EASTER GOOD FRIDAY SUNRISE SERVICE , SERVICE 6:30 A.M. 3:00 P.M. " SWARTHMORE~ VOLUME 25-NUMBER 14 Donor Day May 7 8'th 'Aot'-Ique~,-:,.F"air• "Biood Wetlauf~, '0ue,'Apn ", -,,'',', 1'4 15' 18 ,M~ .. Ueslie . who is in'charge of the· approaching Red Cr6ss 'Blood Donor' Day for the l3orough, has set the date for May 7. The Blood Mobile will be at the Woman's Club from 1 ~ 6:30 p'.m. on';this da~, T~e blood9uota , ICOmminuty. Good "." Board Approves Plans "'FrIday ServIce F' or Sch00' I Add-t-Ioo' I '3,~50 FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1953 .' ' PER YEA Ie , " , ' The' , traditional:' " ' Good Friday 'Service will ~e.h~ld ExpansionPlansMustMove - C ·tt R d·' , ~' ' . • kl f C I Large om.,,1 ee ea les today between 12.noo~ a!ld.,;J V· m . QUIC y or omp ,e lon, For Visit of 25' Dealers, at Trinity Chu~h, North-fhester in 1954. "Varied'Wares " is set 8,(150 p'ints, and all persons road. 'T,he Rev. H . . Lawrence Preliminary plans for size and ' , , 'a, ble t~ ,give' blood are urged to Whittemore,rector of the Church, arrangement of units ,in the proTohe Eighth Swarthmore An- d · , '. 'R' , tiques Fair sponsored by t the Wa0S so. thm. will conduct the servIce, The ' ev. posed Rutgers avenue elementary l' one of the few e d m'an' 's Club of Swarthmore will war ' . oreth st i e blood to Joseph P,. Bishop, minister of ~he school addition were approv as commumties a gv s presented to School Board Wedb' , h ld T d W dnesday and h h Presbyterian Church will deliver 'e e ues ay, e , any resident of the boroug w 0 nesday eyening by Architect Thursday, April 14, 15, 16 in the has need of it. The general prac.., the sermons. Howell Lewis Shay, Jr. Club House, from 10 a.m. until tice' of the Red Cross', is to give In giving the budg~t estimate 10 p,m.' except on the final' day blood to civilians only when a for 'the complete unit as $357,198 when the Fair wil~ close at 9 p.m. memb~r of the blood recipient's Mr. Shay pointed out the ,project Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe 'and family has given blood, except in might run considerably less. if a 'her large, enthusiastic committee disa~ter cases. The 'borough, 'lower cost per cubic foot prevailof local clubwomen promise sev.., titrougn the Red Cross, gave blood SWarthmore, Lions stalked th'e ed 'when bids are taken and it eral changes in this year's Fair to f9ur residents during Februar~. Easter Bunny in his hutch last Sp, eci~ Meeting April '7 the contingency rate, as' usual, which they believe will make fo'r " ','. 'Tuesday afternoon' .a~d finally 0 run's under the customary allowa show. They spotted him in the kitchen by the Will Run Movies n ance. He further explained the point wIth sa~sf~t~on ~~l ~e Ifa~~. ' , - ' - , tips of his 'ears just visible a'b'ove Fam.ily Relations pians' had been drawn so the adt~at this year s aIr WI mc u e Ute clouds Of steam that camou..'.. ciition could' be built in several more furniture than ever before. fiaged the stove. ' 'Tuesday everung, April 7, ,IS the steps if neCessary:: ' .... :Dealers will enter the Fair from • Bent an discussing the Bor-. date of a special meeting' of the "The main seven-classroom wing Maine, MarYland,. Delaware and, Ridley Park Surgeon ough's Easter Egg Hunt at 10:30 Swarthmore Home and School As- with: admirustration" anti' health as always, t?ere WIll be many from. 'Speak on Cancer at tomorrow mor~ing on the. College sociaUQ~. The feature of the mee~- suites at a cost of $272,'000; Pennsylvama. Seven de~erl3 .come "S' P' 'M Lacrosse Field the entire Egg ing will be the showing I of a numThe' 2400 square foot' niultifrom the Penrisylvania Dutch 'r~-' ~. r09ra~, :Hunt committe; of the sponsoring b f' ef tl,te' allday ',¥~r, j with, t\1:ep.amr of the held this ThursQay, ',ev,ening at 8,. ear' tips to vanish in an hysteria . , ' . . 'purpose 'auditorilim at 'another fortunate recipient and, the name at the SWarthmore Woman's Club. of alarm; there was, a terrible ents, teachers and friends a~e ,10-' '$15,318." , of, the dealer, from whom prize i~ TopIc of his talk will b~ "You, clatter of falling spoons, a sizzling :w.:ite4 to attend. , ,. , ,Construction design is oIJe-story to -be purchased both ~o 'be ,ascer..:.' and"¥'our'Cancer, or What Every-', of spilled~)'~s and an ~xtra spout /'''Faml)ies First'! is . the' title, of orick with 'large window areas.'to tained by' drawing .. Thisis a new one Shoulp Know· About Cancer." of st~am'before the Bunny emerg- 'orie,6t the films, relating ep\Sodes assure' maximum economy of departure in handling the door In addition; he will show two films ed froin the mist to meet his in the lives of two contrasting erection and operation, and at tJ:1e. prize for the, ,local 'club. 'Anot~er on the subject eptitIM "Breast: expected guests.' tamilies-one full pf ten!?iQ~ and same time, a harmoniouS c~mpli-' innovatio~ this 'yeat .is the' h?tselt-Examina~On"{a~d CIA ~~t0I.' ' Three', Age Groups '. I,frustrations, tt,te other s~riv~ng ,~or mentbig of t~e present st~ucture lunch WhICh will. be 10cluded 10 ,Speaks His Mmd." Literature perHe seemed completely'domestl- hannony. "Child,ren's. Einotio~s - by an es~hebc andfunctio~~lY e'ach day's luncheon menu. Teataining to, the topic qrider di~us-, cated by the large Mother ~~b-porirayJng fe~", ~~e~, "~:e.alousY'worthy, examp'le o~ ~~tempOrary will,,1;>~, se,r,ved }h~o~gh~~t t~~ at- ~o~ ~i~, be ' 9ist~~~ ~t.,t~~ :i!ardhe \voJ:e': b~t the~d,',,~~ <~~os.~~;'~1~r~AA~~ef,.ot~t1i~aichit~tut~(", "<\',..: :.": ' , ternoon. ~' , ',,' " ~~e~g! "'M:~.' Paul '~her, pro::, <.!-:~~,~1JS}.~-~~!~.:;;:~~i,,*I~:.:m-:~~.~~~A,.;~1~tlm£!~~~ -.-·The new'c1~ssroom,s WIll, mea"Posters by hIgh, ~hqol.stu~~ts 'gt;~·.chalnnan.' will Introduce the, and his, concer~ for, accur~cy of of ,R~J~ti()Il;", telliIlg the .storyof sure 22 x 42 feet with space at distributed throughout the'1ci~ty, speake,r. detail soothed the Lions Commit- a ·young girl who learned at an one end,allotted to locker, storage, have' occasioned complimentary 'Dr. Erb, who is a resident of tee, ihtent on their first Hunt. The early age not, to risk the di~ap- and ~~il~t areas, Each will have comment. Ridley Park, is chief of ~urgery at Bunny wanted to be sure that it proval of her parents" or indeed immediate access to' the outdoors , Philadelphia 'General Hospital, began at 10:30 precisely, not quar- anyone. as we~l as to a straight center hall chief surgeon at Taylor Hospital, ter of or quarter after; that it was Nation-wide recognition has running from the far' enfl of the and clinical professor of on the College lacrosse field by been given ,to these "Namily, Rela- riew building to the far of ~ at the, University of Pennsylyarua the Field House off South Ches- tions Films" for their' excellent the old school. Extra classrooms GraduatE( school of medicine. Dur- ter road, not some other field presentation of the problems of which might be needed in the fu" , ing World War II he served as somewhere else on the College's everyday families, and possi.ble ture can easily be added at the ' • Students to Present chief of sur:gical service B, Univer- lovely but sometimes confusing solutions. A number of the pic- end of the first' extension.' H. S sity' of Pennsylvania. He' interned campus. • tures being shown have been specService area will be at the r,ear Program on Youth at the University of Pennsylvania The Bunny reminded Dr. Peter ially selected by the parents' group and fenced off from the individual Conservation' where he was assistant to ~r. Coste, head of the committee, that which has been viewing films each play areas of old and new buildCharles Frazer; resident physician. there would be three (3) hunts Wednesday morning ,under the ings. The regular stated meeting of The addition will be heated by the Woman's Club wiiI be held He is chainnan of the speake~s' (Quick Like Bunny to Page 10) auspices of the same Home' and School committee. ' in~reasing the present auxiliary at 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 7. At this bureau of the Delaware County Unit, Ainerican Cancer Society. Chairman of the evening will be heat arid 'hot water steam plant. time the new by laws will be actHostess for the, evening will be William Bush, principal of The architects were authorized, ed on and the result of the' anMrs. Norman Weeks, while Mrs. Swarthmore High School, who is Wednesday, to prepare bidding nuaL election will be announced. Stephen Podolak -and· Mrs. Robert thoroughly familiar with young specifications for the repair of the The elec~ion committee has Pfeifer will preside' at the tea peoples' problems, as a parent as main hot air system which will be mailed ballots with the followtable. Election of officers for the well as an educator, Mr. Bush will (Continued on Page 4) ing slate: for, president, Mrs. 1953~54 season 'Will be h~ld at the act as moderator for any discusFrank G. Keenen; first vice presision which may follow the show- RED CROSS WORKERS dent, Mrs. Morris H. Fussell; sec- business session of the April meeting, A slate of officers to be ing ot the pictures: , ' REACH $9.004 MARK ond vice president, Mrs. Joseph' elected is being mailed to all club Because of this Film Showing Area Chairman Mrs. Fred N. B, Shane; corresponding secre~ on April 7, the regulat morning Bell, Mrs. H. Hal Gibson, Jr., and tary, Mrs. ,Pierre Decrouez; re- members. A demonstration of the latest Easter Sunrise 'Service film scheduled for April 8 at 10: 20, Mrs. Charles W. Lukens announce cprding secretarY, Mrs. C. Russell models of, electrical appliances at the High School will be, can- they' have practically completed Phillips; treasurer, Mrs. D. Mace and of the latest cooking methods A Sunrise Service will be held celled. coverage of Swarthmore residenGowing. will' be held for club members, on at' 6:30 Easter Sunday morning: on tiaI, districts according to (,Teorge For directors to serve for thr~ evening, APril '15. the lawn in front of Clothier G Plowman, Red Cross Fund Drive years, four the following, are Wednesday " ' " on the Swarth more, Col'eHz H ead 5 Borough Chairman. Those who are' interested, in a t - Memorial The, 'Swarthmore Busi(Continued'on Page 5) , tending and who have nbt been lege Ca~pus. Dr. H0v.:ard C. ~ee, Campaign ness District was completed a few reached by the, telephone com- of tlie department of religion at days ago by'Chairman Al Carney. ' , d t 11 M ' , f P" I ' Frank L, Gettz of Harvar~ ave-:TEA FOR MISS KI8D mittee are urge 0 ca rs. the UniverSity 0 ennsy vallla, Nine thousand and four doUars Martha Shaw's Fourth Grade James Clifford. will be the speaker. The commu- nue will chairman Swarthmo~e's tiave been \urned in to Treasurer College Avenue Mothers' Group nity is 'co,rdially invited to attend. 1953 Cancer Drive which began Mrs. COl1ben C. Shute, reaching 90 NAME CHAPERONS' 'I 1 will entertain ,at tea in honor of The service is sponsored b y the Wednesday morning, A prI, pe, r cent of the drive quota, well The S warthmore Junior Assem, 1 f the churches in R. Mildred Kidd, elementary supeop e o , Mrs. Helen W. Goodwin, Mrs. over last year's 73 per, cent bll'es WI' II hold formal spring young th' 'ty l'n cooperation Fr k F . pervisOl:' next Friday afternoon at e commum , , H. C. Patterson, Mrs, an . total. AnyOD~' away ,or ,not yet 3:30 at the Lincoln avenue home pa~ties for the seventh and ninth With Swarthmore College stu,:, Wildebush, Mrs. Thomas W .. Hop~ reached is asked to tum in his Red of Mrs. James B. Bullitt. Mrs. gr~des tomorrow evening, April 4, dentS. . "', , per, Mrs. John R. ~ate~ and Mrs. Cross _Gift' to one of ,.the' above Henry L. Harris, hospitallty chair- in 'the womanh's CI~b. eets at 7 ~ri 'the eve~~ 'of bah'~ldw~at~~r; Morris W. Hicks are the cap~ins Chainnen, or to ':Mrs..PEll~1 Smyth man ot tlie group, will be in . The sevent gra e m , the' setvicewIlI be e ~,~e in charge.of teams ,north of the or Donald Haild at the Swarthcharge. Mrs. Thomas G. Casey is 'p.m. with Mr. and Mrs. Robert P~Presbyte':"ian .Church on.-Harvar~ Railroad. more National Bank. d 'h' . Heth,eringtoI) as ,h~. The chap- avenue: Sout'h' of the railroad the, c~pgra e c auman. erons '''ill 'be,',:Mr.',and Mrs,,~., Robert _-------------. ,. tains include Mrs. 'Lloyd E. KauffH.:; WnSqn alld~' Mr.' and Mrs. neta Hostess man Mrs. Roger S: Russell, Mrs. Library Closed Post otiC. Closed Geotge W. Brodhead. ' . be S'lit W'. Kletzien, M,rs. DaVl,'d McMr. and Mrs. William F. Lee The Swarthmore Thetas 'YiIl The Swarthmore. PupUc LiThe Swarthmore om~' will be hosts for the- ninth grade, ~e 'Qf Mrs. ,John K. Hai-p- Cahlln, Mrs. ,T. E. Hessenbruch and Qrary will be. closed' from ~:.o.o will be closed, today, April 3 , H er at a luncheon at the Ingleneuk Mrs., HeSton D. McCray. , Thomas o p - , , Fr._~I. McFadd'en will solic,it the to,3:oo p.m. tod4Y, Good fri.:.. 'between 12 Noon and 3 p.m. in with Mr. and Mrs.d"" Robert Thursday, April 9, to be .followed ~IA Mr day.' • per and . an ....u r s . , business district. observance of Good Friday. Grooters as chaPf;!rons.-by a ,~ng meeting at her home. ) Comm~tY., r P.rn. • H0me &School As'soc• Fea' tures F-I1m,ShoWlog I, Dr Wm H(r'b Featu'red For M0thers Meet-log'' mor~' attr~'ctlve, win 'p un.- ' dMee't-lng, Tea 'I State At w'oman,'Ct' s ubTues. surge~y e~d, a of In Cancer I Post guests , -' _ . ~-----.~",-.-"';"~----~~.:.,. . , , > • • :;.. .. ~ • .~ 'IIO::'O~ ....,;. ?ol. • .. 't • • _ ': ~ p ... " . -:: " .~ ~ • .L, • • • " •• ' .. _. . '" • ......,./0 , t '.:- '.--":.;': ". ,: ",' ..... 4""_ ". "-' ."'~r'··· to:":" . . ':'; ~~... .. J' . - ~. • ....~ , . , '.$ .," . . • . j 1 Personals • Mrs. Charles E. Mascha] of College avenue and Mrs. C. Thomas Bauer of Cornell avenue have returned from a U)-day motor trip to Florida. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Long_ Y/ell and son Stevie of New York City spent Palm Sunday weekend with Mrs. A. E. Longwell of Lafayette avenue. IliPS of Paoli are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a Mr. and Mrs.· William S. Hobbs, daughter, Julia Doyle, on April of ParI< avenue, announce the en1 In the Unlve~ty of Pennaylgagem'e~t of their daughter, n. parents Mr. and Mrs. James C.' -------Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Callahan .of Dickinson avenue. BIRTHS 'RESH CUT FLOWERS Douglas of NortiL' Chester road Kennflth Wright of Kenyon aveMr. and Mrs. Peter Madison of will speJ'Jd the Easter holidays at nue, a freshman at Denison Uni- Crum Ledge, announce the arrtval their cottage In Cape May, N. J. versity, will sing tenor with the of a son, David Kent Madison, on 'Ylslt ·Our Greenhouse Early Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bodley and Men's Glee Club when it makes March 30 in University of Pennand Select from Our Thousanill of' Blooms daughters Justine and Kathieen of its annual spring con~ert tour. sylvania Hospital. Park avenue motored to Wash- The group will sing at Urbana, We Telegroph - We ~lIyer 1ngton, D. C., Tuesday, for a gen- Lima, Cleveland' and Toledo, all Mr. and lolrs. Nicholas M. Saitta era! tour of the city and to, 'see In 'Ohio. 'Ou t of state .... concerts are of Rose Tree announce the birth 650 Baltimore Pike 'SWarthmore 6-0450 the Japanese Cherry blossom d1s- a t D etroIt, Mich.; Ft... ayne, Ind.; Op.n " A. Y. to 6 P. M. ,and Milwaukee, Wis. of a seven pound, nine ounce SOD, play. Mr. and Mrs. James M. C"~ord Jeffrey Mereur, on March 24, at Miss Louise Archbold, Of Klnlls- of Rutgers avenue will entertain Ull Del' aware County Hospital. ' ton, N. Y., arrived Thursday to M 'Saitt Is' th f' 'MIs l!!IIDfDIIIIIlll_UIIIIftI1IlIIIIlIiIIDIIIImIIlIlllRllIHllnnilllllillllllllUlllumamnnnmnnp!ID"1IG spend the Easter wed<-end with as, their Easter week-end guesta rs. 0 e ormer S ii' " .. Mr. and Mrs. Sergeant B. Brew- Mrs. Clifford's mother Mrs. John Jane Penfield, daughter of Mr. 9 § ster of North Swarthmore ave- Etter of' Baltimore, and Mr. anel and Mrs. Walker Penfield of Riv- ; '..'~ iii! Mrs. ~ Collison and 'family of erview road. The paternal grand- a ' , Ii C. C. Shute of Maple ave- Wycko'iF,' N •. T ; , parents are Mr. and Mrs. O. N. S ' with a nue entertalned, her bridge .c;i.Ub and Mn;. Charles E. Bovard Saitto of Moylan. of eight members at a'\,Ill'~-;: and =~tez,s BlW'ie ,,!,d Bettl~ , . GE.RCA or Carrier AIR CONDITIONER bridge at her home Mobd.,y.. , . 0;.8 '" .. ' o~l!.v~l'e left Thurs+:,,' Dr. anti,Mrs. Donald N.l1"wad' I I Waldo R. Fisher Or'rCuernSey day to spep.d, ~ije lJiiiSter holidaY4 dell (jf D'undee,- N. Y., announce :Wlndow Model. IIIIfaIJ.d ~e, 11 road Is spending t~ Easter, week- with Mis. Bovard's'. father, Mr. the', birth of their second son, Ii If Purchased ~re Hot WHti.er Ruih " end skiing at Mod River, Vt. Edward Reed of Meadville. David Oakley, On March 20. § _-IlI~ Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll; .Tr., Mrs. Henry L. Smith of Rutgers li =§ _e of Harvanl avenue sailed Thurs- of North Chester road returned avenue is visiting iter daughter day on the Ue de 'France for a Saturday by plane ,following a and family in Dundee. = Lansdowne and Baltimore Avenue., Lansdowne ,i! tour of Europe. During their ab- .three, and a-half week vacation Ii '!i! sence their son-in-law and daugh- in Jamaica, West Indies., Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. PhilQpen Evenings MAdison 3-0767 :; ter Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Paul .T. Rutan of .--L h H ·d,' _-- Ii! and children will visit at the Ogden avenue have returned from SUB~CRIPTIONS 9a=_= ower t at uml ity and Feel Refreshed and Relaxed Morse home. a month's holiday by automobile FOil ALL Mrs. Roger S. Russell and chil- to Palm Beach, Fla. MAGAZINES e Financed for a Your ConvenIence § A dren Roger, Jr., and Connie of group at parents of Rose Val- MIlS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN I'II1JUlIlIJlIlIJlUlllUUHIHUlIIllllIIHllllllllllnnllHllllIJllllllIJllllllUllIlIlIIIIiIlRl1ilR,,",IIIIRIIlIIIHIIIIH1II1HUI~ Haverford place, visitjed during ley school children attended a 313 Dartmonth Avenue the school holidays with former concert of unusual records at the Swartl.more 6-2080 Swarthmoreans Mr. and Mrs. home of Dr. and Mrs. James DeHorace Jobnson ot Be-lhesda, Md., lana of ·North Chester road Sunand with relatives in Westmln- day evening. Dr. Paul Gay of ster, Md. Moreland road presented a brief aU'YA Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. For- explanation of the music played. sythe of Thayer road will enter- This is one of a series of concerts USED taJn at a dinner party tomorrow given for the benefit of the school. evening in honor of Mr. A. Wil- F=======';;;;';;;;:;;';;;;;;;;;;;;; Jiam Bass. Jr., of Ogden ay-enue CAR who leaves April 13 by plane on a business trip to Europe. Swarthmore, Pa. Mrs. Robert J. Turner and sons N~l and Ricky of Guernsey road Fri. & Sat. spent last week In Atlantic City. Mr. Turner joined his family Jennifer Jones Charlton Heston there for the week-end. "RUBY, GENTRr' Mr. Roger S. Russell of HaverA stirring ac.tion drama ford place has returned from Rochester, N. Y., where he atSpeclol Children's Show teniled for 10 days a Sales TrainSaturday, 1 P_ M. Ing Conference of the Eastman 'Rebacco of Sunny Brook Kodak Company. , Farm' nu~rs. April 3, 1953. ADVANTAGES Some Major Trends." . Services Held Monday' For Robert C, Borer , = . of location, incomparabl. facilities, and 75 y.ars of experience .... ofFer.dby • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIIICTOIS O'PUNIIAU 1 i20 CHESTNUT STRIIT ouva .,; IIAIII, lIoundor _ MAJl't A. IAIII, PrPr_I~"''''''' T-'-Plion. RI 6-1581 n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CH"ic'......."I-"eENOTES a celebration of ih~ ~ly Com- phia. A ciJidilll iD.~t1~is extendi!dm~on at 1& n.m. Bo~ Choir: Mr. Bor.... was,presIdent of the to n to IIttend Christian '!ilc' 'will rehearse at 4: ,pm. Monday B!>ard of Truatees of. the Bethany' ~~ next Sqllday wher:~~: followed by the Girls' G:boir "re- ,PreabJl,terjl\ll Church, Cbeste,r. He subject in all churches will be hearsal at 5 o'clock. At 8 p.m. : was a graduate of Mercersburg UNREALrri d th Gold the Annuill Parish Meeting will Academy and the Pierce School e Seco d Boenk be held In the basement ot the of Busin.... Administration. He Text 'tak"en'(r'"omanth,e n· 0 h b 'attended PriD to Un! .ty d ot SaIDuel (22:29): "Thou art my ,c urc • : ' , ce n vers. an lamp, 0 Lord: and the Lord will There will be a celebration, Of :~ graduated from the nlverllghten . da kn " the Holy CO_union at 10 o'clOck ,s'lydt Pennsylvania. III)" r ess." ' Tuilllday mo~g. ' ':, SurvlviJlg are hIs wife, ~elen , :u a..... litVq·~·"~,-o· ,- o~ ·W';~~~'y >- at," t p.m~ it.~ i:~;W;.::.tu~~~';;:~~' ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Boys ChoU' wll agaj.. rehearse, IDore High School and Edward a ' JO~\lPh p. ,Bishop, , Minls,ter and, full chohr rehearsal will be :student of the ninth grade' .tolin Stettner. Assistant held Thursday at 7:30 p.rn. <. u_ d u_ Ed' dB, 8uDday, April '5 ' paren.... ....... an ..... s. war 9: 00 A.M.~FamiJy S e r v i c e " R E Borer of Riverton, N. J., and a 10 and 11: 30 A.M ..:....Jllaster Festlr SBY'1'"IAN lIIOTES sister, Mrs. H. Kirk Jackson of val Services. Easter Sunday will be celebrat- Granby, Conn. W_ .. !lay, A.,.,u 8 ed with three Festival Services: Services' were conducted at 12:30 P.M.-Woman's Association a FamilY ServJce for the total Oliver H. Bair's, 1820 Chestnut Lunoheon. Ch ' tr t ' ' urch School at 9 a.m. and iden- s ee by the Rev. Lester :!,aul, 6: 30 P.M.-Men's Dinner. -METHODIST CHURCH tical Easter Festival Services at mInister ot Bethany Presbyterian Roy:ti. Keiser. D.D .. Minister 10 and '11:30. Mr; ,Stettner )Vill Church. Interment was made In Suday, AP.rU 5 ' preach at the Family Service, and St. Mary'. Churchyard, BurUng9: 45 A.M.-Church School. Mr. Bishop will preach at the ton, N. J., with Dr. Preston Wiles \0:00 A.M.-Young Adults. Festival Services.on "Toward the rector, In charge. ' , 11:00 A.M.-The MinIster will Dawn." ___• _ _ _ _ _preach. 11:00 A.M.-Church Nursery. The Men's and Women's Bible , Wilfred E. Martin TRINITY CHURCH Classes, and the Senior and .TunFUlleral services were held H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector ior High Fellowships wiil not Suday, Api'll 5 meet on Easter Sunday. The Wednesday, March 25 for Wil7: 30 A.M.-Holy Communion. Y Ad Its ill h th i fred E. Martin of 225 W. Tulpe'-.M.-Holy Commum·on. I Ioung t·u wave ' 9.' 00 ... Ea Se r reg- h 0 cken street, Germantown, who u ar mee 109 on ster unday, ( With Music) 'th died' suddenly of a' heart attack 11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. WI supper at 6:30, followed by (With Music) a program at which a movie will at his home the preceding Sun4: 30 P.M.-Children's E a s t e r be shown. daY. He was 64. Service.' Dunn'g Easte eek th . ,Born in Oxford, England, and Easter Monday r w e varlOUS • . , choirs w'll ' t h ,later a res.dent of Canada, Mr. 10: 00 A.M.-Holy Communion. • no re earse. M rt· II ed' S th , Easter Tuesday On Wedn".d.,y, April 8, the '. a 10 v berm war. mtoreGefor 10: 00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Women's Association will meet for nIDe years ore movmg 0 :....... RELIGIOUS'SO"'IETY their mouthly luncheo e'etln ,mantown a year ago. He was 10 , ..~" n m g. the engineering department of the . OF FRIENDS • The Board of Dir<:~tor~ meet at 'Sun Shi Coinpany. S1IIUIay, April 5' 10:30 a.m. At Noon there will be a p ,-,_ . ',.~~ in I THE EASTER BUNNY will be in Swarthmore SATURDAY. APRIL 4th 10:30 A. M. College Lacrosse Field For Children-Tots through 6th Grade Sponsored by the Swarthmore CLUB Mrs.{:~H~e~is~s~urvI~'~V~,ed~~b~y~Ill5~~W~ife~·~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9:45 A.M.-FIrst Day Service, The led luncb by ,9:45 A.M.-Meeting forSchooL Worship. ,WOl'ship Arthur Whitney 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Wo~hip. " , " . ,eon Children cared for in Whittlei' will be at 12:30, With Circle 9, House. All are welcome. " ,Mrs., Martin Luther, chairman, as 7:00 P. M.-8enlor High Fellow- hos~. The 'program following 8~~J'p.M.-FrIendly Discussion the meeting will be a talk b~ Dr. groups. A.rthur M. Bannerman, preSIdent Monday, April 6 of Warren Wilson Junior College. All day sewing for A.F.S.C. Dr. Bannerman was r~ntly elecwecJ-ZSaay, AprU Ii ' .q,d, president of the Presbyterian All day sewing fdr ~.S.C; ,Laymen's C!>uncll, a body which ~anday, April II comprises laymen from all O":,er 8:00 P.M.-George Walton the United States. speaking on "Quakerism over teh · ,the Years _ SOme Major In everung ot April 8,the Trends." WhIttler House. ' ,men's spring Dinner wiU be held 'FIRST CHURCH' OF at 6:3j1p.m. at which Dr. BannerCHRIST, SClENTIST man will be the speaker. ThIs will SWARTHlIiOJlS be held In McCahan Hall: Park Avenue below Harvard; " The MIssions and Benevolences , SlIDday, ADril 5 Il:oo A. M.-8unday SchooL Committee will meet for a dinner 11:00 A. M.-TIie L oIi Smon meeting on Tuesday, April 7 at wlll be ''UnreaJlty.'' , 6:30 p.m. In McCahan Hall. The , Wednesday evenIng meeting speaker of the evenIng will be I!I!Ch week, 8 P.M. Reading rGC!'" Franci.s' Bosworth director of the ~ dally exeept SWillay 12 to II ' , ' P,iJI., W.WndIY ommMIIS. 7 to, FrIends, NelJ!bb<>rhood Guild 'tP.II. .act " . .to I:30P.M.· Jrowie ID Ji'tiI1iidii1pJila.' - -. mGH'I'H SWAR'i'HMORE WOMAN'S CLUB • APRIL 14, 15, 16 Tuesday-:-l0 A.M~ t~ 10 P.M. Wednesd.-y-l0 A.M. to 10 P.M. Thursday-IO A.M. to 9 P.M, 'ADMISSION 50CE~';S (plUr-j WNCBEoN abd·TEA SERVED ( April 3, 1953 Page 4 in September, 195i, issue being asked at the May priThe Board took action to bor- 'mary election is for the new elerow $60,000 for the next three mentilry extension and to pay 011 the iQdebtedness for last year's (Continued, from page 1) months Co pay the balallce due on project. retained, for the present building. last year's $85,000 c"pita! outlay Low bids for elementary Cost of, needed repairs was esti- for a new high school. heating supp11es totaling $953,73 were acmated at $3800. plant, a' music wing on the shop cepted as also were $874.03 in Mr. Shay reported preliminary I:;uilding and conversion of several shop supplies and $309.54 in athsketches had.received informal ap- basement rooms to classrooms. letic medical stores, proval from the State. Working This expenditure has been IInancChivers Company, Brooklyn plans, ready for formal presenta- ed from cUFrent funds. The loan was awarited 'contract for rebiradtion 'to the State Department of will make up for this and leave ing text books at $1.10 ejlch. LiInstruction, and recommendations $37,000 cash in the bank at the b"ary Bindery,' 'got on connected renovations to the beginning of the new fiscal year. the library book Phil,!!delphia binding contract old building are to be submitted 'I July I, to meet obligations at that on a bid ranging from $1.26 to in two weeks. Things must pro- point such as. summer- salaries, ceed quickly now in order to have tax collector's bond, and reserve $1.80 per book according to size. The 'Industrial Appraisal Combuilding ready ,for occupancy for insurance, The $400,000 bond Board Approves Plan For School Addition , art ' I pany was authorized to milke the customary threii-yea~IY' complete 'appraisal of Schoot District blllld" , IngS and contents tor ijre Insur~ ance purposes. The cost of the survey Is $300. ,' ' NEWS NOTES the junior class,in which 68 dads participated;' • ' Miss Barbara' Kent, Rutgers attend a tea 'in Merion tomorrow afternoon when the av~ue, ~in . Phil,adelphia Alumnae of Wheaton College, 'Massachusetts entertaIn for prospective students. Miss Kent Is treasurer fbr 'the PhlLadel'phia alumnae ciub. " , '.' Robert W. R,chardson, 491 park I avenue recently spent th~ week- 11 end at Western College for Wom-' ",=::;:,=='==='=======::, en visiting his daughter, Greta. He was in Oxford, Ohio on the occasion of the second annual Dad's Week End sponsored by Kappa Alpha TheQ, 'D....rt Bridge & Fa.hlo~ now Saturday April 11-'1:30 P.M. MRS. J. ALBRIGHT JONES . . 303 ELM AVENlJE April 3, 1953 '11I~; SW ARTtiMOREAN THISWEEIC'S CALENDAR'" FlUDAY, APRIL 3 12 Noon - 3 P.M.-Community Good F~iday Servlce....Trinity Church SATURDAY, APRIL , 10:30 A.M.-Easter Egg Hunt ............................Co11ege Lacrosse Field " ,.,' SUNDAY" APRIL 5 ' . , 6: 30 A.M.-&aster Su~ 'Service '·....,............Clothier Menioriill Lawn 9: 00 .. 11: 30 :A.lIj ..:....Worship ,Service .. ,: ...' .....................J,.ocal Churches ,' ' TUESDAY, APRIL 7 . 2: 00. P.~.:-c-Slated Meeting' ........................................ Woman's Club 8:00 P.M.-Family Relations Films ............... ,High School Auditorium 8:30 P.M,,...JlqlIor Woman'. Club, " ............................... ,Woman's CluD , 'THURSDAY, APRIL 9 8: 00 P.M,-Mothers' ClUJ)' .."" .... ,......................................Woman's Club 8: 00 _P .M.-uQuilkerism"" ''',''''''','''''' .... , .. , ...... ,...... ,........ :....Whittier House >,: ..:.. • _ , .' . I TROOP 3 ENCAMPS Arts Center "ans SRA Board Names' Primary Diredor At a recent meeting of ,the Swarthmore Recreation' Association the Board accepted the recommelldation ot, the pre-school and . primary committee to appoint Mrs. Helen Rob'blee of Lansdowne as director ,of the pre-school and primary program tor this sum- Kappal'To Sew day sewing m~ng, ,Tuesday, The 'Kappa }{appa Gamma April 7 at the home ot'Mrs. George Sewing Group will hold an all- F. Corse of 411 Yale avenue, The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON ' mer. Mrs. Robbie.! was on the stall last summer as teacher of the KIndergarten group. She has had WITH A FRIENDLY EASTER GREETING 9 Chester Road Call Swarthmore 6-0476 experience as a teacher and organizer of childrens' activities and the Board predicts a successful ·I============~====~ summer. Architectura' T'our " Page 5 Taking advantage of the unusGuest Soloist At the Princeton Methodist The Community Arts Center, ually mild weatlter, Boy Scouts Wallingford, has been preparing of Troop Three, Methodist Church, Church, N. J. t on Sunday, March a to\lr of Delaware County archi- ,opened the spring outdoor activ- 22, Juanita Paul -of Park ",avenue teeture representing contempor~ ities program with an overnight was guest soloist, when the comary design. Plans have been com- camping -trip to Hickory Run bined choirs' of Princeton present'pleted for a tour on Saturday, State Park, the weekend of March ed Johannes Brahms uGerman ReApril 25, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 21. This wlis the second trip to quiem" under the leadership of Robert M. Walker, art director this recreation area which lies in Tliomas ,Hilbish. Mrs. Paul has. done extensive of the Center and professor of the Southwest section of the Pooratorio, radio and television work fine arts, Swarthmore College, conos about 130 miles from before coming.to Swarthmore and • heads the committee 'in, charge.' Swarthmore. Ja -at present teaching voice and He will be assisted by Jane West Equipped with the usual campstudying with Frederick, Bristol Clauss. Instructors In architectural Ing gear, 16 boys with four adults design, Beaver College; H, Mather left the' Church promptly at 8 0'- of New York. Lippincott of Swarthmore, Alfred clock Saturday morning in a conClauss of Wallingford, William W. voy of tour automobiles, The trip Stated Meeting, Tea Price of Moylan and John M_ progressed uneventfully until a At Woman's Club Tues. Dickey of Media, architects; M~s. connectif!g rod let go' if!, the en(Contiimed from Page 1) }farry G. Stauffer 'Of Swarthmor~, gine' of, Wil11am l3ing\eton's c,ar to be elected: Mrs, David Bing" Mrs. H. Warren Jacobs of Spring- about 15 miles from the park. ham, Mrs. Avery Blake, Mrs. Bobr field; Emma Louise- wal'flelti, pro- With a 11ttJe 'reshuffling the other ert Clothier, Mrs, J, Kenneth Dogram committee ~"chairman from cars assumed. the#additional loads he.rty, Mrs. Walter O. Heinze and Springfield and Mrs, John H. and the group proceeded to the Mrs, W. Alfred Smith, The folHoward, secretary from Wi).lling~ park without ,further mishap save 1 • ford. for a few weary knee caps. 0'Y~ng are nam~d for the committee on admissions: Mrs. Thomas Upon arrival at the park," a "" campsight was located ,'n a grove H: "Ingram, Mrs. P." L. Whitaker, Mrs. W. W. Turner and Mrs. Har, of tre~ besid~' a small lake halt 'CO~ED BEAUTY frozen over despite a sunny af':" ry' E. ,Carl. ternoon tempe~ature of 60 deThe program is in charge of the grees. After camp was made. the youth conservation department, of SALON boys spl~t up into groups to 1n- which Mrs. Henry 1. Hoot is chairdulge their ~ various outdoor pas- ma~. Students of the" Conteinpor-" Open' 'Fhur~day' Nigh,. , ti~es: The everiing campfi're was ary Problems ,class of Swarthmore High Schpol M(ill give repo~s. UnfolJowed -, by, 'night games. 'The " the direction of their instrucPARK and DARTMOUTH AVE. boys awoke" Sunday morirlng to der tor, Henry Hofmann they have find that they had been initiated nto the P oar I B ear Clu b d urng I made lIeld trips to Broad' Mead" the night when the temperature Glen Mills and Sleighton dipped ,suffl,cjently to' form a layFarms, The class bas made a study L it er -of ice in-the water" bucket. prison reform and 7" llnquency, and will tell about the Sunday morning, although slightly on the cool side owing to trips to 9len Mills anil Sleighton the altitude, was spent in trying Farms. The club anticipates a .J'lI1' all III .Nuuu uU ~. to free an old raft which had been very interesting program" in learnfro~en up in. the ice during the ing the impressions of the students Sd' III QlIJrisI a1JaU winter months, This provided the' regard to what has happened to ~ aU b mail. all,,,. the less fortunate of their own necessary challenge to ingenuity I CORINTHIANS XV. :II and daring to keep of the : troop occupied untilmost lunchtime., • As in all previous trips taken ? by this troop, highlights were docSwarthmore, Pa. umented with colored moving pictures, At preSent the troop has almost 400 feet of film their outdoor activities and" plan to continue this program in the future. It Is expected that the next trip will be a canoe excursion down the Brandywine the latter part of April. PAINTING Those attending this trip were: J. Darling, R. Borer, E .. Borer, A. and Plumer, S. Singleton, D. Little, C. CARPENTRY Pe<>J, D. Hollman, W. M"Jiford, P. Essl. L. Dickenson, D. Grog~, J. Lewicki, R. Taylor, H. Pierce, and SWarthmore 6-8761 K. Stauffer, Scouts; Messrs. W. . SIGNS OF EASTERBUNNIES •• EGGS •• AND 'erkshire STOCKINGS ON YOUR LEGSI '~' ~~, i j"uvenile de:' He ir Rirm ' '11. > > " ," To look your Easter loveliest" you'll want the sheedeg Battery of Berkshire Stockings. And top news this Easter: the luxurious, comfort-knit Nylace' Tops that end xJrter TU1l& 'jore.JeTt In Spring's newest fashion colors. , " ", ' -- " ~ " 15 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD "a~g~e~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cPAt.\/SOH &CO. • I Jack Prichard His first "grown-up" two-wheeler-few days in his life traffic, teach him to keep to the right .... to signal will give him such a sense of joy and importance. Perhaps not till ~e day he owns his first car will he feel like such a big wheel. when he wants to turn into a side road or street. There are things that are dangerous to do-st~t-ride in You gave him the bicycle-but have you given him the through ~ period of training in order to drive a ~ar safely , ' Teach him to o~ey traffic 8ignaI~. H he must ride in J. A. GREEN HOLLYHOCK SHOP HORACEA.~ B. J. HOY. 5 AND 10 STRATH HAVEN INN SWAR'I'HMOBE NATIONAL BANK and TRUST CO. .by WINIFRED RUMBLE SW 6-7061 Bicycles' are a lot of fun, and they· need not end in a traffic tragedy-if you teach your children dte rules of 'bicycle safety. Parents, that is your responsibility. and sensibly-:-so ,should he be_prepared to ride h'ffi bik• , Portraits in Oil, light. " . hitch on to a moving vehicle. Make certain , that he knows these dangers-~d avoids them. training lie' needs to ride it safely? Just as you went 'BOUQUET MARTEL BROT.,.:as 'I'HE SWARTHMORE CO-QP W. MARK BfI"I'LE BAIRD and BIRD JOYCE LEWIS • THE SW:ARTHMOREAN HANNUM &: WAITE . 