.' \ ' \ .Volunteers Wanted For THE SWARTHMOREAN SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, "EBRUARY 2, 1951 VOLUME 23-NUMBER 5 DR. A. E. BASSETT • 'BURIED MONDAY Ex-Cotmcilman, School , Board Head Had Heart Condition Dr. Arthur E. Bassett, who contributed .greatly to the developmeri.t of this community~ was buried in West Laurel Hill cemetery, Philadelphia Monday morning following 11 ',o'clock' services at Oliver Bair's. Dr. Bassett died suddenly at 2 a.m. Friday at his home on North Chester road where he had maintained dental offices for the past three years. Formerly he was associated"with Dr. George P. Warren in the Medical Arts Build- Re-elect Calhoun Dr. J. Alfred Calhoun was reelected president of ,the Swarthmore Public LibrprY Association's Bpard of Directors at the organIzation, meeting Monday night in the Library. Mrs. Thomas K. Brown, Jr., was named vice-president, A. W. Bass, Jr., secretary, and Mrs. John W. Seybold tre~mer. "Dr. Calhoun appointed Mrs. Brown chairman df the library pr~tises commit~, Mrs. Seybold chairman of the finan~e committee, Mrs. Russell L. Snyder chairJ'!lan of publicity, and Frank McCowan chairman of property. PEACE SERVICE BRIDGE T'UESDAY " ing, Philadelphia. Although I he had not. been in perfect he8Ith\for ,eight years a n 4 · •' had sUffered considerably with a Party Series Aid heart ailment since last Christmas, . Club Committee Dr. Bassett pursued, his photographic' hobby at. the borough 'hall 'Peac~ Project groundb:re'aking on January 20 . The Peace Service COIDmlttee, and continued to create toys for his _# Mrs . .Norman Krase, chairman will bgrandchildren in !the extensive sponsor, n t Tuesday" February asement woodworking shop to 6, the seco _ of a series of benefi·t hich h d d .' w' B e was evot e'hia in Phila'del N b dessert card parties to' aid in the om " p ovem er ' 3; 1886 he came to Swarihmore in work of this department of the 1895 with his parents, Frank. L. Swarthmore 'Woman's Club; The and Anna E. Hallowell Bassett, party will be held at the home of who lived in the Lukens house on Mrs. J. Paul Brown, 526 Walnut North Chester road before build- lane at 1 p.m. . ing Bassett House at 519 Walnut As the1'e is. no meeting in the lane, now part of Swarthmore clubhouse that day, it is hoped College and used as faculty apart- that members will support genments ' . "erous,y I the work 0 f P eace S erv1~. . A. graduate of the old Swarth,- This committee jncludes in its mo~ Pr~paratory School and the projects the supplying of dried University of Pennsylvania Den" whole milk to' children in Italy. tal School, Dr. Bassett married in Tpe'Executive Board of the Clul1 1910. After three years m' West 'Yill meet in t h e Lounge on MonPh, iJadelphia ." h:e-', moved to an day morning, February 5, at 9:30 apartment on Elm -avenue. Since 1915 he had lived at 307 North a.m. Fifth Law Lecture Chester road, next to Trlnity~Epis- . T.,he fifth meetmg' of the law C pal Ch o urch . course will bring Th<;>mson EdDr. Bassett served on Borough Council from i~26 until 1930, and wards of uppe~a~~ to th: Woon the School Board 1929 through man's Club on urs ay, Fe ruary 1935, bein'g !president o~ the 'lat- 8, wh~n he will sp'ea~ on .Domestic ter from February 1931 to Decem- Relations. Mr. Ed,ward~,ls a grad-, ber 1935.' He' acted as borough uate of Upper Dar~y High School, health officer dUTing the flu epi- .the Wharton School and the Law demic in World War I, and in 193ij School: of the University of Pe~nwas.:one of the pioneer leaders in sylvania, and a veteran of five raising funds for irifantile paral- years in the Navy. ysis relief. He had been presidt;:nt Beginning at 10 a.m., he will (Continued on page five) discuss Marriage, including licensed, comm'ml:' law,. and prohibited . DOlin. Drive Reac'h e s ' typ'es; Divorce, including types, r, IIU' " grounds and procedure; Annul. For, $5, 000 Mark ment of marriag~ (much in the I'ncomplete returns fro ' m ,th.o. . . foreground today') ;A,doption, in1951 Polio Drive in Swarthmore ' show a .cheerful balance of $4,- cluding statutory authority, juris. diction and procedure; Support, 463.04. ,. including husban:d of wife and/or Over 100 solicitors participating in the Mothers Maren conducted children, children of parents· and January 17. brouglit in $2,6.27. of.. Delaware County procedure; and the present total, and an addition- finally Custody of children. al $1,390 was turned in by Mrs. J. The Woman's Club opens the course to all urterested persons Paul Brown, Chairman of Speci~ , Gifts. ~ Another $445 was received without charge. It is so set up from .special collections held at that single ,lectures may be atthe College Theatre last week un- tended profitably. The final two Aer chaimlaJiship Of :t.rancy HQol, lectures will be given February president of the Junior Woman's 15 and February 22. Club. To Hear Orchestra As contribu~ions are still comMembers of the club are invited ing in, and coin boxes have yet to hear the Philadelphia Orchestra to be collected from the various .and to visit the' performers backstores, Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop chair- stage on February 16. Mrs. Oscar man of the local drive, and her Hart, chairman of music, Swarthcommittee anticipate a final total more 6-6899 will be glad' to offer of $5,000. further information until Monday ~. Bishop wishes to extend noon. her gratitude to the solicitors and contributors who made the MoP .R.R. InStalls New Gates thers . MarCh. a Success. Special A modem type automatic highthanks go to the Fire Company fo~ way crossing gates and flashing its cOoperation, in settiDg off the light signals were placed in' ser"experiment" . vice at Turner road crossblg, Wallingford at 9:30 yesterday mornKappas to Meet The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sew- ing by the PennsYlvania Railroad. ing Group will meet next TuesThe new installation replaces day. February 6 at the home ot the gates 'operated manually on ,a Mrs. James B. nougias of 600 part-time. basis' and !)rovides 24 ,North Chester road. hour Will 'l 0 o service. , , , .,' Civil Defense Council ,------... $3.50 PER YEAR LOCAL 'DEFENSE Assemb~o~~r; Grades WOMEN TO JOIN COUNCIL SET UP :~ begrc:~~a::n!0r :~; ~WORLD PRAYER Bonnie Moxey and Donald Poole Burgess Seeks Civilian Aid In. Safety . Me'asures . . A Civil Defense Council for the protection of citizens in the event of a disaster pas been orgali.ized in the Borough o~Swarthmore. In presenting the set-up to the public, Burgess Charles R. Russell, Defense Co-ordinator, expressed th~ hope that citizens would volunteer their services to one of the eight operating divisions. '. Superintendent of Schools Frank R. Morey is in charge of Education and Welfare, Division Op.e. Chief of Police Thomas Bateman is in charge of Security. Chairman of ComnlUnications is Ralph S. Haves, and Charles Thatcher is chair';an of the Division of Utilities, Transportation and Industry. Heading the Medical~and Medi-' cal Evacuation Dl'VlS'l'on is Dr. Harold Roxby, WI·th'· H. Lindley Peel I'n charge of Evacuation and Dispersal Repatriation. ,Dr. John Pearson cha1.....mans Technical Defense and Howard G. Hopson tak'es charge of Auxiliaries. Pleas for volunteers have already come from Chief of the Fire Department John RwriSey, Chief 0;. Air Warden Service Peter E. Told, and Chief Of Auxiliary PO'lice Allen Wood, members of Becurity Under Chief Bateman. Any'one 'desiring or willing ·to 'serve on anyone of these' sub-divisions is urged' to call Swarthmore 6-0122. HIgh School Principal Robert L Amsden" working with' Mr. ' Morey in Education and Welfare, is general chairman of a corruriittee that includes the foUowing subchairmen. Henry F. Hofmann,' Air Raid Drips aQd Evacuation Plans; ~ce Putnam, Instructional Preparation and Morale of Pupils, Teachers, and Parents; Joseph Ed~art, School Plant Preparation; William R~s~, E1ementar~ School PlanS. A statewide Air Raid will be staged February 10 and 11. The pUblic'is not expected to ,partici': pafu a1; the "raid" is planned solebr for the' purpose of f.amiliariZlng " the populace with the signals: the fire siren in a three minute fIuctuating signal, short blasts for three minutes from the power house wpistle. " . -------- Famed Chorus' Cominp' • meeting at 7 p.m. Saturday, February 3, at the Woman's Club. Mr. and Mrs. Robert GrooierS and Mr.' and Mrs. William McKee' will assis t Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer as hosts and hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Allison, 6 for the' ninth grade convening at 8:45 p.rn. will have as their class Chairmen. Rose Alice Richardson and Graham Wentz. Assisting hosts and hostesses will be Mr. and Mrs. G. ~ Hansell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Maschal, and Dr. and Mrs. J. Storlazzi. RED CROSS IN WINTER MEETING Volunteers Still Needed For Many Of The ,Committees The winter meeting of the SwarthmOre Branch of. the Red Cross was held January 26 at the h f Chairm Mrs La R orne .0 an.. ue Hendrixson. Harry P. Grady, Director of Branch Services, Robert Bird, local DIsaster Chairman and 1 al chairm f Marv I W ~ oc an 0 e the 1951 Fund Drive• attended the mee ting and contributed to the ' dis cussion and program planning. ....h . .L e reports ot the Volunteer . " ServIce Ch~en showed an in. . the crease m number of workers and in the volUme of work being handled by this' Branch. There_ , are now 89 volunteer workers in Swarthmore. • The goal.Of the ~ Cross is to train one of eve&- six individualS in FirSt Aid and Home Nursing. Four former instructors are taking refresher Courses preparatofY to . in ..... in Fir t Aid M glV g l:ourses S '. ore instructors are needed, and any_ one willing to take the instructor u........ o course (Swarthmore is asked to contact Virginia ftath 6-4(108) immediately. As soon as possible classes First Aid will be Nursing started. : Two in classes in Home are currently being given in Swarthmore. Although these classes are full; a third class is to be started in the .near future. Those desiring to enroll should call Mrs. Henry Ford (Swarthmore 6-2516)~ (~ntinued on page six) Receives Board Appointm~nt William H. Collins, a formel resid,ent of Wallingford and active in community affairs in Swarthmore, is one of three new mem• tly to th,e junbers appomtedrecen ior board of directors of the Dravo Conporation, Pittsburgh. The Oberlin qollege A;Cappella Choir will present a concert of sacred and secuiar music on Saturday eyening, Ap'ril 14, in the High School Auditorium under the sponsorship of the Woman's Tqp at Bridge Club. . Winners at the Crum Creek Robert Fountain, Professor of Creek Bridge Club TuescIai evenVoice at the Oberlin Conserva- ing were Mrs. Samuel H~a and World Day Of' Prayer Service Friday h Fe ruary 9 The Interdenominational Council of local Church women calls' Christians in the community to observe the World Day of Prayer on Friday, February 9. The $warthmore Service will be held in the Friends Meeting House on the College Campus at 2 p.m. This year's prayer has for its theme "Perfect love casts out fear", from the I John 4:18.' It was selected by the church women of Germany, Who also assisted in the program preparation. The prayer which is printed on a small card which many women carry throughout the entire year, asks "God for peace in our distraught minds and peace among nations . • . . for unity in the Church . . . .. (and freedom from) pride of race and culture." The uniform prayer will be first spoken by ~an women in the Fiji Islands, 30 miles east of the International Date. Line. .It will be, echOed b Christian . y women in 92 nations around the world, in hundreds of languag.es and dialects, until the final "AmenU i s spok en' b y Eskim:'os :"" the Arc t·IC and b y MicronesJ.ans . th,,' tr . al isl ds -. th on-::-rlr OplC an m e Southwest P a cific. M ore than 17, 000 communI·ties • th U 't d St t ill parti. ' m ~ m e a es w CIpate m the World Day of ~ayer observdpce. In some, busmess h ill cl d ch ch bells .ouses w ose an. ur . ~g hourly. Hospitals will distn~ute C?pies of ~e pr~er to !helr patients theaters will prolect the. prayer. on t~e screen,. ~~ s~eCl:U ServiCes WIll be held 10 mstitutions. (Co tintred ",,;n"t n on page ~ ) ' ll.l 0 • MOTHERS SERVE GIRL SCOUTS 04 Mrs. Rodgers Re-e1ected Neighborhood Chm. Fo~ Girl Scouts The annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale will be held this year during the period of Febru~y 9 to March 9. The date was officially an- ' nounced by Mrs. Oliver Rodgers, NeI'ghborhood Ch"';~ an at a ~n.., Olives Ollvar PII'a 19c u:·ez 31 c 7v... . . 1::: 41 c IOV... ·.Ejar 42c EduCCltor CRAX All Pu~M Croe)c..,.. .l". ZSe , QUALITY fROSTED fOODS STRAWBERRIES :r.:: RASPBERRIES .:~ ~. 39c ORANGE JUICE co.::'':.... 2 ~ 39c Virginia Lee ANGEL FOOD CAKE"" 33 c lender fea,her·light. Ange' Food that will melt in your mouth •• BoHON Brand Pea Beaa. :.159 Rolt-Iord La...e Sweet hane. :. Z6e Farmdale LarKe Sweet Pea. N':;..3031SC .9tkaI Fancy Purple Plwa. N':;,~Y, Z9c .9tkaI Cut Red Beets ~~211C .9tkaI Apple Butter ....g~, 211;;, Z1c Speedup LiqUid . Soap ....''''.'' . WashlnSl \::ZSO .9deaI Inctant CDRee t: ..9G' lOw in ~ - hiGh In quaUty. 12... lor . . . . . .",,"' . . . . . .' . ... WI' • -YOUR. , . • FUSCO & ALSTON , CIIESTIIR . . . FAlBVmW ROADS. ,PHONE SWABTJDIOU 6-WI SPOR'm Mephisto heaved a signiflcent snort, When he saw the names.in modern sport, This·is going to sult me fine, Lots' of these fellows 'are buddles, of mine. He felt justified in the hunch, He had fallen upOn a ferocious bunch. Owls and eagles to scratch and claw, Wolverines and wildcat quick on the draw, Mustang pOnies and longhorn steers, - " • I •••••••• ••••• ••• •• •• Pittsburgh, PIrates as buccaneers, 'Bulldo/ll! to bite, Indians to scream, on , ,~ man. • Eben Lang and David Stone of Cortland, N.Y., juniors 'at Cornell University, arrived 'in sWarthmore Fridai to spend a week at the LIDc home OIl ',Maple ••• ••• •• ••• •• • ••• ••• ••• •• ••• •• • ••••••••••••••• •• •• ••• •• ••• Give Reddy Kiiowatt wheels tv him CO light up •• • the sky with giant scaKhl.ights Of to power your Idtchco • • range. Tell him to Bash your message aaoss the COUlltq. •• •• All these tasks and a thousand more Reddy, Kilowatt • does with limitless energy. He's aI_ys ready·at,..r beck • and, dill, teaay to respond tv "'" flick oE the switch; ••• •• 10 the vast area served by this Company, advance plan- ._Ask: E1EcTRICIT'f 15 aVeDue. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~w~e~e~k~f~r~o~m~B~"~"',",~~ell~~U~DI~'v~etsl~~'ty~. •• •• • LO\lIISf 'RleID NICIISI" • ••• IN YIIE FAMILY IUDGET: " .,SlIIESS MAJ.lAGED, TAX.pAYlMG unuIY COMPANY : .~ (: .. ' - , , OF We have m'any active huyers for Atlantic Heating Oils HOMES, FARMS and BUSINESs PROPERTIES If You Contempklte Selling " WeWiU Be Glad To Talk It Over With You AND SWARTHMORE 6-0114 , ". , LISTINGS WANTED EDWARD L. IOYESied' Co. • ' OWNED IV MOllE 1IWIl00,OOO $1OCIQt()U)QS school. Iron Fireman Oil Burners , . . ........................... ........................:. • " HORACE A. RREVES 17% Sonl.h Chester Road Building Construction • Residential • Painting • Commercial • Repairs • Alterations Swarihmore 8-3450 Jewelry , Repaired Phone: SW 6-4216 El\IJL SPIES WATCHMAKER Formerly of F. C, Bode & Sons Fine Watch and 128 Yale Ave. Clock Repairs Swarthmore, Fa. , ROOFS GUTl'ERS REPAIRED & INSTALLED WARM-AIR HEATING Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned GEORGE MYERS Box 48 - Swarthmore 6-07&0 Sw,artlllDlore 6-1448 WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General , Hauling 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. Since 1905 CUNNINGHAM I'alnters & Paper Han-.~.a We should know how SWL 6-2268 lIlohlgan Avo. n:==-==-==_I.~~~_~~~=~~=~.~ . .. .~..~. .....~...~....~....~;....:~ Authorized Distribntors ~PHILADElPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY •~ • ~. • mu THE , ••• ning-ever the way with enterpt"Qing businedleftfree CIO serve its customers-guuantees-power aplenty. - ••• E. C. Walton • "ThIrd GeneraUon BaUder&" . .. . . . . . . PETER DI NICOLA Driveway Construction Aspbalt or (lonoreto CeDar Walls Re-I'lutered Phone Swarthmore 6-2528 I UNITED SERVICES Residential Wiring • S. M. HARBISON Swarthmore 6-0740 ~~~~_~~~'~~~~~~~ "", weeks PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES J "I Saw It In Th, Swarthmorean." PERSONAL '""=..___ . Giants and Warriors of great esteem. But instead of fragments strewn around, With arms and legs the.battleground, • The struggle in earnest had hardly begun, ~ When, it proved to be merely organized fun. Instead of slaughter, 'twas plain to see, Good order was kept by the referee. It all worked out on a wonderful plan; , Due to the work of tIiis marvelous CLASSIFIED Offi"';rs 'of the Swarthmore PERSONAL-Subscriptions to all Recreation Association for the magazines, Bertha P. Fari.... year 1951 were elected at a meet- Swarthmore 6-6750. ing of the Board of Directors hdd PERSONAL _ Electrical wiring, on January 24 at the Borough new· & old, 'residential & comHall. These are President, WU- mercial done in Comp1iance with liam Lee' Vice-President, Oliver Fire Underwriters Specifications. , . Sales & ServiCe on eleo. WaterE. Rodgers; Recording Secretary, heaters, Ranges, Washers, Dryers, Mrs. David Wisdom; Correspon- P'!IDPs, fans, cleaners & small apding Secretary, Mrs. Robel1 Wood; pliances. Call: Erich H. Hausen, Treasurer,' Ellis Ridgway Jr.; and SW. 6-2850, S.E. Co,...,er of Park & '-Ass' t t T . Rob ~ ....b Michigan Avenues. IS an reasurer, eJ.-'" \nU e. rn;=~~y----;;:=:::--..:==;;;; Plans for the summer recreation PERS~NAL Radlo., television . '. receivers, vacuum cleaners and program. were revlewe~, and it other electrical appliances repairwas decided, that a SIX weeks ed. Prompt ..rvice. iRobert summer recreation program very Brooks, Swarthmore 6-1548. like the highly successful one of PERSON~Palnter _ formerly last year should be developed. Boss painter for George GillesMrs. G. Davies Preston was pie. Every job a satisfied custonamed chairman of the commit- mer. Call S.warthmore 6-4251. tee to work out. plans for the PERSONAL custom-made LAMPSHADES lampshades re-_ Pre-School and Prnnary program. covered. Finest materials. ExqulsMrs. Edward Jackson and Dr. Ned ite detailing. Swarthmore 5922, Williams were named co-cbair- PERSONAL _ Medical massage men Of the committee to work on for. tense nerves, wry ~eck, conthe Summer Club program; and tour control. SpOt reducmg. Call , .. Swarthmore 6-2780. CI.ark Allison will head the com- PERSONAL Registered Spenn.'lttee to pilin the athietlc pro- • cer Corsetiere, Mrs. Elsie H. Mcgram. Mrs. Randolph Lee heads Williams. Telephone Swarththe property and equipment com- more 6-4583 for appointment. mittee and is already looking for PERSONAL-Would you like a volunteers to work on equipment nice PUPP7, lovingly, hygen. ically raISed? Mother pure cocker, for tpe prImary youn/ll!ters. father unknown. Telephone Mrs. ~ruce l:imith, newly ap- Swarthmore 6-1141. pointed since the meeting, comFOR SALE pletes the Board of Directors, FOR SAl,E Singer treadle sewFour Week Drive For ing machine. $10. Call SwarthHeart Fund Opens more 6-0859. FOR SALE-Walnut bureau with The Philadelphia Heart AssocmtiTor, walnut chest. Call iation, including Delaware, Phlla- Swarthmore 6-5993, mornings. delphia' and Montgomery Coun- FOR .SALE Rust-colored lounge .' esterd in ch8ll" - good condition. R41dlo,Ies, held a l)JIlcheon y ay victrola combination. SwarthPhiladelphia to launch the 1951 ;;m"'0"'re~6,,-CiI2,,7:;:9c:.. He~ .'L.aG I , ," as i' 0...... ,"051 A U D "" N YO A tRAUI-' '. _,,"ION ALL Lt. C",pI. William H. Hardestry, Jr., of Ridley Park, has been ...... signed to the Quartermaster Section of the Japan Logistical Command, with headquarters in Yokabama. Prior -ip his present assignment, he served in a siDiilar capaciiy with Headquarters, Eighth Anny. Colonel Hardesty arriv in the Far East Cpmmand in August, 1948. Col. Hardesty is the son of W. Howard Hardesty, of ;ru) No. I, Providence Road, Media. He' attended Swarthmore Hlgh School and in 1933. graduated from Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., with .a bachelor of artB de'gree. $1.0 OUR ACME MARKET vides ted bet thank the many townspeople who avenue presen a paper are drugs and vaccine. Its T.B. vace·eting of the Amer' Assoct supported Iheir Cake Sale held a m lcancination program at the cost tion· f hphall Techn':...... mQts· last Saturday morning. They a o">f' "'"'..... ·one dollar for 12 children VBC- would also like 'to thank Howard ~h,eld in Denver. Colo., this week. cinaled masses of childr~n and Mr d Mr W rd I ft "{,.nciaJr an . s. • a en e • practically insured them against Sipler, who made room for them for . Denver. I • FEB4UABY Z, lISl THE SWARTBMOaBAIf • Hail- • Not your fault but you could be SUED! For as-little as '$10 you can get $10,000 worth of protection against damage suits. , ~~~~~;;~~~~~~~;;;~;;;;~~~~;;~~~~~~ T.B. for life. (Twelve million children showing positive T. B. owe their life to streplomycine. One dose of penacillan cures the .dreaded disease of yaws. The roll of the U.N. in all this, she continued, is to focus the spot light of the world on children. In · many sections Of the World U. N. means Children's Fund. There Is a new' interest in the U.N. because of the proved value of the Fund. Supported first by.voluntary con--- in his slore, and Gordon Lange whose promotional ideas aided in Ihe success of .the sale. The Seniors will start their service work for the Red Cross n~xt w;ek by making """Is and Mr. John Mc~rumm of Elm aveeek t his nue spent a w a home after completing his midyear examinations at Princeton University. Mrs. Roger H. Kauffman, of Dartmouth avenue with her child""n Elizabeth and RiChard and her mother Mrs. Amy Crabtree, left on Tuesday for her new home Fort Wayne, Ind. Mr. Kauff. . lled in th A ti 1 man 15 enro e erona ca Engineering Course ..t the Indl- favors for .the Veterans' Hospitals. Combined Brownie Party The second, third, and fourth grade Brownie troops from Rutgers Avenue School held a combmed party on Monday afternoon . 