3vmrthmore College Librf\ry ~'llP.rthmore, Pa. Relp FI"t ,. THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 23-NUMBER 49. HOLIDAY PARTY SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7,1951 Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe Room; Will Present Mcditation And Carols PYLE DIRECTS BOXING FARCE "The Milky Way" takes' its fling in Swarthmore next week as the Players Club presents its Decem,;, bel' production at the little theau:e on Fairview road. Under the dlrection of Ned Pyle and agJl,inst the "Steinberg set" designed by Hank Gayley, 8:20 curtains from Monday through Saturday will unveil Lynn Root and }larry Clork's farce of a milkman who, after a brawl with the World's MiddleWeight Champ, finds himself bottled up in the Boxing ring. Nimble-footed milkman for th~ occasion is Charles Stockdale while Walt Ullrich portrays Club Champ, Tom McFadden his able trainer, Jim Lester and John Ellison the long-scooP newsmen. Sonia Griffin plays the milkman~s pro'vocative sister, James Goodwin the high-powered promoter, and Emma Reynolds his best g~l Anne. Jack Jefferson as the Chlcago branch of the Boston Austins and Director Pyle as a nonspeaking support round out the cast. Behind scenes are Charlotte Maas stage manager, Emma p~le prompter, J. Leslie Ellis elect.rlCian, and Millicent King sound effects. Betty Bentley, Patty Ca~p­ bell and Patsy McCahan supervlse make-up; property cnairman Mrs. George Davisson is assisted by Mrs. Edward Cratsley, Mrs. Alden Q. Davis, Mrs. Alfred Maass, Mrs. Joseph P. Shane, Harriet Welsh. ARTHiIORI'! COLLl~GE LIBRARY; "" ... -,.., /"" NATIVITY STRRY OPENS SEASON $3.50 PER YBAa Dr. John M. Pearaon H.S. Christmas Concert To Draw 'Many Dec. 19 8th Presentation December 23 MRS. FORSYTHE HEADS SEAL SALE Local .Residents Aid In Christmas Seal Drive The Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health Association Annual Drive is now underway and will continue until December 20. Mrs. F. H. Forsythe is local chairman. Posters have been placed in all the stores, the Woman's Club, the Bank, Station, College, Restaurants, Schools and the College Theatre. Membet·s of the Woman's Club who will man a booth at the Swarthmore Ba:1k are: Mrs. J. Paul Brown, Mrs. Harold Ogram, Mrs. W. Mark Bittle, Mrs. Samuel Carpenter, Mrs. Charles W. Lukens, Mrs. William F: Delehanty, Mrs. John E. Michael, Mrs. J. L. Woodruff, Mrs. Frank Gray, Mrs. Henry L. Miller, Mrs. Francis A. C. Vosters, Mrs. H. Lindley Peel, Mrs. Harry S. Toole, Mrs. Charles E. Fischer, Mrs. Harold Griffin, Mrs. Clifford Banta, Mrs. Frank H. J.lJ\cCowan, AI~ce Marriott, Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter, Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, Jr. Among members of the Junior Woman's Club who will maintain a table at the College Theatre to collect donations during the Drive are: Ruth Wagner, Nancy Hoot, Anne Kraus, Mrs. Newell West, Mrs. J. Robert Hamm, Mrs. Ro~­ crt Weiler, Mrs. Howal'd J. Wllhoyte. Through the co-operation of the School nurse, Mrs. Edith Kenney, a committee of girls headed by ·Rose Mary Cox, assisted by B.abbie Garrahan, Nancy Gowm:, Mary Lee Elmore, Judy . Jarrat.., h 'n Alice Carroll, and Ann Hlrs. WI solicit for funds at the StatlO~l on Tuesday and Saturday mornmgs. The Pageant .of the Nativity will usher in the Christmas observann' Oil Sunday evening, Oecem; ~~cr 23, when it is to be presented for the eighth time since it was first given in 1938. There will be two presentations in Clothier i\lIemorial, Swarthmore College, at .;j ... nu at 7 o'clock for "all who come in the spirit of worship." The Pageant oC the Nativity is a spiritual intcrpretation of the Christmas story, entered into by the people of Swarthmore. It was conceived and directed by the lab Charles D. Mitchell and made possible by the Donald parlington Fund, created in memory of Donald Franklin Darlington b:y Miss Frances M. White. It was first presented on December 18, 1938 under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and added its benediction to the next fOllr Christmastides before war regulations forced its postponement until 1946, when it was a part of the community's Christmas. Given again in 1948, tnis Christmas presentation will be the eighth. Three times the Pageant has been given memorially, in 1940 and 1941 in memory of its founder and director and in 1946 in memory of all persons in this Vicinity who lost their lives in the last war. Se\-€l'al of its sceues bdghtened a Christmas for patients in the former Harvard Avenue Annex of the Philadelphia Naval Hospjtal. (Continued on page nine) .LIBRARY BOARD. .ADOPTS BUDGET A special meeti>:lg of the Board of Directors of the Swarthmore Public Library Association was held in the Library reading room Monday evening, upon can of the president of the Board, Dr.J.Alfred Calhoun. The proposed budget of $9300 for 1952 was presented by Mrs. John Seybold, treasurer. After careful examination and discussion, it was adopted by unanimous vote. The terms of two directors, Mrs. Seybold and Philip H. Jewett, will expire in January, thus creating two vacanicies on the Board of Directors. The Secretary of the Board, A.W. Bass, Jr., is now receiving nominations for directors. CALL SANTA SOON. "Halloo," bellowed Santa Claus bursting into The Swarthmorean afternoon, We dnesday r,>ffice "HoW'S this for crisp December ?" Santa shook himself to W9 ther . t shed the excess rain, wrun~ ou his lovely long whi~kers, fhcked his flowing (literally) mustache, and announced happily that he ~as I'll making his annual Chnst~~s Eve calls to the children of Swarthmore. "Tell the little ones who want . 't them Christmas Eve me to VISI I'll to call Swarthmore 6-6600 and be there." "AnY wee k d ay from tomorrow on " he continued, "Mrs. Santa or on~ of her helpers will be on han.d during business hours to !akedtht~: alIs" Santa beamed, wlshe ct ff a Merry Christmas, and v~n­ s a t turn anished into the fog, 0 re other day. Santa Routes Two Daytime Visits Santa Claus, who seems to pop in and out of Swarthmore right frequently these days has promised to make two official daytime visits to the Borough before his traditional Christmas Eve caUs. His first one at the earnest request of the Swarthmore Busi~ess Association, will be made Fl'lday afternoon, December 21, when he will be ensconced in the Borough Fire House from 3:30 to 7 p.m. to chat with interested kiddies. His next visit will be made Monday, December 24, at Hannum and Waite, Yale avenue and Ch~ster road, where he" has entert31~ed local children with conversatlon and gifts for the past three Christmases. STUDENTS ASK ·AID FROM ALL ! Community Will Share In 1""'8 J SW --...~-/ AT CLUB DEC. 11 The State Meeting and Christparty of the Woman's Club \'::11 be held Tu€sday, December ! " at 2 pm. Guests of thc club '.. ill b::! the facultJ of the Swarb!!lO:C I;ublic schools, and the FeIld:. s~; p Charm:. Hoste£scs Cor the daY will be: Mrs. Charles Deacon. • .\Ir~. Alb~ rt Hi Ie:'. Mrs. Roy Latimel', and Mrs. George B. Thorn. After the business meeting Dr. Paul W. Hoon \V ill prcs~nt "A Christmas Meditation" and Alice Blodgett Hoon will lead the singing of Christmas carols. Dr. Hoon is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary, New York, and has studied at universities in Germany, England, :md Scotland. He was a lecturer at Drew Theological Seminary in 1950, and has contributed articles to religious and theological journals. Alice Blodgett Hoon, who was married to Dr. Hoon in 1950, is well known in Swarthmore where F~e spent 11 years as music teacher in the local public schools. Christmas GUts At this meeting the youth conservation and welfare departments are asking for C~ristmas gifts for boys of the Glen Mills School, who will not receive gifts from home. The boys are from 12 to 16 years (If age. The gifts are to be placed under the Christmas tree at this club meeting. The articles suggested for each package are half pound boxes of candy, gloves, and a game or airplane model. Ope club member, or a group of members, may be responsible for assembling one boy's Christmas Package. The package should be gift wrapped and contents marked on the outsid~. --~-...... NAME PEARSON BANK DIRECTOR Borough Councilman Is Also Distinguished Scientist John M. Pearson, 219 Cornell avenue, was named a Director of the Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company at a meeting of the Directors Tuesday afternoon, December 4, at the Bank. Dr. Pearson steps into the vacancy created by the death of Dr. William Earl Kistler. A member of Swarthmore's Bl)1'lIugh Coun~il, Dr. Pearson is Director of the PhYSical Division of the Sun Oil Company's Research and Development .Department with offices at the laboratory at Newtown Square which he helped to plan. Dr. Pearson holds 15 patents on electrical instruments for measurement and control and is the author of various articles on electrical measurement in corrosion, static electricity, electroniCS, and cathodic protection engineering. In 1948 he received the Dr. Frank Newman Speller Award made annually by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers in recognition of outstanding contributions in science and engineering in the field of corrosion. (Continued on page seven) "Make the Tree Green" is the. appeal for community contributions at the anticipated Christmas Concert of the combincd school musical organizations, Wednesday evening, December 19. Mary Lecron and Barbara Harrison are announced as soloists with the Chorus and Glee ClUb. A brass quartet will play "Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly" and the orchestra will play Picrrine's "March of the Lead Soldiers." The Carol Concert is the school musicians eagerly awaited annual Christmas gift to the community. This year the gift is two-fold, for while the concert is free to all who come, the young singers and instrumentalists lend their talents willingly to the stUdent committee which has asked all in the community to leave gifts of money with the costumed students in the outer halls and doorways. rhese will be carried in and placed on the Christmas tree in the auditorium to "Make it green" with the expression of sharing in crucial need. The fund so collected will be channeled by the committee through either CARE or the American Friends Service Committee to replace or continue the three year StacIe project, wherever the need is most urgent. The project is considered throughout the' community one of valued learning and growth as it is originated and handled by the students themselves. The amount of the contribution will help to decide its outlet. The committee and school wish it thoroughly understood that no other appeal for funds will be made during the school year. WINDOW HOLDS CHRISTMAS JOY The Board of Directors of the Community Health Society of Central Delaware County is grateful to Howard SipleI' for the use of Four Initiated Into his Chester road window to display National Honor \Society the dolls and toys for the Christmas Party at the Woodlyn Child Four members of the senior Health Center in the Woodlyn Fire class at Swarthmore High School House on Wednesday, December were initiated into the Swarth- 19. more Chapter of the National Many persons and organizaHonor Society during the student tions in this area have contributed assembly last Thursday: David in sewing hours, in funds, i'n Cox, Clem Malin, Judy Pennock, Christmas tree decorations, in and Kathy Wisdom. packaging candy for gifts toward Jim Carter, president of the this happy occasion when the chilChapter, presided over the cere- dren who attend the Center are mony, and administered the oath the guests of the Nursing Staff of membership. In order to give and Board of Directors, under the emphasis to the criteria for elec chairmanship of Mrs. J. Paul tion which are scholarship, char- Brown. The window is arranged acter, leadership and service, a in order that they may see the series of brief talks were made by result of their work. the four students who had been Santa's presence at the party is elected to the society as juniors the perfect climax of the party last spring. Claire Hendrixson. and to all who aid in his jolly apspoke on the character of Albert pearance, the Directors are also Schweitzer, Don Sharpe on the grateful. scholarShip of Galileo, Chris Ford Also displayed in the window on the service of Herbert Hoover, is a sample fruit basket such as and Jim Carter on the leadership the nurses distribute to each of of Mahatma Ghandi. the shut-ins in the Society's care As a result of the recent initia- visits. .These will be supplied and tion, ten percent of the member- packed by the Directors on Decship of the class of 1952 has now ember 22, under the direction of been elected to the Society. Dr. Mrs. John Geniesse. Jam~s Irwin is the advisor of the The window can be seen Society. through Saturday. I " z DECEMBER 7,1951 SWARTHMOREAN THE • Mrs. Donald M. Poole of North tain following the rehearsal this Swarthmore avenue entertained evening. Mrs. Robert L. Amsden of Yale members of her bridge club at a avenue entertained member. of luncheon-bridge Tuesday. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs: William T. Bell of the Philadelphia Sargent Club at Mr. and Mrs. William E. Soden ~======--I' a dinner meeting Monday evening. and daughter Mary Jane of Col- Chester are receiving congratulaBEAUTY SALON The purpose of the meeting was to lege avenue attended the Army- tions upon the birth of a daughter discuss ways and means of rais- Navy gume with their week-end on November 29 in Chester HosBEAUTY SHOWS TIlE /wAY TO ClDUSTHA8 \ ' ing funds for the building of Sar- guests Misses Beverly and Ruth pital. The new baby is a gran daughter gent Hall on the new Boston Uni- Bower of Wilkes Barre. Mr. and, Call Swarthmore 6-0476 versity campus. Mrs. Soden entertained at a din- of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E., Bell of 9 Chester Road Mrs. David M. McCahan of ner party following the game when Media. and of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strath Haven avenue entertained additional guests were Mr. Fred- L. Bernard of Swarthmore. at a luncheon at her home Tues- erick Baker of Bowling Green and day. The guests included the wives Midshipman William G. Soden of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hancock of Little Theatre Club Swarthmore College Haverford place are being conof the members of the Insurance Annapolis. Department of the University of Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan Harrar gratulated on the birth of their PRESENTS Pennsylvania. of Yale avenue attended the Army- third child and first daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Jones of Navy game with their week-end Kqren Suzanne Hancock, on NovShakespeare's Dickinson avenue will entertain at guests Lt. and Mrs. Andrew J. ember 26 in Taylor Hospital. a dinner party for eight at ilie Papageorge of Boston. "OTHELLO" Ingleneuk this evening. Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lusky of 'Mr. and Mrs. HenrY"L. Harris will follow at their home. Directed by BARBARA pEARSON LANGB and son Eddie and Mrs. Harris' Louisville, Ky., announce the ·birth of a son, John Anderson, on OctJean Holman of College avenue, mother, Mrs. Edgar Yarnall of Thurs., Fri., and Sat. - December 6, 7, and 8 a freshman at Denison University, Princeton avenue, will leave next ober 30. Mrs. WSky is the former Ruth <\DMISSJON 7110 will sing in the alto section of Friday for Caracus, Venezuela to CLOTHIER MEMORIAL 8:00 P. M. Anderson. daughter of the Rev. Denison's Chorus when it pre- visit former Swarthmore residents sents it annual performance of Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson and ,and Mrs. Charles A. Anderson of ~~wy.:iYiwy.:iYi:::::::;iYi:::::::;iYiNWy.:iYiWt=.:M::::t=.:iYiX::W:::;iYi~ Handel's Christmas oratorio, ''The family through the Christmas holi- Yale avenue. Messiah," tomorrow evening and days. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burroughs Sunday afternoon. Capt. and Mrs. C. C. Shute of Harlan R. Jessup. Jr .• has re- Maple avenue 'attended the Army- Irving, Jr., of New Haven, Conn., turned to Dartmouth College after Navy game with their week-end announce the birth of their seca five-day. vacation at his home guests Capt. and Mrs. N. J. Frank ond son, Edward, 3rd on December -:; Tots and Teens are fun 3 in Bryn Mawr Hospital. to give to . . . They on Haverford avenue. of Norfolk. Va .• Capt. and Mrs. G. Mrs. Irving and infant son will love the suspense in unMr. James Clifford of Rutgers W. Willcox and Capt. and Mrs. H. return this week to visit at the tying a prettily wrappavenue spent the week-end duck S. Persons of Washington, D.C.; home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. >d box and they'll love the contents from their hunting with friends at St. Mich- Mrs. James Wilkinson of Cali- William P. Hayes of Swarthmore . own shop. ael's on the Easlelrn Shore of fornia. and Mrs. A. L. Clifton of avenue. Soiyrna, Del. Maryland. Mrs. Kenneth Reed of North Mr. and Mrs. F. Pelzer Lynah, ENGAGEMENT Chester road will entertain at a Jr., of Sheffield Downs, are reChristmas tea this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Richardson celvmg congratulations on the Guests will include members of of Lafayette avenue, announce the birth of a son, Francis Pelzer ,the Woman's Bible Class of the engagement of their daughter Lynah, 3rd on December 3 in Presbyterian Church. Jane Strode. to Lt: Milton C. Bryn Mawr Hospital. The baby is a gr,andson of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Binns of Mapes, Jr., U.S.N., of Portland, NBlnnsbrook," Muhlenberg avenue Ore.. son of Col. and Mrs. Milton and Mrs. W. Stanley Kite of Oghave returned from a two-week C. Mapes, of New Haven, Conn. den avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. F. trip during which time they' took Miss Richardson is a graduate P. Lynah of Wallingford. their boat on the Inland Water- of Swarthmore College and Yale Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bair of way to Florida from their farm on Law School. She is a member of Atlanta, Ga., announce the birth on the Eastern Shore of the Chesa- the bars of the U.S. District Court pelike Bay. and the United States Court of of a son, Andrew Lott Bair, 'on ' Margot Bowie. a sophomore at Appeals of the District of Colum- December 4. The baby is a gr~n~son of Mr. the University of Colorado. and bia and is currently employed as captain of the University's hoo- an attorney in the Office of Price and'Mrs. Robert T) Bair of Jensen Beach, Fla., form.erly of key team. was chosen Center For- Stablization. Washington. D.C. I For. we·ve·a wide variety of gift Swarthmore. Lt. Mapes was graduated from ward on the All-Rocky Mountain items to delight the receiver and Hockey Team in competitions held the United States Naval Academy smoothe the practical. parental at Annapolis and the Yale Law browrecently. School and is a, member of the FOR Dr. and Mrs. John Wigton of Robes. quilted and plaid. warm. Harvard avenue attended the Oregon State Bar. He is now on woolly blouses. slacks and shirts Magazine SubscrivtUJns active duty with the Navy and for the teenagers. litUe boys' Army-Navy game with their weeksuits, Handmade Madiera work is presently stationed in California. CALL end guests Comdr. and Mrs. E. W. dresses for infants" and· positively Mr.. lJoyd E. Kauffman Davis of Quonset Point. R.I. the cutest ruffly dresses to please SwarthmOre 6-2080 DECEMBER BRIDE the feminine, tiny-tot heart. And Gen. and Mrs. W. A. McCulloch Heal Ski socks! J Dr. Virginia C. Craemcr, daug,hof Riverview road had as their For the Jun10r Juniors guests over the week-end their ter of MI'. and Mrs. \Villiam CraeChild Life ........................ $2.00 mer of Harvard avenue, and Dr. son Mr. William A. McCulloch. Open Road for Boys ........ $2.00 3rd of Lancaster. and two of his Wesley M. Oler, 3rd, son of ~r. American Girl................ $2.00 former classmates' at I St. Albans and Mrs. Oler of Greenwich, Conn., Jacl' and Jill .................... $2.50 Cathedral for Boys. Washington. will be married tomorrow after- Children's Activilles ........ S4.00 Ensign Shepherd Jenks of An- noon at 3 o'clock in the Swarthnapolis, Md., and Pvt. Thomas mo:-.·e Presbyterian Church. The ~===::::::=:=========­ Rev. Joseph P. Bishop will of- F~~~~~~~~~ Blaisdell of Ft. Monmouth. N.J. A musical tea was given at the ficiate. • Mrs. J. Howard Staley of " ~ home of Mrs. Frederick Van Urk of Thayer road on' Sunday after- Springfield will attend her sister noon at which time Juanita Paul, as matron of h'onor, and Miss Alice soprano, of Park avenue V?3S pre- Craemer will be maid of honor. Nancy Cracmer of Springfield sented by her coach Mr. Frederick niece of 'the bride will be the Bristol of Philadelphia and New York. Mrs. Paul's selections were flower girl. Miss Alice Craemer entertained from the works of Mozart "The Make this Christmas a at a sup~)p.r pr:rty Sunday evening Marriage of Figaro." PhotograI'hy' C h r i s.tin honor of the couple. Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Harmas. Give your ShutMr. and Mrs. Staley will entervard avenue returned Friday after Ill. '.rbug a gift that will ~ spending a week in New York a be treasured and used City. She was accompanied by for years. her daughter Mrs. John McCoubry and twin sons Stephen and E~:~:;e ~ Daniel who will visit here through FREE PARKING the holidays. Mr. McCoubry will join his family week-ends. F1;i. and Sat. .&RS01UI_, T.he Bouquet 0/ Gems ~or Christmas \ ' I===============j The Children's Shop ·I •· I i I~ III I i I College Theatre 'l'ID aWARTIDIOBE PLAYERS CLUB Cary Grant IIJ.:a~:;:Jic~r:a.~in WRL·TALK" .i~~~:~~ ti only-feature 6. 8. and 10 ------'Special ChI\dren's Matinee , Sat. 1 P.M. MILKY WAY" Big ABBOTI' & COSTELLO Show by L7DD BcIo* aDd 1Ian'J' CJ1ol'k Produced under The Direction of Sun. and Mon. only-Matinee 2:30 p.m. 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. 6 Pat O'Brien AGAINST NEDl'YLE iaro:NDJ~lI tIuoaIIa SAT1lIIDAlI December 10 to 15 Ow? In on.. 1:11 1'''' Tues. and Wed. Wbiters !'w Ii ~ I --- ~ I i CHRISTMA·S 15 Shopping Days Away l i I I \I W \I c i Pboto Albnms I Come In While Our Stock Is Complete *** * Also. all kinds of eqnlpment for taking and dev,lopln, his own plclures. 0 *** * 'I3UC:Ii~~V~i • camera & Hohhy S.hop PARK AVENUE Swarihmore 8-4181 SWARTHMORE 495 DarImouth Avenae Open Taes. aD4 FrL Eves. til • DECEMBER 7, 19$1 THE ~HE SWARTHMOREAN , SWARTHMOItEAN The monthly meeting of the YO'lOg Adults will be held on Friday evening at 8. 3 Tri-Delta 'Friendly Circle The Friendly Circle :will meet i"hursday. December 13 at the .,ome of Mrs. E. W. Furst of 111 CbriaPian SdeDct Not.. G uernscy road. Mr's. D. Reed PETER E. TOLD. BeUlar and l'ubllob The Jjostulate that God divine Gee.. will be co-hostess. intelligence, governs the ~niverse ~!:aYt~l;eJ~~D and BARBARA KENT·Lo.u.!!late BeUla.. At this meeting plans will be rene McCarter ··.-i·l be the subject of next Sun~ day's services in all Christian completed for the filling of holiEntered as Second Class Matter January 24 19 Office at Swarthmo~e. Pa under 'he Act' f 29 M • ath the Post S icnce Churches. The title of day food baskets. a Circle project. " '" 0 arc 3. 1879. the Lesson-Sermon is "God the Members are urged to be preDEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON only Cause and Creator." sent. SWARTHMORE, Po\., I'BIDAY DECEMBER 7. 1951 The first verse in the Bible constitutes the Golden Text: "'n the oeginning God created the heaven Presbyterian ,Note. Circle 10, Mrs. Ray Winch and the earth." (Genesis 1:1) l'wlr. BistlOP bzgins this week a Chairman, will meet at 8 Wednes~ series of' three sermons leading day evening, December 12, at the Friends Meetiq Note. toward the celebration of Christ- ~ome of the Chairman. 400 DickThe Adult Forum will be led We are ready 10 serve you mas. The titles of the sermons Inson avenue. Members of the by Olive Lucas, a British Friend aRytime. A telephone call are: "The Message of God" on circle will work on the various now in residence at Pendle Hill December 9, "The Messenger of Christmas pr9jects. who will talk on "Adventure in I. all that i. needed. God" on December 16, and "The Peace" a discussion of the Heys C~rcle 11, Mrs. Walter Magee, Humility of God" on December 23. chaIrman, will meet in The Wo- Farm, a Friends' project in Eng. Mr. Bishop will pr~ach at the 9:30 man's Association Room at 8 Wed- land. and the 11 o'clock services. The annual Christmas Barrel nesday evenfng. Mrs. Henry Faust . All departments of the Church will lead the devotions. Packing Party. and ~ Carat Sing, _ClOR. 0' nNiIlAU The School and the Men's and Wo .. hostesses will be Mrs. Jack Damon will be held in the Meeting House 1820 CHESTNUT STRII' men's Bible Classes will meet at and Mrs. G. G. SavellL Christmas on Sunday afternoon, December OLNER H........ _ . . MArl A. MIl, p,..",_ 9:39 Sunday morning. toys will be stuffed for Presbyter- 16. at 5 o'clock. The Church Hour Nursery will ion Hospital children. Telephone II ,"IHI be held this Sunday during the 11 MI'S. William R Shank The seventh grade pupils will o'clock service. have a Christmas Sing at 7:30 FriH. Shank, mother The Nominating Committee will day evening in McCahan Hall. of Mrs. Mrs. William Alvah Wood Stuart of Vasbe in the Choir Room following The Choir will sing the great sar avenue, passed away suddenly the 11 o'clock service to receive musical oratorio of Handel's "Mes- of a heart attack on November 24 any suggestions from the congre .. siah" on Sunday night, December in Burlington, Vt.,. where she had gation. 16 at 8 p.m. James Vail will be reSided for the past several years. Born October 3. 1873 'in ShipA rehearsal for the' Christmas guest organist. The choir will be pidy will be held at 4:00 in Mc- under the direction of Mr. Faust. pensburg. Mrs. Shank had lived Cahan Hall. Future dates to remember for the greater part of her life in THEATRE SQUARE Chambersburg. She visited her special Christmas services in this Junior-Hi Fellowship will meet daughter and family here on numin McCahan Hall at 6:00 Sunday church are as follows: Sunday, December 16, 4 p.m..- erous occasions and enjoyed the evening. friendship of many Swarthmore The Young Adults will meet for Church School Christmas play in acquaintances. supper and a project night at 6:30 McCahan Hall. 8 p.m.-The Chapel Friday, December 7th Choir will present Handel's .4Mesin the room off the kitchen. ROLLS - 24c dozen Mr•• Frank J. Torcbiana The Senior-Hi Fellowship will siah." Mrs. Frank J. Torchiana. died Sunday f December 23rd, 9:30 a. meet at 7 in the Parish House. Saturday, December 8th Tuesday at her home on Posswn There will be a dinner at 6:30 m.---Special Family Service for the CINNAMON BUNS 28c dozen Monday evening in McCahan Hall Church School children and their Hollow road, Rose -Valley, after a long illness. par"{lts. There will be no Church for the officers of the church and Mrs'. Torchiana, the fonner Mary Don't fail to try our delicious the people joining with the fellow- School this Sunday morning. 11:00 Hawke, lived in Swarthmore for Festival Worship ship of this church on December -Christmas many years. She was a graduate Service. FRUIT CAKE. 16. of Swarthmore College. Christmas Eve-December 24, There will be a Christmas party She is survived by a son Jack for the parents and the friends of 11:30 p.m.--Caroling. Candle-light. of Garden City,-Chesterj a daughOpen Sunday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. the Nurs~ry Day School in the Holy Communion Service. ter Mrs. Allan Kenward of Los New Year's Eve--Decemb,er 31, Woman's Association Room at 8 Call Swarthmore 6·3243 11:30 p.m.-Watch Night Service. Angeles, Calif., and four grandMonday evening. children. The Board of Trustees. will meet Trinity Notes at 7:30 on Tuesday evening in the There will be a celebration of PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Church Lounge. the Holy Communion at'8 o'clock PLAN: CHRISTMAS. "~I.·' PUBLISHED EVERlI FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE TOE SWARTHMOREAN. INC.. PUBLISBIIR' PA. Phone Swarthmore 6-0900 . Mrs. John Bird., Mrs. Donald Crosset, Mrs. Richmond Fetherolf, Mrs. Robert HHkert, Mrs. James Lawrence. Jr.• Ann Mabbott. and'. Mrs. Earl Weltz, local members of the Phi;adelphia West Suburban Alliance of Delta Delta Delta. will attend the Christinas luncheon which will be held at the home of Mrs. Edward Emack, Jr., of Ardmore, Wednesday, December 12. SUBURBAN SERVICE • • • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!=1 . -, CAKE BOX . ' SPECIALS Church ·Services SWARTHMOBE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Joseph P. Bishop. :Mlnister John Stettner. AssIstant Sunday. Decemher 8 9:30 A.M.--Church School and Adult ClasseS 9;30 and 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Bishop will preach 11:00 A.M.--Church Hour Nursery Wednesday. December 12 10:00 A.M. - Woman's Association Day. , METHODIST CHWICH Roy N. Keiser, D. D.. MinIster Sunday. December 9 9:45 A M -Olurch School and Young Adults. 11 :00 A.M.-The Minister will preach 11:00 A.M.--Church Nursery TRINITY cHURCH H. Lawrence Whittemore, Reetor Snnday. December 9 8:00 A.M.-HOly Communion 9:30 A.:'~ --Church School 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer Wednesday. December 12 7;15 A.M.-HOly Communion THE RELIGIOUS S6El&iJ!i OF~ Sunday morning. At 9:30 all departments of the Church School will meet. At the 11 o'clock service of Morning, Prayer, the Rector will preach on the topiC uConversion, What It Means." Those serving as ushers for the services will be F. W. Plowman, R. J. Baker. E. C. Page. G. S. Valentine. R. S. Bird. W: E. Hetzel. W. C. Hogg. and C. S. Brown. George Hay will serve as acolyte a~ the eight o'clock service, and Thomas Greene at eleven At 6:45 Sunday. Monday. and Tuesday evenings the bus will leave the church for Ule Bryan Green Mission. Those having reservations are asked to be at the church promptly at 6:30. At 8 p.m. Monday there will be a meeting of the Vestry'. Choir School will meet Monday and Wednesday afternoons at 4 o'<;lock and again on Thurs~ay at 7:30 p.m. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 7:15 Wednesday morning. ~~tNo_ Slmday. December 9 The Sunday School will meet 9:45 A.M.-First Day School vided for 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. Olive at 9:45. Classes are pro Lucas on Adventure in Peace, children of all ages and for adults. the Heys Farm in England. The Young Adults meet at 9:45 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship in the Ladies' Parlor. The minister will preach at the Visitors welcome. Children cared for in Whittier House. '11 b 8:00 P.M. _ Friends Discussion 11 o'clock setvice. There ~Vl e Group ,baptism for children at thls seI;'Monday. December 10 vice. hild The Church Nursery for c . :: sewing ren is open during the mormng service. Mrs. Ray L. Harlo,: and Mrs. Richard M. Snyder Will be in charge. re The ushers for the day a 11:00 George Shubert. Edward Alswn. 11:00 is Peter Murray and Paul K. Paul'\God libe Only and Creator" _ ......_. SO*he Woman's Society of ChristWednesday evenlDII .'1 eet at The lunCheon week, 8 p.m. Badin, _ , ian SerVice Wi1 m. regeach epen dally- except .9an"q U .. on Wednesday at 1~.30. 5 p.m. W"""",19 . , ...... .,.. lat rneeting will folloW. , u lfo~r~th~e~~~~_ '1:61............ The Christmas Celebration the Woman's Association of the Presbyterian Church will be held on Wednesday, December 12 at 2:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary of the Church. Mrs. Joseph P. Bishop will lead the devotions. A play entitled' "Kings in Judea" by Dorothy Sayres will be presented by a group of people from the church. There will be an offering for the Dale HoUow Tuberculosis Center.in Tennessee, which is run by the Christian, Methodist, and Presbyterian Churches. and In which the Presbyterian Church missionary, Mr, Covington, is iIiterested. Following' the program will be a tea in McCahan Hall which will 'be' in the charge of Circle a>Mrs. George W. McKeag, chairman. All women of the congregation are invited ,to this' ~­ nual Woman's Association Christmas Celebration. ______ Boys & Girls Come and See Me DECEMBER 24th From 2 until 5 p.m. AT HANNUM &WAITE Unitarians To Meet The: newly formed neighborhood group of _. the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia will meet at 8:15 tonight at the home of'Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. peck. 300 S~mmit road, Springfield. Rev. Harry B. Schofieid, minister of the First Church will lead an informal discussion on uUnitarianism-What it is?" Information may be obtained from Mrs. Peck at Swarthmore 6-6285. or from Mrs. ~ohn Howard. Swarthmore 6-6615 ' Crum Creek Bridge .. Top scorers, at the Tuesday evening meeting of the Crum Creek Bridge Club playing the system were Mrs. Samuel Hanna and Mrs. T. Saulnier first. Mrs. J. Brownell and Mrs. H. S. Toole tied for' second place with Mary Verlenden and Mrs. W. R. Shoemaker. .. " Yale Avenue and Chester Road • Swarthmore 6·1250 .-,.........,.-........ -..----.-. < • 4 SWAKTHMOR&AN' lil1iiii Emma Walton ot Cedar laDe lett Wednesday b7 motor to ipeDd the winter at Winter Park, I'la. Miss Walton accompanied her brother Mr. Robert Walton Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Jackson of North Chester road will visit tjlrough the Christmas Holidays with their daughter Mrs. William Boone and family of and bis wife ot Canandaigua, N.Y.. Washington, D:C., while enroute who YJillspend the winter months to Lake Wales, Fla., where they at Orlando, Fla. will spend the winter months. A Fine Selection Of , f!istinctive JEWELRY - Yet not expeniive , Ideal Gifts ADOLPH'S 7 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD SWARTHMORE 6-1214 UNTIL CHRISTMAS \ SCHOOL TEAM LEADS SWARTHMORE/FIVE TO i KEITH CHALMERS IN HI-Q CONTEST PLAY HAVERFORD TUES. ' DELIGIITS CLUB The team representing Swarthmore High Scho'ol WOn its second victory in the Fourth' annual HiQ contest, sponsored by the Scott Paper Company. The contest this week was held .Monday afternoon at Prospect Park. The score of 39 made by the local team represents the highest number of points attained by any school In the year's contest.