'I'HE INGLENEUK 'Scimp'e in Hobby"opl , BUCHNER'S, INC. E; L. NOYES and CO. FUSCO, MOTORS PETER E~ . Art JohnSen, Scoutmaster. D.A.R. Hostess Mrs. Frederick W. Held, Westminster ~venue, will .be Ute hostess for the April 8 meeting of the Junior Committee of the Lansdowne Chapter, N.S.D.A.R. Mrs., Daniel Cowgill of LansdoWne will be her co-hostess. President Judge Edward LeRoy Van Roden will speak on "Post- war " • \ • TUNE·UP MOTOR • ROTATI TilES • FllAM FlLYIIl e llAIE UN lNG, Ties, of course--: Handkerchiefs, Belts Shirts of all types • CHANG. OIL • FLUSH COOUNG SYSTIM • Tisi"' IATTI.., • UGHTS';' WlllNa . RO.ERT J. ATZ. Owner MICHAEL'S COJ.J.EGE RUSSELL'S SElVlCE SW 6044D Hankies, CompactsAll gifts tei delight th~ gal in your life And the Men? Europe." CHECK your CAR for SPRING TQLD' PHARMACY Gowns. Slips. Panties and Negligees By Barbizon and Van Raalte , ::=============~ IJohnson, Singleton, L. Darling and F. Troop Committee and tr~c ••• c.arry another child on the handl~bm ••• ride in the !lark without the proper headlight and tail ' ,. OPPOSITB BOaoUGB PAJlKlNq LOT hi I. . . . . . La,.,.II. A.,.., BUCHNER'S, Inc. 8 Par. Avenue AI Carney. Mgr. , THE . SW ARTHMOREAN Page 6 April 3, 19M many have offered to help me", many of the boys and girls and Mrs, Kirchgasser has saId) "I just Swarthmore children look forward each year' to ihese plays, can't stay away, it is so much They recall "The Silver Thread" fun," at the Players' Club, "The Wizard She Is assisted by Mrs. H. G. of Oz", "The Heart of Gold" and Stauffer of Swarthmore, who was I'The Flying Carpet", presented at Many Local Children, Parin charge of this work three years ents Active in April 18. previously. One of the pottefy the Swarthmore l{igh '·School 'and they know that this ·Chlldren's teachers at the Arts Center, Mrs. Theatre will offer an arllstic and Production "Hamelin Town's in Brunswick Mary Boyd of Willlamson School, entertaining show. . " was in charge of creating or flndby famous Hanover CIty -. So ing a suitable fountain statue for Lanie Hopper of Dogwood lane, begins Robert Browning's famous the Market Place. Costumes have entertained as her week-end poem, which has long since be- been professionally created guest Arden Scott of Chappaqua, come a children's classic. On April Mrs. Grier Essick of Rose Valley. N. Y., a campmate for several 18 the Children's Theatre of the Make up will be done by a com- summers at Camp Wyoda. Community Arts Center will pre- petent stall, including Mrs. .Nell Mrs. Walter L. Douglass of sent its own version of "The Pied Pyle of Media, Mrs. H. R. Woodall Piper of Hamelin" ina three act and Mrs. L. S. DeCamp of Wall~ Seaford, Del... with her son Lanplay, written especiany for the Inford, Mrs. Thomas Peck of Me- don, is visltlog at the home of cast of 40 boys and girls, with a dia, Mrs. Richard Willis of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry young audience in mind. Swarthmore, and Mrs. Kirchgas- F: Brown of North Chesler road. Mrs., Peter E. ,Told of Park aveTwo performances will be giv- ser. . en at 10 a.m. and at 2:30 p.m. in Music will playa significant part nue entertained the Circle Chairthe new auditorium of the Nether- in the play. Mrs. Peter J. Kroon, men of the Swarthmore PresbyProvidence High School on Pro- a specialist in Folk singing and terian Church and their co-chairvidence road, Wallingford. Ever dancing, has translated old Ger- men at a luncheon at her home. Gayle Hodge of Strath Ha';'en since last October, tlie boys and man traditional songs into Enggirls, aging from 8 to 13, in the fish and directed some of the chll- avenue arrived home Friday speech and dramatics classes COD- dren. One of the songs will be ac- from Cornell Uqiversity for a ducted by Mrs. Stuart Graves of tually sung in German. An espec- week of spring. vacation. June Hobbs of Pari\: aV, which have en- McGovern of WaUillgford, Mrs. ~Id GllriS I Children's Theatre In Own 'Pied Piper' The Latest· Model CHECK -WRITER are the~T1~al rlched p""t.' story of the famous . A group of I>o:YS are now puttlng the' ll'nIobin/J touches on tbe scenery under thie supervision of Mr. and MI'lj! Frederick Decker. and Mr. Herbiltr( Huse of Swarth, more and Mr; and Mrs.' E. W. Jackson of Rutle1ge. Mrs~ Herbert Hose is in charge of a committee of gitls whO ape niaking! and collectlng Plopel ties. Mrs. J. M. Kirchga...... ,of Walllngford has been 'at ,thtl. Arts Center:: every Saturday morning, when the Chlldren's Theatre classes meet, for many 1I1<)nths to assist the chlidten in making posters to adver1is~ the play. Every one of the 40 chIldren, upon dismissal from their rehearsal, goes into the poster room to work. "Although George Mrs. Heckman, Mts.Henry L. ,Hartis; Cbristop)le. Welz, all 'of Swartbm,ore, Mrs.: Aitthony B. Baker and Ned Pyle' of Media, Stuart Gravl!ll"Park~ MilJer, and Miss ,Elise He11\on\' alr of Moylan, Mr. and. ,'Mrs. 1l'emj1t1d Yande.:gra~l1t pf' l'tos.e 'Valley, Mr; and Mrs. Thomas ·Johnston of Glenolden, Mrs. Carl Anderson of Rutledge, Mw. Gunnet Nihion of WillIamson Sch~l:' F.<\wl\l'd Graves son of the <\!.f!Kltor alld a gradU~ ate of the C~"'s Theatre· will' be in charge of lighting and Dennls DLitton of Wallingford other graduate, will help o~ the crew. Mrs. Graves Is assisted by Barbara Ether, a Junior at Nether-Providence High School. This will be the fourth or fifth CWldrcn's Theatre production , 9' I Lank. t S Peterson of Greenwich, Conn. Mrs. WOMAN'S CLUB NOTESI James Is chalrman of arl'llI1ge. .. ...... The executive board wID meet .. , ' menls . member 0 f the group . w ID Monday at 9:30 in the lounge. Among the group.of Republican. Each . women of Pennsylvania who will .Tuesday at 10 a.m. the health and wear a corsage of the new Mamie attend a reception to.. be . given ~y Eisenhower carnation, w hi . ch wIII welfare department will work on Mrs. Dwight D. Els....hower at tI!e be presented to Mrs. EIsenhower cancer dressings and disposal' bags white House Thursday, April ~, at the reception by the president for the' CommuDtty Health Center. wID be the. following train rthm ':Mrs' John H Berl- of the Flower Growers AssociaThe stated meeting and tea will Swa ore.. " tlon be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. nett, Mrs. Thoinali A. Bradshaw, • .. Mrs. John Himna, Mrs. Samuel The ladies will. be given annual The Junior Woman's Club wID Hanna, Mrs:· Jane Neuweller, passes by Congressman Benjamin meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday, 'April 7. MiS. ,·Wi1liam·'G1iI;. ':li4r8,:;:wmi'ur F. James and Senator .James H. Mrs. IrWin MacElwee will give a James, Mrs. .1 •• R. MacElwee and Duff to attend ,either the House or resume of several books. her house guest Mrs.· LeRoy the Senl'te Galleries; The orchestra group wID meet < • Wednesday at 9: 30 a.m. at the • • home of Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty, 609 Elm avenue. Mrs. Frederick Van Uri< wID give a talk illustrated with records on' the next Philadelphia Orchestra concert.' , . Thursday at 10 a.m. the American home department will hold classes in tray painting and lampshade making. The international relations department will meet at 10 a.m. Thursday. Dr. Frances R. Fussell will speak on."The United Nations and the U .S.SJt·" The garden tlepartment wID enjoy a trip to Longw,ood Gardens Thursday. Cars will leave the \ club house at 1 p.m. Those who wish transportation or who can furnish transportation are asked ..... to call Mrs. William R. Midn, Swarthmore 6-7361. The literature department wID meet at 10 a.m. Friday. Mrs. W. Mark Bittle will review "Sojourner" by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. AI. Our Mark_Will .. eIa.ed GOOD ,rlelay FRIDAY, 12-3··P till 9 pm-lat. 6pm Open .> More and more women are paying bill. with checks because ifs convenient, efficient, ec0- nomical. Openyo~checkingaccountheretoday. • '. .... A.....·· . .,. . Your Co,..,.n'.nt Ha •. All ...... Ari.wen . 'Or _y~r .':,'.' . E~·'1~;~· . . . . . " . . All down .... 11... your . .eryfood·· need luaranteed)9 pl"M' you .. with tUllauurance.of satl.factlon•.. ....de., you lCIVe mo,... ~ your· 1.1 faod nHel.. ·;L·;-·· . yt,··· ... LN., ",...,,",' Standpipes -a alfce I.a. rl.ct. r ri to : RepiJblican .Wbme. .,. Go to White_ House .For Tomorrow _Ide.. " S,WABTHIOIE NATIONAL BANI AID TRUST' COMPANY lFiiiii:iia.:==i.i~iiiiii~~~iiiiiiii~~~~iiiiii~~~~~~iiiiii~~~ Rumsey Chevrolet Another Springfield Water . ... J,!?,prpveme1l-~ PrlJject. '_. ., There' are i;e~ hq)1ts i...ery day y':h;";; P,!Jre *rin~Ig.~~tei .is beioi used by thousandS' of'peOple, all al ·'he .ame Ii,!,e. ·To ~ tlIese peak,hour requireqtents-'Yhen thqusan,ds are tak~g mommg baths, brushing their teCth, brewms breakfastcoifee, domg the lau~~ry ~n Monday-millions of gaDons must be stored, ready and wallillg, m . . standpipes and r e s e r v o i r s . . .With ·the construction of:; new stsDdpipes io 1953, stomgc-capacity on Philadelphia Suburban Water Company's distribution system is beiog iocreased by nearly 50%. These are part of the conllnuous ImProvement Pro~ which added 2 ·other large ~tan~p!pes to ~e systi:m since the end of World War II-and, by- this year s end, WIll have required an expenditure ,,~519,ooo,ooo. Buildi;;g for tomorrow to serve a steadily ~wiog ~pulation an ample suppty of the best water humanly posslble-dellvered as dependably possible-is our Number One Job. as .f .~ " SPRING . .:: ... . SPRINGFIELD WA1'EW· _.... _-..-- .... ------ PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY • Servlllg 49 MUIIICrpoldifS III Delaware, Montgomery ond Chelle r (oun/le, . Miss Anna Guetter of Secane, formerly of· Swarthmore, left last ·week to .live in Richmond, Ind., w'ith her niece Mrs. /I.. Joseph Wiison, the former· Rosmiuuie Beneke. . Mr. Wilson' has been transferred by the Insurance Companies· of· North . Aml!rica from Philadelphia:. to Richniond. ....Ih, ."ul... Wh... Another niece, Pauline Beneke- ,a junior at Bowling Greep.: SUIte Universlt:r,· Ohio, who has made her home with Miss'Guetter, will join· her aunt at Mrs. Wilson's or with_ another sisler Mrs. Erik Hultherg of Indianapolis, Ind . J. Milton Neale, II, son of Mr.• 'and Mrs. J. M. Neale' of Orchard- , lane, Moylan-Rose Valley, has been initi'ated into the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity at Dennison University where .he Is a freshman. He has also been made manager of Dennison baseball. :' . '. .. , . " _ '," . " . .CRA.BMEAT J'.: 9CJC.;':- rInadurm.- ::\::.:.'1L '~'lg.' ..: WI'iIIeII- ' • . ....... .. , So ....ny ~.Y.ntages at your finger tips ••• ••• when you'.e .~eRl~k ~ I • FOR THE PRICE OF YOU SAVE Mom' filM fOr PTA •.• with my hew freedom! .. -,...,..,. '_0'''_ floc'rid". I. "''' , . . " ,. Cl II. iii 1housondt of home makers are making good use of the new freedom that their electrical servonls give them. Year by year more and more of these willing helpen are taking aver tlme-Consu"" lng, wearying tasks. Giving parent. lIIOI'e time for living. lIIOI'e time for such activities a. Parent-Teacher Associations, Is the Big Idea of your electric company •• , ceaselessly planning, in the American way, to provide bette. ...... betlel' service. Pleasant. comfortable surroundings $2700 UP You get four 6:70.15 Tires Complete with Tubes for the price you regularly . pay f~r ff!ree tires. Regular pay increases TO • Virginia Lee Vacations with pay GOLD·N·SNO. =: • VIrginia .... Chocolala CDcoanut Cream Continuing opportunity for advancement Regular employment EASY BUDGET TERMS , LIMITED TIME ONLY - Theatre Square. South Chester Road· • There just isn't r!)Oni in'tIili. lid, pis, to talk about aU the .dvaniages of being a Ben Telephone operator. But you ~n get the fuR story in a'personal inlehll:nt. You can ask questions you may have in mind, and get a fair-and-equare answer. There are openings rigllt now, paying well from the atart. No 'experieiJco is needed.)ust drop .in at. OJUI . of the address ... below. \ _- • "A. • _Swarthmore. Pa. " !:: .. ACT, NOW! , Rumse, Chevrolet DECORATED EGGS • • Jrietullr "r- 10 fI1Orll' 6919 Ludlow SII ...,U,.ar D• .." ... 1631 Arch SII"'" PhUadalphla, Ita. 37c: l::Z 60c . 3lt~- 15e : : tge : THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OFPENNSYlVAN{A JELLY EGGS • 1n~~ ~89~ . ':::ltc . , R.bbi.. Collectfow IM~Gi WJd DOT c.~~ Sen-jOll SwadlnllOl'l DIspo$aI Woeltly or I[ontbly I Sheet Metal Work W.IIINI'IIiCI swarthmore COL'LEGE Roofing GuHers 8-ml SP!;e'-'U?JJI'fO ,IN I,UNObB0H8 BWi.; 8VflEq Air Condltlonlag 006Iq',ur. PAlJnBS (MIl. x.r.., Jlura ~ kll. Willi Qle FROM HOME '''He.". nue, and Sue Goldsmith of Wal- Royal, Va., and Mrs. AI1red Hoadllngford have arrived home from ley. Riverton, N.J., were among 'Bucknell University for the Easter those who traveled the longest holiday•• distance to atte~d. Bruce Godfrey of Vassar ave- -======:=::::=====~ nue is home from Westminster .~ Sw....._ 6-1 ..... College for the holiday week-end. WilliAM BROOKS . . George Dunn of Dickinson aveR ed nue arrived home Wednesda; Aahes & Rul>bl8h emov from Penn State for a week. Lawn8 Mowed, General 'Rawling holiday. ·Louise Emmons of Meadow 238 Bard.... Ave., Morton, Fa lane, a student at Penn Hall Junior Gollege, Chambersburg, has returned to her home for the Easter vacation. ~OR •. CB.B. Millie McCowan of Vassar a~e­ nue is having a week of spTlng va;"'tion from Penn State. Pasj'lflOre A NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for SUBURBAN PHilADELPHIA Me";"er. of the class at 1932, Swarthmore ,High School, celebrated ·their 21st reunion. at ~n informal party Saturday mght In the Old MIJl, ReM·Valley. Thirty of the class, with husbands and wives, returned to talk over the "old days" at Swarth- le - . NOQt If ',. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ soil. Call CHester 2-8024. FOR SALE - Mushroom and topbaby sitters FOR SALE - ·Top-soil, fill-dirt, Of 'SWarthone, fa. SWarthrilore and mushroom-soil. Call 6-3400. or. SWarthmore Call jJ',rltIINl ~':::=:::':W:;;;A-;;N;;f:;E;;D:---- :-,' HORACE A. REEVES , . Place. Call alld :LAFAYm'EAYI!NUES ,"\." R"d~a1 CoJDDl4t~1 • 'Oi!polrte· Borough HaJJ . SWarthmore 6<'1202 . " •• P:'~;:;:1 I • ,:AIteratio~8 17Y2 'SoUftI \Ch._ ~oad l'~ en space in .... ~ Gellerafloll '1I,lIele... :lalldlag Construction . .L -08 SW ....h.ore <_, Swartlnnonr 6-'" '. · ••w· ..:.. 'hI ..., Telephone ComPany of Pennsylvania r Driveway Consli ..... Asphalt or Conc.... Cellar Walls Re-P1astered Phoae Swarthmore 6-2526 YDlI .....t to order for adYertUiog a ...:6ed ~. do /. NOW. . p'- oa~MQU.T'" PETER 01' NICOLA PERSONAL ·:8Iir. & Bird ,COR. i---Oiiii-iii----iiiiiiiiii I CLASSIFIED ADS --a-- • T-"I>hOfH S". 6-"10. guests. Mortgages . Jf l'QU hav.. a lUring or en adve.ruemeat in the p _ t PUeccoty.pJe,.se!llJke Me ~ it. is just as)'Qu ~t if. i. Wisdom, Jr., of Wallingford, .and Mrs. Arthur Walker of Sprmgfield ·reunion chairmen. ~. ~ll; Morey, supervising priooipal, i!Q.ild Mrs. Morey, were ~rs. A. G. M"Vay, Fron~ 'CustomHolDes DELAWARE COUNTY H YOIl wish en" chen~ DOt alread.r IIJ'l'aDged fOt, c:all the Business QBice at WIele. more and enjoy dancing and refreshments arranged by Mrs. John Bowers and Mrs. Samuel C. Real 'Estate Insurance with 'CLASSIFIED SECTION RBAL BSTATB 6 lNSURANCB 609 S. CHaiT.. RD. Str.unn.rou, I'BNNA. 'CharlesE. 'Fischer 4 I • 'UNEQUALLED FOR VALUE... NOW-MQRE THAN EVER BUILDER f/ old, done in Underwriters , light Sale and Ranges, 'Service Heaters, Dryers, .Pumps, rI h anll small appliances. E c H. HilUsen, 6-2850, of Park and MI"higan avenues. sw: PERSON~Buildi~g! . 'alterations· and all 'ldndspainting, of car- 'Sworth_ 6-2253 factory Pleasant ii, suburbs - Philadelphia gomery County. d Chewing Gum Corp., Eagle an Take trolley Havertown. from 69th Street ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I~ij~~;~Rd'" RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION . sta~nd~r~I}.'i::.f:e~~ pentry For estimates, call Jack ~_::noo==n=o;:n==ly.ft.;;-_ __ Prlch.h-d, SWarthmor 6 - 8 7 6 1 . _ FOR RENT Alierations tuning. Rea_ d I ate National Asso- FOR RENT-~m an pr v bath, for gentleman. Call Call Leaman, for rates. SWarthmore 6-3747. _ FOR RENT-Pleasant three room - Confirmation and and bath' apartment. PrIvate. dresses, sli~s .and pinafores Business persons only. Box W, I C"IW~~ made for little gIrls from The Swarthmorean. . P.R.R. Freight Bldg. . Swarthmore. P•• J. F. BLACKMAN 3-~733, :~~=========~" r ! plowing and cutting. Call Il~~~~~g;,ar~a~ge~'~SWiar~th~-1 1• • _ _1. PERSONAL - grass Finished .grading, rI'I-~E"&T CHester 2-8024. ~.L1 .... A ~ ~. SW 6-6616 'one years. MAdison RENT-On Hill, second-floor 305 to. S. 12Church avenue, Clitton FOR apartment _ living room, flreHeights, Pa. . . bedroom, private porch, • YorJ'~r ¥Ilu can be PfI'pared to tpay ro~ bre.tap and explosion j",,~ to mention f ••• a PF:.fER E. TOLD . rizes, they decided, would be . given' out from a booth tq be set up on' one 'end' of the field. One Prize to a Bunter As for prize winners, both agreed that only. one large dec-, orated chocolate egg would go to each hunter, so' that finders of more than one lucky slip could l)ave a choice to either throwing . the prize package back to '. the field or giving it to a friend who hadn't found one. The 'entire committee concurred on the point ~at the prizes would go farther that way. With all the business details attended to. the Easter Bunny . then escorted his Lions on a tour of the kitchen. Together they admired the colorful dyes, sampled a few of the 90 pounds of jelly beans and were almost overcome by the priZe eggs. all 144 of them handsomely decorated by the Bunny himself.. The L.ions departed with only one -6769 April 11, at '1:30 .p.m. Tne entire This Benefit pinner Is sponsored. proceeds of' the event will go to by. Swarthmore Branch Women's 'International League for P,ea.ce the Institute of Logopedics, Wichand Freodom ' .i~a, Kans~s, which .is the national '==============' fiend -ut '-- philanthropy for'all memberscif' . Kappa Alpha Theta, active and alumnae. The Benefit is sponsored jointly by ~h.e. Philadelp,hla Alum; nae, which· number weU:over 500 members including city and suburban, a~~ the active members at the University of Pennsylvania. Dessert will be followed at 2 o'clock by a showing of 'old·fash- . ioned clothes, dated, prior' to· 1930. ; Among members of the comfnlttee are Mrs. William. Gehring Qf Swarthmore;' refreshments ,'. and Mrs. William McCabe Harvey of Springfield, prizes. __ _ '» 6th Grade Square Dance Sixth gradert "of both the . Colare invited by the mothers' groups of the two c1asses:-·t'o a sq.uare dance on Friday evening,' AprIl 10, from 7: 15 to 9: 15, in the gym of the College A venue Schoo\, Robert Mather of Moylan' will be the caller. =. ou eet t e at Speare·s .. nllllllllul~ = ; ; ~, §. TO HEAR MRS. MACELWEE $ Mrs. I. R. MacElwee will be th~ $ featured speaker at the meeting of the Junior Woman's Club of Swarthmore on Tuesday night, § 5 = ESTER'S Fashion 'Corner !' ~ ~~~~o~~e.at 8:30 o'clocI!:, in the ~ :_~ FINSEUWITOS OL Mrs. MacElwee will present a 5 resume of several books on a var- iety of subjects. Included in her 5 ASPARAGUS ~~:~~~~: b:!~ r.;r:ke!~be~! Large Jumbo Green Stalks 19c lb. ::d Mrs. Vogeler's life. A stated business meeting for clubmembers . will precede the program, lieginning promptly at . 8 p.m. Members are urged to be prompt at the business meeting which will include the election of next year's officers. , KRAFTS OLD ENGLISH CHEESE KRAFTS AMERICAN CHEESE 29c =_---=1 •• ~:::! ~::~ ~:=~... 5 ; '. loo,!!> Wool Sharkskinsl 5 • CrIsp smart'R&yonsl i = = t·yIe ;; a= i .;1' i' . §~ April 19 with Verdi's "Reqti!em." ...... ""-- • .==_ • 100% Wool Tweeds! . § ii = (;O-Op - 70 The Philadelphia Oratorio Choir ==_=1 will ~resent Brahm's "German Requiem" at the First Baptist Church, 17th and Sansom streets, 55 Philadelphia today, April 3, at ; 3:30 p.m. T!te choir will give another'$ program Sunday evening, April 5, _=_=~ when they sing Handel's "Mes. h'" sla ,scheduled for 8 p.m. . \ ' , 'The choir of 50 voices, directed by J. Earl Ness, Jr., has presented free Sunday eVe'1ing concerts at the Church throughout the . , year. They will close their s e a s o n ' s ••p Frlilay nil , - SHOP AT THE § 17·98to 98.98 i ~ to Your Advantage I 0;;;1 ' Phila. Orotorio Choir in 5 Good Fridav Presentation Store Closed Friday J2 Noon to 3 P.M. S.ALVATlqN IIiiA LEAO.ERS ~ E-=~ !! Toppen from 1~.98·EI Coats from 21.98 ,OrIon fleeces, novelti weavC$, 100% wools , , WhIte, Pastels, ,Checlts, Poodl~ ....:. Jrs. Misses, . Women's sizes, Second Floor. . . Sahrela, T1i1 6 ' 11Ii__.....IIII. . . . . . .IIII1I1l1. ._ _• aaSliUlIBlL THE·SWARTH . 25-NUMBER 15 SALVATION ARMY . . " FRIDAY .....R8aO. 1953· , '., rtney" ~"'I·th H'am'ed' Swarthmore . 8th Antiques Fair Opens RereTuesday Hll!llan. Relations Film: COU' Concert Sunday comtrlit- . . . l I I i . At Trinity Church tee'of the Home and Scbool.usadation will present another huA special Easter prograili of man telations fililll:at 10:20'Wedchamber and choir mustc, featurl;le$IJ~y,IIIQrtl~g Ap1i\ .111. ,in the Rhodes Scholarship __ ',.1 ing the Men's and Boys Choir of Mrs. Forsythe. Heads Large Former College Coach Will visual alds room at·. the . High Trinity Church, will be iliven an Woman's Club Sponsor School Will be Ninth to Be Guest of 1914·31 The film is entiUed "Prefacelto Fill Post' Sunday,. April 12, at 1:45.p,m. in CommiHee Alumni of Trinity Episcopal Church, NOlrtlli The VI'offioin's Club sponsored Dr. E. Leroy Mercer, Dean a~tudes .Chester road. under the lIirection Eighth .Annual Swarthmore Anlbe School of Physical Ed,uclati,on,1 a growing ,. al David Ulrich, cholrm~r and tiques Fail- openii, Tuesday, April at the University of Pennaylvania, organist of the church. 14 at the Club and continues will be the guest .of honor at a Special' guest arusts include through Thursday night, April Testimonial Dlnner'to be given by . . Mrs. John Piccard, flautist; Wil~ 15. Doors will open dally at· 10 tbe Swarthmore "alumlli' of:' ..... 'O'f 'n;~s·".Ne·~.·.' son L. Townsend, Jr., organist, a.m. and close at 10 p.m. eltcept 1914-1931 in the A1. itnd a string ensemble made up on Thursday'.vh;'" the show CQllege Dining Room . , , " Deborah Reeder and '!:'r0e1 Snyder. a.t 9 o'cl9Ck.·, 11,' at 1. When '''Doc'' Mer- D. Malcolm Hodge Directs cello; Russell Snyder' and Nancy Clubmemberswill. be actively at _. . a member.·of the Swarth' d D b ah .Players Clob in' Miller . Carroll, viola; an e,or work throughout the Fair upder more faculty, he was the director Thompson atd Albert1>eslderio, the general'chalrmansliip of ·Mrs. of physical education, the Doctor "Drama April 13-1'8 violins. Francis H. Forsythe. Mrs. Norman of the C~llege and cQBch of footArtilli~·Mlii~~;s·dyna.:.rl~' .' The progralll 'Will include. a W. Kent Is· secretary of tho: 'Fair ball and track,. '. ,., of "a' S81e5titan" is '.urecfur D. Mozart Sonata for organ and committee, Mrs. D. Mace Gowing The toastnias .. ter .of the, '0cc:8.....sl,p.n, cOlin 'Hoog.di· ... "_" selecu,*," . .. il'" for strings, ·and ,B,a~h C. an.tata N o. . is treasurer, Mrs. Robert A. Boyle Will. be Josenh B.Shane .. viceth PI . t'one Bo. n ds of chairman of. admissions, M rs. " April Wild,ucUon. lit _' e,' ayers "Christ 1ay m president. of Swarthm!lI"e College. Club . 1m , next week. Mr. Hodge h. D e a t h . " ·~ Morris L. Hicks· and Mrs. Edward Dr. Joseph Wiillts, director of . • ' social science division of' self"take~·the 'Part· df~illie LoThe pubHc is cordiallY invited L. Noyes cllalrmen of arrllDlleman, ,the salesman who seeks. a to attend. ments,.Mrs. William B. Lowe· of Rockefell'll" Foundation an~,!i.lJ;'P- giiin"~elpg !roin'hIli lifii'ilt' fruscoatchecking, MrS" David Binger Dean of the Wharton SChOOl, COURTNEY CRAIG SMITH • . .. scheduled as the prinCipiI! '!ipI!Iik- trations . and meaningless ham of, dealer hospitality, Mrs. · er. Other s~ers of, the' evebing vlctorles.:'l,by., cr~ijpg a ~et, of masCourtney Craig Smith, Arneln-I Walter O. Hemze of decorations, · will include: Ciaude .Smidt, kliair'- slve cfre'tunS' wDicb wreak havo~ can 'secretary of the Rhodes Mrs. Clarence. C. Franck qf..hostman of the boRrd or Swarthmore on his famllyand .. fHends. Scholarship" and national director . eSses, Mrs, Raynham T. Bates of Collegi.;AllIson Comog, 'rile supporting cast· in t~ of' the National' Woodrow Wilson I'ho,use persotmel. director .. of . Haverford' forceful drainaincludes Elizaheth Fellowship Program, Will be' ih" '." '. d W'II J' Advance preparations .for. -the Ft. Swan., Harry K. W.arre.n'- ohn, __ ~.. _ Over 75 Stu ents I ' om Fair have had· the clos".attention School; Peirce . Richards of nex:t president of SW~ w~..ore . • d Turner Construction Company;' Cramp, Norman Snyder, in 'College it wu amiounce:ci Tuesday . In. Presenting VaFl~:' of several. cbaifmen; . with. Mrs. .Pard" Larkin,. a' Chester attorrale 'In· the . b Cl d C Smi"'o ,,~an p' . 'gra'm" . S. Toole as mailing chalrstage,.Alison·Rob'1rts,IrvinR.. .y au e , ' ~ .. ' · r o . ' .'. man' addressing 'thousand!!' of ney; and Dr. Art Bu:er of • the' Board of, Managers. Tile uc,~ ,. Park; B1l outill\mding 'athlfit"" W. 'Erl~I!, .Charl~s ,is· also BicentenliialJ;>re, The fifteenth Annuai Concert by . . bearing the·.Fair's original Swarthmore dllrl1'g\he: . .' .1rrtU.'·.· Kelgjlton, ~eptor and assl~tiint pi9~or' of the . swariiUtiore 'IPilh . School . by· MrS. A: B.:Rogen. MrS.. .of "Doc" Mercer. . G.. FlIltz;NanCY R. wl&ht EiI~b~, at.' Princeton University Biwd will given ·tn'~e.sChoOl Rogers in het capacity of pOjller Dr. Mercer 'l!~""ded. Geo11le. Ru\h.C:;, ; R a d b i l l . · · w~cjl'.he· is lin ~ell"'e of ab-, . at 8;15. Over contl:!st' chalrnlan has been func. . ...:..lit.'twenty curtai!ls re,veal:, '. " '. . ,~i1l to tionitlg.sincie·.T,BJiuar,- ·to·arrange · Scllool __ .and·at -sen e. ,. .... __tha~time. .. _._ he h\lld uni~ue' of thec stage: S!'tof' .... ; . ._.... ') the int""""""I ...... c ......... vllult . .. 6"'~ ord,of i2 feel: '~.- ,'.-,.c· ,,- ~ " .-- -, Mercer To Be Honored At JestimoniaIDinn,r. '- Th~' Health :Advisory :.!I.:a~~:~:~~~;·~~. 'Death' of aS'a'Iesm'a'n', Week' p:'e' ends • 'Anhe, .. I I . SWIFT PREMIUM RATH BLACK HAWK ARMOUR"S STAR CHESTER ROSE SWIFT'S VIRGINIA BAKED HAM 'LI,BRARY GIVE TO ~student, :n=.::;:.;:.~rean'::' "Doc" 'isremeinbered as N,cest People . av", rtbJllore ",ii ;''wfl.rthmOre .1 ., ~GIVETO trom ~~lum,IIIm,lIImlll~I"~'Y~~M~~-h~---'--~--------~~~~~'~~ § eWARTHMORK J. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE s~ho01s '",., ' SCh00I BandGives . ., 15th. Concert . • Dilly.dally and delay may be claftserOIU. At the ',fint ....g~on of ilIne••, Con.ult Your physician, and follow his experience.. c~un.el. Make it !' poinr. also, to briag your Doctor's . presed ption. to this dependable spuree where you are assured careful compounding and fair prices. lege avenue and 'Rutgers avenue' .. COLLEGE I P/anAFRICAN'D1NNER UNITED WORLD FEDERALISTS "~Os . . From the Swarthmorean Files ' , . , . ' ' Easter Bunny Stalked Theta Alumnae By Swarthmore Lions Old Fashioned Showing A definition of hope for man in the atoll).ic a.ge i .: ' .. Order today SWarthmore 6-5152 \ 36 Years· Ago in Swarth.more Mrs. I. R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place, . and. her house guest ;Mrs. LeRoy PetersOn of Greenwich, Conn" who' visited here for."'; feW days' during the' Philadelphia Flower Show, spent several days of last week attend'ing the Boston Flower Show. Utility' Shop NORMAN COUSINS .' I , ,. GanslY~~ :t,~e~:~~pus. Mrs~K8erien Elected H. tial on tile. ;:::!I:! new is respo ble He will suc~ John W. Nason who Vincent 1touman's best rememban outstandl.ng,athlete. Be. was aii . all.d. special sound resigned last Decm;nber l!>' ered hits. '. AU-Americn football'.player.for wbicil- c,,:",ate the illusion '.cc.m,,·pead 01 the Foreign Policy Student director, .Ronnie 'Goldl,1 ,.'. .' . Inherent to .the play. • . ill d' t' th gr'oup in a rentwo years' and a member of " ' G '. Aasociatiol1. ," ' w con uc· e .. Pa.h. Pre's'ld'ent· M" rs • .Told American Olympic'. TeBm. of 1912, IJghtlhg,. han~ ef!ects: of Nali'o'os", U·ere Tom'orrow h' 0ne G: teO . I • TonisJhf • Ph._ meeting -" ' .- INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE "age TilE SW AIITIBIOr.EAN 10 April 3, 1953 \ bors of the Canteen. I, GIVES HOSPITAL PARTY The E. I. & S. Committee is • . . 1,I'lI1ning a dessert bridge at the. rho Entertamment, Instruction Woman's Club on April 29. This From the Swarthmorean Files and Supply Committee of the party will be to raise funds fOf !':'=====";;~~========;~~";;~~,.-====..:.! local branch of the Red Cross gave the parties they give for the disAs one of the Philadelphia the sporting editors of all the \l party on March 25 at the New abled veterans in ncarby h05- papers stated this week. the papers to sit up and take notice, pita Is. Swarthmore High School ba~ket- and there is scarcely a sheet that yetel'ans Administration Hospital ball team stands now as virtual hasn't run special write-ups. It of West Philadelphia. The party Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Godchampion of suburban H I g h certainly behooves the local editor was given for 135 men in the hosfrey of Vassar avenue will enterSchool teams, with a I'ecord of to have a share in arousing at pital. There were 20 young ladies tain as their holiday week-end seventeen straight victories for the least an equal amount of local from this arca who served as guest Mrs. Godfrey's sister Miss season, and is now ready for a enthusiasm and a large amount, llOstcsses. The chaperons were "Ith Cole of Corning, N. Y. challenge from any other basket- of local enthusiasm and 'a large Mrs. John Good, chairman, of the Dr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Mol- ball champions that are lying amount of local pride in the E. 1. & S. Committee and Mrs. stad of Riverview road are all. a around loose, notably the team of achievements of our local team. J. F. Gaskill. Cake and coffee So here's a hip-hip-hooray! for week's motor trip to Williams- the Southern Philadelphia High were served by Mrs. Avery Blake School, the team that "romped our doughty Swarthmore five. nnd Ml's~ Carroll Streeter, mem- bUI'g, Va., and vicinity. awayu with the city champion"Ya-a-a-y-Place!" ship. "Ya_a_a_v_Yarnall!" The local team was photoJ NORMAN COUSINS graphed last Tuesday by one of "Ya-a-a-y-Lungren-Frick~!Jt the big Philadelphia dailies for its "Ya-a-a-y-Farley!" writes challenging new book Sunday edition, their probably "Ya-a-a-y-Pollard!" unparalleled record having caused And uYa-a-a-y-Subs!" E. . I. AND S. COMMITTEE Mrs. I. R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place, and her house guest Mrs. LeRoy Peterson of Greenwich, Conn., who visited here fora few days during the Philadelphia Flower Show, spent several days of Jast week attending the Boston Flower Show. 36 Years Ago in S'warth.more I r:==.:;===========::; ORDER NAME TAPES Order today - SWarthmore 6-5152 UNITED WORLD FEDERALISTS ANNOUNCING PROMPT DELIVERY ON NEW FORDS NO TRADE NEEDED BUT IF YOU HAVE ONE - EXPECT PLENTY FOR IT Walsh Ford Company Yale & Sylvan Avenues, Morton, Po. Phone SWarthmore 6.7381 or SWarthmore 6-1445 EASTER HAMS 6-Day Delivery Utility' Shop 19 S. Chester Road Plan to attend the SWIFT PREMIUM RATH BLACK HAWK ARMOUR'S STAR CHESTER ROSE SWIFT'S VIRGINIA BAKED HAM ,==============:1 find out ITOMrs.!. HEAR MRS. MACELWEE R. l\1acElwce will be the Large Jumbo Green Stalks 19c: lb. KRAFTS OLD ENGLISH CHEESE KRAFTS AMERICAN CHEESE 29c Store Closed Friday 12 Noon to 3 P.M. 't's to Your Advantage SHOP AT THE CO-OP Darhnouth Avenue (Across from Borough Halll =. = ~ ==_= ~ featured ~peakcr at tbe meeting of the Junior Woman's Club of Swarthmore on Tuesday night, 5 April 7. at 3: 30 o'clock, in the ESTER'S Fashion Corner I ~ '" clubhou~e. ASPARAGUS AFRICAN DINNER AUTHENTIC (A Short Hop from Page I) West African Food The Philadelphia Alumnae this year - one ;or pre-school Speaker: Ericht W. Getzen and kindergal'teners, one for first Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta From West Africa through third graders, and an- will hold a Benefit Dessert Bridge other one for fOllrth through sixth party and fashion show at the Monday Evening, April 13 6,30 P.M. graders; and all three hunts were home of Mrs. J. Albright Jones, In Whittier House on the Campus to be held at the same time. Dr. Reservations: SW 6-6785 Coste added that members of the 303 Elm avenue, on Saturday. SW 6·6769 Mothers Club and the rest of the April II, at 1:30 p.m. The entire This Benefit Dinner is sponsored Lions would help the children to proceeds of the event will go to by Swarthmore Brnnch Women's International League for Peace get into propel' age groups. the Institute of Logopedics, WichDnd Freedom Fellow Lions, Dr. Coste assurita, Kansas, which is the national ed the Bunny, were limbering up philanthropy for· all members of' their throwing arms so that the Kappa Alpha Theta, active and waxed packages of jelly beans alumnae. The Benefit is sponsored would be evenly scattered over jointly by the Philadelphia Alumthe three hunting grounds. and nae, which number well over 500 somebody's tireless fingers had almembers including city and suready typed up the prize slips to burban, and the active members go into some of the little packages. at the University of Pennsylvania. • Dilly-dally and delay The prizes, they decided, would Dessert will be followed at 2 may be dangerous. At the be given out from a booth tq be o'clock by a showing of old-fash.fir.tsuggesiion of illnes., set up on one end of the field. ioned clothes, dated prior to 1930. consult your physician, and One Prize to a Hunter Among members of the commitfollow his experienced As for prize winners, both tee are Mrs. William Gehring of counsel. Make it a point. agreed that only one large decalso, to bring your Doctor·s orated chocolate egg would go to Swarthmore; refreshments and Mrs. William l\oIcCabe Harvey of prescriptions to this de .. each hunter, so' that finders of Springfield, prizes. pendable source where you more than one lucky slip could are assured careful comhave a choice to either throwing 6th Grade Square Dance pounding aDd fair prices. the prize package back to the field or giving it to a friend who Sixth graders of both the ColCATHERMAN'S hadn't found one. The 'entire com- lege avenue and Rutgers avenue" DRUG STORE mittee concurred on the point that schools are invited by the moththe pl"izes would go farther that ers' groups of the two classes t'o way. a square dance on Friday evening, With all the business details April 10. from 7: 15 to 9: 15, in the attended to, the Easter Bunny gym of the College A venue School. then es~ortcd his Lions on a tour Robert Mather of Moylan will of the kitchen. Together they nd- be the caller. mired the colorful dyes, sampled I a few of the 90 pOllnds of jelly ~_'IIIIIIIIIIIII'" You Meet the Nicest People at Speare' S"IIIIIIIIIIIII_~ beans and were almost overcome by the prize eggs, all 144 of them § § handsomely decorated by the:: = Bunny himself. The Lions dcpart- § ~ cd with only one qetail not yet § ~ settled; and that. as the Bunny I E 55 observed, is in the hands of the I § ~ __ Weather Mun. ; I M,·s. of lIIacElwee will present resume several books on a var-a I iety of !'ubjccts. Included in her selections will be Mrs. Robert Vogeler's book and a sketch of Mrs. Vogl']er's life. A stated business meeting for clubmembers will precede the program, beginning promptly at 8 p.m. Members arc urged to be prompt at the business meeting which will include the election of next year's officers. FINE WOOL SUS _~= = 17.98 to1T98.98 ~_= ; = _ _=== e 100% Wool lilabnrdlnes ~ • • 100,% "Tooll-'humels! 100% "·001 Tweeds! 