10 entertam the mothers of the troops. The fourth grade Brown- - ' - - I ies acted as hostesses and served anna Technical College in GmL SCOUT cookies which had been baked by city. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond DenBrownies from all the troops. The worth of Elm avenue entertained COOKIE SALE second graders entertained with at a tea recently to meet Feb. 9t1t ta March 9 singing games; the third graders Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Hoon of also provided entertainment with . . singing games and songs. The Germantown. Mrs. Hoon is the ~~~~~~~~~~;;~~I .~ I'ourl:h grade in addition to songs former Miss Alice Blodgett who taught music in the Swarthmore For that book and gam,es did two square dances. Public SchoolS. fon have always wanted _ tended .andnumber B very enjoyable time Jean Brown of North Chester Try ~ BOOKWAYS A large of mothers atwas had by. all at this annual road arrived home Wednes417 Dartmouth Ave., day from ~ party. Swarthmore 6.0926 College for a few days of mid-. Jean was semester vacation. Rubbish Collection accomp8/nled by her roommate Swarthmore Disposal Gretchen Anderson of CharlesHELEN MAGINN . Weekly or Monthly ton, W. Va. SPECIALIZING IN WARREN PIERCE Betty McCahan of Strath Haven Swarthmore 6-2078 avenue arrived home Wednesday Cnstom For Your Convenience l Shop At ----,. THEATRE SQUARE· ONE Courteous and EJJicient Service I;~iilii~iiii~~~~iiii~~~iiiiii~~iiii~~~ii~~ DISPENSING OPTICIANS Experts in the Making and Fitting of Spectacles and Eyt' GI~IR! 1923 Chestnut Street -.: - Phila 6913 Market Street Upper Darby . Wilson Plans Three Day Camp'aign For . Borough The eighth and tenth grades of the Jr. Assemblies will hold formal dances at the Woman's Club tomorrow evening. The' eighth grade class at 7:30 will have Mary Lou Pierce and Randy Malin assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bauer, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Derrickson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perce. The tenth grade will meet at 9:30, with Dianne Grace and Billy Kerr as class chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. William Simkin will assist Mr. and Mrs. Oliver G. Swan as hosts and hostesses. SCOUT WEEK BEGINS FEB. 6 ... Special SerVice Sunday In Methodist . Church Air Raid Alarm Test Swarthmore will have Its first atr raid signal tests on 'February 10 and ll. So flq' as the general public Is concerned, participation in the state-wide alarm test will be solely to listen to learn. The test signals will be as follows: Three short. blasts will precede the real or "Red" warning at 3:30 p.m. each day. The "Red" warning is a three minute fluetuating signal on the siren; and short blasts for three minutes on the College powerhouse whistle. The "all clear" will sound, on each day, at 3:40 p.m. This signal will be a series of three, one-minute blasts on siren and whistle interrupted by two minutes of silence. and pm YEAR SENIOR PLAY STARS SEASON Cast, Class, Parents To Be Feted at After Play Party An approximate 2,500,000 Boy The cast of the Senior Ptay, Scouts will celebrate Scout Week "Our Hearts were young and from February 6 to 12. Gay", and the entire membership II has been estimated that 17,of the hlgh school class of 1951 000,000 boys have participated in will be entertained at an open the organization since 1910. ·house given after the play on FrISwarthmore Scouts are helping day, February ~6, by Mr. and Mrs. to celebrate the occasion by special Howard E.· Shearer and their daughter June. . scout meeting activitles, by a Scout exhibit in Sip1er's Hardware store The Si,.arers nave also invited windOW, and by attending the parents Of the class to their home special sermon which will be deon North Swarthmore mcenue to livered by the Rev. Dr. Roy N. join in felicitating the class comturn select their respective workKeIser at the Swarthmore Methmittees now earnestly at work to ·ers. Approximately 140 people Players Give Ameri.caD odist Church. make this production the gayest will assist in the Fund Drive. • Of E li h Neighborhood Commissioner and most successful to have been Red Cross National HeadquarPremIere ng s staged by seniors in many years. Theodore L. Purnell is pleased ters has advised ~. Wilson that . Suspense Thriller The Twelfth Orade Parents with the good leadership and the Swarthmore's quota Ifor this year For six consecutive nights beHospitality ·Committee will assist growth of the troops in the vmn be 50 per cent higher than ginning Monday, February 12, 8:20 Swarthmore Mrs. Shearer in preparing for the Scout family, which the . amount collected last year. CurtaIns will rise on the suspense event. Mrs. Charles Acker, Mrs. now includes 125 boys il).. Cubs, This means that $$ll,300 must be thriller that has enthralled EngPhilip Alden, Mrs. H. W. Arrison, Scouts, and Explorers. raq"ed. Some of the reasons for lish audiences for a matter of Drama Department Jr., Mrs. Ray 'Harlow, Mrs. J. O. The CUb Pack, under the leaderthis increase are'the expansion of years, as the Swarthmore Players Larson, and Mrs. Shearer comship of committee chairman Pal· To Give One the armed foroes, the accelerated Club presents the American Pre- mer Skoglund and Cubmasler Jerprise the committee. The folAct Play blood dOnlng program and the miere .of Dorothy and Campbell ry Turner, has enrolled practically lowing class motherS will meet Civil Defense requirements. The Christie's "Grand National Night". every borough boy of cub age. The drama department, Mrs. with Mrs. Alden on the morning of the play's presentation to preRed Cross campaign slogan, .'')40J. David Narbeth, directo,of the The den mothers and den chiefs David Bingham, Ohairman, wlll pare sandwiches, Mrs. Lee Benblllze for defense 'of your family, February production has selected are responsible for the WI!eisses are provided PUaLISHED EVDY FRIDAY AT 8WAJl'1'HMORE. PA. children of all ages and for adults. THE SWAR'lIIMOREAN, INC.. PUlllJSID!Jt Phone Swar&hmore .-0901 . The Young Adults meet at 9:45. This is Scout Sunday and PE'I'ER E. TOLD, EdUor ....d PabI1lber I Boy Scouts of the Borough lIIA1LJORIB TOLD ....d BARBARA KENT. Auoelate E4I&en Rosalie Peir..,l Lorene McCarter worship at the morning service at 11 o'clock. The avenue. Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 192., at the Post will speak on the topic, ''There is Office at Swarthmore, Po., under the Act of March 3, 117•. Mrs. J. David .Jackson of Vassar a Wd Here." Parents and famiavenue was hostess at one of a DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON lies of the Scouts are Invited to --=S=W::-AR:-:::-:1:='HM=C=-OBB, PA., I'IUDAY. FEBRUARY·-::-e,-1:-:C series of teas for Ninth Grade 951 worship with them. Mothers on Tuesday afternoon. The Church Nursery is open during the morning service. Mrs. L. E. Kauffman and Helen Kraus Stanchfield who were en route to Mrs. Charles A. P&ckard of Rose York. Next Sunday, February 18, will be in. charge. Presbyterian Notes their home in Minneapolis, Minn., Tree assisted. Dr. Alexander Sharp will the Fellowship will have a party The ushers for the day are G. jjiji;jiii:QCii;;q;;ji;;~~=:ii~;Q;;n;;:e1t:ii::i!ii;Q;;~i:ii::i!~;ji;;ji;n;;tiifi preach at both the 9:30 and the with the Episcopal Fellowship. Shubert, E. Alston, W. Dickinson, 11 o'clock services Sunday mornThe Girl Scouts meet at the P. Murray and P. Paulson. ing. Dr. Sharp is the Administra- Church at 3:30 on Monday. The Youth Fellowship meets at tive Secretary of the PresbyterThe Women's Association Ex6:30 in the chapel. ian Board of National Missions, ecutive Board Meeting will be at D1nIq Room ()pet To PubUe The Young Adults will have a which receives the largest per- 10:15 a.m. on Wednesday, Febsausage and hot cake supper on centage of Bienovolence money ruary 14. given to the work Of the greater The, Woman's Association Wor- Monday evening at 6:30. 'lIhe reg'1 church beyond Swarthmore. ship Service will be oheld In the ular monthly meeting will foltow. The Woman's Society will have All departments of !be. Church Church at noon Wednesday. Mrs. a luncheon on Wednesday at 12:30. School and the Women's and Seymour Kletzien is in charge of Mrs. John Shappell of Peru will be Men's Bible Classes will meet at devotionals. the speaker at the meeting ~IIEN~ OUBSTS 9:30 Sunday morning. The Woman's Association Lunfollows. Swart.ltmoh 8-9728 The Church Hour Nursery will cheon will be held at 12:30. CIrcle The fifth grade mothers meet during the 11 o'clock ser- 4, Mrs. Carl ~yan, chairman, will vice. be in charge. The Rev. Harold A. have a dinner on Thursday at 1 The Pastor's Communicants' Scott, Minister of the Second in the Ladies .Parlors. Rehearsal for the Junior Choir Class will begin this Sunday af- Presbyterian Ohurch in Germanwill be on Thursday at 6:30; Senternoon, February 11, at 5 p.m. In town will speak on "Displaced ior Choir rehearses at 7:45. Boy the Pastor's study. Ali. of the Persons". The program is In young people who will be 12 by charge of the social education and Scouts meet at 7. The Social Hall will be open Easter and all yaung folks who action conunittee, Mrs. Charles A. for supervised recreation on Friare over this age but not members Anderson, diiInnan.. day at 7. All funeral orrangements are made with the of the Church are welcome to Join Tbe Adult Forum will be held at the class. This is an unusual op- 8 Wednesday evening. The topiC complete understanding of the family. The' CARL C. P. YOUNG portunity for· tJ:te preparation of for discussion will be ''The Link: speciflc service desired and the Iotal cost younger members for citizenship Between God and Man". Masonic services were held in Christ's Church. Parents of There will be a meeting of the Tbursday evening for Carl C. P. invctlved I. discussed frankly and clearly. this age group are urged to give conunittee-vf furnishings and dec- Young of Keith road, Wlllow it serious considera~on. Mr. Bish- orations at 8 Wednesday even- Grove, father of Mrs. Frank op will be glad to answer any ing. Morey of Yale avenue. questions about this ~. The Choir rebearsalsare as folMr. Young died !Monday In The Young Adults will meet at lows: The Junior. Choir at 3:45 Abington Memorial Hospital afterl 6:30 for supper and a mee~. and the Chapel Choir at 7:45 on a long ilJ,ness. He was 72. The' Westminster Fellowship Thursdays; the Cherub's Oholr at A Past Master and secretarT DIRICTOas o. fUNUAL5 will meet at 6:45. The Lansdowne 10:30 S~turday 'mornings. Friendship MaSOnic Lodge, .Ten1820 CHESTNUT STREET Fellowship will be guests II> hear The Session will meet in the kintown, Mr. Young also served the g..est speaker G. Wallace RQb- Pastor's Study at 8 Thursday ev- as a member Qf the Abington OUVEa H. lAIR, found... MARY A. lAIR, p,.. ldenl ertson of the Youth Budget Staff ening, FeDruary 15. Township School Board for 10 Telephone RI 6-1581 of the National Council of the years. Presbyterian Church in New Besides. his daughter, he is sur., Trinity Notes vided by his widow, two sons, and " -,' ~ "'" - ~... ~ ..... There will be a celebration of four grandchildren. Private funeral services and inthe Holy Communion at 8 o'clock: Sunday morning. All departments terment will take place this mornSWARTHMORE ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of the Church School will meet at ing. SUJIday, Febl"DalT 11 9:45. At the 11 o'clock service of 9:30 A.M.-Church SchooL MRS.E. D. 9:30 and 11:00 A.M.-Dr. Alex- Morning Prayer the Rector will preach. ander Sharp will preach. Funeral services for Mrs. ~:: Church Nursery in the ParThe Young People's Fellowship Douglas Swift, who was 98 , ish House for children 1 to 7. and the Canterbury Club will of age, were held in Oxford Tues5:00 P.M.-Communicants' Class. hold their regular meetings at day afternoon. 6:30 .P.M.-Young Adults. 6:45 P:M.-Westmlnlster Fellow- 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Swift who had lived in ship. The ushers for Sunday are as Kennett Square of recent years, Wednesday, FebrDal7 14 follows: H. P. Stamford, G. S. VaI- died at the home of a niece Mrs. 10:00 A.M.-Women's Association entine, Paul Banks; W. L. Cleaves, Leon Chapman, near Rising Sun, Sewing Day. TERMITES CAN BE IN YOUR HOME E. O. Cramp, V. L. FIne, R. G. Md., Saturday. -'ME"r-HODIST·-=---=C=HURCH=:=:-:---. Haig, and C. S.· Brown. Charles For many years, Mrs. Swift who Roy N. Keiser. D. D., MiDister Nason will serve as acolyte at was a seamstress, spent most SUJIday, Febl"DalT 11 9:45 A.M.-Church School and the 8 a.m. service and Davidson her time sewing in Luehring and Roberl Perce. at 11 homes. Young Adults. 11:00 A.M.--...I1'he Sennon topiC o'clock. AND YOU MAY NOT BE AWARE OF IT! will be ''There Is a Lad Here." There will be a meeting of the 6:30 P.M.-youth Fellowablp. IN FLOWER SHOW _ . - Vestry on Monday at 8 p.m. TRINITY CHURCH Choir School will meet at 4 Mrs. Harry Wood Of. North Sunday, February 11 The best method of detection Is a complete· inspecp.m. Monday and Wednesday, and Chester road will take an active 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. tion of your property by an expert. Termites continue again on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. part in the staging of !be 1951 9:45 A.M.-Church School. to infest houses throughout the year and their presence During Lent the Sewing Group Philadelhia Flower Show open11:00 2\.M.-Morning Prayer. 6:30 P.M.-Young People's Fel- will meet in the Parish H'lll on ing in its accustomed quarters at is usually not detected or suspeC;ted until "swarming" lowship and Canterbuty Club. Tuesday instead of Wednesday, .the Commercial Museum March begins early in the spring. These "swarming" reproWednesday, "FebrDal7 14 from 10 to 3. 5 through March 10. ductives are erroneously called flying ants and are the 7:15 A.M.-Holy Qommunion. Holy Communion will be celeDuring the entire week the exfirst danger signal noticed by the home owner uniess 11:30 A.M.Holy Communion. ' 4:00 P.M. - Children's Lenten bra ted on' Wednesday at 7:15 a.m. hibits sponsored by The Penn~ areas of damage and infestation are accidently unService. . and agaln at 11:30 a.m. sylvania Horticultural Society will covered. 8:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer. The Ohildren's Lenten Service be based upon the theme: ''IlfmnTHE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY will· be held at 4 p.m. At 8 p.m. sylvlinia-'lIhen and Now", covOF FRIENDS the~e will be a service of Even- ering the period from 1700 to the Friday, February 9 Now is the time to have a Home Maintenance Coning Brayer, at which time the Rev. present and, in some cas~ pro2:00 P.M.-World Day of Prayer trol Survey made of your property. A survey will P. R. R. Reinhardt, of St• .Tames jecting into the predictable or Service in ·Meeting House. disclose whether or not· termites are active in your Church, Prospect Park, will fanciful future. Sunday, February 11 home. If termites are present we will outline the steps 9:45 A.M.-First Day SchooL preach. Mrs. .Tohn S. Albert of Walling9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. ''The to take to eliminate them. In addition all exisiting ford will be an exhibitor. Turmoil of Cromwell's Entermite hazards will be brought to your attention and Christian Science Notes gland," by John Moore of cprrective steps specified. Swarthmore College. , NEWS NOTE'S "Spirit" is the subject of the 11:00 A.M;-Meeting for Worship. Home Maintenance Control Surveys are available Visitors Welcome. Children Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Noyes of at a nominal cost to !be home owner. cared for in Whittier House. Christ, Scientist on Sunday FebParrish road are spending 10 days Monday, February 12 ruary 11. The Golden Text is "I at Buck Hill Falls. All Day Sewing for !be A.FS.c. have ,poured ·out my spirit upon Wednesday, FebnIIII"Y U Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. ThatAll Day Sewing for the A:PS.c. the house of Israel, salth the Lord cher of Ogden avenue will leave God." (Ezekiel 39:29.) FIRST CHURCH OF' Tuesday for ~ two-week sojourn CHRIST SCIENTIST In Cocoa, Fla., where they wiI11:Je SWARTHMORB Friends Meeting Notes , joined by Mr. and 'Mrs.' Richard Park Avenue below HarVare S~, ~ 11 'l'he Adult Forum series on "Re- Thatcher of Lookout Mountain, THE SWARTHMORE.4N . • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. Gloves n I Bags , .\ I Slips n Hosiery, Jewe/ery of course, Or saucy spring' flowers perma n- ' ently fresh, to brighten any feminine of' a Valentine. son, David Roy. on January 24 in more, BlLlounce the birth Delaware County Hospital. Mrs. Bosshardt is the former Miss Mary Ann Keller of Spring_ field. , . Methodist Notes THE COST For The Gal ENGAGEMENTS I 3 Harvard Inn MOTOR OVERHAUL? SW' 6-0440 'fHE 8WAR'fBMOREAN 13 South Ch~sterRoad Swarthmore, Penna. , .. Church Services swu'r I ANY HOME IS SUSPECT. NOW b , .,-_ Orr .. 1'OIJR HEALTH J ''\ - COMES' FIRST MEDIA , ----. THE SWARTHMORE , PLAYERS CLUB College Theatre SWAR'1'HMORE. PA. Free Par....... _-=- Presents «Grand National Night" By DOROTHY and CAMPBELL CHRISTIE Directed· by .J. DAVID NARBETII Monday, February 12 Through Saturday, February 17 Curlaln '1'Ime 8:%0 P.H. -.- Friday and Saturday .Jnne Haver plus 8 more great stars 'TLL GET BY" Saturday night only _ Feature times 6- 8 - & 10 Special children's show Saturday 1- P. M. r-Ie In ''IDI,TS OF HOME" Monday and Tuesday Drama ........,.........,. Suspens8 , "BYE WITNEsS" Roberl MontcOlllelT Wednesday and Tb=ursday=":.==J. Arthur Rank, presents "lIDRANDA" . Have :Val/.· ever seen a mer.n..w?, .. • Pharmacy is recognized aa • 'public health profHoyt Scott Horticultural 'Poundagers of the Ridley Park institu- tion on successive Thursdays this PARK and DARTMOUTH AV& tion. month. SWARTHMORE 6-9761 The announcemnt was made by Previous speakers have been H. H. Bates, First Vice-President John C. Wister, director of the .~::::::::::::::::::::::::~ of the Board, coincident with the foundation, and Harry WODd, supburning of a mQIigage repre- erintendent and head gardener of Marge and Dot Anoth .... milestone - stili looksen ling the payment of the last Ihe college. MUis Smith's lecture Casserole Cat~ Ing ahead. More and more folks installment on the hospital's re- will be heard at 8 p.m. and will be Service maining indebtness. illustrated with Kodachrome are finding out that by shopping SPEcrALIzTNG IN ·The "mortgage-burning" tool< slides. In the Acme their food problems Luncheons 7'-place al a dinner at the strath ---~---------­ are over. HoUet Su»pen Haven Inn. attended by members 9dmI Brand Cocktail Pvta. of the Board and old friends of the CALL 40 years old hospital. Dot Belfield - Swa. 6-1971· The contemplated building proMarge Hurd - Swa. 6-3188 gram, Mr. Bates said, will go far With Che.slS' and Tomato Sau,•• GJaasware To Beat ' . toward meeling the urgent need 9dmI Brand for additional hospital beds in Delaware County, the most seriously under-hospitalized area in the vicinity of Philadelphia. Del Monte California Cling Present plans call for 58 additionHalves or al beds in the new four-story Slices wing. Based on recommendations of a lISa) California special Medical Staff Committee large No.2V:t with Dr. A. Maxwell Sharpe as .on Chairman, and the Building Committee of the Board of Managers, goal Unpeeled headed by the late Donald A. large No.2V2 Crossett until his recent death, •• n plans for the construction program are being drawn hy George Ewing local aTchitect. .~;,'" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~==--, In announcing the Board's decision to go ahead with the deAtco Brand Flllat of v:elopment program at this time, ~en you drive into our station for '8 tankful of gasoMr. Bates stated that he and his associates on the Board were hne,. your ~ar undergoes a quick safety iDspectioa prompted to take imml!diate acserv1ce ... WIth no delay to you. '. Large Jerley Porgiel lb 19~ tion in the light of a recent State HfRf 'S WHAr Wf DO: hospital bed shortage study which shows that Taylor Hospital repr~ do, Ch.... Ii,.. .nd Clean d~or window and sents the point of most urgent light bulb. check wiper bladel . , need in this area, as well as the strategic role the" Hospital may , Examin. radkltor, hale, Clean fan b.i•••t c . , Win .....1d have to play in the County's civil i'1~1 !Dr_I I r Cooked Spaghetti Z15.~~-:' 23e: GRAPE JAM I~r 23c : 2 i!~ PEACHES FRUIT COCKTAIL BALVES APRICOTS Star-list Flaked TUDa fREE For Youro!!otection I .S·POINT SAFETY SERVICE 31e: FLOUNDER "~g 41e: 41e: OYSTERS F~~='G 1· 2 . II ' 4 • -.