, j ~. • , .. ' '~h~r~I' ..; ,.: ..' ~ .!. " , ," (:~n.c;~nt ' .,.'! ~"i . ~ , .' ", • :. :.: : ,.'. ". " Tonight '~~TH'E'.,' . ' VOLUME, 2~NUMBEB'18 .Taxpayers Hear Facts' !:: ',.:~. ·~:~",rt~r.e ~"'RrtluDore, College Li brf\ry Pa. '...' 8:00 P. M., ;. SWARTHMO'REA , High, School .. ,,' , SWARTHMORE, 'nIDAY, MAY . .... - . . .2,-1952 . . 0017 Q~~~N~~',SpringMeetlllgat '13.50 PER YEAR , , "~eP~..;~f~!~N CooraiGroups Sing Tonl-gh' t at SCh00'I riewspa~ of the Woman's: Club On School ,Expansion "~ .. ' . . '... -' The Boroulh's quarClass of '53 will conduct a drive antme on· dogs was Tues~ ~or, the cOUet;'ti?n of old , , lifted yesterday. pers and magllZlnes Saturday; May LWV Co;'Sponsor ~f Panel In issuiog the 01llcial '12:30" Luncheon W,·II P 3, ana the following .Saturday, Y I A .'.. d 5 prmg . . statelIlent, D.r. J. Al, r e - MSy 10. The classwill'greatly ap- ear y nhclpate t -H & S M a ' . eeting bright Jones, Swarthmore Bor~ ce-d~ Meeting, preciate it if the residedts' of and : Concert Will Present ' Tuesday ough Health Officer, urged all , Program' nearby Swarthmore would coopStudents Four hundred d fifty t owners who have not had their: erate with-them'by saving their ers including pa:nts Ofc::;-; dogs immunized. for .rabies, to do' 'The Woman's Club of Swarth- old papers. A Spring Concert will be prepast, present and futUre, 'and a ,so: Coopera~on m this respect, he more will hold a luncheon and sented by the various choral or-' goodly number of local teachers saId, w?uld lessen the need for reguiar stated meeting combined ganiZations of the Swartlunore sat jn the high sccool' auditorium quarantme rn the future. with the annual meetiDg Tuesday; Schools tonight, May 2, at B p.m. ' May 6. The four directors recentin the Hi~ School Auditorium. f or three h ours Tuesday night to l I T hear facts oii'student increases and Eloc' y e ected for a three-year terin ,The program, under the direc......~..tbl of will be' 'inaugurated: Mrs; Rayntion of Mrs., Elva S. Daziiels. will " ~ e means o providing and ham \ T. 'Bates, Mrs~' Clarence C. ' ' , financing needed 'expimsion of Franck, Mrs. Howard ri. Hopson, New Brigade to, Replace' include" selections by' the mill ' presen~ school facili~es.,' Jointly Ii", ' and Florence J. Lucasse. 08 h d School Choms, the Junior High sponsored by the HQme'and'S h 1 1t. at Harvar Ave. School Girls Glee Club,' and,'th,e c 00 Mrs. Norman W. Kent is cbairAssociation and 'the borough Program WiJI 'Follow VotHeadquarters Boys Glee Cl1ib: A total of '150 League ,of Women yoters the pubman of the 12:30. luncheon. Mrs. sfudents "will participate in this lic 'meeting dorded an opportun,ing at Group's Final .' A. P.' Shenkle, chairman of the Brigadier General and Mrs. Jo- Spring Qvent. ' , " ',. ity for all interested citizens to- be, Meeting decoratmg committee' of th'e gat- seph B.- Fraser were honored ~t a Da~ici Spen~er, violinist, will be ' come informed 'on the problem • den department, is in charge of banquet ·and ,dance last ,FrIday, the guest soloist and will play currently facing the school disNew officers will be elected by the decorations. A program will evening, by the officers and men of Fritz Kriesler's "Tambourin Chi-' frict. ' the' Swarthmore Mother's Club at be given: by the Modem Dance Headquarters an9 Headq,uarters nois", accompanied by Barbara Lik ni th t the season'41 final m~t!ng"next Group of Swarthmore College lin"';' Battery :L08th AAA Brig d d ' e ng e ga hering to the Th der the d;"ection of'Janet. S c a n t l e - ' a e an , S~pherd. He wiU, also 'play the 'ursday, May B, at the Woman's the l51st AA Operatio D ta h ' town mee ti ng c alled by Borough ' ns e C, - ,violin obligato., to "Romany, LU,e". bury. Mrs. Eleanor Schofield Faw- ment on H arvard ~venue. General one ot. tPe ' compositions to be sung U , Counell., after the b~rning of Bor- C : l u b.h ' ouse' ough Hall sever,al years ,ago, ModMrs. Edmund .Tones, chtrlrman cett will entertain with a group of Fraser has relinqUIshed command by the Girls Glee Club. eratorJohn W. Seybold said ''The of'the nominating committee, has piano numbers. of the 108th AAA Brigade and on A, quartette made up of boys catastrophe is 'not so great but announced the following slate: Guests of honor will be the past May 1st assumed command of the from the junior cl~ss will sing two nevertheless a very pressing prob- for President, Mrs. Peter E. Coste, presideJ,lts :of the club, and the 48th Infantry Division of the spirituals-"De Gospel Train" and lem ,~onfronts ,wi". He presented Mrs. Allan R. Crawford and Mrs. premdentS 'of the Young Mothers Georgia National Guard. "I Got Shoes". Members of the the fOl,U"-member panei as ''fact- Norman Weeks; for vice-president Section and the Juruor Section. Gen. ~aser, will be replaced by quartette are Andrew Schroeder, finders~ With no axeS to grind". and in charge ot. program; Mrs. Mrs. J. Horace Walter, an honor- Col. George J. Hearn. In the tnid- William Ziegenfus, Peter Simkin, Mrs. John M. Moore represent- Alfred Mangels, Mrs. Leroy Peter- ary member in l"ecognition of her dIe of May, Col. Robert J. Wood and Russell Snyder. ing the L.W.V. listed charactcris- son, and Mrs. Paul E. Zecher; for 13 years of service as treasurer, will assume com.pland of the BriMary Leeron, of the semor ~~, she,' appreciated in Swarth- treasurer, Mrs. Howard Y. Cly- and Mrs. 'S. Blair LuclOe, a gade to be formed here, r~placing class, will sing a soprano solo, and more schools: democratic attitude mer, Mrs. William W. Rutherford pioneer in the work of federation the 108th Brigade. The 108th will Patricia. Kennedy and Anne 'and policy, ,individual ~ttention ,and Mrs. David S~rs; for re- of women's clubs, will also be be released from active duty an,d given pupils, ge~era1 public's ~p_ cording secretary, M~. L. Con- guests of honor. revert to the Georgia National' WalkerwiIl' playa piano duetarrangement of Tschaikowsky's Piport of schools, fine quality of well, Mrs. Stanley Pearlman and 'Reservations for the luncheon Guard. ' teachers, wide extra curricular Mrs. John A. Scott; for corres- must be made to Mrs. J. Paul In a short address, General Fra- ano Concerto No.!. The Senior Ingh School Chorus ponding ...... -4._ry W . T • Brown, b,y tonight" M,ay, ,2, a't'ser expresse' d his regret 0 f' 1eaYin' g pr""""'''' ~6. KAu.· ' _ , • , , ~J. 'lCWl , : M rs., S(;hooIDltect~r Carroll p. Clay, Mrs. John Espenshade and SWarthlnore-'6~1496i the command.. He· ,·stated:~"No will sing one selection from ,Streeter tJSed. sUd~ of'mSlps~and_, "~' H,arolct Hildestad,', ' ",', 'I, , ' ' comm.ander. qould ,ask, for any "Americana" bYRa~~an' ~()m~ .. ,'graphs to Ulustratethe ftndtnglf of c::hairman ot memberShIp co~~' '.'.p-;'O""s-'e' "/,~,'~", greatei-'loyBlff, !or"1liier'Sp'frlt'o"f'BOnt a"'eontempor~ '.- American 'the population trends survey com- mlttee,will be, contested by Mts. III cooperation than· you have always composer, The Mozart', "Gloria" ple~ in Januaryurider his chair- :rrank Chapma!l' Mrs, Leo Mar_ given me.". He adnlonished, the - (Continued on Page 8) manship. He esthnat~~ elementary shall and Mrs. G. Alex Mills; hos, members of the' 10Bth AAA Bri-' a " school enrollment will increase pitality chairman, Mrs. Joreph gade he,dquarters to continue ,to 1/3 and high school enrollment Hildebrand, '4rs, J. W. Jones and ErnoBalogh, noted pianist and give their loyalty and unstinting , I' ,lj2within the next five to eight Mrs. George Wilbur; board mem- composer, will play a concert in cooperation ,to tne succeeding . ", ) . years. B.e' gave detailed reports on ber, Mrs. David. Morgan,' Mrs. Clothier Memorial on· the Swarth- com,mander.· , ' Tops th~ ,exhaw;tive methods used by .Tohn B. Roxby and Mrs. Robe~ more College campus on Sunday "As we re~~w the past," he ' ,: biS cm.riu»ttee' to arrive at the Yahres. ', , . evening, May 4, at 8: 15. Sponsor- said, "I am convInced that we are Librarian Bettina' Hunter' r~ most accurate prediction possible Any member who ~ll b~ un- e~ by the William J. Cooper Foun- making, progress in ' o~ fight ported at the quarterly meeting of , and compared present and fu~ able to, attend next Thursday's ,d,ation, Mr. Balogh's program will (Continued.on Page 4~' , ' 'the directors' of the Swarthmore class figures and ,reas '9f pupil meeting, is l'eQ,ueste4 :~ mail '~,tnclu~e works by Weber, and PUblic Library MondaY night" th~t residen~y. He:Pmdtr1bute to the baUot to the reCordfn.•. secr.r.r; Chopm. as ~~ as a'group of his ctrculation ·auring the' months' of'· League of Women Voters members Mrs . .John B. Boxby, ~35 Kenyon own compoSItions. , ,' , '" , January, February, and 'March,' who "vollm,t~red to l1elp and avenue, Swarthmore: MemberS 01 136rn ,in Hungary, Mr. Balogh ' " , .1952, had broken all Library re<'_ trudged aU over ,town getting (Continued on'Page 4) 'Illade his fu!st public dppearance , ordSwith a total of 13,227: In data!" " ,,' on the piano at the age of four. , March mone, despite the closing Mr. Streeter stated' the School Later~e-stUdied with such masters for one week for moving, circula':" . Board was': riot co~ to'townsi as Bela Bartok and Kodaly. His The Swarthmore College Or- tion topped 4,000." ,,' "wi' th a pr'ogra' Di: to settle but " ,', formal debut was made conjunctchestra, a group of, 4~ students, S'" h . , fo'Ui. ·U e t th al' g mce t e librarY reopen,ed In' _____-.-with a problem to explain, and in ly' with the renown violiniSt,·Wl ~res ~d ~,ann~ :rm2 its new quarters on March~3-lr"; clostng, "Whether" you like t h e ' . Szigetl. - , ' concer on , ,~~!erung, ay , Miss Hunter repOrted that readerS 5 pinus, Cloth,i~r. ,Memorial on and circulation have reached a . • plctuteor ,not, ther:e it is, and I I ,Slncfle ~at Htim,e he has played thate Be:lam G ' . " ' Swarthmore College, will hold conce s 1ft ung$Pi7 ermany . t hink y~u"1l agree ~t we've got its annual Parents Day' on Satur"! H 11 d ---d S Qnd'~oT'vi Under ,the direction of Dr. Peter new peak. She ~xpreSsed'het beto Start doing' something about it ' ' 0 than 'U~tedcStatana a , as, w '. van de K' amp th''e"gro'u'p w'i1l per- 'lief that the Library, 's first, floor right now!" day, May -3 on the campus. The as e m es, w h ere" his ' ' • ' " ibility h i d ' b ,...;U.... f .. g · th fi t '"""..Ilk t T form, Chopin's "Piano Concerto access sou encourage dul full U h To Dr. Samuel Carpenter, propsc e e, e6 " " . In e rs .........~rrnance was a own . ' " ,.' . greater use ot. the' books,' one 'f' ,.the Board, ,feU morning and lasting through the Hall in New York City. His reNo.1, WIth Joel Shaprro as solOIst. h " (1 nerty chairman O , ' ' ' " Mr Sh' '" undred and sevent y-seven the task of summing up present evening will be highlighted by cordings of the works of Bach . , , aprro, , a ,studen~ a t eluding 110 transferred from the facilities, apprOximating te~po- two events. The crowning of the and Shubert are highly praised. sedwarWl~thortheeCOpllhilegaed'"elhpashiaaPSp::-_ juvenile files bec.ause of their May Queen and her court' will be oJ~' rary and permanent additions, and held in Worth Quadrangle at 4 Robinson H & S President phony Orchestra under Eugene chang.e to adult Library statu'! at acquainting those who, hol~ the Ford Roblnson headed ,a' slate Ormandy hi one bf the'Children's the mnth grade level) new adult pursestrlngs with the minimum p.m. At 7 p.m. in, the evening in which was unanimously elected Concerts, and has alsO played at rea~lers were' added and 23 juand maximum involved. The Col- .Clothier Memorial, a program of upon presentation by John Carvent es lege and Rutgers avenue plants excerpts from various ,,'student roll, nominating committee cllair": :::c::!s the Phil~delphia, .Forum Dr. j. Alfred Calhoun, presiding and the Riverview Athletic Field musical and theatrical presenta~ man. at Tuesdat night's HOlne Th ~th t ks th as president of the Board, thanked comprise 17 acres now owned by tions of the year will be presented. and School session. Vice-president e , er wo wQr .' Qn e Mrs. Russell Snyder; Mrs. Thomas the School DiStrict. The old high Also on the agenda for the daY and program chairman for next program. are. the Ser!lglio Ov~r.,. K. Brown, ..Jr., and Philip H. Jewschool bUilding WaS built in 1911, are several athletic· contestS; a year will be John Seybold, vice- ture :y Mozart and '~~Erolca ett for their'large share in the suea wing added in -1927, the Rut- tennis match between Swarth- president and membership chair- Symp ony,' Number 3 In, E flat cess of the Library's. cooperation gers Elementary School in 1930, more and Ursinus will be held at man Mis. Edward L. Noyes, sec- Major, by Beethoven. with the Borough Open House. the College Avenue Elementary 1:30 p.m. on the Wharton Courts, retary Mrs. David Braun, treasurA IS. O. Secretary A. W. Bass, Jr., was Building in. 1932 and the gym- and a track meet with, Johns Hop- er Edward K. Cratsley. nnua pring uhng thanked for eftlcient minutes and nastum-cafeteria unit in 19M. aU ltiJUI is ~ecluled for 2 p3n. a~ , • ealth d ,Th~. Friendly Open H~use Group ~ Mrs. John SeY'bold and ~ Clothier Field. ot. special m' .-~ Mrs. Roy McCorkel s h a - is +...1rI.. ., its annual spnng outing' , ' for $531,000 Incl~dlng land. Re-;. ~~", b ~ OdVer'ROdaera for a clear prescent appral8aIs ,Bet re-pblcem.ent of is the Middle States Girls In~- ;:O~CO;r:!=t8=~~dO: Monday" May S, to Longwood entation.' of·,the CU1Tent flnancla1 thIS preuDt plant today at $1,"- collegiate Ten n is Tournament Lange, included Mrs. Louis Robln- Gardens, meeting ~ the Pres- statui "01 'tbeUbrary. 800,000. Dr. Carpenter claimed wblch will be held all day at CuD- son, Mrs. Harry Seymour, Mrs. byterlan Church at 1.S0 p.m. The Ubnt:v:questlonnaires wf1l "we can'tafroM to abandon any nlngh~ Field. ROger Russell and Mrs. Caspar Any mem~~o wish to par- be finally eoUected on May 15 tor of the_present taclllties but must The program for the P~t$Garrett. tlclpate'ln this VIp, may call Mrs. tabulation. AD residents are improve and incorporate them also includes a tour of, the cam... ' C. W. Worst,''Swarthinore 6-0907. minded that their 'eommentlf into a plan tor the fUture." pus, and exhibition of' ~ent art . Squar.e, Dance be he1pfal In seeurIDg' desired The Board is 'temporarily hand- work, blcluding drawings, palnt:The Fifth Graders of both the Kappa Hostess service and that torms ean be saIJng overerowding by adding two ings, sculptures and' photographs, Rutgers avenue and Colle" aveMrs. Oliver G;Swan of 512 cured at the LIbrary and, when rooms 'to the shop bulldlng an" and a tea at. 4 p.rn. at Worth Due school, and thetr parents, are North Chester rOad 'will be has- eompleted,.lett, tJlere or In the,box ., &eeklng necessary'-· clasS ,Qgadr'aJigle at wh1cJl'the~~ having a square dance party, Fri~ tes$ "to Jn~~o:t the' Kappa. for tbatpmpoae at the Swmihllpace at a l~al Chi1rch or the 'new' will bave.a chance to visit with day, May 9' from ;'1:3010 9:30Jia Kappa, Gamma' SeWing 'Group oil more Natlotial Bank and TruJt . (Continued page 5) the faculty. the High SchOOl GYm.,· ' ': ITn~daY.:'Ma:r6.' ~, ' " Com~. tso Unl', -t B·dIS'FareweII 0 B·rig.'G,en. 'F" raser Mothers Club tl-ons TO·' Be He'Id Thursday 64 Piila"n'I-S,·t"'l'io·m' r:' Pia'ys Here Sun'day LI-brary CI-rcUIatIon :'. :'.,: All, Record's ,) CO',liege O.r"c',bes"tr'a To,Pres','ent Shap'I-r'o' Parents Day' Ma' ' Y' '3 a't Swarthmore College' ell re- wm other on " \ ., I! ; .. ·S\'mrthmo:r.e College Li brf\ry ~'VlRrthmore, Pa. Choral Concert Tonight ':; '. ~ J .' ~. '0- _ '" • • - ' _ ' .' THE SWARTHMOREAN" VOLUME 24-NUMBER 18 Ta,xpayers Hear Facts On School· Expansion LWV Co-Sponsor of Panel at H & S Meeting Tuesday Four hundred and fifty taxpayers including parents of children past, present and future, and a goodly number of local teachers sat in the high school auditorium for three hours Tuesday night tc hear facts on stUdent increases and possible means of providing and financing needed expansion of present school facilities. Jointly sponsored by the Home and School Association and the borough League of Women Voters the public meeting afforded an opportunity for all interested citizens to become informed on the problem currently facing the school district. Likening the gathering to the town ~eeting called by Borough CouncIl, after the burning of Borough Hall several years ago, Moderator John W. Seybold said "The catastrophe is not so great but nevertheless a very pressing problem confronts us". He presented the four-member panel as "factfinders, with no axes to grind". Mrs. John M. Moore representing the L.W.V. listed characteristics she appreciated in Swarthmore schools: democratic attitude and policy, individual attention given pupils, general public's support of schools, fine quality of teachers, wide extra curricular program. School Direct~r Carroll P. Streeter used slides of m~ps a..1'ld graphs to illustrate the findings of the population trends survey completed in January under his chairmanship. He estimated elementary school enrollment will increase 1/3 and high school enrollment 1/2 within the next five to eight years. He gave detailed reports on the exhaustive methods used by his committee to arrive at the most accurate prediction possible, and compared present and future class figures and areas of pupil residency. He paid tribute to the League of Women Voters members who "volunteered to help and trudged all over .town getting data." . Mr. Streeter stated the School Board was not coming to townsfolk with a program to settle but with a problem to explain, and in closing, "Whether you like the picture or not, there it is, and I think you'll agree that we've got to start doing something about it right now!" To Dr. Samuel Carpenter, property chairman of the Board, fell the task of summing up present facilities, approximating temporary and permanent additions, and acquainting those who hold the pUrsestrings with the minimum and maximum involved. The College and Rutgers avenue plants and the Riverview Athletic Field comprise 17 acres now owned by the School District. The old high school building was built in 1911, a wing added in 1927, the Rutgers Elementary School in 1930, the College Avenue Elementary Building in 1932 and the gymnasium-cafeteria unit in 1934, all for $532,000 including land. Recent appraisals set replacement of thiS present plant today at $1,600,000. Dr. Carpenter claimed ''we can't afford to abandon any of the present facilities but must improve and incorporate them into a plan for the future." The Board is temporarily handling overcrowding by adding two rooms to the shop building and seeking other necessary class space at a local church or the new (Continued on page 5) SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, M~Y 2, 1952 DOG QUARANTINELIFTED MAY I The Borough's quarantine on· dogs was lifted yesterday. In issuing the official statement, pr. J. Albright Jones, Swarthmore Borough Health Officer, urged all owners who have not had their dogs immunized for rabies, to do so. Cooperation in this respect, he said, would' lessen the need for quarantine in the future. Mothers Club Elections To Be. Held Thursday Program Will Follow Voting at Group's Final Meeting • New officers will be elected by the Swarthmore Mother's Club at the season's final m~eting' next Thursday, May 8, at the Woman's Clubhouse. Mrs. Edmund Jones, chairman of'the nominating committee, has announced the following slate: for President, Mrs. Peter E. Coste, Mrs. Allan R. Crawford and Mrs. Norman Weeks; for vice-president and in charge of program, Mrs. Alfred Mangels, Mrs. Leroy Peterson, and Mrs. Paul E. Zecher; for treasurer, Mrs. Howard Y. Clymer, Mrs. William W. Rutherford and Mrs. David Speers; for recording secretary, Mrs. L. Conwell, Mrs. Stanley Pearlman and Mrs. John A. Scott; for corresponding secn!tary, Mrs. W. T. Clay, Mrs. John Espenshade and Mrs. Harold Hildestad. Chairman of membership committee .. will be contested by Mrs. Frank Chapman, Mrs. Leo Mar_ shall and Mrs. G. Alex Mills; hospitality chairman, Mrs. Joseph Hildebrand, l'4rs. J. W. Jones and Mrs. George Wilbur: board member, Mrs. David. Morgan, Mrs. John B. Roxby and Mrs. Robert Yahres. Any member who will be unable to attend next Thursday'S meeting, is requested to mail her ballot to the recording secretary, Mrs. John B. Roxby, 235 Kenyon avenue, Swarthmore. Members of (Continued on Page 4) Parents Day May 3at Swarthmore College Swarthmore College will hold its annual Parents Day on Saturday, May' 3 on the campus. The full schedule, beginning in the morning and lasting through the evenillg will be highlighted by two events. The crowning of the May Queen and her court will be held in Worth Quadrangle at 4 p.m. At 7 p.m. in the evening in Clothier Memorial, a program of excerpts from various student musical and theatrical presentations of the year will be presented. Also on the agenda for the day are several athletic contests; a tennis match between Swarthmore and Ursinus will be held at 1:30 p.m. on the Wharton Courts, and a track meet with Johns Hopkins is scheduled for 2 p:m. at Clothier Field. Of special interest is the Middle States Girls Intercollegiate Ten n is Tournament whIch will be held all day at Cunningham Field. The program for the parents also includes a tour of the campus, and exhibition of student art work, including drawings, paintings, sculptures and photographs, and a tea at 4 p.m. at Worth Quadrangle at which the parents will have a chance' to visit with the faculty. High School $3.50 PER YEAR PAPER COLLECTION Spring Meeting at Woman's Club Tues. 8:00 P. M. Choral Groups Sing Tonight at School The high school students of the Class of '53 will conduct a drive for the collection of old riewspapers and magazines Saturday, May 3, ,and the following Saturday, 12 :30 Luncheon Will Pre- May 10. The class will greatly ap- Yearly Anticipated Spring preciate it if the residerits of and Concert Will Present cede Meeting, nearby Swarthmore would CODP1 50 Students Program erate with them by saving their The Woman's Club of Swarth- old papers. A Spring Concert will be premore will hold a luncheon and sented by the various choral orregular stated meeting combined ganizations of the Swarthmore with the annual meeting Tuesday; Schools tonight, May 2, at 8 p.m. May 6. The four directors recentin the High School Auditorium. ly elected for a three-year term The program, under the direcwill be inaugurated: Mrs. Rayntion of Mrs. Elva S. Daniels, will ham T. Bates, Mrs. Clarence C. include selections by the High. Franck, Mrs. Howard G. Hopson, New Brigade to Replace School Chorus, the Junior High and Florence J. Lucasse. 108th at Harvard Ave. School Girls Glee Club, and' the Mrs. Norman W. Kent is chairBoys Glee Club. A total of 150 Headquarters man of the 12:30 luncheon. Mrs. students 'will participate in this A. P. Shenkle, chairman of the Brigadier General and Mrs. Jo- Spring event .. decorating committee of the gar- seph B. Fraser were honored at a David Spencer, violinist, will be den department, is in charge of banquet and dance last Friday the guest soloist and will play, the decorations. A program will evening by the officers and men of Fritz Kriesler's "Tambourin Chibe given by the Modern Dance Headquarters and Headquarters nois", accompanied by Barbara Group of Swarthmore College un- Battery, 108th AAA Brigade and Shipherd. He will also play the der the direction of Janet Scantle- the 151st AA Operations Detach-violin obligato. to ''Romany Life", bury. Mrs. Eleanor Schofield Faw- ment on Harvard avenue. General one of the compositions to be sung cett will entertain with a group of Fraser has relinquished command by the Girls Glee Club. piano numbers. of the 108th AAA Brigade and on A quartette made up of boys Guests of honor will be the past May 1st assumed command of the 48th Infantry Division of the from the junior class will sing two presidents of the club, and the spirituals-ClDe Gospel Train" and presldents of the Young Mothers Georgia National Guard. "I Got Shoes". Members of the Section and the Junior Section. Gen. Fraser will be replaced by Mrs. J. Horace Walter, an honor- Col. George J. Hearn. In the tnid- quartette are Andrew Schroeder, ary member in recognition of her dIe of May, Col. Robert J. Wood William Ziegenfus, Peter Simkin, 13 years of service as treasurer, will assume command of the Bri- and Russell Snyder. Mary Lecron, of the senior and Mrs. S. Blair Luckie, a gade to be formed here, replacing the 108th Brigade. The 108th will class, will sing a soprano solo, and pioneer in the work of federation of women's clubs, will also be be released from active duty and Patricia Kennedy and Anne revert to the Georgia National Walker wIlT playa piano duet arguests of honor. rangement of Tschaikowsky's PiReservations for the luncheon Guard. In a short address, General Fraano Concerto No. 1. must be made to Mrs. J. Paul The Senior High School Chorus Brown by tonight, May 2, at ser expressed his regret of leaving the command., He stated: "No will sing one selection from SWarthmore 6-1496. commander could ask for any "Americana" by Randall Thompgreater loyalty, or finer spirit of son, a contemporary American cooperation than you have always composer. The Mozart "Gloria" given me." He admonished the (Continued on Page 8) members of the 108th AAA Brigade headquarters to continue to Erno Balogh, noted pianist and give their loyalty and unstinting composer, will play a concert in cooperation . to the succeeding Clothier Memorial on' the Swarth- commander. more College campus on Sunday "As we re~ew the past," he evening, May 4, at 8: 15. Sponsor- said, "I am convinced that we are Librarian Bettina Hunter' reed by the William J. Cooper Foun- making progress in our fight ported at the quarterly meeting of dation, Mr. Balogh's program will the directors of the Swarthmore (Continued on Page 4) include works by Weber, and Public Library Monday night that Chopin, as well as a group of his circulation during the months of" own compositions. January, February, and March, Born in Hungary, Mr. Balogh 1952, had broken all Library rec_ made his first public appearance ords with a total of 13,227. In on the piano at the age of four. March alone, despite the closing Later he studied with such masters for one week for moving, circulaas Bela Bartok and Kodaly. His The Swarthmore College Or- tion topped 4,000. formal debut was made conjunct- chestra, a group of 40 students, Since the Library reopened in ly with the renown violinist, will present the annual spring its new quarters on March· 31, Szigeti. concert on Friday evening, May 2, Miss Hunter reported that readers Since that time he has played at 8:15 in Clothier Memorial on and circulation have reached a concerts ,in Hungary, Germany, the campus. new peak. She expressed her beHolland, and Scandanavia, as well Under the direction of Dr. Peter lief that the Library's first fioor as the United States, where bis van de Kamp, the group will per- accessibility s h 0 u I d encourage first performance was at Town form Chopin's Piano Concerto greater use of the books.' One Hall in New York City. His re-I No.1, with J?el Shapiro as soloist. hundred and seventy-seven (incordings of the works of Bach Mr. ShapIro, a student at cluding 110 transferred from the and Shubert are highly praised. Swarthmore College,. has appear- juvenile files because of their ed with the Philadelphia Symchange to adult Library status at Robinson H & S President phony Orchestra under Eugene Ford Robinson headed a slate Ormandy in one of the Children's the ninth grade level) new adult which was unanimously elected Concerts, and has also played at readers were added and 23 juupon presentation by John Car- one of the Philadelphia Forum veniles. Dr. J. Alfred Calhoun, presiding roll, nominating committee chair"; concerts. . as president of the Board, thanked man, at Tuesday night's Home The other two works on the Mrs. Russell Snyder, Mrs. Thomas and School session. Vice-president program. are the Seraglio Overand program chairman for next ture by Mozart and • the Eroica K. Brown, Jr., and Philip H. Jewyear will be John Seybold, vice- Symphony, Number 3 in E flat ett for their large share in the success of the Library's cooperation president and membership chair- Major, by Beethoven. with the Borough Open House. man Mrs. Edward L. Noyes, secSecretary A. W. Bass, Jr., was retary Mrs. David Braun, treasurAnnual Spring Outing thanked for efficient minutes and er Edward K. Cratsley. The Friendly Open House Group Treasurer Mrs. John Seybold and Mrs. Roy McCorkel's health ad- is taking its annual spring outing visory committee, announced by Monday, May 5, to Longwood Oliver Rodgers for a clear presretirin« president Mrs. Gordon Gardens, meeting at the Pres- entation of the current financial status of the Library. Lange, included Mrs. Louis Robin- byterian Church at 1: 30 p.m. The Library questionnaires will son, Mrs. Harry Seymour, Mrs. Any members who wish to par_ be finally collected on May 15 for Roger Russell and Mrs. Caspar ticipate in this trip, may call Mrs. tabulation. All residents are reGarrett. C. W. Worst, 'Swarthmore 6-0907. mlnded that their comments will be helpful in securing desired Squar.e Dance The Fifth Graders of both the Kappa Hostess service and that fonns can be seRutg.ers avenue and College aveMrs. Oliver G. Swan of 512 cured at the Library and, when nue school, and their parents, are North Chester road will be hos- completed, left there or In the box having a square dance party Fri- tesS to member.; of the Kappa for that purpose at the Swarthday, May 9 from 7:30 to 9:30 in Kappa Gamma Sewing Group on more National Bank and Trust the High School Gym. TUesdav. Ma:v 6. . Company. Unit Bids Farewell To Brig. Gen. Fraser Pianist Composer Plays Here Sunday Library Circulation· . Tops All Records College Orchestra To Present Shapiro I • • '.' , their _ d .on, PI!ter --'-ted b the birth or seph P. Bishop,....... . y Rev. John Stetmes'. .wm~ ~ Apzil'211. .. Th~ bride will bi! attended by . The neW tiJlby Is a r"dl!c>U or ber sI.ste1-; ~ Sara P: SpenCer u Mr.' and JIrI. W. H.k&ion of m8ld of honor, and by MIss Sara CorneU avenue. 'and Mr~ and Mrs. P. Hetherington of Rutgen ave- John Bowditch, Jr., of Cedar lane. " ..... nue, coualn of the bride, and Miss Eugenia CsIrcsu or Sprinlfield, as bridesmaids. Thellower girls will be ~ CIIIrcsu or SPringfield and iarly......... Wala•• Allee Sherman of Philadelphia. Sch.ol STRETCHER TABLE Mr. James Luedenl or Philsdel'-6~ d . two ipuclo •• draw.r. phla will se~e as ...,.. man, an AuelllOti"'" ortgliilllWCl.M. the ushers WiU be Mr. Aililiony Malglerl Of Swarthmore, and Mr. ClrdJIOo SATURDAY, 10 PaUl. Krimer Of PhUadeij>hiR. The bride graduated from Pennat 2:30 P.M. AnI~ ',& Shop sylvania state College 1951 and I'BOVID_CB R04D Tlclnlta iivaJlt"". at door has been Ilttendlng the Pennsyl'W.ili.i:NGPOB.D, PA. Fl' .-'vania Academy of ne ... ~, Phlladelphia, ... uw> ,- wi n ter. She Is a r~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ be . f PhI Beta Ka pa. ., .. '" ,,, mem r 0 P Mr Kamihlra served with the . J apanese-... • .ll - . .-~ 'ncan DIvision In Italy durinif World War II, and ,July 3bt will graduate from the Pennsylvania Academy of FIne Arts In your car cHcked aow for lu.....r driving Jun". Ha bas recently .....n' a---'- PerSOn4N I... Bloom, Mrs. Charles 1.. Deacon. David DeaCon" of Sw~. . Robert HollaDd, 3rd:. of' Media. )bo. abd Mrs. Francis. H. FQI'- and )bo. and JIrs. Robert S~j sythe, of Thayer road, wDlleave of Brant ~ch: on' Saturday Sundaj for Hot SPril'lgs. Va., evening Mr. and Mrs. Peel were wher~ they "Will meet ~. For- guests or honor at a dinner partY qthe a broth" and slster-m-law, In honor of their wedding annI)bo. and Mrs. E. Scranton Gillette, versary. of Winnetka, ~, ~d her father, Ellnor Karns of the Hartford Mr. Halbert P. Gillette and hIS Hospital School'of Nurslng, Conn., wife .of San Marlno~ c.ut. After will ........ \1 the week-end with her a foUt4lay hollda), there ~ '*Ill be the 1IUe.1s of the F~ in parents, Mr· ~d Mrs. George M. Ii srlhm Karns, of Wellesley road. w ore. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gatewood, of ·Mr. ilnd Mrs. George F. Corse, Elm avenue, entertained u their Jr., an.d their YOll{lg son, George, recent week-end guests, Mr. and ~tII, Wt1l return by plane to thm Mrs. Charles Kendall and three bome in Martinsville, Va~ tomor- children of Webster, Mass. row alter visiting this week with J erry Liddell,· of RiverView road, Mr. and Mrs. Corse, of Yale ave- entertained 26 Second Graders of nue, an.d Mrs.' Corse's parents, Mr. the Colle~e avenue school at his a.nd Mrs. R. G. Rlnclilfe, of S t r a t h . . home last Thursday In honor of Haven avenue. his elgbth birthday. On Sunday Mary Elizabeth Logan, of .cor- he was guest of honor at a dlnn~ nell avenue, Bp~nt the weekend party given by h.1s parents, Mr. at West Point, N. Y. and was a ell ~ 1 . . . D" . . t th and Mrs. Brinton Lldd ,.or re guest at The Hop an~ a . e atives and friends. Among the c ~ """ wouu Military Academy Saturday even- guests were. former Swarthmor- ed the Jullus Hallgarten prize at RUSSELL'S SERVICE Inf. eans, Mr. and Mrs. Nomian ChrIs- the National Academy In New itOIEIT J. Owliitr Mr. and Mrs. philip M.. Alden, tianSen alid ehndren, of Asbury York City. of North Chester road, have re~ I -----...,.....-0pPoll.. lorouth Lot turned from a businesS trip to Park, N. J. . WED TOMORROW cincinnati, Ohio, aild a y..e.!k'. ENSJl.SEMENTS Mrs. William Eari KIStler will Darmouth &: .....Y"tte Aves. 5W 600440 .. '., .',' visit with Mrs. Aldeni • sister, become the bride of Mr. Haldy . i\!iSl! Caiherine SnoW,of that city. Mr. and MrS. C. W. Reynolds, Miller Crist of Lansdale, Pennsyl- . ~~~~ .__ .. d ,,A ... M'ars, h·o f of Yonkers, N. Y., announced the vania, at 4 o'clock tomorrow aftei:'- i' mr. an DU •• · • n. . d LL enga· ment of their daughter, ' ' noon, M-v 3. Dr. Roy Newton Columbia avenue, nav6 ""eli . . ' " MIsS Gladys a. Reynolds, to Mr. .~ having as thilfr house guest lor '"_' ..~ KeI- will -"'orm the ceremony • _~ . .1.. Rohert C . .McCowan, son of mi-. ..-' two weekS Mr. Miu:Sh'smliwbr, . , iB the presence or the Immediate , . 'Mrs. Margaret Marsh, of Jabk!;on- and MrS. Frahk McCowan, of famllies and a. few Intimate --. "Fla., former..,. "_" ,.."".... Vassar avenue, at a dinner party ville, of Swann. friends at .......... n Doors", the home .. In N'ew York City Saturday ni/lht VI'" more. During her visit here, MrS. of the bride. BEAUTY SALON Marsh was a guest of honor at an for the lminediate fammes. A small reception win follow CAN 'YOU POlNT WITH 1>iuDE? Informal luncheon given by Mrs. Miss ReYnolds is a graduate of the wedding which will. be anJ. L. Woodruff, of Morton; at a Gorton High School where she nounced by Mrs. Kistler's three luncheon-brldiie given by Mrs. W. was a member of Zeta Phi soror- children , Lieutenant· Commander 9 Chester Road H. Gehring, of University place; ity, and attended Maryland Col- John S. Kistler, Mrs. Ollver G. 'Call Swarthmore 6-0476 8lid at another luncheon-tirldge lege for Women, where she was'! Browne, and Mrs. James H. Conwith Mrs. Birney K. MorSe, of member of the college glee club nor. Harvard avenue, as hostess. Mrs. an~ Pi Kappa sorority. She Is a Marsh Is now visiting her son, Mr. member of the Junior Guild of BIRTHS George Marsh, of Nashua, N. H. YonkerS and of the St. Andrew's Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Bullard . Mr. and Mrs. GeOrge F. Dunn, Players. of Washinglon, D.C., announce the of Dickinson avenue, entertained Mr. McCowan is a gradua.te 'of birth of their second son, Steven for a few days of last week Mrs. Swarthmore High School, where Arthur, on April 20 in the Provl~ with Georj/e Barlow, of Charlottesville, he was captaIn of the football denee HolIpltal, Washington. Va. team. He IS a graduate of Bunis LUBRICAtION AND OIL CHANGE Mrs. Bullard IS the former MIss Mr. aIId Mrs. William D. Gor- PreparatorY. School In Maryland Rosalle Wherry of Swarthmore. MONDAY 1MIU. RIDAY mlfu, fonner residents 'or Swartl.. and a\tenili# ~e:U;.S. ~aiial Acmore and Glenside, bave movi!d to adelny at Aimapoils, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reeves, of the Saul Estllte on Rose Valley Dartmouth avenue, are reeelvlng Mr. and road, Moylan-Rose Valley. . MrS. Ray Stuart Qulck, congratulations upon the birth of announce the en- an eight pound, twelve ounce soo, I. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Top- of Havertown, SUNOCO SERVICE STATION gagement 01 their daughter, Glo- Randall Dean, on April 26 In ping, of North Princeton. avenue, hllimor. Pike ancl Woocllaad ·Av•• entertalned at a dinner party be- riitStuart, to Mr. Hubert Marlon Chester HospitBl. Brown, son of Major ~d. Mrs. The baby is a grandson of Mr. tore the Series Dance In the WoSPRINGFIELD. PA. SW ~'687 ~.:~~ Brown, of Wichita Falls, and MH.H"race A. Reeves; of man's Club Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderton ""d MiSs Quick is a graduate' of Elm avenue. ~~=~=~=~=~ I'hild,ren, Hope and Broo~,.of Forswarihinore High School and the Dr. 8lid Mrs. ThomaS It. Brown, ""t lane, will move June 5 to Coos . In, of Berlm. Geriil.imY. announce ;Bay, Orego... ..,.here Mr. An\lerton Unlve~v of Colorado. has been ti;ansferred by Scott Pa- Mr. Brown Is a graduate of the birth of a !laughter, Susalma . per .Comp;lD7. Their hO!1H was Johns HopldnS Uiliverslty, and Is Shelby, on April 1~. The Wimt IS the Ijraildna\i'ghter purchased 'by Mr. and Mrs. ·Rob- now Ilttendmg Johns Hopklns ert Good, or Wilmington, who will Medical Sch'boL of Mrs. Thomas K. :BroWn, Jr., of The wedding win take place Dickinson .aVi!nu'e, and Mr. 8lid move the middle of Jane. Mrs. Roscoe C. PUgh, of SenatobMr. IUld Mrs.J. B. Millard !!'y- June 21. son, of Guernsey road; will 1!J1terIa, ~ppl.· TO WED MAY 24 taln at., dln!>er party tomorrow The Ibariillge ot Miss i!:iIzabeth Mr. and Mrs. James Bowditch evening In honor of their weekend guests, Mr. and MrII. J. G. Hetherlngton Sp'1llcer, daughter of of Rutherford, N.J., announce the ;:;;,~.~==.",.= ====~ Noll, of Leonia, N. J. Local guests Mrs.F. 'GlilnanSpencer of Guem~ey road, and the late Mr! SpenwI'll. Include Mr. and Mrs. RichStIBSnfrioNS . mond D. Fetherolf, Mr.. and Mrs. cer, to:Mr. Ben Kamihira of Port- FO'R land, 6ri>., aild PhIladelphia, will MA:GAZINES Robert Norton, Mr. and Mrs. John Bird, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene take ptace 'SatUrday, May 24 at 5 .o'clock iii the swarthmore Pres- m~a~::~!& ~~~ Hardin. Mr. Steven Spencer, .of Ogden byterlan ChUrch. The ceremony 8Wat11uitore 6-2080 avenlie, and Mr. John Bird, of Oak be.pI!rfcirined by the Rev. Jo- F===========~ Crest lane, have returned from . Las Vegas, Nevada, where Mr. • VI.lt our .to.. soOn - during Mohawk's Spencer was a repreSt!ntlltive of famous Spring Carpet . Festiv8l! You'll the Saturday Evening Post, and the lint showing of America'. loveliest Mr. BIrd of the CoUntry GentleSwai1'lIno~. Pa. man at the recent Atomic Demor>.broadlooms .i ddng Dew fashions in tarpet Fred ABtatre' Vera EDen stration. colon, weaves and patterns! DOn't miSs it. Mr. and MrS. J. Donald Gibson, "iIIELLE OF NEW YOU", It's the biggest carpet event of the yearl of Idlewild lane, Media, enter~ A. 1'eChnl\lOlor Spectacle talnea at a' week-end house PartY PRiCES IiANGI FROM SUS mg Kld_' Sh.... sat.• 1 P.M. at their cottage In' Brant Beach, TO $40.00 PER SQUARE YARD "MAN FROM PLANET X" ·N. J. Local guests included Mr. pIns cartoons. Shorts, Serial and and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel, Craig Comedy Peel, Mr. and Mrs. Herman M. , , . 