BEST SWARTHMOREAN WISHES TO VOLUME 23,-NUMBER JUN 1 1951 . . 22 Fonner School Principal G. Baker Thompsoll Will Deliver Address; Burtis, Follett, Holman Win Home And School Awards Swarthmore High School commencement exercises at Clothier Memorial next Tuesday night will feature a choral readh,g of selections from' ·'F..cclesiastes", as presented l ..y the class. Julia t.l:lnge and Edward Carey will be the solo speakers. Musical numbers will include a soprano solo, "Romance" from The Desert Song by Marian Hunt, accompanied 'by Anne Hilkert on the pianQ, and a 'cello solo, Debussy's "Sonata" by Jerome Goodman, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Judith Goodman Ginsb\lrg. Two students of the class will present essays-:.-"With All Our Learning" by Sandra Bowie and 'Uhe Value of Faith'" by Harlan Jessup. The commencement address will be given by G. Baker Thompson, AssisUmt Superintendent of the Delaware County Schools. Warren Gold, Class President, will make presentations for the class to the school and to teachers completing 25 years of service. The presentation of diplomas will be made for the School Board RED CROSS BRANCH by Mrs. Hilda Lang Denworth, Secretary of the Board of School IN ANNUAL MEETING Directors. The annual meeting of the The class song, with words and Swarthmore Branch of the Red music by Sue Goldsmith, will close Cross was held on Friday, May the exercises. 25, at the home of its Chairman, Faculty Awards Announced Mrs. LaRue Henrixon. Angelo Awards announced by the tacMenna, the new Chairman of ulty are as follows: Branches for the Southeastern Phi Beta Kappa Association Chapter, was the guest speaker Book Award" Business Men's As- and commended the Swarthmore sociation Award in Mathematics, Branch as one of the' most outHermine Meyer Memorial Award standing in the Chapter. in German, and Reader's Digest Reports of the Chairmen of the Award to.Yaledictorian to Hadan various Volunteer Services show Jessup; Community Award in Bio- that the past year has been one logical Science and American Le- of the most a(!tive in the history gion Awa.rd in, Citizet;'Ship to Julia of tQe Swarthmore Branch. A toLange; Albert D. Spaeth Memorial tal of 9,897 hours has been conAward in Science and National tributed' by 102 volunteer worHonor Society Medal for' Service kers; the thi'ee, Bloodmobile visits to Richard Burtis; have yielded an aggregate Of 303 Swarthmore Library Association pints of blood; the annual FundAward in English to Warren Gold; raising Campaign has resulted in Rotary Club Award in Latin· to a donation of $9,253.80; 120 cakes John Becker; Woman's Club and 13,000 cookies have been disAward in French to Muriel Wat- tributed at the three hospitals serk.ins; Fran~. L. Davis Memorial ved by this Branch, as well as a Award in Social Studies to Thom- special voluntary' contribution of as Alden; D.A.R. Award in Con- $300 at Christmas-time and a con~, temporary Problems to Sandra stant weekly contribution of Bowie; clothing, games, playing cards and Bausch and Lomb Award in all kinds of gifts. Physical Science W Davidson New Instructors Luehring; Award for Excellence A course for instructors in First in Home Economics to Jean Hol- Aid has turned out ·11 new inman; John Shafer Kline Memorial structors - four fr~m Swarthmore Award in Music to Jerome Good- College, three from the l5orough man; Award for Excellence in Art and three from out of town; and to Edward ~arey; Elackfriars Standard First Aid Courses have Award in Dramatics to Barbara been passed by 51 people, 40 from Thorbahn; Swarthmorean Award Swarthmore College and 11 from in Journalism to Polly Told; the Borough. The Junior section Award in Secretarial Studies to has participated in the activity of Dorothy Bateman and Dorothy- the Branch whenever its services Anne Steigelman; Donald B. could be used, coptriputing 567 Rutherford Memorial 1£'\wa1:d in hours of service. Track to Frederick Campbell; It is with regret, and with deep Babe Ruth Foundation Aw~ds for appreciation for her leadership Sportsmanship to Jane Evans and and assistance, that the Branch Frederick Shoyer. announces the retirement from Schoanhips Announced the Board of Mrs. Walter DickThe Scholarship Committee of inson. the Swarthn'lore Public' Schools, Serving on the Nominating consisting of parents and teachers, 1951-52 are MTS. Fred Wilson has made selections from. the Committee for the fiscal year members of the graduating class (Chairman), Mrs. Philip Alden who, filed formal applications for and Mrs. Roland Pennock. scholarships.' The winners of these The annual 'Convention of the awards are: Home and School As- American Red Cross will be held sociation Awards - Richard' ·Bur- in New York City June 25 through tis, Robert Folle~ and Jean Hol- June 27. The Southeastern Pennman; Choral Concert Awards - sylvania Chapter is entitled to 29 Ruth Garrett and Marian Hunt; voting Delegates in the ConvenClass of 1951 Award - Sandra tion, of which one may come from Bowie: Baccalaureate Award - Swarthmore. Dolores Cooper; Elizabeth Hubbard Bonsall Award, presented by Jr. MIMe Ciah to Meet The Junior Music Club will the Womail's Club - Mary .Ann meet Sunday, June 3 at 8 o'clock Dickinson. Follo~g 'are a ~ of the 70 at the home of John McCahan of graduates-to-be and their destin- 607 Strath Haven avenue. The guest' artist will be Mrs. ations together with additional Eleanor Fawcett. scholarships they have received: A~ the b~ess se5$lon new Joan Acker plans to attend University of Maryland; Carroll officers will be elected for the Adams - apecta to ao to work; comina year. All members are (Continued On pace etcht) , Uraed to attend. . Summer Programs Will Open JunelB Registration for all summer programs of the Swarthmore Recreation Association will take place on Monday and Tuesday, June 4 and 5, from noon until 4 p.m. at the Playroom in the Rutgers So::h,901 and in the hall in front of the auditorium in the High School. William Lee, President of S.R.A., has appointed Mrs. Robert Wood, Mrs. Randolph Lee, Mrs. Bruce Smith, Mrs.·G. Davies Preston, and Mrs. David Wisdom, members of the board, to be in charge of the registration tables. The Pre-School program is for children who will be' three years old by September 1, 1951 up through five-year-olds. The program is one of group play, simple games, stories and rhythm, with the accent on getting them to work well in, a group. Hours are from 9 to 11 :45 a.m. at Rutgers School and, Playground. The Primary program is for children who have completed first and / or second grades. The program is more advanced, including arts and crafts, games, baseball, music and rhythm, still with the accent on group activity. Hours apd location are the same as for the Pre-School group,,, Eprollment in these two groups is limited to the first 160 who register. Occasional visitors irithese ." age groups will be ~-ermitted. The first visit is without charge. For any succeeding days, there will be , a nominal fee. Mrs. J. Francis Taylor has assembled an excellent staff for .these . programs. Leading assi9tance will be a board committee consisting of Mrs. Preston, chairman, and Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Smtih, and Clark Allison. Summer Club is for children of· all ages who have completed the third grade. instruction will be given in sports, handicrafts, and sewing, in addition to pt3riods of supervised free play. There will be intramural baseball, (no league games) for boys under age 11 in the Midget class. A special event (Continued on page eight) . PARENTS GIVE ANNUAL DINNER George Dunn and David spimcer will head the Band and Orchestra of Swarthmore High School next year, it waS an.. nounced . Tuesday at the annual dinner sponsored by the Band-Qrchestra Parents Association. Fellow officers with George, Captain of the ~d, are Chuck. Russell, Lieutenant; Connie Knowles, Captain of the Color Guard; and Carol Mosteller, Head Majorette. David Spencer, re-elected president of the orchestra, will be assisted by Russell Snyder as vicePresident. For the first time this year members of the orchestra were awarded pins for service. Shaped in ~the form of lyres, bearing the initials S.H.8 the pins were presented by Robert Holm, dJrector of instrumental music, and offtcera of the organizations. Mr. Holm,' with retiling officers ot· the Band, alsoaward~ bar (Continued On pace elaht) . ~~lo x..~}1llJOl.G· bil" ~~J.:)Jl\JOl.eH:r·ap .' , .. ~ .'. - CLASS OF 1951 - SWARTHMORE, Ji"ftlDAY, JUNE 1, 1951 HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT TUES. REGISTER JUNE WILL GRADUATE10 IN CLASS OF 1951 4, 5 FOR S.R.A. THE $3.50 ~ YEAR COLLEGE IN BUSY COMMENCEMENT ImportaDt AnnoUD!.!lnent ' Surrounding communities plan to sound the "Red" warning on their sirens and whistles at 2 o'clock noon Saturdays, beginning June 2. Sw8rthmol'e does' Dot plan to do this. H and when you hear these signals, do not be alarmed. Civil De'fense .personnel will not assemble. Alumni Day Will Open Next Week End's. Activities Next weekend brings to a close the 1950-1951 academic year at ~------------~\--------.--- Swarthmore College, and the final days of the year will be crowded with major events. Dedication of the college's new athletic fields, graduation of over 200 seniors and four addresses a;e among the highlights of Commencement 'Presbyterian Groups Weekend. . Hundreds of alumni will be reSponsor School turning to the campus for a visit Benefit on Alumni Day, Saturday, June 9, It's Kinder-Kiarnival time in and an all-day program has been Swarthmore tonight as the Young planned for them. The Aluinni Adults and Married Group of the Association will meet in Friends Presbyterian Church present an Meeting House in the morning, evening of games, skits and square and after luncheon classes will be dancing. assembled' for the annual parade. Planned for the benefit of the This year the parade will proceed Day Nursery School directed by to the site of the new athletic Mrs. Pemb"erton Dickson at the fields, instead of to the AmpitheaOld Church Manse, the evening tre as is customary, for at 2:45 p. will also feature a display of play m. will begin the dedication cereequipment· and books reco~en- monies for the Morris L. Clothier ded by the School Staff. Fields.. Beginning at 7:30 p.m. with Honor Clothier games set-up in Penny Arcade· A simple ceremony has been arstyle in the bas~ment of the May ranged for the dedication. SpeakLloeffler Memorial Building, the ers will include President Nason evening promises entertainment and Isaac H. Clothier, Jr., brother to all ages. An even dozen games of the late Morris Clothier. . A in all sorts and varieties to inspire plaque naming the fields will be (Continued on page eight) unveiled, and music will be provided by the Swarthmore lUgh School Band. Rose. Valley Chor.usln (Continued on page five) KINDER·KARNIVAL 7:30 P. M.TONIGHT G. & S. Satire At Club John Dolman Jr., of Vassar avenue, widely known community theatre-expert, and Robert C. Disque, part time bass viol player, have vital roles in producing the Rose Valley Chorus' version of "Patience" by Gilbert and Sullivan, which opened at the Players Club Wednesday evening. The hilarious satire on superesthetical poets of England's last centurY, literary 'world will play tonight, Friday and Saturday of this week. It will resume next Wednesday, June 6, and play June 7, 8, and 9. The curtain goes up a, t 8 :30 p.m. Doctor Palman, is assistant director of the show, aiding Perdue Cleaver of Rutledge, who has been the leading performer with Rose Valley for many years. Cleaver is Bunthorne in the show. When Ann Voigt of Chester Heights opens the second act with a solo accompanied by a bass viol, it is Dean Disque of Drexel Institute who is supplying the music in the orchestra pit. . Four members of the cast familiar to Players Club audiences are: Mi~S Voigt, Sally McFadden, W. Donald MacRostie and Bunny Abbott. _ Four Swarthmore High Grads On All-American Four Swarthmore High School graduates were selected for the United States First Lacrosse Team at the end of the women's National Lacrosse Tournament held Saturday and Sunday at the FriendS Central School field. Alice Putnam, '43, graduate of Temple University and teacher of elemchtary . health and physical education in the local schools, was chosen second home for the sixth year. Jane Vache, '45, graduate of West Chester State Teachers College and teacher in the Mt. Vernon Seminary School, Washington" D. C. was selected left attack wing for the third year. Lois Linton, '49, who will tour thiS fall with the United States Touring Team,. was selected fil.-st home for th~ se~()nd year. All three are members': of th~ fir~t Philadelphia team. Pat Told, '49 sophomore at. Sargent College Boston University, was named right d~fense wing; Pat is a mem ber of the first Bostoil team. ' Another reflection of the toll grade High School training under . Coach Virginia Allen is the'erec;.· MRS HOWARD E. YOUNG' tion of Judy Dickson as Captain Mr;. Howard E. oYung, former of the 1952 University of PeDJi.:. resident cd Swarthmore whose sylvania lacrosse te~. Swarth home for 30 years was at 227 Park more High has just closed its avenue, ,died on Tuesd.s:y, May 29, twentieth undefeated lacrosse sea in Port Arthur, Texas, where she son. had made her home for the past Other Swarthmore ,High. School two years with her daughter, Mrs. graduates who have been United Norman H. Keedy. States First Team members in She bad suffered a heart at-, elude: ., Mrs. Barbara Nason Bowditch, Betsy Crothers, Mrs. Phebe ,Lu- tack and a broken hip on May 20 and her other daughters Mrs. Walter Farley of Langborne and Mrs. William E. Clymer of Faraday Park were with· her at the time pf her death. ServiceS will be held at Oliver Bair's tomorrow. A ll'andsOn, Howard Young Cll'-, mer of 318 Park avenue, also sur- vives. . kens 'Welsh, Betty Cook, and-Mrs. .Ruth Servais Weir. They, did not co;mpete this year. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Br0dhea4 and daughter Virginia of· North Sw~ore avenue spe.'lt the past week·end visitipc washiJiatona.D;-c. '. - friends ill ._-c') 2 THE . SWARTHMOREAN , ~1,19&1 ======~==;=====~===r====~-==;====='=.=;===",:======:d:~= The ceremony took place May 26 Craemer will entertain In honor Of Mr. Henry I. 'Hoot of Lafayette ENGAGEMENTS PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lee of Guernsey road have returned from a two-week automobile trip to HollYwood, Fla., where Mr. Lee addressed a meeting of the Peon Mutual Life Insurance Company. .. En route home they came through · 'rhe Smokies and Blue RIdge ", Parkway. Mrs. Frank V. Brewster of Dick'... inson avenue spent the week-end visiting her son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert Long of Pelham, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe of Thayer road will entertain at a dinner party tbis eventng in honor of their house guests Mrs. Forsythe's father Mr. Halbert Powers Gillette and Mrs. Gillette of San MarinO, Calif. The guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. A. William Bass, Jr., of Ogden avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of Wallingford, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Graham of Bala-Cynyd, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Scott of Wyncote, and Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Bl/rrows of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe also entertained at a dinner party Wednesday evenin'g for their out-oftown visitors. The guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F~llows and sons Dickie and Chuckie of Garrett avenue will return today from a motor trip of a few days to. Luray Caverns in Virginia. Sara Beth Grier of Dartmouth avenue spent the week-end with her grandmother Mrs. Annie Bitting in Pennsgrove, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderton of Forest lane entertained as· their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Brown of El Paso, Texas. Bill McHenry of Parrish road will arrive home Tuesday from Washington and Lee University · after completing his freshman I I '. . . . .. . avenue left .~iday by bus}Or a two-week VISit to his son-m;-Iaw .. and d aughter Mr. and Mrs. Le•• 'WUI D. Lawrence and family of Monrovia, Calif. En route back he will stop In Chicago and return h b lan orne y P e. Mrs. Frederick T. Van Urk of Thayer road will give an· at home. on Monday afternoon In honor of Ann Walker of WalItngford HIlls who will. attend Swarthmore Schools next year. The guests will inclu4e all the girls In the Eighth Grade. Doris Black daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Black, of South Chester Road was graduated from West Chester State Teachers College, West Chester at the anriual Spring Commencement exercises held Monday morntng In phlilips Memorial Auditorium. Doris received the degree of Bachelor of Science Elementary Education. Setha Goodyear, Swarthmore College student from Kenvil, N.J. was awarded one of the ntne medals awarded by the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Institute Of Chemists to outstanding seniors In the chemistry departments of local colleges. The medals were given in recognition of leadership, character and excellence in scholarship. Betty McCahan of Strath Haven avenue was elected secretary of her junior class at Wilson College for next year. Betty was also elected secretary-treasurer of Orchesis, the modern dance group at the college. Mr. Thcmas E. Yerxa, son-inlaw of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lueders Of Princeton avenue, has won the. Cresson Award at the Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, which is a Traveling Scholarship abrolld. Mr. Yerxa and Mrs. Yerxa, the former Dorothy Lueders, will leave June 7 on the Queen Elizabeth for France. Mrs. W. iRoss Thomson of Benjamin We.t avenue will leave today for Sweet Briar, Va., to attend a twenty-fifth class re-union at Sweet Briar College and the week-end festivities. in year. Mrs. Donald A. Crosset and daughters of Ridley Creek road, Media, will occupy the William R. McHenry house on Parrish road while renovations are being on their newly purchased home on Riverview road. The McHenSeventeen members of the Bosrys will spend the summer at their ton Lacrosse Teams were housed · cottage in Ocean City. in Swarthmore during the recent National Tournament in PhiladelMr. and Mrs. Earl Anderton phi.. Hostesses Included Mrs. and children Hope and Brooks of Frank G. Keenen, Mrs. John MForest lane will spend the week- Pearson, Mrs. Robert L. Amsden, end as t1te guests of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Peter E. Told at whose E. E. Pierce of York, formerly of home the entire group breakfasted Swarthmore. Saturday and Sunday mornings. Mr. and Mrs. Craemer with a famMrlI.'JoIuJ.s.. W"*,,, of Port- in Brooklyn. The Misses Allce and Virginia ily. dhmer June 5. land Oregon, announces the en. gagemeht of her granddaughter, Anne Rebecca Mount, to Mr. George A. Hay Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hay of Harvard avenue. Both Miss Mount and Mr. Hay are' students at Swarthmore Cot.lege. Mr. John C. Wallace took place Saturday, May 28 at 4 o'clock at Saint Peters Church in Great Valley. The Reverend J. Jarden Guenther performed the ceremony. The bride was given In marriage by her brother, Mr. G. Warder Cresson, Jr., of Montvale, N. J. She wore a gown·' of candlelight satin and chantilly lace. made with full skirt and bolero jacket. Her waist length tulle veil ~as attached to a Juliet cap which was trimmed with seed pearls. She cnrried a bouquet of lilies of the vaney, stephanotis, ivy and a white orchid. Tile bride's only attendant, Miss Caroline' Underwood, of Plinceton, N. wore a gown of lilac tulle over taffeta Of the same shade. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses yellow daisies;· Ivy and .Iilac stock. Mr. Baird Wallace, of Pittsburgh, served as best man for his hrother, and the ushers Included Dr. Samuel L. Cresson, of Boston, Mr. George R. Wallace, Jr., of Youngstown, Ohio, and Dr. Mark McD. Lindsey of Forest L.I. The mother of the groom, Mrs. George R. Wallace, of Pittsburgh, was ·gowned In brown crepe and wore a corsage Of gardenias. The bridal party received In the Churchyard immediately followIng the ceremony. A small reception was held later at the home . of Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern of Riverview road. ~ After a weddtng trip the couple will reside in Boston, Mass. CaM erole CateriDe Service SPECIAJJZING IN Lun.heeDS Buff.' SuP" Coald&ll Parila CALL Dot Belfield - Swa. 1-11'13 MarKe Hurd - Swa. 8-S131 Glaoaware To ..... Those Hilarious Cartoon Characters "WUUe and Joe" "'UP FRONT" David Wayne - Tom EweU Kiddies Matinee Sat. 1 :15 "TAJl.ZAN AND TBB J.EOl>ARD :WOMAN" 8 Cartoons - News - Short REGULAR FEATURE NOT SHpwN.~,_ _ Sunday and Monday BrIa.n DouleV3' - Ella BaInes ''FIGHTING COAST GUARD" They Guard the Sea Lanes In Peace and Warl Tuesday and Wednesday Baltimore Pike Springfield hr . . . . Paul Doaclaa Barbara Bel Geddes Debra PaI'et "FOURTEEN BOllBS" An Excltlng Adventure in. Suspensel Starting Thursdayl Boll HOpe MarIlyn. lIIuweIl "TIlE I.BIION DBOP KID" I, 'BEAUTY SALON t The marriage of Miss Carolyn t Cresson Of Riverview road and t BEAUTY IS AS BEAUTY IS CREB'SQED Call Swarthmore 6-0476 il Chester Road . , , r-~------------~--j REMEMBER TO HAVE YOUR CAR INSPECTED NOW! SAVE A LIFE - IT MAY , BE YOUR OWN RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN RUSSELI)'S SERVICE BOB ATZ, Owner , SW' 6-0440 .Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. :Suy:carpeting now ... don't J.: wait till fall Stocks are well-rounded, prices are low (Paulson's still' has a large selection-mcludlng twist and carved wilton-priced at several dollars less per square yard than today's levelS). Many items now available are being discontinued. New, lower priced carpets are coming out. Som~ of these new carpets are very good (you can see them at Paulson's), 'but the old carpets, while they last, are exceptional buys at their pre-increase" prices. Notice that we do not say that these carpets are "reduced" for clearance. We do say that we bought them before they went up, and that we are selling them at pre-increase prices. These carpets can not be replaced at these prices. runs, Notice also that these carpets are not remnants, or odds wd ends. Come soon and see the selection available. . Buy carpeting now . . • free storage unltil fall If you have any questions about your rugs, 'YIe welcome your calls. No obligation. On request, we send a representative to your home without 'charge. We do not make unsolicited calls. . CRAEMER - SCHACTEL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schactel Dressler of Toledo, 0., announce the marriage of their sister Miss Allce Laura Schacte1 to Mr. Wil~ !iam Craemer ~. Harvard avenue. . .. 100 . • • It.. .I. Pail Ave•• :lwarthmor •• . •• ,-- SWarthmore 6·6000 _.- CLearbrook 9-4646 ENROLL NOW .. for _ _ ", Radio Television Electroni 'SWARTHMORE RECREATION SUMMER PROGRAM (See news story In thls Issue) AND MEDIA Friday and Saturday I WAIl ACE-CRESSON Tom Hopper of Magill road willl~=======::=====. return this week-end from Cornell University where he has fin- FOR . ished his sophomore year. Begin- Ma&tJZine Sub.criptions ning Jime 20, Tom will be located in Pensacola, Fla., tor six weeks CALL of Naval Plane Indoctrination. Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. James H. HornaSwarillaore .8-108D day of Dickinson avenue have returned from a 10-day trip to Cinctnnati, Ohio where they have been attending the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church In U.S.A. Delightfully Air Conditioned Maree and Dot IT~ue~----~1 •:• • : : • •• •• 1. PRE-SCHOOL - Registration Fee $15.00 ($25 for two or more In the same family. Three groups-for threes fours, and fives. Rutgers Avenue School and Play~ ground. Six weeks, Monday - Friday a.m. beginntng June 1 8 . · , CLASSES BEGIN JUNE 11 • • QUAUFY FOR.~, : =~~ ••• ••• at the Playroom In the Rutgers School and in the hall In front of the auditorium in the High School. • ••• : .s:::; • Registration Monday & Tuesday 12:00 to 4 p.m. ttlela. 0 2. PRIMARY - Regls'~t.lon Fee $10.00 (Maximum per family $25.00). For children who have completed first and/or s,:"ond grade. Rutgers Avenue School and Playground. SIX weeks, ~onday - Friday a.m" begtnntng June 18. F!=ollment m. these two programs is limited to the f~t 160 regIStered. . Occasional visitors permitted. First day, no charge; added days 35c. !,,:;'A::: : T.Ie"I.lon and ....1. TMh.. • • T.a.c..tlag I......... • : ,.... ............. '...... SerwIce... .: . . . . . _Spec_II. SWING SHI" a. ",., AlMNGED to. _ WOalCflS fu ....... C...... hy ... Eft.... ... \I•• C.....I hJ ........... AnlN'noN vnlRANI • ••• •• • 3. SUMMER CLUB - BelllstratlonFee $7.00. (Charge for materials if crafts are clected $2.00). For children of all ages who have completed third grade. College Avenue School ",?-d ~Iayground. Six weeks, Monday _ Friday a.m., begmnmg June 18. • EdJ=tlouol &.nefth under 11M GI U end July 25, 1951. Enroll now to take achontag. of yovr .dlll....n'. : A t;wllftca .. of EIgIbIIty It requilecl •. at ... of ....... UIlue4 now : ....... V. . . . . A' ' .... lie .. • : • THE ABOVE PROGRAMS ARE FROM 9:00 10 11:45 A.M. s.c-. • ••• • 4. LEAG~E BASEBALL'_ Registration Fee $7.50 for each boy. !?irSt league game about the middle of June. Last game m early August. First practice on MaY 30. Location to ~ announeed in "The Swarthmorean". For boys aged eleven, twclve, and thirteen. •• • : TI*r..I ...lil.... : :• ....... hr.uil':• All out-of-town rePdranta who do DDt ............................ • . . . . 1 -.'111 : - 1111 - 0 •• all. : S .. oQIs wID be eIIaqed ~o 10 $5." eDra per eldJll for S~ IIIlT ODe of tbeabove_ ~~~--~~~~--~--~~--~~~--~----~~--~~~ .niNE I, 1951 s TBb SWARTB.OBEAN I THE SWARTHMOREAN FORMER SWARTHMOREAN Mrs. C. Russell DeBurlo and small have left fOI their summer bome in Reading, Vt., after spending the RECEIVES CMUAN AWARD daughter of Medford, Mass. PUBLISHED EVU'!" FRIDAY AT SWABTIIlIIOItE. PA. THE SWABTJlHOREAN, INC., PUBLISHEIt ·Phone Swarthmore 6-0900 Dr. John A. Detlefsen, former Swarthmore resident, reoeived last week -from Secretary of DePETER E. TOLD, EtUtor and Publlllher fense, General George Marshall MARJORIE TOLD and BA1UIABA KENT. _late Edliors and from Secretary of the Army, Rosalie Peirsol Lorene McCarter Frank Pace at a ceremony In the Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at ~e Post Pentagon Bulldlng the highest Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1179. award given by the Army to a DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON civilian as an appreciation for Patriotic Services with the TechSWARTHMOJU!, PA., IBJDAY JUNE 1, 1951 nical . Intelligence Committee, _________________________-,._.1 I Joint Chiefs of Staff, World War Trinity ChurCh Notes Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Liebeck, their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. William Uthe and chIldren Linda and Rhoda have moved from 223 Park avenue to their newly purchall!Od home at 210 Park avenue. Mr.. and Mrs. George T. Ashton winter months with Dr. D"rothy Ashlon of Elm avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Loughead of Thayer road will attend the Cor-.. nell University Commencement on June 11 when their son James will receive a degree In Ad!¢nistrative Engineering. DON'T DELA.Y Let us Store ):om "OOLJ;;N:3 & FURS NOW!! Presbyterian Notes .... II. ~~ Mr. Bishap will preach at the Dr. Detlefsen was Executive 9:30 and 11 o'clock services this Secretary fpr tbe Automotive DiSunday. .His title will be "Some vision on this Committee and seChristian Proposals for Peace." cureli 13 nationally known enAll departments of the Church gineers to study developments in School and the Men's and Wo- this field in Germany and Austria men's Bible Classes will meet at and make 65 technical reports. La9:30. ter Dr. Detlefsen waS assigued simThe Church Hour Nursery will Ilar functions for the medical, be held in the Old Manse during pharmaceutical. and < Industrial the 11 o'clock service. training techniques fields. At the Tke Young Adults will meet at conclusion of this work, he was 6:30 for sapper and a meeting. sent to Vienna on the staff of the The Senior Class breakfast will U.S. Allied Commission of the be held at the Church at 5 am. U.S. Forces In Austria. Wl¥lnesday. Dr. Detlefsen is now with the Weditesday is the Spacial Sew- National Production Authority, In Ing Day for the Women's Associa- Washington. He and Mrs. Dettion. Members are asked to brtng lefsen were residents of Swarthsandwiches. more from 1922 to 1948. The Choir rehearsals are as follows: The Junior Choir at 3:45 and Kappas to Sew the Chapel Choir at 7:45 on Thursday; the Cherubs' Choir at 10:30 The Kappa Kappa Gamma sewing group will hold its last sewSat\!l"day morntng. ing meeting of the season on Tuesday, June 5 at the home of Christian Science Notes Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker of 510 "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Allas Mesmerism and Riverview road. GUARANTEED INSURED STORAGE In OUR OWN Cold Storage Vaulls MINIMUM STORAGE RATE ' $1.50 For Woolens - $2.00 For Far WE SPECIALIZE IN CLEANING Blankets - SUp Covers - Drapes - Comforts SAFE On Sunday June 3, there will be a service Of the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. At 9:45 the Church School will have its closing exercises for the year. At 11 o'clock there will be a service of the Holy Communion with an address by the· Rector. Those serving as ushers will be J. B. Bullitt, W. F. Klug, F. W. Luehring, H. P. StarD!ord, J. S. Thompson, J. W, Jones, C. H. W. Ingraham, and W. C. Hogg. The acolyte for the 8 o'clock service will be Pierre Decrouez, and J. Thompson, Kirk Stoke Dana Swan will serve at 11 o'clock. Holy Communion will be celebrated at Wednesday at 7:15 a.m. On Thursday at 11 a.m. the last meeting of the Woman's Auxlllar7 will be hcld at the home of Mrs. Walker Penfield. In the event of rain this meeting and picnic will be held· In the basement of the church. Choir School will meet. for the last time this year. on Monday' at 4 p.m. and again on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Hypnotism, Den~UD.ced" is the News Notes subject of the Lesson-Sermon In Methodist Notes all Churches of Christ, Scientist Sally Alden of North Chester The Sunday School meets at on liiunday June 3. Tlie Golden road will return home Sunday af9:45. Classes are provided for Text is WI woUld have you wise ter finishtng her freshman year children of all ages and for adults. unto that which is good, and at William Smith College, N. Y. Tile Young Adults meet at 9:45. simple concerning evil. And the Mrs. R. S. Wright of Westdale The MInister will preach at the God of Peace shall brutse Satan avenue entertained at a luncheonunder your feet shortly." 11 o'clock service. bridge for 16 guests at her home (Romans 16:19,20.) The Church Nursery ts open Friday. I during the morning service. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Morse of L. E. Kauffman and Alma TraveTo Hold Recital Parrish road with their daughter The public Is cordially Invited Anne will spend the week-end In thick· will be In charge. The ushers for the day are A. to attend the annual spring re- Durham, ·N. C., and attend the P. Smith, G. Glaesser, Jr., C. L. cital of Antonic!l Fairbanks of commencement festivities Of Duke Park avenue which will be held University. Their daughter Caro. Hughey and Ro. M. ·Snyder. The Board of Education meets S evening at 7 o'Ol,ock In the lyn will receive an A.B. degree at on. Tuesday eventng at 8 at the Swar:thmore Woman's Club. the graduation exercises Monday. The pupils participating will be home 0:1 Mr. and Mrs. S. W. JohnMr. and Mrs. Charles G. ThatSusan Driehaus, Gloria Ann Peir- cher of Ogden avenue lef\ Tuesson, 41 Amherst avenue. Boy Scouts meet on Thursday sol, . Bobby Rosenhaum, Barbara day for a week's visit with their evening at 7; Senior Choir rehear- McClarin, Dory Kroon, Shirley son-in-law and daughter Mr•.and Little, Billy Barnes, Les Ann ses at 7:45 • Kurthalz, Nica Fairbanks, Linda uthe. Carol Honnold, Dawn Boyer, Jean BoyerI Lerry Conly • Jeanne Schloesser, Bobby Gilfillan, Bob SWARTHMORE Clothier, Laura Hobbs, and Edith PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, .June 3 Bunting. 9:00 nnd ll:00 A.M.-Mr. Bishop will preach. 9:30 A.M.-Church School and 0111 GOVERNMENT M1SSIQN Dr. W. F. Faragher, of The Adult Bible Classes. 6:30 P.M.-Young Adults. Swarthmore Apartments left on WednesdaY, June 6 May 9, by ph;ne, to spend several 10:00 A.M.-Woman's Assoclation weeks in England, Fran"" and Sewing Day. Germany, on a U.S. Government METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D. D., Wnlster Mission. During bis ebsence abroad, Dr. Sunday, .Jone 3 9:45 A.M:.--Church SchIOol and Faragher, who is a member of 1he Younc Adults. World Petroleum Committee, will 11:00 A.M. Mr. Keiser ·will attend the Meeting cif the Third ,preach. World Petroleum Congress, TRINITY CHURCH will be held at The Hague, HolSunday, June 3 land. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communlen. 9:45 A.M.-Clostng Exercises of Church SchooL Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thatcher 11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. and sons Garry and, JonathaD. of WednesdaY, June 6 Mountain LBkes, N. J. will spend 7:15 A.M.-Holy Ommunion. the week-end of June 11 with Mr. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY . and Mrs. Charles G .. Thatcher of OF FRIENDS Ogden avenue and attend the eolSUnday, Jane 3 11:00 A.M.-Meeting 19r Worship. lege commencement. Visitors Wdeome. .ChlldMn John Snape of Harvard avenue cared for ill Whittier House. will arrive home today from HoHonday, JIIIIe 4 All Day Sewing fo~ the A.F.s.C. bart College, Geneva, N. Y., after WednesdaY, .June 6 completing his freshman year. All Day Sewlng for the A.F.s.C. Mrs. Bessie O'Brien who has FIRST CHURCH OF been spending the wtnter with her nephew Mr. Robert Honeyford ~rea'~JST of South Chester road, has gone Park Avenue below Harvard to "her summer home in Und~ S"-,,_S C....ter. Vt. 11:00 AJoI.-8UDda7 Scl!OoL 11:00 A.M.-LII8OD - S DUAl Mr. and Mrs. David T. Shaw of "Ancient and Modern Necro- Mt. Ho~ke place left Thursday mancy, Alias Mesmertsm for Bristol, :Va., to vialt J/Irs. and Hypnotism Denounced." Wednt11da7 merlb, Shaw's mother Mrs. Frank WInseach w 10, I p. In. Bea~ room ton. following wilich Mr. Shaw .pea ~ except II te I P. ID. . .ed' 'Q """'P ., 1111 will go to Port Arthur, ~ on 7:111 .. __ . . . . til • • a business trip. --- "- ORANGE 405 DI\BTMOUTB AVENUE - SWABTHMORE. PA. tlldt· ot Wdt ••• 13 South Chester Road. Swarthmore, Penna. Church Services CutyOllr costs llJitlt tAis topgas-SfNJCr ,!/tAe top 410UJcstprice CtU'S! THRIRY STUDEBAKER -me Sun_ .. Trim and sleek in design I No gas-wasting excess build Easy to park ... easy to man__ ' Studebaker durability I FUSCO and ALSTON . Swarthmore 6-6831 CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS . • > / • Swarthmore Boy Hoaoi'ed ,S.R.A. Hamet Team n...-.. ~ S ..,.L IOU.' -y The, Hornet baseball team, sponsored by the Swarthmore ~creation Association, is apening .ts summer baseball season with Springfield as its opponent Tuesday, June 5, on Riverview Field. .. Coach RUBS Snyder has approximately 20 enthUlli~C youngsters ready for competition in the Eqco League in what prom• ' •ses to be another banner season. As. a part of the S.R.A. ,. cti program, will be, pract.ce mstru on . ' given to. the group m the late afternoon by Coach Snyder. The Hornet team this year is open to all boys who have not reached their fourteenth birthday a before Ma 1·. It will I y pay. schedule of 14 .Iea~ue g~ the season closmg ill the last week f J 1· . W·th ood cl f g _ ar'nu Celi~ 0 ,0 u y. f • la p1ayers rom as t ye s pper team, the outlook is good and the fans should be provided with a fine brand of baseball. H. S. Track se.n ' Scote In StMe Meet As the result of a competetive examination conducted by PennRepresenting Swarthmore at the sylvania Milllary College, and op- P.I.A.\. statu ChampiOnships held 'en to all 1951 aduates of' all at Penn State on May 26, were Delaware Countygr High Schools, Fred. CIIJllP. bell, Dick M.cComulck, , Frank C nl f Yal h and· the· 880 relay team, Lynn Da·d tes° fY 0 th· e,BSvwartenuehmore , w .0 herty, Tom Simkin, Steve Snyder, graua ·rom e High School. this June has won a and Carroll Adams.· full scholarship for the entire four These boys qualified· for the f 11 ' th fi Id of his state Meet by getting eltber a first Yhealrs 0 cH°isege ill e e bo t or second in the P.I.A.A. District I C oce. average was a u " . 95%. . Meet the week b~fore. The ~ T·h'•• (sch0 I ars h'.p me . I udes no t team took ' . first . ill the class I h' h lasU b t ~._ competition, while Fred Campbell ony lsse 0 ccourses U.I.I.J,.D . • 'I't d tr lnlng won the shotput and got fourth m nu 1 ary COUl'Ses an a as , well. The latter can entitle him the discus. to full deferment during the en----. . . GARNET DEFEATED. TO 2 tJ~e colleg~ course an.d a second L.eutenant s commission In the The Garnet wound up. their u.s. AmlY or the Reserves. He basebaill season Monday afterwill also be entitled to receive .noon on, the Riverview diamond . th f R O T:C with prospect. Par,k! ite the durmg e ou,r years, . . • . emoluments of about $700.00 from facl that Swarthmo~came out on the short end of a -(to 2 score, Bill the federal government. Ziegenfus, 'the 'Gaiill;t hurler, a1' lowed the Prospectors only four Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of hits ,in six Innings. ' Park avenue left Friday on a moThe season's record, "I Saw It In The Swarthmorean." tor trip through Florida. the Garneteers, stands at six victories agsinst six de~eats. in SubUrban III League competition. , Throughout the entire season, every· player showed great enthUsiasm and team spirit. The squad, which was pi!marUy composed of yoting, ,Inexperienced ball WISHES THE CLASS players, has benefited greatly from . their. experience during the season of, 1951. The,team has had a Very OF 1951. CONTINUED successful . season In many respects" which are not shown in the WINS KNOX FELLOWSHIP John Chapman Pittenger of Plttwillow Farm, Chester County, a student at Harvard, has' been awarded the Frank Knox Memoria! Fellowship, established by the widow of the wartime' Secretary of the. Navy. The fellowship prill/ides for a year of study In· any of the nations , '= ted eaptain Crosse 'team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~,', , •• A . .and BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS'OF 'SI' We would Uke to be able to ahake the band of evel'7 ~01lDC _ and ...._ who -..hetl lIP '" eo11eM their dIPloma thIa week ••• but we have to be content with thIII e.............. of our hopes for their tut11re& For Y'our Security-For Your Cougtry'8 Security HOLD •.