, MAY 1 1953 BOROUGH BlOOD ,DONOR DAY ~,nrthmoreCollege TL·;A~~~.~~~"~ ;:'-V/Rrthloore, Pa. THURSDAY THE SWARTHM Woman's Club • SWARTHMORE,. nuDAY. MAY 1, 1951 VOWME 2s..;....NUMBER 18 Lilnry Circulation : Jr. Club's Mother·' ' ,: Borough BIIli Donor Hits 3·Montb Peak !a,!~erw~.~~: DayTbursday,May7tb Board Works to FitGrowth In Service to Tight .d • Bu get MAY 7th Swarthmore will hold Its annual Mother-Daughter Banquet 0 n Tuesday evening, May 6, at the Strath Haven Inn. Thq festive event always anticipated by memo:' bers and guests alike, c~axes the Club's activities for 'the season. Mrs. Robert Hamrtl, American Home Chairmari, is in charge of arrangements, with Nancy Hoot directing floral arrangements and reservations being cared' for by Anne Kraus. . Following dinner, the program will b!clud.e the installing of new officers and the showmg' :of color slides of Europe and the Canadian Rockies by Mrs. E. Donald Gustafson, a member of ~ Club. . Mrs. William R. iiuey, a dlr.. ector of the W:~~~'sClub of Swart);uno!'ei'huserved the Jun'io~ Club .for two years in an advisory capacity. . Dlrecto1;S of the Swarthmore PubUc Library gathered in quarterly ~sion Tuesday night, April 28, in th" Libral"V, faced Librarian .,. ·01 Bettina Hunters report of the Ltbrary's highest .circulation· totals, 14,295, for the flrst three months of 1953, and the consequent mounting strain on straitened income until early fall. . This flgure is .1,068 higher than books, cIrCulated in the same pe. . riod in 1952. Comparison of an annual flgure '(from April, 1952, through March, 1953) with the same ~riod in the 'pr~vlo';1B .year55,648 In con~rast to-48,818-shows an increase. o.f 6,83a:.·Ttif,~· considered al.l,..~#l:tsoot the situatlon arid" determined. to . spend every effort to give the best ser~t' vice poSsible within its budget. Miss Hunter reported 496 b o o k s , added 19 the ~olleclion,· 346 of Annll~1 .~~e,adtJIt and 150 juvenile. One . ~ . hl.\lldred and fifty-two new bo~- , . ,. . .:. ;. rowers have. receiyed new· cards Mrs. Paul aq"~. Wall Head d~g the ~u~r, .114 of these O.,ganlzQtfQnNttxt . '. a~~lta ~nd 38 juvenile•. Th~ regy..' ~istration ,~ ~s been revised and .. ear, the 19tal at:t1Ve ~emb~,!.numMembers of the S~r8 Com~'. ,~7",~,~9 aduH, 691 juv- mi~. of tbe I'ri~l:..,:.: ~ . enne. ..' . :.~ :,:-:. :~.: ::::':; : Houle for O~~ S~ !r~e Ltb~DOatd ~ed Its held' their annual'. meetm.· laSt ~~tionof e ~o1unteer',ser- week attbe ~o!lie ot Ftm.. Vice Y.i~ of 14rs; EVere.tt. ~,.~ho })res1dent, Mrs. Mark Bittle' of c~tribUtes·:~;typlrit,beIp, RutgerS.avenue., MrIf. Ut!~ and. at, ~. Qo~ D1ckin!tOu B lift 'P~l, c~il'IIl.uLot· tbeN:o~tinl SPQ_sors.·.· 'Co'"Ihml t'._e In Meeting .l:h 13.50 PER YEAR .~ A Chamber'music comerI : Club Sponsors 19th Annual Art Exhibit ' Local V.olunteers Will Be J:>lanned for the last meeting· of 'Set Do'tes for Ma'y 19-22, D 1 .p M 6 30 the Music Club year to be held A P f • I on uty •• to: t Whitt! ,It d mateurs, ro esslona s W ' CI b' .a er ~use .ll'40n ay even, , I at oman S U i n g , M!ay 4, at 8:1~. Are We come "'H"_ At the Women's Club on ThursThe program is comprised of day, May 7, from 1 p.m. to 6:30 p. two well- known and popular m.. ~he Red Cross Blood Mobile works and seldom heard modem will be in active operation. Any- number. It opens WI·th· the f ourth one wishing to contribute blood at Vandenburg Concerto by Bach this time, who has not' been reach- written for ~olo violin and two ed by the telephone committee, is flutes. Julius De S10 plays the requested to call ~s. F. R. Lang, violin and William Trumpler and. recruit.ment chairman, Swarth- Michael Calingaert are the, flutists. \. The accompanying string ensemble more 6-11;,5, for an appointm ... e n t . · which is augmepted .bySwarthThe local women who are con- more College:.Stutients, is conduct- tributing their' time to make ilia lo~al blood qonor day go over the top are: Motor Corps _ Mrs. John Bates and Mrs. Graham Wentz; Grey Ladies ~ l\frs. Hugh Thay':' er, Mrs. 'C~8rlotte Maas, Mrs. A. W. Bass, Jr.,. Mrs. Harry Miller, Martha Keigbton and Bessie Southworth; Staft Aides - Mrs. David Bingham, Mrs. Robert Grogan, Mrs. C. Russell~ps, Mrs. Richard Noy-e, Mrs. Roben Clothier, Mrs. R. Lloyd Jones. Mrs. 'Clarence Campbell; Mrs. Walter Dickinson and Mrs. James Doulhem; Leonora Perkins will be·in charge of the nursery. The can"; teen .Will. . be bandled by Mrs.' Ave-ry· Blake IPld Herc;~mmittee and Mrs. Wayne Randall Wi.ll have charae of the Nurses Aides. ' J. Co' ,_____. azz ,.,. p~rt, ~,,~~. ed by Jonn Se~rs. The modem work is a Sonata for flute and piano by Philippe Gaubert. The flutist is Mr. Trumpler; the pianist, Dolly Van der Hoop Schoenberg. The last number is the Schubert Quintette in A (Fore1len) played by Mr•. Sears, pianist, Mr. De Sio violinist, Werner Honig viollst,Carol MeCoy cellist, and Jime Anne, Hicks bass. . The art department ot the Woman's Club of Swarthmore is busy preparing for the art exhibit to. be held' May 19 through May 23. This is the nineteenth annua1" ex hibi tsponsored b y th e club. . On Tuesday, 'May.19, at 2 p.m. the :eXhibIt. will be' opened with a club meeting and tea. A portrait d~unonstriltion will be .given by ... . Edward Lis .of Lansdowne. The exhibit will J?e opet:l to the public WedDesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons from 2 to 5, and Tuesday through Friday evenings froin 7 ~o 9. There is no admission charge. A cordial invitation is given to all. artists-amateurs and professionals - to exhibit their work. Exhibitors . must be over 18 years of age and residents ofSwarthmpre. or, if residing outside the Borough, must. have previously resided h~re and continuously ~xhibited with the club. Members of the clu~, wher!!ver they reside, are ellglbl~. Each exhibitor may s~ow. tw~ ~leces of original w~~, 'PlC:t~s .or :sculpture. Pictures ~;. ~.(anY.' me4lum a~d must .be _.fr8iri.eC1. Work sb.ould be .brough(>to the clubhouse Sunday &!le~oon, May 1\..between: 2, and S' .. p.m: . Name, . title, a~~ prl~ .~~~ :~'0i1 ~.:f?f. wotk~'" !:. .. A reception. m,d··. tea will, be 0r.D8S Jo . Win Add I ress Mother s Club Tues. ,B' . ,.' h: Ii· ·-Ith .om· .r~ may ce ' , .. ' OfIqug • .,' e . a . ; . . To.P'lscus.S p.rogress. '. In:'eolio' "Control ' . ' :Dr.·J. Albri~b~' JoIies.·.Bo~ HeIllth OfIlcer. ,will ~1k on tll4 , ' ,' ~~>~!}~~tt;,= .. ,!~·COZruP~;,~~.··":I••"· ·'i······;To·.Qe· Given 'May8' CO~~~;~q·;!O·~~·.q~~ "~~for th~·~ibitorS an~ tlteir . 1" .:." ~~~,~,IIeS\i ..~;:~ .. t9i'.,th"'"bPiPJiiC'·y.eV~~fuJ""1Ist' ~ ... ,: .. .;.~':" .. ', i ' .. ",. Sw~ore::M(~t~~'.tCl]a~i~#ie ~d8.on~?aft8.-aooPtilD.f'.'· . he.~P'~)?!?~.~, ."Y.!l,~. . ~ 4cummi'Gf8ee~;- ~.~"al&te"wa. n:·~A·:·l~-#~·)~¥';·~_~.•~?,al~~;of,.~he.~~ r~~~·:.:c :'''''J''~!)-:'''1i;~",.~~.• ,,::: .• ~.,'';~''''i:'''~~:';;> obsery~.at. th~~~~ .;~~rln!.. unani~Oll~~· elected, as ~~Qws: of American Jazz by Robert Reis- day evenihg, M~t 14. .H". ,:', " ''',';~. II'. th~ w~e~~~l:fto'~L:i:tid:-~~~~. Pa~t..Banks; First S•• ot· . .. .' , . ' Equipment rogram ner with ilIu8ttation by the WllDr. Jones is Usistant ptOlessdr.SRA ks a oun apI'U n Vic~;~ ent, .. M~., Mark Bittle; ber de ~ ~and, mIl be pre- ofPedi~.~ics!, G~aduate Scbool Of F . 5" . . p" . Phillip H. Jewett .chairman Of ar- second vice pres1d~t! Mrs. Lind- sentedatSwarthmore Coller,;.. o~ Medic~e, Unlveblty of' Pennsyi- . ~ yft.lm~.... l1UlI~ents f~~~e.meetin~ 9~. th~ ley Peel; secre~;" r.elyd~ . :May8~ in; thei'.~lo~~·, ~em.Ori.al vania, and i~ chairman of the M~Mrs. Franklin' Robblee,rtewly;. , ... ~ware ~o':'~at:nmees. AsSoC"Mlller; . ,trea:surer, . Mrs... H8J'Old.Auditorium; beginnirlg at 8:15~' . ~~ .:Mtis6tyr':~~l\l;i~" of· the appointM direc~or of. the prea on at ~ e. oc library.~ t~e Gibson.. "., ~, . .' .Mr.. 'Reisner is. a . lecturer. jn'Df!i'AWaftfCounty C;~~r,~atlon- school and.primary groups of the evenh)a .of .May .. 12. The th.u.1in ess' Anhual re~rtS .. ,frolJl,the secrem· .• ~ ... at thoe new ~o .....:"'001 ....I . r·C!..u.ial a.l Foundation of Wantile Par...- . .S;warthmore Bee. reation' Associa-' meeting will be held in the Am . -. .. .' 1.&11.\.. . ~ . . .' '. . " .. ' . ' . . ' . .. i i . . : " er.. tary and. t~,asurer show that in ResearCh in· New 'York City cand,alYsis. He will discuSs th~'preSent·t!on,.p~ted her,. tentatiye plans can I4ion R~, followed. -y a the' m~gs held semi-mont~ Brooklyn. College. . ., .~. status. ~~ .gamma.globulln 1~!1~ ;i~ ,or the sUhmler.~~gram to me~tour of the Library and a dlseus.. by the Group, there are 56 men ·avauabWty, etc:, d~ringthiS members of,:tbe. bOard' at "their sion on Ubrary practices by a pan- and women who have attende~·at. Thef.~b~ .de ~s:::.:~p.j ~ .year's pOlio se~on. '" . \; . A~ ,meetin~. held .in .Borough el com~ of loc~l board ,mem- least 2 meetings; and the finances boneds'0 the ew °lU n~t' tSZZh'" Due to the public interest.inthe Halt After l1sterung to her probers Directors Mrs .Thomas K h t tl ally ~'. . an on emus c al scene a - e · " .'. . . . •. . . . . . ave co~e ou prac c even ~ t ti It i ed' f prevention and treatment of polio, posal, the Bo~rd deci~ed to help Brown, Jr., and .Mrs. Peter E. the operation. ot the Group this presen me. s compos 0 ..• ' . h' t th . I . . b .:.-.-~. Told!~.b'e in charg e 'of r e f r e s h - ' , •. , well known jazz musicians and re~ a town meeting is b~g planned. er .carry ou ,e p an~ y alHUng 4f . '.-,' { t..:...... year, secured. by conttlb~~ons din rti ts M d P ris',. " for 'early' September, under the for. donatlbns from Borough resl.. ments ," -. f th G d b th cor g a s . r. e a , a · . .' \., ~~. Dr ·'R· ·be·rt E S . . ,....:...:..~ ~ e roup, an 'Y 0 con~ truly great erformer on the tllide general auspices o«r~~e :.Moth~'~ dents of dolls, ~hildrens boQAS a1;ld • .0 • piller repo.n.eu tribUtors •.. ' . r · . . . d al Pt b . ir Club with Dr Jolla 8n'd othar' .sm~play eqrupment; and to puron the proposed.' summ urv '" .. '~·tt ' .. ·an v ve rom one· IS w ~ely·' . . y . ... . .. er .. s. ,e The hospitality·· fK».~ ,ee, 1m . d ted 'f . h' ... authorities as speakers. ,However chase wading. pools fo~ the. use of and ~Jl~ly~s ot libr~ry practices '(~ontinued on Page lOr!' .' b~li~tin an 'trehSPtecUmit °tir 18 capto- the May 14th meeting is ope~ t~ the pre.:seh(iol" and primary chiland ~lar Ubrarie, within a r e a - ' ,a I es \V~ ou a on. as . .' . . dren. . . sonable' 'area, to. be completeq by • ." • • '. t~ or style of music. .'. all In~e~ested reSIdents as .well. ~. . . Mrs. Brown, Mr. Jewett ~nc:iDr. . Re.gJ.~t~a~lons Continue Thecol1cert. and lecture are be;,!," Another' hig~tt..~ o.f the Club's ~r~.~obblee ~~uld like .a~yone Spiller. The board votti!d 'to'oin For Fall I{iridergartners in s nsOred b the William J. flnal'meet;ing wi~l lJe the. presenta-:-. who IS mterest~d ln ~ pOSItion as; .' l .. . g po Found$ltion, y and . th~ hon- tion 'f skit. .. "A M 0ther'D the recently reVIved Pennsylvan..., . Cooper 0 a s ream" teacher or assistant . In .the sum. A . ti . Registration for kindergaten. . ,.. t· f B k d K by' 26 cl\lb members Mrs Frank mer school, to apply directly to . Lib I.a All rary b SSOCI: .~n. b rd . ·claSses for next year have been orarydM So: : IBes °d ~ OQ . an ey Chapman is the' di~tor ~ssisted her by -letter to 241' 'North Highr. ' . Mni. . 0· a: i . ttem~m ers t;:oe . oat' were nce In : f n ~ Ae .;e~mg ~xcep ?r. cre ry . . a~, r., who IS In Be~um on bUSIness. .... ·ti· f th b d The ne~u, m~ ng 0 e oar will be Tu esday,:June 9.. taking place in the School Of!lce an or oar . by Mrs ~ AlfredjMangel$ 'and Mrs land avenue, Lansdowne, or by; in the College Avenue BUudlng E. H. ~uer.: . . . ... ".... . telephone,. MA.~son 6-3370_ and in' the Clinic room' of the CAK~S NOT ~,qLEYS Treasurer Ric h a r d Enion's S h 1N M . K' , ' . . . .. . coo· urse, rs. Edith enney, . T h ~ 'Junior Woman's'· Club S .' ·L "h T' cl proposed ~tidget tor this year W3$ during this past· eek. prm9 unc eon ues.. ay amended and accepted . i;)y .~h.e brings in the May tonight at 7 p. It is believed that all'mothers of In. in front of the Swarthtnore InOu9u~ates' Club OHicers Board. . children who will enter kinder- National Bank and, Trust ComDates for registration for the DR. MEAD TO SPEAK garten next year have completed pamr with a cake sale. Th~ spring luncheon and annual summer school were' set for· May Ina=~~tJt~Dc~e~Tvi~ the formality. If any have not, . Ctub~ember~ will display their meeting of the Woman's CJub of 25 and 26. The program will • !-11'>_ hi they may do so by calling' the .delectabie. baked goods for the Swarthmore will be held' next start June 22 and continue for and TheUnciv~ed C. ld," Dr. school office and making an op.. . , . Tuesday afternooh, May 5,itl. the Margaret Meatl, an~ro'p~ligist a n d , . ~~p.eftt of the club treasury for clubhouse on Park avenue. Of six weeks. . ht R 0 be rt D unn, W h ' ProJ.essor ~ author, will address an open Po i n t m e n t . " : · ., th~ next season. Fr'd 1 ay mg h I b 0 IS An indication of the conth'lued . tak d primary importance to t e c U I Ed ' d shoppers are urged to e a - will be the inauguration .. of Physica ucahon an B asemeetl'ng today at 3'.30 l'n McCahan h I ' of the rth Hall of the Presbyterian Church, grow th 0 f S wa more sc 00 s ISv~tage of this opportunity to ball Coach .at, Swarthmore Col-- ., new officers and directors. Past 92 that Idnd f t h in th Harvard avenue. s own e ac ~- acquire .hom e - made. dessel'ts lege, has beerS. 'appointed Coach of presidents will be 'the invited Brought to 'Swarthmore by the garten chUdren are on the census which tree time for the enjoy, this summer's Baseball. Program. Presbyterian Nursery Day School, Ust f,or neXt year. 'l'bis is in con- ment of the ~. guests. . The Association, as· usual, will Dr. Mead will discuss compara- tras\ to 85 in' \be kinderlarten A program of light 'music· will sponsor a'team in the Junior Edco tive e1fects of dur~nt cultures on this year and 68. t8st yeiar. . be given by a' double quartet of League which .is open to boys who ,Named Scholar. . women, "The MeiT:raites'·, under are under 14 yearS of age. HowchUdren. Mrs. Pemberton M. RM 11'-'115 . tho directi·. ..... Ri "'ard N'i ' Dlcqan is director of the Nursery. SALVATION A Y rv C. David Spencer, son of Mr. e on 01. Mrs. Co~ - ever, a canvass at the school re-. ..' , 1rIrs. Robert R.Hopkins an.d aDd Mrs. Steven M. Spencer of cholas. ' v e a l s that the number ofellglble ~. 'I[~I Meet MR. Harold Ogram, ~halrDien Ogden avenue, hal been named an The limcheon' will be prepai'ed and'interested 14 year old boys The Kappa ltappa Gamma Sew- ~ the lOcal salvatiOn Army OUD Scholar by Wesleyan Unl- by Mrs. It DWiiht Brauns imd het already ex~ the League limit; in. GrOup 01 Swarthmcme 1lD.d announce SWartJunore'8 contrlbu. venity, Middletown, .conn. Tbls committee and Meet at 12:30 by ·therefore the 1ist8 have been dos'Vfelnl\y wUl.~ TuetIda7. Ma7 tions to date total $2.381, tOme 'aWerd, one.'of the four ~·.at Mrs. Paul It. JlerIel alid'her cOm- ed. Membershlp 'of the eligible . 1 at the home of Mrs. Norman H. $1400 short of last year's peak Wesleyan, 18 baled on ~ mlttee of 20. I'IOral deeoratlou boys In'' the ~e WU1 be eoJli:1nncle .afS08 Bellevue road, WU- I08l of $I.'15J. 11ae drtw·wIIlcoR- .aDd' poteatlal le8denhip. Spencer win be arranaed by the pnlen ftnDed when they complete tbelr Del. tlnue tbIouIh ~ .IS:' . :.', pla to enter Wesleyan this fall. ~~ent. rqlstration. :e w' i • '. on.. io .: lid... ' . ...... L ~; . ,'. .' ' " . nnV'e, . :j ,- ., ...... ~; ':~). .J • ".:!. l"__ ,.., .Personals .Jim Schmidt of Parrish road, HONOR COUPLE left Saturday for Waterville. Me., Miss Jean Brown of North Chesprevious to being inducted i.nt.o Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of the U.S. Army. ..,. ter Road, and Mr. Arthur S. JenNorth Chester road will ~tertain . Mrs. Paul J. RlJtan, Jr:,Is. Visi'1 as their week"end gUE)st ~s Lou- lng,.her' par!nts ;Mr. ~d Mrs; ~t;,., ni.ngs, riJige'wlll take plac~: tomol"t!>w of Spri,nglield, Whose .marise G. Lewi. of New York "",y,1 warI'R;' Thorbahn' of 'Swarthmore ev,...,i",,·ai 7' o'li~k in the ~wut~Mr. and .Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde avenue while her husband Ensign ni~t;?iJ..esbytenan Church, willl5'e of SwaJOlhmore and Ogden aven- Rutan, formerly stationed . at guests of honor at the rehearsal nes aFe ent....talni&g -as their house Alameda, Calif., is en route for dinner to be given this eveni.ng guest Mr. Clyde's sister Mrs. duty in Japan. . by Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson at Ian'!. G!!Orge Cl\illg Stewart of EvansRobert L. Crowther, quarter- their' home on Walnut . '. ton; 111. -. .. master seaman," USN; son of Mr. WATERER-BRE~STER Mr. and Mrs. H. Willard J,~ck~ and ,Mrs. H. W., ,Crj)w~b~~.~ .:rale son of ;Harvclrd -.a,venti~.:are :enier- avenue is presently 's e r v 1 n g '~tnu;, :fei"s, lighted :c~ri Bermuda on aiJa "Mrs.wiiiiam 'Sproul ning. ' . . d wedding' trip aiter whlch they 6lU9Deep Meadows", aod.,Mr. Avery Felton Gradyville, Blake, Jr., ~on- ·ot •.;lVIr... : and Mrs. 'Blake of Amherst avenue. w h ose engage. m · ent has been announced., Mrs. James Weir of Glenshaw, with her three children, will arrive today for a week's visit with her mothe. Mrs. L. J. Servais of Ebn avenue. . Janet Bowie of South Chester road will celebrate her sixth birthday by asking her classmates to a party next Thursday, May 7. Harr,}!' Blackstone, son of the famous magician, will entertain them. Lt. Eben Lang, stationed at Indiantown Gap, spent the week" end at his home on Maple avenue. Lt. Lang entertained Mr. Harry Alexander of Garden CitY, L.I., as his week-end guest. Ensign S. Robert Thorbahn, U. 'S.N.R., of' Swarthmore avenue. formerly stationed at Glenview, ilL, is now on duty at Pearl Harhor, Hawaii. He was accompanied' by Mrs. '!'horbahn and baby daughter. Plc~ar silcrps~o,s , . : , ",", [.' Swarthmore, Pa. I ~e.ry Lewis In "THE STOOGE" It's a Riot! Tuesday Ni"'''t Only In "Confidentially Connie" A Comedy YOO~D ....uy enjOy , ~ednesdaY&Thursday' , Anna _ Alberthett\ Laurib Melchior . In 1[_ "STARS ARE SINGING'" -_001",,·_ . , ' ... . .• r , . " Sw.6-41.91 , '." .., .' ' . .... Y~le & Sylvan Avenlil1s;~~r:ton.".Par,. .. 6-!381 o.r " ~\Y.!U1hlJlore6~144!i, . " ..Cleaners and Tailo,s, , • 1 .",.;: .~, , . r,' . ',. '."" ; , .' ' - ... 'GUARANTEIa,D . '-'CE,R'tIFIED;· , COLD ~UR $T()RA~E , , ', ,. ,.. SW-I!oRT~MORE. " PA •.• 6,1727, SW~rihm, ore -:" , 'lQO' ,.ARK AVENUII!, . Ii~:::~~::::~:::::::::~;~:~~9 .. : " ,,'0, , B...-ytlltnc a mll'Olcal .honld .~ BANK. FRIENDS MEnlNG NOTES The Friendly Discussion Group will meet at 7 p.m. on Sunday for a picnic supper at the home of DaVid and Carolyn Wiman. The supper will be followed by a discussion led by Myrtle McCallin on uGuiding our Children's Religious Experience." BY MAIL " • • . .. and your mail depQsit or other business - gets the same pro"lpt attention here that, you'd expect in person. HandYJ)8nk-:bY'D}ail . fonns supplied, 'on request. 'Save tiDle •••• Save trips •••• Bank by mail with u8! I'll SUE you, Too often an accldent II fOllowed by a coatly clam• age suit against the prop. erty owner. It'. smart to protect yourself with ComprebeD8ive Peno.ial Liability Innraace.'·' ·. . , ( 333 Dartmouth Ave. · SWarUuitore 8-1833 • • • SWARTHMOBE 'NATIOIAL,BANI -ANPTRUSI COMPAIY" , - .-~ -. .... -, _. ~ -.• , . , ,. • l'- ,1, - .' -...·.··r .' ., "~.' • . , 1 ~ , .. ....' ',' . ','. ' ,.' '! " ' .. . . , ..... .,. , . , CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES The arresting subj>ect of' the Bible Lesson to be read in all Christian Science churches next Sunday is "Everlasting Punishment," and the GOlden Text taken from St. Paul's letter to the Hebrews (12:11). 'M"~!! '5000_-:-_g.e~a"9-4646 (( ••• . • , r ._ • ... ~i~~~~=~~ ,.- t' ". W.... 'Jr, IIIay • - McCallum's 70th Anniversary CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE RELIGIOUS SOCIEl'Y Joseph P. Bishop, Minister . Oli' FRIENDS John Stettner. ASSistant SOlIday. MIll' 3 , SOlId&)" MAy 3 9:45 A.M.-First .Day School., 9: 30, 10: 45 11 A.M. _ Church School. . 9: 45 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. 9:30 & 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Stettner 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Children cared for in Whittier Will preach. House. All are welcome. 8:00 P.M.-Vocal Recital. 7:00 P.M.-H. S. Fellowship. WedaesdllY, MIll' 6 , 7:00 P.M. Friendly Discussion 10:00 A.M.-Bandaliing & Sewi,ng Group. ' • Groups. Miollday, IIIay t , .' All daY sewing for A.F.S.c.: lIIETHODIST CHURCH . 'Wedaeada¥. IIIay 6 Roy N. Keiser, D.D., Minister All day sewbig . SUJUiay, MIlr 3 7: 30 P.M.-Mid_ • A.M.-Church School. tor Worship. A.M.-Young Adults. A.M.-Holy Communion•. PlRST CHURCH OF A.M.-Chureh Nursery. CImIST, SCIENTIsT SWARTHMO~ TRINITY CHURCH Park Avenue below Harvard Lawrence WhUtemore, Rector S.......,.. IIIay S SIlllllQ-. ANI! II , 11:00 A. A.M.-Holy Conununion. 11:00 Will,A.be A.M.-Church SchooL A ....-Holy Conununion• Not Stock STOCKINGS! , NYLON HOSIERY SALE Regular $1.35' pr, --' Now $1.09 Through $aturday, May 9 A'Iso worth crowing about .... FriW'30 · G ~:e~h~e~ld~0~n~M~0~n~day~a~t~4~:,;~t~0~lc~'""'!!~..;;;;' !!."';;;;;;"":V;;";;''';,;,;;'';,;,;';,;O!!"";",=!!N!!"",OW:!!!!S.!!(!!'!!a.;rpe;.",t,;,,,;;;;::;;:;;;;,.,;;;~, ;A~W.YS .fU Lines oj Imuran;" W;~M' It ~'{G ,YOU· CAN PETER.'E. TOLl) .' will ~ : Van Johnson & Janet: Lelch 'Aut""rtoi••f De!tl0l' .r ,., . ,Butman " Friday & Saturday 'Return engagement by popular request-the piCture everyone Is talkl~\HEuQUIET MAN" 10M Ford's Academy Award winner ~peclal Klddles ~la.tl.nee-l P.1\f. Cartoons. 'Shorts. COmedy and Serial-pIus ~,::n In Western Dean _ . & 405' Darfniodl! Ave. . Walsh ,Ford Comp~~y'" ': .;. COil' ECr -THI"ATRE Sunday & Monday !Nilh cr ' and Mrs.' John ·A. will live Broadlawn' Apar!:. L of Mr. Dartmouth avenue entertamedl"l"nLts, Brynin Mawr. a:s their house 'guests Mr. PiCcar?'s parents Dr. an. . BI R THS 'd . Mrs. . Jean PIG" car"d of Minneapolis, MInn., who " left'Monday for' their .h.ome f ~Ih Mr. and Mrs, Louis I. D"thlloHq 10wI'ng a two ...week VISit, •• WhIle ,.O,fi...H',haverford place announce t e , of'Irvine their third child,Jr.; a son here they also visited· theu:. ·son ,. Louis Dethloff, on Mr. Donald .Piccardand 'family. of April 20 in the Lying-In Swarthmore. ' . , 'Hospital" ~. 'and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier Philadelphia. of Columbia, avenue were guests The infant is a grandson df Mr. at a cocktail party Saturday aft . er-, and Mrs. Lewis' B. Beatty of Bowlnoon of Mr. and Mrs. Har~ld ing Green, Media, and Mr. and Trentman of Wawaset Park, Wil- Mrs. William L. Dethloff of . Swarthmor~ avenue. mington. -. night only I~~=:::;;:~::::::i" Saturday ' 5:45, 8:00 and Picture lU:20 times !NilI lind • nl~;:=:~ . crs ecrsy crs IF. . YOU PLENTY FOR IT . HAVE . ON!; , ' . -. . '~PECT : ~, . . ' . ' Phone .A. --- --- >"NO ., > PlIIle 3 PRESBYTERIAN NOTES lOWed by the Girls' Choir ""THE SWARTIIMOREAN will· be the ·speaker. The sermon this Sunday hearsal at S O'clock. PU8LJ8BED BVBRT FlUDAY AT 8WAaTSJrOu, At the 11 O'clock service, the given by Mr. Stettner on "As .The On Wednesday at 7:15 a. In. TIlE IIWUTIDIOBEAN, INC.. PtlllLl8I1BR Sacrament of' the Holy ComTwig Is' Bent," at both the 9:30 there will be a celebration of the l'IIIoae lIWartbmore.-08OO munion will be celE)brated. ~d 11· o'clock service•• Holy Communion. The Boys' 1'&IU &. TOLD. EdItor BI14 Pabllabu \ . The Nursery for cbildren is A Co1l'ee Hour Win be held this Choir will rehearse at 4 o'clock. .HAIUOIllB TOLD aDd BAB8ARA KENT. Au ....... ,&cIlton Sunday, immediately· after the .open during the morning service. Rosalle Pelrool Lorene McCarter The Executive Committee of second service, 'in the :Woman's the Woman's Auxiliary will meet Mrs. John B. Roxby. Jr., and Mrs. Entered aJf Second Class Mal'ter. JaiJuary 24, 1929, at the Pod AssOciation Rooln.AIl members at 10 o'clock Thursday mOrning George W. ~anzlnger will be in omce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of lIIarch 3. 18711. the congregation and friends are in the Reetor's study. At 11:30 ch!"'ge. cordially invited to meet the there will be a celebration of the DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY, NOON The ushers for the day are members of the Christian Educa- Holy Communion after which the Richard M. Snyder, Fred BeSWAltTIDIOJtE. PENNA.. FIlIDAY. HAy 1. 1953 tion COmmittee, 'who will be the regular luncheon meeti.ng of the henna, Peter Murray, Walter special gues~ this month • Woman's Auxlllary will be held. Snyder and George W. Zanzinger. The' Senior HIgh Fellowsbip At 7:30 p.m. the Men's and Boys' The COmmission on .Education Parking Meters , will have their supper this SunChoir will rehearse. meets on Tuesday evening at 8 at BorOUgh Council will convene least ease a higher tax burden. day eveni"g at 6:30 p.m .• followed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Monday night at 7:30 in the CounExtra revenue might be used for by a meeti.ng at which Mrs. MlirM. Paulson, 100 Park avenue. MnHODIST NOTES cil room of Borough Hall to conimproving highWay conditions, ray Stedman will discuss, ''Learnsider, among other matters, the The Woman's Bible Class will ing to Live Away From Home for make pOssible additional parking The, Sunday School meets at have dinner on Thursday e-venpurchase of parking meters for the First' Time." space, or other roadway needs. 9:45. Classes are provided for chll- ing at 6 in the Ladies' Parlor. the bUSiness district of Swarth_ Those who obiect to Parking The Young Adults will be meet_ dten of all ages and for adults. The Junior Choir meets Thursmore. According to reports· given Meters question the advantages to ing this Sunday evening at 6:30 p The Young Adults meet at 10 day evening at 6:30; senior choir at the April meeting by the PUblic be gained by their installation . m .. for Weir usual SUpper, after O'clock. Dr. Alfred H. Williams rehearses at 8. Safety COmmittee," 200 lneters at Chronic parking ,ollenders, they Which the grOUP will join with a possible cost of $65 a piece. would be installed alont! both contend, should be picked up by the congregation and members of sides of the underpass on South the police under the present park' the community to attend the conChester road; Rutgers avenue' to ing ordinance, which generally cert given by Henry Faust. Mr. "Faust, choir director and ConJell; Park avenue to Harvard; speaking, permits a two hour Dartmouth avenue to Lafayette; limit. If the present force cannot organ,ist,wilI 'present a. vocal reand the Borough Parking lot. 'weed out these constant offenders cital in McCahan Hall this SunThey would be paid for at the rate under the present parking or- day evening, May 3, at. 8 p.m., of 50 per cent of the receipts, a dinan·ce. they question l'he prac- Oscar Eiermann, distinguished ticality of the same size force accompanist of Philadelphia, will p r 9cess that would involve about IIU,lking an hQurly, daily check of assist Mr. Faust. All church memtwo 112 years. Cautious estimates' , reveal a possible i.ncome of $50 meter. wi,thoutthe, addition oi :bers and friends of the commu_ per meter - about $10,000 a year, another ·man. Neglect of the nity are Cordially invited. On ,Tuesday, May 5, at 8 p.m., beginning in 1956 when the bill hourlr' or two hourly. 'checking is paid. 0...:: 'tour would' mean a cash loss' to the 'Missions arid Benevolences .... -: the Borough. The wages for the COmmittee will meet for their Those in favor of the proposal ~" emphaSize the par"ing relief employment of another man to regular monthly'meeting" to be which they believe to be inevit_ help police the .parking under the held in the Woman's Association able once the meters are installed. meter system would eat into We Room: ( All Choirs will meet for reThey point t6 the persistent park_ revenue. Care and upkeep of the Sometlm.. pllClple tall u. that 'hay .xpect the carpet or ers, ones whose cars are a week_ meters, which are not self-per_ .hearsals at their usual times this Oriental rug thay are buying to lcut them "0. lang a. they day landmark· i~ the bUSiness sec- petuatlng, would take another week. The. Girl Scouts will meet chunk, lind collection of weekly on Monday at 3:30 p.m. and the tion; a parking meter which must · live." Wa alwaY' Upr... ",. hopa 'ha' thay will out.lolf be fed rilckies everyone Or two yields would mean another slice. Bcy Scouts on Wednesday even· 'ha carpe'lng, h_avar durabla It I•• bours of the day will breaIr these' Then they add the' Initial cost of Jug at 7. The women will meet on Wedhabits of leaving cars bebind laying needed sidewalks in the You, siat ihe mo.t out of your carpat whan It I. properly Borough·s. Parking Jot, which nesday, May II, for the Bandaging while they carry ,on their' local .elected and, correctly In.'alled, with. a goad cu.hlan," and businesses or entrain' for PhllsdeI_ would not be Included.in the com- and Sewing, Groups at 10' a.m. If a good vacuum claon.r ·.uch 01 tha HOOVER I. Uled. Circle r will be the hostesses for phla, West Chester or points in pany's contract. An informal poll of business luncheon for the Sewing Group. between. By the meter system, Carpe' 0110 waot:l longer H It I. In,tallad 10 that It can ba men ot the BorOUgh revealed that they argue, these SPllc",! Will be tumad. but It k baltar to haY. fttted Carpat whIch loab TRINITY NOTES released for commuters,' resident only three of ' the is ,asked, were goad, avan' though It cannot be tumed. 0Itan 0 fltad carTbere will be a' celebration of or out-of-town drivers ,who would In favor of meters. There are, ,to pe' can be ma. lIIIallar ond tumuacf after 'GYe\'ClI yean like, to do their slioppq;g, their be sure; about 40 business men, the Holy C;ommunion at 8 o'clock ofu'a.· . .' '.' marketing or banking in Swarth_ but riot one: of those 40 has step~ and again at the 11 O'clock servmore without an exhausting hike Ped out to voice his or her opin- Ice Sunday morning. At 9:30 aii Carpet can waar a. IIttl. 01 Iwo yeal'l, or mar. Ihan 20 to and from their destination. ion to Councll. Of the approx_ departments of the Church School imately 5,000 citizens, in the Borwill meet. yeal'l ••0 It I. Important to ••Iect It with care. Real estate- owners, some of them non-car owners, can add ough not one at tills writing, has. Those serving alf ushers will be There "",,~~\hlllare Scouts. She will succ~ed Mace Gowing whose year .term of office e:~~:I:'1 next· month. Mrs. I;ia\lock C bell ""ill 'be Co-c:hai"!,,an for second year. Mrs. ,Oliver 'R ...~-'I gers, Mrs. Daniel Bowden .and Mrs. Leroy Peterson made up the nominating committee. Girl ' I in Sw~rthmoie wish ·to their :grati,Wd~ -~o ,MtjI. .GWf',\\>g tor her tw.o yq\l,~s 01 . &u<:c"'s.J:,,~,1 leadership. Oth~r business brought. before the m""ti\l& co~s\ed of .the 11Ilnouncement of the date of the annual Fly-Up ceremony to be held in the' High School Auditorium on May 19 at 7: 30 p. m .. All Girl Scouts and any Fourth Grade Brow~es who wish to march in the Memorial Day parade should let their leaders know. At . least five new leaders are needed for next year. three f or the new Brownie troopS, and two for tJle Jr. High School Girl Scouts. Last week Brownie troops. 19 and 10 of College avenue invited the BrowJlies of R.utgers Troop 225 .to a roller skating party in the school cafeteria. The leaders, Mrs. Charles Bovard, Mrs. Henrletta Bruce of Trol)p 19; Mrs. G. W. Brodhead and Mrs. Henry Coles, Troop 10, and Mrs. Ja_mes Taylor of Troop 225, were ably assisted in planning the fun and the refreshments by the following girls: ArUss Adams. Gail Forwood. Charlotte Brodhead and Patsy Gl'ttce. Mrs. J. J. Bodley and _ Mrs. Richard Hunt helped with dances and games. Last week Mrs. Gordon Lange drove the two Juliet Lowe representatives, Susie Spencer and Josie Lange of Brownie Troop 19, to the county Brownie birthday party at the Smedley Jr. High School in Chester. On Tuesday evening, Ute younger Brownies of Troop 428 with the considerable help of leaders Mrs. James Gray, Mrs. F. G. Forwood and Mrs. Richard Bieler, as well as Mrs. Charles Martin, Troop . for next wInter. Brtn, your own con- ,-.cHICK-UP 'OF TIRES W'lnUrc ..... jJeclaUy,to...h on·b!I'terI... Ub,ird .. grade troop of .College 1A:~eJlUe ,luId a cook-out at ;the Annual Brownie Fly~U.p Sco"t .~ouse on Cresson Lane. Ceremo{lY Set ,for ~e :l\r<)wnies cooked cocoa, hot M . 19 dogs .and marshmallows over .an ay - fire under tbe supervision of At the recent meeting of "M,rs_ :Rollert Bird and Mrs. Jack i' , . .falDer'. .we.~eheck'8trength,.otean term'nalS, add -G-Irl" ScuU't . "1.." _presbyterian Church. IIIItl',-mao.' .lings ;On at thethe same evenillg, the other , If you .bave permanent anti-freeze" l&'We_ lt Inspect ~rldce 'and check _fo< I - .... 6 CLEAN _AND ,t.DJUlWT SPARK PLUGS mUeap. CHECK 'OIL FILT-ER -- • • Up F'Ive V·Ictones . Although the' th h th wea er as been e m~st difficult opponent facing the H,gh School Baseball Team, the Garnet nine made a flying 'start, with Victories in the,'r fI t rs I Children's Aid Soc' Su . , . lety pports Package' Bills BRAHM'S REQUIEM MAY 7 The Swarthmore College Ch us" under the direction- of ; ; James So~ber will pre . Brahm's Germ~n Requiem T~ en t day May 7 at 8: 30 in Clot~rsMemoriaL. . er The c.horus w,'ll b aren tad. .t Party Eleventh Graders of Swarth_ more High Sehool held a parent_ student party Friday evening April 24. Both. parents' and stu~ dents participated in clever skits, and s.quare dancing with Chris Sanderson as cailer. Mrs. Howard e aCCOtnpan_ Newnam d Mr ;::'esg~7i~·sp;~~~::~gan~r;:~~ :~. b~h~:o~= ~~~~!es~~!n"; Clothier se::ed as !~_ -,:,rovidence, the games with Peggy Noel, George Papanek and The Delaware County Children's Aid Society, at their April board meeting, unanimously went on record as endorsing the three in the Adoption and Child "elfare up ka" th !!,.ilIs May I, 1953 Ridl., Tawnslaip Canununhy COnc~ SEASON -#lCKETS WIth rec'proclty prlvel_ '" Adult " Stolknt lIlra. Bdwar "The QUiet One" is the title FO,SALE ... . of the film to be shown Wednes_ day mOrning at 10:20 In the visual Mushroom Soil education room at the High School. The film tells the story of . Top.Soll 4An ...' a men disturbed . ~ . ehiId who is . Fil."n Dirt . helped •.." emotIoDiIJ .COlIIf..rt by psychiatr» and' COunselling in a home for delinquent boys.. For QalCk Service i . . Call ACE. CHester 3-0312 . "haw It In Die SwattbmOre8n." ..... ~: ' . .. IS • , . , S~FE.;,T.WA·YSERVICE JS. .. '. " Your o o o Saf~·T·Way FrIday, Mayl ',' • • day of honor is May 10 .' IIAI u.nys FlONT U.HTS o • .Good ProJl'8m Good Supervision . PrIce- $25.00 per week . For Information - Write or Phone WALTER J. HALL, Teacher-Coaeh at Sprlngfteld High [;l .EXHAUST SYSTEM ttl..LASS d,.WI,NDSHIELD WIPEIS M!/tROR'·: 217 ClaJem01lt - . Sprlngfteld, Del. 00., Pa: Walter J. Hall, Jr.. Teache<-Coach at sWanhmore High DELICIOlls DINNERS to SUIT the ·TASTE of .EYERYONE. ,,' TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked . . to· Order EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILmES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-1:30 P. M. ~h'does ConifortGb/e Rooms Day or Week .' Eleva.tor Yale & Harvard Av,nueli, Swarthmore,Pa. . WALT.I SAFE.T·WAY SERVICE cost you? ..:.. IT'S FREE! 1 State Inspeclioft Mar 1 • J,., I. PARRon, 101,.. . NEE 'AllIIN. l ADVANTAGES We are happy.: ~., pe.rfonn the 10.polnt Safe.T.Way 11!lspeCHctII a. yoar ve/dele at .•0 cha,... I., .the ·I&terests· of safe vehicle 0 ........... ~1 safety defects will be hnmedl'!...'" '!rol1;H to. fur athdlo•• ' of location, In~mparable facilities, and 7$ yean of ex.,enence ,. ... .w.r.d by 31 ., • • THE OLMR -H. BAIR CO. IS South. Chester . Road.' . I . Phone SW 8-8661 STRAT8 HAVEN INN at RUMSEY CHEVROLET . • Theatre Square South Chester rUIeIIiiu •• _IRALI 1820 CHIS'TNUTSTRIIT'" OUYEItL",,!, .... . SwarHnROre 6-6130 ." 1·19~19 ., Good Food - . Her J , Thursday, May 7 Donor Day ........................ Woman's Club Sings ~ith College Glee Club'· 8: 30 P.M.-College chorus:' Brahm's Requiem .................... 0. Clothier Priscilla Rogers of Park. a"enue .. . sang In the Colby Junior t;ilJlege Glee Club with the Boston' Pops: Orchestra, Arthur Fiedler con-. ducting, on April 23: . MILLMONT, PA: - UNION COUNTY (Central Penna.) Colby will sing at Amherst ColBoys' Session Girls' Session lege May 3. . • . Always the perfect Gift for Mother .; 1~6:;l0 p.M.-·~or.'l\l!;hBlpod - . 4 ,., . P.M.-Dr. Margaret Mead ......... :.............. Pre~byterian Church P.M.-Health 'and Welfare Council ........ :.. Presbyterian Church P.M.-Spring Choral Concert .... :..................... 'Il;, s. AuditoriUril P.M.-College Orch8!itra Concert .......................... j .. " ...... ,. Clothier ~·"e..fu~ly .:' ,. '. S~ndaY, May 3' . . I -.f .',. 11:00 A.M.-Mornmg Worsh,p ~ ............... ,............. :.......... Loca.l Churches 3: 30 3:30 8: 15 8: 15 Come One or More Weeks Service Check P )TIIII.fta '" c::hHOIK" TI-,5' [) REAl VIEW 11IA.IS how " • . THIS 'WEEK'S CALENDAR June 27 to Aug. 15 Aug 1. to Aug. 15 Summer Camp for 80ys and Girls ....., , A program featuring UPortrait Dolls" was presented on Tuesday a~ the Swarthmore Woman's Club by Dewees Cochran, originator and designer of these practical CAM to you, your fam;'y, your community? '. ,.. I and heirloom tOYs. The speaker told of the progress made during MOTHERS TEA the past 19 years,' and the devel-' A tea in honor of the Kinder- opment of the idea of the jjpor.-' g~ten Mothers of the Rutgers trait Doll" modelled from the P01:-' A venuC! Sehool, was held on trait of any child. Wednesday aft~rnoon at the home In 1948 Miss Cochran. establishof Mrs. Vincent Lathbury, 502 ed a work shop in Norwich, Vt., Walnut lane. Hostesses were and featured liLook Alike" dplls members of the College A"e"lUe"1 which retailed as character dolls. Kindergarten Group. In 1951 the new "Portrait Doll' Mrs. Charles Howland, hos- was developed based on further pitality chairman, was in charge' technique and the use of basic of refreshments, assisted by the head types for more exact indivifo!lowlng hostesses who poured dual expression. A number' of tea: Mrs~ J. Roy 'Garroll, Mrs .. Ed- these dolls were shown to the auward Walsh and Mrs. Paul Zech- dience by several children who er. Mrs. Rita Montag"olo and Miss had been used as models. Carol Hetz~l, kindergarten teachPrior to the talk Jerry Gooders, were the guests of honor. man, cellist, and 'Jack Hewlett, pianist, students at Swarthmore College, played several selections MIt. Avery Bllik.e, M:rs. Buchallan Harrar, Mrs. Donald Jones including numbers by Salnt-Saens arid Mrs. Carroll Streeter attend- and 'Ravel. Other interesting feaed a tea last week for. volunteer tures of the program were the exwomen of the' N!lvy Red .Cross hibits .of the American home deBlood Bank give'; by Mrs. Luc.ien partment which Included tray MlcKee Grant, Wife. of ;ae~r _~d- painting, ceramics and tailored costumes which were modelled ~Y mirai Grant, at the Naval. B.a.". club members. . 8: 15 P.M.-Music Club ................................................... , Whittler House The 10.polnt Safe·T·Way inspection listed will be given your vehicle .every time yau bring It In for service. May 10th Piano Prelude Monday, May , . .~ Appreciated in Cello- \ '. • College Student Musician$ \ , • Clubwomen, Friends Learn of Doll Art , r Mother's Day • Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, retiring president of the Woman,'s Club, gave a tea Wednesday after~ . noon, April 29, In honor of Mrs.' Frank G. Keenan, the new president; and Mrs. James E. R1chards, retiring .president of the County Federation. The guests were' the- old and new officers and directors cit' the Swarthmore club, officers of the Federation, and presidents of other clubs in the county. . Name Mrs. Schmitt Mrs. Carl Sehmitt, presldentelect of the Comm\lnity Health Society' of Central' Delaware County, was named acting chairman of the five Delaware County nursing agen~ies Conference Group at its meeting in Borough Hall on April .23.·, The meeting's topic for study was nursing fees and irl:::i~~; service. Mrs. Walter A. and Mrs. E. A. Groff, executive director, 'represent the local Red Feather agency.pn the committee. : what E'• 'LIM" E'B'.URNER '" . ".:" .... CO .' GUi.lcJ OjJ.tic.'ii;,... 1t .:. • to: the safety of 'you and yaur family reduction of' accidents _ the safety,.Of your co~munlty 'nod d son. I ~:;:~th~~::::tsF1~=o~a;: u: SAFE·T·WAY SERVICE ;!:i.c:! th;i':ag.ri:: :;~. r::~: K Harry Wood, Mrs. Philip Furniture completaly ~e-uphC!lstered at fa to. $8.50 Lansdowne visited S Gnest. Pages were Mrs William M':.," ~~ . Mrsp' I Harry 1)"ansue, Over 25. years axperlanc-Many.sa.ti.·sfieS cusfi)m.a~~i:1 warthmore Baies, Mrs. Donald .Brn'ce, Mrs. . nces owman Mrs R ,Swarthmore and vIcinity to provide victory number four. Ed Blair Price, Mrs. WUli~m Ir~ing 215 Fel H.oot took the mound for the first F1 ward· L. Legg and Marguerite from Sw rthm ton Ave., Collingdale Pa ounders, . a are, Mrs. Richard Phone Sh HI ., • time In his career and showed Prewitt and Mrs Ch I .. . aron ". 0734 th t h The Valley Forge Memon'al Bell . ar es Hogg .a e could be ·counted On to Tower was dedicated' before the of WaIHngtord are serving on the p,tch .when needed. For the secarrangements co Itt i. i ~ .': d Con~. opened, by the Matindal mm ee for the -,.' officers and presented to Recsqueezed through 11,3-1 decision. lor, Church Wardens and Vestry ket which will be held IMay 13 P b bl of the Washington MemOrial D . . DinIn&' Room Open To PnbUa ro ". y the most exciting Chapel at Valley Forge. The Towemonstrations In arrangement game played so far t'his season are scheduled throughout th d ., ., t er .was constructed at .. e ay oak place at .G1en-Nor on Mon_ a.' half-mllUon dollars. aThceosctaro_f at ~o, 12, 2; and 4 o'clock,. each d.ay . The lead changed hands three II SessIon to consume a xIm ti n on also made possible by t h e ' ppro ately mes . before the .Garnet·. captured D two hours Each will b I . . A. R., was developed from the . e ead by a 4-3 win in th.e ,ninth inning National Pe.ace Chimes ot 13 bells' prizewinners in. New York, PhilaAlllsop., making his second ap-' It . delphia and other flo h. now consists ofone b~ll for each . war sows. TO RlIt!U';IE!1IT pearance, Pitched, steady' ball State In the Union.. ~rrang,:",ents were a successful Harvard aDd Rutgers Avenues andp..!fitAl!oi~lEl!/T GUESTS until !he . seventh, when he was mnovation in last year's Market. hone SwarUunore &-9728 relieved, by f a runner. Zlegenfus Tea for 6th Gra.de M'others The held in Rockford Par'k ' i=~===::=~~~7==;:=;7=~~~~~;~::~~~~ took be neevent, fI over rom here and' was 16 childrens' charitable' ." . credited wiq,. the victory. Biil Sixth Gfad" Mothers of Rutgers organ~~lions. -0:' ,. \ Kauffman's three .• hlts made the Avenue .ScllOoI· entertained the __iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__ difference. mothers of Sixth Graders of Col. . ". .."" .. ' . .... ' . ". . .. • The "furting infield has been leg~ Avenue School at a tea WedMARGE and DOT . t%~~" made up of catcher B,'ll Kau.ff nes ay afternoon at the home of Ca I . . . ". '" 1 . S8e!'O e Caten"'ng man with John M cAl . -Mrs ' . George B. H eckman, Park E ' . to take over. a. pme ready. avenue. Mrs. J. A. Turner, Jr., and .. Service 1lperts in the Making and FIHing B 'Id' ". Mrs. RObert M. Grogan presided . SPEcIALIZING IN of Specfa I d . bee::' 109 a PItching staff has at the tea table. The has itali LlINOIIEONS ' I' . . ' c es an Eye GlOsses Z' ~ p~oblem ~s veteran Bill committee included Mrs ;'11' ty BU"Fift StJpPERS 827 LANCASTER' .AVENUE _. ,ege us 's the only varsity hold- Taylor, Mrs' Howard I :.ram CO BRYN MAWR, PA. over. eorge Allison has deVelop_ ROY"'McCorkel and'l,h' son~. rs,. . CKTAIL PARTIES 6915 LUDLOW. STREET oJ' ed and can handle starting assign- U l h e . · " · s:. WIlliam. . CAU. UPrER DARBY, PA, ments along with Bill H~~k Who Mr. William M ' . Marge Hurd - Swa. 6-3138' 1923 CH • plays first, otherWise and school princi I . . .Bush, high Ole ware to Jtent ESTNUT STREET Page 7 Road TelephON .. IItAI' A.UII. .. I ita. ".1"1 Show Pictures of Jap~n Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore Elk- ' inton ,of Harvard avenue enter... : tidned guests of the Gibbons' Home recently, with pictures' taken on their recent trip to: Japan. Fifty guests and friends;' were in attendance. Mrs. Charl~~. W. Lukens and Mrs. J. F. Gas-' kill of Swarthmore were in charge . the program. of Launch Hospital Fund Four hundred volunteer workers launched the Delaware County Hospital $600,000 bnlldi"g fund' campaign last night at a dinner: given in the Drexelbropk .Inn:. i . Workers represented all. sections:' in Upper Dt:trby, ~ Lansdowne... ~ . Swarthmore, H$vertown, .Yeadon, Marple, Newtown, Springfield and . Millbourne. I GIVE ••• A token of. faith In mustard seed . . or other lovely trummer Jewelry. A hankie. a scarf. a knitting bag. We Save Many SorPStlons for That Most. Wondt5!fuJ invention MOTHER ··• Page 8 TIlE SWARTHMOREAN May 1,1953 !IIaY'I, 1958 . ,, • the Mrs. LloydE. Kauffm&n of WOMAN'S' CLUB' NOTES LINES COM;OSED 'AnERLetters to IEdltor from $424,000,000 to $3,980,000,000. ! • partmotith avenue left Thursday '. . ' ..,. . READING A RECENT BOOK The Senate Is about to pass and for a lO-dayvislt with her son The executive Doard will meet OF VERSE ........;.--,.--:---....,.----, I the President Is about to, sign a Mr. 'lyRoger H, Kauffman and .1Ot 9:30 a,m. Monday, May 4, in In this lovely town of ours Tbe o,llIDlOllS below pill that will ,IIive this money to of Ft Wa'yne In" .' or .tbe .... tors. All, California, Florida, a.n"·, Texas. i, fam,' . '. .'.,.'.. .the lounge. There's one thing· that makes me .c T·b·. s.l.'c....-.::l:;;' " v Those whochildren desire to save it for . At' 12:30 p: ni: . Tuesday the _the, . . ....Ullmm.....'_, 'school ofPennsylvad . might h make't"'even te th nIa .' sb!)u1 .' make • their wishes .. J\Ull'b.eon and' annual m!l1'.tlng will Such as Odgen .u tb. Ilfontlty'To1 N h h '.be,held. The iriauguraUori or new as'S 5 arp poe lC e e. 'Is 'k"own "'" 'thO' BollIG<, : W t e n Clair Wilcox . ' .o"'cers"and- dii~ctors will be fol- In my, expression of sonie peeves -wUl be publl8beil-;cmI7'lit tbe dIII-' "J., by a musIcal progarn.Mrs. '1 can't attain his subtlety;· . cretlon or tbe Editor, - ... . J . )owed '" ,Robert A .. Boyle, swarthniore 'B'!t facts like these,llke:hls, ESTATE,(UO'·]!5A'lr pIBRoSON JOHN29ui is in of' teservat,jons well .. BON; al&O known as MAY 'p; JOHN-. which-Ciose' at noon; Saturday. Defy denial or rebuttalty. . Editor: or ewartbmo/'" pel. CO., .Thomas K. Brown will also 'A's'p"re's,'d'ent o'f 'the Swarthmore LEUP;R.S =AloIENTARY on thl. ..tate 'b"vlng been gtimted l<> ... re.ce,ve reserva t.Ions, S··' war th' more When strolling 'out 'on some dark :. " .. : , ; . . .. , a»oVa the ,undersigned, all persons Indebted '6~1997. ,: night . Teachers.Ass~I~tio~.I aJ11 writillg to tile ""Id estate are nquested· 'to , . ion you print- make payment, and tbose having The Junior' Woman's ClUb will I' the trees . J lift t my th gaze up through h!ld' bike rl...... in regard to a .qu\>tat cls1lW5 "to. 'present tbe same. without 1111'/"" ·~lrJ.': have a MPther and Dil1ighier ban-. us en some c s _s ed on Friday, 'April .24, 1953. The delay, to SPRING COATS quet Tuesday evening; May. 5. . up Swarthmorean 'quoted 'Mr" CarrAlbert S. Jobnson SUJT~, JA'CJ(£TS moreChester 'ThUrsday' at ' 1 " p.m. the garden To smite me neatly on the knees. 211 south . Th th ' t h d . 'fa'nt' roll' Streeter ''''Although we aren't f3warth ',. Ps. Road ' : ... department will enjoy a trip to . 'oy en ere s e mo ern in s paying the highest salaries of any A.Sldney Johnson, 620 N Ch--~ ~~ad Jr". . j local ·gardens. wishing ,R. to By trade ' . - Executors -. go should callAnyone Mrs. William name called .the .Taylor- school in Pennylvania, the. v:aria'swarthmore, Pa. or to their attorneys . Tot tion is, slight, .fOI" instance in an Butler. Beatty. Greer & Johnson Main, Swarthmore 6-7361, by But ;"hen, left on the walk area commonly used for compari- Media. PenI1&YlvamB. . CLAIR~ HoPin:I; 8 _ _24 ~uesday in or~er that, arrange' t ' d th I son, we are second only to Lower 13 "South .Chester Road \ ments can be made. night, 1 tnps could tell you an what IroWS call met it, Merion and ihat represents a difsWartbnlCJre 6-1148 But no, I'd really better not. 'ference of'a triere '$60.00 or so", LEGAL NOTICE This is a misquote. Mr. Streeter The School Distrlct of Swarthlllore said, "The median' salary of our recelve bids at "the' omrie of the Or maybe'standlng on the walk · te h d DIstrict In the IDgb Sohool ta I e emen ry aC ers was secoD col'1ier ,of Oollege. "and Is some dear child's abandoned only to Lower M.erion," As a Avenues, SWarthlDOl'e, pennwagon; to pm.the Wedneo of the Scbool DIstrIct 01 the CJrARUm It. RtJ8S1I!TJ, lIorOUgb or lIAROLD OGRAJI DIrectom CABIiOLL P. S1'lU!InW!o _dent, at· BcI1O<>1 __ BY oRIiIIB or _ _II of _ore. _ of • • THE ESTEY ORGANS LWV Radio Anniversary tor Home, Church, Chapel IS-2nd Street Ulllaad. Pellll&. CHester 3-2094 The anniversary of successfully completing 'one year of monthly radio programs over the Marian Pedlow show on WPWA; wlll be observed by the Swarthmore League of Women Voters next Tuesday. May 5. when' members wlll discuss International Trade with Mrs. Pedlow. PETER 01 NICOLA Driveway Coa.frucHoa Those taking Part wlll Include Mrs. WaIter Goodwin, Mrs. Sey• A""al. or Coacrefw mour Hemenway and Mrs. Mather Colfar Wolfs R.. pia........ Lippincott, Jr. The script was written by Mrs. Goodwin, and Mrs. Pllone· Swarthmore 6-2526 James Evans, chalnnan of th~ '!~~~~~~~~~~~~~I World Trade Committee. r On FrIday, May S, Mrs. Goodwin wlll be Interviewed by Elsie Jones at I p. m. over Station WVCH. • Edwards Cite8 Quakerism of Today Earl~' Edwards. giVln~}he third ~ti.~rei~ rlow a trend away 'SWARTBMOREAN May 1, 1953 ENTIR FRENCH CONTEST Health and Welfare Council in Atlnual Meet Three students from Swarth_ more High School took part In the nation-wide French contest Sponsored by the American Association of French Teachers at Temple University on April 18. Roland Kenschaft represented the third year French class; Rose Alice Richardson entered the contest for students with two·years of French' and Joan Edgley entered the con" test for IIrst year students. Adeline Strouse, teacher of French at Swarthmore Hi g h School, accompanla? the students. . A .broadway· cast will present liMy Name is Legion" . 01) the . Clothier' Memorial s!age Tuesday evening, May 5, at 8:30 in connection with Mentsl' Health We.ek activities May 3-9. Admission is b 'b~' ticket .. only•. obtainable free. y writing !he" Mental Health·cAssociation. Land Title Building, Phil~ adelphia. ','" .' A small group. of .High' School Girls will· act as ushers. E. ~'. Pyle,'.tl;.is in .chargQ of the event; Mr•• Wayland Elsbree of .Wali. lngtord wlU. fly next Th!l"Sday to Jalaclogo•. Mexico to visit her sOn Schuyler who. has been. en. gaged In American Friends Serv. Ice work in Merlco tor the Pllat year. Mr•• Elsbree will spend two days in Taxco obserVing the sil. versmlths at Work. 'and with her son wlll .a~nd a' 10i;a} ~est;l and travel througlt Mexico, for 10 days before their retum home. .. ," RubbIsh. CollecHoll SwartfllIIOI'I Disposal Weekly or 1(000thly Sh~t Metal Work . h 1,1: LAMB .590 I WAlliN "IICI Bwar&hmcwe 8'lIO'I8 ROOfing H' "H'-=-- Gutters GEORGE MYERS 48·Swarthmore 6.0740 WILLIAM BROOKS Lawns Mowed, General , BaWling 238 Hardin.. Ave~ MOrlon. Pa. I HORACB·B. Passmore PETER E. TOLD Alterations All Line. of In.araace RBAL ·UTATB 6. INfUIlANCB 609 S. CH.sna . RD. 