BEGINS THE· SWARTHMO VOLUME 23-.NUMBER 36 MONDAY , SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1951 SWARTHMORE SCHOOLS OPEN MON. Rotary Speaker Rect,ives Naval Promotion John S. Kistler of Park avenue, an officer in the United States Navy, recently received a promotion in rank to Lieutenant Commander. Lt. Cmdr. Kistler is serving as officer-in-charge of a photographic interpretation school at Barber's Point Naval Air Station, O~au, Hawaii. He is living at Barber's Point with his wife, Anita, and .two daughten;, Catheal, three, and Bettina, one. Lt. Cmdr. Kistler was a landscape architect before being called to active duty last September. H.S. PLANT SEES INTERIOR CHANGES: New Rooms Constructed; Renovations Made 8:30 A. M. Homeroom Assignment Announced For Upper School $3.50 PER YEAR FLOWER SHOW ,SEPTEMBER 18 Women Prepare For Annual Exhibit At Club Improvements to increase the Swarthmore's pupil population The Swarthmore Woman's Club efficiency of the Swarthmore High wends its way schoolwards Monwill hold its annual Flower Show School plant are rapidly nearing day morning as school bells ring on September 18 in the Glubhouse. r.ompletlon. Important in the ren- cheerily forth after a warm sumUnder the direction of the Garovations is the creation of a high mer's vacation. The clatter· or den section, Mrs. Williani Simkin ~chool office suite on the second patter of .947 pairs of feet will chairman, Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave floor. The suite includes an office trudge through the doors of the will .be in charge of the Show. for the head counselor, a work three different schools to meet The rules of the show are as area for high sch~l teachers, a new teachers and new friends as follows: ( college and career center for another' academic year begiDs .. 1. All residents of Swarthmore juniors and seniors, the principal's Elementary classes open a~ 9 and vicinity are invited to send of rice, a reception area and stor- a:m., but for junior and semor exhibits. age facilities. high school students, classes will 2. Exhibitors must supply their On the first floor directly across begin at 8:30 oWn receptacles and background Benry V. Scheirer from the main outside entrance, a .;. The first day will be a half day draperies for Class 31. school district reception center is se,ssion for elementary and high The Rotary Club of Swarthmore . Professor's Wife Dies· 3. No exhibit may be removed being constructed. This unit in- sChool classes. Tuesday junior today will be host to Henry V. before 9 p.m. ~nroute From eludes ct waiting room for the and senior high classes will begin Scheirer, Governor of the 265th 4., Judges decision will be final. Vacation supervising principal,. registrar full schedule. By Wednesday the District of Rotary Intemational, 5.' All exhibits to be placed by and treasurer's offices;' the tele- third through the sixth grades who is making his annual official Mrs. Julia Adrienne Shero, of committee only. phone switchboard; receiving room will be on the regular· full day visit to each of the 63 Rotary 651 North Chester road died sud- ·Judges of the Show will be Mrs. for all instructional materials and routine. Half day sessions will Clubs in southeastern Pennsyl- denly of heart failure Thursday Fr~d Hartley and Lucas Sorzano supplies, mimeograph work area, continue for the first and second vania. He will confer wi~ Presi- evening, A,..gust 30 in western of Rutledge and Mrs. George Conand storage. grades thrOl~gh the entire :firSt dent W. Mark Bittle, Secretary Ohio. At the time of her .death ner of Springfield. A new and'larger study hall is ·,veek. The first grade will have a R. L. Wilkinson, and other local she and her husband and eldest The Classes for the Show are being provided at the east end of. continuation of the h81f day sched- officers on Rotary admin~tration daughter were returning home as follows: the second fioqr by combining a 'ule for another week. and service activities. . from a vacation in Wiscom;in. Section !A, Gat-deb Flowers class room and a locker room. Homeroom assignments for the 1. Hybrid Tea Rose, any color, Mr. Scheirer is an Allentown 'Mr=;. Shero was born in JanesAdjacent to the study hall is a upper school are as follows: ' attorney. and Assistant District At- ville, Wis., on February 28, 1889, to be judged for perfection of seminar room, constructed from a. Seventh grade girls whose naJ1les tomey of Lehigh County. He is and was tbe daughter of thE'! late bloom and foliage. locker area at the end of the cor- begin with letters from A to Q a member and former !'tesident of Joseph B. Doe•.a prominent Mil- 2. Vase of roses of not less than ridor. This room viill house report to Mrs. Frencn in Room t06; the Rotary Club of Allentown. He w811k£e attorney, Assistant Secre- 3 blooms, any color or colors. eleventh and twelfth grade social boys from A to Q to Mr. Miller is one of 203 Rotary, District Gov- lary of War duriag thp second ad3. Vase of miniature Dahlias of studies semina'r; faculty, student, in 101; students from R toZ :re- ernors sup·ervising the activities of ministration of President Grover not less than 5 blooms. and parent committee work; and port to Miss McKie in 107. 4. Vase of Dahlias (not pompom) some 7,300 Rotary Clubs which Cleveland. She was graduated college entrance conferences. Eighth grade studen1S· whose have a· 'membership of 350,000 from Bryn Mawr College in 1909 of not less than 5 blooms. ' The work is being done by names begin with lettersfrorn. A businesil and professional execu- nnd received the degrees of Master 5. Vase of pompom Dahlias of Drass and Stinitla, general COll-' to G report to Mr. Bell in Room 'tives in 83c~untiies ~nd·geograph- of Ads and Doctor of Philosophy not less than 5 blooms. tractors,under the supervision of 100; students trom H to 0 report ical regions throughout the world. from the Universiiy" of Wisconsin. 6. Gladiolus, 1 spike. Alexander Ewing,· architect, Con- to Mrs. Becker in 103; students 7. Annual Asters, 3 blooms, any She was a member of the Kappa tract cost is $14,075.00. from P to Z report to Mr. Jamison color. Alpha Theta sorority. In addition, several renovation in 104. 8. Vase Of annual Asters of not She had a long teaching career, projects are being carried out by . 1 Ninth grade students whose less than 7 blooms, any color or having taught at Milwaukee(Continued on page four) names begin with letters from A colors. Downer Seminary, the University ______ 1_ . to Go report- to Mr. Snyder in 9. Vase of Cosmos of not less than of Wi~consin, the University Room 8; students from Gr to N School. for Girls in Chicago, Ma- 7 blooms, anyone color. ScIlool Announces r~port to Mr. JOemmer in 105; 10. Celosia, 1 bloom. calester College, St. Stephen's ColFour Time Qianges students from 0 to Z report to Mrs. Morse To Head lege, 11. Coxcomb, (typical) 1 bloom. the Mary Lyon School, the 12.· Tithonia, not more than 3 Four· time ch81lges Of interest 1'4,ss Strouse in 216. 3 Day Project phebe Anne Thome School, (Bryn 'Tenth grade students whose to parents and students have been Mawr), the Holman School, ,(Ard- blooms. Sept. 25-26 . 13. Marigolds, 5 blooms, large, made in the Swarthmore High names begin with 'letters' from A more), and during the war at orange shades. School dail;y and weekly schedule. ttl Da reporl to· Miss Barten in The Mutual Exchange, Swartlt- Pennsylvania Military College. 14. Marigolds, 5 ,blooms, large, 1. Homeroom period on Tues- Room 200; students from De. to more's answer to inflation, to curMrs. Shero came to Swarthmore Mc report to Mr. Duncan in 213; lemon shades. d.ays will begin at 9:20. instead of rent shortages, and to the p~ing with her family in 1929 from An15. Marigolds, small, 15 blooms, 8:30. The first class Tuesdays will students from Me to Z report to problem, of clothing the ~oWing nandale-on-Hudson, N.Y. and had all same variety. begin at 9:30. This affects Tues- Miss Bradfield in Room' 215. child, is announced on Tuesday, Ele~enth grade students whose Wednesday, and Thursday, Sep- been active in the affairs of the 16. Scabiosa, 5 blooms. days only and has been done to Swarthmore Cooperative Associa17. Petunias, single, 7 blooms. provide the preceding hour .for names begin with letters from A tember 25, 26, and 27, -in ~e Wotion, of which she was for some 18. Petunias, double, 3 blooms .. to Ha report to Mr. Hofmann in instructors· to wol'k. on improveman's 'Club, Park avenue. time a director, and of Trinity 19. Snapdragons, 5 blooms, any ment of the School's program. Room 201; students trom Ho to R The Fall Exchange ~hens Episcopal Church. For several color. Students are asked not to come to report to Miss Zimmer in 211; many a school and college wardyears past she has been associated 20. Zinnias, large, 9 blooms, any students from S to Z report to Mr. school before 9:20. robe, supplies· neVI., serviceable with Bookways. Yocum in 208. . color. . 2. To make up the time missed articles for the Needlework Guild She is survived by her husband 21. Zinnias, 1 bloom, to be judg-· Twelfth . grade students whose by omitting first period Tuesday, Ingathering, puts an amazing var- Dr. L. R. Shero, professor of Greek ed for size and perfection of foilthe seventh period Friday (2:30- names begin with letters from A iety 'of household items outgrown and chairman of the division of 3:15) has been returned to the to G report to Mrs. Mathew$ in in one family to fill the very need humanities at Swarthmore College, age and color. 22. Zinnias, curled, crested, 5 schedule. Except for certain act- Room 203; students from H to Q in another. Begun during the last 'her three daughters, Caroline, report to Miss Armstrong in 209; blooms. ivities, it was dropped experimentwar asa means of passing on us23. Zinnias, miniature, 15 blooms studEmts from R to Z report to able and unobtainable necessities Adrienne and Frances, and by a ally this past year. sister, Mrs. Kate Fish, of Milwauany variety or varieties. Dr. Irwin in 206. _ 3. To improve cafeteria iervice . A rush of enrollments in the :last such as rubbers, children's wool- kee. Funeral services were held (Continued on page seven) and to eliminate crowding and few days has brought the siz~ !?f ens, the Exchange under the Wo- at Trinity EpiscoP;i! Church Wedlong lines, the staggering of lunch- some of t.he classes· to a near- man's Club management has prov- nesday. Interment"followed at HirIn County Club Work. ' es has been increased. During the crowded condition. Comparing ed its value. am Memorial Park. first semester junior high school From now until Tuesday," SeptThe Woman's Club of Swarthfigures With last June, there: are stUdents will be excused for lunch now 947 in the !-('hools as com:r;>ar- ember 25, when articles for exmore, Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth at U:53 and senior hi~h students ad with 9t)S ·at that time, a gam c'lange are to be brought to the RED .CROSS COM.MITrE.E president, is making a considerable PLANS PARTY SEPT. 14 contribution to the program of the at 12:07. At the beginning of the Club, an orgy of sorting, cleaning, of 39 over the su."lllller. second semester the order will be Mrs. John Good, chairman of the Delaware Ceunty Federation Club ~ Most of the gain is in the ele- polishing, crisping will be general reversed. College Avenue elemenin the Borough: Every member of entertainment instruction md ser- through the work of seven memmentary schools where the nwntary chUdrn will eat about 15 the family will be asked to decide vice commIttee of the Red' Cross, bers of the local club. mbers have risen from 439 to 465, minutes before the first high Ii gaiq of 26. In the lugh school what items are in good condition announces that plans have been Mrs. LeRoy Riddle and M~. School serting. . but no longer' the right size, or completed (or the barbecue and John E. Michael are members of the numbers have risen from 459 (Continued on page seven) 4. In the past on Fridays when to 482, a gain of 13. square dance to be held at the the County Board of Directors, home football games have been Philadelphia Country Club, Bala, with Mrs. Michael serving as : The largest grade in 'Le school played, the need to excuse. about Receives Award on Friday, September 14.· chairma~ of the Department of Orsystem is the third grade with 31 a third of the student body early E. H. Taylor of Harvard avenue, Mrs. J. Franklin. Gaskill. Uni- ganization. Mrs. Robert .L. Coates in the College AVEnue third 'and (squad, band, cheer leaders, food is in charge of a FOetry Workshop 32 in the Rutgers Avenue third has been selected as one of five versity place, E. I. & S. committee venders, tag salesmen, etc.) serifor Federated Clubs. . grade anJ 16 in the partial grade men to receive the American member, will assist as ticket ously affected the efficiency of .Mrs. S. ,Blair Luckie is Historian Forestry ·Ass~aUon's Conserva- chairman for the~ event. Carda . the two aftemoon class periods. taught by Mrs. GarrahaD. for the County F~deration. ·Mrs. tion Awards at its annual meeting, requesting the purchase of tickets The ~gest class in the hiIh Francis H.· Forsythe is chairman This year to avoid this, all class "school· is the ninth gra~e wi~ 89 to be held at Jeffersop, N.H., Oct- have been mailed. An early reply of the . Speakers and' Program periods (except activity period pupils and the next largest is the ober 8-11. In 1948 Mr. Taylor to these cards Will receive imwhich will be omitted) will be .Bureau. Mrs. David Bingham is eighth grade with 84 pupils.· The received the annual award of the mediate attention. shortened 10 minuU!s and Will be co-chairman of Drama and Mrs. Soil Conservation Society of The barbecue begins at '1:30 senior class this year numbers '16. Charles H. Zensen is co-chalrman held· before lunch. Lunch anq. dis. Figures ate still tentative.. at-. America for his work in behalf olP.m. Square dancing will go on the committee on Youth Con- . missal for the day on the Fridays though it is believed that practlc:-. the· conservation of this country's from 9 until 1 p.m. Blue 3eans are of h~ football games will be at natural resources. . ,.' I permitted. ,of course. . sftrvation. ally all resigtratiODS ~ now in. Que o'cloclt. SERVICES HELD FOR MRS. SHERO I / WOMEN PLAN FALL EXCHANGE ot . . "',M£.,L-t J1lilOLS • Svmrthmore Collt:ge' Li brf\ry dV/p.rthmore, PEl.. BEGINS TME SWARTMMO VOLUME 23-NUMBER 36 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1951 I SWARTHMORE SCHOOLS OPEN MON. H.S. PLANT SEES INTERIOR CHANGES Rooms Constructed, Renovations Made Recqives Naval Promotion Rotary Speaker John S. Kistler of Park avenue, an officer in the United States Navy, recently received a promotion in rank to Lieutenant Commander. Lt. Cmdr. Kistler is serving as officer-in,;,chal'ge of a photographic interpretation school at Barber's Point Naval Air Station, Ohau, Hawaii. He is living at Barber's Point with his wife, Anita, and two daughters, Catheal, three, and Bettina, one. Lt. Cmdr. Kistler was a landscape architect before being called to active duty last September. Homeroom Assignment Announced For Upper School 8:30 A. M. l\fONDAY $3.50 PER YEAR FLOWER SHOW SEPTEMBER 18 Women Prepare For Annual Exhibit At Club Improvements to increase the Swarthmore's pupil population The Swarthmore Woman's Club dficiency of the Swarthmore High wends its way schoolwards Monwill hold its annual Flower Show School plant are rapidly nearing day morning as school bells ring on September 18 in the Glubhouse. ':ompletion. Important in the ren- cheerily forth after a warm sumUnder the direction of the Garovations is the creation of a high mer's vacation. The clatter or den section, Mrs. William Simkin :;chool office suite on the second patter of .947 pairs of feet will chairman, Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave J loor. The suite includes an office trudge through the doors of the will be in charge of the Show. fOI' the head counselor, a work three different schools to meet The rules of the show are as area for high schoql teachers, a new teachers and new friends as follows: { college and career center for another academic year begins. 1. All residents of Swarthmore .itmiors and seniors, the principal's Elementary classes open at 9 and vicinity are invited to send office, a reception area and stor- a.m., but for junior and senior exhibits. age facilities. high school students, classes will 2. Exhibitors must supply their On the first floor directly across begin at 8:30 O\vn receptacles and background Benry V. Scheirer from the main outside entrance, a The first day will be a halt day draperies for Class 31. The Rotary Club of Swarthmore . Professor's Wife Dies' school district reception center is se.ssion for elementary and high 3. No exhibit may be removed being constructed. This unit in- school classes. Tuesday junior today will be host to Henry V. belore 9 p.m. Enroute From eludes a waiting room for the and senior high classes will begin Scheirer, Governor of the 265th 4. Judges decision will be final. Vacation superVlsmg principal, registrar full schedule. By Wednesday the District of Rotary International, 5. All exhibits to be placed by and treasurer's offices; the tele- third through the sixth grades who is making his annual official Mrs. Julia Adrienne Shero, of committee only. phone switchboard; l'eceiving room will be on the regular full day visit to each of the 63 Rotary 651 North Chester road died sud,Judges of the Show will be Mrs. for all instructional materials and routine. Half day sessions will Clubs in southeastern Pennsyl- denly of heart failure Thursday Fred Hartley and Lucas Sorzano supplies, mimeograph work area, continue for the first and second vania He will confer with Presi- evening, August 30 in western of Rutledge and Mrs. George Conand storage. ~rades thrOl:gh the entire first dent W. Mark Bittle, Secretary Ohio. At the time of her .death ner of Springfield. A new and' larger study hall is ·.vcek. The first grade will have a R. L. Wilkinson, and other local she and her husband and eldest The Classes for the Show are being provided at the east end of continuation of the half day sched- officers on Rotary administration daughter were returning home as follows: and service activities. the second floor by combining aule for an"ther week. Section A, Gardeh Flowers from a vacation in Wiscon~in. Mr. Scheirer i~ an Allentown class room and a locker room. Homeroom assignments for the 1. Hybrid Tea Rose, any color, Mr~. Shero was born in Janesattorney and Assistant District At- "ilJe, Wi!)., on February 28, 1889, to be judged for perfection of Adjacent to the study hall is a upper school are as follows: seminar room, constructed from a Seventh grade girls whose names torney of Lehigh County. He is anli W3<; the daughter of thp late bloom and foliage. locker area at the end of the cor- begin with letters from A to Q a member and former President of Joseph B. Doe. a. prominent Mil- 2. Vase of roses of not less than ridor. This room will house report to Mrs. French in Room 106; the Rotary Club of Allentown. He \·:au).-re attorney, Assistant Secre- 3 blooms, any color or colors. eleventh and twelfth grade social boys from A to Q to Mr. Miller is one of 203 Rotary District Gov- tary of War duril16 thp second ad3. Vase of miniature Dahlias of studies semina'r; faculty, student, in 101; students from R to Z re- ernors supervising the activities of ministration of President Grover not less than 5 blooms. some 7,300 Rotary Clubs which Cleveland. She, was graduated and parent committee work; and port to Miss McKie in 107. 4. Vase of Dahlias (not pompom) college entrance conferences. Eighth grade studenU!I whose have a membership of 350,000 from Bryn Mawr College in 1909 of not less than 5 blooms. The work is being done by names begin with letters from A business and professumal execu- and recpj\'ed the degrees of Master 5. Vase of pompom Dahlias of Drass and Stinitia, general COll- to G report to Mr. Bell in Room 'tives in 83 countries imd geograph- of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy not less than 5 blooms. tractors, under the supervision of 100; students from H to 0 report ical regions throughout the world. from the University of Wisconsin. 6. Gladiolus. 1 spike. Alexander Ewing, architect, Con- to Mrs. Becker in 103; students 7. Annual Asters, 3 blooms, any She was a member of the Kappa tract cost is $14,075.00. from P to Z report to Mr. Jamison color. Alpha Theta sorority. In addition, several renovation in 104. B. Vase of annual Asters of not She had a long teaching career, projects are being carried out by . Ninth grade students whose less than 7 blooms, any color or having taught at Milwaukee(Continued on page four) names begin with letters from A Downer Seminary, the University colors. to Go report to Mr. Snyder in of Wisconsin, the University 9. Vase of Cosmos of not less than Room 8; students from Gr to N School for Girls in Chicago, Ma- 7 blooms, anyone color. School Announces report to Mr. Klemmer in 105; 10. Celosia, 1 bloom. College, St. Stephen's ColFour Time Changes students from 0 to Z report to Mrs. Morse To Head calester 11. Coxcomb, (typical) 1 bloom. lege, the Mary Lyon School, the 12. Tithonia, not more than 3 Four time changes of interest Miss Strouse in 216. 3 Day Project Phebe Anne Thorne School, (Bryn . Tenth grade students whose to parents and students have been blooms. Mawr), the Holman School, (ArdSept. 25-26 13. Marigolds, 5 blooms, large, made in the Swarthmore High names begin with letters' from A more), and during the war at to Da reporl to Miss Barten in orange shades. School daily and weekly schedule. The Mutual Exchange, Swartb- Pennsylvania Military College. Room 200; students from De to 14. Marigolds, 5 ·blooms, large, 1. Home~oom period on Tuesmore's answer to inflation, to curMrs. Shero came to Swarthmore lemon shades. days will begin at 9:20 instead of Mc report to Mr. Duncan in 213; rent shortages, and to the preising with her family in 1929 from An15. Marigolds, small, 15 blooms, 8:30. The first class Tuesdays will students from Me to Z report to problem of clothing the growing nandale-on-Hudson, N.Y. and had all same variety. begin at 9:30. This affects Tues- Miss Bradfield in Room' 215. child, is announced on Tuesday, Eleventh grade students whose Wednesday, and Thursday, Sep- been active in the affairs of the 16. Scabiosa, 5 blooms. days only and has been done to Swarthmore Cooperative Associa17. Petunias, single, 7 blooms. provide the preceding hour for names begin with letters from A tember 25, 26, and 27, ·in the Wotion, of which she was for some 18. Petunias, double, 3 blooms. instructors to work on improve- to Ha report to Mr. Hofmann in man's Club, Park avenue. time a director, and of Trinity 19. Snapdragons, 5 blooms, any ment of the School's program. Room 201; students from Ho to R The Fall Exchange freshens Episcopal Church. For several report to Miss Zimmer in 211; color. Students are asked not to come to many a school and college ward- years past she has been associated 20. Zinnias, large, 9 blooms, any students from S to Z report to Mr. school before 9:20. robe, supplies neW, serviceable with Bookways. color. 2. To make up the time missed Yocum in 208. articles for the Needlework Guild She is survived by her husband 21. Zinnias, 1 bloom, to be judgTwelfth grade students whose by omitting first period Tuesday, .Ingathering, puts an amazing var- Dr. L. R. Shero, professor of Greek ed for size and perfection of roilnames begin with letters from A the seventh period Friday (2:30iety 'of household items outgrown and chairman of the division of to G report to Mrs. Mathews in age and color. 3: 15) has been returned to the in one family to fill the very need humanities at Swarthmore College, Zinnias, curled, crested, 5 22. Room 203; students from H to Q ~chedule. Except for certain actin another. Begun during the last her three daughters, Caroline, ivities, it was dropped experiment- report to Miss Armstrong in 209; war as a means of passing on us- Adrienne and Frances, and by a blooms. 