Best Wishes Best Wishes THE SWAR Class of 1953 VOLUME 25-NUMBER 23 OREAN Class of 1953 SWARTBMOIlE, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1953 13.50 PER YEAR Swarthmore High Will Graduate 13 Taxes UDcbanged As w;,,~C:"':~:~:~eed~ Dr. Nason To' Deliver , 'In Exercises Clothier School Adopts Budget. :e!~e:::ng;!:;rm;:~~orw~: Commencement Talk Co mmencement exerciseS for the fifty-ftfth graduating class at Swarthmore High School will be beld Tuesday night June 9, in Cloth~er Memorial on the COllege Campus. The 78 members of the Class of 1953 will open the exerCises at 8 p.m. with a presentation' of choral readings selected from st. Matthew. , In the program featuring student speakers and musicians, a ChOrus, of six, including Rutli"Bagby;oSuzanne Harrar, ~&toka ~wpi, Comelia.McKe~n, Jane Seymour and Mary Spiller, WIll SlDg the 4'Lord's Prayer," 'accompanied by Polly, Emery at the· piano. Jwlith Bird, 'Judson Mygatt and ~oward Shearer.will co~prise the spe$kers in the forum discussion on.I'Th~·Wcirld'We,Inherit. Youth Looks 'Ahead" David Spencer. Rusiell Snyder· .• and Ronald Gold. forming a string I trio. will play "Sonata in.\ D. Major" by J.L. LeClaire.' and' GIl. John Phillips will read bhs essa"' ... ,.. "SCience and the, Next UtincJred • • ..r,ears " . . " ' '. .&.' . , ' ' W1ll1 "usb "'1ft" . ' ,The annual Swarthmore HIgh " am Q , , uaauschool prin-" • cipal. present the class. ,his School, sPring letter banquet, first at Swarthmore; tor the dip- s~ by the Student Cabin.. ~~m::',~~o':::;r:ce:~r~=~t et w~ ~el~ Wednesday ev~~g .........ll "';'.'·Streeter·. '. .' ~ ,in ,the. jligh School Calete,ria. C a .... v r . Th Alma M ter 'b "Everyone participates" was the ne:est keYJ:lote of'this affair attended by Letter, Banquet Wi.... "nors Ho HS Students ',0 '. , ':will Sw~ore's close the.ex:~cises~ 'aJ,:::r ~ , " " w~ over l00i people. Board Decides Against A h e Aed Me ut o~.ty I , ISS Etr.s leaves have either the material or the time to contribute. are asked to call Mrs. W1ll1am Huey, 313 Dlckinson avenue, at SWarthmore 6.. 6705. KUIpays S 'G.odless' Are Real, m..... Over 200 Will Receive Degrees at Exercises Monday Morning A school budget of $858.050' for John W. Naaon, retiring presithe fiscal year beginning July 6 debt' of Swarthmore College. will was adopted Wednesday, evening deliver the Commencement Ad.. by the' School Board. An increase .. dress at the annual Swarthmore of $18501n the previous!yantici-' allillY 'College Commencement in the' pated end-of-year balaDce met " ' .. Scott Outdoor, Auditorium Mon.. l~ minute increases of $ll00 in Rain Nearly Washes Out day, .June 8, at 10 a.m. Dr. Nason legal fees in connec~ion with, the . 'M e ID will also' present the diplomas to Bond Issue for elementary expanemorla . ay b1s'. last graduating 'class before sion, $4,00 for nursing service and Exercises taking up his ,duties as new presi.. student activities, a~d $350 to reA faithful litUe band of Memo- dent of the Fore1gnPolioy' Assoplace compressor' and coils in the rial Dav celebrants refused to clation on a fulltiliie basis.. .' cafeteria refrige,rato,r. Current exTen; 'residents from' 'Swarthpenses ac"'ount ·or only h If th all.ow Saturday's second lo"'al' ,.&.' a e ... mOJ'e';ud vicinity 'will be,' among amount of the budget Capital ral, ny Decoratio,n Day, within 25 ' , · t h e ; ~over 200 students r~iVing ouUay for land' and building in- years. to extinguish their annu1l1. the:" de ees . this • t mi h' b de tr ti f tit d 'd gr on OCC8S1on. creases 0 t e.' alance. mons a on 0 gra u e an Th fr' S rth . . The district's maximum legal honor to those who have' given ose om wa more include. levy on assessed valuation. 35 ,their lives in America's~batUes. 'Avery Blake. Jr.• Amherst avemills, was reset as also 'was the When 'Borough Hall Plaza ap- une.' BS·:in 'mechanical engineer.. $15 per' capita levy, established ~eared too sodden at th~ appoint- ing; Mrs; Mary Jane Winde Genlast year; -.d the 1 per cent real, ,ed hour ,of 10 a.m., a couple score try. SouthRobert Chester' L.Keighton, road, BA Jp zoology; estate tranSfer tax placed on the of men, women and children Ceci '1 ' seller of realty several years their way into the adjacent . . 0.& • ° ag~. fou~q out;arua::::~!,:::.r;~. ~w:: J~~~!:edH::e~!!t~ha~h:; ~ifu'!~~o h:.!!r n\!. {ier llilrter both gradMiss Mce.·auley am" emb'er'of Bra'df" ua t es 0 f ..' ord J~or .College, Delta nationai s'oc' ,'al will d r I ye 'th"ere" f'or.. the week- or,'ty and was act,'ve ,d d b I ~. en .an.... ep In the.~elebration of programs•. Tra"'ti·ons 'ts d ed" .,.. 1. on~.,,"un rand llftieth anni- the ~On.,.0rid.Od';-." .. ....... Personnls J Gamma. Mr~~dr.Mrs IS" 'a~~d J. l'assmore Elk. Inton of Harvard avenue h~ve returned from ,a 10-day motor trip visiting their nephews and nieces. Mr. .and . Mrs. Reed. Colegrove. S!:lU1!dale, N.Y. and Dr. and Mrs. Stokes, 3rd. FriUnlngham, M~' Mr. EIklnton·. brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. WiIllam DuI!IIid,Nahant. Ma$8.. and the Elkinton's daug)lter and family. Mr. and. 1'!l"". Robert S. Schoonmaker. Jr., . cif PIttsfield. Mass. Enroute they sh!,wed colored pictures of Japan at New York City. Scarsdale. Ha.rtford. Cambridge. PittsIl.~d. and Westbury, L. 1. . Mrs. Carl M. Anderson of Butfallo. N. Y .• is visiting this week w th Mr. and Mrs. 'Anthony FaIrbanks of Rutgers avenue: Dr and'M Hall ii: C C bell ~f Va":' aven~: ar~ ::::: tainlng as their hoUse guests MrS. Campbell's parerits Mr. and . Mrs. AlIerl C. 'Hutchinson of Winter Park. Florida.' ' Miss Anne Lukerls 'o!"Strath Haven avenue, who wlll"be niar- J-5, 1953 marriage of MIss Lewis to Mr. Avery Felton Blake. Jr.. son of Mr. and 1\Irs. Blake of Amherst avenue. will take place Saturday. June 13· in TrInity Church. Swarthmore. Mr. and ·Mrs. Blake will entertain at a bullet supper Friday evenln'g. June 12. following the wedding 1"!! HdauihterOfMr:.andMrs. Haiol!i ',.:,MILl.Q.. HOB'It .. ".,'.,......: oimes 'O:w;en of Hopkinton;N: H.-. and Mr. :Duncan Graham FcisMiss' . CIIarlotte . Mary" . Hobbs. ter, Jr.• son of' W. and Mrs; Fos- daughter of Mr/ and Mrs: WIlliam I ter' of Crest ·Iane. The wedding S.-Hobbs'of·'Psrk'avenue. aild'Mr, .. will ;take place at St. A~:~~:;~IFrederiCk"~ Miller. Jr.;' son rled August 1'. to Mr. ;Jairles':J; Egloff of Valley Stream. L:1,. will be guest of. bonoI'.. at ,a Illhcheon which Is being glven today by Mrs. C. W. Croco. oiHjn~ ~~ nue. '. . .' ),. . Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bro~ of North Chester road have returned home following a 10-day vacation at Hot Springs, Va. Capt. and Mrs. C. C. Shute of Maple avenue will entertain at a Hawaiian cocktali party tomorrow afternoon from 5:30 to 8:00. ,Mrs. Sbute's sister Mrs. W. W. Lewis, wife of Col. Lewis statloned at Norfolk. Va., will fly ilere for the event. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fordlj'. Robinson of Guernsey road will'entertain at a familY picnic tomorrow afternooo In bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Ead Edwar4S of Macon. Mo.. who are visI~· their daughter Mr.•.. William r:.. /?carborough and family of Rutgers avenue. Mr. and .Mrs: Morris A. Potts of Yale' avenue 'en.terlalned at . Strath Haven Inn ·.recently In honor ·of Miss Ellen .Legg, .daughter ofe MI".:"lIn' ' lIU.OAZJNl!;ll, - .. . . shower given 'fhUrsday by '1Im8. ~E. IUl11ll'l'lllA;N-·II Charles 'Schroth of Wallingford. . ~:"":II!::-e' Frank'Win~eIl~~oit~W:estEd~a:'e:l.tudi~for ~~~S : .' ~Iosed SATURDAY at 12 O'CL~CK NOON Dllri.,~ JUNE, JUI.Y, At!lGUST r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """".. "- : ,, .... The Ilet~lr '2~Door S.... n.' . ' .' ... -,: ... ... "Deep Meadows, n Gradyville. The . \ For that special ' ... '.' '" '. MAY·l. ...... JUlV31 .".., ,.. S.a. Ilmaore. PD.' ; AIR OONDlTlONED ,''\J. ArthUr :Bul1m: a 0 ,y.. .. . . An,J!nCIIah . . . - , . riot P.M~ CartQons, sh'orts, comedy. & sertal sPe8a.i' chlldren's Show -S&f.."1 ring Hex ,Monntaln Trall' star- Allen --,_ _ sat. ~~ht -'~:..~:...,... 6_,8.a10. .N. J. ' p." . . .' ;.' '. "CURTAIN upo' . Pl~'Iron .. Hiow.· yaJ' coir c ••~.d' NOW.· ........ " '.. '. .1. s.fe iIIech••leal ·..Nd....... _ "· yo...' IUIES will "'Id. If·. cW/4, dcirts II!fo , •••. Y ••• TilES w ••" .....: .,. Wat. ro... •• ;. Yoie. HOlM ·wl!I. . . . . ;0...... w.....c ..... s. . Ya •• 'HIADU8HJS w.a·t ...... . th.....f.rlst . co.. lo, toward. Y" • .'. Y.... STEERING WHEEL will k. .pyou on til.. right side of file .oad - • • • AIId that .11 yoo. a ..... .' prn Db eqolp.Hf·o!ld ......, "vII:..................... . · . '. ..' . 5.......... ". , -']fape "OFF A P.rfect Gift For file Brld. _.W ••• SIIep noVJD_ca AIi'I...~ & !IOU wAlUKGI'Om. PA. IiIiIIa e-ftll Fir~ In$ervice ...;... First InSoles LIMIT·S" ' T.... 0111, "BLACK NARCISSISS" Spice IsI"nd. Sp'ce Red: F.1ed wilh 21 Jars of Spice AttrlCli.. - Useful ~ tecla·lMINo. -::.. - . - . . . DeIJGr8Il It.." Wed.. tl1IB', I ....i SIIOP w_c.-... 4CII ...IIa.... Av•• .....191 PrL lIIln., M .. Btbel Ms_ ,.·Sat. RUMSEY.- CHEVROLET . . . ' -, II.' 7'- ft'OIIIDJr lmDI" E ..... "CALL'" MADAM0,:"" 2 'S, a _ _wiiv~es"ianiidiPcbiliidriije~~ij·i·ii~ii~~Ii"~~""~~"~~" heads of Borougbgovenunent and Representatives of organizations within· the Borough .at a reception for !be minister of the Church Rev. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON' John. C. Kulp end Mrs. Kulp. ." 8WABTmIIORB, PENNA.. FBJDAY,IUNI!.II, 1953 Guests were graciously welcomed and obviously appreciative of the opportunity to extend their greetMETHODIST NOTES . ._'mIRIAN NOTES Ing and welcome to the new pastor ·Holt Communion will· be servCburch School for ali ages will and his family. ed at both the 8:311 and 11 a.m. be held at 9:t5 Sunday under the Mrs. ,Josepb E. Paul sang two serdcee. SuDd.ay mcJ..iIlotr; withsupervisloo cif S. W. Johnson. groupS of sonIs during the evenMr. BlahoP ","vlng a Comniunion Young ad¢ts will Meet at 10 a.m. ing. lIld.uding "Ab, Sweet Mystery Meditation. at botb aervt.,... ~- witb Mrs. L. E. Kauftman. , U uLet caption. of new membei!i.·WIll At 11 a.m. the Sacrament of of IJfe" uIridian Love Call my Song Fill Your Heart," and be bald at bOth servl\llll,' ~'. Holy Communion will be ","ven The Senior .1iJgli' '~OWIhiPwith a meditation by the pastor. two for the clilldren present ''The will' end their SunclaY. l/et-tOgeth'" The choir will sing the ·anthem. Hurdy GurdY." and '''Cbrlstoph"l!r ers until fell With it picnic siin- "God So Loved the Wotld;" by Robln's Prayer." These.were interday at 7 p. m. at the home of ·MOOre. Bertha Mae Gardiner Or- spersed by formal f1""8tings Mim George' Allen. .15 ':Rivervlew gBnist-Dlrector, bas selected for ministers of the churdU!!! and Burroad.. the Pt~lllde; "Andante," by Men~ gess Charles R. RUssell. Dr. AlTbe Bo8:rd Of'rrustet,s mel>t .telAo!ui; . and for the 'Postlur:Y:.qf her .l!rother: Frank ~. Mr~ . and Mrs. Clark By.e· of' being planned foro\ltslde. weather SnIlth. donor. of 'the' church organ. Haverford. avenue are entertalnpermitting. or Iil McCahan Hell in' Church-time., ,Nursery if, in Ing as-thelr boUl!e guests this week case of rain; Tbe Board of Dea- cliarge of Mrs.' 'Alton· Smith' 8nd Mrs. ByIHI·. brother-In-law and cons. are spOnsoring this familY Mrs" James Co~or. ' sister Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert F. get-together. headed by a commitpn Wednesday; Jurie 10. the Agi,e and Infant daughter' Chrls" . . .WIl CU ...... • Sbe lIaaIo • ........... tee consisting of Mrs. George P. Woman's Society of Chrlstlan tine' of Baldwinsville. N. J. Warren. Mrs. Frsnklin Gillespie Service will hold Its general meetA local bridge club held its fIn- ~_""- BUll 1IIitfo CQNFIDENCI;; ••• bull Bt "AUJ_SON'S . Live like .; a King! vim as sW.~o:!:rIt~ ~~~;·9-4646 and Raymond Winch. The cammlttee has had many. wllllna volunteers join in to help make It a festive occaslun. , . Ushers for the month of June will be Robert Clothier' and Mace Gowing at the 9: 30 service; at the '11 service' Sllmuel Dodd, Weston Clarke. Walter Magee., Harvey WhItaker. John Speneel' and Benjamin Miles will usher. ~n Sunday. June 14. the Children s D~y program 'will be held a! the 9.30 a.m. service. Boys and glrls of the Church School should r~port ~ ~~le 1~ ~: s w, me u e 0 c asses. sessions, 9: 30 and 11, there will be no further classes at 11. 'Parents are cordially uivitedto 'share this program with the children.. Iilg at the home of Mrs. Alfred H. Williams, ProyJdence road. Whllingtord. TbOse needing ·transpe.rtation will meet at tile church at· 12 lioon.. TRINITY NOIIS There will be, a eelebretlon of 'the .Holy' Communion at 8 o'clock .Sunday 1"iiOrning.' .and at 9:30 ell departmentS of the Church School will .meet. Holy Communion will again be' celebrated at the 11 o'clock service. Tbose serving a. ushers will be as follows: Jolin A¥on. J. E. Bell. R. H. Fellows. W. C.' Giles. F. L. Michel. E. C. Page. Jr.• J. S. Thompson. and C. M. Waterbury. William Klug IV Is scheduled to. serve as acolyte at The will Daily Vacation.' C.hurch School be held from June 19 through July 3. from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Mrs, George A Hunter will be the Director.. Children fiom ages 4 to 11 y~ar!i wII.1 b<. accep- al luncheon-bridge at a tea-room I'r:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~ on' Baltlinore PIke Thursday. The members include Mrs. Harold Ogk "'...... ~.- E . B . ram. Mrs. . C. C ; F rane. H aIlls• 14rs.. L A.' We tIaufer....... u",William DeCaindry. Mrs. -t\Ivah Wood Stuart. Mrs. Hans Stein- . feld, and Mrs'. L. C. Hastings. . to the high••t standards-since .ur Dr. and Mrs. Haliock .C. Campfaunding 75 y*-rs agl). ; bell and' their children Peter and, Susan of Vassar avenue will leave June 11 for Houston. 'l;exas wbere Dr. Campbell will present a paper before the American Welding SoDlllich'lilO~ pu4ilii"tI~; clety Convention. Following this the Campbells will go' to Colorado 182.0 STIlEET for a two-week camping Irlp at· OUVER H. lAIR, MAK'I A. lAIR, ProoId... Pik I P ak Est P k C I e s .e • ,.es 111'; ~ ,0. . . . T"'pho;" Rl6-1581 Mrs, G: F. Winchell of South IJincoln. Mass.. with her 1fbree LOYALTY . THE OUVER H. 'WiIR\:C.~. •• .\': .. . .. _or tli"tiiHuT' ;o~n~s~.~vI~s~it~e~d~f~o~r~t~w~o~w~ee~k~s~wi~t~h~J~~~~~~~~~E~~~~~~~~~sss~l- the o'clock service. andduring Ted her mother Mrs. F. T.F1aherty of Carey8 at 11. The nursery the 11 o'clock service will be closed until the faU. , : The Boys' Cbolr will rehearse on Monday at 4 p.m. followed by the Glils~ Choir rehearaal at5 ~~~::~:!j)~:::a:IIl!'.~ o·.;tn<:k. 'At o'clocli the regular _ _~_,-_ _~;""--_...,..- ..monthty meeting of: the Vestry 8 reWednesday at 4 o'clock .. With full choir rehearsal at 7:30 S11IIlIay. :Jane" '. p~. T.l"ifsday; ... ,.. . . . 9:30,10:45 11 A.M. - Cl!.urch ·Ti!elegularmld_week.ceIebraSchooL . . .tion of· the Holy CoiiiriiWliOn WiIi 9:30 & U:OO A.M.,...lloly '.Com-.· ·.be. beld 'at 7:15 Wednesday" . Mommunion. METHODIST .CHURCH ing. . John Kil\p,iPiiltilf fhulb7 • .taDe'" FRIIMDS MmneCJ!NOTES 9: 45 A.M:.-Chui'ch School. There' will be no· lICIIeduled 10:00 A.II_YOUIIJ·Adults.. Meeting .fOr 'Wonl\ip on Sunday, 11:00 A.l\I._Ho1t;. CGmmmlion, June '7. because of thie :Bacca11:00 A.:M.-Church Nuner:r. lIueateSetvlee whieh will be held TlUNlTY CHURCH at 11 a.m. in Clothier Memorial. H. Rector JUDe , Kenneth .Bouldin" will be the 8:00 speaker. 9:30 TbeMieeting.HOIde,w\ll be open 11:00 as usual for .aiI3r ..who ,WIsh to come. and children will be eared for in WbIttier House during the Meeting hour. Beoauseof Com -cement exercises on Monday morning the 11i: dron": . Whittier Monday sewing group will meet House). In Whittier House for the after7:00 P.M.-H. S. Fellowship. noon only. MC··..,.,-J... ·8 Afternoon sewing for A,:F.s.C. Wetifll't!Q-; '.1'dDII.1t' CHR1STIAN SCIENCl NOTES All d.,.,.wInIr for A.I'&C. ":SO P ...-Mld-wee1< MeetInI "God The Only Cause and Creafor WOIIblp. .. tot" is the sobJec:t of th~'Blble LessDll to be read in ali Chrtstiali :FORCHOF Sclenee church services next Sun~~,scu:N'lIST . SW'AK. . . .ORB , day. The Golden Text is from the Park A'vI!nueHli w Harvard h i..,·hJIe , book of prophet Jeremiah (10:10, 11:00 A. 'JI.~ Schoot, . . 12): "The Lord. is the true Gqd, 11:00 A. JI.-'l'IIe Lessbll 1CZlllOll he is tM llvinlf God, anI! l\h\everwill be ''God tile Only c:lIiu8I! ,;. '.. . aru:l' Creator." IdDg: .' •• He macle Wednesday evening IIlfttiDI the earth by his power. he hatll eacJa.m..,a.p.IL,lIead102,I"QCIII!. .......Ilshed. tile. world·.by hls·. . . r.",~e::~.,.: dOllr, mid ~ atrfltbed out the ,: SO P.M. and 9 to 9: 10 P.. heavens by his diacretlon." Tfleaire Square liearse on SAL ,e: ·.STATI::. INSPECTIC'N '. ·Frt; & Sat. local churches and their wives. A PLAINTIYE CRY' . Will the person who has in his keeping. the flag which was flying from the door of the Methodist Church on Memorial Day kindly, return it to the Rev. John Kulp· at the parsonage. 131 Park avenue. or to Mrs. Lloyd E. Kaulfman. 31S Dar1mouth avenue. . ClbJRo,s,RVlCES. '. :~:eB~~~' Choir will again TO HONOR BItIDE .. j ..!\U§s~.Barbara Crosset, daug,hter of ·"Mrs. Donald Crosset of Riverview.. road. will entertsin Tbm:sday. June H. at a luncheon'and shower at the· Rolling. Gr_ Golf'. Club. in honor of Miss Marjorie E1i2abeth Lewis. daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. William Sproul Lewis The Official Board of the Swarthmore Methodist Church was host Wednesday night to members of the Congregation. ministers of the , Entered as Second Class Matter.' January 24, 1929, at the Post . omce at Swarthmore, Pa., under theAet of Mlirch 3. 1879. PRESBYTRlUAloi CltURCH :Joseph P. B1sliop, K1nister John' Stettner, ~l8tant·· I::'5':' " PETER E. TOLD, Editor au4 l'Ilbllaher MAlUORIE TOLD .IUI BARBARA KENT. AssCMII&te Editon RoaalIe' Peirsol Lorene McCarter ?:?" . CELIASJfOE SHOP Will . . THE SWARTBMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FlUDAY AT 8WABTBJIORE. PA. THE SWABTBMOREAN. JNC~' P1JBLlSBER 1'IIoDe SWarthmore 6-09DO . , ! . -; • Guernsey road. Mr. Wincbell joined the family group on Decoration Day. Mrs. Flaherty entertained at a tea SaturdaY in honor of the Wlncheils. at which time the guests Included Mrs. WincheU's classmates of 1942 of Swarthmore High School. their husbands, .South- Chute,. Road inA~~~~~~~~!t. (~: 18'".'" hdb • Famous. 51 gauge SlodCings With the •• ~ NfilUIcJt.Ir 1.35 ,. Berkshire Nylace Kantrun Top ."".1°9 • .........2. ".~ .. , 'We WIlt IIOI'e custOllMlrs to w.or these wOl)derfui Myra tt' TopfMd Berbhtr. Stockings. Only during .... ..,.cIa1 event ••• buy these regularly 1.35 .... t I _ at this low "Get·Acquainted" price. I., "... "~ned s... lengths-short, medium. long. two WHk. 0.1,. kgt•• 1st IS . . . . . :II " 8 " pi I or 6ft ..._ ao a. , II .'UI" pi I •••__ -llll'." .IV • • ill '"' 15 SOllth Chester Road • • . . ' RED FlATHE* CHAIRMEN Mrs. Francis Forsythe of Thayer road. Is vice-chairman, and John W. Carroll of College avenue Is a \ member of the campaign committee for the 1954 Bed Feather Campaign. The committl!e was called to its first meeting last week by 'Delaware County Zone Chairman WillIam J. Smedley, Media. Red Feather hopes to be able to help more than a million chUdren 'and adults. clients of 15~ health and ·welfare services, next year. Swarthmore Woman's Club Education D.epartment Serves Borough' Youth IN WRIT.ERS CONFERENCE Mr. and Mrs. Frank \I. McCowan of Vassar avenue entertained at a family dinner party Saturday evening, Including Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCowan of Phillipsburg, N. J .• and Milly McCowan, home from Penn State. Pvt. Charles Buller of Camp Pickett, Va., was a guest. There is local Interest In the PhIladelphia Regional Writers The Woman's Club of Swarth-. Bell ,,:nd Delores Zensen, who are Conference which will open with more through Its educatlolj de- planrung to attend Kutztown a dinner at 6: 30 Wednesday evenpartment has raised $1210 for State Teachers College to become lng, June 17. Mrs. Oscar J. GUscholarships in the past two years. teachers of art. creest of Harvard avenue is first Since $1170 of this sum has been In addition to the Bonsall vice-president of the board which given to local· high school stu- Scholarships the department has plans the Conference, founded dents, It. Is' of special Interest to In the last two years given $20 five years ago for the beneilt of the Borough. for French awards at the Swarth- literary-minded of this area. She Some years ago, Mrs. ElIzabeth more High School. This. year it also represents the' Delaware FURNACES Hubbard Bonsall. a resident of has contr~buted $40 to the Dela- County Writers Club at the event. Vacuum Cleaned Swarthmore and a loyal member w~re County Federation scholarWilliam West Tomlinson, viceof the club made it a' practice Ship program, which has given president of Temple Universi.'ty to stand at the door at each ":'eet- two scholarships In the County, and a former Swarthmorean .will ing with her little mite box col- one for general education at Tem- be toastmaster on tbe 17tb. DInlecUng Pennies for a $50 sCholar- i:!e ~niverslty and one for traln- ner speakers will Inculde Betty g 10 n u r s l n g . F l n n i n . editor of Woman's Day; ship loan for a deserving girl grad. CO·ED BEAUTY uate of Swartbmore High School The fQnds for the education Jordan. author and play. departme t . ed . . In· her memory the present greatn are rBIS 10 vanous wright; Leroy Smith, poef; and SALON ly . eniarged scholarships raised ways. Tlle board of the Woman's Mary Fanning Wickham. author.' by the education deMrtment have Club grants $50 a ?,ear to the de~ Workshops On every kind of been named the "Elizabeth Hub- partment. By ~IVIng the dessert writing will be in progress from at- the November PhIlanthropic·9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. on June 18 bard Bonsall Scholarship." These scholarships are given Benefit Bridge the education de- and 19. Van Wyck Mason. F1etch_ PARK IUUl AVE. without restriction as to schotast- partment receives a percentage of Pratt and Gerald Johnson, auth..., Ic ability to girlS who In the op- the profit from this event for its '. will speak at 8: 15 ThurSday GEORGE MYERS SWlIriImiore '-1011 inion of the high school faculty work. The members of the depart- evening; Gladys Denny Schultz; SW 6.0740 and the school's scholarship com- ment also package and sell candy noyellst. and Ann ElnseUn, asso-Box 48" !:========:;::===.===lll!iIt~·· seem' likely to mBk reai suitable for the club's welfare clateeditor of the Ladies Home Ir===========~ cOntribUtions. as citl7.ens. Th: girls prOjects for Christmas. Journal. will be heard Friday ev- I; ~_oot lim!te.4~, using the money However, the greatly Increased ening. Writers from the entire for COllege education. but may uSe scholarships of the past two years eastern seaboard, middle west and It tor vOcational training. The have been made possible by brlng- British Columbia have registered scholarship four years 'agO was ing to the Borough concerts by for the Conference. Particulars are SCHOOL IN ROSE VAllEY given to a 'glrl who is now a jun- colle~e music~_ organizations. It is available t,hrough Mrs. Gilcreest. Moylonl Penna•. lor at Beaver College. the 8llD to secure these organlzaThe following )'ear the recipient tions from colleges In which . JUNE 22 to JULY 31 . AGES 3-9 used "er scholarship for secre- young people .. ar~ Interested. \arial training. Last. year. two Las~ year the Oberlin A Capella scholarships were given, one to a ChOIr gave the concert and this Shop. Art. Music girl Who went t9. Penn State and year the Wesleyan University SlIflmmlng and Hot Lunche. the otber to a girl who enrolled Glee Club, Middletown, Conn., Weekly Rates on· Request at Antioch .College. Ohio. This entertaIned. Former.y TransportoHon Available year the recipients are Suzanne Mrs. Peter E. Told has been CAR N S I'Lr,·stin. rv ""'rd,. D,".';"or chaIrman. of the enthusiastic and 'IdI ..... hard working education depart650 Baltimore Pike SWarthmofe 6.i516 ment during the past two years. Springfield. Del. Co•• Po. . Phone. Mrs. John N"tvlg, 'who is also SWarthmore 6-0450 School - ME-6-I088 ~ very much interested In educa~ '0 PH 8 _.M. a Head of AdmisSion. -_ to 6 P.M. , i-" SUmmER VRCRHon DI·LuZI·o a"nd Sons Portraits in Oil Jillenbeim • by ON nllU.D.•• LlC ATLANTJC CITY WINIFRED RUMBLE _ClIr' . ~"I211 SW 6·7061 fSamp'e 'a Ho••y SIIopJ ~~~~:~~~~~~~~~·~M~rs~.iPa~U~I~G~a~y~~M~E~'/ji-4~5~29~ tion. for has the accepted the chalrman- W ship next twoy""rs. E~~:~!r:SC.l}.s.:.~n, FEET HURT? You ca. probably get qulc:k relief H you a trahled corredlve shoe specialist. Moderate price.. . recelvvie~~11 Su~m~r 'Art t, • contract documents may be examtned" at the omce of the Arch1tects and a.t Scbool Pennsylvania. . Telehone Rltte••ouse 6-4932 . • be submitteerIetlco , Florist .§IladlJoroulb FUNBIIAL HOMB BJcIl- y ..... SPJDBRS - QlllLL8 - 8fOOiIIB GnMjDhouses 511 OlenAeld Ave. &; 21 S. Woodland Ave., Glenolden, Pa. WA ••1417 Taxe$ Unchanged As School Adopts PAnERSON OAR-at VAlUJ!f.lliS - POMPOII8 Summer Day Camp 4o;tf/OM -- CHRYSANTHEMUMS kOOl&D ... POl1&D ... PLANTS • • WIt Eleets Officers • The ~oard of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom met at the home of Mrs. Philip Jewett Monday night. to .elect officers and plan its program for the coming year. MIra. Roy McCorkel and Mrs. Henrietta Bruce were chosen as co-cbalrmen of the group. Other officers elected were: Mrs. Harold Goodwin. secretary; Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson. corresponding-secretary; and Mrs. Ida Stabler. treasurer. DIscussIon of program-planning for the 1953-54 year brought a decision to .tress the group's interest in International Relations by working mOre closely with foreign students at Swarthmwe College as well as planning trips and study on the United Nattons. A trip to the U.N. Is already scheduled for October when the General Assembly' will be In session. The Art for World Friendship program. which Involves the exchange of pictures between schoolchildren of vartous lands. was approved tor another year. The following standing conunlttees were appointed: Margaret Price and Mrs. Glen Oneal. leglslaUon; Mrs. Maurice Webster. pro- grams; Mrs. Michael Yarrow. education. The Art for World Friendshlp Conunlttee will be headed by Mrs. Jewett and Mrs. James Richards; Mrs. Joseph Conard will be in charge of the Peace Chest and United Nations. Mrs. John CarGl and Mrs. ErnI1y Lohner will head the International students committee. Hospitality will be headed by Mrs. Erich Hausen; Mrs. Henry Patterson and Anne Hussey were appointed on the ways and means conunlttee. my of Colwnbia avenue .pent la.t week-end on a fishing trip to Cape May. N. J. Mrs. H. E: Goldsmith of Sherwood Lane. Wallingford motored to BuckneiLl University Monday and was accompanied home by her daughter Sue who has flnlsh<:d her soph"'¥ore year at the Urn.versity. ------------ H. pursuant to call of Ita dsrectora. a apectal meetlDS of the lIh....holdora or _ _ _ NatlODOl BaDII: and Truat oamP'UJ' WUl be held at It. benk 1n • boUle at SOUth O\>eeter Road and BUts- Avenue. In the Booaugh or - - . . . . . Stata of The Crum Creek Bridge Club on Tueoda7. JUne 9. 19153. at 2:30 will meet June 9 at Strath Haven o'clocIt p.m.. DaJUlht 1!6Yln& of ooDIIlderIDg Inn to complete the current tour- '1'lIDe. tar the _ ......... .JUNB .. _I_ _m NEWS NOTES ""te wbeth... .... nament. That evening arrange- _ n t to coDllQ\lcIata the ....d end TIi.. l'!Mt NatiODOl _ or ments will be made for the an- _ ""'" <1eIermIDIDg by nual party when the prizes will be awarded. Mark Good, 50n of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Good of Forest Lane. entertained at a birthday party Tuesday afterDoon in celebration of. his seventh anniversary with FIrst Graders of College avenue school as his guests. Polly· Told·"f Park avenue returned home Monday evening from Bucknell Uinversity. Mr; E. L. Conwell and son JIm- _ . _ted III the lI6ouUl All-8ta1tacrosse PIlle at Jobna IIopkiJd BelUtnon 1(tibwuiW ~eftern')OD. Mr. lind Mrs.. BlIilte of avellue wtn- attend ' ", /. '·oiADUift."',·· "I: . . . • • • 0 ... COMMEN~EMENT .. I'~~ ,. ' , ' h , '. ,'." I,t. •• 0 " • This is the ClR"SIIlt;aI.sla,~...'f' ~ :"IIt....... of thoUsands of our young men end women IIjsve. been and wUl be admonished to have faith in the future. to work for a better _iety, to plec:l~. their lOY!l1ty to doMedlc w.y~,· lif.; . ttl. invite al to join u. . . ,_ labor Coopera- iJ.e economic 1'·itlUe. Cooparatives are a plan !'or tomorrow which worb todayl .W.· went ",High Schao! and eoReIll gradu" to accept our 'COI!trizlula~ lIIef·4o get'",LalntH ~JI8I'atIM Way of Doing Business. • • '.'.' • . . . " " . _ . • 0 • wItt!.... MAY CONTINUED SUCCESS BE YOURS \ .." .. 11 ~ 0,.. Tlnltsd.y and ~ • , . .... ~day to. IN• •NIUK·TEA: .ROOM 9 P.M. 0"•• Sal.relay ·tli 6 P.M• ' .. ~ . \ , AN. THI CO.c;;•. tively on the biggest single issue of our time - ... BEST W'SHIS'TO THE • for C1occrbc .... otIcIaS) Con,ratu'atloRS. At this time _ .......H.:. 1INIt, u". .......... or' Nlek Stuart' of 'V'dSiif avenue ai-rlved bollle·Suila.,.. MfIt-l; U'1nIs ...., ". 2 i CAlk ·Os , ... IInsd aa.. o.dcdJ "" I . • ~. '. ...... 4 Ox:: eYI!hIni at "Br.;clltf;"tIie hoiiie ..... ' ...oaA '*rW) THI IlL" 'IU'HONI CCJM'ANT O. 'INNSYLVANIA • '~ . L .... ...., ...hl ......... (All ;. 0' '",_~~_••","""n"7 ... , . ..... • 'l'Iaen an I"Ip"Dinp ri&ht now, paying well from the startl And cooc1 pay isn't the only advluatage of telephone work, as you'll find out,. your 8nt ina view. You'IlJeam about the pleaSant surrouDdinp, 'die liberal vacation policy, the opportunities for advlIDcement, perhape' the chance to work in an office near your home. No experience is needed, no appointment nec ery. Lots of opportunities. too, for recent bich schoolgra4uateB. Call or stop in at; .any Bell Telephone BS!Hil Office or any of th.a convenient Employment Offices. ...... 0 ~ ,. . WE COMPl.ltet!Nt YOU ON A jAftNlb"~ieTORY ; 42W:' , of Mr. alidMts.· Brymj,f. ! ~""'''r\''- .~ W~·S. BlnU &SON ~:"" -: ,: \-, "~~. . .' ,.....1iI. lrall•.·H••".. (Hlny•.,-,up) '.. 'H. J ermain Creighton. emeritus professor of chelnlstry and former .chalrman of the department at Swarthmore College. will be honored by former students and col~' leagues June'6 whl!n they present his portralt to theciJlle;e at the annual A1wilill Day ceremonies.' :. Clark Davis. a .iom;ter stiJdfllll and MrS. WIIllam C. Morrow, of Harvatd avenue. Pete Is the 50ii o fDr ' Crelghton and . . gen"r.' . ~ ." Mrs. Olga van de KamP. Elm. manager of tile Gr8se1iich\!n!l~~ avenue. and GudJr Is the daughter dejJartment of DuPon!." wlll J.D~e. of Mrs. IiUleQ SchUlz, Benjamin the presentation, .cha,li1!\!ln p1 th!:. avenue, cominlttee for havIng the pc!rtr~t. painted Is Kenne~h ~ro~ •. ~~"epresident lit. Atlas Powd~~ CO~:-: I(ulp $d1* ·· pany. " . . .... . ' :. Are Real Enemy Professor Creighton .iletIrecl.~,. (C ".\1_'" -m P."e 1) year after 41 y.e~ In, tlte ~hemls';' . . on........... v . . . try department at .Swarthinore,:. loyal baud· ~thO!r. young. Johll He Is a world authoritY. In. nschet Was lotaled at a tii~d'~ the field of .~ectrOcheintstry, DIIr-house and rua!led to the cere- litg his career he twice recelvl!d '. Ift~JIIe11. He WlIlked in the door medals from the Fninkun Inst1~.. jUst In tllI'Ie to Utt ttutnl"'l to lips fute. The IIrst was' In 1911i when. and proVide the occasion With Its he received til\! Longstteth ~edai ttadltol1al clbsing '~aps". . He was again honoJ:eCi'in19.39 TI!~ Who had been coneerned With the Potts M~al. Or. C~g\I.~. over the nakedness of the aoroUgh ton Is a natli7e ot Canada. ~ pole, obvious these past The portralt which Is a large. months despite enshrouding trees. oil painting was done by Roy C:: -:ere happ; someone saw that Nuse. of Bucks County. an In-> Old Glory' .put in. 8Il appearance structor . af the' . Pennsylvania'; on the holiday. When the Legion- Acadeniy of Fine Arls. Mr. NUSO'; aJ!Tes went to place wreaths at tile Is a\ji,? h'l'!<\ !'f. the coordinated. nlil!morial tablet at 'Park and D,,* ~ogram ~ the Academy with the: ntouth avenues a national emblem. University of Pennsylvania. , albelt a tattered one. hung at half .mast. Possibly .the ensI~ the . NEWS NOTES .; Legion presenteit ~ Bol'ollilll HaU" . I just prior to the'. new bulidlng's . GtetatUo~ of Park- av":'~, dildlcation has been lost. If so nue has retume4 home from. The Swarthmoreah gladly ot!