ENJOY. • COMES LABOR DAY THE . WEEK-END SCRAMBLE , t , VOLUME2~NUMBER36 School Bids Allow Multi-Purpose Room Board Mobbed by Bidder~ . Explores Ways to Get Most for Money , $S.50 PER YEAR SWARTHM0U; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1953 FALL EXCHANGE NEARS The annual Fall Mutual Exchange of the Swarthmore Woman's Club announces new Qours for the rapidly approach~:~ ;;~nt, September 22, 23, Presbyterians to . Swarthmore Elementary; High Schools .Lose Henry Fa~st Open Thursday Morning, September 10 heck - in of Clothing and Adjourning from the limited g09ds to be handled for ex. quarters of its regular' meeting change will take place on Tuesroom to the High School cafeteria . day, the 22, from 9:30 a.m. to in order to accommodat~ OJrertwo 3:30 p.m; th~ actual Sale will dozen bidders Wednesday evening, run from 9 a.m. Wednesday the Swarthmore School iBoard morning until 10 p.m.; and opened bids on thelong~heralded settlement will occur from 9 addition to the Rutgers avenue a.m . .pn Friday ~ti1 1 p.m.' The attention of who are elementary. s~hoo1. Several hours later the Board decided to file With in the throes of packing eager low bIdders itshitent to btilld' at young students off to· college least seven classrooms, connecting or preparatory school, - of cOrridor, administration suite, and parents who prepare the' a multipurpose room at. Ii cost of younger fry for school's open$307,269 upon securing satlsfactpry ing and come face to face with, . financing. This amount also in-' the fact that summer's growth eludes $11,775 for new transform-. has outdistanced wardrobes~ as ers to correct the overloaded dr- well as householders who 'face cults a~. College ·avenue. Th~Board a bit of refurbishing in readithen authorized advertisement for ness for Fall is called to this al- Popular Musician Goes to $400,000 of general obligation ser- most magic means of findibg Milledgeville, Ga.,' ial bonds, payable at the rate of useful 'and profitable outlet for Chu h 2 $ 0,000 annually over a. period Of good but outgrown articles at rc , 20 years beginning in October 1954 the same time that they may Henry Fa~, Choir Master and and ending in 1973. ' be economically replaced with • Solicitor A. 'David M. Speers ex- o t h e r s . ' Organist of the Swarthmore' Pres_ plained a better rate of IntereK byterian Church, has accepted a was expected on a 20-year Issue new position with the First BapRecelyes Commission'. than could be secured on a .30tist Church in Milledgeville, year plan. In seeking to poatthe, Avery F. Jr., son of Mr. _ also as Choir Master $400,000 issue the Board reserves and Mrs. Blake of Amherst aveapproximately $10,000 of its pres.. nue, received his commission as and Organist. His resignation from ent'borrowing capacity. $314,000 Ensign on August 14 at the R.O.C. the Swarthmore Presbyterian of .~e borrowed funds will be a6- School at Long Bea~, Calif., and Church Will be effective as of Sepplied to the building 'project; has been assigned -to the Civil tember 26, 1953. $26,000 to purchase of the Rut- Engineering Corps. The Baptist Church in Milledgegers avenue lapd and cODllected He is stationed at the Amphib- ville has grown steadily in the ~enses,. and $80,000 to :repay .lous Base.in Coronado, Cfllif4- as past three years and ~~c is ,a cost of a~ding a ~usic \V1n~, ~n- ~ instruc~~~ He IP}d Mrs. BI8ke l~ge ~art of. the ~o~g proverting,.. sev~ ~~ and hav~ taken' 'an' apartment during gram., .lV{r•. Faust will. \md~e , (Contlnuedon"Pagr-8) 'his 'chore of duties there. ' .. : .ther,al develoPment . ol .a music proaram there, as a JlliIjorcon. tribution to their exparution project:,' Mr. Faust has ~ 'with the . ,With varying reactions the attention of boys and girls of Swarthmore is cen,tered upon the opening of school next Thursday, September 10. On that date they will see their new rooms, meet their new teachers, greet classmates and look through their books. Also, they will ~xperienc~ the realization, of promotion into a new grade, . . Pupils returning. to the high school classes 'next week \ will find the home room assignments ready for them and pos~ed consp!cuously Ion. bulletin boards in the corridors. For th~lr convemence, the following lists may be used: Boom au B~ake, Geor~a BOrD.ugh· Hall' Flower Plot· Adds' .Apprecl-ated" .Sea··s·ona)I Bloom . garden did a em ' dere · 11 ~ ch ange t 0 w!tite and pink u the Kurume azaleas (a gift from the College's Scott 'Horticultural Foundation which edifies us with.the intonnation that'the Kurume azaleas were member 'the blow hot- unknown.in . t~ country until 191t blow cool them?), (wish it WOUld) summer, and . the current drought. when cuttings were' brought in The Swarthmorean }las been from Japan where the strain of hearing many enthusiastic com- evergreen azaleas had been develments about it (that's one of the oped by one family for over 100 nicest, points amut gardenS-they years. The wQite plants are named bring out the "'Tbest in . us. Now \"snow"-no quarrel With that identidcation-the pink varieties are dogs, . . . well by the tag end of . ' summer The SwartIuno't;an has numerous and require a: search at • li~tened to a good many. req' uests time of blooming. P erh aps now that the garden has to "please write an editorial against so-and-so's' mutt he ruins had a successful succession of our gar~ns he -barks s~ we can't. bloom and the hOUlS of wee~ sleep, we c~'t say anytb!ng, busi- contributed by E~liott Richards~n ness reasons,. you .know!") . (o~y the early nsers caught ~ It is a pleasure to pass on a at ,It) and. Borough Hall custodian public thank." you and doff of the Han.:ey HIOrth. hav.e borne an apcommunity liat to Borough Secre- preclated fruition, It is safe to adtary Elliott Richardson for the mit that it was undertaken with Borough Han garden enclosure a great deal Of. trepidation and now bright witli 'verbenas of aU even ~uctance. colors (Dwarf (Verbena mXtubition, Now, Mr. Richardson is planning for the garden file), which will anot~er color of tulips for next continue until frost., spring and also is tentl\tively conIn the earliest spring, blue and sidering dev~loping the bed in yellow crocuses cheered the win- front of the Library stacks toward ter-weary as they looked out from the Methodist Church on Park office windows or entered the Li- avenue. Currently, it has annual brary, Only the blue erocuses have sage and petunias donat~ by Paan imposing name, petpurea trobnan Charl~ Manata who has srandifiora. Th~striped(mes a~ also lent gardemng ~owledge (hls called "stripe«J beauty" and .the greenhouse is the source. of many yeUowones "yellow" (all of which local blooms) to t~e J3orough H~l which might, send us oft 'on a COD- adventure, and· a few red geransideration of dower names. SCab- iums. iosa. for instance, is such an iu' Added to this season's beauty is fitting term for the deucaey and 'the enticement of a garden ~ color Of ·the bloom home garden:' tery next spring. Left to the era call ''pincushion ftower"). knowledgeable and watchful care The crocuses were followed by of th~ Borough Secretary, the.Pothe ",est of tuUps. striped. orange Uee Force, ~d Harvey the pros. and red,. OIymplacle, which car- peel is good, and SwarthmOreaDI lied. the b1oGm.~ ·BoIouIh tn.- wiU be tumIDg in another ardent to . the ~ Beason. TheIl the thank you this time next year. " Among the many gardens in Swarthmore whicH the local color and contribute fragrance' to is . one small one which has comparatively kept a conij.nuity of bloom . thrughout the spring rains (re... , ~." • • PapUa with PInal initials Teacher Mrs. Mathews Dr. Irwin' , Mr•. Hofmann Mr. Yocum Miss Zimmer SENIORS " Jl1NIORB SOPHOMORES • FRESHMEN . ' EIGHTH j 203 '206 A-H 201 208 A-GO I~ I Mr. Klemmer Miss Armstrong Miss Barten Mr. Oppenlander Miss Swift Mrs. Seymour .' Miss Strouse Mr. Snyder 9 GR-N O-Z 211 Mr. Miller Mr. Jamison Miss McKi,"e Mr. Bell Mrs. Becker Mr. Hall . \ SEVENTH 105 209 200 202 R-Z 106 215 A-E F K A-DR DU-K ~P \ . L-S ·..... C S z 216 213 101 102 107 J ~ A-GO GU-PAL PAT-Z " . A ......HA HE-PRA 8 PRE-Z The morning se~sion of the high school will begin at 8:45 dailY.. . ' Upon arriving at school pupils Line-~p should. go directly to their new homerooms for meetings with Gene Grazes, popu1'ar radio pe~- their respective homeroom teachs,onality, w~ be the feature guest ers a~ to the plans for the day. All -at the,SWclrth:n:a·ore.~9iAer!SCI\\.bS~P'~.li~;wt~ btt..dbtribu~ there· opening "hello" p~t;V for.old'ahd and pupIls will be.' handed their new members to be held at the individual class schedules which club's new ~ting place Mc- liave', ~een pr.eviously prepared Mothers Club in Program Cahan Hall, on Harvard avenue during ·the summer months by September,24 at 8 p.m. . , William Bush, High School Princl- "Melody Capers" is the title of pal. The remainder of the morning the party, which will feature a ~ll be devoted t() auditorium ascommunity sing, with old and new sembly,' classes, receiving books members being invited to. come, and work assignments. .. Th urs d ay and Friday will be part·ICi.pat e, and join in the fun; Mrs.. Robert Pfeif.er, m. embership .half' days or morning 'sessions ch alr~an, states that pl~ are only, ,throughout the school sysunderway for a gala evening; tem. The afternoon sessions will Mrs. Norman Weeks, vice-po resi-' begin on Mongay, S~ptember 14, dent and program chairman; has' for the junior-senior high school reported that the 1953-54 Mother's clas:>es and grades 3 to 6, Full day Club program wn~ be mailed to, sessIons will begin September 1'1 shared. old and prospective new members for the second grade and on . , shortly after Labor Day. Thursday, September 24 for the JOHN ALFRED CALHOUN Ne:w add~tio~s to the program first grade.' The kindergarten m' I d . . cue the f'0 11owmg events: N 0- classes will have half- daY sessIons John Alfred Calho~. father of ve b 17 b only throughout th Dr. J. Alfred calhoun of Elm m er - anum er of s m a l l ' e year. informal parties will be' held at The. elementary schools will avenue, died Saturday'at his home va. rlOUS . bhomes.to ' b ' at 9 o'clock in the m.ornbig, cl u members egm in Fredericksburg, Va., after havgIve o!d and new members a morning sessions extendi~g from 9 ing just passed his 90th birth- chance to become better aquaint- to 11 :40 a.m. and in the afternoon day. ed; February 19 - there will be (Continued 'on Page 8) Born in Abbeville, S.C., he was a theatre benefit.for the club. employed for 50 years by the On April 5 there will be a !.iterVirginia-Carolina Chemical COI,D.- ature Night program~ with Mrs. WOLFF SHOW OPENS pany as manager for various Edward Scheu in' charge. May 'IS A painting of the Swarthmore plants throughout the South. He is the date set for the club's in- Friends Meeting' House will be on retired in 1940 and· had lived in formal dance with Mrs. Harold display, among 20 other Meetings Fredericksburg. since that time. Dummas chatrman for the event. painted by HelEm Mcllwain Wolff, Besides his son, he is survived Admissions to the' Christmas during the month of September at by his wife, Mai North Calhoun;' 'Ballet will be available for mem- I Sunny Brae Orchards, Lima. The a daughter, Miss Margaret Cal- bers and their, children'in late Swarthmore Meeting is shown houn of Alexandria; and' four November and early December. with its beautiful weeping cherry grandchildren, Martha, John Al- i TWQ courseS in sewing Will be tree in full bloom: fred, 3rd, Helen, and Deane Cal- offered through the Pennsylvania J\frs. Wolff, celebrated for her houn of Swarthmore. Stale Agricultural Extension Ser- paintings of historical buildings, vice. The fall course will in_ has made a study of the charm BEREAVED • clude instruction in tailoring, ~nd variety of the ~any old Mr. and Mrs. A.. David M. while the spring' course 'will cover. Friends Mee1ing Houses in the the making of slip covers. Ruth vicinity of Philadelphia, She SpeerS, Yale ayenue, returned on Mangus' will . be the instructress, p'aints each in a dllrerent mood. Sunday, August 23, from India- v.rith the classes to be held in Her painting of the London Grove napolls, Ind. where they we~e call;.. .members' .homes. Mrs. Harley Meeting is stately and dignifled in ed from Beach Haven, N.J.; where Smith. will be in charge of ar- the full summer shade of its they were vacationing d:Uring the rangements for the sewing classes. oak tree;. ~i11is~wn Meeting lookS month of August by the 'sudden -------s tar k In the' glow of a c!eath of Mr. Speer's mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Ain- March sunset; ProVidence Meeting Henry Alexander Osborne Speers, sUe, Jr., and daughter Judy, fo~- is portrayed in the soft spring sunon Tuesday, A~.l1. merly of Detroit, Mich., are resid- light; Chichester seems alone and Johnny and DaVId Speers visit- ing 8,.t 641 North'Chester road. Mr. forgotten in the late Novemb4!r• ed' their gran~ts Mr. and Ainslie has been transferred. to The Wolff ·Exhlbition .shows. Mrs. H. Lindley. Peel dU1'lng the the Ph1iade1Phia ofllce of Arm- only 20 of. th~ -t5. meetJngs paiilted absence of their ~ts. . strong Cork Comp8ny. by the ; .rtist/It~ea· ..._ 7es.·-'A".,i·,' __ ......,. Mr., large ' •• ,". . ' " ,, . F ~ !~~ Swarthmore Presbyterian Church since 1945, wbEire he started as a MUsic 'Director. In 1951 he becarrie the Organist as well. . The. Swarthmore Prasbyterian Church congregation, accepts Faust's resignation witll deep regret. His reQloval from the community will be a loss to I'Y'IUS'l'Cal -- encircles which have throughly joyed and b~ e~iched by Mr. Faust's musical skills, generously .... . ~ ," ,~~ ..:o""~'."''; ";"~ ..'. I .,. • ' ~=~'~:' ,,'J 'iI " 'i :i )1 .1 . .' ~ r~ \ r ,..' !. , .1 , , . ENJOY LABOR DAY WEEK-END ' J , ; . ': .' '" ~ COMES THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 25-NUMBER 36 SWARTHIUORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1953 THE SCRAMBLE $3.50 PER YEAR . L School Bids Allow F!e a~=:~::UG!u~u~~~~_ IPresbytenans to Swarthmore Elementary; High Schools Multi-Purpose Room ~~~~:'s O~lu~h:nn~::;!~~~~~ Lose Henry Faust Open Thursday Morning, September 10 ~I Board Mobbed by Bidde~s Explores Ways to Get Most for Money Adjourning from the limited quarters of its regular ( meeting room to the High School cafeteria in order to accommodate over two dozen bidders Wednesday evening, the Swarthmore School Board opened bids on the long-heralded addition to the Rutgers avenue elementary school. Several hours later the.Board decided to file with low bidders its intent to build at least seven classrooms, connecting corridor, administration suite, and a multipurpose room at a cost of $307,269 upon securing satisfactory financing. This amount also includes $11,775 for new transformers to correct the overloaded circuits at College -avenue. The. Board then authorized advertisement for $400,000 of general obligation serial bonds, payable at the rate of $20,000 annually over a period of 20 years beginning in October 1954 and ending in 1973. . Solicitor A. David M. Speers explained a better rate of intereK was expected on a 20-year issue than could be secured on a 30year plan. In seeking to noat the, $400,000 issue the Board reserves approximately $10,000 of its present borrowing capacity. $314,000 of the borrowed funds will be applied to the building project, $26,000 to purchase of the Rutgers avenue land and connected expenses, and $60,000 to 'repay cost of adding a music wing, convt>rting ,several classro~ms and (Continued on Page 8) hours for the rapidly approaching event, September 22, 23, and 25. theck - in of clothing and goods to be handled for exchange will take place on Tuesday, the 22, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m; the actual sale will run from 9 a.m. Wednesday morning until 10 p.m.; and settlement will occur from 9 a.m . .pn Friday until 1 p.m. The attention of all who are in the throes of packing eager young students off to college or preparatory school, of parents who prepare the younger fry for school's opening and come face to face with \ the fact that summer's growth has outdistanced wardrobes, as well as householders who face a bit of refurbishing in readiness for Fall is called to this almost magic means of findihg useful and profitable outlet for good but outgrown articles at the same time that they may be economically replaced with others. Receives Commission Avery F. Blake, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Blake of Amherst avenue, received his commission as Ensign on August 14 at the R.O.C. Schocl at Long Beach, Calif., and has been assigned to the Civil Engineering Corps. He is stationed at the Amphibious Base in Coronado, Calif., as an instructor. He and Mrs. Blake have taken an apartment during his chore of duties there. Borough HaU Flower Plot Adds Appreciated .Seasonal Bloom Among the many gardens in Swarthmore which contribute to the local color and fragrance is one comparatively small one which has kept a continuity of bloom thrughout the spring rains (remember them?), the blow hotblow cool (wish it would) summer, and the current drought. The Swarthmorean ,has been hearing many enthusiastic comments about it (that's one of the nicest points about gardens-they bring out the best in us. Now dogs, . . . well by the tag end of summer The Swarthmorean has listened to a good many requests to "please write an editorial against so-and-so's mutt, he ruins our gardens, he barks so we can't sleep, we can't say anyth!ng, business reasons,. you know!") It is a pleasure to pass on a public thank you and doff of the community hat to Borough Secretary Elliott Richardson for the Borough Hall garden enclosure now bright with verbenas of all colors (Dwart!Verbena Exhibition, for the garden file), which will continue until frost." In the earliest spring, blue and yellow crocuses cheered the winter-weary as they looked out from office windows or entered the Library. Only the blue crocuses have an imposing name, perpurea grandiftora. The striped ones are called "stripeq beauty" and the yellow ones "yellow" (all of which Which might send us off on a consideration of flower names. Scabiosa, for instance, is such an ill fitting term for the delicacy and color of the bloom home gardeners call "pincushion flower"). The crocuses were followed by the gayest of tulips, striped orange and red, Olympiade, which carried the bloom-loving Borough into the azalea season. Then the garden did a cinderella change to white and pink as the Kurume azaleas (a gift from the College's Scott Horticultural Foundation which edifies us with the information that the Kurume azaleas were unknown in this country until 1911 when cuttings were brought in from Japan where the strain of evergreen azaleas had been developed by one family for over 100 years. The white plants are named "snow"-no quarrel with that identification-the pink varieties, are numerous and require a search at time of blooming. . Perhaps now that the garden has had a successful succession of bloom and the hours of weeding contributed by Elliott Richardson (only the early risers caught him at it) and Borough Hall custodian Harvey Hiorth have borne an appreciated fruition, it is safe to admit that it was undertaken with a great deal of trepidation and even reluctance. Now, Mr. Richardson is planning another color of tulips for next spring and also is tent~tively considering developing the bed in front of the Library stacks toward the Methodist Church on Park avenue. Currently it has annual sage and petunias'donated by Patrolman Charles Manata who has also lent gardening knowledge (his greenhouse is the source of many local blooms) to the Borough Hall adventure, and· a' few red geraniums. Added to this season's beauty is the enticement of a garden mystery next spring. Left to the knowledgeable and watchful care of the Borough Secretary, the Police Force, and Harvey the prospect is good, and Swarthmoreans will be turning in another ardent thank you this time next year. With varring reactions the attention of bo~s and girls of Swarthmore IS centered upon the opening of sch'ool next Thursday, September 10. On that date they will see their new rooms, meet their new teachers, greet classmates and look through their books. Also, they will ~xperienc~ the realization of promotion into a new grade. . Pupils returning to the ~igh school classes next week wIll find the home room assignments ready for them and posted conspicuously on bulletin boards in the corridors. For their convenience, the following lists may be used: SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES Popular Musician Goes to Milledgeville, Ga., Church . FRESHMEN Teacher Mrs. Mathews Dr. Irwin Room Pupils with Final Initials 203 A-H 206 I-·Z Mr. Hofmann Mr. Yocum Miss Zimmer 201 208 211 Mr. Klemmer Miss Armstrong Miss Barten :\1:r. Oppenlander 105 209 200 202 Miss Swift Mrs. Seymour Miss Strouse Mr. Snyder A-GO GR-N O-Z A-DR DU-K L-P R-Z 106 A-E 215 F-K 216 L--SC Henry Faust, Choir Master and 213 SE-Z Organist of the Swarthmore Pres_ EIGHTH Mr. Miller 101 A-GO byterian Church, has accepted a Mr. Jamison 102 GU-PAL new position with the First BapMiss McKie 107 PAT-Z tist Church in Milledgeville, SEVENTH Mr. Bell 100 A-HA Geor~ia also as Choir Master Mrs. Becker 103 HE-PHA and Organist. His resignation from Mr. Hall 6 , PRE-Z the Swarthmore Presbyterian The morning session of the high Church will be effective as of Sepschool will begin at 8:45 daily. tcmber 26, 1953. Upon arriving at school pupils The Baptist Church. in Milledgeshould go directly to their new ville has grown steadily in the homerooms for meetings with past three years and music is a Gene Grazes, popular radio per- their respective homeroom teachlarge part of the growing pro- sonality, will be the feature guest ers as to the plans for the day. All gram. Mr. Faust will undertake at the SWdrthmore Mother's Club supplies will be distributed there the real development of .a mUSic opening "hello" party for old and and pupils will be handed their proil'am there, as a major con- new members to be held at the individual class schedules which tribution to their expansion pro- club's new meeting place Mc- have been previously prepared ject. Cahan Hall, on Harvard avenue, during the summer months by Mr. Faust has been with the September 24 at 8 p.m. William Bush, High School PrinciSwarthmore Presbyterian Church "Melody Capers" is the title of pal. The remainder of the morning since 1945, where he started as a the party, which will feature a will be devoted to auditorium asMUsic Director. In 1951 he be- community sing, with old and new sembly, classes, receiving books came the Organist as well. members being invited to come, and work assignments. The Swarthmore Presbyterian participate, and join in the fun. Thursday and Friday will be Church congregation, accepts Mr. I Mr~. Robert Pfeifer, membership half days or morning sessions Faust's resignation with deep re- chaIrman, states that plans are only, throughout the school sysgret. His rexpoval from the .com- underway for a gala evening. tern. The afternoon sessions will munity will be a loss to mu.c;ical Mrs. Norman Weeks, vice-presi- begin on Monday, September 14, circles which have throughly en- dent and program chairman; has for the junior-senior high school joyed and been en~iched by Mr. reported that the 1953-54 Mother's classes and grades 3 to 6. Full day Faust's musical skills, generously Club program will be mailed to sessions will begin September 17 shared. old and prospective new members for the second grade and on shortly after Labor Day. Thursday, September 24 for the New additions to the program first grade. The kindergarten JOHN ALFRED CALHOUN include the following events: No- classes will have half-day sessions John Alfred Calhoun, father of vember 17 _ a number of small only, throughout the yea ... Dr. J. Alfred Calhoun of Elm informal parties will be held at The elementary schools will avenue, died Saturday at his home V~r10US . b cl ub members homes to ' egm at 9 o'clock in the morning, in Fredericksburg, Va., after hav- gIve old and new members a morning sessions extending from 9 ing just passed his 90th birth- chance 'to become better aquaint- to 11:40 a.m. and in the afternoon day, ed; February 19 - there will be (Continued on Page 8) Born in Abbeville, S.C., he was a theatre benefit for the club. employed for 50 years by the On April 5 there will be a LiterWOLFF SHOW OPENS Virginia-Carolina Chemical Com- ature Night program, with Mrs. pany as manager for various Edward Scheu in charge. May 15 A painting of the Swarthmore plants throughout the South. He is the date set for the club's in- Friends Meeting House will be on retired in 1940 and had lived in formal dance with Mrs. Harold display, among 20 other Meetings Fredericksburg. since that time. Dumm as chairman for the event. painted by Helen McIlwain Wolff, Besides his son, he is survived, Admissions to the Christmas during the month of September at by his wife, Mai North Calhoun; Ballet will be available for mem- i Sunny Brae Orchards, Lima. The a daughter, Miss Margaret Cal- bers and their children "in late Swarthmore Meeting is shown houn of Alexandria; and four November and early December. with its beautiful weeping cherry grandchildren, Martha, John Al- i TWQ courses in sewing will be tree in full bloom. fred, 3rd, Helen, and Deane cal-I offel'ed through the Pennsylvania Mrs. Wolff, celebrated for her houn of Swarthmore. State Agricultural Extension Ser- paintings of historical buildings, vice. The fall course will in_ has made a study of the charm • elude instruction in tailoring, and variety of the many old BEREAVED while the spring course will cover Friends Meeting Houses in the Mr. and Mrs. A. David M. th e rna k'mg of slip covers. Ruth vicinity of Philadelphia. She Speers, Yale avenue, returned on Mangus will be the instructress, paints each in a different mood. Sunday, August 23, from India- with the classes to be held in Her painting of the London Grove napolis, Ind. where they were call- members' homes. Mrs. Harley Meeting is stately and dignified in ed from Beach Haven, N.J., where Smith will be in charge of ar- the fun summer shade of its large they were vacationing during the rangements for the sewing classes.· oak tree; Willistown Meeting looks month of August by the sudden s tar k in the glow of a death of Mr. Speer's mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Ain- March sunset; Providence Meeting Henry Alexander Osborne Speers, slie, Jr., and daughter Judy, for- is portrayed in the soft spring sunon Tuesday, August 11. merly of Detroit, Mich., are resid- light; Chichester seems alone and Johnny and David Speers visit- ing at 641 North Chester road. Mr. fo~gotten in the late November. ed their grandparents Mr. and Ainslie ,has been transferred. to The Wolff ,Exhibition shows Mrs. H. Lindley Peel during the the PhiladelPhia office of Arm- only 20 of the 45 me-etings painted strong Cork Company. absence of their parents. by the artist. It opttned yesterday. Mothers Club in Program Line-up I I t THE SWAR'l1IMOREAN Pqe! VINCUNA5-$TREETER . iNfiAGEMIiNTS Mrs. Frances Wills Slaugh of . with prdeDlas. Elm avenue, announces the en- te,r; ~f Mr.,~,!rfi'!. carroll P8tH: . Th" Re'!. Jo&eph;P•.BW>op, gagement of her daughter, ijJss pastor of the .I Suzanne Kille Slaugh, to PVt. Mr...... ....;;.d Martin VlJieun" ot the double ruiB ce~DY. . UST'.IAUTY .11 WITH THI SUMMER nDI. Thomas Moore'Stabler, son 'of Mr. Boston, Mass., son of·Mrs. B. H. I Mr. otto Kr~us, Jr., of Benjaand Mrs. Laurence' J •. Stabler of Vincunas of Norwood, Mass., and riIin West avenue, presented· the Rogers !ant;, WaJlingford. the late Mr. Vincunas, were united. wedding music. . Miss Slaugh is a' graduate of in marriage on Saturday afternoOn The bride, who was given In 9 south Cheswr Road George School alid of Swarthmore.at a 5 o'clock candlellght s6vice marriage by her brother, Mr. Call Swarthlllore 6-0476 College, class of)952. in the. Swarthmore presbyterian Richard M. Hook of Swarthmore, Pvt. Stabler attended the Unl- Church by the Rev. Joseph P. wore a bridal gown of white yarn versity of Maryland, and is noW Bishop. dyed talfeta fashioned with a litin the service of the U.S. Army Mrs. Willlam L. Scarborough of ted bodice buttoned with tiny in Germany. Swarthmore presided at the organ. ered. b. utto. ns, a. SCOOP n~kline,long .' • . m The bride, who was given in sl<;"v'es and. a. full skirt with· a jpmnIllllIllilliiHlUHIII\III.. " "..I_mIllllllllHIIII.- .Hllnnilll8lll1llll llllll\llllll1lMr. and Mrs. Charles B. Shaw marriage by her father wore a btistle. Her finger tip veil of ilIu•• '·1" of Ogden avenue announce the bridal gown fashioned' with a sion was to a cap . DEUCIOUS DINNEIS SUIT th•. ot engagement of their daughter, Chantilly lace bodice, a stand-up velvet leaves trimmed with seed CHOPS to. Dorothy, to Mr. Harding .James coUar and long sleeves, and skirt al\d_ she carried a white B. AND, '..,pAR.TY. F.A.CIu.TtEs _!ii Lemay. Both MiSs Shaw and Mr of nylon tulle featuring side prayer book· which Iield a white EI LemaY are on thesWr of tht; Ne"; drapes, and a.short train. Her ftn- orchid. BUSINESS MEN'S LUNQI 12-1t30 P. M. York Publlc Library. ge.: tip veil was held in place with 'Miss CarolyJ:l PiIlmeF Henr;y of C mf . ' i. ill The wedding will take place in a band of Chantilly lace from her WalJingfotd, the inaldof honor, 0 orfclbl. Rooml Da, Week , EI.vator = ~r:~~.1.Co~1li. a".eD~"FIi • ... cOv-I'------------.:.----~~-------~ I a~tached p~ls o~ TA~rl ~YElYOtiE TE~DER S~EIlIS a~~ EXCE~... ANQ~T .cea.k~4 Ord~r. I t. ~r New York tIiis month. mother's wedding gown. She car~ wOte a iiown of rust colored rled white gardenias and ch8iJgeable taffeta ballerIna length STllA. TH': .If' JV'EN'" I'N'N" otis.' mi!d~ with a IItted bodice and :8. "Miss Doris Black of South Chesscbo . · .p' .D ..... · .. e and skirt with . Yalit *' Marvard A' ...... ~: s.u.wal"TllmOni, a. Miss CSMITHo-;.HODGE therin G I Hodg' , . , . . . . . . . " '. . '. '. u!~·.. .... v. ..... . ,a e . ay e e , ter road, as mal4 of bonpr, wore a nter panel of accordion p1eat&.·.WA~tl!l r..AIUl().t:r, .... . " -'" "Ii ' ... ' i stephan- full' lIft ...... """ a,re;d-vi..olet ballerina lI;ngth dress. go; wore a cap of rust velvet da.ugh.ter of Mr. and "'_. D. "'-1. S.... s.1Ik .man.-tung. She carried ~l-d_ carried oi colm Hodge of Strath Haven ave- of . . and of........... lavender with lea.~ves bronze anda cascade red daisy nue, became the bride of Lt. 10 . 11 In snades " y~ow, ~d CinclDna~i, Richard Carpenter Smith, son of mat.hing· head band. Mr. Mrs; Francis H. Smith of Miss Clara Mae Frederick of Ohio, Saturday after- East Moline m a& bridesmaid in Trinity: w0rtl a lengu, dress of PlSCOP . urc, warthmore. \llu\l _ violet silk shantung. Her The Rev. Dr. J. Jarden Guen- bouquet was of lavender and pur- ~~n a~ ~!O O~CI~ ball~riD~' ~~.~.~.~.~~.;'~"~L~'"~~.~. ~'~.~~;'';'~:~' '~ ' ~'~~;.,~.;..~E;&~.A~arien, cOnn., Mark Stratton of l!.idl1ewood, N.J.,.. and Edward Hop.pie 9f Cincinnati. OLIVER H. BAIR' IIIIIlCIau O' "'MIUlI .. , .: .. :.. i"" , .. " '. A Banking BarCJain Moylan~ IT'S NO SECRET! We're the Biggest Sellers of Dope" InT!twn • 24 Delicious Colors Covers Most Anything Quick Drying Pefta. CAMfRA & fiour SffOP 405 Dartillo... Ave. y.,. _..... iW ""91 ......,.......IJI DIIIh - -AI"!".., ...... T...... hit stage play Fall Term Begins Sept. 16 Special ChUdren's Show sat. 1 P.l'tl. Cartoons. comedy and Serial plus Rex Allen in 1st class western Ages 3·12 Saturday NIght Only Feature TImeS: 6. Full Aca~.I.ic Pro. . . 