Libr"ry SUPPORT SUPPORT YOUR· FIRE CO. THE SWARTHMOR NEW .YEAR OPENS AT CLUB TUESDAY Jumor Assembles Tomorrow For Seventh, Ninth Grades SPROAT DEATH SHOCKS BOROUGH FIRE CO. $3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1952 VOLUME 24-NUMBER 1 YOUR LAFAYETTE AUSTIN MOTHERS TO FETE FATHERS JAN. 10 Mrs. Anne Austin of Park avenue was called" to the west coast Informal parties ror the seventh upon hearing of the sudden death and ninth grade Junior Assemblies of her son Lafayette' who was kilwill be held Saturday evening, led December 22 in an automobile January 5. at the Swarthmore WoSudden Attack Fatal accident. Lafayette. who had been Clair Wilcox Will Speak Welfare Dept. Prese~ man's Club. At Annual Dinner with an aircraft company in CaliTo Injured Bank Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Morse. Mrs. Heydrick At fornia for the past several years, hosts for the first group convenThursday President Stated Meet was en route to visit his brother ing at 7 p.m., will be assisted hy The annual Fathers' Night DinFunerahervices were held in the Chaplain Henry Austin. recently The Woman's Club of Swarth- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibson and ner will be held by the Mother's returned from Korea, when his car Presbyterian Church at I o'clock more wl11 open the year of 1952 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Barnett. Club of Swarthmore at 7 p.m. next 'Hosts for the nuith grade. meet- Wednesday afternoon for Elric overturned near Los Angeles. next Tuesday. January 8. with a Thursday evening, January 10, at stimulating talk by Helen E. He,.- ing at 8:45. will· be Mr. and Mrs. Sparhawk Sproat whose particithe Woman's Clubhouse. drick on "The Art of. Living To- Robert M. Perce. with Mr. and l\Irs. pation in the business and comClair 'Vile OX, Wharton Professor gether." after the Stated Meetlng Roger R"ssell and Dr. and Mrs. munity life of Swarthmore had of Political Economy at Swarthexercised significant influence for J. Alfred Calhoun as chaperons. at 2. ' more College, will be speaker of over 30 years. Mrs. Heydrick Is a business woMr. Sproat. president of the the evening. Mr. Wilcox hr.s ocman who bas been active in FamSwarthmore National Bank and cupied various positions in the ily Relationships for over 25 years. Trust Company. died suddenly at United States government. From Services Held Saturday and Is .. member of many organ3 a.m. Saturday, December 29, in 1945 to 1948 he was Director of the zations interested in family and For Rose Tree Office of International Trade the Chester Hospital where he had community life. Among these ar.. been a patient since ,breaking his Policy in the Department of State. Man Soroptimist Club. Business and pelvis and fracturing his left heel In 1946 he was r.hairman of the Profesf\iional WOlnen's Club, the LeRoy Riddle. secretary and Sentry Club. Member of Board of Poet Laments Canine bone November 1 in a fall into treasurer of ,Medford's Inc., of United States delegation to the an outside cellarway of a Medh International Trade Conference in Directors, Crime Prevention AsFate In Point Chester died suddenly at his home friend's home. His death came as London; and in 1947 he was Vicesociation. l'hlladelphla Council of on Old Orchard road. Rose Tree Blank Prose a tremendous shock to family and Chairman of the United States Churches. Healt..'l and Welfare at 11 p.m. last Wednesday. Mr. Delegation to the conference in friends who had .been happy in. Council. She Is also 'the only woAs the old year passed on. carryRiddle was seized with a heart atman of the Philadelphia Charter ing with it the validity of the his apparent recovery from his tack just as he had retired. He Geneva. In 1948 he was ViceCommission. Well-known to moll6' 1951 dog licenses. it left in its injuries and expected him to re- had been sUffering fo1." some time Chairman of the United States Delaware County Clubwoman. her wake a host of pooches, brown turn home from the hospital in with a heart ailment. He was 52. delegation to the United Nations . Conference on Trade and Employtalk hes been compared by sornE\ eyed. trusting and faithful. who another week. Born in Glen Riddle. he had ment at Havana. Cuba. .. Attending Friends School in of them to Conwell's "Acres of immediately. on January 15. bespent most of his life in Delaware Diamonds,n for its keen sense Mr. Wilcox has written several come subject to· the laws of the Westtown where he was born on County. He had been associated human nature' punctuated with a Commonwealth, not to mention the June 28. 1885 Mr. Sproat gradu- with the Medford Firm since 1929. books, among them "A Charter delightful sense of humor. Borough. or the dogcatcher-who. ated from' West Chester State Prior to that he was an accountant for World· Trade !.: A .. t the present Honored guests for the day will by the bye. is still in Council's em- Teachers College and attended with the Pennsylvania Railroad. time he Is comple book which 'be Mrs. Robert D. McDonald ploye-and makes them potential Danks Business College. He be- He was a graduate of the Whar- will be titled, " '" ~"c Control ~f County Fed.ration Chairman of grist for (whisper it with proper gan his banking career with the ton School of the University of Business in the United Sta!es." Fanner's National Bank of West Health and Mrs. Joseph M. Hebb. awe) the dog pound. ... At one time Mr. Wilcox was an Pennsylvania. County Chairman of Welfare who 0, weep for noble man's best Chester and came to SwartlUnore editorial writer for The St. Louis Mr. Riddle· had long been active will tell briefly abOut the County's friend. the dog. (or better yet. as assistant cashier in May 1918 in the First Presbyterian Church. Post Dispatch. and was also a Project for the Blind. man's best friend the noble dog). from the former Franklin National Chester in which. he had held of- member of the editorial. staff of The program for the day Is in who waggles· himself with devo- Bank. Philadelphia now merged ficial posts. He was a member of Fortune magazine. charge of thl!"Welfare Department tion and enthusiasm into his mas- with the Philadelphia National theSpringhavfn Club. the Chester \ Mrs. Thomas y. C"se:y. program . - I' ., . of the Club. Mrs Judson R. Ho-. ter's hea.t and h~lp" k.~p·it warm, Bank. Club, -anu the pw!;u:1.hmvrt! P~ayers Chairman, will inllroduc' On May 6. t~19\ he was made over. Jr.• chairma!l. Mrs. "Walto>.r loves andariluses his children. Club; . cox. During the O. Heinze hasch8rge of tea and JlUards his property. brightens up cashier.· succeedmg Gerald Effing. Survivors include his .wife, the a Frank W. Chapman. Mrs. William Simkln decorations. the family with his "ccentricities. He became a director in 1926. former Anita Matthews of Philarecital on the piano. Hostesses for the day are Mr•. W. all for a daily. bone. a chunk of cashier and trust· officer In 1928. delphia. and a son Robert L.. at Mrs. A. R. CraWford is general F. Hanny. Mrs. Leroy Mercer. Mrs. meat or a can of chow. For it is vice-president and cashier in 1945 home, a student at the University and succeeded the late Edward B. chainnan, in charge of the dinner, Harry Miller. Mrs. Lyman A. Dar- not the dog who demands the of Pennsylvania; three brothers Temple as· president on July 7. and Mrs. Edmund Jones arranged ling. Mrs. J. A. Perry and Mrs. license-it·s the law. and two sisters. . Danie1 Bingham will pour. And there's no point in getting 1949. Funeral services were held Sat- the program.,. Assisting commitAfter living at 20 Oberlin ave"'madlJ at the law. because it was urday at Oliver H. Bair·s. Phila- tees include: Mr's:---Peter E. Coste, nue he built a horne at the southset up to protect thE' citizens fr"m delphia. at 2:30 p.m. Interment menu planning and telephoning; CHEST SURVEY TO west corner of Coll~ge and SwaxthMrs. Leo Marshall, ordering; l\1rs. diseased strays who can infect the BE HELD FEB. 4-15 licensed pet. homeless mongrels more avenues and another at 5 was private. l\~arshall Schmidt. table decoraOgden avenue. Later he lived at tions, assisted by, Mrs. J. E." WilRobert W. Bernhardt, executift who can be a hazard to children 105 Cornell avenue. Last SeptSEBASTIAN PALMER liams and Mrs, Mather Lippinsecretary. of the Delaware County on the playground. and cavorting ember the family moved to Moylan News of the sudden death on cott. Tuberculosis and Health Associa- beasties .of the be:lt or worst pedi- avenue, Moylan. December 1'1 in Santa Fe, New The table setting committee intion llDDounced today that the Mid- grees who can take over the Mr.- Sproat had been assistant Mexico, of Sebastian Palmer, husstreets; cherished' gardens, lawns, cludes Mrs. J. Parrish, chairman; Winter Mass Chest Surve:y X-ray treasurer of the Community Health band of Jane Smalley Palmer. Program of the Association wlli be trees and bushes. Even a licensed Society IIf Central Delaware grieved Mrs. Palmer's many Mrs. Harman Newstein, Mrs. James Freed, Mrs ..Thomas Casey, held throughout the County from dog can wander and so offend. but County since January 1943. He many friend. here. an up-to-date license will at le!lSt Mrs. Robert Pfeifer. and Mrs. J nhn February· 4 to 15, I was also assistant treasurer and Three children ?lso survive him, The program will Include 8 com· prove to the officers tliet some- cl,lainnan o~- ·the 1inance commit- Alfred, Tommy, and six weeks old B. Maerker. munities. 7 high sohools and· a !lody loves it and' cares for it. and tee of the Family Service of Del- Mariana. Assisting with the serving will foodhandler group. The com- so the jailed pooch has a few· days aware County. vice-president of Mrs. Palmer is the granddaughbe: Mrs. J. M. Marsh. Mrs. R. K. munity surveys are open to grace in custody. to hope that his the Gibbons Home. past president ter of Swarthmore's former Post IVicCally. Mrs. James Clifford. Mrs. all persons. 18 years of age or owner will call for. him before be of the Delaware County Banker. Master Alfred A. Smalley ana Mrs. William Clark. Mrs. Walter Stroud. overI who live or work in, the gets the axe. Nor Is there reason to rage 3t Association, 'a 'member of the Smalley, who now reside in Wayne. Mrs. Orville G~enwood, Mrs. County. The high school surveys Swarthmore RotliryClub 'and the William Spencer. Mrs. L. Conwell. include. school personnel, all stud- the fees, because the· owner who Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Donald Ogram of Riverview Mrs. Joseph Hildenbrand. Mrs. J. ents in the eleventh .and twelfth can afford to feed a dog in these For many years he was active in road will return to ·Bullis Prep W. Jones, Mrs. G. H. Froebel,.'Mrs. grades and athletes in competive days of aerial prices can probably the Presbyterian Men's Bible Class. School. Silver Springs. Md. fOl-1 James Ballentine. Mrs. Noel Armafford' a license for him~esides. sports. Surviving are his wife the lowing a vacation. strong and Mrs. Paul Zecher. Areas included are: Ridley Puk Its a good invesln).ent. Why pay former Mahel Radcliffe. a· daugh~ I.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Media, DSflby. Marcus Hook, Rid- good money to build up a healthy ley Township. Upper Chichester constitution. a glossy coat. bright ter Mrs. Eud9ra Gerner and a and in Chester. the Chester eyes and an active tail only to grandson Elric Charles Gerner all THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Armory. St. James High School have tbe effort wasted in the dog's of Moylan; two brothers. H. Lindsey of West Chester. and Ronald needless death? The license costs and Smedley Jr. High SchooL A SA'l'URDAY. JANUARY 5 complete schedule giving date and are not exorbitant: $1.10 for of Bath. N.Y.; and two sisters. Mrs. time of each Community survey males. $2.10 for females •. $1.10 If Mildred S. Butler and Mrs. Caro~ 7:00 P.M.-7th Grade Jr. Assemblies ................ Woman's Club will be. announced at a later date. the dog is spayed and the veterin- line McCowan. both of West Ches8:45 P.M.-9th Grade Jr. Assemblies ................ Woman's Club ter. "These x-rays are financed in arian's certificate is available. Interment was pnvate. SUNDAY. JANUARY 6 Finally. If the trip to Media the County by the annual Sale of 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Worship ............................ Local Churches Christmas Seals. the sole sup- Courthouse (three miles) is too 11:00 A.M.-50th Anniversary Service ............ Methodist Church far to go, there are five notaries port of_the Tuberculosis Associa8:00 p.M.-Evening Service ............................ Methodist Church Frances Pearson of Cornell avein the village who send tor tion." Mr. Bernhardt said. Alnue and Betty 'McCahan of Strath MONDAY. JANUAlRY 7 though returns of the 1951·C!uist- the license upon request. and an Haven avenue will return. to Wil18 cent baUdling charge. mas Seal Sale have reached only 9:30 A.M.-Board Meeting ................................ Woman's Club 88 percent of the amoUnt ·needed Dog-owners who do not have son College Sunday. 7:45 P.M.~ouncil Meeting ................................ Borough Hall Seymour Preston of Farnum to carry on. :the1952 'program of 1952 licenses for their pets should TUESDAY. JANUARY 8 road. Media entertained at a bufwork. be expressed hope that those keep in mind a brand neW slogan. 2:00 P;M.--.stated Meeting ................................ Woman's Club residents who received the ...a1s possibly worthy· of· theS.P.C.A.- fet supper Friday eveni!>g In honor 8:00 P.M.-Great Books ...c............................ Presbyterian Church in the mail and· have failed to "A license on the collar is worth of Carlos Onana of 'Caramis. VenezUela. Seymour and his guests, acknowledge their letters will do a life in the pound." . THURSDAY. JANUARY 10 including 1951 classmates of so in the next few days and thus 7:00 ~.M.-Father·s Night .................................... Woman's Club insure that the program of work Mary Corse of Yale· avenue ,..,- Swarthmore High School, later atfor the c:om1ng :year will not have turned to Dickinson College Wed, tended th.e Ice Follies in Philanesday after the holiday vacation. delphia. to be c:urtalled. i LEROY RIDDLE DIES SUDDENLY ELEGY FOR THE UNLICENSED DOG of tt . • i can "¥. : - THE .- JANUARY 4, 1952 JANUARY 4, 1952 THE SWARTHMOREAN 2 evergreens tipped with silver, calla lilies flanked with candelabra. The lighted tapers at the end of each pew were encircled with Christmas greens topped with sllvered rhododendron leaves. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. William BucJiiiiian Miss Elizabeth Lu'kens crothers, of Washington Court House, 0., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel have announced the engagement Crothers, Jr., of "Rowin-Brae", of their daughter Ellen to Mr. Wallingford, became the ·brlde of Peter Marsland Hay, son of Mr. Mr. !Blackwell Jones Hawthorne of and Mrs. Edward N. Hay of Ogden Arlington, Va., son of Mr. and Mrs. The bride, given in marriage by avenue. Robert Hawthorne of Kenbridge, her father, wore a gown of blushThe bride-elect, a graduate of on Saturday afternoon at 3:30 pink satin fashioned with a fitted Miami and Ohio State Universities, I n',elm,k in the Swarthmore Pres_l,booice v.ith yoke of silk maris a member of the faculty of byterian Church. quisette flowers fagotted together ~;~~~n~. State Normal College, . h Mr. Hay, a graduate of AntIoc · S t U ' College and 0 h10 ta e roverSl.\ Y, is a research chemist with the cellophane division of Olin Industries, New Haven, Conn. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop performed the ceremony before a background of Christmas greens tipped with silver, calla lilies six lighted candelabra. The churcb pews lead,'ng to the altar held candelabra entwined with branches of 'I ed' ght evergreens and s, ver ,vy cau ~~~ ":':~~:~o:'::,::ls,:~ heirloom veil of illus,'on' edged with Brussels lace, had been worn by her mother and sister. and she Bmms carried pink camellias and !illesh'tof • . Arnold Redding of Mr. and Mrs. f h the valley with a sower 0 W I e velvet leaves. Furness lane, Wallingford, anI n'DUllce the birth of a baby daugh- with a rosette of silvered rhodaMr. and Mrs. Henry I. Hoot of dendron leaves. Lafayette avenue have announced The bride, given in marriage by the engagement of their daughter, her father, wore a wedding gown Helen Kepner, to Frank B. Ozmun, of Chantilly lace over satin feaJr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. turing a deep bertha embroidered Ozmun· of Rochester, N.Y. with irridescent sequins on the Miss Hoot attended Oberlin'!lrCoe,,,I'-11 fitted bodice and on the lace panJege and graduated from els over a skirt of satin. Her Mary Institute of Technology with a B.S. Stuart bonnet of lace and sequins degree In Business rell from a two-tier veil of illusShe is a member of Delta ion and she carried calla !illes and Epsilon Sorority.. She is carnations tipped. with silver. associated with the Presbyterian Mrs. Robert G. Kerr of Woodlyn, Board of Educ.ation. as matron of honor for her sister, Mr. Ozmun graduated from the wore a gown of white lace and University of Roche..ter with a I3.S. In Mechanical Engineering. tulle fashioned with a capelet of lIe is a member of Beta Delta Gam- Chantilly lace and a full skirt of ma Fraternity. He Is now employ- tulle. She carried a bouquet ed by Westinghouse. white carnations and calla !illes The announcement was made at with gold leav~s, and wore matcba tea on Saturday, given In honor ing leaves In her hair. of Miss Hoot by Mrs. A. H. Knabp The bridesmaids, Mrs. Samuel of Princeton avenue. Crothers, 3rd, of Philadelphia, Miss ·An October wedding Is planned. Carolyn Henry of WaUingford, Wesley Oler of Harvard avenue, and Mrs. Thomson LittleAnnouncement Is made of the field of New York, wore engagement of Miss Natalie F. gowns of lace and tulle with silRoos, daughter of Mrs. Jechebet T. ver accesories. And they Roos and Mr. Harry B. Roos of white nowers with silver leaves. Wilmington, Del., to Lt. Cbrls- Their tiaras were of allver leaves. topher MacDonald Swan, Jr., U.s. Reyne Farqul1ar as nower girl, M.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Swan of wore a Kate Greenaway frock of TIlt. Holyoke place. white organza and carried a silver lV"rlss Roos graduated from Pierre b~ket filled with white flowers. S. duPont IDgh Scbool and. Cen- J.Mr. Calvin Sizer Of 'B~efIeJd, W. tenary Junior College. She is a Va., served as best m~, and the senior at the University of Dela- ushers included Messrs. William C. ware graduating In February. Steadman of Pine Top, N.C., RobLt. Swan is stationed at Quanti- ert Hawthorne, Carlton Ha_ co, Va. He Is a graduate of William Hawthorne, brapal Academy and the University thers of the. groom, and Samuel of Detaware. He is a member of Crothers, Srd. the Theta Chi Fraternity. A reception at the 'Media Woman's Club followed the ceremony. FOur tall Christmas trees· decorMr. and Mrs. Stewart.ReIun ated In gold and silver mowfiakes featured on the floor of the Thorban of Swarthmore aveclubhouse. 'rhe three-piece ornue, have announced the ~e­ ment of ·their daughter, Miss Joan chestra of David Haas entertalned IAlice Thorbalm, to !Mr. Paul J. during the reception and for ciane-' Rutan, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. ing. The bride's mother wore a gown of dark gray lace over charRutan of Ogden avenue. Miss Thorbahn, a graduate of treuse taffeta with small hat of SWarthmore High School, attended green velvet leaves and gold mesh VE"il. Her corsage was of green Tusculum. College. cYnlbidiunn orchdds. Mr. Rutan attended Bucknell University and was graduated After a wedding trip 10 Sea from Purdue University. He is now Island, Ga., Mr. and 14rs. Hawa naval air cadet stationed· at Pen- thorne will reside in Arlington. sacola, Fla. The announcement was made FIGGAlT - lUFF Sunday afternooil·. when Mr. and Miss Sallie Bloom Iliff, daughMrs. Thorbahn entertained inform- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley ally ~n honor of the couple. Iliff of Weymouth road, SpringMrs. Marguerite Wildman Oggier of Montchanin, Del., has announced the engagement of her daughter, Aimee Wildman, to Langdon Elsbree, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayland H. Elsbree of Wallingford. -'. Mr. and Mrs. Elsbree held open house last Thursday at whicb time the announcement was made. Miss Wildman was graduated from Earlham College last June. Mr. Elsbree is a senior at Earlham. A summer wedding is planned. The Community Arts Center Announces An Open House and RegistratWn Day . Sunday, January 6 1l:30 - 5:00 P oM. field. and Lt. Marshall Figgatt, USMCR., of Quantico, Va., son of and Mrs. Tinney Cavenaugh Figgatt of New York City, were married Saturday evening at a candlelight cermony at 8 o'clock In the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Joseph' P. 'Bishop officiated before an altar banked SALE! The groom, who is attending the Marine Corps School at Quantico, was graduated from the Buckley and Loomis Schools, N.Y., and Middlebury College. The bride entertained her attendants at a luncheon .at. The duPont COllntrY Club' on Friday, December 28. Mr. and Mrs. Iliff, the parents of the bride, entertained the wedding party and out-of-town guests at a dinner at the Rolling Green Golf ClUb following the rehearsal Friday evening. The honor attendants [iI • OUlee at Swarthmore, P&., under the Act of March 3, 11119. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SERVICE SALE $5.00 A ·Group· of Blouses - . .. AGroupofS~ $7.00 A Group of Better Dresses and Co~ts Greatly Reduced The Bride is a graduate of Swarthmore High Scbool and Middlebury College, Vt., and is now attending the University· of Pennsylvania ,Graduate School. . • 15 South Chester Road ~. ~============ SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL MAGAZINES YOIIR HEALTII COMEI FIRIT •• Fri. and Sat. JIIDA> Baver - WIWam L1IIIdIpa ''LOVE NEST" Plenty of laughs-don't miss it! Sat Night only feature times 6,8, and 10 • Pharmacy ;S ; lilh I .- .* Speeial ChIldren'. Bilow SUarda:rlPoM. Abbo" and Costello "TIME OF THEIR LIVES" serial and I recogni2~u U ".II. PIC' • ",iD .. a, .aw. .. 111&tilO of tile (till ia • reculat..r b,- law. It . . • ~ ~ objec:tift tile ." .. 7 SKIRTS _sh ••' h' it . . i '. tile ..,"ift i r5e .. .sEll" . . . . . .. t' ..... " 2 rio DRESSES. ROBES ""'1 , • : .elc •.•1 r 1'_"" pi; • 7 he WI "", '!T" sl".,.... __ 1Ieefllllt - THE C:HIIDREN'S SHOP '211 " . • The monthly meeting of the Executive Board will be held In the lounge of the club house at 9:30 a.m. Monday, January 1. The Music Department will resume chorus rehearsals at 10 8.m. Tuesday. Mrs. Robert West, chairman of the department, Is the director. The Stated Meeting of the club, will be held on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Mrs. ,Helen E. Heydrick, direetor of the Crime Prevention Association, .will speak. on "'The Art of Living' Together." On Wednesday at 1:45 p.m. the Travel Group, a new project of the club, will meet at. the home of Mrs. Joseph B. Shane on the College Campus. The program will be given by Mrs. Arthur E. Bassett. On Thursday, January 10, at 10 a.m..the American home department will bold a class In early American tray painting under the direction of Mrs. William C. Mor- DON'T HESITATE Holy Communion will be celeSunday morning at 9:30 and 11 brated at 8 o'clock Sunday morno'clock serviceS Mr. stettner will ing. All departments of the Church calling us. The cost is not preach on l"Ornnipolencea" School will resume classes at 9:30 All departments of the Church a.m. At 11 o'clock there will be a high. It is determined by you, School and the Women's and Men's celebration of the Holy CommunBible Classes will meei on Sun- ion. A service ot Evening Prayer day morning at 9:30. will be held at 6:45 p.m. followed The Junior HI Fellowship will by the regular meeting of the meet at 6 o'clQck Sunday evening Young People's Fellowship. DIRICTOR5 0. ,UNIRaLS in McCahan Hall, the Senior Hi Choir School will meet on MonFellowship will meet at 1 o'clOek day and Wednesday at 4 o'clock: 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Room in the Parish House. The and full rehearsal will be held at OLIVER H. BAIl, Founder MARY A. BAIl. P,..ldonl Young Adults will meet for sup- 1:30 p.m. Thursday. per at 6:30 Sunday evening folTelephone RI 6-1581 There will be a celebration of lowed by a discussion led by John the Holy Communion at 1:15 a.m. Stettner. Wednesday. At 10 o'clock the The C~ffee Hour will be held sewing group will resume its meetafter the 11 o'clOek service on ings, under the chairmanship of Sunday morning, in MAhan Hall. Mrs. Norman O. Hulme. These The Stated Annual Meetings of meetings will be held In the new the Swarthmore' Presbyterian parish room next to the offices. Church congregation and Corpora- Those attending are requested to tion will be held on 'Monday eve- bring their own sandwiches. Cofning, January " at 1:30 in Mc- fee will be served.' cahan Hall. You can trade smooth The Woman's Assoclatton ·wIll meet on Wednesday, January 9. dangerous tires for The Official Board meets toThe executive board meeting at night at 8 in the cburch. 10:15 In the Woman's Association NEW IlitE SAFETY The Church School ",eets at NEWS NOTES Room, will be followed by the You get GREATER 9:45. Classes are .provided for Worship Service-''The PoWer of Johnny Bates of North Chester • NON-SKID SAFETY Prayer" ~d by Mrs. Oscar Hart, children, of all ag"!l and for adults. road celebrated his thirteenth anTread-worn tlr... skid, slip and The Young Adults meet at 9:45 and special music In the Church at spin • • • Invite pundur.. and. nlv'll'sary Friday evening by enIn the" Ladies' Parlor. blowouts. Trade now befoN bod 12 o'clollk. Luncheon will be servThe Fiftieth Anniversary ser- tertaining a groull of friends at a weather really Ifart•• ed by! Circle 4, Mrs. Agnes M. vice will ·be held at 11 o'cloek. birthday party. YOU AVOID TROUBLE Haig Sheldon, chairman, at 12:30, Georgie Glaesser of Dartmouth Rev. Samuel MacAdams, a former • 90~ of aU tlr. ",)ubl. occurs In followed by th"", business meeting, la.t. 10,," of your tlr••' life. pastor of the churCh, will be the avenue c~lebrated his seventh and eleetlon and Installation of Irade befOre trouble and avoid birthday last Thursday Iby enterthlt 10% danger zone• officers. Margaret Barnes will be guest preacher. • The Evening Service, .under the taining nine of his second grade W. carry a complete line of famous the speaker. auspices of the Young Adults, will friends with a birthday luncbeon The Cherubs Choir will rehearse be held at 8 o'clock. Dr. William at the IngieneUk. His ~ests were on Saturday,January 12, at 10:30. Bal'bara . 'Blrd, Sara' Beth Grier, E. Hordern will be the speaker. -The;Juntor Chotr will on , The Church Nursery is open Susan WIlliamS, Janice Cmoll, Thursday, January io, at 3:30 and. during the morning service. Mrs. Deane Calhoun, Hoppy Delano, LIBERAL ALL~WANCF "'''R YOUR OLD TIRES the Chapel Choir will rehearse on John Patterson, David' Hannum Charles R. Beacham and Mrs. Ray Thursday, January 10, at 1:45. and Johnny Pierson. L. Harlow will be In charge. A Parent-Teacher Meeling will Barpara Thorbalm of SwarthThe ushers for the day are Albe held on Sunday evening, Janton P. Smith, George Glaesser. more' avenue, a student at Gettysnary 13 at 8 o'clock In McCahan Charles L. Hughey and Richard M. burg CoIlege, during the holiday VlIBSTIIB aIld FAnUm" ROAM Jlall. vacation spent several days at Snyder. PHOn SWABTIDIOBE 6-8611 The Board of Education will Lake Placid, N.Y. with a group of hold its meeting on Tuesday eve- college friends. ................. AUUWAA............. b4J4_ Mrs. E. Dwight Brauns of Vas- ~':'" ning at 8 at the home of Mrs. George E. Ellls, 133 Rutgers ave- sar avenue entertained at a miscellaneous shower Wednesday nue. 8WAl\THMOJIJII The Woman's Society of Ch,rist- afternoon i'n honor of 'Miss Jane PRmSBY'l'lIttUAN CIlURCJI Ian Sen(ice meets at luncheon on Richardson of Lafayette avenue J_1Ib P. BWulp. JOalater Wednesday at 12:30. The reg- whose engagement has been re· John StettDer, Asalatant . cently announced.. Sunda:r, .J...1I8I'7 6 ular meeting follows. , 9:30 A.M.-Church School and 'Miss Richardson was guest of The Boy Scouts m.....t on WedBible Classes. honor at a neighborhood tea gtven 9!30 and 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Stettner nesday at 1 p.m. in the Social Hall. Thu~sday afternoon by ·Mrs. A. E. Rehearsal for the Junior Choir will preacb.· Is held Thursday at 6:30, for the Longwell of Lafayette avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Almgren and Senior Choir at 1:45. METHODIST CIlURCJI family of Princeton, N.J. fonnerly Roy N. K'eiIer. D. D., IIIDlIter Sunday, .Jan1l8l'7 8 Frien... MeeIinar No4ea of Swarthmore, were week-end 9:41 A M --Church School an4 First Day School will be held at gU",ts of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wolf Youn, Adult-. of Park avenue. 11:00 A.'M.-Fiftleth Anniversary 9:45. 'Meeting for Worship will PIi Jimmy Wolf has returned to UrService. Samuel MacAdams will preach held at 11 a.m. In the Meeting sinus College after spending' the 11:00 A.M.~hurch Nurser:r House. Visitors are welcome. Chll- holidays at his home on Park ave8:00 P.M.-Evening Service dren w1l1 be cared for in WbltUer nue. . . Wednesda", January' House. Mrs. A. E. Longwell of Lafayette 1:15 A.M.-Holy Communion The 'Friendly Discussion Group avenue has returnetestant Episcopal MIssion were directors at their annual meeting held on Tuesday afternoon, June on Wednesday, January 8. He suc- 16, 1895, at 3:45. EIght years later, ceeds the late EIrlc S. Sproat. on October 18, 1903, TrinIty Church Mr. Ogram has been connected was consecrated. At that time It with the Swarthmore Bank since was known as the smallest EplscoJune, 1923, when he came from the pal Church 'in' the United States. Kennett Trust Company, Kennett The original chureh, which was Square, to become Assistant Cashier made of shingles, was for years a here. In January, 1928, he became familiar sight to residents of AssIstant ,Cashier and Assistl!nt sw~ore. That building was re,Trust '_O~ft..r,. belnlt","I1vnnced,"to' MoVl!dJast Bpring-tolilake way for Assistant Cashier a,nd Trust Offl- the new addition. cer In 1943. _ The new cl!aucel has been furIn January 1947 he was named nlshed with three handsOme meVice President and TrUst Officer morlal gifts-a new, marble altar and In July, 1949, he became Vice given by the late Arthur G. Jack President, Cashier, and Trust Of-, in memory of his Wife, Mary D. f1cer of the Bank. Since December, Jack; Ii carved wooden lectern and 1951 he has been Vice President and parapet given by Mrs. J. DeHaven Trust Officer. He has served as a Ledward in memory of her father, Director of the Bank since Janu- Arthur G. Jack, and a maMhlng ary, 1944. pulpit and parapet given anonyA graduate of the Graduate mously by a friend of the parish as School of Banking, Rutgers UnI- an act of graUtude for a frIendverslty, In 1937, Mr. Ogram Is a ship of years standiJig. The old orformer president of the Swarthmore gan was removed early in DecemBusiness Association, B former pres- ber, and has been replaced. by a Ident of the Delaware County new Hammond organ. Bankers Association, II former dl- In addition to the new chancel, rector of the Swarthmore Publlo there are new office rooms and Library Association which he served class rooms, and many other 1m! as treasurer for six years, a former provements which wIII mean more member of the Board of Trustees adequate fIlcllIties for parish proof' the Swarthmore Presbyterian grams, and Church School acUvl-' Church, and tres,surer of Swarth- ties. more Borough, having held office The architect for the new addlsince 1946. tion was Howell LeWis Shay. of Mr. and Mrs. Ogram have two Philadelphis, and the contractor, sons, Harold, Jr.. a sophomor'l at Robert G. Hibberd of ~vertown. University of Pennsylvania and Following the Service of DedlcaDonald who is a student at Bullis tlon Sunday evening, there will be School, Silver Springs, Md. a parish reception in the basement of the church; HEADS POLIO DRIVE Mrs, J. V. S. Bishop of Harvard avenue is '.local chairman of the 1952 March of Dimes Drive, assisted by Mrs. MIlton H. Fussell. The campaign, which began January 2, this year, and will continue for the entire month, will be highlighted by the Porchllght Mothers March, set for January 22. MEDITATION ON THE 15th The Ides of' March, for example, Impressed Caesar in 44, B. C., and since 1913 It has depressed a large proportion the entire citizenry of the U. S. The 16th of each month can' be oppressive to employers who pay bl-monthly, but to the employee It's a mark of success. But to the unlicensed dog basktng on the 'doorstep or In front of the fire" there's one month out of l;I-JanuanU.&'....wbe!tl, it's.1I' _ of, doom:'Dog ,Urer:ses ....,;. sTILi. avaU8ble at the five BoroIl8h No- of W7 offIceB. 'ri.ere are four laJB ieft. Fire Co: $3.50 PER YEAR The eighth and tenth grades will meet for Informal parties at the Junior Assemblles tomorrow night at the Woman's Club. The eighth grade at 7:30 pm. will have Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole as their hosts with Mr. and Mrs, Donald P. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Rubin as chaperons. At 9,:30 p.m. ,Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bloom will be the hosts for the tenth grade, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey, Mrs: W1lllam DeCaindry and Mrs. George Jarden. Ogram Heads Local Bank Your "Dutch Treat" For Clubwomen Am. Home Dept. Presents Mrs. Helfferich at Jan. 15 Meeting At the general meeting of the Woman's Club on TUesday. January 15, the American home department, chairmen Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf and Mrs. J. Roy Snape, will . have charge of the program. Mrs. Anna Knauer Helfferlch speaker for the afternoon, wID present "A Dutch Treat", a talk. on the Pennsylvania Dutch Illustrated with her collection of J)utch handicraft, .:... qUllts, pottery, rugs, and many other articles. Mrs. HeUterich Is thl' wife of Donald L. HeUferlch, vice president of Ursinus College, Collegeville. A graduate of Ursinust a mem.. ber of A. A. U. W., she gives her help In many activities of the college. Club members remember h,er as a dellghtful speaker on 'a program about five years ago. Since then Mrs. Hemerlch has added greatly to her collection, and all who attend will be assured of a real UDutch Treat." , HtlStesses for the day' are: Mrs, WUlIam F. Taylor, Mrs. Robert A. Allison, Mr•. Philip G. Wrightsman, and Mrs. Charles T. Deacon. At the taa table, Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter and Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, Jr., will pour. , During Januai'y the health and welfare department will receive contributions for the County Federation project of furnishIng the kitchen of :the Delaware County Branch of the Peilnaylvarl!a Association for the BUnd In Chester. Citizens Create Ska Clu·h ling" At the Monday night meeting of the Borough Councll consent war given to the newly-fOrmed swarthmore Skating Club for the use of a portion of the Mason Bnllders lot on Dartmouth avellue to be flooded for ice skating. Last Sunday a group of publlc-splrlted citizens, old and young, spent some three hours clearing the area 100 by 100 feet. A number of other citizens have already contributed money In varyIng amounts to get the project started. The Swarthmore skating Club has been formed with the following officers: William Prentice, presldent; Robert' Amsden, vlcepresldent; Joseph Reynolds, treasurer; and Mrs. Gordon Lange, secretary. Other members of the Board Inh clude A. Sidney Johnson Jr., w 0 Is clearing posstble legal obstacles. Oliver Rodgers and Gordon Lange, ,When the proper legal steps have been taken and the weather man gives a spell of freezing weather the community of Swarthmore will have skating for young and old alike. Margaret S. Taylor, secretary of the Mason BUllders Company, has given time and encouragement to the project and has made it possible for the Club to use the property at a purely nominal cost. To Insure continuous supervision and efficient operation personnel will be needed and has been 8I'f8IlIIed. The club anticipates' operating expenses will be slight provided wIlllng hearts and hands lend continuous and enthuslastlc support. Capital i!xpenses for such items as gnjcIlng, water and insurance will be borne by donatiOns, 80 the group asks Interested residents to send thetr contrtbutlcins to Jm;eph Reynolds. It Is the committee'S hope to have al SUIT the TASTE of EVERYONE TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to erder MARGIE'S FAMOUS CINNAMON BUNS on SUNDAY AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Comfortable Rooms Day or Week Elevster STRATH HAVEN INN Swarthmore, Pa. WAl,TER J. Telephone Swarthmore 6·0680 PARROTT, Mgr. FREE PARKING Camera & Hobby Shop ALL YEAR ROUND Cameras Movie. Still Projectors Films Chemicals Papers Albums Gadget Bags COURTESY PAYS There's·a lot of nonsense going around about rayon Cilrpets For example, some stores are talking as though the manufal!'!turers are going to stop making all-wool carpet, and you'd better . get it while you can. This is utter nonsense-plenty of all-wool carpet is 'being made and will be made. Then there is the implication that rayon carpet is not really good. This, too, is nonsense. There is, of course, ,bad and good in rayon as there is in wool. The best quality carpet rayon, which is used by Mohawk and other leading manufacturers, is of go'od coars~ stock, has greater tensile strength than wool, has uniform length and diameter, and is naturally clean, white, moth-resistant. . Carpets made with this best quality virgin carpet rayon resist soiling satisfactorily and are easily cleaned in most cases. Blended carpets also have a new lustre, a new 'beauty, and improved surface coverage. They are almost identical in appearance with wool carpets, except for improved lustre an4 clarity of color.· Best of all, rayon-blended carpets cost less than 100% wool carpets, and they are keeping low the price of wool and wool carpets. AJ, offers a· complete selection of all-wool~ all acetate, wool and rayon, and acetate and " "'" '" gOn nylon carpets by the leading manufacturers in the United States of America. (We do not carry foreign carpet.) All carpets sold by Paulson are guaranteed to give satisfactory ;ervice. Hobb,. SuppUes Water Colors. Papers H. O. Trains Oil Colors, Papers Airplanes Charcoal Pencils Autos, Boats Charcoal Papers Gimp Show Card Colors Leather Goods Construction Paper Wood Burning Sets Modeling Clay JigSaws 100 Perk Ave., Swarthmore, P•. SWARTHMORE 6-0600 KNOWS Carpet 60 Times In 1951 on party-line telephones, too • Little courtesies, like helping Granny off the train, help to make life happier. • • the People of Swarthmore called upon the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association. Consideration for the other fellow is the basis of good party-line telephone service, too. If you are always courteous on the telephone, you're sure to find your party -line neighbors the same. Remember the three R's of partyline courtesy - Relinquish the line as soon as possible when you bear others try to use it; Replace the receiver gently when you find the line in lISe; RegWa,te your caJls so that others Only Once In 1951 • • • did the S. F. & P. A. call upon the people • • • our Fund Drive for 1952 is now on. Please send your $5.00 to Swarthmore Fire and Protective may use the line inb IweeD. Association. Laurance Blundin, Treasurer, Box 261, TRE BELL TELEPHONE . COMPAh' Swartlimore, Pa. Df PE NNSn'YH I A e Art Supplies • . Support Your Fire Co. : ' \~' ·.I,!.'.:()/ '\ (F .;---•... ( " I, · • '. • Support THE SWARTHMOREJiN Two Blind Mice To Open Monday FrIdayS 8 til 9 TOYS - :" ~ ~ Your Fire Co. VOLUME 24-NUMBER 2 405 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore B-U91 ,:' ==~~==~-----------O~~~~~~rnw~~--------------~==----­ SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1952 $3_50 PER YEAR til..ocl'asl.:d .. Julie Lange of Cedar lane returned to Oberlin College Wednrsday following the holiday vacation. Julie entertained at a luncheon at her home Friday when her guests included 1951 classmates of Swarthmore High School. • - F r,'mcc$ Pearson of Cornell haveI' her daughter's family the Paul -.T. gents of St. Paul, Minn., before nue during the Christmas 0 1d Plll'nas' of Earlham College, Rich- returning home. d~·ys. Vonny returned Wedncs :iY to Pcnn State where she is a sopho- l'hlladclphln. 10. l'aHllSyh'unla ,<-. JANUARY 4, 1952 . d Mrs. George E. Silloway of North mond, Ind. ·She will visit her =~__~===~~====~==~~~==~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ .. c,·ly of westdale avenue, Jack Smith of Mer t on, a JunIOr Chester road spent Christmas with brother's family the H. H. Sar- NEWS NOTES ---"" .~ ............... January Show Boasts Three Directors, Large Cast "TWO Blind Mice," a refreshing satire on Washington foibles, Is the Swarthmore Players Club's current show, opening 8:20 p. m., Monday, January 14, for a week's performances at the Fairview road theater. Dr. A. Francis Jackson, with the combined forces of Nat Doughty and Charles F. Seymour, dIrects the cast of 26 (including an eIght voIce choir) in Samuel' Spewack's versIon of agencies alpha... betical, security measures excessive and the mind military in the natlon's Capitol. Jean N. MacGlathery and Mr. Doughty head the cast, one of the largest in Club history, with Alice A. West and Mary Ry~n O'Brien as direct.ors of an abolished agency. running a close second. Thomas H. Lueders, Isabel R. Seymour, William Gibson, Jane Krause, J. David Narbeth and James Feight swell the population of greater Washington in one delightful capacity or another, while Bunny Abbott, Robert G. Glllflllan, Jr. and Mr. Seymour represent the Department of State, a Senator Kruger, and a Dr. McGill; respectively. Standing for the military are Walter Ziesner, Ward H. Speer, George H. Jarden, Lee Holloway and David Fisk. J. Burris West. Charles Izumi, Alice Putnam, Tom Hopper, otto Kraus, Charlotte Maas, H. C. Mobbottt and Caroline KE:enen sing In the choir. Behind the scenes Bill Jackson and Walker Penfield share stage managing responsibilities, Sam Bigger manipulates the lighting board. Patty Campbell and Charlotte Maas alternate as music makers, Mildred Bingham prompts. Betty Bentley, Millicent King, Patsy McCahan and Emma Pyle handle the make-up, as Stage Decorator Mrs. Thomas Jackson with her committee of three-Mrs. Milton Fussell, Mrs. Frank Keenen and Mrs. George Sickel-line up the properties. Swarthmorean Finds Temporary Quarters The Swarthmorean was left temporarUy homeless this week when a fire swept the Linwood Plant of Herman H. Truitt. Printer. Monday night's blaze destroyed, the shop, damaged the press and effectively cut off the power so that prospects for The Swarthmorean's January eleventh issue looked very sad 1ndeed. Through the hospitality of H. T. Busby, president and publisher of The Marcus Hook Herald and Claymont Clipper, The Swarthmorean was assured of thls week's issue and with his friendly cooperation was able to send it out promptly. Readers will understand. therefore. a change in the type of headlines, and other minor variations that may appear. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Six Stand For Library Board Eledion Jan_ 26, 28 Library to Name 2 of Able Group in Six residents of the Borough are standing for election to two vacancies on the Board of Directors of the Swarthmore Public Library Association. Voting will take place in the Library's temporary headquarters on Harvard avenue during regular Library hours on Saturday, January 26. and on Monday. January 28, until 8 p. m. when the ballot bo~ will be closed and the Annual Meeting of the Association wul convene. Results of the balloting ·will 'be allllounced durinG t.he meeting. Two incumbents have permitted their names to stand for reelection. Philip H. Jewett, Kenyon avenue resident. has served as a IJbrary director for nine years, three of them as president of the Board. He was formerly associated with the publishing of Lea Febiger and. until last summer. was Librarian at Penn State Center here. Mrs. John W. Seybold, 40 Amherst avenue, has served one, three year term during which she has held two year's office as vice-president and is the present treasurer. She is Education Chairman of the League of Women Voters. Harry E. Oppenlander, BenjaFormer SWarthmorean Dr. Nor- min West avenue. is science teachman N. Bassett. a practising phy- er In the local high school and a , sleian in Atlantic City. N. J .• for 35 former member of the Christian years, was buried in Salem. N. J. Hall Library Board at Chestnut Saturday, following his death on Hill. He is a graduate of SwarthJanuary 2. more College. Mrs. Robert Cadigan, He came to Swarthmore with his also a graduate of Swarthmore, is father, Dr. Frank L. Bassett and the mother of two children and the his brothers Herbert T. Bassett, wife of the Editor and General North Chester road, and the late Manager of the Presbyterian Life Dr. Arthur E. Bassett in 1893. He magazine. Her home is on Elm ave .. graduated· from SWarthmore Prepa- nue. Mrs. A. H. Knabb, Princeton averatory School, attended Swarthmore College, and graduated from nue resident and graduate of DrexHahnemann Medical College in el Institute of Technology, is a former teacher of Home Economics and 1910. He completed his internship at has served on the Board of DirecCrozer Hospital, Chester and began tors of the Chester Day Nursery. his practice of medicine in Salem Dr. Steven Whicher, 5 Whittier In 1!l12, moving to Atlantic City place, Is a member of the English Department of SWarthmore College five years later. where he teaches American LiteraAt the time of his death, he was ture and is on the College Library consultant in physiotherapy at the Committee. He is a graduate of Atlantic City Hospital, a member of Amherst COllege. with a master's the American Medical Association. degree from Columbia and doctor's >the Atlantic Co. Medical Associadegree from Harvard. The tenn of tion, Excelsior Lodge, F. and A. M. of office Is three years. of Salem, the Kiwanis Club and the Atlantlc City Stamp Club. Tri-Ddts to Meet In addition to his brother HerTri-Delta members from the bert, he Is survived by his wife, Margaret; and his mother, Mrs. Swarthmore area who will attend Frank L. Bassett of West Chester. the meeting, January 16 of the Phnadelphla West-Suburban AIIIKappa Sewing Group ance are: The Kappa Kappa .Gamma &owMrs. Jobn Bird, Mrs. Donald Ing Group will meet Tuesday, Jan- Grosset, Mrs. Richmond Fetherolf, uary 15, at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Robert IDlkert, Mrs. James Florence Broomall, 112 Cornell Lawrence, Jr., Mrs. Horace Knowles, avenue. ADn J4abbott and MrS. Earl WeItz. Dr. N. H. Bassett HAROLD OGRAM JUNIOR ASSEMBLIES The eighth and tenth grades will me~t for informal parties at the JW1lor Assemblies tomorrow night at the Woman's Club. The elghth grade at 1:30 p.m. wlll have Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole as their hosts with Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Rubin as chaperons. At 9:30 p.m. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Bloom will be the hosts for the tenth grade, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey, Mrs. WIlliam DeCaindry and Mrs. George Jarden. • Trinity To Hold Dedication Sunday Ogram Heads Local Bank Evening Service Marks Completion of Bldg. Project The Rt. Rev. Oliver J. Hart, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of Penn- sylvania, will dedicate the. new chancel at Trinity Episcopal Church New President Associated on Sunday evening. January 13, at With Bank for 28 8 o'clock. This service marks the Years compl'l.tion of the building project, Harold Ogram. Riverview road which has been under way since resIdent, is. the new president of the last March. Swarthmore National Bank and The opening services of what Trust Company, having been elect- then was known as the Trinity ed to that position by the Bank's Protestant Episcopal Mission were directors at their annual meeting held on Tuesday afternoon. June on Wednesday. January 8. He suc- 18, 1895, at 3 :45. Eight years later, ceeds the late Ell"ic S. Sproat. on October 18, 1903, Trinity Church Mr. Ogram has been connected was consecrated. At that time it with the Swarthmore Bank since was known as the smallest EpiscoJune, 1923, when he came from the pal Church in the United States. Kennett Trust Company, Kennett The original church, which was &i.~are, to become Assistant Cashier made of shingles, was for years a here. In January, 1928, he became familiar slffht to residents of Assistant Cashier and Assistant Swarthmore. That building was reTrust OlficE'r.· being ntlvnnced· to moved last dpring· to· make way for Assistant Cashier and Trust Offi- the new addition. cer In 1943. The new cltancel has been furIn January 1947 he was named nished with three handsome meVice Presldent and Trust Officer morial glfts--a new marble altar and In July, 1949, he became Vice given by the late Arthur G. Jack President. Cashier. and Trust Of-, in memory of his wife, Mary D. ficer of the Bank. Since December. Jack; a carved wooden lectern and 1951 he has been Vlce President and parapet given by Mrs. J. DeHaven Trust Officer. He has served as a Ledward in memory of her father, Director of the Bank since Janu- Arthur G. Jack, and a matching ary, 1944. pulpit and parapet given anonyA graduate of the Graduate mously by a friend of the parish as School of Banking, Rutgers Uni... an act of gratitude for a friendversity, In 1937, Mr. Ogram Is a ship of years stalldlrig. The old orformer president of the Swarthmore gan was removed early in DecemBusiness Association, a former pres- ber, and has been replaced by a Ident of the Delaware County new Hammond organ. Bankers Association, a former diIn addition to the new chancel, rector of the Swarthmore PubUc there are new office rooms and Library Association which he served class rooms. and many other im':' as treasurer for six years, a former provements which will mean more member of the Board of Trustees adequate facilities for parish proof - the Swarthmore Presbyterian grams, and Church School activiChurch, and tre~surer of Swarth- ties. more Borough, having held office The architect for the new addisince 1946. tion was Howell Lewis Shay, of Mr. and Mrs. Ogram have two Philadelphia, and the contractor, sons, Harold, Jr., a sophomore, at Robert G. Hibberd of Havertown. University of Pennsylvania and Following the Service of DedicaDonald who is a student at Bullis tion Sunday evening. there will be School. Silver Springs, Md, a parish reception in the basement of the church. HEADS POLIO DRIVE Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop of Harvard avenue is· local chairman of the 1952 March of Dimes Drive, assisted by Mrs. Milton H. Fussell. The campaign. which began January 2, this year, and will continue for the entire month, will be highlighted by the Porch light Mothers March, set for January 22. MEDITATION ON THE 15th The ides of March, for example, impressed Caesar in 44 B. C., and since 1913 it has depressed a large proportion of the entire cltlzenry of the U. S. The 15th of each month can be oppressive to employers who pay bl-monthly, but to the employee it's a mark of success. But to the unlicensed dog basking on the doorstep or in front of the fire, there'. one month out of 12--January 15-"when It's a day of doom. Dog licenses are STILL available at the five Borough NotarJ' offices. There are four lays left. CARROLL HEADS TRUSTEES J. Roy Carroll, Jr., was named president of the board of trustees of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church Tuesday night. Heston D. McCray, Jr., became vice-president; William Craemer, Jr., secretary. George M. Allen, financial secretary; James E. Davis, treasurer and Robert G. Erskin, Jr.. assistant treasurer. New Elder'l elected at Monday evening's annual meetlrig of the Swarthmore PresbYrterian Church congregation and corporation are George M. Ewing, Leslie A. Wetlaufer, C. Monroe Albright and Donald L. IDbbard. New tru.stees named Include Walter A. Schmidt, Robert G. Erskine, Jr., Horace H. Hopkins, and WlIlIam H. Brown. Deacons for new terms ar~ Mrs. J. B. Thompson, Mrs. George Warren, Raymond Winch, Bruce Smith and Mrs. Louise Plumer. "Dutch Treat" For Clubwomen Am. Home Dept. Presents Mrs. Helfferich at Jan. 15 Meeting At the general meeting of the Woman's Club on Tuesday, January 15, the American home department. chait'men Mrs. Leroy T . Wolf and Mrs. J. Roy Snape, will have charge of the program. Mrs. Anna Knauer Helfferich speaker for the afternoon. will present toA Dutch Treat", a talk on the Pennsylvania Dutch lIlustrated with her collection of Dutch handicraft. .::.- quilts, pottery, rugs, and many other articles. Mrs. Helfferich Is the wife of Donald L. Hel!ierlch, vice president of Ursinus College, Collegeville. A graduate of Ursinus, a member of A. A. U. W.o she gives her help in many activities of the college. Club members remember her as a delightful speaker on a program about five years ago. Since then Mrs. Helfferich has added greatly to her collection, and all who attend will be assured of a real UDutch Treat." , HOStesses for the day are: Mrs. William F. Taylor, Mrs. Robert A. Allison, Mrs. Philip G. Wrightsman, and Mrs. Charles T. Deacon. At the tea table, Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter and Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, Jr., will pour. During January the health and welfare department will receive contr.lbutlons for the county Federation project of famishing the kitchen of the Delaware County Branch of the PennsylvanIa Association for the Btlnd In Chester. Citizens Create Skating Club At the Monday night meeting of the Borough Council consent war given to the newly-formed Swarthmore Skating Club for the use of a portion of the Mason Builders lot on Dartmouth avenue to be flooded for ice skating. Last SWlday a group of public-spirited citizens, old and young. spent some three hours clearing the area 100 by 100 feet. A number of other citizens have already contributed money in varying amounts w get the project started. The Swarthmore Skating Club has been formed with the following officers: William Prentice, president; Robert Amsden, vice president; Joseph Reynolds, treasurer; and Mrs. Gordon Lange, secretary_ Other members of the Board include A. Sidney Johnson Jr., who Is clearing posslble legal obstacles, Oliver Rodgers and Gordon Lange~ When the proper legal steps have been taken and the weather man gives a spell of freezing weather the community of Swarthmore will have ska ting for young and old alike. Margaret S. Taylor, secretary of the Mason Builders Company, has given time and encouragement to the project and has made It possible for the Club to the property at a purely nominal cost. To insure continuous supervision and efficient operation personnel will be needed and has been arranged. The club anticipates> operating expenses will be slight provided willing hearts and hands lend continuous and enthusiastic support. Capital expenses for such items as grading, water and insurance will be bome by donations, so the group asks Interested residents to send their contributions to Joseph Reynolds. It Is the committee's hope to have skating start this week. Enthusiasts are asked to watch for future announcements. ... .. - .... '. JanWII'Y 11, 1952 THE SWARTHMOREAN ~ MIss Krase graduated from Mount BIRTH turned to her home on parI< avenue 'Holyoke College and is now teacbMr..and Mrs. Earnest Rogers anlast week after a two monthS stay Ing at the FrIends' ,school In HaV- nounce the birth of a daughter, MrS. E. Van S. Cleveland re- News Notes , . Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, Jr. ot WBillnllford, e"""'"talned at a In Palm Beach and Coral Cables, erford. . their second child, on December 31 luncheon at the Ingleneui< TUesday Fla Mr. Rumpf, a graduate at Union In Rantoul, Dlinois. Mrs. Rogers is at one p. m. The guests 01 honor ~IOres cooper, daughter of Mr.. College, is an engineer with the the tormer Vlrglnla Engle, English ~eydrlck were Mrs. Helen E. speaker for the Woman s Club, Mrs. Robert D. McDonald, County Federatlon chairman of Health, and Mrs. Joseph M. Hebb, county chair.. man of Welfare. Other guests were Mrs. R. K. Denworth, MrS. WlllIam Turner, aud Florence J. Lucasse. Mrs. McCreery Gray Tomldes and Mrs. O. Cooper of Kenyon ave-j Oeneral ElectriC company In nue, has returned, after a holiday SChenectady, N. Y. visit with her parents to Morgan A summer wedding is being S\Ilte . College, Baltimore, Md., planned. where she Is a freshman. ! . . Mr. and MrS. Cllarles L. Bolton SATURDAY'S BRIDE returned to their home on Cedar The marriage of' MIss Dorothy lane Saturday following a ChrISt- Nissen, daughter of Mrs. Cllarlotte mas holiday at the Princess In Ber- Nissen of Harvard avenue, and Mr. I muds. Doris Greene at South Chester road has returned to the University of Delaware after a two weel< vacaIth h ts Mr d Mrs tion w er paren . an. Grover C. Oreene. Doris was a guest unda of MIss Ball head of the S y ey UniversitY's art department, who entertained the art majors at d1nner ~ergency operation on New Year's Carolyn VerValen of Baltl- Miss ri;. Burton W. Jones visitedMrs his more, Md., arrives tonight to spend the weekend with the Howard G. HOPSODS of Rutgers avenue. Priscilla Rogers of Park avenue L returned TUesday to oeorge Sehool u,fter a holiday vacation with her parents Mr. and MrS. Alban E. Regers. Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden entertalned her Eightsome on Tuesday with a lunCheon at the Ingleneuk, before dancing class, Saturday evenlng. , Carol Williams of Dagwood lane will enrertaln her sixth grade classmates at a supper party at her home tonight. . Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter of Columbia avenue will entertain Mr. followed by bridge at her home on Hutchins. Park avenue. The Bride, given In marriage by her tather, was gowned In CIIanENROUTE TO JAPAN tniy lace over a chanJpagne satin Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore Elllisb, then, to depend on oth~. WhwI 'Dr I. "oma to you or any member of your f.miq _ _ ,..ilt your physician without dela7. .~ is a licenced Be lUre tbat M.D. from an ac:c:nclitM.1J of medidne. Then brine your for ezpcrt eomPOIDlo:gfn , .-.. ~DJ(JIJRNED Cellar Walls Re-Plastered Phone Swarthmore &-2526 But ••• before this Company's retes can be raised, they are subject by law to investigation and review by the Pennsylvania Publlc Utility CnmmtB8JOn. we must' buy and'supplies prices that to rise. ~ Mrs.. George Logan, with Mary Asphalt or Concrete new year. Quarantined at. present are Eugene Melcher, Davies MosprIp, Sally Huse, Gloria PeIrsoJ, and Joseph Moran. FInIshed wttb tbe measly germ are Billy Belk and Martha Ann Moscrlp, whOe Philip Vincent, m, has successfully worked his way . News Notes Driveway Construction starts the Borough· Health record off on a , ~~=-~"=-r=-'~"='-~ PETER DI NICOLA A small outburst of measles . ". ~', THE SWARTHMOREAN ______________ COURT'S Since 1905 HERE AGAIN thrOugh . . chicken-pox. ~ Palnte,. " Paper Hangers We should know how Swa. 6-2266 Michigan Aye. . '. ~ Stoke& NUTsinJ( Home , Morey Lecture On Medieval Art Why it is Necessary to: ~aise Telephone Rates ____ __________ I " . ...... • ' . ',THE SWARTHMOREAN 8 (two years); and Mrs. Joseph Seal" Mary Elizabeth Logan of CorneD New Term Starts assistant health officer (two years); avenue returned Monday'to the January 21 Ambrose VanAlen and Mrs., Peter ICollege of Chestnut HllI, PblladelBe........ and Speolal ~ E. Told library board (two years); phla, where she Is a sophomore. ,In AU Commerclal Subjecte Gus Houtman, engineer, (two Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard ell dis years). , a v e n u e entertained at a luncheon Swarthmore Borough eoun - At the request of a delegation ap- Monday for the chairmen and cocUS8td the proposed 1952 budget pearlng before council to protest chairmen of the MIssIonary Chapand totalling $111,417 at the Monday, the use of Westminster and Rut- ters of the Woman's Awd1iarY of night meetJug which followed Its gers avenues and Strath Haven ave- Trinity Chnrch.Mrs. Jacob S. bIssreorganization. Current assessed nue between them by heavy trucks ton, vice-president In charge of the valUAtion In the Borough Is $6,594- and to learn how to have the Bor- Mlssloos of the Woman's Auxlliary " 000, an Increase of $1,000,000 over ough assume the undedicated parts of the Diocese of Pennsylvan!& was the 1951 total. of those streets, Council ordered a the speaker at the meeting. A' four per cent Increase In pay title search made at the cost of $50,1 was voted borough pollcemen by as the first step In any action. II Council. A proposed petition Uraml by a H. LIndley Peel was elected to committee of residents to protest a his second term as president. EllIott mid county highway near the BarRichardson was reelected Borough ough was debated. Council Is aiSecretary, Harold Oinlm was re-I ready on record as opposing a new named Borough Secretary. C. D. highway through swarthmore. SChloesser, Jr.. Was sworn In as Plans presented by C. H. Prentice I Borough Auditor. and Gordon Lange for an Ice skllt• John M. Pearson was seated for ing rink on Mason _Builders' Jot. his second term and reappointed Dartmouth avenue. were declared Cbalrman of Publlc Safety. Walter In agreement with the zoning or.Random, ,rambllng texture, twisted loop pile, all wool fsce. H. Nason and Ambrose H. Van Alen dinance. Beige, Gray, Rose, Green. Widths to 15' $10 sq. yd. The bid of Joseph F. EllIs of were seated for their first terms, See Trendtex today. If you prefer, we come to your home with Nason being appointed as chalr- $2183. to Install a traffiC light at man of Publlc Property and Van Chester road and Baltimore Pike tamples. No obllgatlon. Alen as chairman of Accounts. I was accepted by Councn. Charles G. Thatcher was named A letter was read from H. B. LInchairman of Highways, Frank M: coin In appreciation of kindly and McCowan chairman of Finance, and courteous help by the police force. Thomas W. Hopper chalrman of Sewer. Reappointed were Mary P. IOOParlc Ave., Swarthmore. Pa. Dodd, collector of sewer rents (one alice barber( year); George EwIng, Board of AdSWARTHMORE 6-6000 justm-.,t (six years); Phlllp W. Kniskern. civil service commiSSion. old bank buildln~1 (six years);. Dr. J. Albright' Jones, health officer and milk Inspector Boro. Fathers. Wilcox Speaks Discuss Budget At Annual Banquet Clo;e to 200 members and guests of the swarthmore Mother's Club atten;!ed the annual Fathers' Night Dlno" which was' held by the club last evening at the Woman's Clubhouse. Clair Wilcox, Wharton Professor of Political Economy at Swarthmore College addressed the group on "The Class struggle In America." ThIs struggle, he described, as competition among organized groups of producers to control the dtstrl... bution of the nation's wealth. "Too many of us,'" he said. "are attemptIng to seek salvation not through measures that will prO'tluce a larger national product, but through measures that will obtain a larger share of the produce for the members of our particular group." Mr. WilcOX then contrasted thIS struggle against 'possl~le cooperation among the groups of producers-business, labor and agr1c~... ture-to turn out a greater total national product. He credited labor with the greatest economic power; ag..lculture with the greatest poIltlcal' power. "nuS polltlcal power," he emphasiZed. '''lles with the sturdy Indlvlduallsts who till the soll. . . somewhere between the haystack and the bam." In concluillng Mr. Wilcox said that group scarcities do not bring generhl plenty. . At the speakers table were Mrs. , Raymond K. Denworth, President of the swarthmore Woman's Club, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mace GoWing, Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Jone!, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bauer, and Dr. and MrS. Jobn B. Roxby. In addition to the committee aiready announced, Mrs. FranklIn Church, Mrs. Thomas S. Clay, and Mrs. William Durkin assisted with the serving. The hams were baked by Mrs. Edmllnd Jones, Mrs. Robert Shipman, Mrs. Leo Marshall and Mrs. Norman Weeks. The , ....t of the dinner was prepared by the members at large. Mrs. A. R. Crawford was general chairman; Mrs. Peter Coste was in charge of menu, and Mrs. Edmund Jones arranged the program. Mrs. Frank W. Chapman played the plsno during the 'A'new 120-horsepower Commander VB .. " ~.; A new Champion in the low price field. ~-----'--' 'I'IM~:N ~~ OIL a.EAT on. 111......