~ Westem College fo.- Women.' to' contribute anoth'er. . filrd. Ohio where lIbe has com-:, '. . p I e ted h "I: fre8 hman year. .. Wreaths were also placed at theMr: and Mrs. James Bacon:! of World War I Veteran Douglas of North Chester road-' Seymour in Eastlawn Will eiitertaln members the .W1i8re the Rev. H. Law- class of 1908; SWilrthillare Collll;e, . . WhIttemore. rector of at a supper party at their home' Trinity Episcopal Church. dellver- this evening. ed the prayer. .' Dian Thomas of Rutgers avenue The Ip880f thelt annual poat- ai'1~ved hOllla. W'ednesday from parade ride of fire engines gave MtamI University. Oxford, Ohio s1Dall fry an additional reason to after completion of her freshman & .. Scarbol"91Wh. Jimmy, ' David Bass, George and Blii .Warden. The ceremonies were closed the saying of the Scout Ilene. diction and the playing of tapa. . . Mildred McCowan of Vassar avenue has been elected a member of Chimes. .honor.. society for junior women at Pimn State. ·She will return to collese earq. this f.u to orientate.· the .freshman., Mr. and ':Mrs. S. MIlton 'B!7ant, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Bittle. John H. Pl'MlIlIl; ':Ml!"~:~1 Hmrt. and Mrs. Host,,: ]I will entettlUn tis..·inembets . reUbi C)'n cl... at 1118 College ~ed'IJ'1ia1!:, I . '. macher and Gudrun Schulz of Swarthmore are .cheduled to be among 117 seniors graduating from Geo-~ School In 59th commencement· ceremonies tomorrow. June 6. at 11 a.m. Principal Richard McFeely will present diplomas to the Swarthmoreans and thellclassmates, who hall from 17 states and two fo-L. -". natiOllS. reJgIl PentIY Is the daughter of' Mr. Alumni' Honor Former Chemistry Prof ~:~:~~~:I,r~egr~et~~th~e~d~ay~.~••~w~ea~th:ier~·~ee~y~ear~·~~ai$·e!iiiS!iiiSSiSi~5ia iWiiiPusZ"ZS' = II. .. . . mew Wapon, Mlli:e Jay Lord. Fred Kellerman. Carberry. David Edwards. Mast. John Th\ll:Di~.;r1lb Barty Schaum and :ltetbSecond Ciasa SCouts; :KeIth Richardson, Joe. Dwight Sipler and Peter. bell. FIrst Clnss ~uts. Merit B8dges s!gnifyIng flciency In various skills went THE ' New Potatoel s. Seout Troop 2 George Schoo' Senior In Court of Honor Penelope Morrow. Peter Rade- College ELECTED . Harold Ogram, Jr. of Riverview M. Wilcox. a senior at road. has 'been elected a member Centenary Junior College. Hack- of. Beta Alpha' Psi. honorary acTroop 2. Swarthmore ettstown. N. J .• recelved the high- counting fraternity. at the Uni- Sco ts h Id I al C urt est award made to a senior of the verslly of Pennsylvania. u. e a orm 0 College by the Woman's Athletic Ogram. a graduate of Swarth- Honor In the presence of Association. more High School,. Is now and Scouts on '!fednesday The award Is given to the senior pleting his junior year In the UnI- for the purpose of honorihg Who has particlpate20. . were hOnoted tot beltlg InIttee tor neXt Y.!lIr. :blcltie Is a the hoililratY seout Camping inember of the' R:appa Alpha nt. C1at\t Byse. ptofeitor of law clety. tltl! OrderoI' the Theta socia1 sarorlty.. . . at Y1e UnlYenolty of PenllS)'lYllll> AlId.t. ltOOtby was Polly Told. Park avenue. has la Law School, spoke at a. dinner from being the patrol leader been elected vlee- president of meeting of the ;Juristic SocIety the Eaigle Patrol to the Pan-Hellenic Countll· ..t lIueImeU ;af the Rlttebh_ House Club. ~or PatrOl Leader in the University whete' she will be a Phlladelphla, Thursday evening. aild 'Kelth ltlchatdson i'ecelved junior next fall. She. reprneu HIt. 8U'bjl!l!{' was "Freedom. Sec- Troop Leader's ?tarrant as B:appa It8ppa Gam.... a on the urlty and Lawyl!rs." pati'ol leader. . Council. . ·Dr. and Mrs. Virgil W. Ware .Menlbetli of' the \Volt Phyllis Kletzlen•. South, Che!te1' of. WalllJ\gtotiJ1tins. accompan- were' also hpnored as the toad. was.recently elected tteas\lt~ led hy Mr. Jo!ifi R. Larkin of of the Patrol Contest for' the er of Fellowship of FaIths. inter- Brookhaven road. Wallingford. i.Od JIIl\UlIty 1. 1953, to May 30. denominational religious organlza- left Friday morning to attend the The), ate: Da,," BasS. patrol leall.tioD, at IIauIIt, ¥dlYoIre Clllllell!;' ~_en' '!Idl'ritles of lir• Joe Gibson•• asslsiantpatrol Phyllis 1s··a·soPIl6IMtllthIs.,.r.. · i>~'Ili1>keeou"e.1i1 BrOWn UnI- learler•. DaVid EdWiIi"dB• . Erlc . ... .' versity. Providence. R.I.• at which IJItIllJlS Don Cli1'berty and Barry Sal1y Gaskill of University place time' tile daughter. Helen ~ha~ . . has ftnls~ her freshman year Dorothy was graduated. MIss Il1 CIIildiellght ceremonies at DenIson University and will plans to work for a wel-known follo\vltlg Scouts were advanced retum .. home tomorrow. publishlnl boule hi Philadelphia. rank N~on Rubm; 11' r e ~ Kenetman, ScOts. IIGFDDDFESTIVAL 8R .....OLDIIIB8· MEETING NarIOII IS HBlIBBY GIVEN tltat. s. 5IApUATES ·ACTIYE ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES : 401 Dartmouth Avenue : ., THE SWARTBMO~ PageS COLLEGE GRADUATES and Mrs. William A. Da:alndry. Helen D. Ware of Wallingford, a graduate of. Swarthmore High School, was graduated cum laude from I Pembroke College in Brown University on June 1. She received the Adolph Conrad Ely prize In German for highest German average. Elected to J'hi Beta Kappa, she was also asslstant editor of the Pembroke Year Book, "Brun Maa" T "nne Leac~l da"~hter of Mr. an;Mrs. LlOy:;'.Leacl. of WallIngf ford, graduated cum laude rom Bryn Mawr College, Tuesday. Nancy Roess of Cornell avenue has received a B. S, Degree in Education at Pennsylvania State. Four Swarthmor'eans . Retlre fmm U0f P • • Head 1954 GIrl,' LaCrD'le Jane Leavitt and Sally Ba~ Dr. Frank Aydelotte, Director were elected co-captains of the Kmerltus of the Institute of Ad' 0 0 Prin to Uni 1954 Girls' Lacrosse Team at vanced study, ce n verCollege. Her parents Mr. and Mrs. Four Swarthmoreans are am- Swarthmore High SchooL Jane, slty, and President of Swarthmore Randolph Roess attend~.~~e~~dong the faculty members of the who played rIght attack wing on College from 1921 to UNO, has uaUon exerclses Thur......,. .••ancy University of Pennsylvania who •• , be a senIor counselor at Camp have· announced their retI rem eDt, this year's team, and Sally, who been awarded the title of, HonWlU De~wood in the. Poconos this effective June 30. They are.: played' goalie, wIll head a team. orary KnIght Commander of the ~er. Dr. E. LeRoy Mercer, North facing Swarthmore's 28rd unde- Most Excellent Order, of the .Ann Broomall of Soutb CbestChester road, Dean of PhYsical feated year in Girls' Lacrosse, British Empire' (K.B.E.) by Queen er road was graduated from PennEducation for 22 years. As a Oth bers f this ear' ElIzabeth, II syJvanla State College Thursday student in the 'Class of 1913 of the er mem 0 , Y • , . wJth 1he degree of B. S, in EducaUniversity's School of Medicine- team include: Point Delores Zen- ' Dr. Aydelotte recently retired ti~. She wlli teach .In the Upper eiegible in those days to compete sen Co,verpolnt Sue :a~ll, as' Secretary of thoe Rhodes TrUst ", .... twI'. .. ~Y Schools next year., . wIll' in .varsity sporta-he was ce ThIrd Miqn Pat Jones, Right De- of America. Willlanl Potts of Yale avenue Edward F, Campbell, Jr., named to the late Walter Camp'. I . P lly 11: Left Del wlis a mem.bel- of the graduating receive his Bachelor of Arts de- All America football teams twice ense a mary, ense clJjss at Penns;ylvanla State Col- gree from Yale University, at wo~ the uitercoUegiate bJ:OQd- ~~t!tor~~ ~~=::,l)l~ I'" IOoKTIA· le~. . Commencement exerctses ~ be jumpln, tlt\e and performed in Attack . Nita Garrahan, .Thitd pan'"t- Boola tar m:na fnDces 'Peuson of Cornell av- held Monday, June 8. J4r the 1912 Oympic Games. Before Home IJz Forsythe (19li3 captain) In E CLASS' OF 1953! YOUR ENGINE , " 0"' CAN OUTLAST Swartllmo,. 602253 , ' HOLLYHOCK 'SHOP . • . '. ' • ',' " '+" '. • '" '., .4 PatkAvenue/' ",'I,: " "';AN·D OIL "'" 1 ._ -. FOR SWacthmore Girl's bicycle. Good ~~~:!~~[~~I FOR condition. $10 for quiCk sale. J. F. BLACKMAN TO TI'tE CLASS OF 53 ,'we woUld like to be .b1e to shake thit' hand of MiT yoUlICJ ,. A DESIGN AND CONSULTANT SERVICE · · · 1'" ~.'. GeoriePiowmaa ~I;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ location. Parking.gentlettmn, Call SWarth-11 more 8-6769. FOR RENT - Available AUlfUSt 5 3 rooms and only. Box l5~~~~j~~~~~§~1 l P.R.R. .... illig. Swartll..o,., Pa. ALL HAIL :'.:'. . . .' . I ". Attractive room In newhome~. au 'lea' Ist"'e A,ency Samuel D. Oy4e, Jr, sW 6-3450-3451 - Alterations . -,-. ..;, • Air CondltloDia, Samuel D. Oyde J. Edward Oyde FOR SALE RESIDENTIAL AND CQMMHCIAL COII,S'DltlCTION '- Stephen Hay of O,den' avenue Is hOme· for a week tram Hilt'yard University where he recentlY received his M. A. in History. He saI1a on June· 20 for Gennany where .he is· leading a Ii'OUP for . the experiment In internaticmal ·lJiving. ;He has been granted a Ford Foundation Fellowship. to contlnl1ehls work in the Harvard: Graduate School next year. CONGRATUlATIONS ' ,. ., .. , Roofing Gutters Phones: 3-6141 3-6142404291 4-4292" ' 7 South Chester ReNd <'. Sheet Metal Work 29 EAST 5TH ST., CRES'I'ER .rat,.. I."...,." president' of the'junlor y~a.Cab~ ~dtDL Bobthis ~ !~~~~~~!i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yolar, He wIll be sent to a leader,. ~p Delmont,~n.- FOR RENT - ·.PAINTING and CARPENTRY .,' r " sored, by· the In~tlonal, ~tU,y. ,ClUbs dlliing the week .of ,;rune 14-19, i-epiesentlng 9w~ore High, II10ng with /IWIY. other stu.dents from variowi schools. .' . " e ••'...... SWEENEY & CLYDE' bedroolll Jack Prichard ADOLPH'S . Announcement was made in the Swarthmore High's newapaper, the G~ei, publlshed last -Ilk, that Bob 'Clothler was elected next ship ·C8lJlP, SUCCESS ' '.' ' "!/lilt.. KIte'" MODERN • CLASS' OF '53 . Carpenfty Box 48-Swarthmore 6-0740 A Comp'ete lIIsulallee - 4July Ocean. $8ao, andcottage, Auaust $3'15. t"ii~~~~~:~·I SWarthmore 8-811;19•... __ ClaBS Of. 1953 CONTINUED , ~:7=:relIiilii:e IFORRENT - SWarthmore 6-8761 t-, Electr1cal _ Form1ca klfche., Tops GEORGE MYERS SW 6-3450.3451 . - ...................,..,..,..... PlumbtnlJ _ FOR RENT lJ)" 17'12 S. CHESTER RD. SW 602290 HI 7.0674 'RetJlltered' Swarthmore, Pa. Swarthmore 6-1833 . ....,---,--- JlORACE A. REEVES ..r6l.... Ge • Christman & Joire -====""'"" - PERMIT US TO ESTIMATE. eST OF LUCK viousiy University he waa' Press. editor From of the IMIYale to 1946, Soule also was secretary of the University of Pennsylvania.' Haaarecl ,. • GOI_ TO'''''''' • MAKE ALTERAttONS . • PAINT OR DECORATE • ~;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii; I . , . '" dance. Mrs. Bodley also an Ursi- South Chester road left this week nus ~aduate and 10-ypar-old to open their summer resort "The daU8lh~r Justine entertained Antlers" in the Poconos. briefly with bagpipes and magic. f;=~===-..... Mr, and Mrs. Laurence Baxter 5.a.I •• Dr. 6-1441 of Ogden avenue have just comWILLIAM BROOKS pleted a trip around the country, Ashee &: Rubbish. Removed visiting some of the factories that LaWlI. Mowed, General Mr. Baxter represents. They left Hawu... here by automobile, stopping at 238 JIardin& Ave~ liIomn, 1'.. cities In Missouri, Minnesota, Col- ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ orado, Utah and Nevada. From Ii there the;y continued the trip by PETER E. TOLD airplane to San Francisco and Los Angeles returning home by plane via the southern route with a short stay In Waterloo, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. William Webb of 333 Dartmouth Avenue CLASSIFIED ADS "" .. TO THE' CLASS ,OF '53 , BOUQUET' . Pqe9 Ia........ Mr. .' SWAR~OREAN July I, unfurnished apartment, 224 Park avenue Drlve~ay C'oilltrac*,on second floor, 2 bedrooms, large llvlng room, dlning room, kitchen, A,plJalf· ... aoacr •• o modem bath. SWarthmore 6-4108. ' FOR RENT - Two rooms, W·IIIill"• R.... . , _.. Cosmetics has' earnwith private bath, other w""" . " ' . . ti-2!521'I'b8'reOPportunlty.~ women, We seJni-private. Attractive home on S_rIII...,., , . . a few openirigs in Swarth- HIll. SWarthmore 6-1875. Ivins, Box 464, West ==-==~~;;...;,:-,,:;:-;-c--::::-:, FOR RENT - Beach Haven, N. J. ··UTILITY SHOP· JOYCE LEWIS em" .6 monies itt the alum,lll, dlrJner with entertainment· followed by a P!:TER 'DJ NICOlA .. CL.ASS OF '53 A.v~nue ,Bwartbmore, Pa. ~ CELIA SHOE 'SHOP 8EST WISHES TO THE arul l i l _ h&ytng oIalma 1IUDe, . delay to AJrt:~BOND GRADUATES. OF 53 'USN; ·of.. RIverview road, prolessor of naval sclence and commandant of the University's Naval ROTC battalion for the 'last four years, will go on Naval retirement in the grade of rear admiral. He earned the Bronze Star in World War lIas combat captain of the FIrst ArmY Headquarters ship in · the Normandy invasion, after hav-' Ing received a Presidential citation ribbon 'as executive officer of an attack transport in the Souta Paciflc. Retlrlng also is Phelps Soule of Park avenue, director of the University of Pennsylvania Press; which he organized In 1927. Pre- :to pa_t. Here's to Firmer Footing For Your Future- Ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ his class, acted ~ master of cere .. oil. above estate having _·"'tII THE CLASS' OF 53 NEWS NOTES Chris Ford of Amherst avenue who has completed her freshman year at Duke Universl'" will to the _Ie! estate ue requested. to "3, make payment, and til.... havtng spend' senior alumni week-end at claUns to present 13le without DKE House of Connecticut Wesdelay, to N. O. MYBRS leyan where her brother Sandy 1~.7 Bast ProDt street is. finishing. his junior ;year. They PlaInfteId, fiew Jereey wlli both rerum It-_e·l~ -r to Swarthmore Sunday. . ESTATE NOTICB J. Justus Bodley of Park _TB OP .m.\N·w,n'B"'l'B BOI~.I aVenue 'attended hIs 15th class =~~'. S-nbmore; Del, po" reunion of Urslnus College Sat· LOWrIl!:RB OP urday. Mr. Bodley, president of -===========::; ....- THE BBTATB NOTICB BsTATB OP SYDNEY OIIILCOTE '1rI1!:R8, deceaaee!. un llCRS 'l.-rAIIENTARY on tbe "bove estate having been .......ted to the UJ1d«s1gD04, aU pel'llODa Indebted 0 . 50 1953 Jane CPN,~R~TUJ.AT'OIf$' .<" > "" - ' .. .' ,," " - ~ " 'NiGhT OIL.BlJRNER: ' SERVICE .' , a~entin . ,August i. , 1I0NDAY TBRU 8ATOBDAY' , NOON * * SW ~40"'1 ' • . 81JNDAYS uul. JIOt.IDAYS . , "'Baird .& Bird aea" Estate "nd 'llsurance· COAl. .. , • FIREPLACE WOOD .·J.A. • • n ,0,11'.1. SW.-HiL'" Uta 'or'a,. t. '"' y,1f SINCLAIR gr'l-cjullte 'stu- Han .. ........,. "IAUIi DAY' aiia " GRADUATES * .u...... "'.., .. : IUlU"Uil ...-as . .u. ~'IOIIAI'IO 01. RIIIU.CU 011 1011111 • Oil """ ..&lit '" ttl . IT ... ,...... . 'Kf ,. , , " , • , Page 10 " ) June 5, 1953 Summer School Set For Six Week, Session " June 5,1953 THE SWARmMOJlEAN HUMAN 'RELATIONS FILM The Human' Relations u{!uman . Beginnings," Film will· be Letter Banquet Wed. Polly Emery, lJz Forsythe, RonDy Honors H. S. ~uc1e,n,~sl Gold, Marilyn Green, Sue Harrar, (Continued from Page ·1) shown Wednesday morning at basketball teams, and two years 10:20 in the visual education room Four Swarthmore Faculty on the track team. at the, High SchooL Running time H d Iso -'~ win Members to Serve as owar was a nam"" Is 22 minutes. ner of the Va~ty Club AchieveSupervisors The film is considered excellent ment Award by the Club's presl1 Is in showing how to help a young dent, John Hilkert. Howard's adHigh Sch Swarthmore' 00 dltional accompllshments include 'again aftording pupils the op- child accept a new brother or president of Student Government POl'tunity to attend, a Summer sister. this year, and high school state School Session, to begin on Monchampion in the 880 In track. And oday, June 22 and continue until NEWS NOTES finally, he received the Babe Ruth Friday, July 31. There will Sportsmanship award for the -classes held on July 3. Jl!I'Yl'FaulkDer will return to Boys. her home on Dickinson avenue Delores Zensen received the Pupils may enroll to review course which was just tomah-ow tor i1ie summer vaca- Babe Ruth honor for the Girls. '" regular schllOl year, for· the tion. A Junior at Rollins College, HIgh School PrIncipal Willi,,,, purpose of raisi1ll the final grade Bus,h, 10 'presenting these awards , tr ngth -.-~ te f Fia., she was recently Initiated In or • e e....... mas ry 0 to Delores and Howard, commentfundamentals; take a course In IJbra, the Women's HonorarY ed on the great value of sportasummer school which the pupil Society on campus. manship as It Is practiced in all failed to pass in the regulsr ~. am!:t,ll<[rs', Joseph H. Per- phasee of living-schoo), communschool year for the purpose of kI.....J mufi:~ghters Anne anll Ity and home. removing the failure; or preview &~ ~~ ;;_0._:. " course which the pupil plans to LelU\Ore fot ,Cedar lane, enterBo\y,'s 'awards W-lIre pr_nted t8Jte next year, and for which he t~ ~;'rin,!,ltY on Su~day at by Mr. Robinson to 'l!teseven desires some additional· prepara- an:.(\penh?~;·'.=ug;'~:t :::e:.~:e ~:ar~h:' tIon and backgrqund. M~. and Mrs. C. William Ramsay' tramural activities. Champion was . The Summer School is operated anii",!"n Chick of Lafayette aVIl- John Conard,' with Joe Storl~, j(l!ntly by West Chester Stste nue' resented in the.Class of 1953, 18 , Bachelor of Science' degrees and two Master of Arts degreeS. Three , .,uors will graduate with highest I honors, 18 with high honors and " 35 with honors. Weekend Speak.... ,The weekend activities begin formally Sunday morning at 11 o'clock when Kenneth E. Boul~ Page ~ IOJ. June 5, 1953 THE SWARTHMOREAN SJJ'ARTH,vORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADDA TING C LA SS OF 1953 Your Flowerless Flowers VOLUME 25-NUMBER 24 Library Boant Eyes Success to the Class .'1'.....1 , , , of ., ':"-; 1953 * p.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE. FRIDAY. JUNE 12, 1953 State of Treasury. ~~ePP~~:io~ri~!.!!~40tMrs. Ch~rles Hess !:~~:~~e M~:~a:O~t ~hef,:::;: Buned Yesterday K Ba::a:r:.~~;e~. m;r:~!~::7 ~~n~hean~W=~ " '-,' May . ," all your Wishes CHRISTINE SMITH FRANKLIN SMITH RUSSELL SNYDER STEPHEN SNYDER CHARLES SPENCER MARY SPILLER HELEN STEPHANI NANCY STEWART JOSEPH STORLAZZI JR. DONALD STROMBERG OLIVER SWAN, JR. THOMAS THEALL .JAMES TURNER DAVID WERNER DOROTHY WIDDOWSON MARY WILLI:, Be Fulfilled ;..::. . ." ';,' . , . , ".,' " •• , ... " c.,,;"-___ 0 '" ',:~~ . .. . ;-.~ SUCCESS * TO THE CLASS OF 1953 HANNUM 'With the sincere wish that all your & WAITE ambitions will be fulfilled Yale and *** Chester Roads B.J.HOY Swarthmore 6-1250 5 & lOc Store KENNETH WILSON DELORES ZENSEN WILLIAM ZIEGENFUS 2 Park Avenue Swarthmore Light for Swarthmore and Elm of Mrs. John Jeftords of Vassar School Teacher Dedicated Company and the First National U' t'fi d B P t avenue. The eleven present ~nL'f S t H Bank of Media was approved nlus l e y resen joyed refreshments and cards. I e pen ere Tuesday at special meetings of the Traffiic, State Mrs. George Warren, Poppy In Borough shareholders. The merger will be Finds chairman, reported that $204 had Funeral services were held completed within a few weeks Borough Council was Informed been taken In. by her committee. yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock under the title of The First NaLibrarian Bettina Hunter listed After $50 Is subtracted for the In Media for Mrs. Margaret Henry tional Bank of Delaware County. Monday evening that its requested the circulation total for April aud cost of 1,000 poppies and $15 for Hess wife of Charles E. Hess, who No Immediate changes In the survey of trallic conditions at the May as 8731 In her report to dir- the veterans' time in mak!n8 them, died' at her home, 336 Park ave- ollicers or personnel of the Swarthmore, Elm, Princeton ave ectors of the Swarthmore Public the Auxiliary will have $139 for nue, early Tuesctay morning, June Swarthmore Office are antlclpat" nues intersection has been com Library Tuesday night In the LI- hospitalized veterans the lahgest 9, after an Illness of several ed. It Is believed that the new pleted by the State Highway De . amount Swarthmore has ever montj1s. The Rev. Joseph P. Bis- Bank will be excellently equipped partment and revealed the tralDc br.ary. Four hundred and sixteell given to the POppy Caml'o.ign. hop and the Rev. George H. Turn- to render Improved services to the volume required for a control Ught new ~ks have been added durThe Auxiliary's Annual Rwnm- er olliciated. citizens 'and business organizations is not present at this triple cro.... Ing the period and 71 new read- age Sale will be held on SeptemThe daughter of the late AI- of tbe rapidly growing Delaware Ing. Therefore "we are compelled ers registered. ber 30 and .October 1 in the May bert W. Henry and Margaret HolI- County' area. to deD.YYou a permit for this loca Miss Hunter reminded the boar.d LoeIIierBullding of. the Presby- man Henry, Mrs. Hess was a life tIon at the present time," stated . terlan Church. The Christmas long resident of Swarthmore, hav- S rth a letter from H. W. Evans, tralDc of the gift of $50 r~eived during Card Party to aid the Auxiliary Ing been born May 9, 1894 In the wa more engineer,. on behalf of W. iI. Her the two report months from the In its Christmas work has been same house in which she lived man, chief research engineer. The Cub Scout Pack··10.1 with whlcl;1 scheduled for Monday, December throughout her life. Name. Morris Hicks letter' explained "In accordance 21 hOOk. were purchased and of 7, in the Woman's Club. She was educated in the public • with the provision of the law, be the gift of $51 from the Swarthschools of Swarthmore and at Three Residents Elected fore a permit may be issued legal l'.........1 Captures Pennsylvania State College. S h e ' Iy cert$ volumes of traftlc both more Mo~e~ . Clu~. She repo~ ~IUUI . ,~ughf Home Economics for a two Officers in College vehicular and pedestrian must be her partlcipat,on 10 the evaluayear period In Atlantic City and Association present." The borough ·had applied tlon of' the High .school. i.ibrary Base a amplons Ip then, 'continuously, In .th, e phlla, Morris L. Hicks of College ave- for permission. to erect the lightI and the completion by tlie Public' . delphia public schools. At the time nue, manager of the Philadelphia after representatives Of severa Library staft of the Inventory and In one of the most thrilling of her death, she was a member district ollice of the Dravo Cor-. mothers' 'groups complamed the necessary r~atal'1guIng. of the gamea.· of the cu~ent .Beason, th~ of the faculty of the Tilden Jun~ poration; is the 'new president of futersectlon was h"'lardous for ~ntlre aduit collection Of the LI~ Swarthmore Blgh' SChool team ior High School, Philadelphia.: Her the 9,000' member . Swarthmore cIilidr~. ti}-ary. The referlince' collection won the 'Suburban Section UI associates. and. her' friends and College Alumni. ASsO!liation, it At Its long monthly session Ii,as also been inventoried and ar- championship In a playoft oJ! Col~ t;eighbors were aware ~at she was was"announyedSaturday' by Jos- j:ouncll ollici~lly passed an.ordl ~Dlled as cl~ed.. . .... lege field last week;" Since both truly dedicated to: her profession. eph B. Shane, vice president In nanel' : locatIDg and. regulating '," The board spent much time In Sidley Park and Swarthmore com, Just this past win\er she paused charge of alumni" relailqns. Mr. parking Illeters in the ·bo~ugh. At &msid.era.tio.!, o.f the. bUd.get and Pleted. the regula.r seas.on'8. pJ.ay on her way home fro.m h~r..tea.chlng HiCkS.. wlll succeeeii .Willlam F. present 64 meters, renting space e1lid, insurance at the rate of twohou..s.pernickel noting' tba~·.theae were within the necessary .that a playott game be resp"nded to the question. Had underwriter for the Penn Mutu- up to 1.:1 hours, will be.placed on budgetary limits.· Careful; co'!8i c:l- s~heduled.t:c) dete~e the champ.. a har~ d~"wlth .ller warm al Company: He will se,:"e for the uppe," level along the south eration.. was given to the funds Ion.,... smile, . TeachlDg is ?ever work to two years.' side of the un4erpass. where free riecessary for running expenses During t'h e official' season me.". It.. was her wlSh. that those Also elected' to offices for the unlimited parking has been In ef August .1 sln.ce no substsl\tlal, in- Swartluilore tl!Sled defeat· In .both d~innlt. to send flowers would, 1953"55 teriri were Thomas S. feet; and on the east, north and come Is .i1\ . ~ight until earty tax games i with Ridley., PBJ"k. The Instead; donate to their favorite Nicley, of Short Hiqs, N. J.,.vice- south curbs of the borough parkreceipts about the middle ofAug~ .flrst gllllle w~ a 1-0 no-hitter, charity.", .... . ... .... president for men,' Mrs. 'Edward Ing lot. The P,!"k avenue 'curb of Usl. .. . hurled by Ridley. P~k.'~."tar li'it~· She Is SUl"Vl'fed bY'her husband Passmore, o~ Rutledge, vlce-pres- the lot will· remain meteriess, at . 'The ~,;~~tion :schedule wlll gO yl;1er foe Burke. The·.econd·gRm.... whOm ~he married on July 5, 1930ldent for women, and MrS. D; ~east·~mporar1l.Y, but will. be Into-eftect July 1 to continue until Rlayedon t)1e,c;arnet diamond, ap.. iIlt11",.. Memorllll Ch,,~ at :V1ill4Y .Mace Gowlnll, of P'lrrisll·'.roa4,. placed ,under the :t",:e-:hQUr P!'rk. fie tember 1 .M!Bii·Hw,tet ~ll b& llellWti' to be. a.-lUte win ftlr'the .J"orge, and. a". broUJer . wal~r..'w.:.ho wlll be secretarypf th.e' alum.... Ing restriction prevailing through-' o/"a'cation JuiY . Mrs: h.oineaterl! as,they jW1lped oft to Henry, East Liverpool; Ohio. . ill body." .' ' . cut the business section. Meters "d Ing A ~'st. a a-dlead In the. lIrst innIl)8. But Interment was In the family Hicks is a graduate In the class will operate from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Th R ~Tseh OlDSt.Ol) 'gulaUl" . eeutina~g f the' -Parkers, although ~ble to plot at EasUawn Cemetery. ot 1932' and has been' active In every day but Sunday and certain e nex re r mo·" - ' ' .. th b d III 'b 'September hlt'a ball o'!t at the infield, came college alumni affairs. He Is a holidays. FInes, penalties and dee oar w e on . from behind and won out in the ADVANCED DEGREES tormer chairman of the Swarth- tailed particulars will be set forth 14. late Innings, 4-3. . AWARDED'AT U, OF p, more College Alumni Councll lit the ordinance to. be in the . Although the Parkers beat Thomas B. McCabe of North nominating 'committee, and· Is Swarthmorean next week. Date I;ateRded' S'wilrthmore twice, they could not Cheater road, was.. awarded the president of the PhI'Kappa 'PsI The Swartpmore Property Own.Applications tor' examinations d':' th'e same with Ridiey .Townshlp, honorary degree of Doctor. of Pub- .alumni of Swarthmore College. ers Association by letter lauded for Postmaster at swarthmore, which 'Swllrtbmore defeated on IIc Adminiatration at. the Univer- He is a member of Sigma Tau, Council for its correction of the have been extended from June 9 both occasions. If It had not been sity of Pennsylvania's 197th Com- honorary engineering society, the highway condition at Chester road to June 28, according to announce- for Prospect Park's yictory over mencement held Jl'ne· 10 In PhIIa- Duquesne Club of Pittsburgh and and Harvard avenue, and also for ment by U. S. Civil Service Com- Township there would b8ve been delphia. Mr. McCabe Is president the Racquet Club of Philadelphia. Its decWon against establishment While at Swarthmore Mr. Hioks of a county health unit. The Asmission. EXamination. 'wlll be giv- a three-way tie for the champion" of the Scott Paper Company and eli. under new requirements re- ship. . • former chairman of the board of was captain of the 1931 football socl:ation· backed Borough Health centty agreed upon by the Com~ In the championship game veto. l!o)1ernors of the· Federal Reserve team. He Is married and has two Ollicer Dr. J. Albright Jones in mlssion'and'the Poat\.OlliceDe- eran pitchers Joi,r!urk~ and Bill System. children, oneson and one daugh- the latter matter and stated It was partment. . . . . . (Continued on Page 4) . Eugene H. Galenter, AV"l'dale te;'. in genera! against relinquishing :..-------------....:..--....:..--'---------1 road, received his degree of Doc- The new vice president for men, local control to National, state or tor of PI1ilosopily at the Wednes- Mr. Nicley, is an industrial sales- county· groups. It disapproved of 11. day morning exercises. man for the Johns Manville coi-p- parking meters 0ni.Y for aU day Also receiving advanced degrees oration. He is a former president parkers suggesting one hour metwere Nancy A. Cross of Westmln- of the ·Swarthmore Club of Phila- erIng on streets and two-hour In steJ;, avenue, Master of science In delphia. He is 'viee-presldent Of the borough lo~ In addition to allIn recent articles revieWs of the Swarthmore IDgh School gave re- education, and Jeanne Weinreich' the Racquet Club of Short HI11s, day for out-of-toW1\ parkers. It work of the health and welfare ports on their vWts to Glen MIlls of Ogden avenue, Master of Social and a past president of the Brook- also went on record aabeJlevIng and educ!ltion 1lO!l'!lf!ments.. of the and Sleighton Fm;ms. .!tWIlll· falt Work. haven Civic Association. "no revision or variance from the Woman's Club of. Swarthmore that the sympathetic' and openMrs. Passll)ore and Mrs. Gowing present' zoning ordinance· should have been liven. The Club is also minded study was of great value have been very active In thl!ir be perinitted without 'careful convery proud of the work of the to thO! young people at these inFall Exchange Dates local community allialrs. ~. Passmore 'is a me#nber ·of. 'the (Continued Gn Page 4)' two remaining philariihiOpic" d...· stituUons, to the students, and to Mrs. Robert A. Boyle; newty partments, youth conservation and the club members who heard the .'~Barnstoimers, n Ridley. Park. a:m- _. appointed chalrmilllof the We-: ateur dramatic group, and active Swarthmorelr.Assembli~$ international friendship.. " reports, . . .. ' . ·man's Club Mutual ElS.- Elect OHicers" ~ man of the youth conservation The department of Internatlon- · announces the dates of the Fall siJclation th~ Sh,i.l. 11/ ij,ember ·Mrs.. Thomlls W. Hopper' of' department which, for several al friendship, under the leader-. ·~hange as September' 22, 23; of the claSs of 1930 at SWa~Dogwood lane, . n"Wty . 'elelrted' years has sponsored the giving ship of Mrs. S. Bryant, has. : and 25, Tuesday, Wednesday, more. .. ... . chairman' of the Swatthmore JUn.of personal \lifts ~ bo" at ;!:;Jen carried out a very extensive pro- -and Friday. he luncheon meeting of Mis. Gowing is o!, the board of At t Mills School at, Christmas. The. gram Idurln. 1952-53.' Internadirectors and treasurer of the Wo- .Ior Assemblies for 1953-54, enter. ed'at I une h eon mee t'lDg I as t ...L-·ltt"'; chairmen with Mrs. men's Club of Swarthmore. She tam comID names and ages' of 20 boys in tlonal House in Philadelphia has, that school were obtained, and for several years, been of SPecial Boyle on' Wednesday. a new holds the same ollice' with the week for the new ollicers: They· box of candy Interest to this department. Last. policy of using Th¥J'Sday for Swarthmore College Philadelphia are Mrs C. Tbpma.s Bauer, vicee4ch was given aDd an appropriate gift, such aa year a $120 projector for educa- thorough preparation for set- Alumnae Ciub. ·Mrs•.··Qowlng Is chaiman: Mi-ij, ',joSeph Lynch,: member' of the class of ·1938. treasur,er: M!"s.1. Robert qrosan,. g1"""", a gaml',. puzzle 0~.1I!l .!Ih:~ ~on~ .stl,lis was glven,lI!1d this, tlement on FrtdaY waa ,decided .. secretarf: Mrs. ·'S. A; T\irner, Jr. ' plane model, personally wrapped. year the sum of $25 wu contrl-. upon and will be put into pracrius Christmas the response bated for general activities of the. tlceat the Fall Exehange. . .' FIo.en .... 'seventh grade. chairman: Mrs.: . 'l'he dates' arel given earty Flowers for the. flowerless pa_ Robert Wilson; ch.diuwi;"ilihth ~ .great that 16 more boys .......H~. celved boxea of candy; '~'and ' . 