1_I.dl., ." Art,'" T.....,.' ,..... A.an.,. ., "STALAG'17" ii and 10 - • THE FIRST NATION.AL BANK OF DELAWARE'COUNTY , . Re9~rd'ess of how i"!'uch ~~ how IiDle money you keep on deposit your Checking A~count is alw~ys ·welcome. Our Bank is a service institution and its, foundation is the people who make ~p its depositors and borrowers. . ' San... Moa. " Taes. JANE ~ . "LET'S DO B.A.Y. JDLLAND (TeCb·) Bvel )ODe WIn e'DjGy - T?ere will be a Church School of where they junCabinet Meeting Thursday, Gamma lars. ey will live at Delta September 10 t 8 on ' House. ~or. the ,a p.m. in ordel' to meet and disMrs. Thomas A. Bradshaw and' cuss the year s plans with the son Bobby of Benjamin West ave_ snehw John spenbng nue home after c ott.Associate Minister, . tworeturned monUts in Colorado. theme especially for Labor Day Sunday. .Ushers for this service will be Richard M. Snyder, head, usher; W'arren Crafts, Theodore purnell Snyder, and tieorge A church-time' nursery is DlQ1ntalned all summer and this Sunday will be supervised by Mrs. E. Cranston Bernstorff. ~'alter ~r. z;m~ · ..... 6-1... '}'- • .. ,~ ".IA, ....NI;,~V_'A ° Springfield ·~i·.j; ,',f . . "-; .:-~ Mi.lliac of .......~.I D....dl 1I1...... ucl:•• elc, lIallDl •• • ....i .' \. ;.- i I; I= p •••, . , . . - _=~iI av~nue I ~. for :; ~ ~ c~!:- of ! =: _§ p,~" and 7 to 8 p.m. un1,ess other_ w.se noted. Other hours are by Cabin~ The Chapel ~ = Univer:ty~ Ma!J~and ar~ ~ave k1 ~hoir will. resume spent Mr. Bradshaw.and his family had ,July In Glenelk,' Colo., and . Also on .Wednesday at 6 p.m, aU young people of, and college age will be the guests of. the church at a corn boil and hot dog roast at the church Th' affair sponsored by the W C;: i. one way the church will best wishes to all its stude ts especiaUy those. for who away to colleges the are IIrst time. raglstration and orientation on September< 13 at 9'30 a' '?" There Wl11 be nb the School "1'ti1 Septem. er 7, but it is hoped thiat all young people from ages thtee to 18 wiIJ attend ChurctJ. School on the 13th for registration. The double for on Morning Worship will service also begin f d k \ . go~n~ F~Uowsth~ir doubl~ ses~ Sun~ i = \ iii! = i!! § 5__ c § !is :; !iii :; -!= !iii . iii !is ;;; ;; - i Skirt, 11.95 !is !is Retail OP.tlcians i_i 521 Welsh Street ~ 1S'. So'• Chester Rd .- • Chester. Po. :;! Lens,!s and Frilmes Replaoell;;; Physicians' Prescriptions Filled !iii ~ ii"lIIlIIuuuuUIIUUUIIUIIIUIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHUUUlllllluullunlllllllllllluIIIIIIIIII11111111111;11111111111111 Phone CHester 4·1307 'f. •... { s~,,-.,' ~.-., '"" a·... . .' ,'" . and girls are invited' to day, September 27,at 9:30 and SHO bring friends and dates. For 11:00 a.m. ' LOCALLY ••• AND SAVEl reservations, call Mrs. Carl B e - - · - - - - - - henna, MA 6-7334. A program of 'TRINITY NOTES . fU~tf~r.in!~~rio~ :a~~ o~ ot ~beeesr Regular services will be resumTrust ed this Sunday at Trinity Church. pte -, There will be a celebration of the the .Official Board at 8 Holy Communion at 8 o'clock, and at the 11 o'clock celebration of Holy Conununion. the Rector .1I1W WIll preach. CHURCH SERVICES Those serving as ~hers wiIJ be PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH as follows: R; J. Baker W !vi Joseph P. 13jshop.· Minister Bush, ~. M. Daniel, J. H.'Furiong· Sandar, Sep~loe" 8 11:00 A,M.-Morning Worship W, F. K1ug, Jr., W. M. McCawley' Mr. Bishop '?IiI1 preach. . J. H. Nutt, and H. G. TOland: Wednesday, September 9 a;orge !!ansell, 3rd is schJeduled 10:00 A.'M.-S~cal Dressings.. to serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock and Bennett Hill wiIJ be on duty at 11. METHODIST CHuRCH \Tohn C. Kulp, Pastor Sunday, Septem~ 6 FRIENDS MEETING NOTES 10:00 A.M.-Church SchooL The Monday sewing group will 11:00 A,M.-The pastor will not meet next week because of the' preach~ , Labor Day Hollday. ~ary notice of change in 'J."RINITY CHURCH date of Monthly Meeting for BusiH. Lawrence Whittetnore . Rector ness for September, October and ." Snnday, September ' 6 November. For these three months 8:00. A.M.-Holy Communio • Monthly Meeting will be held' on 11:00 A.M.-Holy Communio~: the Sunday precediug the third Tuesday of the month; in SepTHE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY tember, this will be the thirteenth. OF FRIENDS Business Meeting will be preceded , Sunday, September 6 by a covered dish supper. 1.;00 A.M.-'..Meeting for Worship. _~I .a.~ welcome, R' _r,Sep~' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES AU-Day sewing for A.F.S.C . . • Under the subject ''Man'" the CHURCH OF Bible Lesson to be read all .cHRIST, SClENTIST Christian Science churches next SWARTHMORE Par~ Avenue ~bw'Harvard I SundIY will present as the image and llke~ess of God, so 11:00 l";r~·!iOPI. '-. . L defined· in the 26th verse ot the 11:00 A: M_.&"dIY Scli"2 , will be tcMan"~ Lessen ... ' mon first chapter of Genesis, which is Wednesday evening - ......-~ the Golden Text, and reads as 101each weelh 8R.II: R~= lOws: ,"And God said Let· us make ~ datJy eXcept Suncl8y • .man tQS ":19 p:ea':":~~';;~!;l' 7 . to lIt ness." our imaIe. .DIir - ''-1 • A BRILLIA~T This bill, 6-passenger Champion Cwtom Sedtm PEQORMERI $1809·J2 A STAND-OUT IN GAS ECONOIf\YI ~fI,~/~(lr_./ . .6a1e -~~~7~ . "' .\J.,~l • ~ / , • . '_ I ' ",. .~U~,C:O .. MOTO~. COMPANY.' ~..s..r ..atiel FaI"l,-t.r.~. like:. • . , SW.II•• D~ ., , low price!. AMERICNS MOST EXCITING CAR! in loP " at a sensationc.1 man m_,ecmedJll 'MolI!I&r NIght 0Dl,Pea\ure .TIm.: 8, 8 aDd 10· $w.;;.t,,'"....~ ° ~~~~~~~~~;,;,~~~~~~~~~;~~~J (Special Tap and Acrobat;c Classe5 for 8c>ys) E m~. CI,,!~ -FIRST JT AGAIN" . , . Gntce hiDII, Dlro ... \ • For Information, Call. WA 8-3959 For the assistance and venienc,; any, the pastor J,'f.I.J.. K. u Ip wlll maintain oJllc" hours in the church study for personal con_ ferences and counsellng on Tu es days. from ' 11 a.m. to 12'' 4 to 5-,1 will use. as his ~on subJeCt" -"A ChrIstian's Union Contra"ct,1t a t :::. lUg Checking Account , with Ballet, Toe, Acrobat. Tap d asses limited Enro.II Now - i::r .. th~ I Swarth more, Media, Springfield, Wallingford . Classes of instruction m' CL"-ch' JJ.U.£ Memberahip for high school and copege students will be conduCted !>y the pastor' at '10:30 a.m; 'on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 8 d 9 . h' auto . Any young people take advantage of this WIS 109 opportunity should speak with Mr Kulp. . Church School, classes meeting at 10 a.m. is maintained for all ages tl!roughout the summer. This Sunday, September 6, Charles' Hoover will teach, the comblried class for young people and adults At the 11 a.rn. Morning Worship' Rev. John' C. Kulp,'lDitjister' will is a COL G'.E. TH'EA'TR'E' LaughS and SUspense frOm r~turning . S d tu ios of Dancing ESBYTER'AN NOTES to college, Pauline is Sunday mo~~; there will be VISiting for severaland weeks her brother-in-law sisterwith u_. ~!!!ftIllllllilHlunullllllnnnllrillllll . , . IIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIlnUIUI./RI.'lllilllllllllllllll.IIIIIIIIIUlllnlllllllllllll11111111.11. M one orning Worship service at and Mrs. Joseph Wilson and !!! 11, o'clock at which Mr. Bishop aunt Miss Anna' Guetter of Rich- i! ; will preach on the topic: "The' mond, Ind., formerly of SwarthAchievement of Simplicity". The soloist will be Wills Broadhead. .' W. Davis of WaI1Ing- s=_!!! H' f~rd, accompanied by his son Mr. ' eory Faust '~1 be at the organ. RIchard Davis of Providence road -~- ... On Sunday' eve.rl1ng at 7 p. m., Media and Mr P uI B B ' i! .... ' . • a . auks of the Senior High Fellowship will Harv.ar~ avenue, will leave this = llleet for an organizational meet- !"orning for a week of trout ftshingto plan for the year's activ- ,m g at the, Signeury Club, canada. ities. AI.I of the church's sew'or pepperh Neal of Benjamin West . as returned 'home atler iii hiJ\h youn, people are luvited to belDg' a' summer counselor at _ iI attend. ' ':amp Navaraq,k, Saranac Lake, N. !!! iii Tuesday, September the Pepper will leave September Board of Trustees Will 8, 14 to begin her new teaching pOslth . resume llon v '\t Cltatnam Hall; Chatoa';, --., mr regular monthly meetings a by meeting in the Woman's Asso. . t Cl . ':; =!is come emen Brown of Old &yciation Room at 7:30 p.rn. brook, Conn., arrived Tuesday The 9hristlan Education Com- a 10-day visit with his grandparmittee )Vill, have its ft...t fall' meet- ents Mr. and Mrs. J. Paw'Brown!iS colle,.tOlon of Walnut lane. . ing on Wednesday, September 9 Elizabeth F' f a= 0 new, t 8 ., o,.er 0 Sprillgfield =. a p.rn. in the Woman's Asso- and Joan Acker of Walling! rd ;;; . !iii elation Room. ._ Hills, will return .to the = nit . resses .. all i:hPlannad.. can-lf~~~=~==~====~U SHHHI CO. I~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~l wn.LIAM ·HOLDEN :.;..._-;;;;:~~;-~::=;--....:....:=.::=:::::.::...::-...:..--.::. cen~ly re~urned from a trip. to METHODIST . NOTES. PI NasS!lu in. the Bahamas. Before blgh~'school S~day, ~lOns20f S e~~r~s~ CHESTNUT STRllT OIIVII H. lAIR, MAlV A. lAID Pr.··~ . -.. .. . .. . Tel.phone RI 6-1581 " S~PTE~t:~ F' O· r$·yt'.h· e' . Mar,oe Loulose =.:~::'';;:~:::': :~~:::::':~':: F. I. ReynllMs &Co. !00,.....' " ::;" ..., 1820 Mr: SChool in Rose Valley .. J OJllce 'at Swarthmore' Pa un"d' 24, 1,29, at the Post DEAD .. '." er_ e ,~c.'. of March 3, 1879. ~WEDNESDAY NOON' . SWARTBlIIORE, PENNA., 4,19'-5-3-- Mrs. GUbert L. c:untryman spent with her mother, Mrs. Frank L. Reynolds 'of Guern_ ':"~ roaa. - Captain Countryman lomed .them over the week-end beforeh returning·to Charlesto'n' S . C ., w.ere he is now stationad . Pauline Beneke, a senior at' Bow.ling Green Slate Universl'ty, OhIO, has been awarded a scholar_ ship for her senior year. She re- Chrlstla~ • THE' .. ~uary Entered as Second Class Matt ,,-.oct-... A~gust, NOT::ES~=Ir;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;~~~~~~~;! Solids, stripes and com· !is_ b' '. appointment. wee y rehearsals on Thl""sday, Mrs onatlons , .. hy fam. Bradshaw and son. were in;; Se.ptember 10 at 8 p.m. The Senior On Wednesday, September 9 Denver, Colo., for August. e ous K'Ims. an d Darby! the Woman's Society of High Choir will start rehearsals - We've pictured knit Our. parlors _are air conditioned for your comfort. .to~ ~ .. AIR CONDITIONED 9lll1'pany. H;e served in the U. S. orchid oorsage. NaVl': ..dujing World War n and A recepUon at\ Rose Tree Hunt graduated fi"om Boston University, Club foUowed the ceremony after which Mr. and Mrs. Cooper left (:OO'IR.....HOOI for It wedding trip on Cape Cod. The marriage of MisS Mary Ann They will reside. in Philadelphia. Hook, daughter of Mrs. Oscar 14. • . H00k 0 f S"tra tho Haven _< • avenue .(Weddings and Births ContlilUed Page The bride's mother chose and, the late Mr. Hoole, to 4) gown of bf\lwn nylon mesh, a hat Donald Wesley Cooper, son of Mr. of aqua shade and' aqua access- and, ~rs. Clarence H. Cooper of StJB!ICIUPTIONS ories with brown orchid corsage. Prospect Park, took place Satur- roR ALL. The groom's mother wore a gown' day afternoon at 2 o'clock in the MAGAzINEs. .. of navy blue taffeta. and a pale Swarthmore Presbyterian Church lIIRS. LLOyO E.·RA UFFMAN lavender orchid corsage. before an altar banked wiilt elbo- SIS Danmonth Avenue A reception at Springhaven tium ferns, white chrysanthe- Swaril.more 8:.2080 Country Club followed' the cere- mums, gladioll, and lighted mony. delabra. The aisle leading to the . LE' . , .. After a honeymoon in Bermuda altar was aiso allght with candclLt. Smith will be stationed at ;::~~;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j Swarthmo.... 'a. Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md., f AlB CONDrrIONBD , where the couple will live. frl. & 'Silt. wer~. ··-,·c " ,,'. .. , and chtt~an!hemumS, ~arried TOW ~d BAit::''': The ch~pedormed NEWS FRiDAY AT PA. WARTBHOaEAN, INC.. P1JBLISBEB .. . Phone SWart~e 8-0180 PETER E TOLD . ". MAR.JOJUB :3J-Pllb11lb,!!r . 1'I'l', Lorenc McCarter Bdi&On 'RoaaIJe Peirsol . ." .. • abra entwined with smilax, caught MissJoanPem'~eeter,daugh- ·~~M.tl·HMOREAN . '. 81:'::'; ~VBRY 8WAR~ORE. ,lIJE PU , . I tllitJ:..1::f","1:J; J 2 ... .:jiai?'!P'N.~ ...._ . , -,, F......."'0 II. _ . . . . 1 _ 0 1'1 C :. --_. - II ; , d < ' ......... .!l~' _'J!.:'qa,C. . .. "'.' " , .--=------. OCTOBER BRIDE Club, inlmediately following the ceremony. OUt - of -town aill!lds were from SwarthmOre, pbUadel_ The marriage of M1ss JIary (Continued from Page 2), phla, New York City, Boston, lIIargaret Marsh, daughter of ,Mr. Pittsburgh, Columbus, 0 h I 0, and IIIrs. Alfred Henry lIIarsh of STmNER.PARIER Montpelier, VI., and points in New Columbia avenue, to Mr. William A beautiful late summer wed- Jersey. '. Allen Prouty of· Durham. N. C., ding ceremony took place in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Allen Fourth Street Presbyterian The bride is a graduate of Prouty of Bowling Green, l\Ipdia, Church, Lebanon on Saturday Grove City College, class of 1952, will take place Saturday, October afternoon. at 3:30 o'clock, when with an A.B. degree, and was em-. 17 at 3:30 o'clock in TrIDity lIIiss Mary E1Izabeth~ Parker, ployed at the Agnes Irwin School daughter of IIIr. and Mrs. lIIel- in Wynnewood. The bridegroom, a ChUrch, Swarthmore. The Rev. H. Lawrence WbItteville 111. Parker, became the bride graduate of Ohio Slate University and the Yale Divinity School, will more, Jr., rector of the church of Rev. John Willard Stettner, be aftlliated with the Presbyterian will perform the ceremony. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry A reception will follow at Stettner of Columbus, Ohio.' The Church in Evanston, Ill. lIIIr. stettner, formerly assistant minister of Springhaven Club. Rev. Harry L. Geissinger of , Lebanon, ,and the Rev. Harper the Swarthmore Presbyterian Chris Ford of Amherst avenue, Welch of' Montpelier, Vt., we~ Church, was given' a farewell a sophomore at Duke University, reception by the congregation in the officiating, clergymen. June after a three-year pastorate. Durham, N.C., wtll rettim to colMr: Henry Faust of Swarthlege September 8. As president of For her'wedding trip, the bride more, presided at the organ, and the sophomo:re honorary organizaMr. Wilson Wade of Bay City, won;, a light blue Dior Palm Beach tion, she wiU~ assist with ~ the suit and navy blue accessories. Texas, W:C!S ~e, soloist. orientation progrAm durtng FreshUpon their return, - the couple man Week, September 10-16. , The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gOwn of white will reside at 1419 Chicago aveMr. and Mrs. ,Warren R. G"dsatin and lace wtth a 'litted bodice nue Evanston, Ill. frey and lIIIr.~ Bruce Godfrey of and mandarin collar, and sleeves Vassar avenue will entertain as tapering to points at the wrists. BIRTHS their house guest for several days The gathered skirt tapered to a of next week Miss Eila caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cotton Bencathedral train. Her veil of nylon nett, Jr., of Swarthmore announce who arrlve~ 'Monday frol" Cape tulle was fastened to a Juliet the birth of a son, Brooks Lee lIIay, N. J. Miss Caldwell and cap of white satin embroidered Bennett, on August 19 In Bryn Bruce will return to Westminster , with pearls. Her ftowe~s were a College.next Friday to begin their cascade bouquet of white roses Mawr Hospital. The grandparents .are Mr. and· senior year. and stephanotis, and she carried 1111 an heirloom lace h~dkerchlef Mrs. Lee C. Bennett of Haverford I belonging to. the bridegroom's avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Wroe II Alderson of Haverford. mother. Mrs. Domild W. Butler of New Mr. and Mrs. Horace P. Fry, Jr., Castle, was the matron of honor. 319 W. Nield street, West Chester, Bridesmaids were Miss Jean Stettannounce the birth of a daughter Former'y ner of Swarthmore, sisrer of the Louise Spencer in the Chester bridegroom; Miss Eleanor Welsh County Hospital at 6 p.m'. SepCARNS .of Drexel Hill, cousin of the bride, tember 2. The baby, who weighed 650 Baltimore Pike lIIiss Johanna Campbell Butler nine pounds, one ounce at birth, Springfield. Del. Co.. Pa. and Mrs. Lee Eagleton, poth of Is the granddaughter o~ IIIr. and Moorestown, N. J. SWartllmore 6·0450 ' Mrs. R. Chester Spencer of The matron of honor waS gownOp•• 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Swarthmore avenue and of Mrs. ed. in waltz - length American Lucretia Fry and, the late Mr. Beauty rose silk shantung, and Fry, of p,hiladelphia. the bridesmaids wore pale aqua silk shantung. Their dresses had NEWS NOTES fitted bodices with V-neck berthas and full fiared skirts. They carried Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. Blake semi-cascade bouquets of yellow of Amherst avenue, were joined roses and wore headbands of for a day of fishing on their boat Perso'nals , - - --------=:: -----=:--~..:.~--=----=- - Ft.. Story, V.... wtth ~ the Army Held's parents ~. and Mrs.' Paul Reserve. I , J. Snyder of Atlanta. Ga. -'CpL Goor.. P. Warren, Jr., of of ~es~=ck~.,:!."! lIorace A. Reeves, Jr., of Elm Sollt4 Chester road, has returned as their guests nut week Mrs. avenue, who sailed July 1 with from a two-week encampment at the U. S. Student Travel Assoclalion on the Dutch Liner "Grote 'G Beer", has iiisited Holland, France, GRAND OPENIN Italy, Switzerland and England. where Mr. Held spoke on "Market enter Duke University. Trends." Dr. ~nd Mrs. Walter N. 1II0ir and Mr. and Mrs. Sewell W. HOdge daughters Jlnnle and Joan()f of Ogden avenue en~ as' South Chester road will s~d their house guest tor a few days' ,',. lIIiss Joanne Hulbert of Colorado Labor Day week~d as the_guests Springs, a stewardeSs with Ameri- of Mrs. Cora 1II0lf and daughters can Air Lines. Nancy and Martha of Cape lIIay Following his arrival home September 15, he will returb to Swarthmore College where 'he is a student.in Engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden avenue bave returned after vacationing on Cape Cod for two weeks. Previously Mr. Hodge had spent nine days in the Adirondacks.'· Mr. and Mrs. William H ...Ward Court House, ·N. J. of Strath Haven avenue have re-I IIIr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks and turned home following a six-week: daughter Molly of Harvard Q'Ietrip abroad. They visited France nue returned home' Wednesday Italy anti Switzerland, EI1gland after summering at "InwoodS", and ;>cotland, returning on the Lake Wesauking, Towanda. Queen lIIary last week. ' • lIIiss Catharine Fussell and Miss .alic. barl.. Mary Anna Fussell of Vassar avei flue ha-:e returned from a NEWS NOTES , . ~-< DEWDROP .INN 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE BREAKFAST - LUNCH : DINNER )oseph"' IRe CLOSED EVERY' SUNDAY OPEN 7 A:M. to 7:30 P.lII. '. Monday_Thru salUl'day Children of all ages reliister now, in Daily Dinners 90e to $1.65 Special. Chlldr_O. Pla'~. Ha.rtley's Stud·100f 0" aDClRg . Ballet. Tap. Modern and Aerobati~ ' Classes baing held on second floor of Morton National Bank Bldg., 25 Morton Avenue, Morton, Pa. For Information, call after September 8, mornings ' FArragut 9·5558 • Miss Hartley is a graduate teacher of Floran,ce. Cowanoba ~~~~~~~~~~~~of~p~h~ila~.~~~~~~~~~~~ THE A DESIGN AND CONSULTANT SERVICE I NGLEN E'U K • ,FOR WILL.BE MODERN \ • .'KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • ALL PURPOSE CLOSETS CLOSED Supervised by LORENE REEVES, Decorator from ~:ii=iii==iiii===ii~~ DiLuzio and Sons HORACE A. REEVES, "Third Generation Builders" .' Monday, AU'gust 24th , Florist SW 6·3450·3451 - 17V2 S. CHESTER ROAD until Tuesday, September 8th / , you'll be \ important 'Ln a \ 1HE NEW AutOMatic It'. a responsible job with good Everyday household chores are speeded with plency of hot water. An I salary and a chance to advance. Nice people to work with, too. Per' haps there'. l\ll opening now in an ollice near your home. Lots of opportunities, too, for recent high school graduates. Call or stop in at any Bell Telephone Business Office or any of these conveniently located Employment Ollices. . automadc gas water heater • ADD AN EXTRA (Ask o~r for Midway 0RicIai) -71 w. a..Itft A.-,os: (lUI< Ope_ for o.rmantown 10061 ...... AY_,JI 7•• a, h. OtIIciai) Four doors make it easy to get in and out. And the rear seat folds, out of the way to give you almost double the carrying space ~tha flat, level floor for your lOads. • letlll••• S.lpplll CaIIr, ...111........ ~~~~~~~~~~ " SInII; ....... ..." ... - .... I 'IW (Ao!< Ope.alor lor CioGrbrook 0IIdaI) , . <.-)", , , • Theatre. Square .Powell ' Distributor, Inc•. SW.IIIIII" -6130 • South Chesler - .~ Roa~ &IUD_ • It's iato easyan:rac:dve. 10 .space tow. cost rooms. Balid. cfeco. ' . ...... insula•• and rcd_ r7:~"i:~::\:'1' noise in Oil, operatioG with Gold Boad I ...... tiOD Board. SupplJod fa dies, planks IIIJd ..... panels thacllO apfaalJlFr. Ask us cocJa, . . _ pi.... cIeIalIs .... boW ,... caD add • _ .... GallI Bond way. RUMSEY CHEVROLET ~' Operator for Norristown 0fRda0 I6SI ~ ) eo E. . . Street, ilMTlII'." .... ....,. 'P " I J Ii", ... • Gold Bol(d Insulation Board , Come in and let us show you all the wonderful features of this great new Chevrolet. You'll be pleasantly surprised at its low delivered priCe. ' . (Ask Opo. a.or for BriItoi 8-5767) till IBL .....110. . COMPANY Of ......-nVANIA I • It's easy wIth amazl... _ The "Ope-Fifty" Handyman is powered by the redesigned and greatly improved IOS-h.p. "Thrift-King" engine to give you .spirited perfonnance and outstanding economy. And it's ruggedly . built-beautifully styled both inside and out. ArcIa Street I'IaII « . " ... (Ask Oporaior lor Ri.,.......... 0Sci00D • . . ,. . . . (Ask Opo.ator lor ............... a.IaI) -• • (Ask Opooator lor ~ Ogo;'" 0RicIa1) I' BEDROOM Here's a completely new model in the Chevrolet line. It's a sleeJi and comfortable six-passenger sedan-and a roomy cargo carrier -all in one. Areal all-round ,perfonner•. ~ 42 W. ' - I.... Ay_, A.ck.I'8,'" lllbubu ...... • • • • IILIIIL•••1 ILIClI.e ~ ~ eOM'UY 299095 MEdia 6-4692 ,~ • • I ChRVWfgt, GAS WATER Id Raymond 1. Dawson o - provides a constant supply of good hot water ••• enough for every need. Select you automatic gsa wa,ter heater at your plambWa, dealer's, or • '&Dy PblWleIpbia mectric old M ATEIl••• , It A. Reeves week Europe. Theytouring salied I L of.Mr. Elmand'lIIrs. avenue Horace will leave today I on thetrIP ~ewto Amsterdam, Dan Dul 1ftS, to spend Labor Day week-end at England and Scotland before cros_ liThe AnUe~s" in the Poconos. sing the English Channel to PariS,. and from'tlJere to Switzerland and Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller Italy. They were accompanied as of 'Thayer road, have returned after vacationing for a few weeks far as Paris by Miss S~rah Lee Lippincott, an associate in Astronon Cape Cod. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lange of omy at Sproul Observatory, Cedar l,ane, with their daughter Swarthmor,e College. lIIiss lippincott will study on a Fulbn'ght ,Josephine, were in New, York scholarship at the Observatory in Thursday to meet their daughter Julie who arrived ~on the S. S. lIIeudpn, Franc~ until next spring. Anna Salen from England after Mrs. E. 111. Bassett and daughters Miss Kathryn Bassett and spending the summer In Europe. Miss Elizabeth Basset! of North They will return home today after Chester road, and Mr. and Mrs. a short visit with Mr. Lange's Morris Bassett, Jr., and' family. parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. spent the month of August at ReLange of White Plains, N.Y. hoboth Beach, ~N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Freperick W" Held Mrs.W. W. lIIitcheli of Univerof Westminster avenue have re- sity place is entertaining as her turned from Winchester, Va. They house guests for a few weeks, her attended the Apple Conference son-in-law and daughter -Comdr. C. H. Parmelee, U. S. N., Mrs. Parmelee, and their sons Chip and BJUy. Comdr. Pal'melee bas been transferred from Key weSt, Fla., to Washington, D.C. , Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell DeBurlo and children J~nie and Charlie, DaUXE returned to their home in MedAUTOMATIC ford, Mass., Tuesday after spending the month of August visiting , with Mrs. DeBurlo's parents Mr. and Mrs. Ch~rles G. Thatcher of Ogden avenu,e. eompletely .automatic. Shirley, Toby, Lucy and Tommy , Has "very lIIOI'k-savin& of Windsor, Conn.,_ visited feature. Come in for • demonmatiOQ! their grandmother Mrs. MUton H. Fussell of Va~ar avenue for a week. 00 Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Latimer of ONLY$' Cornell avenue have returned after spending a month at Har1pa:~.DK , .wichport on Cape Cod with their _ _ _ PAJI • •_ son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harlen M. Chapman, Jr.• and daughter Jud)< who are sUmmering there. Dr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher have returned to their home on Guernsey road from Three MIle Island, Meredith, N. H" where they spent the month of August. I . Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Green and daughter lIIarilyn of.Yale ave210 W. State Street nue have returned from a tw:oweek vacation at Ocean City, N. J. Media, Penna. Mr. and Mrs. Green and, daughter. will drive to DUrham, N. C., next week when Marilyn will Ope.. Eves. fllcept Saturday ,3. .) , • ~e- Cob'1 croton leaves. "Annabelle" at Shipbottom., N. J· t Mr. Clayton Stettner of Colum- by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby bus, served as best man for. his of Providence road, Media, and brother. Ushers were Rev. Robert Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath Holtzapple of Boston; Rev. Harry Eberts of Granville, Ohio; Rev. of Benjamin West avenue. ,George E. Todd of New York City, ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordon Scott and. IIIr. Robert W. Parker of of lIIuhlenberg avenue have resyracus,e, N. Y," brother of the \ turned after nine days of sailing bride. . cruise from Larchmont, N.Y.. on The reception for 200 guests Long Island Sound, touching waS held, at the'Lebanon CountrY. Block Island and Nantucket, Mass. t t 9I 5 WASHER • • r BDII.-t C. I'OwI!Il, n. _6-MM • I 1 ough. Payment .hall be made .... pr.... ProAto.· DOROUOII OF SWABTHMOBB vtded In section 12 hereof. mbjeCt to forfeiture for separatlon from the poUce force tor reason.s other than retirement. permanent ...~u.utaob~lty or death as provided In ~tlon 11 hereof. Payment ot sucb amounts shall. be made upon ret..,.· ment. permanent dl8ablUty or ne.ltn I as hereinbefore provided. (d) None atallthe ,b'~:':~tl~:~~~, r I or bere D ab be "an.. t1alpaUon in any manner WhatsoeVer. . . Bee. 10. In 'the event- that any pollceman shan die prior to. retirement leavLng a surviVlng 8~ tYr su:n1v.. Ordinance No. M8 An ordinance eetabllshlog a Pen.. sian Fund for certain policemen Of the Borough of Swarthmore; dealgnatlng the source' or the . Ing minor chUd~ who are depend.. money "and property to be uaed In ~ ent upon said policeman for one..half ,operating sueb fund.' provld1n ...' or more of their support. tbe TrUstee &AAO shall pay to 8u-ch survtvJ.lJ,g apouae. for the purcbase at .annuity con.. or It there be no 'survivlng spous&, th en to BUCh surviving minor chUd.ren tracts and the terms and ooodltiona for participation therein 1n -equal sbares. the death beneo.t of . . the annuity contract or oontn.cts The COUncU of the Borough of' purcbased for such policeman. together with any part of the fund Swarthmore does ordain. allocated to hlDl. which haa not been 8eo. 1. Pursuant to the proYls10DS invested In an annUity contract for hIm. The term "chUdren" 8hotll, Inof Ule Act of 19:n, P.L. 519, 1ts elude any cbUd ,01" chtJd.ren lM8. amendments and supplements 001- of the decea:8ed poltceman. Payment lectlvely ltn()Wll as the lka'OUgb COde., shall be made fl.8 provided In section and to such·other statutes as are ap- 12 hereof. pllcable In .... or police pene!on and annUity contracto. the BoroUgh of Bee. 11. In tbe event that a pollceSwarthlnoni (herelnarter called "Bor- man ohall be oeparated rrmn the pooq,gh'" do6s hereby' estabUah the 101- nce f~ far any reason other than 1"8laWing fUnd for tbe purpoae of pro- tlrement. dlBabUityor death. he wall vldlnfp· pension and d1&abWty benefits forfeit tJJ.e amount of the fUnd allofor qualLfied members of the poUee cated to him. otber than any amounts force of U1e Borough. and the de':' Which he may have contributed pendents of Weh policemen. said tund sonally. SUCh forfeIture. it Bny. shall . Sec ••• The Plnance Cp!nmJtiee· or till' Sorartlu!>oire 'BQningti eouncu (-.,b1tittl'hill!led '''l\"U8tee'') il..-y apPOinted.' toruJ~,' n1a~::t:~ tIII>4. ""4 j;ruo!ee to .. ,and' _e ~ ~1steu~ aJ!4'~ "wi$ tb!s ordinance. tlje'ieI'any' -bum.ber of" years With the cm)s+nt1or ,tbe 'Swarthmore Bor~ crugli . oounoll. Payment, of beneft.ts mall be made as provided tn section 12 hereof. s . . . TUl'keJ'.-B. ._·to-Cook • . . . .98 .... 'a"c••ter Brand SlIced B...a 8Ia. 1'...... La.... SJuoba. Potato· Salad or - - . Coie ' VlIb :. ".' ' ... A resolution Indicating the Intention ,of the Borough of SW"aI'th.. more to establish a: Penslon Pund for qualified policemen of "the Borough of SWarthmore. dlrectlng the Plnance Commlttee, as .LlqUIdating Trustees of tile prior pOlice l'ensIon 'PUntt created by Ordinance No. 484. ,4pproVed. November 21, 1946. 1;0 use the net funds and property In their bando. known. t,~ ··old PoUce Pension Fund." ,for the pttrehase of an AnnUity 'Contract or ContrBcte for the ·pou",Diep' properlY quanfied 8f·-l1enetl~8rles of said old Poll~ PenS;IQJl Fund,~·and designating ·sald OQmmJ.ttee as Trustee '-to reCeive &nd hold bid COntract 'or oontraOtB. silbJect to the' future :~\iori: of ~~~h ca~Ci~. EACB $10-00 'PURCBASE _Itt. . 'FOOTBALL GAM!' today,,.pi. _ 1Io..'lept. , -, P,,",.DEL.BJ~ " (b) Tbls plan may be' 'amended. modtfled. or tennlna.ted In whole or In part by' ·the Borough at any time Bee. &. upon beCOming permanently and from time to time. disabled from continuIng to perform CO-:t:D BEAUTY SALON Open Thurtlday Nigh .." (c) In tbe event of tenn1natton. police 0111_. poUteman BbaJI be entitled to ~ cash of the plan, after payment of all expe"'" and WupoIUOIUII adjuatments vaNe of the aiID1iIty """traet 01' con- to 'reflect prOI!.tiI. _ UIl1 .....uoca- PARK 8ntlDART1II01lTll Aft. ~ ~ tor _ blm, _ ~. _ ..." paR or the _ tIona'totlHi dote of termlnatloil. _ Swarthmore 1-1111 to him. \rrblcb. baa nQt~beeil tn; te~ poUOOD'"" oholl be'entltled tp_ve , In an lUIIluity "".._ for him. per- tIHi amounto tben allocated tp blm, ... _pmpMtloiJal' _ UIl1 _ aII- ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..-____ ' manent dlsabnttJ lIIon.be_ed "'»Jeet'..to f future aervtoea . . . ~ bY the Health , , om-- of - -- ,.' ext. of living room, second floor, for " , ~ ,. " ~rlv.Way ColistnicHon . As,halt or Concrete, Cellar Walls R.. Plastered Swarthmore Charles E. Fischer , .RESIDENTIAL ANb COMMERCIAL ,CONSTIlUCTION , . 1" ,m. a1• SlY 1-1818 6-0506. .... 1aG a. BORACB .8'414 ,(ftJ 1eeleel~ , cae CaDedBevetag.. 3 '!: 21e· ,No cS.poslt. NoIM.. to ........ BREAD large loaf XS· ,POUND· ."'AKE ,-55" ~,~ FRESH RO'LLS '. _Iu,'., -:-19-, ACME MARKET, Chester Rd., Swarthmore ¥I..