'SWAa11DroU, PaNNA. Miss Margaret L. l\Iury~. ,~3 W~ West Chesler Central Offi~e. .. J. F.. BLACKMAN . SW 6.8818 n~~~~~~5~~~~~~ old. FOR SA!.E Doctor's . academic done in compliance gown, size 40; five-piece Victor_ Underwriters Speci:flcand Service on elec. Ranges, Washers, Fans, Cleaners C I al: Erich Corner of avenues. Charles E. Fischer BUILDER Jack Prichard PAINTING and CARPENTRY SWcirthmora 6.8761 --~--------'-----"'" rI' . r .TIH&EN ~ A --. ~~ .I 01.1. R1I;' T . .. 1f"?.IIJ' 1IlI • .m.t1 COMOI1K1H11fG1oaftl~ OI~ ~"U - OI~ OIl ........ n-. . • .,.NU.O ! IIIA,,_ HU'UI.. DAY and NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE WANTED day life, equality-of-me!l. splrltu"al significence of ~I;l?ra~ents,. 8?d FOR SALE - Mushroom and topsoil. Call CHester 2-8024. .'---,-_ FOR sALE-Baby'. large bassinet with hood, on wheels. Cal1 Mrs. Emery. CHester 3-4922. idrom the start! Margaret , S, s isis3i3S=",csiiiii r •. SW 6-4041 81JHDAYS IUld HOLIDAYS SW 6-0740 COAL '. FIREPLACE WOOD .' J~A.GREEN Baird & Bird Real Est~te and 'nsurance COR •. DARTMOUTH aad LAFAYE1TE AVENUES Op,...... lorowg. Hall SWC.I I....... 6-, 202 • II' kes the people she works with,' on bowling team. And she knows that in telephone work she has found a.career.that provides a: service really , . essential. t'? the. community. . rt ~ NEW PREMIUM GASOLINE GIVES .. bome. school : .. INDelfREE .. " ;:.;. . .s • Fusco CHESTER andFAIRYIEW ,ROADS .' r .... SWai 1,• •0 .... . Wal' •.. -. Official) @ TIE IElL TEL~~~O.• q~"p'A(I' ,'r'~ .. ·mnlllA. : . , .' ':A ~ "taoe(o worlr!' ..... . • I . , Valuable Gilt. to Proud Parents 01 BABIES BORN II I I I I I I I (botw:3,'fll'Jt.... ) MAY 2.1 195$ GR'A'PEF UIT.. 2. 6..... 29c... p'lIN'..CESS JE.LLIE,S·.--·.JOC .9duzI Fancy, Whole SectIons . I . 1... Assorted Flavors . ' . . ' Phillip'. Tomato Soup 4 '~a,. Bunt'., Tomato Sauce 5 ~ as. Bunt'. Tomato Catsup z '.;a.Anaour'. Corned Beef Basb '!:- a70 .. . _... Boa'to andSandwJ~.1 10. Sol.... 6~ ~oa &aaa Wlspl'lde Sharp ~=~ .8_.\00 S70 F~· F. . . TIssues . ~soo Mr. .~~.!?rJor . c~~;~.;!;: am.rl~n s.~res .Co.. I M ;(Ask. Qpe~tor .for RiHenhouse Offiaal) .. 80 E.' Main Stre.et, Norristown, Pa. :(Aik Operator for Norri~town ,00000aI) . . '. '. '100 Green~od ''';'e~~, JenklntoWl', Pa. .'. . (ASk Qgontz Offidal) , .+ I ·,pcirry"u..~~", Lan,home, Pa. :: . . ': . IAdt Ope••to,·!".,. longhorno·ORldol) "><. ..•. . . ~.... 'e',". '0 SIMPLE· ,',. ... . Chester road is entertaining at a • Chester road and her mother rs. Frances Lumsden of Kenyon avenue spent part of this we~k at Cape Cod. .aQd~ Mrs. S .. Stanton and sons Shelby Lee and J0lm C~~ls have moved from Corpus Christie. Texas to' 211 Dartmouth avenue. Mr. Stanton is project engin~.er with the Catalytic Construc:;tion Co., Philadelphia. ;,' " .. \ .. Mrs. Morris A. BOWIe of $ol'th. .; . ARE ,YERY ~Y'5 NAME .............................................. DOCTOR'S NAME .................................. .';..... NAME OF HOSPITAL .... : ......................... ,....... a dinner party their home beBaltimore Pike at will entertain at fore theWalter Duck Club Dance. Mrs. N. Molr of South 1631 Arch Stre.et, Philadelphi.a, Pa. A,iU,. A6'1I' ;1' RULES I . --------:-.:-:-;;;.--:-:-:,.......,-:---:--:-7'"---'71 I Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Morris of 6919 Ludlow Street, Upper. Darby, Pa. (Ask Operotor for Clearbro·ok IiIng L____ .:. ________ -:-_________________ ""!: any. of these ·convement (Ask Operator for Midway OfRaal) ma • o Mrs Richard H. Willis of Dog- I wood' lane will enter:aln. at a brunch and bridge at· her home I ne~rs~~~'::·~. Bates of North tain at cocktails before the Duck Club Dance in' the Woman's Club tomorrow evening. . ~I!I"". 0 ~. !"up'!nrpromll.ly. _ _ReICl~lve" ., Fath.r.~ ·Aunt., Uncle" . holp us loy , PARENTS'. N~MES ...................... ..... .. • .. • .. .. .. .. PARENTS··ADDRES5 ..... ;;........ .................... ..... nMi OF .IRTH-MAY 2. 1953. AT .............. O·CLOCK.... Lots of oppOliunities, too, for recent bIgh . B II T ~Ie· gradl,Iates., Cllll Or stop in at any e - ,. . . enLOffices: ' Em.ploym· . '. 42 W;,LanClC'5t~ Avenue, Ard ~or., P a. 8th. ANNUAL BABYF IDERBY . .. .. ~. D ..0 ....... eodfufcaal.ttihonm'Sohr:Ult~::';::i~,,·tl),·· i;~ ping up enthusiasm. he concluded. y~ur ~r ~ Moll .bls coupon "Baby Deri1y'" 424 N. 19th 5... Philo. 30. Pa. small luncheon at her home today. Dr." and ?Irs.' Walter N. Molr of So~th Chester road will enter- phoiIe lJusiness Office • BAa'",L,"'V'EB' ."AV.V ..... n.D 'Or~onnf6OdlVut 39«:. l.====.:";=:':.::.:.:=:.::.....:...:.,;;,...;.._,..._...;;;;;;.=:-::::_" I pays 'well, and that there's a continuing opportunity for' advancement. No experience'is needed.! Open. ings available now, perhaps. in offices near Z'Sc,: .' Only Louella Butter uI.d for Shortening I that you're part of a team • • • ask about a Bell Telephone job. You'll also find that.telepbone work ··.DloI"al ing if the Meeting can do}or Its I P eople what pastors do for bth,ers. I -Mapping out a program, 0 f If'I b -' If you, too, like people ••• if you want to feel ..rONDAY TBRU SATURDAY NOON jects such as Swartbmore'sis se.e- and off the job. She's a rising star on the 0 ffi ce I .g , s s I the place however, of silen~eheIn contipued wors\"p. Friends, find other religions abreast of them in these ways. Keeping the Eve' r" she {vas"g'taduated .'from 'high school in lead in work ca",ps. giving to M M · Ii" Ii' b member of people according .to need •inSt e.a d 1949, argaret· urp y as een a . k d ofd racial or. religious backgroun ,.. West Chester's "telephone team." And she has Ii e humanitarian concerns. and pro- ... sl'n~e .. "B. . ·· ',E",I' '. net as strongas·it once wasi'therr lay movement especially· in ~~y to . '6 15e $75,OOO Strike It Rich" Contest ·U.&::" ian silver service; pair crystal WANTEo--.:To rent large house ===...::::=::.::::....::.:=.:::::::....._~__ 10.to 15 room. or larger. within FOR RENT walking distance of Col1ege. Glad- FOR RENT-Furnished third floor .apartment-a11 Utilities, Garage. stone, Psychology Department SWarthmore Col1ege. SWarthmore Call SWarthmore 6-lS60. 6-0200, Extension 366. .WANTED Garage in, Swarth- FOR RENT-Furnished apartment more. Call SWarthmore 6-42IS. -2 rooms and bath, over gar, u~ age. Su.\table for single woman or ~n:.HED-Woman for general ycung couple. Desire someone Housework to go to Cape May Who will pay part of the $50 rent N. J.. beginning June 13 for Ii in baby sitting. Utilities inclUded weeks. Cal1 CHester 3-82S1 be- ill rent. Mrs. Walter Steuber, fore 9 A. M. 1440 Baltimore Pike SWarthmore WANTED-Swarthmore graduates 6-0126. wish to rent three or four hed- ~FvO;;;R;;::':'::='R"E;;N:;:T;;;-~---';R:-:oo-m""'.~p-r"'iv-a-:t-e rgom house. furnished or un fur_ home-semi-private bath. 119 ntshed by June 1st. Children. Call Yale avenue. Phone SWarthmore SWarthmore 6-3575.' 6-4199. ' W ANTED-Good home f'o=rC""Lk"'itt"'e-n -gentle. healthY. house-trained ==:=::L::O=.:;S,;,T.....::.A::;N=D.....::.F.,:O::..:::U::;N:.:D=-_ CALL SWarthmore 6-219.. • FOUND-Black coin purse-inter-. WAt:rTED-We will buy at best section of Yale and Vassar ave. prIces. old china, cut glass, fur- nues. Call at The Swarthmorean mture. Call Holly Oak 4313 or Office. , . Holly Oak 6720 collect for ap- FOUND.....Gold ear-ring-m eta I ~olntment. All business'conllden_ tWist, . near High School. Cal1 hal. Colonial Cupboard at The Swarthmorean .Office delphia Pike Witmin ....:n 5 DPhIlaI • 6~. e . FOUND,...::Sterllng silver teaspoon FOR SALE -initialed. Lunt·s modem VicFOR SALE• . : torlan pattern. near' SWarthmore . ~oy s 26 Inch blcycle, a\'enue and Wellesley r 0 a d. .'!lcely repamted. excellent con- 'SWarthmore 6-16.4 dltton. $15. SWarthmore 6-0619. FOUN!>=:N B ' Hall Th I IU\" plausrsticFOR SALE--.NEW.. Wool broadday mornel·anrg. p°alror Pl'-'m f tWIst, CInnamon ,taupe, 12 framed spectacles. Call at The ~. y 15 ft. $150. Lee s carPet. SWarthmorean Office . eVer used. SWarthmore '6-2212. ForTh""'...... '. FOR SALE-Q' tal ~"u--,:,um of moneY-<>wner rlen rug, Mahal may claim same by identifica_ 1 on of amount and location. Call and t~nfk~:!'li;·6~A d7Sa r k blue, reds tiw ~ arthmore 6-5103. .... STUWBIRRIES" priSll'l lamps; bow and arrows. SWarthmore 6-2395. 3ge ASPARAGUS ,, P.R.R. Freight II"g. Swarthmo.... Pa. Swarthmore 6-2253 lie RIB ROAST R~:d~ I~'" 53c{12 Sgc Ashes & Rubbish Removed RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION 15e Baked Loaves Braaasweiger Bologaa $L59 I.aacla Meat Swa ....mo... '.1448 • 6ge (!enadiaD Chickea Air Conditioning lii»x me an". .' :Attends G .. llcf,Conv,ention. . Mr~, .Sewell W. HQdge attended the-·'.National Convention of the' Needleworkpuild; h.eld last week . . jn Philatielphia.· - . .. ' . from areas Other and conc1u~ing lecture. in the .113stors In so t bli d the Quakerism series. at Whit\let, ,l.\leetin'P'· ,ha~e es a s ~h .t House cited comparative statistics Bible as an Important .au on y. GenuIne and p;ocedures under the b~ading Some h!'ve unde~tak:nt a. :..~r;:~: "Contem rary Quak~rjpm - Its missionary. ~ovemen 0 , SI-'lIc~e. Nature a:nd]!:i~ekjng Truth ---. not .. ~lon~ ·in" solitary ~~est~r Pike. is an Operator at the meditation but together -in co... Ilk I .. _... operate. :worship;. doing ..bllsin.ess More 8Uffer ;"·M6re·M .·.n together. plannill& and. "ar;rymg out warship in .. different parts of J!JU:. . the earth., He . said .Friends.. can 'B' . U"......E·.. offer their peace testimony. thou~h. •& .&. 'a.:' . SPRY . . s_ .. '. Pact? \'o~~~~~FrI'ling wi S..,.Coupon) . .. .. :.i":.":..=.!:'...::;;,.~ ACME 'MARKff,Cllester IIIL, Sw~mare ;:~'lU;~e~~:: ?:O:d:.r~ ·..·.c;>p~~·Th ..tsdCly anctfr.fday. ~ ?P.M.' ' . the John Bartram HoM. P ! } l l a . : '" :.Open.Saturday ~til,6 ••M..... delphia Tuesday night. . ;, . .. . ". 2.. ' • • •1 .... • .~. ".'rO, !'l Dist. Governo(YisiIS. Spo~sor$In Annual Swarthmore Lions Meeting S~rongerUN Awaits U.S., Harrington Says Committee SdHOOL SAFETY 'ATioLS SET FOR PICNIC TUESDAY To'",,," Reellal Henry Faust, organlat and choir (Continued from page 1) , director of the Swarthmore PreaSafety Patrol boys and girls of byterlan Church, will present a Mrs. Peel serving as chalrEastern Delaware County' will be volcal recital In McCahan Hall of man, reported that seven communell,tertalned on Tuesday with an the Braun Miemorlal Building; 3 Day Blind ·.FcUr Sta~s ity organizations In tum served Speaker Addresses. 400 al1-day picnic at Lenape Park by Tlle program will include French, May 21; Nomi,notions . refreshmenls at Group. meetlnga at UWF pinner the Police Chiefs Association Of. Ge .. rman, Italian and.. EDIIllsh ieduring the year. The program Delawa .... County; . .. ..... ·ledions. Oscar EIerman will be • Presented . committee, under Mrs. Bittle;tlSId Monday The complete program of festl- thi> accompanist. District Gpvernor E. B. Lau- of a:lUiI y e arlY;,Pl'9gram Wlth':em"The world has a strategy for: vlties for the day will be set up 'l'he public Is cordially invited. phasis on mem\ilir. contribution war, but none for peace," said thebeiinnlng at 11 o'clock andl&stdenslager made his annual visit . '~" .~ ttl 1 te aft ~ . An b talent and Occt~lonal. outside Rev. Donald Harrington of the Illg un a er.. oon. a unto the Swar~more. ,Lions Flub at speakers.' . .,.. . Community Church, New York, dance of good fOod will be proPTA S.bKER the regular meeting ~ond~y nlll\lt Mrs. John Pitman. leader of the addressing over 400 members and tided with adequate supervision. Dr. Peter E. Coste of Rutgers at the Strath Haven Inn. Mr. Lau- Group, said t~t. 'attendance of guests of the United World Fed- 'Millard Robinson, coach and In- avenue, was guest speaker at 'lenslager congratulated the members ranged .~fOm 18 persons eralists Monday eveulng. Theslructor' of Swarthmore HI g h a meeting of the .WallIngford PTA Swarthmore Club for thl! nuiny to 32, and that rainy days do not talk was given on the occassion School is one of the leaders wori<- held last week In WallingtoiU. Dr, Coste's topic was "Flourachievements during. 'the past seem to diminish attendance. of a successful educational and Ing with the Police Chiefs on this idatlon· In Prevention of TOoth year and tor I.ts out~timdlng serv- total number of helpers for fund raising dinner at the Aron- program, .,. year waS 54, with about 10 per- Imink Golf' Club. The College Avenue sixth gi-ade Decay." To Beeompany his talk he ice to the coqununlty. " I ta h b M R th Wri ht showed a 111m entitled, "A Drop sons helping at e.ach meeting. The speaker began by saying c ass, ug t y rs. u g During the. business portion of Mrs. Clarence 'ivorst, chairman that he had three biases; he is has accepted the Invitation' for the In a Bucket". the meeting, nominations for of the transportation. committee, against Communism, he believes day· and will go to the Park along officers for the following year carried on her service with 14 in peace, and he is for law and the banks of the Brandywine. were presentl!d: Theodore Purnell helpers. order. Speaking on the topic, Walter Hall wlll accompany them president; Peter Coste IIrst viceThe art class for Group mem- "More Power to the United Na- as the sponsor of the trip.. The president; John Wigton second bers, begun recentty, was described tions", he' gave credit to. the U N sixth grade class at Rutgers Avevice-president; Henry Hofmann by Mrs. Fred Pitman as getting off for its many accomplishmentS. He nue School. taught by Myrtle Mc~ third vice - president; Edward to a good start.· then showed how, with support•. Callin has planned an outing for 'WIndell secretary; John Jeffords The Sponsors Committee decid- It could achieve greater results In some other time to celebrate their and Richard Snyder treasurers; ed to send a not of appreciation completion of the year's work as • We have the rh ',. '!> Leslie Korndoffer flon tanier; relieving the pressures of misery Sat serve ~ well. pi... die · to the. Presbyterian Church of and need which cause the neglec-. ety Patrolmen. ltidIitHs Cor o:ompt;le;rt. · AugustiisTltus tail twister; Morris Swarthmore, for the contrlbutelon ted peoples of the world to emThe bus Is scheduled to leave predse compoundia •• · Smith and William Dodd direc- of a meeting place for Group use. brace communism as their only the school at 10 a. m.• and start . Although our skille!! · tors. The elecUon Will take' place It was voted that a gift be made hope... The government's' annual the return trip from Lenape Park ReJlisteted Pharmadm ...alataia hiah ethical . May 25. .to the Swarthmore Borough Lib- support to the U. N is only 16c. at 4 p. m. In 'case of rain,' the standards, ~u will find The Second Annual Blind Fair rary in the form ot a book, "These per person while It spends our postponed dates wlU be either (b'at 0111' prices are ao sponsored by the Lions: will be Harvest Years-a Gulde to Abun- money at a rate of over $400 a May 6 or May 7. highathan elsewhere. held at the Swarthmore Fire dant' Living after 40,". and a SUIO-.J year for war, he said. In rain or shine, through fall, Be sUre to bring as your House· May 21, 22 and 23 under scription to the ma'gazlne, °Llte_ ReaUzing that the U N Charier Winter, and spring, these boys and Doctor'. presc.riptloa. the chairmanship of' Charles time 'Living - the Magazine for Iwoulld not be a perfect instrument, gtrls perform a useful service to Cor careful compounding. ,. Lincoln "'Islsted by Chades Brady, Pe.opl~ Who Plan Ahead." the late Senator Arthur H. Van- the community. Their enterlainCATHERMAN'S · publicity; Kenneth Sadie': arOther 'Sponsor members denburg Insisted pn a provision ment Tuesday is being piov!ded DRUG STORE rangements; and Frank Maselli, attended the meeting included: that. It be possible to conduct'.a by the Police Chiefs Association Mrs. Kenneth Hatch, Mrs. Judson review of the. Charter after a per- of Delaware County, the K.eystone meals. . . At the cloS!! of the' niee~ing Hoover, Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, lad of. 10 yea!,s.. Such a review AutomObile Ciub and the PennsylGraeme WhytlaW entertaineif with Alice Lukens, Mrs. Harold March conference is automatically placed varlla State Police. Chief Thomas color 'slIdes of his recent trip to and Mrs. Walter Schmidt. . on the agenda of the General As- V. Bateman of the Swarthmore HawaU. HilrhIllll1ts of the pictures sembly ;for 1955. The beglnulng; staff Is one of the leaders planning .were the scenes Of the snow ball HEADS CONCERT DRIVE of a world federal government, the Program., . ·'lIlIht on \he spOlisored by Mrs. Edwarli Passmore, Swarth- with limited powers adequate to jiiiEsi¥!aiiiiiessaiaiiiiies!aiiiiie5i · 'h~ Lip,,!. 9hl~' CIt Wlliklki. 'l'ittlmoreCollege 1930, headS the cur- assure peace, may take place at 6nowtqr th~.a~M ta,ijle .fi'o\ll.tliE!· l,'ent campaign. for loc8,l time. But, Mn ltlll'tlngion /noWltillbi•... ,,' ". . " , ships In the' ..R i d l e y · out, ou~ governmen·to"'. _.. -.,.....,...,,,.....-~.~.-'. COn'iiiiUlllty" t:iln~ttJi .held . must' feel t1!ey are back~ ""MOn' . futhe ·~rby· . .: - . \ . ., 'i'o\¥nshlp' High School. by strong public opinlob if, tllIiy are to take a sland,forii· stronger The 'third Season wlll oirer ,!i',r"l!.:j. Ulrlt;~ Nations...\l'he federal prlnconcerts"wlth reciprocal privileges cipal, so basic to our . An.~flclU1 to attend' Medi~ and . democracy, must he. applied to a .. ; , BlxtY~ii~e" ·'·Diemliers" of' the wyd concerts and' eight. Ylorld government,', 'the . .Peake~ Swarthliicir:e League' of.Women communities In ·thls gener8I area, said. Voters Ihis week lliuahed complla- bringing tile 'to\ilr number offered In conclusion, Mr. Harrington "on 'of the ."nua·l· Sc·hoo·'1 and to at least·40'concerts. C:oncertl h iz II -~. emp as ed, that each Individual ~'om muD! ty' CeIlSUs.. for th" dates are to'bi!'aimoun~ed, , lI1ust iet ric! ofhll\'apathy '~oward 3:30 - 8:00 SwarthMore Schqol ;Boaid. . Mrs. R.' P; :Mr•. Piuismore, world ev~nts at a time. when .• the .' ,.' . .. Mrs. J .. iB•. Thompson, and Mrs. bo b th t t d In connection wit\' t!,e census" . Leonard' Smith are also i i i . ' m rea ens 0 eswhich was unde~. t)le generaldi.... Passmore's comnilttee~' Tile: all· Sivljizail"';l"8lI"we ,kll\>w W . Patte';r- closes toulghl,.,. ,.,. . I . "Tlie.. · U N c.an •-ectlon of .Mrs . ,. "-rge ~ ~ become' . '."", ~011\ •.:o.t .Jpe .. ,LIl"lll"e'lt .edupatlon . peaceful bridge to a·peaceful to':I • ,' OJ. -'" , . ' ' . , ' . , • .oI!>riinII~::'1\·1I1e :WaJI'compiled for L O C A L m o r r o v . : , .America must supply the IIrst time of prospective klnd. CO. ~be :moral and spiritual leaderShip ergarlen c!lUdrell frapt September Ten 'of hi' "a long range strategy for \I!.!i~ ,t~.)bi!ii,:, Tile. actu.l census Club of Swai1hinore were " I\Itures el~ely. colPcldedwith the gates to the:meetlng at the' Delii, ~Ures . p~vI!'Il"ijr esl;lmati>d hy wareCo!Jl>ly Federa'tion of Wo- Wilmington Flower Market Children, $.78 Adults, ,. , Carroll Streeteri School Board men~s ;'Clbbs "held lllst: week at _'ord Park Fresident: In 19~3, for 'instance, Lansdowne. AtAY 13th _ 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. . t· .,~ . '". '.1,':'. -:: ~ , .. t\;,e census flgure of kindergarten Mrs. S.· Blair Luckie, who Route 202 from Route 1 to w"",,_ '.;\ ~ , enr!111ments c~e·to 84, while Mr. served from 1912-19"16 a's the IIrst lnBkers. Cross bridge b.",nd. turn . right at trBftlc light; and by the Springfield Lions Club" ,. .' Streeter's I\gIjre was 85.. president· ot-'tM "County Federa- sharp: continue to Red Oak Road. 'rSponsored ,; 15 Mother's Day Hunt Mrs. Keenen Takes Office For 2 Year Term At Club One of the most delightful events of the Woman's Club year was the luncheon held last Tuesday in the Park avenue clubhouse. Beautiful garden 1I0wers' were con_ tribuied by ';"embers andfri;";'ds, • department to 'whom the garden and its chairman, Mrs. William. R. Main, :who arranged them, wish to express sincere thanks. The deli"lous luncheo",. was prepared by Mrs. E. Dwight· Brauns and her committee and seryed by. Mrs. Paul R. Herlel and her 20 assistants. ReserVations' feir the 175 members· and guestS were handled by MrS. Robert 1\;. Boyle. Retlri .g "Pres'd nt'Mr . n J e s. R aym on d K De th . t d ed th " nwor·m 11>. uc e g ues: ts Mrs .J. H orace . Wa Iter, honorary member; past presidentS of the club; Mrs. Peter E. Coste, retiring preSident of the Mothers' Club and Mrs. 'Paul Zecher, the Mothers' new president; Mrs. Newell·. West and Mis. Robert (Continued on Page 7) May 7 Kroon, "'.•gh Sc;hool Athl'tic;FI.,,, ' . . . Saxer Av.nue '. ' " ~," .. ~~iiiii~~iiiiiiiiiimii~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;,~~~ifri~ Y M , h N' p. I S J Those i:lcluded: who assisted. the dents tion, \VIIs. among census Mrs.. with Herbert awardecf the the new past past preslpresl- ~ Ifuse, Mrs. Delbert J: Smyers, dent's pin. '1rs . Allred C;llhoun,. Mrs. Frank Mrs. Jo\m E. Michael wa~ elecPierson, Mrs. 'Richard Enion, Mrs. ,ted second 'vice president and Mrs. Frederick Dudley, Mrs:' Walter Francis H. Forsythe Was made Geer, Mr,;.· John. Seybold, Mrs. director. At the morning sesSion John Carroll, Mrs. EdmundJones, Mrs, Forsythe gave a report on Mrs. James Clifford, Mrs. Bruce the speakers and'program·bureau. sD;.ith, Mrs. Samuel Gurin, Mrs. Mrs. Michael, as organization ~an :aloom~' Mrs .. M. W. chairman, presented a new 8sS0"B,qiey, M~, Ja!Des Delano, Mrs. elate club, the Woman's Club of J:' 1I0y . Carroll, Mrs. Clark Byse, Millboume. Mrs.' Richard 'Farrington, Mrs. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Merrill Hayes, Mrs. Seymour Conducts Goodwill Tour Kietzein:· ' . S. L. ~thouse, 'Rutgers ave.nue, Also· ~rs. Roy McCorkel,: Mrs. a former edItor' of specialized W!lIi/lm Cope,. Mrs. R. ~ruce MiI- farm magazines is directing a ler, Mrs. '--Seymour ~. Hemenway, COnsisting of West Europeans vis- . M1'S. Alf~.Boyd, Mrs. Roger itlng the U. S. A~ in connection Russell, MrS. Robert Heinze, ·Mrs. with the government's policy Robert Turner, Mrs. Dennison exchanging knowledge and meth~ncroft, M'rSt Henry .A. PeirsoI, ods with democratic nations. Mrs. 'Henry M. Bunker, ]!,frs. Ed- . The. grOup 'in~ludes 26 agrJ win P: .WalSh,Mrs.' Saml/.el cultural edilors and teaChers Who penter; MrsJ'Howaid Sipler,' Mrs. will Visit many i>oiDts"lIt Interest Matthews JCllnison. Mrs. LerOyeaat,of' chici8l!o. ,Th'l,'""hedule ~etelwp, Mrs. 'George EDls, Mrs. ~Iudes '''week at kc/IiisvIUe In .rOM ,Q.. HOl,\huld, Jr., Mrs. Ed- connectioft With the ~nliiiBl meetward Cratsley, Mrs, . Sylvestet: Ing' of tltii' Anierlcan' ARrlcultur_ Viele, Mrs.' Charlea E. Bovard. al, E'dltotil:' Some ~ent state .A.nd, h ' RCibert woOd, Mrs. and natiMiU 'limn niilliaZIri" will Loren V.Fiiiinan;· Mrs: Frank be visltedj as well as. oAAl!!l' b;lfor- 'OU aelvic:es an~~quesln DaDtel GOldWater,' IIri. .iobD ~ .new; ';oi,'l\:~_-_ . . . " . , ·-~UIC &lid Moore and Bamara 'CrOss. dlsiemlnillfe In bloOm, tbegreatest 'cOnectlcn Tree PeoII1... in any Public ~ In this country. There are apP--'--""- 200 ·plan~ in thfs·eol.,u~".. ~.. lectfon, and they range in color from Purest white through pinks and scarlets to crimson, JI18I'OOIl and purple. Thece Peonies. wbIch . are shrubs rather than he!baceous or OIXD.blD.aHon' Taffeta , GoWilI ,j ..... $1"~.,.... . . $49.•95' '.. .. . ._ • The Rev. Dr. Roy N. Keiser, pastor of the Swarthmore Methodist Church since March, 1941, will :~:;: r:rl!~~O:r:~:'ves:~;.: ,.. ,. .' . Mother's Day try. A farewe.1l reception will be given In his. honor Saturday night for members of the. Church and friends of the Church. Since Qr. Keiser assumed the pastorate here, the Church debt of $47,000 has been liquidated and approximately $9000 spi'"t on Church renovations. The communIty joins the M~thodlst congregalion in appreciation of Dr. ~eiser's plants, .1I0wer before most· of llie herbaceous species, but there are already In bloom In the Iris ",d Peony garden by the .railroad atatio~ s~ of the early herbaceous hybridS,. which are still veiy rare and little known. In this same garden some of the Intermediate Iris alsQ at'" bellinnlng to bloom, and are making qutte a color dIsplay. . , The Ghent hybrid Azaleas In the Azalea Garden. near the Presldent'. hOWle at .Cedar lane and Elm avenue, are just COInIng intO bloom; and there Is a color mass of Japanese Torch Azaleas in !lie Crum Woods beyond the ouldoor auditorium. Through these. woods below the outdoor auditori\DJl there are beginning to bloom aome of the DeW hYbrids betwwn our American Rhododendrons and some rare Chl-ese species. The8e are mostly ~pink in CIIl()r, but there are' some:' deeper' pinks.and ~lets SIlDOng them, and some oi them ar6 very tragr;mt. ThIs new ~'P of hybrids blooms at least a'two weeks belore the betie1'Iawwn ~ododellliroos. and the Scott Foundation collection of them is probably the largest In thfs country. versus small balls can now antICipate a pleasant siunmer discussing the respective merits of in· door and outdoor bowling, for, the Swarthmore Lawn Bowlers lire emergtng this week-end to Inspect the·II' green and en 1arge th' e ranks that gather on the Meeting House Lawn. With one. eye nervously on the weather, and the other on the thriving yet dampened rink, the Committee conceded one glaring advantage to tbe Indoor breed at the same time it extended a cordial invitation to all Intert!lJ!ed men and women to .joln them' on WohIttier place at 4: 30 Saturday afternoon and again at 3 o'clock Sunday, to try their hands In this old, old game of bowls. Membership In the Lawn ;Bowlers has been opened to the communlty, III)d those w~ can't wait till· tou)orrow to join up, \nay get In ·floudlwlth Charles G. Thatchet today by I'8lling SwarIIunore 80200 .,..sWart,hmo~ 8-mII., Teachers, Cafeteria Head Named for Fall Local School Bonds O. K., Authority Alternate Dubious Allce Hornaday, Swarthmore High School graduate of 1947, was elected teacher of next year's 1Irst Mothers Will Display !r:::.,:rtg~;s;:.:u~=~o~ TaIent·In Sk·tI Thurs.. Built around tal'>nt within the Swarthmore. Mother's Club, "A Mother's Dream," an original skit written by Mrs. Paul E. Zecher will be present at the Mothers' May meeting Thursday evening at 8 in the Woman's Club. ear, the. 75 After you say "yes" ••• and before you say "I do" • • • for a happy Wedding use SPEARE BROS. BRIDAL SERVIC.E. ' . . Nylon net. D)'lon tulle. net; alid _ Methodist Pastor Completes 12·Year Ministry in Borough The Annual ~tlng of the' Swarthmore Branch, American Red Cross, will be held In the Legion Room, Borough Hall, at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 15. All members of the Branch are cordially Invited to attend this meeting. • ial,~ert·.E. CassIdy. . , ,.;.~. Oppenlander, . wl1o;!'ill'be . BSS.oC.lafes "lire ;:'ElIza:" It. unm~~; iiIlnlsters Phllad~n- .. trn!1er~".,.'!Jr1"'tJ~. ~C~, ,the sole banner -..~ ,for. ,thI! 'Who:lIiaYed th1!BI1me-pal't'Jh 1935' 1erence"'PeDslon·I'tm.4;· a member ~"'hard H;unt, a group of 'daJicers Democrats. I'D, the ·locai PrImary when Roland G. E Ullman dlrect- of the Union League, the order of in the skit will Include: Mrs. John ballot, is head of the fJclence de-' ed ·the play for Ute club; IsobelMasons, and the Kappa Sigma Derickson, Mrs. WIlliam Windsor, parlment at Swarthlllore High Price, F. Gilman SpenCer, Donogh fraternity. Mrs. John Gersbach, Mm.. LawSch""l. A graduate of Swarthmore McCutcheOn, William W. Price, 'He and Mrs. Keiser, the former rence Conwell, Mrs. WIlliam College, the class of 1924, Mr. 'Consuella Roy, M):-. Cafferty, Jerry Margaret A. Fil!her whom he mar- Spencer, Mrs. Marlon Lomax, Mrs. Oppenlander" taught at Cbestnut Jordan, Richard S. Burgess, Enid tied In 1923, willllU\ke their home Leo'Marshall and MTS. Hunt. DIHill Academy before coming to Cochran, Andre Pollock and Ansel at 945 Crefeld avenue, Jenkln- rector of the skit .is Mrs. Frank Swarthmore High School In 1938. Butterl\eld. town. Their post office address will Chapman, assisted by Mrs. ManMr. Oppeniander's home is at Eight-twenty curtains Monday be Elkins Park, Pa. gels and' Mrs. E. ij:. Lee Bauer. Benjamin West avenue. His wlfe through ·Saturday rise on a du' . Chalrman of the refreshment Is also a graduate of Swarthmore plex aparlment In the East FIfties Lawn Bowlers Plan committee Is. Mrs. Jack Jones, College and- holds the posltlon of of New York as created by the who will be. assisted by Mrs. schOOl librarian at Eddystone High stage crew. Mrs. Alfred R. Maass, . Open Meet.ing James Hudson and Mrs. George School. They have two sons, Geo- Mrs. George Warren, Mrs. George Borough bowling enthusiasts Ricketts. Mrs. Zecher and Mrs. rge, also a graduate of Swartb- Davisson, Mrs. Henry Ford, Mrs. who spent the winter arguing William C. Spencer will preside more College, and Ted, a graduate Clarence Franck, l\frs. George with their confreres on the rela- at the tea table. of Wesleyan, Conn. \ (Continued' on Page 5) tlve advantages. of large balls Brothers Ckeus Sunaay SWAR1BMORE, FRIDAY. MAY 8, 1953 on Dramatic 175 Enjoy Woman's Lecture Unities Set for Sunday Rev. R. N. Keiser to Luncheon Tuesday Leave tocal Charge • !iai~s~!ai$iss~$iss~ r"ry THE' SWARTHM'OREAN VOWME 25-NUMBER 19 ******* * ** * ** *. * * * * * **** hq~oh, SvlflrtbJDore Colle~ ;''vlRrthmore, Pa. Sunday May Day A.udience Hears Stimulating Talk day night. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hornaday,. of Dickinson avenue, Miss Hornaday received her bachelor of arts degree In kindergarten 'and primary education at Oberlin College in 1951 and since has been teaching second grade in Wooster, Ohio The past two summers she taught the four-year-old group in the Swarthmore Summer Recration Program. She will replace Mrs Beatrice H. Dallry' whose resign a tion was accepted at Monday's session. Mrs. DaUry will transfer to a school in her home town Radnor. Another teacher, Roxanna Hood, was also named for a new combined third. and fourth grade class at the College Avenue School next fall. Miss Hood re ceived her bachelor of education at Plymouth, N. H. State Teachers College in 1947 and has taught in Hanover, N.H. Muskegon Heights Mich. and Arlington, Va., elemen ,tary schools. MrS. Mary KrIstiansen, current cHrector of the Ridley Park High School Cafeteria, was appointed head.:ofthe Swarthmorecateterla begmnlng next September. The pr e nrdl.eii\!..,n,,:Mn. .Violet C MasOn, .plJms to open a resort restua1'lint business. A home ecanaml .. graduate of Pennsylvania State College, Mrs. KrIstiansen' has had wide experlen~ teach ing and directing in schools, hos pltals. and. business. : The archlteet's representative presented finished blueprints of preliminary plans for the Rutgers Avenue School extension forwhich I'!'Om. schedule approval under a local bond issue had been given by the. state. The Board's .original declsl.on to proceed. it possible under su.ch a hond Issue seemed . particularly fortunate in light of the situation encountered when simultaneous state approval on a possible alternate Authority plan was sought. Altho\lgh the building planned qualifies for the usual state reim bursement rate under a state or . . ('th th municipal Authonty WI . e exception of half of the admlnls tration, teacher and health suites any music rooms, some storage space and rooms converted In .the (Continued on Page 5) Noted anthropologist and author Dr. Margaret Mead delivered a . afterstimulating talk .Iast Fr'd 1 ay noon to an audience that lI1led McCahan Hall at the Presbyterian Church. Speaking on the subject "The Civilized and the Uncivilized Child," Dr. Mead pointed out that the basic' difference' .between a primitive society and that of our own is the attitude toward change DINNER TO HONOR HICKS and choice. A primitive soclety Is Philip Hicks, Alexander Gris bound by tradlUons of one kind wold Cummins Prof...... of Eng or another, while our own Is liah and chaIrman of the depart characterized by change and a ment at Swarthmore College, will highly developed concept of be the lUest of honor at a buffet chQice _ In marriage, In honi.., supper to announce his retirement community and career which this spring after 42 years as an makes for a mobile world. educator at the college. The din One of the problems our soclety ner will be held at the Rolling bas today comes from saving so Green Golf Club on MBy 9. many cbildrell wIlo, In a priml_ A c~ of alwiml headed ttve culture would never have by DaVid CoWden, Ii. former stu been bom. We have such mar- dent of PbIl Hloksand at the pres vellous techniques of pre-natal ent an Enilish' Professor at ''''blts Art' Wortr· . and post-natal care that meny swDrtlimOt'e '. , Is makln'g the ar Art work done by Frances N. children who never wanted· to live rangem.ents iind they have sent Pearson of ComeIl avenue. a sen- are forced to survive through the invitations to' all former· students ior at W'llson C9llege , will go on skIlIa 'Of modeni sclen~, and the and friends of PhIl Hicks. \llsPlay .at the coIlell\! May. 17. ''new allelgles" In sOme chDdren . PhllIp HIcks, graduated from Frances has been enrolled In the _"tIng. studio art cowses taught hy'Ein)yn are one of the ~ ...~ Swarthmore in 1905, reeeived his Ed...&rds.· ilrtIsH~"ri!sld~~. \ 'Pbe. .The ,priJnltIve 'soclet;y Is also Master's Degree there In 1913, 'and Student Art ExhIbit will "..maln .1'!latlvely free of critical parent- a Ph.D. at the Unl\tel'Sl\)' of Penn on exhIhltiOn through Comirience- child rela~"", for the large sylvmila In 11123.. Rels plannIng to ment Day, .June 1. '.' (Continued on '~e 4) live inA_nda1e, ~ ' -"!ems. ", ','-,' .. • May 8, 1953 THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 2 • .1 ter Constance of Swarthmore. L. Jones, Jr., Drexel Hill, and on April 30 in Fitzegald-Mercy of a lillie girl, Pahllne, who arMrs. W. Sproul Lewis' of "Deep Miss Bar)Jara Davis and Missl.!'ra Hospital. rived Thursday, Aprll 29. 'Meadows," Gradyville, entertalil- Blackman, ')Joth of SwartJunOre. . GregoJ;'Y Lee is a graildson of Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam W. TurnBrig. Gen. William A. McCul- ed her club members at a iunch- They wore.'the same model go~ Mr. and Mrs. WlllIam H. Lee'of er of Mt. Holyoke place and Mr. loch and Mrs. McCulloch of Rlver- eon-bridge at her home Thursday. as the. matron of honor in pi.lk.1 Harvar4 avenue, and, of Mrs. and Mrs. Judson 'Strong of Great view road who .have been resi'.. . organZa ovilr riylon tulle. All the Frances Taylor of Tampa, Fla.' Neck, Long Island, are the baby's dents of Swarthmore for seven TO WED MAY 16 atte.odants wore 1I0rai headdresses grandparents. :Mrs. Turner Is now and one-half years, are leaving The marriage of Miss Elizabeth to match their bouquets of orchid Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Strong, visiting, with the famlly In DenSwarthmore the middle of May. Haworth Brown daughter of Mr. stock, and mauve and pale pink Denver, Cello., announce the birth ver.' They will spend most 'of the sum- and Mrs. Alfred Thomas Brown .tulips . tied with orchid satin r=;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;~;;::;========;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;========;;::;=;;::;;;::;;;::;=: mer at resorts in the Great SmokY of Lansdowne, to M/Sgt. John streamers. . Mountains. Joseph Harant, Jr., U.S.AA.C., of Mr. ,James M. Jennings of . Mi. 'imd Mrs. Robert Arnold of Washington, D. C., will take place downe served as best mo~ for hIS Wallingford entertained at a buf- Saturday, May 16, at 2:30 o'clock brothe.r, and the ushers mcluded iet 'supper last Sunday in honor of in st John's Evangelist's Church M...,s. Harry F. Brown, Jr., of their house guest Mrs. J. P. Slm- Lansdowne. • ' Mi'dl.a, and ,Williain R. Bro~n, mons of Miami Beach, Fla. Swarthmore, brothers of the bnde, Sgt. Harant is the son of Mr. Benjamin S. Collins, Rutherford, .THE HEART REMEMliRS MOTHER'S IEAUTY Mr. and Mrs. Carl Atkins and ~nd Mrs. Harant .of Baltimore, N . J., Walter S. Douglass Jr., and children Tom and Betsy moved formerly of Swartl\more. He at- James H. Callahan. of New York last week from LaGrange, II!., to tended Swarthmore High School City. 9 Chester Road . their newly purchased home at and played on the high school The mother of the bride chose 'Call Swarthmore 6·0476 221 Benjamin Wett avenue. Mr. football team. a gown of blue chiffon and tulle Atkins has been transferred to the A reception at the Twentieth with a matching blue headdress. Philadelphia -area by the Pittts- Century Club, Lansdowne, will Her corsage was of pink cymbidburgh Steel Company. follow tile ceremony. ium orchids. The groom's mother ~ DELICIOUS DINNERS to SUIT the TASTE of EVERYONE The couple will live in Alexan- wore a gown of pink crepe and Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins of Cecorsage of lavende~ orchids. TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order dar Jane has .arrived home after dria, Va. A reception at the home of the a three-week trip to Florida. With EXCEUENt BANQUET !NO PARTI FACILITIES' bride's parents followed the cereher sister Mrs. R. K. Levering of JENNINGS - BlOWN Wilmington, and Mr. and Mrs. BUSINESS MEN'SLUNCB 12.1:30 P. M. The marriage of Miss Jean mony. After· a wedding !tip to Sea John Makinson, also of Wilming- Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elevator Comfortoble Rooms Day 'or Week ton, Mrs. Perkins made the trip Harry Franklin Brown of N,orth Island, Ga., the couple will live in Springfield, N. J. .by car. touring the east and west Chester Road, and Mr. Arthur coasts including Key West and Snyder Jennings, son of Mrs. ~ ~ '. ,. ' spending 10 days in Kissimee be- Michael James Jennings ofSprlngr BIRTHS fore returning home. lIeld, and the late Mr. Jennings, M~. and Mrs Graeme G. WhylYale & Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore, Pa, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Walter took place Saturday evening at l.a w , Jr., of Clarendon Hills, TIl., ' and son Jack, former residents of an impressive ceremony at ,7 announce the birth of a 221 Benjamin West avenue, are o'clock in 1he Swarthmore Pres- Candace Terry, on April 25. now occupying their newly pur- byterlan Church. The Rev. Joseph The grandparents of the new chased home at 525 Cedar lane. P. Bishop officiated before a back- baby are Mr. and Mrs. Graelne G. STATE UilSPECTIQN Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of ground of lighted candelabra, Whyllaw of Cornell avenue, and . MAY 1st to JULY 31st Park avenue will visit over the clbotium ferns, baskets of white Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rice of AIweek-end with their son-in-law and branches of pink dog- toona. Have Your Car Checked Now and daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and baby daughter Carol Henry J. Faust, organist, preMr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Carter for Summer Drivirig Leslie of Baltimore, Md. sented ,the wedding music, and of Tanguy Homesteads, Glen Mills, Mrs. Frank G. Keenen, Mrs. during the ceremony sang "The announce the birth of their third ROiEItT Atz. Owner Francis H. Forsythe, Mrs. Percy Lord's Prayer." son o~ May 1 in West Chester The bride, given in marriage by Memorial Hospital. RUSSELL'S SERVICE G. Gilbert, Mrs. J. Leveriq Wood. Th b b ' gr d f Mr OPPoSlrE BOROUGH PABKlNG Lom ruff, Mrs. Peter E. Told, and Mrs. her father, wore a wedding gown e R y IS a an son 0 S. . .. . , A GULF PRIDE .OIL GUlF GAS A. H. Van Alen of Swarthmore of candlelight Chantilly lace over George S. Broadbent of Vassar attended the Salisbury, Maryland, satin fashIoned with a fitted bod- avenue, and Mrs. Patience Antique Show last Wednesday and ice off-tho-shoulder neckline edged of MOylan. were the luncheon guests of Mrs. with opalescent· sequins, a yoke William J. Kindley of Salisbury, of Illusion, long tight sleeves and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Collins who has been a frequent visitor full skirt with train. Her veil of of Armstrong avenue, Secane, are in Swarthmore,. and the S\low illusion was attached to a cap o~, receiving congratulations on the guests ot Mrs. George; Melbourn, Chantilly lace and she carried birth of their:, second son, James C'eCiners Tailors' also of Salisbury. loose round bouquet of freesia, Watson Collhis,· on April 27 .~ Miss ,Jean Gemmill' of Thaye.r white lilacs and lilies of the val- Chester Hospital. road arrived home Tuesday from ley encircled with tulle and tied Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. ColGUARANtEED CERTIFIED London, England, where she hf\S with streamers of ivory satin to lins of Hillborn avenue are the COLD FUR STORAGE been doing graduate work at the which 1I0wers were caught. grandparents of the baby. University of Lotldon. Mrs. Walter L. Douglass, Jr., of Mr. and Mrs. J ... Ii. Gordon Mc- Seaford, Del., as matron of honor Mr. and Mrs. Clayton T·aylor of 100 PARK AVENUE, SWARTHMORE, PA. Conechy of South Chester road for her sister, wore a gown of Chester road, are being congraSWarthmore 6·1727 will return 'tomorrow' from Bos- mauve organ:za over nylon tulle tulated upon the birth of\ their ton, where Mr. McConechy at- featuring a tight-IItting tucked child, a son Gregory Lee, tended the ,Spring SessIons of the bodice, high roupd neck and brace, A:a;nerican Society of Naval Ar- let lengih sleeves. The full bal- • chitects. lerlna length skirt was shirred to Mr. John Bowditch, Jr., of Cor_ the podice and she wore matchnell avenue will return today af- ing mauve slippers. te.r a 10-day fishing ,trip with The bridesmaids were Miss offer friends to Hatteras, N. C. Rosemary Argyle of Scarsdale, N. Mr. and :Mrs. Samuel Francis Y.; Miss Constance Kontopanos, Butler of South Chester road en- Virginia Beach, Va.; Mrs. Richard tertained at a dinner party Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary of their d,aughter-in- SU)lSCinriIONS law Mrs. R. Heberton Butler. FOR ALL Their guests included Mr. and MAGAZINES Mrs. Samuel T. Butler, Jr., and, MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN sons Rae and Jon, and Miss 313 Dartmouth Avenne Sherry Kronkhite of Penn Valley, Swal1lmlore 6-2080 Mr. and Mrs. Willard S. Rundelll~============~ of Prospect' Park, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11 ,So .Canning of Rose Valley, Mr. ,Ro. Heberton Butler and daugh· Swarthmore, .Pa, I Personals Lam:- THE SWARumOP~' PUBLISHED EVERY I'BJDAY ".~ 'W~~~p. THE 'l'Ok:(_a T~ J. TheFe will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Sunday morning, and at 9:30 all departme.nts"of the Church Scbool will meet. The regular servfce of Morning Prayer will be heid at 11 o'clock. Those servIng'as uilllers wi'Ii be as follows: R. J. Balter, P. ,1;1. Banks, W•M. Bush, J ..• L Comog, E. 0; Cramp, R. M. I;!ani.~, J •.E:. Eckenhoff, and H G. ';l'QII\ll". At M. WEINSTEIN & SONS , ,.",d CHURCH .SER~S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Joseph P. Bishop, J.!lnl!;ter Jobn Stettner. Asslsi!mt Sunday, May 10" .. 9: 30, 10: 45 11 A.M. - Cllurch School.' ... 9:30 & 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Bishop will preach.' . Wedl\.... ay,May 13 12 Noon _., Wori:uuilS Association Day. ' Ii::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ II . 95 SAVE geta complete set of cleaning tools FREE of extra charge! CORONAtION . ; " \. Fri., Sat., Sun. 8. Mon, You "write your OWD money" in exact amountS . An Ali Academy Award ShowU "HIGH NOON" starring- Gary Cooper. best actor , Bound? when you use checks. ,.and plus--'The Light In the Window', , best .s1\.ort subject .plus-'lohann l\lonse', 'Special Klddl.. Matlnee.1 P.~I. take plenty 'of color 111m. Orde.r,}t now so you won't get '!crowned" later for' . not getting e.noughl 35 mm'-2~and 9 6 _ 828 Kodachrome Rod cameron Slltunlay ullht onJy-Pl_n tim... 6-8-10 T.es.Only Th. b\ladous BnJUsh .......,.)1 you 'asked to Bee qaln Alec Gnlnness 120 and 820 ltodacolcr 8 Dim. and 18 Iilm KodachrOme "Kind Hearts & Coroneh" CAMIRA & HOII.y SHo' Wed. .sday i. n.rsdciy . JIel,te .:Davls ''THE STAR" 405 D.rfiIIo... AYe, ••,,·A.m_ ""'~ 1[_ _ SlI!. 6-4191 . . ,. Cartoons, .Shorts,· Comedy and .. Serial-pius 'Oh Suzanna' wlth ' Be sure to b~tlcartoon fri. N;30 .'tartt.. Friday , 11llHl ~ . , Hu"!J'IU'eY Boprt "lAnLE CIRCUS" - they can be mailed aafeIy anywhere. ,Come in and ' you bay open a checking account DeW Model 115 napt,j HOOVER A~ftMCIeanet IJsht1!"ipt,~~ IeOt 10...... and ... iI bcalt; III .... _~wiI EIIJ • ...,"f..... with us and pay by check! • • • S.AltB.OIJE.N~rIOIAL i I _ , ... iI ckdn.ol • , JU;SPONSmILI1'¥ OF A VOl'}; :r.RJ"'TY NOTES Carterll~ffis~W~~6~.CJ4~·:~4~0~~~~~~~~D~CII~rt~lII~a~.uffitffih~&~~~~ffii~A~v~e~s.~ .", r'" Li>rep, ' , ~~aner In view of the coming 'county elections and of the fact that in many relations of life we are callecj .upoP 1:0 cast a vote, .it may not, be amiss at this tiI:ne to refer to an interesting and ~i¥niftcimt decis.ion /lIlnded down recently in an TIlinbis court, when the juilge took occasion to severely score an individual who had cast a vote in direct opposi. tion to his judgment because he had been approached and asked for his ballot by a near relative and dependent of one of the candidates. In the course of the hearing it developed that this vote was the one which controlled the result. , The office in question 'Was a minor one but the Court averred that the principle involved was 'one of va.st importance.· The- solicitation of a vo~e under these',circumstances was more than questionable, but the person approached lacked the courage of his convictions to the extent that he acquiesced rather than to express and stand by his opinion. In Court, however, he did' not hesitate to say that all the while he believed the defeated candidate was eminently more fitted to fill the office thim the one for whom he voted. A ballot is a sacred weapon and should be cast in accordance with the convictionB of the voter, to thus express his preference ·after he has thoroughly investigated the merits of the respecive issues involved. The day is not far distant when the solicitation of a vote will be made a misdemeanor and the Court held in the above case that such a pledge is never legally or morally binding. The casting· of a ballot is a privilege and a moral obligation, and a voter should never be hampered in any way in the expression of his choice. : The principle involved in this decision is fa~-reaching and applies just ... as much to the filling of a high national office as of one in any municipal, borough' or social organization. A pledged ballot should no more be a source of pride or consolation to the one responsible for it than can be the honor of the office at. tained by such questionable methods. ' !:::.- "., QN'J'......W.M~I~ (Reprinted frrm the /ile. of The Swarthmorean, Mall :1,.1914) daUghter'I;~~W~A~&;~:r~E~R~E~.~P~A~R~R~o~n~,~·M~,~r~.~~~~~~~~~~FR~E~E~P~A~R~K~IN~.~ .;:,~ AR ". SWARTBlIIOBE, PENNA., FllipAY, WAy 8;1953 . '-' . ...., STRATH HAVEN INN COLLEGE THEATRE Edlior IIIUIl'1Ib........ D~j:.INE-;-.NESDAYNOON ! Special limited fA. Ente.red as Seeond Claas Matt,e.r, JaRuary 24, 1929, at the Post OftIce at Swarthmore, Pa., .,.,der 'the ~ct ,of ~Mar~~. 181". ~~~~iiiii~~iiiii~iiiii~fui~~~~~~iiiii~~~~~iii~~~ s~ond 8WABTBIIO~, J1iC~ J'.tJJ$Ll8I1J1B rJi.oM MV~~ 8-0.900 .. . P~-lL III@JR 'llOpBlEir 'I ~ ..... 088 e e so , Th.e .Bouquet a' PRESIYTERIAN NOTES BANI AID' ,TBUST .COIPAIY , Mr: Bishop will preach at the and 11 o'cloc\< 8erylces on !?undlly !pOl"1ling. The title 'If his 9:~Q ser~on UNo Great~ Love." All departments of the Church School will meet at their regular hours Sunday morning. The Men's and Women's Bible Classes will meet at 9:30. The Senior High Choir will rehearse at 5:45 Sunday afternoon. The Senior High Fellowship will meet for supper at 6:30 followed by a program at 1:15 at whIch time there will be a discussion of summer conferences and a fllm on the values of such' an experlence. . The Young Adulll' Wlll meet for supper at 6:30 followed by Election Night at 8. The Board of Trustees will meet at 1:30 on Tuesday evening in the 'Woman's Association Room. The Woman's Ass 0 cia t ion Board of Directors will meet at 10:30 on Wednesday morning in the Womdn's .Association Room. There will be devotions at 12 Noon. Luncheon will be served 1 in McCahan Hall at 12:30. Circle 6, Mrs. Herbert Sanford; chairman, is in charge of the luncheon. The program will be a film entitled nAnd Now Tomorrow." There will be a short pusiness meeting and Circle reports. The Boy Scouts meet at 1 Wednesday evening. The Choir rehearsals are as follows: The Junior Choir at 3:30 and the Chapel Choir at 8 on Thursday, and the Cherubs' Chair at 10:30 Saturday morning. 8 o'clock George H~nse~1 III will serve. as. acolyte and Dana Swan at ~I. During the 11 o'clock service .Lesley Mae Hassis and Marr Fe.uows will be in charge of the nursery. The Boys' Choir will rehearse on Monday and Wednesday after" noon at 4 o'clock, and full choir rehearsal will be held at 1: 30 p.m. Thursday. The Girls' Choir will rehearSe at 5 o'clock M".onday afternoon. The Vestry will meet at 8 p.m. M:onday. On T,hursday, Ascension Day, there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 1:15 a.m. and 19 a.in. FIl.IEND,S MEEJ,ING NOTES The Annual First Day School Bird Walk and ~re¥fast will he held on Sun.day,1'4aY 10. All children will meet at 6:30 a.m. at Whittier House ex~ept Kinder• garnners. They will meet at 1. Bird METHODIST CHURCH Walkers will return to Whittier Roy N. KeIser. 0.0" Minister Hou¢e at 8 for breakfast: There Snnday, May 10 will be no First Day School classes. 9: 45 A.M.-,Ch"rch &chool. 10: QO A.M.-Younl{ Adults. In case Qf rain all children are 11 :00 A.M. - Mr. Keiser will invited to come to Whittier House preach. at 8 a.m. for breakfast. This will 11:00 A,M,-CI>lIrch Nursery. precede regular classes which will Wednesda.y, May 13 10:30 A.M.-·Woman'. Society. he \leld from 9 to '10. The Bird Walk will then be held the fol· TRINITY CHURCH lowing week, May 11, at which H. Lawrence Whit.temore,· Rector , Sunday, May 10 .. time the.re. will be no breakfast or 8: 00 A.M,-Holy. Communion. classes. Children are reminded to 9:30 A.M.-Church School. . wear rubbers" and wann clothing. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. Parents are invited to accompany Thursday '(Aseeuslon Day) ,1lIe children iftbey :wish7: 15 A,M.-Holy Communion. ,.10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion . THE'RELI"IOUS SOCIETY' CHRISTIAN .CIEM'"E NOTE'S . 'OF ~rENDS ,'.', .~ .. ./"'" . ,Sanday, JIIay 10 The Bibl!' allli.GII~~~~!l.&c.\'l"ce FIRST D ....Y S~OOL ~extbook, . "Science anjl. Healt!I' . • ··BmDWAL with Key to the 'Scrlptures" by !;!ee Mcetlng for otesWorship. Mary' Bakl'r Eddy, I!ll! ,the ~nly 9: 45 A.M.-Meeting 11:00 A.M.~Meeting for Worahlp..preachers in Christian Science Children cared for in Whittier churches. Scriptural texts and House. All are welcome. . their correlative passages from the textbook will be read next Sun-' 7:00 P.M.~H. S. Fellowship. MOI\f!'y, ~ Po . : dDV All day seWing tor. AJ'.S.C. ~ on the subject "Adam and Wednesday, IIa¥ 13 , . Flllien Man." All day sewing fo~.&-"'.8.C. . The Gold"ll Text is from Paul's 7: 30 P.M.-Mid - we'ek 'Meeting letter to the i1:pbeslans (5:.14.)': _ ,.;f::o::.r_W~orshi:.::::",p::,.=,.,.;.':--_ _ _ _..••• 'A l'(ake,thou th a t '1 s eepest, and FIRST CHURCH O F ' . . '. CHRIST,SCIEN'l'lST arise f~m ~e .dea~: IlUd ChrIst SWARTHMOl\B shall gIve thee light. Park Avenue hi!low'Harvard 811D11iI.y;' MQ.U· . " M e j Garrahan of College av11:00 A. M.