'l'h" .. de~ent was also able pUblicity In order that the Ex- tients at the Pliiladelphia General grade; Mrs. Raymond 141ssiat,. candy were also sent tb'inany Of to give'SS!I ·'to the Red Croaa change may' be of the greatest Hospibil Wlll'be received W~es- plnth.!I'adechalrmilll: Mrs. ,James , t1\.e girls at Slelgbtob·' Parms 'ChrIstmas party, and members of· service to aU. It. Is hOlMid. that day evening on the porch of the B. Bu1lI~ Jr., ch~ of tenth. sChooL the club knitted four afghans for' other !miovatlons Wider' con- 'Woman's Club where b,.ckets of grade; Mrs. Raymond Fellows, el-' '"The department had charge of the Red Cross. . .slderation. by the ·committee water wilt be available. The Pres- evenUJ grade chairman, and Mrs. will Increase .the gen8raI.. eIB- byteri~ ~Churc:h is In cbarge of Henry Bunker, Jr., chairman of 11" very~ ~teTeSllng. club· procram.' .' A resident of JUJOSIavia dono. tl\Is spring.' Students from' the ateel 25 dolls dressed In the cos- ",,"C_ien_'_';_7_'O_f_'th ..... e_aflaIr_·_·,_ ......___ . _-I' the project for the month of June. twelfth grade. - Miss Hunter Lists 416 New k Boo s,71 New Members AIumm• , . Jligb b IICh . h'· I .' '. No Traffic during alia' Health and 'Weuar'e, Youth Conse.:rvation· De.p'ts. Add to .Woman's Club PbiJanthropic' Works r.w.ton a a Rowe...... was ~tem~ .~I~ .o;\,asS,'af, (.,.(~tm.uedCl'l Paael.!l) ..., . :- , . , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE For brnry The Remember Page 'li. 10d, June 5, 195:1 THE SW ARTHMOREAN SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS 1953 OF Your Flowers VOLUME 25-NUMBER 24 .. .- Success to the Class of 1953 * May all your Flowerless Library Boar~ Eyes State of Treasury '3.50 PER YEAR SW ARTHl'10RE. FJUUAY. JlJ;>lE 12, 1953 Poppies Bring $204 Merger Gets Mrs. Charles Hess Bank Shareholders' O. Buried Yesterday Wishes ~~l CHRISTINE S~lITII FRANKLIN S:VllTII R eSSELL SNYDER STEPHEN SNYDER CHARLES SPENCER MARY SPILLER HEU:N STEPHANI NANCY STEWART JOSEPH STORLAZZI .JR. DONALD STRO:-'lBERG OLIVER SWAN, JR. THOMAS THEALL .JAMES TURNER DAVID WERNER DOROTHY WIDDOWSON ~IARY WILLI:, Be Fulfilled SUCCESS * TO THE HANNUM CLASS OF 1953 'Vith the sincere wish that all your &WAITE ambitions will be fulfilled Yale and *** Chester Roads B. J.HOY Swarthmore 6-1250 5 & 10c Store KENNETH WILSON DELORES ZE!,;SE!X WILLIA~l ZIEGENFeS 2 Park Avenue Swarthmore No Traffic Light for Swarthmore and Elm The Leg ion Auxiliary of Swarthmore met for a festive Consolidation of the Swarthmeeting on Monday at the home more National Bank and Trust of Mrs. John Jeffords of Vassar School Teacher Dedicated Company and the First National Unjustified By Present avenue. The eleven present enBank of Media was approved Miss Hunter Lists 416 New joyed refreshments and cards. Life Spent Here Traffiic, State Tuesday at special meetings of the Books, 71 New Mrs. George Warren, Poppy shareholders. The merger will be In Borough Finds chairman, reported that $204 had Funeral services were held completed within a few weeks Members Borough Council was informed been taken in. by her committee. yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock under the title of The First NaLibrarian Bettina Hunter listed After $50 is subtracted for the in Media for Mrs. Margaret Henry tional Bank of Delaware County. Monday evening that its requested No immediate changes in the survey of traffic conditions at the the circulation total for April and cost of 1,000 poppies and $15 for Hess, wife of Charles E. Hess, who Swarthmore, Elm, Princeton aveMayas 8731 in her report to dir- the veterans' time in making them, died at her home, 336 Park ave- officers or personnel of the nues intersection has been comSwarthmore Office are anticipatectors of the Swarthmore Public the Auxiliary will have $139 for nue, early Tuesday morning, June hospitalized veterans the lahgest 9, after an illness of several ed. It is believed that the new pleted by the State Highway DeLibrary Tuesday night in the Li- amount Swarthmore has ever montlls. The Rev. Joseph P. Bis- Bank will be excellently equipped partment and revealed the traffic brary. Four hundred and sixteen given to the POppy Campaign. hop alld the Rev. George H. Turn- to render improved services to the volume required for a control light citizens and business organizations is not present at this triple crossThe Auxiliary's Annual Rumm- er officiated. new ~ooks have been added durThe daughter of the late Al- of the rapidly growing Delaware ing. Therefore "we are compelled ing the period and 71 new read- age Sale will he held on Septemto deny you a permit for this locaber 30 and October I in the May bert W. Henry and Margaret Hoff- County' area. ers registered. tion at the present time," stated Loeffier Building of the Presby- man Henry. Mrs. Hess was a life Miss Hunter reminded the board terian Church. The Christmas a letter f~om H. W. Evans, traffic long resident of Swarthmore, hav-I engineer, on behalf of W. H. Herof the gift of $50 received during Card Party to aid the Auxiliary 18:: man, chief research engineer. The e the two report months from the in its Christmas work has been letter' expLained "In accordance Cub Scout Pack 101 with which scheduled for Monday, December throughout her life. with the proviSion of the law, beShe was educated in the public 21 books were purchased and of 7, in the Woman's Club. fore a permit may be issued legalschools of. Swarthmore and at Three Resid~nts EI t d the gift of $51 from the SwarthPennsylvama State College. She • • ec e ly certai.n volumes of traffic both vehicular and pedestrian must be more Mothers' Club. She reported taught Home Economics for a two Officers In College present." The borough had applied her participation in the evaluayear period in Atlantic City and Association for permission to erect the light then, continuously, in the Philation of the High School Library delphia public schools. At the time Morris L. Hicks of College ave- after representatives of several and the completion by the Public of ber death, she was a member nue, manager of the Philadelphia mothers' groups complained the In one of the most thrilling of the faculty of the Tilden Jun- district office of the pravo Cor- intersection was hazardous for Library staff of the inventory and necessary re-cataloguing of the games of the current season the ior High Schoo1, Philadelphia. Her poration, is the new president of children. ~ntire adult collection of the Li- Swarthmore High School team associates and her friends and the 9,000 member Swarthmore At Its long monthly seSsion b:rary. The reference collection won the Suburban Section III r.eighbors were aware that she was College Alumni Association, it Council officially passed an ordihas also been inventoried and ar- championship in a playoff on Col- truly dedicated to her profession. was announced S~turday . by Jo~­ lege field last week. Since both Just this past winter she paused eph B. Shane, Vice preSident In nance locating and regulating ranged as classified. parking ~eters in the borough. At The board spent much time in Ridley Park and Swarthmore com- on her way home from her teaching ch.arge o~ alumni relations. Mr. present 64 meters. renting space consideration of the budget and pleted the regular season's play day to chat with- a neighbor and HIcks wIll succeeed W!lliam F. at the rate of two hours per nickel exi1enditures in the year to date, with a ten and two record it w~s responded to the question "Had Lee, G~ernsey road, Insurance up to 12 hours, will be placed. on noting- that these were withln the necessary that a playoff game be a hard day?" with her warm I underWrIter for the. Penn Mutu- the upper level along the south budgetary limits. Careful consid- scheduled to detetmine the champ- smile, "Teaching is nev~r work to al Company .. He wlll serve for side of the unq.erpass where free " It h . h two years. eration was given to the fimds ion. unlimited parking has been in efwas er WIS that those AI ltd t During the official seaso~ me. necessary for running expenses deSiring to send flowers would, 1953~~5 e te:~ offices for the fect, and on the east. north and August 1 since no substan.tial in- Swarthmore tasted defeat in both instead, donate to their favorite Nicle of Sh t ;;~el ;'hoJmas. S. south curbs of the borough park. y. or s , . . , Vlce- ing lot. The Park avenue curb of come is in sight until early tax games with Ridley Park. The charity. first game was a 1-0 no-hitter, ' . d b h h b d preSIdent for men, Mrs. Edward receipts about the middle of AugSh e IS surVive the lot will remain meterless, at y er us an p :r hurled by Ridley Park's star pit- whom she married on July 5. 1930 I'dassmt °fre. 0 Rutledge, vice-pres- least temporarily, but will be ust. . . en or women and Mrs D cher Joe Burke. The second game, . The vacation schedule will go the Memonal Chapel at Valley Mace Go' P . h' • placed· under the two-hour parkplayed on the Garnet diamond, ap- 10 Forge, and a brother Walter . wmg, 0 arrls road, ing restriction prevailing throughinto effect July 1 to continue until peared to be a sure win for the H E t L' I Oh' who WIll be secretary of the alumSeptember 1. Miss Hunter will be cut the business section. Meters enry, as Iverpoo , 1 0 . ni bod . homesters as they jumped off to on vacation during .July and Mrs. will operate from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Interment was in the family Hick; is a graduate in the class a 3-0 lead in the first inning. But R~se Thomson during August. every day but Sunday and certain of 1932 and h as b een act · ·!n lve the ·Parkers, although unable to plot at Eastlawn Cemetery. The next regular meeting of holidays. Fines, penalties and decollege alumni affairs. He is a hit a ball out of the infield, came the board will be on September former chairman of the Swarth- tailed particulars will be set forth from behind and won out in the ADVANCED DEGREES 14. AWARDED AT U. OF P. more College Alumni Council in the ordinance tei be in the late innings, 4-3. Thomas B. McCabe of North nominating committee, and is Swarthmorean next week. Although the Parkers beat Date Extended The Swarthmore Property OwnSwarthmore twice, they could not Chester road, was awarded the president of the Phi Kappa Psi honorary degree of Doctor of Pubalumni ot Swarthmore College. ers Association by letter lauded Applications for examinations do the same with Ridley Township, lic Administration at the UniverHe is a member of Sigma Tau, Council for its correction of the for Postmaster at Swarthmore, which Swarthmore defeated on sity of Pennsylvania's 197th Comhonorary engineering society. the highway condition at Chester road have been extended from June 9 both occasions. If it had not been mencement held June 10 in PhilaDuquesne Club of Pittsburgh and and Harvard avenue, and also for to June 23, according to announce- for Prospect Park's victory over delphia. Mr. McCabe is president the Racquet Club of Philadelphia. its decision against establishment ment by U. S. Civil Service Com- Township there would have been of the Scott Paper Company and While at Swarthmore Mr. Hicks of a county h'ealth unit. The Asmission. Examinations will be giv- a three-way tie for the champion~ former chairman of the board of was captain of the 1931 football sociation backed Borough Health en under new requirements re- ship. In the championship game vet- governors of the Federal Reserve team. He is married and has two Officer Dr. J. Albright Jones in cently agreed upon by the Comchildren, one son and one daugh- the latter matter and stated it was ·System. mission and the Post Office De- eran pitchers Joe Burke and Bill Eugene H. Galenter, Avolldale ter. in general against relinquishing (Continued on Page 4) partment. ' road, received his degree of DocThe new vice president for men, local control to National, state or tor of Philosophy at the Wednes- Mr. Nicley, is an industrial sales- county groups. It disapproved of man for the Johns Manville Corp- parking meters only for all day day morning exercises. Also receiving advanced degrees oration. He is a former president parkers suggesting one hour metwere N'ancy A. Cross of Westmin- of the Swarthmore Club of Phila- ering on streets and two-hour in ster avenue. Master of science in delphia. He is vice-president of the borough lot, in addition to allIn recent articles reviews of the Swarthmore High School gave re- education, and Jeanne Weinreich the Racquet Club of Short Hills, day for out-of-town parkers. It work of the health and welfare ports on their visits to Glen Mills of Ogden avenue, Master of Social and a past president of the Brook- also went on record as believing and education departments of the and Sleighton Farms. It was. felt Work. haven Civic Association. Uno revision or variance from the Woman's Club of Swarthmore that the sympathetic and open- r - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . I Mrs. Passmore and Mrs. Gowing present zoning ordinance should have been given. The Club is also minded study was of great value have been very active in their be permitted without careful con~ very proud of the work of the to the young people at these inFall Exchange Dates local community amairs. Mrs. (Continued on Page 4) two remaining philanthropic de- stitutions, to the students, and to Passmore is a meMber of the Mrs. Robert A. Boyle, newly parbnents, youth conservation and the club members who heard the "Barnstormers," Ridley Park amappointed chairman of the Wointernational friendship. . reports. ateur dramatic group. and active Swarthmore lr.Assemblies man's Club Mutual Exchanges, international Friendship . Mrs. Henry I. Hoot is chair. fled Officers . in the Community Concert Asannounces the dates of the Fall The department of internationman of the youth conservation sociation there. She is ~ member Mrs. Thomas W. Hopper of department which, for several al friendship, under the leader- ~hange as September 22, 23, of the class of 1930 at Swarthand 25, Tuesday, Wednesday, Dogwood lane, newly elet'ted. years has sponsored the giving ship of Mrs. S. Milton Bryant, has more. chairman of the Swarthmore Juncarried. out a very extensive proand Friday. of personal gifts to boys at Glen Mrs. Gowing is o~ the board of At the luncheon meeting of ior Assemblies for 1953-54, entergram /during 1952-53. InternaMills School at, Christmas. The directors and treasurer of the Wo .. tained at luncheon meeting last committee chairmen with Mrs. tional House in Philadelphia has, names and ages of 20 boys in men's Club of Swarthmore. She Boyle on Wednesday, a new that school were obtained, and for several years, been of special holds the same office with the week for the new officers: They policy of using Thursday for interest to this department. Last each was given a box of candy Swarthmore College Philadelphia are Mrs C. Th9mas Bauer, viceyear a $120 projector for educathorough preparation for setand an appropriate gift, such as Alumnae Club. Mrs. Gowing is chaiman; Mrs. -Joseph Lynch, treasurer; Mrs.1 Robert Grogan, tional stills was given, and this tlement on Friday was decided gloves, a game, puzzle or at:!- ~lir­ a member of the class of 1936. secretary; Mrs. J. A. Turner, Jr of upon and will he put into pracplane model, personally wrapped. year the sum of $25 was contriseventh grade chairman: Mrs. buted for general activities of the tice at the Fall Exchange. This Christmas the response was The dates arel given early Flowers Far Flowerless Robert Wilson, chairman; eighth so great that 16 more boys re- .House. publicity in order that the ExFlowers for the fiowerless pa- grade; Mrs. Raymond Lassiat. The department was also able ceived boxes of candy; gifts and change may be of the greatest tients at the Philadelpbia General ,ninth grade chairman; Mrs. James candy were also sent to :many of to give $35 to the Red Cross service to all. It is hoped. that Hospital will he received Wednes- B. Bullitt, Jr., chairman of tenth tile girls at Sleighton Farms Christmas party, and members of other innovations under con- day evening on the porch of the grade; Mrs. Raymond Fellows, elthe club knitted four afghans for School. sideratlon by the committee Woman's Club where buckets of eventh grade chairman, and Mrs. The deparbnent had charge of the Red Cross. will increase the general effi.- water will be available. The Pres- Henry Bunker. Jr., chairman of A resident of Jugoslavia dona very interesting club program ciency of the affair. byterian Church is in charge of this spring. Students from the ated 25 dolls dressed in the cos- ,1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1' the project for the month of June. twelfth grade. (Continued on Page 10) Contemporary Problems class of S th AI . ~~;;,:e~:U~~rninM~h~~h i~i~~~ I war more .um~1 Name MorriS Hicks High School Captures Baseball Championship I I '': i , K. Health and Welfare, Youth Conservation Depts. Add to Woman's Club Philanthropic Works PapS d M illi The marriage. of Miss . an rs. W am H. Thltt- tolnette. Leach, daughter of Hr. cher of College avenue are enter- and Mrs. _ Lloyd Lyn Lea h . tainlng as their house guests Mrs. WaUtngf rd . d M Ed· C. of Thatcher's brother Mr. Willis B . ' 0 , an r. win J'rank W Windell, BOIl of Mr. and Mrs. ODd and his wife of Cherryvale, Frank D. Windell of Wynnewood fonnerly f S h " Kans. Mr. and~rs. Paul B. Banks of I 0 wart more, took Harvard ave t rtaI P, alceksainlUrday afternoon at 2: 30 nue en e ned as 0 c DC the Swarthmore Prestheir week-end guests Mr. and byterian Church before an altar Mrs. Andrew Duvall, Jr., of TO-: banked, with clbotium ferns; white wand_a. Mrs. Duvall attended her snapdragons, white _ stock,:' pink 15th, flass reuni0il at Swarthmore laurel and, lighted candelabra. College. .. The aisle: leading to the alter was .Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen alight WIth candelabra encircled cif . Harvard avenue spent with i v y . · week-end' with their son-in-law The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop _perand daughter Lt_ (j_g) William De fonned the. ceremony. _. Forrest Fetzer and Mrs. Fetzer Mr. He.nry J. Faust, church o~-. Springfield, Mass. They-were ganist, presented the Wedding companied .' by; Mrs. music prece?ing .the ceremony,." mother .Mrs_ Benjamin O. The bride, who was given in .~f S?ringfteld; Ohio who is visit-· marriage by her father, wore ·.a mg In Swarthmore. -gown of white silk Chantilly ja~e Mr. and· Mrs_Joseph.H. Perkins over tulle and champagne taffeta of Cedar lane entertained as their fashioned with bodice and standrecent guests Mr. and Mrs. lngcollar of the lace, long fitted Beaven of B31timore, Comdr. sleeves, and full skirt of tulle with ~rs. J.-Grant Hebble, 3rd, of Col- an overskirt of lace in scalloped lmgsdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Johd border. Her flnger tip veil of ilBrownell and children of Tel- lusion fell from a cap of matchford. ing Chantilly lace and she carMrs. E. VanS. Cleveland of Park ~~ rhulirum _l:lies and- _stephanavenue is the house guest f . . or a ra;.ss Bettie Brittain -.{)f Tazeweek. of Miss Marjorie I. Groves II, V .' Mr • f AIl· we a., as maid of hdnor· 'and Th . Wels:m.;:iTlatorge Off _Miss Harriet ,ree 0 thl! Alumni at Swarthmore College, and Mr. Robert Gales ·Dawes ' real dent of York Ju· ,p York took pI snlord College, ace un ay afternoon at 2 o'clock In the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Th f e Rev. John W. Stettner perorme<\ t~e,ceremony. , .. The bride, given In marriage bi her bro~her, .Mr. Elliott M. Welsh Dre~el Hi!I, .wore_ a teal blue lk shantung suIt and small white hat- -of straw with- ·.veil. Her- corsage Was ,of white orchi!ls. Mrs .. John K. ,DeGrogt of Crest 1an«: as matron cif honor, wore a suit of -white orlan with small h8:t o~ d~sies. Het corsage was of whIte orchidS with yellow cen~ ter.-· . . Mt. E......e TbIa OaIf O"I .....I . A _. . .(A...... 'fi. ~c ~ollOwlng GE. RCA or Carrier AIR CONDITIONER .. ".otI..., . 'with a ,lewer that H.... 1f CIlId Feel R.I&eshed and· R·I . . _ ' .a. on ave reorga ze an a a 1 ment, ~rs: J. Justus Bodiey, Su- recent meeting the group, elected the generosity of our townspeop e., perlntendent. The chU-_ the following officers: Donald. D.. dren will teke part. . Dickinson" president; .1Uchard M. . . '.' BEAT THE HEAT - ~W::illl~in:gn~e~ss~t~O~S~U~P~P~o~rt~lt~b~y~th~e~Ir~~~~L~I~O~n~s~C~I~U~b~O~f~S~W~a~rth~m~or,el • ~TATE INSPECTION Phones School - ME 6-1088 6-4529 -, ·COLLE-GE l·HE·ATRE·- 1 the JUNE, JULY, AUGUST ., . . Ijr~i.ii~~c~re~.~C:~Offi·~p~a~.~.~o~-r~.p~h~mn~e~M~t.~p~Oie~o~1I~0~4~5~2~4~~~~~ ;! All of the profits on thetr gross very wholehearted purchases. To nor Stabler Clarke on "The Story went to the Blind, and 1 can as- the members of tile Lions Club of 1652", will follow at the home sure you their appreciation knows this was very. gratifying, but we . of John and Gertrude Seybold, 40 no bounds. find It very h8rd to expreSs our THE· SWARTHMOBEAN deep, deep appreciation. Suffice Amherst avenue. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. Secondly, the success of this it to say to all, many, many thanks TIlE SWAJI,~IDIO,JtEAN, INC., PUBLISHER venture depended on, not the for your cooperation and support• TRINITY NOTES phone' SWarthmore 11-0900 and their voluntery time f Lions There will be a ceI eb ra t Ion 0 With sincerest appreciation, PETER E. TOLD, Edlwr and Publisher, the Holy Communion 'at 8 o'clock and eIror!, but to those who came MARJORIE TOLD anAl BARBARA KENT, Edlwn to the Blind Fair and showed their Barton Calvert, President Rosalie Pelrso1 Lorene. McCarter Sunday morning. The closing serEntered as Second Class Matter, ianuary24, 19~9,at theP' finished 'her World War II. He Is vice-presl~ BIRTHS f~blnllJl..year. at:Mhllllebury dent. of American Heating and 1_.,,;.1_, .,"".-,,:,;_' ,_ . _.. Ventilating Co., Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. David S; ·Binns ·Mri",lUt1f!'Mts. C. T, -BaUer --:------c---~-:-~~-'--I of Haverford place, announce C.otneili'-QYeI\u/fiinti!rtSined .at a ?vlrs. 0.- M.- Hook· of, strath .blrth of their second son, T.·..,er-_I di.-, pttHy'-Weilriesdai evening 'Ivenue entertained asher nard, on May 31 in Chester·Coun~.'hO'l1ol':ot:the 50th an- house ,guests -for -several days of ty Hospital, West Chester.·nl~ary of Mrs. Baller's. last week Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hook If:;:;=:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~~~:;:;;;;;; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G of Cleveland, Ohio. hr·Rldley Pllrk: ·Mr. - and Mrs. Swarfilmore. Pa. e .- formerly of S",arl~lor.e;11 8y&8CIl1PTION8 have been residents of Delaware FOR ALL _. -AIR CONDITIONED county for 35 years. . -'- - . JL\OAZiNES . , Fri. .. Sat. Mr. and 1011'8. W. S; llarvey 2nd 1iIR8. LLOYD_Eo KAUFFMAN Ethel ~ Il!JiUlId O'Connor who have been residents of' Col~ 111 D&l1mol\Pl AveDllIi . ~VlNG BBBLIN'S lege avenue for 2li years,· aI'1' now SwarIbmore 6-1080 . "CALL ME MADAM" ('1OdutlcoliJr) at St David's Par'" Davids. ... II 8~ ChUcJreb'IJ 8_-sd, I'P.M. entown and while there will attend the annual luncheon of the Liberty Ben Chapter of the DAR. -Before returnmg' Cleveland will sPend several Do~thy J!astl~cl!: "'-'is 1.....gL H.II' P~"::~R:~=CH . .. 1I/IIIIIDUI.IIIIIIH1HUi/IIIIIIUIillllHIIIlIIIIlIIlIlllllU111IllnOIUIHIIIII11111iHllmIl1118I1ll1ill81/1mnmUUlllHmmftlftllllllft.lllllilllllllHHllliUli/ll.IiitIIIIRIHIIHlII/RII~I",! I gency use, and a list of physicians = , - Joseph P. Bishop, MinIster has been posted in ·the telephone John Stettner, AssIstant SundQ'. JuJI8 14 bootil. ?-'he prondent has develop9:30 A.M.-Chlldren's Day Serv:- ed an Imp,,!vO!i of .ice. ing anifhas' appointed as head usl1- a 11:00 A.M.-Morning W:orship..:...- ers RI~hard M. Sliyder, George'. , METHODIST CHURCH Shubert, John Flood, Wesley John C. Kulp, Pastor France and Donald W. Dieklnson. Sunday, 1 _ ... . II 10;30 A.M.-Children's Day O b - · .. CHURCH .... _.• CHKlSTrAN NatISI-" H.. Lawrence Whlttertlore, Rector A LesSon-Sermon compOsed of iii, Sunda,., JuJI8 Scriptural teJOts andC9rrellrtive-!ll 8: 00 A.M.-Holy Communion. passages from, the, C~tian_ ,ScJ,1:30 A.M.-Church School. . 'enee textbooK, "Science and 11:00 A.M.-Morning Pray~. 'llelllth wltil K- -:to lhi!' Sl\r!.pWedDesday, JUDe l' -;". 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. lures" by Mary Baker.Edd.Y,..wlU -THE RELIGIOUS socIETY be readtn aU Christian Science OF PBIIlNDS ch\U'Ches next Sunday when the -_ , 8und""', laM It -.' . , iiUbjeci--will be'GOd Thll Presetftr . li:OO A.M.--iMeeUng for Worship. _. Man. '. _, ., !' -- - -iiAll are wele.ome. .1 .Uf-... -." •. . • . • == _sy~m . I _ . . . Or: . . ush~--5 . ' .,. - .... '- - • . - .- ' ; . n':', - ·s'- .Q. . . .- .,. '- -, .- , a serva:;~TY SCIE~CE 1. -_- All-D;:O!e~;.:":'o~ I.h.s.c. ,. FltllillDS' MEtriNG' NOTES • I. Tuesdaf, 1 _ 18 . 6:15 P.M.-Covered Dish Supper. A Covered Dish Supper will '1:30 P .M.-Montilly Meeting for precede Monthly M~ting for ii :BusinesS in Whittier House.~-- 'BuStne5s on 'TU-etdaY, June -,'16. § All_J:;.edDse~ ~.s.C, Friends. will gather at 6:15 p.m. e30,}S.M.-Young FrIends Picnic to plcruc on t.he)..~,1f weather Supper at 46 Amherst A~u" .perinlts. ()t.herwIse, tile supper fllides shown by - Eleanor, 9. Will be Mid in Whittier House. _Clarke on "Story of, 185',~ .", ; 1Th0!le p~ to attend should ~SO p.M.-Mid - week- '1!/IeetIn/I call Mrs. Dwight Cooley to ar'for Worship. _' J'IRST CHURCH OF range for their .dlshes. Beverage : CHRIST BCIEN lIST and Dessert will be provided. 'SWARTHMORE Monthly _Business Meelbtc wlll ,'Park Avenue belnr ~ ", tuffow at 7:30 p.m. tn· Whlttier Sanday, 1'_ 1. ~,-." .. , . rSh e is"";':'- =" n;: t!i"fI.~~i=i~~"Y~~;l;Frl~nds·:~(;-~11eke'~have SupPer on ''G-odThe Preserver Of ,~em.esday evening 'uieetiDI ~~8=P=M SUnday Reading room 12 to 5 ~x:a;.J. to will ~ _ ... ~--. -.'" . ~ will a piCniC Wednesday, June n at 6:30 p.m. at the home of David and carolyn .Ullman. 46 Amherst avenue. A tallt and slides presented by Blea- We are Are YOU? '- • . - 1 ,, ; 15 Page 4. mE ,SWAltTBMOREAN Light For Swarthmore and Elm No Traffic , house diagonally on his lot on Swarthmore avenue at the of the Douglas' property at the .Chester road corner. Due .to trefflc noise, terrain, and view he considers the house would be best located by bringing three comers slightly closer to lot boundaries that set by local ordinance. He was asked to consult the border_ ing neigbors about variance and report again. Jane 12, 1953 High School Captures 8aseball Championship Allison, Bill Haynes, Rob Wright, Roger 'Russell, Red Stolnaker, Ed Bob Clothier, Mark Baker, Bob M.:Gaughey. (Continued from Page 1) Managers are Fred Bloom and GUrin, Harvey Hignutt, Mandel Ziegenfus faced each other for the third time, this year. It was evi- Much; Sophomores- , < ,', "' ~ . • - : 'j FINE SElEt~I.ON. OF , l Cordially, GIFTS EMMAM. REYNOLDS WILL . . FOUND AT . I at 'r''!1 e 5, .' ','AI ~.I••,~ Mgr. .:. . W.ewill close the fountain room (No. 3 50ulh~hester ;,' Roac:f) a.s of Sunday.evening bu.t not't!te fountain. Yournay WI;EKLY: Single, $15; 2 to 5 persons, $25~$50 - ," s' CoDege Pharmacy, i: ;}. 8 'arll.,.,Av•• ' 's p. artlng Nason which would help you to grow kI d f h and to become the n 0 uI irIan beings who would have perI integrity Sixty-tlve years over on the campus of Hav'erf~rd College, a great president B1/ JOHN W. NASON We leave Swarthmore C!,lIege of Haverford, . Issac Sharpless . together, you and I, and we prob - made a Commencement address ably are the prey to the same sort in which he said one or two of emotions. We look back over things which I am going to quote this our years here at the college and, now because theY~illtistrate f . dgment . by a kind provision of nature. we independence 0 J There is an old-fashioned ring probably remember the pleasant langu to the age but a profound episodes and moments more vivt idy than the unpleasant ones, We truth and hope in the statemen. "I suggest," said Issac Sharpless are all of us probably. too c~ose to the college to appra~se obJec- to the graduating class of 1888. tively and fairly what we have "that you preach truth and do righteousness as you have b een 01 • .. tried to do here and what we taught. Whereinsoever that teachshall take away. But, since 1 have HOOL been here longer tha.n·- you, I ~r:n ing may commend itself to your ocean consciences and ~our iu.dgments SUMMER SC . to try to put into brief gomg •. h' h , RIAL AND words some of· the thing{) W Ie we bave (lot sou'ght to bl,,:d, ?nd to it that no other inshtuhon, KEYSTONE, SECRETA I hope, over the course of years, .1eldJeim political pariy , no social circ.le . BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL you will ·come :to feel you have ON 'HE IOUDWUK.. no religious organization, no pet . A '-ftC) taken away from this, your ambitions p";t such chains on you Shorthand, TypinCJ, EnCJlish, c:~oun I • ATLANTJC CITY • lege What ought you to get from "~lo"tiC Citt Comptometry and Other CommerC:lal Sub,ec:ts you; college ed~catiori. What as would tempt you to saCrifice 5·1211· on~ iota of the mqral fre~dom of ought you to have o~tained ~rom , Day and EveninCJ Classes these years at Swarthmore. In- your consciences of the 'I)tellectual freedom of your judgments." SW 6-1747, SW 6-1795, SW 6-4656 formation. yes, bu\ that is p~o~~ Third, and stemming out of a. Phone ably the least important factor , your four years here.' I have no set of convictions, is a sense ~f publlc responsibility. That, too, IS for f the 'telparIi·c ular admiration . d ephone directory type. 0 ml~ hich is cluttered up wllh a mls:enaneous collection of irrelevant information. Mere facts. are the materials' of knowledge ':ln~ of wisdom, but mere facts t~em­ selve~ remind me of those J~eas which Coleridge once de.s,crlbed as Ulying bedridden in the do:mitory of men's minds." L~t rught PhiliJil Hicks offered you his del?nition of what education is. I will offer you another' one this morning that has 'always been attrac7 tive to me. Education Is what remains·after you have forgotten 'all that" you have learned .. : . More important than informa-· tion are three other qualities, and the tlrst is a view of tlte whole; I • hope you 'will take" away some sense of the interrelatedness of. human existence. and of . knowledge, This.1s one of the P';"-. poses of· the .g-:neral education. movement.·.. No. hberal . is .cOmplete or successful which does not leave you w~~h a, a kind of awesome sense, of the complex inter-relations of human life human thought, and the myster;': that is involved in them. The incompleteness of the partially educated person Is one, of ~~ tragedies and one of the, gre " SUMMER 'S HARD ,ON dangers of our time. Plato, who perhaps described the philosophic ~ BAnERIES point of view more eloquently than any other person,. talked abollt the stUdent of .philosophy TOO! s being tbe"spcctator of all.time d'to dr'lve around or shop aroundl No need to N · . ...• o nee , • k" .. ' , ) :"d of all exislenCe." That Is,per• . "5 e 'don't do engIne wor , haps, too higlt a de~rip'~9n ~~t face an annoYIng orry, w . " '... . , &tre~ heat ~~d dryness ca!, work It is what educated ':~d inAt RUMSEY'S you can get the skilled services of factory havoc: with. you. ba~ry If you telligent person should be' .tiYlng , neglect)t. check I~ for water, trained 'experts in ALL phases of, your car! And at low / ~o. He' should "have,' 'Vha~ solution and c:urrent deltvery. ~hitehead ' ~aid: "~'All ed~ation cost, too. 59 drive in and t~rn your¥iHOLE ~ar Qver to should give the habitual viSion of greatnesS." Anll .what· ~ .am pleadus. We will do all the work it needs and do It perfectly. ing for In' this tlrst. (~.'~:~~~~i~!ll of lIberel edui:a~on is:.~~e osophic outlook .wh\ch~ves some pers~Uve and :some sense of the 'wholeness of Jhings. Second Is the quality of indeDON'T pendent judgment. You have learned many views ,while. you A'.'. . TAKE . were at coli• . ~()!l", of t"eo,/- you need take away with y!>u" but '!Ie shall :I!avefaileci If; ~ou. do' no! .... .CHANCE take awBy e COnviction; . Indeed . set of convictions, which will grow For summer driving, fD' fast drivON . A "SICK" TUBE! as you grow and will guide you . 1~&.< '..• -A• ......1_ and focusinC) headla",To •is --:11' ing, forlonCJ-clistance driving, you'" .. in the years ahead. There' Is a a scientific procedure. We 0 ,t Wh' endangar your family with double sense of philosophy, one quickly and thoroughly with the 'find your car performs better and inne~ tubes that c:in blowout when Is the comprehensive view I, was aid of modem charts and instru. you. _ drivt"•ng fast on a hot daysmoothar on lummer oil! Let us just talking abOut, arid ~eother menh. AI faulty lights ot head!.at us inst...·...'