8at: night only MAIlE LOUlsi FOiSYTHE Studios of Dancing ..t~ "Thit Wizard of· Dzlaliitt" - ExtrG SpeC'G' swc&......,. ....... e...... . .... . MAY jo,unnet In STATE INSPECTION May bt to Moe An. ,.rld.. . g a ' The Bouquet FREE CAR WASH GEORGE A. STAUFFER here F' Mohawk ~ ....; ; ; :. ·FaUAltAt 'WIll COLLEGE THEATRE Feature tIDl~- Summer C'othes' see New Carpet Values! NewWeav6s and PatterRB! . . Dazzling New Colors! . 8 -10. . San •• Mon •• T.es.· , TodAy'" mDl!t popu\Oll' eomedy team Muttu nltry LewIs _ I "SAILOI IEWAIE" • CI..MIRA & HOBBY SHOP 405 Darfllio.l. AYe. Sw. 6-41.1 Opea fri..... K1rI< Wed.• Thu..... fri. Boo""" . mOuIor _ "DUECTIVI STORr BxcKlar .... UQ' yml'Ye _ .....1 On Dispra~ May 7,303 8m Avenue Taylor Hospital .~ Children's Shop ' ,lPA.JSott & COMt~!\l . Lee. CarpetI.. e. CAlaplm Prke _ _ e .Iies....... 100 Perl Ave., Sw.lhmor...... , _ SW art......... 6 6000 - CL _lInDlc 94646 'N_ ............ ; .. 0p0i0. e. • THE SWARTHHOREAN. r"'1.18BBDE""~ nlDAY AT SWAJI.TIiliUBB, PA. CHRISTIAN 'SCIENCE NOTES . "EverlBstlng ;Punlsiunent" is the intereSting subject of the LessonSermon.1n all' Sclenct. next Sunday, when the Goldim Text will be St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans (6:18): '"Know ye not, that to whom yl! . yield yourselves servants' to oPey, hiS SerVants ye are It> whom ye "obey;' whether .of stnttnto death, or of obedienCe unto· rlgb:" teou.sri.ess?" . . . aemces TIIB 8WAJl.TBMOl'Bt\N, wo.. f!1lBLlSBD P . . . ·SW....-re I-OIHlO . p~ .. TOLD. Edltor ...... Publlsber lIUJUOIQB'1'Ol.O ...... &IUIABA KENT, Aaoclate Edl"'rs .Roaalle PeIrsOl Lor~e McCarter Entered II!l second C1U8 ¥atier, Jan\!81'Y 24, 1989, at ~e, Post Office at Swarthmol'e,P~, un"'" ~ "Act or ~ch 8, '1879. DEADLINE-WlmNESDAY NOON' christian from . OU~· AiM .' k:to'giVe you th~ bestservlc4t 9t .the !:Idee you Ht•. . • THE O"IVIR Mil BAIR CO. _CIon O; ......'IULI '" ," SWAB~()BE, .PA.. 'nIDAY, -MAY 2, 1852 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING HELD .PRESBYTERIAN NOTES The 35th AtwiversarY message . Suitday morning at the 9:30 and will be delivered by Henry J. 11 o'dOck services Mr. Stettner's Cadbury at 11:30.' Box hmch.at Mrs. Hallock (:ampbell, Vassar sermon'wlll be "Lny Wor'-'" 12:15., WI.·th coffee· provided "-y ~ u avenue t was electe4 ltSSistant 182C) CHESTNUT STREIT OUVII It. lAIR. Found_ MAn A. lAIR. _dOlt Telephone" 6-1581 i]~=====::'====~=:==:~==::= local Friends. At.activities 2 p.in. a will review Chairman gh-' of recent AFSC be Neighborhood Scouts and Brownies at a of 1)e a'§erVIee of ~oly T"",l Dl,IIln, a senior at the Univ11:00 A. M.-Churcn Nursery: Communion at 8 o'clock Sunday erslty ot .Delaware, will spend the 7:4q P. M.-Evening Service. morning; At 9:30 all departments week-end at her. home onDlck'1'RINI'1;¥CHURCH· .. The Stylellnepe Luxe Conn.rtlbI. of tho! Chgrcll Schl!9J will meet. jnson 0'\yenue. H. Lawrence W1lltti>ibDl'll; R!:t:ior At 11 o'cloek the Rt. Rev: J. GIl.~~-'---,------~ Sunday, lIIay 4 lesple Armstrong, D.D., Suffragan 8:00A.M.-Holy Communion. .' . 9:30 A. M.-Church $c1\Qo1. . E\ish9P of the p~Of;d sense-to say that BR~S will hold If a ehIl!J dot~q.t9 yo\,r bury Club. .~ ••• Your TIRES won'4s/<\d qn w~l ~ year Tfl~ :ti1Q1I,!~~ ~ement Cl~ • . • Your HORN 'fill warD others who can't HQuse. ., will meet o!l. TUesday 'from 10 a.m. the Doct.or. Better make see you ••• Your pADLlGHT~ WQ'I:' 1J~!1 8:00 A. M.-Breakfast fO~~itti!~ to 12:30 p.m. FIrst D . U!e motpoiQCmeQ~ '~:r; House. ay I3chQOI at p1¢r. ~pol will ",ee~ on MonAad ..loen y.o. !taft STEERING WHEEL will keep Y'll': IlP '1>e 1iF~' 11 :OQ A. M.-Meetin/t for worship. day imd \+ednesday at 4 p:m. pre.scriptioD,keepinmind side of the road - ••• And t~t ~, J'l'11f ~4IIer VIsitors welcome. Children cared and again on Thursday at 7:30 eqnipment and safeb' devices are iii dependable .. 0 spedalize iD carethac for in Whlttler House. working order.. lalCXllllpOUDdiog. nanlrsl 8:00 P. M.-FrSell~~~ AveDUtI :.wCirfllmo.... 'a. . HE \.P W A. N 11: 0 - GleDside APPLB SAUCE 3 V PETER DI NICOLA ORANGE JUICE . "at'" OUNGE. JUICE .9dmI LEMONADE' ........ .fklml -- - STRAWBERRIES -."I)dmI Snowc..,. ....IM. Ol!' JBAlmlt Wl!DIi:>1T Iil.te the Deoeaaed .J. ~,YI'.!udn~ Ol:to ~ A~~lWit. 0HA8. BOGG.·-,JR.. --. IP West ~ sttee$........ Choat«'. l'fl1;l1lojo!~ LEGAL NOTICE J • ceased. w.o. ' ." .. T. "~'''.: .,' ~~ • .. lOll •••• OIL ...........u. MM_ ~; • s9;!_..... itt :.it .. \. '., 6~4041 ,SW 6-0740 - ..- - ... COAL .. - .. - •.•... FIREPLACE WOOD J.A.GREEN Swarthmore· 6-2253 RESIDENtiAL AND. COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION' FU~L Oil .. Fi.'eD'Bn Oil bnrners Coal & Wood VAN ALEN BROS. W. Ridley Ave., Ridley Park SW~...ore 64742 ; Real Estate - Insurance Mortgages BVe.. SW 8-6t" 'T...... Generallo. .."deinl 23 B01JTB CHESTER ROAD HOitACE A. SWARTHMORE 6.0114 'Passmore RBAL BST ATB It INSVRANCB 609 S. CH.STB& StrAlm'MOP' • "D. l'IJNNA, JAMEs C. TAYLOR more ,. LOST-.IIL IIIIDY Ba~ IIWi" cI&JII, and bollda1.. at the ~ om.,.. The Board """'""" ~ Nht to ,;,Ject IiD1 Or all bldli ill wbole or In P&Ieg&" .aiT.d Bill Pugh. SwarthlitOre 838'6. . . . "0 e .~.~ I WANfEn-T'6 ,. 't Ii'-" 8 .'. 0<.. to. s.~ MOra;;;/ iL"'PUs1';'u. .: Weekl1 or Monthly ~ K1dd, Of Bhltliilore. .Mrs. ly ofW81.ter . Ind .• with forIller Marshall, her MacFarland. yoUng son, Walter; inTlved ThUrsday tor il visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gehrlnil, =:-=~;:'~~~~_-'-__ ':"-d University place. MacFar.. t to Mrs. A· FoR sALE-ited. yellow and ..... lS enrou e . iken, S. C., figured cotton rUl!. 8W ·."""nwhere her husband has been condition. tnilisferred by duPonts. . rs:r;~scl!lWiiiii Mrs. J abo Reid Hanna and her daughter Gayle of Riverview road, and Mrs. J. H. Neuweller and FO$R I'~b complete. daughter Nancy of Maple aveIO'.S~Kroll .., ~ coli d I tI 0 n. Call ........~tly. t '. . Swarthmore ~"7289. 'S~~' . re U11Ied hOlne after I WANTI!b .' /l few days iIi New York 17I1z Soillll C••lter Road 5_......... 6-3450 120 •... f~~~~~~~~~~~1 'Swcii'tli1li9ht 6"1833 ...... ,lUI I ht noW with larg!. Openings r 9 I nla ~ompany. . well.establlshed pe;~ ~;ood pay right No e"p!lrlen~e' noe e· .~ Friendly, . re 'lor Increa~.. . from ""rt, g. pi asont, ~omfortn enlal assQClates. e ~o 9 , undings• Interesting work. . "ble surra . .Dr II!"I!I ~... .., ~~ f~.t aatt .-.,-. a..........Ud Milk S ~.l .ae 8~;n.t PeaS G-Iu~.:;·:~IfY·"·2 N:.;~ 5SO 8weet Peas No.3OI 14. ~. ~ U J. F. BLACKMAN :.21 • we P.U. Frolgllt I'q. Swarthmore. Pa. e GItAPE cu- !iUestS Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson • Alleraliona c9rkal .., ~n ~,,~...... _._ as' th:",. -.Joe'k-e'"'d ~""",,...,,.=-..,..,,, w ........ ~M;a KUU i the e~~~:~~~t.1 ~'. lind Mrs. C. Ii'wb;- Gald II.hlatli; of Benjambi west avenue. out ~ Rt!8idential • p~:~~ Commerclal • J ~~ ~ . Alterations Gll\LS .. • .ok • open Thursday and Friliay to 9 P. M. Open Saturday 'til 6 P. M. ·1 nMi OF BIRtH - MAT 3, 1952, AT_ _ O'CLOC!, A••• A8)ae& & l\uhbl,hRemoved LaWJl8 Mowed, General .. -,u~Y;ii. W--"1. or at &11 IIdJo= ~e1~~:'t:~Jrt,lf:=t1;;; ...,.,oor Pens. \ I PAR~Nn' lilaY In Naples. Itab', thl!7 plan . Chester Rd., Swarthmore ·r..;.!"----------------------~-------, DWtrI'at" a t:: a month's hol- ~~~;~~~~:~ toHOd&\! hoW WilLIAM BROOKS ,~,-' See yoUr plumber or heating oontractor for more information on automatic gas house heating. ACME MARKET Valuabre Gift, to . . Given to prouil Pare ••• of aob •• RULES ARE VERY SIMPLE warmth for you ,when you·want.it.. . H."ri Sw..........l ..... Be WalfJ' ••ank ramoy" ..... lancaster Brand hams b.'ore curl••• .La"ea4tft. Pat.ters & W. In; GAS HOUSE HEATING! No.303 ..._ . 'glass.";,w 15-0' 210 . . Slnoe 1Il0l ·STRATH HA.VEN INN PEACIES S::'~e~ meeting or "'" Board at the BchOCll om.. on May 1I.; .• clrive to Oslo. Norway. Mr. will join them later In . Thursday from I p.m. to 6: 30 p.m. residents of the Borough were I!lovator Comfortablo Rooms Day or Week given an opportunity to help rui the Red Cross Blood Bank. Mrs. Clair Jeglum. chairman of Blood Service and her staff of volunTelephone Swa""mo,", 6-0680 Swarthmore. Pa. teers were on hand to after their . FREE PARIUM. expert assistance to the profesWALTER E. PARRon..... gr. sional stalf from Red Cross Headquarters and to the donors~ ========================~ Working with Grey Ladles were Mrs. Oliver Swan. chairman. Mrs. George Logan. Mrs. A. W. Bass. Jr.. Mrs. Charles Maas. Nurses FOR Aides Included Mrs. J. Paul Brown. Mrs. George P. Warren, Mrs. Holmes ~cC1ure. Mrs. Warren Tyson and Mrs. Norman Borden. . INCLUDE The faithful C.anteen workers w,.ere on hand to offer refreshing nourishment to all who gave, or even came with the desire to give. Serving on this committee were +VIrs. Avery Blake.. chainnan, -MrS. Carroll Streeter. Mrs. Warren Warden, Mrs., o!. Arche~ Turner, Mrs. Thomas Ingram. Mrs. Thomas Simpers. Mrs. Peter Told. Mrs. Buchanan Harrar. Mrs. Dooialdl Jones, Mrs. Jack B. Thompson, Mrs. Harold Ogram. Mrs. Percy C. B.Weld. Jr. . Mrs. David Bingham headed the Staff Aides with Mrs. H. Le Roy McCune. Mrs. J. Herbert Glenn. Mrs. Fred N. Campbell. Mrs. Hans K. Steinfeld. Mrs. Richard Noye. Mrs. James' E. Davis, and Mrs. Waiter Dickinson working for her. sure to add gas house heating to your Mrs. J olm Bates was In charge of Motor Corps. household oonveniences for next winter• The work of recruiting donors Except for ita wonderfully even heating. was under the leadership of Mrs. you will hardly know it's there becauM Frank Keenen with Mrs. H. Lindley Peel working as co-chairman. it's so quiet and requires no attention. Assisting were Mrs. James E. What's more, there's no ordering of fuel Davis, Mrs. Warren R. Godfrey, Mrs. Robert Grogan. Mrs. Horace with dependable gas house heat. '!'here'. H .... _- M R L1 d J Del Monte PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 ::: 49 FRUIT COCKTAIL ad iBtI Fi". Seedle.. Raisins .... ~ -ExCEJJ.ENT BANgU~~ ~ PARTY fACILITIES ~USINESS MJ!:N'S;LUNCH 12-1130 P. M. A ICII'8e and yarled a.sortment af quality California fruItS anll veg... table. at Cl!Hractlve price•• . ~~Nr.!~: trip abroad. Alter TENDIi"'ST~KSaa" CHOPS C.o" to Order GIRDEN .SHOW I '. . DIUCIOUS DI"M~R~ ~ ~\l1T til. T~TI .f nlllYONI "\. u... '~ '" iltl. g{ontt Mr•. iiIld Mrs. "!VIJliam L. &ar'-I 1.80410 NOTJaI Se' ' . ' od' . ~ of Rutgers Avenue ~~~of~ .. ¥n. well W. H .lIe, of Og- eniertaln a· .group of friends ./l.t ::~trt.ltlel~t '!'-e' ~ ~h_UiIIOCII den avenue, and. Mrs.. J. H. Bruun .............. ':"';'';''.i.. fr'am 5' to ;,, tc)~·nor";"rI BUlldiDC. "'" BJs!I "" aQII -lit- of OOIUIIe o f Easton, to rmerly 0 f Swarth-· . . l'tl~ M.nlJ.... &:nnhD>Oll', ~Ik m;·ore,. will sail Wednesday. May . .,Iv.nla, up to • P.m., Wed';"", 7, on the Vuleanta for a 10-week ...., 21. lPIi!!, &IlCJ, _ tb~, bldB .~ .. LIIqe Bel_on of BeulUld ~ .....u·.. ~ JIl-(tee 4-4297 Swarthmore 6-0108 . Delaware County. Penna. 4-26-81; STENOGRAPHIC & TYPING' SERVICE a..gilIP-" • 1k... - R.porfs .ro.. ,t. .fRet•• t Clad acetlrate ••rvlce 25 Yeo... ExperI.... R e f _ In s...wtilm...... -Vin' charge. The Mary Bell, Doris Browmng,. Es- Swarthmore Board of School 01: The group will' I ..Drlve, urge those who Wisb to can· teaching staff to date includes' ther Blaine, James Carroll, Shir- rectors, provisions were once baseban. team, th~ s'k~:=r:~ tribute to the Fund but who have Mrs.. Arthur D.' Moscrip, . Mrs: ley Frear, Elmer Lee, Ctaire TIn- again. made to·- make music in.. der the .fu.ection. of Russell Sny- not been. reached by ~ollcltors, to Mabel W. HutChison, Mrs. Albert ney, Cameron, WldrlIJ of Chester; struction available as part of the der. All boys from 11 years. old mall thelr checks' to .."ther chair- W. Gabriel, Jr.~ and Mrs. Matthew and Ruth Edwards a",d' Jeanette Summer school offerings: The through 13, are eligible to join man, or call Swarthmore 6-0736 McKinnell. John Stettner, Minis- Warre~ of Tanguy. prografn under the supervision of the team. League' games are ~:~. (~) G~ s~~~or;: 6- ter of the Presbyterian Church, SOIOlSIs for the concert will be Robert M. Holm, will Include be8SPle trI scheduled to start the mlddI& of . '11 t" th JIve will be on hand to assist. ~s. J.lcKinnell, MIss Blaine and ginning' Instruction' for new' stuJune.' someone co ec e can bution. MIss Tinney of .the Fellowship dents and one or more vlted the morning hours five days a 27. months in Tucson, Ariz. the Tuesday evening meeting of to' attend. There Is no charge. week hetween June 16 and Au~t Mrs. J. Francis Taylor, Kenyon the Crum Creek Bridge Club, 1, and students are required to reAvenue, dIrector of pre-school and IN APPRECIATION' playing the Howell System. Mrs. H. S. ARTS, SCIENCE port on:ly to· those periods for EXHIBIT NEXT FRIDAY ~,!!ary, is still receiving applica· . The Members of Council and Samuel Hanna and Mrs. T. Saulwhich they sign up. Thia arrange· ons by mail from high school Officers of Swartlwlore Bar. nier were second hil!l/.; Swarthmore' High .School will ment'enables them to paWcipate girls interested in assisting in that ough received the asslsta'nce hold its Practical, Fine Arts and in. other parts of the recreational depa~ent. ,. . PLAN BRIDGE PARTY at numerous individuals .and The Legion, Auxiliary ot Science E1uted -.Uy to the suet will add to the afternoon's play. fields will also be -Oil display. ert .Hetherlngton. , tess. of the attemoOn.. Call SWai1hinore' 6.;()f82 . or An added feature, this year Is these opportunities now, to ald " The next meeting wn:i be held I. H; LindIeyPeel, Swa~hmore 6-2408 for further the nower·show, ~ed and ex- them in making plans for the summer months. on Thursday, Hay 2 8 . . · · " President,..of Council details and to make reservations. hibited by ninth.. ~ girls. " School RecreatIon' S· s'" Ope'n'·1·ng . Oa·tes oor . Nylon • . • the wonder fabric In a linen·lIke weave superbly fashioned by Mynette • • • Famous tfscaled..to-you" flt requlres practically no alterationl Rows of self·fabric tucking. . Exciting summer shades in sizes 14'1h to ~h. See our lovely dress collection second 1l~. Woman's Club Art Exhibit Opens May 13 The Swarthmore School Board, Member workers of the Dela. An eve n t ' anticipated by meetilig in the High School Bulld. ware County Branch, PennsylvanSwarthmoreans interested in art log on May 5 at an adjOlfrned la Association for the BUnd, move is the art exhibit of the Woman's meeting .. under the chalrmanship to Swarthmore May 15, IB, and 17, Club of Swarthmore which will be of the Vice President' Carroli P. to present the ftrst demonstration held May 13-May IB inclusive. Streeter, .voted to advertise the since the dedication of the Bllnd This. Is the 18th annual exhibit ftcers for the ensuing year-the Board's in\eJltion to le'~ a $15.00 Center Chester. The Blin'd F'alr slate presented by the Nominating spOnsored by the club. OJ head tax on each adult realdent of will give residents of the Borough ColJl!lllttee being as follows: On Tuesday, May 13, at 2 p.M. the Borough. and nearby communities an op_ the exhibit will be formally open~ Chalrman of the. Branch, Mrs. . portunity to visit the Swarthmore ed with a meetlng and tea for the . The Board spent some time dis. . . Paul Williams, Vice Chairman in cussing the b udget; they regretted FIrehouse . on Lafayette avenue charge of Volunteer Services, Mrs. club members. At 2:30 H.edIey H. the necessIty of levying this ad. and to see how' many blind'resl- J. Albright Jones; Secretary, Mn:. Rhys, of the art department of . dIti I)nal tax b ut feltlt to be an un· ~ents of the County earn their Peter E. Told; Treasurer, Mrs. S~8rthmore College, will ~ak. :.voidable step necessitated by the' . ...... livelihood. Mr. ,,·.-s, CarDin Shute. • ..... a native of Wales, did needS of expanding the services Sponsored hy the Swarthmore his undergraduate 'l'ork at the of the District due to the growth Lions Club,' the foiir ofters chalr University of West Virglnls, and in pupil population, the increased 6 caning, typing on hoth slandard received his' Master's. degree from costs of materials and services, N b h Sh M k and Braille' typewriters, and the . 'Harvard, where he has just com· and the fact that as a fourth class ar et OW. , ar.5 making of rubbl!l' doormats, rai pll;ted his thesis for the Doctor's district, Swarthmore cannot inClose Club's rugs, . ironingboar,d covers, and degree. In World War II Mr. Rhys crease its present real estate levy 41 st Yea r leather "gOOds .examples of the waS with the U. S. Milltary Intelof 35 mills; ., 'ptany jobs done by blind. workers. 8:15 Program Will Be IIgence stationed in Paris. He The. Board also voted to conThe.. Swarthmore 'Players Club .All items made. at The Blind FaIr G' studied art under private instruc~ tinue the real estate transfer tax closes its 41Bt season next week will be for sale, as well as brooms, Iven at. Woman '5 tion, and came to teach at the loaf 1 'per cent which will return with· the. presentenon I)f Noel mops, aprons,' and 9ther articles Clubhouse., cal college in 1948. . . an income o~ abont $14,000 this. I;llDgley's "The W~ and the manufactured by members of the At' the .tea following Mr. RhY~' year.' Carpenter". Monday through Sat· ·Del.aware. County Branch. . Media Fellowship Cho~s, com- •••r... Mrs. Ross W. Marriott an'd hined with the Conshohocken ....... T o ftll the position of Prealdent urday, 8:20 p.m. curtains will pro· The Falr opens every morning Mabcl' Talley will our H stesses •. from which Dr. David McCahan vide lively entertainment as reia· at 10:30 and closes Thursday and Choral Society, under the dlrec· will include Mrs.l:tr..i E~ 1.ongrt.\gned last month due to m 'tIves lind fri\mds of Essie SIuySat.ur.day·. at 4:30. On Friday .the tion at Carl F. Hagler, preSents its we, 11 Mrs'. H arold G . Griffin, Mrs. ." . . annual Spring C cert t th heRlth, the Board elected as Pres· vesant drop in and out of her liv" Blind 'Falr will be open until 7:30 . on a . e 'John E. Michael and Mrs. George Ident, Carroll Streeter, w\lo lives Ing room on BastjlBth .Street, New p.",. Swarthmore Woman's Club to· on CQlumbla avenue. Mr•. streetei- YC\rk.. '.morroW:if'v~g at,B:15.. Mr. Hag_ M. Ewing. is the editor of the Farm Journal, David Narbeth directs the cast, 5 h h Iler, head of the plusic department The exhibition will be open to a CUrtis publication. headed by MlI..ry O'Brien as.EssIe: ummer Cure School at. Pennsylvania Milltary College the publl~ afternoons from 2 to 5 To be. viCe. Presld.e!.ltof thll Her stag ... e struck daughter III por.1 ,Registration May J d. a speclallst in. ch.oral conduct- and everungs from .7 to 9 through. Board,.DQnaid P. Jones of.Swarth•. trayed·,by. ¥MY-.Ann .DicJdnson,. . C" •...••••• ' • ~g Is. dir.ector,of.wtl! ~oups. . out .. the week, .except Saturday. more avenue, was elected to ftll with Carl Jeglnm as the eqlllllll. Sunday,~.ll, is,Reglstratiol! ·A 'few of the_tea~e numbers There Is no a~on.~ge. the unexpiredteiM:Ot..-; S1reei~ '~ck boYfl'i~d. 'hnnY Haruda;. .J:II!y.fGr..tbe Communit),;DaPJt-V'-whlChMr.:It&aiet'h'd$-.ei.eetedare:· .A..c~al ..invl~~~n b' Biven-to er. Mr. Jonesl ",lui iii G:d!Dptroller and Norman Brown play daughter cation Church School which will "ChristeA~oramUs' Til" by VerdI,all. artists .... mateurs and profes- are I A GIFT FOR MOTHER ..... t •. Art Exhibit . Mr.. '",,,"""'''''_''''''''''''0' .. . ,,- '0 w: ~~wth':lln~l: ~:=. ~f an . ..: ,. I . .. " I , " THE SWARTHMOREAN' I ae ' F 9I t .... Mat: 9, ,- clnn!' has returned to his station Fete Bride·t... ~ I. ~ at Norfolk, Va.,.and Mrs.· M.cln-·JIlsa~Anne N. Cochran of Ken- • lu ~r.i·CARD u _ ,..",." U ..... diaughter,Ka th' een. will "on. avenue was guest of honOr at S,MODdaY, May I!.... 2 P.M•. -.no. """,rge -. uw ................~ _ ....e Bummer In Er1e. a desRrt party and mJacellaneiJ"" ~i3 V _ AWia\ae umbl}l, avenue, "entertained at 'il· Mr•. j. Leslie Ellis, of South bridal Shower given Friday eve. I I,. L D_ and Table PrIM!II ,lunelieOn tor ellht at her home Chester road entertained mem- nlngby'Mrs. Percy Q. Gilbert and ~ Dan" DUI IftS For B '':;;i8~8W 8-0181 Wednesday. bi.rs of the Woman'. Club Chorus her dauBhter Mrs. ·Thomas Chew, r==========================~ Mary Ann Dlcklnson, of Park at a luncheon and supper parb' at Mrs. GUbert's home on Park . a~ue, and Vonnie Ryan, torm- at her Bummer plaCe In Ocean avenue. The marriage of MIss erly of Swvthmore, altendedthe City last Tuesday. Those present Cochran to Mr. George West Inter-Fraternity week-end festlv- were Mrs. David Bingham, Mrs, Cochrane of Upland w11l take Itles at I,afaye~ College as the Owen W. Gay, Mrs. Oscar S. place Saturday, lIIay :u In the guests of 'Don Dickiruioil. .. Hart, Mrs. Raymond Hendrixson, Swarthmore PresbyterIan Church. VonDIe'RYBn, dau,ihter offann- Mrs. Herbert' T. Ingam, Mrs. s. Th'ebride-to~1ie w11lbe honor IOUTY 's"~LON er Swarthmore residents Mr. and W. johnson, Allee Marriott, Mrs. guest at a tea to be given by her 1II~~ IQ\j'ow ~ ~~ OF. Mr.. Carl S. Ryan, of Arcadia, john E. MIchael, Mrs. .Harold 8lstei- Mrs. H. john· Lumsden of LOVELINESS, THAT LINGERS. Calif., has completed training as Qgram, Mrs. j •. Warren. PaxsOn, Upper Providence Township from an Airline 'Hostess 'for the Amer- Mrs: W. W. TUrner, Mrs. M. • to «I tomorrow afternoon. 9 Chester Road lcan A\.rlines and began her tIrat Springer, and Mrs. Robert M. . 'Call Swarthmore 6'()476 officlal fUght Monday. West, director of the chorus. HONOR BRIDE · Mrs. joseph A. 'Perry, of the Sue Goldsmith of Wallingford, Miss Eiizabl!th Spencer of Swarthmore Apartments, enter- has been initiated lrito the honor- Guernsey road who w11l be mar- ~~~~ , talned at a limcheon - bridge ary muSlea1 ,ororlty at Bucknell rled Saturday, MaY 24 to Mr. Ben Th,ursday. UniversiJy where she is a member Kamlbara, was guest of honor at , Mr. and Mrs. Paul j. Rutan, of of the. freshmail clasa. a kitchen shower 'glven Tuesday 31st Ogden .avenue, wl1l spend the MIss Shirley Nason, of Cornell evening by MIss Barbara Lukens week-end In Atlantic City. avenue, was guest of honor Sat- ·of. Strath Haven avenue.' Have your c:ar checked now for sammer :drlvilfg Dr. Louis N. Robinson, of Col- urday afternoon when MIss Nancy Miss Spclncer Will be entertalnlege avenue, lett Thursday for Hoot, of Lafayette avenue, enter- ed at a luncheo!> tomorrow with .. ,Tunkhannock to open his summer talned 25 gu'ests at a garden p3rty Mrs. William Entwisle of the WIlRUSSELL'S 'SERVICE: bome there. Mrs. Boblnson and and surprise kitchen shower. The liamaon School as hostess. ROBERT J. A TZ, Owner ehlldren Win join him at the close marriage of MIss Nason and ·Mr. ' On Saturday, May 17 the brideof the School term. Janies MacPherson will take place to-be will be honored with a misOpposite Boroagh Parking Lot . Mr. Robert W. Richardson, of May 31. . cellaneow. shower given by Mrs. SW .. "440 D rim ....... & L~- _........ A Park avenue, will leave tOday by Am.. Johnston at her home In a, OllTn ' .....y.......... ves, plane for a week's business trip ofMr. and Mrs. Georgewere M. Ewing, I ~~~~=:~~~~~~~=~=~.~.=~=~=~~=~~. Columbia avenue, guests Merion. to San FranciscO, CaUf. of honor at a dinner party clven NAMES ATTENDANTS Mrs. C. C. Shute, of Maple ave- last Monday evening by Mr. and nue, entertained at a tea from 8 MIss Katherine RamSay Parto 5 h Mrs. Ewing, Jr., of Rosemont, In on Thursday.1n onor of her honor of their wedding annIver- sons, of Garden City, L. I., w11l sister Mrs. W11lIam Wallis Lewia act as maid of. honor for her cou' . ~rerinan, . .w ho bas been visiting here since Sary. Cpl. l Walter s Dickinson i spent n. and " Mrs. Charles.H. Movie or '''rOiector Tuesday. Mrs. Lewis and her husdays at bla home on Park of Lancaster, will act as matron .band are en route to Norfolk, Va., avenJle en. rollte back to Wright of honor..at .the wedding of MIss ExposUre Me'en .Allen 'CoL Lewis will be ate- Patterson AIr' Farce Base, Dayton, Roberta f4ary Halg,' 'daughter of Ohio, after completing e I g h t Mr. and Mrs. Richard' Golding 35 m.lll;Camera flaihGun . , , Mrs. Frederick R. Lang, of weeks of special tral.nlng at the HaIg, of Riverview road, and Mr. Slide ProleCtor Gadget Bag Maple avenue, entertained at a Gunther' Air 'FOrCe 'Base, Mont- Ph11lp Nessen Kni.ikern, son of luncheon-bridge Wednesday In ·g·o'm·...... Ala Mr. and ·Mrs.' Philip 'w. Kniskern, Stereo Camera Slide Files honor of Mrs. LeWIs.. ~'=~'T' E'H b _.. . t y: 1 also of Riverview' road,whlch w11l · Mr. and Mrs. G'ordon Lange, of avenue, ...... entertained . . essen recently ru=, 0 ata ae tak'e p1ace on .S aturday, June . 14, folding Camera Screens ... the at'~;liO In.Tiiitity Church, Swarth,Cedar lane, w11l entertain at Open luncheon and fashion ~ow house tomorrow afternoon In honmore. or of their week-end guests, Mr. Rltz-Carlton 'when her guests Th R d M H La · were Mrs. Roben B. Cllithler, of e overen r.. wrence .and Mrs. Henry Cohn, of New Columbia avenue Mrs W G rto WhIttemore, rector of the church, York City. , . • 0 n and the Reverend Dr. D. Wilmot Fridays9~9 .Swarthmore 6-4191 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Reed Brush, of .HlIl'Vard. aven~e,. and Gateaon, of the Church of the · d b'ab'y son,. Bin ........ •. Mrs. at'WUmiriglon. ~-~ PhUa d elp",a, ....will officiate. I~~~~~~~ an .... 0f .,aft ~u.... Mr A. S. Miller, . '. " , '. .,..nOr, DeL, returned to their homeWed-' . and Mrs ..P~u1 Hertel. of The bridesmaids' will be Mrs. . . ., • neMay aftervJatting Mr. and Mra. Swarthmore", ave!'ue, R~~ge, Richard Randall Halll, of 'west- . Ro,'bert H. Reed an'd Mr. an'd ..... u_. spent the week-end In New yot.k City ~ visit with their lIeld, N. J.,' sf'ster-In-law of the ' WUiJam H. ThatCher In SWarth- , or a. . ' son, .brid' Mrs R bert E WhIte J . • 'more for several days. . EnsIgn PIlIll,H~, wilo ~VedHon:illlU, Ha~anI~aDds, ~~ , with . I Mrs. F. W. 'LipPinllOtt, of Rut- Icnff.: from Havana· on the U.S.S. ot thegrocm, MItis patricia New- ' . 8,lA04 .OD. .LUBRICATION AND OIL CHANGE gers avenue, Is in New York this Mr. and Mrs. R. G. RlncUfte of :bold 'Forbes, ,of Ambler: JIlsa ju-: week completing a , course In 18th .,ua ..... th H aven .' avenue, ',' , ' c_.:.._~_,: ..."rUlllled dlth. 'Dixon, of PrIIicetOn avenl,le, , 'MONDAYTHRU THURSDAY Wry C ,en decoupage, a French dec-as their housegueSta for 'a few MIss Mary Ogden' McCurdy, ot, :;:vallze.e art In which she plans to days of 1.ast 'week, Mrs. RIll..cIilre'sMoYlan, and MiBa·Urirula Corinne ' Honegger, of Forest H11ls, L. I: Mr arid Mrs Gordon Lange f .mother, Mrs. H. D. Peterson, and A reception ''will follow the cere.. . • '. •. . , 0 niece, MIss Lllida Smith, who Cedar lane, will be .1I0sts at,. a dIn- were enroute from Florida to their mOllY at the home· of the bride's . SUNOCOSERYICE 'ST"tION ner party at International House home In Sandusky Ohl .grandfather, Mr. Robert Halg, of ( In Pbl1ade1pbialhls evening. ,0. Ogden avenue. 'Baltimore 'Pike ' ••d··Woodland Ave. Among the guett, will be former :ENGA"'EL'ENT ---..,....:..--SPRINGFiELD, PA. SW ,600,ai7 Swari:lunOreans Mr. and Mrs. .,. M BIRTH W1CkWre Rose, of ChestnutH11l. Mr. and ~. Jac:kSol\ X. Mat- . Mr. andMra. Peter WIlkInson of ·Dr. and Mrs. David M. 'Mc- thews of Laricaster; arinounce the Atlanta, Ga., 'announCe the birth Cahan, litiss Patsy McCahan 'arid 'e!igagement :iit 'lIIr1J. J'6!iitb~~s' ilt:th,,1r Second chili!. and ·flrllt80n, john McCahan, of Strath Haven sister, MItis Leta E. Porter, daUg\1- Thomas Gregg Wl\kinson on April avenue, spent 'May Day weeJt";"d ter of Mr. and Mrs. Blrtell Porter SO. The infant's DU!ternl[Il grandSelecting 'the at Wllso~ College where' Betty ot Yarmouth, Nova ~tia, to Mr. 'parents are Mr. and Mrs. hank McC~an .'\VI!" on~ of the May Stewart. Robert ~orbabn, son of Fitts of Wallbigtord H11ls. Right Gift :for Queen" attendants. Betty ajun- Mr. and Mrs.,Stewilit Reh11Tlior-I-F-~"-~-::";~~~~~:;;:"'==i lor at Wilson, has been' elected bahn of Swarthmore avenue.·SmlsClttPrIONS 'Mother Isa house president of her dormitory Mr. Thorbahn 1,s a senior at :1'0& ALl. for neXt year. Franklin and Marshall College, MAGAZINES Pleasure ••• 'Mrs. Robert·T. Pfeifer, of Dlck- and Is a member of Sigma PI FtaInson avenue, spent the week-end ternlty. 1JL~~ In Trudeau, N. Y. visiting MIas The. marriage will take place Swartbmore 8-2181 Personals d_~ ~....... nilIand~" Id ' May lst to July 'I Graduation Ideas C_ra three ;!::. at 'CAMERA '& HOBIY,SHOP :FREE CAR 'WASH' 'GEOR'GE ,A. PrIscllla Giles of Rutgers avenue.' Dr. and Mrs. ~yPeterson, at Vassar avenue, entertained at a bulfet supper Monday evening In honor of forll)er Chester residents, Lt. and Mrs. james B. Maginnis, who *ere their house guests for several c\ap.Lt. Ma- THE PLAYERS cLUB of Swarthmore presents • Noel Langley's So· Many 'Things to Clwose From 'Framing' You have an excellent .chance of getting' iust the right frome for your picture when yoa choose from oar selection of o;'er 125 dlfrerent moaldlngs• D4V1D , NARBETH, DilHIer ROGER RUSSELL . Media•. Pa. . ~------------I~ __________ • Eleanor _ o r "DETECTIVE STORr' Sat. night only Perky B;;tgs 'Lovely Lingerie Chic Blouses Sheer, Sh,eer Hose Feature t l m _ • 8 - 10 San. & Mon. Marlon -"do lean _ lohn 8te1nbeek'8 ''VIVA ZAPATA" T . .So·&Wed. Alec GnlnD.ess "A RUN FOR YOUR 'MONEY" A COOd I. Arthur _ -choose from our array of E;x:cttlDI' as any J'On've ever seenl BIc Kl~d1... Show Sat. 1 P.M. All CBl"tOOn &' comedy show -ae.J;y1 ,TIIU"" . 5.... I: Monroe S.....t, ME 6a2176· .we urge you to Fri. & Sot. Kirk D01JI[Ias READY MADE' FRAMES All Sizes to 11"x14" SA~AY, MAY 17 c....... Ti_ 8:20 P.M. That is why COLLEGE THEATRE "The Walms and The Carpenter" .MONDAY, MAY 12 ... St.tJFn:R r~e;ar;Jy~m;;j;un;;;e~.===7===:IIF~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Picture \.' . TUJ: at TolIIglIt ••1, A__ AWVd 1_ _WIlmet 15 S. Chester Road" "CYRANO DE IERGERAC" ~'L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I~__~____~____________~__~ .. SWAR'''''.9~.. . p~,J8mm BVDY I'IUD.A.Y.AT. SlV.A.J!,~\)~ PA. TUB SWJUtTIDIOREA:N, INO., l'1lBUsaB Phone SWaI1Iupore '·oliO" . , ". , .. PETER Eo TOLD, Editor ...1I.1'1lbU8ber' • . MABI~RIB'TO~ _II. BJUtBA,1I...<\ KENT.. Assooiate MUo\'ll Ros8lle Peirsol I . Lorepe McCarter 'Id STA.TE INSPECTION , ...8 ... pi\R.n . ~ The Bouquet 'm't,..?a£.':.t 'IBB'SW~. 1952 S\¥~. will be. On dut~. 118 aco~ ~ Using kites specially con- with thll rest,of .the lamJIy jP!zllng arid. Robert Perce is i<:hedUIed. to structed by the Cubs for the com- the.~,; 'Pr. a ..lIlcn1~, S\1P~i' selVe at eleven. petition, ilrst to get all 200 leef'of-. .: ; Thoire wl1I. ~ a meetiDg pf String out were Dick Hutchinson, vesi& at 8" p.m. Monday." ' .. ill; ~ , . NOTES Mr. Bishop' will preach at the 9:30 and the, 11 O'clock services Sunday momln'g. HIs s~rmon will be entitled "The Keystone In the Family Arch." The Church School and the Men's BI1d Women's Bible Classes w11l meet at 9:30,' The cle Chairmen will be lJIstalled by Mrs. Francis C. Woodland, newly elected President of the Pbilla,del-I phla Presbyterial. The Boy S90uts will meet at 7 Wednesday evening. . The Choir' rehearSals are as folinws: The junior Choir at 3:30 and second ponnle Smith In :oen 1Irst, Jjmmy Mc- :" bration of the Holy CoDununion. C~; jacky Poole and JonnyS~yThe spring meeting of the Wo-' bold·i;yiqg for /Il!Cond pl$ce. man's Auxiliary, Convocation of Baseball enthusiasts were foupd Chester, will be held at St. Mary's In two teams j.n a plckcup match Ardmore, at 10 o'clock from Dens 2 and 3. Captained 1;Iy Th\irsday morning. At.2 p.m., the :rim Borden, Sldnl!)' .fohnson, ~ay women of the parish, are Invited to Lord, Mike Becker, 'RIckY Turner a tea at the home of Mrs. Palll 'and Luran· Dil;k:inson PJ;walled by B. Banks, 724 Harvard avenue. %1 to 14 over Peter Walsh, captain, The tea Is In honor of Mrs. Alfred .jebby Turner, Jimmy FOll:, .:Qavid M. Chapman, member of the Na- Shute and Richard Gurin (Scout tional Council. Den Chief). Choir School will meet on Mon- .. The last pack meetirig will ~e day and Wednesday at 4 p.m ...and held at Smedley Park Saturday, again on Thursday at 7: 30 p.m. 'May 24, when the picnic and . sport rnee~ willlrtaTt .at. :4 .I1,lP,. Church Hour Nursery wU1 be held during the' sec,on(i-service. . The Junior m Fellowship will have a picnic In SmeUO Elise Itemont,' Peter Murray, Richard johnspn Oiga Shatagln and Wesley Gorde.rlt. ' House Cleaning Time We Clean Storage \ cutive Board will meet at 10:30 .Glf!." exciting of kite l/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday morning. ThIs will be The Church Nursery for chil11 followed by the Worslilp Semce drenis,open ,during the morning In the church at i2' led by Mrs. service. J:4rs. Alfred H. Williams Harry F. Bewley. The topic will and Mrs. Alton P. Smith will. be .. ,. . be "As Thy Servant Was." Circle' In charge. '. ' DiJIiq Room Opell! To PnbUo 8, Mis. J. Le8ue Ems, Cbaii-n!.i.n;'1S .. ThO' ushE;ci' 'for . the daY are • J:' ·:...~"v . ,.-. .-, . .;. • _ , .. ' ., .-. 'In charge"ot'1111!':Woman'S ~_ George Sliutiolrt;"ES USEP tho 1952 MoWI..s Ecollomy Run, Stude....ker succ.sstUlly defended lis reputation far stand-out lIos0lln. mll_. th. Stude- IMlIIers _ piloted by ox........' " ...,.... under A.A.A. Co_ IIoanI ru.... Each Stu........... used regular, nat premium, 110" FUSCO & ALSTON • • , MIl)' 9, .1951 .. '-~i!j.~,?~~~::r:.~~;ISpring luncheOn Mrs. James H. H0mada7 .of . DJcldnSC"l avenue was hoatess to ..... m~ber8 of her club at a ...• :a-=~\~e;:-~~ltWoman'saubTues. ,eoil.»ric!ie~". Ezra T. Creseon,of Amherst ave. " . . '.'. ,'. .' .;;;4;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;j! '0 j Q u e . ; .) . .Th'e Wom'~-'S Club of 'Swarthluneh- ~. Hr.; ..... .. JIrs. John iW"SpJQut of Hights" . ,town,NJ., wltb.;her Infant son. John has retume.d home after a three-week visit. with· her parents Mr. and Mnt. A.. H. 'Van Alen of Park avenu,", ' A • BBoI8T....TION CAMERA Su.d.y,·· 'Ma,. 11 . coMMIDitW DAILY Yacatlo.Church School HOBBY SHOP :In'_on lB - JULY a ~ Cl!.urch" J~ 405 Dartmouth A"e. Sw. 6-4191 Ope. fri. 9.9 8"""""""'l 1>, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • ~ "\ ~ . .;, .. ,. ~, * * * ... ." - . , , -~ 0 Ifl r a t e doe s i t w hat d0 w hat are esi t cos t the .bie ne f i t s -, . ,'.... ........... ., .... _." Safe-T.Wa, Senlce II bra.d .ew • ,~~:~, a Pl'OfJ ram ••ver before offered' to the motori,!. ·publlc • • • alld dellg.ed to help you cOlltrlb...., ~,\ - ~ are ben~e'f'its the L·,· 'c' -' -- ------ - . -- ~ SAFE-T~WAY SEl(P;I~IJ ~ Dle,kIr,so,'1 to you, your family;'\' ~o,.;· your CORl:lfIUnity? '-', ~<~'.:::-:~~ " ::; Th. III-pol.' Safe.T.We, I."'~lll"d will b. gl"811 ,our ".hlcle ."e, -'." ,. ~"YO. bring It ill for servlee. . . <''J: '. ~ Your'Safe-T-Way o o ; Servi,Cel check o SnEIING IRAKES . o o HOIN , . '~~A"'ST f ••• / much SYSTEM ;.', -.- does I . .., '. SAFE-T..WAY SE~'tICE .. cost YOU? - it's' ttr e e ! ' Modern Dance Group of Swarthmore College, under the direction of,Janei Scantiebury, pleased audience with their dances which showed beatiUfulrhythm, excell~'rit coordination,' and fine interpretaUon of music. and poetry. Fifteen dolls .·for Camp Sunshine, which' h~d been dressed as a project of the Health and Welfare Department under the chalrmanship of Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, Jr., 'were on exhibit. The best atUred· doll was crowned Queen of the May and Mrs. J. Herbert Glenn, who dressed the winner, was given a miniature basket of lIowers. Hold Bazaar A United Charities Bazaar held in the High School Gymnasium Thursday afternoon, May 1 by the We are lIopp, to perform the 1o.pol. . · College A v e n u e Elementary Safe.T.Way 1.Ir:ctlo. your v.hlcl. School, cleared $1.a. . at . . charge • the I...relll of safe . Stu~ents from all the grades, .,.hlcle operatlo•• hy _safety de'.ects will \ one to six, contributed the Items be Immedlatel, bro., to ,owr,attellflo•• ft '; that were sold In the .:. ~~ booths, which Included handwork',' \ '. ~ks, games, plants, flowers, cakes, cookies, candies, white ele..u pharit, and grab bag. Posters were made by the Art 5_1...," 606130;j cl ..s..." price signs by the grades. Pupils of the fourth, South Chester Road and sixth grades acted as sall!Sln,enll Theatre' Square and were In charge of the punch ' - _......._ _ _-....;--.....- - - - - - - - - - - - ' bowl In the hall. 0. .... RUMSEY CHEVROLET. • " GROUPS. i, rewski, and other composers, The GLASS: , OW-i..,l)jsHIELD WIPERS '0. nlES o IEAllYlEW MIIROU:' .' . o lEAl UGHTS o Fro•• U,hh ORIN .""'1. CHEVROLET. < " BLIND FAIR of ",1-· "c.,-'c"":'.. ...:...- .! BUCHNER'S • the safety of you alld ,our fa...,\W.~ • reductloll of accldellts • the safety of ,our commUitty ",. :," what SJN G L Y Walter H. Dl.cldnson, IIrst Tenth Grade Fiesta vice president, presided In the abFiesta Time for parents and stusence of President Mrs. Raymond dents of the tenth grade wIl1' be K. Denworth, who Is on- a trip Saturday evening, May 17. at 7:45 which will include convenUons of The gala program of square the General FederaUon In Minn- dances and games has been planeapolis and the State FederaUon ned by.Mrs. Paul Banks and.her committee. in HarrlsbUl'll. A tribute of silence was given A GifT FOI MOrHEI Friendly Circle Hosten to the members who had passed Mrs. 'charles G; Thatcher of 613 IS WOITH PONDERING. :'. away during the year: Mrs. ArOgden avenue wlll'be hostess at thur W. Tonillnson. a charter member, Mrs. Andrew F. Jack- a: meeting of the FriencllTCircle n'!Xt Thursday aftern'!On, Mai 16. son, and Mrs. Arthur. J. Jones. We have choice lingerie, Mrs. C. C. West of Walnut lane The past president, and will lIerVe as co-hostess. nne hose; waneb to glamtreasurer for 13 years Mrs. J. oria the family purse, Horace Walter, were Int:r'oduced Mrs. Samuel Weltmer,, Mrs. J. gloves, gowns and slip. for among the guests of honor. Mrs. Archer Turner, and . Mrs. Thomas the most deserving reason Alfred Geary' White,. of Washing- H. Ingram of Swarthmore, .will ton, D. C., a former president, SaIl tomorrow' on the Noordam for we know. gave a few words expressing her Holland to gpend three montha of pleasure at being able to attend travel abroad. They plan to visit COME IN ·TODAY this occasion. Mr.. S. Blair Luck- Switzerland, France, Germany, Ie, wearing the pin presented by Italy, Normandy and Brittany.. the Mothers' Committee to the Suzanne Hopson of Rlltgers Pennsylvania Mother of 1952, de- avenue, and Arth:lJ' Harrison 'of picted, In her usual Informal and Long ISland, students at Bucknell TOGGERY SHOP vivacious manner, experiences Unlvm;slty, will spend· the weekconnected with her elecUon to end witH Suzaime's parents Mr. this honor. and Mrs. Howard Hopson. I· Mrs. CharlesR. Gerner, president of the Young Mothers' SecUon, expressed graUtude for the help given the Young Mothe" by the Woman's Club and presented a silver tray as a token. Df apprecat IaUon. Ann ·Kraus,. representaUve ,SWART~M~IlE:FJ.~E t1o.U.~,E. of the .Junior SeeUon, the club tor its help and presented See worlllllg lliembers of the P •••I,lvallla Alloclatlo. a pair of sugar tongs. for the ·11I.d, Delaware County lra.ch, makl.g The regular monthly· stated articles a.d products for sale. meeUng and the annual meeUng followed. Reports were given by MAY 15 -16-17 Recording Secretary Mrs. George ..oPEN 10:30 TO 4:30 DAILYtFRIDAY UNTIL 7:30 B. Thorn, and Treasurer Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter. Mrs. SpOIIS.reeI read the comprehensive and well-' SWARTHMORE LIONS CLU. prepared' report of the president. FOur direetors were instlllled for a three-year term: Mrs. Raynham T. Bates, Mrs. Clarence C. Franck, Mrs. Howard G. Hopson, and Florence J. Lucasse. " . A delightful program of enter_ tainment was then given. Mrs. EI."""or SchoBeld Fawcett played selecUons from Schumann, Pade- SAFE-T-WAY'- SEl{~ C .. how house. Tables were gaily decorated with lilacs and other sprtog flowers, the work of Mrs. A. P. Shenkle and her committee. Mrs. Norman W .. Kent was In charge of the luncheon. Mrs. Paul R. Her" • tel and her committee served the luncheon, and Mrs . .1. Paul Brown headed the reservaUons commit- ===~I tee.Mrs. GENERAL INFORMATION .... ' more enjoyed US:'annual' spr\nl limcheon·. 