SwArthmore College Idbrnry oV/Rrthmore t Pa. . " ALL .··SWAlrru . ~; CO 1.1.1';0 Ii; HELP I '., L I 8 R A R ,."'-J-I_ _ _ _~... '\,~.-- .v' THE SWARTHMOREAN' MAY I ... RED • CROSS DmvE :z:: SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, l\fARCH 3, 1950 VOLUME .22-NUMBEB 9 DR. H. GODDARD PROFESSOR, .DIES Services For Retired Professor And .. Wife Sundav . I Dr. Harold Clarke 'Goddard, pro- fesor EmerituS of· English at Swarthmore College died Monday afternoon at his home at 915 Harvard avenue after a long illness. Dr. Goddard was 71. ThirtY-seven classes of Swarthmore students are iDdebted. to Dr. Goddard for his interpretations of literature and life, for he served as chairman of the Department of English from 1909 to 1946. When he retired, a volume of letter~ and ·essays in his honor was presented to him by his students. In the preface to this volume, President John Nason of Swarthmore said, "Dr. Goddard belongs in the company of Swarthmore's great teachers. He has loved great literature, and his love has been (Continued on page mx) . The Swarthmore Junior Mi)sic Club will hold its regular monthly meeting Sunday, March 5 in Whittier House on the college campus. I At this meeting th~ club will be privileged to have. as guest artists • four members of the Philadelphia Orchestra, Ward Feams, second French horn, Samuel. Krauss, first trumpet, R~ert Lambert, assoc-I iate solo trombonist, and David, Madison, assistant concertmeister of the orchestra and concermeister I of the Robin Hood Dell Orchestra. All four of these men play with the . Dell Orchestra, and all of them went on the orchestral tour to England last year. Performers from the club will be: Diana Tucker, Margot Bowie,., David Spencer, Russell Snyder, Jr., and the -Beauty Shop Quintet Lynne Rogers, Gretchen Bauer, June Hobbs. Priscilla Rogers. Claire Hendrixson accompanied. by Diana Tucker. Jr. Assemblies Tomorrow The Junior Assemblies for the seventh and ninth grades will meet tomorrow evening, March 4 at the Woman's Club. Host and hostess for the seventh grade Mr. and Mrs. Johp. MacAlpine will have ~s chaperons Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Preston and Mrs. Mary Foster. For the ninth gra:de Dr. and Mrs. John F. McKernan will be host and hostess with Mr. and Mrs. John M. Highberger and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lawrence. Jr. as chaperons .. I OPEN DRIVE FOR W. E. HETZEL SR. RED CROSS $8500 SERVICES TODAY ~WorkersBU8ily·Engage . In Collecting Local ' William E. Hetzel, Sr., of Strath Haven Inn, died Tuesday night in .the Orlando Hospital. Fla. He was ROY G. RINCLIFFE Jrs. To Entertain Phila. Orchestra Members Qu ota Under the national slogan "AIl May Help" and the chairmanship 79Mt-. Hetzel was a resident of of Raynham T. Bates on Wednesday Swarthmore got off to a Ridley Park before moving to prompt start to raise its $8500 iocal Strath Haven Inn about four years share in the 1950 Red. Cross fund ago. He spent the winter months south arut· had iIi. W'mter ~p'aign. ThiS· year's quoto is $500 higher Park, Fla. . since shortly after than· 1949's but Mr. Bates, his Thanksgiving Day. He was a~ companied. south by his sister as~istant Marvel Wilson, the capworkers here Anna M H tzet, also a resl'dent OL• tains tand numerous .3 . . . . . ulty' alith inn . . e . expec no UllllC m'ts lre e '. zation fur Swarthmoreans are well Before his retirement 15 years ago, he had been associated with aware the Red Cross manages the most heartwarming "swap" in hiS brother George Hetzel, with . the George C. Hetzel Textile Mills manki~d's history, each day in Chester. bringing togethet- thousands of those who want to help and thosHe was a member of the Ridley Park Presbyterian Church.· ands of those who need help. This very· personal exchange, Survivors besides 'J-.is sister are this barter of tbe impluse to aid a son William E. Hetzel, Jr., of for· the pain, the suffering, the Thayer road; three grandchildren, worry, the life.of a fellow man in Mrs. John P.Espenshade of Dog- distress has so wide aD. appeal wood lane, Carol Anne Hetzel that last year it resulted. in and Dixie Hetzel of Thayer road; 1,450,000 Red Cr9sS' volunteers two greatgrandchildren, Jean and contributing tens of millions hours Carol Lee ~penshade. of service. . The Rev. J. Jarden Guenther I will <.t only as fine artists but as tho!,e eager to assist sny entefprise to bring more ,Art into the lives of other pp.ople. Their interest and assistance at the Community -Arts Centcc where Mrs. MaclJillan serves as a Board Member and as chairman of the Faculty Committee on which Mrs. Gilbert is a valued member evidences this interest in common. Dorothy MacMillan receIve . d her early artistic training at the Moore Institute where she won the John Sartain Fellowship and where she taught before her marriage. She was also superintendant of Art in the public schools ' (Continued on page six) . The State Sanitary Water Board has notified the Central Delaware County Authority to proceed with the contruction of a Sewage DisLast call for items to be taken posal Plant to be completed by to the Woman's Club next Monday, Febpuary 1952. March 6, between·1O a. m. and ·4 The plant will cost approximatep. m. for sale at the Mutual Ex- ly $750,000. change at the club Tuesday, March. The Borough's share of the cost 7,from 10 a. m .. 'Until 9 p. m. There will be $75,000. will be receivers in quantity to function rapidly and efficiently Direct Poli~ Work Again Three Swarthrnoreans Mrs. so that none will be kept waiting to list her goods. Ayery Blake. Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop and WDIiam Morrow were ree1ecThe clubhouse will be a beehive ted to the executive committee of of industry from the opening of ~he Delaware County Chapter, Naits doors Monday morning, through tional Foundation Infantile Parthe sorting and arranging articles alysis at the chapter's late Februfor the most efficient and attrac- ary meeting. tive display anQ. sale on Tuesday, ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;. and the settlement Wednesday. Tuesday morning will see a frontal attack on the club as every . Friday, March 3 thriftminded. housewife scurries to 10:00 A.M.-Book Review .............. ~..................... Woman's Club find bargains in household goods 7:30 P.M.-liThe Negro Problem" ...................................... Bond to give her spring decorating a Saturday, March 4 lift and spring wardrobes an early 8:30 P.M.-Basketball: College vs. Ursinus .......... Field House touch, of variety. She will' also Sunday, March 5 , cast an eye about to see whether 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship· ............................ Local Churches the C81'eful.l.y chosen ,items she 7:30 P.M.-"Em.otional Maturity-II ..............................:.:,...... Bond brought are finding eager pur'1:30 P.M.--lr. Music Club ~.................. _........... Whimer House chasers. Monday, March 8 By Tuesday night buyers' and 10:00 A.M to 4 P.M.-Mutual Exchange .......... Woman's Club Toesclay, Mareh 'J \Vorkers alike will be worn but 10:00 A.M. to 9 P~M-Mutual Exchange .......... Woman!s Club happy and the work of the watch10:00 A:M.-L.W.V. Discussion Group .......... 8 Whittier Place dogs of the treasury, just getting Weclnesc1a,., llal'cb 8 underway for figuring the setUe10:00 A.M.-L.W.V,. Discussion Group ............334 Vassar Avenue ment. This will lure everybody 12:00 Noon to 4 P.M.-Mutual Exchange ... ~ ...... Woman's Club •I . Thursday, March 9 back ~ on W~esdaY froJri 8:15. P.M.-W. H. AudeJl •••••••••••••.•••••~~i._ ~ ClothieI" 12 Noon until 4 p. m.,bY Whicli: (Continu~ on ~e am) THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR ............... ........... ·~\bItt.~.'~ ~. ~tJ·· • $3.50 PER YEAR . ~r,f~ ~~ ~tir . - ' ..... '-. '." .. ,.p '. ..' ~ l ......... ~/Rrthmore , College Qvm.rthmore J Pa. ~ :~\\' A HTH M(JRE Libr~ry CO 1.1 /.;.: f£ LIB H A It JoT_ _ _ _ _~_. ~ \\.. ALL MAY HELP <".r" " .. THE SWARTHMOREAN RED CROSS DmVE - --~=-~==========~========================:=============~==============~==============~=============-============= SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1950 VOLUME 22-NUMBER 9 DR. H. GODDARD PROFESSOR, DIES Services For Retired Professor Aut) Wife Sundav . Dr. Harold Clarke Goddard, profesor Emeritus of English at Swarthmore College died Monday afternoon at bis home at 915 Harvard avenue after a long illness. Dr. Goddard was 71. Thirty-seven classes of Swarthmore students are indebted to Dr. Goddard for his interpretations of literature and life, for he served as chairman of the Department of English from 1909 to 1946. When he retired, a volume of letters and essays in his honor was presez'Ited to him by his students. In the preface to this volume, President John Nason of Swarthmore said, "Dr. Goddard belongs in the company of Swarthmore's great teachers. He has loved great literature, and his love has been (Continued on page six) The Swarthmore Junior MUsic Club will hold its regular monthly meeting Sunday, March 5 in Whittier House on the college campus. I At this meeting the club will be privileged to have. as guest artists four members of the Philadelphia Orchestra, Ward Feams, second French horn, Samuel Krauss, first trumpet, Robert Lambert, assoc- iI iate solo trombonist, and David Madison, assistant concertmeister of the orchestra and concermeister of the Robin Hood Dell Orchestra. All four of these men play with the ' Dell Orchestra, and all of them: went on the orchestral tour to England last year. Performers from the club willi be: Diana Tucker, Margot Bowie, i David Spencer, Russell Snyder, Jr., nnd the Beauty Shop Quintet Lynne Rogers, Gretchen Bauer, June Hobbs. Priscilla Rogers, Claire Hendrixson accompanied by Diana Tucker. 79. Mr. Hetzel was a resident of Ridley Park before moving to Strath Haven Inn about four years ago. He spent the winter months south and. had ,been in Winter Park, Fla. since shortly after Thanksgiving Day. He was ac'" companied sou1lh by his sister Anna M. Hetzel, also a resident of the Inn .. Before his retirement 15 years ago, he had been associated with his brother George Hetzel, with the George C. Hetzel Textile Mills in Chester. He was a member of the Ridley Park Presbyterian Church. Survivors besides his sister are a son William E. Hetzel, Jr., of Thayer road; three grandchildren, Mrs. John P. Espenshade of Dogwood lane, Carol Anne Hetzel and Dixie Hetzel of Thayer road; two greatgrandchildren, Jean and Carol Lee E.spenshade. The Rev. J. Jarden Guenther will conduct the services to be held at Oliver Bair's, Philadelphia at 1:30 today. Intennent will be made in Westminste~ Cemetery. L WV Plan Neighborhood Series On World Trade The League of Women Voters of Swarthmore will condu~t a series of public neighborhood meetings in March for the purpose of discussing the position of the United States in World Trade. The following League members will act as group discussion leaders: Mrs. David Wisdom and Mrs. Roger Russell, at the home of Mrs. Wisdom 334. Vassar avenue on Wednesday mornings, March 8 and 15 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mrs. Edward Cox, Mrs. Joseph Field·, Mrs. Kenneth Marks, and Mrs. Robert Firth, at the home of Mrs. E. Cox, 8 Whittier place on Tuesday mornings, March 7, 14, and 21 from 10 to 11:30 a.m.; Mrs. Ralph Crane and Mrs. Carl Chase at the home of Mrs. Crane, Woodward road, Moylan. on Tuesday evenings, March 7. 14. and 21 from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Each group will cover the same material. The variety of times and places is designed to meet the convenience of as many people as possible. The public is cordially invited. to attend. . Jr. Assemblies Tomorrow 'The Junior Assemblies for the seventh and ninth grades will meet tomorrow evening, March 4 at the Woman's Club. Host and hostess for the seventh grade Mr. and Mrs. John MacAlpine will have as chaperons Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Preston and Mrs. Mary Foster. For the ninth grade Dr. and Mrs. John F. McKernan will be host and hostess with Mr. and Mrs. John M. Highberger and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lawrence, Jr. as chaperons .. I' O'PEN DRIVE FOR W. E. HETZEL SR. RED CROSS $8500 Busily Engage SERVICES TODAY .Workers In Collecting Local William E. Hetzel, 8r., of Strath Haven Inn, died Tuesday night in the Orlando Hospital, Fla. He was ROY G. RINCLIFFE Jrs. To Entertain Phila. Orchestra Members $3.50 PER YEAR Quota Under the national slogan "All May Help" and the chairmanship of Raynham T. Bates on Wednesday Swarthmore got off to a prompt start to raise its $8500 local share in the 1950 Red Cross fund campaign. This year's quoto is $500 higher than 1949's but Mr. Bates, his assistant Marvel Wilson, the captains and numerous workers here expect no difficulty in its realization for Swartlunoreans are well aware the Red Cross manages the most heartwarming "swap" in mankind's history, each day bringing together thousands of those who want to help and thosands of those who need help. This very· personal exchange, this barter of the impluse to aid for the pain, the suffering, the worry, the life_of a fellow man in distress has so wide an appeal that last year it resulted in 1,450,000 Red Cross volunteers contributing tens of millions hours of service. Mr. Bates reminds workers and contributors that we are lucky in America to have the balance between those in need and those ready to meet that need so favorable. One way recommended to guarantee that this balance never shifts, that no cry for aia ever goes unheeded is for each citizen to support the Red Cross iIi every way he can-with time, energy and money. The theme "All May Help" means all are needed and each can contribute some part of the necessary total. Mrs. John L. Good will be at the Swarthmore National Bank from 9:30 a.m. until noon Tuesdays and Fridays to receive funds collected by borough house-to-house canvassers. Each resident may help by being ready with his contribution when his local worker calls or, if he is apt to be absent from the home, by seeing that his share reaches his area collector, one of the three captains (Mrs. Palmer Skoglund, Mrs. A. S. Johnson, Jr., Mrs. Fred Bell) or Mrs. Good. The complete list of workers was given in last week's issue of The Swarthmorean. Review Today Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert will give the Literary News Friday, March 3. --Mrs. Irwin R. MacElwee will review "The Egyptian" by Mike Waltari. • MRS. W. M. FOOTE IDlES WEDNESD4Y ROY· RINCLIFFE PROMOTED BY PE Ex-Councilman Director And Executive Vice President Roy G. Rincliffe of 633 Strath Haven avenue was elected a director and executive vice-president of the Philadelphia Electric Company, to succeed N. E. Funk national authority on engineering matters who retires after more than 40 years with the company. Announcement of the change was made this week. Mr. Rincliffe who joined Philadelphia EleHric in J 923 as engineering assistant in Chester became superintendent of gas production in 1927, superintendent of gas manufacturing in 1931, purchasing agent in 1938, manager of electric generating stations in 1941, and since April 24, 1945 has held the position of vice-president in charge of electric operations. (Continued on page five) LAST CALL FOR MUTUAL 'CHANGE Thrifty W omen Prep~re For Tues. Attack On Club Last call for items to be taken to the Woman's Club next Monday, March 6, between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. for sale at the Mutual Exchange at the club Tuesday, March 7, from 10 a. m. until 9 p. m. There will be receivers in quantity to function rapidly and efficiently so that none will be kept waiting to list her goods. The clubhouse will be a beehive of industry from the opening of its doors Monday morning, through the sorting and arranging articles for the most efficient and attractive display an4 sale on Tuesday, and the settlement Wednesday. Tuesday morning will see a frontal attack on the club as every thriftminded housewife scurries to find bargains in household goods to give her spring decorating a lift and spring wardrobes an early touch of variety. She will also cast an eye about to see whether. the carefully chosen items she brought are finding eager purchasers. By Tuesday night buyers' and \yorkers alike will be worn but happy and the work of the watchdogs of the treasury just getting underway for figuring the settlement. This will lure everybody back again on Wednesday from 12 Noon until 4 p. m. by which, (Continu~ on page six) Memorial Services For 40 Year Resident Wednesday Mrs. Melanie Foote, widow of Warren Foote, died of a heart attack at 3:30 Wednesday morning in Bryn Mawr Hospital where she had been admitted the previous day for observation. .. Born in Philadelphia on St. Valentine's Day 77 years. ago, Mrs. Foote had lived in Swarthmore for the past 40 years. Her home was at Ogden avenue and Walnut lane before moving to Strath Haven Inn last October. Mr. and Mrs. Foote and their two di\ughters joined the Society of Friends at the Swarthmore Meeting in Feb·ruary, 1921. .Mrs. Foote had served on a Friends Membership Committee and the Service Committee. She was a faithful attem!dut at the monthly business meetings and other Friends Meeting activities. She was a member of the Swarthmore Woman's Club. . Survivors are two daughters Mrs. Cyril Gardner of Wallingford, Mrs. David B. Hand of Geneva, N. Y.; a brother A. Thornton Grugan of Bryn Mawr; and five grandchildren. Memorial Services will be held in the Meeting House, Wednesday March 8 at 3 p. m. The family requests that flowers be omitted. New Disposal Plant The State Sanitary Water Board has notified the Central Delaware County AuthOrity to proceed with the contruction of a Sewage Disposal Plant to be completed by February 1952. The plant will cost approximately $750,000. The Borough's share of the cost will be $75,000. Direct Polio Work Again Three Swarthmoreans Mrs. Avery Blake, Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop and William Morrow were reelected to the executive committee of t.he Delaware County Chapter, National Foundation Infantile Paralysis at the chapter's late February meeting. BAND·ORCHESTRA CARD PARTY Parents Sponsor Event For IV[usic Fund, Uniforms Plans to bring added sparkle and variety to the Instrumental music program of the Swatthmore schools will be materially aided by everyone who takes part in the Dessert-Bridge and Canasta Party of thc Band and Orchestra Parents Association, March 17. This St. Patrick's Day event will begin at 8:15 p.m. in the high school gym building. Tickets are being sold by members of the Association. President of the group Clarence Franck will serve as master of ceremonies. Proceeds of the party will go into the Band Orchestra Fund. To meet a growing interest in orchestral music plans are under way to bring professional musicians to the school for occasional performances, and to provide interested members of both band and orchestra with tickets to certain concerts in Philadelphia. The most immediate need is for funds with which to replace out(Continued on page six) TO SHOW WORK AT ART CENTER Dorothy MacMillan Alice Gilbert In , March Show Paintings by two Swarthmore artists will comprise the March Exhibition at the Community Arts Center in Wallingford. Alice T. (Mrs. F. Leroy) Gilbert of Meadow lane and Dorothy S. (Mrs. Stanley L.) MacMillan of Vassar avenue will exhibit about 50 of their paintings in oil, water color, and pastel from March 6 to April 5. A private view and tea will take place for members of the Arts Center and invited guests on Sunday, March 5 with the two Swarthmore artist~ acting as hostesses. Both Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. MacMIlbn are well known locally not only as fine artists but as those eager to assist any enterprise to bring more Art into the lives of other people. Their interest and ~ssistance at the Community Arts Centec where Mrs. Macl\Jillan serves as a Board Member aud as chairman of the Faculty Committee on which Mrs. Gilbert is a valued member evidences this interest in common. Dorothy MacMillan received her early artistic training at the Moore Institute where she won the John Sartain Fellowship and where she taught before her marriage. She was also superintendant of Art in the public schools (Continued on page six) TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR . Friday, March 3 10:00 A.M.-Book Review.................................... Woman's Club 7:30 P.M.-"The Negro Problem" ...................................... Bond Saturday, l\larch 4 8:30 P.M.-Basketball: College vs. Ursinus .......... Field House Sunday, March 5 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship· ............................ Local Churches 7:30 P.M.-"Emotional Maturity" ........................................ Bond 7:30 P.M.--Jr. Music Club : ............................... Whittier House Monday. March 6 10:00 A.M to 4 P.M.-Mutual Exchange .......... Woman's Club Tuesday, March 'l 10:00 A.M. to 9 P.M-Mutual Exchange .......... Woman's Club 10:00 A.M.-L.W.V. DiSCUSSion Group .......... 8 Whittier Place Wednesday, March 8 10:00 A.M.-L.W.V. Discussion Group ............334 Vassar Avenue 12:00 Noon to 4 P.M.-Mutual Exchange .......... Woman's Club Thursday, March 9 8:15 P.M.-W. H. Auden. ......................................•. :........... Cloth.ier , / .' \ Z 'RBE SWAB'rBMQaaAN -MABCB-3,ltso ~==========r=~===-==~~~~~~~~~======----~----~' The new baby Is a grandson of Debby Drew, the first drum maFetherolf and their son Donaldof Columbia avenue will hold open Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Morse of jor of the Swarthmore HIgh Sdhool Band. house for the seniors of Swarth- Parrish road. Mrs. Edith I. Cuskaden of Park more High School during the Junavenue is the guest of Mr. and , ior Prom this evening. Mrs. T. Baugham Mathis of VentMr. aUd Mrs. fertrand F. Jagger Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. S. Soynor, N. J . • of Westfield, N. J. are being con- der of Wellesley, Mass., anIJOunee Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pack of gratulated on the birth of a daugh- the birth of a son, Thomas French HONOR BRIDE-TO BE Swarthmore avenue will entertain ter, Belinda, on February 26 at the Snyder; on February 21. Th b b ts Miss Dixie Hetzel, daughter of Overlook HosPital, Summit,· N. J. at a small cocktail party at their Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hetzel, e a y a grandnephew of home tomorrow evening. Mrs. Jagger, the daughter of Mrs. Margaret C. Freedley of Jr., of Thayer road, whose mar- Mr. Laurence E. Drew of Media, Swarthmore avenue and -Mr. Mrs. Earl J. Carns of Baltimore Pikehas returned home from more avenue has returned from a riage to Mr: Ward Thomas Morris, formerly of Swarthmore, and the "l'homas H. !Hall, Jr., of Philathe University of pennsylvania visit with her daughter Mrs. John son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. late Mrs. Drew, is the fonner Miss delphia. Hospital, Philadelphia following a T. Handy and family oi Crisfield, Morris of Troy, will take place 'f==~§~~§~~~§§§.§i§~§~~~~~::i=~===~ major operation performed on Md. Mrs. Handy is now a patient Saturday March _11 in Christ Ii Church, Ridley Park, was guesj: BENEFIT H. S. BAND and ORCHESTRA FUND February 3. in Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia ST. PATRIOK'S DAY Mrs. J. Archer Turner of Har- having had an appendectomy per- of honor at a miscelaneous shower gi~en by the D~lta ~elta Delta sorDESSERT-BRIDGE and CANAiSTA PARTY vard avenue will entertain the (ormed Monday. Gayle Hodge, daughter of Mr. orll~ of the Umverslty?f pennsYl~lll mGH SCHOOL GYM _ MARCH 17, at S:15 - TICKETS 75 Art Club at a tea-meeting this 0 and Mrs. D. Malcohn Hodge of vama at the home of Mlss Suzanne afternoon. Millick of Merion last We.mesday. PLAN A TABLE BRING YOUR FRIENDS Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden of Strath Haven avenue was pledged The bride-to-be was guest of :!t Riverview road has returned from to Delta Delta Delta sorority at honor at a ·party given Thursday """:'1M'i"'""iMe1t~ fl 'Ht'1t:1HHe:'""":-<·...fr="·..q..·sr-Ct""lMt"1:''''''Mr'''= ~f'l a visit of a few days with her Cornell University Monday afterevening' ollast week by Miss Mary S A VET I ME! son-in-law and daughter Lt. nOOD. Lee Hartzell of Wallingford. Mrs. William H. Brown of RiverComdr. Lawrence G. Traynor, Mrs. Traynor and their small daughter view road has returned from a On Wednesday evening, Miss LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR two-week visit with her daughter Sandra Crosset of Ridley Creek Priscilla of Falls Church, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. o. Red- Mrs. Goodwin Gibson, Jr., and new l10ad entertained at a buffet supper WHILE YOU SHOP grave of Vassar avenue entertain'ed granddaughter Deborah of Tor- and miscellaneous shower for Miss Hetzel. at a dinner-bridge at their home onto, Canada. Saturday evepi:ng. Mrs. James Bacon Douglas of The couple will be guests of Dwight Hummer, son of Mr. and North Chester road will be hostess honor at a dinner party at _the Mrs. P. M. Hummer of Rutgers to the Thimble Group Monday, Rolling Green Golf Club to be "Bob" Atz, Owner avenue, has been placed on the March 6. given by Mr. and Mrs. Earle W. Dean's List at the University of Mrs. Clarence C. Franck of Deppich of Ridley Park for the SW· .ce wood. hard I~ Rubbish Colleetion :':!ew~~07a~ed. Call Swartb- Swarthmore, Pa. IN STOCK CLEAN Dial Chester 38108 All Un.. 'Of 1nsnraDce, TIMB'S Board raerv.. the rljrbt to reject any or contracts auroritem or lteDl.l all bide in 00 whoJe In part" and tomaking award (continued from page one) up aDJ' bid. _. Hilda La. . Denworth A native of Sandusky. Ohio Secretary ~~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Registered in Swarthmore • 333 Dartmouth Avenue Name us your executor and All Sizes PLUMBING AND BEA'l1NG PETER E. TOLD , • JAMES E. LAMB ~ CllFBTEB and I'AIBWJBW BOADS cal settlement of your estate. Far.,..... Fanndale bop. ,Phone Media 1-11111 New and Bebnll& PIaae. Repalrln&' SIDce .... II"ES by GOOOIiEAR Raisins catl. $Mdlen 2 11·., plill 23c Prunes ,",,"fWd. Lat.. ID Ilk, 22c Fig Bars IIIIPt, 21 c ,.... 12- 29c Pea nut BuHer erea.y '111" Margarine ....1 _ Ib 1111;, 21 C CATSUP 2 ':.;~' 25c: ALBAN pawF. Superftushion Young Robert L. Haig' aJ'rived Saturday to visit his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Haig of Riverview ,road for a week while his parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Haig are moving from Elizabeth. N.J. to their newly purchased home in Westfield, N.J. Pat Patman daughter of Dr. and Mr•. Fred A. Patman of Princeton avenue a member of the Secondyear class of the Junior College department of Penn Hall Junior College and Preparatory School, Chambersburg. is one of four students who have been elected to Kappa Zeta. according to an announcement released today i.>y the Dean's Office. Kappa Zeta is an honorary social sci~ce society. Mrs. George A. Armitage of South Chester road entertained her bridge club at a luncheonbridge at her home last Friday. Pront 8t. PIANO TUNING tJM'f!!t'!!'!:.. Roy Rincliffe Promoted WANTEDi;-"Full='-7tim;:::e;-:m=ai;:;d;-:_-;n~0 Media. Pa. Sundays. References. Call Engineering and Franklin Insti- >·Ia-aT Swarthmore 6-0251. tute. -EST==::A~T=E::-O="=-:-I.O::(J ~:::IS::-W=-.-::W::H:::E::E=-I.O=C;;;;:K WANTED--Woman desires tJ,ouseLocally he served for five years ?~~tiEt; TESTAMEHTARY on the above work aDd cooking. Chester as a Borough Councilman. Ap- Estate have been gra:lted to the under3-3781. . • signed. who request all pel'8ODS baving pomted to that body ill October clolms or demands &gab..t the Estate of FOR SALE 1938 and elected to a four-year the decooent to make I;UOWD the same. all persoDS Indebted to the decedent FOR SALE--Khll)l blu:::e~te=rn::;'C::er=fe;:-­ term the following year, he did 0ndmake payment. without delay. to • Marie Creamer Wheelock. Executrix male puppy. 9 weeks old. Call not seek\re-election. Marie Creamer Wheelock; Swarthmore 6-3S47. Executrix or to her Attorney SHERIF.. SALES FOR SALE-Seasoned oak ftre~hlllp L.. L.eldy.....ulre of Real Estate wood. Cut any length. $20 2228 Land Title BundlIll' SHElUFl<"'S Ofo'!<'ICE cord. Call Valleybrook 2018-J. Philadelphia 10, Pa. COURT HOUSE, MEDIA. PA. 2-17-aT !<'rlday, March 2-1, 1950 FOR SALE Coldspot refrigerator. 9 :30 A. M. Hastern Standard Time $50. Quality gas stove. $25. CondltIolIs: $2"o.00 C<\sh or certified check ut time of sale (unless otherwise relephone S'\Varthmore 6-7128. Since 1805 In nd"crtisemeIlt), balance In ten POR-SALE=-Websler WIr,,-Recor: stated days. Olilcr conditions on day of sule. "'jerI Facias: No. &76 CUNNINGHAM Lane. Wallingford. Phone September Term. 1940 der. perfect condition. $75. Cop.. Palnlets '" PallOr Banrira ALL THAT CERTAIN Jot or piece of pies Lane. Wallingford. Phone ground, SITUAU'E In the TowllshIp of We wold know how Chester. In tile Counly of Delaware and Media 6-4790. Swa. 8-2266 lIIIchqan Ave. Stnte of Pellllf.ylmnln, bounded and de-FOR SALE-Gray wool crepe ma- scribed as tollows: ternity dress. chartreuse trim. 'lIKGINNINO at a point ·on the Northeast corner of Tenth Street and Nlchols Size, 16. Practically new. Tele- Street. anll containing In front on the said phone Media 6-1126. NicllOJ.g Street measured thence Nortl;lDdv....7 Uotta1raoUon wardJy 20' and I!:delldlng In length or FoR SALE--1/6,horse power mo- depth Eastwardly between pal'1lllel Unes ,Aaphal&orc-ete tor. single phase. 1/3, horse, at right angles with the said Nichols Street 110' to other lands. power explosion-proof motor. VerThe said NJchoJ.g Street being 88" wIde ticle mounting. Swarthmore nnd PETER DI NICOLA running parallel with ond 180· East6-0890. wardly from ReaDey Street. Phone Swarthmore 6-Z~28 PoR-Si-ALE--==--E=ar"'Jy=-Cw=al;::n"'u"'t"'p"'ar=lo=r Nichols Street In common \\1th the- o-.vnera organ. Cabinet in excellent con- of 'eogeUler otber lauds withabutting the rightthereoo. and use of said Improvements consLqt of a 2 story stucco , dItion. Organ mechanism recenUy block building 20x40 feet. n 1 story build· re-condi.tloned. Phone Mrs. Roy S. Latimer. Swart1unore 6-1518. I"g IOx12 feet. a amI 1 story bulldlng U,xlB 8xIO feet a I frome slory fmm. building F. F. ZIMMEBMAN e Eo. 5 Plltoburgb '.. Pa. or to it. altomera SOCiety of Mechanical Engineers, A. Sidney Johnson,' Jr•• EaQ. American Institute of Electrical Duller. Beatty, Greer &: Jolinson evenings. able ten years ago. Now onJ;y rareH. D. SIPLER Iy does death occur from Pneu11 SOUTH CHESTEIt BOAD. monia. except among the aged, he 8WABTBlIIOJUI stated. further claiming penicillin --;::;;::::;;;;::::::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=.;;;;;;==, could eradicate venereal disease, if the public would cooperate and realize th(>t this is no longer a medical problem but a social one. Synthetically made B12. a liver preparation, was proclaimed as helpful in the control of pernicious anemia as insulin is in the case of diabetes. Atebrine was credited TRADE-IN DEAL ON with winning the Japanese war, its use against malaria having enabled the Navy to keep in fighting condition. He concluded by saying that the saving o~ life t!trough these wonderful new discoveries has brought a new problem. - that of overpopModernize your car with tires that will make ulation. saying unlimited reproduction is bad for the world _ It ride better than newl Start now to enloy a starvation. competition, and wars new thrill in motoring - come in today _ resulting from the existence of too trade and savel many people. "Our progress must YOU DON'T NEED TO PAY CASH ••• now be on the social leve1,u ·Dr Tice warned, "We have not kept we'll arrange EASY TERMSI up in the social fields with our aemem".r, n~w M •• save tlres-ond lifeGuards male. blowouts hamllen advance in science, and this is a real menace to the weltljn' of SWARTBMO.BAN A member executive committee of of the the Pennsylvania Electric Association Mr. Rincl 'ff Is b i t anY other I e a 0 e ongs 0 m industrial, engineering and scientific organizations m'eluding the WANTED Electrical Association of PhllaWANTED--Youngmarried woman delphia Gas Association. Pennsyldesires, typing at home. Exper. G A_ • t' Am' erlcan ienced. Call Swarthmore 6-5274 vanla as ruoSOCla WD, ROBERT ALLISON in pneumonia cases, but not avail- 14e:' !t~ 27c: Hunt's Fancy ::-:===--=- riot reall!Y a stimulant. but a depressant. Since young people need more. not less inhibitions, alcohol is dangerous to the young. though helpful to those over fifty." He Paid tribute to peni~ an outstanding miracle drug. so useful Rob-ford Fancy Whol. RICE CLASSIFIED uContrary to general belief. alchol is trustee for DlOdern, economi. Virginia Lee War. Call Beatrice S!lbmidt. Swarthmore 6-2780. PERSONAL-Painter - formerly Boss Painter with George GillPEBSONAL espie and Ohules Fischer. Call 6-4251. PIlRSONAL -- E1ectr1~ wlrIn, Swarthmore _,_, _" ___ . d installation residential anel PRSONAL-Radios. television re, co:"erclal. Wate; heaters. ran'.... celvers, ~acuum cleaners ~d dishwashers, dryers. 'Boodix. All other electrIcal appli_ repall'work done to Fire Underwriters' ed. 'Prompt service. Rober! ,specifications. Service on wash- Brooks. Swarthmore 6-1548. ,!""S. vacuum cleaners. ranges, P}!:RSONAL-Registere TIME STEVE'S HIT THI\1l CORD ,INSTEAt> OF HIS -p.:' STRING.,N When corels become a nuisance instead of a convenience, it's a sure silln of out-dateci wiring. This can also cause such inconveniences as dim lights, slowing down of electrical equipment. and short circuits. Call in your electrician to ch,",k your wiring and make recommendations for convenient Electric UvIng - for today and toQlOD'Owl Don't _rload your .I.clt Ie cIrcu .... When you build or mad.mla • provide ADEQUAtE WlRlNG.'1 PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY .. . 