POLLS o~ ~RTHMOREAN TUESDAY , TO 8:00 P·M. . lui···· VOLUME 23-NUMBER 44 SWARnwoRE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1951 WOMEN TO HEAR I Th~~e!..~ J. B. THOMPSON ;~~~~~o~~ ~~=~~sd~l~~ infr~~ Grades of the Junior Assemblies "The Quaker 0/ the olden time! How calm, how firm, ,,"ow true,·" 'GARNET DOWNS Whittier 8:30 to 11 :30 tomorrow evening. Eleventh Grade hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schroder Stated Meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green 2 P.M. Tues. as chaperons. Mr. an~ Mrs. John S. ThompThe regular Stated Meeting of son will serve as hosts for the the Woman's Club will be held Twelfth Grade and Mr. and Mrs. November 6 at 2 p.m. After the regular business and reports, Mr. C. 1. Galbreath, Jr., will be chaperons. J. B. Tho~pson, of the Chester Times, will speak on "Behind the Scenes of Pennsylvania's Longest Legislative- Session." In his talk he explain ,. why some legislation gets throllgh and why some does not, and. how we can help. jn Ipromoting good legislaBorough Turns Out tion. Mr. Thompson, who is a resiFor Hallowe'en dent of Harvard avenue, is a grad(Rebecca Holmes pours tea for Ethel Coates, as she will do at the Annual uate of Swarthmore College and 3 o'clock tea hour of the Friends Fall Festival, to be held in Whittier has attended seminars at the If it's cold, black magic that, House on November 10. American .Press Institute. Grad- by tradition and a date on the Mrs. Holmes is pouring from the teapot of her Grandmother, Rebecuate School of Journalism of Col- calendar, can disfigUre shrubbery, ca St. Clair Turner, who was one of the founders of Swarthmore Columbia University, both as a mem- transport porch furnitU!'e, arid turn' lege. The teapot bears the date 1812. . ber and a lecturer. kind, kind Ivory soap into a deadly .Mrs. Holmes is wearing the dress of Angeline Johnson, who was He has 'had 20 years of experi- menace, it's a friendlier, warmer the grandmother of Angeline Thatcher (Mrs. Charles) and Edith Paxence in'the publishing of maga- brand that transformed the shop son (Mrs. J. Warren). Mrs. Coates is wearing the shawl of Mary Ann zines and newspapers and four windows this week into a gallery Hudnut Coates, who was the grandmother of Robert L. Coates. Both yearS in advertising and sales of art and changed. almost 20% the scoop bonnet and tlie net cap beloJ}ged to Elizabeth Pyle Harry, work. He ~s. ~ member of the 6f the BOrough population into a the great grandmother ·of Mary Bennett (Mrs. Lee C. Bennett). American Society of Newspaper host of witches, spooks, hoboes, Other authentic co&tumes treasured by Quaker families of the Editors, the fennsylvania Legis- and miscellaneous characters from Swarthmore Meeting are to be worn at this occasion. lative Correspondents' Associa~ fiction and brought them to the tion, and the Pen and Pencil Club Hall~we'en Parade Tuesday nIght. of Philadelphia. . It was not, howevEor, the flick The hostesses for the day are: of a wand that provided the ColMrs. Albert· S. Johnson, Mrs. Sid- lege F:ield House, generously loanney Johnson, J!"., Mrs. Joseph A. .ed for the· occasion by College Perry, and Mrs. Alfred W. Smith. authorities, and something more Mrs. William R. Huey and Mrs~ likeltood hard work on the part Hallowe'en ghosts ar.d goblins Olive Julia Cleaves, for 25 yearS Birney K~ Morse will pour at the of the Swarthmore Business Asscinot only the College Field invaded ciation organized this twentieth a resident of SwarthmOl'e, died tea. Members of the League of House this week, but also took annual event. early Thursday morning at her Women Voters are invited as possession of the Business section, But something mysterious home, 7 Swarthmore place. guests at. this meeting . . chat;med and drew an impressive A native of Bar Harbor, Me., where the store windows were share of the community to the Miss Cleaves w:as a resident of decorated for the occasion by indoor track at 7 p.m: that night Jefferson Collp.ge Nursing School, groups of young artists working when an estimated 850 marched to Philadelphia; She was deeply in- under the direction of Anne Jane the music of Robert Holm and the terested in the Women's League Cleaver and Cla~dia Hancock, art High School Band for Peace and Freedom and the teachers in the schools. This pro. .Women's Guild of Trinity Church. jeCt, sponsored by the SwarthMarshalls George Corse and L. She is survived by four brothers more merchants has attracted a The Red Cross Bloodmobile ~as~in~ .arranged the paraders William L. of. Swarthmore place: great deal of interest and has taxed made ~other visit in this vicinity m.tive mdivldualgroups, as Judges George M. and Elmer M., both of the judges with almost 50 entries. yesterday, this time to the Bor- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cratsley, Bar Harbor, and Dr. H. Franklin Judges selected by the Swarthough itself, when the unit· was Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, of Seattle, Wash. more Recreation Association, FlorFuneral services will be held ence Wilcox, Robert Walker, Winiset up in the Swartluhore Woman's Jr' L Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Purnell, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mace tomorrow afternoon in the Trinity fred Rumble, and\Nancy Sylvanus Club. Mrs. Phelps Soule, Mood donor Gowing, FeFris W. Mitchell, Mrs. Church, Swarthmore. Interment rated the pictures according to the chairman, and Mrs. Horace Hop- Ambrose Van Alen, Mr. and MrS. will be made at Bar Harbor. ~ade represented. In the fourth . grade, the picture by Daniel Rodkins, recruitment chairman, were Robert Amsden, Mr. and Mrs. Harin charge of the day, assisted by ry E. Oppenlander struggled to WELFARE PAR1Y PLANNED gers, Jonathan Seybold, and Dirck The Welfare Dessert Bridge and Bass on Mason Builders won first Mrs. Ciaire Jeglum, vice chair- decide the ·"mostest" of the gay contenders. Their ('areful selecCanasta party held annually by prize; Martha McCrumm and man of Blood Donors. the Woman's Club of Swarthmore Judy Coles, with Susan Whicher Mrs. Soule and Mrs. Hopkins tions follow. First prize in the Group went is scheduled for TuesdAY, Novem- as helper, won second; and third wish to express their warm appreciation of all the help received to a complete set of Britannica, ber 13 at 1 o'clock. This is the prize went to Nell Lee, Suzanne first from Mrs. Hopkin's recruit- comprised of Gerry Crean, Betsy one appeal a year the Club makes Prescott, and Susan Gowing. Fifth grade awards went first ment committee and later trom Rogers, Kathy Jarratt, Nell Lee, for its contributions to 20 local Mrs. Paul Williams and her Vol- Hope Anderton, Spencer Carroll, charities and welfare organiza- to Larry Conley, William MedSusie Marsh, Mary Van Urk, Vicky tions. The party is arranged for. ford, and Gene Melcher for their Un~eer Services. ' . S~rving 01) the recruitment. com· McNair, Rosemary Hibbard, Sbir- by the Welfare Committee, under work on Noyes Real Estate win(ContiDued on page ei~t) n-.ittee were: . Mrs. Judson R. Hoover. Jr., and dow; second prize was given to the Education Committee, headed Edward Hunt, David Mast, and Mn. Frank. Keenen, vi~e chairJoseph Moran; and thiid prize to CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW by Mrs. PE!ter Told, ·chairman. Inan, Mrs. Leslie WetI8ufer, Mrs'. All members of the Club are June Heckmatl... Betty Ann McDaVid Bingham,. Mrs. ·H. L. Mc- . The Chrysanthemum Show, hela Cune, Mrs. Lloyd jones, Mrs. in the Field House at swarthmore solicited for tickets and contri': Corkel, Stephen Oats, and Linda Joseph Shane, Mrs. RaJph Hayes, College, is 'given each.year by The butions to the cake and candy Uthe; with an honorable mention Mrs. Richard Noye, Mrs. S. M. Pennsylvania Horticultural Socia- tables which will be in charge of to Sally Huse, Lynn Prather, and Viele, Mrs. Neal Thurlnan,' Mrs. ty. It is open to the public Friday, Mrs. Paul J. Hertel and Mrs. W. Barbara Seymour. Competition in the sixth grade Norman Kent, Mrs.:VirgiJrla Jones. Saturday, and Sunday, November B. Lowe. Mrs. J. P. DaughertY will have charge of nuts, Mrs. was great, but entries were finally . Assisting. Mrs. Wayne Randall, 9, 10,and 11 . Cbrysanthemuinsof all types. Francis Vosters, plants, Mrs. ranked with the first prize going chairman of Nurses Aides, were and varieties, both outdoor and Frank Rodgers Gray, tal:!les, Mrs. ·to Peter Campbell and his helpers Mrs. Gertrude McClure, Mrs. J. greenho~e, will be shown. There Robert Clothier, hostesses, Mrs. James Robinson and Fritzie Jussen PaUl Brown, Mrs~ John Rainey. will be classes for Vegetables, Car- J. Paul Brown, door tickets, and for the haunted house in MichaePs Mrs. Warren Tyson. Mrs. Avery Blake, chairman of nations, Roses, and a Collection of Mrs. Norman Jones and Mrs. W. window. Wayne Hoch, who was assisted by Davis Peck, won secCanteen Was assisted by Mrs. Don- Berried Trees and Shrubs. There H. Gehring prizes. ond prize in this class; and third ald p. Jones, Mrs. W. Minton Har-' will also be numerous arrangeaward went to Gerry Crean, Jud:1 COM. CHEST REPORTS Vey Mrs. J.B.. Thompson, M:n. ment c1assesand one for buffet Community Chest reports of the Hollander, Carol Wllliams, with (Continued on page eilht)' tables. currerit campaign in Swarthmore Richard Wright of the ninth grade reveal that $2,665 of the '$14,900 as helper. Three honorable menReceives AppoinbDeat Noyes L:upoVM goal have been received to date. tions were matle here: a picture Donald Ogram, . son of Mr. aBd . Carlos F. Noyes of Parrish road by Larry Jones, Johnny Fischer, ~ progressing satisfactorily in the Mrs. Harold· Ogram of Riverview and Henry Coe; another by Carl . Kappas To Sew . .aYlor lIospital following an ac- road has received an appointment The Kappa Kappa Gammas will Hally, SkiPPer Skoglund, .and CIdent Which occurred Sunday, to the United State Naval Aea- hold an 'all-day sewing' next Steve Delallo; and a third by OctOber 14. He will be confined to School on October 24. Also present at this conference were students from Lower Mrs. James Bowditch and young Merion and Haverford High son Pen have returned to their NG ER J. PARROTT, Mgr. FREI PARKI ' ....... W Schools. home In Rutherford, N.J., after a Several seniors took advantage "'_art __. hmore, Pa. T 0 Iephon. Swarthmora 6 -0680 two-week visit with Mr. and Mrs. of the two day vacation, while the ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~ :JO:hn:::B~O~W~di:'t:Ch:,~J~r:.,~o~f~C~ed~ar::l:an::e.::a=r=e=c=o:ve~r~ed__b~y__d_if_fe_r_e_n_t_nll __es __. __ Delaware County Teacher's Institute was being held, to visit colleges which they are considerIng. Seven members of the Class of '52 participated In a. career conference for those considering Railroad worker. are represented by 23 danelard teaching as a profession. ThIs was held at the State Teacher's unions. By mutual agreement, 20 of the.e unlons-comCollege at West Chester last Friprl.lng about 1,200,000 men, or more than 90%-are day. Plans have been completed to working under wage. and rule. agreed to by them and have Mr. Moree, a representative the railroad.. But laadar. of thrae unlon.-wlth only from Earlham speak on November 6, at 3:15 to those pupils and their about 130,000 man, or lal. than 10%-ltlll rafule, after parents who are considering Earlmore than a year of nagotlatlon., to accapt .Imllar ham. Also, Marjorle'DarUng from Beaver' College will speak with wage and rulal agraamant.. The.e are eyen more those 'lnterested, on November 27 favorable than'the terml recommanded by the Emerat 3:15. On Saturday, November '1'0, .ency loard appointed by the Pre.ldent. Temple Univereity Is sponsoring its 18th Annual Career Conference. Y... II ...talnly 188m. ta . . ftaany alt... time "'1 ... leaden of ...........Ioa••top ...... Panel discussion groups will rep••Iayla. tacllcs-Ialr qulltltlln•• Bul .........n of ... Bro....rhoo. of LocomollYe En.ln.n, resent 37 different· careers. A sizeable number of eleventh and ..........ood of Locomolly• ..,...... a.d E.'I......., a.d .... Order of Rallway,c..docton twelfth graders have Indicated , con,la. to refu... 'lllay con,ln. a CIU. . . of dUlyla, and dallyln.... Is deOnlto'y 'Ime to . their desire to participate In this conference. "College Night" will be held on Tuesday evening, November 13 at the Upper Darby Senior High School. This ·afford:! pupils and parents an excellent opportunity to talk with many college representatives from New England, the Middle Atlantic States, and the Midwest. In past years, rules changee, which bave aJready been Swarthmore studen ts have found 1Jrl!!clple,aoftheMemorandumAgr&e II If!!!t On June 15 1950, an Emergency Boam aRmed to by the Brotherhood ofR8ihoad an outstanding opportunity to this OfI)eciernNr 21. They have been workiDB appointed b~::r President wider the 'l'i-ainmen Of these, the principal one tslk individually with these repunder this asr-nent aince May 25. terms of t h e ' :way Labor Act-an Act 8e ms to be thet ba~f to do with soresentatives. Eleventh and Twelfth larJlllly fathered by the unions themselves What About Wages? called "interdivisio service"-rona grade students are urged to attend. its recOmmen da tiOD8 on certain which take in two or more seniority disUnder tba terms of tba agreement, yar4 wage and working COndi.tions ("rules" in Plans will be made for the repengineers, firemen and conduaton would triete. milioad language) which bad been in disThe union leadera would bar progress resentatives of many more colnow be :reCeiving a wage iru':Ieaae of $.84 pute between employes and the railroads. and efficiency in tba induetry, ana better anhour {$2.72 a day) androadengin........ leges to visit swarthmore High service to the public, by maintai"ing a firemen 8Dd conductors would DOW be reMore Than 90% of Employes Accept School. Announcements will be situation where tbay can II1'bitrarily stop ceiving an increase of 19~ cente an hour Since then, terms equal to or better than made as these plans ~re completed, a railroad from establishing wch inter($1.66 per day). Large aums ofretroactivo the Boud reC<>JDJnendations bave been The High School invites the pardivisional :!1lIlI!. The csrriera pro~ tbat pay have already acCrued and iftba agrtl&&!lC8Pted by about 1.200,000 railroad ements Of Swarthmore pupils lo atif a railroad wisheS to set up an intermentis C8ftied out, will be paid promptly. ployes-more than 90% oftba total of aU divisional run, the railroad and the uniollll tend these meetings so that they workers. They are represented by 20 of What About .,CA!st of UWIg" Increases? should try to agrtlll on such run and the may share and benefit with their tile 2S IIf;andard railroad unions. The White House Agmement includes an conditions which should surround it. . . . sons and daughter. In thIs ,ex. "escalAtor" clause wider which wages will tabli&hm t and if tba railroad and the Less Than IO%. Refuse perience. ~ be geared to cbAnges in the Government's unions cae:.i agree, the matter Will be subBut three unions-WIth about 130,000 These plana are being made and cost-of.living index. Two such increases men, Or less than 10% of the total-bave mitted to arbitntion. supervised by Henry Hoffman, But the three union lead.... I!ti1l -;~rilandJuly,1961-baveslready been JefuiIed to a~:~eeven after montba of p' to tba 90% of railroad employes oovJIeIIOtiations. three unions are tba Counselor for the senior class. Rules Can Be Arbitrated iited by signed agreements. Brotherhood of Locomotive EnJrlneen, Parents are Invited to consult with the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen The railroads bave DOt ouly offered tbeae him should any additional inforWhat About the (I)-Hour Week? and Enginpmen, and tba Order of Railway three unions tba. same rules al!l'lled to b~ mation be desired. The White House Agreement calle for the ' the BRT and covered by the White HoU88 Conducton. These are three of tba soestablisbment of tba 4().hour week in prinA.is;teement, but bave even agreed to 1Ubca!1ed "oJl8!llting" unions. Already the ciple, for employes in yam ~oe. The bighest; D8id men in tba industry, their mit such rules to arbitntion. , News Notes employes can bave it any time after JanJeedare (lemand stiJl further advantages ~ 1, 1962, provided tba manpower sitThe Indwrtry Pattem Is FIxed over other workers. Mrs. irvin R. MacElwee of Mt. uation is such thet the raiIroade can ~ liebed in In aU, tbaze are about 270,000 operating With the pattern so firmly estab HolYoke place will serve as chairOIIOugh men to perform tba work WIth .mployee. But DOt aU of them, by any the railroad industry, it Be lOS fair to 1Rlgman at the luncheon meeUng of reasonable regularity at straight timo _ans, are represented by BLE, BLF&E, gest tbat the leaders of BLE, BLF&E, rates. If the parties ao DOt agree on the the Republican Women of Pennor ORO. As a matter of fact, less than d ORC sto their QUibbling and tab question of availability of ~power~ the sylvania to be held in Philadelphia half-182,OOO to be exact-are in these :dion to mak~ the railroad labor l'icture 'White House Agreetpent proVIdes ar!»tratoday. Mr. Harold E. stassen, three unions. More than half-about 100% complete. Certainly today'll ecotionbyarefereeappomtedbythePresident. 14O,Oert s. Brodhead and daughter Virginl8 of North Swarthmore: avenue spent the week-end 88 gu~ of fonner Swarthmoreana Mr; and, MIs. N. O. PltteDger em tbelr farm near Nottinpam ' , otlIIed e n f _ baDd· Twftd, on haDd 100l11li .in OW' C8atury-old mill IJmited production iD over 400 Pl~ ten. &IIUI'ea you or e.rdwiw tWftd. 101' your Fall· WiDler wardrobe. Buy 7'wHdo by "'" yard !~_~Yllu by yOW" own tailor ••. or - . : & . h4oy-to-wear and custom-tailored ute. sport j~cketa. topcoa .... OVlII'C08t1". Ve8ts.t Wrta ... for me!!, rem.e. ..',: . Mary Corse of Yale avenue, Mrs, Beatrice Magill Robinson, home from Dickinson College for widow of John C. Robinson, a resl- the week-end, attended the Dlckdent at the Friends Home, West ..1ns_o.n.-.Dre_x.e.l,.;g:;,am;;,;e;;.;Sa;;;;,tur;;,;d;;;ay:;,.;..._, Chester, died October 22. I ' -maae ofFer U - three unions the same !eut which WII8 contained ina MemClrllDdumofAgr_uantaillDedattheWhite BowIe on December 2f, 1950, by four 1ntberhoods and the railroaas. Later MRS.J.C.ROB~SON Mrs, J. H. Gordon McConechy of South Chester road is chairman of the Daughters of the British Empire Bazaar and tea to be held in Philadelphia, November 8. Her the Junior and Senior Biah audi- "I Speak lor Democracy." 'committee will include Mrs. Agnes ence. Prizes are awarded at the in- Hai,g Sheldon and Mrs. William dividual High School, County, H, Brown of Swarthmore. State, and National levels. At Mrs, John Michaei, Mrs. Randall alice barker(' the National level there are four Reed of Swarthmore, and Mrs. co-equal winneN. Each winner Thomas Ruggie of Wallingford, will receive an "all Expense paid" will model for the Fashion Show visit to Washington, D,C, and a staged by Joyce Lew... Mrs. Shel, $500.00 scholarship. don will be the commentator. The contest In Swarthmore High School is sponsored and judged by the Social Studies Sequence. All Scripts must be submitted by Monday, November 5, 1951. To date Jim Sehmidt, Sam Lewis, Bruce GemmJ].l, Polly Emery and Sydney Jackson'have en\ tered the contest.. 9 I rt 5 ,. ...Yina Conatogg • = I I ....... e.;. What Do the RIIkoada OIrer! SWAIlTHIIOIUAN Old bank build."! Ime s THa, ," "or YOUI' SIIIIl'i.,....I'Ol' Yow Country'. ~i, IIOLD .•. Bti'Y MORE ••• SERIES "E" BOND! IIIITIIOBE IITIOIIL BIRI DB TBUST COMPIRI 'Ii . 101' • • ,~ " . ,• • "____ _11 • ~• AAftw •• CMj,.""",, C. fAt. ." .. , I THE I Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Turner tained at a Hallowe'en party of Rose Tree road, Media enter- urday evening. Sat-, .;.N;;.O_VEMBER-.. ~:":-:'2:,:~9:-:I::l==:-:7'....._----:_ _ _ _ _.:~.:.:.:.:..;.:..:W ... ~ & . . . a J .. JI ... " 1:';~Gt'R';"M'1, ,,' . ON RADIO· LOST-<;reen NOVEMBER 2, 1951 SWARTliMOREAN Mrs. Albert L. Eltinge 'of TwiAT CORRY FIELD hockey at the university. light Park, Haines FBl1s, N.Y. Is Naval Aviation Cadet Paul J.' Richard M. Bosshardt of Park Rutan, Jr., United State. Naval avenue has been appointed a pla- visiting her .ister Mrs. Richard Reserve, of Mr. and Mrs. Ru- loon commander of the Cornell T. Randall, Jr., of Nortb CJ>ester tan, Sr. of Ogden averiue has re- Naval ROTC Unit. Ensign Boss- road for several months. cenUy reported to the U.S. Naval hardt is a member of the class ofl ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;::;, AuxiliarY Air Station, Corry Field, '53 at the University. FILM DEVELOPING SERVKlB Pensacol!i, Fla., where he Is underMr. and Mrs. Eo Donald Gustafgoing training in instrument and son of Elm avenue entertained as Camera & Hobby Shop night flying. their week-e~d guests Mr. and 405 Dartmonth Avenne , Cadet Rutan graduated from Mrs. Norman C. Taylor of WoodS.var{bmoore 6 4191 Swarthmore High School and later bury, Conn., who were en route We're Ploud of the Quality 01 our Poultry and Meats 1//1 FRESH KILLE attended PUrdue University where he attained a Bachelor of Selence Degree. Since reporting to the Pensacola area for IDght training in April 1951 he has completed Pre-Flight School and the first phase of Basic Flight Tralning. . He will be designated a Naval Aviator and commissioned an Ensign in the Naval Res.erve upon eompletion of his IDght training. Agar'5 Sliced BACON SSe: .4a.eaatl!A, TURKEYS Ib Grad. A DIy Cur.d r 'B~a,", YO::: ~ Since 1905 ' Palnten 6- P.per H.n• .,. .u h lei k ho HAMS Shllllltless Whole Ham 110 (121~.16) 65e:· ·6I lit . 14c ISeedless RAISINS --.9dmI ~.~ lit Rob-forcl Brand ok. ~ 33e Rob-ford Fancy Whole Grain Ib . e • shank Half... LARGE JERSEY BLUEFISH RICE Fancy Quality APPLE SAUCE . 1~~'16c For Your Pantry Fruit Cocktail'··'" "~~41c Choc. Chip Cookies ,,!,,:!25c M & M Chocolates oz. 2Sc Mr. and Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place entertained as their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Collios of Winchester, Mass. Mrs. MacElwee and Mr. Collins visited their mother Mrs. Joseph V. Collios, a patient at the Oakcrest Nursing HOOle, Upland. Ann Gibson of Elm avenue haS' transferred from Pembroke College to the University of Pennsylvania Graduate Hospital School for Medical Record gelence. Mrs. Oscar West of Elm avenue will return home this week..end from Des Moines, Iowa where she has been visiting since September .1. Crackers T . . . HOII" 8 ...... 21 c Aprlltt ttl 27c P reserves-IDEAL PI ...pp" j.U' ApP,e, ".pl.. 12·.. 17c Jelly 01 ...00II Elderllern' ,1Salad 011 ...·... -'69c Mayonnaise H. .•....Ute '''''36c ProtexTolletTissue4"':::;35c ,,,..., -_-IOC 't:t" 16c Apple Juice Juicy, Tre.,..Rlpened GRAPEFRUIT Florida Seedl••• 4 1ge for CAULIFLOWER Long Hal.... 01' SliceS '.9dmI Mince Meat Fate,'!... Z4c: ~ 47e 2f'.... ZSe Golden Pumpkin "'to No.;..2Y.I17e .9dmI Whole Golden Com ...." H~ 17e Beart's De6ght Apricot Nectu Z '!:: 71c .!}dUle SPAtUSH BAR CAKE (~) ::; 3~ BROWN 'N' SERVE Goods leod ~k~ 18c CbmamoD BUNS -=" 3Sc DENCB BREAD ~~~ 22c Ex.... d.lId~., You bag·_ . _ 1 ROLts IiIU Eye Peas l~k': 23c I .9tkaI Orange Jaice Z~ 33c 1 111£40° OIER /0. r_· .. !)dmI. TEA ~::c':' ':.:27e:~5Ie WlTII 0lIl CARD PLAN Cheddar Cheesa:t55c 111ft Velneta .::. SIc B11Ie cu... D U.; I3e J.Ii", '.Ii.• = .::. SSe 3tc Saturday 'till 'P& I .~ OUR ACME MARKET Chelter Rd.•. 8wIrthMOpen'l1aanday &; FridaJ Till,:r&. APPROVING THB AllGBEMENT DATED OCTOBER !I. 1I!51 BETWEEN CBNTRAL ,-u,. Iw.rthmor. SIJPE R/tIJSH ION • 1M~tAI;y()M Ii'IiJ .. USIDINTIAL AND • FUSCO and ALSTON Cbater and Fairriew Roads .. ... BE IT. HEBBBY ENActED AND ORDAINED by the Connell of the Bol'OUSh of Sw~ Delaware County, :FezmQ).. vania, and It Is hereby. enacted. and ordained. by authority of the same u tallowS: 1.-' COMMERCIAL Comtntctioil Alterationa J.F. BLACKMAN PEIFA Eo TOLD All Un.. of Inlurance P.R.It_Fnilhtllel,. 333 Dartmouth Avenue SW.rthmore. P.; Phon. SW 6-.1557 Swarthmore, Pa. ••••••• • 8-1833 •••• Ifil ••• ••••••• 1 ••••••• 1 •••••• - l'I'_ V~er O.ubGOUea"':" OAJWlUl8T LANII = .. . $0."'•. ---_. W. want Ylur busln_ Total Assets ................................ '81~'J.fOU.OI ·NEXT YEAR . LIAIIILlTIBS Demand deposits of Individ· uals.. partnerships, and cor- porations ..................................... '.iU ••lfI).l!! Time deposits of individuals. partnenblPl. and corpor- erQJDent .................................... Deposita of States and poilU· col subdlvlslons ...................... 05.0".1. 17S.830•• S O~~~osIC:.,J~;t ..~~.~. 80,"'.408 Total Depos:lts .....5.851,•• 0.98 Other UablllUei ............................ 181.0D ...... Phone Swarthmore 6-0108 11.000.00 ations .......................................... 1,188.616.17 Deposits of United States Gov- B.BNTALa 1III1II1l Roaol- Cornell A y - of N_ _ _ - :2'1'5.000.00 77.'01.01 10.1'1.18 ~1~ed..Profti8··:::::::::::::::::::::::: R.elJervea ........................................ Total Capital Accounts ...... 5040.516.00 Total LlablUties and Capital Accounts ..................... 6.' _ORANDA Asseta pled.... or assigned 10 secm-e UabJUUes and for other pulJ)0geII ........................ , Loans as shown above are alter deduct10na of J"e8eJ'\'es 6'19.5:1 ••401 of ................................................ 'f.571.61 State of Pennsylvania. Ccuntv of Delaware, It: I, Harold Ogram, caabier of the above-named bank, do solemnly owear that th. above atatlOment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. " HAROLD OGRAM. C...loler. Sworn to and aublc:ribed before me If that's your attitude right now, we'll be glad to see you at Bell Telephone. You'll be ilIad you applied for telephone work, too. There are so many good things about telephone work that we know we'll get alon@; well together I this 29th clay of October, .1951. .." ' , PETER E. TOLD, ~o"", Pu&1ic. IIIbert N. Garrett John E, Micbacl .B. S. Sptoat Dis. CI Fl. - .... u~....... Of ,,@ n,,,n... bUy fUl'tilt1il'e, Odas for the paJDlent by said munlclpalities of and endll of any articles, Chester ce.rta1n changes 1iJ. eonnection with the construction and operation of aatd sewage 3-3705. _eot. pIan~ be and It Is hereby approved III the fOnD .p....."ted et this m.... iDl' of the BoroU8Jl 'CoUDcU. with sueb. cIiiuures therein aud addltlons thereto as may De approved by the Borouab Sollcltor FOR SALE-Encyclopedia Ameri- and by the persons who execute said on bebaIt of tbIs Boroush. the cana, 1947-perfect condition; agreemeDt execuUon thereof by sucll persons to be includes year books. Swarthm9re concluelve eVldenco of 8IlCh apPl'OYaJ. 6-4400 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE-New 1951 EncYclopedia Britannica-plus 200 Re-. search. Original co,t $27-.e1ling for $200. Phone Swarthmore 6-7310. FOR SALE-MAPLE CANOPIED BED-overslzed double bedcomplete, including organdie ruffles. CL 9-~829. . FOR SAJ.F--Cello-very reasonable. Swarthmore 6-0839. . FOR SiLE=l947 Crosley convertible sedan with 1950 cast black engine, radio, and heater. $330 Phone G. W. Niemeyer, Swarthmore 6-1575. after 6:30 p.m. FOR SALE-Best grade top soil and musbroom soil by large truck loads. Also Whizzer motorbike. Call Swarthmore 6-6317. FOR SALE=BoY's Roillaat b,cycle-26". Never used. Swarthmore 6-5919. FOR SALE=1951 Evmrude 14 P. Outboard motor with gear IIhift' tank, tools, motor stand. Used 25 bra. Guaranteed. Media 6-2703, "a.m. to 5 p.m. , SECTION J. 111e President of BoroUB"h CouDcll be and be hereby Is authol'lled and directed to execute said .Agreement on bebalt of the Borough JJf Swarthmore and the Secretary of Borough CoUDCil be and be hereby Is authorJsed. and directed to atris: the seal of the Borouah of Swarthmore to sald Agreement and to' attest the same. and. wben 10 esecu.ted. sealed and attested. to deUver said Agreement on bebalf of the tBolOUS'h of· Swarthmore. 