23. Zinnias, miniature, 15 blooms students from R to Z report to ally this past year. able and unobtainable necessities sister, Mrs. Kate Fish, of Milwauany variety or varieties. Dr. Irwin in 206. such as rubbers, children'S wool- kee. Funeral services were held 3. To improve cafeteria service (Continued on page seven) A rush of enrollments in the last and to eliminate crowding and few days has brought the size of ens, the Exchange under the Wo- at Trinity Episcopal Church Wedlong lines, the staggering Of lunch- some of the classes to a near- man's Club management has prov- nesday. Interment followed at HirIn County Club Work. ed its value. es has been increased. During the am Memorial Park. crowded condition. Comparing first semester junior high school From now until Tuesday, SeptThe Woman's Club of Swarthfigures With last June, there are students will be excused for lunch ember 25, when articles for exmore, Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth now 947 in the ~('hools as com!)arRED CROSS COMMITTEE at 11:53 and senior high students c?ange are to be brought to the president, is making a considerable ed with 9'JH at that time, a gaiil PLANS PARTY SEPT. 14 contribution to the program of the at 12:07. At the beginning of the Club, an orgy of sorting, cleaning, of 39 over the summer. second semester the order will be Mrs. John Good, chairman of the Delaware Ccunty Federation Club Most of the gain is in the ele- polishing, crisping will be general reversed. College Avenue elemenin the Borough. Every member of entertainment instruction ffild ser- through the work of seven memmentary schocls where the numtary childrn will eat about 15 the family will be asked to decide vice committee of the Red' Cross, bers of the local club. mbers have risen frum 439 to 465, minutes before the first high what items are in good condition announces that plans have been 1'.'1rs. LeRoy Riddle and Mrs. a gain of 26. In the 11Igh school srhool serving. but no longer the right size, or completed for the barbecue and John E. Michael are members of til(> numb1~t;) "j,\t.J l.,f!jJ1JOI.E hw ~ HI lip , , ,~ , and Mrs. Frank Newman of Ne York City, which will tak~, place Miss Margaret I. Anderson, SaturdaYI September 15 at 2:30 in daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Cbarles the Swarthmore Friends Meeting A. Anderson of Yale avenue, bas House. retUrned- from spending the sumThe bridesmaids will be M1aa mer on Cape Cod wbere she served Carolyn Morse of Parrish road, as head counselor in Camp Wong. Miss Barbara Davis of HarvaI'd Mrs. Henry L. Smith of Rutgers avenue, MiSs Mary Krum and M1aa avenue had as her house guest last Carol 9sburn, both of Shaker week her daughter Mr•• John T. H'lights, Ohio. Handy and cbildren of Crisfield, Md. ("er Lalor Day ",~ek-end SEPTEMBER BRIDE her guestd were her brother· in-law The marriage of Miss Lark Harand sister 1I1r. nnd Mrs. Edward graves, daugbter of Dr. and 'Mrs. Jeromr.: of New York c..iiY. Malcolm M. Hargraves of Roche... Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. McCowsn ter, . Miml., to Mr. Roger Lee of Vassar avenue entertained over Labor Day week-end Miss Gladys March, son of Dr. and Mrs. HarReynolds of Yonkers, N.Y., thelr old M. March of Elm avenue, and son Midshipman Bob McCowan Packer Corners, Brattleboro, Vt., and Midshipman Paul Tetreault will take plarc Tuesday, Septemboth of the Naval Academy, An- ber 18 at 8 o'clock at the home of PERSONAl,S of taffeta trimmed wl~. v~, leaves In autumn shadlos, Her corsage was of green C)'bidium orchids, Mrs. James O. Peavey of New Orleans, aunt of the groom, wore a gown of rust taffeta and Chantilly lace of spice box shade with matching lace hat. Her Corsage was of bro~n orchids. After a wedding trip the couple will live at 168 Governor Nichols Street, New Orleans. Baby Robert is a grandson of daughter, Constance, on Septem'¥rs, p, L. Whitaker Of Park ave- bc:.8 ',n FiUgera:d-Mercy Hospital. lrue.. ' The baby is a grandchUd of Mr. ' and' Mrs. Samuel Francis Butler Mr. and Mrs, 'R. Heberton BuUer of .south Chester road, and Mr. of Prospect Park are receiving and Mrs. 'Harry L. Hernard of congratulations on the birth of a Union avenue.. ,', ' ' I Entered as Second Class Matter. January 24, 1929, at the Pest Office, at Swarthmore. \ Pa., under the Act of Marck 3; 187•. DEADLINE-VfEllNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PA., FBlDAY SEPTEMBER 1. 1951 fhefe 'so no. afluiD/with il checkbook. :at Dr. book keeping your records straightl. Add the convenience of settling bills this way ..• the greater safetY ••. the , . 4 prestige a bank connection carries .•• you'll see why we urge yo.u to come in and open a Checking Account-soon} Dr. and Mrs. Pontius entertained !g~o~W~n~o~f~c~op~p~er~t~aff~e~ta~Wl~·~th~c~I~OC~h~e~=============: at a dinner party for the immediate I' families at the WUmingion Country Club Thursday evening. FALL TERM • SEPI'EMBER 10th Eve..m. Sclu»1 Sept. 17th BEGINS Many New Interesting, CouneI Start Your Career NO'R Pree Catalog Call SW 6-1747 KEYSTONE SCHOOL , means !'more for your money" TRENDTEX is the first grade of Moh-Weave to be introduced ... provirtes better surface coverage and better wear. A,' (/',. .. '.0" EXCLUSIVE Random, rambling texture, twisted loop pile, all wool fac~. Beige; . , Grnciation, wHl E . 0' . C ramp" T" W , H opper, ' s. D . small reception Sunday in honor Reynolds. W. H. Jones, C. E. Fel~ follow nt'li o'clock. of Dr: and Mrs. Sem Dresden of World Wide Communion will be ,lows, R. M. Kilgore, C. S.' Brown, Holland" whO were vlsitin8 ,the observed on October 7, and on, tbat and P. B. Banks, and the acolytes Arnold Dresdens of Elm avenue Sunday the Church will begin the scheduled to serve are Charles for several weeks. two· service' program. The first ~ason a(8 o'clock and Robert McMargot Bowie of South Cbester service will be at 9:30, at the same Henry at eleven. road will, leave today 10r ~ver, time as Church School,' lmd the The Vestry will meet at 8 Colo., to begin her sophomore year secon~. s,:rvice. at 11 o'clocli. o'clock on Monday evening. at the University of Colorado. Sandra Bowie will enter Oberlin Christian Science NptesMr. and Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins Copege asa freshman. Mrs. Mo~­ "Man" is ·the subject of the Les-· of Chester road recently spent 'a ris A. Bowie and her daughter week-end at Buck Hill Falls as Sandra will drive to Oberlin next son-Sermon .in all Churches of ' 't S· t' t' S d S the guest of Mrs, Charles F. Jen- Wednesd,ay. ehrIS ~ clen 15 on un ay, ep- . ' . Mrs. PerC)' G. Gilbert of Park 'b 9 Th G Jde 'T t i kms. On Sunday A,ugust 26 they t emer. e o n ex sl ddth fif·th . "As many as are led by the Spirit atttetnh e f de. t.ef th- annBu·vckers:;; avenue entertained infOl1Daily 'f G I" a e oun mgo e ' Tuesday 'afternoon jn honor of of God. thpy are t h e son.'14) a ,oc . Fa II s C ommum'ty, and the dedica-" Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter of Colum(Romnns 8 . . W ds,a mem__________ ~ ___ ._____ tion of The Jenkms .00 bia avenue arid her house guest, • orial to the late Howard M. Jen- her sister Mrs. Perry Stow of Newkins and nis son, Charles Francis ton, Iowa. ,.. Jenkins, the first two presidenU Mr. ,and Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer - .. of the Buck Hill Corporation. The and son J obn of University place SWARTHMORE Jenkins Woods is a tract of land have'i:eturned after vacaUonlng in PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ncar the P'alls-a primeval forest Atlantic City for week. ,John .Joseph P. Bishop, Minister John 'Stettner, Assislant of giant hemlocks an4 oaks. had spent most or' the summer at , Sunday, September 9 ' Camp Deerwood, Holderness, N.H. Mr. Allan Huntof Elm avenue' 11 :00 A.M.-Pre-School Nursery The Avery F. Blakes of Amherst 11:00, A.M. - Mr. Bishop will entertained at a stag dinner Wedavenue will return this week-end . preach. ~ nesdav evening in honor of ·Mr. WedDesday. September 12 .Tona; Rosenthal ot Chapel Hill, N. after vacationing in Avalon, N.J. 10:0Q A.M.-Woman's asSOCiation C. whose marriage to Miss Anne Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Laws and Bandaging Group meet') in the son Charles of Park avenue and Megonigal of Chester will take new wing. Miss· Coimie Knowles of Parltside, place tomorrow in the Swarthmore METHODIST CHURC$ have returned following a twa. " Roy N.· Keiser, D. D., Minister Friends Meeting House. week vacation at Muskoka Beach, Sunday, September 9 Grazenhurst, Ontario, Canada. 9:45 A.M.-Church School .nd Mr. and Mrs. Burton Liddell of Young Adults. 11 :00 A.M. '-' Mr. Keiser will Riverview road spent the ~bor preach. Day holidays with Pittsburgh. Jerry and Margaret LidTRINITY CHURCH dell visited in 'Bridgeton. N.J. dursunday, September 9 H.' Lawrence Whittemore, Rector ing the absence of their parents. 8:00 A.M.-·Holy Communion Elizabeth Ann Forsythe of Corporate CQmmunion and BreakThayer. road visited over ~or fast for Church School Teachers. Day v.leek-end with the George 11 :00 A.M.-~orning Prayer_ Allens of Riverview road who were THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY' . summering in Avalon, N ..J. OF FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. C. William RamSunday, September 9 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. GOING TO AND Visitors welcome. FROM SCHOOL Monday, September 10 All Day Sewing for the A.F.S.C . CO.ED BEAUTY There are· many· waya ill VVednesday, Se~~r 1lI "hicb children may be I .... All Day Sewing for the A.F.S.C. SALON jured, going to and from (lONDrftONIID / AlB school, at pIa" allD at FIRST CHURCH OF' bome. Blna Studenla AcCHRIST SCIENTfST SPECIALIZING IN cident Inaurance provid.. ',' SWARTHMORE fund. to pa, boapltal d4 Park Avenue below Harvard Permanent Waviac IUld doctor bill.. COila eo SundaY, 'SePtember 9 little. all parenla lhoul4 11:00 A.M.-Sunday School. R • 'CU Hi' .. " bave it. ' 'dl,r -" 11:00 A.M.-LeSson - Sermon • AIR CONDITIONED Our parlors are air conditioned for your comfort. I / 3 and son Chick of Lafayette FOR SEPTEMBER 21-22 avenue spent Labor Day weekThe 30th Str'l"t Station of the end visiting friends in Beach HaPennsylvania Railroad will be the ven" N.J. , setting {or the largest Dahlia Sbow Mrs. Adelaide MacLeod of Merever to be, held in Philadelphia.' chantville, N.J. is visiting her Scheduled for Friday and Satur- daughter Mrs. Carl S', Cleaves ,pf day, September 21 and 22; the Park avenue. .. show will over 150 CuIAnna Mary Fussell of Vassar tural Classes, demonstrating per" avenue flew to Pittsburgh and fection In' all forms of Dablias. spent ttie week-end with, Carol ' . Mrs. E: Donald GustafsOn of Elm' avenue will be matron of honor fo~ her sister, Miss Ellzabelh Mercer Huey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WUliam R. Huey of Dickinson avenue, at her marriage to Mr. James F. Newman, son of Mr. I, PETER E. TOLD. EdItor and Publillher MARJORIE TOLD and 'BARBARA KENT. Associate I!4llen Rosalie Peirsol Frances Pearson Lorene ; .. McCarter The Bouquet' , . ' ,I'UBLlSIIED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHlIlOItE. PAUlE SWARTUMOREAN. INC•• PUBLISHER , Pbone Swarthmore .r-0900 . NAMES ATrENDANTS , THE SWARTHMOREAN SPENCER - BAIl AGH BEAUTY $A.LON The marriage of Miss Patricia Ann Ballagh, daughter of Mr. and LEST BEAUTY EBB with the SUMMER TIDE Mrs. Thomas Carter Ballagh of , Cynwyd, and Mr. Fredeljick GUCall Swarthmore 6-0476 man Spencer, Jr., son of Mrs. 9 Chester Road Spencer at Guernsey road, I\Dd the late 'Mr. Spencer; took place Saturday at 4 o'clock in the Overbrook Presbyterian Church. The napolis. Midshipman Bob Mc- the bride's parents. MARIE LOUISE FORSYTHE'S Rev. John stettner assistant minMiss Betty Nathan of New York Cowan was host at an open house City, a Swarthmore College friend ister of the Swarthmore Presby(former Broadway and T. V. Danaer ) Saturday evening. terian Church, officiated. of the bride, will attend as maid Mrs.. Roland G. E. Ullman of The bride, given in marriage by S'fUDlO OF DANCING "Applebrook", Park avenue wID of honor. Mr. Andrew March will her father, wore a gown of white serve as best, man for' his brother. entertain as her week-end gUests .sWARTHl\IORE,'SPRINGFJELD, anel RIDLEY PARK Both the b!:ide and groom grad- lace featuring a modified off-theMiss Ruth O'Brien and Mrs. Hector shoulder, neckline and cap sleeves ·lated from Swarthmore College in BALLET, TOE, ACJWBiATICS Spaulding of WashingtOn, D.C. and a full skirt of tulle witb redJune. Mary Knabb Of PrInceton aveClasses Limited ingote of lace terminating in a nue entertained as her guest for a ,train. Her finger tip veil of tlille FREER - JAMES few days, Peggy Smith of Newark, Phone Swarthmore 6-3688 Miss Sally James, daughter of fell from a cap of tulle and orange Del. Both girls were counselors at blossoms and she carried gardenCamp, Happy Valley, Md., this Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Oakley James ias, bouvardia and ivy. of Park and Michigan avenues, summer. Miss Carol BaUsgh was maid of became the bride ,of Mr. Ross Howard Freer of New Orleans, son honor for her sister, and the .()bIS Ve Anniversary THE PENNSYLVANIA ' STATE COLLEGE. Mr. Carroll P. Streeter, man- of 'the late Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. bridesmaids were the Misses Sarah Spencer and Elizabeth Spencer, , aging editor Of the Farm Journal, Theel" of Louisville, KlY., at 4 sisters of the groom, Patricia Ford SWARTHMORE CENTER o'clock Saturday in the Swarthand Mrs. Streeter of. Columbia of Wynnewood and Joan Tewksmore Friends Meeting House beavenue, were guests of honor at bury of Washiriglon, D.C. They an open house Tuesday evening fore a background of gladioli and .;penn ::it .~e Technical Institute offers yourig men and women wore gowns of yellow lace' and In celebration 'of their twenty-fifth white asters and walls' festooned carried bouquets of yellow gladioli with ivy. wedding anniversary. intensive. oractical EVENING courses in: , , The Overseers were Mr. and and 01 ange tritomas and celosia to The event, a complete surprise, arranged by thfir daughter JOD, Mrs. Carl de Moll, Mrs. Roland G. matcn their head<4'esses. • Mr. James Prir::e of West ChesINDUSTRIAL and sons Jim and Jack, was at- E. Ullman, and Mrs. Gordon Lange. , BUSINESS ter, formerly Of Swarthmore, servqorothy Johnstone Baseler, ELECTRICITY tended by more than 100 SwarthADMINISTRATION more friends and oUice associates. harpist played preceding the cere- eu 85 best nlan, and the ushers MECHANICAL aDd were Messrs. Robert Reed of AlBUnl>ING ' Out-of-town guIests were Dr. mony. The bride, escorted by her fath- lentown, cousin ot the bride, Hugh CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTION TOOL and Mrs. Perry S~w of Newton, Haw of Greenbelt, Md., David er. wore a gown of white organdy Iowa. Mrs. Streeter and Mrs. Stow DESIGN PRQDUCTION over taffeta with off-the-shoulder Deacon of Wynnewood, Curtis are sJsters. ' MANAGEMUIT neckline with small embroidered Gallagher of Wallingford, Dr. ACCOUNTING Ralph Little and Dr. William KelSwiss cut-out flowers and seed DIESEL and Fete Miss SchoU MERCHANDISING GAS ENGINES Mrs. Rilymond Winch of Dick- pearls' around the neckline and ley, both of Guernsey road, scattered over the, full skirt of A reception followed in Merion. son avenue entertained at a Registration til :'ly, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; evenings, 7 p.m. to 9_p.m. kitchen shower last Thursday in organdy ruffles. Her finger tip The bride's mother wore 'a gown ' of veil of illusion was attached to a navy blue .b ..... r with corsage honor of Miss Clair Scholl, daugh, Classes start September 17 ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Herbert small cloche of satin and seed Of yellow orchids. The groom'~ Scholl of Rose Tree Road, Media, pearls and she carried rose\;, steph- mother chose a gown of gr~y crepe • with smol, feathered hat and her who will be married in the near ,motis and gypsophila. SWARTHMORE CENTER Miss Judith Nott of New Or- corsage was of yellow orchids. future to Mrs. Winch's brother Following a wedding ttip to lBerleans was maid of honor. The Pfc. Charles William Fischer. For tull info~ation call Swarthmore 6-3340 or wrtte Swarth- , Sally Alden of North Chester bridesmaids were Miss Harriet muda, the couple will live in Mt. road and Margot Bowie of South Gilbert of Park avenue, Miss Jane Holly, N .•T. more center, 855 Harvard Avenue, SwarUunore, Pa. , Chester road entertained at a mia- Marriott of Chicago, M1aa Jean BIRTHS cellaneous shower for Miss Scholl Clappier of Lansdowne, and Mrs. William O'Brien of Northampton, 'Col. and Mrs. Stanton von Graat the Alden home Tuesday eveMass. They wore . models of bill of Cornell avenue are receiving ning. Miss School will be guest of autumn gold marquisette with cangratulatiohs upon the birth of honor at a luncheon and linell small capes and, with a son~ on Labor Day in the LanTheir, headdresses caster Ge:ieral Hospital. . shower to be given tomorrow hy gold satin. were gold cloches and they carried Tht von Grabill family have Barbara Crosset of Riverview bouquets of alltumn flow<:fs in been vacationing at their summer road. shades of gold ranging to rust home Mt. Gretna since June TOMORROW'S BRIDE Cali Naef of Memanerack, N.Y., 15. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Med- as, flower girl,. was dressed In ford of Strath Haven avenqe will whi~e organdy. Mr. and Mrs. Craton Pitner of entertain dt a rehearsal dinner at Ralph Billington Of Peek- Baltimore, Md., are being congratthe Springbaven Country Cluh this skill, N.Y., served as bes,ti man, ulated upon the birth of their sec-, evening in honor of their daughter and the ushers were Messrs-, Ed- and son; Robert Mitchell' Pitner, Miss Joan Emma Medford and ward Thomas and Robert -Rich- on August 31 in' Johns Hopkins l\oIr. WilJiam Irvine Pontius, son ardson, both of Par~ avenue, Hospital. \ ~f Dr. and Mrs. Guy V. Pontius of George Kenworthy of Drexel Hill I ==~====:;========I Chicago, whose marriage will take and "Nelson Hammond of Philadel- Il , How hard to avoid misunderstanding, place tomorrow at 4:311, in the phia. FOR Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. A reception was held in the garMagazine Subscriptwns when you try to manage your aHairs on ,a Miss Medford entertained her den at the hOI1)e of the bride'S CAl.L , cash bacis! But how, easy, with a checkbridal attendants at a luncheon at par"".... Mrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman ' her home Thursday. The bride's mother chose a SwarihmOre 6-11080 MOHAWK MOH-WEAVE .' It T HM 0 RE A N __ S~.EP=~:.~~:::::,;mFJ.::="~:,:7=,::,l::~::1:.:,::'====::::====::::::=:::::T::H::'E~::S;:W:::"', • DAHLIA SHOW SCHEDULED say SEPT£MBFlt 1,1951 SWARTHMOREAN: TQE 2 • • • ,, • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. • DIIICTOI. O. fUNllUIU 1820 C;:HIITNUT STRIIT OlIVER H, lAIR, Foun".. MARY A. lAIR, T.I~phon. !l16-151l" Pt.,"'" • For taSte~s Sake and for Time's S~ ..• ID.ake it a practice to feature our delightful bakery gO.m. and 9 tQ 9:30. " r .' .- j ., .. ~ , " , . THE TE.Ac:a ..:RS HOLD 3 DAY MEETING Swarthmore teachers returned to their work Wednesday morning, welcomed by Frank R. Morey, snpervising principal. Robert L. Amsden, high school principal, keynoted the challenges for the year. He urged teachers and adminislrators to increase their efforts to help parents 'Ind the community generally to IUlderstand better what the Swarthmore schools are trying to do. He challenged the faculties of the three schools to make their teaching purposes crystal clear to both students and adults. "Teachers must demonstrate both specifically and continuously," he declared, flhow each day's assignments, class work, activities, and sports help achieve. those purposes." He advocated an increase in pupil-teacher planning and an increase in school-community planning. • • • • • make yours a rHOROUGH training in radio television and electronics • • • • • • • • • • • SD'TEMBER 7, leSt SWARTHMOREAN sEP'l'fltlBER 7,1951 Sa 'To AtteDd iI;ilar Gardea Club . . . . . Show Robert W. Bernhardt, Executive At noon Wednesday a public iREASONS schools luncheon was held at the • . The rine Ridge Garden Club Secret~ry of the Delaware County Ingleneuk. iii the afternoon file will huH its "econd Annual Flower Tul>el':ulosis and Health J\ssoclaelementary teachers met with MilReasons underlying the Polio Show Wednestlay evening, Sep- tion, has been invited as a particthe Public Health Seminar dred Kidd, newly appointed ele- PrecautiO'lls recommended by the tember 19, in the rumpus room ipant mentary principal, to make plans National Foundation for Infantile a\ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon to be h~ld the we:k 01 September for the opening week. The high Paralysis were given today by Piestrak. 35 Beechwood road, In 10 at the U.S. Public Health Service Field Training Centcr, Pittsschool faculty gathered in the lib- Alan K. Keay, chairman of the Pine Ridge. . rary to examine the master sched- Delaware COWlty Chapter of the . The show will include five types burgh. 'rhe Seminar, first of Its kind, ule, discuss the orientation Of new Foundation, in response to in- of floral arrangements in addition students, the distribution of duties quiries on the 'subject following to the horticulture section. Mrs. will cover public he.lIh practices and plans for improving curricu- the outbreak of polio here in recent William TrUmpler, former Swarth- llnd facilities which are recomlum and teaching methods. • more reSident, is general chainnan mended for adequate health servweeks. ices. Thursday and this morning were 'iere are th~ precautions and of the Show. The public is invited to suhmit spent in workshop groups with the .easons behind them as reMr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, departments and grade level ported by the local chapter chalr- entries. man: Jr., and children Louise and Sidgroups meeting alternately. This . Don't get over-tired by hard ney of North Chester'road, spent afternoon all staff members will play, exercise, work or travel Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Winch Labor Day week-end as guests of meet in the newly decorated parents meeting room on the ground Reason: Because scientists believe and daughter Peggy of DickinSOn Mr. and Mrs. Willard Crane of floor of. the high school to hear that once a person has become in- avenue are vacationing at Beach Ridley Creek road, Media at their the committee reports and the fected with pOliO, a delicate »al- Haven for two weeks. During summer place at Orient, L.I. final plans for the opening of the ance eXIsts between the polio virus their absence their home is being Young Sidney remained to visit high school classes at 8:30 and and the body's ability to fight it. occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert and will return witll the Cranes The scales can be tipped in favor Fry, this week-end. the elementary classes at 9 Mon- of the virus by over-exertion. A Bob Bradford of Swarthmore Mrs. Job T. Pugh, Mrs. Milton day morning. recent study revealed that heavy avenue has returned to the Uni- H. Fussell and her daughter .Anna exertion in the early stages of the versity of the South, Sewanee, Mary of Vassar avenue,left Thurs.disease resulted in D\Ore severe Tenn., to begin his sophomore day on a two-week motor trip to and extensive paralysis. year. Paris, Me. Don't get chilled. Reason: Be- -tiiNWiWiNWiWiiNiWiNiNiWiiiiiiNiWi~iNwiiliiN"';.,.IN""M""WItI"""" Lenn from capable, qualified incause research has indicated that iI structors al The Teclinical lood· chilling and physical exertion lute of Temple' University. seem to lower body resistance to the virus, once It has entered tIie Training al Technical Institute body. lasts 4 semesters. Excellent plac~ Don't h~ve mouth or throat opment service and employment reo. erations during a polio outbreak. ord! Counseling Service. 