100,% Wool Sharksklnsl o ('risp SHlnrt 'Rayonsl =_5= • Phil ... Oratorio Choir in Good Fridav Presentation The Philadelphia Oratorio Choir will present Brahm's "German Requiem" at the First Baptist § Church, 17th and Sansom streets, I ~ Philadelphia today. April 3, at ~ 3:30 p.rn. ~ The choir will give another program Sunday evening, April 5, when they sing Handel's "Messiah", scheduled for 8 p.m. ~ The choir of 50 voices, directed = by J. Earl Ness, Jr., has present- _1=_= ed free Sunday evening concerts at the Church throughout the year. They will close their season April 19 with Verdi's "Requiem!' = ~ = ~=___ ~ 5 LEADERS , = ~ Toppers from 1~.98 ~ i_ Coats fro Shop Friday Till 9 - Saturday Till 6 ~ m 21.98 ;;_~ OrIon fleeces, novelty weaves, 100% wools White, Pastels, Checks, Poodles - Jrs. Misses, :{~~~n's sizes, Second SALVATION ARMY == § == ;; =_= __ __ 1 = = ~ !3IlIIlIItlllllllllllllllllilltllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllllllllilllllRlllllIllllRnm1IIIIIIIIIIIIIunlllllllllnlDlui 3vmrthmore Collil ;,'v/A.rthmore , • ,(l br"ry GIVE TO LIJlH,\I:Y GIVE TO THE SWARTH SALVATION ARMY t3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIIlA\:. APRIL 10, 1953 8th Antiques Fair Opens Here Tuesday Concert Sunday Human Relations Film The· Health :Advisory CommitAt Trinity Church tee of th~ Home and School AssoA special Easter program of ciation will present another huchamber and choir music, featurman relations 111m at 10:20 Wednesday, morning April ,15;, in the ing the Men's and Boys Choir of Mrs. Forsythe Heads Large Former College Coach Will visual aids room at the High Rhodes Scholarship Sec'y Trinity Church, will be given on Woman's Club Sponsor Will be Ninth to School. Be Guest of 1914·31 Sunday, April 12, at 1:45 p.m. in Committee The film is entitled "Preface' to Fill Post Alumni Trinity Episcopal Church, North a Life" and portrays the: e~ect of The Woman's Club sponsored Chester road, under the direction Dr. E. Leroy Mercer, Dean of ·three possible 'parental attitudes Eighth Annual Swarthmore Anof David Ulrich, choirmaster and tiques Fair opens Tuesday, April t~e School of Physical Education towardS a growing child. at the University of Pennsylvania, organist of the church. 14 at the Club and continues will be the guest of honor at a Special guest artists include through Thursday night, April Testimonial Dinner to be given by Mrs. John Piccard, lIautist; Wil- 15. Doors will open daily at 10 t~e Swarthmore alumni of the son L. Townsend, Jr., organist, 8.m. and close at 10 p.m. except 1914-1931 in the Swarthand a string ensemble made up of on Thursday when the shoW ends College Dining Room on Deborah Reeder and 'Noel Snyder, at 9 o'clock. April 11, at 7. When "Doc" Mer- D. Malcolm Hodge Directs cello; Russell Snyder and Nancy Clubmembers will be actively at cer was a member of the SwarthCarroll, viola; and Deborah work throughout the Fair under Players Club in Miller more faculty, he was the director Thompson a'l\d Albert Desiderio, the general chairmanshlp of Mrs. of physical education, the Doctor Drama April 13-18 violins. Francis H. Forsythe. Mrs. Norman o{ the College and coach of footThe program will include a W. Kent is secretary of the Fair Arthur Miller's dynamic "Death ball and track. Mozart Sonata for organ and committee, Mrs. D. Mace Gowing of a Saiesman" is director D. MalThe toastmaster of the. occasion strings, ·and B:ach Cantata No. 4 is treasurer, Mrs. Robert A. Boyle colm Hodge's selection for the will be Josel?h B. Shane, vice"Christ lay In the Bonds of chainnan of admissions, Mrs. April production at the Players president of Swarthmore College. Morris L. Hicks and Mrs. Edward Death." Club next week. Mr. Hodge him• Dr, Joseph Willits, dIrector of the is cordially invited L. Noyes chairmen of arrangeself take~· the 'part cif Willie LoThe public social science division of the ments, Mrs. William B. Lowe of man, the salesman who seeks a to attend. Rockefeller Foundation and .f9rmcoatchecking. Mrs. David Binggrbn eScape· from his life of fruser Dean of the Wharton School, is trations and meaningless little COURTNEY CRAIG SMITH ham of dealer hospitality, Mrs. scheduled as the princlplespeak_Walter O. Heinze of decorations, Courtney Craig Smith, Amerier. Other speakers of the, evening victories. by creating a set of masMrs. Clarence C. Franck of hostwill include: Claude Smith, chair- sive dreams which wreak havo~ can secretary of the Rhodes esses, Mrs. Raynham T. Bates of Scholarships and national director man of the board of Swarthmore on his family and friends. house personnel. The supporting cast in this of the National Woodrow Wilson College; Allison Cornog, athletic Advance preparations for the director of Haverford High forceful drama includes Elizabeth Fellowship Program, will be ihe Over 75 Students Will Join Fair have had the close attention School; Peirce Richards of the H. Swan, Harry K. Warren, John next president of Swarthmore of several chairmen, with Mrs. In Presenting Varied Turner Construction Company; F. Cramp, Norman Snyder, in his College it was announced Tuesday Harry S. Toole as mailing chair"Pard" Larkin, a Chester attor- first role on the Swarthmore by Claude C. Smith, chairman of Program man addressing thousands of ney; and Dr. Art Baker of Ridley stage, Alison Roberts, Irvin R. Mc- the Board of Managers. The new The fifteenth Annual Concert by cards bearing the Fair's original Park; all outstanding athletes at Elwee, William W. Price;· Charles president is also Bicentennial PreF.· Seymour, .Irma· Keighton, ceptor and assistant professor of th'e Swarthmore High Scliool design by Mrs. A. E. Rogers. Mrs .. Swarthmore. during the decades Richard G .. Foltz, Nancy R. Wight English at Princeton University Band will be given in the school Rogers in her capacity of poster of "Doc" Mercer. trom which he is on leave of ab- auditorium tonight at 8': 15. Over contest chairman has been funcDr. Mercer attended. George and Ruth C. Radbill. Eight-twenty curtains reveal a 75 student musicians will join to tioning since January to arrange School and at that time he held sence. The announcement of Courtpey present a varied program of mu(Continued on Page 4) the interscholastic pole vault rec- unique handling of the stage settingby WalkOf .Penlleld and H. S·. h' ,'-·7,.-··-'·' ·"ft·e ·spe'· sic rangin'" ·from· Boileldieu'. ord of 12 feet: At the University . . '.' mit s eJecuon came iCl r a er of PennsylvanIa. where he studied ~Illis Jackson, with settings de- cial meeting of the Board held ''Calif of Bagdad" overture to, a as an undergraduate and medical slg!led !lnd paInted ~y H. Gay~ey. Tuesday on the College campus. \ sparkling new arrangement of Charlotte Maas IS r:sponslble I He will suceed John W. Nason who Vincent Youman's best remembstudent, "Doc" is remembered as for the m~sic and speCial. sound resigned last December to bs- ered hits. . . an outstanding athlete. He was ari Student dIrector,. Ronnie Gold, AII-Americn football player for ~ffects which create the Illusion come head of the Foreign Policy mherent to .the play. A i t" will conduct the group in a rentwo years and a member of the . h' i h dIed b G g ssocalon. Lig tlhg s an ~ ear e The new president is 36 years dition of Sousa's ."King Cotton Past President Mrs. Told American Olympic Team of 1912. Jarden and -John Manmng with old and thus becomes one of the IfI'arch" and Head Majorette. Receives Honorary t' B~~UY Abbott, ~e~ty Bent~ey, Ka- youngest college presidents in the Patsy Blake, has worked out sevMembership ,trma Ives, Mllhcent Km g . and. country He will be the ninth eral interesting twirling· routines At the stated meeting of the Worth Shellenberger comprising preside~t in the 89 year history of for her group. One ot t~e l1i~h. ~. the makeu~ crew. Prompter is the college. The announcement lights, will be an authentic L~t~n- Woman's Club Tuesday, the budThe third annual Festival of ~artha Kelght~n. Stage proper- came just four months after a American version of the farrul!-ar get for the coming year was read Nations will be produced by In- bes and decorations are under the joint committee of Board rnem- Miami Beach· Rhumba fe~turlng and approved and a revision of ternational House on Friday, sup~rvls10n of Mrs. H~ns K. bers, alumni and faculty, headed the use of native rhythm mstru- the by laws was adopted. The reApril 10 and Saturday, AJpril 11. Steinfeld ~nd her commIttee of by Thomas B. McCabe, president ments and the terpsichorean en- sults of the election were anEach performance will begin at Mrs. Marie G. Donnelly, Mrs. of Scott Paper Co., was appointed deavors of Debbie Thompson and nounced: President, Mr.$,. Frank G. Keen8:30 p.m. The Friday performance George H. Jarden, Mrs. J. G. I to seek John Nason's successor. Robert Borer. McConechY Mrs. Edythe MIChell will be held at Drexel Institute • . h In announcIng the selectIOn of . Vocal chores have been asslg n - en; first vice president, Mrs. Morauditorium, 32nd and Chestnut and Anne Wrlg t. the new president, chairman ed to Gail Bauer and the instru- ris H. Fuss,ell; second vice-presistreets, and the Saturday perP t ' C. I H t Claude Smith pointed out that mental soloists will be Edgar dent, Mrs. Joseph B. Shane; cor· CI thO OP. 5 Ire e os eSS .. .Oboelst ' and Joh n Ph'II' formance wi II b e given at 0 ler M R J d G E Ullman of many well-qualIfied pel'sons had Friend, I IpS, responding secretary, Mrs. Pierre Memorial Hall, Swarthmore Col- UAp~~~br:o:~, Pa~k 'avenue will I ' been Inder considers.tion by the Tromb~nist. Other selections to be Decrouez; recording secretary, lege. serve as hostess to the Pl1ets' commiUee, but it "untted. enthus.. heard melude the Green Cathe- Mrs. Russell Phillips; treasurer, Master of Ceremonies will be C. "I t Mond"v Acrl'l 1::\ Mrs 1 iasti--ally in ref'ommendmg Mr. dral, a new arrangement of Mrs. D. Mace Gowing. 1r - e nex n,. .. ., " h "A . P e t er B oyIe, weII k nown com- William The newly elected directors A. Jaquette will present: Sm~th. and the B.oarcl of 1\ryana~- "Glow Worm, t e merlcan are: Mrs. David Bingham, Mrs. mercial artist and television per- a program on Emily Dickinson. I (Continued on page 6) (Continued on Page 5) Avery F. Blake, Mrs. Robert B. sonality. Nine groups will particiClothier, and Mrs. J. Kenneth Dopate, presenting the cultures of High School Musicians Who Will Present' Annual Concert Tonight, . herty. Serving on the committee their countries or continents in songs, dance, and skits. Acts will on admissions are: Mrs. Thomas be presented by the Latin AmeriH. Ingram, chairman, Mrs. P. L. cans, Greeks, Indians. French, Whitaker, Mrs. W. W. Turner, and Israelis.. Chinese, Scandinavians, Mrs. Harry E. Corl. Africans and Italians. Honorary membership in the The talent, with the exception club was awarded to Mrs. Peter of Mr. Boyle, is being provided by E. Told for her many years of the members of International distinguished service to the orHouse, foreign and American. ganization. In proposing her for Chairman .of the Festival is Bette the honor the executive board recMarshall of Temple University. ognized Mrs. Told's inestimable Assistan~ chairman is Niels Malmhelp as chairman of publicity, quist from Denmark. Technical chairman of the education departdirection· is being provided by Mr. ment, as vice-president, as presand Mrs. Gordon Lange. Stage ident in a time of crisis, and in tnanager is Eric Lifschutz from other positions. The citation also Austria, and art direction is beIng· paid tribute to the wise philosophy provided by Walter Stalt. The and clear vision of the leadership affair is organized under the genshe has given and continues to eral direction and supervision of give the club. the International House stall'. Student Program The program was in charge of the youth conservation departLegion Auxmary Meeting ment, of which Mrs .• Henry I. A meeting of' the Swarthmore Hoot is chairman. Mrs. Hoot inLegion Auxiliary will be held next troduced .Henry Hofmann, instrucMonday, April 13 at 2: 00 p.m. in the American Legion Room of (Continued on Page 4) . . Borough Hall. Courtney Smith Named Swarthmore President Mercer To Be Honored At Testimonial Dinner College & School Apparel Easter Bunny Stalked Theta Alumnae Plan By Swarthmore Lions Old Fashioned Showing A definition of hope for man in the aton;tic age SWAltTIUIOHJl: COLLIWI'; 2S-NUMBER 15 for "WHO SPEAKS FOR MAN?" .......... 'Death of aSalesman' Opens Next Week School Band Gives 15th Concert Tonight Mrs. Keenen Elected Woman's Club Pres. I 'Fes IvaI 0£ Nat·Ions, I Here Tomorrow Ni"ht I!"' I .' . •. I " , THE SWARTBMOJU!;AN Personals JO, . ~piil "Applebrook"t Park avenue spent at seven o'clock In The Swarth- Armitage of Baltimore announce Easter week-end with her' son, Mr. Roland G. E. Ullman, Jr., and of Villanov.. . . . Capt. and Mrs. Ralph S. Hsyes of Oherlin avenue entertained as their house guests last. week their son-In-law and daughter Comdr. C. E. Nelson and Mrs. Nelson of Arlinllton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour W. Kletzien of South Chester road' are Janet is the more Presbyterian Church. the birth' of their second child, a Dr. and Mrs. George L. J\r'rnita., The Rev. Mr.. JO"se:P~h~'~P~.;~IIsIIOII'1 dauihter, Janet on . 1.,', of South Chester road. will perform the:" -';;;";;·;;m;;;~...~~~~";·~·~· ~"';'~'m;;;;;~;;;;~;;~;;;;;;~ The biide-maidS f4IsS ~ .... ~ llosemary Argyle, SC~\lle, l'f. Y., Miss Constance Kontopanos, Virginia Beach, Va., Mrs. Richard L. ;JoneS, Jr., Drex~l Hill, and 'Mi~1 • TUNE·UP MOTOR • CHAN. . OIL • ROTATI TIR.I . Barbara Davis and MiSs .. FLIlIH' COOUNG; SYSTEM Blackman, both of Swarthmore. • FRAM FILTER • TISI IATTIU Mr. James ·M." Jennings, of • lRA11 LININ.' • LIG;H'i'S'" WIRIN5 Ll!nsdowne, will act· as best man 1Pr hiS brother!llld ..~ ~hers ROBERT ATZ. Owner '. will Include Mr. Harry 'F. Brown, .. RUSSELL-'S'~_VI~.\· .. ' . Jr., Media, and Mr. William' R. OPPOIIITB BOBOUGR "ABKIN~ J..OT ' Brown, Swarthmore,. brothers of SW 6-0440. . ' l)iimnoiItJi Ie i.Gfayette Aves. the bride, ~{r, Be\!.i!'mip: S. Col- Mr. and Mrs. David 'Ulrich Ullman .of Amherst avenue' entertalned at a family dinner pariy Saturday evening. . . Mr. and Mrs. George M. Karns of W~esley ~oad returned Monday by piane. following a lO-da¥ visit with their son-in-law and daughter Lt; and Mrs. Malcolm J. Agnew and daughter LeSlie of Victoria, rexas. entertaining as their house guest Dr. and 'Mrs. John R. Bates, for 10-days during the holiday season 'Mrs. Kletzien's mother, Sally and Johnny Bates of North· M~. Wil!lam C. D"",onof West Chester road spent Easter week.end· at their summer home on Hartford, Conn. Sho~eham, L.r. Mrs. William Henry Hay of New Rutherford, N.J., Mr. Walter PIc. Marvel Wilson, Jr., pf Yqrk qty spent a few days dur- lins, L. Douglass, Jr., Seaford, Del., and '":"~rath, Haven avenue, who has ing the holiday season with 'Mr. Mr. James H. Callahan, Swarth· been confined to' tlie Fitz General and Mrs. Edward N. Hay of Og- more. Hospital .- in StuUgart: Germany den· avenue. A reception at the home of the for three we:eltS, has returned Mr.. and Mrs~. John Macamespie bride'~ ,paren~. will follow' the ,his unit with' the' Army Field and ohildren Johnny and Jo-Ann, cer~onY. ~.Artillery. a~ Heilbronn, Gl!rmanY. formerly of Glenolden, are reMr. George P. Warren, Jr., pf siding in their newly purehased B~UTY SALON STRAIN-DICKINSON , South Chesti'r road spent Easter home at 21 Oberlin avenue. LEST:.AP~IL CATCH YOU. WITH YOUR HAill DOWN week-end with friends near CariMr. and Mrs. William 'Sproul Mr. and Mrs. Don Deems Dlck' s f "D M d "inson of Park avenue announce Lew, b OU, Me. 0 eep ea ows Mr. and Mrs. Irl Duling of Gradyville have returned horne I the marriage of thei. daughter, 9 Cheater Road Media will move April 24 to reside after a two-month holiday In Mary Ann, to> Mr. George Stroln, Call Swarthmore 6-0476 in their newly built home on No. ray Beach, Fla. They were joined Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Strain of · 58 Mary Jane Lane, Newtown there for two ""eks . by . Penn Valley, Narb,e~h, wruch Square. Mrs. Duling is the former daughter, Mrs. J. E. Carroll, Jr., took place FebruarY' ~1 . in the Miss Lois Linton of Swarthmore of Vassar avenue, who accom- FIrst Methodist Church, HyattS~ and Wawa. panied them home. ville, Md. . " . ",LICIOUI 1I1""1!,,5 to SII,T ~h~T"STI 'If EYI!RYONE· Mrs. Ilo. T. Bates and son John The bride is a graduate of TENDER ST~KS and CHOPS Cooked' to Order visited over~ Easter week-end with ENGAGEMENTS Swarthmore High School' and H ti gt Keystone Secretarial School. · ds" I f rlen EXCE~~ BANQUET AND PARTY FACIUTIES n u~ n on . Mrs'." Florence G'reen Broom'all ' .. '". " . t th· The bridegroom attended CltaMic., b b ef ore gOIng 0 ell' sum- of .South Chester road, h~ . BUSINESS. MEN'S LuNCH 12.1,3Q P. M. mer . home at Yarmouth, Me., del Military College, Charleston, . . . , .. d b Mr nounced the engagement of her S. C., and University of Pennsylh th Comfortoble Rooms Day or Week were ey were Jome y • daughter Miss Ann Wolverton Elevator Bates. They were accompanied Brooinall, 'aridt Mr. Russell .&-_ vania. home by Mrs. Bates' parents Mr. The bride's parents . , ,nu.r\lrlned I and Mrs. Mathew Clarke of Fair- marid Gau,l, son of Mrs. John at an 'open house and reception lIeld, Conn., who are visiting here: James Gaul of ·Philadelphia, and hOnor of •the couple Saturday Yale Ie Harvard Avenues, Swartll';'ore, Pa. Mr. W. I. McNair has re-joined the late Mr. Gaul. evenIng from 5 to 7 o'clock ...~,.I his daughter Mrs. George lIi:. Miss Broomall, who is tbe which they lef·t on a two-'week I . WALTER E. PARRon.. MI" Nil PARILING; ~.d I 'V,ell"sl"y f daughter of Mr. John M. Broo- wedding trip' to Miami, Fla. ..... us an faml y of • mall, 4th of Media, wID be grad. road after a three-month stsyin uated In June from Pennsylvania BIRTHS · Winter ParI!;, Fla.. S ta", .- CaIIege where she is maiorA Play for Children by Childreri' , Mrs. John R. Bates and dangh- ing In education, She Is ;. memMr. and .,Mrs. Wl1llaml ~~~~::~ . . . ter Sally of North Chester road b' AI Lilley of Springfield a took a three - day motor trip f::ter~~ty a:~~a c~~:.e~tana:'~~ the birth of a daughter, Michele, through the New England States lionor society: ' '. on April, 3 In Delsware County . to visit colleges during the SP"lnlll Mr G 1 Hospital. will be presented' by . vacation of the Swarthmore . au, a graduate of PennSchools. sYlvapia State College, where he Mrs. Lilley Is the former Marie 't:HE CHILDREN'S THEATRE Layton Wilson of Strath ~aven majored, in forestry, is a member Lo,u\lle FOl'Sythe, daughter of Mr. . .. of of P'hi Gamma., Delta fra!erl\lty.:-' ' Francis H.' Forsythe .' ayen\1e 1'I.IUep.t:'rtain d.adlnner . ,. ' ; The patern~1 grandThe Community Arts Center party for members of the Octet of ,the.:Glee ------ APRIL 14, 15, 16 r .' _.-' .0 I ~~~~::i:;';;;~::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii~=.=F~ ~~~~~~~~E~P:W.ARDS ,-.:Its ~ '." ',' IArIOIAL·. BAIl ,~! are asked to brlnC sandwiches. at 10:30 Saturday morning. time Earle EdwardS will speak 011 Circle 5, Mrs. lL LIndley Peel, The "Mr. and Mrs. Club" are "ContemporarY Quarkeril!1n - Its TIlE . SWARTBMoREAN . chairman, will meet' at 10:30 at planning a covered-dish' supper Significance, Nature and Extent." .uiiusiDD EVEilY FBlDdAT'sWAJrrmi~aL pA, the.' home of Mrs. E. W. SIIIple, meeting on Friday evening, April FriendS Da y' of . pbiIadelphia THE 8WARTIDIOBEAN. 'INC~ ,PUBLISHER; 8-0900 Plush Mill road, Wallingford. The 17, at 7 p.m. In McCahan Hall. "Blind Week" will be Thursday, .PhoDe . -'". 8Warlhmore -., program 'will be led by' "Mrs. The supper will be followed by a . . PETER E. TOLD; EdItor anel Pnb1llller . Tbomas Ingram. Mem!}ers . are ialk by Henry McCorkle, associate April 16, In Gimbel's Auditorium. 1IIA1UQIUB TOLD and JlARBAItA 'KENT, ~/IIIt6 BcIHon asked to bririi' sandwich~. . editor "cif 'PreSbyterlan' 'We, who It· is hoped that· both· men. and RoaalIe' PelrSol , .. ,:. ., .' . Lorene .:M"o;C8l1er Circle 6, Mrs; Herbert Sanford, will speak'"on. "1\ ~ew Vl!oture.ln ;,vomen will patronize' the. good Entered as' Second Class· Matter, ·JatlIlary2t,· 1929, the PoSt chalrmari,"will .heet at 10:30 at Journal!~!";:~,;!ill :couii~es of. ~e 'luncHes 'whl'*' ate "''''ed durin, ,Qftlee . at SwarthmoI:', Pa., 1P,ld~; the Att 'of Marcli a; 187&.' the. home . ",f Mrs~ B~ce Smith, ·C~lIrch. ar~ . cQrd,a~y InJ!~~. the' 'w"ille ~k: ir!>,m 11::io' Ibn; to 300' North Princeton avenue. Mrs. l()I~. !h!S grou~ .. !or ~h1s. ~eelmg.".1"" ...... ' :", ·,·th··· '. _ Milton' BrYant· will· review. ant;l.~ay l11.a)ard Willts 10 o'clock. ..... '," departD;l.e.nts of, the. t:'hurch current series' on Quakerism wi,ll at 11. . .. . M the 11 '. ';'ci~c'k . ;"'rvic~: Dr. 'Will meet.· The regular~r:tice be given In WhIttier House at 8, Keiser will 'preach the'", seventh. Morning Prayer.' .will be h~id. at . Clrcle'lI, Mrs. Martin y;. Luther, Chairman,. will meet at .10:39 at. sermoi'{ of a "The Lord's L o'clock. . , the home of Mrs. E. l\'I .. Bassett, Prayer." The topic is ""Temptation .Ushers fOJ: the services are as .. '.' and Evil.'; ." follow:;.:. John .·Aaron, T. W. Hop- ~15 North Chester road: This will be a sewipg. project meeting. Mrs. "The Nursery' i~r children is per. "J •. W:. Jonea, W. M. McCawE. P. Yerkes will tell of her trip open during the morning ser"ice. ley; F. L. Michel, F. W. li"lo)wman, Palmer, Alaska. . '.' Mrs. H.' Miller Crist and Vicki Thoma.,. ~andall, a~d .C. M. . Circle 10, . Mrs. Walter l\'Io;r, Schmid will be in .charge. . Wate!'bury. ,At~he. 8 o.clock s!"v- chairman; will ",eel at 8 p.m. in to the high~st. stal'!~ards'-~i!,~e The ushers for the day are' tce. Hugh ,Morr18On .will. serve '. the Woinan's .AsSoc"iatioii" .. Room. ." our' • George Shubert, Edward H. Ais. acolyte" and John Simon ,. at 11. Dr.' E: .Fay Campbell will. speak founding 75 years ago. '. t"n, William C: Collenberg, Theo': Purlng the. 11. o'clock, s!,rvlce on' "What Conttibittlons the Piesdore Jl';addad and Peter Murray. . Ma~garet, C;:~ck and Helene byt",ian Church lias made 'to The Semor Fellowship will have per will be in. charge of the Protestantism -' and What part supper meeting at 6. 'The ·toplc nUrsery... . Women 'play jn the Church." Refor'discusslon will be "The Resur-: Tl'e ,Junior. Conllrmatio,:, Clsss freshments will be served. DI.lao•• OP' .U.NJlALI . ~ •. " . ., . feetion." .' . will meet at 5:.30 p.m ~ollo~ed, by. The Senior Parents' Group will 1820 CHE5T~liT l.!!;r.U,r The' Young' Adults will, hold ,t!t~,At;lulf; Co.nllrm~~ion.. <::tsss .at ",eet 9:30 Tbursday morning at OUVER fl. lAIR, Po."oIO, . ~~ lAIR, PntIcI... : their monthly meeUng and 'SOcial .6:30 p.m. At 7:45 p.m. a musical the home of Mrs. Wllllialn Pegcll1"Tuesday evening d 8. ,'. , ' . program ,anll Bach" Ga~ata 'Telephone Rt "'1581" ... rari\, 216"Yaie avenue. ..: Rehearsal tor' the Junior Choir I be .giVen' bY' the Men's and. B()y.' The Choir rehearsals are as fol:, ". ., is' r Worship .. ' 1;30 T!i~ay evening.. , Children tared ~.or. in ~Wer . We.Jne8d&Y. Clre1e MeeUncs House. All are welcome.. ., ." Mr . S W · 7'00 P M-Senior High. FellowCtrcle ,1, s. eymour . .: ~hip.·· .' Kietzien,. chairman, will meet ,'.,., Monday, April 13 the 'home of Mrs. George Arm: '.~,' · All day sewing for A.F.S.C. itage 410 South Chester road at Wednesday ,April 15 10:30'. There will be sewing and , All day sewj.ng for A.F.S.C.. knitting In the morning. The pro: 7: 30 P.M.-.Mid - week Meeting gram at 1:15 will be a 111m, "These for Worship. "d 'b' g the ~e ThursdaY, April 16 My Brethren, escn m jmn'fz.af tOmfirt • Ut fl'ST caj,o," .',. I.. ;I ····n . '9,!,,-".'!!fIlilrz NJJe Io~F wh.&m ;au , ..!J.... ~J, '"' lie 1~~"!1 !{ '~~~~~~~r' S lZ' ~~r:cT ·,xpo.mi .,.il4n ' ':for , _50 P.M. ',' .\~,~~-~>...:~;.":-,:.r.,~~ Come and lind out how it ~ts ~ to buyIn a btl. distinctive '53little Stude~er., ' t·' ,.~~ 8ty.~ new powllftd y Mrs. Ro~ P. Clothier chair~ The cliJmer and·.lecture, climax the causes, cost and prevention of 2 p.m. in' the Parish Hall.of th.e . authenticate son W. RallPh D. MoIiitey; his telephone food chaimlan, Mrs. Tbe Glen Mills School for Boys Mrs. ClarenceO. Worst. wife and their son Pa,!l wjio spent Howard G. Hopson dining room tailS. . was the subject of 'Don MacEl~ As a·preview_.·ot the'alfalr, Mrs.' Serving on the dinner col$lthal Mr A c rman, s. . W . B ass, J r., talk. He, gave an excellent Valentine ·Flne w.l!l·:,tell·· ..bout the Easter ",ith Mrs. Mohney and Mr. follows Mrs, A, Sidney Johnson, tee are MWI:"ltUsse;y;.. chalrinan, description of the trade 'school butbehind~tbe~enes worklDgs of the and Mrs. William S;';H'obbs and Jr's. organization work as dining Mrs. Helen Hall, Mrs. Henrietta unfortunately only Ihose of high- sale il). ..,. radio interview on the family of Park avenue: room cashier, and Alice Marriott Bruce, Mrs. Leonard Dart, .Joseph er IQ's are' liven this trailiirig, 'lilioi"': 'tJ.oyd Show over WPWA Mr. George M. .l;!1'1ing of . Columanfl members of the Junior Club Conard and Mrs. Roy McCorkel. others must take tbe academic on Monday, Alpril 13. bla avenue, accompanied by Mrs. in charge of the tea hour and The "public is invited to attend subjects.. There is one hundred Ewing, spent several. days of last evening service. Mrs. Raymond K. and enlarge its knowJ~ge Of the per ceht placement for those who trip to VlnMr. and M:rs. E. B. Hollis week on . a business. , \ . Denworth is president of the African continent, its peoples and complete courses In the .trade daughlerLeigh and son Stevie ofJ cennes,: Ind. ", Swarthmore Club. Its problems. . $<:hool. The striciness of discipline South Chester road, accompanied Mrs. D. Mace. Gowing and linpressed Don greatly. daughters Susan and Nancy of by Mary Pbil!lps of Slrath Haven Parrish road, accompanied by The audience felt that the slu- avenue, have returned from Ft.. dents had. gained valuable flrst Lauderdale; Fla., where they spent Louise Johnson of North Chester hand knowledge and keen' aware- a two-v,oeek holiday cruiSing on road, spent three days of last ness of the problems through their the yacht' "Janice" out of 1lbe week in.New York Citro Bahia Mar Basin. vJolts to these' institutions. Mrs. George H. Troxell of West Mf. and Mrs. C. J. Welz of Point ~tary Academy, with her Hostesses for the day were: Mrs. J. Archer Turner, Mrs. Glen Forest lalle wlll enter!ain as Oleir three' sons, spent last. week visitGrogan,' and !\frs. Carl W. week-end \/lUesls Mr. and Mrs. ing her parents Dr. and Mrs. D. A Geniral Motors. Masterpiece At. the tea Mrs: Haldy M. Fred W.. Zlp( Jr., of Westfleld, George L. Armitage of South . Chesler road. Crist and Mrs. ·W. 'Mark Bittle N.J. Best 1~~~~~!:11'I;:aSSI~ed by Mrs. H. E. .. Juliana Richardson of Park ave-I f'~~~~~~~~~~~~"i 1.'1 and Mrs. C. J. Welz of .Due, a j~ior at the University of "J A Dollar Ever Had! }tospltality committee. Delaware, is home for a week's 1l' .spring vacation. '13 . .. . ' 'Frank G. KeeneD. Mr; .. L. ·C. Hastings of HaverH,.t-v·a..01·· avenue will.!!nte¥n ford,'place bSs returned home 0"'011. i .... . . .' I· ...,'." grOUP over the week-end from' a three-mol.th business trip guests will be Lt. Og) thra.ugh tbe soutli. . 11th & Edgmont Ave•. William. DeForest Fetzer' of. Mr. and Mrs. Graeme·G. WhytSpringfield, MaSs., and Ensign law of Cornell avenue returned Chester Charles Keenen, U.SN.R. of New- April 2 from a vacation in the I port, R.I. Dr. Keenen's father Mr. Hawaiian Islands following a de" Caa. CHester 3·3314 J.' C. Keenen of Newark, Ohio Is livery of a paper by Mr. Whytiaw also visiting the Keenens; before a meeting of the .American II Mrs. Joseph Moran of Kenyon Chemlcal Society at Los Angeles. CLAIRE HOiEFEL . avenue entertained' ber bridge They aIso visited Mr. Whytlaw's 13 SouOl Chester ·Road .' club at a dessert-hridge at her sister' Miss Mary Whytlaw of SWarthmore 8-11C8 I . A' 0" ' • _ ·PONTIAC Friend 0 FF C. R. LOUGHEADf.INC:'j . 5pr·.-.n·g.·. 'Suits· an d. ..Coats The Chl'ldl'ie'n's .Shop .,fi .. , isisisisi,::;si:isi.i,i.i:iisi,iii'::;'i:i'i:i*~@~!'i~ii'i'~'~s , g iSS i ««C«« «i£ii£i£ i£q L c: E * Z PE~NNIES' - .... :ome Tuesday evening. Barb~'ari'ia~,~c~a~lif~·i:iiiiii~ii.i:~iiii~riiiii~riiiii~ri~1 :ARE IMPO'RTANT "AT • , ' • ;,.: .. .' Santa ' '0" . . ,.- . , ", . .. '., ,: .'. :;"'"<':. .. , ...... ~ \ 'I>~-'" .:;,~:/ j~.:>' '. SALE DAYS .' '. :,- . ....' " ,"._, .-, :: ,-- Twice cas ·lJfuch ·for a Penny·' More at" ' . . ; ' ," . "~:" .. . ,'" -'. ,. - - .-:<.: MtCHAEL'SCOLLEGE PHARMACY'~':~' -.: .. . , v . .. , ~, .'.; . ,~', { • • , ' . - _, r, •• .Spl'ir)9 'is sprung has riz 'sell Borough Will Have ParIting Meters Be . . . ' - Bat cede" 01 tlle .ClGlOI& ••••1CHCIOt'tA, HJ)GI"CIM . rotill "IM" lIook-lm-tld4itthrl '-.:.; . .';:: RfG4, lor III _I" c1lGngu III tlle weatMr/ BIG bl", or gr61l c1l4mbmy denim, llizu 'I to 16. t· ( ";' • Borough Council voted Monday . to accept the recoinmendation of the Public Safety Comlriittee to install parking meters In the Borough. Decision as to the type of meter to he installed and the exact placeo!. installation Is. still to ljedeclded although the Commitrecommended that they be placed In the Borough parking lot and four streets In -the busilless · Section; South Chester road. be~een Rutgers 'avenue and the rallroad, Rutgers, avenue between · Chester road .~nd c:omell avenue, Park avenue" between Harvard i avenlle 1. lirill tbe. riiilrosd,iarid · DariinOutb ,avenue between Park and Lafayette avenues. Btlrgess Charles R. Russell reported arrangements complete for the use of Swarthmore College student. on an experimental basis · fol' the' next· sil< weeks to direct *' . tramc during school convocation Bnd dislriissal hours·. at· the Elm and Swarthmore avenue inter.section and College avenue and Chester road crossing. A change In the Bullding Code was' adopted to lessen the\requirement for an ,eight inch step be-.. tween a garage and first floor of the house to "not less than threti ·inches". Carl T. Furniss, 210 Elm avenue, and L. C. Gatewood, 104 Elm 8v-enue, appeared before c{,uncil 'in continuation of their protest against parking restriction which now permits· parking ouly on the south side of their street: They argued that If the restriction is to stay, restrtcted parking sliould also be applied. on other streets of the Borough,among which t h e y . · · . ' men tI one d Swarthmore' and Princeton avenues and Cedar lane. : Councll went on record as OilP.OSed to the creation of a coun" &0 health unit now permissive under state legislation on the .rounds that they favored local ~trol. Tbey voted a $550 appropriation for the Summer RecreaUon program. . • -~. QIIIItJ;8d hOJlOl'big '. i:r~eiItary " SUpervisor a.Mild~ .Kldd, .. ' ~ Martha .ShaW'." ifade, GoUege avenue School, .others' grouP. wtIl give at S: 30 tid. afternoon will: be held at the Jli.me of lin. Henry Ranis at i l l South PrInceton avenUe. in,~ of .at the Bullitt home _ orIjlnal)7 pl- reeL.. ' ..' ,,' ~1Jfn. lieu B,.t.he·of.Swu~ .dore a_III! 4Ild 1(n. Albert H. 'fr_cUlaniolNi •. wBl pOUt."': .. ' '0:.:" , toUrlh! • f -...:.'---- :' Theq'e8', ' Baker, Barry Gwinn, .Gurin, Jack Walter, drum.; lriie Robinson, cymhals; Nelson Rubin, Bass .dr)Jm, Ronald Rose ·.Alice Richardson, -... . . . Band' Includes: .G8n Chambers. and Gladys Dutboraw and Kathy Rose Mary Cox, Joan Hemenway, Jeo""P.' chimes and ·glockensplel. M tt in 1 d P t G~1'f Holtman, . Mary PiIlllips, aJore es cue: a sy lJilda Rotbwell, Bea Schoenberg, Blake, Jackie Farris: Jane MacRobert 'Warden, Rohert Young, Alpine, Carol Williams, clarinets; Sandy Hoot, Mary Lou Bralln, Nancy Neuweiller and Jo- St. Petersb~g"J'la.· Bermuda: ' FrIend Joan Narbeth and Edgar anne Shearer. Color. Guard: Mary 'Frlend' woodwinds; 'Robert Bor- Beth Carney, Liz Forsythe, Mari'er J"'s~phine O'Neill, Connie Rus- lyn Green, Patay Magonigie and Brenda von Grabill; sax- Debbie Thompson. ophones; Neil Bell,' Ed Borer, The Band Parents group, led by The~:9ras~ Peter Campbell, John Darling, Warren, B. Warden will serve re. , wonder where my John . Fischer; . George HIgnhtt. freshments to the participants di. .camera is? Charles Hummer; Larry Jones, recUy after 'the concert in the ca, Patty O'Neill, GuY. Packard, Craig fet~lia. An informal dBll'e Peel, Keith Richardson, Skipper students and friends will follow in That weean't 'answer, BUT we can Skoglund, Gordon, Smith, Robert the gymnasium. try to guide you ill the proper Stilwell,. John Wellauter, truro-'-:-------selection of a NEW camera .... pets. Pamela Dodd of Country Club .,.'-. Bert Kroon, .Ted Sanvllle, Lane entertained 20fiiends of the THE CAMERA HOBBY Douglas Vaughn; French Horns; Browni~ Troop il) Wallingford at ... " .405 Dartmouth Avenue Pam Foster, John Phillips, Harvey a movie Pllrty Saturday In honor . 'Authorized eastman Kodak Dealer Hignutt. Robert Hudgins. Donald of her eighth birthday annlverSW 6-4191 ,........ G. West Cochrane _fri. 9 to 8:30 LlJ~tti~e:,~C~h~U~c~k~N~as~o~n:,~S~et~h~S~in~g-±sary~~'~'_ _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _ _ _JJ~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ., . " 4th G.,.deTea ..lac. " 'Cahan, David ,Spencer, Vance Tucker,. sousapbones; Clarence .: (c:ont!nued from Page 1) ~olk RhapSody" and several spirProgram He,re April 25Will ited marcbes. . Benefit BonsaUFund . The iliolirain wtIl.~ conducted Rooert· M;:HoIin, high scbool . forH. S. Graduate . by Bandm..·ar: .Personnel of the The 'WesleYan Univenlty Glee Club, Mlddietown, Conn..• will.'be . P2 a~en~.in fllmiaJ' ~cerf Slit~y nighl, April 25, in the High School.Audltorium by the Wem';"'s Club, of Swarthmore; Proceeds from the Concert wtIl increase the club's ElIzaheth Hubbard Bonsall Scholarship awarded . annuallY to a ilrl in the graduatiog class of the Swarthmore High Scbool . . . Interest in the concert is being shown by the Wesleyan Alumni Club. of Philadelphia and by the several local graduates of the Universlty, plus a num·her.of residents who find a good male glee club concert of' tremendous appeal. The Educ.ation Department. of the Woman'" Club is arranging a dinner at the club in honor of the Glee Club prior to the concert, housing for the singers overnight, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Raymond K. Denworlli' .whose Son Ray, Jr., is it . member of. tbe Cardinals,' one · of ilie glee club's singing units 'which will appear. In a.so10 groUP of selections on the 25th, Will entertain In honor of the guest artista . atter the concert.' Mf. and Mi-s. A. H.' :M:arshand falriily of Columbia avenue have returned trom a ~wo-week visit after spemUlIg,,1hI> hoUdaya with in ~orida. Tbey were accompanl, b Mr M b' . tei Mrs. FlaccU8"'.P"l'~nts .1Ifr. an!;!' ed home y s'. ars s SIS . Mrs. W. Rodman,.Shoemaker of Mrs, J. N',:CJlriStIe of~~cksont R i ' . . d'Th 40th ed ville, Fla., who will VISIt he..,. d;;=V~::'; ot~. and ,¥r; until April 18~ .' ., . : Sboemaker. was obsenred Sun"'ay ,Mise Marcia 'Garrett of Garrett .. I Ft La r with a family' dinner party.' avenue is' va.cationing n . u' Miss.'Veronica 'Sullivan .of derdate.,F1a~ for.a tew. weeks. Il ,. . Swarthmore 'avenUfil has returned Dr. and Mrs. H. Heinemann oJ following a two-week .visit with Dickinson' avenu" left Tuesday blf her brother Mr;'Frank'Sullivan of plane for a. week" b"lI,h.· hI, Schoo' 8andGives ' leton,: trqinbones;l'red 'Bl~in, Mf.. and Mrs. LoulsFlaccus and . .Roland Kenschaft, Ed P.ayne, bar-ltiu:.", chll.dren returned to their J;.5t" Concert r onight .itones; Carl Jeglum; John lnt. -·llho.me in Scarsdale, N.Y.; Tuesday < " ....."i,." , . Wesleyan GleeClob ., WEDNESDAY, APRIL IS - THURSDAY,.A_PRIL:.:16: FRIDAY, APRIL 17 - SATURD,AY, APRIL.la· . _Concert By . , " • ., '.' - .. ~ . ::' '"':~~ '~,~<;~ ,~<;-'1~: ".,... t".. t; <." ,-' . .. " ;-,-t '. '". '-...."-.',.1.' t.: . . : ': .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~M2~..!.~Kee~n~e~n~E~/e~d~e~~~'~~R:U=m=m==a=g=e~c~o:m~m.~i~I.I:e.:e~~.~~N~~~S~NCnES iJ~; 8th .Antiques Fair WIL Afriean Dinner .'~ '" Woman's Club Pres. Set for Two Day Event Opens Here Tuesday . Set for Monday NiIJht . __ ";'-":':Aun·., ~" H~ven.avenue;,'W~ Hook. ; ..t.strath. M ..... enaagement -0 (Continued from Page 1) Final arrangements have beeil to Mr.. Donald . ··W·. 'C' .. froI!l P I ) coper.' 0 f Pros-; (Continued age 'Nlgerlanstudenls at tor of the Contemporary Probfor the Ann)ial Spring, DO'" .Park ball .been .. . for anel hAve judged the excellent more College will'hethe honored lems class of Swarthl!lore High 'Rummage Saie to be held at Trin'of hoiioi{r_tlyat a .posters achieved by. school art! guests when, the Swarthmore Scl>ool. who told of some of the ttyC/lureh on Wednesday, A,pril kitchen shower! iOr " '18: guests students under the ,direction of Branch of Women'sInlemational work of the class-study of ·the 15,frtim 7 to 9 p.m.. and !