~ Give , SWAinHMORE COLLEGE L 1 flIt;\ n Y THE 'SWARTHMOR Your Flowers . To The Flowerless t • VOLUME 24-NUMBER '81 13.50 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST I, 1952 pm 'YEAIl • SChOOi Board Buys :!l:;'b~~: ~o:~~:r Lions Set Anniversary .c°T~~,~N~~Dl~:6~EROTARY LayCommitteeStudies , ty, ~~:~~:~~e~~~ ~~~:! ::::~~ CeIebrat"Ion on Sep.t 22 ~~;fo:h~e~~:~~~;~w!:al~~u~;' S·Chool Bldg• Problems Rutgers Ave, Proper the requeEt for permission to build Adion Will' Be Reviewed By Board of Reviews Fo 0 K r • • be held Monday evening in Borough Hall. Council will hold its regular monthly meeting following the 7:'30 hearing. ,'f Other Events Also Sched- will be the guest speaker at t~e Sub' _ Chairmen Deliver • Rotary luncheon today, at 12 0 d uled at M~et~ng clo~k. Mrs. G~ofI will e~plain he Reports at Tues ay Monday Night vanous functions- of this service Meeting and the vital part it plays in comThe Swarthmore Lions Club munity life. tentatively set September 22 as Robert Wllkinson, chairman of the date for their first Charter the Community Service committee Anniversary Celebration at, their of the Swarthmore Rotary, will regular .meeting Monday night. In introduce the speaker. the Lions tradition the celebration will be 'observed on the meeting day closest to 'the actual date 01 the original presentation. In \he absence of· President Barton Calvert, Second Vice-president Peter Coste appointed the committee in charge of the pro. Virginia Rath Will Dired gram. AppOinted w~e: Fr:Ulk Mc. Classes Sponsored By Fadden, chairman;, Ed Sullivan, Red Cross Charles Brady, Ellis - Rumsey, Dave Bingham and AI Stewart, As Swimming lessons sponsored by ~alladies and other guests will lile local branch of the American be invited. ,Red Cross begin Monday moining The .Lions Club was informed at the Morrow pool, 1045 Harvard that the two disposal cans pur- avenue. The ten day cou~e runchased for the deposit of papers and trash were received by the ning through Friday during the Borough and plans are .underway weeks of August 4 and 11, is open to have these properly placed in to all intermediate and non-swiman effort to help keep the down- mers. Virginia~Rath, director of womtown area free of deb~s. If the en's physical education at Swarthtwo cans prove satisffctory, sev- more College, will teach the classeral more will be purchase,j at' a es, assisted by Life 'Saving rnlater date and turned over to the structor Mrs. Ralph V Little, Jr., Borough. of Haverford place, and Junior Lion Leslie Korndoffer reported Life Savers Joan Taylor, Yale that he had received the raincoats avenue, Virginia Tills, Haverfor,d and hats purchased by the Club place, 'and' Sidney Jackson, Harfor the School Safety Patrol. These vard avenue, will be d~livered to the School Classes start· promptly at 9 for for the use of the Patrol in Septhe intermediate' group, and at 10 t b em er. and 11 tor the Beginners group. Lion Kenneth Sadler is making Land secretaryY..rs. William F. arrangements for the Philadelphia Taylor, 2nd., who will be on hand DQg 'Obedience Club to put OD; a Monday to register the water pudemonstration here in September: . ill ' vid rtunity pils, and keep the records during This w pro e an oppo the rest of the course, will also for the residents of Swarthmore help With the beginners. . h "s and VlC~ty to see how t e eeBoth Miss Rath and the Red ing-Eye dogs are trained for the Cross have underlined the need use of the blind. for'greater water safety, and urge SecretanaHoraceRenshaw read to the members the. proposed Con~ parents to encourage the indifterstitution and By-Laws prepared ent or non-swimmers of their famby the Constitution .Committee ilies to take advantage of this opheaded by Edward Windell. After portunity. Those w~o wish to ima short discussion the Con$titutlon prove thei~ endurance and confiwas accepted unaoimo~. by the dence are cordially welcomed. Aspirants. under three feet 'are members present. asked to wait another year, howA family picnic was suggested ever, as the shallow end of the Pariy-Da.7-0fl and Lion Frank Masselli was ask- pool is OBly three feet and creates Drop One-Hard Wednesday was party-day-off, ed to make the necessary arrange- too great a handicap for t1;).e be· The Hornets baseball team.,went but on Thursday all 105 children menU; and set a date before the ginner. to extremes last week in wfuning were gathered together fdr the end of the summer. two games while dropping one. first time in the summer, to see TV Guest After beating ,Holmes 7-3 on Mon- the Primary Group under Mrs. LEGION WINS Mrs. Valentine Fine of Swarthday, the local nine poured it on Miriam Damron, with' Anne Lumore avenue will make a guest DELCO TITLE appearance . on 'Jelevision Clifton 17-3 on Wednesday only kens and Marilyn Green to help, next to be walloped by Yeadon 21':"3 on present the operetta "The ShoeThe Swarthmore Ainsworth- Wednesday morning at 11.o'clock. :Friday. ' maker and the Elves". These sev- Wernher Legion Baseb~ team The program is "Home HighClifton pitcher Lonie BarbeUa en and eight-year-olds--14 future beat Drexel Hill Legion team in Ughts" on Channel 10. Mrs. Fine started well, retiring the first six second graders and 13 futul'e third a game Tuesday evening on the will teU about a successful home Hornet' players to face him, but graders----then gave a comic skit ltiverview Field by a score of 6-4 grown product, "Bless and Appor, then' wQakened, allowing 12 walks on the Chicken Pox. All but three and thereby pocketed tlle Dela- tion", the cook book wbich the in the final three innings. Richard of the group, including Mrs. Dam- ware County, Championship. Zieg- women of Trinity Church publishGurin was forced to play, most of fon, have now had the chicken pox enfus started on the mound. for ed this year. the game with an upset stomach .as a result. of the recent seige. Swarthmore but had .to be reUevbecause no substitutes were availAnother party was giv~n on ed by Robinson in the second innRECEIVES PROMOTION able, .and in spite of this had a Friday when the kindergarteners ing. Robinson was the'winning Robert W. Richardson, Park double with the bases loaded, a entertained with a dramatic $it pitcher. avenue, has been promoted from single, and made a fine catch in on planets, and sang several songs. Base hits by Zizza, Zitoick aJ}d Philadelphia area sales representhe outfield. "Icky Dicky Do" featuring rhythm Robinson enabled the team to, tative of Ethyl Coi-poration to .Ray Las$iat, pl~ his. last Gccompanime~t, seemed to be a score edrly in the game. The win- Philadelpbia district manager. A game this season, also hit 'well, as particular favorite for the mothers. ning blows were a single by Curry grpduate of Massachusetts Instidid George Ga~tt. Charlie'Wentz These Fives, who have devoted with the bases loaded, worth two tute of Technology, Mr. lUchardpitched his u8Ust steady game, al- many hours to painting a remark- runs,' and his lQDg home run wal- ·son joined Ethyl as a field ~gin_ 10wiI\g only two hits and· Less able post office, store and house, lop in the sixth which clinched eer in 1933. He served throughout Keighton who finished the game each presented his mother with a the game. 'New England and Pennsylvania did an equBlq fine job. genuine, hand-painted g~rdener's It was a successful season with until his transfer to Philadelphia Of the Yeadon 'game sufBce it glass holder, co~plete Wlth dowl 11 ~. and one loss in league last year. During the war he serto ~ that Uttle hitting and less and decoraled ~,can. ,colipetition. •. ved for three years as a Lt. Cmdr. pitcb,lng spelled disaster. Wildness The final party of the ,week, and, . The team . now be~ section with the NaVy Bureau. of Ships. Was tht!, doWDtall for Less Keigh- th~ last one of. the ,s,sslon catne play-off g~es,. travelling to Hon-The Richardsons have two sons ton and' Charlie Wentz, who re- Friday afternoon when Mrs. eybrook, the winners of the Ches- and two daugh!ers. llevM him. h.owev~, settled J .. Francis Taylor, Director of the ter County League, on Monday, , do~"\nd pitched'wellin the final Rulftrs Avenue Section, the en- August 4, for a ~ p.m. g~~The av~n~~ W~=';:t1:t ~ R:=~ tWo innings George Garratt, tire staff and Assoclaijon Board second game will ~ be , P A on borhood. p~,. Saturday.. ev~nliii 't the' ..1_ t~I_ ..... that mem.hers Mrs . .lane Smith, chair- Riverview Fiel~ Wednesday,ugbil JDeanw e, go 0"", U&U6 . . •. , .' , • . " 'ttee ust 6 at 6 p m If a third game is in honor of newcomers to Swarthresembled a hit for the Hornets, ,man of the program COmml, , ." tral field' will be more Mr. and Mrs.. J. E. SnYder 8S' walks to Mike Reynolds George and Mrs. Mary Wood, chainnan nec~, a, neu Wed moved from. Davidson, Kroon, and Charlie Wenb: led to of the property committee, 'met selected. fonowing the game their only runS. '. ' . . ' " ,'for lunch., " nesday ev~. N~ ~G., to 127 Rutgers av~ue•. The building of an additional school house in the Borough progressed an~ther step Wednesday night when members of the Swarthmore School Board voted 3 to 1 to purchase approximately 12 acres of land facing Rutgers Special Events Wind Up avenue adjacent to the Rutgers Final Week of , Avenue School. The purchase of SRA this land is the result of more than A' series of morning tea parties six months Board study and community~ su~ey of the needs of an and special events filled the last week of the Rutgers Avenue Recovercrowded school system. reation G~uP which closed its Motion to acqUire the land ~·by. purchase 9l' condemnation" was 1952 season last Friday. . made by Dr. Samuel T. Carpenter, The three-year-olds began the ' rty C ommit- parties on Monday when 1hey inc hai rman 0 f t'he Prope . I vlted their mothers to a period of tee, and seconded by Mrs. Oliver ,. I d b , songs and rhythms followe y Rodgers. The purchase price is ex. . peeted to be $25,000 it the Board juice and cookies out on the ~awn. of Reviews to which it will now The Threes with their leader Mrs. be submitted upholds it. . Debbie Preston and assistants Of! Ute Map Sandy, Milne and VirtP,nia Smith Borough Council will be asked ha~a' chance to be the guests on to remove Westdale avenue from Tuesday when they went swimthe Borough Map for 825 feet east mlng at the' Ullman's pool. of Rutgers avenue, thus uniting the newly-acquired land to the Young Four Group present Rutgers Avenue School Ted. Dunn's Young Four Group, grounds. Plans as to. the type of with the help of Joan Thomson, building to be erected' are still also had a partyori Monday with under study by professional and stories and songs, and gave a play lay committees from the commun~ out under the trees. This group has had an absorbing summer ity appointed by the School B.)ard. dres~;~.'" up l'n th.e collection of S . . ' P' i a1 Fr ok R i>U~ M upervlslD~ednnc p th' ~h hats, shoes; dresses, l~ce, shawls Di~~:t,:e~~~ro~cha:i" whi~h and feather boas don~te..d. by kind :-.:._t:· T-- '~~thr' - ~ci, ,imaginative Board Members ended last ·w~. . WIC'L.\ • . , - ee aqd friends of the Association. schools were represented in the . ' . The Pre-Kindergarteners, one of 241 pUPl'1s w h 0 t 00k 366 courses. b' t t R t Fees totalled $2203. EXpenses were the 199es groups augers ave$1778.85 leaving a net balance of nue,. gave their party on Tuesday. $424 15 Their. rhythm band, in frequent . . rehearsal during the past six The summer musi.c program en- weeks, gave a command pertorrolled 31 pupils with a total in- mance for their mothers. Under come of $186 !lith expenses of the direction of Alice Hornaday, $300. The deficit of $114 reduced with Dorothy Hopkins and ',Emily the over8n Summer School bal- Terry as assistants, the group had anee to $310. also worked in arts and crafts, and were able to display Hornets Win Two, their handiwork to t~e guests. ... Mrs. Elizabeth A. Groff, Direct- Rutgers Ave, Group Session Closes Swimming Lessons Begin Monday.Morning o i harf , xas, recently. .' '. School Board's special La,y Committee appointed to investigate particular problems 11\ the' overall headache of school expansion, met Tl,lesday night in the High School Building to hear the reports of the various sub-committees. Basing his findings largely on the Streeter survey made in the Spring, Board Member John Spencer as chairman of the School Population Sub-Cammittee forecast a possible 605 resident high school population by 1960, an increase of 319 over the resident population for i952-53. In considering the possibilities of maintaining or increasing the present 194 tuition students,. Mr. Spencer found the prospects dim~ as sur-. rounding communities will be building or enlarging their own schools; the possibilities of. a future jointure was also considered doubtful. Educational Standards Report . Mrs. Oliver Rodgers' report on Educational Standards and Needs found that to give the best in education the elementary facilities should be on one site. As the College Avenue plant was not recommended for reconstruction the report suggested that the Land Committee consider the Rutgers Av.enue ..tract for any expansion rather than add on at the College Avenue growds: Elementary School Plans as evolved by Charles Topping's Committee offered two alternatives. One, assuming a 600 student population in the High School woU!d leave conditions pretty much at the present status; allowing for broadening rather than . ~pansion of curriculum. The other, assuming a population of 700 would necessitate the abs0ll»:" tion of the College Avenue Elementary School by the IDgh School. Under the former scheme ,two plans were suggested-house all elementary pupils at Rutgers Avenue or move the College Avenue School to the triangle of land south of the railroad at the ep.d of Dartmouth avenue. The hther scheme listed seven possibilities In moving and housing the various elementary grades. Land Committee Report The Land Committee witp. Ford Robinson as spokesman recommended the much-discussed Rutgers Tract as the one most suited to school needs as to cost, size, and location away from the railroad and busy streets. President of the Swarthmore Property Owners Association Alan C. Wood, giving a full account on space available for temporary' relief to the overcrowded elemen- . tary schools, reported that as to state requirements, convenience' to host organization and needs of the classes, the Presbyterian Church offered the best facilities. Samuel Carpenter, Board member heading' the Lay Committee adjourned the meeting at 10:30. Mrs. Rodgers' and Mr. Topping~s committees will meet toBether -August IS to compare' facts before the entire gathertng.· reconyenes sometime within the next three: weeks. OFFICE. G,-OSED , Mrs. Mary P. DOdd, tax' collectwin be absentfroin omce ftom- August 4to August 8. . ' .. , or ! her ,{ · -of '. ,' '" "....' '. , ,. '~ I',~"~ . ," ". i I· ·W . ':." ., (, , ~, , of' .,' / " ~!" ...,~ " ~ ,~,', ,~ ". I, 4 " Po ,1 . ' ", · ·" \ ' . , , .t '; .' ·'... ' .. ~ ,',: J ..' " ',. ., .. '!/ , 1 ;:".. II Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood B. Chapman of HIIlYl'fd avenue have re~ turned from a month's vacation at Buck Hl11 Falls. Mary Anne Thompson, daughter of . Mr. and Mrs.• John S. Thompson of Beatty road, Media, and i$abd, HIghberger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Highberger o( Providence Village, lIew to Center Sandwich, N. H., last Thurs'day for a 10-day vacation. Charles Grier, Jr., of Dartmouth avenue returned home Sunday after six weeks at Camp SInking Creek, Center Hall,' near State College. Mr. and Mrs. X. C. Beck and daughter Betty of Huntingdon are visiting this week with Mr. Beck's sister Mrs. A. M. Allison of Vassar avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordon Scott of Muhlenberg avenue recently entertained as their week-end guests Col. and Mrs. Elmer Walker of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Walker is the former Mrs. Louis J. Storck of Crest lane. Sarah Beth Grier of Dartmouth avenue has returned home after vacationing in Brant Beach, N. J., for a few days. Jay Lord and Johnny Thurman of Swarthmore left Sunday for Camp Echo HIli, Clinton, N. J., where they will be campers' for , the month of August. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rumsey of Vassar avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Esther Marion, to Mr. Samuel Hammond son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hammond of MedIa. Miss Rumsey attended Marjorie Webster Junior College in Washington.. Mr. Hammond, who is with the United States Air Force, left Monday to return to his station In Germany ,after a month's. leave. TOMORROW'S BRIDE Ellen Thatcher Fitts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitts of Stratford road, Wallingford, and Pallen Salton Millick, ~r., son of Mr. and Mrs. MIllick of Merion, will be married tomorrow afternoon at 2,30 in the Swarthmore Friends Meeting House. Mrs. Peter B. Wilkinson of At- Springlleld, and Mrs. stuart Lee her brother-in-law IIIr. H. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Slratte, , Mr. and 1\Irs. Barlen 111• .chapDance of Bryn Mawr. Walsh, wore a gown of white ein- Jr., of Rochetlter,1IIInn•• announce man, Jr.• of Boaton are receiving EnsIgn Joseph N. Cook of Nor- broidered organdy. featuring tiny the birth of a baby girl, Kathryn congratulations upon the birth of folk, Va., formerly of Swarthmore, pulled .reeves" necJd1ne 'of lUu, ol'!Ule, on July 22. • daUlhter on July 29. will serve as best man, and the Ran, tight-litting IiodIce and a full Mrs. Stratte is the former Mary Mrs. Chapman it \he former ushers will include Mr. Stewart skirt over Ii 'hoop. Her' IIngertip daughter of, Mr. and Margaret Latimer, daughter of Mr, Thornbahn, brother of the bride, veil fell from a cap of organdy to Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of and Mrs. Roy Latimer of' Cornell Mr. CurUs Gallagher of WallIng- which orange blossoms were I Elm avenue. avenue. . ford, Mr. George W. Rampt of Up- caught. She carried a bouquet of per Darby, and Dr. William. O. 'white rosebuds and gladlois umhart of Pittsburgh, brother- ets. In-law of the .groom. Mrs. Joseph H. Walsh of LanSMrs. Bates, wh!> will attend as downe, attended her sister as maa brldesmatd, recently entertained tron of honor. ~er white shadowed at a luncheon and personal sh!>w- organdy over green taffeta was er In honor of the brid':'to-be. tied at the waist with a green BEAUTY SALON , MIss Thorbahn was honored sash. She tarried yellow roses and CLOSEQ FRIDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 8th with a lingerIe shower given last gladiola lIorets tied with a green OPEN M!)I'WAY, AU~UST '15th Tuesday evening by Miss Black. ribbon and wore a spray of yel, . low rosebuds In her halr. Miss 9 Chester Road Miss LewIs. entertained at a Barbara Kent of Rutgers avenue :Call Swarthmore ~0476 luncheon and ~rldge Saturday In, as maid of honor, wore Ii slrnl1ar honor of the bnde-to-be. model over yellow, and her bou- The ;BOllquet Mr.groom, and Mrs. parents of quet was tied with yellow ribbon. the willRlltan, entertain at the Mr. Ralph C. Klamer, Jr., of I din rehearsa ner at their home Park Ridge, was best man for, his Friday evening, August 8. brother, and the ushers Mr. James Calkins of Cornell aveTO ATIEND BRIDE nue, Mr. Irl Duling of South Miss Helen May Croco will be Chester road, and Mr. Peter Murmaid of honor at the marriage of ray of Yale avenue~ her sister Miss Margaret Eunice , A reception followed the qereCroco, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. mony at the home of ,the bride's Carlton Webster Croco of HiII- mother. Mrs. Dimmitt was gowned born avenue, to Mr. Eugene in pInk chirion and lace with navy Charles Ciccarelli, II, son of. Mrs. blue accessories. Her corsage was Ciccarelli of Canandaigua, N. Y., a pInk' orchid with deep blue which will take place Saturday, throat. Mrs. KJamer wore a dress August 23 in the Swarthmore of powder blue organza wIth pink Presbyterian Church. The Rev. 'lace hat and short pink gloves. J aim. Stettner will omclate. Her corsage JoYas a pink ory the EdItor. Lett!n wm. be pnbllshed ODly at the diso'clock Sundal.' mornliIg at Trin- cretion 01 the EdItor. Ity Church.. During the Rector's absence, the Reverend :.....-----.....- - - - - - . . : B. Hornby wlll be In charge o~ To ·the Editor of. the services. The Swarthmorean: Those serving as ushel'\ wlll . For a month a very familiar as follows: R. J. Baker, R. S. BIrd, face has been missing to those S. D. ClYde, Jr., V. L. PIne, Wm. us who have gone into Freegard, T. W. Hopper, F. W. Swarthmore National Bank Luehring, and G.' S. VaJenUne. Trust Crimp8ny. We learn that we , Michael Reynolds is scheduled to are' missing the frIendly face' serve as acolyte at the 8 o'clock Dick Snyder, not for a fe, .. w~~:~~ service, and Mr. C. W. R~ndall, because he might be on v . Jr., will. be on duty at 11 o'clock. but permanently. After 26 years of service to the bank and people of Swarthmore his cdnnections . CHURCH SERVICES .' with the bank have been severed. After so long a time of serv.ing SWARTHMORE us so well, so pl~asantly and so 'PRESBYTERIAN .CHURCH helpfully 1 do not feel that we Joseph P. Bishop, Minister Jolm Stettner, Assistant should let him go without a word Snnday, August 3 of thanks and good wishes from 10:00 A.M,---1::hurch School. his many friends. 11:00 A.M. - Mr. Bishop will His integrity was never q\lespreach. Wednesday, August 6 tioned and his help was most ap10:00 A. M.--Burglcal Dressings. preciated by the individual depositor' as well as those of us who often had to ask his help in handling of organization funds . We are happy that he has D!ade See our connections. with a firm which' we demo't'trotlon ~ith the feel will henefit from the honest, "boundng corks" - proof h~rd and loyal work which we of Hoover'. 6lI:cluai.... n.mtna,..,. fa 1iInb_ know Dick Snyder Will give them. ..,.. ....... WNI DIll ...... 120.95. ""'"fa-clBamns" actIOn We h"Pe that they will appreciate him as much as we whom he B.,.,..... actnaHy liIta the rug oIightIy ; ; ; ilion ~ it gently served in Swarthmore appreeiated (that'. why the corks ~lh •.•h'WJooMthe d...~own Rrit him. other cleaners miss. Sincerely, Only Hoover "vibra-de8Ilo" y6iri riIgi, Ije\:a.... oDlt Hoo ... MILDRED W. JONES. beau, ... it """"P', tu it cham! . July 28, 1952 Annual need SALE, 1st 16th, inclusive Hollyhock Shop l"'rr"'RS ro rHr . 15 S. Chester Road, ~~~~~~~::~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ \ .' I '. How Hoover , • , SAFE .GUARD yoUr valuabIes against fire. theft and misplacement. Come in and see the large-s~ed boxes we offer at a smalI-sized rental cost. lose your right to drive. JEtna Automobile Liability Insurance protects yon i ... all .ta~e.. from glves new life to rugs H""""" Trip/e..A_ Afodel 29 (shown here) Olhet- H"" ...... /""" I62.9S. \ • $89.95 cO""t to cout. PETER E. TOLD, IITIOIIL BUI COIIPO! .4ll LinN oll...~ 333 Dartm~uth Ave. S~6-~qa • '. lPA"'SO~'- & Cm.t~!l! , . . . . . . . hrpetI.g • Complete Sise Range • Orte.caI . -• .. . ' Ir ... . , t II_ _.",[!!!( Cl.... ';MY SoN ., _.,. JOHN"' .,., I SwARi'ilJtOREAN I'viJLISBBD EVRY1!'RIDAY AT 8wARTIDIOU, I'A. TilE SWAIlTIDIOREAN, INC.. PUBLl8BEB Ph!'ne SWarihDiore .-"" be ereeted, thus eliminating an eyesore oil the main streets of the Borough. Respectfully submitted, .. MORRIS L. POTTS must man COLLEGE THEATRE \ Borough Councl1 meeting, when above subject will be dlScussed. ' However, my wife (Alice B. Potts) expects to be present, as we are in accord, any vote or opInion she may express will be for both of us. We have been residents of 732 Yaie avenue since 1945 and feel , ' ..... "rOO Pari!: Ave;; Sirartkmore, ra: ,. '......... SWarthmore, 6-6000 - c:l earbrook ,-4646 ~ MIl ..."', "¥!'" ia~",,! ~, .:r • 0,- B 7 • , ./ Weatherman Winning Fight With Gardeners Encouraging a garden to grow is getting to be something of a problem,' what with the hot weather and ali, and then the chances are that a sudden storm will come up, washing out the one plant that tlnally came through with a bloom, and leaving the rest of the garden gasping for air beneath miniature lIash liDOop uninvited. Swarthmore women in ch"nel . Dillolng Room Open To PubUo of .the Flowers for the 1I0'weJrle,,,, I project would undou!>tedly surprised some early morning to lind the buckets on the Woman's Club porch lI11ed with bouquets of selected blauket-burand edgeweed. The might remark on the weekly har~A.Ti~I~ TO PERMANENT and GUESTS vests of Swarthmore Gardens, but Harvard and Rutgers AVenues Phone Swarthmore 6-9728 even a simple blade of crab grass Harvard Inn We'll Pay Top Prices For Yolr Old Tires • Built to stay while • Tops for safely, 'comfort and mileage ' • Slop In todayl , NO MONEY DOWN - LIBERAL TERMS Fusco & Alston COURTESY PAYS·. .on .party-line ~Iephones, too CHESTER and F~IRYIEW ROI AYeS. ~.~- . -M ar Ie-I' 5 . Swalth,.ore, Penna. . -.... IIIi_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-------------..... .""1J:,\...........................,...".~"""'tNWt"fJ;................ ..______ , . .\ I - • See ,h. automatic gos wafer heal.,. af y....rplumbfll"., deal..r's or af any Philadelphlo f'edric suburban store. Good News, Swarthmore! n,. Hot RUSSELL"S SERVICE .. No more waiting for hot 'water! :or FOR YOUR. VACATION . 'WHO.s PAr.NG YOU TO '''LL YOURSELf ON YOUR OWN r.ME? l-::=====::==============:,,======= • " ,,--iiiiiiiiiiii.;;;;i;;iiiiiii-----_________________________Ii'_O:; Weat"er? CIM. Blocks alld RadIator I •• "Brady Way" • / daughter Elvira of aPark avenue have returned from month's va- - I Is roar MOTOIl OVERHEATiNG / STRATH HAVEN INN • , " tertalned at a surprise Idtchen study and inspection of Naval in- and Mrs. Max Ess1 and children, shelf shower Thursday· evening in stallatlon and major c1v1Uan in- and the R. It. Noye family of honor of MIss Mary Allce West of du.$ial plants in the area. Swarthmore. . Benjamin West avenue who will Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. SUve,s ?!iss Mary Margaret Marsh of be married to Mr. William Rollin of Rutgers averiue entertained at Columbia avenue will leave MonKeen, Jr., of B0'lllling Green on a. house party at their cottage at day for Washington, D. C., where August 16. Brant Beach, N. J., for several she has accepted.a position in the Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. John- days of last week when their Defense Department. MIss Marsh SOn of South Chester road have guests included Mr. and Mrs. Rob- graduated in June from Duke returned home following a two- ert Hetherington and family, Mr. University. week vacation in the Poconol.==========================, Mountains. DEUCIOUS DINNERS to SUIT ... TASTE of EYERYONE Mrs. George E. Davisson of Vassar avenue has returned home afTENDER STEAKS aed CHOPS Cook.d to Order ter a month's visit with friends in Lewis, Del., and with her son-inEXCEIJ,ENT BANQUET ANI> PARTY FACILITIES law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1:30 P. M. Halsey Knapp of Shiloh, N. J. Comfortaoble Rooms Day or W ••k Elevator Dr. and Mrs: Walter N. Molr AIr-Conditioned and daughters Jinnle and Joan of I. South Chester road left today for a IQ-day motor trip through the Niew England States • Swarthmore, Pa. Telephone Swarthmore 6-0680 WALTER E. PARRon, M~• Mrs. Joseph M. Celia and FREE PARKING receiVer " J~ Mrs. Ingersoll'. mother Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd of Swarthmore ave. Mr. and. Mrs. George F. Corse nue. They with Mr.. Dodd of Yale avenue are visiting for a will visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Georlle week with their son and daugh" Breitling of Cincinnati, Ohio, who ter-in-Iaw Mr. lind Mrs.. Corse; are vacationing for several weeks Jr., and son of MartlnsvUle. Va. at Lavellette, N. J. Mrs. W. Park Dodd, da~hter Mr. ,,!,d Mrs. ClI1'I.os F. Noyes Pam and son Chippy of Country of Parrish road will leave this Club lan~ have returned from a week-end .to vacation for several vacation In Stone Harbor. months on their farm in CamMr. and Mrs. Henry C. Ford and bridge, Md. daughter Christine of Amherst Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Turkeavenue fvislted over the 1I{eek-end vich and daughters JuUana, Elis. with the Edwin' J.FauIkners·'of Dickinson avenue who are sum- abeth and Barbara, have move, I~ c 190 390 Hom.d...Llte WInter oU Is too U1In for warm wea&her. We drain It-and reBll wi&h Summer b1>e Sunoeo OU. pi';' lar . , ..... 43c Jar ~ Sand~ohSpread Glenwood Grapefruit Secdons Bunt's CUDK .eaches Dole Cru,;h~d Piaeapple ~ Balves Pears OUvar Stuffed OUve. MaiDe Sardine. M~~\::d I .. ., I ....· .. Jar ,Sc :i90 8'0' ORA~GES , ~"9cW4 ~" Z5 - 39c ron,! 6641·W GEORGE F. CULUS • ... M em ry om,rlall . ·3535 EDGMONT AVENUE CIII\STER 3.9201 C , WALTER M. MAGEE Sales Manager two..wheel .. not _~ ," '... " c·'. • ... Bel 1'Gi~ .. -, .. ,~.phti•• con.rin',.,.una of ,re....h~ '.~.9 wile ... _ I j'h ..... . " ," ,. ... ... ~--' .:;. ;", ,~:-.- ' .."".:.', .. :; ',.. -.. ' .. " ~ bike. iii. ~ ~ f:()R SALE CONSTRUCTION Alterations P.R.R. Freight BId... ... Swarthmore. Pa; J. F. BLACKMAN and corporatloIls .... $4.197,83'.56 Phone Time deposita of lndlvld- apartment. SWarthmore WANTED-To rent small apartment by single lady. Permanent. References exchanged. Box D, The Swarthmorean. W'ANTED--Competent girl to help with children and light housework, part time for the rest of the summer. SWarthmore 6-6219. W AN:!'ED-Single . business man . de&lres furnished apartment, living room, bedroom, kitchenette bath. PrIvate entrance preferred: FOR SAI.F'-1936 T. E. Spinnertype washing machine, $35. Call SWarthmore. 6-1230. FOR SALE Oak dining room set (table, six chairs sideboard' double bed; 2 chilfo'nlers' living r,?~m table; sofa; au in good "ond.tio'!. Norge Fefrlgerator; Norge washing machine; bookcase with glass doors. Must· be taken before political subdivisions .. Total Llabl11tles; ••.• '5,8'78,608.48 CAPITAL ACCOlJNTS capital Btock: Common stock. total Burplus par , . ............. . . . . •. . . . . .. .....• Unclvlded proflts ••••.•• Re=.escapi~i' A;';';'Wit.; Total LlablUtles ~'ftj~!nl 1..- - - - - - - - - - - - -....... and TDlI'EN capital Accounts .... $6,391,091.17 MEMORANDA A.86ets pledged or 88Signed. to secure UabUltles and for otber pur- . .. ........... . above an ot re- as ~ow abov'e' are after deduction of rMerves ot ••••••.•.• ~~ OIJ..HEAT -'_11$._ '710,806.68 (OIq:n~CIII.~' on Garage, 1",I"n,o .AU. MIAU.' C None . DAY and NIGHT . State of Pennsylvania:, COllDt:d of Dehiware, ss: OIL BURNER SERVICE I, Donald M: Hand, cashier of ~'Iff"t~t~8~.~c~aTII~s~w~arrji;th~mfn:0r~e~6- ;lffi~~~~lap!airt~- ment and bath matic heat. IOILlIl. Oll 8.065.81 the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above slatement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. DONALD M. HAND, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of July, 1952. PETER E. TOLD, Notary Public ~":----I (Com. expires 3.12·55) Correct-Attest: CHARLES R. RUSSELL JOHN E. MICHAEL HAROLD OGR;AM' MONDAY THRU SATURDAY NOON SW 6-4041 SUNDAYS and HOLJDAYS SW 6·0740 COAL FIREPLACE WOOD J.A.GREEN rooms ''Now -' EVEN BETTER! In'vestl Directors MORE in DEFENSE BONDS." 1 S?UTH PRINCETON AVENOB if . , " " " " " " " " ' "...,'''''''''''''' SWarthmore A Complete ' ..suranee COl; DAITMOUTft ••d LAPAfEllE AVENUES O •• III.......... H.O _l" • -.".-' • ' . .'. .. -. ; , fIIlf' SWEEN~ Real Ist"'e Areacy " CLYDE 29 EAST 5'111 ST., CllF.STBIl Baird "Bird • t631'ArdI S......, Philacttd......., Pa. : • Re8identlal • Paintlng~ • Commercial • Repairsl Alterations - Ii! dlvlduals. partnerships. woman Before you leave on Vacation, t;hf7.k with us to see that yOu are properly protected. 6919 Lucla-w,S".", U,..... .....y, ... . ~ REEVES ' "'1m. " . i • The Norta. American Company c , "Fhe Travel~rs Insurance Company The Hartford Insurance Company The Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company We have a numt- of opiuUnp right now. for girls who _ qwi8fy. If you\"e·intel:Jat.OO.; .wby stop in tOdq« in the neat at ODe of the .oiIlcoeI! u.ted belOw. 8'."-, 7...t~ the close of business on June 30 1952. Published in response to ' made by Comptroller of the CUil'-! r~ncy, u,?der Section 5211, U. Revised Statutes. ASSETS day or Othe.r· .deposlts (c~Uled. . and •C"""Iet's . c1t~ 6-6236. etc.) ..., .. :........ .. .53.9S1.17 To\!,1 Depos.ta '5.8'17.1~.48 Other Uab\jltlep .• ;..... 845.02 • rental. Four Good 1nsurance Companies . in the State of Pennsylvania, SWarthmore 6-3353. uals. partnerships. and _ corporations •. ~ . . • . •• 1,369,4'76.3'7 WANTED-to buy four-bedroom DePOS'ts 01 Un.ted Btstea Swar.thmore. Call Government (lncludlng lng postal eavlngs) ••. :oepo8i~ ot States And ~~~S~W~a~ri~b~m~0~~~8~-~38~9~0~~~~~~~~S~W~'~."~16~~~~J.I " TIONAL BANK AND 1~'Th'rd Generation Bullde" . COMPANY of Swarthmore, Pa., HORACE A. Cash ,balances with other Swarthmore !!~===========~ I Ison 3·1929. or vicinity. Call Mad- , A girl appreciates Iui.vIng a little luck when lookiq 1bt It job. A great· many girls aud their parentec-Mel downright fortunate in finding an employer like ttie' Teiepilone Company_For they discover that everythfug this "5-Jsef • clover" says is true. Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M. OpenSalurday' 'til 6 P.M. Sharon RESIDENTIAL AND COM.MERCIAL c· ACME MARKET, Chester Rd., Swa_, . Cellar Walls Re·Plastered Swarthmore right frOm the start for BONEY .UNS 6:.:lOC ANGEL FOOD ...... -S:le · ~ . fq';m~rl, wit,. Tom Conway Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete opportunity ..:=.. . .DICK FRANCHEIII 238 ~ Ave., Morton, Pa. . Swalll.re ..1250 pleasant surroundings 1~35c Ikl Onail. Spra,. C.aabe....,. . . . . . Z ::"390 .9dNII Gelatin Desserts ... .; •• • _ zoo Corned 8 ..1 -:~~~. '!:" .S. Fal'lDdale Sweet . . . . • '!:: 990 Bala m.1t Beven._ 'to+' SOO Evaporated Milk, 8~,'::l:'~...,:~ 4:::' 590 La.eDa Evaporated.Mi'k . • 1~"4ao .! Bawling good pay Grated Tuna Fish Special Ugh! Moat Prtt. . Z ~4sG (jIIItI a.IIl Pie Cru.t S~I.I . . pkga 9-0' "70' .., .., ..al.bury'. Pie Crust ri~~.. Z:; 350 .0... 4S0 Gold Medal Bisquick .kg Nahisco Bitz 5pKI.ny .-oz. Z:lo a lb. ..... Prl«d P SIll plcg ~-- . Ju.cy, Medlum-llz., Callfomla r.. V. SERVICE WILLIAM BROOKS '10.- BERRIES Plibne WAshburn 8·731 I or Write to 612 Clymer Lane Ashes & Rubbi8h Removed Lawns Mowed, General • '""'" Stylo ok. PACKAGI IG.'! ok, 25c /)(IuIJ Lemonade 2'" 33c Tru Blu UPHOLSTERER PETER 01 NICOLA 10- PERSONAL used TOM Swarthmore 6·1 \ Chester Road and Yal. Avenue CLASSIFIED RI.DLEY PARK, PA. Correet "Swltoh1nl" Imitrovestbe mlleage. We can also have yoar tIN recapped, If nee4l!d. , t . WlANTED-to buy girl's 24 or 26" Palntel'll & Paper Hangers We should know how Swa, 6-2266 Michigan Ave. HANNUM & WAITE YOUR. CHOICI children Anne and Chip, has returned t 0 h er h orne I n K eyWest, Fla., after a month's visit with her mother Mrs. W. W. Mitchell of University place. Comdr. Parma- § U· Since 1905 own conlalner. WInter Is espeohilly to~h on batteries. We check strength, olean terminals, add distilled water. . PERS«;INAL - Radios, television bankS. 'ncluc!lng reserVe 1i117'12 South, Chester Road ~ receIvers, vacuum eleaners and ba)QDcQ., and cash lte'ms ~ 5 -.&L 6-3450 ; other electrical appliances repair_ In process of collection $1,093,'85,08 ~. wan_mOte nelia Mercado, dal:l~'hter of Dr. ed. PrOJ;npt service. Robert United States Govemment Brooks, Swarthmore 6 ...1548. obligations, direct anC: _' ~teed ........... 3.652,138,42 P ESTATE NOTICB ERSONAL-Secretarlal position Obligations of States and . STENOGRAPHIC ·-administrative office, Swarthpolitical oubd'vlslons.. 119.624.46 ESTATE OP JOHN DOLMAN JR (also known as JOHN IX>LirAN ; mo~ College, typing, shorthand Other bOnds. ·notea, and TYPING SERVICE ~x.:te of the BoroUgh of Swartbmor!' r~qwred. Familiarity with flnandebentures.......... 115.391.41 e aware County, Pa.), deceased • Cl,al terms helpful. Write or phone corporate stocks (IncludLogal 'ap.rs • Theses • Roports Letters Testamentary on abO SWarthmore 6-0.200 between 8'.30 Ing '12.000.00 stock of 12.0l1O.00 II. Estate have been granted to ve 12 00 ' Federal Reserve bank) Prampt. eHiclent and accurate derslgned. who requm ~1~1~~~~~;I :·and 1:00, 4:30.. Loans and discounts (In. hav1~ claims or demands PERSON~Exclusive service-eluding· $419.20 overservice Eata~ 'of the decedent . .a~terat!0ns and dressmaking. drafts). . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,245.4b2.23 Fittings .n your h orne an d d eIiver- l3ank premises owned Contract or Hourly Rates dknown bted the same. IIlld all persons '61.610,57. furnltuf. & . e . to the. decedent to make pay- ed. Call Virginia, WAshburn 8. 00,:153 . 101 ment. 'WIthout delay. to 2355 or WAshburn 8-5639. Illmber 4 is the last day an elector may move from one election district to another ill order to bepermltted to vote at the November Election. . dungiFees. etc. Sizes 38 to 44. 8eJIk>mber 13 is the last day all electors, may register to , vo.te at the November Election. This illcl~des ..lectors who will become of age on or before November 5, "1952. , Pedal. Pushers • . . 