• BUY MORE •••I SERIES "E" BONDS IIDrBNOBE IATIONAL BANI DB TBUST COMPDI , I " • • P , '"' D , .... . , J.___ Co , . ,. . .. Joseph's Barber' Shop to I . li' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i' I AJ)£'HAIL the ; of Class , " '. - ' '0 at ;tbe University. BOth .Tudy and David played on the' varsity tesms at the high school' their senior years. Gr ... • ... With Hono... 'Willis Patrick Glenn was graduated Magna Cum Laude 'froDl . West Virginia State College, Institute, W. Va., on May 2~. Glenn received the bachelor Of arts degree upon completion of biB prelaw course. He was elected to the Alpha 'Delta Sigma Honorary ScholaStic Society and is one ot,the 20 W Virginia State studenta to be selected for Inclusion In "Who's Who among Students In American Universities and Colleges." Glenn's mother Mrs. Ruth M. Glenn of Union avenue was at the Commencement Exercises to hear her sonpersonaUy congratulated by Dr. Ira Reid and West Virginia's President Dr. John W. Davis as he received his diploma. Glenn is a graduate of Swarthmore ;High School, elass pf 1943, where he partictpated in intermural sports, and was on the Garnet Staff for three years. Best Wishes te the GRADUATES MAY CONTINUED SUCCESS BE YOURS ,,' lations TO'l'II'E ClASS OF '51 - . . - ... - .... .. __ . -_. INGLENEUK TEA ROOM . ~- - - ." of Best Wishes Joan Cope Acker TO 't'HE ClASS OF '51 1951 Dorothy Elizaheth BatL'Ill;111 Richard Th(lInas Rurtl .... John Franklin Conly Frederick MacG, Campbell, .If. Dolores Alethea Cooper Carroll Mortin Adams Tohn Edward Becker Thomas Hyde Alden Lee Cotton Bennett, Jr. Edward Fawcett Care), Howard Warner Arrison. III Alexander Blanche Bowie Phyllis Ann Collins Willi ad Edgar erauthers, Jr. Mary Carol)'n Decro\le~ Catherman's Drug Store , [Q) :========================~ COMMENCEMENT TIME AND THE CO-OPS BEST OF Michael's College * * * LUCK TO THE CLASS OF 1951 _11. TbJ8 Ia·the eommeneement Buadteds 01 thou.. n ... of our J'OIlDC mea U1d womea have ~ U1d win be aU11Im!*'Il ,'" ...... faith III the fuitae, to work tor a ;beUu 1ICICJelJ', to pIedp their lo~alty to the domesUe _)' 0I1II'e. .. , 1951 ' T_ year. JullY the elected r~:l~~::~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ capiain of 'DlckSon women's islacrosse. and David· McC8han, of men's lacrosse (;ONGRA.TlJlATIONS OF RES]' WlSHrES TO Swarlhmore High graduate*will·. bead' !be. University of Pennsylvania lacroSse teams next '. CLASS Congratu- vf~~,an.ft¥:vears at re.High,.~ S "j GRADUATING Heartiest , Avery Blake, Jr., has been elecnext year's ,laat Swarthmor,e Coliege.. A:very, a sophomore at SwN.' :~:==::::~:::=:::~:~!~~!~:I , in ,the Here's roFirmer Footing For Your· Future- 'B' sucCESS JUNE ,I, lUI SWARTQMOIUJAN THE 4 I Pharmacy At t.bIs time '"" lnvlte all to join 1111 as '"" labor C0operatively on the blg"",& slncIe issll!e of our time - the eoonomlc Issue. CooperaUves are a plan for tomorrow which works todayl We WIlDt all Bqh Schaal ...... ·CoIIeP ....l til to ... I t _ our ~ U4 to . . a..;elllhi wIf;h tile (loopM'aUve W&), of DoIq Bu'b .",' - , SWARTHMO~ CO-OPERATIVE AssOCIATION . , ' 401 DABTMOll'l'H AVENUE. .' FUSCO and ALSTON "On the Corner" Studebaker Sales & Service so. CHESTER and FAffiVIEW ROADS Phone Swarthmore 6-3681· Marianne Dorothy de Furia Ann Berlinger Denworth Mary Ann Dickinson Jane Breese Evans INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE 4 S.R.A. Homet Team Opens Season Tuelday The Hornet baseball team, sponsored by the Swarthmore Recreation Association, is opening its summer baseball season with Springfield as its opponent Tuesday, June 5, on Riverview Field. Coach Russ Snyder has approximately 20 enthusiastic youngsters ready for competition in the Eclco League in what prom .. ises to be another banner season. As a part of the S.R.A. program, d~ily, practice instruction will be given to the group in the late afternoon by Coach Snyder. The Hornet team this year is open to all boys who have not reached their fourteenth birthday before May 1. It will play a schedule of 14 league games with the season closing in the last week of July. With a good nucleus of players from last year's Clipper team, the ou t100k is good and the fans should be provided with a fine brand of baseball. Swarthmore Boy Honored As the result of a competetive examination conducted by Pennsylvania Military College, and open to all 1951 graduates of all Delaware County High Schools, Frank Conly of Yale avenue, who graduates from the Swarthmore High School this June has won a full scholarship for the entire four years of college in the field of his choice. His average was about SWART~MOIUJAN JUNE 1, 1951 WINS KNOX FELLOWSHIP in the British Commonwealth. H. S. Track Stan Score In State Meet John Chapman Pittenger of Pittenger, a graduate of Phillips Representing Swarthmore at the P.I.A.A. State Championships held at Penn State on May 26, were Fred Campbell, Dick McCormack, and the 880 relay team, Lynn Doherty, Tom Simkin. Steve Snyder, and Carroll Adams. These boys qualified for the State Meet by getting either a first or second in the P.I.A.A. District 1 Meet the week before. The relay 95%. team took first in the class "B" This scholarship includes not competition, while Fred Campbell only his scholastic courses but his won the shotput and got fourth in military courses and training as the discus. well. The latter can entitle him to full deferment during the entire college course and a second GARNET DEFEATED 4 TO 2 The Garnet wound up their Lieutenant's commission in the basebaal season Monday afterU.S. Army or the Reserves. He will also be entitled to receive noon on the Riverview diamond during the fo~ years, R.O.T.C. with Prospect Park. Despite the emoluments of about $700.00 from fact that Swarthmore came out on the short end of a 4 'to 2 score, Bill the federal government. Ziegenfus, 'the Garnet hurler, al- Pittwillow Farm, Chester County, a student at Harvard, has been awarded the Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship, established by the widow of the wartime Secretary of the Navy. The fellowship prpvides for a year of study in any of the nations Exeter Academy, will take his degree in history at Harvard next month. He is the son of Cornelia and Nicholas O. Pittenger. His father was comptroller of Swarthmore College until his recent retire- SWARTHMORE Here's fo Firmer Footing For Your Future- JOYCE LEWIS CONGRATULATIONS and REST WISHES TO TH.~ CLASS OF '51' We would like to be able to shake the hand of every YOUD& man and woman who marched up to coOect their diploma this week • • • but we have to be content with this expression of our hopes for their future •. For Your Security-·For Your Country's Security HOLD ... BUY MORE ••• SERIES "E" BONDS IIAITHMORE IATIOIA·L BAil AID TBUST COMPAIY " 1.,'MMwj D., .... hFFT • c.,., Graduates With Honors Willis Patrick Glenn was graduated Magna Cum Laude from West Virginia State College, institute, W. Va., on May 27. Glenn received the bachelor Of arts degree upon completion of his prelaw course. Re was elected to the Alpha Delta Sigma Honorary Scholastic Society and is one of the 20 Wes ' Virginia State students to he selected for inclusion in uWho's Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges." Glenn's mother Mrs. Ruth M. Glenn of Union avenue was at the Commencement Exercises to hear her SOll personally congratulated by Dr. Ira Reid and West Virginia's President Dr. John W. Davis as he received his diploma. Glenn is a graduate of Swarthmore High School, class of 1943, where he partiCipated in intermural sports, and was on the Garnet Staff for three years. Best Wishes f8 the GRADUATES MAY CONTINUED SUCCESS BE YOURS INGLENEUK TEA ROOM CLASS 1951 OF Our GRADUA'IES OF '51 Heartiest CELIA SHOE SHOP 102 PARK AVENUE Congratu.. lations Joseph's Barber Shop CLASS OF '51 GRADUATING (ftl~"..~5i5ei~~$ei~~~$5S$~eiiiiiii~~~5~~ TO THE CLASS OF '51 Head Locroue Teams Avery Blake, Jr., has been elected captain of next year's lacrosse team at Swarthmore College. Avery, a sophomore at Swarthmor~ has played two years variity lacfosse and four years at swartilinore High School. Two Swarthmore High graduates will head the University of Pennsylvania lacrosse teams next year. Judy Dickson is the elected captain of women's lacrosse and David McCahan of men's lacrosse at the University. Both Judy and David played on the varsity teams at the high school their senior years. SCHOOL HIGH ment. DEW DROP INN BEST OF LUCK SWARTHMOREAN I Prospectors only four r)~:§!~~~:§!:§!~~~:§!~~§':~ Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of lowed hits in the six innings. Park avenue left Friday on a mo.. The season's record, posted by "I Saw It In The Swarthmorean." tor trip through Florida. the Garneteers, stands at six victories against six defeats in Suburban III League competition. Throughout the entire season, BEST WISHES TO every player showed great enthusiasm and team spirit. The squad, which was primarily composed of young, inexperienced ball WISHES THE CLASS players, has benefited greatly from their experience during the season of 1951. The team has had a very OF 1951 CONTINUED successful season in many respects, which are not shown in the SUCCESS record books. With the exception of senior Don Pierce, all of this year's squad will be returning next year. The material· and experience of these boys will help build a strong foundation ior future teams. THE JUNE 1, 1951 to ';iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii __iiiiiMiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiii~_imiiiiiiiiiliiiiim_iiil I the A,DL HAIL CLASS OF 1951 HOLLYHOCK SHOP Class ., 4 PARK AVENUE of Best Wishes Joa n 1951 TO THE CLASS OF '51 Dllf(lthy Eli:;d1~·tl\ Cnp!..' AI: k~T J{)hn Edward Bl'l,.'kcf C;l rroll Mortin Ad,un.:, Thol1lil5 Hyc.k AIJl,.'n Howard Warner Arri~tln. Ihtl.'!lLtll LLL II [ Cotton BL'nnL'tt, Jr. AIl'xanuL'l" BlaIKh..- Bowit: John FClIlkl11l (:, lilly Ri..::lurd Thoma ... Bunt . . FrL'Jt..'rick MileG. C'II11l'l, . -11. .Ir. EJwanl F;l\\'cctt CarL'Y Do10f':-:' Aktlh:;l C( ){lPl'[ \Villi,ld Ed!.!.l}" C:wuthlT'::, Jr. Phyllis Ann C"lIin, Mary Carolyn Marianne Dorothy de Furia Mary Ann DCLTOU':= Catherman's Drug Store F:;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;:::=:;;:::=~ BEST OF COMMENCEMENT TIME AND THE CO-OPS * * Michael's College * This Is the commencement season. Hundreds of Olousancls of our young men and women have been and will be admonished to ......e faUh in Ole fnture, to work for a better society, to pledge their loyalty to the domestic way of life. At this Ume we invite all to join us as we labor Cooperatively on the biggest single Issue of our time - the economic Issue. Cooperatives are a plan for tomorrow which works today! We want all Wgh Sehool and College graduates to aeeept our oongrMulaUons and to get acquainted with the Cooperative Way of Doing Business. SWARTHMORE CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION 401 DARTMOUTH AVENUE LUCK TO THE CLASS OF 1951 Pharmacy FUSCO and ALSTON I "On the Corner" Sfudebake)' Sales & Service so, CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Phone Swarthmore 6-3681 Ann Berlinger Dcnworth Janl: D~Lkin::on Bn:~sc Evans :7"\b THE SWARTHMORE HIGH SWARTHMOREAN SCHOOL JUNE 1,1951 . GRADUATING CLASS OF 1951 JUNE I, 1951 THE Ifc.- . SWARTHMOREAN --------------------------------------------------------------~ SWARTHMORE HIGHSCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1951 BEST Hail WISHES -."0,- for a Graduates! Happy IQI and Successful You're Future Bound to the ~ To Build· .. Class of A Better 1951 Patricia Loui~e Rohert Lesley Pollett Corinna Keen Foster David Luehring Esther Mari'lI1 Rumsey Anne Harvey Hilkert Philip Leslie Hummer Eunice Ruth Garrett Doris Ethel Greene Julia Hionis Marian Charlotte Hunt Julia Alice Lange Mildred Ann McCowan Barbara Jean Schumacher Warren Maxwell Gold Beverly Ann Harlow Jean Ellen Holman Harlan Rohinson Jessup, Jr, Anne Marie Larson Patricia Ann Pfifferling Harriet Mae Schwartz Dorothy Anne Heinte Suzanne Hopson David Hoefel Killinger, Je Donald Frank Pierce Rocert Richard Shank Arlyn fiue Goldsmith Elizabeth Bond Fnst.... Phyllis Kletzien Jerome David Goodm;m Viliman Morro\\' Furey, Jr. Finnegan World! Rohert Linn EDWARD GOOD LUCK TO Congratulations! L.NOYES 1951 1951 CLASS RUSSELL'S SERVICE CAKE BOX DARTMoum & LAFAYETTE AVE. THEATRE SQUARE Phone 6·0440 23 S. Chester Road Swarthmore Phone 6-0144 to the Best Wishes To the Class CLASS OF 1951 of MORE VICTORIES 1 ,I and CO. I GRADUATES OF ~ Buchner's Toggery --1951-- Shop RUMSEY CHEVROLET Park Avenue Soles & Service THEATRE SQUARE Yale and Rutgers Avenues Swarthmore 6-1439 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF THE JUNE I, 1951 JUNE 1,1951 SWARTHMOREAN SWARTHMORE 1951 HIGH SWARTHMOREAN SCHOOL GRADUATI NG CLASS OF 1951 BEST WISHES Hail Future Bound to the To Build Class of A Better 1951 1,:llm,1ll 1'.1prfnw Eulli . :. .· Ruth l{1Ib.:rt Lt..·~k·y F(llktt COTiIlO;l KCL'1l FllrL'~, (;;Irrl'tt \V,llTL'n Max\\'l,11 Fost.,.'r (;\)ld t\rlyn Slit' (~t)ld~mith .11 ."-'fom.: David Philip LC51il: (;()uJllldll Rt.'\·crly Ann Harlo,,-' Julia Alicl" Marian Charlottc Hunt Julia Hionis D(lris Ethel C TeCnL' Phyllis Klctzic'n HUmll1LT Harlan Rohin5011!,'. Jr. .kan Elkn Holman J)tm,thy Ant1\.' HL'itlZl' ! World! Lan~L Anne Maric Lar50n Rohert Linn David Hocfd Killinger, Jr. EDWARD! GOOD LUCK TO Congl·a tula tions! GRADVATES OF Buchner's and CO. 1951 1951 CLASS RUSSELL'S SERVICE CAKE BOX THEATRE SQUARE DARTMOUTH & LAFAYETTE AVE. Phone 6·0440 Swarthmore Phone i Barh,lel .k;1I1 SChU1l1,\t...-hcr P;ltri(:j" Ann Pfltf('rlin,T Harril.'t MaL' S ...~h\\';lrtz. ~ Ri»l'I-t Ri..-h;lnl Sh.lIlk DonalJ Frank Picn:-.: CLASS OF 1951 of - -1951-- 23 ! RlInl~\:Y MilJrcJ Ann McCowan to the Toggery S. Chester Road ' E.-.tlh'r MariOlIl Best Wishes To the Class MORE VICTORIES L.NOYES D.1ViJ Luchrint! Shop RUMSEY CHEVROLET Park Avenue Sales & Service 6·0144 THEATRE SQUARE Yale and Rutgers Avenues Swarthmore 6·1439 'JUNE 1, 1951 THE SWARTHMORE HIGH SWARTHMOREAN SCHOOL JUNE 1,1951 GRADUATING CLASS 1951 OF Success THE' WIU"dens Wall Meet To Discv- D,iaa- Atou. Air RJid Wardens will meet Wednesday, June 6 at 7:80 p.m. The meeting place, formerly at the High School, has been changP.d to Trotter Hall (the old Science B'illding), on the College Campus, to permlt use 'of demonstra!Ion equipment. M. W. Garrett nf the pbyslcs departmentat the College will discuss dangers from immediate and delayed radio-activity in atom bomb explosions. A counter may be shown and used, but any demonstration of the bomb itself will be postponed. Geiger to the ArtieIe RepsiDted Class , ' Mrs. Robert Brodhead of North Swarthmore avenue is the' co-author with Mrs. Willlam lIIaul ot an article entitled ''Se-.r-:Qiscipllne In a Modern School" in the magazine Understanding the = Child. Written for the Parents Bulletin of the School In Rose Valley, the article Was reprinted in the April Issue of the national magazine. ., Mt:9., Brodhead is a teacher for the secOnd ,and," third grades at ,Rose, Valley. Mrs. Maul 'teaches the four-year-old-group In the pre-School. , _ _ _ __ Joins, coora'i of FiDished picture • • .,a mmute . H. Mary Burn of North 'Chester road has joined choral directors from a score of states and C.mada in enrolling for the Fred Waring Choral Workshop held at the derers' Row. \ . , Pennsylvania Stste College June A tea on the front campus will 25-29. be held at 4;30 p.m. For those Miss Burn, at one time teacher whose ,spirits sag under hot of music In Eddystone Senior,High sunlight, swimming pools will be, School; is now fJ.lliIig the saIIle open lrolIl 3:00 to 5:30. Reunion position in the Marcus .Hook Pub- dinners ,for claSses gathering this lic School. ,She is a member nf year Will, be-at 6:30, and a dance several clioirs and musical organ- and alllllllli' sing at Parrish Hall , izations. are the features of the evening. . , , ' CLASS OF 1951 & CO. (;rflwliI, liet-leeti B.EGoodrieh "'A~: CAIIYAS I, Speaks BEST OF L1J£K May CLASS OF 'iii ,r all your Wishes Eric Cope Sharp\.:" Richard Roman Smallwood John Richard Streeter Muriel Myfanwy Watkin, Mary June Shearer Linda Jean Smith George G, Theall Marilynne Joyce Widdowson Frederick Joseph Shoycr, 2nd Carolyn Steigelman Thomas Edward Simkin Dor"thy' Anne Steigelman Barhara Sue Thorhahn Ruth Margaret Wilcox Mary Blessing Told James Matthews Wolf CONGRATlJIATIONS' Be CLASS OF '51 w. S.BITTLE & SON Fulfilled Bouquets (Oa ealY terma if you lite) POLAROID@, Picture-in-a-minute camera at MICHAEL'S SUCCESS 1951 CLASS OF 1951 PHARMACY ON TIlE COIlNER CELIA ,SHOE SHOP The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON Lawrence Minor Woodruff Nancy Adda Wrightsman B. J. HOY 5 and 10e STORE 2 Park Avenue */n'l&nled. b'l Dr. 'Ed"I. H. r.d .,AB.K: 'oIaroid ® HHMriH ,:~~aSCDOOL ~;;:;..TE;RP!.BEGI~i;.fu.NE 11, ,,19iil-. -;~"--.- ~!!~. _.' .;,......:'.• t.· ~ snOIl~ND, TYPEWRlTING, ACCOUNTING BUSINESS ,E~GLIsn. ARITIIlIIETI'c, SPELLING , ,COMProMETIlY, ete. KEYSTONE SCHOOL SW.6-i,147 ~r ,SW. 6.9735 'ltr After 6 call SW. 8-4658 E"D of ,,.. II•• .. Second ,Grade Pic:uic Tuesday. At the bUSineSS seS- sion officers elected for the com- BEST WISHES HANNUM CO-ED BEAUTY SALON TO ...·UR ClASS OF 'iiI Under New Management SPECIALIZING IN & WAITE [Jermanent Waving and Hair Cutting Devine Taxi Service PABX and'DAIlTlllOUTB AVIL 8WAIlTHMOllB 8-1011 ambitions will be fulfilled from ",' 102 AvENuE include, besides ihe annual display ~~~~~~~~~~~~::""""~"""~"""~"""~"""~""4~"""~!:""'~"""~"""~""'~Q~Q:!Q===:!:!! of outstanding work by individ- u~s, a series ofl photos made dur.. ing the production of "The Crime~" Jhe two-reel movie shown ~eent­ ........ ' ly at the College Theatre, and produced entirely by' college studen",. These pictures are the work of Harry Karl Ihrig and Woodlief Thomas, Jr. \ With the sincere wish that all your COIJ.EGE Second Graders of Rutgers Avenue School and their mothers held a picnic on ,the school grounds TO THE To the Class of , ,. and to remain on view untilscheduled ,'arter Commencement,·.ari. photographS "selected from· the work of' members of the stud"';t Camera Club.' Pfctures shown $89.75 See the East. .On' exhlbitin' , Parrish .Hall, at, the pr..,s6Jl,t ttme., HI f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'..~~ big, heautiful, lasting.' )(0 faa ••• no darkroom-the film and camera do all the work. AlITODe can take them can _eDj07' them on tile spot. nere i. truly moclem photography. ·POSJUIf , fOUIfPAnO. diplomat' will S~~~if:~j~:;! ted NationS d We has ADOLPH'S you Bee the finlBhed pictw'e _ • Guard Against Flat Feet • LoOman Foot Strain • Promote Good Posture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:Iliver the 'PbiPhilosopher Beta Kappa',lecture this 'year." Mendel-baum will be heard at Friends Meetlrig House at 8:30 p.m. Sunday. Try/ive Lie; secretarY-i!enenu of the U~iteif )'i.ati,onS ',~, be ,the ' speaker at Commencement' ceremonies in the scOt!· Outdoor Aliditorium; to be' h(!ld Monday June iL' " " Sbt7 seCondB after yoo ..... : the Polaroid Land. Cam_ r-rSHOES IIS/HEIJ7{1 HeLP The, traditional, Baccalaureate Service is the first,of three events scheduled, far SUIiday, June 10. Spe,aker for the occasion will be Clarence ,"E. Plckett,fQrmer, executive secretary of the FriendS Service Committee. 'Sunday evening at, ,seven, Sidney. Morgenbesser, of thecallege Department Of Phllosopby "~:tleak at Last Collection., Both' ',' • events will be' held at Clothier 'MemorIaL . Former, Swarthmore prnfessor Maurice Mendelbaum, now lit the University of Michigan, 'will de- ON A WELL EARNED VICTORY HARRIS i I WorIuhop' WE COMPLIMENT YOU 1951 = College In Busy ing .yem: were: Mrs. John Honnold, " ..... ':CiS "'-')¥$ ,;;iSSS ~--" "'1 ' "chllll'lll8ll; Mrs. Albert Stamford, ,Commencement' program chairman' and Mrs HERE'S THE CAMERA (Contlnued from page one) Richard Noye, ~tary and THAT GIVES YOU A Sporta take the spotlight In the !reasurer. " late afternoon as the ,colle", 'var- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ slty baseball ,team, with ace '"'\ i pitcher Dick ,Hall on the mound, faces the Lakehurst Naval" Air Ststlon on' the "Alumni Field dlamom!. Over on the football field, an .\iomerlc softball clash between the Faculty, and, Alumni is scheduled. It is, considered likely that speed artist Jonh" Nason will be the "Faculty's, choice for mound duty against the graduates' Mur- ~ck,," • , SWA.RTHMORE;A.N Yale and Chester Road Swarthmore 6-1250 Congratulations! Back-breaking clothes-drying Is gone with a modern automatic .Iadala )1 clothesdry.r.Justtransferdoth. . . , ~I, washer to dryer, set the,whlloJ.,~ ~ relax. Cloth.. come out, fluffy aajcI lIi sweet-smelllng, at lust the of, .~ drylllS$ you want. Choose your auto- ~ mafic .lecllk: clotheS dryer cit "raw: : dealer's or at our local lIoN. GRADUATES . dey._ , Swarthmore Martel·Bros. - - - 1.l • " PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPAIIY - - -"-,- , ' , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE JUNE 1, 1951 THE 4' . 0 SWARTHMORE HIGH JUNE 1,1951 SWARTHMOREAN CLASS GRADUATING SCHOOL OF 1951 ./,p. "i,Ar?:0 Success to the THE ~~============~~==~~~=====~~'~~~-~;; College In Busy I' ing year were: Mrs. John Honnold,/;=;' SS-'-~_'CS$SS%%%%¥ssj\' ".C! Wardens Will Meet To Child. Written for the Parents Diac:ua Dying Atoms Bulletin of the School in Rose Air R .. id Wardens will meet Wednesday, June 6 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting place, formerly at the High School, has been changed to Trotter Hall (the a Id SCI'ence Building), on the College Campus , to perml' t 'u se 0. f d em 0 n s tration equipment. M. W. Garrett of the physics deparlment at the College will discuss dangers from immediate and delayed radio-activity in atom bomb explosions. A Geiger counter may be shown and used, but any demonstration of the bomb itself will be postponed. of Valley, the article was reprinted in Ihe April issue of the national magazine. Mrs. Brodhead is a teacher for the second and third grades at Rose Valley. Mrs. Maul teaches the four-year-old-group in the pre-school. Joins Chora. Workshop H. Mary Bum of North Chester road has joined choral directors from a score of states and Canada in enrolling for the Fred Waring Choral Workshop held at the Pennsylvania State College June 25-29. Article Reprinted Class Mrs. Robert Brodhead of North Swarthmore avenue is the' co-author with Mrs. William Maul of an article entitled "Set,f-I1iscipline in a Modern School" in the magazine Understanding the Miss Burn, at one time teacher of music in Eddystone Senior -High School, is now filling the same position in the Marcus Hook Publie School. .she is a member of several choirs and musical organizations. WE COMPLIMENT YOU ON A WELL EARNED VICTORY 1951 CLASS OF 1951 HARRIS & CO, . '1 {. BEST OF LUCK CLASS OF '51. all your ADOLPH'S - .-- . . chairman; Mrs. Albert Stamford, ,. chairman; and Mrs. HERE'S THE CAMERA (Continued from page one) Richard Noye secretary and THAT GIVES YOU A Sports take the spotlight in the treasurer. ' late afternoon as the college var- - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ sity baseball team, with ace pitcher Dick Hall on the mound, faces the Lakehurst Naval Air Station on the AlullUIi Field dia,j mond. Over on the football field, an Homeric softball clash between the Faculty and Alumni is schedd It 'IS. conSI'd ered I'lkely that u Ie, d . J h N spec artist on ason will be the· Faculty's choice for mound d h ' uty against t e graduates' Murderers' Row. A tea on the front campus will be held at 4;30 p.m. For those whose spirits sag under hot Sixty seconds after you snap sunlight, swimming pools will be. the Polaroid Land' Camera, open from 3:00 to 5;30. Reunion you see the finished picture _ dinners for classes gathering this big, beautifult lasting. blo fuss year will be at 6:30, and a dance ••• no darkroom-the film and and alumni sing at Parrish Hall camera do all the work. Any.. are the features of the evening. one can take them--can enjoy PickeU Speaks them on the spot. Here is truly The traditional Baccalaureate • Guard Against Flat Feet modem photography. Service is the first of three events • Lessen Foot Strain • Promote Good Posture scheduled for Sunday. June 10. Speaker fOl· the occasion will be *POSTURf Clarence E. Pickett, iQrmer ex(On easy term& ecutive secretary of the Friends FOUNDATION if you like) Service Committee. Sunday evening at seven, Sidney Morgenbesser of the college Department or Philosophy will s,Peak at Last Collection. Both these events will be held at Clothier Memorial. See the Former Swartrunore professor Maurice Mendelbaum., now at the University of Michigan, will dePicture-in-a-minute liver the Phi Beta Kappa lecture camera at this year. Philosopher Mendelbaum will be heard at Friends MICHAEL'S COLLEGE Meeting House at 3:30 p,m. Sun" PHARMACY day. ON THE CORNER 'I'rygve Lie, secretary-general of Commencement' program Finished picture • • m a minute (h;(}WIR9 netA'eeel B.F.hodrie. YtA~; CANVAS r-r ~- .. _-". 7 SOUTH CHEstrER ROAD /)!J'/P#£IJ 7lJ /lEl.P $89.75 the United Nations will be the speaker at Commencement cere... monies in the Scott Outdoor Auditorium, to be held at 10:00 a.m. Monday June 11. The Norwegian diplomat will speak on "The United Nations and World Peace." Mr. Lie has for the past severai~onths been touring Europe"and-thtr- Near East, ..... On exhibit in the East Parlor of Wishes EriL Cop .., Sh;lI·l'k,:-:..; Mary J1I1lC' Sh ..·;\ [,'r Frederick Joseph Sho),cr. 2nd TIHHllas EJw;lnl Simkin Ri.:h.\rd RIlIB.lll SnullwtHh..i Limb Jean Smith C"rolyn Steigclman [)(lrt1thy-Anne Stci~""lman John Ri('\i;lrJ Stfl'l't,'r (; ...'t)f),!C G. Th . .'all Muri..-l lvlyfanwy MilrilynnC" jt)Y(l~ CONGRATULATIONS Wiltk;ll~ WiJJ()ws())l lhrhlra Sue Tlwrhdlll Ruth Margan.:t Wilcox Mary Blessing TolJ Jam..:-s Matthews Wolf Be Fulfilled Bouquets 1951 CLASS OF '51. W. S. BITTLE & SON . SUCCESS CLASS OF 1951 With the sincere wish that all your Panish Hall at the present time, and scheduled to remain on view until after Commencement, are photographs selected from the work of members of the studeilt Camera Club. Pictures shown include, besides the annual display Of outstanding work by, a series of photos made during the production of "The Crime,"' .the two-reel movie shown recently at the College Theatre and produced entirely by college studen~s. These pictures are the work of Harry Karl Ihrig and Woodlief Thomas, Jr. BEST WISHES HANNUM & WAITE BEAUTY SALON Lawr..:nec Minor W()(}(}rutf Nalley Adda W rightsm;m Yale and B. J. HOY Swarthmore 5 and 10e STORE 6·1250 2 Park Avenue Swarthmore Pof.roid ® ~=~M:;U;"";;""~"":;U;""';;""~"";;=~"";""~""~!=l~'=:;u;;;;=d.;~M;M~M~""~eI~M~""'~""~""'~M~H~H;h~"'~'~~ SlJMMER SCHOOL TERM BEGINS JUNE 11, 1951 SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, ACCOUNTING BUSINESS ENGLISH, ARITHMETIC. SPELLING COMPTOMETRY, etc. KEYSTONE SCHOOL SW. 6-1747 or SW. 6-9735 After 6 call SW. 6-4656 ~ ""0 0' '''e ""B . CO-ED BEAUTY SALON TO THE CLASS OF '51. Under New Management SPECIALIZING IN ~ermanent Devine Taxi Service Waving and Hair Cutting PARK and DARTMOllTH AVE. SWARTHMORE 6-1013 Chestel' Road The Bouquet */n.,enled by Dr. Edwin H. IAItd 102 PARK AVENUE Second Grade Picmc amhitions will he fulfilled from CELIA SHOE SHOP Second Graders of Rutgers Avenue School and their mothers held a picnic on the school grounds Tuesday. At the business session officers elected for the COID- TO THE To the Class of SHOES POLAROID@ @) May S SWARTHMORE1ER Sov.orU>noore 8-3450 Authorized Distributors - second - floor bed- room, k·tchen b th Pri t a vate entrance. 1 Media 6-0150. FOR RENT - Comfortable fur:' nished borne, 3 be.drooms, for July and August. References required. Call Swarthmore 6-1634. :~!;taY~I':.~'!. T:::t Bldg. FOR RENT Two rooms and bath Sf·ij·l for gentlemen. References. ESTATE OF FRANCBS PEARSON One block Moylan Station. Meals Deceased. • out. Media 6-4546. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above estate been granted to the ~;:;:;;;==;;;;:;;ii;;;;;;{t;I;;t=;;:; undersigned, who request all persons ~""'HHMMt=SH~t:="t:"ft'="t'"" having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent to makeJmown the Since 1905 same. and all persons Indebted. to the decedent to make pS}'IDent. without delay ~ . .~~~~~~~~fl!. PEARSON. P~N Executors AND Iron Fireman Oil FOR RENT-Large corner' room, private bath, near P.R.R.t References. Media thels~w!a~Itihm~o~r~e~an~d~~~~~~~b~use~; •. above estate TESTAMENTARY Imve bcl:ll grouted on to the LETTERS Swarthmore. Pa. J. F. BLACKMAN P.R.£. . Fre"ht Blk. SWarihmore. Pa. Phone SW 8-1557 6·010~ fPZ;;;rTn;'and' 'R.:;ji;;' r: Gutter and Spout Work ! ALL WORK GUARANTEED T. W. BURNS Phone Ridler Park 2822-M PHIC SUPPLIES V\:Ilnfi CAMERA & GADGET BAGS FILM & FLASH BULBS DARK ROOM NEEDS PROJECTORS ALBUMS SLIDE REEL CASES SLIDE & MOVIE s" PATTERSON Ei&"hteen Yeoon EQer(enee PHONE MEDIA 6-3400 F1lNEBAL HOllIE A PrIce '" Meet Bve17 ROGEH HUSSELL· StAte and Monroe Streets MEDIA '-1171 FamIly's Needa CUNNINGHAM Painters .. Paper IIaD&'er8 We shollid luaow how lwa. 8-2188 1IIchi&'aD A...... Burners Good Coal HOIl'ace B. Passmore ilEAL ESTATE .. , DfSUBANCB SWABTBlIIORB 6-5510 BlDLEYPARK Phone Swarthmore 8-'7U Swarlhmo:',e;~.'~~::~; ••~;::: Or to her Attomey Chas. P. Larkin. Jr., Esq, 708 Crozer BuUdlng Chester, Pennsyl . . anla 3T-5·18 Charles E. Fischer _W 1'0 BE A "GOOD EGG" 0" Patty-Line Telephones you'll find that telephone work has many other TIHtaEN G_d pay from the start, with regular Increases BUILDER Wacn YOU PLAY FAIR with your party-line neighbono ... It Swartluuere 8-1111' Pleasant, comiortable surroundings payII dividendsl They'll return yOll{ courtesies. ad evet'J'body on the line will get better serVice. ...... are two ,suggestions Hf~AT - OIL Why not stop in today at one of the offices listed below: Oil BURNERS ~ AIR CONDITIONING OIL FURNACES OIL BOILERS - OIL BUIINING WATER .HEATERS 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. On lIDding the line In use, bang up gently and give the other person a few minutes to finish his call And when, whUe HARRIS & co. 11 PARK AVE. BWABu.lOBB, Po&. you realize that your neighbor is waiting eall, hang up In a few minute. and fre.o telldng, .. IDIIke die line. B . Baay, Ion't It? Yet these liltle courtesies mark you' _ • "Iood ea" on the party line .•• one who dese•.".,. t.Ir _ _t In retum. Daily Service For -Girls who like people like telephone wodC' OUR ACME MARKET Chester Rd., SW'arthmore Open 1hursday & Friday Till 9 f.M .. 1', Construction FUSCO and ALSTON , • • "Thlrd GeneraUon BuDders" advantages: • Construction Alterations J{EALTOR WE CARE FOR No experience needed Essential work In interesting lobs u.-PlutereiJ BuUdin&, Specification. Treatmeuts tHE IELL tElEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYlVANIA -:.::..t:"~ Saturday 'till 6 P.M... Lawns mowed, General HauUng" 236 Harding Av. Morton. Pa. . Devine Taxi Service . Car Owners-don': let warm • wn.LIAM BROOKS' Ashes & Rubbish Removed SERVICES If you'd like to work with associates of this kind ... with people like yourself ••• why not stop in for an interview? There are several openings right now for girls who can qualify. In addition, '. Surveys 7055 'ermlnal Square, Upper Darby, Pa. VirgInIa lee Bakery rreab =~~~...:::.:.:...;;;!!:::::.-.... - - Swarthmore 6-1411·. Delaware County, Pa.· For girls who Uk'!! people, Bell TelephOne is an ideal place to work. The men and women you'll meet at Bell are friendly, pleasant, congeniaL • ... ase FOR SALE and a ciLance to make good friends! lOOK AT THUf VAWIS Hom.d..Llte Creamy Madison 3-9088 , UNITED 'o,:25e Green Bean.·":,,- '"o::22e BI'occoII'DOA' ...... 22e ago< ... SELECT CJLIENTIti;z Swarthmore 6-0740 A GOOD JOB ... 1:.:"2. Stokes Nursing Home Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 AND ••..,..11.... T "f' d Cl ROOFS Gun'US REPAIRED & INSTALLED WABlII-AIB HEATING Fnrno,ces Vacuum Cleaned GEORGB MYERS 80:0: 48 - Swarihmore 8-0nO Atlantic Heating Oils F-ra-~ ....-F-ood~.....~ The 29 Pennsylvania Leagues SWARTaMOREAN Mrs. J. Burris West, Mrs. Roderick Firth, Mrs. ,!,homas Hopper, Mrs. David Wisdom and Mrs. Thomas G. Casey of tile Swarthmore League of Women Voters attended the League'. twentieth State Convention at Pocono Manor last week. . OF ICEBERG LETTUCE ,---.... DaUd, ijepoutof ATTEND STATE LWV CONVENTIOR " GRAPEFRUIT Claeddar News Notes to active mUltary service and will report July 7 to the SelfrIdge ArMr. and Mrs. Robert R. Long~ my Air Field, near Detroit, Mleb. well of Brooklyn, N. Y., spent the Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Moeller Swarthmore Clubwoman Mrs. O. week-end with Mr. Longwell's and children Beth and Bill of 230 J. Gilcreest of Vassar avenue is a mother Mrs. A. E. Longwell of Park avenue will leave June 6 to member of the Board of DirectorS Lafayette avenue, and attended make their home in Ft. Wayne, and one of the original founders the IC4A Track Meet with Mr. Ind. Mr. Moeller has been transof the Pbliadelphia Regional and Mrs. Jeffery Kirk of Lans- ferred by the General Electric Writers' Conference whose thlrd downe. Company. annual aessions will be held June Mrs. C. Wahl Olmes of Park Mrs. Hervey Schumacher of 20, 21, and 22 in Philadelphia. Haverford avenue and Mrs. T. avenue has returned from a 10As in the two previous years, M. Jackson of Park avenue en- day visit with her son-in-law and outstanding Philadelphia area tertailled members of the Thim- daughter Mr•. and Mrs. Benjamin teachers, writers, and critics will ble Grvup and a few friends at a Harrison of Arlington, N. J. Mrs. take part in it, and it be spooiluncheon at an out-of-town tea- Olmes is now entertaining as her sored by writers' clubs of the room Thursday. house guest Mrs. S. W. Foster of Pbliadelphia vicinity. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch Bloomfield, N. J. The Conference will open with of Dartmouth avenue have been Mrs. Edward H. Bingham of Cea Pre-Conference diDner, June 20, entertaining for the past .week Dr. dar Rapids, Ia., is the house guest at which the speakers will include Lynch's mother Mrs. John W. Bus- of her son and daughter-in-law John Bird, Associate Editor of the well of Fairbury, Nebr. Mr. Bus- Mr~ and Mrs. David Bingham of Country Gentleman, Amy Oakley, well attended the National Rotary South Princeton avenue. Mr. and author of travel books, L. Sprague Convention in Atlantic City. Mrs. Bingham and tbeir guest wUl' DeCamp, science -fiction writer, Mrs. Wayne H. Randall of Riv- spend the week-end with Mr. and Earl .T. Crooker, University of erview road entertained her club Mrs. Fletcher Rockwell of GreenPennsylvania. at a luncheon-bridge at her wich, Conn. The next two days of the Con- home Monday. Paul Blessing of Hindman, Ky., ference will be devoted to. workRichard R. Shelly of South' will arrive this week-end for a' shops on various phases of writing. Chester road who will graduate two-week visit with his nephew Also in the evenings, following the June 17 from Trinity College, Mr. Peter E. Told and family of . creative writing class, led by Claire Hartford, Conn., has been called Park avenue. Wallis, will be lectures. . Phila. Reuional Writers. e- . Conference Announced Thayer ·road will entertain at a luncheon Monday wIleD II' II will Include members of the gift of Trinity table committee Church's Hollday Fair. Mis. Hetzel and Mrs. William R. Mc Henry are co-chairmen of the of committee. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Brennan and small daughter Carol of Lancaster spent the week-end with. Mrs. Brennan's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Randall of ftiverview road. THE JUNE 1, 1951. Cleaning & Preuing' 1 SOllm PA. .Builders Supplies Coal , '~ - ,' SW...'.11 " lIE IEIL """"" ....... OF ......., ... @ '. a Commencement Tuesday I THE SWARTHMOREAN JUNE 1,1951 DACCA' AUREATE TEA. Dorothy Heinze - De Pauw UnIFlea and Light-Weight Parents Give Dinner . verslty; Anne HUkert - ober-I Baccalaureate Services for the (ContInued from page one) Leagues In Home Stretcl) graduating (Continued from page One) lin College; Julia Hionis - expects . class Of Swarthmore Thomas Alden _ Amberst College to work; I pms to bigh scbool members of Tla'e.... Indlalls 'ned For FIrH High School will be held Sunday, This Saturday morning the TIreceived TUfts' Coll~ge 'SchOIar~ Jean Holman - plans to attend I the group. June 3, at the Presbyterian ship; Denison University; Suzanna Following the presentatlon of gers· and Indians of the Flea Lea- Church. The 5 o'clock ceremony Howard Arrison - plans to at- Hopson - Bucknell University; awards, • gift from members of gue, each with four wins and one will be foll'lwed with a tea at the loss, will J1leet In an important tend Princeton .University. Doro- Pbilip Hummer - University of both organizations was given Church for the senior parents, and tby Bateman _ working, Swarth- Pennsylvania; Marian Hunt - Mr. Holm by Anne Larson and game which will probably decide faculty. more High School. Keystone Sec- Maryland College for - Women; David Sp;,ncer. Anne, this year's the championship. The 'rigers led In charge of the tea is Mrs. retari.l School; John Becker _ Harlan Jessup _ DarImouth Col- Captain of tbe Band was also pre- by J. Noyes, Skip Skoglund, and FraniL Holman. She will tie assisted Swarthmore College; Lee Ben- lege,' NROTc Scholarship; David sented with' a gift froln fellow several other outstanding stars by Mrs. John Schumacher, Mrs. have fought their way back into nett - Haverford College; , Killinger Merchant Marine; members. John Rumsey and Mrs. Don DickSandra Bowie - Oberlin Col- Phyllis Kietzien _ Mount Holyoke Other gifts presented were to the contention. The Indians led inson, who will provide punch lege, received Wooster College College received Elmira College Marian Hunt from the Majorettes, by Seth SIngleton, and left-han- and cookies; Mrs Lee BenScholarship; Richard BurU.I _ Schola;ship; Julie Lange _ Ober- and Joan Acker from the Color der Freddy Cae had been out In nett, Mrs. FraniL· McCowan, and front all season until they were Mrs. W. O. Heinze, and their comSwarthmore College, reL..,ived lin <:pllege; Anne Larson - Gou- Bearers. Swarthmore College Open Schol- cher College; Robert LInn _ PennThe dinner, prepared by Mrs. upset last week by the Red-Socks. mittee who will provide the sandIn the other game, the Yankees wiches. arship; sylvania Military College; Dav- George Dunn and her capable Frederick Campbell _ plans to idson Leuhring _ University of committee, preceded .the formal will meet the Red-Socks putting Mrs. Leroy Wolf is chairman of attend Duke University; Rochester, NROTC Scholarship; part ~f the pr~gram. WIth the pres- a record of no wins and four losses hostesses, Mrs. William Simkin , Ted Carey _ Tyler School of Mildred McCowan _ Pennsyl-' entallon of gifts, the company ad- and one tie up against the Red- and Mrs. Charles Acker are in · .ty . St t C II . P tricia journed from the high school caf- Socks' record of one win, three charge of decorations. Fine Arts, Temple U mversl; va~la . a e 0 ~ge, a n" eteria to be entertained with a losses and one tie. Phyllis Collins - Eastern Nazarene PfIfferlIng - workmg, Ke~to e juggling and magical show in the Members of the teams are as College; Frank Coniy - Pennsyl- Concrete Company; Donald Pierce d't. Register 4 and 5 au J orlUm. follows: vania Military College and P.M.C. - plans to .work for the Federal Ba d Aw rds (Continued from page one) Tigers: Garrett, Skoglund, Scholarship; Dolores . Cooper - Bureau of Investigation; Esther Band mem~ers re:eiVing fourth Noyes, Bass, Shute, Johnson, Coles, will be arranged for each Friday. plans to attend Howard Univer- Rumsey - Marjorie Webster Junyear pins were: Ridgeway, Sessions, Dawes, Tur- This program will be located at sity; ior College; Barbara Schumacher Bud Crouthers, Lieutenant, ner, RiChardson, Warden, Bevan, the College Avenue School and William Crouthers - Pennsyl- _ Linden Hall Junior College; Eric Sharpless, Don Pierce, Jane and Habbersett. Playground and will have the vania Military College, received Harriet Schwartz - Marjorie Evans. Secretary. same morning hours as the' preIndians: Singleton, Manager, scholarship from P.M.C.; Mary Webster Junior College; Robert Third year pins went to: Nancy eoe, Gurin, L. Jones, Patterson, vious programs. Decrouez - Oberlin College, re- Shank - Air Corps; Eric Sharp- Chambers, John Pearson, Don A board committee consisting of Bradshaw, Calloway, Holly, ceived Oberlin College Scholar- less - Swarthmore College; June Ogram, Gretchen Bauer, Anne Barnes, Walmsley, Gibson, Cal- Mrs. Howard Jackson and Dr. Ned ship; Anne DeFuria - Pennsyl- Shearer - Wi1Iiam and Mary Col- Larson, George Dunn, Chuck RusWilliams, co-chairmen, and Mrs. vania State College; Ann Den- lege; Frederick 'Shoyer - Penn- sell. Dick Follett, Art Jones, Joan houn, Fischer, Lord. Yankees: GUfillan, Manager, Wisdom are assisting Theodore worth - Earlham College; Mary sylvania State College; Acker, Marian Hunt, Carol Mos- Kroon, Saunders, Wright, Roxby, Purnell in arranging this proAnn Dickinson - plans to attend Thomas Simkin - Swarthmore teller, Joan Plumb, Connie KnmvHoch, Barnard, Adams, Hansel, gram.' There will be competent West Chester State Teachers Col- College; Richard Smallwood - les. Delano ,Payne, Ellis, turner, Lath- -instructors in those areas where lege; University Of Maryland; LInda there is sufficient mterest. Receiving second year pins bury, Smith, and Saunders. 