EDGMONT Fla.· , W, SCHAEFHR S·MITH· Funeral· services Ia~t wm-e 51 held- Wednesday of week fOr W, =-== __ Schaeffer Smith of Venin or, N.J., brother-In-law of Mrs.· HeSton D. McCray. Jr" of. Cornell avenue. A R••I.der Fo Add' d I rotectio.n PlUS. Very Latest .in EST· ER'oJt' .e""hlO· n Co·r-r Sfy.le---G·e·t he Ic:r;o .... I : .,. t' n." <>. - 7th AND WELSH STS. ... ' HEADWARMErem'e in .1919. Subsequenti,: he became college but whose homes are e~­ Crlle Veterans Hospital, and play- Court of Pennsylvania, 1777-1791: ,:..... aSSIStant se.cretary, vIce-president where, would· not be considered ing on her class hockey team. In addition, to Mrs. Penfteld,··' and executive vice-president, be- residents. Men or women in miIl- Sandy's parents are Dr. and Mrs. she is survived by three .other fore becoming president In 1941. tary serviee whose homes are In Morris A. .Bowie of South Chester children, . Mrs. William H.· VerUnder his management his Swarthmore would also be con~ road. planck, Cortlandt AtleeHilinm, Company expanded 520 per cent sidered residents for the purpose William AtleeHayB, all of WbIte . Represent Loc:al LWY in insurance in force and 640 per of the census. • Naturally,' yo~ appreciate Plains, six liandcblldren and cent in assests; and is now licensed Infonnation secured can also the interest of ,..ell.meaains A statewide meeting of voters' eight great grandcblltb-en. in 36 states as well as several serve tbe purpose of the pre- service chairmen of the League of mend.. But DO drus-a_or . Canadian provinces. school and school census· wblch Women Voters of Pennsylvania old-.hoaltl· be··.takeD .nthMr. Griilin is· a ti1rtllltor of the must. be taken annually of all was held In Harrisburg on Tuesout tJui" p.resc:ription oE J!>tIt Factury MutuBl LabOratories. Inc., cblldren under 17 years of age. day ·wlth Mrs. Bruce Miller, Mrs. PETER E.TOLD p!>J_ic:iaD ,..hole caref..l the Factory Mutual Rating Bureau diagnom determine the ' Thomas Casey, and Mrs. William· and The Insurance Federation of SR, ASSEMBLIES TO MEET. McDermott attending as represen_ druS yo.. requiie.Heed hia All Lines of Insurance' Pennsylvania, Inc.; a member of uperleaced mpnseJ. AadEor The eleventh and tweHth grades tatlves from the Swarthmore the Joint Affairs Cominittee of of the Swarthmore Senior As- League: careful compouadias,alway. , the Associated Factory Mutual Inbring hi_ ptesc:riptions ~ semblies will hold an iniormal Mrs. Casey was leader· ot one surance Companies,'and a trustee dance from 8:30 to 11:30 ill the· of the three group meetings held of the Faclory Mutual Building 333 Dartmouth Avenue CATffERMAN'S Woman's Club tomorrow evening. to discuss voters' guidjlS, regisAssociation. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fellows tration . and getting out' the vote, DRUG S~ORE will serve as hosts for the eleventh and meeting the candidates. Mrs. Swarthmore, Pa, International Friendship grade with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDermott was a member of the Dept. to Sponsor Party R. Gibson acting as cha~erons. plarinlng committee wblch set up Twelfth grade hosts wlil be Mr. the workshop. The clubhouse of the Woman's and Mrs: Henry L. ~unker, Jr., Swarthmore 6-1833· Club of Swarthmore will present with Mr: and Mrs. John G. Lord, WINS STUDENT AWARD an international scene·on Tuesday, chaperons. F'ebruaiy 2; at 1 p.m. wben the Sandy Ford, son· of Mr. and MrS: Club will hold its' shoual InterNEWS. NOTES Henry C. Ford 'of Amherst av~ national Friendship ·,Dessert nue, has,~ved,an Edward,Ben': Bri. The affairwll1 be sponsorMilton Neale, II, son of ~ and nett Rosa Worthy Student .Award ed bj'·ihe International frlendsblp Mrs. J. M. Neale of Moylan,. was at Wesleyan University, Conn. The ritualist of the GammaA ber f th lass f 19 4 elected dep~rtment, Mrs. S. Millon Brya~t I ta Ch t f La bd Chi mem 0 e c 0 5, chairman. 0 ap er 0 .. m a preparing' to enter the . SwartluMre School •. - Alpha, Denison Uulversity. A edi I ,--_. d h In Proceeds from tbe p~y will sophomore at Denison, he will m ca pro.""",on an . as ma _. (LicsMed) se t b CARE a ok . tamed an Honors·average·througllrve 0 Uy.. l1 . _ages for serve for the 1954 year. ollt his college career. He bas been wom~n and children hi· Korea, Mr. and Mrs. A. Laurence Baxl acti\:e on many.College Body SenproVIde $120 a year for a Korean ter of Ogden avenue arrived home at~,. Commltt~ addition to . Ileg,.ter NOW. for War o~han, aid in a project for by plahe from Mexico City and holding the. officie of· Steward at . SecoDd $em.i.., · In~emational House in PbIladel- Yucatan, where they had been his fratemity, Delta K8ppa Epphis,. buy yarn for tw~ afghalls to vacationing with' Mr. and Mrs. sllon. A three years Varsity soc· be sent to Veterans Hospitals, John E. W"ters of Lancaster. In cer P.i&Yer, he recently won a place and. allow $35 for a Red Cross Yucatan;· the men hunted quail on the All-American Collegiate Christmas party. . over Mr. Baxter's dog "Bob'" who Soccer Team. M~. Percy Gilbert and. Mrs. had made tlie 10Dg trip via rail ..';;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 308 Ma. . Av.... Leshe Wetlaufer are co-chairmen and bolil, ducks and thr~ r of the affair, assisted by Mrs. R. safari Into the j:u,glesin sean:~ Happy Hunting SW6~ T. Bat.:"- The following commlt- of deer, jaguar, wlld boar, turkeys for' lee ~h81rmen have. been. named: and partridges. Mrs. Baxter and . Antiquers Tlckets and reservations, Mrs. Mrs. Waters spent the time sightA. :e~aufer: tr~asul1!r, Mrs. seeing which included such places _ MID·WINTER REDUCTIONS roy . ercer, prlZeB, Mrs. w. as the ancient· May R· t ~ark Bittle; serv~g, Mrs. David Chichen IIza. I a ums a ~ti.ques· & Gourmet Shop Transportation Available a Bmgh ,:,,;, decorations, Mrs. AIPenelope Morrow, daughter of Provltl• .c. RtI.. Wain.,ford, Po. bert Hllles; dessert, Mrs. R. T. Mr d Mrs W·lli C M "Edla 6.4751 Bt .. . . . an . 1 am . orrow a ~; publICity•. Mrs.,J. R. Kline. of Harvard avenue, has been se... ' O~er members of the col1Ullit- lected as a member of th t h- ~llRUlllmWlUlllllllllllllllUllllnlllmUIllHmmIlIllIlIlIlJHlli[ "YOJI·M· t fh N' . .., . '.. . lee mclude: . man choir at MoUnt HOlyo~er:;:'l_ e~ ." . •cesf Peop e af$peare's"IM Mrs. Herbert Bassett, Mrs. T. E. lege. Membemhip in the choir is 5 ' .. Beddoe, Mrs. Edward ~yd, Mrs. based on competitive tryo ts == E. D. Brauns, Mrs. Hamilton . Mr. and Mrs. Richard J~~son, ~ .• • • ." .. , ~ . ' ...~, CocJ:tran, Mrs. ~ugh Denworth, former residents of Green. Htil iii p. . .. Mrs. L. C. IIastings, Mrs. T. E. 'road, Media, are now living at 740 == !! , J......,22, 19U' Sandy ·Bo",le, Oberlin College coed and a junior, has just been made edllor of the student newspaper, the clRevIewH• Her tenn of office w1l1 run from February 1954 to February 1955. She has been managing· edilor dulrng the semester just ending and before that served as reporter, city editor; and managing editor. Sandy's major inteIWl in the "''''''-''' BWART/DIORE Brodhead, Barber Library Directors - ' '53 Circulation 54,804, Book Total 16,836 Top 24-Year Record Robert S. Brodhead and Allce Barber w ...... elected to the Board of Directors of the· Swarthmore Publlc Library for three year terms at the week-end election In the Library when 10 candidates stood for the two vacancies on the Board. The result was announced at the Annual Meeting of the Library Association Monday night In Borough HalL Those c. ommunity-minded the Community Arts cen .. ter, Roboosters of the Club gers lane, Wallingford, at the tea The report ot LJbrarian Bettina who have earlier Indicated that Sunday attemoon from 2·to 8 0'- Hunter evldenl!ed continued Del. Co, Crip·pled Chil- they ",!ould purchase extra shares ·clock. Registrations for new mem- growth In circulation, memberatleacL f or ",at they would consider doing bersblps and Spring Term classes ship, and books, or as.1oIlss Hunter JDIe.' Haij ·l'i~t. is in this dren Benefit· Set or so·are asked to contact the work- will be taken at tbls time and termed it "the Library's three R's, . February 16 ers to Indicate their wUllngness to teachers will be··present to explain reading, readers, and reading ma_ - t r y on a three mollth~ur as participate at this time. Such their subject as they teach It. terial." 