-SundllY School., 'e.nue was an attendant of the Mai '1l~~ ~d~~~":;;"n;?:: 'Queen at the Sprmg Formal of Wednesday eVenillg meeting the Keystone Secretarial School each week, 8 P.M. Reading. room held 'Saturday eve.nibg. Mej also open dally except SURda,. 12 to II served on the decorating cotiunit"I!~1lY evenings 7 t,o tee ,,:50 P.m. and 9 to 8:30 P.M. • !'.... \yi1,l' ~e last week-end enjoying the May Day fesUl'iUes at Wilson ,C'111eae. Fr:ances Pears"", ane!- Betty McCahan are both seniors at Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCray of Cornell aVC!/oue, ~ Henry ,C. Ford' of Amherst aven'!e, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Deilworth of Elm ave.nue, spent Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Pare.nts Weekend at Wesleyan Unive.rsity, Middletown, Conn. Also present we.re forme!'. Swarthmoreans Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bird of Riverside, Conn. Dlck McCray, Sandy Ford, Rey Denworth, Jr., and Whit Bird are all juniors at the college. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brad5h~w of Benjamin West avenue METHODIST NOTES The Sunday School meets at 9:45. Classes are provided for all ages and for adults. The Young Adults meet at '10 o'clock. . At the 11 o'clock service the topic of the sermon will be "In The School of Christ." This will pe Dr. ~eiser's last servic.e before.. closing his pastorate of 12 y'~ars w:ith the chu~ch. The ushers for the day 'are George Shubert, Edward H. 'AIsto", William C. Collenberg and Peter Murray. ' The' nunrery for chIldren is open .during the morning service. Mrs. Joseph Patchell and Mrs. Alfred ~. Willl",ms will 'be in charge. The Senior Fellowship will meet for supper at' 6 o~clock. The meeting will be in charge of Harlan Qenung. The monthly meeting and social of the Young Adults will be on . Tuesday evening at 8 in the church. The Woman's Society .meets on Wednesday, for . devotions and study at 10:30; IUllcheon at 12:30 will be followed by the regular meeting. The 161th Sessi;'n of the Philadelphia Annual Confe.rence will conveqe. on W"!inesday' at '2 P. M. Sessions are held every morning 9, afternoon at 2 and in the eevenings at 8, concluding with the Sunday serv~~es. Rehearsal for .the Junior Chair is on TjIursliaY ·",t 6;30; Senior Choir meets at 8. NEWS . left Thursdlly for a 10-day vacation to Old Point Comfo~, Va. FOf!lle.r swarth'P<,>rean Mrs. Vaughn K: Foster of Springlleld and her daughter Mrs. Boyd Harris of Rose Tree, left Thursday to atte.od the Inte.r-fraternity Sing at the Unive.rsity of Maryland. ElIzabeth Foste.r, a sophomore at the Unjversity, has been elected Mistress of Song for the event. Mrs. Foste.r will remain to visit through Mother's Day. Mrs. Carlos A. Avila and young son Chris of North Franklin, Conn., spent several days of last week visiting Mrs. Avila's mother Mrs. John H. Pitman of Vassar avenue. . REASONABLE Because you determine the cost. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIR.eroR. o. PUNDAJ.S 1820 CHESTNUT STRUT MArt A. lAIR," 14... OUVEll H. lAIR, found.r . Telephone RI 6-1581 You'll mhow much more "Built Up CoutrucliOD" tailoring •mew in fit and comfort , ' .. _S. W~D JO\1_f, ~oAfCo"b ~tfANTOM-WEIGHT SUMMER SI!ouIW c-trvctIoIt 'w~WIIIo AcelafaoRGJ/OII Hyloa, _ - - GriJ Tolro-i _ _ _ W/tlt ~ve &iniIIg 'It'. WosIa61e, Wrin.Woi . Rell.,..", • "'PATTERN·MASTER DESIGNE05 i by NORTHCOOL . C~ NoaTHcolID ,7':"a' Cool. phan+ft-wt·ht IlIlt; i.,," , .... ""'" .~t. ~O~ ._~", &tAa·~ ,H ," . ~~;!' ~~.!~ .. "::LI"Ulrit·[~ly "'\o~ . !b~W'~~ ~i.';'ii~ __ , Dl,~1!8It \ta , . • "~"-iIIl~''-' :-...... • J 'r.'1":.~,D ...~ I . or. your eholce the . mqat flattering 1::iD ...oil'. patterns and colora. • ~1.,5 ...frolrou..... 7·~ a . SUI1'. No 5 I' NOTES DQris .Green\" !' s!Wh '!!!l9re af the ,UnJxerslty ~ 'P~ll,,,,~, Spent· the week-e.nd at her home on South Chester road, and attended. the Keystone Secretarial School L Spring Formal Sa{. ,",ccahan and SQUS .David J~nd JolIn of Strath Haven avenue, spent " H~~.7.,$O . IIWtII ;~Sp!dC'rtJ~ - .j;.. . ,"------ ner~$, ~ C~n,.y. ,1M,... . ., ~~rJcAY•• • ; • Page 4- • THE SWARTHMOREAN , I Troop 3 Scouts in May Day Audience Mothers Clubs Council Meets ::"~= ~~~~o;h: Canoe Thriller Hears Stimulating Talk The Delaware County Council George StraIri"Jr., of Penn,Valley, ' of M,others Clubs held Its annua meeting at the'Ingleneuk Tuesday, May' 5 ,With the following six Clubs represented: Swarthmore, tl Ridl T h' Rid Ru edge, ey owns IP, ley Park , Walli n gf0 rd and Med'a I . Mrs. Walter N. Moir of Swarthmore, presIdent 0 f the De laware County Council, presided at the business session. An exchange of 'programs took place. The new 0 ffi _ cers for the next two years were announced: Mrs. C. W. Lefever of Media, preSident; Mrs. L awrenee Stead of Rutledge, vice. f eI _ president; Mrs. Robert Stnng low of Ridley Township, secretary; Mrs. Charles Gerner of Swarthmore, ,trea~urer. Mrs. E. P. Pfatteicher of Ridley Park was named advisor. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MIi)' 8, 1953 DaJ.ly high water (Continued from' Page 1) . condition on the Brandywine tamiIy units ot aunts, uncles, Creek furnished the Scouts of cousins, grandparents, provide a Troop No. 3 Methodist Church WI' de . Intimate community tor with Ii very exciting canoe trip last week-end. Seventeen scouts child development; mothers in Mr.of',and Don entertained D. Dlckin" with five adults put in at Em- these groupS frequently nurse son ParkMrs. avenue Former'y breeville on the West branch of each other's chlIdren. Dr. Mead informally at a luncheon at the the stream J'ust a few miles below CARNS Ingleneuk Friday In lionorOt Coatesville and hauled out on the remarked that our society; stamp650 BalHmore Pike bank seven hours later just above ed It is by adult freedom of choice, their son Sgt. falter Pickinson Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. Rockland, Del., a total distance sometimes overlooks t he fac t t h a t and A/lc. ,Fern Gauthier, bot,h of 19 miles. Owing to the large the child might also have a choice stationed at Wright Patterson Air SWcirth'more 6.0450 turnout of enthusiasts· and the in its willingness to be born, or were en route to the Inner-fraterop•• 8 A.M. 10 6 P.M. nity week-end at Lafayette Colnumber of available canoes, no to continue living and in the par~________________ camping gear was carried in the ents it would like to have. The boats but was shuttled by car mother-rejecting_the_chlId ,situafrom Embreeville to Chadd's Ford tion, one recognized in psychology and than from Chadd's Ford to today, works both ways.' The Rockland. NUrsery School takes the place of the large family unit by giving The first nine miles of .the . trip the child a chance to make its from· Embreeville to Lenape was NEWS NOTES one continuous series of rapids, own decisions in a bigger group. sweeps, and shoals. providing Dick McCray, son of Mr. and Dr. Mead also commented on • plenty of thrills and, it is hoped, the influence a child has on its Mrs. Heston D. McCray, Jr., 229 A General Motors' Masterpiece some interesting moving picture mother, and used as her illustra- Cornell avenue, has been selected film. Thanks to the untiring ef- tion some of her experiences with for membership to Skull and Ser'A VERY PROUD CAR torts of Bill Pegram and his son the Balanese, an extremely re- pent, senior honorary society at John, the run had been surveyed laxed people. A mother from our Wesleyan University, Middletown, AT a couple of weeks earlier with the society, caring for a Balanese Conn. McCray, a member of Delta result that the irip was marked baby, would be more relaxed, Kappa Epsilon fraternity, is secA VERY ,MODEST PRICE! by a minimum of mishap. A single while one of our babies would retary-treasurer of the., college dunking which occured early in cause Its adopted Balanese mother body and president of the Christhe run was the oniy incident to to become More tense. Here again tian Association. He is also a memmar a highly successful outing. the nursery school, the speaker ber of the varsity tootball team After portaging over the dam at said, allows the child a trial' and' and is a grad~ate of Swarthmore 11th & Edgmont Ave. Lenape, the run was much milder error period to experiment at will, Mr. James H. Callahan of New with only an occasional rapid to without disrupting the small York City spent the week-end Chester shoot and a great deal more elbow family unit. at his home on Dickinson avenue • grease needed to keep up the pace. Call CHester 3·3314 The danger of both primitive and served as an usher at the Two more portages were made, peoples and the large families of Jennings_Brown wedding Saturone at Pocopson and the last at our own culture is the stereotyp~ day. Mr. Callahan has been adChadd's Ford. A stop was made at ing ot chlIdren. Once.Iabeled the mitted to the New York State Chadd's Ford for lunch while lazy one or the cruel one, the Bar where he is associated with the cars were shuttled down to child, returning 30 years later as Kenyon and Kenyon as a Patent Ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;~ Rockland after which the last five an adult is' still the lazy or cruel lawyer. He is a graduate of Har-II miles were negotiated. one, as ·Dr. Mead summed it vard Law School. Camp was made on' the. West up, "Susie always liked pickles." Mr. and Mrs.· James Bowditch bank just a mile above the dam Again, Schools permit an Inter- and sons Penn and Peter of Ru.thCHESTER at Rockland. After such a stren- changef or the child, and let him edord, N. J. spent the week-end uous day there was a marked ab- develop In Ii group that does not at the home of Mr. Bowditch's sence of the usual evening camp- remain fixed. Records carried on parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bowfire gayety, most of the troop from year to year should be kept, ditch, Jr., of Cornell avenue, and • finding a more practical occupa- Dr. Mead tett, but referred to and attended the Jennings-Brown tlon in early slumber. Sunday used judiciously, and not nec- marriage ceremony Saturday evmorning, the camp was aw;ikened essarlly by the teacher. enlng; , ' .. . . . ",. , , by nature's' alarm clock In the A one-time Swarthn.orean, Dr. J0lu\ny Pierson: eight and a.-haIt tohn ,!f, the cries 1>f.the numerous Mead gav" her talk in the Presby- year-old son "ot ,Mr. and Mrs. types of" waterfowl which abound 'terlan Church where she had at- Frank Pierson of Ogden avenue, in:that area. Having regained their tended Sunday School, on a date returned home last week from normal exuberance the boys were when she had formerly delivered Children's Hospital, ,Philadelphia sohn busy enjoying themselves In May Baskets on "the hlll." She where Ile had spent two weeks !hi. canoes and along the banks came to Swarthmore last Friday under observation. eJiploring, swimming and fishing. at the Invitation of Mrs. PemberMrs. Maurice Haworth of ~he trip ended with the boys ton M. Dickson, director of the Springfield, formerly ot Swarthat.r;vlng back in Swarthmore in Presbyterian Nursery Day School. more, entertained at a surprise t!H,early afternoon. The tollow- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,-_ _ _ _ _ __ ing scouts made the trip: J. Darl- • ,. • lng, R. Borer, A. Plwnber,; J. Pegrs"l, D. Little, C. Pie!, ~S. Sfngleton, E. Payne, H. Pierce, L. Dickinson, P. Essl, J. Cratsley, G. Melcher, W. Medford, J. Stauffer, R. Taylor and E.' Borer. Messrs. Pegram, Singleton, !)-y, Lee and Art Johnson, Scoutmaster made the trip whlIe Mrs. Pegram and Frank Johnson helped with the transportation and phatOgrapl1Y. The troop is extremely Indebted to the tOllowing for the use of five aluminum canoes without which such a trip would have FINEST SELECTION OF CHINA been very difficult to arrange: R. AND SILVER ANYWHERE HamiD, H. Jiildestad, R. Wells, C. Diehl, !,nd K. Quiring. tb_ 01 tb. tn41Yiduai wrlten. AU !etten to Til. 8wart1lmore1m maot be Blcned.' l'Ieu40DJ'aa may... . . - U tb. Identlt" or 111. writer Ili 1m0WD b" tho Bdltor; Let1en will b. publlabed obly at til. dis.....lIon 01 tho BdIIor. ' Diluzio' and Sons Florist PONTIAC' c. 'R. lOUGHEAD, INC.' AwC!rded Scholarship Russell L. Snyder ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Snyder of Dickinson avenue has been named William North Rice Scholar by Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. This award, one of the four highest at Wesleyan, is based on intellectual achievement. Russell, wlio will 'be graduated from Swarthmore High School in TIffin Towle, Lenox Dunoan-MlIIer Cambrldp Lotus Gorham .. , !!tletr international Next To W&IIaee Lant ~.,.. AIGEI Gas ranges are designed for cooking con- st. BD""ae's venience. The lalest models have built-in griddles, oven racks that glide in and out easily,' and smokel_ broiling. You con even' get a gas range with up to 8 top 'burriers. These featu ... mean easy op . . . lion. Select the ... range you like at your plumber's, dealer'., or any Philadelphia EI.~lik suburban store. Churcli GIFT WRAPPING - PIILADELPIII ELECIRIC COM'.I" • BRIDAL REGISTRY _ DELIVERY (Continued' from page 1) Patterson and Mrs. Clarence Worst are decorators of the apartment. Make up is handle~ C. Under an Authority, the type and size of the building will be largely dictated by Harrisburg. .' Royal ,Jackson. SiJule Phone CB 2-U62 Sea Blues HERE ARE THE FACTS: Fra,n",""an .Jewelen Sports Separates En As. a Property Owner. You Are Interested in Learning Which Method of Financing Will Be Least Offensive - I CHARGES INVITED • Reed '" Barton HeIrloom Schoefteld CasUe_. Ti~e Royal Family Opens Mon, at Players Club ~BOND En joy easy cookhig on a ODEll CHINA May Time is Play ~~,~ildred Blngh~am~,~is~Piro~miPiteir~.~~~,~~8~w~""iiib~m~....,iii6i-lili48iiiiii~"i:l·i:i:i:i:iiiiii~~~~~i:i:c:iiiiiiiiii~~iiiiii=i:i:Dfj fall. , STERLING from Page 1) old building) Authority approvals are not moving at present. Swarthmore's in partlcuI8r could not be considered until the Delaware County Board of Education's overall plan for future area con.. solidations has been examined and approved by the state. No accurate' date for achlevement of thls step can be predicted. The overloaded condition of electrical circuits at College Avenue was brought to the attention of the Board by the PhlIadelphia Eleclrlc Company. It was decided to have George Ewing review a 1951 architect's survey of the electrical set-up and to attempt, to arrive at a remedy at the next meeting. The Board extended a vote of appreciation to the local League of Women Voters' for the aid its recent census had given the school population forecast and per capita tax listings. June, will enter Wesleyan in the . P,i\~Y' Campbell and Jane Krause; . STEM WARE tJie (C~ntlnued ~ or, \ Borough Council limited the purchase ot parking meters for the bnsiness section of Swarthmore to 66 in a decision made last Monday' 'night . at' ,regular meeting In Boiough HalL The meters are expected to be Ins)alled within the next 60 days, 22 to be placed in the Borough parking lot, the remainder to be set up along South Chester road west of the underpass. The meters will allow for 12 hour parking at a cost 25 cents or two hour parking at Iiof cents. Several resident of the Borough attended the mretlng, .giving their Page 5 Teachers, Cafeteria , Head.Named for Fall Dear Mr. Editor:At the primary election on May 19, we will be voting for, one school director tor a six year term, two tor, a four year term and one for two years. John Spencer is.a candidate for election for the -six year term and Donald Jones is a candidate for re-election, for the. 4 year term. Mrs. Bass and Mrs. Spil- opinions. Among those opposed ler 'are also candidates for the were Herbert Bassett, John Bod4 year term. ley, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan John Spencer and Donald Harrar, Jr., Henry Hoot, Horace Jones have served the Borough Hopkins, Robert Hopkins, Dr. and with 'dlstinction during their Mrs. J. Albright Jones. Those terms of office and they should speaking for the . meters were be re-elected. Botli men are of Charles W. Lukens, representing outstanding ability and will be the' Swarthmore Property Owners ot Ines.timable value to the B'oard Association, and Arthur Moscrip. and the Borough during the comCouncil voted $100 to the MilIng months. They are both in mont Fire Company In suPPOrt o! I tavor of a Bond Issue as' opposed an ambulance which is frequently Mrs. Donald W. Poole of North to an Authority tor financing the used by Swarthmore residents. Swarthmore avenue will enterproposed addition to the Rutgers Dr. J. Albright Jones, Borough tain at a luncheon at her home Avenue Building. Health Officer, explained the ad- next Wednesday. I am writing ~this as a proPerty vantages and disadvantages ot the II"'~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;; owner who is Interested In'Dem- much discussed county health unit. For Mothers Everywhere ocratic procedure and opposed' to He stated that no Pennsylvania dependence on State or Federal county has accepted the plan hand-outs. except Butler, which has set one up as an experimental proposition Sincerely, ALLAN C. WOOD for the Commonwealth. ============= , THE SWARTHMOREAN , ,~ THE SWARTHMOREAN PB«e6 , School in Rose Yalley· Brownies Entertain .Sets May Fair Date Neighborhood Chan-men The annual May Fair at the School in Rose Valley has been set for Saturday, May 16. For the past few weeks, pupils, teachers and parents hav~ been working to make the i o'clock event the bitgest in Rose Valley history. The Fair Committee, headed by Harriet Dickey and Adelaide Bry .has planned several new and interesting features. Notable among these are a IIclothesUne" art sale, under the direction of Margaret Milliken, a gift and handicraft . shop, and a booth of all types of live pets. In addition there will be pony rides, carousel, a spookhouset baked goods, a plant table, and horsehoe pitching for which prizes will be awarded. On the spot sketches done by talented artists, and character readings by Paul Fox, will again be done this year. Refreshment booths will be plentiful. Booths are being decorated by children of the school and Ernest Lauser. Other art and poster work is being done by Jane Sanville and Willis Wissler. . The highlight of the afternoon will be May Pole dances under the direction of Crlstine Ford at 4 p.m. and the day will end with a buffet type supper which will be served between 5 and 6 p.m. The Fair will be held rain or shine; there will be no admission charged; and all are cordially inyited to attend. The Girl Scout publicity chairman wishes to report the following mistake in her report to The Swarthmorean last week on the recent Neighborhood elections. Mrs. John Carroll was elected assistant Neighborhood Chairman. Mrs. Hallock Campbell i. Neighborpood Chainnan for the coming year. Last year Mrs. Campbell assisted Mrs. Mace Gowing whose two year tenn of office expires this June. Last Monn S •.turdaY. membership "in recognition of her The entire track team will parMahogany Washstand distingulshed service to ·the club ticipate in the Suburban Cham· Unusual - c:lrc:a 1830 pionship Meet tomorrow at Nor.and the conimunity." The retiring president then in- ristown, when trials will start at Mahogany' stalled ~e new officers and direc- 10 a,m. and finals at 1 p.m. In a ,4-Drawer Chest tors: president Mrs. Frank G. regular meet next Wednesday at Rather Smoll- circ:a 1830 Keenen; first vice president Mrs. 3:30 Swarthmore will entertain Morris H. Fussell; second vice Media at Rutgers Avenue. Prlc:es Reasonable District Championships. wilt be president Mrs. Joseph B. Shane; 'Coresponding sec r e t'a r y Mrs. held Saturday, May 16, at FrankAntiques & Gourmet Shop Pierre. Decrouezj recording seci"e~ lin Field. Boys who· place first or PROVIDENCE ROAD tary Mrs. C. RUssell Phillips; second in this meet will be eligible for the State Championships WALLINGFORD, PA. treasurer Mrs. D. Mace. Gowing; MEdia 6-4751 scheduled for May 23 at State directors Mrs. Avery F; Blake; Mrs. Robert B. Clothier, Mrs. College. PRESERVES "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." Ude " ...n David BIngham and Mrs. J.KeD- TENTH GRADE PARENTS . MIrs. William I. Hull, Swarth· neth Doherty. ENJOY SUPPER MElTING more Apartments, was bereaved, Mrs. Judson R. HoOver of the health and welfare department Tenth grade parents enjoyed a by the death of her sister, Mrs. called attention to the exhibit of covered dish supper last night In Alexander T. Slade on Monday at G~iI,:reupng and .incoming pres- 12 dolls which had been purebased McCahan Hall of the presbyterian her Wynnewood home. The former ide..t of the JUnIor Woman's Club', and dressed .for gIrIs at Camp !!:hurch. William M. Bush, prillci: and the auditorS of the treas- Sunshine. The doll dresIIed by Mrs. pal of the high sebool was the urer's annuai report, Mrs.· Walter Frank Gray and Mrs. Norman· . ' A. Schmidt and ~ C. C. West.· Jones was named "Queen. of the speaker of the evening. In he~ annual teport Mrs. Den- May" by Mrs. Alfred Smith, who During the business meetingworth summed up the activities of served as judge, and the doll presided over by retiring· chairthe club. The membership has now· dressed by Mrs. Charles 1.. BQYle man, Mrs. Harlan R.Jessup, ollipasseil ~ 370 mark'and the avci-~ ,and "Mrs•• ~ond R •. ~ttI1ias cers for the coming year were . age attenc!an.Ce has··been 105. The was ~ :tQng. . elected. The following slate was regular club meetings, dep~nt The club was delightfully en- presented: meetings, and sJEQsesin various tertalned by a double quartet of Mrs. M. A. Bowie, chairman; subjects with professlqnallnstruc- women, "the Merryalres," from tion hlive been otdy oDe phase !the Monday Evening Guild of the Mrs. W. N. Ryerson, program of -f" Line. oll.....ran"~ •••n J75 Enjoy W.oma.n's. ~ . Luncheon Tuesday (c6ntln~ed rrom :page.l) iI1- PETER E. TOLD . ". . . . .1 _ Bereov.d • !}tkaI The J. Lewis Crozer Homeopathic Hospital, Chester, will hold open house Sunday afternoon, May 10, and Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park, will have a special Hospital "Day' 'durjng its May Fair on the twenty-second and twenty.third, in recognitiOl! of National Hospital Week ,sponso\\i>d by the American-j ,~ Hospital Association. ., Delaware C 0 u n t y Hospital, Drexel Hill, set aside May 3 for its annual Baby Tea honoring the 100 mothers of babies born dilrlng the year. The week's formal observance, May 10 to 16, is placing its emphasis on informing tJ>e public of the hospitals' programs of service, education aud res.earch. A particular invitation is extended to high school graduates who are contemplating nursing as a career. 9dMlI ~. SWarlbmore 8-1833 May 8, 1955·· Regular 27c Jar HOSPITALS HOLD OPEN HOUSE •.. ~'" 0........, ...... . ,. ~ ""1I~.'" 9 P.M. Pqe7 THE· SWARTBMOREAN of the club work, Mrs. Denworth' SaId. A total over $2000 ·has .been spent as gifts to philanthropic projects Ih thIS country and abroad and as educational scholarships. The club has given approximately 25 tree rentals to organizations .COST INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS '"'' 'iorida Valenda Jul.. Ullder our "'All JUn." II u. i c a1 luahamnta' Floater, 70U CaD Iuar. nearly ...,miulcal !A. atnuuent asabiot· pracd. caIl~ all rlob of I ..... Low rat...AaIt for laEo__tion. -:~. OF EXTRA ORANGE JUICE TO zmElS c::.-:r AND NEWLY REMODELED ACME IN 'C1eaned-PaaaeaQ-Biack • filii AIlCOIIIIIOIIS Dr. Cueto is Dean of the school of oouclltlon of the. University of San Marcos in Lima, Peru, and at present Is visiting professor at the teachers college of Columbia University. Members of the community are cordially invited. TONIGHT'S SPEAKER Dr. Carlos Cuelo will speak tonllht at 7:15 in Bond Memorial, David Spencer, Ogden avenue, Swarthmore College, on "EducaAlbert DeSiderio and Janice Wooltion in Latin.America and in the ford of Springfield, and Rosemary United States.H Capri, Wallingford, are members of the Youth Orchestra of Greater Philadelphia presenting its final concert of the season In the Academy of Music May 11. Composed of 115 of the most talented yOlmg musicians from throughout the greater Philadelphia area, the IN OUR 2 ~S orohestra wlli be conducted by William R. Smith, assistant to Eugene' Ormandy, conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra. The program will include selections by Offenbach, Slbellus, Bach and McDonald. Louls Gosensway, contemporary composer. will be Introduced before the playing of his "Five Russian Pieces." . BOTH OPEN THURS... FRI. TILL' David and Albert are violinists, AMPLE FREE PARKING Janice plays the bass, and Rosemary the clarinet. Yputh • May 8, 1955 • . W & . .'. alt'e Hannum' , . . . . . May 8, 1953 'mE SWARTBMOREAN Moth... _ ... .. Club Plans Dance for May 16th I!8TATB OP'MAY BON, also known ...P'MAY'SON p, JOIIN_ '!lOTlCB -18 limp 'that the ' - of SChOOl DIreCtors of the School District ,of the aol'Ough or SWFIl'thmare', pursuant to the iFUthorIt,. 1947, COFiferred 1FPDn them Act of _25,Pl. d145, by as the amended, .prq>oae nn or alter May lISI,.J.lIlI3, to Mopt .. 'I'OIFOlutlon to become effeatlve as Ofpercent July 6,tax 1958, Impoo1"l!' a one (1") upon certain lale or SWarthmore, Del, '00" Pa., Dec'd. T!BTAMl!lNTARY 'LBllZR8 above _to havlDg the undersigned, 011 to the payment, aid _tate FiUFlre c _ 1>0 PI_nt _, delay, to Albert S. J O h Ro&cl n s o n ,' 211 SOUth Cheeter mount in decorations, 'prepara_ 'are Wlderway the dllllCe fAr m-bers 'of thefor Swarthmore transferswholly by deed or nalwithin property altuate or partly the Swarthmore, l'a. A. Sidney JobnllOD, Jr. tiII I, May 16, at the Swarthmore Woman'S Club. i GIVJ:I'I SON, With a spring theme to be para_ v_. Mothers club and their guests to, be held Saturu.v .. _-, 'evenina from 9 Swarthmore. In the of the Swarthmore, School District of JUdgment the lIGrough of 620 N. ChesterPa. Boo.rd of School Directors of the 'BorExecutor. i ough of lJwarthmore &aId tax Is De'cor to tbelr attorn.,.. ; eeaary to provide revenue for general Beatty, Greer & Johnson school purpooes. and they _ t e MedIa,Ponneylvanls. tbe amount Of revenue to be del1ved 3~24 tax will be '17,OO?- per -------------;1 May:8, 1951 \e'glo8 Aaxlllaryi1l Me.. Mrs. EdWanI Thomas is dance I' , PIInBC-t- H'X"RRY ~~~~~~!!~~I!!III ~ ~tler. ~::,w:.ald the Board. of SchOOl Directors of the SchOOl DlstrIot of the BoroUgh ot Swarthmore', pursuant to the author_ ity oonfened. upon them by the Aot of .1947. JUne 25. PL 1145. as amended, propose on ar after May a9, 1953. to adopt a resolUtion to become ef- meeting. tor towel service, .fuel. and bus serv1ce. Spec1flcatlona can be secured between 9 a.m.. and 4 p.m. dally except Saturdays. SUndays, and holld.ays, at the School DIstrict omce. Board l'e8erVes the rIght to reject or aU bids In whole or In part and to award oontracts on any Item or Items fective as of JUly 6. 1953. Imposing 8 m~ng up any bid. tax Qf '10. per capita upon e'ach and DOROTHY RODGERS every adult resident or InhabItant of 3t Secretary the Swarthmore School DistrIot, In the Judgment of the Board ot School Directors of tbe Borough of Swarthmore saJd tax is necessary to provide revenue for general school PU1'pOSeS, and they estimate the amount Of revenue to be derIved from said tax will be $26.667. per annum, , SaId SchOOl DIrectors also pro_ pose to levy an addItional 85. per capita tax on each and every adult resIdent or Inhabitant of the School DIstrict of Swarthmore under the authorIty of the PUblic School Code of 1949. ' DOROTHY ROGERS. Secretary of the Board of SChool DlrectQl"S of the SChool Dlstrtct of the Borough ot Swarthmore. ME...... ft,. """', .Tn. I meetlng of the Board a~ the School LEGAL NOTICE DJStl'lct amee on Wednesday. May 2.0, NOTICE IS HEl!.lmY GIVEN that 1963. at 8 p.m.. or at an adjourned. SALON NO TRADE NEEDED BUT Open Thursday Nigh .. . of '31'.000. specIal meeting of the shareholders of of the SchOOl pursuant to National call of Bank Its directors. a The amount Swarthmore and TrUst COmpany Will he held at its banking The BUm of the gross !¥.~:~~~~~~~~; President. Rensselaer POlraytd~ate cof Swarth- childhood too dependent on his Troy, N.Y. A g mmill is a mother and sister. The presentamore High School, Ge, hi tion takes 32 minutes. freshman In Rensselaer s arc tecture department. Cedar ESTEY ORGANS Mrs. W. R. Leeron, of d for lane, will attend Moth,:" s Day and Home, Church, Chapel May Day f e stiVI·ties thish week-en datigh, 13-2nd street at'Hood College where er Upland, Pelllla. , NEWS NOTES ter Mary is a freshman .. CHester 3 C20S{ ' Mrs Frank G Keenen of HarMajor Frank J. DaVIes, ~rs. arnvyard . avenue ' will spend Mother,S Davies and their. Children f Japan Da week-end with her mother ed in San FranCISCO ro~ en THE Benjamin O. Largent of I April 27, stopping. at staSpringfield, Ohio. Late... Mrs. route. Major ?avI~S w. officers Keenen will leave for Pittsburgh tioned in Califonua :Nlt~sidence ' the ,56th Annual Con-.m Oakland. The DaVIes toattend alte June ,1 r f' t · 'of the Pennsylvania Fed- will be in Berkeley of Swarthmore ven Ion bieb f residents 0 eration of Womens Clubs w They are onner in October.' rthAndy is a graduate of S,,:,a m re High School. He studied at K!nYOn College, Ohio, for two years, transferring to Swa.rt~ore for his last two years. He 18 m the June graduating class at Swarthmore College. . ' I o~n:" M'; YERS Generptlosi Walsh Ford Company , HOlACE A. Yale " Sylvan Avenues; Morton, Po. PhoJle SWarthmore 6·7.381 or SWarthtnore 6.1445 REEVES BuildIng Construct/o'n Residential • Paintinll Commercial • , • Alterations , nyz South Ch.itet itoad Swarthmore 6-3450 . I RESIDENTiAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION f Alterations I P.R.R.....Ight Ildg. Swarthmore, Po. J. F. BLACKMAN sw 8-6618 . , The. amount of the. net debt of the School DIstrict 18 • 170 •002 .00 The amount of the proposed Increase ot debt 1s • 312,000.00 presents Mr. and Mrs. Cli~ton NewbelT)' and daughters Henrletta and Mary of Washington, N. C. Sally Alden of North road a junior at William Snnth Coll;ge Geneva, N.Y.,: has been elected' president of the Athletic Association for next year. She will also continue as a m~ber of the student-faculty Comnnttee. Mr. and Mrs. Hailock C. Ca~p­ b 11 f Vassar avenue entertained visory Committee, will ente~~~ a: t:eir house guests for seven:1 at a tea next Tuesday, Ma~ , days of last week Mr. Campbell s from 3 to 5 at Mrs. Crats brother Mr. Duncan Campbell, home in honor of Miss R. Mild Mrs Campbell and thel,: sons Kidd, ElementarY Supervisor,:: Stu~rt and Alan of Benn1Ogton, is leaving at the end of the 7( Vt At e family dinner party The guests will include additi':d_ ,gi~en last Thursday evening admembers' of the Elementary ta dltlonal guests were Mr. Campvisory Committee, Elemen ,ry bell's parents Mr. and Mrs. Dangrade chairmen an~ other ~oth~ iel Campbell of St. Petersburg, ers who have been 10 close .okuc; 'Fla and Mrs. David Thomas of . Mi Kidd and her wor 10 ., With ss Narberth. the past two years. ' newly elected president. Swarthmore delegates to the Convention will be Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe, director of the Delaware County Federation of Women·s Clubs, and Mrs. John E. Michael. second vice-president of the Delaware County Federation. 'Mrs. Edward K. Cratsiey, ~. -Thomas Casey, Mrs. Leroy Pe son, and Mrs. William MCDenn~d~ members of the Elemen:tary. . Monday, May 11 throuh Saturday, May 16 Curtain TIme - t; THOM'EMBA SER U P H 0 L 5 T ERE R • CUSTOM, SLIP COVERS Phone Sh, aroll Hili 0734 ~M'~'"""""""M"~':""" Christman " JOlre SW 6.2290 HI 7-0674 'Registered' PiumbTn9 _ EI.ct,leal _ Carpentry formIca Kitchin Tops "Cllstom Kltchl. Cabi ••Is" ~" ...","""'M""""'~ Swarthmore 6-1448 WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lawns Mowed, General Rawling 236 Barding Ave., Morton, Pa. AD,S BUILDER Swarthmore 6·ZZ53 DOROTHY RODGERS Seeretary of the Board of 4t-15 ..22-29 School DIrectors 8:20 P.M. . PETER E. TOLD All Lines of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avenue ' Swarthmore. Pa. Swarthmore ,6-1833 A Com,'ete Insurance and Rea' Estate Agency SWEENEY " CLYDE ai ,- and Ferber Harry H. Cafierty, Jr. ' Dlreetor %:: Charles E. Fischer to be Increased Is to BY' Kaufman Ch~r 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER Phones: 3·6141 3-6142 4-4291 4-4292 Samnel·D. Oyde Samnel D. Qyde, Jr. J. George Plowman Edward Oyde • •• WANTED-To buy youth Bed. SWarthmore 6-0975 or Wayne , PERSONAL 'The purpose for which the debt Is provld~ tunds tor and toWard erectLng. equipping oontlnned: and. for the .PUl"pClJe· 'of fUrnlshlng a new elementary school 'VOting upon any other matters lnct- bulldl"l!' and repal:rl"l!', altering and dental to the proposed COD9011datlon 1mproVing the existIng elementary of the two banks. A copy of the afore- school bUilding on Rutgem. Avenue. said agreement. executed.· by a maBY ORDER of the Board of B<;lll.~'li jority of the' cHreetors 'Ot -each of 'the two banks. providing for the con- Dlreetors 01 the School Dlstrict of solldatlon. Is on file at the bank and Borough of Swarthmore. may be Inspected during business CARROLL P. 'STRI!:I!:'I'EB . hours. Prestdent, Boe.rd. of School DirectorS IIARoLD OORAM, May 6,1963 ER Pbon~ Media 6-3555 ALBAN PARK as IF YOU HAVE ONE - EXPECT PLENTY FOR IT house at South Chester Road and SchOOl District 18 • Rutgers Avenue; in the Borough 0'1 'I'he sum of the allowable deductions Swarthmore. State of Pennsylvania, which 18 clalm6d, 1& • 9.998.00 on Tuesday. JUne' 9. 1953. at 2:30 o'clock p.m.• BBstern Dayllght SaVing Time, tor the P11rpOGe or considering and determining by vote whether an agreement to consolidate the sald bank: and The FIrst National Bank of Media. located. In the Borough of Media. State or Pennsylvania. under the proviSiOns of the laws of the United States. shall be ratified and New and Rebuilt Plsnoo and BepalrIn, 81nce 1908 ~B~0~X~4~B~-~S~w~a~':th:m:o~r~e:::~il;~~~;~ willWoman's represent are ente.rtalru g "The Royal Family" III~~~~~~~~, Swarthmore Club as the its of Park their avenue house guests thiS week \ ' resolution of the Board of SChool Directors of said SchOOl DistrIct duly adopted the 16th day of 1953, Bnd pUbl1Bhed. according wlll hold. an election on May tween the hours of 7:00 P.II' •• E.B.T., at the In Place~~;~~; municipal electIons the trlct of the Borough at for the PurpoBe Of obtalnlng SHAREIIOLDtlRS' ~mETING Bent of the electors of said &:hool NOTICE ,IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat. Dlstriot tO..an Increase of the. debt of said School District In the SUm of Over-Dependency," the film tells arried the story of a, young m . man whose inability' to face ordmary problems of life stems froql .n convenes Monday, Tuesday and Yale avenue. . . eek M~. and Mrs. Don D. Dlc=.~n 6~0'74'01 Wednesday of next 'f . Mrs, a 3t-B-15-" PIANO TUNING Ful~:~ Chapter of Bela Alpha Psi, school next Wednesday at 10:20 I~~~~~~~~~~~;iiii which Isa'National Honarary Ac- a.m. E n t'U-.i I o;v. "The Feeling of GEORGE MYERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the electors of the School DistrIct of the BoroUgh of Swarthmore, Delaware County. PR•• that the Schoo] DJ.s... trlct of ·the Borough of SWartbmort. punruant, to and by authority PETER 01 NICOLA Air Conditioning PROMPT DELIVERY ON NEW FORDS s~ore 8-1013 ELEOTION NOTICE SCHOOL DlSTRICl' OP THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA collnting Soc1etOliey. the OPPOrtunities for advancement, perbapa. the.!..!» ........ ·iIl an ofikie Dear j;om home. No'~ce is needed, nO -Mwintm.ntnec My. Lots of OpportunitieS, tOo, tor rec'eDI; high school 8l'll4uates. Call or stop in at any Bell Telephone BlIs; JJ ,01Iice or any of thest coDvenient Employment ~ 42 •• ' n. .. o,.eaJew far .Nohls.,._ ~ 1131 AnI: SIneI' 2 S (AIk • II. Ii , ••, " (Ail OpUIiM rw OsIo!ilz otIcioI) . . , . db sol III .., .... I ' . . .. , . . . . (Ail Ope,uIUF I' ·'liaird· & Bird Rea', Estate and Insurance rw 1IItioo'*- OIldaI), CAlk OplialOi for ell 7 Clk 0IIdaI) TH. IIlL TlUPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA "'-10.."."" , ' COIl. DAiTMOutH 6t!tI' LAFAYEIIE .VENUES .... ..., h • • SIneI, ...... ..." .... rw i.cmg~ 0IIclaI) -,tl Finder 6-0951. , • E.. . . "-t, ....hi...... tiOD•. We spePugh will use in addition to her ci~ 'n this import&at pert Hanny, Mrs. Ernest Hetzel, dren ages 7 to 10. Good used paj- cleared $264 at th",dessert bridge own. ·work. You are usuftd Hostesses for the day will be Jr., Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge, Mrs. a~ will be accepted. Anyone last Wednesday at the Woman's ·.k~l~ed, prole.sina" . Mrs. Robert A. Allison, Mrs. Gordon F. Jess, Mrs. Donaid P. wf!1!ng to give pajamas or other ClUb. The funds will be used 'serVice and uniformly lair prices at thl. phaiAvery F. Blake, Mrs. H. E. Gold- Jones, Mrs. Percy K'!D-e, Mrs. A. SUItable camp clothing manjr con- throughout the year to give parties H. Knabb, Mrs. Wiillam Kurtztact. Mrs. Frank J. Kernaghan, for men in nearby veteran hosma~. Try us next time! smith, 'Mrs. Howard· G. Hopson, halz, Mrs., Frederic .J. LeMaistre, ch81nnan of.. the committee, by pitals. and Mrs. Earle Yerkes. Mrs. CATHERMAN'S Mrs. Charles E. Mascbal, Mrs. telephOning MAdison 3-9405. Morris H. Fussell will pour, as- R d The committee women who DRUG STORE. aymon Mateer, Mrs. Geotge W. Princeton avenue resident Rob- planned til'e party, made the cakes sisted by Mrs. Ford F. Robinson and Alice E. Marriott of the hos- McKeag, Mrs. W. Edward Med- ert W. Bernhardt, chalrman of that were serVed and given as ford, Mrs. William L. Medford, admissl'ons and his comnu'ttee d oar prIzes . pitality committee. , Mr J w~re: s. ohn E. Michael, Mrs.' Raymembers are now arranoring deThe garden department will mond S Mu Mrs. W'!k b'" Mrs. John L. Good, ·chai.rman , . nsoD, a eF tails for the selection of 156 undervisit the Arthur Hoyt Scott Hort- Penlleld Mr M limP t ikin, and Mrs. J. F. Gaskill, co-chair, s. a co e r nOUrished or underprivileged boys ir-ultural Foundation of Swarth- Mrs. Francis Plowman, Mrs. Blair d man; Margaret Campbell, Mrs. R. more College on May 14. Either Price, Mrs. Donald Poole, Mrs. R. an an equal number_of 'girls be- T. Bates, Mrs. Walter Giles, Mrs. _ .Tohn C. Wister, the director, or C. Rincliffe, Mrs. Theodore SmI- 1l1111111111111111111111111111I11II1111111111111111I11I11II11I11I1I11I11I1I11III1111III11'" Y M h' . Joan Higginbottom, his secretary, thers, Mrs. Furness Taylor, M;rs. 5 ou eet t e N,cest People at Speare's .. IIIIIIIIIIII~ will conduct the trip. A group of Grace Tay~orJ Mrs. Charles A. §i Fo~~~.r. 200 can be. accommodated and Turner, Mrs. Robert J.' Turner, ~ Now llf ~ friends as well as club members Mrs. Leslie.A. Wetlaufer. ..: ~rogr... § are invited. Those wishing to take Friends of the Auxiliary who :: iii this guided trip are asked to meet modeled the late spring and sum- : ;; at 2: 30 p.m. at the Martin Bulld- mer fashions' from a Swarthmore .5 : ing. It has been requested tourists shop were, Mrs. Hallock Campbell, ; iii , wear safe, comfortable shoes. Mrs, C. Edwin Ireland, Mrs. G. S S D. Landing, Mrs. Vincent Lath- S § COATESVILI.E PARTY' bury, Mrs. Edward M. Passmore, ~ . !I The Educaton, Instruction and Mrs. Robert Pfeiffer, Mrs. Charles S9Co. Supply Committee of the Red R Stunn Mr R b rt' Turn ' ,s. 0 e er, =S EDGMONT AVE.. -. 7th AND WELSH STS. Cross gave a party for 160 men of Nancy Baker, Mary Bunker and .. Ward A ot CoateSville Hospital Patsy Erb. . i§ iii last Thursday night. Hosts and iii * * * •. * * *.* * * * * *'* * * * '!.t::. *' * * = a ESlER'S Fashion rner ;!i You can wash them! T ;~~~":"~~~i~. ~;. ::~ ::: l:. ~~~CI~~s~~~';; ~:~:~ ~ oppers - Full length Casuals l O R LON .' f Iee.c e 5 .. • r.rark Bittle, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 'Johnson, Mrs. David Bingham. ~ irs. Franklin Gaskill, Mrs. Charles :'ischer, Carol JoneS, and Mrs. .-,hn L. Good, committee chairman. Mrs. Avery Blake and Mrs. Don_ ,ld Jones of the 'Canteen served "ofteshments and Mrs. Paul Banks '''mtributed to the party's enter- of 301 Swarthmore avenue and their daughter Diana, who is home from _ BenningtOn College for the spring vacation, invite 'frlends to their hom!, tomorrow evening for a dis ussI th . Ith c on on e recellt Hea Course /liven ' by Th' = omas G Bines ~ in Philadelphia. A demonstration iii of Vitalic breathing will be given. .' IS ='::"::'n::m::e::n::t=Wl::·::th=h::e::r::p~i::a::l\::o::p~l::a~y:::in~g~.::A~n;y;O;n;e=i;n;te;r;es;t;e;d~iS~in~V;i;ted;;;'==.1 =. . ~ 3 9,98 49,98 a WaSh it by hand or in the washer. You can hang It up to dry ;'. . never need to . press it. And .. It's warm .•• and ,wanner than wool . . • yet weighs less! . Open FrIday TIll 9 P. M. 1llllllllllllUl8lllUUIllmlllllUllUlIlIUmnullllllllllllllllWWUullUmlUIlIlUUlUlUllUwlHllllmmauruuuiliullmllnllliilllnlll~1I1I1I1IIIIWUUlHIHllnllllllllllllllU1 , ~ m~.~ n ....... due to failures to 1ess ...... 3')(, of the total. The ...tio~.wide average 10 much higher. "0. leer. AU lighting eqwpmeotheadUghu, tall· .., ·....... ...d stop lightl, . . dUect/onal . aignals-wIII he in good ..orltiiig order. I WINDSHJ1ILD STATE. INSPECTION WIPlIRS wIII ....ork r=-J~:"~.' your car 10 Ihe offI. clal Inspedlan ltallon of your cholc., Do It NOW-the current Inspection period ltarted May 1. A qualified mechanic will JULY 31 All rubber parts, hose and liitlngo are checked. I Hav. your car ch.c••d NOW. .. ..,. It. Is III safe mec'.nlcal cOltdltio. • • • that your IRAKES will ... Id If a child d.rts loto yoor path • • • Toor TilES woo't .lld 00 w.t ..... • • • Toor HOIN will w.... 0 . . . . . w.~ ••0" ... yo. • • • Tour HIADUGHTS woo't IIIlad the _otorl.t cOMI., toward ,08 • • • Yo.r STIEIING WHEEL will ...p YO. o. ... rI, .. slel. of ... roael - ••• AlId . . . . .u yo•• 0 ..... "'II.lp_.t .••d ....ty d.vlc. . . . . I. d.,..d..... wortl., correctly aDd cut ithuniDaUoU for ., Ieac The ael Air Convertlhle MAY 1 - uGim wm (ocu nRI!S wIII be checW for exposed cord fabric:, for CWII ...d bruiaea, . rIIpCured culogo. • 0"""'. First,in Service - • First lit Sales . Gwnrtlunore College Li~r"ry dWRrthmore t Fa. , VOTE FOR VOTE FOR HMOREAN BOND ISSUE BOND ISSUE , 13.50 PER YEAR VOLVME2~NUMBER20 SlVAR'hIMORE. FRIDAY, MAY 15,1953 Five Contest 3Posts . In Primary Election Atchited's Drawing of Rutgers Avenue Elementa;.y School Addition • School Diredors Provide Only Fight on May 19 Primary ElectIon Interest cen- tera, locally, on the School Bond Issue and on the two Republican contests for School Board posts: Seeking the four year balance of the traditional woman's tenn school director are Mrs. A. W. Bass, Jr., 241 Ogden avenue, and Mrs. Robert E. Splller,' 603 pgden avenue. Mrs. Bass, whose sons David and Dirk are in the 8th and 5th gradeS of the schools, has s.erved her community in many ways since coming here In 1~40. She served' the Home. and School for two years as publicity c"alnnan. She was 1952 Borough Chairman of the Tuberculosis Seal drive. She serves the Red Cross as a Gray Lady. She is a past treasurer of the Woman's' Club of Swarthmore, and was' a director Above Is the cure for Swarthmore's ennent overcrowded grade schools, for which the School Board, Home and School Assoclatlnn, primary election candidates aDd numerous lndividnaJ resldents are urgiag p .....ge of next Tuesday's ,312,000 Bond Issue referendnm. The balldlng !s needed to bring cia", .. down to the 25 to 30.pnpll state standard. A1thollJlh' n.cessltated by today'S borough chlldrea It. bas adequate leeway to absorb the borough's normal rate of growth for several years. Additional classrooms can be added tater If future need Justifies. It bas been _erally agreed the balldlng should. be financed by a Bond ....u. If poosIble, because this method permits a democratic voice of the people to be heard; It keeps local matters in the hands of local people;. Ii provides the most economical means 0/1 flnaacJng; It staves off the Immediate tax rise whloh flnaac1ug imder an arbitrarily established lIIun1clp&l or state Authority would bring; and It Is the ouly method by which It now appears the building can be ready with an,. certainty by the September, 1954, deadllne. Howell Lo!wfs Shay, 3r., of Walnul lsne, Is Brchlteo1; for the propo_ e~ension. (Drawing courtesy of The Evening Bulletin) foreightyears.Atpresentshehasl-~~==~~=-==~~~==~====~==~====~==~--==~~~----~-----------~~----~~--~----------~~----~--- School Orchestra Reappoint ~~s. Huer Safe Driving Week . Disabled Veterans As JUDlor AdViser . In Concert Tonight. Opens at High School ;:~':~ ~~~~m:.:~~ ;;':i! Poppy Funds Assist. . serve as school dlrector, If eiected. Prior to her marriage sh... had exrensive business and educatl.m. Every coin dropped into a Poppy al'experlence. In 1935, 36, 37 she Day contribution box from now Young Musicians to Give was secretary to the personnei imtll Memorial Day will mean oftI.cer of .the Pennsylvania Com. Spfing Program pany and a member of the PhIla. that the AMerican Legion AwdlA 8 P M delphia Perionnel Association. In iary will be able to give just that t... 1936 and 37 .he was also a.mem. muchmorefoI;' disabled war vetThe orchestra of Swarthmore her .of the Comnlittee of 70' Spori_. erans. during the coming yel!l", ac- School' School Dlstrlct, in concert sored'Educatlon;Conunittee'ofthe 'cordlng to Mn.-Frances G: Lums., in the High School Audltorium;toPennsylvania Eco!lIlJll3l'. ;LealNe"!"lo ~dm.itof the AinsWorth-milht, ~ 16, at 8 p.m.'wIll.pre.' ~hl6h surveyed thePJ:illaderphi. -WernherAuXlllary' Unit. ,sml a varied pro~am arranged to Mrs. Wiillam R. H.uey h.as been . Senl A vi reappomted or d ser to the Junior Woman's Club of Swarth. '. more by Mrs. Frank ..G. Keenen, president of the SenIor Club. Both Incoming. and retjrlnji· ·offic.rs of the Junior Club ·and its general membership welcome Mrs. Huey's reappointment, .. which was in 8!iswer toihetr request. Mrs. :ij\ley ..,m entertain both 11 h G d B P t· ra e oys romote Week Long Program Opening Monday To create a greater COllCern for the hazards of driving the eieventh· grade boys are promotbig a Safe Driving Week at Swarthmore High ·School. The '1!""gr8m WiiI klck-llll'f MOnday . I>ubll .. c SCh~,~.,.;~....~d issued .. , ......'.". '. ¥.,9l/.""'~.'.;~.',~..,.ho.ni.,the . . ~a.tethe.v~O\l..•.. ~esi-'of . . S }>f... oftI.<:eI8 .. at a .. (!!n,:,er ino~ with a live minute ~t in report ~tI\.:m"""'!'er!'AA~ f!>f.Al""" ...."";..tl~)!oflm": .,~ltlo..pmflll~ . y~~ ;~..,,1.u.. "!~f,a~J"'! ~0111."" ~~'.~..~embly.,.whlch will demonstrate' ~IWL'" to Iiie.a.t til1be ~"*liit·aldh;mjifi.fi· e' 'strum..t,,!, . .. . ~~halt son aven\le, Wednesday evening, 'lDr the ·students what will take ect. . PhIladelphia Schools. •.. ' ,I to the disabled vl!terans of the' Mr.. Bass Is a grad\l8te of two, world wars and the Korean Hazelto.n High School and Penn- conlllct, their actlvitles IInanced sYlvania State College ~th a B.A. largely by Poppy Day funds, she in· Education certificated to teach explalned. Because of the growLatin, Matbematics, and SocIa). fog number of war disabled, Mrs. Studies. She is a membet of the George P. Warren, Auxlllary NatlonalEducatlonHonorSoclety Poppy Chairman, expressed the ~pha Lambda Deitaand the socla1 hope that Poppy Day contribufraternity Chi Omega. FOllowlngtiOlIB would.be especlally generous college she completed a business this year. AuxilI"!,, members are course at the McCann School of IiJ'Bt,,:ul for every asalstance gfv,en Business, and taught in Its night. them In their work tor the weischool. . fare of th"!H' men who have given Mrs. Spiller has taught at the so much for America. eiementary school level in several 2nd Annual BII'nd Fa'if Scheduled May 21 23 . will feature selections by the 28 piece eiementary school orchestra a\ld several solo numbers by youthful grade school musicians. The orchestra will be heard in three selections: a march, "In· auguration", a waltz, ''Dream Faces", and an overture, ''Corona.'' This group will be di· reeled by Robert Barclay, string Instructor in the local sc~ools. Danny Rodgers will play a cello .solo, "La Cinqulntaln", and Peter Walsh will be heard in a number for solo violIn from Don Giovrutnl. Betty Gemmill and Betty Ann Me- Il'O\l1I. . May ~20. A business meetin&'. will plan for the fullest possible season to open in the Fall. Past and present officers of the ciub who will attend.include Mrs. Newell Weat, Ruth Wagner, Mrs. Robert Weller, Mrs. Howard 'WUhoyt, Mrs. Robe~ Hamm, Jean :aJakiston, Mrs. Gregory' Heath, Ann Kraus, Mrs. Edward Coillns, 'Mrs. Herbert Tutherly, Mrs. E. Donald Gustafson, Mrs. Carl Fox, Mrs. Robert Greene,. Mrs" Robert DeLong, Mrs. OWen Sheppard, Patricia Weiland, Mrs. Scoti'WeIdon, Mrs. Henry Faust, and. Mrs. place dUting the week. The week's actlvlUes will be concluded with a demonstratlon of Psycho-Physi. 'cal Testing Apparatus and other safety aspects of driving at the Bnnual Fire and Industrtal Arts ExhIbit on FrIday evening. One of the outstanding features of the week. will be the appearance of OWen .,. McDonnell, original promoter of interest in (Continued on Pllge 6) Library Exhi~it . Draws Childre.. neighboring private s c h 0 0 1 s, Corkei will play a clarinet duet, Walter HBnnum. . Chiltiren'. Spring Book Festival among them, Rose Valley' School, "Cathedral Echoes", and a youthIs being observed at the Swarthwith which she was associated ful trio comprising Spellcer Carmore Public .Library by an· ex. trom 1929 to 1948 as head of its roll, Romona and Mary Van Urk . ' , "p:" hlblt of 135 new titles, many of nursery school and as.teac!>erof . ' • will perform Cadman's "Memory." . them chosen from the 400 books (Continued on Page 12) , Demonstrations. of ,braille typeIIIgh School.Pro,....,. for boys and girls published from writers and the making of various The Junior-Senior High School . January through April; 1953. household articles will be avall- Orchestra conducted by Robert M. A special art lecture; and tea Prominent in the exhibit are 21 able to Borough citizens imd Holm, music director, will present will mark, the openlnti of the books purchased with the $50 Dr. and Mrs. Roy N. Keiser were "eighboring 'communlties when seIec ti ons f rom "The King adnX'", Woman's Club 19th Annual Art earned by local Cub Scouts at. presented. with a farewell gift of member workers of the Deiaware "Menuetto" from Schubert's Fifth Exhibit Tuesday "afternoon at the Christmas and. presented to the a 21-inch cOnsole televISion to be County Branch, PennsYlvaula As- Symphony, "Th'e =-dso" b th n ~ ry e clubhouse when Edward Lis, a IJbrary. All titles are of interest installed and serviced for one year Noel G d soclatlon for the Blind set up English composer ay, an resident of Lansdowne, will give to boys, three choice ones being at the dinner-reception which the shop May 21, 22, 23 in the the "March 0 f the .Peers"by Suill - a demonstnitlonof portrait paint- "Hoofed Mammals of the' World", Methodist congre'gatl.on tendered . . Sen! m g. h Sch' 'o!sts Swarthmore :nre House on Lai- van. or 00. so,. ing. A' general meeting at 2 p. m. l\IIPcllI; "American Racing Planes them saturday evening. Mr. and ayette avenue. Presented by the will be RoSOl' Alice RichardsOn, WIll precede thi. program planned and Historic Air Races", Klnert; Mrs. CharleS R. Beacham of ~tty Swarthmore Lions Club in co- pianist aild David Spencer, vlotin_ by the' sponsoring· art department and "Pictorial HIstory of American road, Medla, were also the congre- operation with the County As- 1st. Spencer also recently appea~ for clubmembers and their guests. S~rts", Durant. -tlon's . guests. as they left the . ed ertm Iste d '-'-t . 