'Jane Evans Pennsylvania Smith - University of Delaware; were; Pete Rademacher, Ed League'Baseball Red Socks: Jones, Manager, State College; Patricia Finnegan - Carolyn Steigelman - expects to Friend, Gary Hoffman, Walt MeyThis is also the time to register Coleman, Wentz, Walters, CroPhiladelphia General Hospital work; Dorothy SteigeIman - work- er, Nancy Stewart, Pat Blake, for league baseball In the Hornet thers, NaSon, B. Jackson, R. JackSchool of Nursing; Richard Follett ing, Philadelphia Electric Com- Phyllis Kletzien, Ted Sanville, Alclass .. ages II, 12, and 13. The _ plans to attend Swarthmore Col- pany; John Streeter - University fred Grover, Dick Bell, George son, Moran, Jussen, Melcher, Wig- Hornets are entered In the Easton, Allen, D. Jackson, Amsden, lege; Corinna Foster - expects to of Delaware; tern Delaware County league and Allen, John Phillips, Ronny Gold, Walmsley, Dickinson, Hansel. work; E1lzabeth Foster - UniverJerry Theall _ Embry Riddle Sergeant-at-arms, Ed Harris. will practice in the afternoon and CInCY Beds Lead sity of Maryland; School of Aeronautics; Barbara Awarded pins for the first time The Light-Weight League has play league games In late afterDillman Furey - expects t~, go Thorbahn _ Gettysburg College; were Dick Cole, Joan Narbeth, been dominated by the CIncinnati noon. The baseball coinmittee, to work; Ruth Garrett - Oberlin Polly Told _ Bucknell University; Lynn Norman, Dick Norman, Gin- Reds, who lead with a record of board members Mr. Allison, RoCollege, received Scholarship from Muriel Watkins - Hiram College, ny Gehring, Dotty Heinze, Rose four wins and no losses. The Giants bert Abbe, and Mrs. Preston will OberlIn College; Warren Gold - received Hiram College Scholar- Richardson, Roland Kenschaft, follow close behind with three work with Russell Snyder on Harvard College; Suzanne Gold- ship; Bert Kroon, Bob Stilwell, John wins and one loss, the Dodgers one transportation, equipment storsmith - Bucknell University; GerJoyce Widdowson _ workIng for McCahan, Dave Badger, Dave win and three losses r and the age, and other necessities. aId Goodman - Swarthmore .Col- Easiem Djstributors Company, Spen1:er, Mary Leeron, Harvey Phillies with four loses have yet Because the S.R.A. program is lege; Inc.; Ruth Wilcox - Centenary Hignutt, Judy Roess, Judy Pen- to break into the win column. partially supported by the BorDoris Greene - University of Junior College; James Wolf _ Ur- nock, Sally Gaskill. The Reds have been the out- ough and the school, an additional Delaware; Beverly 'Harlow and sinus College; Lawrence WoodOn:hestra Awarda standing team led by Roh Wright, charge of $5.00 per child will be ruff - plans to attend Peddie or Orchestra members receiving Dave' Lynch, Ken Hassen and made for any of the above proThe Hill School; Nancy Wrights- tbeir pins were: several others. Tomorrow they grams for any out-of-town regisDavid Spencer, Ruth Garrett, will face the Giants in the decid- trants who do not· go to Swarthman - Oberlin College. Diana Tucker, Peter Rademacher, Ing game. If the Giants, led by more schools. 'rhe Finance Committee, Ellis aussell Snyder, Jerome Good- Wentz, Jester, and Snyder, upset Mrs. Horace E. Sheppard of I1idgway, Jr" Mr. Abbe, and Mrs. Jacksonville, Fla. will arrive to- man, Dick Cole, Nancy Chambers, them it will give the .Giants a tie Smith will be hard at work during Eddie Friend, Donald Ogram, for first place with the Reds. The .;;;,:;=____;;_~__~ morrow to spend two weeks with Gretchen. Bauer, George Dunn, other game schedules the Dodgers registration week. So will the I' her parents Mr. 'and Mrs. Earl H. property cOnunittee, Mrs. RanGeorge Allen, Ted Sanville, agaInst the Phi1lies. Weltz of College avenue. dolph Lee, Mrs. Wisdom, and Mrs. Charles Russell, Eric Sharpless, PETm Eo TOLD Team members follow: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bodley of Joan Phillips, HarV)' Higuutt, EdPhi1lies: Single, Mgr., Clothier, Wood, who have been working to All Idnes Of Insurance Lafayette avenue will spend the die Harris, Bev Harlow, Rose AlIce Bowie, Bloom, McGaughey, Lee, collect and repair. the equipment 383 DarImouth Avenue week-end at Buck Hill Falls atHetherington, McCoun, RUSSell, needed for all programs. tending an Exchange Club Con- Richardson. Swarihmore, Pa. Warden, Bates, Gurin, Noyes, vention held at the Inn. Stonecker. Kinder-Karnival Tonighf Wm Top HollOn CIncy Reds: R. .Wright, Mgr., (Continued from page one) For the second sUccessive year Bender, Perce, Malin, Hassen, Richard 'raylor, of Harvard aven- Kelghton, Lynch, Smith, F. Bloom, inter and Intra-family competition ue, and hi. partner won top hon- Jenkins, Lange, Zensen, Welliver. has been planned by Peter Murors in the moot court trials at the Giants: Wentz, Mgr., Jester, ray· and his committee. A half hour of movie comedies University Of Virginia Law SchooL Gale, Yates, Snyder, Dunning, The conCludIng case In which they Kerr, Genunill, Piccard, Jackson, selected by Gen Reavis, assisted by Mrs. Robert Frost, Wi1llam Pewere victors is one now pending Cole. belore the U.S. Supreme Court on Dodgers: Dawes, Mgr., Baker, gram and son John, will provide appeal. Dick, youngest member Reynolds, Hummer, Coleman, Ar- respite for weary gamesters in the of the class of 1952, was also se- rison, Hurd, Hollander, Gwinn, Sunday School Nursery. Guaranlected as judge for three of the Brown, Kletzien. Vennebush, Bad- teed hunger-stopper refreshments will be provided by the Westminmoot court trials held by the first ger. ster Fellowship, supervised by year class. Mrs. Hervey Schumacher of Dick Hook. Let Us Check Entire UI Saw It In The Swarthmorean:' Haverford avenue entertaIned at a At 9:15 the tempo will luncheon at a tea-room in Downchange, as the crowd moves to Lighting System ROSE VALLEY (JBORUS ingtown in honor of her grand- Fellowship Hall In the new wing Presents daughter Barbara Schumacher of of the Church Building where the At Low Cost .GUbenI'A'rIENCE and SullIvan's Ogden avenue who is a member talented entertainers from both JUNE I, a, 6, 7, 8, 9, of the Swarthmore High School sponsoring groups will present exat tile I'layers CI11b graduating class. Guests included cerpts from the popular show -If your headlight beam alignment is Admlulon $1, (tax IDcluded) classmates. "Network NighlInare". Sally Spenfaulty you are endangering your life ChII4ren, 60 centa .~~~~;:;::...::~=:.:;o_;;___-.:.. cer and Tony Ma\gi~ are caand those of other motorists. Correction is very easy and costs very little. • chairmen of this command perWe are equipped with the newest deformance which will Include the vices to check and correct lighting THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR cream of last year's show with an systems. additional playlet "If Men Played Bridge as Women Do". Friday, June 1 GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS 7:30 p.M.-Kinder-Karnlval ........................ Presbyterian Church Square Dancing sparked by CalSunday, June 3 h . ler Ed Potter will wind up the 11:00 P.M.-MornIng Worship ................................ Loc~ Ch,:"C ~ evening. First in Service - First in. Sales 5:00 P.M.-H.s. Baccalaureate .................... PresbyterIan C urc 1II0nday, JUIle f 12:00 to f P.M.-S.R.A. Reglstratlons ..........•...............: ...:. Schools {'oreal B a Group 6:00P.M.-H.S. Senior B""qUet .......................... WhittIer House The Marx' "Communist ManiTaesday, June 5 festo" will be the topic of discUS12:00 to 4P.M.-S.R.A. Registration ,........................ :........ Sch~ sion at the Great Books 'Group 8:00 P.M.-H.s. Graduatlon .•...••.•.•................ ~lothier Memonal Theatre Square meeting JjlIle 6 at the high school. WedJle.da7, .IUDe 6 . 1:00 P.M.-Woman's Club Movie SerIes ............ College Tbea~ The 8 p.m. d1scussion will coDSwarthmore 6-6130 clude the sertes for tbla SIDDIIler. LAST ~RTHMOREAN DAY • OF SCHOOL JUNE 14 to i. , I OIE£K YOlJD CAll CIIEOi: ACODENTS Don't Drive Witb Faulty Headli~hts ____ ____.;;.;;;.;_____-_-_·_-,I '*- Rumsey VOWME 23,-NUMBER 23 ; . SUMMER SCHOOL OPENS JUNE 18 · Teachers College Joins With School In Six Week Session ~warthmore JUNE8,lHl $3.50 PER YEAR SM REGISTRATONS NEW ALUMNI PRESIDENT . HELD THIS WEEK LiollS IntematioDal To Registration for, the summer program of the Swarthmore ·Recreation Association' took place Monday and Tuesday of this week. There are still a few vacancies in most age groups. For those who did! not have an opportunity to register, two registrars will be at each school, the Rutgers Avenue and College Avenue, on Monday, June 18, from 9 - 10 a.m. A request has been made have each child bring his or receipt to school on the first day. . Mrs. Randolph Lee and committee are gratefully busy collecting toys donated to the S.R.A. Anyone having usable equillmenlt I to donate should call Mrs. Lee, Swarthmore 6-6375, for collectlon. Lions International is organizIng a Swarthmore chapter and has indicated that a charter will be granted the latter part of June. Lions Clubs are nan-political, non-sectarian service organizations composed of the community's leadIng business and professional men. The purpose of the club is to recognize community needs and develop means of meetIng them, either through its own effort or In cooperation with other agencies. During the fiscal year 1949-19~0, Lions Clubs successfully completed 116,276 separate activities. The International Association is composed of 420,000 members and boasts 8,575 clubs in 29 countries on five continents. Grant Borough Charter COMMENCEMENT MON. AT. COLLEGE Eleven Loc'al Students Among Class of 213 Seniors High School Is In Commencement exercises at apIn affording pupils the oppor10 a.m. Monday in the Scott Outtunity to attend a Summer School door Auditorium 213 seniors will Session. This session will begin receive degrees from Swarthmore on Monday, June 18 and continue College. Of this number, 185 wI11 until Friday, July 28. be graduated with the B.A. degree, Pupils may enroll for any of 25 with the B.S. awarded by the three purposes:- to review a Division of Engin~ring, an~ three course, which was just completed with the M.A. In regular school year, for the Fifty-seven students are gradpurpose of raising the final gade; uating in the honors program, 29 " to take a course in summer school with honors, 25 with high honors ·which the pupil has f..ned to pass and three with highest honors. In the regular school year for the There were 24 elections to Phi Beta purpose of 'removing the fallure. to preview a course which the puresidents of the Borough pil plans to take next year, and will be among the graduates on for which he desires some additional preparatinn. :::.: of Park The Summer'School Is operated . .••• . ' Dodd Smith Reelected . av~~~':;rtB:~w'::,:og:~~ ~~i~~~~ jolntly by West Chester ~te · Teachers College and Swarthmore 125 Students Receive New Rooms 'lege avenue, B.S. in civil enginHigh- School. Through the excelAwards In Sports, Planned eerIng; Dunc,an Graham Foster, Jr., of lent cooperation of Dr. Earl P. Activ:i.ties . MrS. R. Rossell To Serve Wednesday evening .the ScllOOlllCrest lane, B.A. in physics with Sykes, director of Teacher Tralning at West Chester State TeaThe annual spring letter I>anAs ASSOCIation Board accepted the class of 1951's high honors. (Phi Beta Kappa); chers College, a' number of out- que t h e ld In the S w arthmare High Stephen Hay of Ogden avenue, gif t of a Nancy Grier Memorial Secretary s\andlng teachers have been se- School cafeteria last Friday 'evenm the form of a trophy case for B.A. in .modern languages; cured to help carry on this· pro- ing was the usual gay and colorWilliam F. Lee o;~~;::: the gymnasium lobby. George Alan Reeve Hunt of Elm avenue, gram. ful event. One ,hundred twenty_l·r,oa«I, a life insurance Ewing, school architect, was auth- B.A. in political science with high . orized to proceed with plans for honors; · actIvity The Swarthmore School Board f Ive leaders In sports, stu- f or,the P enn M utual Life has appointed as supervisQry fIla- dent government, chorus, band, ance Company, has been eled,!d I installation. The daughter of Mr. Roger Lee March of Elm avechers, Mary' ArmStrong in.English, clubs, class organizations and as- president of the Swarthmore Col- and Mrs. Charles Grier of Dart- nue, B.A. .In English literature; AdelIne Strouse In languages, Har- soclated activities were lege Alumni Association. Mr. mouth avenue, Nancy' died of polio 'Richard L. Raymond of Walnut ry Oppeniander, science and at this affair sponsored by takes oUice this weekend. a few days before the claSs began lane, B.A. in ecanomics; IXIBthematies. ~enry' Hofmann 'High School Student Cabinet. One Qther Borough resident its seventh grade studies. Robert L. Shaftner of Harvard the A1imini'Alj.. Mt.... ·MBrY. Parke' Dodd tax colB.s. In civil englneerfug.. who Is in ~ge of the Summer .. Phil Hur.uner;'-the· school, will in addition to direct- cabinet president, was master sociation balloting concluded re- lector and Claude Smith, solicitor Steven Spencer of Ogden avenue, ing the adlJiinistrative detai1s, sup- ceremonies and proved to be cently. Mrs. Roger Russell were reelected lor next year. B.A. m {;OIOgy; . Haverford place will serve as George ""d Alexander EwIng John . Tomlinson of Chester ervise the teach1ng of social of the feature entertainers hi. witty Introductions tlJrclug:hout secretary of the Association. presented sketches providing one honors; road, B.A. in mathematics with studies. The courses to be offered. will the evening. Guests were pre- new Association officers are lIer- additional classroom, two small Andrea Wilcox o.f Ogden avenue, cover .grades seven to .12 In social v.ious student letter winners, bert L Brown of Drexel HIli vice- seminar rooms, a study hall, . , B.A. in history wI·th honor·s. (PhI' relocation of storage rooms and Beta · 'studies, English, mathematics, eral memb ers af the f aulty c , Rob- president f or men, and Mrs. Kappa). languages and science. . In addi- ert Amsden, high school p~~:~:;;~ bert B. Greer of Media, vice- office space in the high school. The president for women. Board accepted the plans, authortion to th~ COl\l"Sg the 10sively, but shows prOmise of beIng ciass is limited to High School Classes at 2:15 and the Dedication the dark horse of thE! Worthern people, grades 7-12 and the inpage 'Statement on the .appI1eatlon, their spirit and enthusiasm states, "This Board finds that the Howard Arrison, Varsity Club Ceremony at 2:45 will be fur- Division. strumental instruction to students public health, safety, morals, wel- president, presented the Varsity nished by the Swarthmore High Paul Tarr pitched the first five from fourth grade up. Robert M. School Band. fare and convenience would be Club Athletic Achievement Award ilrnings in capable fashion and Lee Holm of the Swarthmore Schools substafitiallT ,eopardlzed by the to Richard Burtis in recognition of Ford, former Hornet pitcher, fIn- will supervise the program. arantlDi of this application". In an his achievement in varsity sports, Christopher MacDonald Swan, isbed out the game In splendid appended .~ and Decree' the sportsmaD§hip, scho\arsh1p, and Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Swan of style. Except tor .some ragged Officer At Camp Leje1llie BOard affirms the' action of Bar- service to schooL Fred Campbell Mt. Holyoke place was graduated base running the score would probLt. Col. Edwin C. Aiken, son of SecretIiry and Building In- was awarded a service 8Wejl~ tor June .. 3 from the University ably have been different. Torr led apeCtor ElUott Richardson In Ie- having earned nine varsity. ath- Delaware. He will play In the team at bat with two solid hits. Mrs. Alexander Ewing of Dartfusing to Issue ,,'lmllding pemilt leti':. letters; . tIIree each In foot- North-South All-Star Lacrosse Tomorrow afternoon the team mouth avenue, has completed. biB for luch alteraUOIIIl,.and.further ball, basketball and track. He was game at Troy,N.Y., :JUIle 9. travels to Aldan for another prac- course at the Amphibious. WardMles aDd refuses a' trie4 appeal caPt8m Of both' football and basDon wilf report for active duty tice game and then opens itS league fare School. Quan~co, Va. He is IIIId petition for exception and ketbal1 and besides setting a as a second lieutenant with the season next Wednesday at PiIgrIm now Division Signal Officer In charge of Communications of the varQIIlces to the Zooin. 'Ordlnance record. In the shotput . '. i~~~ £orpl,OIl June 20 at Quan- Gardens. The following day Second M8rine Division,. Camp team will play its. second. league t . the purpaw IICI\IIht. . highest and most prolific sc.~<~..: b~t~ of Lejeune. N. C. contest .et·WQne.· (CoDtlDueci GIl pqe elaht) (ContIDued on peae ~r BOARD ACCEPTS K~~:~n ANNUAL LET'TER M~a~~' BANQUET AT 'HS WF LEE TO HEAD GRIER MEMO COLLEGE ALUM' NI I I I ough \. , SW~THMO~ ~A~ ! • ~:~wn INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE .. Svll'lrthmore Collage L1 br"ry 8 Commencement Tuesday I THE SWARTHMOREAN JUNE 1,1951 BACCALAUREATE TEA Dor".th y Heinze -. De Pauw UnIParents Give Dinner Flea and Light-Weight vcrslty; Anne Hlikerl - obcr-I (Continued from page one) Baccalaureate Services for the Leagues In Home Stretcq (Continued from page one) lin College; Julia Hionis - expects. . graduating class Of Swarthmore Thomas Alden - Amhersl College, to work; I pms to hIgh school members of Tigertl, Indians Tied For FIrst High School will be held Sunday, This Saturday morning the Tireceived Tufts' College Scholar.Jean Holman - plans to attend the group. June 3, at the Presbyterian ship; Denison University; Suzanna I Following the presentation of gers and Indians of the Flea Lea- Church. The 5 o'clock ceremony Howard Arrison .. plans to at.. Hopson - Bucknell University; awards, a gift from members of gue, each with four wins and one will be foll'!.wed with a tea at the tend Princeton .University. Doro- Philip Hummer .. University of both organizations was given to loss, will meet in an important Church for the scnior parents, and thy Bateman .. working, Swarth- Pennsylvania; MariaI'! Hunt Mr. Holm by Anne Larson and game which will probably decide faculty. more High School. Keystene Sec- Maryland College for Women; David Spencer. Anne, this year's the championship. The Tigers led In charge of the tea is Mrs. relarial School; John Becker Harlan Jessup _ Dartmouth Col- Captain of the Band was also pre- by J. Noyes, Skip Skoglund, and Frank Holman. She will be assisted Swarlhmore College; Lee Ben- lege, NROTC Scholarship; David sen ted with· a gift froin fellow several other outstanding stars by Mrs. John Schumacher, Mrs. have fought their way back into nett .. Haverford College; Killinger Merchant Marine; members. John Rumsey and Mrs. Don DickSandra Bowie - Oberlin Col- Phyllis Kletzien _ Mount Holyoke Other gifts presented were to the contention. The Indians led inson, who will provide punch lege, received Wooster College College, received Elmira College Marian Hunt from the Majorettes, by Seth Singleton, and left-han- and cookies; Mrs Lee BenScholarship; Richard Burtitl - Scholarship; Julie Lange _ Ober- and Joan Acker from the Color der Freddy Coe had been out in nett, Mrs. Frank McCowan, and front all season until they were Swarthmore College, received lin College; Anne Larson - Gou- Bearers. Mrs. W. O. Heinze, and their comSwarthmore College Open Schol- cher College; Robert Linn _ PennThe dinner, prepared by Mrs. upset last week by the Red-Socks. mittee who will provide the sandIn the other game, the Yankees wiches. arship; sylvania Military College; Dav- George Dunn and her capable Frederick Campbell - plans to idson Leuhring _ University of committee, preceded the formal will meet the Red-Socks putting Mrs. Leroy Wolf is chairman of attend Duke University; Rochester, NROTC Scholarship; part of the prqgram. With the pres- il record of no wins and four losses hostesses, Mrs. William Simkin Ted Carey _ Tyler School of Mildred McCowan _ Pennsyl-· entation of gifts, the company ad- and one tie up against the Red- and Mrs. Charles Acker are in · · t . St t C 11 Patricia journed from the high school caf- Socks' record of one win, three charge of decorations. Fine Arts, Temp 1e U niverSl Y; vama a e 0 ege; eteria to be entertained with a losses and one tie. PhylliS Collins - Eastern Nazarene Pfifferling - working, Keystone juggling and magical show in the Members of the teams are as College; Frank Conly - Pennsyl- Concrete Company; Donald Pierce auditorium. Register 4 and 5 follows: vania Military College and P.M.C. - plans to work for the Federal Band Awards (Continued from page one) Tigers: Garrett, Skoglund, ~. Scholarship; Dolores Cooper - Bureau 01" Investigation; Esther Band members receiving fourth Noyes, Bass, Shute, Johnson, Coles, will be arranged for each Friday. plans to attend Howard Univer- Rumsey - Marjorie Webster Junyear pins were: Ridgeway, Sessions, Dawes, Tur- This program will be located at sity; iol' College; Barbara Schumacher Bud Crouthers, Lieutenant, ncr, Richardson, Warden, Bevan, the College Avenue School and William Crouthers - Pennsyl- - Linden Hall Junior College; Eric Sharpless, Don Pierce, Jane and Habbersett. Playground and will have the vania Military College, received Harrit!t Schwartz - Marjorie Evans, Secretary. Manager, same morning hours as the preIndians: Singleton, scholarship from P.M.C.; Mary Webster Junior College; Robert Third year pins went to: Nancy Coe, Gurin, L. Jones, Patterson, vious programs. Decroucz - Oberlin College, re- Shank - Air Corps; Eric Sharp- Chambers, John Pearson, Don A board committee conSisting of Bradshaw, Calloway, Holly, ceived Oberlin College Scholar- lcs.,q - Swarthmore College; June Ogram, Gretchen Bauer, Anne Barnes, Walmsley, Gibson, Cal- Mrs. Howard Jackson and Dr. Ned ship; Anne DeFuria - Pennsyl- Shearet' - William and Mary Col- Larson, George Dunn, Chuck Rus\Villiams, co-chairmen, and Mrs. vania State College; Ann Den- lege; Frederick 'Shoyer - Penn- sell, Dick Follett, Art Jones, Joan houn, Fischert Lord. Yankees: Gilfillan, Manager, Wisdom are assisting Theodore worth - Earlham College; Mary sylvania State College; Acker, Marian Hunt, Carol Mos- Kroon, Saunders, Wright, Roxby, Purnell in arranging this proAnn Dickinson - plans to attend. Thomas Simkin .• Swarthmore teller, Joan Plumb. Connie KnowHoch, Barnard, Adams, Hansel, gram. There will be competent West Chester State Teachers Col- College; Richard Smallwood les. Delano ,Payne, Ellis, Turner, Lath- instructors in those areas where lege; University of Maryland; Linda there is suffident interest. Receiving second. year pins bury. Smith, and Saunders. Jane Evans Pennsylvania Smith - University of Delaware; League 'Baseball were: Pete Rademacher, Ed Red Socks: Jones, Manager, State College; Patricia Finnegan - Carolyn Steigelman - expects to This is also the time to register Friend, Gary Hoffman, Walt MeyPhiladelphia General Hospital work; Dorothy Steigelman - work- er, Nancy Stewart, Pat Blake, Coleman, 'Ventz, Walters, Cro- for league baseball in the Hornet School of Nursing; Richard Follett ing, Philadelphia Electric Com- Phyllis Kletzien, Ted Sanville, Al- thers, Nason, B. Jackson, R. Jack- class - ages 11, 12, and 13. The - plans to attend Swarthmore Col- pany; John Streeter - University fred Grover, Dick Bell, George son, Moran, Jussen, Melcher, Wig- Hornets are entered. in the Easton, Allen, D. Jackson, Amsden, lege; Corinna Foster - expects to of Delaware; tern Delaware County league and Allen, John Phillips, Ronny Gold, Walmsley, Dickinson, Hansel. work; Elizabeth Foster - UniverJerry Theall _ Emhry Riddle Sergeant-at-arms, Ed Harris. will practice in the afternoon and CinCY Reds Lead sitl' of l\iaryland; School of Aeronautics; Barbara Awarded pins for the first time The Light-Weight League has play league games in late afterDillman Furey - expects to go Thorbahn _ Gettysburg College; were Dick Cole, Joan Narbeth, been dominated by the Cincinnati noon. The baseball committee, to work; Ruth Garret! - Oberlin Polly Told _ Bucknell University; Lynn Norman, Dick Norman, GinReds, who lead with a record of board members Mr. Allison, RoCollege, received Scholarship from Muriel Watkins _ Hiram College, ny Gehrir:g, Dotty Heinze, Rose four wins and no losses. The Giants bert Abbe, and Mrs. Preston will Oberlin College; Warren Gold - received Hiram College Scholar- Richardson, Roland Kenschaft, follow close behind with three work with Russell Snyder on Harvard College; Suzanne Gold- ship; Bert Kroon, Bob Stilwell, John wins and one loss, the Dodgers one transportation, equipment storsmith - Bucknell University; GerJoyce Widdowson _ working for McCahan, Dave Badger, Dave win and three losses, and the age, and other necessities. ald Goodman - Swarthmore Col- Eastern Distributors Company, Spencer, Mary Leeron, Harvey Phillies with four loses have yet Because the S.R.A. program is lege; Inc.; Ruth Wilcox _ Centenary Hignutt, Judy Roess, Judy Pen- to break into the win column. partially supported by the BorDoris Greene - University of Junior College; James Wolf _ Ur- nock, Sally Gaskill. The Reds have been the out- ough and the school, an additional Delaware; Beverly' Harlow and sinus College; Lawrence WoodOrchestra Awards standing team led by Roh Wright, charge of $5.00 per child will be ruff - plans to attend Peddie or Orchestra members receiving Dave Lynch, Ken Hassen and made for any of the above proThe Hill School; Nancy Wrights- their pins were: several others. Tomorrow they grams for any out-of-town regisDavid Spencer, Ruth Garrett, will face the Giants in the decid- trants who do not go to Swarthman - Oberlin College. Diana Tucker, Peter Rademacher, ing game. If the Giants, led by more schools. The Finance Committee, Ellis Mrs. Horace E. Sheppard of Hlussell Snyder, Jerome Good- Wentz, Jester, and Snyder, upset man, Dick Cole, Nancy Chambers, them it will give the Giants a tie Ridgway, Jr., Mr. Abbe, and Mrs. Jacksonville, Fla. will arrive toEddie Friend, Donald Ogram, for first place with the Reds. The Smith will be hard at work during -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, I morrow to spend two weeks with Gretchen Bauer, George Dunn, other game schedules the Dodgers registration week. So will the ~ her parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. property committee, Mrs. RanGeorge Allen, Ted Sanville, against the Phillies. Weltz of College avenue. dolph Lee, Mrs. Wisdom, and Mrs. Charles Russell, Eric Sharpless, PETER E· TOLD Team members follow: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bodley of Joan Phillips, Harvy Hignutt, EdPhillies: Single, Mgr., Clothier, \Vood, who have been working to All Lines Of Insurance Lafayette avenue will spend the die Harris, Bev Harlow, Rose Alice Bowie, Bloom, McGaughey, Lee, collect and repair the equipment 333 Dartmouth Avenue week-end at Buck Hill Falls atHetherington, McCoun, Russell, needed for all progra ms. tending an Exchange Club Con- Richardson. Swal1hmore, Pa. Warden, Bates, Gurin, Noyes, vention held at the Inn. Stonecker. Kinder-Karnival Tonight WOrn Top Honora Cincy Reds: R. ·Wright, Mgr., (Continued from page one) For the second successive year Bender, Perce, Malin, Hassen, Richard Taylor, of Harvard aven- Keighton, Lynch, Smith, F. Bloom, inter and Intra-family competition ue, and his partner won top hon- Jenkins, Lange, Zensen, Welliver. has been planned by Peter Murors in the moot court trials at the Giants: Wentz, Mgr., Jester, ray and his committee. A half hour of movie comedies University of Virginia Law School. Gale, Yates. Snyder, Dunning, The concluding case in which they Kerr, Gemmill, Piccard, Jackson, selected by Gel':1 Reavis, assisted by Mrs. Robert Frost, William Pewere victors is one now pending Cole. before the U.S. Supreme Court on Dodgers: Dawes, Mgr., Baker, gram and son John, will prov ide appeal. Dick, yOungest member Reynolds, Hummer, Coleman, Ar- respite for weary gamesters in the of the class of 1952, was also se- rison, Hurd, Hollander, Gwinn, Sunday School Nursery. Guaranlected as judge for three of the Brown, Kletzien, Vennebush, Bad- teed hunger-stopper refreshments will be provided hy the Westminmoot court trials held by the first ger. ster Fellowship, supervised by year class. Mrs. Hervey Schumacher of Dick Hook. Let Us Check Entire "I Saw It In The Swarthmorean." Haverford avenue entertained at a At 9:15 the tempo will luncheon at a tea-room in Downchange, as the crowd moves to Lighting System ROSE VALLEY CHORUS ingtown in honor of her grand- Fellowship Hall in the new wing Presents daughter Barbara Schumacher of of the Church Building where the At Low Cost Gilbert and Sullivan's Ogden avenue who is a member talented entertainers from both PATIENCE of the Swarthmore High School sponsoring groups will present exJUNE 1. 2, 6, " 8, 9, at the Players Club araduatin'" class. Guests included cerpts from the popular shoW' o 0 If your headlight heam alignment is Admission $1, (tax Included) "Network Nightmare". Sally Spenclassmates. faulty you are endangering your life Children, 60 cents and those of other motorists. Correccer and Tony Malgieri are CDtion is very easy and costs very little. chairmen of this command perWe are equipped with the newest deformance which will include the vices to check and correct lighting Tms WEEK'S CALENDAR cream of last year's show with an systems. additional playlet "If Men Played Bridge as Women Do". Friday, June 1 GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS 1:30 P.M.-Kinder-Karnival ........................ Presbyterian Church Square Dancing sparked by CalSunday, June 3 ler Ed Potter will wind up the 11:00 P.M.-Morning Worship ................................ Loc~l Churches evening. First in Service - First in Sales 5:00 P.M.-H.S. Baccalaureate .................... Church Monday, June 4 12:00 to 4 P.M.-S.R.A. Registrations ..........................: ...:. Schools Great Books Group 6:00 P.M.-H.S. Senior B!l1lquet .......................... WhIttier House The Marx "Communist ManiTuesday, JUDe 5 festo" will be the topic of discUS12:00 to 4 P.M.-S.R.A. Registration ;........................ :........ SChO?.!i sion at the Great Books Group 8:00 P.M.-H.S. Graduation ............................ ClothIer Memorl Theatre Square WedDesday, June 6 . meeting June 6 at the high school. 2:00 P.M.-Woman's Club Movie Series ............ Collese Theatre The 8 p.m. discussion will conSwarthmore 6-6130 clude the series for this summer. --------- ------ - --- - - - --- - - ---- - _.- _.- - - CHECK. YOlJR CAlI CJt:E(;K. ACCIDENTS Don't Drive With Faulty Headlights Rumsey Chevrolet dWRrthmore, PA.. LAST ~RTHMOREAN DAY OF SCHOOL JUNE 14 ~::;:::===========::===~:::::::-.~~---=:.=.:-.==~-.-~--:=-:-...... -.~ .. -.~.~ ..-.-.~= ... =-.= .... ~-~~-:=:::--::-= VOWME 23,-NUMBER 23 • SUMMER SCHOOL OPENS JUNE 18 Teachers College Joins With School In Six Week Session Swarthmore High School is again affording pupils the opportunity to attend a Summer School Session. This session will begin on Monday, June 18 and continue until Friday, July 28. Pupils may enroll for any of three purposes:- to review a course, which was just completed in regular school year, for the purpose of raising the final grade; to take a course in summer school which the pupil has failed to pass in the regular school year for the purpose of Temoving the failure. to preview a course which the pupil plans to take next year, and for which he desires some additional preparation. The Summer School is operated jointly by West Chester s,tate Teachers College and Swarthmore High· School. Through the excellent cooperation of Dr. Earl F. Sykes, director of Teacher Training at West Chester State Teachers College, a number of outstanding teachers have been secured to help carryon this program. The Swarthmore School Board has appointed as supervisory "'achers, Mary Armstrong in English, Adeline Strouse in languages, Harry Oppenlander, science and mathematics. Henry Hofmann who is in charge of the Summer School, w1l1 In addition to directing the administrative details, supervise the teaching Of social studies. The courses to be offered will cover grades seven to 12 in Bocial studies, English, mathematics, languages and science. In addition to these courses, Mrs. Heckler, a commercial teacher at Nether Providence High School, has been employed to teach typing and shorthand. Pupils are now registering and will cOlltinue to do so through June 18. Registrations are to be kept low in order to encourage pupils who need help to attend and obtain the advantages of small classes. All classes will meet in the morning. Each class w1l1last one hour. Classes will start at 8:30· and close at 12:30 p.m. Enrollment for the summer session is estimated between 200 and 250 pupils, as in former years. Zo~g , Variance Denied Strath Haven Inn Swarthmore's Board of Adjustment has turned down the request of John A. and Jean McGregor Dodds for permission to convert a 26-unit garage building on the Yale avenue frontage of their Strath Haven Inn property1oto 23 rooms "for transient and/or resident guests". Point number 27, closing the 10page statement on the application, states, "This Board finds that the public health, safety, morals, welfare and convenience wowd be substantially jeopardized by the granting 01 this application". In an appended 'DeeiSon and Decree' the Board affirms the action of Borough Secretary and BnUding inspector Elliott Richardson in refusing to issue a building permit for such alterations, and further denies and refuses a· filed appeal 8IId petition for exception and variancea to the Zoning Ordinance for the purpose souP-t. (Continued on page el&ht) . SWARTHMORE, I:lUDAY, JUNE 8,1951 SRA REGISTRATONS HELD THIS WEEK $3.50 PER YEAR Lions International To Grant Borough Charter NEW ALUMNI PRESIDENT Registration for. the summer program of the Swarttunore ·Recreation Association took place Monday and Tuesday of this week. There are still a few vacancies in most age groups. For those who did not have an opportunity to register, two registrars will be at each school, the Rutgers Avenue and College Avenue, on Monday, June 18, from 9 - 10 a.m. A request has been made to have each child bring his or her receipt to school on the first day. . Mrs. Randolph Lee and her committee are gratefully busy collecting toys donated to the S.R.A. Anyone having usable equipment to donate should call Mrs. Lee, Swarthmore 6-6375, for collection. Lions International is organizing a Swarthmore chapter and has indicated that a charIer will be granted the latter part of Junc. Lions Clubs are nem-political, non-sectarian service organizations composed of the community's leading business and professional men. The purpose of the club is to recognize community needs and develop means of meeting them, either through its own effort or in cooperation with other agencies. During the fiscal year 1949-1950. Lions Clubs successfully completed 116,276 separate activities. The International Association is composed of 420,000 members and boasts 8,575 clubs in 29 countries on five continents. BOARD ACCEPTS GRIER MEMORIAL ANNUAL LETTER BANQUET AT H. S. W.F. LEE TO HEAD 125 COLLEGE ALUMNI Dodd, Smith Reelected; New Rooms Students Receive A wards In Sports, Activities The annual spring letter banquet held in the Swarthmore High School cafeteria last Friday evening was the usual gay and colorful event. One hundred twentyfive activity leaders in sports, student government, chorus, band, clubs, class organi2;ations and associated activities were honored at this affair sponsored by the ·High School Student Cabinet. Phil Hummer,' the very able cabinet president, was master of ceremonies and proved to be one of the feature entertainers with his witty introductions throughout the evening. Guests were previous student letter winners, several members of the faculty, Rohert Amsden, high school principal, Frank R. Morey, supervising principal and Andy Kirk one-time Swarthmore Track captain and at present captain of the University of Pennsylvania Track Il'eam. Mr. Amsden, the first speaker, spoke of the influence and necessity of a balanced program of studies. sports and activities. Activity letters and slars were presented to first and second year winners respectively by Mrs. Matthews instructor in Engjish. Alice Putnam and Bill Reese, coaches, presented the athletic letters to those athletes who had accumulated points. through membership on junior varsity teams throughout the year. Virginia Allen, girls' coach, presented the lacrosse team with letters and gold awards to the seniors in recognition of their twentieth consecutive undefeated season. Track coach James Miller spoke proudly of the track team, complimenting them on their championship achievements in the Suburban and District· One meets. Coach Millard Robinson then presented letters to the baseball team and exhorted the squad on their spirit and enthusiasm. Howard Arrison, Varsity Club president, presented the Varsity Cluh Athletic Achievement Award to Richard Burtis in recognition of his achievement in varsity sports, sportsmanship, scholarship, and service to 'school. Fred Campbell was awarded a service sweater for having earned nine varsity athletic letters;. three each in football, basketball and track. He was captain of both football and basketball and besides setting a new record. in the shotput was the higbest and most prolific sc!l~ ;~~ (Continued on lillie el&ht) ... Mrs. Planned R. Russell To Serve As Associ'ation S ecretary William F. Lee of Guernsey road, a life insurance underwriter for the Penn Mutual Life Insutance Company, has been elected president of the Swarthmore College Alumni Association. Mr. Lee takes office this weekend. One other Borough resident elected to a post in the Alumni Association balloting concluded recently. Mrs. Roger RusscJI of Haverford place will serve as secretary of the Association. Other new Association officers are Herbert L. Brown of Drexel Hill, vicepresident for men, and Mrs. Robert B. Greer of Media, vicepresident for women. Mr. Lee is a member of the Alumni Council of the College. was recently distinguished professionally when he was named a 1951 member of the Million Dollar Round Tabie, composed of quall- Wednesday evening the School Board accepted the class of 1951's gift of a Nancy Grier Memorial m the form of a trophy case for the gymnasium lobby. George Ewing, school architect, was authorized to proceed with plans for installation. The daughter of 1\11'. and Mrs. Charles Grier of Dartmouth ave'nue, Nancy died of polio a few days before the class began its seventh grade studies. Mrs. Mary Parke Dodd tax collector and Claude Smith, solicitor were reelected for next year. George began Junp 2. ' Mary Dexter Lackey, daughter Ridgewood Community Church. son of Mr. and Mrs. Archer of Col- L. I., will take place June 30 in phi.. , -~ Swarthmore Presb~rian of. Mr: and Mr•. James B. Lackey The Rev. LeRoy F. Hess per- lege Park, Ga., at 8 o'clock on the Mr. and Mrs. James. G. nau:gb0"1.' Princeton avenue, received the formed the ceremony. A reception June 12 in the Swarthmore Pres- Church. erty of Dickinson avet;lue andegree of Bachelor of Arts from followed at the horne of the bride's byterian Church. Mrs. William McCabe Harvey The bridesmaids will be Miss of Swarthmore avenue will attend nounce the birth of a baby girl, the University of Kansas at the parents. Escorted by her fatber, the bride Marjorie Black of South Chester her sister as matron of honor, and Cheryl· Dewes, on' May 26 at Bryn Commencement on June 4. Seventb Graders Kevin Cadigan, had Miss Loretta A. Holgate of road, Miss Ann Blasingame of the bridesmaids will be Miss Phyl- Mawr Hospital. The baby's grandparents are John Lange, Judy Abbe, Susan Philad·have fOU_8ht ~ faith and where to rescue us from the tangle in which we have landeciourselves. cro~v~een vlctfforrtlous: "!'fthay.',ess y,0u~ you ~eaVI! this 'school and Just tb sma1l hild" tb amily '. .' wu .your e a s WI .vlctorJf. , as e c m e f needs direction, so ,It is in the ,," -. "Let us' "",: .". ". _ -':." - :,world of adults. How clearly our Lord perceived this is seen in tbe . I'm:!'