'iu~' at th .. eC ' club ~••,...,W\,\\"\"~"'.""':,. eecled . The .Junior Delaware County. Chapter of the DA.R. was held at the home cit the MIsses EdIth and JeanHitchell of 'Hi"erfOrci on May 5. JIrs," ~ D/ Bell, " cbairman,.preslded al'tlie meeting. . Th8 followiJigolBcers' were elected for next year: MIss 'Aim Blakeley of Cheater, chairman; Mr.. Donald Bruce, Ridley Park, vice-chairman; Mrs. .1. Dallas Rowley,Muhlenberg a v e n u e , treasurer; Peggy Flounders, Ridley Park; recording secretary; Jean HltcheJl, corresponding secretary; Mrs, Edward LeU of Secane, chaplain, and Claire RInclI1fe of Strath Haven. avenue, historiail. • If there have been obanges in your farilily .••• ip what you dwn .. , in tax or estate laws. since was your Will last reviewed, it probably neeCls revision. See your lawyer about bringing it up date. At the same time, why not aSk our Trust Officer to outline the advantages of naming US as your Executor and Trustee? to May 9,1952 Sc1Iooi ChoruseS pfCNIC MAY 13 FOR SAFETY SQUAD Tuesday, May 13, will be a gala Achieve Triumph day tor the,members of the Safety • C rt Sh 't Squad of. the~utBers and College Spring on~ ows 'S Avenue sjxth crade ctasses. since Able Train~ng Plus . all pupils In the class· take their Ability an.d Work turn at this. work, they will all have a chanCe to recelve the teo Under Mrs. El,va' S. Daniels' ward. ., tralnlnlf and direcUon, the choral The Police Chiefs AssociaUon of organliaUons of the Swarthmore Delaware County Is entertaining Public Schools present!!d ... concert the Safety Squads of all l!'eDela. n t Friday ware County ...h 00.of top callbre and iteres ... a t an alI-day nlght, May 2, In the High School picnic at Lenape Park along the Auditorium. The widely varj.ed Brandywine. The day's fesUviUes program was·obviously pleasing to begin at 11 o'clock and will test the large audience. It applauded unUI U o'clock, The sixth grade the musicianship of the groups In classes from the two schools will the serious numbers and' gave the be transported by bus to Lenape specialty selecUons earned ova- Park an4 there will recelve food tlons. and be tegaled with entertaln- The HIgh School .Chorus was ImpresslvetYproliclent In Its openIng group, developing e1Iectlve shading In ''The Paper Reeds by the Brooks". The final.group was freely, enthusiasUclllly performed and soloists Pat Teal and Clem Malin earned laurels in. "I Wish I Wuz" ''Louisiana was a while climatic finale. Hay Ride" The . .Junior High Girls' Glee Club contributed prollclent pertormances. Handel's "Where E'er You Walk" was beauUfully sung and Herbert's "Romany LIfe" with its gay obligato played by David Spencer was popular. "Johnny Schmoker" I with Barbara Shipherd conducting the white gloved singers' proved one of the even1ng's high spots. The two numbers .by the Boys' Quartet were' enthustastically rec:elved. and prepared the way for the exCellent performance of the. Boy's Glee Club ending with the Medley. arranged hy. Kenneth Wright and. Clem Malin. It will take considerable inspiration and .eIfort to surpass this 1952 Medley with Its hearty Margie, rolling barrel, and. dramaUcs la Olson. The Glee Club could have repeated It again and again without satIsfying the audience, The evening's soloists, .Mary Lecron and.David Spencer, added , to the and' ~cee.arw program.· Pitricla KenMcty' and Anne Walker. collaborated In a duet of Tchalkowsky's Piano Concerto Number' 1. Barbara Shipherd, Polly Emery, Maura Hopkins, Ronald. Gold; Patricia Kennecb'•. and :Anne Walker were' the accompanists, with Mrs. Daniels at the plano for tIl8 Medley. a lienerous IATIOIAt BAil . 'AIOTBUST COIPAIY. _...., os. a:-.' ,=-' D.'".T "Jc.__...... ~ c. lioii •All ' ••• I I ..t. . '.M. In two themen seventh, Swarthmore's IIrst went out. Then Geo-ii~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~ i rge AlIlson walked' and Jack Thompson dou»led him John Hllkert tapped a single Into right,. advanclng Tl)ompson to 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE third. Storlazzl got on on an error .~ ~"AICFAsr -lUNCH - DINNER as Thompson scored. A. pop-up ended the innIng. . CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY 'Lansdowne's seventh Inning bid ''1 n . OPEN 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Mrs. Earl Anderton of Forest was II hard hit grounder that went ... " Monday Thru Saturday lane visited over the week-end through third and was mulled In with former Swarthmore residents the outfield. The Lansdowne man A~,AILY DINNERS 90e to $1.65 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pierce of Pltts-. went all the way around to score :; ,Special Chndren'e Platters burgh. Mrs. Anderton was accom-\ on what should have been a single, panled home by Mr. and Mrs. but here the struggle ended wim WllIlam Collins, .formerly of WaI- Swarthmore as victor.. lIngford, who visited here for a 1 Tops RlcUey Pari< few days of this In the game with Ridley Dr. .1. Robert Kline of Rlver- last Wednesday, Swarthmore pullSliftday, 12:00 to 9:00 P.M. view road represented the Amert- ed the game out of the lire In a can MathemaUcal Society at the win or lose seventh inning. The "A 'rare combl"atlo,,' of ellc.lle.t food InauguraUon of the new presfdent Gamet blew a t-O lead in the . alld mod.rate prlc.... . at Rutgers Unlv.erstty, fourth and tound Itself behind by Mr. and Mrs. C. C. West of Wal- two I'WlII In the IIfth. Ridley Park Full course Dinner from $1.50 nul lane attended an' insurance .scored another In the sixih and : g,.Udren's·Diuner front55e convenUon reCently held at Pa- seemingly .sewed up the game In cono Manor Inn. the last 'lnning with a 10-4 margin. . ¥ta. JobT. Pulh, Mrs. MIlton.. The Gainet Jutid to elther. 'H.~ Pusaiell, 'arid MUs Catherine ,the scoreor.accept theloaB. ,Ia.:k Pa. Fussell, .of Vassar .aven~, speritThompson started the bllll rolling the week-end with Mrs•. Fussell'. by. reaching second base on an \;·Phone Chester: 3·8286 daughter, ~ A. Spencer Cobb overthow. Dave Wil1ox, George and family, of Windsor, Conn. AllIson, Joe storlazzl were later. . shine,ln fall. winter, In rain and and spring, these boys and girls, JlC!'!orm a very US&ful service and great credit Is. due them. Coach MIllard Robinson, of the High Scbool Staff, has been Invited to direct· the recreation program for this aftalr. SPRING FAIR TOMORROW AT SCHOOL IN ROSE VALLEY The Spring Fair of the School In Rose VlIlIey will be held tomorrow, MaY 10, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. In th.1I apple orchard in which the SChool is loilatP.d. As soon as apple blossoms appear the children begin to practice winding the Maypole and to assemble paints, paper aDd pets to sell in their own store. A varietY of amusements will occupy children of all ages while tItek<·parents explore the '.various bootha. Mrs. Willis Wissler 'Of Cbester and Mrs. Robert Grooters of Rose Valley h"d tbe refreshment committee. Mr. . Grooters will act as the country equiValent of a sidewalk photographer. A flower mart will be presided over by Mrs. Paul Gay of Swarthmore, while In another booth handmsde gifts will be sold by Mrs. Paul Fox of Swartln!>ore and Mrs. John Dickey, Rose Valley. Mrs. Walter Kahoe of Rose Valley will conduct the sale of baked goods, assisted by school alumni. A booth of toys and books for children, and one of outgrown clothing for children have aIscr been set up. oWrflow parking will be ~,-ted to the school'. ChaIrman for. the fair Is Mrs. Wayne Goff of Chester. ~____ Members of the. CIl1IJDBI depart.. ment of the Woman's Club went to Llan~ Monday. May 6, to ~~:':,!:ct~:':~~ None of Them Perfect". which was ~ven at a . Swarthmore H!ch's ball. game MIIY; ~ "".. a tiiUl!'Phaut6-4. win over x4nsdowne High. Lansdowne, on .thelr own 1Ield, tallied IIrst with two runs In thefourtb. Previoii,-tO·that, the ,ame had been a scOrelesS pJ#,her's duel with a ~.=. t total 0 f Omy, wo hits given up. Then Swarthmore checked In with three runs In the 1Ifth, one In the sixth !",d two In the seventh. Lansdo.wne made a test inning stab and came up with one run, making the llnal score; 6-3, .favor Swarthmore. In the sixth with, one out, John HIlkert hit a Texas League single to cellter and promptly stole second. Joe Storlazzl got on and advanced to second on an error. Bob AllIson hit a grounder lind got Anne L •. Lukens, ofStrath Havox home,' Th'eni on aftelder's en avenue, and Polly Told, of Park' choice ball ·hit'by Charlie Grier, avenue, Bucknell Unlvenity stuGeorge A11IBon .-Was forced, out dents, have been .~lected officers at. the plate;· Bill'Hoot batted, Stor- of the Women's Athletic AssocI!llazzl home, and Clem Malin w~q.;~':~.II:on CaplPUll!or th" coming walked teH.DOW Hllkert to· score. year. '~' The seeOnd'··ou1;.:for the .GarnetAnnewl)X:ser-v.,as·~'pre8icame when Grier was ·foreed out dent of W. A.A. Secretary of I\el' . A.....on.· .:','. by Bob sorority, AlphaCbl Omega, .the The score nOW· being 10-8 "'lith is studying the commerce and btwo away, the pressure was on. anee course. ., Jack Thompson": 1!it driving In . and pav!!: )Willox rallied ~olly will serve as secreWY by driving In..thl'l'\TIng run on a of the grciup. A member of Kappa clean hit to left field, Malin scor- Kappa Gammll sorority, she is enIng. On his second trip to the rolled In the liberal arts course. plate In the Iubinnlng, George AllIson let go :wttli. o)I.e of the longest drives of the contest to bat MARGE and DOT In the wlnnin~rtin::The las! playCasoeroIe Catering er to cross the plate for the GarService net was Bob Team cap- .y ""''''' SI~TIIOBE Two More Wins ELECTED. ment. Theybegin leave school at 10 a.m. on when Lansdowne made the ~~ta:l:n.~Th~e~~~f;:was;~ll~-~I!OI·IIIIr.u.N~=~~ IN and will the return trip play at home. However, Hllkert from Lenape Park at 5 p.m. Tea- slid in and was safe. Pitcher Dave 'SPRING FAIR 8UPPERS~A:a'lWII chers will accompany thelr pupils. Willox. then grounded to the Inn. COCKTAIL I< The Junior HIgh School Safety fteld and there was another play ooL IN ROSE VALLEY CALL Squad elected to accept as their at home. ThIs / time SeH Dot BellIeld - Swa. 8-1978. reward a baseball game In PhIla-I'nabbed their man, and the next Sot··FI~~~~;:i:~~~it·i~s:3D Marg" Hurd - Swa. 6-3138 Sal. 0' '-..... ' - - to Bat delphia which they will attend batter. struck out to end the inning. playing ftelds. , wa1ke.t. On another error, John H. S. Nine Chalks Up , MIJrer\ IOt.'QD ba8ii JeDding Will- February meeting of the local club. Mrs. David Bingham directed the. pla:y. I week.' DROP INN D~ .. SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY DINNER I . HOTEL CLUBHOUSE 5':i1?\VeIsh"Si;;;-t, CheSter, Taka thaKey.· ••• Taka the' Wheel SHOW .CAR! 'w......... "I Yoah~ite ... peopIerninlaboutOldllmohile·.new"Rocbt Nowyou_INni._.,_oeIfwbat.nt!aeemi_t.ioohout.Now~ cia driYe ~'. "P""'0l . "Roobt" ..... _1 T_ ~ lI·ehmS llJO.honepo_ aeIiOot f16 the ..... "Roebt" Enp.el Try the owift, 0JD<>0th i f of HJdra.M~ Sapir Dahe';1 Fii!oI _ about oIFortIMo GM B,.traulic Ste&iq0 Iiad the _ •. , A"lIoadc-EY"ol To set ~ Iacto, set W' hhewheel of OM' .....'.Sapor"ll8.. :e,I .... waitiDl foor youl • . . ' ".A.ITY.·CHICII" .ONIH . . . . . . YO .... WHITAKER - ISARKETT, Inc. ' ' 340 W. WTIMORE. PIlE., I . • . . eourtes, Of MEtRa 6-0100 .-... I • • • •ys. AI. WA.II.e • • • 'VI 0 ••.•• ICIAL "RaCKII" .HOW CA. lODAY. - - - - - - , ~y9;,19&a Mr: .and. Mrs.L .. G. G.lllwood University, and visit. with their daughters; Anne Lukens, ,Sue s.inus School, SUver Sprtng, Md., :attended the week-end intertra~ ne, fifth Grade Mothers of and daughters, NallCY, Dorothy, Goldsmith, and PollY Told.' avenue school held a tea- and Linda, of Elm avenue, spent aft~r ',;,p.,ndlng the week-end at. t~rnity festivities i1t Bucknell Un- Rutgers meeting last week at. the home a week-end in. ~ton aIId at- -'-,-,.,..,. . .,...- - - - - . ; . - - - - - - his home on Riverview road. iversity. of Mrs. Edward It. .Cratsley, tended the sixty-second wedding "I Saw It In The'Swarthmorean." chairman of Strath Haven ave:. anniversary of Mrs. Gatewood's DUe.' '. gr""dparents, Mr. and Mrs. TheaAt the h\1Siness session officers dore Senger. ' ., elected for next year Include . Mrs. James Stoddard Hayes, of Ope,. Thur.ddy Nlfhl. Mrs. Robert Grogk, chairman; Wallingford,.. will ente1taln at a ,PABKandDABTMOVTII AVE. Mrs. Roy . McCorkel, program luncheon-hmlge and Upgerie . SwlU1bmo~ 8-101S ' chairman; Mrs. H. Dodson, tele- shower Saturday, May 17 In honor phone chairman; Mrs. William of Miss Kathleen A.Hayes, daughA Ilea' Gift for Mother on Uthe, secretary and treas~, and ter of Mrs. James A. Hayes, also Mrs. William F. Taylor, 2nl1, hos- of Wallingford, whose marriage to pitality chairman. Mr. William Fawcett Porter, son • of Mr. and Mrs. William Herman Porter,of Rose Valley, will take NEWS. NOTES place Saturdar, July 5, In TrInity y . Mr. and Mrs. John Yingling, of Church, Swa~thmore. , A Ylre~la ~ fr1at~ . ~ IWend. CI'~y bel. golden ICI)WS Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes, of PrinceAcademy road~ are entertaining as of Ixtra Cost with lach their' guests Mr. Yingling's par- ton avenue, has returned from a Cake Appropriately BoxiHI ents, Dr. and Mrs. D. ~. Yingling, two-week sojourn In Atlantic 650 laltlmor. PIke who arrived Monday for a City where Mr. Yerkes joined her SPII NGFIELD . .weekts visit.' They are en route for the week-ends . Phon. SW 6·0450 from West Palm Beach to their Dr. and Mrs. J. Rohert Kline of W. Tel_,Nlp. F'o.,o,. home in Johnstown. Riverview road entertained the Mrs. Louise Seais,of Park ave- members of, th'e D~partmen:t oflr===========~ nue, is recuperating at the home Mathematics. of the Graduate Large, Juicy, thln-Sklli florida JINGLE of her daughter, Mrs. Steven School of the University of PennSRencer, of Ogden avenue, after sylvania, and their wives, at a When you've looked well helng a patient at the University tea from 4 to 6 on. Sunday afteraround Hospital, Phila. noon. And your wish you don;t see -----'----.---'-.,;-----Mr. and Mrs. Charl~s W. Lu- .. Just ask~then you'll probabb' a • kens of Strath Haven avellue, with 'Acme Guaranteed Quality Mean Chuckle' with glee. their dalIghter Miss Barbara Lu- .Thousands of undisplayed items ke~. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Goldsmith of Wallingford, and Mr. alld CATHERMAN'S 'Mrs. Peter E .. Told. of. Park avenue will attend Mother's Day DRUG STORE week-end festivities at' Bucknell Boaete•• RoUed Chaok Roalll • DonlUd Ogra~ flew back to· Fifth Grade Mothen Elect Mlml Fussell, of Vassar, avenue, H.S;$weepsLohidoWfte Meet; Stars Penn Relays Having defeated both the Alumni end Springfield, Swarthmore went. on to sink Lansdowne, 7832 last week. The marks set durIng the meet were greatly dictated • by a verY slow, wet track. Lynn Doherty and Steve Snyder, both of Swarthmore, tied fqr first. place In the 100 yard dash with a time of 10.8 seconds. Doherty we.nt In to win the 440 In 54.3 seconds while SllYder captured the 220 In 24.2. The only other track event woD by the Garnet was the mile, which Dave Cox captured In 4:53. On an equally muddy field the Gamet took all but one event. Chai-Ies Scott put the shot a dis. tance' of 42 feet 5 Inches and the discus was hurled 121 feet 5 Inc.hes by Jim Tucker. In each of two events, the high jump and pole vault, Swarthmore entered a three-way tie for first place jump.:. Ing to a height of ,5 feet I, Inch, Walt Leach, John Bernard and Lonny Staton shared honors. Walt Leach also won the broad jump with a distance of 18 feet 5 Inches. In the pole vault, another . Swarthmore' trio, consisting of - DIck M"Cormack, John MaschaU, and Vance Tucker, tied at a height of 8 feet. Lansdowne captured but three events, the javelin, 120 low hurdles, and the 880. Tom Jackson threw the javelln 148 feet 81j, / Inches while on the track Ed Hen'rie ran the 120 low hurdles In 15.0 seconds and Tom Jenkins won the 880 with a time of 2:12.4. Win at Penn The Garnet also made a br!ll!ant showing In the Penn Relays. , Swarthmore H 1g h S ch 0 0 I placed second to Downingtown In the first race of the Greater Philadelphia Area Class mile. Darby was third, Ridley Perk fourth, and Sellersville-Perkasie fifth. Upper Moreland also ran. The winning tlmewas 3:41.7. Swarthmore too k the Surburban Class E m!1 e with ease In 3:41.9. Darby, Ridley Park, and Springfield pmced In that" or" der. TIle Garnet speedsters' were Steve Snyder, Bob Terry, Dave Cox, and anehorman Lynn Doh- C();ED . BEAUTY SALON ,\ ==========:=;=::! MOTHER'S· DAY' GOLD·N·SNO ~,: !:r $J19 ORCBID 'FREE .......,. Gl'Ouad , a••r • 'aINIO ....... Jul" -~ 0dmI Gre. . a.aa. Cot.,Pronch DoDaid Duek G...D..... 'H:'100 10.... 1.. a !~ .,•. ' COURTESY PAYS c9dia1S'INACR,"::c:-:,!4'-'I~·18e . . .. , :~ \ JJdmI Old' Fashioned .APPLE BUTTER 28-oz lar - H~35c ".:0,1 Z~ 2 ~ 37e '- (jJJlII BIIIII Enriched e FLOUR 5';!~4C)c: 10":'D,...7a ..... No ......, .1I-purpoM ....11y "ur .111. . . Try It ..... r 0.'" ow.. . . br ••••••• r •• ' ••• S'ata (!tJ. BEVERAGES(:.:) I;:: loe Ginger At_, Root .....; SanaporUla. Cherry, Grape. OrGna-. Cola.. Club or Cr.am SocIa Faacy Sharp Cheddar Chee.e Faaey htla Sharp Cheddal' Ch.... F ....dale ...... Sw. .t Pea. WII.oa'. are. (He~I:.OOY) Jldml Cold_ ......~ Prince.. Brand Yailow MA.RGARINE II> Ih 650 '90 H:;..3031_ '!:- S. . .=. as. ACME MARKET, Chester Rd., Swarthmore Open Thqrsday and· Friday to 9 P. M. Open Saturday 'til 6 P. M. _0 .af. . rr.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 says are to be locally Judged and the winning entry to be sent to !he League Headquarters, 175 Fifth avenue, New York, by June:J for final judging. , The grand winner will be given a week's vacation In New York on June 15 end introduced at the Investors Caucus on June 17. One share. of stock In several cor_ porations is also a part of the grand pliz e which WI'U b e presented: by an outstanding AlnerIe"" Citizen. -------Mrs. Margaret Hogan of Har- vard a v e n u e, has - WHAT'S IN A NAME? In ours-dependability, service and experience. • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. DI.ICTO.I O. PVNIULi 1820 CHESTNUT STREET OUVElt H. IIdI\, _ . . . returned MARY A. BAIl\, PntId.... Talephone RI 6-1581 after several weeks In New York City as the guest of her granddaughter, Mrs. John McCoubrey and family. NEWS NOTES LET US HELP MAKE YOUR.CAR RUN BE ii ER - LONGER · Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for, Summer Right Now Your Car Needs These nGet Ready for Summer'" Services l-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL WInter oil Is too Udn for warm weather. We drain It-and ..,111\ with Sommer b'pe Sunooo OiL 2 CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR , LUBRICANTS . Drain mnsml.... 9n and rear relI1l with Sonooo All-purpose Gear Lu· hrlcant--.peclally made' to res!H hllrh pressure and heat. , 3 CHASSIS LUBRICATION Spe<>1aI LubriCant uaed to help keep out squeal- k _ dlr& out of the earhuretor. II-DRAIN ANTI - FREEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS ...ADD RUST RESISTANCE H yon have permanent anti·freeze, save It for nm winter. BrIng your 0 ...... container• fer '-CHECK-UP OF TIRES . S-BATTERY SERVICED Wlnter-ts 'espe{daI\y toua'hon liattenes. We cheek streDcth, c1.... terminals, CLEAN AND ADJUST, SPARK PLUGS Dirty spark pIlIP can waste as much . Coft'ellt 'uSwitetilftlr"" ·lmp........ the mU-. We can also have your tires recaPped, U Deelied. add dlstll1ec1 water. HANNUM & WAiTE " Avenu, Chester Road' and Yal, $warthmon 6-1250 , 800d pay right from the start ~~...-...... pleasant surroundings opportunity for • odvoncerrieRI friendly associates H ..... JOII1' car Impe<;ted by a trained mechaDlc who will make c:ertain tbat .~. car h .. Do:defecu that'will afl'ect Ito oafo nmoiog CoDdIfl!>o. H. will check 28 d""'ser~loto In y__ ar" IochtdlD8 ihi brakes ••• ~hts ••• wlieel ali_eat ••• wmdshie1d wiper • • • minor ••• bora ••• and ..",n't.. 1fII. IfIIIety _clear me-. ' dwyourc:ar bas been Ios~ and approved f~ a penod of .0: mOnths. Howeye.t, it does - mean that yonrcar wlll_y 10 safe mechanical drimlg condition for a Cull siz months. It o •• _ B._to add,. htn.,heatmc to,.. bouaahold con. .. up to you, as • consdentiOUl IIDd saEety..conscious dmer, to mllke certain that your car remains safe to drive. aut 1$ SAIl . -JJR DRIVI " sAlay , O.dlm.... oIlenflue You will not b. pennltted to drite your car legaU, Uter July 3htWitJi. o\Jt an oIIidal car o· ono for DBt wiIlt.. with dependable g&II house beat. 'There', wwmib for yoa when yo\'l WIlDt It. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANJA I Ii....... Ezcept for its won3erfully even heatinr, JOU will hardly know it's there becaUM Ws 80 qrdft aDd ,wquit.. DO atteration. \that's more, tllme'8 no ordering of fuel MAD SUD YOUa OF. PE NNSHY AN IA \ .IOHN S. ~- Gov• • • P. MESs. . . ~,._tary See yourphvnlwror Mating oontaactor far more information GIl al l pa 1M _mating. mm:.tic A girl appreciatee having a Httle luck when looking for • job. A grea.t many girls End their parenta-feel downright fortunate in finding an employer like the Telephone Company. For !bey cUscover that everything this u5·leaf clover" says is true. Dumber of ope~ga right DOW, for girls who can qualify. U you're interesfecl, why DOt stop ill Wayor in the near future--at one of the offices listed below. 6919 Ludlow St..... Upper DtMty, .... 1631 Arch SlMet, ........,......... . . lei Telepho., Contpny of h. !'Girfa w60 " I I i DII'. . . .B.IEL,al. ELECTRICCO.'.I' •• iupecdoo sticker. , " - '> - - -'.', ' .. '- .. We have a _A. II,... 'a I ..... \ / 1 JIa7 ,1.8 at 1:80 a,m. This Is - an open meeting and An essay contest for high school The annual meeting of the students on the 1oplc, "Importance Swarthmore Branch of the Amer- QIlYone who Is a member of the .of the Investor in Our National Ican Red Cross wlll be held in the Red Cross, is cordial\y' invited to EconoID>''' is being currently spon- Borough Hall Council Room on 8tlend• .sored by the Investors ~ague. Es- GAS HOUSEHEATlNG! Pennsyhama the average lor Ibch accidento.l. ooly 3%.' THIBELl TELEPHONE , COMPANY • tlon of· Women'. 'Clubs at Lansdowne: M r;' . Ray m ~ n d K. i:lenworth, Mrs. Francia Ii. Forsythe, Mrs. John E. Michael, Mrs. Harold G. GrlfBn, Mrs. E. Van' S. Cleveland, M1'II. S. Blair Lockie, Mrs. Cbarlee H. Zen8e!i, 'Mabel Talley, end' Florence J. LucaMe. At the mornln8 session Mrs. Luckie, honorary president of.the County Federation, was' presented with an orchid corsage in honor of her election ,as the' Pennsylvania mother of 1952. Mrs. Michael, chairman of organ!za~on, and Mrs. Forsythe, chairman of speakers and program bureau, gave reportsi and MrS. Micilael pratented a Dew federated club,. the Merwood Woman's Club. .0. will be driving more and longer hours for pl.......e, It will mean proved that: such car in_ apectionreduca traIIic aCcidems. While the oational average f~ "eldeo", due to the mechanical failure· of. car~' is 16%-in ,~tween. :.ZXc lI1.jp!ardiog dielll.,,'; ...t tnBic aCeIdeo", cs...~ bytl\e mechanIcal failure of cars. lifth.. sumIDe.: monw aline!, when you much to you to bow_ thai Little courtesies, like, sharing the. road, help _ to make life, happier. Consideration for the . other fellow is the basis of good party-line tele· phone service, too. If you are always courteous on the telephone, you're sure to find your party-line neighbors the same. Remember the three R's of party_ line co1ll'teilY ~ Relinquish the line as soon as' possible when you hear others try to use it; Replace the receiver gently when you find the line ip use; Regulate your calIS 80 that others may use the line in- 1~ ,our Ufe-the 1lCe, hw:.I,~eiI I,Dd well.bel.ag of your • y_ ollielal car loor.·etloo IS auarding ypo. t bas definitely on party-line telephones, too MtNI. wIth o"ha..1 tn•• appl ......... I•• to ."14 P••Blylv.alo Dutch net... '1Jd«zI tRUIT COCKTAIL ' .9dmI PIE CHERRIES ~J:.r' ,'.' ROB·FORD PRUNES ~.." ~ SWEET POTATOES tOMATO PASTE!:~~~l!d7::: ...,. offidal Peo".ylnnia Impeo. don Station-marked with • K~toile arid Qum~i for rour guidaoc:e-and do It'early. The c:unent car ioopeetloo' PerIod ocan.d May 1, 19'2. ' The following members of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore attended the annual spring meeting of the Delaware ,CountY Fl!dera- " Annual M••tlng of A. R.,C. Ann_,Contest Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bunker, Jr., of Mt. Holyoke place, have returned from a two-week motor trip soutb. They visited Mr. Bunker's aunt Mrs. G. K. Rand at Palm' Beach, Fla., fiew to Nassau, W.I., where they spent two days and en roule' home stopped at Augusta, Ga. Mrs. W. It; Shoemaker of Rlverview road spent the· weekend with her dau'ghter Mrs. Louis F1accus, Jr., and famlly of Scarsdale, N.Y. Mrs . H enry W • H' "'sI er, J r., 0 f Park avenue, has returned from a twO'-week motor trip to Hol\ywood , F1a• Mr. and Mrs. William C. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs .. Vincent Carroll, and Mr. and Mrs. .A1beI't Mangels, all of Riverview road, entertained at a progressive dlnner before the Duck Club Dance In the Woman's Club Saturday' evening. Mrs. John S. Kistler and her daughters, Teal and TIna, arrived last week by plane from Cautor" nia to attend the wedding Saturday of Comnilinder Kistler's mother,- Mrs: WnllBm'Earl Kistler and Mr. Haldy, Miller Crist, former owner and principal of the arty. Mary Lyon School, and to visit Mrs. Paul J. Rutan, of Ogden ~. John Kistler's mother In avenue, entertained members. of Wynnewood for three weeks, her club at a luncheon-bridge at while Commander Kistler is on her home last week. an inspection tour In Japan•. GRAPEFRUIT .ciffiCi-liASTlt)53' Club MembarsAtmId . , Co., Federation M.eting . -,. ; . t. • TIlE Pap 8 . ' MII% 9,1952 SWAR1BMOREAN • Mn. Carl de Moll, of Park ave- , CLASS.FlEI' LBOAL MOTICB NEWS NOTES 'tea-meetlna/ ::::~~:~t:=:: LBaAL MOTICB nue, ,waa at aFrIday of the ArthOlItess Club laat June Ketghtob, of CoUece ave-I"nme. PERSONAL-Grace LewIs, Em- DUe, a senior at George School, noon. ;ployment Agency. Lieensed ' J!I.a.red lacrosae at Lower Merion r========:;;;;;==~ Bonded. Domestic BIib School's PlsyDay Saturday. ,'avo ,SERVICE wo!,~, or full time, I South 'Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Motr, of ;;i!~B'~~ . . AN nuneo. Haul1llg. Phone Ch ter cI, +."'.'-ed .:u.' :..._ ' 'swarilimon, Pa. 1;'..,0'1re 6"5019. I es roa en~...... _'_'.•__ '::' Serving Swarthmore, MOrtem a cocktail party ,betore the ~~J~~ Rutledge andRldl.,y TOWnsblI ' Duck Club Dance Saturday even- ~~;;:'-111 since 191!1 , : ing. I om- Swartllmora 60444 , Mr. and Mrs. Russell White, Bowling Gree'n, entertained coektalls on .Sundayaftemoon f honor of Mrs. Frank A; Lee, o B . k FIa 'd CUNNINGHAM ' Since 1905· lralnters.& -'aper Ha.gen 'W......1.1nIow iIow ' , Swa. 6-22" Ave. . WILLIAM '8ROOKS Aebee &'R~b~hRemoved Lawn.. ~oWed, Gener81 HawlbaJE 238 '1IaI'cihi8 "ve., "Marlon, -p~ ROOFS , '. ' ~ ~!~~~~~~~i~ I , GEORGE MYERS Box 48-Swiu1hmore 6-0740 ----------~ PETERE. 'tOLD All L1••• of·lnsu....ce. 333 'DIirtD!.01iIh Avenue Swarfllmo.... P.. Swarthmo... 6-1833 The .....rveo the right to reject any or all bids In whole or In part and to award eonUlete On anY Item or 1 _ making up any bid. At the eame tlmeaild place eealed propoeate wU1 l:Hf'reeeltied openec1 and ....... 'fOr CertaIn 'heattn8-. plumblIig and electrloal work In ' wtth the music wing DOROTJrY RODGI!IRB Secretary I;~~:;;~~~~~~;;;.. All bids lIIlould be submitted on ennend form ofWith' propoajll and ~:~ be acoompa.ntect & cert11led ~ or bid bond of 6 per cent of the amount of 'the propoaal drawn to of "The SChool DIStrIct BWarthmore".As thla Inntauon. nend ptoposal, general condltlona and specl1lcatlon refer 'to eacll other and. constitute a whole. they should be returned and bound together as . .,,,.., , , , , , , , " ,. .,,,,,,,,,,,.,., _or Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Pres- deUveied the bidder. ' ~n, of'Pittsburgh. were the 'eek-I ~~~~:~ri~~~~ end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sewell .~~~~~~t; to w, I :"'_::.1 W. Hodge, of Ogden avenue. , Mr. and 'Mrs. Patrick M. Malin T ,.,"'., of PrInceton avenue entertained as their week-end guests Mrs. lin's parents Mr. and Mrs." ( :le"nent 1 GUTl'ERS REPAIiuID & 'INSTAIl.ED WABM''AIR 'HEATING Furnaees Vacuum Cleaned ea......, "" 'daUlhter, Miss Jacquelyn Lee, "erion. The marriage of Miss ' aL and Mr. Russell White, Jr., take ,place May23. Mr. and Mrs. C.Irwm Galbreath, of West avenue, recently entertained ...,-- Lee and -Mr.. In . h ODor 0 f '.LY.I.UZi White. 5 ...l'1li110'" '6-144' , ,. ~~$~~~~~~t~~~ and Mrs. Ollver G. N.Y. Browne, M.:Mr. Biddle of BroOXVllle, road, :Media, be tained at dinner Friday in honor I !!t,w:~~~_In. of r----------~ of Mrs. Browne's 'mother, 'Mrs. to the .FdR RINT, ~c'h~~, WithIn S arthin ' Earl KIstler and 'Mr. ar~,r~eColp~_,~ bid; ;U apart~ent, 'a"::n~; Haldy MUler Crist, whose maror Ifh !"ell':ld!"oea'!' ~"J June roornsahd ·bath. Prl- riage took place the'drawinga andopeclll.catione vate~·~~ltra:nce; Phone Swarthmore Alnootthe guests were the 'live-da,. ,pei1Od. then the Crist's, daughter, Mrs, 'amount of ,DO.OO'lIhaU be forto the Architect, !r::Siii~~~:Dii~;s.; Mary Crist Fleming and' her three 0Il1UtillH_ ... _ _ ... • .~~;~ :~hUdl"'n, Gay Tommy and Lynn All bide must be eealed ,and ad· on talUIl. OIL '''IMI1II8 WAUl .......' i bl I-~· , , dressed to the SchOOl DtstrI~ of the of Lansdale, Mrs. Walter Gilpat- Borough of Bwarthmo1'e. Bwarthmore. rick, of White' Plains N. Y. 'and Pa>, and In addItIon marked, wIlether •• r.,!3r--) .. • J , the bid 18 for "General construction": Caroline CbafBn, of North- "Beating": ''Plumbing''; orBlectrlcal." DAY and NIGHT ,Mass. II~;er.~:; lal~~~~~. ' Tho D\rectora of the School DIStrIct -Mrs. 'Wllllam R. Main, of Rut- of the lI<>roIlBh or fwartbmore reo OIL BURNER gers avenue flew to Cleveland seI'Ve the right, to reject any, and "¥ , , bids or parts thereof. . SER~ICE ,sum- Ohio, ,for the '",eek-end where ' ' loea- she met, her daughter, Dr. Ellza~~. RODGB1l8 1II0mJAY' TBRU· SATURDAY NOON, ~~. beth 'Main Welty, of Spokane, School Dlatrlct of the Mass' Wash. "Dr. 'Welty hadcQmeto Borough or· SWarthmore, SW 6-4041 . Cleveland, to attend the Medical 4-2B-st Delaware COUnty. Penna. ConvenUon held there.. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS ':Miss 'Jo~e Worst, of Cornell SW 6-0740 TlHI'iEN ~~ . OIL HEAT ~ ~ ---:,-:-l!~ DtM.I.". . . PETER 01 NICOLA , 'Drlv.way Co.....ctfo. Asphalt 'Or Con..... Cellor Wall. R.. Pla.h.... Swarthmore . GEORGE'F.CULLIS avenue, was guest \ of honor at a brldal'shower given ~~?~~~~~~1. mlseeUaneous . Cuefiij1l.lIii,iJGli - ' laSt ' week: by' Miss Esther Charles E. Fischer 'Strobel, of Lansdowne. Miss :!iwr=IWorst was also honor guest at a linen shower on April 3'0 with Mrs. 'Gordon Walmsley, of BrllOml-1 8UILDER al1, • Suppose you had to go back to school and take a test in ancient history or solid geometry? Could you make • p.ssing grade? More important, mppoeeyou were tested in, a cJriyer education COU1'8C-eould you pa88? Do you know how your reaction time ••• depth perception ••• eye-handfoot coordination are related to tra1lic safety? Could you answer these simple questionS: When is a' driver permitted to pass a halted aool hus? , rimes, is the only our his,hwaysl df,Dtiretwe How much clear Bight distance must a dri-t-er have to safely pall another car tl'aveliug 40 mD· I*' hour? ' --~----~--- -----~ Ule G1Ul .... ~--~ 'T.,.... h.erat'oa ."I'If"~ on' H you can't answer these questions you need a refresher courSe in traffic safety. Send your name and a_~dresa to the Governor's Highway Safety Advisory Commi~ in Harrisburg and you wiD receive. 'free. helpful safety literature by return m1jJ Do it today. Learn aDd 6-11~47. \ ~ow what it t ....o. to be • ..,. ddt •• Help to prevent BARRIS AND CO. THEAm PHARMACY HORACE A. REEVES B. J. HOY. 5 AND 10' S'I'RATH HAYEN INN SWARTHMORE, NATIONAL BANK and TRUST CO. " . SWARTHMORE C()'OP Property MtmlJ8emenl Lafayett~ AV!,.,OpP08ite Borough ,Hall i.' Swarthmore '6.0108 C" .. Swarthmore '-3450 Real'Eslate - Insurance . . 'Mortgllge8 RESIDENTIAL AND .' COMMERCIAL' CONSTRUcTION -.. ,.,THE BOUQUET :EDWARD BllTATE NOTICB BSTATI!l Qp ~A 'BBNNDiGTON. ...te' of 1iIIe" CIty'" Oheotel'. De- Swarthmo.... Pa. , ;~'~~~~~ i HOllYHOCK SHOP JOYCE LEWIS, w. ,MARK BITtLE THE SWARTHMOREAN IIANNlJM &: WAlTE THE INGLENEUK BUCHNER'S E. L. NOYES and 00. ·FUSCO and ALSTON PEl'ER E. TOLD IDCHAEL'S, COJ.I,EGE CHARLES R.RUSSEI,l, , PHARMACY , . RanCh/j~~::~:~~====~1 house by owner, two acres FORSALE-Rose Valley, landscape. Large stone ~!all!'a:r~c:: F~~ one-half baths. STENOGRAPHIC & ! TYPING SERVICE Letal , ....... '", n_ . I.,ork , .._pt. efffcleft . d .ce..... • "mce -21 Yean Beferenae. ID ..,.. lIlm 9to Langley's play is that everybody 7:15, The new m~tlng place asThe'Swarthmore Symphony Or~ MacFadden, tall twister. 11:45 a.m., Monday thro~ F!i-' ..ip It has • growing pains". except sures room for' all;' A diQllay of cheiltra. will give' a concert WedJack Gensemer. and Albert day, for children ot all ages wh,\' 'Corder and Pynegar and Wilfred. the Girl ScoutS' badge work' will nesday, May 21. at 8: 30 p.m. in Cathennan were elected to. the bave completed third grade. There Is no listing for the SIuy- be exhibited In the school caf.... the hall of the Players Club of Board of Dlreclors for a tenn of Pre-~chool and Primary, under vesanl-Pickford daughter tucked terla where refreshments will be Swarthmore, Fairview road. The two years. Other directors re- the leadership ot Mrs. J. Francis away upstairs but she Is very served. program will comprise the followmaining In office for the coming .Taylor, will open a week \~lIer (ContbiQ.ed on page 5) This is an occasion when all Ing: .. year are Kenneth' Saddler and on Monday, June 18. These chilBrownies and Girl. ScoutS in Bach Fugue in G MInor ("The Thomas Conway. dren. meet in the RulJers Avenue BANKER ELECTED Swarthrnbre ~Ill ' be together. LIttle"), SYmphony In G Major The new officers will be Install- School, and will C9lOPlete their Donald M. Hand, Cashier of Brownies of three ·Yf18rs will reo ("Surprise") by Haydn, Concerto ed in July by DistrIct Governor six week program on JuIY 25. Swarthinore National Bank and ceive their ~.\)mdthe Giil in D Major for VioIin and OrchesRobert Hellyer, Registration' for Bll groUps will. ~ Company, was elected to the Scouts will be' p~ted with the Ira by Beethoven, and 'Romeo and DurIng the business portion of be held On Monday and Tuesday, Board of Directors of the .i\meii.- badges earned ,?!~lthe year ,by Jullet by Tscbalk.....ky. • the meet\J;lg which foDowed the May' 2681'ld'27, When members of oan Institute of Banking. He was their respective II! era. The high-spot of'Ute concert eleetlon of officerS, the club 8p.. the Swarthmore ReCreation As- ~tly '~ected to the Executive The Mrs. George, Zimmer camp- will be Beethoven's Violin Cm.proved the purchase of raincoatS socIation Will sit In both Rutgera Committee of !lie Delaware Coun;' ershlp award·,_~presented to carto, probably the greatest violin and hats' for -the school Safety Pa- and College Avenue Schools. ty . Bankers Association. the Girl Scout ",h'li'lias shown ex- concerto of all time, which will troL PresIdent HastIngS appointed Summer·C1ub·will beorg8mzed Mr. Hand, came to SwarthOlore ceptionar 'granY onDecembet 1.. 195J' r each year b:ir'tbe Swarthmore ively under Lucius C.,le, Concert to purchase l~' raincoats and hats ball, track and field, quo~ts, eraMr. Hand and his family are Woman's Club' of lIirrs. Master of. the Orchestra. . ~ turn them over to the Safety quet, dodge ball, and other group moving from Havertown to 513 Zimmer, a Of. their The concert ~ open to the pubPatroL·· . , . . . (Continued onl'!!i,e ' i I ) , .~gden aVeriuc in June. 8) lIc free of charge. r..- CATHERMAN'S DRUG STOlE Prices Lee. (;a"peal", _ C.mplele Price Ran.e - May 16,17 SwM.tTBMORE, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1952 be Reduced Blind Fair Mrs Peter EC'osle Poppy Camppign Sen"lce Today for. CANCER SOCIETY Blind Fair in Full .To Head Mother's Club =ie ~;:~ b:q::EE:: Robert Jarratt p';::r:'~;~~~~~~~ Swing at Firehouse Carpet • "0. AHend • . ;.~ 25 ".." , VOLUME 24.-NVMBER 20 . Phone Bledta 8-3400 A price to meet every Family's ·need. Great Books Group ; - .. May 16,17 FUNERAL HOllIE EIa'IlCeen rears' Experience PETER E. TOLD ~ 9GJIge I 15 . .I.,r ...... 1.50 •• 1.1. .... 1 ..10 .................. 1." ~ .... 11.65 ................... 1.21 7D d ...... _me. w ..... " ..,.... .... 1.10 ............ 1.1' , I "SHOP FRIDAY 9:30 TO 9:00 '. , . ... ~... LIlacs _ Into week of May 11 (Meeting Howe) .. : Tree PeonIes - Week of May 11 (Bank aboveJl0rth). . IrIa _ Early, week of May 11; main collection, week of May IB, 25 (Garden southwest of railroad station). Peonies - New bybrlds, week of May 11; Chinese, week of May 24 and June 1 (Garden southwest of railro,!d statlOli~) Rhododendrons - 'Olrough June- B. (Woods below. outdoor auditorium and other parts of camp"".) .AlWeas - Through May 25. (President's Garden above Cherry border and woods below ()U~oor auditorium.) PATTERSON I -~ COLU.GJo; L 1.8 it A H·Y . ." .. Co"~ge Blooming Dates at Swarthmore Exhibit Opens May 13 (Continued from Paie 1) Mrs. William Hanny will receive the pictures May 11. Mrs. Carl DeMoll and ber tommittee will hang Jhe pictures on the twelfth.' In charge of securing hostesses for the exhihit Is Mrs. 1I. G., Griffin. On Surlday, May 18, from 2 to 6 p.rn. there will be a tea for exhlbiitors . and theii friends. The members of thearl.commlttee will act as hosl!>sses. Mr. F. Leroy Gilbert, Mrs. Carl DeMoll, Mrs. stanley L. MacMillan, Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin, and Mrs. Arthur W. Binns Will pour. Mrs. John E. Michael, is in charge of 'the Sunday tea. ' ROW MUCH FOR AFAll? AU Line. oj lruurance ..... 1 ••vARTlI.'lOR~'·, ~ 11IE SWARroMOREAN Woman's Art Club • . , . I 'D' fu.. :11, .. • <: be the week-end guests of Mr. North Cbester· roa'" and Mrs. Mr. md lira. WlJJt,m A. Clarke, s.nM McCabe, UI, on IIq •• Mrs. McCabe wu the former and Mrs. Walter L. Lukens, of Robert Pbllips of RuUedge, enter- of W,JIInlford, md Mr. imd Mrs. Wash1nlton,D. C.. former17 talned at a surprise mlsc:ellaneous IWalU'or A. Sehm1dt, of Rjvervl~ ~ YV"lIIIe Motle7, daUlh- of Dr. and Mrs. George P. WUI'tII1 Sw~ shower Wednesday evening at Mr. and Mrs. ArthUr H. JlaUey. and famUY of I$oUth CheSter rpad, Mrs. E. DwlJht B~aUns. of Vas- MIsa GUbert's home in bonor of of. Larebmont, N. Y. Th. baby 18 fUld HIss Judith DIck. of aai avenue, bas re~urned. from a Mlss Wanda T71er 0( South . Mr•. IUld un. Thomas Ba7aril elad tile eran~ of Mr, '1Uld'1In: PrIn~n avenue were enUortaln~· 10-da7 trip to Terre Haute, .Ind., ter road, wbo will be a ~une - Jr., of Evanston; m.,m- Thomas B. .lto;Ca1Jt, of !forth ~ at dinner Sunda7 by Mrs. War_ wbere she visited her brother, Mr. the bJrth of a son, Thomas Chester road. . . "",'s aunts the Mlues Sue md E. W. McCullough and f,mlly, and TO WED ....AY 24 Helen McCall of Bryn Mawr. to Mankato, Minn., for a visit with MIsa Anne Newton Cochran. Muriel Watkins, dauPw of Mr. her uncle, Dr. F. D. McElroy and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Robb and Mrs. W. WatJdna of Mrs. McElroy. Cochran· of Kenyon avenue, whOse avenue, has been placed on Dr. and Mrs. Josepb Ii\- Bates, marriage to Mr. George West Dean's LIat at HIram Colle,e, of "Rocky Spring Farm", Media, Cocllraq!l, son of Mr. anI! Mrs. will attend ~ Rope Tree Rates Thomas Cochrane of Upland, will Ohio, where she Is a .lrfsh Mrs. RobertB. 