~.- fram Acme Gl'Gde AA Young Beef SIrloin, Porterflouse or T-bone . 99e: Ib PLANK. BEEI' STEAKS, ~::.'trial Shankl... Half Ib 5Se:' 59" . 6510 _ Whol. Half Ib' . . . Butt Half Ib ... Selected PennsylvanIa Blue Label POTATOES I 10:.29.: : 15 ~ 3ge: : 50 ~. $1.15 All PurpDle Eastem Red APPLES CrI.pStay.... Talty McIntosh BOT.CROSS BUNS I;:" 39c High Quality - flavorful CIEDDAR CHEESES c~~:.SSc :l~!%59c: ::~:::'75c ~ Ib Ib . Muenster' Cheese Sardo Romano Danish Bleu . . . . 'N" 5erv. Bot Cross BUDS ::: 3ge .... - Grated '" 55c '"75c. '" 64. 2« Jar .taIl. Kltellt. Ch.... food hot GleDdaleClu.~-:: 21 c 26e: 8 c~~~ $100 RoM'orcI----;La;-I'8-'-.=-.=-w-ee-t-::P=-r-i-,n-...:::.-;~~. . Z6c Dog Food .9dNII Faoq T ..... nib '&111..... Flaketl TUfta Yub ,9durI Cnemy Peanut Butter .9tJ,uJJ Pancy StuBed OUyes T._ ",61." Pancake .... 9duzJ Gold. .~p ~ ~50 ...... -ro=iaode1' _ SMOOTHD _IDLING with "hauer"' opuk pIap; OR 011 model· tbroa&h 1 toD. A moJe.I .fo .fi+ 'f9!!.rjob / of_handling features that made Dodge "The (;bojre of ChampfmJsI' in the 1950 National Truck ROadeo! SW. lilt PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPA.' :::::::::::::;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii steering wheel angle for greater driving comfort. New wwmend-roller steerUig gears for easier steering-plus all the ease- A brand-new automatic gas range will surely make the "iady of the house" a happy lillla womanl Extra-heavy spun glass insulation and "tongue and groove" oven door seal will help keep her kitchen cool. Flavor-Saver Dual Bumen, Veri-Clean Broiler and automatic oven heat conh'oI are among the ~ that will.make her food preparation !luick and easy. See the modem Caloric liaS ranges cd your dealer's 01' at any ~f our SUburban sto..... ChDue ""' one you Ilk. best. • ARRANGE NOW fo,.,,:::;:::::.:::;:::::::::::::::====:::::::~ your registration In the practical ~__ msssjve, rugged appear!ll1C8. New hood liDe for better road visibility. Roomy new cab interiors ill contra.ating cokw--_ One of the Nicest. 5 0;>&.10 HEWI Smarter styling I by I ,The Gameteers of Swarthmore bowed to the Prospectors of Prospect Park last Friday evening, in a very close well played contest on the home floor. At half-time, the Garnet was winning 22-19 over the undefeated Prospect Park team, who are in first place in Class III division of the Suburban League. In the previously played game this season between the two schools, the Prospectors came out victorious by the score of' 77 to 38. The Garnet and White' have won four and lost four of th6'~ league games. Bill Hoot, who was' playing on the Junior Varsity in the beginning of the season, has worked up to a starting berth on the Vs.rsity. Bill, in addition to scoring eight . points himself, was responsible for many assists and interceptions. Captain Fred Campbell and Bob Allison, also tallied eight apiece. apI'ece. The Junior Varsity was defeated 23-10 in another tight batUe. The Garneteers play Ridley Park on the home court tonight d h GI N di ~es~a; ev:::;;'g~r In ans away More powerful than everl Flowers Win At Bridge Edward F •. Campbell, Jr., Yale Class of 1953, of Swarthmore, Pa., has been elected a member of the \ Executive Committee of the Yale ;;;..__..;;;...;;..;;....;;.;;;,.;:.;;;;,.;;;,.-=~ University Community Budget OUR ACME 'U .l '0'17........ Drive for 1951-52. He -is the son , UUUUU!o.L Chester Rd., Swarthmore of Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. CampOpen Thonday & Friday Till 9 P bell of Cornell avenue and preQ_~_.lI_y tiD 6 P U pared. for Yale at. the Haverford ----... l;-fJ"'" ft.f~_"~~ "Wholly aside from the incalculable value this hospital can have in a military emergency, the ------------------------~------_ enlargement of Taylor Hospital is • vitally essential to all of us who . live and work in this part Of Dela ware CQunty. I am confident that our industries and our -communities will respond generously to this appeal - our only capital campaign in 28 years," Mr. Bates said. The institution's current freedom from debt and the fact that it operates "in the black" is an example, Mr. Bates said "of the self-supporting type of medical I protection that is an alternative to ' making hospital service a crushing tax liability. U~ay~or }Iospital," Mr. Bates I contmued, IS the ty.pe of hospital: thai does not have to make any heavy call upon those it serves, except when capital funds are •• needed for expansion. ~~ 1 " oM. ~,t~.' CHESTER. and FAIRVIEW ROADS LanClOsfIH' Brand Shanklass BAMS Chester - Ridley Park Ctif¥.-\ ~~ 1 7 79e: lb ~ :Cd',,: . The offical State study, revised . and approved as of Octoher 10, \,. 1050 showed that 684 additional ~·""4ifi.§ 7~ beds are needed in the County ""'11. 4!'i~V .J.,~ .• Mo of this number in the heavily'~ 5 or. & FEBRUARY 9, 1951 \ AHOlHER DODGE EXa.USJVtI aYrol fluid Drive ., ....... Y.a-. ~-. and 1-to. . .odeI .. . . ill tI see ....1)ONE;4tfKTR~ 1 ' -1IisPJ SIIBar. flllluy 11 MURPHY PhoneINC. DEWEY SW.rthmore 6.3670 Woodland Avenue a PowcllRo.d, Sprinsfield, P•• • , ... i A Dog-gone Good Place To Discuss Classes For Handicapped Children J'ames Jamison, new science A Personal Checking Account Plln For Your Convenience Shop At Check These Advantages . . . No minimum bal;mce is required. THEATRE SQUARE As little as $1.00 will open teacher in the junior ;high school, should be most happy here-that is if he can manage to find a house in the borough and move Mrs. Jamison from Trenton. The The Board of Directors of the Delaware County Chapter of the Pennsylvania A=;sociation for the Retarded and Handicapped Children Inc., will be held in the YeaHigh School's "Garnet" publlishes dan Borough Hall at 8:30 p.m. the fact that "Mr. Jamison is es- Tuesday, February 13. pecially interested in photograThe meeting will be open to phy, dogs and swimming." both members and non ... members. Plans for the establishment of classes 'for the education of re- your account. I Your only cost is $2.00 for a book of 20 checks, an 'average ONE STOP For all your Needs , of 10c for each check you write, and no charge for deposits-less than the cost of Post Office Money Orders. There :iA3 * * * no monthly service charge. AMPLE FREE .PARKING • I • Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ams- 1 tarded and handicapped children' den of Yale avenue entertained 1 will be discussed. All persons inas their guest on Sunday Mrs. terested in these children are inBerte Malecot of Haverford. Mrs. vited to attend. Malecot, former French teacher at Old Trail School, Aleron, Ohio, I Dr. Fussell Speaks where Mr. Amsden was former Headmaster, has just returned I Dr. Fr"."ces R. Fu~s~ll, Consul· around the tant, Nallonal SecurIties Resourf rom a t wo-year trlP . i ··t d d t ' al' . ces Board, spoke Tuesday everung ld Sh wor. e VISI e e uca Ion m- t th Fr' d' C tral S h I on . II t fth Id a e len s en coo t ·tuti S 1 ons m a par so. e war City line on the topic uChallenges among them the American Schoo to Security". The Riverview road in . Buenos Aires, Argenti.na. of resirlent was presented by the preWhl~h Mr. Amsden was prmclPal l school and primary division of the durmg Worlq War II. 1Home and School Association. Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard avenue who served as a hostess Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier at the Young Musicians' Luncheon of Columbia avenue were guests of Musicale in Philadelphia, Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller at a I i I I SWARTHMORE NATIONA,L BANK AND TRUST COMPANY I n 44 REV. ALEXANDER SIIARP JII......, I'MwM Dq.rII 1_ _ ....u =AA ...........A-- * * * ..;;;...... u ..... :co:tU,............. -4AAAF The Rev. Alexander E. Sharp, D. D., Administrative Secretary of 103. the Board of National Missions 'of the Presbyterian Church in the CIJ U.S.A., will speak at 9:30 and 11 rn a.m., Sunday, February 11, in the _yJ! I~ . . . AAA ..=n..:&):i ...... Ab4h111lA)IIIIIfJ:;;j;I;QAQ!OOOOi...::JUWs;;;jQA=~ ~:~~~~~~d. seven guests at the ~::!~~d~~~w held in Wilmington Swarthmore Presbyterian -Church ~ on Harvard avenue. jIo England and Scotland, the r;:a American middle west, the rural 103 pastorate and a university chaplaincy, administrative. work in == ~ New York and in Indiana, are some of the experiences that have r;:a made Dr. Sharp a man of exceptil tional. understanding of the jIo Church as a. whole. ~ Dr. Sharp is an Ohio man by • birth, educated at Hanover and Wooster Colleges, and took his theological training at McCormick Seminary in Chicago. After a year as p-astor of a rural church in , North Dakota, he took a year's postgraduate study at the. University of Edinburgh and at Westminster College, Cambridge. On his return to the United States he became associate student pastor at the Universiy of Wisconsin. Prom 1932 to 1949 he was in Indiana, first as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Ind., . then for ten years as Executive Secretary of the Synod of Indiana, and Superintendent of National Missions for the Synod. :=1 As Administrative Secretary of the Board of National. Missions, ~ Dr. Sharp has financial and operating oversight Of more than four thousand projects in educational, medical, evangelistic, and social ~ welfare fields, in 48 states, Alaska, Here you see the secret of FirePower's unmatched and the West Indies. ~ ability ... the new Chrysler Hemispherical Combustion Chamber, heart of the finest motor car engine built Courteous and EFFicient Service Cor;or" ~ ,....... Yt::l4 Rev. Sluzrp To Preach At Presbyterian Church I = ~ I o • mosl I i I:i! 180 . HORSEPOWER = f =: • In ~ .". ity and sound character. years •• Chrysler engineering again brings you an entirely new powerplant which will set a new pattern of performance for. years to come. FirePower is not only the most powerful engine you can drive today . . . it is the most efficient, tool Exhaustive tests have proved this the mechanically best and most reliable car engine ever built Only by driving it yourself can you know the new world of satisfaction it opens to you. Its smooth 180 horsepower can outperform, with ease, any other engine in any other car. Yet FirePower uses no more gas than you probably use now .•• uses regular grade gas, too. It ~ run more carbon-free •• , last longer . • . require less attention and upkeep cost than any other engine built, bar none. And along with FirePowet', Chrysler this.year presents two other great and NOW ON basic engineering advances . . _ - exclusive new Oriftow shock absorbers, NEW l'OBKBB on all models,' with over twice the shock-absorbing power of any other cal'S , .. and, optional at extra cost, the miraculous new Hydraguide power . steering which does four-fifths of your ',steering work for you I See all these , ,*.., These are full tuition scholarships and applications should be made to the dean before March in the most beautiful Chrysie.m of all time I first. ~ The Philadelphia Simmons Col1<'1. lege Club offers an aid grant to ~. students from this area. The pres- H ... ent r~ipient is Molly Storck q,f il Crest lane. Mrs. Ernest N. Votaw I, ... of Media is·chairman of the scholarship comnlittee of the club. Among the graduates of Simmons College residing.m Swarthmore are Mrs. ·oHenry D. Bevan, Ruth Carr, Mrs. George L. Smith, who is secretary of the club, and Mrs. Stephen Whicher. = Morey Announces Kellog Grant , Frank R. Morey, President of the SChool Administrators of Eastern PennsYlvania~' has announced a grant from the Kellog Foundation of $3,250,000 to be ~ used by universities and school 1:1:1 administrative groups throughout l"J the United States for the improveI1l ment of school administration. for the Cen'tral Atlantic States.· ~ In the Philadelphia area the jIo University of PennsylvlUlia and r;:a Temple University will participate 103 in the study. 1:1:1 The group of school superinI· "" tendents and supervising principals ,I ... headed by Morey includes 110 members from Delaware, Mont- r;:a gomery,Bucks, and Chester counl"J ties. The school heads meet bijIo monthly at the University of 2l Pennsylvania. \ DISPLAY' i 4-DOOR SBDAN , excitinl1 new motorinl1 wonders tomorrow at your Chrysler dealer's-Americcis newest new car is now on display, " o -.. r:Juii1er FirePower ~ , ~~.~ Finest engine • , ev-erbuilt l ~n automobile .-. , HANNUM and WAITE " , • .. COVIlL'S LA\te-home taste 1-_ w-... "JiIlI • Yale Avenue and Chester Road SWarthmore 6-1250 CHOCOLATES CATHERMAN'S \ L;; • DrugStore "" -!i m r-~e...,eHHH~MH"'" "'_~HHHH'~ APersonal Checking Account Plan po - -- , , - - - - - ~ ~. No minimum balance is required. As little as $1.00 will open To Discuss Classes For Handicapped Children James Jamison, new science teacher in the junior high school,l The Board of Directors of the J should be most happy here-that Delaware County Chapter of the is if he can manage to find a 1 Pennsylvania Association for the • IT fi 11 ... Shop At III , Check These Advantages . . . - REV. ALEXANDER SHARP A Dog-gone Good Place '" m n house in the borough and move! Retarded and Handicapped ChilMrs. Jamison from Trenton. The I dl'cn Inc., \vill be held in the YeaHigh School's "Garnet"publlishes' don Borough Hall at 8:30 p.m. phy, dogs and swimming." ~ 1 both oz l1U'mbers and non-members.! Plans for the establishment Of! [( 1I dasses for the education of re- I your account. If Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. ~ms-: tnrclcd and hundicapped children: 11 U . den of, Yale avenue entertamed I will be discussed. All persons in- : 11 ~ . as theIr guest on Sunday Mrs. tercstcd jn these children are in_I Your only cost is $2.00 for a hook of 20 checks, an 'average U~ Berte Malecot of Haverford. Mrs.! dted to attend. i Jl 11 Malecot, former French teacher I of lOc for each check you write, and no charge for deposits-less Jl :11 Jl at Old Trail School, Akron, Ohio,! Dr. Fussell Speaks l1. 1'lJ II where Mr. Amsden was former I l1. '(j jl Headmaster, has just returned I Dt'. Ft·a.nces R. Fu~s~ll, Consul-' than the cost of Post Office Money Orders. There is 110 monthly JJ IIi ~. from a two-year trip around the. tant, Natlonal Securlbes Resour-' ll i world. She visited educational in- :, ces Board, spoke Tuesday eventng service charge. v , . . : <::It the Frlr.-ndts Central School on stttutlons tn all parts of the world, C·t· [. th t . "Ch II I • Il . J"\ th th A . S hI' 1 J tne on e OptC a enges I J,\ among em e merlcan c 00 . .. Rev. 8'"Harp - T 0 Prelich ;r ,1· B A' A t' f to Securtty". The RiverView road I 11 I'~' uenos lres, rgen t.na. a resident was presented by the pre-\ At Presb terwn Church 11 J1 \\ htch Mr. Amsden was pnnclPal, ,chool and primary division of the Y I! 11 ' d\lrmg World War 1I. I Homc and School Association. The Rev. Alexander E. Sharp, ~ ~ 111 Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard I D. D., Administrative Secretary of il avenue who served as a hostess Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier thc Board of National Missions 'of Jl H at the Young Musicians' Luncheon i of Columbia avenue were guests of the Pres~yterian Church in the li'l lrI._ilf', fI.....1Il D.~.1iI ,.,...._ . c...,..-MIH II II 11 Musicale in Philadelphia, Monday, ! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller at a U.S.A., Will speak at 9:30 a.nd 11 11 II Jl entertained seven guests at the' Fashion Show held in Wilmington a.m., Sunday, February 11, m the rJl ~~~-'::::')OOOOiU, R iA"""",,,,",,,,,,",,,UQJ;OOJU"';S;;;:;,..;:js;lAs:::::o::t... II,. '"'..ls::;;J=I:OiQJ::iQPAOQ~Q):OJ)OOJS=OOQ~;::::i):;:I~QQ~~l::iOQl~~' 'lll11ncheon ·.,.e d nes day. Swarthmore Presbvterian .. Church ~ on Harvard avenue. iI> England and Scotland, the'" American middle \\'cst, the rural t-3 pastorate and a university chapiaincy, administrath'e work in == New York and in Indiana, are some of the experiences that have made Dr. Sharp a man of excepli'l tional understanding of the Church as a \.... hole. iI> 2! Dr. Sharp is an Ohio man by • birth, educated at Hanover and \Vooster Colleges, and took his theological training at McCormick Seminary in Chicago. After a year as Rastar of a rural church in North Dakota, he look a year's postgraduate study at the Univer- i ,jty of Edinburgh and at Westmin- II ster College, Cambridge. On his Ii return to the United States he be- ~ ONE STOP for aII your Ii I Needs * * * aIR AMP1..E nt=REE Pi ARKING * * * SWARTHMORE NATIONA,L BANK AND TRUST COMPANY .. tl n C t M our eous an . a a d Eff"IClent Servlce ' i = I 1\" = o " ~ I • came a~sociate student pastor at I the Universiy of \Visconsin. From II 1932 to HH9 he was in Indiana, j" first a:; pastol' of the First Presbytcrian Church, Columbus, Ind., . i then for ten years as Executive 1 Secretary of the Synod of Indiana, and Superintendent of National Missions for the Synod. As Administrative Secretary of the Board of National Missions, Dr. Sharp has financial and operating oversight of more than (our thousand projects in educational, I most I" ~e HORSEPOWER medical, evangelistic, and social welfare fields, in 48 states, Alaska, and the \Vest Indies. Here you see the secret of FirePower's unmatched ability ... the new Chrysler Hemispherical Combustion Chamber, heart of the finest motor car engine built In show evidence ot years •. Chrysler engineering again brings you an entirely new powerplant which will set a new pattern of performance for. years to come. FirePower is not only the most powerful engine you can drive today . , , it is the most efficient, too! Exhaustive tests have proved this the mechanically best and most reliable car engine ever built. Only by driving it yourself can you know the new world of satisfaction it opens to you, Its smooth 180 horsepower can outperform, with ease, any other engine in any other car. Yet FirePower uses no more gas than you probably use now , .• uses regular grade gas, too. It will run more carbon-free ... last longer . . , require less attention and upkeep cost than any other engine built, bar none, And along with FirePower, Chrysler this year presents two other great and NOW ON basic engineering advances . • • exclusive new Oriflow shock absorbers, NEW YORKER on all models, with over twice the shock-absorbing power of any other car's , , . and, optional at extra cost, the miraculous new Hydraguide power ~teering which does four-fifths of your ,tf'Jering work for you! See all these f'xciting new motoring wonders tomorrow at your Chrysler dealer's-America's newest new car is now on display. DISPLAY ab\.\- \ ! = ~ ~= S ,<11 1 ,1'" Morey Announces Kellog Grant • Frank R. Morey, President of the School Administrators of . ' has anEastern PennsylvanIa, nounced a grant from the Kellog Foundation of $3,250,000 to be ~ used by universities and school 1:11 administrative groups throughout li'l the United States for the improverJl ment of school administration for the Cedtral Atlantic States. ::!1 In the Philadelphia area the iI> University of Pennsylvania and Temple University will participate I" I~ in the study. The group of school superin- II tendents and supervising principals headed by Morey includes 110 Ii 0 members from Delaware, Mont- I! " gomery,Bucks, and Chester COUn- ~ l'!l ties. The school heads meet biiI> monthly at the University of ~ Pennsylvania. 4·DOOR SEDAN = h:: ., .~R(~~::l=:'[~;~miZ¥M.J5. Rt.t'm..:..y;t\$*~·3)""'~&:~ %. mrs]'? ;; Ii In.te\\~<:tuo.\ ity and sound character . These are full tuition scholarships and applications should be made to the dean before March first. The Philadelphia Simmons College Club offers an aid grant to students from this area. The present re,cipient is Molly Storck ~f Crest lane. Mrs. Ernest N. Votaw of Media is chairman of the scholarship committee of the club. I Among the graduates of Simmons College residing in Swarthmore are Mrs. Henry D. Bevan, Ruth Carr, Mrs. George L. Smith, who is secretary of the club, and Mrs. Stephen Whicher. inlhe most beautiful .. of all time I \ ~i Announce Scl101nrships In-walled area. you see • ~ I, = 180 ' re:: ;zj~~ Finest engine everbU11t • l ~n automobile P ...- • LOVELL " COVEL'S HANNUM and WAITE ~-ho!e taste treat Yale Avenue and Chester Road SWarthmore 6·1250 • CATHERMAN'S " • ~ tn - the tact that "Mr. Jamlson IS es- i Tuesdny, February 13. I pocially interested in photogra- i Thc meeting will be open to' r-' ~ oz Drug Store .a c ~ ." g c: ~ • FBBBUABY '. lII1 !8 ====__=-========~~~~:::l~:::T::B~E~S::W:A::B:T::B:M:;O;.~E~AyN~~~~~;, ~~~e~====~~=:= Mr. and 1IIIrs. R. S. Ha7es of rthless" sal dlsarmement emorced byla" w' Ofters Services ll, J f North Oberlin avenue have returned U.W.F. Hears Alnram On ers, the agreement ~'T";,o "East·West DiHerences" Mr. Amram stated. e I The capacity audience in the auditorium Of the Media Woman' s Club February 6 indicated POPU' lar interest in the quest·Ion analyzed tbat night by Philip Amram, attorney of Washington D. C. who spoke on "Can the East-West Dilferences be Settled" under the auspices of the alists, West U "ted W rld Feder UnI~d States will not d~e stop the Bfmament race until some power ls devised to stop aggressIon."After years of study of Communism and of eastern E urope a t first hand, the speaker believes that the only hope of developing such a force is through change and development of the United Nations. . to release for the satisfaction of h eeds the resources at ~':t :;'ed for preparation for P d to unite :~ a common war'' a anl l les ~, who genuinepurposlr e P peo~, Iy des e eace. t there is a bill beAt presen which aims to infore Congress f the United cre~se the pow,,:" 0 make and Nallons so ~at ~!d:~ aggression enforce laws or the from a two-week: trip at Ft. LauAd . Colllllllttee of derdale, Fla. Housing VlSOry Private Haines Dield"""" of Delaware county, a Red ,Feather sal ed servl'ce of the Community Chest averiue hasatbeen a Sands lID bas College technI al unl' White of Philadelphia and vicinity, to a c • offered the services of his cmn- Proving Ground, Las Cruces, N.JtI. ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, mitlee to Henry D. Harral, re-I .. cenlly appointed as Acting DiFor thai book rector Of the Delaware County you have always WIIIltea Planning Commission. Mr. Car~ Try. BOOKWAYS 0 in~, th~ au~ence' !~ Adviso~ Committee for. two .,elected chalrmau in 11 who has been a member of 1 - ~:~:;~ry~as ROOFS Olf,l'I'1Ui8 BBPARED " 1N8TAIJ,BD WAB.\II-AIa BBATING Furnaces VacuUQl Cleaned •\ GEOBOB IIYBII8 80s .. - 8waa1IImore '.17.. CUNNINGHAM ~~~~~~~~~~~= 'I', 13¥ae token (3 for 40e) or lSe: cash TWO·YEHICLE RIDE ( mlZlie in _rtl....CIJ fIIiIh established "J' " ServiCe on elec. WaterIh"at.ori, Ranges, Washers, Dryers, Simpkin Luehring , pumps, faos, cleaners & small apAshes & Rubbish Removed Woodruff Furey J. F. BLACKMAN pliances. Call: Erich H. Hausen, , Lawns mowed, General SW. 6-2850, S.E. Comer of Park & Carey Halllin2 Michigan Avenues. ll-SplU InflnlUves 236 Harcijng Av. Morton, P". Mathew's lIIarsu4en Gladiators MIss Armstrong Mrs. Mathews Mr. Irwlo Carter, ,Coach Thompson, Coach McHenry, Coach IUllillllUlmnnllllllHllnllBHnJIJJJI!JIJ!JUJI!DIJUln ' Flaherty, Mgr. Wright, Mgr. ' Robinson, R. Mgr. Stokes Nursing Home Cos Schmidt, Capt, , Leach SELECT 'OLIEN'.rELB Dunn Terry, NeW'stadt PETER DI NICOLA Davis, J. Smith Madison 3-9098 Lang Davis, P. Vaughn, W. Qgram Driveway CoDlltruedon Doherty Vaughn. H. McCormack Asphalt or 0-'8_ Gllmore N=WUlox Robinson" A. s;~e!~7~ist 3 to years. Second PlANO TUNING Bernard CeDar w.u. Be-Plutentl Jones ~ beginning. Licensed. • ALlIAN PAW.D Genune\l Call Brodhead, director, Pearson Phone Swarthmore 1I-25lI11 . Swarthmore 6-4609. New a.bailt Plau_ Dodson . . . JleJta1r'lq 810... 1911 PERSONAL-Bab,. sitter - midBecker Pita.. Mdla 1-3551 die woman WOUld lfke baby evenings, Swarth.. 18-Goldflah K ......·ta l [ Sq_ Miss Barten Mr. Klemmer Mr. Duncan AIleD, Coach Hoot, Coach Custom-made. Old Swan, Coach Barraclough, Mgr. Phillippe, Mgr. recovered. Finest ExStorlazzi, Mgr. quisite detallfng, Doherty, Capt. Grier' • Snyder. R., capt, 6-5922. Gold HfIkert Spencer PEl1S'~O~N;;;AL:;;:-;P;;1a7:::'-~Sch=:::oo::;l'-=start-='" Charles E. Fischer Chambers MacElwee ing February 19. It Interested, Theall Fox Marks Residenti'alWhing i~~~S~W~arl~hmore 6-9;;;;8;-36~'_ _ _ 1 Redeumcher Braun Habbersett Simldn BUILDER Bell Harris S.~,IlA1UBISO~ Wllson ,Bell Kroon l'!nyder, S. Gllmore Hofmann Wa/lller Swai1:hmore 6,.074q Griscom Scqtt Mygatt Werner Lang Sanville room, gen- ..d ............~ ............ ~""""'iA"""'iAA .... JegIwn Two adults Swarthmore, Phillips :!TIlfrd Generation Bu\ldera~ Box T, The Meyer HORACE A. Mellace Devine Taxi Service I New fares to help meet the increased costs of providing service are now effective The boys' Iotramural basketball IelljUe has gotten off to a good start this year. The league, composed oJ! nine teams, is functioning under the leadership of Lee Bennetl, Buddy CroUthers, and Coach Millard Robinson•. Ninety-eight boys are fAklnl{ an active part 10 the league competition. At Present the Gladiators (jun- Painter. " Paper IfaDpn We ahouJ4 bow how S_ 6-8188 MIMI.... A_ u:=::.u. I Boy 8 Intramural Since 1805 Chapter. and thus to free all peoples from u:ged study "Until there is a power to enthe fear of War, through uoiver-I ~this~~bl~ll~a~n~d~gl~v:.e:,'t~sup~::po:..:::...._~;--------------,_= force an agreement between pow.:. , , ~~;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;~rl 1"''''''''''''' ..........=~,...rHMt''''.... 417 Dartmouth Ave., Swarthmore 6-0926 NOW IN EFFECT THE SWARTHMOBSAN ------~----~------------~---Gladiators Lead (sophomores) and KnIghts d~::yro~:~°chmr:;:;":.Of The World Federalists' pul'poses and limited armament. Walter C. trhOe Delaware' County are "To achieve permanent peace Miller, moderator at the meet- W , FEBRUABY II, 11151 LISTn~~GS WANTED CoUnty, PROJECTORS PETER E. TOLD , ALBUMS SLIDE & REEL CASIi:S SLIDE &: MOVIE Driuer, License AU Line. 01 ROGER RUSSEU, ll&l~ .au· ..... S~te aDd Kobroe Streel» . IDOlA I-I1M We have many active buyers for HOMES, FARMS and BUSINESS PROPERTIES If You Contemplate Selling lYe WiUBe Glad To Talk It Over With You EaW.ID L. IOYES ••• CO. SWARTHMORE 6-0114 ., , \ , FEBRUARY 9, 1951 ~====~=== I WILL 00 MY BEST - TO THE SWAKTHMOBEAN !J!O~==-=======-==========:=~:=:~=7~7:====~~~===':;::===:~O-N M~-:;OR meyer of Sw~hmore; Emma Appointed Manager 01 ARTS CENTER PLANS BENEFIT Fashion Show, Card Party To Aid Fund M. Abbett, Mrs. W. T. Askew, Ly-: Marcus Hook~Relinery dia Baer, Mrs. J. Claude Bedford. I Mrs. Jerome B. Bell. Mrs. Russell Charles E. Maschal. of College Jenkins. Mary Leiper. Mrs. Fred-. avenue. has been appomted manerick R. Long. Mrs. Henry Mad- ager of Sun Oil Company's Mardock. Mrs. Roderick Stebbins, Mrs. cus Hook refinery. it was announcWilliam H. Turner. ~. George ed last week by Clarence H. DO MY DUTY TO GOD 'AND, MY OOUNTRY AND TO OBEY TIlE SCOUT LAW; TO HELP OTHER KEEP MYSELF PEOPLE AT ALL TIMES; TO, PHYSICALLY STRONG, MENTALLY AW~ AND MORALLY sTRAIGHT." I, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii!!i, ~lI Harvey.P.Mrs. A. B. vice-president charge James Henry. Mrs.Heilig. ~edMrs. G. Thayer. of manufacturing. Mr.inMaschal. Hill and Mrs. J. H. Ward Hinkson who joined Sun Oil Company as 1 A Fashion Show and Card party of Wallingford. a still fireman at Marcus Hook will be held next Friday afterRefinery in 1933, served as a technoon February 16. at the LJan•nical engineer from 1934 until cerch Golf Club. Manoa road and 'Stated. MeeUng , 1939 when he was named an opWest Chester pike. Havertown. for Scheduled Tuesday erating assistant. He became an the benefit of the Community Arls assistant superintendent in 1944, Wallingford. Pro.ceeds (Continued from page one) . Center, ' . his admuus' . trative assistant supermwill be added to the Building cuss the married woman•s rlg . t e state tendent in 1947, and assistant Fund to establish a permanent in regard to re al est a t e. m home for the Center. rights and joint holdings, purchase manager in 1949. Beginning at 1 p.m. the Fash- and sale of real estate. agreement Born in Philadelphia. Mr. Masion Show will feature local girls of sale. mortgage. dealing with chal was graduated from West who will model dresses. hats and agent; statute of frauds and re- Philadelphia High School and bags. The Card Party will follow cording. home financing problems; Drexel Institute of Technology with numerous door and table and finally the relationship be- where he received a B.S. degree prizes, 'donated by Swarthmore tween landlord and tenant. in civil engineering in 1931. While and Media merchants, to spice the Mr. Thompson is a graduate of at Drexel he was a member of play. Other prizes to be awarded I t/le University of Pennsylvania the football. basketball and track lucky winners include a combin-' Law Sc~ool. He is a Marine vet- teams, Phi Kappa Beta fraternity,. ation clock and radio, a Lamb', eran, having serv:d from '42 - '.46. and Blue Key and Scabbard and Cake. donated by Mrs. John Cos- As usual ther~ will be a question Blade clubs, and received the J. lett of Wallingford, and a special and answer period after his talk. Peterson Ryder Award. Orchid from the Carns Flower These periods have proved very He was married in 1933 to the Shop in Springfield. interesting to the 60 or so women fOTlDer Mary Catherine Roberts Tickets are available at the Arts attending the lectures. and they have two children. John Center or at the door at Llanerch. , Mutnal Exchange Roberts Mascha1 and Charles E .• Table reservations may be placed The heralding of spring brings Jr. Mr. Maschal is an industrial with Mrs. Robert Gick of Wal1ing- thoughls of the Mutual Exchange. akLvisor to the Chester Junior ford, chairman of the affair, by set this year for March 13, 14, and Ch8mber. of Commerce Comcalling . Me 6-0110. Twelve 15. The event is an opportunity to mittee on Human Relations and o'clock luncheon reservations refurbish adult· and ohildren's a member of the Bartram Lodge should be made at the club. wardrobes before Easter. of the Masonic Order at Media, Among the many patronesses Pa. His hobbies are golf and are: Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. F. ard . • ' Witt- "I Saw It In The Swarthmorean." g enmg. R. Wilson and Mrs. Ruth I ~~~~~~T;;H~E~W~A~I~J~.I~N~G~FO~R~D~A~R:~:S::-C:ENTER==:--,---., • 'FASHION SHOW followed by CARD PA1IIl'Y For the Benetll of the Bullding, Fund 1 PM Friday. Feb. 16. - at the Llanerch Golf Club Manoa Rd. and West Chester Pike, 'Havertown .. $1.25 Tickets available at the Arts Center or at the Door Reservations. ME 6·0110 ' Door and'Table Pri.... -C06 "-'" I ~ We've those [pecial Valentine gifts suited to every masculine y~ung or feminine fancy . . . or pld . . . all priced to please, and right for any mood or mode. • - • Buchner's Toggery Shop (Continued frQID page one) such authoritative and scholary b'ooks as "The Growth of the I;:~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~; IMorison). American Republic" (with S. E. ~----a standard college text Winter Is TOUGH "OUR HEARTS WERE YOUNG AND GAY" On Your Car! It's easy I Simply &ive )'OlD' party-line neishbon the consideration you'd like!he1O to give yoll •• •-and you'D almost always find the courtesy returned. Tbia good telephone service for everyone on the line I chassis (you'd be. 10_ Suppose you stert to make a call and find the line .. use. It's courteous to hang up gently and give the other person a few minutes to finish his call before you try again. And suppose. while talking, you realize that yoW' neighbor wants to make a call. It's courteous to hang up in a few minu",," and free tbe line. See? It doesn't take much ~ win your "party·1Ine halo" ••• and thus to help make service better for aQ. ...... ,_._ .. _@ to know how . car.) Bring it in now for a complete goipg - over. Prices lower now! Rumsey Chevrolet Theatre Square Swartlunore 6-6130 , IMMt~IATE COVERAGE fROM DATE OF «.ttt4 ' POLIO Mrs. J. Robert LaParm of Glens Falls. N. Y .• who has, been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lueders of Princeton avenue this week. will leave Sunday to jOint Lt. LaPann, stationed. at Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of 'Mt. Holyoke place will entertain at a lunCheon-bridge at her home today in honor of the birthday anniversaries of her mother Mrs. Joseph V. Collins ot Strath Haven Inn. Il/ld Mrs. Nelson Downes and Mrs ... I Frankun Scarborough of Ridley Park. Mrs. I. R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place will be guest speaker at the New Century Club. PhIJadeJphl ,. Maada:r•. ' a~azed ice - "melting chemicals can hurt your News Notes INSURANCE~O~ ~:o~~': POLICY' $50-00 iD"~te~,.,, t!-M EVERY FAMILY ENTIRE FAMILY tt-AII* AIIU_'«t'"4(~ _nth. J>OliCJ'1~.~al~'~~!~~~~l~~~~~~§ busblUld. years. Beneare nstrictecl as to wife aaC! aU , Family and vader 18 uts for ..,. ~DSe iteml amoDllt payable subject to ._ 3 2: tICK "000 fer each person COTeftiVl\' lnstruct.ions and make He joined the 'duPont Company in Times of Fear and Crisis?" He throughout the play for SOme time the Council meeting last Monday final plans. Marvel Wilson. Fund in 1924 as a research chemist at and then said to her mother. "I evening in Borough Hall. Mr. and Drive ChaiTlDan aDd the members the Flint, Mich., laboratory. Two will give the educators' point of think you did very ~ well to get a Mrs. J. Passmore E1kinton of 741 of the executive board of the local years later he was made research view. man, vlearing clothes like that". Harvard avenue who made the' Red Cross Branch will be on hand; Although Mr. Johnson is a very supervisor of the company's finThe nostalgiac element in the protest. requested Council to re to be of whstever assistance they young man to hold the position of Ishes division laboratory at Flint. play has made It fun to work on frain from using taxpayer's money can to the workers, in planning In 1935 he was appointed assistant Headmaster of' a well-known for all whose youth was spent in to distribute the pamphlets unless the campaign. to the dlvision's chemical director. school. he has not devoted aU his the 20'& and for the seniors who. these three paragraphs were d.... A three day campaign. He was research supervisor of t!>e time to climbing the ladder of at last. ;begin to find ,excuses for leted. the first week-end in March is to Philadelphia laboratory of the academic success. After receiving their p;n-ents. The promise of as Council referred the matter to be Swarthmore's Red Cross Weekfinishes division. from 1939 to 1941 his master's degree at the Harvard entertaining an evening as Is pos- Burgess Charles R. Russell as End. and every effort will be made when he advanced to the jIOst of Graduate School of Education. Mr. sible goes with a ticket to the play. Chief 'Co-ordinator of Swarth- by the workers to complete. coldirector. Two years lliter he was J ohoson spent four years working Mrs. William Simkin, chairman of more's Civil Defense Council, on lections during that time. ~It is sent to the explosives division on for the American Friends Service the ticket sale tor the parents whose recommendation 2.000 of suggested that, in case of absence a special assignment. In 1944 he Committee. His assignments took committee reports the reserved the booklets had been purchaSed ~m home during Red Cross became manager of the finish"" him to Portogal to assist refugees seats gone but that some general at a· cost of $73.50. It had been Week-End. arrangements be made division field research section. In from German-occupied France; to admissions still remain, available planned to distribute the booklets to have contributions available April 1946 he transferred to the Algiers. Oran 'and Casablanca to at the door. this W'I!ek. to the Red Cross worker. development department. . aid in the reiease of Spanish re- . ~e'c"'t in order of appearance, A pubijc .hearing was held to (Continued on page sa) Dr. Thurman was a member of fugee. from concentration camps; is listed below: consider the request of the Ingletoo American Chemical Society. and to India following the Bengal Ste$rd. John Becker. Mrs. neok to extend the rear of the Sigma Psi honorBl'Y'seientlfic re- famine in 1943. Skinner. Ann deFuria; Cornelia, building to acomodate approxisearch """iety. and Alpha CM His academic experience has Barbara Thorbalm; Otis Davidson mately 24 more people. This was • Sigma. been gaiped at the John Burroughs Leuring; Emily. June Shearer; granted with the understanding He leaves his widow the former School in St. :LoUis and at Ger- ,Purser. Harlan Jessup; Stewardess. that the Tearoom would provide Julia Gardner Ross, a daughter mantown Friends School, his alma Mary Ann Dickinson; Dick. Ho- parking space for six cars. Mrs. .rames Powell and a son John mater. Mr. Johnson's varied in- ward Arrison; Admiral, Tom SimThe request of Mrs. H. C. Barr Narheth Directs Club Neal. terests and extensive travels make kin; .. of 504 Harvard avenue to make In English him exceptionally well qualified Harriet. Ann Larson; Winifred. alterations to her house. involving to speak about the school and the Nancy Wrightsman; Leo. Lee Ben- enlargement of the building. was . Thriller world crisis. nett; Inspector, Jean Holm.an; referred to the local board of Audiences are being definitely , ~sident George Plowman in- Therese. Julie Hlonis; Madam review. ususpended" this vroek as Director vites all parents to meet for a Elise. Milly McCowan; Monsieur Horace Hopkins. a member of J. David Na"beth presents the Docial hour at 7:30 in the high de la Croix, Warren GOld; Window the Citizen's COmmittete which English suspense thriller "Grand school cafeteria. where the mothers Cleaner. Larry Woodruff. was appointed by the president of National Night" in its American Dr. Young Will Discuss of the fourth grade will be hostCouncil two years ago to work on Premiere on the Players Club esses. The lecture will. be held Women And Politics a by-pass around Swarthmore. de- stage. The cast is well-chosen and Mrs. John Pearson in the high school auditorium. In Tues. Program Family funeral services were plored what he felt was inactivity their performance. the excellent held for' Mrs. John Pearson in on the part of the committee and direction. timing, and the usual, The Swarthmore League of Wo- Jr's Sponsor Party Langhorne. Pa .• Wednes, day morn- a ske d tha t 1't .... .... d'ISCharged and a impressive setting combine to give men Voters and the Woman's Club For Hear.t Fund ing where she died in her sleep new comm,'ttee he appointed. the Campbell play a royal "first in a joint meeting on February 20 on February 12. Mrs. Pearson Council took under consideration time" in the United States. at 2 p.m. in the Clubhouse will The Junio!; Woman's Club. in made her home here with her son his requ. est Richard Hook in the' lead role present Dr. Louise N. Young wbo charge·of the Heart Fund Drive in John M. Pearson for 10 years beBorough Council passed the 1951 of Gerald Coates carries himself will discuss women and politics. Swarthmore. will be the sponsor fore going to Langhorne to be near Tax Ordinance which calls for a with naturalness and portrays the Dr. Young a former resident of Tuesday evening. February 20. of her other son Henry F. Pearson. 16 mill tax. divided as follows: underlying tension of his part with Moylan is a writer. student of a card pa,--ty for the ~ benefit of The sons wlll accompany her re- GenerEll Fund. 13 mills; Sinking admirable conviction. Francelia politics and of the status of wo~ to Portland. Oregon. where Fund. 10/.0 mills; l,ihrary. 1'k mills. b Willis ish entirely successful in the Fund. Bridge foursomes, can- mains men in present day SOCiety. A asta players. poker fans or multi- a memorial service will be held in. The Salary Ordm'ance which oth of er roles. and as Pinkie graduate of' Ohio Weslyan. she pie canfield enthUSiasts will be the Wesminister Church. followed gives a general m' crease to all Is a beautiful contrast to her received her doctorate from the welcomed at the affair. .to be held by internment. Borough Employes was also pass- brother-in-law's tension. University of Pennsylvania. With Stafford W. Parker as the soliciat 8 p.m. in the Woman's Club Born Frances Newell on Nov- ed. This ordinance appears on Dr. Harold Alderfer she is co- where. 'tables will be set up and ember 10. 1872. on a farm in Ken- page 6. tor. and Fritz Hermann Yonkers < author of "Know Pennsylvania", chairs arranged in preparation for dall County. Illinois. Mrs. PearAction on tbe request from the as the friendly and bright eyed and het' most recently published th are welcome memb~s of e fray. son spent her youth in Aurora. Sprm' gfIeld C,'vil Defense Council Buns th . book Is ''Understanding Politics. Door prizes contributed by loeal Upon her marriage in 1903 she tha·t S-""'-'--ore ('Over the area th e cast; an amusIng contrast in a Practical GUide for Women". A hia, ... A-..;! 'nQJ,.1IoU.UI eir(Crespective characterizations, ~- wlent with her hnshand to make (Continued on page e'aht) former regional director and vice- merchants. and Philadelp more and Chester department their home in Portland where she 'i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;,;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;_ _;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;n;;;t;;;in;;;u;;;e;;;d;;;o;;;n;;;;;p;;;a;;;g;;;;;ee;;;ig;;;h;;;t;;);;;;;"".t president of the Leagne of Women stores will add zest to the eve- remained until his death in 1931. • Voters of Pennsylvania. she Is at ning. with favors a-plenty to dress She led an active civic life in present processing the National up the tables. Refreshments con- Portland. being a charter member THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR League records, of 30 years for tributed by members of the club of the Woman's Club of Portland. the Library of Congress. In pri_ wriU be served to Pacify winners the Colonial Dames. ,the DaughFriday, February 16 1~:~0 A.M,-Liu;rature Section ................................ Wo~an·s Club vate life Dr. Yowig Is the mother and losers alike: ters of the Ameri~an Reyolutlon, . 5 P.M.-Semor Play............................................ High School of three children and the wife of Donations for tickets. which m8)' and the Portland Art Club. She 8:20 P.M.-"Grand National Night" ........................ Players Club Dr. Ralph Young. Director of the purchased at the door. will '80. took an active interest in the Suiulay. Febi'Ual'J' 18 Dlvison of Research and Statistics complete and unentailed into the Portland Art Museum. She was 11:00 A.M.-MOrning Worship ..........................:..... Local Churches , ,8:15 P.M.-"The Rights of Minorities" ............ Meeting House of the Federal Res lVe. Heart Fund. a former member of the Woman's Monday. February 19 FJdaI Law Lecm!re • Chairmen in charge of the party Club of Swarthmore. 2:00 P.M.-Friendly Open House Group .... Presbyterian Church The 'seventh and last leeture of inelude lIoIrs. Newell West, assisted . In' addition to her sons, she is Tn~y. February zo ' the law course will be given by by .Jean BJakIston. door prizes survived by six grandclindren; her 2:00 ,P.M.-Woman'. Club, LWV Meeting ............ Woman's Clilb 6:00 P.M.,.-Home & School ........,........................... High School Wa.-ren Higgins on February 22 and table favors; lIoIrs. KeJly_Fen_ namesake, Frances Newell and WHen1.", February 11 at 10 a.m. in the Clubhouse. At- tress and Mrs. V. V. Sch1~e i.;fohn Davis. ofSwarlhmore; and 8:00 P.M.-Great Books DiSCUssion Group ............ High School torney H~ggins willdiseuss Con- refreshmenta; Mrs. Arnold Red- Catherine Frances, Alice NIla, and '1'Il1in4lQ'. February H (Continued on pap eliht)~ 8:15 P.M.-Paganlnl Quartet ....... _................................... Clothier ding, tlcketa. . Peter of J,angbome. MEET TUESDAY s. COUPLE PROTESTS SAFETY BOOKLET n:; s~~~rs=~ :;~I~~ GRAND NATIONAL IN LAST NIGHTS CLUB AND LW.V. IN JOINT MEET l"ough on your battery, tough on your. oil, tough on engine, body and under- HOW TO . , AN--"ANGEL" , unur &SCHOOL nUlflt Commager Opens College Series and "Majority Rule and Minority Righls." Plan your Valentine enter.taining to include the Subsequent Addr scs Subsequent address$ in the Cooper Foundation series will be Brightest; Gayest, Liveliest Senior Play Ever heard at the ~same hour and place • each Sunday evening until Mareh 18. On February 18. Robert K. Carr. professor of law and political science at Dartmouth College. will discuss "PrOgreSS and •Civil Rights." The controversial i.~ues of "Se-curity, Secrecy and the Advancese attending from Swarthmore will IDclude the bride's graodmother Mrs. George E. Sillaway, her aunt Mrs. H. W. Frl~e, aod cousins Helen Elizabeth Fricke aod Ferris Thomsen, Jr. Also present will be Miss Mary Hutton James of Wallingford and her fiance Mr. Fred Hessler of· Haverford. Mrs. Welsh Is the former Miss Elaine Wherry, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. Nlvin Wberry, former Swarthmore residents. Pic. Welsh, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Welsh of Penn Valley, is now stationed with the U.S. Army in Stuttgart, Germany. lB, .1951 AnnounclDc OUr ZIld ADnual Waohlnrton BlriIu1a7 VBERRY PIE SALE Fresh Home-Baked Vbe...,. 1'1. Delivered 10 your door al; 15c ~=="'_"_"'__"',_"'_"'-=-=__====,+,,-d Dr. aod Mrs. Leroy Peterson of Vassar avenue are receiving congratulations upon the birth KERR - HALL ' at a daughter, Krislin Lee, on February 8 in Chester Hospital. The marriage of Miss Grisella Chrystie Hall, daughter of Mr. and CARD PARTY Mrs. John Howe Hall of Strath For Haven avenue aod Mr. James HEART FUND Baltin:lore Pike Thompson K err, son of Mrs• Tuesday, Feb. 20 .- 8 P.M. Jr. Woman's Woman's Club Club Spnn . gfield James L. .Kerr of Upper MotcIalr n, N.J., and the late Mr. Kerr, took Donation 500 SW 8-0450 place on Saturday, February 10 at il~~_~_~~_~_~;~'~~~~~_:;;;~_~~~~~_:;;;~;;;;;; 3 o'clock. The ceremony which ~ ~~~~~~. ~~~ ....~ ---~ was performed in Trinity Church, Swarthmore, by the rector Reverend H. Lawrence Whittemore, was followed by a small reception at the home of the bride's. parents. The bride, who was given in BEAUTY SALON marriage by her father, wore a , white satin goW/l trimmed with THERE IS NO SUBSTn:UTE FOR VARE. pearls. Her full length tulle veil was held in place by a coronet. of Call Swarthmore 6-0476 pearls aod she carried an arm 9 Chester Road c0MrsuquetHof !ilAacsFlaochd carnaftiIrv0ns. . Clem Malin,' son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Malin of Princeton avenue, represented Swarthmore High School in the state chorus concert held Saturday evening in Elwood City. Clem is a member of the junior class at the high school . Mrs. William H. Ward of Strath Haven avenue entertained her club at a luncheon-bridge at her home Wednesday. Pvt. Bill Bell, stationed at Ft. Belvoir, Va., spent the week-end at his home on Harvard avenue. Ann B. Gibson of Elm avenue has recently been elected treasurer of the Students for Democratic Action at Brown University. Ann who is a graduate of ~the Friend's Select School in Philadelphia, is now in her sophomore year at Pembroke College aod is a caodl- . -.....----..... . ____ _ H u d son uwasere, at avenUe a f'(U"ewell dinner party rnatr Harvard were guests of in gton-. 0 nenrl 0 on a-f _. _ _ _ _ date for the degree of Bachelor honor given Saturday evening by Mr. aod honor for her sister. The bridesof Arts. Alice Hornaday of Dickinson Mrs. Carleton Ford of Wilmington. maids were Miss J'osephlne D. MOTOR OVERHAUL? avenue, senior and kindergarten- Mr. Barron has been transferred Hastings of Haverford, a cousin NOW IS THE TIME TO ·TAKE CARE OF YOUR CAR, IT primary education major in the by the duPont. Company to Par- of the bride, aod Mrs. Phillp L. MAY HAn TO LAST A LONG TIME. . N.J. Gilbert of Forest Hills, L.I. The. department of arts and sciences lin, STOP IN AND WE WILL CHEERFULLY TALK IT OVER of Oberlin College, will be a cheer- • M;r. aod Mrs.·Robert H. Reed of 'attendaots all wore pale green WITH YOU. '. leader for the 46th annual "Yale- College avenue returned Thursday dresses and carried bouquets of RIGHT' INTBE CENTER OF TOWN Princeton," all-star ·women's bas- from a vacation in Phoenix, Ariz., yellow daffodlls, with headresses ketball game of Oberlin College where Mr. Reed was recuperating to match their nowers. 4 on February 15. from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Robert M. Kerr was best BOB ATZ, Owner man for his brother. The 'ushers Barbara Cros;seJi at Oberlin, vrere CpJ. John Howe Hall, Jr., Ohio, formerly of Swarthmore, has ENGAGEMENT' SW: 6-0440 Dartmouth &. Laf~yette Aves.· Mr. aod'Mrs. Sheldon R. Green brother of the bride, Mr. Henri A. completed the requirements for her B.A. degree. at Grinnell Col- of RidgeWOod, N.J. announce the Fluchere, Mr. Kenneth H.DilJon lege, Grinnell, Ia. Barbara who engagment of their daughter Susan of Niagara FaIls, N.Y., and Mr. , . majored in Elementary Education, Bunting Green, to Ransom C. James M. Wood of Ocean City, will receive her degree at GriD... Dethloff, son. of. Mr. and Mrs. W. N.J. nell's June 3 commencement. L. Dethloff of Swarthmore aveThe ;bride's mother chose a gown .Mr. aod Mrs. Edson Harris, Jr., nue. of aqua with navy accessories. of Rose Valley entertained at a !Her corsage was of cyprlpedlUm dlIiner party Saturday evening in .CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY HONOR BRilDE-TO-BE orchids. Th~ groom's mother wore honor of Miss Pat McCormack of Miss Jessie W. Gilbert at Park a gown of peacock blue crepe with OPEN 7 A. M., ~ 8 .P. M. Rose Valley and Mr. John Lamb avenue whose marriage to Mr. white accessories. Her corsage .Monday Thru Saturday of New York whose marriage will Thomas Chew of Chester will take was also of cypripedium orcblds. take place May 5. • DAILY DlNNEBSi, -:.'90c to. $1.&5 place April 14 -in the Swarthmore . . The groom's mother entertained Mrs. Thomas H. McCormack, Presbyterian.Church, will be guest the bridal party at dinner follow. Special Children'. Platters Miss Patricia McCormack, and of.honor at a·miscellaneousshower ing the wedding rehearsal Friday Mrs. E. A. Chariott of Rose Valley to be given tomorrow afternoon evening. will entertain at a luncheon and by Mrs. John W. Taylor, Jr., of personal shower tomorrow at the Baltimore aod her mother Mrs. Concord Country ClUb in honor A. H. Van Alen of Park avenue. BIRTHS Wednesday, February 21, at 8 o'clock of Miss Joan Stratton of Pilgrim Mrs. Taylor will be· a bridesmaid Pfc. aod Mrs. John E. Welsh Gardens. The marriage of Miss in the bridal party. of Ardmore announce the birth of ~tratton to Mr. Richard Davis, 16th ANNUAL MEEJI1NG Miss Betty Van Nest and Mr. a daughter, Judlth Anne, on son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel of Col- February 8 in Bryn Mawr Hos..) Davis of Wallingford will take umbia avenue will entertain at a pital. SWARTHMORE CO-OPERATIVE ASS'N , ptace April 7. dinner party tomorrow evening in Mrs. .Robert F. Cox, 2nd of 110nor of Miss Gilbert and Mr. FOR AT TIlE STORE Chew. Dickinson avenue will entertain Magazine Subscriptions at a linen shower and bridge at Listen!· Co-op· Rad~unilay. 9 AM.-WDAS p.er home on March 3 in. honor of TO WED OALL Miss Stratton. Caroline Sargent Furnas, daughMrs. Lloyd E. Kanffmu Joseph Franklin Gaskill, Jr., ter of Mr. plul J. FurSwart.1!more II-Z18' N.A.V.C.A.D. of University ptace nas, vice-president of Earlham ~~;:;;;:;;;:;;~;:;;~;:;;~~~;;;;~I wiIll le.ave tomorrow morning for College, and Mrs. FUrnas, form- r Pensacota, Fla., for 18 months er residents of Spring Hollow Farm of Pilot training. Media, will be married tomorrow Miss Florence M. McCulloch, afternoon to Arnold Trueblood, French instructor at the Oldfield son of Mr: aod Mrs. Elton True, School, Glencoe, Md., and Bill Me- blood of Richmond, Ind. The Thursday, Friday, Saturday Culloeh a student at Lehigh Uni- Friends Ceremony will be held at Deborah Kerr Stewari Granger versity, spent the week-end. at the home of the bride's parents "KING SOLOMON'S MINES", / their home on Riverview road under the care of Earlham Colin technicolor Mr. J. F. Gaskill of University lege Meeting. Eyes have never beheld its • r LaI ;.:l1~'::'y iJ 1~c.:.u:.~.:..... as • place will attend the Phi Kappa Both Miss Furnas and Mr. True- equal! It's Colossal! It's Stupendous! It's Romantic! Psi banquet in Phitadelphia Mon- blod are graduates of Westtown public health_profession in every day evening. SchooL Klddles Mail"",,' Sa&:. 1:15 civilized nation of the world. Ita Sunday, Monday, Tuesday avenue - - The Bouquet t I ~F:~~~~;;;~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~' BUSSEl I)'S SERVI(;. DEW DROP INN .naldasl. LaJlela - Dbmer .,.-c-•. MEDIA - -~----- - .----.---------::,; YOI1R HEALTH eOMES FIRST • TIlE SWARTHMORE PLAYERS CLUB Presents "Grand National Night?' By DOJtOTIIY and c.ulPBEI', CBBI8TIB Dirtcted by J. DAVID NABBBTIl LAST TWO NIGHTS FrIday ..... S.I=_ CIIrlaID TIme 8:11 1'& Cel.lege Theatre Bing Croshy - Nancy Olson Oharles Voburn SWARTHMOKE, I'A. _ _ Free l'anIJw Friday and Saturday Eve Arden - Emlyn wnUams "3 HUSBANDS" A . sparkling martial comedy Sa$. JIIa.l. S~clal chD.dl'en's ShoW' 1 I'.M. "BOMBA, roNGLE BOY" Sat. night oniy-feature times ~~.....;8 .. 8 - imd 10 Mon., Tues., Wed,., Thurs. W. Somerset Mancham's "TBlO" .. 3 famous short stories Like Quartet-a picture that's . reaUy different Coming Next Week-End "FOR BE.&.VBWS ·SAKE"· with CJIftoa Webb ''MIL MUSIC" It's Mr. Music himself-in a mUSical story packed with songs, dances, fun and all your favo:rite stars! Wednesday aod Thursday Red Sl;. A ':'~D~_~ Pty. Now ft'. SO easy to "_ out" all around. No "hIind- spob _,,' ". Drive without shifting! Dodge GYRO-MATIC-Ameriea'. Ja... t-r •• ! _.Uc transmissiou-free:i you from gear shlfting. Como .. ..., , •• Ieam how )'011 could pay up to $1,000 _ ,aud d l _ ;~ all tile _ room, dri.wg ....e, and depmdability qf tItis _ D .0' = ',,' I Mrs. Charles R. Pratt and five I year-old son Christopher of V.... I sar avenue will leave New York tomorrow. on the Queen ,of Bermuda for a lo-day trip to Bermuda. Mr. and Mrs. George Plowtnan of Harvard avenue entertained u thetr house guests tor a few days of thts week Mr. and Mrs. Syi98D P8uly of Deer Lodge, Mont. .... Pauly- .itended Mrs. P10wman u her matron of hoIlor on her wed- dlDaclay. .' • ~ . . . . . . III Cd L o.j...... -neE GREATEST SHOW. ON 1UIIIr- •• ==~:!: CeIor., T ' , =------ DEWEY MURPHY INC. Woodllnd Avenue Powell ROld, Sprinsfield, PI. '& Phone SWarthmore 6-3670 '--------=------~==~=====--==--==== . . . . THE Febl'Ulllty IS, 1951 February 16, 1951 SWARTHMOBEAIIl the curb and demands captain, Mrs. L. A. Wetlauter; cense, it's as good as the cbaIr. Workers, Mrs. S. Herbert Evans, Dear Kindly Dog Advisor, Honest, I need a Ucense! Mrs. R. E. Farrington, Mrs. George I belong to a family who seem (S,gn) L. Armi·tage, Mrs . Carl Ryan, Mrs• . ed Fugit''ve 0/ f the LaW to love me very much. They Graham Wentz, lIIIrs. Paul M. leave me out in the cold, never Dear FugitIve, Hummer, Mrs. 'J. Frank Gaskill, torget my'drlnklng water, feed me Your plight is a sad one. It Mrs. David McCahan, Mrs. John regularly, make a big fuss over does seem that some member of H. Hall; me, in tact, give me everYthing a your tamily could utilize his brand Caplain, Mrs. John H. Fawcett; pet could want - except a license. new driver's permit to drive the Workers, Mrs. Stanley Pearlman, Dog licenses expired February car over. to Media Court House Mrs. Carl W. Flammer. 1. But so· far no ODe has made or to one of the five notaries of Names of the captains and worka move towards getting me a new the Borough to buy a current ers for the North Side",f the Bor- 2nd I Auxili.ary To Meet The February Legion Auxiliary Meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Norman Hulme, 909 Westdah:i avenue, Monday, February 19 at 2 p.m. Members are asked to bring a birthday gift for one of the boys at Valley Forge Hospital. WEE·K Many of these prices ore under ceiling prices. Anybody con dalm every day low priceS. Experience teaches you do BOROUGH OF SWAR~ORE ORDINANCE NO. 532 baHer at Acme, and Acme's, An Ordinance fixing the rate PARADE OF VALUES of compensation to be paid the various officers and employes Really Saves You Money of . the Borough of Swarthmore, commencing as of January 1, 1951, and continuing until further action Family of the Borough Councll,· and maki.ng appropriations therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE BORo.trGH OF SWARTHMORE LI::'":'.t DOES ORDAIN: S"<'tion 1. Commencing January I, 1951,. and until modified or changed by Borough Council or other authority in accordance with law, the compensation of the following named officers and employes of the Borough of Swarthmore shall be at the rate Ibs hereinafter set forth; Borough Secretary - $5,196.00 per year, payable semi-monthly. Ib This officer shall be entitled to additional compensation ~. heretofore or hereafter authorized for performing duties in connection Acme Quality Meats - Guaranteed with preparation of the tax duplicate. and as bUilding and Acme Graded A plumbing inspector, and secretary to the Board of Adjustment. Fancy Young Beef assistant to the Borough SearetarY-$2,880.00 per year, payable semi-monthly, and such additional compensation for assisting in the preparation of the tax duplicate, serving as stenographer Sirloin, to the Board of Adjustment, and to the special Inspector in COIl;-:-Ib . _~ or T·bone nection with the construction of the new Borough Hall, as may Lancaster Brand Smoked (Shr!'.~ ~::::od hereafter be authorized by Borough· Council. Borough Treasurer $250.00 per year. payable quarterly. Borough Engineer-Such compensation and fees for specific LENrEN SEAFOOD VALUES services authorized by the Borough Council as Cbuncil may from time to time approve. Boroagh •SoIlcltor-A retainer of $1,000.00 per ye.., pawab1e Top Quality - Flavorful quarterly, and, in addition thereto, such fees for specific services authorized by Coanell as Council may from time· to time approve. Mild ~a,ty !x'ra Health Officer - $250.00 per Cured .... Sharp .... Sharp .., year, payable monthly. Ib -1& -Ib Assistant to Health Officer _ $175.00 per year, payable monthly. Chocolat. Enrobed lIIDk Insp~tor - $180.00 per year. payable semi-annually. oa,k Plumbing Inspector - $264.00 , Virginia Lee 'per year, payable semi-monthly. Ring Cake DIlIlJb Pee.. _II 45c Special Inspecto~-re construcAngel Food g:::dte lUll 39c tion of new Borough Hall. Compensation at the rate of $166.67 Olives Ollnr F'allty 7V4 .... " 41 C PI? ShUled per month, while authorized to Prunes RO ....'Grd, Lute Ib pilI 26c O.n.rou&ly Studded with raisin., perform such duties by Borough c:vrrants. citrano Vanilla Iud. Raisins Ro .... ford ' 11·1% 17c Council. . Stedleu pili Brown 'N' Serve Rob-ford Rice ....... 33c Collector of Sewer Keats - A commission equal to two and oneClams OhM.', Mlllc4Id eva·., taJI 27c half (2 ¥..) percent of the net Wilson Mor n·" ~ 4Sc amounts collected. "1\" --~',,--chler or Pollce-$3,900.00 per Reg 27c OatmeaJ or Sugar year. payable semi-monthly. Sergeant Of Police - $3,504.00 .\~' per year, payable semi-monthly. Patrolmen---$3,240.00 per year, Our Frosted Foods Departments payable semi-monthly. Auxiliary Policemen - whose Brand Forclhook employment shall be authorized by Borough Council, such compensation front time to time as pkg authorized or ratified by Bdrough Council. ' Radio Operator---$2,508.00 per year, payable semi-monthly. PASCO GRAPEFRUIT .JUICE .Janitor - $1,704.00 per year, ORANGE .JUICE eo........... payable semi-monthly. Foreman - Highway Department-$2,704.00 per year, payable weekly. Laborers - Highway Department-$2,288.00 per year, pay_ able weekly. . Golden Ta.le Syrup 2:;'~' ~9" Section 2. The proper officers Oranle .Juiee l~~d: are hereby authorized ~o. take "!;~. Z9" such action in connection with Clam ChoWder 2 l0.lt"z ~1C the annual budget and appro_ priations to be provided therein, Conuaeal Mull 2O-o1~oe as . may be necessary to give "' . Gladd. P. .".... 1I..,~~l:'.. effect to the foregoing. No.;!1i ZBe Passed this 12 day of Pebru, .9tkal I'aaq Appl. Saac:e 2 N:;.,.303 27. ary A.D. 1951. Hom-d..Ute MaYfWna••• BOROUGH OF SWARTHMOBE .. ... 4oe By H. LIndley Peel, President of Counell Attest: Elliott Ricllaidson, OUR ACME MARKE'rOu.ter Rd., Swarthmore Borough Secretary Approved this 12 day 'Ilaanday Friday 9 P.M. Of February AJ), 1951. 6P Chas. R. RuswJ FLOUR ~.!:': 5 .;!.~ 41c : 10 .;~~ 7ge PINEAPPLE JUICE ~~~Il~:~;: 2 :-:,' 6ge Odmt TUNA FISH .~2" 35e EDUCATOR CRAX A~;::~::," :~g 25e FiESH PEAS TEMPLE ORANGES Plan your Valentine enter.taining to include the "OUR HEARTS WERE YOUNG AND GAY" 9g e HAMS FILLET FLOUNDER .~~d :~g 41e G CHEDDAR CHEESES 55" 59" 75" RING CAKE 2ge BOT CROSS o Construction Alterations LIMA BEANS lo-o'Z7e .9dmI PANCAKE MIX gJltd ~MlI 2:; 13e .9dmI .9dmI .9dmJ ..9dmJ . TiD oM. sUra- .. ==~__ :: i P~O~~d,~':3~:'':r &~~~ done m' Compllance with I~~~. Underwriters Specifications. I "'ales & Service on eleC!, WaterRanges, Washers, Dryers, pumps, fans, cleaners & small appliances. Call: Erich H. Haw;en, Sy!. ~-2850, S.E. Corner ot Park & M,ch'gan Avenues. PERSE J. Robert Kline of Riverview road Old Bank Bnllding will take place March 24 in thc Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Swarthmore 6-0108 g Ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~=U~ Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson of Vassar avenue will entertain I IIjj their bridge club of 16 membeb..at Swarthmore 8-1448 a·dinner at Slrath Haven Inn toWILLIAM BROOKS ow evenm'g morr. Ashes & Rubbish Removed Mrs. William E. Witham of Crest Lawns mowed, General lane spent a few days of this week Haull,na visiting her sister Mrs. Kenneth 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. Baird of Wyncote. iii . • . Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Harlow of Lafayette avenue have beent entertaining as their house gues for two weeks Mrs. H. B. MacFarland of Southern Pines, N.C., formerly of Swarthmore. lIIIr. and lIIIrs. Birney K. Morse of Harvard avenue visited their ROOF8 GO'rrER8 REPAIRED & INSTALLED WARM-AIR HEATING Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned GEORGE JllYERS Bo", 48 - Swarthmore 6-0740 son-in-law andBaily daughter andll~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr Wilfred B Mr. and s. rown • children Susan and twin sons Birney and Bradley of WashingAuthorized Distributor8 ton's Crossing, N.J. Mr. and lIIIrs. Ernest C. Heg ot OF Rutgers avenue are leaving today f or a month's trip to the . west Atlantic Heating Oils coast. En route they will stop AND at the Grand Canyon, La Jolla, San Diego, Pasadena and San Iron Fireman Oil Francisco. They will return by wayo! New Orleans. Burners Mrs. Henry A. PeirsoJ, Jr., of Gobd Coal Lafayette avenue entertained the neighboring mothers and children . A~ Thursday afternoon to . - '1Btv,/"l- ~ r:tJ meet lIIIrs. J. J. Bodley and daughL1'! VO': ters Justine and Kathleen, new-I: ";::\Ii;_~_';;'';'';;;'';';'';,,;: comers to the avenue. RIDLEY PARK Al NICOLA =. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES ~~~~~~;;;;;~~;;;;;~~;;;;;~'I '. UNITED I · · ,.. SERVICES FUSCO and ALSTON CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS • , I." HAVE CLEAN, QUIET WARMTH REEVES fewer ... tons 41e: .9dmI C' "ASSl L''lE·-'D Iii NEWSNO'l'E'S (~ontinued from page one) quisite detaiting. Swarthmore Ca..lalns and workers under 6-59~ Medical massage 1""WIIIIIUlllnU"IIWIUI"IIDI"Uiillllllii Mrs. Fred Bell, ch!1Irman,of real- PERSONAL dential district· one·on ·the for tense nerves, wry n,!ck, coIJ.tour control. Spot rOOucmg. Call Side at the Borough, ,are as ·tol- Swarthmore 6-2780. lows: , PERsONAL-Private. bridge les, PETER DI Captain,'Mrs. CecllD. Howard; sons given one evening a week. l\'irorl~er", Mrs. John H. Longwell.. Phone Swarthn\ore 6-9636. Driveway Construction Phone Swarthmore 6-4742 Lillian Boyt, Mrs. Alberta Blank-: PERSONAL-Orders taken for all : OF : 1l late Asphalt IIIr Ceaorete kinds Food a I ~f .. the ofcih~. U••• above enship, Mrs. Raymond P. .. .ai+- ofS cakes, arthm Angel 6-4124 Mrs. Donald H. PUgh;' Specl OJ. w o r e . I ~!.e~been :.!.". ',!,l'~ I.. ~u CeDar w..u. B8-Plut. . . . FOR RENT . '••'.d,' ali • ,. '!"