'Duly presented. ordalIuid and enacted at a daly convened meeUng of the Borough Connell of the Borough of SWartlr more, Delaware Connty. Pennsylvania. held the 16th day of Octobe:r !D1l. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMOR~ B7 H. L1NDL&Y PKEL Pl'eeldent of Coanoll ATTBST: ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Boronah SecrelarF APPROVED this .Oth 1187 of October, !D1l. CHABTJI!S S. aUSSBLL. Stohel NUT,in#( HOlM . .' .f lEI FCT CUE.NTE.LE MaclillOa 3-9098 PETER DI NICOLA , Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete Cellar Walls Re-Plaitered Phone Swarthmore 6-2UCl. "Third Ceneration Builden" HORACE A. ..". REEVES.' .' BUIlding COIUbuctloD ': 17 Vi South Chester Roael. • Reaidentiai • Painting , •. Commercial • Repairs • Alterations , Swarthmore 6-3450 _._, ,.\ Thorn· Seremba UPHOJ..STER'ER SLIP OOVERS .. DRAPEBIM 2~ years experience .. Larce CbaIr - Be-upbolsiere4 from$SS' . Bec!Ilation Bofa,_uphol8leNd from $65 . Slip ~vers, sofa. 8DOl • eIIUn from.$95 . 1000 WEST 9th 'STREET ESTJMAIrEB F&D ,. ,.' . .' I: PHONE CHESTER t-4IB'l J 1IurI:- Real Estate - Insurance Mortgages' 1 ' EDWARD L. NOYES &- CO•. FOR RENT-Large second floor room, private bath, stall shower, for g~tleman. New home near transportation. swart!>more 6-0850. FOR RENT-FIrst 1100r lUriilSiied aparlment-three rooms and bath, Garage. Swartbmore 6-4369. FOR 'RENT-Room and pnvate bath. For information, c;all • evenings, Swarthmore 6-7056. FOR RENT-Room for genUeman. Centrally located. 112 Rutgers avenue. Swarthmore 6-3889. .a ... '".. , ~ 4 ....... -- ,, ! ·1. 2 _"'" . . . _.y.." .... - _ ....... 'I'" ... Irf .....a:.,..o... i."'~:. .... ""' ..... -I xL'~LJi.tel\Rl Rum ••y· Chevrolet .' . 2B 80UTII CHESTER BOA» SWARTHMORB 8-1114 CHARLES R. RUSSELL . ., JAMES C. TAYLO~, \ TIH&EIW FOR RENT-ROom and pnvate ..... :... .... ,1 ....- : . : --:181. sa w. fiRe .... MA ...,. . . tile.., . . 01 5 , .. " ...... - • • • Ie ,11_ .' ~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ••• .' " We have a number of opening. right now fot girls wIlD ean qualify. Why not stop in today at one of the ofii_ listed below: 7055 'ermlnal Square, Upper Darby, Pa; 1631 Arch 5treet, Philadelphia, Pa. WXNTEI>=To FOR RENT Yes, it often pays to be particular. When you're bllYlDl shoes, for example •.. or when you're decidinc where ta apply for a position. • No experience needed • . Friendly, congenial people • Pleasant, comfortable surrounding. • Essential work, interesting job. • Good pay from the start, with regular Increases ., .' Total LlabWUee ....................... 5.~'1.811.0Z on atoek, total par ..... 115.000.00 . in Swarthmore, wife and 4 year and specUlcallo:&ep&red by Damon & old, desire 2-bedroom apartment. Foster. CivU eera. and duly apop"",ed b7 the SanItary Water _ of Phone Granite 2-1012. the Commonwealth of PeDll8J'lvanla. aDd a 110. SOMETIMES IT PAYS TO BE nCHOOSEY" .. SECTION 1. The Agreement d 8 ted October 1. 1t51 between Central Delaware County Au:.horlty aDd Borough of MorlOn• Borougb of prospect Fart. Bo~h of rudIey Park. Borough of RuUeda. Borol18'h of Swarthmore. Township of Nether providence. Townshlg of ·Rldley and TownBhlp of SprlDgft.eld. provldlD« lor the COBstructlon bJ' .sa1d ·Authorlty of a eewqe treatment plant In. accordance with plaDB FOR SALE INSUBANCII _ OONSTRUcn:ON 1II0R'l'GAGIIS - -- wAN fMi=pfuli1IiBClSt, employed ....... ,', .............. . !w.~ BAIRD' and BIRD Realtor. DeT.~ . Swarthmore, Pa. Serving Swarthmore, Mar' -1 TOWNSWP OF iUDLBY AND TOWN· SHIP OF SPRINGFIELD,PROVIDING FOR THB CONSTBUCTION BY SAID AUTHORITY OF A SBWAGB TREAT· MENT PLANT AND FOR THE PAYMENT BY SAID MUHICIP ALITIBS OF eBRs TAiN CHAllGBS IN CONHBCTION WITH TRB COHSTRUcroH AND OPERATION OF SAID SEWAGE TREATM&IIT PLANT, AND AUTHORIZING THB EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF SAID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF TRB BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORB. BUILDER GOODlY Devine Taxi Service DELAWARE COUNTY AUTHORITY AND ton, Rutledge and Ridley . BOROUGH OF MORTON, BOROUGH OF Township, since 1918 . PROSP.BCT PARK, 'BOROUGH OF PHONE: RIDLBY PARK, BOROUGH OF RUT· Swarthmore 6-0444 LEDGE, BOROUOH OF SWARTHMORE. TOWNSHIP OF NBTHBR PROVIDBNCB, I10____________ Charle. E. Filmer Loans and c;Useounu (Including 1120.40 overdrafts) ........ 1.1I'7.D3J.07 Bank prem1seB owned '68,.t80.". furniture and fixturea 10 ........................ 18,122.740 Other assets ................................ 18.180.10 SeeI ••e"- I"'" .- ca~mS-: .9d«lI Brand CUT CORN ':.: It: SENSATIONAL VALUE I _IS CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ?'t4ated ?tltleU ?~ last Day of Sale Saturday, Nov. 3 .,.., ••• get Goodyeor Super-Cushion t1...... MrN car make ... use more Super-Cushlona - . . . . . . . .... than ony othal' kind. Gar buy more Gooct-ieor Super-Cull adler lDw-pressure tire. . wtqt' Because Good)eor Svper-Cushioll ...... - - . , __ ride ....,OC:.~ _Ier, atop Cl'1 I -aM """ , . laaaer ..d , 'tool One hundred twenty-five students, or one out of every .Ix in the student body, linEd up last Friday to give blood for the Red Cross Bloodmobile. This num· ber does not include nearly twenty-five others who have' given blood eisewhere and are therefore prevented from giving again so soon, or those who plan to give blood at the donatin planned for the village of Swarthmore next month. The donation which has become a regular feature of each semester was organiz~d by Avery Harrington, Drexel Hill, Pa. and J abo Durant, student co-chairmen, and Miss Helen North, faculty advisor, ODBINANCE NO. 0.. . CEORCE MYERS Box 48 - Swarthmore Ci-0740 IIcwe to last you. 50 when you need new tlr.- •• - 011 .... Colege Stuclmts Donate Blood .' BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE (M:J._lllifll lIJIe ... llwfn,1n 1I,u.B8 or NEW IID4 OLDIIB IIOU. Reserve bank) ........................ I'.:, con tell you how long the tires you buy today ... _ Cash•. balances with other banks. including reserve balance. and cash Items in procel8 of collection ............11.080•• 06.8. United Statel Gov~ent obo l1ptlons. d.lred and guar.anteed ........................................ 8,8'O,G'0.'71 ObUgaUona of States and pollUcal subdlv1s1ooa ............ 111,'118.58 Other bonds, Dates. and debentures ................................ 1'1&,4058.18 Corporate stocks (lncluding $11,000.00 stook of FederOl la ... hoad IIland F w - V.. ASSBTS or Del Monte .9dmI Pure Grape Jam Think af tamarr.w wilen·YDU lIuy tires tDdll;! mer Charter No. 7193. Reserve District No.3. REPORT OF CONDITION OF SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY of Swarthmore, Delaware County, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business on October 29, 1951. Pub· lished in response to can made by Ccmptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutu. 111, Il "!/ues 10' YOU! PEACHES BSTATB OF HENRY P. WOLFE DBCEASBD LETTBBS TBSTAMB!ITARY. On the abon Estate han been «J1LDted to the undersfped •. who request all penona bavlng clal.m8 or l1emandl aabist the Estate of the decedent to mate bown the same. ami all persons Indebted to the decedent to make paJglent. without dela,., to MILDRED WOLFE JOHES .0' Blm Avenue Swarthmore. PeuD. Or I0, h er Attorney LLOYD GOMAN, Boq. ,o7 Welsb Street: Chester, Penna. Jean Ellen Holman of College avenue, a freshman at DeniSOn University has been pledged to , Delta Gamma National Social Sor- .1lIJa· " ority. Jean is plaYing varsity ·19e: Selected Snow White .9dIIII, Ubby's, ...... ou n_ w SIIW•• Ci·2266 Michi,811·A..... ~h~o~m~e~fr~o~m~a~s~o~u~th~e~rn~tir~iP~'iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ News Notes These Same TURKEYS . , - """ .•Lancaster Brand L_n, Smoked gabardine tie-belt Eleanor Fawcett of South Ches. for coat at Hallowe'en Parade. Call ter . road presented piano soW-I Swarthmore 6-4602. over a local Radio Stallon Wednes- ' - - - - - . ..........""'rn---- LOST-tWo-tOne blaCk and clear d min I PERSONAL spectacles. Call Kathryn Slager. ay rna g when the New CenSwarthmore 6-0200 ext. 301. tury Club of Chester of which she' PERSONAL-Magazine .ubscrlP_I;FOa.;.;TiUf.iN"D=~:;:Lo;n,;g~;:;br::o::wn=::.Ii1::r.:o=ve=--=on::' is a member, was a feature of the' tions. Mrs. Bertha P. Faries, 239 Park avenue, Thursday night. proeram. Haverford avenue. Phone Swartb- Swarthmore 6-1167. more 6-6750. Lecal NoUce r GRADE , I Classl·flted ,,~nn ..' son , I " n........ .rAIi'"'' bath. Swarthmore 6-0869. FOR RENT-FUrnIShed unUSU811i comfortable and spacious 11room hOUSe on 4Jh acre estate. Grounds include 1 if.! acres lawn, orchard, garden, tennis court and garages. Secluded, yet only sevenminute walk to Wallingford station. Ideal 'for large family with children. Five bedrooms, 2 baths on second floor, 2 bedrooms, studio and hath on third floor. Gas hot air heat. Stonn sash throughout.· Avallable immediately for B to 10 months. Call Media 6-2734. LOST-KeyS on silver chain. Swarthmore 6-0200, !!XI. 201, tbST:::on iiilSCIile:t iIliht, .one unpainted porch chair with circular back. Please return to BlakEs, 411 Amherst avenue. OIL :IEilT 'j OIL BIlRNERS - A" CONDITIONING OIL FURNACK OIL BOILERS - Olt BURNIN. WAUR HIAtDS . , 1 1 MUIW 'l'atoi " . > . , ~ , l 8 THE CLUBWOMEN FORM ORCHESTRA GROUP The Woman's Club begins a new and unusual project next month with the formation of the Orchestra Group, which will meet on the first and third ThundUY8 of the month at 10 a.m. Previews, with comments and records, of Philadelphia Orchestra concerts will be given by Mrs. Frederick Van Urk. All who have attended these concerts or are tnterested tn attendtng are tnvited. The at the worth, ember first meeting will be held home of Mrs. R. K. Den301 Elm avenue, on Nov15. PHOTO EXHIBIT "50 Photographs by 50 Photographer.... an exhibition from the Museum of Modern Art tn New York City. giving thumbnail sketch of the whole 100 year history of photography. is belog shown at Parrish Hall, Swarthmore College. from October 28 to November 19. These photographs. selected by the well-known photographer. Edward Steichen. are betng exhibited throughout this country and abroad. RODGERS HEADS 5.RA. Oliver E. Rodgers was elected president of the Swarthmore Recreation Association lost week at a meeting of the directors held tn Borough Hall. The retiring president was Willlam F. Lee. Mr. Rodgers will be assisted the next year by Mrs. David Wisdom, vice preSident; ,Mrs. Bruce Smith, secretary; Mrs. Edm1p1d Dawes, corresponding secretary; and Robert Abbe, treasurer. Mr. A1:>be will serve as cbaIrman of the finance committee assisted by Richard Enlon. Publicity chairman is Mrs. Robert Hetherington, with Mrs. Edmund Dawes and Mrs. Robert Wood aas!st!ng. Mrs. Wood is tn charge of the property committee, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Johnson aod WIliism Pegram. . Pre-school and Primary chair'man is Mrs. Bruce Smith with Richard Enton aod Mrs. Johnson assisting. Mrs. David Wisdom has charge of summer club. aasisted by Mrs. Hethertngton. Mr. Lee aod Mrs. Dawes. Athletic chairman is Mr. Lee. assisted by Clark AllIson and Willlam Pegram. . Local Athletic As,soc. Thanks Businessmen The Swarthmore Athletic Ass0ciation would like to thank the Swarthmore huslnessmen who have again sponsored the Community Basketball Tenm this year. The new uniforms bcught by the bustnessmen cao be seen at the first game November 13 tn the high School gymnasium when the Swarthmore players will meet Phoenixville of the Main LIne League. There will be no preliminary games. Doors will open at 8 p.m. Game time is 8:30 p.m. As In the past. ther.. will be no admIssion charge. !' MRS. CLAPP TO SPEAK Mrs. George W. Clapp of Newtown Square. a vice-president of the Penn.ylvanl~ League of Women Voters. will address the Swarthmore Mothers Group at the November meeting. Thursday evening. November 8 at 8 o'clock In the Woman's Club House. Speaking. just after the general election. Mrs. Clapp will have as her general theme "The Vote for Women. 30 Years After." She will emphasi2e such points as why women wanted to vote; what they have done with it; and how today, women can use their rights to vote. She will be tntroduced by Mrs. Thomas G. Casey. chairman of the program committee. COURTESY PAYS \ on party-line telephones, too EIGHTH GRADE MOTHERS Eighth Grade Mothers will hold their first fall meeting Thursday. November 8 at 2:30 in the Visual Education 'Room of the High School Mrs. E. B. Hollis is chairman of the Mothers group. Little courtesies, like Mike'. IIf;oppjng traffic to let Gl'ampB crOBB the sttest, halp to make life happier. COnsideration for the other fellow is the basia of rood party-line te1ephoDe service, too. If you ere always COUl'teous on the telephone, you're sure to lind yoUI' party"line neighbors Remember the three R's of partyline COUl'tbiy - Relinquish the line 88 soon u possible when you bear others try to use it; Replaca the receiver pntly when you lind the lioe in use; Regulate your csIIs 80 that otbeN may 1111 the liDs inthe B8IIl8. . WWWL TIE BELL TELEPHONE COIPAn IF nusnvulA SWARTHMOREAN ' 850 March (Continued from page one) ley Carpenter. Romona Van Urk. Dory Rodgers. Amy Ryerson. Receiving second prize for their Amish lII'Oup were Sara and Laura Enton, and Tim Sterling. Peter and Susie Campbell, Christine. Dwight and Jay Sipler won third for their Peter and the Wolf ensemble. Archers Jackie Calhoun. George Brodhead and Bob Albrecht earned Honorable Mention. In the Comic section Christy Decker as Yosemite Sam (of Bugs Bunny fame) took the blue ribbon; Betty Ann Colemao's Idea of a dancer won her a second prize. and third prize went to Dick Forman as the Fat Mao. Di<;ky Dodson's trainman received Honorable Mention. Judges of tbe I Made It Myself awarded a fir9t to Jack and Ernest 18berg as Pinochio and Gepetto. Jane and Graham Patterson who painted the rose tree for the Queen of Hearts. received second prize, and Suzan. Joyce and Carol WIl,Iiams, Judy Hollander depicting Ajax Cleaners. won a third. Andy, Hopkins RS the Cub Scout Paper Collection. and Florence Callaway as ~ the News That·. Fit to Print each won Honorable Mentions. Fanciest of all the paraders waG Diana Renshaw who earned first prize as an Angel. Les Ann and Sally Kurtzhaiz as Alice and the Rabbit received second. and Raymond Pope. as a Mandarin received third. Honorable· Mentions went to Alice and Sarah Grogan as George and Martha Washington; Gall Sterling as a joker. and JoAnn Dumm as a butterily. John De Groot who marched in the Original class took a blue ribbon for his Man from Mars. while .Dr. Sawbones and his patient. as dreamed up by Steve. Ann and Ph1ll1p Delano took a red ribbon. WhIte honors were given to Antonica Fairbanks. Linda and Rhoda Uthe (and the Fairbanks dorg). for their Dog Catcher Group. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Collenberg and Jean. tn the guise of Cat and. the Fiddle won honorable mention. Mrs. Avery Blake and Mrs. Irvfu MacElwee as twin scarecrows. swept into first place in the Adult group with Chuck Garrison. the Jolly Green Giant as close second. and Dick Beeler's hobo a closer third. Thb evening ended as each famIly collected its own particular spook or goblin and headed home to the accompaoiment of horns, one of the favors in the surprise packages contributed by the sponsors. Window Artists NOVEMIlER 2, 1951 Bloodmobile Unit (Conttnued from page one) Buchanan Harrar. Mrs. J: Archer Turner. Mrs. Thoma~ Ingram. Mrs. Roy Latimer. Mrs. Warren Warden. Mrs. Lee P. Wray, Mrs. Dwight Brauns. Mrs. John Bates. chairman. represented the Motor Corps. Gray Ladles. serving with Mrs. Harry Miller, chairman, were Mrs. Frank H. Holman. Mrs. Hugh Thayer. Mrs. Hervey Schumacher. Mrs. Franklin Gillespie. Mrs. Norman Krase. Staff Aides under Mrs. Leslie WeUaufer. were Mrs. David Bingham, vice chairman, Mrs. -McCune, Mrs. Noye. Mrs. Viele. Mrs. Hans Steinfeld. Mrs. Walter Dickinson. Mrs. Herbert Glenn. Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Frederick Campbell. Mar-' garet Campbell ~erved as Nurse's Aide. Boys from the high school assisted with unloading and setting up the Unit and came again in the evening to help reload. Girls aod boys from the grades also helped by kfPin g · a special parking place clear for donors. Mrs. Samuel Carpenter and Leanore Perkins o!Iltertained a number of children whose mothers gave blood. Mrs. Jeglum reports that 125 pints of Blood were taken when the Unit made a visit at the Col-' lege last Friday. There were 28 rejects. A number of students un"ble to give on that day s!goed up for the Borough Day. I--------... Eleanor Moore, Julia Tucker, Victoria WilJis. and Donna Wilkinson won first award in the seventh grade entries for their picture on the Dew Drop Inn. Second prize was won by Anne and Jane Hay. Carol Seymour. Katherine ShipCamera & Hohhy,Shop herd. and Bill Warden; and third prize went to Taylor Barnett and (05 DartmoIlOl .il.ven.... Mary Elmore. 8warOunore 8-4191 The "Owl and the Pussy Cat" on '=~===========~J the Co-op window painted by Gary --, Carey. David Deacon. and John De Groot won first place for the eighth grade. Secqnd honors were given to Gail Steigelman. Mary Ellen Warmer. and Barbara Wilson; third prize to Beverly Crowther, Mary LOu Friend. and Mary Phillips; and honorable mention to • Interested, COUl'te.. Guy Packard. Lynn Purnell. Waious, profeasioaal servo ter Reynolds. and Stanton von ice is the foundation on Grabill. which we have built our large prescription Two awards wera made in the volume. A skilled Reg. ninth grade. FIrst 'Prize went to the scene on ,the Cooed Beauty istered Pharmacist i. Shop window done by Shirley Boralway. at yoOJ' com· den, Perrell Beck, and Virginla mand. Bring III yoOJ' deCa1ndry; and second prize earnnocto~sp~cription~ ed by Pamela Foster and Elizabeth Gibson. CATH li:RMAN'S DRUG STORE MI'. and Mrs. AveryF. Blake of AIimerst avenue will entertain at a small cocktail plll1;Y tomorrow afternoon following the football' game between Swarthmore College and J'oIma BopIdns: , ,. . Robert M. Holm, local High! Schoo bandmaster, announced )'lesterday that the 'SWarthmore High School Band will take part in the Seventeenth Amiual University of Pennsylvau,ia Band Festival which will be iteld in Convention Hall. 34th Street below Spr~ce. Philadelphia; on Friduy evening. November 2. The program will begin at' 8 p.m. All students. their parents and friends are tnvlted to attend the Festival whjch will be oPlm to the :general public. A special reserved section will be set aside for pat'l!nts and friends of the band members. These tickets may be sec~red from Mr. Holm at the High School. The Baod Festival in which almoSt 2000 musicians and 18 bands will participate is arranged by the Cultural Olympics of the University of Pennsylvania School of Education with the. cooperation of the University Band Committee and the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics. The Festival will beheld tn two parts. the first part in Convention Hall on November 2 and the second part at Franklin Field at half~ time of the' Penn-Willlam and Mary Football game on November 3. _____:: THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2 8:15 P.M.-Lecture ................................ ChristIan Science Church 3:00 P.M.-Soccer: College vs. Lehigh ................ Clothier Field SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3 2:00 P.M.-Football: College vs. Jobris Hopkins .... Alumni Field 9:30 A.M.-AlI-Collelle Hockey .................... Cunningham Field 2:30 P.M.-All-College Hockey ........................ Cunningham FIeld SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4 '11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ............................ Local Churches TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 7:00 A.M.-,8:00 P.M.-Voting ................................................ Polls 2:00 P.M.-Stated Meeting ..................................... Woman's Club 8:00 P.M.-Jr. Woman's Club ................................ Woman's Club THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8 : 2:00 P.M.-Frleniily Circle Tea ................ Presbyterian Church 8:00 P.M.-Mothers Club ........................................ Woman's Club Piano Instructio,n CHARLES P.YEAGLEY Studied with artist teachers in Chicago and Phila. Member of Faculty, Collingdale High School Studio i,n Norw~od-will come to home if desired· Will take heginners. Call Washburn 8·1803 or write:-219 CHESTER PIKE, NORW06D, PA. '("'YOU MEB'f 'THB ~ICES'T PEOPLB A'T SPBARBS") ,. TOYS ' BAND REHEARSES ,FOR, OLYMPICS -------------~ (Continued from page one) r fif.~:co ... ... EDGMONT AVENUE -7th IUId WElSH . v- S~ . .. The finest Shirt Vafue We've Ever Off6Jed! Super· Whitehall f .~ , . 3.95 , I .1_ ....... ,u_ 11 to 17 Neck 8ba 31 to 35 IDeh Hete's the great luxury shirt all inen have wanted, at a down-to-earth price. super.Whltehall is made of a rICh broadcloth uS\lally found only tn far mote expensive shtrts. It's tailored in luxurious narrow-gauge, stitd>ing. with expensive ~ch Front-the mark of truly !tn. shirts. ' Has ocean ~I buttoD& Three collar styles • • • ICIIIlI son. fused zegulation ' !lDd spread coliar• HOME ~RTHMOREAN 'AND SCHOOL, 8 P.M. TUESDAY AT H. S. " VOLUME 23-NUMBER 45 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1951 GRADE CONF. BEGINS NOV. 15 The Seventh and Ninth Grades of the Junior Assemblies will meet for an Informal dance tn the Swarthmore Woman's Club tomorrow evening. The Seventh Grade will meet from 7 to 8:30 with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Morse as hosts. Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jonea and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Schloesser. Jr. will serve as chaperons. The Ninth Grade to dance from 8:45 to 10:30 will have Mr. aod Mrs. James B. Bullitt. Jr.• as hosts In place of Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Perce who will be out of lewn. The chaperons will be·Mr and Mrs. Russell Jenkins and M;. and Mrs. Jamea ,Htnd. Thanksgiving Holiday Starts At Noon Nov. 21 Elementary conferences between teachers and parentS for the Fall reporting will be held on the afternoons of Thursday. Friday. Monday and Tuesday. November'lS to 20 inclusive. . In a few Instances where the class Is unusually large. the conferences will begin on November 14. These afternoons the children' will not be expected to attend school, but If possible interesting progrBnJS will be 1Il'- JENNY KISSED ME ~illth:e :~~~l toal~~~~e ,,!~m:..~ TO OPEN MONDAY Monday. November 12. which Ia being observed generally as ArmlStice Day. will not be a bollday Doughty D'trectsayers PI in Club's 300th Production FALL FESTIVAL TOMO·RRO·'W·· , swarthmore, Meeting House and the adjoining WhIttier House will be the scene of the Swarthmore Friends Fall Festival tomorrow. November 10. begtnntng at 11 o'clock and with events "'Dnlng thr ugh' th e entng This Ia the firS~ time :, ~ore U,an 20 years that the Meeting has planned a large benefit for Its maftV tnterests. 'The general chalrman- of the Festival is "'-. ..... Han_ - . C. Patterson who has been aided by an advisorY committee consisttng of Mrs. J. Roland Pennock, Mrs. Helen Hall aod Mrs. John Delaplatne. The Meeting House itself will be the scene of the sale and many committees have been hard:at work for mQnths ,maktng or collecttng tbe prod·ucts The Cake an4 Candv tsble 'is headed bv Mrs, ~ ~ 'Wilbur James. assisted by Mrs. Roland Ullman. Mrs. Alban Rogers and Mrs.' Relnout Kroon. .Mrs. Roger March Is chairman of the Pantry Shelf; On her committee are Mrs. Stanley Wtnde. Mrs. Amold Dresden. Mrs. Joseph Perklna; M • rs. CharI.,. Clement•. Mrs. C. T. Schrader. Mrs. Peter van de Kamp (Continued on pace siX) 50% Of SwardImore Votea A total of 1.117 vo!eowere cast in the election on Tuesday, approximately 50 per cent of the registered vote In swlrtbmore. The vote on, the amendment for t he consolidation of Phlladelphis g Th overml).ent carried 860 to 33. e amendment on the Ph1Iadelphis Borrowing power carried 757 to 100. ' ..~w, Swarthmore votllci by' cI ,-'"_ - P1oruer . no", .inay be seen on pille ----- • Res... Comfwtably' Elri'c S. Sproat, president of The SWarthmore National Bank. who had a Berloua fall lut' Thursday ,night, November 1. Ia lnthe Chester Hospital. He Ia reItlng more COlnfortably followm, an ,operalion performed on .0Dd.,. SINGERS INVrrED The Christmas section of Handel's "MessiahU will be presented December 18 at 8 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church under the dlrection of Henry Faust. James Vall, Annual Event Scheduled who has been heard several times For One P.M. At in Swarthmore. wUi be guest organist. Clubhouse In order that this concert may With the Welfare Dessert Bridge may be as much of a community and Canasta party to be beld next project as possible. anyone who Tuesday. November 13. at 1 p.m. has sung. the ~Messlah" is cordlin the Club House. the Woman's ally Invited to Join the PresbyClub of Swarthmore will stage its terian Choir for this concert. Heown annual philantqroplc drive. hearsals will be between 8 and 8 The proceeds from this pariy will o'clock 'Thursday evenings on enable the Club. to make its major November 15 and 29. and Decemcontributions to a score of localber 6 and 13 in the Parish House charitable and welfare organlza- of the Church on Harvard avenue. tiODS. ranged. according to the tnterest of the different classes. School will close for the Thanksgiving· vacation on Wednt!SdaT noon. November 21. to open again at the usual hour on Monday. November 26. The important football game with Lansdowne will be held on the Swarthmore College field on Thanksgiving morning at 10 a.m.' Swarthmore supporters bave always turned out tn good numbers Because ·oi the crowd at· the gate. about kick-off time. it is recommended that as many as possible try to reach the field between 9:30 and 9:45: ' WELFARE PARTY NOVEMBER 13TH JUNIOR ASSEMBLIES The organizations which have been helped, In the past are: Community Chest Drive. Pollo Fund. Club Scholsrship. Delaware County Tuberculosis Association. Girl Scouts. Golden Age Group. Camp Sunshine. CARE; Salvation Army. R e d C ross. Children's Heart H pital. Cancer Fund. Delaware County Dental Clinic. ChIldren's FUnd of· UNESCO. Community Health Center. Family Service. Ph1Iadelphia Society for Crippled Children. Delaware County Blind Association and the Pennsylvania Association for Planned Parenthood. and the E. I. and S. Committee of Red Cross. November 13 should be a lucky day for them this year because the club members are worktog enthusiasticaliY· to make it' GO. A gay PartY for them aod' their friends will help less fortunate neighbors In this annual appeal. Tbe Welfare Committee of the Club' MJ.·•• Hoover: ohairman. and the Education Committee. Mrs. Peter E. Told. chairman. are tn charge of the affair. 0.