'ClOthIer of Co- wltjt their weeJ.:~d guests, Mr. take pla~' Saiu~ily, :M:ay24 In .~m S~~9" lW1lbl!l "venue entert4ln8!l: at a Bl\d Mrs. Cottrell Farrell, of El!l!- tile Swartlimore PresbyteJ;ian TULIP TDIB..~. TIJNE-.1lP TDIB•. • Churcb, will be guest of honor at dessert-bridge for 1~ guesll at her ton. home FrIday.' lI(rs. WilUam A. Jaquette, of ·a lWlcheon and kitchen shower Mrs. A. WilUam B.... Jr., of Elm avenue, left Wednesday fo. a tomorrow by Mrs. Charles 9 Cheater Road Ogden avenue en~ed at a two-week stay at her cottage at C. Brogan, Jr., a~ her home on 'Call ... SwarthDlore 6-0'76 , luncheon-bridge at her home Little Deer Isle, Me. ~. Jaquette Forest lane. Mrs; Brogan will be Wednesday. will later move to the Swarth- a member of the bridal party. Seventh Gra~ers of· ~he Junior more Apartments having sold her The brlde-ta-be was honor guest Assemblles were enUortained by home on Elm avenue to Mr. and at a pantry shower given ThurstIte following hosts lIt a dance In Mrs. Maurice Webster, of Ard- day evening by Mrs. James ClIfthe Woman's Club ·Frlday eve- more, who Will t{lke possession ford of Rutgers avenue. !'htg:,J"udy Jarratt, N""oy Qow- the InIddie of June. . Mr. Coc~e will entertain his lng, llosemary Cox, Jeanne Mr. and MrS: Albert L. Hilles, best man and ushers at l' bachHev. y.ur or .....Il.d .tlW ~r.. ,u~lI\.r drlyl., &'i1191!SSer, VI~ W1~, Gayle Jr., moved ~t. week from the elor's dinner par!l' at the "ome of Hanna, Noel Tumer, David Bass, Swarthmore Ap{ll'tinents to their his p~ts th1a e~. Those lb!MY ~at, Die", Coles, new17-buUt home at 7 Crest lane. present will Include ~. David W. 1l".$'~L'$ SEIVICE JOnes, !Illl! Andy Roxby. Dr. IUld Mrs. Donald L .. Hlb- Coch!'~lle of Upland, who will , 10.EIT J. A~ OWQr . Miss ~elen Kraus, o~ B~1!DIIn bard; of Riverview rood, enter- serve as best man for his brother; Westavepue, whose engagemen~ talned as theIr vieek-end guests, and ushers Messrs. J. Wi1l1am Op,o"" ......'h Lat to Mr. WllIIam A. McCullough, Dr.· Hibbard's brother Mr. Hall Wood, ,J"r., of New York CitY, SW 6Ott~ De~,,,~ " L~y.tte ~y... 3rd, of Riverview road, has l'een Hibbard and MrS. Hibbard, of Los Blpir P!ice, Jr., and Thomas G. {lDDouneed, Will! recent17 given a Angeles, CalifCl!ew cif Swartilmore, H. ,John I ~~~~~~~~ ldtehen and recipe shower by Mr. and Mrs. Wl1lIam E. Hetzel Lumsden of Media, WIllIam A. Ii members of her Book Club. . of Thayer road will entertain the Stavers of Glen Mills, and Rich•• UCIOUS DINNin to SUIT ft. TASTI .f IVlaYONI Mr. and Mrs. P. Willard Crane, Sunday School teachers and ariI S. Darllngtop of par1lngton. TENDEI STEAKS a.d CH9pS ~c,.•b" to Ord.r of "MISty HIll", Rose Tree, wIli Rector and his wife of Trinity entertain at a cocktall party Sun- Church, Swarthmore, at a BRI[)A~ ATTENDAt-!T~ EX.CELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILI'l1ES day afternoon In honor of theIr supper Monday evening a 1I4Iss Marian M. Ran,sburg will BUSINESS ItlEN'S LUNQ,I 12-1.30. P. M. week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday School meeting to follow. be maid of honor for her sister Mrs. 'Danlel S. Morse of Par- 1141.. Margaret Dorsey Ransburg, Russell M. Cook, of Mont Clair, Comfclrteili. ~!KIm' Day .r Week EI.ve"r N: J., who will srrlve for the Rose r1sh road was hostess to members daug",t';' of Mr. and lMs. Fr",* Tree Races. of her bridge club at II luncheon- T. Ransburg of Harv"rd ""el'ue, Mrs. Paul B. Banks, of Harvard bridge Tuesday. whose marriage to Mi. WilUam avenue, entertained 11 guests at Mrs. J. Arthur Hayes of Ober- G\IY Piper, 'Son· of Mrs. Henry Swerthm.re, Pe. T.I.pla.. Swcartl!",.re 6-0~ luncheon at the Young Musicians lin avenue has returned fro", a Piper of North Chester road, and , N.I 'AltKIN& W"LTIa L 'A"~TT, "'IIr. Musicale 8'1; the Barelay, Philadel- sIx-week motor trip with friends the late Mr. Piper, will take place . to ·the west coast where they vIsphia, last week. Saturday, 'June 28 at Presbyterian 2 o'clock In ~~~;;~~~~;;~;;~~~~;;~;;~;;~;;~~~;;j Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones, ited San Diego, Hollywood, and the Swarthmore ~ pf Elm avenue are, entertaining as San Francisco, Sequoia National Church. their house guests for two weeks Park, Yosemite Park and Deatb 'rhe bridesmaids wtll· be MIss Dr. Jones' mother, Mrs. Eula ValleY. En route they stopped at Patricia' M. McC.ahan and MIss Jones, of Morganton, N. C., his the Grand CfUlYon, the Painted ElIzabeth McCahan of Strath Havwit!! aunt, Mrs. George Donan, Bl\d his Desert, Petrified Forest and New en' avenue, Miss Jessie A. Colecousin, Mrs. Donan Wilson, both Mexico, and on their return they bower of Merton, and Mrs. T\1omLUBRICATIPN AND OIL CHANGE of Ashvl1le, N. C. Dr. and ¥fa. vIslted the Homt.erDam 111, zrev- asPoner of 1iI~t,n'!!L . Jon.,} were hosts at" a family 're- aila,- Salt . IJIIf{'t:nY:' Utah, ' and Dr. Henry Dan Piper will serve ..ONDAY THIU THUISDAY union over· the w~-end when Colorado. as !,>est mim for 1$ brother. they were joined by Dr. Jon",,' Guests at the Gibbon Home, brothers, Mr. Perry LeIt", Jon"" Baltimore pike and Sproul road, BIRTI;iS and his wife, of Roch""..ter..,N. Y., . enterlalni.d . . , Sunday evening . Mr. and l'4rs. Rob!!rt D.' Hall, {lDd Mr. George W. Jones and his with a musical program presented pf Fa.irview rOlld, announce the SUNOCO SEIYIC;~ STATio" wife, of Jackson, Web. . . by OakleY Van ~en and his birth of their second son, Andrew .altll..... PIke e.4 W~!~." ~v~. . Mrs. John G. Lofd,of Crest IP'Oup of singers, and D -'d M 11 I Ch~er n Ian~ enUortsln~ .at, •.~Wiqbeon Fawcett, planbit.. cg~~' J.:!Pltilf S..~I".a;IE!:p,. P~. SW ""687 last Thursday IJl honor of Mn. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bat"", The Want Is a grandehlld of Donan Wilson, of Ashville, N. C:. of "Rocky Spring Fann", Media, Hel"" ~ of ~born ave- ~~iiiii~iiii house guest of Dr. and Mrs. Jones, enUortsined for several days .. of and Mr;and Mrs. Henry V. ii! and Mrs. John R. Bates, of North this week Mr; and Mrs. Laviience ID'eH1lven, of We!!t qhester. Chester road, entertained at a M. Ml'Coy, of Manchester,Vt. luncheon-bridge Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Bell, of and Mrs. Walter. Marshall Mrs. Wilson as honor 1IU'!St... Harvard avenue, are entertaining I~;bmdd·t·, of Drexel lIill, announce birth or their second child, a Mr. Walter A. Schmidt, of Riv- as their house guest Mr. BIill's ervieW road, Is attending the sister, Mrs. S. J. Ervin, Jr.,· of ' Marsliall, on May 9, at I.B.A. Convention at WhIte slil- Morganton, N. C., who Is here I t~~I!!~~::~t Episcopal HospItal, phur Springs this week. tor a 10-day vIslt. Week-end viS-II THE PerlJOnaZs PUBLJSmm EvBaY FBlDAY AT' BWABTilKOBE, PAo TID SW~TBJIOBEAH, INC" PUBLISHER . PlIona SWutllmore s-"" '. " . . PETEa E. TOLD JWtor an4· PUtiUsher . ,·."'1IrAIUOIUB TOLD aIICl IiAitiAiiA. KENT, AAoeia&e Edltors .,. RoyUePeirsol... . . : , .. ···Lorene McCarter . Entered IilI Si!corid t::ws'Matter, January 24, ·19~,. at the Post . Office at SWai1hmore, Pa;, under the Act of March 3, 11179. DEADIJ:NE,:..WEDNESDAY NOON The Bouquet. m,.,· given ~ STA.TE INSPECTION May ht tq July 31st . '!lrId., a. STRA.TH· HA. VEN {NN FRE~ .CAR WASH GEORGE A. STAUFFER. were =. Dr. road, Roy F. of Rlverview of Nichols, the University of Pennsylvania faculty, will be a visiting professor· at Stanford University, Calif., th1a summer. Mrs. Henry Lawrence Smith returned to her home on Rutgers avenue last week after an extended visit With her son, Dr. Henry Lawrence Smith, Jr., and famIlY, of Tallahassee, Fla., and a visit with anothet son, the Rev. Bancroft P. Smith, of Las Cruces, N. M. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Howe hav.e solq their home on Rutgers avenue· to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder, of Charlotte, N. C., and will move to their newly.purchas.ed home at 131S Delaware avenue, Wyomissing. shortly after close of the school term. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett, of North Chester will I at son, the Bell home were Mrs. Ervin's Lt. S. J. Ervin, 3rd, i~~~;;~1!~ab~y~Is~.~a~~~~~of and his fiancee, Miss Betty Crawford, of Roanoke, Va. SUBSORII'TJONS Dr. John R. 'Bates, of North FOB ALL Chester road" will relnrn tOday ~QAZlNl!S . by pla'1e' ·frOll' - San Francisco, MRS. LWYD. E. KAllFFMAN Calif., where he has been on a 313 Dartmoath Avenne buSiness trip since Sunday. Swarthmor, 8·2~80 Miss Marjorie Blac~ of South I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chester . road, ·entertalned at a II luncheon and llnen shower Saturday afternoon In honor of MIsa Jean McGlathery, of Media, who will be a June bride. . Swarthmore. Pe. Miss Harriet Gilbert .of Park avenue, Mrs. Charles Snyder of Fri. " Sat. EnKllsh comedy Drama HIt Paul THE PLAYERS CLUB . AN ANSWER" Added: Flnt American Tour of "DANCE OF THE HAND" REX ALLEN-Your Fa:\,orlte Cow.. of Swarthmore pres.nts boy, Saturday. 1 P." PLUS __ toono, oomedl.. and lIUd Chapter Notl L8~ley'1 ~e Wa1rus. and .. O....A & HOBBY SHOP 405 Dc; IRulh Av•• Sw. 6-4191 Op•• FrL ... Gaw~. ' or· New 8..taL . Bat. Dl&ht only Feature t'me 8 .. 8 .. Ie The Carpenter" &'11., Mall., " T.... wtlt D\meJ'S , "SNOW WHITE ~ND THE. SEVEN DWARFS" DAYID NARIETH, Director MIi.dCly. O.ly FRIDAY, MAY 16 SAlQIDAY, MAY 17 CIII'hII. TIMe 1:20 P.M. In TedmlcoIOI' 8)JOC1a1 Afto!'·lfehOOI MatInee 3:30 P." Feature at 8:110 P." ··SWARTHMORE, PA., F.BlDAY, MAY 16, 1952 lin M'r. Bishop's S~dy at 8 TuesMr. Bishop wiu preach at both day evening to discuss a future the 9:30.and the ·11:00· servlee!J community survey. Supd(ly D!,ornln,. :Itii~oll . Cirde 1, Mrs. John L. Good, will t.e.entlUed "Who ,Has the Chillrinan, will meet atlO:30WedPower?';, . nesdsy .morDlng at the home of , Ali. del'a,rime~tS ·the··Ch';ch Mts. W. R. Lecron, 410 Cedar Schooi and the Men's and Wom- "lane. Mrs. Stanley L. MacMillan jm's Bible ClasseS will meet will be the co-hostess. Mrs. J. V. 9:30. The Church. Hour Nursery S.·,Bishop will·be·1il charge of the . kill beheld diJrlhg Pte 11:00ser- Sa)lth Ainerlcan piogram. Mein-, vice., , .' . , '. . • berg are: asked to bring sand~ In recdgnItion at Mr. Benjamin wlches.' .. Circle 6, Miss Eva Cresson, L. Kneedier's retirein~nt ·,as organist of our church, a reception will meet. at 10:30· Wednes7 is plamitia·ior Mr. an.!' Mri.. dsy morning lit t1ie home of Kneedler to be, held In McCahan Mrs. Guy· DeFuria, 622 North Hall this Sunday afternoon,· May cJl.i,St:er road. ¥ro. Alex Pocllilyko . ..' . ill' . 18th,. 8'1; f0jlr D'clo.k.. • > > s. Mrs. John' McQ':;iide,' Jr., '44 nesday Hill mOrning the haille Shady road,atMoylan, for of a piCnic. Phone Mrs. Paul Rutan, SW 6-2394 for. transportation; Members are asked to bring sandwiches. Foree lind be>pta:eed 0/1 status for a ,period of three years. -------lng Kappas· to Sew The KaPpa.ICappa.,Ganiina SewIng Grol@' will ineet 'l'uesday, May 20, for an all-day sewing· at the home of Mrs. Jalne. B. DougliIs, of 600 North Chester road. .NdthbraB~ Hubbell Teacher of Piano Silliimer Snsion in Swarthmore SALON FRIENDS NOTES . '. May . .18, , 'the . . annual Oil Sunday, presentation of Bibles to members of the fourth grade FIrst Day school class wtll take place. All parents ot this claJis are cordially invited to atiend the AsS~blY at . Circle 2, Mrs. O. J. GUcreest, 9 45 Chairman, will meet. at the home : a.m .. of the Chairman, 208 Vassar aveAt. 6: 15"p.m, on· Tuesday, .May 20, members· of the· Meetin, will ·nue; at'.11:00 Wednesdsy morning•. h Id ... ; di h· Th' The. co-chafrman wtll be Mrs. S. 0 a COVereu S supper. e four Meeting members who reside S; Rutherford and'Mrs. P. G. GU- i n this a rea and are L _proe esenta _ bert. There will be a bUSiness tives to t h earl W d C0 nference be'meeting In the morning. Follow~ Ing held a t 0 x f a rd" E n""Ian, . d· thI··s ing lunch,. .members are asked to will b 1'4 ,summer, e ,the. eetlng, bring sandwiches, a joint service guests at LL._ tim ...,.;. uw> e. Mon""". Meet~ of Devotional and Program ma- i f Busl will toll· t terial, called "FIne Arts In Rell- ng or ness ow a • .. 7: 30 p.m.. giDn" will· be ·given. Mrs. :tiaIe Guthrie will be program chairman Mid-week Meeting for Worship will be held In the Meeting House and Mrs. J. R. Snape will be t 7 30 W dn sd M Transportatl9n chairman. ;1: p.m. on e e ay, ay EIGHT WEEKS Ju •• 2.d to July 26tl1 .!iw '.21137 ' 517 EI .. Av•••• · I.~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r WHAT'S INA NAME? Iii ours-dependability, s.rvice and experience. • THE OLIVER' H. lAIR CO. _ICTOIS O. PUHBALI 1i20 CHESTNUT STIlEIT OIlV!lt H. WI, _ . . . MM3 A. lAIR, PnoI4eo!1 T".phone II 6-1581 ~:itr";edo~..:~e.;t: VliIl 'Sh~~~~;:;=~""'~!ee~~· ~HRISTlA~ ~~IE~CE ~~TES J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ air SUn Is fir· DICtIfC iMII . The representstives of all .the 10:30' on Wednesdu at the home A cordial Invitation Is extended churches In Swarthmore will meet of Mrs, Edward K"o' Cratsley, 925 to the public to attllnd Christian • . :'. Strath Haven avenUe. l'tit's. Robert Science services next Sunday, CHURCH SER·VI!'.'as' Jarratt will speak on South Ainer- when the subject of the Lesson----s-W=ARc--'='·H=M"'O:"-U=-',-'·+:,-·7,- lca and show her pictures. Mem- Sermon will be· "Morla1sand ImPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ber~ are asked to bring sand- mortals." . Joseph P'. alsliop; l\.fitliSter wiche.. The Golden Text is from· Ro. John sfI!tmer. Asststatit Circle 7, Mrs . .Tames P. Horna" S ~. 18 mans: "They that are In the flesh un ,., ......y day, Chairman will meet at 12:00 Wednesday at the home of the 9:30 & 11:30 A.M.':"'Mr. BlsJiop chalrman;S10j Dickinson avenue, so be that the Spirit of God dwell will preach. Luncheon will be at 12'.30. Mem- In you." . Wednesda.y, May 21 b· (8:8, 9) 10:30 A.M.-Woman'. Association ersL jp'e asked to bring sand--------wi-"",es. Th" Day. ere will be devotions .... ETHODIST NOTES METHODIST CHURCH and a continuation of the 'program The Sunday School meets at Roy l'i; Keiser, D.D., Ilflnlster on South America at 1:30. 9: 45. Classes are provided for chll. Sunday, :Ma,. 18 Circle.5, !.1rs. George p. War-d>;en of all ages and for adults. 9:45 A. M.-'Church ·School and ren, Ch8lrthab, wIli meet at 12:30 The Young Adults meet at 9:45 In l1~~iI~M~i~~: William E. Hor- Wednesday at the horile of Mrs. the Ladles' Parlor. Dr. Wl1lIani E. dern will he guest. preaCher. E. W. Furst, Gue~ road. Hordern will be t1ie guest preach11:00 A. lIf.-Church NU1JI"i'y. LWlcheon W;tU be served. Mrs. er at the 11 o'clock service. .1 TRINITY CHURCH . Richard H. Wn1Is will read 'TamThe Church Nursery for chil- I' H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector i!y Portrait"·1n the afternoon. dren Is open during the morning Sundsy, May 18, This Will be the final meeting of service. Mrs. Charles H: Grier and s:oo A.M.-HolY Communion. th1a cltele. 9:30 A. M.-Church School. Th Ev ni C. 1 • Anne Kraus will be In charge. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer; e e ng Ire es will meet The ushers for the day are John Weclnesda.y, Ma,:!l· Wednesday evening at 6:30 for a J. Bodley, Robert E. Cassidy, 7:15 A.M.-Ho17 Cdmlnunion. COVered-dish suppei- in McCahan Charles H. Grier and James O. Thursday, Ascension Day ·HaII. There wni.' be a business meetln, and the tallation of LLe Stephens. 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. ..... The Wesleyan Service Guild -TiIE-RELIGtOUSSOCIETY new ohairman, followed by a wtll have lin Outdoor Supper" on OF FRIENDS musical program by Henry Faust. Monday' at 6: 45 at the home •• 9~~,*i~~h~~~J.ChOOI ~d .. A.Ii us .entry ....nIc and fun Inf.im"'an ....1It Ih. 1952' ELECTRIC: RANGE C.K·E 'BAKING "C,ONTEST ~:':.~ ~~~~ b~~d:.,B8!eY~=t~ . T!fINK OF THE rillES I One comp1ete ""'" ·'··m·o ·kitch··en ••• 18 eI""-: ~~~_ . 162 .,.--'_ I • • ~ • A rangee. • • ......,....., &uuu' lIIIXerL If SUlf TO JOIN THOMAS F. CONWAY 3 Park Avenne 'Swarthmore, Pa. SwiIrlhmo1'e6-24.56 ........ I•• JDS' ••• but If. you don't like hopplnJ .roun~ town to pay bills, why not pay them by mall, with cheQb1 You will save time and carfare. and spare yourself much ineonveIIlen", Open a checking account here soon. . . IATIOIAL BAil DJ TBUST COI'Q! .' ,c\mi ib-- TRINITY CHURCH . On' Furlough ,. There will be a celebration 'of Aviation Cadet Philip M. Alden, the Ho17 Coinmunion at 8 o'clock Jr.; Bon of Mr. arid MrS. Allien, of Sundsy mornlng. At 9:30 all Cbester road, returned partments of the Church sehoolli=: on· Sunday for a brief' furwill meet. There will be the regUfolloWing seven months of lar service ot ·Mornlng Prayer at F17lng Training at Malden 11 o'clock at whiCh time the AIr Base, Mo, Aldeil· will uport tor will preach. Vance· AIr Force· Base, -EnId, Those ·sei'Ving as ushers Sunday Olda.,· for advanced traiirlng In 11 S multi-engine bombets on May 17. are as fo ows: R. S. Bird, C. . 1'W'hlle. at :Malden he attained the Brown,J. B. BuliItt, Jr., J. L. Cor- I ""'~long, C. H • W. In_ rank of Cadet LleiJtenalit and no" J • H . ,""", . _t.L F . . W . PIowman, and grodusted 1Itth In hIs.~; Folgnrnaln, Thomas Randall. Bennett HIll is loWIng six months of training at scheduled to serve as. acolyte at Vance, he wtll be coliunissloned a the S o'clock service, and Robin Second :£4eutenant In the AIr WrI,ht will be on duty at 11: The Annual ~eetli.g of the Church School Teachers of Trinity CO-ED BEAUTY Church will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.lv. E. Hetzel, Jr., Open ThurMay Nig"" 414 Thayer road, on Monday.evePABKandDARTlIIOUTH AVE. ning at 7 o'clock. Swarthmore 6·1013 At 4 p.m. Tuesday the Spring Meeting of the Chester, tion will beheld at S1; John's Church hi Concord. On Wednesday,. May 21, there will be a service of the Holy Communion ,at 7:15 a.m. On Thursday, Ascension Day; there will be a service of Holy Communion at 7:15 a.m. and again at 10 a.m. A meeting of the' members . of the 'Altar Guild will follo;';·1I1e 10 o'clock service.. _===-_==-________- -:__________ COLLEGE THEATRE "NEVER TAKE NO FOR " ..... 3 May 16, 1952 THE SWARTBMOIlEAN Pqe2 ~ 25·" and money don 110 A WEB new GOODliEJlR 2Buys .. TIRES TODAY DepenJQ"'. MARATHON 6y 60 0 O/iEIlIi. c... ....."r. ............. . Fusco· & Alston > ., CHESTER o.d FAIRYIEW ROADS ...... SW.-Ilhmore 6-3681 I I ,. There·A. Price on Your Head? "lamll,y ward~ L£610N AUXILIARY ... Win .. Bridg. and Mrs. Joeeph B. John_ and robes are Streets are PARTY MAY 19 Membeq of the crum Creek children Laura Jean and JORPh, Bridge Club played' the Howell .Jr., of WUmlnIton. TIle apIIis-. .... I 11 _ _ I crowded; mafif~: Darrow lide m a"7 System at four tables of bridge at . . ""'.} ".' . The American Legion Any th_ 01 the IndlddUa wrt..... All streets; clty s!i'ijeb, \IOuntry and Bridge Party will be held Monday the Tuesday eveninlr meeliDC of r IIItt... to Tbe 8warth ' D mut .villqeatreetii;'~Fb~~dCOlleges afternoon, Mq;18,'.at,the home of the club. .... .. •.a PMatlOaJ_ tD&1 toe are"crowded .. C;1r: imlvepilties in Mrs. John JeffCll'1U, 223Vasaar Winnera were Mrs. Henrietta ,:;" . c':';. _ ., the IdeaUl, of the _ _ Tolt,1o alone. and' one'ln each avenue. Reouviitioils for dessert Fricke and Le8ue Luclde, Ilnt; ~"'Lj';'':d I "':....:"u·___ I' ,.) .. - . . '" tile 1.041 » Province)' ra1Iroid·'~ain.strolley. d the ~OU ............. w ..... -. ~ ~ ' . . •... , - ' . .. . to be served ·at,,2_p.Dl. an Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee and Mrs. .~i" we see with 0111' - .•• ' wW ... pab1loltecl vaJ.1 '" tile ..... .' ..• and buaes ~,~W!ied;,v~ un· bridge to folloWi.caube made with F. Steuber, second; with Mr. and ,Latus.all '-d·o,hIIIId. t ',or' 'tirl!Stetners. In Any,IIIary Prealdent ....... SE_ Frances Mrs. Charles Sylvanus tying with ..,.. luclQr Guys. _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _ _ _ _ _....: cODlfortable ..,;,;lA;:.'1 'I'll the leu it . . the Old pre-~~~. on days (18- Lumsden, SW 6-0182, or Mrs. Mrs. FranklIn' S. Gillespie and Leffers To-.The Editor 68), atauatlon, ·abOrtion. infanti· Robert Sheppard, SW 8-2408. Mrs. Donald CrOMet for third PatroniZe the Blind Fair clde and dlIe~s'ekes.t the popuiiaI". . . .. .. . Members' of the A"yma"7 w,III place. - .......v_ &¥a# ...".tion down; jiiPoin"Will have to do To the Swarthmorean: SOD1ething modem about too Olany convene aY 1 p.m. for an Impor· -------CATHERMAN'S 80% of Tokyo (six million pea- children. If the- standard of Uving tant business meeting. Mrs. O• .J. Dr. and Mrs. James B. Cooper Dal1G BTOR.B pIe) and of the city of Mito (six. can rise quicldy•• that seems al- GlIcreeat will give the report on of ParrISh road will entertain as ty thousand), we are credibly in. ways to reduce family size as the nominating committee. theIr. dinner guesU Sunday Mr; I formed, was burned to the p-ound. parents see. t\l!!. ~bl1ity of exIn seven years practically all the pensive opPdltlJuil~ for tewer So,. 011 All Spring devastated area has been %eCOver· chlldren and do not need so many , ed with thousands of fraU wooden children to ensure their own old SUITS· COATS· DRESSES .houses and shops. An occaslonal age care. facto"7 or mansion ruin standS Flowers are coDling; the wheat, ~ft,e't jEt~..., against the sky, but all rUbble has planted and cultivated by hand been removed and Olany burni!d In neat rows is two feet high. A provide ... savfngs. becau.. You"'" walls Used 88 parts of new struc· second crop will follow it in the tures. Where the Japanese g"t summer; we would think all the the wood or the finances Is a mys. farmers would die of pneumonia tery. UndoubtedlY Government or have arlbritls for working all and private credit by increasing day .knee djIep., ill ~he cold mud Don't waitl Act HOw..;., and San' the supply' 'of money, greatly in· of the rice fleidll, turning the mud -~.; . creased infiation-a way of takinl with big hoes and soon to plant buying P<1Wer from everyone who the rice ,eedllngs,. working In the has tnsurance or annUities, tor rain under theIr straw raincoats those who get the auistance. and wide straw hatsl A most in· ., Steel, coal and woolens re- terestlng country and many lov. , porlejl now adequate for the de- able people., "I' . ,',' . " ' , ',. . SH.rw••' mand. There Is temporarily now '.'. ·!rl.,Passmore and SwartlllftOro ""1148 ~.1I24 FREE " eclloot and &lima,. . a slump In trade. SeYeral foreign' Anna Griscom E\kinton ~untnes have "pUlled in thetrl~====~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~======================~============~·==================================~ own belts" from so. much purchasing from Japan. Wholesale prices recently have dropped;. retal1 prices will follow. Dellatlon can be a dread sYDIPtom of unemployment, but It .can also, as we think ., . . here now, be a sign of greatly in. creased supply. Lower prices will increase domestic buying and soon demand will increase orders. It is the way a country shows' that it Is restoring the buying power of It's currency, All shops we see are full of ..•. ~:;:: merchandise, staple foods, truits, HCltwieome. depenrlClllleaAiJ)rll4tee I1IcIe ... clothing, stationery, fountain.pens, tin ware, electrical equlpment. k~it& Cl"tl cembiMtioil. EClcla. -rtltt Alas, much merchandise Is stlJl ~ to. It4nd ''IDCltcA 10itIl ~~ ~­ b. ';: ,-. ft the'i:ost in USA, also _.about • ' , . ....... ' .•• ' ":',. • ..... > 't" , .' ' .". \! half, milk about 2/3 USA. and very Uttle of it used. Rice (alone stlll rationed) and' ftour, . very cheap,. also street car and railroad fares. But wages are ''terrible''; the lowest factory wages about. ·.fOe a day; union wages and white. ~"Ico\lar·workersboth ...bo;u.t $20, to $24 a 'month! .~y must/iuid of i!ourse wlll, rise, whl<:h will .ralse ~ prices. There seems a Very big spread between low Wages and seiling prices; partly absorbed bY the very high cost In Japanese money of everytbing imported; partly by the very low eftIclency of work-too many people in each shop orjob-and the Government uUvesu off the profits tax.. 'l"he 'first requirement ~er a severe war Is to replace equipment, houses, factories, bicycles;. trucks, raUroad equlpment, street. paving, etc, It's like the small manufacturer who kept his family on $15 a week until he had.accwnmulated $50,000 for his factoryl' Occupa~ tion costs have been heavy.. ' Everywhere th!)re' are too many people. They seeOl. all to have clean neat clothes; no l1eggars; D18Dy children. tor the nearly incessant rsiny days i"Marcb and ApJil, have new rubber boots. &m'fIS TO .TH' IDITOl Probably, . -===========:::,. _0I_~. weeIt: The ChHdren's Shop . SIOEWALLS 'j • bti JOY ELEIS .,l ~.. .- T. PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPHS No Appointment Necessary . ..- .. -0- - family .. ROGER RUSSELL State & Mo..... Sinois -.....,.----"'.._.... .-~~. Media. Pa•. ' . '. JR. ASSEMBLIES ELECT Ring Down Curtain . The annual nie""ngoi the .Jun.. , : . , ;lo- ME 6-1176 I , " The COMPLETE Carpet Store • FIlters Ie Lons Shade. • W.tercolor Sets HOP 'N ANn,•• AssembUes· ·P,a'tenU Associa. AND lOOI'AIOUND tion was held wednesday even· mg, MTIy 7; in the'WomaD.~s Club: CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP' The f~llowlng omcers and com· mlttee were elected for th:e 1952- . 4DS D......tIt Av.... 53 seasoo,: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sw '"'''1 0,.. Fri. ,., W. Richardson, chairmen; Mr. and ~. John S. Thompson. CO-chalr·I!============~~====.===================~ men: Mrs. Avery .Blake, treasurer; Mr. and Mrs. Palmer L. Skoglund, assistant treasurer and secretary. Hosts and hostesses: Mr; and' ~ ,. Mrs. Robert Hetherington, Seventh grade; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turn· <: . ", er, eIghth grade; Mr. and Mrs. William' F. Lee, ninth gr!,de; Mr. and Mrs. J. Willard Hollander, tenth grade; Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lord, eleventh grade, and Mr. and Mrs, Buchanan 'H ar r a r, twelfth grade. ' 10!" _ (Continued from Page 1) much a member oftlie family and although unseen manq:es to have her menus, her tantruiN pre«y well pubUclzed. Which brIn&B up·:the hardest worldng (but how. it pays offl) member lit the east, Willjam Cle. ment 88 yippi,r Pickford. He Isn't too impressive at first but he does grow on one, .mllbtily. If you need a high jumper, a private eye, a bUsstiJlly high new father, all rolled. into one, he's·your man. For all 'roUnd amiabillty and charm, we'd like to nominate John Alan Jefferson who Is certainly the man we'd most like to have ~ a landlord when all ihiit stands between eviction and us is a. packet of worthless investments and a ring. which cost, well was it 12 REPORT FROM COLOMBIA thousand or 12 hundred? it's very Former Swarthmorean Henry clear that the audience relaxes L. McCorkie is the author ot' an over Essie's future with this young article' in the May 24. issue' ot man and Dr. Drew on guard. (~Presbyterian Dr. Drew is ahother pleasant long sufferer. Mr. Narbeth has a beguilingly easy stage presence and a prescience for timing which makes any role he handles a pleasure. Dr. Drew Is duck soup for him, and comfortingly predictable for the audience in this most un· predictable asseOlbly of persons. Norman Brown ·Is very good as the egocentric Wilfred, but it Is a dreary part. Carl Jeglum in his first role for the Club, works hard coDling. out next week.. Mr. Mc~ Corkle'returned earlier this month from a trip to South America where he had been studying reports of religious persecution in ColoOlbla. . The son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. McCorkie, of Stone Ridge, N. y" Mr. McCorkie Is associate . Moorestown, N. J., at a SuP- Mrs. D. TIoomsm Hastinp, Ware, Mass. per pub> Sunday ~. TAKB BACK WJU.T 'YOU DON'T USB "';" ~ S;t~cifions James as Corder is hal?Pily free of ordinary butlerlsms, The play's name is 88 zany 88 •the rest of it, bunt all adds uP to tears of laughter and those sudden seizures .which rock an' audlence into a whale of aD ev&Ding. , D.N.O. PJ,BNTY -. WE w.ILL . -0- U_. ·....... in a character which stays neb- Miss Joanna Dickson, and their ulous, Roland Wayne. Wilbur O. two children, AT T1IB SAME TIME PICK UP FILM FOB YOUR TILIl' T.AKII . ' '.' " resldeDt has been . FIrst prac~ljtl~cIa¥.tor thCo "Hor- with the team tor ~ past liz Mrs. Oscar J. ~~ot of Vas- nets" baseball ~flDI Will be held vear_ and has bad ma,;v ~'coM0 - avenue. memuer the DeJa· Saturda.Y, ¥.8i·a4;·~t a o'clock.on ~ .. ~ .~ware County"Writers Club, is RlverY!ew')'!eJ'ct ':rhe Hornets. ful ~ealON. All umes will start chairman of:, WenditlU'es rose 27 per cent, and pupil enrollment drama; . llt~rary story:. juveni1~ Lees • • 21" t In h '11' . . ted (teen.age), short story, poetry, , .... · frIUoIl.1S. • . per cen. come, owev~r, WI nse an estlma rellgious writing· confessions' arMagee . 12-per cent and the property assessment rise is 9 per cent for tic\es; short short; creative ~rltGulistan · the three years. Thus the income base is not keeping up With ing; historical writing: hwnor and ,. Firth the growth of the schools. Increasing enrollment school sclence fiction (at dlfferent Holmes growtli; 8.ml'higher prices have caused expenses to ~dvance hours). t· ft' d th t' . f Unpublished manuscripts may Philadelphia Carpet' 'Ylce as. as 'as mcpme.. an ree Imesas aat as property be submitted to workshops for aSsessment values.. . . crlticlsm before June 1 and to th! Roxbury ... : ..,. Although the. actual cash income next year will increase conferen"" co~~ by May 20. COTIQM BROADLOOM by Artloom by about $8,500 over 1951-52, .there is a totsl of $24,000 less, Manuscripts should be sent to ... Aldon a"ailable fol;' spending, due. ~ t1!~ drop in t~. e . h balance Mrs. Sarah P. Brock, Contest 'f' 't'h' fi . l b ' . •.. ul···· v· • ,Chairman, Vslley road, Newtown '. . :. ;. - ("The rug lIJith a purrantee") · or e ..sea. year e~nnmg J Y.l; a drop f '.' $387.472 In Square, Pa.Registration and In. '.. Barwiek . 1951-52 to $363,478 In 1952-58.. • ;. formation may be secured through : . ".r H .:- ." ; .:','" Valley Forge . '.' Atthe~ame tiine'co~ts Will ~se due to re'qJl~Ja additions Walter M, Breish, Registrar, 4223 to staff 'and equipment, and expenses incidental to planning North ThIrd street, Pbpadelphis 5. BRAIDED RUGS by Mallinson (cotton) for the extension of school:grounds andbuUdlngs. From a "I' . it in'Th ·S arth n • • saw e w morean. . : '" Woolo (wool) cost of $867,472 m 1951-52, costs In 1952-58 are. estimated atIF====='=====::; Flaxtex (linen) $881,962, a rise of about $14,500. , Thus With a drop in available funds' and an in.crease in FIBRE RUGS by Waite For expenses, there is at present an apparent shortage of $48,500 t$ ~aIl.Bizes in 8todt to 9x15 according to ihe proposed budget. This does not include non'. m gray and green) mandated ~erit.salary increases for teachers, which must be Deltox , .!f'Ph made to k~p Swa,rtbmore salaries in line with salary gains , ',': ';"'1 Plymonth of neighboring. districts where .every teacher is being grantRAGRUtS RUSH SQUARJ.!:S ed from $200.to $400 salary increase. Nor does it include as • yet an 8.m.ount for finanCing, borrOwing' or "renbls" which HOOKED RUGS KLEARFLAX·RUGS Graduates may later be required by reason of construction of new buildINDIA BROADLOOM ings or purchase of additional ground. Such sums Will yet .. Cameras have to be determined and a d d e d . " . And,-:-Qf course, ORIENTAL RUGS .•. ElIpOsure Meters . To gain more income, additional tax sources must be • Gadg.t Bags used. To effect savings, ..some . school offerings and services • 011 Painting S.ts may hav:e to be eliminated; some larger classes continued. • ProJectors .. .'. . . . _tar. .. ' ' S. year's 1415-mlle Mobilgas Economy I• Run, Studaboker successfully defended its N 1115 Nputation for stand-out gasoline Oli1eage. Try out 0 thrifty 1952 Studeboker yaunelf; Stop In at tho nearest Studeboker dealer'• showroom. Get a Studebokel' oncl gel top' gas ·anD...... . Studebaker Commander v-8 beat all other eights in the contest .241.41' ~ '~9 "drn'mi/e:t per.ft1Hr • , i7. &e~~~~ .... AT INDIANAPOLIS. MAY IIITH A.Jet_camecl.1' h:r Commender V-8 WDUUtibaewil: _ tbe _ 5OCHi\!Ie . . - tblo year. ·It ........... _ _Corb7 ....MmepoIioSpeedwayof6cialsbec:a_or/1tud6. W .'a ou' 'n. coatributiwi to {«tuhi& "011 , FUSCO & ALSTON ~~~.,~~~.6~·;______________________________~__~__~~~~~~.~~~~--. FOurth::~':::,~~ ACME' QUALITyMBATS· 1'teue the whol. family. Weak In alld . week. out, you are slIre of bet- ter riI_ value. when,yo!, shop In ~cm. Meat Depas Ii"ents. poiifi:oiis 39 e:. 47e: 3V.n. 3V. ... IND LOIN u. ,'0 END lb. lb. ·110 .DUCKLINGS~~::-~:~ 33e: Ib ·Tbes. Same Ducklings ~~~~=dr Ib FRYING CHICKENS :~~tt, 470 33e: Ib Til... Same Cblckens 'oc;,"'h:!'dr Ib 470 '. Fresh Chesapeake Bay -~~'~~~ Always Good SHAD Lall~.!~te~' 13t • ~~~ 25e: HIt'. It's , hok . Ib •. Chic=ke::.::D_3~3::_$1.79 flouder LonCCl,'er Ib ~,':~ , .. 35c .. '710 Ib 290 floude, FUlell . 'erda Fillets Brand Livenrant lG~ Brand ' , ' Beel Bologna . '" .. ---------- . ~ bgulor Lump CUIME'T It 75e: Selected 'resh "rults &Vegefa"'es :iliiNASi, 12C :oRiE. BEANS 2 Z9 Ib C lb. . Hunt'aYallow Cling 'PIAeDS ...._"...;,28'e: ... 1Io.2Y1 18..10•• ' eollfo;"I.' ....... o. all....._ In .. rich, heavy .,.rup_ TOMATO SAUCE' 3·::ZZc TOMATO PASTE '~:'~;!.~:::. 3:= Z5'= :: 2Se:' HERSBEY KISSES' ,9dud BEANS T.=:.':~" :3·~ Z9C ·GLENWOOD JELLIES .·Zi~!.~" Z9'= Hont'. , - , . ' ' . ' lIdiiiI.ttand-Packeot ' " • . ,0" .' TOMATOESZ '::~: . . .......,. IOU. . . . . . . " ... at. . . . . .1 ,iiRGARlNE ,fJdmI Gold_ Maraaria. ......... Buy 1_, fawa ·14.. · ....... n,pktil-~ I.... loaf "5e: ... Sticky CH1~KEN : SEA ';:= 31. C UGHT MEAT Rod Labol Glendale C1ult Cbeele Food =3Se: 1/tI6", ........ .Julee Ic::.c..~' ""ald 'Daok Gl'eln Pea. ACME MARKET, Chester Rd., Swarthmore Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M. Open Saturday 'til 6 P; M. . . Aut·omat'lc·.GAS Ranges ";et last week at the home of Mrs. A. Wil~ liam Bass. Jr.• chairman. of Ogden avenue; and elected officers for next year. They inclujie Mrs. Don~ ald Poole. chairman; Mrs. Willmot Cralg. telephone chairman; Mrs, Edmund Dawes. program chalrman; Mrs. H. D.' Brown, secretary and treasurer. and Mrs. W. W. WatJdnj. hospitality c;hairman. SWARTH.MORE SINGEIt IN Mlb-CITY RECITAL MAY 24 . Sw.~ore HIgh ~Ool" score Dille ~ a twowere baUer. and Zlegenthen~11 sent home on a . of 11~3 ~~ Thursday on tile ho.me cl-..n hi* by 'l'I\oiDpson. ~~~ Eddyston'l by a -AI MODI•• AI THI UT.IT..&IHIO . •• ' ~b ~n..tack· Thompson doubled Allison home and was hlmaelt sent aerOllS the plate by John HlIkert. In the third, the Garnet seored another run on BID Zlegez$s' triple. , ., In th! to~ Bm ~1~'!!n8q; CharUe ..rier and Bill Hoo. walkeel. Then Bill Zlegentussent Kauf., f!nan home on a single. Allison • and 8ID.. 'Ilia ·ALBAN PARKER' ~~ If.al. '-111. =:, . Rubbis" C"IIection Swri.lhniore p","" Weekly ... lI~thI,. . The simple operalfon of a modern automalfc gal . ranao ~!8 you to easy .~oC!king, It's amazing how easy foeook on the quick 'top burners. Oven and' br"llerlight automatleally and the clock confrol will CQOk dinnor for' you. select your new auto. mafic gal range at your pIQmber's, dealer's or at any PhiladelphIa Electric iuburban store; . WAItIEN 'lOCI swart_ M. ThOll)pfon batted In lJ~t··· -.;" ..-ecu. v, Bo!l"d whUe qold scored trom second ~rn'W: s ~i~b of Cbi'Iaon an ov¢rtbrow. . co ot th~ SoUth D~~dystone scored ill .the·~ '. PbU,adelphia .Conferl!Dce. !II1d • In anllttemplecl rally. ~8J1l~ ~~ ~ ~nt ot Urbllll', i!P w.ith two rqna in the last frame . o-!.. .. !,:". ..orne lifter a for a total of three' tw' .. w~ ~lt w.ith her son-in. ~W IIIld <\aull1ter. Professor and ~ John O.·Honnold, of Rutgeri ~ nqrence J. ~ue"",,. cluUr- ~Y~'ll\'" . " DJ!U1 pf ~ and PubUC!t.r i>f the Mr. J. ~()'I\ald Glb""n, of Idle- . Wpman's Club entertained 111" wild lane. M:~a, formerly' ot me!\l~' of !ler CQIDIniUee a~ a Swart!uno~. Is convalescing in l~c;h~ Th~ay at her \lome the .faul Kimball HoSPital.~e_ on '. Prlncetoll "venue. M:e!D~ wood. N. J.. tollow.ing an .emerof the cqlDlnllte'l are: ¥rs. P1t!lT8 "eneY oper~t1on Sunday. ~uez, :Mrs. Pe~ E. Told, ~. Mr. and Mrs. qeorJ!' W. Mc.ru.~ of _ b more W~D' All Lf... of 1~'''''llce 383 D~ou'" Avenue Swarffllilore. and they e8tl!nate the revenue to be derived. from will be 125,000. lJer annum.. Bald SchOOl DIreetorto ...... 'o. ~1.3~ Charles E. Fischer ~ IeV)' '" 5,' .ID additional, *5. or lnl!abltant of Swarthmore of tli.. PUblIC I'D -, , Field, The morning trials w!ll, get under way at 10. • In another meet on May 7. Swarthinore trackmen whipped Sharon Hill. 71'1.-36112. Sharon Hill took only one event-the high jump-and Split two. Vance Tucker. of Swarthmore. and George McCollough shared honors in the pole vault, In the other draw. Paul D,avis, of SwarthrilOret tied Gerald Qulnn in the broad jump. , The Garnet made a clean sweep of all the other events. Harold VaUl!hn took the 120 low hurdles. Frank Flaherty won the 220. and Roger LI~n, captured the mile. Howard Shearer" wOn both the 880 and 440. while 'Don Sharpe. another double winner, captured the javelin and the discus eventS. Charles Scott put the shot for another first and Paul Davis won the lOO-yard dash. • ........ nt. a. ---~ UPHOLSTERER • TROM SEREMBA Cllstam ... Covert ell.'TlI' ." htqfA. J. Edw~ CLYDE ploYed . at Swarthmore desires room and/or board nlfig July 15 in exchange for responsibilities. Box R' Swarthmorean.·· WANTED-Four. college seniors 3 to 5-room or for apartment college year 6919 Ludlow Street, Upper Daoby. Pa. 1631 Arch St....., PhIladelphia. Po. ~292 garRet- -' BROS~ 'ea Buck $21.00 $21.00 $la.OQ $15.35 40.00 40.00 34.'" 30.70 _ • - >_ • ___ •• ___ OIL BURNER SERVICE MONDAy '.fJIIt1J SATlJRDAY .' . 'NooN, SW 6-4041 - ~~ Y..~i-s I~~~~::';;;;~ .ferenoes In Larp and Vicinity of BI>aoUful given free J A GREEN Real Estate -Insurance Swarthmore 6-0108 21.80 SWlI11hmore M742 . COAL' FIREPLACE WOOD Rice $1~.9Q VAN ALEN BROS. W. Ave., Ridley PEl .. BLJJ~ . •• Lafayette' A~e_ OppoeiteBorough Hall r'an • • Nut •• _ Property MtmlJlfemena Furnaces Yacuu... C •••ned •••• $6.00 _ Office and Yani Closed SaIUidays . May 17 10 'Sept. 13, ineL " , 'uy How' ami Save • - 'udget CIA friendly place flo worli' DAY and NIGHT --0- _ BAIRD and .BIRD ' Alid SOc ..-r to", If coal .as ~ '"' carried or wII..,~.· 4dd SOc ..-r to. for chof9lt tNt... llotpald·l. 18 cfqyS. ..... ,.......... ,..............(~ .. PRINCETON AVEN1JB Announce LOW SPRING COAL PRICES: , Stove O.L HUT ~~~195=2,~C~~~~!~~29~7~~·~Il~~~ ~ 80~ Samuel D. Clyde, Jr. George Plowman VAN ALEN I Ion 2 tons .~/~~ ""'" a No expiKI..... . . -... . 'l'bere are a num,ber of openinp rilht noW· for girls who can qualify. Stop in today at one of the oBices listed below to talk it over. , 'SW'6-0740' W~-Y~~ng Clyde Neta., 'Hlie 81JNDAYS and HO~AY8 =_W.::c.ANTED Samuel D. Clyde • O ....rtu,,1ty , .. advan.....nt ~~~~~'~'AL C;O~ST~U.c;TIOfil _" Phones: 3-6141 3-6142 '4-4291' ....ut., Increas•• M... Straoll" 6.1221. Iq!DIiNTIAI, ~ND Profealollll1 Bareaa 8W 8-07ft 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER • Good pay ....'" Ih. ilart. a.t.. Ch.omlon 1.IJr.,..' .kIt. a . d fnc, ~t eilht Iq In the on a bUDt 1>7 Al~I!l~•. Pit'!!t doubles aI1!I' one ~n, !Ill tl"tOX'. I! fielder's cholC\! tlqliTuesdv erwen. an ·Uip~· . ~d \l tIy bllU. III the ~venth 'T . . • $wljrihmol'e ~ in U1II IbJt ~~t 'lllgl~ ~ III!COnd Uld w'"t ~ ¥abel Talley, 0 t NOlrth I •__ ._ ..... "lea'.Ld' ..' A..••• i t" UIIr4 on a double by RolJIIte C4~ f~<1. entertained at alUD........ ",.,en ...~ ,......... 