0'" .... socIation' as Swarthmore's second as conc e r lID so""" The ExhIbit will be opened'io the ExhIbit books will go into cfrChurch to make' tIielr home in All-State "--hestra t annual Blind Fafr, the three-day with both ",n, . I l public. Wednesdlly, 'Thursday lind' euiation Monday, with the new New Jersey. Both famm~ were ""ent will open Thursday morn- Sharon and Philadelphia Youth FrIday afternoonstroin 2to S p.m. Madeline, "Madeline's Rescue"; presented with guest books signed (C ontl nued on p a ge 8) and .Tuesday through FrIday eve- Bemelmans and .the new Dr. by the 175 persons present and ing at 10 a, m. and contlnue each lady received e corsage. through Saturday till 4 p.m., with nings from 7· to 9. Seuss, "Scrambl.ed Eggs Super" The PJ:OIII'8IIl honored Dr. Keiser evening hours nn Thursday and '.ters' 'nforlllflfiorl .Mr. LIs, a native of Poland, leading the requests. On l\!:onday who retires after 12 years of ser· Friday. Polls WIll' be opeD .for the pursued art woik~uring Inteni- the current prize-winning titles vice In the S.·warthmore.. .·.Chlll'Ch Rl\bber .doormats,.. lroningboard . inent in a cOncentratlon camp. and prize books .of fonner years . ' d d -.-~ PrlmaryElectionirom8·a.m.to When he for comparison and 48 years in the active mInIs- coven,· mops an . cane an rwoa Tu~ .. 19 Citl -- liberated b·v , the will be dIsp'ayed '. 9 p.rn. try. Mrs. Juanita Paul ..;,g IIIIV- bottomed chatrs will be'made on ~,-ay ' . • aIilioS. tit: tbe.cJose of the war, he and clreulatlon. era!'80Ior!, the Church Choir sang the premls.., 'and'will be for sale ·zeus in the· Northern Preeinct, continued painting for several The Festival pQSter by this' f two. numbers.,. and comm.unlty along with leather goods,. rag (north °th theb raIJroatd)'f will years under professional fnstruc-:YeB1:'s Caldecott PrIze winll'1 th 0 e tio'n in England. Since his arrival Lynd -. singl.i" was A-"Oyed bv the ......m rup, b rooms, aprons an d 0 ther vote . in Sch eI, C&SeInen lle " ard Is displayed, a charmwhIle "the v;;;;:'g fry #-'0"'::;-;; articles manufactured by the 1pgh ~_~o ~_av(enthoseue; ,In thi. United States to Join' his Ing ill\lSlrationjoi a lad with fIs1l. • "'" ,.~ ela eoun'" Movi Eastern ....,.,...". relatives, the .... _-'-.... .......;n_ of in v rod laid aside while he is lost hour of moving. pictures. Blind 0/1 D..are .... e living north oi.Park avenue), n........... ............ , min Dr. Allred WIlliams was........ shorts om. Thursday and F r i d a y . Lansdowne, he bas been teaching In a book. Another poster pro .-- Inp, ""--'-'~hDl will cast their ballots at Bar-. art to 1~_' _.M . . . . "'c=. ful pain' ently dlspl"""~ __". Shows. an C>V.ervented b v illness. froIb ~. ftHm...,.~"",...... "'" ~_n ... In'the ___ _ 6 C ...... D Y . _ . . . ._- bJa ..cl.eduled duties.;; tOut- .In traIDinC ~ bUnd, are an.. add- Pr""""In"-t'(':='-th' f ...':_u IIIir clasSes' In I,ansc!ofte and aUed boy' It bears the ....... ..... of the --...... ec4> . o· r......aveW~e. He' h' as,~.·n. ........' par' tndts --_Non "Your. PubUe IJbrary :s master. A. carl. ~_ft' dent .... feature, ............ year" . ) ~n ~o~' In' the _ " -... .............. ........ nue,. w ..... Y .." U ....~D _ ..... -del...' A and of the Board of.............. Trustees,..._All pro ads from sales will go 'A E1ein6n ..........- ..• •~. . . .an' .d.paln . .... . 1n ....... ............. ....... ·to Make. the Better elti~ue·_" "".....,.. (Con.. '.WId lID . - ' ..) zen Of TWtialO...... able ~ to.the.Coant;J AsaoeIatioo. ,.... r_a • Worn'an's 'Club nnonS Art Exhi.bit Tuesday .Keisers Receive Gifts ft-.... RUMSEY CHEVROLET, Theatre Square South Chester Road YOUR CAR WIU. NO':r IE . . ALlOWED ON '8atsnVANIA rlll'MAYI WllhOUT AN INSPECilON macER AmI¥V al.ltA COIIO.,EALTH OF' PEIISYLIAi.A .....rt•••t .f ....... ...... IOMIL.... . ,.....-. ono •• " _ VO__ quIes. --. _ reading. ..... 'hel-.'-- an . ~- .,., .. " '>"~"'~ • •~.>. " Personals ville, Ky., who will arrive Sunday maids will be Miss Sally Newpher was haptlzed on Sunday niornlng, mediate famlllea.and close friends. for a week's visit. of Phlladelphis, MIss Abigail 'rin- May 10 at the home ,of hi_ grandMr. and, Mrs. Cochran enterBetsy Kamp of Riverview road Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Smith wID entertain, a group" of friends ney of Merion, Miss Janet Harper parents Mr. and Mrs. HamIlton tained informally following the and sons Donny and 'l'onun;Y of tomorto)V afternoon, In celebrl'tion of New York, MIss Joan ACker of, C'!"hr8!l.of Wallingford;, 'rhe ba_ Cerel)lony. Lt. 'ra),lor is on active duty at North Princeton avenue motOred otber. seve~th" birthday """!vet- Wallingford, Miss Barbara Crosset b),'_, great-grtmdfather Dr. Joseph of RiverView road, and Miss Pat- Cochran of Nantucket" Masso, and ,Portsmouth. Mrs.' 'ray{or Is ~II to Lake Paupac Club in the POc~ sary. rlc1~ Blake, sister' of th,i' brldge- Anna Marte Island, Florida, om- former Clare Cochran of WaI11n&onos. Mr. Joseph F. Gaskill of Unlclated in the presence of the im- ford. .. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. 'rhat- versil¥ place wID spend the week- groom. Mr. Joseph L. Carroll of Knightcher of Ogden avenue entertained end fishing with a group of friends stown, Ind., will serve as best as their week-end guests Mr. and in Sterling Run in the Poconos. man. The umers wID Include l\Ilrs. David Doehlert and small Mr., and Mrs. Leroy 'r. Wolf of Messrs. Dana W. Swan, 2nd, of son 'rucker of Chatham" N. J. Park avenue "'''1 entertain!ng as, North, ,Chester ,road, Jabez, F. ' Mr. and Mrs" J. Warren Pax- their house guest Mrs. Walt's sis- Carroll, Jr., Ferris Thomsen, Jr., son of· Vassar avenue will eJiter- ter Mrs. Fred Davis of Youngs- of Princeton, N. J., philip F. Macy tain as their house gueSts for a to'l'11, Ohio. of Lake Placid; N. Y., Orville R. few weeks Mr. Paxson's sister Robert W. Richardson, Jr., son Wright, Jr., of Baltimore, Md., MAKE YOUR MAN MAY MAD Mrs. Joseph'Conrow and Mr. Coll- of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of and Samuel T. Griscom of Marlrow ot. Pasadena, CaUl., who ar- Park avenue, Is among the 837 ton, N. J. rived Wednesday. ... • men graduating with the rank of " / 9 Ghesier Road ' Mrs. John Marshall of Birm1ng_ Ensign, from the Navy's only TO WED TOMORROW 'Call SwartJlmore 6-0476 .ham rQad, West Chester, formerly Omcer Candidate School at NewMiss Elizabeth KIrk Burwell of Swanhmore, entertained mem- port, R.I., after four months of bers of h,er bridge club at a lun- intensive study and training. of Dr. Wells and Mrs. Wells, daughter Donald Breckenridge of,~;;;;;;;;~;;;;~~~;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;~~ cheon-bidge Thursday. Mis. MarMr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis Ledyard road, West Hatford, Conshall returned home Monday fol- of Wallingford will entertain at a necticut, and Mr. Roy Jackson lowing a three-month European small dinner party tomororw eveTHE SCHOOL in ~OSE VALLEY Fahl, Jr., son Mr. FabI of Nortll trip. , ning in honor of their week-end Chester road, will be married toMrs. James Bacon Douglas of guests Mi'. and Mrs. Albert W. morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at MAY PAlit - SATURDAY. MAY 16. 1953 North Chester road was Iiostess at Barnhart of Shoreham, L.I. 1:00 P. M., the home of the bride's parents. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Good of a luncheon to her bridge cTub Carousel Forest lane entertained at a cock- Dr. Carl Reiland, uncle of the 'ruesday. Pony Rides bride, will olHciate. tail party from 5: 30 to 7 on Sat'Cake Sale Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 'r. BasPetS for' Sal" A reception will follow the cereurday aftertiooon. Mr. and Mrs. sett of North Chester road will Annual & Perennial Planh~ mob;)'. Handicraft , entertain their bridge club of 16 Robert C. Good of Plttsburglb , Mrs. Douglas Miner of West for Sale US$.. ,e- ,.'; 7 members at a dessert-bridge at were week-end guests of their Hartford will attend her sister as _on and family of Forest lane. Dinner at 5:30 their home tomorrow evening. Col. George Logan, U.S.A.F., of Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Warden Cornell avenue, who has been sta- Randall matron of Mr.road Willlj of Riverview of Yale avenue entertained as tioned in Washington, D.C. for serve as best man for Mr. Fabl. their house guests last ,week Mr. two and a !talf years, left WedThe couple will fiy to Bermuda STATE INSPECTION Warden's parents Mr. and Mrs. nesday for Supreme Headquarters on their wedding trip following H. N. Wari:len who were enroute in Paris, France. Mrs. Logan and which they will live in WilmingMAY 1st to JULY 31st to Wells River, Vt., after spending family will join him later In Paris: ton., Mr. Fahl is with DuPonts. the winter months in Palmetto, Have Your Car. Checked Now . '. Fla. ENGAGEMENTS BIRTHS for Summer Driving Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Mr. and Mrs. Melville M. ParkMr. and Mrs. D. J. Smyers of Harvard avenue will entertain at er of Lebanon, Pa., announce the Dartmouth avenue announce the ROBERT J. ATZ. Owner a luncheon before the Rose 'l'ree engagement of their daughter, birth of their first child, a baby RUSSELL'S SERVICE Races tomorrow when their guests Mary, Elizabeth, to Mr. John WIll- boy, Dennis Markham Smyers on OPPOSITE BOROUGH PARKINO WT will be Dr. and Mrs. John R. ard Stetlner of Harvard avenue, April 29 at Lying-In Hospital, GULF PRIDE OIL GULF GAS Bates of North Chester road and son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stett- Philadelphia. their week-end guests Dr. and ner of Columbus, Ohio. Dartliloilth & Lafayette Aves. SW 6-0440' Mrs. Joseph Elgin of Princeton, MIss Parker graduated from Mr. and Mrs. Foster Nowell of ~ N.J., Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis Grove City College and teaches Penn Pines, Clifton Heights, an- !!moommnWD...nHalliimIillilRllmummllUliiIDDDIiJUmimooilftlnmminiIlIllDlllnIDlHlinmUDmi~ of Wallingford and their guests at the Agnes Irwin School In Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Barnhart Wynnewood. nounce \he birth of their Louise, second; daughter, Constance a! E of Shoreham, L.I., and Dr. and Mr. Stettner graduated ft'om weight seven pounds, 13 ounces, !!! Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of "Rocky Ohio State University and the on May 12 in Delaware ~County a Spril)g Farm", Media and guests Yale Divinity School, and Is the Hospital. ~ Mr. and l4rs. J. Sperry Kane of Assistant Minister of the SwarthThe new baby is a granddangh- ~ Manchester, vt. more Presbyterian Church. ter of Mrs. L. J. SefVais of Elm !i GUARANTEED CERTIFIED ,Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart of 'rhe wedding will take place In avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Foster COLD FUR Ii Vassar avenue entertained at a the lIit umm Nowell of Rose 'rree Road, Media. luncheon for 12 at the Ingleneok e s er. Friday, followed by bridge at her Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Brogan, 100 PARK AVENUE, SWARTHMORE, PA. Mr. aud Mrs. Robert P. Bradhome. Mrs. Stuart was 'hostess at SWarthmore 6-1727 iii a dessert-bridge for 8 at her home ford of Swarthmore -avenue, an- Jr., of Forest lane announce the ~ nounce the 'engagem""t of their Friday evening. birth of a son, Charles Carson ~lililililliuiiunmnlullniiHlilinIiHlliiuuinUDiUDllii,"iiiiu/DuunlliiillUl..nnimlilil,"iunuDUJmillllilm~ Mr. and Mrs. E.' B. Hollis of daughter, Anne, to Mr. John W. The grandparents 3rd on May 9.are Mr. and r South Chester road entertained as McCartney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brogan, Mrs. Charles C. Brogan of Guerotlleir 'house guest Mr. Hollis' John McCartney of Colorado sey road, and Mrs. Joseph B. mother Mrs. Ada C: Hollis of Spring;" Colo. Miss Bradford is, a graduate of Blaklston of Elm avenue. Baltimore, Md., who visited here Swarthmore High School and attor 10 days through Mother's Day. BAPTIZED Mrs. David P. Wisdom of Vas- tended Pembroke College of Brown University.' James Hamilton Taylor, Infant sar avenue was, h?S~ to memMr. :Mccartney attended the, son of Lt. and Mrs. Robert Taybers of her bridge club Monday eVening.' local schools of Colorado. He serv- lor, U.S.N.R., of Portsmouth, Va., Mrs. George F. Dunn of Dickin- ed with the U., S. Army during son avenue will return home to- World War'n:. SuBSCRIPTIONS day from a week's visit with Mrs. FOR ALL The Bel Air 2-01l0r Sedan George Barlow 'of Charlottesville, JUNE BRIDE HAQAZlNES Va. She was accompanied south 'rhe marriage of MIss Marjorie MRS. LLOYD E. KAlIFFMAN by her mother Mrs. S. S. Tee! Elizabeth Lewis, daughter of Mr. SIS Dartmonth Avenue who, continUed her trip to Pensa-' and Mrs. William Sproul Lewis of SWaribJqore 6-2080 ~ eola~'·li.a·., for an extended visit "Deep Meadows," .Gradyville, to ~=====~======i with Iier'son Mr. Samuel Teel. Mr. Avery Felton Blake, Jr., son of ;: Mr. an'd Mrs. Robert H. Reed of Mr. and ~Mrs. Blake of Amberst College avenue retutned home ayenue, wID take place Saturday, MAY 1 - JULY 31 Monday tOllowlng a month's vaca_ June 13, at 6 o'clock, in 'l'rinity Swarthmore, Pa. tion in Asheville, N.C. Church, Swarthmore. AlB CONDITIONED 'Mr. and Mrs. George M. Karns A reception-at "Deep Meadows" Hav. you. car c ..c.... NOW. .. •• re It Is of Wellesley' road wID entertain wID follow the ceremony. I. safe .ft.a.lcal co.lllitio. • • • ..at ye.r Fri. & Sat. as their house guests Mrs. Karns Mrs. Jabez F. Carroll, Jr., of June AlIyson Hnmpbrey Bogart BRAKES will hi.. If a c.lld "arb I.to yo •• , brother and sister-In-law Mr. and Vassar avenue wID be matron of "BAnLE CIRCUS" ,.... • • • Yo.. TIRES wo.'t .lild n wat roads Mis. Norm.m H. McNalr of Louls- honor ,for her sister. 'rhe, brldes- A, true sto.y of romance , ...nspen"" w.o eel." • • • Yo.. HORN wlli wara F:::::::::::::::::::::::::=;,====::::::::::===::::;:::::========, The Bouquet~ ' hono~ Thomasl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M' WEI NSTEI' N & SONS i iii • , Cleaners aiidTailors I I !i STObGe' a II 5 -=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=======:::=:::======~ r====:::::==:::::==:::::==: /I STATE INSPECTION COLLEGE'THEATRE • SPBCIAL CIIJLDIREN'S SHOW So+.1 P. M. PLAYERS CLUB of Swarthmore "The Royal Family" B:r Kautmaa &lid Ferber ea.erty, Jr. DIrector c:AMIR.A & HOIBY SIIOP 405 Dartlno. Ave. Q. WEST COCHRANE .604191 • .......:3t I Lut ToIro NIdata: FrIt1a.:r. lIr&:r, Ii Satuda:r. lIIa:r CurtIiID ',l'IIDiI P", 1. .:10 sat. Dlght onJ,y _ feature times 6 - 8 & 10 Sun., Mon. & Tus. Cllulos CIuqiUn __ or ilOiiIedy Pn!Se1l1a Harry H. "~g~tlng Coas. Guard", pillS ClIltoons, - 1 , sh_ .. last c!wpter _ 1L;;;;;;;~=-~~i...J ';LlMELIGHT" A maoterpl... )'OU'Il _ (tecIl) , stewart _ , . . lID",. "CURTAIN UP" C. wor.r., order. First In Sa/e$ "RUMSEYCHEVRO'LET Swa •• tlllore 6-6130 nars., FrI. & Sat. A. Un1l8Ul 0"•• torptl 'KING SOLOMON'S MINES' pi I ,,"w.r.. First In Service - 0.1, 0....-Wed. of Advea_ s_ I- A1'tItllr Balik 0.....-.'t see yo. • • • You. HEADUGHrs .11... 'I!. .. otorl.t co.I., yil. • • • YOIII' STEERIN/!, WHIEL wlli ..., ,liD o. 1h rI, .. " ... of ... . _.. - _ • • AIId ......11 yo •• ...1,......... _ty device. . . . I....,......1• ta 's Theatre Square South Chester Road Miltl5; 19s5 , .. .. , . THE swAR11IMOREAN ; , a.m., CirI!le' I, Chairman" Mrs. FRIENDS Mirr•.-&· NoTES APostles and Mediator; In West Seyinour K1etzien, will inee~ lit Regular Monthly :Meeting tor Plilladelphia, on Monday, at '10: 30 puai.Is1IED EVERT I'IUDA't AT sWAaTdoa.. PA. the home "f Mrs. T. D. Stevenson, Business will be held in Whittier a. m. This will be followed by THE sw.taTIIM:OREAN, ~(l.. pmuJllJlE'Il • 87 Hemlock road, Pine Ridge. Me- House at 7:30 p.m. on 'rueaday, the Annual Meeting of the ..... sw.....,., I-ItIOo . dia. Guest Speaker Dr. E. Fay May 19. Woman's Auxiliary. Campbell will talk on his work The Boys' Choir will rehearse MEtHODist NOTES with the Young People In the Colat 4 o'ciock Monday afternoon , leges at 1:30 prO~ 'rhe Sunday School meets at follOWed by the Girl's Choir reCircle 3, chairman, Mrs. Harold 9:45. Cla ..es are provided for all hearsal at 5 o'clock. The Boys' Choir w1Ii again rehearse on WedGtIftiD will meet at the home at ages. The Young Adults meet, at nesday at 4 p. 10., and full re10 o'clock iii the Ladies' Parlor. . Mrs. John McQuade, RoSe HIll hearsal ot tile Men's and Boys" SWAR'tSllrom;:.. PENNA.. ftlDAY,lIIAY 15. 1'53 The' Ituest preacher at the mornroad, Moyhm.· ing service at 11 o'clock wiD be Choir will be lield at 7': 30 p. m. Circle 4, chalrman, Mrs. P. W. Wl11am E. Hordero of the College. Thursday. Crane, will: meet at the home of There wID be a celebration of 'rhe Nursery for children Is open Mrs. Crane~ .RIdley Creek road, the Holy Commwilon at 7: 15 a.m. dunng the motDlrig service. Mrs. The future of public schQol education in Swarthmore Media. Wednesday. George W. Glaesser, Jr. and Alma faces, a crucl8l test in ' Tuesdays's PrimarY Election. Voters Circle 5, chairman, Mrs. H. L. Trevethlck will be In charge. The Women's Meeting of the Peel, will meet at the home of Convocation of Chester will be will decide for or against a Bond IBB"uc to support expansion Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell, Wall- Ushers tor the day are J. Jusof existing elementary school facilities, already overtaxed ingfom tus Bodley, Warren Crafts, Charles held at 10 a.m. Thursday Ilt the Church of the Redeemer In Bryn Grier and A. Martin Kapp. by the Borough's increased population. They will also elect Circle 7, chairman, Mrs. George Mawr. four school directors. one to a six-year term, two to four- Hunter, will meet at the home of A Sliver Tea will be held at year terms, and one to a two-year term. The contested terms Mrs. Harold C. Scott, Gedar Grove TRINITY NOTES tlie home of Mrs. William W. are the two and four-year terms. ' road, Broomall. Mrs. E. A. WhitHoly Communion will be cel- Watkins, 621 Magill Road, on Fri" Passage of the lJond Issue will assure the maintenance ney wID speak at 11 a.m. on "At- eebrated at 8 o'clock Sunday day from 3 to 5 o'clock. of the State standard ,.'in the Swarthmore schools. ShOUld rica". morning and at 9: 30 all departt .. ' , ~ Circle 9, chairman, Mrs. M. W. ments of the Church School will he Bond Issue fail, tuis generation of Swarthmore children Luther, will meet at 'rhe Gibbons meet. At the 11 o'clock service Friendly Open House Closes Season will be penalized by voters who took their own public school Home, Baltimore pike. Mrs. Peter of Morning Prayer, the Very Rev. ed.ucation, under less crowded nonaitio!ls, pretty much for E. 'raid in a book review on Frank D. Gifford, D.D., Dean of 'rhe Friendly Open House, Group closed season Monday granted. The cost of' education "'"is admittedly high, but its "These Rights We Hold", and a the Philadelphia Divinity Sshool, afternoon with its a trip to the home worth to borough, state, and natl'on I'S I·ncalculable. The poetry reading by Grace Dietz will preach. Those serving as ' f ' wI'11 comprl~se the program ushers will be as follows: J.B. of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Vogdes 0 Swarthmorean urges your support of the Bond Issue. . North Lemon Street, Media. Other CI-Ie Mee'lnBullitt, Jr., F. ,So Chambers, J.P. .. ' . ed' Important~referendums such this and the election of .~. og 'Espenschade, V. L. Fine, J. H: 'l'wenty-f!ve members enJoy a 12:30 2,illchairman Furlong; F. R. Gray, A. E. tour of the attractive gardens school directors to serve in one of th, e most critical periods M At H H p.m. Circle kin d rs. . . Hop . s, w' meet at and punch and cookies serve . ever faced by local schools deserve the deliberation and sens-' the home of Mrs. Edwin Crosby, Pritchard, and G. S. Valentine. afterwards by the host and hostible forethoug'ht of each voter. Thl's means studYI'ng the qualPierre Decrouez wH! serve as Providence and Line roads, Media. acolyte at the 8 o'clock service ess. ifications of all candidates (these are listed elsewhere in The ProlITam: Mrs. Melvin Molstad and Dana Swan at 11. During the Mrs. C. W. Worst, Mrs. E. B. SWarthmorean), and weighing them to discover the contes- will continue her discussion on 11 o'clock service Leigh Hollis Hollis, Mrs. H. H. Gibson, Mrs. Mrs . Charles ' ~-' ...n t s w h ose a b'I't II y, experience. judgment, il).tegrity. indec "Africa, Then and Now". Mem- and Mary" Anne 'rhompson will J . Arthur Haves _and ', Taylor were in charge of transber's are asked to bring articles for be in charge 0 f t h e nursery. ~ndence and courage fit them for go,od p'ublic service. It is a matter o,f aatisfaction that people of high calibre Co-op Shop of the Presbyterian rrhe Diocesan I ngath' enng 0 f ,portation. '" Hospital. the United Thailk Offering will Last Monday the group visited and principle stand for' eleetionjn the Borough. It is a matEvening Circle 10, chalrplan, be held at the Church of the Holy Longwood Gardens. 1'iJ1t.:, SWAR'fiIMOREAN tlie Democracy in Action tr· as I ~r of community concern that rumor campaigns lasting damage, that the consent of a candidate to can run work does not give a free license for stone'tliipw:ing. Candidates are to , be appraised on their own ilieri'ts rather _than on the powers of persuasion of thel1lttdel'lt supporters. Is it too quixotic, too quaint and old fashioned to insist that a community such as , thi~, admi~ an obligation of nobll!Sse obJjge to ~~ighbors who offer to cari'y a larger share of the public load? Tliis obligation would be discharged by bringing a thorough study to each vQte, andstanping firm against the barrage of last p~rm,it~n:Qr.efutation. minute circulati0ll8 WlJ!ch '. The School Board must face grave decisions. It seems to The Swarthmorean that candidates uncommitted by pledges, but willing and able to face each decision firmly and fairly will best serve the Boroilgh's future, and what else is that but its educated youth? ' CHURCH SERVIaS PRESBYTERIAN NOTES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. Bishop will preach at the Joseph P. Bishop, Minister two' services on~ SUDday at 9:30 JohnSunda:r, Stettner, Assistant and 11 a.m. 'rhe subject of his serl\Ia:r 17 9:30, 10:45 11 A.M. _ Church mon wID be "Does Predestlna,tlon School. Have Meaning For Us Today?,; 9:30 & 11;00 A.M.-Mr. Bishop The Senior High Fellowship will wID preach. ' h Wednesda:r, lIfa:r!t ' ave a supper meeting this Sun10:30 A.M.-Woman's Circle Day. day evening at 6:30 p.m~ The guest METHODIST CHURCH speaker for the following meeting .Roy N. Keiser. D.D.. Ministe~ will 'be Dr. Edward Cox, profesSunday, May 17 sor of cheruistry at Swarthmore 9: 45 A.M.-Church School. College, who wi1I, SPeak on "A to: 00 A.M.-Young~ Adults. ' Chemist Faces Religion". 11:00 A.M. - Mr. Hordei'D wID preach. The Young Adults will meet 11:00 A.M.-Church Nursery. for supper and meeting on SunTRINI'l'Y CHURCH day evening at 6:30. There wID be H. Lawrence WhitteJpore, Rector a. gue:st speaker and a discussion Sunda:r, l\Ia:r 17 on "The Christian Attitude 'ro8: 00 A.M.-Holy Communion. ward Soclal'Discriminations". 9:30 A.M.--Cburch School. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. ~ "rhe Session wID meet for' their Wednesda:r, lila:; 2t regular monthly meeting on 'rues7: 15 A.M.-Holy Communion. day, May 19, at 8 p.m. In the WoTHE RELIGIOUS SO&1 i maJI.'s AssOCiation Room. OF FRIENDS 'Th'e Women's Bible Class will S'""&7, 1Ia:r 17 meet for tea at the home of Mrs. 9:45 A.M.-FIrst Day SchooL I G 9: 45 A.M.-Meeting tor Worship. Haro d rifi1n, 214 Rutgers ave11: 00 A.M.-Meeting for w()lshi~. nue, on MondlY, May 18, at 2 0'Children cared for In Whittler clock. Ali 'members of the Class .ro' cordially Invited. House. All are welcome. 7:00 P.M.-H. S. Fellowship. The Ushers for the month of ,Monday, l\Ia:r 18 All day sewing for A,F.S.C. May will be as follows: for the, , ru-.:r. l\Ia:r 17 9:30 'servioe: Newton We$>n; 7:30 P~M.-·MonthIY Meeting for Ralph Little, Jr., v-tUiew Vexln. Bu's1ness. Wbittiet 11'-. ..... - -_ Wedne"s:r; lIIIIiT .. nell. For the 11 o'clock servio!e: Adl: day sewing for A.F.S.C. Frank Ranshurg, Robert Norton, 7:30 P.M.-Mid-week ' Meeting Robert Hall, Thomas, Chew, 'Mifo.. W'n was graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California in 1913, and received a Master of Landscape Architecture degree from Harvard two year. later. He spent 1916 in the Orient as a Shel-' don Feliow in Landscape Architecture for Harvard. In 1920 Morrison entered the Department of Agriculture from which he finally retired in 1952. MorrISon ha'k been active in the American Horticnltural Society and has held various offices in the Sooiety, including the Presidency. He has served several times as secretary and president of the ..... American lris,,- Society, and was acting director of the National Arboretum from 1937 until 1952. In December, 1941, Mr. Morrison was awarded the Veitch MemGrial Medal of the Royal Horticultural • Society for his work in horticulture both in the United States and Great Britain. He is one of the two honorary vice-presidents of the Royal Horticultural Society in this country, He has contributed artIcl~ on horticulture to various magazines, and has served as editor of the "National Horticultural Magazine" since 1926. This journal is one of the most authoritative magazines in the field, and for many years has consistently carried plant illustrations that could be found nGwhere else in this country. It is felt by many horticulturalists to represent Mr. Morrison's greatest achievement. • Among members of the CGmmittee whG partiCipated in the selection were Mr. Nason, Robert Reed College avenue, editor, "Country Gentlemen"; and John C. Wister,, director of the Arthur Hoyt Scott Foundation. The award Was made last year to the National Council of State Garden Clubs. TRINITY CHURCH BY CHRYSLER SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Parents who are interested in enrolling their children for the Church School at Trinity Church, Swarthmore, for the year 195354, are asked tb do so as soon as possible. ,This 'does not apply to children already on the rools. Enrollment may be made by calling the parrish office, SWarthmore 6-3256, Gn week day mornings. Children who have attained the age of three by Sept~mber 1953 are eligible for- enroll1i\~n't~ ROOM AI_CONDITION.R. .. SlkdtlnmtHhlbesllllimJ 10 !yO",. "."d. ,,, 7o"r: d •• I.,.', 0,. ."7 PhiJ.. .lpJn. BkcIrk sII-.' . '. 'IILIIIL'.II lLEC'IIC' COMPI.' . MI's. Frank H. Holman of College !!venue, Mr. and, Mrs, LeRoy Wright of Kenyon avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam Jones of Springfield, motored' to DenISOn University, Granville, Olrlo, for Mother'~Day week-end. Jean BDlman is a sophomore 'at DenIson, Kenneth Wright and Bamara Jones are members of the freshman class; -- .~ ~IB IN tuc.ed into as prefly a 'hape 8' you'll find by Jlntzen. Very new. th ... teilored tucks til.. trim YOU' mlddlo .net hips •••• ncl • pretty petol b,e th.t i. nothing bvHI.tt~. VOlI' ..mme,'. mlde wltll till.' b...mful on..pie.. lUit by J.ntzon • • • fuhlonoet from Sun :1811.1.-. marveioul blend of p'fsua,ive Laton and srnooffl Acet.... Free..etion innerpanfy for added .... in the water •• '. elaa1iclzect str.p thet come' off for lun-bathing_ Nine n.~·".S9n colora. 32-40. IS.tI. 15 South Chester Road Many .tatea have Auto Financial Responsibility La.... ~f lOOU Ihonld in.,.~ oomeone You might J08e .l'~lJ.r ~II"~ to dri,Ye. .lEma . Automobile LI.- HA NN.U M & .:AI T'E, CHESTER ROAD AND YALE A V E N U E S W A R T J f M O Q ",1250 "May is Safety.Check Month at Your Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer's ••• Check Your Car-Ch,ck Accidents" • :~~i.!tr 1~~.~aD~~ p'rote~ts lO0U in all .tate" frc>m coat to cout. PETER E. TOLD' .." Lilla 0/1..._ _ 333 Dllrtmonlh Ave. , swlll'llimere 8-11!SS " P~.e~~6______~____________________________~=H=E~S~W~AR==1=HM~O~REAN~~____________~______~_________~~Y~.15~,_1_9__ 53 Examination Open for Borough Postmaster The Ilrst examination for Postmaster at Swarthmore, $5670 a year, under new, more exacting e1lgibllity requirements recently agreed upon by the U.S. Civil Service Commission and the Post Office Department will be open lor receipt of applications until June 9, the Commission announced this week. All previously existing postmaster examinations for first-, secondo, and third-class post offices and lists of eligibles were cancelled recently and higher standards of eligibility prescribed for the filling of the more than 1,700 vacant positions throughout the country. Competitors for the postmaster vacancy in the Borough must have at least two years of experience showing ~hat they have the ability to conduct and manage the community's postal business efficiently and to supervise employees so that customers are satisfied with the service. r ts h a written te~p!t;~"::e a~:n:.tS:nal ratings on the basis of this test and on h ir . bllity and .char- ~~er ei:;r:n~:,: one-year resi- denc; requirement and applicants must be at least 25 years of age and must not have passed their s! ty th d b·rthd x - U" 1 ay. Complete info,,?ation about ~he examination reqwrements ~nd. mstructions for ruing applicatlOns may be obtained at the pos~ offl~e for which this examina~on. IS being . announced. A~plicatlOn forms must be received m the U. S. Civil Service Commission; Washington ~5. D.C. not late tha" the closlIlg date. O "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." CO.ED BEAUTY • SALON Open Thur.tlay· Night. PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE. S~hmoore 6-101S , Attend Swarthmore's 2nd Annual School Orchestra In Concert Tonight (Continued 'from Page 1) Orchestra at the Academy of Music. Accompanists will be Mrs. Frederick Van Urk, Mrs. Oliver Rodgers and Rein P. Kroon. At the conclusion of the concert, the Orchestra-Parents Group will serve refreshments to the partielpants, and the evening of music will conclude with a dance in the school gymnasium. Music for dancing will be furnished by a student orchestra led by Gordon Smith. The 48 piece senior orchestra is considered the largest and best balanced in the history of the local schools. For several of the participallts, this concert will mark their final -appearance as students in Swarthmore. Members of the Junior-Senior High School Orchestra are: ·Violins: David Spencer, Concertmeiste.r, . ~ayle Hanna, Molly - Huse, VUglD13 Hubbell, Peter Kroon, Vicky MacNair, Sandra. Milne, Jeannette Roberts, DorothY Rodgers, Amy Ryerson, Carol Seymour, Debbie Thompson, Ramona Van Urk, Barbara Ziegenfus. Violas: Nancy Carroll. Roberta Grooters, 'Russell Snyder. Jr., Cellos: George Kroon, Debbie Reeder, Danny Rodgers, Noe? Snyder, Ma?, Van Urk. Basses. BFlarryt. MGwmnLo' K::;~ dTh~::, u e. ary un. . Edgar Friend Clarinets: Joan Hemenway, Lbtda Rothwell, Robert Young, Robert Warden. Bass Clarinet. Sandra Hoot. Saxaphones: Robert Borer, Brenda von Grabill. Josephine O'Neill. Trumpets: John Fischer, Charles Hummer Gordon Smith Robert Stilwell.'Horns: Bert ~n, Ted Sanville. Trombones: Pamela Foster, Harvey lHgnutt, Roland Kenschaft, Charles Nason, John Phillips. Percussion: ;aomile Gold, Jimmie Robinson. Piano: Carolyn Danforth, Rose Allce Richardson, Mary Jane .Schrader. Membep; .of the F.llementary School Orchestra include: Violins: Peter Waish and Ada Kroon, .Con_ certmetsters, Addis Gilllllan, Heidi Honnold, Catlw .. J arrat, : CathY MacNair, Jean Patterson, Jc>hn Seybold, Linda Uthe. Cellos: Danny Rodgers, Mary Van Urk. Basses: Dawn Boyer, Edwina Hunt. Piano: Spencer .Carroll. Flute: Salty Huse, Carol Honnold. Clarinets: Susan Allen, Betty Gemmill, Betty Ann McCorkel. Saxaphone: Saul SchwartzIrum. Trumpets: Stephen Bancroft, Christy Decker, Marty Franck, Billy Medford, Joe Moran. Trombone: Dicky Dodson. Drums: George Abbe. Ricliy Gwinn. I Symphonx Orchestra to Give Concert May 22 BLIND FAIR May 21,22,23 Sponsored By The Swarthmore Lions Club • • Catherman's Drug Store Under the direction of W. F. G. Swann, the Swarthmore Symphony Orchestra will give a concert next FrIday. May 22, in the hall of the Players Club of Swarthmore, Fairview road. The program, to be presented at 8: 30 p.m., will comprise the following: Leonore Overture No. 3 by Beethoven. Symphony No. 8 in B Minor (the ''Unfinished'') by Schubert, Kol Nidrei for Cello and Orchestra by Bruch and Les Preludes by Liszt. Dr. Swann will be thl! soloist in the Kol Nidrei, which will be conducted by' H. E. Mitchell. _ ...... . . . . =..,...'* _.... . ·Doo_. ... ."".,-- .. , , . . . . . . . . . . 411L1 .... d I#el '. II DDIIII1II $7.50 .... a . . . . , • • I ."111 .6Q11111 . •" ... "A",~O"U CMttr..e!! lI,t . . t:- pe"w,. • Ceiiplete SUe Rap . . . . , • I . . . . 100 Pall Aft.. Swarthmore, Pa. SW ~ 66000 - n ...,lxa .... 9-4646 B"II wit,. CONFIDENOE , , • bull I.t PAULSON'S -'_.1 . Pqe7 SW~TBMOREAN Human Relatlons.Fflm TO THE '. OF ::.M~rs~.;.~S;tan:;l;e;y::;;L;.=M;;a;C;M;ill;a;n~W1;;·1l~========Fr=I.=9=.=8=:=30=: WARTHM -RE Thom Seremba for PRIMARY EL·ECTION DAY This is an "off year" election. There are no important state or national contests and some citizens may therefore be tempted not to vote. 'But in Swarthmore there are two very important matters to be voted upon. They are: 1. A new bond issue of $312,000 to enlarge the Rutgers Avenue School and provide new classrooms nE!eded in September, 1954. 2. Several contests between candidates for the Swarthmore School Board. Fedders Air Conditioners The candidates who are selected.in Tuesday's election may immediately become members of the. School Board to help decide finally how the $312,000 bond issue shall be spent. They -will have the responsibility of deciding also what other funds, if any, are to be raised by additional taxation to support the School system. ADOLPH'S- 7 South Chester Road SWarthmore 6-1274 WE URGE YOU 'TO VOTE ON· TUESDAY Woman's Club Opens Art Exhibit Tuesday (Continued from Page 1) the suburban area. At the tea following Mr. Lis' demonstlations J Mrs. Carl DeMoll, Mrs. Alban E. Rogers, Mrs. Alexander M. Lackey and, Florence J. Lucasse will serve as hostesses. Mabel M. Talley, chairman of the art department, and Mrs. Alfred E. Longwell will preside at the table, assisted by Mrs. S. L. Althouse and Mrs. Hans K. l:!teinf~ld of the, hospitality commlnittee. ' The pictures and sculpture on display next week will represent the work of Swarthmore residents and members of the club as well as former Swarthmoreans who have continuously participated In the Exhibit. Contributors are ask- • IS Next Tuesday, May 19th, Westinghouse &General. Electric Fans ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ii' '. WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU • • • , Vote FOR the School Bond Issue THERE'S NOTHING WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU , ,. LIKE • • :;'-0. , .• • Vote FOR These Candidates for School· Board CHECKS Two-Year Term-ROBERT H. WILSON Four-Year Term-JEAN S. BASS Four-Year Term-DONALD P. JONES Six-Year Term JOHN F. SPENCER , ~ . for paying all billa quickly. safely . and conveniently by mall. We know each of these candidates. You can depend upon their mature judgment in deciding the important financial questions 'whkh the School Board must face in thfA next few years, Open • checking a~unt here and pay yourbWsthiatime-and-trip-savmgway. • ~IIo1 ..W.~.:.::' he.:. ...... Z 1~4 _ , ed to bring their work to the club- pour.• Mrs. A. P. Shenkle will arThe human relations 111m ser- house Sunday afternoon, May 17, range the decorations. Mrs. Frank ies being. presented each Wednes- between 2 and/i p.rn. when a R. Gray is In Charse of the event. day morning at 10:20 in the visual commit~ including Mrs. Alfred 1~============; Longwell, Mrs. Ross W. Marriott, 11 education room at the High Mrs. William F. Hanny and School, will continue on M~ 20 Mabel Talley will be. there to ARE YOU TROUBLED WITH Pink Elephants with "The Feeling of Hostility." receive. Blue Alllt)aton Another film, entitled "Broken The pictures will be hung by Lavender Snakes? Appointment" is also scheduled on another committee headed by Mrs. the program. F. Leroy Gilbert, and labelled DON'T CHASE THEM AWAYI with placards lettered by AlexTake a color pIcture of ander M. Lackey. Mrs. Rogers will Safe Driving Week them-Buy your favorite provide the sign ad~ertis!ng the Opens at High School eXhibit, . and Mrs. Lackey will Color Film ' (ConUnued from Page 1) contribute the poster lor the club 35 lDDl & 828 Kodacl1rome traffic safety and writer for the bulletin board. 8 mm & 16 mm Kodachrome 120, 127 & 620 Kodacolor Philadelphia Inquirer, at an asThe club will honor the ex. From sembly program Wednesday after- hibitors and their friends at a· tea noon. He will give an illustrated Sunday afternoon, May 24, from CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP lecture on modern traffic probl~ms 3 until 6. Members of the art de405 Dartmouth Ave. and driver and pedestrian re- partment will be hostesses and Authorized sponsibllities. Mrs. Arthur W. Binns. Mrs. GilEastman X _ Dealer Other activities are: Psycho- bert, Mrs. William A. Haiman and Sw. 6-4191 Physical Testb;g under the chairmanship 01 Roland Kenschaft. r This will be available for all student drivers each day at noon. A slogan contest will be under the direction of Pete Bloom for which Custom-Made Slip Covers various prizes, donated by I<><;al PI.,fiHe-"eatly tallo.... with cord welf,pl_d .klrt. automobile businessmen, will be awarded. A wrecked car will be Labor charge large chaIr _ $12.50 exhibited in the parking lot as a w. will ••• your clot. or you Rlay c.oo•• frOIll o.r lar,. grim reminder of reality, by •• rectlon of .amp ..... Chairman Bob Clothier. Dally noon time demonstrations by locai Over 25 years experienc:e-Many satisfied customers in automobile dealers showing new Swarthmore and vicinity safety features of the m'1ern Phone Sharon Hili 0734 automobile, will be under the direction of Bob Stilwell. A slopping-distance detonator test will be conducted Friday at 12: 30 by the Atlantic Relining Company. Chairman Vance Tucker is chairFOR HOT WEATHER COMFORT man of this event. Bob Gurin and Kenney Hasson We Have ,a Full Selection of will police the parking lot to tag and remind all drivers of the violations that they are committing dally. Numerous pamphlets will be distributed by Roger Gilmore and David Jenkins. The dalty bulletin will provide a safety Also· ' slogan each day under the direction of John McCahan. A poster committee under Chairman Joel Single will promote,lnterest in the various problems of driving. A special b.u11etln board will feature dally ne.s on' every-day accidents under the directions of Bill Cope. A tire exhibit by Doug Murray will demonstrate the necessity for safe tire and road conditions. 1BE 1 ... _01 . . . .tL "'fl:'/··· . . Mwy 15, 1953 • • • - jladbOfOUP· . \JllmfJtim • .• tI' "U,.'L" . 'aualf!c uJY ,.,....... SIABTIMOBE NATIONAL BAHI AID TBUST COMPANY . Florence G. Broomall Rarmollll K. Denwwth Hil. L D.'Wlth louise G. FoIiJt.. JohnE. 61......, Eli. . w. G••••., Ch.tes R. G....r Eudora S. G.mer D.M.ce ...... Florenc. L Gowing Ruff H.melo. Moms L Hich M.r(0ri8 S. Hich $ew.11 W. Hodge Thomas W. Hopper Frank G.I••••n CaroIJn L leen.n Barhara B. Kent Frank R. M.rld., Winona B. Marld., G.org. W. McKeag , Marr Elizabeth McKeag Bim., K. Mona . Ed"dh H. Morse Rosali. D. Painol Mrs. John M. Pearson Emma Micha.1 R'J7IOltis E. H. Taylor Jack B. Thompson Lois T. 'I1son!pson Marjori. T. Told Robert J. TaiNt CarolS. Tuner May 15, 1953 THE ~WARTHMOREAN PageR LEGAL NOTICB 36 Years Ago in Swarthmore , NOTICI!I IS ID!:II.BBY oIVEN the Bo8rd of School J)1recton of the SChool D1strIct of the Borough of From the Swarthmorean Files Mr. H. M. Crist and Mr. Jame. A. Laws were recently appointed to a State Committee of Public Safety b y Governor B rumbaugh for the purpose of taking an illdustrial inventory of the resources of Pennsylvania. The following officers were elected for the Home alld School Assoeiation's ensueing year: president, Dr. Arthur J. Jones; vice. president, Mrs. Robert L. Coates; secretary, Mrs. Emilie G. Pollard treasurer, Mr. Edwin A. Yarnall; executive committee Mr John E Gensemer, Mrs. Joh~ Miiler. . Flowers will be received at Swarthmore, station Wednesdays " an d F rl'd ays b egmrung May 17. :rhe~ebflOwh"rs. akre greatly .appr,;,,late .y t e SlC and p?"r '? PhtladelphIa. Money for Ice 's also greatly needed. Someone will be at the. station between ' 8 and 9 a.m. to rece.ve these offenngs. that ,ACME 'tUNED UP FOB IIIGGEB SAVING Hun...... of ",w'II money~ val_ that, m-n money In Y-r pock'" baDlc. Tum to AI 'Ie for ..... valUN. pay you to stock up 'n our "'. 'DOLLAR SALE lee for yourself how much you laVa. !JdMII Pu... Fruit YOU .. .... . .. . IAYi the swarthmore SCbool D18trlct. In the Judgment of the Board. of School At a meeting of the Swarthmore A trip to "Sleighton Fann Re- Directors of the Borough of Swartb.. Woman's Suffrage Party at Mrs. f arm S Ch 00Ior f.GIrls ' n will • saidtor taxgeneral Is necessary provide be ta- more revenue school topurposes A . G•. Thatcher's Monday last the ken by the'Woman's Club on Tues- 'and they eatlmate the amount or rev: day' Mav 29 • Those gomg . ' WI'11 take be enue to be derived from oald toJ: wUI .3 ,28667 per annum the train leaving Swarthmore at •. . 11 :13 a.m. Please send names beSaid School Directors also pr0fore Saturday, May 26, to Mrs. ~:'ist~e~n ~~c:d:~t~~r:6Bc:i~ Jesse Holmes. resident or 1n1;Labltant or the SChool Dlstrlct of Swarthmore under the au=~lty of the Public School Oode of As an incentive to good citizen. ship, the Grand Army of the ReDOROTHY ROGERS. Beeretary p~~1ic has for many years past of the Board ot School Directors Vls,ted the public schools prior to or the School District of the Memorial Day to talk, to the chil2orougb of Swarthmore. dren on love of country and the 3t-S-16-22 necessity of obedience to parents - - - - - - - - - - - SHARBHOLDERS' MEBTING The Keighton-Gensemer circus and teachers and, the laws of the NOTIOE IS HEREBY OIVEN that. held on Mr. Sauter's premises a land, and to tell the story of the short time ago, was a great suc- Civil War. The faculty of the pursuant to call of its directors, a cess. About one dollar was cleared, Swarthmore Schools has most SP&ctal meeting of the shareholders of swartlimore National Bank. and Trust which the management presented cheerfully aided this custom. Oil company will be held at Ita banking ,to the Red Cross. Friday, May 25, the following ex- house at SOutll Ohester Road and Avenue. In the Borough of ercises will be held at 1 :30 p.m.; RUtgers Swartbmore. state of Pennsylvania. ~he. Community Gardening As- address by Mr. William T. Ellis, on TU.e8clay. JUne 9:" 1958. at 2:30 o'clock p.m... Eastern DAyllght saving S"':'~~lon formed,~or the putpose. df Flag Drill by fifth grade' girls. Time, for the purpose ot conslder1D1J utlhzIng the Idle ground in song,. by'the school. and determ.1Dlng by vote whether an' agreement.' to consolidate the· sald i!/IIIIIIIHDllnllrnnlllllllllllllllllurnIIIIUIlIllJilIlIlIllIlIlIIllIllIlIllIII!II11DIIIIIIIIICHlIl1IIIWlllIIllIIIUIIIIIIIUUIIIII§ bank and The' Plrat National Bank ot 'Media, located in the Borough of ~ DELICIOUS DINNERS to SUIT the TASTE of EVERYONE Media. State of Pennsylvania.. under prov181ons ot the laws of the i!! TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order ~ tbe United states. shall be rat11led and 5 . followmg th . officers were elected for e commg year: Leader Mrs. Jesse Holmes, vice leader Mrs. Robert Brooks, second vice leader Mrs. A. B. Harrower, treasurer Mrs. Thatcher, recording secretary Mrs. S. P. Felix, corresponding secretary Mrs. Arthur Kent, chairman of finance Mrs. J. Russell Smith, chairman of .press Mrs. W. A. Jaquette, chairman of literature Mrs. R. L. Coates. E - 5- i § 51 I Rooms Day or Week Elevator I STRATH HAVEN INN Yale" Harvard Avenlles, Swarthmore, Pa. ~ WALTER E. PARROTT. M g . . ' FREE .ARKING leo 141 41 21 .. $ave Outstanding Frosted Food Va'ues Family Sin /JdIaI Save 16c ORANGE' JUICE ('::291) 4 $1 for " T-BONE OR confirmed.; and for the purpose of any voting upon othel' ma.tters incidental to the proposed COll8Olldatlon of the two banks. A copy of the atQ1'e- = said I ~ ~ agreement. executec! by a majority of the directors of each of the two banks. providing for the consolldatlon. Is on flIES' at the bank and may be hours. ~IIDlIlIllIllIlIUUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInllllilim May 6. 1953 PresIdent, 4t_16_22_29 STE'iUis ''l::.~'" Ib 4Ar! • 7~ SSe .,-. 1'...... aqular Gl'OUIld aeel LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR RUN BETTER'- LONGER' Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer I-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL • Winter oil Is too thin for· warm. weather. We drain It----end reftll with Summer t11H> 8ImOOO OIL 2-CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS ' _Drain traDsml:s81on and rear reflll with 8unoeo All-purpoae Gear LubrIcant- speclaUy made to ....Ist b1gh pressure and hest. 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION 8....... Lvl>tfcant Used to help 1<_ .... t ......... and war. Won't dry out, won't -..h out. JIOU't lfJu_ ontl Uelpa 1m. - - iDI\eqe. c_ 1_ 4 CHECK OIL FILTER In~ _dp·and 5-BAnERY SERYICED Dirty out _I< or heoh.Klllod Tiles. Same Cllickeas aead,. Buck 6-CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PlUGS plup waste ao much ao 1 evf!ry 10 pIIons or gatol1nei"' I; I~ S9G ,iiiNumPTUiiEiS-~b 61c STEWING CHICKENS 4Sc 12 29 SHAD ~= oiiioisF.slen:·25 Fresh Ch,eSGP,&ake Bay Right Now Your Car Needs These "Get Ready for Summer"' Services Cleaned"':".ea.,. Ib t~ Cook C: Ib 630 C Ib "lb'" to Cook I; a10 I 'It" S90 C 7-CLEAN AIR FILTER Lets your enpne breatbe ....11"'erl'-ll..__ dirt out Of the carbnretor. II-DRAIN ANTI - FREEZE ' AND FLUS" RAlnATOR . CHECK HOS.' CONNECTIONS --AI)~ _UST RESISTANCE a .... ... tholr_for .........d . . . . . .' ~........ SUGAR CORN.r:,r=:t., 6 ... • ., I C . '~. If JOD ba\'e permanent antl ... ~ . .ve 4. . ~Jc ·S9c :Lf ..."m. wmter. III1Dc :roar own coil- tor _eo. WInter ia ospeoia\Iy tourh On We check ~ cIeul term'nal", add d'lIfJlleI . . . . 9-CHECK-UP OF TIRES \ ComIct "8w1teh\1lc" Imp...... tile _ ::;p:,eor~ ....ve J<\'Ir - Ie- HANNUM & WAITE $wa.laura 6-1250 Dear' Fellow Swarthmoreans"- ;;; 5 i You have no doubt seen many men, running aroun d the drug store with measuring tapes and heard rumors that we were planning to remodel our store this summer; That is not particularly startling in itself as all stores do this periodically. What is so different about this particular change? A far sighted plan to give you the finest service and merchandise available in the drug business. How are we going to do this? Why very simply. We are going to operate a modern pharmacy and cosmetic store at One South Chester Road. We have sold the fountain and luncLeon'e'He business to Bob and Betty Hopkins, who will " IeteIy new store at Th ree South Chesterr Road open a'comp abaut July 1st. :: 5 ;;; -- = 5 = = ~d;::: 1=s= = = 5 5 5 " i!! gravy. The girls who Betsy participated were Barbara ,Bieler, Brea- 5 kell, Mary Lee Coe, Mary Dart, Susan Dearing" Linda Jones. S';I""" Martin, .Linda :aus( Pat Ridgeway, SUSIe WillIams Nancy Goff. Sara Beth Grier rruss- ed the fun because of illness..:: Wdedllnthesd!'y" btohth thef 5 an a elr mo11 ers) 0 oop (~rd Grade Co ege cOOked lh- TrBro~2es3 " i!! ~ ~ = 5 5: = ~ = = 5 iii ~ We sincerely believe we shal,l be able to give you better service by the rearrang.ement. W~ hope you like 'it. - i :: = = = = = ;;;; = ~ = = ~ ;;; Cordially, MICHAEl.·S COLLEGE PHARMACY Emma M. Reynold$' ;;; •:-, " s :: :;; - 5 = ;: = Si re. In tbe Judgment ot the Boord or School Directors or the Borlements. Mr. J. D. Durnell will ough. of &wal"thmore aalel tu is necgive necessary seed at wholesale essary .to provide revenue tor general achool purposes, and. they est4mate prices. Ten public spirited men the amount of revenue to be del'lved will advance 10 dollars each for trom aold toJ: will be fI7.ooo. per nec~ssary supplies. T~e following allDUID. chaIrmen. and commIttees have DOROTKY ROGERS. Secretary been appomted: ~r. Chester Roberts, general chalnnan; secretary, of the Board. of SChool DlreCtor8 Mrs. E. G. Moore; treasurer Geror the School D1str1ct of the aId H. Effing; eq~ipment commit- 3t-8-l':~ugh of Swarthmore. tee: Mr. J. V. S. BIshop, chairman, ---~-------~ Mrs. William I. Hull, Mr. Howard LEGAL NOTICB Pusey, J. D. Durnall. NOTICE IS ID!:II.BBY OIVEN that Organizing Committee' Pr f • • 0 . . the Board. or SChool D1rectora of the sor E. E. Hinman, chairma~; Mrs. School District of the BoroUgh· of R. C. Brooks, Mr. Anthony, Mr. Swartbm.ore. pursuant to the authority conferred. upon them by the Act H. C. Stuart, Mr. E. Morris Smith. of 1947. June 26. PL 1145. as amendFinance Committee: Mr. C. A. ed. propooe on or after May 29. 1953. Smith chairlnan Mrs M B to adopt a resolution to beoome effective as of July 6. 1953. Imposing & Young'r Mrs•L• • C' E mmons, • 'M' ra. tax at $10. per capita upon each and every adult rea1dent or inhabitant of A. G. Thatcher. Mother's Spring Dance Set for Saturday Summer Weather Draws gratit~de for the leadershlp which bad gJven them so much In the Girl Scouts Outdoors way of enjoyment and learning ACME MARKET, Chester Rd., Swarthmore Open Thursday a~d Friday to 9 P~M. Q,.a $"'nlH 'tilt P.tpt~ A. A Municipal or State, .Authority is a legal method for avoiding the Statutory limits placed on the School Board both in levying taxes and creating indebtedness. By financing through an Authority, it is possible to exceed the 7"10 - borrowing limit and also to exceed the 35 mill tax rate in ' an amount, approved by the State, to J1elp..pay the "rent" to the Authority. " ' B. This "rent" includes interest, amortization, legal fees and costs of operating the Authority. C. Under an Authority, the type and size of the buildin'g· will be largely dictated by Harrisburg. ' D. The School District will not own the Building until it has been paid for. In the meantime, the Authority is the boss, in the relationship of landlord and tenant. E. 'The interest rate on Bonds of a School District Authori.y is from 1 % to 1 fa % more than a School District Bond , Issw. The laHer would save at least $58,000. for the term of the Bond Issue. F. The cost of operating an Authority would exceed the cost of operation by the School Board under a Bond Issue.' We want less, not more Government control as would be the case under an.Authority. G. At' the public meeting sponsored by the Home and School Association on April, 21st, Mr. Cqrrbll P. Streeter, President' of, tbe School' Board, made a' clear and frank statement of the proposed building program. The Board is asking for approval of a Bond Issue of $312,000. of 'which $40,000. will be required for repairs to .the present Rutgers Avenue building. The remaining $272,000. will be used to construct an addition to the present building, consisting of seven classrooms with Administrative and Health ,suites. This is Unit one 00 the Architect's plan. It is hoped that there will be sufficient funds to include an All-Purpose 'room which will be Unit two. H. Donald P. Jones, Chairman of the Board's Finance Committee, says that it is his "firm belief that any and all necessary facilities can be made available through the use of a Bond Issue." I. By approving ,the Bond . Issue, the Taxpayers will save ,money and retain their freedom of action. An inevitable increase in taxes may be deferred for two or three years. J. At the 'primary election on May 19th, we will vote on the Bond Issue and also for six candidates for election to the School Board. John \Spencer is un-opposed for a sixyear term. Donald Jones, Mrs. Spiller and Mrs. Bass are candidates for a four-year term (two to be elected, and Mr. Martin and Mr. Wilson are running for the two-year term (one to be elected', ~t~:~h~~v;o:i~:~:not: tt~: :~e~~~~i~f:sB:~~i~!