- HOM· E&SCHOOL MEETS·· TUESDAY Drexel Professor Will Speak AlS, P.M. Session BOROUGH MEETS BLOOD' QUOTA 152 Pints Given To Bloodmobile Unit Last Week. . The Red Croas Bloodmobile Unit made Its fall vl8lt to Swarth more on November 1 Jrith the request that 150 ptnts of blood be donated. Residents of ~e Borough contrlliuted 138 ptnts and men of the 108th Brigade. located at the Army School. contributed 16 pints making a total of 152 ptnts of blood Mrs. Phelps Soule and Mrs Horace Hopkins were in charge of arrangements. assisted by the Branch Volunteer Service. The Klndergarteo. a new feature provldlng child care under the dlreetlon of Mr•• Sam Carpenter and Miss Leoore Perklna. was most successful The following .JunIor Red Croes members handled the motor traf tic: Jim Carter. Clem Malin. Lynn Doherty. Bob McHenry. Dick Nor man. Willard Vaughan, Dick MeCormack. Bruce Gemmill. Jack Thompson •. Harold Vaughan. Ar thur Jones aod Ken Wright. The Canteen Service. Mrs. Avery Blake. Chairman. served supper to the Mobile Unit Staff and the, Red Cross Committee. The Swarthmore Home and The Swarthmore Players Club School' Association will open the celebrates its 300th production next 1951-52 season 01;1 Tuesday, Nov,. week as Jean Kerr's comedy. "Jenemher 13 by presenting .Dr. Gt!orge ny KIssed Me." takes over the C. Galphin. speaktn"Y g on outh Club stsge Monday night for a 10 our Democracy';' at the High full week of 8:20 p.m. performSchool Auditorium. Dr. Galphln anoes. Nat Doughty directs his is pro.iessor and chairman of the department of psychology at Drexsp!r!ted cast in developing the plot Residents of Swarthmore des!r which centers on Father Moyn!el lostltute of Technology. As ing to use the blood bank should han's efforts to oust an unwaoted a consultant on personnel probcall Mrs. Horace Hopkins (SW bcarder. the housekeeper's niece. lems to a number' of industrial 6-6205) or Mrs. Clalr Jeglum (SW, W!ll!am PrIce plays the causticfirms he has the opportunity of 6~1738). ' tongued Rector of St. Matthews. studying young people·in the office with Tee-'Ann Doughty tn the title and factory as well as tn school role as Ibe 1rrespress!ble boarder. Dr. Galpbln's academic· biiC'kand G~ace E. Yeaw as the aunt ground include~ Undergraduate who Installed her tn the good recwork at Furman University and tor's house. Miriam Emmott pargraduate training at Columbia UnitrayS SIster Mary of the Angela 'versitY. For several years he scraod William S Clement as Michael The Blind Association and the ved as a high school prtnclpal and Saunders sUP~lies a pedogoglcal Polio Association will have tables superintendent before· going to Par)f. Walnut 'lane entertained as a son. Timothy Bowen Gorman. Anti-Freeze - State Inspection road"'captaln' ot 'the Udiversily .their week-end gUellts Mr. and born March 16. 1951. of P;nnsylVania football team; left . ,Mrs. Wil,Iiam D. Sizer of Glen Gnlf Gas - Motor'. Repairs· . ThUl'llday wlth.the PenD' Squad RlcIge., N:J:, who were en route TOMORROW'S BRIDE for MadISon. Wis',·.to·play agaInst· h.orne from a:holiday in New Or- The marriage of MIss Betty Jean the UnlveI'sity"'ofWJsCODBin' to- leans. Trott: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. morrow. . .' " .' , . ' .. Mrs. H. E. Carl of Rutgers ave- Robert E. Trott of Parran, Md•• to RIGHT. IN 'fHE CENTER OF TOWN Polly ·Told. of Park: ·avenue;:has ,nue ~~~rtl!h!ed: at a luncheon for Mr. Bertram M. Speare. SOD of beeD': elected vice president' of 1~ ~Ij<. at Strath Haven Inn Mrs. Mendes Salls of Westdale avenue,' and the late Nath!m Larison Hall-Bucknell Cottage;. 'Mondsy,: ~dge. followed' at . .BOB !\Tz, Qwnet· . dormitory for freshman women. home•. c.' ." . . Speare. will take place tomorrow. sW6-0440 at a-.lckne1l University. Polly Is . Mr...and Mrs. R. G. RinclUfe evening at 6 o'clock in the EmDarhn~nth &'Wayette Aye., enroUed in the liberal arts course Strath Haven avenue have manuel Methodist Church, ParDl'.,and Mrs. Jo~eph S. Bates ed from a three-week ran. The Rev James Shannon "Rocky Spring FIll'qI,;' ·.MedIa, en- trip. TheY stopped at West offictste. NATIONAL BEAU'l'Y SALON WEEK tertalned as their house, guest for ·.Beach. and enjoyed fishing at Mrs. Marvin T. KImniel a w~ Mis,o . Margal:et cif 'morada on. the F19rida Keys. Washington. D.c. will attend ·NoveiDher 4th t~.llth Well~ey, Mass., who returned,to ~oute.bac:k .they visited their matron of honor, and .the ~~:;I ber i:>ome. Monday.' During 'li~ ill-law'!!I'd· daughter Mr. and maIds will be Mias Virginia 1 visit Mrs. Bates gave ,;' luncheon Geo_ge . F,. Corse, Jr.. and of Washington. D.c., and Mrs. Dedicated To More Beautiful Women-"· in her' honor. . son. Georl{e of. MartlnsviUe, . Va. Steven J. Tieser of Upper DSl1'b;y·1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J Furnas Mrs. D. S'..Harris of Clearwater, Mr: Edwin F. Windell of We:st-I and daughter Betty Ann' of Rlch- Fla.. has, peen viSiting her son dale avenue will serve as best mond. II'ld., spent the week-end Mr. Danicl .S. Harris, Jr., and man. and the ushers will be Messrs with Mrs. George E. Silloway of family o~ Vassar avenue for a Shankle of Dickinson av": North Chester road. . week: while on a trip north.. nue. George L. Armitage. Srd and Mr. and Mrs. William E. Soden Mr. George P. Warren. Jr.. David Hutehinson. both of South and daughter Mary Jane of Col- Sou~ ...Ch""ter road will return Cheater road. F;:;::~;;:+i+i;:;:;;:;::"+i:;:;;:;:;"~"';:;:;;:;:;;:;:~'H:;:;;+i+i++i+i;:;::.1 lege' avenue, will'drive to Balti- Sunday, from 1\. week's business A reception will follow at the more' for the week-end ·lliid' at_· trip to Stainford, Conn. bride's home. After a .honeytene!' ·the 'NavY-Maryllind 'footbiill . ,q~neral and Mrs. Joseph B. moon to Bermuda. the couple will game tomorrow:" . ". ,. ".: Fraser, who have been live at Wildman Arms, Laosinvites the reslden'" ~r Swarthmore to.~ Mrs . John W. Nallon. 01 Cedal: at Strath. Haven' Inn•. are now downe. . . .theIr. trlends '" .. TSADITIONAL OLD-FAS~ONED l;uIe' entertained the Executive C~~~g the Marr home at .. ' Committee ot the Campus' Club ParI!', avenu~. FOR T!lANKSGIVING,DIJiiNER. at a tea last Thursday•.... :. ::. "M~.s. George A. Marr and Mr. and Mrs. William R 'Bates .son"~-law and daughter Dr. Magan",. Sub.Clip,""" whc):: spent the swnttler' at' ;'Rockii' .Mrs.: ~:. FUllerton Cook, have movSprmg:Farm", -Media; :rnoved.thlli eli ~ro~ Park avenUe to th,drne'wl.lrl CAB Served 1 ta 7:.0 PM For lIeaeriaUona Phone 8W 8-_ week:. to: their Dew home ati281. built home at 24 Beechwood rO.ld,l Mrs. Uo~ Eo Kaaffm.a • •••• 1 TholruOn avenue, SprIRgfield.,· .. Pine'· Ridge;. Media. 8~'-st.. Mo-s,' CUffo!'.! H~· Rumsey 113ft ... Mi-: Gordon Mitchell. director CHU.D LIFB - rqo. $. per yr. last ., week,.' by: pliin,l' .'to.,.. jom hl>b lJidu~ti-ial: Relations •at duPonts. Until Deo. S1 ONLY $2 pet yr. husband'·Lt: ~ol. 'Rumsey Wlio"is' .spo~ Wednesday evening to Order DOW for Vhrta1maa statfeIiOd-··with'.:the AIr' Force in :Fr"'lk C; Pierson's class in Laborl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Germany. :",.,". ' ,'.' . ';-Ecoribmics .at the college. Marian ·.Detweiler of ·Gornell Mrs: ':Milrvel Wilson of Sttath avenue was hostess to 17 .of her Haven . av~nue entertained her young friends of the Fourth Grade, bridge club at a lw,cl.eo,n-1DrLcIg"I! of Rutgers avenue school at· a:' at her home Monday. no PABKING masked Hallowe'en party at her Mrs. J. J. Donovan. and Mrs. J. home Friday. '. Alfied Calhoun will entertsin at Mr. and Mrs. Paul B: 'Banks a n~ighborhood tea at Mrs DonFrio and' Sat. and' daughter Molly of, Harvard' ovan's 'residence on Elm avenue Jane Powell avenue, will 'spen:d the' week-end next irie~llcld Friday. Thl! Bp~ ot;~tJ:c.- .. -•.~." ber 16, at 1:30 in Greek Han; !:30 ~'clock on Tuesday evenlu 1 airia)j:er:s,'; '.'Da,rk . Shadows m the Church LOunge , '. . Bright Lights" (South America) . The Vl.ofuan·s AssocIation meeis will be .the topic. work on W!!dnesday, Novemller"14;EX- .., Mr:'and Mrs OWen W. Gay at SUI'V.e~~S in ecuthle &lard m~ilng will be h8Idthe drive-way transept' entrance and in In th~ Woulan'S ABIO- will assist the ministers !Ii ilr~tlng .' at 10:15 'Thls year'S sale will got the congregetion after thli 11 . on . November 19 and until Chrlstma.. Ch~ ~::~ service on Sunday momCbairhienwill work IIi'CO. ';. 'With the Coim& cOinl . Methci ht NoIeI and will. assist In the pubThe &lunday School' meets at, of the. sale, and set up ChrIst-' 9:45. Classes are provided fo~ . Seal" Booths .. in proIntnent .. ' children of all ages and~foradults. places inthclr 'comllitU;UUes:!.tiS; The Young Adults meet at 9:45 Melvin Whitesell' will .. , in the Ladles' Partor. c)lairmait .in waini;liford, Mrs; GUS" ~.BiBhOp At the 11 o'clock service, the tsve ,Schaefer ·in.MortOn. . ' , Hour Nur- minister will preach on the' i~.Lest. We Forget." .-140" .'-The' -church' Nursery 'is' open ri"'IJl~;;' Woman's Aaocla- during the moming service. Mrs. E.OR ;A'N1V-E", William E. KlsUer and Mrs. John Atme Hetzel of Strathi"'i~~~~' H. Pitman be in tSfe.. Inn;' died early'SaturdaY Ii The ,t.;~.We at raylor Hospital ofa Coronary Georg~'S"uberi, Ea'Jard_AtStOn, thr"mbasis. "Although 90 years of Peter Murray and Paul K. Paul- age.: she' had enjoyed good health and', had entered .the hospital lilst ~~~I wee}re" moving to' Ha~en Inri five yem ago. A ~8I!atlingislber'of ·the· Ridley' Park ian: Church., •she . attended •• ' ARTHMORE .,··· ",COOKBOOK 10:3°Presbyte;i~'"'''' I . l#!. .$erv.ic:es ." 'ThB ·Uriit;rj.al serve' as I , ' , •. , i "0< I ON SALE ,,.. ;NOV. 15th wm :'i'u.!'hertWcJi",a,," JTIiu,r'if~ Trintiy Nota iJ.ir There will be a service' of Holy Collln:lUnlon at 80'clock,~un­ ""'~" riiomiiig.~' ,'Ai 9:30. all departments of the Church School meet: ., T.he. RectQr will the 11 o'clock service of Mom;ngl Prayer...A .service of Evening Pri/yet·~ 'ik "!leld at 6:45 4:30-Hlgh Tea ~.~:II:~:W~J,~nl.ill.r:~: of the Can7:00->-Dinnerw.b ' Young ..c" , , , , , •. 7:. NCJ9ftDber .t. ,~ in .': , .~ .~,'fl :Mr.r.I~I' ' .... 'tbe~rUidor Ch'OIrISSw~a~rth~in~o~r~e~'~Pr~es~b~y~te~r~lan~-=~~~~';'========~~~~~~~~~~~;:~~~;;==~;;~~ . - .. .: ': . ... " Dancing P.M. tw{i~ .' c, Gift . toPlc'll~E~V~[C~~'~.'ii~m -: ;'r'.' '.1 ChristrrlM '... ( '. " : ...... . '":':.~ ,~ • . -' ; .. '. '. ! .. '; :l: g ; '. ,j :·~··~2 !, , •. ;.,.:~J~~'; ',:;-:;.~:';;'~ .: '.''- t....t·$ t~d ...... triM7 ,t;' fIttM' : ". \""~ r '" ", W.lis.··~} .. _lid slim?, i/l; '11 .~:; '(.\,~:':.1 '- .." ·'"4.;,;me. or..one ·tri......d ~ '-1 ,Il .... , c·1 .:>--..,'. . ' Love " "'pel nt ,-,., Sch~1 and > " ~" .,......, shirt. to· - _ "....,joIecXPerta, . '.. Jou'll ~ what'. fallacr. : .:.~t'. fact;]~hat'•• wiae bUJ, an~, .y-in earpetI. ~'ll a1iitir you all the ~ed.~true brand.o .. ~~: . . hW\1diq ~ famoUl "Foreilalt· ~ COo--h" .-r.~. " ; by M..... ,.,. .. '. ': .. . '.' . >.... Lavend,z:~the on•. fn. granco everybod.,lov. 'a .. f . an the one. rqranoe that', the alway. cornet accent for any and ..,., .··£Umon . . • . coIor. Dana.hu ,". ' . eapturec1 it in all it', IreaIa true be,aut)' in • fabulo1ll, " 1_ r.-;........ .... lor .....peI. cind·.-. . bY.JJ~ ,. ' - tingling SOLID cnlope. try it. $2.00' plus tax. . cooUng, ~A~~ jj~'rA~' D~ ... at .., w,,' "_:,. .M·I........."' .. ....... .= 'MICHAEL'S -' •~ «..... Carpets Make it Home , • • And r. 'I COU.EGE ON TIlE comma Paulson Knows Carpets . Swarthmore Brownles and Girl Scouts have been busy these paat weeks electing officers and representatives to the planning boards, planning troop ceremonies, and starting troop activities. Susan Campbell trom Brownie Troop 95 and Judy Jarrett trom Girl Scout Troop 16 have been elected to represent Swarthmore ' a t the Delaware County Girl Scout Planning Board which will meet throughout the year. The girls attended their first meeting on Saturday, November 3, in 69th Street. Swarthmore has two representatives on the County Camp Counell which "sells" camping to troops throughout the year by visiting troops, speaking to them, and In- '. ~ dar~ eha~" SCOUT TROOPS ELECT 0FFICERS teresting girls and In. camping. CarolYn Danfortb Dory Rodgers, !>bth of Troop 331, were elected by their unit at Camp Borton laat summer to ,serve on the council. The troop committee for Troop 83 has been announced by Mrs. J. Willard Hollander, troop leader. They are Mrs. Howard Sipler, chairman, Mrs. Alfred Celhoun Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, Mrs. Raymond Gemmill, and Mrs. Victor Howarth. Mrs. George Heckman will be chairman of the commitiee for Troop 269. Oth~r members are Mrs. James Cooper, Mrs. John Honnold, Mrs. Robert GllflUan, and Mrs, Earl Anderton. Mrs; Thomas J. Prather is leader of the troop. Due to conflicting school activities only seven members of Troop 16 were able to attend the outing at Indian Orchard Day Camp site on Tuesday. The girls enjoyed hIklng, studying signs of fall, identifylng leaves and trees, and a camp fire over which the tradltionsi marshmallows were toasted. Transportation was furnished by Mrs. Walter Magee, troop leader, and Mrs. Paul Friend, member of the troop commitiee. Brownles of Troop 10 are entertaining their mothers at tea on Monday, November 12, trom 4 to 5 p.m. at Whittier House. The occasion Is the investiture of five new girls Into their troop. They are Justine Bodley, Marcia Hunt, I BISHOP TO OONDvcr . Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard MDIO BBOADCA8TS avenue entertained at a luncheonThis week Joseph P. Bishop, bridge for 12 guests at her hQUle minister <)f the Swarthmore Pres- Wednesday. byterian Church begins a series of radio broadcasts over Stationj WFIL on Sunday evenlnp at 11, TUB 8WABTIIJIIOBB p.m. The program is called ''The I Pastor's Study". The listening pub-I . PLA.YERS CLUB lie is Invited to phone their qUe&-. tions of a peraonal or rellgious nature to Mr. Bishop during the 'JENNY KISSED ME" program time. The question Is then repeated and an answer. Is. by attempted on the spot. The pro~ KQ'. gram is an experiment" to demon-" strate the relevancy of our religion Produced under . The Direction· of to everyday problems and troubles. It will be the first time any .. NAT DOUGHTY such program has been tried in the Philadelphia area. It is under Monday, November 12 the auspices of the Philadelphia · ..... through Council of Churches. I The program is a tree service of Saturday, November the Council of Churches to the · CarIain TIme a,:ZD PJIL Greater Philadelphia Community. .!a;;:U;U=R=::U;U:=R=::U::U:=R~ neoe;=iii=e;s=;!~=;;='ii 17 r-===========-,..==============~ ,HOW SWARTHMOREVOTED North . East Wl!/lt Total JUDGE 823 . ' . OF. THE. SUPREME . . . 210 COURT: 280 333 CMhldSey (R)(D····)·········::····:···:······::···:;··· .. ·:·:·51 . 101 '77. 228 usmanno .................................... JUDGE of ;COURT -of .COM)lO~ PLEAS ;Ervin (R) ............................................ 211 .... 2~ B~~ ~~ 0".. • trvIn (D) ........................................... ~.... _ • 42 , COUNTY COMMiSSIONER . . . 201 DOherlYd(R(D) ....•....•...........•...~................ . 58 ..260 116' Crawlor . ) ......................................:. 63 Throne (R) ..................... ,....... ,.............. 203.. .22 Alderfer (D) ..............................,........ 58 1 1 200 105 297 115 760 269 763 2D2 . RECORDER of DEEDS (R) ............. , ............,................. .. 2:; Tanner 32'1 841 76 203 303 103 787 203 319 81 816 228 ~vIll ~lg (D) ••..•....•• :.............................. 4 DISTRICT A'ITORNEY' Start (R) ....................,.............. ;..~....... 196. ~~g Snyder (D) .....................................,....... 70 COUNTY TREASURER . Dotts (R) ........................................:....... 210 2:I· McCauley (D) .............. ,....................... 51 PROTHONOTARY · 205 282 Knodel (R) .......................................... 55 ·95 Rodgers (D) .......................................... COUNTY SURVEYOR· .. , =~o ·804 285 (m) .:::. :::.:.:::.:.::~:::::::::.:.~:::. : :.: 2::'. 2::_ 3?¥ ::. SWARTHMORE SCHOOL I>4~·R. 829 Rodgers (R) ......................................., 2241 .. ·87· 78 Rodgers (D) . ....... •• ..... ......... ....... ......... '.' Carpenter (R) •••.::................................ 218- : 295 . 328 Carpenter (D)· .•....••. ;.... ,..:.................... 42 85 79 AUDITOR ..... 332' Schloesser, Jr. (R) ..........• ;.............. ... 221 .. '300 COUNCIL Pearson (R) ..............,............................ 222 208: '.335. Pearson (D) ..................................•...• 40., .,' .'.81: '77 . 'Van Alen (R) ............:......................... 224·,·. :299 . . .331 Van Alen (D) •.......... ,,:........................ 43 :.:. 81' .. 78 Nason (R) .................~.......................... 222 296 330 Nason (D) :........................... ;.. ~............ 0.41. . 82 ,79 . JUSTICE of the PEACE Told (R) ................................................ 216 ',294 328 Told (D) ............................. ,................ .3,9 >; ,77 76 .' '1I'l.' Sf:KVI~~ saves YOU money 840 206 842 207 8113 855 198 854 . 202 848 202 638 181 SallyAbrlgal McCawley, Gloria and Warnes. Mrs.Piersol, Doro~ L::================;;;:=====;:;i:=~ ~ ... . . thy Rodgers, Neighborhood ChaIr man, will pour. Daisies will be given to the fol'. ·· ,".,.,,lowing girls for completion of one year's work in Brownie Scouting. ,. ;" : ~. . "These are Arlis Adams, Betty Bovard, Charlotte Brodhead, Rosemary Cadigan, Florence Callaway, Barbara Coles, Gall Forwood, Betsy Friend, Patsy Grace, .Mary Lou Gray, Cathy Jarrett, Janet Jester, Josie Lange, Betsy. McKeag, CarolYn McNair, Jean Patterson, Billy Reaser;· Marjorie Roxby, Marjorie Ryerson, Sandra Skoglund, Cynthia Topping and Susan Wright. On Sunday, November 11, patrols froni this troop will meet at • the homes of the ilirls to prepare ~". ~~.retreshments and to select new patrol leaders for' the month of November. The Golden Arrow patrol will Safeifwu'iI your VSIuables.in. it meet at the home of Susan Wright, the Tom Toms at the home of safe deposit ))OX: witli us. Cathy Jarrett, and the Sblning Stara at the home of Betty Bovaro. The troop leaders, Mrs. Wills . is little ••• tlie of mfud is Brodhead and Mrs. James Gray, will visit each troop during the ~nsiderab]e. Come in· this weeli. afternoon and give laat minute instructions for the Monday meeting. Genuine' O!evrolet Servo . . " the .ervlce com,Ietely qualified and OF .. -=- - - TIie cost peace .q!llpp.d,;.·~.·IceeP.~ . • . -.! ,'-'. ,.~, . . F' : ,•. For Your L,.;....----- Seeuri~~or . Y011l':Ccnmcry'. 8eearity . HOLD • , • BU"Y MORB • ,. SERmS."E" BONDS Che~·rolet 'l'he'au-e Square. , Rums." • Swarthmore 6-6130 1M BaI........... 81'UNGftBU) I'IMIIe .D c. sw ..... nnWR? U RRRR.'. .. SIDTBMOBE·RATIOIAL· BAil DB TBUST COMPDI J , M" r.T_.;; .. . t.: .,....,.,., ••• •.. ...;" ph -c.~" '. ..... ~-,' .... ; : - ... '. .~ H.S. WINS OYER .YEADON 16-0 .. = BOA'RD MEETS IN SPECIAL SESSION plant haviQg !>roken down again Friday, th,e,(llurth t/n1e;;since the The Swarthmore School Board current term opened, the Board In S~ecIal ~ session l"riday evening authorized architect George.Ewing appomted.ts newest· member Dr to p~oceed at ollce with plans and . .. !:. .'. Samuel T. Carpenter Swart~or~ speclflcat~ons. for renovation, reThe. Swarthrilore-Yeadon foot- College. r f '.. pair and new construction to proball game pro~~ to. be a see-saw as seer p 0 ""';,~r of engmeermg, vide a. modern, efficieni" heating battle In the first half with the Mr R etary dP tem. Secretary system in the high school bulldGarnet tsking a sllght edge of 2 termS.. aYIDlon K. Denworth, whose ing. The· project has. received . . H . the d exp res next month broke h· . owever, m secon her right . t . ' muc study by the Board during powts. half, a greatly inspired Garnet WIlS m a fall last week. the past year ~d by Dr. Carpen~ team ·took .·the field and threw One of Carpenter's first recom- ter, property committee chairman. Yeadon to a 16-0 defeat. Late in men~atlons to th~ board upon his 1\ is expected to involve replacing the first q~r Swarthmore hael appomtment to. fIll an unexpired present coal burning furnaces Yeadonhatd~pressed on the Eagles term two m~nths ago also met with with oil burners and installing 22. On their last down Yeadon concrete acbon at Friday's session new controls for improved distriattempted' to punt, but the. kick when M. R. Lane a~d Sons of AId- bulion of heat. The Board plans was block!!d by Ii hardcharging more were authoIlzed to effect a to advertise for bids as soon as Garnet line led by Jim Tucker. 280 by 1~0 foot all-weather plsy plans are submitted and approved Dick . McCormack Swarthmore area behmd the high achool on '. • guard recovered the ball for an College· Avenue. The accepted Canol! P. Streeter, chairman, autoO:atic safety. bid, amounting to $7700, will re- an.n~unced Dr:' Reavis Cox, Mrs. In second quarter· Swarth- surface the ·present tennis coUrts WIlliam Pegram, Ford Robinson more's backs, led by Bill Kauff- and a nearby hard court play area a~d Bruce Smith will serve with man and Andy Schroder, plus the and connect them with similar h.m on a new committee to ·f~reassing attack '!rom Jim Carter to paving. Bask~thall backstops, in- cast lo.cal school' needs. Estabiish~ndsBruce Gemmlll. Bob Me- serts ~or tenms. poles, and a ten- ed three weeks· ago to study and H and D n MacElwee pushed foot h.gh fence to keep pupils out re~ort the borough's school popuyenrz', d ~nto their 0 ' terrl- of bordering driveways and field labon trends and indicate when ea 0,\ .. eelPtim . ·H wn y' mud are aiso included The im- and where pressure for additional tory severa es. owever, ea. classro . ill' h don's defenSe, held. preventjng the provement for 'use dUring recesses,'. o~s. w arISe, t e group "'ri~ physical edueatlon or- will beglD to function immediately. Gamet trom 8CO.a.~. . . classes , and . , The second halt was a different g!'IlIzed games has long been· de- 'Mter approving current biils the story. ~ Board adjourned uritil November Garnet scored iwlce, Slred by the teaching staff. once iD the third period and again The 25-year-old steam heating 21. in the last, with Jack Thompson making both placements. . Their first touchdown was mad,\ after the Garnet recovered a Yeadon ·tumble in the Ea~es territory. BI11 Kauffman, after several plays, carried the pigskin down to the goal line and flDaily plunged over for' tile score. Yeadon' showed real strength tor first and laat time early in the fIi1i11 period. However, their passing .attack was balted abruptly on ~ ~tercel>tiOll by .linebacker Jack Thompaon. From this time on the game was In Swarthmore' hands. Late in the quarter the pigskin was carried down to the 1 yard line by Bill KlmHman and Andy Schroder on successive ground plays. Then Jim Carter, tallied on quarterback sneak. The gam!' ended .horlly after with the Gamet taking home a 18-0 victorY. Captain Jack Thompson, by vtrtue of his two extra point placekick conversions, baS now rUn his streak to 10. . The Garnet travels to Prospeet Park tomorrow afternoon. game time 2:15. The Blue and Gold has dropped two games but these deteats were administered by two of the strongest teams In the County-Eddystone and Upper· Chichester. This particular game has become .a ICm~tn with the ProsPectors. Last year's 19-18··tIe Was one of the most exciting ever witnessed on Rutgers Pield. News Notes Th.,· a ' -= =->'"-===--===-=---=-- Mr, and Mrs. Brinton Liddell of Riverview road entertained at a Hallowe'en party at, their home Saturday evening. Dr; John W. Nason, president of Swarthmore College, and Mrs. Nason, entertained members of the Board of Managers and college faculty, at a tea from 4 to 6 on Sunday actemoon. Presiding at·the tea table were Miss Olga Lamkert, Mrs. Clair Wilcox, Mrs. Phillip Carruth, Mrs. Stephen Whicher, Mrs. Norman A. Meinkoth, Mrs. EdWard Cox, ,Mrs. Wayne Garrett, and Mrs. Hedley Rys. ,. , Experts in the Making and Fittin, of Spectacles and Eye GJaMe8 \ 1923 Chestnut Street - - - Phila 613 Market Street Upper. Darby 827 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. .' . . .~s mUR~ON.Jn7WORTH MORE ...M~~~I An announcement has just been made by the United. Charities Com- ... mittee consisting of teacher. of thtI Swarthmore . elementary schools . - ....• In sfIIe,.heauv, bmjuMs, riding eaSe and dependabili\f that this year the Rutgers and College Avenue Eelmenlary Schools will copduct a· two foid ONB of grandest thInga abwt NatunJ!y, you're in';ited to drive charity drive. One of these drives tbell8W 112 Dqclge.1s this:· You .. this ...... DOdge. For that'. tho 0IlI, Will be in the Fall, the other in could STILL po; hund.edo of dolo way you can feel how the 0rilI_ the Spring. . . ,.. mot:a for /I. car riof~'" RIde really tak... tho bounce out of eoerythIng this gretJI new D' .. During the week 01 November bumps-tlie only wa)' to appreciate gI_youl . 12, the children will he asked to "hat a smooth handling car it is. bring to school used ciothing in For heni in~ n'!W '52 beauty YOQr 0)'. will open wide, too, are all the comfort, style wid eongOod condition. These clothes will at the YISlhility you have - front, vemence featur... you'iJ. be lookiug bocIc omd around. That', why be given to local agencies for dlsfof in your new car. The smart, ove.y mile you drive in a Dodge Is tribution at home and abroad. The modem _de qclres,r -the ..r.r, more pleasant. """" IIIAers!fltmJWI'Sell::.tl!egitte~ lng new fabrlc:s - the, aH.UOIlIIdgarments may be elther children's We'll be looking for you. eo... w. believe our custornenI like to I~e. val_ for or adUlts clOthing. you roominess that leis you relu In and see this new '52 Dodge. IIoomIetv.. .The Dodge ·Show Down"..pw.. .compares omd tab thfngs -.y. Sometime in the Spring the Y",,"ro in for a happy IUIprise. IJ.dJ;e with other C8IS - &Rows you to see hOw yo.. children will be requested to make ..kI~hWldreds of clollan more ana stiB not get a Single money contribution to all e Slv.. Y"": B. sure.to get your FIlEE cOpy ., n •. aM~.blKtto4l.ng.wIhout . . . . WIIrIIIJII0ft _ _ SELEcr CUENTELE MadUcm 3-9098 I _ covers and draperies. Call HenI PERSO rIettaFricke, Swarthmore 6-1675 . NAL - SEWING MACHd~NES-cleaned, lubricated and a .I!,stc:d , in your home, $2.50. Electrlflcahon, $15. Conversion to Port,:b~':M$25. Call Media 6-3312 after \ IPERSONAL - EDgIiSfi woman .- s~eks work as housekeeper, compamon! or tutor (home or school) qU,et household. In or near warthmore. Full or parttime WaUmgford, Olive Pa. Lucas I Pendle Hill', PERSONAL=Virgmia, io.rmeriy With the Gown Shop, offers exalteration service. Fittings UUlll1 e, and delivered. Call - U. S. Graclocl ..., ( INSURANCE - STEAKS D ....loP"ra of New 80_ - r.nW, .........K1I..di Grado A (11-6 lit.) , - .. OAKCBEST LANE phone Swarthmore 6.0108· •••• _ STEWING CHICKENS· 3gc up, lame Chlck.n., Cut Roady to Cook ~5" He I ....111 ......Itea' I. . S7.' · .. -21·- vaculJ~m~,~~~~~ I:~~~~~~~~;~o~n~;'~ tor appointment. II Ui~U~-~~~~IYI~i~C~ig~a~n~A~ve~.~ WILLIAM BROOKS Stan'. Ashes fi Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General ESSOSERVICE OPEN 7A.lII.~UP.H. to • P . . . WeeJ,;"•• , ' •'doD SUNDAY 8 A. ]I(.. .1"'.. -....... DelMonte CATSUPS=S7c .. "' " ....... .. fha, IT'S. GOOD'" : ';,,' _': I .; ," ~q.' '''pie ..A..t,~eriag ".",1, ta- ThM is as ........... rout ... and the 10Jlu ..... mon~. becalUe Amnlie's Triple ReiiMd Healing Oil. burns clean and ..... _need1eN burner repairs. In laa, Ie's i- aboou pwrrn.feal" GslI Or ",,.iN N..- -,; "'.;- ','; 1 i -GIee.leau i:.;20.' Mild Cured Ch_ 5. ... .. ..... SharpCh.... •• Kroft v.lvooto ... , Ot/MII Date. - ·""'.... 