!'OC.' ~~ or . Caplain, Mrs. Harry L. Bernard; =",,=..i ---'" ~~•.':. ~~, -all Phone Swarthmo~ 6-2528 Captain, Mrs. Albert S. Johnson; FOR RENT Apartment, second ~ '0, the i!'!!;;~!o:~~~;;~:~~. floor. Two bedrooms, two baths, :d. lela•. ,~. \r~lt_e,. Workers, Mrs. Norman living room, dining room, kitchen. ,utor. ,.. A••onu.e, ., Mrs. Willard P. Tomllnso'l, Mrs. March 1. E. L. Noyes ::.::.16:::.c.-=-.",-"::-==::-c=--Ii Albert L. Hilles, Jr., Mrs. Warren. it- Co., 6-0114. ZONING BOARD OF . B. Warden; . . . FOR . If~~ ADJUSTMENT H&AltING CAMERA & GADGET BAGS • nT k corner rQOm second floor 'rho Swartbmoro Board of Adjustment Captain,.:.Eva I. Cresson; nor ·sh d 'fum· hed I wJU hold a public bearing at 8:00 P.M. Mr Allan' Smith Mrs W W· nl e or un . I S , on March .8th. HUH In Council Chamber•. FILM & FLASH BULBS em, S . . bath. Near P.R.R., Media, llorough Hall, Swarthmore. PRo to oonDARK ROOM NEEDS McClarin, MrS. Harlon Conly, M'1 and 'Swarthmore bUses. . alder the application of H. C. Barr for a PROJECTORS ' 64751 variance. Involved Is situated S Leon- ences. Madla Stanley MacMillan, Mrs.. . _ atl numberThe lIiO-tproperty Harvar..i Avenue. The ap., , ALBUMS ard Dart Mrs David J Narbeth, FOR RENT Two rooms and bath. plicant seeks permissJon to erect a _one:Residential Wiring , . . N . tr t t' G tI story brJck addition to bls dwelling SLIDE & BEEL CASES MrS. E. Fullerton Cooke Mrs. - ~~ ans~or a lon._ en eman measuring approXimately lIi ft. by 11 ft. ' Mrs' J E pref~!':~~~.- .. S d Mr till 5 or 7 till 9, except Sunday, Mr Arth' HORACE A. M~ran, s,. ur BY er, s. 4lO Harwiche Road, Springfield. ING IN THE MAINTENANCE OF THE ·Matthew McKJnneJl; FREE LIBIIARY AND FOIt PAYMENT I Captain, Mrs. Jack B. Thompson', WANTED OF INTEREST ON THE DEBT OF THE BOROUGH, A."JD l·AYMENTS iNTO THE. Workers, Mrs. William Crane, Mrs. WANTED-Day's work, Wednes- SINKING FUND AS ItEQUlltED BY LAW. 17* South Chester Road ::J!! Wllllam G. Reese, Mrs. John E. day, ThUrsday, Saturday. RetTHE COUNCIL m' 'l'HE B"ltOUGH 0>' erences. Call Gladys Cousins, SWAltTHMORE HEREBY .ENACTS 4ND .BuildiQg Construction Michael. Chester 3-2130. District z ORDAINS: .. Residential • Palntina ~ WANTED--Experienced girl deSection I .. That for the year IBn a. tax MrS. Charles W. Lukens, chairsires genera} housework. Sleep Be and the 8lUll~ is hereby levieti ult011 all • Commercial • Repairs man of -·'dentlal dlstrtct two on in. Swarthmore references. Call property in the Borough of Swarthmore, • Alterations .......... subject to taxation for Borough purposes., the South Side, has lined up the Swarthmore; 6 ..1063. at the rate of Sixteen (16) mills on each 8W1tl'thmore 8-3450 WANTED Swarthmore family dolln:r of the valuation of .same as assesst.>d following captains and workers: d' Stok sh f dri for County purpose.. eSll'eS er a es or ve- Section i. Tbe tax above levied shall iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ I Captain, Mrs. David Bingham;- way. Will call for by telephoning be apportioned to and among the followWorkers, Nancy Hoot, Mrs. Barton Swarthmore 6"0141. Ing purp.... : cal ert Mrs C Willi'am Ramsay WANTED-A female k,'tten-grey, (8) For general Borough purposes 8 tux V .' •• . t at tl&e rate of 'fWrteen (13) rollls on Mrs. Henry F. Shipherd, Mrs. black or t\ger, by March,J. Call each dollar of .........d valuation. Devine Taxi Service Swarthmore 6-6365. . (b)' For debt purposes, and payments George Glaesser, Jr., -Mrs•. John WANTED _. We buy furniture, Into the sinking fund, a tax at the DeM II Mrs Ch 1 De rate One and tbree-quarlers SWARTHMORE, PA. 0, . ar es acon; odds and ends of any articles. ('~) of mills on each dollar of as. Captain, Mrs.. Helen Johnson; Chester sessed valuaUOD. assisted by Sylvia Coleman·, (cJ For aiding in the maintenam:e of Jervlng Swarthmore, Morthe Free Library a tax at the rate Captain, Mrs. W. -C. Ziegenfus; ILC)Sir=:P~ ;n of One and one-quarter (1 %1) m,"is • Don't Jet the word ·premium", ton, Rutledge and Ridley ---:~. ,..;." S Wc:u.-WJ,....:...~ makingonaeach, IUlt on, when applied to Old Company'. Workers, Mrs. Robert T•. Pfelfer, red CWOI totaldollar rate of otassessed Boroughvatax tor 'Town8bip.since 1818 Lehigh aothrscite, give you the 11.0'_ WIlll .. Vlachos "A'_ n.~z._ the foregoing purposes of SiKteen (IO) wrong idea. Actually. Old Com_po am . .IU.. , ·.w,u.o. -.--. ''''''It.'~rl mills on each doUar of atJ3essed valuation, PHONB: G. V. Krenikoft, Mrs. -Robert F. , ---.. as aforesafd. pany's Lehigh costs you less to hat, vicinity PASSBD thl. 12th day of February. A.D. bum, because it gives more heat Cox, Mrs. C .. R. Pratt, Mrs. David Office, Tuesday.Swarthmore Finder ..... . Swarthmore per ton aod /I /Jlst, longer I Tbat Wisdom, Mrs. H. E. Wells, Mrs. call ·Chester 3-3409. BOROUGH OF SWAR1'HMOltE means fewer tons a year ••• and :in the long run you save money. Peter E. Told, Mrs. W • H. Lo v ekln, President of Council By H. LINDLEY PEEL .• It'. easy to prove this to your Mrs. Charles Black; Attest: ELLIOTT RICH6.RDSON: awn satisfaction. Just let us fill or 100 Boro1l8h Secretary Captain, Mrs. Herman .... B m; Stokes Nursing Home APPROVED tbIB '"th da. ~ . bin with Old Company'. W ....er9, Mrs. How;ard Sipler, of February A.D...... Lebish premium ao,hracit.. and Mrs. W; A. Smith, Mrs. Edward SBLECT OLIBNTBLB ~=ES IL RUSSELL see bow illaslslunger. Ch.r1es Fischer Conwell, Mrs. John Patterson, Mad 6 S ...... l , , l l l l s o n -....... letale of , c._ I.!~ 8Warthmont,P.. Phone SW 6-1557 Bot Cross Buas 3ge lviii's Cookies 2 license tor you.. But since your ough will be-published next week. owner bas not thought to provide tor you, you'll just have to renilnd him. L~' fin . I Remind him of the es mvo vad, Tell him that along side the PERSONAL mBxlmum fine of $100 which he PERSONAL-Subscriptions to all is liable to have to pay for your magazines, Bertha P. Faries, unlicensed state, a paltry $2.10 Swarthmore 6-6750. (the cos: of the more expensive Gosh! If an officer hauls me over I female license) is dirt cheap. Tell him that the financial :burden at ;:::======::-====~. a male license ($1.10) is actually eek. less than 3 cen~ a w HQl'ac,e B, Passmore Suggest how r,dlculous it REAL ESTATE & be for blm to spend.a coup1,e of INSURANCE days playing solitaire in the ......... , 8WARTHMORE 6-5510 jail because of you'' then tell . 'all. him that ,t could be 30 days. Finally, remind him that it's a .. UWlJJlUlIl YIIWIIIIllUlWllIlIllWWllllnllllUlllnllllli matter ot Ute or death-that it's RESIDENTIAL AND liE your hide that may pay the penC()MMEIlCIAL ~ alty. If this fails, then take it , 3ge SaiL', liB := :r~~~: i:::p~::nfoco.;Ine··.1 J. F.BLACKMAN iii ) Ih:'ak~~: 55e:~~:· 5ge:·::~65e a: a mess of trouble cruising around without a permit or using an unli- UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MRS. EDGAR MA'l'BEWS High '. School Auditorium Friday, February 16, 8:16 P.M. Reserved Seats $1.50 General Admission $1.00 10e ~7:~d:' ~~=-=--.;po~rterh~ou~s. Ope. never has to walt for its .tag. Why do 11 A driver can get into 2 35C STEAKS BUNS one. Drivers licenses expired on the same date, and I noted that both drivers in the family had theirs in good time-but not me. Cars need licenses too, but ours Brightest, Gayest, Liveliest Senior Play Ever ,DOES YOU CI'R my u- Advice To The Licenseles8 to Health Needs Diseussed campaign tor the coDBtruction of Mrs. William Allan Raiman of Mr. William C. McDermott of RED CROSS NOTES George L. Alston ot. North Ches- a new wing; spoke on the health Harvard avenue is entertaining as Yale ave~ue was guest s~eaker tor I A one-day Red Cross Staff Aid ter road was program. chairman: needs of the area. . her house guests hE:F brother Mr. the Ctass,cal Club of Wilson Col- : Training Class has f>een scheduled last week for a dinner meeting of Mr. Alston in referring. to the C. Howard Lungren and his wife l~ge, Chambersburg, Monday eve- for Tuesday, February 20, from the Chester Pike Rotary Club forthcoming Hospital drive, termwho arrived here Tuesday by plane nmg. Mrs. McDermott accompan- lO a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Y.M.CA where H. Furness Taylor, Jr., a: ed it a "real job of community refrom Wauwatosa, Wise. ied him. in West Chester. Mrs. L. A. Wet-I member of the board ot managers' sponsibility" and called on the - - - - - . - . . . . : . - - - - - - . . : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - laUfer, Swarthmore 6-1270, will of Taylor HOspital which is. area service clubs to take an active be glad to give additionalintorma- launching a $615,000 building fund part in the campaign organization. tion. ., '1'. &8 WA. T 8-M 0 B &. Jf ~ with AU'OMA'IC~5HOUSE HEATING! Autoinatic gas house heating has everything a heating system should have. Just set the thermostat as you want it and enjoy comfortable warmth in your horne all winter ... without lifting a finger. No fuel to order, no fuel storage problems, no tending the heater, or having to take care of waste, ,and no frequent cleanillg or redecorating ~illsi See your plumber or heating contractor today about 'modern automatic gas house heating for YOUR 'home, or ask about it at any of our suburban stores. . (\1ff1 'LosT ","u..&.L .-Ot" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:1 E. Bailey; BUILDEB .', 1-£I'ER Eo TOLD , or ranr.- 311 Dartmouth Avenue 18"· l'!, ~ bave ,_••~- . o~~bo ~ .'!!:!ill" : aU J. A.. GREEN h.' =i\' , . ;~. 1 ....... l'rIIl_toll A _ ~,awAltTIIIIO", PA. .. CuNNiNGH.m 1:~ift'~';:·~to;,l~;;~.po ~.r~~: .'d!\':Y·~ ..,len .,. ...... ....... '!!" ~ ~"''''ODaI",P~.,..l'raat ~ ·We' deeM 1Diew . . . ., ~C_.:'::-~ ~.• __ to. . ., M'*lppAft. ~18~$~~=~~ ."'-'- , ~i"laware: .. SIn AD Un. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC·., COMPAI' Premium COed is Economy Coal ••• - CO A L on Timken Burneo Builders Supplies ~~----------~I .( 8 THE IIi1WAaTHIIIO • • AN SCOUTS REPORT ON COOKIE SALE H.S. In February 11, 1951 MOTHERS HEAR HENDERSON II~~o;::.. ~hlli:' ~~~shrn High Scores At Bridge "Grand Nation'al" The Crum cree1< Bridge Club I L District Band Festival : playing the Howell System report n a s i Two Nights , II in hi this (Continued flom pap one) Eric Sharpless, Donald Ogram, W each makes the most of his role, and Edgar FrIend of Swarthmore, will be among the high school and Mrs. W.· R. Shoemaker first; and the lines. NeWcomer Moira Proceeds To Be Used musicians from over 40 PhiladelRankin adds considera&>le charm The Mothers Club held their' Mrs. and Mrs. John Bowditch tied and the onlY native English acphia and Suburban schools who regular meeting February 8 at the with Mrs. Samuel Hanna and Mrs. cent as Joyce Penrose. For Camps And will combine in presenting a con- Woman's Clubhouse. A business T. Saulnier for secOnd place. Barry Bradley reveals his exEquipment cert of band music at Irvine audiTlU"ee more weeks remain in torium, 34th and Spruce streets, session opened the program with . Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Baker perience in the portrayal of Inthe annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale. Philadelphia, tomorrow evening at several amendments to the con- of Dickinson avenue will entertain spector Ayling. His associate in stitution beipg passed. The fash- at a dinner party at their home law, Ward Speer does full justice ~warthmore tr:oops report an ex- 8 p,m. Known as the Southeastcellent response to date and wish ern District Festival Band, this ion sho\f Bnd bridge party was tomorrow evening preceding the to the part of Sergeant Gibson. performance at the Players ClUb. Morris E. Sntith completing the to announce that if one Girl Scout group, jointly sponsored by the set for March 29. Mrs. Robert ShUltz announced Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of cast as the buUer, Morton, handies is out of cookies she will help In Music EdUcation Department of the speaker of the evening, Mrs. Crest lane will entertain as their his part with a sureness that rafinding a Scout who does have a the University and the Pennsylsupply. Leaders will also be glad vania Music Educators Association Charles Henderson, whose tOPic, week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. D1inds us, his absense from the was "Parent Relationshipralsala Rea1 Estate Notary Public 'I'bealre Sqn'-e SW 8-0811 Save yours. , Theatre Square I Swarthmore 6-6130 ~~!:!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ un IMMmlA1E COVERAGE'FROM DATE OF POlICY ~ (!tJ~ POLIO :'0:0:00:: $50 U nO INSURANa FOR e-~ Casserole Cateriac Selwin SPECIAJJZING IN Cars are harder Rumsey Chevrolet lVEITY FAMILY Muge and Dot brakes, ignition, fuel system~ gine, 'P,,~u. Surveys , ~ ENTIRE FAMilY .i# t w.fie~ , LUbe'. . . . Ballet BIQDjt•• O....IaIl ...... CAlL Dot Be\f!eld - S-. 1-1.,. Marge Hurd - S-. WI. Gh -_Te ... , PETER E. TOLD 333 Dartlnoutli AVeDue, Swuthmore P1tone S. • lINn..,. 6-1BSS . " SUPPORT THE SWARTHMOREAN HEART FUND VOLUME 2~NUMBER 8 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1951 RED CROSS ,DRIVE OPENS MARCH 2 I Kick-Off , Dinner , Thurs. Will Precede Week End Cubs Meet Tonight Swarthmore Cub Scout PackJio, 1 will hold its monthly pack meeting for February at 7:15 tonight in the Trinity Episcopal Church at Chester road and col" lege avenue. The program will • - ri can H eroes, ...n clu d e s kits on zuue races by model jet driven cars, and exhibits of "things that go". Den mothers for March will meet ' at the home of monthly program cluiirman J. B. Callaway, 104 Elm avenue, at 8 p.rn. Monday February 26. IR WINICK • TO SPEAK AT CLUB Tuesday Program Will F eature CO'atesville SUPPORT HEART· FUND $3.50 PER YEAR PARENTS' FROUC Parents of all children enrolled in the Junior and' Senior Assembiles are invited to dance and have fun at a Spring Frolic to be held Saturday, !March 3 •. The time is 10:30 p.tn. to 1 a.m., the place, the WOlll8ll's ClUb. Price Dowdy will furnish the music. Further information may be obtained by calling Mrs. LeRoy W . h M Clg t, rs. James F. Bullitt, J'I., or Mrs. L. A. Wetiaufer, members of the committee, or any of the class hostesses. SCHOOL ELECTS NEW COUNSELOR Board Secures Guidance Leader For CanvaBB Psychiatrist Swarthmore's Red Cross Drive H. S. receives its official kick-off at a Dr. William Winick of the At its February meeting WedC ate ill Veterans' H ·tal will dinner to be held next Thursday 0 sv e asp' nesday evening the School Board at the Strath Haven Inn. AlD10st speak next Tuesday, February 27, elected Jean Stratton of Malvern, 150 captains and workers, together at 2 p. m. in the Woman's Club Long Island, N. Y. as guidance with the entire staff of the local under the auspices of the Health counselor. Miss Stratton who is Red Cross Chapter, and representand Welfare Department, Mrs. a graduate of Russell Sage ColativeS from Philadelphia HeadCharles E. Fischer, chairman. Dr. Jr. Card Party Nets lege in home. economics, and Coquarters, will be in attendance at Funeral Services Held wlnick is Chief of the Neuro$60 For Heart Fund lumhia University, has done guidthe dinner which precedes the For L. F. Sanville psychiatric Staff of the hospital The Junior Woman's Club net- ance work in the Long Beach March second opening of the threeand will discuss the treatment of ted over $60 from the card party Calif.. high schools since 1945. Sh~ day campaign. L. Frederic Sanville,57 year- patients with the careful use of it sponsored Tuesday night for conferred with the Board WedPrincipal speaker of the meeting old resident of Yale. avenue, died case histories. His prominence in the benefit of the Heart Fund. nesday night after previous inwill be Albert J. Bawhaws of the last Friday, February 16, in the the field and his tight schedule The ninety people attending the terviews with sev~ral members of Red Cross Speakers Bureau, a Pennsylvania Hospital following of appointments make his talk a affair, held in the clubhouse on the school staff, and local speciapublic relations officer of Land a sbort illness. .' particUlar oPPOrtunity to club Park avenue, played bridge and lists in the guidance field. TiUe Bank and Trust Company. A public relations and news- members. canasta and enjoyed refreshments Hearing requests from repreMarvel Wilson, chairman of the paperman, Mr. Sanville graduMiss M. A. Leinbach, American provided and served by the Jun- sentatives of various parents local drive, reporta that final de- ated from Chestnut Hill Academy Red Cross Field Director at the iors as Nancy Hoot, club presi- groups consumed most of the tails for the canvass have been and attended the University of hospital, will speak about her dent, and Mrs. Newell West, cor- Board's time at the remainder of completed; literature and supplies Pennsylvania where he waS a work. Mrs. Oliver Swann of responding secretary, drew for the this month's session. have already been distributed, and champion on the swimming team Swarthmore who is a Gray Lady 37 door prizes. George DWln, president of the the entire local set-up, including in 1912-13. volunteer at the hoSpital, will also Winners of the prizes, contrib- Band Parents CODlntiltee, exChalrman of the Business District t In 1914 he Joined the staf.t of have a few remarks about the vol- uted by almost every merchant in pressed his comntittee's hope that . iRichard Snyder, Residential Chair- the old Public Ledger and worked unteer services there. town as well as department stores the Board reconsider the addition men Mrs. Fred Bell, Mrs. Charles as a reported until he went 'over Hostesses 'for the day will be in Philadelphia, Ardmore and o,f one musical inslrument to the W. Lukens, and Mrs. Palmer Skog- seas in World War I with the Mrs. C. W. Croco, Mrs. Frank Beal, Chester are given below: school band and orchestra, statlund, with their crews, are priD1ed 108th Field Artillary. During the Jr., Mrs. Joseph S. Seal, and Mrs. Anne Cochran, Margaret Rans- ing the parents grOUP \7as willfor next "{eek-end's drive, sched- occupation that· followed in Ger- D. W. R. Morgan. Mrs. Avery burg, Charles Brogan, Jr., Mrs. ing to sland half the expense. uled to end on Red Cro.s Sunday, many, he represented the Amerl- Blake and Mrs. William DeCaln- Herbert Bassett, ;Mrs. E. S. Sproat, Purchase of a bass clarinet was , March 4. can Expeditionary Force in swim- dry will pour. Tea is in charge of Mrs. Robert Boyle, Mrs. V. V. authorized on this basis: In order for Swarthmore to meet D1ing even~. Mrs. A. V. B. Orr. Decorations Schloesser, Arnold Redding, ShirReqnest Lacrosse its $11,300 goal, a 50 per cent inUpon his discharge from the will be arranged by Mrs. Ross W. ley Nason, Mrs. L. A. Wetiaufer, Dr. John Pearson and Frederick crease over the 1950 quota, each Army Mr. Sanville worked for Marr'a . Allred E. - Rosamond Jones, Mrs. Ross Mar- Lang speaking for the C,'tlZ'ens ' tt adn Mrs Long contributor will have to give 50 the North Ame.rican and various well . . riott, Jean 'Blakiston, Mrs. Char- Athletic CoDlntittee requested the per cent more than he gave last other newspapers. Subsequently "-~'_D De-"'-en' Mee"ftles Deacon, John Michaels, .!Mrs. inclusion of lacrosse as a part of year; home contributions will have he did public relations for the Red Wednesday, February 28 at 2 John Pitman, John Hayes, Robert the spring sports program for to average $10 each. Necessity Cross, Red Feather, and for the p. m. In thO' College Theatre, the Hannn,.~ M"'1iott, Norton boys. Decision is reserved' by the tor the increased. quotas aJ,l over sale of War Bonds. At the time Motion Pic~e Comntittee, Mrs. Landon, Mrs. Sam Mitchell, Mrs. Board until its next meeting. the nation is due to expan.'lion of of his death he was associated Donald Hibbard, chairman, in co- George Logan, V. V. Schloesser, A petition from parents endorRed Cross servIces in hospitals, with the Media News. ti ·th th th tr will Mrs. ·D. S. Guthrie, Mrs. John Mising the action of school author!opera on WI e ea e and military installations, prisoner cha els, Mrs C . C Brogan , ..-s F' ties in showing the films <'Human .. Married in 1925, he and his present "Young Mr. Lincoln" starof war work, the increased Blood wife Margaret Nemes, of Phila- . H F d . th d' G. Broomall, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. iR. Beginnings" to the lower grades rmg series enryof on a ill Pictures e,secon fo'Z ill H .. Willis, Barbara Brown, Pauline and uHuman Growth" to the sixth Donor Campaign, and the addition delphia lived in the city unti11942 the Motion of the Civilian Defense Program. when they moved to Swarthmore. Children. Members of the Club Deacon, Ross Marriott, Mrs. J. grade was tendered the Board by Mr. Wilson reporta that many Besides his wife, Mr. Sanville Who saw it in a preview earlier in Paul Brown, Mrs. Joseph Bishop, its secretary. con~butors have expressed their is survived by two sons, Walter the month report a delightful pic- Mrs. J. H. Breakell. Ten parents appeared asking willingness to enlarge their pre- W., and Theodore N., both at ture which adults will enjoy as Anyone desiring to contribute to what decision the Board .had vious gifts; several have already home. a Sister, Florence L. San- well as children. There will be the Heart Fund should contact. reached on the petition presented paid their subscriptions in advance, ville of Westown, and a brother, also a documentary Animal picture Miss Hoot, Swarthmore 6-38~5, last month, partly regarding inknowing they will be away during Walter F. of Pittsburgh. who is chairman of the drive in troduction of sex education films. called "Seal Island". the drive. ' Swarthmore. The Board Replied it had not yet Private services were conducted The Literature Department of Mr. Wilson urges residents to at his home Monday by the Rev. the Club, Mrs. S. Milton Bryant, had opportunity to give the matremember the Red Cross In next Max Daskam of the Unitarian Foul Shooting Contest. ter sufficient study but woUld chairman, will meet Friday, March week-end's plans, and hopes that Church, Germantown. The fourth annual Delaware do so and then report. 