· Swarthmore now leads all schools with a grand total of 70 points. Members of this year's team' are Jim Carter, Dave Cair, Don Sharpe, Jotm Phillip, and Ronnie Gold. Harry Oppenlander is faculty sponsor of this lfctivity. During the past three years, Swarthmore's Hi-Q teams have always been finalistS, although they have never taken top honors. It is hoped that the team this year will succeed io winning for the school the $1000 television set offered by the Scott Paper Company. A tape recording of Monday's ,contest can be ·-heard over Radio Station WPWA,.1590 kilocycles, on Sunday afternoon, December 9 at 1 p.m. OPEN EVERY EVENING FROM NOW • DECEMBER 7, 1951 .. ~-=-===~= HOLLYHOCK SHOP SWARTHMORE - PENNA. Mr. and Mrs. Frank. E. McFadden, Proprietors .. The Swartlunore Basketball team will play Haverford ne'!'t Tuesday night in the High School Gymnasium. It is a return game for the Main Line League teams, and Swarthmore will be put to revenge the 62-48 defeat it sutfered at the hands of Haverford last week. Swarthmore took a back seat in both of its games with Darby, also played last week. But the Gazelles hope to jack up their league standIng with future gaml$. League teams, Norristown and pottstown are both improving while Swarthmore, Sharon Hill and Phoenixville must go a long way to catch-up with the other four teams. "'Swarthmore features 'Dick Hall, all-around .Swarthmore College star plus Curt Gallagher, ex F & M captain. Gallagher netted 29 points in the Gazelles' game with Phoenixville last week. ,Mrs .. Walter R. Shoemaker of RIvervIew road entertaIned at a luncheon Saturday in honor of. a Swarthm~re IIibIe 80~ o( iIIformation • mrecuon. 60 SECOND PORTRAIT OF MR. AND MRS. SANTA CLAMS 'i'bis Christmas, tllrillyollr family with the world's most exciting cem. . POLAROI o:L1IIId CAMERA • , 110m snap to print in 60 seconds TIoe .0" wo.... &e. . . . 011 ~ Ilots. all over "Il!crica I It's the amuing Polaroid Latul Camera that prodotces a beauttfully c!"":.", finished black and white print all rea4y for frame or album, WIthin the very minute the picture is taken. Amateurs and professionals alike love the simtlidly of the Polar~id Camera. Easy to load - just drop ill the film. Easy to sh~t - WIth a single control for lens and .hutter. EaI)' to operate - Just pull ,a tab, wait One minute, flip open the back of the camera - and.&ere s your big 3W' x 4~" print I ...... _ ........ _0.... yOU With p.e Polanlid. Camera set what you want when yOU want it. If you ~e a mistake. - or your model does _ you can take another shot right awar· . . . . . . . II p..........,1 Snap the family OIristmas party, the breath-taking wiater landscape, the deco(3tions. and see your results at once. C ••,st.al ...11.. for 'oIar.l. c:...... 0...... Polaroid Flash Cun, specially designed to give best results with the Polaroid Camera $11.95. Polaroid Filter Kit contains three snap-on filters - ,.e1l6w. polarizing and half-step. $5.95 plus tax. Polaroid Oose-up KU with three lenses which can be used together or 5$arately. 'Built-in Datatape showl ",n camera settings as you mea51Ite. $8.95 . plus tal<. GE-Polaroid Exposure Meter_ Single reading tells how to set camera. Meter $15.75. Meter Case $1.50. Master Compartment Case holds eYerything you need to take pictures indoors and ·out. including carton of film. Visible tell.! exposure for every ldnd of. pic1lure $29'5. Send favorite snaps to absent friends with no intervening delay for processing. Christmas Day and every day your poWaci Camera will ~e an on-thespat photagraphic record of· happy faces ........ ~. $89.71 pw. • .7 " .::,( LWithael'~ S~'!o'l!.. Pharmacy lb.~~..-~ioiI .,.. ............. '/ - --- .- - - • .. . - .- DECK HER IN JEWELRY Other students who entered their I Sa", It In The Swarthmore ...! . liam M. Conron, Jr., who was to have been soloist, her brother Mr. Howell Lewis Shay, Jr., sang two groups of Irish ballads, accompanied by ~ mothl'l', Mrs. Shay of Cornell avenue. . Following the meeting tea was served with Mrs.•. DeHaven Ledward and Mrs. William Blakely: JI:., presiding at the tea table. The next meeting will be held Monday, December 10 at the home of Mrs. John O. Larson of LInden Lane, Wallingford. The co-ho.tesses will be Mrs. John McAllister and Mr:s.· ArthUr Burton. The program will' be "Pennsylvania Dutch Chrlstmail Lore" bT Mrs. ~ur. Graeff. I = . Poster Winners 'Named , Mrs. Henry J. Weiland, regent of tbe Delaware County Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, was hostess to the group at the November meeting at her home on Soutll Cbester road. CO-hostesses were Mrs. HOWard Newnam of Walnut lane and Mrs. Roy S. Latimer of Cornell avenue. Mrs. Walker Penfield of Riverview road and Mrs. Leslie Wetlaufer of University place were reillstated as members of the Chapter, and Mrs. Harry F. Bewley waa welcomed as a new member. Mrs. Roy G. Rlncliffe of Strath Haven avenue, chapter chairman of N:ational Defense, reported on the National Resolutions passed at the. State D.A.R. Conference In Harrisburg last month. Gaily wrapped Christmas gifts for the children of the D.A.R. approyed sebools were brought to the .meetlng, and will be shipped soon by Mrs. Newnam, chairman to msure their appearance under' party Christmas trees. Due to the illness of Mrs. Wil- iWARTHMOR&AN --- \ r:ZCEMBER 7, 1951 I • Cards For KIa.. YHK ----------------~---H.S. GRADS MARCH of DIMES CH'MEN Lange I.ar".f -, .t 5 9 1-' La,,'. L.dIf', .lloe CO.ED BEAUTY Kappa Christmas Tree SALON • PECIAXU;JNO IN ~e.rman.D.t WaviD, R,jr Cuttbas 1U1I1 The Kappa Kappa Ganuna Christmas Tea given for the benefit of the Kappa Sewing Group will be held at the home of Ws. James B. Douglas of North Chester road tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. George M. Ewing of Col- . . . . . . . . DAilTIIOVl'll ....... nAIITIIIIOU ,.1111 umbia avenue entertained members of ber sewing group at a luncheon at her home Wednesday. , 7,1951 - ·NQWSNOTES William E. Witham of Crest lape, has returned from his fall vaca- Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Thomsen of Princeton, formerly of :;Jwarthmore, leave today to spend Christmas at Palm Springs, Fla., where they will attend a meeting of the l'{ational Lacrosse Association of which Mr. Thomsen is president. Their sons Tommy and Leonard will join thcm for the school holidays. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chester Spen- tion in Acapulco. on the Pacific, in HONORED INVITED ON TOUR DEC. 11 Wesleyan University at MiddleFor Swarlhmore High ~tudents The Board of Trustees of Del- town, Conn., paid respects .to its who would like to send Klaus aware cc:mty Hospital bas invited high ranking students an!i the high Lange a Christmas card, his ad- all March of Dimes Campaign schools they represented at an andress is as follows: Chairmen to inspect the Hospital's nual Convocatipn in Honor of . Klaus Lange, STADE IElbe, Isolation Unit on Tuesday evening. Scholarship held this past month. British December 11 at 8 p.in. in order Swarthmore High School ranked Goetheplatz, Germany, Zone. to show them some of the work third nationally with six of its costs .15 and regular which the N.F.I.P. is aiding, so graduates taking top honors: Waldo mail .05 that the workers will be acquaint- Reynolds Fisher, Harry Edward ed with tlie value and urgency of Oppenlander, Jr., Whitworth F. Bruce Godfrey of Vassar ave- their job when they set out for Bird, Jr., Raymond Keenan Dennue, home from Westminster Col- the Porchlight Campaign on Jan- worth, Jr., Henry Crawford ;Ford, lege had as his week-end gnests uary 22. Jr., and Richard Smith McCray. Guyanne Tittle and Shirley Willis, The scholastic average of the Under the direction of Ruth L. both of Dallas, Texas and stud- Smith, Directress of Nurses, the Swarthmore graduate was 85.15%. ents at Randolph-Macon College, staff will demonstrate the various Coming next in the Pbiladelphia and G. Clinton Booth of Washing- techniques and proceedures used area schools was Episcopal Acadton and Lee University. to restore sufferers of polio to max- emy with 84.90%. . imum health, including demonstraThetu To Sew tions of the Kenney Treatment, The Kappa Alpha Theta group iron lung, oxygen therapy and many o~er proceedures. There will meet for an all-day sewing on Tuesday, 'December 11 at the will be a few former poliO patients liome' of Mrs. Edson S. Harris of O. D K DUll there also. Light refreshments will be serv- Rose Valley. ed after the tour. Air'mau DEC~ER aWARTHIIIORI;AIC Southern Mexico. On the return flight Mr. Witham stopped oU for a few days in Mexico City, Houston, Texas, and New Orleans' to survey innovatlolls of. suburban development and architecture. Bruce Godfrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Godfrey, Vassar avenue, was recently elected president of "30" Club, local Jt>urnalism cer o.f North Swarthmore avenue group at. Westminster College. entertained at a dinner-bridge for Godfrey is a journalism major al 12 at their home Saturday evening. the college. Mrs. Samuel T. Carpenter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rincllffe of Ogden avenue, membership chairStrath Haven avenue had 'as man of the Woman's Club, and her their week-end guests. Mr. and committee entertained 21 new Mrs. Charles RorabaCk of Torringmembers of the club at a dessert· ton, Conn. at her home before the .Tuesday Mrs. Alfro,! E. Longwell of Laf- meeting of the club. Next week ayette avenue spent a recent Mrs. Carpenter will be hostess to week-end visiting her mother Mrs. another group of 22 new 1DemH. F. Roberson and sister Mis. bers. Lillian Roberson of Albany, N.Y. Mrs. Kenneth Reed of North Mr. alld Mrs. Fred R. Wilson of Chester road entertained memWalnut lane entertained ai their bers of the A.A.U.W. bridge club KappaAlpba'fhetM . '.ouse guest lasl week Mrs. Robert at a dessert-bridge Thursday. The Philadelphia Suburban B. Cridiand of P.tlanta, Ga. , I Mrs. Walter MaCFarland, 3rc!, of Alumnae of Kappa Alpha Theta Mr. and Mr.. Don Dickinson of Marshall, Ind., with her young son )DOt Wednesday, November 28 at Park avenue entertained with a Walter, recently visited her parthe home of Mrs. R. G. Unruh of family dinner party recently which ents Mr. and Mrs. William H. GehCountry Club lane, Wa!ljngford . included their son Cpl. Dickinson ring of University place. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. stationej at the Wright-Patterson Anne and Jean Paul of Park W, F. Klug, Jr., and Mrs. W. H.. Air Force B9se, Dayton, OhiO, avenue celebrated their tenth Gehring of Swarthmore. was hom~ for three da~. birthday on Saturday by having All PhJ1adelphia Kappa Alpha who Guests were Miss Gertrude Vfil- a luncheon party for a group of Theta alumnae will combine for son of Moylan. an.d Mr. Robert their friends. They included Les the Christmas meeting at the chapWitters of Parlin, N.J; Ann Kurtzhalz, Lois Thompson, ter house on December 12. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt Louise Howe, Barbara McClarin, • of Riverview road returned Sat- Mary Lou . McCorkel, Barbara 'urday from Hollywood, Fla., where Moran, Patty Narbeth, Shirley Litthey spent a week attencJil1g the tle, Barbara Edwards, Suzanne' convention of the' Investment Driehaus, and Marian Detweiler. Bankers Association of America. Mrs. J. S. Bowie, who has been Mr. Schmidt was elected one of visiting her son Dr. Morris A. the five Vice-Presidents. Bowie of South Chester road for Mr. Percy C.' Belfield, Jr., of six weeks, left last week to visit Villa Nova avenue left Tuesday another son Mr. Kenneth Bowie , ~H~i~lg:a:r~T~O~G~it:~.e~T1H~E~"'~~I~s~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E ~ ~ r : ~ S t i ~ · t f i u i f . t e ~ 0 ~ C 1 T r ~ e : a C h n ~ 0 1 ~ O g ~ y ; : = . ===::==========~., MO'THER.TE~Ai:;H"·E~R~~.T~u/~Il~b~O~r~, , . ' ,. P . '- oca Atomic u lOW Cal'c 111" J I R The Pearsons have two children, ed Cross calls the T. wo highly appJaud"d and sen- ·ttel.1 t ' daughter Frimces who is a IOn " of residents· to the fol- a. slhvc musicians Agi' G b ' ,~mior at Wilson College and a PAN EL THURSDAY . An informative panel on how rrtot~ers an~ teachers can' coopera te In helptng the child get the most out of school will be offered to members of the Swarthmore Mother's Club at their regular monthly meeting next Thursday evening, December 13, at the Woman's Clubhouse. R.· Mildred Kidd, Elementary Supervisor of the Swarthmore Public Schools, will preface' the disc~ssion with an explanation .of the philosophy of present day education. Mrs. Oliyer E. ROd.' gers, a member of the School Board, will act as moderator. Speaking for the mothers will be Mrs. Peter Coste and Mrs. Richard F.nion. Mrs. Benjamin J. Groff and Mrs. Barbara Y6hannan will present the teacher's point of view. • The panel will consUler such limely topics as (l) school readiness-how mothers at home can prepare their children ,for school'' (2) the new theory of learning why the methods of teaching numbers and letters have changed; and (3) the value of conferences' between teachers and parents. A short business meeting will precede the program, and Christmas . stockings, Magazines and clothing will be collected by the \Velfare Committee for SU.!lnycrest School for Boys at Cheyney. Mrs. Joseph Hildenbrand ·will )Ie hostess for the evening, assisted by Mrs. Leo Marshall and Mrs. George Wilbur as co-hostesses. Mrs. Herman Newstein and Mrs. Edward 'Roberts will preside at th~ urns. laTw-Cello COI'cert I,; • owmg mforrnath'c demonstra.tion J 111(1 '.u·ges all who can attend I·t :;011 t ohn who is .a senior in to do so. Swar hmore High School. , am or pia.nist, and Elsa lil'lgar, celll'sl' wdl present a concert De b' l:-t t 8" ' cern er " a .15 In Clothier Memorial on the Swarthmore College campus, sponsored by the William J. ~ooper Foundation. Miss Jambor IS Of. the Philadelphia Academy of MU~IC and Miss Hilgar is first cellisl wilh the Philadelphia Or- A special demonstration to show the layman how to administer em~ erg~ncy treatment for injuries resUlh~g (rom atomic bombing, will be g~vcn .by the Red Cross nursing serVIces In the Klahr Auditorium of Hahnemann Hospital December chestra. • Featured on the program will be a Brahms sonata, a Bach sonata for . p~ano and cello, Beethoven varlalton on a theme by Mozart, two numbers by Carl Weigle and two by Scarlatti. the latter to be performed by Miss Jambor. . 10. ' . T.he demonstration, featuring ex- • hlbltS, films and actual treatment methods, will be conducted by Marie Collins, assistant director of ~ed Cross nursing. The public 15 Invited to attend the sesf.ion which starts at 8 p.rn. Fannie G. Scott (CoIatlAuetl from He has served this association as • Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of Swarthmore "• aven.ue entertain- ed over a recent week-end Mrs. Jones' brother Mr. J. Sheldon Turner and family of Garrett Park, Md. ing to her home in Grand Junction, Colo. . Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of Swarthmore avenue will entertain at a. dinner-bridge at their home tomorrow evening. Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup of Ha\'erford avenue spent several days of last week visiting ber . mother Mrs. Charles Clay of Wasbington, D. C. Dr. and Mrs. David McCahan of ,strath\ Haven avenue entertained members of the Swarthmore School Board at a dinner at thei: home Wednesday evening. When you C'ook with~. Colder weather means mod wear and tear on your car. Better see us DOW for Sinclair-ize for Winter Service. With this special service, we protect your car ten ways against winter wear. Motor • Transmission Differential Chassis Fron' Wheels Tires· Radiator • • OII.aIHi Air FIIten Spark Plugl 101181, Special Combin'ation Price SINCLAIR-ize YOUR CAR NOW FUSCO and ALSTON aaester and Fainiew Roau -you cook with ease Swarthmore 6-3681' Enjoy the ease of modem cooking wi'" an automatic gas range. The convenience of tIle up-to-date oven, b':oiler-a-:,d a hoSt of otber practical cooking features-makes preparing meals a pleasant experience. Easy to use and easy to care for, a modem gas range provides comfort-coaking for you and better meals for the whole family. Choose the automatic gas range you like at your dealer's or at any of our suburban stores I PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPAI' 15. Baltimore PIke SpalNGFlELD Phone SW 6 · _ y Rose V.Dey Road MOYLAN. PA., TELEPHONE MEdt.. 6-1018 King-sized TV' , • for humble' budget. NAME PEARSON The death. of Mrs. Fannie C. Scott Tuesday morning at her late home, 505 School street, Morton saddened the numerous local families in whose households she had ~een for many years.: Mrs. Scott had lived in the vicinity of Swarthmore and Morton for the past 50 years. Funeral services will be held tomorrow, Saturday, at 1 - p.m. from her late residence. Viewing from 7 to 10 this evening. pqe_> director and member of the executive committee and is also a member of the American Petroleum Institute, American PhYSical Society, and the Electrochemical Society, Corrosion Division. He is chairman, Corrosion Division, of the Gordon Research Conference, of the American ~ociety for the Advancement of Science. His degrees are from. Reed College, University of Chicago, and California Yes Sir :-One Stop Service Anti-Freeze - State Inspection Gull Gas - Motor Repairs Complete Auto Service Ma,nawox RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWl' BUSSEI..I 4'S . SERVlC& BOB ATZ, Owner SW6·0440 Dartmouth & Lafayette ATe.,. for Palm Beach, Fla., where he of Houston, Texas before returnwill be in charge of publicity for the National Lacrosse Association Convention held from December 22 to 31. Mrs. Belfield will join him there on December 21 and they plan to spend the Christmas holidays south. On Sunday after.noon Mr. and Mrs. Belfield entertained a group of their friends at a cocktail party. m.· CANON GREEN ATH. S. DDilCIOVB DINNDI .. BUIT ... TABU., . . . .Yon Canon Bryan Green, world famous Episcopal spiritual leader, spoke to '!ver 800 high school and college students, faculty and community religious leaders yesterday afternoon in the high school auditorium. In a stimulating address the British speaker 1Il'ged the studenls to meet the problems of today's world with Christian answers which would have some hope of permanency. Preceding the main address, the Rev. Mr. Harold E. Frankian, Vioar of Addiscombe, described the work of the Bryan Green Mission. Frank R. Morey presided at the assembly .. The Rev. Mr. Lawrence Whittemore introduced the British clergymen. Invited platform guests included Dean Everett Hunt, Ihe Rev. "Dr. Roy N. Keiser, the Rev.. Mr. J: R. Johnson, Mrs. E. R. Young, Dr. William Hordern, the Rev. Mr. JO$eph Bishop, and Ihe Rev. Mr. John Stettner. TENDER STEAKS .nd C:HOPS Cooked to onlor MARGIE'S FAMOUS C:INNAMON BUNS on. SUNDAY AIR C:ONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Comfort.blo Roam. Day or Week IIlYeter . WALTER ,. PARROlT, M,r. .REE PARKING STRATH HAVEN INN· Sw.rthmoro, , •. Telephono Sw.rthmoro 8-01510 IHI MnROPOLlrAN. Imagine-genuine MagnavoJ: 17·iDch reievision in a compact table model priced amazingly low! Yes, here', America's finest television-its clearest piaures,· richest souod, greatest value. Complete with built-in filter, instant tuning, IX'W rectangular .1 ~.inch picmre tube, Magna-Lok, automatic contrast conuo!, supersensitive safety circuits. Finished in blonde, $259,5"; handsome mahogany. . . . • • • • $249:50 BeHer sIgh', beffer sound, beffer buy Magnavox The MUSIC BOX 409 Darbnouth Avenue SWARTHMORE PHONE SW 6-1480 THEnE'S NOTHING LIKE AIlnOCKEfl FOI( Ihal fee/illl of Power Unlimiletl ... alld a sure, sleady ride 011 file roatl! BROWNIES WORK FOR CHRISTMAS C'lIEER Christmas meals in nearby hospitals will have added cheer thanks to the work of the Brownies of Troop 225. During the past weeks those girls have been making attractive tray mats for this purpose. Troop 225 meets regularly every Monday in Loeffler Hall at the P ..esbyterian Church. Mrs. R. L. Amsden, leader, is assisted' by Mrs. W. H. Driehause and Mrs. G. W . Johnson. Serving as Troop Committee women are Mrs.' H. C. Campbell, Mrs. A. W. Gabriel, Mrs. H. P. Stamford, Mrs. R. P. Griem, l\frs. W. W. McClarin, and 1ll's C. H. Garrison. The following girls were re(;ently presented with daisies for completing one year of Brownie Scouting: Martha Amsden, Molly Bunker, Lela Cooper, Christine ~~tis, Linda de Phophetis, MarJorie Gabriel. Barbara Garrison, Heidi Honnold, Jean Johnson, Dory Kroon, Jean Ann Magee, Joan McKinnell, Karen Peterson, Marsha Silvers, Susan \ Spencer and Katherine Stamford. New members' of the troop are Jerr; Taylor, and Allee and Sara G roaan, twin siste%8. . ". 7 , A~ OlJsmobil~ 'TR<1CI.:~I98" 4--Door &dan. -Hydra-MrJti.c Ori:" OPtional allUfnl curt. EqTJiplMnt, a«ft.IarUs. anrl mm illuslraJ.N ,Phj.a to dmn~ wi'how norior. R...d in !he most thrilling ride .fall! Ride Oldsmobile's luxurious "98" and ride the nRocket" at its glorious best! Ride the smooth, ~wift surge of HUocket" powt'r that sn'eeps you ahead of traffic! ''lIDCKET II . . Ride the trUockct" on the open road--strong and sure on straight. away and curve-a brand new thrill as you top every hill! This is true high_compression power, "R--'·-" QQreI En . g •.:~ fle power • •• pal'red with the automatic magic of Oldsmo}ile Hydra-Matic·! See your Oldsmobile dealer imd try this magoificent car! Ride Oldsmobile's tJmnorous u98"-you'U discover a new advent.UTe in motoring! OLOSMO·O'ILE SEE YOUR N'EAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER 0·lie •• oa..-,E' ..... __ DIiII.' , - . . . . . . . . .' F . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .' " ,,0· v.-w WHITAKER - BARRETr Inc. 340 W. Baltimore Pike on........ 00.'1_ II M.di- &0100 ' .. 1'IIE 8 Mr. and Mrs. George F. Corse, Martinsville, Va., spent last Jr., and baby son George 3rd of week in Swarthmore visiting Mr. HAVE YOU TRIED BREAD LATELY? If we fall to mention Supreme .... .iiliPj.D Bread to you before you leav. the store you get a loaf absoliREE '\~:: \SC 01 L.::::-::'=--- EXTRA COST COFFEE CAKE ::I~ 33 Reg, 35c Fr.sh Orange Cocoanut C Cor;:oonul and fresh.ground onmge' and loW•• ' dough. It. ta,t. thrill. BuV .9tkat Brand 9tkaI Bome-St1:l~ Peaches and Mrs. Corse of Yale avenue and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rlncliffe of Strath Haven avenue. Baby George was baptised at the morning service of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Joseph P. Bishop offJclating. Mr. J. B. Callaway of Elm avenue,. formerly Sales Promotion Manager of PIgment Colors· in Wilmington, left Thursday for the West Coast where he will 'be Sales Manager of the PIgments Departmenfof the duPont Company with c.ffict'.s at Pasadena. Mrs. Calla· way and children will leave December 17 for California. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. McCowan of Vassar avenue accompanied by Ml1ly McCowan, home from Penn State visited Midshipman Bob McCowan at Annapolis, Md. Mr. and Mrs. McCowan entertained at a dinner party Saturday followIng the ArmY-Navy game. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds and Miss Gladys Reynolds of New York City. Misses Anne aDd PaulIne Guetter of Secane, formerly of Swarthmore, had as their guests their niece Pauline Benek.,. a sophomore at Bowling Green, Ohio, and their nieces ·and husbands Mr. and ·Mrs. Eric Hultberg, Jr., of Iildianapolls, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson of Ge:D~h~.:" ,!:~2 29c : 6 "'M t169 /}dull Yellow Cug Peaches N~~~'h 32c : 6 ",n. $189 /}tkaIl'lait Cocktail C:'ff~7.;a N~~!V. 39c : 6 $2..31 Odea£ Apple Saace fan" Na;.~ Ilc : 6 " Of the girls wh.... come in to ask about telephone j ..\os, many report that they heard about telephone work IIIIIIIP In The Swarthmorean Lawns ,. Ashes fi mowed, Rubbish General Removed' Hauling 236 Harding Ave., Morton, Pa. NEXT 'YEAR / IW Ait TH·.O • • AN rr~~=';N~ We wanl your business TIE ~uaea, n I Saw equal 10 Britain's besl! at ,I"IeHte 9«a'Z4Hteed oECEMBER 7,1951 toon orea't d.rotty anT more. Since my master onIeref the Swarthmore boys tion to the State Legislature pro- more College. Mr. Sellers was a playing football in their senlor te·sting the Pechan Loyalty Oath member of the fourth preparatory Bill. pending in the House of Repyear in college. class. graduating In 1890 in Civil Lane Davis of the Media Ameri- resentatives. Engineering. ;. can Legion Post presented the In 1900 he married Anna AtkinAmerican Legion trophy emble- PROPERTY OWNERS son. and' for 17 y~ars they lived matic of the Class B. Championship NAME OFFIcERS in the home he built at 507 North to Captain Jack Thompson who In Ogden 1920 heavenue built If _lIIiIlII:illlil"' ......_~lII:i _ _ _ " accepted it in behalf of the team. Seventy-five Borough property .Chester hL. late home on· Several guests were present and owners met at the Presbyterian where Mrs. Sellers now resides. J( ~ introduced. The Rev.' Joseph Church Tuesday night to organize He' leaves his wife. two daughTHE STORE OF A HUNDRED'THOUSAND GIFTS . ~ Bishop and Mrs. Bishop. Mr. and the Swarthmore ProPertY Owner's ters. and two grandchildren. sons ~ Mrs. Robert Holm. Mr. and Mrs. Association. of his late son Edward. who died l'I William Reese. James Jamison, In elections that followed the. last June. ill Mrs. Herbert Sowers. Coach Mil- preliminary discuSsions. Allan,C. Memorial services were held 1A lard Robinson. Wilmer Fryer. Mr. Wood was made president. Charles November 25 at the'swarthmore ~ and Mrs. Russell Snyder. Mr. and W. Lukens. vice-president, Anna- Soclety. of Friends. of which he ~ Mrs. Eugene Duncan. and Kenneth bella O. Cresson. secretary-trea- was a member. Hay of the Philadelphia Inquirer. surer. it Mr. Reese. Junior High football An additional 10 representing To Consider MeDo '";~~:1Et;::~ l'I Coach. introduced Mr. Jamison. the four. sections of the town were The Great Books Group will C. ill his assistant. arid 40 members of voted members of the Board of discuss .Plato·s Meno at its meet• ~ the Junior High Squad. who were Governors as follows: ing on Tuesday night. December ~_ _ _ _ _ _---. ill~~ present for dessert. He congratuFrom the northwest. Dr. Robert 11. in the Woman's Association EDGMONT AVENUE - 7th and WELSH STREETS lated the boys on their enthusias~ E. Spiller. Dr. Horace H. Hopkins. Room of the Presbyterian Church. tic participation and fine sports- From the southwest. Paul B. The next meeting will not be S' , manship. Mr. Sowers. assistant Banks. D.W.R. Morgan. Northeast. held until after New Year's w h e n . • i!.t::-,·".. ~ l'I coach of the Senior High School Richard H. Willis. H. Weston Aristotie's Ethics will be discussed. ill Squad. praised the Junior V!'"sity ClarkI'. Dr. J. Alfred Calhoun. The date will be announced later. by.;,!avvnelle ~ SqUad for their fine record 8lId Southeast. David U ..Ullman. Howf CHRISTMAS ~ presented each member with a ard Hopson. Oakley Van Alen. In Crucial Po.t o r · , · • cerUficate of meritorious memberAll property owners In the Hugh O. Thayer. 625 North ship. Mr. Robinson. the head foot- Borough a,re welcome to loin the Chester road. reported to WashGloves make .$3.50 l'Iill welcome gifts. ball coach. then spoke of the sea- organization. Ington. D.C. on Wednesday for a Let her choose )I son and the outstanding charactersix months' assignment as Chief. . her own with a A . double- ill istics of what he terms were the C! ExPort and Import Section. ProSpeare G i ft. woven NEWS NOT.... finest gr'oup of boys any coach ~ ti B . h Ch m Certificate. ette" clasgram and Statls cs r~c. e. sic ~hortie II ' might have the good fortune to be Jobn W. Snape of Harvard ave- lcal Division. National.Productlon with two ill associated with. He emphasiZed nue is one of the 175 cadets receo," Authority. Department of Co~open sid e ~ the point that no one person want- ly enrolled in the neW Air Force meree. vents. all)l ed to claim any particl'lar credit ROTC program at Hobart College. The National Production Auhandsti!X:h- ill •• thorlty requested the E . I . d u ed. ~ for the fine record. A sophomore at Hobart, lohn .. Of the 26 lettermen which were taking 'the required t'w~,.esr baslc Ponte Nemours Company to grant presented with certificates of out- course. He was graduated from Mr. Thayer a leave of absence for standing achievement and gold Swarthmore HIgh School in 11150. six montl:1s in order that he might the striped glove by footballs, 16 were seniors and were where he was a three letter II18II help to prepare a program for the Hermes of Paris . , .$4,50 introduced and praised Indivldll- . and all-state lacr~. and Sa a production and distribution of ally by Coach Robinson. _ member of Sigma PhI frateml1:J chemicals. All the rage . . . White and red; Certificates were also presented' at Hobart. Ruby red and black; Honey and 11 to uZack" Taylor for his interest The Rev. and Mrs. Charles A. IN BACH CANTATA bl~ck; Lemonade and black; Nar- ~ in the Saturday morning football Anderson of Yale. avenue will uSleepers Wake!" I a cantata. by cissps and black. iA league; to Bill Hoot as the team have as their house guest Mrs. Johann Sebastian Bach. will be . Gloves and Hankies-first floor ~ statistician; to Bill Ziegenfus' as Anderson's mother Mn. E. W. sung by the Choir of the Walling• student host; and to John "Shorty'· Scbauffler of Chicago who will ford l?resbyterian Church. Sunday. ~ Wilmore. the team trainer. Captain arrive soon to visit through the December 9th. at Morning Wor.OCCAS;ONETTE . • . ill Thompson presented gifts to the Christmas season. ship. at 11 o·clock. The Choir will II Coaches and announced next The Ozone 'Golf Club had be directed by Frank A. Mader. I I l ' ~ year's co-captains-Bill Kallfmann its annual boliday last week-end He will be assisted by Mrs. S. L. ~ ,:>~.... 1L ~ and John MacAlpine. In Atlantic City. Swarthmore Hayes. Jr.. and Merry Hayes. ill Lettermen: L. Swan. ~. Terry. members include Dr. E. L. Mercer. violinists. and Samuel L. Hayes. F. Habbersett. D. McCormack, J. Dr. John W. Nason. Mr.. Charles III, ·ceUlst. Bernard. F. Smith. C. Malin, J. Thatcher. Mr. 4rthur Dana. Mr. -------: MacAlpine. fl. Shearer, B. Doher- Joseph Shane, Mr. C. Claude Mr. and Mrs. D. Ma~e Gowing by Hermcmn ty. H. Dodson. L. Doherty. J. Smith. Mr. Barclay White. Jr•• and of parrish road have returned from As Seen in Vogue Thompson. J. Hilkert, Shroeder. Mr. W. Mark Bittle, and Mrs. Hat- a two-week business and pleaK. . Wright, B. Gemmill. J. Pearry L. Miller. Dr. Mercer sure trip to Miami. Fla.. and son, B. KaufmAnn, J. Storlazzi. J. is president of the club. Mesdames borne through the Great Smokies. Tucker. D. MacElwee. J. Carter. Mercer. Nason. ~tcher. Dana. Mrs. George L. Arinltage of ill S. Snyder. B. McHenry. and W. Shane. Miller. and BIttle, accom- South Chester road entertained Meyer. Manager. panied their husbands. . ber bridge club at a lImcheonRed poinsettas and ill Junior Varsity: K. Hasson, B. Mrs. Martha R. Blessing of Elm bridge at her home. holly berries oft lovely II. Haynes. C. Scott, J. Phillippe. G. .11 • • • • • • · · · · · · · · · · · , · · sheerwhltelinen... ~ . AllIson; T. Magoun, M. Bender, D. avenue left last week to spend the large SIZe . • . WI·th fER Eo TOLD P 110. hand rolled scalloped II Bell, R. Livingston. D. Griscom. winter months in Tucson; ArIz. Mrs. R. Chester Spencer of All Li_ of IMurance hem' J. Single. C. Neuwener. C. QrIer. North Swarthmore avenue· 333 D.rtmouth Avenue, l M. Dawes, J. M ......ha • 8.. BarraSwarth. . . . 'a. OPEN TONIGHT clough, L. Staton., P. Slynlrin. G. hostess to the ThundaJ Readlq a w u " . 8-1_ . od TOMOBBOW til • Bottman. J. Mellace and D. J _ Group at a luncheon meetlDa lad week. k1Da, Meneler. 'THE INCOMPLEtE PICTURE I SWARTHMORE NATIONAL; BANI AND TBUST COMPANY .. • roa~ • ';~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ! 'or... Glove' u!tf I ~ • I ElV-1 ! n (\. .c:t"""'-G\. Hankies $1.00 -!'. e ! = i n••t TI THE SWARTHMOR hy CIio"1 II s.h ':OLUME 23-NUMBER 50 == = = • SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1951 The performance of .the Christmas section of Handers Messlab will be given at the Swarthmore Students In Costume Will Deck Christmas TJ;ee Presbyterian Church at 8:30 p.m. on Sunday. December 16. This Is With Gifts For Overseas Friendship a change from the originally anIn Only Appeal Of School Year nounced hour. The combined musical organizations of Swarthmore HIgh S h 1 The chapel choir of the church. 