>n Thurs- given l>y ot",i1Claudia Hancock. ·TIles.. have League for Peace·and Freedom elections In the fall. Income tax day; April' 16, from 8 a.m.,:unUl 'mington at the mothb""ll placed around the ,Borough entertalns at its· AfrIcan Dinner. laws the present'sltuation 1n.Asla; 2 p.m. In' the Parish Hall ,ol . the .... Mrs. R.J. Llttlefield'ot ./>y MrS. P. Clo,thler "l'he dltmer and·.lecture, climax of· the ';"uses. cost and prevention ot ,Ch,p..,h. The sale always more place. c.; lI)an,'!f placing. Mrs.,Clotil- a year's study' on African crime. He then introduced three 'a 'large crowd, due to ,the Mr. and' Mrs. ler and h,er committee have a1s9 lems.begIns at 6:30 p.m. on of the students who gave' excellent useable quality of the wide var- of Riverview road returned 'home posters In rielgbbot- day. April l3"at Whittier House reports of' recent visits penal iety of merchandise offered and Friday foltowing a two-week holling cli!rimunlties. on the".Campus•. ,' Institutions. the ·tlmely seasonal selection day. They' apent 'several dliys at Love... of antiques In .a. tri-state Guest speaker 'is' Dr. Ericht N. Bill Barraclough told abOut the clothes for children and adults, Seat 'Island; Oa:.· .tiI'en toured area are annually attracted to the Getzen.;of Wi!1dhpek, Southwest visit to Broad Meadows. He was cording' to committee chalrmen. thrQugh Florida vllliting-friends Swarthqiore Show.,:one· of the Afrlca •.A: giadU,iiteof Wilberfarce favorably it)tpressOd by the clean- Wearables include underwear, and points'of Interest.. " . oldest club managed, consecutively In.tit\\te in' Dr. Get- IIni!S ot the place. the compara- shirts.· sweaters•• •. hats.. and Mr. and Mr.. Alvllh . Wood .run antiques sbows 1m the eastern zen Iscompleimg his medical ed- tive freedom of the Inmates. and outer apparel. There Is also a Stuart of Vassar avenue have reThis year's 25 dealers ucation ,at .. University the friendliness of the men. but assortment of household arilcles. turned home following' a twofrom five states: MaIne. Delaware. arier which he "plans to return to regretted the lack of an bric-a-br;'c. books and vleek vacation in Delray' Beach. '. Maryland. New. Jersey, and Pen- Africa and mlDlstat·'1O people. program of rehabililation. have-yous" 'to browse through. Fla. Their daughter Patty visited .' nsylvanla, promise, the largest as. HIs ·toplc. ..:m· view cur- Jane Patterson discussed the Mrs. R. Blslr Price. and Mrs. her cousin Jean 'Reihecke In S0rlnjent'of'furnilure ever to ap- rent 'headlines from that con- trip to Sleigbton Farm for Girls. i. D. Bowden are co-chairmen Scarsdale. N.Y.• during the 'school pear at the local show. tinent. is "Africa Today." The girls attend school and ac- 'the event. Committee chalrmen In holidays. ' Luncheon and tea 'wlll be servAnn e Hussey. chairman. of quire a feeling of loyalty to charge of the varlou" tables InMrs. L. Co' Hastings' of Haver.... ed dally. Mrs. E. D. Brauns and Swarihmore' W.I.L.• will introduce scliool. as is shown through their clude: Mrs. Lewis E. Goodenough. ford place will entertilin her club ,:' Mrs., percy G. Gilbert are co- the speaker. .. . alumnae association. In the cot- Mrs: William Watkins. Mrs. J. at a luncbeon-bridge at her bome .:: chalrinen with S. The' diJiner Vias' planned and \ages In which they live. the girls Burriss West, Mrs. Paul Banks. next Thursday.' . L.Althouse In of Tues-, prepared from recipes in get training in household tasks. A Mrs. W. Minton Harvey.: Mrs. Gemive D. Mohney cif Park day's men.us, Alice Lukens of an African :cookbook supplied by system of self government devel- John Aaron, Mrs.· H. Lawrence avenue left Tuesday ior Loveiand, Wednesday •• and Mrs. Paul Her- the Nigerian stlJdents who met ops a sense of responsibility. she Whittemore.. Mrs.' William Mc- Ohio for a month's visit with her tel ',ind Mrs. Edwin Crosby several times'. wJth· the W.I. L. said. Cawley. Mrs. ,.Wllliam West· and son Mr. Ralph D. 'Mohney; his Thunday. Mrs. Clifford Banta. IS Committee ''to'"uthenticate .deThe Glen Mills School for Boys Mrs. ClarenceO. Worst. wife and their son Pa"l wJio sPent telephone food Mrs. tailS. " was the subject of 'Don, MacEl" AS the affair. Mrs; Easter with Mrs. Mohney and Mr. Howard G. Hopson dining room S . g n the dinner coniiiiit- .wee's taU<. He, gave an excellent :wJIl.;.tru.l·!'bout the and Mrs. William S. :H'obbs and chalrman. Mrs. A. W. Bass••Jr., tee e:;: description of the trade 'school but workings of fariuJy of Park avenue: . fo?ows Sid';.:' J Mrs. Helen" Hall. Mrs. Henrietta unfortunately only those of hig'h- sale hi. .,. radio interview on the Mr. M., f:wIDg ofColumJrs. Bruce. Mrs. Leonard Dart•. Joseph er IQ's are 'g;,ven this traiiiiDg. 'lthom;··i.!oyd Show over WPWA bia avenue. accompanied by Mrs. m::bee:;; :: the ;:nior Club and Mrs. Roy McCorkel. others must take the academic on Monday. APril 13. Ewing. spent several. days of last in charge of the tea, hour and .The'public. Is invl~ ~o ~tten: subjects.. There Is one hundred . . .. " . . week on a business ~ trip to Vlnevening service. Mrs. Raymond K. and enlarge Its ko?wledge of th per cent placement for those who dar:grhte:n~igbMr,:hdE~onBSte~;'.,U::i cennes. Ind.' \ . Denworth Is president of the African continent•• ts peoples and complete courses In the ·trade Mrs. D. MlIce, Gowing and · Iness 0f disci p line South Chester road. accompanied, . Swarthmore Club. Its problems. SCI.001• The s tr.lC daughters Susan and . Nancy of Impressed Don greatly. by Mary Phillips of Strath Haven Parrish road. accompanied by avenue, have returned from The audience felt that the stuLouise Johnson of North Chester .' Lauderdale,. Fla .• where they spent dents . had, gained valuable first a two-week holld;,y cruising on rQad. spent three days of last hand koowledge and keen' aware',. week m' .New York City. . the yacht' "Janice" out of the ness of the problems through their Bahia' Mar Basin. Mrs. George H. Troxell of West visits to these' institutions. Point MilItary Academy. with her h d Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Welz of ", eek visit for t e ay were: Forest lahe will elltertain as their three' sons. spent last, w _ Hostesses '. ~ Mrs. J. Archer ':rurner. Mrs. Glen week-end ->;guests Mr. and Mrs. Ing her parents Dr. and Mrs. A' General Motors. Maslerpiece D. Grogan, and 1'/Irs. Carl W. Fred W.. Zipf. Jr.. of Westfield, George L. Armitage of South Chester road. 'Tucker. At. the tea Mrs: Haldy M. Crist and Mrs. W. 'Mark Bittle N.J. Best Friend Juliana Richardson of Park ave- fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'F~~~~" .: ,poured., . assl~ted by, Mrs. H. E. , ,. Goldsmith and Mrs. C. J. Welz of nue. a junIor at the University of A Dollar, Ever Had! .the·,,!,oSPitality. committee. ·.Delaware. is home for a week's .spring vac~tion. . '.: .Dr;\and 'Mr~. "Frank G. KeeneD.. Mr;. L .. C. Hastings of Haver'Qf .Harvard· avenue will.~ntert;>in ford"place h~s, returned home , i(fartipy groUP Over the week-end from' a three-mohth business trip ,' . . ! When iheir guests will be Lt. (lg) through the south. . 11th & Edgmont Ave., WIlliam DeForest Fetzer' of. Mr: and Mrs. Graeme·G. WhytChisler Sprlngfteld. Mass.. and Ensign law of Cornell avenue returned Charles Keenen. U.SR.R. of New- April 2 from a vacation in the pori, R.I. Dr. Keenen's father Mr. Hawaiian Islands following a de" Call- CHasler 3-3314 J. C. Keenen of Newark. Ohio Is livery of a paper by Mr. WhyUaw Sw~th- Ro~ ~r chatr~ compl~ed prllb~ Mon~ dlstrlbu~ ~ ~ So~"'Nrlca'. se~board. Linco~ ~tin;elr hi~ ~O~edl iue.t Mr~. Jo'.D.,J)~e~ ho.meof.h~ Swarth~ G"West~.CocIitane h~es adequ~te ~Of "what~ d. ~ of~kltchen ~. ~rs. c~arge chalnn~n. ~:m ~e will.~ M~s. ~f M~s.:. o=~ Orga~lZa ond~' a~arrlott a'p'r~vlew:of Valen~neFhJe .behind~the:;",enes ~:~HUsseJr"'cha1ifuan. ~ C~nard ~eorge PONTIAC , ,%OFF., C. R. LOUGHEAD, .INC::;' ,~! o-,all . Spring 'Suits and Coats :\ also visiting the Keenens. !-- ' The Children's Shop before a meeting of the .American Mrs. Joseph Moran of Kenyon Chemical Society at Los Angeles. avenue entertained her bridge They '~lso visited Mr. WhyUaw's club at a dess~rt-bridge at her sister Miss .Mary WhyUaw of .....«' ==iii~ii~iiir.iiiiiiiihi:0=me Tuesday evening. CLAIRE HOIEFEL 13 South Cheater' Road . SWarthmO"' • .. _., J . ~)' , r·,· ~- :~.. _", '. WEDNESDAY, APRIL IS - THUR$DAy,:A,PRIL::l"6~ FRIDAY, APRIL 17 - SATURD~Y, APRI~,.l";J·; . . ..,", v , .. , .... ,~ ' -.... ... ~. . . ;;' . ",. ,~,~, ' ..•. ~._ ''t, ,,,,'::,: .- M_CHAEL'S'COLLEGE PHARMACY" .:'. . . ~~ .: .. Twice :as ,MJl,Chfor a Penny More at"· .' "I •. ~01k Rh~~ody progr~H' ~"highschool '·~Ulntri.,in f~aJ' urday·~t. mBn'!; Swarthmore~,~ ~ Mr,~and Mrs. LoutSFiaccus and leton.: trombOnes; ,Fred 'BI~in, ·Roland'Keruichaft. Ed p.ayne. bar- re~~ed ~wo-week slste~ F1aCCUl';"~,,nts'mak1!4r. an~f";:rs~o~eN~Yc~ue of'Jac~nt ~a." " Tuc:~. sousaPhon~; Ill1nIversa~ ~e ~:U!PS: :a:;:ns:;,. :a~hoenberg. fo~Owlng Petersh~g.;i'1a. !O~ avenu~ :lhl:'~ ~ 'SprJrig 'is sprung the:~ras~ has riz n:- . , wonder where ~ .. Borough Will Have' . Parlting Meters • Borough Council voted ~onday · to accept the recommendation of the Public Safety Committee to Install parking meters in the Borough. Decision as to the type of meter to be Installed ~d the exact place of installation Is. still to qedeclded although the Commlttire recommended that they be placed in the Borough parking lot and four streets In· tpe busi!1ess · SeCtion; South Chesler road ben' tween Rutgers 'avenue and the railroad. ~utgers avenue between Chester road .,nd C;ornell avenue, .' Park avenue- between H~a~d 1 avenge, liii'll the riiilroad .....:and Dartmouth 'avenue' between 'Park · and Lafayette. avenues. ~ Burgess Charles R. Russell reported arrangements complete for the use of Swartbmore <:;?lIege student. on an, experimental basi. · for the next silt weeks to dtr~ct traffic during school convocation and dismIssal hours·. at the Elm and Swarthmore avenue Inter.section and College avenue and Chester road crossing. . . A change in the Building Code was adopted to lessen. the. require- . ment for an ,eight In~h step be-. tween a garage and first fioor of the house to "not less than three Carl T. FurnIss. 210 Elm avenue. and L. C. Gatewood, 10:4 ~ avenue, appeared before CounCil In continuation of their protest against parking restriction which now permits parking only .on the south side of their street. They argued that if the restriction !-B to stay. restricted parking .sli?uld also be applied .on other streets of the Borough. ~ among which they , mentioned Swarthmore. and Princeton avenues and Cedar lane. '. Council went on record as opposed to the creation ot a counhealtll unit now permissive under state legislation on the irounds that they favored local ~m>l. They voted a $550 approPriation for the Summer Recreation program. .;.. • • tY , ;:. BY Present Wesleyan lleeClIIu . 'inches", • 'C", Mr. and lI4i-~ A. H. '.Marsh and . family of Columbia avenue have . .' Concert' Schoo" Band ·G,ves children to theu..t VISI ·. ' '. J5th Concert Tonight .Itones; Carl Jeglum. John . home in Scarsdale,' N.Y.; Tuesday .th returned . Floridafrom Theya were accompanl. IiI.' ,. 'Cab David .spencer Vance after spen.cUng,,1hI! holidays WI . In , , . ' M Marsh's (Continued trom pagel> • ' :Mrs. '. . '." d veral splr- Baker. Barry Owmn. Mrs. W. ·Rodman·.·Sboe er 0 ville. whO will visit .,e'1 Gurin • Jack Walter, drums; . 25'WiIl· an se Riverview .road..The.Oth Wed- until Ap'ri1 1S:" . , P'rogram,':H"e.re Aprl. .' I ited marc!>e&.. . ted mie Robinson cymbals; Nelson Mr d Vr C;al'l,etf " . d " . will be conduc Rubin. Bass ·drum. • ding ot, . an.,. s. .Miss Marcia Garrelt of '..Benefit Bonsall ,The Ronald Shoemaker..was observed '. G' 'd Fun I' " by Robert ~'. 0 '.. 'th R Alice Richardson. dlnn partyS"'lpay .avenue ls'vacationiD& In Ft. . for ·H. 5, . ra ua e; .: Banamastllr. Personnel of. e GI dy Durboraw and Kathy with a famllyf .' er Sill;'" of derdale, F1a" for.a few. weeks.· '. ". . '. 1. d in I des' Gail Chambers, an aSk 11M Iss .'Veromca: . u v . D ' d' Mrs. H. Heinemann The Wesleyan UniVerII1ty Gee Ban cu. H ' way JeAAup. chimes and ;gloc ensp e. S arthmore 'avenue has returned r. an ,, ',' esd Club. MIddletown. COllI!:>' will ,Rose Mary Cox. Joan Majoreue.:. Include: Pat sy a two_week ,visit with Dickinson' CO\lcert. 8&t- Gill. Blake. Jackie Farrts. Jane Mac- her brother Mr;'l!'rank.'Sullivan of PBerm a. w lane April 25, in the High Un 0 we. Robert Young. Alpine. Carol WllJIams. St. .. ' u a. La Bralin Nancy Neuweiller and JO- iii~i!ii~Si Sch' 1 Auditorium by the We- Robert Warden. Club. of Clarinets; Sandy Hoot, MaryEd ,; anne Shearer. Color Guard: Mary 1 I: Proceeds from the Concert will FrIend. Joan ~ar~thR::"'!t B~r- Beth Carney. LIz Forayth~, Marl-, increase the club's ,ElIzabeth Hub- ·FrIen~. ~ood~:n Connie Hus- Iyn Green. 'Patsy MagomgJe bard Bonsall ~holarship awardeder. Josep ne von' Grabill: sax- Debbie Thompson, · annua1,ly to a girl In the graduat-sell and. are~~a Bell Ed Borer.. The Band Parents group, led by 'ing class of the Swarthmore High ophones. NPb 11 J~hn Darling. Warren. B. Warden wlll ...erve my School' . " , Peter. Cam r e ,'Oeorge Hignbtt. freshments to the parUc~pants diInteres\ Iii the concer! Is being John F1eche." .. Larry Jones recUy aflerthe concert m the ca;. can1era is? , shown by the Wesleyan AlUDll~i' Charles Hummer!. "kard. Crsi~ fete rla . An informal. d"""e . Club of Philadelphia anll by the Patty O'Neill'Ri! 4H. G,..H Tea"eq ~ '; Tbe':ieab.......irig Elementary ~ a ..MiIdl'e\l. ,~d,; ~ ~ Martha. Shaw'j'~: , '. • ,', . ~';~ '~.f·'~ t~~:, \o~·1·."t, " .' '. .. ,,) ~ ' " 6011";;" avenue school, gmup, will ~ve at 3: 30 afternoon will be ~i!ld at the .others' dib Jlbme of Mrs. Henry L. Hanis at :i.2 South Prineeton avenue, in- .t.ad of .at the Bullitt home _ . or- 'tlllnaUl' pWt4z ;. '.' , . . . t.jJlra. Be. B, t.h\!' Of ,SwUt1l~ 1iiore aftlllf! .-d ~ Albert ~ "*-aur.r...'..... WIIl paur." • .. , --.,;'------::- • , ,; . .' '. • <. .' '~.,c . , t, . ., , .:, l.§"._l~-", .~hester,. ..-. , - Road. Mrs•. Robert E. Marks of StanMrs. Charles E. Maschal of Colville, with her three children, is lege avenue joined the. group of visiting her mother Mrs. Myra C. Doe of avenue. ~~g~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~il Repub.lIcan Women of .l;'eRnsylvanla who attended the. reception given by Mrs. Dwigl)t D.. Elsen- . . . and wqm';" for the teaching pto~ fessl'ib. ThIs prtijp'ain now has ttiio bacJdj;l of ii7lihlv&sijtea of tile .. (Colltinp.ed from. Page. I) .o\BIioclation bf Amencan: Unlve~'. . .~tI~ , ...,d Is UndetWJ:itten by Reverend. Donald Harrington, ~rs unanllllously.clet;led hI.mpres- l\Il'g~~ants from the Carnegie hower at the White Hous.e Thurspastor of. the Community Church,. Ident. I am particularly pleased Corporation and the General EdORDER day.·. New Yori<, City.. \l(1U address the with his se!ecfion .and ameonll-:ucall.lI~ .r¥., pr~i­ 6:-Day Delivery tomoiriiigfo Philadelphia· several AronlmlnkGolf Club., where . Mr. ~Ittee, Mr., Mc~a'De.. l!1dl~~£i:d d~~~ 0, Swarthm'!re COllege. . ... . '-~:- . ." . 'years ago, Mr. "and ·Mrs. Schub!. Harrington wlJI·speak on Ille.toplc that the new preSIdent "meet$ aU . T'h" .. "d'" .. .... .. . '.. .' ,,, '·th· .. . '.. e new. pr ent Is a ",ember Utility Shop h Inger have been residentS of ','More Power ~ the United· .Na- t e.. re~u1fements for ,.e position of . the "American:As:I®laiio~ . cil 19 S. Chllster Road Swarthmore approximately' 20 tlons:· The Only Way to' Peace." as ,8. m~n,t;lf outs!a~iJj~!I,Chm.:a.c;,u,r, University Professors, the,lI!IQdern ~;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;:;:;;i~E;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;:;;;:;;~~y~e~a;rs;.o;;;;o;;;;;;'o;;;;o;;;;o;;;;o;;;;o;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;'~" Mt.Harrlngton was born In .abIlity,. ~.ersonali~y, a~d ~iioE.H~ ~'!&l1ag~As$i>chition .Qcl,tlIe.So;. Newton, Masll.'ln July,. 1914, of ail wli~ brm!l the dyna~!c ~aI.. of ,a clety. iprAmencanStlidies. Id N Y0Wl!l man to the program' Which '.. . .' ...... . w ~nglllOd··tamlb Oed teed . ly. He was he lias' already viSii.allZ6il fo'r'" th'e' .. Courtney .SlIIlth· is '.mll1:ried to. uca 10 the pu lic schools of the f Waltham and in the. First Parish Swarthmore of the :tihure."· . ormor' EllZabeth :Bowden Proctor of, Boston, . MasS.. They, . Church· ,(Unitarian) of that city. ,Iohn Nason, still part time PJ:eS- h DlllliDlg· Room Open To Publlo ident. until June 30 Whe·n,.hIs re's:: ave. one son and two daullhte:rs. . Dunng ,his second year of· high T.helr '. home "Is at. present . in school he detennlned to become ign/ltion is .effective, was· i'd~lIg~t_ . a 'mlnister of religion, and. from ed" by the selection 'of 'Couriiiey, Prtnce_to_n.,...,..,... .._.-,_____ .., ..... that time on, kept steadfastly up- Smith as his succeSsQr. "It means Presbyt'erlon.,Women Hold on his goal. tl)at the College wi,Jl be Jri ~xcelThe tirst step towards its real- lent. hands. Cour!ney Smith know~ Annu'cd MeetllhJ T! .~ji~' l?'~s~ and TR~SIENT G(!ESTS . three years he transferred to the already proved himself an able ~y~enan ChQI'Ches pfJllis. vIc;inlty, Phone SWarthmore 6-9728 University of Chicago, Where 'he administrator. Swarihm~re is 'for- which are. part ot'the"iihifade(phia ;:;:==========================~I received scholarship aid, and"was t.unate to .have him as. itS 'n~w F~esbyte:ri8J., ~iii, in~tlntor. theIr awarded the degree of 'Bachelor president." , . 4nnu:,1 Meeting ~ay':.4pr1l io, of Arts in ~936. Two years hiter .. ~he youthtul president is a naat the Arch S~~ .Pr~iibyterjan ANNOUNCING he received the Bachelor of Di- tive of Iowa where he was edu-' ,ChUrch, 1.8th an~ '''\I;Ch .~treeis, PROMPT DELIVERY ON NEW FORDS vinity degree from the Meadvllle cated in tl)..e public schools, grad- Philadelphia. . . ' ,.', .. ' .in' .. " • ..: NO 7:h~oJc.)gical: ~hool of Chicago. In ~ating from' Roos~velt High School /,t the 1Il0rmng op.en,,~~ss i938 Mr. Harrlngto~ WlI,S.""'arded .in Des:. Mo.!ne~. :' H~ .. ~~duated session the Rev.. JU:char~(~. ~~~ TRADE NEEDED the CruCt Travelling Fellowship from Harvam 10 1938 and was .mer, ot tile Board ot CbrlStian EdBUT· and:~ Jun" .,l939 ,~~L.~~!I, . fo~ e!e:te~ .to Phi Beta Kappa. In l!c"t(Ol1, wUlbe the_~~~'s~~e!: Europe. .. . 1938-39 he 'WIIS a Modes·Scholar At,t"e a~t~rnoon and.el'~\l& '10$. IF YOU HAVE ONE - EXPECT PLENTY FOR IT . A resident graduate studeri·t tor' .at Merton'· <::oIIe8"( '(1)lfford. sions ·ElSie. R. . Penlicld, :s.erefari · Walsh Ford Company a year ·at 'th ..· Unlvetiity.,Df L"y_·.... .wi~h tbe., 04l>Weak of World of WO'n~n's Work,. wjll sl,-eBk' deit, in Holland" he. also ....islted W:~r II he 'retu;;ned to Harvard the work done by.,the women in Yale & Sylvan Avenues. Morton, Po, ; tlif Universities 'Marllin'g,' Kol- . wnere he wiiif a tl!aching fellow Nationiil :MIssions, The Rev.. Hoi! Phone SWarthmore 6-73Bl or SWarthmore 6.1~'li o~er, Oxtord :'''f,d Cambridge, and a.nd tutor until 1943. During' this ~ce ,\V..,,,y/;>'!W' ,whoP ~as ,recent!J' tr!lvelled dUrlO!! his long vaca- tIme he earned an M.A. degree retuHtell trod) ThaIland, wlll tions through "'1os~ of the coun- and was awarded a Ph.D. in 1944. speak,l9.n!.~,!n1'I!l'!ns, In il:!-~t.,area.· tries of Europe. In the'spring of :tIe enllsted In the U.S. Navy i n ' The;,m?l1¥."g}]),eeti,'!~ l~c.$.c,l).ecl,; 1939, he and the. Reverend Vilma 1944. After.. special training he "led torri'i~,9:~!l '1'lll", "'l~'R11' ~f~ Szan~he, tirst w~man ever to be was made .liaiSon officer for Ne- ternoo". ~,\d,.•~y.,\*J.n~;, §~oi,IIIJ,~t or~81ned to the nunistry of Cen- gro p.ersonnel at P.ehsacola (Fla.) ~ p',m,. a'!it7:~0 ,'l.m(.,l:'i~tll\!il!{, , traJ Europe, werll married by· the Navill Air .Tralni'ng Station and r;;:;;Oi.-.~~~~~,~;'=;;;;;;j;~;;;i ~ Smith Named' To Address Courtney Swarthmore President . . From the Swarthm'ore~~'files • O.·W.F. Dinner AprO 21 The Friendly. Circle will hold Its annual dessert-bridge 011 Tne BaDk down "to' 'Ed(lyStone arid 40' stu- Thursday, April 23, in the Swarthreach,~ tht.1!iIh '\fater mark d~nts I headed . Dr. Louis N. 100re Woman's' Club. The·p~ .I d~POSltsl:R~O~b~l~nso~n;j~~~~~~~]~ IClrc.le'swork wiD.' be used fllr .to C~;.;. C'~S111ll!hlI~e ,on the II at' the ' last Satlltd8.)', when their amoulltM to'$552;00Ii~"""" . ' .,.":~,, ...' ... ~> lind Camp Hope<. " . Ar.mo!t:Yt,oj"'&;:~~:~1 Mrs. J.H. Jessup. of Haverford tent on it:be tn11~ " con- ave~ue, put"goln.gpresid~t .of lbe lk,; ',\01,,"io'witl/ from C4'cl\l, en~"d a~ ·a. tea-meetirig at. her. home re:. • c,en tly'. ·ai. wIiJ~h" tiP.te . the fdllowmg' officers were electe,no s~~ tqj. the '~t .. K~~·C.sadl~r, :b:Reed~Geer, vice-president; (;ecll .D. Howard, treasurei-; '.': Th'l.~~""C:Y.N" C~<~tlle Woman's Club. responded nobiy to thl"l!8!1' olI''iast-tUesdaY'''''(;m!; ing followlnl·~e teliltlle' sian of the ll\enwerS. esI' , A scene For valled regatdlng t h e , ~OIitiW:QiiMiODs Sw'!,rthnf,re boy!' ~. ~emphill ,., . . . ,. .' ',.. _". Lun~n'and''i:dward VoeIked...re "DoeaOur Party SyStem-Need botl} slightly ,!nJurpd. ,Almost·. . RemOdeHngf: Sho11ld. '-the Preslthe 'bJ;e~ of day. We.mesday a ffre dent be EmPowered ,Ii>. Dissolve truck: b.ear~g a large toot; went Congress?", .are. ·the ,topics- to be cUsCussed . atp"",el . d!siiussions t" .: :'/t'j~ -~~:' ._, : Apiii. 12,' and '.19 atS}yarthiiuire '. • . William J. Cooper, Foundalion . • and' the College. department of Chester" Pil. polltlcBI i;c1ence and' will .be·hcld ~ ~eMeeting H:01ft;e start!hi,at 0: 15. .' NOW' PJ.AYING The four participants 'have been 'chilsen'because they areoiitiitiitidA LImited Engagement lng 'authoriileson government and . . lIolitics: The party syStem will bf, discUssed 'bi 'Dr. Fritz' M~ :MarX, p,robably pn.e of the outstanilliig experts admllilstration tOday. ~e Is a me:fubW. of the Bureau the Budget and adj'uiictprafessar of political selenee at American tUnlvenity. On the slllJ\e panel will P1iM; T.· v. smilh; a'· former Congressman and' now professor of pi)1ftIcal' Science at SYracuse Unlvennty; Jre ··Is the' aiJ11iOr nin)1erouS books oni"', Harvard , .• ",,_..,. I .' .• J has .STREET CORNER on of DEW DROP INN on th~rY;" Unltar- In June 1944, ·Mr.Harrington accepted the call of the CommunttY Church of NeW York to become,Junior Colleague with John H:1iy~. Holmes In the mi'nistry of that church. Upon the retirement ..• Specializing in short run jobs , for those whb prefer perfection - PRINTINGtIJf~~w~~Ba'~r~!~EY . . '.; MEDIA P A . · 'REAR· DF . MEDI~.F1RS';' NATIONAL SANK MEDIA 6-0486 ~:d7n~ro;c!~~'staff of the com-.~ciljll~~t;):.~;t~l'~,r.!t9i, ':, ~~~~~~~;~:c~~~ ~:~~I~SSi: ui'iJt.'llrofeSiib~ of English in 1948 and i! yeai;.:ia!l;i- was awarded a Bicentennial. Pteceptorshlp. ~:ngtM~~~aslmesunlnanim' 1904U9S'lyMre'l~taerd- In 'Septemb~, IV52 l)~ became . by the congregation to fill= the the national director of the Woodpulpit. . row Wilson Fellowship Program During last .September, he at- 'which was set up at Princeton in teilded the Conference of Parli- 1945. to recruit outstanding men also.the occasion of a meeting Of!= the World Movement 'for WS Ci~'fu a chartered vehicle.' 'hiose who have not been reached by the telephone COlOmittee and who are interested In attending are urged to'call Mrs, c;HIfol'4. Swarthmore 6-1919. , .. '. ".:"-..., It's to Your Advantage SHOP . AT ,THE . " . . ... FAB CHEER "' . S -69c CELLOP~AffE llb.B~~·tOt,fAtOIS.'.19~ .' _.. OF LAMB .;. ~:. . -, ;" . , 3 '.~ .,. " . ,. . SHOWs .., J -~. ~,~, .. ' .. ",. Rugs alld" Cerrl"t ~amp",s DIsplayed In. the . flome Paulsci'~ KNOWS Carpet ........ ...... -aad au· u Mohawk'. exc:iciAg 19'3 Spring Carpet PUPvai. • ·thrillilag dJ5plAy 01 die finest, wide.t .election 01 carpet 'fuhion lavoriie. yon'Yener _ I c:o...ln .•. look ~RJW ••• and ma¥ yoor choices. You>U diacoftt chat this 1e1!.t··{wmaaa Mohawk Caqieq. 8ft • beaet boy than ewerl ... . o. ~.' • 2 M.t: ~, " .' "AlES 'J., ""oj•..J.,:·lft Perioll , •, :.' - ", . .GregQij' lIi. Heath; 9£;' lIlroffijn avenae, 'RuUectse, W'aspromOEed jo SUpervisor, Expediting. He has been wtth the company s1nco"Naveinber, 19110: . . Proiiloted to . . AssiSt8nt SuPer~ VIs:or, Ex~.. In •• ." t ,' •. ", . ,. ; .. ~, .. DIlIEII ",' A'TOOTle· ELEaRIC; ClotflES '. Can dry cloth... in any weather with an. automatlc el_ie ciothes dryer. Just to.. ,!,e. clolheslnto the dryer and set the. control. CI~thes are drled,.~ ~:' . like them, fresh-smelling· and. ~"and the drjer . ' shuts off automatically. Select the aUtomatic eleclric . cloth.. dryer you like at you"deal~s or 'any PhilQcW. •• • phla Electric·store,... ..' , Of~; . " . ~ ... ....... . 11- . . '. . . '-, :-:~' -".~" " ' c .••. '.' '," .' ~----- NEWS NOTES ." T: . 8uy For Your· Deep 'r"z.~ fOo . , \ !:'tI:~~::.j..;;~:~~.VI~~ Qver.Easf;,r \iee~:-iJ.~. /. . .' Mr." and' Mrs. PaUl B:Batlks and .'" ~~""" ......~. . ., .'" '•. ,c;. ~=r~--;~:;.·~·.i-·'~·".J.~.~·1~'.' . .", S 'A'" . O"I'I~. '., ~ A · 0 P .... ., ., ,. .... '" 'O"'E .Or '" . ',,,," . ' W 1'1 \ C 1-\ ; O~ • ,:,~.,.S .''''.... . "".' e:PA~"~ . t4C. ES .' o A ~ t. N A. C.I'. . 'T 1'1 E ~ E daughter Molly of Harvard avenue who flew to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.. on March 23 for the school holidays. returned home last week. . d Mr. and lI{rs. Samuel Rarig an children Pamela and Harry, of South Glen Falls, N.Y. FrIday for' a two~week visit Mrs. Rarig's parents Mr. and Stanley L. MacMillan of Vassar 'avenue. • Miss Barbara Kent of Rutgers avenue, spent a week-end visit:' M Ing with her uncle and aunt.. In r. and Mrs. Audrew McKay Washington', D • C.' 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Furnas of Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., spent laSt week with Mrs. [ft.. ~.J\~. cfY_* ...:~~:.~~~~~---~=======:= Silloway North Chester road. Mrs. Furnas' Mrs.atGeorge, E. SiUOWay'mother, entert~lned a family Qjou . ,1'\."'" l 'ptte .. . cfJ3el"1 ~e \. L ~.Ph ,. ~D . ~D'A\..I.:'" . ' . ' . ' ~ A~e: cO Wo~,,\"'G .FO .,.0 co",S',ae:~.. •i I \l oJ· \ V, . - .. .. ' .... e: ~ t>;f 0 ~ .Large no....i rmetl . ~_43c; 5~$J..98 ..... Had.ock rpI.tI· u;29c :10:.. ,.75 SIdaI,ssW ~. lac: 5:. ale ::"::j!..-_.-:-----:.----: g:::: - .~ *],,..t SV1? .' ~, IV. .• • 1'). J ~ II J 0 -!5'n- J~ ~. ~~ '0(, w..fJv ~~'.' .1'11. . Tliiaia Yo~.~vitation to come in and .... fOl' yourseU what ldrid of elllpl~~~r. y'0ur tele'Ii' 'ComPany U; liita to" learn more about :'~:bs waiting to be filled. You'll like the people, the surroundings, the pay'_~d yo~'11 find the work so interesting that the time'lI,es fast. _You'll di~ov~_". other~_" ad~~n~.~es. Jt~'.,-' . . . . . t'" .. ,,: ... ., .... . .,. .' ,. :'," su~b:as' .~, 'I,; ': _;:' 0,.,1_ ~ ~., . :t_,. \.:...t ~,_." , ~ -' ',' ~ • Good Chance. for. Advancement • • Regular Employment. . .. • Vacations with Pay • No Experience N__ dad to Start For furtbet' information about operatin,& or any other type of telephone WOI'1f..~ 1ft at of tha offices Iiet:¢ bekrR. .. one '. . . •. •. .'::: .•,'.,.' ':. , si."", 6919 Lvd!ow Uppe,Diirtty..... 1631 Arch SlNet, Phll.d.lphla..... , .; A .~. "A 1riott4/P ",.. to _ • 'nllmi Whlttl~r of SWEENEY &. CLYDE GuHers .. .. Baird & Bird . " dinner Thursday 'evening. Mr. Wilbur O. James of Park avenue tlew to New Orleans last week to spend Easter with his son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. ltciss H. Freer. Jean Holman of College avenue, a student a~ DenisQn University, Alice Patterson of.'Maple avenue and Ann Denworth of Elm avenue both students at Earlham coliege, are .pending 10 days of the spring vacation in Ft. Lauder'dale, Fla., wit~ a group of Earlham classlI}a~.· i . Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson of Vassar avenue have' return';'l home following a three-week .trip. to Tampa,. SI. Petersburg, and Winter· Haven".~. . ·Sgt.' .walter;.: mcklnson s~ several days over Easter at his home on Park avenue. On Sunday his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Don DickinSon drove him to the Friendship Airport, Baltimore where he retlllned with General Rowlands and his crew to the' Patterson Air Force Base at Dayton, Ohio.. .' Dr. and WS. J. Leslie Ellis of South Cbester road have retlllned after a 1O-day tour of Florida, during which time they' spent ' Infan;~"~ .. w;,IA~li!IJ' oR~W TOIIlIDY, and Nancy of Rutgen avenue will move to Station road, Wawa about 1Iay 1. t' .' ~.~ ..p.... ..• • 6-34SO' .. ;' .. '. Frosted Food. VCI!Iutt. Vam iii Strawberries .....' I/rIIaIO....... .rul~ . . '. · ehc:ir!~$ -e. I:: S50 =. 'so ',' Fi~c:her ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ,..a···~·~l~~~:":11 ~~dth:o~~b~:at! • Jj·r·c'~uld stlU'be experlericed; that It . Jack Prichard not the Spirit behlnled' hinl t9 .. wIth ondary Education". In the afterqp$.'O~ SLI, ';OVI"$ Th~y eye~.a of)a,st week sll!nd violent p~rsecution from day, he will Hili 0734 th~ ··1\r&1 qt thret; weeldY public man and elements. His wife, Swarthmore . Schools will be noon of..the same ri . Lite t speak on ~IAme can ra ure as ~!!:!!~~~~~~!!!:!!!~llect"r.·ejI . . o...,,;.q!'!lk, ....~., ..... Pit' 'alned.a Margaret Fell, widow of· Judge closed next Thurs(jay afternoon, an Element of American Civiliza~ f'! , liZi!d Thomas Fell of. Swarthmore. Hall April 16 in order that the entire $~.~~I'\'.. . tion". rhls program will be preteacbing 'stal! of the 'school may WILLIAM BROOKS sented in Bellnett Hall a~ a part Ashaa: Bubl>l,h'Bemoved ba~p~fpr .wiljeh so~ 1!'Ill'! In" in dank, dark dun- participate briefly In the School; of the g~ner!ll program. pn tile LaW118 Mowed. Geoeral stl~l~ !1I}Y~ ~".n~Il\~!J, ~- geons and lived to be 87 years old. men's Week actlyltles of tite Uniclassics of American .literature pf . . . . Bawling . tw '. ~I!r' !!llIl>lilr PJI!l'\g "~"'W··.IlI~" is epljghtened by the furniture contributed by Swarth- versity of Pennsylvania. . held In Irvine Auditorilllll. ~d­ Di'fiq~ }'oiJ!ht of C/lllst:" more' College alumni of Great Several teacher~ frwm Swarth- ertck Yocum, teacher of social i 'flI.@,l!rea ... thtaklng·be!'lIty·theBritalniTWOWomenFriendsnowmore schools are listed in the of- studies, has served as tile Soci~1 s1l4~, ¥olten whll~ Mrs: occuPy· Swarthmore Hall as host- IIcial booklet. describing these a~- Studies representative' of . tile 01 NICOLA. attended the World Conference esses for the Society of Friends tivlties. Harry Oppenlander, Southeastern Conventlon' District · PETER . Friends and the Tercentenary in which today owns It. teacher of social studies and sCi-Ion the Advisory <:orrur lttee, work: Construe"o!, " .,...... " i _ E\Il'Olle last summer, slrikingly set Quoting George Fox, "Mind the ence in the High School, will take iog with the UnIversity progrllm forth the counties of Yorkshire, Light and dwell in it and it will part il1 a panel discussion 'on committee. .' 4~.Phcilt or COilc ..... ,. Lancashire and Westinoreland In keep you a-top ot the world," Mrs. Cell.r W.lIs R..Plos....." E!Igland, tbe "GaJ~ Clarke closed an absorbing review llee . ot Quakerism" where lait~ of peOple and piaces in the foundand history fostered a rugged m- ing Quakerism. ' . A Comple,e Insurance and Re,,1 Es'",eAgency .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <.tl:v~d~alism ripe for ,Fox's minis...; Continuing' the series George r trY.in 165.2. . . Walton was .schedUled to speak . 'J'.b~re . the flax weavers were on' -"Quakerism Over the Years _ not. s~tlslled with existent rell- Some Major .Trends" last .evenin!l 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER !lions. ,Jrpx:s message, brought. at and Earle E~wards to "conclude the age, of" 28. from his birthplace. with Contemporary Quakerism _ Phones: 3·6141 3-6142' 4-4291 .4-4292 Roofing . Leices~~~hlre, :\Vas that auth- its Signlflca,nce, Nature and ExI . or~t~ is witp!p. ,th~ person. not in tent~' next Thursday' at 8 p.m., in Samuel D. Clyde Samuel D. Clyfle, Jr. the chll!'c;li a~ .the Catholics be- Whittier House. . lieved, nor .,In··:the words of the L-,-'_ _....:..____--'-'--'-_ __ J. Edward Clyde George Plo~an. Air ConditIonIng Bible as. 'the: Protestant sec~ saw it 'in the Swarthmo~ean." claimed. Fox said the assurance of ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i . GEORGE MYERS, . Truth comes from within. AI- I Box 4B-Sw.rthl\loreW,.C! th0uilh he recggni~~d . the exist. '. PIANO .TUNING ence of sin' he did not believe men Now and RebuUt Plan.. were bOrn sinners. He 'emphasized and .Repalrlnr Blnce 1908 .' .. .that perfection was possible of atAL8~N PARKER t;e.,~r:!!f~~' 1·t.!.lnlnerJt. He "{lenled the sprinkPhDn~ l!Iedla 6-S55ll HOllAel· ling riQfblillding but saida'a people, churc" that was ,.; CO.R. DARTMOUTH and LAFAYETTE AVENUeS .,. VES"A. not ~~~ • " . he the . "hireling Oppaslte Borough H.II lliilcll.g Coilifi'll~II.. . . he called the clerfY; . Mr. . Paul . Is ~ee-pres1dent. the. ·UndergradUate. Medical Association. , ., . . U, ,. It Medical. Association. '. . Mr . Paul's talk was bl!Jed. on • . -" ducted)llst full refense Council at 7:30 P.: lunch in additloil" to the. hot FedM, Iii' Borough Hall, TueSday, eral lunch now served and to "We ftght the dogs and cl;tase ~prll ·14. PlanS will be disellSl!ed H.ot Lunch at Rutgers to Be tender the State ten days notice the cats", squeak the Rats In the for the AIr Raid ·Alert due' withln of desire to cancel tbe Federal play "The Pled Piper of Hamethe next 30 day•. Canceled, Loss Too hot lunch at Rutger. avenue school lin" and with their antics and Only one division has sPeclfieil Great where an average of 11 children mischief (hey will get off to a the informatiCin wantell· tromthe A' new. guidance counselor for does not justify the weekly salary 1·",lUcklng start the ftfth annual household rei!lstrlltlon: cllairtneD the high school was nained Tues- of the attendant. Possibility of in- production of The Children'~ are asked to bring the· Items day evening in a session of School creasing the hot lunch from 250 Theatre of the Community Arts wanted for their division to the . Board adjDurned from April 1. to 30c next year In the high school Center.. The three act play will meeting. Post Wardens .are reJQ),zelie Peck .of Lancaster who cafeteria where around 200 stu- presented on Saturday, April 18, ques~ed to bring .completelthousehas held a similar post at Man- dents are sometimes aCCDmma- In ·the new auditDrium of hold registration .. for/"llB . tq the helm . 'township High School, dated, was discussed. Nl'ther-Providence High School meeting: .' ~ " ,. . . .. Neffsvllle'since 1948, wili begin A lay committee of speakers .on Providence road, Wallingford her duties' at the beginning .of the tell interested groups of at 10 a.m. and again at 2: 30 p.m. next 'school year in September. the need for the bond issue be- OIilldren from f.our to 14 and all ANNUAl. SPRING She succeeds Jean Stratton who ing asked in the May 19 priinary others from 14 to 100 are prom.RUMMAGE pioneered the post here and 'left for elementary expansion, was ised an entertaining time of It.· several months ago to be married. suggested. ,ames' of possible The' Chlldren's Theatre, one of the many class actlv,·ti·es ·offered M memb t ed to A gradlu'te of Buffalo Seminary, . ers were urn over rs. j\'Iiss Peel\: received' her BA. de- Oliver Rodgers, BDard' secretary, fDr children at the Walingford gree iil hlsiory and gDvernment whp will head the recruiting Arts Center, is under the directiDn in 1939 at the University of Buffa- committee. of Mrs. Stuart Graves of M.oylan. Henry J. FaUBt 10. where' she earned her master The ftrst half of the season Is ; A:. recital by Henry J. Faust, of education degree in guidance devoted to training in dramatics ., baritone, is. announced for and diction in small 'class groups, b~ss tlu"ee rears later. In addition to I' tho Philadelphia Music Center til. e Pennsylvania CDllege Permant \N e' e' and during time ideas material are this cDntributed by and all Stuinos AuditoriUm, 1715 Cheste t Certificate she ,holds certiftt th bo nut~ street, tomorrow ~vening: TRINITY CHURCH' c tes for guidance counseling and "Do-SI-DD imd away YDU gD" f e th ys .. and IgirlS. to . 11, at 8:30. Mr. Faust will t the hwriting April ~~hological ;. is h' the 'P~worq be' heard 0whiche isOflglOa scnpof of e play, be. assisted by Oscar Eiermann, Cheste~·Rd. ~t ~ol~ge A~~. .__ , . 