. '.' '. ". . '. . '. , . , tempta~on tbat he underwent early in His ministry. Back of this - 'Preab,teriiul NoteS· . ' The Churcli Hour Nursery will amazing account must he other unrecorded episodes dealing W#Q our This Sunday the Children's Day be held during the 11 o'clock serLord's inner struggle to accept and recognize his vocation for what Service will be held, at 9:30. The vice.. This is tbe last Sunday it was. Now insofar as every man has a vocation in life _. a calling service. will be conducted by ·the that the nursery' will be held this to serve - our Lord has set tbe pattern for all to follow. A l,Ife's work .children of tbe Church School. year. - whetber it be done quietly .in a corner or before tbe public's ey. _ '·Mr. Bishop .wlll preach at tbe The Young Adults will meet must be seen as falling un; made subordinate to .' "" . "'" '. ...... ,. the claim of God upon our lives. We are his Servants and until life j , Is viewed tbus tbere is no great sense to existence. And so I 'repeat ' first - carry with you faith in God. What consiitutcs a BA'IlGAIN? < "Now tbat raises at once the second point - tbe second ini!redient '':" , ' . . . . , -. . . that you must carry into life - faitb in a given tradition shout God. ,. It Is all very well for me or anyone else to say that a man must have A bargain is something- tbat y.ou want- at less than you would faith in God, but what do we mean when we say God? For some, God oroinarily pay. Most of us, if we pay'a little less forsometbing, Sunday, Monday, & Tues. GleDD Ford' - AlIne Baxter The Story of "Ben Hogan", a Guy Who Never Gave Upl -No Matinee Monday Media H. S. Commencement Slatting Wednesdayl THE - ~ . ~..: ."- _A ,~, ____ =new __ _3 nesday at 10:00 in= the build ing. Members are asked to please bring sandwiches. The Chapel Choir will rehearse at 7:45 Thursday evening. The Married Couples' Group will have a picnic at 7 p.rn. on Friday, June 15. It will be held on tbe field in back of tbe church. A· charcoal fire and Iced tea will be provided. Everyone is .asked to bring food to be pooled togeQJer There will be a short ·meeting to decide on Next Year's program. Summer Sunday School will be held for pre-school and first, second and third grade children on ly. No children under three years old will be accepted. The Sunday School will take place at tbe same time as tbe morning service. The Daily Vacation Church School will be held from June 18 to 29, from 9:00 to 11:30, Monday through Friday. It Is for Kinder garten, Primary and Junior age children. Mrs. Robert Bernhardt will be the director. Registrations will be accepted from now lin at the church office. Trihlty Church Notes Holy Communion will be eela,brated at tbe 8 o'clock service Sunday morning. At tbe 11 o'clock service of Morning Prayer the Rector will ·preach. Those serving as ushers at this service will be C. W. Randall, R G. Haig, W. H. Randall, G. S. Val entine, C. S. Keller, R. M. KIlgore W. H. Jones, and J. Reynolds. At the 8 o'clock service Ted' Carey will be on duty as acolyte and Robert Perce and Kennetb Wyse at 11 o'clock. On Monday morning at 9 o'clock there will be a celebration of tbe Holy Communion. The last meeting of tbe Vestry until tbe fall will be held on Monday at 8 p.m. ·Methodist Notes Children's Day will be observed on Sunday hy' a combined service with the Sunday SchoOl.atl0:30. An appropriate program has b~ prepared for the hour. There will be baptism for children. ., The Young Adults will have their monthly meeting and social on Monday evening at 8. Cbrdtian Science Notes "God The Only Cause. And Creator" is the subject of the LessonSermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist on Sunday June 10. -------------.- Church' Services SWARTHMORE PREflBYTERIA:>l cHURCH Sunday. .June 10 9:30 A.M.--Children's Day Service. 11:00 A.M. Mr. Bishop will preach. . 6:00 P_M.-Young Adults meet for Picnic. . METHODIST CHljRCH Roy N. Keiser, D. D., Minister SDDday, .June' 10 10:30 A.M, - Children's Day Combined Service with Sunday School. .. __ ._-- TRINITY CHUR~H SDDday, .June 10 8:00 A.M.-HOly Communion. 11:00 - Morning Prayer. _ Monday (SL Barnabas) 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. 8:00 P.M.-Vestry Meeting.• THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF. FRIENDS Sunday, June 3 Sunday, .June 10 11 ,00 A.M. - Baccalaureate Service in Clothier Memorial Hall. (The Meeting House will be open, hut not for regular Meeting for Worship). Children will be cared for in Whittier House as usual. Monday, June 11 All Day Sewing for tbe A.F.S.C. Wednesday June 13 All Day Sewing for the A.F.S.C. . ;FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCmNTIST SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below l{arvaru Sanday .JUDe II 11 :00 A.M.~'ilunaay School. 11:00 A.M.-Lesson - Sermoa "God The Only Cause And Creator". Wednesday evenJna meetlar each week, • p. In. Readln& room .pea daily ~ Sunday 11 • I p. m. WednlJllday _ l a p " to 7:10 P. . . . . . 1 • 1:10. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 2 THE S WAR T JUNE JUNE 8, 1951 HMO REA N -===============~=============--==.========~==~==~==~==========~-~~=======-- Therapy, University of PennsylMr. and Mrs. Brown, parents of . ford, Mrs. Guy de Furia, and Mrs. BAPTISED PERSONALS vania, in September, us will Mr. the bride, will entertain at an out- Ferris Mitchell will serve Brunch Linda Jane Zerbe, infant daugh, Midshipmll'n William G. Soden, Davison. door dinner preceding the rehear- for the wedding party and out- ter of Mr. and Mrs. iohn E. Zerbe USNA, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. sal Friday evening, June 15. of-town guests on Tuesday at of Pittsburgh, former Swarthmore Soden of College avenue, is one of DETHLOFF - GREEN ; Mrs. Keenen's home. residents, was baptised by Dr. Roy the members of the U.S. Naval The marriage of Miss Susan NAMES ATTENDANTS I N. Keiser in the Swarthmore .. Academy, Annapolis, Md., who will Bunting Green, daughter of Mr. Miss Claire Rincliffe of Strath' TO WED JUNE 30 Methodist Church last Sunday.· participate in an annual summer and Mrs. Sheldon Ross Green of H:..tvcn avenue will be maid of I The marriage of Miss Harriet BIRTHS training cruise for officer candi- Ridgewood, N. J., and Mr. Ran- honor at the marriage of Miss I Ann Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs: Vincent P. Car'" dates. They w1l1 train aboard som Cooper Dethloff, son of Mr. Barbara Jane Sickel, daughter of Mrs. W. W. Turner of Mt. Holy- roll of Riverview road announce· ship in an eight-week tour of and Mrs. William L. Dethloff of Dr. and Mrs. George B. Sickel of I oke place, to Mr. Dwight Strong of the arrival of a daughter,. Mary European and Cuban Ports, which Swarthmore avenue, took place Strath Haven avenue, to Mr. 1 Denver, Colo., son of Mr. and Mrs. Elizabeth Carroll, on June 3: in began Jun~ 2. Saturday afternoon in the Upper James Henl'Y Archer, Jr., Judson M. Strong of Great Neck, :Misericordia Hospital, Philadel-· Mary Dexter Lackey, daughter Ridgewood Community Church. son of Mr. and Mrs. Archer of Col- L. 1., will take place June 30 in phia. of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lackey The Rev. LeRoy F. Hess per- lege Park. Ga., at 8 o'clock on the Swarthmore Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. James G. Daughat Princeton avenue, received the formed the ceremony. A reception June 12 in the Swarthmore Pres- Church. erty of Dickinson avenue andegree of Bachelor of Arts from followed at the home of the bride's bytel'ian Church. Mrs. William McCabe Harvey the University of Kansas at the parents. The bridesmaids will be Miss of Swarthmore avenue will attend nounce the birth of a baby girl, Commencement on June 4. Escorted by her father, the bride Marjorie Black of South Chester her sister as matron Of honor, and Cheryl Dewes, on May 26 at Bryn Seventh Graders Kevin Cadigan, had Miss Loretta A. Holgate of road, Miss Ann Blasingame of the bridesmaids will be Miss Phyl- Mawr Hospital. The baby's grandparents are John Lange, Judy Abbe, Susan Philadelphia, as maid of honor. Moultrie, Ga., Miss Mary Emma lis Smith of Haverford avenue, Mrs. M. H. Hurd Of Dickinson Braun, Bonnie Maxey. and Billy Mr. Louis L. Dethloff served· Bailey of Rockmart, Ga., and Miss Miss Joan Plummer of WallingLee will be hosts at an informal as best man for his brother, and Kathy Eagerton o[ Summerville, I (ord, Miss Nancy Bloche of Oak avenue, Mr. Porter Hurd of Philadance to be given in the Woman's the ushers were Mr. John Crae- S. C. I\'liss Patricia Moore of East Park, ilL, and Miss Drury Strong delphia, and Mr. and Mrs., James Club tomorrow evening. mer of Springfield, and Mr. Lau- Point, Ga., will be a junior brides- of New York City, sister of the P. Daugherty of Dickinson- aveMr. and Mrs. Carl de Moll of rence H. Lucker, Jr., Of Harvard maid. groom. nue. Park avenue have returned from a avenue. Miss Beverly Wolff of Atlanta, .- - --.--- - ----- - -...----- ---- -- --~~~._ _ _ ~ 10-day automobile trip to ProFollowing a wedding trip to Ga_, will sing. "-----~~~~..-.~--~ . " vincetQwn of Cape Cod. White Sulphur Springs, Va., the lVIr. Archer will serve as best Dr_ and Mrs. Kenneth Doherty couple will live on Old Welsh man for his son, and the ushers and sons Lynn and Bob of Elm Rand, Abington. will be Messrs. Marvin Slade of avenue leave June 15 to spend the Wedding GUests attending from College Park, Robert Weatherall , , summer at the National Music Swarthmore included Misses of Atlanta, Griffin Patrick of ColCamp at InterlockeD. Mich. Dr. Edith and Isabel Bunting, Mr. and liege Park. G. William Sickel, , BEAUTY SALON , and Mrs. Doherty are Direc- Mrs. Dwight Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. brother of the bride, and Edwin tors of the Juniors and R Banks, Mrs. P. L. Whitaker, Mr. Rutherford of Swarthmore. GOOD I,UCK TO THE GRADUATES Intermediate Boys Camps at In- and Mrs. George A. Hay, Mr. RoA reception will follow at the , Call Swarthmore 6-0476 , terlocken. Dr. Doherty is also on b t W·th M d M Lu ker Swarthmore \Voman's Club. er I am, r. an rs. c , , 9 Chester Road , the faculty of the University of and Mr. and Mrs. Dethloff, par, Michigan as an instructor in the ents of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. TO ATTEND BRIDE School of Education. Lewis Beatty of Bowling Green Mrs. A. David Speers of Rut~~~~~~ . . . ~~~_~-..-.-~~-. Miss Virginia C. Peel of Colum- were also guests. ledge will be matron of honor for ·.·.~.·.·.·.-.·.·.·.... _.M•••_...........A... bia avenue who will be a June her sister Miss Virginia Clarke bride will be guest of honor at a Peel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TOWED luncheon and kitchen shower to The marriage of Miss Bjorg H. Lindley Peel of Columbia aveLet UH Store lour WOOLENS & FURS NOW!! be given next Tuesday by Mrs_ Magda Skoklefald, daughter of nue, whose marriage to Mr. ThomSAFE GUARANTEED INSURED STORAGE Franklin S. Gillespie and Mrs. M.-. and Mrs. Olav B. Skoklefald as John Manthey of. Eleveth, In OUR OWN Cold storage Vaulls Birney K. Morse at Mrs. Gillespie's of Oslo, Norway, and Mr. Paul Minn. will take place Saturday, MINIMUM STORAGE RATE home on Harvard avenue. $1.50 For Woolens - $2.00 For Fur June 16 at 8 o'clock in the William Thayer, son of Mr. and WE SPECIALIZE IN CLFLANING -~ Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Peterson and Mrs. Hugh O. Thayer of North Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Blankets Slip ,Covers - Drapes - Comforls children of Vassar avenue are Chester road, will take place The bridesmaids will be Mrs. spending several days in Silver Tuesday afternoon, June 12 at \Villiam Mahler, sister of the Springs, Md., visiting Dr. Petergroom. Mrs. Richard Lang of 4:30 at the Thayer home. 405 DARTMOUTH AVENUE - SWARTHMORE, PA. son's parents Mr. and Mrs. Eric Following a short wedding trip, Plainfield N. J., Miss Jean Van ••••••••••••••• - ••••••.;, • e"J\I\.~'~• •~~~IA~·ttI'o,/'Vd ••••••••••••••••~ •• _ ••• d. Peterson. On Friday Dr. and Mrs. -_... ~ • the couple will return to Ohio Nest of Ann Arbor, Mich., an Peterson new from Washington to State University where both are Mrs. John Gale of Elm ~venue, Plan Your Vac:ttioll or Holiday Oberlin, Ohio to attend the June all cousins of the bride. Miss Bargraduate students. In The Heart of the POCOIIOS At meeting of the Alumni Board at bara Bloom and Miss Susan Braun Oberlin College. of Swarthmore will be junior JUNE BRIDE Winifred Rumble of ,. Swarthbridesmaids. Miss Barbara Brown, daughter more avenue graduated Monday 100 Miles from Swarthmore, Excellent Food. Comfortable Rooms of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of from the Philadelphia Museum FETE BRIDE-TO-BE School of Art in Illustration. She Walnut lane, and Mr. Robert J. All Sports Available Miss Barbara J nne Sickel, will leave June 27 on the M. V. Stewart of Clayton, N. J. will be daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George OWNED AND OPERATED BY SWARTIfMORF.ANS Georgie to spend the summer with married June 16 in the SwarthB. Sickel of Strath Haven avenue a group of art students on a Euro- more Presbyteran Church with the Write R. C. WEBB Rev. Joseph P. Bishop officiating. whose marriage tc Mr. James pean Field Trip. Cresco, Pa., or phone Mt. Pocono 4524 Miss Emily Naramore of Ro- Henry Archer, Jr., of College Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., Park, Ga., will take place Tuesof Cedar lane left Thursday for chester, N. Y. will attend as maid day, June 12, was guest of honor New York to bid bon voyage to of honor, and the bridesmaids will at a shower given Monday eventheir son-in-law and daughter Dr. be Miss Ruth Wagner of Dickining by Miss Claire Rillcliffe and and Mrs. F. J. Weyl and young son avenue. Mrs. Richard Brown Miss Marjorie Black at Miss Rindaughters Annamarie and Chris- of College Park, Md., Mrs. James cliffe's home on Strath Haven Paul Brown, Jr., of Guilford, tina of Arlington, Va_) who sailed avenue, this morning on a Navy Transport Conn., and Mrs. Frank Crane of Dr. and Mrs. Sickel will enterfor England to be a broad 15 Harrisonville, N. J. Helen and tain at a buffet supper Sunday months. Dr. Weyl will be associ- Deane Calhuun of Elm avenue evening for members of the wedated with the office of Naval Re- will be flower girls. ding party and additional guests. Mr. Robert S. Costill of Claysearch and cormected with the You can be 11ft tf StopeHe. Mrs. Frank G. Keenen, Mrs. Amer1can Embassy in London. ton will serve as best man, and Each miJt·fine spray envelops They will spend three months the ushers will be Messrs. Frank George Sweet, Mrs. S. S. Rutherthe entire underarm ••• traveling on the Continent, includ- Crane, Richard Brown, Samuel A. destroys odor·producing ing Switzerland where their Stewart, Jr. of Clayton) and Alan FOR [ bacteria, checks excess daughters will enroll as stUdents Van Sant of Trenton. Mag~ine Subscriptions perspiration instantly. Does Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun of Elm in the schools. Dr. Weyl's father, both with the lightness of a fine, Dr.,. Herman Weyl who retires in avenue will give an informal CALL fine cosmetic. You never June from the Institute of Advanc- luncheon 'the day of the wedding Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman touch StopeH.. hardly know ed Study at Princeton University, for relatives of the bride and Swarthmore 6-2080 it touches you. will return to his home in Switzer- groom and out-of-town guests. -. Hannless to clothes. land. THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISIIED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORF.. PA. THE SWARTHMOREAN, INC.. PUBLISHER Phone Swarthmore 6-0900 . _. _. ----. PETER E. TOLD, Editor and Publisher lIlARJORIE TOLD and BARBARA KENT. ASsociate Editors Rosalie Peirsol Lorene McCarter -~-- I Entered as Seconp. Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. I The B I, ouquet " I I L _.V.·.·.'.... I. DONT DEI4J\.Y ORANGE THE ANTLERS, Swiftwater, Pa. ENGAGEMEN'l1 MEDIA Mr. and Mrs. Angelo L. Peca of Mahonoy City, Pa., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Gloria A. Peca to Mr. carterl';:==============:i N. Davison. son Of Mr. and Mrs. II REGISTER NOW FOR Waldo B. Davison of Lancaster, formerly of Swarthmore. . SUMMER SCHOOL. Miss Pecal will graduate from JUNE 11 TO AUGUST 3 the School of Auxiliary Medical Intensive training will be given Service, Division of Physical in typing, shorthand, and English to make college work easy. Accounting. civil service coaching, comptometry, and other subjects for quick employment will be offered. VETERANS, who have not had training or desire to change courses should rellisler NOW before It is too late to get your G.I. benefils. Free Catalog. Call SW. 6-1741 Baltimore Pike Springfield 8W. I _ Keysone Secretarial and Business Administration School Swarthmore, Pa. Delightfully Air Conditioned Friday and Saturday Bob Hope And the lMj11eezable Stopette bottle is unbreakable ••• can't leak or .pilL It'. time you joined the millions of StopeHe users. BUJ it for the whole familyyour man wanta it, too! At all drug and cOlDlelic counters. Marilyn Maxwell "TIlE LEMON DROP KID" The Laugh Riot of the Year! -Kiddies Matinee Sat. 1:15 Sunday, Monday, & Tues. Glenn Ford - Anne Baxter "FOLLOW THE SUN" The Story of "Ben Hogan", a Guy Who Never Gave Up! - No Matinee Monday Media H. S. Commencement Starting Wednesday! Hedy Lamarr Victor Mature "SAMSON AND DELILAH" in technicolor! A Great Story Brought To the Screen in Unforgettable Fashion! _.-- - - - - - - ---- - • '...., ....1.25 ..... ... T........ .&O ..... ... Michael's College Pharmacy THE 3 aw.ART"MOREAN ':====::=::=::===================J~ju:s~t~a=;;li;tt~l:e=d:'~'r7.fe:r:e:n;uy, ! I 8,1951 DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON - - - - - - _ . - - . - . - - - - - - -----SWARTHMORE, M., FRIDAY JUNE 8, 1951 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I :.. BACCALAUREATE SERMON The Baccalaureate Sermon delivered Sunday, June 31 by H. Lawrence Whittemore, Jr., B. D., Rector of the Trinity . , Church, is reprinted here for the Higb School Class of 1951 to whom it -was addI-essed. . . . . "There' is deep significance in the fact that you hear a baccalaureate sermon - not a baccalaureate address - and that you hear it in a church. not in an auditorium. Let this setting be uppermost in your minds for the rest of this afternoon. You are gathered togetber in an edilice set apart and hallowed by the worship of God. What you have come to hear today is not some startling new statement, but an expression of God's truth as God gives us the wisdom and light to see it. "Not literally, but symbolically, I want to place in your hands this afternoon a sword - a sword which you are to carry forth from here - a sword made or: three ingredients, all 01 them carefully fused. and fashioned together into one strong shining weapon. Guard this sword - treasure it - fo::..· it bears within it the means of victory over life. I believe this so strungly that I want to tell you just what this sword is composed of. "First, I would insist upon your carrying with you a belief in God. This, you may say, is a platitudinous remark coming from a minister especially, but bear with me while I try to explain just why I believe such a belief to be the very cornerstone of your future lives. "Today you stand at a pinnacle - you are stepping into manhood and womanhood - and I ask you now - in your heart of hearts, are you more thrilled with the prospects of new found freedom and a lessening of rest~ictions on your lives or are you sensible of the new responsibilities which today become yours'! I place great emphasis upon your answer to this question, for ill how you answer it is found & measure of your own- maturity. ~ "Has anyone told you about the child who was being brought up along extremely progressive lines? Every day, and this one particular, the child gave vent to every whim imaginable, causing his mother more than once to wilt inwardly, but to remain composed nevertheless outwardly. No matter how perverse or ornary the child insisted on being, his mother never said "NO," never reprimanded, never - well, hardly ever - permitted her voice to show th.e least sign of strain. Finally in desperation the child threw back his head and wailed, "Oh, why doesn't Daddy come home and make me be good." "The predicament of this .child is also the predicament of the human race. We want freedom for its own sake, we resent any sort of external controls) and yet we find ourselves so very often flounderin"g ab.out in complete chaos and confusion with no voice of authority any-' where to rescue us from the tangle in which we have landed ourselves. Just as the small child 'in the family needs direction, so it is in the world of adults. How clearly our Lord perceived this is seen in the temptation that he underwent early in His ministry. Back of this amazing aecount must be other unrecorded episodes dealing with our Lord's inner struggle to accept and recognize his vocation for what it was. Now insofar as every man has a vocation in life - a calling to serve - our Lord- has set the pattern for all to follow. A Ute's work - whether it be done quietly in a corner or before the public'S eye must be seen as falling under the control and guidance of God. It is true that we are free agents - free to choose, in a large part, the attitude that will deterffiinte what manner of life we lead. But our freedom will be utterly mis-spent unless it is made subordinate to the claim of God upon our lives. We are his servants and until life is viewed thus there is no great sense to existence. And so I repeat first - carry with you faith in God. "Now that raises at once the second point - the second ingredient that you must carry into life - faith in a givt'n tradition about God. It is all very well for me or anyone else to say that a man must have faith in God, but what do we mean when we say God? For some, God is a remote abstraction, a prime mover and nothing more. For others God is a Santa Claus figure, good only so long as be can be manipulated and made to work for man. But that is not the kind of God the Christian faith is talking about - a God who is personal, who is loving and who is concerned for you and for ·righteousness and truth. That is the kind of God whom we see in the person of Jesus Christ. "Our Lord never preached a baccalaureate sermon nor did he ever hear one. But he did preach one sermon early in his ministry in -his hometown of Nazareth - a sermon that set the theme of his life's work and that came, incidentally, not out of the freshness of his insight but out of the tradition of his forebears - from the prophet Isaiah. Here our Lord found time-tested truth - truth that had. never been adequately lived or presented, but truth that He was to fulfill in His lifetime. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me," He said, "because he hath annointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me. to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sigbt to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.... 0<1 As members of a graduating class, permit me to warn you do not scoff at your Christian heritage and tradition. If you find Iault - and surely if you are honest, you will - you will find it not in the tradition, but in the way your elders have misused and misrepresented it. "For here in these words is stimulus enough for all the graduates in this great land of ours. A charge to bind up the wounds of sufiering I,lumanity, to see to it that your lives are used in the task of making the crooked places of life straight. Tbe Christian tradition is a fearless one - zealous for truth and jw;tice and liberty under God.. Failure to achieve these standards comes not through any weakness in -what has been given to us, but in succeeding generations having let the light grow dim too easily and too quickly. "It bas been said moot wisely that the battle for Christian love and 'justice must be fought - and won with each generation. Or to put it God's saving work must be mediated anew with each generation. Whatever your particular Church affiliation may be is something not know nor am I overly concerned provided that you do have une. Don't be a parasite - don!t be men and women content to· live on, the hard-earned laurels of your forebears. Don't be the kind o[ people that Elton Trueblood, a great Quaker of our day, talks about - pecple who are like cut flowers in it glass bowl - people with no roots down 1n any beliei, in any tradition - don't be like that unless,you .wa,'t to WIther and die. "And that brings me to my third ingredient that 1 would have you carry forth - be men and women of hope. The first two qualities spring from your past, hom long centuries of faith behind you - the qualities of faith in God and un understanding of the Christian tra,lition. The third quality, hope, will enable you to meet the needs of your time. .... '..'This very afternoon -when this serviCe is over you will rise and walk out of here - -looking forward not backward. May that forwardlooking impulse characterize your lives from here on. You will recall the ancient Biblical tale of Lot and his wile - of how Lot was ordered by God to leave his tow.. and his home and flee to safety with his family. One can sympathize with Lot's wife - she had to leave the town where sHe was born; the home where her husband had brought her as a bride aud where latel' on' her children were born. Every corner of that house WflS lull of memories - there was not a piece of furniture or utensil by the hearth that did not have some deep association with part of her life. ;To leave all this was more than she could stand and you will recall, that disobeying the commandment of God, she did look back - and became a pillar of salt. "Lives lived in the past m-e as u'seless as pillars of salt. Think of it! Today you have the whole future ahead of you - the opportunity to make your deeds speak louder than' words - to do your share in alleviating the discord and confusion of:this world and in holding high the beacon of hope that those who come after you n1ay see and believe. "Merrlbers of ihe Senior Class. You will leave this afternoon with this charge in your hearts and minds:- to have faith in God, to treasure and to understand t~e Christian traditio~ that is ours and to strengthen a heartsick world "l:>Y your example. of: looking forward in hope. No one of you is strong en~ugh to do· this task alone, but you are not alone and never will be. "At a time in· Isra~l's history whe~" the Syrians were waging relentless war against that tiny kingdom hearts failed men with fear. The tiny number of faithful stood alone agains~ a vast number Of the enemy. 'Behold an host compassed the city both 'with horses and chariots. And the servant of Elisha said Wlto him, Alas, my master, how· shall'we do? And he ansv/ered, Fear Il:Qt: for they that be with us are more than they that be ·\vith them. Aud Elisha prayed, ~d said, Lord, 1 pray thee, open his eyes, that .he may see. And the Lord opened the ey·es of ·tlie YO~g' mal1; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire around about Elisha.' " "When, in the· futur~ you m;ly be hard pressed and tempted to doubtt\1e things that yon have heard and have. been taught, remember this great ~tory. May your. eyes,like the eyes of ElIsha's servant, be opened ·to· see the gre~\ciol1d' of witne~ses that 'surround you at all times._·::You are part or.~· g~~at inheritance, ~ great tradition. Each of you has an integral part:iJ.piay.'in it. You go forth from here not alone, Wherever you ·go, you will be in the sight and care of God, you carry w.ith you. th~ prayers nnd spiritual presence of those who love YOU, you take .with you somethmg of the spirit of each who has contributed to yo"r growth and development. Today you stand shoulder to shoulder with a great ~rimpany of men and women ~h~ have fought in faith and have been victorious_ May God bless you as you leave this :school and crown your efforts with victory. ' , . . " "Let us pra:r •...." . nesday at 10:00 in the new building. Members are asked to please bring sandwiches. The Chapel Choir will rehearse at 7:45 Thursday evening. The Murried Couples' Group will have a picnic at 7 p.m. on Friday, June 15. It will be held on the field in back of the church. A charcoal fire and iced tea will be provided. Everyone is asked to bring food to be pooled together. There will be a short meeting to decide on Next Year's program. Summer Sunday School will be held for pre-school and first, .econd and third grade children only. No children under three years old will be accepted. The Sunday School will take place at the same time as the morning service. The Daily Vacation Church School will be held from June 18 to 29, from 9:00 to 11:30, Monday through Friday. It is for Kindergarten, Primary and Junior age children. Mrs. Robert Bernhardt will be the director. Registrations will be accepted from now 9n at the church office. Trinity Church Notes Holy Communion will be cele.. bra ted at the 8 o'clock service Sunday morning. At the 11 o'clock service of Morning Prayer, the Rector will preach. Those serving as ushers at this service will be C. W. Randall, R. G. Haig, W. H. Randall, G. S. Valentine, C. S. Keller, R. M. Kilgore, W. H. Jones, and J. Reynolds. At the 8 o'clock service Ted Carey will be on duty as acolyte and Robert Perce ond Kenneth Wyse at 11 o'clock_ On Monday morning at 9 o'clock there will be a celebration or the Holy CommWlion. The last meeting of the Vestry until the fall will be held 011 Monday ai 8 p.m. Methodist Notes Children's Day will be observed on Sunday by a combined service with the Sunday School at 10:30. An appropriate program has been prepared for the hour. There will be baptism for children. The Young Adults will have their monthly meeting and social on Monday evening at 8. The Church Hour Nursery will Christian Science Notes be held during the 11 o'clock ser"God The Only Cause And CreThis Suilllay the Children's Day Service will be held at 9:30. The vice. This is the last Sunday ator" is the subject of the Lessonservice will be conducted by ·the tilat the nursery will be held this Sermon in all Churches of Christ, children of the Church School. year. , _S_c_ie_n_t_is_t_o_n_s_u_n_d_a_y_J_U_n_e_l_O_. __ _ 'Mr. Bishop will preach at the The Young Adults will meet ,. 11 o'clock service. His sermon this Sunay for a picniC at 6 p.m. will be entitled "pivine PisturThe Woman's Association will make surgical dressings on WedSWARTHMORE PREflBYTERIA:inting Monday (SI. Barnabas) lhings -w'tiich 'cah~ happen when the plmming is not right, when 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. the 'size.. :6t -color is 'wrong, or the rug is used in the wrong place. 8:00 P.M.-Vestry Meeting. Presbyterian Notes Church' Services "" BAiflGAIN? _- .•. • .. "I' -- _ · Qur ..~xpe_rien~e ip. ~ugs is a,Jso- a help, because again ·concerned· with correctmg "mistakes". THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SundaY, .June 3 Sunday, .June 10 11 :00 A.M. - Baccalaureate Service in Clothier Memorial Hall. (The Meeting House will be open, but not for regular Meeting for Worship). Children will be cared for in Whittier House as usual. Monday, June 11 All Day Sewing for the A.F.S.C. Wednesday June 13 All Day Sewing for the A.F.S.C. we are · Getiing liifi;k' tilwliat We were saying about bargains, usually a·low price is inconsistent with getting· what you' want. Just .~nowl howev~r.- carpets .hav~_ gone._up twice in the past eight · montbs, IIll!! most .d~l\Ie'i>S baye, good stocks of carpets without one or both -.these. increases. , - -. , .. Paulson still has one of the best stocks in the Philadelphia area in Mohawk and Lees; but the·selection.-is steadily being reduced. of .'Buy-carpeting now .•• free storage until fall ". ,:. H ....... cerpetllll·. Complete 81... Honse • OrI_ta. . . . . 100 P.rk Ave., Sw.rthm~, P!'.__ . SWarthmore 6-6009 - CLearbrook.9-4646 " . I... • ""--- , < FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below F{arvarc:t Sunday June 10 II :00 A.M.-8unaay Scl1ool. 11:00 A.M.-Lesson - Sermon "God The Only Cause And Creator" . Wednesday evening meetln« each week, a iI. Ill. Readln~ room apeD daily except Sunday 12 te i p. m. Wednesday evenings 7 to 1:50 g. m. 8Dd II to 11:30. THE Hold Rec:ita1 Margaret Buehler, teacher of piano, and Janet Buehler, teacher of violin, of Swarthmore avenue, presented their 53 students in two combined recitals at the Swarthmore Woman's Club Saturday. The younger pupils played at 3 o'clock with the advanced students performing at 8. Closes Seuon The Crwo Creek Bridge Club closed its 1950-51 season with a buffet supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr. of Cedar lane Tuesday evening. The winner for the entire year who will hold the Bayard Mor- rison .Sllver Cup, was Mrs. Sam~ uel Hanna. Mrs. T. Saulnier as second highest won the tray tor the year. Leslie Luckie was bIgh in the seven-week tournament. Following the supper, the bridge winners for the evening were: playing north and south, Mrs. Henrietta Fricke and Leslie Luckie; playing east and west, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest. The door prize was. won by Mrs. Walter Dickinson. Other prizes were won by Mrs. George E. Sillaway, Mrs. Helen Goodwin, Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden, Mrs. PhlUp ~iskern, Mrs. Franklin Gillespie, Mrs. Elizabeth HU\lard, and Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Webb. DEW DROP INN Break/as' - Lundl. - DI_.r CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY OPEN 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. Monday Thru Saturday DAILY DINNERS 90c: 10 '1.&5 Special Children's Platters SWARTHMOREAN .JUNE 8, t95t· 1tr ."D ,II. I'''. UJY.F. Electro," Held .f At the Annual Meeting at the West Delaware Count)' Chapter of the United World FederaIlats, held May 29 at LIma, the tollowing officers were elected tor two years, Corresponding Secre.,., Mrs. A. G. Newbold; RecordIn;g Secretan', Mrs. Paul Emerson; and Treasurer, William Shank. DIrecIors, Paul Emerson, Mrs. James Sands, Mrs. Arthur Thorp, and Mrs. Arthur Warner. Ra!portll !rem wealdent Mrs. James Sands, and heads at committees ahowed an acUve year's work and the treasury in a healthy . eondltion. Plans were discussed tor attendance at the National Convention in DesMoines, Iowa, June 21-23. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Dole, Jr. expect to represent tbts area and others are urged to make the trtp. It was announced that a Coun· ell Meeting will be held at Bynden Wood, Pa. July 6 - 8, at wliich representatives of several organizations tor World Government will discuss their plans and make an eHort to unite In forming a prosram to advance the cause at Back-breaking clothes-drying Is gone with a modern automatic electric clothes dryer. Just transfer clothes from washer to dryer, set the control, and relax. Clothes come out fluffy and sweet-smelling, at just the deg ree of dryness you want. Choose your automatic electric clothes dryer at your dealer's or at our local store. Peace, tor whtch the)' all are Chap.. strivSeveral meMbers of the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,, ing. can: REMEMBER TO HAVE YOUR CAR INSPECTED NOWI SAVE A LIFE -IT MAY BE YOUR OWN RIGBT IN THE CENTER or 'l'OWN RUSSJUJI4~S SERVICE BOB ATZ, Owner SW' 6,0440 Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. ter wl11 go. Any others who .attend may get turther information from Mrs. Frank Royce or Willard Tomunsoa Transportation can be arranged. Ralph LitUe led a lIPlrited dlscussion at program ehangl!S to be made at the National Convention and Dr. W. C. H. ~tlce ably summed up the objecUves which the Federalists represent. Arts Center Offers Six Weeks Courses A summer semester of six weeks will begin at the Communit)' Arts Center, Rogers lane, Wallingford on June 18. It will continue until August 2 with no classes scheduled for the week of July. 4. C~sses. especially arranged for children anel teen-agers, will meet one day a week with the exception of dramatics, which will be held two days each week. Class"," for children will include dramatics with Catherine Rieser, instructor - leather work, instructor - Katherine B. McLean;, painting, instructor - Cyril Gardner; woodworking in the shop, instructor - LuiS Ijams; small crafts, instructor - Mrs. Muriel Clark. Small crafts will include finger painting, collage clay work and painting. Classes for Teen-agers are being offered in landscape painting, instructor - Mr. Gardner. dramatics. instructor - Miss Rieser, block printing, instructor - Mrs. Clark. A class in landscape pain~ing is scheduled for Adults, under Mr. Gardner. Mr. Gardner is also of- nl!j!ded· this summer if the handicapped and ill are 10 continue their visits to hospital clinics. and rehabilitation centers", said Mrs. Dorothy N. Hopkin~, Referral Secretary for the Council of Volunteers of the Health and Welfare Council, Delaware Count,. District; NIrs. Hopkins who lives at Haverford place, reported that many of the volunteers who have been driving faithfully all winter will be out of town at least part orthe summer. The Council is asking for volunteers to fill these vacancies so that the handicapped may continue their treatment over the summer. Please call the Council on Volunteers, Health and Welfare Council, a Red Feather Service. at Media 6-2752. fering an evening class in paint- L.W.V. SENDS PETITIONS More than 1150 people ,igned the petitions for reapportionment which the Swarthmore League of Women Voters prepared and elrculated recently with the aid of other interested women. These petitions urged the passage Of legislation which would give Delaware County more representatlves in the Assembly to which its increased population entitles it under the State Constitution. In forwarding the petitions to Senator G. Robert Watkins and ing with figure model. There will be folk dancing every Wednesday evening this summer for members and non-members with Bill Huon as Caller. For further information phone the assemblymen from Delaware Media 6-1739. County, the local League president, Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad, Boy Scouts To Be Holts Charles W. Lukens of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pitman at Haven avenue entertained Vassar avenue, graduated Monda,. Miss Jean Evans of Strath Haven her bridge. club at a luncheon- from the Philadelphia Museum School of Art in Fashion Illustraavenue will be guest of honor at bridge at her home Friday. a luncheon 10 be given by Mrs. Marianna Pitman, daughter_o_f:,l_ti_o_n_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Richard G. Burn of Chadds Ford at the Union League, Philadelphia next Wednesday. The guests will include the bridesmaids in Miss Evans' wedding party and their mothers. ·Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Perkins ON THE IOAROWAIJ( AT PARK PlACE, ATlANTIC crn' of Cedar lime entertained at an .•• time for delightful doys on the beoch - <.ening outdoor buffet supper Saturday hotel ent~rt~jnm~nt- beachfront sunde:cks a. porches night in honor of their houseguests -supervised children's Ocean water in Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beaven of .iI both,. Baltimore, and Mrs. R. K. Levering Call Atlantic Cify 5·1211 of Kissimmee, Fla. Nancy E. Sylvanus of Ogden avenue displayed some of her art OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT. JOSIAH WHITE & SONS, LTD. work in various media at the Clothesline Exhibition held last week in Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia. Nancy has just completed her third year at the Philadelphia Museum School of Art where she is majoring in Illustra- IT'S VIlCAT/ON TIME arlbor ougb=JSltnbtim IN tion. Members of Swarthmore Troop 3, Boy Scouts of America, will be hosts 10 boys of Scout age, (11-14), at their regular meeting Thursday, June 14, at 7:30 in the Methodist Ctiurch. An inlannal evenIng has been planned with the idea Of acquainting ·any interested boys with the Scouting program. The troop also welcomes boys circulated in a limited area during a limited period -of time as a test of how much pubic support there is for reapportionment legislation. On the basis of the immediate and interested ref;ponse in this area, she again urged the legislators to work for reapportionment at this session. Mrs. Molstad also wrote to Gov- or OUJo of the water , " SWIMSUIT COLLECTION Mr. and Mrs. F. Norton Landon of North Princeton avenue have been entertaining their daughter Mrs. Richard F. Bovard. Mrs. Bovard will return to her home in Clarksburg, W.Va., on Tuesday. Miss Anne J. Perkins will return to her home on Cedar lane today following a ten-day visit with her former Guilford College roommate our is quite an eyeful D D • Miss Lydia Benbow of Greensboro, ,:-d-J N.C. Mr. Henry A. Peirsol, Jr., of Lafayette avenue left Sunday for ~"'\ a two weeks course at Ft. Hola- bird, Md. Phyllis Smith, daughter of Mr. pointed out that the petitions were 'and Mrs. George A. Smith, Jr., ~~~~~~~~~~'~~s~_~n~~~~e=~=~~~~P=HI=U=D~EL~PH=IA~ELKTRICCOMNNY • THE SWARTRMOREAN ~.. 1 a iii a .,&»1£(*4, Mrs. , DRIVERS NEEDED News Notes Strath "Many substitute drivers are JUNE8,t95t ot Haverford avenue was tapped for Hood and Tassel, sen:tor honorary society at Pel1llSylvania College for Women. Six members were chosen from the out-going junior class on the basis of service, lead- ership,' character, and scholarship. Phyllis is a melnber of the PCW Student Government Association, YWCA, and served as secretary of near scout age who are interested ernar Fine telling hilJ'l ~f t~e pe- the Athletic Association. 1~ SOllt.ll Chester Road in learning more about ·Scouting; titions and asking that. it reap.. Mrs. Lorene ~cCarter of Vassar ., porlionmel1t- ·leglslatlon is not avenue' 'entertklned'her ' out-ofMrs. John S. Vermer of Rutgers passed at this session of the As- lown bridge club at a dinner- SWlll'thmorl'O. PI'Onna. , avenue ·is visiting Mr... Dan.Youngsembly, he include it in the caU for bridge at Strath Haven Inn Monday evening. of Baldwin, N~Y. this week. "a special session next Fall. SUPER , II AMERICA'S CAR I • \. Appearance! Bod,1 Chassis! Drive! Enline! ALL NEW - ALLGREATI···' '. Chrysler's new FirePower engine has rocked the automobile business right down to its roots. Quietly, behind all the laboratory talk of "engines of tomorrow" • • • Chrysler has built a revolutionary engine for you to drive today! It can give you 180 horsepower, to surpass any other engine in any other car. It develops its power in its own new kind of wayl "FirePower takes any regular grade gasoline you care to buy .'. • and adds ita own new "m~barjca1 octanes" to the power-giving octanes of the ga90Une itself. • The result ill &omething pew and startling in responsiveness ••• and in safety, too. You get quicker and llllloo~er control of when BDil bow you move than you have ever felt before. 180 Here's the new Hemispherical Combustion Chamber that's the heart of Chrysler FirePower. Its new, designed-in "mechanical octanes" make regular grade gas do what best premium grades cant do in any other engine you can driVe todayl It's the engine of tomorrow., •• on the road for you today ••• and your Chrysler dealer invites you DOW to try it, in the But you don't have to "baby" it ••• all-around llI08t NtonIlihinA new car you or give it fancy quality gasoline to get that 180 horsepower performancel , ev« drove! "1.. . lje t""Ilrrn(Jer 1re..."wer .1' .61-:'· HANNUM & WAITE * \ HORSEPOWER ft ' Compare! Match the Jentu.res oj Oldsmobile'. Super "88" wiIh any oIher car in its class! Compare it for style-those swift, clean Ho... that spen a Dew kind of beautyl Compare it for aise and roomthat spacioos, Iwrnrious new Body by Fis!Jrformancel Matdl the bril. liant power and solid gas saYings of Oldsmobile'. "Rocket" against my otb~ engine on the roadl See WI 100: a dem_ation ridel Drive the great Soper "88" Oldsmobile net_ ,..,.. car oj than all, Finest engine ever put '. in an automobile -..;...-----------~Sll .YOUI Yale Ave. & Chester Rd. nooucr o. G8..... A01'OII NIAIISI OLDSMOalLi D I A L l I - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ WHITAKER - BARRETI' .... * 340 W. Baltimore Pike· 011 Tltle'9'11 8: Co..8. New. wUIa 111111 Inc. Media 6-0100 Do."'" EtIwu'dtI .....~ 111ft Frl"~ .t 7:St P& 8...... W.CA.U.-W (lJMM1 It (lc,u.lesJ or ~D1II'OldlllDllblle DeIIIer. . .=-==~==========~==~==========~T=H==E=-=S=W==A=R=T==H=M==O=R=g=A=TN=-__==~===-~-==-________-=JUNE===-.~==l=H_l Dr. and Mrs. Donald Twaddell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Morse . News Notes of Dundee, N.Y. visited Mrs. Henry of Parrish road will entertain at a Lawrence Smith of Rutgers ave- cocktail party on Sunday after-.' Mr. and Mrs. James H. Horna. day of Dickinson avenue wlll1eave nue while en route to their home noon. Mrs. O. J. Gilcreest of Vassar I today for Oberlin College to atfrom a visit with Mrs. Twaddell's sister Mrs. Jolm T. Handy and avenue will entertain at a lunch- tend. the college Commencement eon .nt her home today. Monday at which time their family of Crisfield, Md. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - daughter Alice will receive a degree. Alice has accepted a pOsitionto teach second grade in Wooster, Ohio next year. Before returning home the Hornadays will visit friends in Michigan for several days. Hilda 'Lang Denworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. !)en.. worth of Elm avenue on Monday will receive her bachelor of arts degree from Carleton College where she has majored in EngJIsh. She has been a member of the choir, and has served on the Student-Faculty tea committee, as Featuring a large assortment of well as at open house of the Cave, quality Dairy Products that will student recreation center. She also worked on the staff of The please the most particular. A Algol, college annuaL leader amongst leaden. Jean Holman of College avenue entertained several classmates at a house party at a cottage at Stone Harbor, N.J.~ on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mrs. Henry Lawrence Smith of America'.. Dreol prize winn.,. liyhtly Kllted. Itl creamery fresh flavor moke" everythinQ hlSle better. Rutgers avenue entertained as her Richland Butter - Creamery prints of quamy 76c Ib print house guest Mrs. William C. Yates who has retUrned to her home in r . ". .•. C@tI~ %0.,' Schenectady, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Alden of North Chester road will attend -~~--~~~-~-~ .rom: 8~,.21~9~Sl~~_ _~~=~~~~_ _..:T~H:.:.::E:...·....::S:..:W~A~R~T~H::.:::M~O~R:.!.:::E~A:.:N:!...~-=---•• ~.-.-,...~-~===~~~ 7' ----~- Letters To The Editor ~ EVAP. MILI( . . ~. .... .......... Pur. cow', mIlk - rich in bullerfat. One pinl of this Homogenized Evoporated Milk eq"'Clls more than 2 pi"l" original milk. Quic:kly and .alii), digested by babies. ~n 35 C FARMDALE DRY MILK CHEESE ~~ SSe: ~~i%61c: ~~i~ 7Sc CHEDDAR . GLENDALE CLUB I1SC() c~::; 2 I;~ 90c California FRUIT large No.2~ can COCkTAIL Pack.d In a rich heavy ..,rvp Pineapple .Juice Dol. "!.": ~1e .9dmI Apple Sauce fan" aN.::;.:':" a5C Glealide Peachel SlI1,~:,~:!'" N':;,~V. asc Wesleyan t,Tniversity, Conn., Monday. Their son Philip, Jr., is a member pf the graduattng class. Miss Jean Evans of Strath Haven avenue who will be a June bride will be guest of honor at a luncheon tOmorrow given by Mrs. John R. Hoopes, Jr., of Radnor. Miss Evans was a bridesm8id in . wedding party of Mrs. Hoopes on May 26. Edward Gillespie Walton, son of Mrs. Frances G. Walton of Amherst avenue, received his B.s. degree in Economics at the Franklin Creek side. Bev Harlow, Nita Garrahan, June Mrs. 'David M. Carswell, LaDs- active cobalt. Shearer. , downe, and Mrs. Francis C. Wood- F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' Varsity Stars went to: Ruth Wil- land, Media.' cox, Chris Ford, Sally Gaskill, _ _ _ _ _-:THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Marilyn Green; and Anne Larson News Notes received a manager'~ letter. Mrs. Alexander Ewing of DartSaturday, June 9 ' . In Track Varsity Letters were 2:15 P.M.--College Parade of Clasloes ...................... PjUTlsh Hall mouth avenue attended the Comgive to Jack &,treeter, Carroll 2:45 P.M.-Dedication Ceremonies ...................... Clothier Flelils mencement exercises at Ursinus Adams, David Cox, John Bernard, 3:30 P.M.-Baseball: College vs. Lakehurst .......... Alumni Flald Steve Snyder, with Fred Camp- College Monday at which time her 9:00 P.M.-Alumni Dance ..................................: ....... Parrish HaD bell, Dick Follett, Tom Simkin, son Robert was a member of the , Sunday, June 10 ' 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ............................ Local Churches Lynn Doherty, and Tom Aldan graduating class. Robert has also 11 :00 A.M.--College Baccalaureate .................................... Clothier receiving stars. Don Sharpe was comple~ed a course in TransporMonday, June 11 ' presented with the manager's tation at the Evening School of 10:00~ A.M.--College Commencement ........ Outdoor Auditorium the University of Pennsylvania. letter. , Th1ll'Sday, June 14 Elinor Karns of Wellesley road Baseball Letters went to the fol8:30 A.M.-Moving Up Day ........................................ High School returned Tuesday by plane from low~ng varsity team members: Clem Malin, Dave Willox, John a week's visit wth her brother-inHilkert, Jack Thompson, Bill Hoot, law and sister Lt. and Mrs; MalBill Kaufmann, Andy Schroder, colm Agnew at Maxwell Field Air Russell Snyder, Lee Swan, Bill Force Base, Montgomery, Ala. will leave ilunday for Hartford, Ziegenfus. Receiving stars were: Don Conn., to resume her Summer Nursing Course. Pierce, and Bob Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Penfield of The foliowing sportsmen' won Riverview road entertained as their J .V. leiters: Lee Bennett, their house guests Dr. and Mrs. Dick Smallwood. Dermis Becker, Walter G. Hiscock of Bristol, EngGeorge Dunn, Rodger Gilmour, land who sailed for their home on 6 Park Avenue Walter Leach, Ronnie Gold, John the Queen Mary on May 31. McAlpine, Jay Ph!llipe; Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin Jean Galbreath, Nancy Moore, Judy Pennock, Greta Richardson. of Rose Valley have returned •• Sue Harrar, Dottie Bateman, Ann a week's automobile trip to 'N"!'th Denworth, Marian Hunt, Julie Carolina. Mrs. Goodwin attended her 37th class reunion at Guilford Lange, Ruth Gmett. College, N.C. ;-tet~e1~e1e-c;'='lt::1t:it"'1Ht=I~ Robert G. Hopson of Rutgers avenue received his Bachelor CUNNINGHAM Arts degree from Dickinson College Since 1905 in Commencement exercises held Painters " Paper BIID.en Sunday on the College Campus. We should know how Captain of the ~acrosse team for Swa. 6-2288' MlchlPJl Ave. "SALE NOW GOING ON" two years, Robbie Is credited with introducing the sport at Dickinson. Big Bargains He was elected to the Pennsylvania-Delaware AU-Star Second Suits, (:oats, Dresses, Etc. Team by coaches of the area. Robbie is the son of ~. and Mrs. Fixtures For Sale 1,Il[ov'8I'd G. HopsoI> and a graduate of Swarthmore High School, clasS of '47. Avery Blake, Jr. a sophomore at Swarthmore College, will play tomorrow in the North-South AllStar Lacrosse game in Troy, N.Y. 6 Park Avenlle Avery, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Blake of Amherst avenu, Is a '49 Swarthmore, graduate of Swarthmore, High School. ," Andrew KIrk, captain' of University of Pennsylvania Track team, was presented with a plaque at the Track Banquet held at the University las~ weill<, liS, the man who has contributed most to track and field athletics during the ye.or.1 A resident of Swarthmore Al\dy tied for second lIlace in the pole va\llt at the ICAAAA Meet held Woven wit" recently in Philadelphia. I' -I NOTICE • • The Gown, Shop un.,' ~s Going Out of Business Everything Reduced NORl~[ORD GOWN'SHOP The WASHABLE SUMMER SUIT that's still FIRST with most men ACETATE RAYON AND NYLON CHECK YOIJR CAll CHECK' ACCIDENTS Lubricate low For Summer Drivia.!' HoraceB. Passmore REAL ESTATE" Let Us. Check INSURANCE SWARTHMORE 6-5510 Y onr Car Before Your Vacation Trip ROOFS GOi'I'BR.S REPAIRED " INSTALLED WARM-Am BEATING Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned GEORGE MYERS Bolt 48 - 8warihmore 8-07&1 Wash NORTHCORD without a worry. This cool 32 ounce suit. woven with acet.te rayon and NYLON. has atrength and IStamiDa- retains It. sheen and' Color-full Wrinkle resistant. See the hancbomely tailorecl arnartne.i. NOITHCORO SPORT COA~S, $17.50 NOITHCOIO SPORT SLACKS, ".50 ..... _ DeW ... Ia~ CO-ED BEAUTY SALON AIR VONDrrIONED SPECIALIZING IN f»ermanent Waving and Hair Cutlin. PARK IIDd DABTItI01JTll AVlL 8WABTJlMOIUI .-1.11 • Drive in this week-let us check your car before you leave on your summer I , JUNE 8,1"1 vacation trip! We have a hundrtid thousand dollar investment in equip~ ment and trained personnel that means , sure protection for your car. GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CAllS First in Service - First in Sales R..msey- Chevrolet Theatre Square Swarthmore 6-6130 , Baseball 5:30 P.M. Today At , THE"'SWARTHMOREAN SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1951 VOLUME 23,-NUMBER 24 ARSON BLAMED FOR BLAZE MON. Early Landmark Lost In Barn Burning Monday Registration Monday For So_mer Music Program Registrations for the Summer Music Program at Swarthmore High School will be held Monday, June 18 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Band office in the basement. Courses available, under the direction of Robert Holm, of the High School faculty, include 'Band and Orchestra, - 'Harmony Theory, and instrumental instruction. A number of school owned instruments are obtainable on a loan basis to beginners. A modest fee covers the entire six week program. A. 1. EAVENSON SERVICES HELD Strath' Haven, Avenue Reident Stricken Sauturday Riverview Field $3.50 PER YEAR Dr. Fitch Rec:eivea Alumni Citation Dr. Donald R. Fitch of Country Club lane, was awarded an alumni citation by Denison University,. Granville, 0., in Alumni Day cere/Donles June 9. He was one of nine alumni so honored "in recognition of outstanding achievements and services which reflect honor upon Denison University. Dr.' Fitch, associate-in-medicine at Hahnemann Medical College and Hosplial, Philadelphia, Is the discoverer of artisone, new drug now being used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritiS. SCHOOL YEAR CLOSES THURS. Install Cabinet Officers At Movin,g - Up Exercises Officers for next year's Senior Alben T. Eavenson, 2nd, died Cabinet were inaugurated yestersuddenly of a heart attack Saturday morning at Moving Up Day day ,in Taylor Hospital, Ridley Exercises held in the High School Park. In apparent good health, Auditorium. Mr. Eavenson was stricken Saturday morning at his late home, The combined Junior-Senior 626 Strath Haven avenue. He was Assembly program that traditiontaken to Taylor Hospital, where ally closes the school year for stuh" succumbed later in the day. dents from grades seven to 12, specialist, Wedn~sday morning Born 55 years ago in Philadelopened at 9 a.m. with music protraced origin Of the blaze to wi FIRST AID COU~E phla,' Mr. Eavenson graduated LEGION DEF'EATS vided by a selected band group eight-year-old child who also ad- STARTS WEDNESDAY from Friends Central School and the baton of Robert How. mitted setting two other fires in WAYNE POST4-3 under Drexel Institute of Technology. The class of '51 led by Polly Basic First Aid, a Civil Defense 'the neighborhood Monday, acAfler service in 'the first World Told, gave their choral readings The Swarthmore American Legcourse intended primarily for cording to the officials. Hundreds of spectators were Wardens and Auxillary' Police, War as an artillary captain in the ion team started off its regular of selections from "Ecclesiastes" drawn by a pillar of black smoke will be offered in the High School Army, he founded the Paris Ser- league season last Monday night before the installation took place. Phil Hummer, retiring Cabinet billowing high into the sky as tpe gymnasium. starting Wednesday, vice Company in Norristown. on the Radnor High School field Moving to Swarthmore in '1922, Presid~nt and 1951 graduate, conwith a thrilling 4-3 victory over agaln June asbestos shingle roof of the two- I June 20, and meeting _ c with his wife, the former Rebecducted the Inauguration of Jim the Wayne Post team. Lee Ford 27, July and July 18 - a total story frame structure burned. The owners being in Philadel- of four Wednesday evenings from ca Simmons, Mr. Ea'Venson In started on the mound for Coach Carter, the 1951 - 52 president, phia, the blaze was well underway 7:30 to 10,p.m. Mrs. Walker Pen- 1924; transferred memberShip In Russ Snyder's victorious Swarth- elected earlier in the year by a by 4:04 p.m. when a patient leav- field will instruct. Those who have the MC)Orestown, N. J. FrIends moreans and pitched very effec- student '- faculty vote, and his ing the next-door of Dr. Dorothy noi, signed up, and can do so now, Meeting, to the Swarthmore Meet- tively IDltil the bottom of the fellow officers Clem Malin, vIceL. Ashlon reported it an~ Dr. Ash- are asked to notify M. W. Garrett, Ing where he was active as a mem- fourth when a flurry of base hits president, Judy Pennock, secreton telephoned the alarm. Light- ,Charles Lukens, or their Senior ber of the First Day School Com- broke a 1-1 tie and drove him to tary, and Chris' Ford, treasurer. Frank R. Morey, supervising ning response of the local volunteer Warden, and come to the first mittee, and the CODimittee of cover. BIllY Z1egenftis then reprincipal and Robert Amsden, Overseers on which he -was servti,red !be side without further company and the assistance gf meeting with two triangular baning at the time of his deatb. high school principal then predamage. Springfield at 4:15 however failed dages cut diagonally from a 40Elected to Borough Council In With darkness approaching, the sented' annual awards. to save the building which was inch square of strong muslin. September, 1935; Mr. Eavenson Peter Bloom and Barbara CaSwarthmo~eans entered the top of erected iast century by Clarence' A short basic course of this kind Scott of the Scott Paper family. fails unless everyone attends all took office in iJanuary; 1938 and the fIfth with a two run deficit bots, outstanding members of the The fire raged unchecked by the rour mee~ings. No further general headed the Committee' on Pllb- and started a last ditch rally. With *inth grade, received the Amerimany streams of water concentra- meetings 'of Wardens and Police lic Safety nntil October, 1938 when one out, Grier, Hoot and Snyder Can Legion and Legion AuxiliarY ted on it. are planned until just after Labo~ he resigned froin College of Brown UriiTO ANY OCCASION daughter Anne will attend the vcrsity. ALSOP SCHEWIASE week-end festivities of MiddleCall Swarthmore 6-0476 M ... Twombly who graduated in bury College Commencement. The marria"ge of Miss Suzanne , 9 Chester Road June from Brown University, will Their daughter Barbara who is a Garver Schellhase, daughter of enter Harvard Law School in Sepmember of the class to graduate Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Shellhase of --.~---. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... tember. He is a member of Sigma at Middlebur-y Monday will sail Alden Park Manor, Philadelphia, Xi fraternity. with two classmates from Monfo"merly of Wallingford Hills, to treal on June 22 for a summer 1\,111'. Edmund Wolcott" .Alsop, son REMEMBER HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE abroad. They will take a bicycle of Mrs. Adelaide Alsop of ProviMiss Joan Medford of 8trath dence, Rd., and the late Mr. F..d.TO HAVE YOUR CAR INSPECTED NOW! trip through England and ScotSAVE A LIFE - IT MAY BE YOUR OWN Haven avenue whose marriage to land before touring the continent. mund C. Alsop, ··took place, June :Mrs. Lukens and Anne will bid Mr. William Pontius of C14cago 2at 4 o'clock in the Episcopal BIGHT IN 'IHE CEII'IER OF TOWN bon voyage to the girls before will take place in September, will Cathedral of St. ,John, Providence, be ·guest of honor at a supper par- \vith Dean Brooks officiating. returning home. Mrs. Ruth Wittmeyer and ty and shower to be give!! Sunday The bride, given in marriage by BOB ATZ, Owner daughters Louise and Josephine of evening by Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. her father, wore a gown of white SW' 6-0440 ChE'stnut avenue, sailed Thursday Smithers of Philadelphia. Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. Chantilly lac~ over white net and Miss ·Medford was honored with on the Caronia from New York for satin, and long matching. lace an eight-week trip abroad. They ;1 personal shower given Thurs- mitts. Her finger tip veil of tulle will visit Mrs. Wittmeyer's- sister day evening, June 7 by Miss Betty- was attached to a coronet of tulle Mrs. Paul Petrocokino in Lon- Casey of Drexel Hill. and forget-me-nots. She carried Mrs .. Bernard ~yan of West white orchids and stephanotis. don and spend several weeks travGrove. sister of th~ bride-to-be, eUlng on the, continent. Miss Adelaide Winthrop Alsop, Let us Store Your WOOLENS & FURS NOW!! recently entertaine.d at a tea in sist~r of the bridegroom, vias maid Margaret Croco of HiJlborn SAFE GUARANTEED INSURED STORAGE honor of Miss Medford. avenue has returned home after Of' honor and only attendant. Her In OUR OWN Cold Storage Vaulls completing her freshman year at gown was of mauve taffeta with MlNIMVM STORAGE RATE ARCHER - SICKEL $1.50 For WooleDS $Z.OO For Far the· College for Women, University matching accessories. She car. WE SPECIALIZE IN CLEANING of Rochester, N . .Y. In a candlelight setting -of Cy- ried" spring flowers. Blanketa - Slip Covers - Drapes - Comforts Mr: Arthur Palmer, Jr., of Provbotium ferl}s, white peonies, glad~ FETE BRIDAL COUPLE ioli; and delphinium, the 'marriage idence served as best man. . Miss Virginia Clarke Peel, of Miss Barbara Jane Sickel, A reception followed at the 405 DARTMOUTH AVENUE -. SWARTHMORE, PA. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lind- daughter ·or Dr. and Mrs. George Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel, Proviley Peel of Columbia avenue, and B. Sickel of Strath Haven ave- dence. Mr. Thomas John Manthey of nue, to Mr. James HenTY. Archer,· The bride was graduated from EVe~eth, Mi~n., whose marriage Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Archer of SWarthmore High School, class of \viU take place tomorrow even- College Park, Ga., took place Tues- '47, and Pembroke College of ing at" S--in the Swarthmore Pres- day evening at 8 o'clock in the Brown University on JWle 4. The byterian Church, will be guests of Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. groom graduated from Brown honor at dinner to ~e given by The Rev .•Joseph P. B.ishop per- University June 4. in SWAR7UMORE, WALLINGFORD, and ROSE VALLEY _ Mr. and Mrs. Herman M. Bloom of formed the ceremony. MOYLAN for immediate and early Fall occupancy. If you C6jtimbia avenue at the Rolling oontemplate selling or renting YOUR bome Given in marriage by·· her father, BIRTHS Greon Golf Club following the re- the bride wore a gown of white Mr. and Mrs. John M. Corse of hearsai this evening. The Guests marquisette, featuring long fitted Lancaster announce the birth of will' include members of the wed- sleeves, with Alt~ncon lace formtheir second son, William Russell diirg· party and their respec;tive ing the caUnlily neckline, and exCors.e, on June 5." relatives. tending over the shoulders and'in : The baby is a grandson of Mrs. Inquire about our CONFIDENTIAL SALE plan &lid we'll -·~Mr. Ch~!rlcs Keenen of Harvard a' panel down the front of the Russell Bone of Milledgeville, .Ga., gladly help you find a larger or smaller home 10 meet YOUR avenue will entertain informally basque bodice. Tl:le lull skirt shir- and of Mr. and Mrs. George F. requirements.. . with -dancing following the re- red to the bodice terminated into Corse of Yale avenue.. hearsal dinner. a long train. Her finger tip veil REALTOR The wedding party and out-of- of illusion \Va::; attached to a .Jul- ~ Capt. and Mrs. George A. Stew19 EAST SPRINGFIELD ROAD SPRINGFIELD town guests will be entertained at iet cap"of matching lace an~ rope art, Jr., are receiving congratuIaPHONES a brunch tomorrow by the follow- of small pearls. She carried a tions o·n the birth of their second SW 6-3452 SW 6-3710 ing hostesses:. Mrs. Fred N. Bell, prayer book with la marker of ~on, George Alan, on June 4 at Mrs. H. Weston Clarke, Mrs. Per- white orchids and stephanotis. Johns Hopkins Hospital, -Balticy G. Gilbert, Mrs. David McMiss Claire Rincljffe of Strath more, Md. Capt. Stewart is staCahan. Mrs. S. S. Rutherford, Mrs, Haven avenue as maid of honor, tioned at Camp Pendleton, Calif. Peter E. Told, Mrs. A. H. Van and the bridesmaids, Miss MarThe, baby's grandparents are Alen, and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen, jorie Black of South Chester road, Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Gorman of the event to be given at the latMiss Ann Blasingame" of Moultrie, Li=::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ter's home on Harvard avenue. Ga.. Miss Mary Emma 'Bailey of FOR . Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt, Rockmart, Ga., ~iss KathY E;agerand Mr. and Mrs. George M. Al- ton of Summerville, S. C., and the MagtlZine Subscriptions Fn a misguided moment, we bought a number of cotton hooked len, both of Riverview road, will junior bridesmaid Miss Patric1a rugs with the notion of being competitive with some of the entertain at a buffet supper at Moore of East Point, Ga., were at-· CALL hooked rug ads we read. We knew uerfectly well that they the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen, tired in gO\V11S "of whlte embroiMrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman don't clean well ... tomorrow evening preceding 'dcl'eq marquisette· fashioned with Swarllnllore 8-2080 the ceremony, for the bridal party off-the-shoulder necklines. The However, they have the virtue of being impervious to moths, . and out-of-town guests. and of· course; they are nice-looking, and just perfect for your ---maid of honor carried a blue, _ribsummer home. bon basket of pink roses, bi~e delENGAGEMENTS phiniu~. corn flow~rs, ~n9 Mr. alid Mrs. James W. Lukens sophiia. The baskets carried: by You could buy much poorer rugs for the little price we ask, of Elm avenue announce the en- the ·four bridesmaids ,vere of· pink. gagement of their daughter, Miss ribbon. and the. jtmior ~rides2 x 4 $6.00 3- , x 5 $12.00 4 x 6 $18.00 Delightfully Air Conditioned Wiml.ib·ed· 'Wistar Lukens, to Mr. Paul S. Moyer, Jr., son of Mrs. We also offer the same rugs in wool, Friday and Saturday of Lake Forest, Ill. alice b. arber(. .... 2 X 4 $10.00 3 X 5 $20.00 4 X 6 $30.00 Cecil B. De Mille's Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Joseph and better O'Iles, "SAMSON' AND DELILAJI" Faulkner of Dickinson avenue, anin technicolor! 4 X 6 $54.00 2 x 4 $18.00 3 x 5 $35.00 b~,"k· bujldlns. nounce the engagemet of their (These prices apply only to goods in slotck.) Kiddies Matinee Sat. 1:15 JUNE 15, 1951 • THE s SWARTHMOREAN I t It tt I I The Bouquet I tt t RUSSEIA".'S SERVlCE DONT DELAY ORANGE WE NERD HOMES a NOW IS THE TIME NEWELL J. NESSEN I w- Moyer 9i old AIR CONDITIONEDSPECIALIZING IN ~erni!lneltt :4,. &We .... Waving and .. Hair· Cutting . PA~ and DARTMOUTH An. SWARTHMORE, 6-1013 . . , MEDIA rts 'CO-ED BEAUTY SALON Baltiniore Pike Springfield Goodbye, Cotton Hooked Rugs I Sunday and Monday "''THE THING" Everybody's Problem! (PAuls.,,, &C.,mr..e~,- -- Tuesday and Wednesday Rob\. M1tc1nua Ava GanlDer . "MY FORBIDDEN PAST" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e ComploteSl..,R015P e _.11 T)'TOn.. POwm" SalaD IIQwar4 "RAWBIDB" ---- - - - ------ --- 100 I'IIIk A!!o. Sw.rthm~. ~_ __ _ . .. . Starting Thursday! .pI . . . . SWarthmore 6-6000 -:- CLearbrook 9-4646 ....... _ _"" .......... ... -~ _- ....._ " , ........ • THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. THE SWARTHlIIOREAN, INC.. PUBLISHER Phone Swarthmore 8-0900 ----.:--:P::ET=E::R~E.~TO~;;;W=-"E;;-dl-tor-"':'-d-P~blk.h~E--- .. MABJORIE TOW and BARBARA KENT. Associate Editors Rosalie Peirsol Lorene McCarter Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. -----D-iADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON--~--~ .... - . SWARTHMORE, PA.,· FRIDAY JUNE 15, 1951 ~-- Methodist'!iotes The Sunday School meets at 9:45. Classes are provided for children of all ages and for adults. The Young Adulta meet at .9:45. At the 11' o'clock service the minister will preach on the topic "The Faith that Saves." The ushers for the day will be Warren Crafts, Robert Cassidy, Don W. Dickinson and Charles H. Grier. The Church Nursery· for children is open during the morning of Morning Pr~yer, the Rector will preach. The acolytes for Sunday are Bob McHenry at the 8 o'clock service, and John Bernard and Howard Dodson at 11 o'clock. Those serving as ushers are as follows: T. W. Hopper, J. H. Furlong, E. O. Cramp, R. T. Bates, V. L. Fine, S. D. Reynolds, A. E. Pritchard, and G. C. Wagner. Christian Science Notes "God The Preserver of Man" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon service. Mrs. Don. Dic~son and in all Churches of Christ, ScienBarbara Harlow will be ill charge.. tist on Sunday June 17. The Gol. The Boy Scouts meet on Thurs- den· Text is "The Lord shall deday at 7 in the Social Hall;. the liver me from every evil work, and ,Senior Choir rehearses at 7:45. will preserve me unto his heavenThe Sunday School picnic will ly kingdom." (II Timothy 4:18.) be held on Saturday, June 23 at Smedley Park. IN MEMORIAM A memorial service for Mrs. Presbyterian Notes This Sunday the Holy Communion wlJl be observed at the morning worship at 11 o'clock.. New members will be received into the fellowship of the Church. The 9:30 service has been discontinued for the summer months. On Wednesday morning at 10 tpe Woman's Association wi,ll meet to make surgical dressings. War,,:, kers are asked to bring sandwiches. Starting this Sunday the Summer Sunday School will be held for pre-school, first, second and third grade children. No children under three years of age will be accepted. The Sunday School will take place at the same time as the morning service. 'fhe Daily Vacation Church School will start this Monday, June 18, and run through June 29, from 9 to 11 :30 Monday through Friday mornings. It is for dergarten, Primary and Jumor age children. Mrs. Robert Beronhardt will .be the director. RegiStrations will be accepted at the Church Office. K?'- Edith Simpson of New York City, formerly of Swarthmore, was held June 2 in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. There are many friends of Mrs. Edith .Simpson who feel keenly her passing. Most of her married years were spent in Swarthmore, ~ and she was active, when phySICally able, in the Presbyterian Church and Legion Auxiliary. Several afghans knitted by Mrs. Simpson were sent to hospitals to bring comfort to disable Vete-. rans. A membership of over four years in the Writers' Club of Delaware County, .found her writing articles and childrens' stories, sell109, and receiving awards from the Women's Clubs of the County. In the memory of her friends her high courage and ideals in the lace of physical obstacles brought tributes, vocal and silent. Her faith in God was supreme. Given a life to live, Edith Simpson lived it, accepting responsibilities as s~e . could, and always with a realizaMr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Den-. tion of her Father's helping hand. worth of Elm avenue entertained E. Y. G. at a supper party Saturday evening when guests were Swarthmore College classmates of Mr. PAPER PRODUcrS GIVES TAYLOR HOSPITAL $3,000 Denworth, class of 1911, who were The Paper Products Manufac- here to attend the week-end Comturing Company, of Paper Mill mencement festivities of the Col': road, Swarthmore, has made a lege. Mrs. O. J. Gllereest of Vassar gift of $3,000 to the Taylor Hosavenue was hostess last Thurspital Building Fund as a tribute day at a picnic to members of the to its 175 employes. D. W. R. Morgan of Strath Ha- Writer's Club of Delaware County. • yen avenue, chairman of the Prize manuscripta of the County campaign's corporations commit- Contest of Woman's Clubs and filler manuecripts were read. tee, said that the pledge was made Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilles of by Gordon F. Jess, president of the Swarthmore apartcaents left the firm. last Friday to spend the week-end When the new wing is constructed at the hospit!!!, a solarium in New York City. While there on the third floor will bear a they attended a wedding and visited friends. plaque stating that this room was Mrs. George Herschel of Metudonated in tribute 10 the employes chen, N.J., formerly of Swarthof the Paper Products Manufacmore, her two children, and her turing Company and their famisister Mrs. Walton Battersholl of lies. Oxford, Ohio; with her two dal1ihters are driving 10 Estes Park, • Elect Officer. Colo., 10 spend a month at the Eleventh Grade Mothers elected George Schobinger Chalet. officers for the coming year. which Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'H. Weltz of include: Mrs. Henry C. Ford, College avenue are entertaining as chairman; Mrs. Thomas W. Hop- their house guests their· .on-inper, program chairman; Mrs. John law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore, treasurer; Mrs. P. L. Car- Edwin Sheppard of Jacksonville, ter, secretary; Mrs. Raymond Ro- Fla. gers al)d Mrs. David Wisdom, hosMrs. William A. McCulloch. of pitality co-chairmen; and Mrs. Riverview· road has returned after W. R. McHenry, corresponding a two-week trip south. She visited secretary. her hlrthplace, Ashville, N.C., and also Converse College, her sima Mary Gay Rife of Wallingford mater, In Spartansburg, S.C. At received her A. B. degree :!rom the college, Gen. and Mrs. McCulthe College of William and Mary, loch presented a clock in memory Williamsburg, ·Va. at Commence- of Mrs. McColloch's mother Mrs. Frank A. Sumner. ment Exercises on Sunday. • ,'". -,,'--.,---- • ~. Look no farther! You're sure 10 please Pop with anyone of the swell things 10 wear shown here or an,. of hundreds more from his favorite slore! ry SINCE 1878. White broadcloth shirl, comfortable because or low-lying collar. Choice of colar styles. e. Our dependable servIce has been cxmscIentlausly gIven by Ihe same family Ihat founded and ,l1li maIntains';' • • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DI. .eYORS o • • UNIRALI _or • 1820 CHESTNUT STItEEI OLMa H. BAIl, ,. IMIt'I A. BAlI, ""_"...... Telephone III 6-1511 Shimmering, colorful rayoa ties, light In weight tor summer wear, in latest ses.. sonal patterns. Trinity Notes Holy Communion will be cele·brated at· the 8 o'clock service Sunday mqrning. 