(1\ Oil aGllIU _ Oil IU'"'NO WAIU "IATlI, DAYandNlG~ ~rt/g wu;fo:52 MONDAY TBRU SATURDAY SlINDAYS and HOLIDAYS SW 6-0740 COAL FIRE PLACE WOOD Je A. GHEEN" 1 so~ PRlNCBrON AftNt18 -... ............................................................ ... Now ....dy for you to see-now ready for you to drive-the far-advanced new 1952 Studehak en that all America has heen waiting for I They're .Ieek and beautifully proportioned DeW Studebakera-with a swept-back aerody- grace of line you're Sure to love on ~..J.t. And 1M ""6 It of all, the daringly difFerent de!'JninI of these IIOWest Studebaka: 8ty1e stars U F.USCO • k th line. The sparkling power th"y generate is _ impeded by unnecessary excess bulk. Stop In right _ay-theee new dreamlhWJ 195.2 Studebakers are on vi~ riPt n01f-~ . sprightly Studebaker Champion in the low prioe [ field-the brilliant-performing 12O-bonit '. • j fe SO ALSlO~., ~airview & CheSter Rds. .. , SWartb,olQi'e" Pa. '. . .. . " . .'- . - $3.50 PER YEAR al Eugene Duncan, who tor more Free Nursing, Education Funds school, returned to her classes toMrs. William Jaquette To than a quarter of B century h~ Whistles Tuesday Night Commemorate E. S. Sproat day atter a ten day absence. Early Be Honored At Tues. headed Swarthmore .mgh School s Initiate March Mrs. A. F. Jackson last week Miss Alleli serious.,. In- . Ceremony mathematic progrlllD, collagsed Bt On Polio school Monday afternoon and was j ured her left Index finger while TWo memorial health funds are carrying out her duties In the gym_ A S war thmore woman W ill be s Ig- taken to Taylor HospItal where a The Mothers' March on PoUo on established by action of the dlrec- nasium. Treatment at Taylor Hos- nally honored when the Pennsylva- serious heart ailment was diagnosed. January 22, from 7 to 9 p.m. will tora of the' Community Health pita] Involved an extensive tissue nla Citizens Association for Health At present no visitors are permit- be the climax of this year's drive for SOciety of Central Delaware Coun- graft. and' Welfare presents the 1951 ted. f~ds which are needed more than ty at the first monthly meetJug In MIss Allen has headed the girls Award for Outstanding Publlc Ser- ,He Is not expected to retum to ever to care for Victims of this past 1952, January 10. vice next week In Philadelphia. his classes for a number of weeks. season as well as those of recent One, an endowment fund to pro- program In Swarthmore for many Cited by the association as the' "Inyears Bnd has been largely responslMr. Duncan, who came to Swarth- epidemic years who still need aid. vide free nursing care, commemordlvldual who has made the most more from PrInceton University When the siren:; nn~ whistles begin ates theinore than 30 years of ble for the development of out- significant contribution to the standing girls physical edu.Btlon where he achieved Phi Bela Kappa to blow at 7 o'clock next Tuesday work and support given as a board health and welfare programs of the recognition resides at 615 Yale night. you will kuow it is time to and sports program which has .help' tum on your porch light so the ::~be~~c:!'~=~Z :e~;;:~ ed make Swarthmore Schools well- Commonwealth," Mrs. William A. avenue. known In Eastern Pennsylvania. J~quette of Elm avenue w!!l remother canvassing in your block scholal'!'hlp fund available to the celve the award at the annual meetDir~t will be sure you are ready with your agency staff, Is established In memIng of the association Tuesday night "'contribution. ThIs wiIJ be the only ory of Elrlc B. Sproat, the SOciety's at the Warwick. collection. so whether- the gift is assistant treasurer for the past 10 In announcing the selection of large or small. that will be the timc years and director and advisor for Mrs. Jaquette last Monday, Owen to give it. Those who are net availAudiences Pack Theatre many years prior to his treasureB, Rhoads, president of the assoclaable at that time are askc(\ to get For Spewack ship. Chorus To Participate tlon said that "In Pennsylvania her in touch with the nearest worker. Satire Both were members 0{ the Board IS' name Is symboliC of high standards Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. as drive n urpnse at the time of their deaths In DecProgram and devotion to the Improvement LIght but pointed, lavish with hu- chairman, liSts the following capember and the loss of their wisdom of family Ilfe and child welfare." tains: Mrs. Milton H. Fussell, Mrs. and experience Is deeply and partOn Tuesday, January 22, at 12:30 A member of the school board of mor, "TWo Blind Mice," January S. B. Brewster, Mrs. George Armily expressed In the following Mein- p.m. the Woman's Club will give Swarthmore ' for the Players from 1918 to 1928, Mrs. show Swarthffiore, winds up a Club week of of tage, Mrs. Johan Nntvlg, Mrs. J. Alorial. resolutions adopted by the a luncheon to welcome new mem.. Jaquette's public service includes fred Calhoun, Mrs. Victoria HernBoard, Thursda.:v, January 10. bars. Mrs. Norman W. Kent Is first chairman of the Board ot thoroughly enjoyable performances don, Mrs. Sadie Quinlan. Jackson Resolution chairman of the luncheon. Resertonight and tomorrow night at the Public Assistance of Delaware clubhouse theater on Fairview rd. (Continued on page eight) "Whereas, Mrs. Andrew Francis vations should be made to Mrs. Paul County. president of the Delaware Admirably presented by veteran Jackson contributed outstanding Brow'l as soon. as possiti1e, Sw County Welfare Council from 1936 director A. Francis Jackson, with service to the Community Health 6-1496. to 1942, president of the Delaware Society as a President and as a The club choru~, under the dl- County Child Care Center Assocla- Nat Doughty and Charles, F. SeyDirector from the beginning of the rection of Mrs. Robert west, will tlon from 1944 to 1949, member of mour, the large cast of 26 does comorganization; and through her In- create the atmosphere for the aur- the Juvenile Probation Service CItI- plete Justice to Samuel Spewsck's terest, Insplrailon, and leadership prise program . "Toast the Lad- zens Advisory Committee, B mem- =~, In:por:'~~ ::::. John Schumacher Presiiles promoted the alma and accompll8b- les," with Mrs. Peter E. Told and ber of the Board of Health and At Annual Dinner ments of the Coclet.y, and at all Mrs. Roland G. E. miman as toast Welfare Council and the Delaware initialled agencies, scoops, seeurl" ties and just plain gab. Held Saturday times served as an InspIra tIon to InIstr ' esses. County District Committee. • . Gabbiest of them all In the role those associated with her; and The f allowing new an d reinstated S,be has been a member of the of .TomJny Thurston, co-director Active members of the Swarthtors f "Whereas, the Board 0 DIrec memb era ,wIII b e guests: Board' of' Pennsylvania State Boa-' . , . ~ore Fire-, Company \vei'e" entertain. of",t,he .Communlty Health SocIet7 Mrj<. Philip, Allen..-Jr;;"Mrs. Ed~ tiliai ,.tNorl'{SWWo· and iD-iii3i.'W;;;" DoUgbtycarr!es ·tite ,burden of the ed by the Swarthmore Fire and ' ble to' ard M B tt Mrs 00' to w show with his charactertsUc e"';e deslra deem It proper a nd w . asse, . r n . president Qf the Pennsylvania ConProtective AssOCiation at the ancommemorate Mrs. Andrew Francis Brush, Mrs. Roy W. Delaplaine, ference on Social Work. and ability. As the prime instigator nual dinner honoring the local volof the events, he Is priceless. AtJackson's valued contribution In Mrs. George S. Derry, Mrs. Walter Mrs. Jaquette, the wife of the late tractive inspiration and foil to his unteer firefighters Saturday nIght sultable manner; therefore, S. DIvekey, Mrs. S. M. Dodd, Mrs. Dr. WUllam A. Jaquette, prominent machinations Is Jean McOiathery at Sprlnghaven Golf Club. Neigh"Resolved, 'That the Board auth- Frank Fitts, Mrs. J. B. Frilser, Mrs. Phlladelphl~ dentist, ls the mother as his ex-w1!e Karen Norcross. MIss bor fire companies from Springfield, adze the proper officers' of the H. E. Goldsmith, Mrs. Edward Har- of four chIldren: Dr. William A.. McGlathery'a performance Is a con- Mopton, and Rutledge stood guard Community Health SOciety of Cen- rison, Mrs. Elizabeth H. JiIlllard, pediatrician In Seattle, Wash.; John vlDclng one and proves her prevl- while Swarthmore firemen and tral Delaware County to establl8b Mrs. Henry I. Hoot, Mrs. Carl H. J., president of the Junior Cham- ous experience with the part In their ladies enjoyed this once-8y~ar off-duty event. an endowment fund to provide free Ingraham, Mrs. WIlliam T. John- ber' af Commerece In H BWall, D an- Summer Stock.. ' nursing care in memory of Mrs. son, Mrs. Alexander M. Lackey, Mrs. leI S .• a veterinary in Dover, Del., The dinner program was informal Delightful and refreshing as the Andrew Francis Jackson. ThIs Is Bess B. Lane, Mrs. Gladys B. Le- and Mrs. John (Arabel) Porter of proprietors of the abolished office with company selected John A. to be known as the Elenlta AllIs cron, Mrs. William R. Main; New York City, an executive editor of Medicinal Herbs are Allee A. Schumacher servIng affably as Jackson Nuralng Day. Mrs. George Rogers Mansfield, of the new American Library Books. Company President West and Mary Ryan O'Brien. They toastmaster. (Sighed) Elizabeth Propert Ireland, Alice, E. Marriott, Mrs. John I. MlMrs. Jaquette, at present.soJourprovide excellent contrast to each Joseph Reynolds, Fire Chief John PresIdent chael, Jr .. Mrs. Melvin C. Mo13tad, log In Florida, will receive the other, and as a team offer genu- Rumsey, Burgess Charles R. RusSproat Rosohrtlon Mrs. John Natvlg, Mrs. John M. Pat- award In absentia. Ine pleasure. Mr. Seymour, another sell, Delaware County Fire Marshall The second resolution Is as fol- terson, Mrs. Morris L. Potts, Mrs . hard-working director !,ppearlng be- Frank A: Dolan of Darby, Fire MarGardiner H. Richardson, Mrs. Louis lows: fore the lights, does a nice amusing shall of the 6th District James "Mr. Elric Sparhawk Sproat from N. Robinson, Mrs. Oliver E. Rodjob of the earnest Dr. McGill. But Greaves, and their wive.,> were at the the beginning of the organization gers, Mrs. Robert E. Sessions, Mrs. he, like EnsIgn Jamison, played by \lOad table with Mr. and Mrs. of the community Health Society Joseph B. Shane, Mrs. William W. David FIsk, and Indeed, the entire Schumacher. served In an advisory capacity and Smith, MIss Serah Fleld Splint, Counell President H. Lindley Peel, . The executive committee of the cast, must be seen to be apprecllltIn such capacity gave untlrlngl, Mrs. C. G. Strayer, Mrs. WIlliam F. Councilman John M. pearson, Frank and generously of his time and serv- Taylor, Mrs. Ambrose H. VanAlen, newly-formed Swarthmore Skating. ed. H. HeCowan, Thomas W. Hoppel'. JustlaIlable commendation eludes ed as a continuous board member Mrs. Philip S. Vincent, Mrs. FrIUl- Club has announced that there will and A. H. VanAlen were Introduced for 'many years and served as assl- cis V. Warren, Mrs. C. J. Welz, Mrs. be some delay in completlng ar .. the reviewer for this well chosen and thanked for past support and tant' treasurer for ten years, In Oscar J. W~t,.Mrs. J. Harvey Whlte- rangements for an a~td.oor skating cast which boasts a complete lack antieipated future aid to the comwhich time his Interest and coun- man, Mrs. E. Arthur Whitney, Mrs. rink on the Mason Builders sIte. of "duds" in the line-up. You can't pany. The recent death of Mr. Mason mention Bunny Abbott, presenting soling guided and inspired all those William T. Wiegand. Elliott Richardson, borough sechas left the property In the hands the stnfty front of a state depart.assoclated with him; and 01 three executors who are now ment employee, without including retl.r6, and Mrs. Charles Townsend, W.LL. STUDY GROUP "Whereas, the Board of Directors hiI assistant, Borough Solicivlr C. A study group on uWorld Recon- clarifying legal Issues concerning Walter Ziesmer, Major In the of the CommunIty Health SOcIety Army, or Thomas Lueders, the stu- O. Myers. and Borough Architect deems It proper and fitting to com- struction - Uulted States or United the estate. Meanwhile the execudent of the rhumba, or his eDuring George M. Ewing, Police Chief memorate Mr. Elrlc Sproat's _- Natloos" Is to be held by the Wo- tors feel they must withhold perteacher played by Isabel R. Sey- Thomas V. Bateman, Patmlmen R. vice in suItable manner; therefore, mens International League on three mission to proceed with the plans announced in last week's Swarth.. mour, or David Narbeth as Simon L. Todd, P. T. Maginnis, und Rudio"Resolved, that this Boafd auth- successive Thursday evenings bethe pants presser. They are Indla- man Arthur Graefenstein were inorize the proper officers of the ginning January 24 at 8 at the home morean. The Club's officers are hopeful peDSable. Then there Ia Robert B. troduced with appropriate remarks Community Health Society to es- of Mrs. Joseph Conard, 132 Park that the. necessary arrangements Gilfillan, Jr. as the irritated Sen- of apprecl~t1on of their work with, tablish a scholarship fund avail- avenue. ator Kruger, James Feight as the aDJI for, the FIre Company. As ~nomlc pressures are con- can still be completed before the able to the Staff of the Community Cllosen for special honor by the newspaper man, Ward H. Speer as Health Society to provide further ~idered one of the greatest causes end -of cold weather. They have Fire Company were William Pace Col. In the air force, George B. Jaropportunity for education. ThIs Is of war, the United Nations and the asked all supporters to turn out (Continued all page eight) den as Navy Commander, not to to be known as the Elrlc Spar- United States through Its PO'Int this week-end to finish preliminmention William E. Gibson the hawk Sproat Memorial Fund for Four program are making efforts ary work at the lot and to wateh ma1lman, Dr. George Warren, serto reDeve these tensions In many The Swarthmorean for further deScholarship. geant, Col. H. O. Mabbott and Mi(Blgned) EJI1;abeth Propert Ireland, parts of the wnrld. In order to learn velopments. chael COBsaclo visitors, and of Roscoe Harding Smith, aged 77, Joseph Beynolds, treasurer, will of this constructive approach to PresIdent, couree the choir, promptly and obllof 20 Wellesley road. dIed Tuesday The CommunIty Health SocIety the peace or war problem, the still accept donatloos. All gifts will glngly SIIpplied by 'J. BurrIss West, afternoon at 1 o'clock. Office In Borough Jiallmay be W.I.L. offers this opportunity to all be retumed ,In the event that opCharles IzumI, Allce Putnam, Tom Mr. Smith was engaged In the called, SWarthmore 8-3498, for in- who are Interested In Joining the erations can not be carried out this Hopper, otto Kraus, Charlotte oil and gas business In Pittsburgh WInter. formation about the ruDds and con- discussion. Maas, R. O. Mahbott, Caroline Kee- befote his retirement a few years Mrs. Roy McCorkel will be chairtrlbutiOllS to either or both oi them. Mrs. OWen W. Gay of WaJlIng- nen (and, It Is suspected, valiant ago. man of the meetings. Mrs. Roderick members of the various cre.... back He is survived by his wife, Clara Cram Creek winn4in FIrth will present the Point Four ford HIlls,will enterta1ri the retiring Reining, and a daughter, Catharine 'At the Tueaday evenIiIg meeting program on January, 24 and Mrs. Board members of the woman's As- staiIi!.) It's. a play and ;,. cast that BUd!Jane, a Ilbrarlan at Swarthmore of the Crum Creek BrIdge Club, Joseph Waltoo will 8UIIlIIl8rIze the sociation of the Swartbmore Presenees' In _ E !dng numbers are CoUege, LL and Mrs. WIDiam B. Webb were projeCtS of the UnIted Nations for byterian Church and the BIlt IncomBurta! will be at his former home first witl1 Mrs. Herbert Glenn aDd World reconstruction on January 31. Iilg, members at a luncheon at her nlllbt!Y J8IIlJIlIng the eIubhoa8e Co _ , In PlttsIr.tt1lh, this week. home on January III. Mrs. Samuel C., Henna - " , AD are welcome to . - . ,Three Cment Hit At Players Club Woman's Club DJIl'es New Members Tues'• ~' . Roscoe H. Smith ~ee to ma" em amazingly savUag of pMo' Studebaker Commend. V~ 'fUESDAY Legal Issues Delay Outdoor Skating Rink ( OIL BURNER SERVICE 18, 1952 7 P. lI!. Fire' Association Honors Volunteers I .. ". SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY CAMPA!CN \ . Two• Memorial Funds Miss Allen Retu~s., Elm Avenue Resident Dunc~m ColIapses After Hand InJury. At HIgh School Mon. PorcbJigbt Campaign Will Operate In Area v:u~::e;;;a:~~:r :~h~h~~~ ReceIves State Award At Seven Jan. 22 When If's In Full ProductiOI) Right Now It's a Paulson Exclusive Paulson KNOWS Carpet TH·E SWARTHMOR VOLUME 24-NUMBER 3 You'D hear a lot about ••• MOHAWK TRENDTEX - SW64041 LIGHT ~iiiiii~~~'iiiii:i~'~iiiii~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~ .,, NOON PORCH Business Administration School g irts' I,JRH . ., .. .... w-RY POLIO i Keystone Secretarial dinner. 011. IUlNIIS _ An CONDlI-"NG "i;1 ""I'1.1 \"o'V .. I ~J"'U Janury 11, 1952 ( , " / , THE SWARTHMOREAN JanUlll'Y 18, 1952 _J_an_uMY __l_~~1_95_2______________________~T~H~E~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N~____~______=~"=__~'_)~'~__~f.~~~~3 News Notes THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. THE SWARTBlIIOREAN, INC.. PUBLISHER Phone Swarthmore ·6-0900 PETER E, TOLD, Editor. and Publ"her MARJORIE TOLD and BARBARA KENT. A_late Edlto1'8 Rosalie Peirsol Lorene .McCarter . at WhIttier House Bunday to make ' . plans to entertain the CoIirerence. afternoon In honor of their daugh- tor a week's visit, and their r:ec:n Saturday morning at 10:30. BEFORE YOU WALK, RUN OR PHONE OUT OF TOWN • •• • Check This List For Your Requirements •c • • • • • MRS. LLOYD Eo KAUFFMAN 313 DamnouUl .Avenne S~ore 6-2080 PaStels • Water Color Paper Easels and Blocks Water Colors, Tubes. • Oil and Water Oil Colors Color Brushes Oil Color Sets Mat. Water Colors • Oil Color Canvaa Show Card Colors Panels Transfer Paper • Charcoal Peneila Textile Paints and Enurures Pantographs • Fixatif Sketching Pada • ConStruction Paper Li!,oleum Blocks • Pallette Cuts and Knives Printers Ink Artist's Mediu~Linseed Oil Turpentine Damar Varnish, Retouching VlIl'nish .Camera & Hobby Shop New Term Starts January 21 Regular and Special Courses In AIl Commercial Snbjects The Sunday SChool meets at 9:45. Classes are provided for children of all ages and for adults. The Young Adults meet at 9:45 In the Ladles Parlor. The sermon topic at the 11 o'clock servIce Is "Christ Calls to Swarthmore 6-4191 and Business Administration School TO flO ONE THING WILL ., I College Theatre. . ,i 1; ,-- FRO l'ABKJNG '0 The chief objective of • ~ .. one should be to do one thing well. Your doctor accomplished this objective When he spent years of his life in preparing him- } 5.". ""PUS Si U"SI"; . . self to care for you when you .... need medical attention. How foolish , then " t 0 d epend on others. When illneos'. com est· , o you or any member of your family cOn-' sure ~ult your physician without dclay. Be that: he is a licensed M . D • from an 3ccredited school I: ofmedi • eme. T~en bring your PrescriptiOll8 8st llalllnwne PIke 8l'B1NGPIBLD l'la-. 8W a-MIt """""""""""" }Cor expert COmpounding. - ." SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN Jooeph P. BishOp, CHIJRCB MInIster Is open durillg the. morning service. Don D. Dickinson and Mrs. Walter H. Lovekin are In charge. The ushers for the "day are Warren Crafts. Robert Cassidy, Don W. Dickinson and Charles H. Grier. The Wesleyan Service Guild meets on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. George Glaesser, Jr., 309 'Dartmouth avenue. Mrs. Lloyd E. Kaulfman will be the speaker: The Boy Scouts meet on' Wednesday at 7 in the Social Hall. Rehearsal for the Junior Chotr Is on Thursday at 6:30; Senior Choir ,hears"" at 7:45. I.. Trinity Notes Holy CommunIon will be· celebrated at 8 o'clock sunday morning. At. 9 :30 all departments of the Church School will meet. At the 11 o'olock servIce of Morning Ute Reverend ArnOld Purdie preach. Mr. PurdIe Is Director ChrIstian Social Reiatlana of the of Pennsylvania,. and hls message will be of concern and interest to every member ot the par- John Stettner, As&\&tant Sunday, .Jannary 20 9:30 A. M.