'Dr. Sclnveltzer>s' penon8l repreThe Swarthmore Junior Wo- extra shares puichased now will Tbis Open House event also Library ·clrculation Is the hlghatative. RaIsed in the AlsJItiaB man'. Club will present a talk on be temporal'Y. loans anI! the mem.. marks the opening of ·the Fifth est to date, 54,804, an ilftpressive ~Ie of ColMar,·the same region home freezers in the Woman's berships which they repi'e!lent will Annual Student Exhibition, ar- growth sluce the Library flrst wheleDr, Schweltzer waa·reared, Olub Tuesday evening, February be purchased back by the c01'J?Ora- ranged by, Robert Anthony, ex- opened In Hay, 1928, nearly 25 2, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Edward Coulns, tion at par value. hlbitlons chalnnan. Tea will be years ago. Inll"~lntervalsLlhas been bIs right hand helper chairman. of Amedcan Home, has These shares can then be made served with the following actIilg brariana have lepotioo!d clrcu\ation aIDee 1925 whim she joined the JJOCured a representative fiom the available to' additional Swarth- as hoIitllles: at 20,426 in 1• . 24,_ In leas, .......... ~ a nurse. 'In~atiolial Harvester: compallY more fam1lles who wish to join as Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. F. ~,753 In 1943, 48,800 In 11MB, 54,A Dft' leprosariwn aUbe Lam- to speaJ{and a It· e wW be in- the building of the pool pro"" es Norton Landon and Mrs. Harry 804 in 1954. ... boniDe mlssion requires Dr. ·stalled In tUie dubhowoe for dem- andoummer sw\naminaapproach- G~ Staulfer, an of Swarthmore; The reader rQlstratlon· totals Schweitzer's presence bIlt l\oDle. onstnltion. Sampl" fteezel foods es. The bOOrd of directors and. all (Continued on Page 8) 2915 of which 2243 are adulb, · Hauaknech., with the background will be distributed. ' others Interested In the Swim Club 872 chlldren, and IllS out-of-town of her 28 YeBrJ of "healing the The Executive' Board of the are eztremelj.iuudoua to save as pay members. The addition of sick, clearing torest, nlllUng to- Club met Tuesday evening, Janu- 1D8lIYadditionai shares as possible ·2172 volumes, Ineluding 470 gifts, pther tha laths for, ary 28 with Ruth. Wagner to dis- for Swarthmore fam!Ues. to' the Llhrary shelves In 1953 buudlngS: ~g swamps, teach- cuss plaaa ·fol: ·the annualB"I1eftf Whlle mostSwarthmorean. who the, total number of books Ing hyilene and wonh1ppinJ God" Bridge and Fash!.on Show wblch have signed applications haire aI.. to 18,836, the- hlgbest DUmber on · ean tell ·bIs .siory ~th authentl:' w1ll. be held at the Clubhouse on ready II1jIde payment, there are ' record. A I{ifi of $SO fEOm ~ ell;)'. February 18. .::.- still a few who have not done 110 Memorial services were held at Pack 101 and $51 from the .Mue. Haussknecht's visit Is . CoDunittee chalzman for the to date. Their checks mUst elthfll" .2 p.m. Saturday In the S~ sW_arUunore' MotbCii Club helped ,J"~ ·lft... wen....'Ul"be :liIIIn.!,!Ibn. Tennant, be in til!! hands of one. of the ~ds Meeting ~U18 0 • adh-. awellthetotal purchased. . _.~ 'I':IIu' ......dne' 1lIicf;'~·. nI1'es1iin~ta;''''' Xul·Pox, ta.-·\VOrkera,or".In.the,~to the.Ha .. ,1UId,1\.'~,.,.""w .. ' ... , ... :...- ,.,., ,. . . ~ '. til·· M· ROberl'Wei1 .'. ubU treasure Mrs. D M·. G wing, morean Who '. died Wedilesdajlo Among Miss Hunter's tan\aliz.Brica G~ Memck·p~'::'afi'; this' w";;;'.,.nd In·Ord:rce to ~January 211, at idemorial Hospltai !ng siatlstlcs was the taet lliat the ~de~t·. ptiot~2aphsN~"'_' . ver 0 the 1.... ........,., -. ' . ~.~' , ' , w e S t Chester. , August 14 was the busiest Library Peace·award lead off the <\rt page Hoot, tickets, Claire Jllnclil2e, membership.· (Continued on P e4) In the New York Herald Tribune fasblon show. The fashiOns w1ll Born April I, 1878 In ~ye, N.Y., ag ofSundsy, January 17. be p~d by Marie Donnelly the daughter of James and E1tzaMrs And t to (, and modeled by Club members.' beth Gri1rln Haviland, M}ss HavlUSIC : erson wen. gowe, Mrs. Howard Wilhoyte will be the ..." , l a n d was educated In the Rye :a ll!itrator. .. . publlc. schools. . At the death of uch b t· for her Proceeds will go to the Delaware. .. , '1 her mother In 1925; she and her' . m too US)' o. pose . County Home for Crippled and . father (who died in 1939), moved The second Sunday Jamboree, earnera. She stayed and helped In &;tarded Children Donations may Durmg the forthcoming week Of. to Swarthmore to live with her sponsored ·by the Swarthmore Muthe m!sslo~ until all were used to be made to anyCiub member' February 1 to 6, 5~ volunteer brother-In-law and sister Mr. and sic Club, to be held this. Sunday ber ..amera and she had, tak~ . enumerators w1l1 call on tho. fam- '101 J B d Walto' t us at WbIttier House promises an 11,000 black and White and 1 , 0 0 0 , !Iles of Swarthmore to secure In- 0 ; •. ernl" U ~a Wal unusually varied of' fare ormati aIlor pictures, from which the 50 1. on l~ding 10 a count ot ton'~e:;:n~e·l!l5i:he moved ~ Following the pattern set by ;he em exhibition were selected. the population. The census of th Friends' Boarding Home, West prevlo\1S' Sunday festlvai, tbls af"I would like", she told· the !950.s~QWed ,.populatlon of ~822 c:ester. . falrwlll be divided into three dlsUe17ed Jlt!WSP8Per columnist, "to sell these andull't ~ be that the present A.. birthright member of the So- tinct paris, so that listeners and II11d all .the rest of the pictures pop ation is about 5300. . .... -'Fr· d sh 'h d tr participants may attend one, two ,.·lI11d give iillthe proceeds t<> the.· Funeral services for Ralph Lex Each .census enumerator will cle....... leD s,· ~. ~ .... ansll·three rtI ' . 'ftom Pur-. po ons. IJreIlt old', .ri8ii,c who ·iJpends Iiis Adams of Glenwood avenue, Moy- h ave a IeIter 0 f auth· or1Z8tIon ferred. her membershIp . In . . or a strength 'sofreeJy and grows in Ian were condl.\cted in the Swarth- from the Secretary of the School chase Meeting . West Chester' Part I ·begins at 4 p.m. and is :,·irtature and wisdom by giving him- nioreMethodist Church at 11 a.m. Board Mary Spiller which slates County, N.Y., to the Swarthmore designed especially for children, aelf· to others." Saturday by the Rev. John C. in Friends when slle moved to the Pl\l"81lts, and those wlsblng to en. Mlle. H8uss1mecht will speak in Kulp, minister of the church. In"The· bearer of this letter .hBs ~:rO~gh. S.~~ se~~. th:~.ghla:~te:on yC~~:-:g~~ g~'::;~:otnihiswipt~rt~= the· Church at 8 o'clock. terment followed In the. family been appc;in.ted .enumeratorfor 1ge59_109m421Dl • ee a ver I om . . '". b una . I I 01'·in M onument cemetery, the dis·Uft; ...-t 10 which you Iive, and of the . . H ·1 d· ... ,... "'~ t U b programal willIninclude num. Beverly N.J. has been requested to obtain the M,ss aVI a.n .·,waS. a~ara~Q Ders y a voc qu tet of eighth garden enthUSiast, and'took ·par- grade boys directed by Bettyjo Mr. Adams who was 65, died names of all restdents of the dis- . ul I .. h· h bb f G 'd II I usi . t . suddenly ot·a heart atlack Wed- trlct,. the street and number, your 11~ . ar p e,,:,ure '~ er 0 y 0 00 a ,voca m c superonsor a , . , nesday afternoon wblle In Swarth- telephone number, your birtl;1 ralSln g . Afllcan, vlolets·berSheOfWaans the high school. John Fisher, PaiI -Members of the International more to have his car serviced. date, your occupation, your em- for many years a mem . mer Skoglund, Jack. CalhoUn, Bob I'tiendsblp department of the WoA graduate _of Drexel Institute ploy... ~. any, and the name of Independent Friends Reading Watkins and Eddie. Payne wll1 be man's Club of Swarthmore an- of Techllology, he did graduate the owziei of the· property in group here.. . the singers. A clarinet· quartet will DOunce that plans are completed work at the University of. Penn- wblch you Uve•. The SChool ·D!sShe is su.rvlved by two. neph.!lws,feature Bo!) Young, Bob Warden, . for their beneftt dessert bridgt! to sylvmila and had been with the trict desires this Information ·J~ph Walton of Middletown Joan Hemenway and Mari PbIllie given at the club house ~- .Budd Company for:l8 years at the order to complete the census for TownshdlP ancd Edward H. Walton Ii~ary.and Ramona VanUrk and day, February 2, at 1 p.m. Deco- time of bIs retirement last Spring. submission to the Superintendent of Ham en, onn. ntions Wilt carry out the Inter~ Spencer Carroll will play a numnational theme. There will be He has been a member of the of Public Instruction In Harris- CHILDREN'S EMOTIONS ber for .noUn, 'cello and plano. Swarthmore 'Methodist Church burg. Your cooperation in furTOPIC OF HEALTH FILM Solos will be given hv . door and table prizes, dessert, and· 19· 34 d st rd . bI th lnf ti t d ' Heidi Hon.,00 fei1owsblp. ... smce an was a ew. on DIS ng e orma on '"'iues e nold and .lonnie Seybold, on the Its official board at the time of his will be much ap~ated." The natural feellngs of fear, violin, ilnd AndJ> Seybold, on the . 