'examiner... .. ' th" Igh'soon th' .to,. the climax thet season's .. After teachi·.ng· history' "an·d· w ' annual FDlk study. The children learn about p Ian!s t. J Dan H offman, SDprano, IS . F en' t ··1 e .e V(ed, Ap~. 15. 7 p,m••' p ..... roblems of democracy at Linden es Iva sw10gs into session listed as associate vocial artist. P Fr·day ·ght·A ·1 17 t S all the phases of a dramatic p'rD2;~rrI,. Ii.all, Lititz for a year she' spent I, ~ • prl a warth.. duction and, as. one bDY put· It The public is' cordiallY" i·nvited. ThurS. Ajlr,l~; more ' College • Th t h r e after attending a play in town, Mr. Faust, minister of music at ADMiSSION Sc 1"44-45 as dl.rectDr 'of tests, meas. e-' ents 'and guidance t e .Wi>' festival will fea- "Slnce.I have been in the Chil- the Swarthmore. Presbyterian .. aynesboro schools. From 1945 ure a concert by folk singer Pete dren's Theatre I know about all Church, will present a notably' at- f~=======' ='===~== 1 8 she taught history' In Seeger, .of radio ,. .a n the effolll d and fun 'that goes into tractive a'n d varied program. I .. :I· present school ,She also. has fame, square . d nT te'"dances ,'" in the .East- a play". Scheduled a~e arias,. songs and tou. .,es,. rn st.yles, tlie latter . ' . .., ght a weekday. reJlgious school ern led an, b The 40 bDYS an.d girls in duets by Mozart, Schumann, in BuffalD, served as psycl;leme. Y '. Leonar....:Aad be' of VocatiDnal by local callers ,at, :\ p.m. 10 ,the 'but also; play thellute' with· con. a' uno, tl> bring his . Alssoclatfon, Miss Peck served this Hall gym. .This is . primarily to sidera!>le ability. Now, this disdOllS bere, wh..... you ... y'1."r as seCretary cf.the Guidance te.ach LeWestern a ... ..rCUeruJcompo ...d1 '.. d Leesquare .dances., coverYl,Was most fortunate since ia-alid&...:_·p-'_Loa Counselors and Teachers .of Occu- smce onar will do the cal- the crippled boy In the play does . ya. Rational Information SectlDn of ling in Western style that night actuallY.play the pipe all a neces, ..... CATHERMAN'S! Pennsylvania Slllte Educatloq. As- at 8:30 p.m. fDr ..the big Square sity to the plot. And that Is how . formefly . . ' " '. DRUG"StORE sDclation. She Is now.president of Dance ..in .the Field House., The Sally came to play the part .of a CAR N the Keystalie Gro\1P and . difference ·.between.,square boy and she does It well, It so chairman ·oUhe·GuldanceRDund- danci!>ll .with an. Easteqi caller happens ..that in the. play iile Pied . 6S0lialUmore Pike table. She has written on succes- and a Western caller appears in Piper hi~ does not .play the Springfield, Del. Co.. Pa. f¢ guidance programs at. secon- the swing. The development work in China and later in Formosa for the Economic Cooperation Administration, and was' deputy in charge .of the European aid program of the Mutual Security Administration. The lecture will be open to the public. Congress-BudgetTopic Of LWV·Program Tues. Dr. ·Lucius· J. Wilmerding, Jr., a member of the. Institute of Ad. vanced. Studies at Princeton Uni.t ill dd ~ f vel"Sl y W· a ress memyers o. the Swarthmore League of Wo" men Voters at the April meeting to be held next Tuesday afternoon at the Woman's Club. The pragram' will tollow a 1 o'clock lunchean. Mrs. Holden FUl'ber, of Glen MIlls, chairman of the Swarth!Dore League's Congressional Procedures CDmmlttee dealing with the Budget, will'" introduce ·Dr. WtIm~ 'and preside' at. the ·i-- School. Soard's Financial Problem Be Will Discussed "Facing the School Board's Fi:nancial Problem" will be the- topic pf discussion at the last Home and School Meeting of the year, to be held Tuesday evening, April 21 , . in the high school auditorium. Principal Speaker of the eve'ning, School Board President Carroll Streeter,' will explain what decisions have been made by the Board with respect to the proposed building program. He will also set forth the BDard's plans to secure the funds to finance the construction by a bond issue, and will s(ate the considerations which gave rise to this particular decision. Members of the Cardinals singing unit of the Glee Club, which will present a concert in the School auditorium·n e:x: t Saturday nlgh~, are, Standing (I to r) Ray DenwDrth, Bertini, Buck, Jr., 'wOliams, Soggs, Hume; Seated. (I to r) Gamble, McGrew, Stauf- . Home and SChDOI Pr.ogram fer, Pearson, Dunham. The Concert is sponsored by 'he Woman's Chairman ·John·. Seybold will give ClUb for beneft' of the Elizabeth Hubbard. Bonsall Scholarship. a .factual "nalysis .of the backgrDund inf.o1'll1atlon in a talk weceding Mr. Streeter. He will make friendly Circle B. enefit. . FaII K'Indergarteners' Regl·sier .Aprl·1 27, 28 The annual benellt card party . spons.ored by :he Friendly Circle Swarthmore will be h",ld on April .23 at 1, p. m. In theSwa.thmore Woman's Club. Dessert wlll be The Pre-School Clinic for chilserved. by the hospita~ity commit- dren who are to enter kindergartee. tell in September, 1953, has been announced. Monday and Tuesday April 27 and 28. have been designated as registratiDn days for chil,. . dren who will be ftve years of age 'PI'eII p.IPer"T In WO __ C., ; comparisons between Swarthmore and other districts similarly situated, to provide a frame of reference for the Borough to determine whether local st~ndards are in Ii"'e with those of neighboring communities. Following Mr. Streeter's presentaUon comments will be. made by two' members' of the community who have followed the current ftnanclal discussion. They will in-. _.~~.,J~ma~~JJ~;J!.;t;::J:":S:!':~>=~eIL!.are, :'::~h,~e~:;~::~:~::~~. and Nancy JohnsDn. :daughter" of' Thi; secOl;d' In' a series of study •...•.•~" I L...·, . '11 urgtd to telephone .Mrs. Peter pralSltlg t h'l s problem. These her la.te SDn, Daniel P. Johnson, groups, dealing with International BrowDlng C asslc WI Be Coste, 121 Rutgers' avenue, at speakers wlll be Bruce D. Smith wh~ died in World War II; and by Trade will be held Wednesday Given in Nether-ProvSWarthmore' 6-6842 to make' an (Contin'led on Page 4) a . Sls~er, Mrs. Harold R. Sanson, evening, April 22, at the home of idence Auditorium appointment. Mrs. Coste requests BIrmmgha"" .Alabama. Mrs. R. Bruce Miller, 200 CDrnell that . calls be made on April 22, Intermerft was in Arlington avenue. , "Qur ,Mayor's a noddyP' shouts between ~ and 12 noon and on Cemetery, Lansdowne. Mrs, James Evans. of Walling- the crowd in the Towne Hall April 23 between I and 5 p.m. ford, 'chairman of the League·s when, in despair over the plague This plan 'will provide a minimum committee, will serve as inodera- of ,rats in Hamelin Towne, they of waiting at the school at the time tor of .the roundtable discussions beseige their l."ulers to do sorne- of the registration. Story With Swarthmore which will deal with such timely thing about it. The Mayor and his The purpose of the Clinic is tD H. S. as Background subjects as trade not aid, currency Treasurer .' and Corporation are register ?ll children who will be eonvertibility, and the Reciprocal surely noddies, all right: Indeed, entering kindergarten, to give Excites Praise Trade agreement which will be they supply a good bit of the hu- them several physical tests 'and to "That Stewarl Girl", a novel mar in the Children's Theatre explain to p-arents the plan of Top Performers Will Take up for renewal in June. about mod"rn high SChODI young Assisting Mrs. Evans' will be production of "The Pied Piper of I medical examinations. At the time Part in Week-End Mrs. Walter Goodwin, co-chair- Hamelin" which will be presented of the appointment, each mother people with SwarthmDre High man of the committee; Mrs. H. in two performanceS at lQ a.m. is requested to bring the child to School as a background, is exEvent Here citing highly favorable comment Mather Lippincott, 'Barbara Kent, and again at 2: 30 p.m. in the the School ·District Office, .on the When square dance minded peo- Mrs. Seymour H. Hemenway, of Nether Providence High School first floor .of the high school build- in book circles as its' publication ple don their jeans and callco Swarthmore; Mrs. H. J. Wilhoyte, Auditorium, Wallingford, tomor- ing, bringing along a birth certif- Wednesday placed its : author, dresses to come out and take a of Media; and M~s. Furber. row, April 18. .. • I !cate and vaccination certificate f~rmer Swarthmore resident Mrs. whirl at the big square· 'dance The fact ,that Robert Browning's as required papers for the comple- Sebastian Palmer, on the William Morrow and Company author list. held in Swarthmore College;s Red ,Cross Reminder classic poem is essentially humor- tion of registration formalities. Field House on Saturday night, The Swarthmore Branch, Am- ous anp yet contains both e~treme Dr. J ahn H. Wigton, school med- Mrs, Palmer is the former Jane they will be "swinging their p~rt­ erican Red Cross, reminds citizens joy and extreme tragedy makes it ical Ex~miner for Swarthmore, Smalley, Swarthmore High School ners" according to the Western that May 7 is B1Dod Donor Ilay. (Continued on Page 8) "mphasizes that the SChDDI I~w 1936, whose' pen-nanie is Nena requires a vaccination certificate Palmer. style of Leonard Lee. A profesMrs. Palmer attended the Unsional c,!ller of long standing, Lee on . the official form HHC"7!> as iversity of Pennsylvania for two is journeying to the East coast The, "Pied Piper". Draws Forth Some Artists provided by the Pennsylvani,,!De, years, the Allegheny School .of from Tulsa, Okla., t.o partiCipate in partme!)t oC Health . Natural History of the University this big event of the weekend FDlk' Festival. Blind Students .of Buffalo for two summer sessions where she studied the smalLee, who in 1947 was chosen one Entertain Lions lest lepidopters, and .one year at of the three best callers from TexThe Royal Four Quartet from .the University of Wisconsin stu~y­ as, Louisiana, and Arkansas, has the Overbrook School for the ing micropaleontology. Her marhad several radio program in TulBlind were the guests" of' the riage in 1939 tODk her to the Mexsa, .and at present calls for three Swarthmore Lions Club, meeting ican border and briefly to Colomclubs in Tulsa. He has' als!, been last Monday in the Strath Haven bia and Panama· where she found active in I organizing square' dance Inn. Introduced by Dr. Joseph abundant story material. clubs in various towns in. OklaKerr, of the Overbrook faculty; In 1948 she and hel" husband hpma, as well as conducting bus the Royal FDUr entertained their settled in Santa Fe and converted loads of dancers to. the Dallas hosts with several Negro spirttuals a stable into a six-room house Festival, and has called for seven before giving a d~monstration of built around an open patio· in a:uOklahoma State Festivals, . and • leading and Braille writing. thentic Spanish style. Mr. Palmer seven North Eastern FestivalS. He On behalf of the Club, Lion a native of Mallorca in .the Balhas helped orgpnize the State AsTheodore Purnell presented each earlc Islands, Spaih, and a nasociation and the Northwest Asof the BDY Scout Troops jntionallY-known translator, . poet sociation, and som.ehow, in his Swarthmore with a check for $25. and newspaper man in his own spare time, Mr. Lee has ·written a Peter Murray, Scout Master .of language, died in 1951. There are ibook on square dancing which has Troop 2 and Arlhur JDhnSOn, three younl Palmers, Alfred, II; just sold 1000 publications. Scout Master of Troop 3, were in- Edgardo, 3; and Marianna, 16 The th1"1ee day FestIval of sing': Members of the ChUdren's Thea"'" make posters at the Comma.: vited guests of the Lions. months. alb Ar&s Center for their f_~mintr play, "The Pled Piper of ing and dancing will be climaxed Befol"1e the meeting' was adIn addition to her writing, Mrs. on Sunday afternoon by a concert ,BuneJln," to be trlven on Saturday, April 1B, at Nether Provldeace joorned, Charles Lincoln was apPalmer's aotlvitles·lnclude articles Cra&aley, by 'Pete Seeiet, ""ell-known folk ~ 8ehoOI, WaIllntrfonJ. 'l'IIe7 are left to rIdlt: pointed chairman of the commit- and Illustrations on.' "Things to singer. Halling from aD old musCaroline MacNair, Sally Billie, Tulor' Dilr;. Kruqn, aU In cbarle of the Blind Fair to Make and'Do from Nena.Palmer", teal tamlly Seefense Council at 7:30 P. M. at Borough Hall, Tuesday, April 14. Plans will be discussed for the Air Raid Alert due within the next 30 days. Only one division has specified the information wanted from the household registration. Chairmen are asked to bring the items SALE.. TRINITY CHURCH !::==========::_=-=-=-=-== learn 1 ! , ~ , ,I ," :iiit::i Diluzio and Sons Florist " " C'ARNS ____ = CO.ED BEAUTY 1 I SALON Open Thursday Nighl. PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE, Swartilmqre 6-1013 ing which has just sold its flrst 1000 publications. The festival will continue on Sunday morning with a Jam Sessian at 10 a.m_ in Bond Memorial. All persons attending this event will contribute with folk songs that they know. The climax and conclusion of this gala week-end will be a concert in Clothier Memorial at 2 P . m. Sunday afternoon by the to play the Pied Piper's music ~=_= backstage on her flute. The cast includes other Swarthmore children in addition to Sally. They are Taylor Barnett, Bruce Cratsley, Christian Decker, Elayne Egbert, James and Keith Fox, Edgar Harris, June Lee Heckman, Ad a and Dory Kroon, Caroline = ~ MacNair and Louise Welz. From Wallingford are Rusty DeCamp, Carole Ann Forbes, Bill Irving, § i famThousFPelkte Fseet~e:'l . h PRe,·cghgaYrdMCwG,OnVnern'LyRnOnSelynwooSkdlaarll' .~:;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;:;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;:~ I e a es 1'1.. IS run eac ' i year by the Square Dance Club of and Tommy Woodall. Jean An- NORMAN COUSINS writes challenging new book "WHO SPEAKS FOR MAN?" A definition of hope for in the atomic age man Order today SWarthmore 6-5152 United World Federalists Swarthmore. Annual 1: ," ' ~::~~:~ ~~th~:~~e ~::!~so~u::: from Rutledge. TO HEAR VON' ERFFA From Moylan, in addition to Richard Graves, are Gwynneth Helmut von Erffa, former Swarthmore professor of fine arts Elkinton, Danny Israel, Hal 1.0and now chainnan of the art de- gan, Karen Miller, Frank Turner. partment at Rutgers, will deliver James Baker, Sandra Mitchell. the annual Benjamin West So- Steven Peck, Ann Pyle, are from ciety lecture on April 16 in the Media. To complete the cast are Swarthmore Meeting House. His Fernand Vandergracht of Rose subject will be I~Classic, Romantic Valley, Lise Jo Waldman of Seand Quaker Trends in Benjamin cane, Suzanne Ahrens of Glen West." Riddle and Hesna Johnston and Peggy Jones, both of Glenolden. Barbara Ether of Media and a NEW CASTLE ANTIQUE SHOW April 22, 23, 24, 25 Old Academy-on-the.Green Arsenal Bldg. New Castle, Delaware student at Nether Providence H.S., is assistant to the director. = ;; = !Eli = ~ - ~ Sissy Collars f OC CO•EDS = _-= 98c and ~ 1·88 ~ Come see, smarty . . . you'll be captivated by our news5] making colleclion . . . Peter § collars, Pan or V-neck styles. Plain fancies, all flower ~ collars. 5 ;;;;; §j §!] ~ ~ ~=_ ~_= 5 5 iii i I Eli iii § § == ;:: ;:: as _-----=i· The R. L. Wilkim.ons returned ~ Tuesday to their home on Dickinson avenue after an Easter vaca- ~ tion in Hot Springs, Va., where § they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. § Charles Turner, .Jr., of German- =-~ town, and their two daughters, Susanne and Sandra. AlsQ in the party was Mrs. Charles Turner, Sr., of Ridley Park. _- - = MOREAN TEST 55 • _-----=i § STOLES are this seaso....s most imortantaccessory They're wearing stoles this year . _ . to add extra glamour to suits and dresses Come in and choose yours from our wid~ and varied collcction. ~ = - _~ 1.88 to 14.98 !lIl11l1l1l11l1l1l1l11l1l11l11lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~IIHllllnIIlIllIlIllIHllnl1t11II11IIII11I11IUUIIIIIIRRI~ TUESDAY, APRIL 21 • Services Monday for Mrs. 'A. S. Johnson Death of Beloved Chester Rd. Resident Occurred April 10 Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church for May Pierson Johnson, wife of Albert S. Johnson, whose death occurred Friday, April 10, at her late .home 211 South Chester road, after a brief illness. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop officiated at the services. 1\'Irs. Johnson was born in Yanceyville, N. C., the daughter of Daniel Pierson, Jr., and Elizabeth S. Pierson. She was educated in Wilmington, Del., and resided with her parents in East Orange, N. J., where she was married and soon afterward came to Swarthmore to make her home. Prior to building their home on Chester road, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson resided on Rutger~ avenue. She was an active and appreciE.ted member of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, the Woman's Club of Swarthmore, the Friendly Circle, th~ Auxiliary of the Ainsworth-Wernher American Legion Post. Quietly she earned a host of warm friends here by her never-failing appreciation and thoughtfulness of others and by her generosity. In addition to her husband, she is survived 'by a son, A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., North Chester road; th.ree grandchildren, Louise P. Johnson. A. Sidney Johnson, 3rd, and Nancy Johnson, daughter' of her late son, Daniel P. Johnson, who died in World War II; and by a sister, Mrs. Harold R. Sanson, Birmingham, Alabama. Interment was in Arlington Cemetery. Lansdowne. $3.50 PER YEAR SWAHTIlJ\lOHE.... IUlM .... APRIL 17, 1953 VOLUME 25-NUMBER 16 ------------------~----~--------- Cleveland Scheduled for Lecture on Foreign Aid Wesleyan College Glee Club The department of economics and the William J. Cooper Foundation of Swarthmore College have announced a lecture by Harlan Cleveland on the subject, "Is our Foreign Aid Policy Getting Us Anywhere?" to be given in the Meeting House on Friday, April 24, at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Cleveland, a grandson of President Grover Cleveland, is executive editor of The Reporter ~agazine. He was formerly in charge of economic development wOl-k in China and later in Formosa for the Economic Cooperation Administration, and was deputy in charge of the European aid program of the Mutual Security Administration. The lecture v{ill be open to the public. eongress·BudgetTopic Of LWV·Program Tues. Dr. Lucius' J. Wilmerding, Jr., a member of the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton University will address members of the Swarthmore League of Women Voters at the April meeting to be held next Tuesday afternoon at the Woman's Club. The program will follow a 1 o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Holden Furber, of Glen Mills chairman of the Swarthmore'League's Congressional Procedures Committee dealing with the Budget. will introduce Dr. Wilmerding and preside at the meeting. Study Trade The second in a series of study groups, dealing with International Trade will be held Wednesday evening, April 22, at the home of Mrs. R. Bruce Miller, 200 Cornell avenue. Mrs. James Evans, of Wallingford, chairman of the Leaguc·s committee, will serve as moderator of. the roundtable discussions . ' which will deal with such timely Home &School Meets Tuesday at 8 P. M. School. Board's Financial Problem Will Be Discussed Members of the Cardinals singing unit of the Glce Club, which will present a concert in the School auditorium·n ext Saturday night, are, Standing (1 to r) Ray Denworth, Bertini, Buck. Jr., Williams, Soggs, Hume; Seated (I to r) Gamble, McGrew, Stauffer, Pearson, Dunha.m. The Concert is sponsored by the Woman's Cllib for benefit of the Elizabeth Hubbard Bonsall Scholarsilip. Friendly Circle Benefit Fall Kindergarteners· Register April 27, 28 "Facing the School Board's Financial Problem" will be the topic of discussion at the last Home and School Meeting of the year, to be hCId Tuesday evening. April 21, in the high school auditorium. Principal Speaker of the evening, School Board President Carroll Streeter, will explain what decisiuns have been made by the Board with respect to the proposed building program. He will also set forth the Board's plans to secure the funds to finance the construction by a bond issue, and will state the considerations which gave rise to this particular decision. Home and School Program Chairman John Seybold will give a factual analysis of the background information in a talk Rreceding Mr. Streeter. He will make comparisons between Swarthmore and other districts similarly situated, to pro\'ide a frame of reference for the Borough to determine whether local standards are in Jihe with those of neighboring communities. Following Mr. Streeter's presentation comments will be made by two members of the community who have followed tho current financial discussion. They will indicate the considerations which seem to them significant in appraising t his problem. These speakers will be Bruce D. Smith (Continued on Page 4) The annual benefit card party sponsored by ~~he Friendly Circle Swarthmore will be held on April 23 at I p. m. In the Swarthmore The Pre-School Clinic for chilWoman's Club. Dessert will be dren who are to enter kindergarserved by the hospitality committen in September, 1953, has been tee. announced. Monday and Tuesday April 27 and 28, have been designated as registration days for chil. dren who will be five years of age prior to January 31, 1954. • Mothers of sucn. children are urged to telephone Mrs. Peter Browning Classic Will Be Coste, 121 Rutgers avenue, at Given in Nether-Prov- SWarthmore 6-6842 to make an appointment. Mrs. Coste requests idence Auditorium that calls be made on April 22, "Qur Mayor's a noddy!" shout:; between ~ and 12 noon and on the crowd in the Towne Hall April 23 between 1 and 5 p.m. when, in despair over the plague This I?l~n will provide a minim.um cf ,rats in Hamelin Towne, they of waItIng at the school at the tIme beseige their 'rulers to do some- of the registration. thing about it. The lMayol' and his The purpose of the Clinic is to , Treasurer' and Corpcration are register all children who will be surely noddies, all right. Indeed, entering kindergarten, to give they supply a good bit of the hu- them several physical tests and to Trade agreement which will be mor in the Children's Theatre explain to p-arents the plan of Top Performers Will Take up for renewal in June. production of "The Pied Piper of 1 medical examinations. At the time Assisting M!"s. Evans will be Part in Week-End Hamelin" which will be presented of the appointment, each mother Mrs. Walter Goodwin, co-chairin two performances at 1Q a.m. is requested to bring the child to Event Here man of the committee; Mrs. H. and again at 2: 30 p.m. in the the School -District Office, on the When square dance minded peo- Mather Lippincott, Barbara Kent, Nether Providcnce High School first floor of the high school buiIdpIe don their J·eans and calico , Mrs. Seymour H. Hemenway, of Auditorium, Wallingford, tomor- I ing, bringing along a birth certif. dresses to come out and take a Swal'th~ore; Mrs. H. J. Wllhoyte, row, April 18. • ! icate and vaccination certificate whirl at the big square dance of Media; and Mrs. Furber. The fact that Robert Browning's! as required papers for the compleheld in Swarthmore College's classic poem is essentially humor-I Uon of registl'ati.on formalities. Red Cross Reminder Field House on Saturday night, Dr. John H. Wlgton~ school medThe Swarthmore Branch, Am- aus and yet contains both extreme they will be "swinging their partjoy and extreme tragedy makes it I ical Examiner for Swarthmore, erican Red Cross, reminds citizens ners" according to the Western (Continued on Page 8) emphasizes that the school law that May 7 is Bloed Donor Day. style of Leonard Lee. A profes- ________________________________ requires a vaccination certificate sional c~ller of lon'g standing, Lee on the oflicial form HHC-75 as is journeying to the East coast provided by the Pennsylvania DeThe "Pied Piper" Draws Forth Some Artists from Tulsa, Okla., to participate in partment of Health. this big event of the weekend Folk Festival. Blind Stndents Lee, who in 1947 was chosen one Entertain Lions of the three best callers from TexThe Royal Four Quartet from as, Louisiana, and Arkansas, has the Overbrook School for the had several radio program in Tulsa, and at present calls for three Blind ' .... ere the guests of the Swarthmore Lions Club, meeting clubs in Tulsa. He has also been I last :\Ionday in the Strath Haven active in .organizing square dance I Inn. Introduced by Dr. Joseph clubs in various towns in OklaKerr. of the Overbrook faculty, homa, as well as conducting bus the Royal Four entertained their loads of dancers to the Dallas hosts with several Negro spirituals Festival, and has called for seven Oklahoma State Festivals. and 'I before giving a d~monstration of seven North Eastern Festivals. He , leading and Braille writing. On behalf of the Club, Lion has helped organize the State AsTheodore Purnell presented each sociation and the Northwest Asof the Boy Scout Troops in sociation, and somehow, in his Swarthmore with a check for $25. spare time, Mr. Lee has written a Peter Murray, Scout Master of book on square dancing which has Troop 2 and Arthur Johnson, just sold 1000 publications. Scout Master of Troop 3, were inMembers of the Children'S Theatre make posters at the CommuThe three day Festival of singvited guests of the Lions. nity Arts Center for their forthcoming play, "The Pied Piper of ing and dancing will be climaxed Before the meeting was adHamelin," to be given on SaturdaYt April 18, at Nether Providence on Sunday afternoon by a concert journed, Charles Lincoln was apHlgb School, Wallingford. They are leU to rigbt: Bruce Cratsley, by 'Pete Seeger, well-known folk pointed chairman of the commitCaroline MacNair, S.llv Hu..." Taylor Barnett, Dory KrooD, all singer. Hailing from an old mustee in charge of the Blind Fair to of Swaribmore, Jean Anderson and Susan Jaekson of Rutledge, ical family In New York, Seeger be held in May at the Fire House. and Louise Web of !!wartbmo.... (Continued on Page 8) I Seeger l ee H·Ighi'Ight College Folk Festival ~~~~e;';;i.::~i:~~~~n~o:h~dR~~i;~;C?; 'poIedP'Iper,.In Two Performances Sat I I _==== ~ 2:35 p, M. RAID RUMMAGE " LI~:lj~y AIR "We fight the dogs and chase Hot Lunch at Rutgers to Be tender the State ten days notice the cats", squeak the Rats in the of desire to cancel the Federal play "The Pied Piper of HameCanceled, Loss Too hot lunch at Rutgers avenue school lin" and with their antics and Great where an average of 11 children mischief they will gel off to a 'rollicking start the fifth annual A new guidance counselor for does not justify the weekly salary of the attendant. Possibility of in- production of The Children's the high school was named Tuescreasing the hot lunch from 25c Theatre of the Community Arts wanted for their division to the day evening in a session of School to 30c next year in the high school Center. The three act play will be meeting. Post Wardens are reBoard adjourned from April 1. cafeteria where around 200 stu- presented on Saturday, April 18, quested to bring completed houseJQyzelle Peck of Lancaster who dents are sometimes accommo- in the new auditorium of the hold registration forms to the has held a similar post at ManNether-Providence High School dated, was discussed. meeting. heim Township High School, A lay committee of speakers to on Providence road, Wallingford Neffsville since 1948, will begin at 10 a.m. and again at 2: 30 p.m. • her duties at the beginning of the tell interested groups of citii:ens Cflildren from four to 14 and all of the need for the bond issue beANNUAL SPRING next school year in September. others from 14 to 100 are proming asked in the May 19 primary She succeeds Jean Stratton who ised an entertaining time of it. pioneered the post here and left for elementary expansion, was The Children's Theatre, one of several months ago to be married. suggested_ ~ames of possible the many class activities offered members were turned over to Mrs. A graduate of Buffalo Seminary, for children at the WaJingford Oliver Rodgers, Board secretary, Miss Peck received' her B.A. deArts Center, is under the direction who will head the recruiting lIenry J. Faust gree in hist'ory and government of Mrs. Stuart Graves of Moylan. corrunittee. in 1939 at the University of BuffaThe first half of the season is A recital by Henry J. Faust, 10' where she earned her master devoted to training in dramatics bass baritone, is announced for of education degree in guidance and diction in small class groups, the Philadelphia Music Center t~ree years later. In addition to and during this time ideas and Studios Auditorium, 1715 ChestUte Pennsylvania College Permanmaterial are contributed by all nut street, tomorrow evening, , eht Certificate she holds certiftthe boys and girls to the writing April 11, at 8:30. Mr. Faust will "Do-Si-Do and away you go" c'tes for guidance counseling a.nd of the original script of the play, be assisted by Oscar Eiermann, Chester Rd. at Callege Ave. is the lIJassword soon to be heard p~ychological examiner. which is the climax of the season's pianist. Joan Hoffman, soprano, is when the eighth annual Folk . After teaching history . and. Festival swings into session on study. The children learn about listed as associate vocial artist. Wed. Apr. IS, 7 p,m,.9 p.m. ptoblems of democracy at Linden Friday night, April 17 at Swarth- all the phases of a dramatic pro- The public is' cordially invited. Thurs. Apr. 16, 8 a.m ••2 p,m. Hall, Lititz for a year she spent more College. duction and, as one boy put it Mr. Faust, minister of music at ADMISSION 5c: after attending a play in town, 1 ~44-45 as director 'of tests, measthe Swarthmore Presbyterian The three-day festival will fea"Since.I have been in the Chiluremen ts and guidance in Church, will present a notably atWaynesboro schools. From 1945 to ture a concert by folk singer Pete dren's Theatre I know about all tractive and varied program. Seeger, of radio and recording the eiTor,t and fun that goes into 1948 she taught history in her Scheduled are arias, songs and present school. She also has fame, square dances in the East- a play". duets by Mozart, Schumann, The 40 boys and girls in the t.jught a weekday religious school ern and Western styles, tlie latter Puccini, Giordano, Dubussy, in Buffalo, served as psycheme- led by Leonard Lee of Tulsa, Theatre all have speaking parts Flegier, and others. trlst at Pennsylvania State Col- Oklahoma, one of the outstanding in "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" l~ge Center and at Franklin and square dance callers in the South- and their study of historical backFriendly Circle to Meet Marshall College, and coached de- west, ~nd lots of ~udience partici- ground has enriched the interprepation, both singing and dancing. tation of the characters portrayed. • Yes, by all JIleans, leani The next meeting of the v~topmental reading. For two tbe facts concerning your Leading off the week-end of In addition to acting ability. other s';'mmers she was social case Friendly Circle will be held at pby.ical condition. Health worker with the Lancaster Chll- activities' is a Square Dance which talents were sought to fill partic- the home of Mrs. Edward Furst is a prec;ous· asset. Guard will be held in the Field House at ular roles_ The children were askdhm's Bureau. 8:30 p.m. Outstanding local callers ed if they could sing, dance, turn of Guernsey road. Mrs. Kendall it carefully. Consult your : A member of the American will be on band for this event. cartwheels, or play an instrument. C. ~adler will serve. as co-hostess. pbysician at the irst sug•. Psychological Association, Amerigestion of illn..... , And be' On Saturday there will be a It was discovered that Sally Huse ~i3iilii3iilii3iilii3::;a~ cAn Personnel Guidance Associa"teaching and exchange session" of Swarthmore could not only' act , sure to bring bis prescriptip'n legislative committee tions her~ where you are of" t __. nsylvania Vocational by local callers· at 2 p.m. in the but also play the flute with conHall gym_ This is primarily to siderable ability. Now, this disauured· careful compoundA:Ssociation, Miss Peck served this teach Western square dances, covery ,was most fortunate since iog aod fair 'price.. always. ytar as secretary of the Guidance since Leonard Lee will do the calthe crippled boy in the play does Counselors and Teachers of OccuCATHERMAN'S pational Information Section of ling in Western style that night actually play the pipe as a necesForme"'y DRUG STORE Pennsylvania State Education As- at 8:30 p.m. for the big Square sity to the plot. And that is how Dance in the Field House. The Sally came to play the part of a sociation. She is now.president of the Keystone Group and vice- main difference between square boy and she does it well. It so 650 8altimore Pike dancing with an Eastern caller happens that in the play the Pied chairman of the Guidance RoundSpringfield, Del, Co.. Pa, table. She has written on succes ... and a Western caller appears in Piper himself does not play the SWarthmore 6.0450 the swing. The dances on Friday pipe on stage, which is fortunate ful guidance programs at seconOpen 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. night will be called according to indeed since none of the taller dary level, including oHentation, exploration, information and ex- the Eastern style, but that will boys can play any such instru- ~S~S~S~'~%~i~i~i~%~%~S~S~S~$~S~i~s~,~s~s~s~s~>'l_ _ _ _ _ _~~~~=give way to the familiar, habitual ment (a trumpet was hardly the :: perience, for the Pennsylvania Western style of the guest caller thing). So Dick Graves (who ~IIIUIIIIIII"you Me~t the Nicest People at Speore's"IIUIIHlI., School Journal. on Saturday evening. Lee is pres- plays nothing but a tr~mpet) was Donald P. Jones, finance officer ently engaged in calling for 5 cast as the Pied Piper and Nina ~ § of the Board, reported a meeting clubs, and in his spare time has Catherine Jones, a former mem- ~ with Mrs. Violet C. Mason, cafe- written a book on Square Danc- ber of the Theatre was called in = Folk Festival Begins At College April 17th ,""·mrthmore Co lll;lce Li br"ry ,,'vmrthmore, PA.. I I I Jane Smalley Palmer Publishes First Book Story With Swarthmore H, S. as Background Excites Pra ise "That Stewart Girl", a novel about modern high school young people with Swarthmore High School as a background, is exciting highly iavorablc comment in book circles as its publication Wednesday placed its author, former Swarthmore resident Mrs. Sebastian Palmer, on the William Morrow and Company author list. l\!Irs. Palmer is the former Jane Smalley, Swarthmore High School 1936, whose pen-name is Nena Palmer. Mrs. Palmer attended the University of Pennsylvania for two years, the Allegheny School of Natural History of the University of Buffalo for two summer sessions where she studied the smallest lepidopters, and one year at the University of Wisconsin studying micropaleontology. Her marriage in 1939 took her to the Mexican border and briefly to Colombia and Panama where she found abundant story material. In 1948 she and her husband settled in Santa Fe and converted a stable into a six-room house built around an open patio in authentic Spanish style. Mr. Palmer a native of Mallorca in the Balearic Islands, Spain, and a nationally-known translator, poet and newspaper man in his own language, died in 1951. There are three younl Palmers, Alfred, II; Edgardo, 3; and Marianna, 16 months. In addition to her writing, Mrs. Palmer's activities include articles and illustrations on "Things to Make and Do from Nena Palmer", (Continued on Page 5) T. Wolf of Park ave-ltbe Executive Board Of' the PhilLetters to the Editor '1I nueMrs.onLeroy April 10 completed her adelphia Presbyterial "",d two .