'nd. their instructors Mrs. Eva Daniels and Robert H 1m' .t c t~ augmented to 65 voices by singers community to their annual Christmas Concert In the S~hoo:":~';;tor~· from t~e co.mmunity. will be under ium next Wednesday evening, December 19. Promptly at 8:15 o'clock the . dlrec~lon of Henry Faust. the candlelight procession of singers will open what promises to b SolOISts will be Martha Crudden. Space in last week's SwartbFarce At Players morean did not permit inclusion Club Draw8 in the historical account of The Nativity Pageant of the close reCrowd lation between the Pageant and Audiences are streaming into the churches of the community. the Swarthmore Players Club tbls From Its Inception the ministers week for a thoroughlY enjoyable of this community took deep interest in the presentation of the farce. Lynn Root and Harry Clork's gala evening of Christmas in song, orchestra selections costume. e; s.opran~; Margery Burk, alto; Wj)~ story of Christ·s birth and its ful- HThe Milky Way." It was a sucpractice. all culminating in the climactic "Song for P~ace" in ;:i~h ~:: Biehl, tenor; and Henry Faust, fillment through the ministry of cess on Broadway with Harold the 12 Apostles and the ChristiRn Lloyd. a success on the screen with Chorus, Glee Club. and Orchestra will comb'~e . ~ • James Vail ill b th t attributes which transform the Danny Kaye. and as far as SwarthThere ;will be Christmas sacred selections. traditional carols about nis w e e gues • tm d ti . II • orga t. more audiences are concerned it·s Chr wor1~ • 15 as. ecora ons, ~o y songs about toys which bring squeals of The Rev. Dr. David Braun was a success in the Utile theatres.' l?y on Chr~stmas morrung. Sotoists Mary Lecron and Barbara Har-I the Pageant's narrator until hi. Laughter. certainly. comes rollnson WJ~ SlOg.. The b~ass quartet will play. There will be Christmas death. Last year Dr. Patrick Malin ing up from the boots repeatedly" trees whlch WIll be trimmed as the audience watches by students in served in this capacity and on and if the authors are to be CODcostumes of other countries: as they uMake the tree green" with the Sunday. December 23. the Rev. gratulate<). for writing the script, outer hallways toward the school's this cast is to be congratulated for Overseas FriendshIp proJect 10 world brotherhood. • .Joseph P. Bisbop wID read the their masterful rendering of It. story. The student committee under . the chairmanship of Liz Forsythe Message And Carol Sing For many years the Rev. Mr. Technically. the play belongs to Guenther brought the Pageant to Charles Stockdale who portrays asks the generous cooperatlou of Herald Christmas the commUility In this project.. In Season Its moving close with the words Burleigb Sullivan, the milIu.....,. "Let your light so sliioe before meek and mild. but the entire cast. previous years this co-operation A gaily decorated clUbhouse was Mr. Stockdale Included. support has made possible the gift of 300 the scene of the annual Christmas men. that they may see your good each other in a manner that points CARE packages to Stade. Gerprogram on Tuesday at the Wo- works and glorjfy your Father up the punch lines. and lays a which Is in heaven." This year many, followed by the sending of Aft ernoon P rogr8ID Of man's Club. Christmas Carols. led the Rev. H. Lawrence Whittemore. professiQnal polish to. the produca film about Swarthmore. and the tion. The show is a credit to Ned bringing· here of Klaus Lange for Music To Precede by Mrs. Alice Blodgett Hoon. opened the program and provided at- Jr.• will voice the final words of Pyle for his casting and his dlrecone school year. The three year 7 :30 Speaker mosphere for the Christmas mes- the Pageant. tion. Stade veriture in friendship is sage given by the Rev. Dr. Paul From the Pageant's beginning. Mr. Stockdale handles his BurDr. Harry Emerson Fosdick. re- Hoon. viewed nationally and internatlonMrs. Everett L. Hunt and Mrs. lelgh with a finess that embraces ally as one of the most successful nowned clergyman and author, "Christmas really takes place in Leonard C. Ashton have belped ever attempted. Student conceiv- and the Swarthmore College all the fine points 'from facial ""the .heart," said Dr. HOOD who took greatly with its Chorus. Mrs. Ash- preSsion to actual delivery of line ed and administered it has brought ohorus and chamber orchestra will as his text. "Mary' kept all these ton once being the director. They and action. James Goodwin prereflected credit to the Borough. be ieatured in Christmas programs at the college Sunday. Dec- things and pondered them In her are now aiding its rehearsals wit.h senting the broader. almost typed James Sorber as director. Henry The committee hopes. with thls ember 16.' The Ql"chestra and heart." character of manager Gabby Sw.n single. appeal for community dona"We. like Mary. should cherish Faust Is the orgahlst. is an admirable contrast to the tions of funds. to be able to chan- chorus will present their pro- the memory of sacred things In gram at 4 p.m. and Dr. Fosdick. gullible Burleigh. His. colerlc nel a new and equally useful pro,- 'will" "offe"",;" Christmas m~ssag" bur he...i't5. We sh~uld learn tliJat tempera are realistically bullt up Call Santa Soon ject or fo continue the Stade thoughts really spring from the and controllecLTom McFadden, friendship through CARE or the at 7:30 p.m. Both programs will heart and that a Ph.D. mind Is not Mrs. Santa or her assistants are portraying another type. that of American Friends Service. be given In Clothier Memorial. Dr. Fosdick, who is sponsored by as important as a pure heart. We busilY taking requests these days the illiterate. earnest trainer. adds Putting their own Christmas the Student Christian Association should understand' the strange for Swarthmore children under his creative skill to the characterspirit to work on Wednesday night and the William J. Cooper Founda- power of memo,y. As Mary eher- twelve who want Santa Claus to ization and with his Spider makes will be the following costumed tion. was ordained in the Baptist ished the memory of her cbIld so visit them Christmas ·Eve. it a farcical threesome. students. Roger Gilmour. president ministry after his undergraduate the memory of past' Christmases "Just remind them of the numEmma Reynolds as Anne Wesley 01 the school's United Charities work at Colgate and his theological should make us children again ber-8warllimore 6-6600." Santa tosses off perhaps the best lin.. COmmittee. Msry Ann Thompson. studies at Union Theological Sem- and help us forget the problems said during a abort call this week. in the play with considerable Ginny Bevan, Bina Booth, Frank inary. An. extensive author, Dr. of the world today. "and tell them to leave the porch "Mary remembered her child light on for me. and I'll be there." aplomb and tremendous effect. Habersett, Charles NeuweUer, Fosdick's latest book is on the As the "dame" in Gab.by's lite, Peter Braun, Don Guthrie, Don Quaker leader, Rufus Jones. At and his names Emanuel and Jesus, Anne is still another type. but her Stromburg. and Liz. They ask any present he is Pastol Emeritus ot chosen by an angel. LIke Mary. .asides. delightfully delivered by persons wllo are unable to hear Riverside Church in New York Christmas to us should mean cher- German Students Mrs. Reynolds, serve as a TlJDDjU" ishirig and honoring His name." the concert to send their contrl- City. , down-to-earth commentary on the Plan. Banquet Members of the High School butions with a neighbor or directThree motets by Thomas Luis de hysterical events of. the .play. The· annual high school Gerly to the school. Victoria and two cantatas by Faculty and of the Fellowship (ContInued on page rune) Johann Sebastian Bach are in- Chorus were guests and greeted man Banquet will be held Thurstheir popular. former co-worker day. December 20. at 6:S0 p.m. in NEW ARSHIP cluded in the orchestral-Choral and leader. Mrs. Hoon and Dr. the high scbool cafeteria. Those atSanta Is Coming! SCHOL program. ,James Sorber will conHOOD, who is minister of the· First tending will be all students· in the Lafayette College has authorized duct the orchestra and J. Earl Methodist Church in Germantown German department, members of Swarthmore Business Men wID a full tnition. four year scholar- Ne.. will accompany on the organ. and a member of the tacult)' 01 the foreign language department. be all spruced up next FrIday ship. value of $2700. to an out,. and the faculty. afternoon to meet Santa Claus,' Union Theological Seminsry. standing secondary school student LIONS WILL· FETE Christmas gifts to be given to Russell Snyder's third year Ger- who arrives on the S:25 from West In the Eastern Delaware County boys at Glen Mills School were man once again have· .Chester. FIFTY DECEMBER 22 piled under the large Chrlstm.s chargestudents area. 'llbe scholarship will be of the general program. The Fire Truck will be waltlnll The Swarthmore Lions Club has tree. Mrs. Anthony Venlner ac- They will present a play based on at the station to take him to the· known as the "Eastern Delaware County Alumni District Club arranged a Christmas Party, com- companied the carol singing. Mrs. a f~t year German book. "EmU Fire Association Room in the pre. plete with presents for 50 deserv- R. T. Bates and Mrs. Pierre De- und 'die Detektive." The eve- sent Borough ·Hall where he will Scholarship." The scholarship plan will be Ing boys and girls of Delaware Crouez were at the attractive tea ning's entertainment will also in- greet the children with his chee17 presented to principals of 17' Del- County at the Strath Haven Inn table. A stated meeting preceded clude the singing of many Ger- presence and a bright candy cane. aWare County secondary schools on' December 22 at. 1:30. Names the program which was attended man Christmas Carols and folk Who will be asked to explain It to were obtained through the Com- by more than 200 members and songs. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett interested students. Candidates munity Health Society of Central friends. The menu this year Includes of North Chester road will have Illust be In the first quarter of their Delaware County. potatoes, sauerkraut, peas. clder. as their guests during the holiAll of the Swartlunore Lions class and be active In' at. least two COOkies, and ice cream. The Ger- day season Dr. and Mrs. Norman TO LlGIIT CRECHE extra curricular activities. The are contributing time and effort The Young Adult group of the man 1 students will serve dinner. H. Bass"tt of Ventuor. N.J.. and selection committee will also give to make this first project a lU"eat Swarthmore Presbyterian Church and German 2 will set the tables Mrs. Frank L. Bassett of West Weight to qualities of character. success. The committee is headed has built a Nativity Scene, with and cleim up. Chester. « leadership. and personality in by George Stouffer and Includes life-size figures. which will be $ Horace Renshaw. Theodore Pur- placed in the yard of the Church. 1lla1ting Its final choice. . nell • .Jack Ricksecker. Leslie Korn'l'he selection committee Sa com- dafter. Edward Sullivan and Bud near the Harvard avenue entrance. The Creche will be spoWghted POsed of 10 area IIlumnl with three Windell. every evening until Christmas, lOcal men in its membership. wnWest Cochrane of the earnera starting next Sunday evening. CLOTIIIER MEMORIAL, 8WARTllMOBB COLLEGB Uam Reaser. Joseph Lehecka. and and Hobby Shop, although not a Walter D. Macht. Man7 Lafayette member. contributed generously in December 18. Each evening recorded musl. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1951 alUlDnl llve in Eute:u Delaware the purchase of lifts for the chl1dWill be played from 7 to 8 p.m. County and it Is matter of pleaure AT 5 AND AT 7 O'CLOCK: The community 11 cordially Into the group to be able to offer nIL \ .vited to see the creche. this scbolanhlp. HDONS PRESENT PROGRAM TUES contrlbutlo,,~ rece~ved ~ th~ DR. FOSDICK AT CLOT·HIER SUNDAY . l}ageant of tbt jlJattbttp cHRISITtIAS Sandy Ford of Amberst avenue recently awarded a varslt)' leiter In soccer at Wesleyan Uni- "'as erslty• Middletown, Conn. Sandy been invited to joIn Theta Nu Ei>snon an honOl8l7 ."pIH "" ore Qthletic 8OC:Iet;y. V has PARTY A Cht"iStmBS Party wID be held at the Gibbons Home. Ba\tlmore pike on Thursday evening. Decem~ 20 at B o·clock. Mrs. Robert 'West, Chairman of Music at the Swarthmore wclman's Club. will be in charae of the prop-aJll. Home Lighting The Swarthmore BUsiness Ass0ciation will sponsor a Home LiJlhtlog Contest. as they have for the past several years. Details wID appear in next week's Swartbmorean. / , ' • 1_. .____-...___. . ___-__ .~~ .. $3.50 PER YBU TO SING HIGH SCHOOL INVITE CHOIR . "MESSIAlf' SUNDAY CLERGY SHARES CURRENT SHOW ALL TO CHRISTMAS CONCERT IN PAGEANT MARKS SUCCESS • " , !-. . ;. .. !JI fu~o tome in tI,e "pitit of ~ermtt' rum ~liltip are ~rltome ..' ", \ PERSpNAJ.s vard avenue left Tuesday to visit until Monday with her mother Mrs. Benjamill O. Largent' of Springfield, Ohio. Pvt. Norman P. Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Andrew F. Robin- DECEMBER 14, 1961 8WARTKMOREAN THB I latiD, fashioned with a fitted bodice, necklille of illusion -trImmed with Belgium altar lace and long pointed sleeves. Her veil of illusion fell from a crown of pearls and she carried white OJ"chids arranged on a fan of Rose point lace. Mrs. J. Howell Staley of Sprillgfield, and Miss Alice R. Craemer of Harvard avenue, attended their DECF.MBER 14, 1961 • ,--~~~--- .:~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Brown, The baby is a grandson of Mr•. f.ertha Dimeler of Media" and ·Jr., of Glen MUls 'anno~ce the of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Be~d birth 'of a baby girl on DecembelJ 13 in the Presbyterian Hospital, of Swilrthmore. Philadelphia. ,;.r:~.. a farewell and Mrs. Norman Hulme of 139 and roses. Followillg a weddiD.g trip to Rutgers avell1le. Jane Allen of Riverview road Bermuda, the couple will live at will arrive home tomorrow from 4301 Massachusetts avenue, WashWellesley College to vacation .illgton, D.C. The bride is a graduate of the through the Christmas holidays. Mr. William Burke of WaShillg- University of Pennsylvania ColElm avenue returned Tuesda): fol. ton, I1.C., is visiting Pis daughter lege for Women and School of lowing a six-week business and pleasure trip by plane and. boat Mrs. Howard.C. Jackson and fam~ Medicille. The groom is a graduate of Yale University and Columto. Rio de Janeiro, BrazU._ ily of· Vassar avellue. Mr. and Mrs. valentine Fille of Mrs. James. P . .Brown and son bia College of Ph:r.sicians and SurSwarthmore avenue will salute Clement of Guilford, Conn., ar- geons. the ho1iday season by entertaillillg riVed Saturday to visit with Mr.! and Mrs. J.Paul Brown of Walnut BIRTHS at a milk punch party tomorrow lane thrcl'ugh the holiday season Mr. and Mrs. Page Michaux Bulafternoon. . Mr. Brown 'will join his family for Mrs. Joseph H. PerkiD.s of Cedar lock of Bryn' Mawr are receiving Christmas. congratulations upon the birth of . :::he:"::~l~g::~:a~ H~ve~ Mrs. James Bacon Douglas of a daughter, Sarah Shatpe Bullock, North Chester road entertained lnn to celebrate the birthday an- The E1ghtsome Bridge Club at a on December 10 In Bryn Mawr niversary of Mrs. William I. Deth- luncheon Tuesday. Hospital. Mrs. Bullock is the (ormer Mary loff of Swarthmore avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn A. Scott of Mrs. S. S. Rutherfor~ of Strath Dure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . t rt' d 60' Haven avenue entertamed at a Vassar avenue ·en Henry Franklin Dure of Ogden e ame . guests at a holiday open house nelghborho.od brl!ige party last avenue. The new baby is also a ft er- . Thursday 10 honor of Mrs. O. M. granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. d fr om: 2 30 t 0 5 .on S unaya .- noon. Mr. Soott is' minister o( Hook who recenUy moved from William B. Bullock of Cedar lane. the. P rospec t _. P ark Chureh 0 f Westdale avenue to 611 Strath Christ. He is student at the Haven avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. DimeUni;'erSi.ty of 'pennsylvania where Mrs. R. K.· Levering who has ler of Media announce the birth he ·is. workiD.g· on his Doctor;';' De- been visitillg her sister Mrs. of a son, Douglas Eugene, on g;-ee'anll'Bibllcal Archaeology. Mr. 'Joseph H. Perkins of j::edar lane December 7 at the Chester Hosduring the summer and fall, is >qld Mrs. Scott, former residents of pital. Oklahoma and Tennessee, recently nowlocated at Kissimmee, Fla., for the willter months. moved .. . illto their new home at I'OR .356 Vassar avenue. CRAEMER OLER l~fagmne Subscriptions .' Mrs:-Earle P. Yerkes of Prillce.toD' "avenUf!! en.tertained at a lunchThe marriage of Dr. Virginia CALL eOn for 12 at her home Tuesday Carolyn Craemer, daughter of Mr. lloyd E. K.uffmau afternoon. '. and Mrs. William Craemer of HarSwarthmore 6-2080 . Mrs. A: H. Knabb of Princeton vard avenue, to Dr. Wesley Marion avenue . entertaiiled her bridge Oler, III, son of Mr. and Mrs. WesA Gift Magazine Can Solve . club at.a luncheon-bridge at her ley·M. Oler of Greenwich, Conn., .some of ~our Problems Gilt Cards Ready For You home' Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. took place Satul'day aftenioon at Knabb will be joined during the '3 o'clock in the Swarthmore Presholiday season by the;;' daughter byterian Church. The Rev. Joseph Mary a student at William and P. Bishop performed the cereMary College, Va., and by their mony before a background of Cy.son-ill-law and daughter Mr. and botium. ferns, large white chrysFREB PARKING Mrs. E. S. Hanford of Baltimore. anthemums: pompons and smilax. Charlotte Hobbs. of Park aveThe bride, given in marriage by Fri. and Sat. nue arrives. Sunday from Milligan her father, wote a gown of white .James stewart Marlene Dlotrleh College, Tenn., for the Christmas bHHHHe ''NO mGRWAY IN THE SKY" holidays. Second Lt. Mlltqn H. Sat. night onlY-feature Hobbs, stationed at Ft. Belvoir, times 6, 8, and. ~1",0_~_ THE SWARTHMORE Va., will complete his Officers Re~ sii--;Yp.M. fresher Course December 22, folSpecial ChIldren's Matinee PLAYERS CLUB All cartoon and comedy shOVl lowillg which he ""ill visit ills, Be sure to see this one family on Park avenue. Presents Sunday . Mrs. Frank G, Keenen .of Ha~ Mat. 2:30 p.m. - Eve. 7 & 9 p.m. party at the Toppillg home tomorrow afternoon In honor of Florence Callaway of Elm avenue who leaves Monday for her _.... new home ip California. . Mr and Mrs. L. A. WhItslt of ** Entered a. Second Class Matter. January 24 192V t Ih P Office at Swarthmoi'e, Pa.. , under the Act 'Of Ma,.~h 3~ 181~ - SWARTHMORE, P4., FRIDAY DECEI\lBER 14, 1951 Presbyterian Noles Special Christmas Services to The sermpn this Sunday morn- remember are: December 16, 4 p.m.-Church ing at the 9:30 and 11 o'clock services will be "The Message of School Christmas Play in McCahan Hall; 8 p.m.-The Chapel Choir God." The Church School and the will present Handel's "Messiah". December 23; 9:3ll--Special men's an'd Women's Bible Classes Family service for the Church meet at 9:30 Sunday mornings. School children and their parents. At 4 o'clock on Sunday afterrherc will be no Church School ~OQn, in McCahan Hall, the Juniormorning; ll-Christthis S:.rnday lit FellOWS!lip will present a play written and directed by Mr~ . . 1~ilS Festival Worship Service. December 23, 11 :30 p.m.-CarolS~uart Graves entitled "More ing, Candlelight, Holy Communion Gtesse:i to Give." The entire Service. Church School is invited to this December 31, 11:30 p.m.-Watch Christmas program. There will be Night Service. no meeting of the Junior-Hi Fellowship Sunday evening. The Senior-Hi Fellowship will Methodist Nole. meet for refreshments and fellqwThe Sunday School meets at ship Sunday evening at the home 9:45. Classes are provided for of Mrs. Ernest Lewis, 318 Yale children of all ,ages and for adults. avenue and attend the music proThe Young Adults meet at 9:45 gram of 4'Tbe Messiah" at the in the Ladies' Parlor. CJ;turch at 8:30 p.m. At the 11 o'clock service, the 'minister will speak on "Christmas The Young Adults will have sup- in Song." per at 6 p.m. prompUy on Sunday evenillg. The Church Nur"ery for children is open during the morning Coffee Hour will follow the 11 service. Mrs. Ernest Pritchard o'clock service Sunday morning, in and Anna Mae Allison will be in McCahan Hall. There will be no charge. .** -------1 ~ ~:!:~b~~u~3~on Sunday morning, m GOuInL- . -/tt~w~ ................-.... 1 with lace - they make an Ideal I ' \ Mn. College Theatre "THE MILKY WAY" Marc. Dot C...erol. CatuiDc ' . Servie. and b7 'i.nm LaIIebeou ·BatI.' S1IPP8'S . Cecktall PuUe8 • LAST TWO NlGRTS FBlDAY, DECEMBER It SATuaoAY.DECEMBER15 .. C\iI1iIIIi.~ S:IIP.JI. , with a robe, sleek and smooth, full and uullted. or· colorfnl plaid And lingerie, a variety of Items ·~~ND~iban~~~ . ! I glamoroas, and oh 80 ~l ••• dainty "TIlE WELl/' I II Or make her warm and COZY '. ways of wlllnr her . . MEllllYCBBlSTHAS . 15 South Chester Rd. .. _ _.. ___ ..Ij~~a.~mMmM~~mM~'~~~ ~............... ~~ err--- --' - -nIB DBBD'!' FOr .. l':ei01J;;:u;;b::u:;:u:;r=a=RI=Il=u*...:a::i ._~______......_____~ " ; ; -. • NEDnLB. CALL Dot BelfIeld -SWL 8-11'73 . . . . . Hum - SWL 1-3138 • Roo' . .4 Ran7 e1AIrI< Produced under The Direction of SPECIALIZING IN . : Sr1 --wt.N T_ ..... . A hi gil powered action drama Monday . ........ iia .... 1iI WEIJJ' _A~:....::h::lg::h:..,po~w::.ered:::.;.~a=cti;-·-:on~.drama Tues. and Wed. loan l'onteID 101m Lund "DABLING, ROW COULD . YOU"' A bright new comedy based on James M. Barrie's, "Alice Sit by the FIre" . - Frienda Meeting Notet ell and sons George and. Jeffrey Mrs. Troxell's parenls Dr. and Mr•. In the second series there will of West Point will arrive next George L. Armitage of South Chesbe a discussio.n of the Friends week to spend the holidays with ter road. General Conference work by J. Barnard Walton. .... .The annual barrel packing party ~lll be a carol sing in the Meetmg House at 5 o'clock on Sunday December 16. • All are cordially invited. THE PRICE The Session will meet on Tuesday evenillg, Deceniber lB, at 8 o'clock in the Pastor's Study. Chapel Choir rehearses at 7,45 o'clock Thursday evenings, Junior Choir at 3:30 on Thursday afternoons and Cehrub's Choir on Saturdays at 10:30. . Circle 9, Mrs. J. S. Howe,' chairman, will meet at the home of Mrs Ralph V. LitUe, Jr., 413 Haverford place on Wednesday, December 19. Mrs. William Craemer, Jr., will lead the d.evotions. The Teacher Training Class will not meet this Sunday as scheduled. The ushers for the day are Warren Crafts, Robert Cassidy, Don W. Dickinson and Charles H. Grier. The Wesleyan Se""ice Guild meets on Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Arthur Snyder, 513 Yale avenue. Junior C::oir Rehearsal Is on Thurs:!ay at 6:30 in the chapel', nay Scouts meet at 7 In the Social Hall. Senior Choir rehearses at 7:45. The Annual Candlelight Service will be on Sunday, December 23 at 4 o'clock, at which time the choir will sing "The Story of Christmas" by Matthews. _ _ _ ._ _ Trinity Notes At 8 o'clock Sunday morning there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion. All departments of the Church School will SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH meet at 9:30 a.m. Joseph P. Bishop, Minister At the 1J o'clock service of John Stettner, ./Lqslstant Morning Prayer the Rector will Sunday, December 16 9:30 A.M.-Church School and preach. Those serving as ushers Adult Classes . will be C. S. Keller, B. Harrar, R. 9:30 and 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Bishop G. Haig, W. L. Cleaves, F. R. Gray, will preach li :00 .'I..M.-Church Hour Nur- J L. Cornog, W. R. Fawcett, and J. B. Bullitt. Robert McHenry sery' 4:00 P.M.-Junior-Hi Play is scheduled to serve as acolyte at 8:30 P.M.-Music Program "Mes- the 8 o'clock serivce, and at 11 siah" o'clock Pier're Decrouez will be on METHODIST ChOURCH duty. Roy N. Keiser, D. D., MinistU The Annual Father and Son Sunday, December 16 Banquet will be held at 6:30 p.m. 9:45 A.M.-Church School and Monday. The speaker for this. Young Adults• 11:00 A.M.-The. Minister will (JCcasion will be a representative from the Federal Bureau of Inpreach 11 :00 A.M.-Church Nursery vestigation, who will talk on uYo1:ll" TRINITY CHURCH F.B.I." H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector Due to the work being done at Sunday, December 16 this time in the church, there will 8:00 A.M.-Holy Commuulon ' ly 9:30 '\.~r -Church School ' be no celebration of the Ho Com11:00 A.M.-Mornillg Prayer 'munion this Wednesday. TiiE RELIGIOUS SOCIE'I i Choir School will meet as usual . OF FRIENDS on Monday and Wednesday afterSunday, December 18 noons at 4 o'clock and again on 9:'\.5 A.M.-First Day SChool Thursday at 7:30 p.m. to practice 9,45 A.M.-Adult Forum. J. Ber- Cor the Christmas services. nard Walton speaking on The f Friends General Conference There will be no classes or 11:00 A.M.-Meetillg for Worship Church School on Sunday, DecVisitors welcome. Children ember 23, and Sunday, December cared for in Whittier House. 5:00 P.M.-Barrel packiD.g and 30. Carol sillging In.. MeetiJ).g Christian Science NoteHouse. Monda7. December 17 The Bible is replete with stateAll day sewing for the A.F.S.C. ments and accounts of God's p~­ WednOsday, December 19 ~I day sewing for the A.F.8.C. ;ecting care of his children. ~s will be the theme of the servIces FIRST CHURCirOF • CHRIST SCIENTIST in all Christian Science Churches SWARTHMORE .lext Sunday as Indicated In the Park 'Avenue .below Harvard iUe of the LesSon-Sermon: "God Suuda7. December 18 • » .be Preserver of Man. :}:ooOO A.M.-8unday SchooL . . A.M.-The Lesson-5ermon IS The Golden Text is taken fro~ "God The Preserver of Man" ;he PsalmS of David: "In God IS Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 p= Reading roolD ny salvation and my glory: the ~JIeII dailY except Suncia7 {2 to 'ock o( my strength, and my reP.ID.. Wednuday even.... , to . . ill God." (Psalms 62:7) ..:uge, IS 7:50 D.tD. and 1 to 1:30. Is set by you. .L.etters To The Editor • 'The ophllon. exPfee:sed below are tho;.l' of the ImUvhtunl writers. All 1~'lh~I" to The Swartbmorean must be sl~lwd. PJ'"eudOn)'TIlh" may be used Ir THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. the Identity or the writer Is known to the Editor. Lett en will be publ!!d,cd ani)' at thr ·Ils.cretlon ot the blitOT. DllicrollS 0. ,UNIRALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Not In Agreement fo thc Editor )f. The Swarthmorean: OLIvER H, BAIR. founder MARY A. BAIR. Pr..tdMt Telephone RI 6-1581 ~~~:;~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~:;~~~~ been to see have: that .heI have citizens of happy Swarthmortl little cnthusiasm for the .c\\' property owners association, ia this as in many other matters ,!1rou,gh the years they have demonstrated a' high sense' of community loyalty. With excellent Jnd alert Borough Council, School oard, and other public agencies a sdf-appointed pressure group is not needed in a community such .'S ours. I did not attend the meeting of the new association in which I was elected a member of the Board of Governors although I had pre.. iously written to the organizer in order to express my lack of s..' mpathy with the movement. It st.mms to me a misguided but well intentioned effort. Sincerely yours, Robert E. Spiller ;.10wn Gifts For TJe Little enes I Are Fun To Choose. And Fun To Give .. Gay pajamas, colorful sportswear dresses. shirts for the Teen-Agcrs Little boys' suits, jacket6. caps and yes, real 'ties for tbe ~m.aU he-men NEWS NOTES Mrs. James Weir and children Ruffly dresses. sweat .. George and Peggy of Glenshaw ers, skirts. and' socks will arrive tomorrow to spend the (or Ihe Miss I\luffets holidays with Mrs. Weir's mother Mrs. L. J. Servais of Dickinson avenue. Mr. Weir will join his family for Christmas. Mrs. SerDainty Maderia Work vais' son-in-law and daughter Mr. dresses to accent Baby's Glamour, booties, mit .. and. Mrs. Paul Cobble of Jackson tens. cardigans•• bon .. Heights; L.I. will spend Christmas nets week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tucker of Swarthmore avenue were hosts to the Health Club last Tuesday ev~­ ning at which time Dr. Ch3rles Gesser of Lutz, Fla., ,was guest 13 South Chester Road speaker for the evening. Capt. and Mrs. George_..H. Trox- ~"""""u ......._;;] ..... s_a_";;:ij_ij::~:::D;;::n.:::lJ"'b;;::iS""I\)I:::ll_h::.~--':;');.:i~l=ll=4~U=U_h:=>A94b ,.....:.- ------. Children's Shop. _-_. Church· Services a e· a .~;-=~-- ~-~--..;.. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON HOBBY ITEMS ** . PETER E. TOLD. Editor and PUblisher HAIUORIE TOLD and BARBARA KENT Ass i ,- Ed Rosalie Pelrsol 'La oe a.. llers . , rene McCarter SW6-4191 CAMERAS I'll" • Co .WARTHMOREAN == I'tlllLl...BD EVERt FRIDAY AT SWARTRlIIORE P THE SWAllTHMOREAN, INC.. PUBLISHER' "Phone Swarthmore 6-0900 Camera & Hobby Shop , = THE SWARTHMOREAN Miss Margaret TutUe of Wellesley,. Mass., formerlY of Swarthmarl!, ls confined to the NewtonWellesley Hospital, Newton, Lower The grandparents· of the new Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Young of Falls; Mass., with a broken left son, Rutgers avenue, has completCornell avenUe announce the birth baby are Mr. ·an~.'!\'fi's. Brown elbow" ed processing at the 2053d Recepof a son, Paul Stephen, on Dec- of North Cr,tister' road and Mrs .• ._Mr•. and.Mrs...Paul B. Banks tion Center Fort Meade and is. asember l' In the Philadelphia- Os·' Jean Zowlinski of Las 'Angeles. and their daughter Molly of HarCalif. signed to the Military Police Reteopathic Hospital. vard aVenue on Saturday attended placement Training Center, Camp the sixtieth weddillg anniversary Gordon, Ga., for army basic ~aiD.c sister as matron of honor and of Mr. Banks' parents Mr. and maid of honor, respectivelY. Their ing. Mrs. John D. Banks of Harrisgowns were of green velveteen He was graduated from 'PrillciI;>urg. pia College,. Elash, lll. receiving a featuring fitted' bodices with Mr and Mrs. Henry C. Ford Bactelor of Arts degree In eco- Venetian lace at the neckline, and and £heir daughter Chris of Amthey carried old-fashioned bouherst avenue will spend the week- nomics. Margaret E. Croco of Hillborn quets of yellow and gold chrysanBEAUTY SALON end In New York City where Mr. avenue has been named to the themums and Talisman roses, tied 'F!lrd will attend the Intercollegiate BEAUTY SROWS THE WAY TO 0IIBIBTHA8 Dean's List at the College for Wo- with gold ribbons. Lacrosse Association meetillgs. Nancy H. CraeI\!er of Sprillgmen of the University of RochesSandy Ford and Dick McCray stufield, niece of the bride, as flower Call Swuthmore 6-0476 ter for mailltaming a high scholdents at Wesleyan . University, girl, wore a ,long dress of green \I Cheater Roa~ astic average. Margaret a sophoConn., will joill the' Fords In New more at" the University is a gradu- velveteen, and her small oldYork for the week-end. Sandy ate of Swarthmore High School fashioned bouquet was of roses will accompany his parents home where ,she was a member of the and chrysanthemums. for the holiday vacation. Mr. Clarke KimberlY Oler Of Mr. and Mrs. MacElwee of Mt. dramatic organization, the Girl's Greenwich, Conn., served as best Holyoke place will leave Monday Glee Club and the senior high man for his brother, and the ushers to spend a month over the holi- chorus. days with their daughter Mrs. Richard S. McCray, of Cornell were Dr. Frank G. MacMurray of . Bruce Throckmorton and family of avenue, has been awarded a var- Washington, D.C., Dr. Dwight 405 Dartmouth Avenue 'Los Angeles,. Calif Their son sity football letter at Wesleyan Griswold of West Hartford, Conn., and Dr. William W. Field of New Don will remain at Iiis home here. University, .Middletown, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bennett Dick, who co-captaiD.ed the ande- York City. A reception followed at the of the Swarthmore. Apartments, feated, untied Swarthmore High Sprlnghaven Country Club. The have returned from a three-week School football squad while he was bridal caks was cut with a Samurai vacation to Daytona Beach, Fla. a senior there, won his Freshman TOYS While south they spent a few hours numerals last year ill football. Dick sword brought home from Japan CONST. PAPER with former Strath Haven Inn is a member of· the 'Delta Kappa by the groom. The bride's mother GAMES -FILM a\ld ART SUPl'LIES chose a gown of slate gray taffeta DOODLERS' SUPPLIES residents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Epsilon Fraternity. Scheibley, now living In Orlando, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Murrick, UI, with corsage of Cymbidium orchids and illfant daughter Deborah of of Mauve shade and deep' pink Fla. d Cleveland, Ohio will arrive. to- rosebuds. The groom's mother For Your Convenience Open Tonight and Tomorrow Nigh' . - " .I Cathy Jarratt of Thayer roa morrow to visit until December 21' wore a gown of blue silk crepe· ~d Every Evenlng Next Week Unm 9 P.M. and Cynthia Toppillg of North Princeton avenue will entertaiD. at with' Mrs. Murrick's parents Mr. with corsage of Cymbidium orchids The Bouquet· ... -. ,. -. '.\ Thanks a Lot! To All Our Friends and Customers Sunday marked the end of our first year at our New Quarters on South Chester Ro~ Your keen interest shown by your patronage. and encouraging words constantly renews our confidence that Swarthmore appreciates our • modem service and are rewards in themselves for our venture. Rumsey' Chevrolet Theatre Square Swarthmore 6-.6130 '. ,- -..' . ,~'=_==.================T~H:.;B~...:S..:W;..:.;:A~Il=-T;.;.;.H M~O..:R;.;B_A;,;;.;,N______ ._\____ D~EM!IER LWV'. TO HEAR. PRICE DISCUSSION :wt:::e:. ~~~. , SERVICES FOR JAMES VAIL CHRISTMAS GOODIES FOR GIVING and FEASTING Droste's Fine Chocolates Chocolate Xmas Tree Decorations and Favors Charlotte Charle's Fruit Cakes and Plum Puddings Katharine Beecher Butter Mints Domestic and Impo.rted· Delicades Gift Food Baskets Packed To Your Order Antiques and Gourmet Shop Providence Road, Wallingford, Pa. (NEAR NEW POSTOFFICE) • A memorial service for James G. Vail will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. at Media Friends Meeting, 3rd street. Mr. Vail died of a heart attack Monday in Delb!, India, where he had served three month's of a two year appointment as head of the Friends International Center. Retired president of the Philadelphia Quartz Company, he had represented the American Friends Service Committee / in 1919 in famine relief in Germany, in 1939 in Jewish relief there,. from 1940 to 1945 as Foreign Secretary of the American Friends Service Committee and in 1948 he went to Palestine to confer with Arab and Jewish leaders during a United Nations truce. A resident of Media, Mr. Vail and his wife had many friends in this community to whom his death came as a great shock. - ~:r"i!.jl.