'l'he. opportunll;)' of helpinJ In death, also. a dlstrlct steward rep- .~p\ana of th. census aad the anger, jealo\JSYi curiosity, joy, Is ~o. tII!t departmeat's' prOjects should reseating the local church 8114 a ~ol the Id!t sa",.. - - t h e theme of nat 'WI; L.R7'1 (ConUnued on Page 4) . attnet a Jarp crowd of bridle and lay delegate to the annual Metho- terI~ Will be made at the IUDCh~ 81m to be shown ih the.Visual edplay_Mrs: Pere;y.GU- dlst. CODfeftJ.lce.. ' eon lD,eetIng ··inMc:CahaD Hall of UcatlOll room ~ the high .MoI Wt aadMrs. Talle Wetlaufer miRe .... a inemb!tr of the Society the Pu.,teri8n.Church OIl MOIl- un~ the ausplcei ol-.the IIeelth IMtCI CLUI DANCE flU. 5 fIlelw •• ol the event. of AutomotiVe Bn8Ineers II11d a day, Peruary I, p.m. Mrs. SpiU- (OtAlimitteeof the HOlM" 8oIIool " - n ' s ~ w1ll fte department baa· distributed M..-. He IIer .ed as a Ueutenant er, Mrs.. John Seybold, general A.aclaUoa. . . . lend the In tar Dat ~ aD!OIIC elub members for Ia the Army Transportation Corp chairman, mid I'ranIt B. Morey, Due to _1I·d'JJ' IncreuIna ~- ~_ ........... Dudc Club dance bIttlnasquares for '"'PlI11s un- during World WV I and was a mpervislng prladpal of IChools. 117 I!I__ In ~. mcMeI, two ~wOIDm.. <:Jab. The fourth the direction of the Red·eroa. memb!tr of the Army ~. will present the plans. pe:tfoiwances will a«aln be held; in . ..non'. series of silt '!'be afCban s wm·be sent to VetSurviving besides bIs widow.the The names of the enuiDenton the fbst af IOrIO a.m. and the see·1JIOIIi4 ied. by the club un...... HQlpitaIL Mrs. W. lIarit·fonn~ Adallne Banet! are a who are volunteering lor th\a ond '" &.p.m. Thus bUS)'tathers do!r the general. chsInnmsblp of liIWe, chalrman of the Jmltting daughter, JIargaret B. Adams; bIs service South of the Railroad are: .wIll have an 011..... twdty to "keep. RIclwcl Runt tile aftaIr will be In .......mlttee, has that aU-.WhO· mother ,lira. Margaret. D. Adams Mrs. Clark Am-, Mrs. W. c.. -up." 'Irith mothers by se Ing an. In- swing. fran 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. . and line eoinpleted squares·· brJac !IUd sister. lIIrs. Lydia A Her- Dwboraw;.Mrs. Glen MottOW, fonnatlve fllm on children's erno- weIeomes the company, of non-· tItern to .tIie part)' .oIi 1'IltI.t~ I.. bert; both of Greenvale, L i , ... (Continued. on Page· I) .~, , . ·I cIubmen""",. whO . . - .• tIOD8. - eujOydaneing. . ... , In the 'American Museum of Natmal Jiiato.,., New York.Clty. The ,eommunity is. cortJ1ally Invited to ·me Marth,a: Havitand·.Dies In Wes·.t Chester'Home.brfnp cl;: Borou·g. hCensus lUi Begin Mondav ~ ~~~dtoDr~~~e M • Cl . J mho ub. fSchedules a ree or Sunday blll Ralph L Adams . O"les' .Sudde'DIy part· Fr··.endsh.·p·. ·B·r."dge .arty Set for Tuesday . , . , ' . in !I. ,_I. au. I a s k e d . .. .. a I . .] . . . - Pap 2 Personals Mr. and Mrs. WlIJJam M. Bush of Dickinson avenue entertain~ as their house guest last week Mrs. Conrad Lashar of Binghamton,' N.Y. Mr~ &tI:Y Lang of Dickinson avenue will leave next Thursday by plane to visit' over the weekend with his daughter Miss Marjorle Lang of MiamI, 'Fla. " Donald S: Guthrie of' Cornell avenue, a sophomore at ,Gettysburg College,is spending a week between semesters at his home here. ' Mrs. Paul B. Banks of H'!rv....d avenue entertained at a luncheon fat eight out-af-town guests at her home Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Oliver J. Hart. The Rt. Rev. Oliver J. Hart, Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. and Mrs. Hart will leave next month on a t np · t 0 th e H 0 Iy La n d an d Italy . Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hertel, . • THE SWAR11IHOREAN Bill McHenry of Parrish road IrDUP of out-Df-town friends Satwas home for, severa. days from urday eveolng, Washington and r- University for the I1Itd-fear vacation. ? ENGAGEMENT Ginny Gehring will arrive today·1 Miss Anne GuetteI: of Rlchfrom William Smith College, Gen- mond, Ind., formerlY of Swartheva, N.Y., to spend the mid-year more announces the engagement vacation at her home on Univer- of h~ niece, Miss Pauline E. slty place. Beneke, to Mr. Robert Floyd, Bob Lang of Maple avenue and grilndson of Mr. and' Mrs. Ona Carl Moore of Hudson, N.Y., are Floyd of Geneva, Ohio. spending ,a few days oJ the midBoth are senior' students at year vacation of Rutgers Univer- Bowling Green University.. Miss ~. and W. Sproul Lewis of Gradyville Who are planning ,a va~' cation trip to Honolulu. Karen Peterson_· of Vassar ave-' nue will celebr~te her 10th anniversary by entertainlng 24 Fifth Graders at a birthday pany at her home this evening. PtTJPJ8QED BVERY FBJDAY AT 8WARTDlIIORB. PA. "" PETER E. TOLD, MAlUORIE TOLD, PUBLI8BEB8 Phone 8Warthmo.... 6-0800 - ,The' Borique~" ( PETER E. TOLD, Editor BARBJ\RA KENT, Man.riD&' Editor Rosalie ,Peirsol 9 South Chester Road Call Swarthmore 6-0476 ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiii~iiiiiiii~ii.~~ • ,> • '" • H:.4 YEN r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~ _" :: ' , :' .' . , ". ' ::: STAT•. ,A, U, TO INSPECTION ~ " 1st to January 31st November , Winterize. Now ,WHEEL iALANCING " Prestone _ Zerex AUTO LITE BAnERIES 'R'O' BERT J • ATZ'.O • wner RUSS'ELL'S SERVICE SW 6 044 - OPPOSITE BOROUGH- PABKING LilT 0 ' 'Dartmouth & Lafayette Ayes. ,win-If;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;~;:;;;~~;:;;;~-~;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;~;:;;;;;;;~ of the Swarthmore Property OWnerS' Association. .' " . At the annllal meeting, of the Association December 16, 1953, on motion of FrederidLG. Volz,se~onded by Thomas G. Casey, ~pproved .without a dissenting v~te, the Board of Directors "was authori~ed the proposed swim -. to study . "club ,plan and its contemplated locatioriand to . report to the membership at a speCial' meeting ',. ,early in, February. ~ ~ ". " The_~oard of Directors is ready to /)"lake its. ' report and a speCial meeting of the' membership is called for Monday, February' 1st, Q P. M., in . CounCil Chamber of Borough Hall " Allen C. Wood, President DON1T WAIT ANOTHER DAYJ- Munich and Stuttgart, Germany. F;;~~~~~;;;;;;~;;~I~;:;;;;;;;~;:;;;~;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;~~II ~~on., Sos-ia.~g. L,L~I"ISQ'OE';~Er:!c: "'/' FQR, SALE Saturday Nit. F••i~r.",6, 8 and it'! u AN . .ENQlAttJED .EY.EMING SU~:!:c~~::CZ~~~~::day , ... ' . at the ''THE SEA ARoUND US;" ,DUCK, CLUB DANCE, . in,TechniQlor C:OMPLETr SERVlet .... pl•• n .... Walt DI_,," :', - .;"-~., .UYING, " :,' SELLING RENOVATING ' 'SWarthMore 6-30SCI Friday, Evening, Feb. 5' 9 to 1 o'clOCk , T... LH. A.... I .... "ednefday and Th.rsday Womaa's CI.b Ho.", ~: $4 pel' eo... at Do .. "CRUD. SEA" It·tum e.g.'.m.... by So Mony Requests , . • At the t";'(> Morning Worship services 'at 9:30 and 11 o'clock Sunday morning, Mr. Bishop will continue on the second of a series of sennons on the general theme "Sennonll for Living", the topic this week will be "When' Calamity FaJls." At 9:30, 10:45 and If a.m. Church School Classes will be to overcome the results of an attack of Polio suffered a year ago. Among the clmtributions received at our bank on Tuesday night was a smalI jar. In I~ were 237 pennies. These the boy had saved as his contribution toward the Mothers March. That's the spirit, Johnny. A few words of explanation should be given for the torn condition of the stickers that the boy scouls posted on, Monday night. It was not 'an evidence of vandalism, forJunately. The window Cleaners were on the job on Tuesday and dig all they could, though innocently. to ,overCDme the elforta of the scouts. Another year let us engage the window cleaners for the day after the c;ollectionf Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. Chairman ,Swarthmore Polio Drive. BI-I-r.