--------------:1 term. of office Of. three years of years,' in District .t of the Phlla- . THESWARTHMOREAN Page 2 Danforth left for Parris Island, S. C., where he is with the Marine Corps. While at Union College, Schenectady, N.Y., he was pledged to Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. Mrs. Charles T. Deacon pf Lafayette avenue will leave Saturday April 25 on the S. S. Ryndam for a two-month visit with. rela~ tives in London, England. Mrs. Deacon will attend the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. During her absence her son - in -law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Myron Durkee will occupy the Deacon home. Personals .. organist, presented the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a' wedding gown featuring a lace bodice with illusion neckline, full skirt of satin '. r - ' .. ' . ' , with lace panel and chapel length train. Her veil of illusion was fastened to a cap of lace medallions and she carried white lilacs, lilies of the valley and stephanotis. The bridal attendants, Mrs. Ernest Dickins, Jr., of Providence; R.I., and Mrs. Donald WIlite of 11----------------------- ---- The Bouquet, - ,, • I ~usual CH~~K YQU~ ~AR far SPRING ) .,-.~ WE , I;J> .--~ Carroll,rs. 0:(a her ez .. I J r., . a t the h' ome parents Mr. and Mrs. William Sproul Lewis o. " D " • eep ....eadows" Gradyville. ' ' P4DGETT-DUNN The marriage of Miss Teel Dunn othim ferns, white spring flowers and lighted cathedral candles in candelabra. Miss Bertha Gardiner, church CI1'lS~ road. A~~ """ndin!! a week at hIS ho~e on HiIlbom av~ue, Dick "F~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";;~~~~~~ II '. -, -". THE ~1LYERS . -, I' F============:' SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL MAGAZINES MRS. LLoYD E. KAUFFMAN 313" Dartmouth Avenue' ~~s~w~a~rt~I~.m~ore~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ .COlLEGET"EATft~ Swarthmore,l'a. '. CLUB ',r L _. of Swartbniore . . and POT ·ea.llerolf' Catering Servlee ... . SPECIALIZINGtIN ,,1lNCQONI'I BUliEt 8UPPDS COCKTAIL 'Ail'DBS CM.L Marge Hw;d - Swa. 8-3188 G" . . . . . . .. of a r ''The Quiet Man" ale Special children's show Sat.. 1 PJ\1. Cartoons, 8h~ e&medy &: Serial pl._dy _ In fuD' 'We!ftm' h!Dsth *"... «." , ' ; -. • -" .. • ., . .' ·SWlaI8MOBE .RATIONAL BANK AND TROST COMPAMY D. Maleolm Hodge DIftriaj....:.,Jiim Session-I'KEE p~blication. . 2.00 P.M •..:...clot~ier, Mempri~1 terian Hospital. "My dear Mrs. Wetlaufer, ' Folk. Singing ~ Pete Seeger PRESBYTERIAN NOTES , The Girl Scouts will nieet Mon"I would like to take this op, Adlill~~i~';' 75~ per jie'rJ.on Mr. Bishop -will preach at the day at 3:30, the Cubs at 7 p.m., portunlty to thank your branch Snell!e'" mud be ,!!,m 'on dance floor.__ m" " two services this SUnday morning, and the Boy SCouts· will meet 9:30 and 11a.ni. on "Religion in for the ~overy service exWednesday evenIng at 7 p.m. te~ded Swarthmoreans for free .... » Buslriess." ThiS is ,the second in sblood transfusions made possible series of· sermons "Latent TRINITY NOTES by blood donors during your Religion in Our Ttlmol." Holy Communion will be celBlood Barik Drive. All. departments of the Church ebrated at 8 o'clock Sunday morn"Having had four transfusions School will meet at the usual , •• , <' ...... " • • ing. At 9:30 all departments of myself during a long illness, I times of 9:30, 10:45 and 11 a.m. Wt1EN YOU SEE WHAT WE BROUGHT FROM UP NORTH know what a Godsend It is and I . The MEm's and Women's Bible the Church School will meet. .At. lbe ,11 o'clock service the an deeply appreciative. Classes will be meeting at 9:30 a. Rt. Rev. Oliver, J. Hart, Bishop of ''If. YO\Ulg people, who could be m. this Sunday morning, alSo. F·IRE.UCE ccibklN~ UTENSILS The Senior High School Fellow, the Diocese, will administer the donors, had the slightest idea of so reasonable they should walk out the door ship this Sunday will gather at Rite of Confirmation. Ushers for the tremendous good they could ~U.ss\lr1'RE the church at 2:30 p. m., pre- the ,services will be' a follows: J. do by 'giving a plnt of blood, I am i~ the IIiH:ltO fhid paratory to attelldance at a West- W. Bowden; C" H. V{. lJ>.graham. sure the number of donors would Inlnster FelIowship Rally at the 1';. C. Page, Jr., W. S. Patton, R. be greatlY increased. ·C"l.UCT~R pIE~ I;'rice~ Jr.,. C. Ra~d'!l1, Jr., , May your drive on May 7th far nieeting of the Senior FellowShip 1ieCIUty this week: The Senior 'HIgh Choir ~. :tl. ,Ryerson, and N. A. Weber. ~xceed any previous record. At the 8 o'clock service Walter Since:rely, will rehearse as usnaiat 5:30. ~U; tEA sUG:tl 1i~\ti:5 Eliza M. Dougal Re.YJl,o~ds , will serve as acolyte, The Young Adults will meet for for lidded charm to your lIome their usual supper meeting at 6:30 inid Ted Carey at 11 • " . • p.m. on Sunday evenmg ilt which ,bui-;;,g the h o'clock service Mrs. Yocum Maybe Those New Mr. Bishop will iead it dIscussion Molly . Ba~ and Susan Hansell Services were h e I d Sunday Weren"t Something! with these young people on "Mak~ will be in charge of .the nursery. alterri';"n at LOndon Grove :MeetThe Men's. Club Dinner Meeting Use of the Bible in Dally Living. wiII be_ held on Tuesday at ing House, London Grove, Pa., for ing!~ I . . Mrs. Sara 1;'. Yocum of 436 Aldan . The Ushers for the month of 6:30 p.m. Dr.. Neal A. Weber,. deavenue, Aldan.April are: For the 9:30 service: partment . of biology. at SwarthROUTE 202 BETWEEN WEST CHESTER AND 'AOLI Mrs. Yocilm, 'wife of Frederick College, wiII be the . speaker. Oraham Wentz, Augustus Titus, more ·1 . • , -,' Yocum, teacher of Social Studies O;e~ (E~c1tpt Ma~d~js) ~li~ t~ ~iiii.Y~ ~obert Gilfillan and Graham He will show a film of the area at Swarthmore High School, died from the Persian Gulf to Kurdl;'Wentz, Jr.; for the se.cond servcie: R.D. Fetherolf, Harold Mab- tan and describe the life' there Thursday. morning, April 9. of multiple. thrombosis phlebitis In bott, David' Bingham, William ~o or th'reethousap.d ye"rs ago; Chester County Hospital, West Pegl-am, Leslie Ellis and Jam,es and life as it is there today. Chester where she has been a Hornaday. Mr. Fetherolf is Chair- • The GirlS' Choir will rehearse patient since early January. She man of the Ushers for the year. on Monday at 5 p.m. The Boys' was 40. . The Session will have a regular Choir will meet on Monday and A graduate of George School monthly meeting on Tuesday eve- Wednesday at 4 p~m. and full and Drexel Institute of Techning, April 21 at 8 p.m. In the choir rehearsal will be held on nology, Mrs. Yocum later taught Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Woman's Association Room.. Because you determine the cost. in the Chester County schoolS. On Saturday (St. Mark's Day) Circle 8, chainnan, Mrs. R. D. She was a member of the Friends , Fetherolf, will meet ''at the hOme there will be a celebration of lbe M~eting at London Grove. Holy Communion at 10 a.m. of Mrs. Charles ~cker, Avonbrook In addition to her husband, road, Wallingford HillS, at 10:30 Mrs. Yocum is survived by two METHODIST NOTES a.m. on Wednesday, April -22. sons; Billy 9 and Bobby 10. _ _0111' ruNaAJ.I' . -, _Florence Lucasse _~e~~~~ j;h~~ .:!h~,§.'l'!~~ School meets· ,II~ pr"gram at 1:30. :M:em'bers' -~e 9:45. Clilsses 'are provided for all , 1820. CHESTNUT STRIIT CONFERENCE SPEAKER 'asked to bring articles' for sale at ages. The Young Adults meet at olivER H. BAlR, ,..;;dot MARY It. BAIl!, _ ... Rev. Joseph Bishop, pastor of Co-op Shop for benefit of Presby- 10 o'clock in the Ladies' Parlors. Te,ej.ilo'lll itl 6-1581 The sermon topic at the 11 the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, will participate in the 43d o'clock service is' HMy Covenant!' CHURCH SERVICES The Nursery for children is • PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH nia Welfare Conference on April meeting of the opep - fellowships sponsored by the Society will be announced by Suskn Cobbs, Dean of Women.. One award, the Lucretta Matt scholarship will go to a senior woman at Swarthinore who wishes to do post-graduatI\ work. The other, the Martha TYson fellowslJ.ip will 2.: ~Grela .eas e:. GEOR~E MYERS Box 48·Swarthmore 6-tqtt C8UCB u.L .............. w .............. ""'," ......, SALE-Frigidaire refrigerator-G cu. ft. Used short time- like new. SWarthmore PAINTING and CA~PENTR'Y; SWarthmore 6-8761 !....-------_____J HORACB II. Pass,1ltO,rc 'ACt' lnh.bl~t of. the SwarthlDore' SChool J?~~c.t ~Pf;"J? a~~lnl.~ ~J;1e age o~ 21 years. and eveQ' ~.OD 21 years of age ot" over becmiiliig a resident or Inhabitant or schOOl dIStrIct shill) within ,12 thereafter notlty Assessor '120 Harvard Pa .• or: his becom" becoming a resIdent or this &Chilol dllltrict. Any to said a'lse·.tn' the shall be sUbJ ..t ·In .. ldAct." 6~0453: , .. 1_~;;;-;:;.;;;~::::,;;:~pRO~~DG~ERS~=~-=-_-_':.'_'_-~'.::':,,'.:'.~::.:~_'~',:""~'":",:,,,:::,,,-, FOaSA~HOLIDAY HOUSE- ' one of those good spartan manor trailers. In excellent condition. Complete' with toilet and all the necessary things to make "life away from it· allh fun. SWarthmore 6-0761. such 99c FOR SALE-1936 Ford sedan _ new wiring, good oqiotor. Call SWarthmore 6-4482 aft.er 8 p.m. FOR SAI,E Wardrobe trunk excellent condition-very- reasom,bly priced-also ma,n'. walrus handbag. Phone SWarthmore 61489. = ~UILDER . 2~!75t BEEF STEAKS Jack Prichard "~ant FO~ Ib 7-11 Minute Bunered aware county. Pennaylvanta. unde 2. Pumlsblng tbe materials and. per_ the asswne(i or fictitiOUS name, styleformlng the above work /WIth the or designation or THE JiSSUP MJ..-'ex~tl6n ·of th:e asp~alt binder. BOOIATES. with Its prlne1pa1 place or bUB1nesa at 243 Haverford Avenu.e-, 3. Pumlshlng and applying approx- Swarthmore. Pennsylvania.' 'nle naune. Imately aaoo gaIloll6 or asphalt ancl addre88 of the perSon oWning in' binder. ' ' . no~~c&'1s FOR SALli;-l!eautif~ larte EmI>,ire ~o~a 'Ylth new sllp cover. Small steamer trunk. Antique trunk. SWarthmore 6-2395. SMOKED BONELESS BUTTS 61" CHICKENS ib, .A certlO.ed check In the sum of *100 der 75;000. miles. New motor. One owner. Inspect and make offer. Jackson, 730 'Harvard avenue . , S Warthmbre 6~5421. . , ....eIeA Chuck Road Ii. SSO .. Freall' R.plarGi'O...... 'iI.~ ..: '11,'590·'·' Chuck Steak Ib 49C I Bonel... c':!-'i'" Ib 69C Ib 1. Purnls'hlng. applying and rolUng of the Secretary of the OommoDwealth' approximately 20 tons of bltum~ of Pennsylvania. at Harr18burg. Pa.. lnaus concrete. cleaning Bl'OOS to aDd. In the ofllce ot the Prothonotary treated. turniBhlng and apply~ of the Courts of Common Pleas of mg. asphalt binder and tum1sh~ Dela.ware County, on ThUl'Bday. thelog. spreading and rolllng crushed 2Srd day of April. 1963. a Certlflcate rock. . for the conduct of B business tn Del":' ~ir' $c;o~ "eClldl!J:'s Interested In said bUSIneSs Is Harlan All terfaJ ~. Jessup. 243 ~vertord Avenut!"~ There will be a "Ie'igllb()rh.oo:ll rna _ s and work shan be in Swa.rttuD~re. Pennsylvania. _.. ~, aocordance ~lth specifications. a copy ~MUND meeting of adult' Girl Scouts in of whlc'h may be secuied rrom the UDSolicitor. JONES. Swarthmore on 'Thursday, April dersl~ed.. ' . 2li East PJrth Street, 23 at 10' o'clock ai ·the Presby'terThe Borough reserves the right to r-____.!Oh~ester=!::,.!Pe:::n~n~"12:!:!lva:!n!!I!!a.:...., ian C;I!urch. 411 leaders and troop reject any or all blcfB and to award the' portions -descrlbed- In -Itellis 2 aDd committee members are urged to 3 to different· OOlittactors. attend. ~nd ~SC .resh.Kllled, READY-TO-COOK Stewing . Ogden avenues. adopted." to Act No. 193 of 1951. 1 ~~~~a~n~~o~ff~e~r.~s~.~~D~.~C~I~yd;:e, hereby given that under the FOR SALE-1941 Chevrolet, un- provisIons or sald ever; resIdent or ROAST Ib FICTITIOUS NA~IE NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN. pur- ough HIghway Committee In rorm as suant :to the Provisions ot Act of follows: As8embly No. 380, approVed May 24, 1945, of intention to rue In the omee- ELLl;9TT RICllARI:>BON, FQa SALE - Pair solid cherry 1____7.:=::Bo=7.r~oug.:;:h:,·;Secr=::et8:'::ry:,:,_ sma,ll ches~ of drawers, Early LEGAL NOTICE Arne~can reproduction; Stickley "~otlce Is h~by· given that pursu~ spindle bed, hardwood single, can ant -to Sec. 687 of the SChool Code of be pulled out for double size; sec- 19tO. tbe Proposed bUdget fOr the t~9~~1 J;>ook shelves, maple, 64" Sch~l DJstrlct o~ the Borough of overall. SWarthmore 6-7286. SWarthmore, ror the SChOOl year JUly 0; 1963 'to JUly 5, 1954, will be avall_ FOR SALE -' Buick Roadmaster, able ror public inspection at the CoI!)ough~ September, 1951. It has lege Avenue ~hool Bulldlug rOr a run 4717 miles. Cost $3500. A bea- peT\oo or twenty days rl'Om April 27 utiful. car. 1 do not have use fa'r 2 to May· 16. after 'whlclr .tlDie' at a meeting of the Board at: Schoo) Dlrec. . Phone SWarthmore 6-0693 ton. after fUrtIier coDSld....tlon the appointment to examine It and Scliool DIStrict's ftDal budget WUI be • Air Conditioning .=~50 ~ IStreets mately 10,000 square yards of Borough to be designated by the Bar- AD,S .. Gutters 9tUaI Strawtierl'lH Mrs. Bertha ·Hanzlik of Groton, be received' by Conn., is the house guests of Mr. the BorOUgh of Swarthmore In Coun. and Mrs. Henry J. Hanzlik of cO Chamber. Borough Hall, Swarth ... Cornell avenue. more. Pa., on May 4th. 1953. at 7 :30 P.M. for surface treating appt'QlJ. SEALED BIDS w1l1 mus.t . accompany" ,the bId of each co~t1"t!-etor_ and the person or firm to (:~ASSIfIED. whOlI:" any contract Is awarded must exec\lte' :an . agreement and furnIsh bonds as 'required by law. the form FOR SALE ,.. I . , ' _ ., of, which ~ay be examtned In the omce of the undersigned. FOa SALE Mushroom and topSchool Roofing IbSO 1:"-: 29C REQ1!EST FOR mDS --~---------------- Sheet Metal Work New, Greea ea..... Page 7 go to a woman graduate of Swarthmore who plans to teach in elementary or secondarY school. Later in the afternoon a tea in honor of Miss Brown who is an alumna of Swarthmore CoUe.ge w i 11 be given by the S tudent Somerville Committee. A conducted tour of the campus by the director and superintendent of the Scott Horticultural Foundation has also been planned. Mrs. Virginia Br:own Greer of Media, will be the presiding officer 'a't the busines. meeting. She is also vice-president ·ot· the Alumni Association. ' . , WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES mentioned above is "Interesting work.'" THE SWARTHMOREAN Rubbish Collection Acme ,Del Monte Garden She.. measles! Fact is, '~Isj 'there isn't room in this ad to show 'itt the u~ for" ticketS that go with a telephone operator's job. Among those wflve • April J.7, 1953 Swarthmore I.AST CHANCE-OFF'. ENDS APRIL 18th t~~5j Beautiful, Lovable DOLLS:!t;~:s ::~ 98c RE$,IQEtilIAL ~~D, COMMERCIAL > with. each $5.00 Purchase . ' ~'-;.' c~,s.T~~~r~ON Dellclous, Nourishing Alterations ~tfh Butter BREAD~25c' P.1. R. Freight Bldg. Swarthmore, Pa. Lee _OBEI) RING CAD . ~ It .",. w......nd ~'meI' J'5,,;"r YaI... .. , ". ~, . 60c Yalu.• Burpee J. F. BLACKMA",! .FI.. ...dU,.., Onl_ '-oil. j~;i C-....._ uud few lhortwIfnp. - vlrslnlc'a ...if. I FLOWER SEEDS 'lUNso OIL IiE'Ai OIL BURNER SERVICE ~ ........ '. s.,.dat l'oIONDAY TBRU SATlJIWAY , fIlcp , NOON AcME MARKET,· CheSter. Rd., 'ilril11Ore ... ed room. in new house. For in- DAY ...4 NlORT '.M.· NEW PREMIUM GASOLINE GIVES 'F;;O"'Ri?i'RENT~;;;;;':"":A'riOttii:r':'ac':';ti"-'v:::e:;l::y~f"'urn=;:is:;:h"'_ I pJ,,..• 'Open Sij\urilay "Ill j ~ r TIlII&EN S' CRBE. ,.c F!"iai, .~ Ii ...M~ r type formation, call SWarthm'!re 6SWarthmore 6769. or KIngsley 6- ;F;;O . • S' "I saw It In the' Swarthmorean." A.i IJ, A6", ;,/ a "Irel Baird . Real Estate a,.d '''surallce COR. DARTMOUTH .... . . . - . . . . .... . . .LAFAYETTE . ' - . . . . AVENUES " ' a,posHe Bora-ah Han ~W~I,I,,,,*..~ 6e~~~ Fusco , " ~HEST" ~~d, FAIRVIEW lOADS r", '"" • p~~~e~8~____________________.~~~!______------__~~__ 1=H=E==S=W=AR::TH==M==O=R:E=AN================::==::==~T~~~__~Ay__ ril.~7, 1953 to community organizations and Air 'Pied Piper' in Two· Mothers Club Elects charitable institutions as follows: • Raid Test rf Swarthmore Public Library, $51; Pe ormances Saturday Zech P "d A state-wide air raid test will be held Tuesday. April 21. ("ontinued from Page 1) The test will begin at exactly 2: 35 p.m. with the sounding of• ~ a perfect basis lor a dramatic play, the red alert. The first "all-clear" will go off six minutes later, The Children's Theatre production Mrs. Paul E. Zecher was elected at 2:41 p.m. . . a' dds to these basl'c ,'ngredients Swarthmore's Clvil Defense Council reminds motorists of presIdent of t'h e Swarthmore other ·sure-flre ,'tems' -- human the following safety measures to be followed during an alert: Mother's' Club at the April meet. Urats", who frolic an'd cavort, a ing, held last week at the Wom e I. Pull to the side of the road and stop. 2 Le I . d k cartwheel,'og l'uggler, songs and . ave anes open for emergency vehicles an eep ans' Clubhouse. all intersections clear. dances, a fountain with real wa. other newly elected officers in3. Shut off motor and lights. ter, and the color alld noise of a clude Mrs. Norman Weeks, vice 4 G d medieval fair. president; Mrs. Leo Marshall, re. et out an take cover, if handy; otherwise, crouch u or lie down in vehicle. The director, Mrs. Stuart cording secretary; Mrs. William C. who spoke on "You and C a n c e 5. r. · ' Resume travel on "All Clear n , unless otherwise Graves, has had many years exSpencer. correspondin·g secretary; directed. perie';ce In teaching children ot l\1rs. David Speers, treasurer; Customers and employees in places of busin ... ss should go to a~ ages and lias learned to k,now Mrs. Frank Chapman, board mem- Seeger, Lee Highlight a sale place. Those walking in the downtown area should seek what children like to ,see and do. ber; Mrs. Robert Pfeifer, memCollege Folk Festival shelter in a store, etc. The council stressed the importance of All this, presented by group of bership chairman; an~ Mrs. Ed(Continued Irom Page 1) avoiding plate glass window. 40 children, trained, in the Chilward B. Cornelius, hospitality first became interested in folk dren's Theatre classes, should chairman. . . sic when he atfended a folk festitime to prevent the scar which make for_ excellent dramatic enDuring the business meeting it val in Asheville, N. C. After gradmade his father a hollow noise- to tertilinment. was- announced by Mrs. John Mc- uating from school in 1938, be For many of the children !,n the BUf. Cramp deserves acclaim for Williams, welfare chairman, that travelled all over the country, cast, this is the first' public apthe sensitivity with which he plays :to total of $300 was to be given learning hundred of songs, balladS, t . pearance in a play but many of The Players Club's current pro- the Boston hotel flashback. blues; courting songs and lullathe others have' beeh with the Nancy R. Wight and .Ruth C. bies. He accompanies himself on duction, "Death- of a Salesman", by the five-string banj 0, a rather Arthur Miller, is an am.bitJOl's,.1 Radbill as Miss Forsythe and Children's Theatre foom two to ' u n i que American instrument courageous undertaking -to many Letta,· two chance pick-up·s, play five years. They joined the TheaAll dressed up brought over to this country in facets of which the Club rises also their flimsy roles in the un- tre because they love to act and simpler form from Africa by the effeclively and commendably. The noticed distruction of a man. Irma they love to have a h;md in the to see those heavenly burden of directing such a ·pro- C. Keighton as Jenny appears backstage work> of a production. Negro slaves. , carpets by In 1949 the long lean Yankee ducllon is, obviously, a heavy one briedy and. Martha ~eighton is But, most of all, they think it is fun and they hope that boys and formed the now famo1l;s Weavers and the Club Is to be congratu- vital io the performance in a be•• girls wlll hear about "The Pied quartet. They reached an almost lated that so experienced a direc- hind the scene capacity. A troubling drama of life as a Piper of. Hamelin" and come to immediate success with their re- tor as D. Malcolm Hodge has untreadJnill, "Death of a Salesman" see it and have as much fUn seecording of "Goodnight Irene", and der.taken it. Willie Loman's house as created packs a hard wallop. Monday and ing it as they will have presenting since then have been engaged in a feverish search for folk material for the Players Club stage is sat- Tuesday night audiences gave iis it. -------,.--'from which they have not recov- isfying. If the' Club. staging fre- curtain calls long and loud apered. With the Weavers, Seeger quently tempts the use of superla- plause. has toured most of the top night tives, and it· does, this set is one --------------spots and theatres of the nation, which stretches the mind of the PRESBYTERIAN MEN ELECT and has appeared on TV 'programs. aUdience, puts it to work with· the Leslie A.· Wetlaufer was elected Besides arranging and editing cast. It is a thing of imaginative Ipro"i,ler't of Men's Associqtion of ·songbooks, Seegt!r has also writ- levels, backrooms, and fav'orite chairs, a place where living-no the Swarthmore Presbyterian ten his own manual, "How To • You G·.cI·rhOl·.rus.'G· Exciting V'alues! AN N·IV ERS.A RV SAL E! <, Mc(dels 13-50 APRIL 24, 1953 t ~:t.~P:':"~g !;,":~~j;oo"~e~;~ Sculptor to Give T· Wagner's ''Pilgrim's ChorUs trom monstratlOnues. Tannhauser," Palestrtoa's "0 Bone. .)'esu," several songs by A' H Weslqan composers,· and two mencan ome leF",llIFouPS by the Club's smaller wilts Will Also Exhibit' theCar:1''Members of 'the 'Woman's· Club uSPet. the concert arid will also .." ·th,e;pro~s.m,:to 11asl!liri Raymond K.IJen:#orth( given Tu",i~a:y, Ap"" 28, at 2 at' ber home when the GI~. Cl'!l> De'· when COcJ,tr!m, ,,~ Part,,,t~;·1 .~~~::~~~.~~!::;;!. i '·r ~'+~~l:!Lq.t~llk-~. ,.. ,".II:siI.i'·1:;7·",GWi~esleyan· alumn'I~' 0 , Geo' Patsy Grace Iniured an a. ,. w"l1~ Mr.enti!rtained~: and Mr.s. De~wodli's the- SDn cone¢. Ray In being a gl"ew ,;eethcelub· an·d ' , . .. ". ';.' , n The followi,!';V.e~ a 'few .~ • ~::~1.yC'oC~;J~iillt~::::;~ exrea Boys Glee Club. The Chol'J1s, ceror., __ Mrs. Hlfhtt herself, ex- II Art in this area will attend iIle connumbering '60 members, will be pressEid, which riit/lht be met. by and has exhibited at the cert and parents of Glee Club : May Itefe,re,ridum ,assage heard in a sixteenth century com- such ae-fund. TIley all represent Print Plub, ~jl,iladelphia. at. Marie members will travel greater dis. U' d Off' POSition to be sung In Latin, "0 the. plus Values that mean'so much Sterner's Galltlries, ~. Y., at tances to hear the club sing. Local ,~ge; . IjCers, Bone Jesu" by Ingegneri, and a in the social and cultural lI!e of Salzburg Art Festival, Austria, interest'ln the appearance of a Eleded contemporary selection by Ben- this community in which'she had well as other· places. She has good male glee club is evidenced .. The. Swarthmore Home and jamln Britten, "Old A bra m so joyous and creative a part. taught in Berlln, llermujla, New by the advance licket sale. " Brown"•. Other .numbers include 1 A I York, and in the School for Amer·Proceeda of the concett will in. s.;,hool,~QClation closed its. cur- "Nancy, Hanks," "Soon-ah Will be mus c room with piano IClln Craftsmen at ~lnov".~ N.H. crease the· ElIzabeth Hubbard rent year with a Bond Issue rally and victrola where g,-oups could . in' t1ie·' high school auditorium Done." "Little Black Train" and meet to enjoy music .. This could In 1934 she originated and pro- Bonsall Scholarship raised and TUes . dily evening, following its a novelty arrangement Of "The be known as the ';"Dorothy Hunt duced cloth dolls called' "Topsy" awarded annually by the Wom. nwil election of officers. Arkansaw Traveler". Music Room."sUch a project and "Turvy" ;lUd their Mammy. an's Club to a deserving student School Board President Carroll The Boys Gle& ClUb, accom- would have, to await the avail- The Portrait Doll, modelled frOm in the graduating class of the hOOl• P. Streeter explained the long pawed by Ronald Gold, will sing ability of suitable space for it. the portrait of any child, was first HI':'!"be tl "De Gospel Tr""" and a s"a ' prod· uced In 1935 Ten years later rs of the Educa on Comstruggle of the five· local ",hooll _. C In the meantime such income Mrs Cochran organlZ' • ed her own, mittee of the Woman's Club which chanly, "Eight Bells". Th·e Glee directors in arriving at thl' defrom a fund could !>e used for • h .L -rl··vi· . d bil cislon that a minimum of seven Cl'1b will also sing the traditional 2-The purchase ;of more m\IS!., I doll company called Dewess Coch- as ..,e p lege an responsi medley of songs which has been' ran Dolls; the, ft.... doll "Cindy" tty· of the Scholarship fund are more elementary classrooms for group singing such as the Bach t, ~-. M A F Blak M M ' arranged this year by Don Mac- ChoraI'es, the ChrUl'tmas ' C:aroll was an immeiilate success. Now rs. very. e, rs. orflS mandatory by 1954 if S:wa.rttllO,)re I Elwee, Lee Swan and Howard ' Mrs. PIerre· . D ecrouez, . for the past four years all d,'fficul A . B OWle, is to maintain educational standbooks, and the Community Singards, and that a bond issue is Shearer. ing books. ties with latex have been master- Mprs. F .. H·MrsForsythe, Mrs. Donald 3 Th h f th ed and this maten'al makes the • Jones, • William R. Main, The G,'rls Glee Club w,'11 most democratic and least costly -- e purc ase 0 e scores dolls ' practical and du~'e . Mrs. J 0 h n M . P earson, Mrs. C ar"B rot her arrangement an of method of financing the new build,a", • t E• ' A,'r," ''I'm Only NI'ne- of symphonies and operas for Home Dep-~-nt Exhibits ro11 P . Street er, Mrs. P e er ing. 'Answering the concern ex- James those who would 11ke to study _w,~ i TOld , nMrs• Phthil p G · WMrightsman . pressed by some parents that teen", "The Syncopated Clock" them. An interesting feature of Tues- Mr d and two Hammerstel'n' and Rodg~rs d' . .. s. enwor an rs. Heston ,using the. total b 0 r row I n g The college library has agreed ay s meetIng WIll be the exhibit M C h W. 1 tunes-uGett,'ng to Know You" ·to Ill' f th f t intin d h c ray W ose sons are es eyan cap a cit y of the district in hand e a mus'c or e com- 0 ray pa g an ot er work t d ts 1st· h and "Many a New Day." Ann Hay, ·t d t k It ·th f th A . H S u en are ass mg t e comthis manner and not, raising taxes mum y an 0 mar WI 0 e mencan orne depart'tt -.la~ara Zlegen- Dorothy Hunt ' immediately to keep maintenance Molly Huse and t> "U Music Fund." ment, of which Mrs. W .. Alfred mlT ... h f 11' "d f fus will play percussion instruT 11k S 'th' l e o owmg res, ents 0 funds and teacher salaries· !,ncre- ments. hose who would, e to be a m, IS cha rman. The tray Swarthmore are Wesleyan alumni ments up to previous levels might part of this memorili1, are asked painting was awarded honorable Phlll • or AId J Wi Id R ak' .L I h ks· t t' h p ,n. en, r., a 0 • soprano Tw o soloists Wl'll be to m e out u.e r c ec 0 men. IOn at t e reCent County Fine Fish Cha· 1 H G . W I , be pinching pennies to a danger- featured this year, Barbara, Har. .~" F er, res. arnson, a ous level, Mr. Streeter said, ''The Swarthmore CoUege, Dorothy 4>'" estiva!. The members of the t H Gee D ni I S Harrt J · d Yvonne H Fu d d d · tall rI I al er. r, a e · . s,. grade, ninth an rison, Board plans t .'-tai all bulld unt Music n, an sen to 0 ng c ass, so sponsored by om"", n - Bn'll, seventh. In addition, rge ' Willard Hollander, Pvt. David S. !ngs rightly and continue proper Mrs. Clair Wilcox, Swarthmore the department, will put on,a style M H E Op I d J Allison, Pete Bloom, Mandell C I . h fu h t di I thel orey, arry. pen an er, r., teacher salary increases. We are 0 lege, together WIt any rther s ow 0 sp ay r handiwork. D J h B R b Fi I H Shl Much, Tim Ryerson and Andrew t· th h r. 0 n . ox y, n ey. mindful of the Importance of sugges ,ons ey may ave. Hostesses at the door will be: I d teachers' salaries in good educa.. Schroder will sing a five part arMrs. Everett C. Gerryl Mrs. M. an. 'tion and we don't plan to have rangement of "Cool Wl1ter". R. Dimmitt, Mrs. AIffed, E. Longt A mixed quartette will provide well and Mrs· Willi C M rris tbe teachers pay ~or the new bull·'d_ Ing. Although;"e aren't paYing a noveltY number featurtng sones Patsy Grace, 9, of Princeton ~. w. ~sr:::::. ';"d ~rs: The ArchUectural Tour sponthe highest salaries of any school from three different eras-the Harvard avenues, SjIl!ered brush Joseph A. Petry will pour, as- sored by the Community Arts In· Pennsylvania the variation Is days of the hoss and shay, the burns of the head and legs at 4:40 Blsted by Alice E. Marrtott and Center, Walli!lgford, gets under slight, for instance in area Urne of the early gas buggy, and p.m. Wednesdl!Y whep, according Mrs. WIlliam L. Scarborough way tomorrow, April 25. From 10 · ~or comparison we the first airplanes. Members of to the report, she· f!ln into the th h a.m.' to 5 p.rn. co.ntemporary commonly used .' th art tie Kath ri La Crosley station wagon of Frank e ospitallty committee. bulldin' Del are second only to Lower Mere qu e are e ne nlIS m aware County loa and that represents a differ-/ ning, Rachael Baughn, Karl Tliom,-J Btandollni, 65, of Mllmont Park. LACROSSE SEA·SON OPENS will be open for Inspection of Mr. Brandollni· wll$ proeeedlng ti ~ted '"tourists." d P ter ·BI IDce of a mere S60 nr so. An in- as an e oom; south on .... -k aVenue below ~ The Girls Varsity Lacrosse team c~ Four residences of particular crease of $20,000 e>Opected HUMAN RILATIONS FILM Dartmouth whep P,Iltsy allghted under captain LIz ForSythe, will local Interest are included In the the State, iD~· real from a ear dl'lven 'b1 h.- sIater,play th&Ir 6rat home' game of tbe Itinerary: the J'redarick 0. VoIz PI. 'ents, and hlgber \tu1t1on '''lbe Feellni of HosUllty"· Diane, 17, and startecl - _ the m IleZt Thursday afternoon, houSe at B1m and Swarthmore lDeome cIurlna the next two the tiUe of the human ftlatlons street. The eh!Id' was taken· home April 10, OIl the HIgh School Girls avenues; the Leou.ard Bilenbucl ~ years should cover inereued ftlm to be preaented next ~';;~I by her sister and her father Ed- Athletic I'!elcL th. spriql houa at Rutcers and Yale ave: . alklaal coats and doIIt ller'rieo.1 day f!IOl'DIngln the ~ :ward J. Grace, lr.; lues, courting songs and luIlaThe Players Club's current pro- the Boston hotel flashback. pearance in a play but many of lJics. He accompanies himself on duction, "Death of a Salesman", by Nancy R. Wight and Ruth C. the others have bee~ with the , '. ""' , '" the five-string banjo, a rather Arthur Miller, is an ambitious, Radbill as Miss Forsythe and Childrenfs Theatre from two to un i que American instrument courageous undertaking to many Letta,· two chance pick-ups, play five years. They joined the TheaAll dressed up brought over to this country in facets of which the Club rises also theh" flimsy roles in the un- tre becaus~ they love to act and simpler form from Africa by the effectively and commendably. The noticed distruction of a man. Irma they love to have a hand in the to sec those heavenly Negro slaves. burden of directing such a pro- C. Keighton as Jenny appears, backstage work.. of a production. In 1949 the long lean Yankee duction is, obviously, a heavy one briefly and Martha Keighton is But, most of all, they think it is carpets by formed the now famous Weavers and the Club is to be congratu- vital to the performance in a be- fun and they hope that boys and quartet. They reached an almost lated that so experienced a direc- hind the scene capacity. girls will hear about "The Pied jmmediate success with their re~ tor as D. Malcolm Hodge has unA troubling drama of life as a Piper of Hamelin" and come to ; fashion opelling cording of "Goodnight Irene", and dertaken it. treadmill, "Death of a Salesman" see it and have as much fun seesince then have been engaged in a Willie Loman's house as created packs a hard wallop. Monday and ing it as they will have presenting feverish search for folk material for the Players CluiJ stage is sat- Tuesday night audiences gave its it. APRIL ]3-23 from which they havoc not recov~ isfying. If the Club staging fre- curtain calls long and loud ap- - - - - - - - - - - - - . - ered. With the Weavers, Seeger quently tempts the use of superla- pia use. has toured most of the top night tives, and it does, this set is one spots and theatres of the nation, which stretches the mind of the PRI'>SBYTERIAN MEN ELECT and has appeared on TV programs. audience, puts it to work with the Leslie A. Wetlaufer was elected Besides arranging and editing cast. It is a thing of imaginative president of Men's Association of songbooks, Seeger has also writ- levels, back rooms, and favorite the Swarthmore Presbyterian ten his own manual, uHow To chairs, a place where living-no Church at a dinner .neeting held • You can't afford to guess Play The Five-String Banjo". At matter how installment ridden- last week in McCahan Hall. Felor gamble where health u present he is engaged in a study has set its mark. low officers elected at the same concerned. Determine now of American folk instrumental The Club editor pays tribute to time were A. L. Platky vice-presto /mow. CODsult your phytechniques. Charlotte Maas for the discrimin- ident, H. S. Hemenway secretary, sician and Collow his ex.. ating music and sound effects. The and Peter E. Told treasurer. perienced counsel. And, of Jr. Assemblie~ Spring Party audience grants them the high Over 100 members attended the course, bring his prescripThe Swarthmore Junior Assem- praise of immediate attention to meeting w hie h featured Dr., tiODS to this dependable blies will close the 1952-53 season their import. The production staff Arthur Bannerman, president of source, where you are aswith a formal Spring Party for the earns general tribute with this the National Council of Presbysured careful compounding Eleventh and Twelfth grades to- production. It meets exacting re- terian Men, as speaker. Dr. Banat uniformly fair prices. morrow evening, April 18 at 8:30 quirements commendably. nerman, president of Warren Wilp.m. The hosts for the twelfth The cast is able, a fortunate cir- son College, Ashville, N. C., was CATHERMAN'S grade are Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan cumstance since a contemporary ~ntroduced by the Rev. Joseph P. Harral'. and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew past and present offers' a chal- Bishop, pastor of the Church. DRUG STORE Schroeder will act as chaperons. lenge. Elizabeth K. Swan as Linda , Mr. and Mrs. John Lord are hosts does n shining thing with her lo1oh,,,,k C.'poling _ O,lenlal Rugs fOl'. the eleventh grade and the flashbacks yet her present utterly lCO Park Ave" Swarthmore, PI, chaperons wm be Dr. and Mrs. J. \"'eary Mrs. Loman is never too SW nrlilmore 6·60GtJCl~earbru()k 9.-1646 Albright Jones and Mr. and Mrs. discouraged to erase hope of a Herman Bloom. new start. Mrs. Swan is a dramatic actress of scope; Linda Loman is one of the best I'oles she ~UIIIIIIIlIII .. y M h N' Illltlllllllll' ANNOUNCING has carried for the Club and she § OU eet t e Icest People at Speare's" ;§ interprets it with distinction. PROMPT DELIVERY ON NEW FORDS In addition to his multifold NO duties as director. Mr. Hodge TRADE NEEDED carries the heavily exacting role of Willie Loman with such troublBUT ed sincerity that its impact on the IF YOU HAVE ONE - EXPECT PLENTY FOR IT f Spokane, visit with relative in England. Admlsalon $1,25 of J)rexel Hm, and of Mr. and Wash., spent last week in Atlantic Mrs. Deacon was honored last sented the New Jersey branch of City, where Dr. Welty attended week with a luncheon and miscel- Kappa Kappa Gammas as a dele- MrS:,E. Lawrie Mifflin of Walling- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ford.\ "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." the Medical Convention, College laneous shower given by Mrs: gate to -its Beta Province convenof Physicians. Dr. Welty returned Owen W. Gay at· her home in tion in PhiJdelphia 18st week. to her home in Spokane by plane Wallingford Hills. Mr. Darnel S. Harris, Jr., of Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shoemaker Vassa'r avenue has been on a Mr. and Mrs. Bertram A. Red- of Riverview Road entertained week's business trip to New York ington, of Syracuse, N.' Y., arrived their house" guest Friday, Satur- City. Thursday to visit for a week with day and Sunday,. Mrs. Edward .~~~.~. their daughter, Mrs. Maurice L. Osland-Hill, uNor8 WaIn", of EngTEA FOR BRIDE-TO-BE BEAUTY SALON Webster, Jr., a~d family, of Elm land, ~ho is at 'present living in Miss Jean Brown,' of North avenue. Cambridge, Mass., -while working Chester rmid, was guest of honor A MANICURE IS A "MUST" IN PANSY PLANTlN' TIME! Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones on a book which will be a sequel at a tea and recipe shower given and son Andy, of Elm avenue, to.i'House of Exile". she' was guest Saturday afternoon by Mrs. Harry 9 Chester Road returned Thursday from Boston speaker Saturday evening' at the F. Brown, Jr., of Pine Ridge road, Call Swarthmore 6-0476 where Dr. Jones spent several Beta Province Convention of the Media. days attending the American Kappa Kappa Gamma in PhilaAcademy of Pediatrics Regional delphia. Mrs.entertained M. J. Jennings, of Springfield, informally Fri- i meeting. Swarthmoreans attending the day evening in honor of Miss Dr. George L. ArmItage, of Province Convention of Kappa Brown and her SOD, Mr. Arthur South Chester road, a!)d l'4r. C. Kappa Gamma in Philadelphia Jennings, whose marriage will FEET HURT? R Loughead, of Thayer road, Friday and Saturday included take place Saturday, May 2, in the with a group of friends, have re- Mrs. Oliver G. Swan, Mrs. Sew- Swarthmore Presbyterian Church .. You can probably get quiCk relief if you turned from a to-day salmon ell' W. Hodge, Mrs. W. R. ShoeMr. and Mrs. F. S. Johnson, of see a trained corrective shoe specialist. fishing trip to New Brunswick, maker, Mrs. E. L. Conwell, Mrs. Wilmington, uncle and aunt of the Moderate prices. Canada. Harry L. Miller, Mrs. H. Merle bride, entertained at _3 dinner Mrs. Franklin Gillespie of Harv- Mulloy, Mrs. Wallace McCurdy, party Sunday. ard avenue will be hostess to Miss Nancy McCurdy, Mrs. George members of 'her bridge club at a F. Corse, Mrs. Milton H. Fussell, BIRTHS Suite 303 luncheon-bridge at her home Mon- Mrs.·Jobn tleGrott, and Mrs. Donovan B. Sp~ngler, of Oakmont, day. .t Mr. and George F. Corse, of chairman of the hostess comml Yale avenue, entertained at a tee. family dinner party Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Christian H. Pedevening at which time their 34th ersen and family who have been wedding anniversary was observ- visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wi1llam H. ed. The birthday anmversaries of Thatcher of College avenue, have • CHANGE OIL • TUNE.UP MOTOR Mr. and Mrs. John Corse, of Lan- moved to their new home at- Green • LIGHTS. WIRING caster, were al9b. celebrated. Lane, Penna. • ROTATE TIRES • FLUSH, COOLING SYSTEM • FRAM FILTER . Mrs. S. P. Simmons has returnMr, and Mrs. LaRue HendrixMr... and Mrs. Lawrence V. • TEST BATTERY • BRAKE LINING ed to her home in Hazelton after son of North Chester road will Solimini of Lafayette avenue anspending a week with her daugh- entertain at Ii cocktail party Sun- nounce !he birth of a baby girl, ROBERT ATZ. Owner ter, Mrs. A. William, Bass, I Jr., day afternoon. . Linda Lena, on April 14 in Valley and family, of Ogden avenue. 'Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lee Bauer Forge Hospital, Phoenixville. RUSSELL'S SERVICE -', ·Mrs. Merrill Weesner, of Mor- of Riverview road will entertain OPPOSITE BOROUGH PARKING LOT The baby is a granddaughter of ristown, Tenn., is visiting for a: at a small diIiner' party Sunday Mr. and' Mrs. Ray L. Harlow of Dartmouth &- ,-afayette Aves. SW 6-0440 fevi. weeks with her parents, Mr. 'in honor of Miss Katharine Mc- Lafayette avenue, and Mr. Vinand 'Mrs. E. J. Faulkner, of Dlck- Lean of Lansdowne and Mr. Har- cent SoHmini of Quincyt Mass. in"on avenue.· Mrs. Weesner will old Estll1 of Swarthmore who will be interviewing students in the be married May 9. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer' White, Philadelphia and New J,~rsey area Mr.' and'Mrs. Arthur R. Dana 'Gienolden, announce the' birth of fo~ admission' to ~u~cu\~, .Col~ of tp~." ~warthmore Apartm~n~ a' sev-;:n pound" o~e oun~e son, 407 AVENUE .. "lege. . have returned after spending the .Charles Dunsmore, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dana, Mr. winter months in Lake Wales, Fla. April 6, in the Univ~rsity HosBREAKFAST • LUNCH". DINNER .. and Mrs. E. J. Faulkner and Mr. They will sail on the Queen Mary pital. CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY Claude C. Smith, of Swarthmore, on April 29 to travel through Both Charles' parents are formOPEN 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. attended over the week-end at ·France, Switzerland and Italy be- er Swarthmore residents: Monday Thru Saturday Buck Hill Falls, a round table fore their return in June.. meeting of the Lot· and Cottage Mrs. Franklin T. Flaherty has Lt. and Mrs. Marshall Figgatt Association. returned to her home on Guernof Camp Lejeune N. C., announce Special Children's Platters Mr. and Mrs. Layton L. North- sey road after a two-week visit rup -of Vassar avenue will enter- with lier mother Mrs. D. oA. Moul- Cavenaugh, on April 15. arrival of a son, Thomas tain as their house guests over ten of Albany, N.Y., and with theMrs. Figgatt is the former Miss the week-end Mr. and Mrs. friends in Rochester, N.Y. Sallie Iliff of Springfield. . Thomas H. Bresnahan of New Mrs. WaHer M. Magee of South York City, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Chester road spent recent weekMr. and Mrs. Edward Biddle Hart Anderson of Pennington, N.J. end" in Brooklyn, N.Y. to help cel- Mifflin of Haverford place anMrs. Valentine L. Fine of ebrate the 80th birthday anniver- nounce the birth of their second Swarthmore avenue will have a sary of her mother Mrs. W. Wunreunion of school friends over the der of that city. . week-end when her guests wiIJ 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Atz of include Mrs. Marshall Skadd~ Dartmouth avenue on Sunday and daughter Janet of East Wil- visited their son Robert, Jr., at liston, L.Y., Miss Alisdn Morrow Camp Meade, Md., where he had of New York City, and Miss Edith reported Tuesday for assignment. by The Bel Air Sport Coupe Neitel of Bronxville, N.Y. Mrs. Harold March of North Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Turner Chester road, attended in PhiJaWINIFRED RUMBLE of Guernsey road will entertain at delphia Tuesday a meeting of the a dinner party at their home be- Committee on Recreation for OIdSW fore the Series Dance in the Wo- er People, Health and Wellfare man's Club tomorrow evening. CounCil, of .which she has served Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of Prince-- as a member for two years . (Sample in Hobby Shop' Ah~a'd . ton avenue entertained at a. PVt. Jim Hornaday, U. S. In- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bridge-luncheon at her home on fantry, left Seattle Tuesday f Tuesday of last week and 'I/lain route to Japan by Way of Alaska on' Friday. . and the Aleutian Islands. He exIt's time to rid your car of winter-wearinoss and reMr. and Mrs. LaRue Hendrix- pects to arrive in Japan in two store 'it to dean, responsive running .condition. Then Swarthmore, Po. son of North Chester road visited weeks. over the' week-end With their Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier the first nice Spring day that comes along ' •• you'll daughter . Claire, a freshtnan ilt be ~et to hop in and go ••• set to get the most in com· Smith College. They also attended SUBSCRIPTIONS the concert Sunday afternoon of FOR ALL fort and pleasure from your car. the All Smith-Williams College MAGAZINE, choir:Mrs. H. Lindley Peel .of Colum- MRS. LLOYD.E. KAUFFMAN 313 Dartmouth Avenue bia avenue and Mrs. J. L. Wood·SwartLmo.., 6·2080 Bat. nl~ht only Feature times ruff of Morton entertained infonn- Personals ---------. ';;;==================;;;====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==i CHECK your CAR for SPRING ! J. 'DEW DROP ·,INN .DARrM0UTIi' Daily Dinners 90e to $1.65 I ~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiii~iiiii~iiiii~~~~~~iiiii~~~~ a Portraits in Oil 6·7061 Get Your Car Set for Wonderful Days COLLEGE THEATRE 6 - 8 - 10 DELICIOUS DINNERS to SUIT ~. TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order EXCElLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.h30 P. M, Comforterbl. R_ms Day or Week Elevator STRATH HAVEN INN Y'" • H_"_rd Ave_I, S_,III_re, '0. WALta .. PAII~, ..... Sun., Mon., & Tues. TASTE of EYIIYONE . PAIIIN_ stanley Kram..... "Member of the Wedding" Starnnr entire OI'f&InaJ _way C8st. Wed. & Thars. 84'JsaIind Rossell "My Sister Don't _ .....mryll Eileen" t .... bllulous hit or the . , RU.MSEY CHEVROLET Swartllmore &-6130 Theatre Square South Chester Road ===========~~~=;;:Cla;:yden Snn Oil Promotion THE SWAR'fHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE,. PA. THE SWARTIDIOREAN, INC., PUBLISHER Phone SWarthmore 8-0900 . PETER E. TOLD, EcU*tIr and publ\8her . JIIABJOBIE TOLD and BARBARA KENT, Associate EdItors Rosalie p.eirsol Lorene McCarter Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Offlce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA" FBWAY, PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Mr. Bishop's sennon on Sunday will be on "Religion in Business and Labor," which will end the series of sermons on "Latent Religion in' Our Time." The Semor High Scbool Fellowship will' meet Sunday evening for their 6: 30 p.m. supper which will be followed with a meeting at which Dr. ·E. Fay Campbell will speak on "Standards toO Look For in Colleges." The Young Adults' supper at 6: 30 wiIJ follow with a meeting at which there will be a uPhlllip's 66n Discussion of Miracles. The Women's and Merits Bible Classes will meet at 9: 30 Sunday mormng; the Church School will meet for the usual classes at 9: 30 10: 45 and 11 o'clock. There wiJI be a regular monthly . meeting of the ~oard of Deacons on Tuesday eveniJig, April 28, at 8 p.m. in ~he Woman's Association Room. The special collection for the Umted Protestant Offering toward World Relief-the One Great Hour of Sharing-collected throngh the . special red envelopes and red coin boxes during the Lenten Season has now totalled· $920. . . APR~ :If, 1953 FRIENDS MEETIN$ NOTES Concord Quarterly Meeting, Race Street, wiJI be' held in Joint Session with Concord Quarterly Meeting, Arch Street, at the Third Street Meeting House in Media, on Saturday, April 25. The !lrst session will begin at 3; children wiJI be cared for during the afternoon. It wiJI be followed by supper. At the evening session, at 7, Caroline N. Jacob will speak on "Builders of the Quaker Road." The attention of Friends is called to the fact that the meeting on "Academic Freedom," with Patrick M. Malin as the speaker, originally scheduled for Sunday, April 26, has been canceJled. The Meeting for Worship commencing at 9: 45 a.m. each Sunday and running concurrently with First Day School, set up on a~ experimental basis for the month of May. All interested are welcome; April, will be continued during Receives . A. Ludlow Clayden, Park avenue, a Sun Oil Engineer for 30 . years, was recently appointed technical associate in the comI h d rt pany's chemica researc epament. His assistant John G. Moxey, Jr. of Westtown, forme~ly of Swarthmore, succeeds him as manager of the automotive laboratory. WidelY known throughout the oil and automotive industries, Mr. Clayden served as staff assistant on automotive matters. An authority on fuels and engines, he joined the company in 1922 as chief automotive engineer, following an extensive. career in the automotive engineering field both" here 'and abroad. He became man~ ager of the automotive laboratory at Marcus Hook in 1938. A native of England, he was associated with Daimler Motor Company before his appointment as editor of Automotive Engineer, a London publication. He was affiliated with .various trade publications for eight years. He also served as a consulting engineer for Wright-Martin Aircraft Cor'poration, and prior to joining Sun, was general consultant to United States Cartridge Company in Lowell, Mass. Mr. Moxey joined the Company in 1935, immediately following bis graduation from Swarthmore College. His first job was la.boratory assistant in the laboratory he now heads. He was made research en- family of Ar.:t h erst avenue h ave ian , of Swarthmore College' at- . returned hom e following a tended a two-day conference, "The College Library in a Changtwo-week trip south. They visitir.. World" in connection with the ed Mr. Seybold's family in Cler- dedication of Goucher College's mont, 'Fla., and Mr. Seybold also new Julia Roger's Library. . attended a Printing Industries Mr .. and, Mrs. Wallace .LippinConvention in Palm Beach, Fla. cott of South Chester road. enterMr. and Mrs. Hugh Wagon of tained as their house guest over Guernsey road, and Mr. and Mrs. . the week-end 'Mr. Lippincott's sisler Mrs. Rachel' L. Cohrad of Jack Thompson' of Harvard aveNJ Woodstown, .. nue attended the annual meeting -:';';;;;;;;;;;;';';~--------'1 of the American SOciety "f News- r last -week-end.. Mr. Thompson, paper Editors in Washington, D.C. executive editor of the Chester We are now a Direct Eastman Times, has purchased the C;:lifton Kodak Dealer and can oller Forge D a i I y Review, C;:liflon quIck oolor film developing Forge, Va., and wjll leave May I and printing service. MaUed to to become editor and publisher of fac*tlry dally! the daily paper. Mrs. Thompson and their family have no definite (AMERA & HOBBY SHOP plans at present. 405 Dartmouth Ave. Frances Benson, student deleG. WEST COCHRANE gate, Mr. Hedley Rhys, professor, . ~w 6-4191 Fri. '·8:30 and Mr. Charles B. Shaw, Iibrar- ·Color· Film Users! -)( "If )If. ,c )( .c 'Y" "d Better Rug Cleaning this New Way ... ,. wa, The ..." ...donal of d_ inI nap fa . . • Bal ""'_ wiih • ....., .......... _ eM... TIM Mlna _ .. _ • wi~~_!1! , _,e. -'_ ..... CLosm _ .......... 11.... · •• _ _ dUFerenee thIa ..ue. .......,. m..... thoroush .1....ln.. • I . 12 DOMESTI. $7.50 .... ell. . . . . . ., • • • all'" 7 ..... • ¥Ia MA&IC MIRZA MACiMIl (PA"'~D11 l.t C"mK~n,! • METHODIST NOTES The Sunday School meets at gineer in' 1938. Mo....... Carpel", _ C~mplete Size RlDse _ _ eagl .a. . 9: 45. Classes are provided for ~-:-:-:::-::-:-:O=-=::-:S 100 Parle Ave" Swarthmore, Pa, children of all ages and for adults. NEWS N TE Q SW Bi-thmjl)'!l 6-6000 _ CLearbrook 9.464ls The Young Adults meet at 10 Mrs. Maxey Morrison and chil- .. , __ ••• Buy with CONFJDENCE ... buy at PAULSON'S ....._ .... o'clock in the Ladles' Parlor. dren Hugh, Bill, and Helen of At the 11 o'clock service: Dr. Dartmouth avenue have returned Keiser will give the last of a from a two-week vi\;it with Mrs. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES series of sermons on The Lord's Morrison's parents Mr., and Mrs. The Golden Text of the Lesson Prayer. Stephen Chase of bunedin, Fla. Sermon entitled "Probation After The nursery for children is "'pen John Davis of Amherst avenue: Death." which will he read in all during the' morning service. Mrs. flew b'ack to Harvard Umversity Christian Science churches next Charles E. Kneedler and Barbara after spending a week of spring You cannot be beHer served Sunday, is ·taken from the First Harlow will" be in charge. vacation at his home on Amherst Epistle of Paut to the Corinthians The ushers for. the day are avenue. He was accompanied than by (6: 14): "God hath both' raised up Peter Murray, Wesley France, home by a classmate Edwin Mc-. • the Lord, and will also raise up George MiJler and George Shu- Amis of Sikeston, Mo. us 'by his own power." Molly Banks of Harvard avebert. The Fourth 'Quarterly Confer- nue entertained as her .h.Quse ence will be held on Wednesday guest for several days Nancy. CHURCH SERVICES Daleroas o. PUIIIUU evening at 8. Dr.' Alexander ..~. Saunders of !-liagara Falls, formPRESBYTERIAN CHllR<;Olj: Smith, 'District . Superintendent, er'Y of S~arthmore. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Joseph"P; 'Bishop, Minister' Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis of John Stettner, Assistant will preside. All official members OUVER H. BAlR, Founder MARY 10. BAIl, " ...d... Sunday, April 28 should be present and reports for Wallingford bas returned from a Telephone RI 6-1581 9:30, 10:45 11 A.M. :....' Church the year will be received from two - month cruise on "T h e School. Caronia" to South America. 9': 30 & 11: 00 A.M. - Mr. Bishop the heads of all organizations. Mr. and Mrs. John Seybold and A flr!>up from the Sunday School will preach. and Church will visit the Fifth METHO~D~I=S=T~C~~H=UR~CH~--­ Street Community Center on Roy N .. Keiser D.D., Minister Thursday, leaving the church at Sunday, April 26, 6: 15 p.m. Those wishing to con9: 45 A.M.-Church Schdol. tribute toward a gift ~or the \0:00 A.M.-Young Adults. 11: 00 A.M.-The Mim.ter will Center, or go with the groUP, preach. should speak to Mrs. William 11:00 .A.M.-C~1urch Nursery. Cresson, Jr. TRINITY CHURCH Rehearsal for the Junior Choir H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector is on Thursday at 6: 30; Senior Sunday, April 26. Choir rehearses at 8. I The last Official Board meeting 8: 00 A.M.-Holy Communlon. 9' 30 A M -Church School. Clas,. y"l1 b ses or';itted for Third Grade and of the Con.ference .ear Wl e up this Sunday. . held on Fr,day evenmg .at 6. 11: 00 A.M.-Morning ·Prayer. Wednesday, April 29. I TRINITY NOTES , 7: 15 A.M.-Holy CommUDlon. Friday (St. Philip & St. James) A Corporate Communion of the 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Confirmation Class will be cele.. bra ted at the 8 o'clock service THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Sunday morning. Church School - _ " " ; BtudebUer Commander V-8 Btal-licbt COUEN! for ave. White IIIidewa11e and chrome OF FRIENDS Satnrday, April 25 will be held at 9: 30 for children 3:00 P.M.--Joint Session. of Con- up to the third grade. Classes will cord Quarterly Meetlng at 3rd be omitted for members 'of the St., Media. . third grade and up on this Sunday. 7: 00 P.M: - Evemng Session of The regular service of Morning Quarterly Meeting. Caroline Ja"~. cob on "Builders of The.Quaker Prayer be held at 11 o'clock. Road." The ushers will be /8S follows: J. Sunday, April 26 E. Bell, A. H. Knabb, A. W" Kitts, 9:45 A.M.-First Day School.. J. N. Nutt, W. ·H. Randall, J. 9:45 A.M.-Meeting {or Worship. S Th d G ompson, an . 11: 00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Reynolds, J. . flreip car flair Children cared for in Whittier C. Wagner. Joe Gibson wiIJ be in 9 body styles The fortunate owners of new 1953 Studebakers House. All are welcome. the acolyte at the 8 o'clock service, Monday, April 27 and John Bernard at 11. During are certain to be the most envied motorists in comfort All day sewing for A.F.S.C. the 11 o'clock service Anne Morse and hond/ing ease Wednesday, ,April 29' and Linda Reed will be in charge . all the world this year. Be one of the first. to " All day sewing for A.F.S.C. of the nursery. 7: 30 P.M.-Mid - week Meeting I'"ger wheel!Jos" enjoy the·diktinction of driving America'8 . for Worship. The Boys' Choir will 'rehearse and WIder headJ" ~t 4 p.m. Monday, followed by the smartest car_Order a new Studebaker sedan, .' FIRST CHURCH OF Girls' Choir rehearsal at 5 o'clock. IH ...verrofd:. "'. .Jt.edlW., <.,rlt! Fe.,~.•rc!Ia.l.'.,ts. Lan ",.' was uslM:' fn, the' com- 1=;±·1;·' ;morejJlelghbor ::: 1 N~er before has motion picture screen 1 captured a stQry so filled ~ A Complete Insurance and Real Estate Agency legal means of, increasing taxes here when nec~sary are not available!' 1 1 1 1 1 Hear Mr. W.lls . ESTEY ORGA"S Mr. and Mrs: c. W. Tucker enfor tertained frien!is to· heard Mr. Home, Church, Chapel Philip Wells, authority on OrganiC la-2nd Skeet Gadening, of Haddon Heights, N. Upland, PeDDa. J., who spoke Friday at CHesur 3·209C nue. their home 301 swarthmo.re ave-I L-______________________ that would permit the adequate financing 'of local schools, or if f' 1,1 the bOnd isalie. He'exPreSsed fear, as' . the however, that present income cominlttee: president, would not be adequate to "keep Mr. Seybold; first vice-president us going" 'wlth more ,than barely and program chairman, John W. essential maintenance, and avoid Carroll; second vice-president and the danger of falling hehind in membersbip chairman, Mrs. Roger providing salaries for top notch Russell; treasurer, Frederick Van teachers. Urk; recording secretary, Mrs. Bruce Smith, the last scheduled Robert B. Jarratt; corres_oDding speaker of the evening, pointed secretary, Laura B. Palmer. out the difference In ·the Interest. rate alone, between a bond Issue Mr. and Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, and the Authority the School Jr., of Wallingford "ntertained Board could have set up for -less ·thelr club membe.. at a dinnerlimited borrowing and a higher bridge Saturday 1lvening. tax rate without citizens' permis-I ~;';;;:~~:.:iiiiiiii;i;;;;"'~;ii;ii;==--: slion, would be about 114 per cent. RUMMAGE SAl.E This means Authority financing' would cost taxpayers about $58, Methodist Social Hall 000 more over the life of the bonds, than would a local issue. THURSDAY. APRil 30 received from the also He also pointed outState that must any help be . paid out of local pockets. In other words if to enc6ur;1ge use of Authorities that enable districts building is a fine one in every to allbitrarily raise tax rates above . way, although not to the point of including luxurious non-essentials, legAl' limits, the state contributes imd . the Board believes bids will some reitnbursemer toward the show it can be accomplished with- districts rental of Authority-held in the district's legal borrowing huildings, the local district pays capacity. Should the cost of what not only the millage inc,rease" levthe community wants be higher ied by the Authority but a sales than the $312,000 the voters auth- tax or income tax such as the orize at the May 19 primary elec- State Legislature is now battling tion the Board's recent applica- to put through to cover expense tion to the State for permissllon of this same Authority reimburseto build under an Authority if ment procedure. T.o Mr. Smith necessary will leave the road opes passage of the Bond Issue attests for following that alternative. It the good Judgment of the electo. is also possible to have an Auth- rate. The slate of Home and School ority take over the project and rent the building to the district officers for next year was unanat a' considerably later point' Imously accepted as presented 'by should anticipated funds and ex- 1 Fmtastie, how " ' - UId oomfodablo these IIerbhires ale on your Jess ••• h_ · lDng they wearl Credit their Dewest lease on life to the new Berkshire_elusive Nylace Top with "pvc and take" as you bend, Btoop, stretch. Looks so ~e yet II'- 110 beautifully ••• · IIIAu all kindS of prter strain. . · Ja your Jensth to fit you. And ill the .r = ~llIlllllIInllUUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllllUlIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NVLAca TOP ...,.,. It""",. elM., = 100 PAIlK AVENUE. SWARTHMORE, PA. SWarthmore 6-1727 I· I /1Mf6r n.. ;; . ~ . JWtltDisneyS , with eac:h purc:hase of- $5 or more ;;; GUARANTEED CERTIFIED COLD FUR STORAGE I I NQT WEEK ORCHID CORSAGE G D....rt-.rldg. Woman's Club . 1 P.M. BUT I CO~OP RED ARROW LINES ~ P&W LINES ers avenue has been chosen 1953 "Annual" Sponsor for the PhI Kappa Sigma Fraternity of Ran· dOlph-Macon Men's College, Ashland, Va. Miss Myrick will attend the "Skull Dances" in Richmond day, May 2. Tbe highlight of the th=i=s=w=ee=k=-eD=:;d=.========'='I=S8=W=lt=I=n=th=e=5=w=arth==m=0=re=a=n=."==, afternoon will be the crowning ,. of the 1953 May Queen in the ANNOUNCING Worth Quadrangle and the prePROMPT DELIVERY ON NEW FORDS sentation of the membe", of .her NO court. The parents at this time TRADE NEEDED will have an opportunity to as- Y., who liveil with the Paulson family 'for a ,short time. You'll be happily ...... _., prIsed to discover how' easy travel ls at ofl".peak hours. You'll find mOl'8 room ••• 8lld you'll en... joy your ride. Ther&'a. trequsnt service' right' thrOugh the day. for sheer comfort IJ1Id - Mothers' and Fathers of Swarth· more students have been invited to visit the college on the Annual Parents' Day, to be held Satur- plane to· visit Mr. Hanzlik's parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry J., Hanzlik of Cornell avenue. Mrs. Robert Jarratt has sold her home at 405 Thayer road to sociate with members of the facMr. Charles Andes of Park avenue. Mrs. Jarratt and children ulty and observe many facts ot'the will move May 2 to their newly student life. A full program of attractive purchased home at 316 Princeton avenue. sporting and entertaining events Caroline de Furia, a junior at has been arranged. There will Pembroke College, will spend the be a baseball game with Drexel, week-end with her parents, Mr. a Lacrosse game. with Stevens and Mrs. Guy G. de Furia, of Tech, and a Junior Varsity tenNorth Chester road. She will be nis match with Westtown in the accompanied. by her fiance, Mr. early afternoon. The May Queen Paul E. Wlttteich, a student at Crowning wlll climax the afterBrown University. noon. Mr. and Mrs. Julius A. Fincken, In the ~vening there will be a of Rose Valley road, entertained student program in Clothier Memas their week-end guests Mr. and orial Auditorium. coD$isting of a Mrs. James CoghIll. who were en piano recital by Christoph Conaro route to their home in Rochester, playing the Beethoven Plano SonN.Y. following a trip south. ata in C Major, the prize winning Dr. and Mrs. Clair Wilcox of one-act play uWalk the Circle" Ogden avenue entertained as their written by Werner Honig, . week-end guest, A. B. Speekin- selections by the Madrigal Chorus brink, minister for Econdmic directed 'by Robert Adler. Ailairs of the Netherlands EmExhi,bitions of work' by the bassy. Camera· Club, drawing, painting Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Paulson and sculpture groups will be open. of Park avenue entertained at a all . day and the Engineering and miscellaneous shower last Thurs- Science Buildings will also have day evening in honor of Mr. and displays of student enterprize. Mrs. Fred Petty of Pensacola, ,..===-==========. Fla., who visited here for the Providence Garden Club CARNS YOU'LL FIND IT EASIER TO TRAVEL WHEN FEWER ARE TRAVEUNG To Feature. May Queen :ond I"ue Boosted At Home and School ~ Don Dickinson. of Park avenue, , FIRST FAMI.LY OF FINE CARS ClMERA & HOBBY SHOP & -WAITE 40S Darflllo'" Ave. Aatllw' . Be 7 ee Sw.6-4191 a:od* • , DMter FrI. N:31 SWARTHMORE 6-1250 CHESTER ROAD ANDYALE·AVENUE ,. . -', .. School Bond Issue Board Meets Twice on Expansion, Routine Business In two sessions since the last went to To Direct Jr. Club $398,000. Set at $312,000 Swarthmorean , new Issue, making one total· press School Board journeyed further toward the Rutgers Avenue School addition which it hopes to I}ave ready for use in Septem- ber 1954. Thursday evening the Board look formal steps to place a re_ quest for a $312,000 bond issue on the May 19 primary election ballot, to provide funds "for and toward erecting, equipping, and furnishing a new elemenlary school building and repairing, altering and improving the exisling elementary 'school building on Rutgers avenue.nThe Board plans to fund a $86,000 present debt for last year's high school alterations :~~se ~~t~';;: s:~:n~7m~a::::thP~~~ Monday . evening it approved preliminary drawings by ArChiteet Howell Lewis Shay, Jr., who 1 hopes to secure State Department of Public Instruction approval, finish detailed drawings and open I!lds by August 1. The Board also decided to file application· for State permission to proceed under an Authority if the bond issue amount doesn't provIde sufficient fund for the needed ext~sion. The step was taken now in order that no conceivable delay to the building exist. for the Dr. Raymon ~istler will ad- SHOP AT THE CO-OP • SMOKED HAM 69': lb. Swift Premium, Rath Black Hawk, Chesterrose Extra Fancy TOMATOES 19c a box NUCOA MARGARINE 25c lb. PROVIDENCE 'ROAD dress the evening session of the annual meeting of the Health and "'elfare Council, Delaware County District to be held at the I WALLINGFORD, 'lEd", 6-4"51 PA. u cil, a Red Feather Service, is holding its annual meeting on the theme "Living in a Growing Community". Speaking to· this theme Dr. Kistler's address will be on UMaking a Better Community". Dr. Kistler, 'Y ho is well known as a churchman, lecturer, author and educator, is president of.Beaver College, Jenkintown. . Mr. Charles L. Larkin, Chesier Mrs. Richard W. by calling the lrealth and Welfare Council ·at MEdia 6-2752. f A Week's Supply C?f ·SPRINGFIELD WATER for one person COSTS LESS THAN 1 GALLON OF GASOUNI ---------- SPRINGfiELD WATER .... PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY Ser\lrng 49 Mvn,dpailtJel In De/owenl! Monlgoml."Y, ana en_l'e r CounlH,'S ROCKET AWAY' In a HOLIDAY! • ., Fashioned 'for dashing funl Powered for flashing J"'rformancel Oldsmobile's snperb new Holiday • • • the inspired ., l amor and"go" ••• combmatJon 0 fg . with the sporting air of a convertible enhanced by the safety of an all-steel topl And, to make your Holiday perfect .•.•• OMsmobile's new Power Steering relieves you of most of the work of turning and parking • • • Oldsmobile's. new Pedal-Ease Power Brakes let you soft pedal to swifter, safer stops. ; ; Oldsmobile's new, more powerful "Rocket" Engine makes you ruler of every road I Come in ••• see how inuch fun a Holiday can bel *rA4!'U Por~r \ F..,,.,.. au l'I.." (j"'MRic.E;;wan o~ ,.,."..COII. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA Mrs. Conwell and guest attended Philadelphia. About the most rewarding thing in life it to help olher•. Electricity gives you the freedom to do 80. free enterprise and creative planning can .do. • sessions of the Province Convention of Kappa Kappa Gammas in iD be nBighborlg This way of life i. an ooutanding example of what 0 OldsmobUe's new "Hardtops" -both Ninety-Eight and Super "88"-offer Power Steering! Power Braking! "Rocket" ·Power, too! . It's a matter of simple consideration. Remember the three Rs of party·line courtesy-be Reasonable about how long .you talk; Release the line for emergencies when asked; Replace the receiver gendy when you find die line in use. If you are always courteous on, the telephone, you're sure to find your party:line neighbors the same. Happy result: better telephone service for evetybody concerned! lic and reservations can be made The men and women of your electric company are on the job to provide dependable electric service for expanding domestic, commercial, and industrial needs, thus bringing Dew freedoms for all. in N to good party-line .telephone service Foster, Mr. apd Mrs. E. L. Conwell of ColumbifJ, avenue entertained as their week-end guest Mrs. wn.:. I Ham Pigott of Saddle River, N. J. in MYSTERY will be the Honorable Henry G. Sweney, Ass,pciate Judge of the Circuit Court; Merritt T. Cooke, Executive Director of the Delaware County Planning Commis- ty Superintendent of Schools. This meeting is open to the'pub- gives me more time CLA:IRE HOEFEr; _ 13 South Chester Road NO. attorney will be moderator of an afternoon general session starting at 4 p. m. Speaking at this general session on the subject IIDeveloping a Sound Community" sion; "'isB:!::r:man°rd. THERE'S I Baker Thompson, Assistant Coun- Mgh@w~~dom • The Health and Welfare Coun- of Ellis Country SchOOl, and G. (Across from Borough Holl) The Chl·ldren'~ Shop Church ,==W=e=d="=IS=d=a=YS=10=A=.M=.=to=1=P=.=M='=..2:~~~8~w~a~r~tb~m~ore~8~-1~1~48~~=::! ers; Dr. Arnold E; Look, President ,Dortmouth Avenue • WHkdays Except Wednesdays . 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Health Chairman of the Delaware County Leagues of Women Vot- • for Baby's Every Need • is expected and Mrs. J. H. Ward Hinkson as • Y k who will join her vice-chairmen. able in the automobiles which will g ew orthe tour include The all important sale of permake the trtp and those wishing the group or als shrubs vines, to make use of them should call Mrs. Cameron Hall and Mrs. A. ::t~~k a;~.!ts 'will again be In 'either Mrs. Henrietta Bruc~, Stanley Thompson. charge of Mrs, James P; Henry. SWarthmore 6-3082, or Mrs. Roy T LUncheon will be served from McCorkel, SWarthmore 6-6769. TO PRESENT CONCER 12 noon to 2 p.m. Mrs. R. Blair Other members of the group The Swarthmore College 0.- Price heads this large committee will board the nine o'clock train chestra, conducted by Dr. Peter with Mrs. Wallace M .. McCurdy as .for New York City· from 30th van de Kamp, will give its final her co-chairman. Street, Station. They will be met concert of the school year on FrtAs in the past, The Junior at the UN Headquarters I!y Mrs. day, May I, at 8:15 in Clothier Providence Garden Club will ofter Patrick MaUn, former chairman Memorial. ' f home _ baked pies, cakes and Mr C · The program will consist 0 I.L d W . ". an f cookies. Their chairman, s.. of the Swarthmore ~ow a credited observer for that Telemann's Suite in A minor or Wal~r Randall, Jr., will be in ~ fiute and· strtngs with Michael Mr organization at the UN. Calingaert as soloist, Mozart's charge of this table with s. Mrs. MaUn has arranged for. a f Harrison B. Wetherill. tour of the· new buildings, Incl~d- Overture to the Manlage 0 Members and friends of all Figaro, Saint_ Saena' First Cello II f uildI iog the new Carnegie b ng or J nearby Garden Clubs, as we. as all with th Concerto in A minor with erome ~ organizations aftlllated ai ~ Goodman as soloist, and Be~tho- all garden lovers, are espeel tY UN, where the WIL will m nA • invited to participate in this even. taln an office. This building Is 10- ven's Symphony No.7 in major. DR. Delaware Co. Council Tasty or Ta'steful. Plans Annual Meeting Antiques & Gounnet Shop w ..... - can Machine Tool Dlatrlbutors MMr and Mrs. Maurice L. .,.,... cated across from the UN BuIld- Providence Garden CUster, ·Jr., of Elm avenue, enter- socIation. ing at 42nd street and the East Sets May Market Date taln.... at their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. WIlJlam . B. Bu!River. .~ lock, of Cedar lane, have returned Other features of the day will The Providence Garden Club of Mr. Webster's uncle and aunt, Dr. after 10UrIDg throlJllh-- VlrgiDla. include a vIsIt to one of the ses- Pennsylvania.wIll hold its annual and Mrs. Douglass Sargent Mead, vIsltlng-garciBllll In the v1cInlty of slona sltting on that day and lunch May Market on Wednesday, ~ of State College. Char1ottesvll1e and RichmOnd, VL in the delegates dining room. Mrs. 6 from 10 8.m. until 4 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles'C. Brogan, B1l1ock, a junior at M Un to make a re- Todmorden Farm, Mrs. Arthur of Guernsey.road, and Mr. Brogan, Richard B. 1 C llege, spent po~ on the pwgresl of the'com': Hoyt Scotts' estaste in Jr of Fonest lane, spent last ·Randolph-MacoD mlttee on the Status of Women Mrs. PhUip C. noW w~ In Cincinnati, Ohio, attend- the week-end at his home em. of· awith largeMrs. committee of Kniskern co-work- _~ln~g~th~e~co~n:v::en::ti:on::...:o:f:...t:h:e:...A::m:e:ri:..---=c::ed:=a_r_l_ane_._ _ _ _ _ _ _-: w hich s h e has been observing on.. ers PhUip W. I b mo~ ':.'v:~ be~~~ :~oreana now llv- train· earlY In the 30th._A few spaces are S· Y T. atlsfy our aste Swarthmore Presbyterian i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiii!iiiii.,i Ion Wednesday, May 6. •t's to Your Advantage Members O• Swarthmore Branch f the w':"'en's International o e for Peace and Freedom ~spend April 30th making a . UN H ad duartersay-IOng ::e:fy:~ it wase an: q ... this wlllleave week. .nounced The group by car and Playtex as chairman of publicity, U, 1953 T i W.I.L Plans r P To UN Headquarters Mrs. Robert Greene and' Mrs. Robert Weiler will be the cochairmen of the Junior Woman's Club of Swarthmore for the next seasop.. Mrs. Greene will head local activities and Mrs. Weiler w II I accept responsibility for c9unty functions. Mrs. Robert DeLong ·is the elected treasurer, Mrs. Owen r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; Sheppard recording secretary, Patricia Welland and Mrs. Scott Complete Line of Weldon corresponding secretaries. Mrs. Henry Faust will serve as chairman of program, Mrs. Walter Ha~um Mrs. I. R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place, Mrs. Wilbur James of Park avenue and her mother Mrs. John Shryock of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Elwood Turner of Wallingford, left Tuesda, for Washington to attend the Contillental Congress of the D. A. R. All are delegates or alternates to the congress from the Philadelphia Chapter D. A. R. Dick McCormack, a freshman at Princeton University spent the :::.k at his home on Ogden ave- ·-rJI ..... Mrs. E. Donald Gustafson and Mrs. Carl Fox as membership chairmen. Mrs. Robert Hamm IS chairman of the Club's theater party planned for Saturday night. Since this In one of the· final socia' events of the current season, the Club is anxious that as manY members as possible will contact Mrs. Hamm promptly. • LET US HELP MAKE YOUR· CAR . RUN BETTER - 'LONGER Our Spring Car Saver Special 15 Designed to Help Get Rid of.. "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer Right Now Your Car, Needs These "Get Ready for Summer" Services 1-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Whiter bn Is too thin for warm weath... lVe drain It-and refill with Summer type $unoco OIL 2-CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS Drain transmiSSIOn and rear refill with 6-CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS Dirty spark plugs waste as much as -1 out of evet",J 11} gallons of gasoline. 