~~a~st.h:~ 'Authority. All of them are in favor' of the Bond Issue pro· videdthe funds available are sufficient. If the Bond Issue is not approved, It is quite likely that the Board will infer that the people of Swarthmore are opposed to new con· struction at this time. On the other hand, they might be forced to resort to the use of an Authority and this would mean an immediate increase of the School Ta~es. The above information is offered asa public service/by THE SWARTHMORE PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATIONwhosemembers are urged to sUPport the Bond Issue. ALL Swarthmore property owners should support the Bond Issue. . , ' • • Page 10 \ kappa Ha..... NEWS NOTES Mrs. Carroll McCulloh of 439 Sharpless Street, West Chester, will be hostess to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewing Group of Swarthmore and vlcillity on Tuesilay, May 19. Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rutgers avenue spent several days of last week in Boston wllef'e Mr. Grifiln attended a meeting. En route home they visited their son Mr. Robert Griffin and famlly of Chlppaqua, N.Y., and their son Mr. Richard Griftin and famlly of Maplewood, N.J. Mrs. EdWllf'd Boyd and Mrs. O. H. Richardson of the Swarthmof'e ltudcl,~ apartments entertalned at a ••• luncheon-bridge at Strath Haven •.IiC..-9GI"....Itt S ~ old La,,1e - ESTEY ORGANS for Home, Church, Chapel 13-Znd Sheet Upland, PelUUl. CHester 3-209t Mary. Anna 'Moore, a student at Westtown School, with her .room. mate Sally Gilda of Chambers . burg, visited over the week-endwith her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D, Smith of North Princeton avenue. SaIi¥ will soon accompany. Mary Anna to her home In Mexico City for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. McCowan of Vassar avenue, attended the May Day festivities and Mothers Day week-end at Pennsylvanl!, Stste College where their daughter Mildred is a sophomore. The Gamma pin Beta sorodty, cJt which their daughter Is a member, entertained the parents at a I ,breakldSt mOrnhig. . at Gtlbige Hall Sunday . . THE SWAR11DiOREAN , I. Ce_·nt Wa·lLe. S",I .... Abigail Warnes of Swarthmore ..lid ;"1Oa Hills celebrated her tenth annlver&BJiY Saturday afternoon by JOSEPH ZIZZA entertatnlng 11 of her friends at SW 6-2735 a luncheon at her home followed by a movie party to the College I Theatre. Mr. and Mis. Charles H. 'ropPETER ping of Princeton avenue Dtlv.w.,. ctlH Spend tomorrow visiting friends and attending Old Newclistle Day AIp"1t or Cone,... iii Delaware. They will be c.lIC1r Walls R.. compallied home by Matilda and Alice Beasely who wlU be the Swartilinore week-end guests of Carol and Cynthia Topping. I.;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; DI NICOLA eo..... Pla.i...... CLASSIFiED ADS Sheet Metal Work Swarthmore Disposal Roofing . Gutte..s WARREN PIERCE Air Conditioning . FOR SALE Rubbish Collection I Weekly or Monthly Swarthmore 6-207S .,,,...,,,,,,...,~,..;c.,..,,, Christman & Joii'e SW 6,2290 HI 7-0674 'Registered' Generation 'a.llc14tr¥ HORACE A. PlumblRg _ Electrical _ CarpeRtry Formica KitcheR Tops ... ... IICustom kltell.. Cablaefs" .""""""' "'., REEVES ""'~ Building Construction Swarthmore 6.1448 HORACB WILLIAM BROOKS It. Passmore Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lliwns Mowed, General FOR SALE-Leica camera, excel_ lent condition. Black model 'G' Summer F.2 lens, about $100. Re~ changers apd ply Box C, The Swarthmorean. . appliances repalrservice. Robert WANTED ~:;-::== Bawling 236 Harding Ave., Morlon, Pa. new and old, commercial done in compliance with Fire Underwriters Speciflcations. Sale and Service on elec. Water Heaters, Ranges, Washers, Fans, Cleaners PETER E. TOLD RB.lfL BST .lfTB .. INSUR.lfNCII All Lines of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avenue 609 S. CHB'T" 111. SYAanorou, l'BNNA. Re8idential • Paintilng Commerelal • • Alterations 17V2 Soath Chester Road Swarthmore 6-3450 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSTIlUCTION ~~~~::l Alterations· Call: Erich Comer of ( Swarthmore, Pa. Swarthmore 6-1833 P.R.R. Freight Bldg. Swcll'thmore. , •• , clation Sunset •• " NOWAT • FOR RENT Charles E. Fischer FOR RENT Room, priva1e home-semi-private bath. 119 Yale avenue. l'hone SWarthmore 6-4199. FOR RENT-Attractive room in h'1me for gentleman, Good Parking. Call SWarth- SINCLAIR Swarfllmare 6-2253 A MOTOR OIL SO GOOD venient tleman preferred. more 6-3973. YOUR ENGINE , GUARANTEES ·IT! I tUl'llnt" III. ' t,l",1111 _&\II .,.mI-1 " .... ttl tllO,GOI) lilts • Fusco CHESTER and FAIRYIEW ROADS . .. Sinking Fund: Cash ............................ $ Investment ••.•....••••.••• Unpaid Taxes •.••...•••.•• PIIOII. SWod••ore 6-3681 ~~~~~~~ Baird & Bird . Real 'st.;" .nd ' ••"r••ce • COR. DART~OUTH alld LAFAYEI IE AVINUES . , opposite Ioro." H... SWarflllllOre 6-ente SWin'liliiNiN 6-1112 1,429.56 ($ 423.39 ;....--- 8,442.81 $ 10,331.96 ($ 5,502.00 . 5,278;00 602.45 938.28 1,889.65 224.00 335.83 $ 14,882.59 $ 16,212.41 ($ 1,329.82 Sewer Fund: Cash ................................ $ 1,639.93 $ 19,063.02 ($ 17,423.09 Investlnent , ........•••..•• 57,889.00 88,709.00 ( 80,820.00 Unpai~ Sewer Rents ••••••• 837.92 . 865.00 (27.08 ._--'-- Permanent 'Fund: Equipment ••.•.••••••.•••• $ 37,787.64 $ 37,787.64 Permane.t Improvements: Railroad UnderpllSB •...•. 49,426.69 49,426.69 Road and Sewer Improvements ....••..••.•.•.••• 233,338.54 226,472.68 $ 6,866.86 Public Buildings and Gr'1unds •..•.••.•.•..•.. 283,781.24 220,304.68 63,476.56 PAINTING and CARPENTRY SWarthmore 6-8761 L-----___...,. . .____-J $604,834.11 $533,991.69 $ 70,342.42 TOTAL ASSETS •.•..•... $758,358.07 $781,177.82 ($ 22,819.75 ..-~- - , CIa-.as, lM.tllll,." . . . . . . . WArM qA"., .. DAY and mGRT OIL BURNER SERVICE ..ONDAY \ 1,006.17 $ $ 60,366.85 $108,637.02 ($ 48,270.17 I-modem 5,.6-room h'1use. Desirable location - Swarthmore or vlcillity. Write details 916 State Street, Lancaster, Pa. FOR SALE-New screen door 32" x 78". Call SWatthmore 6i-=:=-.-=::-~2516. WANTED--Small, one bedroom or FOR SALE-Top-soi! and mushefficiency apartlnent. Preferabroom soil. Phone SWarthmore ~~furnIs~;~h~ed. Phone' CHester 36-6317. 8:30 FOR SALE _ Excello Accordlan, 111 bass, high and low treble ~~~~~~'~~~~:;~ shift, straps and case. Phone ME-I: dla 6-2095. FOR SALE ,- 1934 Coupe,$125. Good C'1ndltlon. Call SWarthmC1re 6-0515. FOR SAI,E Tan Riding ~abl~ coat and brneches, slie 14, b06ts, size 7; white dinner coat, size 37. return Call SWarthmore 6-8108.· morean office. FOR SALE Approximately 65 It. ¥LO~$T~·~Bo*-'=~~s~p::;ink=.-p"'iIastl=:-c-n-:·mmed---=. picket fence, including posts and glasses. call SWarthmore 6-7516 gate, $25. Call SWarthmof'e 6-3289 L . . OST-Kodak Bantam. Reward. FOR SALE - Tuf'quolse blue Please return to The Swarthtame. NiCe pet. coat and bf'flches, size 14, boots, 6-t124. . morean oflll"'. YOUR CAR SINCLAIR Liquid Fuels Fund: Cash ...••.••••.•.•.••..•. $ Jack Prichard 6-5428 evenings. iw;iANTE'i'i~~D-'~:;;T;;:o~b::u::y'-n='1w:::-"'ti"'Il"'SO:e-p"t. FOR SALE CAN OUTLAST I $ 77,768.35 $120,907.14 ($ 43,138.79 zna thrOU;;gh~~~i~~~ Prefe" I~lr~~:~~~~n~~~1 or olderC person. ~.E ---- "'. • .. -AND AUDITOR'S REPORT you'll be • zmportant· BUILDER DEALERS', F. Gilman Spencer as the unYOUNG ADULTS ELECT predictable, swashbuck1ing Tony Young Adults of the SwarthApril 28, 1958 turns in one of Ihe IIvllest perBorough Council and Burgess formances of several club seasons more Presbyterian Church meet- Borough of Swarthmore as he completely upsets even the ing last Sunday for their weekly Swarthmore, Pennsylvania . Gentlemen: if Cavendish routine. Nonsell5e KauITman-Ferber Comedy though It Is, the role has a tre- supper and program, elected ofYour Auditors have oompleted their examination of the financial ficers for the coming year. The records of the Borough Secretary, Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Leaves Audiences m4>ndous build up and Mr. Spenyear ended December 31, 1962, and present herewith a comparative group voted as follows: Light-Hearted. cer never lets it down. William W. statement of receipts and expenditures for the years 1961 and 1962, Pres. Elise Remont; sec.-treas. together with PrIce, the indispensable Players a statement showing the financial p'1sition of the Borough "Royal F.;"uly", th~ Kauffman-. Club man of the year,. Is wonder- Margie Campbell; program chair- as of the close of those years. Ferber comedy which rounds out fully pompous as Herbert and his man Wes Wagner; project chairOur examination was made in accordance with generally accepted the Players Club 42nd ·season in stormy bickering with Kitty Is an man Ansel Butterfield; worship auditing standards, and accordingly include such tests of accounting records lind such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary chairman Betsy Hunter; member- in its final performances tonight and achievement. the circumstances. . tomorrow hlght, is a happy choice Gilbert Marshall Is Impressively ship chairman Jim Caulkins; hos- . In, accordance with the practice of previous years. the assets shown for the May audIences which are handled by RIchard S. Burgess pitality Bob Anderson and social in the permanent fund reflect the gross asset value, no depreciation having been taken thereon. . . thronging to see long-time fa- who, although he may pot sell chairman Dick Johnson. Respectfully submitted, vorites in action In ·the .Players Africa to jUlia, would have little Mr. Johnson, out-going presiRichard M. Snyder Club revival. . I . trouble with moSt of the ladies In dent, presided over the meeting. Robert H. KurlzhaIz Harry H. Cafferty, Jr., directs the pit. Jerry Jordan's Perry is George F. Blessing the spirited production and plays just right for Gwen's spouse; REQUEST. FOR BIDS BOROUGH .OF SWARTHMORE Sealed bidS wU1 be received. In COUttOscar Wolfe with the same skU! the Cavendlshes aren't going ·to ell Cluimber, BOroUgh Hall; .Swarth. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS which he evidenced in former have too much trouble with him, more, Fa•• on June 8th. 1953 at '1:30 AND DI§BURSEMENTS roles for the· Club, notsbly as the or are they? P.IL .Daylight 8&v1ng TIme for fur- RECEIPTS il1Bhlng and lnstalllng atr condition_ Dauphin in Joan of Are. The set ElIid Cochran as Della and YEARS ENDED ing units 1n the oillces of the Pollee a New York duplex apartment, is Andre Pollock. as the Indispens- Department .and 8ecretary In BorDec. 81, Dec. 31, Increase ably developed. The.cast is talent- able Jo are servants to pamper ough Hall at No. 121 Park Avenue, 1952 1951 (Decrease) Swarthmore. Fa. BIlla shall he In ac- TBJ1 served as Deputy Treasurer of the survived by his wife Anna, a son City of Philadelphia and Deputy New Arrivals! See Our Cameron, Jr., now in Korea, a Treasurer of the Board of Educaaister ~. Johan Natvlg of tion . for· the School District of Swarthmore, and a brother George Philadelphia. In lMO he became R. of Downingtown. associated with the .Girard Trust Services were held yesterday at Company. :I p.rn. In Baltimore. Intennent Wilson has been a trustee and was private, For sunning or sauntering see member of the Executive Comour collection of cool, cool cotmittee of the Bureau of MimIclpal1 ton So Sunbacks, two-piece. FrI.llllly Circle HOsteSHS Research. He is a member of match mates, checked gingThe regularmonth1y meeting of Pub!.ic ·Relations Committee hams,. washable nylons, orlons, to the Friendly CIrcle .wU1 be held Swarthmore' College. Chambrays In a spIIrkling array of styles and colors, .Juniors, Thursday, Mal'" 21 With Mrs. DUrIng the last War, he served misses, women's sizes. . George L •. Alston of 635 North'in the Navy where.he was convoy . (Dress pept .' second ftooF) , .. . . . Chester road as hostess. Mrs. Johi1 ~""~QDS oIDcer in the AtDa7. Sales Now In ........ 8bep FdtIQ '1'111 • H. Pitman will serve as ..... lantic and MeditetTanian and then hostess. served liS Publlc Relations OftIcer last r BLIND FAIR· Swarthmore Fire House May 21st - 22nd -23rd ESTER'S Fashion Corner Cool Cotton 519 ·3498 ,-.._,e". . _1_ - ~ .. Gvrnrthmore Co lleue Li brf'ry ::Rn\rthmore. Pa. . AnEND BLIND FAIR THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 25-NUMBER 21 Thomas Boyle Named Elementary School Principal An alr raid test for the personnel of the Civil Defense Councils of Swarthmore and Springfield Township will be held Tuesday, May 26, between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30 p. m. In announcing the test, the cooperating Councils emphasized the facts that traffic will not be stopped, and the public will not be asked to seek shelter. Sirens used In the test alert will vary from the regular air rald signals to avoid confusion for neighboring communities not participating. The special signals will be as follows: RED SIGNAL: Siren will rise 4 seconds, fall 26 seconds, through 6 complete cycles. Duration normal 3 minutes, but cadence different. ATTACK SIGNAL: At some time between the Red Signal and the All Clear, the siren will sound 4 seconds up and 4 seconds down, repeated through 6 cycles. Duration about 1 minute. ALL CLEAR: Siren will rise 20 seconds, one minute to die down, repeated through three cycles. Duration 3 minutes. Normal would be 7 minutes. In New Responsibility BLIND FAIR ..... Rev. Kulp Appointed S.H.S. Students Give Methodist Minister . Open House Tonight . The Rev. John C. Kulp begins his pastorate in the Swarthmore Methodist Church on Sunday, May 24. Mr. Kulp has been appointed .by Bishop Fred Pierce Corson, Resident Methodist Bishop of the Philadelphia Area, to replace Dr. Roy Newton Keiser who has retired after a 12-year pastorate in the Swarthmore Church. Mr. Kulp comes from the Broa.d Street Memorial Methodist Church where he waS the Associate Pas~, I tor for three years. Prior to that, he served as a Chaplain with the United States Navy aboard an attack transport. Following his discharge from active duty, he taught ' .. ,'. .,.. .', . ,',' 4 for one year at the Pennington ". ~.' ",~. . " '"d Preparatory School for Boys, and Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, past then assumed the pastorate of the president of the Swarthmore Methodist Church In Hulmeville, Woman's Club, is the new presi- Bucks County, for a period of three dent of the Delaware Health years. and Welfare Council. He received his A. B. degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and his B. D. and M. A. from Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J. Special Exhibitions Will Follow Fashion Show at 7:30 The annual exhibit of special departments in the Swarthmore High School will be held this evening, May 22, from 7:30 to 9:30. A fashion show will be presented by the girls in clothing classes from 7:30 to 8:30. Robert Holm and members of the orchestra will provide the music, and Sue Hansell will. be the commentator. Following the Fashion Show, there will be exhibits and student demonstrations in tlut art, commercial, shop and home economics rooms. In the art room, Keith Richardson, David. Edwards, Judith Meyers, Ruth Vlachos, Diane Hal ... sey, Gerry Green, Virginia Pugh, Gail Lincoln, Sara Hetherington, 'Janet Lynch, Eleanor Isburg, Vicky MacNair, Margaret Bullitt, Shirley Carpenter and Jane and Ann Hay will demonstrate' techniques in pottery-throwing, ceramics, leather and painting in oils Spencer, Jones, Martin, and water colors. Norma Wilson, Carol Williams, Mrs. Spiller Elected to Judy Rollander, Ramona Van Urk, School Boa rd Mimi Hawkins and Barbara PalTh h I h' C ·ttee of mer will be in the home econ... Swarthmore voters supported a e ,;,:)c 0 ars lp OmmJ ornics kitchen to present a demdebt increase of $312000 'for the the Swarthmore Public Schools, onstration in the making of party_ " e r e c t i o n of a new' elementary has just announced the members . school and repairs to the existing of the graduating class to whom sandwiches, biscuits and a desWorking member~ o~ the Dela- elementary school building by an scholarships have heen awarded, sert. In the adjoining sewingw~e County A~,s~cla~~n Sforarththe over 10 to one margin Tuesday. on .be~a~! of various Swarthmore room, Janet Thomson, Sandra Johnson, Karen Rogers and Julie Blind opened up 5 op m w - The vote for the bond Issue totall-' organlza 10ns. more yesterday morning for the ed 1072, against 94. The ~ome and School Assocla- Tucker will offer suggestions in first of tlieir three day Fair at the Interest In the Primary Elec- tion Scholarship is being awarded the techniques of sewing. The shop will have an exhibit Fire House on I.afayette .avenue. tion centered in the choice of this year to Peter Braun who is on the second floor as well as From 10 to 4:30 Thursday, and all S,c,hO:ol.:Ulrectors with .:t:ohn'. F. a.>~~lI).b.,.er of the. Bl~ckfriars '3l1~ day today, and tomorrow too, vls-'Spencer running unopposed for a has been active in Iiie CablJiet and demonstrations .inthe .shop buildltors, are invited guests, free to six year term receiving the high the Yearbook stall. He plans to ing by John MacAlpine, Edward Noyes, Terry ,Allen. David Werwander ~rough. th~ home of the vote of 1082 and'Donald P. Jones attend· Syracuse University. ner, James McCorkel, B r II c e Borough s fire flghtmg equipment polling 1037 assents for a four year The Chorus Scholarship is a(m?ved out of doors for the oc- service. Mrs. Robert E. Spiller warded to Jane Seytnou.r, who is Wilson, Fred Bloom and George caSl~n) now transformed to a pro- won the woman's post on the a member of the Chorus. She par- Dunning in the spinning of metals. d~cbon plant of use~ul and decor- Board for four years by a 200 ticipated in the Senior Play and metal lathe-work, blue-printing abve. household articles. margin, carrying 756 votes as waS a cheerleader this year in and wood-turning. Daily until 4, skilled artisans, against 556 cast for Mrs. A. W. addition to working with'the GarThe commercial department will brought to the Borough by the Bass, Jr. I!l the only other local net and the Yearbook. She is plan- present techniques and proce ... Lions .Club in cooperation with contest Charles W. Martin led his ning to attend Simmons College. dures in ·the use of office equipthe County Association for the opponent Robert H .. Wllson by 'a The Class Scholarship thi~ year ment by members of the class. Blind, create mops, doormats, etc., vote of 702 .to 445. is being awarded to N;ita GarraAmong special exhibits being and technicians demonstrate the Evidence of voter eccentricity is han. Nita has heen active In sports, displayed in several of the second special typeW!iters, under the to be found In the fact. that the was assistant editor of the Year- floor rooms will be the art for very noses of interested Swarth- vote on the bond issue was com- book, helped with properties in World Friendship Exhibit showmoreans and neighbors. A variety' paratively light, 244' more Repub- the Senior Play. She has been a ing some of the paintings .exof blind-made articles on display licans voted in the woman's race cheerleader for the past four changed between seventh and and available for purchase, eo- than the entire two party vote for years. Nita has· not as yet chosen eighth· grade students and those courages browsing, .and a special the bond issue where the total her college. of forelgu lands. Another interfeature for this evening when the vote was 1066 as opposed to a total The Elizabeth Hubbard BOnsall esting exhibit will he' that reFair will be open until. 8, will be of 1312 Republican tallles for Spil- Scholarship, presented by the Wo_ ceived from two Japanese schools The community baccalaureate the showing of movies on' the ler and Bass and the Republican man's Club; has been awarded to in appreciation of the boxes of total of 1207 votes ior Martin' and two 'glrls this year, Suzanne Bell clothing and bookS sent them by service for the graduating class of training 'of the blind. and Delores .Zensen. Both j:irls Swarthmore students this year. Swarthmore High School will be Lion Bud Hastings, Kendall Wilson. held on Sunday afternoon, June 7, Sadler, Frank Masselli and Charles' The write-in vote. was the are planning to attend Kutztown in the Swarthmore Presbyterian IJncoln are present each day as heaviest in recent years, giving State Teachers College to become Red Cross Offers Two Chureh at 5 p.m. The sermon will hosts to craftsmen' and visitors the school directors nominated by teachers of ari. Sue was active in Aquatic Scholarships be' delivered by Dr. Everett Hunt, alike, While wives of the spon- Republicans nomination on the sports, did art work for the Senior Play and the Yearbook and Dean of Men at Swarthmore Col- soring club serve' as hostesses. Democratic slate as well. Virginia Rath, First Aid and lege. Ministers of the community Greeting guests yesterday was All' other candidates on both was secretary of the Student Cab- Water Safety Chairman for the will assist In conducting the serv- Mrs. Horace Renshaw assisted by party tickets running without op- inet. Red Cross announces two scholTfe recipient of the .BaccalaurMrs. Morton PattI, Mrs. Frank. position received the nomination 1·ce . arships for Instructor Courses in eate Scholarship is Mary Spiller. Commencement exercises wi:U McFadden, Mrs. Ed Sullivan, lVfrs. of their party. Life Saving and Water Safety op.Mary has been active in sports, be held at Clothier Memorial on Lincoln, Mrs. C. W. Hartman and en to local boys or girls who have was a member of the Blackfriars, the Swarthmore College campus Mrs. Robert Atz. passed their Senior Life Saving , Property Own~r$ Grow was active -in the Senior Play, and on Tu';'day night, June 9, at 8 Mrs. Sadler will be in charge The Swarthmore Property Own- the Chorus. She also was active In Course. p.m. The program will feature today, with Mrs. Henry Hoffman, The two camps in Pennsylvania ers Association, which reports a student speakers and musicians. Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. George recent 70% increase in member- working on the Garnet and the where these scholarships apply Admission to the commencement Stauffer, Mrs. A. Stoll Titus, Mrs. ship, has named two new direc- Yearbook. As yet, she has not de- are Camp Luthertyn in Prospect, exereises will be by ticket only Kenneth Stuart and Mrs. Thomas tOrs .G. P. Pilgrim to represent the cided on her college. June. 13 to June 23, and Camp with special reserved tickets for Conway to help. TrailS End, Beach Lake, June 16 northeast section of the borough families for the front section .of On Saturday Mrs. Jack Gense- and' Mrs. Anthony M. Fairbanks, Yassar Trustee to June 26. There are also camps . the hall. Tickets maY be secured . mer will be hostess alded by .Mrs. southeast. These will fIll·vacancl... John W. Nason, Cedar lane, has accepting these scholarships in from members of the class or at Barton Calvert, Mrs. Irving Ped- left on the board of dlriiCtors by been elected a member of the Massachusetts, New Hampshire; the High School oIDce. . Mrs Charles Billdy Mrs the resignations of Richard Willls board of trustees of Vassar Col- New York, Indiana, and ConnecMrs Kenneth Doherty, chalr- erson,. .'. • . man of the Mothers' Group of the George McKeag, Mrs. DaVld Bmg- and J. Howard Taylor some time lege, it was announced this week. tlout. ago...The Association nOW numbers Mr. Nason, who is resigning the . lass, h oed that ham and Mrs. Robert Gerner. Anyone Interested In these seruor ,e as annOUD ,. presidency of Swarthmore Col- I scholarships mo.y.send their appli_ there will be a reception and tea Special guests, members ?f .the 833 members. lege ibis June to head the Foreign cation to MIss Rath, 735 Yalll av~ for the elass and friends In thlr Board of tile Co~nty AssOCIation, No. Garde. Trip JURe 4 Policy Association, also serves as nue. If more information Is denew church hall immediately fol- are Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, Mrs•.Mtlr_ The garden department of the l. membe~ of the board of trustees sired Miss Rath can be r,ached lowing 'the baccalaureate elIM'cls- rls H. Russell and Mrs. P. G. Woman's Club baa announCed that of' PhIl1lps Exeter Academy. and at' Swarthmore' College; Swarthes. The pan!!lts have also arrange Wrightsman.· .• the trip scheduled for June 4. has of the .Edward W. Hazen. Founda- more 6-0200 any day between 12 ed eniertalnment for the tradlThe Fair closes at 8 p. rn. \ totion. and 1 or lit her home, Sw.· 8-4608. been cancelled.' tional commencement night party.nlght and 4, p. rn. on Saturday•. School Board Wednesday evening agreed to sit with representatives of the Rutledge School Board to hear relative advantages of the Delaware County Board of Education's suggested plan for a possible jointure of the tWQ districts on the high school level. Next Monday evening was set for the purpose, pending approval by the Rutledge directors. Thomas A. Boyle.of Rosemont, currently principal of the Charlestown Township Consolidated SchOOl, Malvern, was elected principal of Swarthmore's two elementary schools beginning next fall. He will replace R. Mildred Kidd, elementary supervisor whose reslgn'ation, effecti,ve at the end of the present school year, was accepted recentiy. Mr. Boyle graduated tram West Chester State Teachers College in 1934. took graduate work at the University of Scranton from 1934 to 1938, and from 1946 to date at the University of Pennsylvaniar where he earned his masters degree in education and admlnistration and now has 64 credits toward his doctorate. From 1~39 to 1942 h~ taught English and music at Goldsborough Township School. A first lieutenant with the Army .Air Corps from 1942 to 1946 he taught eteo ~ogy at New York Unlver:ty ~e taught sixth grade at Ros~mont School, Radnor Township from 1946imtll'assumlng his present assignment In 1951.' ... He has had experience coaching sports, teaching music, woodwork, photography, dramatics, and organizing recreation and entertainment in camps. He has three chUdren. The Board decided to increase teachers' salaries a total of $14," 150 over last year. Of this 'amount $5450 is state mandated Increments and the $8700 balance will be applied to merit increases jn elementary and high schools.. ',rhis represents about a $42QO greater increase than was made last year. Re-elected at the meeting were: (Continued on Page 10) I Borough Votes 10"1 For Bond Issue SCh0Iarsh'IP W"loners Named at High School Blind Artisans Show . ~ Ski"lis I"n 3Day Fa'I'r I Dean Hunt to Give H.S. Baccalaureate Sermon . .... .. . "lnH MOM COLL1l:GE LIlIUARY • . 13.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE. FRIDAY, MAY 22,1953 Swarthmore, Rutledge fep AirSetRaidforTest· .. ' Tuesday To Hear Jointure Plan ATTEND 'I1IE SWARTBMOBEAN Page 12 Services Held for Mrs. Andrew.Myers Five Contest 3 Posts In Primary Election In the. Office of the Assistant Secrelaryof the Navy. UDOPIIGI!4 J 0 h n F. Spencer, another alumnus of the local schools, Is unopposed for the six year tenn. Appointed to the Board In April 19112, . to I1ll the Board vacancy caused by the resignation of David McCahan, he now seeks election of office. His four college years were dlvlded between Carnegle Institute of Technology and University of Wisconsin. He ls associated with a Chester printing IIrm founded. by . his grandfather and now headed by his father R. Chester Spencer, Swarthmore avenue. John Spencer has four children. Nine year old Susan is In 4th grade, seven year old Jay Is In 2nd grade, Jill ls foui and Peggy 15 months old. The Spencer home Is at no Yale avenue. _ .... 0lIl For DofOU5U De The other candidates, all unopposed, are Richard M. Snyder for audltor, Joseph Reynolds for burgess, Mary P. Dodd for tax collector and Thomas W. Hopper, Frank H. McCowan, Birney K. Morse and Henry Wood for council. Only Democratic candidate Borough GiveS 1()2 Pints to Red Cross the bleeding room. Mrs. Avery Blake'e Canteen members who provided coftee and doughnuts to the donors Included Mrs. J. Archer Turner, Mrs. Warren Warden, Mrs. Buchanan Harrar, Mrs. Roy Latimer, Mrs. Thomas Ingram, Mrs. Peter E. Told, Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty. Mrs. Blake and her committee also pr0vided dinner In the club lounge for !the Unit sta1!, at the cloee of the (Continued, froID Page 1) Borough Citizens gave 102 pints third grade. She Is now head of of· blood to the American Red nursery school at Merion Cornell Ave. Resident for the, Cross Thursday afternoon Friends School. She has Written when the Philadelphia Bloodmo34 Years Di,d After widely In the fleld of elementary bile Unit set up temporaty quareducation and has had considerStroke tars In the Swarthmore Woman's able supervisory experience. Club. The Unit staft with. the In' Funeral services for Mrs. An- Among her many Interests have valuable assistance of local Red drew M. Myers, of 192 Cornell been the Delaware County Child ·Cross members, tested and inter- d a y . " ' avenue, heid at the Spencer T. Care Association the Family Reviewed 152 generous-minded volVideon and Sons Funeral Home lations Commit~ of the SwarthThe Borough's next Blood Donunteers who appeared at the club- or Day has been set for Octobsr 29. in Drexel Hill at 11 a.m. Wednes- m 0 r e Friends Meeting, the day, were followed by private In- Swarthmore Recreation Associahouse between 1 p.m. and 6:30, termen!. , tioo. end rejected, regretfully but firm. CANCER DRIYE TOTAU ly, the 50 who could not or should Two of her children have grad·Mrs. Myers whb moved to the not give. Frank L. Gettz, chairman of the Cornell avenue addresS with her uated from Swarthmore High Leohora Perkins entertained a local Cancer· Drive, announces husband In August, 1919 sulfered SohO<>!. and the third, Msry will ¢Dtal of flve children during the Swar'uunore's total thus far to be a str?ke and was taken to Taylor graduate In June of this. year. course of the afternoon, while $2,870, exclusive of the $600 conHospItal, Ridley Park last Thurs- She has served the local schools their parents within were making tributed by Swarthmore College. d~y. She passed away at the hos- as president of the Mother'S their donations. As returns have not yet been repltal Sunday afternoon. Council. She was educated In the ceived from various community . Born Sydney Chilcote io Hunl- Philadelphia Public Schools, reIn addition to the aid contriborganizations and individuals, mgdon County, Pennsylvania on ceivlng an A.B. degree from Bryn uted by the iocal Miotor Corps and there is hope that the flnal total January 8, 1874 Mrs. Myers grad- Mawr College In 1920, and A.B. the staft aldes, were members of will be considerably higher. uated from high scho~l In. J ohns- degree from Swarthniore College Mrs. Wayne Randall's Nurses town and was marned 10 trat In 1928, and her MA. in EducaAides, Mrs. Holmes McClure, Mrs.• Mr. Gettz particularly cOlDcity In 1902. ~he cB?'e to Swarth- tion from Swarthmore in 1930. George Warren" Mrs. Edwin Cros- mended his captains and their more after living m Aldan and D· ld P J e seeks re-el~­ by and Mrs. Brint9n Liddell who workers for their fulluhearted coPhiladeiphia for several yea,;,.. tlono~: the· B:a~; for a term or took temperatures and helped in operation. She was a member or TrInity. . . E Isco al Church Swarthmore four years, havmg completed six :;~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;., p p , years of service on the Board. He r and some years ago was a member of the Swarthmore Woman's is vice - president of the Board, for borough office is Harry E. chairman of the finance commlt- Oppenlander, who is running for Club. tee and former treasurer. Raised coundl. Besides her husband who is S'econd Annual in the Borough, he is a graduate structural engineer on the con- of Swarthmore High School, Grinstruction of experimental facilities lA WN . BOWLERS nell College, and the Harvard for the National Advisory Commlt- &hool of Business AdminlstraROLL ON-AND ON tee for Aeronautics at Langley Conflrm·ed lawn bowlers and .• Field, Va., she Is survived by four tlon. He is the Comptroller of the their guests convened last Satsons: John Wesley and Thomas S., twins living In Drexel Hu\; Sun 011 Company and the Nation- urday and Sunday afternoons' on Nathaniel of Plalnfleld, N. J.; al General· Chairman of the the Meeting House Lawn· for an Robert of Swarthmore; and five Financial . and Accounting Com- appraisal of their green and a preat grandchildren, Sydney of Plain- mittee· of the American Petroleum llmlnary warm-np of wlnterset Institute. Of ·his three children muscles. Both would improve, It del", K..T.; PrIscilla,· Wesley, Paul one son graduated from Swarth- was decided, wlih contlDued good and Janet of Drexel Hill. more· High School last June and weather-and excercise. is now a freshman at Wesleyan New members who, incidentallY, MRS. W. J. BRODIE College In Connecticut, a daugh- also received a silent sizing up as Funeral services will be held at ter Beth is In the 9th grade, and future competition for the veter1:30 p.rn. today at W.· J. Tichner Larry is a 7th grader; HIs home ans .. lolned the ranks of bowlers, and Sons, North avenue, Baltl- is at 407 Swarthmore avenue. but according to Charles G. That- F anny B UUer ' The other contest In the Pri- cher, In charge of the sport, there f .. more, Mel.,or U~~. ·mary Election Is for. the two year , . widow of William J. Brod- term on the 'School Board to I1ll ill room for still more. . A brand new set of minor bowls . Ie; died Wednesday afternoon in the Oakcrest Nursing Home, the vacancy created by the res- -smaller and llghter for women Ignation of Carroll P .. Streeter. Upland, where she has been since Candidate Charles C. Martin, a and chlldren-have been added to ,Working Members of the the foUr sets of atan"ard bowls as January 15. chemlst In the Sun Oil Company's positive proof that the game is not Mrs. Brodie was the mollier of Research LAboratory, graduated reserved for the adult male of the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind Mrs. William A. DeCaindry, Wal- from Swarthmore College in 1942 species. nut lane, with whom she has made following education in the public Nor Is there an age limit. As a Delaware County Chapter Will Have her home since 1942. She fell and schools of Lancaster, Pa., where matter of Interest. the only restricshattered her· right arm on Decem- he was born and raised. Martin tions seem to be a concern for the ber 27. Following two weeks In lives at 406 Haverford place. He property, including such qu~ties Taylor Hospital, she entered the has three children Susan 8, now as the agility to place mats at the FREE DEMONSTRATIONS nursing home. In 3rd grade; David 6, who at- playing area to avoid making holes Thursday and frida, 10 A•. M. to 4:30 P. M. Born May 5, 1866 In Falls tends kindergarten; Richard, 3. Church, Va., she D:!arried her husHe Is an active member of the in the green, the ability to w!pe Saturday 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. oft wet or dlrty bowls at the end band in Baltimore In .1892 Md Sw"rthmore Presbyterian Church of a match, and the foresightedmade her home there until she where he has been superintendent came to Swarthmore. Mr. Brodie of the Juulor High Department of ness to attend to these matters so that the equipment will be in good MOYIE SHORTS died in 1939. She was a member the Church School for the past of the Pimlico Baptist Church, flve years. He has also been a condition for the next time. Tuesday evenings at '1 and Sun": Thursday and Friday Evenings Baltimore. member of the Board of Deacons. day afternoons at 3 hawe ~n set ·In addition to her daughter, she He Is doing graduate work at the is survived by two granddaughters University of Pennsylvania and Is aside as the regularly scheduled meeting hours, but both rinks are M. Alice and Vll"glnia DeCaindry. a member of the honorary scien available for use at any time. Sponsored Iy Interment will be in Loudon tific society Sigma XI. Cemetery, Baltimo.... .Robert H. Wllson, vice-presiTHE.SWARTHMORE LIONS CLUB John W. Snape of Harvard ave, dent in ·charge of·public relations nue has been elected president CAMERON C. BARR and advertising of' the Girard of Sigma Phi fraternity· at Hobart . Cameron C. Barr, a former Trust-Corn Exchange Bank, Phil- Ca:llege, Geneva. N.Y•.,' Swarthmore resident, died "Mon.. adelphia, is the second contender day, May 11,· following a heart for the two year school director I!!III1IUIUIlIlIllIUIIHlllllllllllluunlllnlllllllnnumllilHIIIDDlnmnr.. you Meet the Nicest People at Speare' S .. i: attack at his home in Baltimore. term. A graduate of Swarthmore .. ' The son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry College In 1931, he ·lives at 603 § C. Barr, 504 Harvard avenue, Mr. Harvard avenue and has a 13 year .. Barr was assistant general manag- old daughter Norma, who Is in E er of the Consolidated Gas and the 7th grade of the local. schools. a Electric Company of Baltimore. He has resided in Swarthmore for § iI He was a graduate of Swarthmore '19 years. = For several years Wilson was a II! College, class of 1924, a member of newspaper reporter in Atlanta, !!Ie Phi Deita Theta fraternity, and a Mason. He was a major In llie U. ;:~!ahe ~d Ci~ :.::~=: S. Army Engineers during the sec- for the Publlc Ledger. and the E EDGMONT AVE. "' 7th AND WELSH STS. ond World War. Philadelphia Record. In 193ft he 5 In addition to his parents, he Is served as Deputy Treasurer of the § survived by his wife Anno, a son City of Philadeiphla and Deputy New Arrivals! See Our cameron, Jr., now In Eorea, a Treasurer of the Board of Educasister ~. Johan NatvIg of tI f th School DIstrict f Swarthmore, and a brother George P~~~d:-~hla~ ~ 1M11 he becar:e R. of Downln&;town. . associated with the Girard Trust ServIces were heid yesterday at Company. S p.m. In Baltimore. Interment Wilson has been a trustee and , For sunning or sauntering see was private. member·of the Executive Comoui collection of· cool, cool c0lnnltee of the Bureau of MunIcipal ton So Sunbaclm,. two-piece. Flintily CIrcle H....lsel Research. He Is a member of the match mates. ch'!Cked gingThe regular mOnthly meeting of PubUc ·Relations Committee at bams,. washable nylons, orlo.... to rhambrays in a spoIrldIng array the Friendly Cjrele .wj,ll be h~d Swarthmore-College. of sl$ies and colors. Juniors, Thursday, May 21 with lin. D\irinjJ the I8st War, he served ml B women'. sJzes,.. " George 1... Alston of 835 North 'In the Navy wbere.he W8lI convoy . (0..;.. pept :secondllocw) - .. ,.. . .. . , .... Chester rOOd as ~ Mrs. J '"WI ,IIlB\I.«1M nffioer In the At~ f ". Dan Sales Now fa PaWi . . . 1\" ••, ma I H. Pitman will serve u ceo !antic and Med1terran1an and then hostess. ....e.s··.·P\tbllc RelationE omcer !sst BLIND FAIR· Swarthmore Fire House May 21st-22nd -23rd .. :It i ··III i ESTER'S Fashion Corner .= II Cool Cotton Collection I 519 ~ .. SVlnrtbmoreCollege Ubrf'ry AnEND j awartbmore~ BLIND FAIR , Pa. . THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 2s--NUMBER • SWARmMORE. FRIDAY, MAY 22,1953 Swarth'more, Rutied·ge· fcp AirSetRaidforTest,Tuesday To Hear Jointure Plan ~ Thomas . Boyle Named Elementary School Principal School Board Wednesday evening agreed to sit with representatives of the Rutledge Schooi Board to hear relative advantages of the Delaware County Board of Education's suggested .plan for a possible jointure of the tWQ districts on the high school level. Next Mo"day evening was set for the purpose, pending approval by the Rutledge directors. Thomas A. Boyle. of Rosemont, currently principal of the Charlestowil . Township .Consolidated School, Malvern; was elected principal of Swartronore's two elementary schools beginrilng next fall. He will replace R. Mildred Kidd, . eleD:!entary supervisor whose reslgrlatlon, effect1,ve at the end of the present school year, was accepted recenUy. Mr. Boyle graduated trom West Chester State Teachers College in 1934, took graduate work. at the University of Scranton from 1934 to 1938, and from 1946 to date at . . of Pennsylvaniar the University where he earned his masters degree in education and adminls.. trationaild now has 64 credits to- air raid test for the personnel of the Civil Defense Councils of Swarthmore and Springfield Township will be held Tuesday, May 26, between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30 p. m. In announcing the test, the cooperating Councils emphasized the facts thattralllc will not be stopped, and the public will not be asked to seek shelter. Sirens used.in the test alert will vary from the regular air rald signals to avoid confusion for neighboring communities not par.lic;>ating. The special signals will be as follows: RED SIGNAL: Siren will rise 4 seconds, fall 26 seconds, through 6 complete cycles. Duration normal 3 minutes, but cadence different. ATTACK SIGNAL: At some time bstween·the Red Signal and the All Clear, the siren will sound 4 seconds up and 4 seconds down, repeated through 6 cycles. Duralion· about 1 minute. ALL CUAR: Siren will rise 20 seconds, one minute to die down, repeated through three cycles. Duration 3 minutes. Normal would min be 7 utes. BII·nd Art"lsans Show SkI"11S .In 3D·ay Fa"Ir In New Responsibility Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, past president of the Swarthmore Woman's Club, Is the new president of the Delaware Health aDd Welfare Council. BLIND FAIR AltTHMORK COLLIWE LI BUA BY • • ..... I3.SO PER YEAR S.H.S. Students Give Methodist }bOlster. 0 pen House·T·· oOlght Rev. Kulp ~ppo~t~ . The Rev. John C. Kulp begInS his pastorate In the Swarthmore Methodist Church on Sunday, May 24. Mr. Kulp has been appointed .by Blshop Fred Pierce Corson, Resident Methodist Bishop of the Phlladeiphia Area, to replace Dr. Roy Newton Keiser who has retired after a 12-year pastorate in the Swarthmore Church. Mr. Kulp comes from the Broa;d Street Memorial Methodist Church where he waS the Associate Pastor for three years. Prior to that, he served as a Chaplain with the United StateS Navy aboard an attack transport. FollowIng his discharge from active duty, he taught for one year at the Pennington ,Preparatory School for Boys, and I then assumed the pastorate of the Methodist Church In Hulmeville, Bucks County, for a period of three years. He received his A. B. degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and his B. D. and M. A. from Drew TheolOgical Seminary, Madison, N. J. Borough Votes 10.1 For' Bond Issue S h I h" W' Spencer, JonEls, Martin, C 0 ars IP lOners Mrs. Spl·lle· r Elected to N t Hi hSh00I am ell age School Board ATTEND . Special Exhibitions Will Follow Fashion Show at 7 :30 The annual exhibit of special departments in the Swarthmore High School will be held this evening, May 22, from 7:30 to 9:30. A fashion show will be presented by the girls In clothing clssses from 7:30 to 8:30. Robert Holm· and members of the orchestra will provide the mUSiC, and Sue Hansell will. be the commentator. Following the Fashion Show, there will be exhibits and student demonstrations in Uut art, commercial, shop and home economics rooms. In the art room, Keith Richardson, David· Edwards, Judith Meyers, Ruth Vlachos, Diane Halsey, Gerry Green, Virginia Pugh, Gail Lincoln, Sara Hetherington, ·Janet Lynch, Eleanor Isburg, Vic-· ky MacNair, Margaret Bullitt, Shirley Carpenter and Jane and Ann Hay will demonstrate· techniques in pottery-throwing, ceramics, leather and painting In oils and water colors. Norma Wilson, Carol Williams, Judy ~ollander, Ramona Van Urk, Mimi ~awkins and Barbara Palf mer will be in the home econ- S h 1 h' C mitte The c 0 ars IP 0'." e 0 the .Swarthmore Public Schools, h as JUS t . apnounce d the members of the gra.duati ng cIass t 0 wh om scholarships. have been awarded, on .behalf. of various Swarthmore organIz atIons. The ~ome and ,School Assoclatlon Scholarship is being awarded this year to Peter Braun who Is I Swarthmore ";oters supported a debt increase of $312,000 ·for the omlcs kitchen to present a demward his doctorate.. onstration in the making of partv_ • erection of a new e1ementapv .I ht Fro 1939 t 1942 h t m . 0 e aug 0, sandwiches, biscuits and a desEngilsh and music at Go1dsbor. school and repairs to the extstlng ough Township School. A lirst Working members. o~ the Deiha- elementary schooi building by an sert. InJ thet aThdJoining sSaneWingdr· Ith the Army Air ware County AsSOCIation for t e over 10 to one mar"'n Tuesdav. room, ane omson, a Ii t t eu enan w Blind ed .. h " In S arth 0 · ' Johnson, Karen Rogers and Julie Corps from 194.2 to 1946 hp taught open ups op w - The vote for the bond Issuetotall-. meteoroicigy at New York Unlver- more ye~terdllY morning for the ed 1072, against 94. Tucker will offer suggestions in slty. He taught sixth grade at fi.rst of tHeir three day Fair at the Interest In the Primary Electhe tecbnlqu",:of sewing. Rosemont School, Radnor Town- Fire House on Lafayette avenue. lion centered In the choice of The shop will have an exhibit ship from' 1946·imill·a~~.hIs Fro~ 10 to 4:30,Thursday'8!'.d~. $,'1.1;1.0:0-1 ,1ii4"ectQrs. wm.:,J.ol)n .. I'-; a.,~III»~,o.t.M>e,B!~~.Jm~,~e...l~",.'!';!'~<1-fi09r as weI! as present assignment iJi·1951. . day today, and tolllOl"row too, vIs- ·Spencer' 'hiiming· unopposed for Ii 'has been· active in·.f!i$ Catililet :anlt ~1Jlcm$atlons .mtheshop bulldHe has had experlencecoachlng Itors. are invited guests, free to six year term receiving the high the Yearbook· staff.. He plans to 109 by John MacAlpine, Edward sports, teaching music, wOodwork; wander ~roUgh. th~ home of the vole of 1082 and'Donald P. Jones attend· .!,lyracuse University. Noyes, Terry Allen, David WerphotographY, drarnatlc~, and or- Boroughs fire flghtmg equipment polling 1037 assents for a four year The Chorus Scholarship Is a- ne~, James ~cCorkei, Bruce ganizlng recreation and entertain- (moved out of doors for the oc- service. Mrs. Robert E, Spiller warded to Jane Seymour, who is Wilson, ~ed Bloom and George ment in camps. He has three chll- casl~n) now transformed to a pro- wop the woman's post on the a member of the Chorus. She par- Dunning m Ihe spinning of ~et~ls, dren. dUction plant of use~ul and decor- Board for four years by a 200 ticipated in the Senior Play and metal lathe-work, blue-pnnllng The Board decided to increase atlv!, household articles. margin, carrying 756 votes as waS a cheerleader this year In and wood-turning. teachers' salartes a total of $1.~," Daily until 4, skilled artisans, against 556 cast for Mrs. A. W. addition to working with'the Gar- ·The commercial department will 150 over last year. Of this ·amount brought to the Borough by the Bass, Jr. In the onlY other local net and .the Yearbook. She Is plan- present techniques and proce$5450 is state mandated Incre- Lions. Club In cooperation with conteSt Ch';'les W. Martin led his nlngto attend Simmons College. dures in .the use of office equipments and the $6700 balance ~U the County Association for the opponent Robert H •. Wil-son .by 'a .The Class Scholarship thh1 year mel\t by membsrs of the class. be applied to merit Increases !ll Blind, create moPS.. doormats, etc., vote of 702 to 445. .. Is being awarded to ~ita GarraAIiloog special exhibits beiog eiementary and high schools. !~his and·· te~hnlcians demonstrate the Evidence ·of voter eccentrlclty'is han. Nita has been active in sports, displayed in several of the sec~nd represents about a $42QO greater special.. typewriters, under the to be found in the· fac!' t1iat the was assistant editor of the Year- lioor rooms will be the· art for Increase than was made last year. very noses of Interested Swarth- ·vote on the bond ISSue was com- book, helped wI~ properties in World Friendship Exhibit showRe-elected at the. meeting were: more~ns and neig~bors. A v:mety 'paratively light, 244·m()re Repub- the SE.nlor Play. She has been a Ing some of the paintings ,ex(Continued on Page 10) of blind-made artIcles on display licans voted In the woman's race cheerleader for the . past four changed between seventh and ;' and available for purchase, en-than the entire two party vote for years. Nita has not as yet chosen eighth· grade students and those courages browsing, .and a speCial the bond Issue where the total her college. . of foreign lands. Another interfeature lor this evening when the vote was 1066 as opposed to a· total The Ell.abeth Hubbard Bonsall estlng exhibit will be· that raBac~ureate Fair will. ~e open unt~. 8, wI~ be of 1312 Republican tallies for .Spi!- scholarship~ presented by the Wo_ ceived from two Japanese schools The community baccalaureate the showl!lIr of moVIes on the ler and Bass· and the :Republican man's Club, has bsen awarded to In appreciation of the boxes of service for the graduating class of training ·of the blind. total of. 1207 votes for Martin· and two 'glrls this year, Suzanne Bell clothing and bookS sent them by Swarthmore High School will be Lion Bud Hastln.I!$, Ke'.'daU Wilson~ and Delores ,Zensen. Both girls Swarthmore students this year. held on Sunday afternoon, June 7, Sadl;r, Frank Masselli and.Charles The write-in vote. was the are planning to attend Kutztown in tbe Swarthmore Presbyterian LIncoln are present each day as heavies! in recent years, giving State Teachers College to become Red Cross Offers Two ··tors the schQOl directors nominated by teachers of art. Sue was .active in Ch,urch at 5 p.m. The sermon will h ~s ts t 0 .orafts.men·. and VISI Aquatic Scholarships be delivered by Dr. Everett Hunt, alike, while WlVes 'of the spon- Republicans nomination on the sports, did art work for the SenDean of Men at Swarthmore Col- soring club serve· as hostesses. Democratic slate as well. ior Play and the Yearbook and Virginia Bath, First Aid and lege. Ministers of the community Greeting guests yesterday was All' other candidates on both was secretary of the Student Cab- Water Safety Chairman for the will assist In conducting the serv- Mrs. Horace Re~haw assisted by party tickets running without op- Inet. Red Cross announces two seholice. Mrs. Morton PaUl, Mrs. Frank position received the nomination rye recipient of the .Baccalaur- arships for Instructor Courses in Commencement exercises will McFadden, Mrs. Ed Sullivan, Mrs. of their party. eate Scholarship is Mary Spiller. Life Saviug and Water Safety opbe held at Clothier Memorial on Lincoln, Mrs. C. W. Hartman and . ·Mary has been active in sports, en to local boyS or girls who have the· Swarthniore College campus Mrs. Robert Atz. Pro,. ..... Owne,r. Grow was a. membsr of the Blackfrlars, passed their Senior Life Saying t 8 •• J was active On the Sepior Play, and 9 on Tuesday night, June ,a Mrs. Sadler will be in charge The Swarthmore Propertv O w n - · In Course. tur ' the Chorus. She also was active p.m. The program will fea e today, with Mrs. Henry Hoftnuu\. ers Association, which reports a th The two camps in Pennsylvania working on the Garnet and e student speakers and musIci ans. Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. George recent "0'" I·n"rease in memberI 70.,.. Yearbook. As yet, she has not de- where these scholarships apply Admission to the commencement Stauffer, Mrs. A. Stoll Titus, Mrs. ed t d· are Camp Lutherlyn in Pi'ospect, . k t ....h~ ship, has nam wo new lref a match, and the foresightedwhere he bas been superintendent ness to attend to these matters so came to Swarthmore. Mr. Brodie of the Junior High Department of that the equipment will be in good died in 1939. She was a member MOVIE SHORTS of the Pimlico Baptist Church, the Church School for the past condition for the next time. five years. He has also been a Tuesday evenings at 7 and SunThursday and Friday Evenings Baltimore. member of the Board of D"a"on,s·1 day afternoons at 3 have been set In addition to her daughter, she He is doing graduate work at the aside as the regularly scheduled is survived by two granddaughters University of Pennsylvania and is meeting hours, but both rinks are M. Alice and Virginia DeCaindry. a member of the honorary scien- available for use at any time. Sponsored By Interment will be in Loudon tific society Sigma Xi. Cemetery. Baltimore. "Robert H. Wilson, vice-presiTHE.SWARTHMORE LIONS CLUB John W. Snape of Harvard avedent in charge of public relations nue has been elected president and advertising of' the Girard of Sigma Phi fraternity at Hobart CAMERON C. BARR Cameron C. Barr, a former Trust-Corn Exchange Bank, Phil- College, Geneva, N.Y. Swarthmore resident, died Mon- adelphia, is the second contender day, May II, following a heart for the two year school director You Meet the Nicest People at Speare' attack at his home in Baltimore. term. A graduate of Swarthmore The son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry College in 1931, he ·lives at 603 C. Barr, 504 Harvard avenue, Mr. Harvard avenue and has a 13 Barr was assistant general manag- old daughter Norma, who is in er of the Consolidated Gas and the 7th grade of the local schools, Electric Company of Baltimore. He has resided in Swarthmore for He was a graduate of Swarthmore 19 years. For several years Wilson was a College, class of 19!4, a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity, and a newspaper reporter in Atlanta, Mason. He was a major in the U. Georgia. and in where he was City Hall reporter S. Army Engineers during the secfor the Public Ledger and the ond World War. EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. Philadelphia Record. In 1939 he In addition to his parents, he is served as Deputy Treasurer of the survived by his wife Anna, a son City of Philadelphia and Deputy New Arrivals! See Our Cameron, Jr., now in Korea, a Treasurer of the Board of Educasister Mrs. Johan Natvig of tion for the School District of Swarthmore, and a brother George ""ilarlelphia. In 1940 he became R. of Downingtown. associated with the Girard Trust Services were held yesterday at Company. 3 p.m. in Baltimore. Interment Wilson has been a trustee and was private, For sunning or sauntering see member of the Executive Comour collection of cool, cool cotmittee of the Bureau of M'JDicip,all ton s. Sunbacks, two-piece. Friendly Circle Hastesses Researeh. He is a member of the match mates, checked gingThe regular monthly meeting of Public Relations Committee at hams, washable nylons, orloDS, chambrays in a sparkllng array the Friendly Circle will be held Swarthmore College. of styles and colors, Juniors, During the last war, he served. Thursday, May 21 with Mrs. misses, women's sizes. . George L. Alston of 635 North in the Navy where.he was convoy (Dress Dep~ond fioor) . ' Chester road as hostess. Mrs. John communications officer in the AtFouruler's Dan Sales Now In Pro_ Shop FrIda,. TIll !I H. Pitman will serve as c .... lantic and Mediterranian and then served as Public Relations Officer hOidess. Services Held for Mrs. Andrew Myers SVmrthmore College Li br"ry ;:.'wRrthmore, Pa. . ATTEND Borough GiveS 102 Pints to Red Cross BLIND FAIR Swarthmore Fire House May 21s1-22nd-23rd .......~...:.:::::...GCH ESTER'S Fashion Corner .Cool Cotton Collection 519 BLIND FAIR THE SWARTHMOREAN AHEND . BLIND FAIR . ,,11TH ~l()RK COLLI£(} K LIllI: ,\ R Y • VOLUME 25-NUMBER 21 SWARTHMORE. FRIDAY. MAY 22,1953 Swarthmore, Rutledge fep AirSetRaidforTest Tuesday To Hear Jointure Plan An air raid test for the personnel of the Civil Defense Councils of Swarthmore and Springfield Township will be held Tuesday, May 26, between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30 p. m. In announcing the test, the cooperating Councils emphasized the facts that traffic will not be stopped, and the public will not be asked to seek shelter. Sirens used in the test alert ·....·ill vary from the regular air raid signals to avoid confusion for neighboring communities not participating. The special signals will be as follows: RED SIGNAL: Siren will rise 4 seconds, fall 26 seconds, through 6 complete cycles. Duration normal 3 minutes, but cadence different. ATTACK SIGNAL: At some time between the Red Signal and the All Clear, the siren will sound 4 seconds up and 4 seconds down, repeated through 6 cycles. Duration about 1 minute. ALL CLEAR: Siren will rise 20 seconds, one minute to die down, repeated through three cycles. Duration 3 minutes. Normal would be 7 minutes. Rev. Kulp Appointed Methodist Minister In New Responsibility '3.50 PER YEAR S.H.S. Students Give Open House Tonight . The Rev. John C. Kulp begins his pastorate in the Swarthmore Thomas Boyle Named Methodist Church on Sunday, May Special Exhibitions Will 124. Mr. Kulp has been appointed Elementary School Follow Fashion Show . I by Bishop Fred Pierce Corson, Principal at 7:30 i Resident Methodist Bishop of the . Philadelphia Area, to replace Dr. School Board Wednesday eveThe annual exhibit of special Roy Newton Keiser who has re- departments in the Swarthmore ning agreed to sit with repretired after a 12-year pastorate in High School will be held this evensentatives of the Rutledge School c.l the Swarthmore Church. Board to hear relative advantages ing, May 22, from 7:30 to 9:30. ~1 of the Delaware County Board of Mr. Kulp comes from the Broa,d A fashion show will be presented Education's suggested plan for a Street Memorial Methodist Church by the girls in clothing classes possible jointure of the tWQ dis.. , where he was the Associate Pas- from 7:30 to 8:30. Robert Hohn tricts on the high school level. , : :.!, II tor for three years. Prior to that, and members of the orchestra will Next Monday evening was set for , he served as a Chaplain with the provide the music, and Sue Hanthe purpose, pending approval by :, ! United States Navy aboard an at- sell will. be the commentator. the Rutledge directors. tack transport. Following his dis- Following the Fashion Show, there Thomas A. Boyle of Rosemont, ,/~ ! charge from active duty, he taught will be exhibits and student demcurrently principal of the CharlesI for one year at the Pennington onstrations in the art, commerCial, town Township Consolidated I Preparatory School for Boys, and shop and home economics rooms. School, Malvern, was elected Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth. past then assumed the pastorate of the, In the art room, Keith Richprincipal of Swarthmore's two elpresident of the Swarthmore Methodist Church in !lulmeville, I ardson, David Edwards, Judith ementary schools beginning next Woman's Club, is the new presi- Bucks County, for a perIod of three I Meyers, Ruth Vlachos, Diane Haldent of the Delaware Health year. s I. sey, Gerry Green, Virginia Pugh, fall. He will replace R. Mildred and Welfare Council. Kidd. elementary supervisor He received his A. B. degree I Gail Lincoln, Sara Hetherington, whose resignation. effecti.ve at the from the University of Pennsyl- Janet Lynch, Eleanor Isburg, Vicend of the present school year, vania, and his B. D. and M. A. ky MacNair, Margaret Bullitt, was accepted recently. from Drew Theological Seminary, Shirley Carpenter and Jane and Mr. Boyle graduated from West Madison, N. J. Ann Hay will demonstrate techChester State Teachers College in niques in pottery-throwing, cera1934, took graduate work at the mics, leather and painting in oils University of Scranton from 1934 and water coJors. Spencer, Jones, Martin, to 1938, and from 1946 to date at Norma Wilson. Carol Williams, the University of Pennsylvaniar Mrs. Spiller Elected to Judy Hollander, Ramona Van Urk, where he earned his masters deSchool Board Mimi Hawkins and Barbara Palgree in education and adminismer will be in the home econThe Scholarship Com. mittee of Swarthmore voters supported a tralion and now has 64 credits toomics kitchen to present a demward his doctorate.. debt increase of $312,000 ·for the the .Swarthmore PublIc Schools, From 1~39 to 1942 he taught erection of a new elementary has Just announced the members onstration in the making of party_ English and music at Goldsborschool and repairs to the existing of the g~aduating class to whom sandwiches, biscuits and a desough Township School. A first Working members. o~ the Dela- elementary school building by an scholarships .hav: been awarded, sert. In the adjOining sewinglieutenant with the Army Air BWl~red countdy A~,sohcla~,I~n stor tthh e over 10 to one margin Tuesday. on behalf of vanous Swarthmore room, Janet Thomson, Sandra Johnson, Karen Rogers and Julie Corps from 1942 to 1946 he taught III opene up 5 op. In war - The vote for the bond issue totall- organizations. Tucker will offer suggestions in g meteorology at New York Univer- more yest~rday mornm . for the ed 1072, against 94. The Home and School Associathe techniques of sewing. sity. He taught sixth grade at first of their three day FaIr at the Interest in the Primary Elec- tion Scholarship is being awarded The shop will have an exhibit Rosemont School, Radnor Town... Fire House on Lafayette avenue. tion centered in the choice of this year to Peter Braun who is on the second floor as well as ship from 1946 until 'assuming his From 10 to 4:30 Thursday, and all School .Directors with John F. a member of the Blackfriars and present assignment in 1951. day today, and tomorrow too, vis- Spencer running unopposed for a has been active in fhe Cabinet and demonstrations in the shop buildHe has had experience coaching itors are invited guests, free to six year term receiving the high the Yearbook staff. He plans to ing by John MacAlpine, Edward Noyes, Terry Allen, David Wersports, teaching music, woodwork, wander ,through. th~ home .of the vote of 1082 and Donald P. Jones attend· !?yracuse Unive"rsity. ner, James McCorkel, B rue e photography, dramatics, and or- Borough s fire fIghting equipment polling 1037 assents for a four year The Chorus Scholarship is aganizing recreation and entertain_ (m?ved out of doors for the oc- service. Mrs. Robert E. Spiller warded to Jane Seymour, who is Wilson, Fred Bloom and George ment in camps. He has three chil- caslOn) now transformed to a pro- won the woman's post on the a member of the Chorus. She par- Dunning in the spinning of metals, dren. duction plant of useful and decor- Boal'd for four years by a 200 ticipated in the Senior Play and metal lathe-work, blue-printing The Board decided to increase ativ~ household articles. margin, carrying 756 votes as was a cheerleader this year in and wood-turning. teachers' salaries a total of $14,Daily until 4, skilled artisans, against 556 cast for Mrs. A. W. addition to working with· the GarThe conunercial department will 150 over last year. Of this ·amount brought to the Borough by the Bass, Jr. In the only other local net and the Yearbook. She is plan- present techniques and proce$5450 is state mandated incre- Lions. Club in cooperation with contest Charles W. Martin led his ning to attend Simmons College. dures in the use of office equipments and the $8700 balance will the County Association for the opponent Robert H. Wilson by The Class Scholarship this year ment by members of the class. be applied to merit increases in Blind. create mops, doormats, etc., vate of 702 to 445. is being awarded to Nita GarraAmong special exhibits being elementary and high schools .. This and technicians demonstrate the Evidence of voter eccentricity is han. Nita has been active in sports, displayed in several of the second represents about a $42QO greater special typewriters, under the to be found in the fact that the was assistant editor of the Year- floor rooms will be the art for increase than was made last year. very noses of "interested Swarth- vote on the bond issue was com- book, helped with properties in World Friendship Exhibit showRe-elected at the meeting were: moreans and neighbors. A variety paratively light, 244 more Repub- the Senior Play. She has been a ing some of the paintings ex(Continued ori Page 10) of blind-nlade articles on display Hcans voted in the woman's race cheerleader for the past four changed between seventh and and available for purchase, en- than the entire two party vote for years. Nita has not as yet chosen eighth grade students and those courages browsing, and a special the bond issue where the total her college. of foreign lands. Another interfeature for this evening when the vote was 1066 as opposed to a total The Elizabeth Hubbard BOnsall esting exhibit will be that reFair will be open until 8, will be of 1312 Republican tallies for Spil- Scholarship, presented by the Wo_ ceived from two Japanese schools The community baccaiaureate the showing of movies on' the ler and Bass and the Republican man's Club, has been awarded to in appreciation of the boxes of total of 1207 votes for Martin and two girls this year, Suzanne Bell clothing and books sent them by service for the graduating class of training 'of the blind. Lion Bud Hastings, Kendall Wilson. and Delores Zensen. Both girls Swarthmore students this year. Swarthmore High School will be The write-in vote was the are planning to attend Kutztown held on Sunday afternoon, June 7, Sad~r, Frank Masselli and Charles Lincoln are present each day as heaviest in recent years, giving State Teachers College to become in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Red Cross Offers Two and visitors hosts craftsmen to Church at 5 p.m. The sermon will the school directors nominated by teachers of art. Sue was active in Aquatic Scholarships be delivered by Dr. Everett Hunt, alike, while wives of the spon- Republicans nomination on the sports, did art work for the SenDemocratic slate as well. ior Play and the Yearbook and Dean of Men at Swarthmore Col- soring club serve as hostesses. Virginia Rath, First Aid and Greeting guests yesterday was All other candidates on both was secretary of the Student Cab- Water Safety Chairman for the lege. Ministers of the community will assist in conducting the serv- Mrs. Horace Renshaw assisted by party tickets running without op- inet. Red Cross announces two scholMrs. Morton Paul. Mrs. Frank position received the nomination The recipient of the Baccalaur- arships for Instructor Courses in ice. . eate' Scholarship is Mary Spiller. Life Saving and Water Safety opCommencement exercises will McFadden, Mrs. Ed Sullivan, Mrs. of their party. Lincoln, Mrs. C. W. Hartman and Mary has been active in sports, en to local boys or girls who have be held at Clothier Memorial on P rt 0 G was a member of the Blackfriars, the Swarthmore College campus Mrs. Robert Atz. rope y wners row was active in the Senior Play, and passed their Senior Life Saving on Tuesday night, June 9, at 8 Mrs. Sadler will be in charge The Swarthmore Property Own-I the Chorus. She also was active in Course. p.m. The program will feature today, with Mrs. Henry Hoft'man, The two camps in Pennsylvania student speakers and musicians. Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. George ers Association, which reports a working on the Garnet and the where these scholarships apply Admission to the commencement Stauffer, Mrs, A. Stoll Titus, Mrs. recent 70% increase in member- Yearbook. As yet, she has not deare Camp Lutherl,)oJl in Prospect, exercises will be by ticket only Kenneth Stuart and Mrs. Thomas ship, has named two new direc- cided on her college. June. 13 to June 23, and Camp tors G. P. Pilgrim to represent the with special reserved tickets for Con way to help. Tralls End, Beach Lake, June 16 northeast section of the borough families for the front section of Vassar Trustee to June 26. There are also camps On Saturday Mrs. Jack Gense- and Mrs. Anthony M. Fairbanks, the hall. Tickets may be secured mer will be hostess aided by Mrs. southeast. These will fill vacancies John W. Nason, Cedar lane, has accepting these scholarships in from members of the class or at Barton Calvert, Mrs. Irving Ped- left on the board of directors by been elected a member of the Massachusetts, New Hampshire, the High School office. Mrs, Kenneth Doherty, chair- erson, Mrs. Charles Brady, Mrs. the resignations of Richard Willis board of trustees of Vassar Col- New York, Indiana, and Connecman of the Mothers' Group of the George McKeag, Mrs. David Bing- and J. Howard Taylor some time lege, it was announced this week. ticut. ham and Mrs. Robert Gerner. ago. The Association nOw numbers Mr. Nason, who is resigning the Anyone interested in these senior ,class, has announced that • presidency of Swarthmore Col-: schcb.rships m9.Y send their appli_ there will be a reception and tea SpeCIal guests, member" of the 333 members. lege this June to head the Foreign cation to Miss Rath, 735 Yale avefor the class and friends in thor Board of !be County ASSOCiation, No Garden Trip June 4 Policy Association. also serves as nue. If more infonnation is denew chureh hall immediately fol- are Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, Mrs. Mor_ The garden department of the a member of the board of trustees sired Miss Rath can be reached lowing the baccalaureate exercis- ris H. Russell and Mrs. P. G. Woman's Club has announced that of· Phillips Exeter Academy and at Swarthmore College, Swarthes. The parents have also arrang- Wrightsman. . • the trip scheduled for June 4 has of the Edward W. Hazen Founda- more 6-0200 any day between 12 ed entertainment for the tradiThe Fair closes at 8 p. m. \ toand 1 or ·at her home, Sw. 6-4608. been cancelled.· tlon. tlonal commencement night party. night and 4 p. m. on Saturday. BII'nd Art'lsans Show Skl'lls I'n 3-0ay Fa"lr : ! I Borough Votes 10-1 For Bond Issue SGholarship Winners Named at High School I a Dean Hunt to Give H.S. Baccalaureate Sermon I . THE SWARTHMOREAN Pqe2 Mrs. Henry W. Heisrer of Park avenue has ret,,",ed after .pend~ .'. • Ing ·a few' weeks In HollYWood, Dr. Frederick A. Patmap 'and Fla. . .', . Dr. R. C. Ammerman of Swarth- " Lt. Milton M.Hobbs atrlved at more are spending 10-days on a his Park avenue home Saturday trout fishing trip to WestkJll, N. Y. upon completing a 14-month toul Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hop- of duty with the corps of Enper of Dogwood lane spent Sat- glneers In Germany and France.. urday atteil(lIng th e Eastern Mr. A. H. Van Alen of Park Sprint Championship Crew Races avenue" entertained officers and "'-" D C·an ' d'.were ' . directors of the . Swarthmore In Washin . 5~n, .',. week..end" gUeSts of Mi-s: Hopper's Rotary Club at a luncheon at his brother,ln-law and sister Mr. ahd home TueSdaY' Mr. Van Alen Is Mrs. H.·A.. O'Connell of Washlng- retiring president of-the club. ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Daugherty To Observ? 50th of Dickinson avenue will.entertain Anniversary Tomorrow informally before the Series Dance in the Woman's Club toMr. and Mrs. Albert N .. Garrett ·morr~w evening. of Garrett avenue- will abserve Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin 'Gal- their 50th wedding anniversary breath of Benjamin West avenue tomorrow by entertaining their will be the week-end· guests of many friends at an open house Mr. and Mrs.. J. Jackson Kidd of 1r\lm 3 to 7. BalUrnore. Mrs. Galbreath will re.Asslsting in receiving will be maIn in BalUrnore to visit her their daughters Marcia, Mh;. mother, Mrs. Charles Horner for a James S. Hayes of Wallingford, few days. .and Mrs. Gordon G. Power of Mrs. Robert J. Stewart of Vlc- Monkton, Md. and their son Caspar Garrett of Maple avenue. toria. Texas will arrive by plane Mr. and Mrs. Garrett have elSunday to visit her parents Mr. even -grandchildren: JameS S. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Walnut Hayes, Jr.;. six Power children, lane for several weeks. Mr. StewGordon, Gilbert, 2nd, Garrett, art will join the family group next Ethal Varrell, Steven and John; week-end for a two-week vacaChrisUne and' George Garrett of tion. Maple avenue; Barbara F. GarMrs. Thomas M. Jackson of rett of Springfleld and Albert N. Park avenue entertained at a Garrett, 3rd, daughter and son' of luncheon at the Roiling Green the late Albert N. Garrett, Jr. AlCountry Club Tuesday. bert Garrett, 3rd is serving with , Mr. and Mrs.' Peter E. Told of the U. S. Army. Park avenue will spend the weekend In Boston to attend "MovingENGAGEMENT Up Day" at Sargent College prior Mr. and Mrs. Harry L ..Johnson to their daughter Pat's graduation of Park avenue, announce the ~n­ from Boston University June 8. gagement ot their daughter. Miss Polly Told. a student at Bucknell Sandra Cianci Johnson. to Mr. University. will lIy to Boston for James David Turner. son of Mr. the f~vities. and Mrs. William P. TUrner of Mrs. C. W. Croco of HlIlborn Rose Tree Road. Media. avenue entertained at a luncheon Both Miss Johnson and Mr. at Strath Haven Inn Thursday. Turner attended Swarttunore High Mrs. Richard H. Willis of Dog- School. wood lane entertained at a small The wedding will take place brunch at her home Thursday. this September. Mrs. George M. Karns of Wellesley road entertained at small HONOR COUPLE luncheon Tuesday at the DuPont MIss Marjorie' Elizabeth Lewis. COU?try Club In hono~ of her sis~ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William ter-m-Iaw. Mrs. Norman H. Mc- Sproul Lewis of "Deep Meadows" t Nair of Louisville, Ky., who is her GradyvlIIe, and Mr. Avery. Felhouse guest this week. ton Blake, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Gay of Blake of Amherst avenue. whose Wallingford Hills entertafued for marriage will take place Saturseveral days Mrs. Gay's aunt. Mrs. day. June 13. In Trinity Church. Frank Dewey of Des 'Moines. Swarttunore. will be guests of • Iowa. honor at a cocktail party to be Mrs. Charles Frederick and given by Miss Janet Harper of sma 1 I daughters Sharon and Haverford Saturday, May 30. CarolYn of Lakllwood. PennsylMiss Lewis will be guest ot vania, will spend next week visit- honor at a luncheon and shower. ing Mrs. Frederick's parents Mr. Monday. June 8 at whlch Urne and M.rs. Owen W. Gay of Wall- Miss Joan Acker. daughter of Mr. ingford Hills• and Mrs. Charles E. Acker of Caroline de Furia of North Wallingford will entertain in Chester road arrives home Sunday honor of the bride-to-be. for the summer months~er comMrs. Daniel Stewart Morse of pleting her junior year at Pem- Parrish road wUl give a tea and broke Collell!>. Brown University. shower, Tuesday, June 9, in honor Layton Wilson of Sirath Haven avenue, a student at Eptscopal Academy. sang with the Episcopal Octet oli Paul Whiteman's Television Show Saturday night. The SCHOOL IN ROSE VALLEY boys won second prize, an RCA Moylan. Penna. Record Player. for their outstandIng performance. PersolUlls , a , . Summer Day Camp JUNE 22 to JULY 31 8UBSCllIPTIONS POR ALL MAGAZlNE8 MRS. LLOYD t. KA1JFlI'lIIAN 313 Dartmouth Avenue 8_0..,8-2080 AGES 3-9 Shop, Art, Music Swimming and Hot Lunches Weekly Rates Oil Request TransportaKon Available • Christine Ford, Director of Miss Lewis. J«Iss. Lew~ llJ1d MI:. Blake ~ill be ",eata lit bonDr at' a swl~ PartyaD'd . :supper to " be ilven Weciniosday •evening•. June io at the Corinthian' Yacht Club with Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Clyde ot MediI! as hosts. M1r. and Mrs. R. Heberton Butler of Springfield. announce the birth ot' their second thUd and IIrst son. Robert Heberton BuUer. Jr. on May 16.in ntzgerald-Mercy HoSpital. The baby is grandson of Mr. and Mrs. S. Francis' Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Bernard !If Swarthmore. * l. .. Col. and Mrs. Solomon Cutcher of Rapid City AIr Base, S.D.• announce the birth of a daughter, Liza Montgomery Cutcher. on Saturday. May 16. Mrs. Cutcher is the former Nancy King' of Swarthmore. Mr; and .Mrs. Arthur Howson of Haverford place are receiving congratula.Uons upon the birtIl of their second son. Timothy Evans, 011 May 9 in Bryn Mawr Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Johnavenue W. Delaplaine of Harvard announce the birth of their third child. Joanne Leslie, on May 17 h, Chester Hospital . 9 Chester Road Call Swarthmore 6·0476 ' I Swarthmore Recreation Association Summer' Program Registration Monday,· May 25. and T• • •" May 26 12 noan to 4 p.m, at the Playroom in the Rutgers Avenue School and In the Hall in front of the auditorium in the IDgh School. 1. PRE-8CHOOL - 81x weeks bec\DDIDc JUDe' 22, 19S5. Monday through Friday. 9:00-Jl:45 a.m., at Rutgers Avenue School and Playground. 3 year olds - 3 by September 1, 1953 4 year aIda 5 yeaI'olds Fees: $15 for one child. $25.00 for two or more In th~ same family. 2. PRIMARY - 81l1:' weeks bepnlllul' JUne 22, 1953, Monday through FrIday, 9:00-11:45 a.m., at Rutgers. Avenue School and Playground•. For children who have completed the IIrst and/or second grades. Fees: $10.00 for each child•. Maximum per family is $25.00. EnrvlImenl In these two pnJ.......... Is 1ImltecI to the fIrSt 160 registered. Oceaslonal visitors pemdHecl(First da,. DO c!lan'e: w_ added days, 350). 3. S1JMME1t CLUB - Six bec\DDIDc JUDe 29, 1953. Monday'. through FrIday, 9:00-11:45 a.m•• at College Avenue School and Playground. . For children of aU ages who bave completed the third grade. . .. .' Fees: $8.00 for each child (materials for crafts included)" . 4. LEAGUE BASEBALL - The ''Hornets'', for boys who have nol had their 14th birthday before May 1, 11153. First League game TUesday. June 2. 'Last game Monday. July 27. on Riverview Field. Member of Eastern Delaware . County Junior' League. Fees: $7.50 for eaeh, boy. . ·The full am.ount 01 aU fees Will .be l'e9uired at the time of registration; . . . All out~of-toWn registrants who do nol go to 8warthmore 8choo's' will be charged $5.00 extra per child tor aD)" one of the above programs. I=;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLIND. FAIR AIR CONDITIONED Fri. & Sat. J. Arthur BallI< ·preoents at CRY" Sat. 1 P. M. "Tarzan's Savage Fury" plus mrtoons, shorts. comedy .. IIrst chap_ "Zombles or the Stratosphere" Sat. nl,ht only _ feature times 6 _ 8 .. 10 Sun. & Man. Barb..... Stanwyck "JEOPARDY" Suspense d....,.. of the y.arl Tues. & Wed. BI!"'rdo Montalban PIer ADpll "SOMBRERO" (tecb) . SWartilmore 6-2516 Interestlnl dr&Ib4 01_ In Mesloo Phones School - ~E 6·1088 Head of Admisions Mrs. Paul Gay -- ME 6-4529 Donald O'Connor Debbie Reynolds Swarthmore Fire House May 21st - 22nd - 23rd , • Working Members of the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind Delaware County Chapter Will Have Starting Thurs. FREE DEMONSTRATIONS "I LOVE MELVI,." (tecb) ,. MQVIE -SHORTS .. • itOBERT J. ATZ. Owner· UJIBlA & _Y IIIOP IUSSELL'S SIlVICI ........ .... I' • ....~ OPP081Ta BOJIOUOIl P.t.a&Qio LOT -_. IEeIeIr a 1D _e. - " ' ' '"'UL' 'IIDE OIL Fe ' GULF friday 10 A. M. to 4:01JP. M. (Ope. tlU 8) Satarday 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. GAS ~,~~ .ll_!S~wr~~~O='="=-__________~Da=='=la==o~~I~.~.~La='~a~t~.~I!I.~A~¥D==~:'J s,....recr.r, THE . . ·SWAliHMORr LlOMSCLUB Mrs. Walter 0. Heinze of Stratll Haven avenue, with her mother Mrs. EllIne Mendlus. spent a recent week-end at the Kappa. Is \mown b1 tbe Bdltor. Letten wID lie publhbed 0DlJ at tbe - Lorene McCarter l'-cr_._t1_on_ot_t_be_BdI_tor_·_ _ _ I. In Apprec.latlon _ .. ~= ---'I~ !i=_ to Orde 51 TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cook... . . r § EXCE""NT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES' ~ ~ iii BUSINESS MEN'~ LUNCH 12.1:30 P. M. iii Elevator §EI ComMrt.ble Rooms Day or Week = To the Editor: § a I wish yuu would express In 5 your columns 'my sincere thanks iii § to the many individuals and Yale & Harvard Avenues, Swartllmore, Pa. . : groups throughout the school and § WALTER E: PARIOTT. Mfr. FREE PARKING ~ community who have shown their ~mllliIllUIIUUllllllllllllnuluIlIllUU.llnlnIllIIIllIIIIllIllIllIllIllIIllUUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1111111mllllllllllllllll. sympathy in 'numero~ ,ways and with countless messages during my bereavement at the passing of my wife. It is difficult to put into words the feelings of solace that has come to me. with the knowledge that so' many friends have ,. felt impelled to help' in various ways•. Sincerely yours, Frederic W. Yocum . -STRA.TH HA.VEN, INN I· I meet a.t 9:3. O. This being Whitsun, '. . day. there will be a celebration' of There WIll be the regular Morn- , the Holy Communion at 11 ing Worship services this Sunday I . 1 k . k t 0 CDC. 9 30 and. II 0'1 morning at: CDC, a The ushers for the services will which Mr. I'\ishop will p~each on be as foli~ws: W. L. Cleaves. S. D. "Learning To Let Go".· Clyde Jr. Theodore Evans, W. R. The Senior High School Fellow- Fawc~tt, G. Haig. E. M. Hillary. ship will ~eet f.or their usual s~p- C. eller• andF. W: Luehring. per meeting this Sunday evemng At t 8 o'clock 'servlce Walter at .6:30 p.m. ~,he me~lIng ~ollow- ~eynoids is scheduled to serve as ing will be a ~cuss,on. and the a~olyte. amI .at. 11 o'clockHoward guest speaker WIll be Dr. Denni-. Dodson. will be crucifer. with son Bancroft; of Swarthmore Col-, David Bass .and Noel Turner as •. I l~ge staff, who will speak on "A servers•. Duri~g the. 11 o'clock P:hysic.is,t F~es HeU.gi~?u ..• , : ' servic~. Martha.. Calhoun a 1) d . Nol:Too Late " Swarthmorean: The' Young Adults wIll· meet for. Elizabeth Gibson will. be in charge To the . . I their· last supper' meeting elf' th~ of .the nursery. . It is n,?t too lat~ for ind~viduals year .on Sunday evening 'at 6:S()' : At 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon to send Christmas ·cards dllect to f p.~ There will he a discussion. the Annual PresentaUon of the Children's Heart Hospital of Philwith Henry ~hlpperd ,"f ,the C.I:O. Mite Boit Offering will be held at adelphia. ,Conshohocken A. vem,le, speaking. ci,! the ~pic:~'A.,Chr1S- the Episcopal Academy. Pl)iladelphia 31 •. Pa. This past tian Attltuile Toward El!bnomic The faculty of . the' Church month a letter from a patient has Responsibility'·.,.,. . .' " School will .attend a dinner and been received by the Legion TJieBoarii: of Deacons villi: meet .meapng on Monday at 6: 30 p.m. Auxiliary, .as m~ll)bers a Ii d for .their regUlar monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. friends keep sending to this oron Tuesday. May 26. at 8 p.rn. Hetzel Jr. ganization, as follows: In the Woman's Association Room. HoI; Communion will be cel- clDear Friend, Soine teachers are still needed ebrated at 10 o'clock 'Tuesday The cards you sent us ar~ very for the Summer Session of the morhing,. and on Wednesday there nice. We have so fuch fun doing Church School (through July 26), be' a celebraUori of the Holy different things with them. We and also for the Daily Va~atlon communion at 7: 15 a.m. are giad you are our friend. Church School (June 19 through 'Jl1.e .Boys· Choir Will rehearse Thank you very 'much for think- • July 3). There will 'be three age on ~onday and Wednesday at ing of us. groups· of children includ~ In the 4 p~. arid agairi on Thursday at A patient. summer session of the Chur<;h 7: 30 p.m.' The' Girl's Choir 're. Ruth Wilson" School: • Pre-School. P,rimary hearsal 'wlll be held on Monday ElIzabeth Y. Gilcreesf (grades I. 2. 3) and Junior (grades at 5 p.m. 4 5 6). Anyone Interested In hel~ _ _,.,..-_ _ _ __ i~g' with elther of these grouPs is Heavy Schedule Marks METHODIST NOT~S asked to call Mr. Stettner. At the mbrning services this Clo8e. of School Year There will be Reception of new With the near approach of June. members on Sunday, June 7t at Sunday. the Reverend John C. Kulp w\ll begin his pastorate with special plans for the last weeks which time any new folks attend'ing services, may unite with the a sermon uJ\{y Expectation:' from of school have been completed. fellowship. Those wishing to do the text of Psalm 62:5. "My soul. The seniors will begin their exso should speak to one of tlje walt thou only upon God; for my aminaUoris on Monday; Jime I. ... and . 'conUnue . through Tuesday miniSters or call the ehuveh office, expectation. is from Hirn." The 'choir under' the direction and Wednesday. On Thursday. SWarthmore 6-4712. of Bertha Mae Gardiner will sing June 4. they will begin the pracTRINITY NOTES the anthem."TheEarth Is the tlces for Baccaiaureate .Service Ushers 1for and Commencement. Baccalauret There will be a celebration 0 .Lordts:,~ by Ferman. , the day are Peter Murray, Wes ey 'clock the Holy Communi911 at 8 0 . . d ate will be held in the Presby- ! ' Fiance. Gehrge Shubert an terian Church on Sunday, June Sunday morning. and all depart·7 at 5: Monday evening. June 8. . h S h 1 will George R. Miller. ments of the Churc c o o . Mr. Kulp will be introduced to .there will be the traditional Sen..the· con~egation by Dr. Alfred H. 'ior 'Banquet .at Whittier .. House WilliamS. 'President of the Federaiai 6: 30 and on' Tuesday evening. ' CHURCH SERViCES Reserve Bank of Philadelphia' June 9 .at Clothier Memorial at ~=:~~~p5=?: .and former Dean' cit· the Wharton :8' o'clo.,'k. the annual commennceJohn Stettner. Assislant School of the Universit1. of P!,nn: mentexercises will be held. ~~~"1!;:;: ~ Cllurcil syli,;l1lia.· . The 'other high school classes 9.-30. 10. ..., .. will have the regular clll5ll ses9::~h~\I:OO A:l/t..,.,Mr.· .BIshpl> .cHIlIS'~ ~IINC,E ~O'ES. Sloi)s untUJune .• 1m. with their will preae". ;:~ .. ' , • ;'Soul and Body" is the' Subject 'exalninatibns beginDln.1t June 9 METHODIST CHUl\CH. " of.the .Bible Less!)n in~ .Chrts~, ,conUn!'in1\ tl\rough June 12. T?e 'Roy N. Keiser, D.D~"~ .' ~ri, S~ience chwches next Sun~ . Seventh and eighth grades wIll 8UDday, Mat 1& •. ,. ·day. The Golderi Text is from St. have. half day sessions on June 10. 9:45 A.M.-Church School. Paul's Second EpisUe to the Cor- 11 and 12., lIHO A M -:Young Adults. . 8) "W all ·th· '1 .. ' d 11:00 A.'M:-The n!'w Minist'lr. the il,lthlans ,(3:1 : . . . e... • WI June 15 an~ 6.wiIl be devote ·Rev. J. C. Kulp. will preach. open face beholding ~ m a glass to. ,retests. make-up and confer11:00 A.M.-Church. Nursery. . the glory of th"e Lord. are changed ences. with moving-up day exTRINITY CHURCH . into the same image from ,el!!ry to erclses to be held in the high H, Lawrence Whittemore. R~tor gl!,~y,. eyen as by the Spirit of~... school.audltorium beginning at 9, Sunday. May 24 " Lord.'> Wednesday morning June 17. The 8: 00 A.M.-Holy com~ll1'f'n., " ., traditional Letter Banquet of aU I~;~g k.:,.~;c~o~~~n. NAMED HEAD COACH let~er winners. ~o: .athletlc andi Tuesday. Ma,. 26 . James (Jim) Taylor. Jr.• has non-athletic aCtiVIties will be held 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. been appointed head ~oach of In the School Cafeteria on Wed. WednesdaY,.l\IU I' 'Varsity wrestling and head coach nesday evening. June 3. The Band 7: 15 A.M.-Holy Communion. of Varsity baseball at the Episco- Honor Party will be held at ·the THE RELIGIOUS'SOCJETV pal High School in Alexa.n. dria. school on FrIday, MaY 29. OFFRIENDS ' SUDday, Ma,. lI" Va.• 'begiJinlng with the 1953-54 In the elementary gardes. PIIr9:45 A.M.-First Day School. sesslon. Mr. Taylor has acted as eQt"teacher conferences w h i c h 9: 45 A.M.-Meeting for Worshlp. assistant . .varsity coach in these began on the afternoons of May 11:00 A.M.-Meetlnli·forWorshlp. two sports for the past two sea- 13. and 20. will be continued on Chlldren cared for in Whittier House. All are welcome. son... May 27. June 3 and 10. Field Day 7:00 P.M.-H. S, Fellowship. Mr. Taylor is a graduate of will be h~d ;Friday morning. May MondaJ", May 25 Swarthmore High School. The 29 at the Rutgers Avenue School. All day sewllil!' for A.V.S.C. Episcopal Academy in OV..rbrook. .Between May 25th to 29th inclu-. WedJiesc1aJ', lila,. :rr . All day sewing tor A.F.S.C. and Trinity College•. H art!0rd, sive. tbe qementary. art exhibit 7: 30 P.M.-MId - weeil; . JIeetIDII COIUlC ,He'.had don~ coacblngwork will be held in' the Rutgers Avefor Worship. at the Episcopl\l :Academy., pr\1>1' ,nue building with the elementary FIRS'l' CHURCII oj· . to .Ilk appointment to theataft at art b . I : ... '~." DlallCTOU ,. .~: ~ 0 •. PUNIIALS 1820 eHISINUI' -SIREET OUVER H. BAlR, 'Fouodor '.. . MAiY. A. BAlR, PtMld.... T.lephon. RI"·.:1581 • will JOIl'U ... how much . more "Built Up .Coulruction" .ialloriDg means ~ lit and comfort .heD yi,..... ,1\- ,pO.. - ..... · ..oR I C·O"b - PHANTOM-WSGJn' SUMMER StIlT, No !cIe' st-/Jer CoMfnIcI/OII w_war. \ ~--- Ac.~ayaoI .... HyIoIt. .. ~. ·WMu6 .. , WrWIe It.........· ··PAlTERN.MASTER D£SIGNEIr; : by NORTHCOOL CbooM NOBTHcoali , ;.~ a cool, "bautom.~t,wt that'. talIored with .... w-' which Fve it lInD ,crIIp obape aDd ~I.... 8tyJe. Luauriouoly c0mfortable a1icl lite lib a ft.: .. '., be ii_. .. dram becau. it'. "PalWn-Mtutu DaisM4" . Take your Cho1c8 from the aea&On'. moat flattering patterns and colora, ·251r._H. .·7· exIra '.'. SO·· .. .. NorlhcOrd""'1.~ .. ', · it' t· ;e..... e· "'ar Buchner'S,· • In,: ·.. AI Carlley. Mgr. • "~",:Pa'" Ave. Named OtIiclal Deleta.. road, has been named an olllcial Ellzabeth J. Hunter of Magill delegate to th,e World Methodist Convocation on Evangelism June I. ~ 26-28 In Philadelphia,. Pa. •• - L ~ Ice Dar,e The announcement was ';'ade by Dr. Joseph H. Edge, associate secretary of the Methodist 'an' L Church's General Board of Evano D K DUI 1"£ gelism, Nashville, Tenn. Local WIL in Annual Meeting May 21st A dessert and business session was held by Swarth,more Branch of the Women's International Lesgue for Peace and Freedom at Its annual meeting May 21 at the home of Its chall"--------~------------------- man, Mrs. Roy McCorkel, 222 Cornell avenue. - Specializing in short run jobs Dessert at 1:30 was followed by , for those who pref~r perfection a short business meeting for the election of the new tioard and reports of the year's activities. Among those reporting were Mrs. Leonard Dart, on the Mrican Di~ ner in April when 100 guests were 9 t I Id 5 I ··Id PRlrflNGt HARRY BEWLEY III West Baker Street MEDIA, PA. chairman of the study group commitees; Mrs. Joseph Conard on . MEDIA 6-0486 work with the International students at Swarthmore College; and --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi ====';;111';;1'" Jewett, on Art for jlmllmlHlunllllllllllllllUllillulillUllnllllRlDIIIllllUllllllllllllllUllllllllllDUIl1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInlUIIIIII ~ Mrs. World Philip Friendship. . iIii M• WEINSTEIN & SONS ~§ i! Cleaners and Tailors I GUARANTEED CERTIFIED COLD FUR STORAGE i e ~ E Delegates to the state annual meeting being held In Philadelphia next Tuesday were also appointed. I G-R-AD-E-PA-:-f:~J-Sp-ICNIC 9th ; Parents of Ninth Graders· are planning their annual picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E Greer, of Farnum Road, Media on !lii Monday, June 15 from 6 to 9 to ~ Florist Mrs. Don Dickinson and son Don. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore and daughter Janie of Mexico City will fiy to Swarthmore and will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Smith of North ptnceton avenue over Swarthmore College commencement. Mr. Mopre wl11 participate In a class reunion. Bl11y Spencer of Riverview road celebrated his ninth birthday Wednesday by entertaining his classmates of the Third Grade of College. avenue School, his teach- CO-ED BEAUTY FEET HURT? Suite 303 , IACil AICIl·......AIIia ....AlRWAyn SUNDAYSAT2-SYLVAN HALL DEW DROP INN by 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE WINIFRED RUMBLE BREAKFAST. LUNCH • DINNER SW 6.;.7061 CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY OPEN 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Monday Thru Saturday , 'Samp'e In Hobby Slropl Daily Dinners 90c to $1.65 Special Children'. Platten William M. Bush, Jr., a senior at Blair Academy, spent the week-el)d at his home on Dickinson avenue' accompanied by' classmate. Peter Bartow of Montclair, PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE. Antiques & Gounnet Shop Swarthmore 8-1013 PROVlDENCB BOAD WALLINGFORD, PA. , MBcIIa 6-4751 • Its' Cotton In SWarth ore! N.J., and Friiz Trinler of Aruba. I'~;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;::~~~;;;;;;;;;;:;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Shep) MACK BLANK 1422 Chestnut Street Telehone Rittenhouse 6-4932 !~!t:~~~~~d:~~:~;:J; Complete Selection ·of Cotton Dresses Needs ANNOUNCING PROMPT DELIVERY ON NEW FORDS OFFICE BOYS and Marie Louise Forsythe, NO Presents TRADE NEEDED BUT ,. Walsh Ford Company Ir....- - - - . Holy Cross Auditorium Bishop Rd.. Springfield Yale & Sylvan Avenues. Morton. Pa. Phone SWarthmore 6-7381 C!r SWarthmore 6-1445 I Young high school graduates who desire opportunity for advancement in a progressive engineering company. Permanent jobs. INTERVIEWS 9 to 5 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Catalytic Construction Co. Adults 71c Tickets may be attained at door 1528 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. S.H.S. Leads in Geo.Plowman Receives Baseball League Red C Crt·'· t AlthoUgh the High School Baseross I lCa Mrs. Henry J. Weiland of South Cheater road, regent of Delaware County Chapter, D.A.R., presid- ball Team In recent weeks defeated over the May meeting on Mon't th home of Mrs Herschel ed Lansdowne 9.-7, Eddystone 9-1, d ay a . Smith In e Wallingford. Ridley Township 6-1, Prospect The· following members were Park 6-3 and Conshohocken 5"0, nominated as delegates and alter- they lost two crucial games with nates to the State Conference In Ridley Park 1-0 and 4 - 3 . , Pittsburgh next October: Swarthmore met Ridley Park In Mrs. John Michael, working the /irst of two cOllteats holding delegate, Mrs. Leroy Wolf, Mrs. down first place in the league, Robert Arnold, Mrs. John Mutch, with Ridley Park one-half game Mrs. Weiland, Mrs. Charles Fioun- behind. It was- a pitchers battle ders, Mrs. George Plowman, Mrs. between Joe Burke of Ridley Park Roy Latimer, Mrs. Maurice Griest, and Bill Ziegenfus. Both pitche~ Mrs. John R. Bates, Mrs. William superbly but Burke· came out on Ward, III, Mrs. Lloyd Goman, .top with a ·no-hit, no-run perMrs. John Larson, Mrs. C. Russell formance. Ziggie pitched almost as Phillips, Mrs. Arthur Burton, Mrs. effectively allowing three scatterThomas Simpers, Mrs, Alex. WIl- ed hits. It was a gruelling 10 son, and Countess Von Lowenj- inning aftalr that was well played helm. by members of both teams. In the Mrs. Harry Batea, newly in- return meeting, two weeks ago, stalled regent, will be Chapter re- Swarthmore jumped out to a 3-0 presentative. to the Conference lead In the /irst inning. But poor Her atlernate will be Mrs. David fielding In later innings, turned Bingham. this . Into a 4-3 defeat. Again, Ziggie and Burkie opposed each other, with the tables apparently "I saw it In the Swarllimorean." reversed as Bill ailowed only one scratch hit and the unusual feat of not allowing a ball to be hit out of the infield: The Garnets league record now reads 8 and 2, with two games remaIning: Glen Nor at home Thursday, and Ridley Township at home next Monday. By virtue of Ridley Township's recent victorY over Ri!lley Park and the 5-0 two hit shut-out of Conshohocken by the Garnet _ Swarthmore now stands at the head of ,the league. They are assured of tie for the championship if they can muster wins over Glen-Nor and Ridley Township. Co-captains Grier and Ziegenfus are anxious to get another shot at . the Parkers. The most outstanding Ias· t bl ow was G eorge Aill gon t s mighty 375 foot home-run over the left field fence agalnst Consby on the College .f1eld. • _ . DAR Co-ChaIrman -----,. at ~ • . e e Fund Drive Total of $9,589 An·nounced at Annual Meeting Friday Mrs. Paul Williams, Red C.ross Chairman, presented a Certificate of Appreciation from Ralph W. 'Pitman, Chairman of the 1953 Red Cross Fund Drive to George Plowman who was chairman of the local Furid Drive. 'The presentation took place at the annual Red Cross meeting held in· Borough Hall last Friday. The certificate was signed by Dwight Eisenhower, Honorary Red Cross Preaident. The total returns of the drive were announced as ,$9,589.62, which was only slightly under Swarthmore's quota for the year. A yote of thanks was also extended by Mr. Plowman to Mrs. Corben Shute, treasurer, who worked tirelessly during the month of the drive. Other business of the meeting was voting on the four new board members. These new members are: Mrs. Harry Miller, Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan, Dr. Harold Roxby, who succeeds himself, and Mrs. Agnes Halg Sheldon. OutgoIng board members are Mrs. Donald Jones, ,Mrs. Horace Hopkins, Mrs. Phelps Soule. Mrs. Walter Moir is. the new Area Red Cross Disaster Chairman. Two resignations were submitted, Robert Bird as Disaster Chairman, and Mrs. Richard Willis, publicity. It was announced that the loea1 branch has given up its office at 333 Dartmouth avenue over the Swarthmorean. The amount of use given the office did not warrant the expense of . upkeep. I Mrs. J. Albnght Jones, cha rman of the services, reported a total of over 15,452 volunteer service hours given by local women to the Red Cross during the past year. This total number of hours equals one Person working eight hourS a day,' five days 8. week, 52 weeks a year for 7 1/2 years. Mter the Red Cross business ~eeting a luncheon was given by Mrs. J. Albright Jones at her home for the Disaster Committee. I , J • MAY-24th - 1:15 P.M. Children 54c Snappy Separates for ·Casual Living MACHINE OPERATORS "Cinderella Ballet" EXPECT PLENTY FOR IT. D.A.R: Meeting Held PageS a .CATALYTIC Construction .Co. ing the week~end with Mr. and IF YOU HAVE ONE - .. 4O..A-":J..,~1I..JaJ...g..,...., ..AtInJ , .... . , . ,...... For .... T... ,I Open Thuraday Nighl8 SALON NEWS NOTES ' h (Ix. . . . . . h,..) Portraits in Oil THIS WEEK'S CHOICE BUY Antique Windsor Side Chair Seven SpindleS-Circa 1825 year. tS! ..... 0.. •• AII_ ............. '. IbnmuUWllmuimunnUJRlllIlIIllHnUrnUMlilliliiiiiihiiiiiiihhhiihblliblinnullllnllUnmnnmnwunnwU celebrate the end of the school can probably get quick relief If you see a trained corrective shoe sp~cialist. Moderate prices. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest days Mr. end Mrs. Garner Dunkof Vassar avenue are entertaIn.- erley of Ennis, Texas. Mrs. DunkIng as their house guests for a few erlY Is Mr. Gilcreest's sister. DiLuzio and Sons Ii 100 PARK AVENUE. SWARTHMORE, PA. SWarthmore 6-1727 I THE SWARTBMOREAN Mr. and Mrs~ EarlFrench, Knox, Mr.· Mr. and served; Mrs. ·Maurice Webster, as Mrs. J. Howard and IIi~¥~~'~~'g'~¥gs~s~s~s~s~s~s~s~s~),~ REAR OF MEDIA FIRST NATIONAL BANK e Mrs. Sheppard of Vassar avenue. er Miss ElIzabeth Entr!S, and sevMrs.· HiIllock Campbell, Mrs. eral of his neighbor friends at a ThOlnas Casey and Mrs. WUliam luncheon at his home. C. MCDermott of Swarthmore, attended as delegates the League of Women Voters Convention for the State of PennSYlvania, held wed, ., nesday, Thursday and Friday of last week at Bedford Springs. Mr. and Mrs. George Strain, Sr., Former'y of Penn Valley entertained at a garden party Saturday between CARNS 5 and 8 in honor of their son 650 Baltimore Pike George and his bride, the former SprlngfHild, Del. Co.. Po. Mary Ann Dickinson of Park avenue. Swarthmoreans attending InSWarthmore 6-0450 cluded Mr. and Mrs. James Payne, 0".. ~ A.M. tD • P.M. - 15 South Chester Road Mrs. Frederick W. Held, WestminSter avenue, and Mrs. Edward L. Legg, Secane, were co-chair:'" men of the Bazaar for the Junior D.A.R.'s third annual card party given Saturday afternoon in Philadelphia for the benefit of theKate Duncan Smith D.A.R. School at Grant, Ala . . Mrs. Held is a member of the Lansdowne chapter of the junior organization, Mrs. Legg of the Delaware CoUnty Chapter. FURNACES Vacuum Cleaned ~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IUnited :April sales of Series E and i States Savings bonds In COUNTY BOND SALES H LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR ·RUN BEilER - LONGER. At any how, day or night, JOUr • Iectri~al _ , Wli are ready'" ~ eo ............ at ... """" ofa sWItdI. '!hey...... ,.., 1.-', music, ......,tIoey ...... watIt, ..... ... 110 dl 111~h E hili . . . . . ... Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer 01.,. AIMI· ............ _ ... _ ',:tric , .,) ......... 10 Ittloot ...... It ,. h ehcltldl, •... .... ,...._d.. _ Right Now Yo"r Car Needs These "Get Ready for Summer" Services l-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Winter 011 Is _ tIIIn f.., warm weather. 6 We draln It and refill with Summer tn>e 81U1OCO OD. lM8 your encIne breathe eaaler-lJ:_ dirt out 01 tile ,••t"lftt..,. . B-DRAIN ANTI. FREEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR CHECK H.OSE CONNECTIONS -ADD RUST RESISTANCE 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION Special Lubrtcant used to help keep out wash prove out, cas Won~ _ ' 1 ; '''In_ m'''MI'I;- dry out, won't outl Helps Im_ 4-CHECK OIL FILTER a, ,,., .... _ .,.,.'--,.-" .It • &:_ Inspect .,.atdle - ..- 5-BATTERY SERYICED' 1_ ...., ",COli at "8.lh ..... bapw.w ...,.we__ _ Ute _mDe_ cw. dlllff1Jed ". . tl8lpe1., It eelled. r ...... . ' ••11, ••, •••• PAllADRP1l1A metRIC COMPAIV • • • •1 MAt~G8\ TAXoPAYlHGuranYCOMPANr . . - n· _ _ 100.000 RCc:ooootUI , , HANNUM & WAITE a.llf.... I ...... Yo Aftl.1 GEORGE MYERS Box 48 SW 6·0740' • yOU m CAN't BUY FINER ~ou Will Never Again'Be Satisfied with Lea. TlfAN 9-CHECK·UP OF TIRES wach_ on boJtt...... -.u.._.; .... WInter Is _ We _ f.., CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS 7-CLEAN AIR FILTER Prain trans_Ion and n!8r rellll With 86noco AII-p~ 0 - Lubrtoant_ specially made to "'list hJ::h pft881lre andheat- squeaks and wear. Now available Breyers famous "Pledge of Purity" Ice Cream in the economical Half-GaRon Dirty spark pin," waste as mnch .. 1 out 01 every 10 pIIom Of 11IIOIIDe. '2-CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS I Good News, Swart'hmore! • 1 Delaware County, reached $961,788, LeRoy F. F. Wright, chairman of the county's Bonds committee, has announced . Mr. Wright, a resident of Kenyon avenue, urges all employed persons in the county to .take advantage -pf the Payroll Savings Plan where they W'1rk, and all self-employed and professional people to join the .Bond-A-Month Plan at their bank• SI1l.!I.rll'I_Ir~' 6-1250 A Wide ·VarletY· of Flavorsl Martel's. . - Swarth.ore, . Penna. 17' en .... • JlI .....- ~tP.- ..,.... ........ KNOWS c:",.,.,_~_ rage THE· SWAR'l1IMOREAN 6 NOTICE IS HE.BBY 01VBN tIlat Mrs, D. Malcolm H~e of Stratli. Haven avenue entertained at a the Board of BchOOl DIrectors of the IIchooi DIstrIct of tile Borough of luncheon and bridge Tuesday. sWarthmore. pursuB~t to the &ut1!