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f- held.Classes Women's and ble meet at the 9: 30Men's on Sun- ~' day morning. Conftnnation Class will be held by Mr. Bishop at 5 p.m. Sunday afternoon in the Pastor's Study• , Senior High Fellowships will meet Sunday evening for' supper at 6: 30, followed by a meetl,ng on uLands We W'snt to Know!' The guest speaker wilJ be a Chinese woman, who has been a Japanese prisoner in World War II and a Communist prisoner in the Korean War. YoUng Adults will also meet at 6: 30 for supper followed by a meeting on "Fellowship House in Philadelphia", led by Mr. Mrs. Ray Steinberg who work with Fellowship House.' The Missions afld Benevolences Committee wI1I meet for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Februar.y 2, at 8 p.m. in the W 0man's Association room., , On Thursday evening, February 4, there will be a cover-dish supper served for members. At the program at 8 p.m. the ErIca Anderson picture slides of Dr. Albert Schweitzer will be shown by Mademoiseile Haussknecht, one of Dr. Schweitzer's ablest assistants in his Christian MissIonary work in Atrica. METHODIST NOTES Church", wl:ll be !l!ustrated I'll, the " ,. 'screen by the sound 1llmstrip, .. ChUrch School ~lasses for all "EarlY AmeriCI!D Methodlam." ages lind a special class for Young , ul· ts t t 9'45' on Sunday On Wednesday from 4-5 and" 7-8 to provide impeccable service in Ad mee a . p.m. the Pastor wJJl have his office Morning. hoqrs for counseling in the Church yourho,me, your place of worship At the 11 a.m. morning worship, Study. The Commission on EduthI!, asSIstant minister John W. cation,wf!I meet at 8 p.m. or our centrally located building. I.,aney will preach the sermon in At 4 p.m. on Thursday, the Junobservance of National youth ior Choir will 'rehearse in the SWiday; Hia sermon topic 'will be, Chapel and at '8 p.m. the Chancel "So Send I You.", . ' Choir will rehearSe. H~ Nursery will be supervlsed by The Official Board will meet on _Iaoe. o. PUNqALI, Mrs. Arthur Snyder, Lois Stor-. FrIday at 8 p.m. in tl}e Chapel. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Jazz! and Alma Trevethlck. The There will ,be' Open House at the oliVER.fL'IAIR. feUndor MAlty A. lAIR. "ooId... ~ers will' be' Warren Crafts, Parsonage on Saturday. February Willlam Collenberg, Fred Behen- 6, from 3' to 6 p.m. All are invited. , , Tei.hone RI6-1581 na; 'WJ1llam Raynor and' George ~. Greeters will, be Mr. and TRI~ITY NOTES Mrs. George Dunn. Members of the, Wesley F!illowThere will be a celelbratlon of .hlp recessed during the final ex- the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock J;;;;mation and vacation. period, Simday morning. All departments HOSSIES FOR ALL AGES ~y jDbr With the M.Y.F. at its of the Church School will meet at 9: 30 and, the regular service of 'J p.m. meeting Sunday. : The Methodlst,Youth Fellowship Morning Prayer will be held at , for teen-agj!l'S will meet at 7 p.m. o'clock. ' The discussion theme will be 'Those serving as ushers will be ~ "Blessed Are the Peacemakers... as follows: Mter the meeting, the young ,peoG. W. Cochrane, J. E. Eckenple will go to the home of Mr. hoff, C. E. Fellows, W. C. Hogg, Roger. Lane, W,"'ngford and Mrs. Lemuel Holt,. 911 Holy- W. F. KIug, W. M. McCawley, oke place, for their social hour. E. C. Page, Jr., and S. D ..Reynolds. Monday, evening at 8 p.m., the WlIJJam KIug will serve as acolyte third fellowship class for new at 8 o'clock and Ted Carey at 11.. . lmflS TO THf fDITOI members will meet; The discus- During the 11 o'lclock service, alon theme, "The Origin an,d Or- Martha Calhoun and, Elizabeth Tbe opinions espl'tllllled: below 111'8 ganJza.tion of the' .MethocJlst Gibson will be, in charge of the and thooe ot the IDGlY1duaJ _ten. AD nqrsery. IRan to The 8 - " '_ _ _ CHURCH SERVICES The Junior' Confinnatlon Class be .1opte4. Poeud_ may be will' meet at 7 p.m. Sunday. At _ II the IdenUty of the _teo pRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7:30 there will be a meeting of the .. !mown bl' the EdItor. Letten Jose6h p. ,Bishop, ¥lnlster will be publlahed only at ,be dbJohn Schott, Associate MinJster Young Peoples Fellowship. At 8 Sunaa,., JaJl1Ull'7 31, ' o'~ock the' Adult 'Confinnatlon I '-_Ift_t1_on_ot_'_he_BdI_tor_._ _ _ _--.;:" 9:30, 10:45 & 11-Church SchoDI. Clalis will meet. Sunday, January 31st, from 2 to 6 o'clock 9:30 & 11 A.M.-Morning WorPennies for Pallo The Boys' Chnir wJJl rehearse on '5~PP.M.-CDnflniuttiOn Class., Monday and Wednesday at 4 o'- To the Editor: ':30 'p.M.~r. High Fellowship clock and the Men's and Boys' Sincere thanks go out ,to all and Young' Adults. Regi;ter for YDur Membership and for the Second Tern! Classes Choir will meet on Thursday at ",ho cooperated 100 per cent in, . , , .":00 p.M.-Jr. High Fellowship. 7:30 p.m. ' the polio drive. AJJ soon as P!lSSible " Programs and Classes in, twenty different Art, Subjects Tbundal', Febl"lUll'7, ' . , ' ,The., Gtrl$' ,Choir rehearsal, will resulta will ,be inlhe SWarth8:00 P.M.-6chweitzer Pic:tu.res. _ be held Dn Monday afl!1' morean. The following Incident Is METHODIST CHURCH o'clock. , worth noting. Memberships: Family, $10.00 - Adult, $5.00 ~ Junior, $2.00 , John C. Kulp, M!nist~ There will· be a celebration of Johnny Rushton is eight years John W Laney, Assistant Minlater R. Burkholder, Organist-Director the Holy Communion at 7: 15 a.m. old. He i. making a brave attempt Tueilday, and again onwednesday stiildaJ", JaJlual'J'- 31 ':45 A.M.-Church School, Young at the same hour. AdUlts. • On Thursday the Sewing Group '11:00 A.M.-Morning Worsh!? will m1!et in the Cleaves Room. At , '1:00 P.M.~Youth FellowShip. 11: 30 there wJIl be a ceielbratibn of Mondal', Febl"lUll'7 1 the Holy Communion followed. by '8:00 P.M. FellowShip Class. a lun.heon and' meeting of the TRINITY' CHURCH W Dinan's AuxiIJary. The meeting H Lawrence Whittemore. Rector will be in charge of the Prayer • Sunday;JaJl1Ull'7 31 and Worship Committee, under 8:00 A~M.-HoJy Communion. the chairmanship of Mrs.' J. L. 9:30 A.M.-Church School. CornDg and the subject will be 11 :00 A.M.-'Morning Prayer. 7:30 P.M.-Young' People's Fel- ''Preparation for Lent." lowship. , Tuesday (The PurIlieation) FRIENDS MEETING NOTES 7:15 A.M.-llO,IYCommunion. Th1l1'1ldli.".. February , ,Concord QuarterlY Meeting will 11:30 A.M.-Holy C~~unlon. be'held at Swarthmore tomorrow, January 30.' The business session , THE R~I#~~~5~CIETY will start at 2 p.m; Children will .....-~~.' _ _ ... _ _ ..... _ .... _ .. -o_........" Saturday, January 30 be, cared .lor in Wl¥ttier 'House 2:00 P.M. - Concord Quarterly during this session .. At 5 p.m. WilMeeting at Swarthmore. lard Tomlinson will show color 5:00 P.M.-"IOOO Miles of Quaker slides, of Meeting Houses from Meeting Houses"-Color slides Maine to Tennessee, in the MeetShoWn by Willard Tomlinson. ,6:00 P.M.-Supper for QuarterlY ing House. After this supper will Meeting attenders in Whittier be served by Swarthmore FrIends HOuse. No evening session is planned in Snndal'.JaJluai'y 31 t f t order that locai and ou -0 - own 9:45 A;M.-First Day School. IG CHANGES in automobile ~g _"commll 9:45 A.M.--Adult Forum. Doro- Friends lDay be free for visiting mI~,,",m OYooy Don't settle an oJd·fMbicMwi car. thy Hutchinson, "Steps to World with one another. , oanO" of galollne Get a far out Ebesd 19M debebr - tile _ Disarmament." . At the Adult Forum First Day, day In and day - . 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for W0r:m!p. 'January 31, J;lorothy Hu!!,hinson they're all trying to catch upWtth long, low,eaaH s'i Children ~ared for in Whittier Will speak on "Steps to World Disdifferent-the only reelly mod a in Amri.w ,House. All are w e l c o m e . . ""lk It's 'aoadv..lloed, its high r Ie value is .... wed. '1:00 P.M•...:.HIgh School Fellow- annament." This is the fifth ... Come in and try out a galHlaving DeW Studebakership. in the current series sponsored by a Champion in the lowest price &hi or a brillianfJ7 Mondal', February 1 the Meeting Peace Committee on powered Comnu..vler V-8. All day sewing for A. F. S. C,. U.N. Charter Revislon. W...n....l'. Febraar)' 3 ' I.Mk whet yeu p t In _ . _ ~914 SIUd....k ... All, day sewing for A.F.S.C. 1r.1'" ..........' ................ -........... ....., ...... CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOlES WE ARE PREPARED • THE OLIVER lAiR co; The Community ArtsCen.ter OPEN HOUSE and,TEA , GET AHEAD OF THE PARAD~.e. GET MORE W'HEN YOU TRADE rush right' into MOR'E B for at car in Tec:hnicolor • I PRESITTERIAN NOTES FIFTH ANNUAL STUDENT EXHIBITION COLLEGE THEATRE lomba Africa. Treasure .. Kfddtel Shorts - Saturday. 