1 • • G Dr; H. C. Goddard Dies (Continued from page one) infectious. His has been that art of great teaching.' As always happens in such cases, his spirit will live on in the college to which he devoted his life.,.. Swarthmore will be the richer for his ministry." Dr. Goddard was born in Worce~ter, Mass., August 13, 1878, and was graduated from Amherst Col.lege in 1900. For the next two years he taught mathematics at Amherst, going next to Columbia, where he did graduate work in English. He received his Master's degree in English in 1903 and his Ph.D. in 1908. From 1904 to 1909 he taught at Northwestern UniversitYJ coming to Swarthmore in 1909 as Professor of English and chairman of the department. During his career at Northwestern, Dr. Goddard wrote Studles in New Engla.nd Transcendentalism, his first critical volume. Later, in addition to many articles in scientific, literary, philosophical and religious publications, Dr. Goddard wrote Morale (1919) and W. H. Hudson: Bird lIIan' (1928). Shortly liefore his death he completed a' detailed study of the works of Shakespeare. Dr. Goddard married Fanny Whiting Reed in 1906. Mrs. Goddard died on January 9 of this year. The couple is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Eugene Mark Worthen of Hudson, Ohio, and Mrs. Lee Elbert Holt of Springfield, Mass., and four grandchildren. Although funeral services will be private, a memorial service for both Dr. and Mrs. Goddard will be held at Friends l\leeUog House at 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 5. It is requested that flowers be omitted. . " ' Last Call For Exchange • (Continued from page one) time profits will have been distributed, unsold gifts will have been claimed and in a final spurt of activity the clab will reassume the look of order and pea Don't miss it! Want a n:~ color scheme? Clean the drapes you've befjD looking at for enough seasons and take them to the Exchange. That suit that the family didn't take to? "'Exchange" it. The top coat Johnoy grew out of aimost before it was unwrapped? It's fun to be thrifty' at the Mutual Exchange. See you there. • Work At Art Center Thursday evening, March 9, the monthly meeting of the Mother's Club will be held at the Woman's Clubhouse. This meeting will deviate from the regular type in that there will be a workshop of singing and crafts. Mrs. Lawrence Stabler will interest one group in folk songs with particular emphasiS on folk songs for children. Mrs. Wil;rren Bernard will direct a group making paper party favors for both adult and 'children's parties, while Mrs. William Ellmore will conduct the group interested in metal crafts and demonstrate the process of making jewetry, ashtrays, etc. Members are urged to come and participate in BOY or all of these groups in the workshop. of New Jersey at one time. "Now I paint just for. the fun of it," says Mrs. MacMillan, reflecting the general spirit which seems to prevail at the Arts Center where she is exhibiting. Alice Gilbert, who also paints pictures because she loves to do it, studie eawards:.orcthe··liter~ ~ is to see that every boroughit loG ~ 1;,1.1 9 ~4v~~pmO~G Hr~V RC~OOT , I INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE lIAR i 9 i9Srl Svmrthmore College Li. br"ry dvmrthmore. Pa.. THE 6 Dr. H. C. Goddard Dies (Continued from page one) infectious. His has been that art of great teaching. As always happens in such cases, his spirit will live on in the college to which he devoted his life. Swarthmore will be the richer for his ministry,'" Dr. Goddard was born in Worcester, Mass., August 13, 1878, and was graduated from Amherst Col,lege in 1900. For the next two years he taught mathematics at Amherst, going next to Columbia, where he did graduate work in English. He received his Master's degree in English in 1903 and his Ph.D. in 1908. From 1904 to 1909 he taught at Northwestern University, coming to Swarthmore in 1909 as Professor of English and chairman of the department. During his career at Northwestern, Dr. Goddard wrote Studies ill New England Transcendentalism, his first critical volume. Later. in addition to many articles in scientific, literary, philosophical and religious publications, Dr. Goddard wrote IIlorale (1919) and W. H. Hudson: Bird IIIan (1928). Shortly before his death he completed a detailed study of the works of Shakespeare. Dr. Goddard married Fanny Whiting Reed in 1906. Mrs. Goddard died on January 9 of this year. The couple is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Eugene Mark Worthen of Hudson, Ohio, and Mrs. Lee Elbert Holt of Springfield, Mass., and four grandchildren. Although funeral services will bc private, a memorial service for both Dr. and Mrs. Goddard will be held at Friends Meeting House at 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 5. It is requested that flowers be omitted. Last Call For Exchange (Continued from page one) time profits will have been distributed, unsold gifts will have been claimed and in a final spurt of activity the club will reassume the look of order and peace. Don't miss it! Want a new color scheme? Clean the drapes you've been looking at for enough seasons and take them to the Exchange. That suit that the family didn't take to? '''Exchange'' it. The top coat Johnny grew out of almost before it was unwrapped? It's fUll to be thrifty' at tbe Mutual Exchange. Sec you there. Kappas To Sew The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewing Group will meet Tuesday, March 7 3.t the h0!ne of IvIm. James B. Douglas of 600 North Chester road. -~==~========~======~~~ Mothers Pkln Workshop For Thur/5day Meeting Work At Art Center Thursday evening, March 9, the monthly meeting of the Motber's Club will be held at the Woman's Clubhouse. This meeting will deviate from the regular type in that tbere will be a workshop of singing and crafts. Mrs. Lawrence Stabler will interest one group in folk songs with particular emphasis on folk songs for children. Mrs. Warren Bernard will direct a group making paper party favors for both adult and . children's parties, while Mrs. William EUmore will conduct the group interested in metal crafts and demonstrate the proccss of making jewelry, ashtrays, etc. Members are urged to come and participate in any or all of these groups in the workshop. of New Jersey at one time. "Now I paint just for the fun of it," says Mrs. MacMillan, refiecting the general spirit which seems to prevail at the Arts Center where she is exhibiting. Alice Gilbcrt, who also paints pictures because she loves to do it, studicq at the Scbool of Industrial Art. Quoting Mrs. Gilbert, uFor many years I never painted a thing. Then I got tbe urge again and began to feel the need of a guiding hand." The 'guiding hand" turned out to be an imposing list of teachers, all of whom are artist of distinctionFred Wagner, Lazar Rabitz at the Graphic Skeicb Club, Sue Way Gill, well known portrait painter of Ardmore, Aldro Hibberd, and Maxim Gottiieb. The paintings which these two women have selected for the Exhibition are works of art well worth seeing and the Community Arts Center eagerly welcomes everyone to come to Rogers Lane in Wallingford during this exhibit. The Arts Center is open to tbe public weekdays from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sundays from 2 to 6 p.m. Children's classes dominate every available space on Saturday mornings and it is closed on Saturday afternoons. A brief call to the Arts Center office (ME 6-1739) might belp a visitor to avoid running into classes in some of the exhibit rooms durthe week. Sunday afternoons are recommended especially for visiting. Band - Orchestra Party (Continued from page one) worn band uniforms, including those of playing mcmbers and of the eight twirlers. There are 60 members in the band, and the unifonns have always been the financial responsibility of the parents' organization. Approximately $600 is needed for current replacements and the plan is to set aside about ~500 a year to purcbase other new uniforms as required. The need for additional instruments is always to be anticipated. New impetus has been given the music program by the School Board's authorization of a parttime instructor to assist Robert Holm in the instrumental work, particularly in the string section, and it is expected an increased demand for beginners' instruments will result. The Association hopes to supplement the School Board's purchases when necessary. Committee chairmen for the party include the following: Cochairmen Mrs. Avery Blake and Mrs. Donald P. Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart R. Thorbahn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogram, Mr. and Mrs. Heston McCray, Mrs. Clarence C. Franck. Baike Sales Held The Band and Orchestra Fund was recently swelled by the $85 proceeds from two bake sales held in the school in January and February. They were condUcted by Mrs. Jack Thompson, chairman of the bake sale project, and Mrs, Russell Snyder, and a loyal group of assistants who contributed the cakes and candies. Additional sales are planned for April and May. J. E. LIME BURNER CO. DISPENSING OPTICIANS Experts in the Making and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses 1923 Chestnut Street ___ Phila. 6913 Market Street Upper Darby 827 Lancaster Aye., Bryn Mawr, Pa. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II ____ .__ ----- Read about H-bomb discussdon at Mrs, R')osevelt's . television "tea" in the February issue of lJiFE magazine, page 37. The Carpeting? Grosvenor by Mohawk MARCH 3, 1950 SWAaTBMOREAN (Continued from page one) AUDEN TO. LECTURE r Mrs. Dorothy Hopkins of Haver~ t I ford place entertained 16 guests . W ys t an H ugh A u d en, emmen l td t b ·d . t·ll k "N I a a esser - n ge on WashingB 1"1·t·ISb poe, WI spea on a- t ' B' thd ture, History and Poetry" on on S lr ay. Thursday, March 9 at 8:15 p. m. in Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart of VasClothier Memorial at Swarthmore sar avenue entertained at a desCollege. The talk is one of the sert-bridge for 12 at her home series sponsored by the Cooper recently. I Foundation. .~;;iIii;;;';;;;;;;;;';;;;';;;;';iiiijl Mr. Auden's last pnblication E "The Age of Anxiety" won the SAVE THURDAY, Pulitzer Prize in 1946. An Oxford MARCH 30 gradUate, Auden waS a lecturer in English at Swarthmore College , for the from 1943 to 1945. 1!lIlother's Club Fashion Show alice barker( il. r t bUildmq'1 s I~ 9old bank I Open Music Appreciation Conrse The Swarthmore Center of The Pennsylvania State College has opened registration for its eightweek spring term leisure time course in music appreciation to be conducted Monday evenings from 7:30 to ·9:30 p. m. Lola Tilden talented musician and teacher will conduct the informal class with the aim of cultivating the kind of insight which is possible for every careful listener even though he or she may not have previous formal training in this art. at the Woman's Clubhouse at 8 P. M. The loveliest sloeking;, we know! The Berl(shire 151 Berkshire's exquisite IS denier, SI gauge nylon stockings with exclusive patented welt for extra elasticity and comfort, •• perfect color uniformity from top to toe! They're tl.e loveliest slockings Berkshire hus ever ,"Uder , • ~. 13 South Chester Road Swarthmore Pupils In Recital The second Of a series of informal recitals was given by the pupIls of Antonica Fairbanks at her home on Park avenue, Friday, February 24. Those participating HOW TO BE THE "SALT OF THE EARTH" were Addis and Bobby Gillillan ~a~nes, and Beverly Crowther, Nica Donny Shirley Little, Bm; 3lrbanks, Bobby Clothier, and Les Ann Kurthalz. on Party-line re.ephones When you treat your party-line neighbors with courtesy and consideration, you soon win an A-I reputation 8S a good party-line neighbor. What's more, you'll find that your courtesies are returned ••• and this means lood service for everyone on the line I Two 8rlef Suggestions: On finding the line in use, bang up gently and give the other person a few minutes to finish his caJLAnd when, while talking, you realize that your neighbor is waiting to make a ca1I, hang up in e few minutes and free the line. Party-line courtesy Is easy. And it pays big dividends I ON DISPLAY AT PAUU:;ON'S (J'A"'SO~ & Comp,:AfI!,- M ....... Carp .1" I' . ., (....,....., .. e Dft. .ODlJ).rte Size Rang.... OrlfOD'.' Un •• . 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore Pa 9.4646 - BSW ~rthmore 6-6000 - CL earbr~ok ~ ~y rDI,h C,QNt"l/J.liNC..'i -:- Bu, at PAULSON'S _ _ _ _ _ Baltimore PIke,. SJIl'IDdIeitJ. l'II. PhoJIe~.-MH jbo ... T...... _ " _ . • THE SWARTHMORE DRIVE .. VQLUME 22--NUMBER 10 ==============~===========- WEARING O'GREEN TO AID H.S. MUSIC $3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, !\lARCH 10, 1950 WOMEN TO HEAR H.S. HOST TO FAIRCHILD TUES. COUNCIL ASSOC. Local Artists' Work On Display In Wallingford Hostess For Federation At Arts Festival Thursday Delegates Of 41 Schools Confer On Student Government Dr. Henry Pratt Fairchild eminSwarthmore High School was Twenty members of the Swarthent sociologist and economist will host to the Philadelpbia Suburban more High School band and orspeak on The "New" Balkans at Student Council Association chestra, wearing a touch of the the Woman's Club Tuesday after- Thursday afternoon when stu• green instead of their customary noon, March 14 after the Stated dent representatives and sponsors school garnet, wiJI start off the St. Meeting at 2 p.m. Dr. Faircbild from 41 schools of the suburban Patrick's Day Bridge and Canasta has recently returned from a trip area arrived at Swarthmore to Party next Friday, March 17, in behind the "Iron Curtain." His discuss the theme "The Place of proper style by serving dessert talk will not only be interesting, the Siudent Council in the School." to the assembled friends of these The meeting opened at 3:45 as but very timely. Dr. Fairchild two outstanding musical organiis well-known in his field and the entire group assembled in the zations. The committees of parconsidered a very fine lecturer. auditorium for the general session. ents, working together as smoothly Denworth, president of Hostesses for the day are Mrs. Ray as though under a conductor's Alden Q. Davis, Mrs. Charles T. Swarthmore's student council, welbaton, have arranged a full and Deacon, Mrs. LeRoy Wolf and Mrs. comed the delegates to the scbool, lively program in the high scbool and Frank R. Morey, supervlsmg From left to right: Dorothy S. :MacMillall of Vassar avenuc and Clifford R. Buck. Mrs. Walter cafeteria, beginning at 8:15. All Miriam Fredcnthal office secrct?.:"y at \Vallingford Arts Center hang O. Heinze will be in charge of principal extended a few words proceeds will go into the band a picture as Alice L. Gilbert of Meadow lane looks on approvingly. tea. Mrs. Donald L. Hibbard and of greeting before G. Baker and orchestra fund for new uni- The exhibition of M.rs. l\lacMilian's and Mrs. Gilbert's paintings Mrs. Frank H. McCowan will Thompson, principal of Swarthforms, additional instruments, opened officially with a tea on SUllday and will continue to be open more High gave a speech on the pour. awards and various musical ac- to the public until April 5. aims and purposes of the conArts Festival Thursday tivities. ference. Entertainment was proThe Woman's Club of SwarthInclusion of canasta has attractmore will be hostess Thursday to vided by the school orchestra ed a number of the high school the Delaware County Federation under the direction of Robert students, and for many SwarthHolm, and solo performances ofof Women's Clubs when the Fedmoreans the event will mean fun fered by David Spencer with his eration, Mrs. Lewis M. Detz, for the whole family. Sponsor of president, holds a Fine Arts Festi- violin, Dick Uhrin on his acoorthe party is the Band and Ordian, and Sam Lewis, who sang chestra Parents Association, of Workers Now Canvassing Steps Up Use-Rate To val at an all day session beginning several Negro Spirituals. at 10:30 B.m. which Clarence C. Franck is Following announcements made Finant;.e Joint Borough For Mrs. Edward T. Brogan of by Ray Dellworth, the group dispresident. Mrs. Donald P. Jones Plant Sharon Hill is chairman for the persed, and as faculty sponsors and Mrs. Avery Blake,! co-chair$8500 men of the affair, announce that Raynham T. Bates local chairAt its March meeting Monday Festival. Mabel Tally Co-chair- were led by Swarthmore sponsor attractive table prizes have been man· of the current campaign de- evening Borough Council raised man and member of the Swarth- Virginia Allen to an informal provided and a list of valuable clares, "With the Swartlunore Swarthmore's sewer rental rate more Club 'as chairman 'of the meeting in the library, student articles is on hand for door prizes. 1950 Red Cross Fund Drive mo~­ from $2 to $10 per family unit. morning session will introduce delegates collected their programs, Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop has contri- ing into hlgh gear, residents can It is estimated this in~rease will Mrs. William E. Cabbott, county notes, pencils and papers and buted one of her famous cakes, expect contact from the host of ew<,ll the former $3200 intake to literature chairman who will an- headed for various conference which with other choice items will volunteer workers whose purpose $16,000 from which a substantial n04nee the awards for the literrooms to discuss the business of be sold at a Chinese auction. This is to see that every boroughitc is payment on the Borough's one- ature contests. the day. is a fast-moving variation of the offorded the opportunity to shar~ (Continued on page eight) tenth share in. the· $750,000 exFrom 4:30 to 5:50 thrl)e group auction theme. one in which a in the contribution of the Red pense of establishing a new dismeetings considered a different good sense of timing pays off. Cross to a stronger America. posal plant for the Central Delaphase of Clthe Student Council in Telephone and doorbells were "Swarthmore's quota of $8500, ware County Sewer Authority, Ruth Colby To the school"-its responsibility to given a good workout this past an increase of $500. over 1949, is can be made. At this rate it is students, its relation to faculty Speak At W.I.L. week as band and orches~ra par- occasioned by the opening of a anticipated the rate can be reduced and administration, and its flIDCents began the sale of tickets. Mr. vital new service last April, under On Monday evening, March 13 tions. A delegat~ from each school to a lower level again in five or and Mrs. Stewart R. 'l'horbahn, wliich the Southea9tern Pennat 8:15 in the Friends Meeting represented attended these meetsix yeal's. heading this .committee, are also sylvania Cbapter has distributed House, the Delaware County ings . to analyse problems and work Actually, due to the fact that its arranging to have tickets avail- almost 28,000 pints of wbole blood Branch of the Women's Intema- out solutions. Walter Dickinson, able at the high school from 12 in the metropolilan Philadelphia sewers were pretty well laid and tional League will have the priv- Clem Malin and Phil Hummer to 1 each day from today through area. Its Red Cross Blood Cen- paid for when !peal towns joined ilege of presenting ~uth Gage Colwere delegates for Swarthmore. in the Sewer Authority's combined next Friday. ter is meeting the full blood need ,by to the community in a talk enA SIX · '1 k d·mner m . tb e ococ Members of Claudia Hancock's of 29 hospitals and has made disposal plan, Swarthmore has titled uChildren Round the World." cafeteria concluded the Conferart classes at the school have con- emergency Shipments to 51 others. held one of the lowest tax rates Mrs. Colby is exceptionally wellfor this purpose. Established in qualified rto speak. on this sub- ence and cares of student governtributed posters advertising the Maintaining this program costs ment were laid aside as weary 1939 the $2 per family rate has party, as have several adult friends money, but the lives already ject as she has been actively en- delegates cut into a delicious fullof the band: Mrs. Russell Snyder, saved calmot be measured in dol- prevailed while at least two gaged in child welfare work and in course pork platter. In true night JIIIrs. Howard Sipler and Mrs. lars and cents. neighboring sections have been international problems ever since club style Larry Franck's Garnet James H. Breakell. "Residents are urged to give charging a rate which, calculated her participation in the European S crenad ers ren d t d'mner ere d swee child feeding after World War I. generously and with thought. It music, and a floor show including on a fixture basis instead, runs should be remembered that the She returned only last fall from Mary Lecron, soloist, and Sandy ·College Club To Present Red Cross dollar stretches no far- $10 and $12 per family. Locally her most recent first-hand inves- Ford, Dick Terry, Ray Denworth "Shadow and Substance" ther than any other dollar and the College bas been paying $450 tigation of conditions in critical and Art McCormick in quartet The Little Theatre Club of that a $1.00 contribution is rough- (or its institution proper, plus the areas of the world. Beginning in formation, was also presented. Swarthmore College will present ly equivalent to a $50. contribution family rate on its other dwelling Stockholm where she reported on Dancing between courses added Shadow and Substance, a tragedy pre-war. Last year Swarthmore the refugee child at the Interna- to the sociability of the day. by Paul Vincent Carroll in Cloth- exceeded its $8000. quota by a units. The School Board pays tional Conference on Child WelA great deal of planning and ier, March 17 and 18 at 8:15 p.m. small margin. A total of 955 con- $175. These amounts will also be fare, she went on to study the work went into the organization The play, which was first pro- tributions were received. Nearly figured at a 500% increase under situation in Finland, Poland, nnd entertainment ·for this winter duced in Dublin in 1937 and sub- one-quarter of these were $1.00 the new set-up. Czechoslavakia, and Switzerland. meeting of the Suburban Assequently in New York City in contributions and nearly 40% The public is cordially invited to sociation, and Miss Allen girls' (Continued on page seven) 1938, centers around an ideologi- were for $2.00 or less. To reach attend the meeting which will be coach at the high school cal clash between mystical and this years $8500 quota workers followed by an informal reception and sponsor for Swartlunore J,UNORS HOLD PROM foJ.1lnal religion. Although the are seeking more contributions and in Whittier House. (Cont,'nued on g ·ght) cburch referred to is Catholic and higher contributions. An ·additionThe junior class of Swarthmore -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~p;a;;;e;;e~,~~~ the country portrayed is Ireland, al dollar from each of those ma- High held its Prom last Friday in ,. the play is applicable to any king up last year's 40% with the school gymnasium. Seventyideology in any country, and its contributions of $2.00 or less will seven couples danced to music message is a valuable onc. . Friday, March 10 probably assure the quota. An provided by Robert Holm's or8:00 P.M.-Chorus Concert, St. John's Passion ............ Clothier additional dollar from everyone chestra. Saturday, March 11 READY TO SERVE will positively assure it." Decorations in line with the 2:00 P.1\J.-Intcl'scholastic Swimming Meet ................ Hall Gym The Community Health Society theme "Festival of Roses" were 7:00 and 9:00 P.l\-l.-:M.ovies: "The More the Merrier" .... Clothier can help when illness strikes by "On Borrowed Time" comprised of beautifully made roSunday, March 12 supplying articles needed for sick11 ;00 A.M.-Morning \Vorship ............................ Local Churches ses, real mosses and ferns arranged Opens .At Players Clnb over trellises, and featured ·a fmUl8:15 P.M.-Lecture: Dr. Ralph J. Bunche ........................ Clothier room care. Dr. Andrew Francis Jack;lon tain in the center of the floor. Monday, l\larch 13 Among the articles from the 8:15 P.M.-"Children 'Round The World" ........ Friends Meeting will direct Paul Osborn's play "On supply closet which are most freChaperons for the juniors in8:20 P.M.-"On Borrowed Time" .............................. Players Club Borrowed Time" which opens quently loaned at a nominal fee cluded Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tuesday, March 14 or freely to those in need ere hos- Monday for a week's run at the Lange, Mr, and' Mrs. Peter E. 2:00 P.M.-"New" Balkans-Fairchild .................. Woman's Club pital beds, wheel chairs, back Players Club on Fairview road. Told, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haf8:20 P.M.-"On Borrowed Time" .............................. Players Club Dr. Jackson, who also takes an rests, commodes; bed pans and mann, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic W. Wednesday, IIlarch 15 active part in the show, has a urinals, air cushiOns, blocks for Yocum, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. 8:20 P.M._uO n Borrowed Time" .............................. Players Club competent cast of veteran actors to raising beds. MoreY and Mr. Harry OppenJanThursday, March 16 A call· to the Health Society's portray the Northrup household's der. 8:00 P.M.-"Spring Bulbs and Flowers" ......................Martin Hall headq1!arters in Borough iHaII, adventures with the mysterious 8:20 P.M._HOn B,orrowed. Time" .............................. Players Club Jubiors added $33 net profit to SW 6-~498, will secure complete Mr. Brink. their class budget. Curtain time is 8:20 p. m. infonnation. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Carleton W. Mayo REGISTERED PLUlImING & HEATING Contracting, Jobbing and Repairs Phone 226 Ninth St Chester 2-7646 Upland, Pa ·111 SHARE. CROSS BATES EXPLAINS COUNCil FACES RED CROSS NEEDS NEW SEWER COST '1.50 USED CLOTHING FOR FSC Mrs. F. W. Lippincott, head of the Wednesday Sewing Group at the Friends Meeting has "been appOinted chairman of the Friends Service Committee drive in Swarthmore for used. clothing fur Friends SeI:Vice Committee. Anyone having used clothing to give is asked to leave his bundle ~t Whittier House on the college campus from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.. any day but Tuesday. Mrs. Lippincott, who remembers with appreciation the cooperation of the community in last year's drive, is hoping for as generous a contrib.ution this year. MAY RED March 17 Party to Raise Fund For Band, Orchestra and Card Party __________.::...~~~IJtm~}~'!.~~~~~~~~~i~~~~ Style ALL @ • '{I.U,.1· f:Pl...I(;J.,"I"" ?,1,\tJJ.~jJIl.IOJ.O LiJ~' H:rU]J ~O}JOOJ z = PERSONALS RlJSSELL'S SERVIt:::E sw· The Bouquet :=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S·TRAT'H HAVE" INN ~;;;~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~;;;i~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ a 3 die 7Se ORANGE CLEANERS . , ANEMIA' P~RNI~IOIJS CANNOT BE· CIJRED , College Theatre cell: m: I~ =• I, Mich.el'. CelleCI fh.'•• ~ l( ~CRl~~ ;:.===========' :' ". ,',:."~:::::::::::::~~~~::~~~;:;:~~~~~~~~;;~:i--;::;~::~::;:~ Ch~ed S WAR T B M 0 & ID 2\ N A. ShenkIe and small daughter Vivian of W ...t Orange, N. J. moblle trip to Treasure Island, Mr. aild Mrs. Valentine L. FIne N. J. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wagner Mrs. Jay D. Cook of Rutgers Fia. , of Swarthmore avenue are reThe baby is a grandson of Mr. of Benjamin West avenue enter- avenue Is a member of the March Barbara Davis of Harvard ave- celvlng congratulations up6n the and Mrs. Fraank V. Brewster of tained as their week-end guests Grand Jury for Delaware County nue has been iniUated into .the birth of a son, John BOO Fine, on Dickinson avenue, arid Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harden- sworn in Tuesday morning by riding club "IJoof Prints" at the Tuesday, February 28 in Fltzger- Mrs. W. Henry Linton of .Benjamin bergh of Wellesley, Mass., form- Judge Arthur P. Bretherick. Mary Washington College at the aId-Mercy Hospital West avenue. erly of Swarthmore. Bishop Oliver H. Hart, Mrs. University of 'Virglnla. Barbara -;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;:,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mrs. John Rainey o( Yale avenue Hart, and Rev. George C. Ander- is a junior majoring in sociology.1 Mr. and Mrs. Orrin M. Elllott fi is visiting her sister Mrs. George son will be guests of honor at a Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Gay of of Pine Ridge; Media are being Maree and Dot Vannote of Point Pleasant, N..t. dinner party to be given Monday Wallingford Hllis returned Mon- congratUlated upon Ibe birth of a Casserole Catering .' Mrs. Warren B •. Warden of Yale eyening by the Vestry of .Trinity day from a weekend visiting with son, Alvin Russell Elliott, on Monavenue entertained at a tea from Church and their wives at the their son and daughter-in-law day, Mru;ch 6 in the Lying-In HasServiee 4 to 6 on Friday in honor of her home of Mr. Md MrS. Samuel D. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Gay. pital, Phlladelphia. SPECIALIZING IN mother Mrs. William E. Life of Clyde of Swarthmore and Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Wendell S. WllThe. baby is a grandson of Mr. Luncheens Oneida Community, N.Y., who is avenues: sen of the Teton Valley Ranch and Mrs. Percival Armitage of Buffe' SupPers here on a 10-day visit. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of Jackson Hole, Wyo., arrived last Harv.ard avenue. Cocktall I':>rU... Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Lee of North Chester road will enter- Thulsday for a visit qf several days Call Dickinson avenue entertained as tain as their week-end guests Mrs. with Dean and Mrs. Everett L. .Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Linton, their house guests last week Mrs. Clarisse Bates and Miss Lila Clark Hunt of Elm avenue and with Jr., of Bloomfield, N. J. announce Dot BeUleld - Swa. 6-1973 Leets brother...in..law and sister of New York City. Swarthmore College students who the birth of their secOnd son, Bruce Marg Hurd -' SWh. 6-3138 r Lt. and Mrs. David W. Woods and LYnn Leach a student at Bryn have spent SUlDD\ers at the Ranch. Elliott Linton, on March 5 in children Carolyn and David of MawX' College accompanied by Dean and Mrs. Hlmt entertained Charleston, S.C. a classmmate will spend the week- at a diilDer party Thursday evenend at her home on North Ches- ing in honor of their guests. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of SAVE TIME! ter road. Mrs. Roy P. Lingle Of Cornell Thayer road returned last ThursMrs. Catharine Cavanaugh of avenue has returned from a week's day by automobile following II LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR Elm avenue has returned home visit to her brother-in-law and month's vacation in Cocoa, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Plow- after a three-month stay in At- sister Mr.' and Mrs. George M. WHILE YOU SHOP, .. Wicker of Lewiston, N. Y. She was man of South Princet6n avenue lantic City. Miss Ann Myers of Dickinson accompanied home by her mother will entertain at a luncheon Sunavenue is studying for her Master's Mrs. M. A. Whiteley who will visday afternoon for their weekDegree in German at the Uni': it here for some time. end guests Mr. and Mrs. Edward versily of Pennsylvania. Mrs. William F. Hanny of Yale "Bob" Atz, Owner Brass of Monclair, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Fairbanks of Park avenue has been entertaining as Mr~. Brass will attend the Morrisavenue is enterp!i.nJng as her her house guest thls week Miss 6-0440 Hetzel wedding tomorrow. Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. hous~ guest Mrs. William Fine Josephine Airy of Merchantville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of of Stafford Springs, Conn., form- N .• J. now associated with the R.C. Wallingford spent the week-end erly of Swarthmore. A. in Camden, but who' will soon in Atlantic City. The birthday anniversary of move to Maryville, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylo{, Jr., Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, Jr., of North Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Skoglund of Baltimore spent the week-end Chester road was celebrated with of Swarthmore place entertained visiting Mrs. 'raylor's ·parents Mr. a fanti!y dinner party Wednesday a few friends who attend together and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of Park evening. the Monday Night Series of the avenue. Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rut- Phlladelphia Orchestra at a supper BEAUTY SALON Kathryn Glauser Spackman, gers avenue is entertaining at a party atilieir home Sunday evendaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert luncheon at her home today. ing. The party was in honor of "IF WINTER DRAG~, MUST BEAUTY LAG?" Spackman of ·"Thornbury Farm," Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gersen four members of the Phlladelphia West Chester, has been elected to and chlldren Ricky and Margot Orchestra who appeared as guest Call Swarthmore 6-0476 Phi Beta Kappa at Vassar College of Pittsburgh will arrive Sunday artists with the Junior Music Club where she is a member of the for a visit with Mrs. Gersen's par- in Whittier house. Sunday evening, 9 Chester Road senior class" Kathryn is a granddaughter of Mrs. E. D.' Glauser of ents Mr.ofand Mrs.avenue. Stanley L. Mac- aDd their wives. MilIan Vassar the Swarthmore Apartments. Miss Harriet Gllbert of Park JUNE BRIDE . . Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of Swarth- avenue arrived home Wednesday Everyone EnJoys'a Tender Perte."y Cooked Steak! The marriage of Miss Mary Lee And Tl!_ Two Steak DInners Are Top Favoritesmore and Ogden avenues enter- after spending the week-end skitained at a solall luncheon at ber ing in Stowe, Vt. She was the Hartzell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WEEK-END SPECIAL T-BONE STEAK DINNER ............ $2.00 home Wednesday. guest of Nancy Algiers of Bridge- Frank C. Hartzell of Wpllfngtord Many O&ber 'Temptlng Chol....., Of Course, On &be BellUl8r ton, N.J., formerly of SWIU"~re, to Mr. John. Toll Young, son of Sunday and Weekday Menna , .. "_ ·Mrs. James A. Kelley with her twin daughters Carol and Joan of w!;to Is a liOphomore .It Vermont Mrs. Louis A. Young Narbeth On Thursilo(y O!l Usual (5:30-7:30) and the late Mr. Young will take Seaford, Del., spent a few days of Junior College. Mrs. William W. Michaux of place on Jun~ 15 in the Swarth$1.00 Serve-Yourself All-You-Want Suppe; last week visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Brogan of Richmond, Va., is visiting lier son- more PresbYterian Church. A reception will folIowthe cere., Guernsey road. Mr. Kelley joined in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. William B.\ Bullock of Cedar lane. many Of the Rose Tree Hunt Club. Swarthmore, Pa. Telephone Sw8rI.hmore 6-0680 them over the week-end. Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., WESTERN UNION OFFICE AND FREE PARKING Mr... Samuel D. Clyde of Swarthmore and Ogden avenues enterof Lafayette was hostess ENGAGEMENTs to theavenue Third Grade MothMr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter i tained at a luncheon last Wednes- reCently day in honor of Mrs. Sarah Tu- ers Group of the College avenue of Columbia avenue announce the Extra Special Until March 18 therly of Laurel, Del. School for a meeting and tea. engagement of their daughter Joan SLIP COVERS CLEANED BEAUTIFULLY Mrs. Fred J. Murray of Yale Plans were made for a supper to Perry Streeter to Mr. Harold AlDAV.