2, at 10 a. m., when Mrs•. E. FUllerthey wi!!. arrange either to be at County foul shooting tournament, The chairman of the building ton Cook will present "A Brief homa during that period, or to Tour in England" and Mrs. Albert sponsored hy the Swarthmore commi ttee presented the survey leave their subscriptions with some British Ambassador To L. Hilles will review. "East of High School Varsity Club will be on replacement of the high school one in the home, and thus save Speak At College Club Home" by Rama Rau. held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb- heating plant as made by architect work for their next door Red Cross ruary 24, in the high school gym_ George Ewing and his associates. Sir Oliver Frruiks, Ambassador Worker. Mu~ Exchange nasium. Haverford H.S. has won This work involves a new heater, of Great Britian to the United (Continued on page nine) Dates have heen set for the an- the contest the last three years in controls and heat lines to replace States, will be the speaker at the nual spring Mutual Exchange. a roW'. Las~ year Herky Lainely the present system which has been Dr. Ale>xaD.cIer S. van Dyck 63rd annual banquet of the Tuesday, March 13, is Receiving of Haverford set a new individual in Use 25 years. Swarthmore Club of Philadelphia, Robert Amsden high school Dr. Alexander S. van Dyck died according to Ed'l'ard L. Noyes, club Day, from 10.". rn. until 4 p. m., record having made 46 out of the when articles will be checked in 50 attempts. The Varsity Club principal reported on his commitTue:s:day morning at his home, president. Sir Oliver will speak and tagged. Hours for the sale promotes this tournament in the tee's study of needed, alterations 209 Rutgers avenue. He was 92. on British foreign policy at a dinwill be March 14 from 10 a. rn. interest of interscholastic relation- to high school Interiors to make Born in New York City, Dr. van ner to he held Saturday evening, until 9 p.m. Thursday, March 15, ship; , them more useful for a modern Dyck was a graduate of City Col- March 3, in the dining room of the is Setuement Day for collecting The following schools will par- educational program, pointing out lege, N. Y. Following his gradua- college in Parrish Hall at 6:30. All money or articles not sold from ticipate: Media, Springfield, Eddy- the main building had been tion from Rutgers Theological area alumni of the college are innoon until 4 p.m. stone, Ridley Township, Prospect changed little su,.ce it was erected SeD1inary; New Brunswick, N. J. vited. This year articles will include, Park, Glen-Nor, Sharon Hlll, Lans- in 1910. he served as a missionary to China Sir Oliver, formeAiy Provost of toys, rubbers, ehildren's, men's and downe, St. James, Yeadon, Upper It was estimated that the for 13 years. Queen's College, Oxford. was women's clothing and household Darby, Ridley Park, Chester, and cost of these two projects Dr. van Dyck retired as a D1in- named British Ambassador in 1948. which are considered important, ister of the Dutch Reformed He was at one time Professor of articles. Here is an opportunity to Swarthmore. restock children's wardrobes and would run between $80,00 and . Church in 1940 and since that moral philosoPIlY at Glasgow Un- also make a nice profit by selUng , Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Maass and $100,000 at today's prices. It was time has been a resident of iversity. their outgrown clothing. Only twin sons Andrew and David re- recommended that early decision Swarthmore. . clean clothing in good condition cently moved to 211 Dartmouth be reached in order that materials Alumni attending the annual will be accepted. avenue from Elmhurst, Dl. (Continued on page t~) He is survived by his widow, banquet have automatically re-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Bertha T.; three daughters, iMrs. served seats for the Swarthmore _ Sixteen members of the Wo- r !i'rank V. Brewster ilf Dickinson Haverford basketball game, which man's Club attended the Phllaavenue, Mrs. Wallace W. Brown will follow the dinner and the ad- delphia Orchestra Concert on FriTHIS WEEK'S CALENDAR of West Hartford, Conn., Margar- dress by the British ambassador. day afternoon, conducted II)' Frida)" February 23 et E.van Dyck of Hartford, Conn.; Eugene Ormandy. Emil Telmanyl. 7:15 P.M.-Basketball: H.S. vs. Ridiey Twp............. H.S. Gym two sons Louis D., of Oourtland, was violin soloist. Saturda)', FebnJary 2& Elected 8:30 P.M.-Basketball: College vs. Drexel............ Field House N. Y., Laurens of Broad Axe, FollOWing the concert, the Sunda)', February 25 seven grandehildren and two Sue Dean, president of the group was es(!orted back stsge to 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ................................ Local Churches areat-granc!children. Sl!nior Scout Troop, was elected meet Mr. Ormandy and members 7:30 P.M.--.Tr. Music Club .................... 301 Swarthmore Avenue 8:15 P.M._nSecurity, Secrecy, and Science" .... Meeting House Funeral sl!IVices were lleld to the Inter-Borough Girl Scout of the orchestra, and was also Ta!s1'y, Febl'll8l'y 87 ThllI'Sllay in the Mt. Pleasant Be- Planning Board. Alice Lou Bram- shown the sounding hoard in the 2:00 P.M.-Dr. W'mick, Psychiatrist .................... Woman's Cluh fonned Churcll, Hudson, N. Y~ mer has been elecled to the Sen- huge pit which gives the A ca d""17 Wed' 11 8)', FebnJar)' !8 . 8:15 P.M.-Music Club ........... _........................... 'Whittier House with ~terment in adjoining' cern- lor Planning Board of Delaware !ts repUtation of bavlng the f1n8:30 P.M.-Basketball: College vs. Ursinus ............ Field House ete!7. Coun\:T. est acoustics in the countz:y. , =. . • • • 2 FEBRUARY 23, tNt THE SWARTBMOBEAN PERSONALS college, Mrs. Boyd Barnard member of the Board of Managers of the college, and Mrs. Barnard, and Mrs. William Clarke, member of the Board of Managers, and Mr. Clarke of Wallingford. Prof. and Mrs. Paul N. Ylvisaker and two children of Whittier place sailed on the Queen Elizabeth for a year in England. Prof. Ylvisaker who is on a year's leave of absence from the college, will study under a Fulbright Fellowship. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderton of Forest lane spent the week-end I ! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gezelius ot Mr. and Mrs. John Richard ArWallingford entertained at cock-, mitage of Baltimore are receiving tails on Saturday afternoon in congratulations uPon the hirth ot honor of the guests of Dr. and Mrs. a son, John Richard Armitage. Jr.• Bates. on January 23. Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis ot The baby is a grandson of Dr. Wallingford entertained at a din- and Mrs. George L. ~tage ot ner party Saturday evening in South Chester road. and Mr. and honor of their week-end guests Mrs. William Dougher of Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oliver of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dando Dallett New York City, and in honor of \ the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Bates. of Wilmington are -receiving conMr. and Mrs. R. S. Wright, Jr., gratulations upon the birth of a of Westdale avenue will entertain daughter, Deborah H&stings DaIat a dessert-bridge for eight 00- ~ ~RUARY ---===-.,.,.:-.~~ PETER E. TOLD. Editor and PubllBher ' JlLUUOItIE TOLD and BARBARA KENT. Assoeiate Fi,d1..... Rosalie Peirsol ' Lorene McCarter _ _ _ _ _D=-::EADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON " Pre.byterian Noles Robert Cadigan will speak at both the 9:30 and the 11 o'clock services on Sunday. This is Laymen's Sunday all over the nation. Mr. Cadigan will talk on his recent trip to Korea. His talk is entitled "More Than Conquerors: A Report on' Christianity in K'Orea". . All departments of the Church School and the !Men's and Women's Bible Classes will meet at 9:30 on Sunday. The Church Hour Nursery wtU ,be held during the 11 o'clock service. Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Noye at the Harvard avenue entrance following the 9 :30 service and Mrs. John L. Good and Franklin H. Gillespie at the driveway-tran~pt following the 11 o'clock service will assist in greetingthe congregation. The Communicm.t·s Class will meet at 4:30 in Mr. Bishop's study. There will be a Young Adults' Devotional Meditation ill the Church at 6 p. m. At 6:30 there wl4 ~, supper followed, hy a meeting. Henry Shipherd' will speak on "Labor Relations". The Westminster Fellowship will meet at 6:~5. Ward Bullock. one of the Fellowship's advisors from Swarthmore College will show films ; which he , took ~in Europe. , This program is under the Outreach Commission. Girl Scouts will meet at the Church at 3:30 on Monday. 'The Adult Forum will be held at 8 Wednesday evening. The topic t Mrs: Harvard Inn , "Church Services YOUR HEALTH COMES FIRST College Theatre . Sa-r- "' As a contemporay parallel. consider Mr. Norman'Thom............ great american and an outstanding liberaL Certainly the F.B.I. had no intention or desire to suppress Mr. Thomas when he pointed out the inevitable consequences of forcing ) ' for discussion is "The Community of Believers". The Junior Choir rebearsal will he at 3:30 on Thumday and the Chapel Choir rehearsal at 7:45 Thursday evening. T-he District Meeting of the Philadelphia Presbytery will be held at the Lansdowne Presbyterian Church on February 28, The morning session will begin at 10:30 a.m. the afternoon session at 1:30 p.m. Those attending should bring ,hox luncheons: Beverage will be served. Speaker will be Carolyn O. ~,ratthews and the He'V. Trinidad Salazar. China Night will be held on !March 2, in the auditorium Of the Social Service Building. 311 South Juniper Street at 8:30 il.m. The program will be presented by the young people of the Chinese Christian Church and Center and will serve to acquaint one with the Chinese congregation in as entertaining a, way as, possible. The program consists of Chinese music and drama. Additional information may be obtained from the Cburch Office. At the Febfll"l'Y meeting of the Session the following members of the Committee of MissIons and Benevolences were appointed: Dr. Glenn R. Morrow, chairman; C. Monroe Albright, Mrs. C. C. Franck, William B. Pugh. Jr.• Robert 'Erskine. Mrs. William Pegram, Dr. E. Fullerton Cook, Mrs. Fred R. Lang, Mrs. 'Robert Amsden, Harry G. Smith, Mrs. Harold Griffin, and Clarence Boyer. Circle No.6, Eva Cresson, ohairman, will meet at the home of Mrs. C. P. Streeter, 130 Columbia avenue, Wednesday, Feb.ruar:y 28 at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Guy de Furia will be co-hostess. Mrs. William A. McCulloch will tell of her trip to the Philadelphia Mission Centers. a_d~ NON-SECTARIAN • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. >' • • ~DOES Christian Science Notes "Mind" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches ot Christ. Scientist on Sunday February 25. The Golden. Text is "The cOWlsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations." (Psalms 33:11.) YO R~- to Friends Meeting Notes Robert Spiller will continue the Series "ReIigiqus Values in World Crises" at the' Adult Forwn, held at 9:45 Sundays in the Meeting House. His topic will be "The Revolution of Ideas in the Nineteenth Century." ,No~need to drive a squeaky ear. A SINCLAIR INDBXBD L11BRICATION job will bring back smooth, quiet car per. formance - and stop excessi'Ve wear. So stop' in today and treat your car to a special Letters to the Editor The opinions expl'e8sed below are those of the Incllvhlual writers. All letters to The SwarUunorean must be signed. Pf:eudonymnq may be used It the Identity of the writer Is knowD • to the Editor. Lett en will be pobIIshed only at the .Uscretlon of tntl Editor. SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday. February 25 9:3" A.M.-Churcli SchooL 9:30 and 11:00 A.M.-Layman'. SWlday: Robert Cadigan will speak on his recent trip to Korea. Concerning The A-Bomb Booklets Church Nursery in the ParMethodist Noles To the Editor: ish House for children 1 to 7. 4:30 P.M.-Communicants' Class. According to American tradiThe Sunday School mee!.j; at 6:30 P.M.-YOung Adults. tions of free speech and publica9:45. Classes are provided for 6:45 P.M.-Westndnlster Fellowchildren of all ages and for adults. tion;-more space should be devoted, ship. Wednesday, February 28 The Young Adults meet at 9:15. to the basic issues involved in the 10:00 A.M,-Sewing Day. . This is Laymen's Sunday ,and distribution of our local Atomic - - - ' - the messages at the 1I o'clock Bomb-Scare pamphlets. Certainly METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keisll1', D. D., Minister service will be brought by lay- there should be objections only to Sunday. February 25 men Harry E. New and Charles the irrelevance of the Admiral9:45 A.M.-Church School and author's insistence on "old fash-' R. Beacham. Young Adults. The Church Nursery for chil- ioned Americanism." But who can 11:00 A.M.-Harry E. New, Charles R. Beacham will deliver dren is open duri!>g the morning define that kind of Americanism? o the message. Our modern confusion stems service. Mrs. Don Dicl 11:1 I ~ = I /~. ~ o 11:1 t!IJ I II ;.. Z I day at the home of Mrs. Norman Hulme on Westdale avenue. Mrs. Howard Hopson, vice-president of the Unit, presided over the meeting in which attending members heard various reports. Coupon Chairman Mrs. Herbert Bassett has sent eight cartons of Christmas cards, Valentines, pencils and playing cards to the Betty Bacharach Home in Ventnor. Mrs. Bassett wishes to thank the donor of the large bag of new articles. The Auxiliary is collecting Acme register Slips for the benefit of Valley Forge Hospital; it is also collecting coupons, which will bring $10,000 to Government Hospitals in Pennsylvania, and the Perry Point Hospital in Maryland where 450 Pennslvania veterans are interned. It was voted to give $10. to ~ You will drive the most ,,-.' -I wnen you drive '. ~, .. hOD, . . " fhor I The Association will sponsor . a one Ism and cilia the. NatIonal CounCdl1 weekLaws later.agams :l verSIon the. PreventIon of War, an t e; baseball team in the Delaware, _____ Womens International League for' County league for boys up to age' Band-Orchestra Card Party • • ReCeiVes Promotion . Peace and Freedom. These organ- 13. It is probable that there will i The Parents Committee for I izations have been carry!ng on be no team in the age 14 and 15, Swarthmore High School'S Band . William D. Taylor a former resconstructIve peace. educalIon for I group because most of the boys and Orchestra, are setting up Ident of Yale has. been over 30 years and gIve strong sup- I of that age will be playing with ,plans for a card Party to be given named to the posllion of assIstant port to the 1!nited Nations in its: the Legion team. Midget baseball, Friday, March 16. The party manager of fabrication of the .B!efforts for mterllalIonal under- i will be combined with the Summer will be held at 8:15 p.m. in the Products Steel Company, a d,VISstanding. I club activities. It has been tenta- I high school. I ion of Lukens and Steel Company The following women, sOliciting, lively decided to schedule no Del- i C ...den-ClubMeets in Tco'ltesh,'ille. . .h b in Swarthmore, wIll . welcome at I aware County I eague games f or Mrs. · Wllham , E. Trumpler, : L I ay or . as h'een assoclated d' fwIt . ' . ' " u tens since IS gra uatlOn any time contnbulions from those,' this group. preSident of the Pme RIdge Gar- S· th C II . 1936 rom H d I d tt' th . w~r more 0 eO'e In .. t eI . The board e aye se mg e I den Club, preSIded over the an- h d t °h . I who feel the urgency of this work: . . . summer's t ' meetmg . asd serve . tas t ec mea Mrs. WIllIam I. Hull, Mrs. Edward I fees for this ac'IVI't'les nual husband and Wife t 11 asSlS . I an . '1 d f··t d t i l l I an as assls an me a urglca Jenkins, Mrs. Roy Lmgle, Mrs. I unt! more e 1m e e a pans I of the club held last week at the . 11' f ent . Mrs. Lucy Waters, I . 'I gmeer, tes s. I for the. vaflOUS programs couId be home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon PlesH ' as we t' as fengmeer H d' 0 F' Roswell HarriS, Mrs. Dorothy Bravo, Olive Cleaves, Imade. trak of Pine Ridge. I e IS a nta IV,:. o .. ern on, aU"C Mrs. John Carrol, Mrs. Leonard Followmg . a brief busmcss . ses- ax Dun y. lrgtnla. Dart, Mrs. William Hobbs, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hanford of sian, Program Chairman Mrs. Carl i Ruth Wittmeyer, Mrs.' Patrick, Harrisburg visited over the week- Castellan introduced the guest Legion Auxiliary Holds Malin, Mrs. Patter~~n, Mrs. Warren end with Mrs. Hanford's parents, speaker, H. O. Wilco~, County February Meeting Paxson, Mrs. PhIlIp Jewett, and M~. and Mrs. A. H. Knabb of Agent( who gave an illu~t~~ted The February Meeting of the Mrs. Stabler. Prmceton avenue. lecture on prumng and ferlIhzmg. Legion Auxiliary was held MonI 13 South Chester Road Swa~thmore, Penna. '''',.,."".0 C.,#OrOlliH . m the PhIladelphIa area for the limit is the maximum number of b Z h . h Ch f J h will h J d · tl I I Y cc arIa a ee, r., w 0 al tree ea mg na ona peace organ- I children which can be handled . " f R d' .lzatlOns . ! : dISCUSS "InvestigatIons 0 a IC - the Fellowsh,p of Recon- . at the Rutgers Avenue School. . IS b . "_ You'll look years younger and remarkably slimmer In Profile ... Flexess ingen[aus new girdle. Cleverly balanced side panels flatten the tummy, canlrol the SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANI AID TRUST COMPANY II I I ,'/' "-Fl ••••, nylon plungIng bre, .Izes 32·38. • L ... WILLIAM D. TAYLOR The third lecmre in the current ':~:~.'~~"',~rf:i0 Overall plans for the summer William J. Cooper Foundation" '. Gellhorn To Spe'ak Sunday I . . I recreation program were made at series on "National Security and I The Umted Peace Chest drive! a meeting of the Board of Directors Civil Liberties" will be delivered Was .Iaunched last week at the I of the Swarthmore Recreation As- by Dr. Walter Gellhorn, Professor meetmg of the Womens Interna- , sociation held at the Borough Hall of Law and Political Science tional League held at the home of on February 15 t C I b' U' 'Iy at the I a 0 urn la mverSl, Mrs. Henry Patterson. Mrs. Ida It is planned 10 have a program Fricnds Meeting House on Sunday I StabJer, .. ~rs. Warren Paxson,. ~d I similar to the successful one of last I evening at 8:15. Dr. Gcllhorn's :Mrs. ~hlh~ Jewett are orgamzmg ~ year for the six weeks immediately' topic is "Security, Secrecy and the: the drive m Swarthmore. following t.he .close of the school i AdvanC \11:1 ~ = ~ o !;II f:I ;.. Z I I ~ 8 THE SWARTBMO'REAN i . For those who like to participate Monthly Program WedaelcJa;; inconspiciously the Informal song- Honored Millie: Club To Pa James Bacon Douglas of North Chester road, manager of the Casualty and Insurance Department of the Philadelphia. Gas Works Company, was guest of honor at a dinner given Friday eventna atter completing 50 years of service with th.e company. He was presented with a traveling clock by the department. Mr. Douglas was . also presented with a handsome piece of luggage at a luncheon given last week by the Claim$ Agents Association of Philadelphia, of which he is president. ! I thier last year. "I ~EED • .:. -'-~-. 'DOMES ( ..,., , P Ne... art Rebuilt PlHH "~rtnc 811Me 1'" Ph... 111.... 