!tubes for YOUR Is the sense In wl>ich we talk ",,",p unih are replaced. ~ce of minCiI No ch.roJe for indrain yOur ct~nkc:8H and dean about a Ph,il,~..l! !1~~!.. ~-'-a staletlon. You pay only for the eo.,..h u.MI.. C •• cII ,Up by' ox . DIe. '~'ne ,1IlOti1O ...... hil the olchludg, refi" , tu.... equipment that :JOU will take with you thIf ~ ,Is. a set of cOnvictions that. are ~ own and that are 'honestly by. ThIs Is the~tifYOU have these convictions of a rather subtle Inlel'p\ey of mind and emoUOIIS. You do pt "ust by thinking about QeJIl. ThIs SWARTHMORE 6-6130 , . , Is a part of the heart as well as of the head. 'l'ba~, Is one .e88Oll Wby__ South Chester Road. 'SqHN here at SwuUdnClft and at otbel' r " Instltutlons. _hate trletil to. proeducation ~ was more ~ Address G·Iven :;~a. 404 'II""", summ£1\ VRCR1\On ;h"S \ ~'~b~~'e~s~T~h~~~~a~r~e~th~e~W~a~y~,o~u~,r~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~I\ _arltiorougb .~ • $lTFfJIt SERV_CE .A UTO ••p Woods. Lake, Mountains, Sports, P~ivac;y Cabin,. With Cooking Facilities Bring Linen and Blankeh , row Wilson, when he stood on the . . society functions. They aret1 mostn front campus of w h a t 'IS now somethi. ng which we hope you bee Iy volunteer; they are mos Y u _ have learned while you have n C work Clothier and gave an address paid; they are mostly b .. . (Continued on Page 10) at Swarthmore. You have your But It Is the people In tbese duties as citizens, the least of groups who keep the whee~s gowhich Is to vote. ¥ore important . g and who make our soc,ety a is to vote Intelligently, and that :tter place in which to live. And, means in the end that you n;:~ as you.have bad special opporunderstand the Issues and a tunities here at Swarthm~re and vou must know something about elsewhere, so you have speclal'obihe political process, local as well ligations to play your proper. ~e­ as national. And let me co~mb.~ntyd sponsible role in the commun.'ties If you'11 fall to all of you your responSl 1 I into which you go., h toe for participating in local as. weI do that this college w, ~v as state governments. Am.erlca is f "ed in providing you the kmd boards, 3Ja run by comm,·ttees, school. , f education you sh ouId have. parent-teachers organizations, c~vwas stated very elOquent~y ic improvement groups. servIce fOr~Y year.s ago by a great preSlclubs, health organizations, alum- dent of the United States, Wood- See Rumsey Chevrolet Now For One-Stop Dear Fellow. Swarthmoreans:' Ttle. biS! day ", ,. . ~ WARNERCOLOR· .0_. .' June 12, 1953 ~:e ~;n~d~B~I~II~"~H~O~o~t~;;;"~J~li)I~iO~rs-G~,~' ~~"9~r~g~e~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~ to 'WHY' MOT GO:TO: MAINE? ; Page 5 -' "', .- " ", .. "•• - ; , anr . " :..= Change to Let Us Check Your Summer Lighting om Systeml "*- • not.. j ! .\ out R'ums,ey! Chevrolet. ,...cilr. , '. . , I'age 6 . THE SWARTHMOREAN She is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Joan is a resident of Wallingford. Dorothy Denworth, Elm avenue, received her bachelor of arts de.. gree from Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. at commencement exercises on Monday. A history major; Dorothy is a graduate of George SchooL Anne Pepper Neal of Benjamin !West aven;ue was graduated from the Woman's College of the University of Harth Carolina in Greensboro, N. C., June I, A class of 486 was graduated In the college's 61st commencement. Molly Siorck' of Washlnglon, D. C., formerly of Swarthmore, received the degree of Bachelor COLLEGE GRADUATES Joan Eynon of Vassar avenue, received her Bachelor of Arts degree at Pennsylvania College for Women's 80th annual commeneement exeercises on Monday. Joan Is an English major. Elizabeth R,pth Schoenberg was graduated Wednesday from Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass., with an A. B. degree in history. Elizabeth lives on Dartmouth avenue. Richard M. Bosshardt, Park avenue, and Gayle Hodge, Strath Haven avenue, are candidates for degrees at Cornell University's 85th Commencement exercises Monday, June 15. Gayle wtll recel~e her Bachelor of Arts, Dick 'his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree. Joan Hatch was awarded the degree of bachelor of science in education from Denison University, Granville: ·Ohio. at the nual Commencement June 8. A 1949 graduate of Stratford Hall, Danville, Va., she transferred to Denison In Septemiber of 1950. an- alie •. bark-'r( 9 rt I 5 . CO·ED BEAUTY SALON Sory. I.'H ..... · Th.ta, Moot Toda; Winners In the bl-monthly bridge bout Tuesday night at the Crum Creek Bridge Club were: Seated north and south, Mrs. Philip Kniskern and Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker first, and Mrs. H. W. Fricke and 'Leslie Luckie second; seated east and west Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest first, and Mrs. George S1110way and Helen Wilson second. ' The Club's closing party for the season will be given Tuesday night, June 16, at 8 p. m:. at the home of Mrs. Silloway, 403 North Chester road. Robert D. Gerner,. Westdale avenue, was elected to the board of directors of the International Institute, It. was announced last week. Mr. Gerner is an executive of the Atlantic Refining Company, Riv'!rslde, N. J. Nigel Wolff, Media, was reelected president of the executive committee for the Philadelphia Institute. Kappa Alpha Thetas wlJl convene tOday, June 12, at the home of EdIth S. Coale, Riverton, N.J. tor thel}' l'!St sewing meeting until . the fall. , Daily Dinners 90e to $1.65 NEWS NOTES Special Chiidren's' Platters !F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jr.,Mr. ofand Wallingford willR.enlerlaln Mrs. Judson Hoover, this evening with a bullet supper in the garden of their home following the Wedding rehearsal of Miss Elaine Rickly and their son Mr•. Robert Young Buzby be married tomorro~;w~:::t: I at ia ~'c19Ck In the Th om Seremba Custom-Made Slip Covers PI..... .sthd ChurCh. Mr. CAMp·U 5 YEAR,I!NDS FOR !(rs. Hoover" will have as their ' ACTIVE C~LLEGE5TUDENTS houlieguesta'Mi-. andMn. R •. F; "f. Ma'"" at,Cedar lane, re- Cob!lUBbof Mr.'. ' Lecriln -, ....... . .. HarrisbUrg, aiid . turned Jun.e 'l Hoodl::ollege, and _s.:· .... J. Zeigler Of York ' . '. ., . PARK and DARTHOtlTB AVE. Swari/maore ••101S freshman. the'Mary tlli'l)ed' on: HarYlllrd I Frederick, Mary Md., ~elved where ahe:was Mrs.·' Lovl!tt home FrElSCoIn' Jias Filler Allen' Muslc'Award" for : t h e ' 0 f severa) moat promising' freshmllil- mU$lc mii/ghterstuder\"l' this year. Mary ' M r ; . ~':W. Sunday for Eaglesmere to work as of ' ., a waitress for the summer. \ . and MI;s. Diluzio and Sons Florist , • • Mr. Walter J. Scott, retired fac_ ulty 'member of Swarthmore College, and Mrs. Scott of North Chester road, leave Swarthmore next Thursday to reside at 120 Woodland Drive, ThDmasville~ Ga. SiX- ..a tl Y' talla .... wlflo. c ..... _1t-pl....d A'rt. Labor cha~. for la~e chair - • otherwise be Idle between peak load hour.. makes possible the new reduced round-trip tickets." On May 20, the railroad announced it was making plans for increased. train service and other passenger service improvements on the West Chester branch and the Main LIne, In keeping with intensive studies of population trends and suburban transportation needs. liThe ~ew fares are a part of this program," Mr. Costello said, "all to be effective June 28." Fur·ther announcement as to details of additional train service, parkIng facilities and other features will be made within the , next 10 days." Reduced fare round-trip ticke~ will be 'go&d on 'all trains except those arriving and departing during ·the hour-and-a-half morning and afternoon rush perIods. Some typical fares on the West Chester Branch, which include 15 per cent Federal tax, are as follows: , Swarthmore, $.75 as compared to $.99 on the regular round trip; Media, $.85 as' compared to the regular $,1.10; Lansdowne, $.50 as compared to 1he. regular $.62. The reduced rate ttckets may be bought on the suburban, traln~ if the ticket office is closed. Children under five will continue to ride free, while those from five to' 12 wll1 be charged one-half the Thrift Ticket rate. Dr. ·Wolfging Kohler of Swarth~ Sharp reductions in. round triP more College was one of the ten fares durbJg non-rush hours on men to receive-- an honorary de- the Philadelphia area.- wllJ go Into dect JUne 28; the 'railroad angree Monday morning' at'the , . 125th nounced Sunday. commencelnent of Kenyon CoIAa an important merchandising lege. He was awarded a Doctor feature, the new low fares will of Science. be available on all, Jines simulDr. Kohler Is widely known as a taneously' with the inauguration ' o f ilnPrOved train service, more psychologlstII. ahd as .the author of parking f acllitles a t some . sons, tatl ... ." • a number of Inlluehlml books, m-. and other service advantages on eluding "Gestalt Psychology" and the main line to Paoli and on' the "Dynamics in Psychology." He West Chester branch•. has recently .proposed by a serPrice of these tickets on any ies of Ing~nious ',Physiological ex- point on the West Chester, Trenperiments,.Ji1at ..the human brain toll, Wilmington and Paoli lines may also act according to the to Philadelphia and return will same conflgural principles that be cut by from 25 to 36 per cent Gestalt Psychology had previous- under present round trip fares, ly shown to characterize psychol- depending upon the length Qf the ogical processes of perception. passenger's trip. The fare reciucDr. ~ohler was born in Esth- tions will be available only on onia in 1887. F-roni.' iI1i05' to 1909, trips from ·the suburban ',reas to he studied psychology, philosophy, Philadelphia and return, and not and natural science at, the Unl- on trips which begin at Philadelversities of Tuebingen, Bonn' and phia. Berlin. He took his Ph. D. at the Beginning June 28, passenge.!'s University of Berlin. After fre- may use the ne"" "thrift tickets" quent visits to the United States on all Pennsylvania suburban between 1925 and 1934, he set- trains except those reaching 30th tied in this country in 1935. He Street Station between 8 and 9:30 has previously been awarded a. m. (EDT) and thoSe .leaving honorary degrees by the Univer- ihat station between 4: 30 and 6 sllies of Pennsylvania and <;hl- .p. m. Mondays through FrIdays. cago. On Saturdays, Sundays 'al1el holldays passengers may make the Harlan R. Jessup, Jr" .arriv~ at low cost. trip on. ail , suburban his Haverford avenue home Wed- trains regardless of hours. The nesday from. Dartmouth College new ticket will be i gopd. for the where he has c~mpleted l)is soph- round trip on. the day purchased. T.:.T. Costello, manager of Subomore year: He will spetid~ week period With the Naval )LO. urban Servi.i:"; said that "the iltllT.C. Unit at the C~rpus Christie, ·!zation of tr"aineqnipment in the amplified service, which would Texas Naval Base. o ._----- DEW DROP INN Arts degree and David R. HutchInson of South Chester road his Bachelor of Architecture at Commencement Exercises Wednesday morning at the University of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Harry K. Warren of Bryn Mawr, the former Judith Dickson of Prlpceton avenue, received the Bachelor of Science deliree in therapy. . 11IE SWAllTBMOREAN Att••d Goldo. Re ••ion Mr. and Mrs. William Witham of Cedar lane, were among the 19 members of the class of 1903, PLANS PUBLIC MEETINGS ~ho met together May 31 for their A aeries of public political for- Golden Reunion at Perkiomen ums, featuring prominent local School, Pennsburg. and national speakers, was plan.." r:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;"';:;;;;:;;;;=: ned by the Central Delaware lOOK TEA Episcopal Academy Graduate County Democratic Club execuBenellt Boolt tor Korea Lay!,;n Grier Wilson, son of tive committee at the meeting In Korean PUnd , Adm. 211e aDd at _ ODe Thursday, June 11, at the home Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson of carrent_ Strath Haven avenue, was grad- of Second' Vice-President Harry (AU _ W I l l oeIl tor IlIc) W P.M. uated from Episcopal Academy Oppenlander, Benjamin We 5 t 422 JJanard A_De of Science at Simmons College Thursday evening. avenue. "nne Z4tJ1 last week. Wednesday night, June 10, LayJohn D. Boberg of GoJfview ton and his parents attended the road, received a bachelor of sci- -letter banquet where Layton was ence degree in bClsiness adminis.. awarded two Varsity E's-one for tratiljll at commencement baseball and one for track. He 407 DARTMOuTH AVENUE· eXE>r-1 had previously won his letter for cises at .Pennsylvania Military football and basketball. BREA College last week. He was one Ofter a two-month trip abroad KFAST - LUNCH - DINNER 55 veterans in the class of 121. this summer, Lsyton will enter ' CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY Anna Mary Fussell of Vassar }'Iesleyan University, Middletown, OPEN 7 A. lII. to 7:30 P. M. avenue ~eived her Bachelor Conn~ In the fall. Monday Thru Saturday - old . .bank bulld/nc IRIDGE WINNERS NAMED $12.50 W. will ••• rolr clot. or ya •••Y' clt.......... olr 10", .: ..I_tlo. of oaMPI... . , JUDe 12, 1953 RECEIYE M,D.'. her Internship at Abington Memo- Kathleen Scott of North Chester rial Hospital July 1. Mr. Paul Is a graduate of Union. r~d, and Joseph E. Paul of Park College, Schenectady, N. Y., and avenue, graduated June 10 from also did pre-medical work at· University of Pennsylvania School Princeton University while on the of Medicine. teachjng stall there. He will inMiss Scott, a graduate of both terne at Bryn Mawr HospitaL Swarthmore HllIh School and Swarthmore College, wlll begin "I saw It In the Swartbrnorean." • . ". . All AD"IFON CIIAIlGI TO WOODSIDI ....RK Open Daily (,=.~~~~I) 's ......AIIUIST. . .AY'" IA.SU SUND~YS"'T,2-SYLVAN HALL 'apm ....... , 'I'" ANNOUNCEMENT A DESIGN AND CONSULTANT SERVIGE FOR • KITCHENS BATHROOMS • All PURPOSE CLOSETS MODERN • Supervised by LORENE REEVES, Decorator HORACE A. REEVES, "Third Generation Builders" SW 6-3450-3451 - 171h S, CHESTER ROAD , • "'". • M' any satisfied. customers I'n 25 years experlenc_ ' Sw!J rth more. and vicinity .. Sharon Hili 0734 ~==~~===~~~~~~~~~~~=====~=~ • In ••••• ANNOUNCING PROMPT DELIVERY ON NEW FORDS NO Formerly drive· power ••• control •.• safety ... comfortl TRADE NEEDED CARNS BUT __ ",_I . FirePower V-8 650 Baltimore Pik. Springfield. Del. Co.; Pa. SWarthmore 6-0450 0 ..... A.M. to 6 P.M. ilriue"""""'''''' from gas. . 1lOIII H8ldIspbericai combuistion power: .. as In the-uieot '. =r=.1 • __ ",_I FuU-time Power Steering d... 86% of the work •• : ehecks aU :wheel light. Stead,f, pMdlctable m iIctIonl MONDAY JUNE 15 I __ ",_I Power Brakes atop fOu faateat, with out Ji·tbe IS A, LEGAL HOLIDAY * * ordinarY eft'ort. sr~·lUm .. hold . punctured tires Web' onl * BA~K ,THIS .... WILL BE until you drive this one. Dicilyour dealer .for a Chtysler Powe .. Ride ... in the car that brings, you the great feature. firstl . ". . , -_.._, You'll never know the tremendous difference that doe. exist between cars today -., .ater delllands' . , . \IJ~~in9 YOII out? .. , .. . y_ majorA t 011 .other _ _ of ..... _bIIledl '., .* . .,. ,. ",~. , l: . " . .,,' ,1,:·1> ... . .' * * . , .. " " " , . " / .SIIBTI.OIE KlndAllAl1 iNDTIUST CONPANY~ . , Chrysler e\N 'Vor'ker FirePoWer· Now Avanable-The New Chrysler Airtemp Ai~Conditionlng System AN'NUM & .. . - ~ .' Wlthdoubl.. IJtreQth ilboek absorbers, 110ft Cbalr-b1l1nseata ••• plus the p~tection of the Safety Crash Pad dash panell d,ead"" '1nId_71_lhal'o_.'/Jrmoretban a the past 28 C/aQ'wIe<" hu In. CLOSED ALL DAY " • , -, ' A.I·T E .' J~i 1201963 . York Clly attending the American Medical Association. Mr. and Mrs. Gilcreest entertained lofonnally al' a coftee hour Sunday aflernoon In honor of Dr. and M';. Warner. Among the· guests were 26 Swarlhmore High School classmates of Mrs. Warner's Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Harlow of Lafayelte avenue spent several days of last week on a motor trip to Cleveland. Ohio where they visited Mrs. Harlow'. father Mr. E. R. Heimberger and sister Mrs. George Parish. Maryellen Hopper of Dogwood lane. who hhs compleled her . freshman year at Cornel! University. left Thursday to attend NEWS'NOTES the Red C~ Aquati~ School at Perry. N. Y .• for io days. Maryellen will act as swimming counselor at Camp Wyoda. Vt.• for the balance of the summer. Mr; and Mrs. Eugene Clccar~ elll of Boston, Mass., are spending this wecl< visiting with Mrs. Ciccarelli'. parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Croco of Hillborn avenue. Mr. Thomas W. Hopper of Dogwood 'Iane left Thursday for Cornell University to attend his 25th class reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Gaskill of University place' returned home Monday from a week's fishing trip to Canada. Mrs. Frank R. Morey of Yale avenue entertained at a tea Thursday In honor of Mrs: C. W. Croco of Hillborn avenue and Mrs. Jack Thompson of Harvard avenue. According to previous plans, the Croco family is moving to Delaware. Mrs. Thompson and daughlel'S will join Mr. Thompson in Clifton Forge. Va.. where he is. editor and publisher of the ClIfIon Forge Daily Review. Mrs. Morey is again entertaining at a tea lhis afternoon in honor of Mrs. Oliver G. Rodgers of Riverview road. Mrs. Rodgers and family will leave in the near future for Detroit. Mich.. where Mr. R,dgers is chief engineer. ESTATB NOTICR INVITATION FOB BIDS FOB FllBNISHING LABOB. MATERIAL AND aircraf division of the Packard BSTA'l'B 0. smNEY CHlLCO'I'B RQUIPMENT FOB EX',UBIOB PAINTMolor Company. MYBa8. dece....d. ING AND WATBR-I'ROOFING OF erland the past two years with het two daughters who are at.. to the eald es_ are requeatene. Pennsylvania. Gutters Air Conditioning • Section 2: lNothlng herein, ar in said Agreement contained. shall be construed to affect any other municipal sewer or GEORGE MYERS any trunk llne or emuent line constructed p1,U'8Uant to an agreement Box 48-Swarth.more 6-0740 dated September 20, 1998. or any amendments or supplements thereof. ' -_ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ _ _ _ _...J between Central Delaware Cqunty I the ToWnships at Ridley and Nether Providence. and the Boroughs of Swarthmore. Korton. Rutledge. Proopect Park. and Ridley Park. PaseecI thla 8th OF daySW of June. 1963. BOROUGH ARTHloIIORE Sprtngfleld. HORACB . Passmore . RIAl- UTA'n • ,,,'fJItAIIC. 60P" c•• nu' ... "'AM .... JIIiNNA. .. ,. .... .: .' SWarthmore 6-5594. LOST - AI Clothier Memorjai , .... , J•. • < DEALERS'--r •. .., .~ AMOTOR OIL SO GOOD YOUR ENGINE CAN'OUTLAST YOUR CAR -AND SINCLAIR GUARANTEESITI . . aeal Is'ate and Insurance ... , ' . COR. DARTMOUTH uti LAFAymE AVENUES Opposite ••,..... sw., ••••.,. Ul08 SINCLAIR ,June 9; -green .waDet, . driver's Baird. .,'Bird·· .," NOW AT genUeman. license, car keys. R e 'vi a r d. Gall SWarthmore 6-2849. FOUND - Sterling silver bracelet . Sunday at Swarthmore Presby": terian Church. CalI SWarthmore 6-i292. LOST _ Masonic nng/initlals. T . L.P. Reward;' call SWarthmore 6-3829. LOST _ White pull-over sweater with letter S and crossed hockey sticks. SWarthmore 6-1292. .':'.......~.:..S:P.· . Sheet Metal Work tending Driver's License~ etc. Reward. WAltI"E~D~~~ . 'J . '·SEllVICI;. • ' . ~ONl)AY t'&\'."'~"'~ . ": SW 6-4041 .... .- .. d. oiL~' . .... .......... _ .......... -.&1--:·'4' DAY .net NlORT • ~~===========~ Chester Pike (State Highway Route 180) east of Little CrUm Creek. ex- LOST.- Green wallet containIng .'. ".,RPT··- '. " . the swarthmore outfall sewer, constructed in 1897. and any reconstruction or branches thereof or improvements thereto made SUbsequent to said date, from a. point In the bed of , LOST AND. FOUND .. ' •.'~._ ,. by BoroUgh Solicitor, the the abandonment of that evidencing portion of FOR RENT - July 1. unfurnished apartment, 224 Park avenue . second. floor, 2 bedrooms, large living. room. dining room, kitchen, modern bath. SWarthmore 6-4108. FOR RENT.-. Two rooms. one . with. privateAttractive b.ath. other seml-pl'lvatl!. homewith on Hill. SWarthmore 6-1675 .. FOR RENT - Attractlve·room in new home for gentleman. Good location. Parking. Call. SWarthmore 6-6769. --taP ;·~7~.~FPit;' '. CIa.... . '. CIa.... . CIa.... Gulden at any Ben'Telephone BusiD~ 0IIice or any of these conveaieatly located Emplo1JneDl omc... BUILDER. ,.: ". T.IM:"" c":;'~Ir.:n.. """,'~ Ca... .. ,:'.. ~.::.::::~==:::::~'I n..N ......"dllute fer Louena, ....rI..•• I"" ............... Riebl. . . Butter . ~~~~~;:;~~ ' Swarthmore 7Sc ~. lit ""at S_etCrecim "~;. Corporation an Agreement prepared ~~~. with one. SWarthmore 6- ~~~ :.; \ orized and empowered to execute and ~~r~~. f-or =:::~. ~h';.':',; '. MalDlalade 333 Dartmouth Avenue ·Swarthmore. Pa. I Swarthmare 6-1833 dellver to Baldwin .. Lima ... Hamilton ~~~~~~~~~~I SW:~n!;~6_~:6~.r ORANGE I bedroom "'' .t!. YOU SAVE 13c . 9dmi English Type Section 1: The proper officers ere hereby auth- I . Alterations - . Swarthmore does orda1n: BOOksuicasetab_Ie bedrooms, bath. cabInet. bottom. July or A ugus1. $"500 •• per wee k 90 old.· . or by season. SWarthmore 6-2210. ;r,;~;;;Wii;g FOR RENT Large comfortable ~oom in large house surrounded drc,p-.le"f with carved base.' MuSt b~ trees. Convenient to transportmoving. SWarthmore 6- allon and tea-roo"}s. SWarthmore 0-4124. . FOR RENT - Cool room and prl- CONSTRUCTION CHOPPED BEEF (.:!:;l.,':: .. AUSIA . ......,. TO JUICE - All Lines of Insurance "feces of' COMMDCIAL ....• OF CBl!BIER PIKE. "nle caunell of the Borough I I , CUX . ~~l~~~:~: -::==~IPieces. undersized. $15.00. rosewood bed - any ofter. RESIDENTIAL .AND I.LC lor (.·d e ) A1J-Pu_..=:.: PETER E. TOLD p" PAINTING BIG VALUU-.ROSTID FOODI wrrB BALDWIN-LDlAHAMILTON OOR.PORATION EVlDl!lNCING THE Rl!ll&\&B AND ABANDONMENT OP THAT PORTION OP THE BWAR'l'IIKORE OUTPALL SEWER AND BBANOBl!:S THERI!lOP. SOUTH room near tea-r:ooms and transportation.. 112 R.utgersAvenue. Telephone SWarthmore 6-3889. By: H. LINDLBY PERI. FOR RENT - Avalon. N.J. Ocean Prealdent. or CounoU Front - ' First 1I00r apartment (SEAL) A:IIESI: for August. Box A. The Swarth BLLIOTr RlCBARDEION morean. . Bmough 8ecretary FOR RENT _ Ideal apartment for Approved thla 8th day couple. Newly decorated. Avail- or June• .,...,. 18118. able July 1. $65. SWarthmore 6CBARLIlB B. R't'SSET,I. ~ 2513. l' FOR RENT''--GARAGE; Phone --~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i CalI SWarthmore 11-8473 before II FOR RENT'- We Invite your PIANO TUNING of patronage as paying guests this No. BollUUt ....,.. . In our lovely Penthouse and ~ Since 1908 911 St. Charles Place. ALBAN PAIKER CITY, N.J.. (overlookPboJi~ M _ 8-3lI55 near First St.)· (Rooms. housekeeping apt.) Til CHESTER 6-8473 before 2 dining roopl suite. BoSshardt, $40.00. Maple SC~'ed I' JtlDe It SW 6,3450-3451 .' Driveway Co••truetlo. Asphalt ar Concrete Cellar Walls Ie-Plastered PIJa.e Swarth_re 6-2526 UBNT Authority' and ~:g;;;iu;,;;;;;-;;:--;;;;;;;; PETER DI NICOLA BXEOU'lION OP AN AOR.D- and FOR RENT-To ··.•·,,1rtI ...__• "Ihlen" ·Slc entrance Available July 15th. Box HORACE A. REEVES C • Canada. were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Baxter, Ogden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Morey' attended the Commence-' ment Day Exercises at. Swarthmore College where their daughter. Marguerite. was a member of the graduating class. Separate . PERMIT US TO ESTIMA'fE 3Se 37 .• SW 6·0740 ARE YOU? RIB ROAST'~n·49c:i"55c Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Peterson of Vassar avenue, accompanied by , U.s. Graded Cho'ce Chester and ventUatlng heater In the SWarth- of tbe Rutgers Avenue l!l1omentary School !l'nd the COUege Avenue High the summer months. GEORGE MYERS Box 48 Brorby of Iowa City. Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. William I. Morey of Buffalo. ·N.Y. and Thunder Bay. WANTED - To rent for a week. collapsible traveling crib for woman two-year-old child. Call SWarlhday or more 6.-8153, mornings. SWarthmore· WANTED - ' We wilJ buy at and 7 P.M. prices, old china, cut glass, furPERSONAL _ NOTICE! AVON niture. Call Holly Oak 4313 or Cosmetics has an excellent earn- Holly Oak 6720 collect. for ap. ing opportunityfo;- : women. We pOintment. All business confldenbave a few openings in Swarlh- tiaI. Colonial Cupboard. 5 Philamore. Mrs. Ivins. Box' 464. W,·.lI delphia Pike. Wllmingion, Del. Chester, Pa, WANTED - Professional· couple, PERSONAL _ Toddler's Playone child. desires 3-bedroom tlme-9 to 12. Mondays through IIrst fioor apartment or house. Fridays. Beginning June 15-Wal- Excellent references. MEdia 6lingford _ ME 6-5021: !!:52~9~2:...-'--...,=~-::-:=::-_ __ drivIng FOR RENT Instructo~. Foa RENT - Second floor unliviItg furnished apartment room, bedroom, kitchen,. bath. ·33" College, Richmond, Ind., is visi.. The BWAR'l"HMORE S C H 0 0 L lng alliabar. materials and eqUipment ting her grandmother Mrs. George BOAlUl DlBTRIOl' WIll receive sealed necesspry for exterior palntlDg and bids tor repairs to present beating water-proofing Of part of the walls road, before going to White Plains, mwe 8cb.ool. Rutgers Avenue. Swarth.. N. Y., where she has 'taken a more. Pennsylvania.. ~ 8pecUlca.tions may be obtained on position in a mental hospital for and after June 5. 1953 from. Howell ; . .""'~.I~ ,:~;:::::::~~~____~w~.~de~~~d aad fI"""rfvL M rs. H auy City. and Mr. Emmons of Meadow lane, has completed her sophomore year at Penn Hall Preparatory School. Chambersburg. .....,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BOROUGH OF 8WA'BTIIMOBE ORDINANCE NO. _ AN QRDmANCI!: AtlTBOBIZING C L~'SSJ FI E D ADS ..:: .:: :.. ClUCK ROAST tending school there. _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Borough of Swarthmore. pennaylvanla. Betty Ann Furnas of Earlham In the mgh School BuIlding. and ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS opened and read aloud, tor turnlsh.. E. . Vacuua:n Cleaned U. S. GRADID CHOICI STEER BEEI' LBllima TESTAMENTARY on the PABT OF mE WALLS OF THE aboVe estate haVing been granted to It U T G E It S AVENUE ELEMENthe undersigned. an p&rsoila Indebted TARY SCHOOL AND THE CO..... Mrs. William I. Hull of the Swarthmore Apartments is enterI ai. nlng· as her house guest for a monlh her daughter Mrs. Charles Roberts who has been in Swltz- . . . . .. Betty LeCron of Cedar lane. left Tuesday for a week's visit Soulh Chester road with their with Friends In Hammondton. N. daughters Jinnle and Joan. left J. Wednesday. for Beach Haven. N. J.. where Mrs. Molr and dsughters will vacation through June. ·S•• rtII.... 6-144. Moir will joIn his family at inWILLIAM BROOKS tervlW. Ashes & Rubbish Removed Mr. and Mrs. John Bird of Oak LaWliS Mowed, General Crest . lane entertained as their . Bawling 1136 ~. Ave•• lIIorton. Pa. h<>use guests during the graduation festivities of their daughter Judith at Swarthmore High FURNACES School Mrs. Eugene. .HardIn and , .. . .. Han \ SWa, I....,. 6-12OZ Fusco • • CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS .. .... . Woman's Club' Philanthropic Works (Contin'led from Page 1) tumes of that country. In appre'ciation the depart~ent sent six food packages, a bla~ket package, and a box of used clothing to Jugoslavia. ... A Korean War orphan was adopted for one year and $120 given for his support. The main emphasiS this year was on CARE FOR KOREA' packages, a General Federation pro ... ject. From proceeds bf a .benefit bridge and individual donations a total of $544 was raJ.ed,-enough to send S9 food CARE! packages and 22 blanket packages to J1:orea. This gave the local club an outstanding rating in the county for the project. Mrs. Bryant will ·continue as chairman of the international frieml."hip department Ifor another year. At presen"t she is not sure of what work will be slressed, but said, "For one thing, we shall have closer contacts with Ip.ternational House.~' .AII& , ~~.., 7 TO TAICETHE SIZZLE Of SUMMER Our AND .IACH AT A ~. NIW lOWNIQ ... ~ P~NcI MArot. •• 1"11-.'· Summa Cum Laude Mary Ethel Bull, a member of the graduating class at Swarthmore College, reoei ved her Bach. elor of Arts degree in Spanish at Commencement held Monda~ morning. Miss Bull's Seeing-Eye Dog. Tisket, who. with her mistress had attended classes at Swarthmore for the past three years, rec~lved thetollowing citation at the exercises held in the Scott Outdoor Auditorium: "To. Tu,ket•. for her faithful at, .. tendance at classes and her exemplary patience with the words Nasori;s Parting . · All. they I~~nd was the igni- such as ours,' separated by . DIUCIOUSIIINNrlS to SUIT ... TASTE of IYERYONE . tion key. oceans in a new and different TENDER STEAKS alld CHOPS C.oked to. Order' Second prize of five gallons of hemisphere. We are not yet acEXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES gas at Hannum and Waite's.Gar_ customed to the complextty of age, went to Judy Bird for hoir dealing with the' prru.. Th~ 'compiairits:tr6in -looai' ies!dentai .>II!1JIl".}l.,,~...the.. Woman s CI\lj). . Another attractive spol will be sworn in by Bob, Can it be that roving Rover is O~tgOlng president C. Ed- the Children's Browsing Corner Association, congratulated the were Peter Bloom, vice president, more of a plague in spring when WID rre~d of Ridley Park. serv- where children may select their Board on its ud~islon to proceed Jane Leavitt, secretary,' and Bill neighbors take special pains to ed as chall'man of the Luncheon own bookS for s·ummer reading with construction of the new fac- Haynes, treasurer. . I th b t i l b t· Meeting which was attended by and browse with a trained superavenue under help a ong e 0 an ca i .eau .es . members 0 f th e S oele . ty's M e d - vlo::.ur .