1,. D....... .,1/dMiJ .Ot/MII ~ ~ ...... _, ... - .... . ..., eol.a . ,,, _ _ ...._ ~ YALE and B1J'I'QBB8 HORACE SwsrUunore, P .. Serving Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 PHONE: Swarthmore 6-0444 B. Passmore in Swarthmore, wife and year old, desire 2-bedroom apartment. Phone Granite 2-1012. WANTED-To buy furniture, odds and ends of any articles. Chester hOI~c.~~'~~ mornings. Write Box 131, number. Penna. State phone REAL ilSTATE 6INSURANCE 609 S. CHBSTBR RD. FOR SAlE &, ''.Hclli1.~nfJl..i ,.':!'in~~ ';t'L:I'-" ;i.'.flI./j''K>1J? ,. :).•.:; \" COOK WITH EASE ~J.t16fu'{b:"?I-- ,',nr",':' l"Uk SALE=Luxury Fruit Ciikes, homemade, $1.50 a pound. Call Chester 3-4557 or write Lucy LawI'!c.r.ne, _ Brookhaven road, Media, SWAllTIfMORB, PENNA. ., T.l#ph_ $",_ 6-5510 .... "Third Ceneration Builders" HORACEA. Virginia .... Rings til. .." a.lrry-lcoCI~or ._ REEVES CAK.E BuiMiug CODIb,.'·. TDlI'EN .' ; : ~~ OIL HEAT --... .....u ........... w.u-~ ........ 17 Vz South Chester ROld Swarthmore TencItr. ngllt_b. ~OppH wIth , .. butter idng. Excellent 6-1959. FOR SALE-l'wo Lee snow tires, 600 x 16, Ilke new. $25 pair. Telephone Swarthmore 6-1244. FOR SALE='38 BUIck WIth '48 motor. Radio, new seat covers. good condition. Call Joseph 3708-R3. 10' -.:." 1..1 IIp ••• d, J.Icy, florida (216 lID' dry tubs. Phone FOR SAt.t 1951 E\ilnrude 14 'n: P .. Outboard motor with gear COOking call be a pleasure ror you and a treat for your family, when you se"e delectable meal. cooked on a -modern gaa range. Cooking 011 a nange thafs up-to-th.. lllinute in ~le and convemence make.lood preparacipo IIIJ:. An automadc JU noge it easy to use-and gives yon "oro Ibn. to plan thO.., ludous meals dw briJIa ..u. for "aecow" from the fiunily. GOON • modern _ _de PI or at . . , of oar ___baa 1fOl" shift, 25 hrs_tank, Guaranteed. tools, motor Media stand. 6-2708, Used Charles. E. Filcher BUH.DER RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL Construction Alterationa J. F. BLACKMAN SWarthmore, Pa. Phone SW 6-1557 DAY ud NIGBT OIL BURNER SERVICE MONDAY TIIRU SATURDAY NOON SW 6-4041 SUNDAYS and HOLIDA.YS SW 6-0740 COAL FffiE PLACE WOOD d. A.-GREEN 1 SOUTH PRINCETON AVENUE II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Real Estate - Insurance Mortgages EDWARD L. NOYES rs CO• 2. SOtl'Dl CBIISTBB BOAD rui.. at your deel... PH.LADI1 ... IIILECTRICCOMPAI' . -. , Swarthmore 6-3"50 P.R.R. Freight BId,. tag washer. ORANGES :~:I:' $75 • Residential • Painting • Commercial • Repair. • Alterations 6-2083. . FOR SALE--Boy's and gIrl's bicycles, 28", $5 each. Mantle chime clock, $15. Eighty-five dollar 3/4 size violln, $39. Call Swarthmore TOMATOES::;: (=)2=-27~ SAUERKRAUT....~::. J3c APPLES1UCE·==< .....:-. GOLDEN PUMPKIN=-.:."17· PASCAL CELERY Devine Taxi Service . ............................. ".:.. ................ " ............. ... WANTED-'-Garage space near 236 Haverford avenue. Phone G. W. Swarthmore 6-1575 ._ ,Orange Juice 2~ 33- a a"Mmy A.va. Swarthmore WIIH swlrdll' R.llned Atfanrfc '''cllIl9 0"," f" golcl6ob, who ·can f"- her? F...,..... 11',,-----_______ new and old, co_nun~cial done in compliance With Fu-e Underwriters SpeciflcaSales and Service' on elec. . Ranges, Washers, cleaners and Erich H. Corner of ..Klrtype~ coine. REPAIRED & INSTALUD WARM-AIR HEATINC receivers, other electrical ap~llances avenue, :k...fram'id Spectacles v.._ Cl4_"~ ed. Prompt Service. Robert Brooks in red case. at The SwarthSwarthmore 6-1548. ' morean office. CEORCE MYERS PEI\SON~For. ChrIStmas gifts FOUND--:-Black and gray male cat Box 48 - Swarthmore 'U~'7'LI\. m re~1 Silk-lingerie, hOSiery ne"" Presbyterian Church. Call accessorIes, phone Mrs. Dickinson' Swarthmore 6-4712. Swarthmore 6-4595. ' CUNNING PERSOl'l~Plano tuning-per- II HM[ feet pitch specialist Excellent Thom Seremha Since 1905 references. William Ii Leaman UPHOLSTERER Painters & Paper Hangers lJrexel Hill, Sunset 0-5'082. We .,holiid know how !'.ElRSONAI.--:LAMPSHADJilS _ SLIP COVERS & DWERIES 'S1.,a. ~ 2266 U h .. Ivnc •••ustom-made. beauty for 1000 WEST Olh STREET I<~!,:!~o'iltde lamps. FInest materials PHONE CHESTER 4-4187, ;; detailing. SWarthmor~ I'f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~=-I T'1I'e RetJ... Del Moah PIa_PIth .JuI.. a':Ja5... ~a.. Del ....te SU'" " ". .ppl., ' a '::i.: ... Del Moate Sweet: ...~ ,.::JI. • ~ ... Del Moate ....... 'C' a.. Del ....te ConI ";:t~" • ~ .... Rubbish Collection Swarthmore Di.pOIal Weekly or Monthly WARREN PIERCE Swarthmore 6-2078 New and RobulU Pianos ant Repalrlna' Sin.. 1901 Phone ..... 8-3551 ~ew ...7a Swarthmore 6-4191 P. RENTALS lIIadll Road -_ Comen Avenue Ifew Under Conskucilon - -,8· ........ l-1ion. or Porte.... houie, from flna, llraln..fod, younll, W ••t.rn .teera. .Iolcy, tender and flavorful. CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES _ I 40S DARTMOUTH AVENUE PIANO TUNING Phone • Swarthmore 6-225. . SWAB'ftIlIIORB 1-1114 CHARLES R. RUSSELL JAMES C. TAYLOR . i I' if Speeiallzlq In SALES of NEW and OLDER HOMES . I : '. Developed and Prinlecl ~~;;~~~~~;;;~;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~ 'Wnt~ BAIRD and BmD Realtor, 7 JC:anllel~a & Hobby Shop garages. Phone 6-0680. FO R RENT-Hoom tor young woman in private home. Near .trans. portation. Call evenings, Swarthmore 6-6306. . ..:.. $6. optionaL Gen- , : ~ 3vlflrthmore College Li br"ry ;;"wRI'thmore. Pa. NOVEMBER 9~ liSl ______________~=-____~~=--2T1H~E~~S~W~·A~R~T~H~M~O~R~ElA~N:-~~::~::;__~~ I· !~~ Chriatmu Appe" "low it In The SwartllmaftaD" .• Co. School Directors Women Learn Of. • To Meet Here Thnrsday Pata • teLed gtmeesl~~gO~f PLAN SQUARE DANCE Mrs. A. M. Bossbardt of ·Park. avenue Is appealing to all her old TBAINS T CILAFl'S DOLLS DOClDLBBS . regularClub s was held Novpatrons 8Dd 'friends, wbo genThe Delaware County AssoclatbeThe Woman's erously supported ber sodurtng tion of School Dir'l"tors will meet ember 6 at 2 p.m. After r e p o r t s · World War II, In assisting EuroIn the Swarthmore High School and announcements, Mrs. ~!'ll W V Official pean War orphans In Swltzerlu,ud Audltorlum Thursday night, Nov- Crawford of the Red Cross spoke Hear L. . . for donations toward a ChrlBtmaB ember 15. This will be theflrst on work In arts and crafts for the At Meeting Fund to be sent to the .Pestalozzltime that this group has met In veterans and the need for volunThurs. War-Orphan Village" In SwltzerSwarthmore. The meeting will teer t e a c h e r s . . land where war-orphans are reopen promptly at 7:45 p.m. witb At the general meeting which A Square Dance will be· beld ceiving a generous educatio!1 and 405 DARTMOUTII AVENUJI a special presentation of the Del- followed, Mrs. Clair H. Jeglum, by the Swarthmore Mother'S Club vocational training in their own Camera & Holtbv Shop . aware County High School ~horus, cbairman of the Legislative Com- next Friday evening, November 16, language, from 6 to 12 years of Swartbmore 8-4191 a group tbat includp.s pupils and mittee introduced the J. at the Woman's Clubhouse for age while enjoying tbe healthsupervisors of music from the B. Th~mpson, of Harvard avenue. club members and friends. Mrs. ful' climate and home-life of that _• schools of Darby Township, Ed- His subject was "Behind the Sc~es JaJ!1es B. Ballentine, general c~- delightful and exemplary little _ dystone, Folcroft, Marple-New- of Pennsylvania's Longest LegJS- man; announced at the. Club S mountain-village. . ::t::"I:;'Si:lsHEE,~e" town, Nether-Providence, Ridley lallve Soosion." . monthly meeting last evewng that Donations may be sent to Mrs. ;wo i Park, Sharon Hill, Springfield, Up- . The speaker told of the fate of more than 50 couples are expected Bosshardt not later than Thanks- 1 NOW hand-woven' . ~ per Chichester and swarthm«»;e. many bills that have be~n 'lntr?- to attend. Music will be provl~ed giving, in time for transfer by!. _ Tbe program will be espec.ally dueed. The oleomargarme bill by Mrs. Francis Sarden. AsS1St- Christmas through the Swiss Con\ ~II\I('~_" noted for an address. by the. ex- dragged on for many months, but ing witb arrangements are: Mrs. sulate General, N.Y. ~: IP.~ ecutive secretarY of the Pennsyl- finally passed, helped greatly by Frank W. Chapman, Mrs. Boyd . \ , b II vanta,: State School Directors' ihe flood of mail and telegrams Harris, and Mrs. Robert Yahres. MRS.' ISAAC CADMAN equal to Britain. •• Association Preston O. Van Ness witb wbicb· women deluged HarThe club was addressed last ~ at who will s;eak an "School Leg!&- rioburg; a woman lobbyist did a evening by Mrs, George Mrs. Mary E1lzabeth Cadman, J\. lation of 1951." The inspirational very effective job. F.E.P.C. legls- of Newton Square, third v.ce mother of Mrs. William Morrow of ,il address of the evening will be lation has been passed by tbe president of the pennsylvania Harvard avenue, and·Mr. William I' ~ ~~ given by Dr Ralph Cooper Hutch- House, but is llOW bottled. up in League of Women Voters, and Cadman of Rive:view road; dled ,~ ., ., Ison; president of Lafayette Col- tbe Senate judiciary comm.ttee. chairman of the State Organpa- Friday morning m Memorial Hoslege will speak on the subject "Our "A bill to increase by seven and tion committee. pital, Roxborough after a 10-day Dangerous Philosophy." a half tons the limitati,.on on truck Speaking on "The Vote for Wo- illness. She would have. celebra- ~ This meeting Is the one annual loads wlm passed through the ef- men 30 Years After," Mrs. Clapp ted her B3rd birthday this month. i meeting of the County Association forts of a very influential lawyer. told' the mothers that a ,:"om~'s The widow of the Rev. Isaac of School Directors of all the first There has been great controversy work in politics is a contin'lation Cadman, Mrs. Cadman recently class and some of the third class over the bill for .. a loyalty oath; it of her job at home whicb Is to made her bome in Swarthmore scbeol districts of Delaware County Is now in the House and, amended take good care of her family. "She with her daughter. She was a wbose schools are under the super- almost beyond recognition, stan~ tries to provide good' food, com- member of the Swarthmore Methovision 'of Dr. Carl G. Leech, Coun- a good chance of getting through. fortable and healtbful surround- dist Church. ty Superu.>tendent of ScboQi!I~"· Mr. Thompson spoke of t~e ~eed ings at home, but her fa~ does Survivors in ac:lllilion to Mrs. The public is welcome' at these for civic clubs and o.rganlzations not always stay at home Mrs. Morrow and Mr. Cadman are Cec1l meetings. to keep a representative ~ H~- Clapp pointed out. "They go out to Cadmnil of Drexel Hill, Dr. Robert risbnrg during the se~sJOn m school, and to work, and to find Cadman of Philadelphia, Mrs. John I Saw It In The Swarthmorean! order to secure accurat,: mforma- recreation. Tberefore she must Kurtz pf Manhasset, L.r., and 10 •..~..M:..;;C;oc;;_,;o;:;;;iiOoo= tion in regard to what .s happen- follow them into tbe community, grandchildren. I.' I I I I I L I I : : ; I ; : ; I I I I I - j'ng and, a. he said, "to put the to be sure tbat restaurants are S.rrvlces were beld Monday In THE CHILDREN'S heat on when nec~ssary. We clean; school buildings well-equlp- St. Paul's Methodist Church (WilSHOP must know onr· legIslators and ped, ,playgrounds ava1lable' in mington), wbere Mrs. Cadman had HOEFEL their stand, and get their assur- crowded neighborhoods." taugbt tbe Women's Bible Class CLAIRE ance before that ,?,ey will Mrs. Clapp said that this Im- for many years. Interment was vote for good leglslation. portan't part of her job as home- matje in Riverton, N.J; PARTY DRESSES w. Il11o feature tSlttIDctIft • . ... _ _ ddtucla-ua1q.. Cbriato FOR THE maker involves her in polltlcs 00-1-;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .... _ 'Open Moad." .......... Mr. Daniel J. Hilferty of South fore, she knows It. "For house-I, 'JUNIOR· Satutdq 9 to- 5. BIeht tnUel DOfth 01 Cbester road Is steadily improv~g keeping in tbe community is perLmacut:~ , . Route 222, « take ASSEMBUES ReadiA& tum-ofl' from Tvnlpllce.lOUtIa " at Fitzgerald Mercy Hosp.•ta! formed by publlc officials and CO-ED BEAUTY OIl Rou.te 222. We welcome lDqulrllt oy s sp~aker I:=======~====:I I" V:. Cla~p tt. "It' fll L'ANCASTII ,t elect~d . ,13 where he ,has been a medical each one of us as a citizen helps South Chester Road patient since October 19. He plans to return home witbin the next •• 0DO&l a CIa 10 DI:i ~ GDD a a =I CD§I few weeks., Mrs. F. Lambert Hunt, Miss Amelia Wulkop, and Miss Elsie Wulkop of Cape Cod, Mass.,. a~e residing at Mrs. Martha Blessm.g s home, 611 Elm avenUe for the wmter months. Mrs. Blessing Is visiting her nephew Mrs. Peter E. Told Wlte" Melcolos. restores and and family of Park avenue. .....'lIfa'ns da'ly r8gula,lty Mrs. George E. Silloway of Melc.lo.. - astou.ndlng medieal diseQvery-eatab1ishell daily re.rularity North Cbester road will have as without 'Violent .ction of harsh her: week-end visitors her sondrup, or Irritating effects ot many otber prep:aratIOftB. Easy·to-take in-iaw and daughter Mr and Mrs. Melealoae Tablets produc:e smooth, Ferris Thomsen ~ of Prb..cetoD, N. rhyth,-,ic bowel movements. Get.Mele.lolU Tableta here-today, J., formerly of Swarthmore. NOWCONOUER CONSTIPATION . , ............. , ...... . MELCALOSE·· TURKEY DINNER &: BAZAAR Swarthmore MetbodIst Cburch Thursday, November 15 Fancy Articles; Aprons, Candy Cakes, Etc. 5:30 and 6:30 Servings Ticket ................................. $1.50 UAI~f.T~, fdl, 65 Tablet Sizi 98~' Mrs. program Mrs.Thomas Clapp G. wasCasey, introduced .by chairman. A short business meet- DRUG STORE . 9 its ~d bank buildln~ Harvard Inn cnlTn STaIB I) PARK anel DARTII01JT8 AVIL SWARTBMOBB 1·101,1 II~============~~ ing pre'ceded the program con- ducted by the club's president, Mrs. Charles R. Gerner. glUlIOn. PL • PlIILLI: LAILAI·ml ___. . :___~==== ("'rOU MBB'I' THB 1IlICES'r .PEOPLB Nt SP~~ ) " . Mrs, Randolph Lee was in c~arge of the social hour which c1tmaxed the evening, and assisting hostesses included: Mrs. -James Marsh, Mrs. A. R. Crawford, Mrs. William C. Spencer, and Mrs. Horace Renshaw. Mrs. Clifford Bryant and Mrs. Leo Marshall belped greet the new members. CHRISTMAS APPEAL Cor ... ... BDGlIIlONT, AVENUE - 7th and WELSH ,STftEETS Donations for War Orphans In Switzerland may be sent to MRS. A. M. BOssllAliDT 313 Park Avenue, not later thaD Thanksgiving. TIME TO BOY Nrlty Make a DEW DROP INN 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE a ••"'••' . £_dl • .Dian••. CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY· OPEN 7 A • M. to 7:S0P. M. Mand.,- Tbru Saturd.,- • an.y D.... c • • •Oc to fL•• Special ChDdHa'. Platten • How about tbat bealth check.up? Belter ..••• witbout delay. And if he gives you a prescription-well, we are bop. jog you will bring it he~ for comrDuD~iDg. •• •• • •• •• L Nrr£: the Shrink Resistant Sleeper caJl on your Doctor " CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE , , ••• •• •• • ta j,(;;.~~~.~;a_ r····DATE···· ANiIIB!iIT GUESTS Phone SwarUunore 8-9721 _letter. ;!>::'~®(i'G5.a I:,: SPECIAUZING IN ?ermanent Waving, and \~ .~. LAICASTII 4>. ~~ ii·. ~ Hair Cutting f~~ _. II II 1·IEtp ........ , _ I.@ give the answer. alic. barb.r:F CATHERMAN'S .", tlltphor, SALON Am CONDmONBD to choose them at election time." she told her audience. In closing Mrs. Clapp ask~ the mothers if they thought women as voters have done a go!>d job. Not stating her own opinion, she merely gave the suggestion that a look at almost any city will l • 2.3,.1 Two·Piece Style Sizes 0·1·2·34 . . Three·Piece Set- Sizes 0-1.2-g4 • . . . 1M (SAME STYLE wrxa BX'I'BA PANTS) One.Piece Style Sizes 4-5·6-7-8 . . • OOLOR8~ PINK, BLtJB. YD,r,ow" G~' , '. One Piece Stvle in Robin Red • SIzes 4 to, 10 e '2.&0 2 15 Nitey Nite J~or Doll NOV 161951 HELP - ; ..NHeJ Nlte'a r-... n"ls take-te-lIe4 .... aD tJ a NIteJ NHe deeper " ... - - • 3.1! . I .. THE SW RTHMOREAN YOUR SCHOOL V'OLUME 23-NUMBER 46 HARRY 'SCOTT ' ~ SERVICES WED• Sun Ship Purchasing Agent Died Nov. On 10 Harry W. Scott of 910 Strath Haven avenue, for 33 years pur- SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1951 THANKSGIVING SERVICE The annual Community Tbanksgiving Service will be held tbis year in tbe Friends Meeting House on the college campus, Wednesday evening at.8 o'clock. The service WIll be according to the Custom of Friends. SCORES IN 300TH PLAY STAFF NURSES IN BUSY MONTH This Week Nat Dougbty's production of Jan Kerr's "Jenny Kissed Me" proved worthy the goodly house of firstchasing agent for tbe Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Co., C~esnighters which greeted tbe comedy ter, died Saturday In Taylor Hos\ Monday at the Players Club, Skilpital from injuries suffered. in a Medical Advisory Group ful blending of favorite veterans fall from a ladder in the garage Will Meet In C.H.S. in key' roles and refresbing new of his bome. talent proclaims a clever director Mr. Scott, born June 28, 1872 Quarters Nov. 27 who uses an ability to cast well in Frankford, Philadelphia, was Dr. Vincent Lathbury of Wal- to appreciably lessen his other married 55 years ago to Cornelia nut lane and Dr. J. Albright Jones duties. Fans of William W. PrIce no Blaker, and they lived in Frank- of Elm avenue were welcomed to ford until 14 years ago when they the Medical Advisory Committee doubt wish they could see him moved to Swarthmore. He had of the Community Health Society more often in roles like Father been chief engineer at the Cramp of Central Delaware County at Moynihan, so clearly does the Shipbuilding Company hefore go- tbe November meeting of its chang~able pt;'iest show "Bill" an ing to Sun. Board of Directors held Thurs- equal bulwark be the Muse in He was Swward of the Swarth- day mOrning in Swarthmore. Dr. whimsical or heavy dramatic more Methodist Cburch, a member Harold Roxby of Harvard avenue vein. Tee-Ann Doughty in the title of Jerusalem Lodge No. 506, F Is a present member of the Adrole and Grace Evarest Yeaw as and M; SOciety of Navaf Arehl- visory group which will meet in tects, and a member of the Union Borough Hall, Swarthmore on her· superbly Irish aunt, Mrs. League for 26 O)'ears. November 27 at the call of the Deazy, vie with one another in In addition to his wife, he is Chairman, Dr. George B. Heck- peculiarly contrasting studies of survived by three brothers, Wal- man of Park avenue. Ten 'physi- guilelessness. After masterfully ter, William and Robert, all of cians and Dr. Peter E. Coste, den- securing entree to St. Matthew's Philadelphia, and a sister Mrs. tist, of Rutgers avenue now serve Rectory for her niece Mrs. Deazy Sarah Taylor of Hollywood, Fia.. tbe Agency's six community area, seemed without troubles, or were more personal ones forecast as Funeral serviceS were beld which includes Swarthmore. Wednesday with the Rev. Dr. Roy Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Groff, ex- the curtain fell? A most uncomNewton Keiser· in charge. Inter- ecutive director, reported 608 man farmerette in other ways, ment was made in North Cedar visits made by the nursing staff Jenny did have a '''right from the Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. during October, with 27 new tub look," surprising discovery though it was to Father Moynihan. famllies contacted and 55 new As Michael Saunders, William individuals. Staff Nurse, Mrs . S. Clement ably demonstrates the Helen Moore assisted Mrs. Groff peacock triumphant is :not always with a report of medical care to the gaudiest in the flock. a child contacted through the (Continued on page eight) Agency's contract school nursing A benefit luncheon will be held program and the prospective folby the Swarthmore Mother's Club, tow-up care for the health of her younger brothers and sisters at Thursday, DecemMr ~ at the the Woodlyn Child Health Center. Woman's cubJlouse, the proceeds Mrs. J. Paul Brown announced to be given to local chart~es. Mrs. Howard Y. Clymer, gen- December 19 as the date of the Woodlyn Child Health Center The Swarthmore-Prospect game eral chairman, bas announced Christmas Party and explained provided the fans with plenty of there ,will be a prize, as well that one dollar pays for the gift thrills as a determined Prospect as several for each d t of candy aDd a toy to each child. team battled an even more e erguest. Santa Claus has promised to pre- mined Garnet eleven. The first The committees are as sent the gifts. quarter see-sawed back and forth follows: Mrs. Leroy PetChristmas plans were completed with neith.er team being able to th Mrs. Edmund Janes; witb the report of Hospitality get an attack underway. Swar derm"Un '1J)1.trs. WUllam W. RuthChairman, Mrs. John Geniesse more seemed to be on the go, erford; preparation, Mrs. David however when Lynn Doh erty Speers, cbairman, Mrs. Edward that Christmas baskets of fruit 'eld d and plants would be packed by scampered past mid-fi an B. Cornelius, Mrs. Richard E. the Board on December 22nd for down to Prospect's 32. Jimmy Farrington, Mrs. Edward Thomas, Carted threw· a quick pass to Don delivery by staff nurses to Shutand Mrs. Joseph Scott; registracElwee for 5 more yards, but tion, Mrs. C. W. Ramsay, chair- Ins under the Society's care. Prospect' line stopped the man, Mrs. H. M. Lippincott, Jr., Garnet from ~ further gains. On the opening play of the secand MfS. Robert Pfeifer; serving, Your Slip Will Help Mrs. George Wilbur. The Home and Scbool AssoC-, on4 quarter, Swartlunore recoverAnother important December iation needs sales slips fori ed' a fumble on the Prospect ~2. activity of the club is Its Christ- $35,000 ACME purchases bY Witb the Garnet in charge of the mas program for Sunnycrest December 1. if tbe eagerly d?S ituation, Carter threw a long MacElwee who was h a uled School for Boys at Cheyney. At sired television set for u.se m pass l on the 7. Bill Kauffman down the monthly meeting last Thurs- tbe local Public Scbools .s se-,. picked up another 5 yards" and day nigbt, it was decided to fill ~nred free of charge. then Lynn Doherty skirted around forty-six stockings, one for each It each school child turns in, end for the 'iCore. Jack Tbompboy. At the December meeting sales slips amounting to $38; 'son. making two out of three members will bring discarded but worth of purchases, the goal! useable men and 'boy's clothing, will be reached. Frlen~s of ,the placements for the day, convertl games, athletic equipment and scbool can aid this prolect ~-I magazines which will he collect... measurably by saving thell' edi-ater, Swarthmore fumbled a ed by the Welfare committee and Thanksgiving hollday pur~ase pass from center on an attemp~­ delivered to the school in time slips and turning them m to ed kick from their own 43. This for Christmas. Mrs. Franklin the High School Office or to looked like a break for Prospect, Church is engineering the project, Mrs. George P. Warren or any until Dick McCormack,. hardaSSisted by Mrs. Stanley Pearl- officer of the Home and School charging Swarthmore guard recovered a fumble at the line of man, Mrs. Robert Montgomery, Association as quickly as posscrimmage. Again a see-saw Mrs. 'R. T. Hetherington, Mrs. H. sible. figl\t was under way. LYll:" Dohe~­ M. Lippincott and Mrs. I)'ed DudMrs. Gordon Lange ty started the Garnet rolling agam ley. F. F. Robinson (Continued on page eight) The club's annual square dance Mrs. Richard Eulon for members and friends will be Mrs. Henry Coles , W .. At 8ridae held ·tonight at 8 o'doc;\< at the David U. Ullman Members .of the Crum Creak Woman's clubhouse, Mrs. Jamd Bridge Club played th~ HoW~ B. Ballentine, chairman. :v To Plan Party System Tuesday evenmg Wlth .,~U;:;;':Jant meeting nf the Mrs. Henrietta Fricke and Leslie Kappa 11M' An ~ary will be held on Luckie WinDing high scote. Mrs. Mrs. H. Milton Fussell of 227 .Legion A ber 19 at 2 p.m. at D. D. Rowlands and Mrs. W. R. Vassar avenue will be ~ to Monday, Novem Alban E. Rogers, Shoemakt'l' . were seeond. with the Kappa KapPII Gpm",a Sewing the home of !:ue Mrs.• John Mrs. Geo1ge E. SUloway and Mrs. Group next Tuesday November 418 ParltwUl " be c:,..chairmBll• L. F. Coy thlrd hlgb. 20. ' Whittier , MOTHER'S CLUB LUNCH DEC. 6 GARNET WINS OVER PROSPECT ~:trong I I to . EARLY DEAD LINE Because of Thanksgiving The Swarthmorean will come out on Wednesday next week. Dead lin. Tuesday 10 a.m. ., ; ? ,. : , SLIPS GALPHIN ALERTS LOCAL PARENTS F. F. Robinson Presents Psychologist In I Opener Dr. George C. Galphin, Drexel Institute professor or psychology and nationally-known consultant . W ' C l u b on industrial personnel problems, Annual oman s • gave 'a stirring address to more Event UnderWrites than 200 parents and teacher. Philanthropies Tuesday evening at the opening session of the Swarthmore Home. More than 225 women attended and School Association. the annual Philanthropic Dessert In grappling with his subject, Bridge of the Woman's Club "Youth in our Democracy", Gal.. Tuesday afternoon. The club pbin told parents and teachers in house had a festiVe air with gay no uncertain words that "Meeting 'plants on tbe tables. By means social problems of the here and of the proceeds of the annual now-at scbool and 'at home-Is bridge the philanthropic projects the best possible preparation for of the club are supported, and it good adult citizenship." H~ stated is a great satisfaction to the Edu- that. citizenship, ethics, values, cation and Welfare Departments, ideals are taught and learned .in a as well as to all club members, total environment; there cannot that the affair was so successful. be compartmentalization in charFinal settlement is not complete acter education; no experience but at least $300 will be cleared. anywhere is ethically neutral; The Education Department Mrs. character learnings are a part Peter E. Told, Mrs. Avery Blake, of every experience. Mrs, A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., Mrs. The speaker went on to say Donald P. Jones, Mrs. Cbarles C. tbat good citizens had to be maBrogan, Mrs. D. W. R. Morgan, ture people-at least in a dem-' Mrs Carroll P. Streeter, and Mrs. ocracy-and that parents should John M. Pearson provided and be wary lest they keep their adserved the dessert. olescent children depend~nt and Members of the Health and inunature longer tban was good Welfare Department are: Mrs. for them and for SOciety. He 'Judson R. Hoover" Jr., chairman, pointed out, !tOne of the hardest Mrs. 'C. M. Albright, Mrs. David jobs tbat fathers and mothers face Bingham, Mrs. Herman Bloom" is the emancipation of their childMrs.