• Help fllht TB THE SWARTHMO EAN '. Civil Defense Plans ." Household Register ~e Junior Woman's Club I O ne- N'Ig ht 5 cho o I The Junior Club suggests that date of J":,,uary sixth be clreled on' local calendars for an even- Set ing out ahat the Woman's clubhouse For Wardens, Public on P avenue. On Jan, 7 . A program presented by the Health and Welfare Committee "Warden, where do I put· my will feature' as speaker Mrs. mother-in-law In an all'-raid?~' Robert Waelder of Haverford who Mo~t citizens have more urgent will comment alld show a fUm on questions than this on Civil De- ''Volunteer Work." . The subject, especially timely fense problems, to ask Pte war- now as civil defense pleaas ~ • for dens who w~l Calli during the volunteers in the community week of January 12, to compile a should prove to be of utmost InHouseholll Register, Each warden terest to everyone. will tlst the people in his or her Mrs. Howard Wilhoyte will act t ess for the eveni ng and area, also any special equlpment serve as h osrefreshments. . or resources. The warden must know ·the area and the peeple In an early. Issue, a oomplete . ,thoroughly, to help them in an calendar of Junior Club meetings emergency, or call for their help' will appear In 'The Swarthmorean. It need be. In getting acquainted, he or she will gladly answer quesI ..., tions, and give advice on se"protection, shelter; fires, or other C.D..problems. • Questions will be relayed back BIackfria. rS to G"Ive An'nual Play Jan' 11 ,j ( I to the Defense Council for con.tderation. To keep' the warllen . 'from beI ng slUmpeli too often, a pallel discussion will be held in the .",all aullitorium of the Martin BuU\ling at the College, Wedne.lIay, January 7, at 7:30 p.m. This is a Unlque chance tQ short-circuit the ~ain of instruCtion' by-meet_ Ing~e Pennsylvania Slate Tralnlog ~tor, Col. E. H. Feather, in chari!to of the C.D. TJ'atnlng School at ()gontz~ Center, and probabiy Maj. O. P. Be€\man, Special Ad-. visor totha S~te <::<:>~cIl; wh,o went through thl! i:ea!' m ~ H f 0' G ' Irects roup," Presen ta t'Ion 0 f "0 Ut Of Frying Pan" . Blackfrlars, Swarthmore High School play group, will present "Out of the Frying Pan" as its annual productilm January 17 in the school a"dltorium. The play tells the storY of a group of boys and girls endeavoring to make good on Broallway;anlla hilarious misun.1I.~tandlng artses w hen t1Jey are fo~d.livlng Ij1 the same 0 mann ~~~ . '. . ~gl"'iI aiI', the nejghborhood for Christmas.. before the Mother's club he will Calif., where she had been living The contest.1s sponsored jointly draw an amusing arialo'gy between for the past six months with her by The Swarthmorean and the health and music with piano in- son Preston Roche. Swarthmore Business Association. terpolations to'illust.tate his talk. In addition to her son, Mrs. Durlng his m8ny' years of assocla- nache Is survived by her 'daughter .. , . Since 1931 ' lion with the Dairy Councll, Mc- Mrs. Fleetwood Smith of Philadel' 'Prlnf!!er, 'Vlce-presldeai of to:OO A.M.-8tory Hour: Fourth Grade Up ..... , .... Public Library . . wIl1. , .introduce the 11'10 tch Night ~e club; . P •l!4.- Wa cServi e .... ,· ..... ,. Presbyteilan Church _,n, I.nnl 'r_ •• , .!.t: are gra·d~. ,i Na~ .1h~ny .o"'~l wrlttek;eJttl!IIjjv~ythree , 'j ..... --....., . .- ........... .,. . ..),.... ! . ~ . " j: : ,.' .; . 1 '[' : .;"',' : , " .f., / \ J 1 ;1 ) Bertha S. Roche lI ,, 1 ., -'-----------'-'--...:.::..:.:=-==-..::::=-=::.::=-==::.::::..::::..::::::::.. or ' .._"Club " ~ -:.',',. ,: , '.' . :1 1 ' . \ 7 p,.... . . , : _~ \' i McK"Inley to Speak at Motherr Club D·lnne·r . ;~... • Memorl"al Serv"lces Held for RBMI"ller Don R. Berlin, an airc~aft england executive of more than 30 years experience, will beco~e president of Piasecki He1Icopter Corporation, Morton, on .January 1. A native of Indiana, Mr. Berlin comes to Plaseck,' fr ~ It· am a pos Ion Donna Crosset and Peggy as Vice ~-Ident d Gen';"" ~ . ."" an. e.", Schumacber supervise the cosManager of McDonnell Aircraft tumes with the help of Nan~ Corporation St Louis -. . . ", .• Harper and Mary WUUs. NancY ;"'0, . ofC.the Hl!rl'Mlller, Is chairman of mBkeup, hell te fonner, .. _ .Pres!.dent . . .Newnam . .: .. cop r ........ _ally Bank•. supervisor, and " . with ~ com~ . . ~t1ve Margo Morrison, Judy Lmigwell speabr. ' 1 · 81JNDAY, .JANUARY t ' : Vice-PresIdent ..,.Gt, m ~_ and Mary-Willis are members of Mrs. Alfred )lanaets, ~ 11:00 A.M.-MnrnIng .Worship .. . ....•..•..... Local' Churchea . IV.' tlie committee, of the dinner, bas ennounced the TtIBlIDAY . .JANUARY .. , coll\llllttee cbaln;aen en4 _bets. . . .' ~ , Eddie N~..m Steve Carter who wlllllSllstln tile preparatl01lll 2.00 P.M... Meetlna an! Tea ...................... Woman's Club 1111 .._, cbalrmell' Ught!ng Carl for the dinner. ,..,. &nO as fol- 8:00 P.loL-Jr. Woman. Club, .... , ................ WO~'8 Club: Col,.c, •• R\IIIIM!7, anctl'lira. Jeglum sU~. Audlo'.eer Iowa: ~NBlDAY, .JAIroARY" ........a_ .Is Dick J'ellowlt. . , SO PM' ........ '!"" ~~_L_... • • • • • • • • , •• ,COn• "... ,:.. llumRy :,of WeJabe==, ...,.. ,. _~.....,. DetoIatlon_~, .r,,!,n H. 1\11.... :___._va ....... 0CIftN& Ve-tIn BId&. . ~,_ vlddac relatives ..m friellda Heary.:itotmann, faCulty spon_ WlmillDB. eh"'".......Mi'!t. .Tn"n R . · 'tB(JamA~' ~~ . ' :. /,. III Swartbmore. CoL, R~ .1I!·.or of Bl.c\tri ..... · \fIreete. ~ MI!Kf;'''~''' ",... """"" 11'1'_ . 1:10 P'" -Fath~ Dmner Oft • ~W·""", ; iIltow. . ' " . -• .. ..' " . . . . . • • • • • • • •• .' • (CoIItln.. ~" _ .... _ A' 8:11 -Lecture: ''Pacifllm'' ~ Ih" 1I.HraD)- .• '•.• , .~ ~w.e neer , t3,50 PER YEAR SWARTIlMORE, FRIDA),'. JANUARY 2,1953 VOLUME 2~NUMBER 1 1 Page 2 Personals Mrs. Alden Van KIrk will return to her home in San Francisco, Calif., FrIday after spending the holidays with her mother Mrs. Martha' Blessing and brother Mr. George Blessing and family of Elm avenue. Mrs. Van Kirk was guest of honor at a luncheon given last Tuesday at Strath Haven Inn for 12 former Swarthmore College friends by Mrs. W. R. Shoe\Daker of Riverview road. Mrs. James Bacon Douglas of North Chester road entertained at a small luncheon at her home Tu~sday in honor of Mrs. Van Kirk. Mrs. William H. Thatcher of College avenue will entertain at a luncheon at her home today for Mrs. Van Kirk, Mrs. Blessing, and a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson of Guemsey road will be hosts at a co-operative dinner party before the New Year's Eve Duck Club Dance in the Woman's Club this evening. Mrs. G. S. Winchell of South Lincoln, Mass., with her three ~ons, who 'has been visiting through the holidays with her mother Mrs. F. T. Flaherty and family· of Guernsey road, was joined by Mr. Winchell for Christma~ week-end. Pvt. David Morey of Yale avenue Is home for the holidays having finished a course in the 'Russian language at the Army Language S~hool, Monterey, Calif. His next assignment is Ft. DI!VIlDlI, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Gilcreest of Vassar avenue h a v e returned. home from Ft. Smith, Ark., where Mr. Gllcreest was a patient In St. Edward's Mercy Hospital for eight weeks following an automobile accldent. nounce the engagement of their daughter, Alison, to Mr. Duncan Graham Foster, Jr. Miss Owen is a member of the senior class a~ Swarthmore College. Mr. Foster is the son of Professor and Mrs. Duncan Graham Foster, of Crest Lane. He was graduated from Swarthmore High School in 1947 and from Swarthmore College in 1951, with High Honors. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and an associate member of the Society of the Sigrna Xi. At present he is a research dark broad leafed foliage fornnng a cascade. Miss Mary Ellen Federschmidt of Malvern, as maid of honor, and bridesmaids :Mrs. Willard Wade of Wallingford, siater of the groom, Mrs. Richard L. Jones, Jr., ot Drexel Hill, Mrs. Richard Lanser of Cynwyd, and Mrs. James Price of West Chester, wore gowns of wine colored taffeta fashioned with off_the_shoulder necklines and full skirts. The attendants carried bouquets similar to the THE SWARl'HMOREAN - The Bouquet . Rosalie Pelr¥>l MISTLETOE FAYORS LOYELY LADIES 9 Chester Road 'Call Swarthmore 6-0476 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holme Owen, of Hopkinton, N.H., an- Swarthmore, Po. Starting Thurs., Dec. 25 Hoping for All A HOBBY NEW YEA.R! .CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 405 . Darflno.th . . . . A.ve; G. WEST Coc1mANE _ I~;;~;;;;~~~;;~;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;~~; State Auto Inspection Nov. 1st to Jan~,l1st . ! For Safe, Sure Protection Use PRESTONE or ZEREX Anti-Freeze RUSSELL'S SERVICE ROBERT J. ATZ, Owner Opposite Borough Parking Lot SW 6-0440 Dartmouth & &.afayette Aves. """',... gjllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllDi111100111111111 I' 1 ~ __ --= = i ~~ Extending Holiday Greetings . . to Our Many Patrons ; Reservations now being accepted for New Year's Day Dinners served from 1 :00 to 7:30 P.M. ;;;= = - : - . STRATH HAVEN INN , . i5 Swarthmore, Po. ~ WALTER E. PARROTT, Mlr. Telephone Swarthmore 6-0680 FREI PARICING jllIllIllIllIlIllIlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!lIIl11l11l11ll11l1l1ll11ll11l11ll1l1mllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1II11D1lmllnn~ J January 9th or 10th-pick your day r- I To come see the '53 ChevroleL J' d It's brand new clear thru-a beaut of .a The best one, you'll say, of the year by far. car, (For one week' ''THE QUIET MAN" II S~C.ss aid ...._lIt It tile days abead. (Technlcolor) The _ comedy or 1952. Don't. mtss this picture! Tburulay & SaturdQy Nights l"eature TImes - 6 - 8 _ 10 Special Klddl... Show ~ llltemoon - 1 P.M. ~.- ShG 'll t S 11:00,A.M.-.'Meetinl! for Worshi W1 mee unday evening, JapChlhlrencared for in Whittie~ ua'ry 4, at 8 p.m. in Whittier )9 S. Chester Rd. Haese. All are welcomeHouse to discuss "How are People 7:0I! .P.M.-:-Sellior High'Fellow- Brpugltt to Religious Experience?" Charles H.Grler Shlp. Whittier House. . .• Th.e meeting \ViII be under the 8;.00 P.M.-Friendly· Disc11SSl0n leadership of James RI·chards. ",roup..,.. Whittier House . Monday, January 5' Mid-Week Meeting for Worship Ail "av sewing for A F'S'C will be held on Wednesday, JanuWednesday, olanitar7·." " ary 7, at 7:30 p.m. in the Meet·AlI :,ray' sewlrig tor A.F.S.C. ing House. 7. SO P.M.,-. Mid-Week meeting \ -------, tor Wo~hip, . . . ' CHRISTIAN S~IENCE NOTES HERE'S THE ROAD •• , 1'I : \ I \ Ie. the road of simple consideration. Remember the three Rs of party.line courtesy-be Reasonable about how long you talk; Release the line for emergencies when asked; leplace the ~iver gently when you find the line in ute. . -! to find your Party-line neishboratbe ....... Happy result: better telopbone -..ice ~I . • i for ... • • Children's Shop ~ • • PJm~~~I~ ._ . S'WAll'rHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard , SlIDC1ay, ollUl1ll1lT C 11:00 A ••.-Bunday School. U!80 A. Jr.-The T-sie'D.Sill "God'" . . .on Welinesd eaeb week, 8a~.~~im~e:.::: open dally except Stmday 12 to II P.M. Wed- sday .eveniJIItg '1 to '1:50 P.M. 8Jid 9 to'1:IO P... . with an . AUTOMADC GAS WATER HEATERI -WorrY-free water heating I .The saving power the 0;', infinite God will be discussed in IICMlmni.s Specia's at Ic Each. next Sunday's serviCes. in Better Stamps from AU Over ChristlaJi Science churches, when the World the topic of the Lesson-Sermon is For Beginners .. Advanced an "God." , .- The Golden Text is taken fl'Om the prophet isaiah (":22): "Look unto !!le, and be ye saved, a l l ' ends of .the eartb:. for I lin God, and"t!Iere 1i Rone elSe." ." . I ~ . . , . ; . , . , . . . " . . . . . .'1111 rk_ •• r'., ...... . . , ,.•••.,..... II_ hie ....s' ..... . . . . . :. .~ ....,. Ii ...... ,.. ............ pi .... _ Collectors \ E.. ROB~T LAMBICHI ... PllLAIEL..I& ELECTIIC (OM'A.' 231 HaVerford Avenue SWArthmore 6-061 I ,. JIIOCIem automotic gas water heater provides a constant supply. Whether it is for dishes, laundry or cIeaAIIIg, there Is always hot water at the tum 01 a; tap. And, since it is automatic, gas 'NOI_ he" " P~stage Sta••lpS of you w~nt hot wat., a • • ! 'I' .1 !' I Die,e's always plenty ••• ' No' mailer when t' ,! 'I, lr to gOOd party-line telephone service f .,-./i Tired of Waiting, f.r Hot UTILITY SH'OP '. .t ~ d J" • Roy N. Keiser. D.D.. Minister Sunday, January" . 9:45 A ..M.-Church·· School and :oung Adults. ~;:gg 1:~ ~hlY 'it0mlljunion. 7;45 P.M.-·Eve.':rl~g NSurvirse rY. 00... The ' Theatre Square, South Chester Road, Swart~more, Po. U you are olways eourteoWi on the telephone, you're You'b love It. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON .ar unto yolt fit fnInt. Utili illY tn. """fltg oflluib a &aDiliatr IIIbJt~ iJi ·CII~i.Uit.tI{' .SeW I .w,., ,•...., Lorene McCarter SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, JANUARY'2, 1953 MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN 313 Dartmouth Avenne S..artLInore 6-2080 COLLEGE THEATRE • .i EnOflitered as Second Class Matter, January 24 1929 at the Post ce at Swarthmore, Pa., tinder the Act ~f kch 3, 1879. .an" stitute of Technology. He is employed with the Pennsylvania Salt Man)1facturing Company, Philadelphia. PETER E. TOLD, EdItor aDd Pabllllber ~O~ TOLD IUld BARBARA KENT, Associste Bdltors BEAUTY SALON Hope. of the.·Wodd~ The Chapter Production Service of the American Red Crdss, Elsie F. Quinto, chairman, extends thanks and good wishes for the' New Year to those who have conby tributed yarn, and to those who have knit squares for the Naval WINIFRED RUMBLE Hospital afghans. Fifty-five afghans have been completed but 145 more are urgently needed. For yarn or information call (Sample ill Hobby Shopl Mrs. Percy Gilbert, Swarthmore 6- ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Portraits in Oil PUliLISBED EVEKT FRIDAY AT SWARTBJIIOKB, I'A. THE SWARTHIIOREAN, INC., P1lBLISHEK . Phone SWarihmore 8-0900 bride's varied by red roses for the assistant in the Cornell University maid of honor, and accents of sil- '-""""'~"M"M""iA"M"".''''''M''''''''''''''''''''''~'''''''· The wedding is s~heduled f delabra. The aisle leading to the June. or .altar was alight with candelabra encircled· with smilax caught with clusters of white chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Lang of Mr. Henry J. Faust, organist, Dickinson avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, presented the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by Marjorie Drew, to Mr. Joseph her father, wore a gown of white Max Roman, son of Mr. and Mrs. taffeta with Alenclon lace forming Joseph Roman of Chestnut Hill, a bateau neckline on the fitted Philadelphia. bodice, long sleeves and full skirt Miss Lang is a .graduate of Friends Central and attended with train. Her fingertip veil of Earlham College and the Univer- illusion was attached to a cap ot matching Alencion lace and she sity of Pennsylvania. Mr. Roman attended Drex<:J, In- carried white camellias backed by Page 3 THANKS TO KNlnERS I Graduate School, where he is vered leaves for the bridesmaids. working for his Ph.D. in Physics. They wore garlands of the same The marriage will take place in design as headdresses. the summer of 1953. . Mr. William Drain of Rutledge served as best man. The ushers Mr. and Mrs. John N. Eustis of included Messrs. Haines Dickinson Kershaw road, Wallingford, for- of College avenue, Willard Wade, merly of Darien, Conn., announce Howard E. Frlele of West Chester, the engagement of their daughter, cousin of the groom, and WilHam Gretchen Hills Flock to Mr. James Brady of Dover, Del. A reception In McCahan Hall Phillip Rose of Waterford, Conn. followed the ceremony. The bride's Mr. Rose is the son of Mr. and mother chose a Rown of WilliamsMrs. Rufus Rose and nephew of burg Blue taffeta with matching Dwight Rose, economist and author. Mr. Rufus Rose is past Presi- hat of sequins and pink accessordent of Puppeteers of America. ies. She carried. a pink camellia. Miss Flock attended Lower Mer" The bridel!I'oom's mother wore a ion High School and Antioch Col- light blue taffeta gown and a blue lege. Mr. Rose attended the Buck- flowered hat flecked with fuschi •. ley School and is now attending Her orchid corsage was of fuschia shade. Antioch College. After a wedding trip South, the No date has been set for the couple wl1\ live In Dover, Del., wedding. where Mr. Gallagher is employed Mr. and Mrs. Howard Govett with International Latex. Hopson of Rutgers avenue J announced the engage~ent of their DRAKE-WALTON daughter, Suzanne, -and Arthur The marrIage of Mrs. Frances Dudley Harrison, Jr., son of Mr. Gillespie Walton and Mr. Howard and Mrs. Harrison at Garden City, R. Drake, 112 West Drexel avenue, Long Island, N.Y., at a cocktail Lansdowne, was solemnized Satparty given at their home Satur- urday•. December 20 at 2 o'clock. day afternoon. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop ofMiss Hopson is a sophomore at ficiated at the ceremony which Bucknell University. took place at the home of the Mr. Harrison Is a junior af bride, 30 Amherst avenue. , Bucknell and is a member of the Delta Upsllon fraternity. • TO WED The wedding Is planned for ENGAGEMIiNTS The marriage of Miss Marian The engagement of Miss Eliza.. August after which the young Elaine Jones, daughter of Mr. and beth Ruth Schoenberg, daughter of couple will return to Bucknell un- Mrs. Marshall Jones, Jr., of WestProfessor I. J. Schoenberg of Dart- Ii! Mr. Harrison's graduation. town, to Mr. James Sproul Lees, mouth avenue, and the late CharJr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lees of -lotte Landau Schoenberg, to Mr. , GALLAGHER-PATMAN : Locksle~ road, Loclql'1Y, formerly Warren Brody, son of Mrs. Emma. ; The marriage of Miss Patriot of Swafthmore, will II take place Brody of Cliffside Park, N.J., and Le P!man ~. hte f D .~ today, December 31 at 2 o'clock the late Irvin A B d ' e a ,uaug r 0 r. nounced g . ro y, IS an- Mrs. Frederick Alexander Patma\,! In the Bethlehem Methodist b g . d te f of Princeton avenue, to Mr. Curtis Church of Thornton, Pa. Miss S'ch oener,agraua a H . Swarthmore High School, is a senoopes Gallagher, Jr., son of Mr. lor at Radcliffe College where she and Mrs. Gallagher of Walllngis president of her dormitory. She ford, took place Sat~rday, ~ecem­ SUBSCRIPTIONS , has been on the Dean's List at ber 27 at 3:30 0 cl~ck m the FOR ALL GAZlNES Radcliffe for two years Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Mr. Brody is an ~lumnus of ~he. Rev. Joseph P. Bishop ofA HAPPY NEW' YEAR· Harvard College where he was ftcl~ted before a background of president of the Harvard Drama- ChrIstmas . trees and a chan~el TO OUR MANY tic Club. He Is DOw a student at I banked Wlth evergreens, whlte CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS Harvard Law. School chrysa'lthemums and lighted can- TilE OWARTHMOREAN January 2, 1953 TIlE SWARTHMOREAN • THE sW,o\R1 Page 4 . CO-ED BEAUTY SALON Open Thurlday Nigh .. PARK and DARTl\IOUTB AVE. s..artblnore 6-1013 Woman'. 's k . '\walter P. strOud, chairman, Mrs. H. S. Garnet Whips 'Club Note. IMlcl<:inlrey to pea Mason B. Lindsey, Mrs. C. W. . . lle execuUve board ~1I meet At Mothers Club Dinner ads-Mrs. Ramsay, Mrs. G. S. Townes; SalLansdowne. 63-44 'li Charles Seymour, chair. M~nday, January 5, at. 9.30 a.m. (Continued from page 1) Jr., Mrs. William Y. Rial and Mrs. William Spencer; Table SettlngMrs. Joseph Hildenbrand, chairman, Mrs. James Clifford, Mrs. man, Mrs. Clifford M. Bryant, Mrs. William McClarln, Mrs. Richard H. Wissler; Rolls and Butter-Mrs. Leonard Smith, chairman, Mrs. T. M. Gibson, Mrs. Jack Jones, Mrs. James E. Williams; Desserts-Mrs. James Hudson, Mrs. Marion Lo- Walter Shelley, chairman, Mrs. R. max, Mrs. LeRoy Peterson, Mrs. C VanRavensway Mrs. Fred Rohert Pfeifer and Mrs. Norman Michel, Mrs. Greer, Weeks. Daniel S. Harris, Jr., Mrs. Victor Baking ~ams-Mrs. E. H. Lee W. Malwald. Bauer, chairman, Mrs. Lawrence Coffee _ Mrs. Brinton Liddell. tt Conwe11, Mrs. Ed ward CasIe , chairman, Mrs. Robert Cassidy, M.rs. John Espenschad: and MrS" Mrs. W. T. Clay, Mrs. Walter LeRichard Hunt; Hot Dishes-MrS. wick! and Mrs. Charles J. Merkle; Clean-up - Mrs. Richard Eckenalici barb.~ roth, chairman, Mrs. Edward B .. cornelius and Mrs. Wesley Simon. At the door will be Mrs. William • C. Collenberg, Mrs. Harold HildebUlldln~ stadt and Mrs. G. Alex Mills. Char1~s I ~rs. I 9 •I .t I 5 old bank 't's to Your Advantage SHOP AT THE co-op .. (Across from Borough Hall' Dartmouth Avenue I The Garnet won theU", first game i;l'.~~:.c~u~ house. of the season by whipping the The brlilge class, Mrs. Irwin R. Lords of Lansdowne, 63-44. The MacElwee, .instructor, will resume Lords took an early lead in the Its' weekly meeting at 9: 30 a.m. ame retaining a 6-11 ..Age at the M\>nday in the lounge. g . ~'f . Tuesday at I(j a.m. the. health end of the first period of play. and weUare.department will meet Swartbmore caught UP in the final I in the lounge to work on disposaJ minutes of the half and found bags and. can.cer for the themselves out in front 25-23 as I Commumb' Health Society and the half ended. Bill Ziegenfus sewing for Camp Sunshine. Box lunch at 12 noon I Tuesday made the tie-breaking goal. I b wlll t'recede the regu ar c u From this point onward the meeting. and tea at. 2 p.m. Dr. J. game was all Swarthmore's. ~~,ell Smith wlll speak on Sparked by Howard Shearer, who Geography, - Swarthmore 'and scored 21 points, the Garnet soar- Elsewhere." ed ahead. Shearer's high scoring At 10 a.m, Thursday Dr. Frances and the excellent ball. R: "~"ssell,ch.airman of the interand inspiring team play n~~lonal relatIOns department, will by Bill Hoot, who had 12 po~ts, gi'ie.' a talk on "International was an unbeatable combination. Issues in':the Far East." Also adding to Swarthmore's The Spanish class, Dr. James strength were the 20 points com- SOrber instructor, will meet at 7 piled equally hy Don MacElwee p.Il!;' . ' • and Don Stromberg. The Garnet Friday;' January 9, at 10 a. m .. led 42-29 going into the final pe- Mrs. R. d. E. Ullman, cltairman riod and were never seriously of the.- iIt~rature department, will threatened for the remainder of present Mrs. Peter E. Told, who the contest. will .re.view uEast of Eden" by WalloPllllledia J ohp. !?telnbeck. The Garnet outplayed Media in -------minute of another fas~ MisS Catharine Cavanaugh .of moving fray last Tuesday. After Elm avenue is spending the winter jumping to an early lead, the Gar- months in Atlantic CIIy. net stretched' it turtber alid" fur;: ,To 1 ... ther. They led 21-8, 39-16 at the half, 55-27, and, with the second string playing out the final period, won by the convincing score of I dressing~ i everyone in . town for his good will --~....... friendship.' 7!O'~ \ best wey'to NY it Ii still HARRIS & CO. PARK AVENUE ,.' . L H "IWYNcwV ...'. .. . II j , • - ..... 71-37. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY Swarthmore, Penna. .. . . ANNUAL MEETING ~ The Annu~1 Meeting of the stockholden of the Swarthmore NatlBfl'lI'.. 'ank and Trust Company, Swarthmore, Pa .. for the election of directon .and such other busin8!lS as may come before the meeting, will be held at the banking house in Swarthmore, Pa., on Tuesday, January 13, 1953, between the houn of th'"'le and four-thirty o'clock P.M. , . HAROLD OGRAM Se.creta,:y of ~e Board . . HIIRRY BEWlEY, JR. High scorer for Swarthmore I " W..1 I ..... S'u" with 20 points was Lee Swan who 11""" ... ,.... . 111(1'110 •• IIIU•• played an inspiring game. Bill Hoot: displaying his usual talents, - - - - - - - - - - . - - - ha.d 15 points. Other mentionable scoring for the Garnet was made by Howard Shearer with 13 and Don MacElwee with 10. With a taste of two victories after the initial heartbreakers with Springfield and Darbr, the. team expects an exciUng season. The home game will be with Prosphct Park on FrIday night, January 9. , EDWARD h NOYES & .CO. ", . ,~.• l( .- .~ • : , : ,', "-~.,<, .' f. :",;':.i.:.- w'''._.t .. ', '. t ,,::/-·,~t :.t·'(',,·~, ':! '".~ We cordially Invite you to villt UI 10 I .. and drive Ihi. .enlatlonally n."" C1ind finer car . ~1/1JfN RUMSEY CHEVROLET S. Chester Rd. Swarthmore Theatre Square . .' ,, ....;;, '" : . " $15,00II FGII $5,A hoa.. that co.t $5,000 to build ia 1932 could not b. replaced for 115,000 ~•. !low aboat )'oar Pir. Iaaunncel !lave' )'ou Increased It In line with pr..eat valaeal , Ml'~~/l .' ,(l'IlH,lItnrt)lI!: .. ~-tff"i":r .. .... '" . '_4, • ,-; .' ~. . • ." c •• ':.~~ ":\. . ,'. 1 South Princeton Avenue ( ... ~; ·•._•. f~··! ,< ',' """. . . . . tbt ~as •.., ........ , If,!~~,do~t receive a notice and care to join : ,':;f · and·contr.,lbuw, mail your che~ks to the "}r ., ,! pod tJiIp ' ,',1 \ j' t • :SW~RTHMORE FlaE AND John JeHords, Treasurer, Box 261 i Swarthmore __ • 333 DamnoDIh Ave. , < I.A.GREEN • . , PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION PETER E. TOLD .1;' ..... .' . the past few days you have received the notice of dues of the Swarthmore Fire Association. The Swarthmore Fire and Protective A.ssociation is a volunteer organization working for the' benefit .... of our community. Support of the Fir~ Company is an investment in low Fire .lnsuiance raws~ It ·takes the, cooperation of the en.,tire communi~y to maintain these low rates. , 1.' {-' /.,.1' $ -1 " . ,: .'~: .. j1~ • ". fire Company .Dues ~'~:M:~'~:':'~: : Soutli~ter Road .~ : 1 .; , ' .HANNUM & WAITE RUMSEY , \'J(!MIJ .; , . , 15 So..,th Chester Road . !:--~ Swarfllmore • r . \ . ..\,:':, . \ Yale Avenue and Chester Road , ,i " ., . . . . .. . .,.,"""',.,'.;. {.:.,.:.,.:".- ~.;, . :.~ .' • • New Year 7; Oil) FRIENDS «htl NEW of you deserves a pat the back for making 1953 Our affecHon will b. with "5 , a fine place In which to welcome the "NewT. . . ' 3 Thank you for your good wishes. w. ADOLPH'S May joy and HORACE A. REEVES return them sUcc:ess attend 17-1/2 So~th Chester Road with lalerest. " you the whole .-1--'" ~# ••~'J " year through. ". , .' "r~· ., BueHNER'S . , ,, ," . "" . :" . , , " ?,i~~t:"~·~'-~;' . " , Al ,Carney, Manager '-: . ;, 'j".. ~ ."; i '; • • it ' • .• 1 " , J.' ." We'd need " space to all our hopes you in the dayS' • ahead. . • <. " , '. •'J' .' . ." . • - '. ,'---,- '.' :," .:.", ,:.~ -,; ," . ' . ' : ' ," _ . . . . • , .1' . " " ,I , • " I I " RUSSELL'S SERVICE Bob Aiz, Proprietor , THE BOUQUET We are lhanr.' ~ PERSONAL - Radios, television receivers, record changers and other electrical appliances repair_ ed. . Prompt service. Robert Brooks, Swarthmore 6-1548. PERSONAL - Grace Lewis Employment Agency. Licensed and Bonded. Phone SWarthmore 65019. PERSONAL-Magaii'le Subscriptions - Mrs. Bertha P. Faries, 2 3 9 Haverford av.enue. Phone SWarthmore 6-6750. '. I .. .. ;'1 " ,,' . ... , I... BUILDER ." . .' ....... ~.. .. ' Swarthmore 6-2253 I: . , .far ....·:·fataat wnr : '.,II'."era " '. ;' . '. " ..if George Plowman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f J J January 9th or 10th 'COme and see The Chevrolet we've got for '53 Chevrolet's excitingly new this year; . Brand new clear thm from front end to rear. I FOR SALE-One Premier upright bag-type vacuum cleaner - excellent condition. 724 Harvard avenue. SWarthmore 6-0519. FOR SALE - A 24" kitc''::'ho-e:'':n-'''b-as-e cabinet - black marbleized top almost new. Kenmore tank vacuum cleaner-all attachments. condition. Call SWarth6-2132. metal bed coil SWarthmore 6-1247. FOR .RENT FOR RENT .- Attractive room, 'private bath, for business person. SWarthmore 6-1675: WANTED - Apartment or small house with oil heat, preferably furnished. T h r e e responsible "duits. Call SWarthmore.6-0117. WANTED - Furnished house for February, March, April for couple and baby for Commander U.S. Navy. ~eply to Box H, The Swarthmorean. ' . WANTED -' College senior, quiet, desires room near bath, private or semi-private entrance. Box N. The Swarthmorean. . " RUMSE'y CHEVROLET Thea~e SquCllre. S!Juth Chester Road. Swarthmore. Pa. !===*=~~=:::::=====~";;';~;';;';;';;;;;;';';;';';;",J LOST AND FOUND rr.;r'~1l~71U11=1~.~I~:'''=~=-~iE-~~·~'I~~~~~v~~~Et:~:g~~~~~i of··}' , 'PI- .'lIltperitJ. • J. Edward Clyde FOR SALE WANTliD . MICHAE~'~ COLLEGE .fHARMACY :i. \ ; ~ Classified Ads PERSONAL HELP CUSTOM SLIP COVERS aDd voices are filled with best wlsbes for all our friends. The challenge Mr. and Mrs.' william E. Hetzel Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Molr of Mr. and Mrs. LaRue HendriX-I Mrs. Hen~on's brother-in-law and Miss Carol Hetzel of Thayer South Chester road will leave Fri- son of North Chester road enter- and' sister Mr. and Mrs. Robert road will spend New Year's week.- I day for a two-week trip to Pom- tained over Christmas week-end 1Kissack of Ft. Monroe, Va. end at Sea Island, Ga. ,. pano Beach, Fla. They will' be ESTATE NOTICE - - ; - accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. J. S. ESTATE OP J. loL PEARSON. also Clemence of Washington, D.C.' . A Comp'e.e Insurance and Rea' fsrare Agency known as JOHN M. PEARSON. late Ensign Robert Bourne USN R of the Borough of Swarthmore. Del. . . ' . . : ., Co.; Pa.. Decessed. of San Diego, Calif., IS spending Letters Teta.me~tary on the above Ithe holidays with his uncle and Estate having been granted to the un' . derstgned. all persons Indebted to the aunt Mr. and Mrs. MorrIS Potts 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER Estate are requested to make pay_I of Yale avenue. William Potts, a ment. and those having claims to pre- t d t t P Stat h . . d !lent the same without delay to S u en a enn e. as JOlne Phones: 3·6141 3·6142 4-4291 4-4292 GRACE DAVIE 'PEARSON, ExecJ.itrlx, his- parents on Yale avenue for the 219 Ave .• Swarthmore. Pa. holidays .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Or toCornell her Attorney __ _ Samuel D. Clyde Samuel D. Clyde, Jr. BUTLER. BEATTY. GREER & JOHNSON Media Pa. THOM SEREMBA '* Our lllaits I ,~~ OIL HEAT .. * CE~IA . . "",,1I:t - ... COMCIQIOHIMO OIIl...,...a.o;u OIL lOIn. . _ OIL IVIIIIINO W.... I M... rIU • DAY and ·N1GHT SHOE SHOP . . OIL BURNER SERVICE .' Store. gold ear-ring with green stone. Call SWarthmore 6-4602. LOST - Pair dark brown gloves -wool lining. SWarthmore 6!l.09~ . LOST - Green wallet with R.R. ticket, mollJ'Y, A, A. ticket. Please return to The Swarthmorean office. . E'OUND - Gold 'ear-ring - loop pattern, on Swarthmore avenue. Call at· The Swarthmorean office. :,IONDAY TBRU SATURDAY NOON . SW 6·4041 SllNDAYS and HOLIDAYS SW . CHEVROLET 6"0740 COAL FIREPLACE ( WOOD • PETER 01 NICOLA Driveway Construc:Han Asphalt or Conc:rete Cellar Walls Re.Plastered Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 J.A.GREEN S. Chester Rd. . Theatre STENQGRAPHIC,& TYPING SERVICE We fId 11II'IIIIIII11IIItfgri(1lf8 1fA~~ , /diHe- lIS we wl forI!/llfli ,,~ ~ '! t(l spcnliiHlIlIH(ltitn VMf III1t(lHII V(lII. tMIl/lWC III eHiOfl plllee uti IIIIppint18 tOfldltn. Real Estate Insurance Custom HOHles Construction Mcrigages' '.' . ........,. ' . . affes.a.Ir WIsh~}'OIir incre' lno 8u e SI. .. '. ---'-.-Baird & Bird , RUMSEY CHEVROLET , - t. .,''; :. , ,t. .ro.. effIcles. aael acear.t. ••rvlce Co.tract or Ho,;rly laffl RUPACA. INC• n ..tra Sq.o.. sw ""121 Mis. Stradley Notary 'ubllc e G_d 'Charice. for Adva"ceme"t • Regular Emplcyment • Vacations with Gelierat'oll 1."011'1 HORACE /II.. Pay • No Expel'le"ce Needed to Start For further infonnation about' opera:ting or any other 'type . of telephone work, ·stop in at one 01 the offices listed'below;' Balldi_g COllstriJcHo. Opposite lor. ." Hall SWc.IIL.ore 6.0108. " .' is• • I'_re 6-1202 ?~ 'op... "n.... -Reports REEVES COR. DARTMOUTH ,lid LAFAYE'nE AVENUES . Legal This is your invitation to come in and see for yourself what kind of employer your telephone company is, and to learn more about the jobs waiting to be filled. You'll like the people, the surrOundings, the pay-and you'll finrl the work so interesting that the time flies fast. You'll discover other advantages, too. such as . Residential • P~!;::I Commercial • 1 • Ailel'atio.... 171h 5",,1' CIliate';' Road Swa, ....,. 