- \ ., .... . . . . '!I-.... - ., - ' . ... NOON , Il1o. SW 6-4041 ,- COAL FIREPLACE WOOD J.A.GREEN SW 6-0'140 , at • KBAt BSTATB 6 . INSURANCB 609 S. cli.snit 1lD. SW.uTlDlOU, PmINA. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS T~b'rN • s•. 6-5nO " ' , , Baird & Bird . " , ·Reo•. Etta;' .ad ' ••ura,Dce . 1 COR. DAR'tillollTk Open t'~rsd.y and Friday to 9 P.M. alid LAFAYEni AVENUEs .Dn... HaD i.. ,~;-- ., ... . , 5Wol ".Dre 6-01. , .'1 • i • SHOP AT tHE (;O-Op " Dartmouth Avenue (Across from Boroll'!lh Hall) FOR ,'YAar $W.I.... re6-1202 ,, . . . , FOR SALE -,14ft. Wolverine speed boat and 10 H.P. Mercury. $395. Call SWarthmor<;o 6-8967. ' FOR SALE - AII·sti>e1 trailer -, 4' x 8' with 1>umper, hitch newly paintM. ,Pyle, SWarthmore 6-3568. , ' FOR SALE - Frigidaire, 7 cu. ft., in working condition. $15. Phone swnrlhmore 6-4108. FOR SALE ~ ,Dining room suite, Walnut, 10-piece. Suitable for la!'ge room. Also double bed. complete. Reasonable. SWarthmore 8_ 5740. FOR SALE - Practical tilt-top work -table - ' top 35" x 49". Sturdy Oak table, top 2~" x 28'~. Solid cherry Welsh Sideboard. Portable Underwood typewriter_ Electric appliances. Phone IVll~ru,a'l , 6-3158. FOR SALE - UPfight piano in goo d condition.' $q5. Call SWarthmore 6-4474. FOR sALE - Double-decker bed, complete. $15; Magj.c Chef gas rarti/lo, $10.00; mallOllBrtY type.writer-top desk. Call SWarthmore .. "" , go"~ ClII" Hlgtllod!ll Be'_ ,oar can ID tip top iItape for", ceonomical cIrhias. Oome ID regu1arIy for _ Sinc:tair-ize Senico ••• including lubrication acordins to IatestleCOmmendat!oos, and check aDd_vic:oof,oar a1randoil ..... Nttery..... apait p1up, and redWor. , , - -.... .III,'I-Iu ,,, ",,,, ,..., , 6~UI.===-,---==--:; FOR ,SALE Porch enclosure .$ash and ..,reens, 10 by 14 ft.; -." Oppaslh Open Saturday ltil6, P-N. .. , '4· SERVICE . AONDAY TBitu SATlJRDAY Ale, - . -... ON...,. .... Iftrlcli.d Supreme . OIL BURNER Beverages' 2~.J3c . Passmore . DAY anei NIGHT ' , . ' , ,~Ice of , .•• Drr, GIIII:- 't's to ,Your Advantag. camera in' pictures on and flash VJ.OO ' : J. F. BLACKMAN ,'If:" ',', .~oie.Pa. AlteMtfori~ 'P.R.R. Frelgh. Bid,. Swarthmore, Pa. • . -. 0JW1_ B. B .... 388 'Park 'Avenue man. SWarthmore 6-4555. FOR RENT - Apartment - la,rge living room with fireplace" 1 bedroom, bath and kitchen. Sproul ~ol!d, October lease. SWarthmore 6-2852 . FOR RENT ~ Third floor apartment . in. Lansdowne - living room with fireplace, kitchen, bedroom, bath and. other. stnall rooJ.Jl. Half block from R.R. station in beautiful residential sec t ion. Phone MAdison 3-5i1l8 after Mon- • PETER 01 NICOLA Swarthmore 6-2253 , • FOR RENT-Convenienlly located, second floor apartment-living rooin dining room, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen. Edward L. Noyes and Co., SWarthmore 6-0114. ' FOR RENT-To gentleman, large second-floor room. wit.h ,private bath. Us.. of garage if desired. Phone' SWarthmore 6-1548~.~~ FOR RENT - ' FUrnished ai>art~ 2 adults. Sunny and quiet. SY'I 6-3450·3451 BUILDER sal" FOR RrNT 17'1. S. CHESTER RD. IIUNlClPALSTD..,.. hereafter cotiatit1I~· iil\aIl' be named (g) To employ such agents. counsel. TrwItee at '~nslim PUDd. The notl~==============-, Harding Ave.. Morton, Pa, the aame. withOUt "T6I,d G •• orat/o. lalldor," ...., S9tll .~'~M. .' FERSONAL-' FOr lillull\lll, tunilture tellilished I!i repaired & light carpentJ:y, Call Andrew Spanier, Jr., SWarthmore 6-2198. HORACE A. REEVES Silo _ _ 'I!MIO,' ' '••- SA'1'UIlD.Y JoTE, SEnE"B.B bfu'ri 11-5839; • GOING TO BUILD • MAkE ALTERATIONS • PAINT OR DECORATE PERMIT US TO ESTIMATE GEORGE I J,l!YERS BOl[ 48-Swarthmore 6.0740 , pre.ent =-::. able. ARE YOU? ',' ...... ,..H" to YOIIr . . . . . .r,. _lie ...., ..... - ' or to hIS Attom.,.. A. Sidney Jojmoon. Jr. ' ' ~~ .tty. Greer &. Johnson with the Gown Shop. '.Rauli' ,ag, , , VILLANOVA~GEo.GrA' '.1.4. IAlWns MOwed. General ~36 to ., Ashes & Rubbisb Removed Air Conditioning to get 00. qf th... , de~aj. WILLIAM' BROOKS Roofing Gutters t~e ConneU, aetuarle&,- emp1~yees. or others as It satd Ptnance I Ooml'nlttee. acting ~ may deem advleabr; and to pay their Ltquldatlnz TrilStq:e8 'Of .t;Il~ old ppll,ce =~ and "I1"'peQSatlon from the Fenelon Pund 'create4 W' OrdlniLnce No. 484:, approved.. November 21. IlK5. shall purchase wltb the net proceeds (h) To buy. sell, surrender. assign, of fUn~ -and property DOW In their exerclse optiOns or otherwise deal tn hando. an Annuity ClPntrac,t or COncontTaetB lSsued. by, life InsUrance or t1'aets for the' benefit Of the pbUcem.tm IUlnutty companies. -,' dUlY qualified as beneficiaries of said old Pollee Penslon·-·:-Wild~ '·'The' satd (1) To m'a1te aettl8JI:lent.a and com- Plnance CoIDII11ttee is hereby authorpromises on such ~s· t;I8 It In U.s led to receive and hold said Annulty sale dls6retloll may- de.em wlse. With- Contract or contracts subject .to the out the n~ltf .of' .obtalnlng any further actlo!l of' Boroa.Ih. OOwicU. court approval' tber~t. .' PASSED thls l~ day .pI September, Sec. 14, (a) All e"P""""" of the 1958. ' Trustee. Including ~es.. · If any, In, curred tn connection· with tbls fund BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE shalt be paid fr9M .the fUnd. ByH.L~~ , PnOIldent 'of COiU1cU (b) The TrU8~ and the Individuals composing the "n'ustee shall be Atteot: ELLIOTr RICHARD6O!r fully protected, Indeinnlded. and Borougb secretary saved harml~ by the Borough from APPROVED this 1st day any lIablUttes. 1068 or damage Incurred tn connection wl~h the ndmln- of September. 1963, istrntlon of the tund, other than for CHARLES R. RUSSELL Burgess wilfUl misconduct. Swio,tlulloro PAINTING and -'CARPENTRY A.C:"B~TS TICKETS' · ... RBB (~=-l' . _die"' ", " , ' c1a1mo to JOSEPH ZIZZA SW 6-2735 Sheet Metal WOlk A Good "Chan. for Pop, too any such property at eltlJ.er publlc Borough of Swarthmore, pursuant to or private Bl\te for, such prices and the appl1cable laws ot the Oomm'PJ:).upon such terms as It may deem. wealth of PenJiiYlv.mi'a~ ~'t'Plnanee Committee of tile ~gh 88;'now or wise. Sec. 15 (a.) The Borough does IiiIIaIled SWarthmore 6-8761 LOOI MOMIL.!"I GO 81epo and Patios Un4etjiod.nd: Garbace Palll Jack Prichard COUllty.~, LIil ti:itB 'l'aBTAMIlNTARY an the A, The aiIove _te ,llavlllg been IIf&Ilted 1111 the 1!J1d~Ign¢. all periIOI1I/ ,Indebted t<> the lI6IeI _ t e are requee1ed to play- pen. make. paymen~, aDd _,having SpecliJlllln* In Cen>ent JVaI,13. •• ' guarantee any of tile be'Zlefits pr0.vided for by. tbla plan and sliall not be responsible at law or In eqUIty for the payment of any benedt provided hereunder. mATI: OP MARGAlUon" H. HESS. late. of_ the Borough of SwartbmO'l'e'. DelaWare BELTSVILLE TURKEYS ~=- -49- \ by 12 SOuth Avenue. Media,. Pa. Phon. Media 8:~S _make. It possible with RNolutlon ,BE rr R1Iiscn.VED . .... or tbe Borough or'~warthmore"tbat the BoroUgh Bollcl~ 'Isller~by dI(~) To. sell, transfer. convey, mort- rected to preptU'e. under t1i" gUlI\aJ!Ce sec, 6. WIth respect to new money gage. pledge. lease, exchange or 1m.. of the FInance O:>mm1t~, an ordiand property coming. into the fUnd. prove any ·proP.8rty. either real or per- nance establl8hlag a new Pellston the Tl'UBtee shall purchaSe annuity· sonal. beld In the ·--fund. and to sen Pond for qu311fled pollcem"n of the curities held In the fund. ALBAN PAR,kllt 1 • 6se BGUt Be. BOROUGH OF SWABTmlOBE , CONTRACTORS BAMS ·:'~63C: ~.&9' . anrCi("ra."ROAST • 35 .t not in UmltBtlon of. any authority ___B_ -,.-,,-, _ _'_._ _ _' _ _ _ _ __ given to ~t by law: hold !~~~~~~~~~~~~I Phon. ShaNn Hili 0734 P. Tinari & Son ~""~(& .~ S~ arf4!" $,m."rI Sec. IS. The TrUstee shall have the of September. 18SS. rollowlng powers In· addition to, and 0H.ARLE8 R. R11SSPUJ, (a) To Swartimore R~.re.c•• U. S. (Jradftlld ~It... w..,."., It••r ••., the Borough or dOalgn&tlng tile Trustee of-such Pund and autborZIng tbe purehaoe or an AnnUity Oc)ntract wiD ui. your doth or may salect from our samples , eotaI>Uojunent. by <:>rtIInance. of a Pension PUnd for certain p0of z,a, '.plumltlr 7tII BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE licemen LONG CLOSED ALLDA! --~-'-------------'- i SwartI1Jnare. Y~ua ~44M mUHARDeON Burgess ~) 'beteafter received from the COmmob.,wealth of Pennsylvania. or any department or agency thereof. ana all sums paid or contributed .to said fund from an,.· o1iber source.· No assessment shall be ma.de· upon· the pollee beneflclarles of ·sald 'fUnd. and no deductlon shall be made' from ~e pay checks or such police but they may contribute to sa1d fUnd.. as any otbe'l' person. firm or OOrPaioatlon may contribute thereto. . ' . FOB this, 1st day resolution " ., , ' OHA!t.LE8 !to RUSSEt·I .. A ~- •,.. "IIE . .S ",BEVALUa of september. 1963. qualUled JXlHcemen at the end of the curre'nt year In proPQrtlOD to the amounto .tanding to their credlt In the fund 88 of tbe preceding Decem.ber nst. Ally amoun" contdbuted ?:iliSUCh separated policeman shall be mad to him "top-t1ler with compound ~J;erest at ~e rate of 2%%. , roow - 1'0. TOUR COMFORT , WANTED - Retired lady wishelI one or two and kitchen privileges, or board, or small apartment, in privatc home, in Swarthmort!. ,Box R, The Swarth- vlsltlng her son-InIa\y, and daughter Mr. and Mrs. ----------------~-----..,...-­ ,LOST AND FOUND W1Jl1am ·C. Campbell of Cedar _._" moteaD., larie;,retumed to her home WedLOST White orion shrug WANTED Two 'lady school sweater. Finder please c a II teachers desire furnished aPlU"tDllsday: "aCC<)mpalll~ by her SWarthmore 8-anll. " ment or two rooms. Reply Box Z, jlranddliullhter, . . MIdge eampbeU FOIlNb -, Gray cat, partly Per- 1.'Ml~'e~Siilw~arthlnore~'::==an=':n:~::::1"=:::3 or oftlce • who will vlsl~ fo~ a week. stan, collar with' belL Rutgers I "bOO By respoiiidbte,cunurea and COrnell avenue Block. CIIll bUSiness couple: unfurDished 8, Mr. and krs. Sewell W. Hodge =:?::==~=--:"---:-~~ SWarthmore 8-80'18. room apartment in Swarthmore of .Ogden avenue, entertained ove. for. October. occupancy, Private th.e week-end Mrs. Hodge'. nephWANtED entance;!large closets. Box X, The ..w • PVt. Ivan Preston of PittsWANTED -, ,To buy Duplex cor- Sw;lrtluborean. burgh, and l'vt. DQn Peacock of drivetler basement and zoning suit- BSTATB OP DOlIO'I'BY A., S"' ....... Cleveland} both taking basic trainllt and currbes-~urn'efwaceodr' aO~Dle fGorL' °dsrnctoe , apP5rOoxi76rnaie8 lY I5 baulks ~. W u . a ne - , PhIJa$d e1'Letter&' teotomentary on the above ing at Al!erdeen Proving Grounds, ohes. Also sodding and phia number. Bstatq, have' been gerlin. the former "Ruth Alger; twl. sons Paul K.Alger. Bridgeton. N.J.• and Edward Alger. Claymont. Delaware; and a daughter Mrs, Fred A, Brill, the former Eva Alger. Cynwyd: and six grandchildren. . TUESDAY '3.50 PER YEAR SWARnIMORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER lI, 1953 .' CoxHeadsU:of P~ Seriate Junior Club· Will ° Lead PoIlO'Panei Open October 6th Dr. J.A. Jones to CLUB Mrs. Keenen Names Department Heads 50 Members Will Assume Responsible Leadership In Woman's Club " The Junior Woman's Club of Mrs, Frank G. Keenen. pres!Swarthmore announces a" novel dent of the Woman's Club' of and lively program on Tuesday Swarthmore. has called a meetnight, Oetober 6 the opeftlftd • .~... tng of the Board of 18 Directors meeting of the season. Members of the Club. under the direction of on Monday· mornlilg. September Emily Pritchard. will present "TV 14. at. 9,30. Initial events of the House Party." a take-off at' sevCluh' season will' be the Ffower era! popular television audien.:.! Show. September 15. and the Fall llarticipation' and panel shows. Mutual Exchange. September 22. The forecast Is an evening of 23, and' 25. both to be held In the hilarity and fun for returning and Park Avenue ·Clubhouse. new members and their guests, Mrs. Keenen has announced the Patricia Welland was named following heads of departments: chairman of the progtam depai-tMrs. W. Alfred Smith. American ment at a meeting of the officers Home; Mrs. S. Bialr Luokie and and directors with Mrs. Robert Mr., W. F. Taylor. Americanism: Greene. Club president. In August. Mabel L. Talley. Art: Mrs. Robert The following appolnlments to the B. Clot!ller. Drama; Mrs. Johan Teachers' HeQr Fulbright new program department w:ere Natvlg. Education: Mrs. Charles Fellow Dr; . Enders made: Health and Welfare. Mrs. L, . Boyle. Garden; Mrs, David Edward Collins; American Home. Bingham. Health and Welfare; on Asia Ruth Mangus: International RelaMrs. S. Milton Bryant. IntemaSwarthmore Schools opened on tions. Ruth Wagner; Music and tlonal Friendship; Mrs. Melschedule Thursday morning with Art. Miss Pritchard. MIss Wetland vin C. Mol s tad. Internaall the teaching staff on duty and .was appointed !O ft11 the .un'exp'"tl' I rei' tI Mrs J h - Counc'll Hears Numerous B. ana a ons; . J. osep ·with all. room sPace ,occupied by ed terID of Mrs. Henry Faust who Shane, Literature; Mrs. Kenclasses. Even the former play- leaves, with· her husband and Requests in Sept. neth Doherty. Music; Mrs. Judson room at Rutgers school has .been daughte, for Milledgeville. Ga.. .. .'. ,M,eetin.·g R. Hoover and Mrs. J. Archer Turconverted Into a classroom' for the this mon·th. I an d M rs.· H enry I . nero Trave; ~.:,~ade. taught b,. Myrtle McOfficeI'$ and boardmembers will Representatives of the Swarth_ Hoot. Youth Conservation. . .meet· at the, home of the Club more FIre and Protective AssoclaMrs. Thomas H. IngranJ Is The eleme!,tary school . ,with an Treasurer Mrs. Rollert DeLong on t,'on Harry Ha'mby and James chidrman of Admlss.ions, Mrs. A. eru:"llment. of 577 shows arise of Tuesday night•. SeptelJlber 15. to D . . d bef Boro...... W. Bass. ·Jr.• and Mrs. Norman W. 70·over One year ago. 'In the hlgb; comprete plana fa, the comln8 sea- wm. .appeare ." are, ...... Kerit .·ot· ~e AntiqueS' Sil9w. Mrs. school, an P~g. enrollmen~ of ion. A Heclmlan' and Mrs. W. ::~' ~i'!;::~1p.'7~ei=~521!'l!I a,~.. ~ ~I!'?gver' ~: year Nove!'lber.~ WJth debl!l1!, be' an- TUesd.11Y ,~t ~_. ~UghH,*. lk~e Of~lIrioige,' Mrs. Moms the UniVe!ltY' , ~()'eDnsyiV8nl~ltgQ.The·tci:'!.:hl'In°n~t ·()ff~Jl·~ust06 later.' :: ," , ;,':: .... .. , .. to request CouncU'tO consider ·the H, FIi8sel1 of Civil Defense. Mrs. and other institutions. .. Is a summ . e crease·o Mrs•. David Binns, SWarthn\Ore l'eplacement of the Boniui!t's 2~ Donald P •. Jones of Communlca"'A fIllnln.,colbr.",'F,rots Fight .10~ over }ast.June~ . 6-5548. and lIJrs.. Karl. Fox, years old 1,000 gillon pumper In .tlons, Mrs. Raynham T.' Bates. of theelemen~ schoola. the SWarthmore 6-2801 are the m e m - · Finance. and Allce M. Lukens, Fears... · will be pres'ented,'by Mrs. .' In '. . .• ' t h e 1954 budget. Historian•. :Mary L. McKInley, executive di- largest grades are the kinder- bershlp chairmen. They are eager Council agreed to give the reMrs, Julius A. FIocken and Mrs. (Contltiued on Page,8) garten with 94, and the fifth grade to· contact any young women In with 101. The largest classes of the the community Interested in joln- quest consideration and asked the J. Roy SnaPe are co-chairmen of high school are, ,the ninth and 'ing the Club and Will appreciate representatives to. investigate the HospItallty. Mrs. Sati>.uel T. Cartenth .grades with 110 each. The Inquiries 'made to them or any cost. of equipping all fiI1' fighting penter of Hostesses. Mrs. Howard senior class. Fegistratlon Ia 64 member of the .Junior Club. vehicles with sI\ort wave radio G. Hopson of Rouse. Mrs. W. R. members. Huey adviser to the Junior Club, receivers. also requested by the Mrs. Paul R. Hertel and MrS. C. Mrs.' Charles :t.. lIoyle. teiephone Eight, new staff members are Fire Company to increase, the W~ Lukens of Luncheon, Mrs. John :Media' 6-1690. is receiving many begilmln& their work in SwarthJ. ·Lord of MallIn«. Mrs. S. L. Altinquiries In regard to exhibits In more this week: Thomas A. Boyle, protective eftlcIency. folts, B~e~, Morsey the· Woman's Club's 30th Flower Elemen,tary School Principal; The. request of Roy. F. ldnsen- house Show which will be heid ·from 3 B·ettejo··G·oodall. "ocal MUSl'c SuY' 'myerto bulld a 50 toot wide. house of Membership. Mp": Hobert A. p.m. to 9 Tuesday at the Club. All pervisor; Allce Hornaday. FIrst at 99 Dartmouth av\!nUe arid that Boyle of the Mutual Exchanges. residents of Swarthmore and vlc- Grade Rutgers; Mrs. LeVina Board Meets Tomorrow to of Fr3nk W. Beggs to build a home and Mrs. Morse of Needlework !nib' are invited to participate and Hurst. Second GradeCollege; Mrs. • Plan Opening Event at a diagonal on a Swarthmore GUild. Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe Is' anticlpatloll and planning for the Jean Parrish. ThIrd and Fourth September' 27 avenue lot near Chester road was t chalrman oi Proeram, Mrs. c:!a1'eveGnard Is exciting the ""tnmmthe' nDltyriz' Gr"de Collelle; )Irs. Roxanna refused. ence C. Franck of Property. Floro! eners are eye g p e Jackson. Fourth Grade Rutgers; Robert:M. Walker. the new The pU1'Ch8se of a new. dump blooDIS to enter I n the spec!men Joyzelle' Peck, Guidance Coun- pres,'dent of the Communlty.. Arts ' ap- ence J. Lucasse of PUbllclty, Mrs. . truck lor 'the Borough was section A, for garden dowers selor·. and Ilks. Grace Narbeth. Center in Wallingford. has called proved and contract awarded to L. C. Hastings of Remembrance. w h ere roses. dahli . as. aste rs. cos- Cafeteria Manager. These eight a meellng of all Boar.d mem...... . CheVrolet, low bidder at Mrs. Avery F. Blake of Rentals. ""rs. Rumsey th Mrs. Norman R. Jones of Resermos. celosia. c",xcomb. chrsan e- added to .. the 10 newest members faculty. and committee chairmen mums. scabiosa. marigolds. pc- totals 18 or about anti-third of the of the Arts Center for tomorrow $2.735. vations, Mrs. Herman Bloom and . dragons• an'd ""uu -'--'as staff new to· Swarthmore In the morning. Plans for the sixth seaThe dog catcher reporled. seven Mrs. Edward Cratsle,. of Rhythmic turu'as. snap will be on exhibition. . I, laSt tw~ years. a large turn-over. son which have already been. ar- dogs destroyed In August, one fine Danchig. Mrs. Oscar Hart of Sec"eanwhlle arra"-rs tho'se who ... .-~ • . The teachers returned Tuesday NlIlged in detail by' the 'varI· aUS paid, and a home .;found fo. r one retarial Service, and M.-.. Robert J. Tumer of Serving. lean on rules and those who cleave for workshop conferenceS. The committees. will !Ie presented. dog. - to the 'natural approach. are se'. , A letter was read from the R1dlectlng containers to mee.t the Sec- morning c'lnferences for new staff Special attention be given I T ' hi' C· . .. k d f th entU::e staff were pre- to ftnal'Plans for the.OpeIl.HoUS\\ . ey owns p. '1mnusslOners as - "CINDERELLA" BALLET :ed by Frank & Morey: Day at .the Center on Sunday. :n:rtii': < • AT'MATINEE, SEPT. 26 size I d' e r s', iecepia~ies In Supervising PrIncipal Dr. Robert September 27 from 2 to 6 p,m. . f th unlcI alIti th K •. Enders of Swarthmore Col- ThIs will be the day. when everY- o. a er m. p es on. e eve- . Marie Louise ForSythe. ballet ~.!'llware, pe\Vler. Ppnn;.ylva- lege. who spent laSt. a one is welcomed at the Arts'Cen- nmg of September 14 to ~uss, dancing teacher in Swarthmore Dla Dutch and natural containers. Fulbright Fellow In Paldstan. ad- ter to see the ExhIbition of teach- the trash and garbage disposal for the past six years, will pre- • Many are . cha1le l'lIed by the.dressed the faculty on the ..duca- tirtI work. to meet and talk with problem. . Sent .ller p';pUs in excerpts ·from e?try "In a modem maimer." the tional. social and political trends the teacherS and witllother Arts w. Mark Bittle requested that "Cindarella" at the College display for a den. a tea for two. In Asia. as he observed them at Center Inembers. and to register council consider the extension of Theatre Saturday matinee. Sepand for a gu:st room. It is rumo~- first hand, Professor Samuel T. for membership and classes. !Ie- the two hour parking limit on temher 26. ed that m~ 10 the area will vie ... Carpenter. Secretary of the School treshments will be served and Rutgers avenue south of his propMIss Forsythe's recitals by stuthe arrangemen~ of vegetables Board brought a message of olllcera of the Center will "be on erty tp discourage the all .day dentsfrorri her toUr Studios with class. while the arrangement of greefu,g from that body•. Henry F . ' (Continued on .PIilre 5) parkers who ba~... appeared SlDce 230' students ,have earned the rep~ei1 . mat\lril\ia tern p ts the Hofmann, president of the Teachthe parking meters were iJ}atalled utatlon at being shows In them~ ==~ve explorer to fancltul ers AssocIation, conducted a brief . Nelg.bor Sltow In the BoroUll\. . selves. T!lIs Is the ·result not only The Club will be a busY spot general meeting. Mr. and :Mrs. A. ~o. 'I'he matter ()f air conditioniDg pf· her.. 'indning at &l\e Bernice from 9 a.1Ii. until 11:30 a.m. when At. noon, the entire school staff Vassar aventie, will serve _as .the Public Library by next sum- ·Holmes StUdio. ChIcago, the Balentry dxhIblts will'be lece1ved but of 85. had luncheon at the Ingle- jUdges at the Annual Community mer was postponed uiltillater for lets Arts. New York, the Littlebusier still In the afternoon as neul<, at which time they greeted Flower Show sponsored by the constderatlon. ... field Studio. .~delphia.. and all with .an eYe' for beauty visit Mary S. Spiller. the new School Woman's.Club of N~wtown'Square . Councll decided to continue the under Audrey lIltchins and VIlthe Show. The committee hints Board member as .~e guest of wtJich. will' occur tomorrow from hiring of extra help as part time zak-8chon8r but also of her apairIb' that the stage will be very honor. After luncheOn William 3 until 8 p.m. In the Allee Grim .tramc controllers at the College pearance. 1n''Sweeth~ In ._---......_~ and there Is a -"'" Bush, school principal, bad a School, Newtown Square. . a~ue aud Chester .. road and which she toured aud· appeared ~""...... ........ , ___ .... _ ' _ _ with the ....... - - _.. -w will Include ft'. k Swarth.more aud PrineeI10Il av-ue on Broadwa;; for 11 months· In deal. of m~ about red tulip P~.........~dTboiDu ~ ~ '~=bles as weIhs a;.::nn. Intersectlons- during the bourB "Langhlng itoom 0Il1y'. for bulbi fDIDa. a%OIIIId. The wile will school ~ an .. . . _ J . at:. v ....._ .. .... . __ .. ~ . lICIt pennit that word to SO IID- elemeutuT school~prfnd~ba4 a A echedule ....,. ,be .... at The wMn·cbildnIn 10 to - - - MIBs"l'\)uothe Was a1so a. ~ .,. i' (CoDtiI1....... Paa '). . S..,..uomor.ean olIIce. 8I!bool.... . Rad'o;ClV Bal"* A meeting on the prevention and' treatment of' polio will be held at 8 p.m. next.. Thursday evening; September 17. under the general auspices of the Sl"'arthmore Woman's Club and the Mother's Club, at the Woman's . Clubhouse. 118 Park avenue. Dr. .J. Albright Jone~,' Borough Health Omcer and chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee of the Delaware County Chapter. National Foundation of Infmtile Paralysis. will be In charge of the meeting and discusS· the general picture of pallo with comments on the use of globulin•. Dr. Jones isAsslstant Professor of PediatriCS. University of Pennsylvimla Graduate\School of Medicine. and Chief of' Pediatrics. Philadelphia General Hospital and Taylor Hospital. Also featured on the program will be Dr. Burion Chance. Jr,. o~ PhIladelphi~. Orthopedic Consultant f9r the Delaware County Chapter and the five~countY area for the N;;tlonal Foundation - ' ". -. Montgomery. Philadelphia. BUCks. Camden and Delaware•. As . director of all the physiotherapy and • the.!)un F d a tIon, f o11ow-,up ~are .or Dr•.' Cbance will. talk P"_.8' .... v iIiIiiIi Iiis' work and . .'. . School Enrollment· Up,101 Since June Florem'en Ask New .Pumper From Boro ace.i;;;;-tW:- to "ni:!unCep»eU ~ 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. .gain be '.the ·l~«l¢r•. The sty!iY •• ' " " n-=~topiC for the'qJl~r·I': ..The'iN;ew ~·~~:j~¥~C~TYT '."" . 2:00,·P'..l!:· ~ve' Quarters Quar,Chlld.caredur\ng~e }4eej;ing terI.Y M,eetiDg .. Canteren":" at. HoUr ",iii bereSw:i1ea"..l S "undl:y. Col\Ool'dviU~ Pa··· . . . '," ..,. ".,.' , 5:30 .~.M.-C"v~"';'d Dish supper Leonore Perkins WIll be'ilvililable \'falling won't ~ke)'CUl' ~ CCII' wOttli min" c:QI) get the ~ for 81g, ~~ o.~ler· prodlic1lon . t·e.t...:~;: MO!lthl,v Meeting for BUSl.'n,ss be preceded by a Covered . ~."Sllb8tance.~ Dish SuP~!D WhIttier House on 'W"''M'fayee;mee.tInfI sunday .. ,September Ill. Friends I , 8 P.M. C'1'CIICII!l will pther for suppet:" at ·.5:10; ...,. QiMt Sundt>IY ltol ......... ' tIng ~" .... held .. . 'W'eifnll'd:r _'np ., ·to· .........mea w ..... ....., " .... P.M. and • to 1:80 P.II. from 8:10 10 8 p.m. . ' 'L I IonS m"n NIill it .•. qqu_D. , . '. It RIGHT ~w by ,lradJiisl' _ WI . and. sales. make thlJ .P,)SSIbIe... . just as il now makes"1 possible for you to OWN AND ENJOY Chijsterqiiallty ~ p,rfonnance. ~ In and see the deals w.'fe offeringl ••• you in Whittier ~use.·· to care for youngsters between 6jg0'l'.¥. ,M:onthly ·Meeting for Pl.e. ¥es of two "!'~. ~ight, In ~'W'.:.. ,. __ 'c ., '. WhIttier House" at ~ tinte.. A,;.q!i~··~~1l'!l>rJ'...·W· ~. allY lIewflii for ......S.C.. . Frt.··.mds -' . , . Quart~)yKeei\ng ; . ,. Con. Wi ' ,oJay;oSepl ".,. Ii ~e~ce:of CaJn,' qincord and AU~ Jll>wlngfot. A.I';S.C. _ . W~¥tn QuarterlY )leetlngs (Arch 'PmS'i'CHt1ttca 67 ,and ~C(eS~? will be held at • . Concordville M~. House on . CHRIST, SC11!lNTIS'l' SWARTHMORE . Sunday,.September 13, at 2 p.m. All are' welcome. . Park Avenue below Harvard .r __ .. ,," NOTIS will 11'."·.'~"t 11: ,~. ~ , 333 Dah...I. Ave. . . . PBTBR B. TOLD. Editor a114 l'lIblhlllir . IIABIOIlIB TOLD _114 BARBARA KENT, AatOcIate Editors . Rosalie ·Pe.irsol . '. . . .' Lorene McCarter METHODIST NOTES All Makes • THE SW'ARtI'miOREAN' PUBLISHED EVERY JlBlDA.YAT 8w.uriJxoaE, PA. THE 8WARTllMOREAN. INC., PUBLISHER' PhODe SWarihmore 11·0900 DEADLINE-WEDNEsDAY NOON AUTO REPAIRS " T~INnY HANNUM " ,. '. 1." . . ... 'CMES"FI,a·· .. _' " Y.'AU ••.. . .. _ 6012 . , ':- WAITE . - ~,I • . ILouise, WuhlngIon, arecoa.' San c:.,.nl", FonUs scheduled to leave Mary and,VlrIin1a Campbell or Franclseo 'and Van, NU)'S, C a 1 I f . ' September 24.. on a tbree-month tour of duty to College avenue, willlea¥e S<:.' . •I• • . .. ' .. Mr, and Mrs, Richmond D, At Van NoystheY vlalted for 10 The Swarthmore Mother's Club Gllam, Before moviDl to Bricla:e- ber 20 to continue thelr studies , ton, the AJgers Ilved at 400 Park at Marjorie Webafer Junior CIIl, .......... open ita fall season avenue in Swartbmore,' lege, Washington, D.C, Fetheroti and son Don of Colwn- ""'u A •• _ with Mrs, Fetherolf's father Will' oIB-'-"bla avenue reu;med home sim- Mr. William C. Mar~ and her on Thurs.cIaY evening, SeptemlMr· ------------~----~-------brothers Mr. Maurice W. kk- 24, with a program of "Musical NOTICE Is hereby given that the. School District of the Borough day from 'a ~en..Week auto- ham and Mr. Ralph H, 'Markham, Capers" for old and neW mem- of Swarthmore, Delaware County, Penn8)'lvanls, wIll reCeive sealed bids for the purchase of 400 general obllgation coupon Improvement mobIle trip, wh!ch Incllicled $lqps En route home, they tOok the bers; Bonds, in the denomination of $1,000 each, aggregating $400,000, bearIn De?ver,Yellow~ne and. Glaci- '.outhemrou~e; i;topplngat the The program will fea~ Gene Ing Interest at a rate to be named by ·the bidder, or bidders In er National Parks, Banff, Lake Grand Canyon. Graves well-known radio per- multiples of one-elghth of one per cent. per annum, payable seml, ' , sonality, .and will be held at Mc- annull1ly on April 1 and October 1. Bids will be received for the Cahan Hall, Harvard Avenue, entire issue at any one rate of Interest but no bid combining two or Mrs. Robert pfeifer ,Is in general more rates of interest wIll be accepted. The princlp81 of and Interest on said bonds will be payable at The First National Ba,* of Delaware charge of the County, swarthmore, Pa., without deduction for any tax or taxes, , affair. PROMnDEL1VERY ON NEW FORDS except succession or inheritance taxes, now. or hereafter levied or assessed thereoil under any present or future law of the CommonI. Salt Lake City NO" wealth of Pennsyh!ania, all of which taxes the School District of Dr. 'Frank H. Eby, Faitview the Borough of Swarthmore assumeS and agrees to pay. The bonds TRAD!! NEEDED road, professor of hotany· and will be sold to the highest responsible bidder, provided such bid is BUT pharmacognosy at Temple Univer- not less than par and ac~rued Interest. . The highest responsible bidder shall, be the one who, having sity, attended the annual convenIF YOU HAVE ONE - EXPECT PLENTY fOR IT complied with the ,conditions of sale, offers to take the whole amount tion of the American Pharmaceuof the issue at _th.e lowest Interest cost to the municipality, which tical Association being held In shall be determined by deducting from' the total amount of interest to Salt Lake City last week. Dr. Eby be paid on acco.unt of such bonds during the life thereof the amount Yale. & Sylvan Avenues; Morton, Po. also W'!S a delegate to the annual of premium offered, If any, over and above the face amount of the Phone SWarthmore 6-7381 or,SWarthmore 6-1445 issue.· . . The !,onds will be dated October I, 1953, may be registered as to held the same city the previous PlantinScience Seminar, which was principal' only and will mature In numerical order as follows: . week. . $20,000 on October I, 1954, and $20,000 on October 1 each NEWS NOTES year thereafter up to ~d including October I, 1973. Mrs. W. Rodmani McHenry of Every bid should be addressed to Samuel T. Carpenter, Secretary, Parrish road will entertain at Swarthmore mgh School Bulldlng, College and Princeton Avenues, Swarthmore, Pa., and shall be placed in a sealed envelope suftlclently • lUnched! next Monday when her labeled to indicate that it is a bid for the bonds ol,lthis issue, before guests will include members of being delivered to the aforesaid Secretary. 'Bids will be received up to the Doll Committee of Trinity 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., ON THE· 30TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1953, at Church Holiday Fair to be' held which time they will be publicly opened at the aforementioned , address. in November. ' .a certilled check, cashier's check Bids must be accompanied by John Snape of Harvard avenue or treasurer's check drawn to thl! order oj the Treasurer' of the returned to Hobart College, Gen- School District of the Borough of 'Swarthmore or a sum of money, eva, N.Y. Thursday to begin his equal to two Pl'r centum .of the face' amount of the bonds, as security senior year. against any loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to c:ompl>' ,,Fred 'ck M with the terms of his bid. The deposit of each unsuccessful bidder M r. and .•,..... en . w'ill be returned lnunedlately upon the award or the bonds or. the Campbell, thei~ dsughters Mary rejection of all bids. ~e deposit Df t,he su~cessful bidder will be and VIrginia, and soil Fred· of applied to the purchase price when the bonds are actually' deUvered College avenue,spent July and' and paid for. August at the Campbell cottage .. ' .These obligations will be payable from ad, valorem taxes within near Rehoboth Beath, In early the taxing, limitations imposed by law upon· school districts of this summer :Mr. and Mrs. C8mpbell class. ;. ' ' . 