--Church School and Ish. Bible Classes. 9:30 and 11:00 A. M.-Mr. BIshop The ushers for Sunday are as wlUpreach. , follows: Buchanan Harrar, T. W . Wedneoday, .January 23 Hopper. J. L. Cornog, F. R. Gray, 10:00 A. M.-8urglcal Dressings W. Luel\rlng, Thomas Randall, R. Fawcett, and S. B. Brewster. METHODIST CHtJRCa X:en:nel;h Wyse will serve as acolyte Roy N. Keiser. D. D .• MInI1;ter Snnday, .January 20 at the 8 o'clock service, and David 9:45 A. M.--Church School and D1ppre at 11. Young Adults. At 4:30 Monday afternoon there 11:00 A. M.-Dr. Keiser will preach. will be a party for the Choir Boys. 11 :00 A. M.--Church NUl'Sery On Tuesday at 8 p.m. there will TRINITY CHIJRCB be a meeting of Ute faculty of the H. Lawrence. WhIttemore, Rector Upper Church School. There wlIl b~ a celebration of the Sunday, .January 20 Holy Communion at 7:15 a.m. Wed8:00 A. M.-Holy communion 9:30 A. M.--Church School nesdays, and at 10 o'clock the 8ew11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Group wUl meet. Sermon .. The Rev. Arnold PurOn FrIday (Ute ConversIon of st. die. I P"ull Holy CommunIon villi Ile eeleWednesday, Janna:ry 23 a t'IO a.m. ':15 A. M.-Holy Communion Choir School wUl meet on MonFrIday (Converolon of St. Paul) 10:00 A. M.-Holy Communion day and Wednesday at four.o'clock. and again on Thursday at '7:30 p.m. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIE12 OF .FRIENDS Christian Science Notes Sunday, .January 20 The understanding of ODd which 9:45 A. M.-Ftrst Day School leads to eternal Life will be dealt 9:45 A. M.:-Adult Forum, led by Gordon .Jones on ''The Meet- with at CbrIstian ScIence Services ing for Worship." Sunday. when the subject of 11:00 A. M.-Meetlng .for WorsWp. Ute r.esson-Sermon Is "Life." Visitors welcome. ChIldren The Golden Text Is from the cared for in WhIttier House. Proverbs of SOlomon: ''UnderstandMondaY, .January 21 All day sewing for the AFS.C. Ing Is a wellspring of Ufe unto . '. that hath It." (18:22) Wednppd". ,January 23 All day sewing for the A.FS.C. 1IatanIa)', Jan.....,. 26 Frienda Meeting Notes Concord Quarterly Meeting at Swarthmore Meeting. The Adult Forum on The VocaFIRST CHURCH OF tlon of FrIends in the Modern World CHR1ST SCIENTJ8T will be held Sunday morning BWARTBMORB Jones on the topic "The Park Avenue beloW Harvard for Worship." I 405 Dartmouth Ave. Keystone Secretarial Church Services to lIS . MichaeE~ ~g~:rmacy ~ by Norman Cousins Friends Meet'g House Mon., Jan. 21~8:15 Methodist Notes in the Woman's Association Room YOu." on Wednesday, January 23. The Church Nursery for children The following Circles of the Woman's AssociatIon will meet on 'Wednesday, January 23: ·Circle 2. Mrs. Oscar GUcreest, chairman, at the home ot l\4rS. Robert P. Bradford, 400 North SWart\lmore avenue,' at 10:30 a.m. l\4rS. J. Roy'Snape will be co-hostess. The program will be on Brazil. Circle 3, Mrs. George W. McKeag. chairman. at 10:30 a.m., at the home of Mrs. Charles C. Brogan, Gllernsey and Thayer roads. l\4rS. R. Chester Spencer will be co-hootess. Program at 1:30-"An Introduction to SouUt America," led by Mrs. Owen W. Gay. Members are asked to bring sandwiches. Circle 6. Eva cresoon, chatrma.n, at 10:30 a.m..· at the home of l\4rS. Guy DeFurla, 6l!2 North Chester ORlD News Notes as Second Class Matter. January 24, 1929. at the Post Otf.ce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 18'9. Ent~red ~ 11:00 A~':.da~,,:::~= ''C<)In .... tlon for the Mid-Winter Eo{'Perrepar8en 11:00 A. !L-The T on-BermCm Is" February 2 and 3 to . "L\fe." held at swarthmore m~ cf Wedn's"ay evening the Young FrIends Movement of the eaeh , . . . a p. m. Reeding Phllade\p~ Yearly MeeUngs, the open dall7 eacept Bunday 12 p. m. .,Wednesda, enninP , to Schoolers of SWartIuIlON ,.... KeeHn- - , ban a . Po m. _ f w f:lll. . _ w... -Bup . 8_ - 'What is Christian Science? The full answer to this question, together with the complete explanation of Chrllltlan 8elence heaItng, Is given In How to fatten your Piggy Bank , SCIENCE AND HEALTH With Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Most people who drive to work in central PbiladeIphia !,very day spend from $225 to $300 m9re than they need to spend for tranoportation each year. H you are loaing money by driving to work, why DOt save it? Fatten up the piglJY bank for 80mething you dearly want. A book whose strengthening and Uberatlng message Is for everyonel It may be read or obtained UlllH. aUBWAY_ILIYATlD, IUS AND SIIIDCAII tlNIS eJ Hero is reIlablo. tranoportation 'that takes you whEa"elYoD want to go without fUSB or strain on your part, no parking problema. Saves' time and temper, too. H you moat use your car Cor part oC the diotance, a eaving Buggestion is this: drive to a convenient terminal or station on the subway-elevated linea IUId ride the rest of the w.ay by PrC. It's -Work. to Drlv~ __ Wh4 Drlvlt to WorkJ . Christian Science Reading Room FIrst Church of ChrIIIt 8elentlat 206 Park Aven.ue Swarthmore, Pennsylvania OPBNWeek Days-12 to 5 P.M. PHlI.A':'ElPHIA TRAN5POIHATION COMPANY IN MEMORIAM , . At a meeting of the Board 6f Directors of the Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company, held on the second day of january. one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-two, the following resolution was unanimously adopted upon the death of ELR,IC S. SPROAT Elric S. Sproat, a distinguished citizen of the Borough of Swarthmore and an honored officer. of Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company for over thirty three years, was called to his Great Reward on Saturday, the twenty ninth of December, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty One. . . He hael given friendly, devoted and unselfish service to his fellowmen and to the interests of the community. He tirelessly and consistently continued to serve Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company and through it the interests of the residents of this area. He first became associated with this Bank when he was appointed Assistant Cashier on May 22, 1918 andhad continued to serve it. without interruption until his death, having held during this period the offices of Cashier, Trust Officer, Vice President, and Director, and having served since july 7, 1949 as President. Elric Sproat's service was an important factor in the growth and development of this 'I nstitution and the community. We, the Directors of Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company, acting for ourselves and on behalf of the stockholders. employees and .depositors of this Bank, pause, with a deep sense of personal loss, in the conduct of our responsibilities, to take official note of the passing. of our esteemed friend and associate, Elric Sparhawk Sproat. . Arthur R. Dana Albert N. Garrett john E. Michael Harold ()gram john M. Pearson Louis N. Robinson Charles R. Russell Claude C. Smith Harold C. Stott Wm. H. Thatcher • ~BE SWARTHMOREAN January 18, 1952 Five Make I Letter to the Editor Boys Play on Home Season?s Debut ' . - - - - - - - - - Court 7:15 Tonight WOODCUT DISPLAY by Leona Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. AnGirls~ tonio Frasconl and Soong May of Woodcllts and linoleum bloek New York, and Rlchard FIsh of . The oplulona expre.ed below are prints are on display at the Com- Philadelphia. The girls' basketball team made: &.bOlle of the Indlyldual write.... AU The Swarthmore High School's munity Arts Center, Rodgers Inne, The public Is cordially invited. its 1952 debut last week In a thrill.. I' leiter. to The Swarthmorean mot be basketball team has been unable Wallingford. The exhibit which - - - - - - ing contest at Landsdowne High. I .trued. PaeadOD)'IDS ma, bo Qed If to get a league win 50 far in three the Ideatll., ., lise Wl'l. Is baWD opened January Ii and continues "I Sa... 1& In Tho 8w_o.....• The final score was 29-26 In favor b, Uae Editor. LeUera. wW be pa.l~ stnr... They heve been' pla"'M J~ through the month Includes work of LaDBdowne; as the lead changed, U.hed onl,. at' the dlaoretioD 0' the sound, aggressive basketball. but ~e;ii;;;;;2;t;~t'"\~.~...,;.... ~=~0ir=<;::;e-~~-;:;-;~~=;;~~:;i.tM~r=<=tr=<;C;M1ir=<;C;r=<;;;-;::;e;t;it...~ hands throughout most of the I Editor. cannot seem to come through. In Yes Sir:--Olle Stop Service~ game. 1 . . o - - - - - - - - - - - . . I l t w o very Important phases of the The starting Garnet six were AGAINST U. lII. T. game, namely shooting and backAnti-Freeze - State Inspection Captain Sally Gaskill, Shirley Coleboard work. Lack of height In To the Editor: man, Judie Roess, /lUards, and GInmost positions makes It difficult for Gulf Gas - Motor Repairs Our founding fathers came to ny Gehring, Chris Ford, and Connie the local five to regaln poss•••lon • America to find freedom - freedom Knowles, forwards. Rounding out of the ball. ' the varSity players were Pat Blake from permanent universal mllitary and Marilyn Green, forwards. and conscrIption as well as freedom to Games have been played against RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN Dolores Zeosen, guard. Connie worship as their consciences dlrec- Prospect Park, Eddystone, imd Knowles, a senior, was high scorer Ited. America Is now facing the pos- Glen-Nor. The latter game, played tor Swarthmore with 11 points slbllIty of losing that freedom by on Glen-Nor's floor proved to be BOB A TZ, Owner whlle Captaln Gaskill was partlcu- having UMT thrust upon us l! con- a thriller. The little Garnet jumped Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. ularly outstanding at her guard corned Americans make no protest. to a 9-0 lead and held a substanSW6-0440 posItion. Shall we blmalY say tnat because tlal one throughout most Of the The J.V. game was very exciting UMT haa helped Poland, France, game. Going Into the last quarter as Lansdowne won In the final sO- Germany, Italy and Japan Into war Swarthmore led by 13 POints, but "onds, 27-26 on the fouls shot by and defeat, that It would save us? failet! to get more than six In the Aggie Wa!.'lon, ex-Swarthmore pu- The only large nations In twentieth last stanza. Glen-Nor, In the meanpiI, Barbara Dunn of Swarthmore century warfare Which have not time, began to throw the ball led all scorers with 18 points. Nancy suffered defeat are Britain and through the hoop at all angles and Saunders and Jane Leavitt also United States - the only two great over-took Swarthmore with two You get the lowest prIces right here In Swarthmore. and you were forwards, and Maryellen Hop- nations which have not had a ,long minutes to play. The little Garnet are not requJced to take remnant sizes or to "bring your own per, Liz Forsythe. Lorraine Saun- history of peacetime conscrIption. fought back. came within two measurements." General Macarthur. who has points, but Was unable to tie the ders, and Ida Lewis played guards. CaptaIn for the game was senior warned America not to consider score wIth 5 seconds to play. Final 0((0.. the better carpets of the best Lorraine Saunders. UMT until the Korean situation is score, Glen-Nor 46- Swarthmore 44. brands at the lowest prices available Yesterday Swarthmore played a.t all cleared up, says In the January Tonight Swarthmore plays host Haverford, and on January 24. 1951, issue of the American Legion to Conshohocken, another league anywhere. Glen-Nor mee.. the Garnet In a magazine that he feared the effects team In section m. The starting avoids color mistakes by showing carpet home contest. of the uncurbed "military mind" lihe-up has been varying between samples in the home, avoids size misand further declared that the. In- Bob McHenry, Bob Allison, Jhn AT SHEPPARD BASE crease In the size of the mlUtary Tucker, Howard Shearer, Lee Swan, takes by taking your measurements for Pfc. Alan C. Hall, son of Dr. and 'carries within, l!.'lelf the very germs Bill Hoot, Bill Kauffman and Don you. MacElWee. Some of the remalnirig Mrs. Cameron P. Hall, former to freedom's destruction ..• Swarthmoneans Who now resIde in As a minister I nm deeply conmembers of the squad show great Whether you need a small throw rug or 8 large installation, Garden City, Long Island, Is In cerned about the moral effect promise In ability and desire. They shop PAULSON before you buy. training at the Airplane and Englne would have. For example the ven- are Don Stromberg, Bill Zlegenfus, Mechanics SChool at Sheppard Air ereal disease rate In the Army is JIm Carter, Bruce Gemmill, Jack Force Base, Wichita Falls, Texas. 37 times that of college men of the Thompson and Kenny Wright. Game Hall enlisted In the Ground Air same age. Army morals ar~ notor- time Is 7:15. Force in September and underWent ious for sinking to the lowest COlJl----basic training at Sampson Air Force mon denominator and UMT would Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of Ba.,e, Beneca Lake, N. Y.. going to be essentially Army life for our Wallingford Hills will entertain at to the Texas Held In November: boys at their most hnpresslonable a small dinner at their home th1s . Hall graduated from Garden City age. evening. '1 Hlgll SChool In 1949 and attended UMT Is called deniocratlc because 1 Long Island AgricUltural and TechIt would affect all youth. If that' Is 100 Park A.o., S)'Iarthmore, P•. , Inlcal Institute; ':Fplngdale,for the standar~ of democracy, then CO-ED BEAUTY . 8WARTHMORE 6-6000 ! i one year, He WII3'.~$ber of the slavery Is democratic and Hitler's SALON Add Years To Your Carpet Wlih Mohawk Cushion . class of '49, Swarthmore High Germany and Stalin's Russia would I' Comp Jete AUt0·· Servi ce RUSSELL'S SERVlm I The Best Values in Carpet Are Right Here in Swarthmore January 18, 1952 TBE SWARTRMOREAN ---'--'---------------,-----------------------~"-'--'------.. -. Woman's Club No~es Delaware County Federation will The child study department will present, Monday at 8:15 p.m. Helen Alcorn of the Delaware County Branch of the Philadelphia ChI1d Guidance Clinic. She will speak on the work of the Child Gnldance Ollnlc at Media. Tuesday at 12 :30 p.m. there will be a club luncheon to welCome now members. The travel group will meet· Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. WUlIam E. Kistler, 144 Park avenue. Mrs. KIstler will talk and Mrs. William Eddleman will ehow pictures of their recent trip to Rawall. Mrs. Philip Snow will also contribute articles and pictures of Interest. The travel group haa been organized recently with Mrs. J. Archer Turner and Mrs. Joseph B. Shane as co-chairmen. The three classes under the dlrectlon of the American home department will hold a Joint meeting. Thursday, January' 24, at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. WIlliam C. Morris, Concordville. Those who need transportation should call Mrs. LeRoy T. Wolf, Swarthmore 6-7509 or Mrs. J. Roy Snape, Swarthmore 6-:1066. On January 24 at 10:30 a. m. the meet at the Twentieth century Club, Lansdowne. The principal speaker will be Dr. Carrie Jones SChaal, state federation president, who will talk on "Unfinished BusIness:' A candle light ceremony during the luncheon intermission and tile afternoon pageant depictIng the, federation's progr.... wlll celebrate the. fortieth blrt4day Of the club. Several members of the local club are planning to attend. First Grade Mothers Mrs. C. C. Shute, program chalrman, of Maple avenue was hostess ,at a tea Monday afternoon for FIrst Grade Mothers. Mrs. Richard WIllis entertained the group wIth a monologue. Mrs. Charles Maschal Is chelrman of First Grade Mothers. 8chm1dt, and Mrs. Iat the Presbyterian Church on Harvard avenue. . . At the regular meeting of the Open House last Monday a program .... of songs was given by Mrs. Jose-' phlne Flore, soprano, and Gray La- ; dy. Her voice and generous selec-: tlon of songs gave greet pleaaore to '. the membe:a PI 88 !Ilt. The next I meeting takes place on JIIDII8l'Y 28, . Mrs. Walter A. Sponsors Committee IC. W. Worst. The Sponsors Connnlttee of the Friendly Open House of Swarthmore inet recently at the home. of Mrs. W. Mark Bittle, wIth Mrs. Kenneth B. Hatch presiding. A new conunlttee to coordinate the program of the' Open House In Its varIous aspects of membor partlclpatlon, outside tolen', and relationship to other groups, was created with Mrs. Fred A. Patman ... chairman. A new chairman of the hospitalIty connnlttee waa named, Mrs. J. Herhert Glenn, who will work wIth the conunlttees of volunteers from the various organIZations represented on the Sponsors Connnlttee. Others present at the meeting were: Mrs. Harold H. Gibson, AlIce Lukens, Mrs. Harold MBrch, Mrs. E. L., Mrs. Clyde M. MIller, FOR RENT About 1,000 square feet of warehouse floor space on the second floor of the Swarthmore Cooperative Store Building at 401 Dartmouth Avenue, swarthmore. Apply at the Store. I ------------"'1 SALE SALE SALE Clearance Of All Winter Stock The Children's Shop Claire Hoefel WILLIAM: SHIRLEY Mgnnger 13 South Chester Road Swarthmore 6-1148 STOP uMr Stop in for free Color Guide and Booklets on care of Rugs I ;============='-. , !from Swarthmore. not needed now or later. ~r~=====:::==::~~=::=:::::~~!~S~Ch~O~O~I~, ~un~tl;1~h~ls~f~a;m~I;Iy'~s~d;ep~a~rture be examples of democracy. UMT Is -.-_... ._-... . If we do not enjoy the prospect· of qtUJ loIu. Gte Plentt/tJ lit, /, !JHtludt, -- For .. - further crUShing taxes, permanent slavery for AmerIca's youth. and suicIdal war, we should express ~ our Congressmen our disapproval of unaAmerfcan UMT. SPECIALIZING IN :Jermanent Waving and Hair Cutting PARK and DARTMOtlTR AVE. SWARTHMORE 8-1013 John W. Stettner • • persons w qet WB#I4it4e ilia;;;:;"::"" Us leu tluu" tllfe COURTESY PAYS on party-line telephones, too ra'" , Little courtesies, like Mike's stopping traffic to let ,Gl'amps cross the stred, help to make life happier. Consideration for the other fellow is the b'lsis of good pnrty-line telephone Ee.-vice, too. If you are always courtl!OUS on the telephone, you're Sure to find your party"line neighbors the same. Remember the three R's of partyline courtesy - Relinquish the line as soon as possible when you hear others try to use it; Replace the receiver gently when you find the line in use; Regulate your ca1ls so that others may use the line inbetween. Register Now in the Pj'ogmln of Your Choic; BUILDING CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICITY ACCOUNTING BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT . PERSONNel MANAGEMENT MECHANICAL AND PROBUCTlON TOOt. DESIGN . You have many fireless servants in your home ••• Spec;61 Courses: Blue Print Reading Drafting Shap Math ?he Shop Foreman Instrumentation Production Control Personnel Relations Labor Relations Electricity does the work of many helpers. Thla ::c1u~esh ~e cooking, washing, ironing, cleap. g,, powering the radio, television. water eabog, remgeratiog, aDd other jobs. Nowhere else in the world COIl you lind a better buy. Wh.~ a bargain electricity really isl What. POw!rful Inftuence for suod it h .. been in ImProvlDg our way of livinst Speech Clinic f Susiness Law Industrial Psychology Industrial Electronics Registration Information 9throlJgh 9 Daily and S t d 9 h h " ur oy' t roug 12 Noon The Counseli~g ,Service i~ ~voilable during 835 HARVARD AVE., SWARTHMORE • the Registration period 10 d~e .to come, there will be ft'eD wider use ~ e1ecttlC1ty. : • and pkrtq." ,hctrk; ~ ... if we COIl ~"!Inue to plan ahead ..... to work 'Irith- out resttiCbons. &,,1<11, II IliIlIN "'--{>Ii,rtf ,... PHONE SW.6-U40 THE BELL TELEPHONE .) Ie ",./~ .....,.... .,,!~IM~DELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY CDK"" • ~fAIW'A-UlllllYC1:NII_O_IY _ _ ~~ • COMPANY OF PEN II SYLVAN IA RUMS EY'C H EV ROL ET • 6 , CHESTER ,ROAD, THtiAifBEiS0IJlYlE SWARTHMOu.,PA. • 4 .January 18, 1952 TRE··S\\,ARTHMOREAN ~------------------------- Mr. Georg.M. Karns of W.IIesley road IB recovering satlB!actorUy at Taylor Hospital following a maJor operation performed Wednesday morning. cle of lI!e. unicorn. tulip. star and. Poet's Circle pomegranate. Alter her talk. Mrs. Helffrlch, Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of donned a Pennsylvania Dutch cos- Elm •avenue was hostess to the ,tume and delighted her audience Poets Clrcl. Monday afternoon .. 'With an .orlglnal reading. "Mom I Mrs. Samu.1 M. Dodd was In charge of the program whloh InThe Woman's Club enjoyed a real Conv.rses." cluded the .tr of Dr. Cbarles "Dutch Treat" Tuesday afternoon po y Stone. In the leeture and d1Bplay of Mrs. Anna Knauer Helfferlch. wlf. of Donald L. Helff.rlch. vice president of urslnus Colleg•. For 16 years her A training course for Brownie hobby has been the collectlng of and Olrl Scout leaders Is b,elng h.ld works of Pennsylvania Dutch art. at the Swarthmore Woman's Club and the club members were grate- during the month of January. Mrs. ful for her generosity In ass.mbllng Fred Sanborn from the central ofthese articles. and bringing them to flc. IB being assisted by Mrs. W&!illustrate her talk. ter Magee. Sw.rthmore. In conduct- Women Enjoy Talk on Pa. Dutch Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Reed and son Bill of seaford. nel.. are spending a week with Mrs. Reed's parents Mr. and Mrs. William H. Thatcher of College avenue. I , Course Offered I I THAN A YEAR AGO ACME MEAT PRICES LOWER Today~s Than a Year Ago Prices Pri,... Y~, A,o Rib End Up to 3 v. Ibs, Fresh PORK LOINS Ib Shankl ... Ib Hulf =;:-------1 L.,=" .. B,."d Shonidesl Ib Sic S3e 57c 59, "-'__ 4 F ancy (ExH tra 'ri,.. S Toclay's eavy yrup) , I Nc:~2 Prices Ye., Ag. "l90 31c -=-- 10/95£ ALBAN 10/990 tion, such as the dove, peUcan, cy- Construction Alterations P.R.R. Freight Bldg. SWarthmore, Pa. EVERYBODY'S GOING TO Albert Kling. Brillialltly new· for '52 29. _N=e_w_C--:I':-:o:,p'--.:g_o:..:u""o:=-!!