\!NPORTCOVERS ................................................................ $1.19 avenue has returned follOwing n be held Wednesday evening, April fred Steen, son of Mr. and Mrs. CHAIR COVERS ............................................................................ .88 CUSHION COVERS ........................................................................ .19 three-week vacation in Winter 1~ at which time the fathers wlll Andrew A. Steen Qf Cedar Rapids, Park, Fla. be guests of the group. The meet- Iowa. ::e':'=" Dress Miss Streeter is Junior in Men's SpOn Shirts Dr. and Mrs. T. Leigh Williams ing was in charge of Mrs. James l"!: SuU Home Economics at Iowa State Skirts of Greenville,. Del., formerly of Cooper, chairman. Coa' (Plain) Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gllbert College and a member of Gamma Trousers Swarthmore, entertained at a cocktail party Saturday in honor of Park avenue will enterlain at Phi Beta sorority. Mr. Steen is a Junior in Genof Mrs. Williams' cousins Mr. and a small dinner party this evening. Mrs. Henry A. Berliner of WashMrs. H. EllIott Wells of Park eral Engineering at Iowa State ington, D.C. Mr. Bnd Mrs. H. B. avenue was hostess to the Book College ·and Is a member of Delta 405 Dartmouth Avenue . Swarthmore, Penaa, Spackman of "Thornbury Farm", Club on Thursday. Mrs. Wen- Upsilon fraternity. ~~~~~;;;;;;~;;~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~ West Chester entertained at a dell McNess reviewed "The F~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=. = , dinner party for the Berliners Sat- Brandywine." FOR .' urday evening. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of )fAGAZINE Mrs .. James H ..Hornaday, Dr. 'Crest lane entertained at a __\en. Cross to Depression.'~'~ The Junior Choir' rehearses 3:30 Thursttay allternoons, tIIu, II Chapel Choir reh, lIIarch U 11:00 A M Sunday-SchooL 11:00 A.JI. - T on - Sez_ . "Substance". . i WednPI~ay evening meetinl each week, 8 p.m. Readln8room opel1 dall:r e* • &maQ' II to II pm. Wedn~ e. In. . , 10 p.m. and • to ,:110 .:ao. Holy eommnnion will be eele-I Mr. and Mrs. G. Davies Preston brated at 8 a. Ill. Church SdIOOiLI will meet at 9:45 a. m. At 11 a.m. of Dogwood load the congregation will hear a na- their elub at a dinner-brImp;.ny'a ~. Z3c I aUmrban divlsiona. SPAGHETTI , ~ger :'~~::::~~F:~:K!'!QvG~n~~~ OUR CHESTER ROAD MAIlKET OPEN TBllRSDAY'lIIId PRlDAY TILL • P.II. SATURDAY ,TILL • P.II; PLENTY 01' I'ItBB PAJlEDfO __.J' I';~;:;;;;;;~~~:;~~~~~ Wm. T. Patterson. DIreoter Ela'hteen Years ExperIence I·....... lid••,11 day or March. ,",0. BdROUGlI 01' SWARTHMORE By H. LINDLEY PEEL Preslde"t or Council Attest :ELLIorr RICHARDSON atipation. Spot redu~ b" De- C il Faces New War. Call Bestrice Schmidt,. ounc REGISTERED Swarthmore 6-2780. Sewer Cost Borough Secretory ,.' PLUlIIBING '& BEATING PERSONAL - Radios, television (Seal) ContraeUng. .Jobbing (Continued from page one) Approved this 8th daY" of . receivers, vacuum cleaners and and Repalm March. 1950. other electrlC31 appliances repair, Phone 226 Ninth St. ed. Prompt Service. Robert Council set this year's tax rate CHARLES R. RUSSELL Chester 2"7646 Upland, Pa Burgess Brooks, SWarthmore 6-154B. for general budget purposes at the The School District of Swarthmore will !:;;;;;~~~;;;;~~~~~;;~ 1949 level ot 3'h mills. The 1950 n PERSONAL-Hand-knit sweaters. budget calls lor expenditures of rece1ve bids at Ute olflce of the School In the High School Building. COr· For Your"Old Lamps cardigans, e t c., f or men J wo0'" sed d Distdct ner of CoUege and Prioceton A venues. Cnstom JIIade men, 'children, made to order. Call $106, 00 covermg mcrea roa Swartlunore, Peonsylvania\ up to ... p.m., LAMPSHADES Elsa Miller, Media 6-1057. construction as compared to last Wedoesday. March 15. 1050. and open the bIds at a meeting of the School Board at Old Shades ~vered to PERSONAL _', Small -'''urban year's $113,000 which, included the School District oO'lce 00 March U. Look like New. 1!:xquisite ...... $12 500 f f' g' e 1850. at 8 p.m., or at.,. meeting adjourned Nursing Home has vancaney on ' or a new ll"e en In • from that meetlDg. lor printIng. Janitors' Deta~:':rlhmore 6-5922 first floor. Private room with Robert Beatty, attorney for the supplies. and Instructional and athietle bath. Other vacancies on second Keystone Automobile Club offered supplies and· equipment. SpeelDcaUons can secured between " a.m. BDd ... p.m., floor.' phone Madison 3-909B. the Borough the triangular plot be daily, except Saturdays. Sundays., and holiat the School District olflee. The PERSONAL-Experienced house- situate at the northern entrance days. ROOFS GU'HERS Board reserves the right to reject any or , keeper, fond of children charge to the town and bounded by Bal- all bids In whole or In part. and to award BEPAIRIID & INSTALLED on any new. or items' maklog of home week-ends In parents timore Pike. Chester road and cootraC:ts up any bid. WARM-AIR BEATING Hilda Lan&, Denworth absence. Swarthmore reference. Oakdale avenue. COwlcil made Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Secretary' Call weekdays Swarthmore 6-2871. . its acceptance conditional upon a 2·n·3T GEORGE HYERS PERSONAL College senior satisfactory agreement being ~chlgau Ave.. Sw. 6-21288 available •for baby sitting. Call SHERIFF SALES Jean Gemmill. Swar1lhmore 6-7191. reached by its property committee • or Real, Estata , , - and the Keystone Club In regard cou.i'THI~m~:~~ PA. PERSONAiL-Sold on retunUng to a memorial to its ex-presidents FrIday, March ", 11.0 Since 11105 to Swaruunore. Swarthmore D:110 A. M. Eastern Standard Time ualum", his wife and spoiled dog Joseph H .. Weeks and son J. Bor-:CondlUons: $:!50.00 cash or certified CUNNINGHAM check ot time or sale (unless otherwise ( a candidate for the class of 1 70 ton Weeks which the Club desires stated In advertiBement), balance in ten Painters & Pa..,r lIaq..n arriving soon), desire to rent or to erect arid maintain on the park- days. Other conditions on day ot sale. We ahould know how buy. Robert D. Hall, R. D. No.3. like area. ~'Ierl Faela. No. 476 September Tenn, 19t" W t Ch ter P Swa. 6-22f!6 Mlcldpn Ave. es e s . a. Contract for purchase of a new ALL THAT CERTAIN lot pIece or ground. SITUATE In the TownshIp of PERSONAL-Gabardine topcoat Studebaker police car was aW81d- Chester. In the COunty or ·Delaware and taken by inistake at Senior ed Fusco and Alston as low bidder. Stale of Pennsylvonla, bounded and de--,J' Pr scribed 88 follows: ' . d anemg ~SS or umor· om. PUrchase of a dozen sets of fireDEGINNING at a point on the' North· Driveway C9D8IrDeUoD qladly exchange: 'Call Swartheast comer of Tenth Street and· Nichols more 6:'1244. men's h,oots and coats at a cost of Street. and containing In front on the said AaJ,mU or Cenarete th . ed Nichols Street measured thence North$400 FOR. SALE.. was au orlZ . wardty 20' and extending in length or Borough Secretary Elliott Rich- depth Eastwardly between pamUel l1ncs PETER DI NICOLA S d ak fir at right angles with the said Nichols FOR SA T,., , e8sone 0 e- ardson' was commissioned to pro- Street gil' to other lands. Phone Swarthmore 6-25218 wood. Cut any length. $20 f li to The said Nichols Street being 86' w.lde cord. Call Valleybrook ,210B..;J. test the granting 0 a cense nnd ruonlng paraUel wIth .nd East· •••••• ••• 0 · · · ••••••• ••• operate 1050," Baltimore pike, at wordly from Reaney Street. . . FOR SAT,E FIreplace wood, h a r d , ' to th B Togcther wIth the rlght.aud "'" or said e or- Nichols Street In "COmmon with tha owners and well seasoned. Call Swarth- the nort.l\ern_. entrance ELECTRICAL and DOllIE ---h h t 1 h S . gf' 'd or otber lands abut.tlng thereon. , more 6-2078. o~g , as a 0 e w en prm leI. Improvements consist of a 51 storr stucco Township commissioners sit Mar.. block bulldlng 20x40 feet, a 1 story bulJd~EPAIRS 8xl0 teet and a 1 story frame building .. -. ,'.. . -'. FOR SALEY' Westinghouse ch 16. . Council also hopes all Jng loxll ,feet. a I storJ frame buJldJog 1':1:11 aOBERT ALLISON Wringer type washing machine. Pel'feet condition. 'Reasonable. interested citizens. will attend the fee~ld as the property· Of' Lovelace Scott. 408 Vassar Avenue Set tubs. 'Phone Swarthmore Sprfugfield meeting and make AUy: ArchIe Levy, Esq. known their attitude. on this pro_I _______F_m_D_k_A_._SD_os_r,_S_her_ur. S~ore 6-0515 6-3308, , , WANTED posal. SHERIFF SALES ~=~=== I ' of Real :&tate Purchase of a borough-owned SHERIFF'S on'ICE Swarihmore 8-1448 WANTED-Old and used books, 1 t R t d' . . g counT HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. and china and bric-a-brac pUr.;.. 0 on u gers avenue a Jomm Friday.. March U. 1950 WIJ'..LIAM BROOKS We are especially inter- Rumsey's garage, by Mr. and Mrs. 9:80 A. M~ Eastern Standard Time Ashes & Rubbish Removed ' chased. ested in literary and -~cholarly Daniel L. Goldwater' at a price cheek Conditions: or othenvlse certified at tlme 1250.00 of sale casb (unless Lawns mowed, General books, but will wten buy. other of $2000 was approved for W. stated in odvertlscment), balance In ten Hauling types. Call or write. Ralph M k i t f th b days. Other condltloDB on day or sale. Smith, Oheyney. ,Phone, Westar Bitt e, agen 0 e. uyers. Fieri FGfi8Jecembcr Term. IIUQ No. 1283 236 Hardin, Av. Morton,Pa. town 3732-J 1. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of wItb the DuU(Uogs and ImproveWANTED-O Utdoar p lay appar- \v ANTED __ Used, folding type ground ments thereon erected. SITUATE In the atus-swing, slide, climbing, diti Township of SprlngOeld. County of Delasandbox, _ what have you~ Call baby carriage, in good con on. ware. and ..State of ...·Pennsylvanla. BEJAMES E. LAMI!I ""thmore 6-2871. Call Swarthmore. 6-5274. GINNING at the corner ro,,"cd by ,tho Sw~ ==-~::'::~';;;;;':::";':~';;:"__~_llntersectlon of the South side of Baltimore PLUMBING AND BEATING WANTED-Day's work qr part: FOR RENT Avenue wltb the ,East side of Grove Ave. d nue; thence extending 'Eastward. along Rellistered in Swarthmore time. Dume,rs prepared an FOR RENT-New modern apart- the said South sdle or ,Balthnore Avenue served. Experienced. References. ment, 'large living room, kitchen one hundred and' slxty·Uuee one--huoDial ,Chester 38186 Call CheSter 3 5376 drerlths feet to a point; thence extending . and dinette, large bedroom.' tile Soulhward two h.ndred and elevcD and WANTED - General housewodc, ·bath, front .and Tear entrance, twenty·five one-bundredths feet to a assist with coo.king. ·Ref~ces center of town. Available for oc- point. thence' extendiog Westward One Hundred fe-et to a pOint on the said East aDd experience. Call Media cupancy April 1. Rent $80 monthly. side of Grove A,,-enue; thence extending Rubbish Collection 6-4047. Call Sw 6-3811 for appointment. Northward. alo"g the saId East .Ide or . Groove Avenue. Two Huudred feet 'to tbe Swarthmore Disposal WANTED-One or two bedroom J IU>T & FOUND first mentioned pOint. corner and place of t1I1fun1ished apai1m.ent. Swarth~ I ___!.....,~~....!l!~~~~'---~ beglonlog. ' Weekly or MOnU1J7 more or vicinity. by April l. Call LOST-Large size maroon and UNDER AND SUBJI\CT to a first mort· white Vela Kirig, trieycle, from gage lein in the principal sum of SeventyWARREN PIERCE Swarthmore 6 -0474. ttve Hundred DoUar3 (17500.00). wilh InW AN'rJiliJ _ Middle-aged. couple Yale avenue. Reward. Telephone terest tbereon 88 thereIn mentioned. Swarthmore 6-2078 oo;~e large 'apartment.,' Can Swtrthmore 6-4474. Improvements consist of a 1 story cond....-.. crete building. gus station. 2 large double wait a month or longer. 8trath doors ood 1 small ~r, 22:1:60 feet. 64 BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE Sold as the proper of Bryson E. EngHaven Inn, "oom J:\. . Usb and 'Mary Ellen nglish. bls wife. PETER I & TOLD WANTED - SmalChousekeeplng RESOLUTION RE SEWER RATES Attys: Remy & Pearce. apartment, 'fuinished or unfurFrank A. Snear, S!'er!jJ". .All LIn.... Of IDRrtulee -'""ed b Swarthm 'd t WHEREAS. by Onlinnnce No. 416. apllJ.i»J. J Y ore reS! en:. proved March ... 1039. an aDnuR) rental ESATE OF ALMA BENNETI' JON-ES, Reply to IBox M, The Swarthor charge for Stlwer service by the Borough also known as Alma B. Jonel and A. 318 Dartmouth Av""ue morean. . of Swnrthmorf'! wn.!'I provided. and in See- Blanche Jones late of the .Borough of lion 5 thereof. It was spedfted that Bor· Swarthmore, Delaware County. PennsylW ANTED--Used. furniture. Any ough Council may ot nny time, 'by Resolu- vaola. ·Deceased. Letters Testamentary on Swarihmore, Pa. d I I rt b the above Estate have been granted to articl in al U .. ~ht ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::~; lei. Ch e gener LlUuou an tlon., change in who e or n pa sue the und.... ~ed who r-.ests all persons ., 6233 rentals Cor the next suooeeding and sub-...... SO ester ~",_-_, .:~_~_~ sequent years. pro~lded that all sueb having cia or demands against the u~~A to bil' salesman. cr..n~ sl,.11 he unll'orm within the same same. Estate of the decedent to make known the W .n.J."t ~.~ U mo e e~ and all persons Indebted to tbe de- , PHONE MEDIA 2581 PATTERSON FUNERAL DOMB A Price to Jllllet EverJ Fa.mJ]y's Need Would'You Like A Modern Kitchen? You can have it for less than yon think. "UI'All'.,. A. BEEVES B1 d Mfng Renyv!eUna WLOB CRAFl'SMEN Painters Of Interiors and Exteriors , Color Ideas - Arrangements Styled For You PrIced for You GRanite 4-3858 Distlncti~ Paulsen Decorators since 1923 . Only duPont's & Devoe's PaUlts Used Devine Taxi Service SWARTHMORE, PA. ~-.~ I ______ LIBERAL TRADE.IN ALLOWANCE fOR YOUR OLD TIRES AND fASY ro PAY rfRMS AS lOW "'~_$r.2S A WEll( FUSCO & ALSTON ,, CHESTER and FAIR\,.ti!:W ROADS PRONE SWARTJDIORE 8.3881 • ( DO N-.'T GET YOURSELF OUT ON A LIMB \ w. PERSONAL LIABILITY POLICY , The coverage is broader than ever before, yet the cost is low. Call us for "1:omplet. information: and the We£! Indies, will return about AprIl 20. , Phone Smrtkmore 6-1833 ____ Experienced, new and used cars, c ass of property and be equitable: and Draw~ account against liberal WHEREAS. bccaLse the 'Borougb Is CODllDission. Apply in person. obligated to eontrlbl1te to the Central Delaware County Authority Its pro rata Beam Bw'ck CO.• 295 lil Baltimore share of the ("ost of a new sewage treatavenue, Media. ment works. in necoroance with nn Orner W~~""s 'WOTk, Thursday of the Snnltary Water Boom of the State ~ of Pennsylvania. and because of other and Saturday. Dependable Refer- outlays Incurred and contemplated for enceS. Call Saturday or Monday, sewer purposes; Media 6-2934. UNITED SERVICES ) PETER E~TOLD 333 Dartmouth Avenue, Swarthmore i FUNBR.AL DJRBOT()aFormerly of JIIedIa 1125 IAbI&b Ave.• Phlla. Phone Baldwin 1170 No addlUoul 00..... - fer suburban calla COMPREHENSIVE •• Serving Swarthmore, Morton, RuUedge and Ridley Township since 1018 paONE: S~ore • , TELEVISION and RADIO REPAIRS, BLECTRIO RANGES and DOT WATER BEATBRS-INBT,tIu,BD OOIlPLB'l'B WIBING SERVICB S_ M. HARBISON c.u 8,WIIribmen ....7" , _/or Faster and Service , , cedent to make pa}'lllent without delay to Ruth MeeJung Jones,. Es:ecutrlx t. • MODEIN IIKNINS • WAll lid fLOOI COYIIIN55 • NIW (ONSTIUCTION • AU.IATlOn ... IE.UtS \RTERS BROTHERS,lae, Contmaon and Bullden 302 Gayley Srrrrt • Medi., Pa. PhHe: Media 6-4281 Charles E. Fischer BUILDER Swarthmore 6-2253 ~~rth~~ a~r:t~y 228 Garrett Avenue by further resolution of Borough Council. the' sewer rental for eac.lt private dwelling ho~ connected directly Or Indirectly With the Borough sewer 8}'Slem. shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00) .per year, and t1POII: IQdI unit 'b.'l8is the ebarge tn the case of double dwelliogS, two-tamUy bouses. multiple dwellings or apartment houses. hotels, '1'WO PHONES NO wAlTlNG FIx IT SROP Specializing in Repairing Most anything in your hom.. Furniture. To,.., cane..... Basblnl't Sererns, Upholsterlq S_W_&_-I_I" __ ,_'--J , ..... .... .a.* • Coal, .' " " '. ERS 8R.OS._ ~~ ~l\~~NA.:!~!::tt C!.....oorthmore. n_1 _ _ _ Conn..... ~ft'... J..n;U:Io..-........, Pennsylvania ;:-:=:~ia Delaware County NOW. THEUEFORE. BE IT RESOLVED .·.·.T by the Council 01 the Borough of Swarth~ more that for -the year lOtiO and each succeeding year thereafter until changed Beuer . .~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~IL/____~ ____ f &-0444 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I A. Mercer Qninby Personal acts of you and members of your family, may put you "out on a limb" financially unless you have a neyi Mr. Pierre Decrouez of Yale ho Ue w is on an extended business trip to Central .Ameria aven Except for the cJaange or rates beretn prO\·lded. all of the otht'r terms and provlslonlj by of Ordinance suld OrdInance No.apprmred flO. as amended No. f811. ro:~~r 19. lIU5. shall remain In tuU ,.0' Mothers of the regular College avenue first grade and !be teacher Eljzabeth Etris mothers at Mrs. Ellen' w. Delaplaine's College avenue first gra_ ders and mothers of Ruth Abbott'. Rutgers avenud first grade yesterday afternoon at a tea-meeting' the grade room at College avenue. Instructors Aime Jane Cleaver, Alice E. Blodgett and Alice PUt-I nam added to the teacher's explanations of the we."", being done by local first graders. Randolph Lee, Scoutmaster Boy Scout Troop 3. reports members of the troop succeeded. In replenishing their treasury with the net sum of $44.68 through the sale of 99 dherry pies on Washington's Birthday. The hQls purchased the cherries and the pie plates and their mothers c mill on each dollar of 88.~ valuation. making a total rate or 'Borough tax for the loregolng purposes 01 Tblrteen and one-half (13%) mills on each dollar or RS8e8~ valuation. 88 aforesaid. ' Passed and adopted this 15th day of February. A.D. 1950. churches. Bishop Sherrill's address will be an appeal to Episcopal Church members to support a largely incre3Sed (Seal) program of work in missions in this country and overseas, and in Education and Social Relations. The address is timed for exactly 11 :30, Sunday morning, March 12. 'Approved ,this 8th dar CLASSIFr~D' ' Ileges, boarding houses. churches. schoo]s, colInstltuUons. restaunlnQ. tea rooms, Carleton W. Mayo A message from the head of their THE COUNCIL OF THE DOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE HEREBY E.~ACrS Church will be heard as a part.of the AND ORDAINS: S0CI10N 1. That for the year I9~O a tax be and the same Is hereby levied Sunday morning service, March- 12, all properties. otrlces. prore§tllions. occupntlonH ond persons. lIubJect to taxation by the congregations of most of the on lor ,Boroufh purposes. at the rate of 11t1rteen and one-half (l1Y.a) mills on each nearly 8,000 parishes and missions of dollar of he valuation of same &8 assessed for County purposes. SECTION I. The tox above levied 811011 be apportioned to and among the the Episcopal Church. The Rt. Rev· erend Henry Knox Sherrill, Presiding Bishop will speak over one of the largest radio networks ever arranged, and he will be heard by meaus of radio' receiving sets installed in the "" To 'Be- Honored Sunday for wry neck, tense nerves. con- CHARLES R. 'RUSSEJ;L Try Our Acme Guaranteed Meats Under Our CHUCK ROAST ( B~e Lean Ground CLYDE R. CASSELL. m. Palnllna", ;. Paint BemovIn&' New Pain' Relnovlng Pr_ Houses - oADtI_ eta. S}Varthmore 6-1l838 of February. A.D. U!50. r:;: r:;: Acme Grade A Gralnfed Steer Beef Power Equlpmen' J, R, BLACKISTON Chester 2-1103 An OTdlnonce fixing the rote or tnxotlon ~neral purposes of the ,Borough of Swarthmore. fOT aiding In the maintenance of the Free 'LIbrary, and for payment 01 Interest on the c.lebt of the Borough Rnd payments Into the SlnkinR' Fund all reQuired bv 'AW. enrobed with creamy vonllla Icing Rob-ford Peaches. C1~n..sU;~:·' Grass CUttlDc. Etc. BOROUGH OF SW .... RTHMORE Tendllr. flaky DanishA=oftee Cak. filled with rum Aavom filling, Clnd Id~l. LIbby', or Del Mon'. LAWN SERVICE ..... oth.. DANISH RUM RING .a~ 3gc, . ; t Cockta.-I F• .... June of Park avenue left by plane recently for Johnson City. Tenn.. to attend the iIlauguration at Dr. Dean Walker. new president of Mulligan College. Charlotte Hobbs is a sophomore at Mulligan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leach of North Chester road ente'manied at a dinn~r party FrIday evenJng. Dr. and :Mrs. John R. Bates of North Chester road entertained at a cocktail party on Sunday' afternoon. Anne Driehaus of Yale avenue observered her twoilfth birthday annJversary Friday evening by entertaining a group of friends at a party at her home. ORDINANOE NO. '1 TBE 5WAK"BH9B&AN \ • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE , 6 THE S W A.T·B MOREA N MABCII10,1950 ~--==-~~==------------~~~~~~~------~---=--------Mr. W. F. Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, tained at a small dinner party at I NEWS Jr., of North Chester road enter- their home Monday night. Eugene Udell, teacher of science in the junior high school, has just received his Master of Education degree at Temple University. He thus becomes 1he twenty-fifth member of the school faculty to hold a Master's degree. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris Latimer and children J. HarriS, Jr., apd Linsey, former residents of Wellesley, Mass., spent a few days with Mr. Latimer's parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Latimer of Cornell avenue before moving to their apartment in Drexelbrook. Mr. Latimer's business connections will now be in Philadelphia. EnterourBIG! SENSATIONAL! D"I''vII1te BREAD (ORTIST $~O,ooo.OO CASH• CASH Clnd Other PRIZIS DANISH RUM RING .. 39&: ,h A message from the head of their Church will be heard as a part.of the Sunday morning service, March 12, by the congregations of most of the nearly 8,000 parishes and missions of Tender, Roky Danish. CoRee Coke filled with rum fltlvored filling, and e"robed with crvomy vonillo icing -"--.,---- Brown N' Serve Fresh RoDs 12 ~~. 151: Brown N' Serve Slreussell Coffee Cake -'" 251: No problems. In 7 to 10 minutes you hoye oven·fresh rolls or coR•• cakes. the Episcopal 01urch. The Rt. Reverend Henry Knox Sherrill, Presiding Bishop will speak over one of the largest radio networks ever arranged, and he will be heard by means of radio' receiving sets installed in the .9dmI Fancy Quality FRUIT COCKTAIL' ~:~ l8c: 1 churches. Bishop Sherrill's address will be an appeal to Episcopal Church members to support a largely increased program of work in missions in this country and overseas. and in Educa.. tion and Social Relations. The address Five IU5cious 'ruits packed in a rich, extra heavy syrup Fruit Cocktail ~'D~I~~~~: N~~Y'3ZC Rob-ford Peaches, CI:,9s~:~;es 2 _N:~;;h 3,0 Cling Peaches l:r~~~I'k~~~; 2 N~;.:r-45c .9duz£ Halves Aprieots Un...I", N~~~'h :Z7C Hawaiian Slieed Pineapple ~:~2 Zsc Halves Bartlett Pears >::'nt J:7c I'I..J._" Halves Pears No. 2'12 :Z9c cYU"I9 con Farmdale Lima Beans G.~~;~;d :z ~~~: ZS . Farmdale Cut WalK Beans :z ~~~: Z9C {lSC{} Solid Pack Tomatoes :z ~~~: :Z9c Sunrise Tomato Juice G~d. con PbU6p's Potato Sticks fStyle .. n,h ....... "" "SA ~ cgns ..., Pineapple Jui"e All Pop,lo. . . No.2 49'" ......0.69-Brcmds" cans'" ....... cans .. FINAL SOOT!' LEC'l'URE The final lecture by John C. Nister in the current series beng sponsored by the Arthur Hoyt ;Cott Horticultural Foundation .vill be presented Thursday, March :6 at 8 p. m. in the Martin lecture 'oom on the Swarthmore campus. 'Spring Bulbs and Flowers" is the ;upic (If Mr. Wisler's third illus.rated lecture. It will include In'ormation about daffodils and tuips, peonies, day lilies chrysan- MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE themums and other flowers, illustrated by slides of the outstanding specimens on the Swarthmore campus. The whole series, entitled uKnow Your Campus"J has been designed to help local gardeners discover What can be grown successfully in this area. Previous lectures considered trees and shrubs. Acme Grade A Grainfed Steer Beef Ib Brisket Corned Beef f""l;~"ti:.c:.",ln. SMALL HAMS lan'a1:::....nd ( Whal.o, ) Sm')ked Shankles. Shonkless Hgl' (lo ••• and) Ib Smoked Ham Hocks -.~~~====~~~~~M~.~a~L-~-=- , SifIEL?-=T~S-.,-~:~_~ Lenten Sea Food Values lst Grade Mothers In Joint Meet ,., C .. 25&: _Ib Large Sea Trout Frying Oysters k~r;'.~ Ib do. ZSC 37c / Ideal Sockeye Tasty SHARP CHEE§E 65C Red Salmon ) Creamy Mild Ib Cheese 45C EXTRA Sharp Cheese Ib 6ge F~gked Tuna tall can 35c jumbo 't~l~ SibS don 30e Wilson's Mor '~~. 37c ') 21b25c 2S C 1p ears LUUII\1n AnJou 29c Bananas Golden Ripe Juicy, IblS c " ISc Sw~et i':, 190 Hom·de·Lite Salad n.essing ~~~. '3c Hom·de·Lite Mayonnaise V.i~;n. 191: princess Paper Towels .. ISO" ••• Z5ft ... rolls .,; P l'ineess BathroGm Tis!:ues ... 'Oe; "".r "ge rolls ... ~ 0' SPAGHETTI Randolph Lee, Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 3, reports members of the troop succeeded in replenishing their treasury with the net sum of $44.68 through the sale of 99 cherry pies on Washington's Birthday. The boys purchased the cherries and the pie plates and their mothers cooperated by doing the baking. All Sizes ~reserves gDtd :f£lll .9tkat Mothers of the regular College avenue first grade and the teacher Elizabeth Etris entertained mothers of Mrs. Ellen W. Delaplaine's College avenue first gra_ ders and mothers of Ruth Abbott's Rutgers avenuE! first grade yesterday afternoon at a tea-meeting in the grade room at College avenue. Instructors Anne Jane Cleaver, Alice E. 'Blodgett and Alice Putnam added to the homeroom teacher's explanations of the work being done by local first graders. • Appointed Manager Milton 1. Allen, of Moylan was appointed manager of the industrial and commercial development division of the Philadelphia Electric Company, it was armounced. Mr. Allen was employed in 1928 as an industrial service man. In subsequen1 years he worked as a .' POWfther Ssalafesrnan, as acting manager o e es service division, and most recently as supervisor of industrial sales in the ComJ;iimy's suburban divisions. l APPLE NEW Ideal Pure JUICE .._- OUR CHESTER ROAD MARKET OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY TILL \I P.M. SATURDAY ·TILL 8 P.lII. PLENTY OF FREE PAlUUNG , Mr. Pierre Decrouez of Yale avenue who is on an extended business trip to Central America and the West Indies, will return about April 20. LAWN SERVICE Grass Cutting, Ete. Power Equipment :I. H. BLACKISTON Chester 2·110a CLYDE R. CASSELL. .JR. Painting, &, Paint Removing New Paint Removing Process Houses - .Antiques, etc. Swarthmore 6-0838 Carleton W. Mayo REGISTERED PLUMBING & HEATING Contracting, :lobbing and Repairs Phone 226 Ninth st. Chester 2-7646 Upland, Pa CLASSIFIED PERSONAL Pi:RSONAL - Electrical wirin: and installation, residential and conunercial. Watep heaters, ranees, dishwashers, dryers. Bendix. All work done to Fire Underwriters' specifications. Service on washers, vacuum cleaners, ranges, irons, toasters, fans, lamps. Call Erich H. Hausen, Electrical Contractor, Swarthmore 6-2850. 335 Park avenue. . PEFSONAL - MeWcal Massaae for wry neck, tense nerves, constipation. Spot reducina by DeWar. Call Beatrice Sclunidt, Swarthmore 6-2780. T o B e H onore d S un da y IIlcgl'S. ooanllug hOUSl·S. churches. schools. colinstitutlolls. re.,luUnints. tea rooms. """rug-c.... ~d()rCH. sIlOI)!!. Imblie scnke buildA reception for George C. An-,llIg.,:. I..'ombinaliou'il or ston's null dwcllderson, Rectod of Trinity ChurchJ I ::!g~ll~lllj~I'~lllln:~ltl~~~r s~~u~:~:·cs~U~"fC~"'~ol!~ will be held Sunday afternoon' IlIIh'd by the nuroIJ=-h CUlluclL lIud lip' ~ Ilorlioncd ctfuilUbl)' umuug the IJro,lcrtics trom 4 to.6·at the church. Mr. An- servcd b)' said sewl.'r s)·lOlcln so that ~Ul'll derson has resigned from the l'stabllshl~ll'nlli shull 11lI)' for the ll;sc ot the pubhc sewcrs a share prolwrluJIIllte church~ and his last service here 10 th,!, relit herein assessed ngainst IJrh'ute will be on March 10 at 11 a. ro. dWelllllg houses. He has accepted the Rectorship Y.X('i.·"t for thl' l'11:wge of rOlko; herl'in Ilro\-ldcd. all of the otht'r tellll'! ami of st. Luke's Episcopal Church, prm'isions of said Ordinancc Xo_ IHI. us aUlcnded b)' Onliuilul"l.· Nu. '~:J. nPlu·O\·l·cI Mounta,' n Brook, a suburb of B''''...... Odober 10. HIla. shall rellluin In full minghum, Alabama. force. The reception will be given by .'/lssed Ihis oth dill' of ~fal'ch. 19.'iU. the Woman's Auxiliary. JJOIlOUGII 01-' SWAUTII~IOIU'; 8)' H. LIXDLE\" PEEL Council Faces New Sewer Cost Presidcllt ot Cuullcil Attest: ELLIOTT IUCIIAItDSOS' ESTATK OF ROLAN)) G. E. ULL!tIAN dCt.'eaSl.'f.i. L~li·f.llS Tf.STA;\IEXTAUY on the above Ksatute hll\"t.~ bt.~CII gruuh.>U to the undersignetl. who relltlCst nil pcrsons having cluhns or demands ngalnst the Estate or the dl'Cl'f.icnt 10 make known the spme. and nil persons IntielJh'd to the dCC(.'11ent to IIlnke IJaYUll'nt, without delay_ to ELIZA K. ULLMAN or to the nttorney~ fur the estate. CJ~Auna.; C. 5)11'1'11. BSQ. UUASIt ~IOHnIS ASU lIECKSCIlER 1617 l..:md TJtle Building .'hllndclphla. 10. l'euns)'h'allia 31'·2·2-1 WnL T. Patterson, Director E"bteen Years Exptlrience PHONE MEDIA 2588 PATTERSON FUNERAL HOME A Price to Meet Every Fa.mIly'. Need Dorough Sccrctar)' PERSONAL - Radios, television (Seal) (Continued from page one) Armro\'cd this 8th day" ot receivers, vacuum cleaners and )'lllrch. ID50. other electrical appliances repairCouncil set this year's tax rate ed. Prompt service. Robert CUAllI .. fo:S .L UlTSSELL Would'You Like A (or general budgf..'t purposes at the Uurgess Brooks, Swarthmore 6-1548. 1949 level of 3 1'2 mills. The 1950 'fhe School District or Swarthmore will Modern Kitchen? PERSONAL-Hand-knit sweaters, budget calls for expenditures of l"l'Ceh'c bids at the offlcc or the School For Your Old Lamps Uistrict in the High SdlOOI Uuildlng. corcardigans, etc., for men, wolIer or College and Princeton A venues. You can have it for less than custom Made men, ·children, made to order. Call $106,000 covering increased road Swnrt)ulIorc. PellJls)·Jva.nla. up to "' p.m., construction as compared to last you think. LAMPSBADES Elsa Miller, Media 6-1057. Wcdncsday,: ~fnrcb 15. 1950. uud open thc year's $113,000 which included bids ut a meetillg ot the School Board. at Old Shades Recovered to HORACE A. REEVES the School District office on March 15. PERSONAL Small suburban $12,500 for a new fire engine. Look like New. J;!xquisite 1950. at 8 p.III •• or at u. mccting adjourncd "Third Generation Nursing Home has vancancy on Detailing. frum that Dlcethlg. tor printing. janltoTs' Builders." Robert Beatty, attorney for the SUllplic.:l. first floor. Private room with and instructional and athletic Swartbmore 6-5922 Swarthmore 6-3450 bath. Other vacancies on second Keystone Automobile Club offered sUllPlies and equipment. Specifications can be sl..'<.'Ured between 9 a.m. and , p.m •• floor. Phone Madison 3-9098. the Borough the triangular plot daH)" except Saturdays. Sundays. und holiBuilding at the School DIstrict office. The PERSONAL-Experienced house- situate at the northern entrance days. ROOFS GOl'lERS Doard resenes the right to reject any or RemodelinB keeper, fond of children charge to ihe town and bounded by Bal- all bids In whole or In I)art. and to awurd. REPAIRED & INSTALLED contracts au uny item or items mnking of home week-ends in parents timore Pike, Chester road and Repairing WARM-AIR HEATING UI' UIlY bid. Hilda Lan.. Denworth absence. Swarttunore reference. Oakdale avenue. Council made Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Secretary Call weekdays Swarthmore 6-2871. . its acceptance conditional upon a 2·2-1-31' GEORGE MYERS PERSONAL College senior satisfactory agreement being Michigan Ave.. Sw. 6·%266 available for baby sitting. Call SHEIUFF SALKS Jean Gemmill. Swarthmore 6-7191. reached by its property committee of Heal Estate SltE.IUF ... ·S Or-FleE COLOR CRAFi'SMEN and the Keystone Club in regard ~t"!ft=S""ef!=''''''M'='e::1t:(''''''!-1!={ , COUllT HOUSE, MEDIA, PA. Painters Of PERSON.Ai£..r...-Solci on rettIiming to a memorial to its ex-presidents Friday. ~larch 2.\. U'l50 , Since 1905 to S~ar~ore. S\varthr.nore 9 :30 A. ~1. Hastern Standard Time Distinctive interiors and "alum", his wife and spoiled dog Joseph H. Weeks and son J. BorConditions: $250.0IJ cash or ccrtlficd CUNNINGHAM c-1l1..'l.·k at time of sale (ulliess othenvlse Exteriors (a candidale for the class of '70 ton Weeks which the Club desires stnted in nd\'ertisement). balance In teo Painters & Pa)ler lIanlrers Color Ideas - Arrangements arriving soon), desire to rent or to erect and maintain on the park- da)'.:i. {)tlter comhtIolls on dny of sale. Fieri Facias No. 576 We should know how buy. Robert D. Hall, R. D. No.3, like area. Styled For Yon Selltcmber Tenn. 19'9 Swa. 6-2266 Michipn Ave. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot Qi' piece of Priced for Yon West Chester, Pa. Contract for purchase of a new gruund. SITUATK ill the Township or GRanite 4-3858 PERSONAL-Gabardlne topcoat Studebaker police car was aW"fd- Cill'ster. In the Couuty of Deillware and Slate of l'clillsyinulia. boundcd nnd detaken by mistake at Senior ed Fusco and Alston as low bidder. scribed as follows; Paulsen Decorators dancing class or Junior Prom. Purchase of a dozen sets of fireUEGlXNING at a point on the NorthDriveway ConatrucUob Gladly exchange. Call Swarthsince 1923 east corner or Tenth Strect and Nichols more 6-1244. men's boots and coats at a cost of Street. and containing in front on the said Aspbalt or Cencrele Only duPont's & Devoe'3 Nichols Street measured thelll..'C North· "'OR SALE $400 was authorized. wUrdl)' 20' and extcndlng in length or Paints Used Borough Secretary Elliott Rich- delltlt Eltstwardly between parallel lines -"'- "'-_ .... PETER DI NICOLA ........ .... right the said Nichols '~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ FOR SALE-Seasoned oak fire- ardson was commissioned to pro- lit Strcct 90' angles to otherwith lands. Phone Swarthmore 6·2528 wood. Cut any length. $20 The said Nichul." Strecl belllS" 3S' wjde cord. Call Valleybrook 2108..J. lest the granting of a license to and rulming parallel with Dnd 180' Eastfrom Reaney Street. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.1 operate 1050 Baltimore pike, at wardly TO'..;cthcr with the rlg-ht and u~e of said Devine Taxi Service -: FOR SAJ.E Fireplace wood, hard the northern entrance to the Bor- Xlchuls Stl'eet in common with the owners and well seasoned. Call SwarthIIf other lands abutUng thereoa. ELECTRICAL and HOME more 6-2078. ough, as a hotel when Springfield hllllrm'emcnts consist oC n 2 story stuCt'o SWARTHMORE, PA. REPAIRS Township commissioners sit Mar .. block bulldinS" 2IJx·10 feet. a 1 story building HxlO feet and 11 1 story frome building FOR SALE· Westinghouse ch 16. Council also hopes all IOxl:) fcet. tl 1 story frame buIlding Ux12 ROBERT ALLISON Wringer type washing machine. feet. Serving Swarthmore, MorPedect condition. Reasonable. interested citizens will attend the Sold as thc prol)Crty at LO\'elace Scott. 