1 P. M. Comedy, plus • INN Amherst avenue entertained, at a and Mr; John Mard!,ck of s~all. supper party Sunday eve- chita. , II mng m honor of M;r. and, Mrs. FIfteen ,were present at the W. Sproul Lewis of Gradyville which follawed aLthe Ob- 1\Iethodlst Church. Park Avenue ReViewed by Mrs. Pan1 Towner SILVER OFFERING SWARTHMORB. PBNN~ JANUARY 29, 1954 . , r ============; nor's Island, ~.Y. Cot Streicher 'Was stationed for several years in Lorene McCarter DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON ;:,TRA.TH who are JeavtD.g soon on a trip to Hawall., En route they will erlin Inn. " , spend a week with their son-inThe couple will sail for Englaw and d~.ughter Ensign and MrS. land, February 2, where Mr. Barnard will study for, a year at the Blake, Jr. in Coronado, Calif. Mrs. Daniel Morse 'of Parrish London School of EconOmics, folroad entertained her bridge club Dr.:a,:,d Mrs'. JerO)tle B" lowing which they will both reat ,a lun~heon~brldge at her h,ome WeslmlJlster avei\ue, turn to Oberlin College for the Tuesday. ,Mrs. W. Sproul Lewis, a, at a supper party ,10r 12 on Sat- last semester of their senior year. club member, was given a going- utday evening. ': away shower for her trip to Ha- 'Mr. and Mrs. David Mercer and BROWN-BYE wall in February;' daughters Barbar'l Ann and Leah Mrs. irvin R. MacElwee of Mt. of HIll School, Pottstown, visited Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Bye Holyoke place, was elected a vice- with Dr. and Mrs. E. Leroy ,Mer- of Glen MIlls, formerly of Moypresident of the Republican Wo- cer of Ogden avenue. lan. annollPce the Imatrlage' of men of Pennsylvania and preJohnny Bates of North Chester their daughter. Florence Thorne sentedwith a life membership in road is home from Lawrenceville Bye to Ronald Hale Brown of the organization at its annual School for the mid-year vacation. Colorado Sprjngs, -Colo;; son meeting held MOl)day in PhiladelMrs. Paul J. Rutan of Ogden ¥rs. Frank Hale' Brown and' the phia. As program' chairman, Mrs. avenue entertained at a luncheon- late Mr. Brown, on Sunday, JanMacElwee presented.' the bridge FrIday in honor of Mrs. uary 24 in Colora<\o ..f;1pringsi "J Mrs. Brown will graduate from speaker Robert C. Duffy, John Wigton, recently, moved to, of the Philadelphia Republi~an the neighborhood. Color~~o ,C;:olleg~ in JUn.~., Mr. COmmittee: Mr. and ..Mrs. John T. Handy of Brown is, in photographic work. Mr. and Mrs . .oscar S. Hart of CriSfield, Md., were recent guests Lafayette avenue entertained for of, Mrs.. Henry L. Smith .of RutBIRTH a short visit Mrs. Hart's nephew gers avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Arters Lt. Robert F. Lukens, wife and Mr.. Richard B. Wray of Hill- of Media, announce the birth of daughter Jan of Syracuse, N.Y. born avenue will entertain at. a ' L t. L ukens is stationed for a few luncheon ~rldge Monday in hon- D seven pound, 10 ounce son, ' months at the Philadelphia, Navy or of her-umother Mrs. William T. . o!,glaS Edward, on January 25 Y rd 10 Misericordia Hospital, Philaa . Johnson of Ogden avenue. delphia. Vice-president and Mrs. Joseph M d M R S ~ ht J r. an r s . . . YY~J:.lg ,r., The grandparents of the new B. Shane of Cunningham HOllse of Westdale avenue will entertain on the College campus will en- members of thefT bridge club to.. baby are Mr. and Mrs. Frank tertam · a t an at home on Sunday morrow evening. . Bromley of Harvard avenue, and Mrs. Helen Arters of Media. afternoon in honor of Dr. and Cornelia McKernan of Rutgers I Mrs. Roland Pennock of WhIttier avenue, a student at Elmira Col- II place. Dr. Pennock, head of' the lege will spend the mid _ year MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFlIIAN Political Science Department at vacation at her home here. Cor- 313 Danmouth Avenue Swarthmore College, Is leaving for nelia has recovered from an ap- S..ariL!nore 6-2080 a year On a Guggenheim Fellow- pendectomy performed two weeks SUBSCRIPTIONS ship. Dr. and Mrs. Pennock, will ago at the ,Arnot-Ogden Hospital, FOR ALL leave Felbruary 1 for four and Elrnir MAGAZINES a. a-haIt ,months in Washington. George Dunn, .1r" of Dickinson 1~55555555555~1 D.C., and then will sail with their avenue, a sophomore at Pennsylyouuger daughter Judy for seven vania State University. Is home for months in Lon,doD, England, Dur- the mid-year vacation. , ing their ahsence their house will Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of be occupied by ·Mr. and Mrs. Rob, Swarthmore, pc.. . ert D. Baker and children. Lafayette avenue ente!1alned a , Mrs. S. H. Hemenway of Strath Friday and Saturday Haven avenue ;visited recentlY BOOK REVIEW and TEA RICHARD WIDMARK, with Col., and Mrs. Frederick "rill! Lady of Arlington" 'TAKE THE HIGH GROUND' Streicher, and family of Gov...$t.TUitDAV;,]AN. 30, 2:00 P.M. Marj(>rie Told Entered, as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Past Oftlceat Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. . . f I!AUTY CAN II A PLIASURAILI 'ROUTINE sity at the Lang home, here. Beneke Is a member of Alpha Chi Mr. George W. McKeag of Par- Omega Sorority and ~; gra!iuate ~ rlsh road attended the mid-wln- in June. Mr. Floyd Is a member DELICIOUS DINNERS to SUIT fII. TASTE of hERrON! ter meetings of the Pezinsylvanla of Alpha Tau OInega fraternity TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to, Oreler Bar AssocIation at Harrisburg on and Wil(graduatetlila month. ' Friday and Satur?ay of last week. No definite date' haS been set EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES ;,;' Mrs. W. H. Gehring of Univer- for the wedding. sity place entertained for a few BVSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-1:30 P. M.' days of, this w~ her ;slster Mrs. BARNARD.PENNOC;K Comfortable Rooms Day or, Week ClYde Tooker of Riverhead, N.Y. E~eyator Tommy Transue ,of North Chese Miss Joan Pennock, daughter of b ter'road will observe his Dr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Pennock birthday tomorrow by entertain- of Whittier place, was married to d son 0 f ...... u_ ., Yale & Harvard Ayenues, Swarthmore, Pa. ing 16 ,friends 'of the College 'ave- Mr. V. J ack B arnar, nue school at a party at his home. and Mrs. Hugh B. Barnard of WALTER E. 'ARROn, Mg.. '' FREE, PARIII,N-' of Swarthmore avenue, Rutledge, Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'Po Jones Wichita, Kans., on Monday" 'Janaccompanied by their son Lt. (ig) of North Swarthmore avenue will uary 25 at 6:30 o'clock in. the Paul R. Hertel, Jr., home on a entertain at a dinner party at their Congregational Church, Oberlin, 20-day leave from Newport, R.I., home tomorrow evening. Ohio. have returned from a two-week The Re,v. Joseph KIng performmotor trip to Key West, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. L a n g , of Maple avenue entertained at, a ed the ceremony which, was atDr. Leroy Peterson of Vassar dinner party Saturday evening. tended by the bride's parents and avenue is spending several days a few close .friends. in New York City attending the Mr., and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde Given in, marriage,' by her winter meeting of the American of Media will spend two weeks' of father, the bride wore a white Physical Society. next month visiting former l' d 'th 11 Swarthmoreans Mr. and' Mrs. woo pnncess ress W1 a, sma Mr. and Mrs. Donald WI. Poole Charles Thackar" in Ponte Vedra, cloche of white, sequins and veilof North Swarthmore avenue en- Fl ing. Her corsage .was of orchids. tertained at a small dinner party a. They were attended by , Miss Frida evening in honor of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. Blake of iane Weissman of New York ,City THE SWARTHMOltEAN ' January 29, 195& for reductions on smart FIRST CHOl(CH 0,. • I winter fashions ,you never dreamed. possible SCIl:NTIST swART.HMORE ~. That the lnexhaustlble resources of divine Love are available today 'Park Avenue'below Harvard to ble$s thoSe who understand the 8.....,.• .Jia....,. 31 unlimJted good that God has pro11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. vided for man will be brought out 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson-8ermon will be "Love." /, . at ChristIan Science services SunWednesday evening meeting day in the Lesson-8ermDn entlUed eadl week, 8 P.M. Reading room "Love." open daJly except Sunday 12 to 5 All are invlted to' attend the P.II. 