~j_ _• • W ond.erland of Beautiful Gifts Will Warm Any Feminine Heart, COME TO SEE THEM TODAY OPEN EVERY GIFT WRAPPING FREE NlGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. , Michael's College .Pharmacy Heinz The Ciliberto League is very Heinemann. gratl!ful to Frank for uSe of his windows and to • The Swarthmore League of Women Voters has asked Dr. Frack C. Pierson of the Swarthmore College economics department to discuss some of the aspects of price problems-how much they have risen, why, and what can be done about them-at Whittier House today at 2 p.m. All :interested persons are invited. ;' In addition' to teaching for displaYing • Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Pack of North Swarthmore avenue will entertain at a small cocktail party Sunday afternoon. Dr. Pierson Is Gnest Speaker Today . At Whittier, llUlgic carpets? ... this way, please at Swarthmore College, Dr. Pierson serves on the enforcement committee of Ihe Regional Labor Board. He was vice-chairman of the Regional War Labor Board during the recent war and, last summer served as chairman of thp Pittsburgh Transit Wage Board during the negotiations of a new cootract in that city. He Is the author of "Collective Bargaining Systems" and of numerous maga- w. HOWARD YERKES MARIE DONNELLY'S ; • , 14, 1961 W. Howard Yerkes, whose death occured in Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park on December 7, was born in New Garden TownShip, Chester County, on January 10, 1857. He zine articles on labor's influence was the son of .tab and Elizabeth in the American economy. Pierce Yerkes, and was married Dr. Pierson's talk will be preto Grace R. Heysham, whose deatlJ, ceded by a 1 o'clock luncheon occurred in 1912. There were served by Mrs. Henry A. Piper three children, Frances E. of Glov- .md her committee. ersville, N.Y., who died in 1936, Swarthmoreaos who have stopEarle P. of Swarthmore, and Lydia E., with whom he lived in Mor- ped to study the League's graphic window display on inflation will be ton; Mr. Yerkes lived in West Ches- interested to know that credit, ter during most of his active life, goes to Mrs. Clair Wilcox and Mrs. and shortly after his retirement from active business' in 1930 he m9ved to Morton, where he has TONIGHT since resided. His mother, who died in 1925 in TOMORROW her 107th year, was for several years one of a group of centenar~ ians and near-centenarians living and ALL NEXT WEEK in the vicinity of West Chester, who became very well known for the SHOP will he their longevity throughout southeastern Pennsylvania', Mr. Yerkes was a relative ,of OPEN'tilNINE Charles Tyson Yerkes, a noted financier and traction magnate at Philadelphia, Chicago and London in the years prior to 1900. Charles Tyson Yerkes was the donor of the Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago. Mr. Yerkes was a lifelong member of The Society of Friends, and after coming to this neighborhood, he attended Swarthmore Meeting when ahle to do so. At his funeral which was held December 10 .according . to Friends' custom, the following spoke-,-Mrs. William T. Johnson, Mrs, Elizabeth Heston and Edward Jenkins. Interment was at Newtown ..&quare 'Friends Burying Ground, where the following spoke-Mrs. HestoD, Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman and Chester Roberta. - T he sift pen that's unsurpassed for style and pleCision at "'" price below $10.00. ".$5,00 Sot $1.75 NEW "51" tkmI-~. Special ~"51"pIeCisiOD. Super-=ooth polaL Lustn.Joy cap. Gift boxed, . hn$13,50 w$19.75 ~ ss; MICHAEL'S .COLLEGE· PHARMACY , 1· • • John Bowditch, Jr., of Cedar lane, spent a week at Pinehurst, N.C. attending the fall meeting of the Southern Seniors Golf Association at which 22 states were represented. 'Bob Bradford of Swarthmore avenue will arrive home tomorrow from the University of the South for the holiday vacation. They don't 1Iy through the air, but they work . magic fol' your home and for your budget I Carpets blended of, wool and Avisco "15" (carpet rayon) ••• tha lateet scienti&c advance. Aak to _ our Magee blends- miracles of color, pattern and t~ure beauty. Tbey wear as well as all wool ••• oost you leas I . Mohawk Carpell", • Orlenlll aap 100 '.r_ Ave" , ••rtb.ar.. -- SWar/hmore 6-600().~ .... 'a. ..... .' .. , aD' DOTII01JTB Ava. SWAIITBIIOU .'-1111 ". , at any of our suburban stores about automatic gas water heating for your home. . or' ask ~o=nd~~~nMor=MMonrrOD~oorop~~~ Yes Sir:-One Stop Service Anti-Freeze - State Inspe?tion t r; PHILADELPHIA ELECTRI,C' COMPANY .. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:j . , top quality and style when you buy It at BUCHNER'S. " ~ the manufacturer's reputation • • • and our own. • Bold or restrained; pa~ tern, or solid • • • we have the tie lae wants In finest aUks and rayons. I RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN • Everyone of ,these gifts are by a nationally known maker , • • every one Is backed by , ' C:;p;;;;':; ;;;~ RUSSELL'S SERVICE BOB A TZ, Owner Dartmouth & Lafayette Avetl. SW6·0440 ................ AAAA......... - .?'i'P' h;;;.---' ..h...... -- ThIs handsome cardigan Is real .aslunere. It'. a klngl,. gilt, In tan, gray, wiDe. ' _ ... _ ......wr_....... ...... -------... w ... - - - .......--m-aw .-:----, _ _, _ , . . . - - ...... . blue or white. , , sport shirt in bold block plaid! Cut for real comfort with large porkels. All wool A .' " · k , . sw;'t:J~e,cl. "He lIasn'f n••dad this since we ve . 0"" A,'anric rriple Refined .learing ,• "Chilly?"' said the dog, "don't"'! sillyl Eve~r::,~ , I doors aren't drafty .n1 m!'re. SlDce my. m Q'I ordered Atlantic'S Tnple' Refined. H ..tl~gh t!s this winter all that 1'1M got to say IS', •• w a with a dog's life?' .. ' Gon Or , wm. NIJU1 ..£ ' .~ dII Real irish linen! These large handkerchiefs' are plain white • BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SHOP "'"'''g RIDLEY pARK ~ Plaone swarthJDore .~ ~Ia. PRESENTS FOR MEN with ~~ WATER HEATING. because it heats automatically. See your plumber . II.,. .for evert household need there for you. No worry. no work- '. . . Students of Swarthmore College mterested in getting experience in groUP work have ~gain volunteered to carryon afternoon activities at the Inter Borough Community Center, Lansdowne.,. The Community Service Club of the college received an award last year for the part that was played by the group in improvl'ng the recreational facilities of the agency. This year's group of co-cds are: Barbara Keay, leader. Sally Wal- An informative panel on how parents and teachers can cooperate in helping the child get the most ou t of school was heard by members of the Swarthmore Mother's Club last evening at the club's regular monthly meeting at the woman's clubhouse. R. Mildred K1dd, Elementary Supervisor of the Swarthmore Public Schools,' prefaced the panel w.ith an explanation of present ker, Lippitt, ' AnneCarol Davis, Joan Betsy Price, Alden, Rhea day educational theories. Mrs. ~'1endoza, Sheila Mills, MarIce Pfe. John Campbell, stationed at Oliver E. Rodgers, member of the the U.S. Chemical Center, Edgeschool board, acted~. as moderator. Turner, and Ann Passoth. One wood, Md.; and EnsIgn David Mrs. Peter. Coste opened the male stUdent helps with the boys: Campbell, stationed at the U.S. discussion with a talk on how Bob Bailey. Naval Ordinance Plant, Louisville, Swarthmore Nationai Bank and Trust Company Some of the activities include Ky., will spend a short holiday parents can train childrell in the simple skills for their school ex- knitting, group singing, wood :)Ver Christmas W\th their parents Swarthmore, Penna. perience while they are still at work, basketball, and other out- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Camp.. door activities, dramatics, and bell of College avenue. home. . SjJ.e stressed such. points as teaching the child to cross the trips. The Christmas pageant which is George Gillespie, a senior at street, to dress arid undress him- being directed by the Swarth- Princeton University, will spend ANNUAL MEETING self, and to be emotionally will- moreans will be presented at the the holidays at his home on Strath ing to leave his 'mother. Haven avenue. Center on Sunday, December 16, The "'nnual Meeting of the stockholders of the Swarth. Continuing on the same theme, at 7 p.m. Fifty boys and giJ:ls of Pfc. Jay Snape, an Air Cadet more National Bank and Trust Company, Swarthmore, Pa., for Myrtle McCallin, speaking for the Lansdowne and Yeadon will take stationed with the VllDce Air teachers, stressed the attitu/,:!esi part in "Christmas Around The Force Base at Oklahoma, and John 0 the election of directors and such other business a8 may· come ber"re the meeting, will be held at the banking house In Swarthparents shoud develop towards a World." Mrs. Ida Clark, diJ:ector Snape, a student at Hobart College, mQre, P.l., on TUesday, January..8, 1952, between &he hours of child's skills. She, mentioned they of the Center, will be in charge N.Y., will arrive home next week three and four-thirty o'clock P.M. should provide time and 'oppor- of the music, and Mrs. Helen Lacy, tp vacation through the Christmas tunity for a child to do things on assistant .director~ will present thE" and New Year holidays at their HAROLD OGRAM his own, and show enthusiasm to- pre-school class in UAway In A 'h?me on Harvard avenue. Secretary of the Board ward any hobby he may develop. Lin~a Smith, a student at DelManger.'" Taking the child into school, aware Uni,versity; will spend the Mrs. Janet Groff talked of how holidays at her home on Amherst parents and teachers can create a In Newfoundland avenue. mutual understanding through the Pfc. George S, Thorbahn, son parent-teacher conferences;' how of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart R. Thor... they can develop through these bahn, of Swarfumore avenue, has conferences the same understand- been assjgned to Pepperrell Air ings of a child's abilities. his n~ds Force Base, Newfoundland. and his progress. Pfc. Thorbahn graduated from Mrs. Richard Enion completed Swarthmore High School and atIhe panel with a discussion of the tended Pennsylvania State College role of the home in the education I before ~ntcrillg service in_ Sep~­ of, the school child. Parents, she ember, 1950. He completed baslc said, should' supplement and work training at Lackland AFB, Texas, with school activities in home dis- and a technical course at Fort . cussions. They should participate Monmouth, N.J., prior to his recent wisely with extra curriculum ac- transfer to Pepperrell. tivities, and should encourfge Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of open relationships willi chil~eo as "Rocky Spring Farm," Media spent 10 how they are progressing. three days of last week Visiting Mrs: Charles Ge.mer presided at the business meeting which pre- Dr. Bates' mother Mrs. Charles F.' ceded the pro!¥am. Stockings Bates' of East Haven, Conn. Whether you spend $1 01' $100 for hIs iIft you know you are geH\og , gas watcz heater. Wbe,ther you. need water for the' , bath, the dishes. or the laundry. it's alway. - CO-ED BEAUTY SALON. , STUDENTS AID CENTER , ~4 hours a day with-!ln antomatic , , the deFuria home on North Chester road. The Thhoble group met Monday for an all-day sewing at the home of· Mrs. John L. Good of Harvard Jf Media, Were entertained by Mr. WI'II spen d th e h 0 liday season at avenue. nd Mrs. Chalmer G. KIr~bride of -::~;:---:;::::==~:::::::::::::;;:::;,----c::.::;::::.:::::::==::;:::::-­ IVallingford in Atlantic City beSURE-/ ALWAYS SPEND THE CHRISTMAS fore the presentation of the Pro"essional Progress Award in Chem!iI!~Ol'/DJIY.s AT THE '-c." .cal Engineering to Mr. KIrkbride. ." Mr. and Mrs. Maxey Morrison . . . trees Gnd decorotions-stockL'1gs)1 Dartmouth avenue entertained car~ls-o big turkey dinner-ond 0 whole 1t, a dinner before the Square Chnsh!,os ,week of speciol entertainment ..• With two festive parties On New Yearl, Dance at the college Saturday • Eve. '00II11 fro. ", ''';11 hed~ , 0_ SIO. > • _vcmng. Mr. Walter H. Dickinson of ColJOs'AH WHIT( '.ege avenue has returned from a a $C/Q. LTO. lisit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. f. H. Dickinson of Winter Park that are There's piping hot water at your commlUld PABK Teachers, Mothers. View Value Early Home Preparation with toYs, magazlnes'and were collected for the NEW.S NOTES 'I Carolyn deFuria, a student at "unnycrest School for Boys at !'embroke College of Brown UniCheyney. .- Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hanna, versity, and her brother-in-law ~ r. and Mrs. Raymond Lassiat, and sister Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert SWARTHMORE COLLEGE .~rs. Jane Hanna of·rw omb Iy of Cambridge, Mass., Swarthmore, and Mr.Neuweiler Ralph Sloan ______ __"'-w:.wt__w ............... --------- ?ermanent Waving and Bair Cutting ~ ' " '_ _ _ _ _ _. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . A ~ECIALIZINGlN '_ $10.00 Set $15,00 , .'__ Mr. and Mrs. Willits HenTY Bowditch of Hilton Village, Va., son, and daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., of Cedar la~e, were saddened by the death of Mrs. Bowditch's father J. W. Hornsby of Yorktown, Va., who died December 6 in the Richmond HospitaL So welcome! The world's most-wanted pen ••• with exclusive Aero. metric Ink System. Meters a skip. free lioe. Choice of regular or PANEL POINTS ~lothing MOTHERS TASK & BEREAVED NEW"21" SWARTHMOREAN D;E~C~EMB~~ER~~14~.~19~5~1;-__~:;~::~~::::~1!H~Er--!~~~~~!!~~ stuff~d I---------~-- 8-470 Open Evenings .. • '~'X THE . SWAR THMOREAN DECEMBER 14, 1951 ~----------~~--==-===~~~~~--~~~-------,~ ------===--=--~-Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sheppard of a week with Mrs. Sheppard's parCruin Creek ~ridg,e Jacksonville, Fla., will arrive next ents Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Weltz Mrs. D. D. Rowlands and Mrs. Saturday, December 22 to visit for Gf College avenue. W. R, Shoemaker held top score at the Tuesday evenlng meeting of the Crum Creek Bridge Club. Mrs. 1. R. MacElwee and Mrs. F. OPEN EVERY EVENING FROM NOW W. Steu~er were second high with Mrs. T.· Saulnier and Mrs. SamPNTIL CHRISTMAS uel Hanna third. 'The meeting on December 18 will conclude the fall tournament. The first meeting of the club in the new year will be on January HOLLYHOCK SHOP , SWARTHMORE - PENNA,' 8. Poet Circle Hostess Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. McFadden, Proprietors Miss Leanore Perkins of Cedar lane. was hostess to the Poet Circle Monday afternoon. Mrs. William S. Hobbs of Park avenue presented a program of Christmas poetry. Mrs. Harold G. Griffin presided at the tea table at the social hour which followed. IF IT'S ELECTRIC, WE HAVE IT! Surprise Party , Christian C. Sanr;lerson, Chadds Ford, well-known fiddler and ,square dance caller who has many times appeared in the Swarthmore area, had a birthday party Deceme ber 7. Kathleen Pack of North Swarthmore avenue, and a student II at the school, attended the surprise party, staged for him by students and teachers of the School, where . Mr. Sanderson has taught dancing for the past six years. Modern electric kitchens ••• washers, dryers, freezers ••• Everything For Electric Living WILSON COAL and SUPPLY CO I Swarthmore 6-0600 I RODGERS LANE, WALLINGFORD, PA, , or CARS SO WONDERFULLY DIFFERENT TO DRIVE THEY BRING YOU A NEW KIND OF TRAVEL! CLUB ORCHESTRA , Seventh Graders In . GROUP MEETS ' , The Orchestra Group of the Woman's Club held its second meeting on December 6 at the clubhouse. Mrs. Frederick Van Urk gave commenis about the lives and works of Sibelius, Gerschwin, and Tschaikovsky, whose compositions were to be played the following day by the Philadelphia Orchestra. The next meeting will be held January 17 at 10 a.m. in the clubhouse. Thereafter the group will meet regularly the first and third Thursdays of each month. I The Woman's Club invites all residents of the community to attend the meetings of the Orchestra Group. Anyone interested may call the chairman, Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty SW 6-7936, for further information. Supper And Sing Parents, child;ren and faculty of the Seventh Grade will participate in a cover~d dish supper and cl'rol sing at 6:30 this evening in the McCahan Hall, of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Reavis Cox will, act as general chairman of the SUpper and sing. Mrs. Robert G. Gilfillan will chair the supper committee and Mrs. Winthrop Wright will supervise the decorations. Mrs. J. Albright Jones, chairman of Seventh Grade Mothers, will direct the candlelighting ceremony. Mrs. Henry B. Coles, chairman of the music committee, will be assisted by Mr. Gilfillian' in the carol singing. '. :e:·. . . .-'·-..Q.e\e ..... ~ .,~d,...~~,O'.~.. ~~~ ELEVENTH GRADE GIVES CLASS PARTY ! ~. Parents and students of tlje Eloventh Grade held a class party Saturday evening in the High School Gymnasium. . 1. R. MacElwee was master of ceremonies of the Television Show which presented the impersonations of such celebrities as Jerry Lewis, April Stevens: Frank 3tra, Ava Gardner, and Dagmar. Mrs. Olive Swan directed the show. The games were in charge of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ziegenfus, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dohprty, and Avery Blake. Charles Izumi was the pianist for the singing of the Christmas carols. Mrs. John MacAlpine, Mrs. Russell Snyder t and Mrs. Arthur Kauffman supervised the decorations. The preparation and serving or food was in charge of Mrs. Avery Blake, Mrs. Doherty, Mrs. Werner, Mrs. Andrew Schroeder, and Mrs. E. W. Crosby. Mrs. Howard Shearer and Mrs. Howard Green, co-chairmen of hospitality for the Eleventh Grade, served at the punch bowl. Mrs. • ,William Simkin is chairman of Eleventh Grade Mothers. W.'~ 1I.~ing ready for • ~ "·{JJru~tmls~· &i\ . at fBB ~ Jft L4NCASTBI 11\ .~ CDUNTRY STDIB ~~~ t~ Sin-, f ~ RECEIVES ~IEMORIAL MEDAL The Chi Phi fraternity has announced that Richard Taylor. Harvard avenue, has been awarded the Sparks Memoii,,'i Medal for the second time. This' award, established by "the late President'Sparks of Penn State in memory of his son, is annually bestowed on the member of each Chi Phi chapter attainiQ,g the highest scholastic average. Dick, a member of the Alpha Chapter, 'is a senior in the Jniversity of Virginia Law School. . ~' Hisioric Home of II ~ CONESTOGA Ji\'~ HAND·WOVEN twEEDS ~ Equul to Brilc1in'. B ••I , DECEMBER 14, 1951 THi GROUPS QPPOSE PECHAN BILL would have stripped the Bill f all its provisions save the Loyal~y Oath. The amendment was defeated 95 to 92. The League of Woman Voters in Swarthmore has gone on record Bom 'School, College· about 10 to one in cpposition to the tneasure. Borough residents Boards Send have given leadership ,in the UniProtests versity . of Pennsylvania faculty, Both the District Board of the. CIVil Liberties Union and orSchool Directors and the College gamzed labor councils in opposiEoard of Managers passed unani- tion to the Pechan Bill mous resolutions condemning those sections of the proposed Springfield A.' A. Pechan Bill which, to them vioChristmas Movie P~ty lates American principles of justice and traditional civil liberThe spirit of Christmas giving ties. will be demonstrated on Saturday, The faculty and admintstrative December 22, when tlie Springfield group of the public schools passed Athletic Association, in conjunca resolution asking the defeat of tion with sponsors of nearby youth the Bill and together with the Col- groupS and civic organizations will ,ege and School Boarda sent its hold a Christmas party at the Colresolution to all members of th~ lege Thealre, Chester road. Elementary school age youngState Legislature, all important sters will be admitted to the theacivic leaders and newspapers. inter at the 2 p.m. performance for dividuals and groups from the College faculty and admintstration the admission· of one can of food. have t~tified against the Bill at and William Crowell. of SpringHarrisburg and have contributed fiel~l chainnan of the party, is leadership and financial aid to hopmg that well over 1,000 cans prevent the measure from passing. will be collected for needy. families in the county. A special secThe High School Office sent two tion of the theatre will be blocked releases to all public schools in off to accommodate handicapped Delaware Cpunty which analyzed children, th,e dangers in the proposed legislation and provided guide-posts , The FtH!..1-Matic Drive. Power guide Power Steering, Electric Window Lifts. available at cxtm Steering, f"lu\d·Torque Drive, Elm:tric Windr:w Lifts, as extra cost. (l\~indsor Body Styles: 6 and equipment. (6-Pass. &dan, Con8-Passenger Sedans, Club Coupe, Town & Country Wagon. Windsor . vertibl( Coupe, Newport Coupe.) DeL~e: 6-Pass. Sedan. Convertible The Magnificent Imperial Coupe. Newport Coupe.) PeecleM new lcade: 01 the world'. fine cars. 180 H.P.-ana more. The Brilliant Electric Window Lifts standard, 180 HoP. Saratoga V-B Hydraguide StE·.:!Iing~ FluidThe spectacolar Chrysler Fire- Torque Drive standard on Crown Imperial. available OD other modPower engine on 1253o§· wheelbase.. els. New airplane-type DiscHrekes Power brakes, Flwd-Matic Drive, on Crown Imperial. (Imperi.ll Hydraguide Steering, Electric in 6.Passengcr Sedan 67 Window Lifts, Fluid·Torque NeWport Coupe, Crown Drive. as extra equipment. (6 aTld Impaial in 8-Passenger 8-PGl8. Sedans, Club Coupe, Town Swarthmore, Pa. A priceaess heritage for your children DECEMBER A MOI'e Powerful AD 0 LPB'S STRATH HAVEN INN ' - • Iewelery TENDER STEAKS .nd CHOPS Cooked to erder !! MARGIE'S FAMOUS CINNAMON BUNS en SUNDAY AIR. CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT lI.vater Comfert.ltle Rooml D.y or Week .REE PAllKlNCi WAl.TlR J. PARROn, Mir. • On Dioploy, Dec. 14lh and 15th , TBE MUSIC 'BOX 409 DadlDoalb Ave. Phone S_al'lhDlol'e 6-1460 • OPEN EVENlN~ UNm. cHRIS'IMAS (EXCEPI' DECEMBER Z4dt) ... 1\. ' .\1< , .... ' • THE SWARTHMOREAN 5 Students Win Berths A STEP AHEAD OF alRISTIAS Stay one step ahead of Santa with your Christmas preparation. by buying all your holiday food needa In lust one stop-at your nearby Acme Market. You'll save time and money and gain complete satisfaction. Come In today.. • AII.Purpose FAMILY FLOUR n"", 5 b~~ 391:: 10 b~~ 751: Th.r.·.. no bett"lr family millt"J anywhere. fry II In your baking and cooking. leo," why we back II with c;~nfid.nc" with our own brands guoronl ••• FLOUR '::;r~~,;~ 5 b~~ 511:: 10 .9tkat MINCE MEA T Fa2:~~.d .9tkat GOLDEN ~UMPKIN J~~fi:., b!.". 951: 2f~~' ZSO N~~'h 170 140 ZSO .9tkat PUMPKIN PIE SPICE . 100 CONFECTIONERS' SUGAR Z ~kr ZSO BROWN SUGAR Z ~j"l. ZSo Princess YELLOW MARGARINE Z ~k~' 4SO • Whit., ChiOon. Spl'" or Devil'" food 16'0' pkg .k. PINEAPPLE. Juice :~~~~~~. 2~~: 4~ RED RIPE TOMATOES 2~:~~ 25c: c9duzt GRAPEFRUIT Juice -::'19c Sansweet PRUNE Juice 3031ft1:! Uc9duzt APPLE SAUCE No, can Older .' YOIII ~~~i:::: ~:~:s::: ~~ Lancaster Brand Christmas Turkey Now! B .I.'.aklas' _ i Di••• 'I... . fi H Pre-Holiday Sale 'Save Up To ·$200 the city of Philadelphia, to appear on the' stage of the Academy of Music· next spring at the time of the Music Educators National Con· yention which will be held in Philadelphia. • resh·Killed 410 ) 61bs 391: Ib 0'. wI I I V. " 32c Fresh Sausage All·',," "49c Agar's Bacon SlietO " S3c Philo. Scrapple 2'" ... 49c v .. Ib 17c Crabs Dewlled, Cookld 2 pt. In 38c a'eef Bologna slIceo, Hut 'D' Sene Boneless Hams '.!~':.~:~E" E~t~:~llbsIOb)slbI8!'7e _,-------:-_ _---:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _.:51:::1,:::"':..... .... I BuH"rfish "'_nC)' Jeut)' Ib23c Cod fillets Sklnleu III 35c OceanPercnU'lIeFIUe~ 'b37c JumboShrimpFan', 11I59c ,:!~~ CANDIES & NBBDS Virginia Lee Assorted Chocolates ."".Ib $179 fwo identicallOiets fetClturing fruits ~ box nul.. ViIgiDia Lee Assoded CHOCOLATES .'!'. 75c ClJristmas Tree AS30rted CHOCOLATES , .t':.~b 'U5 Fresh. Tender Florida GREEN BEANS - -_ .. _._< . ---- Strlngl... H 0 Jim Lester and John Ellison present credible newsmen indeed, turning up on the scene at untoward moments. Jack Jefferson poes another good job as Mr. Aus. The sponsors committee of the 1WWITEi;::iW:;:-AN~~I~f~;D~ddo;;bj~ o,:m~0~r;.e..:6;:;.;:2:85;::2::,=______.....=.Friendly Open House met recenUy I' buy used double FOR RENT-Three room and 6ath at the home of Mrs. Harold March gun-20 guage. apartment, private home. $75. Saturday or Sunday only. teply Box E, The Swarthmorean, f El th I f ti f a m avenue or e e ec on a .6-2667, officers. Mrs, Fred A. Patman,l~m~ ~S1~~e;-:iilgo;id hU5iSi~LO~~S~~T~ &! FQU1IP _ - R .A C I; .,8. RBAL i;~~~~i;~~;~i~-=-=~----,. INIURANCE ft.n ,,"w (1·~")IO -== ..... .L".ho3e who h~ve greens and trim- and Princeton avenues, Swarthmings which they can spare will more. please bring them. However, there ,The 151st AAA Operations De- Hearst, Nancy Pawell, Bev Miller, REGULAR PRICE ...................... 289.95 TABLE ............... , ................ ,....... 18.50 LUcia Langthom, Jud;y Demond, Judy Harvey, Sue Slaugh,. Jill Morrel, Margie Morey, Nancy Gib- TOTAL ........... ,...., ................. 308.45 'NOW $239.95 Compiete. QUANTITIES LIMITED THOMAS F. CONWAY 3_ PARK A VENUE, SWARTHMORE _ _ _ ......... _........ .... _ ............. .....;,..J.-...u. .......:.-jo.,.,.$:.. -"'~~~ ~ -....-.:.~ ~ ;.;~~~~ ,--___..,..-______--..'1 ... _~l. i OIL; HEAT A GOOD JOB. •• 011 IIJDIlits. All COMDlI~ 011. 01' IOIU .. · Essentla! work In Interesting lobs e Pleasant; comfortable surrounding- "Gala w'" like people dIce telephone over"'" pound. Ca\! Lucy Law. road, Media, CUNNINGHAM Since 1905 ~ Painters &- Paper Haneers We .hould know how Swa; 6·2266 Michigan Ave. •••••••••••••••••••••••• RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL • Conitruction .AlteratioWl P.R.R. Freight Bide•. SWarthmore, Pa. J. F. BLACKMAN IIII prof~r!:~.IB:~:8-8eI8 swe·07D Charlet E. new, condi· . Cellar Walls Re·Plaltered Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 I x 8 PLYWOOD, HARDWARE and LUMBER for 2 HORSES Mason Builders Supply Company OPEN . 7 A.M.&011 P.H. 331 DARTMOUTH AVJ!NlJE Swarthmore 6·0345 . ESSO SERVICE STJ~T SW 6·0740 I • Swarthmore 6-225. II"· ...'...... Sum", . ·W.ahin. - Lubrication Tire Repair d. A. GREEN YALE !IIl4 BUTGKBS AVE. 8W11l1bmeN I-tIM I SOUTH PRINCETON AV'ENUZ' Ceneration Builders" HORACE A. REEVES ~ DII,1c1ina CODIb aclloa leaf table (dining room). ent condition. Call Media SVNDAY Ii A. IL to 8 P. IL COAL FIRE PLACE wo~m Fiflch~r BUILDER $8.95 up SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS 17 V2 South Chester Road bICY~cI~e~=~ I LOOK Residential • Paintinll Commercial • RepaiR • Alterationl year old. Kiddie car ·with seat; horse jumping jack. 6·4354. . Swarthmore 6·3450 Owner offen &0 ti...Millle party ' EDWARD - MORTGAGE. FIne Delaware County Estate - mon&hIT paymeJlb compl"te III 6 :Jean, bean 6% i. NOYES & CO. Realtor. • Speel.lbiD&: III SALES t INSua&NCE - IlltensL IS SOUTH CHESTBR BOAD II!lQUIRE BOX A SWARTHMO- I·W. 'THE SWARTHMOREAN CHARLES It. RtJ8SI!f.L BAIRD and BIRD BECOBDED . Real Estate - Insurance Mortgages 1631 Arch Street. Philadelphia, Pa. • Rudge girl's - standard Call WARM-AIR HEATINC Christmas Tree and Train Platforms . SW 6-4041 7055 Terminal Square, Upper Darby. Pa. THE BELl TElEPHONE COMPANY Of PEN .. St'LVAr~IA 25 Yeare ExperieDCe - REPAIRED & INSTALLED Aaphalt or Concrete Wh;y not stop in, today at one of the offices listed beloWI . - REASONABLE RATES 1000 west 9th S~ Phone Cheater t·4297 CEORCE Box 48 - Swarthmore oI:.jl'Ulilt PETER DI NICOLA MONDAY THRU SATUIlDAY NOON In additioIl, you'll find that telephone war!:: has many othw • .~I" N'~"" OIL BURNER SERVICE work. The men and WQmen you'll meet st Bell are fn..ndly. pleasant. congeniaL U you'd like to work with associates of this kind ..• witlo people Iilce yourself ... why not stop in for an intervie~? T\w<. are .evenl openings right now for girls who can quabf,.. Good pay from tft. - . with regular Incr....... 5. Fwmaad V.CU~"~"!",.~~Md -..en DAY and NIGHT For girl. who like people, Bell Telephone is an id••1 p~.ce - • SUp Covers - Draperl.. Driveway Construction and a chance to make good friends! No exp. 'lence needed on ." ••UNO 23!!!~~;.'2.,t13:!Z!~ ! CLJEN1ELE THOM SEREMBA i 8·14tl WILLIAM BIlOOKS A>hes Ii Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed. General ,Haulinll [ /?J ~~ • SEI Eer . UPHOLSTERER TOY, which will -be distributed I:~::~~~;~;=;~ by the two organizations to the ~r;~~ ., .. hr' tin "needy families at C IS as. s~re Hom. SIO,", Nur.iRlt t':=I~t:-: HOUDAY MEET been invited by Louis Wersen; director of instrumental music fo!" King and I" and Romberg waltzes. lISCO Bacon Silled ~o DEW DROP I NN StUd!: urban high schools gathered at the 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE H Coatesville High School last Saturday for the Southeastern District! LUDCIl ~. ~ orchestra tryouts. Over 200 studCLOSED EVERY SUNDAY :J ents were present and the comOPEN 7 A • M. to 1:30P. M, Q petition was keen, Monda;y Thru Saturda;y 0 From Swarthmore High School II places were won by David Spencer, DAILY DiNNERS 'Oc: 10 ~ violinist, who was designated can· I ; ' Special Childrea'. Platten cert-master for the· ~ourth suc- f,QwliS·" ......awc.~~ ....."i,;)_;.;.\--""'-'• ....,;a~:to--a ....... _...:t.U's..Am~'''m.,. \)OjJ cessive year as well as Russell Snyder, viola; Noel Snyder. cello; Nancy Carroll, viola and Ted Sanville, French horn. This orchestra, numbering about 100 musicians, will give their an:.. nual concert in the Coatesville NOW YOU CAN AFFORD A DUMONT High School auditorium on January 12, The same orchestra. has Regular Slewing Chickens ( C"...,C"'=1I::!e:..";".".,, . ._ _Ht:I::Jt:. ~.1': (pId SJUZI PIE CRUST MIX· fJo'/Il"'--" C~ &KE MIXES U.£IIC • :_.""_ruccumbed suddenly to a heart condition at 8:30 a.m. Monday at his home, 401 South Chester road. At the 'end of November he returned home from Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital where he had been a patient for six weeks. Born on August 9, 1883 in PhiladoOlphia he was educated in the public and parochial schools of that city. Forty years ago in Bryn Mawr he married Catherine Graham who died October I, '1938. After liVing in Rutledge for 25' years the family moved to the corner of South Chester road and Westdale avenue in 1939. Previously they had lived for short periods In Easton and Philadelphia. Although Mr. Hilferty retired from active business participation in December of 1946 be retained membership in many organizations including the Philopatrian Literary Institute of Philadelphia, the Columbus Council of the Knights of Columbus, the Navy League and the National Associatlon of of the Swarthmore Rotary Club and president 'of &he Holy Name Society of the Church of Our Lady (Continued on page eight) .. ' .. , ..... "'----! ftIQIJ ~Iee . F.....rn- The RM CroBB offers a social service to members of the armed forces, veterans and their dependents. Known as "Home Service," this department of the Red Cross Volunteer Services Is the link between the men and women in the service away from home, and their families at home. It gives advice, financial ald and consultation on problems which arise when a member of the family is in the s"",ice away from home. . 1951 AND. ALL ... /" " $3.5t PER YEAH " bWJ\ \ OOLLEG., {..IBRAJ: ..... : DEATH CLAIMS MRS. A.F. JACKSON ", 4O-Year Resident Noted For Community Service Merry Christmas SANTA ARRIVES CALL SANTA BY SANTA TO' COME 3:25 P.M. TODAY NOeH TOMORROW 12 P.M. MONDAY ,. Rusiness Assoc. Guest Takes Pennsy Local Santa Claus arrives at 3:25 p.m. TODAY, December 21. With his cheeriest smile, heartiest. handclasp, ·and a disposition sunny enough to warm the iciest of weathers and coldest of hearts, he'll come 'swinging of! the West Chester local this afternoon' to be welcomed by his hosts, The Swarthmore Business Association. The Home' Service Ollice for In the shiniest of the Fire Associathis district Is in the old man- tion trucks he'U be ushered by the sion at Deshong Park in Ches- High School Band to ,the Fire ter (Telephone OH 4-1484). Association meeting room in BorChairman of. SIflclal Welfare ough Hall: Aid for Swarthmore is Mrs. C. There, on the first 1100r of the MacDonald Swan (SW 6-2160). Hall, he'll hold his court until 7 p.m., meeting his' little Swarthinore friendS, listening and making mental notes of' all their requests. And, for all those who come to talk with him he'll have a real Christmas Candy Cane to Judges are being lined up for keep them busy until Christmas the annual Hoine Lighting Contest Eve, at least. as private decorators brighten up Young visitors should make their their windows, doors and shrub- trance of Borough Hall and await bery in honor of the <;:bristmas calls from the park avenue. enseason. their turns with as much patience Every. lighted dwelling, public as possible. bUilding or church' in the Borough This afternoon's three ~n~ a Whose decorators comply with the haU hour visit will be Santa s fll'St few simpI~ rules are eligible for as the guest of the Swarthm~re the three cash prizes offered by BusineSs Association, his fi,:"t de the sponsoring Business Associa- (as far as we know) in. a fne lion. truck, and if it isn't the first time The displays must be lighted he's ever been met by a band, at from dusk to 10:30 p.m. through least it's the first time the swarththe week of Decemf,er 231'Ci-Sun- more High School Bend has her; day to Sunday, for the $15, $10 and aIded Santa Claus down the stree • f.ve dollar' prizes awarded each And speaking of the unusual, Year by the community-mlnded' S ta who invariably travels by an, . all k'-o" of B uSiness men and women. I'gh is breakmg ""'" s el , The itinerant judges, whose 'traditions in honoring the Pennsy d names by tradition are withheld, Railroad with his presence (an wiu make their decisions In tl!ne th Association's ticket), but Sl?'ta lor the next publication of The w:" anxious about his eight f81thSWarthmorean SO that residents ful and devoted reindeer, and ~e­ lDay bave an opportunl&;y to view cided to rest them for the Christ-. the Winning displays before they are dismanteleci. mas Eve Journey. , Porch Lights Will Guide Santa's Second B6rough Christmas Eve Visit To Be Made At Visits Hannum & Waite Swarthmore 6-6600 Santa's phone, has been ringing merrily for the past two weeks. Parents, friends, relatives, and the children themselves have been calling to ask Santa to visit Christmas Eve. And Santa, well pleased at the long list of names whose owners range in age from under one year to 10 and 11, is already planning his trips which will take him to the. outermost borders of the Borough limits. 