6.3450 . 6919 L..,dlo"! s~, Upper Darby. Pa. 1631.~ ,Street" p'hllf/ldel.,hln, Pa. . . . . ,,;.... ' - , '." BE SRl TEiu';'ONE hiMPANv "OF PENNSYLVANIA "A ,ri<":'dw _ •.•.... ,._ ···t· .• .- . I "/~ to ~o;k" l]vlFlrtbmore Co lleae L1 br"ry THE SWAR'I1DIOREAN Mr. and Mrs. William L. Medford of Strath Haven avenue entertained at a cocktail party at their farm in West Grove on Saturday. December 27. They have had as their guests over the Christmas holidays their son-inlaw and daughter Mr. and Mrs. William Pontius of Park For';'t. Ill .• and Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ryan of Richmond. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey Mr. and Mrs. William J. CresSEAL SALE EXTENDED; of Yale avenue entertained as son of Ami1erst avenue entertainCO. SHORT OF GOAL Robert Y. Buzby. son of Mr. and .heir house guest during Christ- ed Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cresson. Jr.• Mrs. Judson R; Hoover, Jr., of It is not too late to make contri- Wallingford. left by car Saturday mas week-end Miss FJQrence Han- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Detweiler butions for the 1952 Christmas for Palo Alto. Calif.• where he bas ion of New eaanan, Conn. anorn avenue during the TO PEioo~iii and TRANSIENT GUESTS , ' .'i. -. holidays. Harvard and RutgeJ'B Avennes Pho"e SWaribmore 6-9728 Dr. Robert Rowand, U.S.N., son NEWS NOTES of Mrs. E. M. Rowand of Elm aveAmong the outc'\f~i;;wn guests nue. who has been serving with entertained over t~~, l;:hristmas the U.S. Navy in Naples. Italy. "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" ~eek-end by Mr. ~,'1R ¥>'s. WiI- has been transferred to Izmir. llam E. Witham; 6~ Crest lane. Turkey. Mrs. Rowand. the former were Mr. and j~mes w. W. Miss .Frances Noyes of SwarthBrown. of Washington. D. C .• Mr. more. and baby daughter will jl'in and Mrs. Philip H. Witham. with Dr. Rowand in the near future. Lynn and Dougla~. of Lake MoMr. and Mrs. William A. McCHESTER'S FASHION CORNER hawk. N. J .• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Culloch.,III. of Short Hills. N.J.• EDGMONT AVENUE -:-.7th and WELSH STJlP.ETS . L. Bentley. with cx;>ll, Bruce. spent the holidays In Swarthmore of COvington. Va.• and MfS. James with Brig. Gen. W. A. McCullOCh E. Hoffman. of Wyn~o\e~' . ·and Mrs. McCulloch of Riverview Mr. and Mrs. CharleiE. Bovard road. and Mr. and Mrs. Otto of Swarthmore avenue entertained Kraus~ Jr., of Benjamin West aveas . a Christmas party· Saturday nue. evening. . Mr. and .Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T.~'·Bassett Park avenue, will leave Thursday RUMSEY CHEVROLET ot North Chester _t~~i.d ,~ri!ertained on a business trip to' Dallas, Texas , during the,holidays·lit,rs.!frank L. ap.d ·the Southwest. . S. Chester Rd. Swartflmore Bassett of West Chester 'and Mrs. Mrs. E. L. Conl"ell of Columbia Norman H. Bassett of Atlantic ~venue entertained. at a small ____T_h_e_a_tr_e_s_q"-u__a__r:..:e=-_ _~c:::i:::ty:.:._ _ _......:_ _ _ _~__ luncheon at her home Monday. Dr. and Mrs. John T. Pinkston of Westminster avenue entertained as their guests on Sunday Dr. Pinkston's brother-in-law and sIste,. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pigford and family of Newark. Del. Mrs. Samuel M. DodC'. of Swarthmore avenue will entertain at a dinner - bridge at her home this evening, New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hansell, AND Jr., of Swarthmore avenue entertained at open house from 8 to 9 on Saturday evening In honor of Mrs. Hansell's mother Mrs. Collins Keller of Carlisle who is spending the holiday season in Swarthmore. Sgt. Jacques Herbert of France a c~det at Hondo Air Base, Tex~ spent Christmas with A 1/c Tom Schmidt at the Schmidt home on Parrish road. T~e lIame great deSign Dr. and Mrs. David Warner and and performance aa the family. formerlY of Ft. S;";'th, Suburbanite. but built to Ark., are' now living in Xenia. 72xl08. Reg. 5.95 • truek _"'floatl..... ~hio. Mrs; Warner is the former NOW ••• AY41WL1 IN SIZES M.ary~.Yates GlIcreest. • . UP TO 7.50 11 17' . Mr. and Mn. Maurice L. Web8b:1~ Reg. 6.85 ster. Jr.• of Elm avenue entertain5.85 9030108, Reg. 7.45 ed at Open house. SaturdaY eve-; ••••••••••• ~ • • •• 1I0I0'' :6.45 ning. December 27. 42x381h. Reg. 1.60 .. : .....~. , n _ Mr. and Mrs. J .. H. G. Mc1.30 Conechy of South Chester rOad Cales, 45x381h, Reg. 1.65 ....... ",,:,:,,·CHESTER alld FAIRYIEW ROADS 1.35 entertained at a dinner pany 0'; Christn)as Day. They· will open house on N..... Year's ;''WN.'tbmo r e, Pa • California Baund 'I JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES SHEETS CASES WAMSUTTA TRUCKERS! Oet the hew .GRIP TRED Supercale "....eoDliEAR $4.95 ....... ......... Fusco & Alston ;Caaes. '- .. Ph.. 5..... •... wil' from t ·untn '/'. ./. '. . 1)f.lI/n~ OPEN I'BIDAY Tn.L • - - SATtlRDAY .~. • : 1 .' ~.' ,. '3.50 PER YEAR JUNIOR ASSEMBLIES Players Open With The Eighth and Tenth Grades Able Residents File A benefit bridge for the Senior Club Stated Meeting of the Swarthmore Junior AssemScholarship Fund of Swarthmore High School will be held on Jan'Father of the Bride' ·On liesday Schedule bli~ will hold formal dances in f9r Library Posts the Woman's Club tomorrow evenuary 21 at 8 p.m. in the High ing. Simmons Directs as Club School cafeteria: ' Mrs. Hubbell, Pianist, and The Eighth Grade meeting from 10 Candidates Stand for It is hoped that all townspeople French Film Included Begins New Season ,will plan to patronize this event.. 7: 30 to 9: 15 will have as chapElection at Library' erons Mr. and Mrs. Raymond January 12th Mrs. William Kauffman of Lima On Program Janu9ry 24, 26 Rogers, and Mr. and Mrs. John B. and .Mrs. Irvin , R. MacElwee of Delightfully human. hilarious Mt. Holyoke place are co-chairThe regular stated meeting of Hoyt. Mr. and Mrs. Robbert TurnTen civic minded residents of and gay, uFather of the .Bride", men of the bridge. the Womim's Club of Swarthmore er are hosts for this grade. the Borugh have filed petitions as .under the direction of J. William will be held January 13 at 2 p.m. The Tenth Grade meeting from candidates for election to the Simmons opens the 1953 season at The program will open with a 9: 30 to 11: 15 will be chaperoned Swarthmore Public Library Board the Players' Club next Monday group of piano numbers by Mrs. by Dr. and·Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun. of Directors. This is the largest list Choose McCabe for Nothera B. Hubbell. night. January 12. The play. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Brown. of candidates in the Library's hisadapted by Caroline Francke from Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hollander are tory and the present Board heartiA French travel film, uJDurney Aces Annual Award to Romance," will be shown. Any- the hosts. the story by Edward Streeter Is ly welcomes its evidence of an upcalculated to put Spring in the one who has been to France will suge of interest in the Library. heart of January, with its bouyant Local Resident to Be Hon- appreciate the beautiful protrayal Three directors ar~ tq be elected. charm and ever new therqe. of the spirit of the country in this SerY·lces Held Monday The ored at Philadelphi~ term of office IS three years. Director: Simmons heads the cast picture. The spectator is taken to Votin!! will take place at the LiDinner January 26 in the title role of the loveable F or Paris, along the Riviera, and M c enry/brary during Library hours on long-suffering. father wh'; tbought Thomas B. McCabe. president through other parts of France. The Saturday. January 24. and on having a bride in the faniily· was of the Scott Paper Company and film is a delightful preparation Monday. January 26. until 8 p.m. a normal experience-unti.l_it hap- former chairman of the Board of for those contemplating a visit to American Cotton Executive when the ballot box will be closed pened to him. His wife Is ·played Governors of the Federal Reserve this romantic land. Mrs. Roland G. Resident Here and the Annual Meeting of the by Catherine Gayle ~odge witli System. will receive the third an- E. Ullman will introduce the Swarthmore' Public Library begin. 16 Years Mary ~nn Dickinson as the lovely nual Pennsylvania Award for out- movie with an account of hex: exAll residents of the Borough who daughter iespOllsible for aU the standing s'ervice to' the American -periences this past summer. Funeral services were held Mon- are qualifled to vote in the Municdilemna. \ competitive system. Theodore It is planned to have an exhibit day for William R. McHenry, vice- ipal elections are entitled to vote. Other members of the cast who Roosevelt, 111, president of Ameri- of articles and pictures from president of the American Cotton The 10 candidates. listed alwill be remembered from past per- cans for the Compe.titive Enter- France. Anyone,who has souvenirs Products Company, who die~ Fri- phabetically as follows, have one I tormances are Harry Clark, Sally prise System (ACES). announced from this country is asked to bring day, January 2, at his home on general qualification in common, McFadden. Barbara .Thorbahn and the ~election Monday. . them to the meeting. The program Parrish road. He was 56. they are users of the Library and Irma .Keight6n with· newcomers McHenry. a yachting and fishing tberefore acquainted with its funcThe award will be presented ·to and exhibit are sponsored by the Luren DickhlSOlJ, Mary Helen Dan- McCabe by Frederic A. Potts. pres- travel group. Mrs. Joseph B. enthUSiast. also maintained a ho~e tioning. forth • .tamesF. RobInson. Marie G. ident of ille PIilladelphlii National Shane and Mrs. J. Archer Turner. in Ocean City. N.J. He was grad- ·A Wil.l1am Bass, Jr., the Board's Donneq,v and Richard Foltz apc Banit and chairman of the Award co-chairml!ll. ' uated from the University of very efficient secretary, stands for pearinAf'lor the tirst time on chib Comrtiittee, at We annual ACES Pennsylvania in 1918, and was a reelection to his second term. A At the tea Mrs.: Raynham T. stage. ,.' dinner to be held iP Philadelphia Bates and Mrs. Walter O. Heinze member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon graduate engineer from PennCurtain is 8:20. Monday on Jan\1Rry 26. . .. will pour. Mrs. Heston D. McCray fraternity. sylvania State College, he is autothrough Saturday. He was a World War I veteran, motive manager, Atlantic ReThe award is given annually to and ·Mrs.. Clarence C. Franck of a· citizen of Penllsylvania' for out- the hospitality committee· wllJ having served as" lieutenant with finery. In addition to his service W. Carroll Receives standing service in .furtheritig the assist. The foI!owing wllJ act as the 326th Infantry Regiment. Gen- on the Library Board. Mr. Bass •. . priciples of competitive .enterprise. hostesses: Mrs. Benjamin W. Col- eral Douglas MacArthur's old regi- has been treasurer of the Home P . E·• A·ppolntm·e· . .• nt ·Th·ecoceo· h i fMC b bas e d I'-s I H 00. t Mrs. ment. caewas .... M rs. H enry. and School. and active both as John W.CarroU·was "ppointed on his·work with·!hePhilade'lphia Robert A. Boyle·and Mrs:. Robert In 1923. he married the former solicitor and ·district captain iii superintendent of pr~ductjon ·fo.rFederal· Reserve 'Bank. of·whlch,he. P ..Bradford. Bonita.PaSsehi uf Philadelphia. ond local·Cornmunity Chest carnpaigns; the Philadelphia Electric Company: was chairman from ·1939· to 1948;·· _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ moved to Ridley Park. residing A homeowner at 241 Ogden avegas production plants in Chester..his progressive man·agerial policies ·S.W. Hodge Appointed there until 1937 wilen they moved nue, he bas resided in the Borough He succeeds R. E. Jones who re- at the Scott Paper Co" and his to the present home. 13 years. tired as of Januaty 1. support of competitive enterprise Secretary-Treasure.. He was a member of the Down- Robert S. Brodhead came to Carroll. a resident of College principles as head of the Federal Sewell W. Hodge. Ogden ave- town Club. the P.hiladelphia Ro- Swarthmore in 1936 and has been ayenue. ~as b~en a full employee Reserve System from 1948 to 1951. nue. has been appointed secretary tary Club, a former yestryman at a steady· patron of the Library o! th~ Uhli~y smce 1930. following McCabe started as ii salesman aad treasurer of the Provident the Trinity Episcopal Church in ever since. A graduate of the Unihis .grad~alion from Johns Hopkins with Scott in 1916 and became its Mutual Life Insurance Company Swarthmore, and a former vestry- versity of Pennsylvania with an Umverslty.. He ~as firs! employed president. in 1927. He has enQOur- of Philadelphia. effective January man of Christ Church in Ridley English major. books .are his as an engIneermg aSSIstant,' and aged the company's exte~ive pub,: I. Park. hobby. He collects them. specializthereafter progressed to various lic relations and industrial relaSurviving in addition to his ing in AmerIcana and believes Mr. Hodge joined tlte Company divisions of the engineering and tions programs and has helped in 1916. follOWing his graduation wife, are two sons,' William D., that it "would be good to have a gas departments. Prior to his new make it one bf the most progresfrom Swarthmore College. In 1924. captain of the' 1953 Washington part in the Llbrary's progress." apP.ointment, .he was ass;istant .su- sive in the nation in working with he was made Assistant Treasurer and Lee football tea';'. and Joseph He lives at 227 N. SwaJilhmore permtendent of gas prQduction.. the com~unity. Scott·s high ratio and, in 1929, treasurer. Robert, a freshman at the same avenue. He is vice-president arid direc- of employ"" stockholder~ is due. Dr. J. Alfred .Calhoun. 214 Elm· He is a member of the Midday university. and a siSter, Mrs. Nator of the Rotary Club. past presi- in part. to the stock expansion Club. Rolling Green Golf Club omi Courtney. avenue, president of the Ubrary dent of the Chester Junior Cham- program McCabe instituted. Board for the past three years and and the Kappa Sigma fraternity. ber of Commerce, and a member McCabe was appointed to the and is presently serving as treasRed Cross Blood Bank its former secretary, stands for reof the Health and W.elfare Coqn- Board of Governors of the Federal urer of the American College of Anyone in Swarthmore needing election to his third term. The cil ~nd the Family Service ~o- Reserve System in January. 1948. Life Underwriters and of the blood through the Red Cross Blood Medical Director of the American clatJOn, both Delaware County. He As its chairman, he was credited Pennsylvania Prison SocietY. Bank should call Mrs. Leslie Wei" Viscose Corporation, be has been is also a partiCipant in Community with helping to establish a high Active in the Community Chest laufer. 6 2 3 University place. actively interested in Cubs and Chest and lIoy Scout activities, rate of interest on short term gov- fQr many years, -Mr ~ Hodge is also Swarthmore 6-1270. (Continued on Page 10) Earlier this year, he was present..:. ernment bonds in an effort to curb chainnan of the Economics Dised the Beal Award of the Amer- infiation.. cussion Group of the borough of THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR i:8D Gas Association in· recogniGovernment service outside the Swarthmore. hon of his achievements in. this Federal Reserve system has taken FRIDAY. JANUARY 9 , field. much of McCabe's time since 1940. Bertrand T .. Brown. Chester. He has been on the Business Ad- CD 'Registration 9:00 A.M.-Borough Budget on Display .... , ..... ,. Borough Hall succeeds Carroll as assistant 'Su- visory Council for the Department Begins Monday 2:00 P.M.-Bool, Review: "Steamboat Gothic" .... 41 Amherst Ave. perintendent of production. of Commerce since 1940 and was 3:30 P.M.-Rutgers Kindergarten Mothers ... Rutgers Ave. School During. the week of January 12. 8:15 l;'.M.-College Orchestra Concert .... , ...... , ........ Clothier its chairman in 1944 and 1945. He Air Raid Wardens will Visit famTo Address Tra. vel Gro. up has served· in an· advisory capacity llies throughout the. Borough. to. SUNDAY. JANUARY 11 : Dr. Neal Weber of the, biology to the Council for National De- make a registration of all residents department of Swarthmore· Col- fense .and Office of Production in their areas. of equipment that 11:00A.M.-·Morning Worship .. : ................... Local Churches lege 'ViIl be the speaker for the Managemen.t and was Special As. . would· be needed in an' eIIlergency, 3:00P.M.-W.I.L. Tea ........................... 433 Park Avenue meeting of the travel grOUP of the sistant to Secretary of State Ed- and to enlist recruits. .. Woman's Clui! on. !l'hursllay. Jan- ward StetInius In 1945. As Deputy The registratIon will serve sevMONDAY, JANUARY 12 uary 15. at 7:45 p.m. at the club- Lend-Lease administrator in 1941- eral 'purposes. Each householder house. He will show pictures of 42, he was instrumental in setting should meet the warden for his 8:20 P.M.-':Father of the Bride" .... ,............. Players Club Iraq and the HolY Land. up and operating the lend-lease area, and while registering his Dr. Weber has travelled exten- system. family for their protection should TUESDAY, .JANUARY 13 sively in all parts of the world In the immediate post-war years ask whatever he wants to know Including Alaski.. 8lld the Ne'; McCabe w~: called th~ nation's about Civil Defense or his own air 2:00 P.M.-Stated Meeting ...... .'................ Woman's Club ~ "'itp ;his ,wife and three ,No.1, travelllilg salesman as Army- raid. problems. The warden must 8:20 P.M.-"Father of the Bride" : .........'........ Players Club c.hiJdren he Spent the lias!· two (Continued on Page 4) know in detail his area and the years in Iraq. lind therefore can . ., . : people in it. He must aiso be aware WEDNESDAY. ,JANUARY 14 give an accurat<> lind ·inttmate plc. III Germany . of any special hazards and of the ~re of life In this country. David Smt~h. Son. of Mrs. Allan resources. bQth human and ma- 3:00 P.M.-Panel: Lawyer Reference ............... WhIttier House Dr. Weber was engaged in es- JI.!. Smtth of Harvard avenue, lett teriaL FInally. it is hoped that a 8:20 P.M.-"Father of the Bride" ................... Players Ciub tablishiJIg a department of zoology at midnight Monday for Boston number of volunteers. both men THURSDAY• .JANUARY 15 in the national university in Bag- to visit his brother Allan Smith. and women. will be securect for . dad and iIlso lectured at the Royal before departing for GernuuJy the Wardm'fs' service, lor medical 7:30 I;'.M.-Red' Cross Nursing Class •...... :........... Hig)a School. College of Medicine in ille same where he be stationed with and other branches of Civil De- . 8: 18 'p.loL-Maria . Karenko; Soprano ...................... Clothier cl...... ., , . 1 ... _ n .. A_~'_ .'·tense .'1\(,' . . . . . . _~ ... _ •• -.. _......... ~_, ••• , .•• ,' '<",," '_.~~.~~.~.." ...~._ .. ~~""." ... ~:~P"'~''N!ler of, th~.Brldtr .. _........ ; ........ Players Club T 3 Wm. R. H . L Harvard Inn SUB GOO OF DIMES SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9,1953 FOR SCHOLARSHIP FUND. I Cet the BEST Winter THE 'SWARTHMOREAN MARCH • to aiifl JOIN THE VOWME 25-NUMBER 2 .:.~_ IDs:' ~"i""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tiine .J. >, ,. , . wru -..ft....... • 'wA~n;l;h' COLLE' ..!: LIllP.AJi. ........... - ,. TBESWARTBMOREAN' P ..... 2 Duke University In the Class of 1952. and Is a member of the Pi Beta Pb1 fratem1ty. She Is lIftSMr. and Mrs. J. E. Paul of Park ently working. for the Natiollal avenue entertained as thj!ir house Security Agency in Washington, guests for two weeks' during the D.C. holidays Mr. Paul's mother Mrs. Mr. Prouty is a senior at the Charles J. Paul and his aunt Mrs. University of North Carolina Clara Goetillng of Baltimore, and where he Is a member of the Chi a cousin .Rebecca Bernes of AI- Phi fraternity. buquerque, N.M. _ __ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Seaman Mr. and Mrs. John Yinkling of Academy road were week-end of Bethlehem,announce the enguests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. gagement of their· daughter. Miss ... Rothermal of Fair Lawn, N. J. Margaret Lewis Seaman, to Mr. Midshipman William G. Soden Waiter Woodward Sanville, son of has returned to the U.S. Naval Mrs. Eric Sanville of Yale avenue, Academy Annapolis, Md., alter a and the late Mr. SanvilIe. Personals holiday vacation with his parents Miss Seaman attended Saint Company, Philadelphia. The bride has been making her home with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Hlghbarger of, Kirklyn. o'clock December 30 in in the theevening Shove of Chapel in Colorado Springs, Colo., wi th Dean Harry F. BunkIe officiating. Miss Nancy Shivers of Colorado Springs attended as maid of honor. Mr. Charles Cortese of Puehlo served as best man. The bride and groom bave returned to the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colo., where Mrs. Morris is in her junior year an d Mr. Morris is studying for a PH.D in Economics. 'ehe Bouquet THE SWARTBMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY I'BJDAY AT SWARTBIIOaB, THE SWARTBIIOaBAN, INC., PVBLISBEB I'hone SWariluDGre 8-8800 BEAUTY SALON LOYELY LADIES FIND THE WINTER G...Y I 9 Chester Road Call Swarthmore 6-0476 1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::0 = !!IllIlnUlllllIIUllIIllIlIlllIIlUlllllllUlIlllllIllIlIlllllIIlIlDlIIHlIlIlUlIl11I11111111111111111111111111nmnlllllllllllllllllllllll!! . -E .. =~ SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK·a. TRUST COMPANY ; = iii Swarthmore~ Penna. ~ ~ i a Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Soden of Col- Mary's Hall, San Antonio, Texas, lege avenue. He was the guest for and was graduated from Sweet several days of Mrs~ Butler Bower Briar College. ~ and Miss Beverly Bower of Kings_ Mr. Sanville, who served for ton. 5 The Annual Meetin!j' of the stockholders of the Swarth- iii two years in the U.S. Navy, was § more National Bank and Trust Company, Swarthmore, Pa., for i!! Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Vanit.. graduated with honors in physics ~ the election of directors and such orner bilsineMO as may come = Urk of Thayer road left Thursfrom Swarthmore College. He is ~ before the meeting, will be held at the banking house in Ii day for a two-week holiday in now in his third year at the Uni!§ Swarthmoro, Pa., on Tuesday, January 13, 1953, between the 5 Boca Raton, Fla. versity of Pennsylvania Graduate ~ hours of three and four-thirty o'clock P.M. ~ Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lukens BIRTHS School of'Physics. He is a member of Elm avenue entertained at a HAROLD OGRAM ;;: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hanzlik of ~ of Phi Della Theta. reception for Mr. and Mrs. James Secretary of the Board ~ Marinette, Wis., announce the § W. Lukens, Jr., on New Year's Day § . § birth of a son named Stephen Eric, Dr. and Mrs. Donald B. Wells of from 4 to 7 o'clock at the Cor~lIInlllnlllnlllllllllllllllllllllDlIIlIIlIIlIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIDlllllllllllnlllllllDlllllmlmnn1IIIIIInIDIIDIIIIIIlltIfii Hartford, Conn., have a~nounced on January 5. inthian Yacht Club. The baby Is a grandson of Mr. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Br....';!s at the engagement of their daughter, and Mrs. Henry J. Hanzlik of North Chester road entertained as MiSs Ellzabeth Wells, to Mr. Roy Cornell avenue. their week-end guest Mrs. Muriel Jackson Fahl. Jr., son of Mr. Fahl of Elm avenue. Graham of New York City. Mr. and' Mrs. James Taylor Miss Wells attended' Smith ColMr. and Mrs. John D. McNeal Loughead of Chester announce the and 'sons Richard and Douglas of lege and is a graduate of the Uni- birth of their son, James Taylor, of North Carolina. . Manhattan, Kans., spent the holiMr. Fahl is a graduate of Wash- Jr.) on January 1. days with Mrs. McNeal's parents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Lou{!.. ' Col. and Mrs. H. C. Mabbott of ington and Lee, and holds his PhD. head of Thayer road are the Some things are done JUBt aB well when done quickly, Harvard avenue. Mrs. McNeal and In chemistry from the University grandparents of the baby. hut vacuuming rugs is not one of these. sons have remained to visit while of North Carolina. For hest results, take long, easy, regular strokes, and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Armstrong, Mr. McNeal Is attending a Naval take it slow. Find out which way of vacuuming leaves 'Reserve Training Course at Key TO WED of Wallingford, are. receiving your carpet looking hest (usually with the pile). The West, Fla. The marriage of Isabel Ann cl>nlP'atulati'ons on ·the birth of funetion of an. eleetric sweeper is not to glide over your Mr. and Mrs. Leslle WeUauler Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. their daughter, Katherine Corbin, carpet, hut to remove soil. Give it a chance to work. of University place entertam'ed as ICla~eDl,e G. Myers of Dlcldnson • who arnved December 31 in Lytheir house guest for a few days avenue, to Mr. James A. Hughes, ing-In Hospital. We recommend the HOOVER upright for cleaning carof Glenside. wil !take place at Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hoefel of last week. MIss Lydia Fielder peta. Ask for a FREE two-week Home Trial. (H it does of Toledo, Ohio. noon on Saturday, January 17 at not help your rugs, you don't need it.) of Harvard avenue, and Mrs. Noel Mrs. Duncan Graham Foster of the . Swarthmore Presbyterian , A.rmlsb,ong , . of Newburg, are the Crest lane has. returned from Church in the presence of You'" be HAPPIER with a HOOVER visit to Mr. and Mrs. Haroln immediate families. grandparents of the baby. Holmes Owen of Hopkinton, N. H. The couple was recently honorMr. and Mrs. George 'Andrews The engagement of their daughter ed with a miscellaneous shower Hay of Harvard avenue announce Alison and Graham Foster was an .. given by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond the birth of a son, Chri£topher nounced on December 29. Mrs. of Dickinson avenue, and Tyson, on January 5. Foster also visited her son and Mr. and Mrs. CharIes Heisler of The baby Is the grandson of Mohawk Carpetbq _ Complete Size Range _ Oriental S .... daughter - in -law·Mr. and· Mrs. Crun{ Creek roadL Media,. at the Mrs. John S. Hay of Woodlyn anel John McGaw Foster who are now home Of Mr. and Mrs. Heisler. , 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Casey of living inCambridge, Mass., and her Ha~ard avenue. SWarthmore 6-6000 - Clearbrook 9-4646 brothers in Cambridge and Salem McKERNAN-GREEN Mass. . ' . Ensign S. Robert Thorbahn anel The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Jewett Paulson KNOWS Carpet Mrs. Thorbahn of Lake ZUrich, III., ot Kenyon avenue spent the week-- Ann Green. formerly of Swarth- announce the birth of a daughter, more, to Mr. Faber McKernan, son end in Atlantic City. of Dr. and Mrs. John F. McKernan Lareen Allee, on December 15. Ensign Thorbahn is stationed at of Rutgers avenue, took place in ENGAGEMENTS St. Thomas Aquinas Church the Glen View N. A. S., TIl. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Guy G. deFuria of Ames, Iowa on Wednesday m'orn~ Thorbahn is the former Miss Leta Porter of Nova Scotia. North Chester road announce the ing December 24. . The new baby is a granddaughenga~ement of their. daughter, The Rev. James Supple officiated Caroline Ann deFtirtll' »'and Mr. at the 10 o'clock ceremony. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart R. Paul Edward Wittreich. son of Mr. Alter a short wedding trip, the Therbahn of Swarthmore avenue.' and Mrs. Andrew O. Wittreich of couple will reside in Ames until Tenally, N. J. . June when the groom will reMiss deFuria is a graduate of ceive a B.S. in Agriculture from Swarthmore High School. and is Iowa State College, and as a mem~ow a Junior at Pembroke College ber of the AFROTC at the college, In Brown University, PrOVidence WIll receive the commission of R. I. t where she is majoring i~ Second Lieutenant in the Air French. Eoree. On Page 6, Col. 1 Mr. Wittreich is a graduate of Doth are graduates of SwarthTenafly High School and the more High School, class of '49. The . Lawrencevill: School in New bride attended Pennsylvania State CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP Jersey and IS now a Junior at College for two years and was 405 Dartmouth Ave. Brown University working for his employed by Curtis Publishing 6·4191 Fri. 9.8:30 Bac.h~lor of Science in Chemistry. He IS In the NROTC and is mem_ SUBSCRIPTIONS b~r of the Delta Tau Delta Frater_ FOR ALL ruty. MAGAZINES No date has been selected for MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN the wedding. 313 Dartmouth A venne • Swarthmore, Po. Swarthmore 6-2080 M r. ?f andCOlumbia Mrs. Allred Henry Fri., Sat., Sun.. "'on., & Tues. ••• for paying all bills quickly. safely Marsh avenue, announce ·the engagement of their HELD OVER! and conVeniently by mail. daughter, Mary Margaret, to M Loq.If a.. Enr t. TIIb Area William Allen Prouty, son of ~: ''THE 9UIET MAN" Open a checking aCCOunt here and pay and Mrs. Deibert AlIen Prouty your billa this . Bowling Green, Media. . ..... Way.. Ma...... O'Hara time-and-trip-saving way. .,... Min nil 'Ict.,.., _Miss Marsh Is a graduate of of Swarthmore j ANNUAL MEETING Most people "vacuum" their rugs too quickly . I (PAUJ'.t1 [; Comr.e~l!. Look for Our ARTLING A a THERE'S. NOTHING LIKE .CHEC-KS COLLEGE THEATRE I;rr~~~~~~~~~~~g '.....'....., YERS presents MARGE and DOT Casserole Catering Serviee SPECIALIZING IN BUFiEi StlPl'E1itS . COCKTAIL PAltTmSI CA",· Marge Hurd - Swa. 6-3138 0Iunrue .. IIeJd ~'atller'oj the J. William Simmons . Special Klddles Show Saturday afternoon - 1 P.~L Cartoon,. Shorts a.d Serfal-PLUS "ANGEL & THE BADMAN" darr!.. _ War- Sat. Night Only Feature times 6 - 8:10 - 10:20 Dlreetor Siarting Monday, Jan. 12 (loelDg'Saturday, Jan. .17 .. CuJ;taIn. TIme - 8:20 P.M.. -- Starting Wed. Stnrrort flua IU DeW.... Kerr' "PRISONER OF "NDA" r. ' I 'tar ...... of a i., .... story SWARTHMOBE RATIONAL BAil ARD TBUST COM'AIY . At . 1Mb.,., """III ~siI AIIC Charles W. Fischer and Mrs. FIscher of· Midwest City, Oklahoml', spent 15 days durlng the holidays visiting friends and At a tea Sunday afternoon! J'an- relatives In Swarthmore end uary 11, the Swarthmore Branch vicinity.. of the Women'. International 1 = 1 League for Peace and Freedom Swarthmore W.I.L Honors Rose Valley Members THIRD NOVEL PRAISED ----.....,- MORRIS-BOWIE Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. Bowie of South Chester road announce the marriage of their daughter, Margot, to Mr. AlVai Alexander Morris of Pueblo, Colorado. The ceremony took place at 8 THE SWARTBMOREAN January 9, 1953 . 1___ CDr/'""","", ; 1'''- . . PB'l'BB E. TOLD, E4Itor an4 PubUaller 1lABJ'0SIB TOLD and BA1lBAIlA KENT, A_I.te E4Iton Rosalie Peirsol Lorene McCarter "The Free Agent" f third novel by Paul Murray, son of Mrs. Fred J. Murray, 739 Yale avenue received favorable critical comment upon its publicatIon late In 1952. A ratUing good story of suspense Entered as Second Clasa Matter, January U, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, P&., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FBIPAY, JANUARY 9, 1953 · PRESBYTERIAN NOTES TRINITY NOTES There will be a celebration of Mr. Bishop will preach at the two Church Services on Sunday, the. Holy CommunI on at 8 o'cIock 9: 30 and .'11 a.m. on "Qulet Sunday morning. All departments Power." of the Church School will meet at The Senior High Fellowship 9:30 a.m., and at 11 o'clock the . wlll meet for their regular meet- regular service of Morning Prayer ing after. a 6: 30 supper, at 7: 15. will be held. At 4 p.m., the parThe subject for discussion will be ents and teachers of the Fourth "Using Vacations' as Preparation Grade pupils will meet in the for VocationS'." Summer work- Cleaves Room. camp experiences will be given Ushers for the services will be particular attention under the as follows: C. B: Blake, E. O. leadership. of Mary WilIls, aided Cramp, J. P. Espenschade, V. L. .. by a tIlm' provided by Ernest Fine, W. E. Hetzel, Jr.. J. W. Jones, E. C. Page, Jr.