· J. Paul. Brown; Mrs. S. Mil-ren; it is so diffic'llt to .give up ton Bryant, Mrs. Robe,rt Clothier, final authority: it Is so difficult to Mrs. Leslie Clarke, Mrs. W. F. insist that 'our young people think Delehanty, Mrs 'James Daugherty, for themselves, 'and to insist that Mrs. Charles Fischer, Mrs. Francis they meet the consequences of Forsythe, Mrs .E. W. F urs, t Mrs. their own choices and decisions/, Mrs. Gordon Lange, president D. Reed Geer, Mrs. W . H . G eh ring, Mrs. Frank Rodgers Gray, of tbe Home and School AssociaMrs Paul J. Hertel, Mrs. Norman tioD, welcomed the parents and Jones, Mrs. George M. Karns, Mrs. t~achers, and gave an overview Robert Kline, Mrs. Norman W. of the year's program. Ford RobKent, Mrs. Jobn G. Lord, Mrs: inson, vice president and program W. B. Lowe, Mrs. W. R. McHemy, cbairman introduced Dr. GalMrs. Harold Ogram, Mrs H. Lind- phin and served as moderator in ley 'Peel, Mrs. J. H. Spackman, the discussion period which folMrs, Walter Sclunidt, Mrs. W. W. lowed. Turner, Mrs. Harry S. Toole, Mrs. Francis Vosters, Mrs. Leslle Wet-: WELFARE BRIDGE IS SUCCESSFUL PANEL TO VIEW LOYALITY BILL otherM=:I~~ laufer, Mrs. Earl P. Yerkes, and Mrs. Charles H. Zensen. The Education and Welfare De- partment. wish to thank all who ,supported this event by ~eir pptronaAmge, giftsth'and Are civil liberties threatened by ance. ong ese are pending state legislation? Is it who furnisbed the tickets, the Swarthmore National Bank and possible to legislate American-' Trust Company, who contributed ism? Will a loyalty oatb trap score pads and tallies, and Fred Communists? Is native Fascism P. Jones, who has contributed the a growing danger? Shall McCarShall coffee for the Philantbropic thyism be encouraged? teachers and other stale employes Bridge for many years. be deprived of traditional civil rights? These and other important quesHamburg Show tions dealing with American civil The annual Swarthmore Col- liberties will be discussed at an lege Hamburg Show, this year open meeting of the League of called "Skits-o-phrenia," written, Women Voters Monday evening, direct~d, and acted by student November 19, at McCahan Hall in talent, will be a feature· of the the Swarthmore Presbyterian college Homecoming week-end. Church. The session, which is Aftr. the Haverford-Swarthmore open to the public, will begin game, . the production will begin promptly Bt 8:15 p.m. Friday at B:30 and Saturday at A panel of four citizens made 7:45 in Clothier Memorial on the up of Professor John Hannold of Swarthmore campus. the Law School of the University Although the show has center- of Pennsylvania; .the Rev. Mr. ed around a single theme since Joseph Bishop, minister of the before the. war, this year the pro- Presbyterian Cburch; Mr. Calbert duction will revert to. pre-war McClain, assistant district attorstandards and will be presented ney, Philadelphia; and a represenin the form of skits. A mUSical. tative of the Veterans of Foreign many dance numbers will be feaWars not yet. named. Robert L. tured. Amsden, high school principal, will act as moderator. Mrs. Norman W. Krase of MidFollowing the panel presentadletown road, Media entertained tion there will be discussion and her. bridge clul! aI a: luncheon- questions from the floor. Bef~ bridge at her home Thursday. (Continued on ~ eight) ., . ' . ' , " ,~ , , ." I YOUR $3.50 PER YEAB "Jenny Kissed Me" ·:At L -_ _ _ _ _ _...:. Clubhouse SAVE . , THE I'IRSOIUTS Mr. and Mrs. George M. Eyling of Columbia avenue entertained for several days of last week Mr. and Mrs. Chester Whittier who have sailed to resume their work as missionaries in the French Camerouns, Africa. Mrs. William F. Hanny of Yale Mrs. Palmer L. Skoglund of Swarthmore place is progressing nicely In the Mryn Mawr Hospital iollowlng an operation performed Saturday. Mrs. Henry L. Smith of Rutgers avenue entertalned for two days avenue entertained over the ,weekof this week her niece Mrs. Oscar end her nephew Mr. James Wikoff Olsen and daughter Joan of Garof New York City. den City, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Claire H. Jeglum Miss Joan Faulkner of DiCkinand son Carl of Hillborn avenue Bon avenue, an alumna of Tus- will spend the Thanksgiving holiculum College, Greenville, Tenn.) days with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. will attend Homecoming WeekJohnson and sons David and Walend at the college, and will visit ter of Bethesda, Md. the family of her fiance Mr. MerDr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of rill D. Wessner of Morristown, North Chester road and Mr. and Tenn. Mrs. Clark Davis of Wallingford Capt. and Mrs. L. O. Shook and will attend the Yale-Princeton daughter Sally former residents game tomorrow and will be weekof Riverview road, moved Thursend guests of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph day to Quarters B In the PhiladelC. ElkIns of Princeton. phia Navy Yard. Sally, a Ninth Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Brown Grader, will commute from Philaof North Chester road will enterdelphia to continue her school tain over the Thanksgiving holiwork here this winter. Capt. and days Mr. Brown's sister Mrs. J. Mrs. Shook were guests of honor W. McCalla and her son of Lownat a dinner party given Saturday desville. S.C.) and their son-in-law evening by Mr. and Mrs. William and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stoinacker of Rose 'l\ree road, L. Douglass and young son LanMedia. don of Seaford, Del. Mr. and Mrs. Heston D. McCray The Thimble Group held its of Cornell avenue, and Mr. and first fall meeting Monday at the Mr.. Henry C. Ford of Amherst , home of Mrs. Edward M. Bassett avenue, spent the week-end at of North Chester road. Wesleyan University, Middletown, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Karns Conn., where their sons are 50pho- of Wellesley road entertained as mors. Dick McCray and Sandy their house guests from Friday Ford will arrive home Wednesday through Sunday Mrs. Karns' brofor the holidays to vacation here ther Mr. Willard McNair of through Sunday. Louisville, Ky., who arrived by Mrs. John R. Bates of North plane after a business trip to Chester road spent a few days of Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Karas also last week In New York City while entertained as their week-end Dr. Bates was attending an A.P.I. guest Miss Alma Roudebush of Convention In Chicago. Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs. Helen Hall of Hillborn Mr. Donald P. Jones of North avenue is having as her house . guests her son and daughter-Inlaw Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hall and young son Philip, who have been living on the Island of Cyprus for the past two years. After January 1 they will be located In WashIngton, D.C. :Mr. and Mrs. W. Minton Harvey of Columbia avenue have returned from a 10-day visit with their 1IOn-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. James H. Vidal of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard avenue entertained as their dinner and over-night guests Snnday Mr. and Mrs. Lang Dayton and son Lang. Jr., of Towanda. Pvt. WiW!un Froebel visited his brother-ln-l'IIw and sister Mr. and Mrs. Louis de Moll of Moylan-Rose Valley before reporting for trainIng at Ft. Dix. Pvt. Froebel form- Swarthmore avenue been in Vienna. Austria for the past 18 months working for the U.S. Government and enlisted while there. His father, Mr. Guenther H. Froebel is with the E.C.A. In Vienna. Mrs. Theodore Saunders of Stralh Haven avenue with her daughter Lorraine, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stone of Waterbury, Conn. Mrs. Roderick Firth of North Chester road new to Washington, D.C., Sunday and visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Conrad H. Goodwin of Weems, Va. Mrs. Firth acted as a godmother at the christening of her niece Victoria Lee Goodwin, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Goodwin. ~ .WABTIIlIlOBB PLA.YERS CLUB PI illeata 'JENNY KISSED ME" by • JUN EBBB Produced under The Direction of NAT OOUG~ • Friday, November 16 torday, November 17 ClartIIIa '111M .:11 P... Miss Fitts is a graduate good health. O I J Check h.... lfyouwbh ... roo.allan abcMGIOUP ........ ship. Groups can b. fonned wh....,. . . _ - . ...... / .niplo)ed. . ._ .._ .. _ pay_ _ ; ,........ L _ _ _ _ar. _ now. __ _ _ _Gn)gp ___ aM MefItJ cue lOfIIewftat IfMI1•• lirds tbat are'bard to beat! A GOOD JOB ... and a chance to ,make good friendsl ·0 .' The eogle cand the turkey truly on oll·Americon team • •• symbol of liberty and symbol of good living. Let us people like yourself ••• why not stop in for an intwview? TheN are sever4! openings right now forgirlB who can qualify. In addition, you'll find that telephone work baa IIUUIY otItar .dvantages: .. .. .. I'.' ; ~ -"." • • No ••, ....... ce n..uel • EsHntlol work In tntuestlng lobi · • • the--. _foo.,·" Gooel pay from wIth· ....utal' Incre._ PI_Ia!!l, lUlTounellnp IN OISOYAIKE OF THANIISGIVING DAY, THIS BAlli WILL troT BE OPEN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. • Pi. "0'1 Your ~ty-For Your Country'. Secvril)' IIOLD ••• BIJY MORE ••• SERIES "E" JlONDS ••UTIIOBE IATIONAL BARI DD tlUST COMPOI .. , r· d • ~ I nll: If"" ..,," li_,....'., c ''s p' fit research nature and when convinced its operation would in no wa.y c.reate nOise, odor, or other ?b Jectwnable condition. Income In excess of maintenance and salary costs is spent on research and medical scholarShips, a spokesman said. Dr. a n d Mrs. H. Lawrence • Smith and two of th' elr children ot Tala h assee, Fla., visited Mrs. Henry . L. Smith of Rutgers avenue. Dr. Smith attended a Urological Conventioo in New York City this week. COME a'nd SEE DELAWARE COUNTY'S GREATEST THANKSGIVING DAY GAME Swarthmore ,High VB Lansdowne High Thursday, November 22, 1951 ' SWARTHM:ORE COLLEGE FIELD ai 10:00 A. II. Admission - $1.00 Get in for the kickoff by buying your tickets early at IIUCRAEL'S COLLEGE PIIAlIlIIACY and CATHE.RMAN'S DRUG STORE ------...:::--::;::.::::::..----=~..:=::~---~~::~!~~~~~~~ • 90 MORE FOR YOUR HONEY .... ~~~~/ . In style, beauty. roominess, lidins ease and dependaLiIi., ON THE 10ARBWUK AI AlUllne cln ~4~~-.~Y not plan days voco::,on for the family ot seos':'o.re this Thanksgiving? ThanksglvlMg Day will feature a 1631 Arch 511 a., Phlladalphla, PGo (OMPANY OF PENNSYlVANIA The Lincoln Foundation will open its new anti-biotic research laboratory in the old S\\lartbJmq~ Prep School liYm on Harvard avenue next week. The non-profit organization secured Borough Council's approval three weeks ago to rent the quarters for year. Leases were signed swarthmore College, present owner of the building, and Horace Reeves, builder, has engineered extensive alterations under the direction of Cbarles E. Lincoln of 801 . Wesetdale avenue, technical adv,!,or and trustee.of the Foundation. On Monday several bacteriologists will begin work on the viral filtrate developed by Mr Lincoln's brother, Dr. Robert Lincoln, five-and-a-hal! years ago and credited with amazing results in some types of malignancies arthritis and tuberculosis ' the interval when it bas produced in a Boston laboratory. Until its r~cent adoption experimentallY by doctors in 18 states expenses of the medicine's production were met by patients who came to the outpatient clinic Dr. Lincoln's office in Medford Mass. ReportedlY as many as patients a day have applied the aerosal treatment to which Dr. Lmcoln and other prescribers, includmg one prominent physician in the Swarthmore at~a, attribute the successful treatment of many cancer, multiple sclerosis, asthma and tuberculosis cases. Awalting national Food and Drug Act approval the product at present Is only distributable for purposes, through physicians who as research fellows of the Foundation quietly test its worth. Taking his pre-medical studies at Tufts College and his doctor of m."dicine at B.~ *'$":.~..~) w:: . ",,~~~. ... SWARTHMORE OFFICE Priscilla and Jane. However, they MacElwee who went to Prospect's opposing this precedent-breaking Wednesday 9-12 knew their lines and delivered 38. Clem Malin completed a 31- proposed bill. The Monday meetThursday Evenings 7-9 them with appropriate business yard pass to McHenry. Prospect ing replaces for League members Saturday Afternoons 2-4 so-plaudits 'each! intercepted a pass on their own the regular' monthly lunebeon CHESTER OFFICE All in all "Jenny KiSsed Me" 3. On fourth down and with 2 meeting and the fall evening f •.t:~ I,., ,t CIIlSt'I' ......,., 1.,Us ~[" Monday & Friday, 9-9 whieb continues tonight and to- yards to go for a first down, Pros- meeting. Arrangements for the #) IllImaIN. Pl • PlDIIE: U11H·lm ~~~ Tuesday & Thursday, 9-6 morrow on the Riverview road pect faked a kick and sen! Fior- program are under the direction Wedoesday, 12-2 ;;w •.~\61 ..~OiiIbet CIA tIleIe JaveIJ" sw.1 . . . . fnID tile hlp''''· or BcaG " " , ~, .... 1IM"1c'e' for Q1IIIIIb". 1IeI'e" the perf"'" 11ft for IIBB Woo Theatre Square Swarthmore, 6-6130 I . CIftJi Y....a; tD tb!- aN a.r.. ' " • Em VOLUME 23 NUMBER 47 PO" "_. Trinity Church Women · B In BIggest azaar Yet, Nov. 29, 30 It' - \ HOLIDAY FAIR IN 2 DAY STAND LAIf CASTB I ~ OU'VB ------.-- , JI\ " CDUITIY STDIE i~ i \. = ...======& , .YOUR SUPS NOV 211951 ~ ~fJlrf_tmatS ~.. TlB THE SWARTHMOR .scaOOL' " ~ SAVE . . 3af'..... 3vmrthmore College Li brf'ry ;''v{arthmore I Pa. I HS MEETS LORDS AT10 rOMORRI~W A CHRIsrMASGIFT The Pageant of the the people Nativity, participated in by of Swarthmore, will be presented at Clothier Memorial on Sunday evening, December 23. Three years have elapsed since its last presentation. Annual Tussle Thursday To Be Waged On College Field The Holiday Fair of Trinity Church assumes a historic signlficance thls year tor TriItity members, for this is the first event to be held in the downstairs parish Lansdowne Iilgh Sebool football team threatens the eight game undefeated streak of the local team in their annual Turkey Day clash. L . . -_ _ _ _ _..,.._ _ _ _ _J This Is the 26th game of the series rooms of the new church building. The Fair, sponsored annually by the Woman's AUxiliary, Is proclaimed the biggest bazaar Trinity has staged. It Is a tWO-day event on Thursday and Friday, November 29 and 30, from 2 p.rn. until 9 p.m. Climax for eaeb day of the Fair will be the Family Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Reservations are received in advance, through November 28, by Mrs. H. H. Gibson, 213 Elm avenue. Cateriog for the dinner Is under the co-direction of Mrs. J. D. Bowden, Jr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolis with a large assisting committee. Mrs. Burris West is dining room supervisor with Mrs. HOW8£d Hopson in charge at the high sebool girl waitresses. Mrs. Francis Plowman and Mrs. C. Walter Randall with their group. of artists will be respectively responiible for the table decorations and for the overall decorating theme. A unique attraction on the augmented billboard of events will be artist Milan Bedmac, well-known for a number of years on the Main Line and at the Devon Fair, who specializes In cbIldren's. portralts. He will execute profiles and fullface charcoal sketches. Reservatll70s for sittings on either Thursday or Friday may be made In advance by phoning Mrs. Harry Pack, Sw. 6-2909. As will be true of all the booths, a selection of articles at the gift table will be held back for the second day of the Fair Ii" that Friday will offer a new assortment. 'Ihe gift table, under the co-di. el J r. rect.on of Mrs. W. E. H etz, an d MrsW . .R. M cH enry, will f eature a wide ebolce of argyle and cable socks for men and girls For the domestic-minded, CoChairmen Mrs. W. M. Harvey and Mrs. Albert Knabb Invite inspection of hundreds of gay aprons for every occasion. And no matter what else visitors buy at the Fair, e.ch will want a copy of "Bless during which time Lansdowne has won 13 and Swarthmore 10 with three games ending in ties. Regardless of their respective records both teams always play their best game of the season. Although Lansdowne does not show up too well io the won and lost column, all of their games have been very hotly contested as their close scores Indl.cate. After last wcek's game with Upper Chlchester which Lansdowne lost 7-0, in spite of the fact that they played the whole game in Upper Chlches~ ler territory, comparative scores would indicate that the local boys should lose by two touchdowns. Other game scores make' Swarthmore the favorite 50 that it all adds up to a red-hot ball game. The final game has special signlficance to the Garnet as they try to finish the season with an undefeated record, and bid farewell to 16 players. They are: Captain Jack Thompson, Bob McHenry, Kenny Wright, Bruce Gemmill, Dick McCormack, Howard Dodson, John Bemard, John Pearson, Jim Tucker, Jim Carter, Lynn Doherty, Clem Malin, Bob Terry, and also John Hi1lrert, Joe Storlazzi and Frlinklin· Smith. These boys are certainly proud of their team and rightfully so, as no one expected them to have sueb an outstsnding season. The blDld, led by George Dunn and under the direction of Mr. Robort Holm has another outstanding halfthne program prepared to dazzle returned alumni. All who come io the spirit of reverenc~ and worship are welcome. NUTRITIONIST IS LUNCHEON PLUM Mothers Plan Varied Program At Dec. 5 Event I Plans are nearing completion for the benefit luncheon to be held on Wednesday, December 5 by the Young Mother's Club at the Woman's Clubhouse. Mrs. Helen Ferber, of Hadden Heights, N.J. will give a talk oil nutrition, in addition to the souvcnirs and door prizes whieb.will highlight the afternoon. Acting as hostesses for the affair will be the following members of the executive board: Mrs. Charles Gerner, MrS. Thomas G. CaseY, Mrs. John B. Roxby, Mrs. Robert Yahres, Mr!. E. H. Bauer, Mrs. Peter Coste, Mrs. Robert Pfeifer, Mrs. Richard Enion, Mrs. Norman Weeks, Mrs. Robert Hall, Mrs. John Espenscbade, Mrs. FrankJln Churc;il, and Mrs. Paul Zeeber. Mrs. C. W. Ramsay in ebarge of rcglstratiQn and Mrs. Edmund Jones, ebairman of the ticket ~m~ mittee, will also assist. Mrs. Howard Y. Clymer Is general chairman of arrangements. At the club's regular monthty meeting, on Thursday, December 13, there will be a 'panel discussion conducted by two mothers and two teachers on the general theme, "Double Value for our Children." Participating will be Mrs. Peter Coste, Mrs. Richard Enlon, Mrs. Wins Script Contest Benjamin J. Groff, and Mrs. Polly Emery of the Junior Class II BarE bara Yohannan. Mrs. 0 ver . at Swarthmore Sebools won the "I Rodgers will act as moderator. Speak for Democracy" contest in Swarthmore High Sebool. To enNO TURKEY DINNER ter the contest, pupils had to write Five Swarthmore High School 15a five minute radio script entitled 1 Speak for Democracy.1I All graduates and former varsity hocscripts submitted were of outkey players will carry on Coaeb stsnding quality. Polly's finally Virginia Allen's training as they got the nod because of Its orlgparticipate In the National Hockey and Apportion:' the Swarthmore Tournament at Wellesley College inallty. In preparation for her paper, Trinity Cook Book that everyone Thanksgiving Day and week-end. Polty asked several pupils and i, tallring about. Copies are also Alice Putnam, teacher of physlteachers, a school janitorr an office in the local shops. Mrs. Walker c.l education in the elementary secretary, and others why they Penfield Is sales director. schools here, was selected at the For browsing _ and lots of fun Philadelphia sectional tournament thought democracy was the best it will be _ guests will want to at Swarthmore College last week- form of government. She then allot· plenty of time to The Attic, end to play half back on the AU- set down her experiences in radio presided over by Mrs. R.· T. Bates philadelphia first team. Mary script form. On Thursday, November 15, the and Mrs. Walter Giles, and to the Fetter, teaching at Drexel was skit was transcribed at radio staold and new book stall directed by chosen at right fullback on AUtion WPWA. In order to dramatize Mrs. Malcolm Hodge and Mrs. Philadelphia second. the different voices, Comella McSamuel Clyde. Pat Told placed on the North- Kernan, Peter Braun, John PhilThe wonderful articles whleb east first team at the sectional lips, Carl Jeglum, and Mr. Hof. tbe children have been making at tournament at Saratoga SpriD!lll em mann of the faculty, assls~d Polty the weekly Arts & Crafts meetings November 10 and on Boston ~­ tn making the recording. held at Trinity under the inSpired College which will play the Uruted This contest was sponsored by guidance of Mrs.-WinthrOP Wright States Reserve on Sunday. Polty the Swarthmore Sebools In coand Mrs. Louis: Robinson, will Told was ebosen center forward operation with the Media Junior amaze and delight you. on the Mideast team at the section- Chamber Qf Commerce. A new booth thls year will al tournament at Batavia, N.Y. !pecialize in wearables for chil- Sunday. Anne Lukens made MidPlans Cbristmaa Party dren from one to six years. DI- east third team at fullback. The Annual Christmas Cheer rected by Mrs. Prances G. LumsMiss Putnam, five tiJnes a mem- Party of the Legion Auxiliary will den, this table will feature ber of the All-American ,team, also be held December 3 at 2 p.m. in srnocked dresses and wool pleated coaebed Polty and Anne on Junior the Woman's Clubhouse. Reserva, skirts for Utue girls. Also for tions can be' made by calling children will be a doll shoP High te&mS_._ - Swarthmore 6-5911 evenings. of imaginative handmade and Leaden To Meet The festive spirit of the Seahand-dressed dolls. son will prevall witR table .. and There will be a neighborhood Children's lameS will be pro- meeting for all . Brownies, Girl door prizes as well as refreshments. ~ded by Mrs. Donald M. Fish And An article of food for a family her committee, and J4r1. Collins Scout Leaders. and TrooThP':: iii need will be the .dmlmdon. A ' tsble of'small ChrIstmas I!ifIB will KeUer will be cutodlllD of the mittee memberS .on November 29 at 10:15 in the loUIICC Nunery for parbd email frY. be OIl 1wId. of 1M WomIII', Clull. (CGntlaued OIl pap .-v.> $3.50 PER YEAR SWARTIlMORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1951 , Library Holiday Hoar. The Swarthmore Public LIbrary will be closed on Wednesday, and on Thlinksgiving Day. WOMEN TO HEAR MRS. CLEMENTS International Friendship Dept. Presents Able Speaker At a general meeting of the Woman's Club to be held November 27 at :I p.m. the International Friendship Department will present Mrs. Rex S. Clements, who will speak on the topic "'Fringes of Feellng." She Is the wife of Dr. Rex Stowers Clements, pastor of the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, and is an outstanding speaker an. woman's work today• Mrs. Clements received her A. B. degree from the College of Emporia, Kansas, and her M. A. in English Literature from Wellesley Ccllege, and has travelled ,widely in thia country and elsewhere. She has made two trips to Russia and recently a trip to Europe. One of her interesting projects was supervlsing and designing a Bible as a gift to the Empress of Japan: She has held important offices on many boards and councils, and is very active in the Young Woman's Christian Association. The local cI"b is cooperating with the Gener~ Federation of Women's Club in collecting 150,000 CARE packages between November 13 and November 30 as a Thanksgiving gift to the women of Korea. This is a special project a the International Friendship Department, and all members are asked to help by bringing contrl;,utions to thls meeting. The members of the executive committee of • (Continued on page eight) BURGESS REVISES "PARKING RULE Most South Underpass Space Unlimited Again Acceding to protests over the two-hour parking restrictions placed southwest of the underpass two weeks ago, Burgess Charles R.· Russell announces he will ~ow the 32 spaces along the college campus open to all-day parking again (on Friday. The ten spaces parallel to the underpass wall will be kept under the two-hoUr regulations. In additon to many complaints regarding the attempt to provide space for local shoppers, it is reported that the 32- space area was nearly deserted. Meanwhile the railroad parking square at the llorth platform. was so congested that one woman returning from Philadelphia at 4 o'clock was un" able to extricate her car until 6 o'clock. Another, resident having driven five blocks from his home to the station had to park three blocks away before boarding his train. Police also found vacant spaces occasionally existed in the erstwhile crowded spac.es I along streets in the business section. Considering the experiinen~ created. a Dew problem and proved the additional space' provided was not actually needed by shortperiod ~kers, Friday's revision was setbed upon. Burgess Rusae1I hopes a solution satisfactory to local b""mess houses, their patrons and tNin commuters will be realized, at least temporarily by strict enforcement of the twohour resulatlon on South Chester road, Rutgers, Park, and Dartmouth avenues and the addition of the west wall space to the restricted. area• H. S. Committee Ponders Choice Of Overseas Project As Klaus' Letter Spurs Interest A letter from Klaus Lange who Is once again at sebool in his home city Stsde, Germany, spurs the current planning of the subcommittee on overseas projects of Swarthmore High Sebool's United Charities Committee. Klaus studied in Swarthmore High last year, his presence made possible by funds raised in a community drive led by a committee of school students. While he was in Swarthmore a clothing drive, also led by student committees gathered 3000 pounds of clothing which was sent to Stade through the help of the American Fri!'Dds Service Committee. High School students sorted the clothes here and 20 of them worked one Saturday last April at the organization's city warehouse on the final packing. Now Klaus writes to Ogden avenue residents Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Spencer; UMany poor people in Stade got mueb clothing out of the shipment from ,Swarthmore HIgh. I went to the Worker's Welfare Organization and saw those nice pieces of clothing which were collected by your High Sebool and I must say I am proud that 1 was the guest of sueb a nice and. belpful school. "I go b1jcl< to sebool since the 11th of last month. Everybody in .chool was so interested in my trip to Swarthmore and the U.S.A. that I had to make two speeebes already, one in English md one in German. 1 also taUred to interested. friends about Swarthmore. ."Th8 new camera whlcb I lIot ovv there Is 'veri fIDe. I &at myself here an enlarger and now my brother and 1 are doing photo work for other people. We once earned some money by taking pictures of a women's club in our town." Acts of overseas friendliness are not new to Swarthmore High School. Four years ago, through the aid of CARE, Stade, a town in the British Zone of Germany, was adopted and a CARE week planned by students to culminate in an Activities Night at Clothier Memorial and a total fund whieb was sufficient to send over 300 CARE packages to Stade. When these were distributed an cctive correspondence started. Pictures and recordings of their distribution were received by the sebool and later a film of life III Swarthmore was sent to Stade Several Swarthmoreans have had a ebance to visit the city and receive demonstrations of the warm feeling between Stade and Swarth more, a relationship brought about by a student goal whieb received community support. The present student committee headed by Liz Forsythe includes Mary Ann Thompson, Blna Booth, GinnY Bevan, DOn Guthrie, Barbara HarrIsoo, and has the valued advice of officers of the school's United Charities Committee, Roger Gilmour president, Rob Wright vice-president, and Peggy McKee secretary. Bin&, another secretary of the general mmml~ and Ginny, its treasurer, serve in doublto capacities. The plan wiD be announced - . I \ ____r-;;::~~::::;;~:J:::~::.:.