7-CLEAN AIR FILTER Lets your engine breathe easler--keeps dirt out of tbe carburetor. Sunoco All-purpose Gear Lubrlcant,. spec~lIY made to resist high pressure and beat. . 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION Special Lubricant TIsed to help keep out squeaks and-wear. Won't dry out. won't wash out. won't squeeze out! Helps improve ~ mUeage. , 4-CHECK OIL FILTER tain.... Inspect cvtrIdge and check for leaks. 9 CHECK-UP OF. "RES COITeC~ _ We can _ have your t_ . ,_ 11 i . . HA"NUM & WAITE , SweilllUIN I 8 , KE T 11 L D s 5 E l Y OU R 6-1250 . ENSINE , 0 • Chester Road and Yale Ayen.. . . "8w1tehlnl" Impro_· the mUe- capped, If needed. coupt HOLIDAY "Smartest of the Hardtops" It you haVe penn&nent antl-~ save It tor next winter. Brinl' YOUI' own con- • 5-IAnERY SERVICED Wlnter.1s ~ toqh On ba&\erI ... .W .. ebeill<. _ stl'ell!:tb, clean terminalS. add dlotlDed _• SUPER " .. " 8-DRAIN ANT, - FRI:EZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS -ADD RUST RESISTANCE M N ,I ARE S T o B 0 L D 5 MO. I L E I DIALER WHITAKER - BAR~ErT, Inc. • 340.W. BALTIMORE PIKE _YOUa -0 LD SMOIIL I DIALE a AL SO FEATURES TOP VALUES IN E • MEdia 6-0100 SAFETY-TESTED USED CAa s-.. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Puge 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN School Bond Issue new issue. making one total ofl $398.000. Monday evening it approved preliminary drawings by Architect Howell Lewis Shay. Jr.• who hopes to secure State Department of Public Instruction approval, Health & Welfare Speaker Board Meets Twice on Expansion, Routine Business finish detailed drawings and open bids by August I. The Board also decided to file application- for In two sessions since the last State permission to proceed under Swarthmorean went to press an Authority if the bond issue School Board journeyed further amount doesn't provide sufficient toward the Rutgers Avenue fund for the needed ext~nsion. School addition which it hopes The step was taken now in order to ~ave ready for· use in Septem- that no conceivable delay to the building exist. bel" 1954. Thul·sday evening the Board Mrs. I. R. MacEl wee of took formal steps to place a re- Mt. Holyoke place, Mrs. Wilbur quest lor a $312,000 bond issue on James of Park avenue and her the May 19 primary election bal- mother Mrs. John Shryock of Phillot, to provide funds "for and adelphia, and Mrs. Elwood Turntoward erecting, equipping, and er of Wallingford. left Tuesday lUl·nishing a new elementary for Washington to attend the Conschool bui1ding and repairing, tinental Congress of the D. A. R. altering and imprOVing the exist- All are delegates or alternates to ing elementary school building on the congress from the PhiladelRutgers avenue." The Board plans lJhia Chapter D. A. R. to fund a $86.000 present deb! for Dick McCormack. freshman . . last year's high school alterations Princeton UnIVerSIty spent the . and Rutgers avenue land purweek at hIS home on Ogden avechase at the same time with the nue. a at, SHOP AT THE CO-OP SMOKED HAM 69c lb. Swift Premium, Rath Black Hawk, Chesterrose Complete Line of Playtex· Satisfy Your Taste dress the evening session of the annua I mee t·mg 0 f t h e H ea Ith an d W If C ·1 D I C e are auneI, e aware ounty District to be held at the for Baby's Every Need PItO'·JDENCE 'ROI\D .Th eCholI dren 'S Shop VVeekdaYI Except VVednesdays . 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. CLAIRE HOEFEL 13 South Chesler Road Wednesdays 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. SWarthmore 6-1148 W'\~~!~~Ff~~~:1 I·...· April 24, 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Web- can Machine Tool Distrlbutors Ascated acroSS from the UN Build- Prov·,dence Garden Club ster. Jr., of Elm avenue. enter- sociaUon. Plans Trip ing at 42nd Sireet and the East Mr. and Mrs. William B. BulSets May Market Date tain~d at their week-end guests lock, of Cedar lane, have returned To UN Headquarters River. . The Providence Garden Club of Mr. Webster's uncle and aunt, Dr. after touring tbrough_ Virginia, Other features of the day WIll Members of Swarthmore Branch of the Women's International include a visit to one of the ses- Pennsylvania will hold its annual and Mrs. Douglass Sargent Mead, visiting gardens in the vicinity of Charlottesville and Richmond. Va. League for Peace and Fr-:ect 0m sions sitting on that day and lunch May Market on Wednesday. May of State College. 6 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Brogan. in the delegates dining room. Mrs. will spend April 30th making a Richard B. Bullock. a junior att Todmorden Farm. Mrs. Arthur of Guernsey road, and M r. B r ogan, day-long tour of the UN Head- Malin is expected to make a requarters in New York, it was an- port on the progress of the com- Hoyt Scotts' estate in Wallingford. Jr.. of Forrest lane. spent last Randolph-Macon College. speD mittee on the Status of Women Mrs. Philip C. Snow is chairman week in Cincinnati. OhiO, attend- the week-end at his home on nounced this week. The group will leave by car and which she has been observing on of a large committee of co-work- ii~n~g_th~e:...':c~o~n~v~en~t~i~o~no~f~t:h:e..A::m:e::n::·:::--=c::ed=a:r_l::an=e:.:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-; ers with Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern _ • train· early in the morning of the behalf of the WIL. Fonner Swarthmoreans now liv- and Mrs. J. H. Ward Hinkson as • 30th. A few spaces are slill availher vice-chairmen. able in the automobiles which will ing in New York who will join The all important sale of permake the trip and those wishing the group for the tour include ennials, annuals, shrubs, vines, to make use of them should call Mrs. Cameron Hall and Mrs. A. and rock plants will again be in either Mrs. Henrietta Bruce. Stanley Thompson. charge of Mrs. James P. Henry. SWarthmore 6-3082. or Mrs. Roy Luncheon will be served from TO PRESENT CONCERT McCorkel, SWarthmore 6-6769. SPRINGFIELD WATER 12 noon to 2 p.m. Mrs. R. Blair The Swarthmore College OrOther members of the group Price heads this large committee will board the nine o'clock train chestra. conducted by Dr. Peter with Mrs. Wallace M. McCurdy as for New York City· from 30th van de Kamp, will give its fin~l her co-chairman. Street StaUon. They will be met concert of the school year on FrIAs in the past, The Junior COSTS LESS THAN 1 GALLON OF GASOLINE at the UN Headquarters by Mrs. day. May 1. at 8:15 in Clothier Providence Garden Club will offer Patrick Malin, former chairman Memorial. The program will consist of home _ baked pies, cakes and of the Swarthmore W.I.L.. and cookies. Their chairman. Mrs. C. W~!E~ now a credited observer for that Telemann's Suite in A minor for Walter Randall. Jr.. will be ;n and strings· with Michael flute organization at the UN. charge of this table with Mrs. Mrs. Malin has arranged for a Calingaert as soloist, Mozart's Harrison B. Wetherill. tour of the new buildings, includ- Overture to the Marriage of Members and friends of all PHILADE~PHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMP.ANY ing the new Carnegie building for Figaro, Sain~ Saens' First Cello nearby Garden Clubs, as well as Concerto in A minor with Jerome . Serving 49 Municipalities in O.fawore, Montgomery and Ch41..ter CountIes , organizations affiliated with the all garden lovers, are especially Goodman as soioist, and BeethoUN. where the WIL will maininvited to participate in this event. tain an office. This building is 10- ven's Symphony No.7 in A major. W•• oL. A Week's Supply of for one person for the Delaware Co. Council Tasty or Tasteful Plans Annual Meeting Antiques & Gourmet Shop Dr. Raymon ~isUer will ad- PIIflO'Z THE SWARTHMOREAN Swarthmore Presbyterian Church '===============-~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ on Wednesday, May 6. The Health and Welfare Council, a Red Feather Service, is holding its annual meeting on the theme "Living in a Growing Community". Speaking to this theme Dr. Kistler's address will be on "Making a Better Community". Dr. Kistler, who is well known as a churchman, lecturer, author and educator, is president of .Beaver College, Jenkintown. ' Mr. Charles L. Larkin, Chester attorney will be moderator of an afternoon general session starting at 4 p. m. Speaking at this general session on the subject "Developing a Sound Community" will be the Honorable Henry G. Sweney. Ass,pciate Judge of the Circuit Court; Merritt T. Cooke, Executive Director of the Delaware County Planning Commission; Mrs. Richard W. Foster. Health Chairman of the Delaware County Leagues of Women VotIt's a matter of simple consideration. Remember ers; Dr. Arnold E. Look. President the three Rs of party-line courtesy-be Reasonable of ElIis Country School, and G. about how long .you talk; Release the line for Baker Thompson, Assistant Counemergencies when asked; Replace the receiver ty Superintendent of Schools. gently when you find the line in use. This meeting is open to the pubHc and reservations can be made lf you are always COUrteous on the telephone, by calIing the Health and Welfare you're sure to lind your party-line neighbors the Council at MEdia 6-2752. same. Happy result: be[ter telephone service for everybody concerned! Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Conwell of SPRINGFIELD THERE'S NO NUCOA MARGARINE 25c lb. ROCKET AWAY In a Fashioned ·for dashing fun! Powered for flashing performance! Oldsmobile's supcrb new Holiday ••• the inspired . l amor and f t go. " combinatIon 0 fg with the sporting air of u convertible enhanced by the safety of an all-steel top! And, to make your Holiduy perfect _ •• Oldsmobile's new Power Stecring relieves you of most of the work of turning and parking • • • Oldsmobile's new Pedal-Ease Power Brakes let you soft pedal to swifter, safer stops ••• Oldsmobile's new, more powerful "Rocket" Engine makes you ruler of every road! Come in ••• see how much fun a Holiday can be! HOLIDAYI to good party-line .telephone service • (Ac:ross from Borough Hall) Columbia avenue entertained as their week-end guest Mrs. WilHam Pigott of Saddle River, N. J. My hew fm~dom ----- Oldsmobile'S new "Hardtops" -both Ninety-Eight and Super "SS"-offer Power Steering! Power Braking! "Rocket"Power, too! MYSTERY Extra Fancy TOMATOES 19c a box *Thr,e Pau"#,. Fea,ure. aad New Ausronic.l!,'yr are opti.oaaJ III atnI (;0$'. J THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA Mrs. Conwell and guest attended sessions of the Province Conven- mote time tion of Kappa Kappa Gammas in Philadelphia. to be nQighborlg About the most rewarding thing in life is to help others. Electricity gives you the frcc(IOlll to (10 so. The men and women of your electric company arc on the job to provide dcpcndnlllc electric service for expanding domestic, commercial, and indusll·ial needs, -thus bringing new freedoms for all. This way of life is an outstanding example of what feee enterprise and creative planning can do. Q!:).I,! 1-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Winter 011 Is tou thin for warm wl'ather. 2-CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION Srwrlal J,1IIIrl(":\I1t lIsee1 tn "rip k('('IJ ont budge. • .; Right Now 'four Car Needs These "Get Ready for Summer" Services Sunoco Ali-purpOSe Gear J.lIbrirantspecfal1y m:ule to ~Ist. high l)rt."!'slire and heat. family .... .,.: Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer "raln transmission and rrar refill with necessities in the ..... LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR RUN BETTER - tONGER We drain it-amI refill with Summer type Sunoeo ou. Electricity i& SlW one of .he lowes•• . priced Mrs. E. Donald Gustafson and Mrs. Carl Fox as membership chairmen. Mrs. Robert Hamm Is chairman of the Club's theater party planned for Saturday night. Since this in one of the final sociaL events of the current season, the Club is anxious that as many members as possible will contact Mrs. Hamm promptly. I It's to Your Advantage giv~ m~ To Direct Jr. Club Mrs. Robert Greene and Mrs. Robert Weiler will be the cochairmen of the Junior Woman's Club of Swarthmore for the next season. Mrs. Greene will head local activities and Mrs. Weiler will accept responsibility for county functions. Mrs. Robert DeLong is the elected treasurer, Mrs. Owen Sheppard recording secretary, Patricia Weiland and Mrs. Scott Weldon corresponding secretaries. Mrs. Henry Faust will serve as chairman of program, Mrs. Walter Hannum as chairman of publicity, I Set at $312,000 Dartmouth Avenue April 24, 1953 ~lllIraks and w(':tr. \Yon't dry 01lt. won't wash 011t. won't squerze ont! lIellls lm- 1lrO\'c gas mileage. 4-CHECK OIL FILTER , Inspect cartridge and check for Il'aks. S-BATTERY SERVICED Winter. Is especlnlly tongh On batteries. We <'h~k strength, clean terminalS, add dlstlUed water. 6-CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS Dirt)" spark plugs waste as much as 1 out of c\"ery 10 gallons of gasoline. 7-CLEAN AIR FILTER J ..ets your (l'llghle breathe easler-keeps dirt out of the carburetor. ..; . SUlIER "88" HOLIDAY COUPE 8-DRAIN ANTI. FREEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS -ADD RUST REStSTANCE If YOIl hn\"(~ permanent anti-freeze. it fOr next winter. Bring yOllr own tainer. 9-CHECK·UP OF. TIRES 11 Correct "Switching" Improves the mUeage. "Te can also have your tires recapped. If needed• HANNUM & WAITE Swarthmore IISmartest of the Hardtops" sa.\'e con- • Chester Road and Yale Avenue ..:...:~.::; •• ·c··: 10 eKE o t 11. [N GIN [ L s D SEE YOUR M NEAREST o B OLDSMOBILE I DEALER WHITAKER - BARRETT, Inc. 6 1250 0 340 W. BALTIMORE PIKE _ y 0 U R 0 L D S MOB I L E DEALER ALSO FEATURES TOP VALUES IN E SAFETY.TESTED MEdia 6-0100 USED CAR5-S-- c ... ~, .• , .:;,;TIIF;, S\VARTHMOREAN •• ,< April Dr;,lones ;Jssues. m~: t~at!:~nne;O?::~uld Host to Frie,;dly· Open "••" Bullet·In . .HeCUll. 00 Gamma Globull·o ; HO~$e Group receive gamma' globulin In view of the Information we now have are those who have had a known :"·IO~ Mrs. Blake went to Baltimore Saturday for the SwarthmoreLoyola College gam e. Avery. Blake. Jr.. is captain of the Swarthmore team. ,I. '.21 Ltocky WI •••" _.. h ,.ntto'Y le..etI ley Our Mente"'" U. s. Govt. Graded ChoIce Western Steer • .., Tender, Juicy. Sirloin, T.Bone -or Porhtrhou. . STEAKS ·75" 2. Furnishing the materials and per_ 'fonnlng the above work 'With the exception of the asphalt binder. 3. _ h I n g and applying approxImately 3800 8<>11000 of asphaIt good starting salary. SOCHI ch......... advaMeIll.nt Ia awa_ must nt and. tumlab. by law. the farm wamtnecl-'iD _ofthe~' ". &LIO'rr~. BoIOC4Il oJ Gt&lJ'w • " ~ONE "A ,.....". '~ : COMPANY OF PENllSn,_ "r_ Ie _ Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. . Swarthmore L1833 6-1064. m~~:s6_~~~~~tone. 'Baird & Bird - . ~ .. COR. DARTMOUTH and LAFAYETTE AVENUES Ib Opposite . Borough Hall ..... ., ., . iSS'S'Sssssss_, S'SSSSSSSS'S"$S$ S SSSSSSSS','" ~-. ,",- ... , . .... FOR SALE -' Mushroom and topsoil. Call CHester 2-8024. ~. euilrl5c ~17c ACME, MARKET, chat. Rd~, euiIr 3Sc SwarfhnDe Opell;~h,yrs~ayand.ljfld!ll' ", 9 P.M. I I • Fusco . .. ' . o. CHESTER and F.AIRYIEW ROADS amended permit sms extending at to least three concrete Inc~es above FL~.s s~:'!:\e ~m~~'!.I~~ the materials that may be \!sed and the m1nlmulD thickness of the· walls. • Residential • I • CommercIa ~ I~ WEMENTARY ! lSi! StIr!1m !~~~~, !1 ! \ P.R. R. Freight Bldg. Swarthmore, Po'. . . J. F. BLACKMAN , -- . 'SlY 6-6616 f.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Charles E. Fischer BUILDER . Swarthmore 6-2253 Jack Prichard PAINTING and CARPENTRY SCHOOL CREASE OF DEBT." The following Is a summary of said resolution: ' !~t~~~~~~l I~ Swarthmore 6·3450 Alterations BUILDING ON RUTGERS AVEiNUE: AND CALLING AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSI(: OF OBTA1NING THE ASSENT OF THE ELEOl'ORSTO SAID IN- LOST LOST Maroon plaid winter jacket, zipper front, light J!tay Mouton colI a r. ,size 8. Call SWarthmore 6-3890. LOST - Westmont-Upper. Yoder High School class ring. Reward. Please return to The Swarth- ' AI teratloDS CONSTRUCTION The proposed amendments wlll be consld~ed by Borough 'Counen at its ING Painting R epalrsfi! • COMMERCIAL place unrel~rorced concrete founda- FOR RENT - Large apartmentliving room, dining room, modern kitchen and bath. four bedrooms; Cenlral location. Edward L. Noyes & Co.. SWarthmore 6-0114. FOR RENT - Attractively furnished room. in new' house, for g""th!man. C a II SWarthmore 6-6769. FOR RENT - New Duplex apartments, just completed I two bedrooms, tile bath, living room, dining-room, fully equipped kitchen. Garage. You will be delighted with view if you are interested in pennanency. Convenient to· R. R. Station. Phone MEdia 6-1870, FOR RENT Room. private home-semi-private bath. 119 Yale avenue. Phone SWarthmore 8~199. . • RESIDENTIAL AND tlon walls having at least 10 tnches In thickness. with footlngB projecting not lem than two Inches on each ' • fi! ~ 17V2 South Chester Road • • Bec. 1'100. 8. Shall be amended to delete this &ub-sectlon referring tol wood Sec'. furr1110~.g· ~uNnATION WAIUJ shall be amend~. by add;lng a new SUb-section 8 pennlttlng poured-In- side. thereof. REEVES BUlld,lng Construction FOR SALE-Wardrobe trunk meeting In Broough HaIl at 7.30 P. excellent condition-very· reas-'I M •. on .l\JIondaY.--l!la¥_4-J.953•...or a onably priced-also man's subsequent time and place then handbag. Phone SWarthmore publtcly announced. ~eanwhlle, copies of the proposed amendments 1489. . tnay be examined during omce hours WANTED in the secretary's Omce Borough Ball. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON WANTED - To purchase wading Borough secretary pools, in good condition. Donations of dolls, children's books and LEGAL NOTICE small play equipm~nt for use in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pre-school and primary program Board of School Directors of the of Swarthmore. Recreation Asso- the School District af the Borough of ciatipn. Telephone SWarthffiore Swarthmore. Delaware County, Pa-.• 6-4381. on Aprll 16, 1953. duly adopted a WANTED - ' Unfurnished apart- r~solution entitled: ment-three or four .rooms and "A RESOLUTION bE'th, in Swarthmore. C all SIGNIFYING THE D~mE ,OF SWarthmore 6-2143. 'THE BOARD _OF sc~rf""\T, f'TRECTORS OF THE SOHOO~ DISWANTED - High School freshman desires job as mother's . TRICT· OF THE BOROUG~ OF SWARTHMQRE, DELAWARE helper, 3 afternoons week-midCOUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA. TO dle June thtough July. Call MAKE AN INCREASE OF THE SWarthmore 6-5177 evenings. DEBT OF SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE BOROUGH OF WANTED'-We will buy ·at best SWARTHMORE IN THE SUM· OF prices, old china, cut glass, furTHREE HVN'>RIID TWELVE niture. Call Holly Oak 4313 or THOusAND DOLLARS (eSI2.000) Holly , Oak' 6720 collect, for apFOR THE PURPOSE OF PRO- ,. pointment. All business confidenVIDING FUNDS FOR AND TOtial. Colonial Cupboard. • PhilaWARD EREGrING. EQUIPPING' delphia Pike, Wilmington. Del. AND FURNISHING A NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING AND REPAIRING. JUlrERlNG FOR RENT AND IMPROVING THE EXIST- 2toI8%MORE Del-FREE POWER. fer ........""'. with ...... -1II<.1Iooooey_ . .1oI_cheti _ . . . 69c' Phone SWarlh- 6-2144. 'SWarthmore 6·1202 SWarthmore 6·,,108 ..... euiIr hereby given of Intention to amend the Borough of Swarthmore. ClOde of 1950 In the following respeCts: Sec. 825. WALL OPENINGS sMIl floor level. • FOR SALE - C entury G rapblc 2* x 3* F 4.5 Lens, Flash. Cut film holder, Roll film bac~, Adapter ring, Filter, Lens shade, Gadget ·bag. Used once! $132.50. Owner in service. Camera & Hobby Shop _ 40. Da'rtmouth ~ Ave. . FOR SALE Cast Iron Lawn Roller - ' $6.00. SWarthmore Real Estate and Insurance BWD .:. 2Se 0I0Iy L, I I . In accordance with Section 1202· LXI of the Borough Code. notiCe I . . paint, 4 new tires. $750.00. Call be ~~~~~~~~~"'~~~ii~~;~~~~~ii~~~~~~ SWarthmore FOR SALE' Double laundry .Yiu&- Batter to ...... the 1IIE IE11 333 More Mille-More Butter _11-ntI __ ."ploy•• Dca.,.... - - ...,. ooa_ ;-.oute . . '&grt - . .. ~ ot wb1ah ~ma,. be All Lines of Insurance IABISCO RITZ o~::!:" :. 32e ~ TOMATO JUICE ~~27c BONITO FLAKES I~:~ . 6~-:"1gc: .Yiu&- EVAP. MILK 4 I~~ 53e 0rkaI SBARP CHEESE • sSe na·lor • •pl0Yftlent with a . .1........ 691~ Ludlow ... e . ., Upper 1631 Arch S....., Philadelphia, . . . tho penon ar linn to miles. ExceIlent condition. Must sacriflee. $1500. CaIl SWarthmore 6-8007, FOR SAiLE _ 1947 Plymouth CUSTOM SLIP COVERS Special Deluxe 4-door. heater. ' . Phone Sharon Hill 0734 slip-covers. clean inSIde. Good U P H 0 L S T E R ER Peachl Pluntl Aprlcotl PI.-Pllel Aprlcot-Plneappl. th.. portions - b e d In Items 2 IUId 3 to rough of Swarthmore- in Council "Chamber, Borough Hall. Swarthmore. Pa .• on May 4th. 1953. at 7:30 P.M. tor surface treating appraxl.. mately 10.000 square yards of Borough Streets to be designated. by the Bor_ ough Highway Committee in torm as I..; . TIlE SWARTHMOREAN 24, 1953 April ..-.CT---.""C=--;;;:;"=;;;-=::- are ·'stocking up" on the com-- . Dr. and ~. James B. Cooper coach at Swarthmore CoIlege,"and mercial preparation of globulin. ,and daughter Ann. of Parrish road. which may be Sold at exorbitant have returned home after a threeblack market prices. . week southern tour. stopping a The Red Cross 'does not m";':e ~ew Orleans and St. Augustioe. the globUlin. but collects the blOOd a. and turns it over to the commercial firms who haye agreed to produce the globulin. This Is a wonderful thing for the Red Cross people to do and is another of the many reasons for' every one who can to give blood. :rhe office of Defense Mobilization in rece!ves and handles the globulin, and the present understanding is that it will be distributed through the respective state health agencies. Since the demand by the public will obviously exceed greatly any amount that could be produced it is planned to distribute the material only In epidemic areas. and prob!lbly only upon the , written request of physicians. In this way there should be enough for Use where it is really indicated. Incidentally, a certain amoUnt of globulin is needed to' protect certain individuals against hepatitis and measles. Another fact learned from the studies of globulin is that the protection that develops does not begin until the 5th day after an injection and does not last more than 5 weeks. The globulin does not always protect the child against Polio, and neither does it always give enough protection to , ... "'t The Friendly Circle of Swarth_ ·and 'recognized exposure to an in- D:\ore was host to the Friendly . (. " '" dlvidual wHo is ill.wlth polloi For Open House group last Monday .Tltls is:,wrltten wlth.thehopo· example.·lIn exposure to'anotber ,April 13. with Mrs. J •. H. Jessu member of the' family. or 'a 'child P. that some of the confusion and iii a car pool. or a playmate"iIi_ Mrs..W. ~ark Bittle. Mrs. Edward , mistaken ideas In the publlc milid doorS etc. If 'globulin is zeserved Boyd. Lillian Boyt and Eva Cresregarding the use of gamma glo- for this t)"pe of exposure and' not son serving on the hOSPitality bulin in. Poliomyelitis may be used needl.....11 then not only wlll conunlttee. . cleared up. a waste of money be avoided but 'Activities included songS and Studies carried out last sum- ,the supply of globulin may be cartoon work. Several members adequate. . gave highlights of their winteJ.--varner in the southwest areas Where In summary. parents and pby~ cations. Knitters in the group pollo was epidemic indicated that slelans are urged not to hoard were pleased to announce that gamma globulin made from hu- gamma globulin. nor to expect the they I have enough squares for man blOOd is of deJlnlte value in authorities In char~e of the globu- three afghans for the Red Cross. preventiog or making an attack ~n and the physiCIans to admlnThe next meeting of the Group of polio lighter. There is reason Ister. the product unl..... there is will be on Monday, April 27. and to believe from progreSS made suffiCIent reason to do so. to be will feature a hobby show. . that there may be a vaccine avall- reasonable and cooperative and to able within the next several years. avoid panic when the polio seaNEWS NOTES In the meantime there should be son arrives again. And lastly. to practical and sensible use of gam- make every effort to give blood' Mrs. Owen W. Gay of Walllng_ rna globulin. and contributions to the Red ford Hills entertained last TuesThere are several important Cross when it can possibly 'be day at a. luncheon and April facts about the globulin that was done. It takes a lot of money to shower in honor of Mrs. Charles used in the study referred to maintain a blood-collecting pro- T. Deacon of Lafayette avenue above. It was made from a great gram. even thougb it is done ab- who will leave Soon to visit reiamany pooled specimens of blood solutely at cost and without tives in England. collected by the Red Cross. Be- profit whatsoever. Chrissie Ford of Amherst avecause of this a maximum amount J, Albright Jones. M.D .• Chalr- nue is one of 20 girls in her class of protective substances was ob- man Medical Advisory Committee at Duke University chosen to be tained. Commet"cial prepal'atfons ~elawaret County Chapter, Na~ members of "Sandals" an hon .. are not made from a large num- tional Foundation Infantile Paral- orary organization for leadership ber Of pooled specimens, and ysis. as shown freshman year. She was therefore may not have as much BI!:"'d und Jones. Chairman of also made a member of Covalue as the globulin from the Procurement. American ordinate Board at Woman'S ColRed Cross, The significance of this Red Cross. Chester Branch. lege. Duke University. should be apparent to those Who Mr. Avery F. Blake. lacrosse • 24, 1953 • 9 Page SWarthmore 6-8761 r I ~, T1lt1"ETW The preamble recited. that it was necessary for the, SChool DIstrict. to m.ak~ an Increase or the debt of the School Dlstrlct for the, purpose ot providing tunds for and toward. erectIng, equipping and furnishing a new elementary school bulldlng and repairlng. altering and improving the existing elementary school bulldtng on RUtgers Avenue. %tT~ Section 1 expnssed the desire ot the B.l8rd of School Directors to make the In~ or debt for the purposes _set torth in the preamble. Section 2 provided. for an eleetion for the purpose of obtaining the 'assent of the electors on May 19.1953, section 3 authorized the giving of the reqetred. notice of web election. section 4 set forth the fonn of question to be submUted to the electors. BecUon 6 directed the secretary of the Board of SChool DIreCtors to transmit DAY and NIGHT to .the county Board of 'Blectlons a ·cert1flec1 copy of the desire resd.utlon and the form. of question to be sub- mttte<1 to tale electors. DC>R01HiRO;"'BRS. Secrelary of the Board of School Dlreeton of the BchQOl DIstrIct of the - . r h ofewvt\1JDOl8. .DeJawaN ODaDtJ•• ~ .~: OIL HEAT 011. ""'''lU ..... C()IfIlIJIOH,NQ a.. fvtKACU Oil 100lIn" Oil IU,N'''G ....... 111 "U,IUJ OIL BURNER SERVICE r.lONDAY TRRU SATURDAY NOON SW 6-4041 .. 81JNDAY8 and HOLIDAYS SW 6·0740 COAL FIREPLACE WOQD J.A. I Page 10 THE SWARTHMOREAN Me Named for U.W.F. Dinner Monday Night Mrs. CWford Lewis. 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller. Mr., and Mlrs. H. Lindley Rell.· Mrs. Adele Scott Saul. Mr. ,and Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Shane, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snape. Dr. and Mrs: C. Stephen Stahlnecker, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Thayer. The dinner meeting is the occasion of the annual educational and fund raising banquet of the organization, which is being attended ·by over 300 guests of Swarthmore and vicinit)l. Mrs. Arthur S. Robinson and Willard Tomlinson are the cochairmen· of the dinner committee. April 24, 1953 Nursing Service·in· Orientation Meet NEWS NOTES ROTARY SPEAKER "Why Should I Work for You.'t Mrs. Joseph F. Gaskin of Um-' will be the topic for ROversity place spent a· week-end tary Club members meeting for in Great Lakes, Ill., ,visiting her luncheon today at noon. Speaker Rev. Donald Harrington Six New Directors Visit son-in-law and daughter Lt. N. B. Robert N. Hllkert, vice-preSident Livingston, M.C .• U.S.N.R., Mrs. in charge of personliel at the 'FedWill Be Featured Agency Services With 'Livingston and their young son eral Reserve Bank, Philadelphia, Speaker President, Staff Johnny. Lt. Livingston with his will be· mtroduced by John Earl G. Harrison will act as Mrs. C. Edwin Ireland presidebt family will' leave for the weSt Michael, chairman of todaY8 the Master of Ceremonies at the of the Community Health SOCiety coast where he will be stationed events. dinner being held in the Aronof Central Delaware County con- at the Marine Base at EI Toro~ imink Golf Club Monday Evenducted the Spring Orientaijon Calif. . Receives Scholarship ing. Mr. Harrison,' a member of Course for new board members ,Mrs. Frederick W. Held of WestGordon G. Power. Jr., grandson the. Bar and former Dean of the April 16 with th~ assistance of minster avenue left Thursday for of Mr; and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett Law School at the University of Acting Di,rector Dorothy M. Sid- Washington where she will serve of Garrett avenue, who will gradPennsylvania, will introduce the ner and Mrs. Carl Schmitt. presi- as a. page ~t the Nhtional Congress uate in June from Towson High speaker of the evening, the Revdent elect and present chairman of the D. A. Be School, Md., has received an open erend Donald Harrington of New of the Society's planning commitCatharine. Heider, who attended scholarship of $500 for tour years York City. tee. Swarthmore High S~hool while' from Swarthmore College. New members ~n attendance living with her uncle and aunt - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - Mr. Harrington, in his address To Study Budget to the invited guests, will have The League's evening meeting, were Mrs. LaRue HendrixSon'l Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Paulson of as his topic; "More Power to the on Monday, April 27, at McCahan Swarthmore; Mrs. Charles Mc- Park avenue, and now a student iC United N(ltions: The Only Way Hall, Presbyterian Church, will Cafferty, Springfield; Mrs. Walk- at Houghton College, N.Y., sang to Peace." take the form of a panel discus- er Evans, Mrs. Edward Passmore, with the acappella choir 01 the Patrons for the meeting, spon- sion of proposals to improve Con- and Mrs. Andrew Alexander, Rid- college at its recent concert in sored by the West Delaware Coun- gressional bud~etary procedure. ley. Park; and Mrs. Henry Hof- Camden, N. J. maim, Rutledge. . ty Chapter of the United World Mrs. Holden Furber, chairman of • Sometimes it takes Blood Donor Day Federalists, are: the committee, will be the moder- .. After learning that Executive courage to tace the facts Rev. and Mrs. Joseph P. Bishop, ator, assisted by Mrs. J. Burris Director Mrs.' E. A. Groff is absent Borough citizens are reminded; on educational leave, the directors concerning your health Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clarke, I West. I to go to the Woman's' Club May 7 -and resolve to do somevisited the Health Center h.eadMr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Dana, Mr.. ------~to give blood to the Red bross thing about it. But the deand Mrs. Vincent Gilpin, Mr. and 1st Lt. William A. Thomson, son quarters in Borough Hall, Swarth- Blood Bank. "It takes only a little cision always pays! See Mrs. Frank H. Griffin, Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thomson more where they met Secretary time to do a lot of good!" your Doctor right away. Learn how modern medMrs. Earl G. Harrison, Rev. and of Swarthmore,. is now enrolled in Aida DeFuria and learned how incoming calls for nursing service icine can help. And be Mrs. John Henry Hauser, Mr. and ~he Antiaircraft and Guided Mis·· are received and handled; how sure: to. bring all preMrs. Sewell W. Hodge, Mr. and siles Branch' of The. Artillery scrtptlons here for reco~ds of nursing serviCE; are CO-ED BEAUTY Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins, Mr. and School at Fort Bliss, Texas. prompt service and fair compiled and kept; and received prices .. Thank you! instruction in nursing equipment SALON CATHERMAN·S used on bedside visits. . Next, the group visited the DRUG STORE , Suppiy Closet in the Swarthmore Open Thur.day Night. Co-operative building where sick room equipment is kept to be used or loaned when needed in the So- PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE• . ~iety's six community area;. The Swarthmore 8-1013. new adjustible walker ~onated by A General Moton Masterpiece the Swarthmore Rotary Club and the hospital bed and pair of bedIT ALL ADDS UP sides' given by Dr. R~ E. Spiller were noted gratefully. '. • speCializ.in g. in short run ,jobs TO A.The Woodlyn Child Health Cen& ho ter, opened, maintained, and staff. . .or t sewho prefer perfection WONDERFUL··BUY! ed by the Society, was visited at . '. . ~ ,\~.. . .~< 0* * * * * * **** * * ** * * ** * * PONTIAC- *. ,=::::::==============-----______--.;.__ t· ~~;ai~e ~:_:~~~edpa~~:n:o:~ C. R. -LOUGHEAD, INC., 11th & Edgmo..t Ave. weU~ that of the sta1fnurses and ~he voltql~rs opdqti. ~en Call' CHesler 3·331~ the group adjourned tathe Ingleneuk tor luncheon it was joined by Mrs. John Ross, director whQ. works regularly at the Woodly{i ?_T ~alth Center and two other voi- . PRI11TlITGt' . , 11 11 . H~RRY·· BEWLEY length. Directors met Dr. Doretta Cheste.. ". . . REAR DFMEbIA:F1RS;" NATIDNAL BANK : MEDIJi\6-C4S6 r==~===';~::;:::=F=====::;=====:::;:::::;;:::==:::;r:==j .. . J 'E LIM£BURNER CO unteers regwarly on duty there, Mrs. John MurPhey and Mrs. Car- •• roll P. Streeter. INNER SECURITY TO . BE BISHOP TOPIC Daylight Saving TilDe • Banking HO'urs for this Sank, Monday through Storewide Savings in our 32nd Annivenary Salel sive will be from 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. and Friday Evenings, 7:00 P.M. to·8:00 P.M., Eastern Daylight Saving Time. ~ .. .; •. Guild Opticians 827 LANCASTER AVENUE 6915 LUDLOW STREET BRYN MAWR. PA. UPPER DARBY, PA. . 1923 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA 3. PENNA• 'You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's' 27, 1953, to Friday, S~ptember 25, 1953, inclu- . :... Experts in th. Maleing and Fitting of Spectacles alld Eye Glasses The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, pastor of the Swarth~ore Presbyterian .Church, will speak on "I~­ ner Security for. oUr Children" when parents of Martha Shaw's fourth grade, College Avenue, school meet ip the visual educa- , tion room of the high school next Tuesday evening, April 28, at. 8 o'clock. . Friday, during the period effective Monday, April , III West'Baker Street • MeOlA· PA. . .... - , ", ESTER'S Fashion Corner , EDGMONT AVE. - 7th AND WELSH STS. • • • Washable BOBBIE JEANS Special! 'SIARTHMOBE 'NATIOIAL BARK .,. AND· TBUST COMPANY • , ". ".~ . '> .:. ". ,- ~ .•..•. :-·r· '.~ . . :; 3.79 Blue 01' gray d&n1m wtt.b. say plald-tl1mIned pocket.. aDd cutra. . 8b1rreid • boxer top gives' trim. waist. heaveDl,· 0ClID.furt1 10 to 18. . f