'and family had taken a two-.week The enactment, at aliy time prior to the delivery of the bonds, trip to Bermuda. of' Federal legislation which In terms, by the repeal or omission of Mrs. R. T. Bates of Wale ave- exemptions or otherwise, subject to a Federal income tax the interest on' bonds of a class or character which includes these bonds, will at nue has returned home after sum- the election' of the purcliase"';' relieve the purchaser from his obllgamerlng at the Bates cottage on tions under the terms of the contract of saie and entitle the purchaser Casco Bay, Yarmouth, Me. Mr. to the return of the amount deposited with ~ bid. Bates Vacationed there for part of These bonds are to be issued subject to the unqualified approving the summer. They visited over the legal opinion of Messrs. Townsend, Elliott & Munson, Philadelphia, wee!<-end with their son John who Pa., which will be delivered free of charge to the pUrchaser, together entoted the Maine Marithne Acad- with a certl1lcatetliat there Is no litigation pending affecting the validity of the bonds, only If and after the proceedings authorizing -----------~--------------.. amy,. Castine, Maine In August. thIs:lisuance thereof have been approved. by the Department of To be a gOod ~hhor, remember to, release the . John' graduated frQm FrIends Cen- Internal Aff;rlrs:ot Jhe Commonwealth of .PenDsylvania.. line reasonably soon when OOJDeODf> eIoe is ,waiting to woe it , .. and hang up gently. when" you!b!d.the ,line in trallniJune,..l; , ' , ,Th~~t',iI!ri~e:v'eqJ.o !'l!jeet 1inY or_aU !lIds. Mrs ••Paul, M, ~Ford'- the formet " .,. , ,. ...", ." use. Your, party.line neighbors will return the courtesy. Nancy Allier of Bridgeton, N..T., ' ',For, ftirUler infomuitlon applY to the wldetsilined.Result: better t.lephone service for all '.on· the line I has accepted . a position' as PrIB)1' ORDER 'of the Board of School Directors. vate .Secretary to Colonel Baker, 9-11-18 T. CARPENTER, Secretary CommElnding Officer ot Mountaln,1 ~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;.;;:;;;;;;;:;~.~.;;;;;;~;;.;;;;;-. lell T.......... c.pa.y .f P••IIIYIV....' Home Alr Force Base. Mountain ) Home, Idaho. Her husband, Lt. "".Iica. ANNOUNCING' , , Walsh Ford Company ~=~===================~=~~= You 'neecln't look long a to find good party~line telephone service --------------------------_. , psrty.u..e' ® ~ SAMuEL Harvard Inn son 1Uch8rd, and da"gilter EJnlly ot North Chester road, have returned home following a' motor $ visiting historical places In northern New York, a boll.. an., .WATER ••• SW 6·7061 .... pl...' Glit - oW· tuSlttott n. .," , , _t city. ,,,,30 ~a=,mnlUlw"nIUWUI,lIItll:IIIIIUllllUllylllU'IIIII'IU'AIII'I'd"n'WIIIIIIIIIIIIRI,nlDIInlllDlUllUl....nIJ ; ;: 'bil' I!verylla, .o•• eholll dora ....... lied with el&'.-..., _ _ _ , _water. AD • PA$SEN8EII . .; . '~d:dIO""''''' ·AIk • ....., . . · _ · _ape"'. .......,. 8W_ _ e-1US " , Here's a completely new model in the Chevrolet line. It's a sleek and comfortabl4l six-passenger sedan-and a roomy.cargo carrier ~'in one. A re8l all-round performer, '. . , ' F:OUl' doors make it easy •.get in and out. And the Je81' seat folds, oilt of the way to gi"t;(,ou almost double the C&I'I'YinI space: with a flat, level floor for _loads. I ' " T~e _"One:~' H!m~ 'is powered by tile ft!designed ,and~tly unpJ:OVed 104-h.p. "Thrift-King" enp to give you ,Spirited performance'!Uld outstanding economy. And 1t'81UUedly built-beautifully styled both inside ~d out. ' Come in and let us show you all the wonderful features of this. grea,t ~~ Chevrolet. Y~u'l be. pleasantly swprised at its low delivered price.' , . , C_plefe H_ PoweIlDi~butor, • ~ = -=-- ~ E LEG :~,~MB, ;;; \ 2 for .J.9c WA"DORF ' tiSsuE" .,. 3 for 19c' ~ .. SOFT WEAVE ·2 for 23c ie_ E EXTRA LARGE HEAD OF LEnUCE 19c ' = .' I SWarthmore 6-6130 Inc. ., I . . • • . . . '., ' ,. ' Theatre Square' '\ i' .. • • . • •" DOrtK'...... Avea.. ~uth Chester ~ scon TISSUE-" '!== RUMSEY CHEVROLET a_.....II.' • a ;: :' .1,&AIEL••11 ELEal1C (.,". " 1 ' . ... • caa..w._ .. ... PETER E. TOLD vant~9. ~ I ,!'. • plell . .lit . . . . . ,.. . ha". , n .me 1III1W. . . . IDlUlaIa ... III 7 noise ift OW Gilin hi with Gold BoIIII Ian Ie. daA Baad. ...., .... .. dler, p1aob ... ..... ud aarlleal up to apecUied limita. Do 70U tlIi. Prot~oiIl All _ _ col - " " US _ t i l A....1IO h ...... nIIt, menta Co"erage, .tould PA7 for hoapltat, melllC:.I abarbaa--. I _ If you or anyone riding In 70ur .... should be in· Jared, S _ lIedica1"~' Select JOB aulOlDatic sa ...ter haater ,at .yo.r plu.......... cIealer'.. or , any Pbllaclelphia Sectric ' \ " " ' _ .11 ISd. automade...~rheater pto-ridesacooiunt supply of ,ooci hot "a,tn ••• :~oaIh for fteJ'Y neect. •• - w.... w".... '.GoIdIkHlcf . ' ....r..rk. "\ to our ~ BEDR'OOM GAS pie.., 01 CheVtOfm: PERMANh'NT and TRANSIENT GUESTS Harvard and Rutgers Avenues Phone Swarthmore 6-9128 ,S I SHOP AT' THE I I ~'O-O' .·P. i ~~ THE NEW I . '". ,. . :m .'119 ADD AHEXTRA '< H~n on abudgocl ~ ~ 'NEWSNojES '" .; ".;., "ISamp'e In Hollby SIIop' Automatic t WQllinglordArts, Center in Open'House '., by WINIFRED RUMBLE ~-end on Lake George. N~S·NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Joues Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howard and fa",lly of Haverford avenue spmt Labor DaY' week - end at Schad and children Tinker and their cabin' on Loki. Paupac, In Belsy of RI¥erview road, apent two weeks on an automobIle trip the C~nos. to Baltlmoae' and CMdiewood Lake, Conn., where they vI81ted l\lr. and Mrs. Walter J. Haielter, ,formerly of Pine Ridge, IIfodla. Mrs. J. Roy Snape and family of Harvard avenue visited Mrs. Snape's mother Mrs. D. P. Boebm of Brooklyn, N.Y., and helped her celebrate her 80th birthday anniversary which occurred September 1. r " , Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Topping, daughters Cynthia a n It Carol, and son Tern, of Princeton avenue, have returned home after .a visit ofa few days with friends in Flint Hill,. Va., and a short vacation C?n East Hampton, L.I. , June Hobbs of P.;trkavenue left Tuesday, with friends, by automobile for Abilene Christian Col'lege, Abilene, Texas, where she will enter her sophomore year. June has transferred from Ohio Wesleyan University. Mr. 'and Mrs. B, l\Ie(Continued from Page ,1) Cray, Jr., and son Dick of Cor" nell avenue have returned hliale hand in the reception hall to ~ following a month's vacation 1rlP newcomers and Introduce ihem. by plane. They flew to the WflBt The new 1953 - 54 Bulletin, Coast and vlalted for a week with which Is now being mailed to the, Mrs. McCray's brother-in-law and membership, Includes a complete sister Mr. and Mrs. Carl ~I\I\, '!,f schedule of classes In all art ArcaciIa, Calif., before Ijroc !'f11!,& subjects tor adults, teen - agersto Yosemite National Park/San and children and a compl~ cal- Tranclsco, ,VIctoria, Vanco\lver, endar of events for the entire Lake LoUise and Banff, and reseason. A copy will be mailed ,to ~g ,by way of 'Elldiart. Lake, anyone interested upon request. Wis., and Chicago. ' The Executive Secretary, Mrs. Miss Ruth Garrett of Princeton " Miriam Fredenthal,is on duty in avenue has joined her parents Mr. the oIBce at the Arts Center on and Mrs. ~Ian W. Garret after Rogers 'lane, Wallingford, week- attending Harvard Su m mer d School Ruth will return to Oberdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays fIogm 10 to'I, telephone: lin College September 21 to begin ME 6-1739. The Exhibitions, her junior year, .' I , changed monthly, are open to the _ McCowan of Vassar avepublic Sundays from 3 to 5 p.m. nue, a junior at Penn State, wIll The Board of, Directors of the leave tomorrow to asSist in the Communit.y Arts Center chosen orientation of the incoming freshlast May at the !\nnual Meeting man at the college. ' Inc1u~es in a~dition to Mr. Walker Mrs. Donald P: Jones, her who IS a reSIdent of Swarthmore: daughter Beth and son'Larry, and F. ~roy GIlbert of Swarthmore, Dr. Arthur J. Jones, .returned to .chalrman of the Board, J. Rogers Mrs. No~era B. Hubbell of Yale Ullrich of Highland Park vice-' their home on North Swarthmore a~ethnueh VISlstted fMr0r the tlsummer president; Bruce Deering, Swarth_ avenue. Sunday, after vacationing WI er. ~1 er s. Sa s, Cole- more, recording secretary; Mrs. for the summer ai'their cottage on man, resldmg neat' Harrison, Me. William E. Simkin W III gf d Sebec Lake" Me. Mr. Jones and .' Her daughter Virginia' Hubbell' corresponding sec~et":". n ;" , son Arthur are apending this week spent the summer taking a coun- Guldo G' Sa IIi Mid'di t s. at Sebec Lake, and en route back .. .' ve, e own Arth wtll 10 t "" I seIor in t~ammg course at Camp Township, treasurer; Emma Lonise ur spa .. es eyan UniWyonegomc~ Denmark, Me. . Warfield,. SPringfield, ' art dlrec- versity, Mlddeltown, Conn. to ". begin his sophomore year. . , tor; norman B. Dutton, Walling. ~~~~~~~~~~!"~~~~~~~~~"'!'~~~~~~._I~sa~w~I~T~I~n~T~h':.e~S~w~a~rt~h~m~o~r~ea~n. ,ford. business 'director; Percy • '" Bartlett, Swarthmore, property . :chainnan; ·Robert L. Anthony, Jr., Moylan, exhibitions chairman; " .•.... . . ~, Mrs. Stuart Graves, Moylan, publicity chairm31l; Mrs. Charles C. Lucas, Jr., Rose Valley, house -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ chaIrman; A. ~enneth Murray, r , Rose, Valley. faculty chairman; -KING SIZE or REGUlAR? William W. Price, Rose Valley, architecturai advisor; Mrs. Melville H. Smith, WaWngford; Mrs. Frank B. Wolff, LIma, house committee; Mrs. 'Norman Dutton, Mrs. 08. nop II Size . _ h, It H. Warren J!Elcobs, Springfield, I. 1118CIo lo.ge..... It h .ldaJ,_ Gerald' P. Kynett, WallingfOl:d, " and Mrs. G. W. Pedlow of ChesIUT' ter Heights. of ... ..go'a, They' extend a cOrdial invitation w. carry to all to come to, the Arts Center ...rc_.... for .1o••It, YOII It.". ... on Ope~, Ho~.e I!~y, Sun~ay, ~p­ -.....~tr . ••IIt9I.... . . . .. tember 27, to see' how.'much· this five year old orgaruzatlonhas acCAMERA & ROBBr SR';' complished in its original aim to "e.tablish and maintain a center 405 DOrtlllouth Ave. where arts and crafts may be brought into the llves of the· SW 6-41"'·;,;,.... '·1, Frl. people of Delaware County." Portraits' in on • .. Mr. and lira. J)uane'TerI7, thm day Road • (Across " . . ......,. HoD) a Home From Year Abroad Professor and' Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow returned' Friday to their hbme on Rutgers avenue following year abroad. Mr. Morrow. on leave of absence PrOfessor of Phllosophy at the UDi;,ei'sl1y of Pennsylvania, attended the Ameri, can School of Classical Studies iii Athens, G.--, on a Guggenheim Fellowsblp for Research Greek Phllosophy . PrIor to .theIr .'z·eturn, Professor and Mrs. Morrow spent the summer traveling in Western Europe. a as m BOROUGH OF SWABTllMOBB ~INANCB NO. IIS9 An. Ordinance proYidlng tor the oonstrucUon of an' a" VltiUled terra cotta pIpe aewer In MIchIgan Avenue: anODBeII tha'eot from 'the ownem of pr0perty abuttlDB uPOn each side or wchlgan Avonul'. Ihel1ldIDB proportles outald" ,the BoroUgh limIts. equally b'y the foot-front rule. IDB at .. man-hole approZlmatcoIy ~950 artl ... IncluilJ!js woP.enl" In Ridley feet nortbeut 01 PaIrvlew Roac:I; aDd 'l1ownahlp, abUtting Michlgan AveQ,ue. I ~li.191$1 the entire ooat thereof. equally. extending thence northeastwardly for according to the ,fOot frontage of &uch 438.3 feet to " manhole to be oen- a .......bl.. abuttlDB propONl... : an _1' . PETER 01 NICOLA .... meed ....appl. ' ,.-------" Driveway Construc;tioll Aiphalt or Concrete BUILDER , Cellar '. Swarthmore 6-2253 ~ct~~~'t . '~·lf.t ,,' J AIL Grapefruit 2~2~ MiIJ.~..e 2.l:39C PrinWh y.now I I: WI~ • I 1 I .' ... ' h.,· ........ Western Steer 18ltf on. lOIn.,· OIl 1.'''1..0 sw ,A I ' III 7tc A_. , ;., '., ...... 42 W. l ..... (Ask Operator for MIdway OIIIdal) 10 W_ (l.h. A..... '••u· . ',;........ (Ask Op.'.'GI fur.Oo.,""... _ --. ,....Oftidul) . _ . . Gn. . . . AHSiuuIo. 1••IIaI........ (AlIi Op.,.'or fur Ogo." Oftidul) (Ask Opo .'01 ..--~:.~n~'~ _I., •.I fur ..2I _: , ... _ IAuiilhorno 0IId0I) , La,'I1... SilL' • (l ' •• Le.IIIN....... 8-5767) " , , ~. ;~, . • _," ·.M.... c.rOr, .. ,.:-:', 't· 'J ,;·j"'i' (Ask Operator fur N."Ist.wiI ~I) 1631 AnII 5_, "11· I •4 , I' (Ask Ope,g,.. fur RIttotchou.. ,., ~I) "" hi.. SInd• .",.. .,..,..... (Ask Ope.... fa< Clo.rt...... 0IIcIu1) PENNSYLYA~IA . . i . (f) • . :., Ideal " . . . . . . . " ,. lci.of rio.... .' ACME MARKET,' ,Chester ··R~.,Swarthnllre IOp~. ~.un'.CIy Cii.id Friday· to , P.M. ' , - 'cede>;lt to make known the illUDe. and all pel"6Q1i8 Indebted to the' decedent to make payment without delay to Albert N. Garrett 228 Garrett Avenue 9-u-ui-25 " Swarthmore. PeJ!lla, ~------------­ ESTATE OF UAllGABET H, HEBB. late of the BorOUgh of Swarthmore. I1eIaware COunty. Pa. \ LE'1IBRB TESTAMENTARY on the abuva, estate havl~been granted to the UDderolgned. au _ . Indebted to the said estete ,:;-.--;;queeted' to cl....... ~ delay. to those having present the same. without Charles E. Hess • able for omce. Gladstone 5-0768, Philadelphia. ' , WANTED - BoYs bicycle, 26", and lady's bicycle - good condition. Lawn mower. Boy's chiforobe. Call SWarthmore 6-6365. WANTED - Garage, in vicinity of Park and Princeton avenues~ Phone SWarlhinore 6-7114. ,WANTED - Y!'Ung couple desires unfumlshed one or twoIJedroom apartment, between $65 -' $75. MEdia 6-3709., ' WANTED - To rent unfurnished LITHOLIN.r'· .emlum G;.eas. ,--"--::::::;:-: house in Swarthmore or vicinity .,•• Adrh YEAR~ --'Dnootll I VT': ' ) Crr'· !::r~. NO._ ~ lilt fCU6,U _ •• but, 7fHII' ar . . . . Iriftli!r; ride _ iaaoiIddy without 'cal' ....... wDllll .. lubtlc:ate It fIfG11.000 milia ... • 1 ; ' J.I'IBOI"IN& DBIGUM (fIlP*. • , ImmunUed. C a 11 6-1808. " . , A C..".,. ...flrflfIC.W Real 1st'" Ag~ .. Op.a:sat.rclay 'til 6. P.M. } I .SWartilmore 6-.1202 SWeul_ore "108 , • '.', ~~RING WANTED FOR SALE HiI~ I,eal "t.a~ alld '~,~rcr"~' CAULIfLOWER 1:::4. ....... 0"" lU:. 3:t= sSe _1st"""'" iiuIMt' • ,.",", ': LEilO.ADE 2 t.: 37e ORAIGI JUICE· I\: lie ' ~.'- M'ore I'han - 10,000 , Hydranl iI:lSp8(lions' Yearly Opposite Borough Hall :--,. _;_ t.;:· .~ , 53c ,. , T"0 Hefp Proled , ' Your H' , .' omeAgainst Fire COR_ DARTMOUTH and LAFAymE AVENUES Sharon Baird & 'Bird .' • VERTACREiN~ude.'edllizer .• , ~ , $warfltlJlDN I.fare.cal SW :;l'I"{. Letters teStamentary on the above by October L DuPont physician and family. Reply Box C, The Swarthmorean. WANTED - 20" boys' bike In goOdcondltlon. SW&rthmore 6- , 7939., ' .wANTED=totiege student desires 'room and boar,d. :phone MEdia 6-1130 after 7 p.m. . WANTED - We wi1l buY at best priCeS, old china, eIlt glass" furnlfure. Ciill Holly Oak 013 or Holly Oak 6720, collect, for appointment. A11 business confId~ tlai. Colonial Cupboard, No.5, Philadelphia Pk., Wilmington, DeL J.A. ,GLlNSIDE'NRI'LlWlRM' S ~..... , " Itt ... -.::.>",. 10 L . . 5_. tlilUlsl••&i~ . THI .ILL IILEPHONE' COMPANY' O' ';'A frNftdly pliJi"io . , ... • 7 (Ask Opocalor fur _ ..i :. t ... . ;.~}:r.'. I, PERSONAB _ Radios, television Eotete have' been granted to the Wl,386 Park Avenue receivers, record changers· and derstgned. who request all persons Swarthmore, Pa. otter electrical appliances . repair- bavlng c1a&ms or demands agalnft the or to IJIa Attorneys, ed. Prompt service. Robert Estate, of the decedent to make known A. Sldhey Johnson, Jr. Brooks, SWarthmore 6 .. Ui48. the same, Bnd 811 persons indebted Butler.' BeaUy. Greer & Johnson to the decedent to make payment. 'MOdIa. Pa. PERSONAU-Auto driving School wIthout delay. to: 0lL',RLES G. -'-~-----~-----Professional instructors. Dual THATCHER. Swarthmore, Fa.. or' to control cars assure your safety. her Attorney. MORRIll H. F'JJB5I, and the pleasant surroundings. Openings available now, perhaps in offices near your home. Lots of opportunities, too, for· recent high school graduates. No appointment necessary; just call or stop in at any Bell Telephone B~_ Ofli~ or any of these convenient Employment 9flices. , •• J: F. BLACKMAN CIIIC_S·"~~~G.. , I . ' Ib,8." '. " _ _ .M _ _..... _ STiiis'hC~I¥Y"" Come in and meet the nice people you'll work with as a . , Alterations . i,. I... Ob-..l'eIma. or to H1s Attorney ,CliARIINCl!I D. BEloL, l!IIquIrO. nlOdern Soda«Fountaln:-,Thls'iS' a' chance to earn, that, extra money you will need during the school year. No experience ·is necessary. THE ,FOUNTAIN, 3 SOUTH CHESTER. ROAD. WANTED -Living-dining room• bedroom, private bath., small -==========~=~~====~~ kitchen, desired for young single '" • engineer for after Qctbber 1; pri• vate entrance, with' utflities. Furnished or 'llI1fuinIshed: Write , DavidB. Mayer, 6710 'McCallum, Phila.• 19. Pa. WANTED -, To buy DuP~, cor- RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTI,ON 'tI ( , • U. S.. ...Graded '. . • *kl_ .. .;-,~ •,.!,'. '\ for Saturday and Sunday work In Swarthmore's newest and, '''niost , ., • Letters TestBm~nt&rJ on Ule above LOST _ Woman's wrist ""'tch _ leather strap..Reward. Box B, :::es~,:s:e~ li-la. .2& The Swarthmorean. -:-_ _• _ _ _ . - ,_ _ _ _ __ WANTED - Four High School or Walil/Rw-Plalter~ College students-boys or girls; .21;2~11'1 over 16 years of ager are needed Swarthmore 6 I ,- LOST :-:=:--::=-'='::':'~~_ _"-'_ , ,- Roofing .Gutters 01 Rwutb- to": PERSONAl, - Eleclrlcal wiring sba'-ed locket. Call SWarthrn"ore new and old, residential and ., commercial done in compIlance- .6,_-4::28:.::;.1.:....,-,,=:-==____ with Fire Underwriters Speciflc- - ;:::-;:::=~~:.:~ ~~~~=;-:= 4tion9. Sale and Service on elcc. -;;: $war1h!llor. 6-1448 Water Heaters. Ranges. Washers. FOR RENT - Furnished apartDryers. Pumps, Fa1!l;, Cleaners ment, 2 adults. Sunny and quiet. , WILLIAM BROOKS. and smaIJ appliances. Call: Erich SWarthmore.6-0200, 'ext. 203. or A.h"" ~-Rubbi8h R.-moved H. Hausen. SW 6-2850, Comer of after 6 P.M. SWarthmore 6-2047. Lawns Mowed, General Park and Michigan avenues, FOR RENT ' Suite _ consisting , PERSONAL _ Home Sewers _ of living room, bedroom. bath. . Hauling experienced. help' with d-",·gn-_ second floor, for business man. 236 Har~ing Ave•• Morlon, Pa ... .,w rth 6 4555 ing. colort. latest fabrics, sewing ="'.::.:a:.::;.:::m=or:.:e:..::.-.::::.=._____ hints, children'S clothing. Work • done at home or office. MEdia 6- ESTATE OP DORO'l'HY A. SF:J.MEB 50.!.!.•• _ _ _ _ _ , D e i ~eriaed.·' .. • ARE YOU? ACMI D.: 1IorVI5'" Dtate ""vo been graoted I/O the UDFOR SALE - Solid mahogany d....1gned 'R11" requeotAO all peroono ,lea-wagon with drop leaves. balrlng claIme or ..-undo opIDet the Folding wheel chair that fits InDtate of tho d_.n~ to maD known bock of ear. Phone MF8m. law of 316 ~e"!l:::: lJOST _. Green lealher container, lII'aple Aven"•. upper D&'th ith his f mi tember 3-5. Registered. . e SIlJII!IIerw a, ly. moW. Broadhead. tored to Cillcago where he will en" ter Mc~rmick Seminary to study for the ministry. Als,Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones rates, of Elm avenue, entertained the Senior Class of Swarthmore High A:v'!:~ School at a breakfast at their home 5 to b ~d T.!!ursday morning. 7. .. ge, , PAINTING Yo,,'D A..... Section 4. Upon the completion of TBII COUNCIL OP TBB BOR.OUGH tbe 18'01"1£, and. the ascertalJiinent of APPR.OVED thle 8th day OP 8WAB'i"IDw!!.B DOES ORDAIN: the entire cost thereof. lDClud.ing ad... 191\8. ,vertlslng, &urvey1~ and engtnee-nng of september. A. _Ian I. An 8" vltrllled terra cotta and legal servf.ces. 888M"'!'9Ut by the pipe seWer 8ha1J be oonstnlcted in the foot-front rule ahalJ be' made as pro-0HAB.LE8 B. Bl188ELL. bed Q( IOchlpn Avenue. oommenc- vlded by law, upon all assessable prop.. Burgess =;; 1= Jack Prichard: PLEASE ELLIrnell University ~Ill retl!ln there next Thursday. / ..". ..' . ... Q.I!.r:~$ t;;mp I . Thurmi -Will . . ,. y.parr ,Y.n Feature Gene Graves Open~r Sept. 24 Singing disc Jockey. Gene Graves will be the feature guest at the SwartlUnore •• ...other's Club opening helll> party for old and new members, "Melody--Capers," to be held Th~ay evening, :e~":'~!'~l:!e~~!c::l~~ wui .Guild Opticians ' , S1f&rIhmore ,-1011 ' . School Distr.ct of Swarthmore .."- , :$ch~oICalendar for 1953..54' • . • Club's Annual'8arter To Net Profit for AU' iii , . S.mlnary Alllik.t .. , . At,.Trinlty Cbarc" Preston Ough of. Lansdowne, will be on the st8ft of TrInity Cburch as seminary 'asslstant charge of High School and cOl-Three-Day Session Starts lege activities. Tuesday; Omits He Is a second-year student at the Philadelphia Divinity School . Thursday and !~,year was student assistant The annual FaiJ. Mutual Exat St. John Evangel1st In SOuth change of the Swarthmore WomPhiladelphia• an's Club onens Its three day ses--------.. sjon Tuesday, September 22, in the' Clubh,ouse where goods' for exchange will be accepted, mark- the . • ServiNlC!' Today for M·rs. ·•· S·ara'h Fo Flood HIti", , . Mis: A. .·• til.... ·' ' •.".' . People at < E~t Ilay FIm Day. .Pop\ls , Thun.· Septemloer 10. Wed.. ' Novembea+II' -," Last day before hollday..,..GIMe .' . noon' • 'Thun;' ~~!f'~' 21, <.r; ~ . Mon. January ol Schools reopen after New Year's Mon., ·February II Washington's ... .~ • : ..~1' Fri· ilion. · Mon, . >. . Wed. ;lime J'uIJ' II EDGMONT.- AVE. - 7th.'.ufD WELSH .. STS.. ' COME TO SPEARE'S FINE AND COMPLETE GIRLS DEPARTMENT-DOWNSTAIRS STORE . . STORM COAT Sizes 7-14 Regular. $16.95 Girls Storm Coats.· Full A1.paca lining. Knitted wristlets. Shirred waist belted s~le. Mouton Collar. Get set for. Fall and Winter now. SIzes 7 to 14. . , Ba"""l"ureate FINEST IN Last day, PupIls II ,,lUbe II . ESTERl, fashiOn 'Corner . ..' ".. I Commencement , Last day, 'J'e........ · Thun.· ',lune17' lion. , '. ~''::::::-!~, ' $1 5 99 ~. R- $1695 -.,.. lIfemorIal Day HoUday ·SUn.' '.-, J\IIle," .,. ; JqIitI BIrth~ay-:-:Ho1id.y . Good Friday Ri!cesa ~11 .' - T\ies. , Spring Vacation April 18 , • Last dll7 before vBcaU'on'--Ciioaeat end of· day. 'Ibr'ch'...... FrI. • . .. . . , .. Thanksgiving, Holiday "-~berll _. . to ' . . ,.,.", a l s o . Last day' ot School betore. Chrfat.. roas--Close' noon .' _ Tu .... -: -. ·R.,--.',·.V.. es··. at Del. ·County Teachers Irisiitute OctDber!6, 27 Man, ., Cluli doors will close, nDt to re- ·t. Plo Prefer Own 17Y2 S. CHESTER ROAD Nicest Slimmer School • \ '. CLASSICS. to Speare Bros. where a· wondertul co1lecUon of Coat Classic Coats for little Girls, are awaiting .yOu aeleetiOll. the original coats that grow tor elltna· III_war. Unings II{Ow \ilre maaIc teveD In tbe sIeeve& Coats 1m: IIDd dresstIme.. Chtnchlll.., pOodle-boue1eB. tweeds, worsted pbardjnea. SI-. .1· to • end"., to 14.. ' $29.95 to $45aoo ,", Benloamoln Coilions Dloes Suddenly in N.Y. State :~~o ":!. =~ ;~o a:';~:e!r;'..,: ~e~ f:-~O=~:w:;:.~ogreSSlng than 'You Meet i • Pool Promoters HORACE A. REEVES, "Third Generation Sui/ders" , ': SW 6-3450-3451 - Melvin K. Whiieleather ... ?ak N,,"" PARK. and DARTMOUTH AVE. t are ~'. .. '. . CLUB c:;om- MODERN • ... .. -.',. :.: = . - '. WOMAN'S: Local Man to Address LWV MeetlOng Mon'da'y Flori!Jt . , ' .,.TUESDAY .' . ' . . Gravllaesten'V'ershOas·i..th§ooy·'WDo'un·''Iog"··M'hlsaJ1'" . Hillborn Avenue Resident open until the, sale begins on Wed~ Stricken on' Motor nesd? Septe,?ber 23 at 9 a.m. . With a Yawn" has his prl'gr&nl at- ' , ' , , , '. . This year. m order to equalhe the e~~;b,o,:", .0f,~.a,!'1. He has Forty-Yea~" Resid~nl, Was Trip th~opportunities al!orded by this frequently appeared on television, Ad' M th d' t Benjamin Woolston Collins' modern barter set-uP. the spon';"d his novel metbod of presentIve e 0 IS suffered a heart attack and died soriDg committee headed by Mrs'. ing popuiar records may sho~ ,,~or~er . . Wednesday night In Glens. Falls.. Robert A. Boyle has' decided lind a regular place In UleTV· . ,.. . N.Y.• ",hileon an automobile' trip against any pre-sale and the ,early throulih New York State with birds .who an:ive at the Exchange world. Gene Is also theslng~r· on .~. Sarah· Elizabeth Foust the Ann Lee show· which ap~ Flood of '303 South Chester road Mrs. Colllnl;. Mr. and Mrs. Col- in time 'for Its oPening. doors will dally from 1 to '1:30 ,p.m. pasSed away Monday evening in Foreign Affairs W r i t e r llns had completed I a ten day bave the first chance at the comDelaware County HoWilal where T Spea l ' at 8 P M In cruise on their boat· "Panacea" on munity's goods for exchange. CorneIi .~_,_~_ Mrs. Edward B.. \18, 'he had been under' observation 0 Wh" " f tho h' 'spitallty' ~o~. H' • • the Delaware Bay a';d along the These will Include clothing for Inemittee .........~. 0 e 0 '''¥' - - lfu'two weekS: .Hler ouse has reported thst th""" who Jersey Coast. on -Septeinber 10: fants, children; .teenagers (with Will aSsist her' Incluci;;At the age of 78 Mrs, Fl~ii. Melvin K. White1eather, foreign they left on their automobile trip special emphasis on evening frocks Victor Malwald. Mrs,We..tey'Si- was still an active member ot atfalrs analyst and editorial wrlt- September 12. meaning to return and ballerina slippers). men ~d mono Mrs. Thomas, Gibson, Mrs. the Official lloardof the SWBrth_ er for the Philadelphia Bulletin, home this week-end. Mr. CollIns women; househDld gOOtclrer on plans for the eve;. , , Thed~ughter of loaac Foust of lesther's talk: .A resident" of ents·at SId. Ogden. avenue. He,was . . ° ." _I"'~. and the"malHn.....ot.'.... cWb's' I;!\ o;t 'Pjpo'YP.ln.!I. ~:.'!Jld.~, Swarthmote. be h'!8 a wide )Jack- a 'll"IIdualit- of ,~-"",--,,",- lIIP .~... .'..... ~beth Sriilth Foust 'Dins '-";"-.." ~~--'''' , , program for the 19~1I~'1I8~'C]II ~. ":' '.' . ," _ " , . ~",~, ,gnlund 1I11d, ...ce.in f,!,~ Scbf!lll...and fo.~~ ..'.' (, .. , ...... ,.. ,. .....' ." . old and prospective new members who dillli,!ie,re 10 ~~« ~t. ~e ~'1'ft,~.'~. , "J!b»- ~; .•·,,_i{ /;~~~:,<>'Cf!"~:': .: ,,~: w!)II.qo:'~::rt.t'~;&YD-· Include: .,: . . ' . .. . of 97, .she."",, bcil'Ii'lii 1'hSt PIlilII.., ~W1S··currin\·.'world.~•. As . On JUne; 2)1; 1919; he : m8.rr1ed nue, harr beeJr appointed manager 'Mrs.WI1I1am T. Windsor, Jr....de~J?hla.~er moVle.r's f~ own- foreiS!l al!airs, aJialyrrt·. tor the Edith Wolverton Watsbn,'and they 0~}'p';8!8n M~tIng pperutions Mrs. Ralph HanCook. _ : ' J _ ~~~~ckpak~, glven to ~e Bulletin since 11140 he bas made a made thelr~ome.at 406 Swari4.., fqr 'die A:tlaJitic },A>fjniDg S. Francis. MrS.' Donald Hand, fBJlUQ' in GeOrge Wuhlngton S thoroulh and profound st)Jdy of more avenue unttl 1939 when they P~Y. eff~tl)l'eSeptember. 1. He Ilrs. Richard Wissler and Mrs. presidency upon their arrival from world aI!!'irB dining Wilrld War moved to 412 North Chester road. has. ~ ~ charg" of Atlantl$'s John .~l'h, An,y~l"~hers Eng1and,e;cten,~g ;from S2n~ a'nd lland the power· struggle thst Ten years' later· they OJ:Cupied operations. in, Brazil. Uruguay, Invited til: ¥ar~et:StrelId, 'be waS '23.' attli~Presbyterian Church. ho..t'whiteP~·a: ,,",hOoI tm1ldfng during rec .perlods and. with. absolutely.rio. "idea of"~ing wiI1Ing to lease grbund and bulld- The regular weekly Troop meettimes when pupils are go~g to and from ~ool. The officer Into the grocery business. retired ing to a I~ swr~ club "at ing will begin at 7 p.m. . Said the law·1s ~ly ~ed In connection with school" thst niP.t. grocer, th<:>ugh It'! a nominal rent ~or a period of 5.0 Parents and friends.of Troop'2 crossing silins suth ali appear Oft Chester road 100. teet north and··, was. Wltlf.that S81Il~·la~ ,~ ~~ . :rears.'!, are invited to attend ~e campfire South of College ·· ..Veiiue Inter8ecUon, on· swartIiDiorII. avenUe tlvely tel.nfotced by the dll'y's exMr. Van Urk's ..........i«ee.. 0011- program which will pn;cede the near Elm and Princeton, on Y8le near Rutgers. The Boroo.&": p!rienci\: it wII1be a, st;eelalty oiatIng of Gordon LaIJ8Ii; ,1. RtIy.. Court. of, Honor. The .COurt\. ~ . tes1ricts '!llIlIl~r~. llipit to .211 mUes per hoUr even on that shopl.ot nuts ..~ .and; party Carroll, Jr.. and Dr• .Johns. W1a- lee .,u... thooe Scouts who""" }Iorlion' of State: ·'lfIIIbMly 320 which.·;jOU!'lJl!7l! ,~, ,the.. lteDIS. .~ ;7';" . ~ '. l".:' .... , tara. wu ukecl to explore tJie poOl earned merit badps or artnnced to'!i.~' ~f.i.I~~ .. of '!fte·l"'w.ed c::he8te: q,.d.. '. " " : (CoJ!tlJiued on Pacel~) 1\, •. 'EXCHANGE June . Seven Swarthmoreans and a' (Continued from Page 1) Local captains~-..L1I and solicitors 'FInanfor rector of the Delaware County 1953 grs,d uate 0 f S·i. wart hmore C0 Ir similar meetln.g ,..~th th"e e.letli'e"1953- 54 Meuvpu tan ce Chapter. Mrs. Mc:kintey, who Is a lege' are among a score of Dela,.. Drive o· f the League of Women graduate nurse with six years of ware Countians preparing for the men ta ry sch 00I teach ers. Voters have been . annoUnced by el'perience 'among polio patients, 24tb year since Incorporation of Summertime Improvements and Mrs. Charles aoverd, finance com- came with the Delaware County Tlie School In Rose Valley, which changes noted by the returning mUtee chairman of the Swarth- Chapter as execl1tlve secretary In will. begin for all students ... on I teachers. and pupils Included the m,ore League of Womep. Voters. January, 1952. She will briefly ex- September 16. lIew room at Rutgers end 'iii> I!ddiJoan PrIce, the ar,.duate, will tional classroom, a second' grsk. BATHROOMS SOuth Chester road. " , C()'ED BEAUTY ...... ", • ALL PURPOSE CLOSETS Mr. W111Iam Mlthoefer of Cin• Bob McHenry of ParrIsh road, cinnati, Ohio has been the. house SALON Supe .. l .. cI by guest of Mr. aiuI Mrs. JamesH. retUrned Wedne¢ay to Washingtori' and Lee Univl!rslty to 'begin Hornaday abd Miss Allee HornaLORENE. REEVES, Decorator his' Sophomore year•.. day of Dickinson avenue. Open Thuraday I MutuAL'·' ' • ---'-Ol,,----_-__,,1IIi R'"' \. , .1 , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE SW A RTIOIORllI' Swnrthmore Collegr Id 'SVIartlunore , "cOiU;G'E September TIlE SWARmlUOREAN PageS L. W. V. Names Fund Drive Solicitors Local P!lrticipation \School Enro"me~t ' . Lead Pol,o Panel In Neighbor School, Up 101 Smce June Dr. J. A. J~nes to. Ll"t\ itA It Y Iss \1 OPENS VOLUME 25.-NUMBER 38 Thursday Party Will Feature Gene Graves Club Welcomes All Young Mothers to Season's Opener Sept. Florist Retai' Opticians CARNS J. E. LIMEBURNER ·CO. Guild Opticians Experts in Making and Fitting of Spectacles and G'asses PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE. Sora.tblRore 6·1013 School District of Swarthmore School Ca'iendar for 1953·54 A. REEVES, , SW 6-3450-3451 - l!!llUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlIlllllllUllIlUllIllIllllllllllllllllll"you Meet the "Third Generation People Builders" 5 = = = i= a= = = 2 = EVJ'nt Day Date Thurs. September 10 First Mon. October 26. 21 Del. County Teachers Institute Wed. November" . Last day before holiday-Close noon D..,.. PupUs Thurs. Novemlier 28. 21 • Thanksgiving Holiday Tues. December II Last day of School before Christ- .. tna~lose,noon • Mon. January 4 Schools reopen after New Year's MoD'. February III Washington's Birthday-Holiday Fri. March la Last day before vacation-Close at end of day Mon. March Fri. Aprl116 Good Friday Recess , Mon. May 31 Memorial Day Holiday ,Sun. June 6 Tues. Wed. 1lI-. , I § i=_: = § ~ Commencement ;===_ June 18 Last day. PUpils § ~ = Summer School -§ = § § i ii Ii ESTER'S Fashion Corner EDGMONT AVE, - 7th, = 5 June June 21 to Jul7 30 § I= ; Last day. Teachers a ~ Baccarureate 'nturs.. June 1'1 Mon. Spring Vacation Ia 5 ~D WELSH STS.. = 3 COME TO SPEARE'S FINE AND COMPLETE GIRLS DEPARTMENT-DOWNSTAIRS STORE i $13.'99 Iii Re... $16.95 ... = STORM COAT Regular $16.95 Girls Storm 7-14 Sizes Coats. Full Alpaca lining. Knitted wristlets. Shirred waist belted s).yle. Mouton CoUar. Get set for Fall and Winter now. Sizes 7 to 14. FINEST IN CQAT RAFT CLASSICS Come to Speare Bros, where a wonderful coUection Of Coat Craft Classic Coats for little Girls. are awaiting you selection. 