~.::1J:A::a~T~B~M:;O~B~B~A;;N~~__------~----!NO~vaMB~'=,~ER~23~~~,l!9S~1 PERSONALS \ Mr. an d Mrs. Raymond R. Gem- Middlebury College In Vermont, and is now doing graduate work at aln at a coCktail party before the the University of Pennsylvania. Series Dance at the Womllil'. Club Lt. FlUatt who is a member of Saturday evenin8. the Marine Corps ReIerve 1.1 DOW Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bodle7 of attendtna the Marine' Corps Lafayette avenue willha.ve a. their Schools at Quantico, Va. He is a _, Coilege guest over the Thanks"vtna holl-. graduate of Middleb"days Mrs. Bodley's mother Mrs. The date of the weddlng ~ ~~~~ L. Byron of Ocean City, been set for December 2$. , ~ of Vassar avenUe will enter- Betty 'Morse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Harvard avenue. Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Oliver Rickson end baby daughter Terr:Y Ann, and Mrs. Margaret Hogan of Harvard avenue, motored to New York Monday to see the new arrivals. • -------~ - ~If Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell of UBrqokhill.".WaIJjngford. will have as her Thanksgiving Day lPlests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erskine and sons of Wal!lngford, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Taylor and famtly of Westtown. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan G. Foster Mr.BIld Mrs. GOInon W. Dougof Crest lane will entertain at a WIGGII\IS _ SMYTH' las of LIncoln avenue have 811famtly dinner party on ThanksgivMr. and Mrs. Charles W. LUeD8 ing Day. Graham Foster who is In a candlelight setting of white nounced the birth of a son, Steven of Strath Haven avenue enterdoing graduate work at Cornell tapers In wrought iron candelsbra Sibley Douglas, on November 12 tained as their week-end visitors and autumn hued chrysanthe- at Bryn Mawr Hospital. Camera & Hobby Shop UniverSity, will be home for the Mr. Edward Bartleson 8l1d daughholiday& . The baby is a grandson of Mr. 605 Dulwouth Av_ ter Susan of Short Hills, N. J., whO mums" the marrIage of Miss WUMr: and Mrs. William F. Lee of were here for Homecoming Day at ma Scott Smyth. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas 8war1bmore I-Ull Guernsey road accompanied by Swarthmore College. and Mrs. George Cleland Smyth :O;f~N;O~r~th;;C;h;e;s;te;r~r;o;a;d;. their SQn Bill aI)d daughter Nell, Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson of HIngham, Mass., to Mr. Ford will speod Thanksgiving Day with Blackman of Sproul road will enCarroll Wiggins of Lancaster, son Mrs. Lee's parents Mr. and Mrs. tertain at a family Thanksgivtna ot Mr. and Mrs. Buford C. Wiggins Thomas Clement of Pleasant View dinner, and will include Mrs. of Lawrenceville, N. J., formerly Farm, near Lincoln University, Blackman's aunt Miss Helen Cash of Swarthmore. took place SaturChester County of Princeton. day afte:noon at 3 o'clock in the Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Harris, James M. Horsey, tormerl1 of l"irst Parish Meeting House, HIngBEAUTY SALON Jr., and family of Vassar avenue Swarthmore, a junior at Colgate ham. The Rev. Richard W. F. Seewill spend Thanksgiving Day with BEAUTY GRACES THE FESTIVE BOABD University, was recently elected bode, minister, offlclated. relatives in Allentown, following The bride. given 'in marriage by secretary of the Colgate Cbicago which they will visit with Mrs. Club. Jimmy is a member ave- with pearls and she carried wbite Pearson's brother Mr. Henry Pearnue has l"cently been elected sec- orchids with a shower of stephanson and family of Langhorne. retary of her dormitory, and Julia otis. Dick Bosshardt arrived home Lange of Cedar lane has recently Mrs. Russell A. Smyth of CoInvites the resideDi& of Swarthmore to _ _ their Me&a8 at • Tuesday from Cornell University been elected vice-president of her hasset, Mass., as matron of honor, to spend the Thanksgiving holiTRADITIONAL OLD-FASMONED dormitory, both at Oberlin College. Ml5S M. Jean Wiggins, sister of the days at his home on Park avenue. Both Mary and Julta are freshmen bridegroom. as maid of honor, and Jean Holman of College avenue, in the department of arts and brideSmaids Miss Alice E. Cole and ,THANKSGIVING DINNER, a treshman at Denison University, sciences at ·the college. Miss Frances Hawes,'both of HIngEDJoy the Comforts of Swarthmore's Bemode1ec1 B~ was chosen with three others from ham, wore bronze opalescent tafthe university to pla.v on the Cenfela gowns and carrled arm bouNAMES ATTENDANTS For J1aerva$toDa PhoIIe 8W 1-0lIl Served 1 '" ':38 P.M. tral-Ohio hockey team in a Great Mrs. Robert Kerr of Fairview quets of varicolored chrysantheLakes Tournament held at Spring- road and MacDade Boulevard, will mums 'flth matching ostrich tips field. Ohio on November 10 and be matron of honor at the mar- in their hafr. ...,=!=1n,..,"""'M~,.,r"...,....,..,C""'...,...,...,t=' ,.."t='M....,.t"",.,-M=M=' 11. Jean will spend the Thanks- riage of her sister, Miss Elizabeth Yes Sir:--One Stop Service Mr. Samuel W. W. Mitchell of giving holidays with friends in Lukens Crothers, daughter of Mr. Springfield served as best man, hti-Freeze - State Inspection Cleveland. and Mrs. Samuel Crothers, Jr., of and the ushers included Messrs. Caroline deFurla of Pembroke "Rowin-Brae," Wallingford, to Mr. Russell A. Smyth, brother of the Gulf Gas - Motor '·Repairs College of Brown University will J. Blackwell Hawthorne, EOIl of bride, John Urban of Hanover. and spend the Thanksgiving holidays Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sidney Haw- James K. More of Pearl River, at her home on North Chester road. thorne, of Kenbridge, Va., wh!ch N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Twombly will take place Saturday, DecemRIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN A reception followed at the of Cambridge, Mass., will 8Iso join ber 29, in the Swarthmore Presby- Country Fare, South HIngham. The the famtly group for the holidays. SEBV1~ brlde's mother chose a gray chiffon terian Church. Mrs. Twombly is the former Ann The bridesmaids will be Miss and lace dress with a burgandy BOB ATZ, Owner deFuria. Caroline Henry of Wallingford, Dr. hat. Her corsage was of burgandy Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. SW6-Q440 Raymond Denworth of Wesleyan Virginia Craemer of Harvard ave- cyclamen. The moilier of the - - -I~l_::l:)-\- - - =:l::-='l~}- - -~~l~'=l University and Ann Denworth of nue, Mrs. Samuel Crothers, 3rd of bridegroom wore a beige crepe Earlham Coliege will spend tbe Philadelphia, and Mrs. Thomsen dress with a matching feathered Thanksgiving holidays at their hat and a corsage of chrysantheLittlefield of Troy, N.Y. home on Elm avenue. Miss Crothers was guest of mums. Mrs. Edwin H. Marshall of For- hon~r at a luncheon given SaturFollowing a wedding trip south, est lane entertained a group of her d&y by Mrs. Ge'orge Mason Green the couple will reside in Lancaster. SWAltTHMORE MOTHER'S CLUB neighbors in Swarthmore Hills in of Arlington. Va. honor of Mrs. Charles Brooks reBlBTBS Woman's Clubhouse cently moved to Forest lane from Mr. and Mrs. John Walker MeENGAGEMENT Drexel HilL Coubrey of New York City are reMr. and Mrs. John W. IlIff of Wednesday, December 5th -12:30 P.M. Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hibbard ceiving congratulations upon the of Riverview road will have as Springfield, announce the engage- birth of twin sons, Stephen Morse Tickets 75c . Souvenirs their guest through the Thanksgiv- ment of their daughter. MIss Sal- McCoubrey, and Daniel Francis Door Prize lie iliff, to Lt. Marshall Figgatt, son ing holidays Mrs. Hibbard's faMcCoubrey on November 16. ther the Rev. FrederiCk W. Lewis of Mr. and Mrs. T. Cavanaugh FigMrs. McCoubrey Is the former of St. Petersburg. Fla., and her gatt of New York City. Miss Iliff attended Springfield brother Mr. Herbert Lewis of High School, was graduated' from Baltimore. NOVEMBER 29 - 30 Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas of North Chester road will eptertain at a family dinner party FOR on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Fine of Magazine Subscnprillru ======::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=, r: The Bouquet __''''=MM''''M STRATH HAVEN INN . .... Complete Auto Service RUSSEI4I4'S BENEFIT LUNCHEON Swarthmore avenue are motoring to Sea Island. Ga .• for a 10-day va- cation. Mrs. Fine's mother; Mrs. M. J. Hillyer of New York will stay CALL Mr.; Uoycl E. Kauffma SwarihmOftl 8-loaO '01" with the children Ashley and Biff Ask about Gm RATES during their parents absence. LIFE Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Park Avenue entertained as TIME their over-night visitors Mrs. Gil- FORTUNB bErt's sister Mrs. Charles T. Walker and daughter Mrs. Donald DU- ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;. Ion and three chIdren of San ~ Francisco, Calif. They were en route to Newport, R.I. where Lt. Dillon is stationed with the U.s. Navy. Mrs. William F. Hanny of Yale WDMINGTON. DBL. avenue is spending a week over ROBIN HOOD the Thanksgiving holidays as the guest of Mrs. otto Ralffeisen of Theatre Com&::;t. Windsor Lewis, Pittsburg. NOV. Z, - DEC. 1 Holiday F(lir THE PLAYHOUSE CO-ED BEAUTY SALON r.ua (lONDmONED SPECLAUZING IN !'ermanent Waving and Hair Cutting PAIUIt ad DABTII01JTll AVII. nrABTIIKou ..lID "GEO. WASHINGTON SLEPf HERE" Eves. at 8:.1; lila,,' Sat. at 1:It lIIAIL ODDS NOWPOPULAB PUCIIIII Opening Nltes & Sat. M_ts.: Orch. $1.80; Bale. $1.20; GalleJ7 (Unreserved) SOC. Other EveL: Orch. $2.40; Bale. $1.80, '1~ Gallery (UiIreser¥ecl) 8Oc. All prices Include tas. ~ eaelOM t air • ..,. ~ PM .1 ... ' 2 • Bn: Office .--. _IIIW for .,a,oul _ r e _ •• au:mt faD *** . DINNER Both Nlghta 8 P.M. $LA AD1JIJl'8-41 ClllLDUN EIIIOY SHOPPIIiG WITHOUT , THAT WORII-OUT FEELIIiG ' can be a pleasure ••• or an cmIael. It depends mostly on how you go. The easy way is the PTe way. No tangled tra1Iic. No tinsoma hunt for parking space. PTe transportation, whether by streetcar, bus or bighspeed El or subway ofl'er8 the convellient and econolJlical way to ftlIIdl your fl._ita sto_ Try it next time and see bow much QlCIN .....ted you feel wbeD you get back home. , hOPPING ,.... under ten MR. H. H. GibsoD I....._ _ _ _ _-'1 III . . . AVBN1lS ' _Dih ..... THE SWARTHMOREAN ,PUBLISIJED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHM THE SWARTHMOREAN. IN,C.. PUBLI8 ORE. PA. Phone Swarthmore 6-0900 HER , PETER E. TOLD. EdItor and PubUoher IllARJORIE TOLD aDd BARBARA KENT. Assoolate Edltol'8 Rosalie Peirsol Lorene McCarter Entered as Second Class Matter. January 24 1929 t th Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act 'of M~h 3~ ..II........ " ••"'sllilli. , c••, •., ra~"i. DEADLINE--WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, N., I'BIDAY NOVEMBER 23. 1951 L.W.V. PANEL DISCUSSION HELD At an open meeting of the League of Women Voters, held Monday evening in McCahan Hall of the Presbyterian Church. more t~an 100 persons head a panel dIscussion of civil liberties. with p~rtIcular emphasis on the Peehan '==============;==============JI bll~ Mr•. John S. Verlner of Rutcers avenue. who has been visiting in Los Angeles. left there for Vancouver. B.C., to visit a cousin Mrs. Archie DesBrisay before retumini to Swarthmore for Christmas. Cbriatmu Appeal' Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt of Park avenue is appealing to all her old patrons and friends, who so generouslJ supported her durlni World War II, In assistlni European War orphans in Switzerland fur donations toward a Cllristmas Fund to be sent to the "PestalozziWar-Orphan Village" In Switzerland. Donations may be sent to Mrs. Bcsshardt not later than Tbanks- Life is Good • gIN lfJanful IInto lion. fll. JII' fill' JlIII IlItftIl IIJI' \II !I,,"b; rn~lIfrlb now' pending in of thetheState in through time for by fIIl'ntr. leglsature. Advocates Pe- giving. Christmas the transfer Swiss Con. PSAJ,MS eVil. 1 Presbyterian Note. Call Mrs. Reynolds. Sw. 6-2240 for chan bill were John KIng. assist- sulate General, N. Y. Sunday morning at the 9:30 and transportation - cars will please ant District AttGmey of Philadel\1 o'clock services Mr. Bishop's start at 10:45 a.m. Devotions by phia. and Joseph L.' Poiya, comMr. and Mrs. Edward K. Cratsley sermOn will be ''The Plan of Life" Mrs. Donald L. Hibbard at 11:30 mander of the Philadelphia Cwnty of Strath Haven avenue will leave , Swarthmore, Pa. \• All departments of the Church a.m. Please bring sandwiches. A Council Veterans of Foreign Wars. Friday for a short business trip School meet at 9:30 a.m. on Sun- play - The Faith Of a Child will The bill was opposed by the Rev- Ie Atlantic City. . nay. The Men's and Women's Bi- be given after lunch. Members erend Joseph P. Bishop, pastor of -r.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ble Classes meet at 9:30 a.m. also. bring Christmas card and gift for the Swarthmore Presbyterian Coffee Hour follows the 11 Bala Home and clotbloll for Korea. Church. and John O. Honnold, Jr., o'clock service on Sunday morning Reservations should be phoned to of the University of Pennsylvania in the Woman's Association Build, Mrs. Snow. Me. 6-2111 by Novem- Law School. Robert L. Amsden, ing, ber 26. prinCipal of the Swarthmore HIgh We are ready to serve you The Junior-Hi Fellowship meets Circle. 9, Mrs. .Toseph Howe. School. served as moderator. at 6 on SUlJday evening. The Young Chairman. at the home of Mrs. RoThe panel discussion was fo1anytime. A telephone call Adult.... meet at 6:30 for supper bert Hetherington. 525 Rutgl>rs iowed by a half-hour in which I. all that Is needed. and a party,in McCahan Hall. The avenue. at 8 p.m. members of the audlence had an Senior-Hi Fellowsbip meets at Circle 5, Mrs. George P. Warren, opportunity to question the speak7:30 in the Senior Room In the Chairman. at the home of Mrs. F. ers. A vote was then taken to parish House. R. Lang. 307 Maple avenue. Please determine audience reaction to thn The following Circles wi!! meet bring toys to be used for Christmas proposed l~lation. Of these \ DI.lero.. 0. fUHIULS on Wednesday. November 28: gifts for needy children. present. 94 voted. Circle 3. 10:30 a.m .• Mrs. George C~cle 8. Mrs. J. Leslie Ellis, On the question: "Should the 1820 CHESTNUT STREET W. McKeag. Chairman. in the Wo- ChaIrman. at tbe home of Mrs. League of Women Voters of OLIVER H. lAIR. _ _ MARY A. lAIR. man's Association Room of the John Bates. 649 N. Chester Road. Swarthmore take a stand against 'olephone RI 6-1581 Braun Memorial Building with for Christmas sewing and pro- the Loyalty Oath (Pechan) Bill sewing in the morning. Members gram. Please bring sandwiches. now pending in the State Legis... -. . are asked to bring sandwiches. There will be no meetirig in De- 'lature?", 86 voted that \he League IIIr.. Georlle M. Dillingham and cembe~. should take such a stand; 7 that OPEN EVENINGS Mrs. Charles Deacon will be hosChoU' Rehearsals: Chancel Choir it should not. Of the 86 33 were t('sses. Mrs. John H. Fawcett will -. 7:45?n Thursday evening; Jun- League members; of th~ 7. 2. talk on The Hisfory of Church lOr ChoU' - 3:30 on Tbursday afOn the question: "Would you Music and Carols with illustrations temoon; Cherubs' Choir - 10:30 favor the proposal of an alternaat the piano. Sunday morning. tive Bill requiring the publlc em1Iloyees. including teachers. take Circle 1. Mrs. John L. Good, Methodist Notes an oath af allegiance to the ComChairman, will meet at the home monwealth and sign a statement The Sunday School meets at of Mrs. Harry F. Brown. 621 North Chester road. Mrs. H. E. Tish 9:45. Classes are provided for to the effect that they belong to will be co-hostess. The program children of all ages and for adults. no organization advocating- overThe Young Adults meet at 9:45 throw of our government," 12 peo... "The Faith of a Child," will be ple voted in favor of such a bill; given by various Circle members. in the Ladies' Parlor. The topic of the sermon at the 49 opposed it. Two of the 12 were Clr'cle 2, Mrs, O. J. Gilcreest, Chairman, at the home of Mrs. C. 11 o'clock service is "'Wby We League members. and 16 of the opposition. . Monroe Albright. 320 Avonbrook Believe in Missions!' The Church Nursery is open durroad. Wallingford Hills. Mrs. Many· reason! were offered on ing the morning service. ?tits. the ballots in support of the vote. Philip Snow will be co-hostess. Alton P. Smith and Mrs. Alfred Chief among them were that the H. Williams will be in charge. laws already on the statute books adequate protection The ushers for the day are J. J. provide Bodley. Peter Murray, Harry E. against Communists; that loyalty SWARTHMORE oaths have proven incUectlve; and New and George Shubert. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'that the proposed laws violate Rehearsals for the J\lnior Choir Joseph P. Bishop. Minister John Stettner, Assistant is on Thursday at 6:30; Boy Scouts civil liberties and democratic Sunday. November 25 at 7 in the Social Hall; Senior rights. 9:30 A.M.-Church School and League members who did not Choir rehearsal at 7:45. Adult Cla.s.es 9:3() and 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Bishop's The meeting of the Official attend the meeting but are intersermon will be "The Plan of Board has been advanced to Fri- ested In voting on these questions Life" are urged to telephone Mrs. 11:00 A.M.--Church Hour Nur- day, November 30, at 8 o'clock. Thomas G. Casey at SW 6-4957. secy Wednesday. November 28 Trinity Not.. 10:00 A.M. - Woman's AssociaCbrialian S • me Notee tion Day. \' There will be a celebration of the HOly Communion at 8 o'clock "Soul and Body" is the subject METH?DIST CHURCH Sunday morning. All departments of the Lessoq-Sermon in all Roy N. KeIser, D .. D •• Minister f thQ Church School will meet at Ch\l.l'ches of Christ, Scientist on Snnday. November 25 0 . 9:45 A.M.--Church School and 9:30. At the 11 o'clock servlce of Sunday November 25. The Golden Young Adults. Morning Prayer, the Rector will Text Is "Know ye not that ye are SWARTHMORE "11:00 A.M.--:-SerJ:~lon ~opic ,:'Why preach. There will be a service of the temple of God. and that the Even,ng Prayer at 6:45 followed Spirit of God dwelleth In youT . We Believe m MISSIOns OPEN EVENINGS 11.00 A.M.--Church Nursery . f th Canterb.,(I 3:16) ~ by a meetmg 0 e -TRINITY CHURCH Club. ll. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector Those serving as ushers for the S\IIlday. November 25 services Sunday will be R. G, 8:00 ,A.M.-Holy Communion Haig. A. E. Pritchard, E. M. Hi1l8l'7. 9:30 A.~~ -Churcb School II :00 A.M.-Morning Prayer and W. H. Jones. F. W. Luehrlni. J. Sermon S. Thompson. C. E. Fellows. and 6:45 P.M. - Evening Prayer W. F'reegard. Robin Wright Is Canterbury Club scheduled to serve as acolyte at Wednesday. November 28 the 8 o'clock &ervice, and Dana 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion swan at 11. THE rug;Jber I 5 p.m. Wednesday evenmp 7 to throuah l)eMIDber 11. 7:60 D.m. and 1 to 1:80. PAULSON & co. ) SUBURBAN, SERVICE • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. Pr."'_ ..~,..., CHRISTMAS 27 Shopping Days ,Away Church Services * * * * Come In While .Our Stock Is Complete * * * * PARK AVENUE __--=====-===::' __ TRINITY CHURCH ,WARTHMORE a bigger and better Fair . In our NEW church huilding • 1951 ~===~-=:==_~.=. ======================~T~H;;£__~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~&~A~N~__=-,=-=~____=-____-=________~___3 NOVEMBER 23, f___ Cor. .... ' .. THE 4 ------------~---=-- Alter the drumsticks are bare ... 'F~ER the drumsticks are bare, why not 11 s,t back a moment and think of the car in the garage, the electric range that cooked the turkey, the warm glow of contentme.nt around you. Aided by countless products of American Free Enterprise, and an ad.quate supply of electric power, the living standard here baa become t1J.. world's bigbcsL • -- s"--..---I···. =====:::.:-===========~===:~ .. -' SWARTHMOREAN NOVEMBER 23, 1951 -,---~ ...... "' Shows n'.t_ __ Jirds tbat IlflJ bard to beat! .- -_. ru.-tic Fever . PPJ...OS ......'dID In Co. The rheumatic fever program of the Heart Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania was presented by Dr. Hubley R. Owen; executive director, at a recent meeting of the Delaware County Medical SOciety. Dr. Owen aDnounced the change of name to the Heart A....ociation of Southeastern Pennsylvania because the Association activities extended over the five county area of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties. A register will be established which will list the names i1nd addresses of all known or suspected rheumatic fever cases in Delaware County, which will be referred to the State Rheumatic Fever Clinic in West Ch8{lter or to a local hospital clinic. .Georgene E. Bowen, director of recreation for Philadelphia's older people, a department of the Education and Recreation division of the Pb1lade1phia Health and Welfare CoWlcil, came to Swarthmore on Monday, November 12 to speak to members of the Friendly Open House and its Sponsors Committee. The group met at the Presbyterian Church, as usual. Interesting statistics· given by Miss Bowen about the social and recr~ation clubs for older people in the Philadelphia ·area, of which Delaware County is a part, show that there are now 80 such groupS numbering 3700 members all IN OBSERVANCE OF TlIANKSGMNG DAY, THIS BANK WlllltOT BE OPEN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. I News Notes and Mrs. c. C. ~orth,Texas. HOLD ... BU'Y MORE ••• SERIES "E" BONDS SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANI AND TRUST COMPANY . . r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ofF1. Capt. and Mrs. L. O. Shook .....-.....,......-...o:tT...£ti.."'to..W.Jl~rT:T---~nT-mmrT:Tb--'V---.r--------.. formerly of Riverview road entertained as their guests Mrs. Karl C. Asherfeld and daughter Ellen of Baltimore, and Mr. John Ward, just returned from Korea as correspondent for the Baltimore Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Graeme G. Whytlaw of Cornell avenue spent a recent week~end in New England where they attended the HarvardPrinceton game. Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rut- _ INTERESTING, ESSENTIAL WORK m _--- The eagle and the turkey truly an all·American team ••• symbol of liberty ond symbol of good living. Let us be thankful indeed for our American heritoge. Philadelphia Electric Company _ _ GOOD PAY· RIGHT FROM ........... _.. For Your Security-·For ,Your Country~s Security Capt. Shute of Maple avenue entertained as their week-end guest Mrs. Frederick W. Walton of Annapolis, Md. who came to attend the Chrysanthemum Show in the Field House. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faulkner of .. BUSINESS.MANAGED. TAX.PAYING UTILITY COMPANY Dickinson avenue entertained as OWNED BY MORE THAN loo,.DOO STOCK.HOLDERS their .week-end guest Mrs. Faulk_ - ' -_ _ _ _..J..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ner's brother Mr. Harry K. Werst PLEAS~NT SURROUNDINGS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .......A........•.....'..lY......·..l!...... _ gers avenue was hostess Friday at a luncheon meeting of the Chowder and Marching Club. START THE CITES VALUE working for the welfare ELEcrRICITY IS STILL THE LOWEST PBICKD NECESSITY IN TBB ¥A.MlLY BUDGET ~~ ."l!L NOVEMBER 23, 1951 5W ART HIIO R roAN - Mrs. Arthur E. Bassett of North Chester road showed colored slides on Tuesday evening, November 20 at8 p.m. at the Gibbons Home, Baltimore Pike and Sproul road. The slides featured pictures which she took this summer while on a western trip with her grandson Donald Little. For these blessings, and t1Je opportunity to go forward, we can be tbankfuL • and in- creased happiness of our elder agers. Miss Bowen represented these groups at the world conference On older age in St. Louis recenUy to which 52 countries· all OVer 'the world sent delegates. This was only the second time that "Pch a widespread conference has been held. From the many ideas brouiht out at these meetings, what seemed to Miss Bowen most inspiring was Dr. Martin Gumpert's thought: that in .the course of years people may attain, or at least work for, three different peaks in life. First there is the energy, or phySical, prinIe. Then comes the thinking, or intellectual peak. Last is the understanding or spiritual maturity,' a goal which may be liv.ed for by those of any age, and without limit. Asked by MIss Bowen for any idea. concerning these groups, the' Friendly Open House voted that Miss Bowen be requested to have a large meeting of the groups in this . area sometinIe this spring. This wou,Jd giv" members the opportunlty. to meet each other, and better know what other clubs are doing. The Sponsors Committee of the Friendly Open House held its election of new officers last Monday, November 19, at .9:45, at the home of the present chairman, Mrs. Harold March, 600 Elm avenue. Men and women of all ages are invited to visit' the Friendly Open House at its next meeting, Monday, November 26, at two o'clock at the Presbyterian Church. Help Fight T:- STRETCH Buy Christmas Seals . A jolly, ageless, tubby little Santa Claus-from red, fur-trinImed cap to copious white beardpeers out engagingly ·from the 1951 Christmas Seals which Delaware County residents will re... ~eive in the mail Monday, accordmg to Mrs. Frank Ii. Griffin, County Christmas Seal Chairman. Conducted by the Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health Association, the 1951 Christmas Seal Sale, to raise funds for the tuberculosis prevention and COD- trol work of the AssociaUon during 1952, will open on Monday, November 19 and continue until Christmas. "Santa Claus, the traditional bearer of gifts, is a particularly fitting motif for the Christmas Seal", Mrs. Griffin said. "Although we still have a tremendous job ahead of us before tuberculosis is under control, the gifts of Delaware County citizens in Christmas Seal purchases through the years have enabled the Association to wage a winning fi8ht agamst the disease. "Santa Claus on the Christmas Seal also points up the fact that with the purchase of Christmas Seals all of us are actually giving ourselves a very real health insurance, for through Christmas Seals we help finance services which protect us against, tuberculosis. These services," Mrs. Griffin said in closing. uinclude mass chest x-ray surveys, health education, rehabilitation of the cured patient, social service and res~arch." Your Christmas TIME and MONEY Hours and dollars are particularly precious at Christmas time. You can get the greatest return for yours by doing your Christmas Shopping in your own home toWIL You !lave time because home town merchants are etose to you - and home town crowds and traJlic are .0 preble.m. You save money because your home town merchants, not having to pay high metropolitan rents, can alford to lell at low prices. a Furthermore, modern distribution methods give 1 home town merchants the same wide variety of high. quality merchandise that is ofIered elsewhere. When you shop in' your home town, you help to keep the community economically stable. 5-STAR ATTRACTIONa iob with the Telephone Company. Nowl TRUE LAVENDER gobl Every day more and more girls are findlq that the Bell Telephone is "a good place to work." They like the people, the surround!n. . the pay ••• and the· knowledge that they I n . doing vital jobs in these critical times. Why not atop in today at one of the officel Uated below: Iavender--the one ~ srance everybody lOVell md the one fragrance that'. the alwaya correct accent for my and every f'.ubion color. Dana hal eapturec1 it in all it'. fresh Ift1e beauty in a fabulous. 7055 'ennlnal Square, Upper Darby. . . . 1631 Arch Shut. Philadelphia. .... _ 181 .....ONI CO . .. . , . . . . .mvull , -JiDs, dnsling SOLID oo1ope.:.,Do try it. $2.00 (lluatu. • IR-izaNOW to protect your car 10 ways I • MOTOR • AIR AND OIL fiLTERS • CHASSIS • S.PARK PLUGS • TRANSMISSION • BAnDY ~ • DlmRENTIAL • RADWOI . • WHDL BEARINGS I) nus Here's how Genuine Chevrolet Parts ) ASSURE YOUR SATISFACTION ..(".~~ 1M \ "~OL~ CheiIRIlet engineers know what's best for Ibe cars they have designed 'and built. And Ibal's why Ibey I'IICOrIInIend that only genuine Chevrolet parts be used 011 your Chevrolet when replacements are necessary. Genuine Chevrolet parts will fit perfectly, give peak ~erformance, assure lQUI' _plete satisfaction. 1hat's why we usa them-'Y the Is good enough for our ~ .,,,.. DRIVE IN TODAY FUSCO and· ALSTON Chester and Fairview '*' Roiu). _ _4 J.. MICHAET.'S COJ.T·EGE PHARMACY e• T,••• CIIII1II ..11f, • ... [[Rumsey Chevrolet Theatre Square ~artblnore ~6130 BUC.HNER'S JOYCE . , LEWIS MICHAEL'S BOUQUET CATHERMAN HOLLYHOCK S·HOP CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP MARIE DONNELLY THE CHILDREN. SHOP • THE NOYBSBER 23, 1961 5WAR-f HMOREAN ,. =, = • NO\l£MBER 23, 1961 ~_ _ •__-;T_H_E_ _S ~R T Holiidav -, Fair In 'Two Day Stand -~ • HO E. TOLD JR. Ii M.O R E A.I'C. --- ___ e_=-='......._ _ _ _ _ · ___ .1 n ~-~--- mGHsPOItT,S . Coach Reese is wanning up his All Un.. of In.urane. snootlng slars for the approaching 333 Dartmouth Avenue (Continuel from page one) ,AI~hou~h Swarthmore_ Junior i Junior High basketball season. His Swarthmore, fa. A _number of booths will tempt I1gh 5 football teams did not dup-I teams are divided by grade, sev~~:=::~~~:±!J" the moer man. There will be glft- heate Ihe High School's season, .enth, eighth and ninth. The ninth Sw. "pe&N6 6-1833 boxed assort4!d chocolates, butter Lhey did win five games collective- ! grade is the Jr. High Varsity which creams. and peanut crunch', also Iy. .The Jr. High's heavy weight plays its eight games in the Westpopcorn balls, candy bags team, the future Gat;ri,et 11,' won em ,Division of the Delaware Devine Taxi 'Service gumdrop Irees at Mrs. J. Al1:ie