'Full ""d , Reason: Because recent surveys part time couries. Fall term &IaJta have demonstrated that torudllecSeptember 26. RegistratioB Septomies performed at this time inlember 17·25. Write (or InformatioD. crease risk of geiting bulbar poUo (most serious form) by 11 times. Avoid having children mix with new people. Reason: because once polio has appeared in a commun418McuUt_ ity, scienUsts say the virus probPIoo-. _19 'ably is widespread. Your children probably have come in contact with It already and developed a degree of resistance to \hat par~ ticular virus. A stranger niay introduce a different virus to which your child is not resistant or may himself succumb from contact with ·your child. There are at least three . different types of polio vIrUs known to sclentIais, , Keep clean. lIIeoson: Because hands may carry polin infection inta the body through the mouth Scientists have determined that large amounts of virus are excreted from the bowel and throat of a patient as well as from a healthy carrier during seasonal outbreaks. FO'R . POLIO POI'IVTERS in I am thinking of FALL'fWINTER and YOU with The most important STYLES The most phenomenal VALUE The most tenific QUALITY THE TECHNICal INSTITUTE OF TEMPLE UNIVERSITY You've Ever Seen , The September meeting of the United World FederaUsts, West Delaware Co. Chapter, will be held Tuesday, September 11, at the home of Willard P. Tomlinson, leader for the month's activities. The local chapter hoo met monthly all summer, hearing reports of the National CO'Illerence in Jowa and the local meeting held at Bynden Wood, Pennsylvania. !loth were attended by a representative group from the We.t Delaware County Chapter. I Paul Emerson acted as official hc"d of th~ Chapter during July ~H1c1 August, holding meetings at 1923 Chestnut Street· - - - Phila 613 Market StreetUpperDarby ~~Mm~~~~~~dHHHH~HHHM=M~ Gelieral. Aulo Repairs' ·RUSSEI.I)'S SERVI£E , SOMETIMES IT PAYS TO BE nCHOOSEY" Yes, it often pays to be particular. Vlhen you're buylftl shoes, for example ... or when you're deciding where to apply for a position. '. If that's your attitude right now, we'll be glad to 'see you at Een Telephone. You'll be glad you applied for telephone work, too. There are so many good things about telephone work that we know we'll get along well together I • • No experience needed Friendly. congenial people • Pleasant. comfortable surroundings • • Essential work. interesting Jobs Gaod pay from the start, with regular increases We have a number of openiags right now for girls who can qualify. Why oot stop in today at one of the office.. listed below: 7055 Terminal Square, Upper Darby, Pa. 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ..... n ..._ ....... .;, .......... ~. ® "Girl• .,ho /ib _"", IJ/ce ,.,.",.,.• . . - Mrs. John Good, chairman of the Entertainment, Instruction and Service Committe, bas received a letter of appreclatlO'll from Janeth Dunigan, recreation worker at the Valley Forge Hospital, thanking her and her committee for the dance held last August 24 In the neuro-psychiatric section. "The patients all had sucIi a very good time," she said; III don't believe there is any activity they enjoy more than dancinga" "An activity of this type is also very inlportant indication of how well a patient is progressing. It is gratifYing to observe them from week to week as they become more and, more a part of group living. Evenings such as the one your group sponsored are good testing grounds fof' them, for here in a secure and friendly atmosphere they begin to feel their way back to nortnal expe'ienees of every day life and no small amount of credit goes to you and groups as yours who extend to them a helping hand as they take these lirst and often difficult steps. "The hostesses all did a splendid job I feel of working with this special group of patients and making them feel at ease and at home with them. Your canteen, as always, was excellent-the Uttie extras as the flowers, table cloths and attractively fixed plates mean so much to these patients and should never be .omitted." ( '~ , . , I I. I ; ,t, __ ~UUUU~WAwqwA . THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. SWARTHMORE CENTER Registration d. ~1J.' 9 n.m·. to 5 p.m.; evenings, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. CIRsse~ start September 17 SWARTHMORE CENTER "'.. Miss Helen Anderson of yaie . avenue, Mis~ Anne Mabbot of Harvard avenue, and Miss Sylvta AUDITOItS ANNUAL REPORT SeHOOl. mSTIt.lCl' UF 'l'flR DOROUGH OF SW ARTHMORR Ellis of South Chester road, aeDELAw.\RR COHN'j'V, STATE OF P·ENNSYI.VA-NIA " cornpa!lied Miss Mary Jo Hitch. •• (or the 5'-11(0), YRAR. II.NDlNG JUI.Y :I. 11Il'l1 cock Of the S-loarthmore ApartTAX(\TION ments on an automobile trip to Orono, Me., where the latter will ~sscssed valuation of taxabl~ r('nl ,·_"tnt<" ....... : ................$II.U5.190.00 ... umber of mlJls levlt'tI .... resume teaching at the University Nltumber assessed with ll('r t'lIJ)U;1 III\: . ... ... .... .. .. -.................... -.-. •• of Maine. None Rte ot per capita I I \ X . . . . . ... ', ....................... They will spend the None AMOUNT OJ<' SCHOO • TAX ...... ..· .. r·ROP&R1~·Y.. · TOTAL coming weekend in Quebec before :22.081.68 ~~':::f levied (Face or IU:\U dupllrntf') ................................ $ 222.0AI.G6 • 105.00 retarning to Swarthmore. .'5110.77 ~e~IU~ll8added···::::....:::. ::::............................. ,.... ,................::::: . . :. ::::. ::. .:gg:;~ Mr. and Mrs. Carl de Moll of 221.417.-18 I I amount (sum or I. 2, & :1) .................................................. 22!,417.t.3 19ens filed with Prothonotary ........................................................ 7-J, Park avenue will leave today to 3.088.81 l'l0 tax returned to County CommiR.'1loncrs .,....................... 3,018.89 1,I!iU.7' vacation for a few days at Cape nl~unt8 ................................................................................................ 3,'150.7" to Sot filed as lIel1A or retllMu~(I TRX Cullector~1l error................ 10 115,519.tll May. ~et Amount of 1350 tax collccted ...................... _..................... 215.519.08 Zn,5S7.f,1 Sum ot items 5. G. 7. H, 9. J" ..................................... Z21.417 .,4,3 Cadet Joseph F. Gaskill, Jr., who iii ,in Pilot Training at Pensacola, EXPENSES RECEIPTS Ihlhmce on hand July :J. IStill Fla., spent the week-end with his General l'ontrol (A) .................... $ 9.801.12 r lIoll.resi~i~·nt· 'p"ii',iii~ ~1I~r~f renl""e.:dRt~;"~;;pi'~ii~~· Tuition Int ..... I \, YOUR ::crlON· "";" I ". . «\'~'i'r.,..,"',., i(";"'''~'''" ' . ..... O\evnIlet engIn.en I ~w what's belt'; :-::~:~)\,' !bey ha" designed and bufIt. ARd thot's1llfly...., 1 '"'~t,~ recommlllld thot only ge""ille Otewolet pCIIII :~ be used' on your Chevrolet when replacemellll are necessary. Genuine O1evrolet parts will tit . .\,\; perfectly, give- peak performa..-, assure ~ complete satisfaction. That's 1IIfIy - - !l1I1I! 0IIIr the ..., Is good ~ for OW : I . JZ" ~.­ ;- Aland equipment Tolta~~~~~~::ern~yl;~il;i~··· _.... =In:::n:::ln:::g~bu::':::.n::ce=-::....::... ·.::...::... ::..::...:::... T,.o(,TTAA11'. pRAECyEMIKPNTSTS(ltem 1·1) ~O~R: ~:;ent To.ta. 2.A'7I.88 0 I pernlon ....... 2011.791.18 Agen('lf'~ I (» (e) ',094.!' ((0) ." .................. ,... !S.,91tUB 18,1111.25 718.65 £Apltnl 01lt101' (H) .............. ,....... 8 ''" 82 ..... : . ...... ~~~~~~.~~~ P'4 ,,'TTE'RSO'N t• Needa ! .........................................SO ••• 21.74- ExpentIM (IteJrul A-F inc.) ............•2R ..,97t1.'" It ServIce (Item G) ............ _._ ..................... 18.'91.ts 0. A. cap tnl Outlay (Item H) .................................. 11.""',81 Ral TDm' . -..... --.... -........................................................... 1810.41 ..... . ' OOee Dn Hand (To Be Avnllable fDr School Year 1058) ................................ 04,50'.25 ~'IIOOI Buildings Ami sn~ :'It i·o.. .t ~~'i~.~~................................. Sl.108.500.00 :i~1:~8 (~~!.:\u\P,~~~;r nl.l't»lt . _: .. :.::::::::.:'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 18~:::::~ c.................. .......... -.... ............................................. 1.705.12 -:;Ullion .... __ ::: ....... _: .. ::::.:::: .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: a Rlice on hand nil Fnncl~ l.'x('ll1Ilill~ Slnkill~ Fund ........................,................. ~~:::: 19-1.)f Tax' ...... . . I'reviouli to.. i94···'·-····· T ... .......~........ ... .......... ........................................... .... lB7.82 .'54.50ft,!.'5 Total As...,cL'i ,.... , . ", .. _................. ,-. .... ,................................................. 1.3!U.210.24olal amount charged against lax t·olh_'l.1.or 1111 IIrevlOlHI duplicates: .9:\1..., 10 87,noo.00 18.000.00 27,815.11 •• 11.50 1""'.817.17 Rumsey Chevrolet • When min~tes count .-count 00 us! Our depeodable professional service is at your com· mand. We'll gladly call for your prescriptioDs • and deliver the medi· dnes at DO extra cost• s Toggery Shop 8 Park Avenue .. AudltorB. Complet~ Report on File In School DistrIct OWlee In '''kh School Bulldlnr • • FUNBBAL BOKB ' E1rhteen ~-- _ p... _uaPRONE MEDIA 8 ..3," A Prioe to Meet ....,. 84.121.87 ........ :t.5,',m.5.n MllinlcllfHlt"e IF.~ '01 '" •• , Fix,,!! ellnr"(':'l (F, ." 6150.81" 1131.95 Heht Senlce ., 11,411.03 .. TheatnSqun Sw.rthaore 6-6130 Give the best .in Clothes Send your Children back -_II' . . . to School dressed for !'i' Famll7 ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ lti the occasion ~.,:::,.~.~,.~'~I.~••~::::~__________'__ · " non. Auxill:.ry . • Y!,se 'l'''u ',,~utomatic ele,ctric dishwasher SQOD at'Y0;fr ctel'Jf,r:sor ~!ar1rof~ur 'tores. .- • .... . . . . . . . . .ur9 7. WUi .. ..,.....,..., .... RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PHI":AD~LPH'A': El:E(T~~( (: 0:Y-:~ !tift UNITED, SERVICES Construction Alterati,ons Residential Wiring J. F. BLACKMAN ~. P.R.R. Freight Bldg. M. HARBISON ·............. 'TIltIfitiN' Swarthmore 6-0740, 5Warthmore, i'a. Phone SW 6· 1557. FOR RENT-Large room, private bath, fireplace, on two acre place far back -from road, adjacent to little pirie grove, Quiet, 5 Minute walk from Moylan Station. Telephone Arnold, Media 6-2714. FOR RENT-Room near college for school year. Man preferred. Second. fioor, 2 windows, 2 closets. Next'to seini-private' bath. Reply to Box 0, The Swarthmorean. rod. RENT-Pleasant room next to bath. Near transportation and tea-rooms. Swartbmore6-4312. roR RENT-.Large comfortable. rOQm-attrilctive location. Convenient to transportation and tea-. rooms. Call Swarthmore 6-4124. , .. ~ . ~ . ' OIL_lt;AT , Oil iURNIltS • All. CONDltlONI", Oil FUINACES' Oil IIO,UIS. Oil ,IUININa V'lAUIt HUTIISI .. J,fflT A FOUND FOUND-Wedding ring in American Store; Saturday,. September,' 1. Call Swartbmore 6-0936. LOST Darkblue bi1iided ga6. ardlne > Jacket over 'week-end. Call s~re 8-1208. " ,, " . !. ·......... .. .. FOR RENT C 1M REEVES FO="'R..--S,-,ALJ!l;OO:...-.""".."=';1937 Buick, Special Club Coupe, 'R and H. Clean. Swarthmore 6-2459. . FOR sALE--.Skiis and ski poles. Telephone Swartbmore 6-3547. FOR SALE-1941 Ford 2Dr. sedan, V-8. Condition good. $415 for quick sale. Call Swarthmore 6-2465. FOR SALE=Football shoes, size 4, '$6. Mike Reynolds. S"lVartbmore' 6-1647. FOR sALE"=Mahogany upright piano, including piano chair, $15. Underwood Standard typewriter, $15. ~roquet set, $3. Call Swarthmore 6-0624 after 3 pm. B1RTLETT .PEARS 2 .. 29c GREEN 'BE1.$ s:~::~.. 2 29 ..... _. ' ,' , POlkLoinsupRl':~I~;:!" 4ge: U~':'NlI~~ 59c Callfomla Mountain Grown ... -_. ·...................... . Let Reddy KilowaH Wash. Them iii.E JUI~E . . 32~ $108 _G . j'" ; ~~ . . . . . .,A market will be PDSIMI. .. .. .............-.'.......... Nothing to buy. Just fill In .lIp with nam., addre-u and ~ tw. D.P9fIt In box near W.I'" Grape Juice dl,play. Wlnnw In .ach 7T: / BAIRD and ""."'.r,,,.,orlt. VI"""'. ,- f::::· • . e ..dd Just arrlYMI- Mad. from vln..rlpened fresh tomatoel I t Callfarnl. Farmda'. IJdra Standard , I 3N:;'~ 2t: APPLE SAUCE Jhk.a£ 25-: PEACB-PIESEIVES 25e SALAD DIESSING . Orated TUNA FISH 2 .!':. 45e 2 27e SWEET PEAS PINEAPPLE .nnCE ~& 31e FRUIT! COCKTAIL H"~),rvP .;.!~ 33' ~ EVAP. MILK 2'~n-:·2.5· . • I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . fREE OF EXTRA C05T « , -_, • Miss Mildred 'Magee of 'So~th Women Plan . , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Magee "f . Flower Show Chester road began her new dutIes . South Chester road entertained at (Continued from page one) Sum's in the Commercial Sales DepartExch@ge a family dinner party Wednesday Seellon B, Arrangements ment of the Bell Telephone Com(Continued from page one) evening in honor of the forty-fifth ESSO SERVICE' STATION 24. Miniature receptacle of pany, Philadelphia; TueSday. current enthusiasm. •. wedding anniversary -of Mr. Maflowers, not more than 3 inches OPEN Father may turn' in a tUxedo g'ee's parents' Mr. and Mrs. L. overalL 7 A. M. to 11 P. ,II. J::~1~Ki:'.~:';;......:'): have grown smaller .Bradford Magee,of Miami, Fla., 25. Miniature receptacle of ;With the years. Mother finally who ure vi.iting in Swarthmore. flowers, not more than 5 inches SUNDAY I A. II. to • P. ]I[. gives up hope of finding a room Mr, and· Mrs, Samuel Francis Charles E. Fischer overall, displayed with mirror. to fit. a favorite rug and sets It Butler of South Chester road have W.+in... LuIIricatioD Mirror. not more than 5 inches in aside for another hoUse It fits. returnc!) after spending the weekTh·Repair any direction, The gal off to college relinqui£hes end in the Pocono Mountains wilh 26. .Arrangement not qver 8 YALB ...i ItV'rGDB AVE. a suit, and the son adds' a 'football relative•. BUILDER inches in height to be used on a ~ helmet he's sad to part with. 'fhu, Mr. aurj Mrs. W. H. Lovekin of tray set for one. th~ collection .gr0;-V~' ~ith bnagin- Havcr~orr. place are spending a 27. Informal Buffet Table setting allon as to ot~ers deSires, plus the! week motm.'ing through northwest using Swarthmore 6-2253 .Pottery or Glass. Sw~re-li-1448 need.o.! .clearmg the decks for new f '_Jcnnsylva"(l.i~ ~nd Ohio visiting 28. Arrangement in earthenware WIWAM BROOKS acqUISitions. , relatives in Jefferson County and container. Ashes &1 Rubbish Removed 1'f::o:~:o:::::~~:o:::~~~4,l1 A word to the wise, all articles Cleycland Ohio. 29. Arrangement sugge~tlve ot Lawns mowed, General ~ .........~ .... .....,.~.~..... rllust be in good condition as to _ _ _ _'---',_ _ _ _ _ _ __ coolness. ConSisting of sticks, Tholn Sciiembil.· cleanliness and repair, otherwise' stones, and other plant material. Hauling UPHOLSTERER they cannot be accepted by, the 30. Arrangement of Vegetables 236 Harding Ave., Morton, Pa. large, careful c~mmittee of workfor- Kitchen window. . 25 Yean Experience ~rs .. 0/1 September 25. This rule 31. Arrangement of flowers to Repairing - -Rebuilding iB.·one reason the sale pay, Wed"' , PERSONAL Stokes NursinR Home be displayed in a niche, 18 inches Chester 4-4297 nes!1ay, September 26, will bear PERSGNAL - . Radios, television high, 14 inches wide, 12 inches witness to past Exchange finds by rec~ivers. vacuum, cleaners and SFI ECT CUENTELE producing the, equivalent of a gol~ other -electrical appliances repair- deep. (Flowers m.ust not touch ed. Prompt Service. Robert Brooks, sides of.niche). ~cIiaIoD 3-9098 rush when the club doors open &t Swarthmore 6-1548. . Exhibitors must supply own CUNNINGHAM 10 a.m'. PERSONAL ..!.. Virginia, formerly background ·rapery. Club supplies ~............ I • , •••••••• Since 1905 Mrs. Birney K. Morse, general with the Gown. Shop, oUers ex- niches. .. PETER E. TOLD chairman of the Exchange,." has elusive alteration service. Fittings Painters 6- Paper Hangers First 12 enteries only, received called a. meeting of her committee in your home and delivered. Call All Lines of I nsuranee We should know how in this. c1¥s. Call Swarthmore Ridley Park 0285. for Tuesday, September 18,' to PERSONAL - LAMPSHADES Swa. 6-2266 Michigan Ave. 333 Dartmouth Avenue 6-4534. complete arrangemellts. Cus~m made. New beauty for 32. Arrangement at flowers in Swarthmore, Pa. • your old lamps. Finest materials. modern manner, under 24 inches Swarthmore 6-1833 "I Saw It In .The Sw.arthmorean" Exqusite detailing. swartbmore overall. T 6-5922. 33. Arrangement of flowers in PETER DI NICOLA .••••••••• +-++.~ •••• , •••• PERSONAL - ,Electrical wlrlng, natural container. ' new and old, residential and ROOF~ CUlTllRS WANTED34. Arrangement, suggestive of . colIlli:J.ercial' done :in compllance Driveway Construction with Fire UnderwritersSpeci,tica- Pennsylvania Dutch Design. Listings in Swarthmorll REPAIREO tr INSTAt.LED ti~. -Sales and Service on elec. 35. Arrangement of dried materImmediate Buyers ' Asphalt or Concrete Jlterheaters, Ranges,· Washers, ial or berries. WARM-AIR HEATING ryers, pumps, fansl cleaners and 36. Arrangement on ~ card table BmD small Call: Erich H. Cellar Walls Re-Plastered Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Hausen,appliances. SW, 6-2850, Corner of set for three. Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 REALTOR' - GEORGE MYERS Park and Michigan avenues. , 37. Arrangement of flowers tor Box 48 - Swarthmore 6-0740 Insurance Mort,ages a guest room. WANTED • • • • • • • • • • , • t • • , , • • • , , , . 38. , ·Arrang~ent in PewteI:;! .WANTED-ln Swarthmore by reOld Bank Building tired teacher, small second floor , Authorized Di~tributors apartment in· private home, or -••••••••••••••••••••• . ,Swarthmore 6-0108 share apartment with mi.ddle aged JOHN, R; DONOHUE OF lady, or boai::d in private home. PLASTERING and 'aOOFING Convenient to transportation and A'tlautic Heatiug Oils stores. Miss CI",k, Box 41, Primos, GnUers moaned and Pabltecl Painter and Decorator Pa. TBOMA,S W. BUllNS Devine WANTED-Young married busi.. Taxi Service . AND ness couple desire furnished Ridley ,Park 1S13-111 , Interior and Exterior: swarthmore, Pa. apartm,ent from September 15 un-' Iron Fireman· Oil , til end of October•. Frederick W. ~;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~;;;;~:I . Scr~ing Swarthmore, MorHeld, Locust" 7-4000, Philadelphia•. !i Dependable Service Burners toni Rutledge and Ridley . i W~Zo~~~~~~~.bY day. PIANO TUNING Good Coal Township since 1918 ALIIAN PARKER WANTED ,..,. Congenial woman, with liking for children, to OltNew ani Bellulll PIanos . PHONE: change care of seven-year girl and Rep~ Since 19011 from 3-6 p.m. Monday, Fridl'Y, for Phone M.~ 6-3555 comfortable room. Call SWarthSwarthmore 6-0444 more 6-3353 on week-end. WANTED - Unfurnished apartPhone SW 64686 . ment in Swarthmore, by teacher. RIDLEY PARK Reply Box D, The swarthmorean. "Third Ceneratian Builders" Phone Swarthmore 6-4741 HELEN MAGINN WANTED-Woman f;'-"~geneial HORACEA. hoilsework and care of children. Daily 1:30 to 7:30, except ThursSpecializing In CUstom-made days and Sundays. References re·SLIP COVERS & DRAPERIES , quired. Call Swarthmore 6-7373. Building Comtruction Fine Selection of Materials W ANTED--Capable woman to come in from 3-6 p.m. Monday 17 V% South C;hester Road 3- PIECE - $89 and np through Friday. Give. some supervision to 7-year girl and do light • Residential • Painting 27 E. 7th Stree\' ClH!ster, Pa: housework. . Call Swarthmore • Commercial • Repairs 6-3353. • Alterations CHESTER 2-6524 WANT.ED-Woman pr girl, parttime, to get dinner 5, or 6 days Swarthmore 6-3450 week for small adUlt family. ~ Swarthmore 6-0331. WIN ABOWDY DOODY DOLL' TI£ BELL TELEPHORE • pI ,9duzJ Wbole Cberry Pre.erve. i':' ZSc: 4'"'" 950 .JeW ....",.C.".n'. Z 12... Z" GleDWood e. """f ··'· ,I ' 7 . I, I ., awn """:O""'.::'Kl_ •. . All our PI:e_rvn and ...m.. on made 'rom pur. ru n o , COURTESY PAYS ;S~E;P~:j:~~MB;=(~~i~:;:;··,':!j=j$:=!·i~.-·~~:'~~..;.,,;..:.;>'~..:....--....:.;-....;.....,T~H~£~..2S WA'R THMO R EA N ...... elSe .Z"'69< "w. ATLANTIC CITY COMPAIl 8f'UlnUUIA I' Fan S£P~l£mB£R , ,. Elk-I Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore of Dickinson avenue have returninton of Harvard avenue have reed from a week's motor trip to It's lust a very little pome turned after a 13cation of three To usher weary travellers home. Lincoln, Mass., where they visited Mr. and Mr$. William Wilson, weeks in July at Lake Monhonk, But all we've got to say it that N.Y., and 8 motor tour of Nova We placed for them the welcome formerly ,of Swarthmore, and Mr. Scotia in August. Mrss Helen Wiland Mrs. Donald Jones of Swarthmat. more avenue who were summer- son of Stralh Haven Jnn occupied L. T. S. ing at Sebec Lake, Me. They wers their home "Crumoak" during August. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Rutherford accompanied home by their son Johnny who with t.arr.) Jones had Marian Gayle Hanna, daughter of Strath Haven avenue have rebeen camping pi Flying Moose of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid Hanna turned after vacationing at their Lodge, East Orland, Me, of Riverview road, has returned summer cottage in Waddington, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Taylor after spending a few days,in Ocean N.Y. _ Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson and children Ronald and Ray have City as the guest of her grandand sons Marvel and Layton re- moved from Larchmont, N. Y. to mother Mrs. James Hanna of Vassar avenue, Gayle also recently turned Tuesday to their home on 340 Haverford pla"e. Mrs. H. Warren Jacobs of Nortn visited Col. and Mrs. Stanton Von Strath Haven avenue after vacationing since June at their cottage Swarthmore avenpe has returned Grabill am! their daughter Brenda from a visit with her brother";'in- at their summer home in Mt. Gretat Rehoboth Beach. ' Mr. and Mrs, C. Russell Phillips, law and si.ter Mr. and Mrs. Rich- na. their ~oth speed and var- this yea; include j ean' Str~tton, old soap and water to make it a br8'lld, Mrs. Randolph Lee, Mrs. guidance. counselor in the. high two ,fears of existence. In reply iety 'to the- attack. Dr. John Pearson, council mem- prize for some potential buyer. J. W. J pnes, Mrs. Leonard Smith, school; Mildred Kidd, Eeleine~tary Tips.;se~ .• introduces ber and, head of the Committee Meanwhile sturdy workers, Mrs. Frank Mader, Mrs. Robert meIIti!'lf; ~f:;t)1e coachbJg staff in S\lpervi.~or;· Charles: Sow~rs; :teachgave· a complete history of the staunch members of the Woman's H. Shipman, Mrs. Leo Marshall, Charlie Bowers, who -. was a mem- er of junior hig!). school su~jects workings .of the group.' A general Club in anticipation of the long and Mrs. George Wilbur. nnd . assist8'llf coach of; foo'tball; ber of one Of Bloomsburg Norn page, eilht) , nue, Lansdowne. Atnillos, Hondo, Calif. . -;---. . FALL EXCHANGE SEPT. 25, 26, 27 ,. 947 ENROLLED IN BORO SCHOOLS 'in 'm , , Yoar heart pounds. There is a trace of moisture in your eyes. lust yesterday, it seems, he was taking bis firstbaby steps. Today is his first day of school ••• another big step in his life. WiU he take thm step in safety? The IlIlIIwer depends on how well you prepared him know and obey the rules of pedestrian safety. to But did yon teach him to play..".y from vatic? To CIllO •• only at crossings-never in the middle of the block? To recognize traffic lighu ••• to crot!I a sueet or road ouly on the green light? NevfIE to chase a baD or pet into the street? To look both way. befOl'e crossing? . THESE ARE SOME OF THE MOST VITAL LESSONS HE CAN LEARN-FOR ON THEM DEPEND HIS WELFARE ••• HIS VERYLIFE. You taught him, little by little, to eat properly. You saw to it that he played well with other children. You read to him, told him bedtime stories. You trained him to dress himself. You told him about your own school days and. how much he would like his teachers and his classmates ••• what a thrill it will, be when he is able to write his . first numbers and read his first book. Yes, froffic safety begim at home r PENNSYLVANIA'S STATE POLICE ••• DEPART. MENT OF REVENUE ••• GOVERNOR'S HIG-H. WAY SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ••• DE· PARTMENT OF ruG-HWAYS ••• DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION-ALL ~ WORKINGCEASELESSLY TO MAKE PENNSYLVANIA'S WGHWAYS ,THE SAFEST IN THE NATION. , WILL YOU CO-OPERATE' BE ON THE.IR SIDE - THE SAFE SIDE I This message in the interest oj highway saJety is one oj II sniP p,.. pllredanddisseminated by the PennsylflllniaNewspllper P"blisbm A.ssociation and the Pennsylflanill Deparl"."" oj ~f""," .' COM MONWEAL TH OF PENNSYLVANIA r Joba s. PiDe. Gow, ... Otto ......... ryM, S F , tll ...:",-- Co. THE BOUQUET THEATRE PHARMACY HANNUIl & W.ura MARTEL BROTHERS SW ARTHMORE CO-OP THE INGLENE~ HORACE A. REEVES HOLLYHOCK SHOP B. J. HOY S AND 10 ALICE BARBER. G'"'IF""TS STRATH HAVEN INN JOYCE LEWIS swAltTIDIORE NATIONAL W. MARK BI'rfLE 'B~ ad , BUCHNER'S' will 7 mUSf co. PETER E. TOLD E. L. NOYES aJUl CO. , \ / FUSCO and ALSI'ON BAIRD mdBIRD MICHAEL'S COJ.J,EGB 'J. A. GREEN CAKE BOX , ~. PHARMACY • , ;:-.';'-1·· '.'