'ntey're the original coats that grow for extra seasons wear. Hems ~d linings grow like magic teven in the sleeves, Coats for school time and drcsstime. Chinchillas, poodle-boucles, tweeds. fleeces, worsted gabardines; Sizes 3 to 8 and 7 to 14. I $29.95 to 545.00 Michael Yarrow, 13, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Yarrow of 221 North Princeton avenue, and John Klppax. three year old son of Mr. and ,Mrs. Lynn Klppax of 109 Academy road, have been confined to thl'ir homes with Swarthmore's first two cases of Polio this season. _ Michael has been ill since September 2, and John since September 10. Both have·mild cases, and both are reported as "progressing well following diagnosis." Melvin, K. Whiteleather Club's Annual Barter To Net Profit for AU Seminary Assistant At Trinity Churc:h Preston Ough of Lansdowne, wiU be on the stalt of Trinity Church as seminary assistant in charge of High School and Col- Three·Day Session Starts lege activities. Tuesday; Omits He is a second-year student at Thursday the Philadelphia Divinity School and last year was student assistant The annual Fall M tu 1 Exat St. John Evangelist in South change of the Swarthm~rea Wo • Philadelphia. an's Club opens its three day s:I sion Tuesday, September 22, in I BenJ·am·ln Coil·IDS D'les . NYState SUddenIyID.. Services Today for Mrs.Sarah F. Flood Hillborn Avenue Resident Stricken on Motor the Clubhouse where goods for exchange will be accepted. marked, and hWlg or arranged from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p,m. when the Club doors will close, not to reopen until the sale begins on Wednesday September 23 at 9 a.m. This year, in order to equalize the, opportunities afforded by this modern barter set-up, the sponsoring committee headed by Mrs. Robert A. Boyle has decided against any pre-sale and the early birds who arrive at the Exchange in time for its opening doors will have the first chance at the community's goods for exchange. These will include clothing for infants, children, teenagers (with special emphasis on evening frocks and ballerina slippers), men and women; household goo~ of unpredictable variety which often PIlables the replenishment of a damaged set of china, curtains, pattern glass, buttons, and otiter sewing flndings, towel and bed(Continued on Page 12) Trip Benjamin Woolston Collins Active Methodist suffered a heart attack and died Wor~er Wednesday night in Glens. Falis, N.Y.• while on an automobile trip ~i;. Sarah Elizabeth Foust through New York State with Flood of 303 South Chester road Mrs. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Colpassed away Monday evening in Foreign Affairs W r i t e r lins had completed' a ten day Delaware County Hospital where cruise on their boat "Panacea" on To Speak at 8 P.M. In she had been under observation the Del.wace Bay and along the Whittier House for two weeks. Jersey Coast, on 'September 10; At the age of 78 Mrs. Flood Melvin K. Whiteleather. foreign they left on their automobile trip was still an active member ot affairs analyst and editorial writ- September 12, meaning to return the Official Board of the Swarth- er for the Philadelphia BuUetin. home this week-end. Mr. Collins more Methodist Church, and of will be guest speaker at the Sep- !:.ad seemed in good health. althe board' of managers of the tember meeting of the Swarth- though he had suffered a preMethodist Home for the Aged in more League of Women Voters to vious heart attack in 1939. Philadelphia where she had fol- be held Monday evening, Septem· He had been for, 30 years chief lowed her annual custom of pre- ber 21 at 8: 15 at Whittier House. chemist at American Viscose Corp. siding at the spriIig bazaar, cake The meeting is open to all mem~om' February 17, 1889, .the son • table a Jew months ago, She had bers of the community. of Arthur T., and Elizabeth W. se~ved on the latter board for 27 "The United Nations Today" Collins, he spen~ his boyhood In , years. will be the topic of Mr. White... Swarthmore, living with his parThe daughter of Isaac Foust of leather's talk. A resident of ents' at 510, Ogden. avenue. He was an old shipowning familY and Mrs. Swarthmore, he has a wide back- a ·graduate of 'Swarthmore High Elizabeth Smith Fo;'st Dinsmore. ground and experience in foreign School and Swarthmore College. who died itere in 1944 'at the age affairs well qualifying hint.to cUa-, classfeatedStan Pilling 6-1. weeks. Mrs. George F. Corse and Miss Wednesday evening. September 6-1; Bill Johnson defeated Joe PHILADELPHIA 3. PENNA. Koffs 6.3. 6-0; Gerry Baker deMary Corse of Yale avenue enter. 30, and again on Thursday, Octained at a dinner party Tuesday tober 1. in the Swarthmore Pres- feated Dave Mudrick 6-3. 6-2. Doubles Matches: T. Wynn and evening In honor of the birthday byterian Church Building, for the purpose of raising money for Vet· S. Ross defeated S, Pi1Ilng and anniversary of Mr. Corse. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Morse erans in hospitals. Preview and W. Harriman by default; G. WIlA DESIGN AND CONSULTANT SERVICE sale, Wednesday 7:30-9:00 p.m. letts and C. WaUin defeated T. and daughter Anne have returnShook and R. La wit 6-3. 6-2; W. ed to their borne on Parrish road Th\lrsday. 9:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. FOR The flrst meeting of the year Johnson and R. Reed defeated B. after summering on their farm ULand's End", Cambridge, Md. for the Auxiliary will be held Palmer and W. Heinze 6-3, 6-1. Later results wiU be Usted next j ",;;;;;;;;;;;.;;.,;;;;;;;;..;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;...;.;~= • KITCHENS Monday. October 12 at the home of Mrs. Alben T. Eavenson. 515 week. • BATHROOMS South Chester road. CO·ED BEAUTY • ALL PURPOSE CLOSETS Mr. William Mithoefer of Cin• Bob McHenry of Parrish road, cinnati, Ohio has been the house SALON Sup...I..d by guest of Mr. and Mrs. James H. returned Wednesday to Washington and Lee University to 'begin Hornaday ahd Miss Allce HornaLORENE REEVES, Decorator :: dist'meeUngs In Ocean_Grove for a week. Prevlliusiy Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Iiad varali';ned lo~ two weeks In Ihe New England states, a~d had visited' for another. week with Mr. Howarii'". .TohnSoil and t.; .w . I{ntII ()Iml ~ omf ...Dl... ·ill.llt ilLi' -AlL DAY IA1'1IDAY-_ ·9 South Cheater Road Call Swarthrriore .. 6-0476 ~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;E;;;;;;===~¥E;"~'~';;;;;~~~i7=;;;;=;;;;;=j A' Uy"'' O' " .I"~'EP'AII""S"o 1 . re- iI . OPEN LLO~ COLlrGE THEATRE LIi .' S~"'~o~,f~, -' . .ri:AN~ . "YOVN5.I8SS" (TecImtcolcr) Love Ufe, of _,~, ~ . queen. _"lib , 8peOt,;jCblld~. Ciirt06niJ. ..' y ""iI~sJi~M. 1'11_ , TerrIfIc w~ with 30M Wayne .ri,. SlIturday RlCIlt ~ lI'!I&ture TUDe., I. 8.arid 10 Mijj; iifv~jt~ ...- ·YAJIqUHCr ('l'8eIudeolcr) weL &' tiliii'£ j; AHitui' Riml! jiii!Oi:iiiiito"A 9uiIN fS CIOWNiD" (1!Iit 7 g',) . Tiles;. 'mptad.. b7· ; S"iid~y. September 27.2 .n. of financiai 10.. iii cue :your" 1011 or daughter, oholl!d b•. in~u.~~d ,I~ ,~il ac.idellt. An JliCtIIlI StacieDt'~' Ac.ldent- pCl!i", wOUld jrioOYide' ieneroniiIt for tIie bHt 01· wpltat; iiifrlric.r alid niedicai cUe. PETER E. TOLD· ,.ura." :b3 rJ Loa" ".,e, Pottery . . Writiilg Coi...e. fOt 'C6B4,. Bo~le Peiraosr·UR~~ ~~'ciD&- ~'1.iile iii:CII~i\,r - - Waf anel ACro~ .. "lliD ChUr.,,'•• ct",'e tnifi•• "DI . ,- o.~, the M'emoersb!p th~. "'In dinner, Mr. Schott. >-oWl at 8 p.m. at the honie of . I /'. WorahI~. . , ",' .. • TN. OLIVIR H. lAIR A Special Coftee Hour Wtfl tiO .1Jt 'Aldersgate Methodist Church, held Sunday, September '!II, ·lM'..' Wilmincton. Dr. Fosler will aiediately. following the 11 o'clock ot his forel~ tr~vpIs and ,I~", .' serville :fI:ir~epurtlose:ot· bidding' 'sIon enterprizes of tHe l.fetll(idlst farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Church. ~usI. ~! C01!.."="Ho~.wt11 '~lfhe :pioii~r's 'hour 'for .' .. .• . . held Itt ·tIle TomanTa ASSOciation counseling In. the church stu!lY Room. week will b; on Wedneaday from 4 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. CHURCH SERVICES . . Re~ear!"i ~~. tbe semor· choir : PRESBYTERIAN'cMitCii ts Tb\ii'saay at 8 p.m. Members , Joseph P. Bishop, Minister and friends of the cburch are In- . Sunda7, SeP.......... 20 10 join this group of con- ; vlted 9:30 A.M.--Church School. , secrated singers which 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. Mr. Bishop will preach. weekly for instruction and v. la20CHIIINU, ITIl.I' I ••• ' . . . . . . . . owit'iL'" .1'1'" cfiUitcu ~;. '·S ·SUI·TS ilelf of ·the BltJiI(I, .LoOM X..t4 65 Yo WORS:rED ~~ % OA'¢RON - , J I NORTHWEAVE by NorthC:QOI . '." '. -, ~. .&, C' 1- .. _..,., .. .' . .. p. ) ""'b , THlntmn~.OCIETY -n. . . , I ~ M'~ ~:$(>NS !J~~. ~M' 'hd I , 'NOW KNOWN AS ' ..... '00 Miiilaay, St.·'Jit8ttbeW's vii)', anf.F Sep"m~ %0 there will·he. a'~ele~ratlon :?f.!1'e 11:00 ..;..~tlng 'tor~cirshlp. HDlyCommlinion at 10 0 clock. Children cared for in Whittier: The Boy's Choir. ~~._re~ellt'S~.·at House. All are wetcome.. .,. 'tcim' "o'Mock, 'tolfuwed by the 5:00 P.M. Senior Will\, ~ool Girls' Choir rehearsal at 5 p.m. . Fellowablp meets at 80 uuern- . ' _,,-,,,, dbd,,,r will . sey Road for supper. At 8:80 p.rn. a ..... ~.. . It be held at the church. The guest AU day sewlt!g for A.I'.s.C. 'and speaker will be the Rey. Don_ , \Ved, ilia,., September IS ald T. OakeS, who' retorned re.. AU day sewing for ~I'.s.C. cenUy from a four-year !?1Ir of iti0F 'FIRsT..' duly'as a missionary In .Japanbe. ~~. ~. 'SWAR ORE On Wednesclay there will a ~A_l!e be!o,", H"lit"'i'd ci!li!bratioil of the HQty \ Comlifwiloiiilt 7:15 -aim. T1ie Boy's 1 . 'S~"Se"'''''''iI M.-SundY, 'Chbir 'willnihearse'at .4 o'clol:k ~~!%,;a~~ J lin Wednesday afternoon, and the full . ... . . -,,-,- 0 t· IIU!.. n and. ..... ........ wedoes1ay ~ IMdting .......... ,e. will . nleet .. ..Cli01r re~. 12 to a Iiearsais will beheld this year In . ~ 1f:' 7 to. 'RooIJI..' . .-......'•..., ••• rn' '.' \be Cleavea. ',,::., , tM. , ......;.. 8"'1._ "'~ ~ i~:;P.1UL. S="'''tooJp ~~ '7:~·p.ln.. .~ iT:' ric.' ..,..,Jouln.,. _i . : S~'falizfag .ia NUTS - ~, ... CANDIES _ • . GROCERIES • . ;' ). ... . , '..: ..· • . t .;. · '............1111 -,I~rW1. .. John C. Kulp, Pastor ---:-:=:::TRINITY NOTES San",,,, September 20 9:45 A.M.--Churcb School. There will be a celebration of 10:00 A.M.~Young Adults. . the' Holy Communion at 8 o'clock 11:00 A.M.-The pastor WIll Sunday morning,. and the .Church ~reacb. :. ' . . , . . . . ' Sl!ll~ol teii~hets 'wlll l~alled 3.00 P.M,-"SaC1lilJlent)f.lI«P~ at this 'time.. At 11 o'clock the regular service of Morning Prayer TRINITY pruRC" ,~ be heTd. 'Those 'serving as H. Lawrence 'Whimdlbte, 'kectdt: 'Shers win be as loUows: R. T. Sanda7, 'SeP..~-io ~a)es, F. S. Chambers, Ir., W. R. 8:00 A.M.-Holy C0if::n. Fawcett, B. Harrar, .1'_W. lones, 11:00 A.M.-Morning • R' B Price, Sr., R. B. Price. Ir., . ls Da,. .IIJI.I\Q .1It.. . .C. 'C. _' .... ~ lA' '¥r8h- • lC:Oil'\\!k':'lf()Wc'=' btIli/n. .and' "awn.' ~.' weoinieda,. September II . sell, m, will. serv.e as. a~~ at . ?:15'klI4;~Hoiy-c-,.. '" MIl' A.IMI, 111\.....1.. ' ... on METHODIST ~~ .'. "}' " , .. 'GEMI.' ! , co. tinle'lj~M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~ ilvenlle after' I.. REASONABLE ~turn~ed~~to~~thei~r~h~tim~e~~~~~~~ti~~··~.~"';t~n~~·ia~r~n~e~y~.~~-~~~~.~p~.~ri'~~~~~ Haven Cahan Hall at 6:30will p.m. At a 'a -speciiil meeting Tueaday Associate MInIster, cO:duct ¥'i~n, loll on Pa~k avenue, lire;' dOdication service In tM totunt:h., 1iI!!ir ITr. 'G'e~ Foster, l.tInIster . i~ I. ... ;1 " ..·i , I.' as close , ., , cussed d}U"ing i:b'l. afternoOn, that 'session siart\i,g at2 p.m. .Friday evening at T:30 Douclas Steere and F!;pnk Loescher; both just relurned It-om ;Urlea, will ~ pol'! on the South AfrIcan silll8tion. Saturday at 10 8.m. there will be reports from Iftlli., Jordan and Israel by wdrkers reeenUy back from Ihese cOWItries. At 2 p.m. there ,will be a report on the Sc~ooi' AtiWaUon pro~br lohn Niemeyer, and onefmm Europe by Clarence and iJiYPickett. SlIIIday . will be FamU~ Day at and at 9:30 a.m. of There classes, meet at fantllies Meeting for At to.alterid thU WI1l orientation be no doUble ·sesa1on· "'" '" 9:45adult a:m. ABible e1asstor young aduits, are encouralled ' school unill sep\e~r 27. The ledby Mrs. l.. i.Kauffman .. meets meeting U'a tmit.First Day SchOol kinder~ group (ages 3, 4, 5) at 10 a·m. ill the. chw'ch parlor. Will be \>pen on September 27, WIII meet In the basement room. At the 11 a.m. Morning Wot- with ,,1_ conveuing at the usuof LoellIer Cbapel Building; the" 'ship, Rev. John C. 'Kulp, minister, al time 1)f 9: 45 a.m. Primary ap .isrO\ip wni ..D¥t, In will 'i:isi! IijI his sennon subject \ 'At 5 p.m. 'on SUnday Ibe ~enilorl the two ~ RoOiDi liith,,! ·~"beille.oI Trust," ,from the text: Illgh SchoOl .Fellowshtp bf tbe Braun Building: llie Juiiirii: group of Isaiah 33: 13-17. UShers for tiits Meeting will meet tor il caokout will meet In LoellIer Chapel, the service. will be Charles H. supper ill tim hiime of Jean Cell!, Junior High group will nieet In N. Martin Kapp, James 30 Guernsey road. McCahan Hall; and .. the Semor 41)on P: Smith, There Is a aie group ,will meet 'fit'il. i'oiiin, VUed ·i:h~b~t.nne nursery for CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES chUdreIi ,in \h\, cradle and older. Tlteuru'eliabruiy of 'malter win the Hearth. .The Senior High FeUo,wshlp·: ..~be Sacrament of Baptism will 1\e exposed In the Bible Lesson a will meet thiS Sunday evenmc for' ~vI~-adminl t . 3 steredsat d special ser- \irhich will 'be.tead In'iill Chrlitlan. their Ilrst supper mee!lng of the ce a p.m. un ay churches i>nSunday, when new Year at 1I:3D p.m., and will In the Sanctua,.ry. Parents, wI~. subject wit! hi! "M';ltl;...'. The cicintlnue with their orgMlZMloilil 'chlldren to be Baptized .. ~:'... Text Is taken .from. the riI\!etlng following the supper. speak ~o !~e mimster, Mr. Kulp. -"_ Hosea (1;'7): "'1 will have The High School cholr ·1niS·rt,:. .Rel":t!ves. and' friends may attend. upon the hOUSe of 'Judah, slimed their Sunday evening ,..,.. the service. . and will save them by the, Lord bearSals on Sundays at 5:30 ·P:tt!. ~eve.!' 'delegates will attend se~- 'thelr God, and will not save them The Chapel Choir. will meet slons ot Methodist Churchman S by bOw,' 'itor by swOrd, nbi' by wiual for the Thursday evemng Week, a leadership traluing battle. by horses, nqr by bo~ rehearsal at 8 p.m. . tor 'chllreh iIftIeer8 andattelldi',g men." '\ I school teachers...Those On Tuesday night,. ~eJ,'temper'l classes 'wln be Mrs. .1. I. Bodley, 22, the Board of Deaco~ win Mr.. William I. Cresson, Jr., Mrs; NEWS N0TES ~t tor a regular monthly mee~-, A. S. Blankenship, Mrs. James H. Mrs. Sidney Jackson, Sr., ot mg at 8 p.m. In the Woman s. Connor, Mrs. charleS Hoover, IIIr. Bermuda, Is ·~tlngher "!In" Mr. AssoclaUon Ropm; and Mrs. S. ·W. Johnson, Mr. 'and H. W. Jackson and family of HarThe Church School .~~., ~~, Mrs.. f'Ui Joau1son, Wesley ~ce liard ~v~ue fo~ a t~w )Veeki; . be guests for dinner on FH ay and Cilai'lei. Seymour. 'Mr. and Mrs. Edward I evening, September. 25, In McThe Ladies Bible cl.ass will have ley and'sons Bruce ailil ll::l3A. ']g. Sqiil'ii lafiaig I.::-------""'-'.::....:......;.;;..:.;...;;;...;;....:....:-.-'-.-.--=-i-. PRESIYTERIAN NOTES MRHODIST NOTES TIits SanallY morning there will Tonlght, lrric1,y, the Cotnmis_ . " . .... lie 'OiI~ilei:-Vi~e o'clock 'at 'illilii 01.. 'ahCi !!Nshgewhlcb !fro BiS1iop will 'preach; the !Ism meets at tlie church tor "Iectiue Oiliill smn'ifi{ 1Vifi be ''Ca'ntloil of omt~ and to\ilan the We Survive Without Worship?" year's work.' The Church School will ~t On Sunday, Church· School .i!:aIn this Sunday 'tqr'i'eil8tii~ <:tUBeS I'dr ali ages, two years atu. • I~:fi;",Se:;:~';"';o:~~\e ells- Entered l1li ~. CIB$ Mami'1. iJanu6iY 24, 1'9211, at llie Po.: 0lIl08 at Swarthmore, Po., under the Acl of March 3. 1819. ca A~1i I~ b.....ncI ,.~'fU ,e'i~ fc* ic$ Ali U' -.. _.iii f DEA,D~\tiifub:iiliAY NbO~' Hew !?" Painting hinting forFrei ExpresiiOn Silk Sc...... and Print Malojng Modern ~eintiilg for A~ulfs . Weaving .6nd r"na§_ . WciOd'Miifuj ftd Fuitu • Pa~t and Dr6wlng for Adults RitfI:&IIing .a m re .and . T8t!hagers ' . .•.. +, . ' ... BegiDl1enPainting and DrIWi/i9 c:reaflve Da~CfI . OIItdoor Painting P~y's~yn,all'llcs China Paintlht .~~arepal)C;:lng .,.. ., Pottratt Sculpture Dramatics ~,J~~ch.' " . Ceramics CIIrre~ Pro",~m.~ PsY'.OIogy Early Americ:Bn Dltcdtation Leaming to Know tlie Sreat . Rower Arrangement for Home Painters Flower Arrangement Music 01). Records Show Ceu_ P~citograph¥ '. ' ... , •. i lamp Shade Mamg • Publi~Spea.t..9 for BUsmess Metal Wort. Jewelry, Enamel,ng . ~en. .. .. '1'IaiR~~." .W_ r., to 6 ·P.M. Registratlon for Membership Cllid Clci~seS'-;.••fre.'hmeats .~ 0Il't1C SNt'ft F+I~ • ., . , iND TEACHERS; EXHIBIT ,C6Drses for Aclults . in Qii and Watilrcolor Pl!PpetM~kin9 SIEW~ ',GBMftJiIIt. , . ..hop . r = ""'~"~c)~ ,. ',' I The1i ." , -==;;;'';;;';;;'=='======~11 , I" S ~. ' ... . .J Il~'~.S~,w~·.·~·~6-~.~04~··~4~0.~'~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~A~y~e~s~.~. Polly Told ot Pil'k'avenll:e,' '! jumor at Bucknell UniverSity IS returtWJ.g to the university today N,. S. . t,_ M '. r s . . S . , '. The Comm~nityAlts ·.Center . . FrI. alICt· sat, ~ . of . . ' w ·The. Owner €h.'u.... iTc)i.D. ~r ". " ..... ioftiB . =....0...:::..-:-___- - an &.t» 'L~ '" . SW.~ .-.... . SWARTHMOREAN~____~__~__~~__~.-~__~.,~__.~.__P~.~e~3 FRIEMDS MEETING NonS fllt two YItekJ in Norllll!l11 Chester roaci· will leave today to The September meeUngs ot the Yorl Alld It1!.Mber two wel!ks on begin her si!iiloryear at Pernl,brok\,. t:,illelle . ot Stovm UniAmerican Friends Service Com- Cape COd. Caroline de FurIa of· North mi.tee will be held at the Meeting Hpuse at 15tll anti Race streelll, Philadelphia, on Frldll¥ and Satur_ SWAB~?BB:, ~~~. ~~R,t8: ?" a es. D~nllld. .tHE .' SWAilTHMO~ . P!JIILlSBBD EVBltY 'nWAY .AT SWABTII1IIORE, PA. ""lUilk E. TOl.D, D1tiWtb!:' tow, i'~Wdi.tJ· . ........ THE • •. _ . • ' Josephine Hartley's ~'iUQo.! ~ ;Dapcing far::~'ilnd Mrs. GrifIIi> Townes of o II,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~:'~~~~~~~~'~.~~~ Doii Dickinson of Mr. P ....kand avenue Betsy and visiUng bisparents Mrs. and Mr.small and' d~Ughlei'S lob-s. Pi.cam while oil a 2&-day leave from Mary Lou, formeriy of 333 DartWiight-I'atterson' Ail- Field, Day- mouth' avenue, have moved to ton, Ohio. MrS. DickinlJon and her their' newly bililt ·home,12 KulGRAND son are visiting In Altoona this len' drive, BrOokside Park, Newweek previOUS to Sgt. arlt; DeI. return to Dayton. : , Mrl!. wlliiainE. Hetzel of 1'hay.. . Children of aU ages registe~ now,.n. . . Mr•. and ·Mrs. cbarlEili W. LUkens er road eiitertaiiled ata luilc".eon 'ot Strath Haven avenue, with wl!diti!¢~ fOt', comnilt~ee me:; Bailet, Tapi Modern cmd Ac:robatic their daughter MIsa Barbara Lu- bers of the BM'~ Table for Classes bet~4 held on second ftoiil' k..n.., spent a _ I . week-end .HolidDy Fair' of Trlriiti Churcb to Mortilri' l\iafjoniil (lanklll"g., 2.5 Morton. Avenue, Mqrton, Pa. visiting thm son-In-law and beld In Noveii'tier. . Fij,r liifOtmiltfCln; callaftet s.teilllNr I. lIIornhlgs daughter !It. and Mrs. lames I. . Mi'. iiiid Mfa: Carl Fttrirl•• lind .' FArragut 9·SSSI . . Egloff, Ir., of LewiabUrl. Mr. and c~!dreii. Tonimr' Coilille ed . Miss Hartley is a graduilte. teacMr Of Rot"nCo! Cowaniiva Mrs. BII10ll are re,tumIJIII'to Buck- Mlirkel hav" relurp~ to their . . . . . nell UnivenI\3' fOr their. . home on :i:Jm avenue after vace. __ , . . '. ~ '. .' .•. tI=;"" .. stone Harbor for six feu. , ' . ' .. ~'n ....';:. l a 'Hnaey i.veoitia'. . ' .' .;', ' FrBJl!< aberty,lr., Of u. :Mr . lind Mrs S Frin,da- Bulle&' road is returnliit.to Jh".ch~ or mild have. Instftute of TecImololY·toiIily to t'f"'"" .... _"...... the· weekbeifn hI!l liIi>j>b_ore year. ""'..... a "" ........ Rev. F. B. Hornby, wbo has been eit~.!", tile. '~dC~ . .' ' liVing- atallS'Cedar lane, SnlIed onDimaJ~ MacElwl!e; wh,? entered th Queen E1Itabeth for an I!%_ Pl'Ini:etdn' Umverslty as a. fresh.e ed sta iJi LOndon,England. nillli coil A~ 2~, spent the len~rs. ~erlCk A. Patman, Mrs. weeJ(~d ,8:; hIs. hOlDe on Mt. . Paul HerleI;Mrs. Clyde Miller. Holyoke place.. . ... , . Rogers Lane, WoJl(ngfo~cI, and Mrs. R.·Wiltberger·otSwarth_ --.-.-IR-T-H-'-S-.'-.. ' " " mote visited the United Nations in N:.w York City, Thursday'.Mr...a~." '.*a.lt~ 'it, qOQdM d Mrs Robert Reeder and r. a n . ~of Rl\tgers aven\\e, annoqn~~ daugbter Deborah of Harvlitd ave-' hI~ of a ~on, Alan Waller nue hllve returned after spending I ~#===:~~~===::;:;:=::::::::=~ ..,. City. I, . ..... . . the summer In Ocean ... a,...... DnBIPTI.ONS . Mr. lind 1\4rs. Donald Wesley .. ,.......,., . I. h' . turned from a ~o- J.t)R, ~ .. . Cooper ave re . MAGAZJNI!S " , wi!ek wedding trip on Cape COd MRS'. E. ""AUFFMAN and are now living in Ihelr apart& ~ ... " I· 1.-. • ent In Philadelphia' Mrs Coop_ Dartmouth Annue plitt of the sunimer at sandWich, CaPe COd,returned' home with the. LBta)'elte avenue arid MUS,O SWARTHMORE' SCHOOl; OF 234 "al'll Avedil.' S'N.'rtI....lor'~ 604910 S~arth- c~· , ) .. ;,.I!. . ~._ ... , . .....ciiiri ~. Antontca Fair"'... .. .. . '" w. Mrs. avenue has returned. to more College for foolball ptactlle. , '. ' .' ,,' . A' senior at Swarthmore,. he Is co. football All M k .. n.ptain of' the' College team. .... WIi ••1 .aiaiictne) . AiIfo:oUfeiatteiiils . Jane Patterson 'of M;aple avewho. has !.b'len ·iIorkinl as. a life guard. Surf Clfy, N. I. t h , l s ' 1 i 6 B E R T J. ATi.. summer, left Wedn~y fpr Cor,al . Gables; FIa., to entet the Um. RUSSELL~S SERYICE. versity of Miami as a member. of OPPOSITE BOBOtlOR PAJUUNG i.OT . the f"res h"man c...... , I' G'U'LF" p' R'ID'E O'I'L GUtF GAS r~~. ~er .so~~=iJ,: :Hook Is tho! fonner MI';' M~ Ann I~~~~~~8~-2~0~8~0;;E;,:s;~iii~ of Strath Haven avenue,. I~ . returned Mr. '!I'd MrS. R. -, Mrs Milcer 8hd thell' dll~r S~arthdrld Hutcbeson of ~::"ed afier more avenue, ha~~;;._ ... ~... Vt. S'.unmering lIutcheSon, In .. """",.0"".. HIldeg.itie' who Spt;nt Goodwin, on September. it in ~- Laurie . . ClIl' A~ 11•. lng-in Hospital, PhDadelphia. The babY,!a a «i'Uiddadlltter ~ ~.~, and 1111'8. Robert H ..Reed ci Mr. ancI Robert c;)~CoU"e av&pUB, ed of Mr•. ed ry of Hlahland Park, Ill., ~ee Mrs. Walla~ _Gregory of :Port~ tile birth of tlieir. fIriIt ,cblld, 1*"11, Ore. .' Pille 4 • Recelye. N_rslll9' Dlplo..a Elinor Karns. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Karns of Wellesley road. received her dlploma last Thursday. at the Hanford School of.NursIng, HarUord".CQnn. .In the' class of 84 studenls. ahe was awarded the annual Oliver C. Smith cash prize "for meritorious '. place. lett Wedni!sday to return to William Smith College. Geneva. N. Y .• for her sophomore year. Mrs. Melanie Seymour of BenseJoville, Ill .• Is the house guest of . r~t:~i!lj ~'*' o! month with h .... family and frl.mJ. -, In Swarthmore .and vicinity. ,Mrs. ~~eJ~~~~dl\l!.lr, I~.'!\'l"~~h:;'~~ W~f~'!: achievement and 'practIce in of ... t at Bensenville Home in that clty. A1\er completing her tralnlng , di Mrs. E. J. Faulkner and dl!ughreeted hy the VIsiting Nursing ter Jeryl' of']:lickiusim avenllj! reAssoclatIon and taking ConneetI- turned home Monday after' fum- :~s~:!~!o,: h~:~~:'~~":io~!: " • ~a-n'rr THE SWARTBMOREAN· mering at Buck Hill Falls. While ,vacationing. Mr. and Mrs. Foj.ullt.' . . ' ne>:;and,dI\IIllhter; spf;lnt four ~iIay. Miss Karns' will . receive on an' automi>bU'; trip to CII')'ton. Bachelor of Arts degree·from ·Mt. N. ·Y.• ~iId the Thousand Islands. Holyoke College Oil FOWl!!ers Day .Will retutu' next Thm;sday in November. \. \' ' . . . ~,. - to RolUns C.olle~e" 'Winter Park, Fla.,._!or_. tier senior year. .:. Johnny Bates of North Chester NEWS NOTES 18. ~~;~:~i'::"Jl;e~:.;~~~~r,,-il.i' R;rl;r~o~a~dOl'w';i~ll~~~ road haS returned from-a summer YIlcatIoning 'with friends in Bing- rPaU1 B. Banlu of Harvard avenue' holiday: Ih Europe. He took .abl- hamton aDd Q'u8Iert H. Reed of College EXCEIl,ENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACIUTIES avenue has returned home follow_ BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-1:30. P. M•. Ing a tliree-week visit With her • son-in-law and' daughter Mr. and Eleyator Comfort.ble Roo... Do, or Weak Mr~' Robert W. Gregory' and tJlelr ney<' daughter of IVghiand Park,. Ill. Previously Mr; and Mrs. Reed hal C I children Roger. ·.Jr.•....ali~ ft.' and:Dlfsi: l}\>,.. ," ¢D.mJ.~ ~,.. lege .... • . '.•, '.,: , ' ~":'.~ ' \ ' of 0 . . Haverford" 'place; .Ii'ave \·etUrned,,~·enlll'.•",. '••' , . . ' ~.and ¥r •. '~ I: aoot and following 'ii".mo'nth'~ ·"a[atl'on. in MIss Nancy Hoot of Lafayette avetheir cabin near Warrior's Mark, have returned following a Penna. Their son Chuck, wi!!> has j.ViE!ek-e."d ,'irislt with friellds In been working for the .summer· at Norwalk, Ohio. 'They were Lakeville. Conn., will leave Sun~ ., t,,· ." day to begin hi."s so.Phomore yeiir c'empanled to Ohio by Bill Hoot. ..". who" ""tered Denison University, at Oberlin' College; .. " ." Gr~riville: Ohio as a freshman. Mrs. Henry A. Piper of North Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. PritChester road. spf;ln~ a few days of chard and daughter Miss' EmilY. tile ~ . '. "! Mr. 'and Mrs. William F. G. Ziegenfus of plckin,son .aventi~ will spend the week~end on an automobile trip through the New: England States. They will be accompanied by' ihelr soli Bill 'who will stop at Amherst College to begin his freshman year. MF. andMts. Henry C.' Patterson of Maple 'avenue entertaln8d for a fortnight Mr. Patterson's sister Mrs. Ross S. FIeining' of Long Beaclj Island; FIa" who Wrul guest of honor at a luncheon given by Mrs. Patterson, . Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bush' of Dickinson avenue. spent 10 days ~:~~~~1~~~.r~~~:~~ lifll:~n . " .:.:..: i,o,:,.· .~ .. • .'.;.'. 1 '. _ -. • -.,.. ...... • • . , -) ." : I ; . '~::. .t .-. . ~ ~. ." -:.<.. '.'"-' -•. ~. - ... • -:'" . ~- ." . .. ", .. · .It's to .Your Advantage . SHO,P AT· THE· , RIB" ROAST 59c lb. F. l Reynolds &Co.: Retail Opticians '. . ., / , 527 Welsh Street Chester. Pa. U. s. Lenses and Frames Replaced 'Physicians' Prescri,Ptions .Filled .. FOR' , "'0. 1 .Potatoes , . f • Ivins Famous Spice Cakes • 2 lb. box .TO OUR CUSTOMERS . 72c . . '.' ' Heinz Tomato Ket~hup 19c per bottle • , • • MANY .THANKS ., .:,' . -" ~ ~. ".,' . ' . " ' . ." .. ' , . ~ I '-", '._ -,-' , , ., (AcrOss from Borouglt HaUl Qartmo.uth Avenue / '. '. ~', re- . 10 1b·33c ti,'V( OF . , A Banking Bargain .IS a , .turned horne following. a six- week vacatio~ on their ranch near ' .' . . P~EASANT RELATIONS \ ,' .1 • Checking.Account Estes Park. Colo. While en to the West Coast, Mr. and J. Robert James and far¢lY of Wallingford. ""topped to visit for several days with Mr. and Mrs. Binns. Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones of Elm avenue entertalned as thetr ~eek-end guesls Mr. and - MrS. Crawford V. Lance and Miss Lenore Martin of 'Ha,ddontleld, N .. J. Mrs. Avery F. Blalte of AIl~-1 hers! avenue, with her daughter Patsy, motored on Saturday to the University of Maryland. College Park, Md., where Patsy entered as. a freshman. Ginny . Gehring of University ... \. ~. ______====""'''''- •. ' , • • , 1 '-,- _• • • - - • ,... , I \ , , .1" ., .• d' THE FIRST NATIONAL- BANK' OF DELAWARE CjlDNTY · '~i'''' ·eo". Mgtll."'!1 '. _ _ cd.Ia~,;,p~';"'_ r t MODERN \ -0, • ~', "; ..•• - .,;.,,..," itt",. , .' , • - . ';.- , .!'" ;:. " • - <- .x. . .· .: - .,. and its foundation is the people who make up ~. ---•. ~--:. .:~~ .. , ,..,1 . : -'.' .h.'·:: ., .• ~" '. ,,', YAL"~!~~~. . .. ; ,.-i' .. LORENE REEVES, ~ ~ "~' ~~~ ". .;.:-:-::.:. :.;-:. ..~ :,.~ .. :':':;;'i -,.". ~,,,;....?::~ ..- ~~.: .' ... ~ • Swarthmore. Itt". I. 1 . ......... Of .......... MID.a. ""NSYLVANIA • $pringfiaftl , 411.11 CIS,.,.'Io' ~ ~. . ).-, .. ':;. - ..... .... ~.'~ '. ;.> ., - '.- ....' . , " , :".-;- >(>,,,. '- ';: ~ .... '.' ,.}·r- ',.:..; 'J"'\~;"-"? ... 1':i.l'i~1 J1.,1:r ,"-<;.0;",43J' - ·w·· ' . , .,- .... .. ~ ::.; '_~'. ~4't .... :;t- '".- ,:,i .'.;~_J~ " .,, ~ ,." ~ 1~~p,.An.s . ".' SWARTHMORE' , , .. ..' , ~ I , , .'\/ "6:-1250 '.... '6-12sj . \.;,', /", 'r-~ ,~~:~~.' .... Decorafot .... ,; :.'~~.: ·Pl¥M8"UT,H ,. .-.:.-. "', ••• '.'1'" Supem..d by •.. - , )-' :~:'.:" < A ··1' 'T'-: E'~.'. ,.... ::-"'.~' ' ' ' ' . ····',H·'A'N N' ,~_.' .-! -,,~ ...... <, •.: ~ . ... its depositors and borrowers. .".. '~.' ..... .-.' • .w.ays welco!11e. Our Bank' is ci service institution "~ . '.' .~ : ,..... , economlcal driYIq. 0 - In reaaIarIJ for oar SIDc\aiJI.Ia Sea vb ••• iDdacllq hJbrIcadoa . - -.... .~ ~ DlcIIq 10 ..... _ a amende"-aDd ........tud.'bafJQllrliraDdoilA .. .....,. tlrer.1(MIk pIvp,' aDd ....... FOR c • : ./ .. -:" '. RegardleS$ of how much.or how little mon,eyyou keep. em deposit your Checking Account is 01- ..•. .. ,. .' " ., • with A DESIGN AND CONSULTANT SERVICE • KITCHENS • BATHROOMS· • All PURPOSE CLOSETS •• \.-,'.),'; iI~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;.;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~ Mr. Piperprofessor will be a Fulbr~g~h;t~E~X:-~J.:~~;;~;~~~S' C., St. and Vickschange of American Natchez . literature and American .,' ' Phone CHester 4,1307 tIon at the University of Lllle Waldo ·R.' Fisher of Guernsey the academic year. Mr. Piper has ;:::===========;;;..,I~ been a member of the English faculty at the California JnStitiite :~ ·W~·d Enloy Your Visit CO~ED BEAU1'Y . of Technology. Passadena. l1al1f• So Would You' . Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Moore of . SALON' Hillborn av~nue.rti~ed h.~it . 1;4~~,~r()CK FrIday after ~ two m9.Dths,. Gou~" SjM~oltf•• in Seattle,'·WUb.•\ wh~·",'.Mr. \'· .... COI'.ctOrs·,A....... Moore was a member of the summer faculty group at the BoeIng Alltiques & Go1ll'llllt She, , .,.. , .:. .' r." -. ..II!V,. .. _Ot C . ~~ is . . PIIOvm-CII '11040 .; , . . ,- ;:.~ Ai re...... ompany. :o=.. "~oq.~, W4UllfGFoIID, P4. PARK and DAR'fM:OUTB AVE. professor, of Mechanical EnglneerNOl¥:. .Qplt.n ,Week.q.IIYS. ing , at· Rutgers University.' s'7"n,'_~" 1!~IOla·, an'd·. ""-. '4(lOl'iII1 .Inel"ding WedneJCIay route there' "-.. "'" -~ • 10' A:M: to' 5' P.M; visited the Tetons. I Yellowstone ':============~.:.,=:::-=-=--:::.c:..=:::-=.-======~ and Glacier Parks, Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper. Canada, and on their return stoPped at Sap Francisco, Los Angcles and Yo:,:.", semite National f.ar~ ., , Mrs. R. Bnice .MlHllii ~~:~n ''I, '. Tom and Jack of'·.cotJieb a have returned home after spe!ild· ing the summer months at South Chatham,. on Cape Cod. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Binns ... " STRATH HAVEN' INN " Yeile.... Harvard this weekvO;Ylli!'. in and Franklln bid bon Henry Dan Pi'/M!r the day on "The Liberte" for France. S.outh. Enroute, they stopped at of Muhlenberg avenue, have \.' ~;:- i>:,",;' ;~,~V.':A~ARTER ~ENfoJY" OF' SERVICE'· , .•.•• :.',. .~,~.\ , ~,!'"~~ '.~ ,-.' . ...'" ..... . , 3,' ... M,.. ~, - .' \ . • .:~ ')i • i:);:;'..~ ~~ " <"~ .