'But Santa's. greatest worry is not the weather conditions, which haven't daunted him yet, or whether or not his sleepy liille hosts will remember to leave the porch light on for him Cbristmas Eve, but the fact that some one might forget to call him by noon tomorrow. So, if y~u want Santa to come caU him by 5 o'clock today, or at the very latest. Noon tomorrow, because after that time, Mrs. Inexhaustable and spry to the end Santa' Claus, the busiest man of all, these very busy days, makes a return trip to the Borough Mon .. day afternoon, December 24, at Hannum and Waite's, Swarthmore. From 2 to 5 p.m. Santa will be ensconced at the corner of Yale avenue an~ Chester road, ~he home of Hannum and Waite's automotive forces, and there he will set up temporary quarters to greet the hildr Claus, who answers the phone, is going home to the North Pow.' ....The phone belongs to me," Santa said, ''but the number (SW 6-6600) belongs to the children If they want me to 'c<'me, I hope tJhey. '11 use it!' many details of his Chriitmas Eve Tour, than with the c~dren? A hasty but voluminous corres- ~d e:ndW~O::~ltoasse~w~: Santa has, of course, planned to bring Ips .pack, in which there's a gift for each child who comes to visit with him. The warm invitation extended. earlier in the season by Mssrs. Hannum and Waite was even more warmly accepted' by Santa himself. How better could he spend a Monday afternoon, he wrote with charming disregard for the ,,. Elenita Mather Allis Jackson, wife of Dr. Andrew Francis Jackson well-known Philadelphia orthodonlist, died suddenly of a recurrence of athero sclerosis at 2 a.m. Monday at her' home 226 Park avenue. Few people have or wilt' ever contribute so generously of them'selves to their community as did Mrs. Jackson. Unsparing of time, energy and finances in a call of civic or individual need Mrs. Jackson's exceptional abillty as head of the Woman's Association of the' Presbyterian Church, and president, 1941 and 1942 of the Community Health Society of Central Delaware County, and a former active member of the Woman's Club during her forty-years' residence will long be remembered by those who have watched the molding of the Swarthmore of today. Still serving on the board of directors of the Community Health Society at the time of hm, death, she was also aciivewith nurses aide and JJ?otor corp branches of the Reg Cross, as a charter member of the Thimble Group, and the Players ClUb. . Born in Santiago, Chile on March 12, 1885 the daughter of a Presbyterian misSionary, John Mather Allis, she graduated from Mills College in 1906, a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. She came to Swarthmore rigbt after ·her marriage in Youngstown, Ohio in December of 1911 and after living three years on Yale avenue moved around the corner into the Park avenue house. Recently she had derived much pleasure from a ceramic workshop in her bome. . Surviving besides her husband are a son, Dr. J obn Mather J ackson of Haverford, an orthodontist with his father and in Ardmore; a daughter Mrs. Paul Hadley of Elsah, Ill.; and six grandchildren, Priscilla Ellen, Andrew Francls,- II. and Eienita Mather of Haverford; James Francis and Bruce Hadley; and Judith Andrea Jackson of Springfield daughter of another son James Livingston who died in 1947. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop conducted funeral services at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternooll in' the Swarthmor~ Presbyterian Church. Private interment followed in West Laurel Hill Cemetery. " . , MASS SUNG FOR' I'~'; HENRY MICHELL Henry F. Michell, who died sudpondence ensued while Mr. Waite denly Saturday afiernoon at his and Mr. Hannum (who is in Ari- home in the Harvard Inn, was (Continued on page eight) buried Wednesdjly in Holy Cross iiiliiiiiiiii__iiiiiiiiiiiDipiiiiliiiiiiiii__iiiiiiiiiiiDip;ri&iiiii~iii-.= cemetery, 'Yeadon fbllowing a 10 _ - - -....- -....- -...."""----~ a.m. Requiem Mass in the Church ~ of St. Madeline, Ridley ·Park. n: !I " . SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21 D. 1. HILFERTY DIES SUDDENLY BRIGHT 'LIGHTS VIE FOR HON MISSES BLOUSES - Sportswear Dept. - Second Floor LITTLE MISS BLOUSES - Girls' Dept. - Downstairs Store BROCADE EVENING BAG~' CHRISTMAS Steel Man Was Local Rotary Club • Treasurer here's the- gift that she'll adore. , MERRY • .'1'}.l.~", j'\"'~177' ~#" . ',", //,~y. yo~ d~cide fashion Corn·e. TO ONE . '.", . !: Opt'n Until 6 P.M. On Christmas Eve 3vmrthmore College Librnry dVlRrthmore. Pa. -::: - 7':'ij3F.R. 14, 1951 \ I' 1 ~l U I! ' '.~ :.._:_:_=:.:~:_~=,,:"~P:~-:...'::_=~'~ :;:.=;;====-.:::-.:-=::::__ _ _ _ _ _ _~'~·o·· - _. ; ; , .t' OPEN <;; " • lI}antant of ...flit ........ ~ ~ , ~att''''t' tn ~ U "'~ , OLOTHIEK MEMOBIAL, SWARTHMORE OOLLBGB SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1951 AT 5 AND AT 7 O'CLOCK !Jl fulJ.:r Ulmt in tIrt' ~it of ~trtute . - zuW ~orslyip; art .t~ Mr. Michell had been employed by Autocar Company, Ardmore for a quarter century and was traffic manager at the time of his death. A native of FJdley Park he lived there all his life until moving' to The Harvard five :rears ago. He was the san of Joseph Michell who. operated. a carriage and au&omobile body building plant, on Callowhill stree&, Phila'delphia for many years. He was the nephew and namesake of Henry F. Michell, seed firm loudder. (Continued on, page eight) . •• f <". • . THE 2 DE:':EMBER 21 1951 SWARTHMOREAN , Mr. and.Mrs. Donald L. Piccard, Ye,,'s with Mr .. and Mrs. J. Roy i 01 Elm ave:me will enlertaln at a BmTB: and smull daughter Bells of Jack- Carroll of North Chester road. supper ~'rlday evening, December Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Art~rs son Mills, N.J. will arrive tomor-! Mrs. SI~nchfield is an aunt of :8. /0'" members' of the wedding of East Third street. Media anrow ·to spend Christmas with Mrs. ; ,vI .~. C. rroll's. The Stanchflelds ;any following the rehearsal for nounce the birth of a daughter, Piccard's parents Mr. and Mrs.; .• c cn route to New York City the m"rrlage of Miss Crothers and Linda Bromley, on December 18 Charles Hussell of Ogden aven .. l'.: (ro:" where they will leave for a Mr. Hawthorne at Misericordia Hospital, PhiladelP~ul D. ;;illiams, Jr., of U;i-\ three-week West Indies cruise Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. FisclJer phia. vers~ty place, was ~e-elec ..ed of Dickinson avenue .will. enterThe new baby is a granddaughpreSIdent of Ihe Beta-PI Chapter ENGAGEMENTS tain at a luncheon before the wed- tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Bromf Har- Jing Saturday, December 29, for ley o( H,'rvard hvenue and Mrs. Oft tthhe uPi .KaPPla AlfPpha fratlerni.ty Mdrs. Clarenche W. Worst 0ed tbe a e mVerSl Y 0. ennsy vanta. \'ar· avenue as announc the bridal party and the out-of-I Helen Artel's of Manchester a vePaul Is a student m the Wharton engagement of her daughter, town guests. nue, Media. . School and is a member of the' Joanne Glenn, ~o I Mr. ?o;;;;<~;&::;t;;;e;e;iC:;;;;;;<~;&:;;;;e~~~j;i;;~::;;~=~;;;C Inter-Fraternity CounciL Walmsley, son of Mr. and Mrs. I' 1.'="1 Nancy Terry daughter of Mr. Gorqon ToO Walmsley of Sproul "A .friendly· leelin. u in the air. 1 and Mrs. Duane R. Terry North ~oad, Broomall. t'1 '1 Chester road, has been initiated The announcement was made A h h' ' I . _.1 h I into Kappa Lambda, recognition Tuesday evening at which time t oug t o. goo .•. rum,us everyw ere NEWS NOTES Mrs. Richard F. Bovard will return to her home in 'Clarksburg, W.Va ...Sunday after a week's visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Norton Landon of Princeton avenue. Dr. and Mrs. E. Leroy Mercer of North Chester road will have as their house guests during the holidays their son-in-law and .daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ross G. Allen and children Ross, Jr., and Jean of the Isle of Hope, Savannah, Ga., and their son and daughte r in-law Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Mercer, Jr., and son Steven of Millville, society for women in health and Mrs. Worst entertained in honor Pa. They will be, joined for physical education at Bowling of her daughter's 20th birthday. Christmas Day .by Mr and Mrs. Green State University. Both Miss Worst and Mrs. 'David Mercer and daughters BarMr. A. William Bass of Ogden Walmsley are employed by-Sun Oil bara Ann and Leah of Hill School,. avenue has returned from a two- Company. Poltstown; and Mr. and Mrs. week business trip to Rio de JanThomas A. Mercer and children eiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil. Mrs. Charlotte Nissen of SwarthHolly. Emily, and Michael of Cadet Paul Rutan stationed at more ,formerly of Chicago, anM~estown, N.J. the Pensacola N~val Air Base, Fla., nounces the engagement and apMr. and M~s. Philip W. Knis- will spend the holidays with his proaching marriage of ber daughkern of Riverview road have re- parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Rutan ter, Miss Dorothy E. Nissen of turned following a week's holi- of Ogden avenue. Park avenue to Mr. J. Van Dyck day at Raleigh, N.C. Miss Louise Archbold of King- Fear of Cornell avenue, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Daniel Harris of ston, N.Y., will arrive tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Fear of MorVassar avenue will entertain over to spend the holidays at her home gantown, W.Va. Christmas week-end Mr. Harris' . The wedding will take place on Swarthmore avenue. brother-in-law and sister Mr. and January. 12 in the Swartlnnore Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. WilkinMrs. W. F. DitUg of Trenton, N.J. Presbyterian Church The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Harig, Jr., son and baby of Atlanta, Ga., will Joseph P. Bishop will officiate. their daughter Pamela and son spend the holidays with Mrs. WilHarry of Glen Falls, N.Y., will lonson's parents Mr. and Mrs. FETE BRIDE-TO-BE arrive torno,rrow to vacation until Frank Fitts of Wallingford. Mrs. Charles W. Lukens and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Markley New Years with Mrs. Rarig's Barbara Lukens. of Strath Haven parents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. of Guernsey road have returned home following a several-week avenue, entertained at -a linen MacMillan of Vassar avenue. On Caribbean and South American shower Monday evening in honor Christmas Day the MacMillsns cruise. of Miss Sally Diff, daughter of Mr. wili be joined by another oon-inMrs. Alexander M. Dryden of and Mrs. J. W. Iliff of We)1Illouth law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette avenue left Tuesday to 'road, Springfield. The marriage Wayne Gersen and'children Ricky, spend the holiday season with her of Miss Iliff to Lt. Marshall FigMargot and Geoffrey of Pittsson Mr. James M. Dryden and gatt, son of Mr: and Mrs. Ttnn'~YI burgh, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick family of .Dayton, Ohio. Cavenaugh Flggatt of New York Gersen of Rutledge, and Mr. Mr. W. L McNair of Wellesley City, will take place Saturday Ji.!mes Jackson of Mal\'ern. road will leave January 2 for Win- evening, December 29 at a candleMr. and Mrs. Vf. R. McHenry ter Park, Fla., where he will spend light cerm0'i'Y at 8 o'clock In the of Parrish road recently enter- two months. Swarthmore PresbyterIan Church. tained their Evening Bridge Cluh Mrs H L B nk 5 Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of Crest Mr. and . . . u er, r., at a dinner-bridge at their home. have moved from Hillborn avenue lane gave a miscellaneous shower Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lee of to 314 Vassar avenue last Tuesday evening in honor of Guernsey road will entertain at a Dr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Du~- the bride-to-be. family dinner for 12 on Christmas ley of Magill road will have as .Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Hubbuch of Day. their guest during the holiday seaForge Road, Lima will entertain on Mr. and Mrs. B. Harrar, Jr., of son Mrs. Dudley's aunt Mrs. May Sunday afternoon in honor of the Yale avenue will entertain at open house from 4:30 to 6:30 tomorrow Olcott Magargal of New Brinton, couple. Conn. afternoon. HONOR COUPLE Elinor Karns will arrive MonMro. Henry Lawrence Smith is Miss Elizabeth Lukens Crothers, spending thi! holidays with her day from the Hartford Hospital daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel daughter Mrs. John T. Handy and School of Nursing, Hartford, Conn., Crothers, Jr., of uRowin-Brae." for a' two-week vacation at her family of Crisfield, Md. Wallingford, and Mr. J. Blackhome on Wellesley road. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman A. Darling· Mr. and Mrs. William C. Abbe well Hawthorne of Kenbridge, Va., of Lafayette avenue will be at whose marriage will take place home to their friends tomorrow of South Swarthmore avenue will Saturday, December 29, In the entertain at a dinner party and afternooon after 4 o'clock. ~warthmore Presbyterian Cburch, Members of the class of 1851 of dance for 18 at their horae f1is will be guests of honor at a cockSwarthmore High School and pteir evening. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Valen- tail party Sunday afternoon to be parents will hold open house at given by Mr. and Mrs. Thomson the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- tine of Benjamin West avenue will Littlefield of Valley Falls, N.Y., mond K. Denworth of Elm avenue have as theil' house guests for a and Miss Carolyn. Henry at the few days over Christmas their on Sunday evening. home of Miss Henry's par~nts Mr. son-in-law ~nd daughter Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hall of and Mrs. James Palmer Her.ry of Rutgers avenue will spend Christ- Mrs. Howard Manger and two "''Nalden,'' WaUingfor'd. • mas week-end with. members of sons of ColumbUS, Ohio. Both Mrs. Littlefield and MIss Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll of their family Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henry will be bridal attendants. Fluchere of Irvington-on-Hudson, North Chester road atlended the Mrs. Wesley Marion Oler, Ill, of N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. James P. American Institute of Architects ':'~arvard avenue, also a member Kerr of East Orange, N.J. Cpl. cocktail party and dinner "under o( the bridal party, will entertain John H. Hall, Jr., has transferred the stars" at the Planetarium, at a luncheon next Friday In ~iss (rom Williamsburg, Va., to Ft. El Philadelphia, Monday even.ine. Crothers' honor. Mr. Carroll as president of the Reno, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lukens Mrs. H. B. MacFarland of South- A.I.A., presided at the program ern Pines, N.C. formerly of which followed. Dr. Levitt of Swarthmore, who has been visit- the Planetarium presented the ing Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Harlow of Christmas Story and Dr. Robert Lafayette avenue for several W. Schmertz of Pittsburgh, teacher I'RBII P'BKlMG weeks, left Thursday to spend of Architecture at Carnegie Tech, Fri. and Sat. Christmas with her daughter Mrs. enteltained the group on his guitar James Mason with ballads of his own composiJohn Flumerfelt of Cleveland. "THE DESERT FOX" . Helen S. Stu~rt's Nursery School tion. Anonal Cbr\SfmaII PW, Dr: and Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher at Whittier House held its annual Saturday 2 P JIL cponsored by Springfield AthChristmas party last Friday. Mrs. of Guernsey road were guests of honor at dinner in New York City letic Association - All children Ralph V. LitUe, Jr., of Haverford of school age are invited. last Tuesday for the celebration place entertaihed the group with Sunday Only of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary a puppet show. BIG DOUBLE FEATURE of the Boys Athletic League. Fred Morey, A.T.3, of Yale aveDanny Kaye in ''UP IN ARMS" Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Stanchfield tecbnlcolor nue is stationed at the Naval Aviaplus tion Station at Lelantey in French of Minneapolis, Minn.~ will arrive . Bobllope next Thursday' to spend New Morrocco, near Casablanca. . ~..""~HIS~*;" GOT ME COVERED" Mat 2:30 p.m. -Eve 7 & 9 p.m. Monday Only e Wish Our Friends CLOSED TODAY Wishing Every one The theatre personnel wish everyone - "A VERY MERRY A Merry Christmas and Patrons a Joyous CHRISTMAS" a That's Christmas" 1 a BEST WI3HES - ' E V E R Y @ N E I } :1 t alice barbel'lF 9 0 -I 'I ;1 5 . Id b k b Id an ui In~ The shop will be open uuW U toalght and tomorrow nlghl Monday 'm 7 . Following our usual custom the shop will be CLOSED CBRISTMAS and THE DA,Y AFl'ER I geeeeeue~~~uu=QU- The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON BEAlITY SHOWS THE WAY TO CBRISTMAS Call Swarthmore 6-0476 9 Chester Road. ~taSi=3E;u:;tEi3iSi3E;U:;iEEi=3E:iEiELEi~5EO\EiEEi=3E:iEic;C'.:1 • Service F AnU· reeze Gulf Gas - Complete Auto Service RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF Happy New Year. 81'.......oeI'.. Ii16'... , . an Map , - &_-:_~ \ ...G .... lft.... .,... _ _·Alwap_ ..........:n ...... and Peaceful Christmas Thomas F. -Conway 3 PARK AVENUE . . TUes. and Wed. "MR. IMl'BBI1JIIl" LaDa 'J'IIrneI' . . . Plnsa teehnicolor Tues. nlgbt on1Jr feature times 6, 8, and 10 TbUi'Sd1l7 0D1i ClIftaa Webb ~"_ CnIa ""CIIMPBa by tile DOZ&1'I,,' teclmieolor • TOW~ . BlJSSEI..IlS SERVICE BOB ATZ, Owner Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves.- SW6-0440 Boys & Girls Come and .See Me DECEMBER 24m· From 2 until 5 p.m. AT HANNUM College Theatre . and a SIns' tate .' peCUOn Motor Repairs . l WAITE Yale Avenue and Chester Road Swarthmore .....,........--, ... •• .,.. • • 6·1250 • DECEMBER 21 1951 ....:............:::::=:.========:::=====~TfH~E~.2S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~II~~=~_._====:=====:==~====3 THE SWARTHMOREAN . I'('BUSHED EVERY FRIDAY AT 8WARTBlIr:OR THE SWABTHMOREAN, INC.. PUBLISBIIBE, PA. Phone Swarthmore 6.0900 PETER l:. TOLD. Editor and P blloh MARJORIE TOLD aDd BARBARA KENTa Ass!rlate Rosalie Pelrsol • Lor~n~ 14=" MItered a. Second Class Matter. January 2f 1929 t th P 0 st OffICE' at Swarthmore. Pa.. under the Act 'Of Mar~h a,e 187U. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTllMORB, l'c\., I'lUDAY DECEMBER 21, . 1951 NOW, AT CHRISTMAS TriDity No.... There will be a celebration of the' Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Sunday morning. This Sunday as well as Sunday, December 30, there will be no sessions of the Church School. At o'cllJlCk there will be a service of Mom'ng P rayer at which time the Rector will preach. Those serving 85 ushers for the service. are A. H. "nabb, C. B. Blake, V, L. Fine, E. M. Hillary, H. P. Stamford, R. M. Kilgore, E. O. Cramp, and J. ileynolds. Kenneth Wyse will be on duty as acolyte at the 8 o'clock service, and Howard Dodson at 11. On Monday at 4 p.m. there will be a service of Evening Prayer at .\'hic.h time the new aHar, lectern, pulpIt and organ will be blessed. At 11:30 p.m. the candle-ijght Christmas Eve Service of Holy Communion will be held. The ushers for this service will be W. S. Patton, W. L. Cleaves, C. ,So Brown, R ....\{. Daniel, F. W. Luehring, J. S~ Thompson, .J. W. Jones and C. W. Randall. J. B. Thompsana and Ted Carey will be the acolytes. 11 ChrUlian Science Noles The arresting question: "Is the Universe, Including Mun, Evolved by Atomic Force?" is the subject to be discussed in the Lesson-Sermon in all Christian Science Cburcbes next Sunday: The Golden Text is taken from Paul's first Epistle to the Corinthians: "To us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we' in him and one Lord J~us Christ. by whom are all things, and we by him;" (1 Corintbians 8:6) evening, the monthly meeting for business was postponed to meet Sunday morning, December 23 at 9:45 in the Meeting House. There will be a party in Whittier House at 8:30 Sunday evening, December 23 to wc!come home college age Friends, There will be no sewing of the Monday Group either December 23 or Decembe'r 31. The Wednesday Group will meet as usual. • Ilk and Mrs. Lyman A. Darling of Lafayette avenue will have as their Christmas week-end guests Friends Meeting Notes lIir. and Mrs. Frank Suchanek of Due to the weather Tuesd.yBrooklyn, N.Y. , In common with many other small towns, Swarthmore has rediscovered this week that snow, sleet, and ice dO€S complicate pre-Christmas activities but cannot dim the gayety, the warm friendliness, the f'ffulgence, the contagion of Christmas. What a transformation Christmas works within US! It betters the prescriptioru. of psychiatrists and neurologists. It takes us out of our little selves and shows us (or a brief span o( days the joy of doing for others. There is no time to consider ourselves. Busy, tired, yes. aut does it send us to a sanatarium? lnpeed, it does not. Instead wI! enjoy every rushing minute of it. We do things which we would class as "insane" any other time of the year. We allot time !o sing carols, even plan 10 walk out into th:e icy chill to sing ltlem. Some of our neighbors will gladly sing in accompaniment to the two presentations of the Pageant of the Nativity Sunday evening. Others will Join the C(1mmunity Carol Sing and later journey or; Christmas Day, there will be a celebration of Tuesday morning, Christmas Eve to cheer those house-bound by illness with tbe (amiliar, joyous tbe Holy Communian at 8 o'clock ~ongs. ' and again at 10 o'clock. The High School students with work and Christmas llctivities piling ushers for the 8 o'clock service around them have spent the past month rehearsing for the lovely will be W. H. Jones and W. F. Carol program they gave Wednesday night in support of their (ellow Klug with Robin Wright as acolyte. students who had given equai energy to tbe collection o( a (und by At 10 o'clock W. H. Randall and whirh they might, with the community's backing, extend their friend- W. M. McCawley will he the ushship, into .8 helping hand for the alleviation of overseas suffering and ers, and John Bernard will be 0 despHlr. duty as acolyte. Men of Swarthmore's two service clubs are devoting time, expense, There will be a celebration of clOd labor to entertaining children and service folk in our midst, with the Holy Communion at 10 o'clock Christmas parties. Children and adults bave worked to make the Wednesday morning, St. Stephen's Health l?ociety's Woodlyn Child Center Party tremendously good. Wo- Day. men, under the Red Cross symbol are maintaining a steady program On Thursday, St. John Evanof holiday fetes, for patients at Valley Forge and Naval Hospitals and gelist, Holy Communion will be manning Blood Donor programs with undiminished zeal. Donors give celebrated at 10 a.m. The Upper their blood despite cold and seasonal fatigue. Church School (fourth grade and Santa's helpers are indefatigably at work so that no child will be up) will hold its annual Christmas disappointed' at Clfris~mas. Santa will sadly miss this Christmas Eve, Party at 7:30 p.m. tbe services of Mrs. Morris E. Smith who was his devo1ed aid for 30 Holy Innocents Day, Friday, year q . and of Mrs. A. F. Jackson whose loving heart and generous thoughtfulness have helped for more than a quarter of a century to Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10 a.m. From 3 to 4:30 p.m. make his midnight visit here possible. Speaking of Santa, he asks The Swartbmorean to thank the child- tbe primary department of the Church School will hold its Christren who have' written him especially fine letters this year. In the mas party. rush of bIs visit he may forget to mention them, but he likes them, yes, sirree, he does. One, he says, is quite the nicest one he remembers receiving. In the midst of lists and requests, he opened one Ifrom Janie which warmed his heart clear down to bis toes and will keep it warm until he ialls asleep on ChriStmas Day. "Santa Is very 'nice," SWARTHMORE wrote JanIe, Wand I love him." PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH It is the eternal miracle of the .eason that it is able to do thesE!' Joseph P. Bishop, MlDister tbings to every-day, busy people. It is .the manifestation of the gift of J~::~~~:!st;;t lov.. which was given in Bethlehem of Judea that night so long ago 9:30 A.M.-Special Family Serofter ~ere "went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world vice sbould be taxed.!' 11 :00 A.M. - Christmas Festival The miracle of Bethlehem took place In the midst of harsh reality. Worship Service CbrIsfmasEve Rome had brougbt the world under the military leadership which was 11:30 P.M.-Caroling, Candlelight, to lead through debauchery to the Dark Ages. Athens bild practically . Holy Communion Service forgotten her glorious fifth century. Palestine was in travail. The, METHODIST CHURCH ('ntire Med.iterranean worl~, the islands of Britian, and the lands alo~g Roy N~' • ~~ISer, D • D ., U'.'_a. .~_ tbe Tlgres and the Euphrates paid tribute unto Caesar. Suuday. December 23 Into tbls dark, weary world the angel host sang its promise o( a 9:45 A.M.-Church School and saviour, who was to be to ALL men, not just to the great but to Iile 11:00Young Adults. Minister will A.M.-The .lodcrdogs as well. preach on "God's Christmas Our world is dark with hatred and war; troubled with the general. Gift" occ..ptance of dishonor as a recognized means to an end; crippled by 11 :00 A.M.-Church Nursery taxation and controls; discouraged from the never ending recital of ---:T"'RINITY===.'-'C::HUB==CH=':--world suUering. H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector Yet, again, to us-the light will sbine, the angel host will sing, the Sunday, Deeember 23 messed Babe will smile. Our hearts will believe and our lives become 11:00 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion A.M.-Morning Prayer uld f ..light with kindness, justice, mercY,.love. We could, i we wo, Monday, December 24 keep Christmas a litUe longer than a day, a week. We could, if we 4:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer would, through the wonder of the holy child's birth, work our way 11:30 P.M. - Christmas Midnigbt . Eucharist toward peace among men. Tuesday (Christmas Day) "0 holy child of Bethlehem 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Descend to us we pray, 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Cast out our sin, and enter in, Wedneaday (Si. Stephen) Be born in us today." I 0:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Thursday (Si. John EvangeUsI) 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion FrIday (Holy innocents) minister will preach on "God's Pres· ~ ..... Not. 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion . Cbristmas Gift." THE RELIGIOUS socI15i i A Special Family Service for The Annual Candlelight Service OF FRIENDS the Church School children and will be at 4 o'clock. The choir, Sunday, December 23. their parents will be held this assisted by Nanette Norton, harp- 9:.5 A.M.-FIrst Day School Sunday morning at 9:30. There ist, will sing the cantata "The 9:45 A.M.-postponed - Monthly Meeting for Business will be no Church School on Sun- Story of Christmas" by Mathews. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship Tbe Cburch Nursery for Childay morning. Visitors welcome. Children At 11 o'clock Sunday morning dren will be open during both cared for in w:,hittier House. there will be a Christmas Festival services, Mrs. Wesley France and 8:30 P.M.-Welcome Home Party for College Age Mrs. George Glaesser, Jr., will. be Worship Service. Wedneaday, December 26 On Monday evening at U:30, in charge during the morn~ng All day sewing for· the A.F.s.c. CarOling, CandleliBhl, and the service, and Anne ~ause durmg FliST Cifi}1lcii Hall[ ConUnunion Service will be . tbe candlelight Serv.ce. CHRIST SCIENTIST SWARTHMOU: The usbers for the day are Peter observed•. Park Aveuue below Harvanl A Watch Night Service will be Murray, Harry E. New, GeOrge SDDday, oe-nber IS Shubert and John J. Bodley. . held December 31 at 11 :30 p.m. 11:111 A.M.-Sunda7 School. A Christmas Morning Serv.ce U'OOA.M.-The Lesson Sermon Is '. "Is the Universe Including will be hOld in th~ sanctu":fY at M 11001.1 Nol Man, Evolved by Atomic 10:30. Tbe service Is for children Force?·' ., A. white Gift Service with ap- and adults. . WednesdQ" evenina -"·1 PrOpriate program Will be held Rehearsal for Junior ChOU' on ..ch weeir, • p.m. B r1lnl''''''' by theSundll7 School at 8:45. The ThursdaY at 6:30, Boy Scouts. at . . . tIall7 GO'IPt SIP iV' U .. gifts Will be sent to the FIfth 7 in the Social Hall and Seruor 1I .......... lIi~ Wi T:.......... ·....... . Street Communil¥ Celltel'. CbolrReI!earsal at 7:45.. At the 11 o'dock. _ .iCe the Season's 'Greetings IADOLPH'S , . Swarthmore. Pa. ~~i:ii.i~ij~i~~~~~ii~~~~~i~i~ii~~ • • OPEN EVENINGI!I Church Services 0' b.,,, -. •• • CHRISTMAS 3 Shopping . Days Away * * * * Come In While Our Stock I, Complete * * * * • PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE ":"'~.IfIi"l!liW. =~::.::...:==- 5l~~O~PEN EVENINGS SOMETHING USEFUf FOR HIS CHRISTMAS STOCKING A WONDERFUL STREET MAP OF PHILADELPHIA The PTe street map of Philadelphia is a handy and helpful guide that you'll use time and time again. Wonderful to have at home, indispenaable for office or store. n.. map sItows .... • Streets, streetcar, bus, trackIe•• trolley and high_peed lines, with special sections for the Central City area and for Montgomery, Buck'S and Delaware Counties. • Places of interest, railroad ltationl and how 10 reach !hem_ • Parks and recreation a....., hiking trails. • Hours of service on PTe lines. • All about PTC's speciallervices ••• lnformation,Lostand Found, Charter BUies, etc. • A complete ....., guide. The pocket-size PTe map which is sold at cost, only lOc, may be purclw.sal at su.bway and ekvated station neW88tands and at many street newsstands or at the Company office, 1405 Locust Street. A handsome woU-size map is available at $1.00. PhDadelphia Transportation Com..., ...,.. ,:~'-?:. 3WARTHM{)-REAN 4 DEE!'.ffiER"21 1951 p======= '"e. a"d ~ue Goldsmith of Wal- "orne from Bucknell Universlt·, Hor-e for The' Holidays .ngfoed aro home from Bucknell J.nd Har1hn Jessup, home fl'Ol,) Dartmouth, will entertain at open Univcrs;ty for the holidays. !louse at the Jessup home,on Hav· Phyl is Smith of Haverford ave-' :1Ue and Joan Eynon of Vassar . rford avenue from 3 to 6 on Sun.J.vellue t students at the Pennsyl- day afternoon. Beverly Harlow" of Lafayett" vania College for Women, arrived ·lome Wednesday to vacation until avenue and porothy Heinze or 3frath Haven avenue will arrive January 7. Betty McCahan of Strath Ha ven :lOme tomorrow from Depauw Uniavenue and Frances Pearson of v£:rsity. Greencastle, Ind. . Lyrn:.n A. Darling, Jr., of LafCornell avenue are home from Wilson College for the holidays. 3yette avenue is home frOJ;ll the Jean Holman of College avenue University of Tennessee ., Knox. and Bicky Thompson of Harvard ville, Tenn. _ Dick McCray, Sandy Ford, and avenu'e, students at Denison" University. are home for the holidays. :taymond K. Denworth, Jr., are :1kky has been elected co-chair- Lom~ from Wesleyan University. . :nan of the sophomore class Social Conn. Committee and chairman of Girl Dorothy Denworth, daughter or Anne Lukens of Strath Haven Scouts on the Y.W.C.A. Board' at :JIrs. Hugh O. Denworth of EI'11 avenue arrived home Thursday the university" avenue will arrive home tomorrow from Bucknell University for the Waldo R. Fisher of Guernsey Crom Carleton ,College holidays. Debby Lukens of Elm avenue, a road returns from· Wesleyan UniEarlham College students arresident student at Baldwin School, versity to spend the holidays at riving tomorrow to spend the holi· i:.ryn Mawr, is .home for the holihome. Waldo. a member of Sigma days at their resper.tive homes Nu Fraternity, has been accepted day vacation. here are Mary Dickinson of ColNicky Stuart of Vassar avenue by the University of Pennsylvania lege avenue, Ann Denwortb of is home trom M6l;souri Valley Medical School for September Elm avenue, and Alice Patterson College, Marshall, Mo. 1952. of Maple avenue. Barbara Schumacher of Ogden fack Streeter of the University Millie McCowan of Vassar av s . of Delaware has arrived at his avenue is home from· Linden Hall nue is borne from Penn State. ami home on Columbia avenue for the Junior College, Lititz until Janher brother Midshipman Bob Mc- holiday vacation. uary 2. Cowan will arrive today to vacaMiss Joan Streeter of Columbia Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thayer ar· tion until January 3. avenue arrives home tomorrow rived Thursday from Ohio State Arthur McCormack of Ogdu University to sp\!lld tbe holidays for the holidays. Miss Streeter avenue, a senior. at Princeton Uni- with the Hugh O. Thayers of is Educational Di1"iJctor o~ thQ versity, is spending the holidays at North Chester road. Mary Lou Cerebral Palsy Center in New Orhis home on Ogden avenue. r Thayer, a senior at Middlebury leans. Pat Told of Park avenue is home College, Conn., will join the famPvt. David ,Morey of Yale from Sargent College, Boston for ily group. venue is home for a brief leave the holidays. Bill Potts of Yale avenue, a having finished training at WarBruce Godfrey of Vassar avenue music major at Penn State is home renton, Va. He w~ll leave soon will arrive home today from West- for the holidays. for a new assignment to study minster College, New Wilmington Donald Fetherolf of Columbia Russiall at the Language School to vacation through New Year's. avenue, Charles Keenen of Har- in ¥onterey, Calif. PollY Told of Park aven.e, vard avenue, and Charles Acker of Suzanne Hopson of RutgtIDI ave- Wa1lingford, drove from Dartmouth College on Tuesday to spend CO·ED BEAUTY' the holiday.s at their homes here. Bill McHenry of Parrish road will arrive borne today from Wash-· ington and Lee University. Va. SPECIAJ,.IZING IN .Mary Marsh of Columbia avetJermanelit Waving and nue arrived home Tuesday from Duke University to vacation until Hair Cutting January 2. Fred Campbell, Charles Barr, and Bruce Mylrea of rAItK and DARTMOUTH AVB. Swarthmore and vicinity are also SWARTHMORE 8-1t1S home from Duke. su~ Hopson of Rutgers avenue, e QComt au ' t jfaitbful ~T THIS JOYFUL SEASON, which bring. uS Santa Claus, the Christmas Tree, and the singing of Carols, the men and women 01 your electric company want to say "Merry Christmas" ..