'Wednesday ,evenings 7 to services at Church of ChrIst. '1:50, JI.M. and 9 to 9:30 'P.M. rust . . w.......... ,•• ,; .... _7....J1 .... ~ •. S : .-......'0 ,h. =.. o .. •• E...... ... C....... ...-... 11_' ...... _a ........ =-t~I~.I.~ls';:,,~ ,i;·~a' 't:h'7'':''~= ~.':.~ .> _I., _ ................. 1Iin!r .... _ ..... "wSw' • 'II .h..... 7 .... n 8'; . , ............ 'V . . . . . .-,.. . . . . . . . . . ' t ' : ........... ' •• $ i- '. ·A... FUSCO MOTOR COMPANY Chester and fairview Roods , SWartlllllo_re 6-3681 I01-TEAR-OLD STUDEBAKER ,IS AMERICA'S 4TH LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COIPORAnoN 111 Brodhead, If Barber 'L • L,grary Director. 000 books were clreuIated In any month last year with .January leading the llst at 4,918. Adults (Continued, fnlDI Page 1) read 20,155 fiction titles from the day of the year.' No. fewer than 4,-' Library in 1953 and 14,843 nonfiction, including 3899 periodicals. Young readers borrowed 20,006 titles. President .J. Alfred Calhoun presided at the meeting and expressed the Boai-d's appreciation of the work of the Library staIf and the retiring dIrector. Mrs. T. Forlllerly K. Brown, Jr., ThomaS G. Casey, CARNS 650 Baltllllore Pike and Councilman A. H. Van Alen. · Mrs. Brown has been 8 member of S prI ftg fi e Id, Del. Co., Pa. the Board for 12 years during SWartilinore 600450 . whlcb time she has given gen0"". 8 A.M. to 6 r.M.. erously and faithfully In time, .... . DiLuzio and Sons Florist ~~~~~~~~~~:~serv~~ice~,~an~d~v~al~U~ed~in~t~e~rest~ ~ ~ 'Those Needed Repairs • NEW PORCH • NEW ROOF • NEW SIDING . • DORMERS • FLOORING • PANELING • AnlC • GARAGE DOORS • INSULATION. . • ANOTHER BATHROOM .IIATHROOM REPAIRS • • • • MAKE THEM Girl Scout Troop n11mber 429 under the leadership of Mrs. Maurice Webster beld a Court of Awards at its regular meeting on Tuesday in WhIttier House. Troop number 289 under the leadership of Mrs. Morris Hicks and Mrs. George Patterson were guests. Second class awards were given to eight of the ,!,embers of Troop 429. Girls recelvmg tbese were: Rosemary Cadagan, Mary Lou Gray, .Janet .Jester, CaroUne MacHal r, Betsy M . c Keag . ' Dorothy P ren tice, Son drs Sk0 gIund r and Susan Wright. Mothers of tbe girls receiving awards were also invited to be present. Mrs. Robert Brodbead who serves .on. the badge. committee made the awards. After a presentation of the colors which was conducted by Mrs. Robert Bernhardt, assistant leader of Troop 429, travel movies were shown. Borough Census Health Society. Ups :,.~ th':~~:tof ':an:v~:ore Girl Nurse' SaI'ary Seale 'AUfJ'. TOE: • TAl' " Th~atre ~;;~~PO~.~I~N~H)~.~M~/Ii,~no~~N~-~~~SW~,~A~ItT~H~M~O~.~I~"~J~"~'~~;;~ I , LWY ON RADIO SHOW '''Wh,y ChllDieth~ State CooatItution?" will be'tbe topic m ....._ bers . of the Swarthmore ~ (Contlnued from Page 1) Make them now .': . the longer you wait the. more ~ostly. Mlik", the~ now' . . . stop depreciation of your property. 17V2 S. CHESTER ROAD J. E'. LIMEBU' R""N' £'R' CO.' ~============~========~ We call it the "Jumping Juvenile" . , . Piper, Mrs.Willia·ms, Frederick Mrs. Ned Mrs. Dudley, Himry Mrs; Samuel Carpenter, Mrs. Maurice Webster; Mrs. Neal Weber, Mrs. H.. H. Gibson, Mrs. J. A. Calhoun, Mrs. .Joseph Donovan, Mrs, Edmund Dawes, Mrs. Bruce Smitli, Mrs. Robert Brodhead, Mrs. Wi1I1am J. Cope. Mrs. Elmer Walker. Mrs. . G. Alex Mills, Mrs. J. A.Turner, Jr., Mrs. Philip Carruth, Mrs. W. C. H. Prentice, Mrs. .James A. " .. ·,d 0 pticians' .. G'. UJ '. 405 DARTMOUTH' AVENUE SWarthmore 6-4191 ._ . 6915 LUDLOW STREET ~ ,::_. , _ ~_-._. • 9-8:30 Club, .Junior Woman's Club, College. Library Staft' and LegIon Auxiliary. l'he Lansdowne Steel and I roo,C ompany of Morton, The Bloommgdale Rubber Company, Chester and the SpringlIeld Legion Auxiliary also con- ~~~:::::::::::::========================~~~~~ Iported The ftnance committee also reon a cost per visit .study Rugs :and Carpet Samples· Displayed. in Your Home Truly, a wonderful· way to-elect carpet, and be SURE you.are rtpi. See . the. carPels .of y01U" choice' with your .own '. " , ," ", •• . ' '. 0. " . ,fW'DiahlDgII. (Better still. atart wilh your, carpet.)" , . ~ ." .- . . ' . We tak«l. meaauremenls in your home, and help "plan yoUr ins~uation. (PAULSON iD8taI1atioila are reany. beau.unL) . 'can today. No oIIligatiolL Ask ·fOl' FREE booklets on dooo~ating and on the eare of rugs. (PA"'~lt·~r,eri..! . , M ....... c:u.c ... e cOmplete Sue ...... 0.. .. , ·eI . . . . 9 .r,t 5 . (/'1"'41.... .KNOWS~rpet· ". BRYN MAWR,PA. which necessitated an increase in fees, Effective January I, 1954 the fee for nursing service will be $3.00 a visit up tl> one hour and 80c for each additional one-quarter hour. If a family wishes to have the nurse nt a specilled hour this appointment fee will be $3.50 UP to one hour and .750 for each additional one-quarter hour. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Groft', ExecuUve Director, 1'l!ported on the Chrlstnlas activities of the agency. Plants and baskets of frUit were provided for "Shut In'! patients. .The Woodlyn Child Health Center Party was attended by 97 children and their mothers. Girl Scout Troop No. 3~, Springfteld, did the tree trimming; Girl Scout Troop No. 433. Rutledge, and Girl Scout Troop No. 57, Folsom, made cookies;. Ridley Township Business Men's Association provided Dixie Cups; Brownie Troop No. 225, Swarthmore made stufted animal toys; the Sewing Cirele No.5 of the Ridley Park Presbyterian Church made stUft'ed dolls; -Colonel alice I,arker( . 100 Pan: Ave..·Sw.rlhmore,Pa. SW.rthrI\gre 6, '6OQII -. CL ..r\KoQk 9-4646 i' .' 'I' .•~ "TI/I1TC,.",. -' PHILADELPHIA 3, PENNA. . '.' ,. ,. . , Marvel were Wilson andto Mrs. Carl girls are Campbell,· members ofBarbara the troop: Schmitt eleCted their third Susan Ed-. tenn of office. The terms of Mrs. wards, Shirley Little, Nita Slalner, Walter A. Schmidt and Mrs. Peter Suz,!nne and Sally Stephens, Betsy' E. Told who end their nine-year Bennett, Susan Hayward, Nina se~ee as directors In March, were Kapp, Bat-3450 - 3451' - w:-ht Scouts Receive Music C/~b Schedules ~ .Second Class Badges Jamboree for Sunday ... ,'. ,- .: . ·SW.cJI:thmore 6-0857 -.... Extra Fancy Winesap Apples. 2 Ibs 29c Indian'R,jver Seedless Grape, , .' Fruit '.. ~ "-4. for • • e .•• • • • e- • • • • • • ale Con the corner) , WE DELIVER . . -' Dal lliioili. Av. . . . (Across from Iorollgll Hall) . • H&SIs Br·lefed" 00 0 of Emotl·oo'S Edu'catlO· .~ • angle-in all cause and, effect. An depedent. self-reliant; and assume overdose of this fare mliht scare responsibility without a great ,deal timid potential-parents ew!'y from of support from other sources. He the whole business of regeneration. must also be reasonably free of , alleviating somewhat the contin- anxiety an emotion which arises , usnoe of increasing' hordes of sm~ at birth when the automatic feedTemple Man U,es Parent- fry to contront school boards and ing of his prenatal existence stops Child' Contagion procreators with the weighty and he Is confronted by his first problems of educating them for- unsatisfied need. The demand sys_ Th tem of feeding wblch has. in gen" eme molly and emotionally. A chlld's relationship with his "Relationships to the parent of eral replaced the rigId scheduling parents Is the key to IiIs emo- the same sex and to the one of the of ~ tew years ago, circumvents tional or unoD-verbal, informal opposite sex are a powerful factor this ea~1y source' of ,anxiety and education" said Dr. Robert A. in development of the individual's makes for a more optimistic be.. Welch at Tuesday evening's Home attitude toward many things in life ing." said the mentor. Subsequent and School meeting in the High and pretty well set the essential crllical periods named were: Toilet training. when the first School auditorium. structure of his personality and Parents who' expected the an- behavior patterns. wlthin.the first social demand is met with coopernouriced topic "The Emotion!!1 As_ six years of his life". said the ative attitude or used as a_ weapon pects of Education" to deal with Temple University School of Med- according to the child's feeling emotional developments of the icine's pbyschiatry instructor, toward his mother. When early fondnesses for th", child in connection with the pro- "This pattern Is not incapable of modiftcaUon later, however, or we mother. posslhly combined, with cess of other learning quickly discovered Dr. Welch's interpretation