  • aaURTU STOll 0\- .Ii \'~ ~ ~~""-~G,,-®'''' :=w::o:::.::'::u:: A~ --m-.MiI f..~'.,)o ~".;..~ ~~~ i,;rn-;;:iT-==:;;;:--;;;:;;-;r.:-.=-::::r; top soil SWARTHMORE CO·Op E. L. NOYES and CO. HORACE A. REEVFS HOLLYHOCK SHOP BUCHNER'S B. J~ HOY 5 AND 10 JOYCE LEWIS FUSCO and ALSTON 1~~~~~~~ ~ home ' evenings or more 6-6306., Sj'IU.TH HAVEN ,INN W. MARK BrrrLE BAIRD and BIRD palER E. TOLD ,SW.dTIDIO'RE NATIONAL ALICE BARBER, GU"fS MICHAEI,og COI.l,J!:GE "Ho even quit 601",111111 'eam wie. we switc"" 'a t6at Atlantic Triple Refln.d Heatia. 011." Real Estate - Insurance MortgageS EDWARD L. NOYES f1 CO. D SOUTH BOAD I'IWABTBlIIOBB .-011' ...... ~._. -~ PHARMACY CHESTER R. _ :auss....t. YAJOS 0. TAYI.Oll ~, , and mushroom son by large truck loads. Also Whizze>, motorbike. Call Swarthmore 6-6317. -~= THEATRE PHARMACY HAIUUS AND CO. 0.. on. HIIUIi i Oil 1",.l:M'''O • •'U MUIII, IN!I~CE - CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES - RENTALS Developers of New Homes - MagUJ Road - Cornell AvenD8 • til'C aU TRUST CO. OIL _us._ HEAT Specializing In SALES of NEW and OLDER HOMES • - apartment, GEORGE M¥ERS 48 - Swarthmore JItIT«I tIfIII disseminated b] the pennsylfllmia NtlWspaper Pllblisbers' . CAKE BOX IV aN3'X~'ElJ-,~:.~1'~b~a~..... ~~a~cis~t, employe, wife and 4 yem Furnaces V _ CLerea 'S I. A. GREEN WANTED-Girl's bicycle, preferably English type. Swarthmore 6-6140. , WANTED-LauniIrY to do at home -curtains and slip covers-hana ironed. Swarthmore 6-5807 • WANTED-NatIon81 Geographic magazines, write Periodical l:iery!'ce, P.O. Box 327, Swarthmore. WARM-AIR HEATING DIs .._tlge ;" the ;"ttlred oj highway ItlJtlly one oj tI StiNes p,... tI.a . BROOKS 'I'IH~:N ~~ . Full G5 Tablet Size . only REPAIRED & INSTA'LLED _WILL YOU CO-OPERATE' BE ON THEIR SIDE-THE SAFE SIDEI 41soei4#ofJ U \.£TB . knowledge In the 8,760 hours in a year, 13,300 human beings were aacrificed on the altar of speed. That is the cold, hard :factI Speed limits are set by oxpeI18 after, careful study. Terram ••• visual hazards ••• grades If!ld CU1'Ves ••• tnSic ,",rome ••• road junctiona ••• weather iacton- MELCALOSE Ashes fi Removed Lawns mowed, General Hauling Morton, Whe~ yon speed, you are pitting yoUl" guess against the Last yoar, 35,500 persons were killed intrafiic accidents. More than one.third of tboee lives were lost 88 a direct result of sperijng. NOW,. CONQUER CONSTIPATION A8 aD these are taken into consideration. CoITect aDow· anCes are made for braking time ••• full-stop time ••• and passing time-belore speed-per.hoUl" is established. r cat. Thom Seremba UPHOLSTERER SUP covas .. DIlAl'BlID8 "Strike. f..ame. spare? ••• Oh sure. r sJi/1 hear . those terms. He says he strikes out tor home after work to relax his frame a lew spare moments iQ a cozy chair. And Adaotic'. Triple Refined Heating Oil gives, a m;lximunl conversioD to heat:• that th per ,gallon!'· m~:.~~ more warm GUlOrlf'riuNov 1_ WBST 11th STBBBT PBONE CIIIII'ITZK '"&117 • • • . ' , .;. ~.'. ." ... ,0 = Women To Hear . (Colltinued from page ODe) the IntemaUonal Friendship Department are: Mrs. S. Milton Bryant, ehalrman, Mrs. ,R. T. Bates, Mrs. W. Mark Bittle, Mrs. Robert Clothier, Mrs. Hugh Denworth, Mn. R. K Harr~, Mrs. ~ed Hilles, :Mrs. William W. Turner, Mrs. Leslie Wetlaufer, and Mrs. Arthur Whitney. Hostesses for the day. are: Mrs. Clifford Banta, Mrs. Palmer Pilgrim, Mrs. Thomas Simpers, and Mrs. David Bingham. At the tea Mrs. Frank H. McCowan and Mrs. Walter Dickinson will pour. The members of the International League are invited to be guests at t~ meeting. Orchestra Gr.oup Hears Mrs. Van Urk '" MUSIC CWBPROGRAM Collegu Representatives Swarthmore High School Juniors and Seniors have been investigating different College&, in an eUort to mske the ~ II8lecUons. So far ~ year repreaenta· tlves from Mary Baldwin, Sweet Briar, Sarah Lawrence, Earlham, Cornell, Wilson and WilliAms have visited Swarthmore Hiah SchooL This has made it poasible for pupils and parents to talk infol'lllll1l7 with these representatives. Scheduled to visit the Hlih School in the next few weeka are: Ruth Rothenberg from Lasell Junior College on November 26 at 3:15; Marjorie Darling from Beaver College on November 27 at 3:15; Hubert Shaw from Bowdoin on November 28 at 1:30 or 3:15; Mr. Moon from Union on November 30 at 11. Katherine Irwin from Pembroke (at Brown) on December 4 at 11 :30; Dr. Stine from Roanoke, Va. on December 5 at 1:15 or 3:15; Ralph - Cutting from Tulta on December 5 at 3:15; Mrs. Norman Forsythe who represents Centernary, Marjorie Webster. Falrfax Hall and Stratford on Decembel11 at 3:15. Parents and students are encouraged to attend these sessions. For additlonallnformaUon contact Henry Hofmann of the High School Faculty. The Swarthmore Music Club meets Monday evening, November 26 at 8:15 at Whittier House. The prop-am which has been arranpd by Wmtam E. Trumpler, president of the club, features the wood wind instruments played by students of the New School of Music, Philadelphia. A Mozart Quintet for plano and four wood winda will be presented Re', ".t. n NOVDIBER' 23, 1951 - SWARTHMORBAN T.HI 8 WATER COLORS and l'Al'EB l'ANELS - ~ 'CANVAS .. 65~ Baltimore' PIke Sl'RlNGFIELD Phone SW 8-0450 405DABTMOUTB AVENt1B Swarthmore 6-4191 Twenty women attended -the first meeting of the Orchestra "I ..w it III The Swarthmonllll" Group of the Woman's Club at the EDGMONT AVENUE - 7th and WELSH STREETS home of Mrs. R. K. Denworth, Thursday morning, November 15. Mrs. Frederick Van Urk gave a preview with comments and records of the Philadelphia Orchestra concert for the following day. buildln~ "T~ ~ distinctly not to be a musIc appreciation class", said Mrs. Van Urk, "but a group in which you may become familiar S. S. SLIP-ON with the music you are to hear and get acqualnted with the people you Open Home Speak.. . meet when you attend the conMrs. John Clarenc& Lee, of certs." She explained the arrangeStamford, Conn., Is visiting her LONG SLEEVE ment of the various secUons of • You can count on ui . CARDIGAN the orchestra and told the names daughter Mrs. Harold March, 800 for competent profe,. Elm avenue. of the leaders. AcUve In many organizations in sionolservice. A skilled Mrs. Van Urk then gave biograStamford, Mrs. Lee is also a memphical notes of Telemann, Bralnns, Registered Phlirmacist Alheniz, and Ravel, whose works ber of the TV panel, "LIfe Begins is always at your comso pracUcal were to be played November 16, at 80", which originates in New mand. And our prices fit divinelyYork City.' with Jack Barry as and charac~lzed their style. Ilke a dream. are uniformly fair. B. The Orchestra Group is a new master· of ceremonies. She has and project of the Woman's Club, and also been interviewed on various sure to bring us your To radio programs. or match it is hoped that many will tske adDoctor's prescriptions, 34 to 40. Mrs. Lee is scheduled to spesk vantage of it. The next meeting - pink -Ieron Monday, November 26, at the will be held at the club house, ~~:~~-beile -aqCATHERMAN'S Thursday, December 6., at 10 a.m. Friendly Open Hous, meeting on Monday at 9:30 the palnting her experience in TV, and will DRUG STORE class of the Art Department will bring greeUngs from the Over 60 meet at the studio of the Instructor, Club In Stamford, of which she SPORTSWEAR is a member. S~d Flnor Florence Tricker, Park Avenue. At 11 a.m. Thursday, November NOTICE 29, the American Home DepartTHE STORE OF A HUNDRED THOUSAND GIFTS Sealed bids are being receIved by ment will hold a class in china mending and lamp sbade msklng the Postmaster at Swarthmore, Pa. at the home of Mrs. William Ches- for the position of Mall Messenger. For additional informaUon ter Morris in Concordville. call at. Post Office. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. KauffAnoe Lukens, a sophomore at man of Dartmouth avenue returned on Sunday from a recent trip Bucknell University, will spend through the south. Mr. Kauff- the Thanksgiving holidays at her man is recovering nicely from an home on Strath Haven avenue. Nancy Wrightsman of Cornell illness incurred during the trip. avenue is flying home from Oberlin College for the Thanksgiving holidays and will be accompanied THE CHILDREN'S by a classmate Sally KaiY of East SHOP St. Louis. CLAlRE HOEFEL Beverly Harlow of Lafayette avenue a freshman at DePauw UniverSity, Greencastle, Ind., has Infants To 8 been selected for the All-Intermural Hockey Team from six sorSNOWSUITS oriUes and three dormitories of lbe university. Beverly will spend Thanksgiving with her cousins 13 South Chester Road Mr. and Mrs. Max Fowler of Frankfort, Ind. mary law, pushing the water from its low-level It is a law of Nature that water seeks its own , sources in valley streams to the hiShest elevalevel. In view of this l!lw, Nature-in sculpTHANKSGIVING DAY UNf,UP tions. Tremendously strong and heavy pipes turing suburban Philadelphia into a delightLANSDOWNE SWARTHMORE resist the pressures which are developed, prefully attractive region of successive hills and Dick Purdy LE Bob McHenry - Ken Wrtght venting the water from breaking out as it valleys (as shown by the diagram above}-has Harry McCall LT Jolui Bernard - John Hilkert travels uphill and tends to rush downhill. Paul Lee LG Bob Terry - John MacAlpine liven Philadelphia Suburban Water Company Also, on the downhill slopes, Philadelphia Pete Gohn C Jack Thompson,' Captain a unique and difficult problem. For to serve Bob Schumacher RG Dick McCormack-Howard Dodson Suburban Water Company maintains devices your home, Springfield Water must be transDick Cunningham RT John Pe!'1"'on - Jim Tucker to keep the water under continuous regulaported up the peaks and ridges, to elevations Tom Rodgers RE Bruce Gemmill - Don MacElwee tion-permitting it to be delivered at a reasonof more than 600 feet above sea level! Pete Crawford QB· Jim Carter - Bob Doherty able pressure that will not cause damage or Forced against its will to these heights, the Paul Gallagher LIl Clem Malin:;.- Steve Snyder inconvenience in the home. . water then develops an impetuous impulse to Jim Stanfield RH Lynn Doheny - Lee Swan This is one of the most difficult watCMUPPty Tom Jackson FB Bill Kauffman - Andy SebrOdc rush downhill. building its pent-up energy into operations in the United States; one which a pressure too great for satisfactory hous~hold requireS the alert and resourceful supervision control and usc. of trained men and management. powerful: pumps overcome Nature's priTHIS WEEK'S CALENDAR 100 Pet. Dupont alic. bar!,.'" .Virgin Ny19n Boucle Two of Our Favorite Sweaters 4.98 . 1._______________________..1 WATER --"-'-- - -'-'-- "-""-"-" ~- ....,., .. At a general meeting of the woman's Club to be held Tuesday, December 4, at 2 p.m. Keith Chalmers with his guitar will be featured in "Songs America Sings." :.Iembers of the Friendly Open House are invited as guests. Mr. Chalmers, a graduate of Swarthmore College, started collecting and singing ballads while in the English Department of Swarthmore College. During his service b;l the South Pacific with the 38th Division he added to his collection as he organized and entertained In soldier shOw's. Hostesses for the day are: Mrs. J. Roy Snape, Miss Alice Marriott, Mrs. Walter O. Heinze, and Mrs. Paul Whitaker. Mrs. S. Milton Bryant and Mrs. Arthur Redgrave will pour at the tea following the meeting. The Delaware County Child Care Center Association has presented to the Swarthmore schools the sales slips which its parenls group had collected.. Forty thousand votes have been tabulated to date ""d there are a large number still to be counted. This gift brings the Swarthmore total to 400,000 votes out of a necessary 500,000. The committee urges everyone to tum slips in before December 15 for tabulaUon. Slips may be given to Mrs. George Warren, South Chester road, the High School Office, or. ;-'.,., one of the Home and School Association officers, Mrs. Gordon L~nge. Ford Robinson. Mrs. Richard EniOD. Mrs. Henry Coles, DaVid Ullman. PARTY MONDAY A Christmas Cheer Party will be given Monday, December 3 at 2 p.m. in the Woman's Club by the Legion Auxiliary of Swarthmore. Those who have attended previously and others will want to make reservations calling Swarth... more 6-0478. The Auxiliary requests that the· guests bring their c wn cards, an article of food and a silver offering. The goaJs-8 family in need, the Veterans and the Military men oJ Valley Forge, Coatesville, Philadelphia Naval and Perry Point, Md. Hospitals will be the recipients. Perry Point- has over 600 men and nurses from Pennsylvania. The Auxiliary is giving table, door prizes. and refreshments to the guests of the card party, whl.h is in charge of Mrs. L. J. Servais and Mrs. Alben T. Eavenson, cochairmen.· , '1, s.It I' ••.IL A DEL" • I A 5 U. U R BM"",,,,,.,,. A It W ATE II •----A.. Y .SIn_ 49 MIllfklptlJUw. lit elw".ReO c-tNI tI1fII II FOOTBALL TO HONIR TEAM Mr. Hofmann To Preside At Annual Event Tomorrow The annual Football Night dinhonoring the Swarthmore High School football squad, will be held in the IUgh School cafeteria Saturday evening.· It will celebrate the fourth football season without a defeat in the past live years. The program will differ In some respects from those of the past. All of it will be held in one place instead of dividing it between the cafeteria and the IUgh School auditorium. There will be no outside speaker. Henry Hofmann. one of the faculty members at Swarthmore High who' helped coach some of the great teams of other years, will be master of' ceremonies. A number of former Swarthmore High stars, now playing college football, will be featured guests. They will Include Harry Warren, College Show Opens captain of the 1951 Penn team, Bob McCowan of the Navy and Dec. 6 Under George Storck of the Army, wbose Mrs. Lange teams will clash that day, Bill McHenry of Washington and Lee, UOthello," Shakespeare's tragedy of the jealous Moor, will be the Fred Campbell of Duke and Tom first production of the season for Simkin of Swarthmore. the Swarthmore College Little Theatre Club. It will be presented December 6, 7, and 8, at 8 p.m. in Clothier Memorial on the compus. ' Mrs. Barbara Lang~, director of dl·amatics on campUs, predicts that it will be the best production in her Wallingford Center Will !'iix years at Swarthmor.e.. "Othello" Open Display will be the second play by Shakespeare to be produced under her Sunday I direction. An eilrli~r production The Art for World Friendship in 1949 of "As You Like It" in the Exhibit will open at the Comcut version, first offered and pub- munity Arts Center, Rogers' lane, llzlcized at the Chicago World's Wallingford with a tea on Sunday Fair, was given in Swarthmore's afternoon, December 2 from 2:30 outdoor amphitheatre. to 5 p.m. This exhibit and the' Playing the part of Othello will Second Annual Junior Exhibition be Jay Finkel, who took the lead- of Ait and Craft Work of the ing role in last year's production Center will be open to the public 01 uTender Branch." Desdemona through December to January 8. Art for World Friendship Comwill be played by carol Thompson, another veteran of Little Theatre mittee is a part of the Delaware Productions. . The part of Iago has County Women's InternatIonal been assigned to Jim Cox, who League for Peace and Freedom. The Art project is an attempt to has tsken prominent parts in Swarthmore entertainments all develop a world climate for peace. durmg his college career. The School children in the United supporting cast includes Phil Price States and 28 foreigo countries as Cassio, Mort Miller as the Duke are now "speaking" to one another of Venice, George Papanek as by exchanging original drawings Brabantio, Charles Torrey as Rod- and palntings. Through the picrigio, Bunny Peterkin, as Emelia. tures of homes, schools, pets and Mary White as Bianca, Dick Carle playgrounds the basic similarl-. ns Montano, Martin David as Lod- ties ?J different cultures are emovico, and Paul Noyes as Cran- phasIZed and understood. Art for World Friendship has tiano. been in existence since 1947,. A large part of the suppbrtlng steadily growing to include all cast has had experience in other Swarthmore theatrical produc- but two Stales in the U.S. At the coming show on Sunday tions. Phil Price tops the list, the Art Director of the Community having taken part in five major Arts Center, Robert Walker of productions during his three years at Swarthmore, and spending a Swarthmore. will introduce the summer with a summer stock speskers. Dr. Marna BoonkhanLheatre in Nantucket, Mass. He phol from Siam and Dr. Eva has tsken part ill three productions Slricker-Barolin of Vienna who of the Players Club of Swarth- are doing graduate work at the more, and is now serving as Mrs. U of P in medicine, will wear their national costumes and spesk of Lange's assistant. ~ . Siam and Vienna. George Gillett Mrs. Lange has had enviable experience in productions of Shake- Whitman, Art Director of Westspearean plays. At Bucknell, she town School will also be one of played the role of Juliet. in the spesken. Mrs. Ellis Bacon and Mrs. '"Romeo and Juliet." In Yale's Charles Dennis of Wallingford will production of n A Winter's Tale," assist with the Tea, along with sJ:le took one of the major parts. Mrs. Gordon Lange and Mrs. George E.Silloway of Swarthmore, KappaSewiug GroUp Mrs. F\-ank B. Wolff of L10ui and The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sew- Mrs. Charles LucaS of Rose Valley, Ing group will meet Tuesday, Dec- Pr~dent of the Community Arts emJler 4 at 10 a.m. at the home of Center. Mrs. H. Merle Malloy, Winding The Voice o{ AmerIca will carry lane, , Media. . the news oftbJa ElIhIbIt. ner, BANK APPOINTS SCHOOL CAROLS NEW R M. Hand Will ON NOVEMBER 1 Donald Take Over Dupes LITTLE THEATRE Christmas Concert Aids December 1 Overseas Friendship .. TO GIVE OTHELLO Project Donald M. Hand has been ap- pointed cashier of Swarthmore . ~""""". LIBRARY $3.50 PER YEAa CHRISTMAS CHEER Fa:nn ~nli1~ SPRINGFIELD ... Swarthmore Grad Will Feature American Ballads DONALD M. HAND LONE SIREN WORKS OVERTIME The pumps that break a law of N';lture! MO~~AY.NOVEMBER26 KEITH CHALMERS TO SING AT CLUB SALES SLIPS NEEDED MOTHERS SET FOR WEDS. LUNCHEON i ......-- SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, . NOVEMBER 30. 1951 = The annual Christmas Concert National Bank and Trust Comby the combined musical organlz- pany. He will take over his new utions of Swarthmore IUgh School duties December first. Harold Ogram, who for over will be given the commun~ty on two years has held the titles of Wednesday night, December 19, in Vice-president, cashier and trust the IUgh School Auditorium. The four part program will in- officer, will be enabled to devote More than 100 member. and clude sacred Christmas songs, more time to his vice-presidential friends of the Swarthmore carols about Christmas decora- duties and will also conUntle as Mother's Ciub are expected to at- tions, jolly songs about Christmas trust officer. tend the benefit luncheon to be toys, and a grand finale "A Song Mr. Hand comes to Swarthmore held next Wednesday afternoon, for Peace" in which the Chorus. from the Girard Trust Corn Ex,tarUng at 12:30 p.m. at the Wo- Glee . Clubs, and Orchestra will change Bank of Philadelphia man's elubhouse. comlline.. A candle light process,. where he has been a,ssistantbnIDch . • ," '!' Two new committees which iOli will open the concert. manager. He is married, has two have· been working hard to With the fullest cooperation of sons Gary Richard age fiv~ years make the luncheon a success the school's musical groups, and and Scot! Gregory age eight have been announced as follows: their leaders, ·Mrs. Eva Daniels months. tickets Mrs. Edmund Jones, chair- and Robert Holm, the Overseas .Mr. Hand sorved with the United mao; :Mrs. George Wilbur, Mrs. Friendship Committee announces States Coast Guard frODl SeptemJohan Natvlg, Mrs. Noel Arm- that the concert will pre-vide an ber 1942 until September 1945 ,trong, Mrs. Richard E. Farring- outlet for the Christmas I'pirit of when he was honorably dischargton, Mrs. Horace Renshaw, Mrs. ::;haring by receiving contributions pd. He .has· had _~xperience in in-. Frank W. Chapman, and Mr•• for the overseas project in the dustry as well as in banking. iYilll.;m W. Rutherford. entry hall outside the auditorium. The serving committee, headed Liz Forsythe, chairman of the by Mrs. George Wilbur, includes: committee. and the school faculty Mrs. Edward B. Cornelius, Mrs. sponsors, Adeline' Strouse and Peter E. Coste, Mrs. Richard Frederic Yocum, promise that Enion, Mrs. Robert M. Grogan, there will·be no other sqlicitation Mrs. Ryland Hall, Mrs. John W. in the community throughout the Heisler, Mrs. Robert D. Hether- balance of-the school year. There Swarthmore's precious volunteer ington, f\4'rs. Daniel C. Joh~son, will be no Activities Night fire fighters were kept on the run Mrs. Charles O. Kenney, Mrs. H. Contributions will be accepted during the post-holiday week. M. Lippincott, Mrs. Michael Nor- by students in authentic costumes With their ThanksgiviIig turkey ton, Mrs. Walter Schaefer, Mrs. of countries of the world and will scarcely digested they were sumElwood Schuckers, Mrs. John A. trim the Christmas trees in the moned to the home of Howard B. Scott, Mrs. David Speers, Mrs. auditorium. It is the hope of the Green, 201 South Chester road, Harley A. Smith, Mrs. James committee and the entire slndent at 11:52 p.m, on the 22nd when Stephens, Mrs. Edward Thomas, body that Christmas will not only Mrs. Green was awakened. by nnd Mrs. Fred E. Wiley. sing on the itight of December 19 smoke. Mrs. Helen Ferber, of Haddon but live through giving. At 2:48 Sunday morning they Heights. N.J., will speak on nutriThe amount of the communlty's jumped out of bed to hurry a tion, during the luncheon. There contribution will help to decide pumper and ladder truck to Allenwill also be a door prize, and where and how it is to be used. dale on Sproul road near souvenirs for each guest. It will demonstrate community woodland avenue. backing of student originated and At 9:42 p.m. Sunday, along with executed projects which have led Springfield. Media, Newtown SIX TIME WINNER this community in working for Square, Marple, Broomall and Alice Putnam was selected left . several thousand sightseers, it haUback on the 1951 All American pea<:e and understanding: The plans for its use wlll be ancoshed to the Harry Burnley First Hockey Team at the Nanounced when completed and estate on Old Sproul road· where tional Field Hockey Tournament be made after consultation Wltn I a large hay-fillea bam reddened held last week-end at· Wellesley .uch organizations as CARE. the sky for riIiles around' with its College. T~ is the sixth time the American Friends ServIce blaze. Miss Putnam has made the AllCommittee, which have aided At Q:30 Tuesday night 'SwarthAInerican first team. A teacher more again joined nel.ghborilig of physical educaUon in the local student committees In the past. The third annual United fire companies in a hopless twoschools, she is the daughter of paign for student raised fund~ hour fight to control another sudMr. and Mrs. Allan L. pulnam of philanthropy in this county WIll be den fire. A barn and two horses Lalayette avenue. conducted at the school from Dec" were destroyed on the Sloan estate, ~mber 3 to 14 by the students' Baltimore pike and Beatty road, Community Chest Report . The Communl!J Chest Drtve- Gniled Charities Committee. The whose roadside pasture has been overseas Friendship collection of one of the few scenes of g'lDUe 10 Swarthmore has reached the $13,183.'l'5 mark, over a $1000 funds on December 19 is the only rusticity remaining to congested short of the $14,900 goal, As the stU:dent request made of the gen- suburbia; ThIs was the second official closing date· was Nov- eral community for money support. nearby barn to go up in flames that' evening. At 7:30 a similar ember 28, the cOmmittee hopes Tyner Brown of Park avenue is structure on the· Borden estate, that those who have not yet made their return, will do so noW located in California with the Sycamore Mills road,· was . lost. Swarti'.more was not called to the immediately at The Swarth- pacific Mutual LIfe Company of Los Angel~ (Continued on page ten)_c more National Bank. 7.98 ' 2:00 P.M.-Friendly Open House Group Preaby&erim Churdl . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 2:00 p.!I.-"Prlnlea of FeellDI" ...__.._ _ Club B _ NUMBER 48 VOLUME 23 - Camera & Hobby Shop U(§fl~ COL('~:GIG Clllilt BRUSHES '9oldirts bank ... ARTrIM01RR:\ r HE SWARTHMOREAN ART SUPPLIES OIL COLORS ... I -.\ ....... % by John Sears at the plano; Nancy '-;~MMMNWW~~M!i:I-~~wwwwwwwiihiYiMM;';:: Duling, hom; John Davis, clar- -; ;;; inet; Robert Greer, bassoon; and ("'YOU MBE'T 'THE N,ICES'T PBOPLB Nr SPB.ARJ!S") . Robert Goldstein, oboe. This will be followed by a group of Christmas songS sung by Catherine McKlnnell, soprano, of Swarthmore with Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie accompanying. The concluding number will be the First Flute Concerto by Mozart played by Ted Shook. . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 8:00 P.M.-Communlty Thanksgiving Service FriendI MeetIn& THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22 10:00 A.M.