• and hope that Men of Good Will everywhere will rededicate them~elves to Peace on Earth. J'bilabtlpbia ~ltdrit €ompanp ==~-~. ~-_____ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;TT:H~E=~S:W~A~R~T~H~M~O!R~E~A~N~______.:....,_~ ____ _ ___ _ ~__ DECEMBER 21 1951 .~ "'"UIIIlIIiIJlllll'.--: ~_. i ~ ;;;;';' ~~ ;:::::".... ~. I I putting plenty Christmas" Baird & Bird Old Bank Building FUSCO'and ALST()N , Chester and Fainiew Roads SALON '. Pre-Holiday Sale 'Save Up To $200 NOW YOU OAN AFFO~ A DUMONT SEASON :with Santa Claus peeping The Swarthmore Co-op around the comer and everybody thinking of everybody ~lse. I 401-403 Dartmouth Avenue want to pause long enough to ._.......,.~___~~-d extend my sincere thanks for the • ------~---~----~., I business you have given me and send to all of you my very best wishes for a A heartfelt "Merry to all of you. good friends MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS ma,,a HAPPY NEW YEAR Sincerely, , Ma.w ~olUle'" WewisltUtllltlte tI/d-/IISlti(lHCd Ittllitl4UItllppiHCSS witltllHClVIIHd vlptl,tl1t$spiri( REGULAR l'RlCE ...................... 289.95' TABLE ........................................ 18.50 TOTAL .................................. 3...45 'NOW $239.95 Complete. . .' QUA.NU'I1ii8 LIMlTBD THOMAS F. CONWAY RUSSELL'S SERVICE BOB ATZ, Proprietor 3 PARK AVENUE, SWARTHMORE " BUCHN'ER'S TOGGERY SHOP 3 PARK A VENUE / THE . . SWARTHMOREAN . -. DECEMBER 21 I ~ .---~---'""-~,. , ·;'filIIII_ _ _ _ _ lDIiIlDIiIlDIiI1JJSI'j . 1951 rlDlil-----'lI!alDlil-j i~. ;~~~~ -:.~:·.A1 1\ ~o ,,~o' .~ It ...AJ"l lI:'- . • . , ~ ~. '" J.l.. •••. • ." •• '" ~••• .1951 :If• ..... ~* 0 . • . . "I"' lIt.- * .". • - • . • ' . ',-: '. ,:If. '.tII ...' . . . ,."*". .~ In tlte spirit of the blessed day we wish 'YOU a co~ pletel'Y happy Christmas , )J heartiest wishes for I E 5 T T I· M N A::,.. 5 . ,':.:.... G 5 I' I . ~ "'CItRISTNAS ... . ..':.·.·.u·" " *.Jlle)lf~¥ i I .. To all our ~ It Is peuple like yow ~ ~ whoglvemeanlngto ~ 3l our celebration of ~ "1 the Saviour'S birth V.. holida,. • I I . ~~ 1951 ~J'e • • J.w. MARK Bl'ITLE J', A. GREEN ....----- 1 South PrJnoetoa A_a I' RUTGERS AVENUE .L_ _ _ _ _ ,-I ~~ Edward L. Noyes & ' , \ ~ri5tmas plf~~ amos~~:: fo .. a ve.. y happy HARRIS & CO. 11 Park Avenue .. ! II ,.011 IIIIil~_ . . .•.............. : .. '. I II I I I ! I L_.______ ··---------"'Oi-------.. I, B. J. HOY 5 & lOc STORE G I:": I a grand holiday season 10U an abiding peace I e ' ... I Our I . I i ' I . {( -,a.-.i • near the earth brmg, I .....:T..:H:.:E~..:S::W ART HMO REA N .""'-IIIIil-~"'I :".,; IIl . 4t •• May tlte angels bending . __ ===:-:-___ . i-------,..,., __ I DECEMBER 21 1951 Michael's College Pharmacy Company SOUTH 1:8 liStER ROAD ON THE CORNER MAY YOU ALL ENJOY THE BLESSINGS OF THIS SEASON OF DEEP JOY • A slncara wish for a fina holiday to averyona In • 1\ I ._1 ...!!2::!!:=:~_ •.J .__ tMlii_~_-iii;&ii]l!lilJ"!i~~_ii_i.i~~~~·· 1951 'CELIA SHOE SHOP I• •• - .....1... Oar hope, this • ·Y. o '.:7r ", ... ; year as always, Is for lasting peace on earth. F:or our many· good friends we wish Parte ill "lit town ••. ges, liNd pelICe iN "lit lime jOt all tlte w(Jrlt/. •• witlt tlte eltri$lJlll1$ spirit detIIIII.q over IlII "lit kClll'l8. ....... do our 1I••t only that they may to have the h.ppi••t · share fully in it. .... holicla, of - • Rumsey Chevro'et Theatre Square 'South Chester·Road , THE INGLENEUK PARK AVEN1JE , , 15 South Chester Rd. I Hannum and Waite Yale Avenue and Chester Road • THE SWARTHMOREAN DE::EMBER 21 1951 DECEMBER 21 1951 ===--====~==I==========- .... T 1111: S W .& B T HMO REA N I Sc~:~l ~:=~; D~~: FormaIF~:t~s :~:=~es SIC~HU.U;;O;L;-=~H;'O;;L~I~D;;A~Y;;-!~=;;=;;=:::;::;:=;:~;;;;~;;;;;;:;;;;::;;;:~ Holiday Greetings To Our Many Patrons EXTENDED TO 3RD Chrz"stmas .. Dl"nnerS ! will -be held in the High School Form3l parties will celebrate I Gymn..sium from 8:30 to 11:30 on the Christmas season when all THursday evwing, December 27. closses of the Junior Aseemblies I Exce.lent music and a fine var- meet next week at the Woman's ie:y program is planned. Clubhouse. This is a varsity club sponsored The seventh and ninth grades affair with all profits going for will have their parties on the day weif"re fund activities. after Christmas, December 26. Mr: 3nd Mrs. Daniel S. Morse will be Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shoemaker hosts for the seventh grade assemof Riverview road witl entertain bly at 7 p.m. 'rhey will be assistwith a family dlimer party for 18 ed by Dr. and Mrs. Reavis Cox un Christmas Eve ,nd Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lassiat. At 8:45 the ninth grade :l1ectf" with Mr. and Mrs. Robert i,'!. Perce as their hosts, and Me. and lVLrs. W. Newton Ryerson, .viI', and Mrs. Richard Borden and ~ ~'vI1'S. G. D Preston as chaperons. The eighth and tenth grades will oome at 7:30 and 8:30 respectively, on the following night, December W 27. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole will be hosts for the first group, Mrs. Herman Neuweiller, Mr. and Mrs:. Harrison F. Dunning and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bates the chaperons For the tenth grade, Mr. o and Mrs Herman M. Bloom will be hosts, Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Ammermall and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ford the chaperons. , ~ On December 26 the eleventh and twelfth grades wHi meet together for their party at 8:30 p.m. H.we Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schroder ,8urselwes and Mr. and Mrs. John S. Thompson will be the hosts for this ocIWon:erful caSion, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. /I. hollda, William Simkin, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wright. Decorations for the affairs will be provided by the Senior Class. r~~ ~~riJitmaJi ~rrrtiugs Awish for happiness for the finest people we know A Season of Joy-may its sound ne'er be still; A Season of Hope-the New Year to fulfill;. IcalOn fulfilll A Season of Peace - for all time, if God will. all yo.. wilLel I M. WEINSTEIN & SON THE 100 l'ARK AVENlJE L!! __....__ , CHU.DREN'S SHOP For Your Security--FoiYour COuntry'8 S('curity DEW DROP INN HOLD ••• BlJY MORE •.• SERIES "E" BONDS SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANI AID TBUST COM-PANY DARTMOtJTII AVBN1JB R I I I I • .I, a • I I ~ II~ i I ''''-.:-;g I CAMERA and HOBBY SHOP . Lt. Archbold In Korea Cornell ATchbold qf Swarthmore avenue has recently received Ibe promotion as a First Lieutenant. Lt. Archbold is with the Second Army Division in Kot·ea. Mrs. William H. West of Prlnceton avenue will spend Christmas with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Ayrault of d V R 'ch ,~._~~_~~U~":!.~"~~'~_~_~~~~~,::1~,:m~o~n::.,~a.:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ I!! II. I .. • Swarihmore .-U:J1 '. ~05 Dal'imouUl ATeDDe .. Extracurricular ActivitiesFill Christmas Week b THE BOUQUET Asplundh, Blake Win College Football Trophies 333 DaxhllOUth Avenue , 17'k South Chester Road . InrichD"'hoganyfinisb, • The Swarthmore College Athletic Department has announced the names of the winners of the two football trophies awarded each year. Captain Robert Asplundh, of Bryn Mawr, was the winner of the Denton Trophy, significant of aggressiveness and fair play. Co" captain-elect Avery F. Blake, Jr., was awarded Ibe Wright Trophy for sportsmanship in the annual Haverford game. • . ....er ................ lOuncI ... Beller buy ••• Magnavox • ~. • 15 South Chester Rd. Open Tonight and Tomorrow Night 'til Nine 'I . \ ,- 5-STAR I ATTRACTIONa iob with the Telephqn. Company. Every day' more. and more girls are findinl that the Bell Telephone is "a good place to work." They like the people, the surroundinas. the pay ••• and the knowledge that they are doing vital jobs in these critical times. Why not atop in today at one ~ the omcee listed below I 7055 'ennlnal Square, Upper Darby, Pa- $595.00 The-MUSIC BOX I, HORACE' A, REEVES In bJoncle oak, $6?O; - .sHEER BERKSHIRE- HOSE SUPS BY FISCHER YOLANDE BLOUSES LOVELY LINGERIE , BRACELETS BY LOCARNlT CHRISTMAS PARTY _ _!lW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • , That Please And Ease The Last Minute Shopper BROWNIES GIVE dOl your -.-- 'ooldeps ••it .--- Cllril..... PETER E. TOLD Telephone Swarthmore 6-0680 Swarthmore. Pa. h Eighteen members of Brownie Troop 19' carried a Christmas party to the children of the Highland Park Day Nursery in Upper Darby last Monday afternoon. Twentyfive children between the ages of four and five were entertained with the Christmas tree brought by the Brownies, and Dixie cups, and candy cups made by Ibe Troop. Each child was presented with a gift pin, a' felt Christmas tree, appropriately decorated by the Brownies. This party took the place of the annual Brownie Christmas party because the girl. preferred doing something for other children this year. Mr~. Robert Walker, leader of the troop: was assisted in transportation by Mrs. Harry P. Pack, Mrs. Frijncis Plowman and Mrs. Henry Coles. of sound that lWes. Complete home-entertainment center with AM-EM radio aDd a-speed automa!!9,~ldchanger. STRATH HAVEN INN School uffices will be open for business the day before. . This week the school has been i full of Christmas spirit. Each' morning at the Rutgers Ave0!le School Ihere has been a half hour ossembly at 9:30 with a Christmas production staged by one or two of the classes. ~Various classes at the College Avenue School have entertained their parents. In the high school the choral concert was held on Wednesday night, and a general assembly is being held this morning at 11 for the entire student body in the high school. The schools dismiss for the Christmas vacation today, the high school leaving at the end of Ibe morning session at 12, and the elementary schools at 11 a.m. During Christmas week the gymnasium will be open dally except Christmas and New Years for varsity practice in the morning by boys' and girls' teams, and in the afternoons for the recreation program. Next Wednesday evening, December 26. there will be the boys' Varsity game with the Alumni, and on Th,*sd,ay evening, December 27. there will be Ibe Varsity Club dance in the gymnasium. Several class reunions are planned. The class of 1931 is scheduling its twentielb anniversary reunion for Wednesday night, Decem er 26 at t e Ingleneuk, and the class of 1950 is scheduling its reunion at Strath Haven Inn the night of Deeember 27. lothing Let US enjoy together the ,*ssec:I cheer .nd good will 01 Gristmas Served 1:00 to 7:30 P.M. Following requests from a num~ ber of parents the date for the opening of schools after the Christ'.. mas holidays has been changed to Thursday, January 3. The children will be expected to return to school that Thursday morning. ........1- 20-1n. . .Ievlslon v.1ue 1111 BELVIDERE. 2O-inch TV at its best; You see lifelike, life size pictures that are sharp, clear and glare·free. Full-range MagDQvOx tone adds the tbrilling realism , Reservations now accepted for our old-fashloned full _ Family Style 1631 Arch Strld, . _ - 65t BaI&iwore .... 8l'UNGnBLD I'bODe SW 1-.... Phlladelph~ . . . . .11l1li1 CO"'ID • -, • Pa. PIIINmVAIIIl v' ------------... '.. '" 0lldoll5 es:pTeued below are '~o,.,· (.r Ihe Indlvhlual wrltera. All 'to' '.. In Thl" Swarthmore8o m1llt be !::'W(1. r"clldonymn" may be UJed It 'lit' hJentll)' or the writer .. imowa to the P.dltpr. t.ett~n", will be pub- Serves' 'he Family Best: MORE MEAT FOR YOUR MONEY '1,,1 S:t 57 .0-.65g e e. e lb. 110 • LIP,utll BraDd TURlEYS Cleaaed aDd Dran 'i~475e: o~·¥.~·69t:°'i~2°65C Oven-Ready CRICKENS ~D~ DUCKLINGS ~~i!f.~ 63e o~r 3ge : ~"J; Sge 4'l~b'47e: ~3y Lancaster Brand, Smoked, Shankl... RAMS Sh:~r~:'~1f III 6~e Lar._ Select OYSTERS 4Se dOE Delight tit. Youngster. at Cltrlstma. with ACM~ PLAY STORE ::~ 79&: laC' 94'2' .ancy Golden WHOLE CORN N~!0316e SWEET PEAS 20' e TOMATOES • No.3U can I/duII .ancy • • • •• • 'BUSIEST • • TIME OF • • lHEYfAR • :ac -fOr • LonS* •• 'Distance ••• • • • • iI: Then you and/or your men come along and profane the spirit of Christmas and giving by stupidly leaving a silly envelope on our garbage can. The act even con· veys an atmosphere of blackmail. I don't like it. The act he. destroyed my desire to give; in fact it even makes me resent the giving. Colorful mlnlatur. of an Acme Super Market which alW child wIll enloy ..ttlng up and operating. Now on aat, here, There', actually no cost to you becau.. with COUpliH1 and ten label. and box frcm IProdud. n...d yau receive ch.ck for $1.00. elall, with each Play Stor•• DECEMBER 21 1951 THE ~;i;-an~~lV!~r~s~. ~vv~ar:;r~on~R~:.=G~0;d.~:~~;1r;.=:"n:d~M::rs~.~c~.=:M~i~II~O:n~p:ik:e=.j=~S:~::·~A~R~T~II~·~!4~()~R~E~A~N~~---=--~==-=============~========~========*==-!7 [roy of Vassar avenue will enter- Jr.,. of E"st Lansing, Mich., wlli High School Five Plays Red Cross Committee . t.lln informally at cocktails on "mve Sunday to spend the holiAlumui December 26 Entertains Veterans Sunday afternoon d.,ys with Mrs. Pike's parents Dr. ~ and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of Crest S L The Christmas project o( the h astI' Friday Swarthmore High lane. . .. C 00 s opening Basketball game Entertainment, and CUNNINGHAM • Mr. and Mrs. John S. Thomp. with Springfield was postponed Supply CommitteeInstro(...ction the local Since 1905 son and their son Jack of Beatty until January 2 at 7:15 due to the branch of the Red Cro" is to help Palnten & Pap.r Han,en rodd, Media, entertained the letter bad weather. This made it nec- make Christmas (or th(> men in the We should know how ~cn of the Swarthmore High ;.!ssary for the Little Garnet to open three service hospitals in this area. Swa. 6-2266 Michi,an Ave. :3l;hool Football team at dinner at with a strong experiellced oppon- For several yean; past this comtheir horne on Saturday evening, ~nt in Darby High School. The mittee, under the chairmanship of December 15. The guests Inc1udteam went down fighting to Mrs. John L. Good, has visited the ed: the score of 39 to 43. The Judior hospitals taking gifts, cookies, . John Bernard, John Pearson Varsity battie also ended in ravor I...,k.!sand Christmas cheer into the PETER DJ NICOLA Bob Terry, Joltn MacAlpine, of Darby's J.V. team, the .score wards. ... h rt L uo e y. ynn Doherty. Dick Mc- uOing 28 to 26. This year individual voluntary Driveway Construction "::ormack, Donald MacElwee Clem The team goes on the road this contributions totaled S340~ and Malin, Lee Swan, Howard Shearer, evening to meet a strong, experi- with the cooperation of the AmerAsphalt or Concrete Walter Meyer; enced, sharp-shootinJ; Lansdowne iean Legion Auxiliary. the WoKen Wright, Jim Carter, Bob five. - men's Association of the PresbyCeJlllr Wall,1 Re·Plastered McHenry, Bill Kauffman, Frank terian Church, the Womens' AuxSwuthmo... · 1-2111 On Wednesday, December 26, the Habbersett, Andy Schroder, Steve Little Garnet will pJoiy host to its iliary o[ Trinity Episcopal Church, Snyder, Howard Dodson, John Hil- Alumni team. The game will 00- the Thimble Group and the P.E.O. kert, Bruce G~,mmill, Jim Tucker, gin at 7:15 in the High School Sisterhood, it was possible to proFranklin Smith, Joe Storlazzi vide gifts for the men in the wards Devine Taxi Service John "Snorty" Wilmore, Trainer: gym. The Varsity expects real and to decorate a tree in each Rwartbmor~. Pli, Coach and Mrs. Millard P. Robin- ~Ompetition in such ex-High ward. Homemade cooJdes and Serving Swarthmore, Morchool players as Dana Swan, Fred cakes ,'n abundance were made d son, an Coacl]. and Mrs. Charles C b 11 T ton, Rutledge and Ridley Sowers. amp e, am Alden, Chugger and contributed. Township since 1918 Barr, Bill McHenry, Bunky Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jarratt of Jack Houtz, and many others. Swarthmore 6-0444 Mrs. Good, acting for her com,_____________., I Thayer road will ~ntertain during mittee wishes to thank the people the holiday season Mr. Jarratt's of the Borough and the particiSto~. NursinJ{ HOllN sister Miss Emily D. Jarratt· of pating organizations for their genWilmington, Mrs. Jarratt's aunt erosily and assistance. SELECT CUEN'I'D.E This program is one of many Mrs. William E. McCall, Jr.,' of Bryn Mawr, and Mrs ..Charles JarPEruIONAL thaI the E. I. and S. Committee Alac1iaon 3-9091 rett of Fillmore, Calif. 1:~~~it:SiEi~g;::~~~ has sponGored throughout the year. Mrs. Goodwin Gibson and small subscripdaughte D b h (T lions. Mrs. Faries, 239 r e ora 0 oronto, laverford avenue. P~,on.e Swarth.. NEWS NOTES 'Canada arrived last Thursday to nore 6-6750. Rubbish Collection spend the holiday season with PERsONAL _ Radi.,.. te1iVIiIon Mrs. John R. Bates o[ North Swarthmore Disposal Mrs. Gibson's parent~ .Mr. and receIvers, vacuum, cleaners and Chester road entertained at a Weekly or Monthly .......................... Cbristmas greetings by Long Distance are part and parcel of the holiday spirit ••• as traditional as holly. Whether you call aCrQ88 the atata or aCl'088 the nation, the operator Wi1I do her level beat to handle your calla promptly. Moat of them Wi1I go through quickly. But there Wi1I.he BOme delay., particularly on calla to more remote points. To keep delays to a minimum, we've made special arrangements to have' an extra staft' of operators at .every awitchboard. You can help your operator com· plets your call more quickly by calling by number. When you give the operator the number of the te1ephone you want, your call goes through faster, alnea the operator doesn't need to check with Information in the city you want to call. THE BELL TEIoEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA .... CrbpCallfDmla 'aacal H. Brown Mrs. view William road. Mr. Gibson of will ioin ServIce. Robert Brooks; his family for Christmas. B-1S... . Mrs. N. B. Livinliston, Jr., of Mohall, N.D. with her baby son in the PIANO TUNING John has been visiting her parents call him at New IUld RebaDt PlAaH Mr:and Mrs. J. F. Gaskill of UniSquare, 1275W. and Repalr\na' Bin.. 1901 versity place since December 11. FOR S1LlE' ALIlAN .A". Dr. Livingston will arrive this eve~ Ph. .e M..... 8.3551 ning to spend the holiday season FOR SALE-Bay's Figue Ice ~~~ .with his family. On DeCember 28 Skates, size 2-excellent cond!'" Dr. and Mrs. LivingstOl\ will at. tion. Call Swarthmore 6-2822. tend the !!'fiends Central Alumni "Third Gene,ation Builders" Dance. Also honie for Christ-. HORACE A. mas will be Cadet Joe Gaskill, stationed at the Naval Air Pensacola. Fla. .... FRUIT CAKES89 TBOM SEBEMBA '" 9ae. $1 • 2·lb box bOx 17 V2 South Chester Road Swarthmore 6-3450 B ~". $4.49 Choclc.·full of nub and frull BAiRD and BIRD 8~~ b. 8ALES 01 NEW DeVII1Dpen of Naw 110_ - - an t l.ll27c The world wakes up at about seven every morning. Then there are baths to take, teeth to clean, coffee to make, eggs te boil. Millions of gaUons of Pure Springfield Water are 3::~~40e 12-00 pte Philadelphia Suburban Water Company prepar!lS for this morning rush every night • Here is what happens: The need for Pure Springfield Watet reaches its Gaily low point when evening comes. Sue\.essively, then, batteries of powerful pumps begin refilling 15 standpipes and 6 distribution reservoirs situated strategically within the 3lXl-square.mile territory served with PUTC 3Se ':;: Z1c .9dmI Fancy CRANBERRY SAUCE Ollea. ••"'I'I'Y Saulle Z '!:: 3311 OUy... Faaq Stu&ed Oftyes 3911 B ., B PI.... Po"",,_. 43G .....Iol'd Nats ..'!'. 4911 SPI'.~ C~ Springfield Water. Pumping continues aU night long to .replen· ish this stored-water supply. By the time your alarm rings in the morning, more than 32million gallons of stored. water are available for the h9mes in the immediately surrounding areas. With these assured of an ample How during the seven o'clock rush, other millions of gallons are sent out directly .from the; pumping stations to those homes beyond the radius 'Of the overnight 'storage points. This is but one of many steps taken by Philadelphia Suburban Water- Company to keep Pure Springfield Water dependably on tap in your horne •.•• 24 hours a day, every day in the year. 71f',;" tflPInliJta SPRINGFIELD Ibean 9t/MII B •••d,l. . . .c.... ell ....... CIa.... ~ ~'ZSG = 'Mo._\!.! U~.WATER ------""-"'- -- 17- -s.:::" , ~2 Z" . sse z 110'" OUR ACME ~ Chester'Rd.. ~warthmore OpenThunday & Friday Till , P.M. Satarday ,tilt 6 P oM. ....... ........ . ...... • • • • • • ,1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .........ROOFS , " CUTTERS REPAIRED & INSTALLED , WARM·AIR HEATINC Fumac:e.o Vacuum CI.7""II GEORCE MYERS Sox 48- Swarthmore 6-0740 ••••••••••••••••• Charle. E. Ff.eher BUn.DER Swarthmore '-11,. RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL Construction AlteratioDl P. R.R. Freight Bid,. SWarthmore. Pa. J. F. BLACKMAN Phone'SW 6-6616 Professional Bureau SW 8-07... .. -----~-- "~~~~, -- ".-"-,--,.~ R. GIrl's 24" bicycle, 1·!I,~.d. Swarthmore ( RENTALI COm.UATaD... · OAKCREIIT LANE WANTED-Female typist clerk for Insurance Company office, Central Philadelphia. Life and Hospitalization Insurance. Benefits. 33 hour, 5-day week. Apply to Box D, The S'warUunorean. WANTED-Small furnished apartment by January 12 for YOUng married couple. Call Chester 4-4211 days or Swarthmore 6-5705 Ready for the seven. o'clock :rush needed all at once I I'aaq Mbred .9dm/Mlc •• Meat Oldl:~"'" . .9dm/GDidea ......pkla .t~:. OLDER BOMlIIII Phone Swar.thmore 6·0108 9c ,.t 9c ·"llc Louella Quality .9tUaI GREEN PEAS and Madll R ....d - Naw ll'Ddv Co..atracUon - ." STRAWBERRIES . Swarthmore, PII. Swarthmore 8-1831 Wholesome lunches. transpeJrlattmo prcr,':ded WANTED Realtors pili .9dmI Sliced All Lines of In.urance 333 Dartmouth Avenue \ Bell's Seasoning Crackers o. T. c. ,oyster 14·02 23c .9dmIVanma --"'49c Evap. Milk PETER E. T()LD sary of Dr. Bates. Out-of-town guesls were Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Elgin of Princeton, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson Litllefield and smoll son Jamie of Valley Falls, N.Y., will arrive tomorrow to .spend the holidays with Mrs. Littlefield's parents Mr. and Mrs. James P: Henry of "'VaIden", Wallingford. ------------- deceased •• Telephone BREAD '~; IS&: EllIllIOFldtd ....................... . ESTATE OF RICIlt\RD C. SELLERS. REASONABLE RATES 1000 West 9th Sired Phone Che8ler 4·4297 FOR SAT t STORING. ,..una Fish , Until January 16th Call ME 6-2888 sUp Covers • Draperies - 25 Years Experience - 1N8UJLANCII _ CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES - Thyme seaonll" 2~!!"t'2J";;2~~5'!]Jt. . UPHOLSTERER Residential • Paintinc Commercial • Repain • Alteration. , oxtra la. . . . stalk" Sweet Marjoram • REEVES • • Supreme VirginIa Haulin.. River.ll~~~ol~ec~trl~C~al~a~p~p~I:IA;D;C:U:'~re;,palr;;-I dinner party in honor of theSaturdliy birthdayevening anniver- . WARREN PIERCE Swarthmore 6-2078 No.303 can zse se .....ha fi Rubbilh Removed Lawn. mowed, General BU';"". Coaab ...1IDa I/duII Selected Solid Pack lb. ff:!.!;:wu1hmo=?~JiHHHHM· WII J IAJW BROOKS Classlofloed Red Band GRAPES LUS:::;!~~IIf. Z CELERY . Bob Gentlemen: The making of gifts at Christmas time is a wonderful custom !hat comes from people's joy in the celebration of the birth o[ Jesus Christ. People give because they are happy and want to share that happiness with others. Quite' often people .give to Public Servants and others who serve tnem l'egularly to show appreci~tion for the fine service rendered. I think that is a lovely practice and is very much in keeping with the spirit of Christmas. Then along come selfiSh, greedy people, who ask for personal gifts, not because they are In need of financial or physical charity, but just because they have a had case of the "give-me's." .Those people take all the pleasure out of giving. . It so happens that our garbage· man or men have been mighty fine ·-they always speak pleasantly wherl we see them, and they have never caused any mess, or aggravated us in any manner, as has often been the case in years gone by. At a result there is a natural inclination on our part to show our appreciation for this fine service. REGULAR DRESSED Ovorlb. • 6-22 110 ('d only ftt the .U..:retlon Of tDe The following letter was sent to .Demke Brothers, to Elliott Richardson, Borough Secretary and to The Swarthmorean [or publication, Give-or Take? Ixtra.Fancy, Fresh.Kllled, render, Heavy, Broad·Breasted Ib larbage-man it will be because ing he may be, when ,I am- a l , .. the de"ire to give 'exceeds the re- proached in such a manner. Very truly your>t ;entmcnttliat 1 feel for the way Harlan R. Jessup YOUl' men have profaned the spirit of giving. But one thing I promise -it will be the last time I give to I Saw It In The Swarthmore. n' E·lIlm, with a Lancaster Brand Broad.Breasted rurkey Vou also have the assurance of a top.quallty, tender, delldous turkey when you choose a Lancaster Brand. a.sldes, they're sold with our unqualified auarantee. 22 lb. 1951 -------------------------------------~~. IF I now giVe anything to the 3.nyone. regardless of how deserv'-,etters To The Editor ------------------~=. Over DE~::EMBER 21 SWARTH!4()REAN THE 6 i ~~--- r TIHI'-EN' ') • ~ f9 MllllkljHl/il/Q '" • . .: Do,..... M _ , tIIId Cltutrr C_1n OII.. HEllT OI~ .I,IIHlli. ~II (I)MDlTIONINQ OIl fI,IllOIolCU DAY IWd NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE MONDAY.TURU IIATUaDAY NOON spoons in Call Madison 3-2385. SW64041 one to the IIUNDAYS and H9LIDAT8 in the FC>R RENT SW 6~0740 FOR RENT-Unexpectedly- room I~ perSon iriattractive house on' Hill. I~,va;:tied to whom the contract is I' shall execu,te a contract COAL furnish bonds as required by the fonn of which may be FIRE PLACE WOOD or the office of the Garage. The Borough reserves to reject' any or all bids. Elliott Richardson I SOUTH PRINCETON Av.NUIE Borough Secretary I~!~~~~ d.A.GREBN :..... II .", n ..... tIIis since we've n,lf,~!::id Affw:rllc IU,.Ie R.'~ Ifeeling Oil." ."c:mu,~ Rid the doS,'"doJl'c hi; .ilIyl Eve" che .Aoon anD'c cIraIcr a"l ..p . SInce my. m••t~ 'ordered Adanei.,.. Tnple 'llefined H"b"S 0,1 this wiater, .n that I'. :f." to i, .•.~what·, ....8 wick alios'- Hfe?· , c.Jl Or JJ"rJu N_ sa, ,.~~~:,~man. 6-1100. tOIl lIarBile• 'POUND gold - Real Estate - Insurance Mortgage. EPWARD L. NOYES f1 CO. .. IIOuTo CllE8TBR IIOAD • PHILADliPHIA IuaURaAN ·W.ATIR. COMPANY ~d~ I REQUEST FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received j.n Council Chamber, Borough Hall, Swarthmore~ Pa., on January 7th. 1952 at 8:00' P.M. for furnishing the material and doing the work of erecting Traffic Light Signal~ the intersection of Baltimore North Chester and bids aWAIlTlDlo•• "'OUt . .' . ',., .'-'; .~. \' " • THE 8 5 W., R T 1-1 M 0 REA N DECEMBER 21 ,- 1951 W-=aJ-Jm-~--md--Ca~ro~I=-Sw-=.i=~~I:;::~;:~~::~==~~:::::::::=~::::~t:':::=:::::::::::===-:=-=-~'-=-.r:::~~::~='~==~The Annual Candlelight Carol Service .of the Wallingford Prest · Churc h WI'11 b e4 h e Id S unb yerian 30 day, December 23, at and 5: o'clock, at the Church, .Avondale and Turner roads,. Wallingford. SCHO~~lE~ts~~N SET MRS.GU1. G. CASEY IDES LW" V THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Enough votes, and more hu, ve . been accululated by the Borough's children and parents, to earn the Television set offered by the American Stores Company for the Swarthmore Schools. . FPmI\Y, DECEMBER 21 3:25 P.M.-,Santa Claus ........................................ P.R.H. Station SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22 '. . • • • 12:00 Noon-Santa's List Closes .....................: ............... Sw: 6-6600 Mrs. Thomas G. Casey has been . SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 named preslde~t of Ihe Swarth4:00 P.M.-Candlelight Service ........................ Methodist Church 500 and 7:00 P.M.-Pageant of the Nativity............ Clothier' more Lea"ue of Women Voters to Mothers of the Seventh grade, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24 serve out the two year term of sacrificing time and energy in the 2:00 P.M.-Santa Claus ................................ Hannum and Waite Mrs. J. Burris West which expires Mass Sung For pre-Christmas rush, t~bulated the 11:30 P.M.-Candlelight Communion Service ........ Presbyterian next May. . Henry Michell slips for the Home and School 1 1 ' Church Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad, vice Association. The work of Mrs. :30 P.M.-Ch'Wt;r.~N:;g~{~tD~~:k .. '2ii Trinity Church (Continued from page one) president and past pre~ident, was George Warren and Mrs. William 7:15 P.M.-Basketball: H.s. vs. Alumni' .................... H.S. Gym After graduation from Ridley Lee over a period 0: months i s ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27 tendered a vote of gratitude for Park High School he attended the something for which the 'Associahaving filled the post since last 8:30 PM.-Alumni Dance ............................................ High School May when Mrs. West resigned. University of Pennsylvania. A tion is very grateful, and special tennis and golf enthusiast, he had Mrs. Alfred Maass was named mention should be made of Judy I.:iCHOOL BOARD won local cups. He was also a Roess who spent much of her free . . WINDS UP 1951 treasurer, I'eplacing Mrs. Edward member of the Barnstormers drat:ml' stapling slips. Imbued with holiday spirit by H. Cox who leaves next month for matic group in Ridley Park. Without the adding machines of a brief attendance at the High southern France wher.. Professor. Surviving besides. his widow the the following organizations, busiSchool's Christmas CODcert Wed- Cox, chairm'lll of the Swarthmore former Edythe H. Columbe, are nesses and persons, tht! tabulation nesday evening School Board College chemistry department, will attend hall-year' cilllferences at a brother Joseph A. Michell, Jr., would have been impossible: John tackled routine business, providIn the election of captains and ed of Ridley Park aud a sister Kath- Michael, Edward Noyes, Robert for several repair jobs and ad- the University of MOl!tpelier on a erine' Herron wife of Dr. James R. Turner, Avery Blake, Dr. Peter managers for the fall sports at journed until January 16. Fullbright Fellowship. Herron, mayor of· Bordentown, N. Coste, Peter E. Told, The Swarth- Swarthmore, Avery F. Blake, Jr., The Board re-elected. instruOther changes include the reJ. more National Bank and Trust or Swarthmore, and Dominic A. mental music instructors Robert placement')f Mrs. DanielC. JohnCompany, the Alumni Office of (Nick) Cusano, of Philadelphia, Barkley and Hamlet Tardi for the sen by ·Mrs. Richard Enion as Swarthmore College ond Swarth- were chosen to lead the Gamet spring semester. Mr. Barkley corresponding secretary in order gridders for 1952-53. ,°1 saw It in The Swa.rtlunKean" more High School. Blake, who stands 6.4, has played spends four hours a week with that Mrs. Johnsen might assume string pupils and Mr. Tardi six Mrs. Casey's former position of Dr. and Mrs. David M. McCahan three years in the .SwartlUnore hoUl's with those studying wood- publicity and public relations oi Strath Haven avenue attended line, performing this 'year at of- wind instruments, supplementing chairman, and the naming of Mrs. the Yale Glee Club concert at the fensive end, whlte Cusano, 5.8 and the work of Robert Holm, school. Norman Hixson as delegate to the Merry Christmas Academy of Music, Philadelphia 155 pounds, has carried the major music director, with orchestra and Delaware County Ikague Council. on Wednesday evening as· the ground gaining duties for, the band members. guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Morse Garnet in his three years of action. . Happy New Year of Radnor. Named 411-American " Both men are active in other Polio Com. Plans Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gilmer of The United States Inter-Colsports, Blake being captairi-elect Hot Springs, Ark., who have been Campaign Porchlight legiate Lacrosse Association met in SWEET SHOP visiting the Hugh O. Thayers of of this season's lacrosse Squad 8lld "Infantile Paralysis .Is a . child- New York over the past week-end Cusano expecting to play his. third North Chester road, will remain ren's, disease!" OLD BANK BUILDING and announced thel~ 1951 Aijthrough the holiday season. Mr. year at second base for the That statement was essentially Ainerican teams at the anDua'l dinCaDdy - Cakes - FlowerS and Mrs. Gilmer are the parents Swarthmore nine in the spring. true at one time •.