8,t Trinity Church. At the 11 o'clock service Church Services SWARTHMORE CHURCH Sunday, June 17 11:00 A.M. Summer Sunday School Children aged 3 t,;, 8. Commumon. 11 :00 :MM.-Holy Reception of new members. Wednesday, JUDe 20 10:00 A.M.--Surgical Dressings. PRESBYTER~ METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D. D., Minister Sunday, JUDe 1'1' 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School and Young Adulta. 11 :00 A.M. - The minister will preach. TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, June 1'1' 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 - Morning Prayer. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sunday, June 1'1' 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for W"!"hip. Visitors ,welcome. Children will be cared for in Whittier House. Monday, JUDe 18 All Day Sewing fol' the AF.S.C. Wednesday, JUDe I. All Day Sewing for the AF.s.c. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCO!lNTlST SWARTHMORE . Park Avenue below H81'VII1'<1 SlIIlday, .JUDe 1'1' 11:00 A.M.-Sunday SchooL 11:00 A.M.. Lesaon -' SermoIl ~'God The Preserver of Man". Wednesday eveniDiI mee*'DI each week, a /1. m. Readln, room epee ~ ezcept S1mdq 11 to I P. m. Wed... '117 _mp T til Come in! Try out its zip andpep! Dynamic 120-horsepower Jrivi~ thrill Wool and cotton mixed hose have colorful Argyle patterns, and are perfeet for , sports or casual wear. NEW Drive this wonder car nowl Ne.d. no premium luaU Best 8 in actual gas mileage in Mobilaa. Economy Run Ie ea 27, ... ~M.z&nl-'_-a. FUSCO .. and ALSTON CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Swarthmore 6-6831 A real daDdy or a _rI shirl In brIllfant 8IIDIast Iropleal prtDt, tIIJs one .. made' of SPUD raycm. Buchner's Park Avenue THE 4 , SWARTflMOREAN THE JUNE 16, 1961 JUNE 16, 1951 SWARTHMOR~AN 6 .... -= N_ 'Pboae Directo.... To Be Diatributed Here Let Reddy Kilowatt Distribution of new telephone directories will start in Swarthmore next Thursday (June 21) and Is expected to be completed in about a week, it was announced yesterday by Thomas S. Edwards, manager of the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania. •. , Approximately 132,100 copies of the new gray-covered snhurban directories will be distributed in Delaware County, Mr. Edwards said. This is an· increase of 10,185 copies over last year's distribution. do your mixing , i~ ~JolY"" Receives Promotion Dr. David McCahan waS elevated to the newly created position of Executive Vice Fresident of the American College of Life Underwriters, national professional educational institution· in life insurance. The announcement of the unanimous election by the Board of Trustees was made by Julian S. Myiick, chairman of the board, and Dr. S. S. Huebner, President of the College. • , • \\ the Automatic Electric Way I. Hosts to Nutrition Group The next time you have to mix foods, enioy the wonderful luxury of an automatic mixer. It's fast - you'll save time. It's easy - you'll save effort, And it's economical: a modern electric mixer costs only a fraction of a cent p~r mixing I See the new mixers soon at your electrical dealer's or any of our stores, ang choose the'model you like. Mr. and Mrs. c. W. Tucker o~ Swarthmore avenue were hosts recently to the Health and Nutrition Group. The recent Health Course held in Philadelphia was reviewed along with material from the Lee Foundation. Plans were made for members to attend the lecture on "Organic Gardening" at Haddonfield, N. J., to tie given by Lady Eve Balfour of England, author of "The Living Soil". Ofe0wi4., «t~l PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY "~ saw It in The ·SwartlmioreanU • News Notes· Thirty girls ·of the senior class' of Swartlunore High School enjoyed a house party at Ocean City from Wednesday until Sunday ,!f last week. Tl\ose attending were Beverly Hariow, June Shearer, Ann Hilkert, Polly Told, MillY McCowan, Mary Ann Dickinson, Barbara Schumacher, Sue Hopson, Phyllis Kletzien, Nancy Wrightsman, Mary Decrouez. Ruth Garrett, Libby Foster, Anne Larson, Jean Holman, Ruth Wilcox, Julie Lange, Sandy BOwie, Sue Goldsmith, Dolores Cooper, Linda Smith, Pat Pfifferling, Corinna Foster, Joan Acker. Ann de.. Furia, Barbara Thorbahn, ~Y Heinze, Ann Denwortb, ~6ris Greene, and Marian Hunt. Several senior girls including Esther Rumsey, Harriet Swartz, and Joyce Widdowson are spending a· few days of this week at the shore. Swarthmore High School seniors who attended a house party in Ocean city last week were Buddy Crowther, Howard Arrison, Jack Streeter, Dick Burtis, John Becker, Lee Bennett, Harlan JeSsup, Jim Wolfe, Eric Sharpless, Tom Alden, Dave Killinger, Fred Campbell, Dick Follette JerrY Goodman, Phil Hummer, Dave Luehring, Dick Smallwood, Fred Shoyer, Tom Simkin, and GerrY Theall.' Harold Ogram, Jr., Of Riverview road, who has been a patient in. Bryn Mawr Hospital, is expected home this week-end. Virginia Hay of Ogden avenue wilo graduated from Wbeaton College, Norton, ·Mass., Sunday will 'sail for England on June 22. She will study this summer at London University, and plans to travel on the continent before returning home. Chuck Russell of Haverford place is a patient at Taylor Hospital following an operation per_ formed Wednesday. Mrs. Herbertn-aser of· Wallingford attended her fortieth class reunion at Smitb College last week-end, and vacationed at Cape Cod and Maine before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoe. maker Of Riverview road entertained members of Mrs. Shoemaker's Swarthmore College class at a reunion luncheon on Sunday following Baccalanrleate service. Thirty-two of the class were prest . en. Mrs. T. K. Brown, Jr., of Dick.. iason avenue" returned Sunday by plane fr\lm Frankfurt, Germany where she had visited her son Mr. T. K. Brown, Srd. and his wife.. Mr. Brown who is with the Foreign Service of the state Department, is with the Radio ~ranch of the Information Services Division. Mrs. Brown, who left here March 28, also· travelld through Italy, France and Switzerland before retw'~ing home. ' Mrs. David M. McCahan of Strath Haven avenue will entertain at a luncheon at the Ingleneuk today in honor of the mothers Of some of her friends who are visiting in Swarthmore. Mr. ;lDd Mrs. Brinton Liddell of Riverview road entertained at a dinner party Sunday in bonor of the third birthday, of their daughter Margaret Eleanor. Here's 180 HorSepower. ••• The opinions espressed below are those of the indivlciual writers. All letters to The' Swarthmorean must be signed. Pfleudonrmh" may be used It the Identity of the writer Is known to the Editor. Letters will be pUb-lI~hed only at the fUacretlon of tnt: Editor. L. w. v. PoUclos To the Editor: . The League of Women Voters is indebted to you for providing space in the Swarthmorean so that an effort might be made to clarify tbe purposes of the League, especially as related to elections. It bas always been tbe. policy of the League to be non-partisan and to neUher suppon nor oppose any candidate for elective office. Shortly before elections the Swartbmore Le~gue does, in the public interest, distribute to every voter in the community the '-Candidates Bulletin" which it has prepared in collaboration with the three other Leagnes to the County. This contains biogrllphical data about ·all the candidates of the major parties, secured from the candidates tbemselves. In additon, when major offices are to be filled, the Leagne often quotes the opinions of tbe various candidates for these offices as their written replies to questions sent them dealing with governmental issues of . outstanding importance at the titne. The purpose of this Bulletin is to give the voter who wishes to use his the infor, ballot intelligenUy . mation he needs in order to make l!P his own mind about the candidates available. Also, prior to general elections, the League invites the public to lts Candidates Meetings so that hold a position of leadership within the League wbile she is i-unning for. public office or after she has been elected. Naturally, League members may campaign as vigorously as ·they like for any candidates they wisb to see elected, provided they do so as individuals and not as representatives of League feeling or, League support. Stated succinctly and officaJly, the purpose of the League Is "to promote political responsibility through informed and active p'articipation of citizens in government." I should like to t;lke ··thIs opportunity to invite every woman of voting age in the communitywho wants good government to join with j1S. A popular magazine advertise~ "Never underestim"ate the power of a woman", but that is noihing compared with the power of. many women working together toward a goal they really care about. Very truly yours, Barbara Molstad (Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad) President pro tern, League of Women Voters of Swarthmor~ P.S. It will please more than 1,200 persons in and near Swarth:" more, since they have recently signed the ~ague's Petition. for Reapportionment in Pennsylvania, to know that Governor· Fine has replied to our Communication about it, "I am in thorough accord with your observations. I do hope that the Reapportionment measures will be passed at. this Session of. the Legislature. n Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Van Urk of 'J'hayer road entertained for a few days recently Mr. and Mrs. Frank: Brelss· of Riverdale, N. Y., Mr. Breiss is 'conductor of the New Haven Sympbony. Concerning .Credll ConkGls Mr.. and Mrs. William H. King Dear Editor, and children Camilla, Tommy, and The Credit Controls, Regula- Maria of Marinette, Wis., has tions Wand X of Defense Pro- rived for a two-week visit. ar- PUBLIC SAI4E ' NEW YORKER NEWPORT 10:00 A. M. SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1951 CORNER LeBANN and SAXER AVENUE, SPRINGFIELD 1 Block off Baltimore Pike at Saxer A venue Contents of 10 lI8DIaJt.. that only Dodge can give you? 1I.,."..."her, you oOuld pay up to $1,000 more arid still not get the dri.~ ease • • • e:rtra I'OOD1 • _. . the famous dependability of "'-'...... .,....., Forlhedealofyovrllre onablg_ Dodp, como In 0IDd _ .. tildayl £or us! And to celebrate, -Wf/re goiDg all out to make It easy £or yon. to own the big IUlW Dodge of your cbaicel So come In today ••• get our lib. era! allowance figore on your pres~ v 'll be . eel, 1'::'" =C8L .08 surpns we >wOW, because by any standard you'.., lomd to say it's the best car deal .}'OII'''' made in your lifel . • . >,' , ... . , , ., .~ } , I " ." DePend,,"'e. DEWEY - MURPHY INC. Shoe, Shop~ Woodland Avenue & :Powell Road,· Springfield 1. PAM AVaNOIi ·/95/ Immedlt1te deli~ry on ",O$t models ifyou (Jet /lOWI ;(~I~I..Il' YALE AVENUE 'end ,CHESTER· ROAD * Come in ••• See how you can. own a big , new Dodge for much I~ than you think ' I - have been record-breaking . C.hrysJer FirePower 180 HORSEPOWER Here'. the new HomiaPherieaJ Combustion Chamber that's the , sad stroog and free from need for great atteDtion and repair. Now remember that this same new Chrysler offers you the new Hydraguide power steering* ••• plus the amazing new roughroad stability of OrifloW" shock absofbers • Phone SWarthmore 6.3607 * THE 8 SWARTHMOREAN Before retutnIng they visited for- Social Security For SeH mer Swarthmoreans the W. F. Birds of Riverside, Conn., and al- Employed Not Voluntary so attended the graduation exerApparently there Is some mlscises at Columbia Pr'OSI~y1:erllan lund'ers:twldlng of the self-employed Hospital, New York City. person's obligations under the amended Social Security Act, according to Herbert W. Gruber, Manager of the Social Security Office In Chester. Old-Age and Survivors Insurance is not optional for peopte 'who are working for themselves in their own trade or Owned and Operated by Am.rican Stores C_pany business, or as partners in such enterprises. If you are self-emplayed and derive as much as $400 In net profit from your business Or businesses in any taxable year after December 31, 1950, your BIG social security coverage is compulJUNE sory by law. • The only exceptions are income derived from self-employment as owner-operator of an agricultural A gigantic program featuring enterprise, and self-employment hundreds at outstanding valIncome derived from practice as a ue. In Quality Foods & Housephysician, lawyer, dentist, osteohold Need.. It will pay you path, chiropractor, optometrist, to tum to Acm. and ahare the naturopath, veterinarian, architect, JClYlng. of thl. great .v.ntl CPA, Hcensed, registered or fulltime practicing public accowtont, Christian Science practlitlonor, professional engineer or funeral director. This means that, 11 you are not JUNE IS. 1951 Mrs. Henry C. Ford of Amherst avenue drove to Wesleyan University, Conn. last week and was accompanied home. by' her son Sandy who has completed his freshman year at the University. 't's Here . Again • •• ACME'S FOOD FESTIVAL. S rndi C;cid;i1~ ~:~33- /)ekaI I)fkal GRAPEFRUIT ,.,;:/r..lda GOLDEN CORN ~t . .9tkaI CUT RED BEETS ' /)ekaI WRITE POTATOES ~ 'II Our Meat Departme.rrt ,:;,'I8c 2 r::.: 31e N,:;,'IOc N,:;,'IOc • TURKEYS . . . Same TURKEYS OveD.Read, e.:r y!:;-::o":.":A. Ib 14to 16110 .... r..cuter Blad Whole CHICKEN 57e Ib 1ge 3.,~~. '179 lux RoUud IIAMS ~Eaf ;'~'Z.49: ..~~.:,:"'" '5.95 lG1R'S SLICED BACON "o:;at.!t Ib 5Be 1."'••• PORK LOINS r:;:: :y.<'::~ 11t.... Cut fro. lit 49C &01. ... lit IIsaJ Bacoa=.:.::::r.35c Chlck.n Llv.r. ....'·69c Pork Hocks·.. 3ge ..., Bologna ' : .... ";! 17c sse LIver SOUlClg.'·....:- ""~18e Lunch.on·Meat·..... ..,.~ 16e White Ch.... A;',: j; 15e Potato Salad '· ..·27e CHICKENS ~._..!~~:'_111'" lit 3ge fry.r., cut up, ready to cook '·55e . 'ralted food. Sea f_d " Ch'.... Bread I.....1.09 J .....y Butterft.h •...·,.21 c CIIhken Dlvmstlcks":·99c ChIcken thighs '·":99c Pryors, Cut up ,. 73c ........... Fillets ....·5ge Deep Sea ...11oJN·... ,3c Col. Slaw '-'27c J .....y Blu.Rsh ....... ~c Whltlna---.:~::.:..., 1·'ge Halibut Fill... _... I••ge Cod F1IIets ...,,'·25c Ch.rrl.... Waldorf Salad::',';!::,' 1.,3c =:... I."e PRESERVES ,,_.... 25e "'1_ --.I JELLIES:. ~"'EI.7!'':;';:::':I.-G'''' "':eo......~.,c..... 2 '2.... 21e . . . .uuu .8'. (iJJ BEVEeGES .!'~ 't': lie ~ AoIl.. :. ••Ip ..... MAYONNAISE HO!ftodo.U.. • • •,AD DREilING H _ U.. ./JdIaI SUJ)WlCB SPRBAD S.I.cted fr.... fruit. & - V,,"a&I~. 3S e =-~~ ~ SLlCDIG TOMATOES I=~ =25c 21bs 29c • GREEN BUNS r':::. 35c BONEYIALL MELONS TIU·ILU Berries Iw.t!,: Y1ne"'l~ I,,;Clllfomla UIANAS "-.u::- """ ~--1IId_ .... Cat'lftl CIAPE JUICE plapns oua • J2c .9t/IIII M'Iri AOME MAUET CllBSTBB .0. SWABi. . . . . . ()pen Tbanda~ .. ~ 'l1li • • .... s........" 'till • • • LEGAL NonCB '>':: cIrive AD of-by car! Wheo yoar car IadrI pep and pow* :II'CJa't acceJerete fast-ii, _-of-tulle I Drive is te4ay. Let w make your motor hura for you. A -.u. expea4iture f~.•.twle-uP nlOw may save yoo ... repalt bills later. v," ~ A FUSCO and ALSTON / .~ CHESTER and FA.IRVIEW RbADS HOW TO BE A ~:============~~~==========:z. ...." / TIM6EN on Party-line Telephones r?-£, L When, you start to make a call and find the line in use. hang up gently and give the other person a few minutes to finish bis call. 2. When, while talking, you realize that your neighbor is waiting to make a call, bang up in a few minutes and free the line. lb...' T....... C...... of , ..."",",. A- @ \'------~~ilo .".' . , " ~ WANTED ~-~-~.-' ~~;t11~0;e 6~~~.!furniture; odds and ends of any articles. Chester 3-3898. FOR:-;;R;rE..N~T;;----- FOR RENT _ Large' comfortable room, three windows. Convenient .to transportation and tearooms. 6-512.4. Telephone Swarthmore ";';;':.;,;,==.:..' ';;FOR RENT' ~ ---.;:Iecond - floar ap artment, unfurnished, living room, . =_......-::-___...,.- U HEY! you GAN GE.T ~OME FASTER BY PTe Don't Ruin Vour TIRES Harvard. Univ"'!sity, June Reynar'd of New York City is Visitln.g '8t the h.orne of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tomlinson of South Chester, road this week. .I h I t d her second une. as. comp e e . year ill art schOOl. At the .lamesine Franklin School of Art "iq New York City, she received highest hODO,," 'for. her work!Iur!qg . . the past y t > a r . , Putting Wheels in Line Can Save .5000 Miles , of Rubher \ - II~ Charles E. Fischer ( BUILDER If your wheels are just the slightest . PTC SERVICE TO SHIBE PARK Go out to the games, and come home too by PTC. Beats driving yOW' car. No traffic worries, no parking difficulties. Costs less and gets you there and back ·faster. PTC offers convepient service to _ _.J Shibe Park from all sections of the cit!. Suburban baseball fans will lind this service convenient, too. From the North Philadelphia Station of Broad St. Subway it'. only a few blocks ria Route 54 on Leliigh Avenue to Shibe Park. Other stteetcer routeS stop near· by. For route information c.1l PEnnypacker 5-6100/ . bit out of Une it can mean that your tires will wear unevenly, be worn out a year allead of time. Let us cl:ieek .. caster, camber and toe-in on modern m~chines--realign wheels, balance tires and cross-switch· them for youl GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS :UNITED .. " Firse in Servic~ - First in Sales Rumsey Chevrolet Theatre Square Swarthmore 6-6130 of , _ _P_H_I_LA_D_EL_P_H_'_A_TR_A_N_S_PO_R_TA_T_'_O_N_C_O_M_P_A_N_Y_ '." " , , ,. • ". t _. • • - SERVICES Residenti'a1' Wiring .. 0 ',-: '.. ~ '" "" •• ' "0.0"." " s. M. HARBISON S~.l:~,Jit91@ "'·':",:'i;:~ ',.'.1 /:. " S..arthmore 8-0tt' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = .' 5 -= 6= ! =_-_ Wanted Clerk and typist for office != work In food store. Know- 6;: = ~ ledge of figurt!s. 3 hours, 6 § a_- d a Ys a week . An excellent" = opportunity for a local per- "'I son, with a rew hours to =8= spare. Apply Swaribmore = = 8 = ~ CO-OP. = . ~. iii "Third Generation BuDden" HORACE A. R,EEVES 11~ South Cheater Road Building Construction • Residential • palntlne • Commercial • RepaIr. • Alterations rr==a Iwno wer~ "'"sqn route to the gradua-I . ,tiqn of their ,Frank H. Wood at ~ ~F~~~~~~~~:::~~~~:~~~~~'~' t::HECK Y01JB CAll .............. K ACCIDEN'rS .....~ I PHONB: J. ! I;;;; 3ervlng Swarthmore, Mor-.': ton, Rutiedge and Rlolley Townahlp since 1918 Swarthmore 8-3UO bedroom, kitchen, bath. Separate entrance and garage. Available July 15: Box T, The Swarthmor11111' ean. FO~R=--R;"""E~N"'T=--=- Large cool room, RESIDENTIAL 4ND near transportation. GenUeman COMMERCIAL pl'c.!erre~Swarthm"':e.6:1.!4.3 .._ FOR RENT. - Furnished .livmg Construction room, bedroom. ~nd bath m private home. Garage included. For Alterations business man or woman. Swarthmore 6-4555. ' FOR RENT-'Heated Garage. 228 F. BLACKMAN Garrett Avenue, Call Swartbmore 6-4687. ' ., PAR. Frelch& . ._. .. -- . lo'OR' SALE SWarthmore, P .. FOO-SAl ,E Curly,; Maple bed: Phone SW 6-11157, room furniture. Good, condi- I !an. .HnnnUlllmnlllllnIllIllIllUI1I1Hllllllllllllluul tion. Ridley· Park 3527. . I -Cw -.T " SWARTHMORE, PA. ;IIU""lIIl1rrrnllliliilii""UUII""l11l1l1l1mnl1lllUlIlIl Mr. and Mrs.' Carey of North FOR SAI,E ..CQcker Spaniel pupChester road attended the gradpies - 'maleS and female. Reg. uation exercises of their son; A.K.C. Swarthniore6-1614. . .. . ,FOR SALE - Builder's Electric Mr. and Mrs. William H. That- Saw. be seen ,.wy eveiring 01: cher of College avenue enterCall Swartbthis week Mrs. Thatcher's Imor< , ~ .. ' brollher' Mr. William B. WOQd and FqR . UJ, ~ wife of .Cherryville, Kans., ' Sj~}j>~ . worn. ~ GR 'J. A.,I4;".d-,. 1 SOUTH PRINCETON AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA. o_ _ WANTED _ Used records. Boy wilh limited allowance, could pay 10 cents apiece. Any kind• Paul .1.. Carey, Jr., received his B. S: degree in psychology at the Commencement Sunday' at the College .of William and Mary, Va. Carey was a member of the psy~ chology club, and was president of'Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. OIL BURNERS - AIR CONDITIONING OIL FURNACES OIL BOILERS - OIL BURNING WATER HEATERS Builders Supplies CO'al Mrs. Frank M. Mohney of Park avenue returned home Thursday after a six-week visit with her son Mr. Ralph D. Mdhney and family Of Loveland, Ohio, and a visit to her old home In Ridgway, Pa. • Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of University place, as a delegate from • the Phitsdelphia Chapter of the D.A.R. to the 60th Continental ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Congress In Washington, read the ~onventlon report at the lllIIlual D.A.R. luncheon held Wednesday at Sweet Briar .Mansion, Fairmount Park. • Mrs. John Robert LaPann of Glens Falls, N. Y., 'With her son John will arrive tod..,. for a twoweek visit with her parents Mr. ,'" A,+-. /, Devine Taxi Servlc(" ,~ "'=-___ __ a sity basketball manager. E'1y Pritchard' of Dickinson . ml, avenue, left Wednesday by plane fOr Point 'of Pines, near Globe, ,Al-iz. She will atlend the Arcb.aeological Field School of the Un!versity of Arizona where she has • 1 • received a scholarshIp for the summer session. OIL HEAT The wonderful thing about these iittie courtesies is ·that they're returned .•• wi~h dividends for all in good telephone service. \When party~line neighbors a ..... "good spom" on the telephone, everybody benefits I 0- - ..· L. "GOOD, SPOR I" aged woman would like baby sitting. Call Swarthmore 6-4251. __ ~_ PERSONAL-Sickle barring, power mower grass cutting, and th er tractor. wor. k Ch.,sle~2 - 8024 0 _ " PERSONAL - SUMMER CLASS IN FRENCH _ Beglnnlng and Advanced - dStudents, Adults t' b - In grammar an conversa Ion y native instructor. Reasonable rates. Media 6-1640. P~ER~:;:S'=O~N~AL~=--D"'"'oe-s-n.'t-an-y-o-n-e want Midnight? Call Swarthmore 6-1174.==-;; I •"'0'0 I ;;P~E~R~S~O;;'N":::AL-T~B;':a7b~y'-",si,-i:tt~e.!r=-':ffil="dJd"'l;:-e il!lIIlllnnn"llIIlIIllrulllll"HII"III"hllu",""rrrhl~lI.l!i Sc. """""'..................=u""'''''....=,,... 'World UDivenity Deleplef :'!ut~:=a:v!u:ueders PERSONAL-Painter - formerlY . boss painter for George Gillespie. Every job a satisfied customer. Call Swarthmore 6-4251. PERSONAL Grass cut with power mower. Call Bill Harvey, Swarthmore 6-6311. PERSONAL _ Electrical wiring, new & old, residential & commercial done in Compliance with Fire Underwriters Specifications. Sales & Service on ele". Waterheaters, Ranges, Washers, Dryers, pumps, fans. cleaners & small appliances. Call: Erich H. Hauaen, 62 d SW. - 850, Corner of Park an Michigan A venues. PERSONAL _ Radios, television receivers, vacuum cleaners and other electrical repa1r~ ed. Prompt appliances service. Robert Brooks. Swarthmore 6-1548. I 'I1Iae', DO aeecI to Storae Foom, or workshop, approxinlately 18 x 18. FrIva~ entrance, large wbidows, ~nd floor. Swarthmore CO-OP. PERSONAL commencement exercises at Duke University. .She was awarded the ",-ph." or Coo_Ie A.B... degree. Miss Morse is the Cellar Walla Be-P1aateN4 gciloul building up to 6:00 p.m •• 8.0.1';. daughter of ·Mr. and,.Mrs. Daniel July O. 19!H. and opem...... at a IDL"eting o( Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 the School Board at the School ULnrlct Mors" of Parrish road, and is a . • . oO'ice at U p.lII. July d, 'U',.or at a meetIng adjourued (roUl that mcedng. SpeclR· graduate. of Swarthmore. High and office dmwillgs may be school seen at the School.' A Dean's List stlldent at Secretary's In the 1IIgh buUd~;:;;;;:;;;~.~:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;~ CUtlOll8 lug and they may be had for bidding use Duke, she. was elected to Phi Bets at the' oflke: of Ule Arch.1tect. George M. Kappa, the. national schotsstic Ewing. W~8tern Savlllg "'uml Building. Horrace B. Passmore ofI'hUadelphlu.. upon 11 deposit of $'0.00. aLi honorary society. During the ~o.. which will be refunded If the contractor Curllish('"8 a bid to the School DIstrict qlld year she has been president REAL ESTATE .. returns the drnwings ond spec1flcaUons to Kappa Alpha Theta, social sororINSURANCE the Arcbltect within flve (5) da]'S of die bIdding date. If 110 bid Is furnished. ·$5.00 ·t SWARTimIORE 6-5510 only of the deposit will be refunded upon I~ the return of the drawlllgs ~nnd spcclHca· . and Mrs. Glenn R. MorlIOll8 to the Architcct within five (6) days uf the bidding date, tbe remainder being ro)" of Rutgers avenue returned IIftL>d iu rover the' oost of tbe printing. on Wednesday, June 6 from a The Directors reserve the right to reject • Swarthmore 6-14'8 • nflY or nil bids. . motor trip to Missouri which inWILLIAM BROOKS cNded a visit to Dean Morro w's Hilda Lang Denworth Ashes & Rubbish Removed parents In Calhoun and attendance Secretary Lawns mowed, General 6-15-31' of the Centennial celebration of Haullng . Westminster College at Fulton, 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. The ~'h:,do~Ohl: Of~~SW,o"trl~I!_I~Ore,W;.lrll: .~,IS~~I_C,t , "'. ~ ",e o. Dean· Morrow was a stuH~~!: dent and facul ...• member. He was e • ., ,Ion" ,,-- 0 up •... i~.:;i: awarded an. honorary degree of. ~u:.:I'-'l; or, t . "01\" !ha a f~~ Doctor of ,Laws at the CommenceSt~kes,Nursing Home ~'~I , u,i Iluek....iuj . Ca".~ ment on June 4. , • a'.nn; •••. ""nd '""V" Jeffery D. Hartzell, son of Mr. SELECT OLIENTELE I c"cept :'.- S~ndn: 11- JUlil ... ~ I"' ·.M SchOO.,,, 1~" Th:e~~,o'-!d and Mrs. Frank C. Hartzell ~. Madison 3-9098 ,e,erv"'L"'~_ r:~"~ '0, rej" . "','0 . bid. Wallingford, ,received hisAmh Bach-t ill whole nr _I_il port. ao. to ~uu. CUII:--,. tmcls ,on 1111]' item or _ teflls up elor of Arts Degree' from ers ~et.d:e\e\~t':1~t;.-r"-f~---,:~tj nn]" h i l l . ' College in commeQcement CUNNINGHAM ~ HiI"" Lai;. »,n","..o" cises held' Sunday. He·is a gradSecrcbory uate of the William Penn Charter Since 1905 "·I.'·3T School in Philadelphia. Paln"ra .. raper HlU1&'Bra ' U...... TR ot·, FLORENCE I'. An alli.liate of Beta Theta Pi S":~_~~:d :O~~_ ~ r»~~C .. .nv on '!"fraternity at Amherst, he held the ~ n';;!'e' '';;;:;;, lu!ve be,n" af1 10 ii;. positions of Co~Rushing Chairc'.'II" w~~.. i,e man, Pledge Chairman, and Pres~f !he .~o'n.:r;r.\~::-;: !.. ~,,~ .u ,.. , <0 n. ident of his fraternity. He was. • ".ced.u' 10 moke .'wl chairman of the Mardi Gras which PETER E. TOLD to H. DONALD OOAK, Executor. "money; for the Chest Drive All Lines Of Insurance 2l N. 9Lh Street I and was a member of Sphinx, the "Dorby. Pa. 333 Dartmouth Avenue or to his attorney, junior honorary society. He ser"ed JOHN E. GENSEMER Sw.nbmore. J'a. 100 ... Glrnrd Trust Oldg. as freshman f 00tball and b ask e t . .. ~ ......_ fl.~~~dclphla. Pa. ball manager anQ," assIStant vg,.o,-, se1f~m­ Anne Hickman, Swarthmore High School graduate and daughter of Major and Mrs. Hanson B. Hickman, of The Glen MilIa Schools, has been chosen to represent Goucher College at the World University Service Conterence to be held In Oslo, Norway from JulY 20 to August B. Anne who is a member of the ctsss of 1951 at Goucher, was chosen by President Kraushaer from a list of eight candidates submitted to him by a student committee of her college. She wlIl go to Norway on a special Student Ship. Classified .Carolyn B. Morse was graduated magna cum laude at the recent tdructlou; plwlIblug; lIeaUng; alllJ ela... trlcul work. uu Iu COlllll'CUUJI with !lltem,IUlUI to tbe high .liChool bul1dmg lucuu:d on t.:ullege A vellue, SWlI1"tlullore. Pellllli)'Imilia. These blda will be received at the office of the Jit.'crelulY III the Coregodlg I have the same obllgatlon to report your own Income and pay the selfemployment tax as you now have to report and witilhold social security taxes on your employEeS' played person' you do not report yourself along with your employYour self-employment Income must 'be reported annually on your Income tax Form 1040, Schedule C, especially revised for this purpose. Your first such report is due March 15, 1952, covering your self-employment Income for the taxable year 1951, and payable. along with the report Is your selfemployment social security tax, which is 2 ~ % of the first $3,600 of your net business profit. If you are a partner In a bUSiness, the tax is levied on the first $3,600 of your distribUtive share of the partnership net profits, whether or not the profits are distributed. However, if you have worked as an employee under social security and have ·also been self-employed, you will report as self-employment income for social security purposes only the difference between the amount that has been reported for you as wages and $3,600. Additional information on this subject may be obtained by requesting leaflet number 4 from the Social Security Office, Crazer &.tildlng, Chesler, Pa. ,, .. News Notes The Directors of the School Ditdriet of tho Dorough of Swartlullore, PeOll8,lvUllhl; w1ll receive separate bids (ur genels! (.'ou, PETER Dl NICOLA Driveway ConstraetioD in one of the excepted groups, you earnings. However, as a , ,. JUNE 15. 1951. WANTED - SU7W"'''r\B~TlIllll[OltEIII IN IMMEDIATE BUYERS BAIRD and BIRD REALTOR MClIR'I'GJ!lGE:S plice $20~ Also 1111:INISUltAl!WE ie~'::' and $20., Can Old Bank BuDdin&' Yale avenue _ Swarthmtre 6-0108 FOR SALE-fow;-burner Roper II!::::= "'===~~' gas range, a Bucket-a-Day I ~ ;;;; stove, and a bathroom corner wash bowl. Swarthmore 6-158.0._ Surveys FOR SAlE G.E. Washer _ Spin'ner type, In good condition. Call BuDdinC SpeolficaUoWl Swarthmore 6-4f64. Trea~en&s FOR SALE-Mushroom and top soil. Call J. C. Stilwell' and Sons, SAMUEL G. ECKERD Swarthmore'6-3400.. 4,,¥i LOST & FOUND FOUND Silver baSket-balI, . Chester road between College avenue and station. Swarthmore 6-0900. FOlJND...,,~akep. by mistake on High School grounds. light ton jacket, size 10- 12. Call SwartbOlore 6-0130. . LOST - National Honor SocietY pin, Friday. Initials C. F,.o~ back, Call Swarthmore 6-2516. LOST-Lady's"gold' 'wrist· -tch, flexible !WId band, Saturday. Reward. Swarthmore'.,~6~;1:,:2,,6=2::.._...,.,,,. LOST - During Rutgers avenue "Art Exhibt, dark. blue Indian blanket. Swarthmore 6-4573. WST-Gold lacrosse pin, S. G. '50 on back. Call Swarthmore 6-7557. "I saw it In The SwartIunorean". ROOFS GUi'iBB8 REPAlRtu." INSTAU,BD w~,;~ BEATING Funi~ces: ·V.CUwll· cleaned' ~:!f,G1: MYBB8 Bo~" - ~ .." " Termite Consultant PHONE MEDIA 6-3620 Williamson School P.O. Dela-.-e County, Pe. , Authorized Distributors OF , Atlantic , H~ating Oils AND Iron Fireman Oil Burners Good Coal THE . . HEIlE'S THE CAMEIA THAT GIVES YOU A I, FIIishecI picture ! News Notes Midshipman Bob McCov.Ian of Vassar avenue arrived home Monday from the U, S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., and Is on leave until July 5. Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Harlow and Beverly Harlow of Lafayette ave- I SWArthmore Col16g6 Libr"ry ';ff/arthmore t Pa.. ·SWARTHMOR.£AN Mr. and Mrs.. H. D. McCray of Cornell avenue' ..,ent last weekend WIth Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bird of Riverside, Conn., formerly of Swarthmore, and then slopped for their son Dick at Wesleyan Unlverslty where he completed bls freshman year. Mr. Robert S. Clay of Wichita, Kansas, with his wife and two sons is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. William T. Clay of Walnut lane. Mr. Clay Is DIrector of the Chemical and Physical Test Laboratory at Cessna Alrcraft Company at Wichita. Mrs. Harry K. Nield of Baltimore, Md., who is visiting her daughter Mrs. Avery F. Blake and family of Amherst avenue, for several weeks, was guest of honor at a neighborhood-dessert party last week. Mrs. Blake also entertained at a small luncheon in her honor on Friday. A neighborhood picnic! was beld Tuesday ,evening on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bennett of Havertord avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gaskill of University place flew home from Pensacola, Fla., Sunday following th~ graduation of their son Joseph F. Gaskill, Jr., from the Pre-flight Schoo1 at the Naval Air Base. Joseph had the honor of "eing Battalion Commander. Mr. , nd Mrs. H. F. 3,,·w 1 01 North Chester .o.d, accomponte I I>Y '11 ... Lora Blackman I>f Sproul Jeryl Faulkner who has com, pleted her fres'bman year at Rollins College, and Joan Faulkner, I left Tuesday for Buck HIll Falls and Quebec, Canada. They will sail today from Quebec on the Empress of Scotland for a five- nue entertained through the Swarthmore High School Comweek trip to England, France and mencement festivities ,Mrs. Switzerland. low's father Mr. E. R. Heimll1er'geJ~ Sandy Ford of Amherst ave- and her sister Mrs. George PariSh nue, Whit Bird of Riverside, who have returned to their home Conn., formerly of Swarthmore, in Cleveland, Ohio. Graham McGill of New Rochelie, S G N. Y.. and Peter Meinke of MounecoOd raders of College Avelcad, c.ttended the Comml'ncemen. nue School and their mothers entain Lakes, N. J., all stydents at jQyed a picnic on the High School exercises last week gt Mary WashWesleyan UniversitY,.-.left Satur- grounjls at noon Monday. At the ington College, Frederlcksburr, day morning for a month's trip busine8ll~sion the following ofVa., at y hich tir.lC! Jean l.lrown reSlsty ..,.ond. after ceiveda B.A. degree. Jean visby car t~rough the Great Smokies, ficers were elected for next year: the Polaroid LIIDfI* Camera, ited in Charleston, W.Va., and !~:n:~~~on~~n;:k. and Yellow- Mrs. G.W. Brodhead, chairman; ,.ou "" the finished picture Saturday was a bridesmaid in the Mrs. Ra)'tllond Fellows, ·bi& beautiful, lasting. No f .... Mr. and Mrs. William· R. Hue,wedding party of her college of Dickinson avenue left this Mr•..Justus Bodley, treasurer. ••• DO darkroom-the film IUld roommate Miss Gretchen AnderDebby roUnns of Elm avenue caJDera do all the work. A..,... morning for Middlebury College, r~turned Thursday after son. O.D1t can take them caD enjoy Middlebury. Vt" to attend the -;;;:cM;;;;;;;;;~;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~;;;;;<;;;;;;;"«;o;;,;;;;;;;:~~~;them on the spot. Here II tral,. week-end festivities .. Their daugh- 10 dsys with George School /I friends at a house party at tbe modem photography. ter Beth, a member of the gradua- summer tesidence of Mr. and Mrs. ting class, following the corn- Lewis Ayers of Skaneateles, N.Y. mencement Monday will leav:e with friends for a visit with Dr; , Mrs .. Earle P. Yerkes of Princeton avenue spent last week with and Mrs. George Packard Of Den(On ealY terms . Guenthjlr. Froebel, Jr., and If you like) ver. Colo. Mr. and Mrs. H u e y , .steven and Joanne of ,I. be accompanied'. home by .h<.i~' Sprl'n~,: f~'rmerly Of swiirthson Bill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christian H. Pe- fll ore', who have .taken an apartment in Cape May for the month dersen and young. son Pete of Philadelphia, left· ThurSday to pf June. . Mr. Froebel joins them .. a minute '\ I I ,.oa. _ $89.75 \ , make ., . ".j ,• "" :,.-J.:i..t,llCture-in .••minute • ;.... ~ .... :~ ~. :"''::!:~~J. came,. at . . . . . MICHAl!:L'S COLLEGE ;~. '~"t'f" \ : .,.,. 1';'0;"., PHARMACY ,-.;, m!{:r"'-A.coRNBR , ~ '';'"~. .,. 'pver week-ehds. home. in St. Paul, Graders their Minn. Mrs. Pedersen is the former Susan Thatcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Thatcher . of College avenue. Mr.' Pedersen . received his Master's Degree at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania at the graduation exercises Wednesday. ' . :.:.:s, :;;1 '- . <"'- . .... J t .:: .\. SOMETIMES 'IT PAYS ·';.'TO BE "CHOOSEY" ,,, Ye., it often pays to be parti.;w.... When you',. buy\Dc shoes, for example ••• or wllen YQu're decidlnc ..bare to . apply for a position. ;. U that's your attitude right now, we'll be iliad to _ you at Bell Telephone. You'll be alad you applied fill' telephone work, too. There art? 10 many lload thiop about telephone work that we know ...'1Il1et alollll weU Io&etberl • • • • • No experience needed Friendly, congenial people Pleasant, comfortable .u.....UIIdIags , ...ntlal work, Intoro.tlng ..... Good Pay from tho Itart, with ....ular Increo.e. pie lib;""'" ~' ,.";',, I Wisdom, and Ginny Bevan. ~:~ D: Malcolm Hodge, Mrs. C. :t Galbreath, and Mrs. Leroy Wril!h'~ I 'chaperoned the group. . Miss· Afin deFuria ot Chester road entertained at a tea from 3 to 5 Saturday afternoon in rhl,n,,, ot'Miss Barbara J. Sickel Of Strath Haven avenue whose marriage to Mr. James H. Archer, Jr., of College Park, Ga., took ·place Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Medford of Strath Haven avenue will entertain as their, week-end. guests Dr. and Mrs. Guy V. Pontius of Chicago.. Claire Hendrixson of North Chester· .road entertained informslly. Sunday afternoon in honor . ·tw\>· :elassmates, Louise Wittmeyer who is;going abroad, and June Hobbs of Park avenue halrrelumed' borne after spending tiie 'winter- with friends in Miami, Fla.; while attending the schools there. .- Mary. Corse ofYll1e avenue has cbmpletecl'·her.freshman year· at Dickinson Coll~ge and is woTkinC at" 'Dewees'D!!partment Store, Philadelphia for the snmml'l:\ Sally' Aid", of North C ter road· who has completed ber fresh" man year at William Smith ~­ lege, Geneva, N. Y., will visit college' friends in New York City over· the week-end. Sally work at Bonwit Teller's PhIla~hla this BlUlUDer. , . Cllroi~, Barbara Lukens, Beth .rueY,"'BOb Croco of Swarthmore and SIIl!f lliff of Springfield will graduate from Middiebury Cq\legl'. 1't the Commencement exercises Monday. , .,. ~ : ~ '" 13 South Chester noad Swarthmore, Penna. Permit os to poiot out that , JUNE. 17 IS FATHER'S DAY . . and local shops ~e foU ot .',. yool' chance to show 10' 1t 8 ' for all Dad has done for you! • 'Y'.... do com'ehl law ® often a. YOll calli "'e hope you'll malt.