• and C. W. Lewis. The Young Adults will be meet- Randall, Jr.· Robin Wright will ing on Sunday at 6: 30 p.lI). for serve as acolyte at the 8 o'clock their regular supper meetLng. service, and Howard Dodson at 11 The Board of Trustees wlll meet o'clock. During the 11 o'clock for their monthly meeting on service Martha Calhoun and Tuesday evening, January 13, at Elizabeth Gibson will be.in charge 7: 30, in the Woman's Association of the nursery. Room. The Vestry will meet at 8 On Wednesday, January 14, the o'clock Monday evening. At.4 p.m. Woman's· Association wilI have the Boys' Choir wIII rehearse foltheir Annual Meeting in McCahan lowed by the Girls' Choir rehearsHall. At 10: 30 a.m. the Executive al at 5 o'clock. Board of, the Woman's Assoelation Holy Communion wIll be celwill meet, followed by the Wor- ebrated at 7: 15 Wednesday mornship ServIce In the Church at 12, ing. The Boys' ChoIr will reliearse led by Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. The a t 4 p.m., an d the fuJI coreh irp.m.. Luncheon and Annual Meeting hearsal' will be held at 7:30 will be at 12: 30 when the election Thursday. and Installation of officers will be Dave F. M. UIrlch, choirmaster, held, and the new budget wiil be Is Interested In· tlndlng two young presented. A prosram will tallow, men: In the parish to sing in the which will be. a· talk by The Rev. choir. A tenor and bass are needJoseph P. BIJbop· on ''The Church ed. Anyone interested, I. asked to We Live In.''' call the parish oft\ce. The Mr. and· lifts. Club wIII have a Cover-Dish' ·Supper and MeetIng on FrIdaY, J~uary 16 at 7 p. CHRISTIAN sctlEIIICE NOTES m. The guest speaker for the proCommunion services wui be gram will be The Honorabl'i'Hem-y held·1n all branches of The Mother G. Sweney, Judge of Common Church, The' First Churcb. of Pleas Court and Juvenile Court Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massof Delaware COlll)ty. Judge achusetts; next Sunday. Sweney I§ well known for hIa outThe subject of the LessoQ-Serstanding work with· the youth mon is "Sacrament"; and the probl~ms In Delaware County. Golden Text ·from I Corinthians Any young couples of the church (10: 16): "The cup of blessing are cordially invited and should which we bless,.Is·lt not tJie comget in touch with the Church munion of the' blood of Christ? Office to make reserVations for the The bread which we break, is It supper. not the communion of the body of Christ?"· r"_8 111...__ arms smuggling and Intrigue, its romance ts handled with dexterIty and grace. Mr. Murray's talent for bringing his characters to life grows' with each book. Young Matthew Wyndham Is admirably conceived and warmly, soundly executed. The story has integrity as well as vitality. The author's famlJiarity with Florence, Vienna. ··ty and L on d on a dds authent 'c, charm. Elizabeth Bowen's praISe of Mr. Murray's earlier novel, "Once There Was a Waltz", " . . . It deserves to be read as a 'straight' novel by those' who do not ordinarily care for thrillers . • .n Is equally applicable to "The Free Agent." Mr. Murray also wrote "The Heart is a Stranger". Murray is a graduate of Swarthmore College. He· served with General Mark Clark's Fifth Army Headquarters, two years in Italy, and after the war in ·Vienna. After Iiis discharge in 1946 he wrote his first novel and worked for Pan American Airways for 18 months before writing "Free Agent". lte lives in New York City. CHURCH naYICES ,=For Year-Round Gift GIVlng .- will honor a group of W.I.L. members from Rose Valley who have ~ _ asked to join the ~arthmore ~= Brancb. All members of Swarthmot:" W.I.L. and their' friends are _~ also invited to the 3 o'clock tea at the new home of Mrs. Carl De- ~= I GOURMET GIFT GOODIES ! CHOICE ANTIQUES Ii OPEN a a a REPUTATION . Our reputation has been built Oft 74 years of service to this community.· • , THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. DlliClORI 0. fUNIUU Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gaskill and their' daughter Sally of University pia De, entertained as their guest for several days during the holidays Mr. M. A. Longsworth, Jr.,Pat of Blake Wellesley Mass. of Hills, Amherst avenue entertained 12th Grade frIenda at a New Year's Eve party. Mr. and Mrs; Charles W. Lukens and Miss Anne Lukens of Strath Haven avenUe entertalhed as their house guest for sevela!. days durIng the holidays :Mr. James Egloff of Valley SU'eam, L. I., a junior at Bucknell University. The enpgement at Miss Lukens and Mr. Egloff hill!.. been announced. .. Miss Marjorie Lewis, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs: William Sproul Lewis of uD~ep Meadows": Gradyville, whose engagen'lent to Mr. Avery F. Blake, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Blake of Amhe,rst avenue has been announced, was guest of honor at a luncheon and shower given during the holidays by Miss Abigail Tinney of Merion. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. ClYde. Jr., of Wallingford entertained at open house during the holiday 1820 CHESTNUT STREET OUVIII H. IAtl. ........... MArt A. IAtl. _ _ 'eI.phone II 6-:1511 _l!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L season. METHODIST' NOTES A Book Review of "Steamboat Gothic" by Frances Parkinson CO-ED' BEAUTY Keys will be given this afternoon at 2 o·cl--'- by. Mrs. Wallace C. UCA. SALON Savage at the home of Mrs. S. W. Johnson, 41 Amherst avenUe. The public is invited. Open Thuradtry Nigh,. The Sunday School meets at 9: 45. Classes are provided for children of all ages and for adults. . PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE• The Young Adults meet at 9: 45 I th Ladi P Swarthmore' 8"1013' n e es arlor. The sermon topic at the 11 o'clock service wIII be "Is ChrIs- ' - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _- ' I ::':;="':::TR~;'INI'rY:::::;;;::'C~HUR~;;:C~H~:"""-I!ian Faith a Tradltion or an ExH. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector perlence?" The Nursery for chilSunday, .:ran.....,. 11 dren is open during the morning 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. service. Mrs. Haldy Miller Crist 9:30 A.M.-Church School. d M 11:00 A.M.-Moi'ning Prayer. an rs. Harry E. New will be In Wt!dnesdiy, .JUiiJli.ri" 141 charge. The ushers for·the day are 7: ~5 A.M.-Holy Communion. George Shubert, Edward H. ·AlsTHE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY ton, William C. Collenbergj Theo~ OF FRIENDS dore Haddad' and, Peter MUrray. WOiIn't try tague'" U Sunday, January 11 The Youth Fellowship meetS' at 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. 7 i C I why you a~e HI_or n the hape. 9: 45 A.M.-Fl·rst Day School wHat to do to' restote 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship The Woman's Society meets on your health. GOaronee' Children cared for in Whittier Wednesday at 10; 30 for devotions to your Doctor. Be House: All are welcome. and study. Luncheon is at 12: 30, guided by his' experiMonday, .January 12 followed by the regular meeting. enee and .kilL And of All day seWing for A.F.S:C. Rehearsal· for the .JunIor.· Choir · W""nesd~· .January It course, we hope you ·All day 50 . .to.l'.. A.F.S.C. on Thursday evening at e~o; Senwill bring his prescrip7,30 P.M. _. d-wEeli:· meetlJig lor Choir rehearses at 8: nono here for expert. for Worship. . . caref1l1 compounding• FIRST CHURCH OF FRIENDS. MEETING NOTes-. Cmttpi. SCIENtISt CatIJ.rm.n's The Adult Forum is being reSWARTHMORE bMl,a Store Park Avenue below Harvard sumed at 9:45 thla Sunday mornSunday, .January 11 ing. 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. FrIday and Saturday. January 9 11:00 A. M.-The Lesson-Bermon and 10. the .Annual meetings ot the "sacrament". Wednesday evening meeting American Friends 'Service Comeach week, 8 P.'AI. Reading room mIttee will be held at the Race open dally except Sunday III to II Street \llIetlting House, PlIIladelP.lI. Wednesday evel!InIl!l 7 to phia. 7:1IO·P.M;and 9' to 9:.3" P.lIr. , UAUSE !il Moll, 433 Park avenue. § W. .kdaYIEKcept W.d ••ldaYI 5 As a S~l'al feature of the after=_ 10 .... M. fa 5 P.M. ~ ..-_ ~ noon, Supadmlrln Matadlrja will ~ W......daY. 10 ....M. tD 1 P.M. § display costumes from her native ~ S••daYI by Io.ppDlntm ••t ;;;; Indonesia. Miss Matadirja is a stu- ii dent at Swarthmore College. ~ Antiques & Gourmet Shop; Members of t~e committee plan- ~. ning the tea Include ¥rs. Ida.!§ Prov,dence Road . Stabler Mrs. Erich Hausen, Mrs .. ~. Wallingford, Pa. § .Joseph Conard and Mrs. Roy Mc- § . 5 Corkel. iiilllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllIIlIE NEWS NOTES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Joseph P. Bishop, Minister John Stettner, Assistant Sunday, .January 11 9:30 A.M.-Church School, Men's and Women's Bible Classes. 10:45 A.M.-Senior High Class. 9:30 and 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Bishop wilI preach. Wednesday; .January 14 12:30 P.M. _ Woman's Association Luncheon and Annual Meeting. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser. D.D.• Minister Sunday, .January 11 9:45 A.M.-Church School and Young Adults. 11:00 A.M.-Ghurch Nursery. i Off. (~~) -to a,1MtdM~~. Fact is, girls,: there isn't room in this ad to show all· tile "GOOd. for" tickets that go with a . telePhone' ope'nitor's job. Among those we've mentioned· above is "futeresting work." Our operators say their work is so interesting the time fairly files:. Quitt:il!g time comes "before you knoW' it" Par complete infonnation about operating Qt. any other type of tele'phqne work, stop in at one of the offices listed! below. • 6919 Ludlow Street! Upper Darb. . y. Pa. 1631 Arch s-., PhllGclelphla, Po. I1IE 1El11ElEP1fONE COMPANY OrPEIINSlI,fAMIA • A hifltllllj.: pl_ to 'warlt!" • Nunl." Clall leglls Panel to Discuss Lawyer Reference Here January 14th Red "Cross The Nursing class will begin Thursday, January 15 at 7:30 p.m. at Swarthmore High School. Miss Dorothy Sidner ot the Community Health Society win John Donaldson of Media, rep- Instruct the group. 10 d ay! duri ne~ the holidays, are '_d an ,apartment at now occupyU'5 319 South Albandy Street, Ithaca, N.Y. Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie Harvard avenue has returned after spendthg the holidays with relatives and triends In Bullalo, N.Y. Ice Larkef f .t S I' Id , lI:'p ..... n'III'A. WORN tor the benefit ot newly appointed I,'s to Your Advantage (;o·op Donaldson explained that the Lawyer Reference Service had been established on April I, 1952 modelled after American Bar Association plans, and that a recent survey had revealed that jts use tor welfare purposes had far exceeded anticipation. He also point- ,, " IIRES. For Saf.r New Jj • ELECTRIC «OTHES DRYER Dangor aMadl_ of aU fino .......,.. occur In tho 1aat 10% of II.. IIf.. Why tak. chan...? Tracie -your wom~.mooth II,... for new, ICIf.r YES, WE HAVE PEPPERIDGE FARM BREAD ed out that the service had been originally patterned on metropolitan- lines and that' the current problem was to adapt this pattern to small local communities. In addition to Donaldson the Dry clothes automaticolly In a modern electric clothes dryer and treat yourself to added time for other chores or relaxing. Just put the clothes in, set the automatic controls, and ,let the dryer do the -complet~ drying job for you. It even shuhitself off. Make yoilr next wash. daY,a restful one. Choose your modern automati~ electric clothes dryer at your dealer's or at our nearest suburban,store. 000cIy- ...... $top In and loY. talk trade ••• TODAYI , TDMJ AS lOW AS 1.2. A WEEK Fusco & Alston Dartmouth Avenue CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS (Across from Borough Hall) ~~~'~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~___,_______--;::::::::::::::::::==::::::::::==~::;;--___ PhOlle Swarthmore 6.3681 Brasca and John Cramp~ Chester :: panel will include Vincent attorneys who wlll present facts on the Lawyer Reference Service. John R. Graham, assistant District Attorney at Delaware County will discuss The Courts and Their Jurisdictions. Mr. Graham will cover in' his topic the workings of the A PROGRESS, REPORT FROM Common Pleas, Quarter Session, ANOTHER SPRINGFIB.D WATER IM:»ROYEMENT PROJECT PHILA ELPHIAELECTRIC, COMPANY ., PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY Juvenile and Orphans Courts; also the Peace, Oyer- and Terminer .: ,.' Courts shOwing how cases are You'll see this sign at' the right along highways and streets throughQut Suburban Philadelphia. It is the sign of a job that neyer ends .•. because the nt:ed for Pure Springfield Water not only never ends but constantly increases. Philadelphia Suburban Water Company began wi. job Inore than 2S years ago. Since then,' the Company never has ceased building for tomorrow: advancing its improvement' projects to assure a steadily growing popUlation the comfort, and convenience of a superior water-supply . . . to help safeguard community healtl,1 • . . 'to help provide fire-protection for homes, schools; hospitals and apartment, office, asaigoed tor trial or hearing. The second ot the series of con- terences will be held January 28 and the tlnal one February 11 at the same hour at Whittier House. The January 28 meeting will be a skit depicting resources In family services and on February 11 Elizabeth Goddard, consultant ot the Children'S Division of the Health and Welfare Counclt, will head a panel on child care. The public is welcome to attend all sessions. , ..' . ' -. Because this is a continuous jobcontinually in the process of fulfillment ~pinpointing its progress on a given date is difficult. Something new is added' almost daily., HoweVer, the <\evelopment of the intricate'pipeline system, the expansion of purification facilities. the installation of fire hydrants, the increase in pumping capacity-the growth of the entire Water Company plant-have gone ahead at a record rate since shortly after the ceaso-fire of World War II when the pinch on war-critical materials began easjng. For example: Between Janliary I, -". - .. , , also recorded several albums ot ment he was an engineer in the songs.-of Rw;sia~ co~posers. equipment engi~eering organiza_ Mme,'Ku,renkQ is ranked ,as the tion at the company's Kearny. outstanding RUssian singer of our New Jer;y, ·Works.. era. At present she teaches voice • r. . < .' . ' , times, he Itas had many musical pieces dedicated to him. He,is espOcially admired in Latva where he was once a professor in the University of Riga and a music critic there. At present he is much in demand as a teacher. This concert is the third in a series sponsored by the Cooper Foundation to present a full cycle of 'Russian music in all its aspects. Previously, Alexander Barofsky, road, adjoining the entrance ot Springhaven Golf Club, Nether Providence. Mrs. Pugh will talk on her work at the Fine Arts School in Mexico and will show pictures. '. " ' , Having toured the Continent many , .. , well known in Europe as a top ranking contemporary pianist. meeting at 7: 45 p.m. Thursday. Tschaikpwsky will be featured. The painting roup of the art deBorn in Moscow, Maria Kurenko Dr. Neal Weber of Swarthmore partment of the Woman's Club CrJllege, will show colored slides graduated from that capital's mu- will meet at 9: 30 a.m. on Monsic conservatory with honors. Exof Iraq and the Holy Land. days at· the clubhouse, starting A request has been made for a tensive concertizing within her January 19. Any club member inworkship in trends in education. native country was followed by terested in joining the group is Those interested In participation appearances in the greatest opera asked to c a I I Mabel Talley are asked to can Mrs. Bess B. hOUSES and concert halls On the Swarthmore 6-7079 or Mrs. Alfred Continent. Lane, SWarthmore 6.. 6689, as soon E. Longw'~11 Swarthmore 6-5508. as possible. Since coming to the United Several members of the departStates, Mme., Kurenko has sung ment attended the open house and llETIRES FROM COMPANY with major symphonies, chamber tea held at the Community Arts groups, and ensem9les. She apJames F. Rooker of Hood road, peared for two years as soloist on Center Sunday. The exhibit is open to the public through January 27. Grace Pa:rk, retired from the the Columbia 'Broadcasting Sys: On Thursday, January IS, at 2 Western Electric Company on tern network show, "Invitation to p.m. the art department will have January 1. He had been associated Music", and has been guest on a meeting and tea at the home of with the communications industry other top radio programs. She has Mrs. William B. P6gh, Providence for 30 years. At time of retire_ , . mercantile and industrial buildings., • '., at the Jui1l1ard School ot Music. Vsewolod PastukholJ, also born In Russia, graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory and is partment will have a meeting and A wide selection or Russian and Russian Cathedral Choir have tea at the home of Mrs. William' songs form their program, cover- performed at Swarthmore in this B. Pugh, Wallingford. ing the period from 1840 until current series. Spanish class will meet Thurs- 1917. Art sons of Glinka, Mousday a,t 6:45,p.m. sorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rach- WOMEN'S PAlflITING GROUP ' The travei group wHI hold a maninoff, Medner, Prokofiev and PLANS MONDAY MEETINGS Enioy one now with a modern automatic TIRES • Program by Russian Singer Will Conclude Cooper . Found.;ltion Series At 2 p.m. Thursday the art de- lege. • GOODji Russian Artists to Perform at College a stated meeting and tea. U Journey Maria Kurenko, soprano, and to Romance", a French travel fllm, Vsewelod PastukholJ, pianist, will will be shown. present an unusual program of Thursday at 10 a.m. the classes Russian songs, Thursday, January in tray painting and lamp-shade 15 in Clothier Memorial at 8: 15 and rug making of the American p.m .• in a concert sponsored by the home d!!partment will meet at Cooper Foundation and the Music the club house. Department of Swarthmore Col- Trade NOWI SHOP AT THE Feather Service of the recent Community Chest Campaign. The drama department will meet on Tttesday, January 13, at 11 a.m. Drama students of Swarthmore College, under the direction of Barbara Pearson Lange, will read "The Lady's Not tor Burning" by Christopher Fry. At 2 p.m. Tuesday there will be ~ ON B.Lc., S.... , III .... , fl ........, ......, mer Miss Sara Spencer. Mr. and "Meeting Legal Needs" Will be Mrs. Malgieri who were here for the subject of a panel discussion Woman's Club Notes 4R1DII . , HARRY BEWLEY. JR. House, Swarthmore College. ed with health and welfare agencies holding membership In the Delaware County District of the Health and Welfare Council, a Red lid' , • • , • Reference Service, and on the from 4 to ? on New Year's Eve . stoff members, exer-utives, board members am\ volunteers associat- Ie I Courts and Their Jurisdiction al in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony 3 p.m. January 14 at Whittier Malgieri. Mrs. Malgleri is the for- ever dream 0' • , Mrs. Donald' McCoy ot weY-!a' mouth, Mass., with her young son Donny will arrive Sunday tor a " week's vlalt with her parents Mr.. ~ ~ and Mrs. William Freegard ot ~ an U Ins "s:w::a~·rthm~~or~e~a~ve~n~u~e::._ _ _ _ _....:.:":..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - resenting the Lawyer Reference NEWS NOTES Service ot the Delaware County Bar Association, will moderate a Mrs. Gilman Spencer of Guern .. panel discussion on the Lawyer sey road entertained et open house 9 PIIIJe 7 . , PHILADILPHIA IUIU.IAN WAlia COMPANY --- -• , , 1946 and last June 30, the job required more than $14,000,000 with an addi- 'J , ._ tional $5,000,000 earmarked for expenditurebefore the end of 1953. Here are some of the projects, building for tomorrow, which are scheduled for completion during this coming year. , • • CAMERA' & HOBBY'SHOP J , BUILDING NEW PIPELINES FOR TOMORROW. There are 9 major transmission mains under construction or under contract and scheduled for completion by May 31. The network of Water Company pipe then in service will measure 11 570 miles and include the first leg of a 42·im:h transmission main for serving the residents of Suburban Philadelphia with additional water from the proposed Perkiomen Reservoir near Green Lane. . £VEl SUDE OIIICET A car i. hard to banoll. on iee or IIlOW. More chance: for accidents and expensi. more need for good, dependable Automobne LitbiUt)' I,,"urIDee. BUiLDING NEW PUMPI~G CAPACITY 'OR IOMORROW. As tbo Water Company's network of pipeline expands. more pumping equipment is needed to deliver Springfield Water to its farthest ends. There are 7 aux. iliary pumping stations and more tban 20 new pump.installations under construction or under contract and scheduled t'Or completion in 1953. The... then will be S main pumping stations and 24 auxiliary stations in service. - BUILDING NEW STANDPIPES FOR TOMORROW. A growing population not only needs more water bUi more stored water to meet each day's peak-bo~r demands. The Water Company CHRYSLER'S now maintains 21 standpipes and distributibn reservoirs with a capacity of 32,000,000 gallons. These are being augmented with 3 'adeliti~nal ~tandpipes. Upon the completion or thIS proJect, the Company's water-storage fBcll- ities will be increased by ,14,000,000 80110.... ! IT BUILDING NEW WATER SUPPLIES FOR. TOMORROW Water Compan),' customers now use daily an , average of 37,000,000 gallons of Pure Spring_ field Water-and the demand has been increas. ing daily~ each year l by approximately 2.000,000 gp.lIons. In accordance with. its p~Jicy of building ror tomorrow, the Company applied -3 years ago-rOr an additional l6.S00,OOO gallons per day from Perkiomen Creek. The State Water and Power Resources Board CA~ ," THAN yOU" BELIEVED COULD EXIST ... \, \ Gf safety. Its beauty is splendidly its own ••• splendidly right. Interiors are exquisite h\>yond l'OIllp!\re - with ,fabrics and appo!ntments that are the'llna! wo~d in ' , ' ,luxury; Except for ~er's, own Imperial, "ere is a car which is uneqUAlled, , ~dis·unlikelytobe equalled for year8toi come: Your Chrysler dealer ' --<--,ClOl' iallY invites --_..d_., --- . yOu to, drive it at your convenience. , SPRINGFIELD WATER - MORE BllIISe State Board. - !.! H y~'re buying a car'in tbebe«erranges, there's a special reason this year to drive a Chrysler New, Yorker before you decide. In this car are val)!es you won't Jlnd elsewhere at any price today. ,Its great engine is 'not just surpassingly powerful, hut fleW in performance and ruggedness. Its Power Brakes, lull-time Power,Steering and OrifIowride give you not just better control ••• but a new kind of conttol, a new granted its pennission On January 11 1951 but a smaU group of indiViduals has ISU~ed in delaying the advancement of the Perkiomen Project:. Meanwhile, however. the Company has proceeded with preliminary work on the new dam-site in order that construction can be started immediaEely. pending the approval of the design of the proposed dam by the PETER E. TOLD '4U tinu 01 lmura"", 333' Dartmouth Ave. E'L • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ONE OF AMERICA'S FIRST, FAMILY OF FINE CARS, _ _ _ _' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' -_ _ _ _ _ __ , ' ,H,.a . n.n um, & Waite . , ~...sterRoacl ••cI.Yal.AYH.. ' ' ... • 4 ~ Swaiothmore6-1250 . 'P,-8 .New McCabe Gran·t. Increases Awards 2 "Eastern Shore" Region Boys to Win $1,000 Aid At Swarthmore Two boys this year-rather Ihan one - will win Thomas B. McCabe Achievement Awards to Swarthmore College, each worth $1,000. per year, it, was announced by Everett L. Hunt. dean of men at Swarthmore College. This is possible under a substantial new grant by Thomas B. McCabe. president of the Scott Paper Company. Chester. The award, given for the first time last June, is awarded on the basis of achieveJjlents which indicate a )Ugb level of leadership ability and regardless of necd to male applicants from the state of Delaware, and the counties of Maryland and Virginia included in the "Eastern Shore" country along the, Chesapeake Bay. In announc.. ing the new provision, Dean Hunt said that, in general, not more than one recipient shall be selected each year from anyone of the 14 counties of the Delmarva Penin'sula area. To qualify for the award the applicant must reside (but need not attend school) in the area which includEs the entire state 'of Delaware and thetollow~ counties In MUyland: cecli. Kent. Queen Anne. Talbot. Caroline. 'Dorchester~ Wicomico, SomerSet, and Worchester; and in Virginia, the counties of Accomac and Northampton. Mr. McCabe. a director of General Electric Company, and fonner Chairman of the Board of Govcrnors of the Federal Reserve System, is a" graduate of SwarthmOfe College and a member of its Board of Mana~rs. He come from a family,-which on both his mother's and father's side, has resided for many generations in the "East_ ern Shore" country. He was born in Whaleyville. Md.. and during his boyhood lived in West Norfolk. Virginia, and Selbyville, Delaware. He attended Wilmington Academy (now Wesley Junior College) in Dover, Del. Mr. McCabe believes. that the friendly environment, rich traditions and the influence of CDuntl~ss strains of pioneer stock of this section of the country are conducive to the development of good citizens and young men with the potentials of leadership, and that Swarthmore College, founded by and imbued with the ideals of the Society of Friends, offers exceptional advantages to the recipient. A committee of seven Swarth~ore Colll!ge alumni who reside in the "Eastern Sh'oren area will aid the SW'lrthmore Coll~ge· admissions committee in locating and screening desirable applicants for the award. Chalrinan of the alumni committee is James R. Frorer. of Wilmington. Vice-President of Atlas Powder Company. Other members are Norman H. Winde of Wilmington, William H. Dietz•• Marshallton. Del.. Peter Kasper, Dover, Del., Irwin G. Burton, Milford, Del., and William Lednum, st. Michael~, Md. LWV to Air Views on I /leoNe Public Health Program (!«4ttNNZ'U' PAY LESS TODAY FOR FOODS CIICI 2 Members to Participate in Area Conference Next Week Members of the Swarthmore League· of Women Voters will Participate in two local radio programs next week dealing with the need of establishing a public unit in Delaware County. On Tuesday. January 13. Mrs. Vincent Lathbury and another League member will be guests on the Marian Pedlow show 'at 9: 05 a;m. over WPW A. The program will emphasize the advantages. to women and children in the establishment of a local public health unit. Mrs. Frederick D. Dudley will be interviewed on Wednesday. January 14. by Elsie Jones at 2 p.m. over station WVCH. Mrs. Dudiey ~I stress the general advantages of a public health pro~ 622 ,Acme prkes lower today than a year ago. W1th Acme lower price policy It Is easier for you to ICIve on your totol foOd bills. ~ Takes Aviation Course m_ A four-nigh t course in aviation Transit Remains a Bargain I Today'. Prlc. Mf;AT PRICES lOWER hi.. Y..,Ago U. 5. Goy't Grdded "Choice" Beef CHUCIROAST . 43.: Boaele•• Chuck lout Teader Chuck Steaks .Regglar Groud Beef loW iiked~ayes Beef Loaf Beef Iologaa La..11 Liver Pork SaDage Lancast.r Brand "menlO & PIdde Lancaam lrand Smoked. DrI_ lit 65c: 920 Ib 59t 77c Ib 45.: 65c 15c 37e 15c 35c ·3ge . 18c: 390 l41b l41b l4.lb Lanooa1w ....nd pk• Oonul... . Sprino Swlftl.1kookRe1d Pun Ib Ib ~¥rd4" ~tJtUtjD"iu6 I/d«lI PUnt 5TRAWBERRY 77c hi.. Y_Ago Spedal Pri .. 29.:' PRESERVES . /IduzI .p.... FRUIT' CocklaU' ... 35e MAYONNAISE ... Sic 12-0& "~I ,ta.. -. Fancy (~,:""") 1 Prl" . =- -,.... • ,.....'=r , :ar_ .!JiImI CUrries .. Del ••te Clemel .9tWJ Jlalyis Pean Salad SectiOU. Grapefru Whol. liltllll Cora Oolden Alpuagu Spean E!i! ~~:t. .9d«IJ Goldea Pa.pkiD CamplleU's Pork a Beau Priae... lluguiae Dark. & PrC's new rates of fare which became effective last week were originally scheduled to go into effect April 1, 1952, nine months ago. • t 59c .. . 39. ,.... 32c 51c 390 :ar_. , '. 2/37e '2_ can 2/33. "........ .43. :ar... •an 2/29c' 2/37e can -... Dc Ib WANtED 45c ·2/54c . 2i36c 48. 2/34c 2/.o1Oc: 24<: . The additional revenue the new fares will prod,uce will help PTC to "catch up" with greatly iDcreased operating costs incurred during the past two years and enable the Company to ml!intain adequate service. Altl}0ugh PTC, like every other business, has been forced to increase the price of its prodllct because of higher coSts, public transit service remaiJs a bargain. It's a bargain compared with other things you buy, and it's a bargain measured against the present-day . costs of.'gasoline, bent fenders, parking and all the other expenses of driving a car. FOR RENT - Three rooms and bath - furnished. Third floor. AdultS. SWarlhmore 6-4230. FOR RENT - Second-floor apart. ment - kitchen. living _ dining room. two bedrooms. tile bath. $80. including utilities. Near transportation. Adults. Avaiable Feb. 1. MEdia 6-1870. FOR RENT SWARTHMORE .- air-light. 4 rooms and bath. Private entrance. Excellent bachelor apartment.. 'Convenient to transportaUon and shopping center. Phone SWarthinore 6-4857. FOR RENT - Attractive room. private bath. tor business person. SWarthmore 6-1675. Transit is a particularly good bargain here in Philadelphia. Higher operating costs have forced transit cash fares to 20c in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, .CincinnAti, Seattle, Minneapolis.st. Paul and Kansas City, while Baltimore and Pittsburgh, with 17c cash fares, are seeking increases to .2Oc. Eighteen of the twenty largest U.S. cities now have cash fares of 150 or more. But wherever you $;ravet. transit service is a good buy. . 2/35c 21391 PHILADELPHIA I TRANSPORTATION COMPANY ~pen,nursday ~~dFriday to 9 PeTER 01 NICOLA \ . u.. '. . ' .. RO-'RT J. ATZ, Ow..r OpPosite Ioron,h· ' ...... Lot SW 60440 DartnIo... &: liafay.". Av~.. · , .' • For Yollr··Home Repairs and' Maintenance Formica fabrication ELECTRICAL Repairs - Installations Contracting Christman & Joire 'HONES Ev•• I.,. SW. 62290 RESIDENTIAL AND· COMM.ERCIAL CONSTRUCTION Alterations P.R.R. Freight Bld9. Swarthmore. Pa. J. F. BLACKMAN SW 6-6616 Charles E. Fischer BUILDER Residential • Paintinl! Commercial • • AlteraUoDS Swarthmore "2253 17Y2 South Chester Road Swarthmore 6-3450 . RUSSELL'S SERVICE , HELP • UPHOLSTERER THOM SEREMBA PRESTONE or ZERIX Anti.Freele . '. . 0,.. Satvrclay ~iI 6P.M. . The Delta Gamma Sewing Group' w111 meet at the home •of Mrs. GeOrge P. Warren of 327 South Chester road on Thursday, January'15 at II a.m. Building COllstructlon Driveway Construction Asphi..t or· Co_crete Cellar Walls R..Plaltered Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 For Safe. Snre ProtecH_ P.M. -----DG', to Sew REEVES Nov. 1st to Jan. 31st ACME MARKET,. Chester Rd.,', Swarthmore' W.• H. Randall. SWarlhmoreMrs. 6-3197 li·'•• '.... - . , GRAOB DAVIE PEARSON. ExecutrIX. ~a? FOUND Stethoscope on .