• but for seme 'ner on Saturday night. Co-managers were choSen also medically Unexplained reason It is of Mrs. Thayer. AverY Blake, Jr., captain-elect ,for the 1951-53 football. team. not true todaY. of the Swarthmore College team, Freshman William Bosbyshell, of During 1951 in Delaware County was named to the second team, Springfield, Pa., and Carl Fris- alone 4 milD and 7 women over 21 the onl]' sophomore honored on trom, of Chicago, will take Care were stricken with poliomylltls, any of the three squads announced. Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company of the non-playing details next while 28 children were also hit. HBunky" Blake was' high scorer in fall. Those figures were realeased both goals and assists for the colSwarthmore, Penna. this week by Mrs. Donald Vande- lege last spring,' as well as playWater, secretary of the Delaware ing an outstanding game delenCounty {ICBS'T ]>l!OPLl! A'T SPB.A.MS") J., Jr., of the South Chester road night, two. hour, house-to-house for 2 o'clock Monday; no one has n address; the Rev. Joseph C. of !b'ive January 22. As last year decided. Nor has anyone, to date; ill Germantown, professor of mathe- the solicitors will only stop at launched a correspondence to find matics at St. Thomas More High homes showing a porchlight or out. SchOOl, Philadelphia; and John P. similar signal bidding the worker Drexel Hill atto.rney; and five welcome. ~ WATER COLORS ON DISFLAY grandchildren Cathleen, John, Jr.. -=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Seventy-five water-color paintChristine, Barbara Ann, aDd Hugh, ~ ings ~overing the story of Christ Jr. of Drexel Hill, the Isst two Holiday Houn from the Annunciation through being children of another son The Swarthmcre Public .Li- the Resurrection, are now on diSHugh A. who was killed in action brary will be closed. on Chrlst- plJly ,on WBl,lam8ker's' 8th Floor in France during World War :(1. mas Eve, Chrrstmae Day, New under the auspices of the PhilaYear's Eve, and on New YeBtl"s delphia Council of Churches. These Day. paintings wer,,' produced at the • Open until 9 P.M· Tonight and Saturday Night ..• request of the Evangelical and Reformed Church for their new .............. I , , •••••••• Sunday School curriculum by JacPETER E. TOLD ques Barosin, a Latvian born artist. 'The Paintings will be on display All of FOR LAST· MINUTE SHOPPERS until December 31 when they will 333 Dartmouth Avenue begin a nation-wide tour. Open Christmas Eve 9:30 to 6 P.M. The display Is open to the public S.a" m ne -':'1111 ",ithout charlie. BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY ,THE SWARTHMO Celebrates. Fiftieth Anniversary BLAKE, CUSANO HEAD COLLEGE 11 _---M-M :t~~t7: fo:~~d ;::~~~ Huge Gift Selections Lin.. Inlurlne. Swarthmore, Pa. Help Fight TIS . For New Year's Evel A TIL.PHONE CALL Lovely Selection EVENING GOWNS EVENING WRAPS and ACCESSORIES wII emiR JOU of_ lei ;olen .., 111M .. the clay Oft . . . . 15.98 - 49.98 • Taffetas, lace gowns, nylon net, nylon tulle, crepe, chiffon, satlli velvet. Ballerina lengths, tull lengths, strapless ereations, ott shoulder gowns •.. with stole and jacket. Jewel trim, bra- . eade, velvet. Si2es for juniors, misses, women. ' IMI OUVlll· H. BAIR CO.' ,,'1.'.1••••uN'aAI.. ' 1.20 CHUINUT SIIlID Buy Christmas Seal. CII.Ma",~r, 'or CrInOlIDe, Nylon FIsh Ne& aDd B _ 8k1r111,S.'J9 '" 'J.l18 ~A.~Pt ''goi .. 1" •• ,,_ .. 6.11&1 -Dresses Seoond Boor \ '\II.-,I(,\\'\\\'\'\ \.l\ ll' \. o. l _ ~.... \. '-,' ...:. . ..' ~. l l l l .. \, . ) .. " .' - , Prof. Howard M. Jenkins of North Chester road left December 2 for Japan and Korea where he will be engaged on operations analysis work for the U.S. Air Force. Neighborhood Decorators Prof. Jenkins who made a similar trip to Japan last August, Brighten H~liday plans .to return by the end of Season ' January. With Fusco and Alston's gay Santa on the South end of town and the Borough's beautifully lighted tree and star shining on Chester road .traffic through the village, the. prevalent custom- of ~~lumillating individual homes has . given many a village neighborhood a truly festive' appearance. Judges struggling to meet the Three Swarthmore 'Swa~bmorea~s holiday deadline Trips Delight report a wide difference between Kiddies neighborhoods with the gayest sharing of light south of the rallSanta Claus retired to his North road, a'nd north of the railroad the Pole home this week after his exbrightest section being between hausting annual tour. His reindeer Princeton. avenue and Riverview are carefully bedded down for a road . long winter's nap, the sleigh runSeveralligbted trees, the beloved ners are properly greased to pregr,mdiather of them all .being the vent rust, and Santa himself is -William Craemer tree at Harvard resting, completely at peace before and Rutgers avenue. which for his bright fire. years has shone forth its Christmas It must give Santa a great deal greeting, are welcome sights of pleasure to reflect, in between throughout. the village. 'The Stam- 9noozes, on his long and succe~ful ford's blue-lighted spruce at Rut- trips throughout the world, and gers an.d Strath Haven, the R. E. particularly his several trips to Wilkinson tree at Dickinson ave- Swarthmore. nue circle,- Donald Jones' t:t:ee on No less than 360 children lined Swarthmore avenue, the gay flash- up to talk with him last Friday ingODe of hank Masseli's off afternoon at Borough Hall when he Dartmouth avenue, and the well- was guest of the Swarthmore iBusiguarded fir at the Antl"Aircraft ness Association; and 410 stormed Unit, Harvard avenue, are favor- ·Hannum arid ·Waite's just to see ites with many. A beautiful star him again, the dllY before Chrlston the· northw~t .comer of. Elm and North Chester road sheds its mas. benign. ;~"ys ove.· a large vicinity, But Santa returned the compliwhile t blue-lighted cross on ment Christmas Eve and made South c.! ester road is e~gerly some few calls of his DWD~ His "chief watched for each Christmas. assistant has counted up 133 sepThe first . prize. in the .annual arate stops in Swarthmore alone, Home Lighting contest sponsored but not even Mrs. Santa has VeDby. the Swarthmoore B)1Siness tured to guess the number of Association is award,ed by the children he saw. judges decisioll. to R. Chester . And so, Santa sleeps, happy with Spencer whose:qecorated residence the season, and particularly the a.t. 330 :Swarthmore avenu,e shows children whom he loves so well. an unusual unity b~tween ·exlterior and Interior lighting. Shrubbery t~ the left aodright of the doorway is illuminated with multlcolored lights while 'thrOUgh the doorway and its glass panels, can be seen a large llghted tree which centers the warmly bOckoning New Classes Added To scen.e. Term Beginning The residence and new office of Dr. George E. Heckman, Park and January 7 Harvard avenues, .were unaniThe Community Art. Center anmously chosen second place. The nounces Open :aouse and RegispackBge doorway on the Park avetration Day on Sunday afj:ernoon,. nue entrance, the smiling Sarita on January 6, 2:30 to 5 p.m., at RogJhe ~ear, door, with ,the lights and ers lane, Wallingford. iaijiei' 'entWined in the wrought Teachers will be present to disiron trellis on the office, framing cuss their courses with prospective the twin doorway on which the students and will demonstrate life-sized heads of Mr. and Mrs. their work, Snowman are displayed, proved 'l;'he Winter Term of 10 weeks irresistible to the jUdges. will begin on Monday, JanuarY 7. Henry A.' Peirsol, Jr., received There will be a new class on Satthe thIrd. "Ward for his unusual urday mornings for children in and effective second story panora- ceramics and cerami~ sculpture, mic silhouette of'the manger scene, instructor Gretel Reinhold. and tho!-'approaching trio of kings. Other new classes include metal With the exception of the cross on enamaling and jewelry for adults. Chester road, it is the only religious 'dispiay to be seen amQng the teenagers and children, with 'Miriam ~bre~ .instructing; an~ a new home d~corations--a refreshing class In writing (plays, stones, TV, scene and one appropriate to .the and ,,?ok reviews>. to be called. seasoD,on 219 Lafayette avenue. Honorable mention was awarded Writer s Forum. Class for the to . two fonner winners Frank latter will be held every third Bromley on "750 Harvard avenue, ~iday e~ening. The instructor and the Philip W. Wrlghtsnians, wlll be ~ildred Tonge Brown. Tea w.ll he .s~rved at the Open 547 Cornell·avenue. . House. ~ll ViSItOrs ~re welcome. sw..ru.moreans are urged to take an evening off to see and enjOY theinany viu'led and de_ ~n • lightrul decorationS lighted by The'name"of the Woman's Club their neighbors to celebrate the. of Swarthmore should be added holiday season. to' the' list cif contributors to the ----M-rrls-· L. 'Hi-~­ Christmas . project of the EnterMr. and Mrs. 0 """ tainm.nt instruction and Service of College avenue entertained 15 members of' the HiCk,;, family at Committee of the local. branch of the Red·Cross. . dinner. on ChrIaimU Day. SANTA REFLECTS ON BORO VISITS .: . .-: ) METHODIST CHURCH TO . ,OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY, MORTGAGE BURNING . , ) Re-v. Hiarold D. Flood, Former Pastor Samuel MacAdams Will Preach In Services Of· Thanksgiving Dec. 30, Jan. 6 On Sundays, December 30 and.January 6, the Swarthmore Methodists will celebrate the fiftieth Anniversary of their church and bum the mortgage. Rev Harold D. Flood, who enlered the ministry from from this church and is now pastor of the Trinity. Church, Philadelphia, will be the preacher on the first Sunday, and the Rev. Samuel MacAdams, a former pastor of the chUrch willl)l~ach on- January .6. ..' The church had its, beginning in the Union Evangelical ChUrch of Swarthmore, whIch was chartered by the Delaware County Cou!1: Nov-' ember 29, 1892. The union churclt was composed of 40 members of various evangelical persuasions, who .felt at that time no,' denomination was strong enough to maintain a' 'church here.' Th~ con~egaiion agreed, to transfer their property, which consisted.of the present 'chapel andt-t:lhe adjoinl~g room, to any denominational group with a bona 'ide membership of 50, on a tWQ-third vote of the membership. On December 2, 1901, this was made possible by a vote of the member2hip, and the Meth.odlst Episcopal ChUrch was organized with 54 rharter members. On the last Sunday in December building, and in 1915. a basement the Union Church ceased, ano. on was excavated under', the chapel Tuesday, December 31, .1901, the and the rOQm now u~ed by the first church service of the Swarth- juniors was added. In 1025 plans more Methodist Episcopal Church were made for the addition of the was held at the Watch Night Church jSchool bUildhlg and the meeting. On the following Sunday, present sa.pctuafy, at a, ;Cost of over three services were held under the $100,000. 'The ground breaking direction of Dr. A. G. Kynett, service was· h.eld on Sunday, April 18th, at 3 p.m. with the pastor presiding elder. Rev. Arthur S. Willis presiding. The Swarthmore paper, liThe President hank Aydelotte 'of Borough" carried .the fQllowing in Swarthmore College ,and Dr. John reporting the opening service: "We G. Wilson of' Philadelphia, delivare much indebted to Chaplain ered the main addresses. The Rose for the following account of president of the Board of Trustees, the opening services of the Swarth- Dr. J obn H. Pitman chairman of more Methodist Episcopal Church. the Building Committee, and visit... 'And now abideth (With us) Pres- ing ministers participated. byterians, Episcopalians; MethoThe ground was broken by lsadists, these three, but the latest bel Chism, daughter of Andrew P. of thesll are Methodists.' Audiences as large as could be admitted Chism, presideilt of the Board ,of to the sanctuary came morning, Trustees of ,the Eighteenth street Church and Eleanor ~. Shinn, afternoon and evening. . It was a daughter of Dr. Owen L. Shinn, grand day for our viUageand a proud day for this little band of president of the Board of Trustees of Swarthmore Church. The layMethodist communicants, whOse ing of the comerstoDe took place names were publicly read at the at a service held Wednesday, July mOrning se-rvice, and who are here29, at 7:30 p.m. Bishop CharI.. alter responsible for the life and Wesley Burns of San FranciSCO growth of this new enterprise. delivered the address and laid the "Bishop Cyrus D. Foss prea.ch- cornerstone. The first service:in ed the morning sermon. Dr. Sam- the new church was held on Eas.. uel W. Thomas preached most ter, April 4, and the church, was acceptably in the, afternoon. In dedicated by Bishop Josejl'hH. the evening, Dr. James' M. King Berry on April 11, 1926. In 1929, of New York climaxed the serv- the former parsoriage on Princeices of the day. As one well known ton avenue was sold, and the new member of the Society of Friends parsonage purchased at a cost of remarked at the close, 'There was more than, a man th.t preached $22,000. Two of the charter members re.. that sermon! Conspicious during the day was the genial, erudite main on the roil today: Dr. John presiding elder. Dr. A. G. Kynett, B. Roxby, Sr. and Margaret ,C. aided by whose wise and 'prudent Roxby. Dr: Roy N. Keiser has t'Ounsels the Methodist friends beel? pastor of the church since have proceeded se successfully in 1941. During his pastorate the the delicate and important work, churCh debt of $46,850. has been of organizing the new chtirch. The liquidated and the mQrtgage will . MethodistEplsco~al Church will be burned on Sunday. ·AndreW perform itS mission. It already D. Roxby, Marjorie E. Roxby lInd has among its members many of Patr,'CI'a J. Narbeth, 'granddrll~,·.' the beSt Christian people in of Dr. John B. Roxby, Sr., ~i/l Swarthmore." . in the burning of the The steady' growth of the Sun- partiCipate ~. , mortgage. da, School soon required a larger ~ " , .~- ARTS' CENTER OPEN HOUSE -_ .......... .. . ., ·f YEAR $3.5Q PER YEAR In Far Eaat .JUDGES NAME PRIZE ·WINNERS to • I , NEW .SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1951 VOLUME 23-NUMBER.52 I: .- .; , • LIONS HOST AT YULE PARTY Service Club Entertains Children At Inn Saturday Local Lions entertained In grand manner last Saturday afternoon when almost 60 children from underprivileged homes in Swarthmore and the surroun'ding area were their guests at the Strath Haven Inn. Chauffered' by the Licms, the children began arriving at 2 p.m. and were received by members and their wives in the downstairs room where ball~ons, balloons and more balloons with Christmasy decorations of green and red transformed the hall and set the holiday mood. Mrs. Brackne's puppets, opening the entertainment with a halfhour show, was immediatelY followed by refreshments. Milk, sB'Ildwiches and pretzels were popular items on the menu but reliable eye witoesses report that as many as three and four hot dogs vanished down the same little gullets; potato chips disappeared by, the plateful, and only the arrival of Santa effectively halted the consumption of ice cream and cake as 57 pairs of eyes riveted on the bright red 'and white costume, his cheery face and his overflowing pack. Each Lion had brought a present, and the Club as a unit had provided presents, but Santa"s store represented the gifts of many generous people outside the organization as well and each child went home virtually loaded with Christmas packages. It ·was the Swarthmore Lions' first Christmas party chairmanned . by George Stouffer and his committee, Horace Renshaw, Ed Sullivan, Jack Ricksecker, Ed Win- .. dell, and Leslie Korndoffer, with the indispensable aid of Lion members and their wives. Woman's Club Notes The class in china mending and lamp shade making, under the direction of the American home department, will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, January 3, at the home of the i'llstructor, Mrs. William C. Morris, Marshall and Temple roads, Corfcordville. A class in rhythmic exercises will he held at the club-house Friday, January 4, at 9 a.m. witJ> Alice Kraft as instructor. This is the first of a series of 10 weekly lessons. The literature department will meet Friday morning, January 4, dt 10 a.m. Mrs."Roland G. E. mlman will. review "Lost in the Stars" by Maxwell Anderson. Faculty Club Speaker Dr. Jeannette P. Nichols, Riverview road,· historian 8'lld economist, will speak on current economic trends in Europe and the United States, next Tuesday afternoon at the University Faculty Tea Club. Dr. Nichols, herself a member of the Club will deliver her talk at the 3 meeting in Memorial Hall of the University of Permsyl... vania's Christian Association Group meetings will be held earlier in the day in the same building. At 10:30 a.m., the Sewing Group, will meet in the second. floor lounge to do social service work for the University Hospital. Mrs. John H. Gunter, Chairman of the Art Group, has arranged for a discusSion of tlaintingS for her meeting at 2 o'clock in the Faculty Lounge. P.;.... < ,-. '. ,,'- INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE llvll1rthmore Col.lege ..'vmrthmore, Pa. THE 8 Wallingford Carol Services The An~ual Candlelight Carol Service of the Wallingford Presbyterian Church will be held Sunday, December 23, at 4 and 5:30 o'clock, at the Church, .Avondale and Turner roads, Wallingford. SCHOOLS Surviving besides his widow the former Edythe H_ Columbe, arE a brother Joseph A. Michell. Jr., of Ridley Park aud a sister Katherine Herron wife of Dr. James R_ Herron, mayor of Bordentown, N_ J. "I law it in The Swarthmoreau" ' DECEMBER 21 1951 .-=-- BEST MRS. 1. G. CASEY GUIDES L.W.V. EARN TELEVIS~ON SET Enough votes, and more h:'IVf' been accululated by the Borough's children and parents. to C(.il'n thl Television sct offered by the American Stores COmp..lllY for the Swarthmore Schools. Mothet's of the Seventh grade, sacrificing time CI~d energy in the Mass Sung For pre-Christmas rush, tabulated the Henry Michell slips for the Home and School (Continued from page one) Association. The work of Mrs. After graduation from Ridley Pal'k High School he attended the Uiliversity of Pennsylvania. A tennis and golf enthusiast, he had won local cups. He was also a member of the Barnstormers dramatic group in Ridley Park. SWARTHMOREAN George Warren and Mrs. William Lee over a period o.!" months is something for which the "Association is very grateful, and special mention should be made of Judy Roess who spent much of her free t:me' stapling slips. Without the adding machines of the following organizations, businesseS and persons, the tabulation would have been impossible: John Michael, Edward Noyes, Robert Turncr, Avery Blake, Dr. Peter Coste, Peter E. Told, The Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company, the Alumni Office of Swarthmore CoJlege Hnd Swarthmore High School. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR 3:2:i P.M.-Santa !"':D,\Y, DECEMBER 21 Clal~s ..... _________________ ..... _____ ._._._._ P.R.R. Station SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22 . 12:00 Noon-Sonta's List Closes ..................................... SW 6-6600 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 _ 4:00 P.M.-Candlelight Service ........................ Methodist Church 500 and 7:00 P.M.-Pageant of the Nativity............ Clothier' MONDAY, DECEMBER 24 2:00 P.M.-Santa Claus ................................ Hannum and Waite 11:30 P.M.-Candlelight Communion Service ........ Presbyterian Church 11 :30 p.M.-Christmas Midnight Eucharist ........ Trinity Church WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26 7:15 p.M.-BasketbaJl: H.S. vs. Alumni' .................... H.S. Gym THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27 8:30 PM.-Alumni DanCe ............................................ High School BLAKE, CUSANO HEAD COLLEGE 11 Mrs. Thomas G. Casey has been named president of lhe Swarthmore Lea~ue of Women Voters to serve out the two year term of Mrs. J. Burris West which expires Cox, chairman of the Swarthmore School's Christmas concert WedCollege chemistry department, will nesday evening School Board attend hall-year conferences at In the election of captains and tackled routine business, provid- the University of MOl!tpelier on a managers for the fall sports at ed for several repair jobs and ad- Fullbright Fellowship. Swarthmore, Avery F. Blake, Jr., journed until Januar.r 16. Other changes include the reThe Board re-elected instruor Swarthmore, and Dominic A. (NiCk) Cusano, of Philadelphia, mental music instructors Robert placement ,Jf Mrs. Daniel C. Johnson by Mrs. Richard Enion as were chosen to lead the Garnet Barkley and HamJet Tardi for the spring semester. Mr. Barkley corresponding secretary in order gridders for 1952-53. chairman, and the naming of Mrs. for the 1951-53 football team. not true today. of the Swarthmore College team, Freshman William Bosbyshell, of During 1951 in Delaware County was named to the second team, Springfield, Pa., and Carl Fris- alone 4 men and 7 women over 21 the on9' sophomore honored on trom, of Chicago, will take care were stricken with poliomylitis, any of the three squads announced. of the non-playing details next while 28 children were also hit. "Bunky" Blake was' high scorer in fall. Those figures were realeased both goals and assists for the colthis week by Mrs. Donald Vande- lege last spring, as well as playWater, secretary of the Delaware ing an outstanding game defen- before tbe meeting, will be held at the banking house In iSwarthmore, Pa., on Tuesday, --January 8, 1952. bet.ween the hours of three and four-thirty o'clock P.M. HAROLD OGRAM Secretary of lbe Board County Chapter, National Founda- sivel)' from his center position. Daniel Hilferty tion for InfantUe Paralysis. She Dies Suddenly went on to explain that allbough Santa To Come the incidence rate among children (Continued from page one) 2 P·M. Monday is still by far lbe largest • . • lbe of Perpetual Help, Morton where number of adult sufierers grows (Continued f'om page one) solemn requiem mass was held for yearly. zona recuperating from an illness) him at 10 o'clock yesterday mornWith lbe incidence rate growing tried, in an effort to be fair to ing. He was formerly institutional and the hold over cases being Santa, to think of a better way representative oC Morton Boy car~d lor becoming more numerfor him to spend the day before Scout Troop No.3. ous yearly . . . the need for more Christmas. Interment was in St. Denis cemmoney is obvious. But none of the three could etery, Ardmore. This year Delaware County and think of one and it was settled the nation will conduct a month- that Santa should come for three long drive for funds. However, delightful hours December 24. the local' fund-raising group will concentrate its efforts into a onenight, two hour, house-ta-house drive January 22. As last year the solicitors will only stop at homes showing a porchlight or similar signal bidding the worker welcome. I 9 P.l\f Tonight and Saturday Night ••• Open Christmas Eve 9:30 to 6 mas Eve. Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, and on New Year's under the auspices of the Philadelphia Council of Churches. These Day. paintings were produced at the request of the Evangelical and •• I I ••••••••••••• • • • • • • (Help Fight 1B P.M. PETER Eo TOLD All Lines of In.urance 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore, Pol. Sww'!e_ ... I-IID Sunday School curriculUln by Jacques Barosin, a Latvian born artist. The Paintings will be on display until December 31 when they will begin a nation-wide tour. The display is open to the public ",iUlout charge, A TILIPHONE CALL GOWNS wID avail you of our services .., ... of the day or night EVENING WRAPS and ACCESSORIES 15.98 - 49.98 \1 • THI OLiV. H. lAIR CO. Taffetas, lace gowns, nylon net, nylon tulle, crepe, chiffon, satin velvet. Ballerina lengths, full lengths, strapless creations, .11"'Olf 0 • • UNIIAU off shoulder gowns ... with stole and jacket. Jewel trim, brocade, velvet. 1820 CHUINUI 51RIII Sizes for juniors, misses, women. OUYII K. &All, ,..,.. Crinoline, Nylon Flsb Net and Hoop SkJrts3.79 to 7.98 '.hp. . . . .1 6-1111 -Dresses--Second floor --- ItAlY A. IAII. Pr....... _!!Ill_!!Ill!!lll_ _ _ !!Ill~ I 2 for Jap~n and Korea where he will be engaged on operations an- LIONS H-OS-T-A~T YULE PARTY Lllysis work for the U.S_ Air Forcc. Pro!. Jenkins who made a sim- Sc,·viec Cluh Entertains ilar trip to Japan last August, Brighten Holiday Children At Inn plans to return by the end of Sca~on Saturday With Fusco and Alston's gay JanuCiry_ Local Lions entertained in grand San ta on the South end of town manner last Saturd~~' afternoon ::nd the Borough's beautifully when almost 60 childr(>n from unlighted tree and star shining on derprivileged homes in SwarthChester road ,traffic through the more and the surrounding area vill<;lge, the prevalent custom of were their gUI?~ts at the Strath :Iumillatrng individual homes has Haven Inn_ Chauffered by the given many a village neighborLians, the children be-gan arriving hood a tl"Uly festive' appearance. ut 2 p.m. and wcre receivt!d by Judges struggling to meet the Three Swarthmore members and their wives in the Swar-ihmorean's holiday deadline Trips Delight downstairs room where ban~ons, report a wide difference between balloons and more balloons with Khldies neighborhoods with the gayest. Christmasy decorations of green sharing of light scuth of the railSanta Claus retired to his North and red transformed the hall and road, and north of the railroad the Pole home this week after his exbrightest section being between hausting annual tour. His reindeer set the holiday mood. Mrs. Brackne's puppets, openPrinceton avenUe and Riverview are carefully bedded down for a ing the entertainment with a halfroad_ long winter's nap, the f'leigh run- hour show, was immediately folSeverallignted trees, the beloved ners are properly greased to pregrandfather of them all being the vent rust, and Santa himself is lowed by refreshments_ l\1Uk, William Craemer tree at Harvard resting, completely at peace before sandwiches and pretzels were popular items on the menu but rec;,nd Rutgers avenues which for his bright fire. liable eye witnesses report that years has shone forth its Christmas It must give Santa a great deal as many as three and four hot greeting, are welcome sights of pleasure to reflect, in between throughout· the village. ·The Stam- snoozes, on his long and successful dogs vanished down the same little ford's blue-lighted spruce at Rut- trips throughout the world, and gullets; potato ("hips disappeared gers and Strath Haven, the R. E. particularly his several trips to by the plate luI, and only the arrival of Santa effectively halted Wilkinson tree at Dickinson ave- Swarthmore. the consumption of icc cream and nue circle, Donald Jones' tree an No less than 360 children lined cake as 5~' pairs of eyes riveted on Swarthmore avenue, the gay flash- up to talk with him last Friday ing olle of Frank Masseli's off afternoon at Borough Hall when he the bright red and white costume, Dartmouth avenue and the well- was guest of the Swarthmore Busi- his cheery face and his Qverflowing pack. guarded fir at the Anti-Aircraft ness Association; and 410 stormerl Each Lion had brought a present, Unit, Harvard avenue, are favor- Hannum and ·Waite's just to see ites with many. A,. beautiful star him again, the day before Christ- and the Club as a unit had provided presents, but SantaPs store repon the northwest ,corner of Elm mas. rcse'n ted the gifts of many generand North Chester road sheds its But Santa returned -:.he compli- ous people outside the organizabenign ~~ys O\"Ql· a large vic!nity. tion as weB and each child went while blue-lighted cross on ment Christmas Eve and made some fe\V calls of his _own_ His chief home virtually loaded with ChristSouth Chester road is eagerly assistant has counted up 133 sep- mas packages_ watched for each Christmas. arate stops in Swarthmore alone, It • was the Swarthmore Lions' The first prize in the annual but not even Mrs. Santa has ven- first Christmas party chairmanned Home Lighting contest sponsored by - the Swarthmoore Business tUred to guess the n umber of by George Stouffer and his comchildren he saw. mittee, Horace Renshaw, Ed SulAssociation is awarded by the And so, Santa sleeps, happy with livan, Jack Ricksecker, Ed Winjudges decision J to R_ Chester the season, and particularly the dell, and Leslie Korndoffer, with Spencer whose qecorat~d residence the indispensable aii or Lion at 330 Swarthmore avenue shows children whom he loves so well. members and their wives. an unusual unity between exterior and interior lighting. Shrubbery SANTA REFLECTS ON BORO VISITS , • METHODIST CHURCH TO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY, MORTGAGE BURNING Rev. Harold MacAdams D. Flood, Will Former Preach Thanksgiving Dee. 111 30. Pastor Se,·vices Jan. Samuel Of 6 On Sundays, December 30 and January 6, the Swarthmore Methodists will celebrate the fiftieth Anniversary of their church and burn t~e mortgage. Rev Harold D. Flood. who entered the ministry from from this church and is now pastor of the Trinity _Church, Philadelphia, will be the preacher on the first Sunday, and the Rev_Samuel Mac.4d·ams, a former pastor of the church will preach on January ·6. The dlUrch had its beginning in the Union Evangelical Church ~f Swarthmore, which was chartered by the Delaware County Court November 29, 1892. The union church was composed of 40 members of various evangelical persuasions, who felt at that time no denomination was strong enough to maintain a church here. The congregation agreed, to transfer their property, which consisted of the present chapel a'n~~the adjoinIng room, to any denominational group with a bona 'id~ membership of 50, on a two-third vote of the membership_ On De(,'2:mber 2, 1901, this was made po~sible by a votP. of the member:hip, and the Methodist Episcopal Church was organized with 54 (-harter members. On the last Sunday in December building, and in 1915 & basement the Union Church ceased, and, on was excavated under the chapel Tuesday, December 31, 1901, the and the rOQn:t now used by the first church service of the Swarth- juniors was added. In 1925 plan,s more Methodist Episcopal Church were made ror the addition of the was held at the Watch Night Church School building and the meeting. On the following Sunday, three services were h(l'ld under the direction of Dr. A. G. Kynett, presiding elder. The Swarthmore paper, liThe Borough" carried the following in reporting the opening service: "We are nluch indebted to Chaplain Rose for the following account of the opening services of the Swarth- present sanctuary, at a cost of over $100,000. The ground breaking service was held on Sunday, April 18th, at 3 p.m. with the pastor t?f Rev. Arthur S. Willis presiding. to the left and right of the doorFrank Aydelotte of way is illuminated with multiSwarthmore College and Dr. John colored lights while through the G. Wilson of Philadelphia, deliy- doorway and its glass panels, can ered the marn addresses. The be seen a large lighted tree which president of the Board of Trustees, centers the warmly beckoning Dr. John H. Pitman chairman of scene. the Building Committee, and visitThe residence and n~w office of ing ministers participated. Dr. George E. Heckman, Park and The ground was broken by Isa- Harvard avenues, .were unani.. bel Chism, daughter of Andrew P. mously chosen second place. The Chism, president of the Board of package doorway on the Park aveTrustees of the Eighteenth street nue entrance, the smiling Santa on Church and Eleanor A. Shinn, the rear door, with the lights and President iaiy-ei" entwined, in the wrought iron trellis on the office, framing the twin doorway on which the life-sized heads of Mr. and Mrs_ Snowman are displayed, proved irresistible to the judges. Henry A. Peirsol, Jr., received the third award for his unusual and effective sec.ond story panoramic silhouette of the manger scene, and the· approaching trio of kings. With the exception of the cross on Chester road, it is the only religious display to be seen amQng the home decorations-a refreshing scene and one appropriate to the season,on 219 Lafayette avenue. Honorable mention was awarded to two former winners Frank Bromley on 750 Harvard avenue, and the Philip W. Wrightsmans, 547 Cornell avenue. S\Varthmoreans are urged to take an evening off to see and enjoy the inany varied and de.. ARTS CENTER OPEN HOUSE New Classes Added To Term Beginning January 7 The Community Arts Center announces Open House ~nd Registration Dayan Sunday afternoon, January 6, 2:30 to 5 p_m_, at Rogers lane, Wallingford. Teachers will he present to discuss their courses with prospective students and wil1 demonstrate their work. The Winter Term (If 10 weeks will begin on Monday: January 7. There will be a new class on Saturday mornings for children in ceramics and cerami.:: sculpture, instructor Gretel Reinhold. Other new classes include metal enamc.:lirig and jewelry for adults. teen:lg2rs and children, with ·Miriam Elsbree instructing; and a new class in writing (plays, stories, TV, and book reviews) to be called Writer's Forum. Class for ·the latter will be held every third Friday evening. ThE' instructor will be Mildred Tonge Brown. Tea will be served at the Open House. All visitors are welcome. presiding elder. Dr. A. G. Kynet!, B. Roxby, Sr. and Margaret C. aided by whose wise and· prudent Roxby. Dr .. Roy N. Keiser has Counsels the Methodist friends beerr pastor of the church since have proceeded so successfully in 1941. During his pastorate the the delicate and important work church debt of $46,850. has been Addition • Iightful decorations lighted by of organiZing the new church. The liquidated and the mortgage will The name of the Woman's Club their neighbors to celebrate lbe ·Andrew Methodist Episcopal Chnrch wiJI be burned on Sunday. of Swarthmore should be added holiday season. perform its mission. It already D. Roxby, Marjorie E. Roxby and has among its members many of Patricia J. Narbeth, 'grandchildren the best Christian people to· the list of contributors to the Mr. and Mrs. Morns L. Hicks Christmas project of the Enter- Woman's Cluh Notes The class in china mending and lamp shade making, under the riirection of the American home department, will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, January 3, at the horne of the instructor, Mrs. \Villiam C. Morris, Marshall and Temple roads, Concordville. A class in rhythmic exercises will be held at the club· house Friday, January 4, at 9 a_m_ wiij1. Alice Kraft as instructor. This is the first of a series of 10 weekly lessons_ The literature department will meet Friday morning, January 4, .t 10 a.m. Mrs. Rolanct G. E. UIIlr~an will review HLost in the Stars" by Maxwell Anderson. Faculty Club Speaker Dr_ Jeannette P. Nichols, Riverview road, historian ar.d economist, will speak on current economic trends in Europe and the United States, next Tuesday afternoon at the University Faculty Tea Club. Dr. Nicho]s, herself a member ot the Club, will deliver her talk at the 3 p_m_ meeting in Memorial Hall of the University of Pennsylvania's Christian Association Group meetings will be held earlier in the day in the same building. At 10:30 a.m., the Sewing Group, will meet in the second floor lounge to do social service work for the University Hospital. Mrs_ John H. Gunter, Chairman of the Art Group, has arranged for a discussion of paintings for her meeting at 2 o'clock in the in of Dr. John B. Roxby, Sr., ",ill of College· avenue entertained 15 tainment Instruction and Service Committee of the local branch of participate in the burning of ~he members of lbe Hick. family at the Red Cross. Fac...1ty Lounge. The steady· growlb of the Sun.;. dinner. on ChriStmas Day. mortgage. day School soon required a larger Swarthmore." - _ _ _ _1 - - - - 1 In Far East Prof. Howard M_ Jenkins of North ChEster road lcfL December Npighhorhoorl Decorators byterians, Episcopalians, 'Methodists, these three, but the latest of thes~ are MethodiSts.' Audiences as large as could be admitted to the sanctuary came mornmg, afternoon and evening_ It was a grand day for our village and a daughter of Dr_ Owen L. Shinn, proud day for this little band of president of the Board of Trustees Methodist communicants, whose of Swarthmore Church. The laynames were publicly read at the ing of the cornersto~e took place morning service, and who are here- at a service held Wednesday, July aiter responsible for the life and 29, at 7:30 p.m. Bishop Charles Wesley Burns of San Francisco growth of this new enterprise. delivered the address and laid the "Bishop Cyrus D. Foss preach- cornerstone_ The first service in ed the mOl"ning sermon. Dr. Sam- the new church was held on Easuel W. Thomas preached most ter, April 4, and the church. was acceptably in the afternoon. In dedicated by Bishop Joseph H. the evening, Dr. James M. King Berry on April II, 1926. In 1929, or New York climaxed the serv- the former parsonage on Princeices of the day _ As one well known ton avenue was sold, and the new member of the Society of Friends parsonage purchased at a cost of remarked at the close, 'There was $22,000. more than a man that preached Two of the charter members rethat sermon.' Conspicious during the day was the genial, erudite main on the roU today: Dr. John For New Ye,ar' 5 Evel Lovely Selection EVENING . ' WATER COLORS ON DISPLAY Reformed Church for their new Huge Gift Selections FOR LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS JUDGES NAME PRIZE WIN NERS Celebrates Fiftieth AnniverHary more Methodist Episcopal Church. 