-or- POSTMEN WALK AGAIN 2Swarthmore College Professors Retire REQUEST FOB BID~ .' Bea1ec1 biola will b4! re\)elveCk ~amp. bell, new Neighborhood Chauman, p. t d lorn• .Tohn Carrou, assistant; new 2 C h' ampers IpS resen e troop leaders Mrs. Henry. Coles at Annual Court and Mrs. H. L .. Shay for Brownie of Awards. Troop 18; Mrs. Donahue for Troop • 10 and Mrs. Mathew MCKlnnell, The High School - Auditorium Troop ~25. For Fourth Grade Was. tqe, scene, Tuesdai· evening, Brownies Mrs. Edmund Jones, of lbe.annilafBrQwnle FlY-Up and Mrs. Richard Bieler; M1'1I. Robert the Girl Scout Court oi:. awards, HudaiJIs; and Mrs. Kenneth· Stuart The girls marched down the aisle will be leaders. to 1IIrs. Henry Cole's plano accom_ . Fifth Grade College' will have panlinent, the col"" guard pro- Mrs. George Patterson and Mrs. . ceedlng to the' stage. The girls MQrris Hicks as leaders; fifth who carried and guarded the flags grade Rutgers M1'1I. James Taylor were: Norma Clark, Betty Ann and Mrs. Leroy Peterson. The two Coleman, lindsey Breakell, 'Susan sixth grade troops will be under Preston, Barbara· Moran and Su- the leadership ot Mrs. Maurice san Bruce, representing Troops 16, Webster, Mrs. William Bruce, Mrs. 269, 1t3, 429 and 331. Betty Gem- Victor Haworth and Mrs. Wjl1iam mill led the audience in the Flag McDermott. Mrs. C. H. Yarrow Cere!pony; J amce I 'w III he ' Campt oni d ea and Mrs. RoY M .Corke the Girl Scout pro~ise and Mar- leaders for the Jr. High School jOrie Roxby, Barbara Myer and girls. Dory Kroon conducied the promCamP8l'llhl... Awarded· ise for the Brownies. Mrs, Gowing announced the two Campershtp awards given by the Woman's Club In memory ofiAg_ nes Zimmer, one of the founders of Girl Scouting In Swarthmore. linda Jones of Troop 428 and Karen Peterson of Troop 225 were the Brownies hQnored with the· awards. Mrs. G. Wi1lIa Brodhead, Mrs. Henry Coles, 1IIn. ,Bruce, Mrs. Bovard, and Mrs. t:aylor and Mrs. Kroon· p):esented wings to the following Brownies, symbol of their "Fly-Up" into Scouting: Charlotte Brodhead, Rosemary Cadigan, Barbara Coles, Betsy Friend, Nancy Gatewood, Patsy Grace,Marsha. Hunt, Janet .Tester, M!ilrjorle Roxby, Mltzie Ryerson, Sandra Skogland, Cynthia Topping, Abigail Warnes, Arlis Adams, Bettie' Bovat:d, Justine Bodley, Kathie .Tarratt, Sally McCauley; Betsy McKeag, Callle McNair, Barbara Myers, Jan Patterson, G ' loria .Pelrsol, Susie Spencer, Jane. Swoboda, Molly Bunker, Lela Cooper, Christine Curtis, Heidi Honnold, Jean Johnson, Marjorie Gabriel, Barbara Garri- son, Allee Grogan, Sara Grogan, Dory Kroon, .Tean Ann Magee, .Toan McKinnell, Karen Peterson, Marsha Silvers, Kathie Stamford, Jeri Taylor, Chris Palmer and Susan Bower. a-.""·2nd,C..... 8acJ&'e . Next It was the Scout's turn. All the fifth grade .girls were awarded ,their Second Class badges, representing hard work in the fields of homemaking, outdoors, arts and crafts, science, etc, New 204 pass Scouts are: ·Susan· Campliell, Martha Tiller, Nina Kapp, Hazel Slattner, Susan Hayward, Barbara McClarln, Mary LOu McCorkel; Barbara Greim, Barbara.Edwards, Barbara Moran, Marion Detweiler, Lois Thompson, Anne EssI, Jean Paul; Anne P ljr'U I, Sally Stephens, Susan Stephens, Leslie Kurtzhalz. Shirley· little, Virginia and Nancy Craig, Susan Gowing Louise Welz " Plowman, Susan Bruce, Suzanne Barrie Bovard, Nancy Weber, Caroline· Webster, Ann Watklng, Susan Driehaus Nell Lee J dy Coles, Debor~h Brown,' :S:tsy ------------------------------~--~----------------------~~------~----------------~,~--------~~~~ __=~= T' e. • with mOre great Irs Mr. and ~; Warren R.' Godfrey of Vassar avenue will .entertain at cocktails before ·the Series Dance In the Woman's Club tomorrow evenln,. . Mr. Gerald B. AllISon of Pittsburgh visited over the week-end with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Alli- new f'eatur·es than all . other makes oT' cars combined C of the Board of Sollool Directors ot the-School District ot,the Flrst.4-Wheelll)'draullc Brakes... revolutionized .tppping sarety, later adopted by all cars. POWER BRAKES~since 1982, stUl non aviillable on 'Dl8Dy makes ./, Borough'ot Bwarthm..... ·· Lt. Jay B. Snape of Harvard avenue is taking advanced training at Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, Fla.• following six weeks of advanced instrument training at Moody Air Force Base, Valdosta, ·Ga.. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen at Park avenue entertained. as their house guest for several days of this week Mrs. John Hardin of Atlantic City. j OUR STATION WAGONS FlrstWlltiorpreof Ignition, •• gives owners of Chrysl.... ARE OUTSTANDING , type c&rs a tremendous "Wet . . weathar" starting and anti-staUlng advantage! ., • First SafetY.Rlm Wheels, , , a new way to keep punctured tires from aIIpping off the rim: '!IlJoyed only by owners of 11th & Edgmont Ave. ChrYsler-type cervI' Chester CaU CHeiler Principal speaker at the 3 P. lIL e.:ercise in the Presby Memorial IrIS Gardens of Montclair, N . .T., Saturday, 30, Jnext h W' te di May t th will Arthbe a n IS r rec or of e ur ~oyt Scott" Horticultural Founda\lon at Swarthmore College and Oft Lt~e John .T. Tyler Arboretum alma. Mr. Wister who lives on Harard . avenue, has lectured from var- efficiency. FInit V-8 with Hemisphoirlcal Combustion Chambers-stands alone today in drive power. per horsepower, First Pewer Steerinc ' , , • introduced. new, safer car control that removed the work. and strain of driVlnIr, still unequaled by imitators. PONTI'AC C. R. LOUGHEAO, INC. Wister to Speak in New Jersey Exercise writer of articles and books on gardening and specialized plant groups. He participat;,o. In the organization of the' American Iris' Society and served as its president during its first 15 years. Through this SOciety he became a close friend of Frank Presby, imother well known horticulturist in whose membory the Prl!Sby Memorial Iris Gardens were founded 25 years ago. Mr. Wister has been interested in the gardens ever since visiting thetn to check on the accuracy of the labels and donating many fine ieties of Iris 1 to the Gardens. In return several varieties from the Presby Gardens have been donated to the Scott Foundation. F1rstHI....COmp......Dn ERiline.., pior;o.eered far greater drive 'c Hicb, Patty Narbetb, Barblll'l\, Bernhardt, .Toan Hawkins, Suzanne Prescott and ..Martha McCrum. All the girls of the two sixth grade troops and many from the oldest troop No. 16 received hadges and awOrds. Names and badges will be In next week's issue of the Swarthmorean. The ceremony closed with ·a speech of appreciation by Mrs. William Prescott for the work of Mrs. Mace Gowing. The girls sang their lovely Scout hymn and Taps, then all went to the cafeterla for ice cream. coast to coast, and is a well known A General Motors Masterpiece avenue. 0". P ...... u... tIIoubloa Go to f!bIbe !'vii . ; PTC, Get off at·the (late,·,..ut In IIDIl ~ --"':r .. 1IeD _ . .,.. : . . . 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of School Directors of the School· District. of the JIorough of Swarthmore. pursuant to the author.. It,. conferred upon tbem by the Act ot 1947• .June .26. PL 1145. as amended, p~p06e on or after May 29. 1953. to adopt a resolution to become et~ tective as ot .July 6 •. 1963. tmposlng a tas. af;til;L·.per ~pl~ upon each and every a'du1t resident or Inhabitant of the SWartbJ;nore School D18trlct. In the Judgment ot the Board. or ~ool "D1rec~ of'tbe Bo!'Ough·9f. Swarth.. .more sald. tax. ~. :p.t;'CS~...to pro.Vl.Cl~. ·revenue tor general school purposes.. and they estImate the amount of revenue to be del'ived from said tax will be '26,66'1. per annum.. --: ~. SChool' Directors alsO pro~·.to,levy ·'an· addltlNlBI tIS. per caplta tax· on each and every adult res1d.ent or inhabitant of the' School District ot Swarthmore under the aUthorlty of the PubUC SChool Code of 1949.,·· ; fv • \. oo:RomY ROOims. SeQreta.ry Pre&1dent. 4t-IS-22-:III Swarthmore College Is Kenneth Conrow of Riverton, N.J. The scholarship is part of a program of college relations which Amerl~an Viscose has recentty started. Conrow is a junior reading for honors in chemistry. He is a member of the varsity wrestling team, the junior varsity soccer team, and a staff announcer for the student radio station. He is also a member of the Mathematics Club SwartlUnore av~nue was hostess and serves on the Social Commit- to a brunch-meeting of Seventh tee. Grade mothers at her home Tuesday morning. Lt. (j.g.) William DeForrest Fetzer and Mrs. Fetzer of SpriDgfield, Mass., spent the week~en~ ~th Mrs. Fetze.,. parents :pro anp Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of 'Harvard YOI1 mQ' Dever Imow who'. on fi11It if zou'n' rill In your automobile goiD& 'round BDd lound JookIDB for a parIdJIa -"'" _ Shibe Puk. l'uIrIDc Ioao ibnl Fim man in, JaR IIIIlIl ....., ~-ar""" "ear watche.... with hopeful 1dbdoI- thaIr _ 1118)' ok curb _ .. 6b:b away if you don't mind _Ikina the . . . of the way. Tbm ~'. the Ilia headache u,ing to! get ~ •• 1 m Mile out Of the i_-m- thIO same'. NOTICB Girl BII~D....ua maVS,· first FluId DrIv. , , , changed America's drivlnlr overnight with a revolutionary way to transmit jlOwer from engine to rear wheels more smoothlyl 3-33.~4 , -again 'today with. the 4· .. •••• '"' HERE'S. THE· most remar.kable developments o"f' mOdern times, ..) HOW TO AVOID CROWDS Firepower V-B ",revolutionary new-type enidne,1IIaCtica1 'W now o~ 1D EwropMn sports care I!Dd 'aftociraft whele ClOSt Is no factor, DelIvers more Udrive"· to rear wheels from every drop of iIaaoUneI . ROAD Safer, .....r driving control MDre pow.r for .arer, fyler , , • with the first Full-time stops , •• big Chryaler Power 1'0wer Steering in any passen- Bnikes (standard equipment)' ger 'l'ir that does aU the hard multip!yyourlightesttoeprestui:nJng I!Dd paddllll work for sure Into Instantly elfectl"" I::-absorlilnlr aTl "wheel stoP:fing. action. New Cycle~'OVB!'.therouahaolnlr, tool bon llilings last far longerl The darkened segments of ~ clock indicate the peak hours of travel/when workers are going to their Amerfca'. _Illest ride", with new donble-strength shock aboorbers. See your dealer for a thrilling Chrysler "Power Rlde", ..in the carthat giV1!B you far more for your money ~ than any other I shops and offices , , • and returning. '!'be oU- hours to good. party-line telepbone senice Ie. the road of su.pte consideration. Remember the three Ra of, party-U- -lrteoy-be lIeaoonabl....hout !K>w.k!nB ,0.. ta1k; Rei.... the line fot , . ,·&eDdeo wheoi' .iI.ore $Pent the week-end at F.lest Lake ·Club In Jf you ... .I-yo courteous ~ the te1epb-. you"" the Poconos. . c,_ to lbod ¥OW" ... t,oIIne· neiRhbon the ..me. ·Mr. and Mrs. Judson R. Hoovet, HaPP7 nouIt: _ telephcme oerW:e for everyone Jr., of Wallingford were honor c:oneemedl guests at a dinner party of 18 given Saturday nIght by Mrs.· " .'\ -Albert Bartram Kelley of Ger- ,.. mantown. .. THE 8m mEPHONE COMPANY OF ~NmYAIIIA PI Pht's of Swarthmore and ,vI- . "',. . -~ . .'.~ ,. ." ' , . . .. c!nity are having an all-day .. Ing meeting todai at the home of ~ Mrs. Theodore Widing of "Hunt 'j HIl!.~~",.. Nf:~~. S q - ' .....~. ..,........."""'.~.,.,."..,.,.,.. .......I"""!....................." " " ' -_ _ _ _ _ _........ C h ryeal'er periods in wbich you will find it more agree. able and comfortable to arrange your shop- FirePolNe,. Ne\IV' Yorker \ Now Available_The New Chrysler Airtemp AIr-CondilioningSystem ping trips, or visits to friends, Service at t ' - off-peak periods -is frequent to accom- . modate our neighbors and occasional custouiers. .. ~ED ." -·f . ' . .~ SWARTHMORE 6-1250 "May is Safety-Check Month at Your Chrysle!-Plymouth 'Dealer's ... , Check Your Car-Check Accidents" . . AIIROW LINES ..~ CHESTER R~D AttD YALE AVENUE, , 818 " PIW UNES INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE May 22, 1953 THE SWARTHMOREAN .... ge 6 POSTMEN WALK AGAIN 2Swarthmore College Professors Retire Dr. Hicks Completes 42, Dr. Scott 26 Years' Service Swarthmore College has an- nounced the retirement of two of its faculty members: Philip M. Hicks, Alexander Griswauld Cummins Professor of English literature and Walter J. Scott of the zoology department. Doctors Hicks and Scott have been faculty members at Swarthmore for 42 and 26 years respectively. Dr. Hic: • • . FJrst.4-WheeJ Hydraulic Brakes... revo]utionized ::rt;ppping safetyf later adopted by all cars. POWER BRAKES-since 1932, still not available on many makes. FIrst Hlg....COmpression Engine••• piOneered far greater drive efficiency. First V-8 with Hemispherical Combustion Chambers-stands alone today in drive power.per horsepower. FIrst Power Steering ••• introduced new, safer car control that removed the work and strain of driving, still unequaled by imitators. First Waterproof Ignition ••• gives owners of Chryslertype cars a tremendous "wet ... weather" starting and anti-stalling advantage! FIrst Safety. Rim Wheels ••• a new way to keep punctured tires from slipping off the rim: enjoyed only by owners of OUR STATION WAGONS ARE OUTSTANDING C. R. LOUGHEAD, INC. Edgmont Ave. ROAD to good. party-line telephone service lLlD Philadelphia Transportation Company '" om m""" .... m.... (~ tf~an of' cars combined PONTIAC HERE'S THE new f'eatures all other makes a 11th Page 7 Hicks. Patty Narbeth, Barbara, Bernhardt, Joan Hawkins. Suzanne Prescott and -Martha MeCrum. All the girls of the two sixth grade troops and many from the oldest troop No. 16 received badges and awards. Names and badges will be in next week's issue of the Swarthmorean. The ceremony closed with a speech of appreciation by Mrs. William Prescott for the work of Mrs. Mace Gowing. The girls sang their lovely Scout hymn and Taps. then all went to the cafeteria for ice cream. • Wister to Speak In New Jersey Exercise Principal speaker at the 3 P. M. exercise in the Presby Memorial Iris Gardens of Montclair, N. J., next Saturday. May 30. will be John Wister director of the Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation at Swarthmore College and of the John J. Tyler Arboretum at Lima. l\lr. Wister who lives on Harard avenue, has lectured from coast to coast, and is a well known writer of articles and books on gardening and spec~alized plant groups. He participated in the organization of the' American Iris Society and served as its president during its first 15 years. Through this Society he became a close friend of Frank Presby, another well known horticulturist in whose membory the Presby Memorial Iris Gardens were founded 25 years ago. Mr. Wister has been interested in the gardens ever since Visiting them to check on the accuracy of the labels and donating many fine varieties of Iris to the Gardens. In return several varieties from the Presby Gardens have been donated to the Scott Foundation. Lt. Jay B. Snape of Harvard avenue is taking advanced training at Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, Fla., following six weeks of advanced instrument training at Moody Air Force Base, Valdosta t Ga. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of Park avenue entertained as their house guest for several days of this week Mrs. John Hardin of Atlantic City. Chrysler-type =1· FIrst Fluid Drive ••• changed America's driving overnight with a revolutionary way to transmit power from engine to rear wheels more smoothly! • Irs . again today with the 4 most remar.kable developments •••• of' modern times ...) HOW TO AVOID CROWDS Firepower V..a ••• revolution~ new-type engine•. practical 'til now only in European sports cars and aircraft wh..... cost is no factor. Delivers more udrive" to rear wheels from every drop of gasoline I Safer, easier driving contra] . • • with the first Full-time Power Steering in any passenger car that does all the hard turning and parking work for fou-absortiing all uwheel flght~'overtheroughgoing, too! Mora power for safer. f'\Ster stops .•. big Chrysler Power Brakes (standard equipment) multil'ly your lightest toe pressure lOto instantly effective stopping action. New Cyclebond linings iast far longer I America'. smoothest ride .... with new double-strength shock absorbers. See your dealer for a thrilling Chrysler "Power Ride" .•.in the car that gives you far more for your money today than any other I The darkened segments of this clock indicate the peak hours of travel when workers are going to their shops and offices • • • and returning. The other hours are Chrysler Ne\N Yorker FirePovve". Now Available-The New Chrysler Airtemp Air·Conditianing System periods in which you will find it more agree.. able and comfortable to arrange your shopping trips. or visits to friends. Service at these off-peak periods is frequent to accom- . modate our neighbors and occaaianal customers. HANNUM & WA'IIE CHESTER ROAD AND YALE AVENUE "May is Safety-Check Month at Your Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer's • • SWARTHMORE 6·1250 • Check Your Car-Check Accidents" RED ARROW LINES .. ~ p &WLINES MII7 22, 1953 Page 8 covered dish supper held last Rotarian Dinner Thursday week on the Swarthmore College . Honors "Rotary Anns" Campus. Mrs. William Watkins, College An abundance of spring flo:wers Directors of the Swarthmore avenue, was chairmanof the supansi attractively' gowned ladies adPublic Library were hosts, last per. Mrs. Richard ·A. Enion, Mrs. ded considerable charm to the week at the Library, to 40 members of the Delaware County Melvin C. Molstad, Mrs. Oliver E. brilliant dinner party last evenRodgers and Mrs.. Mauricot Web- ing as Swarthmore Rotarians enLibrary Trustees Association. ster were among those assisting tertained their Rotary-Anns and Philip H. Jewett was elected a guests at the Springhaven COJllldirector of ·the Association at the her. try Club. business m"!'ting in .the AJnerican Pres.nts Paper Legioll' Room. Mrs. Carroll Pusey The diners were served a Turkey G. Alex Mills, Walnut lane, pre- Marylanrn in the president of the. Swarthmore Institute of Ch,emical Engineers England and during World War Board, Dr. J. Alfred Calhoun, Mrs. and the Chemical Engineering de- II was a fighter pilot with the ·John W. Seybold, Miss Hunter and partment of the University of Royal Air' Force. He holds an Mr. Jewett. Plans for the dis- Pennsylvania; honorary commission in the Gorcussed Springfield Library buildPhiladelphia Lawyer don ,Highlanders of' ScoUand. A . ing were shown with plans for an Thomas Randall, R i v e r vie 1J' past governor of Rotary InternaOhio college library. road, has been admitted to the tional, Dr. Silverton presented All members of the Swarthmore Philadelphia County Bar, it was his topic,"What Have You to DeBoard Vlere in attendance. recently announ..ced. A graduate of clare," in a challenging and".charm':' Phi Beta Kappa Meet the University of Pennsylvania ing manner. The Women's Phi Beta Kappa Law School, Mr. Randall is assocDistrict Governor Joseph Meil Association of Philadelphia com- iated with· the firm of Roper and and Mrs. Meil 'were amonl the . bined its spring meeting with a Caldwell. guests present. Companies Stage Fire Drill at ACMI comlNUIS TO IlUNG ~~ .'i''elee6. • u.-.. .CaUCK ROAST ~:le _Te_W_ lit ~===:::=~~~=--====-";"'~I""" - ., "' Ib 3ge FQSB BEEF LIVER_ y:'.::!. stc lAncaster Ih~f'" S9c : ~~e65c )doa :I .... 490 25 .PRESERVES('=I),~~= .. .. C JUICE (~I 2:: Zgc IINGAR'SLUNCS T I:: 35e . MIRACLE WIIIP o~ c· ~I) ..~ $3e SALAD DRESSINC J!."lTi. 1:"45c MAYONNAISI Hom~·Lhe i:' 49- . ) LUNCH WITH UNCLE PETE ON TV e Channel \ Monday thru Friday. 12.1510 12.45 Po m. a BOn.,- Bwu (v:::') '1-:190 Iced B.It... Bread (v!t.) ....1. :u. Iced • .,...d Cake PIoI1k'v~1o .::.. ~90' CANNON B~ TOWEL _d FACE CLOTH ($'.50 v....l ....;. ,.,.. With PurchaH of $10.00 or More ~!:~ _, iNSTANT ~0p 6'U .' 42 W.lw ...... 1 _ , Ai"UII, ... • Ga.szws •• Aw_,J ' ....., ... II (Ask Opeaalor . THE BELL ..' ~!,or. 74- COUPON SAVES YOU :ISO 8dial 2--alc Florida, V a l e n c i a . ORANGE JUICE '~ 29 9deaI ~ Lelaoaade 210181 MORE CI-FREE / G.eln .... BEVERAGES • ';;'toa.. _......1. . PlUI DePt Ib =6-~67;,::6~9.'==-__:_77-,.,.---_ - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - . , FOR RENT-Attractive room conLOST-Friendship ring, n arne venient to transportation. GenBabby inside. Reward. call Bill tleman preferred. Call SWarthWarden, or return to The Swarth- more 6-3973. morean olllce.· ;;:;:;<:.....=;;::.....,;-;,:--......-,,...,......,.~ .FO.UND-Last Wednesday, female F~~a=tA::l~~et~~:: b~~~~. c~ii~w!!tn;.e. Pr~~~~ stores a!,d transportatio-:..a bed- . ;~~,...:::;;:;:;~:;;;.:.::m~o::.:re~:::!;;:!!:. rooms, tile bath, large living room I OIl ..-n._ ~1CIMMIIJ0Il-as FOUND-Pal!" pink-rimmed glas- dining room and kitchen. SWarth~· OIl sen..... an. . ".........11 ......111' .t ses on station platform. Call at more 6-0870. ' _ _~~~ The Swarthmorean olllce. I ;F;;:O~R;;:-:;'R;;;ENT~;;-'A-;:tt="'t""------"~ rae lve room In LOST-Black underbag contalnnew home for gentleman. Good DAY and NIGHT ing glasses and case. Please call location. Parking. Call SWarthSWarthmore 6-4175. more 6-6769. OIL BURNER LOST AND FOUND c S" • 790 '::_se . ~lENxid ifl· ...... :a:ae .. ... :ISO SERVICE Baird & Bird e ... Rea' Estate a.d '.s.ra.ce " (Ask OpliulOf forI IUttInha·.... 0IIdeI). (Ask OF a.... fo< CIgaodt 0IIIcIaI) ---_I, •• i.;' Jack Prichard from Cannon Towel Coupon look • L . . Stn.I, I.nlsll.a, ... (All< Operator !or Narahtowii 0IIIcW) 1631lnUtn.. "U 'I' (Aok Operata< fo< Midway 0fIIcI01) 8fta :I OUTSTANDING FROSTED 'OOD VALUES Girls, you owe it to yourselves to find out the facts about telephone . work .•• and you can.do so, with no obligation whatever, through a friendly interview at a Bell Te1ephQne office. While there, .be sure to notice the people aromid you.. They're the sort you'd enjoy working with. Ask' about the attractive salaries, too, and the pleasant SlHTOundings. Openings available now, perhaps in offices near your home. Lots. of opportunities" 009, for recent high school graduates. No appointment nee ery; just call or stop in at any Bell Telephone Busin Office .or any of theBe convenient Employment Offices ' . COUPON' ) COrm' =,--____ ~ BRING IN Ioook C::OU.ON No.S t. 24tIo yo••• 0_. - let •. ,..jJ~ to 9 PREMIUM GASOLINE COIINnat fro .. . , I ..... "" ' •••• StNet, ..... ...." .... (Ask Opoaa'Of far Clearbrook 0IId::1) far Lc.ng'- 0IIcIaIl 'ELE'~OHECOM'ANY ".4 jriIRt4Jy ~ III ". . OF PENN.SYLVANIA _.11".• ' . " ' r at the Dental Health Center Lawrence Whittemore, Rector of (Continued on Paile 4) Bruce and Mrs. Holden vides the enjoyable experience which will close by May 27. Forty- Trinity Church, will 'precede the FUrber board directors. The nom- being able· to earn mOney on,ce I five i:h1Idren attended the Wood- ftnal salute and Taps. Receives PMCHonor inating committee Incll'ded: :Mrs. more. Korean veterans wor~ 1Yn Child Health Center operated Ro~te for the return file to D. P. Wisdom chairman; Mrs. WU- by-side With veterans .of by the Agency. Twenty-eight were IBort.ugh Hall will be up Park aveCornell avenue resident Lt. CoL liam B. 'Pegram and Mrs.. Paul World' Wars. . examined by the physicians, seven nue to Harvard, left on Harvl\rd Slanton S. vonGrablll wUi receive Zecher.• 1I4!rs. john Delaplaine was The American Legion immunizations were completed, 20 to Rutgers avenue, right on Rutan honorary doctOrate from Penn- named·' chairman for next year will ofter poppies again tonight given, 10 children vaccinated•. and gars avenue to Chester roiul, and sylvania Military College at its With MtB.' Raymond K. Denwor.th the business section and JliIalri five referred' to f~mily physician down Park avenue to Borough 132nd commencement next Tues- the elected member. the parade on Memorial Day, or clinic; . Hall. 'day, June 2, in Chester, OIIIeers oi the League who will especially appropriate occasion MIss Sidner repOrts. that the .' -----~--Vice-president of PMC, and continue In ,office for another year the distribution. (Continued on Page 4) WIn Red Cross Mrs. Frances Lumsden and Water Safety Courses doctor of science in business ad- are: Mrs. Thomas G. Casey preslministraUon, Col. vonGrabUi has dimt; and Mrs. Melvin C.'-Molstad granddaughter Barbara, Mrs. HOFMANN ·RE.ELECTED Red Cross Aquatic Scholarships been associated with the College recording secretary. ban Rogers, Mrs. George B. Sickel. have been awarded' through the and Prep School, both as a stuAlso during M!;s. Mrs. 'Walter Clevelan'd, Mrs. HesHigh SChOOlr ;,::::~:d:H:~enry:;e!F~'1 Swarthmore Branch to Mary Ellen . . the meeting, . dent and aclminlstrator, for the Charles Bovard and Mrs. David ton. D. M-....ray. Mrs: Norman Hofmann was -ASh d of. the A ssocIa Uon 0 f th'ePr of es- Hoppe.r who is completing her past quarter century. He esia'bllsh- LaIrd were Introduced as the new Hulme, Mr. !;i. R ." • eppar f .. • freshman year at Cornell UniverHelen C. Warren and others are s10nal Employees of the ed a distinqulshed milltary career finance drive chairmen. , . sity and to Lisa' Steiner,. senior at Local T ..",Sw"assisting Mrs. George' P. Warren, Dlstrictof Swarthmore at the As- Swarthmore'. College for InstrucIn' World War II, after w!>ich he .... returned to the college In 1945 and . A" moUon was passed to make chairman Of the Poppy Drive. sociation's cl~ meeting ilf the tOr courses in Life Saving and shortly thereafter was elevated to a study of "where the local Ia?< Mrs. AlbenT. Eavenson, tress- year held thiiw~: ~.·lIofmann 'Water Safety this summer, accordlng to the announcement of Virthe vice-presidency and the board dollar· goes" as next year's local urer, wishes to express her grat- will serve for a tlve-yea~r' term. agenda. Action was also taken to Itude for the generous response other otHcers are vlce-presl- ginia' Rath, chairman of First Aid of trustees. Col. vonGrabill is being honored work for the establishment of a of Swarthmore people. A small dent Grace Witter, secretary Anne and Water Safety. Both girls will put the course by hIB alma mater In r8e0Kmtion Pl!bllC health unit In D88t 25 years. ~ . ·It ..... also announeti that-the 'beneBt . of' veterans' and their mittee world~ with the School _.....-:--_ _ _ __ League wi!l. next year &'1; i a m B , . . . · · . BOIIrd. on Jhe salary program. Cn Pack .....rs MHfiIItJ WOMANS CLUJ IOAID . (ConUnued on Page 4) . TO MIlT TUES~~Y Fathers of an boys presentlY In , .. .Recelv•• CHatIo. Ct._, Cub Pack 101, and the fathers of There will be' a m,d'n, of the 0 ....... -.ay ........D'Ii.Y HOrace Michael, South Chester board of the Woma,{-. Club .June .....".. The Swarthmore Publlc LI- an .boyS In the SeCond grade. of 2 at 10 I!JII; at the home of the . Poet Wlndowswill be roact; was awarded a Seml~­ brary will be closed all day' the Rutgers Avenue School will new preSIdent, Mrs: Fnnk G. closed, and there WU1 be no tennlaUst Certillcate by the PbUa- tomorrow, May 30, for Mem-. meet at 8 p.rn. Wednesday, June . X_en. The meeting -~ be fciJ~ mali denveri tomonow, Kemo- delphia College of Pbarmacy and orial. Day. BooJrs stamped with . 3".in·the SWartbmare Pnsbyter':' )owed by a JIIIlch_ at 12: 30•. In rW. 1>17.' The Lobby ·wIllbe Science at the· 9J)l'lng ~ the KIlT JIOIIt date will not .be ian Church, to discuss aDd make the Alumni AIIsociation held Tuesthe aftemoon the propam chair-:- 0JHin frOm 11 a.m. to e p.m. for due untifKondaY, June I, when plans for Jhe.comlng year. Fathers dl7 In PbUadelphla. Kr. lIlchae1 the 'Will be open at its are urgently needl!d In eslfiNoo,. Francis H. Pot.ythe. the accom'1da~..of ~~ ing the organizaUon ·which· win Walt ana dl 19 from the class iDln",_..· a iIIseuaIon Of piUIa 'for .. Im!. Usual hoors}' . . .. " . .. y ......,.. IIchedule. • . I~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;....,;.:.... nil to' ....," the'citatlOli. '.' ,~p Pack' dIIlJ'8' . . .' - . WV' "Officers S. For Two' Yea'r Te'nos, (Across from Borough Hall) POppy FUND GROWS B.A. CandIdates Elizabeth McCahan, The Bel Air 4-Door Sedan STATE INSPECTION • • • .Strsth Haven avenue, and Frances Pearson. Cornell avenue, will be candidates for the Baehelor of Arts degree to be conferred at the 83rd Wilson College Commencement June 1. Betty chose· biology for ·her major field of study with psychology as a minor. and Frannie chose economics with a political em- SIABTHMOB.E NATIONAL BANK AID' TBUST COMPANY . Momb;;', P.....1Il D.posll 1_ _' C~PDr4lW. science minor. MAY 1 - ou Meet the Nicest People at Sp'eare JULY 31 Have your car check.d NOW. 8. s.re It Is I. safe macha.leal eo.dltlon • • • "at yoor lRAIES will hold If a child darts Iota you~ path ••• Year TIRES woa't skid Oft wet road. • • • Yo.r HORN will WQI'III others who c ••lt ... yo. , , , Yo.r HEADLIGHTS wo.·t bll... the motorllt cOBlI.g towa'rc1 yo. • • • Yo.r STEERING WHEEL will keep yoo o. the right side of the road - •• , And that all your other equipment and safety devIces are In dependabl. worklll, order. ESTER'S Fashion Corner EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. IT'S A SLEEVELESS SUMMER IN ••• \ Ship'n Shore First In Service - BLOUSES First In Sales ·RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swarthmore 6-6130 . Summer lovelies to llven shorts, slacks, skirts! Superbly textured South Chester Road rayons - all .'. om"" washablel Famous two-way collars, custom "- Whites, brights and ShIp'n • Shqre's exclusive stripes; checks, plaids ........... sizes 30 to 38 ,SPORTSWEAR DEPT. Spen's Second . , N' combed cottQllS, woven ginghams, d~tails. Theatre Square me.*. 2.98 fine Miller I I FlOor _'v boll. . u.....ry U!>rarY .' ! INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 19 THE SWARTHMOREAN U.W.F. in Annual Meet Listing briefly the activities of the West Delaware County Chapter of the United World Federalists, chairman Mrs. Clyde Shuler, at the Annual Meeting held in Lima last week, described the year just ended as the most active period of work. marked success with over 400 attending. "The goal for the next year is an educational campaign to prepare the American people for the United Nations Charter revision expected in 1955." Elections of part of the offices and Executive board resulted in the following: Local Art Exhibit Close~ at 9Tonight Lansdowne Artist Gives Demonstration at Club Tuesday The 19th Annual art exhibit of the Wo:nan's Club of Swarthmore opened with a showing for 85 club members and guests, Tuesday afternoon. Mabel T a II e y, chairman of the art department, extended greetings and called attention to the exhibits of the tht"ee guest artists, Gladys Ramsey Twaddell. Sarah Cummings and Mrs. George Davisson of Vassar Edward Lis. avenue is entertaining as her Mrs. Orlando Huntsman, chair": house guest this week, Mrs. Mer-. f th d t t f th . Lafferty of Lewes, Del., Mrs. man 0 e art eparmen 0 e VIn Lafferty is the former Helen Mor- Twentieth Century Club of Lansdowne, and Mrs. William Wagner, ton of Swarthmore. a member· of Mr. Lis' painting class in Lansdowne, and Mrs. Caroline Neilson, a member of his class' in Wayne, were presented to as special guests. In his talk as speaker of the afternoon, Mr. Lis told his audience not to expect too much from a portrait. A portrait, he said, is not a photograph and can not give every \tile detail. The photograph shows only a second of a person's life; the painter tries to put on canvas the personality of Jumbo Cantaloupe 39c his subject. He needs not only technical knowledge and good craftsmanship, according to Mr. Lis, but he must have a knowSwifts Premium Ham ledge of psychology. He is always 69c lb. better acquainted with the person after painting him, and therefore it would be well if he could see his subject more often than Hudson Table Napkins is usually done before painting the portrait, he concluded. Box of 80 - lOc Mr. Lis then remonstrated portrait ·painting, using as his model a young. woman from Lansdowne. The audience watched with am100% Pure azement the skillful procedure of PARADICHLOROBENZENE the artist and appreciated his helpful suggestions and willing reFor Putting Your Winter Clothing Away sponses to questions. The exhibit, which includes 94 2 lb. bag 79c pictures by local and guest artists, was atended by 50 persons on Tuesday night. Those who have not yet seen it are cordially invited to attend this afternoon from 2 to 5 or in the evening from 7 to 9. Dartmouth Avenue (Across from Boraugh Hall' There will be a reception for exhibitors and their friends at the club house Sunday from 2 to 6. Mrs. Frank R. Gray is in charge of the tea. During the winter just past Mrs. Shuler reported. this Chapter held a Covered Dish Supper during United Nations Week, with foods representing those of varialls countries. A public meeting introduced Odd Nansen, leader of Federalism in Norway. Study groups were held in Swarthmore and at Cheyney. Training classes for speakers were conducted by competent leaders and an Educa. .. . honal and Fund RaiSIng Dmner held April 27 with Rev. Donald Harrington as speaker, was a It's May 22,1953 Treasurer William Shank; recording secretary Joy Shuler; corresponding secretary M.rs. Albert Newbold; and board members Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Robinson and Mrs. Margaret McCouch. Mrs. Arthur Warner was reappointed in charge of Publicity. I Your Advantage SHOP AT THE CO-OP School Orchestra Parents Association. The Board adjourned until 8: 30 (Continued fr,?m Page I) June 3 when It plans to adopt the Mrs. Dorothy Rodgers, secretary budget and set the tax rate for the for a four-year term; John F. next fiscal year which begins in Spencer, treasurer; ~ar,y Parke July. Dodd, tax collector; Claude C. Smith, solicitor; Dr. George B. Heckman, team physician; all oneAttend year terms. The resignation of Ruth TraugSwrrrlllmore's er, fourth grade teacher in the 2nd Annual Rutgers avenue school, effective June 18, was accepted. It was reported Miss Trauger will teach in BLIND FAIR Bristol next year. Kline's Coat, Apron and Towel Today and Tomorrow Service was awarded contract for next year, as also was the SouthMay 22 and 23 ern Pennsylvania Bus Company only bidder on special transportaat the tion. Fuel oil bids from Wilson Cpal and Supply Company, F. C. Haab Company, and George B. SWARTHMORE FIRE HOUSE Newton Coal Company were orLafayette Avenue dered held over until next session. It was reported that the Board's Spansored By The special deputy collector had colSwarthmore Lions Club lected 20 of 30 delinquent per capita taxes recently turned over to him for collection. Catherman's A letter from Robert Holm of the music department announced the gifts of a German orchestra Drug Store string bass received from the Swarthmore, Rutledge To Hear Jointure Plan , • • B.A. Candidates The Bel Air 4-Door Sedan STATE INSPECTION Elizabeth McCahan, Strath Haven avenue, and Frances Pearson, Cornell avenue, will be candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree to be conferred at the 83rd Wilson College Commencement June 1. Betty chose biology for her major field of study with psychology as a minor, and Frannie chose economics with a political science minor. • • • SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY I I MAY 1 - ou Meet the Nicest People at Speare's' JULY 31 Have your car checked NOW. Be sure It is In safe mec.hanical candition • • • that your BRAKES will hold If a child darts Inlo your pgth ••• Your TIRES won't skid on wet roads • • • Your HORN will warn others who can"t see you • • • Your HEADLIGHTS won't blind the motorist comi'9 toward you • • • Your STEERING WHEEL will keep you on the rIght side of the road - ••• And that all your other e"luipment and safety devices are In dependable w.,):king order. . . . . .,-.:.:::::::...·'CH ESTER'S Fashion Corner EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. IT'S A SLEEVELESS SUMMER IN ••• Ship 'n Shore First In Service - First In Sales RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swarthmore Theatre Square 6-6130 South Chester Road ~--~ SW A I(TII )IOI~IC COLLKli I~ L I 1\ \{ A It Y , BLOUSES 2.98 Summer lovelies to liven shorts, slacks, skirts! Superbly textured combed cottons, woven ginghams, fine rayons all washable! F.tm1ous two-way collars, custom dEtails. Whites, brights and Shlp'n Shore's exclusive stripes, checks, plaids ........... size. 30 to 38 SPORTS WEAR DEPT. Speare's Second Roor Memorial Day Services 10 A.M. THE SWARTHMOR VOLUME 25-NUMBER 22 SRA Registration Day Set For Thurs. June 41 Borough Hall $3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE. FRIDAY, MAY 29,1953 Heads Health Society Plan Book Exchange For Summer Readers Tomorrow Rev. John Kulp Named Memorial Day Speaker Tomorrow's Speaker Teachers, Assistants Named For Both Programs Book Tea June 24 Offers New Services & Aids Korean Publication Traditional Exercises Begin At 10 A.M. Tomorrow At Borough Hall The Swarthmore Recration Association is offering additional hours on Thursday, June 4, for registration of children in Swarthmore and neighboring vicini~ies in the Summer Club and Pre-School and Primary Programs. Registrars will be on duty in front of the High School Building on Col1eg~ avenue from 12 to 4 on that day. Mrs. ··Arthur Johnson, chairman, and Mrs. Charles Martin and Mrs. Bruce Dea~ing, members of the registration committee, who served at Iregistrations earlier this week, report .that there· are openings for children in both programs. Last year's Sutnmer Clubbers and their parents who remember the wonderful fun and huge success of Jerry Nowell's program, will be glad to know that he has a larger and ever more varied program planned for this year. Mr. Nowell has chosen as his assistant in boys' activities, Lee Swan, popular High School athlete, and for handicrafts, Pat Blake, who served a similar capacity last year. Additional workers include Jay Philippe, Marilyn Green, and LIz Forsythe. The Club will be organized as usual into teams which will c~m­ pete In softball, basketball, tennis, volleyball, track and field, quoits, croquet, dodge ball and other group games. Prizes will be awarded to the winning teams at the end of the term. Handcrafts in cloth, leather, wood, beads, raffia, paper and ceramics will be offered. Friday will be a special event day each week, highlighted this year by an overnig~t hike, swimming, and a ~p on a Wilson liner. New f"atures to be introduced this year are a weekly hard baJJ game for the boys and distinctive em(Continued on Page 4) A Book Tea to be held on the porch and lawn of the William Craemer home at.. 422 Harvard avenue. on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 24 from 2 until 5 will ·offer summer readers of all ages opportunity to acquire new current titles at a' small pittance. The affair promises .to be lively since admission to it is a modern book in good condition plus a small donation to cover refreshment costs. AU books then go into a general exchange for the set pittance, regardless of value, with parents, librarians. and readers of every variety lying in wait for choice items. Appropriately, the Book Tea will raise funds for the translation and publication of a Christian book in the Korean language at a cost Of $500 under the oversight of the Presbyterian Board of Mis· sions. Since the late 30's the Korean language, spoken and written, has been banned first by the Japanese and then after 1945 by the Communist sweep into Korea. Koreans thirst for their literature and the request for this aid has come to the Woman's Association of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church from Dr. Kenneth Scott, a medical missionary In Korea. Two Woman's Association Circles are sponsoring the Book Tea with Mrs. J. P. Brown appointed general chairman. Working with her are Mrs. John Lord, Mrs. Craemer, Mrs. H. H. Hopkins, Mrs. T. Willard Crane, Mrs. Nor(Continued on Page 10) The Rev. John C. Kulp of the Swarthmore Methodist Church, will be speaker of the day at Memorial Day Services being held at 10 a.m. tomorrow at Borough Hall. > Rev. Kulp, who bcg&n his Swarthmore pastorate last Sunday, served. as a chaplain in the United States Navy during the Second World War. First attached to the Third Naval District, serv! ing the vicinity of New York City, he was assigned to the District REV. JOliN KULP Office at Norfolk bef~re his trans_ fer to an attack transport in the Atlantic Fleet. George F. Corse, past Commander of the Ainsworth - Wernher Post of the American Legion, will introduce Rev. Kulp following the The Community Health Society invocation by P 0 s t Chaplain of Central Delaware County will Joseph P. Bishop, minister of the hold its annual meeting and in- Presbyterian Church. stallation of officers in the WoHerbert T. Bassett will give the man's Club Lounge Thursday, traditional reading of the honored June II, with staff nurses and dead as Boy Scouts from the local members of the Med)cal Advisory troops place flags at the foot of the Committee as guests/at the discusWar Monument. Two wreaths will sion luncheon which will convene also be placed at the Monument at 12. Mrs. C. W. Lukens and by the Legion Post and by its members of her hospitality comAuxiliary. Three volleys by the mittee will prepare the luncheon tiring squad, Taps and Eeho cost. The education and publicity committee will plan a panel quiz rendered by the Swarthmore High which will remain within the School Band will follow. With the hour program time limit promised Rev. Bishop's Benediction, the tlrst pact of the exercises will the busy doctors. close and marchers in the annual Acting Exe~utive Director DorParade down Park avenue to Eastothy M. Sidner reports 482 nurslawn Cemetery, will form in the ing visits during April in the six following order: communities served by the Red Legion Colors, Firing Squad, Feather Age n c y, Swarthmore, High School Band, Legion MemSpringfield, Morton, Rutledge, bers, other Veterans, Legion Ridley Park, Ridley Township. The highest number of these was 154 Auxiliary, Girl Scouts, Brownies, for long term care and 64 were Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Red Cross made to acute cases. Sixty-seven and Fire Deparhnent. Services at the cemetery will be were to cancer patients and 12 to continued by Charles Seymour tuberculosis patients. Staff nurses with another reading of deceased have assisted with 311 medical exveterans,. and the presentation of aminations and 72 dental examinations in schools within the area. the Legion Memorial Wreath. Ninety-four children were cared Prayer offered by the Rev. H. for at the Dental Health Center Lawrence Whittemore, Rector of which will close by May 27. Forty- Trinity Churcb, will precede the five children attended the Wood- final salute and Taps. Route for the return file to lyn Child Health Center operated hy the Agency. Twenty-eight were Borough Hall will be up Park aveexamined by the physicians, seven nue to Harvard, left on Harvard immunizations were completed, 20 to Rutgers avenue, right on Rutgiven, 10 children vaccinated, and gers avenue to Chester road, and five referred to family physician down Park avenue to Borough Hall. or clinic. MRS. CARL H. SCHMITT who will be installed as President of the Community Health Society of Central Delaware County at the Society's Annual Meeting in the Woman's Club on Thursday, June 11. The former chairman of the planning committee, Mrs. Schmitt has been a director of the Red Feather nursing agency since 1948. From 1937 to 1941 she was a staff nurse with the agency, which has its headquarters in Borough HaJJ here. Mrs. Schmitt is a resident of, Springfield, has two daughters Marguerite and Carla, and is an active member of the Covenant Methodist Church, Sprlngfteld. She succeeds Mrs. C. Edwin Ireland, Ridley Park. LWV Elects Officers For Two Year Terms The Swarthmore League of Women Voters· elected new officers for the lIlext two years at its annual meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Frank Morey, Yale avenue. The poppies worn by so many Those elected include: Mrs. Hallock Campbell first vice-president; Swarthmoreans recently are made Mrs. Morris Fussell second vice- by disabled veterans in their hospresident; Mrs. Edward Cox treas- pitals and poppy workrooms. This urer; Mrs. Mathews M. Johnson occupation is instrumental in and Mrs. Leroy Peterson corre- bringing back health and pride sponding secretaries; Mrs. R. of the disabled, because it proBruce Miller and Mrs. Holden vides the enjoyable experience of Furber board directors. The nom- being able to earn money once inating committee Included: Mrs. more. Korean veterans work sideReceives PMC Honor D. P. Wisdom chairman; Mrs. Wil- by-side with veterans .of two Cornell avenue resident Lt. Col. liam B. Pegram and Mrs. Paul World Wars. Stanton s. vonGrabill will receive Zecher.,Mrs. John Delaplaine ·was The American Legion Auxiliary an honorary doctorate from Penn- nam~ chairman for next year will offer poppies again tonight in sylvania Military College at its with Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth the business section and again at 132nd commencement next Tues- the elected member. the parade on Memorial Day, an day, June 2, in Chester. Officers of the League who will especially appropriate occasion for Vice-president of PMC, and continue in office for another year tbe distribution. doctor of science in business ad- are: Mrs. Thomas G. Casey presiMrs. Frances Lumsden and her ministration, Col. vonGrabill has dent; and Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad granddaughter Barbara, Mrs. AI-· been associated with the College recording secretary. ban Rogers, Mrs. George B. Sickel, Also during the meeting, Mrs. Mrs. Walter Cleveland, Mrs. Hesand Prep School, both as a student and administrator, for the Charles Bovard and Mrs. David ton D. McCray. Mrs. Nonnan past quarter century. He establish- Laird were introduced as the new Hulme, Mrs. R. A. Sheppard, ed a distinquished military career finance drive chairmen. Helen C. Warren and others are Local Tax Study in' World War II, after which he assisting Mrs. George P. W:arren, A 'motion was passed to make chairman of the Poppy Drive. returned to the college In 1945 and shortly thereafter was elevated to a study of tCwhere the local tax Mrs. Alben T. Eavenson, treasthe vice-presidency and the board dollar goes" as next year's local urer, wishes to express her gratagenda. Action was also taken to itude for Ute generous response of trustees. Col. vonGrabill is being honored work for the establishment of a of Swarthmore people. A small by his alma mater in recognition public health unit in Delaware group .in' the local Ainsworthof the eminent part he has played County as tiext year's County Wernher Unit of the, American in the life of the college in all of age n d a for the Swarthmore Legion Auxiliary carefully use every penny received for the its phases over the past 25 years. League. It was also announced that·tbe beneftt of veterans and their League will meet next year at families. WOMANS CLUI IOARD (Continued on Page 4) TO MEET TUESDAY,,_ _ _---:"_~_ _ _....,I Receives CltaHan There will be a meeting of the POppy FUND GROWS 'I Health Society Sets Annual Meeting Date Miss Sidner reports that the Win Red Cross (Continued on Page 4) Water Safety Courses HOFMANN RE·ELECTED Red Cross Aquatic Scholarships High School Teacher Henry F. have been awarded through the Hofmann was re-elected president Swarthmore Branch to Mary Ellen of the Association of the Profes- Hopper who is completing her sional Employees of the School freshman year at Cornell UniverDistrlet of Swarthmore at the As- sity and to Lisa Steiner. senior at sociation's closing meeting of the Swarthmore College for Instrucyear held this week. Mr. Hofmann tor courses in Life Saving and Water Safety this summer, accordwill serve for a five-year term.. Other officers are vice-presi- ing to the announcement of Virdent Grace Witter, secretary Anne ginia Hath, chairman of First Aid and Water Safety. Cleaver and treasurer Elizabeth Both girls will put the course Barten. promptly into ·practice this sumThe Association expressed its mer in water front poSitions at gratitude to the teacher's com- summer camps. mittee working with the School Board on the salary program. Cub Pack Fathers MeeHng Fathers of aU boys presently in L'b I rary CIose d Cub Pack 101, and the fathers of board of the Woman's Club June NO DELIVERY SATURDAY Horace Michael, South Chester The Swarthmore Public Liall boys in the second grade of the Rutgers Avenue School will 2 at 10 a.m. at the home of the Post Office Windows will be road, was awarded a SemJ-Cen- brary will be closed all day meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday, .Tune new president, Mrs. Frank G. closed, and there will be no tenniallst Certificate by the Phlla- tomorrow, May 30, for Mem3, in the Swarthmore PresbyterKeel\en. The meeting will be fol- mail delivery tomorrow, Memo- delphia College of Phannacy and orial Day. Books stamped with ian Church, to discuss and make lowed by a .Iuncheon at 12: 30. In rial Day.' The Lobby will be Science at the spring reunion of the May .3Oth date will not be plans for the. coming year. Fathers the afternoon the program chalrfr 8 I the Alumni Association held Tues- due until" Monday, June I, when open om II a.m. to p.rn. or day in Philadelphia. Mr. MIchael M Fr cI H F rsythe are urgently needed in establishman, rs. an s . 0 ' t h e accomodiili!,n of box holdthe Library will be open at its ing the organization which will Will lead a discussion of plans for was one of 19 from the class of usual hours: next y""r's schedule. 1.L_e_rs_·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-l.1903 to receive 1be citation. I ..._ _ _ _ _ _...J'.:....____-l' manage Pack atrairs next year. Personals Liz Forsythe, captain of the Swarlh/nore .ffigh Schoot lacrosse .team which haS just ' son, entertained 20 guests ing Miss Virginia Allen, coach and members of the IIrst team at a dfnner party at her home on Thayer road Tuesday evening. The team has been undefeated for 22 years. Mrs. George E. Silloway of North Chesier road 'is entertaining as , !)er . house guests her brotber IIlld'his.wlie Mr. and Mrs .. Howard H. Sargent of st. Paul, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Trueblood of "The Springhouse", Farnum road Media, will leave soon to spend the summer at Paupac Lake Club in the Poconos. . Mr. and Mrs. C. RIIBSell Phillips of Strath Haven avenue attended the P. I. A. A. Track and Field State Chwnpionship Meet at College Saturday. . lilfe 1>f Mr• and Mrs. R. G. RIDC Strath Haven avenue have returned from a two-week IIshlng trip. They spent two days CarpOn IIshing at Boca Grande, Fla., before taking ahoat to Bbnlnl in the Bahamas for tuna fishing. The Rinclilfes were . accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roraback of Torrington, Conn. -Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Zecher .and children Paul and LInda of Swarthmore •• avenue left Wednes• day to VIs,t through the holid,? week-end with Mrs. Zecher s mother Mrs. Martha J. FIsher of Ventnor, N. J. I Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hetzel, Jr., of Thayer road entertained the sunday School tea.chers and officers of Trinity C h u r c h, S)'I'arth'llOre at a ~uftet supper at their home Mondayeven!ng. 81RTHs Dr. and Mrs. W. Henry Linton, Jr., of ,Wilmington, Del., announce the birth of their third son, Jeff~ry, on May 26 In Delaware Hos- BUDaI' • • ANn IIwuIhmore ""10, Summer' ' Day C--...n 51'0-1 ."051 ........ IN '"' l!P~'~ U_ .II ~ .. . Moylall. Pell.. JUNE 2210 JUly 31 Good II' infoll Sets (We're _ oat or . . . (JoodmlntoD--8ete) •_ _ _ O'oqUK ~ ~ Blue . ~,JUa: t _ IIalIo ti, . : : ClU~ , ...4 _ 5h~eJd Des~gn Reproduction" II -' Elm..r, AIR OONDrl'lONED .. L ' .~... ·Stri. "I ~~';~lorJ;.VI. N" An exeollent mulkiol ~ ·A4_ - 'Walt ~,"m1"D1Y ow_ • .~ s~ I\IlAdl'M>'Iosllow Sat.. 1 P.M. John WaYIJe ~ 'Wake or t .... Wlteh' ·plu. .:.. - " , '. . - . ,comedy,.III_. sat. Dleht 0Il1y' ....·litlm .._ .... 1 ,/! .- 8 III 10 ' 1.. Di,.,., :.w.. Wiid· School - ME 6-1088 Head of Admisions Mrs. Paul Gay - ME 6-4529 Thu"-.""'•• Sat. '" Ot"r, Services from 36.00 Other Sliver Holloware NOOI'(loWUd'B "IRIEF ENCOUNTER" '. ..