2.88 September 15 is the last day for any elector who has removedillto a new election district to give notice to the Reglstration Commission in order to be permitted to vote at the November Election. The removal card must set forth a ~oval date illto the new election district which cannot be later than September 4. denim., Cl!arcoa!, .fadllCi blU!!, navy. Extra sizes .. ,38 to 44. ' , SPORTSWEAR-Second Floor j • • Sanforized. Beautifully taI1oredof, fine cotton and - :- I OPEN nmAYI ':SI ( • • , ~ • • ~;; ., " ;''v/Rrthmore, Pa. ,< II. to .:" P. 111. • Give Your Flowers Council Denies Request For Medical Center William M. Bush 50 ,Anend Hearing Held Mor-day on Zoning Variance The application of 'Dr. Donald Fitch to erect a medical center on the corner of Yale avenue and Chester road, was denied by Borough Council Monday, night. The request was refused after a public hearing attended by approximately 50 p'eople. mostly neighbors of the proposed location. Four spoke ill favor of the application for the change, 13 spoke against it. In making the decision. several members of councU sta,ted that they personally favored the project but in view of the neighoors' objection wouid have' to refuse. The Councll passed two ordinances. one dealing with the stop streets in the Borough and the other' disbanding temporarIlY the Police Pension Fund. The ~rdin­ anoe to discontinue the Pension Fund was passed to allow the police to become eligible for Social Security. The 'School Board petitioned Council to remove from the Bor, rough map 650 feet of Westdale -w "'ti:",,,''-''') Poliomyelitis Fatal To Haverford Place Child Flowerless f3.50 PER YEAR Ellen W. Delaplaine School Office Open For Registrations Pupil' Enrollment Up 45 Over Last Year; More Expected by Fall The death of Carolyn Clark. five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Clark of 333 Hav- ChUdren who have recently moved illto Swarthmore and who expect to attend the S)-Varthmore Schools in th<: fall should be registered promptly at the School District office. Parents are urged to attend to thi,. matter early so that adequate arrangements can be made for each child. The office is located ill the High School Building at the corner of College and Princeton avenues and is open daily from 9 until 4. In order that plans may be arford place. at 12:40 p.m. Wednesday in the isolation unit of the Delaware County liospital tragically initiated the 1952 polio season for Swarthmore. As we go to press the familY's other child. Billy. age 15 months, is in a critieal condition also from the museular type of infantue paralysis. New Principal Arrives In Borough I Carolyn Clark First Local Case of Disease This Year Mrs Ro'yDelapla"lne's . ITomorrow Memona lie was taken to Delaware County Hospital Wednesday m o r n i n g . . made to take care of all children and have accommodations ready for them with the opening of school It is necessary that registrations be made just as soon as possible. To, com. plete the re ....·tration the parents should bbring along the report from the last school attended. the vaccination certificate. the birth or baptISmal certificate. and the health record card if the pupil is comhig from another PeDllSylvania school. At the present time the enrollment is up considerably over_last spring. In the elementary school the illcrease is 27 pupils from 475 to 502. There are 89 pupils in the fourth grade whlch is the largest of the elementary grades. In the high school the illcrease at, the present time is 18 pupils fr om 468 0 f last sprmg . In 486. a t the presenttime._The largest class is the ninth grade where there are 100 p~plls registered. The senior claIIS has 70. ., ,It is anticipated that filglstralions during the month of August and early September will greatly increase these numbers. Returned from a stay in Ocean , City, N. J., Carolyn became ill at her home on Thursday of l a s t . k d Will Move to Dickinson week. Early Tuesday afternoon Devotion to Arts Mar e she was taken to the hospitai in Quaker Teacher's Avenue Next the Media Fire Company'. amhuLife Here Week lance and placed in an iron lung With a sincere interest ill chll- to no avail. Private funeral ser~ A Memorial Service will be held dren. an appreciation of gardens. vices at the William T. Patterson at 2 p.m. tomorrow ill the Swarthdogs. and Swarth%nore's trees. WIl- Funeral Home in Media more Friends Meeting for Mrs. liam M. Bush arrived early this morning will be followed by in- Ellen Watson Delaplaine. widow week to take over as the high terment in West Laurel Hill. of Roy W. Delaplaine. who. died school principal. Far from being suddenly following a heart attack avenue east of Rutgers avenue. on Saturday ulght in New York The ~equest was made to enable hi. first introduction tC' the Borough. Mr. Bush made an official City. where she was visiting her the School District to uOite the son Dr. Robert Delaplaine. Rutgers Avenue School with tbe visit at the request of the School Board last Spring. and since his Through her many illterests and newly-acquired land on Rutgers appointment in Jqne has made community activities Mrs. Dela~ avenue. COl11'cll favored the refrequent treks from his home in W'ld t Hornets Wi plaine'. ·lnftuence had made itself qu~ but decided a public hear- Millville N. J. in the Interest of I ca 5, , In quietly felt In the Boroughc al• • ing would have to be held on Sephi. ne+, position. Firsts in Team ways for growth. A tember 8 on the question before Born in Glenside. Montgomery Competitions teacher in the .1"1"'1 ~ementary giving thetr final consenL County. Mr. Bu,sh is perhaps as schools from 1949 through the A majority of residents of HavSusie Marsh and Larry J~~il;~~:Jy:ear:;.: ·she had taught' In erford place and .t\cademy- road much a Philadelphian by In~liriHigh School in 1919 having' exPressed . their wIUhlg~ ation as by birth. Nor Is the com- were aWardieil.jfiVerbaDsfO; munlty entirely new to hlm. as Ing the outstanding girl and ':'0 and briefly in the former ness to plant Scarlet Oak trees. he has visited friends here many In Summer Club this year. The Ulverstob. School. She taught musthe Council instructed the Bor- times In file past. and ill h1a two awards were made Friday by di~ Ic in her home for many years. ough Secretary to otlder the trees. years as principal of the Lans- re~tor Jerry Nowell at the close attended the Ornstein School .of This purchase will cost each propdowne High School In the 1930's of the six-week session. which Music ill Phlladelphla and taught erty owner on tI!.e-streets illvolved. must have been aware of Swarth- was climaxed by a boat trip from for that school at Media FrIends, $15. more from the traditional rivalry Chester to Wilmington. School in 1935 and '36. • on football and hockey fields. Lynn Bernard was runner-up A voracious reader. she helped And as a final touch. his home on for the girls and Pete Walsh and to establish the Children's Li• 307 Dickinson avenue was pur- Bob Dawes were tied as runnero- brary. which later became the Over one hundrea .... the lIorchased from Dr. Arthur Jones. up for the boys. All received med- basis for the Juvenile Section of ough's future life guarda and merone of his professors at the Uni- als properlY inscribed. the Swarthmore Public Library. malds turned up at the Morrow verslty of Pennsylvania where he Other awards were presented to She was also active for 10 years Pool last Monday to launch their David Spencer. 16-year-old vio- earned his Master of Science de- the Wildcats and Hornets teams in the Children's Story Hours swimming careers. The tum-out linist at the National Music Camp. gree. winners of the fir~t and secomi! presented by the Woman's Club was so good that the classes were Interlochen. Mich., has been A graduate of the University of half sessions. The Wildcats. cap- to all children in the community. divided into three Intermediate awarded the hlghest musical hon- Rochester. Mr. Bush began his tamed by David Shute. had the Mrs. Delaplaine was an active groups and three Beginners or at the camp. Dr; Joseph E. Mad- care~r in the Harley Country Day following members: Robert Bleeg. member of the Swarthmore Meet- Groups. dy, camp pre~ident, announced; School at Rochester, teaching soc- Eileen Bleeg, Susie Marsh, George ing and a former teacher in its The swimming program is unSpencer. the son of Mr. and Mrs. ial studies to junior and senior Gilmour. Skipper Bernard and First Day S~.hool. She was a der the direction of Virginia Rath. Steven Spencer .of Ogden avenue. high students. He faced his first Danny Rogers. Bill "Iarden cap- former president of the Swarth- director of women's phYSical eduhas been selected to· perform a principalshlp In Binghamton. N. tained. the Hornets. His teammates more, Musi 1.. Millick of Meri9n Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gustafson announce the engagement of !heir served as best man for his brother, of Elm avenue spent the week-end daughter Miss Nancy Jane Lewis anp!he ushers were Messrs. Bruce at the, summer home of Mr. Gus- to Mr. Jabez Francis Carroll, Jr:. Mlllick, Robert Locky;ood, James tafsons·parents Mr. and Mr~. ,Ed- son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll of At- Knowles, and Joseph Amato of win Gustafson, near Milford, lantic City, N. J. j Haverford. Conn. Miss Lewis attended Virginia A reception followed at" the, Mr. and Mrs. R. E.' Hunt of Intermont College, Bristol, Va. home of the bride's parents. The Dickinson avenue entertained for M r. Carroll attendedLehlgh bride's mother wore a lavender " a few days of thts week Mr. University and graduated from nyion sheer with flowered hat Huilt's brother-in-law and sIs~ Swa.thmore College. During the and long' pink, IV ~'oves. Her corsage Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Field and two Second World War he served as ",as Iif white orchids with laven, children of Indianapolis, 11101. dar throats. The Foom's mother Professor William-' Re~ser,' ';or- an officer in the Corps of Engln,.. eers of the United States Army V?a!; go~ed in blue nylon sheer merly of the Engineering Depart. , The wedding will take place with matching hat. Her corsage ment at Swarlhmore College, and in December. Mrs. Reaser have rqoved to PrinceSUBSCRIPTIONS ton, N. J., where Prof. Reaser wllI FOR ALL AUGUST BRIDE teach. MAGAZINES Dr. and Mrs. Edward Cox of The marriage of Miss Mary AlWhittier place have returned home ice We~t, daughter of Mr. and MRS. LLOYD E. KAllFFMAN Dartmouth Avenue after spending Six months in Mrs. John Burriss West of Ben- S13 Swarihmore 6-2080 France. jamin West avenue, 'to Mr. WilProfessor and Mrs. Donald' Bry- liam Rollin Keen, Jr., son of Mr. ~===::::========~ for the . ant of was,bington UniVersity, St. Louis, Mo., are visiting at the Pittenge,r Ii'arm in Nottingham and In Swarthmore. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Brobeck Swarthmore. Po. of Vassar avenue have been enAIR CONDITIONED tertaining as thefr hquse guests o.oly $8.00 sq. yd. !'ri. & Sat. during July Mrs. Brobeck's parents Mr. and Mrs, 'l:h_omas P. Kel- HELEN HAYES return to screen In "MY SON. JOHN" logg of Wheaton, Ill. Mr. and The Bouquet DON'T MISS' the at JO;YCE 'LEWIS Ifs the opportunity of the season! 15 S. Chester Road Come to I I , COLLEGE THEATRE Con.tinuing Our Sat. 1 P. M..--"SUPBBMAN AND THE MOLEMEN" plUs ''RADAR MEN FROM MOON". ~ cartoons and Comedy. Bat. Night Only-Peature 6.00. 8.(10 and 10.00 ,. TIlitee. Sun. &. Mon. BETTY HUTTON CORNEL WILDE "GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH" (Tech) . picture once Is not en01!/lh__ It agaInll This 0n1y seeIng the etigapmellt only-feature tlD1.N. e:80 and 8 :10 p. m. . THL &:9OU,Wed. . _ sung !lor _ . oioDjo ". DRUM OF JUNIE" . The Shop Famous M~e ALL-WOOL TWIST in 10 Colors: Gold, Nutria, Grey, Beige" Rose, Blu,e, Red and three Greens. ' COOlor} LIte and aoop • ~ -:" - ~ Stephen • . • ~,!-., n.r... fri•• w. "LYDIA iAIUr C-} A WEEIILY INCOME FO/i UFE Yel, ,OU would receive a weekly income, guaranteed al long a. you ate t~tBlly disabJed,-even for hfe-. a. the result of an accident. This i. 'one of the maii> foamr.. of S_ Acaiel_ lnaliru... Rea.o.w.ly pri.ocJ. H. .'n.... ' PEl II E. TCKD b Y lI.AYIlllDllL1l'1'ON . BEST BUY IN CARPETS ....th VAN HEFLIN '" ROB'T WALKER A VERY Interesting drama II I A real tIlrIner at )[Iddl..... )rat. It! • .......II_... 333 DCIi AYtii_ $,...., ;..... ..1813· , . - ''',: Aapsi 8, 1952 LUXURY COTI'ON in 14 Colors WOOL and RAYON SHAG in 4 Colors THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FlUDAY AT 8WARTBMOItB, PA. TUB SWABTBMOItBAN, INC•• PUBLISHER Phone SWarthmore 1-~00 Davidson Leuhring I>f Norlb cruise on The Saipan. Davidson Chester road rtumed home thts was wl!h the NROTe of the UnStrangers in Swarthmore of~en I week from a nine-week summer Iverslty I>f Rochester. IN MEMORIAM Townll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 I wonder what it is in The which makes us praise it wi!h such enthusiasm. Some of the esPETI!Il E. TOLD, and Publisher sence of !his feeling was the persMAJUORIE TOLD IIDII BABBARA KENT. Aasoelate EaI&on ona)jty of Nell Delaplaine who Rosalie Peirsol Ted Oppe~der Lorene McCarter has just left us. It Is a rare experEntered as Second Class Matter, .January 24, 1929, at the Post ience to find in one individual so OOlce at Swarthmore. Pa., under the .Act of Mllrch 3, 1879. many of the qualities which make DEADLIl.'lE-WEDNESDAY NOON us feel so comfortable and selfS.lV .. AR.TiIMORE, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, ~952 respecllng in her presence. :..._-:_.;.;.;;....;....___'-:-:_______________..: I preoccupation with sell nor _.,.,., '" . '. jealousy ever interfered with PR~BYTERIAN NOTES is the name of the Supreme Being. Nell's appreciation of another's The Rev. Karl Ii'. WettStone, It means quantity and quality, good fortune or achievement. You D.D., w ill preac h a t!he Churc h and 'applies exclusively to God." always knew that she rejoiced services Sunday at 10 a.m. Dr. (93: 22-25) with you or shared 'your grief if . mlnIst f th T' The Golden Text, taken from I ttsto We ne IS er 0 e, r1Osuch was !he opposite turn lIy PreSbyterian Church in Phil~ John 4:6, 13, Is, "We are of God: events. And ~at was more un. • • Hereby know we that we usual, she really was interested in ad e1,P hi B. . dwell in him, \ and he in us, beMr. Stettner will preach on !he your exploits and listened when Sunday of August 17, '24 and 31. Spirit." you told her about them, " cause he hath given us of his is a great courtesy indeed. You i The~e w 11 be no Church School knew that she gave her undivided through tbe month of August., METHODIST NOTES attention because of. the cogent During August there will be a The Sunday School will meet not Church n"our Nursery apart from each Sunday during the summer comments. which she t made, b the Church School program, to at 10 o'clock. always 10 agreemen Y any care for small children during the At the 11 O'cloCk service !he means, but always showing that morning service hour. she was r~ally listening and thinkRev. Harold D. Flood will preach. ing about your story. Surgical Dressings will be made Rev. Flood, a former member of each Wednesday morning in the !he church, is now pastor of TrinNo Pollyanna who couldn't see Woman's Association Room at 10 Ity Church, Philadelphia, anylhing bad in the world, o'clock. The Church Nursery for chil- had cultivated the habit of concentration' on !he virtues of others Mr• Kneedler will be at !he d ren is open during the morning and disregarding the oppOSite. organ during the Sundays of Au- service. Mrs. Paul M. Paulson, Consequently people showed her gust. and Mrs. Wesley France will be their good side:It was comforting Mrs. Calvin Gerner has been in charge. to know that someone could and appointed temporary Church Sec, did look upon us as we hoped we 1"I!Iary for the months of July and TRINITY NOTES viere. And what a Dotent force August. U for any reason an;:r of There will be a celebrati?n of for good in the world. Especially our people need to be in touch the Holy Communion at 8 0 clock was thts to be noticed in her teachwith Mr. Stettner or Mr. Bishop, Sunday morning at Trinity ing bo!h at the Elementary School Mrs. Gerner will be in the church Church. At 11 o'clock the regular and wi!h the music pupfls at office to handle all calls during the service of Morning Prayer will be home. These childl-en wi11 usual working hours of the day. held. The Rev. Frederick B. Horn- remember how they were always i Except for the weeks of the by will be 'In charge of both ser~ surrounded with love, patience summer when Mr. Bishop will be vices. and appreciation. preaching here, his vacation adThe ushers for Sunday will be Marked by extreme simplicity dress will be Holderness, New as follows: J., L. Cornog, J. H. and mode.ty, Nell's personal life Furlong, W. C. Giles, C. H. W., H' ampshtre. C was .a h'armony 0 f I oyaIty and d eIngraham, W. ~. McCawley, . pendabillly, of complete devotion CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES W. Randall, Jr., Tholl)as ~andall, to her beloved family of expres, '. and J. S. Tl\ompson. At the 8 0'' An invitation Is extended to all I k rvi' G H Is sed concern for anyone in . CDC se ce eorge ay· . need ofd to attend !he reading of !he Bible sch eduled as aco1y t e, and Russell help. Yet where her SP1l'it. foun Chrtstian S cience Frank at 1 o'clock. wings was in the consurrung enLesson in churches next Sunday, when the _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_..,_---- thusiasm for the enrichment subject of the Lesson will be life ulrough good m)islc. ThIs was "Spirit". l~" at Qnce,the sol,ace ;rrid escape4"pm Among the Scriptural quota' the tOo urgent presSures of mOdtlons to be read is the following ~:'- ern lite and !he means by which statement by Christ Jesus: " G O d a l the ecstasy of life could be en, Is a Spirit: and' they that worship joyed. him must worship him in spirit ThIs outgoing personallty natand In truth." (John 4:24) ural1y attracted a wide circle of This correlative passage will be . friendS, and each was invited, read from the ChrIstIan SCience even urgeci to participate in all textboOk, "Science ,and Health the activities of Nell's varied inwith Key In the Scriptures" by 2 P.M. to 9 P.M. terests. Never one to 'be willing Mary. Baker Eddy: "In ChrIstIan , to exclude and llmit, Nell always SCience:. S"Wt, 'as a proper noun, madl1 a place for anyone who liTTERS TO THE EDnOR could profit by belonging to .a group or who could bring someEntJOr1lllll Letter thing to be used by it. = SWARTlIMORE ToI the Editor: And can we ever ~~rl:,q:~:~: I wish' to express the feelings of endearing PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH qualities, the Joseph P. Bishop. MInister mllllY" SwarthmoreBDS In eudOra- lilting tone of her speaking voice, John Stettner, ~stant Ing the splendid letter written by the clear' birdlike whistle which Sond.yI A,1J&1iBt 10 10:00 A.M.-Rev. Karl F. Wett- Mrs. Albright Jone!!, In apprecla- was a part of lier. the true sweet tion of !he patience and kindness song, tb~ readinesS to cooperate stone, D.D., will. preach. 10:00 A.M.-Church Nursery. of Mr. Snyder over the 'past 26 ,in whatever venture whe!her In, Wecln_y. AucuH IS years of his service in the Swarth- ,'olving work or sheer fun 10:00 A. M.-Sur~cal Dressings. more National Hank. recreation, lier honesty and METHODIST CHURCH M.-\UD BISHOP taste of sham, her sens~ of lIumor Roy N. Keiser. DoD., Minister and love of learning. Swarthmore SunOl', AucuH 10 lias Ind..ed lost part of Itself. NEWS NOTES 10:00 A.M. - Church School and Young Adults. f V t 11:00 A.M.-Dr. Levi H. Zerr will Mt:s. Norman Bassett 0 en preacb. nor, N. J., has returned home af- NASON NAMES WORLD 1~:00 A.M......church Nursery. ter a week's visit wi!h Mr. and Al:FAIRS 'CHAIRMEN ,TRINITY CHURCH Mrs. Herbert T: Bassett of North John W. Nason, president of !he H.' Lawrence Whittemore, Rector Chester road. Previously, Mr. and World Affairs CoUncil of p~i~~e~~l S1IDIIay, AucuH 10 Mrs. Bassett had viSited their sls- pina, has announ,ced that 8:00, A. M.-Ho'·· Communion. te ' I aw in Ventnor for two. Wh' oc'" pres,'dent of ''3 r-ml~:OO A.M.-Mornini;! Prayer. ... weeks. . WJ.eelock Comp,anY•.and ~~:~I THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup and S~ott, general po,rtner in :It OF ~ da.. ~hters ,Kathleen and Marlba 'd C ill , Sainrclq, ~ 9 " '"""~," ".Ii ~'. ' will d the gomery, Scott an ompany, w 2:00 P.M.-Memoli SerVice for of Have,Hor ,P ace, spen serve as local co-chairmen for . Mrs. Roy W. Delaplal:!i.e; Meet- 'waek;.eDd ilt Colonial Beach, Va. United .Nations Week, October 19 ing House. .,.'. " ,; " They win be accompanied by t 24 sunOl', A~ 10 Jane MacAlpine, Barbara Harlow, 0 • 11:00 A.M.-lIJeeting for, worship. and Jean Rodgers of Swarthmore. The Council,' which has been Visitors welcome. (No child Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop of Harvard designal!'d by !he United Nations care during August.) as its education center for this AU~Mos:!t!g 1~:!. ~.F,S.C. avenue entertained as her house 'area, has beeD. appointed by May- EcU* The same family has supervised our services for 7" years. • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. DlIICTOU O. I'IINllAlt 1820 CHESTNUT STREET OUVU H. lAIR, """""_ MARY A. lAIR, Preo/d"" T.'.phone RI 6-1581 "'~Lidd ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~E~E~~E~~E~~ Ws to Your Advantage SHOP AT THE CO-OP AMPLE, PARKING SPACE (Across from. Borough HaJlJ Dartmouth Avenue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annual SALE 'ISTEB' August 1st to 16th. inclusive Borough Hall Wednesday, Aug. 13 Hollyhock Shop Park Avenue Mr. and Nrs. Frank E. Mcfadden. ProprIetors '-== Summer Clearance 1l\11' 'II !!!lIIiJi eel· 'JoU FIRsT CHUR,.' 01" , ~ s~t . SWAK. Park Avenue below Harvard , suntJ1i,#.f:ssfi.': .' ,. 11:00 A, M. ' ; ' 'ooL '.' 11:00 A. M.-The' . i~t!mIcln ·is "Spirit". _ .. ; Wednesday' I!venIng ~ • week, 8 P. M. Reading room ~ dally except Sunday IZ ~ 5 ..'1,t.o fio~.~~~.=:S or Joseph S. Clark'h.Jr., as the ie of South Hadley, Mass., and flclal sponsor for t e Mr. and "Mrs. Robert Bishop and which, on P-nited Nations Da:v.' children.Robert .TacOb, Mault and October 24, will mark the seventh .'" anniversary of the date on which Rebecca of Bryngwelled. the United ,Nations Charter 'came '~riI: Mi>rtls L-;- mclts and tllIIdrt!il Betsy and §ti!Vle' of Conege into foree. , ' ' " avenue have returned home after' .Mr. Nason, presiden.t of Swarth~cilti"nlng iittM,''Schumacher ,more Co11'"g,:, r.es1des.o!, .. cotta!!e at Avalon for six weeks. iane. Mr. Wlieelock Is the son Mr. Hicks joined the family week- !he late Louis W. WheeloCk ends. , " " .,Park aVenue• ur! !iU! II I rI It Will Pay You to See Them i"-d~-=:'f!~1J.s.c. :"::dl:~~;:::~~i~;:d~:: RaJitIe , 100 Pari Ave., Sw~J1ii.~~,~, '. $\l#tlkma •• 66000 - Clearbrook 9-46i6 " THE SAME FAMILY 1111 I l~ rar~·Avenue . .~ ' THE SWAltl'B1ll0BE4N Rincliffe, Alden Named I U · dF d n mte un Campaign PageS Aupet 8,'1952 - , LOCAL MEN RECEIVE 1931, starling as an engineer In COMPANY APPOINTMENTS thermal cracking plants at the :Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Lee of MarBec~ H~lnrefisnery'Mr R. G. Rlncll1fe·of Strath Haven avenue, president of the Philadelpbia Electric Company, has been appointed a section chairman In the tbird annual United Fund Campalgn, according to CI~well Sykes, general chairman of the drive. The section headed I>y Rincliffe, who is also a dtrector of the United Fund, embraces more than Appointment of W. T. Askew, WallIngf d asslstan or , as t manager of Sun Oil Company's refinery Marcus Hook, was Friday by Swarthmore Charles E. Maschal, refinery ager. Formerly superintendent of refinery, Mr. Askew will be ceeded in that position by John tive industries. Sykes also announced that Philip M. Alden, of North Chester road, retail division manager of the Philadelphia Electric Company. will serve as vice chairman of the section. ' Rincliffe has been active in the United Fund since its inception in 1950 andIn the Community Cbest for many years. His current community service includes such posts as the EndoWment Committee of Franklin Institute and the Advisory Committee on Civil Defense. The Section 1 chairman' has been an officer of the Philadelphia in charge of the Plant Division. . ., Mr. Askew joined Sun Oil Combank buildln, pany in 1931, immediate'll:y~gr~~~~IIF==='===========j graduating from Texas ;. tural and Mechanical College with CO.ED BEAUTY, a degree in cltemical engineering. A member of the American :PeSALON troleum Institute and the Armed Am~CONDITIONED Forces Chemical Associatio,n, he Open Thur&day Night. is also chairman of the" Brandywine District" Boy Scouts \ of Closed Saturdays America. His clubs include the durJng Jnly and AU~ C h e st e r Rotary, Sprlnghaven Country Club and th ease R V a IIey PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE. Folk. • S..arthm~re 6-1013 Mr. Thompson has also been .ore Jam g un, . Tbompson served as an engineer with The Texas Company and with E. I. duPont de Nemours. He'ls a member of the I;)elaware' River Power Squadron, the Springhaven Club, and is active in Boy Scout work.' ----------=---b 700 firms in the insurance bu:si-l Thompson, Media. ~Mr:·;~~:;:~::1 a"b.~ ness, paper, leather and automo- had been assistant , I l ! Electric Company 1945, having joined the firmsince in 1923, following his graduation from Yale and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a vice president of the Pennsylvania Electric As- ! Seven-year-old Karen Blecha enacts 1952 poll II ~omm'TId"l! by the Nallonlll Foundation lor Inl'::tlI!r;:::'I;::' to tb=~r~~::.t:!~:'~:v'!~n:!0::'::"Ut,1I0DS t".:nts ach, tenderness and stllfness 01 n.ek and hack. A upse mSUCh sympto..... should be put to bed at person showing ~. ., call your doctor and follow his advlo::eit ':~~ JOur local challter of the March of Dlmea lor aDd usIstance, ·lncludinl' needed llnanclalhelp.. aD ::cJ::'I:r {,,7I! otho::; ad"': • 9 -. t s· 21d , ;~o~ci~a~te~d~w~i~th~.~th~e~c~o~m~p~an:y~:~~iiii~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE sociation and a member of following: American Gas Al!Sc>oialion, American Institute of ElI,c-1 trical Epgineering, American M,c-I iety of Mechanical Engineers Club, Chamber of Commerce, League and the Newcomen Society. Alden. held the post of section vice chairman in last year's drive • INGLENEUK WILL BE CLOSED years in U.S. Savings Bond Drives. He is a director of the BannockBurn Heigbls Improvement As- sociation, and a trustee of many church groups. A member of the Philadelphia Electric since 1930, he was previously with Stone and Webster. He graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a valedictorian of his class and Is a member of the Illuminating Engineering Society. Approximately 6,500 firms exp.ected to participate in the United Fund Campaign, scheduled for September. The campaign will be c~)I\dueted solely in industry, busines~ and other places of .employment, . with budgeted pledges solicited from firms. their executives and employes. ~:!~~~~~~ Major local fund-raising organ- • Iz'ations which will take part in the' United Fund Campaign include the Community Chest, Sal-' vation Army, American' Cancer Society, Heart Association, Mental .Health Association, Arthritis and Rheumatism Found~tion, United Cerebral Palsy Association of Philadelphia and' the United Defense Fund-USO. Each of these participating organizations, except the United Defense Ji'und-USO will conduct its own separate campaign at its regular time to reach those In residential and other reas not covered by the United Fund Drive. .. • I I..... from ,Monday, .August 18th' GIRLS: ava'Uabie noW. good GIRLS"" Jobs pay .IgHt from stall. - - -- - - --'-- Jobs available now. GIRLS: opp.."unlty for advancement. ----------- GIRLS " Jobs avaUabie noW. no " experience n.... ed. - ------- -----Jobs available noW. with friendly. congenial people. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kamp Riverview road, spent the end visiting friends iii. Previously Mr. and Mrs. and .mlldren Stevie and Belsy vacationed for three weeks at family cottsge at Buck HiiJ. Falls. Mrs. David M. OIds and' childrenJohn and Joan of Mt. LeD-I anon, are visiting Mrs. Olds' parents Mr. and Mrs. D. W. R. Morgan of StratJi Haven avenue while en route home from an extended vacation at Beach Haven. Mrs. O. M. Hook and Mr. Dick Hook of Strath Haven avenue spent several days over the we""·- i end visiting friends In Franconia, N. H. Miss Mary AnD Hook ts vacationing' in Lewes, Del., tor We know where there are jobs open rigIit now that have all the good features mentioned above, rolled into onel H you are futerested, why not stop in at one of the offices listed. 6919 Ludlow , ....., Upper Dub" .... IAI Areta .h ................. .... week. ...... '1111 till C. 5 , ..., ....' ........ 1 ,... ....... s' • • lsi e 11 • C·· ,,, A. ttenlwn, Jtlzens ••• Vital Election Information Who Can Register? In Pennsylvania, citizens of the United States can register providing they have been residents of the state for one ye~r or for six months, if they have voted previously in the state. Where To Register Registration can be made in Swarthmore on Wednesday, August 13 when the Roving Registrars will sit in Borough Hall from 2:00~p.m. to 9:00p.m. for that pUrPose. It can also be made in the Court House, Media, up to and Including September 13 during the regular business hours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 Noon. On Friday, August 22, the Court House will be open from 9 a.m. to ~ p.m. How to Keep your Registration . Remembering the following dates and planning around them will help to prevent your losing out on E\ectlon Day, November 4: September " is the last day an clector may move from one election district to another in order to be Permitted to vote at the November Election. September 13 is the last day all electors may register to vote at the November El~ction. This Includes electors who will become of age on or before November 5, 1952. .. September 15 is the last day for any elector. whd has r e _moved into a new election district to give notice to the RegistJ:ation Commission in order to be permitted. to vote at the November Election. The removal card must set forth a removal date Into the new. election district wbich cannot be later than September 4. . .. mil 1111 .. ,""""""""~ Miss AlIce Bishop 01 Beverly, N. J., is visiting Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop of Harvard avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Good .of Fore&t lane spent the week-end In New York City. ~''''''~ until Tuesday, September '2nd ---------- --- GIRLS: Midshipman Tyler Haverford place returned Wednesday after a four-day trip to New London, Conn., where tltey visited Mrs. Lee's father Dr. Frank E. Morris. They will spend (Continued from Page 1) next week at Elk Lake, Montrose. wik van Beethoven. He will play this number at the concerto concert, also. . Spencer also plays In lbe Honors orchestra and, string orchestra at Interlochen. In. Pennsylvania he has served as concertmaster of the Southeastern District Orches.:' tra for the last four years, and has been a member of the Pennsylvanit State Orchestra for three years, serving as soloist and one of two concertmasters .this last seaSOD. An accomplished tuba player, Spencer plays that instrument in I the band at Swarthmore High School where he will be a senior next year, aDd plays violin in the Midshipman, third class, John school's orchestra. T. Tyler, USN, son of Mr. and Spencer plans a medical career after college, but says music will Mrs. A. L. Tyler of South Chester road, is shown aboard the USS be his favorite a~ocation. Only the most. talented musi- Wisconsin as he learns to operate $15,000 FOR $5,000 cians from among the 11600 enrol- a sou!Id power telephone as part led at Interloche.n from 46 states, of his training during MidshipA honoe that COlt '5,000 Canada, and South America this men Cruise Able. A sophomore at to build in 1932 could not summer were allowed to audition the U.S. Naval' Academy, Midb. replaced fO.r ,15,000 for the Honors orchestra, Dr. shipman Tyler is one of 3,600 fu.today. How about yonr Maddy said, and Spencer's addiFire Insurance 1 Have tional selection for concerto con- ture Naval officers from college cert marks him as the season's and university Navltl Reserve Ofyou increased it in line outstanding bigh school violinist. flcer Training Corps units and the with prelent values? U.S. Naval Academy who are takPat Patman of Princeton avenue jng the annual summer training is teaching riding at Eagle Bay, cruise aboard 26 Navy men-ofN. y., while on a two-week vaca- war in the Atlantic. The 800 Midshipmen aboard the Wisconsin tion. visited Scotland, France and Cuba during the eight-week "on the job" cruise, returning to Norfolk, All LirIBlI oj '""urallCe Va., on August 5. . 333 Dartmouth Ave. S..alihJnore 8-1833 WALTER RHOADS .WHITE Funeral services were neld Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. for Walter Rhoads White, Media at·-:!C~:-c~s SuICIr Cn ria, 01 H. d .. c... torney, who died suddenly following an operation performed TuesCAMERA & HOBBY SHOP day, July 29, at· the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. 405 Dartmouth Ave. Mr. White was a member of the Sw. 604191 Open Fri. 9-9 Swarthmore ,Rotary Club. PETER E. TOLD' and was active during the war Jobs avall.. ble now, In pl ...... nt surroundings. David Spencer Wins High. Musical Honor MIss Helen Tomlinson and MIss Kathleen GUflllan .of Sw)ll'thmore have returned from a week's trip "'" up the Saguenay River In Canada. Miss Tomlinson also vacationed at Atlantic City for a week. .w" e ~ .' 'We have studied . and figured how to .give our employees .their well- . earl:led vacations and maintain the kind of over-all service • to which, ou~ cU$tQmers are. accustomed. From every angle this plan_ t • is best: • WE WILL BE CLOSED FROM F.RIDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 8th UNTIL When traflio is heavy or the Weather is bad ; I , or when you CBD'tfind time to call at the ))ant-do your benking with WI hy mail. It'•• great OODvenieJlOOJ MONDAY MORNING,' AUGUST. 18th FIRST IN$ALfS . Mrs. J. Harvey Whiteman returned to her home In the Swarthmore Apartments Sunday followIng a three-week vacation' at Cape May. 1IIrs. Whlteman's I!Iijn-IID-.la,,, and daughter Mr. and !lira. Paul Snyder and daUlhten Nlm mel .Judith of Jo~ Way, town, spent a month _t1~ at Buck BiIlI'alls. , ,' 'IIDTIIOBE IAIIOIII.· BIRI. DB IIUSTCOIPUI ....r.... ' , ... D, ~r t 1'_..1••• CC~.I11''''.INII?III'•• I • " . • • • , - FIRST IN SERVICE R.UMSEY CHEVROLET , THEATRE SQUARE INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 4 'I'HE SWARTBMOBEAN Rincliffe, Alden Named In United Fund Campaign i Seven·year·old Karen Blecha enacts 1952 Whomm"'!de!I by the NatioDal FOUDdatiOD lor Ii . l!';a:tII~r;~ry".i:. !"h'::tet:.:'d~:r ':h~':~~~:e~'::!~:}!:~~!,:!O:;.::..'tI~:et~~~~ c, D erDess and StllfDess of neck aDd back A such symptoms should be put to bed at ODce • person showing ~r' call your doctor aDd follow bis advice. it ,;:r.~ ~":,.'l!::'~!!' c ;your local chapter of the March of Dimes for advice- j i asslstance,lncludlDg needed flnaDclal help.. an " = l::J available now, In GIRLS: Jobs pleosonl surroundings. -- ------- ---ovallable now. good GIRLS•• Jobs pay right from slart. - - -- - ---- ---GIRLS: -- -- ---- ---Job. available now, opportunity for advancemenl. GIRLS: Jobs available noW. no e"perlence needed. -- ---- ---GIRLS: Jobs avalloble nDW, wilh friendly, congenial people. GlRLSl. •• We know where there are jobs open right now that have all the good fea~ mentioned above, roUed into one! H you are interested, why not stop in at one of the offices listed. 6919 Ludlow Street, Upper Dwby, Pa. 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Plio lilt . . , ........ C. , • ., of P. ,... . . . . . ,I,pll ....lip' • PI "@ _w,. yIv • • R. G. RinclifIe· of Sirath Haven avenue, president of the Philadelphia Electric Company, has been appointed a section chairman in the third annual United Fund Campaign, according to Clewell Sykes, general chairman of the drive. The section headed by Rincliffe, who is also a director of the United Fund, embraces more than 700 firms in the insurance business, paper, leather and automotive industries. Sykes also announced that Philip M. Alden, of Norlh Chesler road, retail division manager of the Philadelphia Electric Company, will serve as vice chairman of the section. Rincliffc has been active in the United Fund since its inception in 1950 and in Ihe Community Chest for many years. His current community service includes such posts as the Endowm€nt Committee of Franklin Institute and the Advisory Committee on Civil Defense. The Section 1 chairman has been an officer of the Philadelphia Electric Company since 1945, haviog joined the firm in 1923, followiog his graduation from Yale and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a vice president of the Pennsylvania Electric Association and a member of following: American Gas Association, American Institute of Electrical Epgineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Club, Chamber of Commerce, Union League and the Newcomen Society. Alden held the post of section vice chairman in last year's drive and was active during the war years in U.S. Savings Bond Drives. He is a director of the BannockBurn Heights Improvement Association, and a trustee of many church groups. A member of the Philadelphia Electric Company since 1930, he was previously with Stone and Webster. He graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a valedictorian of his class and is a member of the Illuminating Engineering Society. Approximately 6,500 firms are expected to participate in the United Fund Campaign, scheduled for September. The campaign will be .conducted solely in industry, buslness and other places of ,employment, with budgeled pledges solicited from firms, their tives and employes. Major local fund-raising organizations which will take part in the' United Fund Campaign include the Community Chest, Salvation Army, Atnerican Cancer Society, Heart Association, Mental Health Association, Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, United Cerebral Palsy Association of Philadelphia and Ihe United Defense Fund-USO. Each of these participating organizations, except the United Defense Fund-USa will conduct its own separate campaign at its regular time to reach those in residential and other reas not covered by the United Fund Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kamp of Riverview road, spent the weekend visiting friends in Pittsburgh. Previously Mr. and Mrs. Kamp and children Stevie and Betsy had vacationed for three weeks at the family cottage at Buck Hill Falls. Mrs. David M. OIds and children John and Joan of Mt. LebanoD, are visiting Mrs. Oids' parents Mr, and Mrs. D. W. R. Morgan of Strath Haven avenue while en route home from an extended vacation at Beach Haven. Mrs. O. M. Hook and Mr. Dick Hook of Strath Haven avenue spent several days over the weekend visiting friends in Franconia N. H. Miss Mary Ann Hook is va~ cationing in Lewes, Del., for a week. . Mrs. J. Harvey Whiteman returned to her home in the Swarthmore Apartments Sunday following a three-week vacation at Cape MaYa Mrs. Whiteman's son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snyder and daugh~ NlvIn and Judith of Johnny's Way, Westtown, spent a month vacationing at Buck Hill Falls. August 8, 1952 LOCAL MEN RECEIVE 11931, starting as an engineer in COMPANY APPOINTMENTS thermal cracking plants at the . Marcus Hook refinery. Appomtment of W. T. Askew ' . . • I Before JOlDmg Sun, Mr. ThompWallmgfo~d, as assis!ant manager son served as an engineer with of Sun OJ! Company s refinery at The Texas Company and with E. M~rcus Hook, was announced I. duPont de Nemours. He is a FrIday by Swarthmore resident member of the Delaware River Charles E. Maschal, refinery man- Power Squadron, the Springhaven ager. ~lub, anc:i is active in Boy Scout Formerly superintendent of the work. refinery, Mr. Askew will be suc- - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - ceeded in that position by John S. Thompson, Media. Mr. Thompson had been assistant superintendent in charge of the Plant Efficiency Division. buildl~c Mr. AsI,ew joined Sun Oil Company in 1931, immediately after graduating from Texas Agricul- I' tural and l\'1echanical College with CO·ED BEAUTY a degree in chemical engineering. A member of the American PeSALON troleum Institute and the Armed AIR·CONDITIONED Forces Chemical Association , he Open Thursday Nig"" is also chairman of the Brandywine District, Boy Scouts of Closed Saturdays America. His clubs include the during July and August C h est e r Rotary, Springhaven Country Club and the Rose Valley PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE. Folk. • Svvarthmore 6·1013 Mr. Thompson has also been associated wit~ the Company since ~Iice batkclIF '9 - I t S ' old bank . -==============:; I~~~i.~~';;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE INGLENEUK PageS THE SWARTIDIOREAN Augullt 8, 1952 Miss Alice Bishop of Beverly, Miss Helen Tomlinson and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Lee of N. J., is visiting Mrs. J. V. S. Midshipman Tyler Kathleen Gilfillan of Swarthmore Haverford place returned Wedhave returned from a week's trip Bishop of Harvard avenue. ""t'" •. .- ••• " , .. '" _,- -, nesday after a four-day trip to Dr. and Mrs. Roberl Good of up Ihe Saguenay River in Canada. ~)~,:,'>"'" ""~":" New LondoD, Conn., where they Fore&t lane spent the week-end in Miss Tomlinson also vacationed at ."...;~. ,; visiled Mrs. Lee's father Dr. Ncw York City. ':'" Atlantic City for a week. Frank E. Morris. They will spend (Continued from Page 1) next week at Elk Lake, Montrose. wig van Beethoven. He will play this number at the concerto concert, also. Spencer also plays in the Honors orchestra and string orchestra at Interlochen. In Pennsylvania he has served as concertmaster of the Southeastern District Orches':: tra for the last four years, and has been a member of the Pennsylvanit State Orchestra for three years, serving as soloist and one of two concertmasters this last season. An accomplished tuba player, Spencer plays that instrument in I " the band at Swarthmore High Who Can Register? School where he will be a senior In Pennsylvania, citizens of the United States can register next year, and M'd 1 ' J 1 I S11PI11UIl, third class, om , h Iplays violin in the providing they have been re~idents of the state for one year or h 1 sc 00 sore es ra. · I I T. Tyler, USN, .son of Mr. and for six months, if they have voted previously in the state. S penccr pans I a me d Ica career after. college, but says music will Mrs. A: L. Tyler of South Chester be hiS favorite avocation. road, IS shown aboard the USS Where To Register Only the most. talented musiWisconsin as he learns to operate 1 $15,000 FOR $5,000 Registration can be made in Swarthmore on Wednesday, cians from among the 1,600 enrol- a sound power telephone as part August 13, when the Roving Registrars will sit in Borough Hall led at Interlochen from 46 states, of his training during MidshipA house that C08t $5,000 from 2:00·p.m. 10 9:00 p.m. for Ihat purpose. It can also be made Canada, and South America this men Cruise Able. A sophomore at to build in 1932 could not in the Court House, Media. up to and including September 13 summer were allowed to audition be replaced for $15,000 during the regular business hours Monday through Friday, 9 for the Honors orchestra, Dr. the U.S. Naval Academy, Midshipman Tyler is one of 3,600 fua.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 Noon. On Friday, today. How about your Maddy said, and Spencer's additure Naval officers from college August 22, Ihe Court House will be open from 9 a,m. to 9 p.m. Fire Insurance? Have tional selection for concerto concert marks him as the season's and university Navb.l Reserve Ofyou increased it in line outstanding high school violinist. ficer Training Corps units and the How to Keep your Registration with present values? U.S. Naval Academy who are takRemembering the following dates and planning around Pat Patman of Princeton avenue ing the annual summer training them will help to prevent your losing out on Election Day, is teaching riding at Eagle Bay, cruise aboard 26 Navy men-ofN. Y., while on a two-week vaca- war in the Atlantic. The 800 MidNovember 4: shipmen aboard the Wisconsin tion. September 4 is the last day an elector may move from one visited Scotland, France and Cuba election district to another in order to be permitted to vote at during the eight-week u on the the November Election. job" cruise, returning to Norfolk. All Line. of Insurance Va., on August 5. September 13 is the last day all electors may register to 333 Dartmouth A.'e. vote at the November Election. This includes electors who will S..arthmore 6-1833 WALTER RHOADS WHITE become of ag~ on or before November 5, 1952. Funeral services were field WedSeptember 15 is the last day for any elector whd has re ... nesday afternoon at 2 p.m. for PI ''a81lw_C • .., ..... moved into a new election district to give notice to the RegisWalter Rhoads White, Media atSurar Cftmraor 01 H'dotc\ CaM. tration Commission in order to be pennitted to vote at the Notorney, who died suddenly followvember Election. The removal card must set forth a removal ing an operation performed Tuesdate into the new election district which cannot be later than day, July 29, at the University CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP Seplember 4. of Pennsylvania HospitaL 405 Dartmouth Ave. Mr. White was a member of the Sw. 6-4191 Open Fri. 9·9 Swarthmore .Rolary Club. David Spencer Wins High Musical Honor "~-, "~"'''''''''_''.'",~'. "~ ,_",,"~,;< ~: . Attention, Citizens! ! ! Vital Election Information I PETER E. TOLD' WILL BE CLOSED from Monday,August 18th 11111 1111 "'.""'"""""""""""'~ until Tuesday, September 2nd We have studied and figured how to give our employees their well• service of over-all earned vacations and still maintain the kind to which· our customers are. accustomed. From every angle this plan is best: WE WILL BE CLOSED FROM FRIDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 8th UNTIL 'When traffic is Leavy or the weather is bad;: I or when you can't find time to call at the bBDk-do your banking with US by maD. It'e a great convenienool MONDAY MORNING,' AUGUST 18th FIRST IN SALES SIDTINOB! RATIOI'lL BAIl DB TIUST COMPIIY r 'Ifl, .,. wi ..,.•• 1&_ _•• Crr,. ,. • • • FIRST IN SERVICE RU.MSEY CHEVROLET THEATRE SQUARE , THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 6 August 8;·1952 -.=- _. -=- ---====--=-~' PIANO TUNING Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Pe1rso!, Jr., and daughter Gloria Ann of Lafayette avenue, spent last week on a motor trip through New York State and Canada. They visited the Grand Canyon of PennsylvanIa, Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands and Hyde Park. Two-year-old Sandra Pelrsol Visited her grandmother Mrs.. Alexander M. Dryden at her home in· Barnegat, N. J. Cap. Jep Carrells, U.S.M.C., and Mrs. Carrells have returned from Alaska and have been visiting In Swarthmore. or Breakfalt, Lunch, \ '(be r ' ,or Dlnn:" In I I ..."factl.... loy \IQ\" " ' II 1 .. sure .f rea °Oolaen GooaaeSS aSCIOUS . . CANTALOUPES At .... .,·-9;~ ~ c Jumtlo Sip Only LBTTtlCI Boaele.. RoUeci (U. S. Gr~cled "Ckolee") BEEF POT ROAST 4ge Ib GROUND BBEF-I::~. VEAL ROAST 'r:.'.:' , • St: • 4Se _lcIor • 31e Veal Clio,.· lie .....k ... Beel Loa! Drlod Ll...wur..'t--.;.Bl'aua.w..... SII •• 4 .... 1I01....a ..... Baked J.oavel !"".:::t. _clan Uverwunt 4S0 SKIPPY ~~. .... Ii> sse ':;:: 4se sPECIAL PRICES B.~ND .'::3.9c, PETER PAN BRAND '::33c !)dazI : BRAND c::..-.t;. ~.I BELLMANN'S II_you.... 7•• ·38c•~.,.. Me MAYONNAISE •• II"""" ,.... SPICIAL 'Ilell A VlrginlaL. . Bakery 9 P':. 3S PEARS e FO~D. Orange Jaice eo.!:.!- 2 2ge = IdMd ConcentratM "_tv.. ~'35c ....Iott SPIc:uu. 'ilei· Quality 2 ::a3tc }~~39c Hr:,:a ~ lOC '-.oJ: Choc. Chip Cook_ , 5c' _aIL _ - CHEWING ..;.:'J;UM s=n 20 ~ St&: ,--------.;..; ...;;.'.-...;;;;,;;;;;;........ ...-;;,;;---~' •.'~ -. - . . .y ...... - . ,I Rubbish CollectloB 5warlhmore Disposal Weekly or Konthly WAIRIN .IIRCE Swarthmore 8-2078 r DEVINE rAXI SERVICE Swaribmore, Pa. Serving Swarthmore, Morton Rutledge and Ridley Townshi~ since 1918 Swarthmore "-0444 PETER E. TOLD All Lines of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore. Pa. Swarthmore 6-1833 ROOFS GUTfERS REP~t:D & lNSTAT.T.ED WARM-AIR HEA'IDiG Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned GEORGE MYERS Box 48-Swarthm\»re 6-0740 CUNNINGHAM AsheS&: Rubbish Removed Lawn;' Mowed, General Hawling . 2$8 Barding Ave., lIIomn, Pa. Driveway Construction Alphalt or Concrete $ Cellar Walll Re-Plastered' • "-'tary-c:!ean"' aMI'gll ."~ ~ ~'IA:a.WUIhed. ~ ~ I cI. I·~ 7 CD .. reel )' .. 7. r. DisllJlClllliing • ..., ... ...., 'jOIit h........... touch the .. I ,. C CII tile aukJn.aPlc . ' • ~Ic cWwalhei- Y- ... alJIOW ;::~.:, ~ ;~n or at o.y Phlll '1\17 B r. ant iI"'" $ •• =e: Water Heaters, Ranges, Washers, avenue, has completed his law and small appliances. Call: Erich H. Hausen. SW 6-2850, Corner of Park and Michigan avenues. PERSONAL-Exclusive servicealterations and dressmaking. Fittings in your home and delivered. Call Virginia, WAshburn 82355 or WAshburn 8-5639. PERSONAL-FREE registrations .available fo qualified U.S. citizens at Borough Hall Wednesday. August 13. Roving Registrars on duty from 2 till 9 p.m. Adherents to both Eisenhower and Steven50~ cordially welcomed. .. !' Phone Swarthlllore· ~2526 .', ~~~~;~~~~~~~~~ GEORGE F. emUs c .....ry PLUGS DIrl:r ~pl.... aIiil waste M lIluOll B8 1 oat of·eYen' 10 pUo.. ., _line.' .'. I:e~w!o ;,'lt~ l'elIII.wPlll CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR ~I~':f"on 7--CLEAN AIR FlLTEIt Leta :roar endne breathe ead_ keeps dirt out of the .............tor. aud I'e&l' re8Il wPth Sunoco AD-p_ Gear Lubrlcan~lalI:r made to resist ldP pressure &ad lPeM. . , 3 C~ASSI$ LUBRICATlQN Spetllal Lubrleant uSed to help keep out squeaks and wear. Won't dry outJ won't; wash out, WOD" squeeze outl D~ps Improve .... mUeap. 4 CHECK OIL FILTER ~t ~dp . . . . CIheck for leaks. ., ... S-IATTERY SERVICED B-bItAIN ANTI - FREEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR . CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS -ADD RUST RESISTANCE If :roa have pennauen& autl-freese. oave It for neD winter. Brbq :r0Ui' own =- _ . .1 ., ... ' WANTED-Naval Commander and family needs furnished house or 'apartment for Sept.-Oct.-Nov. Ple.ase call Mts. Edson Harris, Jr., WALTER M. MAGEE Media 6-24,15; 8. ~. ea. M,',aua. Pr." .oll SALE . ,...., ==-;;=,-2~~~=:"'--:-. SW~O!'ll &,3899 FOR SALE-Cocker pups, four ~~~~~~~~~~~~~I·ed'black. tWo red; 6-1739. A.K.C. register" .SWarthmore FOR SALE--Girl's bicycle, in !lood condition, $20. Call SW 6RESIDENTIAL AND 3753." FO.. !l.ND c:qM"'E.~C!~~ ==;::--:;;"':~F-::::;::-;,.--;:-:---:= CONSTRUCTION I FOUND-On July 26, stray, black and white, long-haired dog. Call 3525 ED~lIIQNT AVENtJB CllESTER 3-9201 Alterations :s~:w~a~r;th;m~0~r~e;;6;-;6~2~49~·~;;;;;;M;W~ ~ P.R.R. Freight Bldg. swarthmore. TOM SEREMBA pc.. J. F. BLACKMAN ~~s::~=u:: It ,ilee4eil. . ~e ~, . U P H 0 L S T E R ER Phone WAshburn 8 -7311 or Write to 612 Clymer Lane RIDLEY PARK, !'A. Four Gpod Insurance Companies The The The The Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M. Open S~l'day"til 6, P'''';~ .. '~ .. , HANNUM &. 'WAltE "' "~ , ~ • , '- I CIIester Road andYal. Awenue Chadds Ford, PR. . North American Company Tray,lers Insurance Company Hartford Insurance Company Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company'. - THE .. , ' , Swarthlllore 6-2253 tW!9 t~'T;Jlrcf Generation !!IlI Bullcf.r~ ~ Swarthmore Avenue at Yale Avenue, stopping tramc bound southeastwardly on Swarthmore Avenue. Lafayette Avenue at South Princeton Avenue from both'dlrections. South Princeton AvenUe at Park Avenue. HarvBrf! Avenue at Park Avenue from both directions. Rutgera Avenue at Harvard Avenue 'tram botb directions. Rutgers AV,enue at Stratb Haven. AvenUe ,from both directions. Cornell Avenue at Harvard Av.enue trom both directions. Park Avenue at Micblgan Avenue, to stop tfamc bound southeastwardly on Park Avenue. Michigan Avenue at FairView HORACE A,' Building Construc:tion • Residential • Paintingl • Commercial. Repairsl • Alterations 111 ~ COrnell Avenue at Westdale Av~nue trom both directionS. COrnell Avenue at, strath Haven Avenue tram both drlec- fill 17V2 South Chester Road Swarthmore 6-3450 . I STENOGRAPHIC & ,.r, ,TYPING SERVICE I Legal •• pers - n.,e. . R".rh .rompt. effIet••t aad accurate , •• rvice Coot.... . ,. , .r H •• rly Rat•• RUPACA. INC. Rood· tiona. I ~ REEVES TII.atre $qla.. MI,. S"'.dl~y SW 6-122' ~otary ....lIc ' Comell . Avenue at FairvIew Road. SECTION 2. n.b Police B_. Deth~­ HOB.ACB , ment of the Beroug ,under e ... reclion of the and with the approval ot the PUblic satety Com- II. ·.Passmore mlttee of Borougb council may from ' ....... 1 te th intetime to tlin!' ""g>.Lgna 0 er r sections where legal stop signs should be erected for the proper control of tra.ftlc. All such sIgns 80 erected shall have the same force and effect as though partl~ ..ly designated In thiB Ordinance, untU 'the turther a.ctlon at Borough CouncD, 9r the re.. moval of such atpp signs. SECTION 3. Pursuant to the sta~utell In such case made and provlded. the PoUce Department of Borougll of SwarthmiJre under directIon of the and the consent ot the Commltt.oe' . Of . horeb:r autborlzed tatn at the several r!'~~,,:~~';::"~~ the dow ,,' .. A.a. RBAL BSTATB JNSURAN<;1 609 S. CSBI'I;n ILl), SWA&¥mri';'. PIINNA.. T""~ $ ... 6-mo hlcula.r traffic In one direction On - Interseotlon only when sate to do eo and with minimum. Interference to cross _ c . Signa for thts purpose sball be erected on e'ach ot the streets here listed, and trees or shrubbery which obstruct a clear view of cross trafflc shall be trimmed, or removed if necessary, to provide an adequate view ot cross tra.mc. The signs shall be located at or near the entranee to TDlJiEN time designate other borOugh streets ~ON~·~!it;~~~~~~~~1 'the Borough except at the Intersection of Swarthmore Avenue anct·· 011_ R6ad, ._11<1 at InteneCtlim of Bwartbmore Av- enue and :'!'ale Avenue: . At au 1n_lona or entrances uoed by tho public to enter M1c1l1g1!n Avenue. within the lur\8d\c\lon of swarthmare • Borough: At all 1n_0IIII 01' en- . , . . , , - by the pUblic 10 enter CI!eOter Road, wt_ the ' COl. DAITMOUTH .INII LAF~YEI Ii AYEN"a JIor PERSONAL - Radios, television receivers, vacuum "leaners and other electrical appliances repalr_ ed. Prompt service. Robert Brooks, Swarthmore 6-1548. PERSONAL _ Electrical wiring, new and old, residential and commercial done in compliance with Fire Underwriters Speclllcations. Sales and Service on elec. ; ACME MARKET, Chester· Rd., .SwarthmOrs • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Swarth...' . ~144a WIiI* oD 1'9iii toO UIIn tor warm l--C'1 A NGI; ,Ih-olll'own Ida- Wohn, Ib pkg fl1il N,wtonl, Regular Plume Medl_ I-WI Right "ow Your Car Needs These {·Get Ready for Summer" Services 2'!::2Se ltao"rd ALBAN PARKER. Since 1905 Painters Ie Paper HaDger! We should know how Swa. 6-2266 Mlchl,an Ave. ,Our Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer PfdaWMI Cub and :,~, - , , \ Lemonlde 2 t:: 33c Slr....rties 'O~_ 27e n;. Aspuagu LUNGHEON DAT TOMATOES NABISCO BEVERAGES ~i!~::, AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ''''=o.~~::~i(j DISHWA.HIRI ' Dlxl. Garden Hu ..... Sparkllnll dl.h ••••• Shinlnll IIla ..waN._ youra with an LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR RUN BEIIER,~LONGER' QUlCK·FROZEN cnOf.r"ON BUNS New . . . B4tbulU PJuU. . . . Be~ Sill.... 1808 e • . Rea' Va'uel 1ft rreat • Mr. and Mrs. A. William Bass, Jr., and sons David and Dlrck of Ogden avenue, have returned home followln.Jt a two-week vacation at Lake Champlain, Vt. DavId is now a camper at Camp DelIitpnt for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn P. Espenschade and children have retUrned to their home on Dogwood lane after Ii two-week vacation at Eaglesmere. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Robinson of Ogden avenlle have returned after a month's vacation at a cottage at Shlpbottom, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hetzel and daughter .Carol of Thayer road spent la.t week on a motor trip to New Wagon, Maine. The Misses Mary and Elinor PEANUT BUTTER • Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett of North Chester road will spend the week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Turner of University place who' are vacationing at their cottage at Buck Hill. Mrs. D. Malcolm Hodge and daughter Mary Lou of Strath Haven avenue are vacatio.ning in Ocean Oity for several weeks. Dr. and Mrs. II. T. Enterline and children David, Julie and Teddy of Haverford place returned home Saturday following a two-week vacation at Little Spruce Lake, Wayne County. Bob Terry of North Chester road, who hitchhiked to the west coast to visit his grandfather, is now. a counselor at the YMCA Camp Jones, LaHonda, Calif. Bob has also signed UP to fight fires at Redwood City, Calif. Midshipman Harlan R. Jessup, Jr., U.S.N.R., has returned to his home on Haverford avenue following a nine-week SUmmer ,trainIng cruise of N.R.O.T.C. aboard the U.S.s. Thomas E. Fraser. They stopped at ports in England and Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. C. William Ramsay anll son Chick of Lafayette avenue spent the week-end and enjoyed cruising as the gnestS of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Lake of Ft. Washington who ate summering at thlllr cottage at Beach Haven. Mr, and Mrs. Graeme G, Whytla~ of Cornell· avenue returned last week after two months in Europe. They visited Scotiand . ' England, Belgium, Holland, France, Switzerland and Italy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Heinze and their daughter Dorothy of Strath Haven avenue who flew to Rome, Italy, on June 26, returned by plane Sunday. They moiored through Italy, covering 2500 miles, visited Switzerland and Paris be- Miss Allce Craemer of Harvard avenue left Tuesday· to visit her brother-In-law and sister Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Oler of Washington, D. C., where she will also attend a Geographer's Conference. Mr. and Mrs. F. Harry Bewley and Mr. Bewley, Jr., moved Thursday from Media to their apartment at 323 Park avenue. Mrs. Don Dickinson of Park avenue bas returned from a,week'd motor trip to Pittsburgh and Johnstown. She was accompanied home by her son Don who had completed six weeks of ROTC at Camp Meade, Md., ",!d her son Luren who had been a camper at Camp Cliffside, Springfield, W. Va., for a month, Also returning to Swarthmore with the Dickinsons was a former Swarthmore boy, DIck JackSon, who had fiown from his home in Caracas, Venezuela, to attend the camp. fore leaving for home. .... .. s .. .... Ib NEWS NOTES Bye of College avenue entertained a number of friends at a pOrch party last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Elrederick Luehring and Mr. Elliott Richardson of Swarthmore while on a week-end hiking trip, completed a sootion of \he Appalachian Trail on the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia from Jarman's Gap to Simmons Gap. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Patman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lang, and Mr~ and Mrs. Clyde Miller of Swarthmore, visited relatives of the. MIIlers at Cape Charles, Va., and enjoyed fishing over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Judso.o R. Hoover, Jr., of Wallingford h'ave returned from a two-week· tour to the Smokies by way of the Skyune Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway. They spent a week at Fontana Dam In the Smokies and' en route stopped for a few days at .Mt. Pisgah near Asheville, N. C. CLASSIFIED OILHMT _ _ -.. c-~_~ • .. _ .... __ ....",. . . ..aUI ...... lIq " DAY. and NIGm OIL BURNER SERViCE MO.NDAY TQB.U SATUltDAY . NOON·· SW 6-4041 SllNDAYS aud DOLIDAYS SW 6-0740 _ 1952. tblII tth day of August. 11. I.11IDLBY PBBL. PresIdent of CO!JncU, COAL .. FIREPLACE WOOD J. A. GREEN .....,.................,",.," SOVDI PalNCBiON AVBNUB New Principal Arrives In Borough (Contioued from Page 1) GIVE Your Flowers to the \ Flowerless WIIU YOU'RE COIlE all on their achievements and later successes than on 'their careers as problem children, a fact which in itself implies his genuine interest and understanding; such qualities must have been invaluable to him and his charges during earlier years at Binghamton as educationaf' and vocational counsellor. In addition to his educational record in three different ststesBinghamton, Lansdowne, and the past two years 85 principal of Millville High School-Mr. Bush has five years of experience as Industrial sales manager for the Buffalo Branch of the Wqele Wholesale Electrical Supply Company. On a more personal level. Mr. Bush is puzzled by golf which 'seems to be different from any other game In that one is contlnually trying to break a record Instead of playing for the fun of it, although he clainls to enjoy it more than most as he takes 'more shots (he plays consistently. under 100). He likes historical novels and biography, his garden and Is fond of animals. The Bush dog, Brenda, of Irish Setter and Shepherd extraction, is sensitive, weUbehaved, and "even minds, 'Soother puzzle· for Mr. Bush who is not just sure why she does. Right now. Mr. Bush; and Mrs. . Bush, a graduate of Wlil!elock 110.... m1gbt 11. School, Boston, and a former sec- " •••,. plcklop" for bar- ond grade teacher, are involved in the practical matters of preparing for their move, which they hope wlll take place late next week. Their son Wllllam, Jr., who received his diploma from Mi11ville High, where he played varsity 1!asketball and sang in the glee club will spend the rest of the summer with them In Swarthmore before going to Blair Academy, N. J., in the Fall. :roar el.... It COlta Httl. to bay. the :r.ar around protectiOIl of Re.ld..... and Oae.ld. Th.ft IDlUUIIC.. PETER E. TOLD Gellera' '1Ilifrance . >; 333 DartmollHl Ave. SWarthmdre 6-1833 ·James H. Harger. and famlb' of Ridgewood, and Mr.· and Mrs. J. Mr: and Mrs. Arthur C. Jackson H. Sawyer and family of Caripito, of North Chester road are spend- Venezuela. Susan Sawyer Is visThe Entertalnment,.Jnstruction and Supply Committee of the ing the remainder of the summer Iting the Petersons fQr a few days. Swarthmore Branch of the Red at their cottage at Buck Hill Falls. VOCAL SOLOIST Cross held a meeting last month Mrs. W. F. Wilker will return at the home of the chairman, Mrs. soon to her home in St. Louis, Mo., Wills Brodhead, vocal soloist, J ohA Good, Harvard avenue, to after vlsitiog her daughter Mrs. appeared .at Glen Providence work out the program for the an- E. H. Lee Bauer and family of. Park, Media, last Thursd~y evenual Barbecue and Square Dance Riverview road since May. ning, on the program Wlth the 'mlnk C un . ' . Chester Elks' Concert Band. Mr. b h Id t th A to e e a e rom 0 Mr. and Mrs. Wlilard Tomlinson Brodhead has appeared previoustry Club Monday' evening, Sep- f S th Ch t d ttended a ou es er roa a. lyon several occasions during the o tember 8. The foupwing members Conference on Industr.al Rela- ast years in the Glen Providence of the committee were ,Present. tlons at Silver Bay, Lake George ~. 11 C rts Mrs..Walter Giles, Mrs. J. Frank- on July 16, 17, and IS'. From there e _o_n_c_e__ • _ _ _ __ lin Gaskill, Mrs. Wayne Randall, they motored to Maine where they Mrs. Agnes M. Haig Sheldon, Mrs. spent two weeks at Spruce Point, " Enters Annapolis Theophilo Sauinier, Mrs. Roy La"-I Boothbay Harbor, _Me., reaching Donald T. Ogram recently enimer, and Mrs. J. Paul Brown. home Monday. tered the U.S. Naval Academy as The partY Is bel'ng gl'ven to Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Forwood and a midshipman of the Fourth· funds for this Committee children Gail and Chipper of Ob- (freshman) Class. He is the son . f unds f or,l'ts d oes no t receive erlin avenue have returned from of Mr. and' Mrs. Harold Ogram of from the general Red Cross Funds. a two-week' vacation at Squirrel Riverview road. Funds are used to give naLftiies I Midshipman OgraIit attended LoSJ,I-! Island, Me. Swarthmore High School and is a h for veterans in the nearby Mr. and. Mrs. Henry C. Ford of t als ,and supp1y them Wl·th enter- Amhe~st avenue spent the week- graduate of the llullls School at tainment and materials for their end as the guests of Mr. and MrS. Silver Springs, Md. leisure and pleasure hours. Vol- Wllllam McHenry of Parrish road unteers who have gone to one of at their Ocean City cottage. Junior Club the veteran hospitals to help enBAKE SALE tertain the men, know how !Iluch Mrs. Robert Elder White, Jr., the parties and recreation provid- with her sons Robert, 3rd, Philip TON (GHT. 6-8 P.M. ed by this service are anticipated. and Michael, has returned to her In Frotit of . Sport clothes will be the order home in Honolulu after a nineSwarthmore Nat'l Bank of the evening, with dungarees, week visit with her parents Mr'I~=======:;;;===:;;;~ plaid shirts, or favorite casual and Mrs. Phillp W.·.. Kniskern nf I.' clothes right in style. Riverview' road. Mrs. White and There will be plenty to eat, and children left here by plane last plenty of fun, with a three-piece Tuesday and reached home .the orchestra providing music following day with only a short If your Pup sc.ratches, madly, Has fleas all the while, both square and ballroom dancing. stop-over in San Francisco. Those who prefer to play cards Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Peterson and Get some Powder or Soap will be able to do so, and there children Karen, Eric, and KrIsten 'Then the old Pooch will smile wll1 be entertainment for .the of Vassar avenue, spent last week Sorornt'8 Dog Remedies guests who just enjoy being spec- in New London, N. H., visiting tators. Mrs. Herbert Huse and children Mrs. Oliver H. Swan will of Vassar avenue while Dr. PeterCATHERMAN'S in charge of the entertainment. son attended the Gordon Research DRUG STOD Vernon L. Wersler of Conferen,ce on Instrumentation. NEWS NOTES PLANS ROLL FOR SEPT. BA/lBECUE ,....;============:; ville- wll1 again call the for the squares d,anclng. Franklin Gillespie will be charge of table decorations. Mrs. Sheldon and Mrs. Giles are in charge of the card games. Request cards for tickets will be mailed on August 15 with responses to be sent to Mrs. Gaskill. En route they attended a family I:",============~ reunion in Ridgewood, N. J., with Mrs. Peterson's alsters and fam- "I ~aw i.t in The Swarthmotean." Jilll~es:.;.,:=::in~Cl~U~din~g:..~Mr:.;.~:an~d~.;Mrs;· ;';;;'~============"1 f' DILICIOUS DINNERS to SUIT ft. TAm ef naTONI TENDER STEAKS alld CHOPS Coo.ed to Ord... EXCEllENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS .MEN'S LUNqI 12·1130 P. M., Mrs. Henry L. Smith of Rutgers avenue has returned from a month's visit with Dr. and Mrs. Donald N. Twaddell of Dundee, Camfortoble Roams D,ay or W ..k Alr-CcullIW...... Elevator STRATH HAVEN INN N. Y. Swarthmore, Pa. WALTER I. 'ARROTT. Mgr. ---" IT IS "You Mee, Te"pholle Swarthmore 604»680 Nil 'AiliNG ,It., Nicest p.op" YOUR arS,earaJ,1I .. ri;~;:«(o ~ EDGMONT AVENUE - 7th and WELSH STREETS Sportswear values I for late vacationers Tubes 1.69 Catalina Shorts 4.50 Swim Suits 2.00 to 18.95 DUTY .._---- WI IUIIICQ'I . Wide selectlons, all sizes. • makes. All at money Famous saving prices .•. 2nd flj)or. • - • W. use LlTHOLlNE!-fft. premium (Ii ewe for fit. best in lubrication . ~ .;,d>~ • • Fusco & Alston CHESTER ad FAIRVIEW ROADS ...... SWarftl_re 6-3681 REGISTER • 8T011B , _day tlJrOuch ThurBme of 'Ruth Wagner, County- offered to members of the Swarth- ust 18, 25 and September 8. Times outlay. cause of rain, the boys WOII their Chairman, Monday evening at 8 more Mother's Club this fall, In have been tentatively scheduled The report shows that this second stl'aight game in the series, p. m. addition to the regular slated pro- for 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on the money was derived from a numbtir '5 to 0, to take the District 8 Junior Board members are en- grams held on the second Thurs- above days. Call Swarthmore 6of sources of which the property Championship. Bill Zlegenfus thuslastlc over the prospects of day evening of each month. DODO or Swarthmore 6-1833. • tax is the largest. The total re- pitched shut-out ball, allowiJig the coming season. Projects and Mrs. ~aul Zecher, program Although there is a great deal ceipts were $397,723.38. Property tlu-ee hits and striking out eight programs Which will not only in- 'chairman, has announced that of interest and discussion in Presltaxes accounted for 60 percent of batters. Bill cUrry 'was the re- terest members but entice the plans are completed to organize a dential Elections in these United this amount with $220,649.52 from ceiver in both games. community as well are slated to new Mother's Ctub Chorus, to be States, many people do not carry ~urrent property taxes, $4,074.46 Singles by Durbano, Hoot, Zlzza start In October. _ . dhected by Mrs. Frank Chapman. this Interest to tho: polls. Somedelinquent property taxes and and Zlegenfus plus Curry's long The opening meeting for the en- Rehearsals, to be announced later, tlm'.s It Is a matter of provement· and on February The draft act of World War 11 . el,ht departments. Six of these play was considered so spectscuMidshipman Bll1 Soden of Col- 016, his topl~ wlll be, "Growing pasSed the itouse of Representaare designated Items of current lar that the Major League Scouts lege avenue, who completed his Your .Flowers." Special emphasis tlves by one vo~. expense and Include the follow- picked bin> to play 011 the State summer air crulse on the Carrier will be given to arrangements as In 10f8 one more Republican !nt: All Star .Team in Pittsburgh on Midway to Halifax, Nova Scotia, well as the importance of ann~als vote in each of the 8,800 precincts A. General Control, $9,479.68. August 26. Is home on leave from the Naval and perennials. of Ohio would have carried the B. instruction, $236,096.33. Academy, Annapolls, Md., until In March' club members wlll be state for Dewey. In 19f4, in the. C. Auxlllary Agencies, $I1,- TO VIE FOR WORLD. S after Labor Day. asked to don slacks or shorts and same state, one more Democratic 976.f~.. . MODEL PLAt-iE HONOR Thomas M. Hopper, USNR, of come out to "Gym Nlght" with vote in· each of the precincts D •. Operation of School Plant, Invitations sent out to the Dogwood lane, a student at Cor- Virginia Hath, associate professor would have defeated Robert Taft $39,304.71. "OlympiC Gam,es of Model Avfa- nell University and Philip' L. of physical education for women for U. S. Senator. E. Expenses of Maintenance of tion", Plymouth Motor Corpora- Hummer, USNR, of Rutgers av~ at Swarthmore College. For thO$B These particular facts were' ga-. Schogl Plant, $6.974.95. tion's Sixth International Model nue, a' student at the University not athletically Inclined, Rhona thered by llie "Handbook for F. Fixed Charges, $12,638.24. Plane contest, Included the name of Pennsylvania,' are among the Lloyd wlll also be on hand lor. a American&-Ballot Battalion", but The above items are concerned of Stephen L. Snyder of Mt. Hoty- 730 NROTC midshipmen on a ''Workshop on Faces." MIss Lloyd there are many more examples in principally with the direct in- oke place.' sumnier training cruise in Euro- Is a radlo and.televlslon commen- our history. structlonal services for children. This contest will be held at De- pean waters aboard the battleship tator. Mrs. John B. Roxby will. be • Your vote countsl· The excellent financial condltion troit August 2O-.25 .or a select USS New Jersey. The-New Jersey in charge of this speclal Monday' But there's no point even bothof the School District is shown by group· of 500 of the top model Is the flagship of a task group in- evening meeting. ering going to the polls' if you are the large' margin of assets over plane flyers from the United eludlng a cruiser and six destroy- ' For those members Interested in not registered. The Registration Uabillties. The total assets of the States and Canada whose out- ers. The ships return to Norfolk, cards, Mrs. Joseph Donovan will office at Media Court House is' District are $1,349,157 In building standing flying records earned Va., on September 5 after visiting arrange for bridge playing; and open weekdays 9 a.m. to f:30 p.m., .site f Rivof which the last bonds will mawill return home today after a ture and be paid in May 11160. vi&tions to the International. are six-week AIr Force ROTC at HoOn European Tour erview road, who dled Sunday, There are alsO aCILounta. payable 'four days of fI:ring In the stiffeSt bart College, Genev., N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauff- August 10 at her home in Lansand contrac1ual obIlgations, prin.. competition America has to offer, . . dale. She was 88. clpally teachers' salartes tor the a well-rounded schedule of sightMidshipman Philip Hummer of man D~outh avenue will summer months, amountiog to seeing and entertslnment.1n and Ru~ers avenue whO' I. on a Navy leave for New Ybrk. !l'uesday Accepts New Position $31,27291 Th bal "" h d, around Detroit, prizes including tramlng crulse to Europe aboard wbere Mrs. Kau1fman will join a Charles F. Seymour, Cornell' which is inten':ted '':.''SO(,:nas :... $4,725 in U. S. Savings bonds, and the U.S.S. New Jersey was met at tour troUIJ leaving Wednesday on avenue resi!lent, has accep~ a 'bl t tr tu 1 bU- loll beautiful trophies for the Cherbourg, France, by his brother the Queen ElIzabeth tor a fiveS! ,~, 0 Pl\;y as a con ac a 0 . ers. '. Cpl. DWight Hummer who is sta'- week tour. of Europe. The ·group position with. the Jackson..Cross gation, amounts to $21,308.28. ~ . - b th 11 ed in Germany The two tour- wlll vlslt England, France, Hol~ Company, Philadelphia Rea).tors. The auditors 'of the'Borough are StepheQ.:·1s sponsored y e. on. .' . at' the present time completiog East Delaware County Plymouth .ed Paris and other pomts otlnter- land" Belgl~, Swltzerland,Ger- Mr. Seymour began his new'duties August 1. . their ~c;Ut !>f~e School Distrl~t., ~~r.,"' ... ,est in France. many and "taIy. D:ia~;:; ~~~y 145 Register at Borough Hall Weds. Le" glon W"Ins 0"'IStric"t EI"g'h't Champl"onshl"p M0ther' suers CI bOff Series of'ProJ"ects on 0' • A.....t 15, 1952 THE SWARTBMOREAN Page 2 Personals Dr. and Mrs. Hallock C. Camp~ bell of Vassar avenue enterllliBed over the week-end Mm.";campbell's b,rother Dr. Allen Hutchinson and f3mJ.1y who were en route from Easton, Conn., to Jacksonville. Fla.. where Dr. Hutchinson has accepted a new position as Dean of Jacksonville College. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ewing of Columbia avenue will entertain ~t a dinner party tomorrow evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Glasscot of Scotland who are visiting in this country. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight R. Cooley and three children' of Canandaigua. ~ Y., spent last week visiting Mr. Cooley'S parents Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cooley of Columbia avenue. Miss Anne Bradford. daughter and Mrs. E. L. Mercer of North Chester road.' Miss Anne Kraus of Benjamin West avenue is vacationing .in OC"iln City thls week•. Out-of-town ,guests attending the wedding of Miss Mary Alice West and Mr. WllIiam Rollin Keen. Jr., tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in 'Trinity Church. Swarthmore. will include l'4r. and Mrs. John Ayrault and Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles McGeary of Sabot, Va., Mrs. F. W. Hadley of Washington, D.C., and Miss Jean McLean of North Tonawanda. N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Oppenlander of Benjamin West ayenue will leave tomorrow on a 10-day vacation to Montreal. taking a slxday boat trip down the St. Lawrence and up the Saguenay through Canada and return. Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson of Vassar avenue have returned. . Aupat IS, 1952 Ro~ . 11IE SWABiBMOBBAN Ensign and Mrs. Rutan left by PaOli, formerly of SWBPbmore.j'ents are Mr. and Mm. V. motor for San Diego, Calif., where The Infant's paternal grandpar- Wennberg. of Nyk~•. Sweden. EnsIgn Rutan is stationed. i"~::;=;::;;.;;.;..~;;.;~;::;;...;;;;.;;;;~~.!.,;.;.:;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~.~~~;;.;;;.;;;;;;;;.; I • DIUCIOUS DINN.I. to SUn' til. TASTe of oaVONE VISER-HEDGEPETH Mias Betty Jane Hedgepeth. daughter of Mr: and Mrs. 'L. L. Hedgepeth of Bound Brook. N. J .• formerly of Swarthmore, became the bride of Mr. Edward Taylor Viser of Richmond. Va.. son of Mrs. James H. Viser of GreenvUle. S. C .• and' the laie Dr. Viser. on Saturday aftemoon at 8 o'clock in the First-Park Baptist Church. Plainfield. N. J. The Rev. Harold R. Husten. D.D.. olll.clated before a garden backitround, ot ferns and white gladloll. Mr. Nixon Bickwell. organist, gave a program of music preceding the ceremony. The bride. given in marriage by TENDER STEAKS ••d CHOPS Cooked toOr~.r. • • j' • I . EXCElJENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1130 P. 1'1. ~~rtoble Rooms Day or W.. ran e , Elevidor ~-Conollf;l.Qe4 , , ,STRATH HAVEN INN Telephone Swarth~ore 6-0&80 Swarthmore. Po: WALTER I. PAIIROTT. a few blocks w the ptJlls k)guardtheir freedom, when . "gr. isn't it, that a lot of people won't walk FR •• PAIKING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i . ."' Is Your AfOrOR QVERHEArlNG TIll. Hot Weather? . .', ~ . Clean BIoc:ks iliad Radiator t~e ':'!Iratly Weiy" TUN E UP MO'TOR others are fighting for it. Yet, t~t's the case. ' her father. wore a gown of white silk marquisette and lace. The bo" , • • • dice was fashioned with lace pan-I '.' ., . f ron t an d b ac. k a man d arm . FOR YOUR VACATION eIs In , ' of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Bradford of from a two-week vacation on coIIar and I ong fitted sIr.eves. H er Penobscot B···. Me. fi g rti '1 f ill i f II f " ~orth Swarthmore avenue. a r -"" n e p vel 0 us on e rom nved home yesterday by plane a cap of lace and her bouquet was It' , from Miami to spend a week of RUTAN-THORBAHN of white roses and stephanotis. RO~E T J. A.T:Z. Qw".r her vacation. ' The marriage of Miss Joan AIMrs. J. Mills Hedgepeth of New" .. ' 0' hritugh Pqrlling LoJ ' , SW. 6,-044 , Dartm til &. ..... tte A Mrs. George M. Ewing of Co- ice Thorbahn" daughter of Mr. port News. Va.• sister-in-law of . . " . ' o. .a._,e ve •• lumbia avenue entertained at a and Mrs. Stewart R. Thorbahn of the bride. as matron of honor luncheon, at her home Wednesday. South Swarilunore, av:enue, and wore a gown of gray taffeta with Miss Anne Mabbottof Harvard Ensign Paul J. Rutan. Jr.• son of gray nylon tulle redingote. She • avenue completed last FrIday a Mr. and Mrs. Rutan of Ogden ave- carried yellow roses and white six weeks course at the Oak Lane nue. took place Saturday at 3 o·~ dllisies. Country Day School. The "pre- clock In the Swarihmore l'iesbyThe bridemnaids, Miss Frances school" workshop is connected terian Church. Altman of Dunn. N.C.. a college with Temple University. ' Dr. E. Fay Campbell performed classmate of the bride. and ltfiss lEAUTY SALON Former Swarthmore residents the ceremony before an altar Joyce Buchanan of Metuchen. cLoSED Mr. and Mm. Richard Keppler of banked with Cybotlum ferns, N.J .• wore simllar models of gray Rutledge are visiting friends and white gladioll and white asters nylon tulle, and carried bouquets OPEN 1II0NDAY, AUGUST Z5th relatives while on a two-week fianked with lighted candelabra. ' of yellow daisies tied with yellow 9 Chester Road motor trip to Minneapolis. Minn. Mr. Henry J. Faust, organist. ribbons. (Call Swarthmore 6-0476 Miss Gene May of Breezewood, presented the wedding music preFollowing a two-week trip to Pa .• spent a few days visiting with ceding the ceremony. the North Carolina Beaches, the her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. The bride. given in marriage by couple will live at 409 S. 40th I~============:::§"=======~===~ Ernest D. Lewis of Yale avenue. her father, wore a bridal gown ,of Street. Philadelphia. It Miss May was circulation assistant Peau d'Ange: Illce and tulle over' Swarthmor.eans attending the at the Swarthmore College Li- white satin fashioned with a fit- wedding included Mr. and Mrs. brary last year. ted lace bodice, lon~ sleeves ,and George DUrIn, Miss Tee! Dunn. Mrs. Mary Snape of Harvard a full tulle skirt. Her veil was of Mrs. Ray Harlow and Mrs. George tulle and she carried white roses Davisson. avenue is vacationing for three weeks at Schwenksvllle. and stephanotis. -------Sally Alden of North Chester Miss B,arb!U'a, Sue Thorbahn, BIRTHS road is a counselor at Columbia sister of the bride. as maid of honMr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kerr. University Settlement Camp Bea- or wore a shrimp colored strap- Jr.. of Fairview road. Woodiyn. con. N. Y., this summer.' le~ balleri~a le~gth ~own ,,\ade are r~l!iving congratulations upon Miss Olga Shatagin of Cornell With a satin, bq'lfce and a full the birth of their second child and avenue spent last week in Flem-' tulle skirt. SJ\,e cl!irled I! bouquet first son. Robert Graham Kerr, III. ingion. N. J .• as the guest of Mr at white ~oses ~nd, stephanotis. on August 8 in the Osteopathic and Mrs.' Stephen Gordeuk. and The bridesm81ds, Miss Marjort~ Hospital. Philadelphia. . ."-. Mr. Wesley Gordeuke. The en- Bl'!ck of So~th Chester road, Miss The baby is, a granC¥on of M11. gagement of Miss Shatagin and ~ancy LeWlB of GradyviJJe, Mrs. and Mrs. Samuel Crothers. Jr•• of Mr. Gordeuke has been announc- W3lli'am ,R. Bates of Springfield. "Rowinbrae", W~1l!n~r<\, and, of ed; , and 1'>3:rs. Stuart Lee Dance of Mrs. Robert G;' Kerr cif Glasgow. ', ' Mrs. George LOgan of Cornell BrYn Maw~. wore similar gowns Scotland.' avenue is entertaining as her of aqua sati." ~ net and ,carried Mr. and, Mrs. ,B~ Wennberg house gue.,ts for a month her sis- ,yellow gladioli. of Pa91i annouoce lhe birth of a ter Mrs. Francis Berry and daughE;nslgn Joseph N. Cook, formerdaughter. I..ouise. on August 9. ter Mlri~ of Phulldelphia. I~ of Swarthmore, who is now sta"~ Mrs. Wennberg is, the former Mr. and Mrs. Jam.. E. ,Da,;u. of tioned at Norfo¥< •. Va., served as Amherst avenue. accompanied. by b.est ~a.n for EnSign Rutan. En- Dorothy H. G),lentber. daughter of their son John, will leave tomor- slg,n S. Robert Thorl>~. brother the ~v. Iir. and ~rsr J. Jarden row for a week's vacation in of the bride; Dr. William O. Lin- Guenth~ of uF~en~l:dp Farm", Ocean City. hart of PoIttsburgh. br~ther-in-Iaw , '_ Mr. and Mrs. (;;eorge Glaesser. of the bndegroom; Mr. George W. S1lBS(l~Il'TIONS Jr.• and son George of Dartmouth Rampt of Upper Darby. and Mr. roll'ALL avenue have_returned fi-om a ,two- Curtis GaUagher of Wallingford. MAGAZINES week vacation at Brant Beach,' actMedrs.asTuh5he · ,,mother 0 f the 313 Dat1mouth E. KAlJIl'FMAN orbrs a hn Avenue N. J . Swanhmore 6-208e • l..fr.Frank E. Wyeth of Drums. brlddel, wore a navy rlbluie kOlrgabUZIa From AuI'. 19 to Sep*' 25, f9 rmerly of Swarthmore. has just an ace gown, a pe w n e ue CaU ~ia 6-2863 returned home following a major f~atbered hat and a corsage otl~===;;::;;========ll:;;~~~iiiii~iiiii~~~~~iiii~~iiiiiiiiii~~~~~ operation in Mercy' H pitat, pmk rosebuds and blue asters. I Wilkes-Barre. os Mrs. Rutan, mother of the brideHolly and Emily M f groom. wore a gown of pink tafMoorestown, N.J.. Visi~~~er I~t feta and lace with a matchlng'hat • iI week with their grand ar ts D and an orchid corsage. , pen r. A reception at Strath Haven Inn followed the ceremony. I HALF' THE PEOPLE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE RUSSELL'S SERVICE ,Q,,...I',. DIDN'T CARE ENOUGH TO VOTE-IN THE I :'~"~'~'~'~'~"~'~'~'~"'~r'-~'~r'~~~.~~.~.~.~...~.~.~,~,~...~,~.~,~.~...~.~.~.;..~.~.~.;...~'~.~.~.~..;'~'~'~'~"~'~'~';I". Ii 1948 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. The Bouquet • , And the past 82nd Congress was voted in --to guide your destiny an~ that of 155,000,000 AmerI icans- by only' 43.7 percent of the eligible voters. WHO DECIDES wh'at kind of taies you'll pay, what kind of, schools your youngsters will atttmd, how safe a community you'll live in? YOU DO - but only if you vote. • - WHAT GOOD'S ONE VOTE? Getting good government is the biggest job in the world. One . Rel.-need !2 ~JOl;CE .as. LtriYi> Pri ", \ vote' can't do' i~ but one vote multiplied by a million CAN. 'The only vote you can count on, • though, is - your own. a @" " And remember.this: .The fewer the votes"t~e closer. we get to '~government by the few" - LEWIS' 15 S. ChesierRoad CO.ED BEAUTY SALON AIR-CONDITIONED Open ThurMlay !Vig,.,. CIooedSaturda,. during .JDIy aDd AUIUR PARKandDARTMOUTB AVE. Swarthmore 6-1013 COLLEGE THEATRE $1 Q I $,w,artllmor.. p'a, AIR CONDITlQNED • GREY • GREEN (ueh) Rubber Bottle Holders 8a,t. 1 P.Mo &: flBa4ar Men Sat. NIght OO\y-Peature TImes. e.oo, 8.00 and 10.00 ' 5••.• Mali. & Tae" ' "CLAS" IV NIGHT' . -A Peai pl'8leet ..... httIe and ....ve yoar iiOob - let ....by'. tbruwinl' _ cIeveIoD tile D&BIIABA. ST.urw.YCK DOUGI.A& win eusIdon 4rn" ' - ~. , Foam Rultlier Beth MIlle S...... tI- ....... ' filii ~en $~.,.. !w_1hiiioN 6-1148 Claeed Saturdan in AUJUIt, ' . There's one place where you guard, y~ur freedo~. That's at the ballot-box. Be there next, ..... . -. . November. Vote for whom you please - but vote!. '. BEI~. 'new • Your Last DQY to Register is September 13th Wear teats prove Iilat TRENDTEX bas a better than normal wear value in comparisOn witb ,oUter carpets in lhe prtce i'aDce. Foam Starring DALE ROBBR.TSON & ANNE FRANCIS ,BIIi EllIott ~ Gabby Hayes In a su-per WUleiL at Kiddie Ma:tt.nee P.I.~ • wlloon.. "LYDIA BAILEY" from Moon": • lO~E Iilat hides tciotprlnts aDd gives mtel'e9t plciitrlzatlon 01' , COlotfUi'best _ ... . square y.qrcl TbJs new _ , has a, looptc1 pile , 1Jiilrs':. 'lfrl. ;. Sat. ~;n!lI'-COIDedy ,a ... a single class or a single party. And that's -d~ath for ,democracy arid personal freedom!, , TRENDTEX. a PAULSON eXclusive ' -- • saDie :~14~f.t,;~~~.,'~,t'W! .... C_&!Dc '"- CoJ;llplel!! s.~ " e., OiteDtai Rap I~ perk Avo.. Swd.-. P.. SW.rthtl_ 6 6000CLN'.Clok 9-4646 " , -' "'u , ., C. - JIB (J'..J.. .... KNOWS .' ...... .'. ~. " .. • Swarthmore National Bank and Y'rust CompClny. ' , ..• Page 4 . P. . . • PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWAK'l'IDIOBB, PA. THE SWABTBIIOBEAN. INC•• P1lBLlSIIER Phone SWarIbmore 6-0800 vacation at the Methodist Camp Innabah on Frenc.h Creek: Je~n Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Sally aild Sue Stephens, Billy Swartz, and BlJly Shally. Mrs.F. W. Lippincott of Rutgers avenue sp'ent last week at Buck Hill Falls as the guest of her daughter Mrs. Walter Ltlhd. Mrs. Lippincott is now staying at Mrs. Land's home in Bryn Mawr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Danforth and daughter Carolyn of Hillborn avenue spent sev'eral days of last week in Cape May. They will leavl1. Sunday for· Twitchell Lake in the Adirondacks for a three or four-week SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1952 ' ch~nge in Science to the opposite Mr. Stetiner will preach at· the belief that man dies . . . Man's Church services Sunday at 10 a.m. individual being c!,n no more die and again on August 24 and 31. nor disappear in unconsciousness There will be no Church SCh.001 1than can Soul, for both are imthrough the month of August. mortal." (427:1-2 5-7) During August there will be a All are invited to attend the Church Hour Nursery 'apart from I service. the Church School program,to -------vacation. . '. •. r care for small children during the TRINITY NOTES Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson of moming service hour. Holy Communion will be eeleAmherst avenue will spehd the Surgical Dressings will be made brated at 8 o'clock Sunday mornweek-end in Rehobotlt Beach. . each Wednesday morning in the ing at Trimty Church. The regular Woman's Association Room at 10 service of Morning Prayer will be o'clock. held at II o'clock at which time . . . - ... Mr. Kneedier will be at the the R~V. Frederick B. Hornby will organ during the Sundays of Au- preac . gust Those serving as ushers .wUI be ' . as follows: C. B. Blake, S. B. M~s. CalVin Gerner has been Brewster, R. M. Daniel, F. R. Gray, appomted temporary Church Sec- W. E. Hetzel,Jr., J. W. Jones, J. retary for the months of July and N. Nu.lt, and W. H. Randall. Hugh August. If for any reason any of Morrison is scheduled to serve as our people need to be in touch acolyte at the 8 o'clock service with Mr. Stetiner or Mr. Bishop, and Walter Reynolds at 11 o'clock' Mrs. Gerner will be in the church . office to handle all calls during the METHODIST NOTES usual working hours of the day. The Sunday School will meet Except for, the weeks of the each Suqday during the sUmmer summer when Mr. Bishop will be at 10 o'clock. preaching here. his vacation adThe Rev. Richard B. Wells, dress will be Holderness, New Field Secretary of the Methodist Hampshire.. Homes for the Aged, will make a / The Golden Text of the Bible Lesson in all Christian Science churches next week will be from the Psalms of David: "I have longed for \hy salvation, 0 Lord; and thy law is my delight: Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee; and let thy judgments pelp me." '(119: 174, 175) The subject is "Soul." . The following is among the various selections to be read from the sacred Scriptures: uI love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications . . . I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living.u (Psalms 116: I, 9) From the Christian .Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures", by .' Mary' Baker Eddy, is this spiritual interpretation: "If it is true that man lives. this fact can ~ever CHURCH SERVICES i ----===-:--...:..-.:........;. SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIA,N CHURCH Joseph P. Bishop, Minister John Stettner, Assisq.nt Sunday, August 17 10:00 A.M.-·Rev. Karl F. Wettstone, D.D., wilJ preach. 10:00 A.M.-Church Nursery. Wednesday, August 20 10:00 A. M.-Surgical Dressings. METHODIST CHURCH Roy· N. Keiser, D.D.. Minister Sunday, August 17 10:00 A.M. - Church School and Young Adults. 11:00 A.M.-Dr. Levi H. Zerr will preach. 11:00 A.M.-Church Nursery. TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrepce Whittemore, Rector SDDday, August 17 8:00 A. M.-Holy CommunIon: 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. . THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS '. . .•. '.' ~~8~P~'!~~i:~~~1 " ..ra'lci. Rutledge and lUdley '1'ownshll: since 19U~ . HO"'<:(4- Swarthmore 6-0444 REEVES Buildiiig CcinlMcHon Reaid_tial • Painlilop ROOFS GUTIERS REPAIRED & INS1'AJ'.J.ED WARM-AIR BEA1'ING Furnaces Vaeuunt· Cleaned GEORGE ,MYERS. Box 48-Swarthmore 6-0740 , .• SInce 190ji Commercl!d • • Alterations 17Yi South. e"'ster Road Swa....mo ... 6-34&0' era was '. Swartll",or. lImE "Qualltv" IDEATS coat from & Co.. Will the owner of the Wanamaker coat please communicate, with Mrs. E. P. Doyle at the Inn. PERSONAL - Nurses urgently . needed for parl-tim;'~e;§or~;t~~~;J ient shift with polio l ply Superintendent Hospital. =_-;:_' PERSONAL - Radio., television -;-c---;:-:;== gas ~nge. The modern design provides 23t! amazingly easy cooking ••• even the oven and broilers light without matches. And a gas range is so easy to care for, tool 8- . 1 . , or any Philadelphia Electric Suburban store. Philadelphia Electric COnlpany c_.tery '.:: S~ ••t lit... Sa.... PIllS M ...orlal. cBBB'hR 3-9101 DAY and' NiOHT WALTER M. MAGIE Oil BURNER SERVICE . . JII'OON SW 6~4041 . GOOD.liE4R' RESIDENTIAL AN.Q COMMERCIAL CONSTRUC110M SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS . . Alterations, COAL . FIREPLACE . WOOD , sw. 'hft. ' P••,,, ,,.,,,. Swarthmore. Pa. 95 Ready to Cook " ....,. C.1I~1oI WANTED - To rent unfunrlshed house.. preferably four bedrooms, Swarthmore - WaJJlllgford vicinity before September 15. Me in front Of ofIn center of popuiar Shopping Physician, ManuReal Estate or Inc., Swarth- ~:&90: 'Ball Perfect MASON JARS:::n 79i : =8t: ":.""',D•• ... D.V••• Uds ~ CaPl 2""'.,...a90 Y2 Pt .Jelly; ....... ...-' do, sac Enriched Supremo BREAD :.se lAVE up to ~B~A~L~.~L~O~A~VE~~.~..~A1!.,..;,w~::"'5t1w~n-:--:;;:_..:-:;;.~oc~J ACMEMARK£T, _ter Rd., Swartlunla • Open Tltunday and Friday. to 9 P.M. 0 .... SClurelqy ~ 6 P.... • • ' ~ ~~~~. .~~___4~c~a L~ 'lialrd " Bird ,OJ, of Pl'_n,rhb,..llII. ••. , Bo..-de-Ute MayoaDai.. p~t Z90 I ":" 490' Bo,,·d..Ute Sala~, ~~da8 . "i':''' 4~ PrInces. _ •••d 1).. , .._ . "~I 3SC Turn to Acme for Preserv'ng Needs , 6919 LueIIow Str.et, Upper Dab" 1631 Arch Str8et, Philadelphia, Pa. 2:::45e IV}' I pice 7. with .......... p&'Ico Construction 'Mortgages 'a. • T....... _ '. omcea Our reputation has been built on 74 yean of service to this community. OLIVER H. BA", Inches by 111 86·ft. 6 inches by ft. 6 ft.6 r j~~~4~~tiift" .. closet and clothes second, floor: fronting. on Custom Homes There am a number of openings right now for pis who can qualify. Stop in today at mM of the Jisted below to talk it over. " .9d«zI lIoaaedyle Balve. ,....... , .9thaJ Goldea COra . . . . %'I:' FOR RENT-'-Oflke suite-Theatre Square, . ~warthm.ore, PI!.. two. rooms. and .reception· foyer26 ft. 6 inches bY' 19 ft. • No aperlance ft ••••• REPUTATION _ C1yole, Jr. GeOtge Plowman Insurarlce • Opportunity"" ad",, _ _ ,,,. I~Z'. al) 1""'" (....... PrI. . . . . . . . Samuel D. Real Es~tt! . .... 1- ~;:::&90 P.INCETON AVENlDBI FOR.R;ENT ""'rt. . . z ~n_"""" BIRDSEYB 'PIIS 3.6147' 4'4291 4-4292 J, Edward C1j'de' , • , .......nt. com'-ble .u....undlllll. • Good pay ....... tho ...ula!lnc.-... 3-6141 Samuel D. C1yd~ what it say•. Held up in front of a mirror it reads, "Girls wh,! like people like telephone work." And it's true; for girls who like people, the Telephone .Company is an ideal piece to work. Here am a few of the many sdvantages: =390 V_tan 1'0"1"'011 .........iil ,.,., ., . 29 ~T 5TH s~., CHESTER On- second thought, maybe you'd like to know now 3 '~~'4ZO 4' 'days a . SW.EENEY·Be CLYDE Phones: • 1,!-:-: .390 Z week. CQu Chester 2-363,~8.'-,-_ _ . W ANTE'b=Hiah, Schoof gitl desires baby sitting afternoon or g~~;; Swarthmore 6-0904. A Coni,le,e 'nsur"nce "n" lea' Estate Agency - ":.:' Z70 Det 4 '. • Driveway ConstrucHon Asphalt or Concrete, Cenar Walls Re.Pla.tered . . S~artiimore ~ 57c TURKEYSla=~::.;nd (1~4' ib PETER 01 NICOlA For easy, modern cooking, select an automadc Ib w.... 6·1'148 ' 790 ft90 II LancaSter Brand Cold Cuts' S..oked Beel Loal Ddod Yolb 4:10 l.iverwurat-Bra..... iloilo :1:80 Dce4 Beel ~10pI. Yolb :1:70 Spiotid I.uaeheoa Meat Yolb 170 sneed r..jIIOrtecI Coraed •••1 Yo. 1'70 ~~rtr;,riali. Pa. , BoDel... RoDet! Chuck ·Roa., . 'teader Ch"~. Steak. other electrical appliances repaired. Prompt service. Robert Swarthmore 6-1548. ABhes & lI.ubbish ll.emoved Lawns Mowed, G_eral modern a ..tomade: gas range at your plumber's, dealer's, Ib4g receivers, vacuum deaners and , .. e WILLIAM BROOKS There'. kitchen joy in a . GIVE THUA A"E~L T.REAT WITH for a PalnU'" & Poper flGngars We should know how. Swa. ~2!66 t,tlchrgan Ave. GEORGE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of Wallio.d6rd were week-end guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Samuel Jackson af flUp HoIla~d", St. Michaei's, Md. On Saturday they attended by .he boat regatta at Oxford, Md. Dr. and ,Mrs. Roderick Firth and son Roddy of Walnut lane will .leave next week for a two-month Now low ·co.t vacation at Nantucket; Mass. Waldo' R.. Fisher of G~emsey Luxury Rldol road, is attending August Camp 'where he is a leader for the Appalachia" Mountain Club in the Katadin area of Maine. Mr. aftd Mrs. James A. Davies PLUS TAX of Cedar lane are-en route to YokANPYOUI OLD TIRE ,'ohama, Japan, to visit their ,son 6.7Ox15 SIZE' Major Frank J. Davies and family. Major Davies is with the Veter• Low pre.IUre -.10Gb up 101;•• . C mary orps of the U.S. AlJIlY. • Ea.sler on you and your car. Mrs. Malcolm J. Agnew of Sher.• Strong cord body for endurance. =nan, Texas, with her daughter • b'ra toulilh tread for extra Leslie will arrive Sunday by plane mile•• for a two-week visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George M. NO DOWN PAYMENTI Karns of W.ellesley road. Lt. Ag- ' • new will join the family later. As li"le as 1.25 a k Mr. and Mrs. Maxey Morrison . wee and children Hugh, Bill and Helen for a PAIR of tires I of Dartmouth avenue have returned from a three-week vacation by automobfie to New London, N. H. Dunng their vacation Mr. Morrison and his sons took an overnight hike up Mt. Moosilauke in the White Mountains. FUSCO, & ALSTON Mr. and Mrs. Clark Allison and family of Michigan avenue will spend the week-end a~ the guests C •• ster & Fcllrylew Road. of Mrs. Allison's brother Mr. R. Sworfllmore 6-3681 . ., PERSONAL JlADcbo_ B1 . CLASSIFIED YltLLOW 6 WHiTE "81'18TONE8 ServII1II Swartlunore,. M&rton 11 :00 A.M.,-Meeting for worship. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE . Park Avenue below Harvard SDDday, August 17 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School 11:00 A. M.-Tbe Lesson-&nnon is "Soul". Wednesday meeting PE4CHES .1~JML.jtt . i..-.-a. return visit to the pulpit, Sunday, August 17, for the 11 o'clock services. The Church Nursery for children is open each week during the morning service. Mrs. Paul M. Paulson wll1 l5'e in charge. . NEWS NOTES. early September. .l'\'OYIden"'; _ - 1 mI1e north 1If . . 'he6 ",;n$ ()lab ,,_ MedIa Sunday, August 1'7 Visitors welcome. (No child care during August.) . Monday, August 18 All'-day sewing for the A.f.S.C. Tuesday, August 19 7:30 P.M.-Monthly Meeting for Business in Whittier Hou,se. Wednesday, August 28 All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. . or Writ.! to 1112 .CIY!IIer Lane RIDLEY PARK, PA. . • It's Herel CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES FOB8ALE Phone WAsh bum 8-7311 and Anne Paul, Hunter Allison, DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Miss Florence Lucasse of South Mrs. JoM Rainey of Yale avePrinceton avenue Is vlaiting nue II! In WoocIbll1'7, CODD. friends In Ft. Wayne, Ind., until UPHOLSTERER leave tomorrow for a two-week PETER E. TOLD, Editor and Publisher JllARJORIE TOLD and BARBARA KENT, Associate Edlton Rosalie Peirsol Ted Oppenlander Lorene McCarter .' TOM SIItEtttIA B. Hunter..o1 Pottstown at bis eabIn on French Creek, near PUghtown. The following chlldren of the Methodist· Sunday School will THE SWARTHMOREAN PRESbYTERIAN NOTES 15, 1952 THE 81VAJl'lRlllOBEAN s. ' • THE P.p6 plane for Los Angeies. Calif .• Mills and BOn of Walnut lane. The MaryeUen Hopper of Swarthmore where she wlll spend a month as Pegrams also visited Camp Wyoda and Marjorie ~hom of Walling_ , the guest of her brother. Mr. J. where Patsy Jones, Lanle and tord. are campen. Russell Snyder and family. DurIng the visit they wlll spend a . . week at Mammoth Lakes In the "rOU lieUl , ..",.", S,.",esY' Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of Ogden avenue. Dr. and Mrs. James Delano and Miss Barbara Kent of Rutgers family of North Chester road. ac- avenpe and Mrs. Ralph B. Jack- NEWS NOTES son _of Secane have been entertaInlng thla week Miss Barbara Brownell of Rockvllle Centre. Long Island. and lItiss Marianna Cherry of Cherrytleld. Me. Both hostesses and guests are alumnae of Wheaton College. Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby of Providence road. Media. formerly of DIckinson avenue. are entertaining a few friends tomorrow evening In honor of their - - - I son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heenehan. Mr. and Mrs. Heenehan and children Peggy Anne and Michael. who have been visiting their grandparents for the past two weeks. will leave for Lynwood. Calif.. Monday. Mr. Heenehan wlll assume his duties as teacher of science and director of vocational guidance In the • JINGLE Lynwood lligh School on SepteinYou of course, have a Camera ber 10. With film made to match Dr. and Mrs. Hallock C. Campbell. their son Peter and daughter We Develop al\d Print Susan ot Vassar avenue have reSingle shots or a ball'h. turned from a· tw":'week camping trip to Mt. Desert and the AdironDepend4blellng in this all-state transfer from previous school t.... Bates, North' Chester road, to ior Life Saver Joan. Taylor, and· play-oft. Teams losing twice are o'\merican Heritage Foundation gether with any reports Indicating newly created position of Tech·· I Carol Seymour. For the IIrst two automatically eliminated from the quotes the foUowlng: 1880, 78.4%; 1920 (the IIrst time 1900, the courses or work completed nical Advisor to the days of the course attendance av- contest. . 73.6110; . women voted), 49.3"; 1940,53.4%; the previouS' school. Committee of Sun Oil eraged 110 but subsided to 60 af--------1948. 51% .. Because of the individual litten- Board of Directors has been ter the Polio Scare. Even 50, sev. The·. United States is regarded tion accorded each pllpil, it is nounced by Robert G.' eral "good" swimmers had to be ap: ~e Bulwark of democracy; the necessary. that . school pl;ms be President. dropped because instructors needAd"ertising Council states that of made weU In advance. In ed the time and space for those __• In order that Dr. Bates \Day who needed it more, and some . those eligible to vote in France, School, this nece.,..tates ''''ve full time .to his new duties, . to each individual child's D."",1id I D" would-be beginners proved to be The little Gamet will start 7.5.'J> turn out; In Italy, 89%; Can... t em. .' the I es- practice for the coming season ada. 7Q~; Belgium, 90~; Japan, and plans as requlred in tn,•. ellee",1 his administrative and operating t 00 short to partiClpa responsibilities iil charge of the tive high school courses. Through- Ch\!mical Research and Develop- sons. Tuesday morning at 9: 30 a.m. on 71 %;. Israel,: 72~; Sweden,' 80'-"; out the school, it is the intention The eleven Intermediates who the Rutgers tleld. Sixty letters and England, 83%. ment Department hav~ been asI d d L arry h ave b een sent out b y. C oach M11to make certain that cl'asses ·are signed The majority of voters in these to Dr.' J • .Bennett Hill, DI- passed th' elr t ests incue countries don~t seem to think, not too' large and that a place is rector of that department. White. David Scarborough, Chris lard Robinson to all boys who reseked for each child. Wll1lam 'Decker, Gunnar and Margit Quist, have expre~ed an Interest In Uone little vote won't matter". M. Bush. the new High Scliool Dr. Bates has· resigned from Betty Gemmill, David Walmsley, football for t~e Fall. All boys In You must reglsler to, be able to Principal, is prepared to Sun's Board of Directors but will Allen and Ginny Gardner. Karen grades nine to 12 are invited to votel with parents about their children's continue to .serve on the. MilItary Peterson and Thomas Harvey. loin the squad and go to camp. Fuels Technical Advisory ComTh in th .. "'-. On th enIng of th tw ty courses. mittee to Petroleum Adminia\rao:"reP:e.: .•~...; ..; ; e r s . . . e ~-oft Barbee e en b; .SCOUT TROOP 2 tion for·Detense.·· GOES' CAMP Monday II)0"*'" Septeinber 8 The. new. post oi Tec)mlcal A~- Jorle.Ewan and Ed.diif Shute, who. which "U squad members, parents , for. all classes' from the klnder- visor was created to keep Sun's as far as their insIructors knqw. and team rooters are Invited. Past Seventeen members of Boy garten \htQugh the Semor HIgh Executive Committee fully in- could not swim on August 4. c,aptalns, players and pro-alars Scout Troop 2 of Sw!'rlhmore School. During the first few dB3'll, formed of the rapidly increasing Several other Intermediates who will be present to heip the coaches spent the first two weeks of Au~. the elementary grades wlll have technological developments· In the did not get the Intermediate card, and fathers make up a "Football- gust at Camp Delmont. the On My morning sessions only to accus- petroleum IjIld petrochemical are entilled to a Beglnjlers ~ard Tall-Stori" program. Those wish- Honor. Camp of the Valley. Fo~ge tom the children gradually to the tleids, Mr. Dunlop asserted. . If they' do not already have one: Ing to attend should notify the Council, Boy Scouts of Amenca. routine and confinement of school "It is .essential to the welfare Mary Lou and Betsy Friend, Coach. . They were under the leadership work. • of the Company,". Sun's president Dickie Jackson. Jaqneiin Gray, Two practices wlll be held dally of their Scoutmaster, 'Peter MurTo take care of the ~ar~.·enroU, continl,led, "to establish m~ for (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page S) ra~uring the second week of their 'A"grades,' a providing the management with' . won second place ment In the elemen- 3 • stay the Scouts naw class is being aet up in the lnformatioJ!, on world-wide dodeveltsIn the weekly campwide Delmont "en' ue School w' hich' wlll opments of processes ano pr uc --0 A:, .• . . . . O l y m p i c s In. competition .with Rutgers be a full lirst 1!rade class. to be associated with our " , u s m e s s . , The laws of the state, the Bor- more than 20 other Scout Troops. tanght by Mrs. Beatrice Dalll')'. "ThIs service requires the full ough of Swarthmore and the good These 'Olympics include events In Additional classes are being pro- time of a top lI!gl).t selentl\lt, who neighbor polley of domestic' llvlng archery, rifle, nature, campcraft, vlded for at the College Avenue also is weU-rounded In a pract\Cal pose a.dllemma to the neighbor who angling, swtmining, relay raclJ;lg, school where Mias Etris wUrteach knowledgl: of our Company's, opdoesn't have a dog. Both the state a 'frog leap and turUe racing concombined second and third grailes erations. We have such a man in of Pennsylvania and the Borough test, and handicraft. and Martha Shaw·wlU have a new Dr. Bates." have passed a.law Qonflning dogs to Bobby Watkins won.first place fourth grade and Margaret YeatMr. Dunlop said that Dr. . the "reasonable control"of its own- in angling, Frank Andrew capturman will have the new tlfth grade. in his new job w'1uld conduct iner. ConsequenUy, when the dog next ed and trained the second place ']he latter two classes will be held vestigations of processes as door charges through his gar4'en. frog, and the nature team won in the high school building. are' developed In the future and yaps consistentty early every morn- second place. Don Scarborough Session Hours of markets and market trends for ing, makes passes at his friends. ccm- won fourth place in the rltle event In order to care for the over- petrochemicals and • ing in to visit, and regularlY raids in competition with about 500 tlow pupils in these .grades and to products. Studies of .their appli- his garbage can, the neighbor feels forced to conclude that the dog- other ritlemen. Frank Andrew have the majority of puplla in at- cation to operations from the view- owner is either at the mercy of his own dog, .or the dog is behaving won fourth Rlace in . the wblttllng tendance at the College Avenue point of manufacturing methods, with the full approval of the owner. contest, and Bob Warden and Dan School it will be necessary to costs and salability likewise will SettHng a little uneasily on the former conclusion, the unhappy Jackson eXcelled In the ca.mptransf~r some pupils from the be part of Dr. Bates' new duties. neighbor is suddenly startled with the vision of the pooch who, as cr8ft events. Rutgers Avenue area to the ColDr. Bates has been associated master of the house next door, monopolizes the most comfortable While at Camp Delmont all the lege Avenue area and In the case with the company since 1942, and chair decides who may visit his owner, decrees what vegetables, Scouts worked toward higher of the tlrst grade In the opposite during the last tlve years has tlowe;" and shrubbery may be raised, arranges the menu, controls Scouting ranks. Bob Wardell and direction. Many ;arenis have al" headed up its research anddevel- the waking 80d sleeping hours of his owner and his famlly. George. Garrett earned the Swimready been consulted about this opment activities. . Switching hastily to the second. alternative, the neighbor ~en mlng Merit Badge; GeOrge Garmatter and have agreed to these gloomily mulls over the possible reasons ,for the dogowner's seenung rett, Don Scarborough, Jimmy changes In order that aU classes ATTENDS CONFERENCE dislike for himself, becomes nervous and self-conscious under. the Robinson and .Bill Warden commay be equalized and that none Mr. Charles C. M~ of Hav- atraln. grows touchier and grumpie: until. he can't ~nd his nelgh- pleljad the requirements to bemay be overcrowded. erford place has been attending a bors. distrusts aU pets, and finally dies an uasclble, irntab~e, prickly, come First Class Scouts; and Bob The hours of the daily session sci entitle conference, under the unapproachable and confirmed dog-hater. . Walkins and Jackie Calhoun com. A I This tramc· situation - an extreme case, to say the least - could pleted the requirements to become A th are' as follows: High School- auspices of th e Ad merlcan ssoc o· t - have been avoided had the neighbor only realized that. for the owner, Second Class Scouts. morning, 8: 30 to 12; afternoon, ation for e vancemen ~ d . Full . 12: 50 to 3: 15. In the elementary Science, at New Hampton t or 1!J'.Lrtb;~.1 at the corner-or . AYeD.1leII, m the THE· SWARTHMO'R !h~e~~~~:~ I Ied by .their sons Bruce and Lee and daughter Betty, wlllieave tomorrow for a two--week: vacation Ocean City. Jimmy Godfrey of Vassar avenue left this week to be the guest of MIke Hurd of Dickinson avenue at the Belfield cottage at West Springtleld, N. H., until the openIng of the school term. Miss Mary Elizabeth Logan of Cornell avenue Is visiting friends Ocean City. Her brother Jam.... Tuesday to vacation In Ocean City until after Labor Day. . Mrs. GeorgI' C. Broadbent of avenue left Thursday by Swarthmo... 6-2253 ....,t. Subteeu sizes: lOX. to 11 mill of Vassar avenue, accompan- Exclusive Agen'" Flowers New Students to Be Registered by Aug. 25 CHUBBms: $3.98 Center HaD, Duteh ColOnial home In SwarthmoJ;e. FInIshed &bird floor. Ideal tor growln&' famll,.. T!J seHie ...tate•. $18,500. Your, VOLUME 24-NUMBER·"; tioning for a week at Brant Beach. Marks famlly is accompanied by June Chapel, also of Danville. Mr. and Mrs. William Pegram • To Give \ Mrs. George B. Heckman and children June and George, Jr., of Park avenue, and Mrs. Heckman's mother Mrs. Pearl Kauffman have returned from a six-week vacation at Brant Beach, N. J. Dr. Heckman joined his famlly weekends. Mrs. Robert Marks and children • Bobby, Bonnie and Victor of Danville. are visiting this week with Mrs. Marks' mother Mrs. Myra C. Doe of Lafayette avenue. They '==============~I HavenWilloughby. avenue wlllieave todaythey for ; Lake Vt., where FOR SALE ... AapIt IS, 1952 SWAR1BMORE4~ South Chester Road I of ;.,oil' .. . 'to INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ..........,-~.- .S 11'.\ ji;i."f!· ~1<),lm : 3vIflrthmore Co llege Li brf'ry ~'vmrthmore, PR. Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of Og- NEWS NOTES den avenue. Dr. and Mrs. James Delano and family of North Chester road. accompanied by Dr. Delano's mother, Mrs. Francis Greason Delano, have retutned home after vacationing for a month on Deer isle, Me. Their son Stephen is now spending August at Camp Maranaeook, Readfield, Me. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rl!Ssell De Burlo, their daughter Janie and son Charlie of Medford, Mass., are spending several weeks visiting Mrs. De BurIo's parents Mr. and Miss Barbara Kent of Rutgers aven,ue and Mrs. Ralph B. Jack- son of Secane have been enter- plane for Los Angeles, Calif., Mills and son of Walnut lane. The Maryellen Hopper of Swarthmore where she will spend a month as Pegrams also visited Camp Wyoda and Marjorie Thorn of Walling_ the guest of her brother. Mr. J. where Patsy Jones. Lanle and ford, are campers. Russell Snyder and family. During the visit they will spend a week at Mammoth Lakes in the High Sierras. Mrs. George B. Heckman and children June and George. Jr.