~~~~~~~~::~~::::~ Harvard avenue New Year's i Day. Between Chester road and Generation 8ulld,er~ Cornell avenue. Call SWarthmore .6;-;0;7;8;3.;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;; HORACE A. "State' Auto Inspection , ,. m.nt. and those having claims to pre. £lent the same, without delay, to Passmore Ii c. • Letters Tefltamentary on tbe above Estate having been granted to the un- . denlgned. all persona indebted to the Estate aYe requeated to make pay- =========:.., E9~&3~w~:a~v~al1a~b~le~'~fogr~~a~E~~ICall 391 _rt' Mrs. Ezra T. Cresson of 11 Amherst avenue will serve as hostess to members of the Friendly Circle on January 15 at 2 p.m. Miss Pauline Du~i;all will be cohostess. . BIITATB MOTICB I!Bl'ATB 0. J. II. PBARSON. aI80 known ... JOHN M. PEARSON. late of the BoroUgh of Swarthmore. Del. Co.. pa.. DeeeaBed. . Sally Gaskill returned to DeniPat Told returned to Sargent 219 Cornell A ••.• Swarthmor•• Pa. . Or to her Attorney son University Sunday College by plane Sunday after BUTLER. BEATl'Y.OREER lID spending Ihe holidays at her hOlne I spending the holidays with her JOHNSON on University p I ace. Bicky parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter E.M _:::e::d:::la=p::a:::. Thompson of Harvard avenue re- Told of Park avenue. r turned to Denison Saturday folMilly McCowan who has been STENOGRAPHIC & lowing the holiday vacation. spending the holidays at her home TYPING SERVICE John Davis of Amherst avenue on Vassar avenue~ will return to Legal Pa ... r. - The.e•• Reporta has returned to Harvard Univer~ Penn Slate this week-end. sity following the holiday vacaLyman A. Darling. Jr.• of La- Promp., eHlelent aad accurat. tion. John bas served as one of fayette avenue has returned 'to service the freshman football managers at the University of Tennessee folContract or Hourly Rate. the university. and Is now one of Ilc)wilng the holiday vacation. the managers of the freshman Dick Danforth returned Sunday RUPACA, INC. squash team. 10 Union College. Schenectady. N. Jane Allen returned to Welles- Y .• after spending the holidays n.atre Square SW 6·1228 ley College Thursday after spend- with his family on Hillborn aveMI.. Straelley Notary 'abll. ing the holidays with her parents nue. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Allen ot Riverview road. Jane entertained Kinder9arten Group to Meet ata luncheon-bridge at her home Rutgers Avenue Kindergarten HORACB B. Friday. wi\l meet Friday. January 9 at Ann Denworth of Elm avenue 3:30 at Rutgers Avenue School. and Reedy Gl1rnour of Chicago Stuart Fuller of Harvard avewho was her· house guest for -",ue is program chairman. week. anc! Alice ,Patterson The program "Looking Ahead Maple avenue. with a group of from Kindergarten·' will be 'disfriends returned to Earlham Col- cussed by Mildred Kidd. Mrs. lege by car Sunday; Oliver E. Rodgers. Elva S. Daniels. Barbara Crosset of Rivclcvi"w I and M,!rtle McCallin. ~ road returned to William Mary College Sunday following NURSES' AIDES RBAL BSTATB 6 the holiday vacation. INSURANCB REFRESHER COURSE . Dorothy Denwotth returned to 609 s. eH BS"rBR RD. Carleton College Monday after A 12-hour Refresher Course for SWAIITHM02B. PHNNA. spending the holidays with her Nurses; Aides wishing to return to • mother Mrs. Hugh Denworth of active hospital duty: will be held at T.lophn •• ~u'. (""10 255 North Broad Street. Philadelavenue. Anne Lukens. Sue Hopson. and phia. Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m .• beginning Mon/ day. ·January 12 and ending JanA proposed bUdget uary 28. Those planning to attend. PERSONAL _ German woman. WANTED-Experienced practical . , d ht nurse desires post maternity w ith. rune - year - o,d aug er. work. Phone SWarthmore 6-4124. desires position as housekeeper In good home. References. SWarth- WANTED - By retired bUsiness more 6-6914. woman. two unfurnished rooms. ;~~;;:::~--:--:---:,,"",...:,..-:-=- simple cooking facilities. bath. in PERSONAL - Auto Driving In- private home near railroad staUon. strucUons. Call us - we call for Phone SWarthmore 6-1103. you. Chester 2-4346. zP;:ER~S~O~N~AL~:"':~R;::a~dI;'o-s-.--'t"'el;-e-v"'is-:io-n WANTED - WOMEN. for steady. receivers. record changers and light factory work - 5 days other electrical appliances repllir_ pleasant surroundings. Must live in Delaware or Montgomery d. Promp t erviceo '. . R 0 bert subur.bs, eBrooks. s C tI I hi ChewI ng Swarthmore 6-1548. oun es. Phlladepa ;::;;;:;:~;:;.==:.:::"=:;.::..;.,..::,::::...,..,,,- Gum Corp.. Eagle 8. Lawrence PERSONAL - Electrical wirlhg. Rds" Havertown. Take Ardmore new "."d old. residenUal' and trolley from 69th St. to Oakmont commerclSl done in compliance staUon or Springfield - Gladwyne with Fire Underwriters· Specl1lc- Bus to door. Apply 10 A.M. until at.the of allons. Sale and Service on e1ec. noon only. . Water·Heaters. Ranges. Washers•..- ..... ~-.,....-:--..,.----:T. Dryers.· I'un:lps. Fans. Cleaners :WANTED . - Apartment or small and small appliances. Call: Erich house Wlth oU heat, preferably H. HauSen, SW 6-2850. Corner of furnished. T h r e e responsible Park and 1II.lchigan avenUes. adults .. Call SWarthmore 6-0117. RICIIARDBON · , WANTED - We will buy at best Borough B;!'cretary Fe. R SALE . prices. old ~hlna:ctitglass. fu.ni- 1t FOR SALE ~by Grand Lester ture. Call Holly Oak 6720 colle!>t. ~~M;W~M;W~MW~M;W, plano good condition. Call for appointment. All bnsiness conTHOM SEREMBA MEdIa 6-4930.· fldenllBl. Colonial Cupboard. No. P H 0 L S T ER 'E R FOR SALE -' 1947 Crosley sedan • 5 Phila.• Pike. Wl1mlngtOn. Del. WANnjD Middle aged widow 1949 motor. Very good condiUon. . desires' part - time position as CUSTOM SLIP COVERS $275. CAn SWiltt\lil:iDre 6-3887. Companion to'. elderly lady or 'boo. Wa.~bar. 8-7311 FOR SALE - Glrl·s. size 10. pile gentleman. ·Reply•. Box O. The or Sharo. Hill '0734 lined blue slorm jacket fur Swarthmorean. I;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ collar. Almost new. Other· items. ==-,;-~ Phone SWarthmore 6-1510. WANTED To do day's work. FOR SALE American Flyer _ also prepare dinner. SwarthROOFS GUTIERS freight rolling stock and track. more references. Phone 'CHester REPAIRED & ~STAI,J.E1) remole control .switchllS. bumpers. 4-4465 . WARM-AIR HEATING LOST AND FOUND etc. No rheostat. no locomoUve. Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Half price. SWarthmore 6-3995.· ~OST-R~d Cross Nurses' Aid Pin. GEORGE MYERS· FOR SALE -' A 24" kitchen base Please return to The SwarthBox 48-Swarthmore 6-0740 . . cabinet - black marbleized top marean ofllce. almost new. Kenmore tank vacuum cleaner-all attachments. LOST' - Large gold lapel pinPerfect condition. Call SWarth"star-shaped, Friday. Jan. 2. Re- Swarthmore 6-1448 . more 6-213l!. ~~~o.Mrs. McI"Ure. SWarthmore WILLIAM BROOKS FOR SALE - Bendix automatic ~L';;O;;S;;Ti-'-'='-O=r:-CbLo:::r::rcco=w::ed-:;-."b'-lu::Ce:--';E;::n-::g:-_ A8hes & R.. bbish Removed washer 1947 model. Good . ., condition. $30. Call SWarthmore lish Raynal bicycle. Please 'reLawns Mowed, General 6-2978. . ;;tu::;rn:=~to::..,.:I:.:4:,.=P.:;a:;.rk::..;a:;v:.:e::;n:=u~e:...-;-_=--'" Hawling LOST - ' Earring-Leal design. Call 236 Harding Ave•• Morton. Pa FOR RENT at The Swarthmorean ofllce. I ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ FOR RENT - SWARTHMORE LOST Red Cocker Spaniel I, vicinity - unfurnished apart(female). long time tamlly petRubbish Collection ment - ~ rooms and oath. Garage. 13 yrs. old. Reward. SWarthmore $85. Call SWarthmore 6-0108: !!-.,;1",i;;:28:;;.=-_=..,...,,,,,--:--,-_~~ Swarthmore Disposal FOR RENT _ Large•. attractive FOUND - Fur-lined glov:e. Call Weekly or Monthly room, second floor, convenient to at The Swartbmorean office. WARREN PIERCE transportation' and tea - rooms. FOUND - White silk scarf. Call Swarthmore 6-2078 Telephone SWarthmore 6-412~. at The Swarthmorean office. <43. Today'. Pric•. .4t1tfte'e Friendly Circle Hostess PERSONAL 17c 63c . Also on Wednesday. January 14. Mrs. John Seybold. educational chairman of the League; and Mrs. P a u I .Zecher. public relaUons chairman will speak at the Eastern Area Confel'!'nce on' finance and' public relations to be held in Philadelphia. Delegates will attemd from 26 Leagues' in Eastern Pennsylvania representating a Intal membership of 4000. Mrs. Seybold will dlspiay maps and charts. compiled by the Swarthmore League last year; in collecting information for the School Board on the need for school expansion. Mrs. Zecher will talk on good public relations and its value in' promoting community projects. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CLASSIFIED ADS Hom-de Lite Creamy , here. , Boy Scout Troop Two will be given to Swarthmore Boy Scout Troop Two in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church starting January 7 by Piasecki Helicopter Corporation, Morton. The class will meet every other Wednesday night until February 25. Bill Thomas of Media, a former Swarthmore resident, is the instructor. He is assistant' chief draftsman in the Piasecki Engineering Division. Thomas will explain the principles of airplane flight and design as well as the theory of helicopter operation. As part of the course, the scouts will design a neW airplane to be called the Swarthmore Scout. Polly Told of Swarthmore ret~. • ed Sunday to Bucknell University after spending the holidays at thei r respecUva'homes h e re• Dottle Heinze of Strath Haven . avenue ret~ed to DePauw Uruversily by plane Sunday after the holiday vacation gram and. how one can be adopted We cordially Invite you 10 vlsll us 10 see and drive Ihl. sensationally new . and finer car 7A:"~ /"V '1" C.al, aeah .... 11~ew w .....,. aprl.,. reHecI-410.00 to $17.50 Seat " ...I. . . ._el_ew .prl........w pacldle.-sS.DO to 57,SO Ca .... Maele , .IIp "ove.. at......o.abl. prl.... I)"., 25 pet.. e.perleoce - .. "2 ••"l' • ....."... "oata_.. Ie. •••rfIo.a ...... ,;f""Ifr. Clyliler ...... Rldley·'a... WAsillInn ..hll 01' Sharon HIli 0734 RUMSEY CHEVROLET T. . . h •. S...... , I , .' Residents 'File Library, He has owned his hall\/! Uon meetings in WaShington 8I\d ~pent New Yt>ar's with Dr, and more apartments, Mr. W111iam Posts here for the past six years, He Shmldhelser Of Moylan, and Mr. a graduate of Stanford University, Mr, and Mrs, Frederick W. Held Mrs. Maurice Mandlebaum, of Brown. (Continued from Page 1) Alfred H' Marsh 103 Columbia of Westmlnster avenUe spent the avenue, is one who says Ne-w Year's holidays visiting Mrs. Hanover, N. H" formerly of 1 oway 0 f . candidate , Mrs. George. E S'll SCOUting, the Home and School he is no English major but "has Held's relatives in Canton and Swartlnnore. • North Chester road entertained Association and Trinity Ch"-h, Mr Mrs James Sorber I but his service to the Library ~- Is probably read more of the Li- Youngstown, Ohio. Wit . ~'. I rtal d ._. a Over the holidays her grandchil _ hls chief, community Interest. A brary's books than any one in MisS'Margaret Anderson has rea nu ane ente ne ....ormal_ dren Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Truehomeowner, he has resided in the town." A graduate of Cornell Uni- turned to Woman's, Medical Col" lYh fOr 1M I r: and 'Mrs. Harry W;ood blood and bal>Y daughter Caroline Borough 14 years. versity in the combined arts and lege of Pennsylvania after spend- wow I move SOon to their new Ann of "Springslde", their COttage mechanical engineering COurse he ing the Christmas holidays with :tome on V\'alnut lane. on the Furnas property on Farnum Thomas G. Casey, 146 Park ave- has given hours of community her parents Dr. and Mrs, Charles Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Decrouez of road, Me_ A, Anderson of Yale avenue. Ogden avenUe entertained at a Maj who has spent 30 years of hls life or and Mrs. E, G. Rust' have Mrs. Edward W. Schauffier of neighborhood party on New Year's returned from ' F' In the Borough. An English mal' or, committee on buildings and lands. aIrc hild AIr Base, He is a homeowner with 17 years' Chicago Is spending several weeks Day. Wash wh M' he graduated from Swarthmore ., ere &jor R us h was s t ahere. (Mrs, Russell L.) das the Mr. J. Paul College. A Federal employee, ao residence Ruth Snyder htgqest D of her d Mson-in-law Ch 1 and A W i tand 1 Mrs, '11 t tBrown ' t of lioned I . In for 21 months, and are now administrator in the Department stan'ds for reelectl'on to her second Aaug d er r. f Y t thi an I rs., ar es . d' a nu ane WI en "er run h a a v Sit g Mrs. RUst's aunt Mrs. Ezra nDr.ersan 0 a eLafore avenue.attended fmner y s evemng In . ODorf Cresson of Amherst avenue until of Justice, he is eager to apply term on the Board on which she Laurence th par b'rthd . h' his Federal experience in budget0 e I ay anmversanes 0 t elf home in LanSdowne is COming, purchaSing, and cutting costs now serves as property chairman the American Historical Associa- Mr. Harry S. Toole of the Swarth... pleted. .. to the Library's financing. "I am and as arrangements chairman f o r j , - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ the open house and the Christinterested in the !Jbrary'S de- mas decorations. Her first' service velopment, in seeing where the cost can be cut or the funds better to the Board was as 'publicity chairman. She teaches an elem~ nolds, retiring president. 'Omcers has been given them, more is of the Association for the new neEded, Mrs. John H, Pitman, leaInclude, Harry F. Hamby, der of the group, reported thai for preSident; Job;, A. Rumsey, Ore- ,the last three meeting, there has " ,s'B'anquet y~ar FIremen established Bnd pleasantly main- also includes elder brother Ben "(Eric Lawrence) Whose understanding with Peggy Swift (Barbara S. Thorbahn) adds g1amer and light to the play. Both Mr: Lawrence and Miss Thorbahn contribute variety and apt characterIzations to the production, Almost in the family are DelIJah, interestingly and consistently Ipos~ THE SWARTHMOREAN ~ • P.~L) WOMEN love to' drive .~ ... - _i 0 .. ..'.. . ~un • \ • Robert Richardson, Jr~, of Park avenue is attending Officers Candidate School at Newport, R.I. rin4 Top-o'-ran"e • or In the oven -' • No wonderl ••• it's a perfect sanctuary of steel. Big. Sturdy. Safe. .. WIIH JlU ~ PICTURES I. ' , THREE DIME.SlCi.S CAMDA & IfOBBY SHOP 40S Do"",_", Ave. G,WEST~ SW ,",'" • No wonder! ••• it gives you the feeling all Chrysler owners feel: that of complete car cantrol! Up-to-date gas ranges make cooking' a pleasure, on top burners ~ in the oven. Homemakers enjoy the ease and convenience of cooking on ranges designed both for beauty and to make COOking easy. Treat y()urse!f to cooking ease with modern ,gas i:ookJng. Select the new gas range you like at your pIu~r's, dealer's' or 'any Philadelphia' Electric suburban store. .... '''''1 P.ILAD,EL~.'A El~C'II( COM'A., • STOP RUST IN YOUR CAR WITH • No wonder! •.• its famouS Spitfire engine Will pull you out of any "tight spot" in Ii burrY! SI CLAIR • •.. its new-type shock absorbers swallow up the worst road bumps. Wouldn't waken a babyl , • No wonderl . . . it's so beautifully styled. A delight to look at, parked at your front doorl • Give your wife the fun of driving this new ·Chrysler. Don't deprive her any longer. Or yourself, eitherl • The beautiful .. AN'JI-RUST GASOLINE , so DIFFERENT IT'S PATENTED . CHRYSLE R WI NDSOR -one ofAmerica~ first mmily of fine cars' ----------~'~'----------'--------------~.~---------------------------------,~,---,---,~------~'----'--------'------~.---------- , Fusco.. Alston , ' . . . , .<, . '0. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS. Phone SWarthlllore 6-36&1 • ... it gives you the option of Full-time Power Steering that turns and parkS your car with the merest touch. Eliminating all ''wheel fight"! .' , ,,' • " ' I , 'H annU.m & Waite o • . . • • • •• • • • • I.,.• , ..• > ... , , • \ , 'Swa~re \ , - INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 4 , THE SW ARTH~IOREAN January 16, 1953 'Father of the Bride' Players Club Hit January 16, 1953 185 Attend Volunteer Firemen's Banquet nolds, retiring president. Officers pose has been given th~m, more is of the Assoeiation for the new neEded, Mrs. JOM H. PlIman, lea_ y~ar include Harry F. Hamby,' der of the group, reported that for president; John A. Rumsey, fire- the last three meeting, there has The annual banquct of the chief; Eugene M. Finnegan, as- o::.en an average attendance of 24 Swarthmore Fire and Protective sistant chief; Charles H. Grjer'l members, with an average of 13 Association was held last Satu1'- secretary, and John Jeffords, trc3s_ volunteer helpers lor each mect~ urer. day night at the Springhaven ing. Country ClUb. Rev. Lawrence Whittemore gave One hundred eighty-five volun- Older Swarfhmoreans J,e Christmas greeting to the teer firemen and members of the T U C .( R I group this year, on the subject o se ouncI oom 1·'The Spirit of Christmas," Visitors association. and their guests, at(Continued from Page 1) I included Georgene E. Bowcn, ditended the affair. arranged by adelphia. Mrs. Hatch partit'ipat..:-d rcctol' of recreation for older age Frank Masselli (perhaps belter in a discussion group on the ~ub- of the Philadelphia Health and known as Frank thc Fireman, or ject. \Vc!farc Council, who expressed Frank the Barber) and his comA requ(>st from Fair Acres the opinion that the meeting room mittee. County Home was rc.ceived by thC' at the Presbyterian Church is ideal John E. Michael served as toast- Committee. to send a rcpresenta_ for the group. and also, complimaster and introduced the officers :ivc to observe a meeting of the mented SWarthmore on the vrogof the company and thc following Friendly Open House. Members ress made in this activity. invited guests: have been busy knitting squares Other highlights of the program for afghans used by the Red Cross, included a talk given by one of Frank A ..Dolan, chief fi,·C mar- and While some wool for this pur- the members of thc Group, Lillian shal for Delaware County, and Clark. who as a retired teacher of James Greaves, sixth district mar- ji;. art, spoke on the various uses and shal, and Mrs. Greaves; the BorPETER E, TOLD 'raining which can be given stuough Councilmen and their wives, All Lines of Insurance dents in this field. Various exH. Lindley Peel, . president, and amples were shown, and some of M Th 333 Darlmoulh Avenue Mrs. Peel, Mr. and rs. omas Miss Clark's interesting pain:ings Swarthmore, Pa, Hopper, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. were on exhibit. Mrs. Pitman gave (Continued from Page I) car, maybe she'll have on her dun- garees", etc., send the men in the audience into near hysterics, but it is partly due to the faith and naivete with which Mr. Clark identifies himself with his ilk. Among the male stars in the cast must be listed Luren Dickinson in his first appearance for the Club, pJaying the bride's young brother Tommy (which he is in actuality) with complete insouciance and charm. He is certainly one of the factors which makes "Father of the Bride" such a hap.! py experience. Mary Ann Dickinson I as tile about - to - be - married daughter, Kay Banks, is lovely to look at and adept in her role. The rapport between Kay and her mother Ellen Banks as played by Catherine G~yIe Hodge is successfully established and pleasantly maintained. Mrs. Hodge is charming and at eaSe in the family group which also includes elder brother Ben (Eric Lawrence) whose understanding with Peggy Swift (Barbara S. Thorbahn) adds glamor, and light to the play. Both Mr. Mrs. Carolyn Burnett, 341 Haverford place. SWarthmore, 32Lawrence and Miss Thorbahn conyear-old mother, was stricken with polio August 23. 1\lr". Burnett tribute variety and apt characterhas made a remarkable recovery and is shown here takIng her izations to the production. first stepS assisted by her son Larry and supervised by a poJio Almost in the family arc Delitralned practical nurse provided by the Delaware County Chapter. lah, interestingly and conSistently interpreted by Mary Helen Dan- HS Musicians Active; Five I School. Outstanding musicians forth in her first stage experience T PI . F . I B d I from 45 schools in the four County and Miss Bellamy (Sally McFad_ 0 ay In est/va an Suburban Philadelphia area will den) who,se trouble with the Iisls Members of the Swarthmore join to form 140 pieces to be dlis the core of one of the problems. High School Orchestra joined with rected by Guest Conductor, NorMiss McFadden always tucks her roles away with crispness and dis- students lrom Haverford and val Church. The public perforpatch, and finds a warm welcome Lansdowne in presenting a "Pops" mance will take place Saturday among Players Club audiences. concert at Havertown last Satur- evening. Those participating from Briefer but effective roles are day evening. The groUP nu.mber.. SWarthmore are: John ~hillips; carried by Marie G. Donnelly. 3 Ted Sanville, Edgar Frit:nd, Gary ing 1 5 was conducted by the Di- Holfman and Roland Kenschatt. Richard Foltz. Irma Keighton. rectors of the several participat_ I James F. Robinson, Mildred Bing- ing schools. Among the seledions I ham, Leo Ozarski, and W. H. Rob- heard were the "Overture to the 5== NOW SHOWING= __§ erls. On Monday night Mrs. Don- Bartered Bride" and a medley ot neny was suffering from Iaryn_ hit tunes from the Broadway fa- § == gilis but played het role, in keep- voTite "The King and I". The pro- § MANY NEW ITEMS ~ 15 South Chester Road --~~~~~~~~~~~~~, WHOLESALE MEATS I And Other Frozen Foods I For Your DEEP FREEZE ::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::;;;:;:;:::;::;;;;~, ~lIIl11nllltlHlllllllllnlllllllllllllltllllllltlllllllllllllllllll! Mr. and Mrs. A. H. VanAIen; McCowan, C. Dudley Schloesser, Charles R. Russell, Burgess, and Mrs. Russell; Clarence ,G. Mye'rs, Borough SoliCitor; Borough Secretary Elliott Richardson; Assistant i Secretary Mrs. Ruth Townsend, and Mrs. John M. Pearson, wjfe of the late John Pearson, Councilman; Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told, Morris Smith, William Place, charter Q'lember of the ASSOCiation; Dr. Victor Shirer ,and Dr. John B. Roxby. INQUIRE FOR CUTS AND PRICES i,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~o~t~h~e~G~r~o~U~p~,~F~o~u~r~p~o~in~t~S~O~f Swarthmore 6.1833 DEW DROP INN 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE BREAKFAST. LUNCH • DINNER CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY OPEN 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Monday Thru Saturday Daily Dinners 90c to $1,65 Members of the company presented a fishing rod to Joseph Rey- GEO. MITRO " SONS Special Children's Plauers Page 5 Happiness for the new year: good i Clyde Miller, Mrs. Frederick A. health, a comfortable place to live I Patman, Mrs. Waller A. Schmidt in, recognition and approval by and Mrs. C. W. Worst. one's family, neighbors, and' comThe next meeting of the Fricndmunity, and social partiCiPatiOn! ly Open House comes this Monlike that in this Group. . day, January 19. at two o'clock, Other members of the Sponsors i at the Preshytcrlan Church on Committee present on l\'!onday I Harvard avenuc. Any man or were Mrs. Harold N. Gibson, 1\'11'5. WOman desiring cither to particJudson R. Hoover, Jr., Alice ipate as visitor, member or helpLukens, .Mrs. Harold March. Mrs. er is invited. . __ ._------- -- ----._---- .. _-----._------ . If you're looking for quality clothing at a valuable SALE price, don't miss the LANCASTER COUNTRY STORE SALE --, January 19th through January 24th! 20% OFF on most of our HANDWOVEN TWEEDS, comprising over 500 patterns for sale by the yard, and a large selection of ready-to-wear values - Men's Sport Jackets and Vests, V.fomen's Suits, Coats, and Skirts, Our Deerskin Gloves, Scarves, Jewelry, Pewter, and other unique items are also featured at a 20% reduction. The LANCASTER COUNTRY STORE, Home of Conestoga Handwoven Tweeds, is located in Brownstown, Pa. Phone: Leola 6-3643, Brownstown is 8 miles north of Lancaster, just off Route 222, From the Pennsylvania Turnpike at Reading, it's 10 miles soli.'h on 222, Follow our roadsigns to the picturesque old mill, the home of the LANCASTER COUN. TRY STORE. - - - - .... - 17 South Chester Road :: JJ:::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-~-:::::::~ ~ e EVERY YEAR ••• FUEL SYSTEM . --. .. -----.. The MAN-SIZED car that WOMEN love to drive SWarthmore 6-4547 a ing with the good trouper tradi- thusiaslic gram was audienee well received an en- ~ lion, establishing an excellent that by attended in the ~ :.. characterization as Mrs. Massoula despite the inclement weather. 5A • 5: head of the catering firm which siians have bee'n seletedccc_cmmg --_= ntlques & Gourmet Shop = __ - . Five local High School Band 5· PROVIDENCE ROAD 5 handles the wedding. Richard Foltz strikes the sardonic note as musicians have been selected to § WALLINGFoRD, PA. ~ her assistant. James F. Robinson participate with the Southeastern Phone MEdia 6-4751 15 District Festival Band at Doyles.. 9 _ _ . an a d equa Ie B UZZ. SWarthmore 6-5115 5: Don't miss the play tonight and town ' ~_= (CIOSf.'d Wednesdays at I I •. ~J.)_ i 5: this weekend. The affair will tomorrow night because yoU saw be held in the new two million iiilltilltlllllllllllllttlllltlflllllllllllllllltltlllllltlltltltllltlii the movie. The comparison is fun dollar Central Bucks Consoll.dated and the Players Club production I-------.-________________ -.::~..:..:::::.. leI saw it in the Swarthmorean." very pleasing and enjoyable in its OWn right. THE SWARTHMOREAN • , • .;: :::: • Robert Richardson. Jr., of Park aVe-flue is attending Officers Candidate School at Newport, R.I. rin4 Top-o'-range , or in the oyen __ cooleing i. • PICTURES IN THREE DIMENSIONS SlIIfoScop[ $2.00 lEBSasc ... fir ea.,I Up.to-date· gas ranges make cooking a pleasure, on top burners or in the oven. Homemakers enjoy the ease and conven. ience of cooking on ranges designed both for beauty and to make cooking easy. Treat yourself to COoking ease with modern gas COoking, • No wonder! , • , it's a perfect sanctuary of steel. Big. Sturdy. Safe. • No wonder! . , , it gives you the feeling all Chrysler owners feel: that of complete car control! STOP RUST IN YOUR CAR WITH • No wonder! ... its famous Spitfire engine will pull you out of any "tight spot" in hurry! a SINCLAIR • ... its new·type shock absorbers swallow up the worst road bumps. Wouldn't waken a baby! G. WEST COCHRANE SW''''''I Fri. , .. ,30 Select the new gas range you like at your plumber's, dealer's or any Philadelphia Electric suburban store. '.'lADEL~HIA EUerlle eOM'AIY ANT'-RUST GASOLINE • Give your wife the fun of driving this new Chrysler. Don't deprive her any longer. Or yourself, either! !; • CHRYSLE R WI N DSOR -one of Americas first family of fine cars! Fusco CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS P"one SWarthmore 6.3681 • No wonder! . . . it's so beautifully styled. A delight to look at, parked at your front door! The beautiful $0 DIFFERENT IT'S PATENTED CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 405 Dartmouth Ave. • , .. it gives you the option of Full-time Power Steering that turns and parkS your car with the merest touch. Eliminating all H wheel1ight"! ' Hannum . & Waite . • Chester Road and Yale Ayenue Swarthmore 6.1250 p~~~______________~______________~----_TH~~E~S~~~AR~11UK~~O~REAN~~--~~~--~-----------______~J~an~uuy16,1953 ' NEWS NOTES Basketball Team Wins I Jannary !qe6 Mrs. Griffin To Review At Mothers Lit Group Club Members, Husbands Attend Fathers' Night Dinner \ . One, Loses Another The Garnet took a split decision last week, losing to Conshohocken '6-69, and then coming back to beat Prospect Park 53-49. In the Conshohocken game the Garnet ~ailed to get started. Conshy led the entire way stretching their lead as the periods rolled by. The big spark for the victors was McDonnell with 24 points. High scor"ers for Swarthmore were Don MacElwee with 14 and Bill Hoot with 12. In the Prospect game, however, it was a different story. The Garnet took the lead and held it, leaving the Parkers far behind throughout most of the garoe. Leading the Garnet all the way were Bill Hoot and Howard Shearer with 17 and 15 points Mrs. Harold GrI1IIn Will be the guest speaker at the third meetIng ,of the Mothers' Club literature group to be held Tuesday evenIng, JanuaQ, 20, at 8 at the home • of Mrs. Paul E. Zecher, 727 Swarthmore avenue Mrs. David Ullman and Mrs. Carl Flammer ~re co-chairmen of the ~rature group. Well known throughout the community, Mrs. G-:i.ffin, who for many years was literature chair- respectively. man.. for the Woman's club, will In the final period. Prospect review "The. Prophet" by Kahill Park's Bill Womell, who made 19 Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson of Strath fl/Iven avenue entertained as their week-end guests Mr. and \ • d Mrs. Carlton Pepper of Richmon , Va. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of HRocky Spring Farm", Media entertained as their recent week-end guests Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Bruun of Easton. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sprout and baby son John of Hightstown, N.J., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of Park ItETCBUP-~~ Z3 e Z 3"oJ" BElNZ SOUPS ..., 8EINZ SOUPS ~.:=,I!::C'::" :n:~'" Z '.!: ZSC HEINZ IOSBER DILL PICKLES 2f;' 3Sc HEINZ BEANS ~~~~~~':i:i:':':""·Z ~ Z7c Hoodle. ChlcQn Noodle· Rumsey on leave from Wiesbadt:m, Germany and Mrs. Rumsey are visiting in Swarthmore. .!/dMlI w••• B.I. •• S.... . 'f" .......... ......,...... .. . For Safe, Sure Protection Use PRESTONE or ZEREX Anti·Freeze . .....""""""~""""", .DIV£R, .T;"-:' SAUSACE SWI:-,:.~,::=_w I BUTTERFISH :::!~ milk to diets. His ta\j!:, which captund the inte~est of the audience, I was interspersed with lively ·piano presentations. Mrs. Alfred Mangels was chairman ·of the dinner. , ~. 17c Ib Gte' :'13gc Zlc Ib • N;:~F~iDRY MILK 1~·32c • • lach can make. 5 quart. top quality non4al dry milk for drinking, cooking or bakinlo Healthful and d.llc1ou •• J . Ib -4ge MUd Cure Cheddar Cheese Ib Sge Tasty Sharp Cheddar Cheese Glendale Club Cheese Food a l!t Sse South Chester road entertained as their week - end guests Dr. and Mrs. H. U. Faulkner of Smith Col- lege. Mrs. Frank D. Windell of West- TEMPLE ORANGES LETTUCE Lynne Leach of Wallingford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fischer Crisp CaIHoml. Ie....,. of Dickinson avenue were hosts to members .of the Sunday Evening Supper Club. CAKE MIXES 1~-'25" .., Wblt_, ••, Devil', Spl Foo., Chllfon Qulek and economical for making cake., cur. cgkes and t:OOld... Just add wam, m X and ~_~,-._...,-,_ __ PlII,bury'. White, Ooldefl, Chocolate ,y,,; time actually fl/eI keeping pace with Sylng lingers. Before you know it, lunchtime; before' you know it, time to apply the Iipstlcle and go borne. Any number of operators, given a chance to do other telephoQe worlc, prefer to stay with operating. They find the worle so interesting that the time passes rapidly. And here are some other advantages of a telep~one job: Cake Mix car is hard to handle on ice or snow. More chance for accidents and upenso, more need for good, depend.ble Auto- • pleasant surroundlDIII , • 900d sfartlng 1~lary, 900d chances for Cake Mix • mobU. Liability' Insuranc.. Q.lck'...... FOOD SALE Ideal Brand .... ular employment with a w.U-knoWII, wel ........ arcled ...,Ioyer 110 . . . . d.Me ••• 4.. Broceltl ~ 6919 Ludlow 51."', Upper Dc by; Po. 1631 Arch ••ree., Philadelphia, Pa. O(U Line. o/lnsura""r. 333 Dartmouth Ave. • t • GoldeD Decorette . BAR LAYER CAKE 45c anly GoI'" cake topl*:i with vantlla Idng and chDCCI'ate ~ttas. _ ~~ - CoHee Cake :r., 3Sc "A ',Ie.tlly ,.,... t_ ...... sealed. bids wlll be received in Counen Cbamber, 121 Park AvenUe, swarthmore, Fa., on February 2nd • 1953 at 7 :30 P.M.. for setting radius granite curbs at the f«mr corners of Har1fard Avenue and South Chester Road. paving tbe portiOIW of the cartway exposcd by the alteration and adjusting gutters. Knd present curbing to conform with the new radlllB curbs. all B8 Shown on speclftcatlom: and plans whlcb may be examined at the omce of the undersigned. A certIfled check In the sum of 8100.00 must accompany the bid of each contractor and tbe pel'8()n or firm to whom any contract 1£1 awarded must execute a contract and furnish bonds as required. by law, the form. of which may he examined In the oMce ot the undersigned. The :Borough reserves the rlgbt to reject any or all bids. BWARTHMORB NATIONAL AND TRUST COMPANY BANK OF SWARTH- MORE In the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of bualneu5 on J::)e.. cember 31. 