~~,s ~/!Inl ~H.lI&la ,01 ~IID,\ L" •• ~Iy Phones " - . . , >- ' , J. ArI!lar' ........ _11 riot '''puRTAIN UP" Iy INT~RNATIONAL- TOWLE _ STIEFF - WALLACE SHEFFIELIlI.,- LUNT - GORHAM HEI~LOOM . . R'EED & • GIFT•.WRAPPING:.;...,..;:::: . .. Surf ".'AlTI .......1011. • ENDEI STUIS ••d. CHOPS C•• lled to Onler . , EJcn.J.ENT .1l~QUET AND PAJl'IT FACILITIES , BUSINESS ~ UlNCB l~i,sO P. IJ. ....". , .... 'l .,' ",et Shop' =:':~:BD~:': MB4I& 804751' Caesero~e of location" incomparable facilities, and 76 years of experience . .re offered by • Catering Service THE OLIVER H. ,.SPE.CIALI2;ING IN TRINITY NOTES • ADVANiTAGES .. \ ,MARGE - and DOT . LUNOIIEONS B~IRCO. DlIICTOIS·O' PUNDALI BVn,'i1l',SUPPERS COcKTAIL PARTIES 18,20 CHISTNUT- OUVERH."""_,, CALL Marge Hurd _ Swa.' ,6"'3I3&', Gla8sware to·"at, . " . .1R.II MAaY.A...,.... ",...... 'II8piiOne RI 6-1511· ~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!- ,. ThOse be held. s~ing as ushers will 'be as .follows: G. W. Cochrane, C. CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E. Fellows, wftuam Freegard, T. ,Joseph P. Bishop, Minister W. Hopper, Buchanan Harrar, W. John Stettner. Assistant F. Klug, Jr., W. M. McCawley, and . SJlllJ1ay, !\lay l\,.., . .... " J. ·N·· Nutt iIoseph Gibson'· Is· 9:31), 10:45 llA.M.. -Chmch • .• '., ... SchooL scheduled to serve as acolyte at 9:~~,,& ·l1:tQ'.A.M.":Mr••.:B~?pP.e.;:S o:~locJt; ~~~C:•. aD,iI:~ J'!)m w= preae.,." . ~.. ,: ..: ; . ,. Simon at,U, During the U'o'clock I , METHODIST CHQJtQi' . ,service, Molly ~alik!'. apd. Susan .'. Roy N. Iteiser, D.D.~~"..~ ~~~ will. he.~ . charge 'ill.. Ate . Sunday, 'May 31 . nursery: After this· Sunday, the 9:45 A.M,-Church School. nursery will be discontinued: until to:OO A.M.-Young Adults. 11: 00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. tjle fall. , .. . 11;00 A.M.-Church Nursery. "The Boy's 9hoir will rel}earse TRINITY CHURCH . ,on Monday and Wednesday at 4 H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector p.m. and again o~ Thursday at Sunday, Ma.y 31 ,. 7:30 p.m. The GIrls' .Cholr reo8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion.' hea~al will be held on'Monday at 9:30 A.M.-Church School. 5 'p m . ' 11:00 A.M.-Holy Baptism and .. Morning Prayer. . . The regular mid-week c~lebraWeclDoSday, .June 3 . lion of the Holy Communion will 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. be held at 7:15 Wednesday mornTHE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Ing. . OF FRIENDS . The Executive Committee of the Sunday, May. 31 ... Woman's Auxiliary will hold a 9:45 A.M.-FIrst Day School. "_d t 10'. 30 a.m. Thursday' 9:45 A.M.-Meetlng·for Worship. mee ...... a 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. In the Reclor's study. The annual Children cared for. In Whittier plcllic of the Auxiliary will be House. All ·are welc:cime., held· on the Rectory lawn at 11: 30. 7:00 P.M.-H. S. Fellowship· Monday, June 1 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES All day sewing for' A.F.S.C. . WeclDesc1ay; .JoneS . All day SPWing 'for 'A.J'.S:C.·· "Ancient' and Modem Necro7i30 P.M.~Mid-week Meetlnii maney, AlIas Mesmerism and for Worship. Hyp,!otism, Denoun~'~' Is . the .. FlRST CHURCH(,Olit ,., suhl8c!t I>f. the Bible Lesson to be . CHRI$T. S~ST reed'· in all Christian Set,....,e Park f:~~ Harvard' . churdles next Sunday. S~, May S1 The Golden T~ is: ''They that 11:00 A. •.--Sunday SchooL observe lying vanities forsake 11:00 A. ]I.-The Lmoa SU_thelr own mercy ••• SaIVatlnn Is will be ",Ancient and Mr"!i.t t»~drd."... (.Tonal;'''~I~ai1I);./· " : •...• IIEGI~S' - DELIVERY ''. ' ' Necromancy. Alias Mesmeli . . ~. 1' .... "¥' -~" - ' . . .. '~. . -. " .0.;" CMRau INYmD DRIVE . :, "'~ , • .'. -·"r , " . F USC 0 ' MOT 0 R .. '. • , . . CHala' .... "..R~ ROADSt tii;~:?:l=j;.:.:::r,.:; .~d~S .EllCl,"~- . D...... I• •".. SWt-fl" Antiques & Ga... LI:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'::! i~~";;;ji"·.··ii-iii·~'iiliii____;;; and Hypnotism, Denounced" . ' .. . Wednelday' . ~ . ~ lIIIr. and Mrs. I)anie1 S. M~ of - each week, .. '~itIe.4"':-: ParrIsh road spent several ~.t ..,.~ ~ (By AppoIDtmttt)' '< lI01)t,lil O'C»oJ>.er . .DfiII. ~0lG8 Wtomor last week. Mrs. Robert Arnold, Wallingford HIlls, repOrted to ~ board last week th a t the W estern Committee of 'which she is' chairman, had raised '$208 toward the NU1:ses' Scholarship Fund: will ' lD",fUm 'Swartlllll"". 'Pa•. L-IK.... · Artists You Are Cordially mvited .to Attend A Free Lecture ·on Christian· Scienee DAlLY' CHURCH SCHOOL Holy, Communion will, be. cel~ FltlENDs MEETING NOTES ebrated at 8 o'clock Sunday mornSunday, May 31; .wIll:·mark the ing, and at 9: 30: all. departments of the Church School· meet. clOSing session of FliSlDay School for this academic year.. Friends At 11 o'clock a service of Holy I!aptism and Morning Prayer will will be notified of the re-openlng . 1 TD.. Co•••lt Oar ;w~o~r~k~d~uri~·~ng~~th~e~s~um~m~e~r~.===~~~~~~~~~~~~;;; baptised. Arlene la the granddaughter of·Mr. and·Mrs. William H. Lee of ~arvard avenue. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop officiated -------- ward H. Alston, WI1l1am.. C. Collenb Warren Crafts· and Geo;::'W Zanzinger 0 Wedn', d J' 3 t 8 n es ay, une , a o'clock ;,; the hurch th ·ill c, ere w be an Informal reception for the new hlsPastor"ilRev. John C. Kulp d an tam y. All. members· of· the· church and their triends are cordially Invited; Supe.rvlslon of the nurs.ery for small 'children will be proVIded. / ---'------ . "',.' , .1 c..... IAIIR••••. Day or " . UIJIIIII • 11011' . . A ' 5 ... & Mo•• SWarftt....... "'2516 WE NOW HAVE fellowship at that time, are ·asked to speak to one of the ~ or telephone the church office during the week. There will be a Desert · h.eId f or the Sesslon and Mee.t mg the new members on Thursday evening, June 4; at 7:30 p.m. in McCahan Hail: The Choirs will meet at thelr usuai times this week: The Junior Choir at 3·: 30 and the Chapel Choir at 8 on Thursday, the Cherub Choir at 10:30, a.m. on Saturday; and the Senior Choir on Su,!,day at 5:45,i.;1!'.'_ .,. Dr. and Mrs. Gilmore Stolt Dartmouth avenue announce the birth of a son, William Gilmore', on May 26 in Bryn Mawr Hos- .l'"UL fH·LEGE·.' Fab•• Paper S_pleS.ades Shad•• Made to'Oioder . Any slie In FallrIeo or PaPer C J Mr. and Mrs. C. Whitford McDowell, Jr., of Bloomtleld. N. J., Handmade 1wnpshailes Reduced 1J!iape; i~~~;;;~~~~;;;~~~;g~~~~~~~~~~~~: B1ta,...,h'l'&ylDr AGE$ 3-9 5 ....... Art. M.slc' Girt 'Had Swlm..iq' alld Hot Lu.cIte.EVIII"ythI..~ Weeki, ~,,'ReqHSt .. 1'.... ~ Trall.p0rtuftu. Avallabl. ,"REP MOU" CJuistiIe. ,.,.., Fourth "I saw it in the Swarth/norean." There will be a Daily Vacation SllBJECT: Church School at the Swarthmore "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, TilE SIMPLICITY OF ITS per meeting ,at" 6:30' p.' m; The Sun~8y,there;will.be.no·sche.Iul- Presbyterian Church 1rom June 19 HEALNG ME'I1I@" guest speaker;' this week will be ed Meeting for. Worship at 11 a.m. through July 3, from 9 to 11:30 In, . Dr. Harry of· PEiJmsY,lva- children. will ~'qale!l, for, as the morning. Mrs. George A . .. LECTURER: Will. B. Davis, C.S.B. nia Hospital, '.whowlll speak:' on usu81, In: Whittier HoUse for those Hunter wili be the Director. Chil"Ii. Psychiatrist's: Viii",: 'of ,Reli- who wish to atterid' ·the Bacca- dren from four to 11 years of age of: ChiCagO, Dlinois laureate Scrvlce in Clothier Mem- will be accepted. ' MemMr of the'· Board 01 LectureshIp- of The lIIIotiler gion." :R,wstfatlon j>1ru)la; may be obChurch; The First Church of chfljC,' seleJiUSt;lli' Bodoa; The Young .Adults will leave orial. The, Meeting· House will be M'iis-achufietts. ' open for any who wish to eome'attaiiled' ·trom.,. 'the' Presbyterian Saturday morning for a week~end tli!s time. . . Church Office. ' at Blue MouriWn Camp,· near PLACE: Reading. Clothier· Memorial, The Missions and Benevolences .. ME11IODIST. MOTU' AWAll1WSE1tYlt:E PIN Swarthmore CoUege Campos' . Committee will trieet ,for the 'regu~ At the. ito'clock' Morning Worlar monthly meeting on TUesdaY, ship Sunday Rev. John C. Kulp Mrs. Edson S. Harris, Sr., of TIME:· , Moylan-Rose Valley, was one of June 2, at 8 pm .' In the onr Sunday. May 31, 1953--3.• 30 P.M. .. oman. · be will use as the subject of his sec- two members of the board of diAssociation Room• Thls will (Daylight Saving Time) ond sermon in this pulpit, "My the last meeilng ""tUne.:t fall'petermlnatlon,'; from. the text'ln rectors of.the.Public Health NursAUSPICES OF: New members'wIll be w i d Ing Service,' Delaware County, to , e come I Corinthians 2: 2, . "I am deterFirst Chureh of Chris... Scientist, to the Church o.ncS.iInday, June.7. mirred·to know nothing among'You receive a pinawatd from the ComSwarthmore Pa. Any tolks atten\ling· the. services ,except Jesus Christ." munity' Chest of Philadelphia for who would Uke to unite with the 25 years service at the regnlar bi. Ushers for the day will be Ed:~ m:onthly meeting of the board held M. WEINSTEIN & SON·S· pital, Wilmington. . The baby Is a grandson of st·r.. and Mrs. W. H. Linton of W 'a, and M r. and · Mrs. Frank V. ' ......wster of Dickinson avenue.""~ . n, l.n In the Fall. Bibles will be present'ed at the mornIng Ass-n"1y to the Mr:'BlshGp·· WIll preach at the Graders. Parents of ibis two services on Sunday moming class are cordially ·lnvited to aton "Brooks That Run Dry." There this pilua\atkla. will be a 9:30 and ll'9'C!ock serv- tend On Sunday' the First Day School Ice. will entertain children from The Church School will hold Frlendty Acres. They will join the their regular clBS6es from 9: 30 on groups at First Day School a.nd to 11: 00; the Men's and Women's then accompany various families Bible Classes will meet at 9.: 30 'to thelr homes for dinner, and ·the a. m. The Senior High School Fellow- afternoon. Bec8\1Sit June 7, Is Baccalaureate ship meets this Sunday for a sup- PtESamRIAN: NOTES 11r~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~i~~ii~i~-~r=ITW~~"'~'·ii'~ -....,------- HObarlli~~~~~J>r~es~b~yt:.enan~' ~':~~~,II 1IIlII. LLOfl) E. KAUfiHAN SWARTJIlII[OIlE, PENNA.; nIDAY, KAY Swarth~ . . "It DEADUNE-WEDNBSDAY NOON Cleaners and Tailors n.· ~GAZIl'JB8 at the·PoR the Act of March 8, 18'1.8. F=~~~;::;;~~~===~=======::::=====4 Ro~rson :~e~:'o:n:e;::;;nCw=':ve~:!;: 0 dent of the senior clus'at College. Snape, a graduate of Swarthmore High School In 'i950 is a Cadet Captain I;' the ., Force ROTC, and is an outstanding attack on the varsity lacrosse team. EnsIgn Richard P." Taylor, Har- ,Jaa~ 24, '18211, ROI-=DT,I ATZ 0 wner ~Iss Mrs. George L. Alston served as hostess and Mrs. John H. Pitman, co-hostess at a tea for the Friendly Circle at the last meeting of the season held at the North Chester home of Mrs. Alston, Thursday, May 21. lIIIeetings will be resumed in October • A dessert-bridge given by the. Circle in April was CQIlSldered very successful. All members wish to thank those who made It so; The prOCeedS will enable the Arlene Taylor, daughter of Mr. CIrCle to gtve assistance to Campo and Mrs. Harvey Clayton Taylor Sunshine and Hope, and also proof South Chester· road, was also vide a balance to carry on Its Birney Kellogg Brown and Bradley Crawford Brown, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. WUfred Bailey Brown. of· Harvard avenue and Terry Ann Rickson, daUlhter ot Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rickson of Park· Forest, Ill.,. were baptized at the morning servIce of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, May 24. They are the grandchildren of lIIIr. and· Mrs. Birney K, Norse of Harvard 'avenue.' Pt1BLJ8BED BVDY FBlDAY AT IIWABTBIIOIIB. PA. THE BWABTJIIIOItEAN; JNO~ PtlBLI8JIEB PboaeSW. . . . . . . . ..... , Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Scarborough of Rutgers avenue have. been entertalnlng as their house guest Mrs. ~carl)orough's mother Mrs. Earl Edwards of Macon, Mo. Mr. Edwards will join the family ca::: ;:~~. B. Banks of HIl1"Vari~1 groMu p tJhlsAweek-end. . rs. . • Pep-y of the avenue flew ;lo Omaha;" , more Apartments entertained reSunday on a' business,trip cenlly· at a lun' cheon-bridge , .at· I severa days. Rolling Green Golf Club. Mr. Lyman A. Darling of LaMr. and Mrs. T. Saulnier of fayette avenue will leave tomor- Princeton avenue will entertain" 8S row by plane for Natchez, Miss., their guests over the holiday to visit his' mother Mrs. A. M. week-end, former Swarthmoreans Darling who fs critically ill fol- Mr, and Mrs. William Argyle of lowing a heart attack. Mrs. Darl- S ing lias: frequently ';Isited her son carsdale, N.Y. and family here. NA-------Mrs. Donald Crosset of RiverMEs AnENDANTS view road retu~ed home Sunday Miss Bettie Brittain of Tazewell, following a tlve-week trip to the Va., will be ma,iII of· honor at the west co~t, visltJ.ng relaUves .in marriage of' M.Iss Lyl)De Los 'Angeles and San Francisco. nette I.each,.\laughter ,9f a.nd Dr.. 'J, .W: Dicks 'of L!>,- Mrs. Li"yd I,.ynI.ea"hof W,IllIillS"' fayette avenue is visiting' for forll, ,toM.r.. ,Edwln Frank Wind~, m<>nth with 'his .son Dr. G·,I"'·''!iel;so~;n~.o~fl ~. .and Mni· hank D, Dicks of Baton Rouge, La. ,of W~~~; John W"Snapii:of Harvard ave_s,'lI(art.lll!lqI'j', '1':h.leh nue has been' .!lected vlCe_preSi_S!I,t.~, JUD,e .6 SmMICBD'TIONS AU. 'rHE sW~OREAl'f The Bouquet Mrs. G. R. Manslleld of Park a""nue returned home Tuesday after a three - month visit with relatives in Ohio and. with son and daughter-In-law. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Mansfield of Ar- ., j;::====:':======::' vard avenue, having completed a The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop announce the birth of a son, John .8001 TEA Naval air technical traIning course officiale. Appley McDowell, on May 23. viii FI t J k Benellt Book for Eorea a . ac son e, a., May 16, has The b,",~esmalds will be MIss tn Korean PUnd spenclJngtwo weeks,Clt lolding daily a&encles work. Mrs. Walter practices, weather pej,mltting, and "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer Schmidt, Is the acting. chairman:'of at the end of the flrst Week a team the live agency N)U"Sing Confer- of "Hornels'"'will' . be picked to ence Group with Mrs. Lukens as represent Swarthmore in the ED , Right Now YOl,lr Car Needs These alternate. CO League. BaSeball Instruction IIGet Ready for Summer" S,rvices and practice sessions will continue LWV Eleds Officers 1-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL during the summer for the whole CLEAN 'oAND ADJUST SPARK WInter oil Is too ,thin for warm w_er. PLUGS For Two Year Terms groUP of boys whether or not We drain It;......end. refill With Sommer selectQd for the leagu,,·team. Reg, tn>e 8 ......... ·011, Dlrty'spark plup _ ... mueIJ ~ 1 (ContinUed. from Pap 1) out of eY1 the luncheons. '..' the 20 squad mmnbers, with an DIWD _ I o n ...d roar reIUJ With' ~ _ eualDe brea&he ....I _ . 8.......,., AD-p~ 0,. Lubrlcant_ dirt out .,. the _ _• Reports of the recent State Con- extra charge for the league team _~ made to ....Iot hlch pressure vention were made by Mrs. Casey, members. ' ...d heat. II-DRAIN ANTI. FREEZE AND Mrs. Campbell l\lld Mrs. William The lirst game against Ye~don 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION , FLUSH RADIATOR C. McDermott, who attended as will be played at Riverview Field 8poclal Lubricant . . - to help keep out CHECK HOSE, CONI;IECTIONS the League's delegates. squeaks and wear. Won't 4rJ' out. won.-& on Tuesday, .. June 2, at 6: 15 p.m. ler.shire's great ••'1-ACQUAINTED SAL Famous Berkshire' Stockings with the Nylace Kantrun Top regularly 7.35 b., ~ . . • ,•f SWARTHMORE MUSIC CLUBll A meeting of the Swarthmore 1r...________~F~ro~m~·.;.t~h~e_S~w~a~rt.;.h~'m~o;.;r.;:e.;:a~n~F.;.iI~e~s________....:J ... Dr. s. Parkes Cadman of .Brook-/ C. Mitchell president of Delaware Iyn delivered the, address at the. State College w I II give tl)e Commencement exercises of the address. Twenty-eight stUdents Mary Lyon School Tuesday eve- will be in the class, olfe of the ning, May 29. Pupils of the school largest eyer graduated from the presented "Master Skylark" in the school. school's orchBrd Monday afternoon with dancing on the lawn , The Friehds' Aid Society will by pupils of Seven Gables in con- meet every Wednesday mOrning nection with the play. The new during the ..summer from 8: 30 to senior residence hall was dedicat- 12: 30 o'clOCk. Garments are being de Sunday evening. made for the Belgian and French '. , plaine consistS of an award to orphans. pupils in Swarthmore PU.blic I Swarthffiore Preparatory School Schools contrbuting most to Commencement will be 'held on The Clara Barton Auxiliary of music 'interest in the Js~hools. Friday morning, June 8, at 10: 30 the. Red Cross has finished 150 .memorial to Mrs; o'clock, Dr, George F. ~lessing of garments since it was organiZed to the fund being accumulated Swarthmore College will make the May 3. An earnest appeal 'is made music and possibly later a gather- address. His subject will be "The for everyone in Swartrunore to ing place (or making music in the Present Duty and Future Re- come and help either Thursday a't sponslblJity of Young Men." commuru't'y. .". , Whittier House or Fridays at the Another' m.!eting for" t1iEi disWoman's Club and please send The College Comml!l!cement is your sewing machines to the Club. cussion of plans 'will be' hel&'June 15 'It 8: 15 p.m. at the home of Mr. the greatest event of the year in Svvarttimore and the d~ication of Seybold, 40 Amherst avenue. Elaborate preparations have Wharton Hall made it a particu- been made for the dedication and "I saw it in ~e Sw~morean." pa.rly noteworthy. occasion. Degrees unvelling of the Honor Roll Tablet were presented. last Monday to designed by Mr. Guernsey Moore 89 graduates. The, baccalaureate and placed in the Station Square. address was delivered on Sunday The parade will assemble at the by Dr. John A. Miller, vice-presi- Borough Hall and march to the dent of the college. 'At the con- Woman's Club. In the line ot dusion of his address, Mrs . march the following organizations Elizabeth Powell Bond former will be represented: pUblic School Former'y dean of the college presented a children, Private School students, CARNS thought which fell like a benedlc~ Boy Scouts, Fire and Prote<;tive tiOh on her hearers. Association, and the Home Re650 Baltimore Pike serves. Captain J. Kirk McCurdy Springfield, Del. Co.; .Po. The High School Commence- will lead the procession. SWarthmDre 6·0450 mimt will be held at. 8'· p.rn.' in 'Op •• 8 A .... to 6 P.... the High Scho.ol Auditonum on The contribution of Swarthmore :Wednesday, June 20, Dr. Samuel since October I, 1915, for Ar- .Diluzio and Sons •• • • SIARTHMORE .NATIONAL BANI AND -TRUST COMPANY I , Florist , menian and Syrian relief has been $1349,27. Through the 'Y0man's Committee of the Home Defense League splen~d results in community gardening are being obtained, The Food. Committee of the Woman's Club cooperated and a fund to Ladys Aid (great for the gentleman; too) meet all necessary expenses was raised, The Junior Section of the Woman's C 1 u b planted 1,000 tomato plants. . ( . . ~ \ \ '*........... _ _6cJ_ "".1 ""'''1 Meet tAelillfe N"""""'ntly wheellac tlaat We Sapor "88" OIdomoblle into • tip, opOt '" tile _h. • ~ men"""...mC tbroaah • _ I of traiIio. Sa wiT allioiug tile ldpway with. tile of. yoteraD ........1 1Vluil'.... _ ? ~ S .. The kiDII. of.PoW.: that lei. ,.... _ .... "" .. , ., ..... of with jad linp-cip . . PI'!JIWe. The kiDd tIaat tIibe ciat 1be"dc;at • yet 1ea_ '" the "foOl of tbo .......M. The kiDII of Po..... S-iq tha, 0Id_1-,. idf_ .' • ........ with P.......Bnk.... Po..... lJtyIinc. aud the 165 hnepo.....·"1!ooketM EncinO /lee 'DO IOoa ••• "" :f'1U' ...ookel JUdeMI ... , .u s-m, ._"'10 , . en-.r..-r_____ ........... Il¥. ere . '.....1 '" •••ra ••••• • , FEET HURT,? ca..... balaty .-+ ..aI. relef.H,.. a tralaed c.rr"lI~e"" .,.clalst. _ -t, prove _ m.,.... _'&~u_ outl BeIpa Im- "-CHECK OIL FILTER klJ cI ta&zNp ~ e.... fOr IeIb. 5-8AnERY SERYICED 1IV1D&.r.. P! * A dIIIIDM wa&er. We eJaeeI[ 7 'IT toqIl _ cIMIl '-It ... tena....... aM M•••, al. prien. MACK lLANK S.... 303 , 14~ CIt .. ,.1 Sh ... T.I••••• 1111 . ....... 604932 .. , -ADD RUST RESISTANCE If , . ._ flaw _ pa: .1IIIq ntIIlt UlIil.freeR. aft ." for _ ...... __ tabIer. ... ----- ·'..II~I."., COi'_ ~ 'w,' c',.. tare JIdIe.. -~ "rl! 11. Jf a!!leJ.. ·O'L.OSMOBI LE . HANNUM & WAITE ell......... ' ... Aw••I. . , . CHECK.UP OF TIRES ss....rt.'.· " , ; , - - - - MAY IS "SAPln.CHICK" MONTH .... S.I YOUR OLDSMOa ... 1 DIALIR _ _ _ __ ,. WHITAKER';· BARRETT. , Inc. . _II. . 6-lut 340-W~ 'ALTIMORE, PIKE ,un. 10; VALUIS' IN '~.,"~I8'TlD U.ID - - 'lOUR O'•• MO• • DB.ln· .l.O . . . , .. Twenty-five Boy Scouts of Swarthmore Tro'op Two parti!'ipated in the Brandywine D~ Camporee at Tyler Arboretum on May 22-24; The program for the camporee included campslle inspections, demonstrations of campcraft by the scouts, camp games and a camp/ire which opened will> .an exciting Itidian fire-hoop dan.... Troop '!'Wo's campers were George Ganett, Senior Patrol Leader; Don Scari>orough, leader of othe Bat Pl\.trol; DWight Sipler', Peter Campbell, Peter Walsh, David Shute, Jebby Turner andMik", Yarrow, Bat Patrol members; Kelth Richardson, Rattlesnak& Patrol leader, Steve Delano, Da"", Peck, Dave Mast, Steve Peck and George . Brodhead, RattlesnakePatrol members; Joe Gibson, Barry Schaum and Don Carberry of the Wolf Patrol; Bill Warden and Kelly Murphy of the Rebel Patrol; Johnnie McQuade, Jay Lord and Fred Kellerman of the Panther Patrol; Andy Roxby, Patrol leader of the Eagle • Patrol, and Bill lIIbrrison and DickGurin of the Eagte Patrol. On Wednesday night of this weel!: Troop Two were hosts tOo boys who have graduated from Cub Scouting, and their dads. A special program .WBB presented to introduce the boys to Boy Scouting. The Scouts invite ariy boy who Is interested in Scouting and waS unable to attend· Wednesday'" meeting, to come on any future Wednesday evening to theSwarthmore Presbyterian Church at 7 p. m. to visit a Jiteetlng of thetroop. . . • Boy Scouts Take Part In Camporee OLDSMOBILE POWER'STEERING LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR RUN BE II ER - LONGER , I Music Club was held on May 18 at the home of Mrs. James Delano of North Chester road. Plans for the coming year were dtscussed )ylth the objective of extending interests In the community. life, John W. Seybold was' elected president and Edith Bunting, secretary-treasurer. Memorials, amounthw to $25.00 each, were voted for the late Mrs. Ellen Delaplaine and Mrs. Dorothy Hunt." The memorial to Mrs. Dela- 15·' South Chester Road In 36 Years A.go in Swarthmore MEdia 6-0100 CAR. _ _ Mrs. Daniel S. Mane and Mrs. R. Lloyd Jones, both of' ParrIsh road, will entertain at'a luncheon and bon v07IISe 1h0wer,tmnoJT(IW in honor at Mrs. Marvel Wilson of Strath Haven avenue. • • Swarthmore Woman's Club Reviews Activities and PhiJanthropic Works According . to the cartoonist Lichty, a woman's club Is a gathering of plump matrons who come to show their new bonnets, listen to highbrow lectures' and discuss fruitless plans to better the world. In a recent cartoon he pictures a meeting with a woman speaker reading pompously, "And,our ~ precious herltsge, Is more tban just freedom of speech, it's the liberty to say what we think wlth(lut thinking what we say." Members of the local WOtnaD.'S Club are forgiving of Mr. Lichty, who they charitably agree, must have some target for his sarcasm, but they have heard' others speak in serious vein of women's clubs as selfish, time-killing organizations, As the Woman's Club of Swarthmore completes its two years under the recent administration of Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth as president, Its members look back upon worthwhile, practical lectures 'and ,Informal 'talks,profltable recreation; and helpful c1as.es in painting, Spanish, crafts and educational trends. But the " club is even more pleased with the amount of philanthropic work done for the community· and its neighbors throughout the world. To ,illustrate this phase of club activity, a summary is given he,e of this year's work of the health end wi~ their grandparents Mr: Shoemaker entertained at a famity and Mrs. W. R. Sh.....aker of bullet supper for 16 Sunday eveMr. and Mrs. Edward A. JenRlvervlew road. Mr. and Mrs. nlng. . kins, 2nd and children Davy apd Susie of Chester. N.· J., are visitIng for 10 days with Mr. Jenkin's • parents Mr. and Mrs. How3rrl M. Jenklns of north Chester road. A graduate of George School, Mr. ' Jenkins attended his tenth reunion last Saturday. His wife altended her tenth at Westtown. NEWs NOTES been distributed to the. Community Chest, the Embreeville Stale Mental Hospital, Red Cross, Camp Sunshine, Frlendiy Open House, Community Health Service, Delaware County Blind Association, County DenW Clinic, Planned Parenthood Association, Crippled Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of , Chlldren, Salvation Army, Girl Lafayette aver-ue will atter;Jd the Scouts, and about a dozen other annual Memorial Day re-union of causes of slmllsr nature. the Lukens family to be held at The members of the department Goshen Grange in Chester County. spent many mornings working on Carol and Chip Shoemaker of cancer dressings and disposal Haddoneld, N. J. spent the weekbags for the vlsillng nurses, and lea towels for Family Service. FURNACES Aside from the hours of time given, Ihe dellartment has raised and Vacuum'Cleaned donated a total of over $450 this year. Other departments which have ' done phllanlhroplc work for the community and elsewhere are: educalion ;Iter, Swimmer: ' ',-. Desserf P~ny: Ye.sfe.rday ¥ammal, Cook; Lyiule Prather-- The oldest and first troop In' Closes S!:ouhng Year ~, Cook, ltotlseie\!per; Barbara Swarthmore-No. IS-worked on fbr LetWd' " . Hostess Adams - Cook; Dawn HOyer - their First Aid badge tbIs year , ers • and the foUowlng girls were preTo contlD:u.~ the report on the . The touoWJig iilrl$ in' Troop 83 sented with the award ,as well as Girl Scout :t1Y"UiI lI'rid Court of recelveG thePl'atet and TrOop a pin in recognition of five years Awards iie1d .iast ,weer< in £lie Hlch Dramatics badge: Nika Fairbanks in Scoutlnl!: Margaret Bullitt, School Auditorium, the following Joy~ lViUJarill, Ann Haworth' Shirley CarPenter, Carol Golf girls from Troop 3111 received the I~elen Calhoun, Jackie Grii'y SUSi~ Molly Huse, Victoria McNair, Do'; Cook prol,lciency 6aage: Marilin Ma'ish; J~'eY MatiIet:, si;tncer Rodgers and Amy Ryerson. Norma Det~er, Susan Hayward, Lesite Carroll, lIJary, Van Urk· binda Clark received her First Aid Ann Kurtzhalz, Ma.., iou 'Nlc~ Ullie; ChruSi&' Srpier,suai~Pres_ badge. Three girls were given the Cornl; &jn anlt Jeail PaUl; Nt'ta 1on, Nancy o:rhelan, getty Gem- top award In Girl Scout ranking' Slalner, Martha Tiller. In addi- miD, Barbara Seyinour, an'& Ada Shirley Carpenter, Molly H~ tion,' Susan, Leslle 4m>' Jean and Kroon. I!J. addition, Joyce, Helen, and Vickie McNair received their Ann received the' H6usekeeper Jackie ;Barbara,' SXlenl!er', Mary, FIrst Class ,badge. In addition badge. ,Ann Essel earned the LInda and Ada ri!celved the Cook Margaret Bullitt earned First Aid to Animals; MoUy Huse won her Drawing and, Painting badge, and" badge. Weaving, W~d,. and Life Saving Susan Campbell, Barbara:M;;The following girls earned these badges, and VIckie McN~ir earned Clarin and Mary Lou .McCorkel additional prOficiency badges: N. the Tree badge. won the Games award. The Swim- Fairbanks-Dog and Cat, Star; J. Yesterday, the. year's scouting mer ba~ge, was given to M. .wiili~Danc\!1', Chlld Care; A. McCopkel, Lois Thomp!;On and Haworth-Swimer, Bird Drawing for the adults ended with a desMartha Tiller. and Painting, Folk D~ncer;' ·B. sert-party for old and new leadAll the girls in Sixth Grade Warburton-Dog and Cat, Swim- ers. It was given by Mrs. HalTroop won the Troop Dramatics mer, Boatlug" Photographer; J. lock CilmpbeU, new Neighborhood and Hostess badges. Additional Mather - Drawing and' Painting, Chairman, and Mrs. Mace Gowing awards are as foHows: Addis GIl- Bird, Folk Dancer, Metal; S. Car- outgoing chairman, at the hom~ ftllan--Sewing, Housekeeper, Han- roll-Hou:;ekeeper, Dancer, Games of the lalter, 635 Parrish road .. dywoman, Cook; Ailie Walker- ~r~wing and Painting, Group MI1~ Wood, Interior" Decoration Mam.- SlClan, Home Nurse, Child. Care ~ Metal, Cook,' Drawi~g and Clerk; M. Van Urk-Swimmer' CO-ED BEAUTY Painting; Lil)dsey BreakeU-'-Chiid Clerk, Dancer, Pottery, Winte; ,Care, Housekeeper, Cook; Janiee Sports, SeWing, Games; Linda SALON Compton - Handywotnan, House- Uthe - ' Housekeeper, ,. Mainmal, . k~per, Writer, Games, Good Writer, Metal; S. Preston-Writer Grooming, Mammal, Clerk; Anne • Open Thu';.day Nigh,. , A,:dillt Clppliancea are' . .. Pap 7 Dra9$g and Uleful,electrlcr; , '& 1BE S'WABTBMOIlEAN ProfICiency Badges' , Bett¥ iW'~'A:ioI S.',ts';HOusek~, " 11_1111 ,. ,=================:::::========-,1 SRA NAMES tREASURER Gilbert Mustin was appointed May 29,1953 • .... ... and welfare department, of which Mrs. Jutlson R. Hoover was chairman. , I •THE S'WARTBMOBEAN Pille 6 / H: 5. GRADUATE W,INS LACROSSE HONORS , .. ';fohn' Snape, Hobart, College junior from Swarthmore, has become·,the first, Statesmen lacrosse player ever to seal"!' 100 goals. ''Sltape,5-11, 160~polirid aUack ace; has led' Hobart scoring for thtee years -, with an' average 'of 35"'goals per' seaSori. 'In 1951 he registered" 34 "goais and' flv'" assll!t.i;- in n games; last year' he clicked for a8 tallieS and 15 'aS~ sists, in 10', ganies. DUring the sea; sOrl' just ended he canie through with 33 goals and seven assists In only seven games. His three year toPlI is 105 goais-'-the highest at Hobart. Although at 160 pounds Snape isn't big enough to bore his' way past burly defensemen,' he's got all the other attributes of lacrosse greatness. He's very fast, is a tremendous dodger and has almost aweSome stick haodling ability, according to Babe Kraus, lacrosse coach at the New York College for 27 years. During the season just ended, Snape 'shepharded the greenest team Hobart's had in' yeats to a winning ........... The Siate&men won four'of 'seven startSaS'Snape acored nearly half Of' their 72 • y 'Un? . - , aet in wm. -tb. _ t to decorate the grave of ... IODI!, dead, aclom 1CJIIr 01fI1? • lI"'IM-"l"C"~.tt.. of coarael But DOt Mady 80 . , - . ..De .. . , It. h I 01. the ,... 8GUqr .if ..I . . . . " . , A 1* June , ':' • , ,,:. . '~:.','" 1,.' r "J¥ a' Oae_oftt.e,s • cleatbo ......... m-eael ',... iI .. -b .n .... I""'f'e-'l'eaasyt...ania .. ,' tit ..... IZ ,itII· YOU CAN COOPERATE wrm us BY,lIOLLOWo ING TIlE BEST TRAFFIC RULE OF AU.- THE GOlDEN 1lULE. TAU TIME TO JlA.'VBiA IP' Ilf 8f , )IE ; ' U I , DAY. "'. , ·;~~·~Vim"tuelp&~liienre .~~~OIl,mtaio' " '. ~..._ , WiI.....IMfi.......:h " "~ .' -T . ' , ,' 0.1'.'11 0 , ,'. _ _" ' • 1~' ,. '7" ...-- '. ".,~ '!' " ..-.~ 1:_,.·~ con ~ . .".".'''' , _,/Pt ClC_..:'.... . ~\ ..~ ! ... t~ '-i. ~.~ > . "... ,~getaDtt. ... at ~ina STANDARD CHltYIUiR EQulPf'urr.. that costs you eXtra competitive on ears • P9- Briuetlll II of England, will be pn.seloted this week. and next. by the Swarthmore League of Women Voters. Mrs. Stuart J. Fuller. Jr.• · of Harvard avenue, will be Inter.viewlld today (May 29) at 1 p. m. by Elsie Jones over Radio Station. WVCH. Mrs. Fuller. formerly a member of the British Air Force. now an American Citizen the mother of three young children. will explain the significance of the Coronation both tl) the English and Americans. She will be accompanied by Mrs, Waiter W. Goodwin of Rutgers avenue, the League's co..maIrman of International Relations.' I CELlA'SHOE SHOP Will Be Closed " SATURDAY at12 O'CLOCK NOON Durl.g P ..e9 , ~411e44(e1e ~,",,J ::t.~. IAMS~·r5ge:' ~65e STEAlS Next Tuesday. June 2. Mrs. AlG. Boyd, of Dickinson avenue, will participate in the Marian Pedlow program at '9 a. 'm.,' over WPWA. and give personai recollections of the crowning of Elizabeth's father, George II., as well as interesting sidelights on the Coronation .of the young Queen. Before her marriage to an American Army officer, Mrs. Boyd was employed in the English Parliament. She is also an American citizen and the mother of two .children. Mrs. William 'E. Thompso.o, of Wallingford, also a mem~er of the Swarthmore League, will emphasize the historicai significance of the Coronation,' "A FRIENDLY' PLACE TO WORK" ' ........ - . A,..I...... . - ~ COMES SPRING, COIIES 80lf :_t fa< _ _ (ItIdoQ 10nal . ' - . -.. '-. \ .' . StUfed ,..... Olir•• ~29t ,..... "",.., Ju. 1 ':: 21. Red "::6St Armour". or SwIWa Conaed letl '::"4'1 "'-1:: 23c Waxed "'--_. 1 ... 111 lapldas "IU~E·II.'·D UII1IU . . . . . . -VIae' . ,'rLerli::...... .. other : :,~35e a~d~ul~b~.~~~~~ ',..ar_ ACME MARKET, Chasti' 333· Dartmouth Ave. 0/ e-iau • • :-S-iT' . , .' • . , " , ., NOWAY tor August. Box A, The Swarth. morean. r=:-jiiiiiS''iir.~;i&,'lii; FOR RENT - Large double room '""dedl , - fireplace. private. bat!!, cooJ,r;-. ..' ing prlvileg'es, COOple or sinlle ==;::,,=::-:c:::Also single and WIil- • SINCLAIR D... EA~L... £RS' , .... ~'l_, 0'11 SO CO. YOUR tN'CINE CAN OOTLAST yOU'. CAR ~/~!2'iIfe O.LUMT • ... - - . . . . .. ... .aM•••• _...-..as '* n .........u ...IAU., her 15, Elm and road. Phone SWarthmore 6-1847. FOR RENT-Attractive room convenient to transpOrtation, Genprefened. Call SWarth8-3973. ~ . . . -~.-:g\...;u-.~J3----"" ....., . . . JlilIGB'l' OIL~ER. Swarthmore grade el", and ll. of p, dent, desire Swarthmore Box The' . . .iC;I •... IIIOIIDAY iilli.D . )lOON"SATURDAY _"DAD'" DOLmAYS Rd.~ . 'SWarthllHle PAINTING and .CARPENtRY· ,., 'I'DI" •• ~ 0 .... ,......day ••d Friday to 9 P.M. .. ipR·RENT-Avalon. N, J. Ocean ~~~~f~~~~~~~ilI8-204~ 8. ' Frontidter - FIrst floor apartment SW 6-4041 PETER E. 'JOLD AIr CondltiDnlng ' , surroundings, aCall 'aptI .porta lcclcl",ta. SWarthmole B. Lt._ ;'18e Jack Prichard' " , "'1=,. Roofing GuHers • I~~:~. RBAt UTATB .. INSURANCB 609 S; CB.~TB. . . . SW~ PmmA. , '. GEORGE .MYERS MahOgany,'Pedalilitd .. motor op- PERSONAL - Radios. television erated. $175 to $1140 _. 2 to 17 receivers. record changers add Box : ::~. LlablUty .Inlarance 4U Lilla . , 48c SUPREME BIEAD (a) .:. 15e _e- 'coven' Rolf _ IF PEI.SUlI." , "A fdeutlly prilce m wodC" PETER E.TOL"D ' HOBACB Get An Ixfra Supply If you·r...... who Joy. to .tbe pill," a.,4ter be ...... you're "eIl pioteCte4 . in cu. yoa Injure ODe. Compreh....lv. Per- ""t lulld..... La. .home,'" ~ Op.,a'ot for" a' ~zrne 0McW) , ,- .' ...".. F arlDo, 100 Gre.n_DdAv_, .....klntown, .... (Ask 0p0ra1Or fat 0..- 0IIIcIaI) , ". '-' • CIIcI. o.-g., eet, NOh Istown, ,ci. H."" it IOAP -LANOLIN . . .... .. .. (v~1!.) -. . ';' , ,. (AslrO;1 'GI.or for. Midway 0fWa1) "- ' .u nuPliu • ~~~'S~~te~··S~inet Organs. I;~~~~~~~E~d~w~a~~r~~~J~4~·6~~~a~¥f 6-0740.. 1953 models in Oak. Walnut and .... "JIIMe-- Cot"'. ,........ 0_ . . _ .... .2 w. Lanca..... Avenue, ~more, ... 11[ Blllbteon Y.....'t;l......en... Pb""e Media 6~11400 A price to.· meet every PamUy's lieed. -Iy..,..,- 011... (Ask Opo_ for Rl....h.... 0fIIcIa1) . 333 Dartmou~ Avenue Swarthmore, Pa• Swarthmore 6-1833 SWpCU.II 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. assUre H6MB '4001 (Alk Operator for Clearbrook OIGciol) \. ~ PICNIC NIIDS 6919 Ludlow Street, Upper Darby, Pa- (Ask d' . -te $~5 909 Mt -Professional instructors. Dual Holyoke place, .SWarthmore 6;;~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;'i,l· mlng-room sm " .• . "control . . 'y'our '!lerety. , -All Lines of 'Insurance for SwarthmDre 6-2253 Sheet Melal Work I~~~~~~~~~~~~~n ST-22-29--5 CANNON" 1\1::" BUILDER ~TlON estate havlJ;lg been granted. with PURCHASE $10.00 OR MORI Perhaps 'you, too, wonld be interested in a telephone. 'job near your home. Na experience is needed. and salaries are good frpm the very start. Lots of opportunities, too, for recent high school graduates. Call or stop in at any Bell Telephone Business Office or any of these conveniently locatei Eniployrnent Offices.' ." 'Ii opo'.'" abOv~ 110 sald estate are requeat;ed to ~e payment, and tbC¥Je having claims to to undersigned. all penonslndebted present .88me, 'Without delay to sofs"'· . AMY MJj:,D1;U!:D BOND c us h io n s . '128 Yale'Avenue SWarthmore' 6-0447. ====-:-::-==::-='-":~7-:--::-:-Swarthmore. Pa, FOR SALE _ Nine-piece walnut PERSONAL-Auto driving School "&'41«e4 2.25 V.I ....- . 80 E. Main on BATH TOWEL ~d She also lik~s the pleasant sunoundings, the a~ble working conditions, and the modem office macliines that are part of her job. She particnlarly likes the girls she works witli._ many of w~m are friends and neighbors.' '. , Dec'd. LIfi'1BkS. OP Plailnu........1 may be inspected. 'durlng business RABOLD OOBAII. JI9I~.li Asp.alt or ·Concrete Cellar Walls .Re-Plastered .Swarthmore (AIoy:U I. 30 ' ....\ : _ _ book man" 10 your ,and get. . Charles E. Fischer DrI"e.ayCoilltractlon COUPON No.5 _. 8-8818. late -oi sWarthmOre. -·Del. 00., Brm... In at..,,· SW PETER 01 NICOLA PERSONAL ESTATE NOTICE I!I8TATZ'OP JIIAN-.mAlIIIIl'Il Underwood'. Deviled Ba.!)dI.aJ .....at· Batter .~C:;J.. I J. f. :BLAC~N 1 1It-29-11-12 BOID-de-Ute Salad 'Bre...... ": Bed lIaruchlao CIt........ Standard QuaUqr Tomatoes .Swarthmore, .Pa. In Cement Walks, Steps and Patios JOSEPH ZIZZA SW ·6-2735 l'laInkld. New Jerttey CORIED BEEF R,ASB WI_. I!:" 25 PICKNICK. DILL· PICKLES ').." Ztc Betty C.o.ckel :BISQUI~K ~ 45e STAR~KIST TUNA ~:~= .~:- 31e of the two barllts, A copy of the ·'S&l4 agreement, executed e:'~ a ~~ofthe~of of r •• 4g e voting upon an,. othel' matters incl.. dental to the propoaed consolidatIon hours. CLASSIFIED' ADS 11n ea:slgllecl, au . persona lDdeb1:led to' the Bald _te are nqu_ '110 make payment. and tIl_ bavtng oJalm' to present the 8IUD8, without delay. to N.C. MYBR8 IH7BaatPront Street tile , TOMATOES "..!~;:d'" NAVEL ORAIOES ~III~"~ f)"t4t~ P;u. ,..et~hU'dg. NOTICE OP SYDNIfi OIlIIL<::aml JI"!'l!:RS. decee"d.. -. 1IB'llZRS TJ!J3TAllJlNTABit on :tIle <\b _"- ,bavtngbeen p'tm,ted to e • -.::....-----------------.,-------.11 ES~rATE ~ATZ LETTUCE ~ 12e that. tw9 banks.' providing for 'the 8QUdatlon, 11 an tUe at the bAnk ... 71e Sge Refr.slling Sarad For Memorial Day Crisp, Callfomla Iceberg Media. located In the Borougl>. Media. State of Pennsyl.vanla, under tbe provlsJoDS of the ta.w. of 'the l1Jllted States, ShalV be ratUledand oonllrmed: and for th8 p~ 'of Like so many other telephone people, Miss Dolores Andrews finds the Telephone Company "a friendly place to work." In addition, Miss Andrews likes the convenience of her telephone job. Her desk at the Bell Telephone Office in Upper Darby is only ,J few short minutes from her front door. 0;·' .. rUmUitTEii Ib lnl pursuant to call of lta dtrectora, a special meeting of the shareholders of swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Will be held at its banking house a.t South ObesteT Road. and Rutgers Avenue, in the BoraUgh of Swarthmore, state- of PellD&ylvanta, on Tuesday, .June 9, 1953, at 2:80 o'otock. p.m.. Eastern· Daylight Saving TIme, for the purpose or conslderlng and determIntng by vote whether an agreement to consolidate the nsld bank &Dd The' PiI'8t Natlonal Bank and convenient·· Ib HEN ·TURKEYS (::~) SIl.\BBHOLDEBS' MEETING NOTICE IS m:REB~ GIVEN poEi!.. ,_der, Plump, Br_d·areasted"'I2-16 lb. Avg. Mr, and Mrs. George A. Hansell. Jr,. of North Swarthmore avenue will entertain' infonnally Saturday evening In honor of Col, and Mrs. Stanton von Grabill of Cornell avenue, Col von Grabill has been granted a year's leave of absence from Pennsylvania Military College. He and his'. family will leave July 1 to spend a year in Arizona. Miss Dolores Andrews, of 107 S. 63rd Street, at her desk "in Bell T~ phono'. Upper Darby Accounting Office. General Federl\\ion. and Mrs. Luckie has' missed only four. On Wedru,sday '.1\lrs.Luckie was vited to.a luncheon ·of the American Hom~ department 'at Mrs. Ricllllrd Nixon was guest bonor. ....dI BepJu Gl'OUIIdB'" TeDder ........... Uver • S90. U. S. Graded Choice We.,ern Sf..r Beef fr~d "0- some . pr~linih\ary meetings. She gave her annual . report in Constltutlon 'Hall' on Wednes.day. . This is the 62nd meeting of the "ported Ca··ed Ba-. " i ' l Euopa Ca··.....~ tt.... l/'T'.,,'d Ge"ercrt/oli J oJre C'h i ' '. stman ·Mapel .. Talley, .imd ~oreD~. J. Lucasse. . . Mrs, S. Blair Luckie, who is historiaitof 'the 'Federation, left for WashingtOn on'S unday to attend CLOSED ALL DAY MEMORIAL DAY A TRADITIONAL MEMORIAL DAY fEAST Rabbi'" Collectlo. , Mr. Edward A, Jenkins of North .I I . I Chester road is recuperating i" Mrs. Baumann. ~waihmore Oilposa HORACE A. the University of Pennaylvan\aMrs. Helen Goodwin of Walnut Weekly or Monthly .REEVES H ospital t aIIowing an eye opera- lane entertained ''The Elghtsome" WA.RIN 'IIRCI 8wartbmore '8-2078 club at a luncheon-bridge Tues-. Bullcllllg'CDnStructlon tIon, Elinor Karns of the Hartford day with Mrs. Baumann as gu""t "'·--ideuu·.1 • I~:~~! of honor. nee Hospital School of ·Nursing, & I Commereial • Conn,. is spending a .tw9-week. Mr, Avery F. Blake. lacrosse .. vacation with her.parents Mr. and ~oach at Swarthmore College. and SW 6-2290141 7-11674 .' Alterations Mrs,.George 1\4, KarnsQf Welles- Mrs. Blake of Amherst avenue 'Registered' 17.112 Sou" C.eater Road ley road. will enlertain the lacrosse team of Plumb'n; - EI .."I••' - Co .... ", Sw_I'!IIImore 6-3450 formIca Kltthen To" di t Mr. and Mrs, A. Ludl0y.' Clay- 28 members at a nner party Ii "C.lttI", KItch.. Cabl...... ;~~~~~~~_iI\ISIl~~~ den of Park avenue are enter- their home this evening, Avery I:~~~~~~~~~~~~~ taining as their house guest for a Blake; Jr.• is captain. of the team, M r. an d M rs. 0 scar S , H a rt 0 f Sw'.....' • - .'144' 8 RESIDEN1'AL AND week Mr.s .. Cla.vden·s sister Mrs. . . AM O'OKS Harry P. Baumann of Eva.nston. "Lafayette avenue entertamed as WILLI BR . COMMERCIAL Ill. . th@r week - end visitors their A h & R bb' h R ed CONSTtUCTION B es U'8 emov Mrs. R~ll H.:Kent of Phila- grandson Richard ,Hart of Swedes'Lawns Mowed. 'Geueral delphia entertained a foursome for. boro. N. J. . Bawling Alterations 238 Barding Ave., lIIorton, Po. ,Mrs, OPEN' rImA! IILLIO ,.II. lunch .and bridge at the Aronimink Golf Club FrIday in honor of NEWS NOTES Dt\legates from -the Woman's Club of Swarthmore to the Generai Federation of Women's Clubs being held inWashingtn.D.C.. four days of this' week are: Frank G. Keenen, president, 'II'. W. ." Ind Our Mark_Will . . and' JUNE, JULY, AUGUST ". THE SWAIl'IUMOBEAN t Mrs., Willard Crane' of "Misty \ Suburban area at its annual spring Hill", Ridley Creek road, Media, meeting. One hundred club memwas ·hostess last week to the· Wel- bers enjoyed the picnic supper in lesley Club of Phlladelphia and the iarden of Mrs. Crane's home. . May 29, 1953 Baird RHf IT! a Est';;.. "a~" I..."jllt...···,··· ; SW 6-0740 COl. OAITMOU1'll oM lA'AYEI i I AYINUES COAl- ' FIflEPlACE wooD 0".,.....,....... SWOlI' IIJr. MJ.... , SINCLAIR CHESTER .... FAIRVIEW tOADS - PIto•• SWam••re 6 3681 " -. ";<_"'"7 ,f,. mE SWARmMOREAN Page 10 Kappas to Sew June 2 Pack 101 Concludes Year's Activities May 29, 1953 '1._. m. ~ " ~ ~______ .' , (Ix", •••••W.) m~ting. • UPHOLSTERY & CUSTOM SLIP COVERS CHAIR SEATS rebuilt-new webbing, springs retied -$10.00 to $17.50 SEAT CUSHIONS remade--new springs. new padding ~5.00 to $8.50 The Mothers of Fifth Grade of Rutgers avenue school recently held an election of officers for next year, which is as follows: Mrs. J. E. Edwards, chairman; Mrs. Roy McCorkel, program chairman; Mrs. L. H. Wright, hospitality chatrman, Mrs. Joseph E. Paul, secretarytreasurer, and Mrs. J. T. Pinkston, telephone chairman. I -----------------==--'--------- , . TIle Ie•.AIr COnv..... -. .",.. ,- .• . ' .. STATE. INSPECTION MAY 1 - JULY 31 'T ")t"" -J1( ~"'''''-''ii'''---r .y- T' "Jt ~r'4tntA" Jt"5S . MAK YOUR ROOMS BEAUTIFUL' --are H5y to decor... with -do not show every foot-- . print . -cost leU to ......,. .lways I. best f .... SHOP AT THE p • (Across from . Borollgti Hall' Dartmou.' Avenue You Meet the Nicest e,ople atSpeare·si • ' , FAMOUS SWIMWEAR~ Have yon car checked NOW. . . .In It I. la acffe .echaalcal coadl.loa • • • that yoilr lltAKES will hold If a child darts lato YOlr pa~ ••• YOIII' TilES woa't ,.kld .oa wet ro,ada • • • YO.lr HOIN will wanl 0 . . . . . . .1tO caa'. see YOI' • • • Yair HEADUGHTS woa'. laUIid th. _,torlat comta, toward YOI • • • YOlr . STEERING WHEEL will k•• p yoa. oa th.· right .Ide' of the road - • • • AIId that a~1 YOlr oth.r eqalp. . .t·.ad .afety devices ore la depelldalt'. w . . . ., oi'tler•.. . ", :. ', t FASHIONS .QN OUR SECOND·" FLOOR ESTER'S Fashion Corner EDGMONT AVE.· - 7th AND WELSH .sTS. ... . • •• __ -.~y ~ RUMSEY ,CHEVROLD• . f, -. \ . . . " •• • • " .. ... . ~; - . '. t S.a,.... .,. 6-6130 Theatre' Squa're . .. , .Belle' of th~ '. b~~~hl , 1 you the mak~s . First In Sales First In Service - own Auls~ tt CMMJ:!!! Dicky olackson will arrive by pla,ne tomorrow fr()~Caracas, Venezuela &tter completing hi,; seventh grade school work there. He will join his parents Mr. and Mrs.. J. David Jackson of Princeton avenue. The Jacksons· have purchased a.. farm in Ches~r County which they will Occupy·iD the near future. I i."' CATHERMAN'S DRUG STO-RE Mrs. J. H. Stettner, Columbus Ohio, is making an extended visit with her daughter, Miss' Jean Stettner of Dartmouth ~venue~ and her son, Mr. John Stettner of Harvard. aven~e. Win at Bridge ,f ',1, U a lasvy DOH ,of U .(ford. ReSOlve DOW that, jou' tHli' be '. welL Take advantage of Dew discoveries aDd developments. See yo~ Doctor right &w.y- ' aDd be sure to briDg his prescriptions to this dependable pharmacy where you are assured wWormly (air prices. C*D Election of Office" Winners at the Tuesday evening meeting of the Crum Creek Bridge Club are: seated north and south ~. I. R. MacElwee and Mrs. William Soden, first;':M)-s. Henrietta Fricke and Leslie Luckie, second. Seated east and west-Mr. 'and Mrs. Earle W. Deppich, first; Mr.. and Mrs. Maurice Griesl second. t· . . health'· 't's to YOllr Advantag•. Furniture completely re-upholstered at reasonable prices Oyer 25 years experience-Many satisfied c~stomers in 'Swarthmore and vicinity '; '~Half-w., • Gerald J. . Mangone, assistant professor of political science at Swarthmore College and DemoII. . . . . ~• • ~pl... Sbe . . . . . . . . ._tal . . . . cratic candidate for County Comp100 P.rIe Ave•• Swarthmore. Pa. troller, was' one of the featured I CL SW arthnm... '-'000 - CL .arbrook 9-4646 speakers at a public forum held .._,,_.... Buy with. CaNFJpENOE ••• buy at PAULSON'S last night at the Woman's Club of Media, by the Central 'Delaware ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;_;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;--;;-. County Democratic ClUb. Dr.; Mangone analysed the need for reform of Pe~nsylvania's "horSeand-buggy" constitution. Thom Seremba : . , ' 4 o-e-T-V!-'EL-'-'L~-.·. Representatives from the 41 units in the district which covers central Delawm:e County attended ,the dinner session held last week in Media. Warren Warden, district i . v ce ch~man was in charg!!. MEDIA FORUM SPEAKER 215 Felfan Ave., Collingdale. Pa. Phone Sharon Hili 0734 Donald Piccard, 333 Dartmouth avenue, who -enjoys 1?allooning in his spare time, gets a write-up In. the June Issue of the' American Magazine, . which was put ~n the newsstands yestercl8y. W. N. Ryerson, who headed the sustaining membership drive of the Brandywine Boy Scout District, received a trophy for his dorts at the district's quarterly make room on crowded shelves for new volumes, acquire summer reading at the smallest possible cost, and further the cause of Korean literature, and enJoy pleasant, neighborlY summet afternoon browsing . through an 'Jnpredictable assortment of books. ... op •• a........... ."...... Of Local Imnll' . Scous Fe.. Ryenon To Honor New Pastor The Kappa Kappa Gamma SewThe Rev. John C. Kulp, new ing GroUp will meet for 'an aU- pastor of the Swarthmore MethoCub Scout Pack 101'smarch in day sewing on Tuesday, June 2 dist Churth, with his family, will the Memorial Day Parade and its at the home of 'Mrs. Harry L. be tendered an informal reception participation in .activities to be Miller of 411 Thayer road. by his Official Board on Wednesconducted by the local American day evening, June 3, 8 p.m. the PenRsylvaaia Program Legion Post tomorrow. May 30. ChUrch Building on Park avenue. will constitute the ftDal .group Jack Bookbinder, Philadelphia All members and friends 01 the meeting of the pack for this scout- artist, lecturer and teacher,' will Church are cordially invited. -Muing year. Tomorrow's exercises present "The Pennsylvania Story," ~cal entertainment will be providwiU also be the last cub activity a program of sUdes, music, and ed and light refreshments will be for the boys now eligible for the folk dancing at 7:45 Friday eve- served Is - . Arraogements h ave . . a 0f ning, June 5, in the Swarthmore been made f or supervISion Boy Scouts. 0 Hunter Allison, Warren Ber- High School Audito.rium. Parents, young children in the Nursery. nard, Jr., Jack. Chambers, George children, teachers, and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Kulp and their Forman. Marty Fr~ck, Burton the Elementary Schools are in- two - year - old daugh~r SUsan Gabriel, John Pinkston, 3rd, Rob- vited. moved into the Park awnue ert Wagstaff, Larry Wight, Stanley - - - - - - - - - - - - manse yesterday. Lowe, Peter Blnder. Burke Jack- Roy Taylor displayed their super'6'_-.1';' iority for the Wolf dens. Arthur son, Danny ,DAUAA. I Loeben, Saul Schwartzman, Jack P on Book Exchange All Cub Scouts are requested to assemble at the Borough Hallin Snyder, Mike Fairbanks and Allen For Summer Readers :.orm 15 nun· utes ore Drake won prizes in the Bear (C • U1:a' ontin ued frolll Page 1) full un u. the scheduled start of ceremonies. dens. Warren BerI;lard, Jr., Burke man 'W. K ent, Mrs. Robert L. Jackson, Danny Harris, Stanley Daggy, and ~rs. Juliu's Fincken. , SaturcJa,. Plcnlo Lowe, Larry Wight, Peter Binder, . Mrs. Brown wishes it underFathers of Pack 101, taking on George Forman and Robert Wag- !ood that more than one book their sons in a friendly softball ay . ~e J,lrought if it is in. good game last Saturday in Smedley staff were best among the Lions' cdndlbon and· current. Non-fiction Park, went down in a 14-17 de- dens. AI~ other boys attending reas well as fiction will be welcomfeat. The occasion was the annual picnic at Smedley' Park, where ceived passes to the College Thea- ed. Religious books, travel, hobcontests in running, jumping, ball tre. Everyone was treated to' cold bies, adventure, and good childuring' the afternoon. dren's books-often expensive to throwing and nature study. were soft drinks -: . ' At 5 o'clock mothj!rs aild other purchase 'are generally' desir..ed~ also conducted for the boys. LeRoy Bl8nkenship, Dick For- members of the families joined' Classics 'must be in good, modeM'l . man, Jim Foley, Stephen Edwards, the boys. and their fathers for an edition. enjoyable picnic supper. This is an excellent chance to David Walz and _ _ _Johnson, _----,_ _Jerry ___ __ _ ______ share well liked books with others .'South the.r Road' I .' • ,$WIIiWear 'The silhouette Is the word in sWlmsuits this season! And C8taUna makes fashion news with the loveliest coU.eetion of styles, eVer' seen. cOme iri, be fitted in your Catallna, DOwl . enD. CATALINA SWill 81J1'l'S (illustrated) ..,.......... . "MIddy ......'! adontld wIfII ...... .... ....... led,.1MI'If. colon. D to . . no. ....1 t .. 15~ . . -: ...