• of Park avenue, and Mrs. Heckman's mother Mrs. Pearl Kauffman have returned from a six-week vacation at Brant Beach, N. J. Dr. Heckman joined his family weekends. Mrs. Ropert Marks and children Bobby, Bonnie and Victor of Danville, are visiting this week with Mrs. Marks' mother Mrs. Myra C. Doe of Lafayette avenue. They are en route home after vacationing for a week at Brant Beach. The Marks family is accompanied by June Chapel. also of Danville. Mr. and Mrs. William Pegram and son John of Yale avenue. accompanied by Mr. Pegram's father. Dr. George Pegram of New York City. have returned from a two-week vacation at Lake Morey, Vt. While Mr. Pegram and John were climbing Mt. Washington they met Mr. John Stettner of Harvard avenue and Mr. Alex taining this week Miss Barbara Brownell of Rockville Centre, Long Island, and Miss Marianna Cherry of Cherryfield. Me. Both hostesses and guests are alumnae of Wheaton College. Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby of Providence road, Media, formerly of Dickinson avenue, are entertaining a few friends tomorrow evening in honor of their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and ~.Iic. Mrs. Paul Heenehan. Mr. and Mrs. Heenehan and children Peggy Anne and Michael, who have been visiting their grandparents for the 1 past two weeks. will leave for _ Lynwood, Calif., Monday. Mr. .=====;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:::; Heenehan will assume his duties as teacher of science and director of vocational guidance in the . JINGLE Lynwood High School on SeptemYou of course, have a Camera ber 10. With film made to match Dr. and Mrs. Hallock C. Campbell. their son Peter and daughter We Develop and Print Susan of Vassar avenue have reSingle shots or a batch. turned from a two ..week camping trip to Mt. Desert and the AdironDependable 24·HoUT Servieo dacks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lukens CATHERMAN'S and daughters Miss Barbara Lu- • kens and Anne Lukens of Strath DRUG STORE '~==========:::==~IHaven avenue will leave today for ~ Lake Willoughby. Vt.• where they will vacation until after Labor Day. FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sessions of Maple avenue have returned. Center Hall. Duteh Colonial home In Swarthmore. Finished from Chicago following a business third lIoor. Ideal for growing trip for Mr. Sessions. family. T.o settle estate. $18.500. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Gemmill of Vassar avenue, accompanExclusive Agents ied by their sons Bruce and Lee JACKSON-CROSS and daughter Betty, will leave tomorrow for a two-week vacation COMPANY in Ocean City. Jimmy Godfrey of Vassar aveLOCUST 7-1505 nue left this week to be the guest of Mike Hurd of Dickinson avenue at the Belfield cottage at West Springfield, N. H., until the opening ot the school term. Miss Mary Elizabeth Logan of Charles E. Fischer Cornell avenue is visiting friendz in Ocean City. Her brother James left Tuesday to vacation in Ocean BUILDER City until after Labor Day. Mrs. GeorgI' C. Broadbent ot Vassar avenue left Thursday by bat'ebcf ,9 I t S old bank ....... I Swarthmore 6-2253 LEGAL NOTICE The School Dlstrlct of SWarthmore will receive bIds at the omce Of the School District In the High SCbool BuUdlng. corner ot College and Princeton ,Avenues. STENOGRAPHIC & TYPING SERVICE Le,al '0,... . n.... - a.ports 'rom,t. .Hlct••t aid accur••• .. rvlce Co.tract or Hourly lilt•• RUPACA. INC. nealre Sq.a.. MI.. Stradley SW 6-1221 tracts on any Item or Items making DORO'l'ln' RODGElU!. 3t-8-1 Secretary. CO-OP AMPLE PARKING SPACE (Across from Borough Hom We Thank ¥ OU, Customers and Friends, for ¥ our Co-operation Little courtesies, like fighting the other fellow's cigarette. help to make life happier. Consideration for the other fellow is the basis of good party-line telephone service, too. It you are always courteous on the telephone, you're sure to find your party-line neighbors the same. Remember the three R's of partyline courtesy - Relinquish the line as soon as possible when you hear others try to use it; Replace the receiver gently when you :find the line in \l8e; Regulate your caJls 80 that others may \l8e the line inbetween. THE INGLENEUK WILL BE CLOSED from Monday, ,August 18th until in Making Our Vacation Possible. ----e---WE WILL BE OPEN AS USUAL MONDAY. AUGUST 18TH GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS First in Service - Swarthmore 6-6130 COM PANY OF PENNSYLVANIA • First inSoles RUMSEY CHEVROLET THE BELL TELEPHONE Tuesday, September 2nd • SHOP 'AT THE on party-line telephones, too up any bJd. Notary roblle It's to Your Advantage COURTESY PAYS 8wa.rthm.ore. Give Your Flowers To THE·SWARTHMOR VOLUME 24-NUMBER :;4 In New Position New Students to Be Registered by Aug. 25 Theatre Square • South Chester Road Flowerless Team Wins Red Cross Swim Course Legion Regional Championship Grandpa Outvotes His Grandchildren 3to 2 Ends at Morrow Pool Beginners, Intermediates Win Certificates under Miss Rath School Opens Sept. 8th For Elementary, High School Classes The S3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1952 Swarthmore's Legion BaIl Team won the Regional Junior League Championship Monday night when it nosed out Philadelphia County Champions, 4-3. The Cahill-Cholerton Post team which defeated the Swarthmore team Sunday night by a score of 2-1 in the round robin play-oft', gave the home nine a good fight before the last man was put ·out in the seventh inning Monday night . As District One State Champions, Swarthmore's team goes to Allentown tomorrow to play its first game against Reading on the Breaden-St. Louis Cardinals' Baseball Field at 12:30. It they win this game, they will meet another district winner at 8 p.m. the same day under lights. If they lose, they will play ..t 5:30 p.m. in Bethlehem on the Bethlehem Steel Field. Eight sectional champion teams are comyeting in this all-state play.. off. Teams losing twice are automatically eliminated from the contest. Statistics Show Steady Decline In Voter Participation Judging by statistics, grandpa As a result of daily plunges into was quite a guy in the good old Morrow pool, 139 boys and girls days. Grandpa himself thinks he emerged last Friday more compecould have outchopped and outtent swimmers for the two-week run any young buck of today; Learn to Swim program sponsored some cranks uphold his hardby the local Red Cross. This safethrough August 29. It i.sso~:~~i working life, others point out his ty service, directed by Virginia tive that registration be c, choice of relaxation. But one Rath, began August 4 when over before Labor Day so that definite phase is undisputed, he outvoted 150 hopefuls turned up at the Hararrangements can be made to care us three to two, and without his vard avenue pool to develop their for every child with adequate woman's help, either! seating, books, and other necessifins. ties. It is especially urged that From the statistics we have of Intermediates, 74 of them, and parents ot children who have just the eligible voters who actually 65 Beginners were divided into moved into Swarthmore complete voted in various years, it is althr~e groups each and enjoyed registration as soon as possible. most impossible to avoid the conhalf hour lessons under the tuteclusion that we have become less lage of Miss Rath and her assisParents are requested to bring and less interested in our coun .. tants Betty Jersey and Virginia with them at the time of registry's welfare. Little, Life Saving Instructors, tration the child's vaccination cerThe Advertising Council for the tificate. the birth certificate. ApPOintment of Dr. John R. Life Saver Sydney Jackson. Junior Life Saver Joan Taylor, and American Heritage Foundation transfer from previous school toi ndica,tir,gl Bates. North Chester road, to a Carol Seymour. For the first two quotes the following: 1880, 78.4%; gether with any reports newly created position of Techdays of the course attendance av1.900, 73.5w; 1920 (the first time the courses or work completed nieal Advisor to the Executive eraged 110 but subsided to 60 afwomen voted), 49.3%; 1940,53.4%; the previous school. Committee of Sun Oil Company's ter the Polio Scare. Even so, sev1948, 51%. Because of the individual att:en-I Board of Directors has been aneral "good" swimmers had to be The United States is regarded tion accorded each pupil, it nounced by Robert G. Dunlop, dropped because instructors needas the Bulwark of democracy; the necessary that school plans be President. ed the time and space for those Advertising Council states that of made well in advance. In the High In order that Dr. Bates may who needed it more, and some those eligible to vote in France, School, this necessitates attention to each individual child's needs give full time to his new duties, would-be beginners proved to be The little Garnet will start 75~; turn out; in Italy, 89%; Can ... too shod to participate in the les- practice for the coming season ada, 75~(.; Belgium, 90-:-;'; Japan, and plans as required in the elecsons. Tuesday morning at 9: 30 a.m. on 71 %; Israel, 72~~; Sweden, 80'%; tive high school courses. Through- Chemical Research and DevelopThe eleven Intermediates who the Rutgers field. Sixty letters and England, 83":<-. out the school, it is the intention to make certain that classes are ment Department hav~ been as- passed their tests included Larry have been sent out by Coach MilThe majority of voters in these signed to Dr. J. Bennett Hill, Di- White, David Scarborough, Chris lard Robinson to all boys who countries don't seem to think, not too large and that a place is reserved for each child. re~t?r of that department. Decker, Gunnar and Margi t Quist. have expressed an interest in "one little vote won't matter". M. Bush, the new High Dr. Bates has resigned from Betty Gemmill, David Walmsley. football for the Fall. All boys in l'ou must register to be able to Principal. is prepared to Sun's Board of Directors but will Allen and Ginny Gardner, Karen grades nine to 12 are invited to vote! join the squad and go to camp. with parents about their continue to serve on the Military Peterson and Thomas Harvey. courses. Fuels Technical Advisory Com .. Those passing the Beginners . On the evening at the twentymittee to Petroleum Administra- test were. George Ann Stevens, sixth a Kick-oII Barbecue will be SCOUT TROOP 2 Classes Begin September 8 tion for Defense. Billy Spencer. Stanley Lowe. Mar- held on the Beltield grounds to GOES TO CAMP Swarthmore classes will begin which all squad members, parents jorie Ewan and Eddie Shute, who, Monday morning. September 8 The new post of Technical AdSeventeen members of Boy for all classes from the kinder.. visor was created to keep Sun's as far as their instructors know, and team rooters are invited.. Past Scout Troop 2 of Swarthmore c,aptains. players and pro-stars garten through the Senior High Executive Committee fully in- could not swim on August 4. Several other Intermediates who will be present to help the coaches spent the first two weeks of AuSchool. During the first few days, formed of the rapidly increasing gust at Camp Delmont, the On My the elementary grades will have technological developments in the did not get the Intermediate card, and fathers make up a "Football- Honor Camp of the Valley Forge morning sessions only to aecuS- petroleum and petrochemical are entitled to a Beginners card Tall-Story" program. Those wish- Council, Boy Scouts of America. if they do not already have one: ing to attend should notify the tom the children gradually to the fields, Mr. Dunlop asserted. They were under the leadership Mary Lou and Betsy Friend. Coach. routine and confinement of school "It is essential to the weHare Two practices will be held daily of their Scoutmaster, Peter Murwork. of the Company,'" Sun's president Dickie Jackson. Jaquelin Gray, ray. (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 8) To take care of the large enroU.. continued, "to establish means for During the second week of their ment in the elementary grades. a providing the management with stay the Scouts won second place new class is being set up in the informatioJ) on world-wide develin the weekly camp wide Delmont Rutgers Avenue School which will opments of processes and products Olympics in competition with The laws of the state. the Bor- more than 20 other Scout Troops . be a full first grade class to be associated with our business. ough of Swarthmore and the good These Olympics include events in taught by Mrs. Beatrice Daltry. "This service requires the full neighbor policy of domestic living archery, rifle, nature. campcraft, AddlUonal classes are being pro- time of a top flight scientist. who pose a'dilemma to the neighbor who angling, swimming, relay rac~g, vided for at the College Avenue also is well-rounded in a pract\cal doesn't have a dog. Both the state a frog leap and turtle racing conschool where Miss Etris will teach knowledg~ of our Company's opof Pennsylvania and the Borough test, and handicraft. combined second and third grades erations. We have such a man in have passed a law confining dogs to Bobby Watkins won first place and Martha Shaw will have a new Dr. Bates." the Hreasonable control"of its own- in angling, Frank Andrew capturfourth grade and Margaret YeatMr. Dunlop said that Dr. Bates er. Consequently, when the dog next ed and trained the second place man will have the new fifth grade. in his new job would conduct indoor charges through his garden, frog, and the nature team won The latter two classes will be held vestigations of processes as they yaps consistently early every morn- second place. Don Scarborough in the high school building. are developed in the future and ing, makes passes at his friends com- won fourth place in the rifle event Session Hours of markets and market trends for ing in to visit, and regularly raids in competition with about 500 In order to care for the over- petrochemicals and petroleum flow pupils in these grades and to products. Studies of their appli- his garbage can, the neighbor feels forced to conclude that the dog- other riflemen. Frank Andrew have the majority of pupils in at- cation to operations from the view- owner is either at the mercy of his own dog, or the dog is behaving :won fourth place in the whittling contest, and Bob Warden and Dan tendance at the College Avenue point of manufacturing methods, with the fuIl approval of the owner. Jackson excelled in the campSettltng a little uneasily on the former conclusion. the unhappy School, it will be necessary to costs and salability likewise will transfer some pupils from the be part of Dr. Bates' new duties. neighbor is suddenly startled with the vision of the pooch who, as craft events. While at Camp Delmont all the Rutgers Avenue area to the ColDr. Bates bas been associated master of the house next door, monopolizes the most comfortable Scouts worked toward higher chair, decides who may visit his owner, decrees what vegetables, lege Avenue area and in the case with the company since 1942, and Scouting ranks. Bob Warden and flowers and shrubbery may be raised, arranges the menu, controls of the first grade, in the opposite during the last five years has George Garrett earned the Swim.. the waking and sleeping hours of his owner and his family. direction. Many parents have al- headed up its research and develSwitching hastily to the second alternative, the neighbor then ming Merit Badge; George Garready been consulted about this opment activities. gloomily mulls over the possible reasons for the dogowner's seeming rett, Don Scarborough, Jimmy matter and have agreed to these dislike for himself. becomes nervous and self-conscious under the Robinson and Bill Warden comATTENDS CONFERENCE changes in order that all classes strain, grows touchier and grumpier until he can't stand his neigh- pletjild the requirements to beMr. Charles C. Martin of Havmay be equalized and that none bors, distrusts all pets, and finally dies an irascible, irritable, prickly, come First Class Scouts; and Bob erford place has been attending a may be overcrowded. Watkins and Jackie Calhoun comunapproachable and confinned dog-hater. The hours of the daily session scientific conference, under the This tragic· situation - an extreme case, to say the least - could pleted the requirements to become are' as follows: High School- auspices of the American Associ- have been avoided. had the neighbor only realized that, for the owner, Second Class Scouts. morning, 8: 30 to 12; afternoon, ation for the Advancement of his dog can do no wrong. Full comJunior Leadership Courses in 12: 50 to 3: 15. In the elementary Science. at New Hampton School prehension of this significant fact will various phases of Scouting activ.. grades-morning from 9: 00 to for Boys, New Hampton, N. H. save a lot of hard feelings and misity were successfully completed 11:40 and in the afternoon from Mr. Martin ·was a representative understandings all around. It is then by Jim Robinson and Bob Watkins of the Sun Oil Company of NorI to 3:15. in handicrafti. Peter Campbell and up to the dogless neighbor to decide Keith Richardson in bugling; r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I wood. whether it is better to approach perJackie Calhoun and Dwight Sipsonally the owner on the explosive Blood Dono. Day Mr. and, Mrs. Frank R. Morey ler ill health and safety; Jim RobThe next Blood Donor Day of Yale avenue entertained· at their subject of the unseemly behavior of inson, Jackie Calhoun. Dan Jackin the Borough has been set house guest last week Miss Paul- his dog. in line with the ,suggestiOns son and George ,Ellis as quarterfor October 16. Swarthmoreans ine Stephens of London. England. put forth by the good neighbor polmasters; Fritzie Jussen and George , are urged to help the Red Cross Miss Stephens is visiting her aunt icy. or holler for help under the pro- __ -.Garrett in rifle; David Bass and ---:-... ...:;-.... ,. help others by giving their Mrs. James Nigele of Kingston, visions of the Borough Ordinance .,. (Continued on Page 8) and the State law. .....~....:". ;blood. N. Y. ......... ~ ...... Registration for new pupils entering Swarthmore schools for first time should be completed parents next week. August 25 I Dr. Bates Appointed Tech. Advisor for Sun H.S. Footballers Report For Practice August 26 Dartmouth Avenue Pellllaylvanla, up to 4: p. m. WedDeeday. August 20. 1952. and open the bids at a meetlng ot the Board at the School Dlatrlct omce on Wednes.. day. August 20. 19G~. at 8 p. m.. or at an' adjourned meeting of the School Board tor ttema or kitchen and other eq,uipment. !Deludlng oveu aDd slnk:. Speclt'lcatlons can be 8eC11Md between 9 B. m. and 4: p. m. daUy e%cept 8a.turdaya. Sundays, an~ iholldays at the SChool DIstrict oIDce. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bid. in whole Dr in part and to award COD- CO I.LJo;{;~; 1./ 0 If ,\ It Y A1J8USl 15, 1952 THE SWARTBMOREAN Page 6 ... ~!~p:~~~~~~i~:ti~: ::!g:p~tt~~: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Chained ------ .... .-. ----..... • . MrL Jacob Brown of Newark, ICEEN - WEST Del.. and Mrs. Walter Coleman of In a candleUcht aettIJiI of Cy_ VirgInIa Beach. VL. sister of the Mrs. David Braun and da~:=: groom. Kathy Bell of Chester will boUwn ferns,. white asters and Susan of Yale avenue left be dower girL white Iladloli, tbe maniage of day for a week's visit with Mr, . Mlss Mary Alice t er I and ~ Paul ~ Banks of Har" TO W!D AUGUST 27 of Mr•. and ~ John BurrIss vard avenue who are summering The marriage' of Mlss Sadie West of Benjamin West aV'I!D~Ie.1 at their cottage on Lake Wesauk- Garrett. da\l8hter of Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. WIlUam BoWn Keen, ing. TowandL Milan Wayne Garreit of North son of Mr. and Mrs. Keen .. ~d !,frs. Thomas A. Brad- Princeton avenue. to Mr. Wllliam Bow\iot Green. 14~ torut pla~e shaw of Benjamin West avenue RalstOn Curtis, SOD of Mr. and Saturday afternoon at • o'clock In and their house guest Mrs. Bard- Mrs. Ford E. Curtla of Pittsburgh. Trinity Pro t est ant Episcopal shaw's sister Mrs. Charlene Wertz take place August 27 at 3 0'- Church, Swarthm,ore.. The Rev. J. of Houston. Texas. who have been clock in the Swarthmore Presby- Jarden Guenther perfonned the spending the 'past week at White terian Church. Dr. John Stettner ceremony in the absence of the Sulphur Springs will leave Sun- will officiate. Rev. H. Lawrence' WhIttemore. day for Belgrade Lakes. Me.• for a Miss Eunice Ruth Garrett will rector. shprt holiday. Their son Bobby attend her sister as maid of honor Mr. Otto Kraus ~ Benj~ . Bradshaw who has been a camper and the bridesmaids will be Miss West avenue. organist of the at Camp Allagash. Moose_head Teel Dunn of Dickinson avenue Church of the Covenant, PhIladelLake. will jOin them there and Miss Nancy Thoms of Holland: phia. presided !It the console. Mich., and Mrs. Harold M. Lucal The bride. given in marriage by accompany them home. Elinor Karns will arrive home of Brookline, Mass., sister of the her father, wore a gown of eyelet Monday from Hartford Nt1rsing groom. ' embroidered organdy fashioned School, Conn., for a week's visit Mr. Robert M. Miller of Bed- with a fitted bodice. long sleeves with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. ford Ems. N. Y •• will serve as and full skirt. Her linger tip veil George M. Karns of Wellesley best man. of illusion was altached to a cap of Duchess lace and she carried a h Elin ill d roa . or w accompany er Mr. and Mrs. Curtis. parents of bouquet of white bridal roses. s ister Mrs. MaIco1m J . A gnew to the groom, will entertain at the her home in Sherman. Texas, for rehearsal dinner at Strath Haven Mrs: Newell B. West of Chesa visit of another week before re- Inn next Tuesday evening. ter attended as matron of honor. turning to Hartford. Mrs. Agnew Miss Elinor Karns of Wellesley and the bridesmaids were MIss with her daughter Leslie has been road and Miss Dunn will entertain Judith Dickson of Princeton avevisiting her parents here for the at luncheon at Str,lIh Haven Inn nue, Miss Janeth Thomson and past few week.. for the .bride and her attendants Miss Joan Thomson of Ben))' a:~: During the' absence of.Dr. and preceding the ceremony next Wed- West avenue, cousins of the bl Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow of Rutgers nesday. Miss Mary Margaret Marsh of Coavenue who lett Tuesday for a . lumbia avenue. and Mrs. Andrew year abroad. llieir home will be TO ATTE~D B~IDE A. Williams of West Gate Hills. occupied by. Mrs. Margaret J. WilMrs. Ralph B. Little of Swarth- sister of the groom.' Wearing Iiams and daughter Susan of St. more will be matron of honor at gowns of rainbow colors. Mrs. Louis. Mo. Mrs. Wi11iam., associ- the marriage of.MIss Sara Pettit West and Miss Dickson wore mod- Personals I The- West, da'I8h' lEAUTY SALON, OPEN AS USUAL ~ONDA~ ~9~(l. ~UG~ Z5TII iJr. a' 9 Cheater Road ~all Swarthmore 6-0476 ... I. Your MOrOR OVERHEArING r~/. Hot Weat.er7 . Cleall illockl alld Radiator the "Brady Way" TUNE UP MOTOR • • • FOR YOUR VACATION RUSSELL"S SERVICE SW·6,o~O ROBERT ... An:. Owfte~ ·OPP9site' Borough Pork/ftc) Lot . . . Dartmouth & Lofayette Aves. DEW INN • 407DAIl'i'MOUTH AVENUE I . BREAKFAST· LUNCH· DINNER cLOSED EVERY SUNDAY OPEN 7 A. M.to 7:30 P. M. Monday Thru Sa~urday u_ ~~. Special ChUdren'. Platters ------.~ - -..i - -_ _--,- _--.-.- ),' a w.... C- f Mobile. Ala.• announce the birth of. a daughter. JanIce Lyne. on party and kltchell shower tomor- August 13. row evening, at the home' of.Mrs. Hayes' uncle Mr. Charles Tatum Mrs. is the of Radnor. to honor the couple. J)orothy Wtlso:n, daUghter. of Not tli.~:Sch9.lm:ly Type'. , WILL BE CLOSED Story of a. A . .rlca. hwII. Spool" CIond...•• 510_ Sat. 1 PM. REX ALLEN, today·.. popIIIor COW" ...... eo.............. - . . • "Radar Men from MOOIl" Sun., Mon. & Tues. eorol _ ' . _ _ _ SCHOOL Fall Term liegina Sept. 2 Eveuing Sehool, Sept. IS Ap_~ for -!DC vete'nuos .sinaU. e ' - .Short co1D'8ell ._erate rates .Jobs secured line cat."" ~ call ~ Keyatone Sehool of BnUnMa Admlniatradon &W..... IICD I-Ut' of. iiiA Mastoo,ol. . . "OUTCASTS OF THE ISLANDS" , . 510"_" T.............. Wed.·Ollly . . _ RANI! SINATRA" D'I'HIII W1WAMS ' . . lILlY ''1:~ ~'OdTT~ THE . BALl GAM!" IT. ' : ',t Ao ... "'""" ,.;ii·lf ~ ....,. \ . 1 • Th.~·"'" '-~ "LOYEL\.l~ ~It AT" . •• $ . • _from 'LUS "... RIq( ALUN _ . Bat. Night ODly~Feature TImeo. 6.00. 8.00 and 10.00 Monday, August 18th .••• Who Gay Plaids and Gingham. ColorfaJ. IOeI'\Iloeahle toO • • • Sure morale' -*en r .... YR _.tor her. U she needs ft Corduroy Jumpers, SkirtB sa. np to 1£ $1.18-7." ~, - - t rner h dl .11 alia d'e .c ,urc thl! o ce 0 an. e ~ c .'" . qI':\l]g,., , . usual working Iiours.of ,the daY•. Mr. Bishop's vacation address Is Holderness, N.H, . . . "II correIa ti. v~ passages, .inel . ~din g ardson 0 f Laf'" ay""te avell e.. thJj:' "IiIlIDite Miila-is the Creator Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Vi, Kletand creail~h is1he iiiflhli" imag; zien of South cheSter bad or idea emanating from this Mind. leave· MoJidayfor Heron Island, tf Mind Is within and without alIMa.• to vacation Until after Lallor I :~~1f!Jo~'~~~tift~r.~i2:~2~ ~ayti.!h:~P:lli:"':'~~~e:, TRiNI.TYNOTEs ' , ' . At the 8 ~'cIock celebration of ,1 Bnd' Damon; 'who will,,,,,tum tothe Holy. Communion , Sunday, . morrow' fromOamp' ~oqkwogh; morning•. John Bernard is' s';hed-. LETtiis THI EDITOR Md.• after camping for a montW. uled to serve as acolyte. The regThey will alsO lie joined ·in·HaHular service of Morning ...Prayer .. ':"., , ford,· Conn.,; by ·Mrs., K1etzlen1~ "o'~ t .....~ with those The oplnlOll8 upl'ernr1 beloW are CD ' will be. ..--o a J~ .o·cI....... Ot ihe inmvloiual'l,ritOn. All mother' Mrs . William;' amon, the Rev. F. B.; H~,,!,bYh.l.,;~e letters toThos""""""'" mUBt and'in Ashland, N.H .• by' their of both services. Dana Swan villi be ~ l'IIeIldOlll1JD8 be daughter Edith who has been visbe on duty as acolyte at 11 o·ciock. ..- If the ~~entItJ of tIJe writer iting for 10 days ,with Barbara Those serving~s usher. for the Is known by the Bdltor. Lotten Wimpenny. " Mr. alid Mrs. Clyde Miller of services w:Pl be C•. 5. ·Brown. J. wll!- lie pa!J~.~ ~ tIJe Ills. . h'ad'e, 'W'R ...... R-'. cfttlon 01 tile MUdr. Villa Nova avenue· and Mr. P . Espensc . . F'awce... ~ C H C S .... .;."~,, .. Mrs, Harry W. Lang of Dickinson G . Halg, ... • ogg, . . .... E. C. Page, Jr.• mid JosejJh ReyFor BID)' CIaI'I< . avenue spent a reeent week-end nolds. ",. EdItor. as the, guests of Mr. and MiS: The .Swarthmore Nursery School . .... - '.' ("iDeNed) . to 'R~gi8ter ~ptember ma, The ~~~D~lf~' The'SwBrthmorean meet ~t:lt1o~; P..L' 4th with·' Mrs.G. W.Brodhead .,. .... . 308 Maple Ave. . cuc.·. . ,,-, Mter r:: al(:~ .~ SWarthmore 64609 .:::e:race Greenwood Lake; N.Y. MIss Florenca McCUlloch of .Aces 3 - II each Sunday durin, the lAimmer . : Viica~b),. tho;, is alWays pleas- Riverview road has at 10 o·cIOC!<. ant to look forward to and I have frotil a visit With friends at Th.e minister will preach a~th? .~~ ad~ghtfulten. !lsYs in this mas Cove. Me~ and is "OW :;g.O clock sVvIce Sunday Riorn- quaint little college town. . a classmate MrS. Williiun It was indeed with some sadnesi at the home of her mother· Ml"" I The Church Nursery. for ChIlDavid Coker of Myrtle Beach. S;C. dren is open eac1J week during that I read in your very line pub,. Mr. IllI.d Mrs. Howara C. Jackthe morning service. Anne Kraus lication of the polio tragedy sPik- son of Vassar avenue will enterwill be in charI" cIli SundaY. inil the toWn and especially twice' taIn as their hoUse gUests for the --~---...:.'"';';.,'-'--.'----'-- to tb:e .iuDe f~. The mattet next week Mrs. JaCkson's sls~ CHURCI:I SIRVI(ES was being discussed in the barber Mrs. Wellington FraliciBccl and . . ,. . . ' ' ".." children Patricia and Bil\y of SWARTHMORE ' shop and the ataten:>:ent was made Bethesda; Md. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH that· one of your local churches Mrs. James H. Connor and chilJoseph P. Bishop. Minister was rec~ving contributions for dren JimmY and Mimi. John Stettner. Assistant tile littlefe1low you refer to as of Earle; N.J., are now residing at SlIIIda)'. Ancost 24 Billy Clark. Since his address was 630 Yale' avenue. Mortm1; Lt. i~~gg :,,:.~~.Ch will not given in the paper and there Comd. ConnQr is on sea duty on preach. Is confUsion' with respect to the the U.S.S. New' Jersey. WednestJay. Augnst 27 church' will .you be kind enough Gayle Hanna of Riverview road 10:00 A. M.-8urgical Dressings. to forward the en.closed five dol- Is visiting Brenda'Von Grabill ot METHODIST CHURCH iars to tpe family along with my Cornell' avenue at the l'\ffiUIIer prayers that the years ahea.d may home ·of Col. and Mrs .. Stanton Roy N. Keiser. D.D........... "'" Von G'rablU' lit Mt.Grelna:"· Sunday. AnlrDSt 24 hold some happiness for the lad. '10:00 A.M. _.. Church' School and I know from personal experiMr. and Mrs. p~rcy G. Gilbert Young Adults. . h t unf . d e l " of Park avenue are on a two-week 11:00 A.M. _ The Minister will ence w a· oreseen ev op. motor trip through the New Engpreach. ments occur over the years from land States. stopping at Camden. 11:00 A.M.-Church· Nursery. poliO and want to have a little . part in what the faini!y's friends Me. , kIns . f . TRINITY CHURCH' . and neighbors may do as I return Mr. and Mrs. Don Die on 0 H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector to my home. My host "t Swarth. Park avenue entertained over the SuntJay, Aatust'24' . wish to 'trib te alsO weel:-end Mrs. Dewey Rice and 8:00 A. )I.-Holy Comn'ninion. more es cOD u son Dewey of Berkeley Springs, and perhap~, the pub11shlng of my W. Va. Mrs. Rice was ·oc:om.palf rehabilltati'lR . with I'FIiday October . , Nether-Proiridiinc~7';:<;:. Away .En~ed as Secpnd Class M;atter. JanuarY 24•. 192l1. at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under. the Jj.ct Qf March S; 1879. the wounill'd veterans i1>'thIs area. Friday October 10 Media .. '.',_,' AwaY Mrs. J • .'F,Gaskill, Box 94. Fridliy' October 17 Springfield' ":,",,, Home DIVoDLDm-WEDNESDAY NOON Swarthmore;· Is in charge of tick- Saturday OctQber 25 Sharon Hill Away SWAR'qIIIIOBE. PA•• FRIDAY. AUGUST 22. 1952 ets. . Friday OctOber 31 Glen-Nor Home . :.--___......,....,..-----___---~-----___--......,-~I Friday November 7 Yeadon Home PRESBYTERIAN NOTES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES NEWS NOTES Friday November 14 Prospect Park lIome MI. 'Stettn'er will' pre~ch at the "Mind" Is the subject of the Thanksgiving Day November 27 ' Lansdowne AwaY t 10 Bible Lesson to be read in all Mr. and .Mrs. Judson R. Hoover. All home games are at 3: 00 P.M. at Rutgers Fiel.d . Ch h ervi S ·d s oncesAuguSt un ay31.a LID. Christian . Science churches next Jr., of Wallingford, at I.r:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i andurcagaIn a dinner party FrIdayentertained evening folThere will be no Church School Sunday. and the Golden Tl!Xt is lowing which Mr. Hoover showed through the' month' of AuguSt. from the 67th Psalm of David: colored slides of the Hoovers re·During AUgust· there 'Wlll be a "Let the people praise thee, 0 cent trip to the Smokles. Church Hour Nursery apart from God; let all the people praise thee. M" d Mr . . o 1 t th t' be ~1. r. an s. C. William Ramthe Church School program. to· e e na IOns ....,d and sing say of Lafayette avenue will Many fciWl1litiS have used our services for care for small children during the fllr joy: for thou shalt judge the spend the week-end as guests of throo generations. ihey rely on our expemorning service hour. people righteously. and govern the Mr. and Mrs. Arthu, B. Ramsay Surgical DressIngs will be made nations upon earth." (61:3, .) of Idngslon. WhIle there they will rience, depe"dabllitr and management. each Wednesday morning in the Among the Bible selections to attend the wedding Saturday afWoman's AssOclatlim Room at 10 be read Is this verse from the t..moon of Mr.' Ramsay's b,Jok of the prophet IsaIah: "Hast Mr. Grant Wheeler,at 8cTailton. o'clock. . Mr. Kneedler will be at the thou not,. known? hast ~ou not Mr. and MrS. Oscar S. Hart _moo o. PUNIIJIU organ cIurina the SuDdays of Au- heard, that the everlasting God. Lafayette avenue are enlterltaillin:, I gust. '.' the Lord. the ~~. of the ends as their house gUests a '.20 CHISTNUT STR . .T ,_ . . . of the earth. f . 1iOt; IImt1.R- weeks tbeir son the llev. J. Rich-I OUYII H. .,.... ........ MIoItJ A. _ Pi Mrs. Calvin Gei'Der haabeeil Is weary? tbqls nlS sear~ Of ard Hart. Mrs. Hart and son Rlch..p~t~ temporary Ch\ii'ch Sec- his ut.'Ii~~j',(I..." ('O:«~ am .of S#edesbo.·.ro. N. J. r.!.ph.... II 6.1511 retarY tor the months of July and "".~ -:t' • . • . and . . Frederick Rlchard. U· ," . ." of' Ffo"". 108 Christian. Science Robert · A ugUst. or any reason any t~lItbiiok, '1Sa~ "lIii'd Health .. ' f RI' rlo N.J vlsitIn until Tuesdiy·, Septe_ber 2nd R.ed.need G' • .-1 'Priee 2 , JOYCE LEWIS 15 s. Cluister Road i/c'~r::~ ~r ~h,wi..t"'liIn. .Mrs. L. 3. sCirvalB of ium ave-. HarVard avenue has returned haa been ~Jl!'Ddln, the _ ..... 1 !home after'spendlng three weeks her daughter Mn. 3 _ •at Deer Isle, Penobscot Bay, )(e. Weir and family of P1H1burib. rUon Goodwin of Weems, VL City willHr. arrive for a viaIt with andSunday Mn. Cbarles B. fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;:;;:~:;:;:-iiiiiiiiiiii, Fischer of DlckiDlon avenue. K. Sc...fer cher, of the U.S. AIr Force, Ia MIL LIN E It a two-week leave from TiIlke:r I Nt ... Straw Rata Cl~ AIr Force Base where he II in the __. - 01 l1li4 _""_ Kale own drafting and Burveylug III S..-, I I - . ... ,ment. _ BrIIIp 8W_ _ _ Vital Election Information Where To Register Registration can be made in the Court House, Media, up to and including September 13 during the regular business hours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday,9 a.m. to 12 Noon. On Friday, August 22, the Court House will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. . How to Keep your Registration Remembering the following dates and planning around them will help to prevent your losing out on ,Election Day; November 4: ' September 4 is the last day an elector may move from one election district to another in order to be permitted to vote at the November Election. September 13 i. the last day all electors may register to vote at the November Election. ThIs Includes eleotors who wiD become of age on or before November 5, 1952, September 15 Is the last day for any elector who has re'moved into a new election district to give notice to the Reglstration Commission in order to be permitted to vote at the November Election. The removal card must set forth a removal , date into the new election district which cannot be later than , September 4. NROTC Midshipman Davidson Luehring,~ son of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Luehring of North Chester road, Swarthmore, mans head phones during drills on board the aircraft carrier Saipan. A member of NROTC clasS of 1955 at the University of Rochester, Midshlp'man Luehring has just completed eight weeks training aboard the Saipan. Midshlptnan from Naval The Academy and units of the the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps visited Torquay, En~and;Dublln, rk.,·t t·· 5- , 9 ~(i~i,.bO, • . , . " CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 405' Dcirtmouth Ave. " Penn State Center Announces Fall Term Delaware County l echnical Institute CO-OP 1 • s1°p;actical Psychology and Practical Speech will also be open for reglslratlon. These courses ' take and morale "on the job". The programs of study and ~urses offered at the Delaware County Technical Institute·, are designed to give the student the necessary training and background required for many jobs of a technical nature in 'business and industry. Dutlng registration a faculty of Instructors ,chosen because of their academic and practical experience in subjects they are teaching will COUDCn all students The Pennsylvania State Registration: September 7 ;, 9 P. M•. Don't be a "SILENT PARTNER~I in yourgovernment Only 51 % of eligible voters went to the polls in '48. Ren:ten:tbp-: The smaller the '~,'. \~~,:I _' ;~ . • vote"tht! c1cser.1'(e come to "government by the few." And that isn't DEMOCRACY I 0: ADantie REGISTER AND VOTE! ' 'ONE of tho)'lGt's most doIlght- fulWlCOtion manths.:;.nm.rcrowols ..... J.. ~ heMe thinned, yet ltJli Q """'" sun and cool evening _ .... Surf one bathing are at thefr best, entertaJn. ment and shops are at mickunvner peok. Oceon-frontsundecks,pr""lt beach entrance, evening hotel enter. talnment, delicious I"neOls. Hot and' cold, f~ and oc-. wa.... In 011 baths. bright, cheerful, and oomfO'rfuble. -'_prkod No matter what the demand for neoraitia ill. electricity, it will be ready when (aaiq...,.., you need it, where you need it. .. rtIII .... of Ip ,:,} I" JPd.NJ .",. It k . ~ •• : .'; . . .. , , ' ... ~: . ... ' ".' • • II , .~ ,', .~",,,.'i 'f~': !,:l~r! One apple can spoil a bushel. One sto~e supports an archn One ,Vote can'swing an election•. . , . :.. , :: .' ~" I ., , ." ,:', -,-: r It takes more than one· brick to build a borough OOIl, more .k...... "mio. ' than tre~ to make an orchard. . one ,,"." ..... , _4 •• ;. 0' It takes more 'tOOn, one man to run a count,ry, l1IOl"e tOOn one voter' to maintain a democracy. . 4prerican History. would be a lot sin:r.pler if George JYashington were the ONE ·man woo founded our lWtion. Our lWtWn would be a'lot stronger if there were only ONE citizen too indiHerent to cast his vote. , . i" Do'n't i,SayWhat's ONE. Vote? , .,' -. • ". . . . tt·:a: ....·· , . . 'Your Vote Coun·tsl ." .. r ,, I • QI fa I' • • CHEV~~()LET FIRST IN FIRST IN SALES " .Ia" .'UlI_ 'AX-PAYINIJ UIaRY COJI:PANr "'* 100.00a , \ Septellber 13th is your last daY.dlqtm. ~egister. .' , SIAlT.IOBE IATIOIAt .BAII . DB TBUST COIPIIY , Philadelphia . ~.".