1952. PUblished in response to call made by Comptroller of the CUrrency. under Bection 5211. U. 8. Revised Statutes. A88I!TB Cash. balance& wltb other banlts, including rese"e "balance, and cash Items In procefW of eoUectlon .• l.053,343.48 United States Government THE COUNOIL OF THE DOROUGH obligations, d1rect and OF SWARTMORE DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. An 8" vltrUled terra cotta pipe sewer [·hall be constructed In the bed of Juniata Avenue between MIChigan 811d Rutgers Avenues, and in Rutgers Avenue from Juniata. Avenue Northwardly 190 feet more or less to a manhole to be constrUcted at said point. guaranteed ........... 3,497,710.22 Obltgattons of states anc! polltlcat subdivisions.. Other bonclf:. notes, and debentures. . . . . . . . . . . Corporate stocks (lncludIng .12.000.00 stock of F'ecleral Reserve bank) Loans and d1scounts (InelUding e828.29 over- 190.111,22 104.763.49' 12.000.00 drRfta) ............... 1,275.484.32 Sectlon 2. Said. sewer &baU be for the benefit ot properties on both sides of said avenues, abutting thereon. ·All said abutting and acce88ible propertSeEl are hereby permitted to use said sewer upon payment of the customary fees. for permits. said sewer shall become part of the pubUc sewer systern of the Borough of Swarthmore. 8ection 3. Said rewer shall be constructed In accordance with a plan BLLIarr RIOHARDSON thereof prepared by the Borough EnBorough secretary glneer. dated November 3. 1952, show1-16-2t IDg elevations and grades. ant! In acESTATE NOTICE cordance with specUlcatLons on file EBTATE OF R. BRUOB MnLER. De- with the Borough fSecretary. Said ceased, late of Swarthmore, Dela.. sewer Shall Include all nece8£ery manware County. Pa. . boles. Y -branches. and accessories for Letters Testamentary in the above house connectlolU.'. Estate having been granted. to the un.. Bection 4. The proper Borough of.. c1eralgned, all persollb Inclebted to said Estate are required to IIJ.lIJ,e payment. Il,ctertl arehherebY authorized to enter and those havIng claims to present n 0 suc contract or contracts B8 may be required for the construction the same without delay to HOPE BACHEl,ER MJI,J.ER. • of saIcI sewer and aece&orles In ac200 Cornell Avenue :~~~::rew~~:'W'a:d ~ =t~~!~ Swarthmore. Pa. the said Qmcers heretofore taken. are Eltecutrlx Or to her Attorney.·. hereby ratlfled and. confirmed. There RAWLE /10 lIENDlmBON 18 hereby appropriated. out of fUnds 15th ancl Chestnut Streets • of the Borough avaUable for flUch purpose, an amount BUftlclent to cover PhDadelphla, Pa. said contract or contracts. B~HNBO· ~NTl'Y, GREER Bank prem.l8es owned 166.- 577.31. furniture and ftxtures .13,684.20 .•... other as&ets •••••••••••• 80,261.51 18,992.25 Total At6ets •......... 16.232,646.49 LIABILITIES Demand depoalts of in.. divlduals. partnerships, and corporations ..••.•4,032.255.24 Time 4eposlts of Indlvlduaffi, partneJ;8hlps. &: corporatioll$. . . . . . • .• 1.320,104.88 Deposits of United States Government (Including postal savings) . . . . . . 149.132.15Deposlt;£· of States and poUtlcal subdivisions. • 188,211.03 other c1epoalts )certllled and cashier's checD. etc.)................. 23.830.13 Total Deposits 15,'114,138.23 Other IlabUltles ......... 1.452.79 l0ak 6720 collect, for appointment. All business confidential. Colonial PERSONAL -- Mrs. Helen Hall Cupboard, No. 5 Phlla., Pike WiITotal' Llab1l1t1ea ...•.. '6.715,688.03 would like to lind room in the minglon, Del. OAPrrAL AOCOUNTS village for responsible foreign =!!e~~~FO:!:"-R--S-A--L=E-------Capltsl Stock: born student in ,return for baby Common s toe k, total sitting or other work. SWarth- =F=-=O-R--'S=-A:·I=-,'""E-':"-E=-Iec-tri-C-c--washer par ................. e 125.000.00 Surplus ., ............. . 275.000.00 more 6-5757. wringer type. Very good condl~ Und1vlcle10. PI .... ... State Auto Inspection County. Plans are underway for the annual Mother's club Fashion show to be held Thursday evening, February 26. Mrs. Norman Weeks and ·Mrs. Robert Hall are co-chairmen of this program. Approximately 150 clubmembers and husban~ a!tended the Father's Night dinner held last week at the Swarthmore Womants club. Guests of honor at the program were Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, ,",oman's club president, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Mace Gowing. .:.: PRESERVES::r29c HlIRRY BEWLEY. JR. flO 11 Ch..... with RIer .1~30, t~e ~e comtBriY'~ 'ml~lriade ~t:...,~~,:an" anoth.e~ ~ An.Jx~l:.~~~':',~P,4!io1~>'~I:tWt. J'uIto!i~u pro~ Juniors Aid Crippled Children's School was L'AIG LONS for, Scout Leaders Meet your southern ,. vacation 17.95 Evergiaze embroidered Cotton topped in linenlike spun rayon for a one-piece 4ress· of infinite charm. Chocolate. gray, blue, lllac--each with white. Sizes 10 to 20. .$17.95 Public Health Chm, to Address LWV Jan, 26 • lu thia age of gteat wonders, medical .d. eDce is working coo.tastly in your bebalf. COl)1lult your Doctor-heel! hi. counsel-and to us for compounding. S D~. Happy result: better telepbooe _ c e for everybody Cathennan'. Drug Store ~ne OPEN FRIDAY TILL • - ,'... , Mrs~ • COJlC6i nedl . ' ...--, ......... ~.... (.) Alas, No Lepus Tlmldus Mrs: bring hi. prescriptiuns If you are alwaya courteous on the telephot;Jle: you're I1InI to find your party·line Dei&hbon tho oamo. TUESDAY b~il\P ~~~~iiiil~~~~~~~iiiii~iiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open Thursday'"Nigh18 7 P. M. P.50 PER 'YEAB At the regular monthly meeting of the' Swarthmore Business ABsoci~tlon last Monday mght, it was voted to discontinue the tradltional Easter Egg Hunt. The hunt was first initiated by the Association 20 years ago. _________ The eleventh and twelfth gardes of the Swarthmore Junior AssembHes will h.!lve an infonnal dance tomorrow evening, January 24, from 8:30 to 1:30 at the Woman's ry Internat'l Fr"lendship Bn'dge.Set for Fe"· b 3 Bradshaw Heads Provident Mutual bull~ 3 Park Avenue SALON Thomas A. Bradshaw pa"OLlO Howell Lewis Shay architect tor Jr. will be hosts for the occasion; January event, will take place bethe proposed Rutgers avenue el- Mr. and Mrs. John Lord and Mrs. tween 7 and 8 p.m. next Tuesday. ementary and Mrs. Charles Grier WI e e . school extension. The 'll b th Fire sirens and the college whistle Philadelphia firm of which Mr. h F P t will announce the March in Shay, Sr. of Cornell avenue and chaperons. Step en oster rogram 0 Swarthmore at 7 o'clock on the Mr. Shay, Jr., of Walnut lane are Follow 12:30 Lunch evening of January 27, when members, was used when the Next Tuesday porch lights will be turned on at present school was in 1930. every house desiring to contribute Moving further toward realiza'The Woman's Club of Swarth- to the March against Polio. Mrs. tion of the additional facility the more will hold a Juncneon on J. V. S.· Bisl1op, chairman of the Board asked Finance Chairman Tuesday January 27 in honor of drive in Swarthmore, and her Donald P. Jones to prepare Woman's Club Depart. the new members or the club. MI'lI. committee urge everyone to "let estimates of income tram an addiI E. Dwight Brauns is chairman of his light shine forth." . tlonal millage levy which. i! conment Sets $50.0 Goa the 12: 30 luncheon and Mrs. Paul Captains and the host of volunsldered neces.-ary for operation of . for CARE Benefit Benjamin West Avenue R. Hertel is in charge of sage 4) Another step taken ·WedD.esdllY profits the committee hopes to be sian, succeeding Andrew J. Davis, liam Bailey, Mrs. John A. Bird, night toward the expansion ablp. 'to contribute $120 to support the company's senior vice presi- Mrs. E. K. Boehmer, Mrs. John ject was the signing of the peti- a Korean war orphan for one year. dent. In' addition to serving as BOWditch, Jr., Mrs. Carl Boyer, tion for a jury of view to eStablish Mrs. Rllbert B. Clothier is chalr- Provident Mutual's Generalpoun- Jr., Mrs. Dorothy S. Bravo, Mrs. a price for the Rtitgers . avenue man of thI. project. sel, Mr. Bradshaw also served as Wllliam Bush, Mrs. Frederic A. land on which the building will be executive .assistant to the pre:n- Child, Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby', erec'ted. It is 'expected the nelThe 4epartment has distributed dent from 1946 until January 1949 Mrs. Arthur R. Dana, Mrs. Don aware County Court will appoint yarn among club members for when he elected vice presl- Dickinson; Members Hear Mrs. Jos. the jurors within a fortnight. knittlnl( squares for afghans for dent and General Counsel. He beMrs. Lorin V. FormaA; Mrs. Sis.hop on "Family Complicating decision on the veterans under the direction of came a member of the Company'. Everett C. Gerry, Mrs. Glen Gronumber of new rooms needed to the Red' Cross. The co-chairmen Board of Directors in 1949. He is gan, Mrs. Robert M. Grogan, Mrs. Relations" accommodate present and proolct- of .the knitting committee, Mrs. also a director of the Philadelphia Frederick W. Held, Mrs. Morris The Junior Woman's Club. of ed population In the 1954-60 pe- Henry R. Harris and Mrs. W. Mark National Bank, and the Insurance L. Hicks, Mrs. J. Albright Jones, Swarthmore announces a fashlon riod is the newly 'proposed Dart- Bittle, ask that the squares be Federation of Pennsylvania. Mrs. John J. Larkin, Mrs. Arthur show on Tuesday eveni.ng, Februmou'tIi avenue apartment units. brought to this meeting on Feb-. Mr. Bradshaw, who Is a mem- F. Loeben, Hugh J. Lumsden, ary 17, lD benefit of the Delaware President Carroll. P; Streeter mary 3. ber of the Philadelphia, Penn- Mrs. Thomas n. Maher, Mrs. F. COUQty School for Crippled and pointed out these building might sylvania, and American Bar Asso- M. McLarty; Retarded Children, the Club's welraise the pupll .total alfeadyforeelations, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Mrs. Margaret Clark Neal, Mrs. fare project for this year. This cast by last year's survey. This Phi and the Racquet Club, now Layton L. Northrup, Mrs. Henry C'. schOQ} provides care and help tor could be caused by children movThere will be an important heads a Company which hI'S paid Patterson, Mrs. Kenneth M. Reed, children of limited incomes in be. ing into homes vacated by people meeting of all Swarthmor!, Girl more than a billion doUars in Mrs. Ellwood M. Rowand, Mrs. coming adjusted and the Juniors without school chlldren transfer- Scout leaders and' committee benefita, since Its organization. David D. RowIands, Mrs. L. J. earnestly ask the support of the ing to the apartrillmts, as well as members on Thursday, January Servai,s, Mrs. Joseph W. Shimp, community In its behalf. The afby familles with ehlldren renting 29, at 10 a.m. in the Woman'. ABMrs. William F. Singleton, Mrs. fair will be held in the Woman's some of the 72 apartments. "octation Room (former meeting LIBRARY ELECTION William J. Suppes, Mrs. Charles Club House. _ place) of the Presbyterian Church. TOMORROW, MONDAY L. Thomas; Mrs. Raymond P. A well.known dress shop in the As IInal detaUs on the Cookie Sale, Borough resldenta are re- Wilson vicinity will start the lively evebeginning February 13, will be minded that three directors of -----____ ning off with a display of spring announced, all Cookie Chairmen the Swarthmore Public Library and summer fashions which will Mrs. C. Weir Wylam of PhIla- are asked to attend or send a rep- will be elected during the plunge .the dress conselousfar delphia, Public Health .Chairman resentatlve. • annual election at the Library ahead of February's ice. and chill.. of the PennsylVania League of Sixth Grade Troop 83, under on Saturday January 24 during FollOwing the show wllI be a card Women Voters, will address the the leadership of Mrs. Haworth Libniry hours and Monday JanWednesday was a blue day for party in which canasta, samba, Swarthmore chapter nex! Monday and Mrs. Mather, are flnlahing the uary 26 during the afternoon five astonished molorlsts. With no bridge of variety will be enjoyed evening, January 26. Th·e meeting requirements· for the Player's hours and the evening. until . I frus by' all who appear with a nominal will be held at McCahan Hall, Badge which they began with the 8 P.M. At that hour the An- more warning than , the usua _ donation. PresbytenanChurch, at 8 p.m. production of the Christmas nual Meeting of the Library trated signs, which have: been Nancy Hoot, 301 Lafayette ave"Better Health for the Common- Festival last month. On Monday Board will be' held In the I.e- wearily proclaiming the two-hour nue, is in charge of admissions wealth" will be the tiUe of Mrs. of this week they visited the gion Room of Borough Hall. parking limit for 10 these many while the balance of the Club is Wylam's address. She will be in- Hedgerow Theater in Rose Valley The names of 10 residents of years along South Chester road,' (Continued on Page 8) troduced by Mrs. Carl Chase, pro- where they met actors and ac- the Borough appear on the bal- Park avenue and Dartmouth, and gram chairman. tressess and were initiated into Iota which will be avaitable for the limited section of the new FELLOWSHIP EXTENDED Long active In League affairs, some of the mysteries of backvoters. They include: parking' lot, Borough Authorib' John McGaw. Foster of CamMrs. Wylam was president of the 'stage technique. Mrs. Raymond A Wllllam Bass, Jr., Robert suddenly enforced, the or- bridge, Mass., who is doing gradSprlngftelcl Township LWV of GenunilI .-and Mrs. Alfred Marsh S. Brodhead, J. Alfred Cal- dlnance in 'the heart of the village, uate work at Harvard University. Montg;,me'ry County from' 1950- kindly helped transport the glrIa houn, Thomas G. Casey, Robert and tagged the five for violation under a Research Fellowship for '52; chalrman of the Equalizing over and back. G. Gilfillan, Jr., Mrs. Charles of the law. the National Foundation for InOpportunlties CollUnlftee, On Saturday evening, January Howland, Randolph S. Lee, AlPerhaps the otJ:ler four. (al.- fantlle P8fayl8is, has been awardThis meetfhg whiCh is open to 31, all the Troop 83 members will frled H. Marsh; Mrs. Rnssell though this has not been verified) ed an extension to the grant for the public, is In a atWnd a Hedgerow Theater's pro-Snyder,Dl'. Bobert E., Spiller. were chronic offenders, but one another one and,!, half years. ranged by the Swarthmore League duction of Shaw's "Arms and the All resident of the Borough gentleman, a man of medIcal Foster, the son of Mr. and Mrs. to emphasize the general advantDrIvers fOr that evenfntl who are quaHfied to Vote.in the learning, was one who until Wed- Duncan Q. Foster- of Crest lane, ages of a public health program, will be Mr. and Harry Sey- Municipal elections IlJIe eD- nesday--a rainy day.o-hadn't used Iss ...a.m.te of Swarthmore Coland how one caIP be at pted. ir. mour, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kroon titled to vote. . his car tor three weeks. . lege, class of 111$0. Delaware County. and Mr. Il!'d Mrs. ~~ Roy Carroll. IL.___________-li . '. . THOMAS F.CONWAY CO·ED BEAUTY Informal Dance Tamorrow ,,' For 11th and 12th Grades pas~ Limited number of Television Demonstrators Greatly Reduced Prices second term. Mrs. ·R. Blair Price, ~ meml:>ership .chairman ·reported the reSignation of three directors, two from Ridley Park, one from Ridley Township, due to health or employment. The 17 board members pr,esentl voted to accept for submission to the Community Chest the budget prepared by the Finance Chairman. Mrs. Theodore Smithers and her committee. They also unanimously voted to adopt the Nursing Chairman, Mrs. John W. Iliff's recommendation to support the new salary scale. The president, Mrs. C. Edwin Ireland of Park. presided. EAN SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23,1953 Club on Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allison and School Board a resolulion Wednesday evening naming Mr. and Mrs. 'Buchanan Harrar, enter-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Real Estate Insurance Custom Homes Construction Mortgages' THE SWARTH FOR old bank builJrnc lPAulSOtl & CMtt~~n)'- ;''wA.rthmore ........ MARCH was contributed to. the agency by the Friendly Circle, which also gave two food orders, a money gift to a shut-in and baked cookies for the Woodlyn Child Health Center Christmas party. Contributions were also received and put Pi Phi Meeting Showroom .ample and demonolrawr "acuum cleaner. to immediate use from the Legion The next meeting of the Phi Auxiliary and the Junior Woare reduced lor clearance. SalJe to $15.00. Beta Phi Alumnae Club of Phlla" man's Club. The Staff of the Techdelphia will be held )Vednesday nical Services Division of the Model No. 29 HOOVER Upright, regularly $ 90 .•. $80 Swarthmore College Library also afternoon, January 21, at 1:30 p.m. Model No. 62 HOOVER Upright, regularly 105... 90 provided a family with Christmas at the home of Mrs. Howard B. Katzenbach, j\1ontgomery avenue Cheer. Model No. 51 .HOOVER Tank, regularly 89 ••. and Mlll Creek road, Ardmore. Nine members of the Board as(1 only) . Following the dessert ahd busisisted Mrs. Charles W. Lukens in Model No. 115 HOOVER Upright, never used, packaging and delivering 46 bas- ness meeting, there will be a soc .. , complete with attachments •.. 63 kets of fruit and plants for shut- ial afternoon of cards. ins in the Society's cal-e. Mrs: J. L L LIBERAL TRADE·IN ALLOWANCE Paul Brown directed the Woodlyn '1II/ie:.BUDGET TEmlS Health Center party on December 22 when carols, stories, a Christ. (No exIra charge if paid within 90 days) 13 South Chester Road mas tree trimmed by Cub Scouts, . SWarthmore 6-1148 . See the LEES Carpet of the Month on the KATE SMITH HOUR taineda benign, a capacity' of • b]q b?? 2 and jolly attendance Santa Mondays, 4-5 WPTZ, Channel 3 the Center's regular patients. The Swarthmore Lions Club collected, dined, entertained royFOR SALE ally. and returned to their homes on Decembr 21, 63 children recommended by the agency. Mohawk Va1']>etlng • Complete Size Rsuge • Oriental Rup The Executive DirectorI Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Groff, reported 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 3542 visits during the first sil< SWarthmore 6-6000 - CLearbrook 9-4646 Two used electric Hot WaterStoruge Heaters I months of the jlgency year which G.E. 52.ga/. less than year old runs June to May. This total is Pemco .50·gal. two years old :===;:;;:;=======================~1142 ahead of the same peliod last Bargains year, with the increase chiefly to polio an~ ,tuberculosis patients. A,B.C. AutomaHc Washer One hundred twenty-three chll'52 Model Floor Demonstrator , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 8 1m; SW,\UTHMOREAN 8th Parents to Dine A Father and Mother dinner for Eighth Grade parents will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening, January 23 at 6:30. Mrs. Robert G. Gilfillan, Jr., is chairman of the group. Mrs. John Carroll is the program chairman. Tri·Delts to Meet Mrs. Richmond D. Fetherolf of Columbia avenue, and Mrs. Robert Hilkert of Rutledge will be cohostesses with Mrs. James Martin of Drexel Hill who is opening her home to the Philadelphia West Suburban Alliance of Delta Delta Delta, m~eting Wednesday, January 21 at I o'clock. Once in a blue moon HOOVER has a sale. SltulVrOOrll sanJple and denJolL'llralor vacuum cleallers are reduced for clearance. Save to $15.00. Model No. 29 HOOVER UIJrighl, regularly S 90 ... $80 Model No. 62 HOOVER UIJriglll, regularly 105... 90 Model No. 51 HOOVER Tank, regularly 89. .. 76 (I only) JUod.1 No. ll5 HOOVER UIJrighl, nc,'er used, ("olUl.lele with allachmenls. " 63 L1BEUAL TRADE·IN ALLOWANCE BUDGET TERMS (No exIra charge if l>aid wilhin 90 days) See the LEES Carpet of the Month on the KATE SMITH HOUR Mondays, 4-5 WPTZ, Channel 3 (/lAuIS"tl & C"mr.en)! MohaWk Carpeting - Complete Size Range _ Oriental Rugs Com. Health Society Thanks Contributors (Continued from Page I) vice and kindness of staff nUl'ses to his father 18 years ago. Scventy-fivq dollars was contributed by the Lansdowne Steel and Iron Company and $15 by the Eight Club to purchase leg rests for a folding wheel chair. For the Christmas activities $50 was contributed to the agency by Baird & Bird COR. DARTMOUTH and LAFAYETTE AVENUES Opposite Borough Hall SWarthmore 6·0108 SWarthmore 6.1202 year, with the increase chiefly to polio and tuberculosis patients. One hundred twenty-three children have heen examined by the doctors at the Woodlyn Child Health Center. Mrs. John Ross of Ridley Township and Mrs. J. L. Woodruff of second R. Blair Morton, term. were Mrs. re-elected to Price, their membership chairman ·reported the resignation of three directors, two from Ridley Park, one from Ridley Township, due to health or employment. The 17 board members present voted to accept for submission to the Community Chest the budget prepared by the Finance Chairman, Mrs. Theodore Smithers and her committee. They also unanimously voted to adopt the Nursing Chairman, Mrs. John W. Iliff's recommendation to support the new salary scale. The president, Mrs. C. Edwin Ireland of Ridley Park, presided. CO·ED BEAUTY SALON HERE'S THE TRICK to good party·line telephone service It's a matter of simple consideration. Remember the three Rs of party-line courtesy-be Reasonable about how long you talk; Release the line for emergencies when asked; Replace the receiver gently when you find the line in USE>. U you are always courteous on the telephone, you're sure to find your party-line neighbors the same. Happy result: better telephone service for everybody concerned! '" .m m ....' "".., " ' - ' _ @.) f 9 tS The Junior Committee of the Delaware County Ii.A.R. held their January meeting at the home of Mrs. Lewis E. Beatty, Jr., of Drexel Hill, Monday evening. Among the chairmen heading committees for the Fashion Show to be given in Marcl:!, are Claire Rincliffe of Strath Haven avenue, chairman of Models, and Mrs. Edward Legg of Park avenue, chairman of Bazaar. Open Tlmrsday Nights PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE. Swarthmore 6-~013 Hope I The Children's Shop 13 South Chester Road SWartlnunre 6-1148 FOR SALE I \ Limited number of Television Demonstrators Greatly Reduced Prices Two used electric Hot Water Storage Heaters G.E. 52·gal. less than year old Pemco 50.gal. two years old BargaIns A.B.C. Automatic Washer '52 Model Floor Demonstrator Reasonablll THOMAS F. CONWAY 3 Park Avenue ~~~~~~~imiiiii~~~~~~~ilii~~mi~~~~~imiiiii~~~ • Corner LONS for your southern vacation 17.95 Everglaze embroidered Cotton topped in linenlike Spun rayo~ for a one-piece qress of infinite charm. Chocolate, gray. blue, lilac--each with white. Sizes 10 to 20. $17.95 THE SWARTH VOLUME 25-NUMBER 4 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, ~~~~~~------:~.~~-- Shay to Plan New Elementary School :::~~r=~ho:~swa~s~~il\~~e;93~~e Moving further toward reaIization of the additional facility the Board asked Financeto Chairman Donald P. Jones prepare estimates of income from an additional millage levy which is considered necessary for operation of the increased plant when completed, whether the building itself is financed by an Authority or by a bond issue within the School District's own borrowing capacity. The present maximum of 35 mills now being levied covers current expenses only. In the hope that the State w ill declare Swarthmore a financially distressed district, or the 1953 Legislature will reclassify it third class, Mr. Jones was asked to determine what operational increases could be borne by an additional five mills, and a ten mill increase. Efforts to secure the distress rating or reclassificB;tion are' already in progress.' Granting of either would permit a ten mill increase. On this report hinges the size of the additional plant which can be built and maintained in the next few years. Another step taken Wednesday night toward the expansion project was the signing of the petition for a jury of view to establish a price for the Rutgers avenue land on which the building will be erected. It is expected the Delaware County Court will appoint the jurors within a fortnight. Complicating decision on the number of new rooms needed to accommodate present and predicted population in the 1954-60 period, is the newly proposed Dartmouth avenue apartment units. President Carroll P. Streeter pointed out these building might raise the pupil total already forecast by last year's survey. This could be caused by children moving into homes vacated hy people without school children transfering to the apartments, as well as by families with children renting some of the 72 apartments. Public Health Chm. to Address LWV Jan. 26 -------'&-.--.--.--1 • In this age of great wonders, medical sdence is ""orking consta..dy in your behalf. CO'll'ult your Doctorheel! his counsel-and bring his prescriptions to us (or compounding. Catherman's Drug Store OPEN' FRIDAY TILL 9 - FOR Informal Dance Tomorrow· For 11th and 12th Grades SATURDAY TILL 8 Mrs. C. Weir Wylam of Philadelphia, Public Health Chairman of the Pennsylvania League of Women Voters, will address the Swarthmore chapter next Monday evening, January 26. The meeting wiu be held at McCahan Hall, Presbyterian Church, at 8 p.m. ·'Better Health for the Commonwealth" wiu he the title of Mrs. Wylam's address. She will be introduced by Mrs. Carl Chase, program chairman. Long active in League affairs, Mrs. Wylam was president of the Springfield Township LWV of Montgomery County from 195052; chairman of the Equalizing Opportunities Commitlee, 1948-50. This meeting, which is open to . the public, is one in a series arranged by the Swarthmore League to emphasize the general advantages of a public health program, and how one ca... be adopted in Delaware County. EAN JANUARY 23,1953 Thomas A. Bradshaw Alas, No Lepus Tlmidus At the regular monthly meeting of the Swarthmore Business Associ~tion last Monday night, it was voted to discontinue the traditional Easter Egg Hunt. The hunt was first initiated by the Association 20 years ago. The eleventh and twelfth gardes of the Swarthmore Junior Assemb:ies will h£lve an informal dance tomorrow Evening, January 24, from 8:30 to 1:30 at the Woman's Club on Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allison and lVlr. and Mrs. 'Buchanan Harrar, Jr. will be hosts for the occasion; Mr. and Mrs. John Lord and 1\11.5. and Mrs. Charles Grier will be the School Board passed a resolution Wednesday evening naming Howell Lewis Shay architect for the proposed Rutgers avenue elementary school extension. The Philadelphia firm of which Mr. Shay, Sr. of Cornell avenue and chaperons. Mr. Shay, Jr., of Walnut lane are --------- ~~~~~o~~~a~"~~~~UI~1~n~C~~~~~~~'~_~~_~~~~'~'~~;~1~ L'AIG MARCH Board Files Jury Petition, Looks Into New Operational Tax Id b k b 'Id The Executive Director, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Groff, reported 3542 visits during the first six months of the pgency year which runs June to May. This total is ;::============================;1142 ahead of the same period last - - e __ Charles C. Price, Swarthmore College alumnus and Indiana State Chairman of United World Federalists, spoke Wednesday evening in Whittier House on a "Commonsense Approach to our International Problems." Invited guests included graduates who were in college wiJh Mr. Price~ class of '34, some members of the faculty and interested friends. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Robinson of Ogden avenue, were hosts to the· gathering. 1.1 BIUJ£'i MOTHERS Jr. D.A.R. Meet SPEAKS ON UWF r 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. SWarthmore 6·6000 - CLearbrook 94646 Real Estate Insurance Custom Homes Construction Mortgages COLLEGE ALUMNUS the Friendly Circle, which also gave two food orders, a money gift to a shut-in and baked cookies for the Woodlyn Child Health Center Christmas party. Contributions were also received and put Pi Phi Meeting to immediate use from the Legion The next meeting of the Phi Auxiliary and the Junior WoBeta Phi Alumnae Club of Philaman's Club. The Staff of the Techdelphia will be held Wednesday nical Services Division of the aftern'oon, January 21, at 1:30 p.m. Swarthmore College Library also provided a family with Christmas at the home of Mrs. Howard B. Katzenbach, ~'Iontgomery avenue Cheer. and Mill Creek road, Ardmore. Nine members of the Board asFollowing the dessert and busisisted Mrs. Charles W. Lukens in packaging and delivering 46 bas- ness meeting, there will be a sockets of fruit and plants for shut- ial afternoon of cards. ins in the Society's care. Mrs: J. I. L Paul Brown directed the Woodlyn a ice Dori. e Health Center party on December 22 when carols, stories, a Christmas tree trimmed by Cub Scouts, taineda benign, a capacity' of and jolly attendance Santa enterthe Center's regular patients; The Swarthmore Lions Club collected, dined, entertained royally, and returned to their homes on mended Decembrby21, cllildren recom the63 agency. co f, U;0 ;I; January 16, 1953 Woman's Club Will Honor New Members Internat'l Friendship B"d n ge Set for Fe.b 3 Bradshaw Heads Provl·dent Mutual Woman's Club Depart. Stephen Foster Program to Follow 12:30 Lunch Next Tuesday 7 P. M, TUESDAY f3.50 PER YEAR Mothers March For Polio Next Tuesday Contributors To Turn On Porch lights As Whistles Blow at 7 P.M. The Mothers March of Dimes, made popular in Delaware County in 1951 and now a nation-wide January event, will take place between 7 and 8 p.m. next Tuesday. Fire sirens and the college whistle will announce the March in Swarthmore at 7 o'clock on the evening of January 27, when porch lights will be turned on at every house desiring to contribute to the March against Polio. Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, chairman of the drive in Swarthmore, and her committee urge everyone to "let his light shine forth." Captains and the host of volunteers making this one-night campaign possible, appear below: Mrs. M. H. Fussell, of Vassar avenue, head of the March, will captain the following: Mrs. M. William Bailey, Mrs. Avery F. Blake, Mrs. Barton W. Calvert, Mrs. Jabez F. Carroll, Mrs. F. S. Chambers, Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden, Mrs.. Donald G. Follett, Catharine P. Fussell, Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert, Mrs. Buchanan Harrar, Mrs. William M. Harvey, Mrs. Howard C. Jackson, Mrs. Ralph V. Little, Jr., Mrs. William W. MeClarln, Mrs. Frank H. McCowan, Mrs. F. R. Morey, Mrs. Frank H. Murray, Mrs. Robert T. Pfeifer, Mrs. C. William Ramsay, Mrs. Raymond B. Rogers. Mrs. George Armitage of South Chester road, will head anothe~ groUP including~ Mr~. Ernest Isberg, Mrs. Fulton Hutchinson, Mrs. (Continued on Page 4) The Woman's Club of Swarthmore will hold a luncneon on Tuesday January 27 in honor of the new members or the club. Mr,:,. ment Sets $500 Goal E. Dwight Brauns is chairman of for CARE Benefit the 12: 30 luncheon and Mrs. Paul Benjamin West Avenue R. Hertel is in charge of serving. The International friendship deResident Joined Co. Reservations are to be made to In 1930 Mrs. Robert A. Boyle, SWarthmore partrnent of the Woman's Club, 6-2915, by Saturday noon. Mrs. S. Milton Bryant chairman, Thomas A. Bradshaw, took office The art, drama, literature and will give a benefit dessert bridge on January 1, at president of the music departments are providing a at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, February 3 87-year-old Provident Mutual Life Stephen Foster program. Mrs. at the club house. Table prizes and Insurance Company of Philadel- Roland G. E. Ullman, chairman of unusual door prizes are promised. phila. Mr. Bradshaw, former vice The decorati~ns will carry out the president and General Counsel of the literature department, has written the script, which she will international theme. the company, became President read. Members of the chorus, diThe General Federation of Wo- succeeding M. Albert Linton. Mr. rected by Mrs. J. Leslie Ellis, men's Clubs has pledged 150,000 Linton became Chairman of the chairman of the music department, CARE packages for the women Board a newly created office. As , . will sing. Mrs. Irvin R. Mac Elwee and children of Korea, and the president, Mr. Bradshaw Will be will be the accompanist. POsing, benefit bridge is one of the ways chief executive officer of the ComcostumES, and properties are in by wWch the local club is raising pany. charge of t~e art department, money for a goal. of $590 as its Mr. Bradshaw, a cum laude Mabel Talley chairman, and the share in this project. Mrs. William graduate of the University of W. Turner is in charge of the Colorado and the Law School of drama department, of which Mrs. David Bingham is chairman. CARE work. Recently the depart- the same university. first joined The club is happy to welcome ment received a priZe of $15 dol- the Provident in December, 1930, the following new and reinstated lars tor second place in the Felsp as a member of the com~any'~ members: , soap contest. By means of this legal staft'. In 1942 he wa$. ,inade Mrs. Franklin H. Andrew, Mrs. money and part of the bridge head of the Company's Law Divi- Stephen M. Badger, Mrs. M. Wilprofits the committee hopes to be sian, succeeding Andrew J. Davis, liam Bailey, I\lrs. John A. Bird, able to contribute $120 to support the company's senior vice presi- Mrs. E. K. Boehmer, Mrs. John a Korean war orphan for one year. dent. In addition to serving as Bowditch, Jr., Mrs. Carl Boyer, Mrs. Robert B. Clothier is chair- Provident Mutual's General Coun- Jr., Mrs. Dorothy S. Bravo, Mrs. man of this proj ect. sel, Mr. Bradshaw also served as William Bush, Mrs. Frederic A. The department has distributed executive assistant to the presi- Child, Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby, yarn . among club members for dent from 1946 until January 1949 Mrs. Arthur R. Dana, Mrs. Don knitting squares for afghans for when he was elected vice presi- Dickinson; Members Hear Mrs. Jos. veterans under the direction ot dent and General Counsel. He beMrs. Lorin V. FormaA, Mrs. the Red Cross. The co-chairmen came a member of the Company's Everett C. Gerry, Mrs. Glen GroBishop on "Family of the knitting committee, Mrs. Board of Directors in 1949. He is gan, Mrs. Robert M. Grogan, Mrs., Relations" Henry R. Harris and Mrs. W. Mark also a director of the Philadelphia Frederick W. Held, Mrs. Morris The Junior Woman's Club of Bittle, ask that the squares be National Bank, and the Insurance L. Hicks, Mrs. J. Albright Jones, Swarthmore announces a fashion brought to this meeting on Feb- Federation of Pennsylvania. Mrs. John J. Larkin, Mrs. Arthur show on Tuesday evening, Februruary 3. Mr. Bradshaw, who is a rnem- F. Loeben. Mrs. Hugh J. Lumsden, ber of the Philadelphia. Penn- Mrs. Thomas D. Maher, Mrs. F. ary 17, in benefit of the Delaware County School for Crippled and sylvania, and American Bar Asso- M. McLarty; ciations, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta l\lfrs. Margaret Clark Neal, Mrs. Retarded Children, the Club's welPhi and the Racquet Club, now Layton L. Northrup, Mrs. Henry C. fare project for tWs year. This There will be an important heads a Company which has paid Patterson, Mrs. Kenneth M. Reed, school provides care and help for meeting of all Swarthmore Girl more than a billion dollars in Mrs. Ellwood M. Rowand, Mrs. children of limited incomes in beScout leaders and committee benefits, since its organization. David D. Rowlands, Mrs. L. J. cOming adjusted and the Juniors members on Thursday, January Servais, Mrs. Joseph W. Shimp, earnestly ask the support of the 29, at 10 a.m. in the Woman's AsMrs. William F. Singleton, Mrs. community in its behalf. The afsoclation Room (former meeting LIBRARY ELECTION William J. Suppes, Mrs. Charles fair will be held in the Woman's place) of the Presbyterian Church. TOMORROW. MONDAY L. Thomas, Mrs. Raymond P. Club House. As final details on the Cookie Sale, Borough residents are re- Wilson A well-known dress shop in the beginning February 13, will be minded that three directors of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ vicinity will start the lively eveannounced, all Cookie Chairmen the Swarthmore Public Lihrary ning off with a display of spring are asked to attend or send a repwill be elected during the and summer fashions which will resentative. annual election at the Library plunge .the dress conscious far Sixth Grade Troop 83, under on Saturday January 24 during ahead of February's ice and chill. the leadership of Mrs. Haworth Lihrary hours and Monday JanWednesday was a blue day for Following the show will be a card and Mrs. Mather, are finishing the uary 26 during the afternoon five astonished motorists. With no party in which canasta, samba, requirements for the Player's hours and the evening. until bridge of variety will be enjoyed Badge which they began with the 8 P.M. At that hour the An- more warning ~han the usual fros- by all who appear with a nominal production of the Christmas nual Meeting of the Library trated signs, which have been donation. Nancy Hoot, 301 Lafayette aveFestival last month. On Monday Board will be' held in the Le- wearily proclaiming the two-hour nue, is in charge of admissions of this week they visited the gion Room of Borough Hall. parking limit for 10 these many While the balance of the Club is Hedgerow Theater in Rose Valley The names of 10 residents of years along South Chester road,. (Continued on Page 8) where they met actors and acthe Borough appear on the bal- Park avenue and Dartmouth. and tressess and were initiated into lots which will be available for the limited section of the new FELLOWSHIP EXTENDED some of the mysteries of back- voters. They include: parking lot, Borough Authority stage technique. Mrs. Raymond A William Bass, Jr., Robert suddenly enforced the parking orJohn McGaw Foster of CamGemmill and Mrs. Alfred Marsh S. Brodhead, Dr. J. Alfred Cal- dinance in the heart of the village, bridge, Mass., who is doing gradkindly helped transport the girls houn, Thomas G. Casey, Robert and tagged the five for violation uate work at Harvard University over and back. G. Gilfillan, Jr., Mrs. Charles of the law. under a Research Fellowship for O S turday even,'ng January Howland, Randolph S. Lee, AI( 1 the National Foundation for Inn a , Perhaps the other four a _ 31, ali the Troop 83 members will fred H. Marsh, Mrs. Russell though this has not been verified) fantile Paraylsis, has been awardattend a Hedgerow Theater's pro- Snyder, Dr. Robert E .. Spiller. were chronic offenders, but one ed an extension to the grant for duction of Shaw's "Arms and the All resident of the Borough gentleman, a man of medical another one and a half years. M "D' e for that evening who are qualified to vote in the Foster, the son of Mr. and Mrs. an. rlV rs learning, was one who until Wedwill be Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sey- Municipal elections are en· nesday-a rainy day-hadn't used Duncan G. Fosler of Crest lane, ls a graduate of Swarthmore Colmour, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kroon titled to vote. Ws car for three weeks. and Mr. and Mrs. :1. Roy Carroll. It.._________'-_--'.. lege, class of 1950. Juniors Aid Crippled Children's School Scout Leaders Meet 1"""-------===::----11 Surprise! Surprise! ! mE S1VARTBMOBEAN ,P...,2 P ersonaIs ' Clarke W. Davis, Mr. and Mrs.' by her father, wore a gray wool BIRTH i Marvel Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sproul Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. and 01 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zen- suit shot with blue and a hat of Mr. and Mrs. Rohert O. Race, I,zenr=='=O=f=R=U="=edg==e=.=======1 , tiny blue velvet Dowers. Her cor" Jane Patterson of Maple avenue A. O. Charrlott. sage was of white orchids. ' Jr., of Sharon Hill, announce the Benellt Styl~ Sh.... by Donaldson's of Media attend~d the Inaugural Ball Tue&- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lange of 'I Mrs. Peter B. Myers of Milling- birth of a SOD, David Lynn, on Card Party day mght as the guest of Capt., Cedar lane will be hosts at a dln- ton, N.J. as matron of honor, wore January 7 in Doctor"s Hospital, Sponsored by and Mrs. Karl A. Thieme of the ner at the International House In , a sIlk suit of Navy blue, a match- Philadelphia. Junior Woman'. Club Donatlon .. 75c U. S. Naval Receiving Station fn! Philadelphia this evening preced-I ing hat and a corsage of pink The new baby is a grandson of Washfngton, D. C. I ing a forum of "The Arts for In- camellias. Mr. and Mrs. Race of SpringOeld, Feb. 17. 8 P oM. WODlllD·. Club J£an Holman of College avenue, temational Understandlng'·. The Mr. Rohert Gernert of Phila- .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;~~========:;:;===:~ will arrive home tomorrow for the guests of honor will he Mr. and delphia served as best man. r w mid-SUe~este~tvacatih'on from ~ni-, Mrs. James dMiMcheneBr of LNed The bride's mother chose a suit son ruverSl Y W ere she IS a Hope. Mr. an rs. ruce u -; of Navy blue silk with lavender sophomore. gate. and Mr. and Mrs. ErnIen Et- orehid eonage· The groom's moth. Mrs. H. Lindley Peel of Colum- ting of ":hiladelphla, and Mr. Rob- er wore an aft~moon dress of blue bla avenue entertained informally ert Schmtzer . . of. the Faculty of Co- crepe. H er corsage was 0 f orchids• at a Television party Tuesday lumb13 Umverslty. gI k BEAUTY SALON' when her gu ts M T L Mrs. Bruce Throckmorton with A luncheon at the In eneu es were rs.~. . ' f II d th Woodruff of Monon, Mrs. Margar- her small daughter Stacy, left for 0 owe e ceremony. BEAUTY LENDS WARMTH TO W'INTER'S CHILL et Hogan of Harvard avenue, Mrs. her home in L~s Angeles, calif., After a wedding trip the couple William Howard of Riverview Wednesday after a month's visit will live at 41 East Gowen ave9 Chester Road road, and Mrs. Cornelia Woodruff with her parents Mr. and Mrs. nue, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Call Swarthmore 6-0476 of Catskill. N.Y. Irwin R. MacElwee of Mt. HolyThe guests Included the groom's Rohert B. Lang of Maple ave- oke place. Mrs. Throckmorton uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. M. J. nue, has been pledged to Delta and her brother Donald MacEI- Meyer of Ardmore, Mr. Peter B. Phi fraternity at Rutgers Univers- wee attended the Inauguration Myers, brother of the bride, and ity, the state university o't New ceremony and. Parade in Wash- Dr. and Mrs. Lyman J. Briggs of Jersey. He is scheduled to be ini- ington Tuesday as the guests of Wasbington, D.C.• grandparents of tiated during Greek Week, which Miss Marion Neprud of Pasadena, the bride. will be observed February 15-22. Calif. The bride Is a graduate of Studios of Dancing A freshman, he is taking the first The Tuesday Reading Group Middlebury College and attended year basic course in the College of will hold a reading session next the University of Pennsylvania. SWARTHMORE - WALLINGFORD - SPRINGFIEW Engineering. He is a graduate of Tuesday morning followed by a She spent a year at the UniverRIDLEY PARK Admiral Farragut Academy. luncheon with Mrs. Rohert L. sity of Basel In Switzerland. The Mr. and Mrs. Murrell Weesner Coates of Harvard avenue as hos- groom is a graduate of the WharBALLET - TOE - ACROBATIC - TAP of Morristown, Tenn., spent the tess. I ton School, University of PennNew Term Starts January 31st - Enroll Now! week-end with Mrs. Weesner's Mr. and Mrs. Dean Caldwell and sylvania. He is Industrial Relations SWarthmore 6-3688 parents Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faulk': children Sammy and Narrye of Assistant at Rohm and Haas. ner of Dickinson. avenue before Reno, Nevada. have returned leaving for Washington 'Where Mr. borne after a three-week visit with LENGYEL-THOMPSON !!!lIInHlnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IlIlIInlllllllll 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInnlllllllllllllllllll!! Weesner, City Editor of Morris- Mr. CaJd~ell's mother Mrs. D. D. The marriage of Miss Barbara § DELICIOUS DINNERS to SUIT th. TASTE of EVERYONE 5 town 'Sun, covered the Inaugura- Rowlan(ls of Cedar lane. Watt Thompson, daughter of Mr. ~ TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order §! tlon. and Mrs. Leslie D. Thompson of ~ FETE BRIDE !§ Mrs. J. D. Cook, formerly of Havertown, to Mr. Alexander ; , EXCEILENTBANQUET AND PARTY FAClLrrIES' i BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.1 :30 P. M; Miss Pauline Deacon, daughter Lengyel, at North' Chester road, Swarthmore' and LaJolla,· Calif., is visiting her sister Mrs. E. A. of Mrs.' Charles Thomas Deacon son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis LengComfortable Rooms Day or W ••k Elevator Camphell of Ridley Park untll of Lafayette avenue, and the late yel of Buenos Alres, Argentina, permanently located. Later she .Mr. Deacon, whose marriage to took place Saturday, January 17 E ~ , i will spend sometime in Winter Mr. Myron C. Durkee, Jr., son of at 11 o'clock in the Swarthmore P .....k. Fla .• where she wlU he join- Mr. and Mrs. Durkee of Pough- Presbyterian Church ed by Mr. Cook. keepsie, N. Y., will take ,place The Rev. Joseph Bishop perSwarthmore, Po. Telephone Swarthmore 6-0680 ~ Saturday, February 14 at 2 a clock formed the ceremony. Mrs. Roy Lane Wllklnson of !!! WALTER E. PARROn, Mg.. 'FREE PARKING !!i The bride, given in marriage by Dickinson avenue will entertain at In the Swarthmore Presbyterian a luncheon"bridge at her home Church, was guest of honor at a her father, wore a gown of baller- ~mullUInDnmDnmuIIIIDIlIIDUlllllUllIlll1ll1mum.llllllllllnBlmIlDDnlnlHnllllllWl~ :next Wednesday. ' kltchen shower Saturday after- Ina length which featured a bodMr. Claude C.' Smith, of Balti- noon with Mrs. G. West Cochrane Ice of ChantillY lace and full skirt of nylon tulle. Her shoulder length more pike. chairman of Board of of Riverview road as hostess. The bride-to-be was h"nored veil, of tulle fell from a cap of Direct{"s, Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company, Is re- with a mIscellaneous shower give~ matching lace and she c8rr!ed a cuperating at the University Hos- by ,Mrs. William Piper of Nor\h COIOnJfl,1 bouquet of ""hite rose. DEADLINE JANUARY 31st i,' pital foll0w.1~_ a major operatio;n ,Cl'~ road and. Mrs. ThoD)8S and 141acs. performed Saturday, morning. Cne~'b! Park avenue at the IJome Mri. George Schott of DrexelDr. and Mr•. Frahk G. Keenen of Mrs. Piper on January 10. brook attended as matron of honRUSSELL·S SERVICE of Harvard avenue, and Mr. and A nelghbo~hood mtscellaneous or. Her gown of ballerina length Mrs. PeterE. Told of, Park ave- shower was glven ;ecently for, the style was at dusty rose f~oned ROBERT J. AT%. Owner nue. will entertain Saturday after~ bride by Mrs. EllIOtt Richardson with fitted bodice with bol d era an Opposite Borough Parking Lot noon, ,January 31, In honor of Mr. of Lafayette avenue• est f h full sklrt. Her, Coloulal bouquet Miss Deaeon was gu SW 6·0440 Dartmouth & "afayette Ave •• 0 onor ' and Mrs. S. S. Rutherford of Wednesda aft h M was of pale pink roses and sweet y emoon w en rs. peas Strath Haven avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford, who have 'been Lyman Dar~g of Lafayette aveM~. James Bourne f Med1 b' a a residents of Swarthmore since nue entertained with a recipe served showe" as es. m~. 1923 will, move February 1 to A reception for the wedding make their borne in Waddington, party and guests followed at the N. Y. MARCH BRIDE Ingleneuk. Judy Roess of Cornell avenue, Miss Grace Brewster, daughter After ,a wedding trip by plane a freshman at Penn State, will ar- of Mr. Sergeant B. Brewster of to Miami. the couple will live at rive home next week tor the mid- Swarthmore avenue, and Dr. Ed- Drexelbrook. Mr. Lengyel is an term semester. Nancy Roess a ward L. McConnell, Jr., son of Mr. engin~er with Westinghouse. . at Penn State, will spend ' semor and Mrs. McConnell of Roxbor-Ir=============:; the mid-term vacation visiting ough" wil~ be married Saturday, SUBSCRIPTIONS friends In Oil City. March 14 at 3 o'clock in Trinity FOR ALL . Mrs. Don Dickinson of Park C~urch, Swarthmore. MAGAZINES avenue has returned from a twoweek visit with relatives and MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN . HUGHES-MYERS friends In Durham, Washington 313 Dartmouth Avenue The marriage of Isabel Ann Swarthmore 6-2080 and Greensboro, N. C. She was accompanied home by Mrs. C. A. Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ~==::====:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:~ Cutler of Washington who is vis- Clarence G. Myers of Dickinson r iting in Swarthmore this week. avenue, to Mr. James A. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson had been Jr., son of Mr. and "Mrs. Hughes called to Durham in early Janu- of Glenside, took place at noon ary on the death of Mr. Dickin- Saturday in the Swarthmore PresSwarthmore. Po. ' son's brother, Mr. Wiley S. DIck- byterian Church. "I:he Rev. Joseph P. Bishop offiinson. Fr. & Sat. to unplftedented requestsMr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole cIated In the presence of the im- Due we are contlnulnl the run of of Swarthmore avenue entertained mediate families. "THE QUIET MAN" The bride, .given in marriage at a game dinner party Friday SpeclaI Klddles Show evening. Their guests, a groUP inSaturday attomDOn - 1 P.M. terested in hunting, were Mr. and "UNKNOWN WORLD" Mrs. Paul B. Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Too story of discovering a cIty lh i I ! The Bouquet I Marie Louise Forsythe = iii= P. I ! i= = STRATH HAVEN INN ; State Auto Inspection - .. .... .. .. .....,.." ..,""""',... ., ,", " , ,',.,"""""", COLLEGE THEATRE Diluzio and Sons Beuefit Dessert Bridge by Former'y International Friendship Dept. Swarthmore Woman's Club Tneaday, Feb. 3, Florist i P.M. CARNS the mJddle of the earth. PLUS Cartoons, Comedy Shorts and SerIaL " Bat. NJght Only-Feature Times 6 - 8:15 - 10:30 MItzI Sun~ & Mon. Gaylll)', ,lIoott Brady "BLOODHOUNDS OF BROADWAr' (_n100l.) 6SO Baltimore PIke Spriqfield, DeL CQ., Po. SWarthmore 604450 Tues. Only _ Night BotrI8on "FOXES OF HARROW" ..:::.. old_or YDII'll want to .... Wed•• Thrs., FrI. & Sat. 0pe0I • A.... h , P.M. 8tenrt - , . . . . 6_ _ "PRISONER OF ZENDA" (--) SWARTHMOBE NATIOBAL BANI AND TBUST COMPANY M _ _, F..... n_A_~ I ' -.....,.. - - Corpor..,. THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY J'BIDAY AT SWARTloIOBB. PA. THE SWARTBIIOREAN. INC., PUBLISHER Phone SWartbmore 8-0900 PETER Eo TOLD, Editor and Publisher 1IIABJORIE TOLD and BARBARA KENT, AaaoeIa&e Edllon Rosalie Peirsol Lorene McCarter Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929. at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa.. under the Act of Mareh 3. 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA.. FRIDAY. JANUARY 23, 1953 TRINITY NOTES PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Mr. Bishop will prea~h at' the Hoty Communion will he eeltwo Church Services on Sunday. ebrated at 8 o'clock Sunday morn9:30 and 11 a.m. on "Freedom lng, and at 9:30 all departments Versus Security". This will begin of the Church School will meet. a series of sennons on "Trends The regular service of .Morning Beneath the Trends of our Times" Prayer will be held at 1 o'clock. by Mr. Bishop. This being Theological Education The High School Fellowship will SundBY, William Musselman, a continue Its series of meetings on "The Facts of 'Commwlism and student of the Philadelphia DivinThe Christian Answer", this, Sun- ity School, will be the guest day evening at 7:30. This week speaker at this service. will be a discussion of "The Soviet The ushers for the services SunVersion of Communism," led by day will be as follows: J. E. Bell, Dr. J. Michaels, professor of S. B. Brewster, W. R. Fawcett, F. Russian languages and culture at R. 'Gray. W. F. Klug, Jr., R. B. Swarthmore College. This meeting Price, Jr., F. W. Plowman; and W. will follow the usual Senior High W. 'Watkins. Dwight Sipler wl11 be Choir rehearsal and supper pro- the acolyte at the 8 o'clock servgram which the-young people cus- ice, and Bennett Hill at 11. Durtomarlly have been having at 5: 30 ing the II o'clock service Evelyn and 6: 30 respectively. Bullitt and Betsy Brinkmann will , The Young Adults will hold be in charge of the nursery. their usual supper at 6 p.m., but The Boys' Choir rehearsal will will then join with the High be held at 4 o'clock Monday afterSchool Fellowship for participa- noon, followed by the Girls' Choir tlon in their program on the var- rehearsal at 5 o'clock. ious discussions of Communism. There will be a celebration of There will be a regular monthly the Holy Communion at 7:15 Wed; meeting of the Board Qt Deacons ;nesday morning. At 10 o'clock the on Tuesday, January 27. at 8 fn women's sewing group will reswne the Woman's Association Room. its Wednesday morning meetings, At the Annual Meeting of the under the chairmanshIp of Mrs. Woman's Association. held on Carl Cleaves. The meeting will be Wednesday, January 14, the fol- held In the Cleaves room' and lowing new officers were elected: coUee will he served. Anyone inpresident Mrs. James H. Horna- terested in sewing is invited to day; 'first vice-president, Mrs. join ths group. At 4 o'clock the Peter E. Told. Boys' Choir will rehearse. A Confirmation Class wlll begin The Men's and Boys' Choir will this Sunday afternoon, January 25 rehearse at 7: 30 p.m. Thursday. at 4: 30, at which Mr. Bishop will The Christian Living Conbegin the preparation of all the ference, betng hcld at the Church young people who wish to confirm of St. John the Evangelist; Lans~ the Baptismal Vows of' the par- downe, begins Friday, J anuai;r '30, ents by preparing for ,Church at 8 p.m. There will be a special membership at Easter time. All meeting of the women at 1: 30 p. young folks, 12 years and above, m. Saturday at St. John the who wish to take this step this Evangelist, and the Conference ylear, are expected to join the again at 8 o'clock Saturday night. Pastor in his study in the Parish House at 4: 30 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES CHURCH SERVICES METHODIST NOTES The Sunday School. meets at 9:45. ctasses are provided for children of all ages and for adults. The Young Adults meet at 10 o'clock in the Ladies' Parlor. The sermon topIc at the 11 o'clock service will be uGod's Word for Today." The Nursery for children is open durfng the mOrnlng service. Anne Kraus and Mrs. Ernest M. Pritch, ard wlJl be in charge. The ushers for the day are Peter Murray, Wesley V. France, George R. MIller, Harry E. New and George Shubert. The youth }'ellowship meets at 7 in the chapel. Rehearsal for the Junior Choir is on Thursday evening at 6:30; Senior ChoIr rehearses 'at 8 o'clock. The Woman's Association of the Methodist Hospital hold their meeting on Tuesday at 1 o'clock in the Wesley Building, 17th and Arch streets, Philadelphia. The public is invited to attend the service in Christian Science PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH churches next Sunday whel). the Joseph P. Bishop, Minister Bible' Lesson will be on "Truth" John Stottner, AssIstant as indIcated in the Golden Text Sunday, Jannary 25 from Psalms: "0 Lord God of 9:30 A.M.-C"urch School, Men's and Women's Iilble Classes. hosts, who is a strong Lord like 10:45 A.M.-S"'ior, High Class. unto thee? or to ihy 'fIrlthfU!ness 9:30 and 11,00 A.M.':"Mr. Bishop round about thee? .•• Justice and 4'1~ ~~~~~nfi,rmation Class. judgment are the habitation of thy thrOne: mercy and trUth shall go METHODIST CHURCH before thy face." (89: ii, 14) Roy N. keiser. D.D., Minister Sunday, January 25 9:45 A.M.~hurch School. FRIENDS MEEtiNG N'OTES 10: 00 A.M.-Young Adults. Th Adult F di' 'j f e arum scuss on a 11: 00 A.M. _ Dr; Keiser will preach. the third study booklet for the Ox. 11:00 A.M.-Church Nursery. ford Conference will continue this TRINITY CHURCH wee~. with the group again being H. Lawrence WhIttemore. Rector led by Mrs. Maurice Webster. Sunda~J ~25 .. 8:00 A. M.-HolYCommunion. 9: 30 A.M.-Church School. 11:00 A.IIL-'Morning Prayer. Wed:nesday. Jan~ 28 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. THE REt.IGIOUS SOCIETY . OF FRIENDS Sunday. Jannary 25 ~: 45 A.M.-Fj"t Day School. 9:45 A.M.-Adillt Forum. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship Children cared for' in Whittier House. AI! are welcome. Monday, January 26 All d_BY sewing for A,F.S.C. WednesdaY, January 28 All day sewing 'for A.F.$.C. 7: 80 'P.M; ~ Mid-week meetlng f .... Wors!lip. FIRST CHlfflCH OF, CmtlST, SCiEIil'I'IST SWARTH1I40RE', Park Avenue beJljW H_rd Smti7; Jail""" IS 11:00 A. M.~unday School. 11:00 A, JII.-Tbe Lesson-Sermon , Is ''Troth". Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 P.M. Reading room open dafiy deept Sunday 11 W II P.M. P.M. Wednesday ewnings 7 to 7:50 and 9 to 9:.0 l''-' p • i R..Ol'CJanlzatlo. Meetln~ In Wesleyan Glee Club The re-~rganization meeting of, Raymond K. Denworth, Jr.. son the Board of Directors of the of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Denworth Property Owners' Association was of EIm avenue, w!l\ sing with the held last Wednesday fn Mc(%ohan Wesleyan Glee Club over a nationHall. The folJowing new ofticers wide broadcast over the Mutual were elected: A. C. Wood, presl- Network at noon on Sunday. Jandnt; Cliarles W. Lukens, vIce- uary 25. president; Mrs. William Rumford,! -------secretary and treasurer. I "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." REASONABLE Because you determine the cost. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIlIICTOItI O • •UNIItAU 1820 CHESTNUT STREET OUVER H. lAIR, Found., MARY A. lAIR, Prooklont Tetephone Rt 6-1581 N' resbyterlans ame New Officers At the annual meeting of the Corporation of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. held Wedrresday evening, January 7 in the church building on Harvard avenue, the following were approved as members of the Board of Trustees: Mrs. Reavis Cox, William H. Reid, Dr. George B. Sickel and W. Alfred Smith. They succeed J. Roy Carroll, Jr., James E. Davis, treasurer, Seymour S. Rutherford and Harold C. Stott. New elders of tire Church, approved at the annual meeting of the members of the congregation, Immediately preceding the corporation meeting Include Roherl J. Cadigan, Oscar S. Hart. Heston D. McCray, Jr., John S. McQuade and A. David M. Speers. Mrs. Edwin Crosby. Gordon Douglas, Mrs. FrankUn Gillespie, William Hawkins and Mrs. Daniel Johnso~ are tlre new Deacons. Denison Basketball Mgr. Ken' Wright, son of Mr. and .Mrs. LeRoy F.F. Wright, of Kenyon avenue, is currently" acting' .as manager to the basketblilneam lit Denison University in Granville, Ohio. As a freshman at benison this year Wright has taken over the job of the man behind the scenes to one of the varsity squads. In the spring he hopes to go out for lacrosse, a newly organized sport at this school. In high school' days at Swarthmore, Wright participated In varsIty football and hasketball for two seasons each and won tour letters. This experience gives him a backlog of knowledge helpful fn the managerial position of the present "Big. Red" team. . . ~ .. We'll buy th.u_secl _I•••• In your worn 'Iresl EXCHANGE THEM FOR ~:"<:J'e. GOOojYEAR TIR 5 frade now for a let of new Oaad).CII'I. We pay you well frIir ":unused mile. In your old ttree: .; .. " Fusco" ScAlston CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Phone Swarthmore 6·3681 • HIIRRY BEWLEY. JR, III .......... ,...... "'ID'''. "",to" w... B.lor 51 . . . . Ir--~------';~~~~~--------------------------", Delaware Cownty' Technical Institute And they're u fresh to-dayl Electricity can do wonderful things. Keeping foods fresh and palatable for ont-of·season serring i. only one of them. OF The Peunsylvania Stat~ College . EVENING PROGRAM SPRING SEMESTER CLASSES BEGINNING FEBRUARY 9TH Electricity, itself cannot be stored, like food. The more wonder then that there is plenty of electric' power ready at the snap of a switch for home, business, and industryl REGISTRATION Au electric: food freezer for the holD. is one of the mirac:1. MON. - TUES. - WED. FebruarY 2, 3, 4--7 to 9 P.M. of'Americu .ree Enterprise. • TOOL DESIGN BUSINESS ADMnilSTRATION PRODUCTION MANAGElIIENT ACCOUNTING INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICITY BUILDING CONfjTBUCTION - , NE'I'BER-PROVIDENCE mGB SCHOOl., PROVIDENCE ROAD " :" , W~GFORD,PENNA. CLASSES IIIIET: MONDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Per 3r' lis . . . . . . oGoNTZ M80 ...____________________....l' ~illIiIl_"~". 0 "...1·1·.ihl.~Wpl .PHILAQELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY . AB ,"'" ' ~ k_ Men.peI, Ta·PayIq Udllty eompuy 0wDed .., ...... tbaa 100,000 SID "';>1. . 1 , I Mothers March for Morris Hicks, Mrs. S. T. Barnett, Wilson, Mrs. G. Alex Mills, Mrs. .' • . Mrs. James Delano, Mrs. Philip H. W. Brinkmann, Mrs. John . PolIO Next Tuesday Alden, Mrs. Charles Russell, Mrs. Moore, Holly Webster, Mrs. John (Continued from Page 1) Edward Fehnel, Mrs. Carl Furniss, McCrumm. Samuel Bigger, Eric Ukums, Mrs. Elizabeth Carlisle, Mrs. C. S. Gartt M rs. Ed mund Dawes, M rs. Sixth Grad. Mothers Edward Cratsley, Mrs. Charles re, IJncoln, Mrs. George Gillespie, Raymond Crean, Mrs. James Wells. The mothers of children in the Mrs. George Sickel, Mrs. J. FrankMrs. Henry B. Coles, Jr., of sixth grade at the College Avenue lin Gaskill, Mrs. Vernon Triboletti, Walnut lane captains the second School will meet at 2 o'clock on Mrs. Lynn Kippax, Mrs. George group, Including: Mrs. Morris Wdnesday afternoon January 28, Stauffer, Mrs. Clarence Franck, Fussell, Mrs. Palmer Skoglund, for cokes and an fritormal discusMrs. L. C. Baker, Mrs. Arthur 511 Mrs. F. C. Beck, Mrs. A. Sidney sian with Phil Swayne, the stuvers, Mrs. Robert Grogan, Mrs. Johnson, Jr., Mrs. Donald P. Jones, dent teacher of this class. The Lemuel Holt, Mrs. Birney Morse, Mrs. Charles Masehal, Mrs. Dun- meeting wlll be held at the borne Mrs. Clark AllIson, Mrs. John can Foster, Mrs. J. Archer Turner, of Mrs. John G. Lord, 14 Crest Pinkston, Mrs. Edgar R. Mullins. Mrs. WillIam Campbell, Mrs. Fred lane. Mrs. Ruffin J. Herndon of Union avenue, will be assisted by Mrs. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Joseph Quinlan. Canvassing another section will SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 be Mrs. Johan Natvig'Of Harvard 8:30 P.M.-11th & 12th Grades, Jr. Assemblies ............ Woman's Club ave. and her volunteers: Mrs. R. C. SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 Ammerman, Helen Valance, Olive 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship .................................. :..... Local Churches Perry, Mrs. Willard Tomlinson, MONDAY, JANUARY 26 Mrs. Joseph Celia, Mrs. H. M. 8: 00 P.M.-Evening LWV ...................................... Presbyterian Church Crist, Mrs. Herbert Michener, Mrs. TUESDAY, JANUARY 27 Peter E. Told, Mrs. Matthew Mc- 12: 30 P.M.-New Member Luncheon ................................ Woman's Club Kinnell, Mrs. Harry Bernard, Mrs. 3: 30 P.M.-Boys Basketball: H.S. v•. Glen-Nor .................... H.S. Gym Roger Russell, Mrs. Minor J. Stein, 7:00 P.M.-Mothers March for Polio " ................................ Your House ,Mrs. Clark Byse, Mrs. Leroy WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28 ;-ri~~ Mrs.