=e=a=n:.:)__-,;~~ ZSo Chum Alaska 'Salmon '011 41. .n_ -.~~:;=-~~~~~====~~ .c.n-l ___~_·___I___~~____ 44. ~M~a::ZO:.:::I:::a~o=r~w~e=.=s:::o~n~OiI~-~~~o~ln' ~~o Farmdale Sweet Pea. No. 303 1"A 15. -':;;;:;~~;:;::===-::-:~~~:":~:;:~___ can ~~ .9tk:a£ Lima Bean. Green Al1 No.2 .... . 27. can . . . .... "I Saw It in the Swarthmorean" J- F. BLACKMAN Phone SW 8-8118 l'rofeaslonal Bureau 8W $·0710 SEE THE RUMSEY CHEVROLET I . Swarthmore, .Pa. Cliarles E. Fischel' A GOOD JOB ••• . .9dut£ Concentrated ORANGE JUICE head GRAPEFRUIT J~~Ji~· 3. 'lBAR CAKE 35 exIra large 10• Almond Filled Ring Cake each C . 25~ ! \... :l9C '1 ~ch 3ge Prices V -;~;:=~~a~n~i~J~Ja~~E~.~tr~a~-:!.___ ... =. .... bot I Mr. Rob.rt H. Reed of College avenue who entered the New York Hospital Sunday. underwent a maJor oper~t1on there Thursday. Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf and Mrs. Roy Snape. chairman of the American home department of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore. entertained at a luncheon Tuesday at the Ingl.neuk In.holfor of the speak.r at the club Mrs. Anna Knauer H.lfferlch. Other guests were Mrs. Russell Clements. state chairman of the American home department, Mrs. R. K. Denworth. and Mrs. I .. II' , I I;. and a chance to make good friends! LEGAL NOTICE ESTATE OF DANIEL ~. BlLFERTY. DECEAsm Letters 'restamentary on the above Estate • Good poy from the &Mrt. with regu!ar Increa_ • Essential work In Interesting jobs • Pleasont, comfortable surroundlng$ Swarthmore. Delaware CountY9 in the State of Pennsylva,nia. at the· close of I· business on December 31. 1951. Pub, ~;::~~~~~~~~~~~~ lished in response to call made by Radios•. teleVISIon Comptroller of the Currency. under -demanl:ls against. the Estate of the de- PERSONAL cedent to make known the same, and all receivers, vacuum cleaners and Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. per80n5~lndebted to the decedent to make payment, 'W1thou~ delay. to other electrical appliances repalr- Cub, balances ~~TSother Dr'. DR.nlel, J. BUferty. Jr. ed. Prompt Service.' Robert Brooks, banks, including reserve bal. Rev. Joseph C. Hil!erty Swarthmore 6-1548. nnce. and cash (tems In John P. HlIfert.T p~n~ONAL _ Plano tuning _ per_ proee.ti of collection ............• 1.1140.8.. 9.72 226 SOuth 15th Street ~ United States Government DbPhlladelphla, 2, Pa. fect pitch specialiBt. Excellent IIgntions. direct and goaror their Attorney references. Wllllam' H. LeamaD, anteed ...... ,................................. 8.559.140.85 Prank A. Moorshead. ESq. Drexel Hill. Sunset 9-5082. Obllgntlong of' States Bnd 228 N. Lansdowne Ave. ;:;=~~;;:c.:::=:;;;;;,;::;::;,.-=="" political 8Ubdlvl!lJons ............ 110.700.85 1Iansdowne, Penna. PERSONAL Electrical wiring, Other bonds.' notes, and 3T-l"11 new and old, residential and debentures ........................... .... 115,"58.118 Corporate sf,ocks (including LEGAL NOTICE commercial done in compliance '.11.000.00 stock of Federal S. Sproat, deceased BUILDER Swarthmore 6-2253 a/k/a E. with FIre Underwriters Specifies- Letters of Admin. c. t. B. on Ute above Estate have been granted to· the under- waterheaters. who request all pef&OD8 bav1D8' _naes. washers. dry_ "'--eo ers, pumps, fans, cleaners, and claims or demands against the Estate of small Call: ErIch H. the decedent to make known the same, Hausen 6..2850 corner and all persons indebted to the decedent to make ,payment, wIthout delay to: of ' , Total Assets ...........................,.Mrs. Mabel R. sproat, administratrIX LIABILITIES . C. t. a. Demand deposits of IndiYldMo,.Jan Avenue. Moylan, Pa. FOR RENT - Large, pleasant dou- uals. partnerships. and coror to the attorney tor tbe ell.tate. blt room. private bath. Meals. pOTations ·...... · .. · .......................... I •• S70.tU.OO Claude C. Smith, Esquire, . Time deposits of Individuals. of Duane, Morris &; Hecksoher Phone Swarthmore 6-0149. partnerships, and corpora- :l<:ii05.iO 1817 Land Title BUUdlng PhiladelphIa 10, Pennsylvania 3T-1-18 ~:~~~~:~~~::::::~t ...... LEGAL NOTICE ~oriifort8bie D~:ibl . ot·united··Staies..oov:· 1,1I40,158.~8 room for business man or woman. ernment (Including' postal FOR RENT - targe ~~~=t s~ar=~r':..~~. and o:;!!r~~t 'siRiE;i'''and:''poiiti:' cal subdivisions .................... .. "Third Ceneration Builders" HORACE A. • • Residential • Painting Commercial • Repairs • Alteratiol\s 17 1/2 South Chester Road Swarthmore 6-3450 FOR RENT - Room for gentleman. other deposits (certified and Letters Testamentary on the above BsCentrally located. 112 Rutgers ave- cashler'1I checks, etc.) ........ tate have been granted to the under... nue .. Swarthmore 6-3889. Total Deposits ....:I5.985.410.8! s1KDed, who request all persons havlDg "1I'i'iii!:"~m;fIi"-=::-r.;;;:;;;;-'1n;:;;r'1'r.;;;;: 1Other liabilities .......................... 1."71.'JUo Claims or demands against. the Estate of I FOE RENT _ t:l8iie fIrSt Hoor Total Liabilities ....................15.988.882.61 the decedent to make known the same, CAPITAL ACCOUNTS and all pel'lSOns indebted to t.he decedent apartment - 2 bedrooms. Attrac- Capital Stock: to make paYment, without delay to the tive surroundings. Convenient to Common stock. total par ..... 125.000.00 executors: • transportation. Call Swarthmore 6- Surplu8 .......................................... 275,000.00 Mrs. Helen oK. Dunham 1528. Undivided proftt! ..................... 8/1lnO.OT 200 w. Brownlng Rd., Reserves (and retlretnent acCOlllngswood, N. J. FOR RENT - Room on second fioor ~unt for preferred stock).. 50,OM.18 Provident TrUst CO. ot for gentleman. Next door to bath - PhUadeIphla. l'1th & and h N b lin•• Swarth Total capital Accounts ........ 516.771.15 Chestnut. Streets. Pblla.S ower. ear us....,. Total Llabilitles and J more 6-2194. delphia' 3. Pa.. or to-the attorneys (or the estate. Claude C. Smith, Esquire. of Duane. Morris &; lIeckscher 1$17 Land TIt,lQ BuDding PhUadelphla 10, PennSl'lvanla 3T-l·18 FOR RENT _ -.~=-:::::-~~-=~' ACME MARKET, Cbestea Rd.,SwarthmcXe Open Thursday & ~riday Till 9 P. M. .. Saturday tiIl(). P.M. • Swarthmore. Reply Box K. The Swarthmorean. I /"'7.'; A...L ( . _~;. ~ ~aer-'V 01HI;' /!lIT .aJ.nrA OIl _M,n· ..... CotfDlTlONlftG on ",.NAClI Oil lOin . . ·OIl 'UINING WIT" In .. u n other purposes ......................... GD7,IIU.51 Loans as shown above are ;;W;;-ANTED===-~C;,;I;:.~a;n;:fn::;g:...,w::-o:'':r: 1 after deduction of reserves Red oak cord wood. FOR SALE cut to flreplaee length. Phone Swarthmore 6-6317. FOR SALE - Three. year old 9:lt 16 American Oriental rug. Also two 9 x 12 rugs. Maple bed with box springs. Davenport with s~p cover. Washburn 8-3039. Call from 6-S'P. M. FrIday. Saturday. S~day. of .......................... :..,.................. 7.578.61 St9te of Pennsylvania, County of Delaware, ss: I. Donald M. Hand. cashier of the above,named bank. do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. DONALD M. HAND, Cuh;;'T. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of January, 1952. B. D. GROSS. :/{ot4ry Public. Harold Ogram John E. Michael Charles R. Russell All Lines of-Inlurance 333 Dartmouth·Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. LOST - DAY and NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE MONDAY TBRU SATURDAY NOON SW 6-4041 SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS SW 6-0740 COAL FIRE PLACE WOOD J.A.GREEN 1 SOUTH PRINCETON AVENUE 1!~~S~W~~~"~ai.i.~.~8:~:8:B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I LOST AND FOUND . Fairview & Chester Rds. . SwarthmQre, Pa'. -L : ' secure liabilities 'and for WANTED FOR SALE - FUSCO & ALSTO TIHI'-EN MEMORANDA Assets pledged Or B98igned to IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiD~;Tiii·~cto~TS. PEiER E. TOLD Str_t, Philadelphia, Pa.. "Girls who like people ;ik. telephone work!' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ ..... capital Accounts .................... 8.4811.858.76 Office -space in day's work. Some laundry. Must. Swarthmore 6-4595. have good local references. Phone Swarthmore 6-6928.' WANTED - Home for cute tiger kitten. part Persian. Call Swarthmore 6-5967. WANTED - Garage - vicinity of Comell and Harvard Avenues. Call Swarthmore 6-4887. WANTED _ Naval officer and wife would like to rent furnlBhed apartm.nt or furnlBhed house tor F.bruary and March. Call swarthmore 6-0669. WANTilli - Transportation to New York for well-behaVed dog. Call Crosby's .venings. Media 6-5020. . WAN fiij - TransportatIon to New York for well-behaved dog. Call Crosby's evenings. Media 6-5020. rHE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENPlSt'lYANIA Rm~o, ~ ...,=.....-,,===-===-..::= 7055 Terminal Square, Upper Darby, Pa. Arch I ••='''dATE OF Elenlta. Allis Jackson, de- -'7iinr..ii;ior;:""-'iS';;;;:~r.;;:,..:;,;;;;,r.;=-~ I Why not stop in today at one of the offices listed below. 1631 Since 1905 Painters & Paper Hangers We should know how Swa. 6-2266 Michigan Ave. rr."i Ing.'1.0UI,.05.o'lel'\lll'afU) ...... ,;"'••• premises - owned '88.108.28. furniture nnd ft.x. tures •••0 ............................ . Other Assets ............................... . Bank A'D Bo...·de·Ute MaYonnaise --':~"'c":+"':~='3~0:::"-1---'1-.-· -;c~r;ea;m~='Wbi~~-~te-;::-;iis!.....~ten~~ln!..-~~~lb4~8~!'i~0=-·i-$-I.I)J.9tk:a£ Grape Jelly 12-01: 180 01... 21. CRISCO or SPRY 3-lb can 93;-' $1.13 Ivory, Swan, ~ .' SOAP8 Lv., Pcilnton... S .... wlhw•• . '9c 8c Den.. (bydol SOAP Ivory Fla~H, Snow~ SuJMl" Sud'. • ;t: ::t,O I ]"" CUNNINGHAM Reserve bank) ....................... . tions. Sales and ServIce on e1ectJ1c Loans and discounts (lnclud- Yeor .. -390 _ 51, Reserve District No.3. REPORT OP CONDITION. OF SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY of PERSONAL - Magazine subscriptiOIlS. Mrs. Bertha P. Faries, 289 Havr..rlord avenue. Phone Swarthhave been granted to the Undersigned, who 1'eque!l~ aU persons having clalDlG 01' more 6-6750. . In addition, you'll find tbSt telephone work has many other advantages: No expIPlence needed ROOFS GUTrERS REPAIRED & INSTALLEb WARM-Am HEATING Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned GEORGE MYERS Box 48-Swarthmore 6-0740 i Charter No. 7193. PERSONAL If you'd like to work 'with associates of this kind.-. with people like yoursetl.:. why not stop in for an interview? There ere several openings right now for girls who can qualify.. • Classified of Vassar avenue entertained at pleasant, congenial P:R~IC:E:S~L:O:W:::E:R:-:T~H:-:A-N-Y-EA:':R:"':A':G':o=-:I--To'::do:,"::•• :::,::.;:;;, ILI._A Mrs. Heinze, a former resident of Springfield, Oilio will visit with the Heinze family here whlle her husband IB In the service. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stewart are b.lng transferr.d by duPonts from WUmington to Victoria. Texas. They will leave for Texas tomorrow. Mrs. Stewart IB the former Barbara Brown daughter of Mr. and Mrs. For girls who like people, Bell Telephone is an ideal place to work. The men· and women you'll meet at Bell are friendly, \ Spanbh try Club lane. were Inducted Into the Army Tuesday morning and have reported to Ft. Mead.. Md. aJg:oed. Building Coaab ...tioIa Than a Ye'ar Ago Haven avenue, and Tom HW, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hill o~ Coun- mTATE OF Elrio 8. Sproat, REEVES· ,?fUl.dte« '?_ iD'Uad Cpl. Dwight Hll11Uiler of Rutgers avenue will take p.rt In winter maneuvers near Salzburg, 'Austria. Don R. Heinze, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Heinze of Strath I ______ CAULiFLOWER R RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SPECIALTY interesting motifs used In decora- News Notes dinner and at the Players Club Fourth Grade Mothers Tuesday evening In honor of their The Fourth Orade Mothers of PETER DI NICOLA guest Mr. Robert de Hack of Johan- Rutgers avenue held a luncheon nesburg. S. Africa. meetlng .t the' Ingleneok SaturDriveway.. Construction Mr. and Mrs. Elwood H. Garrett day. Mrs. H.llock C. Campbell IB \ of Princeton ayenue entertained ChalrDian of the mothers group. Asphalt Or Concrete ti! members of thek bridge club at a Other officers Include Mrs. Howard dinner-brIdge Saturday evening.. C.· . Jackson. program chairman Cellar Walls Re-Plastered Mr. George F. Corse. Jr.• of Mar- Mrs. Joseph S. Howe. chalrman Of Phone Swarthmore 6-2626 tinsville. Va.. vlBlted bIB parents hospitality; Mrs. J. M. Bend.r. tel.Mr. and Mrs. Corse of Yale phon. chairman. and Mrs. WiIJIam whUe attending a duPont confer- Lowe. treasurer. enc. In Wilmington Thursday and Friday of last week. : UPHOLSTERER Health Group Meet Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Dickinson mOM SEREMlIA and SOD Luren of Park avenue have The Health Group· met at the Slip Covers - Draperies - :15 Years Experience returned from a 10-d.y sQuthern hom. of Dr. and Mrs. O. W. Tucker REASONABLE RATES trip during whlch time they visited of Swarthmore avenue Saturday 1000 Weat 9th Street relatives In Tampa. St. Petersburg evening. InformatIon and charts Phone Chester 4-4897 and Daytona Beach. Fla. WbUe In Ion amino acids pr.pared by Dr. st. Petersburg they spent a short Tucker made up the subJeet mattime with former SWarthmoreans ter of the .venlng. Devine Taxi SerVice :Mr. and Mrs. James Timmons. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hollander, Swarthmore, Pa. Mrs. John Montgomery and Mrs. son Preston and daughter Judith Serving Swarthmore. MorHenry N.lBon have returned' to • ton. Rutledge and Ridley their h.ome In Detroit. Mich.. fol- Ann of Ogden avenue r.eturned last Township since 1918 week after a two-w.ek visit with lowing a w.ek·s vlBlt with their Swarthmore 6-0444 Mrs. Hollander's brother Dr. Presbrother Mr. C. R .. and ton Watters of Oocoanut Grov•• faDlUy of 1:nayer road. Fla. -1dH!;::2::C' Mrs. Edward Hay of Ogden BveMr. and Mrs. Jphn Honnold of Swarthmore 6448 . ~ nue was hostess to the ThurSday WIWAM BROOKS Reading Group at a luncheon meet-••ntertalned a group of friends Sunday ev.nIng to hear Ashes fi Rubbish Removed Ing thIB w.ek. Shozo Kadota. a graduate of the Lawns mowed, General Mrs. WIlliam E Hetzel of Thayer Hauling road entertained the Sandwich Club University of Tokyo who IB now on a scholarshlp at Swarthmore 236 Harding Ave., Morton. Pa.ii at her home Wednesday. Collega. Mr. Kadota talked. on· ~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~. "Religion In Japan." H. Forsythe. ii1'~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~iIFranCIB Dr. and Mrs. Hallock C. CampbelJ ANTIQUE CLOCKS A were used even on Bibles. She expJaijned the symbollBm 01' many, ------.. ----------- pAB Phone Media !I-356S The art of thIB people came from I the fact that they wanted everyWatchmaker thing decorated. The spe.k.r said. 532 Ridley Avenae that the signs on barris are not hex 1 FolBom, Pa. WA 8-5'143 signs. as erroneously called. but: merely decoratlve.-the same signs . Satisfaction Guaranteed Clapp's, Gerber'I, Beech·Nul, "rinl, libby's 'aT N.w and RebuUt Plano. and Repairing Since 1901 I Watch Repairs before 1808. Rubbish Collection Swarthmore Djsposal Weekly or Monthly WARREN PIERCE Swarthmore 6-2078 PIANO TUNING NEW '52 CHEVROLET I· IIij BABY' FOODS I r-------------,; true Pennsylvania Dutch one mnst· prove that bIB ancestors came here Pineapple Juiee Del ~"'•• Dol. --.... c i--"-=SCC.'--i--36c cCin .. .fkkaI Oranae Juicil "'0' ::t3c 29. .. CO" Grated Tuna Fish ';' Zjo 25•. c.n _;:-:,-:-~~,-=-=-:c..:c==-=.,,-_ O!_~~bb)". snvers. I si!iS;;;;;;;i!iS;;;;;;;;;;S;;;;;;;;;;S;;$~R J. Paul Brown of Walnu~ lane. Ii! . Hoover, John J. Persblng, Lowell: Thomas, and CI~ Oable.'~ To ~e a : PURPLE PLUl\ISN~~!~1-::::'2-==-5c-I~29~c .9dmI Peacbes H:r:~!rYI. Marsha and indian wars. The Moravian peo- Susan Spencer. Kathy Stamford. . ple at Bethlehem are noted. for ad- and Jeri Taylor. In estab1lBhlng a baslB for awardvances In education. - they had the first k1nderga.-ten In this country. Ing numerals a chart system was They built the first drug store. I used. Credit was given for being lvanla Dutch did not i prompt for meetings. being In unISome Pe ~ form. bringing any reqUIred equlpbelieve In fighting; but others did. ment. and having done any assigaed and made up the backbone of the task for four consecutive meetings. Continental Army., The beautiful On the same d·ay the troop preKentuc\\''-, :;\'.A, «''',~ GVlnrthmore College Li brt>ry ~'VlRrthmore, I THE 8 iI P. I -: ' .' " COME ON 'A F.: COATS • • SUITS • SIURTS • • BLOlJSES • .'" • • • , .39.00 .39.00 .7.00 .5.00 .~~- ."~ ..... '!~ r" '. • " ,. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIRECTORS Of fUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET and Mr. and Ml·S. Willard Vaughan will act as chaperons. - OLIVER H. BAIR, Founder %, Telephone RI 6-1581 , I · . '" \ j • ~ ...... , ~ "YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE AT SPEARE'S~ "J I IMcCorkel To Speak At :Home &School Tues. Donald MacCormlcl<:. for many years head of the Mathematics De· i partment • of the Penn Charter t Tomorrow, Monday Voting i School. has been appointed to the Social Hour Will Prec'ede To Name 2 Directors Swarthmore rugh School faculty as 8. P.M. Meeting In End Same Hour a temporary Instructor. He will Auditorium The Annual Meeting of the take the classes of Eugene Duncan. • The Swarthmore Home and Swarthmore Public Library .Assocta- i who Is stili In a serious condition AssociaUon. at its meeting next tlon will be called to order Monday at Taylor Hospital. Tuesday. January 29, will present night at 8 p.m. In the Library I Mr. MaOCormlcl<:. whose home is i as ~J.le speaker Roy McCorkel. Harvard avenue quarters by the in Narberth, is an alumnus of Swarthmore resident Who has just President. Dr. J. Alfred Calhoun. Bowdoin College. spent two years in Europe and the Promptly at 8 the Election for Near East as European director of two Library Directors, which takes I Co-operative for American Remitplace during Library hours tomortances to Europe . their down rainy streels and up watery' to the World Conference of Churchdance» they portray the true qua1- walks In the March against. Polio. Springfield H. S. Teacher es at Oxford. and attended the Itles of character and behavior of Block by blocl<: weather-resistant I Lived At 224 Park World Christian Youth Conference "our first clttzens:' women raised I llot of the cvening's arrallgement..... i ray. John H. Pitman. C. W .. Ramsay. later than Monday. January 21. Fran~ Maselli. Announcement that Frank T. Runsburg: and Catharine A Gray Lady cour.-;e will be given dUllcmg was to complete the even- i P. ,lnd Anna Mary Fussell. at the SncU('nlmrg Auditorium in ing was a welcome ·surprise. I Mesdames Earnest Isberg, Ken- Philadelphia on Jrmunry 29 frolll J 0 '11m absence of Honorary Mem-I net.h Crot.hers, Clarence 'Vorst, Ed- a.lIl. until 4 p.m. Applicants may reber Judgc Henry Swene}'. due to I ward Crat.<;ley. Charles Lincoln. gi:;ler at Red Cro~!> Chapter Headillness in his family, was regretted George Gillespie, George Sickel, quarters. 253 North Broad street, by all. William Gehring, Lynn Kippax. Philadelphia: or make arrangeVernon Triboletti, George Stauffer. ments fm' registration thl'oui!h Mrs. PORCH I,!(;HT CAMPAIGN David McCahan. ArthUr Silvers. Harry Miller (SW 6-1240). RegisCharles Rue, Roger Russell, William tration for this cOllr:-;c closes on (Continued fl'om page oIle) Cresson. Jr., Clark Allison, Morris Friday January 25. Those marching are; : Potts. William Turner, W. H. Crane. The Mesdames Charles Russell. I Harry Tarnoff. JUNIOR ASSEMBLIES Donald Poole. Raymond Lassiat, F. \ViJdeblL'ih. F. C. Beck, F. C. pat-I The ele\'enth and twelfth grades IN SUNDAY PANEL man. E. D. Dawes, J. A. Turner.! meet t.oget.her from 8:30 to 11 :30 Fred Campbell, Chudes Masehal. D.: Two county authors and an artist tomorrow evening in l,he Woman's O. Foster, E. M. Rowand. Philip AI- all l'esidents of Wallingford. will Club for an informal dance. den, J. W. Schad, and Frances present a three-way qiscussion on Hosts for the elevent.h grade will Shero and Jean Brown. the problems or the creative writer be Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schroe- • I' Sizes 0·1·2·3·4 .•. Now 2.49 I-PiECE MODEL Sizes 4·5·6·7·8 Now 1.69 Mail and Phone Orders Accepted *Discriminating Models • \ • T~E SWARTHMOREAN • ~J~::=:=.='Uh=='·='::::::====::::==::==::=T~H~E::S~W=A~R:T~":M~6~R~E~A~N~~~~":"~--~-~--~':'~"~-!"f--~-~"~--~.~'2'_~._~".~,_~".~"'~~ I oi Vle~ I laIlUIJII. I. . . the National AdvertLslng Agency 1I4r. an,d Mrs. Joseph B. Shane of 'susan Marcy, on December! 