~;;. Electric (omp8i.r: There~s Many a United States Citizen Who~s Forgotten the Value of One meet N,onday (, Wednesday Ev~s. For D etal••5 Ph olie Ogontz 9400 , dayS' and Christmas are not 10 far apart. We're planning and working IIOUI 10 that your Christmas may be * Classes SE~TE These hot August ·· B :ut 8. 9. 10& 11 Nether-Providence H~! School Provlde.ce, "d.. Wallin rd. 'en.a. For more information write John D. Kuns, DIs~ct Representative, The Pennsylvania State College, Ogontz, Center, Pennsyl· vania, call Ogontz 9400. ONLY FOUR MONTHS 'TIL CHRISTMAS .' .. .. * ColI~ge Evenln, Program Fall Seme.ter le,llnln, September ,22nd In Tool D.d,n 'Accountln, 'raduc~on Control lu.lne•• 'Administration Industrial Electricity lalldln, Construction TelevIsion P.,chology Speeell during the registration evenings.. • EleQlentary • • • of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~!!!!~~~~I into 'conSlderation factors effect- i~~~~=====~==='~"====~=~~=~ lng efficiency, training, adjustmel.t JIIAM .. \ , II:i-~'·~!~I~cI~"~~~a~n~It~.~::~~~6~-4~19~1~~~~FrI~.~~ SHOP AT THE Dartmouth Avenue Lt. and Hr•. James H. ~~~:~ ADt-CONDmONED of Camp Rucker, Ala., will I today to visit Mrs. Archer's parOpen ThurMJay Nights ents Dr. and Mrs. George B. Sickel CllIIed I!at1trda,p of Strath Haven avenue. lIurlnc "DIT an4 Au",", Miss Anne Bradford of Miami, Fla., who has been visiting parents M r. and Mrs. R. P. Brad- PABEIID4DABTIIIOUTH AVE. ford of Swarthmore avenue, lett Swarthmore 8-10lS by plane ,Thursday for Toronto, Canada. Miss Bradford will be the I~;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ guest of Miss Mary Harris for lOll days during which time they will take a motor trip through, Ontario. , Dr. and Mrs. Roderick Firth of Walnut lane entertained as their house guest this week Mrs. Ireland: and GuantanamoBay, Cuba. The Delaware County Technical Institute of The Pennsylvania ~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~;;~;;~;:;;;;;;I State College will begin the . Fall Sem~ of 1952, September 22, at the Nether Providence lDgh It', to Your Advantage School, Providence road, Walling. ford. Registration Will be held at the Nether-Providence lDgh School September 8-11 from 7-9 p.rn.. Classes meet Monday and Wednesday evenings' bfoglnning at 7 o'clock for 18 weeks. Programs of study that will be open for registration Include: Mechanical and Production Tool Design, Production Management, AMPLE PARKING SPACE Industrtal Electricity, Building Construction, Business Admin;.. Itr,at!c1n, .. ,.,"COllnting, : and 'l'elevi. rAcross Irom Borough HallJ OWI_ IT , CO-ED BEAUTY ,SALON, I In Pennsylvania, citizens of the United States ~,feglster providing they have been residents of the state for :QJle' year or for six months, if tJ!.ey have voted previously in the "'State. Ii. t\.· '-> E~ ':~:W:~=========~ and Mn; of Dr. Guernsey roadWBido have n.. ," home following a two-week vacation on Three-MIle bland, Center Harbor, N. H. Who Can Register? ~1Iy . .' l't 1Ia_ A.ttention, Citiiens! !! • ,'il, R·UMSEY THEATRE ~.' " SQUARE .- SERVICE :.~- INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE PageS 11IE SWARTRMOREAN A lie Charles William FIscher FIrth's mother ~Conrad Har'and Mrs. Fischer of Oklahoma rison Goodwin of Weerns, Va. City will arrive Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.I riiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-' Fischer of Dickinson avenue. FIsK. Schaefer cher, of the U.S, AIr Force. Is on MIL LIN E R a two-week leave from Tinker Felt and Straw Hats Cle&II.ed, AIr Force Base where he Is in the _ 1 _ and 'Remodeled Hate Made of Own Materlala drafting and surveying depart169 Brldp Stftet, Morton. Pa, ment. Phone SWarthmore 6.0228 Mrs. L. J. Servais of Elm aveMrs. Franklin S. Gillespie of Harvard avenue has returned lUje has been spending the week !home after spending three weeks visiting her daughter Mrs. James . at Deer Isle, Penobscot Bay, Me. Weir and family of Pittsburgh. Attention, Citizens! ! ! Vital Election Information t • -L '::===========~ Who Can Register? In Pennsylvania, citizens of the United States can register providing they have been rerldents ot the state for onfi. year or for six months, if t)1ey have voted previously in the ·state. Where To Register Registration can be made in the Court House, Media, up to and including September 13 during the regular business hours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 Noon. On Friday, August 22, the Court House will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. How to Keep your Registration Remembering the following dates and planning around them will help to prevent your losing out on Election Day, November 4: September 4 is the last day an elector may move from one election district to another in order to be permitted to vote at the November Election. September 13 is the last day all electors may register to vote at the November Election. ThIs includes electors who will become of age on or before November 5. 1952. September 15 is the last day for any elector who has re~ moved into a new election district to give notice to the Registration Commission in order to be permitted to vote at the November Election. The removal card must set forth a removal date into the new election district which cannot be later than September 4. and Mrs. Waldo Fisher I' of Dr. Guernsey road have E.returned home following a two-week vacation on Three-MUe Island, Center CO·ED BEAUTY Harbor, N. H. SALON Lt. and Mrs. James H. Archer AIR·CONDITIONED of Camp Rucker, Ala., will arrive today to visit Mrs. Archer's parOpen ThurMlay Night. ents Dr. and Mrs. George B. Sickel CIOIed Saturdays of Strath Haven avenue. darin, Jul, and AUgust Miss Anne Bradford of Miami, Fla., who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Brad- PARKandDARTMOUTH AVE. S ..artbn1ore 6-1013 ford of Swarthmore avenue, left NROTC Midshipman Davidson by plane Thursday for Toronto, Luehring, _ son of Dr. and Mrs. Canada. Miss Bradford will be the ;~;;~;;~~;;;;;~~~~ Frederick W. Luehring of North guest of Miss Mary Harris for 10 ~ Chester road, Swarthmore, mans days during which time they will head phones during drills on board take a motor trip through Ontarthe aircraft carrier Saipan. A io. member of NROTC class of 1955 Dr. and Mrs. Roderick Firth of at the University of Rochester, Walnut lane entertained as Midshipman Luehring has just their house guest this week Mrs: completed eight weeks training aboard the Saipan. The Midshipman from the Naval Academy and units of the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP visited Torquay, England; Dublin, 405 Dartmouth Ave. Ireland; and Guantanamo Bay, Sw. 6-4191 Open Fri. 9-9 Cuba. I ...".' I '. , :, I:" ......,'. ~'. ' '. • • • That's Elementary * * But There's Many a United States Citizen Who's Forgotten the Value of One ~",w.,--'~'Wf"WI&~ _ _ _ _ _ _""""",,______~~,, Penn State Center Announces Fall Term The Delaware County Technical Institute of The Pennsylvania State College will begin the Fall Semest,er of 1952, September 22, at the Nether Providence High School. Providence road. Wallingford. Registration will be helJl at the Nether-Providence High School September 8-11 from 7-9 p.m. Classes meet Monday and Wednesday evenings beginning at 7 o'clock for 16 weeks. Programs of study that will be open for registration include: Mechanical and Production Tool Design, Production Management, Industrial Electricity, Building Construction. Business Administration, Accounting, and Television. Practical Psychology and Practical Speech will also be open for registration. These courses take into consideration factors effecting efficiency, training, adjustment and morale u on the jobn • The programs of study and cburses offered at the Delaware County Technical Institute· are designed to give the student the necessary training and background required for many jobs of a technical nature in business and industry. During registration a faculty of Instructors chosen because of their academic and practical experience in subjects they are teaching will council all students during the registration evenings. For more information writr. John D. Kuns, District Representative, The Pennsylvania State College, Ogontz Center, Pennsylvania, or call Ogontz 9400. It's to Yo",. Advantage SHOP AT THE CO-OP AMPLE PARKING SPACE (Across from Borough HallJ Dartmouth Avenue • SE~TE BrR ONLY FOUR MONTHS 'TIL CHRISTMAS Atlantic These hot August dayS and Christmas are not so far apart. We're planning and working now SO that your Christmas may be bright, cheerful, and comfo~ble. ~idty it .till one 0/ No matter what the demand for the ~ pri<>!d necu.itiu in eM electricity, it will be ready when {amUy 6tut,.t you need it, where you need it. ONE ." 01 !he year's most delight. fulvocotionmonths.Sunvnercrowds have thinned, yet still a worm Stm ••' IH and mol evening breezes. Surf cmc' bathing are at their best. entertain ment and shops are ot mic:kumrneJ peak. Ocean-front sundecks, privoU beach entrance, evening hotel enter. . tainmen't, delicious meals. Hot and cold, fr"" and ocean water in all I ~ m Delaware County Technical Institute of ~ :m " One apple can spoil a bushel. One stone supports an arch. One Vote can' swing an election. The Pennsylvania State College • ~ Evening Program Fall Semester Beginning September 22nd ~ I Tool Design 'Accounting Production Control Business AdministraHon Industrial Electricity Building Construction Television Psychology Speech I ~ ~ ~ Registration: September 8, 9, 10 & 11 7 - 9 P. M. ~ ~ ~ i I~~ i~ Nether-Providence High School Providence Rd.. Wallingford. Penna. i It takes nwre than one brick to build a borough hall, nwre than one tree to make an orchard. Classes meet Monday & Wednesday Eves. ~ ~ For Details Phone Ogontz 9400 i~ ",~-----~~~-"'-~--~-'I>.~~~ It takes nwre than one man to run a count·ry, more than one voter'to maintain a denwcracy. I I i ~~ ~~ ~ I Don't be {lIlSILENT PARTNER" in yourgovernment Only 5 I % of eligible voters went to the polls in '48. Remember: The smaller the vote, the closer we come to "government by the few." i~ I .\ ~ I:m I ., . ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ .. American History would be a lot simpler if George Washington were the ONE man who founded our lWtion. Our lWtion would be a lot stronger if tOOre were only ONE citizen too indifferent to cast his vote. Don't Say What's ONE Vote? And that isn't DEMOCRACY! REGISTER AND VOTE! Your Vote September 13th SIARTHMOBE RATIONAL BANI AID TRUST COMPAII ...,. , ~ D.I.rr, ,....iN • • c.". pi . . • IS Counts! your last day :l9,lrn.,register. • • CHEV~.OLET FIRST IN SERVICE FIRST IN SALES ('all AttanticQty~t211 A IUSllIESS "ANAGED. TAX..pAYING UT1UIY COMPANf' OWHID I t MOlE 1HAM 100.000 5TOQUtOLDIIS I I~ boths. Philadelphia . Electric Company· • ." RUMSEY THEATRE SQUARE . Pap 6 Professor and Mrs. Stephen Whicher and family of Whittier place sailed Tuesday on the "Oslo Fjord" for a year In Norway. Prof. Whicher. an Instructor in American Literature a1 Swarihmore College. iii on a Fu1>rI~t Teaching Fellowship to the University of Oslo. Norway. Professor Homer Prentice. of the Psychology Department.at Swarthmore College. and his lamily are driving ·to the west coast where Professor Prentice has a Guggenheim Fellowship to study at the University of Berkeley. Calif.. for the next year. During their absenc\, the, Prentice house on Whittier place Will be occlipied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchin- .BRAND THE HAM WITH THAT DnlCiOUSLy DIFFi:Il~Nt n.AVOR They come back for more, becau. . Lancaster Brand hams have that tlavor that hlb the Ipot. Once you try one, you'llaiwayssay, "give me one of your Lancaste, BnondSmoked·Shankl... . e 5ge "."6g .'. SOD. .-' , ., I, Bradshaw~. NEWS NOTES FOLRS AliRE P ..... ., '~";.: negat. N, J, Also visiting Mrs. Dryden Is her son Mr. James A. Dryden and family of Dayton. Ohio. Dick Danforth of Hillborn avenue ill on s' Camping trip through ,the Rocky "Mountains with !W0 other recent WesttoWn<:.· Sehool graduates. Among places they ~ll visit will be The Tetons. YellOwstone. Glacier. Bimft and Alberla. On their return Dick will join his family in the Adirondacks for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas A. Bradshaw of Benjamin West avenue spent a· week at Buck Hill Falls. They were accompanied by Mrs. 1-~- . father Mr. Charles Johnson. and her sister Mrs. "'nar.~ lene Wertz and three children Houston. Texas. who are here until Selltember 1. Dr. and MrS. roE. L. Mercer of North Ches~ road left Sat,utday for' Greensboro. Vt., ~here they wIU visit Dr. and"MrS. Norman of Middletown road. Mecfui who are at Caspian Lake. Vt.• for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Reed of North Chester road left laSt Tuesday for a ·two-week motugh •... , . " . Biro• • H.n RlCHABDBON Secretary. ~S~w~a~rth.;;m~o;:rean';!~.;;..,.:::::;:::-c==---::=.­ 'l1li_ ~oa'" '"' Lme. 33;J condition. rose tapes . Sacnlor quick sale. $25. 116 Sylvan ----I::~~M~ortona~·~p~a~·~~!:~1 PETER E. TOLD COL DARTMOUTH atHI LAFAlEllE AVENUES OF,I ..te rying case. $20. Reply Box C. The Westdale along addt- = ~4~38~R~i;.v~er~VI~·e~w~r~0::.d~.:-;::=--== tlonal landAvenue acljol.J:l1Dg on with the North • FOR ~ALEI-Daven-bed. Del ~-~ t rperfect y. Baird & Bird . r camera, portrait attachment. car-: a.nd Intends to acqUire by purchase washer, remJ!erator, andirons, fire or condemnatton the! bed of ee.ld screen, fire-place Ittate. Saturday• a_·. BLLIO'l'T 0/ IFo~:~Dbag with ting. otBee. knit- can at The Swarthmorean Ave. 8 .... u J MMe ..lUI -'II ...""W1....WWlrWWlrWWI~WlM."I saw it In Tbe'·Swulbmotea• ." l ...._....:.______________________ _~ ... c..... alNMIICIS ON. .otl. . . . OIL avlllllilO .AU. IlSAU" " an's bicycle; silver.. ·plated 24" =.Ft :n::"~at:~~:::'tl~:O: FoR SALE-Electric range. apt. additional land· for school purposes. size, fine condition. Automatic - -...... THE 1m TELEPHONE CoMPANY OJ PENNSYLVANIA FOR SALE FOR SALE - Boy's bike. 24" Schwinn. As is. $5. SW 6-1557. FOR SAlE . Oak Chiffonier. $5.00; Bird's Eye maple bureau, 46" long. 36" high, good mirror. $8.00; small oak buffet, $8.00; Oak bookcase. 36 x 46"t adjustable shelves;: $5.00; lady's mahogany desk, $8.00. SWarlhmo:re 6, 2~. FOR SAT E Custom-made wom- TIliie.~o";!i8ii lazy susan. $20. ea~. Argus A-2 does not Itself contemplate the Ing or ...Id atreet, or Interterence with Bny private rights therein. "n!.e __ e __ 6919 Ludl!ew 5 ....., UgJr Dclat. Pea. , 1611 AnII 5 ...., . .I •• rlp....... .,11.11,. . . .11'1 • • 111. Bor::S~::'~ _ t tram sueh pIon. , . 11 Lett:en Testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the un~ralgned. who requeat ~U~~~::I having VIT~':,Jl~~~~': Estate cIalms of theor demands decedent known the same. and aU persona In, c!ebted to the decedent to make pa.y.. ment, without delay. to SARA MIL- . CONSTRUCTION 'rolllpt. offlcle.t aad accarah Need•. MASON JABS MASON JARS way of Yosemite, San Francisco. Banff and Lake Lonise. Glacier National Park. Yellowstone .and Mt. Rushmore. Mr. and Mrs. Guldo Savelli of Mt. Alverno road. Elwyn, have returned fro,!, West Springfield.' N.· 'ts 8 H .• w Iiere they were gues ~or a week of the Percy C. Bellields.. of Villa Nova avenue. Mrs. Marie G. Donnelly of Vassar avenue. and 1Jr; and .Mrs. Robert .T. pfeifer, and son Keith of I ~~::~. a)TeDue.have returned 11 a two-week Illotortrip Pri.. rurn to Acme for ",.... --- STENOGRAPHIC & TYPING SERYIC' E' Legal .a,.... • (Sped.1 ) Edutator Mlldla Court -======:::;:=;;::;::;===~ ;'::"=='o:":':'o:.===.====1:----===-===--- !"~m~a~rNkir·~~~~~3~7tt~.0~us~eb~r~Orke~n~.~s~w~ar~th~- r I AII.Purpo.. Cracken . itOWI I s,.. '.ppl". . DEVINE rAIl SERVICE WHITE CRABMEAT ''':!.~~.1.7gc ••OY fer lhorkak.. 'ult AoW .rult ••" . Legion A lIx lU ary members are Mrs. Roy P. Llngle'of Cornell PrI.,.UJ a. who has been at Sara- asRed to save M,mm.ge for the avenue is planoln, to return home nBC, N. 'Y., tb1s winter, was spen4- AuyUJary RlImmSle Sale on week-end after a two-w~ ing a week with her parents Mr. her 2 IIlld 3. Mrs. Ellen Van S. trip to Lewlston, N. Y.. to visit and Mrs. Walter C. Giles. CilJarlEosl Clevetand, c:hairman of the event, her m"ther Mrs. J. R. Whiteley and Pat Giles who were vacatlon- would appreclat\l .. large ~ter Mrs. G,,!!rge Wicker. ing for two w'!Oks at ~,Clear. of saleable items. The profit fr~'m 1 and ~ tq l\Iontreal, Canada, to' MIss Harriet GUbtm and this sale helps th~ AuxUlary trea-I visit her C\8"fter Mrs. WUllam Mary Ann Dickinson 'of Park sury to aid community and oUller I Wl!l~ .l!Ild am!ly. She is now Due. and MIss Pauline Deacon weltare causes. vacatjoJUng with the Walters fam- Lafayette avenue. returned . The Auxiliary expresses aym_ ily in Waterford, IIJe. Sunday from a two-week camping pathy over the loss of a fourth Miss Alice Hornaday of Dickln- trip through Canada, Nova Seotla member within a year. Mrs. Ellen son avenue arrived home Thur... and Cape Cod. Delaplaine. the past sponsor for day by plane from Denver followd Mrs d . ,Mr. an . J. W. Howar the orphan at ScoUand School. the Ing a mid-western trip of several ~had and children Betty and Legion's Home for Orphans. Mrs. wee.ks. Miss Hornaday 'Will return Tinker of Riverview road vaca- Delaplaine became an Interested member. and it was her pleasure Wooster. Ohio. August 31 ·~or tioned at Ocean City. Md.. the winter teaching term. two weeks. Last week they ent.er-I to send the monthly allowance as Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gaskill of tained as their house. guests Mr. well as holidaY." birthday and University place have returned Schad's parents Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. Christmas gifts to the little girl from Laporte where they were H. Schad of Miami and Baltimore. at Scotland Home. guests for two week at the sumPolr. and Mrs. L. C. Gatewood mer home of Mr, and Mrs. Philip and daughters Nancy. Dorothy CLASSIFIED Powers of Pittsburgh. and Linda of Elm avenue have re- '!II'" 8warthmore 8-20'/8 %"171: - Ylrglnla .... _ __ WeoId,. or KonUU,. , " .. 11c LIVERWURST LUNCH MEAT 41c BEEF LOAF l::t DESSERT LAYUS DESSERT SHELLS ~ S.wllxR.n Di.....1 ANNUAL STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS AS OF 7f'l/52 GREEN BEANS ___ "'~b.I'" ~I~~",~ Kr.se e 4 2S PEACHES . ,2 25 ~ u,lon A~iary Notes 8orough Vacationers Return Home • ALBAN PARKER L BOLOG". -=-; n - M . .I. . . .IS5I FRANKFURTERS ~alle«dtM -=- ----=--- New . . . IIeitaBt l'Iu. "'~"'oelH& :"Ib' . la." .... ~-=--- PIANO 'l1JNING Professor and Mrs. Richard STATEMENT OF GROSS LIABILITY. NET DEBT, ASSESSED VALCrutchlleld and son Paul of criun UATION. ASSETS, MATURITY DATE OF FUNDED DEBT, AND Ledge. left recenUy for the west BORROWING CAPACITY . READY·TO-EAT coast. ~f. Crutclifleld. of the Assessed Valuation (i91i2) 48.491.1115.00 Psychology Department at the colIndebtedness Allowed by Law (1* of asscssed valuation) $ 454,801.5/1 lege. will teach at the Univemty ...1. . . .,. 1II...,..t. AI.G,.• • frt •• ' Gross Llabilltles ........................ $130.272.91 of Berkeley next year. Deductions allowed by Law (Section 202) All Popula.. Brands Sklnle.., Meaty Mr. and Mrs. Franc~ Plowman Cash m 'Slnklng Fund .: .... None and tamily of .North Swarthmore Dellnquent Taxes ...........'$ 11.892.38 avenue have returned home after (90% estimated collectible) . 5.393.U , vacationing at their cottage at III.... _ Current Revenue Ocean CItY since the middle of Applicable with Fiscal Year June. Joan Plowman has been the 1953-1 .... '.;, ..•..•.•..... , .23.911.29 guest' tor a week of Mary Lee . Total ~uctions ......•..... \ 2I!-31MS Wildebush at GuernSey road who BRAND Is summering at the Pocono Lake 100.962.48 Net Debt .................. . Preserves. , COLD %11016c Splc';" ., ' Mrs. George L. Alston of North Borrowing Capacity (excluding borrowings in anticipa- 353.839.0'1 tion of current revenues ......................... . CUTS Chester road left last week to at%110 tend the National Doll Convention STATEMENT OF DATES OF LAST MATURITY OF REsPECTIVE In Chicago. En route home Mrs. 'n Our Seafood Dept.· FORMS OF FUNDED DEBT Alston will spend f. week visiting BONDS......, All serl!ll.bonds relatives. and friends In her old Date of Issue Rlite Outstanding Maturity home town of Pittsburgh. . 1926 4110 • $25,000.00 1956 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Abbe 1930' 4110 U. S. No. I, Freestone 52.000.00 1960 and family of Swarthmore avenue 19S4 3110 22,000.00 1959 left Sunday lor a two-week· vaca•. Ibl at S.tone H a r b o r , . Total ........,......................... $99.000.00 .,Iolnol -it 'tion Dr. and Mrs. William O. Lln. . , bush.1 basket A.D hart and son Billy have returned ASSETS ·OF THE SCHOOL 'DISTRICT WITH THE' CHARACTER: 'end.r llio. to their home' in Pittsburgh . . AND VALUE THEREOF 7. 1952. t Strlngl... _. {olloMag a week-end vtsit With ASSETS: . . 21,308.28 \,...;;.=;====:.:.::....:;..:;.;;.;;;;;.;;;.;.;;,------..;,.;...-;---...; Mrs. Llnhart·s parents Mr.' and Cash - ' General Fund .................................................., ........ . 5.992.38 For Your "each Shortcake You'll Need Mrs. Paul J. Rutan of Ogden ave- Delinquent Taxes ..................................................................... . Virginia.... nue. Three-year-old Bobby Lln- Tultion Receivable ................................., .. :................................. 2.609.0~ HAMS" Ih~~~;: =-----=- =-=-= DAYan4 NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE MONDAY TBRlJ SATURDAY NOON SW 6-4041 SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS SW 6-0740 COAL FIREPLACE WOOD J.A.GREEN lJOlITH PJUlIICBiON A'VBN1Ja· ""'•• ' ...................... ~.' WOOD MAKES REPORT Allan c. WoocJ, president of the Swarthmore Property Owners' Association, has issued the following statement: "To Members and Non-Members of the Swarthmore Property Owners' Association: chase of land unless absolutely necessary. I also oppose arlY buIlding construction at College Ave- nue. "Whether we like it or not. we "A careful survey of possible sites for additnllilll eonstruction developed only three. One of these was too expensive,' an.d one not suitable. The thlfd was the 12.75 acres adjoining the Rutgers A venue School. In as,l"uc,," I\.s elementary school popillation shows the greatest growth in this a~ea. it Is obvious that it where additimial facilities will be required. and It is here that additional land will be needed. Under these circumstances it seems advisable that this land be acqufred. and the School Board is" tiikiDg steps to are in the same boat with practically every school district i~ the county. School population has increased to the point where additional facilities are necessary. The problem is to find a way to provide these facilities at the least cost. to the tax-payer consistent with efficiency and in accordance with reasonable educational staadards. work I;WJmPlated at "The School Board's approach to , the problem reflects credit on the College or Rutgers Avenues. For Board memhers and deserves the the 1952-53 school year. 'The approbation of us who pay the Swarthmorean' wIll provide you bill. They have appointed a Gen- with further details." er8J. Study Committee composed of citizens representing many Scout Troop groups. This committee has been G 'T C split up to form three sub-com.(Mt$ 0 amp mittees. as follows: School Popula(Continued from Page 1) tion; Educational Standards and Bill Warden in activities; Frank Needs; Land and Buildings. An- 'Andrew and Dan Jackson as hikeother lay committee bas been es- masters' Joe Gibson and Dave tab'liSlied to study ways an~ means Bass in' nature; and George Garof financing school expansIon. rett lis waterfront director. "These thiee committees have The membl.rs of the Troop who been giving their. respective prob- were itl. Camp were: Bat Patrollems diligent study and research George .Garrett, Patrol Leader and some valuable information Dwight Sipler Keith Richardson' has been developed. which will be Don Scarboro~gh. rIM Robinson: submitted to the School Board. and Bobby Hudgins; C~w Patrol "As a representative of the -Bob Warden Patrol Leader PeProperty Owners' Association. I ter Campbell. 'Fritzle Jussen: Bob have conslstantly opposed the pur- Watkins. and Jackie, Calhoun; Eagle Patrol-Bill Warden. Assistant Patrol Leader, Frank AnJINGLE drew. and George Ellis; Wolf PaYou of course, have a Camera trol-Dave Bass. Patrol Leader, Dan Jackson, and Joe Gibson. With 111m made to match We Develop and Print Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. WilSingle shots or a batch. son of Ogden avenue 'refurhed home Sunday following:· a . twoDependable ll4·Hour Servi•• week vacation to Mt. Desert Island, Me.• SouthWest Harbor. dO,,:~ :z CATHERMAN'S DBlIGcSTOBE HOILAC. B. Passmore - ... .~ ::..- ... " REGISTER NOWI Media Court .. . ·'i ~'':~ ' ... 4L .iT 4T • • INIV"4HC. 'OP L C•••T. . . . . House Today. August 22nd 9:00 A.M, • 9:00 P.M. MOllday through friday 9:00 A.M •• 4:30 P.M, Saturday 9 • 12 . SW--. bHiu. We'll ~ay Top Prices For Your Olel Tires • Buih to stay white • TGPs for safety, comfort and mileage • Stop In todayl NO MONEY DOWN - UBERAL TERMS Fusco & Alston a.. FAIRVIEW ROADS PM. Swit. I""", ~"1' CHESTER Kindergarten Teacher Needed, Tuition Raised . Com. on Financial Aspeds Of Expansion Names Members H.S. Footballers Report For Practice August 26 Red Cross Swim Course' Ends at Morrow Pool (Continued from Page 1) Frances Plumer. Charles Townsend. Peter Welsh. Barbara Davis. McKeag, Jean ,.". > > (Continued from Page 1) to "loosen-up" before the boys leave for Camp Castle at Downingtown on August 29. The ~quad . ...- d ., expects to stay for...... ays. returning Thursday. Scptember 4. The Garnet·s old friend and ward to a· promising season since number one rooter. Waldo Davi- there· are a large number of vetson. will be on hand at the camp eran players returning. along with Trelner John "Shorty" Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gasklll of Wilmore. Walter Hall. who was University place spent Tuesday appointed to succeed Charles with friends on a lIshing trip to Sowers as assistant coach, wllJ be:.!..:B=ri::,e:::ll:::e::,•.:N:.:.::J.:-:-=======- After a two-hour session Wednesday evening School Board found itself faced with a new problem. that of securing a kindergarten teacher for the College Avenue School only two weeks before faculty is scheduled to report for the new term. Granting the August 15 request of Mrs. Abbe Enders for leave dUrIng the 1952-53 school year il' order that she might 'accompany her husband. Dr. Robert K. Enders. Swarthmore College professor of zoology. to Pakistan. the Board found it Would have new teachers for ell those entering borough kindergartens this year. Carol Hetzel was hired for the Rutgers Av,*,-ue group when Margaret Price retired at the close of the spring term. Dr. Enders is to sail October 15' to teach biology at the University of Punjab on a Fulbright. grant. Mrs. Enders, who will be on helt salary from the school district during the sabbatical. stated she was willing to remain until proper replacement had been gained if the Board experienced dimcnlty in procuring one quickly. Supervising Principal Frank R. Morey announced a recalculation of high school tuition rate for the new year resulted fu the amoun' of $350. ten dollars more than announced last month. The elementary rate remains at $225 as formerly stated. A letter to the Board regarding the hardship the per capita tax constituted to the writer. sole breadwinner in a home ot three adults. the other two of whom were unable to WOtk, was dlscus-, sed. The Board was advised by Its solicitor that exempllon~ are set by statute. The act of 1945 lists the following reasons for which School Districts may exonerate tax collectors for taxes as uncollectable: mistakes; indigent persons, unceded lands, deaths, re .. movals. The Board acts accordingly when In due course the tax collector submits her appllcations for exonerations. The collector is held for all exonerations not granted. Dr. Carpenter reported his lay lands and building committee was working out costs of needed expansion and hoped to report definite recommendations by October 1. He said he felt the deadline for additional facilities to be built and ready for use was September, 1954. , Donald P. Jones sald his committee which is studying the lin" ancial aspect of expansion chiefly as to operating expenses of a larger school, expected to report within the next month. He announced as members of this new committee: Frank R. Morey, A. Sidney Johnson. Jr.• John F. Spencer. H. Weston Clark, Harry Oppenlander. James Miller. Harold Ogram. Walter Schmidt. Mrs. Mabel Blake and Mrs. Margaret Moore in ,addition to himself. Ian present to. greet the boys tbb coming Tuesday. Mr. Hall, the son of Walter Hell, Sr.. fanner Sprlpgfleld High .. School Coach. was an outstanding player at Bucknell. He has recently been coaching aide at Woodbury High School in New Jersey. The cOaches are looking for- . " YO,u Moved? ,. .' • Be Sure 1H'E SWARTHMOR to Registerl • , "j .. School Board OperateS .Under New Tax LaW 1952 POLIO PRECAUTIONS Property· Assessments to Be Compute d on Pro . Rata Basis ," .a,50 PER YEAR SWAR'11IMORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29,1952 Polio List Lengthens. '. Two more cases were added to Swarthmore'sPollo Ust this week when Mrs. Lucien W. Burnett of Haverford place and Ray Glasser. ·New York City. came down with the dreaded disease tast weekend. Mrs. Burnett. mother of 8evenmonth-old Jinlmy Burnett. who = ~!k:,ll:'n~:stw:::;:~: Society Receives Services Today for HealthWalker from Rotary School Enrollment up M.s I . Tho S. R Utherford 38· Over Last Year Westdale Ave. Resident S'mce ~ Ha d Bill een J une The gift of a folding. adjusUble walker by the Swarthmore Rotary Club to the Community Health Socie\y of Central 'Detaware County was announced Friday by Rotary's president. Ambrose Van Alen. The welker has outstanding re~ storative faciUties for many cases of infantile para\ysls. arthritis; • Several Vacancies Still 'To Be Filled on Teaching Staff Funeral services will be held in A rush of enrollments ill the has decided to take advantage of was rushed to the Delaware the Swarthmore Presbyterian last few days bas hrought the size a new law whlch permits 8chOol County Hospital by the Media Church at. 2 p.m. today for Mrs., of some of the Swarthmore schoor districts to secure assessments fire Company Ambulance Wed- Thomas Rutherford. 815'Westdale classes to a near crowd~ condiP rom"+'- on completed proper'- • d aftern h· th llln ..... h last ..", ties, ..according to an annGunce- nes ay di .....oonHw en e fess avenue, who died at 12:30 Wed- limb fractures. back injuries. and tion. Comparing figures _.t ,agno ..__• er case. ment recently made by Carroll P. was has heen mild. . so ar. nesday morning in Women's Med- Is o.f Invaluable assistance to the June. there are now 974" pupils enStreeter. president of the board. . Spending the weekend with the ical Hospital. Philadelphia. Mrs. young .and the old in InsU\llng rolled as compared with 936 in This act known as 54\1 of the Carroll P. Streeters of Columbia Rutherford. seriously ill since tast confidence and Independence. June. a gain of 38 over the sumGeneral AsIImlbly approved Jan- avenue. Mr. Glasser. 22. became ill June. had been hospitalized for Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Groft. exe- mer. Thls Is almost identical with nary If. 1952 authorizes. for sunday. and entered the County the past two weeks. cutive director of the Health 50- the gain of the summer of 1951 . , Ital Tuesday. His case seems w·as the guest ~aker at a Wh en the Increase was 39• sch 00I tax purposes 0 n\y• a new Hosp Born Theoa Hamilton in Ja!Jles- cle.... 'J pI ted · t to' be· "-"t h Is tly recent luncheon of the Rotary. In com e assessmen on a propa " - one; e apparen town. N.D .• Mrs. Rutherford atMGst of the gain as .11eretofore .erty. the construction or liltera- recov.,.,mg rapidiy. tended the UnIversity of North her talk, she explained the var- has been in the elementary schools tion of whlch :was unllnlslled when Dakota Agricultural College in Ious services rendered by the So- where the numbers have risen the regular as_,,",1!Ilts were Fargo for two years and came to ciety and the increasing demands from 472 in June to 504. a gain of made in September of the prevSwarthmore College in. her j)lnior placed upon it. 32. The kindergarten has grown lous year but whlch has since beyear. She recelved her B.A. defrom 70 in June to M for the comcaine . completed. Under the plan gree in chemistry with the class of ing . year. As a result It will he previously in force; the assess1917 of which she was permanent necessary to have both morning ments were made in 'Septruqber treasurer. She continued study at and afternOOll sessions at both and reported to the various au- Mother's Club ·Meeting the University of Pennsylvania. College and Rutgers kindergarten. thorlties and the.tax was not levOd. 9th to Feature doing graduate work in llterature. The largest grsde is the fourth led until the following July. Dr. Fussell BefOre her marriage to Thomas First.Year Camp,er.Given grade with 86 while the smellest Under this new plan. as soon .88 Rutherford in 1924. she worked is the sixth grade with 55. The the . property, construction or alF.ortune tellers. who.wIlJ prop- for the,Main Building Company. $15() Award at Nat'l grade numbers are as follows: ,teration ls'coml;>leted: the asseSsor hesy the futures· of Swarthmore Philadelphia as a research chemMusic Camp First-76. second-68. thtrd~6; as requesied by the Boatel makes a Mother's Club members and guests ist and later as medical research fourth-86; fifth-69; and sixthnew assessment and the increase at the Gypsy Jamboree to be held assistant for the Bell Telephone For his outstanding msiuslclan- 55. in assessment is then subject to by the club on Thursday evening. Company. shlp at the National Mu c Camp In the High SchOOl. the numt1!e 35-mill tax.fIfilis for a por-' September 18.' at the WO)nan's Fofmerly ac.tive in the Players this summer David Spencer, 16- bers have risen from 464 in June 'lilm of the year;the taxruns,cpn- CluQhoUse. have been announced ClI/b. she was tireless in her lllllllY year-old viollnist, has received the to 470 at the present tinle. a gain · currently with the school fiscal by Mrs. Leo Marshell. member- qUiet kindnesses of those ·around Foster Fowidation Scholarship. It of only six. The largest grade in ye;ar from July to July and is shlp chairman m charge of the af- ·her. Her lovely garden gave pleas- ww. announced by Dr. Joseph C. the high school is the ninth grade :;emnputed on the number of f 8 l r . " ure to garden lovers for years. She Maddy. president and founder of with 102 which compared with 1!9 DII. Mrs. Frank- 'since 1924. . ter. The $150 award, which will are ,n 'in the senior class. The .be applled to' Spencer-s Clllllp fees flseal year. •. ~ C;1!'!il'h; ,14ft; Howard Y. CIy- . Mr. Rutherford.' .ales manager fu 1955. was. presentlld . l;>y Dr. grade!llzes are as fotiows: , , Thus. it II Property isaivE!ll. a mer. Mrs: J. Hatol4Dumm. Mjs; .for Midvale steel, Survives her.' ilir8c1PY'in"thi.-tInBl.~iIn". ,_ S;;;[entb-78; 'e\ihth---U; ninth new··....essment .. In Nmiember. ·G. H. Froebel. Jr.•. MriI. Joseph ... The Rev. Joseph P. BIshop will bly last Sunday. · - U I 2 ; tenth-8I;. elevent~; eight montbs remain In the yearlDldenbrand •.Mrs. Daniel John- conduct the' services. In~erment twe\fth-77. · and the rate of tax on the Increase' 'son. Mrs. H. M. IJpplncott. Jr., will be private. The award is based ·on music. Teachers will return for WorkIs 8/12tbs of the full school tax. Mrs•. John B. Maerker. Mrs, Waliansbip. character. and campman- 'shop and, Conferences beginning The. local assessor." ,:rranJO' ,I.; ter MoIr, Mrs. Norman Weeks, shlp. Dr. Maddy said. September S. Classes for pupils GetU, has been deslgnated'iiy··the Mrs. Robert Yahres, and Mrs. Thirteen - year • old Kenneth will begin on September 8. In the BOard to make theseass~ents. Paul Zecher. Members of the hosGoldsmith, a vioUnlst from Green- high .chool.grsdes seven to Mr•. GeUz·1s making his ·report, lit pitallty. membership and program But We ville. Pa.• was nllllled first honor- twelve. there will be half day ses. mmittees wllJ act as hostesses able mention winner for oulstand- sion the first day but full . daysesthepr~t .ti!ne .lIJId !'ptlflcatlGljlI co. , .. , .., .' · and bills be sent out shortly. The Board will form a receiving Ing intermediate boy musician. Sions wllJ begin September. 9. In The County Board of Assessment line to welcome old and new memLove' em Young Spencer' made a clean grades three to six. half day __ aild Revision of, Taxes which bers. sweep of camp musical honors sions wtll continue for two days sends out the notices also gives FIrIIt Slated lIIeetinc Ju~t the this season. A' first-year camper. and full sessions begin September notice that appeals are possible 11 The first slated meeting of the he won'the· highest dllItlnClion 10. In grade two. half day sessions requests are made. within .10 dllYs year is scheduled for October 9 open to Interlochen· students by will continue the first week with · of receiving the assessmentno*e. when Dr. Frances ·R. Fussell. R1vSa me· earning the right to play a violin full sessions beginning September · Taxes will be payable on bills erView road. will discuss ''The Insolo concerto with full symphony 15 while In the first grade the h8lt sent out by regular 1Bx collector. ternational Scene". Dr. Fussell In the casual manner of speak- orchestra accompaniI1>ent in iI spe- sesslons will continue for two· Mrs. Mary Parke DOdd. served as ~oIlJ'ultant, Executive Ing.