408 v~ Avenue ton, Rutledge and Ridley Ally: Archie Levy. Esq. Set tubs. Phone Swarthmore Springfield meeting and make J<'rl111k A. Sllenr. Sheritr. Township since 1918 Swarthmore 6-0515 6-3308. known their attitude. on this proposal. SIlElt.Il<'." SALES WANTED PHONE: ot Ileal Estate Purchase of a borough-owned SHERI «'F'S {WFICE Swarthmore 8-1448 Swarthmore 6·0444 W ANTED-Old and used books, lot on Rutgers avenue adjoining COURT HOUS~, "IEOl.A. PA. l<~I'Ith~y. Murch U. 1950 and china and bric-a-brac purWIO..IA.M BROOKS 9 :JIJ A. M. Eastern Standllrd Time chased.. We are especially inter- Rumsey's garage, by Mr. and Mrs. Cunditlons: ,250.00 cash or certiOcd Ashes & Rubbish Removed ested in literary and scholarly Daniel L. Goldwater at a price chl'Ck lit time of salt:! (unle.ss othen\'isc Lawns mowed, General books, but will often buy. other of $2000 was approved for W. !itllted ill ad\·erLisemeut). balance in ten Hauling Othe:r corulltlous 011 day of sale. types. Call or' write. Ralph Mark Bittle, agent of the buyers. (Ia)·s. Fieri ...·adns No. 1283 236 Harding Av. Morlon, Pa. Smith, Cheyney. Phone. WestDecember Tenn. HUg ALL THAT CgU.TAlN lot or piece 01 town 3732..J 1. ;.;round with the Bulldillgs ami Impro"eALTER _TIONS WANTED-Outdoor play apparlUellts thereoll erected. SITUATE in the atus-swing, slide, climbing, WANTED - Used, folding type Tuwnsllll) of Sprlllglleid. County of DelaRTERS BROS_ OK sandbox, _ what have you. Call baby carriage, in good condition. ware, and. .Slate of I'cllusyh-lltlia.. I11!:.JAMES E. LAMB GINNING at the curner Cormed by the Swarthmore 6-2871. Call Swarthmore 6-5274. intersection \}f the South side 01 Bnltimore PLUMBING AND BEATING Avenue with the East side or Grove AveFOR RENT W ANTED-Day's work or partnue; thcnee cxleudlllg Eastw,nd. along Registered in Sw..rthmore time. Dinn'l'"S prepared and FOR RENT-New modern apart- tile said South sdle of Baltimore Avcnue hundred aud· sixty-three Onc-hun· served. Experienced. References. ment. large living room, kitchen onc • MODEl. KITCHENS Dial Chester 38108 dredths feet to a point; thence extending Call Chester 3-5376. and dinette, large bedroom, tile Southward two hundred and elc\'en ami • ~ALl ud fLOOt tOV!IUI.S WANTED - General housewO!l'k, bath, front and rear entrance, twcutr-1h'e Ollc·hulHlredths feet 10 Il thcnce extending Westw!lrd Qlle assist with cooking. References center of town. Available for oc- point; Hundred fect to a pOint on the said East • NEYI CONSTRUCTION and experience. Call Media cupancy April 1. Rent $80 monthly. side of Gl·m·e Avenue; thenee extending Rubbish Collection l'o:orthWl.lrd. alollS" the said East side oC 6-4047. Call Sw 6-3811 for appointment. • AlIFtATlOMS •• 4 IEP"IS Gl'ove Avcnue. Two Hundred feet ·to the Swarthmore Disposal W ANTED-One or hvo bedroom lirst mcntioned pOillt. comer and piace 01 unfurnished apartment, Swarth- 1__---2J~·O~S~T & FOUND beginninS". Weekly or Monthly Ul'o:DBR AND SUBJECT to a first mort~ \RTlERS BROTPIIRS, IDC. more or vicinity, by April 1. Call LOST-Large size matroon and gage Icill in the principal sum of Sevent)·· WARREN PIERCB Swarthmore 6-0474. white Velo King tricycle, from tl\·e Hundred Contractors and Build.,.. DOUIlTS U7500_00), with inWANTED _ Middle-aged couple Yale avenue. Reward. Telephone t~rcsl thereon as therein mentioned. Swarthmore 6-2078 302 Cayley Street • Media.... Improvements consist of a 1 story condesire large apartment. Can Swtrthmore 6-4474. crete building. gas station. 2 large double dours and 1 small door. 22.xGO fcet. wait a month or longer. Slrath Ph.ue: IIledla 6-4.281 Sold as the propert}\ of Br)'son E. EngBOROUUH OF SWAIlTH~[OIlE Haven Inn, Room 64. lish and ~Iary Ellen English. his wife. PETER' E. TOLD WANTED - Sinalf"h~0-u-s-e7k-ee-p-in~g Allys: Reilly & Pearce. IlESOLUTIOX Ill;: SEWER RATES Frank A. Snear. S!lerilf. apartment, furntshed or unfurAll Lines Of lnaurance WHEREAS, hy OnliwlIlce No_ ·lIG. ap· nished, by Swarthmore resident. proved ~Inrch .J. 10:\9. nn annunl rental ESA'l'E 01;0" AL~fA DENNETI JOSES. Reply to Box M, The Swarth- or {'harge for sewer service by the Borough also known as Alma B. Jones and A. 333 Dartmouth AVllOue of Swarthmore wa~ pro,·ided. ami in Sec- Blanche Jones late ot the Borough of morean. tion 5 thereof. It was spccifted that Dar· SW!lrthmore. Delaware County. PennsylWANTED-Used furniture. Any ough ('mmcil may fit any time. by Resolu· vania. Deceased. Letters Testamentary on Swarthmore. Pa. Charles E. Fischer abm·c Estate have been granted to article in general bought and tion. change in whole or in part such the the undersigned who requests all persons rClltnls for the next succeeding and subsold. Chester 2-6233. .o;CQncnt y<'"ar.<;. provided thnt nU such baving claims or dcmands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the =WANTED-Automobile' salesman. ehanges Sh:lll be uniform within the same same, and rill persons Indebted to the declass of propcrty nnd be equitable; and BUILDER Experienced. new and used cars. cedent to make payment ·without delay to A. Mercer Quinby Ruth MeClung Jones. Executrix Drawing account against liberal WlmREAS. bccanse the Dorough is c/o Albert N. Garrett FUNERAL DmECTOR commission. Apply in person. obligated to cOntribute to the Centrol 228 Garrett Avenue Delaware Connt)" Authority it" pro rata Swarthmore. Delaware County Beam Buick Co., 295 E. Baltimore !'Ohare of the {"osL of a new sewage treatFormerly of Media Swarthmore 6·2253 Pennsylvania avenue, Media. 1125 W. IAhleh Av •. , Pblla, ment works, in m"Cordancc with lin Onler or to her attorney W ANTED-Da~y-;'s-W-o-r-;k-,"""'Th=-ur-s"""'d;-a-y of the Sallit:n~· Water iloard of the Stnte Albert N. Garrett Phone Baldwin 1170 of Penn.o;yh·ania. and because or other 228 Garrett A venue and Saturday. Depei1dable Refer- outlays incurred and contemplated for Swarthmore. No additional charge fill" Delaware County sewer ences. Call Saturday or Monday, suburbwl calls Pennsylvania Media 6-2934. sow, TIIEIU;:FOIlE. m~ IT IlESOL\'RD J·3-3T __ -- - LIBERAL TRADE.IN AllOWANCE fOR YOUR OLD TIRES AND EASY TO PAY TERMS AS LOW AS $1.25 A WEEK .. , FUSCO & ALSTON CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS PHONE SWARTHMORE 6-3681 Scouts Prosper As Piemen Firs! for Sandwi.ches TEMPLE ORANGES .9tkat Plum Va ElkllllO Spaghetti Sauce 2 a'Oleanl 25. Prunes Rob-lord WI' Itt pt, 22c Rob.ford Rice " .. , 14c Olives OUm SluRed 7:J/._QZ jar 37c Plain Olives OIlYU 21/••" Jar 19c GRii'ii lEANS Celery C:JlIlQrnla P;mal Potatoes New Red Blln 65&: toll ,an Pink Salmon Ib • 43c 69c Ib Approved this lith da)' of Febnmry. A.D. 1950. BOROUGH 01" SWA'RTHMORE By H. LINDLEY PEEL (signed) President ot Council Attest: EI.LlOTT RICHARDSON (signed) Borough Secretary Burgess Try Our Acme Guaranteed Meats Under Our 1& (S... I) CHARLES R. -RUSSELL (sIgned) .,~ ) daughter June of Park avenue left by plane recently for Johnson City, TentL, to attend the inauguration of Dr. Dean Walker, new president of Mulligan College. Charlotte HobbS is a sophomore at Mulligan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leach of North Chester road enter.tamed at a dinn~r party Friday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Jotm R. Bates of North Chester road entertained at a cocktail party on Sunday afternoon. Anne Driehaus of Yale avenue observered her twelfth birthday anniversary Friday evening by entertaining a group of friends at a party at her home. BOROUGH OF SWAUTII"IORE ORDINANCE NO. 520 An OnJinnncC' fixing the rate of tnxntlon for the year 1950 for general purposes of the Dorough of Swarthmore. for aiding In the maintenance of the Free Llbnlry. and for payment of Interest on the debt ot the Dorough :Inti p:tynl('Jlt~ Into the Sfnklut:' Fund m; TNlufrrd In' t ... w. THE l,UUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE HEREBY ENACTS ASO OHDAINS: SI-X..."I'ION" I. Th .... t for the ~'ear 1050 :1 tax be aml the same is hereby levlcd on nil IJrol)ertie ... offkes. profe'!.Siolls. Ol."Cuplltions and persons. subject to ta"Xotion for Dorough purposell, :at the rute of Thlrteea and one-halt (I3¥.:) mills on each dollar of the ":lluation of sallie as assessed ror County purpo~es. SKCTION 2. Tile tax nhO\'e IcviL'1l shall be apportioned to and among the following purpo8Cs: (11) ...·or general Borough purpo;>cs II tmc at the rate of Elc"'en and one-bnlt (11 Vol:) mills Oil ('n<.'h dollnr of u.~essed valuation. (b) For nldhlg in the malntcnnn('e of the "'ree Libmry a ta:\" at the mte or One and onC"-Qunrtcr (I %) mills: on e.'1eh dollar or assessed valuation. (c) For debt Iml1)Oses 111111 pu)'ments into the Sinking Fund a tax at the mtc of Thrcc-efore-your rime. W.lk I./el, .n4 -I;'" IOn6urnmg c gs. . P rkside d ""---t The fire was discovered at morning. a an •• .10:40 p.rn. by Patrolmen Ellis ambul~nces stood by an~ the. Mo~­ LIndsay; Robert Tinunons, and amensmg Junior servJce truck s Peter McGinnis who detected canteen proved a great bgon to smoke rising from the roof, at the weary, cold and wet fire-flghtera. hell tower, - as they parked the Police and firemen carried out . police car and prepared to enti!l: all removable records and equippolice headquarters on the first ment from Police, Council and · fioor. The entire roof was quickly Health Society chambers on the first floor and covered other raallarne although 10cal vo Iunleer . . firemen' and' colleagnes .from .dio eqUlpment and Library recotds Moyamenslng, Garden City, Mor- and files with tarpaulons to pro,. =.= • Photo Courtesy Plilladelphia Evening 9ulletin . Borough Ball, ptted. by fire, .. eaontecl a I1U&ld asped to workers and shoppers who eontronted H ThDl'Sday morning, and a fnrtber shock to any wbo had slept through Ute fury of Its blaze daring Ute nleht. ~=--------------;---+------------------~------~ WARNING H OL MATTERS PETER E- TOLD Presents • ORCHES'J;'RA ~~::::;~~Q"!~~0~~1so~~::: ~~~e:o':':...= ~80ARD _VSll room SC 0 .HANDLES THE SWARTHlIIORE SfAltT TODAY! ! ! DUCK CLUB DANCE 8:15 P.M. BAND Assem"Ues Tomorrow . phia Orchestra were then duced. They. were Ward second French horn, Krauss, first trumpet, Lambert, associate solo trombonist, and David Madison, concertmeister. Each one something of the history of instrument and of the needed for playlng it. barker(" r t !.uil.l _5 901.1 b.nk ---~-. I r, in charge of 4lids and June Sh.lr:rbe Junior Assemblies fol' the er captained the guides. Ken eighth and tenth grades will meet' Wright was in charge of the. wel- Sat~ay, March 11 at the Woman's coming committee, Pat Giles took C:lub. . charge of coats. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape Jerry FauIkno!r and John Chapare host and hostess for the eIghth man headed the committee on decgrade with chaperons Mr. and Mrs. orations, Walter Dickinson was chairman of posters, DIck Terry W. G. Reese and Mr. and Mrs. was in charge of art. Co-chair- Howard Newnan, ·Jr. men Charles Batt and Shelby Mr. 'I'ld MrS. Irwin Galbreath Martin took care of maintenance. will be host and hostess for the Group singing was handled by tentl> grade V(ith Mr. and Mrs. PaWalter Dickinson and June ShearH. S, Host To trick Malin and :Ml-. and Mrs. er. Jane Allen and D. Decker J. CoUncil Assoc. took charge of money collection, Roland Pennock as chaperons. (Continued from page one) and name cardS were written by H. Arrison and his committee. commended the wonderful coopChairmen for the dinner meet" eration of local students for such iug were as follows: a large undertakiog. "The ex' ecutive committee has done Mary Lou Hodge, waitresses; outstanding piece of work John Tyler, table movers; Mary has shown its ability to IlSlrurne I Anne Dicltinson and Ann deFuria, responslbi~ity, make plans and servers; Ken Wright, dish washers; SATURDAY carry out the project to a success- Sally Aldan, ·table, setting. MAY 6 lui conclusion," Miss Allen said. A digest of the minutes taken t th t . to. Russ Hann''an's Chairman of the Conference was a e OPIC mee mgs will ibe \yped Raymond Denworth who worked by Vivian Herndon, Esther RwnOrchestra with six executive heads: sey and Julie Lange for distribuAllen, treasurer of Student Coun_ ti .. . eil, ~gistraijon and welcome; --~ Clem Malin, general meeting; SanOy Ford, discussion group; Bi'okJr 1 Little Theatre Club of Swarthmore College Thompson, vice-president Council, dinner meeting; Walter Presents Dickinson, publicity. Edith Hay, secretary of council, program. "SHADOW AND SUBSTANCE" A large staff of oommittee heads and assistants, which included a FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 17 and IS large part of the student body, carried out the details. Delegates were registered by Warren ~~'ml Tickets: - 60c and David Cox and ushered ,?'etr places by, John Becker - -- Mrs. Walter G. Emmott, C:ounty The Howard Hopsons and WiI- chairman of the drama department lard Tomlinsons held a United for the county, and Mrs. John E. World Federalist House Meeting Michaels and Mrs. Ferdinand at the Tomlinson home South Klopsch, co-chairman, will present Chester road Friday evening, for a ~)De-act play "The Purple Doorthe discussion of problems of knob" acted and produced by the world government and world IS'N",rthmcore Club. chaos. Some 30 members were Handicraft by federation mempresent and took part in ani- bers will also be on display as mated discussion. announced by Mrs. W •. Dean Balch, The speaker, prominent Phila- American home chairman for the delphia attorney and resident of county. During tbe lunc!teon adBryn Athyn Andrew H. Kleio, Mrs. Walter B. Grove, made a strong plea for the Americhairman will have charge of can way of living and governing, the contest for amateur photogwhich he felt waS' being stowly I ",'phy. and ruthlessly wrecked by the Mrs. Edward Laubach, county necessity for huge armaments, co-chairman of the day will have atomic and super-atomic weapons charge of the afternoon program. of warfare. Mrs. Arthur Philips, county chairThroughout history, he pointed man will make awards for the out, peace has depended on order. best musical programs. The Order depends on law. And law county chorus under tbe direction requires a federation with judici- of Mrs. Philips will present' a ary, a legislative body and officers "Stephen Foster" program, of the Peace (Law). World FedThere will also be. a Junior eralists favor strengthening the Club Exhibit, and the Art ApU.N. until it becomes a strong Scholarship exhibit of World Federation. work done by recent winners Tbe great difference between .fanet Grim and Allan Jones. a league, a treaty or even the U.N. Memb'ers will bring sandwiches and a world federation is for luncb. Tea and coffee will be treaties and leagues are served by M4. Frank Rogers between nations. And a nation Gray and her committee of the cannot be punisbed without going Swarthmore Club. to war. Therefore even a sucSection Meetings cessful U.N. would have to war to The Executive Board will meet prevent war. in the Lounge on Monday mornA wodd federation, on the other ing, March 13 at 9:30. . hand, Mr. Kleio continued, ainIs On Friday, March 17 at 10 a.m. its laws at people. If the citizens io the C:lub House, the literature of any nation under world govern- department, Mrs, S. Milton Bryant, ment start to assemble fissionable chairman presents Mrs. John H. materials behiod their mOlmtain Fawcett who will play selections ranges, the ioternational police from the works of Chopio. Mrs. force arrives on the scene and arwill give a review of rests those who are breaching the "Life and Death of Chopin" by peace. Casimir Wierzynski. It is not that simple, but until a better plan is formulated, FedJr. Music Club Meets eralists believe it is the most The Swarthmore Junior Music workable way to survive and to Club met at Whittier House, Sunpreserve those values that Ameri- day evening lor its regular MIIorcJ,l cans hold so dear. meeting. Claire lHend..Yixson, presThis is the hour for America ident, presided at tbe business to assume moral leader.hip. Who meeting and later introduced the else could take such responsibility? guests performers. Perhaps 'the reason citizens of Sally Bates, program cJuprman Pennsylvania are so frustrated for the evening-' announced the and even scared, is because they program. First to play was Dahesitate to become crusaders. vid Spencer, violinist accompanAs for U.S. national sovereign.- ied by Rein Kroon. His selections ity, it was lost long ago. The last were an Andante from the Mentwo wars were not wanted by delssohn Violin Concert and a America. Those wars were de- Mazurka by Wieniawski. Margot clared by Berlin apd Tokio, re- Bowie then ~g UConnais-tu Ie spectively. The government could pays?" from ~gnon'" and "The only say, "We've been attacked" Sleep. that Flits on Baby's Eyes" But now the government, in the by Carpenter. She was accomwords of military leaders, is im- panied by her mother, Mrs. Mo.rris potent to defend its citizens against Bowie. Diana Tucker then p!lIyed the piana solo Asa's Death" by mo~ern weapons. Grieg .. The next p~rmer was Therefore, the necessary steps to create a world government that Russell Snyder who, accompanied has the power to outlaw war and by his mother, Mrs. Russell Snyder, played the first two movepreparation for war, must be taken. Swarthmoreans can help ments of a Hanilel sonata. Last on by joining the West Delaware the regular program was a trio, County Chapter of U.W.F. Those composed of Claire Hendrixson, interested 'may secure further Gretchen Bauer, and Priscilla details by telephoning Ralph V. R,?gers, who sang "I Got Shoes" and ''Tbe Blue Tail Fly". Little, Jr., Swarthmore 6-5152. / 16TH ART EXH OPENS AT CLUB lt .•ponded . with alacrity to the safe .in_ the In'l\oroogh Chief ·Thomas V. Bateman of speedOy-lssued general alarm. At secietary EIllott'Richel'dson'sof.the Swarthmore Pollee Depart~,_~ alth-...... tw.;....o tainin ment issues notice to the youtha 11:15 the blazing bell. tower top- .........., .......... 0 _es con . g . _ . , pled, crashing through the roof valuable papers and borough F' _ .E . d who have been molesting propExhibitors Will Bring with on~ doleful tone, carQing the funds were removed ~,it ju;d: mances, qulpment, an erty o.n Wainut lane and drIftPaintings To Club fire down another story into the before the blaze was controlled at Teachers Occupy ~ro:::!. : : ~~ff:~ third-floor room on the Park ave- 12:30. Directors ders are liable to arre.ort for Sunday nue front. Fire Chief Harry Hamby reo- . Wednesday evening's meeting of larceny of automobiles and will The sixteenth Annual Exhibition The eleven surrounding· town- leased neighboring. companies at 'School Board was occupied mostly be .apprehended by local poliee. of Paintings by local artists, spnnships and boroughs which' the 1:30a. m. but kept his Swarthmore with routine business. The direo- , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J sored by the Woman's Club 'l~arthmore Police ~t crf!JW, on .hand all night IeBt &n¥ tor,"rihorlzed paymcht of the tax .• through its art departlnent, will services with two-way radio were smouldermg spot break out again; collector's bond of $800 for the open Tuesday, March 21 in the · immediately handicapped. when The three-~th-old245 Horse first' time under the new law clubhouse with a private showing the receiving and transmitting an- power Peter Pirsch pumper, (to w hich provIdes tha t the sch001 L'.. tens!'al for members only, at 2 p.m. tenna' 'onthe roof collapsed and accommodate ·Wuu:h ex ve - lhiet-Raymond ing Group' >wtU meet T:' '..,., ~: report from.Dr. Carl Leech, are two ~ Mrs. Walter Dech 1,383 entertainments for patients Denworth, Arthur 1kCormaclr, Msrch ,21 at the home of Mrs. CClUlltysuperlntendent of scbools, of IDghlan d ' Park, New Bruns- at the Valley Forge Hospital, the SandY Ford and R1~ TenJ. FIorenee Blooms)! of -112·00nteIl revealed Swarthmiore . wtll .lcIIe wick; N.J" and :MIss ~ttle Shafer U.s. Naval Hospital, and Ple Vet(CoDUmMd OIl pep four) , a--. (CoDtiDuIld on lM'P IIIIbt) of AlleDtown.· (eontmued OIl pace ei&bl) . ,'lo\\L~~t>" .J)Ii • MRS. 1. R. KLINE BURIED MONDAY ";'W . BAND-ORCHESTRA BENEFIT TONIGHT .' .. -' . l~t.W~~ .,tlp '~~t1 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE sWnrthmore College Iabrnry ~vmrthmore. TBE 8 = U.W.F. HOLDS HOUSE MEETING The Howard Hopsons and Willard Tomlinsons held a Unitcd World Federalist House Meeting at the Tomlinson home South Chester road Friday evening, for the discussion of problems of world government and world chaos. Some 30 members were present and took part in an animated discussion. The speaker, prominent Philadelphia attorney and resident of Bryn Athyn Andrew H. Klein, made a strong plea for the American way of living and governing, which he felt was- being slowly and ruthlessly wrecked by the necessity for huge armaments, for atomic and super-atomic weapons of warfare. Throughout history, he pointed out, peace has depended on order. Order depends on law. And law requires a federation with judiciary, a legislative body and officers of the Peace (Law). World Fcderalists favor strengthening the U.N. until it becomes a strong World Federation. The great difference between a league, a treaty or even the U.N. and a world federation is that treaties and leagues are covenants between nations. And a nation cannot be plUlished without going to war. Therefore even a successful U.N. would have to war to prevent war. A world federation, on the other hand, Mr. Klein continued, aims its laws at people. If the citizens of any nation under world government start to assemble fissionable materials behind their mOlUltain ranges, the international police force arrives on the scene and arrests those who are breaching the peace. It is not that simple, but until a better plan is formulated, Federalists believe it is the most workable way to survive and to preserve those values that Americans hold so dear. This is the hour for America to assume moral leadership. Who else could take such responsibility? Perhaps "the reason citizens of Pennsylvania are so frustrated and even scared, is because they hesUa te to become crusaders. As for U.S. national sovereignity, it was lost long ago. The last two wars were not wanted by America. Those wars were declared by Berlin apd Tokio, respectively. The government could only say, "We've been attacked" But now the government, in the words of military leaders, is impotent to defend its citizens against modern weapons. Therefore, the necessary steps to create a world government that has the power to outlaw war and preparation for war, must be taken. Swarthmoreans can help by joining the West Delaware County Chaptcr of U.W.F. Those interested may secure further details by telcphoning Ralph V. Little, Jr., Swarthmore 6-5152. Chester YWCA 'Benefit Perfonnance "HEIDI" At Smedley Jr. High School 17th & Upland Sts., Chester Sat .• March 18. 2:30 P.M. Ticke .... $.90 Women To Hear Fairchild Tues. (continued from page one) Mrs. Walter G. Emmott. County chairman of the drama department for the county. and Mrs. John E. Michaels and Mrs. Ferdinand Klopsch, co-chairman, will present a one-act play uThe Purple Doorknob" acted and produced by the S W,A a T II M 0 Swarthmore ClUb. Handicraft by federation members will also be on display as announced by Mrs. W. Dean Balch, American horne chairman for the county. During the luncheon adjo.urnment Mrs. Walter B. Grove, art chairman will have charge of the contest for amateur photography. Mrs. Edward Laubach, county co-chairman of the day will have charge of the afternoon program. Mrs. Arthur Philips, county chairman will make awards for the The best musical programs. county chorus under the direction of Mrs. Philips will present a "Stephen Foster" program. There will also be a Junior Club Exhibit, and the Art Appreciation Scholarship exhibit of work done by recent winners Janet Grim and Allan Jones. Members will bring sandwiches for lunch. Tea and coffee will be served by Mr~. Frank. Rogers Gray and her committee of the Swarthmore Club. Section Meetings The Executive Board will meet in the Lounge on Monday morning. March 13 at 9:30. On Friday. March 17 at 10 a.m. in the Club House, the literature department, Mrs. S. MUton Bryant, chairman presents Mrs. John H. Fawcett who will play selections from the works of Chopin. Mrs. Bryant will give a review of uLife and Death of Chopin" by Casimir 'Vierzynski. H. MARCH 10, 1950 REA N Four members of the Philadelphia Orchestra were then introduced. They were Ward Fearn, second French horn. Samuel Krauss, first trumpet, Robert Lambert. associate solo trombonist, and David Madison, assistant concertmeister. Each one told something of the history of his instrument and demonstrated,some 01 the techniqu~s needed for playing it. S. Host To Council Assoc. (Continued from page one) --=--~~ his committee. Jane Evans r. Assemblies Tomorrow in charge of 'aids and June SI '. er captained the guides. Ken "ne Junior Assemblies for the Wright was in charge of the wel- eighth and tenth grades will meet coming committee. Pat Giles took Sat'Vday. March 11 at the Woman's Club. . charge of coats. Jerry Faulkner and John CitapMr. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape man headed the committee on dec- are host and hostess for the eighth orations, Walter Dickinson was grade with chaperons Mr. and Mrs. chairman of posters. Dick Terry W. G. Reese and Mr. and Mrs. was in charge of art. Co-chair- Howard Newnan, Jr. men Charles Barr and Shelby Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Galbreath Martin took care of maintenance. will be host and hostess for the Group singing was handled by Walter Dickinson and June Shear- tenth grade ''lith Mr. and Mrs. Paer. Jane Allen and D. Decker trick Malin and MJr. and Mrs. took charge of money collection, ~J~.iiR;0 off-tile-sho.ulder necklines. Their headdresses matched their bouquets of pink roses shading to deep rose, sweet peas and tulips. SmaIl . Joanne Espenschade of Dogwood lane, niece of the bride, wore an ankle· length dress of pale blue embroidered organdie over blue taffeta. She carried an old-fashioned bouquet -of Sweetheart roses and wore a wreath of the roses In her hair. Mr. Richard Morris served best man for his brother, and the ushers included Messrs. John Philip Espenschade, John David Chiquoine, Walter Kilbourne of Washington, D. C., Robert G. Childs. of Needham, Mass., Malvern Hill of Forrest Hills, N. Y., and Howard Kates of livingston, N. J. A reception followed at ~e home of the bride's parents. • The motjter of the bride wore a blue gray dinner dress embroidered In crystal, beagle beads and a small hat of cranberry colored velvet. Her corsage was of white~ cymbidium orchids. The bridegroom's mother wore' a gown of blue lace. H",: _corsage was of pink baby orchids. Following wedding trip to Sea Island, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Morris will make their home In Troy. . Mrs. Russell H. Kent of Merion, formerlY of Swarthmore, Is entert4ining at a luncheon-bridge at the Aronomlnk Golf Club today. Donald G. Follett, Jr., of Oberlln avenue received his athletic letter in Varsity Track at the Mercersburg Academy todliy. ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Theodore Wright Crossen of Oberlln, Ohio, has recentlY made known t1ie engagement of ber daughter, Barbara Ann, to John A. MacNair of Jetmore, Kansas. Miss Crossen is the daughter of the late Theodore W. Crossen, former executive of the General Steel Castings Corporation. The Croosens were recent residents of Swarthmore. Mr. MacNair is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. MacNair of Jetmore. His father is Representative of the nintey-seventh district in the Kansas State Legislature. Both are students at Grinnell College, Grinnell; Iowa. Miss Crossen graduated from Northfield School for Girls, Northfield, Mass., and Mr. ~acNair is an alumnus of Blair Academy, Blairstown, N.J., which he attended before serving two years with the U.S. Air Force In the South Pacific. .. \'~ON BORROWED TIME" Directed By Itr-. Andrew Francis lackson LAST 'lWO NIGH'l'S I'ridq and ~ _, Satardu 17111 and 18111 eAA~~dWU""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''U'''''''A=4 College Theatre Thursday, FrIday, Saturday Gent Kelly - Frank Sinatra Betty Garrett - Ann Ml11er "ON THE TOWN" LiJtle Thea~e Club of Swarthmore College Presents "SHADOW AND SUBSTANCE" FBIDAY and S"ATURDAY, MARCH 17 anel IS Ticket$ - 60c • Present In~color! Saturday· Matinee - 1:15 HopaloDg oCassIc17 "TIlE UNINVITED • a Cartoons and Serial S,,!,-day Only! Rodeo Show! m color! - Roy Rogers ''THE GOLDEN STALLION" In color! Gene Autry "THE BIG SOMBRERO" Monday and Tuesday G.ene Tierney ______~____~, "THE HASTY DE/Ulli"' FEATI:JRE TIME by ANN MARTENS Saturday Night, March 25, 8:15 P.M. . Reserved $1.00 Tax Included - BEAUTY SALON Are you gnIIOmedfor wearing o'the green? Call Swarthmore e:0476 . 9 Chester n-oad. . ••• in a vivid 24-page panorama of this aristocratic Philadel. phia suburb where there's no wrong side of the tr~cks by JAMES A. MICHENER (author of "South Pacific") coIoiz/Hl fl/'oU,Df'l"fl'l' • now. on sale at all ne_stands In the April issue of HOLIDAY MACAZINE . , I~~~~,~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::l . -, MEN OF COURAGE , '- -t - r, n ' - ./Ii "IIAMLB'r' Admission prices - Matinee, 90c evenings, $1.20. SpedaJ. student prices at all tim.. - - 6Oc. • Feature times - MatInee, 1:30 EveninllS - 7:00 and 8:30 P.JL . • Pain, , torment, and suffe~ play no favorites. They attack. alike the 80Ie wage earner of the family, the mother with her many , ·6:00, - 8:00, - and 10:00 P.M. Mon. Tues. Wed. aDd Thurs. March 20, 21, 22, and 23. f Laurence 0IIv1!r In * g~lMt.4 THEMA'II LINE 56 responsibilities, or the only chil~ The one safe refuge i. the fa .....". tIIe_ phyaician, . who alone has IIDowledge, courage, and atamlna to battle dis- - . Don't besitate to consult yOur pbyaician iR , time of mn ad:e. ~ • He, and be alone, Is competart to Depend 011 us to fill, his prwcrlptb. . ~ and accurati:1y. I, , ' li••ael'.s c.llep ' ••r•• OM' ..... OJaKa --;=============::=====::=::::;~ the Church School meet at 9:45. The Nursery aDd Beginners' DeSunday morning at the 11 o'clock service Mr. Bishop's ser- partroents of the Church ~l mon will be on the Miracles 01 meet at 11 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bryant at Jesus entiUed. "The Miracles of the Harvard avenue entrance and Releaseu~ All arrangements In regard to cosb are The Men's and Women's Bible Mr. and Mrs., H. L •. Kalbach at the d,riveway-transeplt entrance Classes will meet togeUter at 9 :30 made,with the full understanding of the will assist Mr. Bishop in greeting Sunday morning. The Lutheran fgmily. They know the exact service, to Church will be the study lor the the congregation after the service b. rendered an~ the total cost involved. next two weeks, with Mrs. K. M. Sunday morning. The Coffee Hour Is held each Reed as leader. The guest speakOur long experience has demonstrated er this week will be the Rev. Jul- Sunday morning after the mornln~ the absolute fairness of this method• ius F. Seebach of Merion. Rev. worship. • The Communicants' Class is held Trinity NoUls Seebach is an eniment Lutheran Holy Communion will be celein the Pastor's Study Sunday afTheologian, well known as lecbrated at 8 a.m. Church School turer and auther. .His book '''Qle ternoon at 5 o'clock. will meer at 9:45 a.m. The 11 The Young Adults' Group meets Path of Proiestantism" is one of a.m. service of Morning Prayer the best known works In this for meditation at 6 o'clock followwill be the Rector's last service In ed by supper and meeting on Sunfield. this, parish. day evening. D•• lerORS 0' FUNIIlALS The Primary, Junior, Junior Ushers for the 11 a.m. service The Married Couples' Club will 1820 CHESTNUT STREET High and Senior Departments of meet Sunday evening at 7:45 at will be: W. N. Ryerson, head usher, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. L. Cornog, W. S. Patton, E. O. MARY A. BAlR, Prosldonl Telephone RI 6-1581 R. Bernard, 310 South Chester Cramp, yr. H. Jones, B. Harrar, road. The study of the life and S. D. ClYde, Jr., -and J. Reynolds. • , SWARTHllORE Young Peoples Fellowship will thoughts of Soren Kierkegaard PRESBYTERIAN ctroRCII will be continued. Sunday, March 19 . at 6:30 A special· meeting of the mem- meet bury Club willp.m. meet The at 7 Canterp.m. In 9:30 A.M.-Women'& and Men's Bible Class. bers of the Church Corporation- Cloisters B. at Swarthmore Col9.45 A.M.--Sunday School and Congregation is caIled for lege. 11:00 A.M. - Mr. _ Bishop will Tuesday evening March 21 at 8 Choir School will meet on Monpreach on "The Miraclell at p. m. for the purpose of".actlng day and Wl'ilitesday at 4 p.rn. Release!' 5:00 P.M.-Comrounicants Class. upon the report of the Building Holy Cobununion, will be cele6:00 P.M.-Young Adults Group. Committee and of the Finance brated on Wednesday at 10 a.m. .6:30 P.M.-Young People'i Pel- Committee relati'>" to actual bids The Woman's Auxiliary will meet , lowshlp; Trinity Church. received by the Building Commit- for all-day sewing and will hold America's most alert and ambitious young men are eoIl_tIne in tee. a luncheon at 12:30 p.m. followed METHODISr CHURCH the U.S. Army b.cause they know that a military career offen a The following Circles of the by a mission study class. combination of opportunity and security seldom found elaewhere. Roy N. Keiser. D. D., M i " let Woman's Association will- meet The Children's Craft School will Standards are higb, but if yon can measnre : SUUdaY' Marell 19 Wednesday, March 22: meet on Thursday at 3 p.m. In the up, a rewarding career with every opportunity ~~~jnii 8:45 A.M.-Church School . 10:00 A.M.-Younll Adults for further education, travel--and adventure ep,n Circle I, Mrs. IrwIn Galbreath, basement of the church. 11:00 A.M.-The topic of the .....- chairinan, be yours. will meet at the home Choir rehearsal will be held on mon will ·be "Our Faith in Build your future with America's finest men. of Mrs. Clarence Campbell, 8 Col- Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. Prayer.,t Get the compl.te facts at your U.S. Army and 6:00 P.M.-Youth lege avenue. Mrs. Robert Norton U.S. Air Force Recruiting Station. Act now as TrInity Church. ,Friends Meetibg Notes enli~tment quotas are limited. will be cD-host....... Dessert will Under the general topic, "Rebe served. There will be a musTRINITY CHURCH ligion as an Aid to Understanding Ical program. CHESTER POST OFFICE BUILDING Rev. Goo. C. Anderron, Ractor Sunday, March 19 Circle 2, Mrs. P. G. Gilbert, and as a Guide for Living", Dr. 5th STREET and EDGMONT AVENUE Willis Weatherford of the'econ8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. chairman, will moet at the home 9:45 A.M.