> ~1oi. ,....drugstore.Be_to let UI.know iftbere'....' ....y in whiCh - cQ.1JIJe oi.pecial senice. AI....,. remember, pre.crip. tioDI are· onr specialty! For Your Security-·For Your Country's Security HOLD ••• BUY MORE ••• SERIES "EO. BONDS .WDTIIOBE IATIOIAt BAIl DB TIUST COIPUI wi., If" ,a • 11fl,. ' 1>_ _ _ C. ? , .... , . Baseball Mano'a 6:30 Tues. .. Hornet , THE SWARTHMOREAN SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1951 VOLUME 23,-NUMBER 25 SCHOOL TO BE WARDEN POST New Teacher Added In Board Meet Wednesi:lay The School Board Wednesday evening granted Burgess Charles Russell, Civil Defense Chairman, permission· to set up ,an air raid wBTdens post in the Rutgers avenue school and install a telephone. The Board added to the junior high school staff Charles H. Sowers of Williamsport who will teach science and mathematics and act as assistant football coach. Mr. Sowers graduated from Bloomsburg State Teachers College, did graduate work· at Bucknell Uni- For Music Program 'Continue Registrations In a flurry of activity 32 .students from various grade leveis iii the Swarthmore Schools registered Monday fol'" participation in the Summer Music program. About half of these already play some musical instrument while the remaining 50 percent will be trying their their hands at instrumental work for the first time. Although instruction actually began as of the middle of the past week, registration will remain open for a few more days. Robert Holm, director, has indicated that some school owned instruments are still available on a free loan basis. HEALTH SOCIETY IN FINAL MEET New President Installed At Annual Luncheon In Woman's Club Mrs. C. Edwin Ireland, Ridley Park, was installed as president of the Community Health Society of Central Delaware County .. t its annual luncheon meeting last week at the Swarthmore Woman's Club. S"rvice provided by the SOCiety, a Red Feather service of the Commtmity Chest, for the year ending May 31 was reported to the board of directors, volunteers and representatives of clubs and organizations which have aided the Society in carrying out its health NEW HALL TO BE FINISHED IN JAN. f:~:::. . . verslty and has taught several years in the public schools of Ismay, Montana. He is a scoutmaster, Mason and member of Cornerstone Laid the American Legion. He and his wife plan to move to Swarthmore Wednesday in the late summer in order that lVlorning he. can attend the annual football Citizens of Swarthmore who camp at Downingtown. have watched the growth of our The reauthorization of 'the fol. new borough hall will be pleased lowing was also accomplished at to hear tliat a speedy completion the; meeting: David Watkins as is in sight. The laying of the adult evenitlitshop.class instructor; Wlllia,p .Reese and Millard R'obin- comer stone Wednesday marked real progress made on the· new son to 'handle the Saturday mornbuilding since the breaking Cit ing recreation program for eleground last January. Despite mentary and junior high school wartime restrictions on critical ages; Robert Barclay anll Hamiet materials work on the new buildTardi to assist with the instru. . ing is moving right along accordmenlsl music program· for begin. ing to schedule. Workmen are ners as arranged by-the Band Ornow busy on the first floor which chestra Parents Assoclation lIDd . ,.Wilmore, athle tI should he finished In about ten the' Board; John c · . days. Although it is schedUled trainer' for the football'squad. Dr. to be completed by January 1952 George B. Heckman was reelected team p!l'yslcian. architect George M. Ewing hopes to be under roof by October. The In an economical" mood the new building will be occupied Board authorized the ~epair of 46 SODn after electrical and radio athletic balls at.1\ cost of $1~7 in- connections for the police and ste~d of' replacing the worn ones fir~ company have been made. (l! with new. ~. If the present schedule is mainVan Alen Brothers were com- tained authorities hope that by missioned to arrange for the clean- November workers will slsrt \earing of the oil tank at the Rutgers ing down our old wood-structure avenue school at a cost not to borough hall which was partially exceed $80. destroyed by fire in March 1950. The continuation of the chil- A badly needed parking lot will dren ()f teachers William Reese, be built on the ground where the Henry Hoffman,and Nathan Bell old building now stands. Borough as students herl!, alt!)ough -non- Cc.uncil has not held a' meeting residents. was authorized. yet to decide. whether ~r not The property co!Dfilittee an- parking meters will be erebted in nounced . specifications' for alter-' Jhe busines section of t~wn. ations to the high sChool building to adapt it for increased' classes Leg'ion Team.Loses ';['0 were prepared. Bids on the project will be opened at 6 p.m. JUly Pilgrim Gardens 5·1 6, stuclied over that week-end, The Swarthmore American Leand acted upon by: the Board at a gion team lost itS. first league special sessititute of Food Tecl)nologists at their monthly meeting held recently in the Drexel Student Building. Mr. Godfrey was co-chair" man of the program which featured a talk on ''Essential Oils In the Western Hemisphere". Polio Foundation P~ 5-Day NlB'Sing Institute Plans are under way for a fiveday nursing institute. This' was announced by officers of the lo- cal chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The meeting will be held July 9 through 13 at Delaware County Hospital from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will be open to all doctors and fork, Minn., where they will visit Mrs. J eglum's brother. Following this thcy will go. to Estherville That's my th""",1 No Rush· push - hustle - bustle of city shopping - No heat, No Crowds - And Simply loads and loads' of and Sac City. Iowa to visit rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin of Rose Valley have returned from a week's automobile trip to Ohio. PLAY CLOTHES They spent four days at Oberlin BATHING surrs College attending the various comCO'l'll'ON DRESSES men<.:-cment exercises. Their son Alan was a member of the graduating class. Mrs. LaRue Hendrixson and . daughter Claire of North Chester road will return this week-end from a two-week motor trip through the New England States. Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks and Swarthmore, Penna. 13 South Chester Road children of _Rutgers avenue _____ ____ _ _ _arc _ .:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--::- I . ~. - ·1 registered nurses. The purpose Of this program Is two-rold; to keep nurses posted on new developments in the preven- , tion and treatment of, infantile paralysis and to awaken interest of nurses in the care of these patients. The first three days will consist of lectures and demonstrations by prominent doctors, nurses and physio-therapists. The last two days will be devoted to practice sessions. ..-..'" "lEi SElSAn•• .f THE RlTI.. • fit nUT •• IUISI - • , SWARTHMOREAN 7 ter road. salled June 11 on the Anna Salen for a student tour. of Europe. He plans to visit France. Germany. Italy. SWitzerland, England and Scotland. bicycling wherever possible. untll his return In September. Davl!! has just completed his second year at Yale Law SchooL Mrs; E. vanS. Cleveland of Park avenue Is having as her guest this summer her grandson John A' Haag of Coral Gables. Fla. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Taylor. and their three children Jeri, Graeme and Jim. Jr.• formerly of Harvard avenue. on Wednesday moved from Wynnewood and are now occupying their new home at 908 Westdale avenue. the former Hook property. Dr. an~ ">Olood. Mr. and bath, second floor. Lot 100 x 150' Mrs. Trueblood were In the wed- with double car garage. FruIt ding party of MIss. Mary Hutton trees and ~pe vineyard. Immedi- SAMUEL G. ECKERD Termite COllSultam James of Wallingf<>rd and Mr. ~t;,£~~ebh~~~r;:=~ • Frederick Hetzel of BaverfiOrd Park '2651-W, eVenings. .PHONE HBDr& .-.... Saturday. . LOST &: FOUND WJD'UDlQta seia.' P.O. Dr. IIIId Mrs. Leonard Dart and LOST-Gold filigree bracelet-iii .1' S01l1.'ll.PUNCBlVN AVBN1JB . SWA&TIIlIIOB., PA. Delli-..e. "".... PlIo . clIIIdren Mary, Ruth and David Woman's Club or vicinity, Toes. 12• _T~ < oLI:l!clril!jIOn~a1'lll~)eft .Satur:o ~~:: • c'" . • ~,• .Qtri,l~!lf8. ~~pplies, . ~ . school bulldlnB up to 6:uO p.m.. E.I1.T.; >0#JUlY 0, U'51, and opened at a meetin&. bf ~visi~ in Swarthmore for a Construction , sweetened the water' The Fifteenth Chapter of Exodus,. telling of MoseS castiDg a tree into the bitter-tasting well of Marah, probably is the .earliest instance of man's effort to improve the quality of water. Yes, the "treatment of water" -as it is now technically known-is an ancient practice. And, today, science plays an all-important role. But interestingly enough, not all the treatment processes which help maintaio the quality of Pure Springfield Water were originated by modem science. For example, the value of injecting small amounts of alum into water was a Chinese discovery centuries ago. They learned that The Directors of tbe School' District· of BeuU. Vb.r Rea4 Building Moses ·'1 saw It in The SwartllmDJ:eiul". the lJorough of SwarUunore. penn8ylvania. WIll rt.'Celv~ separate bIds tor con A. REEVES PRONE SWABTDMOJt. '.1881 ....... 21e" Hanna Mathews, Mrs. Mabel French,. Dr. James Irwin, Mrs. Marian Becker, Nathan Bell, Charles Klemmer. and Robert Amsden. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ~-~'-' " ••••••••••••••••••••••• , FUSCO & ALSTON' '.~J\ FL~~~"rov~:.~r!c.l~::75c \:~BEST PURE L~RO • When a tire with Uf.Guard blows out, only the outer dlamber 811ve. way • • • r.,erv. cord fabric In· ner chamber .up~ CCU' long enough fa allow a .af., .troJght. line stop. ( 6;.~' Conunittee .include; Joseph P. Hishop, Dr. Roy N. Keiser, Lawcence Whittemore, John Stettner, Dr. Everett Hunt, Mrs. E. R~ '{oung, and I. R. Johnson. The Curriculum Committee is made up of Harry Oppenlander, Mrs. All Un"" Of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avenue ~ '~Sw~~ore, Pa. o/Pin Springfield Waler. .ach can mak•• one quart. Sweetened. .9dmI Fane)' Grapefruit ~.1:. .9dmI .traw..... ' Pruerv•• Mawr, Pa. • 9i rt 5 that Dr. William Hordem of the Swarthmore College faculty will conduct a seminar for seniors In the development of religious organi.ation and spiritual values In our culture. 'This elective course will carry college entrance credit and will . meet the senior social stulliea reqUirement. Present eleventh grade students have been given the op,nort.unit. y 'to make ... _,_ ~ IoUC.i& election. The cOUl"lle which will be limited in number to dis- cusslon size will meet three times weekly. The subject matter and Swarihmore 6-1448 presentation will carefu1b' avoid , .teaching sectarianism. The In: WILLIAM BROOKS structor will cooperate closely with Ashes & Rubbish Renioved all local chUrch .groups. . Lawns mowed, General : . Hauling The impetus for this new high 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. school offering came from a meet. . . ing of local church representatives and school people concerned with . . . i . mcreaslng SPH tual emphasis In i education and with increasing 1I0I1'aoo B. Passmore church arid school cooperation. REAL ESTATE & Funds from all local church INSURANCE o groups have been pledged, by ofSWARTHMORE 6-5510 1icial actiap. or b individuals to :this y , 1 support .- , new course; schoo district funds will not be used. r Members of the Community No.Jo!aRriu. 7"M St(RJI LEMONADE .:!: ~. 13e o~~d" I~~ii~~ii~~~~~~~~ - T. W. BURNS J)dud Brand Concentrate for Roed .traw"'rrie. , STOP AT THIS SIGN OF riRE SERVICE HEADQUARTERS '019c "33c '·29c FROSTED FOOD VALUES Fa.,. PHONE: LIFEGUARD When a tire wIth an ordinary t .. ~'!' blows out, the single air comport. ment collapses ••• the car wh,,~·1 ... drops suddenly, usually thruwit1r. the car completely out of contrd. can Ocean Parch Fllle.. Fancy Silted Call /}dull Ora.... Juioe cOv:':::'i~ .!JdeaI Whol. Straw...rri.. , Township since 1918 PETER Eo TOLD 5-1b3... • Holland BLUEFISH .. CRABS Dressed Whlting"'- '-atr "- Je1V1ng .Swarthmore, Mor.: tOn, Rutledge and Ridley Fitting' J PancyJ.rsey .. DevIne Taxi Service GOOO)fiEtlR ORDINARY TUBE Ib can =.-- uu.... I I .. 59c Squ.reCu' Hona.d . . . . . . . .""""'""=. . Proved Blowout Accident Protection For Over 16 Years LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUBES S.nlder La'" Roasl 67e 2·Ib $2... • $5" "poded Rams Gracie A SUeed Baeoa Ar.r" 5ge : IISQJ' ~~ 35e Fresh Seafood DevOed bady·to.Eat II......DI•. MJehI.,... Ave. 43e 110 Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faulkner ana Announcement was made re- daughter Jeryl of Dickinspn avecently by the Curriculum Commit- nue, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cheesetee 'of Swarthmore High School man, and Mrs. Charles W. Werst "alDten .. Paper JIaDp.. We ahouJ4 !mow how Ib . . . ftYING CHICKENS .!::O~~~A Senior Seminar at H.8. Since .11105 • Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Schloesser, Jr., of Park avenue entertamed as their weel<-end guests Mr. and Mrs. o. H. Heighway of Glen Ellyn, ill. • ..... Gla~ Bryn Lancaster Ave., SWARTHMOREAN ~...;..,:.:H;C;UNMN; .....; .....:H;.....:G~HAM;t"; ;;"":t":t:.,;,....~H;;:o:rd:;:er:n:.~T,;o:-;C~O:nd::uc::t~....::..:r=...:~N=ews=:.=:N:o~te:s=.:.:::::T.d~a:y:m:o:rnin='::g~f::or:=::'a ~~·ix:.-~w~e:ek:;va:c:a:-r;;~~~~=~====~ 1923 Chestnut Street .-. Phna 613 Ma:rket Street, Upper Darby cil and a Reserve Olficel's Training Corps supervisor. old bank THE DISPENSING OPTICIANS alice barber( ........Kllled Young JUNE22,19S1 J" E. LIME BURNER CO. ~: 150 GREEN BEANS • .un: Lawrence and family of Graccham, az, 1111· Col. E. E. KeaUey (Ret.), Mrs. Mr. srnd Mrs. J. Roy Snape of Keatley and their daughter MIss Harvard avenue, their SOIl ,John Dee .Keatley, just returned after and daughter Maryellen have retwo years in Japan and a two. turned after attending the weekmonth tour of Europe, are vistiDJ end festivities at Bowdoin College. Col. Keatley's brother-in-law and Brunswick, Me. Jay Snape resister Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Ruther': ceived his B.A. degree at the comford of Strath Haven avenue. mencement SaturdaY. Bachelor of Science degree in In- tall luscious Georgia Free.tone Notes Mrs. Arthur Lawrence, formerly of Swarthmore, visited Mrs. o. J. Gilcreesi of Vassar avenue for two days of last weel< while en route to the home of her son Mr. Franl< Outstanding Values In Acme'. Big June Pink Salmon .~:': Red Salmon ~ JUNE SWARTHMOREAN THE 8 .-.;...-;r==-==....-:=-==- ~ I i I ma.. I , ,. . . J. A. GREEN - twa. • • \ . • , . SWARTHMOREAN THE 10 . N~ II Recelves SUmmer Fellowship Peter C. Nowell of 730 Harvard avenue, medical student at University of pennsylvania, has been awarded a fellowship for summer • study 'by the National Foundatian for Infantile Paralysis, it was announced today by Robert W. Jones, Eastern Pennsylvania state representative of the March of Dimes organization. ~ Under the National Foundations's expanded research program, young investigators in the fields o( medicine and related biological sciences have been offered the opportunity for research experience in the laboratories of the nation's 72 approved four year medical schools during a two-month summer period. The program is sponsored nationally by the organization of which the Delaware County Chapter is the local unit. Alan K. Keay is chapter <:hairman. Mr. Nowell, who will start his fourth year of medical training in September, is a graduate of Swarthmore High School, class of 1945, and Wesleyan College, class of 1948. He began Monday on Cancer Research, his chosen field of study. Health Society Meets (Continued from page one) Walnut lane, treasurer; Elric Sproat, Cornell avenue, assistant treasurer; Mrs. Carl Schmitt, Springfield, recording secr~tary; and Mrs. Paul Hertel, Rutledge, corresponding secretary. Springfield, Ridley Townships, The Society, which RuUedge serves Swarthmore, Morton, and Ridley Park Boroughs, received $15,505 from the Community Chest, last year. 60 per cent of the budget. Mrs. Schmidt reminded the group, "You can readily see how necessary your Red Feather dollars are and how they help". The Rev. H. Lawrence Whittemore, rector of Trinity Church, pronounced the Grace and the Benediction. JUNE 22, 1911 KEEP GARAGES LOCKED of the Swarthmore Presbyterian r Mrs. Dale Guthrie and son Don- again teach Library Science at Church at a tea this afternoon. I aId of Cornell avenue returned the University of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs Richmond D.' Sunday night from a week's trip 'Edith Kletzien of South Chester Fetherolf of Col~bia avenue re- I to Canada, and Niagara Falls, N. road who has completed her freshturned Friday from a trip to Dart- Y. man year at Dickinson Conege~ mouth College, Hanover, N.H., and Mrs. A. G. McVay and three will leave next week to work were accompanied home by their children Jack, Priscilla and Deb- for the summer at an Inn at son Don who has completed ,his bie of Front Royal, Va., arrived Eagles Mere. . freshman year at Dartmouth. Don last week for a six week's stay in Mrs. Kenneth Reed of North left Monday for 10 weeks as coun- Swarthmore. Mrs. McVay will C~ester road' entertained her se10r at Camp Passumpsic Ely. leave on a week-end trip to Front brIdge club at a dessert-bridge Vt. , • . Thursday Royal today with Jack who will Phyllis'Kl tzi f S th Ch ... d Amsd attend the Presbyterian Youth I e en 0 ou es.lUr. Mrs. Robert L. en . . ter road will accompany the Joseph and children ot Yale avenue are Conference.m Masenetta MSprmdgs, P. Bishop family of Westdale avevisitin.g Mr. ~sden's mother in Va. She will return on on ay. nue when they leave in July tor a LakeSide, 01110 for 10 days. Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. CharJes B. Shaw vacation at Westerly, Bl. Amsden and children will vaca- of Ogden avenue leave today for tion with relatives in Ohio while Ann Arbor, Mich. Dr. Shaw will "I Saw'It In The Swarthmorean." Mr. Amsden will attend the sumMay mer session at Columbia UniverTotal sales of E, F and G De- sity. N.Y. fense Bonds in Delaware County Roberta Haig of Riverview road, were $824,119.50, of which $671,- and Patricia Forbes of Ambler, 166.50 were Series E Bond sales seniors at Mt. Holyoke College, it was announced by Arthur C. sailed for Europe Friday on the Kauffman Advisory Chairman of Queen Mary for a nine weeks the Pennsylvania Savings Bonds trip. Arriving" in Cherburg Division, U. S. Treasury Depart- Wednesday, they will tour, Scotment. land, England, France and Ger"Regular saving through the many before taking a two week purchase of Defense Bonds is one cruise on the Stella Polaris. 'of the cornerstones of the present fieht aea1nst'inflation," Kauffman :--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-: declared in releasing the latest sales figures. "Garage owners should keep their doors locked when not in , use," Chief Of' Police Thomas Bateman advised, foIWwing an informal check-up made this week by members of the force. Police on regular patrol noted that many garages whose owners were apparently away for the day or evening, had been left open, an invitation for child~n to come . did to' m an p ay or marau ers mvestigate. Keeping the doors locked the Chief sugg~sted is a safety ~easure that will benefit all concerned. . a.n ~:.c..De=,l~O ~e:' OUR OWN MAKE Ice Cream Buy It! Try It! fAtmpare It Share It Eye It! CO-ED BEAITTY SALON News Notes AIR CONDrDONBD SPECIALIZING ,1M Second Lieutehant William C. Archbold, son of, Mrs. S. B. Brewster of Swarthmore avenue, is now stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas with thJ Medical Service Corps. Mrs. Kenneth Reed of North Chester road is entertaining mem- ?ermanent Wa~g and Hair Cutting PARK and DARTMOUTH AVB. SWARTHMORE 6-1013 CAKE BOX OPEN SUNDAYS Theater Square South Chester Road Call Swarthmo;'e 6-32·13 b:e:rjs,Oflt~hieIWIOlmlalnl'SIBlilblleICllaISISlllliliiIlilllliiiiiiiiiii~LiJigiiiliii~~~i=' #.etU~~ ~~~ ~ueeN()W/ raze degaad Itor Po . rniaiou..... werglidc automatic trans• llllide • • d• 8Qd atiU ... -... • f -wc'vo set ~Wlng But ditc:ova. emoJ18trator 10 yoU can Entertain Bridal party _=- .... - Mr. and Mrs. R. Chester Spencer of North Swarthmore avenue entertained at a buffet supper last evening in honor of Miss EanUy Margaret LitUefield, daughter of Mrs. Hamilton Dalton of G,len Riddle road, Media, and their son, Mr. Stephen Frederick Spencer, following the rehearsal for their marriage which will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock in Christ Episcopal Church, Media. DeW kind of driYlng. .' DAVIS - WINSTEAD The marriage of Miss Martha Winstead, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McElroy Winstead of Lansdowne to Mr. Lowell Wayne Davis of West Hartford, Conn., took place Saturday noon, June 16 in the Swart~ore Presbyterian Church., with the Rev. Joseph P. Bishop officiating. alt! • Do not let Disease gain a decision. Begin now to battle for Health and Happiness. Have a talk with your Doctor. Accept his experienced counsel. And, of course, bring all prescriptions to this pharmacy for careful compoundingl Come in and lind out for yourself. • • How NJIY Powerglide driving is, with both banda free to bandle the wheel. • • How anooth PoweIgUde driving is, with DO ~. OC' . . , . . . CATHERMAN'S between speed ~ • • • How dillerent Powerglide driving is, with ita power team of a big lO5-h.p. valve-in-head engine. EcoDO~,!", rear ute and Powerglide automatic transm'D'on. ' Take your "DiKovery Drive" ,thil week, fOC' eureI Powerglide Is owner-proved over a b'"ion miles. DRUG STORE Rumsey Chevrolet Theatre Square , SWarthmore 6·1-439 '. , • . ' " SVIArthmore College $ Q.'vmrtbmore t P8.. Ev~ryone , . to the All Day SWA-RTHMOREAN Come For, Fun & Games ,4th of ,July Festivities z: ;::::::::. $3~O SWARTHWORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1951 PER YEl\B = FOURTH"'OF '.JULY CELEBRATION IILLFIRE ENGINE BEGIN 'AT 9:30 WEDNESDAY MORNING TO' BE REPAIRED 1951 Tax Bills •.• ,".J- SUMMER, CLUB 'TO SWIM TODAY On July first f the 1951 tax bills ~ill be issued to the owners of real estate in the BorR.ecreation -Assoc. ough. Those who have made Parade Down Park Avenue Will Initiate Famiiy Thirteen Yr. Oid Ladder , personai property returns to Ends, Second • Event; Ponies; Games, Water Display aJid Dance rruck Will Be .Sent ,Delaware County early in the Week ~ To Wisconsjn , ' Feature,d' In Community Holiday year will also receive bills. , Those, who in the past, reThe first week of. the SwarthThe traditional non-explosive, safe and sane Fourth of July AllWith wear and tear of long ceived occupation tax bills are more Recreation Association proDay Celebration, .ibaugurated a number of years ago by public-spirited years of service showing on the reminded that Swarthmore Bor- gram ended with a special event clubwomen and business men interested in preserving the hides of borough's ladder truck fire engine, ough Council withdrew that tax. for each group. The primary their fellow boroughites will begin next Wednesday moming at 9:~0 plans are being made to send it Unpaid School "per Capita" grotIp at Rutgers Avenue went to a:m. wi.Pt the Children's Parade. . :; back' to Peter PirSch of Kenosha, and Borough "occupation" the, stream behind the Girl Scout It seems a far cry from 'quill pens, ink,' parchment pap~r and Wis. for much needed repairs. The taxes, of p~st years, are still House to have races with the boats' Ii~erty bells on C~stnut street, Philadelphia, in 1776, to a bevy of ladder which extends 65 feet is due the Tax Collector.• they had made during the week. 'cute kids pushing, shoving, pulli'ng, riding or dragging a variety of bent i~ the first section throwing Kirby Noye; Keith Fox, Stevie red-white-and-~lue-dcc()rat~d carriages, floats, younger' broth~, the rest, of the radder into a peculJacob, ·Margie Sweeney, and bikes, or pets ~own Park Dvenue, Swarthmore, in 1951; and· inquisitive iar twist and' making it dangerous Christy Decker were the winners LACROSSE flnd hard for firemen to climb. It i~dividuals with an historical bent may, wonder. the various boat races: . , But the great, great, granc,lfathers who set their' distinctive hands is s~e to climb only if it can be TUESDAY NIGHT in'The kindergarten group'in their to the Declaration 'of Independence a mere 175 years ago next:Wed- supported by the wall of a buildThe bo~ lacrosse game between excursion discovered a lazy old nesday would und~ubtedly have enjoyed the prospective sight of ing, ,but if the wall should colthe Swarthmore Indians and the tur~e, but fiDally followed the small fry gathering~ iii, costume, at the corner of Park and Dartmouth lapse ~during a fire the ladder, Mainliners, League Cltampions of suggestion of. Tracy Johnson to ayenues, beblg genUy shooed' into line by Marshalls Ferris Mitchell, without its supportJ would twist Burgess Charles R~ell, and William' Shirley,president of the spon- in such a way that victims and 1950, has been moved up to Tues- leave him in the woods. The four year old group now firemen are likely to go hurtling day night to, avoid the Fourth of soring Business Association. ', J u l y . h a v ' e a colorful room decorated, to the. ground. Ot$' forefathers' WoUld much 1· This will be the Main1iners' first with all ,their paintings. They ptefer ·the ci.iInlllutive marchers, tion at noon 011 Lafayette avenue The. ladder will be taken off the game this season. Penn State much interested in two guinea str!lggling with obstreperous pets at the Old BOrough Hall would also engine and'placed on a jig which is arid fluttering crepe paper, down meet with their approval. a pattern of the correct shape of graduates and Lower Merion stars pigs whicl\ have been loaned by past the Judges Stand at the WoShiney red engines pumping the ladder. It wID be clamped living in the.Mainline section pro- Mrs. Alvah Stuart and in the man's, Club where Club President long boses plumb full of water onto th~ jig and shaped into 'its vide stiff competition for the lightning bug which Jackie Roe Mrs. Ravnond K. Denworth, promises to cool off the hottest original form again. J,n addition to other three teams in the League: brought to -school. The qrinking F Blake, , . R o- day in a way never' dreamed of fixing the ladder the engine will S:warthmore Indians,' Sun Oil fountain seemed to be a specialMrs. 'Avery. event to the three year olds with bert B. Clothier' and Mrs. Donald b~ the~ld bucket brigaders, and be compietely overhauled. To date T~am, and Baltimore. The Indians lost to Sun Oil last David Shay, Bruce Lee, and TomP. Jones will'pr~de, to the if the water show Wednesday there have been many minor reweek, but expect to bring their my Costa being the chief opermarchers they ,saw ill the EiIh- doesn't heighten a cheery ptorn"; pair jobL on the' engine, but, this teenth Century.' The gay pin- ing to the squealing point, it won't trip to W~c~nsin is the ~irst one team to top caliber early in the ators. The, treasurer hunt for the Sumwheels and other exciting prizes be the fa~t of Frank Maselli, \\!ho of its kind since the ladder truck season. Marshall Austin, attack player, has . rejoined the ,Indians mer'Clu-bberswas postponed after to be handed out to every costum- is planning the display. was bought there- 13 years ago. ed marcher by UJ.e Bu.$1ness AsFouriding Fathers dropping,in on The cost ot work is ,estimated at after eight months active ser- the heavy rain); on ThUl"lSday soch"tl~n, the patriotic flags to be the afternoon program would see between $2ilOO and $.3000 depend- vice in Korea, ,Joe Paul, Hank proved to be too much for Jane giv:en. to eve;:ypar~clpant by· ~ ,a familiar sig~t on the' Whittier ing upon. .the difficulty of straigh- Foro, Av~ry BIBke, Jack Smith, Allen and Bill Ziegenfus, Jr., genClein Maiin, George' Allen, Don eral play leaders, who struggled Ame~ican Legion' 'Post, wowc:iHouse laWn, wae~e, at2 p.m., Col- ten~g the ladder. MacElwee are regular Indian in vain to lay Qut the', treasurer have pleased even the me1Jibers lege authoritieS, will set up' for players. hunt trail. Instead, the 'Summer, DI...tbe.Coaiiaental:.Ahoy. Ribbon Bowling on the green. ,All who Clubbers made' excursions all Awards for first, second and third ,desire are invited to 'p~cipate, Ho~ts Bounce Back To o over the borough in search of om Wms Ga,mes Leg·lon, Te ~ pl aces as well as honorable men- and should any player sense th.e League Two Take items for a scavenger hunt, such tion in the various classes, would silent. cheering of a, peri-wigged ' have' simpUfiedthe aid Generals' shade or two at his elbow,. surely The Swarthmore Hornet team Over Pilgram Gardens as an orange shoe lace, a postcard lives as. the present judges hope he will understand. I bounced back from their first two The Swarthmore American Leg- from Atlantic City, and a 1943 they will simplify their job WedBaseball fans crowding the leJlgu~ defeats in the past week by ion Post team came back with. a steel penny. The team which won ten tickets ~esday morning. MUsic with a Riverview Field for the Swarth,:" defeating Holmes 7-5 last Wednes- decisive victory over Pilgrim Garto the ~ollege Theatre was cap'patriotic motif may synchronize more-W~yne American Legion day evening and then taking their dens on Tuesday night by a score the time gap. game at 2:30, or the game at 6:30 second straight from East Lans- of 11-7. After losing to Drexel tained by Connie Russell. MemThe mad daSh to the College p.m. when th~ Swarthmore ~or- downe on Monday evening, by a Hill last Thursday, 11-4 and to berB of the team included Anne , Avenue School Grounds for games nets win play the Springfield score ot. 9-8. Manoa ,by 3-0 on Friday night, Paul, LesAnn Kurtzhalz, Louise ~d pony: rides ,at lO:3{) might be- team, may also teel the pr~s~ D·cky S d t th t the undermanned Swarthmore Howe, 1;3obbie Haworth, Herman wilder ", the fact-foundered his- of unseen, puzzled, but 'enthusi- ,.1 .ny er wen. e rou e, team came to life with a strong Bloom, Robbie jarratt, Bill Barnes, torian. who sees no connection be- astic rooters. 'a~alDst Holmes chalkmg . up his batting attack against Pilgrim Gar- and Sally Stephens. Other team tween the practic81~ hour of games Square Dance PlaJmed first v~ctory a~d. was a:~~, -: dens and decisively defeated a captains were Dory Rodgers, Carol played on the hockey, fields and " And who could resist the All- some timely, .hlttmg, par I? ar team which had beaten them two Williams, Jobie Perce, and Sue ' w~""n"long contests Out-For-Fun Square Dan, ce to be by Noel Snyder, Lee Gemmill, and weeks before Purnell. the tactical ~ Joe Vannebush, Charley Living. Today Summ~r Clubbers will Lee Ford pitched somewhat bewage,d on the fields of Valley held at 8,p.m. in the Pennsylvania ston made several nice catches in Forge and the BrandYwine; but the Railroad park~g lot? Bud Hastings low his usual standard, but a six e{ljoy a swim at the M~ow pool I ' d 'n' 'd' th i ·th the, outfield to pull Dicky out of run'rally m' the third p'ut him well' superyised' by qaulified leader revered ancestors, if consulted, B an WI 'provl e e mUf c, WI, . , O·lt m' fron"-,' and he coasted home. swimmers. • would undoubtedly agree with "Bu d" h'lIpseIf d' 9mS the. c alling tight spots. .... u u; the 'Swarthmore 'Business Men. over the P.A. system 'set up by The Hornets continued thir spec- Russ Snyder, Bobby Allison, and Bill Zieg(SDfus, besides helping Water,DisPlay At Noon Fire Chief John Rumsey and his tacular play on Monday evening Lee Ford led the batting attack in general play act~vities, has been . Mr. and :Mrs. Clark,'AJJjson, Mr. ,firemen., ' against East Lansdowne by com- with three solid hl,tseach. Alli- coaching Midget baseball in Sum, ing ftom behind after the visitors son contm'ued hI'S terrill'c' hit·:""g mer Club. Last week he instruct, and Mrs. lierman Bloom, Virginia It's a family day that any com' w.u . , ul had ,rolled up an 8-1 lead. The streak for the Swarthmoreans and ed the proper way of catching, Rath, and', Charles MIirtin, ~ who ,munity wo d enjoy, and Swarthqe. t h· . 11 Hornets tied up the game with a the team as·a whole collected, II' throwing, battiilg, bunting, and' are gIanlling the entertainmen moreans, W 0 mlSS It wi have sliding. This week has been spent for the adults, Georg~ Alston who only" themselves to blame. As for five-run rally in. the fourth, two hi~ includirig a triple ,by Tarr. in learning the individual posit1$ setting up games for the' boys, the Founding Fathers, perhaps a runs in the fifth' and then scored Next Monday th.e team travels tq , I· ··t leb t· d' the winning in the bottom of Drexel HI'1l and on Wednesday, tio~s. ' :and Suzanne Hopson, p annmg communi ,y ce ra mg In epenfor the younger girls and Frannie dence safely at home is closer to' the sixth while Perce and Snyder July 4, plays Wayne in,the afterPearson S\ld Ann Broomall mak- their original dreams than the held the viSitors scoreless from noon at 2:30 ·p.m. on Riverview Tuesday Deadline 109' arra:ng'ements for the older actual spark that made the day the thir~ inning on. Billy Lee Field. Because of Fourth of July also did well as a relief pitcher. . I _ Bobby Bradshaw displayed some girls, will all be too' busy QI'gan- possible. celebrations the Swarthmorean izing the play to worry about sUch . , fine defensive work in right field Good New. d~adline will he Tuestiay 3:00 .things; ,whUe th¢ Philip Alden vation A _ _ • Dr:'- ...____1 . _ ' · . George M. Allen, Jr. and his f n.r M Mrs" Sally and Tom n..~1'...... &vwu thilpWing out two men at first three-year-old brother Bill of p.m. next week instead of ! am&q, r., , ' f , , M <, base. giving pOny, rides' for the up to rs. Franklin Gillespie, Chair·Riverview road, were slightly in- Wednesday noon. seven years olds, will have rio time, man of the Salvation Army Drive Lansdowne, who is leading the jured in an automibile accident on at all. , ' in Swarthmore reports that the league, will be the visitingieam Sunday, June 24 in Avalon, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart But certainly the ladies roekiJig local contributions totalled $3,;" tonight on Riverview Field and They have been confined to the of Vassar avenue, their daughter placidly on their porches, the sweet 795.46. Returns for the entire dls- next Tuesday the Hornets go to Cape May Court House Hospital Patty, and son Nicky, home from young things cooling off in the trict we~t 16 per cent over the Springfield and on'the evening of since then, but plan to join the Missouri 'Valley College, Marshall, shade, . Uie gunsby, peace-loving established goal. July 4th play Springfield on River- family group ~t the Allen cottage Mo., are vacationing for several little ~ogs ~o.nietw~ be happier -----view Field in a return game. at Avalon over the week-end. weeks at Rehoboth Beach. BOX \' f ,, are , t, ! '. Mrs' ,1 ,.. , " " ,. , .' run " ~ Sal, at Jor tbi bl~ silence of unex- r-----I-------~--' plodecl'fire CraCkers far from the .S-mwrner ~ands of uioughU~ ,1I$chievous The Swarthmore Public Licelebre:tors. ,~, fc:r th"'e Co~~­ brary will' be closed the Fourth :ental Congress~_perhapS they too . of July. wouici have 'eh.Joyed the Dixie, Summ~ Library hours for Cups 10 be doled, out to the' ~ot July and August are as follows: anct ·BUD&1'Y· at-tlie, end of the, Monday, 2 to 5 - ., to 9; Wed-, game session. DeJday; 2 to 5; Friday, '2 to 5 -, The alw.,. ~~tecl waterfiPt. to be staaed:b~.~ffSWarth­ "1 to 9; 'Saturday 9:30 to '12. more and PJ'oteciive Associa- r·====================~====~==========================~ I (~OMMUNITY 4th !I'IMETABLE A Sidney Johnson,Jr., of North 9:15 A.M.-·Parade Forms-:-iI&Jront of Borough Hall Chester road, was re-elected 9:30 A.M.-Parade Starts-down Park Avenue chairman of the AdviSOrY' Com10:30 A.M.-Game Hour-College Avenu~ Schodl. mlttee of the Family Division of 12:00 Noon-Firemen's Water Fight-Dartmouth & Park Aves. the Health and Welfare Council 2:00 P.M.-BoWling on the Green-Whittier House' . at the annual meeting held recenUy 2:30 P.M.-Baseball-Legion Team,vs Wayne-Riverview Field in Phil8delpbia~lJ .irJ."lie ·cthmcll _r of!;3,O P.M.-BaSeball-Homets vs Springfi~ld-Rivervie~ Field covenp,l...fJ1Ii\Jltjlil\iNlii N~ j.J ,~:80.. P.M.--square Dan~P.R.R. Station Plaza ' . I . and' MOr;Itgoinery, Counties. --J :rue 'L---~--~------ __________________ ______ ________ ~ , ~" \ 0" .. ~ o " .. •• ~<,' ", . . .. ~ , ) , , ",.". " ... ~ THE JuNE 29; 1911 SWARTIlMO REAN -------=---.-----------~I!~~~-~~--~--==~-=--~~!r----~ , ....~ PERSONALS College avenue have returned edia. The. Rev. ' W\lliam J. Al . .- ~~--..-.~------~~.-. • . .... ~----...., - -••~, Noel and Richard Turner 'of Guernsey road wlll' leave. tomor-, row for Camp Onondaga in the' Adirondacks for the balance of the summer. Bobby SesSions of Cheslnut avenue is at' Camp Toekwog!J. on' Chesapeake Bay for a month. On August I he wlll leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sessions for ·their summer place at Booth Bay Harbor, Me. Mr and Mrs. Aiban E. Rogel'S and daughter Priscllla ot Park avenue returned Saturday from a two-week inotor trip throug!J. the Great Smokies by way of the Skyline Drive and .BluE' Ridge Parkway. They visited friends iIi Ashvllle and Wrightsville Sound, N.C., stopping for two days in W11liamsburg, Va. Miss Lora Blackman of Sproul road will leave July 5 for Vassar College to attend a month's summer session of Vassar Institute to hear lectures on Child Development and Family Relationship for ChUd Development. Miss Blackman is a Rose Valley. Mr. John Bowditch, Jr., of Cedar lane spent this week attending the U.S. Seuiors Golf AsSociation meeting at Apawamis, near Rye, from the Uuiverslty of ¥ichigan where they attended ,commencement week-end. Thier son David received th degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Enjlineer- berts officiated. Given in marriage by her cousin Mr. Henry Hudson Barton, 4th of Nort!' Creek, N.Y., the bride wore a goWl} of white Chantilly lace John L. Cornog, Jr., of DiCkinson avenlle received the degree of Master of Arts in Comparative Literature at the Commencement last Thursday at the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. He is an alumnus of Princeton Uuiversity. with pearls held in place her fingertip veil and she carried whi.te orchids, gardenias and stephanotis. Miss Alberta B. Littlefield was maid of honor for her sister and the bridesmaids were Mrs. George H. Lowden of Roselle, N.J., Mrs. Walker Edwards of Stamford, Conn., also sisters of the bride Mrs. Jackson F. Blackman of Walllngford, Mrs. Robert Thompson Lange of Schw¢ville, and Miss Abigal Tinney of Haverford. All the 'attendants wore models of white organdy featuring pale green embroidered flowers 'on the ,bodices and carried white astors and ivy. Carollne Edwand and Flora Edwards of Stamford, COIUl., nieces of the bride, as flower girls wore white organdy frocks with green sashes and carried miniature bouquets of asters. " Mr. Gordon W. Douglas of North Chester road served as best man, and the ushers were Messrs. William C. Spencer, hrother of the groom, George .L. Armitage, 3rd, of South Chester road, Jackson F. Biackman, Robert T. Lange, Holland R. Sayre of Springfield, Page M. Bullock of Bryn Mawr, at).d John T. Billington of Wilmington. The bride's mother chose a gown of dark biue crepe with lace bodice. Her corsage was of white orchids. The groom's mother wore a gown of pink crepe with corsage ot orchids. A reception followed at the Roillng Green Gall Club. ENGAGEMENTS . . made Announcement has been by Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Hargraves of Rochester, Minn., of the engagement of their daug!J.ter, Lark, to Roger Lee March, son of Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. March of Elm avenue and Packer Corners, Brattleboro, VI. Miss Hargraves graduated from Swarthmore College this month. Her father is with the staff oI the Msyo Cliuic.