· all. dogs are "hes" and all clal concert Sunday. August 17. weeks with the full sessions beOffice of the President, during cats are "shes". Nothing, of course. Only eight students survived the girinlng September 22. S C W' d 1950-in. Prior to that tinle. from is more irritating to cat and. dog rugged auditionS for this concert Within the last few qays. two E. I. & . am. .In ,S I,Ip 1945-49. she was a member of the enfhusiasts, who know very well In which Interlochen's 51 most resignations have been recelved Plans for Sept. 8' Event Departmeritof State. there are both of each. liut to a talented singers and instrumen- from members of the teaching b d On October 15 the first book re- benighted few there is no distinc-' tallsts competed. staft. Dorothy Bradileld, commerPlans for the bar ecuean view will be held at the home of tlon anyhow. as both cats and dogs The viollnist won a position in cial teacher. has announced that square_ dance to be held Monday. Mrs' David Ullman. 46 Amherst are. nUl·sances. the first .vlolin section of the . t hin 'September 8. for theentertaln-, . e when Mrs John Michael she intends to give up eac g. . t· • d I avenu • . With all the turor over the dogs, camp's hand-picked Honors sym~ and will remaln in New York with .ment, Instruc IOn an _.supp ~ com- will review a book of current int th h' ti h f hm B it can be safely adinitted that phony orches ra roug compe - a Well Street business firm with mittee of .swart ore· .ranc 0 terest. And on Saturday, October some canines unquestionably are .tive auditions also. Thls 7~-l'iece whom she has been working durthe Red Cross. are neanng com- 25 .Kiddie Karnival wllJ be held h st i I t I ch ' t gym . . ple'tlon. Ti).e ev. eni\lg's entertaln- for' tahe to'wn's' children on' Rutgers nuisances. but through ell the orc e ra s n er 0 en s op - ingthe summer. Mrs. Anna Hornb llln d clanlor about the dogs. only an oc- phony group. Only the top instru- sey WiIlox, who was to begin ment has already een .ou e avenue beside the Old Bank casional voice has made itself mentalists are pennitted to enter teaching this year with the first and wllJ feature a floor s h 9w pre- BUilding. Mrs. James Cillford and heard in complaint of the cat. tryouts for the orchestra. grade ai College Avenue. has ansentlld by the boys and girls who Mrs . Horace Renshaw are coS els d ber two nounced she will not be. able to give so generously of theIr ,tinle hBl:rman of the event. . Dear pussy of the oh-so-warm pencer 0 earne num . entertaining the service men In 10- c coat. She (or he) tiptoes throngh violin position in /the· National take her classes for health r.,.cal federal hospitals. Fa tb II T life so silently and unobtrusively High School Orchestra an~ string sons. ThIs leaves several vacanRuth WoodilrdwllJ giviiil' rllYCaptains 0 II 8am that it Is perhaps only the bird orchestra at Interlochen this sum- cles yet to. ~e 1illed befo.re the tbmic tap-dance.. MarIan'. Hunt COllell~ Senior Jack Smith of watcher who is constantly aware mer. In addition, he took' violin teaching staff is complete for ,the will sing. and Mary Alme Miltoto. Morton will captain the Dlckin- of her existence. lessons during the eight-week new school year. accordionist who is at the moment son football team which will beThere have been some mighty camp session from OUokar Caplaying an engagement in Atlantic gin practice Tuesday. September discussions over· the relative in- dek. head of Interlochen's violln City. will return in tinle to give 2 Dick Terry' of North Chester telligence of the cat and dog, but faculty and former fi~st violinist Health Bulletin some numbers on the "squeeze r~ad. and ~aul Tarr of Morton, at times it seems that the cat ha~ with the New York Strmg Quartet Unless the Polio situation box". both juniors at the college. are won it. A dog, to raise a rumpus. for 13 years. becomes worse. the opening A boys' quartet, Andy Schrader. elso on the squad. All three are charges around relsing hiS voice A senior at Swarthmore High of the Swarthmore Publlc Howard Shearer. Donal4 MacEI- graduates of Swarthmore High to the he..vensand if the ne\ih-' School. Spencer Is. vice-president Schools on .SeptembeJo 8 wllJ wee and Lee Swan. ell semors at School. bors are IU~. he gets properly of Student. Co~cll, and the Na- not be delayed. Swarthmore· High .School, ~of, Pitman of disciplined. and no bones about It. tional Honor SocIety. news· ~tor Parenls· are advised to keep fer harmony to vie with the·~es, Mr. and Mrs. John ~. Now a cat by clever remote con- of the Garnet, and Is active.m in- the children out of crowds af.. ~'will Vassar ..venue returned home trol, can rouse the neighbors with- .tramural ,sports. brothers; Howard. and . . ..... ednesd after a week's visit S h ' ter school. postpone parties, also t Diiui. ·I\{artin and W ay out ever getting involved. he CGncertmaster of the sc 00. or- etc .• until there Is a definite depresen a '. with theIr son-in-~w and daugh- climbs a tree, heads. for a nest, ch~tra. which he headed as presithe incidence o.f Pollo Jerry Lewis rlll'Une.. ~vIsli tar Lt. Col. and ,Mrs. Robert E. and immediately the Blue Jays d~t for .two y!"'rBo he also plays crease.in Weather petIIllUing. . .. 'ted on Moist and family of Mitchel Field. sound the warning. the rest of the' the tuba in thj,..Band. He has been in the Cannty. Signed, N.Y.• and theIr birds.join the cborus,-and SO a member of . the, S"'!artbmore J. ALBRIGHT ,J0NE!3. M.D. Country Club; otherwise It will be daughter the Rev. and Mrs.~ .slmply. the neighborhood is awak~. SymphoDY: .qnmestra for thzee BMough ileauh· Of/iA:e'r given ui the comfort and luxury, of ~A~a and sons of North " (Continued on Pap 8) years. , ~the clubhouae. "'.';". . ' '. .no. ,, . . "' ", .......,'" ,· .. ",·:,·,":1- '.~ . . ", . 'l'Iui Swarthmore Schooi Board -r- r:ort· T n St rl une e ers e For Jamboree Sept. 18 KEEP RECOMMENDED BY THE NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR. INfANTilE PARALYSIS . Seven.year.old Karen Blecha enads 195Z polio precautions recommended by the National Fonndatlon fo.r Infantile ParalysiS. When poll. Is around. the National.Fo.~,tI!>lt..\)autions parents to. wateh for these signs: headache, fever. sore throat, upset stoingmaeb. tenderness and stiffness of neek and back. A person show such s,.mptoms should be put to bed at Gnce, away from Gthers. '1'IINl eall YGur doctor and follGW hIs advice. U polio. ts diaPlo.sed. ... call ';o.ur local cbapter o.f the Mareh o.f Dimes for a4Y1ee assistance. ,lnclndlnlr needed ftlllUm'l .Ilelp.. ~--'~'%.'%.'%.'O!i .. 'I!..~'%.~""-~'O!i 1· ''fou M.et ,•• Nicest ,",1. -~-""--~~. at Speare.'" Local VI'oll'nl'st Earns M· USIC Sch0Iarsh"IP will EDGMONT AVENUE ~ 7th and WELSH STImETS Natiorurlly Adf16rtUed Exclwively Our.l the coat , Useonr .. Lay~away with the PIan\ I~m ~ ~ I costly air by SWllSdoWI Patterson, Lynne Prath!2!r, Sally Stevens, Gwen Renshaw, Jack Snyder, Lee Steven,s. Ricky Ullman. Leslie Walmsley. Susan Whicher and Ginny Moir. Beginners cards. which ,had not arrived by the last day of classes, may now· be picked up at the Swarthmore. National Bank at the desk left of. the entrance. A highlight for the Beginners Class was Mrs. Little's Mermaid who could swim under water and wave her arms. "Minnie", a real puppet, helped a lot in helping some people ope;, their eyes under water and Uke it. ' Have Deepcurlypoodle by Wyando\te. . Pure wool, light. but warm. One of many new fall styles availa1!le. Wide range prices suited your budget. I r--------------, ihts :~':'::!!"J..:enonllllink .8OD-in-la~,:d . \ I~~~~~~~~3 THE SWARTHHOUAN;·.. 'tf~~ER\CEAIOR'~FER 1''' ' Anp" .29, 1952 'IBE SWABTBMOREAN Pap! PnRl of the groom. S....&.. ..... 13.. I sleeves and high wing collars. The grandmother Mrs. V. C. Rogers ot WIlminIIIon ........ • ~r la.t day to letl...rfor . . . mald of honor carried a Colonial =':;;::' bouquet of cactus dahlia. and entertained the members of the r=======:;:;Pr;';:II;;de;:a;t;;l;a;,1 giadlolllloreis In shades of orchid, bridal party foUowln. the rehearDIUCIOUS DIMIIDS .. SUIT' ... TAllY! .. niliYi'MI sal Friday evening. edged with to11B11e,,.while TENDEI STEAKS .ad CHOPS Cook.d" OIWr Mr.-E. C. CIccarelli, grBndfllth.,..1 bride:smaida carried simllar bouquets of yellow lIowers. Thelr of the groom, entertained at RESERVATIONS FOR LABOR DAy coronets were of metching glad- dinner party at Strath Haven DInner 8e Served ·to 1'.·M~ for members ot the wedding parioU 1I0reis. Dinp. Mr. Robert M. Miller of Bedford \y. Lundeon.· Served f~o.. · ·P. MIss Brown graduated from Hills, N.Y., was beat man. The Mr. and Mrs. crocfo, ·parents of Mary Washington Collea:e, Fredush~rs were Messrs. Stuart N. the bride, entertained at a dinner A1r-Coao1ll1oae4 r1ckaburg,V.. s"herr of New RocheUe, N.Y., PartY for out41f-town guests at Mr. Jennings is a graduate of Donald P. Moore· of Pit:tst,urlgh I their home nautsday evenll:llllehigh University.' and Harold M. LucaL 5_......,.. T.I.,._ $wartbtilore. "~ The wedciJJlg will take pisce In WALTI. L PAIIIIOlT, M,r. . :fQl'._O the Spring. ' A reception followed at the RAYMOND HALL ---.J home of the bride's parents. The Miss Pby11s Hall, .daughter of The epgagement of Miss ElIza- bride's 1D0ther wore a light blue Mr. and ·Mrs. Phillip Hall of Phil- . beth Day Watson, daughter 0 f lace and linen dress with navy adelphia and Elisign. Richard Lee Mrs. Collings Watson and Mr accessories and white orchid cor- Raymo.nd, son of Mrs: Sara RayHerbert A. Watson of Lansdowne' sage. Tbe groom's mother wore a mond of Walnut lane were marto Mr. Lewis Leland Tanguy, Jr.:' gown of white satin with' black ril'd Saturday aftern~on, August son of Mr. /Uld Mrs. Tanguy of figures and black accessories. Her ,16 at 2 o'clock in the Meeting , BEAUTY .SALON Rutgers "avenue, has been announ- corsage was of purple orchids. House, Swarthmore. . oed by ber parents. . Following a wedding trip to Mr. and Mrs. Willard TomllnBEAtlTY TAKES CARE ON . . Miss Watson recently· graduated Lake George, the couple will live son. and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert HOLIDAYS, TOO from Lansdowne High Scbool and at We~t Lafayette, Ind., where Frase~ were the Committee of will enter Drexel Institute In the they wlll study at Purdue Uni- Overstght f9 r the Swarthmore 9 Chester Road fall. versity. Mo~thly Meeting. Mr. Fraser read Call Swarthmore 6-0476 Mr. Tanguy Is a gr~duate of Both are June graduates 'of Ob· the marriage certilicate. Swarthmore High Scbool and of erlin College. Mrs. Curtis will do The bride's ·gown was of peach Swarthmore College. graduate work in Chemistry un- organdy fashioned witb a litted No date. for the wedding has der a National Science .Founda- bodice and full skirt. She wore a been announced. . _ ,tionFellowship. Mr. Curtis has a Quaker bOlmet of white and car~ teaching' assistantship at Purdue ried white roses. and .stephanotis. Is Y~"r""OTOIL OVERH~ATlNG Thl. HotWeat.... r? HONOR BRIDAL COUPLE and will also do graduate work at man Mr.for Robert Raymond wasushers best CI eon ~ IIOCII 5 cindRadicitor"the '. the unive.rsity. his brother. The "BreidY'Way" Mi ss lind Judith daughter of Mr. Mrs.Dlcloson, Pemberton Morwere the Messrs. William Moore, . ris Dickson of Princeton avenlle, CICCARELLI--CROOO . . of Philadelphia,' formerly of .,: \ " , , , '. '.. ,a • and Mr. Harry KnIght Warren, In a candlelight setti,ng' of eybo- Swarthmore, Tom Hill of Country f.GRYO. U.R ·V·A·CA·'TION slln of Dr. and MrS. George Pierce t1um ferns, wliite.gladioU, asters Lafayette Club lane, avenue. and Wayne Warner of. . Warren of South Chester road, and chrySanthemums, Miss Mar. . . whose marriage will take place garet Ewilce Croco, daughter of Following a reception at WhltSERVICE tomorrow afternoon at3 o'clock In Mr. and Mrs. Carleton W; Croco of tier House, the couple left on a ROftRT:J. ATZ,'Ow".r Christ Church, Medla,' will be Hil1born avenlle, became the bride wedding trip to Buck Hil1 Falis. OpposIte -BaraalJh Parlllng Lot . guests of honor at the rehearsal of Mr. Eugene Charles Ciccarelli They will Uve at. the Mary LySW 6;0440 Darllno""& I.my.", Av.s. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Franklin Brown of North Chester road, announce the engBllement of tlielr daughter, Miss Jean 10 Mr. Arthur Sayder Jennings, son of Mrs. 'Mlchael James JennIng. of Springfield, and the late Mr. J en- ;;1I~'~C~I~lo~a~===' ~===;,. PUBLISHED EVBllY FBlDAY AT 8W.uimiomi. rIlE 8WAa'rllllO~, INO~P1lSLISBEa· . . 5:00 '1:30 ;Ji '02:0.0 "M. , Pl!iYlTERIAN NOlES acolyte at tbe 8 oeoc '1 k service, June, 1953. d A '. !.I.....,'. ., In July . M .... ~. tm"". WIll prea.h. at the and John Baker at 11 o'clock . an ugust meetmgs Church service Sunday at 10 am.' . were. held at the home of Mrs. . Oscar J Gil . There will be no Church School CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTESfollowU: creest, Vassar avenue, throug» the month of August. The Bible to be read In ' the Strath =;===~=============a=E!$i!&&=~ ~';n During August there will be a Church Hour Nursery apart from the Cburch Scbool progj-am, to care for small children durina the The Bouquet morninl TUN E 'UP MO' TOR i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~ ·1 NG·L'£'NEU K san, ·WILL BE • , 'OPEN.AS USU4L ,", .. " ON a Tuesday, ~Septe.ber 2nd . iF=::::~=:::::~::::::::==:~ CURTIS---&ARRETT of honor .fllr her .elster, wore·a HospitaL The marriage of Miss Sadie ballerina length gown of pale County The baby is a grandson of Mr. Garrett, 'daughter of ·Mr. and Mrs. green IJ!8l"qul,lette, and the.brid8ll_I,8lnd.'Mlrs, Henry R. Harris of Milan Wayne Garrett· of North maids, M\ss Milrlan Ruth Thompand ,Mr. and Mrs. Carl de PrInceton avenue,.to Mr. William son. of H~d and Miss ~ll· of Park avenue. Ralston Curtis, son of Mr.· and Carol Ann Rogers . o f · , . Mrs.lford E. Curtis of Pittsburgh, wore similar modela of pale .."~ I Mr. and Mrs. RObert ·B. Little took place Wednesday afternoon marquisette. They .carried of ClarkS Summit imnounce b1i:th· of their' secQnd . soP, David' at 3 o'clock In. the Swarthmore quets Of ·r.ose and g\adioU . Presbyterian Church. Candelabra matching headdresses. Little,. on AuguSt 21 In lighted· the ceremony perfprmed Mr. Charles H.' CiccareUi of Hahnemann Hospital, Scranton. by the Rev. John Stettner before Canandaigua was best man, and 'The .new baby is a grandson of . an alter banked with cybotium the ushers were Messrs. Jean Mr. and Mrs. R~ph V. Little of fernS", white dahlias and :white Levy, Leo Bukbaum.ot New York Park avenue. gladioli. and Louis Rogers of WilmingtOn. Mr. Henry J. Faust, o"ganlst, A wedding breakfast at SUBSORIPl'IONS presented the pre.nuptial music. Haven Inn followed the FOB ALL Eseorted. by her father, the The bride Is a graduate of IlAGAZlNB8 bride's gown featur.id a litted bod- Swarthmore High School, attend- MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFPlIIAN i DarbDouD!. Avenue ice of silk brocade with long ed the Universi.... " of Rochester for 113 S..arUODlore 8~2080 sleeves and full skirt of silk or- two years and will enter Boslon From Aug. 19 to Sept. 25ganza over cream satin. Her veil University this fall. The groom is Call lIIEdia 6·l!863 of sUk net .. edged with cream lace, graduate of the University of I:;=======~=:=:::=~ had been Worn by her mother on aRochester. and will enter Medical her wedding day. The bridge car- School at Harvard University In ried white cactus dahlias and pom- September. The couple will live pon chrysanthemums. In Boston. Swarftlmore. Pa, Miss Eunice Ruth Garrett as Among the out-of~toWn guests All CONDITIONED mald of honor for her sister, and was Mrs. Valerie L: Martin, greatthe bridesmaids Miss Teel Dunn "Fri. & Sat.' of Dickinson avenue, Miss Nancy KatbryD'G_ Roward . K.... ._ Thoms of Holland, Mich., and Mrs. "LOVELY TO LOOK Harold M. l.ucal of Brookline, A. tecbnlcolor,Jerome Kern Mass., sister of the groom, all ROY ROGER mow sat. )i 1 P.M. Cartoons. Shorts, comedy &. wore gowns of "Radar Men fram Moon" i Swiss o"gandy over taffeta, fashSat. Night Ooly-Peawre Tlmee." ioned with fitted bodices, cap 8.00. 8.00 and 10.00 • 2 iii 3 Speed Graphic wi.. Flash Gu....:..$1 1I1011'U StIli, & Moa, Cbarl.. ~ton Clark GalJ!e· • Leica-MocI.11II c f3.5 CO-ED BEAUTY "~UTlt.lYON THE ! .WItI! ca. . -·$160.00 BOUNTY" . SALON A mlDIon - doUar ~ \ • Volg.Haaderle.sa AIB·CONDmONBD MODtIay IlJPt 0DIy " Don't ben I'S.ILENT·~PIRTNER" in)lourgovernmenl . . COlLEGE THEAmE -Bargains- Only 51 % of eligible votCIII went to the polls in '48. Remember: The smaller the vote, the closer we come . to "government by the few." And that isn~IDEMOCRACY I OSED CAMERAS REGISTER AND VOTE! i .f 3.5 Ope,. TItur.dtty Nit"" ~--­ _"aI7 ...., ...... PAUIIlIDDTllOUTB A'R. ·.s.... 6· ...1.U ....:.049.50 .... (I". Feat8fto ·T'I! • Argl. C3 willi "Case aad . T.... & Wed. ..w)-$59;50 ROGER -RUSSEIoL $ .......°..... -.1••••• MI '"'1176· 5:45, 8. ,10:30 ~ KOMG" _"KlN& AMAZING __ ,auy.&& 13.- . . '11110ln ,BII'I DB IIBaT·COIPDY '. 51 ;. 'I .. '.,w, .'p ; I. ·c ,IF. exp.riei.ce. . • IHEOLIVER H. IAIR·:CO. IIIUCIOIS o. PUNIIAU 1820CHI5TNUT 5TRIIT OUYIR H. IAII, r •• .MARY A. IAII, ,,"".... '. TuphaM iii 6-1511 • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Delaware County Technical Institute bali Har~ • Mrs. E. VanS. Cleveland of p.ark avenue is entertamm' . g as her !iouse guests Mrs. E); K. Bo'ernlDe" I of San Francisco, Calif., and her grandson John A. Hoag of Coral Gables, Fla. Charles Keen~, O.C.S.R., who is a patient at the U. S. Naval Hospital at Newport, R.I., the week-en? with his parentsSPDe,nr,. i and Mrs. Frank G. K.eenen of Harvm;d avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Godfrey of Vassar avenue have returned from -a week's -motor trip through the New England States, Montreal and Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Ih of North Swarthmore avenue will entertain as their guest over Labot Day week-end Mrs. Fine's sisElected The Omclal Board will meet on ter Mrs. Ellnor Hillyer of New Friday, S~ptember 5, .at 8 p.m. Miss Ellzalleth J. Hunter of Ma- York City. gill road, has been elected a memMrS. John Schumacher. and chilTRINITY NOTES ber of the council of the National drenJackie, Molly and Peggy Holy Communion will be cele- Conference of Methodist Youtb, Ogden aVeDue will return home hrated at 8. o'c1<>1'k Sunday morn- meeting In annual session at Pur~ Labor Day after apandlng the Ing at Trinity ChUl'Ch. At'· 1l 0'- due University, Lafayette, Ind., Imlonth of August at the Sehumachclock the regular service of Morn- ·through· Aug. 24. er cottage at Avalon. Ing Prayer will be held. The Rev. ~ Miss Hunter, president of the Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. COok, Jr., Frederick B. HombY Will .be In Philadelphia conference Metho~ and children Trippl and Gary charge of both services. aDd will dist Youth Fellowship, will serve Granville, Ohio are visiting for preach at the 11 o'clock :rervlce. f01> two years on the councU, axe- few weeks with Mrs. Cpok's par,Those servlnr: as 1!$benwill. be cutive body of the Methodist ents Mr. and ~ Ellwood H. J. E. VeIl, C. E. Fellows, B. HBI'- youth group, which G~ett of PrInceton avenue. rar, R. M. Kilgore, W. S. Patton, two mtll10n Methodist young pea!ot. (l.II.) and Mrs. wl1iiam DeF. W. Plowman, S. D. lteynplds, pie. Forrest Fetzer of Wyandotte, and J.' S. Thompson. Davidson Mlch., are visiting with Mrs. FetLuehring Is scheduled to serve as NEWS NOTES zer's parents Dr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs.' Birney It. Morse G. Keenen of Harvard avenue. CHURCH SERVICES of Harvard avenue bave 'been en- Fetzer will proceed 10 active ....... ' ----===,------.....-1 tertaln!ng as their house guests a at Sprlnglleld, Mass., September SWARTHMORE f mlly Mr d Mrs Oil 15. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH a gl'oup: . an '. ver Deb ah E Joseph P. Bishop, Minister Rickson and baby daughter Mr•. Mr;. John Stettner, Assistant Ann of Urbana, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. of Riverview road returned home .... An~ __••• 31 Sun';'-y, John W. McCoubrey and twin T uesday from the. Aloba Hive 10:00 A.M.-Churcb. Nursery. sons Stephen and Daniel, and Mrs. camp in Ely, Vt., on Lake Fairlee 10 00 A M : . . _ Mr. Stettner will J. W. McCoubrey, Sr., of' New h h preach. York City, and Mrs. Morse's aun'l w ere s e had spent the suininer. Mr Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Harris, Wednesday, September 3 10:00 A. M.-Surgical Dressings. s. R. C. Roberts of Washington. Jr., and family of Vassar avenue On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Morse, have returned from a 10-day visit METHODIST CHURCH Mrs. Margaret. Hogan, and Mrs. W. with' Mrs. H"rris' mother Mrs. H. R oy N. Ke iser. D.D.• MInister B. Brown and daughter Susan . Sunday, August 31 swarthmore were In New A. Scharfenberg of. Lynbrook, 10:00 A.M. _ Church School and City to bid bon voyage to Mr. L.I. Mrs. Harris' nieces Sally and Young Adults. Susan Scharfenberg of AUtmlow'n 11:00 A.M'. _ The Minister will Mrs. McCoubrey and sons wbo are visiting In Swartbmore this preach. sailed on UThe Liberte" tor France w~ek. 11:00 A.M.-Church Nursery. where Mr. McCoubrey will study on a Fulbright S~olarshlp for a H. i.a~~~:r,~: Reator year." . . SwIiIay, _ _ 31 . Walter Reynolds, who broke his 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. leg while playing ball on August 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. 13, is recuperating at his home on . THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Benjamin West avenue. , Jnplalda OF FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Alban E. Rogers SUDay, Aupd 31 of Park avenue returned holne 1 andm..... 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for worship. Tuesday from a 10-day molor trip plaids .•• Visitors welcome. (No child through Ontario 'and Quebec, reSkirts are careMonday, during August.) September 1 turning by way of Lake Chamfun In wool All-day sewing for the. A.F.S.C. plain and Lake George. At Great .~""'J'. Wednes""y, September II BalTIngIon, Mass.,their daughter ....... PlaID. AU-day sewing for t1!e. -!I:.F.S.C. PrlscUla who had accompanied FIRST CHURClJ. OF them on the trip, left with friends CHRIST, sCIENTIST to spend a week at a house party SWARTlDlOU Cod 0n C ape... SUPS Park Avenue ~ow li:i.rftrd 81111dQ', ~ II . Dr. and Mrs. Fred A.·Patman USte 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. of Pririeelon avenue, "and Mr. and 11:00 A. M.-The T! r, an m"n 'lhs, Howan! D. Sipler and family is ·"ChrW Jesus." . . . lIf '1rarvlird avenue 8I'e vacation'. Wednesday' eveDiDa meetlDit iDg for severat days of this week SwazdaGlore ~1l48 ~ch week, 8 P.M. Readin&roQm iB Rhode Island. The Sipler famClosed Sat.ita8y aDd Monday ~.dally. . . excep.~ t Sunday 12 to I ili en. rouie home from a t:...~ WednesdaY ewnlnp '1 t o . . .' of The Pennsylvania State College' Evening Progra.. Fall Semest.r Beginning September 22nd ia Tool D.slgn Acc:oantl_g Production Control Busln.ss Admi_istratloll Industrial EI.ctrlclty Building Construction T.levlsion Psychology Speech Registration: September 8. 9. 10 & 11 7.9 P. M. N.th ....Provld.nc. High. School Provid.n~. Rd;, Wallingford, P.nna. Classes meet Monday & Wednesday Eves. For' Details Phone Ogontz 9400 It"s to. Your Advantage FIne SHOP AT THE C·O·Op AMPLE PARKING SPACE (AcroSs from· Borough: HallJ Dartmouth Avenue -- ----- PRESENTING MODEl 62 theftnest B~~,:,:~.gb:O:! ever built Great new HooVer Model 62 keeps colQ.. fresh, pia aU ~e dlrtl New niobilfty, neW ease 01 UII! with I_an~ conWl8lon Uullightw~ tools far abiive-tb-floor c' Ing &.clusiw Hmidisac makes dirt disposal quicker, 88ei..... Come lee this fine cleaner. call us for . a home mowing, without oblili''!OIlo or lir=============; Off to Sclwol • r.:.:i::11 ~ all ChrIstian Science 'churches and S ra 0 . GlIcreest next Sunday will be·on the sub- ford !e..!" B d~amp of WallIngjeot, "Christ Jesus". The Golden area~ oar members from Text is to be found In St; Paul's second letter. to the Corinthians, chapter 4, verse 6: "God, who NEWS NOTES commanded the light to shine out Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey of dar~ess, hath shined In our of Yale avenue entertained as hearts, to give the light of thelr week-end house guests Mr. knowledge of the glory of God and Mrs. Horace Morey of York the face of Jesus Christ." and Mr. and MrS. 'Earl Inners One of jhe Sermon citations Mrs. Morey left Monfrom the Bible will be this· day to visit MrS. Erik Sjostrom of "Therefore the Lord himself Wyncote, formerly of Swarthmore give you a sign; Behold a vb",gi).i at her summer home In Ston~ a~~ r====::::=======;;;= r and . this RU.SS~L"·S ' -.nee hour. fnn~e~ ~ Surgical DI' Ings will be made each Wednesday morning In the Woman's AssocIation Room at 10 o'clock. Mr. Kneedler will be at the organ on Sund;ly Mrs. Calvin' has b appoipted tern een • porary Church Sec~..r0:r~e months of July and ..__ ~ or any reason any of sha1l I ' our people need to be ;'" to h conce ve, and bear a lIOn, with Mr Stet ""t uc and sball call hts name Immanu>w_ • mer or Mr. Bishop, eL" (Isaiah 7'14) Among th D~" will In tbe church • exoffice Gerner to handle allbe calis durin th planatory passages to· be e read usual working hours f th dayg e from th~ Christian Science text.' 0 e • book, '!Sclence and Health with Mr. Bishop's vacation address Key to the. Scriptures" by Mary is Holderness, N.H. Baker FJd~y,. is. (313:1-8): . .. "The leI'm. Christ Jesus, or Jesus .the· CL~~ nn.. , (10 give the. full and METHODIS·T NOTES· The Chtirch School meets at <-1.0 proper translation of the Greek), a.m. Classes are provided for chll- may be rendm;ed 'Jesus the andren of all ages and for adults .' olnted', Jesus the God-crowned The minister will preach at':the the divinely royal man, as it is 11 o'clock' SerVice;' .... ·sald. of' him In the lirst chapter of The Church Nursery· is 'open -Hebrews: _ during tbemornlng service. Mrs. Therefore God, even thy Go~, Charles Hoover ~ill be In charge. hath anointed thee with the oil The usbers for the aay gladness elabove thy fellows." . are Har- . ofAU ry E. New, Edward H. A1$ton, are w come to attend the :.~=. C. Collenberg lind George service., a"emer I~;;;;;;;;~;;~;;~~~;;;;;;;;~~~;;~~;~;~~ I, E: In ours-dependability, service I 'a. 3rd, son of Mrs. on Apartments. Mrs. Raymond 2nd, of Cariandalgua, N. Y., will return to Swarthmore College urday morning at 11 o'clock In I.mlond, for herwho· .Junior. year. with EnsIgn bas 'been theRay~ De- . the Swarthmore Presbyterian . Churcb. The Rev. John W. Stett- strOyer Mceoid, will return to ner omciated. duty tilday. Miss Jane Sorber of Swarthmore -------and New York City "Ich BiRTHS' lIebe dlch" by Grieg; ·'Star. VlcMr. and ·Mrs. James G. ·Welr of Ino" by Rosa; "Le Mariage des Glenshaw,announce the birth of ro_~' by Franck, and the hymn their second son and third child, '0 Perfect Love" by Barilby. James"i1son Weir. The bride, given'ln marriage by The grandparents of the baby ber father, wore a ballerina length are Mrs. Wilson Weir of Glengown of white lace fashioned with shaw, and Mrs. Louis J. Servais of a litted bodice, tight sleevea and Elm avenue. . high neckline.· Her lIngertip vcil of tulle was held by small bon- • Mrl and Mrs. John David de net trinunedwith seed pearla and Moll ot Harvard avenue are reshe carried white roses·and steph- celvlng congratulations' on the anotis. \>irth of a son, Carl Hitchner de Miss Helen May .Croco,.as maid Moll, on August 21 In Delaware. WHAT'S IN' A NAME?· l .' STRATH HA'YEN INN .. dinner to be given this evening by Mrs. Charles n. Mitchell of ''Brookhill'', Wallingford. ' Miss Mary Margaret'Marsh of Columbia avenue will entertain the members of the wedding party following the rehearsal. The brlde-to-be was guest of honor at a miscellaneous sbow... given Tuesday evening by MrS. WilUam Rollin Keen,. Jr., at !he home. of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Burriss West of Benjamin West avenue. . Miss Dickson was also bonored Thursday evening. when MrS. Phillp N. KnIskern entertsined at e kitchen shower at the bome of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Halg of Rlveiview road. ' The Philadelphia Regional Wri- Phone SWariluaore e ....e ters .Conference.. which has been holding meetings In Swarthmore lIABIoml~~WR\a.~lIIlo1~hb'leberand Jenkintown during the sumRosalie Peinol . Ted Oppenland~' ~I&te Ulten mer monthS, will begin ita IIfth Entered as Seccmd Clau Mattti- . . . ' . rene McCarter ye~ In September. With by.laws OfBce at Swarthmore Pa. unde:,*UBrY at the Post ~evlsed and the board Increased A t 0, fl~, ...e~. _arch 8 1879 10 numbers, a fuller and more ex" DIlADIlINB. . . .Ay NOON. ' • panslve year is expected. The' an8WARTBlII nu~ Conference In Philadelphia OaE, PA., ~AY, AUGUST 29, 1952 has already been scheduled . .. the seventeenth 10 nineteenth Brown Will " . lb8C11l1dren's:._ are :10.•,....'. . . . . . . . . . .'11...., ._.~.tpJJova,J~~tI.,. : :--- H ..... Mocid 62, Sm.9S. toola I" CloG"' '' I,,"ul, kit, S20.9S. e 0 ••••• I1L:::A . JfJu1/118 IJllppi8r ~ II hils, IS It s•••ps, IS It deutWhDII Hllllwr "(PA"'~ ~ COm,,.e~t Mohawk C_tIDe .: Complete SIze Range • QrWltel R ..... 100 lI.rk Ave., Swdmore: Pa; . . S~erthm_ 6 6000 - a.-~ 9-4646 (J,*A.....,._!..f . KNOWS~CfJrpets , • ~\&1\it'·, Model pi;;'ne 'Contestants \\\\6 Mr. and Mrs. C. MIlton Pike, Jr., Ga,yle lI~e of Stralh Haven Mrs. Hannah G. GeItZ of Har- of East ranslng, Mich., have been avenue and Ann Broomall of vard avenue celebrated her nine- vlsitlDi: Mrs. PIke', parenls Dr. &uth Chester road have returned Ueth b1rtbda,y at a famlly dinner and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of Crest from a two-month trip abroad. Birthday Celebration' ~,I , . '. If You Have. Moved or Failed to .Vote in the Past Two ,Years YOU MUSTHGISTER IN ORDER TO VOTE . 810181EB ARIDES ON " WORN TIRES. Trade NOWI Th0D138 H. Alden, of Swarthmore, shows off his craft to fclIow-conteshmts in the jjOlympic .. of Model Aviation," Plymouth Motor Corp." sl+th International model plane conlest 8t Delrolt. Tbev are (from left) Stepben L. Snyder, allIO of Swarthmore, and Don D. Pelton and Robert L. Plog..."n, both of Cinclnndl.· ' NEWS NOTES Mrs. William M. Blaisdell and children Christy and Barry of krllngton, Va., have returned home after a week's visit with Mrs. Blaisdell's parents Mr. and Mrs. . E. A. Jenkins of North Chester road. Mr. and Mrs. David U. Ullman of Amherst avenue will entertain at. a barbecue party this evening. Their guests will Include Miss Mary Ann Wensink of Elm Grove, Wis., Mrs. Ullman's sister who has been here for a week's visit, Mr.. Roland G. E. Ullman and Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Thomas of "Applebrook", Park avenue, Miss Miriam Watson of Waterproof, La., Mr. nnd Mrs. Roland G. E. UIlman, Jr., of Villanova, Mrs. Margaret Thorp of Tucson, Ariz., ""d Mr. nnd Mrs. A. G. Thorp, 2nd, of Grace Park. , Dr. Roy F. arid Dr. Jeannette P. Nichols, formerly of Riverview roaa, have taken up their' resldence at 4400 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. ' Mr. and ¥rs. Jerrold Jackson and baby daughter Helen of New- For Safer New port News, Va., will arrive tomorrow to be the goests for several days of Mrs. Jackson's parents Mr. and Mrs. Waller S. Rumble of Swarthmore avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rhlclifte of Strath Haven avenue have returned home aiter spending a week as the goests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Liversldge of Bala-Cynwyli who are at their summer home in Kennebunkport, Me. Carl J egJum of Hillbom avenue Is visiting JolinPhllUps of Slrath Haven avenue at the Phillips summer home in Meredith, N.H. GOOOIiEA' TIRIS Dangor abeadl 90% of all tl.. tioublH occur In t.M last 10% of H.. lifo. Why tak.' chancoat Tracl. ),out worn-smooth tire. for MW, eafw Goodyear tI ..... $top In and Jeri talk ~ • •• , TODAYI . ' _,AS lOW AI l.u A - . " ' , Fusco' .&. 'Alston' CHESTER ••• ·'FAIRYIEW ROADS .,", ., Phon. sw.rtltmo.... 6-3681 . , party liven In her honor'Wednes"; 1"'111"- ... - ... ..... _n ~e will continue her day evening at'the home of her son Frank L. Gettz qf visit while Mr. PIke will leave toavenue. morrow for DeKalb, Ill., where he A resident of Swarthmore since will be I1881stant Dean of Men at 1876 Mrs. Geltz hu,llved with her Northern Siste Teachers College. son since the death of her husMr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Isberg band, Frank R. Gettz, In, 1933. Mrs. Geltz was honorlid by the at14?children Jackie and Ellnor of Swarthmore Fire and South Chester road, have been vaAssociation In 1917 when It cationlng through August atOcean her a Ufe lJlemQer in recognlUon City. Ernest Isberg, Jr., rejoined of her and her husbat;ld's staunch the family at Ocean City this support In its behalf. week after a two-month vacation Mrs. Geltz enjoys good health at Camp Bil-O-Wood, BUnd Rivand Is keenly Interested in local er, Canada. The Isbergs will reand national affairs, especially itl tum to their home September 1. the coming presidential election. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Ford of She has two grandchildren, Mrs. Amherst avenue have returned C. William Ramsay of Lafayette from a trip to Lake George, N.Y., avenue, and Frank Duffy of Eliza- where they visited their son San- had speni' 'ellht weeki at 1be l'rleudli WOrk camp. David left TueacIaY for Waterford, CoDD., to be 1be Illest for two ~ of Dr. -_... Ady10tie. They toured England, Holland, _ .......... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France. Gayle also visited friends In Parla. Gayle will return to Cornell University· on September 24 for her senior year. Ann will begIo ber senior year at Penn State September 10. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Reed \~~;;~~~~~~;.~~ of College avenue entertained as' , their we<.k-end guests Mrs. Reed'. ORDER nephew Mr. Richard Taylor, his wife and children Philip and LinNAME TAPES da of South Hamilton, Mass. M r. J . G rant He bble, J r., 0 f for Newport News, Va., and Commander J. Grant Hebble, III, of College ~ School .App.rel Bethesda. Md., were recent over6-Day Delivery night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jo~eph H. Perkins of Cedar lane. ~~:~r!·:·c=r~':";.:t;:;::;:~i~~ :;":~ro a:~~e ~~7et~~'::' ~t;!~ c~a~id ~ou~ke J~nkinsd ofsNodrth Utility Shop 19 5. Chester Road $15,000 FOR $5,001 A houl. tbat COlt $5,000 . to buUd in 1932 could not b. replaced for $15,000 today. How about your .. Fire Insurance? Have you Increased' it in lioe wilb present valuea? . . PETER E. TOLD Ramsay. A daughter, Mrs. Hannah es er roa re urne un ay lett lJanding. Sandy will be homellf~r~om~C~Ub~a~'~N~e~W~M~e~X~i~co~w~h~e~re~h~e~.~'~'~"~'~'~'~'~"~'~'~'~"~'~'~'~,~"~,~,~,~,,~,~,~,~ .• ~_ _~s~w~a~rt~b~m~o~re~6~-1~8~3~3_ _;;. Duffy, died In February of this September 2 and will leave for year. Connecticut Wesleyan College the following Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Page M. Bullock NEWS NOTES and children Skipper and Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Claire H. Jeglum will move tbis week-end from and son Carl of Hillborn avenue Stellon, N.J., to Rochester, N.Y. have returned from. a nine-week I)!:r. Bullock has been transferred mid-western motor trip to Coloby the' Merck rado, Utah, Arizona, Nebraska Company. Iowa. They stopped at Denver, Colorado Springs, and Mesa VerSmall Chris/ine and Richard da, Colo.,nnd visited the Grand I "'r~n of Harvard avenue GP.' II Canyon, Bryce and Zion NaUonal spending several weeks with th";r i Parks and Salt Lake City. Follow- grnndparents Mr. and Mrs. ...."n lug this they spent a month, with Moll of Park avenue. Mrs. JegJum's 'parents Mr,nnd I,.:=============:' Mrs. George ,B. Perkins on Lake Okoboji, Iowa. Mrs. Jegll1I\l's nephew Walter Johnson of Bethesda Md., joined tIle Jeg!um f~ You provide the best in education Give the best in clothes. j • • • there nnd returned tto~!;:,t~~~i: with them. Walter ., home Sunday with his Mr. and Mrs. H. M. ,,To!~?n:\¥h!lll.. spe!lt the Vleek-end lums. SEND YOUR CHILDREN BACK TO SCHOOL Mr. and Mr.: David P. Wisdom DRESSED FOR. THE OCCASION and daugbter Mimi of Vassar' ave" REGISTER ' nue have returned home following a three-week vacation at Beach NOW! Heaven Park. \ Media Court . Miss ClaireRlncllffe of Slrath House HavEI!' avenue left Thursday to visit for a few w""ks with her .fog9~ry;~~op' grandmother Mrs. H. D. Peterson Monday thraughFrlday of Sandusky, Ohio. 9:00 A.M •• 4:30 P.M. SWarthmore 6·0240 8' Park Avenue Mr. nnd Mrs. ·William B. Bulsa.turda.y 9 • 12 lock of Cedar lane have returned home from Ca)?e May, N.J., where ,============:J:~'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!~'!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!'!!!!!'!~!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!