.,. -, .~" \ 2 THE SEPTEMBER BRIDE The marriage of Miss Marianna Pitman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Himes Pitman of Vassar avenue, to Mr. Robert James Phillips, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Roll Wilson Phillips of Narberth, will take place Saturday, September 29 at 3 o'clock in the Swarthmore Methodist Church. Miss Katherine Hayes of Wallingford, will attend as maid of honor, and Miss Harriet Gilbert of Park avenue will be bridesmaid. Mr. Phillips will serve as best man for his son, and the ushers will include Mr.. Roll M. Phillips of Pittsburgh, brother of the groom, and Mr. William Kiesel, Jr., of Bala-Cynwyd. NAMES ATTENDANTS Mrs. Donald W. Smith, of Glen Burnie, Md., will act as matron Of honor for her sister at the wedding of Miss Carolyn Beeson Morse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stuart Morse, of Parrish road, and Mr. Richard IJoyd Jones, Jr., son of Mr. and-Mrs. Jones also of Parrish road, which will take place on Saturday evening, September 29 at 8:30 in Trinity Church, Swarthmore. The Rev. Mr. Lawrence Whittemore, rector of the church will perform the ceremony. The bridesmaids will be MIss Consuelo Woodward, Parkersburg, W.Va., Miss Claude Wagner, New York City, and Miss Jean Brown and Miss Barbara Davis, both of Swarthmore. Miss Anne Morse, sister of the bride, will be a junior bridesmaid. . Mrs. Barry Jones will serve as best man for, his brotlW. The ushers will include Mr. James J. White, Wilmington,Mr. Edward P. Bassett, Decatur, Ill., Mr. Harry F. 'Brown, Jr., Glen Mills and Mr. Roy J. Fahl of Elm avenue. The bride-to-be was guest of honor at a luncheon and kitchen shower given Tuesday· by Mrs. R. Blair Price of North Chester road. Mrs. W. Sproul Lewis of Gradyville will entertl,iin at a tea and linen sh,ower :next Tuesday in honor of Miss Morse. The bride will be guest of honor at a luncheon to be given next Saturday by Miss Jean Brown of North Chster road and Mrs. Harry F. Brown, Jr., Of Glen Mills, at the home of Miss Brown. HONOR COUPLE Miss Elizabeth Huey of Dickinson avenue who will become the bride tomorrow of Mr. James F. Newman of New York City, was guest of honor at a tea and personal shower given Friday afternoon by Miss Carolyn Morse of Pt}-rrish road. Miss Morse will be bridesmaid in Miss Huey~s wedding party. On Wednesday evening the cOllpl~ were guests of honor at a small theatre party given by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gustafson of Elm avenue. Mrs. Gu~tafson will be matron of honor for her sister. Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Mercer of North Chester road entertained the bridal party and members of the family at a dinner party at their home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Huey, parents of the bride, will entertaIn at a rehearsal dinner at their home this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of Elm avenue will give a brunch tomorrow for the brtdal party, the immediate familles and out-of-town guests. PONTIUS - MEDFORD The marriage of Miss Joan Emma Medford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Leroy Medford of Strath Haven avenue, and Mr. William Irvine Pontius, son of Dr. and Mrs. Guy V. Pontius at Chicago, took place Saturday afternoon at 4:30 in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Chu;rch. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop performed the ceremony. SEPn:MBER SWARTHMORE.AN SWANN _ MURPHY ter, Faye Louise, on September 5 In Bryn Mawr Hospital. The WilBon 'Memorial CbapelIn Faye Is the graddaughter of Mr. Ocean POint, Me., was the setting and Mrs. Frank Markley of Guernon Saturday, for the marriage of sey road. Miss Anne Joy Murphy, daughter Of Mrs. Mary Cregar Murphy of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. ConEnglewood, N.J. and Mr. Thomas well of Columbia avenue are ~eB. Murphy, Jr., of Glenrldge, N.J. celving congratulaUons upon the to Mr. Chules Paul Swann, son bIrth of a daughter, ElIzabeth of Dr. and Mrs. William F. G. Beatty Conwell, on September 5; Swann of Ogden avenue, and Chazeague Island, Md. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. P. LLitUefield of Edgecombe, Me. A recepUon was held at Treat--onSpruce Point In Boothbay Harbor, the summer home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Byron rrreat Banghart, of BalUmore,. Md. Eocorted by Mr. A. BrittaID Banghart of Easton, Md., the bride wore a gown of Chantilly lace over whil Ioal at their , "S· , .ugv-' our oW1"l bran ~35c Z"69' ........ Mre ." ••, 2"'e'll REPAIRED" INSTALLED Since 1905 Painters & Paper Hangen We should know how Swa. 6-2266 Michigan Ave. WARM-AIR HEATINC ,• Mrs. Frank L. Reynolds of Guernsey road has returned home after spending August in East Northfield, Mass. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Nason and sons Charles and Robert of Cedar lane have returned after vacationing CUNNINGHAM ·.... ................. poration. ",. , in "black and white". Open a checking account here and manage your money effectively. For Your SecUrity-,For Your Country's Security HOLD ••. BUY MORE ••. SERIES "E" BONDS SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANI AND TROST COMPANY WANTED-Woman J.nt., a,.. mgd,. 119m pur. fruit In ""r qwn P~lnlii Kltchtrna. liii)lt Hawaiian ~·311 PINEAPPLE JUICE .9t/uII lI'anQ' Apple Sa... N':;,~ S:I. .9t/IaI Tomato Juice ( ~:~) 2. ~;.:2..c z":.-:"2." .9rUaI Whole Iternel Corn o':r..':.2. N :o;.03." Fal'llldaJe CUt O....n a N:;~ 207. .9dMI Grape Jam a i!:: 47. RoMont LarKe ......... .If. 206. J)dIIlI CranIMn,. Sauce 1::'- :l4G .9t/IaI lI'anQ' Grapell'1llt ~~~ N:.,I :I" ~ Wblte Potatoe. ~:I~ a N.:;J z•• room suite. reasonable. Also practiCally new. ASphalt or Concrete .Cellar Walls Ra-Plastered Friend fells "Third Ceneration Builden" ttORACEA. REEVES SniNing ,C.,...b ...tion 17 Vz South Chester Road Swart!Jmore 6-3450 ., WANTED - fi" • S th L•ISt'Ings In, war more Immediate Buyen REALTOR rRYING CHICKENS Charl~.E. of Guernsey road have returned ;tome from Three,' Mile Island. Center Harbor, N.H., where they . . .e Cbickens PAN READY 63" Ib 5'7• . . . Whol. Hom •. .11 freshly Baked Virginia • lady, apartment or board In private share with middlehome. IIJIed Convenient to transportation and stores. Miss Clark, Box 41, PrImos, Return to The Pa. flce. ' Fiseher Of the girls who come in to ask about telephone jobs, many report tluit they heard about telephone work ,from friends already in the "Bell fap>ily." There are many good points to talk about, too- * * * * .... * s. Net amount of 1950 tax collected ................................................ of Items 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10 .......: ......................................... :...... Sum Builders SappHea . KEEP COZY NIXI WINTER ... ... . .,- r ~ '--- If ...; '_'. .B4fT. BSTATB It INSUltANCB". 60' S. C••IT.. B.1to PBmtA. , friendly, congenial people ilarlborll..gfJ _ mIPllONICOMPA..' Of .E.... SYlYANIA ' 011 TIII_MIIAr_1UII .......... a I • , ' I . . . "'.0111..'01'...... , ................... . , '.".7",,, I Charre- (F) . ...................... All other sources ............................ 710.6./1 Capital Oullav (H) .... ,.""............ Total receipts. Including ~Innlng balance ....................... IOf.9 ••. ' .. , # G.'-".;81 wi',. SUMMAIIY TOTAL RECEIPTS (Item 14) .... ,... ,,,,, ....,, ...... ,,, .. ,,.,,,,,, .... ,,, .............. ,, .......... ,,,, .............. 8'.'11.7' TOTAI~ PAYMENTS . Automatic 'fotal Current Rw;pen~ (ltelWl A·F Inc.) .. " .........18 .. t74'-'1 Total De"ht SOrvlce (Item 0) ".................................. 18.011.15 Tolal COpltal IMlay (Item H) .m,,,.. _,, ...,,,,, ..,,,,, ..,,.. '."'.81 TQtfll ........................ "...................................." ...."".... "10.'11.41 Balance on "and (To 80 Available tor School Year 1151) ... " ...... "."".~ .......... " o:t.501.l1 JOHN R. DON0ffi!E Painter and Decorator Interior and Exterior' ; Dependable Service 1950 Tax (CUrreDt Year) ................. ", .. ,..... ,...."""......................... _........... ,................ 1.088,11 Previous to 194D DupliCAte ..... ,... ,.. ,.... ,." ..... ,................................. "............................. s'.nfU !::: ¥aX:s: ..::. ::. ::::::::::::. . ::::::::::::::::::. . ::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: rnl~I:~ ::h~V::I:II··F·uiid·ii·es:ciudin~·siiikiiil..Fdii~~·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::; Ttl A ts.. Total °ll:uml~'r~h(lrgcd- _ Swarthmore, Pa. t: . Phone SW 64636 ..nrai·nsi . tax collector on previoul duplicates '1:.15 ID51.... . ~ir~~: .~:; "::,::,:::::,::::,::,::::::::,:::::::::::::~:':~~::::,~:::::::~:::~::~~:::::::::~;:::::::::::: 67,000,00 11.000.00 ....:::~ of Tax Collectors Bond "........................" ....Il~.':1: of TreasUrers Bond ............." .....".................. ',1'. recto Compl... R_rt- on File I. !IcbooI DIoIrlel . .' -' 01100 111 HIP ~, II1IIIdIa& \ • .- r• . 10 Do Tot:' Liabilities .............:......................................................!".........................................1. IM.8'T. 7 House Heating! ,Modem automatic lOS ~'1::::: . .................................................................................1.15., , LIABILITIES Bonded. Indebtedne.. (With Vote of Electorate) .................................... ".. ""..... nded IndebtooDea (Without Vote of Blet:torate) .......................................... P.O. BOX 37 ~I o , ASSJ!.TS School Bulldfn81l and SItes at Con ............................... """"........ ,, .......................11.108.500.0. Te:dbookll and Equipment at Coat .......................".'" ..".. ""..................................... 181,"11.1' 1631, Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pat IIttdrfim 10 Delinquent ta~ (Previous tQ lI~O) ......... "........ 1.8'U:.88 OperaUon (D) ....................,,",....... Stote approlJriation: TeacheTfl. ~:~:roOn~tlo.n~ ...~~.~~.I.~~.............. 111.1105.1$1 Maintenance (a) ." ....... ,................ Tullio)} bon·resident pllpilR ........ . 57·~:A::g Fixed ~ IB'.on .•" Interest ........: .................................. .. Sale of Teal e$late. supplies nnd eqUipment .......................... 5".85 Debt Servl~e (G) .................. "........ 18."1.111 . r 7055 Terminal Square, Upper Darby, Pao, Coil A!IonIk . , Iolnt '.Iao.,.. IU,511.01 liI.S.7... . "rOI)erty tnx 1~!lQ ................ " .... 1... 110.1118.08 Ufll-I"U on .................... ,.... " ... I'er capita tax 1.50 ............... ...... none 'Au:dllaT)' Arencles (C) ............ .. , n .. al work, Int_stlng lobs __ _ 1,011.SI Balance on hand July 8. "UliD I (0) All tunds exclu£tve or Slnk~ General Contra n. Ing Punrt ....................................... 51.118.tllt I_~_'~I (U) pi_nt, comfortable surroundlnp each39c ~:::fi 'H,51T.", BJ(PBNSBS RECEIPTS Sw.u:n_.. no experience needed CAKE OUR ACME MARKET Chester Rd .. Swarthmore Open Thnrsday & Friday Till 9 P.M. Saturday 'till 6 P.M. . Tetal amount (sum of !, '. & ') .................................................. Liens flIed with Prothonotary ....................................................... . lQ.50 tax returned to County ComDlI88lonen .......................... Discounts ............................................................................ " ..... "........... Not ftled 8..11 liens or returned Tax Collector's error................ Passmore We have a Dumber of openings right now for girls who CBJl qualify. Why not stop in today at one 01 the offices listed below: loaf J. A- I SOUTH PRIN()ldON N umber of milia levied ................•.....••................•............... ., •.... _•.... _•.•.•" ................. Number assessed wJth per capita tax .................................................................. _... Swarthmore. 6-2253 HoaACB BAR Chock full delicious redsin .. of- AUmTOI\S ANNUAL RBPORT SCHOOL mSTRlcr OF THB BOROUGH OF SWAR.THMOIIB .l>RLAWAIIR COUNTY. STATB OF PlINNSYLVANIA tor the SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY •• 1"1 TAXATION good pay from the start, with regular Incr_s R 'ISIN BREAD~~~~Z~C ,_ . ~'IEAT ON. .~IRI • AlII. CONDIWONIN. Oil FURNACES Oil IOIlllI& • OllIURNIN. WAIII HIAfllIS WANTED-In Swarthmore'by retired teacher, small second 1l00r I fiEiiiili apartment In private home. or II 1loi;...............;;i;;;...................£I1 =lc:~n:dded··::::::::::::::.·.':::.·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SE~HmBER r= tamlly ~~/~~ Amount levied (Face of 190:0 duplicate) ............................. ~...... 111,081.G8 , ATlANTIC CITY Pencil Free Without Extra Cost With Purchas. of Virginia Lee Supreme • OIL Rate of per capita tax ................................................................................................. . AMOUNT OF SCHooL TAX pROP&I\TT at Hersliey: Harry is serving as • captain of the University's varsity team this year. Jelly Cocoanut Phoue 8warl;hmQre 8-fo7f1 TIH&E1f locaavenue, Swartb- 'Assesaed valuation of taxable real estate ... . . . . ; ity of Pennsylvania Football Camp ~ all black and gray e:61~15 Maltese. Call Swarthmore after 6:30 p.m. WANTED-To share furniShed or unfurnished apartment in BUR.DER-- ter road is attending the Univers- 29c JUDLEY PABX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry K. Warren of South Ches- Ib SWarthmore. Pa. Phone SW 6-1557 6-6514. Old !lank Buildinc Swarthmore. 6~0 108 PLACE TO WORK nue. left Monday for her junior :/oor at Carlton College, Minn. As a member Of the Woman's League Cabinet, she is co-chairman of the freshman counseling committee. Graci. A Smoked Shankl... P.R.R. Freight Bldg. 7 any evening, Saturday 12 to 2. . Dorothy D.nworth, daughter of Nearby RAMS J. F. BLACKMAN, two college or business girls. Cail Ridley Park 3353 between 6 and Mrs. Hugh Denworth of Elm .ave- 'Shankleu Lancaster Brand Half rumble clutch, new Swarthmore with either one or BAIRD and BIRD IT'S A GOOD Walters of Benjamin West avenue. It. AYI_ gray, II x 12 or room. Reasonable. more 6-0193. Box F, The Swarthmorean. Me. and Mrs. Ferris Thomsen of Acme Guaranteed Quality Meats Iron Fireman on Burners { Good Coal Construction AlteratioWl after WANTED-To rent furnished paint and house or apartment, Swarthmore Swarthmore or vicinity, for 6 to 8 months, by couple. Call collect-Wilmington FOR RENT 5-0635. RENT-Room, with or withWANTED - Unfurnished apart- FOR out private bath, In attractive ment, 3 rooms and bath, in house on HIll. Swarthmore 6-1676. Swarthmore or vicinity. Reply • Residentfal • Painting • Comniircial, • Repairs • ' -!\Iterations friencl- Princeton, N.J., fonnerly of Swarthmore, spent a few days of this week with the Joseph H. Atlantic Heating Oils AND lilRllrllnce'·· Mortgagetlll"wiTA=N"T"ENESDAY NOON For several years the! Auxiliary 8WABn.:ou, N., . . .AY SEPTEMBER 2.l. 1951 has contributed to community I _-._~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _It~ompaigns, community emergency, 'Christmas Welfare and hospitals. PI..'.,-... Noe. Chapel Choir .at 7:45. Thursday especially at Coatesville, Valley Mr ~ J:SiSllOP will preach at the evening. Forge and Perry Point. It is their .ervice this Sunday ·at 11. His The Woman's Bible Class will wish to continue this program. sermon will be entitled "No Un- hold a tea on Thursday. Septem- but it clumot be accomplished certain Bugle." ber 27, at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. without the aid of outside friends. This Sunday afternoon at 4 the Harold G. Griffin. 214 Rutgers 'fhe profit on articles sold at the service of Dedication for the new avenue. All women of the Church Rummage Sale on October 4 and building will be. held .. The service are cordially invited. The Women's 5 in the Presbyterian Church will be held' In .Fellowship Hall bible Class will hold its opening Bullding will be used toward these and a tea, sponsored by the Wo- class on Seplember 30 at 9:30. Mrs. goals. I man's Association, will follow at F'red Wilson will be the teacher. S. Dr. Paul C. Payne, General At 8:30 Friday night the first RICHARD TAYLOR Secretary of the Board of Christ- meeting of the Mr. and Mts. Club Richard Taylor Of Philadelphia. i~n EdUCAtion, will be the speaker will be held in Fellowship Hall. father of John Howard Taylor of a t the ceremoBl/. Any couples interested are cordi- Kenyon avenue, passed away SepCol. and Mrs .. Harold C. Mabbott ally invited to attend. tember 14 in his ninety-fifth year. at the driveway-transept entrance World Wide Communion will be Funeral services and interment wJl1 assil;t Mr. tlishop and Mr. observed in the Church on October were held Tuesday in PhIladelphia. Stettner in greeting the congrega- 7 at both ·the 9:30 and the 11 tion after the servic'J; this Sunday o'clock services. . Invite Scout Parents The men's Bible Class will hold A dinner for the Young Adults .The Committee for Cub Scout its first meetinll this Sunday morn- wiJI be held at 6:30 Sunday, Sep- Pack I, announces a meeting for mug at 9:30 on the second iloor of . tember 30 followed by an evenina the parents of those third grade the Parish House. Dr. E. Fay of Fellowship. boys for College Avenue School Campbell will be the leader. Beginning next Sunday. Sep- who are interested in joining the The second' of two Church tember 30, there will be two morn- Cubs. School Staff meetings will be held ing services each Sunday, at 9:30 This meeting will be held in the this Sunday morning itom 10 ~o and n. basement of the Trinity Church, 11 o·clock.. The entire staff is There will be a Fellowship Wednesday evenirig, September 26 stl'Onaly urged to be present. Group for Junior High boys and at 8:15 p.m. J. A. Turner. Jr., is The Executive' .Board of the girls (7th, 8th. and 9th grades) chairman of the committee. The Philadelphia P.resbyterlal will this year under the direction of !irst Cub meeting will be October have an all ~ay ~eeting in the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boyer. 28. David Braun Memorial Building This group will meet on Sunday on Monday starting at 10. evenings from 6 to 7. The first Cub Scouts To Meet The Board of Deacons will meet meeting will be on September 30. An organized meeting' of Cubs in the Church Lounge at B. Tueswill be held Wednesday. Septemday evening. Friends Meeting Noles ber 26 at 8:00 p.m. at the SwarthThe Board of Missions and ·BenFirst Day School opens at 10 more Presbyterian Church. . evolences wlll meet at B Tuesday o'clock on September 30 and on All parents, whose boys are mevening in the Pastor's Study. October 7, classes wlll begin at terested in being Cub Scouts. are Clrcles'To ..... the regular time of 9:45. invited to attend. Howard C. Circle 3. Mrs. George W. McThe Adult Forum Series for the Jackson of Vassar avenue is Cub Keag, chairman, will meet at 2:30 inll will begin on October 7 at 9:45 Master. on Wednesday at home of the a.m. Dr.· William Hordern of the chairman on Parrish road. Tea department of philosphy and reBEREAVED will be served from 2:30 to 4. ligion at Swarthmore College will Franklin J. Murphey of WilmCircle 7. Mrs. James H. Horna- begin a series of six lectures and ington, Del, father of Mrs. Maurice day. chairman, will meet at 2:30 discussions on. the teachings' of Griest of ElnJ. avenue, passed away on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Jesus. Sunday in the Delaware Hospital. C. MacDonald Swan, 910 Mt. Ml". Murphey, a retired merchHolyoke place. ant, had been in poor health for Trinity Noles Circle 9. Mrs. Joseph Howe. On Sunday morning there will the past year. He was 84. chairman, will meet at the home be a celebration of the Holy Comof Mrs. R- Eo Farrington, 523 Cor- munion at 8 o·clock. Church Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of nell avenue, on Wednesday eve- School will open this Sunday at ·Princeton avenue have returned ning at B. 9:30 a.m. Pupils in the Upper home trom a three-week trip in There will ~ a rehearsal of the School (fourth grade and up) will Canada. Travelllng by train, Mr. go into the church for an opening and Mrs. Yerkes made short stays service. The' younger students will in Montreal, and St. Andrew Byreport to their classes in the par-, the-Sea in New Brunswick. Crossish halls downstairs. Sessions ing the Bay of Fundy, they stopped SWARtl'HMORE will lttst for one hour. in Digby Pines, Kentville, and PRl!lSBYTERIAN CHURCH At 11 a.m. there will be a service Halifax in Nova Scotia before gcJooeph P. Bishop. IWnister ing down to Yarmouth. From Yar!If Morning Prayer with a sermon Jobn Stettner. Assistant 81U1da:i. S e P _ 23 by the Very Reverend Frank D. mouth they went by boat to Bos11:00 .A.M.-Pre-School Nursery Gifford, D.O., Dean of the Phil- ton, taking the train home. 11:00 A.M. - Mr. Bishop will Pfc. Philip M. Alden, Jr., Reese adelphia Divinity School. preach. . The ushers for Sunday will be ~ir Force Base, Lubock, Tex. WednHday. September 26 arrived home Friday for ~ I5-day 10:00 A.M.-Womllll·s Association F. W. Plowman, W~ ~. Cleaves, G. Bandaging Group meets In the 3. Valentine, W. M. McCawley. C. leave. new willi, S. Keller, J. L. Cornog, R. G. Haig, and S. B. Brewster. Pierre· DeMETHODIST cmrncH Roy N. K'elser, D. D.. Minister ~rouez will serve ~.s acolyte at SIUllla7. September 23 the 8 o'clock service, and Kenneth SPECIAL TO 9:45 A.M.-Church School and Wyse at Ii Young Adults. SUBSCRIBERS 11:00 A.M. -' Mr. Keiser will 3 - I = Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, Jr.. of Friends Central Alumnae .gtoup Wa1llngford entertained her for luncheon and bridge on Wed- 1'DBU8.... BVUY I'UUAY AT SWAaT8ll• •E. PA. DEPENDABILITY Built up through 73 yeon of service to this ·community • UJE OLlVEL1 u~ BAm co. • DIRICTOn OF fUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET OLIVER H_ BAIR. Found., TolophD"a RI 6-1581 ----• make your. a 1HOROUGH training in radio television and electronics • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Learn froni ..,.ble, qualI&ed ill' atruclo.. at The Technical Instl. t.,. of Temple Unlvenitr. Training at Technical Inlll,o,. lasts 4 semesters. Excellent place. ment senlce and employment rec> Old! Counseling Service. Full and part time COUl'Sel. Fall term IlUtI Seplember 26. RegiBlralioD Sepo Iembe,, 17·25. Write for Informallo.. THE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE OF TEMPLE UNIVERSITY 418_5_ Pho.. _19 r~~~~~~;;;;;;~~~~;;§~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~ the .cheetefed career drass! 11 :Of~:' Nursery Melb"dist Noles The Sunday School meets at H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector 9:45. Classes are provided for SIUIlIa7. S e p _ r IS ,hildren of all ages and for adults. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion The Young Adults meel at 9:45 . 9:45 A.M.-Church School ll:oo A.M.-Morning Prayer ~d n the Ladies' Parlor. . Sermon. The Very Rev. Frailk The topic of the sermon !\t the _.....;:D;;.,.:G:ynifMo;;rd,;;:;,,;D~D;;;.n;;>;i1"flo;;'i'V"- \ [1 o'clock service is "Why He '1'HE RELiGIOUs sociiii i Failed." OF I'RIENDS The Church Nursery for ChildSancIA,.. September 23 th . g 1\ :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. ren is open during e mornm Visitors welcome. Children ~ervice. The Misses ~elen and cared for in Whittier House. darbara Scott will be in charge. September 2t. The ushers for the day are Peter All DII3' Sewin& for the A1FEo.C 1lurray,Joh" J. Bodley, Harry E. W.......,.. 8f;pks" er Z6 . All Day ~ for the A:PEo.C. New and George Shubert. i'ikiNh'i cHtlllCH o Me......,.. 'IIi§f CAUkdA OJ' Christian Science Notes . "Matter" is the subject of the • all Ch ches of sesson-Sermon In ur Christ, Scilmtist on Sunday !lePtember 23. The Golden Text is "lily flesh and my heartfaileth: but ea:-=-a~ God is the strength of niy heart, dalI7 except SUndIQ' il2 to and my portion ,for ever." B p.a. W..., . IIV' ever.... ., to .. . (Psalms 18:28) "AIGLON Student Subscr~ptions to To take you far a nd wide all during the cooler months •. , to see you through a day at the office or !I day on the 10 • •• an outstandingly decorative dress of rayon flannel checks I . It's crisply styled' with a convertible club collar, dolman sleeves and a slim skirt with • .. fly-tuck from waist to hem. Aqua and brown, toast and black, royal and black, red and black. . Sizes 10 to 20; 12% to 22%. an,15 t THE SWARTHMORIi;AN CHRIST SCIENTIST· . SWARTHMO~___ .... Park Avenue below ..