22 In I Mrs. Girard D. Blasdel of PhIladelNetwork. They will be accompanied CunnIngham House on tl!e. college I Winter Park, Fla. ,phia, formerly of Swarthmore, and ~y Mr. and 1I4rs. Roland G. E. Ullcampus, wll1 spend tomorrow with i Susan Is the granddaughter of the late 1I4r. Blasdel. Mrs, A. Ludlow Clayden of Park Jr., of Villanova. their son Larry who will celebrate' 1I4r. and Mrs. Jay D. Cook of Win-/' ' avenue entert.ained as her house 1I4r. and Mrs. Paul K. PanlBOn of guest for a few days of this week Mrs. W. Minton Harvey of Co- hia seventeenth birthday annIver- ter Park. formerly of Swarthmore. avenue Is with her daughter, sary at George School where he Is Sprfngffeld announce the birth of a Mrs. Alfred Butman of Peace Dale, James Vidal who underwent a a student. • Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. Leo DaVid: son Paul JolUl on Wednesday aftm-R. I" who was en route to Florida, Mrs, William A, Clarke of Wal- I:~::~I operation at the Gaston MeDr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch at, Patterson of MIlton, Fla., announce: noon In Taylor HospItal. lingford was hostess to ":rhe Eight- II Hospital, Gastonia, N. C., last Dartmouth avenue will entertafn at th birth ' some" at a luncheon-bridge at her Tuesday following an automobile a cocktail party before the SerIes e of a daughter Janice Lee, The grandparents.of the new baby home Tuesday. accident on New Year's Day. After Dance in the Woman's Club to- on January 21 at Pensacola, Fla. ,are Mr. and Mrs. PaUl M. PaUlson Miss Harriet Gilbert of Park ave-lseveral more weeks of hospltallza- morrow eVening. ' The Is a granddaughter of lot Park avenue. Mrs. Vld~1 plans to return to 1I4r. and Mrs. T. W. Prescott ofl,':==================='-'==='-'-'==""" nue spent the week-end skllDg in home In Atlanta, Ga. Benjamin West avenue will enterStowe, Vt. Attorney A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William W. Rum- tain informally before the Series of North Chester road is In Harrlsof Magill road entertained at Dance tomorrow evening. burg attending the mid-winter small dinner party Saturday eve- Mrs. Donald crosset and daughmeeting of the PennsylvanIa Bar ter Donna of Riverview road are Association. Mrs. Randolph Roess Is recuperat- spendlrig a two-week hollday In Ft. BEAUTY SALON Mr. and Mrs. A. Laurence Baxter at her home on ComeU avenue Lauderdale, Fla. . have returned to their Ogden ave-Ifol~ow'fng a major operation. Dr. and Mrs. George B. Heckman BEAUTY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT nue horne after vacationing most of Mr. C. F. Noyes of Parrish road of Park. avenue and cbUdren June January. They flew to New Orleans to his home Sunday after and O. B. and Mrs. Heckman's Call Swarthmore 6-0476 where they boarded a cruise boat a patient In Taylor Hospital mother Mrs. Scott Kauffman wll1 9 Chester Road for 10 days In the Caribbean. Haweeks following an acci. If ye continue In my Sunday morUing ,at ,the 9:30 and. Interested tn Joining the Church at' word, then are ye my disciples In11 o'clock services 1I4r. Bishop's ser- iEaster tbne will meet'Sund ttc _Ideed' and ye-shall know'the truth, ill be 11Th F that Bear" ay a r. • , mon w e ~ . i noon February 3, at 4:30 In the Pas- I and the truth shall make you free." AU departments of, the Church, tor's Study with Mr. Bishop. j' (8:31,32.) School ,~ the AdUlt Bible Classes Beginning Sunday evening, Feb- I . meet at 9.30 Sunday morUing. j ruary 10 at, 8 p.m., a class wll1 lie The Coftee Hour Is, held each: held In the Parish House for adnlts Pfc. JolUl B. Campbell, a gradU-, Sunday morning following the 11, who wish to examine th ir faith! ate of the University of Michigan, i~~~~~~~~~D~ar~t~m~,~o~u~th~~&~L~af~a~y~e~tt~e~A~V~etI~.~~ KNOWS RUGS ~unday ev~g at 6 !' clock In Mc- , one _ members and non-members.: lIsting college trained men that are oahan ~. ThIs Sunday Mrs. The Choir rehearsals for the' In ,the milltary service. At present Aurelia "Relgner wlll ~ll one o~ her week are as foUows: Junior Choir, i he Is assigned as a techUleal editor favorite stories from Venture, the Thursday afternoons at 3:30; Chapel to the Army Chemical Center. He Junior Hlgil. weekly paper of which ChOir, Thursday evenings at 7:45; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C" B. she ~ the editor. Cherubs' Chair, Saturday morUlng Campbell of College avenue. The HIgh School Fellowship will at 10:30. -----------meet at 7 p.m. Sunday evening In The Girl Scout.. meet at 3:30 on ' the Parish House. ThIs Sunday the M,onday afternoon; the Brownies topiC for 'thought is "How to OVer- meet at 3:30 on Monday afternoon; 'come our' FeelIngs of Inferlortty:' and the Boy Scouts of Troop 2 meet , part of the theme they are pursuIng at 7 o·clock on Wednesday 'evening. •••••• ••••• :. currently - "Understanding, our'·A men's dinner ~W ~ held on : selVes." •• February 13 at 6 :30 In McCahan • o The Young AdUlts meet, ~or sup- Hall. •• •• o per at 6:30 Sunday evening. FollowSurgical Dressings will be made • • You will find this o Ing supper: they will continue their on - Wednesday, January 3D, at 10 : dependable pharmacy •o discUssion of the appllc~tlon of the o'clock in the Woman's Association : up~to-date in every ..::co o speer. W ~ carey a. comethics and gospel of Jesus to our Room. j . • •o plete stock of all the o•o llves. Mr,' Bishop, wlll lead the disnewest research medico cussion· ~der the theme ·ot f'The • jnals and areequipped Trinity Notes • 'Qospel of'ChrtBt and'Personal Ethto compound your pre••o At 8 o'clock Sunday morUlng • o ics." scriptions promptly and •• properly. Won't you The "Mr. and Mrs. Club" wlll hold there will be a celebration of the -.o •o· please try time. Its Annual Covered Dish Supper and Holy Communion. All departments, • • meeting this Sunday eveDing at 7 ot the Church School will meet at " o'clock. Dorothy Fritz of the Pres- 9:30. At the 11 o'clock serVIce of byter1an Board of, chr!stlan Educa- Mcimmg Prayer, the Rector wll1 tlon will be the, sPeaI.H. W. Itigraham, W. M. Mac- • •••••• Cawley, J. N. !!,utt, W. H. Randall,. H. G. Toland, and J. B-IBnIlItt, Jr. Cathermans - •••• -' .. Church ser.vice/i:, S:V~ORE PRESB ' cHtm.cH Joseph P. Bl8hop, MInister JolUl Stettner, AssIstant Sunday, Jan1lBl7'-21 ' 9:30 A. M.-"-Church SChool and Bible Classes, ' 9:30 and 11:00 A. M.-Mr. Bishop will preach. ' ,, , Wednesday, January 30 10:00 A. M.-Surgical Dressings . t" METHODIST CHURCH' Roy N. Keiser, D. D., MInister - SunllaY, January 21 9:46 .A. 'M.-Church ,School and Young Adnlts. 11:00 A. M.-Dr.. Keiser wlll preach. 11:00 A. M.-Church Nursery 15 South Chester Road - - - - - - - - - - ., - College Theatre ANNOUNCEMENT FREE PARKING NOW AVAILABLE FrI. & Sat.. Aristocrat Ice Cream "TOO YOUNG TO KISS" June Allyson Van Johnson Season's Best Comedy ---Sat. " • TRINITY CHURCH' H. Lawrence, WhittemO~t-~ctor Sunday, January 21 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion 9:30 A. M.-Church School' 11:00 A. M.-MorUlng Prayer Wednesdlly; January 30 ,7:15 A. M.-Holy Communion Satnrday (Feast of PurIfication) 10:00 A. M.-Holy Communion, , ) Nigl~-t--OnIY'~Fcature- TliDe- Special Children's Show Sat. 1 p. m. "EAGLE & THE HAWK" (_.) ~ Gallon $1.55 "SUBMARINE COMMAND" ICE CREAM TARTS An Oulstandlng Motion' Picture Event . Tues. & Wed. ' "JOAN OF ARC" (tech.) CAKE BOX 6; 8 & 10 IngrId Bergnuui Jose Ferrer THEATRE SQUARE Swarthmore 6-3243 evw';:'; , . "ccomplishcd this objectiv~ ,. -.~n he spent SlID. & MoD. William Holden Nancy Olson Rhonda Fleming well. Your de' Gallon $1.25 Darlene Pints FANCY M01.DS ICE CREAM CAKE ROLL John Payne chief objective of Saturday, "anuan' 2G" 3:00 P.' M.-"-Concord Quarterly Meeting. Supper between sesslons. n.: 00 P . M ....,-E ventng Mee"", t'hn 0 f Quarterly Meeting, Ray Mc" Corkle speaking on: "World Problems are SOul Size." sUnday, January 21 9:46 A. M.-First Day School 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum, Roland Pennock ieadlng discussion on "What Is Our Faith." 11:00 A. M.-:-Meetfngfor Wors!>ip. Visitors ,welcome. Children eared ,for In Whittier House. Monday, .Jan....,. 28 All day' sewing for the A:F13.0. Wedneodf,y, .Jan....,. ao All day sewing for the A.F13.0. one should be tc> do one thing Dolly Madison Ice Cream ~ THE RELIGIOUS SOCIE'I'2 OF FRIENDS ...0:::=.-_ _ o The , .' years of his Iifc in preparing him- , self to care for you when you need medical attention. How .lOlish, then, to depend on other!!. 'When i11nes3 =ornes to you or any member of your family COD- ~ult your physician without delay. Be sure thE. , he' Ii • a censed M.D. from an accredited 8Choo1 ofmedi' ,CIne. T ~en bring your prescriptiOll$ to WI ,for e:apert cc. _ Junding, L\{ichael's ON _,.,0' ; Pharmacy' • •• •••••• / TO~O ONt_THING ,WEll .' --. • .,. .• .,.... ~ RITTENHOUSE 6-1581 A telephone call places our experienced staff at your service -no matter what the hour. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. • DIRICTOR5 0' ,UNURLS . 1820 CHESTNUT STREET OLIVER H, BAlli, Founder MARY A. BAlli, Preslden. Telephone RI 6-1581 o'c1~ .service In McCahan Hall. Iand ctij;cuss the reasons e for our has Joined the Scientific and Pro- !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Junior HI-Feu~wshlp meets, faith. This class is open for every-: tesslonal Personnel Program en- /. COATS " • • $39.00 College Faculty I , .. 'her Swarthmore I --- DAT E BOB ATZ, Owner. o I. ·,T ..J, 111h r;-to- RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN RUSSELI4~S SERvtt::E this evening. Mrs. Ernest M;. Pritchard of Mor- Miss AUce Croomer of Harvard I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pack of ton entertained the Rutgers avenue avenue has ·returned after a week's North Swnrthmore avenue will enCollege avenue grade teachers visit with Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Wells tertain at cocktails before the Sertea Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. of ,Hato Rey, Porto Rico. She flew. ies Dance In the Woman's Club to- I~~~:~ Paul of, Park avenue pre- to Charlotte Amalie In the viI'Iim morrow evening. I, vocal numbers to the group, Islands to spend the day before Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart of VasPaul was accompanied by Mrs~ flying home Sunday. sar avenue will entertain at- a desPennock, also of Park. ave.. Mr. and Mrs. PaUl M.· Paulson of sert-bridge for eight at home Park avenue leave' Monday for a today. Andrew Semenuk and Mrs. six-week trip to Keystone Heights, Mrs. Harlle Reynard, who Is vls- Harold G. Griffin will be co-host- Fla. En route they wll1' visit for lting her parent.., Mr. and Mrs. Wilat a luncheon meetfng of the several days with their daughter, lard Tomlinson of South Chester IReacling Group at the latter's home Mrs. V. S. KupeUan· of Bethesda, Rutgers avenue Tuesday after- Md . road. entertained Thursday with a , 100 Park Ave., Sw.rlhmore, Pa. baby shower in honor of Mrs. C. The Theta Sewfng group met last SWARTHMORE 6-SOOO BIRTHS William Ramsey of Lafayette ave.. at the home of Mrs. Walter nue. 1I4r. and, Mrs. ChrI8t1an H.PedAdd Y ..... To Yonr carriet With IiI.hawk CushIon IR<,bert.. In Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L, Miller of Mrs. Albert Schoft of Michigan orson of Mahtomedi, Minn., are reTh.yer road wlll leave tomorrow avenue entertafned at a tea last celving eongratUlstions upon ~e ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for a month's vacation at Cocoa, week In honor of her daUghter' birth of .. son Kai Thatcher Ped- ~ Fla. Burton L. Cox ot Towson. Md' eraen on January 18. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Thateher were hlgh'school classmates' The baby Is a grandson of 1I4r. entertained a group of SWarthmore Cox, who concluded a two~ ~~ Mrs. Wllliam H. Thatcher ot College friends at D- dinner· party week vacation' with her parents last 0 ege avenue. at their home Saturday. Saturday, returned to her position -Mrs. E. L. Mercer of North Ches- as training supervisor In a Baltl1I4r. and Mrs. James R. Schurz ter road will be hostess to members more department store. announce the birth of a daugbter, of her bridge club at a luncheon- . Mrs. E. Van S. Cleveland of.. Park ~=::c===iiiiii=i:i=i:i~ bridge at her home today. Is entertaining at a lunch- Il THE Mrs. Henry L. Smith of Rutgers eon and canasta today at the avenue ~ill entertain ~ her week- Strath Haven Inn. Guests Include end guest.. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Cur- Mrs. Herbert Bassett and MIss Marie of Schenectady. N. Y. who are bel Talley of Swarthmore. and Miss en route to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Nettie Alexander of West Chester. ! Norman Hulme aJso of Rutgers aveMr. and Mrs. Francis W. Plow-! nne will entertain· at a dinner- blan and daughters Suzanne and presents James Thurber's bridge for Mr. and Mrs. Currie to- Joan of Swarthmore avenue will ''THE MALE ANIMAL" mOITOW evening. leave February 1 for a several~week Mr. and Mrs, H, Lindley Peel and trip south stopping at Clearwater Dlr..,ted by son CraIg of Columbia avenue spent Fla. Barbara Pearson Lange the week-end Visiting Mr. Peel's' r~~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sisters, Mrs. Wallace" Van NeSt and II & Sat.-Jan. 25th & , SUBSCRIPTIONS Miss Marjorie Peel of West Orange, FOR ALL u ~dmission $1.00 N. J. MAGAZINES Mr. and Mrs. David Ulbnsn of Scholarship Berlefil Amherst avenue wUl spend· the MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN week·end in New York attending 313 Dartmouth Avenne 8:15 P. M. - Clothl..- Memorial the Eastern Regional Conference of Swarthmore 6-2080 Freedom through obedience' to TrUth is the theme of the LessonSermon In Christian Science Services next Sunday when the subI ject will be "Truth." 1 , The words of Christ Jesus, recorded In the, Gospel of JolUl const.ltute the Golden Text: "Then lis Complete Auto' "ervl"ce SW 6-0440 JANUARY 25, 1952 I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --~~-----------=--=I HondurdS were among the ports Nancy Roess of Comell a.venue ar.. visited. rived home Thursday from Penn Mr. lind Mrs. Robert D. Hall of State for a week's vacation between Fairview road retuMlcd Saturday semesters. from an extended trip, They left Mrs, Frank G. Keenen of Harvard New York by plane for Paris the entertained informally at a day after Christmas, then to Beion Thursday afternoon. rut, Bethlehem and Jerusalem. They , Keenen will also entertaID. Inreturned by way of Istanbnl, Ath- formally this afternoon. ens and Rome. Mr. Hall Is a pilot Mrs. John Marshall of West with the Pan·American Airlines. formerlY- .of Swarthmore, Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Dr. and Mrs. Hale CharCh of Harvard nvenuc will entertain at a Ford flew to Haiti for a small dinner party '!It their home holiday. .... Christian Science Notes The Bouquet •• ,Problems are SoUl Size.", , J. Gordon Roit, Goli high Ull\jIerslty. ' The discussion at the morUing, road has been el..,ted assistant! Mrs. Harold G. Grlftln of RutfOrtml on Sunday will be led by desk editor of The Brown and gers avenue entertained at .. lunchRoland Pennock on "What Is our White, campus newspaper at Le- eon at her home Monday. Faith!' ____. _i. _. __ ! o~clrotby SwarUunore was SenIor Ginny Geh- Strouse and Fred Yocum,. bIIh stills for evening entertainment In I viait with Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jenkins, state chairman of Indian ring with 11 Chris Ford was schoollnstructon, 17 ltudenta workInternational Souse, Philadelphia, Coates of Harvard avenue and Mr. SChools addressed the meeting, her. _' with 8 P t lIlate ed last 8aturda)' at the Am,H";,, There are 1000 foreign students In and Mrs Robert Farley' of Yale subject being "The American In~ up d a ZeD' FrIends ServIce COmmIttee Wareth Phllad I hla avenue, ' dian of Yesterday Is the CitiZen of an one • house sorting and "'''nl clothiDtr e ep area. . Today." sen, ",n. ed from BUBrd ID the to be "8hipped to ))IrIIGIlI, The following delegates to the absence of Connie KnowIea) also abroad, '. . National Congress to be held ID saw action as forwards. captalD, A1torether they ~pared alY.lut a Washington, D,C. in April were Baily aaatIIl dI8pla)'ed outatand1nl ton of used' clothlDtr In 21 baIeI; elected: Mrs. David Bingham, abillty at her BUBrd posItI~ Often About 400 pounds of tbla clothIDtr working delegate with Mrs, John the fIDe IDtercept1nns of LIB For· had been collected earUer this )'ear Rife, Mrs, John Larson, Mrs. Paul sythe, Judie Roess, and Shirl., 00Ie- by SWart!uDore elem~tary·· ChIIHelms and Mrs, C. Russeil PhillIpa man kept the opposition from scor- dren. These prcJects are a'JIRC'Of'" as alternates, ' 1Dg. The HaVerford team, which tile United Charitlea propam. a di- . y;., William B, Bllilock of Cedar has yet to 1_ a game, deeerved VisIon of the social studiea cnmicu•. lane, chairman of the Vailey Forge much credit In I!aInlntr a well- Ium. Bell Tower committee received earned victory. The folioWIDg' student voluD~ $'11.50 for the completion fund for The score of the J,V. game' W88 Bave their services Satorda,: the Bell Tower, 41-16 in favor of Hav~ord. For EIlZabetil Pl:48)'the, ROpr CHI. Mrs. H.oward Newnam reported the Swarthmore team, cath7 Wta- mour, Bob Wright, Bart Ezaw, Jud' that boXes of clean and med cloth- dom and Maryellen Hopper were H)'gatt, Pete Slmlaech Clinic ','_ ;"Jsiness law Shop Moth The Shop Foreman rnstrumentation ! Industrial Electronics Registration Information 91hrcugh 9 D--'·, . The Counseling Service i. -.° 1 ClUJ' ~y 9 h ~. a iob with. the Telephoi.8 Companyl' h ( 'l'IHI'iE'N i ~.em~uzBc OIL HEAT OIl ..... "11'. All CONOIllOfoltfG CIU. fUt.....ell CMI locun,OIL JUINING .i' Every day more and more pia are fiodfug that the Bell'Telephone fa -. good plaCe to work." They like the people, the 1UITOOndfnga, the pay •.. and the knowledge that they are doing vital jobs in these critbl timea, Why not stop in today at one of the officea..lfsted below: , \ IAI Arch S.n ••, t roug avoilc~l" de"·-. ~ "'3 ~.... 'rot.oI n ... .. ... ,;.... .835 HARVARD AVE" SWARr::r.i!O-'-:' . "' ...... ' . ' dS • d 0:1 5-STAIl A,TTRA,CTION- 691~ ludlOw S"e,et, Upp •• Dalby, .... ':.:dustriol Psychology Production Control .' GOOD PAY 91GfIT FROll HIE START _ -' udM~fJ tlJQ-ffliIuJ , INTERESTING, ESSlNTllll \\ORK • PIiII ••• ,p·......... 12 n:l:ln ... PSflO;;;;l III 1m mlPIIONE . coa,,1IY • • ImwAIIIA. . ' ~/"'1I. MI,U'" Meet.he mos. pawerful n R""""'" En&ine OldsmobU.. ever buill! At the Ninety;Eit,Iit-a jrlumph of fine..,.r design-a Dassie! Below, the sensational new action-star -oldsplObile's Super tt88" for 19521 Both bring you the top; DAY..,IINlGBT OIL BURNER SERVICE HEW HYDRA· MAliC SUPER DRIVE"1 HEWGMHYDRAULICSTEERIHG'! HEW OLDSMDBILFS "ROGKET"I MONDAY THaU 8ATmlDAY NOON SW6-4041 8UNDAY8 .ad HOLIDAYS' SW 6-0740 COAL FIRE PLACE WOOD •. ,-. ~.&, Now Hydra-Malic Drive adds a This newest development in new range-"Supern Range for power-assisted steering super performance-thrilling new takes out the e£ro~ leaves action in any driving situation t in the "{eel"· of the wheel! I 9 5 2 .. GReM 0. , .I . .o1J'.l!'l" ~N ...' ... , 0 L D 5 M 0 8 I L ES N OW On _ _ , C. B. 8. News with Do1qIas _ 0 N With 25 more hbrsr.powernew Quadri .. Jet Carburetor -new blgh ..lift valvea-now more thrillit,ag tban everl DIS It LAY 160 horsepower "Rocket'~! Both Ccature Oldsmobile's new Hydra-MaticSuper Drive- with its thrilling new Super Range (or spectacular action! Both offer new GM IIydranlic Steer .. mg·-and an even smoother "Rocket Ride"! And 9 in this) magni6CeDt new Ninety-EitJrt. Oldsmobile achieves a new high in fine-car deAign. A sweeping new "long look" outside! New "CustOm ..Lonnge" interi6r&--the finest you"ve ever Beenl These brilliant .new "Rocket Oldl5mohiles for 1952 are now 8pecial display in our showroom! See them today! U on AT -' T HI ' F 0 L LOW I N G DIALER 5 • , , , Monday tIma FrIday at ,,31 P.1II. W, C. A. n.-TV ChamleI 1, Courtesy of HIT E -BAR , 340W. RaJtimore Pike .Inc. . Media "I. )'RI' THE· S WART tI MO REA'N ______________~______________~T~H~E-'~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N--------------__________~---h---.-~-.--u.