~harles Brady, Mrs. 10:20 A.M.-Human Relations Film .................................... High School . s. C. D. Howard, 2:00 P.M.-6th Grade College Parents .............................. 14 Crest Lane M•rs. Rord, oy Latimer, Mrs. George Logan, Mis. Jack B. Thompson, PIIIIDUDllllIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIlllJilDllJlIIlIDlIIlIIlIIlIllIIllIIllIIlIIlIIlIllIllIlllIIlIIIlIIlI1II1111111111111181111111111115 Mrs. William Craemer. 5$ = North Division ~ Heading one of the two groupS E Working north of the railroad is E Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun. of lam avenue, who will be assisted by: Mrs. Edward Noyp.$, Mrs. A. W. Kitts, Mrs. John Espenschade, Mrs. W. M. McCawley, Mrs. R. B. Jarratt, Mrs. Frank ·Wildebush. Mrs. WlIliam Walkins, Mrs. jan.ary 23,i953 51.... of the rim •• Acm. the place to Shop' ACME LOWER PRICES H.lp pull down more and more food budgets. GRAPEFRUIT florida 46-54'. ·POIU( 8 BEANS 55 2 !::z23e: 2~31e u_ B..... -7a H..... P'....... " ' - ' Semi -A nn u a I CampbeD'. Pork Er Bean. .elnz CI earance I i Were $13.95 "~ijJli Deep Browa Bean.. Van Camp'. Beaa. .:~:.'::I'... New Lower Price - ..• The Chirbren's Shop , 13 Souill Chester Road SWarthmore 6-1148 • . AMAZING REDUCTIONS' ~ .• ~, __ \i , , . ~ " arand .' VI",'nla Lee Suggests. _ . ~Z>~ • . So many advantage. at 'your finger tips ••• 2 Gre., Na••• .9tka1 Brand . P- BIRDSEYE Green P.... Regular employment • BIG 2e TEA BAG SALE Buy on. 15. pkg of 16 .9dMI OrwIg. Pekoe TEA BAGS ::r., 2e 4~!IIre" so 21404ra1lkD33c 2·......... 45c ............t.r at NpIa.P........ 66~·4Se Woman's Club Notes .. no aSct Spiced LuaGbeDa lleat Midget Uverwunt SUeed Bee! Bot. . ._ Sea '0Qd Values ..... 57. SSG l-ok.4SG Ii 110 SSG Ii .. '., •• No. a C nad'. S. . .a. • 390 ButtaR", O,nulae a.dda,1l ....... • as. • 390 On..... • s .. t ••• WId".. r:! it, .:::. ACME MARKET, Chester Rd" Swarthmore THE BEll TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYlVANIA ., • • Open Thursday and IFridciy t.o 9 P.M. o~. Saturd~ "til 6 P.M•. 15 South Chester Road NEWS NOTES Mrs. Peter E. Told of Park avenue anperators have dedi- Kent, Ohio, before returning to cated this last week to support of her home here for a short mldthe Drive and encourage all bowl- semester vacation. ers to take part. All alley's will Dr. and Mrs. Paul Young of be solicited each night. FrIday, Cornell avenue attended the forthe thirtieth, is High School Night, mal banquet of the Poor Richard at which time high schools will Club at the Bellevue Stratford, cooperate by presenting balf-time Philadelphia, Saturday evening as programs at the basketball games., guests of Mr. and Mrs. George L. The big event Is the All-Star Lethchworth of Germantown. t=============='rl We prefer to inspecl your carpet before aooepting it for cleaning, and Ibere is no obligation. New Additions! Role, most jobs, JOe sq. ft. Best time of year is .when you have your heal on. II your carpel is nol wall Show, Saturday a week, In the Chester High School Vocational Gym beginning at 7: 30 p.m. Outstanding personalities in the sports and entertalninent world will Sports Back March Of Dimes Drive at a dinner party tomorrow eve- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henson. Among the guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Seltzer and Mr. and Mrs. Nico Saitta of Rose Valley, and Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis of Wallingford. Mrs. N. B. Livingston, Jr., formerly of Mohall, N. D., who has been visiting her parents Mr. and !\'Irs. J. ~'. Gaskill of University - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 place for several months with her young son John, left Sunday to join her husband Dr. Livingston who is on duty at the Naval Base, Great Lakes, Ill. Mrs. Livingston and son will live at nearby Forrestal Village. John Bates of Yale avenue reIf your earpel is fairly new, we shall most likely cently entertained the senior class recommend a powder cleaning; otherwise, a "Qwikof Friends Central at a breakfast Dri" shampoo, which has been a specially of ours following the Senior Prom. since 1937. Shells for Shell Art Jewelry Raggety Ann and Andy Dolls Many Photo Albums • Bantam 8 Flash Bulbs Prang Textile Palot Craftmaster Paint Set Frames Scooters Express Wagons 10 wall, we ean do a much hetter job in our plant. and service is quick. We in"ile your calls aboul any.thing relaling to carpet. • mE swAR'IBMOREAN January 23, 1953 '(PAuls.,,, & CMttr~nl'Mohawk Carpelinl • Complete Size Range • Oriental Rup CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. SWarfflmore 6-6000 - CLearbrook 9-4646 405 Dartmouth Ave. O. WEST COCHRANE ~ ~w Paulsou KNOWS Carpet 3. FrI. , ... 6·4191 • PII887 the School Populafion from past 6chool year, 594 and this gradual experience on which to base a increase continues until it reaches Roofing; Plastering, 'Mrs, Harold G. Griffin of Rutreasonable acurate prediction for 735 In the School year 1959-60. Gutters Cleaned gers entertained the Tuesday the next eight years. Another sub- The Enrollment for the School Reading Group at a luncheon at committee was to make a study of year 1951-52 was 476. The increase THOMAS BURNS her home this week. i A study of Swarthmore's El- Educational Standards and Needs. tor 1952-53 is 39 pupils. At the Phone WAshburn 8·6147 Mr. and Mrs. Valent~e L. Fine ementary School problem was and a third sub-committee was to same rate of increase per School of Swarthmore avenue enter- made by Allan C. Wood represent- study Land and Buildings, I have year, the enrollment in 1959-60 tained as their week-end guest ing the Swarthmore Property been serving on the latter Com- would be 790. PIANO TUNIN.G Mrs. Fine's brother-in-law and Owners' Association on the Land mittee as a representative of the, At present, there are eight classMe.mber Of sister Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doug- .and Buildings sub-committee of Swarthmore Property Owners' rooms at Rutgers and 10 at ColNational Assoelatlon or las of New York City. the School Board's General Study Association. Two other members lege whlch Include three in the Plano Toners Committee. The statistical mate- of our A;;sociation. are of this" High School Building in use by William H. Leaman Mrs. W. F. Faragher of !,he the Elementary pupils. This means 8Uruet 9-5082 Special Bales Swarthmore apartments will be rial has been taken from reports Committee. of the Population Study sub-comAt the outset, it became clear that there are 29 pupils in each hostess to the Poets' Circle MonrL;;:;::;::;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;::::==::::::::~ day. Mrs. H. G. Griffin, program mlttee of which John Spencer is that our problem in Swarthmore classroom at present and would be chairman, will read poems on Chairman and the Educational was precisely that of every School 34 in 1955-56. ROOFS GU'ITERS Standards and Needs sub-commit- District in the County; namely, In view of present and future REPAIRED & INSTAI,IID "Love and Marriage". tee headed by Mrs. Dorothy over-crowding, the need of addiresidential building, it seems obWARM-Am HEATING Mrs. Robert F. Cox, 2nd, of Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Dickinson avenue is a medical pa.. Rodgers. This study has been re- tlonal facilities and insufllcient vious that the increase in ElemenGEORGE MYERS tient in Taylor Hospital with an vised and brought up to date, and means to provide them. The tary School population is, and will follows herewith. United States Commissioner of continue to be greater at Rutgers BOlt 48-Swartbmore 6-0740 attack of hepatitis. Early in the past Summer, the Education is responsible for the than at College and consequently, School Board appOinted a Lay statement that the present short- the need for increased facilities is Swarthmore 6-1448 Buildillg Study Committee to con- age of school space is equal to the at the former site. I ~m definitely Rubbish Collection sider the School situation and to total residential space of PhiiadeI- of the opinion that the logical WILLIAM BROOKS Swarthmore Disposal make appropriate recommenda- phia or to a one story building 52 procedure is to make Rutgers the· ABhes & 'Rubbish Removed Weekly or Monthly tions for its solution. At its first feet wide, extending from New Elementary School for all SwarthLawns Mowed, General WARREN PIERCE meeting, the General Committee York City to San Francisco. This more children from KIndergarten, Bawling Swarthmore 6-2078 was split up into three sub-com- does not take into account future through the sixth grade. It seems lisa Bardbi.r Ave.,lIIorlon, Pa. .~~~;;~~;;~~;;~~~~ mittees, one of which was to study increases in enrollment. to me that such a plan "would ~ 1-----'----------1 The Committee of which I am a develop a feeling of unity as a REQUEST FOR BIDS member, found that no additional school", which is so much to be THOM SEREMBA 'T'''rd Generation Bullder.. sealed bids WUl be received in facilities would be required in the desired. This goal may not be UPHOLSTERER CouDell Chamber. 121 Park Avenue, High Schools for several yeari. reached for some time. HORACE A. Swarthmore. Pa.. on February 2nd, For efficient teaching, it seems CUSTOM SLIP COVERS 1953 at 7:30 P.M., for setting radius However, it was found that this REEVES granite curbs at the four corners of building and the Elementary to be conceded that classes should Phone Sharon Hili 0734 Harvard Avenue and South Chester School buildings at College and be limited to a maximum of 30 iulldlng ConstrucHon ~ Road. paving the partlona of the cartway exposed by the alteration and. Rutgers Avenues, were badly in pupils. The Committee on Educa• Residential • Painting~ adjusting gutters. Bnd present curb- need of re-habilitation and mod- tional Standards and Needs, feels Ing to conform with the new radlua • Commercial • Repair8 HELP curbs, all as shown on speclftcatlolLEl emliation. It was found that tiiat 25 is the desirable number • Alterations . For Your Home and plans which may be examined at present Elementary School fac- but, in my judgment, the IInancial the offtce of the undersigned. A cer.. ilities were inadequate to care for ability of the School District Repairs and Maintenance 17Y2 South Chester Road tilled check In the sum. of t100.00 formica Fabrication must accompany the bid· of e'ach COD- present and future population in would have a direct bearing on Swarthmore 6-3450 tractor and the person or firm to the KIndergarten and grades one this. mater. Let us accept 28 as a whom any contract lEI awarded. must ELECTRICAL ; I : Ulli . fair average. Each pupll should execute a contract and. furnish bonds to six inclusive. RepairS ;""'Instiillatlons' On July 29th, John Spencer flied have from 35 to 40 square feet o.f as required by law. the form of which may be examined In the oftice of the a report for the School Population lIoor space. Again let us take an Contracting underslgne4. "l1le BoroUBh reserves Committee of which he is Chair- average of 38 square feet. A class & tbe right to reject any or aU bids . PHONES man, showln~ an Elell1flDlarY of 28 pupils, for each of whom an ELLIOTT RICHAlUlBON Charles E. Fischer II., . ! .. olo," School population of 517 for the average of 38 square feet was reBorough Secretary HlIlto, 7-4674 SW. 622" 1-18-2t School year 1952-53. There are quired, would necessi~te a class Hilltop 7-152. Hilltop 7-0674 actually 515 enrolled. For the room of approximately 25x40 feet. ESTATB NOTICE School yeru: 1953-54, he shows an . BSTATE OF R. BRUCIr MTUil!!R. DeBUILDER enrollment. of 573. For the next (Continued Next Week) ceased. late ot Swarthmore, Delaware County, Pa. . RESIDENTIAL AND Letters Teatamentary In the abOve Estate b&VJng been granted to the unCOMMIRCIAL CLASSIFIED ADS dersigned. all peroo.... Indeb_ to said Swarthmore 6-2253 Bstate _ required to make paYJ!lent. CONSTRUCTION and thooe having cla.lm.s to present FOR SALE PERSONAL the S&Die without delay to Alterations BOPB BACB"IT''BR )UT.TiER. PERSONAL _. LAMPSHADES FOR SALE Boril bathroom 200 Cornell Avenue . . Custom _ made. New and old scale - new (unbroken pack.~, Pa• . ;~....... ~.:. "P;R;R; ·....hjht·ildf.· . .iladei.. re8overed. Flnest-"work- age) ••.fl-tte-thlrd below cost. Call manship, SWarthmore 6-5922. SWartliin61"e 6"3479. Swartltmore. Pa. or .to her Attorn.,.,: FOR SALE Cherry drop-leaf RAWLlI' &: IIBNDBRBON PERSONAL - Sitler - reliable dining. table, s I x Hitchcock 15th &Del Chestnut _to . J. F. BLACKMAN woman available by the hour, chairs. Call SWarthmore 6-0854. Ph1Jadelph1a, Pa. BtJTL1IB. BllATrY. aBBBR day or week. Call Mrs. Krafft, FOR SALE 1948 G. E. Washer, SW 8-1811' &: JOHNSON SWarthmore 6-5444. Good condition. SWarthmore 6Media. Fa. PERSONAL Middle-.ged wom- 1690. _ _ .a. 1 1 - I Il_St an practical nursing experience, ~F;;O~R;:--;;S:;A:;LE~--;:;Q;::u::a"li;;:ty:;-1iE'1.lec;;;;:tri;;;:C ----~-----------desires cart! of children or camStove, Timer, ,.ight _ good c~n­ panion -to elderly persons. Call dition; Oriental rug, 9 x 12, 2 years Swarthmore \.....--4!~TIt.DnfQl.ItP"T~.$l:l--_i SWarthmore 6-3329 between 9 and old, like new. SWarthmore 6-5993. LwrurIoua home ezpenslvel)" HORACB ]I. \ FOR SALE DeLuxe Easy Spin 5. landscaped, ideally located~ DAY and NIOHT PERSONAL - SwarthmQre NursDryer - one year old - like stone and Clapboard, 26' ery Kindergarten. Licensed. new, Ca!lSWarthmore 6-2457. UVlng room, 10' Ubrary. 17' OIL BURNER Register now for second semester FOR BALE-Frlgidaire refrigeradining roo~ center hall, . -ages 3 to 5. Call Mrs. G. W. tor _ line condition -'7 cu. ft. powder room, kltchen on SERVICE Brodhead, director, SWarthmore For Information call SWarthmore 1lr8t l1oor. 4 bedrooms, 2: tUe 6-4609. 6-6512. HONDAY TBRU SATURDAY baths on 2nd. fioor. 1 bed... . NOON PERSONAL - Auto Driving In~ FOR SALE 1939 Cadillac :room. and complete bath. structions. Call us we call for good rubber, good motor. Call SW 6-4041 cedar closet and storage room you. Chester 2-4346. SWarthmore·6-1959, 909 Mt. Holyon 8 r d 1l,oor. Basement. SUMDAYS and HOLIDAYS PERSONAL - Radios, television ;;o;;k;:;eiP:..:I;::a;:;c~e.i;;_-;Q;;;;_;..~;;;_c;;;::.:;::_:: kJlotty pine recreation room RBAL BSTATB 6 receivers record changers and FOR SALE 1936 Ford Sedan furnace room. laundry :room 6-0740 INSURAHCB other elect~ical appliances repair_ good motor, new slip covers. and to1let. 2 car heated gar.. ed. Prompt service. Robert $75. Phone SWarthmore 6-448~ 609 S. CHBSTB. RD. age attached. all fired. h.w. COAL S'WAII1HIdOU, PaNNA. Brooks. Swarthmore 6-1548. ;af~t:::e:::r::::6=p=.M=:;.;;;:~;:;;;;;===== heat. Wood shingle roof, new PERSONAL Electrical wiring. WANTED la~ 1~. lot 80'%;226' With 2 FIREPLACE WOOD new and old, residential and n;'Ai;;;r~'.-,~:::;;;:;.;;=.;;;-;;;;;;;:;;;;;; beautIfUl flagstone. terraces. commercial done in compliance WANTED Experienced woman House sets back from street with Fire Underwriters Speciftcdesires day's work, Mondays and approxImately 100 ft. Price ations. Sale and Seryice on el~c. Wednesdays. Call SWarthmore 6t36,000 Water Heaters, Ranges, W""hers, 106~3:;;';;;;;;n_-;;;c:-:= --:c::::-c=::-::-c;:: Dryers, Pumps, Fans, Cleaners VIANTED To exchange rides to RUPACA INC. Theatre Square and small appliances. Call: Erich . Budd-Tastykake area 8:30 to • _ _ _ _ _ _B.~_;;;;,;_1I-;1.2.2B H. Hausen, SW 6-2850, Corner of. 5: 00 P.M. Phone SWarthmore 6il' Park and Michigan avenues. ,,8ii-64i'8i.;';;;;;;n_:-,;;;;;;-;;:;;;;;;-;;;;;;:;,r;;;;;; FOR RENT WANTED Someone who like!f 1:0 sell - new fabrics - new . PETER 01 NICOLA F.OR RENT Large front room designs. Please call SWarthmore and private bath. Garage. Gen- 6-312~. Drive"Woy ConstrucHon tleman. In Wallingford. MEdia WANTED A baby coach and NEWS NOTES A. C. Wood Reviews School Problem I I 1 I I Christman Joire I • 'I'. . . . . . ~;~~ .. 0 ... HUT '-:::;:::============' Passmore CHRVSLER S N,EW YORKER DE LUXE 9 e..~~e. A great many of you have been waiting for this • • • a swank, sporty Two-Door Club Coupe with the specialllair of the Chrysler New Yorker line. J.A.GREEN You'll like its looks. It's a true Chrysler and acts like one ••• safe, solid, comfortable. . It's powered by the oniy new-type engine in any American car. All the power you can use. More real control and security than you've ever felt before, uptown, downtown, and out-of-town. Real Estate Insurance' Custom Homes Construction Mortgages ~ower Sleering . . . Power Brakes., •. Fluid-Matic Transmission .•• they re here, too. And so are those double-strength Orillow shock absorbers that make a road feel as smooth as a dance floor. You know this car will do what yoli want it to . • • without coaxing. Stop in sCl?n at your ChrySler dealer's and discover what the world's finest engineering looks like and feels like • • • right in your hallds! ONE OF AMERICA'S FIRST FAMILY OF FINE SW CARS ---. I & Waite f ·.·1 Swammore ,6-l2s.) "n , 6-2526 , STENOGRAPHIC & SWattlt..... on- - a.,arta Pro.pt. effIel••t _d aeearate ..m_ LAFAymE AVENUES t Opposite .o....g. Hall 6-0108 Phone Swarthmore Legal Pa,... - COR. DARTMOUTH alld sWat ' • • Cellar Walls Re-Plastered 'tYPING SI.VICE Baird & Bird C.Hter Road a.d Yal. Av•••• Asphalt or CO.c..... 6-1202 ---------------------------------- c. '1 at or Ho...ty It.... RUPACA. INC. .... ......, "'.1,* ....,. SW 6-IZZI ..1_' ...... ;;6-":4;;1;.1,,,7~.=;;;-_""===-;'_-=='1 .playpen - in good condition. FOR RENT February 1 sec- Call SWarthmore 6C2381. ond fioor, completely fUrnished, WANTED _ To buy cedar wardtwo-bedroom apartment. Central. robe. Good condition. Phone Call SWarthmore 6-2080. SWarthmore 6-0429. LOST AND FOUND WANTED Homes for two LOST Striped, part Persian cat healthy puppies-six weeks old. _ white chest and bushy tall. Practically trained to newspapers. Call SWarthmore 6-1676. ;;SiiW~a~rthm~~0:::re"-i6.. -1;;7:i'3ii9''''''-':=-==::i::" WANTED WOMEN, for steady, LOST -'. One red pajama Santa light factory work _ 5 days _ Claus suit near College avenue Gum Corp., Eagle & Lawrence school. SWarthmore 6-4602. Rds., Havertown. Take Ardmore LOST - Green Buxton Keytalner trolley from 69th SL to Oakmont at Acme FrIday, Jan. 9. BlaUon or Sprlngtl.eld - Gladwyne SWarthmore 1f-4121. :Sus to door. Apply 10 A.M. until , noon only. FOUND - Saturday afternoon - ;;~=='--;;;:-=:;--;-=-':7=:;: purse containing money. Call WAJ.ITED - We will buy at best SWarthmore 6-4680 pnces. old china, cut glass, furn!tore. Call Holly Oak 4313 or Holly LOST-Diamond engagement ring, Oak 8720 collect, tor appointmenL between Swarthmorean o1IIce All businesS eonftdenUal. Colonial and vicinity C 0 - 0 p. Reward. CUpboard, No. II PhIla., Pike WllSWarthmore 8-8255. mlngton, Del. :::::=:=:::=-::....:0...:::.=.;:..===;-::;:-: . , 3wnrt~ore College Libr~ry Dr. and Mrs. George P. Warren of South Chester road entertaitied Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hornaas their house guests for several (Continued from Page 1) days of this week Mrs. Warren's Junior members of the ComPlans have been made for the day of Dickinson avenue attended aunt Mrs. S. A. McCall of Bryn the Inauguration ceremony and munity Arts. Center in involved in making the benefit as Mid-Winter Mass Chest Survey XMawr and Miss Dell Hu~ton -of parade in Washington Tuesday. will be entertained in an exciting successful as possible In order to rays being offered February 2 Mp.ine. Mrs. James H. Archer. Jr., with and colorful manner on January underwrite the crippled children's through February 11 by the Delaware County Tuberculosis and her infant son Stephen, who has 25, a Sunday afternoon from 4-? school with a sizeable amount. ~============:, Residents of the Borough are Health Association In cooperation been visiting her parents Dr. and p.m., when they will see a very with the Delaware County Medical Mrs. George B. Sickel of Strath professional presentation of real asked to save the date and plan Society. The opportunity for every Haven avenue while Lt. Archer Indian dances and hear tales of to attend, singly or in couples, or CO-ED BEAUTY groups. individual 18 years of age or over was in Korea,. has joined her hus- real American Indians. Seventeen boys of Cub Pack No. Mrs. Joseph P. Bishop led an to have a cbest check-up is being band in Atlanta, Ga. Lt. Archer SALON offered within the next few weeks who was called home by the ser- 350 of Chester, under the able di- informal discussion on "Family to Delaware County residents and ious illness of his father, has been rection of Robert Reimschussel, Relations In Formal Living" at I workers as a preventive measure assigned to duty at Ft. MacPher- will present authentic tribal the regular meeting Tuesday night. Open Thur.tlay Nigh,. dances and will appear in authen- Prio, to her marriage, Mrs. Bishop against Tuberculosis. The s e son, Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Willis tic costumes which they. made was a case worker with the Nurssurveys are offered without cost and are financed through the An- of Dogwood lane have returned themselves. Anyone who saw "The Ing Society of Chicago and of Bos- PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE, nual Sale of Christmas Seals. from a two-week vacation by au- Flying Carpet" presented by the ton. Clubmembers and guests were S ..arthraore 8-1013 Communities covered in this sur- tomobile to Miami and a plane Community Arts Center· Child- interested and stimulated by her trip to Havana. ren's Theatre last April will re- presentation and leadership. vey with dates and hours are: Monday, February 2 (for men) Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gill,l tt:lenlbe'f the thriiling perform- ~iiii~~Eiiiii~~~~ii:i~~~ii~~~~ii~~~~ and Tuesday, February 3 (for Jr., of Dogwood lane attended tbe ances these boys gave in the In- ~ women), the Chester Armory, 8th President's Reception' at Beaver dian scene. They have made a real and Sproul streets, 1 to 5 p.m. and College... rriday evening. Mrs. Gill study of Indian .Lore and will apto Your is vice..president of the Alumnae pear with real Tom-Toms and full 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, February 4, Lans- group. Following the reception, Indian regalia. Mr. and Mrs. Gill, with a group of downe ffigh School, East Essex and Green avenues, 3: 30 to 5 p.m. friends, were entertained by Mr. Social Security Pointers and Mrs. Jack Kistler of Oreland. arid 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lukens For Self-Employed People Thursday, February 5, SpringSome self-employed people still field High School, Rolling road of Strath Haven avenue entertain.. ed for several days of last week do not fully understand their and Leamy avenue, 3: 30 to 5 p.m. Mr. Lukens' brother-In-law and rights and obligations under social and 6: 30 to 8: 30 p.m. Tuesday, February 10, Essing- sister Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Lins-I ..",url~y, Herbert W. Gruber, manof the Chester Social Security ton Public School, Wanamaker cott of Orr's Island, Me., who were en route home from a southern office declared today. Testing and Tasting Day avenue, 2 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to trip. Because of DUSWoCl,,"stalldiIOg,.1 8:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. A. Laurence Bax- Gruber said, many returns are beWednesday, February 11, Delwit" ter of Ogden avenue have re- log filed by persons in the excludaware County Court House, W. Front street and South avenue, turned from a two-week Air- ed group of self-employed people. . Mrso S. Cochran specified professions such Media, for men, 9:30 a.m. to 12 cruise which took them into Miami, Fla., the Bahamas, tbe West doctors, lawyers, dentists, arnoon; for women, 1:30 to. 4 p.m. X-r4YS for high sebool students Indies, Central America and Yuc- chItects, and professional engilleets of the Co-op Wholesale Testing Kitchen alan. are not covered by old-age and will'precede the community surveys. Reports covering results will Mr. W. I. McNair of Wellesley survivors insurance. be "ent only to the individual X- road, accompanied by his niece "On the other hand," he adde4, rayed and his family pbyslcian. Mrs. Zella Rose of Pittsburgh, are "returns are not being filed by Because of the increased de- sojourlling for several months in who are required to do so." mands for preventive work dur- Winter Park, Fla. Gruber says that some people L'lg the coming year, the TuberMrs. Hervey Schumacher of do not know the amount of self!rs. HaTry C. Melton of versity of Delaware. day. 'Call Swarthmore 6-0476 John Snape of Harvard avenue, Wallingford, which will take place Vonny Ryan, who is witli the American Airlines in New York a junior at Hobart College, arriv- Saturday, ,'February 21 in the City, spent a two-week vacation ed home Th ....rsday for a week's Swarthmore Presbyterian The bridesmaids will be Mrs'll with former Swarthmoreans. Mr. mid-semester vacation. Jacob Carroll, Jr., of Vassar aveMrs. Henry L. Smith of Rutgers and Mrs. Carl Ryan' Arcadia, nue, Mrs, Lloyd Edgar of Harvard Calif. Vonny flew back this week avenue has returned home followavenue, Mrs. Stuart Lee Dance, accompanied by her mother, who ing a visit with her daughter and 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE returned home Thursday follow- family Dr. and Mrs. Donald N. 3rd, of Bryn Mawr. Miss Jeanne Golf of Knowlton Road, Middleing a visit of a few days with her Twaddell of Dundee, N.Y. BREAKFAST· LUNCH • DINNER Mr. James A. Davies of Cedar town, and Mrs. John Alden Daiger sister Mrs. Heston D. McCray of of Bel Air, Md., sister of the lane left this week to join Mrs. Cornell avenue. CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY groom. Davies in Clearwater, Fla., where OPEN 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Mr. and l'rlrs. Francis Plowman The brlde-to-be was guest of she has been· vacationing for the Monday Thru Saturday of Swarthmore avenue will enterhonor at a tea and kitchen shower past month. They plan to return tain eight guests for dinner this on Saturday afternoon with Mrs. evening before the Christian Liv- the end of Marcb. Edgar as hostess. Maryellen Snape of Harvard ing Conference of the Episcopal Special Chiidren'8 Platlel'll Miss Black was honored with a Church being held in Lansdowne. avenue was home for the week.. Dick McCray of Cornell avenue, end from the Grier School at personal_ shower given Monday evening by Mrs. Dance. a j.ruor at Wesleyan University, Tyrone, Pennsylvania. The bride-to-be wlII be guest Middletown, COhn., is home for a Milly McCowan of Vassar aveof honor at a luncheon to be given few days during the mid"semester Due spent several days at her tomorrow ,by Mrs. Carroll at the vacation. home during the mid-semesters at home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Carpen- Penn State. W. Sproul Lewis of "Deep Meadter of Ogden avenue are enterMrs. Owen W. Gay of WallingDEADLINE - JANUARY 31st ows," Gradyville. taining as their house guest for ford is visiting her son-in-law and several weeks Mrs. Carpenter's daughter Mr. and Mrs. C. F. FredFETE BRIDE·TO·IE mother Mrs. A. G. Nofzinger of erick, Jr., and their n!'w baby RUSSELL'S SERVICE Archbald, Ohio. daughter, at Blueberry Hill Farms, The marriage of Miss Helen Mrs. J. W. Warnes of Swarth- Lakewood, Pa. Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: ROBERT J. ATZ. Owner 'rare Hills, left Sunday by plane Mrs. George E. Davisson of Fred L. Scott of Girard avenue, to Opposite !!orou,h Parkin, Lot for San Diego, Calif., where she Vassar avenue and Mrs. Larry Mr. Charles Kneedlet, son of Mr. , Darlmaafll Ii Lafay~ Aves. was called by tbe serious Iitoess of Davlsson of Old Cedar road, and Mrs. Benjamin L. Kneedler of , . her mother MrS. William S. Hart. Media, were guests of aimeral and Springfield, will take place March Mrs. W8iter S. James of Scran- Mrs. Leonard Greeley of Ft. Mc. 14 billie Swarthmore Methodist IIUIBllHIIIIIII1mDlIIUIHlUlll1 In " , ton will arrive today for a visit Nab', Washington, D.C., for the Church. = HI HDmIBIIllllnHDIIIIIIIIURIlIBIDlRIl)RIlnIRllllllllDilWHilUlilmaw: with, her son-in-law and daughter Inauguration. Col. and Mrs. Larry The 'bride-to-be was guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Campbell of Davisson's son and General and honor" at ii' luncheon and mlS- iii ' Cedar lane. Mrs. Greeley's son are classmates cellaneous shower given at the In- ;;; ii Personals :~::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ing.At 10 sewiDg group THE SWAR'l'BMOBEAN PVBLlSBrro SVEAY FBlDAY AT SWAltTIIKOBB, ..... TUB SW....TBIIOBBAN. JNC~ .1JIJLISIIEB l'IIone SWllriluaere 11-0Il00 'J~r~~o~f~~B~IU~e;be;;rry~~H~ill;~F~arms~·~'~'~'W~'~a~I~U~t.~~~o~r~d.~===;;:-:;==~~ • Chrlstian Pederson, formerly of Minnesota, who is visiting her ," . L ' parents Mr. and Mrs. WilI'lam' H. '0.atcher of Colleill avenue. , :M'rs: Frederick Ii.. Patinan of Princeton avenue and Mrs. l1,. D. Sipler of HarVard a!i~nue, ,will ft.y to Bermuda next Tliursday for'"" , week's holiday. While there they plan to take advantage of their hO:':, , .!~ri:~!.. Paul M. Paulson Ch:t~rM:,::~S ~;;:~;:;~ee:f :o~: :s~e/'~;I~:: b~~e~etterton. of Park avenue left MOilday for a two-month sojourn in Keystone Heights, Fla. Eoroute they win spend a week visiting thpir sonin-law and daugbter Mr. and Mrs. v. S. Kupellan, and family of Bethesda, Md. Mrs. E. VanS. Cleveland has returned to her home on Park BVe-, nue after a month's vacation in Palm Beach and Coral Beach, Fla. Mrs. Cleveland entertained at luncheon and canasta Monday when her guests were Miss Mabel Talley, Mrs, Herbert T, 'Bassett, and Mrs. E. K. Boehmer. Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of Harvard avenue has returned following a week's visit with her mother Mrs. 'Benjamin O. Largent of Springfield; Ohio. Mrs. W. M. Harvey of Columbia avenue entertained members of her bridge club at a luncheonbridge at her home Tuesday. Mrs. Wallace McCurdy 'of "Blue Bird Meadows", Johnny's .Way; Westtown was hostess to her bridge club lit a luncheon-bridge at her home Monday. The following from Swarthmore and vicinity attended the Antiques Forutn in Va., last (Rogers Lalle, W,alllRlJfordJ .' ' poll Hou.. and P.plll" EJililbltloll " " d"" " ' an ReglstratlOll, for the Sprlllg Semester S .. ' n~ay. February 1. 1953 - Palntlllg We'avln'g Ceramics Md., ;;;; ~~~=re , 2:30 • 5:00 Furillture D'ecara'fl'lIg S h peec Draiiiciflcs ~a::::trklng iii r Iij Ii .. Ii § I friends at a luncheon'in PhUadelMetalwork Creative Writing ;;; phia MOl)day at which time they B'R,THS;;; 5 heard Blanche Yurka, famous Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Kupelian of _5 ___ ALSO 'llferesfl"g Program. for Mem"'", dramaUc ,ictiess as guest speaker Bethesda, Md., announce the birth . Far 'llformatioll Call ' = fo~ the Women's Division of the of the third chUd and first baby ME 6-1739 - 10 A.M. '. 3 P.M. !i Arthrit}s and Rheumatism Fund. daughter, Diane Louise, on Jan- iilmmlllllHDlnlUUpUIIIRDllllllUlIIlIlIIlIIUlIlIIlIIlIIllIIlHlllllllllllnllllllllllllinllDlnllUl1HDUHDnllllJlUllUJl.l Mr. and Mrs, John Gale of Elm uary 17 In George Washington avenue entertained l'4rs. Gale's I,Hj=0"SP"i"ta"I,,'==========, mother Mrs: Wallace Van Nest ana aunt Miss Marjorie Peel of SlIBSCRIPTIONS West Orange, N,J. FOB ALL Mrs, Robert B. Jarratt of Thay- MAGAZINES er road enrertained as her house MRS. LLOYD E. KAllFFMAN guest for a week her aunt Mrs. 313 Dartmouth Avenue Donald J. Hutton of Mexico City. Swarthmore 6-2080 Mrs. Hutton left We\lnesday fpr I ~============~=====================~ New York City and on February II '1 will take a trip around South America on "The Caronia." Mrs. Avery F. Blake of Amherst avenue entertained at a luncheon Swarthmore, Pa. Thursday for the mothers of the Fri•• Sat. Swarthmore High School Girls' JILIDr8 Mason Basketball team preceding the Srewart Gnutpr DI!I>oI8h Kerr Swarthmore-Media game. "PRISONER OF ZENDA" Mis. Eugene l'.appe of North , (Tech.) An action-packed drama you'U Augusta, S. C., :formerly of long remember. Swarthmore, has been visiting BI« ROY ROGERS Show Sat. 1 P.M. friends in Swarthmore and rela- cattocns, IihOrtS. comedy aliI! last = _! iii COLLEGE THEATRE THIS WAY, PODNERS Chapter "PlBATI!B JlARBOn." 