-,.. y 8111Ml&7 Sept pNr II 11:00 A.1l.~ School 11:00 A.K _I SennOD ''Matter'.. meetID8 0_ !l1OD. :J\:dlD., _ 1:10 .... IlDd • to 1:10. • THE 8WAa'l'BIiOaBAN Church Services . Swarthmore Woman·$ Club _F • • SfPI'EMIIER 21, 19S1 Call Swartlunorp. '6·0900 ·15 South Chester Road· . . . . e • ., , . .' . , THE Week-End Tennis F..... The Swarthmore Tennis Club is SWARTHMOREAN Quarter finals:6Van Ormer over First round: Palmer over Brad3 Mill ford. Jr., 6-1, 6-3: Shook over Ry- Haseltine, 9-7, -; hn er over erson, 6-4, 6-2', Pegram o.ver Sim- Schwartz, 6-4. 7-5; Jo son over mons,' 6-3, 6-2; Wynn over Me- LeHecka, 6-1, 6-0. Cawley, 8-6. 4-6, 6-4; Koffs over , ,. Alden, 8-6, 7-5; Schwartz oV,er FAI.L TERM OPENS winding up the year's activities this week-end with the semi-finals , • g1 and finals of the mens sm es tournament. In the semi-finaIs, beginning at Hobson, 6-0, 6-1; Abbe over Brad2:30 p.m. SatUrday, Glenn Miller, ford, Sr., 7-5. 6·2; ~Hecka over Ridley Park, will face Bill John- Taylor 6-0, 2-6, 6-0, Reed over son, Sharon Hill, in one match, Goodman. 7-5. 5-7, 6-2. while Banks Van Ormer Prospect Second round: Jones over PalPark, meets the winner between mer. 6-1, 6-3; Wallin over Shook, Donald Janes, S~arthmore, and 6-2. 6-0; Haseltine over Pegram, Curtiss Wallin, Springfield. The 6-1, 6-3; Van Ormer over Wynn, winner!! of these matches will clasb 6-2, 6-2; Miller over Koffs, 6-2, in the finals at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. 7-5; Schwartz over Trumpler, 6-4, Following are results of all 7-5; LeHecka over Abbe, 6-1, 0-6, matches compl~ted to date: 6-3: Johnson over Reed, 6-1, 6-3. -----..:...---------------------- BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SHOP • I • • • • • • • • • • • • , •• The pIa!'e to huy your Fr'eshman acceAAOries Cordiallv Wp1!'ome!< Freshmen and Upper Cla!third thaD ...on , w:ger the- diameter of an automobile tire. Other sections measUre 30 inches and downward. Combining a variety or pipe-sizes • • • laying them uphill and down, across river bottoms, highways and railroad tracks, along street after street • • • and maintaining them against such enemies or pipe as ,corrosion, leaks and electrolysis • • • creates tremendous engineering problems. J?·ut these probloms are met by the skilled. experienced men or Philadelphia Suburban Water Company's pipeline departmeoL Indeed, by keeping the pipeline in order. they help make your ·supply of Pure Springfield Water as traditionally dependable as it .. traditionBny wholesome and delicio.1 I \ ~n!IJ(i1 Sf!RINGFIELD V/~WATER . ---- -- ........... '-"'-"-w_ Mrs. Nothera, Barton Hubbell, who for several years has taught plano i~ New York City, will open a studio this month at 603 Elm avenue. Besides private teachlng.11.l New York, Mrs. Hubbell taught for several years In Lincoln School of Columbia University. She was for five, yeats head of the music department of Texas State Women. College, Denton, Texas, and for two years Associate Professor of Music. Wells College. Aurora, N. Y. A Juilliar!l graduate, with post graduate study under C~rl Friedberg, she has played recital programs jn many cities. schools and colleges. (CGntlDued from page ODe) nize community needs and develop Items are In the Lounge as are the means of meeting them, either evenlni gowns, scout uniforms, sporting goods, and toys.. Don't miss the Lolmge t Thursday from 12 noon until 4 p.m. Is the payoff when money is received for goods sold and articles are returned. With the coopera. 'tion of conslgners, this project runs with amazing speed and efficiency, due to the squad of midnight artthmelle . specialists . who funcllon Wednesday night. ·MI"s. Birney K. Morse is general "hairman. Mrs. Robert A. ~yle, . MM. J. Paul Brown, Mrs. Samuel T. Carpenter are in charge of reo. cieVinl/. Mrs. Carroll Pc Streeter directs finances. Allce Marriott is in charge of desk. Mrs. John M. Pearson of h8lllling and sorting, Mrs. Donald P. Jones of girls' dresses, Mrs. Walter E. Cleveland of baby and children'. clothing, Mrs. Frank H. MeCowan of skirts, Mrs. George B. , Thorn of evening tlress, Mrs. Raynham T., Bates of household, Mrs. William H, Lowe of boy's clothing, Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman of Women's Clothing, Mrs. W. Alfred Smith of Sweaters, Mrs. Robert N. HIlker! of Scouts and toys, Mrs. Robert. W. !Uchardson of Men's clothing, Mrs. D. Reed Geer of doors, Mrs. Peter E. Told of publlcity, and Mrs. Francis H. Fo!'Syllie of check-put. Mrs. Raymond K.Denworlh is president of the sponsoring group, the Woman'. Club of Swarthmore, which bandies two exchanges "ach year .. a community service. The 25 per cent handling charge is applied by the Club to maintenance at lis house and grounds. 0 ....... ie ADalia) Mr. and, Mrs. George E. Bradfield of Rose Valley Roa!;!, Wallingtord, formerlY of Swarthmore, were guests of honor at an open house from 3 to 6 Sunday afler_ noon to celebrate their ·fortleth wedding anniversary. The occasion was arranged by and held at the home of. their daughter Mr.. Robert C; Tesh of .,:W;.,::·Im::::in::gt::,::an:::;,.'_ _..:.._ _ _ _ __ • • through its own effort or In cooperation with other agencies. Lionism is "an active and ef!icient medium for. united community effort and enterprise. It is also an outstanding medium for national and world service, exerting tremendous Influence for national welfare, international agrlty and peace, and human progress socially. cultUrally, and economically. Charter members are: David J. Anderson. Warren Bernard, Robert S. Bird, J, F. Blackman, Clarence Brannan, A. G. Catherman, Barton W. Calvert, William C. Campbell, Daniel Celia, Frank Ciliberto, Thomas F. Conway, Peter E. Coste,' William P. Dodd, James J. Dunn, J. Leslle Ellis, Eugene M. Finnegan, Henry J. Faust, John E. Gensemer, Jr.; T. Logan Graves, L. C. Hastings, John E. Jeffords, III, Leslie A. Korndoffer, Frank Maselli" Thomas W. Mason, Frank E. McFadden, Thos. R. Mcllheruiey, George W. McKieag, George S. Myers, William E. Myers, Morton Paul, Irving A. Pederse,!, Theodore L. Purnell, Horace R. Renshaw, Jack V. Ricksecker, Franklin E. Roblnson; Ellis Rumsey, Kendall C. Sadler, H. Schuyler Simmons, Morris E. Smith, Richard M. Snyder, Walter C. Snyder, Bertram M. Speare, George StaUtfer, Hans K. Steinfeld, James O. Stephens, Wm. F. Taylor, 2nd, Augustus S. Titus, Norman Weinstein, H. L. WhIttemore, Jr., John.H. Wigton, Edw1n F. Windell. ' Welcome And Best Wishes To I Swarlhmore's SUBU.SAN WAI •• CO.PANY ~ 40 M""'d",:,Iil¥s i" ~1mwIn.. MOII/,II1JJII , . . , a zt c. LION'S CLUB Swarthmore Business Association Swarthmore RotarY Club -,, • v-a . V;OOWMEE FEEL 180 Rl Chry Ie~ , HORS~_' . POwer V-a engineS de:efevolutionary new Fir~ -oather, Dlore ftexibl ops more. POWer, gives any other engin e responSIveness than ~. Even on non~ put into an American 111 ~echanical oci'an::;wn grad~ fuel, its built_ any other en":~' enable It to outpertonn .....e ... any other carl ::er: v ;g:~ ·COURTESY .:...... e PAYS can give you!· FEEL HYDRAGUIDE* STEERING I ~or the first . any v: S.-built in SUPPlies four-fifths of hcar, hydraulic POwer Park or steer kt e energy needed to • • • Dla es dri' I· brand newe"perience . v'n~ 'terally a the· ~ety of Swift, s~ g'ves ~eenng ease and nothmg YOU've eVer felt I steenng control like V.;~MKE FEEL CHRYSLER POWER . ESI Litile courtesies,. like carrying your classmates' schoolbookB, help make life happier. Consideration for the other fellow is the basis of good party-line telephone service, too. If you are always courteous on the telephone, you're sure to find your party-line neighbors the same. Remember the three R'B of partyline ·courtesy ~ Relinquish the line as BOOn 88 possib~ when you hear others try to use it; Replace the receiver gently when you fuid the line in use; Regulate your calls so that otherE· may use the liDe in· between. ," Feel for· If of security that yours. the new sense • cornes when p engine helps Your foot a I OWer from the -oathly, easily swift/)P y tho! brakes. Gently your Chrysler's 'sp d y, you "feather down': standstill, with as ~~I" ~s· or b,?ng it to a Pressure you're used tol one-third the foot ' -- ' . ~ E:~Ei WHAT ORIFLOW vgg: c"--. . ' OUGU ROADSI . this year uses . . type absorber with ""vrevolu~onary new tIteadYl~ power of those p ~ the ridecars at any price., Co reVlOus Y used on any a difference this' rna;;: feel for YOurself what hapPeDS when bwnps 'd' • • . COIDe feel what . 'S&Ppearl ~.Y.. er -!'ock .~, t;v1ca , . ~. IbIDdud on ~ Im~ ....".. fat IaI. atra eon. as production ~~ New Y«br' ....d Saratop . .... T .' .... THE BELL TELEPHONE OF PEN NSYlYAHA , Newly Organized 4 Invitations. •• ". COMPANY . PHILAD.LPHIA I Mutual Exchange .Lions Club To Receive (Continued from page one) N W k ext ee though these are. It is to recog- on party-line telephones,~ too ;koglund. Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. Theodore Prescott.; Troop 331, Mrs. 'John Bowden, Jr., Mrs. Harry :';cymour; Troop 16, "Mrs. Walter Magee, Mrs. Ned Mikusinski; ·Flyup Troop. Ml's. J. Willard HollanleI', I'.wl's. W. T. Pennington. Look-ina ahead t~e group di!>· ('ussc..d plans for the dedication r:crcmonies at Camp Sunset Hill JIl September 30, Girl Scout Week, w!lich Will be highlighted by a vesper service fo·r all Scouts, 'rownies, parents, and guests in a local church on Octcber 28, and _.(~ February cookie sale. Plana .vtr..; illso discussed for a Woman's ~Iub progra.m and a window dis,jay to be held in March in celeIJr~tion of the Girl Scouts' birth-' day week. the Court ot Awards and Fiy-Ups will be held· in May as usual- but the date and place .are still indefjnite. In the 'next few· weeks troops will be busy organizing committees. electing representatives to the Girl Scout Coun_cil, and to the Girls Planning Board. It's getting bigger than . the \'\'Big. Inch"! • , SWARTHMORElAN ~--~--~---~~~~====~================~ -== Muriel Watkhls of College avenue has entered Hiriun College, Ohio as a freshman. Gwen Watkins left Sunday for Wooster College, Ohio to begin her junior year. Sandy Ford, Dick McCray, and Ray D.mworth of \9Ivarthmore have retu·rned to Wesleyen University, Middletown. Conn., for their sophomore year. Patricia Weiland of South Ch..... ter road has returned to the University of Maryland to complete her senior 'yt:ar. Charles keenen of Harvard avenue returned Wed1\esday to Dartmouth College where he Is a member of the senior class. Tom Alden with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Alden of North Chester road drove last Frjday to Amherst College, Mass., where he is enrolled as a freshman. James R. Taylor, 'Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Taylor of Westdale avenue left last week to take up his duties as a Master and asslstant. athletic coach at The :f:Piscopal High School of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese Of the State of Virginia ill Alexandria, Va. Anne Marie Larson of WaIllngford. wili leave Sunday for Towson, Md., where she is enrolled in Goucher College as a freshman. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn K. Foster and daughter Elizabeth motored to College Park, Md., where ElIzabeth is enrolled in the University of Maryland. Ja,ck Streeter of Columbia av~­ nile left Sunday to begm his freshman year at the University of Delaware, Newark. Andrea Wilcox of Ogden avenue, a June graduate of Swarthmore CoU,\ge, has begun graduate work in Anthropology at Cornell University. Alan Hunt of Ein1 avenue Is attending the. University of Michigan Law School. Graham Foster of Crest lane will leave Monday for Cornell University where he will do graduate work in Physics. Pat Told of Park avenue who was a counselor at Camp Vega, Jr., Readfield on Echo Lake, Me., this summer. returned to Sargent College by plane Friday to begin hpr junior year. . THE Scout Leaders Meet . . BltQo(P. . . . - _ y 01_ ..., SF.PIEfSER 21.1",' '.; • ,: • ONLY A RIDE CAN mow YOU WHAT ONLY A CHRYSLER GIVES I HANNUM & WAllE Yale ,Ave. & Chester-, Road .~" .- . . , • Mrs. Thomas W. Hopper of Dog- ceremonies of Dr. Malott, the newl38 wood Iane is spending the week in president of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. On 'Wednesday Mrs. and also the luncheon which Hopper attended the induction lowed. ADULT EVENING CLASSES IN SHOP SUBJECTS ) Art Metal, Ornamental Iron Work, Woodwork, Wood Carvill&' Wood Turning, Bench Work, and Machine Work (JLASSES EVERY TUESDAY and TBUJISDAY EVENING BEGINNING SEPT. 25, 1051-SWARTHMORE HIGH SCIIOOL Registration at Wgh Sehool, September 25, , to 9 p.1IIo Rates: I night per week, eight months ............ $12.50 per course 2 nights per week, four months ............ $12.50 per course Half Courses at half price Shop Materials to be paid for as used. ORANGE CLEANERS WELCOME YOU AT THEIR NEW L(){)ATlON 6 PARK AVENUE HAVE YOUR SUMMER WOOLENS CLEANED and STORED EARLY IN OUR VAUL'l'S- . SAFE, GUARANTEED, and INSURED ALSO REPAIRS Proved Blowout Accident Protection For Over 16 Years LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUBES GOOO/iE4R LIFEGUARD ORDINARY TUBE When a tl,.. with an ordinary tube IIlow. out, the .lngle air com part. . men... ollap... • •• the car wheel drops suddenly, usually throwing t"e car completel)' cut of control. When a tire with UfaGuarcl ~'OWI out, only the outer chamber glYe. way • • • reserve cord fabric Inn., chamber IUpperh OIIt .enough to allow a 1m, .trot.htline stop. iOTOP AT THIS SIGN OF TIRE SERVia HEADQUARTERS FUSCO & ALSTON the OPENING Mrs. F ...d F. Robinson will b. chairman of hospitality for the Child Study Department of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore, according to the announcement of Mrs. RaYmond K. Denworth, president. This group wiU meet on the third Monday evening of each month in the club house under the chairmanship of Mrs. E. H. Pyle, 2nd and Mrs. Theodore W. Prescott. The first meeting on Monday, Oc'ober 15, will h.e adPen ThUnday & Friday Till 9 P.M. Saturday 'tiD 6 P.M~. 'A.ILtnllP." S1lNDAY 8 A. . . tn • p . . . w.......,Lean... few days carpentry work and painting. Swarthmore 6-2465. YALE &ad ltUTGDB AVIL ....., WANTED=To buy furrulure. oddS and ends of any .articles. Ches- ~I --y.. 1U1-. I \ , HORACB -I nlra Generation luilden" Swarthmore 6-2526 REEVES ~ Since 1905 Painters & Paper Hangen We should know how tS."a. 6:2266 Michigan Ave. Passmore 33] Cornell Avenue Swarthmore ,, SEMI-DETACHED • R.B"L I!ST AT/! 6 INSURANCB 609 S. CHasTeI< RD. : SWAUHMoaI. i'BNNA. . FIREPLACE - GARAGE' One block from Grade School Possession at Settle~ent . ..,. .... III BuMnc Coastractioa ~ • INSURANCE - CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES - RENTALS Developers of New Homes - Magill Road - Cornell Avenne Now Under Consnctlon - 17 Yz South Chester Road • • III Residential • Painting Commercial • Repairs • Alterations Swarthmore 6-3450 JOHNR. DONOHUE: ;;i;'fJai,ntE'r andD ~ecOl·at4~rt Interior andE -x'teJ,·..,t·o••rt. Dependable Ser.,"", P.O.BOX37 . SwarthmOre, Pa. OAKCREST LANE ". -- ---_ .. TIH6.EN ~~ • t;AT OIL ":1 'w . ...,. - II. _lIa MONIN. OIL ..... .UIlNACES ..... Ian'.... OIL IUJlN'N. WAU.·HIAlIlS • Phone SJJ7 64636 . .... Phone Swar,thmore 6-0108 1-- . . .... ·.....,===-.. . . ---:== Speclllllzing In SALES of NEW and OLDER HOMES HOIlA.CE A. Cellar Walls Re-Plastered FOR SALE woman. Convenient to transportation and tearooms. Call Swartbiim;;,0;,irce_6"' i -;.i0""2.,,55i i FOR RENT-October 1. second floor fremt. large living room. 2 bedrooms, large dining room and modern kitchen combined. Till! bath. Near transportation. Beautiful surroundings. Adults only. n[edia 6-1870. . FOR RENT Large comfortable room .attractive location. Convenient to transportation and tearoom, \lttractive location. Conrooms. Swarthmore 6-4124. FOR RENT First and second floor apartment-6 rooms. . 314 North Chester road. ~'-':" ~or Y:'0man 9r girl. lacation With or . keeping privileges. Call ~w~~more 6-3353. Realtors Asphalt or Cnncrete B. '"!,=:!r.rornToi'lSiiiilDe.s ,'II~ .1~r BAIRD and BIRD • , t, ... 111- .i.. Driveway Construction . • 15. ~.:.~: -£ I - - -- , PLA8R1UNO .... ~ A1I!~ I~ more~6-3889. Ili,(}H or -;:'.:' thrPA ladies. .LU ...· .---~-.:' ~.= CharIes E • F'I8lCJler·· _1.. months nnlv 6-5707 • WANTED-The Needlework Guild I~ needs used lattndry bags. Call BUILDER Mrs. William F. Lee, Swarthmore _. 6-4548. ,,~u FOR W I! 1313' Bo avenue. , 16-6909. i fuR s:ALE=Easy Washer, W I t h ' . Swarthmore 6-2253 wringer. Good working condi- LOST At or..on_ tion. $35. Call Swarthmore 6-0746.}~.,.a._~ , . \-e. FOR SALE-Modem walnut din~,,!Ii~. ~W . . . ~ette table and 4 chairs. $32; Ma- more ,;,.' . = 4 1 hogany Empire card . table. $35;' ~ n[ahogany tilt-top table. $40; aooJ'INO blanket chest, $10; few small an. on tlques. Call ·weekdays. SwarthMonday.. Clill 0....... Quae. ... ........ more 6-7337. 6-1739. ..L .' - TBOllWl w. !lUaNa ~. . .;;;;;;'MO;;;o;;;_~~;;;;~ Estate of Julia Adrienne Shero a/k as Julia A. Shero. Andrienne Shero. Adrienne Shero and Adrienne D. Shero late of the Borough of Swarthmore. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the lDldersigned who request all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted 10 the decedent to make payment without delay. to Lucius R. Shero. Ex651 North Chester. road. II!Penna. or to h18 At- I... ." Jr., 10 ~ ' R RENT FOR RENT-To gentlemen-two' • attractive rooms. Central 1000t 10n t 112 R u t gers avenue. Swarth- n~!=:k.· WANTm=A handy man to do a T_ Repair Df'eAINDR\~. Rx('("utrlx, s~ SWllrthmore, Pa. or to her -AttOI'"HCYR. II~ ~~;;:;;;;;,;;:;;;;;,;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ A. SIDXEV JOIINSON, JR. BUTLIIR. BEA·l"ry. URRER " JOHNSON. ~tedIR. PRo .T-.... '0 ROOMS - TILE BATH 'HE 1m IIlEPHONE (OMPANY ~F PENWSflYANIA STATION OPEN ~.I ~$~p~~~~.~8~w~~~~o~~:8-~'~7u~~1i~~~~~~~~~~i,111 Sill ~~~~~~~""I with regular Increa• • Why not stop in today at one of the offices listed ESSO SERVICE mou-,. ....k RIDLEY PAlUt Good pay from the ....... , I _ " t . colnfolt. . . . surroundl .... .;naB .. ~,~~:!;~~p-¥.. McK, ·:i.,j,d~:"'f tr'i"iv"['''I,,, w~~ ably roll-top. Go~d-'condition. Call Swarthmore 6-1738. WANTED smaIl ttnfUi'iiiShed apartment in Swarthmore or vicinity. by business woman. Call Swarthmore 6-4000. ext. 203 bet ween 8 :30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. WANTED will trade cot-sized metal double decker for sprm' g. either coil or box, twin bed size. Swarthmore 6-6588. '-'£_'. CUNNINGHAM • • ~1833 ~;;;;;~=~==;;;~~=;;;~~ -----;F::O=:-::==:------ first ,. floor. .f!la~~~ Ibath; larkige.tchen 'v.u..• N"ear A - .. 1;.... 1.. • :':::1:-': transportat~on, A"riU"U'' CS' ""~-;;- Elsie U Mc- I v.u.... 6-1870. . .~~o. S arthm'~: w ore I ~,!1<. _and ~ bath. Reply to M. The I~swarthmorean. ---, Swarthmore, Pa. C!..._-'-'-____ .oII'wan.wDOI"8 '"lfILDUED :il6 Wolliut8.Lane ons Burners Good Coal fum that telephone work has many otIIIr No experience needed • ... I 333 Dartmouth Avenue PETER DI NICOLA . If you'd like to work with associates of this kind ••• with people like yourself ... why not stop in for an interview? There are several openings right now for girls who can qualify•. advantages: r rr...-...,,==:;-,::rr.=:--:=:- R5TA'rK ()It' WII.t.IAM A. DeCAINDItV, nhm known I\.'I W~I. A. DeCAINDR.V, late of the Borough ot Swarthmore. ·Decensed. I.. RTTRRS TESTAMENTARY Ull the nbm'e R!'Itnte hnvillg' been gmnted to the llIuler.dg'I1('CI. aU- personR Indebted t9 the ~alcl K'llale nre requested to make payIIwnt. nnd thMe lUlVlnlt elalm!!; to preAent the snllle. Wltllout delny, to . Iron Fireman Oil For girls who like people, Bell Telepho!1e is an ideal place to ' work. The men and women you'll meet at Bell are friendly, pleasant, congenial. In addition, you'll I""n ".... AND , Nabilco Spiced Walerl Glendale Club Che.l. Food Grated Tuna Filh Swan.. Toilet Tillue Cl"f" asSl Ied , "emy. ' " . I iO:hl, . n " Alterations electricity i. your most helpful {~ieDd and conalaDt servant. . Mi'. and Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe FOR SALE1 pedi Brl'ttanm'ca a19t5hlalfEllthCYecorol'n'nala .nd sons,Jimmy and Dick Of North ..... Chester road have returned after price. Never used. \I'his edition is Grownups who like. tn" on hthe open Ideal ~ ,. vacdtioning .at·· their Moryland not f hi h I market 11 things with their.. hands a~ .n~',~n.. or g sc 00 or co ege . nlng to sign up for the Ad.ult .. camp near' Berlin the early' Phone Swarthmore 6-7310. t th . .' .' ~art of the, summer and later FOR SALE--,Black wool coati!. a. e High School next . ,,-,7 ' .heir summer home in sizes 14 and 16; high chair; mght. September 25. at ~:f.,;;... ,1'4e.,·(rheir son Tom IIIc- stroller; infant layette; children's This class has been in .:··10r Cabe. Jr.• and his wile of clothes. Swarthmore 6-3985 after b ' . -'"' 4 anum er ·of years uu ton. Ill .• l'ol'ned them m' " , pm . . .Tu d . . FOR SALE-G. E. Mlxmaster.· 3 es ay and Thursday mghts II'om for several weeks. Dick will return beater. Never used. Will sell at the end of September to the. end today t9 Sotlthern Arizona School, Wholesale price, Call Swarthmore of May. Tucson, .Ariz. 6-7289. Th' D ' ;;;~:'::;;>::7-;;--;;=;:-=;;-=__;--e mstructor is avid L. WatFOR SALE-Boy's 20" bicyclekins, Industrial Arts instructor in. . two years old, $18. Phone the High School. Those Swarthmore 6-1065. Saturday. in the night school work on any FOR. SALE-14 ft. Runproject of their choice. It may ;:-_ about Boat-fully equipped with De hardware. For information call wood. leather. plastics. metal or pERSONAL Swarthmore 6-0495 or Chester ~ven jewelry and It may be mak- PERSONAL=Chllar' S 0CkS ::3-,;;2i;43;;:,3i;' 109 something new or repairing for school. Made e':os ord: by FO~ SALE-S~erltng silver. po~something old. A Blankenship, Swarthmore Sible 50% discount. Shown m Mr. Watkins will be at the ~ "ftj 6Y_du78r09.home. Phone Swarthmore ~: school next Tuesday night in FOR SALE-S ft G E sh b 'ld' . t b ck f and even cu. . • . .0P. U1 mg JUS a 0 repalrRefrigerator - Standard 1939. Hlgh School at the comer of Col- ~ Brooks Good condition. $45. Phone lege and Princeton avenues to en~' Swarthmora. 6-1065, Saturday. roll any who may wish to join _ _ FOR SALE-Book House, $10. 1t b d clas.c;. A small fee is charged each made. New beauty for comp e e; ran new ColU1llbia student depending upon the num- "'nnW" _C?!~ J:~jJ:me~w:=oals. ~~:rih~~~~g::66~~~chmen~ $10. her of nights in the week he -"•• re FOR S~NearlY new MOnitor ca,,~ tends and the nUII\ber of months .. ~. _~ . washing machine, apartment of enrolhnent.· -;;:;.:;••;- i~~~ Size. Call Swarthmore 6-5503 after _~~~~ 6 p.m.' ~, (~ ~E~i~·rat~.1 ~~(!::ie: ..p:~O l!h?e~ ~~~ ~.. ! ..!.c\~m., 10 ; Construction YOD Adul Sho t p .',' •• . Classes At High St;IWJil f.:r:J I;:;;:;;::;:;:;;;::;:;;:;;;::;:;:;:;:;;;::;:;;:;: Elliott Richardson. 2_'T~'~.'~21~______~B=or~o=u'~I~,=~~re~IR=~~.~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ _ ll,~':I!sE;"'~~le~:~o;,f',jMnrY E. Klfferly. of Ihe .1,,_.- or Upper Darby, lale deceased. of It a' leW day FROM the momenl' your electric clock wa!'" Chamber, Dorough Hnll, Swarthmore, I'll., and family of Westdale avenue ---':..Ranges, .;,-:-~. on Oc!ober tlth. 19!H at 7:30 P.M., lor ' ,u;turnllddng I~,onn gallons. more or less, of t~ned recently after spending ~ryers, pumps, ~. cleanen anti No• .5 tuel 011 In nccordnnce wIlhCSlz-",,-q Com- SI X week s a t th elr ' cottage in Ocean small app11ances. Call : EAl".L ~ch-':H• mcrchd Standnrds SepecillcuUons delivered IlS needed Into a sIngle 2,000 City Gardens. _ ~Hausen. SW. 6-2850, Corner ot gnlloll uliderrcroulld storage tank at avE!tluea. SWlltthhiore, )'n. The successful bidder J wllJ be rerlt!lred to sign a contract anel ;: to furnish hands 89 required by Inw. the PETER E. TOLD I...,. ......-~L: , g , : - A~'_I ~~ fonn of which lOlly be seen at the office 1~ :!"li..- OJ 0_ or tile umleOllJ;rnecl. The Borough reserves All Lines of Insurance y ~ the rlK11t to rejed IIny or all blrlR. -! WARM-AIR HEATING . u:: l!::t ~~f'es f~~!:~IC~~~~Y ~e ~:~Ir:t tt~ REPAIRED &- INSTALLED .9d«d Oran•• .Jaioe .9dmJ Self.Rlltng u: ~IIIUn"'lpid BaUdInr 8w~re•. -.peDIISYI va~ DEW DROP INN AIIother Ilg food Event that will help you your food budget. Hundreds· of outstanding values that will prove It pays to buy 011 your food n'" In the M.. E?,ing. '.'Iestern Saving l"Und BUlldtng, Philadelphia. A copy of thp said specificat' to th with a form of pro;::'~al f~re in bid.ding will. be loaned by the Archlt~ct provided a de.poslt of $10.0018 with the s81d Archltecto Pendmg the return 01 said specifications in good condition on or before October 15. 