'And now abideth (with us) Pres- The Swarthmore Public .Library will be closed on Christ- YEAR ~~~~=~~ ____.-:::-~~~=::=7==:=~-==S;,;,W;,,:AR,::T::HM::;::01R~E~,~F~RI:::D::;A:.Y!;,~D:!:E:C!EM=B~ER~2:::8~'Fl~9!!5~1=========,====~$:3.~50~P~ER~~YEAR~~ out. Seventy-five water-color paintings ~overing the story of Christ from the Annunciation through the Resurrection, are now on display on Wanamaker'S 8th Floor Holiday HolII'S Open until Just wlllch party-Santa, his hosts, or the children, are more eager for 2 o'clock Monday, no one has decided.. Nor has anyone, to date, launched a conespondence to find NEW VOLUME 23-NUMBER 52 Mrs. Alfred Maass was named BOARD treasurer, l'eplacing Mrs_ Edward • WINDS UP 1951 H. Cox who leaves next month for Imbued with holiday spirit by southern France wher~ Professor a brief attendance at the High .- more National Bank and Trust CompanY, Swarthmore, Pa.., for the elecUon of directors and such otber business as may come SWARTHMO ! "CHOOL Delaware County League Council. ground gaining duties for the music director, with orchestra and Garnet in his three years of ac- band members. Uon. Named ~ll-AmeTican Both men are active in other Polio Com. Plans \ • The United States Inter-Colsports, Blake being captain-elect hI · h C P .. o.rc Ig t. ~mpal~ I legiate Lacrosse Association met in of this season's lacrosse squad and visiting the Hugh O. Thayers of Infantlle Paralysls IS a child- New York over the past week-end Cusano expecting to play his third North Chester road, will remain ren"s disease!1I and announced their 1951 AI)through the holiday season. Mr. year at second baSe for the That statement was essentially Alnerican teams at the annua) dinand Mrs. Gilmer arc the parents Swarthmore nine in the spring. true at one time . . . but for some ner on Saturday night. Co-managers were chosen also medically unexplained reason it is 01 Mrs. Thayer. Avery Blake, Jr., captain-elect 'I'Ile Annual Meeting. of the stockholders of tbe Swartb- I THE filled the post since last May when Mrs. West resigned. Academy of l\iu~ic, Philadelphia on Wednesday evening as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Morse of Radnor. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gilmer of Hot Springs, Ark., who have been MEETING A i having wind instruments, supplementing the Yale Glee Club concert at the fensive end, while Cusano, 5.8 and the work of Robert Holm, school Nonnan Hixson as delegate to the 155 pounds, has carried the major ANNUAL . FOR Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad, vice president and past pre~ident, was t tendered a vote of gratitude for of Strath Haven avenue attended Swarthmore, Penna. WISHES next May. that Mrs. Johnson might assume Blake, who stands 6.4, has played spends four hours a week with string pupils and Mr. Tardi six Mrs. Casey's former position of Dr. and l\tlrs. David M. McCahan three years in the Swarthmore hours with those studying wood- publicity and publh: relations line, performing this year at of- Swartlunore National Bank and Trust Company HAPPY - - ...... -.. " DECEMBER 28, 1951 IVt'AIlTHMOREAN THE 2 Faye Louise Smith. daughter of Mr. Warren Is a senior of .the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grayson Smith University of PenJU)'lvanla, is a member of the Psi Upsilon Fra- of Wyndmoor road. Springfield. The baby Is a granddaughter of ternity and was caplain of the 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Markle,. 1951 football team. He is a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry of GuernSey road. Geoffrey Martin Gersen, son of C, Knight of Phiisdelpbla and the Mr. and Mrs. Wa)'1le M. Gersen of late Dr. and Mrs. George W. WerPittsburgh. ' ren of Swarthmore. Harry MacMillan Rarlg, son of Ing and Mrs. Olvind Rulld of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Barlg of Oslo, NorwS)'. announce \be ea-I Gllens Falls, N.Y. gagement of their daughter. Grete. Both babies are grandsons of to CpL Allen P. WUlls, Jr., son of and Mrs. Stanley L. MacMllMrs. Edwin W. CraBby of PIrovl- lan of Vassar avenue. dence road. Medla. tonnerly of David iBrewster WilUams, son Dlclclnson avenue. and Mr. A. of Dr. and Mrs. Burton L. WI\Prescott Willis of Ridley Park. IIams of Providence Village. CpL Willis has been stationed with the U.S. Air Force In .....ft_ The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop ot- . flclated. land for the past year. > Tbe wedding will take place In BIRniS the late spring. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Farr Bwckman of Turner road. WalMr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Leach Prof and Mrs. Clark Byse of Haverford avenue entertained as Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Rauber their holiday guests Mr. and Mrs. of Riverview road and Wash!ni\On. Robert Agnew of Baldwinsville. D.C., will entertain at a cocktsil N.Y. Mrs. Agnew remained to visit party at their home on Riverview with Mrs. Byse, her sister, until road before the Series Dance In Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. David Speers . the Woman's Club New Y~'s of Rutledge are entertajning as Eve. Mr. Rauber bas been in their bouse guests for three weeks Washington as a special represenduring the holiday season • • tative for General Electric CompSpeer's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. any since September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Gri(fin Downes O. Speers of Indianapolis. ind. Mrs. L. J. Servais will move of Lafayette avenue will entertain January 3 from Dickinson avenue at a New Year's Eve party. Mr. and Mrs. E. Laurence Con~ to 201 Ebn avenue. apartment 3. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier well of Columbia ·avenue will en~ tertaln at a small dinner party of Columbia avenue were guests New Year's Eve for out-of-town at holiday. parties given by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovard and Mr. friends. Mr. and -Mrs. C. C. West of Wal~ and Mrs. Donald Martin of Wil~ nut lane spent Christmas week-end m1ngton. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Potts of with Mrs. West's sister Mrs. F. R. Yale avenue will entertain tomorWard of Roselle Park, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. JenkIns row evening when their guesta Wallingford. announce the engageof North Chester road entertained will Include Mr. and Mrs. Harold ment of their daughter, MisS L)'1lne at a family party on Christmas Ogram. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Leach. to Mr. Edwin Frank WinDay when those present were Mr. Pritcbard, Lt. Comdr. and !Mrs. dell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Mrs. WilUam Blaisdell and John C. Taylor, Jr., of Swarthmore, D. Windell of Westdale avenue. two children of Arl4lgton. Va" Mr. Mr. and Mrs. WilUam Eebelmeyer and Mrs. Edward A. J enki ns, II, of Aldan, Mr. and Mrs. G. Flood Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Jenkins and two children of Fairlawn. N. and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hayslip of North Cbester road, announce J., Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Sny- of Drexel HIlI. Prof. Clark Byse of Haverford the engagement of their daughter. der and daughter of Jenkintown. Ellen, to Cpl. Roland Edward and Miss Florence Jenkins of Nor- avenue left Wednesday to attend Squyres. son of Mr. and Mrs. the National Convention of. Teach~ ristown. C. Squyres of Houston, Texas. Dr. and Mrs. George B. Hoadley ers of Law at Denver. Colo. Prof. John ¥iss JenkIns Is a graduate of and sons Peter. Robert and Bruce Byse is professor of law at the George School and attended Davis It of the University of North Caro- University of Pennsylvania. Mr. stuart Janes arrived Mon- and EUdnB College of 1Ven lina, spent the Cbrlstmas bolidays ginla. She Is currently employed I' with Mr. Hoadley's mother and day on the n de Fl.·ance for a as a teller In the Swarthmore sister Mrs. George A. Hoadley and month·s visit with bIs parents Mr. Nauonal Bank and Trust COmMiss Florence Hoadley of Walnut and Mrs. Fred P. Jones of Strath Haven avenue. Stuart apent a pany. lano:. Cpl. Squyres attended the St. year in Paris studying at the Julien The Misses Mary and Elinor Thomas High School and the UIIiBye of College avenue spent School of Art, and for the past 'veralty of Houston, Texaa, and Is year has been a civilian worker Christmas with their cousins Mr. at present on duty with the I Samuel Bye and family of Denton. with the U.S. Army In Heldelberar. A.S.A. BrIgade. Germany. Md. The announcement was made at Mr. and Mrs. Francis II. Forsythe a family Christmas dinner at the 'Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hayes of of Thayer road will entertain at Oberlin avenue had as their boli- a dinner party tomorrow evenlDg home of Mr. and Mrs. Jenklna. dS)' guests their son-in-law and wben their guests will be Mr. and No date bas been set for the daughter Comdr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Peter E. Told, Mr. and Mrs. wedding. E. Nel);on of Annapolis, Md.• and A. William Bliss, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Mrs. Hayes' aunt Mrs. W. R. Far- Harry L. MIller of Swarthmore, ris of Lowell, Mass. Mrs. Farris Mr. 8'Ild Mrs. Donald L. Wright of of Harvard avenue. announce the will visit through New Year's. Drexel HIlI. and Dr. 'aud Mrs. John engagement of. ~~ughter. Margaret Dorsey R . ' . to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of Abersold of Lansdowlie. of Mrs. Lafayette avenue entertained with Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Molr WilUam Guy Piper. Henry A. Piper of N Chester a family dinner party of 10 on of South Chester road and Dr. Christmas Day. Their son the Rev. and Mrs. John S. Clemence of road. Mlris Ransburg. a gracblate of the J. Richard Harris, Mrs. Harrls IlIld Washington. D.C .• will leave JanUniversity of Pennsylvania, teachtheir baby son Richard of Swedes- uary 2 for a two-week visit to es kinderiarten In the Walllnstortl boro. N.J.• will remain to visit Pompano Beach. Fla. through the New Year holiday. Mrs. Wa)'1le H. Randall of Public School. Mr. Piper. a graduate of Penn'Mr. and Mrs. Hart had as their Riverview road has returned home sylvania State College. Is asSO"Jatguests on Wednesday the Rev. and after a six week visit with relatives ed with the Atlas Powder ComMrs. Newton Hudson of Dover. In Altadena, Calif. pany •.Wllmington. Del. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Detweller Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of of Cornell avenue will entertain Park avenue and a grouP. of friends on New Year's Eve. CHRISTENINGS The follnwing childrsl _ and their families held a carol Mr. and Mrs. WilUam J. Cresson sing and supper· part)' at the Told of Amherst avenue entertained at christened Sunday in the Swarthhome on SatUl'day evening. Out- a family dinner party on christ- more Presbyterian Cburch: Elizabeth Bealt)' Conwell, of-town guests were Mr. 9Ild Mrs. mas Day. daughter of Mr; and Mrs. E. LaurWilUam J. Kindley of Salisbury. enCe Conwell of Columbla aVeJ)ue. Md.. who were holiday guests of ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. James B. Douglas the Tolds. Mr. and Mrs. Pemberton Morris of North Chester road are the Carol Livingston, a sophom9re Dickson of North Princeton avegrandparent.. at Beaver College, is spending the Susan Nancy, three-month~old Christmas holidays with her par- nue, announce the engagement of their daughter. Judith, to Harry w ~ of ~w~~ ~ ~~ lodlYbluai writeR. .laoed. PHUdO:warthmorean mutt be the IdenUtr. I:h~e Let.en will be pubEditor. F at tbe .u.:ntiOD Of IIMI ::flora . raw. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWAETBMOBB, FA.. I'BIDAY DECEMBER 28, 1951 Presbyteriaa Not. Judith Ann Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hamil Philips, Mrs. Aurelia Reigner, John Dallas Rowley. Mr. and Mrs. William Rumford 'and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith. A dinner will precede the Congregational meeting on January 7. Sunday morning at the 9:30 and 11 o'clo(!k services Mr. Bishop's sermon will be "The Power of a New Beginning." All departments of the Church School ·meet at 9:45 on. Sunday morning. . NEWS NOTES The Coffee Hour will be beld Methodist Nota . Mr. and MI"" Robert B. Clothier !oUowmg the 11 o'clock service, In The Sunday School meets at of Columbia avenue entertained a McCahan Hall on Sunday morning. 9:45. Ctasses ar", provided for c1ill- groUP' of' Wilmillgtan friends at a None of the Fellowships will dTne. You'l be .Iliad you "ppli~. fOIl talephoae work, too. There are 10 IIIBIlYjtooct1bi"l!': "bout . ta1epb_ work ~t we knoww.e'll giitalQni well t~etherl . . l • • • • No experience needed, . 'rlendly. congenial people PI_nt, comfortabl. ilUrrOUndinp ...... lIal werle. Interestlngloba' pay from the. ~rt, ., ',.'., with rittlular Increas. . • w. "ve • 1·952 melt· • e.o" . . • 11 ,our troullt •• lile. . .'~ of openlnpri&ht nOw for 'glrlS wb$' , _ cp1If-,. WIly _ .top In ~ at. _bi.·ibe:~-· ..... 1Ie1aw: .. .. -~'" , :, .~ . II .nowman the past. Dnm'" 7815 T......lnal Squl!re. ~p~~t,:~~y,-~ 101 Arch S....et, PhIl........1cI, PCi,.· . .:... '. _ ., 7 ..... . ,.,. .:, . ~:',. ~.;;. ':'-~''1- '1 'rd'~~-~~ . .) . - • ' .. >.-~~!t,:., ;:~; ,~:~-:J~ ' . :~,,~ .~~,-;:.~~::. :t,~~:::..e.-i'~t~~.'"''''...:\:\/ .:..... 1,,;1 Ii ,~, __ "" ~u· . ~- Hannum and Waite , ".-':-;-.' .'- --",';: . - • • • the aprln, In (I ---~.~.:..,® We acid our thanks to all of you for . your .supporf and ; encouragement In ·15 South' Che~ter Rd; -, \ .. .. J. Yale Avenue and .Chester Road -,' INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE DECEMBER 28, 1951 SWARTHMORE:AN THE DECEMBER 28, 1951 Working For A Merry Christmas : Owned and Operated by American Stores Company NEW YEAR'S GREETI11GS 1962 o o As the New Year begins we think of the great opportunity we will have to serve you even beHer-to continue to provide quality foocb for your table at lower price•• It is a pleasure to acknowledge your fine patronage during 1951 and '0 *,-0 ~ IUglllt 01 vou happilless Ileve.. dim Your support enabl•• u. opon a ,rea' many more new Acme "foo. 'a to serve you beHer. With d ••p ap'red......, then. we wish you I.,.," 'itY 0 apP90 CUI earo Mav the WE THANK YOU cP o·~ 0 0 o A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS o NEW TEAll a o 0 0 0 . 0 o 0 a a 110 homes hut cheerlal ones--lhat'1 OUt wish for oar lawn o o For Your New Year's Party BEVERAGES19c: _____ Reading Left to Right: Ronnie Diamond, of Woodlyn, Anne Rossin, of Chester, and Roderick Firth, of orth Chester road, all students at The School in Rose Valley, Moylan, com-: plete the candles and candle holders which they made themselves as one of the school's Christ- . Birch and rool bllle'. ginger ale. oran"., sarsClparilltl. cherry, (ream, grape. tol- 2 LGE BO'lTLES • plus deposlt m __ as_p_r_o_i~ __ u_.~________~-----------------------------------------------Mr. William Hay, professor of Dr. John Bowditch, 3rd of MinROSE VAU.EY PUPILS Philosophy at the University of GIVE CHRISTMAS PlAY neapoliS, Minn., will visit on Sun- Wisconsin, Madison, 'Vis., is visitday with his parenu Mr. and ·Mrs. An original Christmas play was John BoWiditch, Jr., of Cedar lane. ing his parents Mr. and Mrs. Edpresented by the upper students at Dr. Bowditch has this week been ward· Hay of Ogden avenue this The School in Rose Valley, Moylan, attending the Historical Society of week. Prof. ·Hay is attending tho last Sunday for parenu and America meeting at Columbia Uni- Society of' American Philosophers friends. verSity where he presented a meetings being held" at Bryn MaWl' College for three days. Written, directed and staged by paper. ored cream. cola. or dub soda.Why pay mOl. for sparkling 10ft . . . thai younglfers and adult. alike .n107! ... Potato Chips S.,..•• 6·" 27c Cheddar .,..,. ..... "-7'c Trltzel Pretzels .6·" 33c Tuna Fish .;~~ .... _ 27c pltg ,-NalIINO, Trlutle Varl,ty Jellies G"n.... A"" S2--'7c Thin Crackers 10'0J" pt., 25f: Hom.de.LU, Appl,·Ctl,,,,. .... Glendale Club ChFlod .... 2·1b 95c Salad Dressing ..... 4'c loaf .... --I. Wlilbeck pint 41 IDEAL Plckl• 5 11".",5 0111 Jar C Desserts 0.1."_" 3 .k•• 20c _... Puddl.,. DI II Pickles p,'•"I • '"~, Jar 33c Ca k e M·Ixes ......... '.'N25 •• c Corned Beef Ar • ..,f 12-0146c Ch Sal ... ,41 c eln um mon MIxed Nuts ....,'" ",I,~49c Pie Crust Mix 140 Cheese M~~'!.:;,-:;.. " 57c R&R Plum Pudding .!:43c the children themselves. the performance a part of the School's overall Christmas program of emphasizing the Nativity. was GoI':: ... NABISCO RITZ CRACKERS SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE STUFFED QUEEN OLIVES ~!'::; ~~. 3Ze p::c. 66e 71e obtained from the Chester Office. , 'Classified · UPHOLSTERER THOlll SEBEIIIBA sUP CoVHII - Draperies. - . 1J61''I. /l,ouM" a.n.J 'May it be, a , banner year ' We're not good at word.juggling.{() 75' \ so ..Good Lu~o ~!, I . all the year fory-ou VI/ 25 YeaI!! Experience REASONABLE RATES 1000 west 8&h Street Phone Vb ...... '·097 1;;;;:;;;:;:::;;:::-=::::==:"'_-PERSONAL-Magazine subscrlpi:~~n~. ~s. Bertha P. Faries, 239 nor:6~~75~~enue. Phone Swarlli- . Swarthmore. P •. Serving Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 ~SO Swarthmore 6-0444 - Radios, teliVIIIClll receivers. vacuum. cleanen and other elt!(:trlcal appllan.e. repalr~=Pt Service. Robert BrooIuI, ore 8-1541. PERSONAL - EL!di'Icil W!iiiii new and old, reoldenUal lind cOmm~cial done In compliance Fire Underwriter.. Specillca":'lth lions. Sales lind Service on elec Waterheaters. Rangel, Washers: Dryers, pumps. fans cleanen and small applian~es. Call: ErIch H. Hausen, SW. 6-2850 Comer of Park and Michigan avenue.. swu1Iipoon r.rW=eo.eo.t::!.' WIWAM BROOKS 11 , SERVICE STATION T_ Rep... YALE and BUTGSILI AYIL . IIwartluDon HIM .,..................... =~~~~~~~::~ • SHOP p..,.. ".,.", I.,• • I IWANTED - (f)"", ",Ddt 4lHce te LOST-Gold bracelet on Sunday , afternoon between Clothier ~~l---" Memorial and Walnut lane. Please .. retllm to Tbe Swarlhmorean of- I BUILDER ~/MIf'UI'lCOHUHHet:l , OIL BURNER MONDA;E!:C!TVKDAY .-....------_._--_. ~ : sw 6·0740 · 17 Vz South Chester Road 6 "450 S rth SiS is 'S ~~w~a~~m~o~re~~-;o~;;;;;;~~~~~~;;~;;~~~~ $ , $$ $ SpeoIalklnc In SALES of NEW and OLDER BOMES INIU1lANCB _ CONSTRUCTION lIIOR'l'GAGES - Devetopers of Naw Bema _ MNllI Road Naw UDder CoD*IICtlon - ~~~ ~!!!:l!:! 17'k South Chester Road WillI. _ • . " . ! RENTALS corneD Avenne OAKCBEST LAMB Phone Swar,thmore 6.lJl08 HORACE' A,· REEVES r ~~~=~:!!:~ J. E. 'LIMEBURNER CO. . • Ia SOUTH Clll'.8TBR ROAD IWAIITBMOall '·1114 CHARLES R. RtJII8KtL D/SPENS/NG'OpuaANS Expertl in the Making' and Fitting 827 Lancaster ATe •• Bryn Mawr. P•• Swarthmore. Pa., onBorough JanuaryHall, 7th, Council Chamber, 1952 ~t 8:00 P.M. tor furnishing the material and doing the wotk of erecting Traflic Light Signals at the intersection of Baltimore Pike, North Chester Road; and Riverview Avenue. Limited bids for material only, and/or for inonly, will also be conMaterial and work must to the requirements of Department o( to Borough speclfimay be examined of the undersigned. submitting a bid send therewith one I !~E~t~ ,of check. payable Swarthmore ~en you drive into our station for a tankful of ~ Ime, your car undergoes a qUick safety illapec;tiQD service ... with no delay to you. ' HERf IS WHAT WE DO, II,.. and 1 Check up, IMoI'" rloor wlnolow .... 2 . CIoan check wipe' W."H 4 ......1MB, _ oRa...... - , 5 a... W'.._ 3 -. . . . . .. ' faa Iao .. to In the the of $100.00 and the person to whom the contract is a~i1.~~s.~hall execute a contract 81 bonds as required by form of which may be :~~~frat -the of rethe The office Borough right· to reject any or I Elliott RlchardBan Borough SecretarY CUNNINGHAM FUSCO and ALST()N Since 1905 Chester end Fairview Roads 'alnlen .. Paper Hln..,. We ahould k _ how 6-22" MW,lpll Awe. , . . "lie REQUEST FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received in of Spectaclea and Eyt' GlallM" 1923' Chestnut Street - - - Phila 613 Market Street Upper D.arby "Chilly?'" ~d the dO$, "dOD" ~ silly,1 E.en die floors ueQ' d~ty 'anl mwe. Since my mas.er o~ere.d AdanbC. Tnple Refined Hea,ing Oil this wlnter, all that 110' to say i •••• 'what'. .,!"""G with a dog:s life?' , c;"U Or Wrir. N"", Phlladelphla 10, PennAylvaola 1 SOUTH PRINCETON AV:BN1UB! Realtors Daxhnouth Avenue EDWARD L. NOYES & CO. J6lT Land TlUe BuUdlng d. A. GREEN BAIRD and BIRD ~33 • F.9tate have been granted to the under!'Illned. who requut all person II having dalms or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same, nnd all persons Indebted to the decedent tn make payment. ·without delay to .ANNA ATKINSON SELLERS ot rb the attorners for the estate. C. C. SMITH. ESQ. DUANE. MORRIS II< HBCKSCHER COAL FIRE PLACE WOOD • Residential • Painting • Commercial • Repairs • AlteratiOI15 • Real Estate - Insurance Mortgages ESTATE' OF RICHARD C. SELLERS. deceased .• a/k/& R. C. Sell .... Letters Testamentary on tho above SUNDAYS and BOLWAYS BaMn. CoD bucdoa • ",,'--'~ 1~ s.sw~Ca~a~ b~ a~;~:~:-~4~19~1~.::~lb: .~.~.!.!.~.~;~.~.~.~.~.~.!.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~e~.! AI\41 SW 6 ...,., REEVES yOu Cellar WaU. Re-Plastered Phone Sw.rihmo,. 6-2118 " Tohf,h ••• Sw. t;.nlO 'Uro.r.- NOON "third. Ceneration Builden" HORACE A. for PaNNA. .l\{'a.tv.Al~ DAY and NIGHT Swarthmore 6-225:5 , Asphalt or Concrete CHRSTn RD. crHe hasn't n ••dad tit's since we've sw'tcl~l Atlantic Triple .e,,;;;;d Heating Oil." second ing tile Fine location. Charles E. Fiaeher . PETER E. TOLD. 60' S. S'lrAllTHlolOltB, RENT-Small housekeeping furnished or unfurnGarage. Box LOST. rouND love and pro!sper Driveway Conatruetlon INSURANCE ConltrumOD .AlteratioDi . Phone SW 8-8818 l'rofealoll&l Bureaa SW 8·1". holds a full store of JUrAL aSTAT! 6 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL J. F. BLACKMAN Here"s a hope that the New Year PETER DI NICOLA office, Cenand HosBenefits. 33 Apply to Box P.R.R. Frellht Bldl. SWarthmore, Pa. ~ Ma_D3-8098 Mrs. Wade H. OldHaven Inn. Swarthmore. Pa. s-rtbmore 8-1833 r. Certer""" ~-~---~------------1 . ! Passmore CLIENTELE W~ Desirable furnished or house lor couple. 333 Dartmouth Avenue SWARTHMORE RATIONAL BANI AID TBUST COMPANY , II••••• FOR SALE - Bird's-Eye Maple bedroom suite including lady's de~k, $40; two small mabogany W1I!dsor ch.airs; kitchen table and ~ha..s (white); white metal cablDet; .9 x 12 Oriental rug; Apex electrIc washer; porch furniture etc. Swarthmore 6-5911. ' FOR SALE-=Pair of snow tires 600 x 16. Good condition. carl Swarthmore 6-3040. ( FOR S~E--One, sllghtly used, electrlc steam radiator and thermostat. Phone Swarthmore 6-4265. PETER E. TOLD ,Ail Lines of Inauranee For Your Security-·For Your Country's Security HOLD ... BUY MORE ••• SERIES "En BONDS THE CmLDREN'S I W ..hinK - LubricatioD Ash.. fi Rubbilh Removed Ii Lawna mowed, General Hauline 23 6. -Hardinll Ave.• Morton Pa. . SEI Ecr FOR SA' I Stan's OPEN _ 7 A. 111. to 11 1'. 111. SUNDAY • A. IlL to 8 P. II. '"'I StoIce. Nur.iRl( Home B. PERSONAL ' z;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ IT Devine Taxi Service HORACE PEkSONAL· ._ ~.~.~,;:,~.~,~,~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~'~.~:;:;~ I ;.. • SWARTHMOREA. • , I • '. , . . " :: I <> • , I HE;; W A I( -~. HMO It E A N DECEMBER ·28, 1951 ===============F=============-~=-======~~----~=====================~'~==~ 6 LAUNCH MARCH OF DIMES JAN. 2 SEAL RETURNS REACH 80 PERCENT Christmas Day may be over, but the Christmas Spirit still prevails at Ihe Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health Assuciation, 8th - Under the slogan "This Fight is and Edgmcmt avenue, Chester. ac- Yours"· the 1952 March of Dimes cording to Robert W. Bernhardt, will be launched.wo weeks earlier Executive Secretary, who reports thun usual-on January 2-and that Seal Sale returns continue to continue for qn entire month in come in the mails this week. Delaware County and through"Returns to-date have only out the United States ,·cached 80 per cent of the miniThis year, as last. the Delaware mum amuant needed for the next County Campaign will center year's program of work," Mr. around ihe January 22 Mothers Bernhardt pointed out. "We are Mal,"ch on Polio. B .... t the entire hoping that everyone \\'ho did not month has been set aside to highdo so will ~et his returns as soon light the need of mo~e money to as possible." combat the disease as its victims Many County residents explainnumber more each year. ed in letters with their delayed John G. Pew, Jr., chairman returns th.lt the tush 01 Christmas pOinted out that the last four years find the inclement ",'eather had have brought the nation the four prevented them from acknowworst polio outbreaks since 1916. led'geing their Seals sooner. Consequently. he said, the FounU\Ve want to remind everyone dation has been indebted each that the work of the Delaware year for patient carp.-both new County Tuberculosis Association, and old. which is tinanced solely through He went on to outline that there the sale ot Christmas Seals, goes have been. more cases of polio in on 365 days of the year," Mr. the past four years than over the Bernhardt continued. uChristmas Seal dollars will be invested dur- previous 10. Again he pointed out ing 1952 in such tuberculosis pre- that four out of every five people vention and control projects as stricken with polio 'need and receive help from the Foundation. Jna~s chest-x-.ray surveys, rehabThis year the 10,000 volunteer ilitation of the cured patient, em.. workers in Delaware County who ergency assistance to the patient will concentrate their collection and family, health education and efforts in the now famed one-night support of medical research. I feel th"t we cannot emphasi~e two-hour, house-ta-house drive too strongly the fact that there is January 22 will be making every still time to make payment for effort to top last year's record Christmas Seals. Contributions $82,000. !" I"~ ,: , " are as welcome now· as they were in the early weeks of the cam- IN ALL SINCERITY; WE HDPE 1952 WILL BE THE BEST YEAR DF YOUR UVES The Swarthmorean Staff ELECTED paign. Sandy Ford of Amherst avenue waS recently elected secretary of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., where he is a member of the sophomore class. Mr. and Mrs. James Bowditch and young son Penn of RutherDr. and Mrs. William Elmore of ford, N.J., spent Christmas weekBaltimore pike, Swarthmore, en- end with Mr. and Mrs. John Bowtertained through the Chrisbnas ditcJ:t, Jr., of Cedar lane. Col. and Mrs, L. B. Wikoff and holidays Mrs. Elmore's parents Prof. and Mrs. Leigh Page of New son Kent of Lexington, Mo., and Mr. James Wikoff of New York Haven, Conn. City spent Christmas week-end with Col. Wikoff's sister Mrs. W. 650 Baltimore Pike SPRINGFIELD Phone SW 6-8450 ("'YOU MllE'f 'THE N:ICES'T PEOPLE A'T SPEARBS") TraDlportation NeeW Would you be. interested in carrying the Spirit of Christmas through the year for a three year old hard of hearing chJld? Do you drive to PhJladelphia and arrive there between 9 and 9:30 a.m. to enable this child to attend pre-school training classes so necessary for her normal development? The child's mother accompanies her so that she, also can be trained to help the child. Classes are • finished at 12. This is the only school of its kind in this section of the country. The Famiry Service of Delaware County is trying to assist in this problem. U you can give transportation for one or several days a week after the holidays will you call Mrs. L. P. Warner, Swarthmore 6-2661. OUR FORMALS GO TO ALL. LENGTHS To help you greeting the New Year in style . . . Sparkle from one year to the next. 15.98 to 49.98, Ballerina length, full length, strapless, off the shoulder . . . with accompanying s t ole and jacket. Whatever your choice. we have the dress for you! . F. Hanny of Yale avenue. Major Benson Bowditch of Lexington, Mass., with his three chJldren spent a few days Of last week visiting his. parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., of Cedar lane. o ~ nue. Polly Told of Park avenue entertained at open house from 8 to 12 on Thursday evening. Lt. C. MacDonald Swan, Jr., when I installed . Accessories • In an ~mergency, caJ' on us lot quick: sen' ice. Bring us your Doc tor's prescriptions-oJ telephone and we'll cal for them and deliverth, RIDNESTONES 94e to 14.98 plus tax .. EVENING BAGS by Whiting Davis 6.95 to 14.50 plus taX ALBA 66 gauge NYLONS Our own ALBA super fine exquisitely sheer evening hos> 1 85 8% to 11. Beige - taupe .. , • EVENING SLIPS Black or White. Sllps 32 to 40, Petticoats 24 to 32. Evening Petticoats .- • Dress Dept.-2nd floor , , Mr;·and Mrs. L. C. Gatewood and daughters Nancy, Dorothy, and Li'nda, former residents of t.aCros.e, Wis., moved last week to their new home at 104 Elm ave- who is with the Marine Corps at Quantico, Va., Is speriding an eight day leave at his home on ·Mt. Holyoke place: . George Swan of Mt. Holyoke place', a sophomore at Colgate University, Hamilton,· N.Y. is home for the holiday vacati?n. Peter M. Hay of Ogden avenue received· his Ph.D. in ChemiStry at Ohio State University's recent commencement. ,, . Mrs. C)1arles L. I!erry and Miss Sarah Berry of Park avenue spent Christmas week-end wit:, Mr. w. H. Berry of Harrisburg. 2.~ ·~mpounded .t STRAPLESS BRAS ... 1.75 to 8.98 median. no extra chars, CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE· AUTOMATIC If/IP HOUSE ~EATING Yes, sir! I really hit the jackpot wheo I switched to gas house heating. more . carryiog ashes or staying up at oight to fix the furnace. My gas house heater takes care ofitseH, You see, it's fully automatic-all I do it let the thermostat., sit back, aod relu, No See your plumber or aoy PhiladelphiaElecuiC Company suburban store about the gas ~ heater that /its your Deeds. 9 Famous Brands PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC -(GMPANY /