~ they had vacationed for several • weeks. ,Their son Dick Bullock has • returned from MIami Beach where he was in training for two weeks with the U. S. Naval Air Reserve. Mrs. Joseph B. Blaklston of Elm avenue and her cousin MisscAnna Taylor of Kennett Square, spent several days of last week nl()tol,illl:i through Pennsylvania, stopping to visit the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania at Wellsboro., Mr. nnd Mrs. William W. McClarln, Jr., and children Barbara and 13ill of Park avenue, have returned from a week'. visit with former Swarthmoreans Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl W. Moeller. of Ft. Wayne, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Moeller will soon move 6 to DeKalb, m., where Mr. Moeller will assume general managership of the Home Sink and Laundry Motor Division of the General Electric Company. BUCHNER'S, INC. .... .,~ in 'smoothness '. and I,IVE TO WORN Have You Been to A N 0 TH E R WHO PAYS YOU ro Kill YOURSELF . . J. A. GREEN HARRIS AND CO. THEATRE PHARMACY HORACE A. REEVES B. J. HOY, 5 AND 10 STRATH HAVEN INN SWARTHMOBE NATIONAL , BANK' ad TRUST CO. ' DAY Europe. Western Uo 5. A.. Marcus Hook, Camp, s••shore? .,.,..,"'l""~,. ~ ON .fOUR riME OFF? • Com/ore ....,. II Capilol"C" ••• dame """'fort "".",.". ..... t1Irou&hI It'. youn in Oldsmobn.'. magnifi_V"Roaket" ";C'I.~ • DRIVE CAREFULLY! - MARTEL BROTHERS SWARTHMORE co-op THE BOUQUET"" HOLLYHOCK SHOP BUCHNER'S, INC. JOYCE LEWIS . W. MARK BrITLE THE SWARTHMOREAN . HANNUM &: WAITE THE INGLENEUK ' You ahoulll DO.... _ about Ula& sllile projedor Uta, Jina~ IIeeIl BAIRD and BIRD Pl'(n!!la/nw :J01lf\lOll. E. L.NOYES . and '. . CO. ~ FUSCO and AISl'ON PEtER :E. TOLD MICHAEL'S con.EGE PllARllACY ',- .. , . ., Stow 'tOM lodact..._ ' . Sillies Praperl,! Ninety.Eight. Yon rid. in Ibelap of lumry on Custom.. Lounge Cnshioos', deep loam rubber seats that ..... ""per 80ft and Iosuriona. Underneath io lb. rngg1 , WORN TIRES Thomas H. Alden, of Swarthmore, shows ort his craft to tellow-contestants in the ".olympic Gnm~:; of l\olodcl Aviation," Plymouth 1Uotor Corp.'S si;:th International mmtt"l plane ('ont~st at DetrOIt. They are (from left) Stephen L. Snyder, also of Swarthmore, and Don D. Pelton Hn(l ltobcrt L. Trade NOW! Plogman, both of CinC'!r.n~t.i. NEWS NOTES Mrs. William M. Blaisdell and children Christy and Barry of Arlington, Va., have returned home after a week's visit with Mrs. Blaisdell's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jenkins of North Chester road. Mr. and Mrs. David U. mlman of Amherst avenue will entertain at a barbecue party this evening. Their guests will include Miss Mary Ann Wensink of Elm Grove, Wis., Mrs. Ullman's sister who has been here for a week's visit, Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman and Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Thomas of uAp_ plebrook", Park avenue, Miss Miriam Watson of Waterproof, La., Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. mlman, Jr., of Villanova, Mrs. Margaret Thorp of Tucson, Ariz., ~nd Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Thorp, 2nd, of Grace Park. Dr. Roy F. and Dr. Jeannette P. Nichols, formerly of Riverview road, have taken up their resi .. dence at 4400 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Jackson and baby daughter Helen of New- port News, Va., will arrive tomor- row to be the guests for several days of Mrs. Jackson's parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Rumble of Swarthmore avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rincliffe of Strath Haven avenue have returned home after spending a week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Liversidge of Bala-Cynwyd who are at their summer home in Kennebunkport, Me. Carl Jeglum of Hillborn avenue is visiting John Phillips of Strath Haven avenue at the Phillips summer home in Meredith, N.H. D(lftg.r aheadl 90" of all tlr. troubl•• occur In ~h. lalt 10% of tlr. IIf•• Why take chanced Trad. your worn-smooth tire. for new, saf.r Goodyear tir••• Stop In and 1••1• talk trade ••• TODAYI TERMS AS LOW AI 1.25 A WEEK Fusco & Alston FAIRVIEW ROADS Swarthmore 6·3681 CHESTER and Phone I,'I'E TO WORK 1876 Mrs. Gettz has lived with her son since the death of her husband, Frank R. Gettz, in 1932. Mrs. Gettz was honored by the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association in 1917 when it made her a life member in recognition of her and her husband's staunch support in its behalf. Mrs. Gettz enjoys good health and is keenly interested in local and national affairs, especially in the coming presidential election. She has two grandchildren, Mrs. C. William Ramsay of Lafayette avenue, and Frank Duffy of Elizabeth, N.J., and two great-grandchildren, Charles and Marguerite Ramsay. A daughter, Mrs. Hannah THE SWARTHMOREAN Mr. and Mrs. C. Milton Pike, Jr., of East LansIng, Mich., have been visiting Mrs. Pike's parents Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of Crest lane. Mrs. Pike wlll continue her visit while Mr. Pike will leave tomorrow for DeKalb, Ill., Where he will be assistant Dean of Men at Northern State Teachers College. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Isberg and children Jackie and Elinor of South Chester road, have been vacationing through August at Ocean City. Ernest Isberg, Jr., rejoined. the family at Ocean City this week after a two-month vacation at Camp Bil-O-Wood, Blind River, Canada. The Isbcrgs will return to their home September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Ford of Amherst avenue have returned from a trip to Lake George, N.Y., where they visited their son Sandy, who has been working this summer at the Hulett House, Hu- Landing. Sandy will be home Duffy, died in February of this lett September 2 and will leave for year. THE SWARTHMOREAN HANNUM & W AlTE THE INGLENEUK with present values? PETER E. TOLD iffl~.o~m~c~u~b~a~,~N~e~W~M~e~X~i~C~O~\~V~hc~l~.e~l~te~.~'''~'~'~'~'~'~''~'~'~''~'~'~'~,,~,~,~,~,~,,~,~,~,~,~,~,.~.~_ _..;s~w;a~r~t~h~m~0~r~e~6~-~1;83~3~_ _, Connecticut Wesleyan College the NEWS NOTES and children Skipper and Sally, Mr. and Mrs. ClaIre H. J eglum will move this week-end from and Son Carl of Hillborn avenue Stelton, N.J., to Rochester, N.Y. have returned from a riine-week Mr. Bullock has been transferred mid-western motor trip to Coloby the Merck Pharmaceutical rado, Utah, Arizona, Nebraska and Iowa. They stopped at Denver, Company. Small Christine and Richard de Colorado Springs, and Mesa VerMoll of Harvard avenue are da, Colo., and visited the Grand spending several weeks with their Canyon, Bryce and Zion National Parks and Salt Lake City. Follow- grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Carl ing this they spent a month with de Moll of Park avenue. Mrs. Jeglum's parents Mr. and Mrs. George B. Perkins on Lake Okoboji, Iowa. Mrs. Jeglu'l"s nephew Walter Johnson of Bethesda, Md., joined tIie Jeg1um family there and returned to Swarthmore with them. Walter returned ·to his home Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Johnson who spent the week-end with the Jeg-' lums. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wisdom and daughter Mimi of Vassar ave- REGISTER nue have returned home following a three-week vacation at Beach NOW! Heaven Park. Media Court Miss Claire'Rincliffe of Strath House Haven avenue left Thursday to visit for a few weeks with her grandmother Mrs. H. D. Peterson Monday through Friday of Sandusky, Ohio. 9:00 A.M •• 4:30 P,M. Mr. and Mrs. William B. BulSaturday 9 • 12 lock of Cedar lane have returned home from Cape May, N.J., where they had vacationed for several weeks. Their son Dick Bullock has _ returned from Miami Beach where he was in training for two weeks with the U. S. Naval Air Reserve. Mrs. Joseph B. Blakiston of Elm avenue and her cousin Miss Anna Taylor of Kennett Square, spent several days of last week motoring through Pennsylvania, stopping to visit the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania at Wellsboro. Mr. and Mrs. William W. MeClarin, Jr., and children Barbara and Bill of Park avenue, have returned from a week's visit with former Swarthmoreans Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Moeller of Ft. Wayne, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Moeller will soon move to DeKalb, Ill., where Mr. Moeller will assume general managership of the Home Sink and Laundry Motor Division of the General Electric Company. :=============:::; You provide the best in education Give the best in clothes. ••• SEND YOUR CHILDREN BACK TO SCHOOL DRESSED FOR THE OCCASION BUCHNER'S, INC. Toggery Shop SWarthmore 6·0240 8 Park Avenue • • smoothness and Europe, Western U. S. A. DAY Marcus Hook, Camp. Seashore? DRIVE CAREFULLY! W. MARK. BfI'ILE A house that cost $5,000 to build in 1932 could not be replaced for $15,000 today. How about your Fire Insurance? Have you increased it in line following Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Page M. Bullock WHO PAYS YOU TO KIll. YOURSELF-ONYOUR TIME OFF? MARTEL BROTHERS SWARTHMORE CO·Op HOLLYHOCK SHOP JOYCE LEWIS I $15,000 FOR $5,000 Have You Been to A NOT H E R J.A.GREEN HARRIS AND CO. THEATRE PHARMACY HORACE A. REEVES B. J. HOY. 5 AND 10 STRATH HAVEN INN SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK. and TRUST CO. Gayle !lodge of Strath Haven had speni· eight weeks at the avenue and Ann Broomall of Friends Work Camp. David left South Chester road have returned Tuesday for Waterford, Conn., to from a two-month trip abroad. be the guest for two weeks. of Dr. They toured England, Holland, Frank: Adylotte. Germany, Switzerland, Italy and - - - - - - - - - - - - - France. Gayle also visited friends in Paris. Gayle will return to Cornell University on September 24 for her senior year. Ann will begin her senior year at Penn State September 10. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Reed - - - - - - - - . . . : . . . - - - - - of College avenue entertained as r~------------~ their week-end guests Mrs. Reed's ORDER nephew Mr. Richard Taylor, his wife" and children Philip and LinNAME TAPES da of South Hamilton, Mass. Mr. J . G ran t H e bbl e, J r., 0 f for Newport News, Va., and Commander J. Grant Hebble, III, of College & School Apparel Bethesda, Md., were recent over6-Day Delivery night guests of Mr. and 1\'11'5. Joseph H. Perkins of Cedar lane. Utility Shop David Fou1ke Jenkins of North Chester road returned Sunday 19 S. Chester Road THE BOUQUET BAIRD and BIRD BUCHNER'S, INC. E. L. NOYES and CO. FUSCO and ALSTON PETER E. TOLD MICHAEL'S COU,EGE pHARMACY You shonld DOW see about that slide projeetor that you've been promising yourself. Show Those Kodachrome Slides Properl,! Cmnfort with .. Capitol "C" •.• class;" comfort rloroug" ...... through! It9 6 yours in OldsmohiJe's magnificent·''Rooket~ NinetyaEigbt. You ride in the lap of luxury on CustomLounge Cushions., deep toam rubber seats that are super soCt and lumrious. Underneath is the rugged Oldsmobile ehassis, firm foundation for that amooth.going "Rocket Ride". You command tho car with finger.tip"" ••• park in the omallest op&ceo, •• with GM Hydraulio Steering-. And. of course this beautiful Oldsmobile is powered by the famous "Rocket" Engine ••• thrilling action plus t solid dependability. c.dl us and. make 1IlT";"f!~...ta demonstration in the superb new Oldsmobile Nmety.Eigbt. fo.; • SII CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP sw 405 Da.....o.tIo ·Av•••• '-4191 0,.. fri. ,., ~--------------~' YOUI NIA.IS' nROCKETH POWERED OlD ~ M 08 I l f O'DIMOlnl DI.'I. On Television! CBS News with Douglas EdwardS--Monday thru FrIday at 7:30 P.M.. Statton WCAU..TV, Channel 10. COurtesy Of YOUr OldSmoblle Dfaler. WHITAKER-BARREll, INC. MEDIA, PA. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith of Web-I,town .:o..d, ~edIa, were.va~n­ ster, N. Y. .' lng. 'En route home they stopped Mrs.' Judson R. Hoover, Jr., o~ Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch. to visit frlenC\8 on Lake Cayuga, W;llIlngford entertalned Saturday Jr., of Cedar lane are entertaining Ithaca,. N. Y. with a family luncheon party of as their house guests for two Spencer Packard Carroll of Owned artd 0"...... by Am.rlcern SIOrft COltlparry eight in honor of Miss Elaine weeks their son and daughter.in- North Chester road is on a motor Rlckley of Philadelphia, !lancee of law Dr. and Mrs. John BowdItch, trip with her grandparents' Mr. : her son Ensl~ Robert Y·t BinUZpbY• 3rd and small daughter Annellese and Mrs. F. H. Packard of Bryn Ensign BUZby IS at presen a· , ,. Minn lermo, Sicily, where his ship of MInneapolis, Minn. Mawr. They wlIl visit ID e"Noa" was in maneuvers with the Mr. and Mrs. Haldy 'l\1:lIIer apolls, and Redfield, S. D., Carrier 'Coral Sea." Previous to Crist have returned to their home »efore their return September 6. .' : ..... that he had been in the English on Park avenue following a two-' Mrs. E. Vans. Cleveland of Channel when the liner "United month vacation in 1\'Iaine. They Park avenue entertained at a : States" arrived on Its maiden voy- spent three weeks salmoll IIsbing small luncheon and canasta party, age and his ship had the bonor of on Sebec Lake, Me., and several at Strath Haven ,Inn Wednesday. escorting it into port.· weeks trout lIshiJ).g at Camp KG- Her guests ~ere Miss Nettie AlexLt. Em;n Lang, stationed at Ft. kadjo, Me. They also visited fo), ander, Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett, Lee, Va., wlIl spend Labor Day two weeks in Camden, Me;, where Miss Mabel Talley of Swarthmore, &.ncamr ....nd l!allll _ , week.end at his home on Maple Mrs. Crist's daugqter Mrs. Ollver and Mrs. E. ~ Boehmer of San "reaily out .. thlt world!; Try G. Browne and family of MlddIe- Francisco, Calif. avenue. _ for Labor Day an~ you'll Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Schloesser, "I didn't 1uI_ ham Jr., and daughters Karen and .....dtcw..........• Jeanne of Park avenue will spend Labor Day we.!k~end at ~e Forest Ha.. WIth Deliciously Lake Club in the Poconos. The Schloesser fam,ily recently returnDII'I'BUNT I'LAvoa ed from a three and a-half week vacation in the Poconos. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Scarborough and sons David, Don and Dick of Rutgers avenue have reo turned after a week's visit with old friends at their former home in Waynesboro, Va. They were accompanied home by Grayson Via 6f Waynesbor.o who is spending the' week as the guest of Don Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs, Birney It. Morse of Harvard avenue have returned trom a 100d~ motOr trip to Farmington Falls, Me., and iifto Canada with .a tour aroimd the Gaspe Peninsula. Mr. ahd Mrs. Charles C. Brogan II........ of Guernsey road ,returned home Saturday from a three·week vacation at Eaglesmere. Dr. Robert M. Grogan of West· BRAND minster avenue. a Geologist with COLD duPont, left by plane for France for a two-month trip abroad in CUTS the interest of his company. He w~U go to Algiers for a !leld trip. There',lfjtdlen;oy in a modern automa~ before returning. Mrs. Grogan ac· G ps range. The modem desiBn provides compal)ied her husband to N. Y. for the week-end. Dr. Grogan lind " amaZingly easy coPkinB ••• even the ovell ,Til........ Turk.,.., OV. . 61. 'u family recently returned from an and broilers I!sht Wichout Dlatdles. A4Cl' '18,000 mile business and pleasure S .. \ 0 .... PaOli U. trip to Western United States. • S78' • ps 1'81184= is so easy to care Cor, toOl '" Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Hay of ";-t 1I'IIIet8 01 Whl..... • &1. i iig,1dea tutomatlif ~., Por modem Ogden avenue returned home llist it ....... week after vacationlng at their sas taJlBe at yOl11" plumber'.. dealer'.. summer place in 'Pigeon Cove, FJOIIId CIId IIrtllld ScIIIapII • Orfap 2' So .or &I1y Philadelphia Electric Suburban - . Mass., since .July 15. Vacationing FJOitd L. L. Llblly'l fmlcIa l'IIIIl ScID.,. ~ • with· the Hays were :Mr. Hay's , Um-_Sw. .t and DelldOlll mother Mrs. W. H. Hay of New ~ork City, their':son Stephen, and J'DNIIO IIZB Collfom" their son-In·law and daughter . NEWS NOTES OPO rn liD 9 P. M. QT,.ud,:. ',~ itt CLOSED ALL DAY L~ t?4f wnn., FLAVOR TIIlT BITS TIB SPOT AIJIIUl 29, ·1952 Chester Is 'spend1Dg seven dence road, Media, entertained at weeks ID, F r _ ,U oPera,tiOl~ I a mrprlse dessert party last TuesAnalyst with the Air Force. day ID· honor of the birthday ;::.======:;;:::::====;1 ROOFS GUTrERS REPAIRED '" INSTAUED ·WARM~AIR ·BEATING Furaaee8 Vaeuum Cleaned GEORGE' MYERS Box ·48-SwarIJuDore 6-0740 i:;===~~;;;;:;;=;~1 Swwl.........1,.. WILLIAM BROOKS Aahee &: Rubblah Removed LaWllS .Mowed, General . Un 116~'l"ve., """" ...... a., surnundih.' Esklmo .... nd B&TATB NoneB' BSTATB 01" HANNAH L: deceased. Swarthmore 6-~:5: lui"".,,,, 'HORACE A. REEVES derslgn'ld •. who request au Utl·perSOl16 nUe, Swarthmore, Penna.. Residential. Paintu18 Commeft1al .• • A1terationa 17Yz South CIa.ster load Swarthmore' 6-3450 . her.Attornlt}'; LLOYD GOM:AN. EBqufre, 50'1 Welsh IItreet FRESB ROtLS' .upt........... Rye Bread Monday "'r..ough Friday ':00 A.M •• 4:30 P.M. ,S,aturclay·' - 1,2 I STEN,OGRAPHIC & TYPING SERVICE Logal Papen • Theles • "pam .ervlce spe~ci~alis~'~t.'~~~·11 pitch r~:;r Willlam H. Leaman, IJ Sunset 9·5082. Contract or· Hourly Rate. RUPACA. INC. SW 6.1228 Thoatr. Sq_"" M'" Notary '.blle Stradley ".I,",Frelgh. Bldg. Little .courtesies, like helping Granny off the .train, help to make life 'SwaPthmore. "a. J.F. :COURTESY PAYS on party-line telephones, too ~LACKMAN happier. 8W '-8811 . PETER; E. TOLD ,~llmel"O' .lnlufGIIC8 Avenue Charles E. Fischer __ ~_ : u 10UI........a5 .... leU'.......,",... w..... uuuu.. . ·BUllDER· r , . . . .rs ,1I.1"..'p .. "m ·;kaow:"'w Ave. A (om,••t. Insurallc•.amllea, Estate AgHey OIL BURNER SERVICE ElRancho ·Road, one . Tree Hunt. 1II0NDAYTIQlUSATURDAY 'NOON. SW ~6-4041 • saws, hatchet, 438 Riverview 8UNDAY8 aIl4:HOLIDAY8 sW.6.bt40 SWEEN,EY& ·CLYDE COAL . FIREPLACE· W090 • 29 EAST 5TH ST" CHESTER Phollll: 3-6141 '3..6142 ~291 :4.4292 . , Samuel D. C1yo1e, Jr•. George Plowman Samuel D. Clyde' J. Edward, Clyde .. DAY and NIGHT , ; Since· 1805 small ones, 22", ,height 46". 6.2812. .FORSALE J.A.GR1EEN i SOlITH PRINCETON AVENUE 2201 Highland Avenue Coilsideration for the other fellow is the basis of good party·line teIe'phone service, too. If you are always courteous on the telephone, you're BUnI to find your party·line neighbors the same. Remember the three R's of partyUne courtesy - Relinquish the line as sOon .aspossibJe .when you hear others try.to,US& it;,llepiace t4e rec8iv!ll' IJ8I1t1ywhen .you find the line in UIlIl;i~te , your ~BO, flIa~ pthers may use the ,line in- between. THE BELL TELEPHONE . COMPANY OF PEN~SYlUNIA ,Morton, Po. I RIdley Twp. J 2-story frame dwelJln&" Real ~Estate ~ 18 e I'ar&&'e, poaUry hoase, A girl appreclatee haviDg a little Iuclt when Iooldns,for a job. A peat JDaDy girJa and ~ ~ts-feel ~o__ richt fortunate in finding an emplonr IiIte the TelePOOll8 Cc:>mpmy. For they discover that everyibins tms "5-leaf clOver" 118,)'8 is f;rue. We have a 'number of openings ~ now, for girls who c:an qwIljfy. If yo~re interested, why not atop in todayell: in the Mar ~t one of the om- JiBt.ad below. ACME MARKtT, Chester Rd., SWarthmore SWARTBMOU; NATIONAL I"" Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M. Op•• SatutdCiY ·tli 6 P.M. . , • , ';"'.,/'~'."~'" . '.::::~~. ~ l.-.:..<'••> r . -;;~~...,..... " :Construction "M,ortgages . ....,..- Baird & ,Bird . . . . TaI.phDIlI (ow of P.IPlyh '. ......... pllpk" .irip" ..... . "", CustOID H.omes • -- 1631 Arch .., .... Phil.......... . . . COI.,DARYMount . ......., , . DURING THE MONTH Of AUGUST ••• , • To se«Ie estate.. Any broker or Insurance • 2-oar lot 175 x 110. 01'" sl!a4e and fralt kees. • 6919· Lad... Ii••." U...... g • .." ... alHl LAFAUfiEAYINQES o..........,.... ·HoII BANK and TRUST CO. SlVarUOrnore 8-1431 TOM ,SEREMBA UPHOLSTERER PhoneWAshbum ·8-73 or Write to 612 Clymer La.,e:! RIDLEY, PARK, PAr GEORGE:F. CULIJS C ••".ry .....rlal. ~.:~?~~~llB WALTERM.~&EE ;~"""I" .....r.I:H1i ••-.... • • ...use Alterations CldvCl~.ment • u ........ S . .dwicll .....d Earlo......upre..e " lad .. NOWI Mellia Court 'rompt. efficient and accurat. 10-5-&2 an for the long Weekend , 5019. Chester. :penna. I!."!" 5941 Frankfurter Or .....Qu. REGISTER CONSTRUCTION a ~:&5. up Swarthmore, Morton RuUedCe and ,lUdIey TownshlE: Blnce 11118 Swarthmore 60444 rRESIDEHTIAL AND COMMERCIAL "!::" 31. StOck ployment Agency. Licensed and Bonded. Phone Swarthmore 6- Fa. Serving CLASSIFIED having claims or demanda &.ga.1nst the ~~~~p. Estate of the decedent to make known the Same. and au persons lp.debteCl to the deoedent to m.ake pay.. ment. without delay. to SARA MILOr to Building ConltrucHon opportunity , for TOMATOES lta-=~ ,=,,:ty 2:::25c ARMOUR'S HAM .:!i=.. ':'-:- 47c ' APPLE JUICE I::~::~~ 2:.1! 39- have' been granted. to the: DRED WOLF'E JONES. 309 Elm Ave-· good pay right fro.. the start , .~ ment POSltiOns. --- - - - - - - - - ~===========: ;: PERSONAL WOLF.l!l • PERSONAL - Grace Lewis Em- Letters Testamentary on the above Estate Gen.ratlon 8 ..........- ~~ .~~W:~19 • I. I. fl··. . . POTATOES ~!~-;- :10 ~ 6Se J DOROTHY RODGERS Secretary Cellar Walll Ie-Plastered Phi' deIPh. Electric C.mpany HONEYDEWS .... 49- PINISALMON coofr tbi8 fall. emphasis will be put on Much the sborter, intensive cO,urses. because of the great· demand on 17.~:.~p~; Keystone to fill office positions. for replacIng Bmergen.,.speclal courses will be olIeIled Batterl.. "ne au_tic young 'men who expect to be called into the service within the next a.m. allCl , p.m. dally except Batur. two years. Many girls will pred"JB. Sullday.. and holiday. at the 'pate themselves as quickly as poa8Ohool Dlstrfct omce. The Board re. • serves the right to reJ_ any or all sible to relieye the eXIsting acute ·venue., 'to • Asphalt or Concrete • easy, FOURTEENTH TERM to .. _-retarlal ey. no """ Business Admlnl stration School annlvenary of her huabaDd. EIah- will start ita 14th fall term on teen guesta from Swarthmore &lid September 2. Students who have vicinity attended. been vacationing during the awnLBGAL NOTles mer will return for their second '11be SChool DIottIct 0( hartl_ _ 1 year courses, They will help WIll _lviI bIlla.•t the, welcome the new students Bcbool Dl8lrlct til.. _ .... 'be .• .... -".,comerIn 0( ...... _ _ courses 0 f stud~ II The K bids In whole or in part and_ to award shortage of secretaries both in on any item or ltems m.ak- private industry and in Governing up any bid. • • Drlv.way ConstrucHoa ·a... . ur...... tr· "'orient,... PETER 01 NICOLA .LalleadM BOLO(;NA' LIVERWURST . LUNCH MEAf ,....... B£EF LOAr .=t ,,~ 41c' BEN TURKEYS .~~ .... 'SI "'.6·" Plip '1 ~Jk:.~H~O:W:ard~II.~J~en~kI:n:':of:);N:Orth:;:;·~Mrs;':~.R1;':;cb:a:n:I~·B;'.~D~a:v1a;::o;f Pr;:O:vi:-T.K~EY:;'ST:O:N:, E~l:O::BE:e::IN~~~I.======:':==:::;!;:=DEVI=:NE=:r:ll:~::5ER=VICE=~=;roAd .. 1aY'' ' ".Trout 'DIE SWAIl'lB1ll01lEAN This offic:e has h.ad the privilege of repre• senting three very fine femilies who heve pur· chased homes in Swarthmore • • • one on Vessar Avenue, one on Streth Haven Avenue and one 011 Mt. Holyoke· Place• These families like Swarthmore and we know, Swarthmore will like them . We have in our files the names of several others who, would like very much to locate here and we invite you to list your property with this' oR;o:e.for the 'active f.all.se.son just ahead. ·Horaee'B. Passllore • Real Estate and Insurance· ;609 5.· aMster' Rd. SWartll.~~e Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hansell, Jr., of North Swarthmore avenue, daughter Susan and sons George and Stephenson, have retu,rned from a two-week motor trip to Carlisle where they visited Mrs. Hansell's mother, Mrs. Collins Keller. The, Swarthmore Nursery School (Licerued) Opens Sept. 15th Register Now with Mrs. G. W. Brodhead ,308 Maple Ave. SWarthmore 6-4609 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r:. , For Going Back to School :;'~1 c:,,1JJ • oj! 0 ~ j; t ~!!~ '~ Mixed & :Matched SEPARAl'ES Blouses. Skirts .Jackets DR. SMITH DRAWS EDITORIAL COMMENT Elm avenue resident J. Russell Smit~ was one of the two Americans who read a paper before a meeting of geographers held recently in Washington. The gathering of three organizations, the .National .Councll of Geography Teachers, the Assodation of American GeOgraphers, 'and the International Geograpbical Union, called together more geographers than were ever before together in one place on the American Continent. It was the first time the International Union had met in :America :dn~e It's meeting in Washington in 1904. . An editorial in the August 17 issue of Life Magazine commented on the state of geography in American schools, and drew attention to Dr. Smith's views on the, subject, as ,expressed in his paper: "What relatively little geography gets taught at U.S. high school levels is too often a star-· veling twice-a-week study, under the manual-training teacher or the NEWS NOTES Mary Lou will enter Jliddlebury , College on September 14. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney John1.0$ Johnson of North Chesson, Jr., of North Chester road~· ter road bas returned 'home after returned home Monday following spcm.4ing ~e summer as a camper a lO-day vacation in the PocQPos, at Camp Onaka Tafton in Pike stopping at La,ke Paupac CluJ? C,o~ty'., . ., , GreentQwn. Dr.:aDd ~. Frank G. Keenen • Miss Anne J. Perkins of Cedar of ,Ifal:vard 'avenue entertained as lane entertained as het week-end theu- week-end guests Mr. and guest Miss Lydia Renbow ·of Mrs~ W"lier A. Keenen of WashGr~boro, N.C., and Wasb1ng~ .tnlt9D, D.C. ton. D.C., her former roommate :iltMi-.and lltJrs. Bruce Harkness of Gtiilford College, N.C. . Champaign, Ill.,' with their four ,. Mary Lou Hodge of Strath Hav- chU~en, ,are visiUng for two en avenue is visiting thls week weeks with Mrs. Harkness' parwith Lorranine Saunders of Nia,: en~,~.",8;Dd Mrs. Lyle A. Whitar Falls, formerly of Swarthmore. sit ot' Elrif'avenue. . ... . , Vital Election' Information , The StyleUne De Luxe Convertibl. HOW'S YOUR OIL PUMP WORKING? Your .Car's life DEPENDS On It1 ' Watch that indicator needle on your oil pressure gaugel If it's too low, it means your engine is not getting the, protection it needs! Precautionary repairs are usually cheap. Repairing damage too late is not! See us now! • GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS • , Where _To \legister Registration can be made in the Court House, Media, up to and including September 13 during the regular business hours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:80 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 Noon. , , " Row to Keep your First in Service - First in Sales '. • RUMSEY CHEVROLET $wartlalllore 6-6130 Theatre Square South Chester Road ' Asaorted Sloe Polia1aea CATHERMAN'S DltVG 8'.rO" • ;0" •• '. ¥ an I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U I II ~ "You M.,,' ," ,Nic.sf. .EDGMONT AVENUE - I BLACK I is Basic I I for FALL I 'eo,I. at Spear.slk' , 7th' and WEo3H' STRJmTS J '. • our exclusive Reic~ original ~rries They say that fine clothes D9 not make a fine man, But a neat booted foot With well-polished shoes, can. R~i8tration Remembering the folloWing dates and planning around them will help to prevent your loSing -out· on Election Day. ·November 4: " September 4 is the last day elector'may move from one election district to another in ()rder to be permitted to vote at the NOvember Election. ' ,.!, , ' '."." , September 13 is. the last~IiY'~~\1: ~~tots may i'egt;Cer to vote at the November ElectiOn. TbU mcludeselectoq who will become of Me 'OD or befol'e November 5,1952. September 15 is the .last day for' any elector ·who has re- ' moved into a new election· ~(;t,-to ' ~ve'::'notice, to .the .Reglitration Commission in, orderia be permitted to vote at the November Election. The removal card ',must set forth a: removal date into the new election district which cannot be l~ter than September 4. (Continued ,"from Page 1), while she heJ.fSelf Btalks off' to groom her Whiskers. The eat's dignity and quietness is almost undisputed. And certainly, one can usUally hear where a dog is, and his tendency to fling hlmsetfl enthusiastically onto his human friends is lacking a certain amount of decorum. But where are the felines' silence and dlgnibr when they stage their battles - ' usually at night and beneaih the nearest open window? A dog can't climb a tree, to be sure, but one never he~ of the fire company rushing out to untree a dQg it's a cat or a humim child. Which actually is smarter - the cat or the dog - will probably be warmly disputed at firesides long after -'the scientist makes his test tube decision. In the meantime, rooters can aid their respective causes by keeping their beasts at home, .muzzled, if need me. A neighbor antagonized by a cat, . for instance, might be forgiven for thinking the dog is much the smarter - and so take sides. AB for the owners, if they would haul their pets in at night with their children and the porch furniture" everyone could sleep better. And incidentally, those who wind the clock and put out the cat' are duplicating their wor~. Either let the cat wake the neighborhood and murder the birds at dawn, and forget the clock, or call the cat home an~ set the alarm. DNGLE , In Pennsylvania, citizens of the UiUted States can register providing they have been rekldents of the state for one year or' for six. months, if they ,have voted previously in the state. l 15 South Chester Rolul· ; Who Can Register? atbletic coach, who ham't much to do in the mornings'. In European secondary schools geography is a full-time, compulsory. long-pants subject. "Our shameful' neglect of geography probably contributed a good deal toward isolationism and to what is just ~ bad if not worse -ignorant 'internationalism.' That magnificent veteran geographer, Dr. J. Russell Smith, sees grave national danger in the geographic ignorance of our legislators. He contends that no candidate shoUld be allowed to: enter the congressional primaries who has not 81ready passed the geography exams neCessary for admission ~to the U. S. Consular Servlc:e.. 'Certainly the lawmaker needs to .lmow as much as the cub consul,' he told the delegates. We fully approve of Dr. Smith's ideals, even though they may be a little slow in coming to frui.tion within our lifetime." But We Love Just'em the Same' Citizens! ! ! A.ttention, out the theme ••• 22.95 Rayon crepe with rhinestone sparklers at hipline and neckline'to heighten the ~legance. 'Deft toucht!S of white at collar and on pocket. 14 to 20. DRESS~nd Floor, • fashions ,famous at Speare Bros.: ReiCh HenrY Rosenfield L'Aiglon Juliette Pauline ()rIginals 'I'IIi 'SWARTBMOBEAN Mr. and Mrs. George A:Hansell, Jr., of North Swarthmore avenue, daughter Susan and sons George and Stephenson, have returned from a two-week motor trip to Carlisle where they visited Mrs. Hansell's mother. Mrs. Collins Keller. NEWS NOTES DR. SMITH DRAWS EDITORIAL COMMENT Elm avenue resident J. Russell Smit~ was one of the two Americans who read a paper before a meeUng of geographers held recently in Washington. The, The gathering of three organizations, the .National .Council of Geography Teachers, the Association of American GeOgraphers, (LicelllJeil ) .and the International Geographical Union, called together more geographers than were ever before together in one place on the American Continent. It was the first time the International Union Register Now had met in :America :dn~e lt's meeUng in Washington in 1904. , with An editorial in the August 17 issue of Life Magazine commented Mrs. G. W. Brodhead on the state of geography in American schools, and drew at.. tention to Dr. Smith's views on ,308 Maple Ave. the. subject, as .expressed in his paper: SWarthmore ''What relatively little geo6-4609 graphy gets taught at U.S. high school levels is too often a star-· Aps3-5 veling twice-a-week study, under the manual-training teacher or the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ athletic coach, who hasn't much to do in the mornings·. In European secondary schools geography is a full-time, compulsory. long-pants subject. "Our shameful· neglect of geo0 graphy probably contributed a o~ deal toward isolationism and good ~ to what is just as bad if not worse -ignorant 'internationalism.' That magnificent veteran geographer, Dr. J. Russell Smtth, sees grave national danger in the geographic ignorance of our legislators. He contends that no candidate shoUld be allowed to· enter the congressional primaries who has not Blready passed the geography exams neCessary for admission :to the Blou8~. U. S. Consular Sel\Vl~e.. 'Certainly the lawmaker needs to .know as Skirts much as the cub consul,' he told the delegates. We fully approve .Jackets of Dr. Smith's ideals, even. though they may be a little slow in coming to frui.tion within our lifeI.time." Swarthmore Nursery School Opens Sept. 15th ForGoing Back to School , ;t · .August 29, 1952 Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., of North Chester road~ returned home Monday following a lO-day vacation in the PocQ.nos, stopping at ~e Paupac Club, GreentQwn. . Miss Anne J. Perkins of Cedar lane entertained as het week-end guest Miss Lydia Renbow· of Gr~boro, N.C., and Washing~ ton, D.C., her former roommate :at Guilford College, N.C. Mary Lou Hodge of Strath Haven avenue is visiting thls week with Lorranine Saunders of Niag'!' ar. Falls, formerly of Swarthmore. . 11 ~!!~ '~ Mixed & :Matched SEPARAl'ES 15 South Chester Rolul· . A.ttention, Citizens! ! ! Vital Election' ,. Information· Who Can Register? In Pennsylvania, citizens of the Uruted States can register prOviding they have been rekidents of the state for one year or' for six months, if they .have voted previously in. the state. Where _To JJegister Registration can be made in the Court House, Media, up to and including September 13 during the regular business hours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:80 p.m., and Saturday,9 a.m. to 12 Noon.. How to Keep your R~i8tration Remembering the following dates and planning around them will help to prevent your loSing -out on Election Day. November 4: . . '. .. September' is the last day in eleCtor·may move from one election district to another in order to be permitted to vote at the NOvember Election. .. . september 13 is. the last· ~I1Y··:"U ~~to~ may regUter to vote at the November Election. ThiS 'fuc1ucieseleciol'f who wJII become of . .e 'OD or before November 5,1952. September 15 is the .last day for: any elector ·who has re- ' moved into a new election· be permitted to vote at the November Election. The removal card ·,tnust set forth a: removal date into the new election district which cannot be l~ter than September 4. :"' > .. ; . . '..,. . ' •• . EDGMONT AVENUE - wI \ 7th' and '\VEo;H' STRJ&;ETS J I I is Basic I· HOW'S YOUR OIL PUMP WORKING? life DEPENDS On. ItI GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS • I for FALL I First ;n Service - First ;n Sales Reicl~ RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swarflalliore 6-6130 South Chester Road Auorted Sloe PoUs1lea • original ~rries They say that fine clothes D9 not make a fine man, But a neat booted foot With well-polished shoes, can. • our exclusive fashions ··famous at Speare Bros.: out the .JINGLE Theatre Square . But We Love Just'em the Same· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ i ~ i "You M.,,· t'~ Nlc.st 'eo,I. at Spear.s'-. (Continued '"from Page 1). while she heJ.tself ~alks off· 10 groom her whiskers. The cat's dignity and quietness is almost undisputed. And cer~iiiii&iii&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiliiiii&iiiiiiii===iiiii== tainly, one can usUally hear where a dog is, and his tendency to rung himseH' enthusiastically onto bis human friends is lacking a certain amount of decorum. But where the felines' silence and dignity when they stage their battles - ' usually at night and beneath the nearest open window? A dog can't climb a tree, to be sure, but one never he~ of the fire company rushing out to untree a dQg it's a cat or a human child. Which actually is smarter - the cat or the dog - will probably be warmly disputed at firesides long The StyleUne De Luxe Convertible after -'the scientist makes his test tube decision. In the meantime, rooters can aid their respective causes by keeping their beasts at home, .muzzled, if need me. A neighbor antagonized by a cat, . for instance, might be forgiven for thinking the dog is much the smarter - and so take sides. As for ilie. owners, if they would haul their pets in at night with their Watch that indicator needle on your oil pressure children and the porch furniture,. gaugel If it's too low, it means your engine is not everyone could sleep better. And getting the. protection it needs! Precautionary incidentally, those who wind the clock and put out the cat" ate duprepain are usually cheap. Repairing damage too licating their wor~. Either let the late is not! See us now! cat wake the neighborhood and murder the birds at dawn, and forget the clock, or call the cat home an~ set the alarm. r our ..Car's ~ Mary Lou will enter Jliddlebury College on September 14. L9..u,e Johnson of North Chester road has returned 'home after spen.d.ing ~e summer as a camper at Camp One1,ta, Tafton in. Pike C.o~ty'~ .. · Dr,. and MrJ. Frank G. Keenen • ~f."~ard ·avenue· entertained as their week-end· guests Mr. and Mrs; ",,,lier A. Keenen of Wash.~Jt9n, D.C. . . "Mr. and !,Jrs. Bruce Harkness of Champaign, Ill.,' with their four chU~ent ·are visiting for two weeks with Mrs. Harkness' par~~·Mr., . ~d Mrs. Lyle A. Whitsit .. ot Elnf·avenue. theme • • • 22.95 ReiCh Henry Rosenfte1d Rayon crepe with rhinestone sparklers at hipline and neckline'to heighten the ~legance. ·Deft toucht!S of white at collar and on pocket. 14 to 20. DRESS~nd L'AJgIon Juliette Pauline Floor • OrIJinals . ~ ., ,.:' ~ -.. " ," ..' --~.~ .; "- -'