1-1II1II In SWARTBlIIORE, WALLINGFORD, and ROSE VALLltYMOYLAN for Immediate and earl, SpriDg oc<>uJiaDc,. U,ou CODtemplate seiling 01' rentln.. YOUR home &a' NOW IS '1'01£ TIME LISTINGS IN 8WARTHMORE about our CONFIDENTIAL SALE pI?" end we'll glad", help you find a larger or smaller bome to .......t YOUR inquire requirem!nts. NEWEI 4I4REALTOR J. NESSEN 192 SAXER AVENUE BAIRD ROBABLY YOU'VE never thought of REALTOR SUBANCE MORTGAGES , Old Bank, BuIlding Swaribmore' 6-0108 SPRINGFII!LD PHONES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~!I- yourself as a maker of history. But you are. And here is how you, as a citizen of the United States, are creating the greatest success in all history. Building Speclficallons Treatments Remember back in 1941 when the Defense Bonds you were huying suddenly had to become War Bonds? How you and your neighbors pitched in to buy them in ever·increasing numbers, to back our fighting men and to help achieve the victory of World War II? Afler V·J Day, when those honds became Savings Bonds, you continued to buy them because you had learned how regular saving couId build secu. rity and contentment for yourself and those you love. ' The face of the land has undergone some dramatic changes in those years since V:J Day. Now the landscape is dotted with new homes that Savings Bonds builL Tbousands upon tltou. sands of new automobiles travel the highways--Savings Bonds cars, bought with the product of individual thrift. On the farms, Bond.purchased equip- Bonds have made those dreams and many others come true. You KNOW they've come true, because it's happened to yo" or to some of your own-friends. • And this is only the beginning of the story. Even after accomplishing so much, millions of American families still enjoy the financial security of ow"ing more than fifty billion doUars-·fifty thousand million dollars in Savings Bonds. More than at the peak of war·ti~e Bond holdings! How much money is that? It's ~nough' to build a new 810,000 mortgage.free home for every family in San Francisco -and Sacramento--and Salt Lake City-and Denver-and Kansas Cityand SL Loui&-and Indianapolis-and Cincinnati-and Pittsburgh-and New York City-and the whole stale of Texas! And every week, everywhere in ~er­ ica, new millions of dollars are added to the total-as crisp -new 100. Driveway Construction Asphalt or Caaente Cellar Walla Re-PIaaten4 Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 ALICE· BARBER, GUTS JOYCE LEWIS W, MARK BITTLE FUSCO and ALSTON BAIRD and BIRD BUCHNER'S MICHAELOS OOU,EGE PHARMA.CY Mohogany upright Executor. 11 South Avenue, Media. Pa. FOR SALE SERVICES Savings Bonds, are typed up with your name on them • Residential Kind of a king·size su~ess story, isn't it? Your success story becilUse you and the millions of your neighbors are living it right now• Your own faith in America-your own desire for the warmth of family security and in. Wiring S. M. HARBISON Swarthmore ~ t' ~ Media 6-4521. WANT·Er;n;----D WANTED--To rent garage vicinity of Crest Lane. Write Box V, The Swarthmorean. WANTED Young lady desires day's work, $5 a day plus carfare. References. Phone Media 6-2769. WANTED Would swap good steel base cabinet with large B. Passmore I REAL ESTATE &0 INSURANCE SWARTHMORE 6·5510 ~_-. 1111 1. FurnfsJdng. applying Bnd rOiling RP. prOXimately J5 luns of Bituminous con. crete. cJClluiug areas to be treated. turnlsh. Ing and applying asphalt binder and furnishing. spreadlllg Rnd rolUng crushed rock. 2. fi~urhlshlnrc the materials and per. formlug the above .....ork with the exception of the asphalt binder. 3. Furnishing nnd applying npproxi. motel)" ~onn gnlloll.'l of Mphalt blndel'. All mRtt'rlnls cordance with which hilly be signed. and gour Campbell, Mrs. Sergeant Brewster, Mrs C C Sh te . . . u , Mrs. Henrietta Fricke, Mrs. Joseph Walter, Jr." Mrs. C. I. Galbreath, Jr., Mrs. C. . . Mrs. C. I. Galbreath, Jrl., Mrs. Howar" Shearer, Mrs. Allan Wood, MrS. Jack McWilliams, Mrs.. Don Gustafson. _______ THE INGLENEmt: I.A.GREEN B. J. HOY 5· AND 10 PETER E. TOLD E. L. NOYES ad CO_ STRAm HAVEN INN HANNUM &: lVAITE SWARTHMORE THEATRE PHARMACY SWAlt'I'HMORE NATIONAL BANK and TRUST CO. THE BOUQUET MARTEL BROTHERS HOI;L'YHOCK. SHOP and mind. What a beautiful memory, Sam, you left behind. Sadty missed by lind work shall be in acSPecifiC'Utions a ropy of S«'1Ired fron; tbe uuder - co-op ••• _ _ bow it lasts longer. J. A. GO.ERN 1 ..... l'rIIue... A _ IIWU..-OU, PA. REEVES 17~ SouUt Chester Road Building Construction • Residential • Painting • Commercial • Repairs • Alterations Sw...thrnore 6-3450 Devine Taxi Service SWARTHMORE, PA. .:!ervlog Swarthmore, Morton, RuUedge and RlrlIey Township since 1918 PHONII:: S~rthrnore 8-0444 ""Hrt=Je-HH~MHesr-r Charles E. Fischer BUILDER = ~ s= Wife Betty 4 I i _. = J. F. BLACKMAN ~ i = P .R.R. Freight Bldg. SWarthmore, Pa. Phone SW 6-1557 I= .- PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Rubbish Colledion Swarthmore Disposal ----:-::-:-::-==-=---=- CAMERA &;,GADGET BAGS FILM & FLASH BULBS DARK ROOM NEEDS PROJECTORS P~nna,.lnDIa.. (£E4 ALBUMS LIKE SLIDE & REEL CASES SLIDE & MOVIE RIDING Madison 3-9098 ON A CLOUD ROGER RUSSELL State and Monroe Streets MEDIA 6-2178 Since 1905 CUNNINGHAM YES, YOU'RE "CLEAR OUT OF THE ' WORLD" WHEN YOUR .CAR HAS Painter. &0 Paper Hanpra We Mould know how Swa. 6-2266 MJohJpn Aft. means fewer tons a year ••• and Lcbi8h PRmmm anthracite, and A. HORACE I, SELECT CLIENTELE • Don't let the word 'premium' when applied to Old Company'~ Lehish anthracite, give you the wrong idea. Actually, Old Com. pany'. Lehigh costs you Ie.., to bum, because it gives more heat per ton and II las/I /onger I That in the long ruo you save money. e It'. easy to provo this to your own satisfaction. Just let US fill fO!I!' .biD ~Ih Old Company'. "Third Generation Buildera" of my beloved husband who ::11111101"""111111111111111111illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!! passed away suddenly February !il RESIDENTIAL AND § 26, 1949. == Loving and kind in all your ways, i COHMERCIAL ~ Upright and honest to the end of a Construction ;;; your days, ~ Sincere and kind iil. your heart a~ Alterations ;;; Stokes Nursing Home , Premium Coal is Economy Coal •• ~ jOl thelT palnol'c dORallon, Ihe Adv,rtisin6 Council' and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. Charles Topping, Mrs. Bruce ,lfIate no",· Illrough -gular .?\ Theatre Square-5W 6-0211 Captain, Mrs. Robert Turner, assisted by Mrs. G. P. Pilgrim; Workers: Mrs. Robert Kamp, Mrs. Elmer Griscom, Mrs. William Lee, Mrs. J. W. Hollander, Mrs. Edward Hay Mrs S C Harris u-s R ' '" , .....u. 0bert Jarratt, Mrs. Walter Rauber, Mrs. H. E. Lockett, Mrs. H. R. Stevens, Mrs. J. M. Thompson, Jr.; Capta'm, .....uS. u_ J D • B owen, d J r., .• assisted by Mrs. Frederick Dudiey; Work ers: Mrs. J obo Bates, Mrs. George McKeag, Mrs. Horace Hopklns, Mrs. R. Blair Price, Mrs. Leslie Walmsley; Captain, Mrs. Orville Bullitt, Jr.; Workers: Mrs. W. B. Bullock, Mrs. Sol Ash, Mrs. Henry Coles, Jr., Mrs. Stanley Winde, Mrs. Lewis ,Elverson, Mrs. W. T. Clay, Jr., Mrs. Vincent Lathhury, Mrs. W. F. G. Swann, Mrs. Howard Jenkins, J r., Mrs ' " W C Prentice, ...... u_ ·s. C. H. Jeglum, Mrs. R.. A. Rosenbaum. Captain: Mrs. Robert Bradford, assisted by Mrs. H. H. Gibson, Jr.; WO.rkers: ..... -s. Donald Poole, u.s. AU.L .IU.I., &tatc of Cbarles C. Thome. late oC 131~ = The Dorough reserves the right t~ reject ~ nny or ull bids lUll! to awurd the portloll8 SWarUunore Aven1!t, Township of Ridley. Delaware County. Pennsylvania, rDeceascd. ... = described In items 2 and 3 to different con. tractors. Letters Testamentary have been gronted ;';l1l1R1l. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" .. -. .. ., to the undersigned who request all persons having clalms or demands against the A certiftC1:f check in the sum of 'I no flO must accompany the bid of each contractor Estate of the decedent to make known the and the person or finn to. whom any con~ same. and all persons Indebted to the detract Is nwarded ,must execute an agree- cedent to make payment without delay to Swarthmore NaUonal Bank & Trust Co. ment and furnish bonds as required by law. Uu.- fonn of which may be exrunlned SWarthmore. Delaware County, Peona. or to Its attorney: In .the otrlce of the undersigned. Albert N. Garrett 18S Garrett Avenuo ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Swal-tlunore" Delaware County. Borougb Secretary , Weekly or lIIonU!IY • WARREN PIRRCE Swarthmore 6-2078 purIJhalfle qJ" Ll. So 6aving6 Bo. . . Fegley. Realtor Sucessor to Bair & Co. Insurance Real Estate Appraisals Notary Publlc (miniature collie), registered, trMlIug npproldmateJy 15.000 square yaros tomorrow .ey~g. home bred, well trained, ;!four ot Dorough streets to be dC8ignated by the month-old female. Also seven~ g.1~~~1 Highway Committee In torm WI MATHEWSON-In loving memory 6.0740 ~ ~:: W. C. Mr. and Mrs. c. Irwin Galbreath of Benjamin West avenue will eneluded. Reasonable. Call Sharon Se.'1.led bids will be received by the Hill 3134. Borough or SWRrtlmlore In Council Cham. tertain i1iformally before the Ser- " - .. - :",...=:.-,".::=;-;;==-,:-:: ber. Dorough Hall. Swarthmore. Pa. on FOR SALE-Shetland Sheep dog March 12th. 19tH at 7:80 P.M. for surface ies Dance at the Woman's Club Hoo'ace dependence--have made the story. of United States Savinga Bonds the thrift miracle of all time. CONSULT . REQU~" ~T FOR BIDS piano in excellent condition, with bench and music cabinet in- - UNITED Consider Selling Your Property? S mt·th, .lIU,-s. n_ Philllp Alden, Mrs. Raymond Fellows, Mrs. Fred bedroom apartment. NewlY dec'ELLIOTI' RICHARDSON orated and completely furnished. Secretary Central - close to all transporta- >T·I".I tion. Call Swarthmore 6-2080. ESTATE m' FLORENCE R. READ. late FO·-R SALE··- - , - of the Borough of Lansdowoe. dec'd. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate ;;;;;;;-~-;;-;;--;:;::-:-7-=-;--:--1 have been granted to the undersigned who FOR • SATE Crosley ..6helvedore requesta nU persons havlog claIms or deRefrigerator - 6 cu. ft. - new mand9 against the Estate of the decedent to make knowD the same. and all persons arts recen tly - good conditi on.. Indebted p to the decedent to mako;1 ;::.ymellt $30. Swarthmore 6-0856. wlthout delar. to Walter Rhoads White. ~~;;;;~~;;;;~;;~~~9~1 w..eek.._-_o_Id_ p_u.p.. pies. rite u. S. Covemmtnt d?es no~ p.1lY for t~is advertising. 'The Treasr£ry Department lhankl, . vnrlance. The property Involved is situated ~ number so< Harvard Avenue. The ap. p'lICBlIt seeks per.:nlsslon to -erect a onestory brick addition to his dwelling Uleasurillg approximately ts It. by 11 It. wWcb would extend to within one foot of the ensterly line of Ws property. room an d shower, for 'gentleman Swarthmore 6-1126. -.. FOR RENT-S econd fl oar, two- PETER DI NICOLA • Red Cross Drive (Continued from page one) Mrs. Palmer Skoglund residentl'al chairman of coIlection on the North Side of the Borough, has secured the following captains and workers:Captain: Russell Snyder; Workers: Elizabeth Barten, Dorothy Bradfield, Elizabeth Etris, Mrs. Janet GroU, Millard Rlbinson; en. Sider the appUcaUon' 01 H. C. Barr lor a W. N. Ryerson, Mrs. Earl Anderton, FOR RSNT-Suite - study,· bed- Bo,. 48 - 8wartlurore 8-0740 EOI' gour lfIeIJurilY. IJounlrg"1II e S - 19 C ose. se 0 Swarthmore 6-2194. ROOFS GU'I"l"ERS REPAIRED '" INSTALLED WARM-Am HEATING Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned GEORGE MYERS • . parents to send their children through college. Time and time again, Savings ~~LO f~sf.iTi::-G~C;:reen=;-;w=all"e:lue wallet, con~_ O~.~~~ha2.es ta1lUl1g Identification, key, plc.! Ex- tures. Call Judy Bird, Media quisite 6-2662. WANTED- ~OU KNOW IT'S 'RUE BECAUSE IT'S HA PPENED ' 0 YOU AND YOUR PERSONAL-Subscrlptions to all magazines, Bertha P. Faries. Swarthmore 6-6750. ALBAN PAWJ[-. s~a~w'::..:i~t~In~~Th~e~S~w~~arthm~~or~ea~n~'~".:J!~S§W~~6=-3=4~5~2================,='~SW 6-3710 - PERSONAL PIANO TUNING . .-. THE S WAR T HMO It E A N C'TASSI'L'1ED' L L' The 610ry " ,"faalh , 23~ 1961 '~~~s:aw~I~t~In~Th::e::s:w:arthm:::::ore:=.:n~"~=::::=~~::::~::::~~~~~~~==~~=~=~~~~~~~=-==--================~~=r--~~===========z====-' WE I I \ FEBRUARY • The Swarthmore Music Club I lest with James .Sorber atfo~ds will presen t I'18 mon thl y program an outlet. at 8:15 p.m, Wednesday, February Refreshments will be served by 28 in Whittier House. the hOSpitality committee, Mrs. Chamber music for pianoforte Herman Wittmeyer, chairman. and strings played by John Sears and group will be the main feaWin at Bridge ture. The suite "Jew< d'Eofants"/ At the Tuesday evening m~ting by Georges Bizet an original 4- of the Crum Creek Bridge Club. hand piano composition will have Winners were: Miss Mary VerMrs. John Fawcett and Mfs. Clar.- lenden and Mrs. W. R. Shoeence B. Campbell at the keyboard. Verlenden and Mrs. W. R. ShoeDon MacRostie, baritone will in- maker first; Mrs. Samuel Hanna clude among his offerings settings afId Mrs. T. Saulnier second. of British FOlk Songs by the conMrs. Saulnier was winner of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson of temporary English composer Ben- the seven-week tournament which Walnut IiIne will entertsln at a jamin Britten who will be re- end~d February 13. cocktail party before the Series membered for his concert in Clo- Dance tomorrow evening. FEBRUARY 23, .1961 II' S~ore Authorized Distributors BEEN TUNED UP BY US! FOR HEAvENLy RIDING, COME IN TO- OF Atlantic DAY FOR SUPER SERVICING! 8-11ta First In Ser.vice - Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General Hauling 236 HardIng Av. Morton, Fa. row AU LIn. Of IDona-. BuilderS Supplies ... DvtmOuth Avtllue IIwariIIIioen, Pa. Iron First In Sales FiRman Oil Burners ~I PE"I'ER Eo Oils AND W1LLlAM BROOKS COAL Timken Oil BurDen Heating Rumsey Chevrolet Theatre Square Swarthmore II fl 6-6130 '~----~.~,--~I_aazma.am~aa~~ , . RIDLEY PABK l'IIoDe 8~ 8-';U ____~am__~/ ____'~,_·______ , lQ FEBRUARY 23, -llll- T-UE SW ARTBMOBEAN Awmic Survival" which mlghtbe The entire cast earned accolades Swarthmore avenue entertained construed as suggesting limiting for a most enjoyable and hilarious informally on Sunday in honor of freedom of thought in the schools. evening. Mrs. Smith. • call upon those who are conMention sholllld be made of We Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. ForMore than 100 parents gathered cabin set, and the hotel room sythe of Thayer road, and Mr. and Tuesday evening in the Swarth- cerned with civil defense to give with Cardinel Richelieu's bed and Mrs. Robert Arnold of Wallingmore High School Auditorium to further consideration to the advisability of distributing this mathe Eiffel Tower view. ford will leave Sunday for a va.. hear Eric Johnson. headmaster of The Class of 1951 entertained a terial." the Friends Central School, discation of several weeks in Pomlarge and enthusiastic audience In the duscussion rol1owing ad- last Friday night _ in the High cuss "What Shall the Schools pano Beach, Fla. Schopl Board Elects, journment, Robert L. Amsden. School Auditorium with their Teach in Time of Crises?" Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Van (Continued from page one) high school principal, declared, Urk of Thayer road entertained bright and thoroughly delightful Early in his comments Johnson read portions of the controversial "Teachers who are totalitarian presentation of "Our Hearts were could be secured while available at a musical Friday evening when atomic survival pamphlet spon- sympathizers should not be per- Young and Gay." Directed by and before costs might increase, Mr. Frederick Bristol of New York sored by the county defense coun- mitted to teach in public schools, Hannah Kirk Matht!ws, assisted and that the improvements if un- city presented a program of modcil. In addition to f!ondemning but school programs should in- by students Anne Hilkert and dertaken would be completed dur- ern and contemporary music. communism, he said. the pamph- clude units on communism and Marian Hunt, the Senior play was ing the summer recess. Miss Esther Worst of Harvard It was stressed that the growth avenue was guest of honor at a let seems to attack the liberal tra- fascism so that our students may a completly successful production dition in American education as be prepared to deal with these of Cornelia Skinner's and Emily of the high school indicates in- surprise personal shower in honor well as liberal teachers. Johnson ideas and practices when ~hey Kimbrough's account of their creased classes next year. The of her twenty-first birthday given pointed out that in our schools and meet them in life." first trip abroad, as dramatized by pianned project would provide an Wednesday evening by her sisters additiomll three serviceable class- Misses Joanne and Mary Worst. colleges freedom of thought and George Plowman, 9resident of -Jean Kerr, rooms. Mention as also made that freedom of teaching were corner- the Ass«*:iation, presided. Mrs. Barbara Thorbahn and June Joan Streeter, daughter of Mr. the Board should consider the and Mrs. C. P.- Streeter of Columstones of Americanism. He warned Gordon Lange presented the spea- Shearer, heading the cast of 17, against stratt-jacketing the minds l{cr. Parents from the fourth each turned in finished, well-sus- growth of the elementary grades bia avenue is one of 38 senior of youth, and he declared that or- grades with Mrs. Robert Gilfillen tained portrayals of Cornelia and where enrollments' now stand as women students at Iowa State Colthodoxy, whether it be communist and Mrs. C. C. Shute as co-chair- Emily respectively, and are to -be high as 36 and 37 in some classes. lege, who will live in Home Manor fascist, was dangerous. men were in charge of the pleas- congratulated on their, polished It was showp a division of classes, agement houses to practice homenew teachers and additional class- making skills for the next siX ant social hour which preceded perionnances. Johnson urged parents and tearooms might be needed there weeks. the meeting. chers to teach children how to Dave Luehring as Otis Skinner. live democratically by practice Frank R. Morey, supervising deserved a hand for his delightful soon, and that Swarthmore's exMr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller and not by precept. Let them principal, reported briefly on the bit Of acting as the laconic, pack- pansion presents a problem. of Thayer road are vacationing in share decisions and take the con- scholarship award -program which age - bearing father. Howard Cocoa, Fla. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Nason of ________________ sequences of unwise choices, he is in its 25th year. lIfe reported Arrison and Lee Bennett were ensaid. Our goal with children is that in the quarter of a century tirely successful as "the young Cedar lane and their house guest .. , ------------_ self-discipline and self-direction. the size of the scholarship had men". Dr. Nason's moftter, Mrs. Albert and that requires skillful home- only increased from $300 to $350. Ann deF\1ria made a pleasing J. Nason of Brookings, S.D., atschool cooperation. The speaker The meeting adjourned at 10:30. mother. Anne Larson and Nancy tended Lillian Henman's new play urged adults to help children Wrightsman, were nice~ cri~p "Autumn Garden" held in Philaachieve moments of serenity and and B~itish as travelling acquain- delphia Thursday evening for the Parent-Teacher Council reflection e~ch day. He st"ressed tances. Vassar College Alumnae Scholarthe impprtance of spiritual values The Parent-Teacher Council of Warren Gold did a good job ship Fund. in education pointing out that the Media Friend's School will pre- as Monsier de la Croix. and JuI..1a Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tomlincommunity is only as good as the sent a talk on "Your Child and his Hionis gave life and personality son of South Chester road are people living in it. Play" given by Mrs. Beatrice Tay- to 'the - sometimes uninteresting having as their house guests their In the business meeting whi<'.h lor, a member of the school's staff, part of maid all work. daughter Mrs. Harlie D. Raynard followed. John O. Han~old; mem- on Tuesday evening, February 27 Tom Simkin as the unctious and son David. formerly of Chiber of the law faculty of the Uni- at 8:30 p.m. Admiral, John Becker as the all- cago. They are visiting here unversity of Pennsylvania, proposed The public is cordially invited suffering Steward, Harlan Jessup til their new home in LaMesa, a resolution which after rather to attend the meeting which will as the Purser, were also effective Calif., is completed. Mr. Reynard sharp discussion was . passed by a be held in the' social room of the in small parts. rleft recently ior the west COBst to vote of 68 to 33. The resolution School at Third and North Streett, Millie McCowan appeared be with the Consolidated Vultee stated: Media. CHOCOLATES briefly but effectively as Madame Aircraft Corp. in San Diego. "Resolved, that the Swarthmore Elsie. Jean HoIman portrayed the Mr. and Mrs. R. Lloyd Jones of Home and School Association deMrs. -S. Milton Bryant of South doubting Inspector. Mary Anne Parrish road are having as their "!'_~-----_-plores those portions of ihe Dela- Chester road entertained her du- Dickinson _the stewardess and house guest this week Mrs. Albert CA1HERMAN'S ware County Civil Defense Bul- plicate bridge club at a luncheon Larry Woodruf.f the voluble, bow- Smith, Jr., of Metuchen. N.J. Mr. letin entitled, "The A, B, C's of at her home Tuesday. ing Window Cleaner and Mrs. Donald W. Poole of North Drug Store Eric Johnson Addresses Home ~rul School Meet SENJORS GIVE SUCCESSFUL PLAY Old-fashioned New England Goodness ____ I I ALL THE WAY THROUGH I OUTSIDE •• -. INSIDE • • • UIiDERSIDa TOOl , Come see-come drive the car that's making the motoring news for 1951! It's Oldsmobile's glamorous new "Rocket 98" Holiday Sedanl A. GINERAL MOTORS VALUE r Breath-taking new beauty! More comfort and luxury ••• more room and view! Smoother riding, smoother driving, too, with a brand new chassis and easier-operating Hydra-Matic Drive*. Even the great "RoJ;kct" Engine is newl Famed for its flashing action, the new "Rocket" is engineered for even greater gas savings in 1951! See and drive the superb new "Rocket 98" at yOUI' Oldsmobile dealer's! 511 YOUR . -- ~I LO M BILE 98 NIARISI OLDSMOBILI DEALER , . WHIJAKER-BARRETI Inc. 340 W. Baltimore Pike ' Media 6-0100 II- '- '\ J