-FootbaU: H.S. VB. Lansdowne ........ Co1lele Field 11:00 A.M.-Thanksgiving Service ........ ChrtsUan Sclence Church . SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 7:00 P.M. Only-Movies-SUent Russian FIlm ......_ Clothier SUNDAY, NOVEMBERU l1:00A.M.-Moroing Worship ............... _........... Local Chmdlel .>'v{Rrthmo.l'e , • • , . . ' " . ART EXHIBIT TO OPEN - ~. - . -. .. . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 3vmrthmore Collace Li br"ry dvmrthmore, Pt!.. T.RE 8 NOVEMBER 23, 1951 SWARTHMOREAN Womell To Hear College Representatives 1. I H n .~ f{ Y MUSIC CWB PROGRAM THE SWARTHMOREAN ART SUPPLIES Swarthmore High School JunThe Swarthmore Music Club (Continued from page one) iors and Seniors ba ve been inves- meets Monday evening, November WATER COLORS and PAPER the International Friendship Detigating different Colleges, in an 26 at 8:Hi at Whittier House. partment are: Mrs. S. Milton Bryeffort to make the wisest aelecOIL COLORS - CANVAS The prouam wblch has been ant, chairman, Mrs. R. T. Bates. tions. So far tWs year representaarranlled by William E. Trumpler, Mro. W. Mark Bittle, Mrs. Robert PANELS - BRUSHES tives from Mary Baldwin, Sweet president of the club, features the ClotWer, Mrs. Hugh Denworth, Briar, Sarah Lawrence, Earlham, wood wind instruments played by Mrs. R. H. HarriS, Mrs. Allred Cornell, Wilson and Williams have students of the New School of Camera & Hobby Shop Hilles, Mrs. William W. Turner, visited Swartlunore High SchooL Music, PWladelphia. 650 BaIUmore Pike Mrs. Leslie Wetiaufer, and Mrs. 405 DARTMOUTH AVENUE This has made it possible for puSPRINGFIELD Artbur WWtney. A Mozart Quintet for piano and pils and parents to talk informally Phone SW 6-0450 Swarthnoore 6-4191 Hostesses for the day are: Mrs. four wood winds will be presented with these representatives. Clifford Banta, Mrs. Palmer PilScheduled to visit the High by John Sears at the piano; Nancy grim, Mrs. Thomas Simper~, and Darling, horn; John Davis, clarSchool in the next few weeks are: ("TOU MEE'I' 'THE 1>{ICBS'f PEOPLB AT SPBARBS") Mrs. David Bingham. At the tea inet; Robert Greer, bassoon; and Ruth Rothenberg from Lasell JunMrs. Frank H. McCowan and Mrs. ior College on November 26 at Robert Goldstein, oboe. Vialter Dickinson will pour. The TW. will be followed by a group 3:15; Marjorie Darling from Beamembers of the International of Christmas songs sung by Cathver College on November 27 at League are invited to be guests at erine McKinnell, soprano, of 3:15; Hubert Shaw from Bowdoin this meeting. on November 28 at 1 :30 or 3:15; Swarthmore with Mrs. Franklin Mr. Moon lrom Union on Novem- S. Gillespie accompanying. The concluding number will be Orchestra Gr.oup ber 30 at 11. Katherine Irwin from Pem- the First Flute Concerto by Mozart Hears Mrs. Van Urk played by Ted Shook. Twenty women attended -the broke (at Brown) on December 4 at 11 :30; Dr. Stine from Roanoke, first meeting of the Orchestra '·1 law It In The Swarthmorean" Group of the Woman's Club at the Va. on December 5 at 1:15 or 3:15; EDGMONT AVENUE - 7th and WELSH STREETS home of Mrs. R. K. Denworth, Ralph Cutting from Tufts on Thursday morning, November 15. December 5 at 3:15; Mrs. Norman Mrs. Frederick Van Urk gave a Forsythe who represents Centerpreview with comments and re.. nary, Marjorie Webster, Fairfax cords of the Philadelphia Orches- Hall and Stratford on December tra concert for the following day. 11 at 3:15. Parents and students are en"This is distinctly not to be a couraged to attend these sessions. music appreciation class", said Mrs. Van Urk, "but a group in For additional information contact which you may become familiar Henry Hofmann of the High School S. S. SLIP-ON with the music you are to hear and Faculty. get acquainted with the people you meet when you attend the con-\ Open House Speaker certs." She explained the arrangeMrs. John Clarence Lee, ·of LONG SLEEVE ment of the various sections of Stamford, Conn., is visiting her • You can count on uS CARDIGAN the orchestra and told the names daughter Mrs. Harold March, 600 for competent profesof the leaders. Elm avenue. Active in many organizations in sional service. A skilled Mrs. Van Urk then gave biograStamford, Mrs. Lee is also a memRegistered Pharmacist phical notes of Telemann, Brahms, ber of the TV panel, "Lile Begins Albeniz, and Ravel, whose works is always at your com~ practical at 80n , which originates in New were to be played November 16, divinelymand. And our prices York City, with Jack Barry as and characterized their style. dream. master of ceremonies. She has are uniformly fair. Be The Orchestra Group is a new 'IC~~:' and b To sure to bring us your project of the Woman's Club, and also been interviewed on various or match radio programs. it is hoped that many will take adDoctor's prescriptions. 3izes 34 to 40. Mrs. Lee is scheduled to speak vantage of it. The next meeting White - pink -lIeranium ..beige .. aqwill be held at the club house, on Monday, November 26, at the CATHERMAN'S Jamint. Thursday, December 6., at 10 a.m. Friendly Open Hous~ meeting on her experience in TV, and will Monday at 9:30 the painting DRUG STORE class of the Art Department will bring greetings from the Over 60 SPORTSWEAR meet at the studio of the instructor, Club in Stamford, of which she Second Finor is a member. Florence Tricker, Park Avenue. At 11 a.m. Thursday, November NOTICE 29, the American Home DepartTHE STORE OF A HUNDRED THOUSAND GIFTS Sealed bids are being received by ~A-.·.·.·.-.·.·_· ment will hold a class in china , Pa. the postmaster at Swartlunore mending and lamp shade making at the home of Mrs. William Ches- for the position of Mall Messenger. For additional information ter Morris in Concordville. call at Post Office. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd :E. KauffAnne Lukens, a sophomore at man of Dartmouth avenue returnBucknell University, will spend ed on Sunday from a recent trip the Thanksgiving holidays at her through the south. Mr. Kauffman is r~covering nicely from an home on Strath Haven avenue. Nancy Wrightsman of Cornell illness incurred during the trip. avenue is flying home from Oberlin College for the Thanksgiving holidays and will be accompanied THE CHILDREN'S by a classmate Sally Kagy of East SHOP St. Louis. CLAIRE HOEFEL Beverly Harlow of Lafayette avenue a freshman at DePauw University, Greencastle. Ind., has Infants To 8 been selected for the All-intermural Hockey Team from six sorSNOWSUITS orities and three donnitories of the university. Beverly will spend Thanksgiving with her cousins 13 South Chester Road Mr. and Mrs. Max Fowler of Frankfort, Ind. mary law, pushing the water from its low-level It is a law of Nature that water seeks its own sources in valley streams to the highest elevalevel. In view of this law, Nature-in sculptions. Tremendously strong and heavy pipes THANKSGIVING DAY UNEUP turing suburban Philadelphia into a delightLANSDOWNE SWARTHMORE resist the pressures which are developed, prefully attractive region of successive hills and Dick Purdy LE Bob McHenry - Ken Wright venting the water from breaking out as it valleys (as shown by the diagram above}-has Harry McCall LT John Bernard - John Hilkert travels uphill and tends to rush downhill. Biven Philadelphia Suburban Water Company Paul Lee LG Bob Terry - John MacAlpine Also, on the downhill slopes, Philadelphia Pete Gohn C Jack Thompson, Captain a unique and difficult problem. For to serve Suburban Water Company maintains devices Bob Schumacher RG Dick Mccormack-;-Howard Dodson your home, Springfield Water must be transto keep the water under continuous regulaDick Cunningham RT John Pearson - Jim Tucker ported up the peaks and ridges, to elevations Tom Rodgers RE Bruce Gemmill - Don MacElwee tion-permitting it to be delivered at a reasonof more than 600 feet above sea level! Pete Crawford QB Jim Carter - Bob Doherty able pressure that will not cause damage or Forced against its will to these heights, the Paul Gallagher LH Clem Malin - Steve Snyder inconvenience in the home. water then develops an impetuous impulse to Jim Stanfield RH Lynn Doherty - Lee Swan This is one of the most difficult water-llUpply ruah downhill, building its pent-up energy into Tom Jackson FB Bill Kauffman - Andy Schroder operations in the United States; one which • pressure too great for satisfactory household requireS the alert and resourceful supervision control and use. of trained men and management. Powerful pumps overcome Nature's pri- VOLUME 23 - ~warthmore Grad Will Feature American Ballads ______________________ l ....·...·.-.·.-_·_-·-_. •· ----"'-'-" ~--~-- '~-" 5UB U R B AN WATE R COMPANT S.rvi1ll 49 Mrm/Cipalitil. I" D.lawarr, ""."tlom"y tuUI Ch"", CDltIIliu The Delaware County Child Care Center Association has presented to the Swarthmore schools toe sales Slips which its parents group had collected. Forty thousand votes have been tabulated to date and there are a large number still to be counted. This gift brings the Swarthmore total to 400,000 votes out of a necessary 500,000. The committee urges everyone to turn slips in before December 15 for tabulation. Slips may be given to Mrs. George Warren, South Chester road, the High School Office, or one of the Home and School Association officers, Mrs. Gordon Lange, Ford Robinson, Mrs. Richard Enion, Mrs. Henry Coles, :' iCHRISTMAS CHEER ·1 PART}' MONDAY Donald M. Hand has been app.ointed cashier of Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company. He will take over his new duties December first. Harold Ogram, who for over two years has held the titles of \-ice-president, cashier and trust officer, will be enabled to devote more time to his vice-presidential duties and will also continue as trust officer. Mr. Hand comes to Swarthmore from the Girard Trust Corn Exchange Bank of Philadelphia where he has be~n assistant branch manager. He is married, has two £ons Gary Richard age fivt:' years and Scott Gregory age eight months. Mr. Hand served with the United States Coast Guard from September 1942 until September 1945 when he was honorably dischargpd. He has had 2xperience in industry as well as in banking. LONE SIREN WORKS OVERTIME ~nfi!J(i2 SPRINGFIELD Urw~WATER PH.ILADE LPHIA DONALD M. HAND The annual Christmas Concert by the combined musical organizLltions of Swarthmore High School will be given the community on V{ednesday night, December 19, in the High School Auditorium. The four part program will in.. More than 100 members and elude sacred Christmas songs, lriends of the Swarthmore carols about Christmas decora .. Mother's Club are expected to at- tions, jolly songs about Christmas tend the benefit luncheon to be toys, and a grand finale "A Song held next Wednesday afternoon, Cor Peace" in which the Chorus, starting at 12:30 p.m. at the Wo- Glee Clubs, and Orchestra will man's clubhouse. combine. A candle light process.. Two new committees which ion will open the concert. have been working hard to With the fullest cooperation of muke the luncheon a succesS the school's musical groups, and have been announced as follows: their leaders, Mrs. Eva Daniels tickets Mrs. Edmund Jones, chair.. and Robert Holm, the Overseas man; Mrs. George Wilbur, Mrs. Friendship Committee announces Johan Natvig, Mrs. Noel Arm- that the concert will provide an ~trong, Mrs. Richard E. Farring.. outlet for the Christmas spirit of ton, Mrs. Horace Renshaw, Mrs. ~haring by receiving contributions Frank '.V. Chapman, and Mrs. for the overseas project in the William W. Rutherford. entry hall outside the auditorium. The serving committee, headed Liz Forsythe, chairman of the by Mrs. George Wilbur, includes: committee, and the school faculty Mrs. Edward B. Cornelius, Mrs. sponsors, Adeline Strouse and Peter E. Coste, Mrs. Richard Frederic Yocum, promise that Enion, Mrs. Robert M. Grogan, there will be no other sqlicitation Mrs. Ryland Hall, Mrs. John W. in the community throughout the Heisler, Mrs. Robert D. Hether- balance of- -the _s~~ool ~ear. There Swarthmore's precious volunteer ington, Mrs. Daniel C. Johnson, will be .no ~CtlVlb~S NIght lOre. fighters ~ere kept on the run Illrs. Charles O. Kenney, Mrs. H. ContrlbutlOns wIll be accepted durmg the post-holiday week. • 1. Lippincott, Mrs. Michael Nor- by students in authentic costumes With their Thanksgiving turkey bn, Mrs. Walter Schaefer, Mrs. of countries of the world and will scarcely digested they were sumElwood Schuckers, Mrs. John A. trim the Christmas trees in the moned to the home of Howard B. S:::ott, Mrs. David Speers, Mrs. auditorium. It is the hope of the Green, 201 South Chester road, Earley A. Smith, Mrs. James committee and the entire student at 11:52 p.m. on the 22nd when Stephens. Mrs. Edward Thomas, body that Christmas will not only Mrs. Green was awakened by "nd Mrs. Fred E. Wiley. sing on the night of December 19 smoke. At 2:48 Sunday morning they Mrs. Helen Ferber, of Haddon but live through giving. The amount of the community's jumped out of bed to hurry a Heights, N.J., will speak on nutrition, during the luncheon. There contribution will help to decide pumper and ladder truck to Allenwill also be a door prize, and ,"vhere and how it is to be used. dale Farm on Sproul road near It will demonstrate community Woodland avenue. souvenirs for each guest. backing of student originated and At 9:42 p.m. Sunday, along with executed projects which have led Springfield, Media, Newtown SIX TIME WINNER this community in working for Square, Marple, Broomall and Alice Putnam was selected left peace and understanding. scveral thousand sightseers, halfback on the 1951 All American The plans for its use will be an- (l<~shcd to the Harry Burnley j."irst Hockey Team at the Nanounced when completed and will estate on Old Sproul road tional Field Hockey Tournament be made after consultation with a large hay ..filled barn reddened hold last week-end at Wellesley !'uch organizations as CARE and the sky for miles around with College. This is the sixth time the American Friends Service blaze. "liss Putnam has made the AIl- Committee, woich have aided the At Q:30 Tuesday night Swarthll.merican first team. A teacher student committees in the past. more again joined ndghborin'g of physical education in the local The third annual United Cam- fire companies in a hopless twos:.:hools, she is the daughter of :,Ir. and Mrs. Allan L. putnam of paign for student raised fund.s for hour fight to control another sudphilanthropy in this county Will be dcn fire. A barn and two horses L:l(ayette avenue. conducted at the school from Dec- were destroyed on the Sloan estate, E::mber 3 to 14 by the students' Baltimore pike and Beatty road, ConunUllity Chest Repo~ Tne Community Chest Dnve [jnited Charities committee. The whose roadside pasture has been in Swarthmore has reached the Overseas Friendship collection of one of the few scenes of gentle $13,183.75 mark, over a $1000 funds on December 19 is the only rusticity remaining to congested short of the $14,900 goal. As tne stl..ldent request made of the gen- suburbia. This was the second offioial closing date was Nov- eral community for money support. nearby barn to go up in flames that evening. At 7:30 a ember 28, the Committee hopes structure on the Borden estate, Tyner Brown of Park avenue is that those who have not yet Sycamore Mills road,· was lost. made their return, will do so now located in California with the Swarthmore was not called to immediately at The SwarthPacifiC Mutual Life Insurance (Continued on page ten) more National Bank. Cornpany of Los Angel"'!. MOTHERS SET FOR WEDS. LUNCHEON THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR ........... SALES SLIPS NEEDED A Christmas Cheer Party will be given Mondw: ' ..,', I -. ' " 7055 Terminal Square, Upper Dcirby, Pa. 1'631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ..... ~.-..............~.(~ .... _ lilre _pl. lllr. Iwl"",- - ' " DI Z " " Gift WrappeJ Of Course " Michael's College Pharmacy ONTBB co...- , '8 .. .. - . ------ ..... ..J. ..... ,.. Mr. and Mrs.J. D. Bowden, Jr., of ~agill road entertained a few friends informally before the S~ries Dance Saturdny evening. "Third Generation Builden" HORACE A. REEVES Building ConstructiOD 17 Vz South Chester Road Stokes Nursing Home SELECT CLIENTELE • Residential • Madison 3-9098 Swarthmore 6-3450 ~;;:;;:;;:~~;;~~~~F~ SLIP COVERS & DRAPERIES 1000 WEST 9th STREET ... ................. + ••••••••• • • + WARM-AIR HEATING Furnaees VBeuum Cleaneel GEORGE MYERS + •J.•Box 48 - Swarthmore 6-0740 .......................... I ••• PERSONAL - Registered will do private nursing on nurse home caseS. Prefers accompanying ma- , •••••••••••••••••••• 1 • . 'l'IUlaEN r ~lt'~nUT~e OIL HEAT ., , 011. au_Min· All COH"'T~'NO .00l .0111111 . OIL ..... ,..'"0 cot ru..... CIl w,uu Swarthmore 6-1448 WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes ($' Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General Hauling 236 Harding Ave., Morton, Charles E. Fischer ,:,U.IU, l~__~~fiDn_"bl----) .• U.utf"U~';"[l:I\T1nl!l BUILDER , Swarthmore 6-2253 DAY and NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE J. A. GREEN 1 SOUTH I'RINCETON S • . ta", s ESSO SERVICE STATION Park ;;Venue. Call Swarthmore 6-1528. s~!~ ":'A~:' ~. 8~. II. Wuhing • Lubrication Tire Repair YALE and RUTGERS AVE. . Swarthmore. Pa. Serving Swarthmore, Mor· ton, Rutledge and' Ridley Townshl'p sl'nce 1918 Swarthmore 6-044.. Swarthmore 8-969' ........ ............ . . . .t PETER E. TOLD Robert OPEN Devm'e Tax.' Service , All Lines of Insurance fect Swarthmore, Pa. WANTED ANTED-Two bicycles (Girl's) 20" and 24", in good condition. Media 6-4263. WANTED-Girrs ice figure skates, size 4. Metronome. Call Swart!>more 6-7075. WANTED-Home for male graytiger kitten. Swarthmore 6-1947_ WANTED-To buy furniture, odds and ends of any articles. Chester 3-7682. WANTED-"'F"'urnls==h7ed:i".--:a::p::ar:::tm=e::n:<:t by Army wife by January 1. Call Swarthmore 6-5275. WANTED-Electric train=-.-;a:;t~lr::o::;w;:-­ est price for crippled young behever in Santa Claus. Swarthmore 6-1971. NOVl" CONQUER t CONSTIPATION ; 333 Dartmouth Avenue. . references. Drexel Hill, Sunset ... ,~~~?:~~:~ .~-.1~~~•••• J. F. BLACKMAN FOR SALE P.R.R. Freight Bldg. SWarthmore, Pa. Phone SW 6-6616 Professional Bureau SW 6-0140 • . SPECIAIJZTNG IN LunoJl_ BaU.& Ius; • CookIaU PutIM CALL Dot Belfleld - SWL I-lrra Mar. . Hurd - SWL Wlaa .Receives Award D. Warren F. Faragher of The Swarthmore Apartments was recently awarded a U.S. Army Certificate of Appreciation for distinguished service :fi his investi- gation of German fuels and lubricants, during World War II. Or. F aragher, who .recently returned from another mission to Germany, for the United States -- -Dan~ Group At CoDege Brazilian rhythlIlS, native costumes and atmosphere. will be fcatured by the University of Brazil Student Donce Group when Winners playing the Howell selves with Portugese songs and Sy.tem Tuesday November 27 chants ru; they dance Brazilian folk::·dance~.J da,nces t with oaUvE; were Mrs. John R. Bates and Mrs. r.nd .classic legends as background. W. R. Sboemaker, first; Mrs. Irvin There are also numbers which fea- It. MacElwee and Mrs. Frederick it appears at Swarthmore College, lure modem music. Steuber second, with Mrs. D. D. Saturday, December 1, at 8:15 in Rowlands and Isaac Darlington, Clolhier Memorial. thlrd. Crum Creek Bridge The troupe has been on tour of Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern and this ceuntry since September and John BOWditch, Jr., tied with Mrs. Fr~endship Department has impressed critics by their ex-' T. Saulnier and Mrs. Samuel Han- Government, is Technical Adviser cellent rhythmic ability, the clever .1 .... at the Tuesday, November 20 HORACE ware-r. . . . ----------__ - • FI R'S'T TWELVE YEA RSAG O••• STI LL FI RST TO DAY I ~pite without violent action oJ harsh drup, or irritating aft'eeh of man, other preparatioDi. EaIIJ·to·tak. Melealose Tablets produce smooth. rhythmic bowel movements. Get Melcalose Tablet.s bere-today. '.Q PaSS1JZOre ~~. MELCALOSE RBAL I!STATI! 6 INSURANCE 609 S. CHRST"' Rn SWAR:THMORB. iJAILETfl AI PeNNA. Full 65 Tablet Site .,- o,;ly \ I 98~ II CATHERMAN'S '. DRUG' STORE y .-. . • . •• - , two." \ Ph~ne Swarthmore 6·0108 its own water. condition. Call Swarthmore 6-7373. Hydra-Matic driving! ADd !low-teamed with Oldsmobilet• gr~at '11I/KET" ,' _ ..... 0.. .... a a even more responaive a . . . m-en more efl'ort1C88 to oper.a.te! So step into your Oldsmobile dealerf • and step t)ut today in the most popular "RocketU-Hydra-Malic car of tbem all ••. tbe brilliant Super "88"! 0 0Id......, . _ . . Molie Ori". ~priomaI .,...",. CHI. SEE YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER '1'........... c,B.S. H ..... wWlDoIQIaa Edwarda MoDda)' &bnI Frl cia)' at 7:30 P.M. Station W.V.A.U.-TV Channel 10 Vo1lriea)' of WHITAKER- BARRETT Inc. 650 BaUlm..... I'Ib SPRINGFIBLD PhoDe SW I·INH Media 6-0100 340 W. Baltimore Pike like new. Reasonable. Swarthmore ~S~$~%~%~%~%~\~S:~~S~~\~~'~%~~%~s:~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IFOR 6-0406. Thimble Group MeetS The Thimble Group met MOIlday for an all-day sewing at the home of ~s. James Bacon Douglas of North Chester road. bigh-compression "Rocke'''' Engine, Hydra-A.lalie is even smoother \ IIp.eIaU.lng In SALES of NEW and OLDJ\R. DOMES INSURANCE _ CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES':"" RENTALS er ~ lead.. of all tho "aatomatics"--QId.nwbiJ. Hydra-Matic*l 0... 1,200,000 OJdsmobUe .".".... hue lhrilied 10 tho magic of I I Developers of New Homes - lIJacm Road - Cornell Avenue Now Under Construction - OAKCREST LANE /I "OVID ARD . . . . OVID OViR TH. nAlS. HIW HYDRA-MATIC IS II1II . .ncr • _ _ 'OR 010SMOIIIll'S FAMOUS "RoCKn". ----. .... ,'" I •.• BAIRD and BIRD Realtors ! of some failures J has written one of the noblest pages in history. For the first Urne, she points out, a rich, and powerful country has acknowledged the fundamental human obligation of belng its less fortunate brother's keeper. Mrs. Clements believes that what the world most needs now is to build its moral fences. The strongest word we can give our children is God. Through the power of God they can build new values. For them Rhelnhold Niebuhr's prayer will have special meaning: "'Oh, God, give me serenity to accept what cannot be changed. The courage to work for what can be changed. The wisdom to distinguish between the d."" B. Sponsors Mrs. Clements Under the auspices of the Infor the Houdry Process Corpora- costuming ~nd the rich store of nicHing of the Crum Creek Bridge ternational friendship department, tion of Philadelphia and Marcus 1lrazilian folk-lore. Club. Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee and Mrs. Rex S. Clements, wife of the J~=~====~=~===-~H~OO~k:.__________ The dancers accotnpany them- Mrs. Herbert Glenn uran_up." pastor 'Of the Bryn Mawr Presby----_'_--------_--~ terian Church, spoke to a large audience last Tuesday at the Swarthmore Woman's Club. Having returned a year ago from an extended trip in Europe with her family she discussed some of the hopeful aspects of the international situation which they had observed. In all the countries they visited they found loyalty and hope for the United Nations. The Marshall Plan, Mrs. Clements believes, In Gle When Me',o'o" restores and moln'a'n. regu'ority -,., for your spinet which you are not using? to pay $100. Box C, The S ....,arIOh: moreau. WANTED-Days work, cooking, cleaning, ironing. Local refer~nces. Telephone Chester 3-0183. THE MelcaJose - astuunding medical dis .. covery - establishes daily regularit1 Ii Tol,ph••• Sw. 6-5.510 Construction Alterations Maq. aDd. Dot C.'lerol. Caterlq Suyie. Cellar Wall. Re-Plastered PhODe Swarthmore 6-2526 '"' SW 6-0740 COAL FIRE PLACE WOOD PETER DI NICOLA Also FOUND--White cotton gloves on Elinor Bye, MONDAY THRU SATURDAY NOON SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS NOVEMBER 30, 1951 ____________-===__~F=-T=-~~~~==:=~~~;3~W::A~R~1:'~H~M~O::R:£~A~N~-====-====_-- I -- SW 6-4041 . LOST-GO~~d~c~h~a~inf;~~~~~ i~~~~~'~~~r;;;;;;;;;;~ glass ball Silk, accessories, phone Sw arthmore 6-4595. PERSONAL-Magazin~ subscriptions. Mrs. Bertha P. Faries. 239 Haverford avenue. Phone Swarth- RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL <.'~"'---:i I Saw It In The Swarthmoreanl tfancy Christmas cookies early and tion. of .;;. Asphalt or Concrete ----.._'57;:v1..---3-7183. PERSONAL ~~:,L"O"SFoT ...&;;:-;tE'lOi'i:Uii_IiN:n_Drr:.,-- dolls for stockings. .. NOvEMBER:30; 1951 e.;;.:,:~:...:..::...~ Driveway COllltruction CIasSlOfIe ° d . CUNNINGHAM Since 1905 Painters & Paper Hangers We should know how )wa. 6-2266 Michigan Ave. - ~ .. - ~~iwi~~~~~~; ROOFS. CUTTERS : REPAIRED & INSTALLED 4=-:s42;:::9::i:' ' sonMr.of and North Chester road enterMrs. A. Sidney Jo:hn·JI tained at cocktalis .before the ~~~~ Series Dance in the Woman's Club !!: Saturday evening. . l --- . . ~.'i! CHESTER -__PRONE .............. ~--- Painting Commercial • Repairs' • AlteratIons . b Thorn Serern ~R a UPHOLSTER) t.., .--- SWARTHMOR£AN SALE--!-Boy's 24" blCYeie- FOR SALE-1950 Chrysler Wind- Real Estate -. Insurance .. Mortgages - sor, Club Coupe. Original owner. 7000 miles. Call Swarthmore 6-3933 after 7 p.m. FOR SALE-c-Three-way portable ~ JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB· rctdio-good working condition. EDWARD L. NOYES & CO. 23 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD Phone Chester SWARTHl\IORE 6-0114 CHARLES R. RUSSELL 1 :~~~C~all~s;w!a!rt~hm~~or~e~6:-2~9~3!.8·~!1 din- .TAMES C. TAYLOR I FOR SALE Small FrIgidaire, good condition. $40. Pair of III Girl's Figure ice skates, size 7. S6. Call Swarthmore 6-663",,7.== FOR sALE - Alltique Sheraton mahogany sidehoard. EeauUful piece, five feet long. Reasonahle. Swarthmore 6-6665. FOR SALE-1936 Buick with 1951 rebullt - $200. Phone il FOR SALE-Two gooa Snow Tread tires, 8.20 x IS, Call evelingS Swarthmore 6-1141. FOR SALE-Miscellaneous boy's sizes 6 and 8-snowcoat set, etc. Boy·s. size snowsuit or Pram set• . 2-3 coat set. Swarthmore .. \t" -His AUTOMATIC ~ HOUSE HEATING I . "Lucky guy • • • parents use Trip'e aeflned Atlantic Heating om" Forget the won( and worry of keeping your house warm. Relax this winter while Automatic Gas House Heating does the work for you. No fuel to order-no fuel to store-no furnace to firel See your plumber or heating contractor today about AutomaticGos House Heating, or inquire at any suburban office of Philadelphia Electric Company. "I'ID not old enough to talk yet, but I just c",,', control my enthusiasm for Atlantic's Triple Relined Heating Oil. I think ~Il par~nts shou!d know of the warm comfort It .rfOv,dest of t~ clean burning qualities, and 0 the money sa.es proud papas.n c.u Or WrIU NOtI1 It RIDLEY PAllK . l'bQ1l, Swarlbmore 8-UII I . ~ ... .. or rooms, use of IIitcheD, for couple with baby, or IiDIle penoD. MecUca , -" l PIILAIELPKIA ELECTRIC COMPAit ,. 1952 WEEKLY CLUB PAYMENTS STARTS 50 CENTS THIS TO WEEK 10 DOLLARS Will you receive a check in 1952? . c-.-",=" Over $90,000 paid Swarthmore members tn 1951 , -, .. FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS. , ; SHOP IN YOUR OWN . CO~ ~.:, c:-::,~-·,· , ISwarthmore National Ban.k ~n,d Trust Company Member of Federal Deposit Insurance : INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE , 10 = '. " l' " " '~. " " '. , , I' !', • . " " ~. , , I,' ,.- ,. ~ " . ~.' :,-: . .:, I' ,',i , , ~ , .., ", ~: : t',.