0 doi '.. plnch-Ipt.for.Zlegen. , m~' cheChiblts will be shown In cream will be suPP1led. There will dence after a long illness. hunts will be. held eao;h, FrIday. hibit Tuesday In the clubhouse. the art room with demonstrations be baseball and hiking.. Elect1on' Mrs. Beatty waS born In the Handcrafts In cloth, leather, w~, Mabel Talley, chainnan of ~e art In various media. Seventh grade of officers will also be held. home in which she died. She at- beads, rallla, paper, and cer8llllCS d arIm t" students, Priscilla Much, Judy a ' ed ep en, presIded over thoe Kuder, Donna Wilkinson, Noel tended the Swarthmore Schools, w·ao ill ls' be Ouer. "I saw It in The Swarthmorean." ft' tsSh··trdced llis 11 ali aernoonseven. em 0 u . and was a graduate of Drexel inDIrec'to'N we qu - t is Mrs S· Ma Gill Tucker, Frank Andrew, Jan\, Hay r owe stitute; ~hIladelphia. She was a fled for his Position as leader of w~:es, k ~e Mr Y Gill IU)d eighth grade students David ~,,,,;<,;<,..,;o,;o,,;,;,;,,,,;<,;<,..,;";,,,,;<,..,;,;,,;,,,,..,..,..,;;;. member of the Episcopal Church this group. A former resident of ani 'horen~ t h~'der.. s. , Dean, Barbara Wilson, Leigh Hol. W 10 as JUS . '" a one-man lis and Robert GilIlllan will work For 16. No ...'" of . the Atonement, MC!rton, and Rose Tree, he. Is a graduate of show, has two portraits in exoryo.rUI •••• . was an active member of the Art Swarthmore }¥gh,School. where hiblt. Miss TriCker, instructor of in oUs and pastels under Diane D..tl.'II~I."d n .....o'llrap..d Deparlment of the Swarthmore he played fo. otball and was a th al' ti I f the . art' de .. Tucker. . epnngcasso WOlIl3n's Club for many years. Gretchen Bauer Will be In . WEDDING INVITATIONS member of the track team. While t t ' xhib·ti . Ar' In addition to her husband, she in school he'; .~~ ~oUDSellor tor par men, IS e ~ ng an IZona charge of a group working in leaSelect fro,. ·o.r .... d/.,./ayed· Is survived by a daughter, Mrs. two years at the Delaware County landscape and a plec.e of sculpture ther. James Pappas, Andy Roxby, David S. Binns, of 320 Haverford Day Camp 1n,·SmedleY Park. Dur- -.the Madonna and chUd. . Wedding Napkins Mary Elmore, and Rosemary: Cox place, Swarthmore; a grandson, ing the war he served two years Reception. SlIpplies and Mrs. Harold V. Hartman, county will work In modeJtng under EUz~ David t Jr.; and a sister, Mrs. in the Navy. He \vas graduated chairman of art, and Mrs. Arthur abeth Musante. Edward Borer, . Decorati,.ons • Francesca E. Homer, of· Haw- from Temple .~~e he received Phillips, county chairman o( the D i c k Coles" Gladys Durbraw CO. thorne, N. J. his bachelorS' and masters degree penny art fund, were also pres- and Ann Hay will work In ceram- MEDIA OFFICE SUPPLY MIDIA 6-5521 ServIces were conducted Wed- in education, ,and,,1s now leach- ent. Mrs. PhI1lips .gave a short ics: . David Tui-ner will be in 1t S. OLIVE ST. nesday in the EPiscopal Church of ing his thlrd'jeai'~'Bt Vare Junior talk on the work of her commit- charge of a grbtip working In copthe Atonement by the Rev. Thom- High School in Philadelphia. per. tee. as B. Merywesther,. of PhiladelHedley H. Rhys, of the art deSpecial features of the art demphia, formerly of Swarthmore. In~ partment of Swarthmore College, onstration will include a n art MRS. E. P~SPN, MERRICK terment was made in i.rUngu,n Mrs. Elizabeth ;Paxson Merrick, was the speaker of the daY. Mr. movie, "Lascaux, Cradle of Man"s Cemetery, Lansdowne. mother of J. Warren Paxson of Rhys expressed his pleasure at Art", featuring prehistoric paint'Vassar' avenue, died Saturday, qualltJ( I'f tl!e work ,exhibited.' ''1 ingS recently discovered in France LWY ANNUAL . May 10 at th~ lidrile of her daugb- expected a good show,'" he· said, and an exhibit of painting" exMEETING TODAY ter, Mrs. Joseph W. Conrow of "but nothing as· magnificent· as cbangt!tl. with children of. foreign . The League of Women Voters Pasadena, Calif. She was In her this." countries by, the seventh and _ Align yoarseJhrith the of Swarthmore will hold Its an- 92nd year. : :' " . ··pro··. ·fo~ces-those that Mr. Rhys had chosen the field eighth grade classes) FacUlty adare working pr your i ... nual meeting at 1 p.m. today In . Born Elizabeth Murfet In Sole- of painting his topic as he par- VIsors ,for the i!Xhiblt life Claudia creased HeAlth and Hap': the garden of Mrs. Paul B. Banks, bury, Bucks Co., Mrs. Merrick ticularly wanted to show what the Hancock, art; Mrs. How a r d ·ines.. Your Doctor WIll of Harvard avenue. There will be was first married to Harvey S. community has to offer painters.i.F:reIllch, home . economics; Harry Dt~od Dce you to new a box ludcheon preceding the PaXson whose death occured In "The cjllt of originality has been Oppenlander, science; and David produces and Improved election of officers and discussion 1896. In 1901 sh~.\Iiiirried l:dward carried to extremes, 'and has set! '\IratklI~~in~d~us~~tr~l~aI~arts~~._ method •• And when he of the program for next year. . Merrick who dled'a year later. writes a prescription, reup a resistance to museums. I Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad and Mrs. Merrick resided with her Nevertheless, one needs to learn member we .~dali%e in • careful compouiidiog with Mrs. Daniel C. Johnson repro- son in Swarthmore for 25 years the alphabet and vocabulary of Scouts, . Brownies high qaality ingredient" sented the League at the Dela- before going to live with her painting. To Hold Ceremonies \ ware County Health and Welfare daughter four years ago. While a (Continued from Page 1) "Fear of not being original," he Conference Wedi1esday. resident of Swarthmore, Mrs. and . an early leader of I CATHERMAWS Merrick was a .Ioyal member of continued, "Is over-played. Art Is Scouting in' the borough. day of this week. more than self-expression. It ,is DRUG STOlE League of Women Voter memo; ,the Wednesday sewing group of Mrs. Harry Seymour will report the Intellectual ordering of senbers, Mrs. John" Seybold, 'chim- the .swarthmpre,E)"IendS Meeting. satioDS. and sensitivity. There on the plan worked out by her FUneral se.!'vIc,6S were held In man, will soUcit \ information for must be the creative aide, but we committee for the future awarding of badges. Mrs. D. Mace Gowthe.School Board within the next California ~df' need more. Ing, new Neighborhood chairman, weeks, a s~l survey which IS "" . "Each generation has· had a way aDd Mrs. Hsliock Campbcl1, her , :. Paper \£~llectlon things. Rembrandt asistant, will be introduced .at this , Members. of the Junior Class of expressing was concerned with the inner o! Swarthmore High School are time. light Of the sitter. Ce~anne used collecting old newspapers for the benefit of their, c;lass .scholarship the structural qualities of the obSPRING CLEARANCE , fund. ,A call·, to the School, sw ject or person. the , 6-4800 will bring a junior to the "There 'are two problelI\S for the door f~r collection. painter." Mr. Rhys concluded, GOU9,MET SHOP , , "one of selection, just illustrated; Several Lines being discontinued-to be sold at cost or less. b b the other of timeliness. We of the A .. opportunity to try some I"ferestlng food Items ' CI Ice ar _ .. , " 20th century will see life accord650 laltlmor. Plk. .ANTIQUES & GOURMET SHOP ing to our time. We will,not capSPRINGFIELD . ' ture the spirit of the past by .our Providence RO!lld Wallingford,Pa. P.o.. SW 6·0450 Pllone Medlo 6-4751 build In" studies In museums, only the w. T....rap. '/ow... 0 II means. We must get the spirit of . MrS. J. . . 10 Atte"dOpeningof Heads 18th Annual Art Exhibit Trl lI"e.' *e .o.,.r••'If."y , as f. I· . . t I . .t 5 In 9 Id Lank r============:;:::=~===:;:::=:;:::=======' The Stylellne Special 4-Door Sed!ln our • . Atown the times tea ....following the talk, MIss Talley and Mrs. Ross' Marriott presided at the tea table. Mrs. Alfred Longwell, Mrs. John E. Michael, and Mrs. HaroldG: Grifl\n were hOSteSses. The' exhibit, which displays 93 011 paintings and water colors and one piece of sculpture, will be open today from 2 to ;; and from 7 to 9. On Sunday from 2 to 6 there will be a tea for exhibitors and their friends. Open House Let Us Check Your Car Before Your Vacq.tion Trip , . . ' --'---. ---- RUMSEY . ·cHEVRoLET- Concert Tonight 8 P. M. THE SWARTHMOREAN High , VOLUME 24-NUMBER 21 School ,sa.50 PER YEAR SWAR'QIMORE, FRIDAY, MAY 23,1952 RED ALERT TEST Boyd C. Conklin A "lied T~t Alert" will' be sounded throughout Delaware County at 9: 35 a.m. Tuesday, May 27. The "All Clear" will be sounded Holm Directs 8 o'clock five minutes later .at 9: 40 a.m. Senior Exams Begin Next Local Teacher Hired, for Program .in S.· Week; Other School Between 9:35 ".m. and,9:40'a.m. li:xpanded Ninth Grade all traffic sbould stop and people Auditorium .. Events Scheduled Class s!l8k shelter. This·Is Important!' The orchestral groups of the Swarthmore High Scbool seniors The Swarthmore School Board will begin their ,examinations on Swarthmore' Public Schools will has decided to petition the board A MAHER OF DOGS Monday, May 26 and contimle appear in concert In the High of managers of Swarthmore' ColthI-ough Tuesday and Wednesday. School Auditorium this evening, Some dogs seem to think th~Y've lege to make available to the local On Thursday, May 29, they will May 23, at 8 o'clock. The program been libeated .. Emancipation, it is school district for needed expanbegin the practices for BaccalaurWill, be directed. by Robert M. "'lid, was proclaimed May first, sion at the College Avenue School eateService and Commencemenl. Holm, local school Instrumental and since then some dogs, at least, a strip of land with 125 foot front~ Baccalaureate will be held In the Music Director with the aSsistance have been asserting their "rights" age on College avenue. The land, Boyd Conklin, Railway Ex· Presbyterian ChurCh on Sunday, of Robert Barclay, string instruct- with a zest and enthusiasm that is wbich adjOins the present school press Agent, (leU) receives June I, at 5 p,m., the serviCes beor In the Swarthmore Schools. alarming to small children, lap grounds,· Is part. of the College's congratniaiions from J. J. Meing conducted by local ministers. . Featured will be nunibers by dogs and pedestrians, devastating Cunningham Field which extends CH 0 l' y, .Snperlnlendent .of Monday evening, June 2,there the CombIned Elementary School,to nelghbors'gardens and lawns, to Chester road and Is used for PhDadelphla Division of Rallwill be the traditional Senior BanOrchestra of 35, the 40-plece mih and' downright exasperating to athletic purposes. way ExpftSll Company, for quet at Whittier House. The an.School group, the String En- leashed.dogs and their owners out his 40 years of loyal. service. Well fed by the annual seventh nual co~encement exerclstfB will semble, and two solo~. for tbe dally walk. grade economic class dinner, mem' E ' A be held Tuesday evening, June 3, The junior group· will be Iie8rd· Alarm, devaststion and exas- bers of the School Board thrashed C onklm, xpress gent at Clothier Memorial at 8 o'clock. playing 'a march "Shoulder to peration may be 'typical· of Com- over .many problems but .' postRetires After 40 V •• nr'.cl Other high school classes will Shoulder," the "Valse Antoinette", munists 'celebrating the Busslan poned detailed discussion of the have the regular class sessions unan~ the "Festival Overture". The Revolution, but It should not, it 1952-53 budget, merlt salary inSwarthmore's Railway Express til June 2 with examination beginHigh School Orchestra has pro- does seem be the general nm of creases for teachersJ and replace- Agent Boyd C. Conklin retires nlng June 3 continulng through grammed selections ·from "Blos- events ~ Swarthmore wbich .ment of a high school principal to June 1st after 40 years of con- June 6. The seventh and eighth som Time" and '''State Fair" and would enjoy its peaceful location, a meeting as a committee of the tinuous servlqe with his Com- grades will have half day sessions von Suppe's fanrlllar "Pique Dame its green trees friendly neiShbori whole the following evening. on June 4, 5, and 6. pany. Overtw;e". Their part of the pro- and gentle cfug. If It possibly Contracts for construction of a It has been only since 1947 Three days, JUne 9, 10, and 11, gram' Will be rounded out with an could. The' faet that the Dog Quar- two-room addition to the shop Mr. Conklin has supervised the will be devoted to retests, makearrangement of the contemporary antine was lifted May first· 1952 .bullding were awarded low bld- shipping of packages and parcels up, conf<;rences, with moving-up Lecotina's "Slboney". h.as nothinll to do with .M~ flr:n: (Continued on' Page 8) to and from Swarthmore's distant day exercises to be held in' the Mr. Barclay will direct a String 1911. The concurrence of dates Is a friends and relatives and out-of- highschOOl audlt~rium beginning Ensemble comprised of players mere coIncidence. town cust.omers-a paltry five at 9 Thuradaymornlng June 12. from both the elementary IlIld High . And anybow, even though the . years-but his record reaches The .traditional Letter Banquet . schools, In a Gavotte by Bach and quarantine Is off,. there Is STILL a back over four. decades with the of all letter winners, athletic and dog ordinance. The difference bea novelty, ''Buttons,'' by Jsaac. Railway Express and boasts an ad- non-athletic, will be held in the Featured soloists will be John tween the quaranube and. th'" orA sta dltlonal four years with the ' , con nt 'stream of visitors Adam,,' Expmss Company begun School Cafeteria on Wednesday FIscher, trumpter, plaYing Haw~cfuiance. may be slight to dog kept hostesses and demonstrators In 1904. In Mer~hantsbtirg,' Pa, evening, May 28. The Band Honor thorne, and Noel Snyder, 'cell1st . . b~aythroughout the three days of . Party Wi11 be held at the school performing the Vivaldi Sonata. th,e BUnd Falr i":'d, attes~ the . 4- buslne...p~<;<;twith his on'ThUrsc111Y May 29th at 7:30 ,Accompanlsta will be Mrs. Charles bro~er. l,nteX"(~ed fllr a' period, .. ,. success ',Of 'the Seethe. BUnd E. FlscherandMrs. Russel Synder WOrk dem~ailo . lieid' '. btl~i!1~4~ ~eIlri!Of.&xpt ..... P~the elementary tWldes, parrespectively. At. th~"9~~~~,Qf" FJreb.... llilIt·ll\JMhid: .. ' . . ~ce.~r·g9!'~l...;-J.l1!8 .!h~.~- en~~ .;.,..;ea=c;es wi,ll be the progr""" the student 'm,g!ed and underwritten by the Lions mut on .. a1'. ~i>Tllll climb, from held.on the afternoo;is of June 2, cians wm be.'8et\'ed Iefreabments Club of Swarthmore, the sale of driver for. Adam,S lit 1904, through 3, . ; is and· 8.-FJeld Day' will be by Ilie Orchestra Parents AssociartIclell made by Delaware Coun- Clerk to ~ent ..cor the RalIway . ThundaY'morning, May 29th ation. A quarantine conllnes the dog at ty's sightless amounteQ to nearly E.xpress,. Positions with the latter at Rutgers Avenue School. On ·FrI. M"",bershlp of the Elemeniry all times-he must, always be $500.00, over twice the goal set by include AssIstant Travelling Agent day, all day and evening, the elegroUP .lncludes, Addts Gllflllan, penned 'up, locked In or tied on- tbe sponsors. All proceeds from for the Ma:~s~~w.tea~ mentary art exhibit will· be held' Molly HIISe, Ada Kroon, Janet never free to run. 'the sille were turned over t o · "N' ' d' d in the Rutgers Avenue·bu1ldlng. Lynch, Vicky MacNair, Dory RodThe ordinance says that the dog Michael Carlola, director of the quarters. at· ag~r.town, M ., an The faculty will close. ,with a gers, Amy Ryerson, Linda Uthe, must be under the control of the Delaware County .Branc!>, Penn- Government Atent at P~ladel- luncheon at the Ingleneuk on Romona .Van Urk,. Peter· Walsh, owner at all times, even at'nlght sylvania Association for the BUnd phia for three y~ars dunng the Thursday June 12 with. Mrs. Danny Rodgers, Mary Van Urk, Consequently, as It was only the for conthiuation of the work war. Other pOsitions which he has Oli R~gers ~hO is Sec~tary Dawn Boyer, Sa11y Huse, . Betty Quarantine which was lifted, dogs the association In the county. held have sent· him to York and of ~ Board, 'as hono~ guest. , (Continued on page II) who roar around In the unlnhlblt- ' The success of the venture is at- Hanover, and In 1915 to Gettys- The staff will termll'late work for ed fashion .reported recl'ntly by tributed to the· cooperation' of the burg at the. time of the SOth En- the summer vacation \vlth cOnferSchool Music Groups to UnImpeachable sOurces, iu-e vlo- merchants of Swarthmore, every- =:ent of the Blue and Qray ences on Th~ay ~m90n and lating the law. And any irate dog one of whom dlsplayed at l e a s t ' Friday • Meet for 'Annual Party who doubts the essential truth of one, poster In his place of business' Mr. Conklin was tl),e '-.--..:.;.:...---.. , , guest at a dinner given last Members of the Swarthmore this statem:mthas a cordl'l/- In- 'to. the' Inerchants 'who loaned day' night at· the 'Ingleneulc by for SRA HIgh School J3and and Orchestra vltatinn to visit Borough Hall and nd: he for td display of arti- RaIlway Express 'Company offiMonday and Tuesday will assemble In the school audi- glare at the books for himself. c es g ma e and sold; to the ciels. InvItedgnests Included Burtorium Thursday evening, May 29 It's Ordinance No. 470: approved local schools,. which publicized the gess Charles R. Russell, PresIdent Registrars for the Swarthmore at 7 o'clock for their annual eve- April 24, 1943. Fair and sent groups of students of Council Lindley H.Peel, Chief Recreation Association will sit In ning of fun. A half-hoUr of enterOrdinance ..r no ordinance, It to see the demonstration; and to of Pollce Thomas V: Batemllll, dd both Rutgers and College Avenue Wrunent by professional talent Is not fidr that dogs, snoozing the various dubs and churches, EdItor of the 'Swarthmorean Peter Schools between the hours of 12 peaCefullY on their own verandahs Who encouraged. their members to mid 4 !)n Monday, and Tuesday, has been arranged. The parents' group, the Swarth- or taking a decorous stroll with attend. Mr. Carlola reports tbat E'Jr~l~onklin, who requested 'his May 26 and 27.'Parents may reglsmore Band and Orchestra Asso- their owners, should be dlsturbed1he attendance and sales far ex- retirement, began a two week va- terthelr children for the six weeks term of Pre-school and· Primary ciation, will meet concurrently, b y unescorted pooch es out I 00king' ceeds his expectations. cation, on Monday, and so comPresIdent L. A. Wetlanfer pre- for. trouble. And no matter how Prominent among the individual pleted his last active day May 16. opening on Monday, June 16, and Summer Club, starting one week siding, in the cafeteria. '1'hls is to warmhearted a dog may be, he is 'workers was Mrs. A. Stoll Titus, later, on June .23 .. The registrars be the annual business meeting at still big and woolY to the young- who secured hostesses for each will be In the hall outside the which the officers for next year sters. of the neIghborhood who holir of .the Falr from among Trinity Appoints Director will be elected. . . don't understsnd cold noses, long wives of Lions and the First of Religious Educcition high school auditorium at the Col. \. lege' Avenue .School, and in the . At 7: 30 the two grOUPS will join pink tongues and playfully Wag- Grade Mothers Club. President L. At the May meeting of the Ves- hall outside the first grade room In for dessert in the cafeteria. Rob- gIng tslls.. So, .the dog who tours C. Hastings: president-elect Barert Holm, director, will then make the neighborhood sneering at all ton J'. Calvert, Frank Masse1Ii, try of TrInlty Church, Swarth- the' Rutgers Avenue School. Russell Snyder,' coach of the the annual awards to Band and his stay-at-home buddies, Is nQt Kendall C. Sadler, and Horace more, Mrs. Arthur D. Moscrlp, onlY breaking the hiw but is l"l\de Renshaw were Lions who spent Dartmouth .aven~'was appointed Hornets, urges all boys who were ' Orchestra members; The officerS 'and unfalr too. most of the three days on a vlrpart-time Director of Religious not 14 before January I, 1952 to who have been elected for the As a matter of fact, the literal tual full-time attendance. Education. Her duties cOlmnlencce I attend the first practice on River. Band and for the Orchestra for minded canine who stays at home The committee in charge of the in the fall. view field this Saturday at 3 next year will be announced. beoause he stin believes in the Fair was composed of the standing Mrs. Moscrip has taught in the o'clock. The Hornets will meet Dogcatcher Is .not as dumb as he Committee on Sight Conservation Swarthmore Public Schools for Springfield on Monday, June 2, Friendly Circle' Reports looks. For there ts indeed a' dog- and additional Lions known for the past fur,ee years, and 'prior on the home field at 6: 15. The FrIendly Circle held its hired. last year to enforce theIr activity In putting over pro- to h<;r arrival here, she was a catcher, last meeting of the season Thursday .. afternoon, May 15, . at the Ordinance No. 470, and he Is still jects.Lions who used their cars teacher"In the Public School SllS- TROm TWO .INVITES and trucks in transportation and tern In New Jersey. She has, been 'FIFTH GRADE BOYS home of Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher in the I!ffillloye ot the;BoroUgh. In haullng the equlpment to and active in the'Trlnlty Church Boy Scouts of' Swarthmore with MrS. Co C. weSt cO-has:Cub Pack Meetinq from' Chester' included Thomas School for the past'lO yearS. Troop 2, which meets at the tess, ' . Cub Pack 1 '''(ill hold a Pack Conway, George Myers, IrvlDg .-_____~;.......;.....;.._ _ _..., Presbyterian Church on. WednesMrs. C. D, Howard, .. . .. ..treasurer, Early· Deadline' : . days, invites ... boys In the fifth reported that the proceeds of the meeting'at Smedley Park, Satur-· Pederson, Barton CaJ,vert. and day, May 24. . • ,Frank.McFadden. . Th.e .Bllnd, Fair Due to the Memorial Day . to attend the meeting .of Benefit Card Party held in· the Fathers will join In games; committee inclUded A. S~ll Titus, HolidaY' next Frlday( the 28. Ar!Y boys wishing to join Woman's Club April 25, amounted ~_""_g' at •. p.m.,' with' famUles Charles .. Lincoln, Alvah. Stu.art.. S ' . will' , Scouts at ihli time Win be able ••••nu. .. warthmorean, ic:Ome' .out a to'$26U5. . Two CIrcle proJeels, camp Hope gathering' for picnIc supper at 6;Ed~ .. Pyle,' Frank Ma~ .dar, early, l\!B:Y--29,"" :. .'1:h~:,:dead~ to participate In. summer camping .. - •un>_ "-Co'" 'L. ....... acl:ivitles 'which the G . ....,,, .....,. is Cub Pack Mes- Wlillam;DOd.d"and " .. . ' David Ander>-. , w i.;' e 'w ........ noon. Qn· . \'"UBf. and '.hiking .' , and Camp Sunshine will receive ter, . ::~l$On.· iiliairman. . . , , , .. troop .pl~ , . *100 and $200 respectively. . Orchestral Groups· in . SchoolConcertTonight H.. S. Commencement To be Held June 2 School to Ask College For Strip of Land H. BII"nd Fal"r NetS $500 For Co'. As'soc','at",'on run aer- . oi 7 EDGMONT AVENUE - Exhibit (Continued from Page 1) of the' Hom", Making exhibit in room 106 on the first floor. There ",ill be dtsplays on Nutrition, Care, Cost and Construction of Clothing, Interior projects done' for the students' homes and the school, Budget Planning, Red Cross Activities and students at work in several' ., . areas. An added feafure Is' the " ninth grade glris' Flower Drive in this week-let us checkyour car in charge of Jean Coe with her before you leave on your summer'vacation committee, Jean Rogers, Mary trip! We have a hundred thousand dollar Beth, Carney, EmIly Terry, and investment in equipment and trained Karen Schiff. . personnel that means sure protection for All ninth grade girls have en, tered the show. Judges wI11 be your car. , Mrs. George Connor, of Springfield, Edn!, Pennell, of Lansdowne GOOD. DRIVERS DRIVE SAf~~WS and Mrs. John WIgtOn, of Swarth.. '.'- .' more. . Dotty Hopkins and l\IIary Lou Pierce will demonstra~ setting the tea table. . Mary Phiillps, Bey Crowther&, Anne Driehaus, Roberta Grooters, Sally Reaser and Candy Alleil have charge of the eighth grade Swartltmore 6-6130 " ;s!rls-.sewlng projects. other gir~ will be .demonstrating' or aCting as Theatre Square, South; (hester Road h~ The .A:dvancecl Clothing . , " '-_---..,----...;....,..--"----•....!f.:;..-.._'''..;'':.,"_·_ _ _ _ 11 students WIll mooel or exhibit Lubricate Now for Summer Driving! "You Meef f'e Nicesf Peop'e at Speares'" . Orchestra Make I 7th and WELSH STREETS SPEARE BROS. your.headquarters for smart .PLAYCLOTHES Shown: Onr DenIm Wrap ... Tie SJdn 1Ilat ties in from. In faded blne ami charcoal. 2 88 Small, medlum, lal'l'e. • RAYLIN "8anco flnisb." SHORTS,1Ilat look ami wear Uke., . linen. CIloose navy, tout, _ tancerlne. Con- 1 II &nsting Ibl»ed pocket. .12 to 20. • ...jt.n , Pedal Pushen Sizes 1! to to , SJ>.ortswear Dept.-Second Floor , <' . SROP TONIGHT 1JNTIL 9 I • as I ) • h ~.:-j.; :·.'\.;~.rt)':.,.:r . ; ;.. . , ... INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 1.'vlflrthmore • ~'Vlarthmore, Mrs. Dorothy Eastlack Beatty, wife of J. Frank Beatty, of 412 Highla~d avenue, Morton, died Sunday morning at her late residence after a long illness. Mrs. Beatty was born in the home in which she died. She attended the Swarthmore Schools, and was a graduate of Drexel Institute,Phiiadelphia. She was a member of the Episcopal Church of the Atonement, Morton, and was an active member of the Art Department of the Swarthmore Woman's Club for many years. In addition to her husband, she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. David S. Binns, of 320 Haverford place, Swarthmore; a grandson, David, Jr.; and a sister, Mrs. Francesca E. Homer, of Hawthorne, N. J. Services were conducted Wednesday in the Episcopal Church of the Atonement by the Rev. Thomas B. Meryweather, of Philadelphia, formerly of Swarthmore. Interment was made in Arlington CemeteryJ Lansdowne. LWV ANNUAL MEETING TODAY The League of Women Voters of Swarthmore will hold its annual meeting at 1 p.m. today in the garden of Mrs. Paul B. Banks, of Harvard avenue. There will be a box luncheon preceding the election of officers and discussion of the program for next year. Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad and Mrs. Daulel C. Johnson represented the League at the Delaware County Health and Welfare Conference Wednesday. day of this week. League of Women Voter members, Mrs. John Seybold, chairman, will solicit' information for the School Board within the next weeks, a school survey which is games. Prizes will be. awarded to the winning team at the end of the term. Special events like hay rides, scavenger hunts and treasure hunts will be held each Friday. Handcrafts in cloth, leather, wood, beads, raffia, paper, and ceramics will· also be offered. Director Nowell is well qualified for his position as le~der of this group. A former resident of Rose Tree, he is a graduate of Swarthmore High ,School. where he played football and was a member of the track team. While in school he eounsellor for two years at the Delaware County Day Camp in Smedley Park. During the war he served two years In the Navy. He 'was graduated from Temple where he received his bachelors and· masters degree in education, and is now teaching his third' year at Vare Junior High School in Philadelphia. was MRS. E. PAXSON MERRICK Mrs. Elizabeth 'Paxson Merrick, mother of J. Warren Paxson of Vassar avenue, died Saturday, May 10 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph W. Conrow of Pasadena, Calif. She was in her 92nd year. Born Elizabeth Murfet in Solebury, Bucks Co.. Mrs. Merrick was first married to Harvey S. Paxson whose death occured In 1896. In 1901 she. married Edward Merrick who died a year later. Mrs. Merrick resided with her son in Swarthmore tor 25 years before going to live with her daughter four years ago. While a resident of Swarthmore, Mrs. Merrick was a loyal member of the Wednesday sewing group of 'the Swarthmore Friends Meeting, Funeral services were held in California Tuesday. • Paper· CQUection Members. of the Junior Class of Swarthmore High School are collecting old newspapers for the benefit of their qlass scholarship fund. A call to the School, SW 6-4800, will bring a junior to the door for collection. 650 Baltlmor. Pike SPRINGFIELD Phono SW 6·0450 We Telegroph Flowers alice barber( 9 i rt s old bank buildlni Third Graders to Picnic their costumes. . Art Exhibit The Third Grade Mothers of. The Art Department will have Rutgers avenue school will have an exhibit of student paintings a family picnic on Saturday, May and crafts in room 215 under the 24, at 4:30 p.m. at the bridge area direction. of Charles Russell, Vir- at Smedley Park. Each famlly Seventy members and guests of ginia Bevan, and Judy Pennock. will bring its own picnic, but ice the Swarthmore Woman's Club Further ellhibits will be shown in cream will be supplied. There will attended the 18th annual art ex- the art room with demonstrations be baseball and hiking. Election hibit Tuesday in the clubhouse. in various media. Seventh grade of officers will also be held. Mabel Talley, chairman of the art students, Priscilla Much, Judy department,· . presided over the Kuder, Donna Wilkinson, Noel "I saw it in The Swarthmorean." afternoon's events. She introduced Tucker, Frank Andrew, Jan~ Hay two guests, Mrs. Sue May Gill al)d eighth grade students David ,~ ,~.,~.,~""~ and F1orenc~ Tricker. Mrs. Gill, Dean, Barbara Wilson, Leigh HolFor the II"est Moment who has just held a: one-man lis and Robert Gilfillan will work aT your Ule • • • show, has two portraits in "the ex- in oils and pastels under Diane DI"ln9~lshod Thormagraphod hibit. Miss Tricker, instructor of Tucker. the painting class of the art deWEDDING INVITATIONS Gretchen Bauer will be in partment, is exhibiting an Arizona charge of a group working in leaSelect from our leaatll.II, landscape and a piece of sculpture ther. James Pappas, Andy Roxby, displayed samples -the Madonna and child. Wedding Napkins Mary Elmore, and Rosemary Cox Mrs. Harold V. Hartman, county will work in modeling under ElizReception Supplies and chairman of art, and Mrs. Arthur abeth Musante. Edward Borer, DecoratIons , Phillips, county chairman o( the D i c k Coles, Gladys Durbraw penny art fund, were also pres- and Ann Hay will work in ceram- MEDIA OFFICE SUPPLY CO. MEDIA 6--5521 19 S. OLIVE ST. ent. Mrs. Phillips gave a short ics. David Turner will be in talk on the work of her commit- charge of a p-oup working in coptee. per. Hedley H. Rhys, of the art deSpecial features of the art dempartment of Swarthmore College, onstratian will include a n art was the speaker of the day. Mr. movie, "Lascaux, Cradle of M.an's Rhys expressed his pleasure at the' Art", featuring prehistoric paintquality of the work .exhibited. "I ings recently discovered in France expected a good show," he said, and an exhibit of paintings ex"but nothing as magnificent as chang by METHODIST NOTES It was voted to send to Rev. Mrs. John ir. Fawcett. 'Sunday School meets at 9:45. Joseph P. Bishop a letter of . . . The Junior Choli- Will rehearse Classes are prov,lded for children cial appreciation for the generoson Thursday at 3:30 and the of all ages and for adults. The ity of the Presbyterian ,Church In Chapel Choir will rehearse at 8 Young Adults' meet at 9:45 In the extending tor groUP meetings the o'clock Thursday evening. LadieS' Parlor. The minister will USe of its conveniently located The Mr. arid Mrs. Club w1Il h,'old preach at the 11 o'clock, service.' . . rooms.. its annual picnic Saturday, The Church Nursery for chU_ _.,-_ _ _ __ :May 24, at 6:30 o'clock dren Is open during ,the morning Donald ,Ogram, of Riverview ~55===5f============.a:!5;55=55~ Keystone Business Schooi., Every- service. Mrs. Alton P;- Smith and road, graduated from The Bullis one Is I'ordlally inVited. Ali com:- Anna Mse AllIson w1Il be In School, Sliver Springs,Md~', Satcharge of the NurSery. urclay, May 17. His parentS, Mr. May,Fete Day will be observed apd. Mrs. Harold Ogram, Harold at ,the Methodist Hospital on Qgram, Jr., and his grandmother, , SWAR~ORE PRESBYTERIAN CHtmCH Mrs. James K.Ogram, drove down Tuesday afternoon from 2 to 5. Josephl'., J;U~1l0PL Milliliter tor the Commencement testivitles. John Stettner, Assistant CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Randall Reed, of SiUiilaJo, lila), 25' "Soul and Body" Is the subject Spring Haven Estates, Sou t h 9:30 A. M.--,.Church ,School and Adult Bible ClaSses. at the Lesson-Sermon to be read Chester road, w1Il entertain at a 9;30 & ,11 :30 A.M.-Mr. Bishop in Chi-1stian Science churches next cocktall party before the Series will preach. SUllday, and the Golden Text is Dance in the Woman's Club toMETHODIST CHURCH th'e flist verse from the t03d, morrow evening. Roy N. Keiser, D.D., MinIster Friday, May 30th, is Memorial Psalm: "Bless the Lord, 0 my Mi-s.BiUy Sunday, widow of simc1&Y, Mat 25 9:45, A. 1'4.--,.Church School and soul: lind all thlit Is within me, the Evangelist, ,has been the gueat this week of Mrs. Paul M. PaulYoung. Adults. bless his holy name." [)ay and ailci a bank h.oliday. of Park avenue. Mrs. Sund87 ll~'!actM.-The Minister will FRIENDS MEETING NOTES son. arrived in Swarthmore May 21 11:00 A. M.--,.Church Nursery. First Diiy School cbe.. for this and was honor llU.estand speaker TRINITY CHURCH season will ciose With the sessions at a Social given that evening by , H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector on Su,nday, 'M»v 28. ;In dccordance with our, policy cif ,Sulla)', May 2 I i , -~':'¥ the Women's Bible Class of the 8:00A. M.-iloly Communion. Mid-Week Meeting for Worship MethodIst Church. She was a 9:30 A. M.-church School. will be held in the Meeting House speaker at the recent American furnishing service to meet the needs of 11, :00 A.M'-l:.farnln", Prayer. on Wednesday evening from 7:30 Crusade with Merv Rosell In the y,.l\IaJ' 28 to 8 pm.'' , Wea 7:15 A.M...,..Holy CommtlDion. . Arena, Philadelphia. Mrs, sunday leaves tomorrow. the communitY, this Bank will be open THE RELIGIOUS sOcIi'rY Mr. -an-d-M-rs-.-J-am-es"':"H-.-Horna_ OF FRIENDS Mr. and,Mrs. SeYlnour Kletzien Sanllay, lila)' 25 day ot Dlckbison avenue left of South Ch~er road visited over thursday Evening, Ma,y 29th, from 9:4S A.M.-FIrst Day School Thursday for New York City to the week-end with theIr daughter (Last Day). attend the week's session of the Edith, a sophomore at DIckinson 11:00 A. M.-Meeting for worship. G 1A bly th' Presb Visitors welcome. Children cared enera ssem of e y_ College who celebrated a birthdar p.m. until 8 p.m. . tor In Whittier House. terian Church. anniversary. Monday, lIIaY 26 All-day sewing tor the A.F.S.C. at -' mm best ..me:. at the price yoil set. Is to give you the and utensils. The community at large is Invited, to attend the Concert to be held Sunday evening, May 25, at 8 o'clock In the Church Sanctuary. Msple a~ue, u' matron of hon- CobleD%. Lieutenant Mapes'ls at Or. The groom's sister, MIss Flor- present serving with Ule United Mr. and Mrs. P. WUlatd Ct:ane ence BongIovanni 'will be maid at skieS 'Navy at " :, ," ,. . San Diego, . CaUf. of "l!4isty Hill", Rose ,Tree w1Il honor Chlirll'tte Brodhead, ot entertain at cocktaila Sunday at.. Maple avenue, will' be 1un1or COOK-CLARKI; f ,their Week- brfdePne1d ternoon In ho:nor 0 Mr. and Mrs. Wlillam Anderson, end guests ~; and Mrs. WOod- 'Mr, Ph1Ilp Bongiovanni, of Ard- Clarke" of ROllers lane, wallingIEAUTY SAloON ward Allen and Hr.' and Mrs. Page more, will serve as best man for ford; !)ave announced the marIlEAtJTY IS AS BEAllT'l' Hazelton, boUl coupleS of l!IQqt- hill hrothei-. ' , ria;e of the,ir daughter, Mary Pal- 'IS ciD:BISBED ' -. merClarke,anc! 'N!r. Rodney dair,'NT . .,. CCk f Mr d Mrs ,Lynn Doherty, captain of the TO WED TOMORROW S",wart c::oo ,son a . an . 9 Chester .Road ..wl!l'tilmore High School' track 'J ' ' Gl' Worst Joseph M. Cook of Overbrook, on Call Swartl1m()J!e 6-047!) .. tr... d HisS oanne enn ,,' May 16 at the Old PreSbyterian teWD, 'ent\!rtalned ti)e a<:.. "'I.ue, d~ull!'tero~ Mrs. Clarence Wa1ke~ Meeting House In Aiexancirla, Va., aisuppq at h!.s )1,o11),e ,on ave- Wonjt of Cornell a~enue, and the the 'ancestral home of Mrs, nue Wednes44y evening. ' " late.Mr. Worst, WlJ:! become ~e Clarke's fain1ly. The ceremony ENGAGJ'M!;NT bride of Mr. George Walmsley, was perfonned by the mlnlster'of The erig~gement I~ announced son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon the' church, Mr. Kenneth G. Phlfof Miss' Sara ?e!4lt ~"eD~, Thomas, Walmsley ot Brooma~, er; at eight o'clock by candlelight. May 1st to July 31st ' daJ1l!tter ot ~. F. Gi)mml. Spen- tom~rr!>~ ,~ternoon at 2:30 m ,The bJdde's 'dress waS of pink cer of Guernsey ro"d, !I!ld ~e TrinIty Church, Swarthmore. ' embrolderled organdy ahd she Have your ~a~ ~hecked now 'for summer drlvln, .- . .. .. . late :f,rr. Spencer, to Mr. Antho!p' ~ ~ecept!on at the home ot the wore a co.sage of' white orchids. Tlie only attendants were Mr. Malglerl of Rochester,' N.Y., and bride s grandfather, Mr. John RUSSELL'S SERVICE Swarthmore. Gl~!", Pew of Moylan, wIll tol- and Mrs. William' A. Clarke• .1'r., Miss Spencer, a gI;ld)!ate of low the ceremony. . of Drexel Hill. ROBERT J. AT%. Ow~er Swarthomre High Sc1\ool, class J\IIss Nancy Good of Harnilbw:g~ others who were present at the Opposite Borough Parking Lot of '44, attended the University of who' will attend ~ a brldesl118ld, wedding besides the tour parents SW +-0440 Michigan In 1945 and '46 ",n4 since will entertain at a brunch tomor- 'Wl!re the bride's grandmother, Dartmouth & Lafayefte Avt!" , then has been working as a tech- row monllilg at Strath Haven Inn. P,frs. Ida ;Po Stabler qf Rutgers I ~~~~~ ..~~~ :rlclan in the Pathology ~~raMrs. Worst, ,mother of ~e bride, '~venue, the bride's cousin. Mr. j, ==, " tory of the Univ"!slty at Pennayl- will entertain the wedding party ,Patrick Fo~ of Wallingford, DELICIOUS DINNERS ,. SU,T tho, TASTE of EVERYONE vania. following the ro:hearsal this e-:e- and Admiral Richard E. Byrd of TENDER STEA"K'S aad CHOPS Cooked to Order Mr. Malgierl ~d!,ated from the Ing. Boston, father-In-law of t h e ! , . , " SchQol of Enf1lneerl~, University bride;. brother. EXCElJ.ENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES of Rochester ~ 19t5 ""d Is curPAYNE-SCHUMACHER' -BUSINESS MEN'S L~CH 12.1:30 P. M, rently wi~l1- the ~e~tj.ng!l~use Mr. and Mrs. John A. SchuBIRTHS Electric Corporat!°ll. macher of Ogden 'avenue, ' an~ Mr. and Mrs. John M. Patterson Elevator Comfortable Rooms Day or Week nounce 'the ,martiage of their of Amherst avenue, are receiving ' E . TOMORROW'S 8Rm. 'daughter, Barbara Jean, to Mr. ' Irth of t MIss A nWalter n e ·Scott Payne, on December ron,', gratulations upon the b Themilrrlage 0 , .. ter, Susan Isabel, on Msy . d auglIter Newton 'Cocl1i'iln,' _ of, Mr " 8, 1951 In Hagerstown, Md.', a dau~.... Swarthmore, Pa,' Telephone f,warthmore '·0680 and Mr~.· A. Robb" cochran,. of Mrs. Payne has been 'a student 21, in Bryn Mawr H~spital. Kenya';' avenu, to Mr.' George at Linden Hall 'Junior College this -M F f FREE PARKING WALTER E. PARROTT, Mgr. Mr d Mr. a,nd Mrs. Karl, . ox a West Cochrane,' son 'at . an past year, and Mr. Payne who has Yale avenue announce ,the birtb Mrs. Thoin"" Cochrane,' of' Up- recently completed four years 'o~ '0' "thel,',r secOlld d,!ughter, SaIiy land. will take place tomorro,,!, service in the'U. S. Navy, is now 01; May 61n Delaware Coun. atternoonat' 3' o'clock lit the working tor the Catalytic 'Con- "" , " v Swarthmore Pi'esbyte!!an Churchh· siructlon Company of, Phlladel- ty .ft.~SPI!':.~y.s fraternal gran,d, ... J ' " . ' " ,., . ," , ,.. .. The coup'I,,' was' honored Wit' hia ...... 170 'Id treat J;rofuse With • ,surprl.'e kitchen' shower given p Mr,. ,Payne ,'s the nephew of Mr'. mother MrS., Frank Fox of ...... on. Little Spruce " a , ·acre 'o!'1 ,ernes~ re, '. .., , Ohio has returned to her home afwild fruits flora and fauna ......... real naturahsts para lSe. , Saturday' evening by I!!r" and and ,Mrs. EdwarQ Mc.crea of ter a visit with her son and famThe b.acre private la~e has an elevation' of 1529 feet. Mrs. George ~. ~ston, Jr., of Springlleid, Delaware,~Qunty, and Boats are'ilVaiiable. Fishing is excellent. has been making his home with ny. This property in the highlands of ':"layne County ,!,as pur. Brock road, Sprlnglleld. , Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. ,'lNray . chased by Owen Say of Wallingford In 1946 for fish. Mr•. 