• ~ ~ ..)" . • - .. <"'~ • , TBEI8WAllTBMO~ Com. Health $OOiety The Boord of DIrectors of the Community, Health Soclety of Central Delaware Collnty acknowledged several helpful donations to the work of the Red Feather Agency as it resumed monthly meetings on Thursday morning, Septemher 10, in the Borough Hall, afte~ the summer recess. A gift of $100. given by Mrs. William G. Thatcher in memory of William, G. Thatcher to the Nurse-A-Day Fund for fr'ee nur's-. ing c~re t~ the needy was gratefully received. Mrs. Thatcher was a former treasurer of the Society. The 'Swarthmore Lions Club's • Qltumed home after spendinC ~ ,Mr. an~ Hra. James ltacon summer in Cllpe' May. R.J. )fr. DougJu of North Chester road, Dnd Mrs. Dou8laB enlertalned ~ • ":... . ..'. . Mrs. Brown; Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. Robb Resign From Board • er 18.; 1953 pelS)' of Columbia avenue, .... NEWS NOTES " Summer Recess Ends t ~ ~ ';'," '~' ,. . .. • - and their .SOl1-In-Ia~ and dllUIh- ~ reeen~eek-end ~. G. W. 14r.' mel 'Mrs, B. L. COnwell ' . ~. fam11y of Sp~ekL ',' ter . . . .. . ' , ~nd children .J,lmDlY; B~.' and I Saw it in the g~ft of an electric razor to a can- • . , • . .~. SwartbmoraD • , • I If good Scouting means ad_ ber 21 at 3:30 at the Presbyterian ANNOUNCING equate leaders and a limltednum- C h u r c h . ' ..' , . ber of girls, the formula lias been Sixth graders at Rutgers avePROMPT »ELlYERY ON NEW FORDS ,eversed In Swarthmore where nue, comprising Troop 331 will NO ' there are too many girls and too also meet Monday at the P ; e s b y _ T R A D E NEEDED few leaders. This' fall, Borough terian Church with Mrs. Victor B' UT troops have waiting.1ists. Haworth ana Mrs. William McAll girls, t't-om those in third Dermott. Those at College avenue IF YOU HAVE ONE - EXPECT PLENTY FOR IT grade through Junior High, who will meet with Mrs. Maurice Webhve' within the borough, p.re elig- .ter and Mrs. William Bruce on Walsh Ford Company ible, but not all' of these cal' be Tuesday at 3:30 in Whittier House. Yale & Sylvan Avenues. Morton. Pa. accomodated this fall. All girls· The Junior H;ah .Phone SWarthmore 6·7381 ' or SWarthmore 6·1445 h ... Troop 16 under w 0 were Scouts last year will be the leadership of Mrs. Roy Mc- L::==============~~~;;::;;~f'~;;~:=! vlaced in a troop this fall. 'All Corkel and Mrs. C. H. Yarrow will third g r a 423, leader Mrs. CH&.nt>er~·. gand has scheduled .. ' '.' J' Tuesdays at 3:30 at the. Trinity A wen-known speaker, he has Church. Opening date hasheen made regular radio broadcasts postponed for lack ofa~.~omm"P~to~. fpr i . number of leaders. Girls will II" rjlanyo~et- ..",o. '. not.ified when the troop oPens. , appearances. An At tl>e Rtitgers ",venue' §ehool active newspapermpn for the past t1ie"tli1rii !il'ade TrOOp, .22$··will 29 yeBl'B, he Is also, the author of open' meetings Tuesday at '8:30 in "Main:::8~t'p:' Ne\\J\:Nf!ill.bf~·" the Kindergarien room witll Mrs. He wa. leduc_ted at·,Phlo, state Matthew, i'dcKinnell and University, Ecole Libres des Sci~ Lemuel Holt as Leaders: Fourth ence Politiques, Paris; and the graders of Troop 95 under. Mrs. University of Berlin. Robert HUdgins~~and:~it:~tf .;Mrs. Stuart wUi meet ber 21 in Ute the Intermedia.te 8to1'7 is Troop 83, fifth graders will International relations committee meet Monday September 21 at chairman' for the Swarlhmore the School House under the lead- League. . Y.' . ' ershp. of Mrs. James Taylor and Mrs. r;:. M. Ka,pp. Troop 269, Mrs. George Patterson and Mrs. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson reHicks, leaders, will, m.eet . turned to' their home' on Strath avenue fifth graders -I!I1' ing ~~~~:K B<;>lIrd with. regret. Mrs.. Brown was' thanked for her' wOrk as Treasurer and as ChainilaD of the Woodlyn Child Health, Center Cllristmas pOIty and FIscher was praised for her hard oil.omce I maIntenance this sumnier. Mrs. Robb has served on tlle:board a siMIrt time as,a representative of RIdley ToWJlShlp, one of ~e six comm~ties served hy the agency. ~. • wor~ A" l.ENDAR C' S-'un!ay, September 19 I ' 4:00 P.M.-,.ennls Club Doubles Finals .... ,.,' CollellJl Av~. C~urts Sanday. September Z8 . . . .. ; . " 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship . ................ .. Local Churches 3:00 P.M.-Tennis Club Singles Finals ..... , .... Colleg~Av~. Courts . ..•. lIIonday, September 11 $:00 P.M.-t loin his family In·thelr travels Which, too~ them doWn th:roUlIh southern Italy ('M,.rv five days l a t e r . : , ' ' POLIO ·POLICY , Company ror 12 yeare. slimmer'~T'rt'a'y;ellers THIs WEEK 'S • Mr•. ~. C. Capa;lO, or Dre••l lim, a. work in .he' Ben Telephone oDice In nea S j man Kent. Mrs. Alhert L. HIlle. the ijmodern manner. Mrs. nol Lre s~nd, fourth and sixth in Mr. and Mrs. A. no O. Redgrav~ S,:,,1t . . ~~, seedmgs. The defendlli,g cham_ JOM Bird. received and . \ubrey Smith took the first for p n. Don .Jones; was unable to all entries' that morn- hIS arrangement of fiowers in a compete th,S year. defaulting his mg and by 3 p.m. that afternoon natural container. MrS. Russell quarter-final match to Wallin, ;Vhen th.e exhibit was opened t~ S,?i.th second and Nancy Hoot In the doubles tournament. two he publIc. winning displays chos- ~hJrd; Mrs, Lynch's arrangement hard [9ugbt semi-final matches en by discerning judges Mrs. Har- m a Pennsylvania Dutch Contain_ were played last ·week-enel to set 'ryWood. M\i;. Fred Hartley, Mrs. er took a solitary first; and Mrs. the stag~ for the finals. WllJetts ' Leo Hubbuch. and Mrs. James P. Con,ron first. Mrs. R. Smith .ec- and Wallin downed Jones and Joe Henl"y. had been duly labeled ond. Mrs. Boyle third and Mrs Lehecka 6-4. 6-4 In one of the the Public eye. Hoot (honorable mention) tof and in the other, Trunipler a~~ Garden Flowers their displays' ot dried' materials Has~l~e defeated Johnson and .' an~ ~rs, ~egIstered S i '£C:;;: Z Q C • / .... . . i will be • CLQSED ALL DAY. ~ATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 19th • Due to' Holiday If • iF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~;;~~~~~~~ (0; In the garden flower section Winning arrays' of flowers Bud Reed 2-6. 8-3. 6-1. Mrs. WIlliam McClarin won first a guest room belonged tD Mrs The finals in both events wllJ be . ' for her I!ybrjd,tea rose;Mrs, M~rk Lynch. M~. Longwell. Mrs.. W. A: held this week-end. The doubles . \ ~ltt1e sec;ODd anI! Mrs. Chari". Smith and .AlIb!""Y 'Smith (honor- will be plared at 4 p.m. on SaturBrighten Your Family's Autumn rier thitd. Mrs. WlUlam Conron able men!lon). 'Mrs. BIWe. Mrs. ,;;·-·,,·',·_.7"1, "' .... : -', . . Y.xor th e w"e /iwarih I l.oft ' SW 6 8718' . orange shades; Mrs. Heinze 1Ifi';' p' .hm~ /)~, u..,.: Rev. J"""p.h • '. Shay. Mrs. Boyer and Mr' . •~d~I~1'P•• arie i:dwardll. Jr.• I~~~~~ ""~~~ . . . . H . . . . '... ¥. Pi'MImore Elklri"'~" ... (honorable mention) ffiT JtullllIIe ¥T. "'IJ Kn ' . oIlji'" ....... ,. lemon shades; gM, IfF. WilSon <. . • • { . o. ~QIU1l4. Mrs. McClarin. ~fna JJ.~" I.' ~~"C. ~!lIp I~.'~ , Mrs. WilHam ConrOD (lii>iiorab18 ft" . j " - ",. ~' lI!liJ ~.. , mention) for the small blooms' '. ~. P4 ~ JI, Mrs. Redgrave won it first tor . "'. " ~ ~ ,~ Scablosa; Mrs. Conran first and PMCSt~d~~" , Mrs. Shay second lor their single petunias. Two veter"ns. WlUlam F., BeMrs. Heinze. Mrs. Harry henna. PrInceton avenue. and ' ler. Mrs. Lloyd Kaufrman and George A. Cleaver. Jr.• RuUedge. Mrs. Boyer (ho~Jlble ", ij ) h",ye been accepted as transfer raised the larl~ ''p,~,!{:'':t:,~ ~N~n,~ ~. l'l"?:"fYIV"fI,& ~'i' . .",.Y~~,E 'P.1~.R ZInnia.: Mrs. Boyle. Mrs. Roland 1l911,ge, . ' ": . /. ... THAN hl!R NOW eN Ullman •. Mrs. Bpye' and Mrs. MaBehe'lna Is a graduate of Swarth-' lin ~Y?r (hqnorabl# Pl~n~n) more High School and formerly THE PRR BETWEEN jhe ~ma judged ani,qnIJ tbe·l)..u .atte~~e9Dr1'/l.eJ .~!}~,!ltute 91 Tecl!- . in SIZe and perfection' for tollage !iol0!D"'~' I,s- '! .. ·yeterlU) i>f'9ge ':!~q.,llrP~IM9~H~r:·,. and color; Mr. Wixon and Mrs. year s service in the Air' For&~' MI!~~,J- ..HILAD.LPHIA' " ..... Marriott the finest new variety Cleaver graduated from an Ameri. and Mrs. Shay ',nd 'Mr~, COJiro'~ cp!l ~ ~hooI.1R ~'!l»; the winning mi11lPtw~. "~r-:. Ger~anr .~ foirii"li'~ Mo"f h I M . . "hiwI . , ;,~r!J!f ••• "I,~ ~'dlr" ~i.f~ ArrIuIpm~ts . tended' SwarthfuOre. OoJJWe." " ' .....~ /t<#"'gl.dfll;~s tN,,, ' . Even sWrer competition In IU11116" oj 111I1;tl7ls! Try commuting . arrangement aectlon brought out; thi.*,"y. See .how much. faster. the tollowlnc wtzm..: . \ '"'' .. ,...... MORTON SWUIMOII more comfortable, dependiable it il! Mrs. Longwell first, Mrs. Conron second. Mrs. Redgrave third, Relax, read your ne....paper ••• •.11 •..15 and three honorable mentions for enjoy the companionship of 'lip - miniature receptacles' of ftowers u • ft&cI "neighbors. Check it (or &Conomy. not more than three Inches over115 'W""" too. It's the best way to and all. Mrs. Longwell and Mrs. He;'ry R•• hkted u... from work!' Hoot for their ftve inch displays . 1190 featuring a mirror; and Mrs. Bird in the eight inch class for a display to be used with a tray set to MUTUAL EXCHANGE ness • .... re¥4 ArtIcles '1'ietlnes.r., .Sem.e. Fri~.1IJ ~ .. • • • to :Tt'llti ~ds.) ~ers .... Yale Ave. tj).'''~' PiJb~;~~':= ,' *." ii,;ir.... i 'H.~" ~A'1-r ~ .. ~.. '~v" ' rf::' , -'~. TRY IT 30 ,,1M, . DAYS •• I, . ' !, ", SEPTf BrR , , t SVIeet' ShUp .., • MS.7 • , -.:_.t-:,~_.:_, . Your quality workmanship, plus genuine CHEVROLET ,replacement r.partstare"1our,·best ·,assuranc8$,-J'f., ~ . ~ Ii 'DEW DROP 'INN' • , "', 407 :DA1irMOlJT~:;A~' ' . , BREAKFAST - LUNCH-'DINNER . .' . " *Genuin~ Chevrol~ Pa~. are made CLOSED ~'l1: SUNPAY" ',~' OPEN '7' ':A:,M.' ~07130 P.M.' • Mond,,:y Thrn. Sa~.~y. '. . ..' . Daily Dinners 90cto $1 ~~S' . · ~ .. • . s:lifJ,;:IJ. 1!9l¥. greatest utlUiation andeifeet the probable two or three mill In,maximum. ultimate saving. Thus crease two' or three ill the the plaUorrn wal,given priority future to carry Increased operaa ldtchen which wo.lld have t1onalcOIIts were thus expanded lrl cost unequlpped. and which, by the possibiUty·ot another mill. mentiQfled, could be added and th.at maybe next year. D'Ire d ors 'See "Complete Itat,.was any time. possibly through Board PresIdent Carroll P. AII-PurpQse Room:' "fitnds raised b)' Interested groups Streeter repUed that a tax' riIJe As 'B'est'Buy sUch as the Uome and School As- was certain In any event and he c sociation. Children could eat expected to participate. In paying After juggling bullding jigurqi~-.'~ stage limit. its use ~. ~he. SC,hool's' pro- I feel. as a taxpayer as well as a end to the mUlti-purpose r~m gram bm. w()uI4. be.!,. she:r waste Board member. it Is justified." which along :V1tb ' s""en e1ass- 'and CO)l~ri~ute t~ ~he conSIderably Streeter ~oncluded. The complete roOms and administration areas It I higher cost of adl1fug the stage at Board voted favorably on the dehad decided September 2 to buil9- .a la.ter ,date: Ex~a ,cost •.for de- ciding motion made by Mr. Jones. ontD the present Rutgers Avenue loYed'stage .imstTuctlon ght rUn ,fA motion to Proceed Immedlat~­ Elementary School at B construc- $3000 It, was estimate<:' The fo,;,",- 17 with transformer changes In ,, t10n cost of $307.269. The new: et pl8yTOOm .in..the\e~.sting b\llld- the high school was passed In total of $316.008. with architect Ing was .converted Jnto a class- order that this wo'rk might be and legal fees.J'on~ngency.allow. roomth~, fall .. ~hen no .. other completed before peak· loads lurance and furniture reaches a granl!.: space c!lUI!! be .found to acc~mmo- ther' endooger the old set-up, at, figure 'of $351.508 for the complet,; ~ate tM a!idit¥lnal ciasswh.ch an the end of next month. At the request of SoUcltor A. project. including, $11.775' to ~ ."~teas$'. of· 7~ elementary pupils place inadequate. electrlcal:trans- over .fast faUs enrollment ~ade Dawd Speers the Board authorized formers In the High -School. necessary. Eyen so It was .posSible payment of bills of Fr<:as B. Snyf ldin tables. to divide the record breaking fifth der at $125 for appraising lood for fr! :eo:u~J_P~po~' r!m 'plan I."ra~e. totaling 101 pupils, ~to only the Rutgers addition. $45 to Title at a saving of $4509 and $400 three ,.~lasses. _ Abstract Company of Pennsyl· worth. of filters from the heating " Tax Rise Called Inevitable' vania for tiUe search. and aut)1orcontr.a~ the' Board gleaned. $3~3 ., Finooce om~er Donald p,. ,fot;'es ized purchase of title insurance · for the safe.t~. and bad_weat~er '.agfetld·wlth his c~Jleagu~o", ~e on. the land at a cost of $130: . convenlence"of.a circularnialn en" Board· as to·what Sh?uld, be built High School Principal William trance driveway plus a' $1066 cut nOW and exptessed a. b~1II>f that Bush Invited Board members'to a in the previpus week's estimate of the .. !\~h~'11 _~Is~dct had. s,!mcle~t dinner on OctDber 12 to hear the $317.014 for merely including the financial. resource.s, to . bulld t. local faculty's presentation of prestage in the original job. Neither despite the fllot that a mlill~ comtables n6r filters seemed a neces- munication ,fl'Q\Tl ~b.e'School o~ce sity imd bath C(>uld be added. at had arrived at. Ns ~ome Wlth any time at no prenlium. It w,,"s postage due that· week. Howqer• also noted' the $4000 allotted for hi) pobl:ted ,9ut that. the $3~08 furniture wOuld not have to be project, WOUld. no doub~ re,Ii, · spent until. the bulldlng waS ready raise' in taxes if Swarthmo':bl s for use iIi the nll"t sehool ,year. \ redistricted third class-PO Y A prObable .. cha.nge to a smoother ,\next '!ear. Fo,!"er estimates of a type of' blacktop than at first ; ' . planned for .play areas could re-' :', suIt in a saving of another $500 , to $700. Architect Howell Lewis Shay. Jr. said. 'k B ·Id· With' ourrent resident element- , Old Ban . UI Ing ary . enrollment standing 'It 571. SWarthlllore . only a couple ot pupils below. the ',' , figure predicted for this year by a Flbwers _. Canely survey conducted un~er School Board direction' two' yeartlago. the ~l':\:'Home.made Cakes . \ ..... ., - ; r BoercI. concUrred In" Arl:l!ijeCt sl1liy's recommendation to pro',. N_ 'op• .,.,. , ~ with, such .phases of the pro,-' ; pOsed bullding as would grant th~ .'. ' 1i nu M W-="INS'TEIN' & SON . ~~ted an Uminary area . e statua for college entrance and tot high school. to 8 dinner for, Ing ""aluators the ll1th, and gain sugg....tlons for Improvemen to a reporl &es&lon of the ),alter It was explained. , on ihe 22od. Tbts reappreJsaI. 00At 9: 30 the Board adjourned cutting eve..,' 10 years. Is. neces-l unllJ September 30. . .~~eei~lj:hildre~'8 ~11\.tto:1'8 .... .. '. . -.-' -. . 1 .' . to . Fit Riiht . . •Function Better .•• Last , Longer. That's why it's good business to pro•.teet the perfonnance of your customer's Chevrolet with .Genuine , Chevrolet Parts. Remember •. , "Parts may look alike but your Chevrolet knows the diffe~ce." ADD AN EXTRA We are ready. willing and able to serve you with these finer replacement plUta. 'BEDROOM' , , .... ,.,H .... ........ ...... ,-0..,-. \ It'. \ easy wIth. _ ...... . Gold- ..-w Bond r_IatfOII. ",~~ , '. ,LET US PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR-' -,. WINTER DRIVING , ,and Sons Florist Formerl" CARNS I . 101H1II_ Plllt! s,.......w, Pel. Co.. 'a. sw., II .........50 c_..... • t -' H_ ...,.1. -. _ L • • - .rt Co....m. 11'. . ."' . - a - 6-1I6lIO. ~ ., , ..,u_,- 1I)II'\1IIIIeI4. . 'RUMSEY CHEVROLET I ""weil Distributor, Irie, 0,.. • A.M. fe , ..... , . . Theatre . Square " SViartfa..ote 6-61,,' , . ...! . ;>-J~ .. South Chester Road! • . -"-- / s;ri~~rr~~. ~~~~s· WeCl. . " . cilUclren' 'JO~e;Catol Lee; lind College 'where she Is ~ me';'ber " . - ' ... .. ,. JohbnY of DoirwOOd laJie 'liava ~ of the sophomore. class. t\ltllea~' their IioItl~ here"!te.. . An~~~9~j,I!(. av.eji~e Til:. li@ ~Uc ~llnic iii. vacatlorillfg .for ~ month a~ thelJll~, .-,.lil"t _.?~ttel'SOn , o~, J!4Ilple ware County iYill ileoPeii~ at cottllge 'Tldewater in avenue ..!!lJfe; ..!"'.ti1pl"1i .• l9.. J!:,,!~~, . Fitzgei-aId Mercy Hcisjjltal. DUby, Het%el Ocean ~Ity. N. ~. ' .. ' . hamCQl,le.e for t",el.~!::o~;rear• it a ceremony at 1: 30 p.m. Mary Jane Jones of V...... ave- l!~AIDliliieriif ~i,,' ora ii. Wednesday. September 23. . nue will return today to Beaver sop more .•t Earlliiiiit. . Space for the clinic. which will .jie open every Wednesday from 1 NOTICE Is ~reby given that. Ii> 3 p.m. is being provided through of Swarthmore. Delsware CountY,. the hos-ltal'. $3.000.000 expan- bids for the purchase.. 400 Bonds. In the ~el10~llinati.'lD ~on and...Improvement llrogram. ing, interest 1 ' , ~~d~:':,;. !:eo!:'' Zteer I, 1954. W.d i2ci.ij90 ... 1 each of the .-South. Sewanee. year thereafter " up to and , including Oc,?oer I, _ 19"13. " .._ tTniverslty ' l -- _ 1. TeiJn .• for his seDlor y~ar.. Every bid should be addressec\ to Sl!I)luJ'I,T" C~te.r, ~J;e~. ' •.gharles C. Brog'an. Jr:. of Fo~est Swarthmore HighSchool Building, .GPi!Tgt;"an,d frlJl~e~9,!-.Ay,ellu~. lime scored a hole In one i1l the Sx!! ~v~.l,IP '0 ~up Tournament at Sprliighaven' 8:00 P.M.• E.S.T•• ON THE 30TH .DAif ,OJ!' ,~~"t~M3J.'l\t Club last Thursday. Whlail._.tlme they will be publicly oPerietl 'lit tIIii! iir'otelDentioril;a, ,', Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bunker. Jr.. address. , . ' . n: . I . ~a'duate ~venue ~.J9$1I. ~n 01 1II:t. Holyoke phll;e. daugh_ ters aancy. Molly andtheir Mary. ~ .:.;. U .... of ,~~JO Snow White; LdW.lshind n~~ii'; . , • !¥:. ~p~~1."~)\\ ~:\~~tB:r ~RDER dISCard titem soon. ~ ,,_.. I! ~I!., ",J-lI,IB Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.M<:~ Cabe and family of North Chester road spent the early summer at their of the .:... . .o~ . Directo;.... . ' "'-'-"' , BUILDER . or AIpIIalt . ..'. -. , ... ~rin~,"!I¥~! ' l}dral ~~.::. ~*~-. tilt " '0 " !yeryda, 1o.s'\1lo1a • chorea .... If'l iI~~a. ,'"*"..;..... ~.' -,' pleaq of bot water. AD .~ \ ._. , eo. «~:4! t .::;: '",",~'" I sW 6-4041 COAL FIREPLACE, WOOD ale any -- .• : ." L1iifl ., 1.I..nce . ... : .'."o4••i LUi ton.rr:s••. ·~~Ic ~:.'Z~'lte . eIM'I TOILET., 3.z.1lc,:t'!it.• ''6r " 'ElEC'IIC COM.AI' . • • liestel' lIB.., 'Swattb.mnn .' - -"ilt'scIay Wd'F....dt to 9":11. Op •• satirelay 'til 6 P.M. '. , . .. _ . WA 8·2440 16;' . ~II ollltlrrller. Level peryment pillit·oll. bills. AlitoillatlC:deli!er..~ 011 dur~::50,!elteatln~. Guarant.ed; Standard Coal of ~verc9risi~,red , Its appearance ... makes rooms look larger, richer, more homey. Its i~sult:lf;Ori properfiu . '. '. elimiiu:'te~ that draughty feeling at floor level, h,:lps prevent children's colds_ Its ease ai cleaning . . . he) heed to s~rub. and wax floors around the edges. Its safety lador . . . elirhi~ates slipping on rugs Or polished floors. .. .' . .' Its hd;se-de~deniI19 quaii.y . . . claHer is redUced, musical. tones are improved . it facil;fCrtes furniture arrangement " .• no uneven floor surfaces to contend with. IIIY.lIV c ... Passmore BeST VALUES Aliftorfr.d&lsti'llttllf6ti Have yC?u. WALL-TO;.WALL CARPET? Sharo. Hili 0734 H,~ It ,. 6~74~ AI~I~m~III~HI!!!!IIH!!!!II!!!!m~illllllllllllllll~~~"~"~DI~jnl~ni~m~DI~II/~lnu!!lli~nn~:::::"·=·==='==="=='='='===' lMiiIa. i".;i...~ .o~i... . .... SW , eg"oMert 011 .11 rltciie. fit .' Oneswllrfhmore 6-1'833 ~.~ c**'~_' BOllcle, etc. Aye. . •net "e.Hllg ecallip_.t . . s.n'ce In,erllalt'. to 011" ". ,Socit Rep"~::- Retl" Ifii, ".50 1 " , . ...,' II -.~ 'ii."~. :':1 ,. • man InPhone private deSired. more 8 - 4 6 4 6 . ' FOR RENT - Pleasant .secondfloor for genUeman.Near ponatl;;;; Phtifle ~tt . .ATlANTIC FUEL 011. . .1Ind .... ., .. ,iRON ADAN DIL' BURNERS ..I PEtER E,..TOlQ, .' large OJair IICom,tletely pJaolstln LISTINGS ~ltiI"",~c ~'i~N. ~ _ I I . AvenDe BW_8-111b .' · J;F. BLACKMAN . period. Also !'la~';:"" .liSW "~"1~ . ' 11~~:;~ita~b~le .ndllost~":i F~~8A36 -.~ N. 228- Garrett Avenue Swarthmore. Penns. ,. VAN ALEN BROS. 1- enoagb lor '~Uy. a'eed. '~ea JODI' ~~':Y*a ~.ter ~'l\t.r . at '1tf'Jr Albert old furniture. ,Call, or • Holly Oak '0720, ap- L9~c~I1~-.1~S~7.~5========~ pOintment. All busin~ confiden- I, tJ~' Colonial Cupboard. No.5. Phiiadelphla Pk.• WiImington, Del. WANTED '-' Garage. In vicinity of· Park arid Princeton, IIvenue•. W. Ridley Phone SWar!hl1Iore jI-7ll4. Ridley PII'" ..' c...CNte " • ::::-::,....,,......,:-;-:-::;. to make paymen\ wltbou\del..,. to Call at P.~.~·i=reI~M~,d~; ,ll,~~~~~~~~ • of good hot water. ~ • pmiLTOLb ,prices, \ THOM SEREMa" J.:A.GREEN pronde. iti cOastant supply plam,,,,... \t~.. , t SUNDAYS and HOLIDAY!!! » '0.r.' FIn. D&il'"'11' "How_ .. . ., . """" '.,- ...- aaromadCiUwarerbeater ~ = zoo · SwaHt.moN,Pa. dONDAY ~~A~pAY .~'-'1"_ DI'~i\f 3.... 11 ~Cake' . ~~'?: '::-l9C • .AutoRlatta· I Aia_orl_ withtJII! Gown Shop. burn 8-5839. . FERSONAL - 10r hauling. furni~ ture refinished &: repaired & light carpentry.' Call Andrew Spanier. Jr.• SWarthmore 6-2198. AlterClti9tls " .. . . of .3111 cedent to malte known the smne,. and oJI 110_ Ind.bted· to the' deced..n~ C; ,'. SERVICE: C =-:.t~'~\U: ~~tf{t...."r.t... . ::o..;,;.:.,.;~ ••:.= " ',. L~"'~~\t!~,· •.... 45c . ! PIiDn:ayIvdliJa. neoeaaeci.· .. Le\tera TestameDtal"J.. have been ~n~ to the. undersigned '!lho re_queetil loit Person. h ..v1dg , 1 _ or ~mand& against the estate of )he ,de- Cell';" W.II. Re-Pllllkncl \.'--~~............,,~.~3-:-..,.,....""'n .... ~~;~.~1r ·' Avenue, Upper Dal"by ';l"owneh:lp (~xel BID), De~aware County. . - .• Map~ REE.VES PETER DU4i€OLA , ,. otn-3450.3451 17V. S. CHESTER RD. r.. ' .' _'I , I!J3T'\TB OP JANB M. 01'&EN' IPIIOII•. Sw:~rtfamore.. ali~cmtooiil!!. trBru<~. 333' ihlrud:outh Avenue ';:.~~··j:.t.rtiT~"· i '~~~==~~~~~ swarthniorFOe R - SA'LE ,. ~ = S w C l t ' t h m o i ' . , Pa. Es~o to help our clients d.ter. mine how muq:. and what kind of ill&.ur....:Jlf.~ lIeed. w. l!!P S!!!., _ _. e GOING TO BUILD e MAKE ALTERATIONS. e PAINT OR DECORATE .. SWllrthmore 6-2253 '.. rates. -:.:.~,=...,.." ···AREYOU? d~~ Swan~. lIIonon. Pa 238. Charles E. Fischer '. As- ea~C~~aY5'~v~ .' ~he ~ .Springfield ~raJ' Hauling DO~ W·~·~D· SWa~hmore &. Ill.bhisb R£Dio*~ LaWiUi Mii";&I. r Ijpl.... ~ can PERMIT US TO ESTIMATE - ~. ot,.,~~1 '<. .' • ~,T.. ~. ~tary Harbor. ~e. Richard Mo;C;abe,. has '. returned ·&'·'Colorado ·d~n~ge. 'CoL orado Springs. for his sophomore l~ear. _ "".I. . ~ •• ~ •• Mr. ~d M~~,,~Nli.al}kE .. ~~~~l and their 'ilaullfifer' 'Mtss CiIr01 He:Zel Of Tliiyer road•. and their son-In-~,,'!I lind 1I~U&i1~-"'. M;r. MrS. John P.: 'Espenschao;ie DiWr1sEi ASbeS 4*-iwarll!iiI."'. ~~40. '. -... ..~ - ~'A1.' 'II G~ORGE MYERS . 8-3S115 • :;:~: . . in bridge. Spec'lIIIz'lIg photography. lamp~h~de Iftak!iig. ~ Cement ·W&Dm, !l~ and Patios • public speaking, typmg, , sewlo¥, 'UndOTp'Oond GarlNlJe l'aII8 "ood~orking and womans phys•• Installed cal litnes.•. ReJllstration 8-10 P.M. Monday. September 21 !It SprIngJOSEPH %lttA field High School.· . SW 6-2735 . PERSON~ ,,- Home Sewer'~ L::;;;;;~5;;~~~~~~~~ experienced; help with des.gn: ::: colors latest fa»rlcs. sewing Swaft•• oro t-:144' .. Illn:ts·. chUdren's clothlng, Work at home or office ..MEdia 6~ . WilliAM. BROOKS .. Air c:oitdlflOnlng camp· near WE ClruM. BAlI. Pbone Media Gutters Ocean MarylaIld. ilnd later at NlirU~lt;1 - PAINTING and .. CARPENTRY .SWarthmore 6.8761. ~~(;t;o.~d,,~.,\t,"".'~~'nGeIPhia. ~~I:..t\!9.!1y and &epalr\DlI de~~~re~ ·~il.cijj;~'ht:at.. anY.tI",e,prlOr.i9 tlied~v~ FERSONAL . -'- .Plano qualified .oclation . . . New and BebuUt PIanos Roofi-,g of the bonds. feglaIl\Uon whl~.I!). termS"by,.the.r'~aI or omission of Qr otherwise. ""bjeqt tIn. Fede~aI: income tax the interest a ·Ci1li.Ss. i.or.c"aracter which .lncN4e.s ,tjleSe.,bonds. will at the. of the·purciiaseI:.trom obligathe thep~baser.,re\J,eve terms of the oontract.()fsale and entitle the'hls purchaser ton avenue. visited for a week tloris with Mr. and Mrs. Guenther H. to the return of the amount deposited with 'the .bld. . Froebel .~.nd chiI~~~~ or Green. The.. bonds are .to be Issued subject to the unquaIi6ed approving .. . ",hi "Qpl9l9lof field. family fOr "de~ ,days'.. .. '. . . be v~~~Jli\i>~~ ge, t,p \b. c. gether old Steven Froebe! is Improving th 'a c cate there IiI ho gafton p g . g . the. . ; the bonds. 'Kave QnIy~d after ~~~=\zjng, .lowly "<;IV' a. !ractur~ I~~ ~}Vhi.l\h f~;'Of , ,U\l:ildllil\'eqf,. '. .' Allll!to . .'. . • .' t. o~ occurred ear~. 11\ ;)'ulY ~Ih' AftW.osei by law ,:,pon scii'~1 iilStllI:ts of this Mr. and Mrs. George F. Dulin and son G~~~ge. ir.• oi' "dickinson avenue vacaUoned -m"Stdne Harbor for £1'0 w~ek:" ~o~ge. Jr.• returned to Penn Slate .Sunday for his sophomore year. Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes ot Prince- ~.Mr."Y'~;li'~ , J. ac k P...ric ha rd Sheet Metal Work a sum as of,security' money, bonds. bidder to comply bidder or the '6bfii,,~ w.l.U ~iJ!ce 1908 AL' BAN PARKER Ph. . . ·M....... 6-3400 A. P r:..u,.·amn.....·• -:' ~ <.i1liB~ed as .,~ Pcb~ of Swarthmore amount ot • . . PI'ANO TUNING l~~~~~~~~~~~ll.~;;~~~~~~~~t~.~.~~;;~ ,,- ~g~~::~~~:: ~~e'; oC:a;~i>O'df cth:~e~CkT'r~eCas~urhleer'~i~o~e·' ... ... Ilids SOn Henry,spent the month of August vacaUoiilp}: rn:t;.an City Gardens. N. 'J. The B er family plan to sp~nt Septe';;' week_ ends .at thel~ IIpar,~meni in Ocean City.. , _. -. Bll:Per!en~ B1ch_"y....• sOn of Guernsey road speDt saturday as.the guests of Mr. and~.. LouIs nolle ,of Hulmeville. Bucks .ter Field bed: antl<;lue wall!ut hlintItJl Comer eupboBrd: J!;mptte CountY. salling on the Sas.~fras nilll'ogMy sideboard: PIn~~!.': River. Md.. .on their boat. 'The CUPbc!ard."'" needs. re - .' !"": 6tuUe".· '.:. Maj,le mb. ex~lllmt condition. Hllfll chair: Thayer atroller. Phone BSTATB OP A. SELUBB. §WarthD\ make -I':,!.!'n --II d h _Ie of the _ FOR SALE.- TOp so an .. mus - the _ . and ali perenn~ Indobted r90m soil. Phone SWarthmor to ·th. ,pocedent to make payme'g' ::0:.:-6::3::17:.:.._--:...-..:~;-_ _ _ wl'bout .. clelay. to~~r U; An .., her Attom., •. MORRIS H.- PUB _ _ •• THATCHER. "mft3 ""W~ANrE;";" ==D"--.":.'"'C"'o"lo::::r=ed:;O;w;;;o;;;m;;;;;;'1JI;;-;d;;e:_1 1. Bouth Avenue. Media, PR. sires part-time work _ mom. • I ,'ngs. Telephone CHester 3-5957.' &'I'tATE 'OF IRENE' D. GRACE. do-W... _ To make home for ......... A ~"""D .. t. more late of Borou,,,, 01 SwBl'th. dog or puppy fl!r childrep.·s pe Lett,;'" 'restament8ry on tile abc.e SWarthmore 6-8889: _ _ _ Batate ba.e beengranted ( to the .unWANTED _ Fiat-top girl's desk. d....lgned who requeat&ds:~~t~ W-~" "5368" bavlng clalmB or deman , . . Phone S CLI-·w.~tno_re. v. lDstate of the decedent to make known Wi\.NTED _ Duplex Cor.ner Base_ the 88me.. and all persons mdebted inen! and zoning smtable fOr to the. decedent to make payment alll.e. GLadstOne 5-0768, PhlIa. _ without dela~YD GOMAN. '. WANTED - Man wants single l!lJ .&- 'wetll Cit..... _II ....H ... ; FL' 'STONI. ORO'" '-'fIC .. . ,.jr"·~e·'Will' . . II • .c.tIClin_ W~..r;roofed CA ,~'., r,aised the money to help '" the clinic. Ameri~an C~fiCitItt' multiples on. of J\ annu.aUy enUre Issue more CLASSIF1.EDA.DS , has offered e1&ht ftags ior the eiasu:oomp and all-p\ll'P/)8e room of the Rutgers avenue Sehool addition. '. be f"-'-hed ';rbe fl8IS would' .......... W"Im the new wing Is completed. CONTRACTORS " ~~~i~* ~;~~~~ilJ The clinic. Is sponsored by the Eas. tern Pemisvlvanla Chapter of , the ArthritIS. and. Rheumatism NEWS NOTES ... nn.ri & Son' Em; n;;ia_ .!C Rotary qHen Flagl . The . swarUtinore Rot4rY Club ' Ask Paulson lor a free estimate on YOlJr.,/1ext carpet ;~Iaf;on. Carpet ,samples di~f?lbyed in, ille home. , Bairll& Bird . . REAl:. ESTATE ::~~~~;;~.~::;;~ INSURANCE D.. ~~ "'"_. '.10." . . , aed Lafayette I~~" .. / SWAIn_GIl ..... • , . .6-._ '. " Range . 100 P..... Ave., Sw"""more. " S.W~·~~ii$te I . , Mat 0;.... pi Ct.'..r~·9-4646 . '. plt1l~Db6.s t.arpet I. . " . .' " • .,J.)J ;BWARTHlfOR.III STANDARD TIME . STARTS The Community Arts Center In Wallingford . ~1lI open its sixth ""lISOn of acUvities In the Arts wlih an Open House and Exhibi, Uon of work by its faculty on Sunday afternoon, September 27, from Z unUi 6. . This ~vet).t will give evertone who is interested the opportunity to see tbe Arts Cent!,r, located on Rogers Ian!, In Walllngford, and to meet the members and the teachers wbose classes. are being offered tbis. season. Refreshments will be served. Classes for adults, teenagers, and children cover a ~de range subjects, and many new activities are being offered. Because of tbe great demand, a public speaking co~e for men is being offered witb Grant Code as tbe instructor. Mr. Code will also teach a class {or boys in Indian CraftS and Dances. Also due to demand, a dramatics class for teenagers will be taught by Mrs. Stuart Graves, who. Is hi addiUon the director of the Children's Theatre. Anotber new. "'\'luest course will be "Music on Recorda", given by Paul GaY. Stuart Wheeler will of- • ·Red. Shocks Communl·t·y JINGLE the tral[edy. He was a June graduate of Duke University where he was Class Commander in tbe N.R.O.T.C. Urdt, a member of 'Pi Kappa AIpba fraternity, Delta Phi Alpha, German honorarY fraternity, and Omicron Delta Kappa, naUonal leadersbip honor. fraternity, and was listed in the College Who's Wbo.· At Swarthmore High he played football, was basketball manager and a member of tbe band. Besides his parents, who reside in Pensacola, he Is surViVed by his wife, the former Ann Sperry of Palm Beach, Fla. and WestBeld, N. J., whom he married June 6. Ensign Bruce Mylrea, Swarthmore High School and coliege classmate, was a pallbearer at funeral services held Friday, September 1'1, In Pensacolo. If tile Sun is .-ed-hot A net IlOU,r skin staTta to peel, our Fountain A cool Drink at Then better IlOU'II feel. TALL AND CHILLY FRESH FRUIT AIDS CATHERMAN'S DRUG S'POBB 'You Meet/the Nicest People at Speare's '1 . . . . ....:......:.::===.GCH ESTER'S fashion Corner EDGMONT AVE. - 7th 'AND WELSH STS.. , '. .. HEADQUARTERS" FOR ALL . Be ready for your lirst f,,11 Scout Meet-..: • ..: Eve..y type of unifol'l)'l or equipment ing. need can be answered at Speare's,. ". Delaware County's leading Scout Head- Seou·ts· quarters: h sur~ to; ,top .and shop at,' this' d~p~rtment in our downstairs store. ec ·rel CHRYSLE_R R . ~· . • . . , . • , . . . . " ... " ' .8/11 volume ~ 1H'OCIudIon. ,. bill volume sales! Pur. •CCllSOdIIca ~. •. that NOW Is the lime ropt the MOST fdr ~anf' , Ou~ stoel< is now' at its peek fql" best seledioftJ fOr Chrisflnas. Stop in and see how easy we make It for you 10 Ow. and enjoy o.rys/er quality, Prestille. aftct ~. Your car will never '. be worth more than It is . right now-_pec/ally whtn you sell it. to us! . '., . iiiat"-d iast 'w~k for tJi~ students; and extends through today' for the! adults. ,Bill - Haynes treasurer " .. : . ". tor the drtve. and Donna -Crosset, is publiCity chai~m.an. Mrs. John B. Danner .Succumbs at Home Service Held' Wednesday . filrAdive Church ' Member ~eral Services were held Wednesday . 'i!loriling In the Swarthmore Presbyterian Cburch for Mrs.lkJohn B. . Danner of BalUmore p e and Swarthmore avenue, who died Monday, September 21' 'at health her borne. been In poor tor She 'the has past, three a~tive Sw~rthmore New Term Begins Thursday With 920 Students Enrolled' Courtney Smith made his lIrst 'appearance to the student bod.Y In his role as president of Swarlh_ . , more College at, 7: 30 p.m. last night when. he 'addressed the Col- . lege . in Clothier Memorial Hall. The 1953-54 term opened offlCililly yesterday morning, with an enrollm ....t of 911 's\udents, only'a -few less than lasf year' when there were' 920 studenis. . The freshman class wliicli. arrived ,?n Mond~Yfor a thr!