wonidn·t, have psychiatrists... he viewing the father as the prototype of authority. sets up a deof the evenlng's theme was edu- observed. fiance against {he male parent who cating the emotions separately and UA person must be allowed to pretty generally played up a sex develop so that he will become in- is seen as, an intruder. At this, period sexual orientation is largely determined. to then lie dormant for a period of gang tendency in which each sex child rejects the parent and playmates of the opposite sex and becomes closely allied with ones of its own gender. until the issue rearlses at puberty. Here a girl's normal adjustment Is more complicated than a hoy's as she must transfer her interest from mother to father. continued Dr. Welch. Grains of anxiety which may have brushed olf onto parents while th"'Y conscientiously struggled to sweep the bugbears from junior's path. was dispelled to a degree bT Dr. Welch'. revelation that ''the storminess of adolesceDc; was usually not too serious." A parent _or two with a tiny fear that they might some day reach the end. of their own psychological rope. ma;,- have found solace in the doctor's summary answer to a question on discipline. uA certain amount of compliance is to be expected." Admitting a certain_ amount of fighting betweel\ parent and child is unavoidable. Dr. WelSh said harm ---~----------~-----------results wlien a parent battles too To be a good party-line neighbor. remember to release tha' bitterly ti. force 'his: own 'goals line reaaonably soon whan someone' elae is waiting to U8B it • • • and hang up gentiy when yon find the line in upon a "hild, and is not suffiU8B. Your party-line neigbbo;ra will return tha courb¥lY. ciently mature to realize when he Reault: better telephone; service for 011 on the' line I should withdraw from a coil1llct. Although the: ;oung may ex~rt to "overthrow" the older genera11 I ......... " .....ylvala lion In a struggle they deem necessary' for the establl$hment of tbelr own capabillties. each requires a parent·of his own sex as a pattern. stressed the speaker. Why many children select an opposite I!"ttern to follow was one alley the active question period which followed Dr. Welch's ramble. did not explore. JUl"ary29. 1954. SEE -SAVE- l'olbA ..... ; DrivewClJ' eo.stractlon Cella, Walls PIlon. RESIDENfIAL, AND COMMERCIAL ...w_Mado _ _ _ ... _ . , • • "A parent can't give a child more than the parent has - a parent's emotional pr "- I tiII __ .-........ - - . , • £ £ un _ FOR SALE _ Boy-s 2S'~, bicyc e. , '", ,~ -NOON, 'E completely reconditioned. New • SW' 6-4041 E! ii paint, ney{ tires. SWarthmore 6- . f)atll" , Reg. lie each only 49c 2 • Ste, -' 3le ACME MARKET, Chester Rd., Swarthillore ••• r::-'... 1.Mo_ Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M., Open Saturday "til 6 P.M. CL IR••ze • YOUR CAR -NOW eAaea ' I S1JNDAY~~~~~A~8 ' FIREPLACE WOOD •. Ti • S "'--_DUrY_" on .. F' -M" t' , , . ' !, c;:~~:::~~~:'~~, i :~rd~-d:~~~~~aGi:l, u's"'C'--O" 0' o'-r':" '" P. nar. PAnos' Drl~.wClJ'. CONClE'rE "'.n_ ......... J• 'A #fAREE-N U ' C L 9~S171, W Ira • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:_. ~ "FOR RENT - Suite. consisting of living room. hedroom and bath. for business or professional man. Garge also available. SWarth-, ' JnOr".6-4555. FPR RENT-omce space. Swarth- "- A J>l"lce to _meet' every' , AutborizeJl DistributorS, 'for In Our frosted lood Cases c __ ::. l'hone'Medla 8';8400 -SW6-4742 ' WA 8-2440 .' S.'ed,", ~:;= . 200 W.,Ridle,_Ave. , - _ Rldle, ,Park :!WI_ U.S, lancy Grade SpecIally ~t-. ' -', " ' PATTERSoN FUNERAL HOME Elchtee,n ,yeluB~ E~enoe VAN ALEN BROS. "".$2.21 4'0.00 ......... " .. Mimi BOWL ~ $l79 WiiI. ~~;;;.~;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;';;;i -TMp"- S",. 6-"10 fN.i~_... , . . . . . . . . IC.ELUCKY CALENDAR- WILLIAM BROOKS A8hes & R .. hhi.h R';moved Ul1VD8 Mlw&'i, General . . cO Un '. . - , . mID II: ", 236 'Harding Ave~ Mo....ou. p,.. 609 So CHBIT . . RD. SWAaTIDlOUl. ' P8NNA. DEPOSIT JANUARY COUPO"· NOW Sw.. rthmore 6.l448 , BSTA.TB r. .RBA.L INSURA,NCB th... lame Chickens-RIADY TO COOK "I saw it, in the Swarthmorean." CATERING TO PERlIIANENT and TRANSmNTGUESTS Harvard and Ruq-ers Avenues Phone SwarOunore 6-9728 FOR RENT. -' . Room for gentl~ man ~ semi-private bath. Con, venient to transportation. SWarth~ more 6-4230. , FOR RENT Swarthmore _ furnished room in residential area. Convenient to transportaUon. Klngswood 4-0248. FO~ RENT-Two nice bedrooms. furnished t one on second floor, other on, third. Close to College. Fin~ location. SWarthmore 6-1296. FOR RENT - Sunny, comfortable room for gentleman. 528' Cedar lane.;SWarthmore,S-4646. C... ,.... el....ctd ' group is sponsored by the Swarthmore Mother's club. with Mrs. Edmund Jones in charge of arrangements. During January the group discussed the "Child's World." . D~ Room Open To Publlo 'FOR RENT A.......d R••• l •• R.~~vctd ' , A Book-review lind ,Tea will be held lpmorrow. January 30 at 2 p.m. in the Swarthmore Methodist Church. Mrs. Paul Towner will review ''The Lady of Arlington" by Harnet Cain. Members of Circle No. 1 are sponsoring the program. Harvard. Inn -=============. , GEORGE. MYERS . To Hear Mrs. TowlI.r :=r . . .9tkaI CoIdea ......iarJa. .t.. Me .9tkaI Fancy Elltra Sharp Ch~... ... 790 Sew Classified Ads Delaware COunty. PellDSj-lvimla. Letters of J\dm'ntBtratlon on the above estate ha... been granted to the und.ers1gned. who requests all persons the having demanda aga1Dst estateclaims of the or decedent to make known the same and alJ 'perSODS Indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay. Air .eolldltloniJlg . ; FRUIT PIES to "Sibllng Relationships" will be ed to the uncIoroIgned. who !O>qu_ the topic for diSCUSSion at the all pet'8OI:lS havlDg c)alms or demand' Fehruary meeting of the Child apInst ~,_te of tho deoeclentto make known the same and aD per, Study group to be held Monday eo.,.. Indebted to the" d"!'eclen~ to evening at 8;15 in the American mah payment withoUt delay. Legion room of Borough hall. , ALPRBDP. IoLUIGBIB ' - - 113 Porc!ot. 'LantI. • Dr. Ruth Jean Eisenbud. disBwarthmOl'e. Pa. cussion leader. reported that disor to hla attOrney. cussion emphasis rather l!1an GEOaGB w. VcKBI\.G. BSQ.., c 1331-PldeUty-PhIia. Trust Bldg.. ' dealing with the problem of bringPhIladelphia 9. Po. 8t-1-19 a new baby home. will he centered about relationships between brothers and sisters' between the ilges of five and 12 years. All interested persons are invited to attend, orte Child Study ,PERSONAL -. ESTA'l:E ;NOTICE ',' ESTA1"E OP RALPll 'G. 8CIIMlD'l;, PERsONAL _ Two High School afkfa RALPH 8CHMIDT. d _ . girls, desire baby sitting. Call late, _Of 't118 -St!mugli of"Swwtbmore. 00 Roofing . GutterS Vlrglnlei LM Kappas , Sheet MetalWork ond viOlin; Nancy Carroll. viola. and Deborah Reeder, cello, comprised the new musical ensemble which played ''The Mill" by Rolf , and Haydn's "Serenade." BDy or au bids.. BLLIOTr RIOlIABDSON Boro\Jghliec:J:etary CHILD STUDY GROU' TO MEET MONDAY ~============~ I Dr; Welch's. address. Susan H~uss­ man, flrst violin; Molly Huse, sec- An automatic gas water heater provides all the hot water necessary to speed cleaniog chores. Hot water chases Borougli reoerveo the tight to reject 335 Dartmouth Avenue ---------------------------- ~) cert_ , SW 8·..18 to find a treasure in party-line service (~' BpecUlcatlolll, Ii ,DqpJ' of whiCh may be III>taInecl f:om the underaJgned. A check for f1oo.00 em... ...,. oompciny, each bid and the IIrm or ~ 10 "ham ,con~ IB, awarded, will be requlrecl to algn a., contract and turnl6b bOnda .. required by law. the form at, which mat be _ at the '-co at the. undersigned. The • J. F. BLACKMAN You needn't go prospecting a •• Avenue. 8nrthmon. Rqulpmeut- and work aIiaD be In - . . . w l t b Alterations , . oue' new trol UDlt. In IIoIough 1Iall. 121 Park R..' ....."" Swa ....more 6-2526 I Installtng radio traDlmltter and receiver ~... plate with ontenna aolI. remote can- CONSTRUCTION (Sav. 6c) , _upatthla~ tumlehlng arid As"'alt or eo.c..... 