'Richard Darllngton, of ,them. Darlington; who. will attend as a ' . 'APES-RICHARDSON of Swarthmore ave!'ue ,!nnounce ing and r.elaxing. Through the of the Site. h.ouse. bridesmaid, entertained at a lunIVJ, ' . . . , ,'". .the birth of a daughter, Laura 'keeping c,ott\lge~ of.?ne 'Inc;! ~o b,droom Slle are"n~w. available cheon and cards Tuesday in honor Mr. anej: Mrs. ~IOtt Il~chards:, Louise on May' 15 at the Bryn, to rent by the week or season. . • of'the bride. at Latayett avenue, annoU?ce e Mawr Hospital., Arranged and equipped for comfortable, !lasy. hVlng. each : Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane, parents marriage of their daughter. Jane The grandparents ot the baby cottage has an efficiency kitchen with electric refrigerator and of the groom. Will entertain mem- Strode. to M,Il~on Cra~or~ ~apes, M William T. Jo)mson of range' bedrooms furnished with good quality beds; bathroom ...... t ' ' " United' States Navy are rs., , . end cold ' bers at the weddinll P~'J a a Lieutenant, , ' . ' , ' Ogden"avenue ahd Mr. aild'Mrs. has shower. hot running wa t ,r; kno tty spruce panelled rehe"rsal dhuier ~s eV,enIng. forme~ly of Ne-.y H~l1~' ~0'th~ L. P. V,{~y ,,~ :Walnut lane. living room has fireplace; doors, and wlndo:,",s are, s!,ree~ed. 'Out-of-tOwn guests wllo wjU all. :VY!l~~~~r, MIlY" 11., .. , '" " ' C c i t t a g e f . are fully insulated and e'l~lpped Wlth 011 fU"1~ce ur$., attelld, weddIng t: ,P8fk' Mr..",d.P,1rs.r.RotIjjIl Lee for' year Siti'a cots, higH chairs;-crIDs and ,baby pens are on hand. • Don8ld ,Robb, "ot, Newtonville, D,enlrer, ~olo: '~ne ¥.lIimm., wI'S of '302 North C)1~er ~4, ~ reMass., who js spel,ldlng several perfo!""ed by the. Rev. ~ayId G. celvlng congratulations upon ·the You need take only Ii"ens and personal effects With you •• ~eeks with her nephew, Mr. A. Colwell, brother-m-law of the birth of a son; Jonathan Daniel Grocery store sare within a 3.mile radiu~eep freele> on premo RObb Cochran al,ld tamily, Mr. groom. 'March, on May 12 In <:pester Hosises for your use. Table ten,nis, trap sho"oting, quoits, playground .. and Mrs. Douglas NeUson. of Tlie bride given In ml!lTiage by pltal. 'k offer entertainment for enhre family. .. Newlonvllle, ,and Mis s ;ooris her latj1er:' wore .. balleriha Mrs. March is the former Lar Ruth and Charles Frederick, on an adjacent farm, are local' Slothower, 'of Baltimore. length gown of creamed colored Hargraves, daughter of Dr. and management representatives to ",ssi.t you in enjoying your vaca. lace and net 'and a haIt hat at the Mrs Malcolm Hargraves of Rotion at Little Spruce Lake. ' TO WED 's"me She carried a oo.uMinn. The baby Is also a Additional InformatIon may be had by writing to The marriage of Miss Lotta J. quet of roses, and l1Iles of the val~ grandson of Dr. and Mrs. Harold , III f rd P Baird, at Oberlin avenue, dl!ughOWEN W. GAY, Wa ng 0 , a. ter of the Rev. Hazen B. David G. Colwell. sister of or phone M"rguerite Gay Adams at MAdison 6-3562 BaIrd and Mrs. Baird, to Jerome the groom, as matron of honor, Bongiovanni, of Ardmore, wore a dress of green, sUk and =S~~ONS ;I . . . '• • " " " :'" son of Mrs. Casper Bongiovanni carried an old-fashio,,~d pOll,!-~et MAGAZINES and the late Mr. Bongiovanni, ~ of flowers in ~I!d tones of ye!take place tomorrow at 5 p.rn. m . ' " I\IRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN SWART'IDfORE RECREATION the rectory ot !'it. Philomena's low Mr'. Dean Ostrum. o,t Russell, 313 Dartmonth Avenue Swarthmore 6-2080 SUMMERPR9GRAtJ: Church, Lansdowpfo arid a a~ the ,Yale of lofr· La-.y and I A reception will follo~ at Drex- Kana Mrs.·, M!,pe.. -~egia'rati,on It!orulay, May 26, and Tuesday, May 27 elbrook Inn, Drexel HIll. After a S~hool served as best man. weddIng trip, the couple w1Il reAtt~ a weddIng' trip 't!irough 12 noon 4 p.m. PASSPORT the 'northwest, Mrs. Mapes will side at Oberlin avenue.. Hiss Baird will be I1ven In return to' The Dalles, pregon, in the hall outside first grade room i~ the Ru~gers School and PHOTOGRAPHS In the hall In front ot the audltortum In th,e High School. marriage by her Qrothl!r, :r.h: where the couple will make their Thomas F. ,t3aird, at Baltimore, home. Mrs, Mapes is with the No Appalntment Necessary BE SCHOOL - Six 'weeks beginning Jane 16, 1952, Mon1. P, - day through Friday 9:00-11:45 a.m. Rutgers Avenue Md. She will be attended by her law firm of Hickson, Dent, and -0sister, Mrs. G. W1Ils Brodhead. of School and Playground. ' a. 3 year aids (3 by September I, 1952) AT THE SAME TIME PICK UP b. 4 year aids fILI\I ~B YOUR TRIP , C. 5 year aids MARGE and DOT Fees' $15.00 for one child . TAKE PLENTY - WE WILL ,. $25.00 for two or more in the same fanuly Casserole Catering TAKE BACK lVOAT YOU Swarthmore, Pa. DON'T USE 2 PRIMARY - Six, weeks beginning June 16, 1952, Monday Service • througb Friday 9:'00-11:45 a.m. Rutgers Avenue School -0Fri. & Sat. SPECIALIZING IN and Playground. For children who have completed the JOHN WAYNE JEAN AIITHUR LUNCHEONS first and/or second grades. "A 'lADY TAKES A BUFFE'r SUPPERS ROG~R RUSSELL Fees: $10,00 tor each child COCKTAIL J>ARTIES Maximum per family is $25.00 C"~NCE" ' 'Media, Pa. On. of til. .c..... gay••t fill.. CALL EnrouD.ent In these two programs Is lImited to the first 18~ Ilg ROY ROGERS .how Sat, 1 , ••• Dot Belfleld Swa. 6-1973 registered. Occasional visitors permitted (First day no charge, State & Monroe Streets Cartoons. shorts. serial & comedy Marge Hurd Swa. 6-3138 added do)'.. 35e). Sat. night only ME 6-2176 Glassware to Rent Feo.tul'e tlmes--8 .. 8 .. 10 3 SUMMER CLUB - Six weeks beginning June 23, 1952, Mon. day through Friday 9:00-11:45 a.m. College Avenue Sun. & Mon. School and, Playground. For children of all ages proJAMES STEWART vided they have completed the third grade. ' "HARYEY" Fees: $7.00 for each c~d" , WUelorhl, . .HI..... PrIR WII_I Charge for ",aterials if cratts are elected-$2.00 , Tues. & Wed. LEAGUE BASEBALL - The ''Homets'', for boyS who have Groatost of all wllel .11 ••1 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE 4. 1I0t had their 14th birthday before January 1. 1952. plcta,..1 First league game Monday, June 2. Last gBJne. the ~nd • BREAKfAST. lUNCH '. DINNER ''TEMPO'' (Color) of July. FIrst practice, S!'turday, M~_,~4, ~vg"'etyw fe.tarilli' Mowarel Hili, Worfel'. Field; 3 o'clock. ~mber of Eastern.....-ware oun CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY . '., .......rc..... League: Game time 6:15 p.m. OPEN 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Fees: ,7.50 for each boy Than., fri. & Sat. Monday Thru Saturday . . .. . -:. . '. STEWAItT GlIANGIR , .' WENDELL COREY "'Ali '9nt-oi:toWll ..,~~ ~ii~, do ~~1Wa~ ". ',DAILY DlNNERS90c to $1.65'" Sehools ,wiD be eha:rle!1 $5.00 extra per for Dne e ''THE WILD "OIl.TH~' ' (Color) , above~" ' . Special. ChUdr>ell's flIa1ter8: A"'"...... as 1 ' - = = = = = = = = ,-----.....==--=--=---_.' ---, ' S "'OTES NEW I' Mrs. William R. Huey of DickInson avenue, advisor ,to tile JunIor Woman's Club,. will entertain the retiring board members of the club' and newly elected omcers at a supper party at her home next Tuesllay evening. annuallr.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:1f meeting held last .at Swarthmoreans, at Monday the the home of Mrs. Mark W. Bittle. Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 19~9" at the Post Omce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. O!her omcers elected fI:om th~ slate presented by Mrs. Fred A DEAD~WEDNESDAY NOON Patman as chairman of the nomSWARTmii:bBE, PA., FRIDAY, IIIAY 23, 1951 Inating committee, Include: Mrs. Bittle, first' vice-president; ' own toad Alice Lukens, second vice-presi1'ers Should bring their PRESBYTERIAN NOTES dent; Mrs. Clyde M. MIIler, secSunday morning at the 9: 30 and 11 o'clock services Mr. Bishop'. will b ''Th ....._-_ •• of senn"n. e e ~J'''''''''' Time". All departments of the Church School and the Adult BIble Classes meet Sunday morning at 9: 30. The last Coffee Hour of the spring will be held on Sunday at i2 o'clock in the Woman's Assocla- Hay 23, 19.52, May 23,1952 SPONSORS COMM'TTEE ELECTS OFF'CERS ., • ~ • ., ," ' . .' .. I .-w.._ ....... !t'nr, \ ,I~--~----~------------------~ '',.. ~'. ' THE'SWARTHMOIlEAN May 23,1952 D. A. R. HOSTESS In R,cital • Mrs. ,Samuel' Dyer Clyde, of The annual aprInC recital by Swarthmore and Ogden avenues, the pupils of Antonlca Fairbanks Reverend Lawrence Whittemore was hoateu, to the Delaware 01 Park avenue, will be held in the of Swarthmore, has been elected County Chapter, D.A.R. on Mon- Woman'. Club HolIB" SundaY afcbairman 01 the Council on Vol- day aitemoon. tenoon, May 25, at 3 o'clock. unteers 01 tbe Delaware County Mrs. Henry J. Weiland, of South Those participatlilg will be JanDistrict Health and Welfare Coun- Chester road, presided as ,regent et Snyder, Jemmie lIIlehener, Jeri cll, a Red Feather Service, for the at the Board and bnsptess meet- ~, Gall Forwood, Larry CoDcoming year. Mr. Whittemore, inp, the last until feU. Mrs. Er- !y, Jean and D8J1Dy HarrIs, Bobby Rector of Trinity Church, North nest PrItchard was sworn in as Gllllllan, Teddy Shstagin, Lea Chester road, has served as the tbe new recording secretary and Ann Kurtzhalz, Nica Fairbanks, CouncU's director of the project Mrs. Clarence Bell as a director. Dory and Ada Kroon, Shirley at the Juvenile Detention Home Mrs. John Larson, 'of Wa11lngford, Little, Barbara JIcClarin, Susan in Media in which over 35 volun- was nominated as working dele- Drleheus, Carol' Honnold, Jeanne. teers bave participated. gate to tlie State Conference to be Schloesser, and Edith Bunting. Among members of the com- beld in Philadelphia next October. Mr. and Mrs" Carter Sm,Ith, formittee who will continue are Mrs. Nine other delegates and 10 alter~ mer Swarthmore ,residents, and Claire H. Jegium, Hillbom ave- nates were also nominated. nue, Swarthmore. New members Mrs. Clyde and Mrs. Herbert their children Steven and Debof the Council on Volunteers will FraSer, of Wallingford, presented orah, have moved from Philadelinclude Mrs. J. R. Hoover, Jr., a delJghtful "Hour of Music" for phia to their newly, purchased Wallingford; and Mrs. J. Ken- two pianos which included An- home at 324 Sagamore road, aavneth Doberty, Elm avenue. dante from Double Coneerto No. ertown. Mrs. W. Thomas Morris of Troy 3 Bach; Fantasia in C Minor, Mozwho is visiting her parents Mr. Seventh Grade Picnic ari-Grieg; Pierrot Piece, Cyril A Seventh Grade picnic for the Scott; Dance Negre by Boyle; and Mrs. William E. Hetzel of children and their famlUes will Tambourin, arranged' by ElIzabeth Thayer roa!l for several days, is be held Monday, May 26, at 6 p. Gest; In Old Vienna, arranged by entertaining at, a luncbeon today in honor of Mrs. John Chiquoine m. at Smedley' Park. Saar. 'Seventh Grade Mothers Group Following the musicale, tea was of Rutgers avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Lockett elected the' following o1IIcers for served with Mrs. Henry J. Sweney Riverview road entertained as of next year: Mrs. R. G. Gll1Ul8J1, and Mrs. George Plowman pretheir house guests for a few days chairman; Mrs. J. W. Carroll, pro- siding at the tea table. of last week Mr. and. MrS. WIlgram chairman; Mrs. C; C. GoblImi>'lJ. Laurie of Teaneck"N. J. del, secretary; Mrs. D. Mace Gow- , SUMMER SCHOOL BOOKS , Mi.' and Mrs. Wftnam C. Mcing, treasurer; Mrs. William C. Parents of, high school pupils Deifuott of Yale avenue, enter:Elniore, hospitality chairman; and are advised that high school textMrs. F. H. Andrew, telephone books, may be borrowed for the tamed at a dinner party recently wh"';the1r ,gueshi were Mr. and' chairman. , • summer. Mrs. HIllary Conroy and daughter The folloWing regtllations will of Media, Mr. and'Mrs. Kenneth Seeond Grad.. Mothers govern the loans: ' Setton and son, and Mr. Wallace Second Gracie Mothers of RutAll books must be borrowed be- DalTics, all of Philadelphia. gers a"enue school will hold their tore June 12. Mr. and Mrs. HaiTy Pack of last meetlng of the year l\Iond87, 'A deposit of one dollar (to be North Swarthmore avenue have May 26, at 3:30 at the, home of refUnded August or 'September) returned from a two-week holld87 Mrs. Charles C. Martin, chaIrman, must be paid at the School District by piap.e to Havana, Cuba. of 406 Haverford piece. Business Oftice. The borrower then is to take his receipt to the CO~ED BEAUTY teacher who has custody of the Redor Heads . Volunteer Council Jobs available In LS GIR. : pleDsant sllrroundlnlls~ /lOW. - - - - '-•--:- - ---I _ _. _ . Jobs avail.. ble n!Ow, goad GIRLS . • Par rlllht from start. - available - --noW,-, -' t -- --Job, GIRLS: opportunity 'for advancaman • ----------- GIRLS •• ,J"bs available noW, 'no experience needed. - --- --GIRLS: --~--Jobs available now,wllh friendly, conllenlal people. nLS"" Gl"K 6.e. We know where there are j9,bs opeD right now that have an the goodjeatures mentioned above, rolled into onel If you are interested, why Dot stop in, at one of the offices listed. . 1.=========-===:;;;1 book. A Sale Is On ••• desired Books are to be returned to the ' School District office before September 8. For BoysCblpSuita 6919 ludlow 51.0", Upper Dclly, Pa. Spoiot Jaekelll I For Girls- 1631 Arch Slreet, Phlladolphla, Po. Uttle Comateu ' "The .,.1 t.bU a:ows" ......,--, .. _ . @ ~", wIoo lile people II"h "'e,,hOne • worlr" , • • The Children's Shop ' Swarthmore. 6.1148 • • • No. 16 0/ Q urlu. Sacred M~sie Con~rt The choir of \he Swarihmore Presbyterian Cburch will give a concert of sacred music this SundaY, May 25, at 8 p.m. An interesting program, has ~~fllcoDSl8ting of organ, solp, an,d:~nl!D>bel:~. Vernon Wo"lcott Is .guest organist with Carolyn Stanford, Marjorie Burke, and Henry Faust as featured solo' ists. The public is cordially invited. 2'Iw Story 0/Pun Springfield WGtG". Ever feel you, were ALL THUMBS? Ever had more jobs to do than you bad hende_Or time..,..to do them? there'. really 110 .-d to straia in this elecUIc8l day amd age. S - _ Now, ~..ho1d taeb go qujckly aDd euilJ' When your home is fully equipped r.. m,odem electric living. , on- ~ are youn tbroash the _...rn... or a tu-pa)'iq, privateQoowned COIDIJIIIlY, cea ee1 br wwkiuc In the Americut way to lift "..' IIett. aDd better _ . _ _IY ___ --._ PHIUDELPHIA ELECTRIC CO. . A .i........... 0 •• TAX..pAftIG ~ John Cronin, of the Drexel Hill Group, will be modera'tor for the evening. Chester road, and Mrs. James Cochrane, of Providence road, will be hostesses to inembers of the Poets' Circle at Mrs. Cochrane's home Monday afternoon., Miss Gabrielle Ladd will present ,the program. Attention all SWARTHMOREANS! .. LOOKIN' FOR FUN? Then hurry, hurry, hurry. Head for me ROSE VAIl,EY ROUND-UP to he staged at the \" OLD MILL , Satu~day, May 31-1 to 6 P.M. :':'.': (", Come one, come all! Come and bring the Kids • . • bring your Family • • . bring your FrIends. Come and play Games of Skill and Chance ••• win' Pri%es . . . thrill to Pony Rides • . • test your skI1l on tbe Rifle Range . . . look at .excitlng' Movies. Therein be Toy Balloons • • . a Puppl!~ Show . • • a Merry-Go-Round • . • dellcious Barbeque Eats. And for the ladi_ bless 'e~e and, Apron Tables . . • Craft Shop and Flower Mart. Something for everybody and plenty for alll ')I:dmission FREE! .. " <, .,. .------:., • PARKimtlDAK':fMOtITR AVE. SW1Il1Iuaore 8-1011 ' JINGLE If you'"e Ants in your pants Or beve Moths in your clothes Our Bug Killen supreme, . ~ake 'em ~'np their toes. Powerful, Sa.fe, ElCterminatora CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE 650 Baltlmor. Plk. SP.,NGFIELD Pho.. SW 600450 W. TeI.graph Flowe.. '. M'D BI LE variety of spechil tools for excavating, detect-' ing underground leaks, for testing and repairing' fire hydrants. Some are equipped with radio lelep!:t0nes. Some carry a fireman's out,fit: gum'boots, gum coat, helmet and gas mask; Each type of vehicle,in Philadelphia Suburhan Water Company's million-mile fleet has its special job. But all have one thing in common: the safety. record of their drivers. Skill, cOurtesy and common sense characterize these men behind the wheel. They are as reliahle as your supply of Pure Springfield Walel". ,HYDRAULIC STEERING ITS NEW KIND OF HORSEPOWER IS SOMETHING TO FEEL! I ~ With its 180 HP V-8 engine, on 1253--2 inches of wheelbase, many people think the Saratoga is the best Chrysler car oraD.. to take the wheel and ' feel what happens! There's a new sense We invite you of easy power, of 1 as IW power that make driving a new experience. Inside the engine are reasons for this. Its revolutionary combustion chamber develops more of the power iJ;I each c1uirge of fuel than other engines can dO. Ita cionstruC:tion is both DlOI8 sturdy and DlOI8 efficient, ,-' " "_""nd ... Complefo plus the m_ .." ;'eeo cIrftius yoa'ft ...,.. ba_1 That'. what GM BydrauJic S-mc" ill the ..... "Bocbt" 0Idaa0biJe ......... Iioyw./ To park, to turn, to Ub a IIuorp _fa lit iug iofun with GM BydraoIicI See your deaJa. ad try' it toofayf SPRINGFIELD WATER • Poets' Circle Mrs. Charles Joyce, of North Open T1wraday NitfJat. &_T$~&w/'" ... " -j: . coM.,.. , (Continued from Page 1) Gemmill, Gall Llncoin, Don SCarborough, George Ellis, Connie Russell, Peter' Campbell, John Fiscber, Larry Jones, Billy Medford, Keith Richardson, Skipper .Skoglund, Robert Dudglns, Seth SlngJeton, Edward Payne, Spencer Carroll, Carolyn Danforth. Carol Honnold, Richard Gurln, Jimmie Robinson, Jack Walljlr and Carol Williams. The Senior Orchestra membership includes: Nancy Carroll, Lee Gemmill, Gayle Hanna, David Houghton, Virginia Hubbell, Peter Kroon, Sandra Milne, Gunnar Quist, Jeannette Roberts, Karen Rogers, Carol Seymour, David 'Spencer, Debbie Thompson, Diana Tucker, Barbara Ziegenfus, Russell Snyder, George Kroon, Debbie Reeder, Noel Snyder, Barry Gwinn, S'!Dluel Lewis, Mary Jane Schrader, Rose Alice Richardson, Nancy Chambers, ,Louise Wittmeyer, Edgar FrIend, Joan Hemenway, Sandra Hoot, Robert Warden, Brenda von Grabill, George Dunn, Cbarles Hummer, Gordon Smith, Bert Kroon, Charles Russen, Ted Sanville, Pamella Foster, Arthur Jones. Charles Nason, John Phillips, Ronnie Gold and Barry NewstadL David Spencer is ~oncertmelster. ' SALON • You probably have seen some of these , . jeeps, passenger cars. little pick-up trucks and larger service trucks. But it is likely you haven't realized that many of them carry a Orchestral Groups in School Concert Tonight Great Books Group The Great Books Group' will meet at 8 p.m. TUesday, May 27, in the PresbYterian Church, Har-I vard avenue. The discussion will center on, reading selections :trom Mills "Representative Govern- MrS. Jobn Fields of Akron, Ohio is visiting the Karl M. Fox family of Yale avenue. It takes a million miles on the road every year to keep Pure Springfield Water flowing dO. pendably from the faucets in your home. Yes, Philadelphia Suburban Water Company's fleet of vehicles is almost constantly on the go-, ' night and day-on construction work, maintenance work, emergency jobs and routine inspections. raps THE SWARTBMOREAN me~t':J. MILLION-MILERS ............... , May 23,1952 -~O • • A.Y '; PHILADILPHIA IU • .,.iaA. WAT •• $a s. . . M ;. ilia .. JDWol-='1:" MMtjJ • , _ a ? COioeor.t'• , • - - - . . ITO •• II . . . . . , O.LDlliOI"LI D'.LI. _ __ • WHITAKER..A.IUtEi i. i.e. 340 w..."',..,. ... ..... WI" " . perfol"Dllrilce, even on Mil-premium fuel, sueh as you have never felt. Another resUlt is new longterm economy. It's an engine that scarcely forms carbon. deposit at all. It creates less heat and develops less wear than other enginllS. it will last much longer, and stay younger on the way! '·less foot pressure • • • and still stop in many feet 1I11III than other cars can do. With Chrysler full-time Power Steering·, you execute every steering move with one-fifth the usual effort . • , drive every mile, at every speed, with- five Ume6 the ususl control! With Chrysler Power Brakes-you need u);, to two-thirds CHRYSLER One result is I Yes, behind Chrysler's new engine you'll find a new kind of car. Won't you come in and ftel what we mean? .NOTE: PtIIDn' se.rm.r atmuIard OIl Craam ImplirlaJ. APCIilo6k,"ubu. 011 fIftY MID CIary.!er. THE FINEST CAR AMERICA HAS YET PRODUCED . , . HA,NNU & WAltl ... ,, 'DIE SWAIl'IUMOREAN 16)' 16; 1952 WOMEN SEND CARE PACKAGES TO KOREA """ ....r'·"'· .. N'IW 1912 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hopper of Dogwood lane entertaining as their house guest for several days Mrs. Hopper's mother Mrs. John Savage of Denver, Colo. Mrs. L. J. Servais of Elm avenue entertained over the week-end her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Cobble of Jackson, Heights, L. I. _It-UII 'reuer iii • .w. foet ; 'tt, ........,'r' .......... MItt. ~.1Ht ONLY $10.00 DOWN ....................,y.. ........ - ..... ......... .., ..... I... , ...... WMCIerrul,... "..., .. " ... $10.00 .ortlo ., ,... .... I•••,••, ••,h.. ".h... .-y•• , ....... ••....".. oppertu.., Ie . . . • . ,a,' ..nul... NlVh,.. AIM ...... ,... 1"' ......., ....... _ _ ~"--t. Bellmenn'. MaJ'O..nel,~ ..~ 67. ~~ . : BOID~d.·U" Bala.- .,......... i:' GO ,,: PEleiE! ~~ 27' . propooe on or otter June 6th. 1952, to adopt a resolutJon. to b~ ef- fectlv. as of July a one J/diId , 3' . 85 e be Slraw rrles (10,::.... ate) " -~ odmI w ..... *u.awllenl•• l:.;za7GI a :.t;'7S0 DoaaId DuCk Pe.. ~ Grape '.Jai.. a 13: ~ ~- ~ - ,"kg. ./ , &\ " 't\\\~ "", ~, CRIIIIRRY SIUCE 1 ,~ . ; ' . •" ' DEVINE rAX) SERVia PETER 01 NICOLA ,SWariIIaioie. PII, _ ServiIIg, Swarthmote" Morton RuUedge ane;! ~t BoilDoI DINctota or, ,tho BcIlooi ~ tho liorObah at tain at open house from 9 to 11 ~r;A PuraU&Dt to ,,,,,~~.... tomcirrow tty /lont' upon them by tho Aet ot 1"'7., June 116,Jirter PL 114&. C' l' AS' SI II!r I E' D' , pr(>j>c8e on or JUDe ... _ amelld.... .. 1Q82 to adopt a reeoltnloDto ~_ otrOCtlve ----::.::=::=::-:-i:-=---.. OfiJul1. 7th"18U"~' • . PERSONAL . or,. oal . '" ~ ....... tbe,J,udjmontot \Its iiOkd ot~,!C Powe~ mo,wers., Medium and ~ton,ot tbe'~ ot ,,' • large SJZe .lawns. Phone Swarthm~ oaIdtor- geDerlll t., DO' oehool ry toj>tJrpoiM: _ . ' J.. "m=o:::re=8::-7~1:.::8;:.6:... revenWt ' -:':-::---:--:----::cIIDd ,they 0IIt11pate the amount Oi PERSONAL-'-Custom made sllprevenue to bit derived from !!aid i&x covers alld draPenes.' Henrietta ww be U6.OOO. per annum. W. !ricke, Swarthmo~e 6-1875. Bald SchOOl DIrectorS. also propoeo PE ' , to levy an additional '5. per capita RSC?N AL--Desire to store old tal< on _h and every a4u1\ nodd6n* UprIght piano, for ooe, y."... In or inhabitant or the School ,Dlll;riet exchange for use. Good condition. or Swarthmore ,under COde the authbrlty No basement. Box X, The Swarth-' §~~~;:~~~~~~~: ot the Public SchOOl or ,1069. morian IIOO'l.CB IS !IBftP'lIy OlVllB 'that '101l get all three are PHILeo JMRP" PHILCO I>IIO&L NOTIell The Woman's Club has announced that the International Friendship department, Mrs. S. )pIton Bryant, chalrman, is continuing ita work of sending CARE packages to Korea through the summer. Anyone wishing to contribute may contact Mrs. Bry~nt, SW 8-1128, or Mrs. WillIflIll W. Turner, SW 8-2202. Contrlb~tions in any amount are vitally needed. .. yew ....... "'.... yew .en.....' A. . . 'I1IE' SWARTHMOREAN Real.Estate - Insurance Mo~ages , , . Fer ''''r.iItatfo. Ca" " '. ,- ED"ARB L. NOYES & CO. ~ MOUel I. ''ASSMORE II IJOVIlI ~ ROAD swAB'DDlOBE ,. . CIL\IIL1I:s R. RUS...... ::,T~, ~ •••• 6-O11~ , '.; ... .1AVI!S C. TAYLOR • MaY' 23. 1952 '11IE SWARTBMOREAN P.p8 . Dr. Samuel C. Carpenter, of Ogden avenue, served as· chaIrman of the Educational Panel at the spec.ial Centennial Celebration of American .Society of Civil EngIneers held In Philadelphia Monday' afternoon and evening. Dr. R. C. Disque, of Strath Haven, avenue. was one of four participating on the paneL . Mr. Albert Pritchard, of Pennock place, Media, will return to his home today after being a patient in Bryn Mawr HogplW for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. William Bass, Jr., of Ogden avenue, will entertain at a sma II Clat home" before the Series Dance In the Woman's Club tomorrow evening. School to Ask College For Strip of Land (Continued from Page 1) • der.: Craft. Builders Company on a base bid of $211,810 for general contracting; Harold H. Btrney, $1290' for heating; IrWin English, ...... !"eoD'r. .,. chon $1275 plumbing and drainage; Mcwho .taDd agalDI! progGee Electric Company, $3250 elecress io every commwUCY trical work. This. project is coveraod io every. eoterpd.e. ed In the 1951-62 budget. They do DOthIDIf beCause they in.ist that 'oothlng The Swartbmore Fire and Procan be daDe." In the im· tective Association was granted portant matter of health, permission. to use the PrInceton be a "pro" Dot a ucoo.,u Avenue Atbletic Field for softball See your Docto.t· now. on Monday and Wednesday evenThen bring us his prescriptions (or compounding. ings. The B_oard also granted the American Legion Post use of CATHERMAN'S Riverview Avenue Field for baseDRUG STORE ball. A letter addressed to the Board by the Swartbmore Pr,opelr-I alice ty Owners Association asked why the School Disirlct couldn't aVC)1Q I purchase of more land by 'using the Riverview Field for all. athold letic activities thereby releasing land now used for this purpose at both College and Rutgers Avenues for building IIlcreases. It also IN THE ROUGH I asked several questions regarding Not chicken but furniturel the proposed means of leyylng the Old Washstands - Cattage chest - Hutch table new $15 per capita tax. Pal.t cleaRed ofl-Oo fII. relf younelf aad lave mOBey. Appointment of lay tlnance and building committees was placed In ANTIQUES & GOURMET SHOP the hands' of the Board's tlnance PR0V:IDENCE ROAD WALLINGFORD. PA. and properly chairmen. Phone: Media 6-4751. '., President Carroll P. ?.•~.~..~.~.~.~.~••~.~.~.~.~..~.~.~.~••~.~.~.~'.~.~.~.~••~.~.~••~.~.~.~••~.~.~.~.~••~.~.~.~"~.~.~.~••~.~.~"~.~.~·d reported a meeting of the :,........""'~"~~""~""'~"'~" ... Board-Facult,y Saiary . ' , ..""'~""'" LlnLE SPRUCE LAKE at which teachers asked $20,000 Lakewood Wayne County. Po. . merit Increases. It was the opinion of the Board that no action could Housekeeping C. oftages be taken until the new budget was settled. . June 15 fa March 15 Mrs. Marguerite Seymour, of !Prlvat. Lake) 315' Dickinson avenue, was hired For 'nformatlon Wr'fa to teach a new section of the ninth , grade at a salary of $3200. This OWEN W. GAY grade which has an enrollment· of Wallingford. 101 pupils, 16 of them tuitlon Or Phon. MAdlsoft ~3562 students, will be divided Into four Instead of three sections next term. Bef"re adjourning at midnight the school directors adopted a 185-day calendar for 1952-53 beCamp ginning September 8 and closing June 17 • GRADUATION rIME now••• P.I. GAlE tabs IS GIfT TIMEI .... ' ••sswork Out ofpagl . typing .... . a better start I. life a~.. d .• \.'. .USINISSCOLLIGE - ARMID FORCES I. c.rta'. ,.. Grad.af. fi. 01.01. La, •••o/v. f.'.,•... roar ,'H pro"'.. .a. Smith Media Office Supply Co. World's fastest PORTABLE n 5. Olivo St. MEdIa 6·5521 0,•• 76an"ar a." F""ar fvenl.,. The Fle.tllne De lux. 2-Door Sedan Let Us Check Entire Lighting System at Low Cost If your headlight beam alignment is faulty you are endangering your life and those of other motarlsts. CorrecHon Is very easy and costs v.ry little. We are equipped with the n.west devices to check and correct lighting systems. -->-..,..-...,... - - - GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS First in'Service - First in Sales o'.'.g Always Take Plenty of Film CAMERA off':'~::dCr;'!~; :':dC::"ro!!: &HOBBY SHOP Swarthmore 6-4191 Chester Road "fou Meet tile NiceJt 'eo,leaf S"..,e5,11 tainlng as their house guests for 10 days Mrs" Carroll's cousins Mr. and Mrs. w.· R. StancMeld of Minneapolis, MInn. Fridays 9-9 LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR RUN BE I I ER~ LONGER • COnI.r EDGMONT AVENUE -' 7th and WELSH STREETS Don't throwaway your old fur coat or leave it hanging useless in your closet. Right Now Your Car Needs These "Get Ready for Summer" Services We'll. convert . YOUT old fur coat into a smart ,Cape or .Stole for a mere 1 . 6-CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS Dirty spark plugs can waste as much as lout of every 10 gaUons of gasoline. 7-CLEAN AIR FILTER Leta your engine breathe easierkeepS dirt ont of the .carburetar. \ 8-DRAIN ANTI. FREEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR CHECK HOSE CONNECTIONS -ADD RUST RESISTANCE. 'U yOll have permanent anti-keese, save Il for next winter. BrIDa' your own eontalner. '-CHECK-UP OF TIRES (lorreet "Swltablnr" Improves the mU_ We can also have tour tires leab. . 5--BATTERY,SERVICED Winter Is espeelBIb' tough on batteries. We cheek strendh, clean termina", add disWled water. .. and tax FREE tool recapped, If needed. . 'ChoOse from any of 5 new 1952 "little fur" faabiOns and we'll do the.-est. NeVer fnlnd bow your fura loaD now ••. you won't ret:!'g. ni&e it'liftel',-..;{re through cleaning and reblendiilir. MinJ<, ,Beaver, Nut·ria. and,· E~ aligb.tlj higher. All< to HANNUM & WAITE , . Glester. RoeHl and Yale Ayenue -. . .. " see our ,JaekeCs . . '$3.50 PER YEAR' Fire Engine Rides . • ISchool BoaR! Reviews pos's·lble'52.·53 Budget. 50·nlors· t0 Hear' Dr DaVIS Sunday 5 W. ..i Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer 1-CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL WInter oU Is too tbln for _ weather. We drain U.......nd re611 with Summer b'Pe 8unoco on. 2 CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS .. Drain mmaml....on and rear re611 with Sunoco All-purpose Gear Lubrl.....t--f;pecIaUy made to resist high pressure and heat. 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION Special Lubricant used to help keep out sqneaks and wear. Won't dry out, won" wash out, won't, squeeze out! Helps Improve.ra& mUeage. 4 CHECK OIL FILTER Inspect eartrldge Bnd cheek' for . Tax Rdte To Be Officially Members of the High School Spaeth Memortal Award In Scl- Rev~ H.' L. WhiHemore Class ot 1952 will be graduated at ence to John Pearson. Will be Featured Set By SaturdaYI the traditional Commencement to • Swarthmore Library .AssoclaJune 7th be held' at 8 o'clock on Tuesday tlon Award In English and the Speaker , evening, June 3, at Clothier Mem- Swartbmdrean Award In Journa- ,Memorial Day Services ';'111 be The School Board reviewed in oriaL , .,., < • llsm'to .Donal!l Sharpe. complete detail what could posU t of The D onald B. Ru therford .... Carroll P. Streeter, presIden. e- held tomorrow, M.ay' 30, at the s1bly be the f\J:Ial budget for 1952the .'Board of School. Directors, morlal Award In Track and the Memorial Stone, corner of Park 53 Tuesday night. The estimated will present the diplomas to .the Babe Ruth Foundation Award for and Dartmouth avenues. Exercises toW Income of $397,600 Includes 73 members of the cJ.asa who wtll SjIOrtsmansblp to 'Lynn Doherty. br.glnnlng at 10 a.m. with the $37,500 ;yield from the $15 head be individuallY recommended for John .shafer KlIne ~emQrial . th ti An tax. Total expenses Including debt graduation by the HIgh School Award In MUsic and the American ,playing of e Na onal them service and capital outlay come faculty throu~ Robert Amaden; Legion Award In Cltlzenahlp by the mgh School Band will be to $397,600.PTovision lamade for High School PrIncipal. . Barbara Shiphm;d. • followed with the opening prayer an additional $3111,000, $800,OI!O of Following the Proc!esslonal . of '. Na~oDil lIonor Society Award. by Chaplain Joseph P. Bishop. which would take care of any new Members of the gradua~ class 'for semce; 'John Davis; Rotary Speaker of the morntog, Rev. H. land purchase and bullding, the and platform guests, the departing Club "'~ard In Latin, Rodger GIl- Lawrence. Whittemore, Rector of remaInder covering proJecta Dl>W SenIors wtll recite In chorus ·the mour;, Woman'. Club Award In TrInity Churcb, Swarthmore, .will In progress such as the two-room eighth and twenty-fourth PsalJns. French, Mary CLou HodJe. . be Introduced by Howard G. Hop. • Increase to .the.hop building. Samuel Lewiil will present ''The . Frank L . Davis Memorial son, secretary. of the Ail1sworthUpon advice of the sonc.tor the creation"; Tucker'wIll Bo-'Award ,In. SocIal Studies, Clem ·Wernher Post, American Legion, ' . tax rate should be oftlclally set. company him. A boys' quartette Malin; D. A. R. Award In Contem'- which takes charge of the tradl• IS' • and the .budgetadopted on Satur-. made up of ~ul Davis, Cl~ent por'!l7Problems,' RoJ?ert Robi.D- tlonal ceremony. Bacca aureate ervlce In Mailn, Roben 'ferry and Kerineth son; Award tor. 'ExCeUIID\l8 In. Herbert T. Bassett wtll read Presbytt!rian Church da~. ~=e;'Johnson, Esquire, apWri~t will sIng ~'The Halls of Home Economics, Jean~albreath. names of. the honored dead as Boy at 0 'Clock peared before the Board to repIvy' by Russell-KnlghL . Cbarles D. M1t4e1l' Memorial Scouts place the flags. After the resent owners of land on Rutgers Two graduating Seniors will Award In Art, Diane Tucker; piaelng of the wreath by the I.eDr. George W. Davis, professor aVenue at Westdale !!bout which present original papers: "Has Award In 'Secretarlal Studies, gion Auxiliary, the Firing Squad at Cro:ter SemInary, will' address the Board had made Inquiry. Mr. Science Any Llmltati~?.. ~ Jwci! Houtz, Babe .RuthFounda- will give· a salute, followed by the HIgh School graduates at the Johnson, stated that the owners, David Cox, and "Growln.g Pains" tlon Award for. Sportsmanship. Taps and Echo by the Band. The annual Baccalaureate service to ' - R----" ........ Leer ChrIstIn "'_.. E. L. Noyes, C. ,E. Fischer; D. P. b Y Cbar'...... ~.. - . . . on, e .. un... first part of the exercise will close be held at the Swarthmore PresG_. . ·Ia...... • A--Jones, R. P. Kroon, F S; qIIamalIst and .I0hn P earson and voc.; ' ...,.... ~P ..- with the 'llenedlctlon and the byterlan Church at 5 p.m., Sun. d Louise Wittm f1 tIsts wtll Sch larahi A ards oat· f m Is hers, A• .1_ Jones and hlmsalf, ha . . eyer, u, . 0 p w '. Ul 0 playing of "America the . Beauti- day, June 1. s message en- pUl'C!.hl!Sed the properly 'several, presept "God My Shepherd Walks which have been previouaIy an- fut" titled ''The Next Chapter". - .... d . II years ..go and ·are developJng It, B"""' e Me". Barbara ShlphEird nounced, are as. fo ows: Home Dr. Everett L. Hunt, represent- In fact one of the I0ts .InvoIved . . . and . The P araders wtll'march' to tery h ervI Ing the Society of FrIends'; wtll un'"er' co'nslderatlon had been wtll1provlde ;the piano accompw- School AssoCiation Award, Cath- ;"--tla . C ment.·· ,, ., arIne Wisdom; Choral· Concert ""'" wn eme w .ere s ~ ',ead the Scripture. Dr. Roy N_ ... The Commencement wtll close Award, ChrlstIne J:ord; Class of wtll be continued with. the placmg Keiser of the .Methodiat Church ready for settlement when the-' with .the' si!1g\i1g of the' Alma .1952 Award, George. Dunn; Bac- of ~~gs on the ~aves of ve.terans will lead the Responsive .Readlng, Board expressed Interest In it. ' Mater.. after wl)lch the new grad- calaureate· Award, Ida Le~; and the LegIon s presen~tion of The Pastoral Pray,er I"ill be offerThree hundred and ten feet uates w1n march out of Clothier ElIzabeth H ~b bar d Bonsall their !"emOrial, Wreath. Re v. ~ by the Reverend H. I,awrenc.e fronting· on Rutgers, avenue north t!> ·fIle lawn w,,~ they.wtll re- Awardi . Barbara 'Shipherd and Bishop sprayer.wtll pl'eeedetb.e Wlilttemore, Jr. olthe Ep\JjCope1.fromWes~.ale. ,adjacen~ to tile celvetheir parer>ts- and friends'; . JuU~e Roess. . . :". . 'tlnal s~ute,taPS and echo. Par- Church. lo!!Wis N_ Bund!,ck of, the presentschool properly with varyS\lpervlslng PrIncipal Frank'R. ' . The bues of ..l!lese· awards are: ~s" WIll. rafo~,.tol'o~the . r!lturn A;' NC·E. 'l::Jiurcli"'wlU~Jilve' the ing depths arebelnJ: considered. Morey 'will be rt.aster of cere- character, sch018stlc attainment, .March to Borough H a l l . ' Call to Worship while th~Rever- All plans Involve closing Westmonies.. ~blilty to protlt'by a ,college eduorder of 'March' both to and end Mr. John Stettnei- of the dale averi,:,e as ex.tended If the' Faoulty Awards for 185" cation, breadth of -Interests, social froin the cemetery is as follows: Presbyterian. Church 'will pro- Borough appr~ves. Two appraisals . responsibility, and tlnanclal need. Legion Colors, Firtng Squad, nounce the Benediction. by Stauley Hibberd and H. Leon~e Awards announced by the The Scliolarshlp Committee, con- High School Band, Legion Mem- A selected choir from the High arC: Paret were the basls for Faculty are a8 follows;.' slstlng of parents and teachers, .bers, other Veterans, Legion Aux- School Chorus, under the .dlrec- prices ranging from $22,000 to The Phi Beta Kappa Association made selections from the members iliary, Girl Scouts, Brownies, Boy tlon. of Mrs. Elva Daniels, wtll $25,000 for a slnall part of choice Book Award, the Reader's Digest of the graduating class who tiled Scouta,Cub Scouts, Red. Cross, sing the anthem, "0 Wisdom" by front land or larger acreage InAward to Valedictorian ~nd ~e formal applications. , Fire Department. . Noble and will join the assembled ~uding a low, rear, wooded sec~ausch and Lomb Award m PhYTh~ president of the graduatiJig The route to the cemetery wtll Seniors and their parenis. in sing- bon ..Mr. Johnson proposed that slcal Science to James Carter. class is Kenneth Wright; vlce~ be straight down Park avenue. ing "Be Thou My Vision". The final figures should ha~e the apTHe Business Men's Association president, Richard McCormack; The route back will be up Park to graduating Selliors and the ~hoir proval of a' court-appomted jury award In Mathematics, Henrune secretary, Claire Hendrixson; Harvard avenue, left on Harvard Will enter smging "Joyful, Joyful of view. . Meyer Memorial Award in Ger- treaslirer, J 0 h n Pearson.' Dr. to Rutgers avenue, right 'on Rut- We Adore Thee" and will march J?hn .F, Spencer was apPQmted man and. Blackfriars. Award In James Irwin has served :as Senior 'gers to Chester road, right again out singing the. Receslonal Hymn chall'man of the salary committ;. Dramatics to David Cox. Class sponsor, assisted by Mrs. on Chester to Park avenue, down "Glorious Things of Thee' Are The Board Interviewed ;;.a~ The Community Award In BIQ- Hannah Mathews, and Mary Arm- Park to Borough Hall. Spoken". dates tor. high school pr c p logical Science and, the Albert D. strong. Organist Benjamin Kneedler a~d. went mto. e;cec"tI~e se~sion to will give a brief recital as a pre- discuss teachers .salanes. lude to the service beginning at Ask for Flowers · " , · , · 4:40 p,m. His numbers will In- Rose. Valley Chorus The first 1952 collection o f ' · · .. ' .. chIde: u~~so" by .Handel; "Fan"Flowers for the Flowerless" will . 'To Present '''Iolanthe'' tasie in E Minor" .by Merkel; be taken into the Philadelphi" '~JesuJ Joy. of ¥an's Desiring" by . . 