--, Boys- Win, 47.46 ,Over Cons.hohocken Woman's Club Notes !elll)' of FIDe Art8, Broad and Oller- Capacity Audience ry streets, PhlJadelphla. AU olub H ears C · Tuesday, January 29, at 2 p. m. bel'8 inVited. Thooe who. OUSlns In the auditorium of the Swarth- mem are more HIgh School Reginald and wish to attend the luncheon are Gladys Laubln will appear In dances asked to make reservBUona with MIss Talley, SW 6·~O'III, on or before of the American Indians. The art department, chairman January 29. Mabel Talley, will meet for lunch On Frldsy, February I, at 10 a. m. Thursday, January 31, at the Whit- the Uterature department, Mra. RoItier, 140 North 15th street, . and G. Eo Ullman chairman. will at 12 noon and will afterwards vIBlt present Mra. J. Robert KlIne, In B the annual art exhibit at the Acad- review "DIZZY" by Hesketh Pearson. _ I --, • Don't help the burglar ply hiD trade. Stote articles of value in 8 safe, deposit box at our bank. Your important papers also deserve the benefit of modern safeguards. Act now to protect them. SWARTHMORE RATIONAL BARI ARD TBUST COMPARY • • M_ .., , . . , . D.,olll I ,..,.' c.".. _'r. Norman COualns, speakIng before a capacity audience In the FrIends MeeUng House Monday evening, told the United World Federal18ts' assemblage that he Ia not a pessam1at but neither a reckless opthn1st. , "Indta ba8 the world's largest ref _ problem," he said, "and yet they declare In reply to the United States 'Keep your wheat and we will keep our pride.' The atom bomb would have no power against the village c1vl11zaUon of' China, Indta and other scattered populaUona, yet they fear the wblte man with a gun and Rusa1a 18 emphASIzing that fear and st.resslng the color line. "We do not need a master race but au nations shOUld have their wants considered. The United States Ia new on the world stage and governments can move no faster than the people. "World Government will come" Mr. Couains prophecled." But will It cottle before another war? The world Ia starved for leaderablp BQd the UnIted Nations Ia neither inadequate nor un-Insp!reci. We need not a steam-roller world but one safe for d1ffeJ;ellCes with an adequate disarmament program." George BardIn of Lansdowne, who ac1a In an adVisory eapac1ty for the Ph11adelphla Council and recently was a delegate to the Rome meeUng of the World Movement for World Fdderal Government, opened the meeUng and Introduced Robert Amsden, principal of the swarthmore HIgh School as moderator of the rneeUng: Mr. Amaden presented Norman COusins as one of the really sIgn11Icant personaUtIeB of our time. A aer1ea of programs on United World Federallam will be started on Sundays at 6 p. m. on WPWA with informed 'peakers. Poets' Circle on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Joseph A. Perry as program chairman will read Rudyard Klplings poems. Enjoy Goo.d Eatlna With ACME QUA LIT' MEATS Get t'le quality that pleases the family, and at prices that will fit your budget. Satisfaction, or we cheerfully refund your money. Lean, Fresh--=----"---,------.::~~- , PORK LOINS (~%i~.d) 33e Ib LOIN END PORK LOINS DUCKLIUGS LEG OF .LAMB ~pto Ib 4S~ 3Yllb. Fresh·Kllled Long Island '" E~~:!~:~' FRESH GROUND BEEF 79 Ib ""6Se Regu19r DELICIOUS COLE SLAW Ib aI. ZSo LARCE JERSEY PORGIES Ib / FRESH PEAS St!Jd ~ 4:" Sage I • FRUIT· COCKTAIL Del Monte California large No,21-i can ::': x:w=..::~~:. The, proceeded to pial' at a fast cUp and run up a lead of 11 points. DurInI ,the third period TownshIp found-the. range and dnmped In 18 points to swarthmore', ~. With a few minutes to play Township was ahead by ~ potnt-., but Swarthmore would not give up and preIIjIM ~th­ In 3 points before the end at the GRA.PEFRUIT JU~i~~::,· 3 37c ~. T".Q._. <-N., ............... Directorships Open !posalbIDty of offering tennIa in' olrucllon was discussed. In Summer Program The committees at each II'OUp ~ra. r - 7' f Mrs. DaVid Wladom, summer club; . Mrs. Bruce ,smith, pre-school and primary; and WUllam F, Lee, base- ' , .,••,- Ib _ Medium £uDcll - DI..... MarshMallow Puffs.. Macaroon Cooki.. \ DAlLY'DIN~S ~OC 405 DIII1moutb Ave. to fl.65 Speeial Chlldroll'., Platten • • ,. WHIN MOTOR TREND TESTED PORt * * * * * * *, * * Ju _ge Braking Distance In Feet , Ton MlI~,perGaIIon I Average Acceleration in Seeond. Acceleration Over Standing ~ MUe in ~d. A_ag. Top Speed In M.P.H. ~ • GLENDALE CLUB c:::.... t . load Horsepower _ 15 c":ifferent American etock automobileseq.lpped 'as you buy them-were driven by Motor Trend Magazine as hard as steel and rubber can be driven. In these actual road tests of efficiency and perfOl'l11llJlOll, measured by the most accurate instruments obtainable, Chrysler proved itself superior to all others. In 13 testa Chrysler was first in 7-tied in 2, making a total of9 outof13 • •• and first in total pointal Only by taking an engine to tho limit of ita potential, only by turning the corners at high speeds, applying brakes for emer- gency stopa, torturing body, springs and abock abeorbers, can you Ieam just what performance you caD expect from the maks ofcaryoudri....e. Results of the MotorTr.end testa were conclusive ••• as Chrysler, again, proved itself the one best car in Arner"",. The Motor Trend Award, like numer· ous other honors today's Chrysler has won, is both a proof of and a tribute to Chryllier's magnifi~t FirePower engine and master engineoJrinz. Eachdemonst.rateswhy, spymg men and women who know automobiles • ~ • Chrysler is always the first choice. ··•· R per load Honepower' .*Maxlr- Torque'ln Lbs.·Ft. M • • Brake Mean Effective Pr_ ... ® fInt '. ~ Total Poinls &nest "ngineered can in the worl~ . ACME MARKET, Chester Rd., Swarthmore . Open Thursday & Friday Till 9 P. M. . -Saturday till 6 P. td. Fl'lda7&9Ul9 Swarthmore 6-4191 s;.;~)iiiii~n"'~')r....;I~~~_ _-_,)-...t~~lj;;;;;::!.J::n;)J Pi / 2·lb pkg pleg Camera & Hobby Shop CLOSJlD EVERY SUNDAY OI'EN,7 A . M. to ~:30'P, M. . Monday Thru Saturday CHRTSLER SURPASSED ALL OTHERS SUNSHINE Cookie Sale 31e HydrOll; Sondwlch (!alt••, Choc, YOU'LL FIND THEM AT HOME AT THE 407 DAttTMOUTH AVENUE , In the Grinding Tests 'that Won it the Motor Trend Magazine Award, ,Chrysler proved itself the, Best Engineered Car in America Rob-ford Sua·Dried Peach.. I~~. Z7c Rolt-lord Sua·Dried Apricou' I~~. 590 Seeelle.. Ra18in. I:':, 160 • -..., • SWEET PRUNES 22e • •....,.rd, ':..1 "f!'" c (. .---_. For Outper~ormingan other American Peache.- . HelSll~. ... ;'; .9d4a1 To.ato .Juice .,~~ '/JdmI Slioed Red Been Farmdale Lilaa Bean. G~..& Farmdale Sweet Pea. /JdmI To...ato Catllup . hgulClt Ho'''' /JdmI Peach Pre.erve. Glenwood .JeUie. APple-Elderberry"',... '" Z gloss ,....•• Z90 RoMord Fancy Soup !~: 2So 6919 Ludlom Street, IJpper Darbfl no , nrw' D,DOP I '"r:" ,,,, ,....,= 1ge Sweet, Full Podded, Califomla FOR WOMEN people"lc•••,..p .... work • _____ , : I c BELL TELEPHONE'S NEW, SPACIOUS "Ic. f r t • •• Girls wlJo M Why Drive All Over the County Looking For tbese Items ••• Be... . You are cordially invited to visit thi. new, comfortable Employment Office. Here you'll find friendly interviewera who will answer all your questions about telephone 'work. They'll tell you about the attractive starting aalaries .•. the regular increases ... and the pleasant working conditions that women and girls enjoy with the Teleplione Company. Drop in any time from 8: 30 to 5: 00, Monday lhrough Friday ••• or from 8:30 to noon any Saturday. Miss Leonard or one of her associates will be glad to see yo;" .' Swarthmore W!'l'B· thrilling geme 1 0 , . . Board memben of the Swarth- were lnatructed to senm applicants ,ball. • To-ni8ht finds the local team vii- more Recreation AasoeIaUon met for the three progtaIII/I In the hope _~-_._over league rival Conshohocken 1lUng a fairly strong Ridley Park Thursdal' evening In Borough Ball that .. final se1ecUcm at progIBm ~t Thursday night, JanUB1'7 II. five. and, next TUesday night &hey wben plans were outuned for thIa directors can be made on ThursThe f1naI score was :.~~. The Lit- wU1 pial' a non-league game With ,ummer's recreation program. . day, February 21, the nut board . tie Garnet opened up with a f8l\t Sharon BUl on the latter', court. Membel'8 agreed to have .. pro- meeting. Persons ,Interested In .ppace and kept It up thro\llhOUt , . Iitam "'mllar to that of last year plylnc for the dIrectorahIp should moot at the lame. They led most RECEIVESrSCIENCE AWARD lno1udJng 'pre-schoof and primary, contact the foUowing ~an: at the way but wm:e overt,!re> near John .1'ean\>U, a' member. of theinlmmer club for third grade pupils ~;;:-:-;;-;;;;;;::::;;;;;;;;;;=.;:;;;;;;;..:;;::;.;.........::>-, the end, and had to come from,be- senior class of Swarthmore HIsh through eighth grade, and baseball, hind In orde1'--to tie the score. Don _001 waa recognized thIB week by cons1sUng of, two tesms, the CUp81n1mberg, dropped. B (oul shot to tha Swarthmore COllege Ohapter at pers and the' Hornets. The MIdget force the g~e Into overUme. SIp" Xi: Honorary Fraternity who ba11. team WUI· be Included In sumTwo ,unlI.\t of five boys were nsed naal", him winner of th~ "HIsh mer club actiVities, and will not thro\llhOut the game. 'n11a tended School Bdence AWard of 19I1I-52- In participate In league schedUles. The to wear down the rival and espec- recogn!liIon. at h1a exCeptional In"""""""""""" 1al1l' mowed Its effect during the tereet and abU1tles In 8CI • ",len Dip" • Projectors & Sereens overtime, "he~ Conshy Jumped John, who \8 the son ~ and • 'Tripods • Reel!l'& Cans abead by three points, but the Mra' John M. Pearson, COrnell' ave• Pluto Mom Boardl • SHde &' FUm FIles SWarthmore boys had plenty of nue, wU1 receive a prize book • Flash Bulbs & Batteri\!B • Gadget Bags • Flash GUDIl • Reflector Flood Lights steam. left. to press, steal. the. ball. "Science 1n.ProgIe8s," as well as the and eventually overtake and WIn award certificate. • Trays • Exposure Meters & Cases out. • Thermomllters .' FUm· Editors , TUesday· afternoon saw the Little • Graduates .' Rewinds Garnet again play a tItrIlIlng game, Elected " • Film CUps .' Contact Prlnteri but loot to 'Ridley Township by a D. Malcoim Hodge and A. Sidney 650 Baltimore Pike • Blotter _Roll!l • Filters, & Lens Shades 4~-44 acpre. The five boys who Johnllon, Jr., of Swarthmore have SPRINGFIELD • Varigam SeIs • Adapter Rings ce • Varigam Fllten • Cut FUm & Holders worked 'In 1I1e first unit were B"Il been elected directors of the DeIaPhone SW 6.0450 C1emmlll Jim TUcker, Captain Bob ware Cowty Bar ABsoclatl • Slide Viewers • Projector BUlbs McHenry. Bob AlUsoD and Lee ' OQ.. ~~~ o Enlarger , • Lens Cleaner & TIssue Swan. They Jumped to a f~t lead ~ it, :ciG"'"", e" ,t:1t=' . • Chemicals • Darkroom TIssues and held It until the second unit [i AI AI . • Paperil . • SafeUgh1s • Marshall's Photographic Color Sets composed of Bill Kauffman, Don ~ Mra' Harold G. Griffin of RUtKers avenue will be hostess to the • ___ . on Don MacElwee's last minute goal . ILI__ II Clial~ Poets' Circle geme. BID Hoot WBB high ItJBn for the Little Gamet with 12 points, .."ue Don strotnl>erir walt neat With •••• # . .~ __ .~ t··~ .H:ANNUM; and·, WAITE I •• South Chester Road and' Yal. Avenue I .. ; " "' , • 'l'HE SWARTHMOREAN THE SW,ARTHMOREAN 8 IFriends Conference b 2'o,.,J (Withln: Set for F e. TELEVISION LEGAL NOTICE Next week's Swarthmorean wID a program for Ibe benefit of. ESTATE OF DANIEL .1. BlLFEBTY. DECEASED There Is a legal pnrase townspeople who 'q1Ight lII Tcstamentary on the above Estate h:l\'C been gralltcd to the undeJ.signed. reason) . Swarthmore Friends Meeting and up for· all or part of Ibe sessions. 4-NTIQUE CLQCKS who request all persons having clllims or That should apply to televlsion: !Swarthmore College will be Joint Further information may be secured demands against the Estate of de· A cedent to nlllke known the same, and all Help arrest Ibe public fear : hosu. next week-end, February 2 from Mrs, Henry Patterson, SW SPECIALTI" persons Indebted to the deceden~ &0 make paymcnt. without deJay, &0 Of ads about cigarettes and beer. 'and 3, to Ibe Mid-Winter Con- 6-0850. Dr. Daniel. J. Hmerty. Jr. Re\'. Jo~eph C. HllIertr I ference of Ibe Young Friends John P. n1lferty Watchmaker Shutting off Wagner's "Evening Movement of bolb of Ibe Phuadel• 2Z0 South 16th Btrec~ Phlladelphla. 2. Pa. Star" phla Yearly Meetings. The Ibeme or their Attorney 532 Bldley Avenue To be told how mild ClIIIlelB are, of Ibe coliferenoe Is "Positive Fallb , Frank A. Moorshcad. Esq. 228 N. Lansdowne Ave. Folsom. Pa. WA a·flu Or to check "Madame Buitemy" : In Action," and. a serI';; of talks Lan5downe. Penna. Satisfaction Guaranteed WhIle ten Ibousand doctors test!fy','bY outstanding leader., dlscusalon ESTATE OF Elrle S. sproat.. a/k/a E. .s. Sproat. deceased . groups and educational movies arc Letters 01 Admin. c. t, B, on the abOve Anolber objection to appear . planned. . HORACB 11. Estatc ha'·c been ,):.!'Ilnted to the uDder~ out for Valley Forge Beer, , time :slgll/cd. who Tequ('.':t all persons having PETER Eo TOLD claims or demands nl!:alnst the Estate of This and SChmid!:. run a close mce,. The conference held at tbls time th'~ deceuent to make k.nown 'he sa·me. All Lines of Insuran'ce Hard to tell which h';' first place. because many colleges .are h~vlng and all persons indebted to the de<:edent a few days of vacation after mldto make paJment, without. deJay to: 333 Dartmouth Avenue Mrs. '-hbci H. Sproat,. administra'rlx There Is many anolber Item, year examinations, should bring toc., t. a. Swarthmore. Pa, MO~·lali Ayelluc-, Moylan, Pa. One could add infinitum, 1gether about 200, ranging In age or to the attorney for tbe eatate. Swarthmore 8-1833 CIa ude C. Smith, EsquIre, f.:~"::~~:";':":"::"::~~:;~ ::~: blades cut qulte a fIgure, ,from Ibe high school group, to colof Duane. "'farris & Heckacber ~ lege students and albers on up to 11317 Laud Title BuDding ' Ibe list grows ever. bigger. CUNNINGHAM Philadelphia ~O. PcnDl5ylvan1a IIbe middle 30's. Plana ,are being ESTATE OF Elc-nita Allis Jackson, deSince 1905 CWltbin reason) Ibat's the dlsh, made ·for each age level. RI!AL BSTATI!' (, Painters & Paper Hangers We can only hope and wish. ' Swarlbmore Friends will serve INSURANCB We should know "how E. C. W. cocoa to the visitors during regls609 S. CHBITlh. 1lD. .~:'_":.. "., t;)'Na, 6-2266 Michigan "ve •• I - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - tratlon hour In Whittier House on SIIVARTHlIIOIIB, PIINNA. !Saturday morning, February 2 at and all p.enolls to i~dl"bi.~d to !b.,,--de.";"~'1._~~~~~~~~~!!~~~=! 10 mDokc pa)"mcnt, w1thou~ delay to the 9:30. In Ibe. afternoon Ibey • wID l'XCcutOfS: Ibe conference in Devine Taxi Service _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 provide tea for ~lrs. Helen 1I. Dunham 200 W. Browning Rd., Swaribmore, Pa. PERSONAL . Ibe College dining room. Again In Coll!ngswood. N. J. Pro\'ldent Trust CO. Of Serving Swarthmore. Mar· the evening, while Ibe young people ~~$aa~$aa~~$$ij Philadelphia, 17th &: PERSONAL - Magazine subscrlp- are square dancing wllb music proton, Rutledge and Ri~ley Chestnut Streets. Phlla· Berlba P. Faries; 239 . delphia 3, Pa. Township since 1918 Phone Swarth- vlded by Mr. and ·Mrs. William Danor to t!-,c ilLtorueys [or the estate. PETER DI NICOLA Sw:arthmore 6~0444 Claude c. Smith, Esquire, more , forth, Swarthmore Friends will pro- Watch Repairs Albert Kling I Passmore I I Classified ====:--:-::---:---:--.,..-: of Duane. Morris & Heckscher R~~~~~f.l~~~~~~n - RadIos, televISIon .. PERSONAL vacuum cleaners and vide refreshments. - .. -------- - . - -...... - - - - - - ~ appliances repalr-' Some of Ibe visitors 1017 Land Title Building Philadelphia 10, Pennsylvania Charter No. 7193. # WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes fi Rubbish Removed Reserve District No.3. REPORT OF or SWARTHMORE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY' Swarthmore, Delaware County. in Comptroller of the Section 5"11, U. S. Revi,ed h"'''nc~< ,'",,,. uncler ASSETS with 011,., hallk~. IIlChltllll;!' r('<;('n'(" \).'11· :lIIl'l', allll cash, ill'lns In IIwei''';''; of ('oU"dillll .___ ....... ,I,310,6Ut.72 United Shih's OO\"('rllllwnt obli;:-atiulls, ,lIred ami guar- nu',,·" ....., .............. or States IIIItI polilil'al subllh·ls!ons fltllt'l" hOllds. .JdJt'tllun·.'I . __ ._.. .. ROOFS REPAIRED GUTTERS & INSTAI,loRD ;~·~;~i· ............ .... 111111":< •... .0g , u a comml"""e under Ibe chalrmanshlp of Mrs. Lee Bennett, is endeavoring to rind over- Lawns mowed, General WARM..AIR HEATING Fumaces Vacuum Cleaned GEORGE MYERS Box 48-Swarthmore 6-0740 3,"',740." Ohlilmtlolls II 175,-158.88 live close to home to return that Asphalt. or Concrete Cellar Walls Re-Plastered Phone SWarthmore accoinodatlons and ,unday ~~~1~~~~~~~F~ morning breakfast for more than I'dt:~::~ kitchens 100. Anyone wishing to offer hasI' ventilating fan - recreation pltallty may call her, SW 6~2102. , - - - - - - - - - - - - room. Walter V. LInton, BuUder, 112 TTnTTOLSTERER, Ridley Park, pa.-WA"OrentwS,nunday morning Ibe group urn. . IJ for the Adult Forum. or for THOll SEBBMBA Slip Co D---'meeting v4th David RIchie and VeJ"8 &~ex- hIs work campers at the same hour. - Z5 Years Experience REASONABLE RATES dellV~_FJ.ttlnCallgs TblB will be followed hy Meeting, 1000 West ..... S--" __ ...u ..... _-vvlt dinner. and a closing session. Phone ·c::Dleater C-U87 ~~5iii$9ii5i!$~~~~ ('ur[luralc stocks (inchulill'" ~12.h041.!lU stuck of Fedeml RC'i('l"l"l! hau~;) . __ .. ... ........... 12.000.00 1.01111.<; :11111 dlM;UUllbl (iucludiug ~I.{JIG.U.' u\,crdrn(ts) ... 1,182,927.3' H;mk prt'mlse.;; H1:1.2~. tllrc~ owned ·108 •• fllrllifu("j"~ lllld IIx. $>I,1I:13,3B ... __ ........ _... _.. 16,136.66 Bank premises owned are subject to no o liens not assumed by. bank. tbcr Assets ..... __ .. _........ _...... __ . BUILDER 14,295.111 Totllt Assets . . ......•.. ,. J.IAlHl.ITlES uals, Imrtncrshlp!I. lind oor- Swarthll)ore ,,.IlOmllollfi ...... -..... _.__ .. -............ U.370.10-l.66 lillie dClln.~lts fir indh·lduals. 1)11 rlnershlps, antI corpora.fions ....... -.... _._ .. _...... _.... _.............. 1.840,111858 n{'nf)~lIs of Uniled Stutes GO\'. ._- -- .. --- ..........\........ 0052 .. 68 I) ern1!l(,lIt cJJI)";lls of Slales :lIId (luliti(":II !'"uhrlivi;;lons .... OIher .t1I'IIO;;lt'l ('ertlfl;'-~i···;i·~;d· • l'aslut!r's ('heck!!, etC'.) ........ futal ])(,flO~It'l _. $5,9115,.110,8% "Third Ceneration B"i1den" 30,566.",5 OI,II.('r Iillh!Iit!,,;'l -... _......... .......... 1,471.10 J utnl Lmhlhll(';> ........ _... -..... '!i,OIHl 882 61 SllrfJlu~ IYI1I1I\·ld('rl CI' ···LV ·-p~~llt.'i········-·····---···· He_~('r\'es 1'01111 (';!pUnt A("t.'!11Iut.'l Tulal Lfnhllltll';; :lIId ("l\pital "('rounls ' HORACE A. REEVES • 125,000.00 2:75,000.60 65,7JO.1I7 !lO.061).1B Building COIIIb uctioa Residential • Painting C o ' I • Repatrs . mmerCla. • Alteratl'ons 511).771.1.'5 1711. So U th Ch es t er Road if2 ~m~ronANnA . 6 •.JS3.6!.i3.76 .\.~-~\'I" JlI~'{lg"('fl 8!1.~i~lI('d to s·'('ure liahlJltics a·nd Cor lither purpo"e~ ...... __ ._ ............ $ 607.8.IB.!.il OT LOll!l" "110\\'11 u[ aho\'(' :lre ~: fer n'i dc(luction rl'Serves SeCUrities as· ~hown ---nbo\~·e·-·a·re ductlon of State of Swart.hmo~e 6.3450 ~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~~i:~ resen'cs of P~nmylvani~,: ci~untyNo~i Ddawa", 'so I. Dona!d M. Hand, cashier of the ab.ovc.namcd bank, do solemnly swear that the above sta.tement is true to the best of my kno\Vl~dge and belief DONALD'M. HAND' Cashiie'r. .Sworll to and suh~cribed before me lht;; 8th .day of January. 1952. B. D. GROSS, Notary Public Harold Ognim . John E. Michael Chades R. Russell RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL Construction. AI terations P.R.R.F.eight Bldg, SWarthmore, Pa, J. F. BLACKMAN Phone SlV 6-8818 Professional Burean SW 8-0140 . Directprs. I SPRING RUSH ••• of home bUyers has begun earlier than' usual this ~~ar. If yo~ pI~n t~ sell yc:)Ur house, at any time. in 1952, call o~ BAIRD & BAIRD Real Estate OLD BA.t~ BUILDING EDWARD L. NOYES f1 CO. FOR RENT on second . 23 SOllTR CHESTER 'BOAD '. , SWARTHMORB 6-0114 for gentleman. Convenient to iJnes and tearooms. swou'thmore 6-2194. FOR RENT Ap&rt!nent in CHAIU.ES R. RUSSELL JAMEs C. TAYLOR located and bath. Reply_ rooms, kitchencentrally ~~~~~~~:::~~:~I 5BoxSwarthmore· T, The SWarthmorean. ." 12',071.45 CAI'IT.\L .ACCOUNTS 6-2253 Real Estate -'- lnsural1ce Mortgages boot. Call Swarthmore 6- 3723. 6.483.653,18 Dl'lmliul eh'pllsit!! or individ_ C. :IJlU. -, '~ . .' WBEM nm come In to see the exciting new 'S2 Dodge .' '~ . , ' judge it the new "Show Down- Way. Youll see in blacIc anil white how Dodge !lOIIIpIIItlS featur&.by-featnre with cars costing hundreds of dollan mom. I 'One after the other you can cbeck the pafmJumce. comfort and economy of the uew 'S2 Dodge against qIber curs. 'Youll SF' JfIo:d" hd leatwes that make driving e ' • safer. more economical • • , v81ne that protects your investment and adds to the pride and prestige of Dodge ow,""sbip. Here's the sensible way to choose • DI'1W car , . • to end an gue..wort< ad gamblel What's more, the p:oof is t• • • no cost or obligation. So come In today and compare tlie beantiful_ '52 Dodge the "Show Down- Way. oncI Equipment Subiect to ChCll'lglt Witheut ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;...;._____ N"OW ON DISPLA-Y'-------......;:..----- DEWEY-MURPHY, INC. and Rumsey Chevrolet TJp.eatre Square Very truly yours, S. D. CLYDE I G£"U'''£, 0\£VIOli1 t'Mns top condition -to save you doing the day's work. erences, $6 and ter 2-253'J. WANTED - Secretartal work at home or Part-time position. Manuscript and clerical wort. ExperI_ enced..- Call SWarthmore 8-l286. WANTED - Ds1"s 'Wort. Can give loca1 references.· SWarthmore 8'- ... ., saves you money FOR SALE - Good wicker stroller one tire missing. Swarthmore 6~ 7056. FOR SALE - Beautiful made to order dining table • Empire. pedestal style. - 5 ft. circular top With extension leaves to seat 23. Cost new. Choice hand·palnted afCUpS and saucers - 001pieces, and Sartain PrInt frame. Call Swarlbmore 6~ at 9 A. M., 12 noon or 5 P. M. FOR ;sALE - Red Oak cord wood cut length. Phon~ I immediately on Ibelr guard. olberwise we will wake up some morning to find a fleet of bulldozers tearing down our trees and practically takIng possession of this whole area. experience. In teaching a class of Call Swarthmore Model, 15 years (in spOts). One of the most enjoyable events of the club year was the luncheon given for new and reinstated memo bers by Ibe Woman's Club .January 22. Those who will enter In February as half year members wef