>e ..day orientation' program nwnbers 241 eager scholar. frcim states ahd 14 {oreig/> countries, which liiclude Arllbi"j Austrlj.: chlnli, Caniida, GermlUlY, 'Je~al~,~: 1torea~ Lebanon, Nigeria, - Thailand' 'ud South Afiica, The... }ire' 128 iDen as agal",st 113 women In .the fi-eim~ so' m~~·,C:]~s...' ... :' ., . Alnong the new students will be 21 men and 12 women trBnsfe.rS from InsUtuUon.· InciucUDg Harvard; the Unlversiti"" ofMaQrland, Chicago, Rochester and. Call~ fornla; Bucknell, Drew, Tha Phil'llplne Women'. Universtty, and: Ccilogne University of GC1rmany. • first· 'time Classes meet for the toeIaY and Saturday. Music' Club To Gather F~.. 1st Fall Program I m~- SwartJi~ 2~ Help Asked In Legion Event Sept. 30, Oct. 1 :~I:" ~':t.? ~:! ~~::;.~: I. ~ HANNUM & WAITE CHESTER aOAD CIIHIYALI AYENUE $Wa. ,._... 6-1250 : .i c, ~• ~~~ ·.... =~e':::L~8I.M' Ch~ wID be orpnIzed later : : : d~- -----'---'7-"- I A Small Depo.1t WfII H~'d .. The AA deillF, under the chair~ in~nship'ot Peter Bloom vice president of StUdent Council, was in..: I .,, & HOllY SHOP Adult AA tickets, good for all home football and basketball games, were on sale this. week, ~nd are still'available at the High School office" so that football fans - ' and boosters of the School's .enlire sports 'program can still halle one In time for the game today> . Official Appearance ~he Swarthm~re di~:Wvi° . ' . sea son opens in today as the Higi. School Football team t~es on Darby at 3:30 on the Rutgers Avenue Field. ' College Pres. in First 'Hl!yd~n to .D·'I.I , '3,50 PER YEAR Football ~ , Swarthmore' Methodi!;t . register new Red .Cross .Can'. The Rev~ James Harold Guy, years. _ . ' . . teen' workers ·for courses po -'-'-ter of the Ridiey Park - . . . . . . . .", ,.......... , . H""- ":..I3om ~era i Jon~ in .Newark, The Ilrst fall. meeting of the announell·.. :·the selection of a new Organlat-D1rector of Music to take October'? and' biteriati Chutch Ohio,. Mrs. Dariner' was a ~ 'Swiuthmore 1Io1:uslc Club will be \he .placeot BerlhaMBe GardiD"r; I.L-----'-___ I r;.torofthe Presbytery of Phlla- secretary of the National ·Mlssion held at Whittier House at 8: 15 Who,-!lfler many ¥eera Of flllhful W" G." p ' will read the .ConaUtu- Sewing of the Philadelphia. Pres- Tuesday evening, September 29. Service, has had to resign her pooItional QuesUons. The Rev. Walton. bytery, from 1949 to 1952, and Thl> first hall of the program tion for health reasons. The Comw. Rankin, editor of "Monday was an ilonorary mem.ber of the will consist of numbers to be premittee, under the chalrmanship of Morning" magazine, will 'deliver Board of National MissIons of ·the sented by Swarthmore College stuMrs. H. Miller CrIst, has engaged installaUon prayer.' . PI;esbyterian Church of the USA. dents. Dr.. Gilmore Stott, assistant Ruth H. Burkholder to assume the former Eleanor Hirst The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop will She was a member of the Western Dean of Men has infonned the increasing responsiblllUes of the . Stricken Here give thl> charge to his congrega- Committee of the Dela,:",are Coun- Club tllat the;' are a' number of Mlntstry of Music of the church. tion, Dr. Gordon W. MatUce, secre- ty Public Health Nurs10g Service excepUonally flne . musicians. Miss Burkholder' is a graduate Sunday tarv of the Division of Church Re- ,for five years. among the new Students this year,. of Clifton Helghts" High School Mrs. Ele';;'or ...Htr.t Phillips, laUons of tile Pre.byterjan Locally, she was a member ofl and has volunteered to recruit. and Westminster Choir CoUege, of' WilUam G. Phillips for- Church, wlli give the .charge to th" SWartbmore Presbyterian some of -them to perform for the' Prlncton, N.J., where she received mer Westinghouse engineer, died the incoMIng Church/and in its Woman's ClUb.. \ , her Bachelor of Mtislc Degree. At Sunday night at Dr. Henry Pitney Van Dusen, '\ssoclatlon. Sbe was also a JOhn. Sears, well-known local present she is working toward home of her mother, Mrs. Wll- president' of Union TJioological ber of the Woman. pianiSt, concert artist and teacher, Master'. Degree in Organ Dam Ambrose Hirst, 238 Dickin- Seminary, New York City, will Club and sang 10 its chorus. will present the second half of the instruction of Dr. Alexander avenue. . preach the sel'lllon, enUt]ed "The She is survived by her husband, the program, assisted by Cecl1la' McCurdy, head of the organ 'deMrs.. Phillips, who had lived at Church in Corui.th and In a member of the faculty of the .Bradbeer, one of his students from PBrtment of Westminster Cboir 25 Palmers lane, Providence Vil- more". The Rev: Schott will pro- University of Pennsylvania,. two Moyian.' Mr. Sears will play the Collegeand Curtis InaUtuteof lage for the past 13 years,' was nounce the Benediction. children, a son John B. Jr., of Bach Partita .in. B Oat and the Music. visiting her mother for the day A recepUon following the cere- Secane, a ·daughter Virginia at Capricio In G. Mr. Sears She has sung with the New York when she became ill. She had suf- mony will be given in McCahan home, and a brother Fred A. Jones and Miss Bradbeer will play the Philharmonic under the direction fered a stroke three years ago nan by the Women's Association of Olmstead, Ohio. Schubert Fantasie in F minor for of Dr. Bruno Walter and in seve- and had not fully reg~ined h~r of the Church. The 11 o'clock services were Four Hands. ral concerts with the lJtUe Or- healtb. folloY.(ed by interment in Media This year the programs will alchestra Society, New York City. Born in Philadelphia on Novem- Recreation Program Starts Cemetery ternate, monthly, between TuesShe was formerly organist of ber 26, 1906 she moved to Swarthdays and Sundays. Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, more with her parents in 1911. . Sept, ·for Ele, B!lYs In the Sunday programs, there Philadelphia, and recenUythe or- graduated from . The elementary school Saturday wili be an afternoon concert gantst-director of' the Cllfton School. In May of \928 she mar- Recreation Program will get Under signed In particular for. children, H;eights Methodist Church. ried Mr. Philllps who way at the Collegefle!d,at 9 a.m. All kinds of clothing, toys books in which a good many children Jo t 210 September 26. Miss Burkholder's plans for'the years ago. Before'mOvinged . and household' goods are ·needed will participate. Those who are Ministry of Music are extensive. denee Village. they.liv a for the two-day American.Le- interested. In staying for supper A Junior Choir for Children eight Yaie avenue. .. Durtng the faU months, th~ boys gion AUxiliary Rummage Sale will bring their own box suppers throullh 13, will be conducted each Mrs. Phillips . was a member or: '«adesfour, tv,,· and' six are scheduled for Wednesday, Septem- and take part in, or llsten to, the Saturday morning at 11 a.m., and the Swarthmore Presbyterian invited to join in football p!,!,!;tices ber 30, from 7: 30 to .9 p.m. and informal music making which \Vlll will sing every Sunday \'t the Church and an ardent knitter for under;the'Ieadership·,)f'Ciiach Bill Thursday, October I ·from 9 a.m. occur around th!"supper hour. In MOrning' Worshlp ""rv.lces. Reo the Red · C c o s s . t h l ! l r regular phYslclliledu. 2 p.m. .in .the S~arthmore the evening a formal program will 'hearsals will begin October 3. Besides her mother she is sur- cation ·teacher during tlie week. Presbyterian Church building on be scheduled. The. Tuesday eveA College Choir will be open vlved by a son, William G.,' Jr. a . Boys are advised to COh~q~~; Harvard avenue. ning programs, as heretofore, will to all students of Swarthmore Col- technical writer at Westinghouse; pod with uniforms and .~. Friends of the Auxiliary are begin at 8:15 p.m. lege. This group will sing at some and twei sister. Mn. H. can. All hoyswlth ~J:-' urgedtO'ral!y to tbls projeCt In . Further ~o:rmaUon may be observices in addition to giving a Plell of Honeybrook and play football ~dt~osch'e i t- donaUon of both al;llcles, an" time talned from Edith Buntlng;SecreSPring concert. Opening date wl1l Cllfton Merkert of Springfl~d. . out equlpment play. ou '.00Wednesdl>y m.ornlrig for sort- taty-tretisurer, .by call1ng ~warthbe announced later. . Interment In Northwood cern.... Fdi- the present, they. lire to and' oClianizing. Helpers will more 6-4383 • AUdiUons for new and present tery, North Pservthllade1Pcoblandu'follcfecl·OW:! be divided Into sllc:-ln'Iii'I squads. also be welcomed during the sales ce Presbyterian has The jurdi»-' blghfootball squad h ours.' CD.~ING TUESDAY' ll\embers the Chancel Choir, t.he a 2 0 'clock started practices uoder coach, Swarthmbreans are remin.ded ... "' ... WIll be ofheld on . Thursday swartbm. . ore and Friday evenings,. October . 8 ~urch Wednesday afternoon. es Reese and Jim JamIsc>n .. Three that- proceeds benefit veterans In Swarthmore. Civil. Defense teams are in p~ - ll!/ht- Government Hospitals, and. make COimcll wlll ,meet .Tueoday, SepIor hlle S a ,Ie '. weights, middiewelghts,.. and possible the Auxiliary'S contrlbu- tember 29, to dlseu8S plans for the lIC!rvieea, rehearses every Thursl'ht Junior Woman. Club .he..V'iweJghtS - m~bershlp being tlons to these young men of State AIr. A,lert 1o.'.be bel!!, the. ~-ake toon welgbt and. age. A ..,hed_ America. . flrat week In· October. EaCh dl....,. evening from 8 to 9: SO. setuP. tables for a c . ule at pmes wit> other schools . Mrs. l!l}len Van S,Cleveland ot vision .and.1li! Is .A Cherub ChoIr, welc,aid"l all .nlght'-iJi front of the Mem- luis been arranged. ,",e 8rst . Park anflue Is In charge of the urged to send a lepr I ntatlve to . bOy. and girls up to the age of Ing on South • •... _ hout wiI't With event. v:CIl!!iiIllen are aaItect to thti WblehwID'MD_ at ~n Make . tltis the tilll All kinds' of, new' Top, GYLael~ . \ DoI~, Trains, IIoItbJ Items, ete. san. + !' AA Ticket Holders IG~lIin "Free'. Entrance To Darby Game Today miiUster~ Sales • slgnln, Methodists Name , Organist m.· hl·lll·ps Bun'ed at .' ",.' • JUST RECEIVEDI', u'. The Southeastern Chapte.r of the American Red Cross has, . . issued an. urgent appeal for Borough. Councilman Dies'll volunteers ~ serve !Ill qray WedneSday Night In Ladies and as Nurses Aides in Northern Penna. clvllla... and .veterans hospltals and. with the Red Cro!;S blood News' of the sudderi death of C. .do1\or prograJp: Mrs. Onver Swal), chairman Dudley Schi~r, Jr., 314 Park avenue, Wednesday night at th!, of Gray Ladies for the Swarihmore Branch . of ihe' Cbapter, Forest Lake Club, ..Lackawaxen, aSks anyone .interested In trainPa., shocked and grieved this ing. to be a:. Grey l.ady to call community' yesterday.. A . resident her lit -SWarthmore.' 6-0609. A of Swarihmore since the Spri~g ~f course. lor work in civilian hospitals wlll.begillen.from ·10 to lli46, Mr. Schloesser 'had made at Gimbel's, Philadelphia, on host of friel]ds here. . September 29. A day course He was elected Borough Audi- .work in the CoateSville Vet~r In 1951, a post he resigned last erans Hospital will be given December to accept appointment from 9:30, to 4:30 in the Coalesto Borough Council. . 'lil!e. YW'GA Ion . September 30 He came east In 1946, trans- and a slmiiar evening' courSe fererd to the Philadelphia office frOm 7:30 to' 10:30 p.rn. ID the , 'r of Halsey, Stuart Cqmpany, whose C""tesville lJbrary on Octo.' Van Chicago office he had left dur- ber I; Course, of training for Dusen Will, • ing the. Sec'ond World War to wark in the tuberculosis ..wards In" j)resbytericm serve In the United States Navy.. at Valley Forge Hospital will Ceremony . He is: survived'. '1>y hi'! . wife, be offered on October 27 and . Margaret, and by lwo children, November 3. The Rev. John. Schott will be Jean Louise and Karen. Mrs. Wayne Randall, chair- formally Install"" as associate man of Nurses Aids for the local 'Branch, earnestly asks I.minl.,ter of the Swarthmore Presanyone Inte!"'!lted in up byterian Church In an official for that. "eedi.d work. to call ceremony to be held Sunday eveh t S- rthmo 6 3197 A ning In the church ctuary. er a .n a. re • course win open at .the MWly The Call. to Worship at 8 p.m. Ruth Burkholder Appoint- locate.! Lankenau Hospital off will be. given ~y the Rector of City on LIne and Lancaster avenl,le 'October 19 from 10 a. Trinity Church, Swarthmore, Rev. ed to Succeed Miss H. LaW1'~, cOntains the de- ontinue throughout Wednesday. tlolls ai>OOt tliese.',(!9U1'Ses, and In- closing at 10 p.m. after the clubsiructors as "~. a, complete house has been a center of lively clilendar of al'livities and pro- (wbai"an ~nderstatement!) 'activII.rama,for. the year', and ·wlll be ity. .ent :t.i allyQne upon: requeSt. ,. . Anot~vr innovation In this Fall c',aU to' tlie:' 'ArtsCenter "Omoe Exchanll.e is. the fact that 'l'burs(ME 6-1139) Qql P"""'. card \Vlll day is .set aside for an efficient bring a COpy.. ·Th" ArkCentet' Is l'reparation by. the committee for one of the very few such organlza- settlement day which will be held tlons to pUhlfsh a brlochure. on tbe morning. oct Friday, 'Sep_ ; Membershlp in the Community tember 25, beginning at 9 and Arts Center Is open to men, wo- closing at I p.m. ThIs is a lar'gelr I men and children. It was oragn- .period than ever before, and It !zed for t/lE! pu~se of brtnging hopeutl'. CQr$l GII~~ ~ Cqll'!l~. lIB !' f!""'llll'aQ . .. Technololl7. Fla.; Mr. Harry K, W'arren, Bryn ~I . ~~ of, ~9rih. Chesten Bauer f!I. ComeR ave- Donald H~IJ omciated. .' of 1''lfk a,,,:enue ~ reci>lw.ng ~nue eiiteied Grcjve City COlle~ A: 'IWi~heilJt 'was held '\t the g'ratulations on the birth of theirl~~5~~:;S;~~~5~;;;~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~ laSt:";';eekh'aViug transfetTe4 from Gra1Derej Park Hotel for tbe iD).- fdUrth ohlld and third· dliUgllter, I; , , Wljes',t St.. 'l'iiaohers Coli- mediate. family and a few close Sandra ;Jane, OIl September 5 in "'I' V' friendS. Delaware CO\lllty Hospi\al. '~ond Lt. Faber fIIc.~ernan, Mr. and Mrs: Lemay are bo~ The haby'~ IDl\ternal .:rand. . A.F.R.6.T.C. of Ames. Iowa. ~t- on the staff .of 'the New. York pp"';nts 8re Mr. 8Ild Mrs. Ralph · · A I I MaJ(es ad WIth hI~, ~arents. pro PUblic librarY. MattheWs of Lacoma, N. H., forWlleel aalallClalJ '" AdQ-Ute lcittlirle. 3Ild'Mrs.. .:t. F. McKernan of Butme~ly 6f S w a r t h i i l o r e . . . . ' ""I) 6-4.,0 !I. JO'sep'h"ln' e·.,. H'art·ley·'s S.t~d·"I'O' of·. O·a·nc·ln'g' . MJs. Ii T \:IJ. ,,,Ill,.,,S , .. '. ·A"U,.·T'.0. . . '. RE,:"A"I"R"S' CI1~ste.r ~te. ,,!Iefl;y ge:r:~~~:ander Ewing of D~rt- . OCTOBER BRIDI Mr. and Wra. WIlliam 'H. W!ll . mouth avenu", fleW to Boston this . The ,*aqlal;le of 'Miss J)oro~hy of Germantown are recel~ oonweek. ~o .a~nrey·~ 1\ 1i>em.ber of the Yale Fan_ad, entertained at a lunch- ~"==:':"====:::=:::==. faculty. Mr.'!l1d !\IIrs: McCoubtey eon Sunday. September 13 in • l>.~ve ~n 'v;isitlng Mrs. .Mcc;:ouc Mnor of the oouple. brey's p8J'!>nts \. P4r. and Mrs. MrS. Edward E. Bassett of Birney tC. MorSe ~~ H~Bfd ave- ".:;;. . , nqe fl\r the past niont,li. . iIIVB~CRIPT10NS . Dootor arill Mrs; ~ ~. Mur- roB'\ Li ray of PrilIceton aven\le, returned 1ifA'(lt\Z'iNES . FridllY from New York <::Ity w~ere MRS. LI,OYD f:. K,UlFFlIlA"S Dr. Murray offioiated as Secretary 313 nat1moUlh Aventie of the seotion on Proctology at the, swartl.more 8.2080 m~ti'lg of the International Col- I~~~~~;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:~d lege of Surgeons. . I'i Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates of Harvard avenue, quietly obaerved their Mth wedding annlSwartllJII~re, Pa, ..ersar7 on September 19. Mrs. ~co~rrl.q~ JNgene S. Farley of WUkioabarre, with beT son Eugene, Jr., a medi~ Pri;•• Sat, cat student at :Rochester Unlvet-· h ~ .f . . . . ._ t l alIT. N.Y., 'OIlsIted. her »QIIIIta fOr "5,000 FINGERs. of OR. T" a kw days last week. _~I.r- . ROBERT J. ATZ. Owner . . . RUSSILL'S S'''vieE ' . , ,... ' , ' . . .' ,GllL' GAS .', !iULF PRIDE OIL " . '.' , _, ....... " . 'SW' . ..; .~ Q!lrtmiMitl!. Ltifciy~tftAYIis. OPPOS'TB BOB01JOH PABIlING LOT , \ Wo';ki'YOU, like use to .. co," , IIII!tS '. . 4-.14 will -_ A.-, A_'... M~'S~' .' , R••cI. . SW.,,'m.· .. / , .' l , > \ . ., .. LI FE . ., ,., .. .' arm.. ~ -, . -~"';"'r:::=~=l;==T===~===~=====~=='=~~~~======:=d ., .'~ , / ., I . " t JIll! . . wbat- 4\ttte; W'l>atso- ;~ 'Jo1I~'r.; ~.er .. • for the #)It _ this Fall on Sun~ ciay. The 1Iiit two Sundays will be devoted to a 'consideration of . ~.the MiiiniJ Pennoclt , . :~3~~;~Yisions . ' !trot iIht.!/Jaion whlcl,l, ;, ,3~ . . Daf. i~~~~'Qr:-=,:...-'-· c~:ni~\i,jis UaWhittier House . at 9:45 t i m . : ' \ The Adiitfhru.rt will also meet , s..IIr Chl••e_ . i~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ acony separates: .:- .ne~ colors .,narrow lines Fall session tIliII Sundliy with . 3 ra'ephono II 6-f511 ... of TREFOUNT41N / ,. .MAIlY A. IAlI. " - lei 1#0., FIrst Day Sohool will open its *** / 'OfA !-a:' • w.... OIIIy-, CIlMa H. tAlI, .0: for reservations and' dt!fails' -, . I' 15' So. Chester Road' Finance sessr_ . SW 6·0857 T Q R M " \ f' THE RELIGIOUS SQC~ OF FRIEND!';. ", • SIDIdaJ', 8ep......ber H· 9:4.5 A.M.-Qpen1ng Ot First Day SchooL -"T . . 9:45 A.M.-Adult ' . Pennock 't~~~p~~ Call' ~ttyHep"ins ' F •• ~ d .... !='rI..,-TISO ~&! ~IBo. .,...i..':' .i.ale. S •••--6. 8 ad 10 Yer . 1820 CHESIIIIUI STREET at Plaoe both Toservlc:es Begin." Is entitled "The and l!9,tY . '. . . ' will, be hetd• Orpnlst-Dh!octjlr stUdents alike to of meet Musto, the Ruth new 1'I>e ChUrch Schoo) will also . Ushe.. fqrthe 11 0 clOCk. serv- H. Bu~lder, ""d to reg;.ter for begin double sessions ot classes ,oe Sunday will be a8 follows: A. singing In t~ adult Chan"'!l IID,d q.Boyd, old L. eo,nog, .Theodore College Choirs. . . Ihls Sunday tor the Beginners, .Evans, R...' G. 'Haik, A. W. K:itls, A nursery tor chUdren will be' Kindergartenr Prbimry and Jun- A E Prit h ior departments. ·ChIldren with C· . ..~. a;;d, C. ~. Rand~ sup'!~lBJ!I during the morning last Initials ". 9u'0ugll L will at- "in l\I. Wa~ ~. N,,!,I 1"unier service. USjlers for th~ day are tend at 9:30, and chlJ.dren with.w ,::e .a"?~ .a~ 8 o'd~, Charles. Hughey,. head usher' H iBst Initials 111: through Z will atn.e,.~ .Hill. ~t lJ o'docl<. ·M. -Bimmohs, '. Geol"g.t' Miller: During th~ I I 0 clo.ck seMce Charles .SeYiitout 'ana DOn" W. tend the 11 a.m. c1asaes. The JIin- Belsy'l3riilkmimri aDd Evelyn Bll- DlcklnsoJi' '. _ . inr High department, will meet at be in' oharge. of ..the 1'I>e C~inmI.,don on will 9:~0 a.lIl.. and the.Senlor lfIgh de_ Itu.irsery.•..' ." . ' ,. " meet..on W.edn-~.y-' a'. 'thOa 'fthurch' partment W1ll at. omcersor .t """"" • ~.-for the . . . meet . .iO:45 . a.m. the Church School at 7: 30 p.m. to stv,dy, plans Sunday at 8 p.rn:,· an Installa- aer as follows:W, Ernest Hatzel oomlng year. . ,.. tlon ·serii""will· b,Vheid' for The SU)leriqtehQeti't; Mrs: A. D;' Mi>S~ ',On Thursday at. 8· the • Rell. John Schott, the 'new Aa- crip, IMtieatioliai ad~isbr; Mn:·J. Chanoel (~'l!o~), ,Cjlpl;r ha~' wclate .Minister. Immediately fol- lL Schad, ·"ecretary,. Mr.. R. .G, Its weekly rehearsal In the chapel. lpwing the service, there will be Keppler, supply secre1aiy;' Wll-. i' an informal reoeption for Mr. and liam .L. Cleaves. treasurer; and Mrs. Sc.I\Qtt inlli.;cahm Hall to Mrs. 1.;L. WalmaIey, assistant to whlcli";'~i congregatioll ··'t·ld:! .Ibeprimary departme.---' . The Sa~e(ll of :Q,aPIism .W/l.l1 adrnil)fst~re.d '. atll\e Swarthmore frieri~ areeordlally invlte in. charge .Of· the Methodist OhuJ:chr ~unda)" aftermeet ~OisliPper at 8:30 p'.m. Sun- three-yt:ar old group; Mrs. P,I!ter DOoiI, Selltm.ber 20 to Constance day, a program will follow at 7:15 Madison,.MrS. E..J.>. Wa!llh and and Roi>e,rt Hebarton Bu~er, Jr., ohlldren of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hehomcers eleoted for this "Felliw- 1oIrs· C. M. WaterbUry, four-ye ship are: President, Peter Bloom; GldS; Mrs. Albert Gabriel, Mrs. erton, B,!~ of Sprlngjleldi and to Orst YicE>"Presldent, Cratg Peel, Jack Jo..es, ~. G. A. Stauffer Karen Ann Francis, daughter of Second Vlee-Presldent, Ann Lord; and :Mrs. N., A. W'eber,.lD ship services will bligInwith' one Sunda,y momln,. Church Sch I SUbject, Using ·Y<>ur· Faith for ,at ~:30 and the otber at. 11 o'clock. will o¥"n at 9:30, and at 11 o'cl'::'~1 DaIl~ Ifvlng." An oPPOrtunity will The topl~ of Mr. Bishop's ,,!,=Ou the se.rvlce· of Mominll Pr be gIVen to all partshoners and for ,We M.ETHODIST NOTIS ThiS Is Promotion SlindllY and wee: , WINDOWS COLLEGE TH£ATRE ". . . , the . on one of- • •r ===============i ,elt's'THRIFTY" '-0880 .~1J~TOly~:.:rt'r " , ' RoaaJJe Peiraol" MarjOri~ Told • \ ~e HoCatte • IS~tef:an~;Go~rd~"~'~k;.~of~F~~',"~iC~h;to;w~D~'~;;~~;;~~~~~~~~ , NAMES 4TT,rtDANJ$.· Miss. Susan 111.anh will be rI malden of· honor at ~i~=~~. A.... ........lca . KClltflfII I!e ray orh,ir ~er,.~ MIt~ SW'':RTuM' ORE' ~cH.bo,L M.' . . USIC Mprsb,· daughter of Mr. . . lrS..,1 '" n . ., Alfred He'\ry ~h, of Columbia 234 Park Aye.ile . .SWartliinor. !'venue, and Mr. Wjlliam Allen Prouty ·of. Hudson Falls,. N.Y., . 01 Mr. lind Mrs. Delbert ,Allen Prouty,' Bowling. qreen, Media, '. . " .• which wlll·taIle plaee On. SaturGRAND OPENING. , OF: /the up a for task I'evlsJondrawlpg to pret;erii Yearly ~tin.p. . ," Book .. • _ CUl'GWiJis, .. ONEOF . . .FAST~T'GROWING WATEII.SUPIl~Y SYSTEMS •• ; Cortr.JNIJALlY EXPANDING WITH. l'IIE .. D~~WARE V~, SINCE li45, PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN ...• WATER COMPANY CUSTO"RS HAVE .lN~RgSED41'" " , .... ,~ • WHilE lODITIO~S'AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE . , ' , ~YST~M JI~~:C~ST'!l0~ THAN 21·MILLION Do • • '. " Q!I~ff6 THIS SAME PERIOD.. ~ .. '.' ".:.: 1·... '. • ,. 'u~'~~:I::'::= .. ' ,. .,tit!!"... . . ...... .,.:~ . ~ ',' . " : -. ..:..~ '\ ;," ,. :'.' . • page4r Mr. Harry T. L1ebeck of Park avenue observed his 80lh birthday anniversary Saturday In 0cel\1l City, N. J .• where he WlIS joined by ,his daughter Mrs. WUUam Uthe, and daughters LInda an,d RhOd,!, of Park avenue. MI: end. Mrs. Uthe recently returned after spending .the sUmmer at • their home In Ocean City. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Cook, 'Jr., fonnerly of Swarthmore, and children, have moved frOM Granvllle, Ohio to Lexlnglon, Va., Mr. Cook, who had been an instructor at Denison University, is now assistant professor In the Business ScltoOI at Washington and' Lee University. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Ellis of Soulh . Chester road, attended the funeral services Saturday ot Mrs. EllJi;' brother Mr. Charles Ferry of Warren,' Penna. • Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Trueblood and nnall daughter Ann, former-ly of Lake Paupac Club In the Portraits in Oil by WINIFRED RUMBLE SW 6·7061 The garden departntentwill meet Thursday> October I, at 2 p.m. 'at the home of the c1lairman, Mrs. Charles lo. Boyle,' Unden lane, Wa1llngford. THIS i. the first of a series of messages directed principally to home owners who, for various reasons, find it 'advisable or necessary to' sell their, hoine~. Business transfers, smaller or larger families, estates to Sf/Hie, lite.. are just a few of the reasons. In, this ...ries we will endeavor t'; point out why a ReilU:,s~ate listing with ,this office should be a profitabie and , ,Ie your sales plans . l ~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~i hav~ read great Interest ~ ~ theI boxed pagewilh, one article ,In week's isSUe In conn'ection wllh " .. IN , . , Art Metal Work, Ornamental Iron Worle, Woodwork; ;Wood Ca~ing.W~o~, Turning, Bench Work and Machin~ Worle CLASSES EVERY TUESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS ., BEGINNI,NG SEPTEMBER 29. 1953 SWARTHMORE !'tIGH SCHOOL \ • ~ logical solution would seem to be 'either repillf, or regular periodll> strict of' ail'' . traII\c, " ..enforcement :. , parking, driving regulations re 1 gardless ,of who mi'ght be hurt. Either enforce or take down all STOP signs, Speed limit signs, BQd .bllnkiilg trl!lllc signals ralher lhan lull the careful dIjvers Into ~Sc:hool Shop. September 29ih. 7 to 9 P.M: I - Rates: i nigh~ per week, eight month~" , ' ,$'12.50 p'er i:ou~e , ,2 nights per. week, ei\lht, months" .. ' ;$25.00 per' course Half course at half rates. "; "", , , ShoP- materials to' be paid ,for lIS used. }iow § ~ = ia Ii aiii iii ~ I illt's to Y out Adv~tag. ,' . .' , SH 0 P AT TH E ,~ , • Road as to the ~xistance of strict ' traffic enforcement.' (~d mean :; it); and patrol the highway reg.' ," .§ ularly and consistantly. CertainlY "iii some tra1lic will be' diverted' for ,a which ,lhere would be no'Tegret. , there might be some adverse pub- ' i!! liclty that 1 think for thl! safety of § our children and' famliles we can ' ,."" '. ,- LEG OF,LAMB , '. BIRDS EYE I!EA$ 2 boxes for29 c 19c Ib, '~.-, ' ~ , .. " - . , .', ,.:I .'ri........ , , old, Lank "uddll"~ 405 Damnoutll Ave ••• W.ds. 9-1 fridays '·8:30 'ost 011••" .. Gifts and Gree!lng C~rd5 for Every Occasion SHC?'. LOCALLY ~ '. N... t . . . ., ~ AND SAYEII , Sale ,of Suits , , • CLEANERS Telephone PEnnypacker 5·P71 or Valleybrook ,2736 R 2 , , , , PARK AVENUE II • _..... y_ ..~ Itic .;.,........y aad oth... hlllia........·s ' ' ......y ............. _ - t l J planning ad vad.......... " ..... mer-,sm, ,J.~.J • • aDa-Will be """" better. That'oW po jM ef the Aaurieua way of tIoiqtlri,.. . . _w .i' .'' SWARTHMORE. PA. Forty-o~e ,years iIi business by any concern, in any 'Com· " , We take :great pride in announcing that we are a f~rty.one. . year old business institution and that in that period of time our aim has always been to please in workmanship, quality and price. Any 'saving has always been passe'd along to oU,r many valued friends and customers., , , Best quality -best workmanship -- at fai~ prices and Harris kei!plng'at least oileateady trafl\c stream across IJitermediate eros- business• Sincerely, budd", .. , • '"'"~ A .a. ''';'71'PI TAX.~ . . . . . .11111 ..uY . ,_. , . __ __ __ " HARms • •• l '. & COMPANY. • .. , Open Thur6day Nigh,. .. " PARK and n"RTMOllTB AVE. • ,.Swarthmore 8-1013• , What a wonderful way to ,buy c~rpet! Dear Friends and, Customers: & Co.'s gwu-antee backed up by forty-one years of successful can -, their home to 101, East SecOnd Media. Mrs. Twaddell Is the former' MIss ElIzabeth' B • Smith of Swartlunore. Dr. Twaddell will serve ,as Resident Physician in Medicine at Pennsylvania Hogpitl\l, Philadelpbia' for the next year. • munity, should prove beyond any, question, of doubt to the citizens of that coinmunity that they are receiving SERVICE and, uns~· passed VALUES year in and year out. If they wereg't, that busi: ness would not exist forty·one years. '" ' . ,' are nmi Str~, DYERS TAILORS " ' • SWarthmore 16.0504 • "We cannot get along today: wllhout some type of world or-: ganization," Melvin K. Whlte-' leather, editorial writer for ~ Philadelphia Bulletin told mem": bers' of the Swartlunore League of Women V.oters at their Septemj,.,.; meeting Monday evening at Whlt-:, , tier House. ' Sp~akfug' before an audle~ that filled, the meeting room to! capacity, he told the group th3~ the world today m~ have and' needs some type of internationall organizaqon. Navy Lt. Cdr. James H. connor One of the most Interesting de-: was awarded the Com.menda· velpments since the inception at, tIon Ribbon wllh Comba' Dis· tingulshlng Device by Vice Ad- ' the United Nations has been the elmira! Joseph J. Clark. USN. gradual rise of the pow'lf of the' General Assembly and lhe cor....... Co,!"""nder Seventh 'Flee" In ceremonies on board the Sev- ponding decline In power ot Security Council, he said. The lit-' euth Flee' IIaphIp USS New Jersey, In the Far East. U. CcIr. tie nations. who in San Francisco fought for more power, CODDOr'. wife, the fonner MIss Ma.,. F. KIstler, and their hvo getting It. he claimed. Speaking' of Americans' attitudli chlldreD. live OD FaIrvIe.. road. toward lhe United Nations, be felt the country w~ u.oversoldn on tIM! Swarthmore Badminton U.N. in order to attain lhe popular. Club ppens New Season support necessary tor the Senate The Swarlhffiore Badminton to ratify U.S. parficlpatron in th1hco!J1lng llna!!ce drive. A hlgblight 'of the piogtam Wilt hi. the' presentation of an original ski" ''Look: whiis Dreaming." by Mrs. Too Eberle. In addition to the women prevlouslyann6unced. Mrs. Bovard has repOrted· th$t the. fpllowllljr women will also serve as IIOIlcltors (or tile ¥ve; ¥!'s. Albl'~ PI~r, Mrs. EdWin T. Walsh. Mrs.l!:arle Edwards Jr.. Mrs. Waldo Fisher. Mrs. Charles -~'; .. ¥II.U1»... ~, LaIrd. Mrs. }lobett J3.tjldllead. Jltti. ,.' . . . '. .. - . . .~ . Upper Classmell . , - .. *** : . . ThePta~e to buyyo~r Fre$hm.~n·q~cessorie5 .' ," . "' .. . '," .' _~ .". " .. : •. -'Ii' ., Com~ • - ,.,;. . .. ~: .' : ._ . .. _. •. :_ .'" i . Jnol'J,.YpurFirst Trip-to the Village ': ~". • I. . .* * *. . "A~'· SWartlllllltre .6-4597 ~~~l~~:R ~=: :'~.i~OGS ~..~...~.~),~.~_~. ~.. ,~,.~._~,~~~.~~_~,~.~~~~~,~. ~d th:~li~:6~~::{h~':nic\:;,~~ ~ddresse~ .II .Park Avenue Still. iR,.th. same best .p~ace .giving ..tll,es·,'.',.: Famous Haircuts . , " presided at --- (the drug9ie onlJuto.omerJ, " . I . ' ., . ,. ~ th, .retJ,ltni."g .,ppe.r ,', ~ , ~. all of, I 11ft , ClYS'tU: W· '. to help our cllenla deter· mille bow much· and what lrind of, in.llr~e. thq . need. W •. iiA-tlie..watiii; *** ,, . ' l , .' ." , el!ic\ent"'!.P~ .of ~ llllralRelDCl ...."" AnaI7aIL \ Open Weekdays: '7:30 A.M. - 11' P.M. " , '. . ,.;. .' AU: iii about thl. nnlce. .e:." PETER ~Clf.: 8:3q A..M.-l(h~'~;: . . .... ... .' ; ***, .. -, . \. .-.j.. \.' " \ . .. ..~. BUsiness'Offie. or any of thi!se converuent Employment Offices. .;. . . .1" A~j. I',.. ... 1I .... AI ....it.hr,l..HI_,Pa. 4;'-.:-1 (I'*- 0---... for WI.d_ 1301, (M OpoealC.. ,.;, Mldwar·QIIItI·I" .... _ ••. . Pi. 1O'L-. . s..r,I•• ld..... ... "!tliltiaA..... Gee I•••" (Ask Opo•• I... for H• .,k'.... 0fIIcIa1) (AMt~ OIIefirator -falr- GemMIntoWft ~... . ... I II ,.., .sy......... Arde SIrwt,fYJ. I I e..... ..., • d' .. I (AlIt 0 S~o,,'lImo,.e • MIDIA. '.NNSTLYAN' •._ Sprino'ie'd , . , ' -;,. ftc 11 (Iav.)· 16-0Z\l ".' ' A U 6c plqJ';' , . ,.I. , iHI ·~:: for ...., Pa. . lci.f!.-.. otIIdoIl 6-. 1631 (I'*- Cpo, _11'. _ .. ell.... .0110UR'S C8l11ed Beef' 1::" 4t: l-~23c ... . 8£INZ KllmUp .PRINCESS CR4hERRl'f l::r» .9fkaI DESS"'l ..':l..:~3: .Ue , • ~ ,".9dmI Grapefrait. J~Ce .~23c ........ L At'" .,' . ." 3'1~&32C C.me i. iiad leira how ilUcl you'll eara 'as a" . ......... of ... "de",~. hpo'!.f' ...., . . . CII]IINI'" I .' .' (Ask 0pera1Or far 0iIHIZ QtllcloI) , ,. ," pay isn't the only advantage of;teJeplfone-WOrk. as you'll fin~.~ ~tsurra.undmgs,....._ & your ...~ uno. m ...... vI{)W•· Ynu'll-leam-about-the-plessant y " . liberal vil.cation· poliCy, the- oppbKililitieB'for a~cement, ~ . ...: . . . . · " h e tbe'clmnce to ,work in an OlJll;· 6Se .\I~" ~;.,: ......... (lave) Sc ·1 .(: .ftlbeI't'Topp!d!: VIqIn" .... '!A...;,!tted ~.a' '. 20'0'." J ...... ~J'~Cak. -" ~5. . - ., ,. .1..•• NIt 1.1211 . . 11\ 190 ICRJPPI.E, ':'Jti:t"' . All 11[1"... of IIIlIIIrIUIee SWarthmore 6-0857 .•., -' I . ,'. , . , f ',,, ..'*: : , I.SCI ~ ".Sf f ,,~~~~.qu~~ •He, _iittfrM ltWfunte .''Ch~kf~$ AC~o.Unt . 'A I. Mea v. . Ape 1&. Lel'lle One. Beadle.. Sbrlmp ButW..... &n••d P.ach.. .,. 53:':''/:'''' ~Ittt....... A . • , PIle. Year • . a7. PORK Loins ~:~~r. 49c: l(i' 39· ." , WE"," ~I~ Ib 'rom. Tender, V_ng Pork.... .Stu:dt n:t s! ' , YOU. lAtill Cb.... • !l'~~in~ F~~i~ifi~f IIf . . . s-.n.tel1i ...... ........ I • . ... We "Op. It's' .. J~~o4'.,fQr. • •1' ........ Steaks ' . " S" 11«,." ·Ib ~ -.. • ._ T_'.AtI. ,. $lM "','1 JDS' ., Ib... ~'AV en••' ......... fIII . '~..l~~ '~ '", \ . ,. .. We invite you to u$e 6i:rr modern , !'" rJl, Ibe.·' , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~.~ mQreans i " SIrlOIn, f-hn. or ..-ortem.UH .Soatll CIIester Road . I I U. S. Graded Choice Beef • 'A'DOLPH'S BARBER SHOP , Mrs. C. c ..SI1u~ ~: ¥i's. ~ erick R. Lang. both'o~M':i>le ave,. n"e, enlf!rlalned at a luncheon kitchen shower last Wednesday 111 : honor of Miss Mary Margaret Marsh of Golumblaav'i"'ue who wUl be' an October bride. fellow Swarth- l' ., snOw White, Llint 1.land· F~ll0"r the Leaders to .' the vaCation-rested " • , . I .'0< for RI....hov.. QfGcIaII 691t l , •• sm.r, bpp.r .,.." ... (lull OF .Iut lor CIoaobrook QfGcIaI, TIL.PHONI'· COMPANY O. PINNSYLYANIA ...t'/I"'" pIeee ftI_1r (.t) .' • to • ~ .)<, .;, leljKted, Fnsh, s, . I~ , J: CAULIFLOWER. WELCOME ctassmen .Welcomes . !P'Oups the local level.' . . Mrs. .on Carolyn Fortson waa solo, 1st and,Mrs. Mabel Fraser of Wal. l!ngford.' a~~R,,!,st .fW tbeN-. l(lws\llp ChOM -.;111$ SB!If~. the dh--ection 'Of John o. RonbON. Jr.• Rutgers avenue. \. ):.' ','. # , : S,WARTHMORE STUDENTS ., .. '"" l' •. i;, Many a ....." prIz... Get rilll•• enllY blanks In·our mcirte.... THE COLLEGE BARBER SINCE 1924 \"" " ..... WEmNCHOUSE . $~p Ip ."'·See -. the klck-otr 'I,OOOCASI: FIISI \ . " • ~. . ~ In:iji~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , Mejila Pre!lbyteii~ ChurCh.' audience of 450 heard Dr. FnoDk Qmham. United Nations Mediator. whose'ta\k Qited the need for understanding between" diverse fAtUege 'PharDluey .. FRAN'K HEAR DR. GRAHAM s.. .. WELC0It!E BACK•. EVERYONE ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~I m~i 'Qf ~d;;y. tM. Fellgwship. r~tl • Drlv.... ~ ,iilgIif •.. , I 1"'~~~RilVyI ", , ship, , Lt. (j.g.) H. Weston Clarke, Jr., of College avenue, has returned . To mark the openil,g of the The fall meetina of the FIrst home after being released from . sixth season of the CommUnity Graqe Mothers of· the College Ave_ tile U.S. Navy upon completion MIs Center In Wallingford, there DUe School will be held on of his tour of acUve duty. ~Ul be an exbibltlon.of paintings Wednesday, September 30, In the . , .ened aboard the Desllo)er m the, FIrst National Bank, '" IIn.t grude class room at 3: 15 pm U.s.s. Soley Ba OperatlOl1ll 0I'IIeiIr Delaware, County- In, Media" dm--, ElIzabeth . Korto edlto' ,', and Navigator. The, s,bIp spent lug the week ~tem~ 25 to T de J brin,C WI~ ... ~f four months In Korean waters and OCt. 3. These paintlnga haVe been ,m ~,o. • ~Wn parUtdpated In an eight-month done by students of the, se.aal co,,,!~~_~y,'MwUlrtoobe ~_,'!'~ Speakf,- I, round the world' cruise. stopping painting teachers at the Arts er.,uuoo 0 • -....~-J' 0 the at 12 foreign countries: Center ' . Plilladelphla Booksellers' AssOcia-, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====;;0;;. The . ExhlblUon has been ar-. tlon and, DlrectoT of the .Phllaranged In cooperation with oftltdala delpliia Regional Writers' ConlerA DEstGN AND .of the bank by Robe;rt AtitIlony ence, -~. the author. of several of Rose V'atJey. chairman of the cblUlrens bOOks, among Whl,~h are CONSUlTANT SERVICE center's exbibitioDII. ."JIiiiIs t i ~ 'Dog and FOR • The open:C:Hln_fcmn!iDT opetl_''Slble ~. BOo1t." lug- the Arts Center year wiU lie . MISs lIforton .wIn have a numheld tfds SUnday frilm Z; to '. be. of volumes and other maWith' all Who are Intetl;Bted In'the;tei!al to illustrate her Infonnal • KITCHENS orgariization as' cord18ll:1 Invited .talJ on the "new books for six eo BATHROOMS • AU PURPOSE CLOSETS guests. DettII1ed In1Ormatlon, aBout year ·oldS... ·· . the center· and Its acUvitleS wlll Otlrcers of (he. College Avenue Supervised by be sent upon request. First Gtade. MotHers for the year LORENE REEVES, Include. Mrs. John McWilliams. Decorator 12.th· GradlrParelltS; cIialrman; Mrs. Edward Walsb, Twelfth Gradeparents,wm.meet Secretaiyand treasure~; Mrs. ValHORACE A.'REEVES Wedn~. SepteJ9tiet>,3G ·at 7:30 entine Fine. prIlgrQm chairman "Third Generation Builders" p;m. in the ViBilal' l!icuc!lrt1on Room . and, Mrs. Charles Topping. hosat the High' School· _. pita1ity' cliainiiim. , SWarthmore 6-3450-3451 All Senior Class parents are ---.:....---17112' CHEsTEJ(~O":D urged to attend. I Saw it in the Swartlimorea:n . .. . FRESHMEN 12 YEARS OR UNDER. FREE HAIRCUT AND SHAVE .' . . - .. Dr. Allen T. Bonnell of wanlnc--IIII ford, president of Media Fellow- \ Calces 'tut ,Flo";'el-s &P/a(lfs .' .' a 'devotional ' . ': . theperiod. 46 meD)ber He accompanied the team to the In tb.elrspeclal busses Bnd observed the game from the playerS' hench. C;ARNEY. . M~D~fler Ojj "ilie- ..j~ Hpm~made Grade Mothers' To· Hear Trade Editor MODERN *** •. .' * * *, Candies. L. E •. , "- D_.... SweetSh... Homemade Fir'" .', I WELCOME 'FRESHMEN -.. •< . Cenhllr Op..lllg . '~JII)' Mr.. CUD" '; .. . ... h" "it8InIng wasCl>ap~ l,astllaturday fC!r the University of GeOrgia football teapl ,when . the. I;lulldoll8 north to meet the Villanova WIlde~ts 'atMUniclpal' Stadlwn. Mr. Kulp. selected to take the place of Bishop Fred Pierce COl'Son resident head ot, the Methodist Church, was the.gUeSt 0( the team and coaches at'the pre-lIBm." ~nner. Following the meal. Mr. 'Kulp' I' ,. "., ,_ . '.". , .' I ~-:e~IaH'rf allfl ~. .-". .~. T 1!'' 'lu,rig Cordi~lly. Wel~~mel Fres~...en and -'" ". u,;""e. . .' at '1'hiinday NEWS .NOT.eS· Jane Soden of Colle•• nan's Sec<>nd Grade. Rutger. .,,;.. ';ue' ·school. ~ Frlbj, . at ,the aven,!,,> ,pase'll~ Grove. Cit;:; Ct>llllg!!, 'f1~ <:itt. as a fresh' . ilPme of Mrs" .~~e .~~. of R'lan. ,. . . ". ~um.TJ .IlYmllill fflr· JbII PIInIIIe .' 3U~ Pennocll:'of W1I1tt1er ~, of organizing for the coming y_, a sopl)omore at Colby CoUeIlf. The following otJIcers were Wa~e. Malne. returne"d '~ "Iected: Mrs. Mh~' Johnson, Tueaday. " •. , chairman; Mrs. Hetll'Y Roth, pro:. . MIss Betty McCahan of 8tratb gram 'chalrman; Mrs.' I~c ~u­ If.llven avenue left MondeF to benstdn" "",~ry-treasurer; JI,n. ellter the Graduate . Sc!boOl oi RBip!} P,!rk. hospitality chaitmab. Nursing at Yale University. ,MIss' and Slljiley Diamond. ~e­ McCah,an Is a June grajiua!e cit phon!! !!<)IDJIlittel!. Wllsou College. , r======================~ Leilgue ¥!!~P9!!1f.~8j1ce~ve 'If tI!~ ofwoinen Voters 'wlll meet .. M... . ,.t , CSpen rt.ursdoy,a"d·frid~Y 9 P.M • . . Open Saturday 'til 6 '~M;"_ . ,. ::!5==========::::=::==:::~I~NEW'PRESIOENT. .HONORED . . Mr, Couriney Craig Smith. new president of Swarthmore Colle&e. and Mrs. Smith, were guests. of honor at a tea gtven Sunday st. ternoon by Mr. and Mrs, Howard M. JenkinS of North Chester road. Mrs. E. Leroy. Mercer. Mrs. Wayland Elsbree.· Mrs,. Janet Bourne. "and Mrs, Frances Siaugb. presided at' .the tea table. . You, n •• dn" .,.. ely hard to learn about good p~rty·line telephone service --------------------------- ,. Child Study Group Sets Monthly' Meeting Dates Dr. Ruth-Jean Eisenbud of Swarthmore. will be the dlseussian· leader for the cbild 'study grouP. sponsored by' th~ Swarthmore Mother's clUb. Tbe group will hold its meetings the llrst Monday eventog of each month at' Borough Hall, with the. llrst me<:ting. set for Ootober 5. Mrs, Edmund Jones, chalrman, has siressed that the chUd study group is open to all members of the community. whether or not they are members of. the club. \ Diluzio and Sons 'Formerly CARNS 650 Baltimore Pike Springfield. Del. Co., Pa. SWartitmore 6·0450 0 .... 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. QUALITY FOOD Glm Tot;:-;;d-;~;.ii.;;:ei;b~:-:=m:=b:'''-;rd;;;; tit: ..... lell ,...,._ ea.,.., et '';'ti,~a.la Anliques & Gourmet Shop PBOVIDBNCB 'ROAD WALLINGFORD. PA. ® err. ren n Now Open Week-day•• , . .COM". .. _to l.ootten. TeOteM"lltar)' on ~•.,~~~ I ,...- ct~· Ilave been granted flo c1. .1gDod Who hqu.ts all .... ving cIaIma or d_encll _Ie of tile c1_n$ CO . CONSTRUCTION, Alt6tatiOris' P.R.R. ~tIl~'\ • . '. • Your quality workmanship, plu~ genuine CHEVR~LET replacement parts: are your _:best assurances of . with· Mrs, Brown's parents Mr. and Mrs, Birney K. Morse of Harvard avenue, are now residmg in their new 'home at Toms River, N.J, Patsy Jones of Elm avenue and Ann Lord of crest lane. entertained over the week-end. Nancy Peters ';f' Harrison. N. y,. and 'Polly Edie. of Yonkers, N.. Y .• oampmates at Cari)p Wyoda/: Vt, . Mr; and Mrs, C, William 'Rlimsay of Lafayette avenue entertaint;d members of their bridge club ilt their home Sattir!lay evening. M/;s: Buchannan' H .......r and daughter Sue of Yale avenue motored' to wooster. Ohio· where Sue is a freshman in the .College of Wooster. Mr. and ~s, H. H. Glbsotl. Jr.• of Elm avenlle are en~rtajnjng as their house guests Mr. Gibson's : K. K. G.'. Hostess' parel1ts Mr, and Mrs. Hamilton Mrs, E, Laurenoe Conwell of III . Gibson who arrived Wednesd"" Columbia avenue will be. hostess for two-week visit whlle en at a luncheon-sewing meeting of route." from the. New England Kappa 'Kappa Gammas on TuesStates to their home In Orlando. day. September 29. Mrs, Conwell Fla. .' " extenpg a cordial Invitation to all Mrs, Oscar J. West of Elm ave· Kapp&s. recently moved to nue is a patient in' a bospital tit Swarihmore or vicinity, to attend MinneapoliS, Minn., with a :frac- "the luncheon-meeUilg. tured left hip and ·wrlst. Mrs.' Kappas will hol\l·. their next West was visiting her daugbter sewlng meeting on Tuesday. ~ Mrs. J, E. 'Ratner of Minneapolis. tober 6. at the home of l!Irs. B.' and .was injured while walking Merle' Mulloy of Winding ·lane. the family dog Sunday morning. Media.. . ,_tor. ... flo BIa .wan.ot ·~·trg-~BBI.L, II"" 8-H18 • ., I . ~t:,~=, ~,~J,a,: MapIeA_,..tJpptr Dwby.'l'oWD- ~.l'n~!ll mn).• Delaware Count~. E. Fischer oeeO.leliarice l\bs. . Barold lIIafth of North ~;r:c: Cbester road. Mrs. Lee aniveci Ranges; ~~~~~~ :f~OI':. Qu> oglHn. OIl the S,S, Ma811Pims. _ ' . 'l'Ui!edIQ'. Sepk,!o 'T, D. of . .' Asphalt or c.'ii~ ." ,- .. -. . Cellar Walk· Re.;PlillilhN~lrU ~;'l> 10. '48-Swartllmore 6-0740 _ '. u ...... n ~~ClarenCe It.b!eC ,of nl.e: B""""-...... - JoIID Co~fu.and Paeda~':'"CJr Wigton, Juk PooIe-, Peter ter DIrciI Bass Dicit l\IiBs, Bendel'. ners; Vt.. Is VI g her ..... .Arthur ,Mrs. Stanlfmd. DrlY8~at ConsftouC.... GIORGE MYIRS lIO'IEWtA followIDg the • • ~~~~t~~~~~~~. rton, ..... plnR DlNfCOLA aftem~ :~~~~~~~6-~1:5~48~.~~.1 'S .TRIES THE Mr. and·1In; S. I'r!mci& ~ of 'South ChA-O-r road entertained 30. hIIptiam oi their irandchlldND, Call Cons1anc:e and Rs!'tions of leadership In the Troop this Fall were recognized at the same time. . NEWS NOTES Including Wednesday. 10 A.M. to 5 P.M •. , D-'·· ~, :;.'!r-::":ita~G:&~;:.na::1 Classified in Domestic-Imported . mE SW AIlTBMOREAN """"';"'R-ES-IDEN-'-IA-L-AN .... After a campfire program presented by the activities staff of Mrs, ElSenbud. who bas recently the Troop under the leadership of moved to this . community, baa Bill. Warden, the.Court of Honor many years of experience In the was formally declared to be In child-guldanoe field .. She was pre- session. Tbe following Scouts Were viously on the ~ of Graduate then called forth· as eiected ofHospital. and is a psychologtcal .fleers of the troop: consultant for fiv~ Friends Schr>Dls.. Patrol leaders _ Peter Walsh, For ';"any years she .bas been Jay Lorii,'Don Scarborough. Keith the directress of various cbildren's Richardson and David Bass; ascamps. She received her doctorate sistant Patrol leaders _ Peter In clinical' psychology fr?m Har- 'Campbell. Steve Delano. John vard University, taking mtenslve Tburnuin; Joe Gibson and David training psycho-analysis, 'Shute; and P,trol scribeS _ Jaclt The' child stu~ group is pri- Cham~ Join! Wigton. George. marily for parents of cbildren Brndhead.~ Fred' Kellerman and from five t.? 12 years of, ege. with Jebby Turner, 'the material to be presented. by thecilscwislon leader centered on Those honored for their Scout.Mld I that age group, log advanooment achievements Florist· line reasonably ooon when 8Omeone else is waiting to:use it . . • and bang up ge~tly when you find the line In use. Your party-line neighbors will return the courtesy. ReBuit: better telephone .er"ice for all on the /i"e t Official Court Hono,rs Ifembers of Troop 2 . , 10Gid LET US PREPARE .'oIOND"Y'~NilA'I\J_Y' Bairda'BIrd SWf:..t041 'REA" ESTAJ'E, . SUNDAyS . , . ..m&yl'l . . - COAt.· "" ', •.• -"eV" : FIREPLACE WOOtJ, YOUR CAll FOR WINTER DRIVING • INSU~riCE . . , _. {..... • . " J IIII!I'"$I. liM! Lafay.... Avenues. .J. A. GREEN SWARTHMOR[ ~' SWa'rthmore ,64l4' , - ... .: ~ I . AC,"""e ,,,..;.,,,,C. . . leal fstat. A..-" sWE_MEY "CLYDE'· ...... ,/- • RUMSEY 'CHEVROLET • SWarthmore 6-6130 ''I Soud. Chester Road ;~. ,;, . '. 19 EAST 5TH ST.. CHUTER ."';.IIJ 3-6141. Powell Distributor, Inc•. '-R.te. ....... ". a--.e .... . ' ...-. eaB""mOlreI1b a\1 -,< ,~-- . - S'&", .. ~ S' •••1 D. , CIJ,* J..' Idward :~,. . - ; . .4-4. HAl _404291 s.h .1 D. CI,., Jr. .. CHQTD -.wet F~Ift~~g~"s. - / I '.11 .$WII,I., Ill.. ' 1111'.~ I " .~ • ___m_'E...,.;._8_W;...;,A.....;;,!l,;...:I...,;·I,;...'' _IO_'_ _ _ _ _..-;...__ P88e 10 ' t . II. I' t ,j • Nean Goal NEWS NOnS ' Strath Haven aven\1e. \ The Delaware County' Hospital"., .. ', ;:. " ,',., ..•. : Mr.· an'd Mr8~ A~thony Falr, Building fund campaign has Deborah Lukens;, daughter of banks and children have ieturnMr. and 'Mrs, .,J:ames '. W.. Lukens ed to their home on Rutgers ave.. passed the $,535,OQO mark, leaving ot Elm avenue, entered ' '.' Pine nue, after spending the summer in bl,lt, $65,000 to be raised throughAdult Shop classes will be held out the community' to ,reach the M.anor Junior College~ Wellesley, Ocean City. Teaclter.·' 01 "ano . in the· high school shop building $600.00~ goat The' fall phase of Mass., as a freshman on SeptemMrs. Josepb F. Gaskill and her for.a ·period of eight months, be- the butIding. drive Will open on ber 17. . . daughter SaIl y of - UniverSity ginning on Tuesday, September 29. Septem~" 28; with closing date Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. AI- place, mbtored to Denison Unlver727 Veile Ave. ,The program calls for shop· and set tor· October 6. bright, . Sr., of Wallingford, have sity last Tuesday I where- Sally· has handicmft ,-work· swtableto the returned from Atlantic City where retUrned as a sophomore. En route Swarthmore experience ot:the adult participatthey' visited for ,several·days with home Mrs. Gaskill viSited friends SW 6-8718 ·their son. and/ daughter-in-law Mr. I in M~nsft81d, Ohi~ and Pittsburgh. ing. The· selecti~ of ,the activity aad the project will be optional. and Mrs. Edward R. Albright of J . P k f Whitt! I The work ,will, cover woodwork, the Park Lane Apartments. ; . oan ennoc o . er p ace both elementary and adV'allced; art The Morning Reading Group I~ft Sunday ~o begin her senior .5 t th h f M· ) ear at Oberlm College. metal work; and household memet T uesuay a e orne 0 rs. chanics. Shop materials will be Attractions for children of all J. V. S. Bishop ~f Harvard av~Lyman A. Darling, Jr., of LafJINGLE provided by the school but paid ages wUl be' ,feat~red at the uue. ayette avenue has returned to the tor by 'the student so that furtber Swarthtnore Mother s Club KidMr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Robinof Knox- You of have a. supplies Can be purchased and ,die KarnivaI to be held Saturday f:on of Ogden· avenue are enter- vllle, Tenn. for his senior year. ' . , made available'to others. . October 10 from 11 a.m., to 3 p.Ql. ,taining as' their house guest, Mrs. With film made to mdtch, In years past, enthusiaStic work- at'the,old Bank Building lot, Rut- Robinson's cousin Miss· Helen tleads Co. Seal We Develop and I ers, both' iDen 'and women, have gers avenue. Price of Raleigh, N.C., who alTivMrs. Paul E. Zecher of North I found reCreation· and pleasure in Included among the many at- ed ThUr~day for a week's visit. Swarthmore avenue, will again be Single shots 01' a. batch. worldng, Witb, toots' and' the shop tractiol1s will be the ftsh pond, . Miss Betty'Mccahan of Strath in charge, of the annual Christenny' 'checkerboard, digging for H . . ·ted Lt d DEPENDABLE 24 HOUR mal::hirtery.' .,This 'is the sQme shop P a..ven avenue VlSl • an mas Seal Booth Sale in Delaware SERVICE skills,r s . Richard Smith at Aberdeen, County. She will solicit the help and'. ;the same equipment' that is hidden treasure' and target, M U-aoo,",. fbr mfArU.ctlonal 'p'urposes in not'to mention the traditional pony Md., last week. Mrs. Smith. is the of to community leaders as vol~ CATHERMAN'S, DRUG STOa· . rld'e's.. , . theOnday , I thelJchooI'i!lasses. opetling· night,' regisiraM()Uier's club members are hard tio!Ut' will" 1*" accepted by the at 'wo'rk' niakirig preparations for ' , "You Meet fhe Nicest People at Speare's' t~a'JJler;Davld'r.;'Watldns. It there' this event, 'according to Mrs. , ' Henry ....... Roth, chairman of the ... ~. enbugh qe~8rid .. :~I8sSes- '~11 ~, event for the club.' Co-chairman hela' two' nlghts a' week;' TUesday and ThUrstlay;' oiherwtSe;· 'onCea is Mrs. Walter Shelly, Jr. Tli~ who' will assist ot. the 'reek as the class may elect.. Hours event. include: bake chairman, fro~ ~7.. ~ 9~~0:P~ , . , ',: Mrs. Jack· Ft; 'McWUliatru?; pOny , rides Mrs. Wilson H. Rushton; , .. , ~otary ,Club Weicome$' penn; 'cartdy, M~. ~nald M. 1 Distrid"Governor Hand;' balloonS,,' Mrs. 'John B . • I , Roxby. f The Rotary Club of. Swarthmore Members of, the ,food ,committee EDG~ONT AVE. '- '1~h AND WELSH STS. ' ~il1 be host today' to Cbarles A. are Mrs. William T. Windsor Jr., ,. ¥,cCafterty, Governor of the 266th Mrs. Daniel L. Stevens, and Mrs. District of Rotary International, William C. Collenberg. Games \ who 'is, making his ~nua1 oftlcial committee members include Mrs: Jlsltto each of the 29' 'Rotary John A. Gersbach, Mrs. Wesley dtUbs in his district. He wm con- Simon, Mrs. Edward Thomas and fer wiUt Presiden~ Horace B. Mrs. Alfred Mangels. Mrs. E. H. . Irassmore and Secretary James A. Lee Bauer will be in charge of , . ,( , , Green, and' other local officers on poster~. :R()tary administration and serv.:....---:-------Fall meetings will be starting' soOn; Maybe ite activities. NEWS ,NOTES i Mr•. McCa~erty is a member of some fall hikes ... nd camping trips. Be sure Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tomlinthe Rotary Club of Media. He you are ready and equipped for either of elected,~ct Go~emor for son and Miss He!en Tomlinson them. Let Speare's help you get everything 'a the year 1953!:54· at the annual of Rutgers avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Harlie Reynard and ··young good Scout needs. Girl ~co",t Departmentnotary conventi!)n in Parisi ~on David of Westr.unster aveSpeare's Downstairs Store. -' France, last May. nue, spent the week-end' at Stone ! • . . Mrs. William F. Hanny of Yale Harbor, N.J. Munday Dawes of Benjamin avenue entertained Miss Cath'-. ~rlne Moore of Dayton, Ohio who West avenue, and David Jackson returned to her home Monday fol- of Pottstown, formerly of Swarthmore, returned to George School lowing a week'svla.lt. Wednesday ~s members of the senior class. David Preston and Kenny· Wyse, of Swarthmore are also s~dents at George School. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O. Thayer of North Chester road, have been ·aetall Opt'cJans etitel·taining as their house guests for two weeks their son and 527 W.I •• Street , daughter - in - law Mr. and Mrs. C........ Pa.' Paul W. Thayer and young son Scott David, who art! returning to Lenses end Frames Replabed Ohio State University. Mr. ThayPhysiciaM' Prescriptions f'nled er ~ studying for his Ph ,D. degree in "Industrlal Psychology and Pho.e- Ctteater 4-1307 '\ lhs. Thayer for a degree in Ex,. perimental Psychology. Miss Dorothy Denworth of Elm avenue, serve4 asa bridesmaid Swartlt.ore in the wedding party of her 'CarleAmerica. ....1011 A.iICI~larr ton College roommate, Miss Lorraine Beising of St. Paul, Minn., .~ whose marriage to. "Mr. David SALE RUMMAGE Baier, a college classmate, took :place Saturday in St. '~~t¥. Mrs. Presbyterian Chllrch Blelg. Baier will be a bridal attendant eNear, Coner S. CIIHte...d. at Miss Denworth's w~ding on aad Harvard Ave.) October·3 in Swarthmore. . 'Mn;. J. Roy' CatTolt, Jr., of North Chester road, Mrs.' Frede-, .."Sept. 30 rick T. Van Urk· of~ 'r,hay'er road, I and Mrs. F. H. Packer qf Bryn 7:30 • .Me • 9 • .M. MaWr, entertained FrIday at .. luncheon-miscellaneous .' ··shower No ifs, ands, or buts' Thursday, Oct. 1 . .. •• we're ready to give you the for 20 gliests at Mrs.' Carroll's ..- .', , moat for your present. car in today's BEST home in honor of Miss Ann Mil=-.'...- , .... 9 A.M.· 2 P.M. DEAlJ Stop in and get the f a d s l · . ler, daughter of the Theodore .. "":'.;" " .... And with CUrrent hig"level new car ~ and ~' Millers of Colonial, Villagei Wayne. . . we can ~ake it ec:-SV for you 'to "step up" ~ OWysIer quality ancI .' ' '. . ChrY.sfer performance for leSs than yoAI ~ , , . " " I .! 132 3& tIM , ~ In- Cihd talk things over. the' yeor's best deal is walting yU AdultShop Classes' Start Tuesday at H.S. ;, SeaI"'''- 2S~1",:·' --------------------~ - Nolbera B~ Hubbell . KedI diee'Karnlval ., SchedUled .'0Ct. .10 ~nlv'ersity T~nnessee, ~ou"'Be, Ca.me'l4~ Sal~ ~nt ~o~r~mie~rmmMi~·ss~.~G~a~y~le~~H~od~g~e.~O~f~un~tee~rs~.:y~~~~;-;~~u;.;~~~~~~~~==~~~~~ . ire ............._.._-.--- ESTER'S 'FashiOn Cqrner " GIRL SCOUTS· OF Delaware County " , waS •. F. J. Reynolds &Co. ' . 'GREAIE. TALES Y'r' Make this the time to TRADE·I . . • , • w.... ~ ... • -.~ Co .:. •• ~ - ;. .' ~ \. ,1 ' , d I' : t "I I I It' j J I ,~ .,"" '-' '- !", ; ~. DILICIOUS DINNEIS to SUIT ... TASTI of IYIIYON. TENDER STEAKS aad CHOPS Cooked to· O ....r " EXCEllENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSIMESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.1:30 P. M. a••ator, c:.-fortClble RooID.-Day or W... STRA.TH HAVEN INN .YaIe. Harnrd Ave..... S_a......,.,., WALTa ... 'MIOn.·...... .& , I· " . ' \ • tIr ·C 'HR'YS· L,E·R' Am~rica's F~rst .. . ' . f of .Flne Cars ' • HANNUM & ' WAITE CHDTER ROAD '.41 YAU AylliUi SW........... 6-1H1 .'. . . . . . .A...... ... ' ~. ", ~" " . " • :. :J, ; ', " , Family '- , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE PHge 10 -------.------------ Adult Shop Classes Start Tuesday at H.S. Adult Shop classes will be held in the high school shop building fora 'period of eight months, beginning on Tuesday, September 29. The program calls for shop and handicraft -work suitable to the experience of the adult partlcipating. The selection of the activity and the project will be optional. The work will cover woodwork, both elementary and advanced; art metal work; and household me-I ehanics. Shop materials will be provided by the school but paid tot by .the student so that further supplies can be purchased and made available to others. .' " " ',. " ,. " .j In years past, enthusiastic workers, both men and women, have found recreation and pleasure in working with tools and the shop machinery.' This is the same shop and 'the same equipment that Is uSeei' for instructional purposes in the day school t!1asses. • On the opening night, registratioriS will' be;' accepted by the teach:er;riavid L.WatlOns. If there i~ ~ enough ~e~arid,classes ~il1 be hel'd two' rughts a week, Tuesday and Thursday; otherwise; once a week as the class may elect. Hours I ~re from.7 to 9:30p.m. . . I ----~ .. ~------------- ~otary Club Welcomes 1• , , ;' " \ (, , .'t ,', '.1; 1:- . .. '.: . .! • ~ Distrid Governor TilE ~W AR'I'PI\IOREAN September 25, 1953 -------~----------------------------------------------------------------- Nears Goal The Delaware County Hospital Building fund campaign has passed the $))35,OQO mark, leaving but $65,000 to be raised throughout the community to .reach the $600,000 goal. The' fall phase of the building drive will open on Septembe~ 28; with closing date set 'for October 6. K-Iddl-e' KarOl-V' al Scheduled Oct 10 . . Attrac.tlOns for children of all ages WIll be feat~red at ~he Swarthmore Mother s Club Kiddie Karnival to be held Saturday October 10 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the old Bank Building lot, Rutgers avenue. Included among the many attractiOl\s will be the fish pond, p~nny checkerboard, digging for hidden treasure and targe~ skills, not to mention the traditional pony rides. Mother's club members are hard at \V'ork' making preparations for this event, according to Mrs. Henry 'J.' Roth, chairman of the event for the Club. Co-chairman is Mrs. Walter Shelly, Jr. ThOse who will assist ort the event include: bake chairman, Mrs. Jack H: McWilliams; pony rides, Mrs. Wilson H. Rushton; penny candy, Mrs. J:lpnald M. Hand; balloons:· Mrs. John B. Roxby. Members of the food committee are Mrs. William T. Windsor Jr., Mrs. Daniel L. Stevens, and Mrs. William C. Collenberg. Games committee members include Mrs. John A. Gersbach, Mrs. Wesley Simon, Mrs. Edward Thomas and Mrs. Alfred Mangels. Mrs. E. H. Lee Bauer will be in charge of posters. NEWS NOTES \' ~trath Haven av~nue. . '. • • Mr. and Mrs. Anthony FairDeborah Luke'ns, daughter of ballks and cLildren have returnMr. and Mrs. ,JamesW .. Lukens ed to their home on Rutgers aveof Elm avenue, entered Pine nue after spending the summer in M.anor Junior College, Wellesley, Ocean City. Mass., as a freshman on SeptemMrs. Joseph F. Gaskill and her Teacher Piano ber 17. daughter S a II y of University Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. AI- place, motored to Denison Unlyer727 Yale~ Ave. bright, Sr., of Wallingford, have sity last Tuesday where Sally has ~eturned from Atlantic City where returned as a sophomore. En route Swarthmore they' visited for ~everal days with home Mrs. Gaskill visited friends their son and daughter-in-law Mr. I in M~nsfield, Ohio and Pittsburgh. SW 6-8718 and Mrs. Edward R. Albright of . . place Joan Pennock of WhIttIer th e P ar k L ane A pa rt men ts . I e ft S un d ay t 0 b egm . h er seruor . R d· G . The M ornmg ea mg roup. . i ) ear at Oberhn College. met T uesday a t th e h orne 0 f MTS. . J. V. S. Bishop of Harvard aveLyman A. Darlmg, Jr., of LafJINGLE Hue. ayette avenue has returned to the Mr. and Mrs. Arthul' S. Robin- University of Tennessee, Knox- You of COUTse, have a Camera ville, Tenn. for his senior year. ~on of Ogden avenue al'e enterWith film made to match, taining as their house guest Mrs. ..eads Co. Seal Sale We Develop and Print Robinson's cousin Miss Helen I Price of Raleigh, N.C., who arrivMrs. Paul E. Zecher of North Single shots OT a batch. ed Thursday for a week's visit. Swarthmore avenue, will again be Miss Betty McCahan of Strath in charge of the annual ChristDEPENDABLE 24 HOUR Haven avenue visited Lt. and mas Seal Booth Sale in Delaware SERVICE Mrs. Richard Smith at Aberdeen, County. She will solicit the help Md., last week. Mrs. Smith. is the of BO community leaders as vol- CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE former Miss Gayle Hodge of unteers. Nothera B. Hubbell 01 I :!IllIInllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJlllllIlII" Y Me t th N· e t P , t 5 ' " ; I ESTER'S Fashion Corner The Rotary Club of Swarthmore EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. ~i11 be host today to Charles A. ¥cCafferty, Governor of the 266th District of Rotary International, who ,is maklng his annual official visit to each of the 29 Rotary clubs in his district. He will conier with President Horace B. ;5 P.assmore and Secretary James A. ~ Green, and other local officers on ~ Rotary administration and service activities. Fall meetings will be starting soon. Maybe NEWS NOTES Mr. McCafferty is a member of some fall hikes and camping trips. Be sure Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tomlinthe Rotary Club of Media. He you are ready and equipped for either of was elected DIstrict Governor for son and Miss He'en Tomlinson of Rutgers avenue, and Mr. and them. Let Speare's help you get everything a the year 1953-54 at the annual Mrs. Harlie Reynard and young notary Convention in PariS,' good Scout needs. Girl Scout Department~on David of Westminster aveFrance, last May. Speare's Downstairs Store. nue, spent the week-end' at Stone 5 , Mrs. William F. Hanny of Yale Harbor, N.J. Munday Dawes of Benjamin ~ avenue entertained Miss CathWest avenue, and David Jackson arine Moore of Dayton, Ohio who of Pottstown, formerly of Swarth~etumed to her home Monday folmore, returned to George School ~lIilllllllllllUlUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIllllllllmllll,"llIlIlIlIlIlIlllllIIllllllllIlIllll~III~Il~UI~~~I~~~~~~~~~~ lowing a week's visit. Wednesday as members of the senior class. David Preston and Kenny Wyse of Swarthmore are also students at George School. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O. Thayer of North Chester road, have been entertaining as their house guests for two weeks their son and 527 Welsh Street daughter - in - law Mr. and Mrs. Chester. Pa., Paul W. Thayer and young son Scott David, who are returning to Lenses and Frames Replaced Ohio State University. Mr. ThayPhysicians' Prescriptions Filled er is studying for his Ph.D. degree Phone CHester 4-1307 in Industrial Psychology and Mrs. Thayer for a degree in Experimental Psychology. Miss Dorothy Denworth of Elm avenue, served as a bridesmaid Swa ..... ore in the wedding party of her CarleAmerica. LeG1D11 Auxiliary ton College roommate, Miss Lorraine Beising of St. Paul, Minn., marriage to Mr. David RUMMAGE SALE whose Baier, a college classmate, took place Saturday in St. Pal.\l. Mrs. Presbyterian Church Bldg. Baier will be a bridal attendant 'Near Comer S. Chester Rd. at Miss Denworth's wedding on and Harvard Ave•• October 3 in Swarthmore. Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, Jr., of North Chester road, Mrs. FredeWednesday, Sept. 30 rick T. Van Urk of Thayer road, and Mrs. F. H. Packer Qf Bryn 7:30 P.M. • 9 P.M. Mawr, entertained Friday at a .', Iluncheon-misceuaneous ' shower No ifs, ands, or buts Thursday, Ode 1 for 20 guests at Mrs.' Carroll's ••• we're ready to give you the home in honor of Miss Ann Milmost for your present car in today's BEST 9 A.M. ·2 P.M. ler, daughter of the Theodore DEAU Stop in and get the factsl . Millers of Colonia~ Village, Wayne. And with current high-level new car production and sales;' l . Ii GIRL SCOUTS OF Delaware County, i ! = I • F. J. Reynolds &Co. GREATEST SALES YET Retail Optic.ians . ' Make this the •• time to TRADE·! . . DELICIOUS DINNERS to SUIT th. TASTE of EYERYONE ! we can make it easy for you to "step up" to Chrysler quality and Chrysler performance for'less than you think. . Drive in and talk things over. The year's best deal is waiting youI . . emmlllmmll1ll1llll1llllUIlnnnullnlllllillUIIDlIIIIllIIIIIIRIIIIIUllllllniRlIIIRlIIIllllllR11UlRllnlunBUlnnnlll~ § § ~ TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order § EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES ; BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1 :30 P. M. Ii ! I Comfortoble Rooms Day or Week CH·RYSLER ; Elevator HANNUM i STRATH HAVEN INN Yal. & Harvard Ave•••s. Swarthmore. Pa. WALTER E. PAR.on. M.... \ I j I I - WAITE SWarthmore 6-1250 5 111 ,1 I America's First Family of Fine Cars CHESTER ROAD and YALE AVENUE FlEE PA.KING ; I & &ir I q ,. I , "