· Mr. March, whose father is,Professor of Romance Lanl:Uages at Swarthmore College, is a graduate of Deerfield Academy and Swarthmore College. During the second World War he served ·in N.Y. the Navy~ and is now with the Mr. C. E. Hannum, a patient at Uuited States Merchant Marine. the. Elks Hospital, Tucson, Ariz., No date has bcc:> set for the recently spent a few days at his wedding. home on Oberlin avenue. George Allison of Vassar ave-. FETE COUPLE nue and Layton Wilson of Strath Haven avenue, who Jpent 10 days Mrs. W11liam Chamberlain of at the Wilson cottage at Rehoboth Princeton, N.J. will entertain at a Beach, left Saturday for Camp dinner in the garden of her hom!, Sinking Creek, near State College,. this evening in honor of Miss to act as counselors until August Trudy Enders of Elm avenue' and 1. her son Mr. David Huntington' , Mr. and Mrs. Clark Byse of whose marriage w1ll take place toHaverford avenue have been en- morrow at 4 o'clock in the SwarthBIRTH tertaining as theIr house gu...ta more Friends Meeting. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Corse; for two weeks Mrs. Byse's brotherThose attending will Include the in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. bride's grandmothers Mrs. S. Ger- Jr., of Martinsville, Va., announce Robp't Ague of Baldwinsville, trude Crandell of Wooster, Ohi,!, the birth of a seven pound six N.Y. . and Mrs. Allen Enders,. Sr., of ounce son, George ~. Corse, 3rd, on June 22. Frances Pearson of Cornell ave- California; Mr. and Mis. Robert K. The baby is a grandson of Mr. nue entertained as her week....nd Enders, parents of the· bride and Mrs. Corse of Yale avenue, guest Polly Krall of Dillsburg, her Mr. and· Mrs. Allen Enders and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rincliffe roommate at Wilson College. On Jr., Dean and Mrs. Everett of Strath Haven avenue. Saturday, Frances and Polly, Sam- .Hunt, Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. Rob• son, Mrs. Hunh Denworth, Mr. uel Reynoids of RuUedge, and W Babies Baptised Andy Miller, also of Dillsburg, en- and Mrs. Frank R. Morey, Miss Dorothy Shaw, Mrs. Hug!J. DownBabies baptised this month at joyed swimming at Ocean City. Phil Hummer of Rutgers avenue ing ot Swarthmore, and Mr. and the, Swarthmore Presbyterian is working at Twin Mountain, Mrs. Charles Heisier of Walling- Church, with the Rev. Mr. Joseph ford. P. Bishop officiating were: N.H. for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Morey of Yale Karen Charlotte Mangels, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bovard and daughters Barrie and Bette avenue will entertain at a rehear- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred recently moved from Columbus, sal breakfast tomorrow morning' P. Mangels of Forest lane, Kathleen Elsie Williamson, daughter Ohio to 205 Swarthmore avenue, for the bridal party. Dr. and Mrs. Robinson, uncle of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. WilliamMr. and Mrs. Bovard will entertain as their house guests next week and aunt of the bride, will give a son, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bovard's brother-in-law and luncheon tomorrow at the Rose Mrs. William H. Porter of Moyla"" sister Mr. and' Mrs. Don W. Wagn~r Tree Hunt Club for the wedding Martha French C\1apman, daughparty and out-of-town, guests. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. of Cleveland, Ohio. . Chapman, . Jr., of. Secane, and Mary Dickinson of College avePhilip Thomas HarriS, 2nd, son nue is Life Guard and Swimming SPENCER LITTLEFIELD of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harris of Instructor at the new MarpleRidley Park. NewtoWl\ Swimming' Club which The marriage of Miss E:nUy .i is now started on its. first season. Margaret Littlefield, daughter of Mrs. Hamilton Dalton of Glen FOR Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.Mc- Riddle road, Media, to Mr. Cowan, daughter Mildred and son Stephen Frederick Spencer, son of Magtlfline Subscriptions, Midshipman Bob McCowan of Vas- Mr. and. Mrs. R. Cheste~ Spenc.r CALL snr avenue, returned !Sunday fol- of North Swarthmore avenue, took lowing a week's motor trip to Cape place Friday, June 22 at 4 o'clock Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman , Cod and through the New Eng- in the Christ Episcopal Church, sw~ore 0-2080 land States. Mr. and Mrs. Mc-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~=======~ Cowan are entertaining as their The B'" O'uquet ., . . : BEAUTY SALON .' BEAUTY THAT ACCENTS SUMIIIER Call Swarthmore 6-0478 t, 9 chester Road ~~~ ...... - J __ ~~~~~~ , REMEMBER TO IIAVE YOUR CAR INSPECTED NOWI SAVE ,A LIFE - IT MAY BE YOUR OWN RIGHT IN THE CEIIl'l'EB 01' TOWN RUSSELL'S SERVlCE BOB ATZ, Owner SW' 6-0440 Dartmouth & 'Lafayette Aves: DONT DELAY Let us Store You~WOOLENS & FURS NOWn GUARANTEED INSUBED SrollAGB In OUR OWN Oold Sto.....e Vaulw MINIMUM STORAGE RATE $1.50 For Woolens - $2.00 For Par WE SPECIALIZE IN CLFANING Blankl'ts - Sllp Covers - Drapes • CoIIIforta SAFE OBANGE (:; , 405 DAR1;MOUTH AVEl\"UE- SWARTIIlIIORB. PA. DROP AROUND ANTIQUES and GOURMET SHOP Carefully SelJected Items for your Summer Gift Giving Providence Road (Near Post Office) . WaJlID.tord, Pa. 'Among the Anliques ' )nth Gourmet Oorner Spices and gift Rosewop d Victorian Side Chairs' Spice Island packages Pine and .Maple Stands Penna. Dutch Pot Pies - Jams Dropleaf Tables Butter. Creams . .Early Cherry Corner Cupboard Finest. Domest,lc and Imported Clhoice collection o f , Delicacies. Ironftone China Huntly and Palmer. BisCUIts Open' dally until 5 - Wed. Eve. unlil 9 AURELIA MEADER Phone Media 8-'751 EVE CASSADY, NoHl~tURD The " ,WASHABLE SUMMER SUIT, that's stili { FIRST' _with most m,n , W"Vetlwitlt ACETATE RAYON AND NYLON r • Gladys Reynolds of Yonkers, N.Y. Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Spiller of Ogden avenue are at the Uuiverslty of Minnesota until August 1. Dr" Spiller is summer school instructor at the University. Their son-in-law and daughter Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Johnston are occupying their home during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Campbell of CO·ED BEAUTY SALON, Am 'OONDrDoNm SPECIAT,IZING IN . f»ermanent Wa~ llIatl Hair Cuttin. PAIlII: .... DARTII01l'l'll AYE. SWARTHMOaB I-IIU The local Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis IDEAL PARKING CONDITIONS announced this week that leaqing w. hoY. our own parking, fa~n".. for Ihe exclusive use and doctors, nurses, and physio-theraPETEIl B. row, EtI1lc1r and Pabllllller convenience of our patr..... Located dlreclly opposite our Sa_ IlAlUOJUE ·roLD aacJ BAIlBABA KENT. AaoeJate U1..... pists wlll speak at the polio nursRosalie Pelrsol Frances Pearson Lorene McCarter Str..t entrance. this service b ovallable every doy undliO PoM. ing inslitute, to be. heid at Delaware County Hospital July 9 Entered 'as Second Class Matter, January 2t, 1929, at the Post OUice at.,,Swarthmore, Pa.. under the Act pf March 3, 187•• thrOug!J. 13. . The nursing institute, first of DEADLlm:-:.WEDNESDAY 'NooN its kind in this area, is open SWABTIDIOIlB, No, FBlDAY JUNE'Z., 11151, to 'all doCtors and registered DIIICIOIl n •• UN •• aLl nurses, and those who wish to , . 1820 ,CHESTNUT STREET register may cali Media 6-299~, or a card to the National FoundOlMR H. BJdIl, founder MARY A. BAlli, PmIcIon! P.......yteriaD Not. Letters To The Editor' send ation office, County Building, Mr. Bishop's sermon at the Telephone II 6-1581 morning service this Sunday wlll . - - - - - - . : - ' - - - - - - - , Media. be entitled "Why is God Hidden?~' The' opinion. expreeJ«i' below, are tbose 01 Ute IndlY!duaJ writer.. ,All The "",rning worship wlll be • letter. to The Swarlhmorean mull be News NQtes' held at 10 o'clcek startiJ:lg this .I,ned. Pteudonymn. may be UM It Identity 01 the writer 111 kDOWD Sunday and eontinuing throug!J. tbe to the Editor. Lctten win be pubMr. and. Mrs. J. Warren Paxson .ltIbed ·onl, at the flt.:ret1oa or uw Sunday, Septeml1er 2. of Vassar avenue will leave toEditor. ", I The Woman's Associalion' Banmorrow for a two-week vacation daging Group will meet this Wednear Bar Hsrbor, Me. Prof.esw street Ooaditlcma nesday morning at 10 o'clock In • Patricia WeUand of South Ches. -t' the New Bullding. Members are ter road, home from the Univ!'I'sity To The Swarthmore PUblicpsked to brtng sandwichea. • of Maryland for the summer, is I want to proteat agatnst the conditions of our streets. Th~ vacatiouing In Atlantlc City with FrieDcII Mn'ina Nota around the center of the town a group of Delta Ga inmaS • During July and August,~hll­ would be a ,disgrace to any eomPatsy McCahan of Strath'Haven dl:f!ll w1ll not he cared for in,Whit- munily-Ar8 they ever swept? If avenue and BBl'bara Krase of M)dtier House during Meeting for swept, ia the dirt 'just swept Into dletownroad entertained at 'tha Worship. the gutter? Dixie cups, Kleenex, latter's home Monday ,eveuing wrapping paper, cigarette boxes wtth a miscellaneous shower in Mp*§at Note. are strewn everywhere. Just out- honor of Mrs. James M. Cameron, The Sunday Sehool meets at side the Poot Office several pink the former Caroline Flaherty, 10 o'clock. eovers for stomp books w,ere tom daughter of Mr. F. T. Flaherty of '., At the lIo'clcek service the and strewn on the grasa beside Guernsey road, whose marriage to Ho\y Communion will he celebrat- tlie pavement-what kind' of a EnsIgn Cameron took place May ed. mentality would do that tnatead 3. The Church Nursery for children of depositing them. In the Poal . Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of Haris open during the morning service. Office where there are waste baa- vard avei1ue entertained at a desMrs. Robert Cassidy w1ll be In kets? Doubtless a ehild spread a sert-kltchen shower Thursday charge. pack of plllying cards nelll'by the Qrternoon in honor of Mrs. The ushers for the day are Alton American Store - Wlll they lie eron. P. Smith, George Glaeaser, Charles there 'till they diSintegrate? ChesMr. and Mrs. Lyman A. DarL. HUg!J.ey and Richard M. Snyder. ter road and Park avenue the ling of Lafayette avenue spent the The Buy· Scouts meet on Thurs- worst. week-end in Boston, Mass. Mr. day evening at 7 In the Social Some time ago I 'asked our Bor- .md Mrs. Darllng are having as Hall; Rehearsal. for Senior Choir ough Secretary )f we could not their house gtl/!st Mr. Darllng's is held at7:4\i. have public cans for rubbish there motber Mrs. A. M. Darling at and at the various corners where Natchez, Miss., who is .here for ChlIIIItlan Sd_ Noe. benches have been provided for an extended visit. "Christian Science" ia the sub- persons waitlng for buses. He reBetty McCahan of Strath Haven . ject. of the Lesson-Sermon in all plied the borough had tried that avenue left Sunday to act as coun- ire'li your Curp"" by tee.. ,ui,h rhe Ill'ear.e..t oj' _,e ". Churches of Chriat, ScientiSt on but the rubbage cana had been selor for the summer .. Camp KeSUtiday"July 1. The Golden Tex~ stoien. It is possible to have con- honka, Lake W~epesaukee. You,have your own ideas about (".,()Ior in your home•. ls "The earth S;hall be filled with tainers and to .have them faa ..nedYour drnperie •• your favorite puinting-(even yo?" Eben Lang· of Maple avenue is the knowledge of the glory of the other c9mmunlties do It•. IIttending the six-week R.O.T.C. eyes)-may have a lot to do with it. Begin with a Lord. as the...waters cover the ~8." A sustained "Clean up Swartb- summer camp at Ft. Ue, Va. beautiful basic Lecs Carpet-and let us bell' you , (Habakkuk 2:14) more" moye would help. Educa~ : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Dodd with the rest of your oolor plans with good counsel. Among Bible citations comprising lion along that llne would benefit of Alexandria, Va., spent the weekpersonal guidance. wide selections-plus tbe finest the Lesson-Sermon ia the fOllOW- both children and. adults. end with Mr. Dodd's mother Mrs. of workmanship on your Lees Carpet installations. ing: "And great multitudes came .1 would llke to think that our Samuel M. Dodd of Swarthmore Come to 'us for "those heavenly carpets by Lees.~ unto him having with them chIldren are as well brought up as aven'!e. those that were lame bltnd, IJ>e children of Clifton Heights. dumb, maimed; and many That ia a clean town. I suggest others, and caat them down at our Borough Council get in touch Jesus' feet; and he.healed them: with Clifton Helg!J.ts and find out Insomuch that the mulUtude won· how they keep their sidewalks dered, When they saw the dumb to and roads clean-and how they speak, the maimed to be whole, the train their children. lame t" walk, and· the bllnd to see: . and they glorified !lie God of We in Swarthmore have so much Israel," (Matt. 15:30,31) natural beauty, we owe .so much to the college and to the Arthur Hoyt Scott Arb!lretum for their help in beautifying. the town, surely we can keep Swarthmore neat. SWARTHMORE . .ipRESBYTERIAN cmmca \ Caroline Sargent Silloway · SIIndal', 'all' 1 lo:bo A.M. - Summer Sunday • School Chlldren aged 8 to 8. ;News Notes 10:PO A.M. Mr. Bishop wlll , , preach on "Why Is God Hld, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lange of · den'" CedQr lane returned Sunday after METHOn'IST CHURCH lO-day visit with Mr. Lange's Roy N. Keiser, D. D •• Mlniater parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry oJ. . ,r • · SUIlclal', Jall' l' , 10:00 A.M.-Sunday Sehool and Lange at their summer h0l"e at , : YOI!Dll Adults! Whiter plains, N.Y. • " '11:00, A.M.-Holy Communion , Dorothy Denworth of Eim avenue attended the w!'ddlng Satur· TRINITY CHUJICJI Rev. H •.Lawrence Whittemore, day of Barbara Mogg, held in R~tor. • Smith College Chapel, NorthampI Slmdal', Jall' 1 ton, Mass., remaining until Tues8:00 A.M.-Hol:r CommWOll. Jl:~HQly Communion. day as the iuest of Mr. and Mrs. 'J'HE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Ollver Jones In their home in Locust Valley, Glen Cove, L: I. All OF FRIENDS SUIlclal', Jaly' 1 thn!e were members of the party 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. of American students with whom Visitors ·welcome. she. studied and tra1teled in Eng: Jloada:r, Ja17 I All Day SewinC f~ the A.J'.s.c. land. and France last summer. , W'" de", 1'111:1' • . AU DII)"Sew!na 1~ !be A.P.s.e. . Mr. and Mrs. John M~mm of .. Ihl' Year', Mobllga, Economy Run. a 51 I : : Elm avenue were guests for a Champion inacIe _ ..... _ _ I ga' • I· . . . . A REAL week of the 'Edward L. Noyes' of ' . 26 "standard classifications" c.... ca .. , ; . 'p . . RiverView road at tbelr cottage at eAS MILEAGE to 6 ml,•• per gallon " - than _ I 'lui.... . . Hairen Belich. ...... oIher lorg... selllnlllO_.t .............. 11;_ . ._ CHAMPION I pI...... Stud.bo_ oveNrl .... opll ...... _ .... . 'Capt. and Mrs. C. C. 'Shute of _ Maple avenue entertslned as ~ Week-end guests Mrs. Shute's bro• g*. ther-In-law and slater Lt. Col. .... Mrs. W. W.Lewia who arrived 1»7 CHIITIR and FAIRVIEW ROADS plane from Honolulu. Swart:\lmore6-6831 PUBLI8BBD EVOT PJlD)AT AT SWARTHMORE, PA. THE SWAIlTBJIORBAN, INV.. PUBLISHER PhoDe Swariluaore 8-011" , I YOU'LL LOPIE OUR • made with Pure Cream testing 22 per cent in Butterfat • SPECIAL THIS WEEK CRULLERS and DO-NUTS W••h NORTHCORD without • WCIftJ. 'l'biI cool II 0\1..0. '.'1. .0 ••111 .llb a ••'." ..,...UId~N, ... CAKE BOX ' _... -_ .......... -. .......... ~UId_­ SPORT COATS, $17.50 NORTHeORD > Colao·""". n WriDklt i" k?=' . . " ' b ' . '7 ...... . NOaTHeORD OPEN SUNDAYS ~. • .' • '==============::;:;====:,:==========;=1 Come to • . , aud find out I,' ! " '. Cam- .' are' .' , . maim • '. j . : • .' TDPIAS-SAVER .' a.F, THE TDP · , . ,• ,. . IN'ITS LaW PRICE FIELD, .. , .,- ... ·, ' PORT RACKS, $t.SO ., . ., 'B.kl Tiriil1Mit! .. '51 STUDEBAKER CHAMPIO ' . -,. FlISCO ,and , , .. AI~TON . ' · 0. qft/ze.4/o:luestprice la~st selIing,..j " e u. . . . THE O.LIVER H.. lAIR CO. . Theater square &'uthChester Road Call Swarthmore 6-324l ~' a IF YOU LIKE RICH ICE CREAM Home Made Ice Cream To Be Held July 9 - 13 THE SlYA.RTHMORE.4.N Church Services • • "'WHATGOES WITH WHAT"" .====================::..':. house guest for two weeks Miss t ~nnm::::29;.:I:91::1::::::::::::::::==:::T:B::B==B~w;.A~'~a~T:B::M;O~~;B~.,:A=N-=~r;;;;;::::::_==-~'~n~==~===== ,~~==3 ;:: Polio N1niq Institute .. '. ,-,~ • .".. ;" ' !. .. ." THE 4 ./ SWARTQMOREAN - JUNE 29, 1961 ! visit friends in San Francisco for 10 days and return home by way of the C"nadian Rockies. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wllllam Ramsay of Lafayette avenue entertained their bridge club at their home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole and sons Donny and Jack of Swarthmore avenue will leave Sunday for a month's trip to the west coast via the southern route, stopping at Colorado Springs, Zion and Grand Canyons. They will \ ~"'d/6 .. ·. wi". ACME QUALITY POOD8' All Our Market. Wlfl ... OPEN FRI. fI TUBS. TIlL . . . . . Closed All Day Wednesday In , Observance of· Independence Day Smoll, Lean, Smoked HAMS Shankl... Half : lb Whol. HaM 61 Cllb65c You'Jl never ............ II ....... _II pe.., . . . . caat.r' TURKEYS Tb..e I18me TUlUtEYS .......Kllled Lanca.... ........ (14 16 Ito. ) Grade A AVV =v!:lw- • ... O".. FRYING CHICKENS '1t..;~~od , Tbese same hYERS 17- .• Pan ..••,. 13... (~.t) Rna'" Jumbo Callfomla . CANTALOUPES Vln;-!,.:_ .... Id.ol • LEMONS or LIMES ".... Pack Plery: Red WA'J'ERMELONS . S.,.,..t Flarlda '.lit s .. Luscious White Georgia FREESTONE PEACHES 3 .. 25e JUNE FOOD FESTIVAL VALU., Pad-1/e. .LG... ~ Farmdale Extra Standard Large Mrs. Henry J. Weiland of South Chester road, will represent tM Delaware County Chapter of the D.A.R at the Patriotic. Freedom Breakfast to be held' Monday at the Bellevue Stratford, Philadelphia. During the· program to follow, the 175th anniversary of 'the Signing of the Declaration of Independance will be observed. Juni'lr D.A.R.'s and Junior League Ijlembers of Philadelphia will model historical costumes. The invitation list is limited to 500 women from all over the United States. Mrs. Weiland is Regent of the Delaware County Chapter. • Rev. Hart received his MBster's Degree in Sacred Theology at Temple University. Midshipman David W. Deakyne, USNROTC of· Cornell avenue, a student at the University of Penn~ sylvania, Is participating in· a Naval Reserve Officer 'Training Corps cruise and began training Friday aboard ship in the C"ribbean area. Cadet Ross M. Pfalzgraff, son of Mr. and'Mrs: Ross M. Pfalzgraff of Riverview road, a sopho-' more at University of Michigan Is attending p'e 1951 Ordnance Reserve Officer's. Training and family of Parrish road have returned from a brief stay at West Harwic:h, .Cape Cod. . Mrs. Oscar .S.·Hart df Lafayette aVenue entert$ined 20 out-of-town guests 'at a picnic lunch on the .lawn of her home Tuesday. Jean Brq.wnof North Chester road who graduated from Mary Washington College in'June, has been entertaining for'a few days classmates Hannah Lou Southwell ot Jacksonille, Fla."Marge South-' colt of New York, Caroline Bowers of Richmond, Va., and Ann Taylor of Gladstone; Va. They all left a Corps Thursday for six-week moto~ mg ?round. Md.,. for the field ,Bryce, Zion, Grand Canyon, YosetrainlDil course endmg July 27. mite, Crater Lake Mt. Ranier and Mr•. and Mrs. George W. McKeag 'Yellowstone National Parks. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. West of Walnut lane have returneji from a two-week motor trip which included a week-end at Buck Hill Falls and a visit with Mr. West's relatives in Ohio .. Mrs. Margaret C. Neal and her daughter Pepper of Benjamin West avenue are located for the'summer at Deephaven Camp, Ashland, -N. H. Pepper is on the Amusement Committee and Mrs. Neal is hostess at tM camp. The Neal house is occupied by former SWarlbmoreans Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beddoe and son Jack. Mr. George W. McKeag of Parrish-road, is attending the meeting of the Committee on the Pennsylvania Constitution of the PennsylVania Bar Assoctation, at Bedford'Springs this week. Nancy' Roess' of Cornell avenue is working for six weeks at Bay Head, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of Lafayette avenue have returned after vacationing for two weeks with ,their son tM Rev. J. Richard H;art and family on Lake Narritlcon, Swedesboro, N.J. Last week , Ie- * * * * 'III INSPIRATIO'NFOR INDEPENDEjUKDJI I!s "fe celebrate our Ind.ependence, may we remember this: youngstel'$ develop their tdeas, principles and devotion to American tradition largely through the examples set by older folks. Let us all so live' that every act of ours will be an inspiration to the boys dnd girls upon whom the future of America depends. bank will not transact business on J.1y 4t1i. . This S('curity :,For. Your Security-·For.Your Country's . . ;,:aOLD ~ •. BUY MORE; SERIES"E" BONDS '. Sum's E5SO SERVICE STATION 0 OPEN 7 A. M. io 11 P. 111. 0 IWABTHMOBE NATIONA·L BAIl '111 TBDST COMPU! Waahing • LuhricatioD Tire Repair . M f,a." wi ~F" . .b_ _... ·C..... YALE and RUTGDS AVE•. 2 Swarthmore 6-869' SWEET PEAS 5"::-. . Stock up now with thl_ lI' ftnrO..... Ritter's Aspara...s· ( ~:x ) .9dmJ Pork" Beans (a 2,!-:: a") Bunt's Chili Catsup .... .9tka! F ...oy Pink Salmon Tuna Flsb Chlaffey's honor tomorrow eve- Guaranteed to make even!the man oJ the I house sit up wltlt on and take AUTOMATIC ~ WATEI HEAT.I notice , Mr. and Mrs. Percy C. Belfield of Villanova avenue will leave today to vacation- until September 15 at their, cabin at Bath Rock Lodge. West Springfield, N;H. Mr. Belfleld, Sr., of Michigan avenue will leave tomorrow to spend the summer at his cottage at West Springfield. . Swarthmoreans attending the !Jons Convention held in Atlantic City Monday through Thursday of' this week, included Messrs. Richard Snyder, John Jeffords, 3rd, L. C. Hastings. and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Purnell. Miss Virginia Hath, associate professor of physical education for women at Swarthmore College, last week attended the conference of the National j\ssoctatlon of Dlrect.ors of Physical Education for Women at College Camp on Lake Geneva, Wis. Tee! Dunn of Dickinson avenue left Thursday for Middletown, Del., where she will be mald of honor at the marriage of Miss Janet Fisher of. Middletown and Mr. Donald White of Wilmington on Saturday afternoon at " o'clock. Mr. Samuel Teel of Pensacola, Fla., spent Sunday and Monday with his sister Mrs. Gf!Orge Dunn and fllJ1llly 'of D! ekln 80u avenue. Mr. and' Mrs. George Glaesser, Jr.• and son George of Dartmouth avenue returned Monday from a week's trip along the Skyline Drive-Blue Ridge Parkway and the Great Smoky Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edwards of Rutgers avenue are entertaining as their house guest for a month Mr. Edward's grandmother. Mrs. Margaret' Jackson of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Spencer of Ogden avenue are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Byrl Babcock of Sacra- .. No matter how many people ara In your family, or how long each one likes to stay In the shower, the fast recovery of an automatic gal water heater. assures plenty of hot water for everyone. And it's there without any fuss or bother, right at the turn of a faucet. Find out more about low cost . automatic gas water heating from yaur deal.r. ... plumber, or any of our suburban stores. 13 South Chester Road , Swarthmore, Penna. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPAIY A • We've wanted tD IIfve you arid :Wetyone in town a c:hanca tD ~ what it's like to drive a POWER. GLmE 0 .. :let. But demand for Chevrolet's great autgmetic II =''''011 has been SO huge ••• we couldn't lteep' a delitonatratorl Now _ refuse to wait any Ioaaer. Ia 8pita '" IIfOWIni d_ancl, we've' set a demon· fOf: JIIII tD drive ••• . • We benne JOG Will find, ia Ibh frlea,U" , .-_de .ph •• mac", a. almosphe... espec:ieEl" to yoiIr liking. We hope JOGoU come .hink of Ie .. yo»r drug ..0 .... · And be sure to briag D. you Come Ia espect1nc _ethlng wonderful-Chevrolefs Powefllide wiD aceed your expectationsl '0 Power&llde Ia not like any other automatic transmiIaIon In ..... Iow-price fieldl You just slip Doctor'. pre.uiplio.. for C&Ieful compoundipC the control lever into "DRIVE" posItioa. Pow=glide does the rest. But why just read about it when yau can tTy itl Get your "Discovery Drive" this w . tIar -.J . 'ow"sllde I. owner-pro.ved ovar a billion mila•• . CATH~ DRUG BE , " OUR ACME MARKET Chester Rd.. Swarthmore ...... THE SWABTBM.o.BEAN ning. SUNDAY 8 A. 111. io 6 P. 111. 1'.,., S. ~ummer Camp at Aberdeen Pr.ov- 'trip to the west Goast, stopping at News Notes Whether you picnic at home or away, make the .... rlou5 Fourth a great day by tumlng to Acme for yaw food needs. Dependable quality at low... prlcel.. ' I .Acme the Choice place for you to shop. • To Attend Fuedom Eveat JUNE 29, INI Rumsey. Chevrolet I SWarthmore 6·6130 Theatre Square' " • -.. , • .. '--, . " c • '. THE 'C' Judie :RDess .of CDrnell. avenue .on 'a three-week vacation with his is spending the summet at Martha's Vq,eyard, Mass., at. the home Dt Mf;'and Mrs. William. Teller. Mr."Edward F. J;litchcock .of the Swarthmore Apartments has ooen " . daughter Mary JD Hitchcock. She ,has been on the faculty of the University .of Maine. At present they, are In Nova Scotia and will ret~n by July 1. JulIe Lange ot Cedar lane. is spending the summer In Duxbury, Mass., with the Robert N. Walker family of WhIttier place. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Goodwfu of Rose Valley have . .' SWARTHMOREAN . JUNE 29, 1911 . ,. an4 daughter. EllIs ot Harvard avenue wtJl leave today for a week-end vJsit with friends in Port Washngton, L.I., and will attend' a wedding In, Greenwich, Conn., tomorrow. '. : Mr. and Mr•. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr. ot ,North Chester road Vl(1ll.return home today after speJl(\ing. three days at Bedford' Springs attending the Pa. Bar Association: Mr. and Mrs. 'George PIDwman from, a week's automobile trIIPP,;to:lpMMMMMMMMWW;;W;;WWM;;~;;ww;;;iii Canads. WhIle In· Montreal II bid bon voyage to their son Alan ,,:PlailYour, Vacation or .Holiday who s~iled .on, tlU! Columbia fDr . In The H~art' o( the Poconos At . England and Europe. Hi! expects to tour England, Sc.otland, and EnrDpean Countries by mDtorcycle, 108 Mil"" from SWBI1bmore, ExeeUen& Food, ComfertableBooIDll ending his tour at Frankfurt, Ger, many where he will JIU,trleultatEdD:"1 All Sports Avallable ' the coming year 'at the University OWNED: AND OPERATED BY SWARTBMOREANS there. Mr. and Mrs: G.oodwln . \ went on t.o Ottawa. Parliment - Write, R. C. WEBB ,being In sesSion, they visited the House Dt CommDns, and toDk sight .Cresco, Pa., .or phene Hi. Pot!ono' 4524 seeing trips by bus land boat. HarVard Inn . ' THE lUiTLERS, SwUtwaI8l', ... Bi~: IDINT GUESTS Swarthmcmt 8·1111 JUNE.28i. 'lest PhIlIp M. Alden, Jr., .of N:orth CheAter road WhD graduated \ this June frDm Wesleyan UIilveraity, Conn., with hDnDrs, has enUsted in the Air Force and left Wednes- "'~_._, day for Samson AIr Force Base, ~!~l.:~~ii~.~.~(_, ..: .., -:,--: .. _.,.:'''~. ::' _ Geneva, N.Y. GOrlBB8 REPAIRED • 1N8TAIJ,J!D WABlII·AIB JiEATlNG Fuma..... Vacuum Cleaned GEORGB MYERS • ROOFS BU 'I - BWIIriIImon 8-l1ft ,. BE8mDft'IAL .&NIt OO. . . . .OIAL Construction Alterations J. F. BLACKMAN P.lL.............. · . 8WuQe- La, ... PbGne 8W 8·1S57 .' , , .,' . I TERDEPENDEN E ~~1~~~~;1~~ I f;j~ I 1 Secretary ---- Charles E. Fischer A EIA 8~n8·lIa· .. and A. Sidney Denworth, Mrs, Johnson, William ------~'------ ir., Jaquetle'I;~~~~~~a~~~~ii ,--- floor. Swartlnnore 6-1528. FOR RENT-Large airy room and private bath. Pleasant surroundings. Near transportation. Call SwartlnnDre 6-4q09. FOR RENT-Unfuriush:"e:Cd;-:s-=-eco=n'd floor apartment - 4 rooms, kitchen and bath. Call Swarthmore 6-4161. FOR RENT~July 1 thrDugh Sep.. tember 30, funi1shed apartment - bedrDom, living room, dining rODm, kitmen, bath. Rea· sonable. Call Swarthmore 6-1758. ._- c - - . WANTED ... - , CA t. o - "TIdrd GeDenuon JlaDl1en" HORACE A. WANTED-TD buy small chest or dresser, and rDcking chair. Phone Swarthmore 6·7373. . W,ANTED.,-Young WDman de· sires baby' sitting evenings after 5:30 Saturday and Sunday. . Call Betty Swarthmore 6.3840. WANTED-By two adults, apart· ment or small house, furnished, for July and August, in Swarthmore or vicinity. Call Swarthmore 6·5950. . WANTED - YDung lady desires day's work. Swarthmpre 6.5236• WANTED-FurnIshed Dr' unfurnished apartment by tWD prD· fessional women, Swarthmore resident. Near trains. CallSwarthmore 6-0214 after 6 RERVES .- 17li 8oatb. (lhater Road Building Construction • Realdenllal . • PaInting • Commercial • Repatrs • Alterations 8~, ,. . 1·3&SI No need to drive a Iqueaky car. A BIHCLAlR INnBXBD I.JIBIIlCATION fob Will briD& back ampoth, quiet car per. formance-aDd atop exce.iV8 wear. , So atop' In today and tl'eat your car to a special SDrcL.... INDEXED I.VUJCATION job. We lubricate accordinc to manufacturera' 8peCilicatiQIIL .' Sarver. BulldlQ SpeeltleaUou ' . SAMUELG;' ECKERD Termitel:on.ultant , . l'RONE MEDIA 8·S810 WlUlo·ZO'll 8eIlool ••0. De1a-. ColIDb'. l'a. ...•..-....- ,.~ Individual independence is a traditional Americao characteristic. This July 4th,we celebrate 'the liberty purchased with the blood of Americans. })on't deseCrate thishallo~ed Butlhere are certain things for which we must depend day by shedding the 'blood: of other Americans on our streets' and highways. Give the other fellow. his rights ••• and a little bit more I upon each other. certain personal advantages we Ameri. . Interdependence - like , American I surrenders of private freedom, we not only grow in moral . typically That's the principle 'behind the laws estahu8,,,,d for safety bDthe highway. Individual liberty doesn't mean. license for anybody to defy the niles of the road designed for the protection of eIlllr)'body. We can still preserve o~ liberties-probably our lives, too-if we drive leg8JIy, safely and sanely. , . '''''i'' """.". , '.~ ',<' .. H." ifu..:.lI\ PENNSYLVANIA'S STATE POLICE ••• DEPART• MENT OF REVENUE ••• GOVERNOR'S' HIGH. WAY SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ••• DEPARTMENT ·.OFHIGHWAYS •• ; DEPART•. MENTOF PUBLIC 'INSTRUcTION ••• . . , ', . WORKING CEASELESSLY TO MAKE PENN~" SYLVANIA'S HIGHWAYS THE SAFEST IN" THE NATION• " - Authorized Distributors OF ATJ;:ill·. '. Atlantic Heating Oils AND Iron Fireman Oil \ Burners Good Coal WILL YOU CO-OPERATEt BE ON THEIR SIDE--THE SAFE SIDE. HOLLYHOCK SHOP ALICE BARBER. GIFTS JOYCE LEWIS W. MARK BI'I'I'LE FUSCO and AI,$fON BAIRD and BIRD MICHAEI.OS COI.I·EGE imRMACY • . THE INGLENEtJK J.A. GREEN E. L. NOYEs ... CO. B. J. HOYS AND 10 BUCHNER'S , . HOR:AC'E A. REEVES , • HANNUII·& WAlTE PETER E~ THEATRE TOLD THE JjOUQUE'i'" . '. .' MARTEL ,BROTHERS . S'I'lU.TH HAVEN . iNN" SWAR'I1DiORE' Co-OP. .~. swAi\TIDIO~ NATIONAL _. 'I case, 'HOW TO RATE "TOPS" witli your. Party-Une Neighbors -, . . LOST &: F~J2 jardinieres, hall' rtlDlJ.ers, , Stokes Nursing Home SELECT CLIENTELE Madison 3·9098 Roo-ace B. Passmore REAL ESTATE .. INSURANCE SWARTHMORE 6-5510 8·UtS WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes 8o' Rubbish Rem.oVed Lawns mDwed, General. HauUna 236 Hardinlt Av. Morton, Pa. PE'l'ER E. TOLD All Lin.... Of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore. Pa. CUNMNGHAM since 1805 Painters·. l'aper .......n We shenlo! bow how 8_ 8·2188 lIIab1pa Aft. PETER DI NICOLA" Driveway Construction Aspllal& or eoaante CeDar Walla R ...PIu&a'eII Phone SwarthmDre 8-2528 WANTEDLISTIINGS IN SWABTHIIIORlgll IMMEDIATE BUYERS BAmD and BIRD REALTOR .0111 Bank BulldlDJr Swartbmare 6-0108 Devine Taxi Service SWARTllMpm:',PA. .iervlng Swarthmore, MDrion, Rutledge and Rldiey Township s1nre 1818 PHONE: Swarthmore 1·0(4' Oli. BURNERS. AIR· CONDITIONING Oil FURNACES Oil .BOILERS • OIL BURNING WATER HEATERS .' 'l1lil1li1 TeIIphoaa Cumpany of p.....,lvanla ft I .au a ._. • , .. J. A- &,.. I S01JTl[ PBlNCifiVN mIDlIOI&B, PA. . Builders Snpplies Coal / '. - LOST-Bmall black kitten, 'Eiiii and Maple avenues. Call 9 Swarthmore' 6-7 56.-::;=,-;;:=:;-. FOUND-Black and white female male cat. Call Swarthmore 6-7056. TIHIiE~ It'll easy to win ,a reputation .. • good party.1IM neighbor. It pays dividends, too ••• for when ew.ybod1 on a party·line cooperateA courteoualy with the etbera, everyone gets good service I I'wo Suggestions: When YDU start to make • call aod fin4I the line in use, hang up gently MId give the otb8r penon a few minuteA to finish his call before you ~ "'In . And when, while talldng, YDU realiie that , aeighbol- II waiting to make a c:all, baDg up In a ' " m1nuta and fne the U- =:--.::= -F(lit;~"'A"L"F.".--- luggage - all new and half price. PhDne Swarthmore 6·6920. FOR SALE Conn tenor saxopbone, good condition. Metal Clarinet, nDW being re-conditiDned. Phone Steve Spencer Swartlnnore 6-0823 after 7 :30 P oM. FOR SALE-Full set .of Gorham's Fairfax table silverware. Perfect condition. Bargain. Reply Box ~ The Swarthmorean. FOR SALE-Ringer wasblng machine with tinler, in good condition. Large wardrobe trunk. SwartlnnDre 6-4609. FOR SALE--,-MushrDom and top soil. Call J. C. Stilwi!ll and Sonil, SwarthmDre 8-3400. • • PHAllMAev :. BANk ad .TRUST CO• . _._- • FOR SALE BeaUtiful' Seth --------/,----------------Thomas ManUe Westminster chime clock, large gold vases, brief S;M. HARBISON FOR SALE-Dinning room set II chairs and table. Good condition. Westinghouse Frigidaire and Washing-machine, PhDne SwarthmDre 8-11..:.:43",' FOR SALE-Miihogany breakfast room drop.leaf table, buttet and three ladder-back chairs' living room suite, and many oth~ items. Can be seen at 210 Elm avenue, Swarthm.ore 6·0952. more 6-2670." CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Residential WUing Swarthmore 6-0740 . J FUSCO and ALSTON SERVICES " but we keep the of society . on a high plane. . • . Independence - is young woman and Sales ~bilii'i.-i' Call Miss Logan, Phone UNITED cans fOl'go for, the benefit of others. By such trifting 8ta~ SALES , • Classified To Family Service Board JDhn W. Carroll .of College avePF.I~SONAL nue, and ElrIc S. Sproat .of Cornell P"E"R=SO=N"AL --Radios==,'-cteJ=e"'v"'Jsi"'o""n avenue were re.elected tD receivers, vacuum cleaners and Board .of Direct.ors of the FBIlnliylolher electrical repair, ed. PrDmpt appliances service. Robert Service 'of Delaware CDunty at the Brool\l!, Swartlnnore 6.1548. Annual Meeting .of partiCipating PERsoNAL-PalBter - formerly members held Mpnday night In bDSS painter for George GlllesMedia. Mr. Carroll will serve pie. Every jDb a satisfied custo· Call Swarthmore first vice·president, Mr. Sproat as assistant treasurei-. In the Executive Director's report it was annDunced that 1,580 I !~ cases were .open during the past I ~~ r"~~;~~~~,~~i: year, representing' 1,387 different residential & com. Dlr'oi.~r~.I''''rv;'-·ih.:,r·I'''iii families and" comprislb.g 5,236 indone in CDmpliance with dividuals. 1,213 applications were Underwriters Specifications. Hilda Lang Denworth Over two-thirds .of thDse ,who & ServiCe on elec. Water· came tD the agency brDugilt prDbSecretary Ranges, Washers, Dryers, _G-_,5-_8.;,.T_ _ _•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ l l ems fDcUSed in family relationcleaners & small apErich H. HaUlen, The School District of Swarthmore will ships and individual personal adCDrner .of Park and School justment. The others are divided cor· between problems fDcused '0 physical or mental i1Ines~, eco· YDur pet· taken care of nomics, old age, education and VO- ;~~;h~o~us!e~while you are on" cation adj·usinle'Jl.t, hDUSlng and Reasonable rates. Call 6-4048. ~1I~~~o:Q;~ variDus .other problems. FOR -SEN"""'T::-'--Among the participating mem_ Large unfurnished bers from SwarthmDre are Rev. Call SwarthmDre up Joseph P. Bishop, Mrs. JDm. W.III.:'!II'IO._ Delaplaine, Mrs. Raymend' K. ,Hilda Lool' DenworUt JI-'HT • ., SWARTHMOREAN ENLISTED , . THE( \ 8 , 7 \ " " ,THE, With the school bells silenced for summer vacation, the annual collection of lost and found articles has again been assembled in the high school building. '!!hese are articles of clothing and other possessions that the children brought to school, left lying around, and • neglected to take home again This display is now arranged in the sewing room in the high' school, where it can be inspected for identification ~y the owners any , weekday moromg between 9 and ' .', 12 o'clock. Those articles not claimed by their owners 'within the next few weeks will be ,turned over tt> ~elfare agencies. ',~ ." ": . A careful inspection of this dis- ~I. play shows that there are som~ very nice coats and pays' jackets wiUl no names in them, gloves, hats, I1lbbers, sweaters of good ,quality, glasses casses, empty wal'lets, etc. It is hoped, that the owners will come to the school, identify; and claim their lost articles. , SW·ARTHMORt;AN JUNED, till .', ~-==~,~=,~~~,==========~~~~~~~~~=*~~========~~~~~ Lost And Foun.d Dept•. Set Up At High School , ' C.AMPUS 'CUT RATE' SWARTHMORE, PA., ; ... . .... ' ' EVERYTHING , ,up TO I MUST . , 500/0 ' " - GOIl OFf . : \ ' ! . Legion Auxiliary Salt' . The Legion Auxiliary of Swarth. more has chosen the dates of Oc"; tober 4 and 5 for theirAmiual Rummage Sale, to be held this year, in the Presbyterian Church on Harvard avenue. The Auxiliary Unlt, anxious to support Community service, welfare and' hospital work, will need , a large sale to m~~ contributions possible," and asks its friends to begin now the collection of saleable goods in their h ,.' CO'SMETICS,,'1/3 ·' OR: " \ " . , ' . ,'." , $2.00 'PINAUD ,LILAC, ' Professional ..Size $1.,19 35c~ MAVIS DEOD'ORANT ,POWDER 9c ' ,. :'$3.S0 VAcuuM,aonLE KIT WITH SANDWICH' BOX . , lSc IODINE -' lSc MERCUROCHROME " 2Sc SCHOLL'S ADHESIVE 10c STYPTIC PENCIL, 7Sc Qt. DDT SPRAY 5~/o lSc ~~~HTER ~UID lOC jERGENS 'SOAP $1 ~OO NORWICH ASPIRIN -250s-, , $1~09 . . .HOME NEEDS . , , ' 10c DOUBLE & SINGLE EDGE , . ~. . $l,.'SO' SAMSON' BRAND , ~ $2~29, "1/3 OR, .' .,' I , '10c( , , ~ . ,;;. , ,,' .~; SUN GLASSES 7c SUN TAN LOTIONS ) ...... .. ~' • • 'J ; ,I ' - SOc' Lyons, " TOOTH POWDER ,27c' 2 'for SOc " ' . ! 35c Pint RUBBING ALCOHOL , 11c . "CANDIES' SWarthmore Blood Bank , I, . ALL 5c , For those who wish to use the Swarthmore Blood Bank' during the ~ummer, in the absence of , Mrs.' Phelps Soule, Chairman, call Mrs: H. H. HopkinS, Swarthmore 6-6205 for contacting Ra:l Cross, until Sep"tember 1. ' , -, ' , - .- " , , ! ..... - , ". "