-Church School. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer-The of Mrs. W. W. Turner, 914 Mt. Holyoke place, at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Rector will preach. 6:30 P.M.-Yo)111g Peoples Fel- Joseph P. Bishop will discuss lowship at Trinity Church. "Missions at Grass Roots". Des7:00 P.M. ' - Canterbury Club (Cloisters B Swarthmore Col- s~ will be served. Circle 6, Mrs. Guy de Furia, lege.) Wednesday, March 22 chalrinim, will meet at the home 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion of Mrs. Henry Harris, 505 North Swarthmore avenue. Mrs J. LesTHE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS lie Ellis will be co-hostess. The Sunday, Marell 19 program will begin at 10:30 a. lID. 9:45 A.M.-FIrst Day School Eve¢ng clrcle 10, Mrs. J. D. 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum led b;r Hiowe, chairman, will meet at Wlllls Weatherford on "The Problems of Social ConDict." the home of Mrs. ~ces,Walton, 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. 3Q Amherst avenue,· at 9 following Visitors Welcome. Children the Lenten Service at the chUrch. cared for -In Whittier House. Mrs. DaVid Bingham will be 00Monday, Marell 20 All Day Sewing for Ute A:FS.C. hostess. at Whittier House. The Mid-Week Lenten Service Taesday, March 81 will be' held Wednesday everm1g 6:15 P.M.-Covered Dish Supper at 8 o'clock. The Cross Speaks to in Whittier liouse. 7:30 P.M.-MonthlY Meeting for Our Lives. is Ute general titte of busines. ' , this series and this sermon will Wednesday, Marell 2Z be "The Answer of the Cross to All Day Sewing for the A.F.S.C. Regret". at Whittier House. 9:45 A.M.-Opening o( Yearly The Junior Choir rehearses at Meetiog at Race St. Meeting 3:30 Thursday afternoons and the .HOUse, Phila. Chapel Choir rehearses at 7:45 2:00 P. M.-Minlstry and Coun- Thursday evenings. The Cherub's set Meeting at Race St. Meeting House, Phila. Choir rehearses at 10:15 SatUrday 7:00 P.M.-E. and T. Foulke mornings. speaking of their y<:ar In Ja-. The nominating _committee for n.is means tIIat Studebaker established two of tile best records pan, at Yearly Meeting. . ThlU"llda,., March Z3 Elders, Trustees and Deacons to be lit tile toughest stock car run in America - proof again that 9:45 A.lo.l. and 2:00 P.M.-'Yearly elected to fill the places of those Meetiog Business Session. members of the boards who rotatStudebaker is your most- economical buy! FrIday, March 24 d t f ff' M ch 19 will 9:45 A.M. and 2:00 P.M.- Yearly e ou 0 0 Ice on ar .'. Meeting Business Session. meet after the church service m AND LOOK AT THIS: 7:00 P.M.-"Pilgrlms of 1950" the choir room to receive sugHera are the gas mileage figure. made REDUCED PRICES on all new 1950 by_ Martha Biehle, at Race St. gestions for nominations from In this cantest by the 4 large.tt~~~ Meeting, Phila. members Of the congregation. Studebakeis save you $86 to '141 lowe.t price cars: Members of the committee _are FIRST CHURCH 01' Share In StudellVer's luccesil Get .h. . .Mflt William Moore, Mrs. Owen W. CHlUsT SCJ1!!NTIaT of Studebak.,·, all-lim. p.ak productlonl Gay, Mrs. C. Russell Phillips, Dr. OF SWARTHIIOlIB DrIve Am.rlc.... mOlt dlaflndl ... car-Ih. Frank Keenen, and .A. Sidney Park Avenue below Harvar« fa_Sf ••llIng car In Stu. . . . . hIstory' Sunda,., . .ell 19 oTo!mson; lr. 11:00 .A.ll.-&mday School 11:00 A.II. - L m. - Sermon OUR POLICY _~~===~==~~===============~~ -------- HOLIDAY MAGAZINE * "Matter" is the subject of the Lesson-8ermon In all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday March 19. The Golden Text is: "The grass wlthereth, the Dower fadeth: but the word of our God shaIl stand for ever." (Isaiah 40:8) America's Finest Men .- , Christian Science Notes Build Your Future with ouquet .' The Monthly Meeting for Business at Swarthmore Meeting on March 21 will be preceded by a covered dish supper In Whittier House at 6:15. Church Service., mGH ,SCHOOL AUDITORIUM SIIIturda;y EvenIng SATURDAY MATINEE Special Kiddies Show - 1 PM "TAR2lAN'S DESEIIJr MYSTERY" Church atof12:30 Thursday nextfrom week.Monday to The Choir Association will meet on Tuesday evening at 8 at the the ~ome of Mr. and Mrs. CharlES Hoover, 613 Yale avenue, Morto!1. The Mission Study Class meets on Wednesday at 2 at the home of Mrs. L. E. Kauffman, 313 Dartmouth avenue. On Thursday evening the Junior Choir has rehearsal at 6:30, the Boy Scouts meet at 7, and the Senior Choir has l-ehearsaI at 7:45. ornIco department of Swarthmore College will speak at the Adult Forum March 19-on "Problems of Social ConDict". The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends held at Race street Meeting House Philadelphia, opens Wednesday, March -22 at 9:45 a. m. and continues through Tuesday March 28 with sessions at 9:45 and 2, and at 7,In the evening. Detailed programs are In the Intelligencer or may be obtained by call1ng'Mrs. J. R. Pennock. THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. "PROFESSOR, HOW COULD YOU?" General Admlssfon 10e o'clock service is "Our Nth In Prayer." The ushers for the day are W. H. Schultz, R. Cassidy, C. W. Dempsey, W. crafts and J. O. Stephens. Helen and Barbara Scott will be In pharge of the Church Nursery during the morning service. The Community Youth Fellowship meets at 6:30 In Trinity Church. Bishop Fred Pierce Corson will be the speaker at the Noon-day Lenten Services In the Arch Street • YE BLACKFRIARS • .. FrIday and Saturday 8WARTIIlIlORE. PA., FRIDAY. MARCH 17, 1950- Presbyterian Notes Dr. and Mrs. David Molander of New, Haven. Conn., are receiv": MEDIA - NOON . . . . c:aA--J4AA'''''''''A); ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~-~~~ fr~s~w~art~~h~m~o~re~~6~-20~80~~~ . DEAD~WEDNESDAY . Dartmou.th & Lafayette Aves. SW' 6-0440 - Entered ... second CiasII Matter, JkIluary 24, 1929, at the Post . Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the , Act 01 March 3, 1879) -.~. sha1l on February 13. I ~ bi,rth Taylor, of a daughter, Mary MarMrs. Taylor is the former MIss· r' Naomi Wright, daughtero~ Dr. and Mrs. Winthrop R. Wright of Whittier place. a .maIl fitted cap of the s"':,e ~'~~~R'~'~,,~~ E. TOI,D, Editor , lIIAR.JORIE TOLD and BAKBABA KENT, AIaoGlaIe Edllen Ro5alle Pelrsol .Lorene McCar\er:.-_ _ _ _ __ "Bob" Atz, Owner MORRIS - HETZEL RIehanI Conte . "WHIRLPOOL" Starting Wednesda:YI~­ - Oreco~ Peek "18 O'CLOCK. mOB" Out o~ j:he Sun ••• the stars . • •. \he . Thunder and the N"Ight , • • to 11ft :JOU -to Heights of Emotion!·· ~ p~S~re6-'" ------~------ ----------PIlTER SERVI(;E Mr. and :Mrs. John M. Taylor of Richmond, Va., announce the· avenu~ THE'SWARTHMOREAN PUBLlSImD BVDlC FRIDAY AT 8WARTII1IloaE. PA 'l'IIE SWARTII1IlORBAN. INC•• PUBLlSIIER LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP BIRTHS ing congratulations upon Ute birth ofa daughter, Susan, on Februari· The marriage of Miss Dixie Het- 19. zel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Molahder Is the former William Ernest Hetzel, Jr., oi- Miss Nancy PrIce of SwarthIThayer road to Mr. Ward Thomas !pore. Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Georllll C. Morris of Troy, took place Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Thatcher Saturday at 6:30 o'clock· in 1:b.e of Mountain Lakes, N. J;, are.beChrist Church, Ridley Park. The ing congratulated on the birth of Rev. William P. C. Loan, minister their second son, Jonathan, on of the churCh, and the Rev. J. March 9. Jarden Guenther of St. Peter's The baby is a grandson of Mr. Church In the Great VaIley, Paoli, and Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of officiated at the ceremony. The bride, given In marriage by Ogden ~er father. wore a gown of ivory FOR satin ma~e with a court train and long tight sleeves. The bodice - MAGAZINE featured marquisette and a Wide SUBSCRI1'TIONS yoke of Point de Leon lace. Her Mrs- IJoyd E. Kallffmaw finger tip veil of illusion fell from / • SAVE TIME I , a GUEST" Presents HN I(The B stu .. dent at Pennsylvania. ·state Col.. lege, is a graduate of the Jefferson Medical College Hospital School of Nursing and is at present anesthetist at Ute MOnroe County General Hospital In East Stroudsburg, having served in a similar capacity in a hospital In Hawall. Mr. Meryweather·is a student in the senior ciass at the East Stroudsburg State Teachers College, having graduated_ from Swarthmore High School. During the war he served In the Second Armored Division under General Patton In Euro~. He will graduate from college In May and plans to enter the field 'of physio-therapy. eM HHM" asl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiii~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Eshieman of Marion, M.as5. announce the engagement of their daughter Geraldine to Steen Loughridge Mery~ weather. son of the Rev. anti Mrs. Thomas A. Meryweather Of Philadelphia, formerly of Swarthmore. The marriage is planned for early June. Miss Eshleman, one time I' , THE SWABTHMOBEAN MARCH 1'1, 1950 ' InMobilgas Grand Canyon 'Eoo~omy RUn ••• WINS AGAIN! Studebaker Land Cruiser with overdrive· wins Class.E Award-averaging 24.887 miles per gallon of gasoUne and making 55.6855 ton miles per gallon! , Stc,adebaker Champion with overdrive proved most economical among all cars 'regardless of price-class or size! It averaged 26.551 miles per gallon of gas! ..-,....---- "Matter." Methodist NoUls Wednesday evenInc mee~ The Sunday School meets at INjCh week._ 8 pm. Readiq room 9:~. TIle young. Adults meet at open daily except Sunday 12 to 5 p.m. Wednewl"7 _ I n . 7,.to 10 o'clock In the Ladies' ParJorL !'he _ _ topic at the 11 7:10 p.m. UMl • to 8:10. Chester and" FaImew Roads PhOlle SWarthmorelo388l FUSCO and ALSTON 1 , MARCH 1'1, It50 THE SWABTBMOBEAN Francis H., Forsythe who is In avenue, Drexel HilL Co-bostesses Florida, MisS Tail6y, Mrs. T. War- wlll be Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of ren Paxson, Mrs. R. M. Hanny, Swarthmore" Mrs. Charles W. Mrs. F. Norton Landon, and other Card and Mrs. Arthur Johnson: members of the art committee. CHARITY Palntfnp Reeeived Sandal' Legion An1riliary to Meet Paintings for exhibition will be Elementary!School Having received at the club on Park ave- An important monthly meeting of the American Legion AuxilCollection March ~ nue on Sunday, March 19 from 2 iary will be held ¥onday, March to 5, with Mrs. Ross W. Marriott, 20 .at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. 20 to Mrs. A. E. Longwell and Mrs. I. John E. Chiquoine of 501 Rutgers Following the successful lead R. MacElwee In charge. avenue. of the combined welfare drive of the high school( the children of , Plan Business Meeting Mrs. Joseph A. Perry of the the elementary schools will next SwarthI\lore Apartments spent A busmess' ting f PED .'_. mee 0 ••• week begin their drive for the Chapter P will be held at 11:45 last week visiting her son-In-law same purpose. Instead Of collec- a. m. today at the home of MrS. and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Russell ting small sums for various char~ John E. Pilton 'of 1002 Childs M. Cook of Montclair, N.J. ities such as Red Cross, Red Feather, Tuberculosis, March of Dimes, Crippled ~hildren, it is planned to have one drive only.' Last fall the children shared salvaged clothing items from ther homes for the Save-the-Ohildren Foundation which is associated is proud to anrwunce its special with the C.A.R.E. program. These clothing items, still ,usable, were brought to school, packed, and sent to the headquarters of the Foundation_ From this point they were distributed to needy cblldren • on Women's and Men's Suits and Coats made in depressed areas of this country, Mrs. William A. Jaquette of bel, Fla., since the middle of JanElm avenUe who had been in Sani- uary; returned home last week. PUPILS CONDUCT EASY. I lUST CHOSE fILTO.· SIBLEY DEKD. DElO COlES • 135 DECORATOR COLORS TO lATCH ANY COLOR SCHEIE. SIICII A IUUTJUL - RlY·1IISI 1101 . . . . .-UII1lIi 1111 ana nails elL011 HOW DID flU EYER GO nr IIIIU_ 29 . HARRIS & COMPANY \ H. D. SIPLER 11 South Road • • 37th and some , were sent abroad. In an attempt to get away from the repeated collecting of small sums of money, it has been decided to try the plan of one combined giving. ThiS campaign will begin March 20 and will extend until March 29. It is hoped that many of the grades will not only collect sums, but will also participate in a work effort to earn money. In times past, through bake sales and other efforts, classes have averaged from $30 to $40 each through their ambitious efforts. Many- will earn this money indivld1llllli through running errands and doing odd jobs. Parents are being asked to c0operate in this worthy plan and to help make the project a big success. HOW TO GET "IN SOLID" as a party-line neighbor " When you play fair and square with your party-line neigh.. bors, they'll give 'IOU a break, too ... and that means good service for all concerned! Here are two suggestions on party-line courtesy: 1) on finding the line in use, hang up gently and give tbe other person a few minutes to finish his call; 2) when, while talking, you realize that your neighbor is waiting to make a call. hang up in a few minutes and feee the line. Eas}', isn't iJ'? ....." T....... em,"", ,1 ....,.,,,,, Band - Orchesti'u Pariy ® •--:-___- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 • DINNER READY? o a wide selection of materials such as: Cheviots, Donegals. Saxony, Worsteds, Gaba~dlnes, Striped Sharkskins, Flannels, Twist Worsted, Bamboo Weave and Many Others ALL ONE PRICE ,S5.00 Also Featuring,: SKIRTS $12 " LADIES' SLACKS $12 , MENS' SLACKS $16 In your choice of our flnetit materials. * * HARRIS & COMPANY TAILORS and FURRIERS II Park Avenue Swarthmore, Pa; AlteratiolUJ. Cleaning and Pressing Phone SWarthmore, 6-0504 • replacement of worn tmiforms. for additional instruments and for various musical activities. Through • the efforts of Mrs. Hans K. Steinfeld several local and Philadelphia radio stations have made spot announcemen,ts of the party which will begin at 8:15 with dessed. served in -the cafeteria room. Thl music of the Serenaders and the quartet will be heard at this time. ~ter the refreshments the program will continue upstairs in the gym, which has been decorated for the occasion by Mr. and Mrs. William Crouthers and their committee. Everyone is reque£ted to bring his own cards. ' Among guests of the Band and Orchestra Association will be Robert Barclay, first violinist of the Wilmington 'Symphony Orchestra and a ·music instructor in Chester, who recently has been named to assist Robert M. Holm with the instrumental work at the Swarthmore school. Other guests lwill be Mrs. Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Holm, Allce Blodgett, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Cole; Mr. and MIt. Albert I.e Conechy of South Chester road ference will get under way at cast and director and seems to were among the patrons for the 10:30 a. m. with a welcoming ad- .......- brought ouCthe best efforts dinner-dance and British Fashion Show "Command Performance" in .kess by Dr. John W. Nason, pres- of the student actors. ident of Swarthmore College. Dean The production will be on the Philadelphia Tuesday evening. Thorndike Saville of New York Clothier Memorial stage at 8:15 Mrs. P. H. Jewett of Kenyon University, the national president p.m. both tonight and tomorrow avenue will attend the Delta Delta Delta luncheon at the Barclay of the American Society for En- night. tomorrow in honor of Dr. Althea gineering Education, will give the reply. / News Notes Hottel, dean of women at the UniThe bulk of the morning session Mrs. William Ward, 3rd of versity of Pennsylvania. wlll be occupied by three ad- Chester, formerly of Swarthmore, Mrs. J.lL Wilson is recuperating dresses., Dr. n,ymond Walters, is entertaining at a luncheon- at her home on Dartmouth avenue President of the University ot bridge at her home today. after being a patient at HahneCln'cinnati, is to sPeak on "indusMr. Donald Smith of Munster, mann Hospital, Philadelphia for try and College Relations." ' Ind., ~ho will spend the weekmonths. , A talk on "Duties of Industry end with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett to Engineering, Education" will be Morse of Parrish road, wlll be ac- formerly residents of South' Chesgiven by E. G. Bailey, and George companied home by his small ter road are now occupying an K. Dreher is to describe "The daughter Dana wbo has been visit- 'apartment in the Swarthmore Graduate's Adjustment Problems ilt Industry." Mr. Bailey Is vice six ing weeks. her grandparents for the past president of Babcock and Wllcox, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ward a New York firm, and Mr. Dreher of Strath Haven avenue have reis a representative of the Foundry turned from a two-week: vacation Educational Foundation, Cleve- at Palm Beach, Fla. Previously land. Mrs. Ward had spent two' weeks at Three panel discussions are Miami. planned for the afternoon session. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, EaA:h panel will be composed of Jr., of, Cedar 'lane entertained' as men from in4ustry and from the week-end,guests Judge and colleges. Mrs. J. E. Bennett of Poland, , ''Psychological Factors ill. Pre- Ohio. They also visited 'their paring Engineers for Industry" is daughter-in-law Mrs. George O. the topic of the first paneL The Bennett who with her young sons second will consider "Immediate George and John is visiting her and Sho!,! Range Employment parents Mr. and Mrs. Bowditch. Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis ProblemS Confronting Engineering Schools, Industry, and Engin- of Wallingford will entertain at eering Graduates." The third will a dinner party for 20' at their consider the "Development of home tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Gezelius Personality Characteristics and Creative Thjnking!t of Wallingford will entettain at a brunch Sunday morning In honor of their week-end guests To See llelicopter Movie Mr.. 'and -Mrs. H. C. Folmer of W. W. Bishop and Warren Jackson Heights, N.Y. Jacobs from Piasecki Helicopter, Miss Dorothy Bernard of U.dOll! wjll be, the guest speakers at a avenue was guest of honor , program at Swarthmore College a miscellaneous shower F.Iiday I ,Wednesday evening, March 22. te,v:eniIlg given by her sister Miss The program is jointly sponsored Mildred Bernard. The marriage by the Swarthmore College Engin- of Miss Bernard to Mr. R. Hebereers' Club and tile Student Chapter ton Butler of South Chester road of the AJnerican Soeiety of Mech- will· take place April 29 in St. anical Engineers. A film will be Peter's Church of the Great Valley. viewed during the program which MisS Mildred Bernard will attend shows some of the development her sister as maid of honor. f work of Piasecki and especially Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Furst its most recent de.-elopment, the of Guernsey road have ..eturned all metal lU'tic Rescuer. The from a five-week v8iCation at , presentation is expected to be only Dunedin, near Clearwater, Fla. semi-technical. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davies The program will be held in of Cedar lane have returned home following a month's vacation Martin auditorium, the building next to the football field, and Clearwater, Fla. will start at 7:15 p.m. The public Mr. Robert S. Clay of Wichiltaj! Kansas has been made is cordially inVited to attend. Editor of the Wichita Beacon. Mr. Refreshments will be sex ved. Clay is the son of 'Mr. and Mrs. William T. Clay of Walnut lane. Mr. ,and Mrs Earl Anderton and Mr. and Mrs. ,C. H. Jegium of daughter Hope' of Riverview road Hillborn avenue wlll entertain as have returrieq from a week's ski- their week-end guest Miss Mary ing trip to Upper Vermont and Theye Worthen of New York City. New York State. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reed of North Chester road will entertain at a dinner party Sunday in honor SAVE TIIURSlDAY, of the Rev. Julius F. Seebach of Merion. MARCH 30 Mrs. William Clay of Walnut f9rtbe is doing Oral Rehabilitation work at the University of PennMother'. Chlb I'MhIm &boW 1IIId(lud . . . . . sylvania Hospital in addition to her work at the Naval HClSPitaJlI at u., W_'. Chlb'l1Ib__ Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence Baxat 8 P. II. ter moved Friday from Harvard Door PlbiE - BefJ : H" avenue to their newly purcbased 750 DONATION home at '120 Ogden' avenue. BY Sau.e, tune, 1Iu,u anJ btouIJls ¢ I Swarthmore .ati.nal Bank & Trud Co. \ Now You can buy U. S. SavInas Bonds automatic.u,throUgh the new Bond-a-Month Plan. AJiI& at ~ J.SaDk , Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation i~p~ar~~b~n~en~ts.~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~i~i;~i~~~~~i~i~~ii~~~~~ii dI~,4 did. 'With Personality! Ihis may not be choice • • • YOUR But we've hats of the finest straw to accent every style of beauty. \ Three Piecers to gladden There's rare drama underfoot. E:tquisite charm throughout your !'ome when you choo.e RALEIGH CARPET. The rich coloringI of RtJeigh adapt quickly to modern or period Jeflingf' III appealinglIfulptured effect combines beauty and luxury with exceptional wear. Si{fJplicity in ' ill dignified Shell and Scroll designs makes il " f"vo'rilr tJf smart decorators. 10 Decorator Color. 27"-9'-12'.15' Widlh., $12.95 sq. yd. • Expert laying by Experienced Craftsmen I En~y the. Mohawk Television Program starring Ro erta Qu,"l~n over WPTZ· TV. Channel 3. Monday Wednesday, Friday at 7.30 P. M. ' (PAulson It Com"""" ,"'- ...,,~ II....... ".arJM!"••• CompI ... Size Ran. . . Oalealal . . . . SW l.a,mO" Ave~ Swarlhmore, fa., 6-6Q!IO - CLearbrook 9-4646 ,100 Pr ~= tn. ~t~~·~foh::l~~Btri"'; I;;:';';; ~~ sa~.~, li""!h ~. ~ ° : ~;;d~iiS' .'!"~ to ';" po! h'lyte'.::.. IWO . !,~d .::.~. aDd ii~tj b.oce _.n ~ .~. 90~ I ~nd~~d,_~ff.eet~,: .to~a polot '0 _~e ",~, .J!!wt ,0' ~,,!v"- • I ' . COlnlBCTIOI - i ,.8.0' iiii ~rov,<;. ,~o~ alo~~i'r"·Q'~I·~'1.eJ: POlO'. comer and place ° ~i:l;~.AN.D S~~ r::ma lint mort. ~~;d~~:""~W;';"] 0 "1th In- ~':; _ "':C' • .,. a l~' "!'!'" .• I...... of .... :x :; III~;;;~~~~~~~~~~ ~o:~;"';: ~ ~!"nt:rkw.::: -;; ~.and Y. witll Mrs. AJ;thur Beaven of Baltimore, Md. . Marce and Dot ' ~role. . ServiCe SPIilClALlZING '-""_ . ,' '5 IN Batre" 8~ , CoeIdaiI PIIriI.. Call References supplied. Write or Teliephone R. Graybill, Branch Manager, 4455 N. 6th Street, Philadelphia. Gladstone 5-6990.,,,_-=::;;--;;;:;=,=;;;;;; WANTED Small housekeeping apartment, furnished or unfur" nlshed; by Swarthm.ore resident. to ~x M, The Swarth- MIl r. ..... &. ''- \ , . ..:; Swarthmore Dispol'J Weekl;r or Honlhly WARREN PIBKC3 Swarthmore 8-2"",. u, ~~~~~~~~::~~~ W AN'l'ED-Typlng to do at home. Experienced. Call Swarthmore 6-1390. PETER Eo TOLD All LInea or _ 333 Dartmouth Avenue . WAITING MD Rubbish Collection : if ·'tWO PHONES j , l. :;: Spies will arrive Saturday for the ' weekend. ., rUA Mrs. James B. Cooper .of Par- FOR RENT-Two apartments, E. rish road entertained at a benefit L .•!U~~~. & C.ompany. SwarthCarleton W. Mayo card party at her home Thursday "m~o~rer-'-=a II-U~lll1#.:' ..·::uiifuirni~;,4 ..... home :foliowing a week's motor FOR SAT,E-Forty shares Con- iII ~ SWARTHMORE. PA. I '!~,~ h~~ trlpto Hot. Springs, Va. They l~,sumfers' Cooperative Association !..A,JO!1ue were ·accompanied home by Mr. . Swarthmore, Inc., $160.00. HeWILLIAM BROOKS C Delaware eounly, I . Box 0, The Swarthmorean. ServIns Swarthmore, Morr •• n.!' A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., of La!-=-=-...n:;-,;; Ash.. & Rubbish Rem..oved ton, RuUedle and Ridley .;...~a-aT~_~~:f!'~LjiS::-~" __ ayette avenue who had' joined Y!'~:-.:I!oil Lawns mowed, General · T.ownship since .191' ._~nieal , ~~%£. them at Hot Springs for several WANTED-Used furniture. A:ny Hllulln& S.'tERIFF;S· ~ days.. ~in bought and 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. 'PIIONE: . Maid: ";i...:"o.PA. Miss Anne J. Perkins of Cedar I.... ~~~~~~~~~~~ _ ",.'.' A ~.. I TIm. lane entertained Miss Jane War" ;:"~p person,lF ~~~~~;;;;~~~~~ toted h_~~. "m. ..... cas} or ~jn»d class- day ~~( ~ ."!ld c~king" JAMES E. LAMB ".,--~-. '".• ' n.':.: ren.of Dover' Del. • ' a f.ormer • Live mThursboth ~fs..- 9Ui.e.r~ ; on cIa,- of .:::••- mate at the UWVeJ'Slty ..of Dela- nights. References required. Ex- l'LUlIIBING AND JllllA'HMQ enF;k~~tj:r~:~"!.' No. ware, as her recent week"end cellent salary. Phone Media R.tered in Swu1hznKe MoL. '''[ piece guest. 6__-2;:7"7;5,,,,:......· -;;;::-"=;:-;::=,,-,_~:::th~~~O(!l_ i Mrs.JosephH.Perkins.ofCedar WANTED-T.o rent houSe in deDial Ch....... 111M . !!!enta,. .~ S~! lane returned from a week's visit area by responsible party RIdley . J. A. GR.EEN I ______.J' ..__________ QS(D Tea v ••• 2Sc I ....' .. 49c ltipation. Spot reducln& by I?eWar. 0Ul Beatrice S<:hmic1t, Swarthmore ," ,_ _ .• vacuum and other appliances repair_ eel. Prompt service Robert Brooks, SWarthmore 6~1548. = J~~ .F()o~~D~__ knitting bag, contain- and rolllog ~·c Ih. . a~d per, , Ih~ ~~~j.!'.rk·wlth the ...:~IJOD 1~1.~~ :'~;;d tYI~.'-..,,~~~orl' All' 'O~:0t!i~. anr:~ F~~:ilub:',!~ t , trade-in today Phone Swarthmore fuUQii :~ l.ocal Branch of the Red Cnlss, en- ... for tertained at a tea Friday for tiray ~ Lad,ies. ~. Willard Rice, vicedividua1Iy or Mart:h i5." -'i ., fb' .:'·no:,' '~r,8r" ~10 t\prJl, ~~ at n. -a St:rled,.~o. r 'I'.!Ia' !!.~.r. " ,. i' , Prloed ,for ,You IJlBtn lIoal bud«el '!IU • Gltanlt&, '-3858 .!.fll",,~~~g '. - Color'I .. ..deas You can buy on WY TERMSI FUEL OIL work doae to Fire Underwriten' apecificatlonll. Service on ~- WANTED-T.o rent, furnished or era, vacuum cleaners, raJII-' unfurnished house, by former irons toasters fllI18, lam- Call Swarthmore family of four. Call Elich' H. H ' El·.......... cal· Clan" Media 6-2971 ausen, ~... . . tractor, Swarthmore G·28DO. 3S5 nn.. Club -'--'- for Park avenue. I "~ pnn~' PEll.80NAL Medical Massaael Call F.~~ m e ouse. for wry neck, tense nerv.... COIl" ;:;mn DaD~ ir~.~~~~~~~~~~~ iEN . :n I.. ~'~.. J)tat\Detlve ' MATERIAL BURNERS Bruce Mylrea a member of the 1949. High School graduating cIass who was awarded a NltOTC schol'ty has Uni hi ars to Duke Versl in •. two beenpawarded membership fr temiti Pi Eta Sigma honor a es for' his e~ceUent grades and Beta Omega SJgIna [or ~eadership and i Mrs.l. . and~ II BUILDING, on. :1'';;;;= ~:.~..:;;,~~ of. Harvard avenue are entertain-I applying and roiling a.,. ing Mr. Craem:r's sister artmto t with.~ k ma,n .!! ,IODB ., Bituminous' ~~'. George R. SPies of . ' eepmg ap en congen. 10 be treated. Heights N Y A son Rob..... A. lal· man. Box N, The Swarth" IT,H' SHARP CBEaE Ib 69c Natural Cure. Well Aged. and inataIlation, residential uuII 1:§ANTED.o~E_.~~~~~~~~ room, ~~ girl . ar: .....rv.. YALE AVEl\"UE and CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore 6-1250 "1 saw, It In The Swarthmorean." wIrIn& H.S. Grad Honered' At Duke lo~, 1 •. ' ... ' Pho,!-e 8,w,arthmore 6-2526 Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Heinze of Strath Haven avenue have returned home following a montb's trip to South America. . Todd Hayes, two year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. James Hayes of Wallingford, celebrated his' an" 'niversary last Wednesday by entertaining 16 of his young friends at a birthday party at the home of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett of Garrett avenue. PERSONAL PmRSONAL - Electrical chairman of the native speaking lady. Call Swarth)'OR B1!>s. Pennsylvania Chapter of ., more 6-2076::,._====--:.::==:: ~I,t' u::'~r' be 'nb~':'~ Ladies as guest of honor ad" PERSON~ - P:unter, formm:ly ber. 0', HRII .n Pa., o n ' ' B o s s Pamter With George Gil" !,pr "_~~~O~iiil~:j"P'~::'~!ler~a~~ dressed the Mrs. group.. . lespie and Charles tr;'i,!lol~: Mr. and William Swarthmore 6-4251.Fischer. "Call Driveway ConstruCtiOIl , Extra 0dulJ-· Add water. mill and bob o manuscript }.or- at;C:k ~ about 300 'Pages. Phone Swarthre 6 6689 IT-a." ' PETER DI NICOLA Dr. Henry Pratt Fairchild, professor emeritus of sociology of New York University, was the speaker for the Stated Meeting of the Swarthmore Woman's Club held Tuesday, March 14. He was introduced by Mrs. Donald L: Hibbard, chaIrman of the program committee. In his talk on "The New .Balkans" Dr., Fairchild presented his impressions of these countries gained in a trip last summer behind "The Iron. Curtain." A question period and discussion followed the lecture. Mrs. Walter O. Heinze was in Qltarge of the tea with Mrs. Donidd L .. Hibbard and Mrs. Frank H. McCowan at the tea table. ~~ !hail _of ::'ay fo:e !o th~bo"lce of rlghlto reJ",1 T!,;. ~~~~,~ ~I~.. -"l!liiol\) Women Hear New Balkans Talk At Tues. Meeting 4SC Ib Ib -~t extra currloular accomplishment. Bruce is a member of the freshork-o man swimming team, the Men's g ~r~,iiig. aod ., . . . •• of. A.enu, 'O~, r.~;~ Glee Club ~ 15 pledged to SJgIna JnlOo .10 aft!'.'oo. !rr~ pia;'~ a.~d Alpha Epsilon fraternity.. ::;~Ii l"hlch .m~l ~ seeD. at the •;r:}},~I~~r must. A ..~~ News Notes o.m!~~"~ 10m the and thT.. :0 MrS. LaRue Hendrixson of North ,A. Mercer QUinby The. BEST TUNE-UP IN TOWNI former Swarthmore resident, 6 E. Front Street, Media. . "'~py _ P~ ,reo laneen••, Brand Turkeys are young. tend.r and broad breasted. I.e.. Gl'OIIIId Beef Brisket Coraed. Beef "."l;:'''t;;.':,"'1ft. CLASSIFIED Half-Centuryltes Organiq Baltimore· and ~th Avenues, . will The NIft;y Fifty Club, being or- Media. MrsIn1lef~Emi!yted f!o;JUt ~~ The Open House Group ganized In Media and surrounding contact. • _ ....uu, Group to Meet Monday EN~INE ,'I THE SWABTHMOREAN MAaCJIlT,1950 DaI17 and San4ar 8. ,Ioe III S. M. HARBISON Telephone Med\a 8-2008 A. R. McMinn . TBLEVISION and RADIO REPAIRS BLBCTBIO aANGBS and BOT WATER IlBATERS·INSTAI,um OOIll'LETE WIRING SERVICE Jr Call 8wu&hmon .-o"e for Faler and Better Service 00[,/.10:(; ,.; LIRH\R I Y \ . ~8=====-____~-=-===~~=-______~__~T~H~E~S~lV~A~B~T!lH~M~'O~B~E:A:.~N~~__~;:-:_~-:_·-:~~____~MA:,:BCH::~1~7;,!.~;:M ·BLACKFRIARS TO PRESENT COMEDY H.S. Actors Rehearsing March 2S Play The three-act comedy, "Professor, How Could You?" will be given at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, March 25, in the High School Auditorium, by Ye Old f Blackfriars. It will be school aramatic association's big performance of the year an d many laughs are promised. Leads are taken by Harlan Jessup, Pauline Beneke, and John Chapman, who was seen in the senior play, uThe Barretts of Wimpole Street." Harlan portrays the Professor, who won't have anything to do with "modern girls" until he is asked to become dean and finds he must have a wife! Pauline plays the part of Vicky Randall, a young co-ed who enCOWlters all sorts of difficulties with the' Professor. John play.Grandpa, just "an innocent bystander." Other players are Sally Hawk, (Grandma, the loving grandmother of the Professor); Dave Cox (Boggins, the faithful butler); Ralph Parris, also seen in the "Barretts," (John Appleby); Barbara Thorbahn, a Players Club .lpLAYERS G' IV'E ·OSBORN FANTASY Iy and sympathetically by Busoell·'·joys her crotchety Perhaps Gibson, already flrmly established the t.est tribute to Dr. Evans ... In the club's affections ,by his played Walter G •. Ziesmer is (Continued from page one) previous roles, and by Preston the quite general audience feeling Hollander inaking an' interesting that it only he would volunteer to first appearanee in the arduous 'raise Pud, Gramps could go with role of Pud. Elizabeth May Rob- Mr. Brink quite happily. erts and l\.{ary Ryan O'Brien alLewis Goodenough as Lawyer' ternate In the role of gentle "Mills Pilbeam, George H. Jarden as Mr. Nellie", bringing to It their very Grimes, CyrU Harvey as the Sherreal t a l e n t s . ' iU, Michael Casacclo and WIlliam Ellzabeln Garrett Hayes is sat~ Swezey, workmen, Robert Perce Isfylng and pleasing as the young,: the boy who likes apples, loving Marcy. Mary P. Plowman tribute nice variety t.o lne' cast. as "pismire" Demetria ~ little As for the apple tree, - it mighty disagreeable but the audience en-. nearly stealS lne honors. Pending the outcome of camplete investigation no definite statement as to the' origin of the fire can be made. However, liremen ventured guesses that it was caused- by a short circuited wire in th~ loft or by a spark from the chimney. Maximum insurance of about .$ 0 I' f th 100,00 , exc USlve 0 ano er upproximate $12,000 on Library contents, was In effect. In addition to complete loss Of roof and third floor, considerable water damage was sustained by lower stories and floors had to be chopped for drain>age of water to avoid risk of the building's collapse. The Swarthmore Recreation Association adjourned its meeting in the Council Chamber at 10:05 p.m. with no idea of what must have been smouldering overhead arid was to burst forth with such force a half-hour ·later. The Paul Osborn's ''On Bonowed Time" provides· unusual lare at the Players Club this week' Its stage se~ting Is a triumph of achievement even for the always adequate stage managers of this organization. It's worth the vlewing tonight or tomorrow night, in the shows final performance. Dr. A. F. Jackson one of the club's most beloved and respected derful piebaker) and Tom Simp- J'1H¥ ~~~~ea::::;~n~a:nm:~~c~ :r~: Keep In Step With The Band Keep In Tune With The Orchestra SUPPORT SWARTHMORE'S YOUNG MUSICIANS ST. PATRICK'S DAY DESSERT-BRIDGE and CANAiSTA PARTY . TONIGHT, FRIDAy•• MARCH 17 at 8:15 i'.M. Library had been open until 9 production are played Interestingpm. for the return of hapless books and the salvation of the DUCK few issued that night unaware of the menace above the ceiling C'LUB Thursday morning . Assistant President James Perkins of D A1t.TrJi' Swarthmore College boosted the morale of those whose minds f;:::r, fr~~l~~ee ~~i~r;;.~7' ~iC~ dwelt on the sodden tomes that· Thompson (Priscilla Morley, the were the joy of citizens young and steady going girl); Milly McCowan old, by offering a contribution (Tootsie Bean, the healthy, won- from the College's books. The mGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA and GYM TICKETS 75c i~~~~~~~~~~~ii;i~~~~~~~iiii~~~~~~~~ Jl.ay O"d lobs 0' B"aads '1 Can on a,n 'elementary school child - he will helpyo~ and yon will help hi~ earn hi,s share SATURDAY MAYS 'Russ Ilann'an's Orchestra I ..m- I the dreamlike sequence. Gramps' and Pud who pace the CHARITIES 'DRIVE • March 20 to 29. Celia Building, THE SWARTH- i~====~~~~~==~~:::==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' MOREAN moved back its newspaper equipment to make room for the Borough Secretary and his work, the Woman's Club oUered shelter to the Health Society and I a m.eetin g place for the Library Board last night and a Council emergency session tonight. In ad- • . , dilion to the loss of undistributed; i N eediework Guild supplies siored I on the third floor the Health'l ,, - -t . Society is saddened by the damage t: , to its newly refurnished and equipped nurses room on the second floor the s!?"t where Red,' .,i Cross bandages were made during' the war, and where the Christian ! ,. Science Church formerly mam.