~.In charg e and severaI 0 ther iUt,'es at Ru"'e"" "6 ... "" Robert Holm, instructor of I n -· h SIX General Obligations Bonds." It of Nature, carefully nurs ng eac i I Ad . B d Ex ti' helpers on hand Children's punch strumental Music told about the tiny potential floweret and pre- c~ Vlsory 0"':. ecu ve . continued, liAs property owners su..mmer insjrumental m u sic fe~~ing selected sp~ays and fer- Duector, Mrs. Ehzabeth Ann and cookies will be served there and tax paye~ we are inte~ program while Henry Hoffman tilizers. to the kind indlscrimln- Groff and all of the staff nurs~ also while mothers are free to in our schools from an education told about the plans and purposes ately ; placed by inconsiderate and secretary, Aida V. deFuria browse through the books on the as well as a physical standpoint. of the Summer High School cov- neighbors' unrestri~ted canines? and 25 members ot the Board of porch •. In case of rain the C~- . We want our teachers to receive ering all the work in grades sevOr could it he that when Rover Directors, dren's Comer will be In the adequate , salaries and we want 12 . I ' H 0 h R J h K I to f garage. Mrs. John W. Lord is In . en to Inc USlve. arry. p- turns Romeo, as he will at this T e - ev. 0 n uP. pas r 0 (Continued on Page 10) nl d . tr d th . I't h S th ., thodist charge of these arrangements. pe an er s esse e- ,mpo - breeding season when owners of t e war more· me ance ot completing all obligations LaSsies are careless too; the threat Church. gave the invocation. A It promises to be a lively atterPRESBYTERIANS liD of the· school before receiving a Is not only to tender sProuting study questionnaire prepared by noon of book sharing and acquirFAREWELL 'TO STETTNER report card. seedlings, previous buds, and the the PubliCity and Education Com- Ing vacation. reading to freshen The Congregation of the Frank R. Morey, Supervising general peacefulness of a neigh~ miltee WIjS distributed for answer- summer cottages and summer heat Swarthmore Presbyterian Church Principal, reported to the school borhood but to the safety of chil- ing true or false during lunch and waves. combined Its Strawberry Festival (Continued on Page,lO) dieri on the streets or even hi was commented upon later by Dr. --------Friday evening with a farewell their own yards. A pack of males George Heckman, chairman of the rec.eption for John Stetiner, Blake Namedto·lst All b~nt on romance, snarling and Medical Advisory Board, Mrs. assistant minister who wlll leave fighting each other as they trail Groff and staff nurses Dorothy the Church after a three year pas- American Lacrosse Team after a female in heat, hav,e no Sidner, Mrs, Robert Todd and The Pre-School arid· Primary tOl'@.te. sense of reason and often 'bite Mrs. Dolores Donovan, and by· Di- Play program, sponsored by the Mr. Stettner will leave· Monday Avery (Bunky) make, Jr., has rectors Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt, Swarthmore Recreation Associaheen named to the All-America anybody in sight. . for Lake George, N. Y. where he first lacrosse team for .the second . The dog catQJ\er's report for Mrs. Schmitt, ·Mrs. John Ross, tion, will get under way Monday will be. Personnel Director at the year it was announced by' the May revealed six dogs had been Mrs. J. Paul Brown and Mrs. C. morning, June 22 at the Rutgers Y. M, C. A. Camp. Following his U: S. Inter-Collegiate Association. destroyed. He could have picked Edwin Ireland. Avenue School and Playground. marriage to Miss Elizabeth Parker Called by many observers and up -another eight in one swoop Mrs. Ireland's report, a model Ninety-one children are registerof Lebanon on August 29, he will coaches at the All-Star classic any day of early June, complain- of ,compact brevity, stressed the ed for the program, but there are ·begln \l(ork on his Ph.D at the Uthe most versatile player.. in CO.l, tants in one particularly harassed new. five Delaware County nurs- openings for others. ParentJ wishUniversity ot Cbicago. He will legiate ranks" young Blake proved locality. fed-uP with mating ex- ing agency Conference Committee Ing to register children for the also serve-the First Presbyterian this, by being named to a close bibitions, avOW. of wbich Mrs. Schmidt is acting school may' do so by applying to Church in Evanston in the field I attack position on .the All-AmerFrom other neighborhoods come chairman; the . completion of a Mrs. Franklin Robblee, Director,. . ot counselling in a part-time cap- iea. this year. after having been gruinblings of constant barking personnel policy for the Society's at 9 3.m. on the opening daY. acity. During the festivities, M.... named to a .midfield position last disturbing sleep and bridge games. nursing and office staff; the many Today, June' 19, before the Stettner was presented with a season. He has played both posi- One 40g went around the comer gifts trom organizations within opening date, the Director and her gj,ft on behalf of the congregation tions for his father's Swarthmore from his home a few nights ago the six community area served by staff, 'together with the equipment by Seymour Kletzien ot the College team, being a 60 minute and set uP an incessant barking the Society', the Uextra-mile" ser- ch' auman, M rs. Arthur Johnson, Christian Education C:onlmitt,.e..! player in the tough games where on the porch of a nearby house vice rendered by nurses and di- and other members of the SRA Families began arriving for his ahility and flne leademhip (Continued 01> Page 4) rectors of which the citations re- Board will meet at the Rutgers old-fashioned partY at 7 p.m. were needed. In the North-80uth ceived by Mrs. GrQff, Mrs. arown A venue School to uripack equlpServing tabies. carefully se~ up game in Baltlrno." recently. be and· Miss Sidner for work dl1ri11g ment and set everyijUng lit readlIn McCahan Hall were. 'at the last pl8yed· a cloSe attiick and led the Mrs. HowardM. Jenidnsof the polio siege .viBs one instance ness. Mrs. RobbIe!c.. Clips 5Oc: 0_. & _Y SHOP . Wed CleeIInM • 40S Des...".. I. AVI• '""" , M Elevator Yale & Harvard Aveaues, Swarthmore, Pa. WAi.TI. I. PAIIOn. MI" PREI PARICING ~=====;;;;;;;;;;=====~ i" 1>' '. FEET HURT? ::~!':W:a;:~::'a=:tem.",,&onM·a'rte.l, STRATH HAVEN INN Germantown. TpeA Rev. S. Ta.gart Steele officiated: reception followed the ceremony . The bride. given in marriage by her mother, wore a wedding gown ILAKE-LEWIS of white silk Chantilly lace and Miss Marjorie Elizabeth Lewis. tulle. Iter fing~r-t.iP veil of· tulle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William was held in p'f'ce by a tiara of Sproul Lewis. of "Deep M'ea.'1 pearls and she carried gardenias. dnws", Gradyville, became the Mrs." Frederick Andruszko, bride of Mr, Avery Felton Blake cousin of the bride. attended as Jr.• son of Mr. ~nd Mrs. Blake of matron of honor. and the brldesAmherst avenue. on Saturday maids were Miss Joap Kiesel of evening at 6 o'clock In Trinity Baltimore and Miss Ruth FeigenEpiscopal Church. Swarthmore. baum of Vineland. N.J. They all The Rev. H. Lawrence Whitte- wore gowns of pink \ace and mote. rector' of the church. officl- tulle arid carried violet asters. ated. ' Mr. Roland. EatOn. Jr.• of WilThe bride, who was given in mington,.formerly of Swarthmot:'e, marriagehy her father. wore a attended as best man and gown of' cream colored talfeta the "shers were Mr. Wi!llam Bates ,,;ith a cathedral train. Her veil r============~ was of Brussels lace and she car-I SUBSCRIPTIONS . . ried a cascade bouquet of step- FOR ALL hanotis. gypsophila. candytuft and MAGAZINES stoCk. MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Mrs, Jabez F. Carroll. Jr.• ' of IS13 Dartmouth AveDue Swarthmore. sister of the bride. SwartLmore 0.2080 a's matron of honor, and the bridesmaids Mrs. Sarah Newpher of Wayne. MIss Abigail Tinney of Wynnewood, Miss Janet ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ r Walter Pld.-, Spedal ChUdren-s Show Sat. 1 SWARTHMOREAN THE 1, PUBLISHED ' EVERY I'IUDAY AT IIWARTIDIOBB. "ANNIE OAKLEY" feature pins cartoons, Shorts, Comedy & Senal . PETER E. TOLD. Edi&or ...a PabJbber . IlARJOiUE TOLD ..... BABBARA KENT. -'-late Edi&on Rosalie Pelrsol Lorene McCarter Entered as Second Class Matter. January 24. 1929. at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa.. under the Act of March 3. 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Sa•• & 'THIS N~ A deUlhtful ...._ 81m . ~I C.......y. Mgr. • Pa'" A"e. GULF PRIDE OIL GULF GA 1 CHRISTIAN Sq. . . . MOTIJ S:!.~~21 The following q'uestlon·wtn be 11:00 AU U ee~ . •o . r WorshI' .............. . p. a'nswered next Sunday when it is All are welcome. C ildren c!ft'ed";· the subject of the Bible Lesson to for in Whittier House.. be read In all Christian S.cience Monda:r, .June 2Z All-Day sewing for 4.1.S.C. churches: ,. l,$",-e P"n!.v.~ Jnc),~Wednesda:r• .Jime 2. ing Man.t:Votlred by Atomic All-Day sewirig for A.F.S.C. Force? 7:30 P.M.-Mtd-~~ee,Ung The answer is indicated In the .for Worship.;.': .. Golden Text, the first verse, of FIRST CHORCHOF. .' the 24th Psalm: ''ThIe ear'Ul1s cHRIST. ~;: .' . fuln··.. •..~ • . SWARTHIIIORE., the Lord·s. and the ... ~... . . Park Avenlle below Harvard .'.' of; th<, world. and they th$t d.u . . S......,...J1IJle,:U .. , . therein."-rso. in one f the mathematics departmalt· Swimming and Hot Lunc:he._ people are traveliDg. Edgar Friend, Ted Sanville; Uni- stein; Mercersberg Academy Weekly lin Req .." at the Uni'lerslty of Colorado in versity of Delaware-Garry Hoff- Frank Habbersett; Boulder. • . TraJisportation Available man, Jay Phillippe. Walter Meyer is in the Naval Ford, Director The thirty-four l schools with Reserve and expects to be called Ann Delano of North Cheater SWC!rthlnoN· ~2S1"6 to active duty this summer. San- road will be a camper for July Phones draJohnson, Kathy Baird and and August at Camp Les Chalets . Sc:I!ool ME 6-.1088 Dottle Widdowson are planning Francais, on Deer I~, M.~.. Head of Admissions .1~ddings for·· the near future. BOOWUGH OF 8WABTHMOBE . 1 ". Mary Willls plans on working a Mrs. Paul Gay- ME 6.4529 HEALTH RULES year before continuing her formal BE IT RESOLVED. that the'followeducation. Ruth Bagby, Sydney Jackson, JOe Menace, Frank MelPlAN YOUR VACAJIOII 01 HOUDAr . Jace~, "hances Raczak, Christine June I, 1958. are hereby approved, . 'N,THE HfARTOfTHI PotONOS , Smith, Helen Stephani and Dave 1 Control of the "minor contagloUs . . ' ., Turner are seeking emploment. Most of them have secured jobs. In summary, 82 per cent of the partment of Health. I 00 Miles from Swarthmore . ., class is continuing its schooling; 2. Scarlet Fever and Whooplng EXCELLENT FOOD. .COMFORTABLE ROOMS .• L 12 per cent will be employed by Cough shall be controlled and oreguJated by said state ruI... , and la addlAll Sports Ava.ra..le industry; 5 per cent are- plannin~ tton the presence of these dt...... at Owned and Operated by Swarthmoreans matrimony"and 1 per cent' oh ac- any location shall be placarded. tive duty with the United States PASSED this 8th day of June. 1958. Navy. OF 8WARTBMORE .• By H. LINDLEY PEEL President of OouncU Mrs. David P. Wisdom of Vas(SEAL) sar avenue has returned· from Estherville, Iowa, where she Attest: ELLI~_RI0HARD60Secre _ N .th ..~ Boro__ ..., visited for one week WI lljl;"t parents Mr. and Mrs. F. A~ Rob-. APPROVED this 16th day . ~- ed th"" June. 1958. Jnson who o~~rv C-Lr 1.. 50th of OHARLEB R. RUSSEt.I, wedding anniversary.' Burgess S.H.S. Class Of 1953 Looks Into {he Future PICTURE OF A SMART SHOPPER Comes 'Cllte. RFJ ARROW LINES ~ PI WLINES Christine II.EIiIt IN AN ICE CUIE . ON HOT NIGHTSI ~~~ ~I~~:&:~y~~~~,:,~ ~~rJL~i~::i!:~'i ~ROUGH THE ANTLERS, 'SWIFlJIATER, ·PA. Write' R. C. WEBB , :~~~~~~c~re~s~c:~o~,~p~a~~,~o~r~p~ho~ne~M~t~.~P~o~c:~o~n~O~4~5~2~4~~~~~ I A. leeeive. M. I· Mr. HlI1me Is a graduate Robert D. Hulme of ......+.«era University of Vlrginls. ~~.. .' '\. avenue gradua,i!d Thursday·from Dr; Leroy Peterson at T e m pie University Graduate School of Business and Public Ad- avenue Is convalescing ministration .with a Master of home following surgery at Business Admini.tration Degree. Hosplt!ll Tuesday. ot the NEWS NOTES to spend the sununer at the Unidad de Servlcio de los Amlgos at Mrs. Addison S. Wickham of Tlaxcala. . Vassar Winter Park, Fla., has been visiMiss Anna Guetter of Richat hia ting her daughter Mrs. William mond, Ind., formerly of SwarthLast Sunday was Flag Day. Taylor D. Gorman of Rose Valley lor more, is the house guest of Mrs. Private citizens and organizations. . several weeks while en route to William Cribb a f Collingdale displayed the national colors then and on Monday when some busiher sununer Eaglesmei-e while visiting friends and relaPark. Mrs. home Rodg~rin Brindle tives in Swarthmore for two ness· houses further observed the Winter Park, the fOltlIler Cyn- weeks. holiday by closing for the day. thia Wickham, with baby The Swarthmore Methodist Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Gilmour of PROMPT DELIVERY ON NEW. ~RDS daughter Heather will join her Church would have liked to By a Harvard avenue will entertain as mother at Eaglesmere in the near their week-end guests Miss Lena flag, too. In faet· it recently purfuture • . TRADE NEEDED Keans a Baptist Missionary. Miss abased a large one for use on such Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Loughead Keans, who heads a girl's school occasions. of Thayer road, accompanied by in the Guntur District in southUnfortunately three weeks ago, Mr. and Mrs. Emil F. Krynick of IF YOU HAVE ONE - EXPECT PLENTY FOR IT. ern India, has been studying at on Memorial Day, the first time Springfleld, spent several days of Yale Divinity School this past the new flag was flown, it disaplast week on a trip to Cape Cod. year. peared. The bracket which had Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lincoln Yale & Sylvan Avenues, Morton, Pa. Mrs. W. N. Shoch and son Nel- supported it beside the churoh and three daughters of Westdale Phone SWarthmore 6-7381 or SWarthmore 6-1445 avenue will leave today on a son of Mt. Holyoke place motor- door was broken loose and the ed to the west coast to visit Com- flag removed shortly after Borthree-week vacation to Ellinor !!!R1I1111llllllUllllIlnlllllllllllllllUlUIIIIIllllliIIUIIIUllUllllUllllllllnqllllllllunllllllllllUlllllllnUUUllllllllllnllll1! Village, near Ormond Beach, mander and Mrs. W. Beaver for ough residents departed at the . c-lose .of the morning's community J the summer months. Cathy Wisdom is spending the· ceremonies held in the building. Therefore, the church was unsummer at her home on Vassar able to carry out its pians for disCI d T .,. = Mr and Mrs. Harold March of av~nue after completing her freshman year at Oberlin College. playing the flag on June 14. America's greatest national holBruce Godfrey of Vassar aveiday will come· two weeks from nUe who finished his junior year tomorrow. Must the Methodist Waldo R. :fisher of Guernsey at Westminster College, New WilChurch invest in a new flag or road sailed Wednesday for a mington, Fa., is now on a' twowill the person who removed the ~ three-month visit in Europe. He week U. S. Naval Reserve cruise other one !>e kind enough to leave .... = 100 PARK AVENUE, SWARTHMORE, PA, !!! expects to bicycle through parts to Bermuda.. It at the church rectory, 131 Park : SWarthmore 6·1727 ~ ~f Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin Galavenue, or The Swarthmorean iilllllIlllllllIlDllllUllIIlUllllllllllllllllllllllnllnnmnnllllllllllnmlhlllllrunnnDllllI1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIUllUIUlllllllllii rance, Holland and England. In breath of Benjamin West avenue office? Austria and Switzerland he will entertained as their week-end If the flag was taken by somejoin organized parties for Alpine gu~ts Mr. and Mrs. J. hckson iC' ~ . 1111 ,none who sorely needed it and will Mountain climbing. W ....e Yoa'_ AwaY' Kidd of Baltimore who attended • ••• cherish it and display it at the Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of the Blake-Lewis wedding Saturproper time and places, the own"Rocky Spring Farm", Media, left day. Have 'Yoar Thursday to spend tlje summer in Mrs. Joseph W. Shimp of Yale ers are content to have it remain Manchester,· Vt. During their avenue entertained at a puoch where it is and are willing to (:Ieaned! absence their residence will be oc- party Monday and a luncheon- procure another for theIr own use. If it was taken in an effort to -cupled by Mr. and Mrs.. William bridge Tuesday in honor of Mrs. J,,a' like -. vacation for see how successful a theft could your rop. Clean mp R. Bates of Springfield. L. V. Forman of University place, look hetter, feel better. be wrought next door to the polMr. and Mrs. Julius A. Fincken who will leave Swarthmore soon w~ better. Rup picked ice station, it is hoped the success of Rose Valley road have re- to live in Everett, Wash·. up ...d deUvered WMol . of the prank is sufficient and the aumed froin a ·week's trip to Berpromilled. Mr. and Mrs. R. Heberton Butperpetrator, realizing the impromuda on the Queen of Bermuda. ler have moved to Briarhill road, 9 x 13· D0Dle8&iO,'7.S0 priety of keeping the banner, will Miss Andrea Wilcox of Ogden Springfield after spending severreturn it . avenUe left on Tuesday for Pen- al months with Mr. Butler's parIf it was done as an UnAmerdleton, Ore., where she will join ents Mr. and· MT's. Samuel Francis iean act it can, only be hoped ~,- - , , ;.......--.=;;..--....;...~ f-....,~ a group· of anthropologists from Butler of South Chester road: . that whoever took the flag \vill . the University of Oregon who will Mr. and Mrs. John M. Corse H.Il••1< t:arpeda• • Complete SiI,,, Ronp • ""e.'" . . . . never need its protection. spend the summer doing field and sons Johnny and Billy of Lan100 Parle Ave., Swarthmore, Pa, work on the Umatilla Indian Res~ caster visited for several days of p SW artht1lQJ"8 6-6000:"- CL earbroDk 9-4646 Plano Rec:ltol ...........- Buy with CONFJDENC1fJ ••• bUll at PAULSON'S ervatioD. last week with' Mr: Corse's parMiss Carolyn Wilcox of Ogden ents Mr. and Mrs. George F. The pupils of Charlotte May avenue left this week for Mexico Corse of Yale avenue. Chute of Forest lane, presented a piano recital in Wbittier House, Sunday afternoon. Those participating included Barb1'\ra Mangels, A Comp'ete 'nsur"nce "nd , Re,,' .Est"te Agency Ford Krieger, Sala Enian, Mark Good, Jack Schmacher, Stephen Hicks, Joyce Williams, Carol Williams of Swarthmore, . Kit t Y . Evans, Susan Em~rson, Karen , 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER Miller and Betsy Evans of Moylan. Phones: 3·6141 3·6142 4·4291 4·4292 . Guests artists ,vere Mrs. Helen Samnel D. Clyde Samuel D. Clyde, Jr. "!"land, soprapo, 'W:l:to sang three numbers; and a trio, CarolYIl J. Edward Clyde George Plowman Danforth, piano, Dory Rodgers, viplin and Danny Rodgers, cello who played two selections. I-==========================~I ANNOUNCING .. NO at '. BUT Walsh Ford Company ~=.=.==.======================::-!I I : ~. WEINSTEIN.& SONS ~:·~:~:~~~~1n~~:~~;:e!; . :;: _ I~:~;:~h~::~:~!~~~t~t~a:~:~ GUARA~~:e;;. an ~E:;IFIED COLD FUR STORAGE ;;;__ = 11" RUGS .·cPAu.lsC)tt l.t C"M'g""" . SWEENEY & CLYDE • WITH THE NEW FEDDERS ROOM AIR CONDITIONER Get souac!, hea1tbfulsleep •.•wake fefreshed in muggiest weather with • Fedden unit in your bedroom window! The compact. hao'dlOme (.binet fits in yOW' window sill, plugs ia. No hulldiag alttratiq.... no water connections opcessary. THIS $266 a,week to good party·line telephone service - COOlS •••with the power of IS re&ig.. eraton. Costs less than the price of 'STATE· INSPECTION MAY 1 - • ClUIIS •••Oftrsize filten catch dIU" dirt, lOOt and poU.... Helps ren.... ba)' mer and utbma. • Uu.Removes· up 10 50 CjU.ofexceumoistureada),.Keeps air hea1thfu1lydry. Veatilat.. JOOm yitb never a draft. ."DIII _Tal 1111 Press • bulton for the weather you want. Greatest Dew .d....nce in "'T-. . 2tol % ORE I.. INOCKfREE Alk U, Ab,ut ·;tl Firsf In.. Salft$ '.' ,. ... . ........Md!. I'OOm air coDdirloninl. ~ ill . . . _ i, ..:,,, it••• I6II.,' • 5."" ..0" uno A~Nowr .....· ADOLPH'S , 0"." 1'... First 'n-.service - If ,.... .... et_ c:ourbIouo ... the tal ........ ,.... . . . oure to _ your perty.1Ine nei&bbon the _ HaPPY. result: better telephone MrVic:. for •••, ...... NEW PREMIUM GASOLINE GIVES , Have your car checked: NOW. I ••• f . It h hi safe .ec~..Ic.1 c ..dIHo. • • • that yu. IRAIIES wlll hold If a child dam loto yo •• pa" •• , Tn. TIRES won't ."", •• wet roads HORN wlll wan who ca.·t see YO. • • , HEADUGHTS wo.'t blind ... .010.111 c •• towan! yo. • • • Yo •• STEERING WHEEL will ·k. .p yo. o. ... rJ.M .Id. of ... road - • • • AIId th.t .11 yo.r ..... eqolpm... t .ad s.fety device. . . . In dependable workl., order. . . . 1'00. Theatre Square ,.. • ~ rr JULY 31 . It's a matter of simple consideration. Remember the three Ra of party-line courtea; be Pee C«Iable ~boat how long you talk; ·••1MM the line for _...eI.. _ uked; IIIIplllce the . -... pDtly _ .,oa _ die u,- ill ...... ODe. • The· $6,000,000 Pbiladelphia Transporlation Co. Bus -Order Purchase Crde/ we (annot p'la(e The Bel Air 2-Door ..Sedan WAY, POOMERS y.... for GIlly Flagless FIagDay . At Methodist Church . Sctuth Chester Road / ." ,: '!. .. ., . . FuscoMotoro. -CHESTER and. FAIRVIEW ROADS Phone SWarthmore 6-36in •. ~~------------~ I . PTC would like to buy some 300 new, modem buses, that would cost about $6,000,000. Our patrons would enjoy the comfort oJ this equipment, and nothing would please us more than to put these vehicles in service. But the order ca"IIPt be plac.d beca~ PTC cannot earn enough money 01 present fares 10 purchase new and • needed equipment. II's simple arithmelic. We can't buy !/.lings we need unle... fares are adjusted to meel today's higher costs. ....,. PHIlADElPHIA TRANSPORTAnoN COMPANY Mr£' James E. Davis of Amherst avenue flew to 1I.fadison, Wis., Wednesday to attend alumni week-end and her 40th class reunion at the tTniversity of Wis('cnsin . MORE CARS ON THE HIGHWAY mean more chances of being injured, more chances for costly hospital and doctor bills. Protect yourself DOW wi th ./lUna Accident Insurante. PETER E. TOLD • ·Ill l.ine•• oj Iilsur"""" 333 Darlmonlb Ave. SWarthmore 6.1833 Mothers' ciub WeHare Committee· Carries Out Service to Needy A busy year of activities and services for the needy was carried out by members of the Swarthmore Mother"s Club welfare com- mittee, according to a committee report announced last week by Mrs. John H. McWilliams, chairman. In addition the Swarthmore Mother's Club also provided financial contributions for various county organizations. The following projects were carried out by the weHare committee, with the suppert of the club members: In October the club contributed halloween favors at Sunnycrest Farm for Negro Boys in Cheney, and at the Dante School in Concordville. At Christmas fllled stockings, homemade cookies and Clothing were given to the boys at Sunny- crest. At this time a 28 year unbroken flle of National Geographic magazines was donated to Sunnycrest by Mrs. R. G. E. Ullman. Birthday cards were sent to each boy throughout the year. Also, Christmas gifts, c'mdy and gum we" given to the children of the Dante School. Both homes were remembered on Valentine's Day with valentine boxes and candy fllled cup favors. Through the efforts of the committee an eight year old child with a hearing ailment received free medical treatment and another child was aided financially with the purchase of a hearing aid. A folding screen was provided for the Well Baby Clinic in Woodlyn and a supply of library books was made available to of the P.R.R. station platform . BOROUGH. OF 8WARTH~IORE ORDINANCE NO. 651 An Ordinance Creating Parking Meter Zones Crea.ting parking meter zones on certain highways and parking Jots oumed, leased. or operated. by the Borough of SWarthmOre. for the rellef of traftlc congestion on the highways, providing for tbe tnstallatlon. operatIon, maIntenance; npervlBlon. regulation. and control. of parking meters 1n such zones for the payment for parking metera. and the Installation and maintenance tht!reof exclusively trom the revenue obtained from the operation of such meters. and proViding penalties for violations. • The CouncU of the Borough of Swarthmore DOI!fI ORDAIR. SECTION 1. This OrdlDance·ahBll be , known and may be cited 88 "The Parldng Meter ()rd'naDce of 19:iS." SmoTION 2. The terms used herein shall have the foUowlDg meanings: (a) "ParltlDg meter zones" shall mean highways. or portiOns of high.. ways. and parking lots owned. le~, or operated by the Borough. for the relief of tram.o. congestion on the highways. but shall not Include locations where fire plugs ~ve been Installed. nor such spaces as have been designated as bus spaces. entrances to oo.\H'Chea. hotels. theaters. or other places where parklDi has been problblted. (b) "Parking meter" shall DlB'an a device asa18t the Borough authorities In enforcing the provls10ns of this Ordinance. and llmltlng the time during wtrlch vehicles may be parked within a. parking meter zone. \ (c) "Legal parking time" shall mean the tlm.e wblch a vehicle may legally park In a parking meter zone. as establlShed by ordinance or resolution. and indicated on the parking meter. (d) "Vehicle" shall mean a conveyanee of any cba.racter for the transportation of pel'8QIlB 01' property. (e) "Person" shall include every natural. person. 1lrm, partnership, association. or corp0J'3.tlon. the Red Cross. The club also contributed to the Needlework Guild. Other contributions were as follows: Delaware County Unit of American Cancer Society, $10; Pallo Parents of Delaware County, $10; Dental Clinic of Swarthmore Public SciiooIs, $10; Camp Sunshine, $15; Sunnycrest Farm for Negro J3oys, $140.25; Swarthmore Public Library, $51; Community Health Society, 63.75; and Swarthmore Recreation Association, $26. Members . of the committee (1~.7 feet from the center Une of the P..B.R. r\gllt of way) and oontlnulDg BOuthwardly along the 'eurb 406 feet in which dl&tance tIlere will be 33 dlagonal parking spaces; thence' BOUtbwardly stU! along curb 22 feet In which distance will I>e I parallel parkIng apace. South Chester Road. upper level (on the west side) of the' underpaB6 along easterly curb line starting at a point 100 teet south of the southerly edge of the P.R.R. station platform (134.~ feet from. the- center line of the P.&R. Tllb.t of way) and. contlDulng In a southerly d1reCtlon along the curb 228 teet in 'Which dlatance there wID be 10 parallel space&.· Along the easterly curb line of the borough parking. lot facing toward Lafayette Avenue. 4 right angle parklug . _ . Along the northerly curb Une of the- borough parking lot facing toward nartmouth Avenue. ~ right angle Mrs. Thomas Clay, Mrs. Edward Thomas, Mrs. O. W. GreenwoOd, Mrs. G. H. Froebel, Mrs. Mason; Lindsay, and Mrs. Robert Van Dr. and Mrs. James B. Cooper of Parrish road will entertain at a picnic supper Sunday evening on the lawn of their .\lome. tag meter any coln for the purporie of increaBlDg or extendlJlg the park1ng tim8 of any vehicle beyond the legal parking tlme, SBCTION 12. It Shall be unlawtul for any person to deface. inJure, tam .. per wltb. or wUfully hreak. destroy. or IJIlpair the usefubu... of any parkIng meter or to d.epoelt in any meter any slug. device or substitute for a one cent colD. or a 5- cent coin. or a 26 cent colD, of the United States. ,sECTION 5. Additional parking meSI!IC11'ION 14. TIle provia\0n8 of this ter zones may be estabUahed from Ordlnanee may be temporarlly SUBtime to time' by ordinanCe or resolu- pended by the Cb~ of the P.Ub- tlOD' ot· the Councll of the Borough Ue Safety~ (bmm1ttee". ,and he may of swarthmore and eXiSting zones or prescribe' temporartly suCh other rules additional zones hereafter established and regulations 88 traftlc condltlons ptay require. SI!IC11'ION 15. Nothing bereln Shall be construed as preventing the Bor.. ough from. providlng for tree parking space for loadlDg and unloading pur· poses. bua stops. taz;.l.. ~ stands. and other matters of a slmllar nature. Commercial vehicles actively engaged in 10acUng and unloading in. a park.tng meter S!lOile shall be exempt from the proVIsions· at thlB ordinance. _ onIIaa_'" Ch_ _l1li f_ . u. So Gradld CII.... • ~* ,.:;:,.~Z .. , ,~.III ~ " ... . . '.- I --.-.'. . '. :'\.,..-;. STEAlS ··69c ,,' . ! . ., _./~ - ·3 ,. . "~":"~~ , VI· W ....m . . . . .... ~. l' ~ .. ....c'' " .~... /.-r .,-, elY . /" .. ;. I 1. 1 i _?- J.. " .' .;..,?. /.. _.... /:- ,.;~~.--...,-./;: /' . ,~',.-..o ..:..>00.: ' , ,....' ;f-. - 1'-"'--""': I ~- Ravenswaay. 6BOTION S. The p~r omee~ of smorxON 16. The coins requtred to the BorQugh ore hereby authorized to be depOsited In parkIng· meters 88 enter Into contracts from time to provided herein are hereby levied and time tor the purchase and installation assessed. 88 fe·ea to proVide for the of parkinI' meter&, sucb contracts to proper regule.tlon and control of trat.. be made In the ma.nner provlded by :ftc upon the hlgllwa.~. UlctUdb18 tile the existing 111m. Payment for meters coot of supervlalDg and regulatlDg as well as all costs of tnstallation and the parking of vebicles. in the parking maintenance sbBlI be made solely from meter zones hereb,. created., and the revenue obta:lned. from .the operation of the meters. without In any manner SW'rlON 7. Every vehicle parked in coat of the purcbllole", tnstallation, SU'.obllgating the Borough to pay for aDY parking meter 2IODe' shall be en- pervlslon. Pl'Oteetlon. Inspection oper.the same from other sources. tlrel,. within the Unes ott the- deslg'!l8.t- atlon. matnteB&DC8 control aDd use ed. parking e.paoe with the front end of the parking meters. "lbe coins dttThe company to which any such a-"' faeent to the mete.r controlllD8 posited In I>OoMIng mete", Shall be contract Is awarded Shall agree to ..., coUected. ancl accounted for under the Indemnify the Borough. against all sueb spMeo; ~on of the E • 8 " 8ecretarJ. claims by reason of defective parts, SrorION 8. 'When any vehlcle shall and deposited by him.. in the deneml defective operation. and all damage be parked In any space adjacent to lSorough AcooUnt at least once" II week, and costa that the BoroUgh may auf- which a parking meter is located, the fer or be compelled to pay by reason operator shall upon entering the space eEC'llON 1'1. Any person viOlating of patent lltlgatlon against the Bor- immediately deposit III sucb.; meter one any of the pravtBloDS of this Orel1... ough. Such company shall furnlsh to or more one Gent oolns bUt not ex- ~ance shall be Hable to a fine 01' pen.. the Borough a bond with corporate ceedlDg 10 one cent oolns. or one or alty not exceedlng'50 401181'8 for each surety In form to be approved. by the morEl' 5 cent coins but not exceeding and every offense. to be collectible Borough Solicitor In the sum of 5000 6-5 cent ooins, or one 2& cent coin. or before any Justice of th&' Pea<¢" of the dollars to indemnify the BoroUCh a. combination of one' cent colDB and Borough as like pena.ltl'es are!' now by from any and all damages and costa 5 cent coins. of the unl1led' states, as law collectible, that the Borough may suffer or be Indicated un the meter, and shall "'o-pSmc::rION 18. Should aIly"section or oompeUed to pay by ~s.son of Uttga.- erate tbe meter In aecordance with tlon Inv.olvlng. patent rlghts of the the lnatrnctlons thereon, and faUure provision of tbla onHnaDce be· de'parking meters. sald bond to be re- so' to do sbllll constitute a violation clared I>y a court of' C the",rk.opening of bl4a a sample parking me- mUltiples thereof. as Indicated on the Ing meter zones herein deslgna.ted. all pal'"klng meter, but sue.,. time &'ball ter. which sample of the company that existing ordlnanOllJ of the Borough is declared ,the suceeastul bidder shall not exceed 80 minutes. regulating parking. are continued. in The legal parldng time for two hOur be and remain the property of the full force a.nd effect. ThIs Ordlnanee Borough wIthout an.,. further charge narking meter zones is llereby estab- 8hall apply only to those areas or .to the Borough. All Wklnl meters lished. 88 12 mlnU"teIJ. Ol" multiples zones In wh101l 'bbe BcB'Ough, shall turnlahed &ball comotY In every detail thereof. or 24 _ - . .... multlplee cause parltlng meters 1;(\ lie Installed. thereof. as Incllcated OD the· par~ Wbetsuptm: the- proVisions of thts orwith the sample 80 tutnlahertt. meter. but BUch time 8ba1t nat dliWoce 8IiaU iIJPlJ' durIDg the bours 81IIOIl\)H ~ It alIall lie )lIl1awfu1 120 minutes. above aet tonh. The legal pe4lDg time for 12 bour a.nd upon the clays ,the far any person to parll: a vellJele beJIOIOugh prolit Iletet>y - tween the - . . . . . It,.;w. &lUI It P:II. parking meter _ liIbltIDg al1-n!gM parking In certain on any ~J' ea:cept fiuDday. New Year's IIShed as 2 hours or m,,"I]Ilee.J' laue. - . aDd otherwise regutatIDg park_ nay. Memorial Day. the Pourth of OB indicated on th~ pan1n& - . Ing. 1'emaIn In MI force _p~ as but such time IIhall not exceed 12 July. Labor DIol'. TbaalallllYing Day. by tills o..I\n&I1ce. . and 0hl'lStDlM. fOT mort'f" than the le- hours. gal parking time. upon the following _ tIlIa 8th day of .rune 1953. SI!IC11'ION la, 1!'. anl' ""hI_ obaU or parts 01 atIeeta. parking lots ""main parked In ..,. _loIftC _ 01' )JIM't8 of parking Iota. whlcb are BOROUGH OP SWARTBMOBE henbJ estabUsbed as met-er for mob length of tlme'that the meter Ihall Indicate I>y a proper allJIU'l that IDn_: the legal paritlnIt time has spired. (a) TWELVE HOUR PARKING such vehicle mall lie coll.lldeft!d as Attest.: -.t.tOPr ..,....., & •. parl line, d .. point 8&O'11ON 11. It &haIl be unlawful Burgeaa . 11. of tile 8OU~ly edge for any penoon to depoalt In a park- atI_ 711Me 1M. "9~ till ';iIl6 z,ctf ~eat A \\ modI_ . a. The Crum Creek Bridge Club held Its· annual party Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. George E. SlIIoway of North Chester road: . ·Scores for the evening were, seated north and south: Mrs. Philip Kniskern and Mrs. Samuel Hanna, first; Mr. and .Mrs. Maurice Griest, second. Seated east and west, Mrs. W. Steuber and Charles E. Fischer SIRLOIN.. T.BONE OR PORTIRHOUR nElB GRGU'I'D BEIF r •• BUILDER I.. .. Swarthmore 6-2253 Po IlhoKlllN, Prying Ib Chlckena-PAN READY.. The.. RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION 1149c FlESH LAMB'S LIVo • Z9c Alterations P.R.R. Freight Iidg. Swarthmore. Pa. THE "ONI-TWO" GIfT NHl .ATKO fREE P ALIN-:-:nc lXTRA • con wn.. SW Law·.. ,Mowed. General ·Uawling 236 Harding Ave., l\(orion, .P•. 8-'~1l8 rATID'S'DlY PETER.!:. TOL,O I. • _. ....... . .. All Lines of In.llrallce atc' ~ lUIS ..... Pa. Swarnomore. Swarthmore 6-1833 ~===========~. (~) ~ Till SLICED WlDTE IIUD . 10# .1IJdJ 8',. . . . . . . .lie ..lectetI ..........., .••• ' . . hi • .......... . . . . ..Ilk.......... ON , Outstanding . . Frosted food Values CAUUn.OWER 2.=49 "'I.' 1 .9rJIIII OlE .9tIm' ., ... eel . • ......'. hi. SWarthmore 6~8761 - 1. . /}dial ClDa VlNEGAR·· ........ - ..1' .... Air Conditioning PAINTING and CARPENTRY '=====:':========::'.!