'General Hospital on Thursday The Rose Valley Chorus wtll· Shll'ley Carpenter, daughter of. morning, June 5 from SwarthThe community is . lnyited to a Bach; and uFi~landi~u by Sibel- offer another' hilarious Gilhert· Mr. and Mrs. Samllel T. Carpen- more. Flowers may be left at the showing of "Prefa~ to A Life" ius. ter, Ogden avenue. and Susan , ' £ and "Angry· Boy" in the high Following the service a reCep- and Sullivan opera, "Iolanthe", during the next two weeks at the Preston d ght f Mr Eliz Woman s Club on Wednesday af - school auditor~um at II o'clock next tion will be held in McCahan Players C I u b of Swarth,,!ore. er 0 s. a- emoon in containers which will d . b th ' au e C. Preston, D"gwood lane, be on the porch for that purpose, Wednes ay everung, June 4. Hall for the Seniors and their par- Chosen hec.luse of its pokes' at . w.ere chosen to s~are the Agnes For the balance of the summer Depicting problems of children, ents and especially invited 'guests. lawmakers and politicians - conZlDlmer Campership Award which tliis pattern win'. he follO'.;,ed. their . relationShips with adults, sidered appropriate for' a presi-' was presented to'them at the an- Flowers will be left at the club on and ways in which their emotional Band-Orchestra Assoc. dentiaI convention yea r -the nual Brownie Fly-up and 9jrl Weru{esday afternoons and ar- needs are fulfilled or defeated opera promises delightful enterScout Court of Awards last Thur$- ranged for transportation to the these two State Welfare Depart- Meets Thursd ay of 7 P. M. talnment as presen~d by the 43- . day. evening In the High School hospital on Thursday mornings. ment sound films were chosen The Swarthmore High School ;vear-old 'county mUSIcal organlzaaudItorium. The award was given This much 'appreclated service Is from. a groul1 of mental health . by Mrs. Oliver Rodgers, Nelgh- arranged by the Garden Depart- movies shown· to Swarthmore Band and Orchestra Association tion. will meet af the school tonight at Performances will begin on borhood' Chairman, on behalf of ment of the Woman's Club with High School human relations and 7 o'clock for Its annual party and June 4, and continue on June 5,' the Swarthmore Woman's Club, Mrs. Mark Bittle In charge for the home nursing classes. They, are business meeting, President 'L. A. 6, and 7. The following Wednesthe campership is presented an- summer. sponsored by the Third Grade day, June 11, the opera will open nually to the Girl Scout who lias Churches in the Borough coop- Mothers Group of the College Wetlauf'lr presiding. It has been suggested that the again and play nightly for the re- . shown exceptional growth toward erate faithfullY in the underb'k- Avenue School which' hopes all group could function more effimainder of the week. Scouting ideals. ing. The Methodist Church has mothers, fathers, grandparents, cientIy by separating Into two asIncluded In the cast are Purdue' Over 100 Brownies and Girl agreed to start the season by being neighbors, bllby sitters-In fact Scouts filed into the audit.orlum respon:dble for the month of June. everybody who has association sociations. 'If It is the.wlll of twO- Cl~av~, Sally McFadden, Aime L .. While Mrs. Palmer Skoglund play- Mrs. John H. Pitman is gathering With and Interest in chlldren- thirds' of those members present K.. Voigt, Bunny Abbot, W, Donald . ed the processionaL The fisg cere- her committee mid asks the con- wtll avall themselves· of this op- that this be done It is hoped that MacRostie, Bar bar a Jarden; . the two groups'can meet separete- GeOrge Jarden; Fred Echelmeyer mony which folloWed Ineluded the trIbution o£ BOrough blooms froM portunitY 'to see the tllms. Pledge of Allegiance; the singing all who Cl\ll sPare them. Time for discussion of the tllms lyafter the party and elect officers and ,Helen Harte-most of whom for the coming year. . 'iiave .appeared.' In Players Club' of "America", the 'G:lrlScou~ • Flow~.fortlie;Flo~erlessis an and their cont...nts wtll be'given perfOM!1anCesi Other,favorites are', Promise, th~, BrilWi'rle' Promise; .i.un' and dlreCiw:ofsharing .the with Elementary Siipervisor l{. Jjarry .Hall, Myra J. Flslier, Joe, Womi.n·~dub BOard and the Retiring of colots. . beauty of Swarthmore's gardens. MIldred Kidd In charge. Mrs. The Executive Board: bf the Perrone, Ruth Crist Radblll;'\VIth ' . Two Brownie troops rece!-ved It has'.direct appeal also for all EdIth Keimey, R.N. of the school Woman's Club wtll bold ita 1Inal of, course,.· the indispensable chOl'their WIngs and were presented whose hospital hoprs have been staff wtll answer quest!ons regard.suPPOrt<. " ." . ' ,'" • 1. ,• ." • to . the Girl Scout. .. leaders ,with brightened bY,III\Y,pasles,8II1 hand to see that everyone has a turn, with the youngest recelving the tlrst rides. Tickets will be given to all. After the jaunts the Fire Company wIli present each rider .with a Pixie Cup. te RUMSEY CHEVROLET Europe' To The Class SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, MAY,30, 1952 Memorial Day Service ' High School Will Graduate 73 Tuesday In Commencement at Clothier Memorial At 10 A.M. Tomorrow bank build.ns Meetings' TH'E SWARTHMOR > 9· irts Airplane Trip Of 1952 Best Wishes ' VOLUME &.<24_NUMBER 22 bGrber( pc.. To the Class' •, . wlf. • • • TYPEWRITERS DESK LAMPS BRIEF CASES and UNDER ARM BAGS Esterbrook " Eversharp PENS _ PENCILS SETS and Many Other Items Best Wishes . $89.98 S.wll....... 6-1250· < .. , - , ..'. 2Girl Scouts Receive Woman'sCIubAd war FiliuS-to be Presented For Town Viewing I , \ • , , , .. • Page 2 1DE SWARTBMOBEMi . May 30,1952 r=========================:::::. The Bouquet STATE INSPECTION to July 31st D_. An: Ann" . ·h'.·the.,. . ~.·'" .a·.t·.L,"ttle· Sp'r. uce·" "Be' Ga·. lnBoit avenue, 10 and Mrs. Thofuai'Cbchrane; of Upland. vell ofcap illuslon felland fJ:Om heIr·V .·W·.it· I'J Davis Weesner. 8nd son Mr. of Mr. took 'place Saturdayattemoon at loom of lace sheancarried UG··y·.S.· Mrs. Edwln Weesner. of Morrls- 3 0'c1ock in.the Swarthmore Pres- white gardenias centered ~th an town. Tenn.• which will take byterlan Chlirch before 'an altar orchid. 1Jfff. ·Spruce ill e ·170.;,_ wDclemeu retreat, profuse with on saturday afternoon, June 21. banked with. Cybotlum ferns, Mrs. Wllllam J. Lee of Media. as wild fruih; Rore.rId feun ....... teal' n.turalistS' pared"lM. at 3:00 o'clock in the matron of honor for her sister.I The 23.e_ pM"ete. lek. has.n elevetiol] of 1529 f.... ....esbyterlan ' white gladioli.· lighted and the brldesm'. aids. Miss Frances Bo-L. . - ~eileal.' LIe rum' "'-'-'ng IS' .x-_._ ...... .... Churcll. candelabra. The IrIB aisleand leadiJi, aD _ . W' ....,....,.... < . '. . . The bridesmaids ''iriU 'be Miss the altar. was alight with.candel- N. Pearson of Cornell avenue, This property in the Iiighl.nch ofWeyne County._ pur. Heleil D''':'ue and io,..c "~-bar'II twlIi Ith 11 Miss Marjorie Lang of Dlc~n chased by Owen.S.., of.Wel'tngford in 1946fot hviIfiI'9,fish-.. ....... uou' abra . en 'ed:w' sma:ll: avenue. Miss N .. an .. ~ Good ot Her. ing and ret..:-·ThrO .... ..•...• ho __ Luli:.'e". .• bOtho.f SWerthmore'...._ugbt with hite gar"enias. -. ...~ .....h the developm.nt of. the site ....... ca w" rlsburg. and MiSs Anne W~ey~ k~ing cottegtA oi 011. ~ two bedroom ,ize er. now.av.D.bIe s.8lly Ami Werst, Fort The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop per- sister of the groom, wore models to NIIt by the. w. .~ or "_d. . Texas; Miss :Mary Budd, formed .theceremony. of blue net over 1aifeta featuring ArreDged end ..."ipped for comfort.bIe, ellY living, •• c!h delphia; Mis. Frank M. Brogden. Mr. Henry Faust, orgsnlst. and short lace 'jackets and mlttO. TheIr cottage has en eflicl.ney kitchen with .lectric refrig....tor and Kingsport•. Tenn.; and Mrs. Ed- Mrs. Donald Robb Cochran. vio- bandeaUx matched theIr bouqueta tann: ~ckooms furl!ished with good qu.lH:y beds: bathroom ward J. Kormondy. of Ann I!DIBt. of Cynwyd. presen~ the of spring 1I0wers. has shower. hot .nd cold running. water:· "'o~spruCe JHln.lled Mich. weddlng musl" preceding t h "Mr. Samuel C. Montgomery. of living room has fire.m.ca: dborl end windows ere screened. . Mr. William S. Ml1iTell will ceremony, Ardmore served as beat man. and Cott.. ges .•• fully insul.ted .nd eq,uipped with oil fum.ca serve as best man fot his cousin. The' bride. liven in marriage by the ushers were Messrs. Samuel for ye.. r....o,und occup.. ncy. ExlTe cots. h!gh cheirs. cribs end b ..by The ushers will Include Messrs. her father. wore a bridal gown Reynoldll.of Rutledge. Wl11lam A. penl ere on h.nd•. George P. Warren. Jr.• and Stev- featuring a bodice of Chantllty Webb of Way"e. Westler C. ReyYou need; tue only linens .nd person.l. effects with you. Grocery sto.r:e sare.w,ithin. 3;mile redfu-.deepfreeze on premo en Spencer. \loth of Swarthmore. lace with illuS!ol\ necl.nne edged ner: artd Ted Lleb. botl;l of ArdJames E. Hurley.' Morristown. with band' of sequins. an.d bouf- more. isel for your' use. Table tennis. -trap, shooting. 'quoits. pl..yground A reception at the hOlX)e of the offer entert.inment for entire f ..mlly. Tenn.• WIlliam_H. SPerry. Gettys- fant skirt of nylon tulle over Ruth and Ch•.rles Frederick. on ..n edj.. cent farm • .Ire local bill'g, Frank M. Brogden 'and Ed- white satin with long train. Her bride's. grandfather. Mr. JoOO ward J. Kormondy. lIngertip vell of illusion W"ll at~ Glenn Pew. of Rose Valley-Moy- .,management.representatives to auist you in enjoying your v.ca. The bride-to-be was guest of tached to a cap of Chantilly lace Ian followed the ceremony. ·tion ..t LiHie Spruce Lake. . honor at a tea and miscellaneous and she carried stephanotis. white The bride's mother chose a Additional 'nformation moy lie lad. "'I writing to shower given by Mills Disque and iris and sweet peas; gown of powder blue taffeta and OWEN W. GAY, Wallingford, Po. Miss LUkens at the home of Miss Mrs. H. JoOO L.ums.den. of Up- a dark blue ·hat. Her corsage was Lukens on Str'a th H aven . avenue. per Providence. who attended her of pink roseb u ds and lllles of the or phone Marguerite Gay Adams at MAdison 6-3562 . . . Miss Faulkner was 'henor guest sister' as matron of honor. and valley. The groom's mother wore a I ~i======~=~===~;i.~========~=~ at a tea and shower on May 20 at bridesmaids. Mrs. Charles C. Bro- navy blue print dress with jack!'t. Ii 'I'I¥ch· time .Mrs. " Henry.. of· flowers .. C. • Ford • gan, J r.. and Mrs. Thomas G. Her corsage was " d ' slmll'!J' oth Ainh of erst 'avenue. entertained Chew, of Swarthmore. Mrs. Da,vi,q to those worn by the bn e s m the stafl' of Ros.., Valley School W. Cochrane of Upland, and Mr.. er. Richard S. Dartlngton of DarllngFollowing a wedding trip to Sea TO WED ton. all wore models of coral nylon Island, Ga., the couple will. Uve in Miss Katrina Jans Bogardus, net over taffeta with accordion Rose Valley-Moylan. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James pleated skirt front banded'in lace. Furnas Bogarton and Miss Pa- MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFlIIAN .explanation of Christian Science ." tricia Wclland of Swarthmore. 313 Dartmouth Avenue 'healing, is given in Mrs. Peter Nowell of BOwling SWIIl1hmore 8-2080 I Whatls Chris tianScience 2 . Green. and Mrs. Newell West of Che,ster. Catharine Gail Longstreth of Lafayette Hills will be the flower girl. The brlde-to-be was guest· of honor at a bridge party and blanket shower given by Miss Weiland. Mrs. W~t, and Miss Blakiston lyt Wednesday evening at the South Chester road home of Miss Weiland. :Miss Bogard1J8 was ~ hOl)ored with:a mlsci!lJarieous. shoWer liven by :Mrs. BenJamin Groff of Lans~ lfllWlte, and a kitchen shower given by' Mrs. George. QuInn of SjIrIlIIfteId. '. The C!Ouple was recently enterfa!ned with • 'coektall lIhower by Mr, . . JIrL.:IJuwt L. Smtth or RUilifDadc,n V~. . I~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiU PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPHS No AppoIntment Necellsalryl Don't Drive With Faulty Headlights Let Us Check Entire Lighting System at Low Cost SCIENCE AND HEALm With Key to the Scriptures by Mary Bilker Eddy A book whose strengthening and liberating message Is for everyone!' It may be read or obtained at ,If 'lour headlight beam allgnm.nt is faulty 'Iou are endangering 'lour. life and ftose of . ofter motorists, Correcfion is very easy and costs very little. We are equipped with fte newest devices to check and co .... rect lighting systems. -0\ ·~UD·1'LBN'rY - WB WILL TAKE BA.CK· ~T YOU DON'T USE Christian Science Reading Room --0- First C!>urchot ChrIst Scientist ROGER RUSSELL Swarthmore, Pennsylvania .. . Media. PeL SiC'......... S•••• h ... ",211, 206 Park Avenue . ~--- GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS First in Service ~ First in Sales RUMSEY' CHEVROLET Sww'''ore 14110 OPEN W~ De~12 to ---'--., 5 P.M. Th.a... ~ THE SWARTBHOBEAN / land served as best man tor hiE Guernsey road, and the late Mr. P. Bishop olBclated. uslsted by ENGAGEMENT SATURDAY'S BRIDE Dr. GlenD. Frye. usIBtant to Miss Shirley Nason, daugbter of brother. and the ushers were Spencer. to Mr. Ben Kamfbf ..... of the Rev. JoOO Stettner. before a BiBhop of the Michigan Area Mr. and Mrs. Walton H. Nason of Messrs. J. William Wood, Jr.. of Ore.•. and Philadelphia, background of Cybotlum fern.. the Methodist Episcopal ChI=111 Cornell avenue. wui become' the New York City. R. Blair Price. Jr.• Portlajld, took place Saturday afternoon at 'baaketa ot white flowers and of Plymouth. Micb.. and bride of Mr. James Reeve Mac- and Thomas G. Chew of Swarth- ... candlelight ceremony. at II 0'- lighted candelabra. Frye. announce the engagement I'hersoll, of North Chester road. more. H. J 000 Lumsden. William clock In the Swarthmore PresbyThe bride, liven In marriage by theIr daulllter. Harriett, to Mr. son of Mr. Robert E. MacPhenion A. Stavers of Glen MIlls, j atfd terian Churcb. The Rev. Josepb (Conttnued on Page 7) of Avalon. Pa.• Saturday evening Richard S. Darlington. Douglas Hamilton Heath. son u_ an d' . _~.' u _ R'usse11]1ea. th at 7: 30 In the Swarthmore PresbyDU. A reception at the Swarthmore Woman's Club followed the cereMarinette. W is • • formerly ot terlan Churcb. Swarthmore. A reception at Rose Tree Hunt mony. The brlde's mother chose a gown of light blue crepe with seMiss FrYe graduated from Ben- will follow the ceremony. ton Harbor Michigan High School Miss Katharine McLean' of quin. trim. Her corsage was of cyand from Cornell College. Mt. Lansdowne will attend as maid of blcllum orchids. The groom'S honor. and the bridesmaids will be mother wore a gown of aqua silk Venion. Iowa. She is a Ubrarian In Boston. Miss Nancy Hoot of Lafayette crepe and an orchid corsage. lEAUTY SALON avenue. and Mrs. Charles R. After a weddlng' trip to the Mr. Heath graduated from Schroth of Haddon Heights. N.J. Cloisters, Sea Island. Ga .• ' the BOUQUETS TO TIlE CLASS Swarthmore Higb Scbool. and OP 185. froin Amherst College. He is comMiss McLean will, enterialn at couple will live at 540 Riverview . pletlng his graduate work In psy_ the rehearsal dlnner FrIday eve- road. 9 Chester Road chology at Harvard University nlng for members of the weddlng Call Swarthmore 6-0476 WALMSLEY......WORST w!lere he will be a teaching Fel- party and' out-of-town guests. Trfnlty Church. Swarthmore, Mrs. Schroth, enterialned the low and research assistant In bridal party at a dlnoer Wednes- was the setting Saturday afterfall., He is alao Psychologist for day evenInJ. noon at .2:30 for the marriage of the Newton. ~., Family SerMr. and. Mrs. Harold Hildestad Miss Joanne Glenn Worst, daughvice Bureau. 'anJf AssIStant. Psy- of South Swarthmore avenue were ter of Mrs. Clarence Waiker WorSt chologiBt for the Newton School hosts at an open house from 4 to 6 of Cornell avenue. and the late ~st SyStem." S d ft Mr. Worst. to Mr. George WalmThe' wedding is planned for on un ay a ernoon. Have yo"r cor chc.ed now for lIummer driving June 15 at 3:30 o'clock in the Miss Ethel Pew of Bryn Mawr sley. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Walmsley of Broomall. White "'--" . Meeting ' .House. Cam- will enterialn at a 'luncheon folCrawford s.of Cov.... ., n",,~ lowed by it swimming party at her peonies and white gladlolus decobr idge, ••_-rated the altar before wblch the RUSSELL'S SERVICE home Saturday afternoon. Rev. Lawrence Whittemore. Jr.• ROIERT J. OWller .. NAMES ATIENDANTS COCH·RAIIIE-CqCHRAIII. officlated. O........ IoNtlgh PO"".g Lat MIss Jeryl Faulkner will be The marriage ... of.Miss The bride. liven In' marriage by maid' "~f honor f 33c GLENDALE CLUB· CHEESE FOOD Z ~ 89«: PABST-ETT CREESE SPJEjD Z I;!!', 79c SIARP CIEDDAR CIIEsE ',. 'b 6te 'f~:~ 2ge .9tkaI PEANUT BUTTER STUFFED OLIVIS ~':, ~'25c Oln ....••AI"""'''~ •• _m e"b - Cola. Cheny, ~NCIIIII""" - , . I C 5.. hosts to an In-Laws party at May LInd Cordes, of the Rittenhome Saturday' evening.' house Savoy, Philadelphia, enter_ Mr. hIld Mrs: O. A. !pined at a tea at the Plastic Club. 1IIrs. Stanley L. MacMillan, of and son Daniel have moved Mrs. Anthony 114•. Falrl>anks, of Vassar avenue, will entertain at the Art Center, Wa1llngford ~ 133 Rutgers avenue; ente~ned at a . tea last Thursday in honor of a a neighborhood tea Thursday af- Ogden avenue. temoon from 3 to 5 in honor of M•. and Mrs. Henry Hoenigs. newcomer, Mri...Charles Thomas, newcomers Mrs. John R. Brobeck wald and small daughters Fran. also of Rutgers avenue. and Mrs. Thomas B. SWeeny. cis and Ann moved last week ,from Mr. and Mrs. Ollver Rodgers, of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins, of Cheyney to 237 Kenyon avenue. ~vervlew road.. t'I1te~edas Crest lane, returned Mondar Mr. Hoenigswald Ia with the De· their week-end guests Mrs. Rodtile Mauretanla after partment of Llngulstics at the Un- gers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John for several weeks in Italy, and iverslty of Pennsylvania. H.Welch, of Winchend~n, Mass., so stopping in Paris and Geneva, Mrs. John Seybold' of Amherst and her brothers, Dr. Ronald Switzerland. avenue is recuperating· in Welch, of Sacr8ll).ento, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. 0 t t 0 Kraus, J r., af Mawr Hospital following an Mr. Harold Welch and his wtfe, Benjamin West avenue, enter- eratlon. of Falls Church, Va. tained informally on Sunday afAshley Fine of Swarthmore aveMrs. Lawrence Traynor, with ternoon in honor of Brig. Gen. nue is visiting her her young daughter, Priscilla, has William A. McCulloch and Mrs. Mis. M. J. HiUyj!r of New York returned to her home Iil Norfolk, City for 10 days. Va., after a visit with her p'arents, McCulloch, of Riverview road. Mr~' and Mrs. Richmond D. .·Miss Mary Frances. Dimmitt Mr. and Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden, Fetherolf, of Columbia avenue, Rutgers avenue was honor of Park avenue. . entertained informally at dinner at a surprise miscellaneous show· Mrs. Joseph Whiteside, of Clareat their home Saturday evening. er given !>y Mrs. Hans Burrie of mont, Calif., is spending two Mr. and Mrs. Graeme G. Delancy street,'!'l\ilaediphla. MIss weeks vlsltinoher son-in-law and law, of . Cornell avenue, flew to Dimmitt's marriage. to Mr. Oscar daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Scotland yesterday, where at Ed- A. Klamer of Cornell avenue Moore, of Whittier place. gb Mr. Wh•3..waw, inbur, '· A.ssil~.'tl take place'July 28 in the .Sw·artb.-II'=:'~~:='':':;;;~~~;''''==-=r Director of the Textile Research Inore Presbyterian Church. Botoe Valley Olona Department of the American Vis-' Mrs. E. VanS. Cleveland, pre e"fa coae Corporation, will deliver a Park avenue, entertained se"el"lol "IOLANTHE" paper entltl.ed"The Manufacture gu~ at a luncheon· Wednesday At the Swarthm...... ~... (JIub of Fabrics from Blends of Fibers" at the Woman's City Club of ;PhllJ~ 1lJp~~~~::.e 14 before the Annual Conference of adelphia. Later In the afternoon a : Suo 1DoI1J.dIDC'TU; The Textile .Institute. and Mrs. Whytlaw will visit Mr. England. France, SwItzerland, Belgium and Italy before their return in July. Mr. and Mrs. Averi F. Blake,ot Amherst avenul!, entertained at an informal supper party Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. Blake's mother, Mrs. Harry K. Nield, of Baltimore, who Is here for a twoweek visit. Mrs. Nield was guest of honor a a small luncheon given Friday by Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter, of Columbia avenUe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier, of Columbia avenue, enter.tained at open house from 4 to 6 on Sun- ACME· MARKET Chester Rd" Swarthmore open Thursdav and Frida, ., to 9 p, M. Open Saturday 'til 6 P. M, - 1923 CHESTNUT STREET 6913 ~RKET STREET PHILADELPHIA UPPER DARBY 827 LANWTER AYE., BRYN' MAWR, PA. '===:: day afternoon. The Pennsylvania State Federa- j tion of Women's Clubs held in Harrisburg Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, was attended by the follOwing Swarthmore Woman's 'Club members: . Mr.. . Raymond K. Denworth, pI"\!slpent; Mrs. Walter H. Dickinson, vice-president; Mrs. John Michael, Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe, and Mrs. S. Blair Luckie. Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant, ot South Chester road, were . I ttlo~rm~er~s~w~arthm~~~~~re~~~~~M~rs~.~~~~~~~~~~~;:;~ i GRADUATION TIME -now••• PAGE GAGE takes' IS GIfT TlMEI the g.euwork out of 'pageFor a _tter .tart In IIf. a ....d ' " BUSINES$.COLLEGE - ARMED FORCES Ie certa'. t6. Grad.at. ia. t •• f.'.g. _ _.rI. l.ef •• yoor ,.'y. ,'H ,.ro.'." w". . . . . TYPEWRITERS DESK LAMPS BRIEF CASES an'd UNDER ARM BAGS Esterbrook & Evers"arp PENS - PENCILS SETS and AI any' Other Ifems Media Office Supply Co. 19 5. Olivo St. el1~.H.I_ooSI1_ , w "'tI" I R ,astest PO TABLE MEdia 6.5521 "Df'l $ 0,. •• r ....d.y a.d Frld.y Ewe"'.g. Our Spring Cqr Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer Right Now. Your ear Needs Thttse IIGet Ready for Summer" Services FREE ofc~~"a .SO~O FOGO Throug" PHILCO Deal.... When You Purcha.. New 1952 PHILCO FREEZER .,.IIt......... ,rI... /}t;kaI ORANGE JUICE (Z f;::Z5c) 6 t:: 72c STURERRIES DI.~,=dan(IO!;". lie) 3 "~ 85c fill Up Your ......d • . . - Ca...., 14-0% .9rUaI Spinach, 1000%.9tkaI j IIy·loW S.... 89 Cut or French Bean.,' 12.0%~ You, Donald Duck 6-oz 1/dNIJ"{ CItoIfnt John W. Nason graduate training at the Univers- Shute, treasurer, replacing Mrs. May 26, at the President's hous~, Ity of Amsterdam. He came to this Hugh Thayer will serve three year Elm avenue and Cedar lane. It was country in 1903 and received his terlnS. attended by about 75 mj!mbers of Ph.D. at University of Chicago In . Resignation. we reaccepted. the faculty and administration of 1909. After 18 'years as a teacher from· Mrs. Howard Newnam, the college. . at the University of Wisconsin Dr. chairman of thQ Junior Red Cross • Mrs. John H. Pitman, Mrs. Peter Dresden came to Swarthmor;. Section, and Mrs•. Malcolm Hodge, van· de Kamp, Mrs. Duncan~. He ·Is the author of four books publlc relations chairman. Mrs. Fo~r, and Mrs. Charles Shaw, on mathelnatics, tncluding AInvl: Richard Willis will replace Mrs. faculty wives, presided at the tea tatlon to Mathematlcs,"written' for Hodge. A successor l!> Mrs. Newtable. the . layman and attempting to nam will be appointed in the near Dr. Creighton came to Swarth- show mathematics, not merely as future. more College In 11112 and servold a tool for science, but as a phllosReports of Volunteer Services as chairman 01 the dei>811lDent of phy and dlclpline in its own right. Chairmen given at the meeting Chemistry from 1928 to 1948. He Past President of the Mathema- presided over by Retiring ChairreceiVeed as A. Miller. then· chairman of the Swarthmore College lias had an a p1ohll'lr'development In the large department of which Dr. Marriott active Red Cross group this year, scale .use edti of any electr~hemlcal a member led Swarthmore and 'one which has a'" "'ven valuable " F ~aS o f , orgamC r uc on process. or College expeditions to observe assistance working tlu'ough the '-CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS Dirty spark plugs ean waate as much as lout 01 every 10 callons .f nsollne. Sumatra, eclipses inand Mexico, the South three times Pacific, to Swarthmore The JuniorBranch.' Red Cross assisted to Vermont and Connecticut. with the Blood Doning Program. These expeditions yielded a val- and with the ~d Drive, and also uable set' of photographs of the earned out an extensive program try sunts corona. of assistance at Taylor, Chester During World War II D,r. Dr. Marriott Is, a. member of· and Crozier Hospitals at hollday Creighton was connected with the Silima Xi, the American Mathe- .times. The nature of their ,,",ark famed Manhattan Project at Col- maUcs Society, the American was generally to take cheer into umbla University, which worked Mathematics Association, the the children's wards of these hosIn the field of nuclear research. . American Astronomical -Society, pitals by ma.ru,g gifts, decorations Dr. Creighton Is II past president the Royal Astronomical Society and refreshments for the patients. and vice-president of the Electro- of England, and a fello"",, at the They also .conducted a social rechernlcel Society, and was former American Association for the Ad- lations program by corresponding chairman of the Philadelphia Sec- vancement of Sciehce. Dr. MarrZ and exchanging pictures with tlon, American Chemica~ Society. iott is also a mem~er of the Ritt- young people in foreign countries. He has also been an active mem- enhouse AstronoInlcal Society a . f BI d D ni g b · , There n er .of the Franklln Institute, local group. 'thl were our t f 00 the 0 Colserving as chairmen of the Medal Days s year-. woo or Committee since 1933. Mary Lou Pierce of Harvard lege anhd twOn0 forhCltlzens. of !~: He is also a member of SIgma avenue recently entertained at a Boroug . . e~c . ocCa~on . Xi the Ne~ York Academy of bridal shower In honor' of Miss Bloodmobile Umt was aSSIsted by Science, the Chemical Institute of Ann Louise Wright of Chester. the Local_ Branch Servioes. The Canada, and the Royal Nova Sco- Miss Wright's marriage to Mr. response to the c~ll for blood has tla Yacht SqUlidron of Halifax. been . most gratifying, and. the Gerald C. VnIacke of Wilmington quantity requested has been gLven. Department Chalnnanwill take place May 31 In St. RobWhile the Fund Raising CamDr. Dresden, Chairman of the ertsst Roman Cathollc Church, paign closed short of the quota alDepartment of Mathematics and Che er. d to S th th mount Astr . S d " W It H D' k late war more, anomy, came to warthmore Mr. an ,..rs. a er . .c - raised (approximately 72e apercent College In 1927 at the invitstlon inson, of College a~e~ue, attended ,of the allotment) put the Borough of Frank Aydelotte, then Presi- the week-end festlv.ties at Earl-. third I a ' d of ac m pcelnrecor Rich d Id dent of Swarthmore, who was ham College, man '. n . compllshment In the Southeastern gathering outstanding Iprofessors Their daughter, Mary Fell Dlck- P l ' Ch ter . .' ti~e m' for the rapidly expanding honors inson, was. a member of the grad- ennsy Thi vama f ap th first . class. ' year, orthe e Swarthmore y. program.. Born in Holland, Dr. uating its . shistorY, Branch opened its own office. It is staffed by local volunteer workers FREE CAR WASH _&alner. and open three days LUBRICATION AND OIL CHANGE • • MONDAY THRU THURSDAY ~IfDeefed. GEORGE A. STAUFFER' S.al"un 6-1250 I!.-_ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _. _ -_ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' --~~-=--- '.: --: GIftoo_a.. • ... , ,- '-~ "; , LNtIl... Goods -l'Ims • -...us 1 _ for'" olilee laHimore Pille alld Woodl ••d Ave. SPRINGFIELD. PA. SW ----------- week FATHER'S DAY SUNOCO SElYICE STATION a..1ter Road anti Y.1e AYeIiut a (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) from 1 to 3 p.m. All b1"'iness incident to the ,operatlon 01 the Branch Is conducted from this office, which is located on Dartmouth avenue 'over theSW]lrlhmorean O1IIce. .wlth HANNUM & WAITE Mt,'Holyoke E;radu~te :MEDIA OFFICE SUPPlY CO_ 6-9687 ------- . "s. 0Uft sr. _IA WIll ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS Roberta Mary Halg, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Halg, of Riverview road, is one of 279 candidates for the bachelor of artS degree from .Mount HolyA grad uate of ak e co11ege. ,;;;. S w arthmare ... ."".... Sch'00I, she h as majored in German at college. Miss Haig was editor-in-chief of the "Mount Holyok" News" her senior year. Previously she had served as associate editor and reporter. In February of 1949 she attended the 4th' Annual Intercollegiate News Conference. She has been on 'lh1!"Judiclal Board of the Student G"vernment Assoclation, was on the food committee and department booths committee for this 'year's Student Fund Bazaar, and was a co!)1mittee chairman for Soph' Hop. She has also sung in her class choir. This month she was elected to the ardson, in serious dIlDculties last week at the Philadelphia AIrport. Poised for flight to Denver, Col., to participate in his daughter's . wed";~H, ~orough Secretary Rich. - ... ardson was distressed to. find that his wedding trousers' were not in .hIs sultcase'beside him but at his home on Lafayette avenue! Plane time was approaching too rapidly to consider a quick return, but the S.O.S. sent out to Pollee in Borough Hall brought instant rellef and timely rescue, as one of the officers responding with gratifying promptness, picked up the trousers and sped them to the Airport In time for ~e flight. court of the May. Queen by an alIstudent vote. ,. . DEVINE rAXI SERYICE au sam~ LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR RUN·BEIIER-LONGER AlaoHunt·.,OID.IMante Cross Branch Creighton, Dresden, Marriott RedElects New Officers To Retire at Coli. , 1946 the the Acheson project Gold he received Medal and In $1,000 from the Electrochemical Society for outstanding conlrlbutions to the field of electrochemis- Hom"LIto ~"- PageS BATlDNG SUITS Swarthlnore Borough Pollee cam~ to the rescue of Elliott Rlch- -============:; r- Swarthmore, Pa. Serving Swarthmore, Morton 'Sun Suits . !.~ Rutledge and RIdley Townshi~ since 1918 Swarfllmore 60ttt Shortu 1'.98-3.98 . CUNNINGHAM Since 1905 . Painters " Paper Ha.gers We shauid ·knOw how Swa. 602266 Mlchfta. Ave~ Sw.....o.. 6-144. WILLIAM BROOKS The Children~s Shop ABhefi & Rubhish Removed Lawns 'Mowed, General Swarfllmore 601148 . . Bawling 236 Hardin6 Ave., Horton, Pa. =============~:.::============:! W,IIIflW a$&C'R"1 Yes, we know how to elimInate now and forever the hIgh cost of exterior house painting. And" won't cost you a pe;mYI Drop us o·lIne. or coli. ROOFS .:.~~~~~~~~~~!!~!!~~~~~~~5~~ SHerwood 7-1524 _. • ., \ WIIH ELECTRICAL HOUSEWARES Gifts of electric toasters, mixers, wafile irons, and roasters are sure to be hits with the bride because handy electric applianees hold the promise :.:. of c:onvenieot living. If you want to see the face of your favorite bride light up with joy, present I\er with an electrical gift. Select yOUt electrical gifts from the wide variety at your dealer's nr at aay . Philadelphia mectric store. PH.LADEU'MIA ILECI'RIC COMPANY CLASSIFIED EST&'lB NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE IIBTATB ,OP JBAl'iNB1l15 M. om.NOTICE m mrpP!BY GIVEN IIlat ---~:.;:,.:..::..-__- - , - - LIIIB; d _ . late of Swartbmore. the Board of 8cboo1 Dlreetora 'of the PERSONAL Del. 00., Pa. SChOOl DIotrIct of the Borougb of ",===';--;;:,.;-n;::;::::-;:;;;;iTT. Lotten ~~~~r~~ ,~~!...~!~!:' I Swarthmore. pursuant to autbor· PERSONAL-Old Books and Ll· -COllllla have Ity coDferreWer brakes are like! Power from :the engine boosts the power of your toe. Wrth uP to two-thirds less than normal pi we, ..,,;; ,,__ will "-..tIe' .,_ '.. this solid, powed"ul car to the &meat, "'si! t atopa CHRYSLER In your lifeI THE FINEST CAR 'MERICA. lIAS YET PRODUCED • ~AD ',HAN-NUM & WAI.IE .JAMES C. TAYLOR -_ .. __________ -_.- . , . aB1IIlOAD-"YAil Avail, SWa, - .. , Test the comfort that's unequaled! On body-pleasing chair·height seats . . . with , SWARTHMORE 6-O114 ~ " , ',' lIInUe Ave.. Morton,Pa. SWlll1l!more 8-2115 ' tDWARD" L., NOYES &: CO. CEMENT WOIIC ~. - -. ':""- SUNDAYS .md HOLIDAYS M~rtgages S)IMI,J!dnlr In • SW6-4041 -' lQS£Pl!. ~ZZA "",,.1 ",_I" ... ann~ . "GlrII wi!. ,... p ..",• • Oil BURNER SERVICE tb~ of tax THE ••11 TElEPHO,.E COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA DAY and NIGHT Real Estate - Insurance said • IA1Ar,ch Street, Phll....IpII...... , ezperioDoe you will tbriIl to, and remember. to IicbOOI ,', ' .-us._~.,... _..-,.c:ts 011. 1OIL111 • OIL .U'''IMO .AU.....un BoArd of Bar)' ' ® ' , 6919 Ludlow S......, U....... Deity, Po. OIL HMT .. Swarthmore 6-0108 ou~of If you'are Intenlated~r even oDly c:uriouto fiDd out more _ 1D'P you to ''lnveetip.te.'' lllllt stOp in today at ODe of the ofIicw JiI!ted below• 'TDlKEN Sch(X)1 D1strict of the Swarthmore. In " • .. .- Property MarUlgeme~ Lafayette Ave. Opposite Borougb Ball to adopt a resolution teetlve as of July 7th. a one (1'%) per cent taln transfers by deed. .ltuate wholly or partly MOTOI _I_OS&-!lANSMI$lIONA--- 'l1Ie a~w ad is true to fact. Then are joba opcm rlcht now fer girls who can quaiify, just 8B the ad says. Yonnc 'women _ _t, Inc. with the Telepho~ CompaDy will ton y~ that tl!eYdo iruIeM have a 8ne employer. ' , I. Real Estate - Insurance the Board of School Directors of the SChool District of the Borough of Swarthmore. pursuant to tlhe authority conferred upon them. by the Act of 1947. June 25, PL as propose on or after """oct- , BAIRD a'nd BIRD', LOST-Child's pet canary escaped, Friday or Saturday. Any information welcomed. Please call Swarthmore 6-1912. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that noW with lorg., Opening' right I 10 compony. -'.,ht II-establlshed Pennsy van we needed. Good pay .... No experience I 1~~ friendly, from "art, r8llU ar co I assoCiates. P\eoIOnt, w0rkCOngenlo able SU"oundln~ Interesting n-er ~~~~~;:~~~::: I~",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,~,,,,",,,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,. . . ,,,,,,",,,,,,. ~ore GIRLS MONDAY TRRU SATURDAY NOON ,,',', - P WANTED " Mr. and Mrs. William Hordern of North Chester road are receivIng congratulations upon the birth ot their second child and ftrst daughter, Joyce Susanne, o~ May 's In University of Pennsylvania Hospital. ~-B-A-PT-:-'-IZ-E-O-"'" Marguerite Heather Ramsay, haby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Willi t 'am Ramsey 0 Lafayette avenue, waa baptised Sunday ID<>l'I$Ig In the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishup officiated. ' .'. Mr. and' Mrs. A. D Ramsay of Lansdowne, grandparents of the Infant, entertained at a famllY din- ' party at the IlIgleneuk followtng the ceremony , UPHOLSTERER ' ' 1HOM SEREMBA FEMALE MEL Mr. and Mrs. H. Warren Jacobs of Sproul road, announce ,the blith of a son on May 24 in Bryn Mawr HospitaL ' The new baby Is a grandson of 'Mr. "",d Mrs. F. Norton Landon of NOrth PrInceton avenue, an~ Mrs. Mabel Johnson Jacobs of- Upper Darby, and a great-grandson of Mrs. William H. West of Princeton avenue. r------...,......,.--"--; 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER , Mr. and Mrs. Nichols Vorys of Yale avenue, announce the birth of ,their first child, a son named George Nichols Vorys, on May 13 In Germantown Hospital. BIRTHS Dr. F. A. Patman and Dr. R. C. Mr. and Mrs. T,; Thacher, Robln- Ammerman, of Swarthmore, left I!IOll of ChicSCO" announce the We.mesdaymornlne for 10 dRys ,bJrth of a baby daUg1itet, Weri\b: "oftJout:ll'b1n, lDWestldll, N. Y. ' • ,dates. Box 465, ' KAMIHIRA-SPENCER (Continued from Page 2) her brother, Mr. F. Gilman Spencer, Jr., wore a gown of white embroidered organdy fashioned with a sweetheart neckline, long fitted sleeves, and boullant skirt. Her shoulder length veJ1 of white tulle was held In place hy a band of stephanotis, and she carried white orchids, Illles Of the valley and mephanotis. ' MIss Sara Pettit Spencer, as maid of honor for her sister, wore a gown of aqua organdy, featuring a fitted bodice with sIiort sleeves and full skirt. The junior bridesmaids, MIss Sara P., HlltherIngton, of Rutgers avenue. cousin of the bride, and MIss Eugenia Cslrcsu, of Sprlngftel\!, w ere gowned In white organdy over aqua. They' all wore wreaths of flowers In lieu of hats to mateh their bouquets of American Beauty rhododrendron and stock in shades of pink. , The flower girls, Ella Cslrcsu, of Springfteld, and Allce Sherman, of Philadelphi!l, wore dresses of white orgaridy and carried baskets of flowers. , Mr. James Lueders, of PbUadelphia, sen'ed as best man, and tlie usherS were Mr. Anthony ~mer!, of Swarthmore, and Mr. ... Paul Kramer, of Philadelphia. The mother of t!.>e bride wore a dress of navy hlue silk with red and white print and, white hat. Her c~ge of wliIte orchids and red, rosebuds. A reception followed' at the home of 1/1e bride's mother., , was Building Constructfon RIDLEY PARK SWEENEY & CLYDE MI.. 5....."1.' ,,.h'." G....ratlo. ..ilfef.,", VAN ALAN BROS. A Complete Insurance amI Real Estate Agency -~ a.hi RUPACA. INC. D ..... Sq.... ... Sw'A1TtDWd, eo••mctfo. Prampt, officI•• ' It. .. Drlvew.y 8-3890 Swarthmore Disposal ------~-------- PETER DI NICOLA GEORGE F. CULLIS of Swarthmore under the authority of the Public SChool Code of 1949. Dorothy Rodgers, Box 48-Swarlhmore 6-0740 mE SWAR11IMOREAN Mrs. Hallock Campbell, retiring Il~~~~~~~~iii~~~i chalrman, announces the following officers elected for next year: Mrs. Howard C. J ackso~, chalrman, Mrs. C. C. Franck, program chairCemete., M•• orlala man, Mrs. L. V. Fonnan, secre3525 EDGMONT AVENUE tBry-treasurer,' Mrs. Daniel HarCHESTER 3·9201 ri., bospltallty chalnnan; Mrs. A. • Blanton Tiller, telephone chairWALTER M. MAGEE Sales Manapr 11M .....ket Street Obeeter. Pa. WARM-AIR BEATING Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned GEORGE MYERS , Kline's ",union College this -week-end. . , " i I .. : . . . - , .:. , -;' . , . , THE SWARTBMOREAN Page 8 2 Girl Scouts Receive Receives Safety Award . Woman' 's Club Award (Continued from Page 1) Scout program next rear. Mrs. Matthew McKinnell, Mrs, W1l1lam Driehaus, and Mrs. Max Essl, leaders of Troop 95 pr~sented the following girls: Susan Campbell, Marion Detwiler, Susan Driehaus. Barbara Edwards, Anore EssI, Barbara G rei m , Louise Howe, Leslie Kurtzhalz, Shirley Little, Barbara McClarin, Mary Lou' McCorkle, Barbara Moran, Patricia Narberth, Wanda Nickerson, Anne Paul, Jean Paul, Sally Stevens, Suzanne Stevens and Lois ·Thompson. of John Tracy (cenler left), driver of the local omce of the R a l lMrs. - · Robert Walker, leader . way ExpftOS Aceney, receives congratalailons from J. J. McClory, Troop 19, presented Barbara Bernsuperintendent of Philadelphia Division. For five years of safe hart, Barrie Bovard, Deborah drivlq Mr. Tracy wail p .....rled with .. card from the National Brown, Nancy Craig, Virginia Safety CoonoO and .. lapel emblem. Craig, Judith' Coles, Susan Gow- TROOP 2 COURT OF HONOR ROSE VALLEY ROUND-UP ing, Joan rocks, Nell Lee,HawkI,ns, Martha Betsy McCrumm, The parents.of memiIP.rs of Boy SET FOR SATURDAY Kathleen Pack,. Suzanne Plowman, Scout Troop Two, Pr.esbyterlan Starting at 1 o'clock sha1'p and Dorothy Prentice, Suzanne. PresChurch, wlll be the guests Wed- running through the afternoon cott, Betsy Walker, Aune Watklns, nesday evening, June 4, at the unUi 6, the Rose Valley Round- Polly We11lver, Louise We\z and Troop's Court of Honor, to be held Up wlll be staged at the Old MIll Susan 'WhIcher. In. McCahan Hall at 8, when boys in Rose Valley Saturday, ~!lay 31. Last year's Fly-ups were prewill receive badges for work com~ The Committee In charge states santed with their second class pleted during the year. As a part everybody Is w.elcome; and with badges. Mrs. Thomas.Prather and of the program the winning pa- the prospect of sunny skies, a Mrs. Hervey FroehlIch, leaders of trol will recevie prizes' for the record crowd Is expected. Admis- Troop 269, introduced the followseries of contests ending May 29. slon is free to all. ing Scouts: The regular 7 p.m. meeting will Staged by the Rose Valley Folk, Barbara Adams, SlIlIan Allen, precede the ceremonies.' as in former years, this year's Hope Anderton, Dawn Boyer, Scouts of Troops two and. three Round-Up ISce;cpected ~ be blg- Lindsay Breakell, Janice Compton, (Methodist . Church) ventured ger and better and more fun than Ann Cooper, Betsy Eehelmeyer, forth on the annual Brandywine ever. It wlll be crammed with Addis GUIIlian,' June Heckman, District Camporee held last week- varied entertainment for all ages Carol Honnold, Sa\ly Huse, Betty end at Darlingt~n' Farm. Despite -especially for the youngsters. Ann McCorkel, Frances PIlll1U11er, the constant r~, most of U:e There will be games of skill and Lynne Prather, Gwendolyn Renboys spent the rught. TroopTwo s chance pony rides a rifle rar.ge !!haw and AllIe Walker. Merit . 