·- ', tained a reading room. What happens from here on is a matter of high, general conjee-! ture. Out of calamity sometimes I emerge bright vistas. EV\!l'.YODe' breathes a hope that t<>da3"s sad- I Red Cross Quota ness can be turned to new happi- I (Continued from page one) , ness for future generations of I erans' Administration Hospitill at Swarthmoreans through recon- ! Coatesville and provided radios, struction Of a superior municipall " television sets, books and other and community center. . useful items 'for the 6,000 servicemen and veterans hospitalized in this area. y ... ha... heard of him boIore, read about him in the obiluari~ ..... , Handles School Matters It's volunteer MotOJ' SenlF;ice CII$ICd him whtn driving. Mr. Jaywalker is the habitually im:opoGo , -covered 291,370 miles of varied lible pedeatriao who a",:ounted for 49% of Pennsylvania'. rnftio: (Contin:ued from page one) . aSSignments; through it's Junior fatalities lase year. 673 of hi. kind were ci..... ride 10 the moraucRed Cross, pupils in 792 schools $7,000 in state aid under the new I Thou:roods more w ...t. 10 tho hospital. T1w•• aeriOUl- but what io It is I shipped 10,448 gift boxes overseas; tax equllization program wane 421 wen: killed in the Ii"" oevm months of this year. ao increae the Gray Ladies in this area gave estimated the county as ~ whole! of ~ over a like period of 1945. Arc: you SIllrtled? I 127,505 hours of volunteer service-', will sustain a. net loss in the If you have any japwalkinll ....denci.. in your make"up, dimioaa: Mr. Canteen Workers served 85,000 neighborhood of $130,000 under thns-1 when you venlUre inlO traffic. Yet i. rcqui,.,. only !he simpl.. appt;. coffee along with gallons of milk Ing state funds for schools, and ofca.ion of • little conunon sense and patience to qui. bein'il'jo)'" , and inumerable cookies and pies; licials hope the next' session Of' walker. Cross Itt..., and hill:hw.y. where you should - when ,... AUlIt financial help was given in 92 the Legislature will grant some: should. Don·t pit your body apillSt .petdinl metal; it woo't wilL I local incidents through the Dis- relief In the current financial I Livinll: isallrotlt adventure. Why CUt it ohon beton:.,...rlimt. handicap. aster Service. 11'011 "'/el6 tIIItl -Iiw 1011/1,,1 ,The Blood Center, since its ". It was announced the high ,. opening last Ap.ril has distributed school sports 'program will feature ;".' ~-. 2.8,000 pints of whole blood in the baseball and track, with a small DSIRVI ALL metropolitan Philadelphia area in lacrosse program being continued. IAnlC RULli addition to meeting its full blood A meeting with teachers for ..... y~u. CAR needs for the entire Southeastern the discussion of the loc~ edueOOD "'AIR Pennsylvania area; and 3,658 men cational program was scheduled and women have completed C01lrS- for April 25, The Board adjourned • es in the Safety Services. until. April 4 when it will reconThe Fund Drive for 1950 will vene to consider other business continue throughout March. and to work plans for the 1950-51 school year budget. kins (Tootsie's protecting brother Butcher Boy, who "takes care of" men who might dare to jilt his 4Ilittle sister"). All players add to the confusion which results from the Professor's search for a bride. This is. the type Of play Ye Blackfriars have · handled well in the past, and under the direction of Henry F. Hofman should prove another success. Committees are as follows: make up, Marge Croco and Mary Dick7 inson; properties Sandy Ford, Clair Scholl, Judy Pennock; costumes, Chris Ford; stageset, Charles Acker, Joe McHenry, Dick McCormick; lighting, Don Fetherolf, Ray Denworth, John Pearson; ticket sales, Nancy Wrightsman; publicity, Mary Ellen Hopper, Sally Gaskill; program. Ann de . Furia, Polly Toldj directors, Jean Holman and Ann·Denworth. I , I ! I SOONER or LA TER- MR. JAY W A L K E'R GETS A RID E I I , I \ 1---..--.----------------------.' Adolph's Barber Shop The Bouquet . MartelJirothen Bumaey'l Chevnlet College Theatre GntL 800UT NO'l'J!lS · Girl Scouts of the nine troops of Swarthmore sold 2,418 boxes In the sale of Girl Scout cookies In the month long project that closed March 10. Of the total $846.30 earned for the county, the combined troops will receive $72.64 as their percentage. . Hollyhock Gift 1!!IbcJp, The troops aDd their leaders wish to express their appreciation BalIIwvie PIke, Sprlndhlt, ... Strath Haven IJm to the community for their co-MIt Micltaei'. ceUep operatioq in I this anmla] sale. no. ............. ~hatmaq , ALL by direetors heads th~ production and plays the control role Of Mr. Brink in the genUe fantasy whicl) has become familiar to theater goers since its first presentation 13 seasons ago. Despite the somber ?~­ tones,the play>wright has created aloo many delightfully varied situations which combine to lighten . w~. Night BWZie D estroys Portion 0/ Borough Hall r __ (:harles Fischer • Joyee r.-u' Dew Drop Inn lV•. MadE Bittle Alice Barber, Gifts ThelngJeneuk :I. A. G_D Fusco imd Alston B. J. Hoy 5 and 10 Peter E Told Baird and Bird . E. L N01'es and Buchner's Swarthmole Co-op eo. , NOW THE SWARTHMOREAN - VOLUME 22,-NUMBEB 12. - " , \ = SWARTHMO~ TOWN MEETING WEDNESDAY TO DISCUSS REBUILDING BORO' HALL · ... TZUat·~· , CROSS DRIVE - FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1950 Emergeocy Call Mrs. Birney K. Morse, president of . the Swartbmore Branch of Neediework Guild announces an emergency ingathering of new Infants clothing to replace the clothing stored for distribution in the Community Health Society office, which ;was destroyed by th.e Borough Hall fire. mn>.ctoljs have already been alerted and are calling on their members for help. All garments or gifts of money should be in the hands of directors this week, or brought to the home of Mrs. Morse, 742 Harvard avenue by Monday, March 27. Mrs. Elizabeth Groff stated that six layettes will be needed in the next few weeks: additional garments are also in demand to take care of distribution until the annual Ingathering in October. .== • $3.50 PER YEAR COUNCIL CALLS .ATOWN MEETING The Town Meeting called by Borough Councl1 for 7:30 Wednesday night is a challenge to this community to put on its thinking cap. Theorizing about Borough Ball has 'been community sport for decades. Wcdnesday night's meeting offers Swarthmore taxpayers a chance to Council Calls For Citizens'. Th1Jughts on Plans For speak their minds on the future home of the Borough's Government. Early in L'>e year, a famed educator told a Swarthmore audience New Community Center; Session To Be ' that a predominant American sin is the electing of public oUicials who Held In H. S. Auditodum are ;prompUy forgotten until some act of theirs draws mass criticism. Council's call to a Town Meeting Is evidence not only of its faith in Following an emergency meeting at the Columbia avenue ho~e the vote.." who elect it but an attempt to learn the articulate wisIh of the president H. Llndiey Peel last Thursday evening and another of the electorate. It is eVidence that the Borough Fathers understaaJd session Monday night in th~ Swarthmore National Bank, Borough that Borough Hall with the many activities which carry on under its Council has called a town meeting for 7:30 Wednesday evening, roof is important to Swarthmore resident., important enough for ,March 29. them to have a direct say in the decision about its future. The purpose of the meeting, which will be, held In the high For a community of this size, and although we like to think it school auditorium, is to weigh public opinion In regard to the remighty in influence we must admit its smallness in population, a building of the fire-gutted Borough Hall, possible construction of lot of industry, activity, safeguarding the health and safety of the a new building, cost of such measures and consideration of a b~nd people has gone on in the daily routine of the old Borough Hall. The issue to take care of purchase of the adjoining lot and the building Borough OUice is the administrative center of borough existence. proje~t. It aids and records the daily life of the Borough. The police headfl'entative plans, drawn a t ! i l - - - - - - - - - - - - - quarters were a protective necessity and with the radio functioned as a nerve center for 10 neighboring communities. The Volunteer Fire' Department lias' contributed much to the excitement and activity of well-known architect and former Borough Hall life. Its'protection of the property and welfare of president of Council, and will be the community cannot be estimated in dollars. Its closeness to the discussed at·. the town meeting. police and radio aids ils efficiency. One plan called for remodelling 'The Swarthmore Public Library by fortunate circumstance of the present structure with ad:::ntC1nh's o! Council's protective interest within the limitations of the state dition of a wing; another for the code owes, first its existence and later its steady growth to Borough restoration of the masonry section Tuesday Hall quarters since 1929, which saved its funds from the drain of mainof the original building, to a twoLocal Health Nurse tenance or rent. The Community Health Society has been quartered story height and then constructEllmbeth Dunning, contralto Earns Service in Borough Hall for the past 27 years, making a contribution to the Ing a separate building in the new soloist of Union Temple, !Brookhealth of the Borough which defies dollar valuation. In 1949 over lot. lyn, will be heard in recital at the Award 1100. visits of bedside care were made in the borough by its nurse~. A $500 option on the lot which Woman's Club's reci;procity tea Dorothy M. Sidner, R. N., staff Only 60 per cent of those were paid visits. lies between Borough Hall and In the elubhouse Tuesday, Mar'ch nurse for the local Community What would you like to see In the Borough Hall of the future? the Methodist Church was signed 28, at 1:45 p. m. Health Society was surprised and Ideally, every Swarthmoreafl wishes the rebuilt or added to Borough Monday evening_by Council. The !MisliDunnIng formerly was 00signally hOlllored Thursday night Hall to be a building commensurate with the potential need of this ground which extends approxi- loist at Temple Emanu-El, New mately 225 feet on the Park and York. Besides her work at Union: when she received the Pennsyl- community. Practically, if we can keep in mind the possible size 'Lafayette avenue sides and . is Temple, she Is soloist at a Ohris- vania - State Nurses' Association and tax yield of the borough and see its services in their true perbronze medal for distinguished spective, this ideal is not impossible of achievement. No one questions about 160 feet wide, was. oUered !lao Science Church in New Jer'service .to nursing in 1949 in the the need for more adequate quarters for the Borough Office and for to the Borough at a price of $37,500 sey. She has sung under the di~ by its owner Dr. William Earl rection of such famous, conductors "rea. Competition for the award a. council rao'm large enough to bouse a public hearing of some size. Included five coUnties, Mongom- No Swarthmore resident who has ever needed police or fire protection Kistler ot: Park avenue. as Rodz~ and Toscanini, .and ery, 'Bucks, Philadelphia, Chester, will quarrel with the reasonableness of the supposition that police , At the Thursday session Council during the past year, has made and volunteer fire company will be given adequate and corofortable authorized the establishment of tbree._ concert tOW's singing ~ and Delaware. MIss Sidner was choSen for bet houSing." . . temporary police and borough Cleveland, Chicago, Kense's City, outstanding work in establishing Dwling the' fire and since, the wishful thought on everyone's secretary headquarters in The Detroit, Norfolk, Washington and a Child Health Center for the lo- lips has been, "Now at last we may have a library on the first floor.n Swarthmorean building, 333 Dart- BaltimQl'e. cal agency in Woodlyn, Ridley mouth avenue and accepted the The afternoon shoUld prove a Township, and for her ....ork in 3025 residents of Swarthmore, 2/3 of these adults and 1/3 children, College's oUer to hbuse the police delightful affaIr for elubmembers the Nurses' . Association on the use the library which circulated 45,000 volumes in 1949. Many older people would use it but have been unable to climb the long flight radio system at Hicks Hall. ~t and their honored guests, the committee for economic securi- of stairs to its former quarters. A first floor library wing, or first was felt .proximity to the railroad's presidents Of all the Women's ty for all public health nurses. floor larger quarters in a rebuilt Borough Hall is the ardent hope of high tension w:ires would Interfere Clubs in Delaware County. Mrs. Her nominations for the award, the majority of Swarthmore residents. with the radio's operation were it Francis Forsythe, president· of the one of which was sent by the WoThe nursing agency earns, as an integral and efficient part of the placed at the temporary police Swarthmore Club will head local man's Club of Swarthmore, health setup of the borough, continued housing in Borough Hall. The headquarters. .The Woman's Club club oUicers In the receiving line. praised .her valu"'le service to increase in long-term illness of the aged is piling up nUrsing bedoUer of its building for meetings At the tea table Mrs. Peter E. nursing and nurses. A panel of 14 side Yisits in our borough. The more general use of the nurses for was noted with app~eciation but Told, Mrs. John E. Michael, Mrs. judges representing Civic, !Medino action was taken. K M'orse and Mrs. S Birney.. . cal, Nursing Associations, and Wo- home care of newborn village infants is a growing health service. The fact that hundreds of Swarthmore women are now voluntarily Holders to Retain Library Books Murray Viele will. pour. Tea is man's Clubs selected Miss Sidn... at work sewing garments to replace Needlework. Guild contributions The College through James in charge of Mrs. William E. Hetlost in the fire, bears witness to the place the Community Health Perkins, . assistant to President ze, I J r., !Mrs. C.C. Fr'ank,Mr s .R. fr~ the. nominations .~ved. Miss Sldner's home lS ill Ch"':- Center holds in the heart of Swarthmore. The Legion Room has John Nason, made the Public Li- BlaIr PrIce and Mrs. Walter O. ter .. She Is a graduate o~ the UOlserved the community's returned veterans as 'a meeting place. If it is brary an oUer of some of the Heinze. vel"Slty ~f P~~vaaua Sdhool .the Legion's desire to continue in Borough Hall, it is Inconceivable that college's books when new quarters I o.f Public ~th. \Sfle served anyone will protest so small a recognitior, of community indebtedness. for the town organization were five year~ mthe Army Nurse There will be other concepts of a community building to be found. The board of directors of Corps dunng the war and came. to presented at Wednesday night's meeting. Whatever happens there, the Swarthmore Public Library Swarthmore agency upon dis- the meeting will be democracy in action on the local level. You may Association, meeting at the home charge. be driven to attend the meeting by an urge to express constructive of its president Dr. John Alfred Dr. Rex. S Clements, pastor of thought. You may be compelled to attend by your acceptance of Calhoun on Elm avenue last · th al the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian citizen responsibility which is the hope of and paymen~ for democracy. ThUrsday even\ng, passed' a resEac h week, d urmg e annu Church and president ot the olution providing that borrowers fUnd drive for the Red Cross, the Phlladelphia Council of Church~ You may attend out of sheer curiosity. Whatever the motive, it's an rted t excililig thing in this moment in world history to live in a country should retain all books now in progress of the '..... arive is repo a es . presented the medal. to which permits a voice in the shaping of a borough pattern. Let us their possession until further not the proper chaper. Miss Sidner .at a dinner meeting . therefore ..be community-minded Wednesday night, that we may tice, all fines being waived for the Last week, the reported average preserve the best. of our Borough life as we share in planning ils present. for 27 ibranches was 30%. The avfuture. (continued on page seven) erage for the Swarthmore Branch, as reported at .the Chapter meetI . For The People Of Stade Thanks School Supporters .JOHN M. HENRY ing and in last :week's SwarthmorA Minstrel Variety Show to be Clarence C. P'ranck chairman of Funeral services were held Fri- ean was just 30%. given by the students of Swarththe Band and Orchestra Parents day for John M. Henry of Brook- . Mrs. John L. Good, treasurer, more High School for >the benefit Association thanks the many line, father of Mrs. Elizabeth Anne reports that 60% of the SwarthThe annual fashion show and of the .people of Stade, Gerlnany, friend whose cooperation and supGroU of X.ansdowne, Director of more quota of $8,500 has now been card party gived by the Mother's will be held in Clothier, FrIday, port enabled Friday's benefit card Community Health Society of Cenreached. Club will be held m the Woman's March '31 at 8 .p. m. party to raise $400. tral Delaware County. Clubhouse neXt Thursday evenMr. Henry, a former food broker Listed here are the 18 services and manufacturer's agent for 40 thrQugh which the Red Cross op- Ing March 30, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. H. L. Kalbach Is chairman years died Monday, March 13 at erates: canteen services; arts and skills; Motor service; Gray Laof the fashion show. Serving with his h ome. H e:was 71 . Friday, March 24 2:00 and 5:00 P.M.-Art Exhibition .......................... Woman's Club In addition to Mrs. Groff he is ties; saf~ty services; social welfare her as co-chairmen are ,Mrs. H. C. . Saturday, March 25 survived by his wife Alice; two and supply; production service; Campbell, Mrs. Robert Meserve 10:30 A.M.-Engineering Conference .............................. Clothier sons John Jr. of Omaha Nebr., Nurses' Aides', disas.ter service·, and Mrs. Bruce D. Smith. Day8:15 P.M.-uProfessor, How Could You" .................. High School Lawrence of Brookline; and a nursing services;. home service; time and evening wear, fasbioos Sunda)', llIanIh 26 daughter :Margaret, at home. Junior Red Cross; college activi- for at home or away, will be fea11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship .............................. Local Churches 2:00 t.o 6:00 P.M.-Exhibition Tea .......................... Woman's Club Solemn Requiem Mass was sung dies; enterUilnment, instruction tured for the young and older maMonl1a,y, llIanIh 27 trons. Models will be Mni. E. H. at the Church of the Annuncia- aldes and staffaldes. 10:00 A.M.-Interscholastic Tennis-Slngles ............ Field House tion, Brookline interment in When the fire at Borough Hall. Bauer, Mrs. A. R. 'Crawford, Mrs. Tuesd.,., March 28 , ' Holy Cross Cemetery Yeadon broke out last week, Mrs. ~~W~ ..~ Ford L. Johnson, Mrs. Charles C, 1:45 P.M.'-Reciprocity Tea .................................... Woman's Club _ _ _ _ _' _ Karns, chairman of' the Swarth- Kilne, Mrs. Robert. Pflefer, iMrs. 2:00 p.lIL-Interscholastic Tennis-Doubles .............. Field House 8:30 -Music Club .n................................................. Whittier House Donald Flugh,f4rs. W.-B. Pugh Jr., Mr. and Mrs. .Willard TMilinson more disa ......r' service reported Weer-! March 18 of South Chester road spent the promptly and offered the services Mrs. C. WiUla m Ramsey;Mn. H. 7:30 P.M.-Town Meetln& ................................._....... High 'School ins of College Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman and the performance of the Players avenue is on the dean's list at the Mrs. Edward E. Thomas of "Apple Club Saturday evening followed College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio . brook", Park avenue have returned by a supper party at their home. for high scholarship. . Mrs. Donald P. Jones of North Jeryl Faulkoer of Dickinson home after a month in tlte south. Swarthmore avenue entertained at avenue entertained a group of They visited New Orleans, Mobile, a luncheon at her hallie Tuesday Swarthmore High School seniors Birmingham, and Natehez, and were the guests of their cousins in honor of Pal Told of Park ave- at her home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Watson and nue and her classmate Anne Doody Mrs. Edward O. Thomas of Miss Miriam' Watson at Enola of Brockton, Mass. The girls are t..:'edar lane returned home 'Friday Plantation, Tensas Parrish, La., on spring vacation from Sargent following a two:-month vacation in for two and a-half weeks. College, ,Cambridge, Mass. Lake Wales, Fla. Ann Gibson of Elm avenue arMr. and Mrs. William B. Bullock Carter Davison is spending a of Cedar lane entertained their rived home Friday ITom Pembroke College of Brown University two-day holiday with his parents club at a dinner-bridge at their to vacation until next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davison of home Saturday evening. Ann is e~tertaining as her house Vassar avenue. He has just fin.. guests, classmates Madeline Con- ished a road trip with the SpringYERXA - KAYE lisse of Washington, D.C., and field College lacrosse team, in Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HarrIson Anne Kullman of Cincinnati, Ohio. which il played Western MaryMrs. R. M. Kilgore of Cornell land, Johns Hopkins, Loyola and lJueders of Princeton avenue QDo This is nounce the marriage of their avenue, chairman of Motion Pic- Delaware University. Carter's third year as a member daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Lueders tures of the Swarthmore Woman's of the Springfield lacrosse team. Kaye, to Mr. Thomas Edward Club, attended a National twoday Convention of the Board of He received his early training in Yerxa of Philadelphia, SOtll of Review of Motion Pictures held in lacrosse at Swarthmore High Mrs. Charles Dulles of Radnor School. I which took place Thursday, MareI\' New York City this week. 16 in Swarthmore. Mrs. L. J. Servais of Dickinson Mrs. David C. McCahan of Strath Haven avenue and Mrs. avenue has returned from a visit F. T. Ransburg of Harvard avenue with her son-in-law and daughter will entertain at a luncheon at Mr. and Mrs. James G. Weir of Mr. and Mrs. John Delaplaine Of the ingleneuk next Wednesday. Glenshaw near Pittsburgh. South Harvard avet>\le announce Mrs. Dwight Cooley of ColumThe Thimble Group· of Swarth- the birth of a daughter, Mary Elbia avenUe was hostess to the more met Monday at the home of len, on March 18. Thm:.sday Book Club this week. Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of "Rocky The grandparents of the baby Mrs. J. Warren Paxson reviewed Spring Farm," Media. are Mrs. E;llen W. DelaP!ajne of "Four Square" by Dorothy CanMiss Edith Kietzien of South Harvard avenue and Mr. and Mrs. field Fisher. Chester road is entertaiirlng as William L. R,idiPath of aexel Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones her week-end guest Miss Eliza- Hill. of Crest lane are entertaining for beth Smith of Syria. Miss rueta few weeks Dr. Jones' aunt Mrs. zien and Miss Smith were classMr. and Mrs. James G. Weir George Donnan of Ashville, N,C. mates at the Northfield School for of Glenshaw announce the birth Mrs. E. B. Hollis of South Ches- Girls, Northfield, Mass. of a daughter, Margaret Louise, ter road returned, Saturday from Miss Barbara White of Deer- on March 2. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore field, Mass., spent a few days this The new baby is a granddaughwhere she had been a patient for week visiting her uncle and aunt ter of Mrs. L. J. Servais of Dicktwo weeks taking the experimental Cortisonnc treatment for arthritis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin inson avenue. of Rose Valley, enroute to Greens- f~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mr. an,d Mrs. David Mercer and boro, N. C. FOR daughter Barbara Anne of the Charles B. Keenen of Harvard IL(GAZINE Hill School, Pottstown, spent a few SUBSCRIPTIONS days of this week wilh Mr. Mer- avenue, a sophomore at Dartcer's pa.rents Dr. and Mrs. E. Le- mouth College was a member of Mrs- IJoyd E. Kallfhno, Roy Merc~r of North Chester road. the production staff of "Hospital Scene" produced by Sigma Chi Swarthmore 6-2080 Philip Kniskern student at the Tuck School of Dartmouth College will arrive today to spend the spri~g vacation at his home on Riverview road. John Piper of North Chester Thursday, Fr.Iday, Saturday road and Jim LuKens, Jr., of Maple avenue have returned from a twoGre&'ory Peclt Friday and Saturday "12 O'CLOCK mGH" Bing Crosby' - Fred As1alre MID·CENTURY FORMAL Sat. Kiddie Mat. - 1:15 in "HOLIDAY INN" Sponsored by J. J.'s 9 to 12 P.IIL Tuesday, April 4 Gene Autry "RIDERS OF THE High School Gym WHISTLING PINES" Tickets $2.50 at door Saturday Matinee - 1 P.M. 7 Cartoons and Serial Special Added Show Children's Show "ON THE STAGE" AI WhUe presents ' "DOWN DAKOTA WAr' A Juvenile Dance Bow. - also e:arloons & comedy _ Danelq - Slndnc - MasJo SALON -.- Starting Thursday, March 30 Gl't!IIWJ' Peel< In Sun., Mon., 'rues., &. Wed. "TWELVE O'CLOCK mGll" John'Wa7!Ie "SANDS OF IWO .PM"" -- IIWARTlll\fORB, 1'4., FRIDAY. MARCH 24, 1950 Presbyterian Notes Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service Mr. Bishop will preach th.e last :In the series of sermons on "Miracles" under the subject ''The Miracles of Reversal" . Mr. and Mr•. E. L. Harvey at the Harvard avenue entrance and Mr. and Mrs. William Pegr"!,, at the. driveway-transept entrimce will assist Mr. Bishop in greeting the congregation after the service Sunday morning. The l\IJen's and Women's Bible Classes will meet together at 9:30 a. m. Mrs. K. M. Reed and Harriet Selfridge will lead the discussion .on the Lutheran Oburch. The PrIIDary, JUnior, JunlorHigh and Senior Departments of the Church School meet at .9:45 a.m. The Nursery ,and B.eglnners' Depa'rtments meet at 11. The committee to receive nom. instions for elders, trustees, and deacons to be elected to fill the places of those m:~mbers of the Boards who rotate out of IOoffice Call Swar~re 6-0476 9 Chester Road -...oM ..~t=I= bsPRiN~'I~~~;"';;~~;;;;;;-;;Y7uvER"" LET US WASH - CLEAN - WAX YOUR CAR GET YOUR 1000 MILE CHECK UP TOO. WILLARD BA'lTEBlES - GOODYEAR TIRES GULF PRODUCTS , RAJNWEAR SPECIAL Any Men's or Ladies' RAINCOATS Cleaned and Pressed and made wai;;'~;~~~&"""""" .$1.47 ANY JACKET or WINDBREAKER ' Cleaned and Pressed and made wa~;·~;~~~&"·""""""" 99c SAFE GUARANTEED STORAGED Woolen. Garments ........ $1.50 Fur and Fur-trlnuued $A 00 Shirta Laundered . . - sfu;;;"ii..~ Chllrch ORANGE CLEANERS 405 Dartmouth Avenue • 71 YEARS of ,:,ninterrupted Funeral Service • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. DlR.e'ORS 0. PUNDAL. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET .. Telephone RI 6-1581 MARY A. IAIII, PrOlld... A FRIENDLY WARNING r·&DIr-dim:(l?sjp& P£ . I • ""'tiect .... II.JI _ .• ,.~ .....~. '~I .ieha.I'.ON Collec. Pharllley TIlE COIUOI:a ,March 31 will o;neet.in the choir room. Members Of this committee are Frank G. Keenen, chai:tm.an; Mrs. Owen W. Gay, Mrs. C. Russell Phillips, A. Sidney Johnson, Jr. and William J. Moore. The Communicants' Class meets Iri the Pastor's Study at 5 o'clock Sunday afterhoon, . The Young Aduits meet for meditation at 6 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, followed by supper at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. Mr. Bishop will lead the second discussion on "Psychiatry and Service~ ae.:. ligion". The Community Youth Fellowship meets at Trinity Church at 6:30 Sunday evening. The Church is open for a special period of Meditation and Prayer at 5:35 Thursday afternoons. The last of the Wednesday evening Lenten services on the subject The Crpss Speaks to Our Lives ,will be held next Wednesdayevening, at 8 o'clock on the subjeci "The Answer of thl!- Cross to Hatred". The Annual Spring Tea of the Presbyterian Home for Aged Couples and Aged Men, 4700. City Line avenue will be held Wednesday, Marcil 29 from 2 to 5 o'clock. All women are cordially invited to attend. . The Junior Choir rehearses Thursday aftemoons at 3:30, the Chapel Choir rehearses at 7 :45 Thursday evenlng,oj, 3lld' the Cher~ ubs' Choir rehearses at 10:15 Sat- SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . Sunday, March 26 9:30 A.M.-Women'. tlitd Men's Bible Class. 9.45 A.M.-Sunday SchooL 11:00 A.M. - Mr. Bishop will preach on "The Miracle of ReversaL" , 5:00 p.M.-Communfcants Clt!ss. 6:QO P.M.-Young Adults Group. w:day mornings. " 8:30 P.M.-Young ·People's PelThe Junior Choir and the Cher. low,ship, Trinity Church. ubs' Choir ,will sing at thi. Palm •• Sunday morning service. METHODIST CHURCH' Anyone desiring to give lilies Roy N. Keliler, D. D., Mlnlst.... or other white flowers for the Sunday, March 26 decoration of the Chancei on EasD:45 A.M.-Church SchooL • 10:00 A.M.-Young Adults ter Sunday inay do so by writing 11:00 A.M.-The topic of the ser- Miss Harriet Selfridge, Box 174, mon will be "Jesus and the Swarthmore, . or .phonIng the Cross." 6:00 P.M.-Youth FelloWship, church office, Swarthmore 6-4712. Trinity Church•. New members will be received into the Cburch an April 6 at the TRINITY CHURCH Holy Thursdl;ly Communion. Any. SunOl', March 26 aile wishing to unite with the Fel8:00 A.M.-Holy Communiou. lowship at this time should speak 9:45 A.M.-Church School. 11 :00 A.M.-lI(Iorning Prayer and to Mr. Bishop after the marning Sermon 6y the Rev. Thomas service or call the church officc\ A. M. Barnett. ' ·6:30. P.M.-Young Peoples Fel- during the week. lowship at Trinity Church. 7:00 .P.M. Canterbury Club Methodist Notes (Cloisters B Swarthmore College.) The SUnday· School meets at Wellnesday, March 29 9:45. The Young Adults meet at 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 10 o'clock in th.e Ladies' Parlors. The senmon topic at the 11 THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY o'clQck sp.rvice is "Jesus and the OF FRIENDS Cross." . FrIday, March 24 Ihroqh Tues·.The Church NurserY is open day"March 28 , 9:45 A.M.-Business Session of durimg the morning service and Phila. Yearly Meeting at Race Mrs. George W. Glaesser Jr. and Street Meeting House. 2:00 P.M.-Business Session of Barbara Harlow will be in charge. The 'UShers for the day are W. ,Yearly Meeting 7:00 P.M.-An arranged meeting DickInsOn, P. Murray, H. E. New, each evening except Sunday. G. Shubert and C. O. Zingrebe. Sunday, March 26 The eoinmunlti Youth Fellow9:45 A.M.,-"Tirst Day Scliool ' 9:45 A.M.-Aduit Forum led by ship meets at 6:30 p. m. in Trinity Oliver Rodgers: A Summary Church. of "Religion as a Gnide for The Young Adults will have . Living," in the Meeting House. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship their monthly meeting and social 3:00 P.M.-William Penn Lecture on Monday evening in the church. at Race St. Meeting House, Circle No. 2 of the W.s.C.IS. inPhila. by. Amiya Chakravarty vitea all women of the chU1'dl and on "A Saint at Work: A view of Ghandi's Work and Mes- their friends to a tea at the home of Mrs. William Earl Kistler, 144 sage." Monllay, March 27 Park avenue on Thursday afterAll Day Sewing for the A.F.S.C . noon at 2 o'clock. There will be a at Whittier House. progr.un with Mrs. Maitland Wednesday, March 29 All Day Sewing for the A.F.s.C. Roach, pianist, Mrs. Gordon at Whittier . Meader, reader and Mrs. Joseph , House. FIRST CHURCH 01' Plrul, soprano. • CHRIST SClBNTJsT The Plower CommIttee asks the OF SWARTlQIOBB co-operatian ot members and Perl< Avenul' below Harvard friends (If the church:ln providing . A.M.-Sunday S1IDday, March % 8 ' flowering plants, preferably • 11:00 SchooL white, 11:00 A.M. _ Lesson _ Sermon for Easter. Lilies ancJ their flow"RealIty." erlng pi..... are desIn!cL '!bose Wednesday evening meeting !,mo wish to mak . tribtlU each week, 8 p.m. ReadIng room e con_ open cIaily except Sunday 12 to 1'Dr purdlasIng plants may give 1\ ..p.m. Wednl!lJllq evenlnp 7 to their contributions to, Warreq 7:10 pm. IIDd II to 11:30. I Cndts, Mrs. L. E. Kauffman, Theo- Trinity Notes Holy Communion will be cel"" brated at 8 a. m. Church. School Will meet at 9:45 a. m. At the 11 o'cl';'k service of Morning Prayer the serlllDll will be delivered b~ Rev. Thomas A. M. Barnett, M.A. Instructor in Old Testament in the Philadelphia Diviqity ~"'I who will be substituting for Dean Gifford. Young People's Fellowsh1p will meet at 6:30 p. "J' The Canterbury Club will meet at 7 p. m. in Cloisters Bo, Swarthmore College. The boys serving as acolytes are: 8 a. m., _ Robert Perce; 11 a.m. Ted Carey and David Hurm. Ushersf~r the 11 o;clock service are: W. Freegard, head usher; H. B. Spackman, R. G. Haig; J. S. Thompson; F. W. Luebrlng; C. S. Brown, E. A. Thompson and C. H. vi. Ingraham. Choir School will meet on Monday and Wednesday at 4.1>. m. Holy COmmunion will be celebrated on Wednesday at 10 a. m. The WOnUm's Auxiliary will meet for all-day sewing. and will hold a luncheon at 12:30 p. m. f~llowed by a mimlon stUdy class. The Children's Craft School will meet on Thursdays at 3 p. m. in the basement of the cburch Choir rehearsal will .be heid on Thursday evenl,ng at 7:30 p m. , . Friends Meeting Notes The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends held at Race strpet Meeting House in PIhiladelpbia continues fr(}m March 22 through the afternoon Of !MarCh 28, the morning business sessions begin_ ning at 9:45, the afternoon. at 2 and the evening meetings at 7 o'clock, except for Sunday March 26, when there is a Meeting fur Wornhip at 10:30, a William Penn Lecture at 3 and an evening service with music at 7. The Forum at the Swar.thmore Meeting House this week will be the first of two Summary meetings. Oliver Rodgers will summarizl! the series of talks on Religion as a Guid'l for Living. asked to publish the followlng letters. Nurses Grateful' The nur~s of the Community Health Soclety of Central..Delaware County wish to expresa their very real appreciation of the help which they have received from' this comlnunlty in the emergency created by the Borough Hall fire. Fireman and Borough Police were more than cooperative during the fire and af\.erWjl'rd in the searching for equipment and Swarthmore Bo~oUgh Council continued ~ts asslsltmce. " We cannot be gratefui enough to Mr. Dante Celia in whns~ kitchen we are now located for his prompt o.ffer of a haven: and for permittmg us to :emam a little longer, and so sa~mg another move until we . can fmd he:,dquarters whm:e we can stay until Borough Hall 15 ready. .' ' We apprecIate the many offers of space we hl've received, from organizations sucl) as the Woman's Club, tile Swarthmore National ~~! and the Co-op, and from mdlvldua~. We hope that/our need for .Speclal eq?ipment and for runnmg' water IS understood. We couid. not have been so promptly at. work on Thursday ,if Layton Wilson had no~ rescued our bags and helped us ill many ways. We can thank Mrs. C. W. Lukens and ~er committee from our Bo.ard o~ ~,!ectors for t!,e work of furntshing .our room m Borough aall. Even though it was burned, we want to make this appreciation public, and to thank Mrs. Lukens and. Mrs. Fischer for their help during our need. \. Some of our supplies 'are in the garage behind Borough Hall. Many of them are lost. But, because of Swarthmore's support, we have been able to continue our work. ·We are deeply appreciative of every kindness. ElIzabeth Aim Groff EXPRESS APPRECIATION To the Community': We should like to acknowledge publicly, with sincere appreciation and gratitude, the innwnerable expressions of iitterest :In our mutual problems and the manr offers of assistance which bave reached us.' We wish to express our thanks to the to1low:Ing: To all the firemen wibo were really responsible for saving the book collection - especially the "unknown" men who carried our invalualble card files from the scene, at the time. Also, to Newell West who made it possible for us to undertake salvaging operations the next day, and who dIreeted the transfer of the files and other movable materials to safer quarters. (At 5:30 p.m. he was still sltmdlng by, shovellng a path through the debris.) To Mrs. 