~=============~. 't,-1" ...:s';..*100 . - GEORGE MYElS . , lox 48·SWarihmore 600740 'ft.... ,.. e:. CiifiioUPES . . 25' •.... ::~r! Jack Prichard Gutters . . . . JIaz ·gH=o Chel'l'l.. CI:-.:~ t: 100 . NO&'w..... ~p••:n • • •'Ik. ''::'' 1 . . hi a••• A ......... .J.Uh. ; : 1. . ........ 11811 17'1. S. CHESTER RD. :=============~I Roofing POii'i'iEAN~~It I/dNIf........ ......... fI.. I.""'n'· "Til... sw . ..... 6-3450-3451 Sheet Metal Work . .4~.1fI1M HORACE A. REEVES . 333 Dartmouth Avenue ~:==-----:---:-- a. I:;: S90 .:1 CIt....... t....... h : : .10 At an,. how, clay or night, your .!echlcal .....""" ..... _dylo 110 hito octlon at the IIIClp of a IWIIch. Theyb~ you lel __, music, news, they dean, wash, c:ooIr: ... do doz.... of hou..hold chor... Arid behind ihem ore the men and Wom.l of r- eIectrIe ' conopony who to It that floe,. always .. elechlcil}' for aN your need.. _ .-e a •••• w.......tat... ACME MARKET,~ter Association and a trustee in Sev- PERSONAL - NO ~~~ERIENCE ~ eral church organizations NECESSARY to earn g?od In·The United Fund Campaign will come. wi~h AVON cos,?etics. '!Ie be conducted in the Fall, solely will I~m you wi~ mterestmg Color Films! Mrs. Ivms, Box 464, among 7,000 business and indus- West Chester, Pa. tr' 1 fl I b h • la rms n e alf of 250 dif- PERSONAL _ Sitter _. reliaple ferent agencies and serviCeS. woman available by the hour, day or week. Call Mrs. Krafft, SWarthmore 6-4555 .between 6 l:a:n~d~7~p~.M~·.~~~~~~~~ driving School NEWS NOTES Ricky Paul Brown and Stevie Brown of College Park, Md., are visiting their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Walnut lane while their parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Brown are atlendlng the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science As- fE:i~r~~r]~ ~ _ MNIftft ..... =:4=; I.I~ 0. u. ~ II...., . . , I DAY and NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE ·..ONDAY TBRU SAT1lRDAY Rd., ··Swartllmore - I.B:roo!ks~'!S~W~arthm~.~01re~6-~1!5~48~.~~ ~WmANF..ii·:;;l·i;:.:;iDr-=-~C,;:o:;m=p:;a;,.,n:--."h'"o"'us"'e::-- I OIL lOun. Cllt IVININO .... .::He Open Saturday ·til. 6 P.M. large Possession 1. $13, Sweeney & Clyde,July CHesinstructors. Dual i';te=r..!3~-::,61~4~1!..._______- - - - assure your safety. WANTED Edward F. Mau, WANTED - YOUNG COLLEGE 6-2469. If GRADUATES -·single or mar6 - 0740• no answer, rled, joining Scott Paper Co. in PERSONAL - Radios, television June win be looking for suitable . receivers, tecord cbangers and places to live in the Chester Vicinotrer electrical within. 10 mile radius. Call ed. Prompt appliances service. repalrRobert ity CHester 4-4211, ext 429. ==:-:=-:-::-:::-:--===:-:=== OIL HEAT 31~-38e bf!al'- .,.. .Open Thursday· and Friday to 9 P.M. SWarthmore 6-854~. FOR SALE - Piano. new walnut Lester Spinet. Perfect condition. .Cost $866.00. Owner leaving town will sell $600.00, or make offer. Call MEdia 6-0403 • FOR SALE M d · gI . 0 ern Sin e reSldence: First floor - living room. dining alcove, kitchen with Hotpoint dishwasher, two bedrooms, modern bath; Second ·floor-<>ne soclatlon at the_Mr. University of Wisconsin, where Brown will k eeper"or • f a mily 0 f wo, t 'in tuning. Reapresent a paper. Member National Asso- cottage at BUck Hill Falls. Phone Mr. and Mrs. W. Alfred Smith Tuners. Call Leaman, SWarthmore 6-4651. of Amherst avenue entertaitied for rates. WANTED - Woman for housework, beginning July 28. two in as their week-end guests Mr. and FOR SALE family, sleep In. Good wages. Mrs. Arthur Martin· and son'1 FOR SALE _ ESTEY SPINET I i;rr;:;;;~~a~r;:::m=o=r;::e=:;::-~~. Phone SW th 6 0710 -:;:= Bruce who were en route to their ORGANS _ NEW Oak, walnut, WANTED Young man to share hbme in Lubbock, Texas mahogany pedal and motor opfurnished apartment in their son-in-law and erated $175 to $255 up. 13 2nd St. lingford. Kitchen facilities· availda·ughter at Langley Field,· ya. !!R!!~~C:!H!.!3':-~20Ql9~4~.~~---- able. Call MEdia 6-5247 or write l"OR sALE _ 1946 Oldsmobile _ ~Jiiim;;:;,,:,;.B;.;0"'X~2.:::82::!,c,W~a:::lI::;in~gf~0:;.r:;d:..=.,.Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Faulkner Club coupe, .with radio and WANTED - Colored girl desires and daughter Jeryl of Dickinson heater. Excellent condition. Call baby sitting, mother's helper or avenue spent the week-end ·in SWarthmore 6-5806. light housework. Call SWarthSturbridge, Mlass., where they =~::::;;:;~;"~=:~,--,--~- ,nii·o~r~e~6:ii-ii8~2!:10~.-';;;:-:::=,-,;=--=--:== FOR SALE Metal work . - WANTED _ To rent for a week, attended. the wedding' of Capt. jeweler's kit. Moving-sacrifice collapsible· traveling crib for John Pickering and Miss Natalie lfo~r;5$~1:,;2;.:,'"C,aa::l:!.I.:C;;H~es"t"e~~3ii-;;0;::84;4;;."". two-year-old child. Call SWarthWells. ' FOR SALE - VIRGINIA SOFA ,n;;lO~r~e;;6~-~8~1:!:53~,~mgo~rn~ln~gs~.~--;,-,--, gOld Inlablld, WANTED - We will buy at best Lt. l!nd Mrs. James RArc"er, f -thSOldid mahogha.DY , R Jr., and son Stevie of Coll- e~ er own ellS Ion. easona e,· prices, old china, cut glass, ·furCall SWarthmore 6-2086, niture. Call· Holly Oak 4313 or Park, Ga., will ,arrive July I for FOR. SALE _ Sailboat, Comet Holly Oak 6720 collect, for apa visit with Mrs. Archer's parclass, 16 feet long. Sails and pointment. All business confidenerrls Dr. and Mrs. George B. Sick- trailer .included. Good buy. Call tlal. Colonial Cupboard,5 Phila'el of Strath Haven avenue... . ~S~W;;;;arth~~m~o~r~e~6=:-5~8~8:!!0:,..=::---,-:...__-; delpliia Pike. Wilmington. Del. FOR SALE - Gas stove, in good WANTED - Professional couple~ I condition. $15.00. SWarthmore one child. desires 3-bedroom 6-7513. flrst Iloor apartment or house. FOR SALE _ 24" boys Rollf~st Excellent references. MEdia 6PETER 01 NICOLA . bicycle. in good condition. Bas- 5292. ket and siren. $25. Call MEdia 6- "W;:;ANTE7i;.;;.~=D.--·"r-n~is"'h,-e-d~a-p-a-r-t-Driveway Construction 4G66. ment in Swarthmore by busiFOR SALE-Bay mare 16.2 jumpness couple. Call SWarthmore 6~ Asphalt or Concrete er. Racing bike. Ballicrafters ~8:::p:::2:::8.:a:!f:.::te:::r:...'i6;.';u;..,==~---Cellar Walls Re·Plastered Radio. 33 player. SWarthFOR RENT •• FOR RENT-=-GARAGE. Phone PIIone Swarthmore 6-2526 SWarthmore 6-184~. .FOR RENT - Second floor unfurnished apartment living ~;~a& With """clla.. of $10.00 or MorIJ DdM' Ban-I::::::::~!~~~~~~~~~~:::::::~--------·-------SWarthmore 6-1901. If no answer Society, a Heights "Improvement of the nock-Burn TDlfiIW __ ".... tor • UUAII .nw C........ • • •IL ....... 12".'''' .. fI,JIr. IVAf. MILl direct~r CLASSIFIED ADS • _____________...,! Iri.. '" _ _ _ • Me... 01 .. y- .... - N_low........ of -0- , :I :';:ISG :I :.: ~. I • e ·GOIN& TO IUILD e MAKE ALTERATIONS . • PAINT OR DECORATE PERMIT US TO ESTIMATE of".,..loiIa .... ..... _ I I. . .hiyen .. , " • R. G. Rincliffe, Strath Haven Iavenue, has been appointed chaiC• Ash"" & Rubbish Removed ARE· YOU? .C·AD ..... -- ...... Receives M_ E_ Cpl. David Smith of Harvard avenue, who, is stationed in Carolyn Wilcox of Ogden aveFrankfurt, Germany, recently nue, received her degree of Mastmet two Swarthmore boys, David er of Education from Harvard Morey of Yale avenue, and RuthUniversity at Commencement Exerford Hayes, formerly of Swarthercises held June 11. Miss Wilcox more avenue, both on duty with is a graduate of Swarthmore Colthe U. S. Army in Frankfurt. lege. Miss . Catherine Fussell and Miss Anna Mary Fussell of VasMr. and. Mrs. Morris L. Potts sar avenue sailed Friday on the Yale avenue are entertaining New Amsterdam for a two-month tour on the Continent. They were as their house guests Mr. and Mrs. bid bon voyage in New York by Joseph Bourne an'-daughter Martheir grandmother Mrs. Job Pugh, cia of San Diego, Calif. They will their mother Mirs. Milton H. Fus- attend the wedding of Miss Ellen sell, and Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge. Legg of Drexel Hill and their son Barbara Shlpherd of Dartmouth. Ensign Robert Bourne, U. S.N., on avenue, who is a first-year stu- June 27. William Pottls will be dent at Antioch College, is spend- best man for his cousi~ Ensign I ing the summer in Colorado and Bourne. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faulkner will return' home about September L . of Dickinson avenue will leave Mr and Mrs. Charles H. Bren- this week-end to spend th~ sumnan. Jr.• and childrf.n Carol and .mer at Buck Hills Falls. During Michael have moved from Lan- their absence their house. will be caster Jo Lipcoln avenue, Swarth- occupied by Mr, and Mrs,. John more. l\lrs. Brennan is the former Brandt and daughter Virginia of Miss Janet Randall of Riverview Mt. Lebanon, formerly of Swarthmore. road. ---------------------------- Alden Head United Fund Section WILLIAM BROOKS ~· .44,,,,, IRincliHe man of Section I for the fourth annual United Fund Campaign according to an announcement b; Joseph A. Fisher, general man of the drive. Philip M. AIdep, North Chester road, has been apponted vice chairman. ·lnNew Post Rincliffe, who is president of the Suzanne K. Slaugh, Elm ave- Philadelphia 'Electril: Company, nue, English teacher this year. at has been a·ctive· in the United George School, has resigned to Fund since its inception. He is a take a guidance position at Pem- member of the Endowment Combroke College, Providenc, R.I. mittee of Franklin Institute and Miss Slaugh is a 1948 graduate serves on the Advisory Commitof this Friends boardin'g school tee on Civil Defense. He also and a 1952 graduate of Swarth- active in the Pennsylvania Elecmore College. trical Association, American Gas Association, American Institute Electrical Engineering, American Specializing In Society of Mechanical EngineerCement Walks. Steps ing, Engineers Club, Chamber of and Patios Underground Gorbage Pails Commere, Union League and the Newcomen Society. . Installed Alden is sales manager of the JOSEPH ZIZZA Philadelphia Electric Co. He ·was SW,6-2735 active In U, S. Savings Bond drives during the war. He is a member Swarthmore 6-1448 of the Illuminating Engineering J_ F_ BLACKMAN WIth 10,,,,_101 BI..... Of Mrs. Herbert Gl~nn, flrst; Mr. and Mrs. T. Saulnier, second. Mrs. I. R. MacElwee as high scorer for the year, won the. sil,"er cup for 1953. Mrs. Henriette Fric d Mrs Ste ber tied f ke an . u or second high score and In the playoff Tuesday evening, Mrs. Steu~er, as winger will have the prlvI~~ge of having her name on {he Sl ver tray. F=============; I r~FURTEISI~~~ CHICKENS Same Page 9 THE SWARTHMOREAN • Hold Allllllal Party were: Mrs. McWilliams, chairman, BEOTIoN 13. It sball I>e the duty of pol1ce oDlcers of the BorOugh to report the ·number of each parking meter which Indicates that the vehicle .occupying the apace adJacent to such ,meter b.a8 been p81'ked 1D violation of any of the provl8lona of this ordinance, the state lIcense number of such vehio1e, and any other facta. a knowledge of whIch Is necesaary 1>1> a thorough und~tandlng of the clreumata.nces attend..lng llUoh violation. Each .uch _ 8hall al80 p1ace pazltbJa" spaces. on such vehicle a notice to the' owner . Along the· southerly curb Une of thereof that ncb. vehicle haa been the borough parking lot facing the parked. In violation of the provisions northet'l, wall of municipal buDding. of this Ordinance. and tnstructlng 10 right angle parking spaces. such owner to report at Oftlce ot Borough Secretary In regard to aueh (b). 0JiJB HOUR PARKING MEl'EiR violation. Bach such ownel' may wtth. ZONES. In 48 hours of the time, wen such notice was attached 10 sucb vehicle (c) TWO HOUR PARKING MI!lIER pay at 0lIl"" of ~gh Secretary as ·ZONl!lB. a penalty for an4 In full satiBfa.ctlon of such violation the sum of one (ThE" zones above mentioned shall dollar. 'I'be faUure of owner to be flxed, and from time to time make such payment within 1;be sa.1d changed by sUbSequent ordinance or period. of 48 hours shall nnder such ordinances of the BoroUgh of 8warth- owner subject to the penalt7lee heremore. amending and supplementing inafter provided for violation of the this Ordinance.) provisions of tlhls Ordln:ance. may be changed by ordinance or reaolutlon. SEOTION 6. In all parking meter zones, one parking meter shall be In.. stalled for each parking space. All spacers &hall be plainly designa.ted by llnaa or markings on the paving. and may be either parallel or diagonal or perpendicular to the curb. parking meters sh.811 be placed upon the sldewalk or curb. if any, immediately adJacent to each designate(! parking space, and In such manner as to show by a signal that the parking space oontroUed by the meter lB or Is not legany occupied. Bach meter shall Indicate "bbe lepl parking time. and when In operation shall also ofndlcate bf' Its dla.l the duration of the peJJOd of legal parking. Juue 19, 1953 8, ,..,,, . . _ .. 01........ , . . """ II . ........ NOON SW 6-4041 &;.... SUNDAYS ...d HOLIDAYS ~ . . . . . .. . COAL FIREPLACE WOOD. ~IA RRllle COIIMIY A • • •IIIIV"W .. 'AltoPAftlGu..rrCCP'MIr - . " _ _ 1_ _0 _ t J.A.GREEN ,. Excell:~i room, bedroom, bath. over $800.00. Will s.,p,!rate entrancekitchen, and garage. . call to make offer. Available July 15th. Box K, The town. Call MEdia I·S~w~art:n;h;imffi';0r;;e:::an::.::..r.:;::-;r-:===-.--.. FOR RENT - July I, unfurnished apartment, 224 Park aven",e second Iloor. 2 bedrooms, large tor - Westinghouse. 8'"' living r()om, dining room, kitchen foot, five years old. Excellent con- modern bath. WA· 8-2440. 8 A.M: dition. Phone SWarthmore 6-1874. to 5 P.M. FOR SALE-Immedlately~ cu. foot dual control G.E. reirigeraFOUND tor, $155. FrigIdaire electric range, FOUND Lonesome gray kitty$100. Both practically new. Leavvicinity Ogden and Swarthmore' "i!lI~=to=-wn;=-Mo==n=da=.::.y.=-.:T:.:e=lep~h::qn::·::e:.:.:a::\":.:e:n:u:es::.~S::W.::::arthmore 6-0266. Baird & Bird .... E.tGte aad 'n••ranee COR. DARTMOUTH CUI. LAFAymE AVENUES OppDsIte ',rD.,. Hall SW.. I...... ' 6-0108 5W. . . .o ... 601201 '. June 19, 1953 THE SW ARTH1UOREAN Page 10 Mrs. Narberth Named Blake Named t.o 1st All Move-Up Day Marks Cafeteria Manager American· Lacrosse Team End of School Year (Continued from Page 1) ~ie:nb:r3 of the Senior class of Swar hm( re High Schcol are of(Continued from Page 1) fl:la;.iy home after a three-day (Continued from page 1) for the four years with a •• ,._,' houseparty in Ocean City. on the awards and scholarships our school facilities to be adeof 132 goals in 38 games or an and excellent ·honors made to the quate. but not extravagant. We Festivities. s:arted three and a of 3 1/2 per game. He members of the graduating class. are opposed to oft expressed com- average was an unanimous choice for the half days. before with an open In 'addition to the scholarships parison of Swarthmore with other house at the home of Howard awarded here, a number of the School Districts whose assessed All-Pennsylvania state team all Shearer of North Swarthmore years and captained the colclass have received s~holarships valuation is several times that of four lege team in his last two years. avenue on graduaUon night, June • Yes, 'f" are periisceot io from colleges averaging from our Borough. It doesn't make "Nick" Thiel, coach of the Penn 9, was followed by a swimming poiotiilg to the advantages about $200 up to $1000 per year. sense. Let us limit our expendi- State lacrosse Iteam called him party in Morrow's Pool on Haryard of sound health; the importaace of coosulting your Awards PreSented tures to our ability to pay and let "the greatest collegiate player" avenue. The class ther. enjoyed a physician at the firSt augThe Americ.&'m :Legion Award us all spend our t,· me and ell'od I supper In McCahan Hall of the gesdon of iUoe ... And . he had ever seeQ, and that covers presented by the Ainsworth-Wer- trying to make our school system a long span of years. Presbyterian Church. with Mrs. again we remiod you to ner Post to the outstanding boy as excellent as possible with tlie William Ziegenfus 'as chairman of bringtheDoctot'spracripAlthough his record Is more the supper. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. in the ninth grade. was presented resources at our command." dODS hue. wh...... you are aaaured courteous service. to Peter Kroon while the AmerMrs. Marlon K. Becker and outstanding In lacrosse. the 6ft. Schroder chaired the l!ntertalnprecise compounding and ican Legion Award presented to Mrs. Elizabeth Garrahan quall- 4 Inch athlete was co-captain of ment. lmiform1i fair prices. the outstanding girl member of fied for permanent tenure status last years· football team and was Before leaving for Ocean City. the ninth grade class was awarded under annual rating cards for awarded the Denton trophy for the group was given. a heartY to Candace Allen. teachers received from the County outstanding spirit and sportsman- 'breakfast at 5 a.m. by Mrs. EdCATHERMAN'S William Bush.· High School Superintendent of Schools. ship in football. and also re- win W. Crosby and her committee. DRUG STORE . Principal. on behalf of Elmira T.he solicitor informed the celved the Kwink Society award Houseparty chaperons Included College presented the Elmira Key Board that a report of the jury as ·the outstanding senior athiete Mrs. Ollver Swan. Mrs .. Jane HanAward to the outstanding girl of view on the land condemned at Swarthmore. na Neuweiler, Mrs. J. Kenneth member of the Junior Class. Rose for the Rutgers aveJue elemenOrville Wright. Jr.. of Baltl- Doherty and Mrs. William Sfu.Alice Richardson. He also pre- tary extension. should be forth- more. who led the country in goal kin. sented the Junior Class Scholar- coming in a week. assists this year, was another of The farewell senior class party S .. Pri· I F k R the Svo.:arthmore College team follows a tradition begun 14 years ship Cup to the highest ranking upervlSillg nc'pa. ran . honored. He was placed at close student in the Junior Class. John Morey announced a visiting com... F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Conard. The Harvard Book Award mittee would· evaluate the high attack on the third team. while Billy Holloway. the other member in outstanding achievement by a DON"T TAKE A CHANCE school late next October. of the college's close attack trio Junior, was presented to Anthony The Board. with Dr. Samuel T. received Honoraole t. Mention. Bllty on throwing your garbage along the Sobczak. Carpenter serving as president was second in the country in After the Moving-Up Exercises highway. If you should be caught, the pro tem in the absence of Presiunder the direction of Mr. Morey dent Carroll P. Streater and Vi~ scoring this year while Blake finfine and inconvenience would cost you Ished fourth. and Mr. Bush and the singing of President Donald P. Jones. adthan to have an automatic incinthe Alma Mater. the assembly. j~umed an hour after convening. erator installed in your basement, which adjourned, and students returned NEWS NOTES It plan" to meet again on July 1. would bum all your trash and garbage. to the homerooms to receiVe their Mrs. Francis v. Warren of Walto approve final plans for the Rut. reports. say good~bye to teachers nut lane is entertalnbig as her gers avenue extension. and depart for the swnmer vaSee house guests tor two weeks her cation. son-In-law and daughter. Mr. and At noon. all the teachers of the DELAWARE COUNTY U.W·F. lIIl!rs. David M. Sensenig and two PRESENTS COUSINS BOOK Swarthmore schools enjoyed a small daughters of Chicago. faculty luncheon at the IngleAt tbe meeting of the West DelDr:"and Mrs. Leroy Peterson ot neuk which included Mrs. Dot- aware County Board of the Un- Vassar avenue entertained as lOver the Co-Op Store' othy Rodgers and John Spencer. Ited World Federallsts June 9. it their over-night gueats Monday, call rnembers of the School Board. was reported that copies of the Mr. and Mrs. ·L. V. Welsh and two SWarthmore 6:-6405 or SWarthmore 6-0740 Particular tribute was tendered best-sellerJ nWho Speaks For small daughters. and Mrs. Thomas the members of the faculty who ManU by Nonnan Coushis, presi,;. Welsh of San Tome. Venezuela. lire leaving at the close of this dent of the National Federalists. year: MIrs. Beatrice DaUry. Eliz- has been presented to the Swarth. TEA' abeth Eltns. Mildred .Kidd and more and Media Public Libraries Benellt .Book for Korea Ruth Trauger. ·la~ through. ", • ".' . and as a skilled pianist and or~ school -cb,ldr~n, the teachll11l. tion.· courses in Spanish. Bookou~ the entire. Delaware Valley . Mlhoulh. ;jlUblic school' pupils ganlst often adds deliJJhttul art- their· Iilachlng dillies over for the keeping and Commercial Arltharea. of which Delaw........ Co""ty Is haW' left thiW; clallses for the sum- Istryto Informal gatherings. year. have scattered In many dI- metic are also available for stua very heavy beneficiarY. It was m"'j a nuri\ber of them have \eft Bishop Ledden is a graduate of rectlons and are engaged In many dents. A good percentage of the the unanimous opinion of the DI- behlild some of their possessions. IlIckinson College and Drew activities. . total enrollment are students rectors of' both inslltutions that a Kost of them are an accumulation Theological Semfnary and· has . Five of the teaching. staff are from the Swarthmore' Schools. consolidation ot the two gBanks ,of lost. ""d found articles unclalm- honorary degrees from Syracuse planning. to broaden their. educa- who are availing· themselves of would make them better able to ed through th.t' year and still un- University and Dickinson CaUege: tlonal background with further the opportunities offered by summeet the demands of an expand- claimed. These articles of He lias been pastor of large plr_ study. Walter .Hall will be study- mer school. Ing economy In Central and West- that· children brought to school ishes In NeW Jersey. New York ing at Temple University; Adeline Joseph Davidson, of West Ches. D I C ty and' neglected to take home agalri. and Rhode'Isiand. He was elected Strouse. atlhe U¢verslty of WIs- ter State Teachers College. is asern e aware • are ·beggm·.g .for their .oWriers. Balls oun Growth Bishop in 1944 and served as consln; Ruth Wright fu the School sistlng In the supervision of the "The 1950 U.S. Census Report The ''lost ~d found" articl~ of the New York of Educatl!'l1' at the University of teachers. The teaching staff· Is a gave Delaware County a popula- have been assembled hi the cook- CoUhcil of Churches until 1949. Pennsylvania; MaqanStuart and strong one. made up of many extlon of 414.234. a gain of 103,478. Ing room on the first fiocr of the In 1948 the Councll·of BiShops ·of Margaret Yeatman at weSt 'Ches- perienced teachers. From State In the last decade. Num~rical\y. high schOOl bulldinB· Here they th~ Meth;',:IIst Church appointed ter Teach",rs College. Tes,chers College at.-west Chester this was second only to Phlladel- may be examined any . him to represent the Church . Probably those· mOst to be en"i- is ¥rs. Marie Craig who is teach.;' phla'sgaln of 140;271. Buf a' .mornlng, ~~ . ute nmit a visitation of mission stations In ed are the ones who will be Ing Lat!j,. and English; Daniel Oipercentage standJlolnt, .:oelawa~e weeks ~or ,dentifl~ation and. Central and Southern Africa. traveling. Six ~members of' the Salvi teaching English and Social increased more than one third _ Later ill the summer. all, Bishop Ledden comes to: the stall' expect to travel rather ex(Continued on Page 4) nearly five times as fast as Phil- claimed articles will, be Swarthmore' Church in. connec- tensively. Virginia Allen .will adelphla's 7.3 per cent gain, or over to. welfare agencies. It trlthe World. (Methodist the month of JulY' painting 3 Exercises to . Allegheny's' 7.3 per' cent. ThIs bute to many· mothers· who put . : (lfc'- ·.Evanii~li.m· In. Maine; Mary Armstrong. afte'lc county is now the third largest in .~,~me tags. in .cloth.lng. the collec:'~'9'/'to "SUhdaY. her duties at Swarthmore Summer the State. with the brightest Iu~ tion at thIS time 's smaller than when. world leaders School are over, will take a trip ture potentllil. 'for' IIJ'Owlli of' a~y in previous years. of the. Methodist Chu~h 'l'lli to Nova Scotia; Anne Jane CleavClosing exercises of the Vacaarea In the.. booll)ing Delaware A carefni inspection of this gather to· launch a great era In er will be palntll)g and traveling tion Church School of the SwarthRiver Valley.' .. I plaY shows that there are MethOdism in honor of the 251Gtbl'j In Canada and New EngJi.d. es- more. Presbyterian Church wI1i be _ ' . k Birth·Anniversary of John Wes,. ". "Th.e significant fact about. this very mce coats and jac e t s . pecially at Rockport. Maine; Clau-. h e Id on the morning of July 3 at ley •. Ille fo. und"r of the M~thodist . growth is tbat 11 '".based on.sub- no names In them. gloves. hats, dia Hancock will spend some time 9 :30 o·cJ.ock In te McCahan Hall . .,. bb ' gI . Church. Delegates' sessions of the . . urban: homes and the expans,·on of ru ers," sw.eaters, asses and ConvOcation are. at .Convention in New Mexico; Grace Witter win .P arendts and friends are· inVited to ' ,I suburban bus-·,·n·ess·. It " ~.... 'the gasses caaes. empty.wall ets. ete, Hall Philadelphia; . and are open visit In Florida an.c,. I\"I1l.· a.. Zlmme. r ;atten . natural result of the decentraliza- In tbe bike rack' of the school; to ~puhlic with" a Youth will travel In the west. Vis.itlng· One hundred children are entlon of llVl'.ng a·nd· mer'chan'dls',·ng·· four or five bicycles have been Ra\iy ,there SaturdQY Nfght, the . (Continued on Page' 10) rolled in.' the school. ·Othe·r's m'ay' that is sweeping the entire United standing around . unclalmed and of which \s:' "METHOjoin at any 'time even for·the last States. This Idnd of growth Is unused for several weeks. It IS SINGS . AGAIN." Bishop Joins Summer ..Stock week. In the pre-school' depart~evolutionlzing business and Ii,,- hoped that the owners will come "",ili preside, at this rally. menttlie staff Includes. Mrs; Neal ing stan!Iards throughout. the to the school and Identify The convocation climbxes with Judith· K.och Morrison. formerly Weber; Mrs. Paill BroWn. and Mrs: country. Department and specialty possessions and take home these a great mass meeting of swartlimore. is feat~red im- Peter Coste with Taylor' Barnett stores are creiltlng branches in lost articles.· Field 'on . portantiy In the theatrical com- Donna Wilkinson. Bobbie Garra~ !nI~urban towns. Enormous sholl4:00 p,m. when of the summer theatre at han. Anne Hutchinson •.Arin!' Mae plrig centers are springing up In SuccHds Nason' . '. the Mllis. N.J., of which Mrs•. Allison. and Dorus Snyder J as residential ~trI~ts. ., ~d. 'Dr. Joh!), W; t>iestdent . F"",o, f)w~r:e. ave- helpers;.. finance ar& ~~;.oilt over':.'of'the·.Foreign· of hIS :!5otb . nue, IS co-producer.· Mrs, ··AlbertaM:~ee. 'Mrs: Prismuch ~der' mil to Increase the will IlIi suCCeeded as . Tweive ,. !'&s, Morrtson played with the c\lla Johnson. and .Mrs. Paul Zech. convenience the pleasure of sub- the World . Affairs Council Church Players CI~», {lwarthmore 'In. ,ercom.prlse the'· prlrilary departUrban Hving. Philadelphia by Howard C. ;.~:!~,;~~:aing. 41 !'. choir of several roles: nnd wlli appear In ment staff with Anne Mabbot!· ''N turally pr8I!ident f th " . .. which, :. under "a<:b of the 12' plays scheduled .the schoof pianist, Betty Coleman . a ,!i!l~e."'nk1D!I .~j;.. .' .. .J.o e of Fred Waring, . production at the Lynne., .,,6............. ·an.d· PeB - ~";"'h' must follow and encourage this delphia Trust ~.~... ....... ...~ trend. The new:.~I!IiI8Ii~ lo4ay'are whose ~tI~. to. ,oftlce ·''T·be Battle~.of ·the _P1aYhouse. Her·IIlOThe.-:Mrs. as helpers. . for stronger and more complete on June ut at a of and.oi.her IUltiiems.• l.OIIIOJJoRtill Ko.Cb,now·qt·'Ciiar16ttes1'o{1'$. leads thejun" banking services in our residen- BOard. of DIrectors In members .wIll be· .eonl\nned present at the open- ior department With ':Mts. James tiBI cbmmunltles. That Is the rea- phia. Dr. Nason headed the their faith by Of the of"BUthe Spirit" H.liorlladB/ u··'asSoetrite - and (~tlnued on Page 5) delphia Council for the past yeaI'.· (Continued ·oil.I'q8.10).. "~t season; l1lusic instnictor. Owners ""Scho~ol' """1'1"" en-- . ttom July . Close Church School oi RobertJ~all :~, .". _ • ,_;, _.. ' '-.. ,_.' • •_" ' ;. ;'"r .,:,-: _,'. ',. " ..•. ~. - .... .--- - • ~.-: • 0.' ·tr;:~:~::t~·~· ~ "". '~_"'r ~ : 0.' .. ' ",; Shop Friday Tlli 9.· - '3.50 PER "EAR Ken's Depl. _ first floor. . , , ,- •• , • • ,7 ...'.. ." -,:>"'--" ..,' .. -~ "., • . • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE eWARTHMOR.E COLLEGE LIBRAUY Juue 19, 1953 THE SW ARTHl\lOREAN I'age 10 Mrs. Narberth Named Blake Named to 1st All S~niors' Farewell Party I ago. Move-Up Day Marks Cafeteria Manager American Lacrosse Team, :. 'C:")>-I', of .he Senior class ~f and End of School Year (Continued from Page 1) 13wrr !"JIO. rc High Scheol arc of(Continued from Page I) (Continued from page 1) on the awards and scholarships and excellent ,honors made to the members of the graduating class. In 'addition to the scholarships awarded here, a number of the class have received scyholarships Crom colleges averaging from about $200 up to $1000 per year. Awards Presenled The Americim Legion Award presented by the Ainsworth-Werner Post to the outstanding boy in the ninth grade, was presented to Peter Kroon while the American Legion Award presented to the outstanding girl member of the ninth grade class was awarded to Candace Allen. William Bush, High School Principal, on behalf of Elmira College presented the Elmira Key Award to the outstanding girl member of the Junior Class, Rose Alice Richardson. He also presented the Junior Class Scholarship Cup to the highest ranking student in the Jl.nior Class. John Conard. The Harvard Book Award in outstanding achievement by a Junior, was presented to Anthony Sobczak. After the Moving-Up Exercises under the direction of Mr. Morey and Mr. Bush and the singing of the Alma Mater, the assembly adjourned, and students returned to the homerooms to receh'e their reports, say good-bye to teachers and depart for the summer vacation. At noon, all the teachers of the Swarthmore schools enjoyed a faculty luncheon at the Ingleneuk which included Mrs. Dorothy Rodgers and John Spencer, members of the School Board. Particular tribute was tendered the members of the faculty who arc leaving at the close of this year: Mrs. Beatrice Daltry, Elizabeth Eltris, Mildred .Kidd and Ruth Trauger. • our school facilities to be- adequate, but not extravagant. We are opposed to oft expressed comparison of Swarthmore with other School Districts whose assessed valuation is several times that of our Borough. It doesn't make sense. Let us limit our expenditures to our ability to pay and let us all spend our time and effort trying to make our school system as excellent as possible with the resources at our command." Mrs. Marion K. Becker and Mirs. Elizabeth Garrahan qualified for permanent tenure status under annual rating cards for teachers received from the County Superintendent of Schools. Tbe solicitor informed the Board that a report of the jury of view on the land condemned for the Rutgers averiue elementary extension, should be forthcoming in a week. Supervising Principal Frank R. Morey announced a visiting committee would' evaluate the high school late next October. The Board, with Dr. Samuel T. Carpenter serving as president pro tern in the absence of President Carroll P. Streater and VicePresident Donald P. Jones, adjourned an hour after convening. It plan:t to meet again on July 1 to approve final plans for the Rutgers avenue extension. NEWS NOTES Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Murray of Princeton avenue have returned. from a visit to Kennebunkport, Me., and Cape Cod prior to attending the American Protologic Convention held in Boston. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of "Rocky Spring Farm," Media entertained Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. William V. Ford of Luray, Va., who was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Jackson of Park avenue. Mrs. Robert B. Clothier of Columbia avenue entertained at a handkerchief shower last week in honor of Mrs. M. William Bailey of Dartmouth avenue who is moving in the near future to Chicago. Donald Fetherolf of Columbia avenue will leave Sunday for Mitchel Field, N. Y., for a fourweek training course with Air Force R.O.T.e. DELAWARE COUNTY U.W·F. PRESENTS COUSINS BOOK 'I fOfr 13th2e (Oulr .yea r s with a a goa s In 3 8 games or an average of 3 1/2 per game. He was an unanimous choice for the All-Pennsylvania slate team all four years and captained the college team in his last two years. "Nick" Thiel, coach of the Penn State lacrosse Iteam called him "the greatest collegiate player" he had ever see!