'at AOllle 1g e GRAPE' JAM- ,It: , _ t e of R. KANGBIB. ,S.11ed blcla wIll- be received In de< Md, late of the Borough of council Chamber. Bo......... JIall. Bwarthmcre:Delaware County. l'eDnBWartbmore. Pa.. on Ilonday. Feb- SJl'ronta:' Letters or AcImllllatraUDD ruary, 8th. iOH at '7:80 p.x,- ,OIl on the above _ _ have been grant- PETER DI NICOLA WHY Pure BS!t:rT~TICE BEQUEST FOB BIDS , .9r/I4I 'l1tt SWARTBMOREAN SWa;hmo~~~40 ,I I ,. d a *""oov, !!!!Moore25-685 after 8 -P.M. , , FOR SALE __ BOOKS _ New and Used-Come in and Browse Library and Lots bought _ Search Service. KASTENBAUM, s. Orange, Media. ~~6-~~. ' ' , ' , O~ CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Phone SWartll,more 6-3681 mE .Page 8 Exhib· D· Ia Its on ISp Y In Friends Library MORE rHAN 200 ATTEND . NEW MEMIER LUNCHEON More than 200 members and guests attended the luncheon for Members of the Society January 29, 19M SWARTHMOREAN . ' . guestS of. Mends in Binghamton, oke place, a freshman at Prince- junior at Yale. arrlyed home WedN.Y. • ton University, and Edward Med- nesday for a week otmtd-year:va_ Donald MacE~wee of Mt. Holy- ford, or South.. Chester. road, a cation. , .' " of ,.............UUIIllIlHllWllmnllllllUlllllltDlnHlllllUIIIIJliU... ·you I . Meet the NicestPeopie. at Speare's" 64 new and reinstated members Friends who' have been active in ~" , of the Woman's Club of swarth-, the defense of reUgious and permore on Tuesday Among the sonal liberties are the subject of iii , ." . . . an exhibit on display in the § guests of, honor were Mrs. Arthur Friends Historical IJbrary in FebP. Vincent and Mrs. Samuel J. ruary. I McCartney, president and first Residents of the Swarthmore vice-president of the Pennsylvania and neighboring communities are = Federation of Women's Clubs. cordially invited to see the ex..............-. fAL'hlO· Mrs: Vincent, who is a graduate hibit and to use the facllities of 55 - -.............- - _ . ., rclJiJ W and fonner teacher"of the.S. U!ppery the library. The Friends Historical § EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. Library is the wing of the Swarth- == Rock State Teachers ColleJe, has more COllege Llbrary building = se~ed as vice president of the nearest ~he raijroad station. __ =~ Southwest District of tbe FederaAlthough the emphasis in the ,. ." tion and chairman of fine arts, and library is on Quaker faith, history, iii also chainnan of education. In a and peace, the 14,000 books, the ~ brief informal talk, she told of maps,. deeds, pictures, and manu- § the progress of the Restoration scripts cover other subject fields § Project in Pennsylva~a, saying of local and general interest. Books GIRDLES that with reports in from only 122 on the painter Benjaniin West are § out of 700 clubs, the sum of $7000 available there as well as county . Smoothie has been pledged. Mrs. Vincent histories. rich in fascinating ac- == . congratulated the local club on its counts of early Pennsylvania his~ Perma.J.ift fine spirit and its large number of tory. Deeds for property on which ;; BRAS Sarong new members. the College and many Swarthmore !i an~ . The program of the afternoon homes now stand, are there in the ; Nemo' GIRDLES ,was given by Jessie Lewis of original, some signed by William ; Whirl.z. Lansdowne, a graduate o£ Swarth- Penn, ~d his associates. iii , SECOND Warner . ~ore College, who spoke on "Plays TesJimonies in which Friends == FLOOR in the CUrrent Season." have . bee~ active are I;llso repre,Lily A surprise feature of the after- sented. ,These include racialnoon was the drawing for door, ~uality, ,;care of the mentally ill, ; prizes, open only to new members. welfare of the American .Indian, a Mona lisa, The recipients were MIl. George women's rights, and education. • Surgical W. Cochran, Mrs. W. EdwardiMed- The librarY is also rich in records ford, and Mrs. J. Francis Taylor. of Frlen,ds, some of whom founded ________.__ the College and were residents of = = = I =~_ ESTERt~ LOOK BETTERI ~.' 'FEEL BETTER 'l!.. , 'f" • • ..' - ,IN.THE PROPEJl FOUNDATION n I'':''rner .OUR. BRA AND GIRDLE DEPARTMENT IS 'THE FINEST IN DELAWARE1COUNTY <-.. " . JUST LOOK AT THESE· BRANDS ••• = = BW w••1Ii' Flexees Sua prise Maiden r.,.' Brealhing . Bra = i G;v~ .Arts Center to . Tea .Sunday Afternoon (Continued from .Page 1) Mrs. H. Warren Jacobs of Springfield, Mrs. James R. Powell of Wallingford, and Mrs~ J. Rogers Ullrich of HIghland Park. . Classes for both adults and children in over 20 different art subjeca are now being offered at the Center. ,Adults may choose from an~Nii " lng net, includJng painting (Oil, and waterc;olor). china paintipg, portrait sculpture, ceramics, metal work and jewelry, lamp shade making, flower arrangement (for both show purposes and home), early American decoration, tray painting, puppe-try, silk screen and prints, weaving, woodworking and. furniture refinishing, creative dance, physlodynar¢cs, square dancing~ dramatic~ for teenagers, music, l>hotography and writing. For the children th,ere is painting (for both school age and preschool) ,ceramics, metal wOl'k, puppetry, woodworking, American Indian dances and, crafts, ballet ~nd' acrobatics, creative dancing, sq~are dancing, and -ChiI'• dren's Theatre (nam'e!i now being taken for next year's Theatre group). stu- ", .,..... , .. To Attend Bank Clinic Donald M. Hand, assistant cashier at the S~arthmore Office, First National Bank of Delaware County,will ,attend the Pennsylvania B~ers Association Bank Opera~ons. Clinic oat the University of Pennsylvani~ on Wednesday and Thursday, February 3-4. NEW 1954 CHEVROLET NEW AND FINER' with allthe$e '-:' ":"<-, gteat~ ~ n,ewfeature5 I· ~ .'NEW· POWER I .. " Greatest In CIwnoIet hiIIory. Go aII ." the .aufoMaIic power feant- ......, " "'7, ~-Flame 125" engine wIIh faIIIOUI POwergDd.· auklmOtlc fran...... Or the standard power~.tea. ....., "lIue-FIame 115" eng....... NEWS NOTES • Vice-president and Mrs. Joseph B. Shane of, Cunningham Hduse on the College campus, entertained with an at home from 5 to 7 Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bush of Dickinson avenue will be- guests at a dinner-dance while week-end tra.......... . ·""'GII". _.............. . . . Syncho Meth ~ ~------~------ Thank the ki d . n ~ ,ltj~pd who ",- !'~', says ':' Me~t~· M~.."ay .': '~~l.~"O1l1 I 1 At their first meeting ot the'ne"; .. :,' '., ';~\"A ..Je 1,1," year held Monday afternoon at . ,~, "." ...t a '~ the home of Mrs. Oscar Gilcreest"'j,,'~ .. yJ.," t,~ members of the Legion AuxiliJU'Y ~ A, 'WI 1\\ 1 , 10\1 Powered for PERFORMANCEI Engineered for ECONOMYI a, ' voted to give the following dona, ,II tions: . To the Child Welfare, $36.00; to ". Sandra Brawn, adopted orphan at ' Scotland School, - $32.00; Unrestricted Fun~ for' Coatesville, •.• and make $5.00; Perry Point HoSpital and Veteran's Administration Hospital quicl~ appOintment of P.hlladelphia, $3.00' each; , State with your Doctor' Junior Baseball, $10.00; Polio. Fund, $5.00; and Poppies and sealS " • Your Doctor, too, bOWl to be offered in May, $26.0O-a a "miracle drug'"_lots of them, as a matter of faa. Butgrand total of $120.00. what is far more imponant, Mrs. Alben Eavenson, presiding he know. when and how to officer and vice-president, infonnprescribe them. Take no eel the group of the natIOnal aux~ta with health. ~ Wary'S Wooden Church Crusade ~d,the c:oauel of your ~1· ... ... Aad be sure to,blJDa whlcb.. with tile help f'If individual IUs pnscriptiOftS to 111 for_. UDlts" will attemPt to provide pen co~POQQcliD!I:r ou places of wonhlp near the sites of Pl'elcdPUOD Sped • ,ndDed ch\U'Chel,. ca~ and QDIlCotues in Germany. In the CATHnMAN-S national campaip, ~. auxlUary DRUG STORE hopes to erect at least two ehurches of appmximateJy The SwartIm:lore unit has sent their allotment of, $5.00 to Headquarters, this sum to be considered a community service' branch of , , the program. , .. NEW, ECONOMY •. a: With the new Chevrolet, you get money-saving gas mileage along with new power and perform6nce. Rug_ ged CheoIroIet durabirrty saves you money 011 maintenance too. And at trad.... time, you'll gain ago.. Chevrolet traditionally bring. a top price 011 the used-car market. ....., , -.000 each. ~ 'P". Uft· Exquisite For. P~Itr. , . .S..... Tres Secrete c.p the ear~y Swarthmore community. In January, leaflets and posters on American Friends Service Committee projecls for young pe0ple have been on exhibit for dents and parents interested in making plans for the coming summer. The llbrary lends recently published books and warmly welcomes community use of the collections. __ . ,': ;.: L,egion Auxiliary·,": Ban of Franc. Tru Balance §i " .., , .. RUMSEY .CHEVROLET' 5w........ 6-61.· Theatre Square.. ' .. \. /' _~uth .Chester 'Road . ... -