'Burris West, his mother, who was instumental In setting into ~ction our numerous helpers. To Vice-President Perkins and Swarthmore College for inunedi~telY volunteering their resources m quarters for sorting, a truck for transportin~, and studen+'s for carrymg out the remaining book collection. We feel we can never duiy repay th,,:,e eight young men for the seemmgly mountainous task which they accomplished the transfer of thousands of books, thrOl}gh a charred holocaust of fallen timbers, soaking debris, and water, in countless trips' up and do~ the much maligned Library sta=. This they did ch~ and m~t efficiently, loading and unloading the truck with their dri~,,:r's help, and under the supervlSlon of Mr. Renshaw. 'To the Co-op for offering stora~~ space, and some operating proVlSIOns. . To the Bo~h Council for its mlerest and aId in working out our future, and to our own Library Board' without whose assistance and SUPpoDt we .couid not endeavor to function. To 'Our loyal student helpers, who, to a girl, have shown themselves wilI!ng to do everyti:ting ~ithin their power to help. To Leanore Perkins and James Streeter who are cheerfully rondering hours of service in overcorning 'Our handicaps. And to all our ~lllng frienda, who, from every direction, have volunteered assistance. It is such loyalty that has proved so he8!'tening to us that we feel confident that befor~ too w.,g we shall again be ,*"culating books. Our one hope IS that out of the chaos and distruction of a flaming roof-top may rise a more modem, more workable, first-rate, first-floor Swarthmore Public Library. Your librarians, Bettina E. Hunter Elizabeth K. Shipherd / Letters To, The Editor IT'S MUTUAL ThmIks Paper Dear Editor: The IBridge and Canasta Party held to provide funds to defray the operating expenses of the Band and Orchestra at the Swarthmore JIigh School was a success. A great measure of this sucaess was due to your finJe cooperation in publicizing the affair in The Swarthmorean. As Chairman of the Band at1d Orchestra parents Asssociation, I take this opportunity to extend to you and your associates the sincere aPPreciation .of the group. . In con1ormity with the general practice, I am .enclosIng a .statemellt which you may print in the next issue of the SWarthmorean. " ....,' very~ ..... yours, Clarence C. Franck, Cbalnnan Band & Orchestra PareIlts Association SAFE GUARD your valu~bles against fh'e. theft and misplace- , ment. Come in and see the large-sized boxes we offer at a small-sized rental cost. Swarthmore' National Bank & Trust Co. Now You can buy U. S. Savings Bonds automatieal1y through the new Bond-a-Month PIan. Ask at thIa &tnk Member .of Federal Deposit InwranC!': Corpo....tion ." • i . . I , Christian Science Notes "Reality" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermolll in all, Churches of Ohrist, Scientist, on Sunday March 26. The Golden Text is: "Since the begiJ{ning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, ne.ither hath the eye seen, 0 God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for ,him that waiteth for him." (Isaiah 64:4.) Dear Editor: When my tricycle was lost you let my Mother put an ad in your paper. Because of thlf ad I got my tricycle back. Thank you very much. Karen Peterson 341 Vassar A'1enue • ,. , THE ~WAaTBMOBEAN THE SW;\RTBMOREAN Eight S.H£ Stullents S~ :(.WVHears Reports On\ Interscholastic TenniS In Tomorrow's FEiStiivl1l ,At College Field House PubliC Health sUrVey • The League of Women Voters ' Many Swarlhrnoreans will ER E ''"- , , " , Members of the Swarthmore , Business Association Extend an ! ,/ ilf Swarthmore held a luncheon meeting at Whittier House Friday, March 17. Following the luncheon a short, busines, meeting was held with President Mrs. Melvin Molstad presiding. . Mrs. JO'l"ph Bishop gave a report on the study-groups held during ,February on the Public Health Program or' Pennsylvania. she outlined the organization of th~ state department of health, one of the most highly centralized divisions with 5000 employees, 90% of whom are selected by the patronage system. She also dis"cussed the local Nurses Association and its service to the Borough. This organization, she said, is supported by the Community Chest and occupies its offices rent free from the Borough. The Swarthmore budget for health is approximately _ $50QO, 70% of which ,is spent lor garbage dls, posal, i the remainder going fo), salaries of the Health officer, his assistant, and for laboratory milk inspection. \ • aster .' reetIng to • • An invitational tennis tournament for high school players will be held at the Swarthmor<;' College ,Lamb-Miller Field House from March 27 to AprIl 1. This indoor tourney has entries from 19 'high and preparatory schools throughout the East. Besides players from Swarthmore High School and other nearby suburban and metropolitan Philadelphia schools, participants are scheduled to arrive from Andover (Milss.) School, Westminster (Ct.), School and Sl Paul's Academy of ~~w England. Outstanding netmen that were includCd among the entries are Ed Dailey o~ Hill School ,and his teammate Gil Rothrock, Roger Campbell of Episcopal Academy, a member of the winning double's team in last year's tournament, Robert Jessup of Andover, a New England standout" and Charles Yarnall, Haverford School ace. wm Eliminations be held in singles from 10 a.m. Monday, March 27, to 9 p:m. of the same day. Doubles play begins the following day at 2 P •.h. and the finals in both classes' wlli commence at p.m. on SatUrday afternoon~ QU, wasorgam.ed,m 1906. The state's Medical Society, the Tuberculosis and Cancer Associations as well as the P.C.A. are actively epgaged in an educational phase of· this program for a new era in Pennsylvania public' health. and INVITE 'S~watthmore ~hildren, , / 12 years of age and 'under ., , • • to ·participate In 'The Annual Children's Easter Egg Hunt, • Satur day, April 8, at 10 A. M. AUXILIARY MEETS The monthly meeting of the Legion Amel'7one Enjo:rl a Tender Pertee":r Cooked Steakl ADd Theoe Two Steal< DinDera Are Top Favori&e.WEEK-END SPECIAL T-BONE DINNER ............. " . " 1IIan:r Other Tempilnc Chol-, 01 Co. . ., On. the RepJar . Sunda:r and Weekda:r lIen1l8 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davis of Amherst avenue. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson of Amherst avenue celebrated their first wedding anniversary with MABCII NO WAITING Coal WCIOII , ,, SWnrthmore College L1brn ry :;''warthmore, Pa. ' / • THE, SWAR THMO_B'7E:A=N-:l;::=============MA:llU::C:B:Z4,=:1I54I~ NURSES KEPT SERVICE GOING • • The staff of the Community Health Society' of Central Delaware Collnty is anxious that doctors in its area and clients know that temporary headquarters are set up in the kitchen of Dante Celia, 102 Park avenue, and that nurses have been on duty since 8:15 Thursday morning, immediately following the Borough Hall fire. The telephone number remains the same, SW 6-3498. Directors of the Society met in special session Monday morning at the home of the Vice~President Mrs. W. H. Gehring; to consider emergency action. They were un"ftnimous in their praise of the quick action of Mrs. Elizabeth A. Groff and the agency nurses who despite the fact that their offices in Borough 'Hall were ruined and their equipment disorganized, were able to continue their service without interruption. . Appreciation is expressed to the Woman's Club, the Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company, the Swarthmore Cooperative, and other organ~zations and individuals who' offered to house the agency temporarily. The work of Layton Wilson in rescuing the nurses' bags was also commended. Staff , and board joined in appreciation of the work of Mrs. C. W. Lukens in the detail task of salvage and removal "The sickroom equipment stored in the third floor supply room is lost. All past business records are lost but the current files and patient records are saved. Hundreds of layettes awaiting distribution were destroyed. The Swarthmore Needlework Guild oIfered to start work at once. Others in neighboring communities served by the nursing agency are conducting an emergency drive to replace some needed items. . , A committee was appointed to handle the emergency problems and to make arrangements for housing until Borough Hall is habitable. Officers of the agency will serve on this committee, Mrs. W. A. Schmidt, Mrs. Gehring, Mrs. J. C. Geniesse, Mrs. Theodore Smithers, E. S. Sproat, Mrs. George Duncan, Mrs. H. L. Peel. LET'S Iaccompanying the Show will be furnished by Mrs. WillIam Schultz with Howell Zulick as sololst. Following the fashion show there will be refreshments served by Mrs. Theodore Purnell and her committee. Mrs. Johan Natvig and her committee are in charge of prizes. 'Publicity is under the direction of Mrs. C. R. Pratt. The candy committee is headed by Mrs. Howard Jackson. To The Community The partial destruction by fire of Swarthmore Borough Hall brought forth immediate response from Fire Companies, Rescue CorPs and Poliee Departments whose efficient work resulted in saving the major portion of the building and much of its contents. Since that event, more offers of assistance have been received from persons and organizations than could possibly 'be accepted. The aid which has been given has enabled the Borough to re- GO '" ./ sume its functions after a short 'periOd of interruption. The Council of the Borough of Swarthmore appreciates deeply all that has been done as well as the expresSions of :;ympathy ~nd -offers of assistance receivoo from so many. H. Lindley Peel President of Council PREPARE TO- DIG William H. Gehring, vice-president of the Presbyterian Board Of Trustees, presided at a meeting of the Church. CorPoration held Tuesday evening, March 21. David McCahan, chairman of the building committee of the Church presented its findings on the approximate costs, and the bids of eight contractors, for the buildlng of the addition to the Parish House and the alterations to the present Parish House. A minute from the Session was read by Joseph Bishop, pastor of the church and approved by the people present that the new wing to be added should be appropriately dedicated as the Divid Braun Memorial Church School. DO YOU LIKE Really Clever GREETING CARDS See the Panda line exclusively ours alice barierF t S OVER Forth VOLUME 22, NUMBER 13 SPRING • • • \"" \'3~r DRESSES, SmTS, GOATS and Berkshire Hose • 13 South Chester Ro4ld ~. Swarthmore, Penna. I • There I. nothing finer than agnayOX r (Continued from page one) L. Shay J r" for the young matrons and Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop will model for the older matron. The music $46950 ENGINE TUNE-UP SPECIAL fII'II Clean and adjust spark plugs ... Adjust hreaker points . . . Check distrihulor cap and rotor . •. Inspect distributor wires .•. Reset ignition timing '0 111 \'f , .. Clean 'air cleaner and fuel howl ... Adjust carburetor idle. ,.. o - AI Radio-Phonograph Onl,. Th. W.J,swooJ providea world.lamous Magnavox AM·FM radio, 3·speed au.... matic recordchangerplus utllo ned space for easy inltalladOI1 of superb Magnascope "90'· television whenever fOU want it. The BEST TUNE.UP IN TOWNI No guess-work! Our Master Technicians use scientific testing equipment. Prices are RIGHT! $275 J\fagnavox, America's finest television-radiophonograph combination, aC!HaIly costs you less money than other good makes. As a selected, franchised dealer, we CUt distribution costs by dealing directly wich the Magnavox factory. • Come in and see how much more your money buys with superlative Magnascope, the bigpianre relevision system with built·in filterwhidl eliminateS glare and super power for peak: DRIVE IN TODAY! performance even in fringe areas. The Wedgewootl, one of more than twO dozen distin1 drawing of a plan shown at the Town Meeting Wednesday night b the Library in the old Bell Tele- ?rmer counCIlman G"l"'ge EWing. This plan, known as B provides ample space t f' trucks Y phone Building, 'at a total cost ~re co~psany rtOO~, jari~tor's quarter~ on ground . . floor. First floor provides for ~~ce Il'departm~ta oroug ecre ary s office, CommunIty Health rOOms and greatly increa d f Ii ' of $80,000.; Plan B adds a new wing to·!lie present building to floor pr,!vid~ co~cil meeting room, several committ~ rooms and AmS:ric~acte:fon b~~ S~ plan which mcludes purchase of adj\,ining lot is estimated at a cost of $186,500. . , provide adequate space for the fire company and library at a total cost of $186,500.; i1nd Plan C calls for repairs as in Plan A Closes Today, Of/ice Holiday plus a new, separate buUding for Swarthmore High School will library and, fire company, at a M. P. Dodd, tax collector will close this afternoon, March 31 total cost of $206,000. All three not be in her office from' APril 3 plans call for purchase of the ad- for the spring vacation. Classes' to April 11. ' will be resumed on' Monday joining lot: Under plans A and B Readying Eggs, Choosing morning April 10. additional parking space for from Sppt For April 8 80 to 100 cars would be pro~ded, and under plan C there would he additional parking space for approximately, 28 cars. I (Continued on page eight) ages of jelly eggs, Easter Bunny is personally scurrying around to complete the ~rangements for Guernsey Road Resident the Egg Hunt he stages here each • ' Was Active CluhStudents Staging A~nual year with the cooperation of the Swarthmore Business Association. Woman EASTER BUNNY PREPARES. HUNT fax April First Sets Off 30-Day Drive The 1950 Salvation Army Drive opens tomorrow with the goal set at $700,000 for the Philadelphia and suburban area. With eyes cocked at the $3,493.28 contributed by Borough residen", in 1949, local chairmen and workers are hopL'lg to better that figure in the coming campaign. Heading the Drive in Swarthmore is Mrs. W. W. Turner, chairman of South Side, and Mrs. George Bland, chairman of North Side. Captain of the section north of Park avenue is Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert with the following workers: Mrs. Joseph J. Storiazzi, Mrs. C. D. Schloesser, Jr., Mrs. William Rutherford, Mrs. Floyd E. Barron, Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch, Mr.. Carroll P. Streeter, Mrs. John E. Jeffords, Mrs. "Me~anie D. Seymourt Mrs. Thomas Prather, Mrs. Robert A; AllIson, Mrs. W. F. Hanny, Mrs. Harry W. Lang, Mr•. R. L. Wilkinson, Mrs. I. M. Rainey. Mrs. W. H. Driehaus, Elsie Reunlng and Mrs. Carl de Moll. ' I Mrs. David Bingham wlll captain another section north of Park avenue with workers as follows: Mrs. Raymond Wilson, Mrs, P. L. Whitaker, Allee Marriott, Mrs. S. W. Johnson, Mrs. Charles D. Prat(Contlriued on page 'eight)' • MRS. J. NESSEN C. R. BUC BURIED IN MICH. MINSTREl SHOW w:~:n:~l:;of~~:e~: MRS. DIES IN VIRGIN AOctogenarien Lived Here For Past 19 FOR STADE lONITE Years I~------..! and this beautiful new Wedgewood costs only MOTHERS TO MODEL DRIVE $3.50 PER YEAR Residents Air Views On Borough Hall's Future Easter Bonne~s to reflect your personality ~ .. or veil and flower trimmings to dress up last year's • SWABTHMORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, i950 500 ATTEND TOWN MEETING .Ready for 901t! bank buil.llft Exhibitors Tea Sunday Artists whose pic~es have been on exhibit at the Woman's Club the past week will be guests ~f honor at an art tea on Sunday March 26 from 2 until 6 p. m. in the clubhouse, Members will entertain eJdlibitors and their friends . THE SWARTHMOREAN CROSS / THANKS CITIZENS We wish to express our appreciation to the Fire Departments, Police Departments and Citizens of Swarthmore and surroundiIig communities who so ably assisted us during the fire in Borough Hall on March 15. The willingness of all concerned ,to pitch in and help at that time was extremely gratifying and made the task of restoring order out of chaos a much more pleasant and easier one. Charles R. Russell , Burgess Thomas V. Bateman. Chief of Police Bursting RED 409 O.rtmouth Avenue Phone SW~rthmore 6.1460 SERVICES FOR-, MRS. N. P. SLOAN Event To Aid German Town . Mother Of Mrs. Lukens Taken To Former Home, For Burial Ever since alllloWlcement of the morning-before-East&r event in last week's SwarJhmorean local eligibles (all ,borough lads and lassies under 13, and young Easter Visitors) have been a-twitter with anticipatiOlL A Minstrel Varieties Show in Clothier Memorial at 8 o'clock tonight will, be the 1950 project of Swarthmore High School to raise funds for the people of its adopted ,Mrs. Jeanie Morris Sloan, wid- town Stade, Germany. Those who have attended earlier ow of Norman P. Sloan, passed away Sunday evening at 308 Elm An outgrowth of the 1947-48 hunts are brushing up on their aVenue where she had made her CARE campaigu the local students' sprint-technique so they will be home next door to her daughter experiment in international good- able to .g~t to the secret spot, as Mrs. James W. Lukens for the will has become famous through- soon as It IS announced, and gather past three years. Although Mrs. o~ut America: It has been copied as ~SD.Y little :packages. as possible In the hope some will contain Sloan had suffered with a heart by various other groups and was slips l' ennr I mg them t 0 arge decweakness for the last ye;u- she voted the most enterprising aehad been bedfast only since she tion for the year of 1943 by CARE orated eggs. Althoogh Easter Bunny has a was stricken with Virus X two organization in New York. reputation of being even more weeks ago., . This year there will he no houseA descendant of two old Phila- to-house canvass for funds. Stu- elusive than Santa Claus one delphia families Mrs. Sloan was dents are asking residents who bright-eyed local youngster reborn ·in Elkton, Md. 74 years ago, cannot attend and make therr can- ports, she definit",1y saw him in her the daughter of Caspar Wistar trlbutions at this evening's per- b;icl<: yard early Wednesday morMorris. ' formance, to please send checks ning, evidently scouring. the town For the first 25 years of this to J. Eugene Duncan Treasurer for the likeliest Egg H!Jllt ,Locacentury she lived in Ridley Park, United Charities 'Committee tion. afterward making her winter home Swarthmore High School. Full rules and regulations will in Naples, Fla.· and !her summer' ' ,he set forth in next week's issue hamEl in Angola, Del. where funerIt is hoped, this year, not- only of The Swarthmorean. al services were held in St. to send the usual- packages to George's Eplsoopal Chapel Wed- maintain the friendship bond esnesday morning. Burial was in the tahlished between Swarthmore J.J.'s To Sponso,r Dance adjoining ~urchyard beside per and Stade, but also, to begin a husband and a son Henry who Stade Friendship Fund with the A Mid-Century Formal spondied in 1943. " idea of sending one or two Swarth- sored by the Swarthmore J. J.'s Surviving in addltion to Mrs. ~ote $dents to Stade some time will be held Tuesday April 4 from 9 to 12 p. ttl. Grades eight through Lukens are' two daughters Mrs: In. the future. twelve are invited to dance to Bob James A. G. Campbell, of Warren Gold, chaIrman of this Media and Mrs. -John C. McAvoy year's drive, thanks boroughites Holm's orchestra in the high of Phoenixville; 'three sons Wor- for ,their fine support in past years school gym. Others outside are rell W. Sloan of Hillsboro, DeL, and exPt gas the ho~ that they also welcome. Samuel of AngOla and Norman, wlll be moved to' even greater Girls will come in formal attire, :.Jr. of Naples, Fla.; 12 grand- charities this year in support of although tuxs for boys are not children, and a sister Mrs. J. E. this Vital ,!lleP, _~ fnternationai required. There will be no CorWIUJSE!r of T,ansdowne. - . , '--.;oWni. SiIges. Jr. " . ~ Mrs. Gertrude Buck, widow of Clifford·, Ross Buck, died Friday at the Lypchburg, Va. home of her son John N. Buck, after a long illness. Mrs. Buck whose home was at 5 Guernsey road, had lived in Swarthmore. for 22 years, and went to Virginia a month ago. She was born in Slaterville Springs, N. Y. 76 years ago. A graduate of Cornell University and long active in club work, she was a member of the Woman's Club of Swarthniore th 1 al , eGamma. oc Poets Circle, 'and Delta She was also a past governor of the Pennsylvania branch of the National Society of the SonS and Daughters of the Pilgrims, and all one time was chaIrman 0'1 this Society's oommittee on re!orestation. She had served as president of the Friday Current Events Club of Germantown. Mr. Buck, died two years ago_ Surviving besides the son are two grandchildren and a sister Mrs. Reinhard Wetzel ot Mt. Vernon, N.Y. . Funeral services were held in Virginia. Fund Chairman Named Mrs. Agnes M. Halg Sheldoo.'of Ogden avenue has been appointEd chairman of the American Cane'''.r Fund Raising Drtve in Swarthmore for the second ,. Clrtive r year. The 1950 national campaigb. wID ~ with DeIswl' Dance A Mid-Century Fonnal sponsored by the Swarthmore J. J.'s will be held Tuesday April 4 from 9 to 12 p. m. Grades eight through twelve are invited to dance to Bob Holm's orchestra in the high school gym. Others outside are also welcome. Funeral sE:i:vices were held in Virginia. Fund Chairman Named Mrs. Agnes M. Halg Sheldon of Ogden avenue has been appointed chairman of the American Cancer Fund Raising Drive in Swarthmore for the second Mnsecutive year. Girls will come in formal attire, although tuxs for boys are not The 1950 national campaign wDl required. There will be no cor- open tomorrow with Delaw"", sages. County's quota set at $50,000. Mrs. John O. Nessen was buried in Manistee, Mich. yesterday morning following services held in the cemetery chapel. Mrs. Nessen died last Thursday night after two months illness at 507 Riverview road. She had moved here from Chicago upon the death of her husband 19 years ago and lived with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern. Born Edith Lane, in Middleport, N. Y. on November 26, 1864 she moved to Michigan as a little girl and lived there until moving to Chicago in 1914. Surviving besides Mrs. Kniskern are a son, Newell J. Nessen of Springfield, five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Red Cross Lacks 20% This is the last week of the 1950 Swartlunore's response to the drive has been generous, and the spirit of ~he contributors has been refreshingly spontaneous. While Swarthmore is still within 20% of the $8,500 quota, it is with a feeling of confidence that captains and workers move into the final days of the drive. The Committee wishes to thank all the WlJrkers who have given so unsparingly of their time; the citizens Of the Borough who have made this year's drive a financial success; and the business men, the Swarthmore National Bank, the Management of the College Theatre, and the Editor and Staf1 of The Swarthmorean, all of v.hose interested cooperation Ilk been invaluable. Red. Cross Drive. MABCII 31, 1950 THE SWABTHMOBEAN , . MARCH' 31, 1950 months In Burlington, VI.; will arrive tomorrow for an extended Mrs. Oliver G. Swan of North visit with her son-In-law and Chester road .spent a few days of daughter Mr. and Mrs. Alvah this week In New York City. Wood Stuart of Vassar avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson of Miss Dorothy Louise Bernard and Mr. R. Heberton Butler of Walnut lane entertalned,for a few Swarthmore were gueSts of honor days Mrs. Wilson's sister Mrs. W. at a dinner given last Sunday by D. Sizer of Glen Ridge, N. J. . Miss Elizabeth R. Garvey of BurMr. and Mrs. Charles E. lJnlington, N.J. Among the guests coin of Westdale avenue spent the were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Francis week-end with Mr. lJncoln's famButler of South Chester road, Mr. ily in West Medford, Mass. and Mrs. Samuel F. Butler, Jr., of Mr and Mrs. Charles L. Bolton Pcnn Valley, and the Misses Nellie of Cedar lane entertained 12 guesta and Lillian Aitken of Burlington. -at a dinner-bridge at their home Mrs. Hervey Schumacher of Saturday evening. Haverford avenue has returned Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup home after spending five weeks in and daughters Kathleen and MarDartmouth & Lafayette Ave8. 6-0440 TANGUY - lIFJIS Miami Beach. Mrs. Schumacher, tha returned Thursday from a Mrs. Francis V. Warren of Walnut motor trip south where they had 'Dhe marriage of Miss Helen lane and Mrs. Thomas H. Ingram b'een vacationing near St. Peters- Sara Hess, daughter of iMrs. Elmer of Harvard avenue will leave the burg, Fla., since March 6.. D. Hess of Philadelphia and the latter part of April for a twoBruce Godfrey of Vassar avenue late Mr. Hess, to Mr. John Scott month trip to England, Scotland, will arrive home this week-em! Tanguy son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Switzerland, France and Italy. from Washington and Lee Univer- L. Tanguy of Rutgers avenue, took Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Rutan of sit for the Easter holidays. place on Saturday, March 25. at Ogden afenue returned home Saty. . 4 o'clock in Calvin Presbyterian BEAUTY SAWN urday following a month's trip by _ Mrs. George E .. SiIlowa~ . of Ohurch in Philadelphia, Reverend aulomobile to Ft. Lauderdale and North Chester r~ad lS e~tertaining Arthur L. Herries officlatlng h Fla during the sprmg holidays her · . B Lest Aprii eatch you with yOW' hair down!' Mlanu • • eac t S t A reception at Strath Haven Inn Barbara Lukens of Strath Haven granddaughter Caroline argen followed the ceremony. Call Swarthmore 6-0476 avenue arrives home tomorrow for Furnas of ~arlham College, and 9 Chester Road a IO-day spring vacation from her great ~eoe Adele Sargent of SPOFFORD HllSLOP Middlebury College. Barbara rep- St. Paul, ,ll[1On., a student at Radresented Middlebll-l'Y at a Woman's clilfe. The marriage of' Miss Sarah F. Atbletic Association Conference of Mr. and Mrs. D. Malcolm Hodge Hyslop, daugbter of Dr. 31ld Mrs. New England colleges. held at of Strath Haven avenue are en- George Hyslop of Jackson'Heights Evel")'one Enjo:rl a Tenller PedecU:r Cookell Steak! And Th_ Two _ Dinners Are Top FavoritesSmith College. lertaining for 10 days Mrs. Hodge's and Points 0' Woods, N. Y., to Mr, f Mr. and Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge mother Mrs. Marjorie Gayle of Gavin Spofford, son of Mr. and WEEK-END SPECIAL T-BONB 8TEAK DINNER ............ 'Z." of Ogden avenue entertained as Arlington, Va. On Sunday, Mrs. Mrs. William P. Spofford Of Pen'MaDy oth.... Temp&iD&' Choloee, Of Couse, On tile B~plar their week-end guest Miss Joanne Hodge accompanied by her mother sacola, F1a., formerly of SwarthSun4a:r ..... W""ktla:r Hea. . Hulbert of Colorado Springs, now and daughter Mary Lou· Hodge more, took place Saturday, March On Thursday (J$ Usual (5:30-7:30) associated with American Airlines will drive to Ithaca to visit Gayle 25 at the home of the .bride's parat Laguardia Field, N.Y. Hodge a student at Comell UnI- ents in Jackson Heights. 11.00 Serve-Yourself AU-You-Want Supper Mrs. L. A. WetIaufer of Uni- versity. The bride was attended by Miss versity place entertained her Mr. and Mrs. Graeme G. Whyt_ Lark Hargraves of Swarthmore bridge club at a luncheon-bridge lmv of Cornell avenue entlll'talned College as maid of honor. SwariluDllre, Pa. TelephOlle Swaribmore ' - , " , at her home Thursday. as their week-end guests Mr. ami Mr. Don Oyler of Gettysburg WB8IEL~ UNION OFnCE AND nBB P"'-'IU!(Q . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hoch Mrs. Charles Rice of Altoona, and served as best man. of Yale avenue will entertain at Mr. and !>Irs. Graeme G. Whytiaw, The bride is a· junior in Fine their horne tomorrow 'evening Jr., of TorrIn g1on, Conn. Mr. Arts at Swarthmore College. when their guests will be Mr. and Whytlaw, Jr., will leave this week The bridegroom received the deMrs. C. H. Garrison, Jr., Mr. and for South 'Bend, Ind., where he grees of Baebelor of Arts in Mrs. Warren B. Warden, and Mr. assumes new duties for the Tor- Econamics and Bacbielor of and Mrs. Warren Bernard of Science in Mechanical Engineerel rington .Company. Mrs. Whytlaw, Swarthmore, Dr. and Mrs. J. N . - Jr., and son will follow later. Ing at Swarthmore College. He is Closed Every Stmday son Tolly of Cragmere, Del., and an Instructor at the University of Joan' Faulkner, a junior at Tus-Open 7 A. M· to 8 p. M. . Mrs. and Mrs. Roger Stone of culum .College will arrive at her PennSylvania. Monday Thru Saturday• Ardentown, Del. home on Dickinson avenue for the Mr. ""d Mrs. Richard G. Haig BIRTHS of Riverview road will drive to Easler holidays. Joan was just DAILY DINNBaS aSe 10 $1.60 Mr. ami Mrs. Gilbert lB. My,,Mt. Holyoke. College to be ac- elected president. of her Dormitory, and to ·the Presidents' Assotin, Jr., of Cornell avenue are reSpecial Children's Platters companied home by their daughter ciation and Co-ed Council. Roberta, and Elinor Karns of Welupon the lesley road, both sophomores at birth of a son, Barclay Fleer Mus- ~ HHe1t"1,.;.,,...,,...,..,es .......... MHMMt=1MH ............ t"'1t-1MHHqr-'r=sese-. ENGAGEMENTS tin, on March 18 in Fitzgerald- 0:"'1'"' the college, for a 10-day spring vacation. Mr. aDd Mrs. William Watta Mercy Hospilal. The baby is a gmndson of Mrs. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson Cochran 'of 1M0rristown, N. J., anof Westdale avenue entertained at nounce the engagement Of their Gilbert B. Mustin, Sr., of LaosDining Room Open To PnbUo \ a neighborhood dinner party at daughter, Miss Cornelia Vander- downe. their home before the Series Dance Mr. and Mrs. G. Alexander Mills in the Woman's Club Saturday pool Cochran, to Mr. Allen McGill Daley, SOO1 of Mr. and 1Mrs. Fran- of Walnut lane announce the bIrtlr 'J evening. cis Daley of Wilmington, Del., . I of a daugh~er,· Janice Johnson Frances Pearson of Cornell aveMills, on March 22 In 'Ilaylor Hosnue arrived borne Thursday from formerly of Swarthmore. Miss Cochran Is a graduate ofpital. Wilson College for a 10-day EasMiss Porter'~ School,. FarmIngton, llarvarll and Rutgers Avenues Pilone SWsrihmore 8-9'28 ter vacation. g Conn., and '~ att.endin the !BerMr. and Mrs. Charles C. MarCATERING TO PERlIIANENT and TRASIENT GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. George Karns of Wellesley road will entertain' as ke\ey Sebool ill East Orange, N. J. t·In 0f Hav enf0rd p lace are recelv""". "- ~;..I~~'-'. Mr. Daley was' graduated from . tulat th btrth their week-end guest Mr. Karns' Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., fig congm ons upon e brother Capt. Frank Karns, U.S.N., In 1943. He· served In the armed Retired, of Annapolis, Md. FOR forces in Europe, and is now in the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hoch MAqAZlNE of Yale avenue will entertain as senior class at Princeton University, where he is a member of the their week-end .guests Dr. and SUBSCRIPTIONS Elm Club. Mrs. J. Nelson Tully and children IfoIrs. Lloyd E. Kallffmaw The wedding will Ilake place In Nancy and Tommy of Cragmere, June. Swarthmore G-2880 Del. Dr. and Mrs. William Elmore of i';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ii -. - - - _.' - ' . ' Baltimore Pike will entertain as their week-end guests Mrs. El• Night and day throughout the more's parents Professor and Mrs. year scientists are working in reLeigh Page of New Haven, Conn. search laboratories in the interest Mrs. William H. Shank who Thursday, FrIday, Saturday Friday aDd Saturday has been spending the winter of. public health. During the last Barbara StanwYclt GregaI")' Peck In two decades many diseases have James Mason - Ava Gardner ''TWELVE O;CLOCK MGH" Van Heflin MID-CENTURY FORMAL been conquei-ed. There is reason Sponsorell by J. J.'s ''EAsT SIDE, WEST SIDE" Feature Times Sat. Evening to believe that more and more 9 ~ 1~ P.M. Tnesday, Aprtl 4 0:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 Sat. Kiddie Mat. 1:15 High School Gym progress will be made, that many "TARZAN'S DESERT Tlcketa $2.50 at lloor Saturday Matinee - 1 P.M. a.'lictions now fatal will gradually yield to medMYSTERY" Special Children's Show Gene Autrey In ical research. Your doct~r, and he alone, is well 7 Cartoons and Serial , PET!!II R 'fO'.D, FAltnr MARJORIE TOLD anll BAlIBABA KENT, AMocolate Eollters Rosalie Peirsol Lorene MeCarter , =---:--::--=--:c Entered as Second Class Matter, J""UU'Y 24, 1911, at the POI! OUice at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Aet of Mareb 3, 18". DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOOH 'Presbyterean Notes The Bouquet r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~ STRATH HAVEN INN DEW DROP INN lII.aldas'- £uDcll - Dbule, OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE cei~ng ~atulations ~~~~~~~\~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harvardin n I I!~. .~....;;~'""~.~~~~~~~~~ .. ....