}, and that covers a long span of years. Although his record is more outstanding in lacrosse, the 6ft. 4 inch athlete was co-captain of last years football team and was awarded the Denton trophy for outstanding spirit and sportsmanship in football, and also received the Kwink Society award as the outstanding senior athlete at Swarthmore. Orville Wright, Jr., of Baltimore, who led the country in goal assists this year, was another of the Swarthmore College team honored. He was placed at close aUack on the third team, while Billy Holloway, the other member of the college's close attack trio received Honor/ble Mention. Billy was second in the country in scoring this year while Blake finished fourth. NEWS NOTES Mrs. Francis V. Warren of Walnut lane is entertaining as her house guests for two weeks her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and 1\&s. David M. Sensenig and two small daughters of Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Peterson of Vassar avenue entertained as their over-night guests Monday, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Welsh and two small daughters, and Mrs. Thomas Welsh of San Tome, Venezuela. At the meeting of the West Delaware County Board of the United World Federalists June 9, it was reported that copies of the best-seller, "Who Speaks Man" by Norman Cousins, presid"2!nt of the National Federalists, has been presented to the SwarthBOOK TEA more and Media Public Libraries Benefit Book for Korea 111 Korean F'und and to the Swarthmore College Adm. 25c and at least one Library, by Mrs. Clyde Shuler. current bOok (All Books will sell for 26c) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dole will 422 Harvard Avenue 2-5 P.1\o1. represent the West Delaware Jone 24th County Chapter at the National Federalist Convention to be held in Chicago June 19-21, and delagates will be sent to the Study Conference at State College In the absence of the president, Mrs. Shuler, Ralph Little vice president, conducted the meeting. The chapter pressed for approving action on Senate resolution SCR 32, which, briefly. calls for a search for world disarmament through the United Nations. "Fullest citizen support is imperative· if this bill is to obtain congressional attention," the Chapter said, and urged citizens to write their approvel to Senator Alexander Wiley, chairCAMERA & HOBBY SHOP man of the Senate Foreign Re405 Dartmouth Ave. lations Committee, and to senat:1:5,,,. 6·4191 Open Fri. 9-SI:3C'~ ors James H. Duff and Edward Martin. -2:00P.M. Wed., June 24 -5:00P.M. Norwood June 26 -5:00 P.M. Drexel Hill 2 4 6:15 P.M. Perkasie Post 2:00P.M. Drexel Hill 6:00 P.M. Drexel Hill Fri., Thu., July Sat., July Wed., July 8 -5:00P.M. on throwing your garbage along the highway. If you should be caught, the fine and inconvenience would cost you more than to have an automatic incin· erator installed in your basement, which would burn all your trash and garbage. See George S. Myers lOver the Co-Op Store' SWarthmore or call or 6.0740 PONTIAC A General Motors Masterpiece BUILT IN THE BEST FINE-CAR TRADITION C. R~ LOUGHEAo, INC. 11th & Edgmont Ave. (hester Call CHester 3-3314 People Meet the Lansdale Post Wed., July 15 5:30 P.M. Aldan Rug Sat., July 18 Sat., July 25 -1 :30 P.M. 1 :30 P.M. Wed., July 29 5:30 P.M. Exhibition Fri., July 31 Exhibition Sat., Aug. 6:15 P.M. -1 :30 P.M. ESTER'S Fashion Corner SHIRTS ROBES SOCKS Jayson Nylon Pak·A·Robe Esquire Dress Shirts One of America's finest shirt values! Jayson preferred by 3 out of 4 men. Printed rayon robe with handy carrying bag tbat is waterproof. Colorful, smartly knit California Argyles . . . Jayson Sportshirts Short sleeve styles. Jayson top quality . . . All sizes. 5.95 Plisse 7.95 TIES New DACRON by Wembley and Superba 2.50 Wash them by hand, they dry like new! Phoenixville Jewelry by Swank - League Games Speare's' • - 5:30P.M. 1 at 2.95·3.95 100% Pucker Nylon Sportshirts-white and colors 3.69 5.88 3.99 Robes Pleetway 1.00 Esquire S-T-R·E·T-C-H Pajamas Fully Sanforized Shop Friday Till 9. - . pair Socks 1_00 One size flts anyone wearing sizes 10 to 14 Men's Dept. - THE SWA UP f3.50 PER YEAH SWARTIlMORE. FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1953 VOLUME 25-NUMBER 26 1st National Bank of Del. 'Co. Opens July) COMING 110 Children Enroll For Group Recreation Bishop Ledden to .Preach Here Sunday Learn Swim Program This August to Summer School in High Enrollment The Learn to Swim program The Summer Recreation School sponsored by the American Red started on Monday at Rutgers Cross will be held again, this 250 Will Pursue Elusive Dinner Meeling Here Ex- A venue School with 110 children August at the William Morrow Learning for Six Sultry .and 12 guinea pigs! The group plains Broader Services pool at the end of Harvard aveWeeks of three year old children is . Offered Growing Area nue and again a vote of thanks under the direction of Mrs. WesOn Monday, June 22, 250 stugoes to Mr. Morrow for use of The officers and directors of the ley Simon who is assisted by Virdent from Swarthmore and neighhis pool. boring communities started. their First National Bank of Delaware ·ginia Smith and Sandra Milne. Exact dates and hours wl\l be six weeks summer session. This is County, created by the consolidation of the Swarthmore National The four year aIds are being announced the first week in an increase over enrollments in Bank and Trust COJllpany and the taught by Priscilla Giles with August. This is especially for be- recent years. Most pupils are takFirst National Bank of Media, Suzanne Hopson as her assistant. ginners and tho~e who swim just a ing only one course, although some are taking two courses. Only were host to local business leaders, Alice Hornaday leads the five little. heads of local organizations, and year olds or pre-kindergarten Instructors will be Mrs. Paul a very few pupils are allowed to its stockholders Wednesday night group; ·her assistant is Emily TerYlvisaker who took the Red take three courses. With all enat a dinner meeting in McCahan ry. Cross Instructor's Course last rollments not completed, there are Hall, Presbyterian Church. The post-kindergarten group is winter at the college; Jean Hol- 250 pupils taking 340 courses. The occasion was the flrst get-. in charge of Mrs. Roland Mills man, who was awarded the local These pupils will be attending togeUter for the combined banks assisted by Carol Topping and Red Cross Scholarship to Aquatic classes from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 which will begin" to function under Jean Rogers. There are 33 primschool last summer and won her p.m. daily, until Friday, July 31. the new name on July 1. Richard ary ohildren who have as their instructors rating. Mrs. Ralph There are 86 pupils taking MatheG. Burn president of the First teacher E~een Sandwald. Since V. Little, Jr., will stand by as a matics courses. English and Social BISHOP W. EARL LEDDEN National Bank of Delaware Coun- this is the largest group, there are substitute this year. Shirley Car- Studies follow with enrollments of ty and Claude C. Smith chairman three assistants--Judy Abbe, Nanpenter will assist with the begin- 82 and 73. 37 pupils are taking of the Board of the Swarthmore cy Carroll and Nancy Newnam·I~\ethloclists Welcome N.Y. ners, and Mildred Bond will also Science courses, 34 are taking Commercial suhjects, and 28 LanBank, spoke at the dinner. Also, since this class has the most Bishop Prior to Wesley assist "The consolidat>on of The children, they have 4 guinea pigs. There is need. for other vol- guages. Swarthmore National Bank and The other classes each have two Rally in City The Summer School is under unteers--especially those with the direction of Henry Hofmann swimming teaching experience. Trust Company and The First of the pets. The Swarthmore Methodist National Bank of Media under With this ausp;cious beginning, Church, Park avenue, will be Please call The Swarthmorean if of the Swarthmore High School the name of The First National Directress Roblee expects a pleas- host to Bishop W. Earl Ledden you wish to help all or part time Stall'. He is assisted by Mary ArmBank of Delaware County brings ~tr::!:tsa:~dPrS~~a~ll~k!~a~~nar~~~ .when he comes to preach on Sun ... for two weeks in August lOth to strong, Adeline Strouse, and Harry Oppenlander, also of the together two of the, oldest banks day, June 28, at the 11 A.M. wor- 21st. in Delaware County. The name of moreans readers will be kept. ship servi.:ce. Bishop lJedd.'en is High School faculty. Mary Law of the new institution ~ The First posted on the v a rio U S Resident Bishop of the Syracuse Nether Providence High School is National Bank of Delaware Coun- aetiviti~s and progress of the Area of the Methodist Church inteaching Typing I and II and ty was chosen because the charter comr,"lunity summer school. eluding the Central New York, Shorthand. She is also supervising teaching of Bookkeeping. of The First National Bank of and Genessee, New York Annual All . academic courses regularly Media was the first national charConferences. ter issued in Delaware County. It The Rev. John C. Kulp, pastor offered in Swarthmore Junior and seemed most appropriate to emof the Swarthmore Church, states School Faculty Diverges in Senior High School are being phasize this fact in the new that the Rev. Dr. Ledden is a offered in the Summer Session, Paths of Study, Travel, name,n explained President Burn. Bishop much ... beloved by the with the exception of German. Employment German was not offered this year "Deposits will total approxi- Exhibit in School Cook ministers of his area and a preachmately $24,000,000.00 and the f er of rare heart-warming zeal. While summer vacation is us.. because of the very small encapital and reserve funds will be Room ·Opportune or He is an accomplished musician ua\ly a time- of rest and relaxation rolimen t for the course. In addi$1,800,000.00. Due to the expanthe Casual Owner and hymnologist in his own right for school childrf!n, the teachers, tion, courses in Spanish, Booksion that is taking pla~e t h r o u g h - ' and as a skilled pianist and or- their teaching duties over for the keeping and Commercial ArithAlthough public school pupils ou.t th e entire Delaware Valley ganist often adds delightful art- year, have scattered in many di- metic are also available for stuarea, of which Delaware. County is hav~ left their classes for the sum- istry to informal gatherings. rections and are engaged in many dents. A good percentage of the .. mer, a number of them have left h a very eavy beneficiary, it was Bishop Ledden is a graduate of. activities. total enrollment are students . behind some of their possessions. th e unammous from the Swarthmore Schools, opinion of the DiDickinson College and Drew Five of the teaching staff are Most of them are an accumulation rectors of both institutions that a Theological Seminary and has planning to broaden their educa- who are availing themselves of of lost and found articles unclaimconsolidation of the two .. Banks honorary degrees from Syracuse tional background with further the opportunities offered by sumwou Id rna k e th em b etter able to cd through th.e year and still un- University and Dickinson College. study, Waller Hall will be study- mer school. . claimed. These articles of clothing mee t th e d emands of an expandHe has been pastor of large pa·r- ing at Temple University; Adeline Joseph Davidson, of West Ches. that. children brought to school mg economy in Central and Westishes in New Jersey, New York Strouse, at the Upiversity of Wis- ter State Teachers College, is asern Delaware County. and neglected to take home again and Rhode 'Island. He was elected sisting in the supervision of the Halls Growth are begging for their owners. Bishop in 1944 and served as consin; Ruth Wright in the School of Education at the University of teachers. The teaching staff is a "The 1950 U.S. Census Report The "lost and found" articles pre~dent of the New York State Pennsylvania; Marian Stuart and strong one, made up of many exgave Delaware County a popula- have been assembled in the cook- Council of Churches until 1949. Margaret Yeatman at West Ches- perienced teachers. From State tion of 414,234, a gain of 103,478, ing room on the first floor of the In 1948 the Council of Bishops of Teachers College at :·West Chester ter Teachers College. in the last decade. Numerically, high school building. Here they the Methodist Church appointed Probably those most to be envi- is Mrs. Marie Craig who is teachthis was second only to Philadel- may be examined any week-day him to represent the Church in ing Latin and English; Daniel Diphia's gain of 140;271. But from a morning, during the next two a visitation of mission stations in ed are the ones who will be Salvi teaching English and Social traveling. Six members of the percentage standpOint, Delaware weeks for identification and claim. Central and Southern Africa. (Continued on Page 4) staff expect to travel rather exincreased more than one third _ Later in the summer, all, unBishop Ledden comes to the nearly five times as fast as Phil- claimed articles will be turned Swarthmore Church in connec .. tensively. Virginia Allen will adelphia's 7.3 per cent gain, or over to welfare agencies. It tri- ·tion with the World IMethodist spend the month of July painting Allegheny's 7.3 per ccnt. This bute to many mothers who put Convocation of Evangelisrfl in in Maine; Mary Armstrong, after county is now the third largest in name tags in clothing, the collec- Philadelphia, Friday to Sunday, her duties at Swarthmore Summer the State, with the brightest fu- tion at this time is smaller than June 2848: when world leaders School are over, will take a trip Closing exercises of the Vacature potentials for growth 01 any in previous years. of the· Methodist Church Will 10 Nova Scotia; Anne Jane Cleav- tion Church School of the Swartharea in the booming Delaware A careful inspection of this dis- gather to launch a great era in er will be painting and travelfng more Presbyterian Church will be River Valley. play shows that there are some Methodism in honor of the 250th in Canada and New Englnd, esheld on the morning of July 3 at "The significant fact about this very nice coats and jackets with Birth Anniversary of John Wes- pecially at Rockport, Maine; Clau- 9:30 o'clock in te McCahan Hall. growth is that it is based on_sub- no names in them, gloves, hats, ley, the founder of the Methodist dia Hancock will spend some time Parents and friends are invited to t i d Church. Delegates' sessions of the in New Mexico; Grace Witter will bb . urban homes and the expansion of ru ers, swea ers, g asses an Convocation are at· Convention visit in Florida anq Irma Zimmer attend. I suburban business. It is the g asses cases, empty wallets, etc. One hundred children are ennatural result of the decentraliza- fIn the bike rack of the schooli Hall, Philadelphia. are youth open will travel in the west visiting fI to the;·public with aand great rolled in the school. Others may (Continued on Page 10) tion of living and merchandising our .or ve bicycles ~ave been join at any time even for the last that is sweeping the entire Unl'ted standlOg around unclaImed and Rally Saturday the theme·:there of which ·~s: Night, uMETHOweek. In the pre-school· departJoins Summer Stock States. This kind of growth Is unused for several weeks. It i. DISM SINGS AGAIN." Bishop ment the staff includes. Mrs. Neal revolutionizing business and II'V- I hoped h that the owners will come lh"jrJ Ledden will preside. at this rally. Judith Koch Morrison, formerly Weber, Mrs. Pa'ul Brown. and Mrs. ing standards throughout the to t e school and identify The convocation climhxes with of Swarthmore, is featured im- Peter Coste with Taylor· Barnett, country. Department and spec'laity possessio. ns and take home these a great mass meeting at Franklin portantly in the theatrical com- Donna Wilkinson, Bobbie Garra..:. stores are creating branches in lost artlc1es. Field on Sunday afternoon· at pany of the summer theatre at han, Anne Hutchinson, Anna Mae suburban towns. Enormous shon4:00 p.m. when .Methodists from Pleasant Mills, N.J., of which Mrs. Allison, and Dorus Snyder as ping centers are springing up in Succeeds Nason acrOSS the nation Will gather to George Fenno, Swarthmore ave- helpers. residential districts. Trade and Dr. John W. ~ason, president pay tribute to .John Wesley in nue, is co-producer. Mrs. Alberta Ma~ee, Mrs. Prisfinance are ~reading out over· a; of the Foreign Policy ASsociation, honor of his 250th Birth Annivercilla Johnson, and Mrs. Paul ZechMrs. Morrison. played with the much wider area to increase the will be succeeded as President of sary. Twelve members 'of the Players Club of Swarthmore 'in er comprise the primary departconvenience the pleasure of sub- the World . Affairs Council of Swarthmore Methodist Church several roles. and will appear in ment staff with Anne Mabbott urban living. Philadelphia by Howard C. Peter- Chotr win sing in a choir of each of the 12 plays scheduled the- school. pianist, Betty Coleman, . "Naturally, progressive. banking sen, president. of the Fidellty- 5,000· voices, which under the for summer production at the Lynne Bernard, and Peggy Hoch must follow and encourage this Philadelphia T r u s t Company, direction of Fred Waring, will Mill. Playhouse. Her mother Mrs. as helpers. trend. The new demands today are whose election toofficeoccured sing "The Battle Hymn of the Re- Joseph Koch, now Qf CharlottesMrs. Robert Hal1 leads the junfor stronger and more complete on June 16 at a ·meeting of the I·plublic" and other anthems.. 1.000 ville, Va., was present at the open- ior department with Mrs. James banking services in our residen- Board of Directors in Pbiladelmembers will be conftrmed ing perfonnance of "Blithe Spirit" H. Hornaday as associate and lial communities. That is the rea- phia. Dr. Nason headed the Phila- in their faith by Bishops of the which initiated the current season. music instructor. (Continued on Page 5) delphia Council for the past year. . (Continued on Page 10) oesserted Art·lcles Awal·t· PUpl'1 0wners Teacher Vacations Run 'Each to His Own Taste' July 3 Exercises to Close Church School Last minute gift suggestions for Father! 13 Exhibition 6.6405 June 21st Horsey Post Wayne SWarthmore EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. July Mon., CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE Father's Day is this Sunday, Norway Cleaners 5:30P.M. • Yes, we are persistent in pointing" to the advantages of sound health; the importance of consulting your physician at the first suggestion of illness. And again we remind you to b,ring the Doctor's pre.criptlons hel'e, where you are assured couneous service, precise com{"'unding and uoifol'lllly fau' prices. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE Downingtown June 22 Mon., PERSISTENT ha!f days before with an open house at the home of Howard Shearer of North Swarthmore avenue on graduation night, June 9, was followed by a swimming party in Morrow's Pool on Harvard avenue. The class thell enjoyed a supper in McCahan Hall of the Presbyterian Church, with Mrs. William Ziegen (us as chainnan of the supper. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schroder chaired the entertainment. Before leaving for Ocean City, the group was given a hearty 'breakfast at 5 a.m. by Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby and her committee. Houseparty chaperons included Mrs. Oliver Swan. Mrs. Jane Hanna Neuweiler, Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty and Mrs. William SImkin. The farewell senior class party follows a tradition begun 14 years 1953 Swarthmore American Legion Baseball Schedule Home Games - College Field June 20 finance the event. ---- !l::ia·:, home afier a three-day houseparty in Ocean City. Festivities, three and a You Sat., Senior Class Mothers arrange PROGRAM BIG flrst floor. I , TIlE SWABTBMOREAN Jane 26, 1953 hat. Her coruge was of white orHer finger tip veil of illusion waa The ceremony· ';'a8 performed their bimdeaux of Illy petals. hel!i,ln pl,a~ by a !!a~lan4,.of edel- by the ,Rev. Dr. Lowell R. DIt..sarbara. Sqape, sister ~f the c;hld$ with purpl" lips. weIsS, and ).he' c&tr\ed an :hel~~ IIllIl, ..~ the Rev•. Dr. Thornton groOl,!: ~ .. flower girl,· ,wore J a ...' A reception folJowed at HuntENGAGEMENTS. loom:Blble'ot r~yal blue velv¢ ·Penfleld, both of Bronxville. :Kate Greenaway frock of white Ingdon Valley Country Club, Ab~ Dr. and Mrs. ·Seymour W·, Klet- with a white. o~i:I marker. The bride, given ifi marriage organdle over blue taffeta and Ington. Mrs. James A. Hughes, Jr., of by her brother, Mr. John R. Arms, matching blue sash. She carried zien of Soulh Chester road, have announced the engagement of Mt. Airy, as matron of honor, wore an ice blue nylon tulle wed- a .basket of small blue and w h l t eKIE-FE-.---W--AT-K-IN-S their aaughter, Miss Phyllis Klet- wore an aqua ballerina-length ding dress. Her finger tip veil of flowers and wore a wreath of • flowers In her hair. Miss Gwendolen Clara Watkins, zien, to Mr. Edward F. Campbell, dress ofembroldera as ~.;... will be . Mrs. Ro...... ·E. Eckert of Newark, a; m. Bishop W. Earl Ledden, as follows: R. S. Bird, C. B. Blake, Del., Miss Pamela Morrell of S. B. Brewster, 1'. W. Plowman, Resident Bishop· of. the Syracuse Oaklaod, N.J. and Miss Prudence A. E. Pritchard. H. Randa1J, ~ of the Methodist Church, A. Trlem of Wayne, as bridesI.ea.... you determine s. n: Reyn~lds, and H. P. Stam- will be the guest pAlacher. His maids wore pale green gowns and sermon subject will· be: "Happy ford. e Birthday, John Wa.1ey." This coronets similar In style to those PIerre Decrouez is scheduled of the maid of honor. They carriSunday all Methodist 'Churches serve as acol1te at the 8 o'clock of the world coJJ1ll\emorate the ed bouquets of pink roses. service, and John Bernard at 11 2S0th anniversary· of the Birth Kit Howard of Wallingford, as _1IC1OU OI: IF'" o'clock. \ of. JobU Wesley; the founder of flower girl wore a pink ballerina length net dress trlnUned with the Miethodlsl ChaJulI, .820 CHI.'NU' Hymns written by Charles Wes- wide ban~s of matching lace. She 'IESIYTlRIAN NOTES OU¥IIIL .... rc AMf . . . . . ", There will be one Morning ley, a· brother of John, will be carried a basket of pink roses and ,T......_ ...., . .1 Worship . Service this Sunday sung In the service. The choir yellow daisies and wore a wreath will sing the anthem, "Festival morning at 11 a.n!. at which Te Deum," by Buck, and Mrs. of the same flowers In her hair. The bride's mother chose a dress. topIc of the se11PQR by Mr. BisPaul, i!Oprailo soloist, will hop. will be. "positive Chrlstian- sing "He Shall Give lib Angels of gray aqua triple sheer crepe ity." Charge," . by Scott. Bertha Mae with matching hat, and a cOl"sage The Summer Session of the organist-director, has of TaUsman roses. The brideChurch Schooi wID' be heid for . the prelude,' "Trum- groom's mother wore a dress of Pre-scl!Q<>.I,. i>rbnariaiid 'i.;w,or by Pu!,'llell,·"and for nylon organdy in purple shot with . ' "Marc):1. for a Church • grade .cbIicIrlm . at, 8:10 a.m. and by Best.· . . ' blue arid.· gray hat•. :He.: corsage was of piilk: roses. will nut throUlhJuly 26•. ' . for the'dB!f are Wesley A reception followed at· the There will be no Church Hour France, head usher, Stewart Flood, Nursery this Sunday or George Glaesper, Georl!e.R. Miller, church. day~erE!8fter. diitJp. , t l i j , H . M. ·SI!DIIiOiis,· 'lit,,; nursery After a honeymoon in New This·. program' wUl . be . childNn· durlili ohurch time York City, the couple will live In again''next fall· ... will tie Ii1 chlirae '.of· Mr,. Edward Philadelphia. On Saturday evening out-ofThe. B~n.clBges .. G.~o".·n. Wlalter. ~". wl.II·~on.- Collina Flowel",·and are Mn. presen.Ui4 by Lovekin. Mr. and town wedding. guests including tinue· tQ ..'.!neet··evei-Y·WedneiKiay. RayL: Harlow In inemory Mrs. NorWOOd· MaeGilvary of throughout . the sumt'ner. from of Mr. Harlow's parents, Mr. and Pittsburgh, :Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p·.m. Each Mrs. Lamech lIarlo't,.;. person intere~ in attendlJlg this At. 2, 30, two chartered busses MacGilvary of Detroit, the Misses group Is asked· to btiU :'!i, '~x will leave the ch'urch for Frank- Winifred, Mabel and Elsa Kali of lunch.. ' lin Field· carryihg . members and Baltimore, and Dr. David Marfriends to participate in the com- shall Lang of England, joined :rhe Ushers for the months of memoratlon meeting In honor of ot~er relatives. of .the bride at a ... Julx.. and~.J\&IIIlISt.~. ~;,.R. D. 25Qth Birth Anni- dinner at Strath Haven Inn as Fetherolf,' David Bingham; JaIIIe!I friends of the church guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Hoinaday, Harold 1!{abboU,·. to attend the wishing re- Watkins and Mr. and Mrs. Charles lIatn Pegram.,: GfBham·Wentz serVed .ea.f tlcke~·.are ~n";ited to L. WhiIney of ·Havertown. Julyi and Cparles BradY, .. Mich!'el caU the pastor, Rev. John C. Kulp, Durkee, Thomas Chew, Frank SW . . I On6-1489 Tuesday, June 16, the ExTODAY'S BRIDE Ransbur¥>, jlP~'.J"0x;t;on, ecutlve·· BOard ··01 :the.. Woman's '_ Hall. for "'ugust.. Soeiety of. Christtan Service met Miss Elizabeth Ann Cook, .In the chapel to: make plaos daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. coming year. Cook of Winter Park,· Fla.,. ·for. FRIENDS MEETIN& NOTES· theThe. Ladies Bible.C1aSs met at merly of swarthmore, and Mr. .. ., .:SundaY, June 28, .w111 be the tbe home of Mrs. Gilbert Cheyney, College lane, on Wednesday, June Earl M. Weir, son of Mrs. Howard last Sunday when child care for 24, for a covered dish luncheon T. Weir of Village Green, will young children will be provided and the last regular business be married this at .In Whittier House during the m~ting of the season. o'clock in Washington . .. . '. ·Meeting HQ1lr. This service will Chapel, VaII!!y FOrge.·.' , iesum\:d agilin .1i1 Septemi?er ; . CHRISTIAN SC:IENCE NOTES .o.lit-o'f-IoWn guests, who . '., ....... i · · ' .. .. .•• ........ -J •. ~ " arived for the' wedding 'In"lu,de I CHRISTIAN 'sClENCE is th~ Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schurz anil PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH sublect of the Bible Lesson to be family of Winter Park, Fla., Mr~ Joseph P. Bishop, Mintster read next Sunday In a-ll churches and Mrs. Benjamin S. Collins of John Stetlner, Assistant of Christ, Scientist. Rutherhrd, N.J., and Mr. . SaJ1IIJI7, June 28 The Golden Text Is taken from the Flrst. Epistle of Peter (2:9): Mrs. Jay· D. COOk, Jr., of Gran9:30 A.M.-;swnmer'Session Pre-School·th'r!>ugh sixth grades. ''Ye :are a chosen· generation, a ville; Ohio. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship Mr. . . . 1 ... For the active Mermaid Bishop will preach. Topic "Posl- royal priesthood, an holy nation, BIRTH tive Christianity". a peculiar people; that ye should Or the Toe,Dabbling .. Sun· Lt. and Mrs. Richard R. ShelMETHODIST CHURCH shew forth: the praiSes of him ... Wonhipper . John C. Kulp, pastor who hath caUed you out of dark- ly announce the birth of their 1 Sunday, June 28 ness into his marvellous light." first child, a son named Carl Hud-~~-i , • son Shelly, at Clark Air· Force 9:45 A.M.-Church School. 11 :00 A.M. - Bishop W. Earl Base Hospital, philippines. Ledden. Lt. Shelly Is currently serving A variety of fabrics, design and cut 'to , a tour of duty with the U. S. Air TROOTY CHURCH point. up. YOUR figure, YOUR .penonjllity H. Lawrence Whittemore; Rector I Force in the Philippines. ·Arrlv. '.;: 8",,~y,J_ 28 facforv fl'.slt Color ..: Ing overseas in !'ebruaryl1l52, he 8: 00 A.M.-Holy <;:ommunio.n . .' .... is performing dutieS' as . Fil';' . Stod·' 11:00 A.~:-·Moinlng Prayer.' .-- - electronics olllcer for the 31st ~, THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Rescue S·quadron, Second Aif Don't be Disappointed . OF FRIENDS Rescue Group at Clark AFB. On your Vacation-Tale , Sunday, June 28 .' . Mr. and Mrs.· William S. Shelly 11:00 A,M.--.MeeUng for Worship. Plenty of Film with you . , . Roll Kodacolor Monday, J;me 29 u~'!~'C?fe~ pa,ny'!'""'" .,. 127 .lId 620 · All-Day sewing for A.F.S.C. NEWS NOTES · Wednesday, Jab' 1 \ · All-Day sewing for A.F.S:C. . .,KocIciCh""" Mr. and· Mrs. Paul J. Rutan 7:30 P.M.-Mid_week ~eetinII • aid" -.:.::::Lli......oi,...... Ogden avenue are enteI1ai.mlg ;~for Worship. u •• _ 20 & 36 • ..,.,..... SWARTBMOREAN Were .B!"90 p..,a 1:ao .'",;. Of· ,,' ":"lItilt & Type,~. .. ·.~.:,~~II'.t .~tt"rf.";'~ ~. "'I. ~.f"} 405 Dartmoutll Ave. . Aatll&l , , . _ _ ..•11:- ..,.... . .. . sw 604191 .... M.3• .. ,~~,.~~;te~lID~ . chitdi'en .- CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP . swarthmoreans' attending Youth conference of the P1coce$ of pimnsylvan).. at Havertord this week ·lnclude Martha . Calhoun, Lelgb. Thompso~ At)n :--; ,; ,. _!:~ .~~".. :..::'" \.!: .:.... r·· Hj~Uis2'~'c~~~~jlll~~____~~~~~::':~~~~~~~::~~:'----~ , " • THE SWARTHMOREAN . Pille" ',OFFICEIS INDUCTED Theodore L. Purnell of Cornell avenue was inducted as president of the Swarthmore Lions Club at their meeting Monday night. Other olllcers who were induct.. ed by Jack Carr, adviser to' the district governor, were Dr. Peter E. Coste, Dr. John H. Wigton and Henry Hoffman, vice presidentsEdwin F. Wendell, secretary: John E. Jeffords, treasurer; Ken~ neth Stuart, lion tamer; Augustus Titus, tail twister. Morris E Smith and William P. Dodd wer~ installed as new directo";. Summer School in High Enrollment Gue.ts at Camp SI.lhl.e· Cam p Sunshine, Delaware County Children's Camp, opened (Continued from Page 1) Tuesday. 139 boys will have the privilege of enjoying a threeStudies; Margaret Gordon, English week tI . vaca (In. Following' this and French; imd Donald Wright, Math«;,natlcs and Science. Henry ~~~;oe~C~t1:r;:il:er~u~t;r ;.!IJi1rls . ' . s. ,!m Mioskie and Charles Zeiders are Webb' of Secane IS Camp Dlrecfrom E a s t Stroudsburg State tor. . ' Teachers College. Mr. Mioskle has The C8\llP Is still in need of had 20 years of teaching experi- furniture for a counselor'", new ence and is teaching Mathematics. sabin being built by the Chester Mr. Zeiders is teaching Social Kiwanis Club. Mrs. George J. Karge, chairman of. furnishings Studies. Stanley Sutk~wskl is a of the Camp's ,Board qf Directors, graduate of Dickinson College will appreciate donations of outteaching Mathematics and Social door fur!1i~ure for the ·camp. If GOOD TASTE! Studies. Christopher Brown, a y~u are interested in sharing 'yout Iced Tea de IUlle graduate of' Wesleyan with live furnltur", c a 11 Mrs. Karge Bouquet of 'S I years teaching experience is SWarthmore 8-7323. • :"1 ce teaching Mathematics . and SeiBouquet a f Mint r ' Huggens, who · ' :',",. '. enc~. . M : .s. fllarriet S.P.C.A: AcHv. China _ Pottery Treaiures . teaches'lD the Rldle} ParkEleLovely Llmoge mentary School, is teaching EngInteresthig Ironstone' I1sh. Mrs. Harriette W. Batipps, a graduate of the University of . Antiques & Gourmet Shop Iowa, is teaching Spanish and , PBOVIDENCB ROAD English. Mrs. Batipps was a memWALLINGFORD, PA. ber of the Summer Sehool faculty last. year. . . Muriel Watkins, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. William Watkins College ave!1ue, has been Placed on the Dean's List at Hiram College In norUteastern Ohio. Muriel Is a. member of Omicron Beta social sorority. FEET HURT? cal. probably get ~ulclc relief If you .ee a trained correcth;e shoe speclall.t. Moderate price•• • MACK BLANK Suite 303 . 1422 Chestaat Street Tele.o.e II......... 604'32 .. • • • I . Cooperating with more than Volunteer Firemen to help protect your home , . Yonr FLOWERS' ~ SPRINGFIELD Mrs. J. Roy' Snape and her and Rail Club Horse daughter Barbara of Harvard aV:e'- the s c hlo a I 'gr'oun~-. Maryellen' .... nue ~turned home Tuesday after showed her own horse "Copper spendlDg the week-end at the Miss" . in several 'eve ts M Gri Sh . n. ary er c 001 Tyrone, Pa., .w)tere Campbell of College avenue, also :aryellen Snape is, a student. On a student III unday they. attended the Po s t Bar" • 'A DESIGN AND CONSULTANT SERVICE OWO <' \~C'~r PM' " "l'H[' -d C' , Co~ MODERN . HORACE A. REEVES, ,"Third Generation Builders" SW 6-3450-3451 ;,... 