'ANTIQUE OF THE WEEK Sat, Night ODly-Peature TIlru!s 6 - 8 - 10 P. M. Sun. &. Mon_ Burly Pine Blanket C,hest 0rltl••I, Hepplewhlte Braclre1'het U....al Secret D,rawer $75' Antiques & Golll'lllet .p PJIOVIDENCB !lOAD , WAI,LlNGPOBD. P". -_8047111 SW_ .8-11114 : <"'-"W..........,.·at '1 P.M.) ~ Newton "BJACKBEARD, THE PIRATE" '(TeeIl.) I THs. NI,.. IUeIuInI _ . 'SIr,HOIbert "THE AnJia Neocte wu-... YE~LOW An ezoeUent . . ._ ~"y CANARY" ..". atcJryll Wed. • TInIrs. - FrL • Sat. lIUBIO L.Ui)U-(Th·_~'_OD_ "B,~uscy'OiIRE ' MINE" (Teeh.) , to good partj-line telephone service It9 , a matter of simple consideration. Remember, the three Ra of party·Une courtesy-be Reasonable about how lo~ you talk; Release the line for emergendes when a.Hed; Replace the receiver gentiy when you: f:ind the tine' in: UIa. n _ee you are always courteau. on the telephone . :'re sure, ~ find your party-liD. neigbbonl ~,~ Happy felU!t: bau. telepbone for ., .. _ concemedl . ) STRA.TH HA. VEN INN LOYAL TY, TtlE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. I 0 ! • The Commun-Ity Arts Ce t ::.e:b:t:~~~II~~::a.V:~ I .,; " , ' . ner_1 Mr•• Bertus Ceton 01 Broomall as hostesses. The gUests present Included Mrs. W. H. LOvekin. Mrs. ' . Mr•. Jos4)ph MoEt:oest Federol!, ran, Mr•. William Kurtzhaltz and Mrs, George Hansel of Swarthmore, Mrs. John McKenna of Springfleld, Mrs. Wll1Iiun Dougherty of Drexel H,IlI. Mrs. Rowland Elliott of Gierudde, 'and Mrs. Rlch- I= ------ State Auto, Inspection A. Lawrence Baxter of Ogden avenue will entertain at cocktails toiniirrow afternoon from 4 to 6. Mr. and Mrs; John H. Bennett of the Swarthmore Apartments are arriving home this week-end after three and one-half months spent at Daytona Beach, Fla. Mr. Bermett sulIere.1 Ii heart attack early in September but is greatly improved. i I DEW'DROP INN av:~~ ~::u.~S~S:~':'~h: at:'~~n~O::~. Mrs. i ~ Daily Dinners 90c to $1,65 liSt Thursday in honor of meeting of the Woman's AnIma,.,. in the Rector's study. The Boys' Choir wm rehearse at 4 p.m. .ETER S. TOLD. EdltGr aDd 1'1I."eber There wlII be a meeting of the lllAlUoiUE TOLD aDd BAaBAa, KENT....... Dlllte ....... Altar Guild at 10:30 ThursdaY Rosalle Peirsol Lorene McCarter morning. At 11 :30 there will be a Entered as Second Clliss Matter. January U, 1929. at the Post celebration of the Holy ComOlDce at swarthmore. Pa.. UIlder the Act of March 8. 1879,. munion followed by the regular monthly meeting of the Woman's SlWlJlllllllllllUllllllllllmauulWlnwmdlldllHDlIllIDllnnmlllllRllnnllnmnlRllllllllllllllllltll1D\llllllllel DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Auxiliary at 12:30 p.m. The Rev. ~ DEUCIQUS DINNEIS to SUIT ... TASTE of EVERYONI SW....TllMOBS. PENNA., FRIDAY; JANUARY 30, 1953 Jesse Anderson of St. Thomas ~ TENDER $TEAKS alld CHOPS Cooked to Order Church, Philadelphia, will be the a EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FA(]JL1'nES iii supper and join together in an speaker. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-1:30 P. M. § evening of fellowship ana faith. This SUIlday, Mr. Bishop will The Youth groups, Junior Highers, a Comfortable Raoms Day or Week Elevator give the second sermon in a series t:enior Highers, Young Adults will FRIENDS MEETING NOTES The telephone n u m b e r of on "TrendS Beneath the Trends parUcipate in this occasion SO that Swarthmore F r i end s Meeting of o\\f TiIries" the topic this Sun- fanoilies may remain together for (Whittier House) has been changday will be "Personality and Com- the program. The program of the § ed to Swarthmore 6-5645. munity." evening will center aroUlld "The Swarthmore, Pa. Telephane Swarthmore 6-0680 ; The Adult Forum will conclUde The High, School Feitowship Chrislian Witness in Africa Toi!ili WALTER E. PARROTT. Mg.. • FREE PARKING 5 continues its seri"es of meetlngs on jay~tJ Slides and films of Africa, the current series on the Oxford liThe Facts of Communism and the records of native music, African Conference Discussion pamphlet IlIIMDIlIIllUlHDIUUllllUUlllllllRUlUllllllillllUUIUUllnllllllll1111ll1l1D1l11ll11l11lll11l11l1l11l11l11ll1111llIIIIIIIIIIIIta Christian 'Answer" ibis Sunday "Decorations, a brief account of our liThe Vocation of Friends ,in . the eyening at 7 :30 p.m. Thi~ Sunday's work there, and congregational Modern World" with Mrs. Maurice discussion WIll be on "The Com- singing will make up the program W ~bster b;ading the group on the final chapter this Sunday mommunist Threat in the Internation- antiCipated. ing. al Picture Today", led by Dr. Concord Quarterly Meeting will Gerard Mangone, Professor of TRINITY NOTES ,be held at We.t Chester Meeting Political Science and International House on Saturday, January 31. to the highest standards-since our Relations at Swarthmore College. There will he a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Afternoon sessions will start 'at 3 The JuniQr High Fellowship will Sunday morning. At 9:30 all' de- p.rn. to, be followed by supper founding 75 years ago. open a new series of meetings this partments of the Church School served by Friends of Birmingham Sunday at 6 p.m. This group will wlII meet. Holy Communion will Monthly Meeting. At 7 p.m. John begin an "African Safari" by again be celebrated at the 11 Hobart will speak. learning some African games... 'o'clOl:lt. ; service. Those serving as At 4:15 p.m. on Saturday, JanThe Missions and Benevolence ushers are as fo1f6ws: W. M. Bush, uary 31, the Meeting wlII be host OI••ClORS 0' PIINDA15, Committee will meet for a regular F. S. 'h C amb ers. J r., S.D, Clyde, to Friends of the General Con1820 CHESTNUT STREET monthly'm, eeting on Tuesday, Jr., C . H ' , W' I ngraham, J . R eyn- ference Central Committee and OlIVER H. lAIR, founder MARY A. 8111R, Prald .., February 2 at 8 p.m, to be held a ld s, W . N . R yerson, •• n. G • T 0 land, the Yearly Meeting. in the Woman's Association Room. and G. S. Valentine. Joseph GibTelepholle RI 6-1511 The Session will meet briefly this son will be acolyte' at the 8 o'clock , th' 11 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES Sunday at the close of e service and David Bass at 11. DurThat God is Love, as declared o'clock service in the p~stor's ing the 11 o'clock service Jane by the beloved disciple, John, will Study. -' '" .Doirrickson and Joan Thomson be explained in the Bible Lesson On February 15 at 6:30 p.m. a will be in charge of the nursery. to be read in all Christian Science Family Night will be held in McAt 8 p.m. the Christian Living churches thIS Sunday, when the Cahan Hall. This will be an eve- Conterence will be beld ,at the Golden Text will be from the nlng when all of the familieS of Church of St. John the Evange- prophet Jerelrjah (9:24}:."Let him the parish are Invited to bring list, Lansdowne. that gIorieth glory in this, that he On Monday. the Feast of the Purification, there wIll be a cel- unde~standeth and know"th ~e., CHURCH SERVICES ebration of the Holy Communion that I a~ the Lor~ w~ch exerc... at 10 a.m. At 4 o'clock the-Boys' ,loyingki~~ness,. Judgment,,, an d PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ,Choir wiII rehearse, followed by righteousness, 10 the earth. Joseph P. Bishop, Minister John Stettner. Assistant the Girls' Choir at 5 o'clock. The Slglday. February 1 METHODIST NOTES meeting of the Christian Liv9:30 A.M.-Church School, Men's final ing Conierence, at Lansdowne, . Th,e S\lnday School meets at and Women's Bible ,Classes. will be held at 8 o·clock. ' 9:45. Classes are provided for chll10:45 A.M.-:S'mlor High GI~ss. 9:30 and 11:00 A,M.-Mr. BIShop On' Tuesday at 2 o'clock, ther", 'dr;m of all ages' and for adults. will 'preach.' ," """ ",ill be a meeting of the comniitto<;, ' 'The Young Adlllts meet at 10 4,: 30 p.M.-Conflrmation Class. chairmen for the Holiday Fair at o'clock in the Ladies' Parlor. METH()DIST CHURcH- the home of Mrs. W. E. Hetzel, Jr., At the 11 ,o'clock service, the Roy N. Keiser. D.D.• Minister 414 Thayer road.' , minister willpre,ach on "Can Sunday, FebruarY 1 Holy Communion will be cel~uman Beings ~e Made Over?" 9: 45 A.M.:....church School. ebrated at 7:15 Wednesday momThe Nursery for children is open 10: 00 A.M.-Young Adults. 11:00 A,M. - Dr. Keiser wi I I preach. " • 11:00 A.M.-Church Nursery. 7: 45 P. M.-Evening Chapel. . TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector ----- Church'li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corne and, See I I I i Cleaves rOOm. At 1:80 p.m. there will be an ExecutI-:e Committee during the mornIDII servtce; Mrs. Alton P. Smith and Mrs. Horace (:oIllent_Il, ~ckinson avenue. Renshaw will be In charge. The 'eommlMion on Education The ushers for the day are meets on Tuesday evening at the Richard M. Snyder, Fred Bebenna. Warren Crafts and Walter Synder. home 01 Mrs. L. E. Kauffman. 313 Dr. Alfred H. Williams will be Dartmouth avenue. the speaker at the eveWng ~Rehearsal for the Junior Chotr ice at 7:4.5 In 'the chapel. ThIs on Thur8daY evening at 6:30; service is sponsored by the YoUll!! Senior Choir rehearses at 8. Adults and ali Invited. 0IBcla1 Board meets on Friday The Youth Fellowship will ewnlnIl at 8 in the chapel. , are The Bouquet ot will wo~. meet In the 'the '1op-of-range Sunday. February 1 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9: 30 A.M.-Church School. . 11: 30 A. M.-Holy Commumon. l\Ionday, February :&, (Feast of the Purification) , 10: 00 A. M.-Holy Communion. WednesdaY, February 4 7: 15 A.M.-Holy Communion. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Saturday, ,January 31 3: 00 P. M.--Concord Quarterly Meeting at West Chester Meeting House. '7:00 P. M.-Evening Session of Quarterly Meeting. 4: 15 P. M.-Meeting Tea \n Bond. Memorial for meeting conterence. Sunda)'. FebruarY 1 9:45 A.M.-First Day School. 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. ' 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worsbip Children cared for in Whittier House. AU are welcome. 7: 30 P. M.-Friendly Discussion Group covered dish supper with , Senior High Fellows~p .• 8: 30 P. M._EleanorctolrkO',-pietures and talks on AFSC's Material Aids Program , inWhlttIer House. l\Ionday. FebruarY :a AU day sewing for A.F.S.C. WednesdaY, FebruarY 4. All day sewing for A.F.s.c. ' 17: 30 P.M. - Mid-week meeting for Worship. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE' Park Avenue below Har-:ard Sunday, FebraalT I il:OD A. M.-SUIlday Sehool., ' \1:1)0 A. M.-The Lesson-Bermon i. "God is Love." , ' , Wednesday ',evening meeting 118M week, 8 P oM. Reading room cjpen daily except SUIlday 12 to,l P.M. Wednesday evenings 7 to ;:110 F.M.1ind 9to,9:30 ,P.M. - or In the oven AT Yes, time ~Y f/jM kee~~J1&ce wIIh lIy1ng IIDgers. BefolO you know it, lunchtime; before you ~,~t, time, t9, I'WY ,~e liJ1Sliicll, and go home. Any number of operators, given a ~ance to do other telephone work, prefer to stay with operatiog. 'They IIDd the work so in~resting that the time passes '\'l'iill.Y' And bere, I!f8 some ,other advantages of a ' telephone job: .... c••lti•• Is easy! Up-to-date gas ranges' make cooking a, pleasure, on top burners or in the oven. Homemokers enjoy the ease and, convenience of cooking on ranges designed both . for beauty and to make cooking easy. Treat yourself to cooking ease with niodem . go's cooking. Select the new gas range you like at your 'plumber's, dealer's or any 'Philadelphia Electric suburban store. .t '. ' .• IL"'L"I~ .ILECIIIC. CO••'-', THE SWITCHBOARD • .t.~nt· .urrOunciing. •• ...... __ rtl.. ..la..,.1 .0Qd ......... for .tlvance.... nt • • - ......Ia; .... ploy~. ~It~ .• w.n~, we'l-regarded e.ploY., • DO experience, need.eI '0 start F.. '_pI.... ~tii>D about operating or .., GIber type of! 'IP. _,... ~ IIDP' In at DUO of !be ...... listed 1Je1oOi c > c·" ., ~. ' .., ~ - •• 6919 LudIO\!r ......,'UI'P.... D..." Po. 1631 Arch'." ...,PhIIadeJPhla, .a. - lOUP TO Mr. and Mr.. Clarence C. eon-meeting at the InPROF. JENKINS Franck of Cornell avenue wlll en- gleneuk. Mrs. Robert WagstsJ! Is Mrs. Joseph B. Shane and Mr•. tertain at a neighborhood dessert- chairman of the group. , J. Arcber Turner, co-chalrmen, have planned a very interesting program for the meeting of the travel group to be held Wedn'lS-·1 day, February 4, at 7:45 at the clubhouse. Professo~ Howard Jenktns, head of the department of electrical engtneering of Swarthmore College, will show slides of Korea and Japan. He will also display an unusually tine collection of kimonas arid other Japanese and Korean articles. bridge for 16 this evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Rutheriord of Strath Haven avenue who will leave Swarthmore February 1 to reside In Waddington, N.Y. Filth Grade Mothers of Rutg~rs Avenue School wlll hold a lunch- PATTERSOH CO-ED BEAUTY SALON PARK and DARTMOUm AVE. Phone Media 6-3400 Swarthmore 8-1013 A price to meet every Family's need. ----~ Tenth Grade Students, . . ' Tenth Parents to Hold Party grade studenta and their J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Guild' Opticians Open Thur.day Night. FUNERAL Ho-ME Elgh~n Years" EXperience P..e5 "Ah;~ght th~gYht . Experts;n the Male'ng and Fltt'ng of Spectacles and Eye Glasse. 827 LANCASTER AVENUE BRYN MAWR. PA. 6915 LUDLOW STREET UPPER DARBY. PA. refres~c~eterIa deco~d' • 1923 CHESTNUT STREET ~~ parents wlll spend at to Wa1kUd'» when in pary morrow ru . Swarthmore High Gym. Games and aklts are Inc.!uded, S to 11 p. m. program, along, with ments to be served m th.e for the occasIOn m the Hawaiian style. Mrs. Robert Hetherington ..and Mrs. J. Willard Hollander are chairmen for : the party. Gordon Smith is preSident of sopho?,ore c.lass Mrs. Harlan R. IS chaU'man of the tenth g a Parents g r o u p . . PHILADELPHIA 3, PENNA. th~ -~-'- ~ ~ Je~~~ Penn State College Kappa Ho,te" Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge of 111 Ogden avenue wlll be hostess to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewing ISRA Names Com. . For Summer p.rogram Spring Term Opens· . The Pennsylvania S:,te College Fe~ruary Group which Tuesday, will meet 3. next Evening Technical Institute, DelaPreliminary plans for this sumware County, will be registering mer's recreation .program were Is f February 2 to 4, . Ea I P Yerkes of PMceton sluden rom . drafted in a meeting of the board by Mrs. from 7 to 9 P.M. Classes WIll be- members of the Swarthmore RecYerkes, returned from New York gtn Monday, February 9 and will reation Association last Thursday last Sunday where he participated be beld every Monday and Wed- evening In Borough Hall. The AsIn tbe dve-day program of .the nesday evening from 7 to 10 at the ciation wlll conduct a summer American Institute of Electncal P ' d ce High School so Englneers~ Winter General Meet- Neth~r- roVI en , program on the same pattern as ing. Mr. Yerkes is associated with Wallingford. , 'last year's, including the preThe Bell Telephone Company of Courses are offered 10 the school and primary activities, Pennsylvania. He is a Fellow of lowing programs: Account1Og, summer club for children of the the Institute and a member of the Federal and Pers?nal Income Tax third throu h the eighth grade, Philadelphia Section. Business Administra. g Accounting, and base-ball. aven~:, ~ccompanied ~ol- 'J~s+:eq~' CATALYTIC Construction Co. =~':;.:!.S' ~;~:£::;£:=:: cP'f' ~ L tion, Building Construction, Indus- Needs -------___________, to watch the Kate Smith telerioion 8Ul'tI OFFICE BOYS eIlow every week Monday through Friday. To aee all of thOle heaunly carpel8 by which Kate Smith rave. about, come into Young high school graduates wbo desire opportunity for advancement in r- a ministration. These programs of study are both intensive and practical and arc especially designed for recent high school graduates and for those currently employed who desire to further their education in specific delds. Diluzio and Sons to 5 Florist MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY •••••k Carpetl", • Oriental Rup 180 'Irk A.... Sw.rt_ •• r., , •. SW arlhmore Formerl" CARNS 6-6OOQ- ·Catalytic Construction Co. CL ....brook 9-4646 WPTZ Chan. s--I-5 P.~I., chairman, Gilbert Mustin, Jr. and Mr. Abbe. Properly; Mrs. ArthUr Johnson-chairman, Mrs. Bruce Dearing, Robert Detweiler and Cresson Davis. Publicity; Mrs. Dearing-chairman, Mrs. Edmund Dawes and Mrs. Robert Hetherington. Pre-school and primary; Mrs. Hetherington chairman, Mrs. Charles Martin and Mr. Davi5. Summer Club; Mrs. Dawes--chalrman, William Pegram and Mrs. Johnson. Baseball; Mr. Pegramchairman, Robert Detweiler and Mr. Mustin. Executive; Mr. Abbe, Mrs. Wisdom, Mr. Enion and Mr. Pegram. Anyone' who is interested in the directorship of any of the summcl" programs should apply, prior to the next Board Meeting on February 19, to the appropriate comI mittee chairInan. progressive" engineering company, INTERVIEWS 9 Mon. - Fd. 1528 Walnut St. Ul saw it iii The Swarthmorean." 650 BalHmore Pike Springfield, Del. Co.. Po. SWarthmore 6-0450 , Philadelphia, Pa. Operating committees were ap- 0 .... 8 A.M. t. 6 P.M. • -------• Here~ the MOST fine car .~ ' . • YOu'd DeVer think it, butit's true.;; . • ••• you can own tlUs stunning new ChryaJer Windsor (or little more thana low-priced car with aD . its extras! Yet see what it gives you ••• • Big car aafet:y and stsai!h • wonderful lIIID8B • • _ and a of complete car 00IIInIU through tHl[H and TH J N'~""·· Through the thick of a winter snowstorm _ or over thin glare ice ••• Over thick slush-or through the thin, sharp light of SUD on snow-hanked roads ••• Winter driving has special hazards that deDiand special caution on the part of the motorist. • <.. ."".- The Commonwealth tries to do jts share toward aafety. Main roads are kept clear of snow, grades , J. A. GREEN IIARRIS AND CO. THEATRE PIIAltMACY HORACE A. REEVEs. B. J. HOY. 5 AND 10 . SI'RATH HAVEN INN SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK and TRUS1"'CO~ - and curves are cindered. But quick freezes and thaws cannot he controlled. . , You, the driver, must provide most of your ·own safety. ~h~s give you hetter traction to help prevent skidding, and 80 do special treads on your tires. But no~g takes the place of slower speed and greater alertness. . . • The .; breathtaking pojrformance of the Chrysler Spit:fue f\llgine ••• plus the security of Full-time p _ Steering, if you wish it! , • New-t.YPe shock abeorbera that make even the roughest road feel lib a boulevard! Utilize these two factors to get you through ihe thick and thin of .winter driving without accidents. HOLLYHOCK SHOP MARTEL BROTHERS SWARTIIMORE CO-OP W. MARK BI1"I'LE JOYCE LEWIs THE SWARTHMOREAN HANNUM &: WAITE THE INGLENEuK • The satisf'action of driving a car that 111M_ ~ Ileal t1ttn U to millions of motoristsl • THE BOUQUET BAIRD and BIRD BUCHNER'S, INC. E.L. NOYEs CO. FUSCOand~N ';'.1 PETER E, TOLtl . ." MlC8AEL'SCOt.J .r.GE PllARMAev ,~ Yee,you - - own and -.joy aU tlUs at 81llPrisinsIY modest coat • ~ ••• Stop mtoday,and ~ The beautiful CHRYSLEI WI NDSO R-one of Americas first family of fine cars' -.... ,.. . . > '. . , ! H'an·num & Waite i· Cllester' I .... ·_41 Y." A..... SwartltmON 6-1250 P...... 6 THESWAil'l1lMOREAN Jauuary 30, 1953 A. C. Wood Reviews School Problem • (Conllnued from Last Week) Adequate cO\IBideration should be given to Swarthmore's ftxed geographical limits and to the number of vacant lots avallable for new construction. In my judgment, the saturation point will be reached within the next 4ve years if present conditions prevail. men that point Is reached, will Swarthmore be a Community of Young Couples, producing chlldren for our school system, or will it be made up largely of older folks who live here because they like It? Right here let me list six good reasons for a'single Elem. School. 1. Common sense would indicate a much simpler and more efficient administrative set up than is now possible with separate units, 2. In talking with Elementary School Supervisors and teachers I find them united in the des'irability of a complete separation of all children below the seventh grade, from Junior and Senior High School pupils. At College A venue, this is not possible. a, Increased facilities at Rutgers would not only provide for an enrollment of 616 by 1955-56 but would make it possible to include some other features considered desirable and nec- The second semester at the Community Arts Center In Wallingford begins on Sunday with an Open House Tea from 2: 30 to 5. Mrs. Henrietta Walter Fricke of North Chester road will be hostess at the opening tea. Preceded by a week of ~gi.stration the actual classes WIll begin February 9 and run UIltil May 29.. At the tea there will be an opportunity to meet the teachers and also see some of the work completed in this past term. New memberships will hold through the summer session until next October and the same schedule of classes will be given with the. exception of astronomy and horticulture. Faculty chairman is ~ennetb Murray of Rose Valley. There will be a new schedule for members this semester. Following the exhibition of c~ass and individual work there WIll be a Camera Club Exhibiti.on, and on February 12 a movie program from the Museum of Modern Art Film Library entitled "A Short History of Animati.on" which includes cartoons made from 1879 A ten week course in tallor!ng and advanced sewing will begin Monday evenng, February 2 for members of the Swarthmore Mother's Club. The course, whch will be condueled by Jean Swift, of the Swarthmore high school staff, will be held al the high school each Monday evening from 7: 30 to 10. This course which Is made possible h . ti of the thr~~~h'!'le ~:~ 15 stu~g t M 'bers of the Mother's en s. em erested in attend~Iub who Iare Int asked to contsct mg the c ass :'::1 at SW 6-6509. Mrs_:"='=R=o=b=e=rt========::: -: r.., ACME ·lCIYe you IIIOI'e on your fDad bill' To lCIVeon a ~ Ite_ Is not saYIng at illI.lt'i whflt you lCIVe on YOI{r tblal food bill that count. when yOu him to your connnlentA_. Portraits in Oil ,.0."_.....-Iop...... BOIlt!lessRolled~59c WINIFRED RUMBLE ~~t. RIB ROAST SW 6·7061 ciiciiiis = nu ~IIII11II11I1UIIIUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111" ~ 5 A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ essary by the School Administrators. 5 4. The removal of the Elemen- iii ri£:~:~o!::;:~~;J~;~:!:~ I 55 ;; 3 X9 Ixtra Larg., § S_et,Julcy Florida § :: for i DRESSES = PRESERVES , a 0 $ 7.0..... . i r t 5 90ld bank buildl"( ~ ~., . ~et 57" ~;;;;~~~;;;~~;;;~;;;i ~ PETER 01 NICOLA Driveway ConstncHoD flI!!- ___ • "... COftDII_ CNI. IVIIMCII , .. Asphalt or CODcre" Cellar WCllli Ri-Plastered piione Swarthlllore 6-2526 0Ii .oruu • on aU'''I.o ."UI ",AU'l DAY and NIGHT C OIL BURNER SERVICE MONDAY TRRU SATURDAY NOON Charles E. Fischer SW 6-4041 SlINDAYS and HOLIDAYS . SW 6-0740' COAL FIREPLACE WOOl) BUILDER ~.artlt",lIIore 6-2253 . •• ~ " , : _. ,- . . A Co...plete 'fI.U'.' .., .eo' ,• • AfIIICJ 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER Phones: 3-6141 3-6142 4-4291 4-4292 TOOLS;:39' CO!Jpon . Samnel D. Clycle, Jr. Samnel D. Clyde George Plowman J. Edward Clyde required. • Del Monte ' Maxwell NOliN chcise & SanbOrn Pia•• or Marbl_ Got Y_, Yes - the fees are fixed by date law ••• the same for a corpOrate executor as for an individual. Among t~e adv~'ltages of c:orpo· BREAD Save up experielice and continuous servo AT HOllE? . WOnder ..... ~I ._10 to. t ......... 25' ........ ~lSc a loaf, Big 2/37c icer which tend to speed estate /JduII Splaac. silttlament and minimize expense. /JdmICreeaPeas Sa'. Frosted foads c'i::.-:~ .9dmI Crape .Juice ha". SWARTIMOIE NATIONAL. BANI DBTIUST COMPANY . f.. '~; ... _ .. .. ,. ......... PMIw. o./IOsiI , __"'"" -., , ciwt>or",.,'· . .9dmI OIINGE JUICE EAR IS .rt.. If your ...... aro wom Imooth they've nHloclied the .ranger point. Trade them today for new GoocIyears. We'll buy the last, unuHcl mileage and you'll ride a~ay on safer, longer-loltlng tires' made by GOODYEAR, the greatest name In rubber. Stop In ••• we're always happy ta Ie. you. 2 !)duzJ Ch0ltPfl4 BrouaD ...... '~, ~.,. ,., 'eo. DoI."')ltjp~ ."....... DO~• •8iliw .'tHEW whller washes Enri"'... So",",," Jmown the same and all Indebted to the decedent per8QIl8 to make paYment without delay to BONITA P. McHENRY ·6IBPari-1ah _ Swarthmore. Pa. and OEORGE W. McKEA.G 645 P.arrlBh Ro8d Swarthmore. Pa, ExecutOrs or.. their attorney. ~. PARRA!!' ml ~~1. P\d.'J..tY·fhll~. Bdelp)i/a 9. I'll. & McKEAG TrUst IDdg. .. * . 'hri. Christman & Joire SPEEDUP P~AN RING on,.45c: rate executorship are broad group SO YOU'RE SAFE ;. having claims or demaru!s against;. the estate of the decedent to make FOR SALE-Frig;.daire, all porce- I·Sll-aT lain, $30; A.B.C. washer, $15. ESTATE NOTICE Both in gOod condition. Call Media ESTATE OP R. »itUOB MU ...."., Do. 6-3035. . .ceaeed. hite ot Swarthmore·, Delacounty. Pa, F~05iiR~~iJA~:Ii;:i:E&i:-:=;WNr.lniitee;rriiiiin:iilo;-;sp;pr:ri[[nigg ware :!.etters Testamentary in the above maternity wardrobe, size 16. _te having bOo;; .graritei/ to the un. Like new. SWarthmore 6·5255. deralgned. all persoDfltndebiOd to l1l\I4 FOR SAT.E-Distinctive evening Estate are required to. make p4yment. dress, ice-blue brocade-regally and. those having clalms to present " beautiful. Cost $35. Worn one the saine Without d8Jay to" HOPE BAaaxrBR MU.J·1!R evenlnli only. Size ll-waist mea200 Carnell Avenue surement 25 inches. WAshburn SWarthmore. Pa. 8-7448 BleeutrlI FOR SAI,L-Three-piece mah~g- or to her AttorneY": any bedroom set, including RAWL1!l & HENDBRSON WANTED-Furnished apartment double . bed, chest of drawers, 15ih IIlid Chestnut streets . . tor mariied couple. Swilithinoredresser. with mirror. Excellent ~e1Ph1&' PR. or vicinity. Telephone SWiIi1hmore conditlon•. $50.·SWarthmore 6"4665. ~~T1'Y. GlIBl!lB ~! _._. FOR SALE--Square tub Magtag MedIa. PR. .,. automatic pUmP. Two-years old. 1·16·St FOR REN'r-Room-:-seml-private A-I conditlon-$75. FArragut =iiiii===iii:iii:iiiiiiiiij bath, Call kitchen priVIleges or with =-==:::.----------9-1650 .. III board. SWarthmore 6"4805, Roofing. Plcistering. evenings. FOR SAT E G~ wool coal, size . • 18-lIO.-~cellent,. CQIldjiIOll, $15. Gutte ... Cleaned WANTI!lD - WOMEN, for steady, .Call SWarthmore 6-139' evenings. lIght factory work - 5 days ~. . . ' ,. . THOMAS IURNS e S4J plellSll!'t. surroundings· 1«Wittgli,v .FC;>g.~ sto dCaleOarnS·cOlfdourEx-bcurnenenert· \-0 y .'. . ery Coilntl.s, Phila.CheWin'g condition. $QO. Call MEdia 6-0176. ~~~~~~~ Gum Corp., Eagle & Lawrence FOR SALE,-WaJ:il\i~ four-pO!Sler~ Rds., Havertown. Take Ardmore twin bedS, coil sPrinliS; Pleas.e trolley from 69th St, to Oakmont .call SWarthmore 6-2298 iiffer RESIDENTIAL AND alation or Springfield - Gladwyne 1 P. M. COMMERCIAL . BUs to door. Apply 10 A.M. until F.Of.ci~lI.jSAfkTL,EE_;:;:iDoi).iiiuiiib)ileessffiimmiiiiilcio;nnsslib;eedd. noon only. ' . sPlingS. Good· condition. $25: CONSTRUCTION WANTED - We will buy at best SWar\!Inlore ~-4261. prices, old china, ~tit glass, fuirii~ FOR SAI,F-Fireplace wood--aII Alterations t\ll"~. Call Holly Oak '313 or Holly. well seasoned hard wOod, by Oak· 6120 collect, for appolntm~t. half-cord or cord. Phone SWarth~ P.R.R. Frelght.aldg • All business conllde~tial •.Golo~al more 6-6311. Cupboard, No.5 Phila., Pike WII- FOR SAI'E::--:l"'9"'3::-6~F=0-rd-:--::S;-ed-;-an--Swarthmore. Pa. mlJigton, Del. . sli . Good motor. new p covers. J. F. BLACKMAN LOST AND FOUND Make .offer. SWarthmore 6-4482 .. , . . . . . WANTED-An uprigh,t plano for needy blind g;.rl. MEiIhi 6-5552. WANTED - STENOGRAPHERInteresting assignment in Sales Department. Modern, well-equlped office, five-day week. ,Apply 10 Park Avenue, Swarthm'.lI'" LIBERTY ADVERTISING CO. .. W.ANTED-Someo~e who likes to sell.....new fabrics-modem de~~2. Please clill SWarthmore F.... Dish Cloth POUND CUE ..~n43' / WANTED Swarthmore, Delaware County. Pennsylvania. Letters Testamentary on "the above estate have been granted to the undersigned. who request all personS LOST-A cane, between Swarth- ::af~t~erM6~p~·iM.i=·::aW;Sw,;y.;:ie:::CCiSt SW 8-8618 more Apartments and Swarth- FOR SALE Girl's bicyel.........,ost more Bank, Tuesday, Jan. 27. Re$55. Sacrifice at $25 for quick ~:;;~;;;~;;;~;;;~;;;~;;;~ ward. Call SWarthmore 6-7176. sale. SWarthmore 6-0200. ~ for '-IF Baked "" ---;====;;-;;=_ ! SWEENEY & CLYDE Befor.' f.b. 21st or IIIJ!re. No ERSONAL _ LAMPSHADES _ P I Custom - made. N,:w and 0 d shades recovered. Finest workmanship. SWarthmore 6-5922. _ PERSONAL - Sitter - reliable woman available by the hour, day or week. Call Mrs. Krafft, SWarthmore 6-4555. FOR RENT-Two or three roo~s ;".=== .. and bath-third fioor. Warm m PERSONAL - Swarthmore Nurs- winter--cool in summer. Box Z, et)' Kindergarten. Licensed. The Swarthmorean. . Register now for second semester - .- - - ..,.ages 3 to 5. Call Mrs. G. W. FOR RENT-Unfurnished apartBrodhead director SWarthmore ment-three rooms and bath. 6"4609 • " Business person or persons only. • Reterences. Box A, The SwarthPERSONAL - Auto Driving In- moreall. str\lctlons. CaU. us - we call for F=O::::R:!RENT===:--<:-::::-om-::fo-rta-:-:b::l-y-:r-urn-::iS-:h:""you. Chester 2-434.6. ed large room, deep closets, PEnSlSNXt:"'-.:... RadiOs; . television semi-private· bath, modern conreceivers, record changers and veniences.. New ho~e. Close to other electrical appliances repair_transportation. BUStness person ed. Prompt service. Robert onlY. SWarthmore 6-3329. Brooks, Swarthmore 6-1548. FOR SALE . J A GREI··N·. :~~~~~~:~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~ 1.,.lp SlaiIIl~ss .Steel " •• '!J.UU ",. ~,~" CUSTOM SLIP COYERS ~~ O.,....... . EAT M.... You Can Comp'et. Your ",~" 'THOM SEREMBA UPHOLSTE,RER 1" TJMI'EN Crn or BI-Bo Crack... Anaour'. B.eI Stew' , AftDour's eoned Beef Ba•• phillip. COrned Beel ·1Ias. • ~"IIIalPd o.auty 'I'o-.toi. r8rJDdai. Sweet Peas VIRGINIA LEE . 333 Dartmouth Ave. Bawling 236 Harding Ave., Morton, Pa. /JdmI. II.~.·FIQ Coffee .~n 10k : 3 $2.50 ~ «U Li..... 01 'muran", , Lawns Mowed. General 'holle Sharon Hill 0734 Calliornia Gnied Tuna ..... Nabisco Ria. '( NowPri':w" ) = PETER E. TOLD . Your choice of PeeldI, Aprl~1 -:"~.app'" 'I~ Aprl~t-Plneap..l. er .........,.., .I ••• I There'. no place-not even the highway-where 10 many accidents happen as at home. But you can b. protected againat ac. dclent 8!'PRH. at hom. orel..wbere. if )..u Accident Iasuf8llc.. SO~ C.__.i..i'•. ~CJad . Sw"rthmiire ,-j4so 17ljz 9dmI P..... Frvlt alice barber( Ashes & Rubbish Removed .. .. .. I Itepairsl e. Alterations GRAPEFRUIT § e , WILLIAM BROOKS ~". § class rooms and· the possible § purchase of expensive land. ~ . '. ~ 5. By vacating the present EI- § § ementary School building at § :: College Avenue, the space now ~ occupied could be made avail- ~ ~ able for the Junior High § § School. This would make more ~ E room in the High School build- § I § ing and make it possible to con- ~ tinue, and perhaps increase the ~ !I number of tuition pupils. This would help the School District ~ ~ financially, and at the same § .:. time benefit the resident pupils 5 R d 55 by providing a ri~her curric- ~ 15 South Chester 08 § ulum. The increased space 55 ~ would also make possible much § needed improvement in the § ;; Science and Home Economics ~lIlIillllllUlllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmmmmlUlmnnllllnHlIIDUIDIIIIlRlnmlnnlllD111m departments. . . . , 6. The School Board Is taking , steps to',' acquire 12.75 acreS adjacent to the Rutgers site which will provide ample play areas for the entire Elementary School population. (Continued N