1951. the full amount of the deposit will be returned ·· to the depoSl'tor. A bidder may bid upon any or a~ ot the items listed and each b.'d shall be accompanied by certifled check to tbe order of the Borough of Swarth f f' (59<) more or lve of :achebi~ent of the total amount The Boro;'gh reserves the right to reject any or all bida or parts thereof. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Bo.rough Secretory 2T-9-14 ,. , • THE It SEPTEMBER Zt. It11 SWARTHMOR&AN to Camp Perr.y, , . Ohio, where Dr. tlon. First prize for three blooms I Elwee wan second, Mrs. R. G. E.: Music Club Opens ' Patman particlputed in the Naof double Petunias went to Mrs. Ullman third, and Mrs. Bittle (Continued frOm page one) J. F. Gaskill. honorable mention. Mrs. LongThe Swarthmore Music Club ~;on3l Rifle Matches In which 800 Mrs. Perkins' Snapdragons won well swept in ~or her third first will hold its first meeting of the .ook purt In a nine-day tournakin. Mrs. A. P. Shenkle and Leonellt. nore Perkins tied for honorable first place in class 19, Mr. Jack- with her arrangement of not over current season at .Whittier Ho~e mention. For an exhibit of Tlth- son and Mrs. Jackson·wonsecond eight inches to be used on a tray next Monday evemng at 8:15 w,th ;::.============~ set for one; Mrs. Perkins placed President William E. Trumpler onla of not more than three blooms and third place. TEAcHER OF PIANO Zinnia growers vying for honors second, Mrs. Charles Deacon thIrd, presiding. Mrs. Simkin received a first, Mrs. The Club welcomes as guests or Swartbm...-e Petroska took second, and third in the next four classes came out and Miss Gemmill honorable menthuswise: for nine large' blooms tion. In the same Class another members all those who enjoy went to Mrs. Sheilk1e. Seaaon 1951 - 52 In the Marigold displays Mrs. Mrs. Clifford Banta w.on first, Mrs. set of awards were given with Mrs. music, either as listeners or parSimkin, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Jenkins Bittle secood, Mrs. Baker third, L. C. Bennett receiving first, Mrs. ticipants in the programs. Inforand Mrs. Bittle won the awards and Mrs. Marriott, honorable men.. Marriott second, and Mrs. MacEl- matico concerning membership Nothera Barton Hubbell may be obtained by phoning Mr. (in conventional order) for five tion; the one lone Zinnia judged wee third. 603 ELM AVENUE to be the best for ilze and perfeeFor their informal buffet table Trumpler, Media 6-2170, or the blooms, large or~ge shades. Re-' tion of foliage and color belonged settings using pottery or glass Mrs. secretary, Mrs. George W. Bishop, cognition for lemon shades went SWARTHMQRE, PA. to Mrs. Shenkle, Mrs. Simkin, Mrs. to Mrs. Banta. Second in line was Deacon and Mrs. Robert Clothier Swarthmore 6-3805. Other ofSwarthmore 6-2008 Lloyd Kauffman and Mrs. Gar- Mrs. Baker's, then Mrs. Redgraves, won first and second prizes re- ficers of the club are Mildrid Spenwith Mrs. Kauffman'S earning an spectively. eer Hutcheson, vice-president, and I rett.' Prizes for 15 blooms of Mrs. Baker was awarded a first, George S. Bishop, treasurer. small Marigolds of the same var- honorable mention. But Mrs. Kauffman's five curled and crested Mrs. Charles Hogg second, Mrs. Future meetings will be on the iety were awarded to Mrs. Kauffblooms took an undisputed first Langwell third prize for their arfourth Monday evening of each man, Mrs. Baker, and Mrs. Petroskas, with Mrs. Simkin, Mrs. Ro- in class 22. Mrs. Petroskas' display rangements in an earthenware month. at the same hour unless bert Clarin, Mr. McClarin, Mrs. of 15 Zinnia miniatures won a fint container, with Mrs. John Wig-' otherWise announced. Next Monday evening the folPerkins, and Mrs. Irwin Mac~a­ Mrs. Baker's entry edged out Mr. ton, Mrs. A. F. Jackson, and Mrs. wee all receiving honorable men- Baker's for second place, and Mrs. Shenkle receiving honorable men- lowing program will be presented: Walter Lucasse's won honorable tions. Piano Duets Irom "Petite Suite," tion. • When you entrust mention. First prize for an arrangement Debussy I Helen MacElwee and Prizes for five blooms of Scayour Doctor's prescripIn section B, Arrangements, Mrs. suggestive of coolness went to Mrs. E~eanor S. Fawcett; Mozart Quinbiosa went to Mrs. Redgrave, Mrs. tions to us, they will of A. E. Longwell won a first for her Shenkle, Mrs. Alexander Lackey tette for piano, obo~, 'clarinet, Baker, and Mrs. Simkin. course be tompoubded The seven blooms of single Pe- miniature receptacle of flowers, took a second and Mrs. MacElwee horn and basson, and Shubert Imexactly ... directed. A promptus, played by John Sears, tunias displayed by Mrs. R. T. Betty Gemmill won second, and a third award. skilled Registered Mrs. Charles Brogan and Mrs. \ pianist. Bates brought first prize, Jane Elizabeth Gibson, third. Pharmaast will. serve . Mrs. Longwell took first with Jack Thompson tied for first place D.uring int~r~isslon an informal Jacksonts Petunias took second you promptly and' over Mr. Jackson's, and Mr. Me.. her miniature receptacle of flowers with their arrangements of vege- perIOd of smgmg conducted by "lea,andy. And our Clarin came in for honorable men- displayed with a mirror, Mrs. Mac- tables for a kitchen window, Mrs. James D. Sorber with Dorothy rices are no higher.,·' .oy us the next time! H. W. Crowther came in for a late Hunt at the piano will be enjoyed second, Mrs. Ullman won a third, by all who like group singing. and honorable mention went to ' Following the meeting there will CATHERlIAN'S Virginia Bullitt. be a social hour at which Mrs. R. First prize in class 31 for an ar- J. Wittmeyer, hospitality chairDRUG STORE, rangement displayed in a specified man, assisted by her committee, niche, went to Mrs. Wgton, the will serve refreshments. ,Begonia Girls won second prize, Mrs. Marriott third, with Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Patman Redgrave and Mrs. MacElwee each of Princeton avenue returned, rereceiving honorable !pention. cently .from a 12-day motor trip For taste's Sake and for Time's make Mrs. Hogg's display of flowers in 1r-i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;--j it a practice to feature our delightful bakery goods a modern manner' gathered in a first. Nancy Hoot's display earned SANDWICHES - NUTS a second, ·and -,vIrs. MacElwee and CUP CAKES - ICE CREAM Mrs. Bennett shared honorable mention. Mrs. Henry Hoot took , Completely Set Up For The first and second place for an ar-I rangements of flowers in a natural ONE STOP P.ARTY SHOPPER container, honorable me~tion went: to Mrs. Redgrave and Mrs. Sumner Jones. For her arrangement suggestive of Pennsylvania Dutch design Mrs. \ Hogg was awarded a first, Mrs. South Chester Road Theater Square Redgrave a second and Mrs. Roy EDGMONT AVENUE - 7th and WElSH STREETS Latimer third. Honorable Call SwarthmlJoJle 6-3243 tion went to Mrs. S. Wilcox. I Winners Named 1,===============1 exactly ;=.==========================:..1 Sab ... I . CAKE BOX a '-============================'1 = '«ell{ on tJsI___ men-I arrangement .of first flowers for a An guest room earned honors for Mrs. Marriott, with ¥rs. Longwell, Mrs. Ullman and Mrs. BitUe coming in, in the usual order, while Mrs. Baker received a first for her arrangement in pewter, winning out over Mrs. Elliott Richardson and Mrs. Charles Deason, Mrs. Shenkle and Mrs. Ma~Elwee each receiving honor .. able mention. Directors Elect (Continued from page one) your old I fu~-coat I info a I T saves yoU money ice is the service com- We'll make it is a mistake to base admission I an the mental age aspect alone since maturity, physical development and other factors are equally important. The Board de,cided to adhere to its' former admission age. Dr. Carpenter gave a prelimin .. ary report an a study of school building needs, he had made during the vacation. Ife mentioned I the need of a play court area at· the rear of the high school, relief of the overloaded electrical cir- II cuits in the high school, and, additional elementary classroom' space. Sf=RVICB Genuine Chevrolet Serv- ,NEW FASHION LIFE FOR YOUR OLD FUR , . equipped to keep your new stylish Fur 'lined Coat Churc:b Group To Enleltain Chevrolet in top condition -to save you money by doing the job right! 1 Rumsey Chevrolet . The Woman's Association of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church' will entertain the Executive Board of the Philadelphia Presbyterial and Key Women of the Seven Districts on Monday, ,September 24, at the Church on Harvard avenue. Mrs. Palmer Pilgrim and her committee is, in 'charge of the luncheon under the direction of Mrs. Ray Latimer. WANTED Tbe'atre Squn SaleswOll)llll, over 25, for local shop. Steady position. Must be Attraetive, Intelligent, and Dependable. ' Swarthmore "138 CaII~6-ml For juSt I EASTERN' STANDARD TIME· 59.98 We'll start fashion life over again for your old fur coat, •.. regardless of how "impossible" It looks to you. We clel\l1 It, then coovert it to a beautiful fur lined coat. New silhouettes, boxy and pyramid styles. Wonderful 'wool fabricS. Slight additi•tional charge for matching skirts and for conversion of mink, beaver, ermine or Alaskan seal furs. . FORSTMANN WOOLS $89.98' tax' free COAT DEPT. Speare's second ;floor ("'YOU MEE'T 'THE NICES'T PEOPLE A'T SFBARES'") , • , , 2 A.M. SUNDAY VOLU~ 23-NUMBER 39 HIGHWAY COM. IN ~nm~:::b~;t;th And 6th GARNET TIES MONDAY' SESSION je=~~e~o~fse~~~ds~.riW:::'; DARBY 13·13 ' By.Pass Discussed With Co. Commissioa Chairman At the invitation of the CItizens' ,Highway Committee of the Borough, Wtlllam L. Butler, chairman of the Delaware County Plan• ning Coinmlsslon, and two asswtants appeared Monday night at Ii gathering of the local group to explain wh.v the proposed by-pass east of Swarthmore was planned nnd sent to the State Highway Department ,without any suggestion from the Borough or without any alternate route pres\lDted. Mr. Butler in a statement regardingthe mid-county expressway had stated, "The Delaware County Planning Commission and Its staff belleve that the general location p:;.oposed Is the most practical route, best meeting the aforesaid purposes, providing easy grades, good allgllment and a minimum of damage for property acqulsltion and to existing development, and I",!s burdensome in cost to the taxpayers Of Delsware County and the State." However, 'in his opening paragraph he said, "The general locatlon was determined after a rather careful reconalssance survey but . without, of course, the benefit of the detailed engineering study necessary to determine property damages and cOnstruction costs." In answering questions put to him by the local group, Mr.'Butler revealed that they had ~sed aerial maps, of 1945, that no field notes were taken, but sald that they had, travelled by car. observing the d1fferent routes, lind came to the conclusion that because the eastern route would require the destructlon of only eight houses and because it seemed to them to be the best terrain for a road, they recommended this plan. Mr. Butler stated again Monday evening that he didn't know that the actual cost of this route was the niost economical' either from the standpoint of construction or property damage. He added that such surveys as to cost were the duty of a highway department and that they, would make the final decision. No Batisfactory reason was given for fnllure of the commission suggest an alternate route. It was reported at the meeting that the State HighwaY Department was planning to make an aerial survey of the area late this lal1. Dr. John Pearson appointed 'l'h~mas Hopper, Ross Pfalzgraff and samuel' Carpenter as a Bubcommittee 'to visit E. J. KInney, District Highwl.y Engineer at Ardmore, and 'urge that a survey be made of several posSible rouleB So that the Highway Department When making final plans for a bypass would be able to compare both the cost ofcobstruction and damages to property and place the route where It would do the least damage to the least amount of people. P.o. TAX FREE! BEGINS THE SWARTH to I pletely qualified and I Rate Changes Postm""ters are reminded thai pursuant ,to Order No. 46380, dated June I, 1951, chl!lllles in regular foUrth-class (parcel-post) zone rates and fourth-class catalog zone rates- beCQrne effective 12:01 a.m'., Octob<.r I, 1951, and arrangements should be made to see that such matter, mailed thereafter Is fuI1y prepaid ~t the new rates. Every ~ttort .hould be made to famllar, '''; the publIc,' especially patrons Usmg the parcel post service, with the ne", rates. acceptable for the Rummage Sale of the Legion' Auxiliary on October 4 and 5, Thursday and FrIday, in the Presbyterian Church BulldIng on Harvard avenue below Chester road. ' Any friend who haS donations may leave them with Mrs. Herbert Bassett, 500 North Chesfer road, or with Mrs. FranCes Lumsden, 223 Kenyon avenue in her garage; or they may call M .... Eljen Cleveland, Swarthmore 6-3168. There has been a request for large sizes of women's garments. The first opportunity to buy will be from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, other sale hours will be on Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. FIRE, SIGNALS WORRY COUNCIL Meeting October 8 To n'd On'S' 1 ,eci e 19na System Borough Council will tackle a noisy problem at its regular,meetIng on Monday, October 8, when It pools the combined heads of its seven members to declde the best method of bringing firemen to the fires which, burst forth in the Borough from time to time. In haste, be It explained, that the problem Ues not with the willing volunteers but 'in ,the inadequate signalling system, now centered In the lone five horse power siren on Borough Hall. AB a matter or fact the Firemen themselves made their first .... Quest for more signals last year, in June 1950, when the siren was on the Co-op Bullding during repairs on Borough Hall. In a letter to Council they calle4 attention to the fact that even the old siren on the Hnll was not sofficlent, and suggested that sirens be installed, one north and one south of the railroad,in addition to the one in' the center of the village. TheY also reported tha~ one of the county fire cl>mpanies had individual s1gnBls in each fireman's home. . The old siren was duly rewired and placed again on the Borough Hall, but as this measUre proved unsatisfactory, the FIre Assoclation wrote a second letter, prior to the August sixth Council Meeting this summer, repeating their request and urging immediate action. Accordingly, the matter was dlscussed and Counci.1 decided to experiment with the most desirable locations and necessary volume. A committee consisting of Counellmen Dr. John Pearson and Wtlllam Gehring, and Burgess Cherles R. Russell conducted a test an September 8, and reported their findings to Council at the September 10 meeting. ' They agreed that (Continued on page nine) ART. DEPT. TO MEET Mabel L. Tnlley, chairman of the art Committee of the SwarthmOl"e Womants Club, has announc.,.J a meeting of her departinent at 2 o'dock, October 4, at the home of Mrs. F. Leroy Gilbert, Meadow lane. Mrs. Carl DeMoll and Mrs. Stanley L; MscMi11fan arc in charge of the program entitled "An Art QuIz." Tea will be served by the hostess• Miss Talley' and her committee Pore planning a series of very interesting meetings, for the department. The meetings are held once a month at the homes of them__ bers or pia""" 01 special Interest to ~he art section. . . GREAT BOOKS GROUP The Great Books Discussion Group will begin its second year $3.50 NlR YEA& NEEDLEWORK GUILD ME rs in Swarthmore next Tuesday, October 2, on the first floor Of ,the " Loeffler Building at the Presby' .. Local Boys Take On terian .Church on H~ard a~enue. Ann'Ual Ingathering At The two hour seSSion, begmning , , N-P Today, Rutgers at 8 p.m., will consider Homer's Woman s, Club Set Field At 3 :30 ' "Odyssey." For October 23 . Anyone interested in joining the Th~ Annual meeting of the DlThe local high school footbnll group Is invited to come. rectors of the Swarthmore Branch team hung on to a 13 point lead of the Needlework Gulld of Amergained in the second quarter to ica, was held at the Woman's Club salvage a tie in their opening on Monday, September 24. game. The first Garnet touchPlans were made for the annual Ingathering to be held at the Clul> on Tuesday, October 23. Directors left end Joe McHenry. This placwere asked to bring their gatment. ed the bnll on the five yard l i n e , • to the club between 9 and 10 a.m., from where Halfback Lee Swan Borough s Newest Sel'Vlce so that the distributors will have plunged over for the score. Group In Gala Send. ample time to check them in and Bill Kauffman missed on the Off Aff • sort them for display at the regtry for extra point, but Darby was lllr The 51 membered Swarthmore ular afternoon meeting of the Wooffside and the second try was good puttIng Swarthmore out in Lions Club, L. C. Hastings presl- man's Club at 2 p.m. ThIs meeting front 7-0. No one realized at this dent, was given an official, rous- will be open to nll members and time how very important that lone ing welcome Monday night at Its directors of the Needlewotk Gulld. point would become. After a serfes Cbarter 'Night Banquet at Strath An Interesting program has been of short 'line bucks by fullback Haven Inn. Peak of the evening's planned for that day, followed by K uf gala program was the presenta- tea in the lounge where the display a fman and end runs by hal!- tion of the Internatlonl and state will be held. backs Shearer and Swan, a, sharp An intensive effort Is being pass over center to lett end Don charters to President Hastings by MacElwee set up the 8pCOnd Lewis W. McDougal and Gover- made by the Executive Board to tOUchdown on the 12 yard line. nor of District 14, Robert Hellyer. see that nll women of Swarthmore From this point Shearer scored ~ore than 2~O representatives Of are members of the Gulld. It around right end alded by fine ne,ghboring Lions clubs from takes so little to be a memberblocking and displaying a final Chester, Camden, NQIT~Own, two new wash rags will do itburst of speed th t hurtled him Media, anp local well-wishers and the amount and quallty of the into the end zone." . joined the local Lions an~ their more than 3500 garments as This time the try for extra point w!v~ to speed Swarthmore s new at the display, Is unbelievable. All was good but a holdine penalty serVlce .club in.~ active """ful these articles of clothing and household linen are distributed nullified ii and the play w," run commumty partlc~pation. ~mong 17 charities, mjUIY Of them over 15 yards back. The distance Th~ ~rogram mcluded ,magie, was too great and the play failed. t~e smgtng of th~ new.Club s song In Delaware County. If anyone Two plays 'later th half ded Wlth worls and mus,c by Lion I. not Invited to be a member and and so did the G e t tt:: Tamer Hans K.· Steinfeld, a trio wants to give, she should contact Starting Ihe seconar;~w'; s:'a;th- led b~ ~allTwlster li'Alwin Windell, anyone of the directors who will more received and was forced to an orJgInal solo b,: Frank Massell, be delighted to receive her garkick as an aroused D b tea an address by Lion Edward H. ments. New directors have been ap(Continued on ag~e~) III Snow, Llo~s International Counctl, p and DistrIct Governor ~I\yer. point, this year, all of whom are James Stewart,' president of the contacting new people. They are: Mrs. Charles Russell, Mrs. Ralph cl:: Little Jr., Mrs. WIlllam Gehring, Mrs. W. Minton Harvey, Mrs. C. Club sponsor of the D. Schloesser, Jr., and Mrs. Robert Swarthmore Lions contributed B. Clothier. New directors reA service of dedlcatloll of the largely to the evening's merriment placing those who' have retired David Braun Memorial Bulldlng and presented to the local club include Mrs. Thomas Hopper, Mrs. was held SundaY afternoon at the its business bell, its banner, and George W. Sweet, Mrs. Joseph H. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Its flag. The story of the exten- Walters, Jr., Mrs. Scwell Hodge, At 4 p.m. members of the congre- sive Lions work for the blind set and Mrs. Robert Erskine Jr. gation and friends of the Church the inspirational note of the eveRegular directors are as follows:, gathered in the new wing to at- ning. The Mesdames Arthur E. Bassett, tend the ceremony which was the Mrs. Mark W. Bittle, wife the David Bingham, Charles E. Black, final steD in a dream that had its local Rotary President officiated , (Continued on page eight) formal beginning 10 years ago. to award the door prizes to The service was opened with the Swarthmoreans Charles B. Andes, Mangone T Cond ' 0 uet Invocation and Lord's PraYer, giv- and Dr. John T. Wigton and to en by the Rev. John W. Stettner. Media Lioness Mrs. Arters. ' Junior ASsemblies AImouncement has been made Arthur H&ch, superintendent 01. of the appointment ther New York and is currently affili- of beige c;repe with cocoa accessor- Charles" <;;econd Dir.thday. ated with the UniverSity Hospital ies. ~er corsage was of yellow cymbidium orchids. The groom's in Philadelphia. Adopt Baby The wedding date has 'been 88t mother chose a gown of plum tafM~. and Mrs.' Clifton S. MerKert feta with yellow-beige accessorfor early December. of Drexel Hill announce the adopies. Her corsage was of matching tion' of an eightcmonthcold cymbidium orchids, HONOR COUPLE Following a wedding trip to the girl, Anne 'Louis~.· Miss Marianna Pitman, daughMrs Merkert is the former MilPocono., the couple will live in ter 'Of Mr. and Mrs. John Himes dred Hirst, 'daughter of Mrs. 'WilPitman of Vassar avenue, and Mr. Oklahoma City where the gr~om li'am 'A;' Hirst of Dickinson "avenue Rober,tJIlmes Phillips, son of ,Mr. will be stationed at 'the Tinker and the hite Mr. Hirst. Air Force Base. and Mrs. Roll Wilson Phillips of Narberth, Who will be married tomorrow at 3 o'clock in the:Swarth- WHI1TEMORE - ESCHMANN 'FO~ ,The marriage of Miss 'Elizabeth more Methodist Church , were Magazine SubscripMm . guests of honor at a dinner party Anne Eschmann, daughter ot Mr. ' \ , . . ' given ,Frid;>y evening by Mr. and and Mrs, Eifgar A. ESchmann, of CALL 'Mr,;. Uoyd E. Kauffman Mr:.. Phillips, parents of the groom. New York City, and ''the Rev. li. Lawrence Whittemore, Jr., of 8~6-mo' . Mr. and Mrs. Monroe H. Anders, North Chester road, son of Mr. of Ardmore, uncle and aunt of the Cosmopolitan-reg. $3.50 yr. bri,de, entertained recently at a and Mrs. Whittemore of New Can- '6oodHonsekeeplng-reg. ~.541 per yr. din,ner-bridge in honor ." the aan, Conn., took place Monday in the Church of the Resurrection Each. NOW only $4.20 for 2 )'rs. couple. New York City. The :Rev. Her,Mrs, James Alfred Hayes and ald C. Swezy rector of the Church Mi~s Katherine Hayes of Wallingford, will entertain members of of the- Ascension, West Park, N.J., the bridal party and, a group of officiated, assisted by the Rev. friends at a bUffet supper this Albert C. Chambers, rector. !" \ . rhe bride, given in marriage by FJlD PAKKING evening preceding the weddin. her father. was attended by Mrs. rehearsal. AlB (l()NDlTIONING Henry L., Brown' of Great Notch, Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Park avenue'returned Monday follOWing a' week's motor trip to Pittsburgh, Buffalo, and Chautauqua, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogram of Riverview road will be attending the American Bankers Association Convention at Chicago from Sunday until Wednesday of next week. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gebring and family of University place havf returned after spending the summer at their cottage at Riverhead, L.I. Mrs. Gehring entertained at a tea on Friday afterrioon in honor of Mr. Gehring's mother, 'Mrs. Joseph Cowin &1rona to be of lint importance. See us before you buy medicine, DO ) , matter bow aimple . your ill may seem to be. .' - . . . " ON'I'II8~' , . for the care of small babies, some children under three years of age will be accepted in the Church Hour Nursery. This program Is not to b~ thought of' as being in any sense a substitute for the regular Churcb School program. No children will be accepted in the Church Hour Nursery unless the parents are Church School teachers, members Of the Cboir, or for some eqUally valid reason, cannot "ttend church at 9:30. Metbociist Notes ,S';"day is Rally Day in the Sunday School which meets at 8:45. There will be promotion of scholars and giving of rewords 'for work faithfully done. Special ex~ ' ercises will be held by the graded departmen'ts. . The Young Adults meet at 9:45. An invitation is given to all young people over 21 to attend this group. At the 11 o'clock service there will be' Baptism for children and the return 'of the Talents. The minister will preach on ''Capacity Extirpated by Disuse." , The Church Nursery is open during the morning service. Mrs. George Glnosser and Anna Mae Allison will be in charge. The ushers for, the aay will he Edw~rd Alston, Warren Crafts, Robert Cassidy and Harry E. New. The 'Wesleyan Service Guild will have a Covered Dish Supper on Monday at 6:45. The regular meeting follows. . The Board of Education meets on Tuesday evening at 8 at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hoover, 613 Yale avenue, Morlan. Family Night will be held on Friday at 6 with a supper in t1!e Social Hall, All members of the church with thelf families are invited. A program for the children will foliow the I11pper. The Official Board meets on Friday at S in the church. Circle No~' 3 of the Woman's Society of the Methodist Church, Mrs. Frank, D. Windell, chairman, will hold a dessert-meeting next Wednesday at the home ·of Mrs, Alfred H. Williams, Providence road; Wallingtord. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. &'elser, D. D., Minister Sunda)" September 10 9:45 A M ---<:hurch school and 'Young Adults. 11:00pres A.M ch•• - Mr. Keiser will l\ :00 A,M.-Church Nursery 'futiNi¥ i ciiUiOC!A H. ~wrence Whittemore, Rector SUllda)" S,epten.Jwo SO 8:00 Communion, 9:30 . AA.lIL-Holy .'-!.-Church SchOllI ' ' II :00 A.M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. The Very Rev. Frank ' D. Gifford, D.o. THE RELIGIOUS soclkllt Sun~~,~ 30 1! :00 A.M,-Meeting for Worship. Visitors welcome. Children cared for in Whittier House. • Monda)' Oetober I. AU Day for the A.I'.s.C' Wetlne8lla)', October S ' All Day 'SewIng for the ~.s.C. SeWIDa , i'ik§i' t!RUiWR 6i' CHRIST SCIENTIST Park :WAR1;::O~arvard 8un:a~~SepWI-:" r .e ' 11:80 A.M.-,f:Iunday SchoOL .' 11:~ AM' I 1m - SennCJIl - .... .' Michael's College Pharmacy - Not. ,There, will be a meeting of the Church OUIcers and the people Vllitlng with the church on Ociober 7,. on Friday evening, October 5, at 6:30. Dinner will be served. The Church Hour .Nursery at 11 a.m. Is not a program of Instruclion for children. It Is a childcare program for ,the convenience of those parents who cannot at~ tend, church at 9:30, such as Chureh School teachers or members of the ,Chapel Choir. While the Church does not have the facilities 'Monday' October 1st, -. '.' ,", -', THE OLIVER fie BAIR CO. , There will be two services t!lIs Sunday morning, at 9:30 and at 11. Mr. Bishop will preach at both,tlmes. HIs sermon topic will ~ uOn Acquiring Religious Experience." • The Church School opens this Sunday morning at 9:30 for registratlon and assignment to classes. , The Junior High Fellowship, wIll meet in McCahan Hall at 6 SUB. The Young Adults will meet for supper a! 8:30 in the serving room ill, the new building follOWed by a party In the Woman's Association Room. ' The first .:neeting of the Mr. "!ld Mrs. Club will be held this Friday evening in McCahan Hall. The High School Fellowship will meet .on \ SundBy evening at 7 downs~ir in the Parish House. Mrs. Ernest Lewis will be the advjsor W thiS group. There will be a meeting of the Congregation and- Corpomtion of the Church at 8 Tuesday evening, Octob,er;;!, ill McCahan H.all. 'Member. of the Woman's Assoelation will meet, for sewing at 10 WedJiesdaymoming. Members are asked to bring sandwiches. Dessert and coffee will be served by Circle 8. Mrs. Leslie Ellis, chairman. The Choir Rehearsals are as follows: The Junior Choir at' 3:30 and the Chapel Choir at 7:45 on Thursday; Cherub's Choir at'10:30 on Saturday morning, t w:n~ evenin8 -una eaeb week. • pm. Read1nc _ epee daJbi excePt SUI1de)' 11 'to 6'1'p.- W~"""'I3' _ .... ,'I to '...... ail4 1 to 1:10. , . CHEST 'X-RAY UNIT AT It -- AS CHEERY AS AN AUTUMN NETH-PROV OCTOBER 1 The Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health Association will have a Chest X-ray unit at the Nether Providence High School on Providence .. road, WaJlingtord on Monday, October 1 between the hours of 3:30 and 5 and from 6:30 :\lntil8:30 p.m. • , ' 'T!)e project Is being ,sponsored by the Parent-Teachers Associalion of that school, and Is free to anyone over '18 years of age. No appointments are necessary. News Notes Mr. nnd Mrs. Hallock' C. Campbell of Vassar avenue are baving lis 'their house guests Mrs. Campbell's parents Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hutchinson who will later go to Winter Park, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart of Vassar avenue will leave tomorrow for a two-week southern trip, stopping at interesting places en route b.ut spending most' of the time at Daytona Beach, Fla. . Lt, and Mrs.' David Warner and children Roddie and Lynn spent a week with Mrs., Warner's parents Mr. and Mrs. O.,J. Gilcreest Of Vassar avenue. Lt. Warner Is .tatloned at Camp Chaffee, Ark" ~nd his family Is living at Forth Smith, 10 Jpiles from the camp. Mr. and Mrs. Jay cook, Jr" and young sons Trlppie and Gary have returned to' Denison University, Ohio after Ii two-wei.k ,,1s11 with Mrs" Cook's parents Mr, and Mrs. Ellwood H., Garrett of PrInceton avenue. Mr. and ,Mrs. Jacob Brown and baby daughter Debby of Milford, Del., also visited the Garret'ts. '.15...01'4111'Il0l111'11.,., "Reality" is the subject Of 'the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist <>n Sunday September 30. The Golden '1'ext Is "The Lord hath brought forth our righteousness: come, and let us ~ 'declare, in Zion the work of the Lord our God." (Jere,miah 51 :10) Trinity Notes There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Sunday morning, All departments of the Church ~cltool will meet at 9:30 a.m. At 11 o'clo~ there will be a service of Morning Prayer, at which time the Very Rev. Frank D. Gifford, of . I w ill preac. h the Divinity Sch 00, The~ushers for Sunday will be W. S. Patton, J. W. Jones, E. C. Page, W. H. Randall, F. W. Luehring, W. F. Klug, C, B. Blake, and W. C. Hogg. Robin Wright Is scheduled to serve as acolyte at the 8 o'clock service, and Bennett Hill at 11, d ~ CI will" ' The Arts IlJl Cra.", asses '~tart on Tuesday, October 2, lmmediately after school. On Thursday, October 4, the first fall meeting of the Woman'. AUXiliary will be held. Tbere.m be devotions In the church at 12:15, and at 12:30 luncheon will be served in the Partsh Hall. downstairs.. The Reverend Thome Sparkman, Recto~ of the e. TASTE 01 ZVBRIONl! at Cornell Univeralty. TENDER ST-EAKS and CHOPS <:poked to order Edwin Harris of Wellesley road Jim Wolfe of Park avenue left MARGIE'S FAMOUS CINNAMON BUNS on 'SUNDAY left Monday for Exeter, N.H. Sunday for Ursinus College to beAIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT where he will be a student at gin his freshman year. Phillips Exeter Academy. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pauline Beneke of Secane. fe:: erly of Swarthmore,leftiast, Comfortable Rooms Day or Week. Elentor RUMMNGE SALE for' Bowling '. Green Unlversity, ohio to begin !"r SOpiiOllBo"e y'~r. l,egion Auxiliary IN~ Ted Campbell of Cornell aveAT FREE PARKING WALTER J, PARROTT, MCr• nue left last week to begin hio 8WARTHMORE junior year at Yale University. ' PRESBYTERIAN CIlUR(lU Telephone Swarthmore 6·0680 . Swarthmore, Pa, ~aber Mo;Kernan of Rutgers Harvard Avenue below avenua has returned to Iowa Sto'tel ............................-................... .t Chester Road College, Ames, Iowa tor his jurllo,rI year. THURS., 4th 7:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. 8:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. aw .. aTBMOBBAlf lei UTILITY SHOP • Forget your fumiture until after you've bought your carpet-that's the formula for successful decorating. You can plan a whole heautiful'room around a Magee rug o~ , carpet ... the texturea, . . desi&ns and colore are truly inspiring. So hang your hopes on Magee ••. or our ·other fine Hoor fashions. Come and see them-today.!. t.5 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunt ~ Rlvervi'ewl children Marsha, IJnda, and M.,,-I.lic. Harold Ogram, Jr., of lon, former resident. of I road, baa regiatered at the Park, are living in their slty of Pennoylvania for hio purchased home at 239. DickinsOn L . I L .1.1 more year and is living at the avenue. 0 •• n". .unwlns. ____________ T _________ ... ___________ :r_ .... ____ ...:T:TffP_..-. Kappa Alpha Fraternity -LW217.rJJWW...Z'O';W__Ujj£_l!. ... "O':W_'O:.-ww~J!·J..Joieckey team will make its 1951 debut in a home game Thursday October tion Room of the high ...hool yea4 against Springfield High SchooL terday afternoon the Mothers' "New" Parents Greeted Featured in this year's line-up are Council of the Swarthmore Schools . By .Grade Officers many returning lettermen. Seniors met to make plans for the year's in 'thIS group include Chrts Ford, work. Most of the ·grade groups And Faculty Captain; Judy Pennock, Sally were represented by the chairmen . Nearly 100 Junior High School Gaskill, Ginny Gehring, and Lor- and program leaders. The plans ••ew" parents, together with the raine Saunders. were discussed by the different host commit~ of Wold" parents, From the Junior Class Pat chairman Of the activities which groups plan for thIo year. and m.moors oC the high ....bool Blake, Marilyn Green, and Sancb' their .-' faculty met Monday evening to Johnson are previous letter-win- The grade books were distributed discuss high school policies and ners. Under the excellent coach- and brief talks on aspects of sc.'1001 practices. ing of Virginia Allen, many non- cooperation were made by Frank Given high priority in the inter- lettermen are battling for a start- R. Morey, Supervising Princlpal; est of parents and teachers waa ing position on the first team. Mildred Kidd, Elementary Superthe subject of homework. .There Some recent possibilities· for the visor; Robert L. Amsden High were marked differences of opin- varsity have been Dolores Zensen, School Principal. Valuable help Ion in both parent and faculty Sue Hansell, Maryellen Hopper, was given to the p~ts by the ranks regarding the necessity for Mickey Hopkins, June Hobbs, chairman who presided at the homework, the amount. of home- Carol Ann Mosteller, Ida· Lewis, meeting, Mrs. D. Mace Gowing. The members of the Mothers' work at the different grade levels, and Lizzy Forsythe. and time budgets for children. It One of the' positions without an Council who as chairmen of' their was suggested that one of the experienced player Is goa1k~. Mothers' Grade GrOups are autoMothers' Group programs this year However, this yeljl' there are three matically members of the Counat. each· grade level be concerned girls trying out fo~ the job. Jean cil were as follows: 12th Grade,. with homework. Galbreath, Alice DeCaindr.Y, and Mrs. Henry Ford; 11th Grade, Mrs. Junior High School teachers III Sally Bates are all able candidates William Simkin; 10th Grade Mrs. their faculty meeting Tuesday for this position. The record be- P. W. Crane; 9th Grade, Mrs. J. morning determined to re-examln. tween Springfield and Swarthmore A. Calhoun; 8th Grade, Mrs. Eo the homework poll~ies !lDd prae- over the past two seasons shows a B. Hollis; 7th Grade, Mrs.· J. A. tices of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades, win tor Springfield in 1949 and an Jones; 6th Grade College Avenue, Mrs. F. T. Van UrI<, and Rutgers The results .of their study and exciting 1-1 tie last year• their recOmmendations will be The third and fourth teams plq Avenue ~. Herbert Huse; 5th published. . their first game on October· 17 Grade College Avenue, Mrs. H. D. N~ ~" teachers under the against Lower Merion at·· home. Sipler,. and Rutgers Avenue, Mrs. leader$l~ of Mrs. Hanna Mathews Coached by AU-Amerlcan:·· Alice Edward CratsJey; 4th Grade Col· decl~~ ;to llmit temporarUy at Putnam these girls are uiosi!:r lege Avenue, Mrs. A. W. Bass, and lea$.t··· studj!nt preparation time to freshmen and sophomores who Rutgers Avenue Mrs. Hallock a IulH hour dally for the "average" may some day develop into varsity Campbell; 3rd Grade CQllege Avestudent and to use the l ...t 10 min, players. '. nue, Mrs.· George·. W. Brodhead, and Rutgers Avenue, Mrs. John utes of each class period to get x Honnold; 2nd Grade College AveN.Y. EXHIBIT TO OPEN the l;ext daTs work started. The. ·gaUlerlng Monday evening . . AT ARTS· CENTER nue, Mrs. John H. Pierson, and Rutgers Avenue, Mrs. Charles open\!4 with a pleasant coffee hour The ExhIbition from the Mus;-Martin; 1st Grade College Avenue, pr~~IJ1ed . over by Mrs. J. AJfred CaJ1to\Ul,. Ml's. E. B. Hollis, and eum of Modem Art, N.Y., will ~ Mrs· Charles Maschall, and Rutopened by a tea at the CommunitY. gers Avenue, l\frs. A,. H. Silvers; Mr,: J. Albright Jones. ' Arts Center, Rogers lane, Walling- Kindergarten, College Avenue, RC!bert Amsden, high school ford on Sunday afternoon, Sept- Mrs. Edward Fehnel, end Rutgers Prln~pal. welcomed the assemblel1)ber 30. The exhibition, loaned Avenue chairman to be selected. ed ,parents and painted out in his by the Museum, of "Mlxlern Bible openlilg remarks,' "Swarthmore Illustrations," by the most 1m- , Mr. and Mrs. Grover Greene High School is consldered to be a portallt contemporary artists of and family of South Chester road, very 'goOd' school. 'And yet we Europe and America-Picasso, accompanied by Cpl. George Froiomust not use that word 'good' too Rouaulti Caga1l, Barlach, will be bel of the Schuylklil:Arsenal, have carelessly. What ls really meant on view until October 22. returned from a two-week motor Is thai. our school Is 'good' only Classes at the Arts Center will . trip south. They visited Mrs: for those boyS and girls with bookbegin on October 1 for ··the Fall Greene's parents Mr. and Mrs. ish aptitudes who can btoneflt Term of 10 weeks. For turtl!er In- Charles O. Stringer of Kentucky tram . the traditional academic f-ake, Ky. courses that make up most of its formation phone Media 6-1739. . I PUBLIC SAlE 8ATVRDAY. OCTOBER 8th, l·t:tt OUIL 16 OBJ!!!JJN.AVEN1IB. SWARTIIMOBIE, PA. (Four blocks East of P. R. R. Station) Featuring a real old Violin, one wal. Serpentine front high boy chest ot drawers with wall mirrors: Boston rocker; solid cherry what-not: oval marble top table, Victorian side chair; firescreen; Empire sofa, re-upliolstered; old desk; 8 x 11 Orients! rug; ·mahogany table and 6 dining chairs; ball room .mlrror 6 x 9; brackets, chairs, tables; 44 pieces of Haviland china, ironstone platters and tureens, 6 pieces of Staffordshire; Willowware plates, cut glass, two pieces of Majolica, one piece of Delph; brick-a-brack, old picture frames, maple four poster bed, washstsnd, Empire side board, old locks and lunges, molds, Jarge copper ketUe, sleigh bells, kitchenware, elect. refrig., washer sweeper porch and lawn furniture, many items. , MISS LOTTA BAIRD, Owner G. WILSON, Auct., V.B. 2127-W KEEP COZY NEXT WINTER " I progrsm. The smallness of the School is unfortunate in that it prevents the diverslty of offeringa which would better accommodate differing Interests and needs."· Jean Stratton, newly appointed guidance counselor, conlmented, "As co\lJlselor I am concerned with the adjustment of children. Every boy and girl needs to feel successful in some part of school life. We must'help our students make plans commensurate with their interest lind· abilities, and we must help everY child develop a· sense Of personal worth. I bope parents will feel tree to come to talk with me about their children." Announcement ..... as made of the traditional "High School Nlgbt" which .will be held Tuesday, October 9 at 7:30. In.thls program parents meet" with each of their children's subject teachers to discuss the purposes and content of the courSes and activities. .. w",. Automatic £till. House Heatin,1 . . . . m .utomlOllc . . ho_ hHtI.. w ...... your hom. 10 ov.nly_nel with M .11 ..... "'n .. all• .lull Nt th. th.rm •••••le control In .... fall -4 fora...bOut It. No'W onf......., ... ..or.........1_ .... .... .. automatIC . . h._ h....... fay_bly with ...... .....mtdf. heatI.. m.. anelln a"dlllon, you ._ on and rod_rtdfn. bills boca_ . . houlO h.lOII.. I.......n. ... your plumber or ........ ~"r• .tor, or Imtulro at any .. our luhurban Itor••, for mora Information a. automatic . . " - h.... for YOUR hom .. _po.,. h.... n. PHILADELPHIA COMPAil ., , ~ 'tilL. • Olhmu'ihll First aHacket was ;v {I :P.:~~=: luiJ& rJ...,•..t\l'''''',qI' • l / \ LauDl~d 9\ Yura "&x:IceI..4nnlt>enfllYr' 1.'&8 bigh-compreuion cra in motor cal: engiael beian three yeaH ago when Oldsmobile introduced the famoue "Rod returned from their summer hom. In Chebeague Island, Me. During the first week of September they entertained as their house gueStll Ib the bridal party of Miss Anne Joy Murpby and their son Mr. Charles . . . . lurk.,. On. a_ely ".It 69c P. Swann whose marriage took r ......,.. 5-9 place in Ocean Point. Me., September 8. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pack of North Swarthmore avenue will antE!rtain at a small dinner party at . their home tomorrow evening. Mrs. Anthony M. Fairbanks and children have returned to their home on Rutgers avenue af'teio .spending the summer in Oceaa City. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bair and Mrs. Katharine Bair returned Thursday to their home· in Jensen I Beach, Fla., following a week's 'alley ...ray visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bair, Jr., and a new grandson John Ba., 3rd., of Yale avenue. . Fresh-Cut Seleded Long Island Mrs. Hervey Schumacher returned Thursday to her home on Haverlord avenue after spending the summer at her cottage in Ava- 6'....... TURKEYS (~:~) 5-STAR ATrRACTION-s SSe .._III. I".............. Charles' E. Fischer BUll..DER .. ~ , 6-2253 .vw, day. more and more glrlll are & ...... tbat· the Ben Telephone fa !'a good place. ~ . ~ . work.· They like the people, the lurro *'II\ PL.\S~G and BOOFlNG llC GuW tile pay ... and the' knowledge that tile)' are doIn. vital jobll in th8lle c:ridcal tim... Whr . DOt atop in tilde), at cae ... &:be ..TU~~I. 1111 FRUIT COCKTAIL:::: ~~~111 33 • ,Ridley ·Park 2821-11 , -" ~ Phllad.lph~ . . "ll!ircl Generation Builders" '•. '.' .. ': . HORACE A. ~, . . iquare, Upper • , .. ;'.' REEVES , .. • • IILl IIIII'IOMI CO . .11I'I, elf 'ItINmVlIIll ........ , .. " -" Residential • Painting Commercial • Repairs · '. '.' • Alterations 6-3450 5' .....rI'...rI'... ....,. Wltlt 'ltl.' Coupon iii ........... .. A..... Oct. ,. BI& FALL [LEIDllIiSALE Cream White .'!i'! 8tJc1 caw.:.· 74C e. 'LIQUID' STARCH 2 -=27 . _ ..u _ .......1. "'_ 111"'Sp •• dup O_atancfln., frOated. 'ood Val.... , ..04 I,\: !i: 2=33 fi: ..... c , OUNGE JUICE IJrb,dl.. I.e.o c • }~.:5fr , Pain,ter and Decorator \ Speedup Vegetable Shorten.... NIT' eonceal' alad JOHN Il.· DONOHUE ContInuIng Our 3-lbCAN BLEACI WATER SPEEDUP ~ W, Interior wul E"terior' Deilelr:tlable SerfJice .. c·..... III ZIc o~ calls more between hours of 7:30 were thanthe 25 percent the p.m... to. 7:~0 a.m.. Rubbish Collection SW,IJrthmore DispolIIl Weekly' or Monthly WARREN PIERCE Swarthmore 6-2078 PETER DI NICOLA . Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete Cellar Walls Re-Plastered Swwdunorre6-2SH CUNNINGHAM Since 1905 Painters 6' Paper Hange.. . We should know how S.a. 6-2266 Michigan Ave. Ashes fi Rubbish Removed Lawns mQwed, General I!~~§~~~~~~~~~~I 236 Mr.. ana ·Mrs. Ernest R.Laws 'of Park avenue have as their guest for a few ,we·e"ks Mrs. Laws' falher Mr. J. M. Deering of Columbia, Mo. . '''1 saw it In ,FOR RENT S,ohet Media, Pa. aT-9-!1 IU!QUEST FOR ·BID~ . Sealed bids will be received In otuocil Chamber~ Borough HaD. Swarthmore. Pa .• on October "8th, 1951 at 'I :10 P.M., for furnishing 15 ..... ' gallons. more or less, of No 5 ruel 011 ..n accordance wito Commercial Standards SepeclOcations' CS12-4S, delivered as needed tnto a single 2,000 underground storage f ~n:'dd a: Swarthmore. Pa. The B\lcces& u e will be requIred to sign a contract aOlI to furnish bonds n..q required by law, the form or which may be seep al the otrlce or the undendgned. The BOTOUgh reserve.'! the right to reje<"t any or all blclll. Elliott Richardson. Borough SecretllJ"1'. sallon Mad' 'DB 3-8098 Authorized Distributors PIANO TUNING OF ALBANP~ Now anti BeIIuDt Pianos .and Repalr.lmr Since 180. Phone 'Met1Ia 8-3555 RIDLEY PAlIK Phone SwarihmOft ...., . Realtors '-SpectalIzIn&, In S4LES of NEW and OLDER HOllIES INSURANC~ - CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES - RENTALS DeveloJiers . of New Homes - Ma&'ilI BAlad - Cornell AVeDDe Now' Under ·ConstrncUon - OAKCB.EsT LANE. Phone Swar.thmore 6·0108 •••• Adults ,second floor front, 2 bedrooms. large d~~1~:'~~1 modem kitchen ·c Tiu. I Atlantic Heating Oila AND Iron Fireman on Burners Good Coal BAIRD and BIRD u,l'l'ear lA d u l t sBeautionly. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~~ fbath. transportation. ~ Home SELECf ClJEN'I'IILIl PHONE CHESTER 4-.4297 room Near .transportation and tearooms. Swarthm"ore 6-4312. FOR, RENT~For i;ntleman'Only, '·comfortable· se~ond-floor room, in new house. Next to semi-private bath. Near collegll,; and . bus. Swarthmore 6-0850. FOR RENT-Unfurnished apartment-.bedroom, living. rOOlll, dining room, bath -and kitchenette. Phone after six, Swarthmore 6-4297. FOR RENT·- Attractive second ,fioor room, private bath. for , . Reply . , to BoX , M,, The ment; living room, bath, ,complete porch. only. Nur~inR TIle SWartluncRa!l"'I'============== 'to bls attorney. Georxe W .. MeKea&'. Esq., ESTATE OF WILLIAM A. DeCAINDRY. .Iso' known. as WM. A .. DeCAINDR.Y,'ate otLEITERS the RD,ough or Swarthlno"'; De B1Iilden .. IT... • i i' WILlJAM BROOiaI P~O.BOX37 '. . U· OUR ACME MARKET Chester Rd. '5warthmore. Open Thursday & Friday Till 9 P.M. . Satnrday 'till 6 P.M.. . Township of upcer Darby. deceased. Letters of Admin stratioD ,in the above estate having been tranted ,to the under·, "'C)R, Idgned. aU persoll9 indebted to the said I ~ estate are requested to make payment and those baying claims to present tbe same, withOut delay. to EMORY, V. KIFFEltLY, 7214 Lamport Road, Upper Dal'by. Ptl•• or 9-21-ST • SwarthmOre vo... Worry Council Shero, Adrienne Shero and Adrienne D. Shero late of the Borwith floral ough of Swarthmore. 6-3561. . U~~~====~=======~,I Letters Testamentary on the . Sair carpet. Reasonabove Estate have been.;~,j ., . Thorn Seremha 6-4779. to the undersigned wh(lrequest persons' having clainls or deUPHOLSTERER mands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same, , SLIP COVERS and and all per~ons indebted to the DRAPERIES decedent to make payment withCall J . out delay; to Lucius R. Shero, Ex- Swarthmore' 23 years expet'ience ecutor, 651 North Chp.ster road, FORSALE--Nearly new Monitor Re-Upho\stery Swarthmore, Penna. or to his AtFine Workmanship washing mac:hine, apartment torney' William Taylor, Jr., 10 size; Call Swarthmore 6-5503 after Reasonable Prices South Avenue, Media,- Penna. 6 ,p.m. Estimates GIilllly Given WlthEstate of Mary E. KUferly, 'late of the ~utYour Obllgaflon ;;~';':.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ '1311 Trust Bldg.,· Philadelphla FidelIty-Philo. D, Pa. , -BII''Ming Coasb ....tioa l7V% ~uth Chester Road _ FaaQ' mae { .. ,--" ~OII Terinlnal e Cleaned 'and PlilDted THOMAs W. BllRNliI WI Hal Arch, Ro~ord ~~~~·I·"alkEstate of Julia Adrienne !?h.erc>:j :~~~~~~~~~~~~~ as Julia A. Shero, Andrienne SW"arthmore • Mr. and Mrs. J. H.- Breakell and children of Magill road visited over the week-end with Mrs. Breakell's sister Mrs. B. C. Ellett of Fl. McNair, Washington, D.C. Mrs. William B. Harvey of the Swarthmore' ApartmentsJ who was taken ill while visiting near Fall River, Mass., three wee~ ago, is showing slight improvement. The Misses Anne and Pauline Guetter of Cornell avenue, residents of Swarthmore for 28 years, and their niece Pauline Beneke, have moved into their new home in Secane. Pauline left last ";'eek for Bowling Green University, Ohio to begin her sophomore year. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglas Jl., and young son LandUn of Seaford, Del., will spend the weekend with Mrs. Douglass' parents Mr. and Mrs. H. F. ·Brown « North Chester road. Mr. Arthur W. Collins started his new work with the Paten, I.Int Department of the Amerieon AVis'i!' Company a~ Marcus Hook on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. CoIl!na are living temporarily with Mr. Collin'" parents Mr. and Mrs. B. ~W. ColJlns of Hlllborn avenue. . ;'(Col'ltiilUed from page one) more adequate signals were necessary and suggested that two s-irens be installed, one on Ogden avenue' between Swarthmore avenue and Sproul road and the either In the vicinity· of Slrath Haven and Cornell avenues. These two-horse power signals would supplement the five horse power siren now ~peratiog from Dorough Hall, and, as was brought ~p in the discussion, would double lor Civil Defense signals in case of disaster. Approximate cost of the sirens was estimated at $1.000 for installation with about $10 maintainance fee, as' compared to the alternative system' of individual home signalling which approximated " $45 installation coot, with yearly maintenance estimated at $1,000. The committee was directed to report exact costs at the October meeting. An investigation into the number of fire calls per year reveal·cd a total of 60 alarms in 1948, 44 in 1949, 72 in 1950, knd 42 to' this year. In none of these year. SWarthmore 6-1833 • a lob with th. 'elephone • ··CAULIFLOWER Ian. ..,.",===""'==- Alarms Mrs. Earle.P. Yerkes Of l'rin""" ton avenue, Mrs. George B. Harvey. aud Mrs. Horace M. Witman, both of Moylan, and Mrs. Gideon M. Stull of Spring Hill Farm, Newtown Square are among..the Patronesses of the Fashion Show and Bridge to be given by the Philadelphia Wellesley Club for. theBenefit of the Scholarship Fund on Saturday, September 29. Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Godfrey of Vassar avenue will spend the week-end as guests of friends at their cottage at Avalon. ::'¥ ~I·····' $ vlr,••rfponiKI fl'flh tomato.. and enrlch.o:t with popular l CAMPBELL'S 48 - Swarthmore 6-0740 ..;'Passmore FOOD DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT ACME Mad. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Iliff and . remodding by peryears" Readaughter Jacqueline of Spring- son in business for field will motor over the week- sonable prices. Call Swarthmore 6-0611. end to Hobart-William Smith Col- .. ,·............... .. That's Why Yo"" • nue. lege where Jacqueline her sophomore year.· will beg!nriVf~~~~~~~~1~~; A Sunday. evening orchestra in year old, desire bedroom part- " group will meet this Sunday at ment. Phone Granite .2-1012. the home of Mrs. Frederick T. WANTED-Chauffeur .and houseVanUrk of Thayer road. The proman. State wages and experi.grams, preparatory to the M'>Dcla,·jence. Give references. Box N, The HORACB B. evening concerts of the Philadel- ;;S,;;w'i-a..r;;thi>m",Q~r:.:.~a;:,n=:: . phia Orchestra, will be discussed. WANTF;D-Day wor&er for housework. Thursdays preferred ReMrs. J. Roy Snape Of Harvard ferences required. Swarthmore avenue spent several days 6-4602. Brooklyn, N.Y. visiting her i;W"ANrn"T"E'i'D;-7'C"'o:::m;';p;;a:::n:l':io:::n::-'f;;or;:--;w;;o;;:Mrs. D. P. Boehm. man, white, sleep· in, 6-day Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. R:eeIDeJ'! week. other help kept. Very light work. Driver's License. Referof Harvard avenue entertained ences. Reply to Box 0, The their house. guest last week Dr. Swarlhmorean. Keenen's father Mr. John C. Kee- tiWrTANn,;;-ri>E"'n--r;;G"'r;'oc::e;';ry:::--:m=an::--:e"x"'c:::err RB~LBSTdTB 6nen Of Newark, Ohio. lent· Opportunity-good salary. INSURdNCB Carter N. Davison, son of Mr. Swarthmore CO.OP.. 6119 S. CHBSTBII RD. .and Mrs. Waldo B., Davison of WANTED-To buy furniture, odds ihPXaTuMOIUI, 1'IiNNA. and ends of any· articles. ChesLancaster, formerly of Swarth- ter 3-3898. . more, has completed his post gradT.lopb"", S... 6-5510 ·uate work In Physical therapy FOR SALE the University of Pennsylvania _ Old" violin, good a~d is now employed by the condition. Swarthmore Public Health Service of the FedDevine Taxi Service eral Security Agency located at SwarUunore, Pa. Orcfiestra, Monthe Marine Hospital In Boston. series. Swarthmore · Serving ·Swarthmore. MorMr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Macton,. Rutledge .and Ridley Millan of Vassar avenue visited 'TownShip since 1918 for several days of this week their · PHONE: daughter l',{rs. Wayne Gersen and Swarthmore 6-0~ falVdly of Pltlstiurgh. ~.;.;;~~~E~~:;.~;:;;~I Mr. and·Mrs. D. Malcolm Hodge ;PEtER E. ToLD and daughters Gayle and· Mary AII'·Lin.,. of Inlurance Lou returned to their 'hdme on 333'.®artmouth Avenue Strath J1:aven avenue Sunday following a sb(-week vacation in ·Swarthmore, Plii Ocean City. food event. Chock for yourself and flnll Acme lower prices all down tho' line. len, I LOST-I;, 5 & 10 store, Swarth-· morc; pair pink gold speckled '.tell. glasses. Reward. Return to store: .. ' LOST"":'Bkck wallet, willi large .. 'sum iof· money wrapped with rubber band,- between Union 8venve an,d Riverview road. Reward. Swarthmore 6-7325. LOST' _. . Almost new tricycle, pneumatu: tires, with wicker baskei, at. llar:vard and Dickinson avenues. Reward, Swarthmore ii-0579. GEORGE MYERS Box You'll want to "Cash In" on tho hund.... of outstanding valuo. In tho IIlg Acme IDI1I .... GUTTERS WARM-AIR HEATING f. FOOD FESTIVAL . . • Furaacetl Vacuum Cbs .... CLOSED· EVERY SUNDAY OPEN 7 A. M. to • P. M. Monday Tbru Sat\Jrda7 I ROOFS I' .....Id••' - £.8c:1I - DI...... • ~" + REPAIRED Er INSTALLED 9 I. ' f01l.0W THE CROWDS WEEK. '.f ...... , ••••••••••••• t· DEW DROP INN zad BLACKMAN .ClasSified . Mrs. Francis Greason Delano, a former resident Of St. Louis, ....".,. is now living permanently - - - -... P"'ERSQ....,,..,."N"'....AL- - - her son Dr. James Delano and family of North Cbester road. BABY SITTERS, HELPERS. The Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Ba.teo,j list 01 students of tlRocky Spring Farm," Media aid and who have returned after spending Write or call last few man. ths at their Slilmmer s~~.~~~~~~i:ay:6-(1200. Monday II ask for home in Manchester, Vt. Pfc. Jay B. Snape, stationed Vance Air .Force Base, Okla., new I home and· spent the .week-end .with his parents on Harvard ave- • .. Rl.'HMOREAN " THE .. S r. It " '1'B8" 8W48T8.0 BB AN Opea Nights At Sproul Sproul Observatory, Swarthmore College will open its doors to the public on alternate Tuesday nights during the coming academic years. Open nights in October have been scheduled for the ninth and twenty-third, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Cancer Direc:IIon Four Swarthmoreans are mem- """" Garnet Ties Darby (CcIIltinued frGal pqe OM) bers of the 1951-52 Board Of Di- bogged down the ,Garnet offense. rectors of the Delaware County From here on it was a different Unit of the American Cancer story. Darby started to reel off Society. the yards and Feles, a Darby half- Director George E. Ellis, Jr., bas accepted the duties of campaign chairman for next year's drive and the others are Dr. George L. Last week-end Mr. and Mrs. Armitage, Robert W. Bernhardt, Edwin H. Marshall of Forest lane and George Plowman. had' as their house-guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson Potter of Summit, N,J. .. , " ., 4""'1 .. "., t!: • . . . Direct From England - Nt • • "--.m,.. Top Quality English Bicycles STURMEY-AROIIER GEAB9,IIIFT COMPLETE WITH PUMP and TOOL KIT FOR MEN and WOMEN We do not believe that this quality cycle can be duplicated at this price $59.00 Swarthmore Co-op DARTMOUTH AVENUE For taste's Sake and for Time's Sab • '•• make' it a practice to feature our delightful bakery goods SANDWIC:8 ES - NUTS CUP CAKES - ICE CREAM Completely Set Up For TIuJ ONE STOP PARTY SHOPp'IYI'ER:I!n Theater Square South Chester Road Call Swarthmo~ 6·3243 :' . ... HereS how Selluint~ Chevrolet Pam f YOUR SATISFACTION • " - Rumsey Chevrolet ConfeNDCe . .~ accnratelv~ ' News Notes I ASSURE At~ad " Pvt. David S. Morey, son of Frank R. Morey of Yale avenue, has completed Army Branch Immaterial Basic Training cenducted by the Srd Armored Division, at Fort Knox, Ky. . '~'~" To R. E. Cordray, of "Pine Ridge Media, left Friday from IdleWild Airport, to attend an international conference on electrical power in Brussels, Belgi\llll. After the conference, at ,wbich he will be one of two delegates representing the United States, he will visit POwer systems in six European countries "\ Completed Basic Training CAKE BOX . , i.\ Mrs. Henry Ford. chairman of Home Nursing for the Swarthmore Branch of the Red Cross, announces that the fall Home Nursing program 6Vill be under way just as rapidly as volunteers enroll to take the course. Considerable interest has been shown, and it is believed that two separate courses will be givenone under the direction of Mrs. Edith Kenney and the other under the direction of one ot the nurses at the Community Health Center. The course runs for eight weeks and it is suggested that those interested call Mrs. Ford SW 6-2516 as soon as possible so that classes may be completed before Christmas. The training of as many women as possible in Home Nursing is an important part of the Civil Defense' program. ' Young mothers are particularly Urged to take this training. It offers an lDlUSUally fine opportunity to learn professional methods of family care. back, scored around right end on a 25· yard scam~. Tbeir extra point faUed and the score stood at 13-6 Immediately the same scene was enacted and the Darby quarterMr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bovard back scored for Darby on a quarOf Clarksburg, W.Va. visited for terback sneak from the three,yard a few days of this week Mrs. B0line. Tbls time they bucked the vard's parents Mr. a,nd Mrs. p. ball over their left guard to score Norton Landon of North Prince.. the extra point and tie up the ball ton avenue. They were' en route game 13-13. to their home ~fter vacationing in The Gamet never did come the Poconos. back to life untll the final minutes. After repulsing another Darby threat on the five yard line the local boys revived and started to plough the visitors into the ,I ground with vicious line bucks spearheaded by Kauffman. At this point the Darby team, which • Each prescription outweighed the Gamet boys by brought to u•. i. accu10 pounds per man, started to rately compounded by collapse and superior condition a .killed Registered was beginning to tell. But at this 25 Cases Of Polio ' . Pharmacist-and ever}point the game ended and both As the number of polio cases in compounding step teams had to J?e content with' a tie. Delaware Count, increased to 25 carefully checked. Yet Today the Nether-Providence Alan K. Keay, chairman of the you'll '"nd our pricea no Bulldogs bring a fine football Delaware County Chapter of the .igher. Bring 111 your team to Rutgers Field. They have National Foundation for Infantile ,'octor·s prescription' ' m~y holdovers from last year 'Paralysis, joined with local health and boast one of the finest guards authorities in cautioning the pub.' in the county in Tom Jones. lic against undue alarm. CATIIEBMAlrS The Swarthmore line-up will The local chairman said that 50 see some changes. The perform- per~nt of all cases recover comDRUG STOltE ance of some boys has been a lit- pletely and another 25 percent retie disappointing while others cover without permanent handihave been looking much better caps that interfere with a normal during practice sessions. Fans life.' Of the remainder, he said, may expect to see more of Bruce 17 percent are seriously involved Gemmill, How,ard Dodson; Andy and about eight percent may die. ~clu'oder, Joe Storlozzi and Bob i=;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Terry as the search for hard block("TOU "MEE'f 'THE NICEST PEOPLE Acf SPEARBSU ) " ers, driving ball carriers and alert and capable defensive playe!S conT tinues. Captain Jack Thompson I will be at his usual center post and ". i wili lead' the team with his exceptional tackling. . .~ HOME -NURSING COURSES Mr. and Mrs. W. Bailey Brown and children, who have been living temporarily with Mrs. Brown·s parents Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Harvard avenue, will move October 1 to the Joyce Apartments on North Chester road. Mr. and Mrs. William Webb have closed their summer plaC4t "The Antlers," Cresco. and have returned to their home on South Chester road. Their son David a " senior at Yal~ Law School, returned home September 17 after a several month bicycle tour of Europe. Cpl. Donald Sweet haS returned to the Scott Air Force Base, mo, following a two-week visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sweet o~ Garrett avenue. Mr. Georse Plowman of Harvnrd avenue will join the Bunkers Golf CluQ for a week-end outing at Shawnee-on-the-Delaware Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad of Riverview road will entertain fellow membel'/i of the Philadelphia Trail Club', at a picnic supper on their lawn tomorrow evening, which, will be followed by a" theatre party to the Hedgerow Theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner and daughters Joan and Jeryl have returned to their home on Dickinson avenue after spending the summer at Buck Hill Falls. Jeryl left Sunday for Rollins College. Winter Park, Pia., to begin her sophomore year. Miss Florence Wolverton of South Chester road is convalescing" in Taylor Hospital after sustaining a fractured hip several weeks ago. MIss Mora B. Jones of Moylan. member Of the faculty of the Drexel I..-utute of TechnoIOU. has been promoted t6 IISIOClate profeisor of ,. hIstOry. EDGMONT AVENUE - Time To ~uy 7th, and WELSH ' sTREETS'; Nitey Nite The Only ~HRINK-RESISTANT Sleeper" TWO PIECE STYLE Sizes 1, 2, S" 4 $2.25 \ ONE PIECE STYLE Sizes 4, 5. 6, 7, 8 $2.50 THREE PIECE STYLE Siz~s I, 2, 3, 4 $3.25 Pink Blue Yellow, Green OUTFIT THEM at SPEARE BROS. Speare Bros. downs'-Irs store carries Amerloa'. leac1- 10&' national brands of eloihlnc and aocealories for ~ youngster ••• from Infancy to high school ace. Below an just a few of ,he many famous brands earried. Carter, Hanes, Dr. Denton, Fruit of the Loom and NuPark sleepers. Youngset and Lobel snowsuits. Coat-craft, Bambury and Peggy'n Sue girls' coats, Girl Town Sportswear, Cinderella, Margaret O'brien, Polly Pigtails, Elizabeth Taylor girls' hats. Cinderella, Mary Jane, Handee, Kate Greenaway. Miss Quality, Amerlca~s Sweetheart, Chubbette, Joyce Ann, Twinkle Frocks, Pre-Teen, ;R. A. d., Bonnie Blair, Vounaland girls' dresses. Boys' COLLEGIATE shirts and pajamas; STURDIBOY shirts and pajamas. TOM SAWYER Boys wear; BRUXTON shirts and pajamas; ROBERT BRUCE and ·PICKWTC1t sweaters. DONMOOR Basque shirts. CARTERS polos, "l" shirts and pajamas; TUFFIES dungarees and denim jacketl. Store Hours:' Mon. thru Thurs. 9 :30 to 5 :30 P.M. Fri., 9 :30 to 9:00 p.m.~Sat., 9 :30 A.M. to 6 pa. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE u ()pen Nights At Sproul Cancer Directors Sproul Observatory, Swarthmore College will open its doors to the public on alternate Tuesday nights during the coming academic years. Open nights in October have been scheduled for the ninth and twenty-third, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Garnet Ties Darby Four Swarthmoreans are members of the 1951-52 Board of Directors 01 the Delaware County Unit of the American Cancer Society. Director George E. Ellis, Jr., has accepted the duties of campaign chairman for next year's drive and the others are Dr. George L. Last week-end Mr. and Mrs. Armitage, Robert W. Bernhardt, Edwin H. Marshall of Forest lane and George Plowman. had as their house-guests Mr. and Mrs. RobtJrt Anderson Potter of Summit, N.J. "1 sa.w it in The Sw&l'lllmor'eua" Direct From England - Top Quality English Bicycles STURMEY -ARCHER GEARSJIIFT COMPLETE WITH PUMP and TOOL KIT FOR MEN and WOMEN We do not believe that this quality cycle can be duplicated at this price $59.0() Swarthmore Co-op DARTMOUTH AVENUE jI For taste's Sake and for Time's Sab ... make it a practice to feature our delightful bakery goods SANDWICHES - NUTS CUP CAKES - ICE CREAM Completely Set Up For The ONE STOP PARTY SHOPPER. Theater Square South Cheater Road Call Swarthmore 6·3243 ;-,,;. '. -; . .. fl' • '.' . ~·,,.· . i.' - .,. " 6 . . . .~ .."" 0,. ,-~1~ ··r;.~....-".. Here's how Geliuine" Chevrolet Parts ~t.~;. ASSURE YOUR SATISFACTION ~~ " ; t lt. .\ .!: .. ',P, ,~ . .. ,I.' Chevrolet engmeen IcncNr whatibest for tile _ they have designed and built. And that', why", ; '. ~ that only genuine Chewolet pcIItIi ",be used on your OleYTOlet when replClCltlM'B. "·1 are necessary. Genuine Chevrolet parb wII . ' ... \ perfectly, give peak perfornaance, assure . , CIOmple... satisfaction. nat's why we - •••- ' GDIy ... "." II good eaougb for ~ QIlI; ~ ~ • . Rumsey Chevrolet Theatre Sqaare Swartllaere '-'138 Pvt. David S. Morey, son of Frank R. Morey of Yale avenue, has completed Army Branch Immaterial Basic Training c.uducted by the 3rd Armored Division, at Fort Knox, Ky. News Notes ,,!j~l... \ (Continued frOm pap one) bogged down the Gamet offense. From here on it was a different story. Darby started to reel off the yards and Feles, a Darby halfback, scored around right end on a 25 yad scamper. Their extra point failed and the score stood at 13-6 Immediately the same scene was enacted and the Darby quarterback scored for Darby on a quarterback sneak from the three yard line. This time they bucked the ball over their left guard to score the extra point and tie up the ball game 13-13. The Garnet never did come back to life until the final minutes. After repulsing another Darby threat on the five yard line the local boys revived and started to plough the visitors into the ground with vicious line bucks spearheaded by Kauffman. At this point the Darby team, which outweighed the Garnet boys by 10 pounds per man, started to collapse and superior condition was beginning to tell. But at this point the game ended and both teams had to be content with a tie. Today the Nether-Providence Bulldogs bring a fine football team to Rutgers Field. They have many holdovers from last year and boast one of the finest guards in the county in Tom Jones. The Swarthmore line-up will see some changes. The performance of some boys has been a little disappointing while others have been looking m~ch better during practice sessions. Fans may expect to see more of Bruce Gemmill, Howard Dodson, Andy Schroder, Joe Storlozzi and Bob Terry as the seerch for hard blockers, driving ball carriers and alert J and capable defenSIve continues. Captain Jack Thompson will be at his usual center post and wili lead the team with his exceptional tackling. HOME ·NURSING COURSES Mrs. Henry Ford, chairman of Home Nursing for the Swarthmore Branch of the Red Cross, announces that the fall Home Nursing program will be under way just as rapidly as volunteers enroll to take the course. Considerable interest has been shown, and it is believed that two separate courses will be givenone under the direction of Mrs. Edith Kenney and the other under the direction of one of the nurses at the Community Health Center. The course runs for eight weeks and it is suggested that those interested call Mrs. Ford SW 6-2516 as soon as possible so that classes may be completed before Christmas. The training of as many women as possible in Home Nursing is an important part of the Civil Defense program. Young mothers are particularly urged to take this training. It offers an unusually fine opportunity to learn professional methods of family care. 25 Cases Of Polio .. As the number of polio cases in Delaware County increased to 25 Alan K. Keay,' chairman of the Delaware County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, joined with local health authorities in cautioning the public against undue alarm. The local chairman said that 50 percent of all cases recover completely and another 25 percent recover without permanent handicaps that interfere with a normal life. Of the remainder, he said, 17 percent are seriously involved and about eight percent may die. 1911 To Attend Conference R. E. Cordray, of Pine Ridge, Media, left Friday from Idlewild Airport, to attend an international conference on electrical power in Brussels, Belgium. After the conference, at which he will be one of two delegates representing the United States, he will visit power systems in six European countries. Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bovard of Clarksburg, W.Va. visited for a few days of this week Mrs. Bovard's parents Mr. and Mrs. p. Norton Landon of North Princeton avenue. They were' en route to their home after vacationing in the Poconos. auvllratelv,I • Each pre~criptioll brought to us is accu· rately compounded by a skilled Registered Pharmacist-and every compounding step carefully checked. Yet you'llfind our price. no tigher. Bring us your .'octor's prescription· • CATHEBMAl'f'S DRUG STOltE ~;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;=========;; ("YOU MEIN 7"HE NJCES'f PEOPLE A'f SPEARES U ) l\ Completed Basic Training CAKE BOX L. '~" SEP1'EMHR 28, TB& . . . . aTBMOBBAN Mr. and Mrs. W. Bailey Brown and children, who have been living temporarily with Mrs. Brown's parents Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Harvard avenue, will move October 1 to the Joyce Apartments on North Chester road. Mr. and Mrs. William Webb have closed their summer plac" ''The Antlers," Cresco, and have returned to their home on South Chester road. Their son David a senior at Yale Law School, returned home September 17 after a several month bicycle tour of Europe. Cpt. Donald Sweet has returned to the Scott Air Force Base, Ill., following a two-week visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sweet of Garrett avenue. Mr. Georse Plowman of Harvard averwe will join the Bunkers Golf Club for a week-end outing at Shawnee-on-the-Delaware Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad of Riverview road will entertain fellow members Of the Philadelphia Trail Club at a picnic supper on their lawn tomorrow evening, which will be followed by a theatre party to the Hedgerow Theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner and daughters Joan and Jeryl have returned to their home on Dickinson avenue after spending the summer at Buck Hill Falls. Jeryl left Sunday for Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla., to begin her sophomore year. Miss Florence Wolverton of South Chester road is convalescing in Taylor Hospital after sustaining a fractured hip several weeks ago. Miss Flora B. Jones of Moylan, member of the faculty of the Drexel Institute of Technology. has been promoted to associate professor 9f history. EDGMONT AVENUE - Time To ~uy 7th, and WELSH STREETS Nitey Nite The Only SHRINK-RESISTANT Sleeper TWO PIECE STYLE Sizes I, 2, 3, 4 $2.25 ' ONE PIECE STYLE Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 $2.50 nIREE PIECE STYLE Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 $3.25 Pink Blue Yellow, Green , OUTFIT THEM at SPEARE BROS. Speare Bros. downstairs store carries Ameriea's leacting national brands of clothing and accessories for yoart youngster •.. from Infancy to lligh school age. Below are just a few of tbe many famous brands carried. Carter, Hanes, Dr. Denton, Fruit of the Loom and NuPark sleepers. Youngset and Lobel snowsuits. Coat-craft, Bambury and P€ggy'n Sue girls' coab, Girl Town Sportswear, Cinderella, Margaret O'brien, Polly Pigtails, Elizabeth Taylor girls' hats. Cinderella, Mary Jane, Handee, Kate Greenaway, Miss Quality, America's Sweetheart, Chubbette, Joyce Ann, Twinkle Frocks, Pre-Teen, :It. A. d., Bonnie Blair, Youngland girls' dresses. Boys' COLLEGIATE shirts and pajamas; STURDIBOY shirts and pajamas. TOM SAWYER Boys wear; BRUXTON shirts and pajamas; ROBERT BRUCE and PICKWICK sweaters. OONMOOR Basque shirts. CARTERS polos, 'T' shirts and pajamas; TUFFIES dungarees and denim jackets. Store Hours: Mon. thru Thurs. 9:30 to 5:30 P.M. Fri., 9 :30 to 9 :00 p.m.-Sat.~ 9 :30 A.M. to 6 p.m.