171/2 S. CHESTER ROAD ".' , . I • invited and so is she • .• fOr the DOUBLE' "., THRILL ., / '. , OF'a31 .. ., • ' , .'.". ....... '. .'" . , We've talked to lots of people lately , and one thing stands out ••• (lUI' nell> , A,i' fj, Ab", III , ~" FuscoMotoro. ".~. l I -J» ".", , , .. ,~ ," .' . .~ ... '.- [[L(ffi rlrID~R{MfiIJMllr~ rn .---,,-."- .\ "Boded" O/dwwbile appmlo juaJ as . . tJtnRItIJ)' to - . ... 10 rrum1 That'. why we·... m.,mD'g.yOd to ",. OJda. mobile tOgethCi-. ~ how it ~ your demands for perform.n_with . ' that power combination of "ROcket" Engine and Hydra,Matic Super .. -.dlf.- . --- ,. -.-~, -.--- ,~. Spend the Fourth· Drive·. And howit meets Power Steering- and Pow... BIll: ,for handling ......" Power Styling and C...tom.Lounge interiors for smartneM .'-i ......---.... ,'.-,.. 6' ..~-.~ ea. ,, "'DRIVE " I In • '. I ""d comforL Super "88", CIaseic Ninety.Eigbt-they're both delligned for both of you. So Bee us siJoD-dis. cover the ",",10k appeal oj oldsmahile1 I I .' SWARTHMORE l ,I * * * .",'111 II Safe Fun for All the Family! 100M All Enjoy cool comfort at home this .... m. -'oL room air caneliaoner. • ...... • can be reEl_hie * * * ; : : air is cooled, dehlllllidiSell, aocI ".,..., ~ '='IIICIIII'Ie~i: • more. • air co. lid ••• C&!l.1Ie .. ...,. room, MJ Md., .. II ... ,. • CD lie die houac.ya. 'IF'''. _local.... . ,.- air coaclitioow • _ II ! j' 'I. . \ SPON$ORED IY , h.I '1ILliEL.all: :ILICIIIC CO••,-.,' ...Et "." HOLIOAl COUPE I - or at .' .. Better medical· care [or poliO patients and latest developments in pollo research were major topics at tlte National Foundation fDr Infantile ParalYsis cb.apter workshop meeting in New York, Wednesday, attending by ,Mrs. Mary L, McKinley, executive secFetary. and Alan K. Keay, ohairman of the Delaware County Ident, Harold Ogram vice-presi- Chapter of the National Foundadent, George A. Rigby vice presi- tion. dent, Edward H. Rigby vice presiVolunteer workers frOm ~e.... dent and cashier, Reuben L. England, New Y'lrk, PennsylvaMathews assistant cashier, Paul nja, Dela~are, Maryland, and the District. of Colu.mbia attended the A. Freeman assistant cashier, Herworkshop session. bert J. FadeleY,Jr., assistant casp"We. cannot tell, at this time, . ier, Donald M. Hand ass~tant 9,OW many. n,ew c~ses we will have cashier, Georg~ DicksQD asSistant in D'elaware County 'this year but cashier, Cbarles H. Heller trust our Co~ntY ¢hapter of, the .NaMARGE and DOT will not fail olllcer, Nellie A. Caballero'assis- tional' Foundation . .-' in Casserole Catering tant trust olllcer, C. Edward Fisch- aiding to the best of its ability any chid or .. aduI! stricken. ·with . S"rvjee 'er comptroller•. ~ SPECIALIZING,IN Directors - Robert W. Beatty, polio:' .Mrs..McK~nl~Y decl8:~ed. Richard G. Burn. Edward E. LUNCHEONS Franklin. T. Flaherty, Jr., of BUFFET SUPPERS Cbandlee, Stanley T. Hibberd, Quernsey road is home frOm M.I. COClKTAIL PARTIES Gordon F. Jess, Clarence L. en, ....ttI ... · of :.IhIDr, etc. left to ad"ertlle ,.oar .blellCe. A...."e a1\, make certain t\Iat··,.oa tlo ba".· ad_te B ....I• .,. Robbe.,. IrlsU....ce.· The Chester Elks Concert Band will open its summer ,t>rogram at Glen Providence Park (west end of State Street and Baltimore Pike. in Media), on Thursday evening, July 9, at 8 P.M. Thomas G. Leeson. Sr., will conduct, and Wills Broadhead will be the vocalist. Robert B. Keel will.' be Master of Ceremonies, The program will consist of· the following - ll!arch. "Freedom for (Songs of World .War .1), Arr. ~e; Selection, "Song of In~n (Arr. Bennett); Vocal Solo. "Thine Alone" (Herbert) and "Stout Hearted Men" (ROmber'g) Excerpts "Andante" (Tschalkowsky) arid "March"; Selections, "South Pacllic" (Rogers); March ''FIdelity'' (Blankenburg); National Anthem .. James R. Stokes, Jr.• supervising guard. hils· the park in tiptop shape and promiSes '"l'he park wtll be free nom mosquitoes, due to the spraying done by the Delware County Mosquito Extermination . Commission. Benches wtll be provided. but In order to take care of the overfio.w crowd. people may bring blankets and lawn chairs, to get the tull benefit of the enjoyment planned for the evening." HOW TO MAKE UP YOUR MIN~ WHICH. IS THE Carpeting by /IJ Glen Providence Park Band Concerts Open Sales agent. Announcing ~ew Drexel Hill Perkasie Post Drexel Hill Dr~xel Hill Horsey Post lansdQle Post Aldan Rug Wayne Exhillition . Exhibition Exhibition Phoenixville The PenDBbury, priced at $18,950, is one of three architectural styleS in Colonial Village. The other two are priced at $17,900 and $16,950. I!u_ TIADaEuNTEEDED' art and daughter Patty ot Vassar avenue. are spending ~he summer IF YOU HAVE ONE _ EXPECT PLENTY FOR IT Mobawk CarpeUq • Complete Size Range. OrIen"" BlIP at Rehobotb Beach. N; J. 100 Park Ave•• Swarthmo.... Pa. Walsh FQrd Company SWarthmore 6-6000 _ CLearbrook 9-4646 Mrs. Edward M. Bassett, Jr., and children Edward Morris, 3rd, Yale & Sylvan Avenlle •• Morto•• Pa. . Patricia and William' are living Phone SWarthmore 6-7381 or SWarthmore 6-1445 • . Palllson KNOWS Carpet temporarily withChester Mrs. E.road. IiI. Bas-/,============================================~~==~~ __~~_____________________________________________ sett of North Lt. Bassett, now· stationed with the .R. O. T. C. at the University of Pittsburgh; Is due to receive his discharge from the Army about the middle of August where he will join hls·'tamllyhere. Sandy· Bowie of South Chester road wh.o completed her sopho, more year' at Oberlin' College in June, will joIn the Oberlin Gilbert ami Sullivan Players at ,Mashpee, Mass., on Cape Cod in College Field Page 7 ~. - • . NOW AV.tLA.u-ftI.II. . CH........ AIIn"a". AlII-CONDmONINe • • • , .11 " .. -.'. ".- .. -, PleoM_........ nmr. I am i.D.tuelted. fa. the '1 'f M VIICa<- _!'laD. HA.NNUM- & AND YALE AVENUE lara In_ 2G-Dqe D. .... JIook.. _oaPecldeaKOOll:AirCa rtn "!if ~'--~----------SWARTHMORE 6-1250 THE SWAIlTIIMOBBAN lime 16, 1953 NEWS NOTES DON'T TAKE A CHANCE Mr. and. Mrs. -.Louls Nordyke and their daughters. Nan and . Patrilla, of Amarlllo, Texas, stopped overnight for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. ·E. H. Taylor, of Harvard avenue, while on their way to New York. Mr. Nordyke; a widely known author and' magazine writer, and his family formerly lived in Swarthmore. Their eldest daughter, Nan, a talented violinist, Is entering the "ummer music school at Interlocken, Mich. David Spencer of Ogden avenue left Swarthmore today to spend the SWDmer months at the National Music Camp, Interlocken, JI!Ilch. Mr. and Mrs. LIndsay Wolfe of Vassar avenue entertained at open house Monday evening in h?"or of Mr. and Mm. Mather Lippincott who moved Tuesday from Vassar avenUe on throwing your garbage along the highway. If you should be caught. the fine and inconvenience would cost you t more than to have an automatic incin. erator installed in your basement. which would bum an your trash and garbage. FREE See 'Inr...... E.HTRI lIST La,.,.. Regular 15e Loaf' George S. My,rs SWarthmore 6-0740 lOv.r t •• Co·O, Store' or call or SWarthmore· 6-6405 with purchaH of rwgular 2-Ib lotIf "iiiiiiiiii;;==================~J Setdteu .CIEESE SPREAD ~ z ::: .7' ... [ .........;.".,...., ••••'.111.. to Lima where they will spend the sumqler months before mOving to their pennanent residence in Rose Valley. Mrs. George M. Ewing of Columbia avenue en'ter:tained at a luncheon at her home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George W. McKeag and children Betsy and Ian of Parrish road, spent a few days of this week at Spring Lake, N. J., where Mr. McKeag attended the Pennsylvania Bar Association Convention. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Peirsol and children Jay, Wyn, and Constance of ~inneapolis, Minn .• arrived last week-end to spend the week Visiting Mrs. Peirsol's moiher Mrs. Gilbert Wilnant of Phlladelphia~ formerly of Sproul road, and Mr. Peirsol's father Mr. Henry A. Peirsol, Sr., of Lafayette avenue. Steven Spencer of Ogden avenue is working with the U. S. Public Health Service Unit at Greeley. Colo. this summer.· Before leavIng, be spent three days of last wl>ek at the Communicable Diseases . Center of the Public Health Service In. Atlanta, Ga. Steven, a graduate of Swarthmore College, has finished his second year at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard avenue are spending the next several months at their summer cottage at "Inwoods" Lake Wesauking, .Towanda. • Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told and daughters Pat and PolIy of Park avenue spent last week vacationing at Little Spruce Lake, LakeWood, Wayne CO'll1ty. Rick an" Noel Turner of Guernsey road will leave tomorrow to spend the summer at Camp Onondaga in the Adirondacks. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brad~haw and Son Bobby of BenjamIn West a.ven ue will leave today by automobile to vacation for the month of JulY near Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates of Harvard avenue entertained for several days of this week their daughter Mrs. Eugene S. Farley an~ son Eugene Farley. Jr., of Wilkes.barre, while Eugene, Jr., !ook examinations in Philadelphia Incidental to his medical course at t1;te University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. Ronald G. E. Ullman of "Apple Brook." Park avenue entertained at open house from 4 tq 7 on Sunday in honor of the fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and ~lrs. Edward E. Thomas of Aldan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, accompanied by 1dr. Thomas' parenls Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Thomas of Richmond, Ind., left Monday for a vacation in Martha's Vineyard, Mass. and Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of Elm avenue are entertaining as their house guests for two. weeks th~ir son-in-law and dau~ter Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Slfatte, Jr., of Rochester, Minn., and baby daugh:er Kathryn and their son~in-Iaw and daughte~ Mr. and . Ml'II. Van R. Gathany· of Evanston, nL, with their baby daughter L,ynn. IF ......'. OI'U~"" If.....,. ·OI'UJ'.... KnIt Natanl.·.wtq , ~He im... :; T~ ........ehee••. . .9dmI Col and Mrs. Robert H. Douglas PRAISE UNSDOWNE CENTER Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moran and the weeIf-end with Mrs. Pelrsol's and family have returned to The Delaware County District children Barbara and Joseph of mother' Mrs. A .M. Dryden at Spec'alll'., ,. Cement Walk.. Shpi Swarthmore from '\the· Panama Committee of the Health and Wel- Kenyon )lvenue, left Tuesday for her summer place In Barnegat, alld Patio. Moran will serve as director of the N. J. Uadergroalld Garbage Pall. Canal Zone where Col. Douglas fare Council meeting .in Media North Anson, Me., where Mr. was in Command of the 33rd U.S. on Tuesday, J\lne 16, took favorla.taned Election of OtIicers . Infantry at Ft. Kobbe. Col. Doug- able action on the report of a Moran will serve as director of the JOSEPH ZIZZA The following officers for 1953lIis, after ... short visit here, will study made of the Training· Center Devereux Pine Camps for the SW 6-2735 report for duty at Ft. Benning, for Mentally·' Retarded Children summer months. 54 were elected last week at the Ga., where he and his family will located in Lansdowne. 111. and Mrs. Charles Garrison, Swarthmore Business Association reside. He with his family Is visitDr. Herman D. Staples. chair5......... 6-144. Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Peterson. and meeting: Horace A. Reeves, presiing hi. parents Mr. and Mrs. man of the study committee, inWILLIAM BROOKS James Bacon Douglas at their dicated that' the study had .been Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brodhead of dent; Al Carney, vice president; Ashe. &:. Rubbish Removed home on North Chester road and made at the request of the Del- Swarthmore, visited Camp E1iza- Frank McFadden, treasurer, and Mowed, General . at their cottage in Cape· May, N.J. aware County~· Chapter of the beth Borton, Delaware County Mrs. Joseph ReynoldJ, secretary. . Bawling Mrs. William Watkins and her Pennsylvania Association for Re- Glrl'Scout Camp, Sunday after238 IIarcUDa' Ave., Horton. h daughter Muriel of College avenue tarded Children. noon. Their daughters Barbara To Discuss Health Problems are attending Unitarian meetings The study committee composed Garrison, Karen Peterson and in Star Island, N,H. ¥urlel will professional and' lay persons Virginia Broadhead will attend Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tuck... and be employed at the Island through from the fields ·of public educa- sessions at the camp during the their daughter Diana of 301 North ARE YOU? August. tion, child psychiatry, child welfare serviCes, public 'health nurs- swnmer. Swarthmore avenue, invite their e e GOING TO BUILD Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Reed f I d S d . ht I ing, institutional care for mentally r en s in this atur ay mg or e MAKE ALTERATIONS retarded children,· and family of College avenue spent several the last meeting of the season. The PIANO TUNING e~AINT OR DECORATE days in Hershey, Pa., with friends New and BeIIuUt PIanos service Ilad high praise for the from New York City. round table discussion will be on and BopaIrlng· SIB... 1 _ PERMIT US TO ESTIMATE group founding the ·center. The how to keep healthy in summer. ALlAN PARKER report states in its final concluMr. and Mrs. Henry A. Peirsion,' HThe committee considers sol and daughters Gloria and Anyone interested is cordially inPhoDP Media 8·3&'15 the work so far accomplished by l_s_an_d_ra_O_f_La_f_a_y_et_t_e_a_v_e_n_ue-s_pe_n_t-v_ite_d_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ..,,'"' Ge....flo. SW 6-3450-345 I the Delaware County Chapter of 17'1. S. CHESTER . RD• the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children within its PETER 01 NICOLA short history of little more than·a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Driveway COII.truetioll year as a heroie achievement and PERSONAL WANTED as a valiant attempt to meet this __ ::::-:-==:-~:::-.:.:..--::-----:­ Aspltalt or eoller.h pressing need. They further extend PERSONAL-NO EXPERIENCE WANTED -. Young college gradth 1m . NECESSARY to earn good in·uate, with knowledge of typing HoaACB .. Cellar Walls Re-Plastered e un ost encouragement to come with AVON .Cosmetics. We and shorthand. Begin Sept. 1. Call their growing program in the will train. you with ~!;s~rfl !S~W~a~rth~m~0!!!r:!:e~6~-~2~37!1~.~e~ve~n!!:ln!!!gs!!.:.,--:· Swarthmore light of the findings and conclu- Color Filtns! Mrs. Ivins, WANTED _ Room and board of sions." West Chester, Pa. young man in Swarthmore; Call . Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, PERSONAL - Sitter - reliable SWarthmore 6-4IK8. new chairman of the Delaware woman available by the hour, WANTED - Hotel clerk, not over day or week. Call Mrs. Kraft!, County District, Health and Wel- SWarthmore 6-4555 . between 6 45, experience on PBX helpful.. fare C '1 R d F h Apply in person at Strath Heven ounCI, a e eat er :an:::d~7~P::.:::.M:::.:__ _:_.,..,_.,.-:,.--=-:_-: Inn, Yale imd Harvard Avenues. Charles E. Fischer Agency, presided at the meeting. PERSONAL-Auto· driving School WANTED - Is anyone interested RIAL ISTATa • Also present at the· meeting as -Professional Instructors. Dual in sharing her apartment with Di.trict Committee members we-... control· assure your safely. yeung woman? Call SWarthmore INSUIUNCI Mm. J. Paul Brown, and Rev. H. We call Edward F ..~."" 6-4712. 6o, 'So CiI..T . . . . . BUILDER Lawrence Whittemore, 6-~~:o. 'Wm-AN""l"'.""I",--'"iMa=n'",--'fo:::r:-jr:a:::n"'it'-::::or ....._ .. bInCA. Swarthmore. work. Apply in person. S~th _ Radios, television H~ven Inn, Yale &. Harvard Averecord changers and D~~f'i'lffi'-=:-i .---,_ appliances;; ,... ihliiirt-:: control. ~ATl!I OP ROY L. WlLKIlISOfi service. Ib OJ_daI. Club eh••• Food , .. .~ 8310 ' ..11"..... CLASSIFIED ADS --:c:--:c::--====== ·'l'assmi{re· ! IT PATS TO_BUY ~4"e44te11. ~'Ut.g .h....1... , HORACE A. REEVES ......... Shankl... Holf . Ib --~ RIB ROAST1~t49c:~' SSe CHUCK ROAST,~ 35e Ib 'A FRIEND.lY· "'elen BoDed ehuck BoaSt Ib 57c • oIIed Ham _ ~.: 14110 Uc I R~: \4. a.. "'ported e.....ed ~Ib . . . . . . C Holfand ~. _n", Plcalc .hould... t.:::::r (At;t:;,) .8,c Ba.. and convenient PLACE TO WORK' LOAF CHEESE ~ ~lcH SlIcM' ~oIa. Like so many othertelephone people, Miss.Doloree· Andrews finds the Telephone Company "a friendly place to wOl'k." . . lJdml C:::1:::· TEl BAGS In addition, Miss Andrews likes the convenience of her telephone job. Her desk at the Bell Tele. p~one Office in Upper Darby is only a few short minutes from helO front door. for PIC SO.. J:J~ 4.k You Get .66TI;1 '1GS::r.45c . Perh~ps you, too, would be interested in a· tele- 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Po. • Z -- ,"", """'" t::~~e Or"'e J . I t:f.31e . ... Oruge J . 6t: 71e '''-'-.d . Freacla me. I:; lie Z~t;:49c LOOK AT THESE BIG VALUES PI_ "lIS e. No~ OfIldaQ . 42 W. Loncaster Ayenue, Ardmore, Pel. Iir: .9dMII·.. (Ask Ope....... 10. Midway otIIcIoI) . "pl., DuIdI Apple, PkI .... pl., Plain if' Cfteny 5tNuse1 . each only 4ge Ie..". SSe Pies· Special" Priced 100 Greenwood A~enue, Jenkintown, pa. PECAN BOm lUIS (tt) (Ask Ope...",. 10. Ogontz 0IRdaI) 6 :. 30c Pany BuIlding, Langhorne, Pa. (Ask Opeedl.. for lonsho... otIIcIol) ACME MARKET, Chester Rd., Swarthnun 'IE lEU TElEPIOIE C.lPAR OF fE •• Smalll • A lrienclly place to worle" • . ... Open Thuriday and Friday to .' P.M. 0,.•• RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION Jack Prichard , PAINTIN~ Alteratipns - 'and" • P.R.R. Freight Bldg. Swarf!!_re, Po• CARPENTRY SWarthmore 6~8761' J.F. BLACKMAN ....." •• 8W 8-A18 ' ..•. ~T~t;m7t=~ PETER E. TOLD OIL HEllT All Line. of IlIluralln , _ _ _ ... • ... ......aI ... ...u............- .........tlH -l .SN Dartmouth Avenue S_lhmore, Po. . Swarthmore 6-1833 DAY and NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE AONDAY TBRU 8ATOBDAY. NOON SW 6-.40.41 woman desires family. Call SWarthmore 6-4712. WANTED - We will buy at best . prices. old china. cut glass. fur][~~~I niture. Call Holly Oak 4313 or Holly Oak 6720 collect, for ap- make paymEilD1;. and those hAvlng a~~~,!~ olalms to preeent the same, wIthout delay. to RUTH P. WILEINSOIN. 410 Dlcklnsan Avenue. Swartbmooe. Pa. Or to Morrl.8 B. Bmltb. 28S Oomell Avenue, ~ lllry"rs, l::I:ecutr1xll~~;;~~~~~~~t~ Atlm'Dey Swarthmore. Pa. St-2S-l!.10 . pointment. AllCupboard, business confldentI,,1. Colonial 5 Philadelphia Pike. Wilmington, Del. FOR SALE WANTED Companion-housekeeper for ,family of two. in FOR SALE - Excellent cot~ge at Buck.Hill Falls. Phone terrier puppies. 8 weeks, ~y~~~ =S:.:W:.;a::rth=m=0=:,I'l'::.,,::6:--4::6:::5~1.=:-:-:_ _ __ rpglstered. Morris,SWarthmore 5 W. S. III~===========::;I Ave., Rutledge. 8993. CONTRACllJRS Cement and Stone Work FLAGSTONE OR CONCRETE PATIOS Drlve..,CIf· . Cellars Wclhrproofed Air Co.dllle".g J.A.GREEN G • • •, MYERS BOll[ 4I-Swarthmore 6-0740 FOR RENT FOR RENT -' In Ocean City 'double bedrooms, or will share old. housekeeping apartment. Direct on Ocean and lovely beach. 2-4 Adults or older childre!). 911 St. Charles Place, Phone O.C. OIll-W. iUl:NT..,.-Lii'ge double room . ..,.-ftl'eplace. pvt,. bath. cooking prlvn_. Couple ot single wom~~il an. Also single room and· bath. ns J'ile.r lnuuipI!rtation. Wallingford • cedar two toit' Fife MEdia 6-1132. . . FOR RENT.:...(Jompletely furnished small faculty house on the btl1 in shady, quiet, recently large living kilchen, and 1 to CL '·5171 :~~E.~~~~~~~~~I SWarthmore 6-6523. nearRENT It. R. FOR - Desirable 3-room apartment in Rutledge. All utilic ities. Garage if desired. Call I"Warthmore 6-1232. FOR ·RENT - Large comfortable pelrfe,,!;' , room in large house surrounded bl' trees. Convenient to transportation and tea-rooms. SWarthmore 6-4124. Roofing Gutters COAL FIREPLACE WOOD white _CAIS 01 lIE 11=••' SALE' men more chaacu of 'be- 501 'Rgtgen ~yenu • Swa. Ihtnore 4 .. ~.o ~gbiiiSiii~ . LE'l11!iRS Tl!B'l'AMENTARY on the above JrBtate having been granted to the undersIgned. all penons lncIebted to tbe saId Batate 141'0 requested to Sheet Metal Work 8UJIDAY8 and HOLIDAYS ,~--, late of swa.rtluQ,ore. Delaware COUnty. Pa.. Deceaaed. P. Tlnari & Son sW 6-0740 Vlrglnlo 18e S '.or'" F"", 'lavors 80 E. Main Stntet, Norristown, Po. • i . LEMONADI "9__.. ~_.tut LOUELLA EVAPOR1TD MILl 3 1~.-:- 31e I·P LUNCH rliEAT I:':" 3Sc g.,d:r.t FLOUR 5 ~ 37c': 10 b!.~. 71e SWANSON'S BONED TURlEY 3!:: $LOO (Ask Operator for Clearbrook Official) (Ask Openrto. fo. :!-':'r':14.. Ibftavor About . . . . up,' (hOM .f WldH, Spice, Devil". Food or CIaIffoa 6919 Ludlow street, Upper Darby, Pel. OfRdaO , CAii'~ (R. 27c) phone Job near your home. No. experience is needed, and salar!~s are good from the very start. Lots of opportumtIes, too, for. recent high sllhooi .gra~uates. Call or slop in at any Bell Telephone Busmess Office or any of these conveniently located Employment Offices. (Ask Operator ~r Rittenho. . ZC only WId. PurchQle of She also likes the. pleasant surroundings .the. agree~ble working conditions, and the modem ~ffice I?achmes ~at are part of her. job. She' particularly b~es the gIrls ~he works with, many of whom' are . fnends· and neIghbors. :'=.~I=:'· . ~ 110 15e Dallr. thin to bring : : to poun • Bur what )IOU need fnMn SPECIAL SALI! -- - -~------- .... S. Graded Chob Steer Beef Miss ?olores Andrews, of 107 S. 63rd Street. at her desk in Bell Tele.hone 8 Upper Darby Accounting Office. .. ... 2 batIt.. De., . . . .r R_ z,car Ga...... '..,.dlo. " A'pohtt.... 0." HORACE .. B. PASSMORE, Agt. . ' " S, C •••lar R. . . . . . . . fI 601110 . UIa Iajaretl, IDor. chaD... ;~~~~-NEW pedal and motor to $255 up. 13 2nd Upland CH 3-2094. wrist walch. LOST - 24" Girl's blue Columbia bicycle. Finder please c a II SWarthmore 6-2058. for 0MtIF iINpltal . - ...1 cIar.tar IoWa. ~.l"'· MIl _ wltll . . . . Accioo ' 1 ,"1_-PETER E. TOLD Baird & Bird .... I.ta'. .11 COR. DARTMOUTH nell LAFAtElIE AVENUES SSI DartiiiOiltlil A.venue 8W_G-l_ '.'.NllCe. • Oppl .... Ioro.... Han SWUiII.Rlre '6-0101 , eam, College Scholarships to High School Graduates Sea... 0,.•• ,LIMIGH GRADUATES New Mall Service Teacher Vacations Run •Each His Own Taste' to The sixth camp season in Rose The transportation of mail by Samuel D. Reynolds Jr., 6 Benrailroad will f" be discontinued to jamin West avenue, received the Valley opened on Monday, June (Continued from Page 1) In addition to scholarships pres- 22 with an enrollment of 43 chilo Swarthmore. degree of bachelor of science)n ented at commencement ,time dren from three to 10 years old. Carlsbad Caverns, Yellowstone Natonal .Park and Canada. Starting June 28 the Borough metallurgical' engineering from totalling about $1500 raised by They come from many areas inwill be provided with a "Star Lehigh University at its 85th community organizations,' several cluding Swarthmore, Media. Ches~he lar.est number, about 12 Rb t S e ' " p db I nI commencement exercises June 15. will be' working this summer.'.J u e rYlce. e y va a members of the class have been Wallingford, West Chester, Henry Hofmann, Adeline Strouse, uailroad trucks will carry the Reynolds was a member of Theta ter, awarded scholarships directly from colleges and universities. These Havertown, Yeadon and Drexel Harry Oppenlander, Robert Holm mall replacing the train service. Chi, on the varsity track team, .. scholarships are awarded on ap- Hill. The program includes swim- will be,conducting the six weeks Incoming ma~ this Sunday will a member of the Student Chemplication by the member of the ming in a private spring fed pond, summer school at the High School. be delivered to the post office at ical Society and the Student Metgraduating class. at the home of one of the parents Elizabeth Barten will be doing 11:20 a.m. Collections from. boxes atlurgical Society. He is a gradplayground supervisIon. Nathan On information so far received, uate ot' Swarthmore High School. the following scholarships have on Middletown roaa, ana swim- Bell Will. be working With' yacht tor outgoing mall will be 12:30 ming instruction given by Carol builders at Bayhead, N. J., Dr. p.m. to 1:30 p.m. The outgoing , J. Gordon Holt. Golf View road, been granted: Peter Braun - S}'racuse Uni- Webb Sonntag. Other activities James F. Irwin and William Reese mall wIll close at 3:00 p.m. Week Providence" Village, receiVed the versity - $325 annually; Wilbur are crafts shop science dramatics wIll be working in Philadelphia day schedules will be in next degree of bar.helor ot arts. Holt Hoot - Denison University - and music A hot lunch is prepar- banks. James Jamison and James weeks Swdrthmorean. was cartoonist and desk editor of Miller will be working in busi$300 scholarship plus $150 working ed by Jane Sanville the camp~s ~ewspaper, an enginThe staft this year is headed by ness enterprises on the beach at • scholarship annually; Bill KauffNEWS NOTES eer on the campus radio station, a man - Washington & Lee - A Christine Ford who is also music Ocean City, N.J. Edith Kenney, Mr. and Mrs. Belden Tucker of music departm~t' recor41ng, epg-. full tuition scholarship; David leader, Carol Webb Sonntag, Alma the School Nurse will be n~g Park avenue are entertaining as lneer and sound technlciaIr anq Spencer - Wesl~ya)} Ul)iversity- Chambers, nursery group leader at the Chester Hospitalt Millard recording engineer for the Music who is assisted by Jane C08inuke, Robinson will be working with their house guests for several Festival. $300 annually; Russell Snyder ' Wesleyan University - $1000 an- Shirley Smith, Janet Eisinger, his father in the farm implement weeks Mrs. Tucker's mother Mrs. nualy; Bill Ziegenfus-two schol- Betsy Echelmeyer and Danny business. David Watkins will be Paul W. Gibson, and her aunt arships, one to Amherst, $300 an- Israel. Clarence Freeman is shop Crafts Instructor at Camp Deer- ,Miss Grace M. Nicholson, both of wood in New Hampshire. Frederic Aurora, Ill. nually and Wesleyan University, leader. The camp is open until August Yocum will continue his duties as Mr. and Mrs. Hobart W. David$600 annually, one to be acceptI, Monday through Friday from Company Auditor for General son and 'young son. Ricardo ' of ed. In recent yea~, the colleges and 9-3 p.m. Registrations are sUll Baking Company. Margaret Moore Colombia, S.A. are visiting Mr., universities have been increasing open and weeKly arrangements and Charles Klemmer will be Davidson's parents Mr. and Mrs. the number and size of their may be made by calling Mrs. Paul working. Russell Snyder will be F. T. Flaherty of Guernsey road. scholar§hip ofters. Swarthmore is Gay at Media 6-4529 or at camp working in the post office and Mr. Davidson will be In the • When illne••• tdkel, later, "take a 1lshing trip to States for three months on a busi..- fortunate to be represented so Media 6-1088. time it All imponut laaoI'. Canada. Jeanne Swift',; will be ness ,trip. well in the award of this year's No m e u . howClOIIl~" I saw.IT in The Swarthmorean. teaching nursefy schOOL' Alice ,Mrs., L. J. Servais o~ Elm avecollege scho~arships. j;nscripioa; count on .. io Willets will serve as Instructor of nue will leave tomorrow on a COlllpoand it,,..,lI1-aIJIl Music and Folk Dancing at the tour to the Canadian R~es, ~y .. the Doctor dIBryn Mawr Summer Day camp stopping at Banft and Lake Louise. Thom 'Seremba UPHOLSTERY & ~. Yet. ~ wll1 bepad-' and then will take a camping trip Then to Vancouver and down the i:ed to, Aocf: Wt ow, price. CUSTOM SLlp·COYERS io Wyoming. west coast, where Mrs. Servais are lao' higher tban el.e, CHAIR SEATS rebuilt-new webbing, springs retied Twelve members of the staff will visIt friends in San. Francis~ where. Try us next timel , ' -$ 10.00 to $17.50 expect to, remain at home except co and Sacramento for two' weeks SEAT CUSHIONS ,remade-new springs. new padd~ng for short trips. This J.ns::ludes Mrs. before rejoining the tour in LoS , ' " , -45.00 to $8.50 CATHEIMAN°S Marion Becker. Mrs. Ann Boulter, Angeles. They will return by way Furniture completely re-upholstered' reasonable prices .-DRUG'STORE ",' James Duncan,' Mrs. Elva S. of the Grand Canyon, reaching , Over' 25 yearS experience-Many satisfied cuitomell in Daniels, Mrs. Elizabe~hGarrahan, home about August 1. . ' Swarthmore and, vicin~ '> SCR/P / > Mrs. Hanna Mathews, Miss Myrtle 0 215 Feltol'l Ave •• ColII~gdale, Pa. IL.. _ _ t:c<.,.. , __ , ?! Q. , McCallin, Jean McCreglht, Mrs. alice "ar"*~ Phone Sharon Hili' 0734 1Laura Palmer. Nell Wiseman, and • I c.., ~; ! ,"' . , ': , (; at 1IU, ,",' .... .": . iii , ' I ~' II = =tiDie. ,Ruth Abbott, TENDER' STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order STRATH HA, YEN INN Kie, Mrs. Maruerite Seymour. a Caroline He~elexpec:ts to spend 5 the summer·at 'Eaglesmere and a Ilevatar : Ocean 'City, N.J. a Regardless' of· how the s'!lJtlner is spent, all ,the teachers ieei that ("CIA\.\ , - ;; Nil PARIING ! The, lei Air Convertlbl. STATE" 'INSP~ECTION ' Will come renew- 0-- - of~th~'drive . '. ~ r Dartmouth Avenue (Acro~s Nicest People at Speare's" .•.• .a, 0"'" " rI,.. ESTER'S Fashioft Cor~tr " First In Soles . :.. '. Swarthmon 6-6130 • " ,Theatre Square South Chester Road , Children's Swim Wear - Playclothes' • "Boys Catalina Swim Trunks fitted or' boxer style" waist. 'AU popular , sizes' and cOlors.' ' ....1 , ' , : ;, / ',' 1.95 'to ,2~50 .... 'RUMSEY CHEVROLET .I EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. ; Boys' ~talina Swim Trunks ! ' '- ~:-.: . ,: Miracle Shlrt. Boys' famous Donmoor Polos . .,' . no ironing~' need Sizes 6 to , 18'1~6S to l;~'S ."., '. Famous "Tuffjes" dungaries~:, for regular and huskY 'size bor.; 8 ounce deniIqj_:_ .double knees" ,.,:: ..... '. .. . -,. ... .... . i 'Sizes". 'iQ'l,.';"':'" "., " ':2~74 ~.:. -' .. .' .,' ! fro", Borough Hall) " Hav. your car NOW. . . ",ar. It Is I. safe mechulea' coadllioa • • • that yon BRAIES will ho.d' If a child darts' .Iato your ' path • • • Y~.r TIRES wo.·. ',kId W.t ro.d, • • • You .. HORN will w .... who c ••·t i.. yo. ~ • • Your H~DUC;HTS wo.·t "fad. ... .otorld, toward' you • • • You .. STEEilIN. WHEEL win k••p JOR oa ... ,id~ of ti.., road ~ • • • Aad'"'' all yoar oHi.,." equlp. . .t qiicl lofe~ devlc.. are I. d.,..iI.ltl. "" ;"orld., 0 ....,.., ~. " ., ", " ',' ... .>' . 'You,Meet ~he 'I " . . • -,.,. Church, sYmbolic for .250,000, new 'meriib'~~rs this year The preacher'fQr the'afternoon is Dr. Maldwyn Edwards, 'minister of the Methodist Church of Bir-' mingham in John Wesley's native' England. The Swarthmore Methodist Church will send 'two bus l~ads of members and friends to FI'SJlklin "Field' (or' thi!f'-serVIce. MAY 1 -JULY 31 " ,SHOP AT THE . a~~~to~~ ,;; September, they ~ First In Service - '" S , 't's tf) Your Advantage Bishop Ledden, te) '"" Predch 'Here Sunday (Continued from ~age '1) . .. .' .. ., . -, " ,<) ~Id I,anlt lauddln~ ::miiDiiHiiWiiiiiiiiiiiiilijiijij_iiiUiiiiiWiiiiUiiuiiiiliiuiliiiiiUiiiliiiUiiiiiiiiiWiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiHilU!ti ed, refreshed, and with a variety of ;.,U. .IIWIIII. . . .III.............aual.mmIlDlWlllUnmIlHlWIUI_llUlIUIlIlIIlIlllbMIlllllti interesting. experiences to bring to the work, in the classroom. .: €) ! Ya'e & Harvard Avenues, Swarthm~re, 'a. WALTER I. PADon. M,r. Wil1iam Bush, S,. <1' § lI4rs. Janet (koft, Elizabeth Ma-, ~ " TY F AOOTIES EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PAR BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1 &30 P. M. Comfortable Rooms Day or Wee. I 9"" I IO'O"I10.'-....- - ' , -1I1UDIIIII1I•• Mrs. Barbara Yohtlnnan. H.HIIDHIIHlllnmnmnnmmlU.IIII11'..HI...nll , " " U I _...... ~ Six members 1lnd that their 'DIllIelOUS DINNERS to SUIT th. TASTI of EVIRYONI plans are indefinite at the present " t downstai'rs store Girls' Catalina.Swimsuits Wonderful selection' iilacetate~ calf<)n and l~tex fabrlcs~ Design,,! ed for easy swimming. Style ',ketched'in $4.95,' , ,;' ", Sizes 7 to 14 ~4~9S ;, Other qa~~ bath,,:; ing suits come in cot:' ton, lastex and other ,sturdy fabri~~"Priced from - ' ' , '2:95' to '"7.95 1