24 overnight campers represented movies: toy ball";'ns, a puppet badges went to S'ani Huse for the m!,"t ,scouts of anyone troop show merry-ga-round craft and metal work and to Lynne Prather i nthe district in attendance as apro~ tables, a cratt' ahop and for drawing and painting. the gay but weatherwise dam!, Bower mart, and a barbeque. Mrs. J. Willard HOllander, leadand, nasty expedition. Morale, 11 R V 11 ' F lk I vited er of Troop 83, introduced Mary is reported, was good. ose a ey 0 are n Albrecht, Helen Calhoun, Spencer Scouts 0 f the Presbyterian and wiO be welcome to bring their Carroll, who also rewved the group lured a group of their Dads friends. A special Invitation is musician .badge, Antonica FaIrout on a father-son hike and plc- also Issued to residents of Swarth- banks, Betty Gemml1l, Jacqueline nie recently at smedley Park. At- more an~ surrounding vicinity to Gray, Dorothy Ann Haworth, Suster lunch, the sons beat thetr Dads attend WIth their children. . an Marsh, Janie Mather, Sydney at softball, 23-1. TROOP 3 BICYCLE BRIGADE Mil1lken, Ada Kroon, Su,san Preston, who received ba.,dges for LEGION B~LL GAMES The Bicycle Brigade of Troop 3 ChOd Care; Sewing, and Cooking, The . A",erican Legion Junior Methodist ChJ!l'~" J!e>:r Scouts took Marglt Quist, J!arbara Seynlour, Baseball Team wID play 'two an overnight· trip to the Brandy- who received the drawing and games with the Alden team to- wine recently despite the oilset- painting badge; Christine' Sipler, morrow, May 30. The 'first game !led state of the weather. F!,llo,,:,- Nancy Phelen, Mary Van Urk, wlll be played at Aldan at 2 p.m. mg a roundabout ~oute to avold who received badges for music, The second game wlll be I ed tramc hazards (but not grades) hostess, drawing and painting, and pay th 'ed tth· on the Riverview avenue field at . e group arrlV a elr camp- coo1<, Linda Uthe, and Joyce WillO p.m. slte above Rockland, Delaware, in iams who also received her swim~he early afternoon. mer'badge. After a pleasant evening but Over 120 badges went to memMrs. T. D. Maher, of Rutgers avenue, has returned from a two- rath~r wet niliht the party pedal- ber.s of Troop 331. Behind the month visit with her sister, Mis. led back to Swarthmore arriving scenes of all the work and plal)Helen M. Smedley, of Dallas. in time for . late Sunday lunch. l)ing leading up to these awards The Brigade consisted of the fol- were the troop's leaders, Mrs. lowing boys: Charles Nason, James John Bowden, Jr., and ¥rs. Harry CO·ED BEA11TY McCorkle, Seth Singleton, Lauren Seymour, .the troop committee Dickinson, Eddy Payne and Har- mothers, and countless other -inSALON vey Pierce. Adult Cycling Tender- terested mothers and friends. '. Open Thursday Nigh,. Girl Scout Molly Huse was the PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE. seats on thE! 50-mile roundtrip were Arth"r B. Johnsgn and Ran- troop's Honor Scout ot the year. Swarthmore 0-1013 dolph S. Lee. Selection for this honor Is based on a point system which has )leen followed for several years. Individual badges were awardell STRATH HAVEN INN· to the foUowing: Enjoy a Leisurely Memorial Day Dinner' and a Stroll Mimi Hawkins. Connie RusseU, through the Spring Beauty of our Spacious lawn. Helen Warren, Norma Wilson, EIDINNER SE.RVED 1·2:30 P.M. and 5.7:30 P.M. inor Eisberg, Vicky MacNair. Sara Regular S;!nday Menu Hettrerington, Molly Huse, Judy Hol\ander, Rosemary Hibberd Reservations Now Accepted Janet Lynch, Margaret Bullitt: Carol Williams, Sue Purnell Gall Lincoln, Betty Ann Col~man Swarthmore, Po. Telephone Swarthmore 6.0680 Shirley Carpenter, Amy Ryerson: WALTER E. PARROn, Mg.. !'REE 'ARKING Ramona Van Urk, Carolyn Dan- At a meeting of the Board of the The teams of Garnet and White Swarthmore Branch of the Wom- of the Elementary School meet toens International League for day at the Rutgers Avenue School Peace and Freedom held last for their Annual Field Day. At Thursday at the home of Mrs. 9:15 pupils from third thiough Patrick Malin, the following om- sixth gades wlll begin a series cers weie elected:' of games, races and relays which Chairman Anne Hussey; V1Ce decide the year long contest for Chairman Mrs. Roy McCorkel; possession of the si:1ver cup. Treasurer Mrs. Ida Stabler; ReThe cup, in existence since 1929, cording Secretary Mrs. Harold so far has spent 12 years in the Goodwin; Corresponding Secre- hands of the Garnet, and 11 years tary Mrs; William Johnson. with the Whites; Other members of the Board in-I F============; clude Mrs. 4<>nard Dart, Mrs. Joseph' Conard, Mrs. Richard Enlon, MEMORIAL DAY Mrs. Phl1Ip Jewett, Mrs. Lewis Tanguy, Mrs. Erich Hausen and M rs. H ' P a tterson. This Day, we dedicate each eory year Miss Hussey will be the SV\farth:' more delegate to the meetings of To Honor those now dead. the National organization to be To Praise their deeds of valor, held in Pittsburgh in the middle of As the blood of life they ahed. June. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mr. and Mrs. J,oseph S. Howe, of Rutgers avenne, entertained infOrnlany on Sunday afternoon. Mr. arid Mrs. Howe wlll leave Swarthmore June 12 for. thelr new home in WYomissing. Mr..and Mr•. John Bel)nett, 'of the Swarthmore Apartments, wlll leave FrIday to spend Memorial Day week-end at Buck HIll Falls. . . . '9. oldI1.0"" ts I»uildl~c _lice ~."I;.~ - , tt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WE NEED 3 HOMES ; -.,.' '. IN SWARTHMORE, WALLINGFORD or ROSE VALLEY. Three very tne families, one wIW 2 -children now in Swa.... more,schools, need 3 or 4.bedroom homes with . nice ground..' Our CONFiDENtiAL SALE plan avoids unn.cessary publicity prior to octllal sale.. " WRITE OR PHONE :. NESSEN. McTYIER & ADAMS. Inc. .. 19 E. Sprlqtleld R_d, SPRINGFIELD ' svi 6-3452 ---- . ~ forth, McKernan, RodgersKatrine and Gerry Crean. I Dory Two members of Troop 16 the ·Junior High Outdoors Troop' received Curved Bar awards' the highest award possible in' Girl Scouting. Gladys Durboraw and ~ary L?u Friend were the recipIents. Five-year Pins were earned by Alice Carroll, Gladys Durbor_ ow, Jane Hay and Rosemary Cox. Mrs. Walter Magee and Mrs Ned Mikusinski, leaders, presented merit badges to the. foUowing: Allee Carroll, Gladys Durborow Pamela FOSler, M'ary Lou Friend' Mary Lou Griscoll\, Judith Jar~ relt, Carol Seymour, Carol- Topping and Arui,Hay. . ' Mary Lou Griscom earned her second class.ba.dge, mldJUcHth! J~.tt and Carol Seymour re. eelved their first cIass. badges. . . \ ELECTRICAL' , Pagey THE SWARTHMOREAN 30, 1952 SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADVATING CLASS OF 1952 Our Heartiest We place our nation's Stars and Stripes Upon each Hallowed Grave, In Memory of those who fought Their country's life. to saVE(. Congratulations Now solemnly, we bow our heads And to The Lord on high, .We Pray that n'ere on battl~ Belds Our Future , Youth, must die. to ., CATB;ERMAN'S . DJtUOSTOU the A~PLlANCES GIFT"BARGAINS Class Westinghouse' ~utomatic Toaster • • • • $24.65 Your Old Toaster • • • • • • • • 5.00 • $19.65 of Electric Fans. Radios and other Electrical Items REDUCED I STRATH.HAVEN.INN ~Iay FIELD DAY TODAY WIL Elects Officers '.elea' Gift, for fll. 'riel. ADOLPH'S' 7 s. Chester Road 1952 SWarthmor.e 6·1274 ------ Robert Austin Allison Betsy Lea Ammon Gretchen Gay Bauer George Dennis Becker r~~"'>."Ii!!&.~--""~' I . "You Meet the Nicest People at Speares'" . , I ill ill ~ m I EDGMONT AVENUE - '6 ifl . Franklin Trimby Flaherty, Jr. Christine Shaw Ford Jean Horner Galbreath Mej Garrahan BEST OF 7th and WELSH STREETS I ~ I, TREn."T D'n"D =,·ke k· . h· ~ ~ Paul Benjamin Davis Howard James Dodson Lynn Mason Doherty George Franks Dunn, Jr. • FISItiOll CO,", ~~'" ~ James Standish Carter Jane Nancy Chambers Shirley Catherine Coleman David Jackson Cox John Henry Davis * m ~ John Herbert Bernard Virginia Holmes Bevan Bina Priscilla Booth I . a I lug-t IS ImFATHER'S' DA Y Michael's LUCK TO College THE CLASS OF 1952 Pharmacy *** ~ ~ Ifit give him a . ' gift from Speare Bros•. ill FUSCO and ALSTON Men's Store . ~ 1100% NYLON Dress Shirts 3.99 New! Famous ORLONDress Shirts 5.94 Ama;;og DACRON Shirts 10.95 Fabulous DACRON Ties 2.50 "On the Corner" I I So. Chester and Fairview Roads Phone Swarthmore 6-3681 I F""OUS ;JAYSON NYLON SHORTS 8.95 .' Studebaker Sales & Service . '; INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE May 30, 1952 . THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 Receives Safety Award 2 Girl Scouts Receive . Woman's Club Award John Tracy (center left), driver of the loclLl office of the Railway Express Agency, receives congratulations from J. J. McClory, superintendent of Philadelphia Division. For five years of safe driving Mr. Traey was preseR£ed with a card from the National Safety Council and a lapel emblem. TROOP 2 COURT OF HONOR The parents of members of Boy Seout Troop Two, Pr.esbyterian Church, will be the guests Wednesday evening, June 4, at the Troop's Court of Honor, to be held in McCahan Hall at 8, when boys will receive badges for work com: pleted during the year. As a part of the program the winning patrol will recevle prizes. for the series of contests ending May 29. The regular 7 p.m. meeting will precede the ceremonies. Scouts of Troops two and three (Methodist Church) ventured forth on the annual Brandywine District Camporee held last weekend at Darlington Farm. Despite the constant rain, most of the boys spent the night. TroopTwo's 24 overnight campers represented the most scouts of anyone troop i nthe district in attendance as the gay but weatherwise damp and nasty expedition. Morale, it is reported, was good. Scouts 0 f tit e Presbyterian group lured a group of their Dads out on a father-son hike and picnic recently at Smedley Park. After lunch, the sons beat their Dads at softball, 23-i. ROSE VALLEY ROUND·UP SET FOR SATURDAY Starting at 1 o'clock sharp and running through the afternoon until 6, the Rose VlLIley RoundUp wlll be staged at the Old Mill in Rose Valley Saturday, May 31. The Committee in charge states everybody is w.elcome; and with the prospect of sunny skies, a record crowd Is expected. Admission is free to all. Staged by the Rose Valley Folk, as In former years, this year's Round-Up is expected ~o be bigger and better and more fun than ever. It will be crammed with varied entertainment for all ages --especially for the youngsters. There will be games of skill and chance, pony rides, a ride range, movies, toy balloons, a puppet show, merry-go-round, craft and apron tables, a craft shop and flower mart, and a barbeque. Rose Valley Folk are invited and wlll be welcome to brIng their friends. A special invitation is also issued to residents of Swarthmore and surrounding vicinity to attend with their children. TROOP 3 BICYCLE BRIGADE The Bicycle Brigade of Troop 3 LEGION BALL GAMES The American Legion Junior Methodist Church Boy Scouts took Baseball Team will play two an overnight trip to the Brandygames with the Alden team to- wine recently despite the unsetmorrow, May 30. The ·first game tled state of the weather. Followwill be played at Aldan at 2 p.m. ing a roundabout route to' avoid The second game will be played traffic hazards (but not grades) on the Riverview avenue field at the group arrived at their campsite above Rockland, Delaware, in 6 p.m. the early afternoon. After a pleasant evening but Mrs. T. D. Maher, of Rutgers rather wet night the party pedalavenue, has returned from a two .. led back to Swarthmore arriving month visit with her sister, Miss Helen M. Smedley, of Dallas, in time for late Sunday lunch. The Brigade consisted of the following boys: Charles Nason, James CO-ED BEAUTY McCorkle, Seth Singleton, Lauren Dickinson, Eddy Payne and HarSALON vey Pierce. Adult cycling TenderOpen Thursday Nigh.s seats on the 50-mile roundtrip PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE. were Arthur B. Johnsgn and RanSwarthmore 6-1013 dolph S. Lee. ,. STRATH HAVEN INN Enjoy a Leisurely Memorial Day Dinner and a Stroll through the Spring Beauty of our Spacious Lawn. DINNER SERVED 1-2:30 P.M. and 5-7:30 P.M. Regular Sunday Menu Reservations Now Accepted STRATH HAVEN. INN Swarthmore, Po. Telephone Swarthmore 6.06BO WALTER E. PARRon, Mg •• FREE PARKING (Continued from Page 1) Scout program next year. Mrs. Matthew McKinnell, Mrs, William Driehaus, and Mrs. Max EssI, leaders of Troop 95 presented the following girls: Susan Campbell, Marion Detwiler, Susan Driehaus, Barbara Edwards, Anore Essl, Barbara G rei m , Louise Howe, Leslie Kurtzhalz, Shirley Little, Barbara McClarin, Mary Lou l\icCorkle, Barbara Moran, Patricia Narberth, Wanda Nickerson, Anne Paul, Jean Paul, Sally Stevens, Suzanne Stevens and Lois Thompson. Mrs. Robert Walker, leader of Troop 19, presented Barbara Bernhart, Barrie Bovard, Deborah Brown, N aney Craig, Virginia Craig, Judith Coles, Susan Gowing, Joan HawkinS, Betsy Hicks, Nell Lee, Martha McCrumm, Kathleen Pack, Suzanne Plowman, Dorothy Prentice, Suzanne Prescott, Betsy Walker. Anne Watkins, Polly Welliver, Louise Welz and Susan ~Icher. Last year's Fly-ups were presented with their second class badges. Mrs. Thomas.Prather and Mrs. Hervey Froehlich, leaders of Troop 269, introduced the following Scouts: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Howe, of Rutgers avenue, entertained informally on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howe will leave Swarthmore June 12 for their new home in WYomissing. Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett, 'of the Swarthmore Apartments, wl11 leave FrIday to spend Memorial Day week-end at Buck Hili. Falls. Barbara Adams, Susan Allen, musician badge, Antonica Fairbanks, Betty Gemmill, Jacqueline Gray, Dorothy Ann Haworth, Susan Marsh, Janie Mather. Sydney Milliken, Ada KrOOD, Susan Preston, who received badges for Child Care, Sewing, and· Cooking, Margit Quist, Barbara Seymour. who received the drawing and painting badge; Christine Sipler, Nancy Phelen, Mary Vall Urk. who received badges for music, hostess, drawing and painting, and cooK, Linda Uthe, and Joyce Williams who also received her swimmer·badge. Over 120 badges went to members of Troop 331. Behind the scenes of all the work and planning leading up to these awards were the troop's leaders, Mrs. John Bowden, Jr., and Mrs. Harry Seymour, the troop committee tflothers, and countless other interested mothers and friends. Girl Scout Molly Huse was the troop's Honor Scout of the year. Selection for this honor is based on a point system which has been followed for several years. Individual badges were awarded to the following: Mimi Hawkins .. Connie Russell Helen Warren, Norma Wilson, EI~ inor Eisberg, Vicky MacNair, Sara Het!rerington, Molly Huse, Judy Hollander, Rosemary Hibberd Janet Lynch, Margaret Bullitt' Carol WiDiams, Sue Purnell Gaii Lincoln, Betty Ann COI~man Shirley Carpenter, Amy Ryerson: Ramona Van Urk, CarolYn Dan- FIELD DAY TODAY The teams of Garnet and White of the Elementary School meet today at the Rutgers Avenue School for their Annual Field Day. At 9:15 pupils from third through sixth grades will begin a series of games, races and relays which decide the year long contest for possession of the silver cup. The cup, in existence since 1929, so far has spent 12 years in the hands of the Garnet, and 11 years with the Whlfes. This Day, we dedicate each year To Honor those now dead. To Praise their deeds of valor, As the blood of life they shed. We place our nation's Stars and Stripes Upon each Hallowed Grave, In Memory of those who fought Their country's life to save,. Now solemnly, we bow our heads And to The Lord on high, We Pray that n'ere on battlefields Our Future Youth, must die. Our CONFIDENTIAL SALE plan avoids unnecessary pub. licity prior to actual sale. . ~VRITI! OR PHON" NESSEN. McTYIER & ADAMS. Inc. SW 6-3~52 SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1952 Heartiest Congratulations to DRUG STORE ------------------------------ the ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Gin BARGAINS Westinghouse Automatic Toaster Your qld Toaster • • • • • • • • • • • • Class $24.65 5.00 $19,65 of Electric Fans. Radios and other Electrical Items REDUCED Ideal Gift. for the Bride ADOLPH'S 7 S. Chester Road ____ ~"'~~"'-<&. ~ ~ ~ 1952 SWarthmor.e 6-1274 ~~"%II!i ~"""~_ _~'_'W,_"I "YOII Meet ~ the Nicest 'eople at Speares'" ~ , ~ ~ ~n;:;;:==:;;;;;;~~i ~~ ~ ~ ~ I~ % iii ~ .I i~ if.$. ~ ~ ~~ ~ EDGMONT AVENUE - i~. TREAT iii III~ 7th and WELSH STREETS I •~ DAD I~~ !if@ I FATHER'S DAY I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II I~ Bina Priscilla Booth David Jackson Cox George Dennis Becker James Standish Carter John Henry Davis George Franks Dunn, Jr. I'ranklin Trimby Flaherty, Jr. Jean Horner Galbreath Christine Shaw Ford I'IIe i Garrahan College THE CLASS OF 1952 Pll3rmacy *** ~ ~ ~ 3.99 J.l~ New! Famous' ORLON Dress Shirts 5.94 Amazing DACRON Shirts 10.95 I Fabulous DACRON Ties 2.50 I I ~ r~----------------------------------------------~ II ~~_~ FUSCO and ALSTON M I~ 100% NYLON Dress Shirts ~d _~~'lI Gretchen Gay Bauer Howard James Dodson Lynn Mason Doherty LUCK TO I I l Virginia Holmes Bevan ~ ~ give him a Iii Betsy Lea Ammon Jane Nancy Chambers Shirley Catherine Coleman Michael's ~ m ~ I'k I e a king-this John Herbert Bernard BEST OF m m Paul Benjamin Davis nobert Austin Allison * ~ Cor• ., :'4 IN SWARTHMORE. WALLINGFORD or ROSE VALLEY. Three very fine families, one witll 2 children now In Swarthmore schools. need 3 or 4 bedroom homes with nice grounds. HIGH Our MEMORIAL DAY Dory Two members of Troop 16 the gift from Junior High Outdoors Troop' received Curved Bar awards the ~ S peare Bros. highest award possible in I Girl Scouting. Gladys Durboraw and • Men's Store ary L~u Friend were the recip- ~ Ients. Flve-year pins were earned ~ by Alice Carroll, Gladys Durbor_ ow, Jane Hay and Rosemary Cox. Mrs. Walter Magee and Mrs Ned. Mikusinski, leaders, presented mertt badges to the follOWing. Alice Carroll, Gladys Durbo;ow Pamela Foster, Mary Lou Friend' Mary Lou Griscom, Judith Jar~ r~tt, Carol Seymour, Carol- Toppmg and Ann Hay. ~ Mary Lou Griscom earned her second class badge, arid Judith F.qIOUS JAYSON NYLON SHORTS 8.95 JarreU and Carol Seymour re- ~ . ceived their first class badges. 1 SWARTHMORE Page)-' TilE SW AnTIIl\lOnEAN )Iay 30, 1952 CATHERMAN'S Carroll, who also received the J 3 HOMES 19 E. Springfield Road. SPRINGFIELD At a meeting of the Board of the Swarthmore Branch of the Worn.. ens International League for Peace and Freedom held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Patrick Malin, the following officers were elected: ' Chairman Anne Hussey; Vice Chairman Mrs. Roy McCorkel; Treasurer Mrs. Ida Stabler; Recording Secretary Mrs. Harold Goodwin; Corresponding Secretary Mrs. William Johnson. Other members of the Board include Mrs. Leonard Dart, Mrs. J 0seph Conard, Mrs. Richard Enion, Mrs. Philip Jewett, Mrs. Lewis Tanguy, Mrs. Erich Hausen and Mrs. Henry Patterson. Miss Hussey will be the Swarthmore delegate to the meetings of the National organization to be held in Pittsburgh in the middle of June. Hope Anderton, Dawn Boyer, Lindsay Breakell. Janice Compton, Ann Cooper, Betsy Echelmeyer, Addis GilflIlan, June Heckman, Carol Honnold, Sally Huse, Betty Ann McCorkel, Frances Plummer, Lynne Prather, Gwendolyn Renshaw and Allie Walker. Merit badges went to sauy Huse for metal work and to Lynne Prather for drawing and painting. Mrs. J. Willard Hollander, leader of Troop 83, introduced Mary Albrecht, Helen Calhoun, Spencer McKernan, RodgersKatrine and Gerry Crean. fi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 forth, WE NEED WIL Eleds Officers I ~ "On the Corner" StutleiJaker Sales & Service So. Chester and Fail'view Roads Phone Swarthmore 6-3681 SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1952 ~---------------- BEST Sally Alden, of North Chester Promoted Moy 30, 1%2 THE SW ARTHlUOREAN Page 9 TIlE SWARTllMOREAN May 30,1952 Charles W. Fischer, soo of Mr. road, sang in the American Premand Mrs. Charles E. FIscher of iere of Sir George Dyson's "CanDickinson avenue has been pro- terbury Pilgrims" presented by moted to Airman First Class at the Concert Chorus of Hobart and Tinker Air Force Base, Olka. William Smith Colleges in Geoeva , A/Ie Fischer is assIgued to the last Tuesday night, and again in 5th Communications Construction Rochester last Thursday. Sally, a SqUadron as a draftsman. He has sophomore at William Smith, completed one year of a four-year slogs with the alto sectioo. hitch in the Air Force. Colleges Recognize Eight S.H.S. 'Seniors Marloe Private First Class RODald A. Hahey, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Habey, of Grace Park, recently climaxed tralniog at the Marloe Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, by receIving a promotion to his present rank and winning the Silver badge of Marine MarksmOlL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Long, of !'.faple avenue, will attend the commencement festivities at AdEight High School Seniors are miral Farragut Academy, Toms announced this week as recipi- River, N. J. Saturday and Sunday. entS of scholarship awards from Their son, Bob, is a member of the graduating class. United States colleges. The Woman's Scholarship Com-If'===================~=======i mittee of Oherlin College awarded a part tuition scholarship to Cath- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 arine Wisdom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: David P. Wisdom, of 334 CLOSING HIGH SCHOOL CALENDAR Vassar· avenue. Catharine Is the Friday, May 30 '. - Band marches In the Memorial Day third member of the Senior Class Parade of Swarthmore High School to be .... Sunday, June 1 - Baccalaureate-Presbyterian Church awarded scholarships to Oberlln. , '. 5:00 p.m. Greta Richardson, daughter of Monday, June 2 - Senior Class Banquet - Whittier Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. RichardHo~:OO p.m. son, of 401 Park avenue, has been Tuesday, June 3 - Second Semester Ends at Noon awarded one of the top scholar9th, 10th, and 11th Grades Final ships at Western CollegeforWom.. '.,. Exams begin at 12: 30 p.m. .... '.: en In Oxford, Ohio. Greta was ' .,.; .. ( Commencement -Clothier Memorial selected a result of competitive 102 Park Avenue " -8:00 p.m. ex.irniiiations given by the COl7 -0_. • ! .-Wednesday, . June " lege. through Final, Exams . David J. Cox, son· of Dr.' and ::::;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;=;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;=;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;====;:;:;=~ Friday, June 8 Mrs. Henry R. Cox, of 503 Walnut Monday, June 9 - Make:..up· Exams for ·stude6is who lane. has been awarded a Thomhave been ill. dike Scholarship' by Wy Wesley~ ." ·~:oo"a.m.'·"" .,. . .. '" '., an to outstaniling students entetMondaj.; Jw.e 111 .' - Summer SChool Begins.' .' ing college. . Here's to Firmer Footing For Your FutureP.o--, . GRADUATES OF '52 WISHES CELIA SHOE SHOP,-:, ., , as for a HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL iPlm-iii1ii1iiimiiliiiiiiimmi~m~~_~~~~~~~miWiiiiiii .'." iii I Cox is member of !,he Nation~ al Honor Society, editor of the ~ yearbook, letterman In track, and ~ active In dramatlCll· and . student ~ government. . . DEW DROP INN WISHES ,}'HE CLASS ' •... "'; .. .. SUCCESS i. . CLASS OF , ,. ~I .RiCh.ard McCorm. ack•. so.n of M. r. and Mrs.· Arthur McCormack, of Ogden avenue, ha.s been awarded m:a Naval ReserVe Omeers Trainl?i M Corps scholarship at PrInceton ~ University. Richard was Au-Delco ~ guard in football, sports editor· of l!! the ·school newspaper, president ~ of· the Blaekfriars Drama Club .. BEST WISHES TO THE· 1952 CLASS OF'52 JOYCE LEWIS * - and CO. 1952 *** BAIRD & BIRD Lafayette Avenue Opposite Borough Hall We would like to be able 10 shake tbe hand of every young man and woman who marched up 10 collect their dlploma this week. • • but we have to be content with this expression of our hopes for their futures. • SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANI ') AID TBUST COMPANY ----e---_ II • J •• ,..,. ".,.. """,... CHle, 23 Dartmouth & Lafayette Avenue Phone 6-0440 Swarthmore Phone 6-0144 I"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·' ' ';1 j . .;•. ALL HAIL " ,,'., ;l . c, CLASS, OF 1952,. " :1. Dennis Becker" son of J:?r. a n d ' Mrs. George J. Becker of 401 Walnut Lane, was awarded a fult" tui' tion scholarship by Swarthmore College. This scholarship was awarded on the basis of the record he aehieved while in Swarthmore High SchooL Chuck Russell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Russell of 416 Haverford place, has been awarded a full tuition scholarship to Oherlin ~I! 11 'I College, Ohio, for the Freshman year. This scholarship was awarded on the basis of his school rec- m! ord in Swarthmore High School. ;; :: , , " , HOLLYHOCK SHOp· . r '. r . I j .. " "" 1 4 Pill-It Avenue . !'" ~ ~~ ~ ""!~-1; ' 'OF '52 BEST W;JSHES . TO THE (;~ASS ed a full tuition scholarship for two years at Oberlin College. Paul had also been offered scholarships at Richmond University, Haverford College, Bucknell and Bates. In addition he had been awarded a scholarship by the National Baptist Scholarship Committee. This scholarship is intended to be used by a student attending a Baptist School. Whether or not he can use this scholarship at Oberlin has not been decided. Mary Lecron, daughter of Mrs. . Gladys B. Lecron of 410 Cedar lane, was awarded a part tuition scholarship in music by Hood College, Mary was awarded the scholarship after a series of auditions which were held at Haverford College. ~ ,ta. * ** Captain J. L. Woodruff, of Morton, attended the Fathers Association luncheon recently at The Peddie School. Captain Woodruff has a son, Lawrence M., who is a Senior at Peddie. BEST WISHES TO THE GRADUATES COMMENCEMENT TIME , AND THE CO-OPS * At this time we Invite all to join ns as we labor Coopera,tively on. the biggest single issUe of. our time - the eeonomic issuea Cooperatives are a plan for tomorrow which works today! We want all HIgh School aDd College graduates to accept our congra_Uons and to get aequalnted with the Cooperative Way of Doing BosIn..... . • MAY CONTINUED SUCCESS BE YOURS * This Is the commencement season. Hundreds of thousan". of our young men and women have been and will be admonished 10 have faith In the future. 10 work for a better society, to pledge t.helr loyalty to the domestic wa.y of life. SWARTHMORE , .. CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION INGLENEUK TEA ROOM 401 Da..tmouth Avenue . I;" ~~~ S. Chester ROI\lI RUSSELL'S SERVICE , II TO THE CLA.SS OF '52 GOOD LUCK TO CLASS OF 1952 ., I .CONGRATULATIONS EDWARD GRADUATES OF MARIE DONNELLY . active in other school Wo BEST WISHES L. NOYES .' Paul Davis, son of of Crozer Dr. andTheoMrs. Davis ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=r.~ George logical Seminary, has been award- and Congratulations . .; a i''''~\\\1;"~~~~~~~·~~~;;~!\Ill~·;·;;;~;·!;·;;;~~~~;~;llt®;I\l\\l;;~~®ll~~;il),.~;~;I\l\\l;~'1il~.~ :~~ry Jacqueline Louise Keller Madeline Marie Kincade Constance Joan Knowles '\Valter '\Varwick Leach, II ' TO THE CLASS OF '52 to the Mary Lou Hodge Maryellen ,\Vhite Hopper Janice Louise Houtz Arthur ,\V. Jones ... BEST WISHES OF 1952 CONTlNUEJ) Donald Snyder Guthrie Helen Lois Hartley Claire Elizabeth Hendrixson June Stevenson Hobbs .. . ~ FUTURE Sally Prickett Gaskill Virginia Luce Gehring Bruce Smith Gemmill Rodger Bradford Gilmour ~. ' INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ----- .. -_... ~---~- , SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL Promoted May 30, 1952 THE SWARTHMOREAN GRADUATING CLASS · chitrles OF 1952 C'0IIeges R ' ecognlze Sa1Jy Alden, of North Chester road of Mr. ' aang In the AlDerican Prem- ,w. "'--her ~, SOD and Mrs. Chatles E. Fischer of Dickinson avenue has been ~romoted to AIrman. First Class at Tinker Air Force Base, Olka. · A/Ie Fischer is assigned to th~ 5th. Communications Construction Squadron as a d.raflsman. He haS completed one year of a four-year hitch In the Air Force. · NEWS NOTES Marine Private First CJass Ronald A. Habey. son of Mr. and Mrs. . WlUlam .J. Habey, ot Grace Park, recently climaxed training at the MarIne COI'PS RecrUit Depot, parils Island, by receiving a promotion to 'hIS present rank and .winnIng the silver bad&e of Marine Marksman. . . Eight SHS-Seniors • • Mr. and Mrs. F. R. I,ang, of iere of Sir George Dyson's "CanlIJaple avenue, wlll attend the terbury Pilgrims" presented by • • • commencement festivities at Adthe Concert Chorus of Hobart and Eight High School Seniors are mIral Farragut Academy. Toms WilHam Smith Colleges In Geneva announced this week as reeipi- River, N. J. Saturday and Sunday. lest Tuesday night, and agaIri in enb of scholarship awards from Thelr son, Bob, is a member' of· Rochester last Thursday. Sally, a United States ,colleges. . the graduatIDg class. he s homor at William Smith Woman s Scholarship com-li=======;;;;::;:i======::;=":,,,,====,:,,""==;, op e , nuttee of Oberlin College awarded .. sings with the alto ~tlon. a part tuition scholarship to Csth, arine Wisdom, daughter of Mr. .- and Mrs: David P. Wisdom, of 334 CLOSING HIGH SCHOOL CALENDAR Vassar .avenue_ Catharine IB the . -' Friday, May 30 - Band marches in the Memorial Day thlrd' member of the Senior Class Parsde of Swarthmore RighSch601 to be •• :-. .-! . ", .. Suncbly, June 1 - Baccalaureate-Presbyterian Church awarded scholarships to oberlin. ., ". '5: 00 p.m. Greta Richardson, daughter of . . Monday, June 2 - Senior Class Banquet - Whittier Mr. 'and Mrs_ Robert W.· Richard. . -.' . House 6: 00 p.m. sOn, of '401 Park avenue, has been Tuesday, June 3 - Second Semester Ends at Noon awarded one of the top scholar"til, . 10000 .• and . 11th Grades FInal ships at Western .Collegefor Wom• • _ .._ .•. .. Exams begbi at 12: 30 pm. en In . Oxford, Ohio. Grets waS - :. .... : , . -., ,.,:.,[ Commencement - Clothier M'1IDoriai selected reiuIt' of competitive '. "102 PaP'k Aveliue . ... . _.'. '-41: 00 p.m. . " , exBmfiiations given -by the Col~ Wednesday, . June 4 . , ,'..... lege: . • •• -'"', "":""!'.' • l'~' throUCh .... , FInal..Exams .. ' David J. Cox, of Dr: aind .. ......,. Friday, June 6 Mrs, Henry R. Cox, of 503 wabiut .. Monday,JUlle D .. , ..... Makll-up: l!:Dmsfor lrtIidelibi who laiie, haS been awarded a Thoni.-, have been ilL dike .Scholarship' by Weileyan ' Thurtlday, JiiJle 12 - . Closing assembly and "Move-Up"Universiti, MiddleioWn, C011l\ect, , D: 00 a.m. . icirt, It' imnowiced today :by . . " FInal Rip School !!aculty Dleef;lngm.'.:, 'VlctOr _4. Butienielci, pr.!st':. ,.. " '~ I.:.· .' " '·1:30 JI.i\'J: '~f' enYtsWen~': ~. '" ~ •. " . - . - "\r .,~ ~ de lCI.- :r Here's to Firmer FootiJi,g ... For Your Futuree-.'-. BEST . .GRADUATES OF '52 · WISHES .. ~. " €ELIA 'SHOKSHOP.~~ -.~. "", , ~t as a •.. ~. fora son . HAPPY • '- . , was and SUCCESSFUL p'.. J' ,- •. !hg cOllege. .. - __iiTliiiiiiiiiiiiiii~m~_iiiiiii~ii" rr-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-_~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. .. . . . . "7.l ' TO THE CLASS OF '52 ','.... 1Il0ilClq; Ju.oe 111.·· - Summer '!lChooi' BegJ.D8. - · .. - Cox Is ;, memlier oft,he Nation'; al Honor SocietY, editOr .of the yearbook, lettermail ill track,' anii adlve In di-amatl(:S· and - student .,' .'." . . govemment. ", '. .. , , . '. .. .Richard McCorinack,.son of Mr. WISHES 'tHE CLASS 'T··· , , , , , : - ' . a n d 'Mis. . Arthur McComlack, of . , , . .....• .'1;, Ogden avenue, Iilis biieD awarded -'" . ,. -. ." DEW . DRO'P 'INN '. · - FUTURE " ' .•• to the , 'UniVersity. Richard .. ' , i_,' " SUCCESS .. ~ ,e -: ... ,,,' , .. ' : :" .~ 1952 ." ". . ~ .. ,) Donald Snyder Guthrie Helen Lois Hartley Claire Elizabeth Hendrixson June Stevenson Hobbs Mary Lou Hodge Maryellen White Hopper Janice Louise Houtz Arthur W_ Jones Jacqueline Louise Keller Madeline Marie Kincade Constance Joan KaowIes Walter Warwick Leach, II * - =m = CONGRATULATIONS ." , and BEST WISHES EDWARD GOOD LUCK TO Congratulations L. NOYES GRADUATES OF CLASS OF 1952 and CO. 1952 ----e---_ *** BAIRD & BIRD Lafayette Avenue Opposite Borough Hall TO THE CLASS OF '52 - We would like to be able to shake the haud of every young man an,/- woman who marobed up to colled thelr dlploma this week ••• but we have to be con&eni with this expression of our hopes for their fn&!!res. • SWARTHMORE IATIOIAL BAil ) AID TIOST COMPAIY ., 23 I~ Pt' rwI 0.,."" Ie....', (.,~ 0'1. 5! Swarthmore Dartmouth & Lafayette Avenue Phone 6-0144 '0' - Captain J. L. Woodruff, of Morton, attended the Fathers Association luncheon r~ently at The Peddle School_ Captain Woodruff has a son, Lawrence M., who Is a Senior' at ·Peddle. GRADUATES , MA'Y CONTINUED SUCCESS BE YOURS .. n: t "\ "r'~ .' , ' ) . . >,: -', t,;: • :\1:: .! "i< • INGLENEUK TEA ROOM -. TO THE • ~ h )" ;.. ~4-$S .. ; < BESV WISHES···. < •, •• ;. Of '52 ,'.. < ". ~ t ,." • ,• , *** 'IiORACE REEVES . " tl1tl1 I COMMENCEMENT - TIME AND THE CO-OPS -* '* * , ThIs Is the oommeneement _Do Hundreds of thCl, J I:' " . 1 , . . . . . , '\"; ' [il.:. '~~! ~ ,C~4$S. ()FJ?5~~f; College, Ohio, for the Freshman year. ThIs scholarship was awarded on the basis of his school rec~ ord In Swarthmore. Righ School. ..~:~~;~~~~ :: = =, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •1> .)~.. ..~ 'n: :::~~~~ S~:I=P ~:~~uri l,il1~~~=~===~~~-~"·~'~"·~-·~"·~~·~·"~·=~~-~~~~"~m~"="· -, JOYCE.;I£WIS Sally Prickett Gaskill Virginia Luce Gehring Bruce Smith Gemmill Rodger Bradford Gilmour .. . ' .A,U.IIAJl.~. Drama. Club nut'Lane. was awarded_a "full'tui':' " CLASSOF'52 -. . . . - . -l iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii~iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ii.ii·~~iii~~ij'" Was Au-Delco, tlon scliolarship by SwarthmOl'l! . College.' This, scholarsliip' was awarded on the basis of the record he achieveifwhile- in Swarthmore . HIgh Sch~l. . Chuck RUssell, soii of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Russell of 416 Haver- '- ~ active - bi other Scliool :', Dennis Becker" son of J?r.. a n d · Mrs. George J. Becker of 401 W a l - " .., BEST WISHES TO THE, '.. :~~ry , .."' . . - ·sc:iO:;"'!~~=.·-;;U':'::: of' the' Blacktriars , ,. o. ~. MARlEooNNEUY .i. '.". " .. .:aro. .. i,'~,:;,.~~~;!~~~~;S;~!:;'~~'!;;;I!:~~~~":;';':~mI~J;"~l\~;tl1~ CLASS OF ::=: .' :-'~,~o1:.t:h~l~~~"" OF 1952 CONTINUED '~_ , '.1: SWARTHMORE .CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION . .l _ .401 DJu.tmouth Avenue . ~----------------------------~'--~! . , 1DE swAItTIIMoi\EAN . PqelO '19. ' . . S(!Ci!ll ~ecurity (f.r~' fCl!' p1alned. The.fIIIlployee Is required H. S. T.,Qck Team !iWTI!'llOr Worl!'n:, Gra!lllllt'!' ",report 1$ account number to R' • P. I A A Title f\tudents IIlld new &n!d\1ates who his employer. ,etlll!,' '.. •.• will enter eD\pl~l!lll!lt tillS sum.. Swai-thmore HIgh School· remer ~e J'111¢t14e4 ~ ~er\l!lrt W:. TO ~NT!;Rl'AI~ ~~N'QR~ taIoed the Class ~ titie in the Qru!l!;r, I!IAAIlIef of .thJ!_ Ell!<'ial The ~"rs 0 of !Jw~or~:rIM District I tra~ and field ~1I!'~tx 9fl!!:I!. ·,0;1 ¢roza: ~uUd~ WIll S!,\\oql, t!1,1r ~~ anll 'I1l'8t on Franklin ~, 5th and Mm:~~ 8~ Cb,es--: invited guests will ~!I.Y ~es\lOut of tb,e 1!1 acb,ools ter, that they will need social Be- ments in McCsban Hall of the the Garnet tQok the clJrlty account Dumbers. . Presbyterian Church following the in \ts division With Before actually seeklItl{ jobs, Baccalaureate Service, Sunday polnta. . . lIfr· Gruber a4~! tb,ey. sh9ul\l ternllOn,. -tUlle ,. Ll'ml I>Qherty an,d ,John apply by mall or In person to the lIJrs. W. Rodman narll were tb,e oqq. wJnne\'ll qhester OJllce for a nuruber. It Is chairman for this occasion, Swar~ore. D~herty ~ted that approxlMate1y 1,,:, be '!ssMed by ~. George Dunn, th' 440 lIlld Bern!l1'd toQ1< the hIJh ~,OOO students may 'beir!n .their Mrs.' James' ·E. Davia and Mrs. lump. Ben1ard ~ p~~ SteCOlld lltislness careers this sunimer, or Thomas W. Hopper, in the iav<@! ""II 'I1I~t gut events, v~on.. ~. JIr. and C. Irwin Galbreath will head the list of hosts and hostesses, and others sharllig ~ ~qalb~l1e1! are lIJrs. dys. Lecron, who made the tatlons, and Mrs •. J. Roland Penqqq. decorating, committee wni serve . the Commencement take a job during Whether the employment - Is p.;n-i-tluie, temporary, or permanejlt, ami althoullP,· Ul\Ploy,11t has no other empl07.ee. a repo" of the employee's wages togetlier "lith hls account numb!!f m~ ~ IJIlIde to the F'l!feral GOvernment by the employer, Mr. Gruber ex- m, .. . . '. ..,.. _ ~ CLASSOF'52 . .- , .~ .- 7' . .. ,' w~ ~2-5/14, ADOLPH'S . ',' sOuthCliester . '. m". l.d;:e:gree::;;:a::t:W:lls~SO;:n:c:o::ll~eg~e:.:De::;gr;_;::.:G::I!O~.~rll;e:M~oo~re.::;::::;;::::::;= .... , Do your best to .,resent yourself to God a8 one approved,.. a wQ"lP.aq who has DO need to be 88h8m~,' .... r"l1~ly ~~l"', "l~ word of tnn&.. !Il m, D • '1!tII~t~lICIm~~~~~~~iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~'f":. . . . Having· a' Gi-Qduqtion tb,e po} b,IBI:I. il\1!lP.~:aa-.. ~I'! .. q~t. i~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiil-l. ~~. SCHOOL Cong:r«tulatWm, Graduate! ~'" lI!(~ .~ I HIGH aa.. Clw.le!!~;~~:1 1'l\1\- II,II,qt PIIt: S ~oo. ~d n1q, , . 111\11'\1 SWARTHMORE wm ~~1(O? 4lso _.' " les:; : I Ip\a*~' TIlE SW ARTllIUOREAN ot Other. stl\lOnc! for G:an1!!t wer!l !!ll!!v!l ~aer In I' 22!l, lloward 1:!b,11&rer In. tha 880, :Q!!ve C9x _In the tnUIIo anll Walt ~ch ~. X,onnY Staton \'I!lIq W!l1'e. \!lIlQD.lI.tb,~ tI!!d In the hIgq jliD;lP: Dohlq1r. ~b). =:~ Shellf8l', an" eqx fl\fllled s' more's mile relay team whi,:h lim tI'q~er ~IIO~ ~4 ~'!ith~~ BEST OF LUCK .... ~ P~II'1' ho~derll Sadie Garrett of North PrInce-· will be conferred on June 2. Jane, ton avenue was elected to Pbl 1be' daushter of ¥r. IQ1II lim, llj8ta Kappa, national 8c6olastie ThOI!188 A. Currie, Jr., made blCII-honorary society, at Oberlin Col- oIlY' her major field of 8t\1c1y. a~ lege where she Is a senior. Wllso~ . Suzanne Hopson, Bucknell Un!Dr. IIIId lIJrs. Georg!! B, Sic1Iel. veralty student, has been chosen of S~ Haven aV1III1II:, will atby 1be Un.1veralty Christian Asso tend 1be 112th Comw_ent I tI" Weal Cot and ~::!: aery, as a lPlier of. . eyan. nserva ory . project jjp~'!8 l\~ School of Fine Arts at Macon. part of iIle UniV~ty'~ orlenta- Monday, June 2, when their tion progrPl fpr sIlld Is enter- daughter, lIJrs. James H. Archer. ing Bucknell In full t.a11.en. . . ;Jr., wiI,l .recelve her- degree of .~ .. _.. . Bach,l!)~ of Music. 'fh~ !Itao Jane Currie, WalUngford, Is a spenq several days in Atlanta, Ga., cand!IIl\*" for tql! b~\l!lelor of ~ visiting lIJrs. t;l1cke!.'" ~~. ¥fa. .~ , ....... .- ,. ." " - . South Chester Road Robert Henry Robinson Julianne Roess Lynne Ann Rogers Charles Coulter Russell INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 10 THE SWARTHMOREAN May 30,1952 Social Security Cards for plained. The employee Is required H. S. Track Team liummer Workers, Graduates to report his account number to Retains PJ.A.A. Title Students ~nd new graduates who his employer. , will enter emploYment this sumSwarthmore High School remer are r!!mi'lde