~""~;;;~;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;~~ FAR INTO THE NIGHT College Theatre "RIDERS OF ~ WHISTLING PINE" Mon. - Tues. and Wedne9loy . ''THE SANDS OF IWO JIJIIA" Pike, 8~'" PboneS.....u-. . . . . . . " • REGULAR FEATURE NO'l'SHOWN Sunday and Monday . Starting Thursday, .April 6 Tu...., Wed., & TbImIday "MONTANA" lIGberi IrQ_ • ~ ..AMBUIIIl" informed on these new discoveries. He includes new medicinal agents in his practice as with lohn Wa,.. BnoI Fbn In .. MEDIAl Errol Fban • Alexis Smlth . "MONTANA" In technlcolor! , ·BaII1ni..... - IbhI aoon. as their therapeuti~ -value . has been . established, , Depend on' your dOctor. Depend on 118 to 6D hie . prescriPtions euctly 81 on1ered. I'. Collel' .h.r••I, .il~•• ONTIU~ , • _Morning worship will be held Palm Sunday at 9:30 ami 11. Mr. Bishop's sermon will be HThe Rejection of Truth". The Cherub and .Junlor Choirs will sing at the 9:30 service, and the Chapel Choir will sing at the 11 o'clock service. There will be a Holy Conununion Ser~ce at'8 pm. on Maundy Thursday. New members will be received Into the church and young people will be confirmed. On good Friday the traditional Three Hour Service 0 ege, 0 oradq Springs on Sunday following a 10-day spring vacation at her home on Mt. Holyoke place. -~~=======================~_ .. friends in providing flowers and for oo-operation . of members the ~hancel for Easter. Lilies and other flowering plants, preferably the Church School will meet at white, may be sent to bite church 9 :45. The Nursery and Beginner's on Saturday afternoon. Those Departmenta meet at U. , who wish to make contributions Church School will not meet for .purchasing planta may giVl' Easter Sunday morning, but their contributions to WaITen instead attend the 9 o'clock ser- Crafts, Mrs. L. E. Kauffman or We have a wide range of prices vice in the Church. Theodore L. Purnell. The Communicant's Class will yet the same high standard meet In the Pastor's Study at 5 Friends Meeting Notes on Sunday afternoon. The final meeting of this 'winof service is 'accorded t~ all. The Yotmg Adulta' meet for ter's Adult Forum meetings will meditation at 6 Sunday evening. be a summary given by John SeySupper will be served at 6:30 bold. followed by a meeting. The large room In Whittier Lewis Shay, Jr. will speak on House Is bemg painted so the all "Our American Operating Prin- day sewing on Monday and Wedciples - Do we Know Them?" nesday the first .....eek In April will .'.IClO.1 O. PUNIllALS The.Woman'. Association Sew- bepostpon!' will meet at 7:00 Group will be held Monday, April p.m. In CloIsers B, Swarthmore 3 in the !Methodist Olwroh, Park College. avenue. Choir School will ·be held on Monday and Wednesday at 4:00 ~ltas to Sew p.rn. Delta Ganuna Sewing Day will There will be a celebration be held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Holy Communion on VIT..In,lSday I S. Robinson of 730 Ogden avenue, at 10:00 a. m. The Woman's Aux- on Thursday, April 6. iliary will meet for all-day s""IIinI~1 and instead of· their usual Wednesday Lenten Luncileon, each News Notes woman will bring a boxed lunch. Mrs. WilliamCraemer, Mrs. The Children's Craft School Win Waldo E. Fisher, Mrs. Thomas B. meet on, Thursday at 3:00 p.m. McCabe and Mrs. Agnes M. Haig At 8:00 p.m. on Maundy Thurs- Sheldon of Swarthmore were day, there will be a celebration among the patroneSses at the card Holy Communion with an ad,iress I party which the Delaware County by Dean Gifford. The eboir Alumnae of Mount Holyoke Colbe In attendance. at this service. lege held Saturday afternoon At 10:00 a. m. on Good in Philadelphia. there will be a sl!l>Vice of Nancy Terry, daughter of Mr. and Penitential Office. and Mrs. Duane R. Terry of North Easter Baptisms are scheduled Chester road has been pledged 8 for 4:00 p. m, on Saturday, Easter to Gamma Phi Beta sorority at Even. Bowling Green State University, TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, oAprtl 2 8:00 A.M.-HOly Communion. 9:45 A.M.-Church Sebool. 11 :00 A.M. Procession with .. Palms, Morning Prayer Sermon by Dean Gifford, "Crowds and the Man". 6:30 P.M.-Young Peoples Fel~ lowship at Trinlty.Church. 7:00 P.M. Canterbury Club (Cloisters B Swarthmore College.) Wednesday, Aprtl 5 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Maundy T4'll'Sday, Aprtl 8 8:00 P.M.-Holy Conununion ~ Addresil by Dean Gifford Ohoir. O. Good FrIday, April , MethOdist Notes 10:00 A.M.-Litany and Penitential Office. The Sunday Scbool meeta 12:QO P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Community Three-Hour Service (Pres- 9:45. The Young Adulta meet 10 o'clock In the Ladies' Parlors.•. byterian Church). . Saturday - Easter Even, Aprtl 8 The sermon topic at bite 11 4:00 P.M.-Easter Baptisms. o'clock. service is "A Day." THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY The Chureb Nursery Is open OF FRIENDS during the morning service. Mnl. Sanday, oAprU 2. 9:45 A.M.-First Day School Lloyd E. Kauffuuqt and Anna Mae 9:45 A.M. Final !Meeting of Allison will be In Charge. Adult Forum led by John The ushers for the day are A. Seybold. . P. Smith, G. Glaesser Jr., C. L. 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship Visitors Welcome. Children Hughey, E. Shustock and R. M. cared for In Whittier House. Snyder. Monday and Wednesda:r T·here will be no meeting of the No All Day Sewing far the A.F.s.C. Community Yauth Pe1lowship this week. FIRST CHURCH' OF CHRIST SCIENTIST The Board of Education meets OF SWARTHMORE on Tuesday evening at 8 at the Park Avenue below Harvvd home of Mr: and Mrs. S. W. JohnSanola:r, ,/\prU 1I son, I Amherst avenue• 11:00 A.M.-Sunday SchooL Special services will be held 11:00 AM. - I .... on - Sermon ''Unreality'' the church on Thursday and Frl'Wednesday evening meetInJI day evenings at 8 o'clock. 00 each week, 8 p.m. Reading room Thursday evening the Holy Com~pen daIly except Sunday III to .. p.m. Wednesday even!n. 7 to munion will be celebrated. ThIs 7:50 p.m. and II to 9:30. cIluI'cll daB yes opeD M!!1IDIarj'" , • Say "HAPPY EASTER" to the . whole family with gifts from the latest collection at their favorite shop - Buchner's. It's SO easy tofind just the right gift for. each and every one in this varied. sp~ng array for people of taste and discrin;tination. \ Buchner's Toggery Shop PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE 6-0240 5th s\.y~"RTHM eRE ANTIQUES FAIR WOMAN'S CLUB OF SWARTHMORE Tuesday - Wednesday, -10 a.m •• 10 P.M. Thursday. 10 a.m •• 9 p.m. APRIL II, 12, 13 Admission 50 cents . Luncheon and Dinner Served , . z THE SWARTHlIIOBEAN PERSONALS ., Mrs. Oliver G. Swan of North Chester road ,spent a few days of this week in New York City. Miss Dorothy Louise Bernard and Mr. R. Heberton Butler of Swarthmore were gueSts of honor at a dinner given last Sunday by Miss Elizabeth R. Garvey of Burlington. N.J. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Francis Butler of South Chester road, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Butler, Jr" of Penn Valley. and the Misses Nellie aud Lillian Aitken of Burlington. . Mrs. Hervey Schumacher of Haverford avenue has returned home after spending five weeks In Miami Beach. Mrs. Schumacher, Mrs. Francis V. Warren of Walnut lane and Mrs. Thomas H. Ingram of Harvard avenue will leave the latter part of April for a twomonth trip to England. Scotland, Switzerland, France and Italy. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Rutan of Ogden afenue returned home Saturday following a month's trip by automobile to Ft. Lauderdale and Miami Beach, Fla. Barbara Lukens of Strath Haven avenue arrives home tomorrow for a IO-day spring vacation from Middlebury College. Barbara represented Middlebury at a Woman's Athletic Association Conference of New England colleges. held at Smith College. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden avenue entertained as their week-end guest Miss Joanne Hulbert oC Colorado Springs, now associated with American Airlines at Laguardia Field, N.Y. Mrs. L. A. WetIaufer of Universlty place entertained her bridge club at a luncheon-bt'idge at her home Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hoch oC Yale avenue wlll entertain at their home tomorrow 'evening when their guests wlll be Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Garrison, Jr•• Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Warden. and Mr. and Mr.. Warren Bernard of Swarthmore, Dr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Tully of Cragmere. Del.. and Mrs. and Mrs. .Roger Stone of Ardentown. Del. Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Halg of Riverview road will drive to Mt. HolYoke. College to be ae-' companied home by their daughter Roberta, nnd Elinor Karns of Wellesley road, both sophomores at the college. tor a 10-day spring vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson of Westdale avenue entertained at a neighborhood dinner party at their home before the Series Danee in the Woman's Club Saturday evening. Frances Pearson of Cornell avenue arrived home Thursday from Wilson College for a 10-day Easter vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Georte Karns of Wellesley rood wlll entertain' as their week-end guest Mr. Karns' brother Capt. Frank Karns, U.S.N.. Retired. of AnnapOlis, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hoch of Yale avenue wlll entertsln as their week-end .guests Dr. and Mrs. J. Nelson TullY and children Nancy and Tommy of Cragmere, Del. Dr. and Mrs. W1111am Elmore of Baltimore Pike will entertain as their week-end guests ;Mrs. Elmore's parents Professor and Mrs. Leigh Page of New Haven, Conn. Mrs. W1111am H. Shank who has been spending the winter l\IID-CENTURY FORMAL Sponso....d by J. J.'s &.to 12 pJ\I. Tuesday. ApriH . Hlch School Gym Tickets $2.50 B~ door months in Burlington. Vt.; will arrive tomorrow for an extended visit with her son-in-law· and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart of Vassar avenue. Mr. aDd Mrs. Fred R. Wilson of Walnut lane entertained !for a few days Mrs. Wilson's sister Mrs. W. D. Sizer of Glen .Ridge. N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. LIncoin of Westdale avenue I\IK!Dt the week-end with Mr. LIncoin's family in West Medford. Mass. Mr and Mrs. Charles L. Bolton of Cedar lane entertained 12 guests -iit a dinner-bridge at their home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup and daughters Kathleen and Martha returned Thursday :from a motor trip south where they had been vacationing near St. Petersburg, Fla., since March 6.. Bruce .Godfrey of Vassar avenue WIll arrIve home this week-end Irom Washmgton and Lee Universlly for the Easter holidays. . MrS. George E. Sillow."y of Nor\h Chester road is entertaining during the spring holidays her granddaughter Caroline Sargent Furnas of Earlham College. and her great niece Adele Sargent of St. Paul, ,Minn .• a student at Radcliife. Mr. and Mrs. D. Malcolm Hodge of Strath Haven avenue are entertainlng ,or 10 days Mrs. Hodge's mother Mrs. Marjorie Gayle of Arlington, Va. On Sunday•. Mrs. Hodge accompanied' by her mother and daughter Mary Lou Hodge will drive to Ithaca to visit Gayle Hodge a ~tudent at Cornell University. Mr. and Mrs. Graeme G. Whytlmv of CornelJ avenue 'entertalned as their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rice of Altoona. and Mr. and Mrs. Graeme G. Wbytlaw. Jr.,' of Torrlngton. Conn. Mr. Whyllaw, Jr., will leave this week for South Bend. Ind.. where he assumes new duties for the Torrington Company. Mrs •.Whytlaw. Jr.• and son will follow later. Joan' Faulkner. a junior at Tuaculum . College' will arriVe at her home on Dickinson avenue for the Easter holidays. Joan was just elected president. of her Dormitory, and to ·the Presidents· Associatton and Oo-ed Council. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. aDd Mrs. W1111am Watts Cochran 'of !MOrristown, N. J •• announce the engagement of their dat~ll1er. Miss Comella Vanderpool Cochran. to Mr. Allen McGill Daley. son of Mr. and !Mrs. ~­ cis Daley of Wllrnlngton. Del.. formerly of Swarthmore. Miss Cochran Is a gradWlte of Miss Porter's School, Farmington. Conn., and is attending the 'Berkeley School in East Orange, N. J. Mr. Daley was' graduated from Phillips Academy. Andover, Mass.. in 1943. He' served in the armed forces in lilurope, and Is now in the senior class at PrincetOill University, where he is a member of the Elm Club. The wedding will 'lake place in June. College Theatre Friday and Saturd"?' Gregory Peck in '"I'WELVE O'CLOCK mGB" Feature Times Sat. Evening &loo - 8:00 - 10:00 SPRING 'IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER LET us WASH - CLEAN - WAX YOUR CAB GET YOUR 1000 MJJ,E CHECK lJP TOO. WILLARD BATTi!JuES - GOODYEAR TIBES \ GULF PRODUCTS , RUSSELL'S SERVICE "Bob" Atz, Owner Dartmouth & Lafayette Ave8. . hair down!' Call Swarthmore 6-0476 Everyone EuJoll a Tender Perfectly Cooked Slealll AlId Th_ Two S6eak. Dinners Are Top Favorite&WJIB)[-ENO SPECIAL T-BONB STEAK DINNER ............ ,2." lllaDy Other Tempilq Chol_. Of Co1u:se. On the R~plar Sandal ani Weekday Meau Mr. and Mrs. GUbeJ!t lB. , • On ThutsdOty as Usual (5:30-7:30) '1.00 Serve-Yourself All-You-Want Supper STRATH HAVEN INN Fa_ '1'eIeph_ Swartbmoa'e .-.... WB81BL"f m'lON Ol'FlCB AND P~G Swu1hmore. Pa. DEW DROP INN 'B:a.a1rI••, - £UJlcb - Di..... Closed Every Sunday 7 A. M. to 8 p. M. . Monday Thru Saturday' • \ DAILY DINNERS SSe: 10 $1.60 Mu~- , tin, Jr., of Cornell avenue are re- Special Children'. Platters I. , ceiving congratulattons upon the birth of a son, Barclay Fleer MusMMHHC1rrC-S==--Hr't:iesHt=lHHHt'1 ===HHHHMMt=1Me"· tin. on March 18 in FitzgeraldMercy Hospital. The baby Is a grandson of Mrs. Gilbert B. Mustin. Sr.. of Lan.... DinIn&' Boom ()peD To l'IibUo downe. Harvard Inn , Mr. and Mrs. G. Alexander Mills of .Walnut., lane announce the blrlilr of a daugh~.· Janice JolmlIOO Mills, on March 22 in 'l1aylor HOSpital. I Phone Swarihmore 6-8'ZS CATERING TO PERMANENT and TRASIENT GUESTS _ ~~Q"""'" Coloradc> College. Coloradq Springs on Sunday following a 10-day spring vacation at her home on Mt. Holyoke place. NOT EXPENSIVE We have a wide range of prices yet the same high standard of service is .accorded tg all. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. IIIICTOII O. PUNIIAU 1820 CHESTNUT STRUT Telephone RI 6-1581 Christ. Scientist. on SUnday April -;;:~::;~~~~:;;::-:::;~~~~~:-:~;:::-::-:~=::~~~_ 2. The Golden Text is: "Surely ~ God will not hear vanity. neither ~ will the AlmIghty regard it." (Job 35:13.) Offfue. Letter To The Editor Trinity Notes Dear Editor, HolY Communion will be celeOne night while eating dinner brated at 8:00 a. m. Church School I had an idea, ,here if is. You all SWARTHMORE will meet at 9:45 a. m. At .the 11 know how long Swarthmore's been PRESBYTERIAN cHURcH a. m. service of Moriling Prayer without paying suitable honor to Sunday. April Z 9:30 AM.-Women's Bible Class. there wi1I be the Processiori w.o;n I it·s soldiers lost in World War I 9:45 A.M.-Sunday Sdhool and Palms and thJo sermon by and IL I -thMfght that if a new Men's Bible Class. Bora Hall were bullt that it could 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. -. Sermon Gifford will be "Crowds and Man." Palins will he bleSsed be dedicated to those men. "The Rejection of Truth". 5:00 P.M.-Communicants Class. the 8:00 a. rn. service and will Sincerely yours, 6:00 P.M.-Young Adults Group. distributed to all who attend . Bonnie Moxey 6:30 P~M.-Young People's Felthe 8:00 a. m. and 11:00 "lowshiP. Trinity Church. Maundy ThDl'llllay. April 6 services. Young. People's Fe:Umll-1 Open House Group To Meet 8:00 P.M. - HolY Communion ship will meet at 6:30 p. m. A meeting of the OPen HouSe Service. Can'terbury Club wl11 meet at Group wtll be held Monday. April p.m. in Cloisers B.. 3 in the !Methodist Ohurch, Park METHODIST CHURCH College. avenue. Roy N. Keiser. D. D .• Minist.... Choir School will ,be held on Sunday. April 2 Monday and Wednesday at 4:00 Qeltas to Sew 9 :45 A.M.-Church Sebool. 10:00 A.M.-Young Adults p.rn. . Delta Gamma Sewing Day will 11:00 A.M.-The topic of the serThere will be a oelebration be held at the home of Mrs. Arthur mon will be "A Prophetic HolY Communion on VI"ecln•.ooay S. Robinson of 730 Ogden avenue, . Day." • at 10:00 a. m. The Woman's Aux- on Thursday, April 6. 6:00 P.M.-Youth Fellow~ Iliary will meet for all-day se-.Iinl~1 Trinity Church. and instead of· their usual WedNews Notes nesday Lenten Luncheon, each TRINITY CHURCH Sunday. obrll 2 woman will bring a boxed lunch. Mrs. William .Craemer. Mrs. 8:00 A.M.-HOlY Communion.. The Children's Craft ScIwol will Waldo E. Fisher. Mrs. Thomas B. 9:45 A.M.-Church School. McCabe and Mrs. Agnes M. Haig 11 :00 A.M. Procession with meet on, Thursday at 3:00 p.m. At 8:00 p~. on Maundy Thurs- Sheldon of Swarthmore were 'Palms. Morning Prayer Sermon by Dean Gifford, day, there will be a celebration of among the patrone>lses at the card "Crowds and the Man". Holy Communion with an address party which the Delaware County 6 :30 P M.-Young Peoples Felby Dean Gifford. The choir Alumnae of Mount HolYoke Collowship at Trinity .Church. be in attendance. at this service. lege held Saturday afternoon 7:00 P.M. Canterbury Club At 10:00 a. m. on Good Frid,.vl in Philadelphia. (Cloisters B Swarthmore College.) there will be a sel'lliee of Nancy Terry. daughter of Mr. Wednesday. April 5 and Penitential Office. and Mrs. Duane R. Terry of North 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Easter Baptisms are scheduled Chester road has been pledged 8 Maundy '!!!ursday. April 6 8:00 P.M.-Holy Communion ~ for 4:00 p. m. on Saturday. Easter to Gamma Phi Beta sorority at Address by Dean Gifford Even. Bow~g Green State University, I \ lIarvard and Rutgers Avenues Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Martin of Havel'lford place are receiving congratulatons upon the birth The Meditation lind Prayer be held as usual oil Thursday 5:35 in the Church Sanctuary. The Session will meet at 7:45 Thursday evening in the more avenue entertained at a small supper party Sunday evening in honor at Miss Joanne Hulbert of New York. the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden avenue. HatS)' Turner will return to • Say "HAPPY EASTER" to the . whole family with gifts from the , latest collection at their favorite shop - Buchner's. i Open 3 --~=========;:'============:;::_ the Church School will meet at 9:45. The Nursery and Beginner's Departments meet at U. The Church School will not meet Elister Sunday rttOrning, but instead attend the 9 o'clock service in the Church. The Communicant·s Class will meet in the Pasllor's Study at 5 Friends Meeting Notes on Sunday afternoon. The Young Adults. meet for The final meeting of this winmeditation at 6 Sunday evening. ter's Adult Forum meetings will SUpper will be served at 6:30 be a summary given by John Seybold. followed by a meeting. The large room in Whittier Lmvis Shay. Jr. will speak House is bei'ng painted so the all "Our American Operating Prin-·I day sewing on Monday and Wedciples - Do we Know Them?" nesday the first week in April will The. Woman's Association Sew- be postponed to the jCollowing ing Day will be held on Wednes- week . day.· Circle 3, Mrs. WilHam H. Gehring, ebairman, will be in Christian Science Notes charge of the sewing. All members of Circle 3 are asked to bringl "Unreality" is the subject of the theit knitted squares. Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Church Services OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE It's so easy tofind just the right gift for, each and every one in this varied spz:ing array for people of taste and discrimination . . 1 Buchner's Toggery Shop FOR FAR INTO THE NIGHT MAqAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Mrs. lloyd E. Ka"flmaSwarthmore C.aso , MEDIAl Ohoir. ~ S&aDWYck Jam... _ n - Ava Gardner Van Beilin ''EAsT SIDE. WEST SIDB" Sat. Kiddle Mat. 1:15 "TARZAN'S DESERT MYSTERY" Sunday and M ......ay Errol Flynn - Mala 8mHIl . "MONTANA" In ·tecbnlcoJorl Tu..... Wed., & 'l'IlImIday Robert Pl'Q1er - Adene DaId "AlIIBlJlIIl'" .. ~- .. .... ,~- • Night and day throughout the :veer scientists are working in relaboratories in the interest· o~ public health. During the last two decades many dbeaa B have been conqueRd. There is I'ftI8OD to believe that more and more progr!BS will be made, that many ....lictions now fatal will gradually yield to medical research. Your doctor, and he alone, is well . ' ." informed on these new diaooveries. He includes new meclicbla1 agents in his ~ as __ sa I . tbelr therapeutic value baa bem . at/lIbllsbed, • I Depend on' your ctOctor. Depend OIl 111 to ill his . pRSCriptioas aact1y as onlued. search Thursday, FrIday, Saturday, REGULAR FEATURE NOT. SHOWN "MONTANA" _Morning worship will be held Palm Sunday at 9:30 and 11. Mr. Bisho.p's sermon will be "The Rejection of Truth". The Cherub and .Tunlor Choirs will sing at the 9:30 service, aDd the Chapel Choir will sing at the. 11 o'clock service. There will be a HolY Communion Service at'S p m. on Maundy Thursday. New members will be received into the church and young people will be confirmed. On good FrIday the traditional Three Hour Service owill be held from 12 noon to 3 p. rn. Mr. Bishop will deliver seven meditations on "The Seven Last Words of the Cross. Tbe Women's Bible Class, will meet Sunday morning at 9:30. Mrs. Arthur J. Jones will be in charge of the- program on 'the "Seventh Day Adventists'~. The Men's Bible Class will meet at 9:45. William B. Pugh. Jr. will speak on the "Doctrines of the Presbyterian Church". The Primary. Junior. JuniorHigh and Senior Departments of BEAUTY SALON BIRTHS "RJDEIlS OF '.I.'IIE WHisTLING PINE" BmII Fbn in 'Presbyterean Notes The Bouquet" Lest April eatch you with your oo-operation - of members friends in providing nowels and for the ~hancel for Easter. Lilies and other flowering plants. preferably white. may be sent to the church on Saturday a1ternoon. Those who wish to make contributiOIl8 for ;purchasing plants may g!vp their contributions to Warren Crafts, MI's. L. E. Kauffman or Theodore L. Purnell. IIWARTlIlItORE. PA.. FRmA.Y. MARCH 31.. 1950 F.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ Ii 7 Oartoons and SerIal .Starting 'l'huraday, April 8 ..... "••"L._1U. ___. . . . . . , '. - and·all disciples of Christ are InBarbara Davis of Harvard avevlted to commune. On Friday ev- nue. a student at Mary Wa~hlngton ening the ebatr wi6 sing Moore's College I'as costumed a doll for ~:~e. cantata. ''The Darkest an exhibit of 32 figures represent~ in g actors of various centuries The minister will speak at the and nationalities. The exhibit a Rotary Club on Friday.. project of a survey course in world T~e C~mmunlty Gpeople will Spend their spring vacation at the Goodwin home in Rose Valley. Pepper Neal, a student at St. Mary's Junior College, Raleigh, N. C., arrived Thursday to vacation 0 0 Kappa Hostess ' The Kappa Kappa Gamma sewing group will meet Tuesday, April 4 at the home of Mrs. Harty L. Miller of 411 Thayer road. s:t- Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath° of Benjamin West avenue returned home Monday from a 10-day triP to Bermuda. Mrs. T. S. Safford returned to Strath Haven. Inn Sunday after spending several months in Sebring, Fla. She was accompauied by her sister Mrs. M; D. Dalton. Waldo R. Fisher of Wesleyan University will arrive at his home on Guernsey road tomorrow en route to Tennessee wh....e he will join othr members of the Wesleyan University Outing Club for climbing in the °Smokey Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Howe of Rutgers avenue will entertain at a buffet supper Ofor 12 at their home i Also Decorated Cocanut Friday every high school and the comMr. Malin, who spoke Cream Eggs, linish his ca1l. night, discUssed the problem of munlty in addition to many smalCandy Cupboard Chocolates 2. When, while caIklng, ,.,.. reaIi2e char someone else is • minorities in relation to civil lib- ler communities arid specialized and imported waiting II> make B call, hang up te8Mll.bly soon and &ee erties. He expressed a pref~ence groups of workers, such as food"QUALITY STREET" that "debate over good or bad so- handiers. the line. Chocolates and Toffees cial or individual practice should' The program, W h'Ieh'15 In . co. be resolved by th~ CATHERMAN'S . slow accrebon . . operat'lon WI·th th e D elaware of human ex~rlence. But this IS County Medical Society has been lbe Bell Telepbone Company of PlIIIISYlYanla Drug Store a speedy socIety that must con. ' tinually stabilize itself." Hence, planned particularly to reach he concluded, there is a need for which can change be• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•• legislation _-::. havior even if it change FINE CAKES and PASTRIES thinking. Specializing in Individually Designed Cakes Mr. Malin, who lives on North , Princeton avenue, is former proOrder Your Homemade EASTEIl EGGS Early fessor of economics at Swarthmore College. o until Tuesday at her home on Benjamin West avenue. Nancy Terry of North Chester road will be one of 69 dancers who will present Bowling Green State University's annual student dance concert, "The Evening Spectator"for two evenings beginning today at the Ohio University. . Tom ~op~r will return I<.> Cornell UruverSlty Monday atter a eek' t' w s ~prmg vaca Ion at his home on Magill road. Joan Streeter returned to Iowa State Sunday after spending a spring vacation at her home on Columbia avenue. Sadie Garrett of Princeton nue will arrive home tomorrow from Oberlin College to vacation until April 10. 0 ave- .DELAWARE COUNTY NURSE WINS AWARD • EASTER \ 'SUNDAY 0 _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ •• _ _ -_ •• - - - HOT WATER SUPPLY NEWS NOT.ES Mrs. W. P. Hayes of Swarthmore avenue visiteq her daughter Mrs. Dorothy Mae Sidner R.N., (center) of 931 Lamokin street, Chester a member of the public 'health nursing staff of the Communi"Y Health Society of Central Delaware County, a Red Feather Service, receives a bronze medal ~or distinguished service,in nursing from District No.1 of the Pennsylvania State Nurses .A'ssociation.. She is cQ\lgtatula.ted by Ruth Weaver Hubbal'd, R.N., president of the National Qrganimtion for Public Health Nursing, and general director of !!he Visiting Nurse Society of Philadelphia, a Red Feather SjerVice. Looking on is Mrs. EUzabeth Ann Groff, director of the Community Health Society at • 0 , Swarthmore Wins Del>ate Swarthmore College, represented by Donald Pearson and Donaid Sutherland, won the st. Francis Sponge rubber rug cushion I NOW !OU (an. give your rugs [hal ~lorious feel of rich,. deep-pile carpetmg--easlly and cheaply-with amazing new Sponges. Made of pure, virgin rubber. Sponge:: has many more ad\'anta~ and none o~ [he ~rawbacks found in old style carpet lining. Spo"gex IS 5aOl18ry. has no dirc-ca[ching .crevices. It is>. moth!.nd.vermin.proof. doesn't attrac;t lin't, can be scrubbed clean in. • Jiffy. Spongex will never stretch out of shape. creep, crawl, budde or mat down. ' You owe it ur-you~self and your rugs to give them,the lusury ,and long:iife "insurance" of Spongu; Rug Cushion. Come in and see how It feels to step on Spongex. Forum's first annual debate Tuesday evening in Springfield High: School in a close decision over St. , 0 ENGINE TUNE-UP SPECIAL .' 'I'UE CAKE BOX 0611 South , Chester Road FUSCO & ALSTON ly awarded a McMullen Engineering Scholarship for the -balance of his college work. cPA"'~()tt It CO»1r~!!! Consider notes for r-_ _.!.y.:o:,:ur family's future points • • • Check distributor cap and rotor • • • Contributes To College Art Exhibit Inspect dis~utor wires •.• Reset ignition timing Among the students contribut- • •. Clean 'air cleaner and fuel bowl ... Adjust ing to the annual exhibition of art Ask us to explain the ad. vantages of our service as executor and trustee. by students of Mount Holyoke College is Elinor Karns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Karns of Wellesley.road. The exhibition includes work in oil, water color, pencil and charcoal drawings, and clay. Elinor's entry is a painting lione in oil, entitled "New England Coast". Ten items from this display will' be sflected for a showing to be held in April at the Springfield, Mass. Museum of Fflle Arts. This exhibit will include art work of students from all of the Western Massachusetts colleges. A graduate of Swarthmore High School. Elinor is noW a sophomore at Mount Holyoke. carburetor idle. The BEST TUNE.UP IN TOWNI 0 l Open Thursday Evening 'April 6th No guess-work! Our Master Technicians use o scientific testing equipment. Prices are RIGHT! 0 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. TIRES You never need to worry about not having enough hot water-or not having it when you need it-when you have an automatic gas water heater. You'll have plenty of clean, hot water right at your fingertips any time you want it. , Ask your plumber about the new automatico gas water heaters today or stop in at one.of our suburban stores to see them. . _No Do_ IOaf-t for ' ....IU _ _ ..wi up to """ y _ to I'ay at his 'home here. Dick was recent- Swartrunore, which gave the 9x12 - $33.00 negative side of the question "Resolved that the Uuited States Should Recognize >the new Chinese Government" will be given an inscr;bed plaque to defend next year against a team from another , Mella... hrpetbl • • Cemplete Size Ran,e • erle.taa a ••• college. 100 Parle Ave., Swarthmore, PI. Drexel Institutes" Dean Robert SWat :::;,::o,e 6·~OOO - (I. •• rbrook 9·4646 C. Disque of Strath ;Haven avenue .w wiJj {;lli'idlJJiNIdi xJJ.u fl f4.IJLSON·S was -one of the five judges. Others included George B. Beitzel presi- ...~n;it:ij;i:i;:(t;:;e;(;i~;:(t;:,:eit:ij;i=u;~~it:ii:i;:(t;:;e;it:i~-~-tt:l~o=~-~ dent of the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing COmpany and member of Springfield Township School Board, Brother Gregorian Paul president of LaSalle College, Harvey Saybold superintendent of Springfield Schools, and William O. Fitzgerald, .Jr. president of the Clean and adjust spark p~ugs ... Adjust breaker Springfield Lyons Club. 3 r lege, Ohlo will return to his home on Dickinson avenue tomorrow to vacatipn until April 10. Wice Hornaday will ilrrive from Oberlin College for a 10-day spring vacation. Dick Bosshardt of Park avenue spent the first part of his Easter vacation on a spring training trip to Baltimore as a member of the varsity lacrosse team of Cornell University where he is a sophomore. He will return to Cornell Sunday after spending a few days w;"'5;onqYA. College team composed ii_c;:en=tra1==De=l~a~war====e=Co~un~ty~.=====~===~==~===:::::;~ Joseph's of Joseph Frank, Jr. and Frank Hartman. GOOOJiEAR WATER HEATIN. ' I 5 New LUlU Underfoot for you departments, industrial scientists in the area and' teachers in high "chools and colleges. ._- Edwardwho Irving of New Conn., enter.tainetl at aHaven, tea in ~::::::::::::~::::::;::::::;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::~ , • her honor. Mrs. Hayes also visited Mrs. David Molander of New Haven, the former Miss Nancy Price of Swarthmore, and her new baby daughter Susan. The Mothers Group of thl! College avenue Kindergarten were entertained at a dessert by the Rutgers avenue mothers in the Kindergarten room on ThurS!iay. MAKE IT A WORRY-FREE Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier TRIP ON NEW of Columbia avenue will entertain their bridge club member~ and guests at three tables of bridge this evening. Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt of Park avenue spent the week-end in • Less danger 01 blowouts New York City attending the an• Safe non-skid traction nual concert of Helvetia Swiss • Better protection against Male Chorus at Town Hall, and punctures. cuts, and bruises also visited friends including Mrs. John Reclmagel of Douglaston, BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE L.I., formerly of Swarthmore. En FOil YOUR OLD TIRES route hom... she spent Tuesday with her son Rene and famlly of Plainfield, N.J. EASY TERMS Mothers of the second grade of Rutgers avenue school' held a recent luncheon- meeting at the Ingleneuk. Seventeen w ....e present, including Mrs. William Kurtzh°alz, president of the group. They CJiiiI8,lBB aDd. FAIIl'UW aoADa discussed plans for the lalit meetmONE SWABTIDIOU, 1-1111 ing to be held before the dose of • the school year.o , \ Miss Harriet Gilbert of Park avenue was the week-end guest at Miss Janet Carlson of Flushing, L.I., her former roommate at Vermont. Junior College. Jim Hornaday of Wooster Col, Invited for the full program are doesnJ~ LE Cadet Louis J. Storck, son of Mrs. L. J. Storck, 01 Crest lane was one of a Iiroup Of Cadets who spent three days at the United States Naval Academy under the annual Cadet-MidShipmen Exchange Program, whereby the entire Second Classes are exchanged for a three day period. alumni of Swarthmore's science 0 0 On Saturday, April I, a Science Day will be held at the college, sponsored by the College Science Committee and the Society of Sigma Xi. Science instruction and its relation to the liberal arts curriculum will be the theme for discussion as about 300 educators and scientists assemble for afternoon panel discussions and an evaning Convocation ceremony. Dr. James Bryant Conant, president of Harvard University will deliver the principal addr "JJeat 81J41tJ" tJJ.aIHOH4 Only .he finest quality foods are packed under the IDEAL brand. They are Kitchen Tested for quality, color and flavor, aNuring you the finest quality foods that money . can buy. IJt!Plt Faacy CaUforaia FRUIT COCKTAIL ~!y. 31e Dked PecJC"h... Pineapple, '.art. Ch.rri.. and SHeIl... Grapea pack"' Tn extra heavy syrup. Fancy, In No.21'l 190 Purple Plum. btra,HMlvy Syrup can /}dud Cooked Spalbetti ::& ,~. ::&:50 /)duzI Sweet Garden Pea ::& ':~: :ISO !}t/4QI Fruit CocktaU No. I wn 190 /)thai Apricou u~:r:!~ ::& :.~: ::&1. I}tkaI Faacy SaUeI" Kraut ::& N~:i' ::&:50 .f}tkat Suecota.b G~·L~m.::~. ~':;",303 17. DdMI Sweet Potatoes N,;.' 1ge /)deal Tomato Soup :I I~: ::&SO /)deal Tomato Pane :I wn. ::&So /)deal Apple Juice a'~CY.. "!.~. ::&S9 Otkat Callfomla Cling PEACHES Z ~::~y. '4~ e / ______________ SHcu or Hal,," In IJch Heavy Syrup -w~'- ClIft. f/6M'" .....__ •• Extra .pecla I MACARONI 2 Jk::: 2911 Virginia L. . Louisiana Crunch Tomato Catsup - ..;:: 17c Fancy JlI.e ....,.. 2·'· ..• 27c Pink shimon A'''' bt'''' 35c ...... 2~~37 Prun........ 1'1 c ln Jelly Eggs v''t!,. '":' 190 Peanut Butter I .... "~37c Ideal Red Salmon "" ... 65. VInegar ,.... c,... --"'170 RING CAKE each 3Se ,tuft Made with ground Oranges and topped with a delldous McXaroon Cocoanut Crunch "o,,",..Ut. MAYONNAISE To": 3311 Selected 'resh fruit. & Vegetable. Fre,h Callfornll;J, Thick, Long,. Gr..n ASPARAGUS I o.tdto R'" FnIII BANANAS 2Sc Ib T__ ...... 10 150 SUGAR CORN 3'- .... 29. CRISP WESTERN CARROTS 2 ..... IS. Nearby Eastem 3 25c ROME APPLES Ib, We Invite You to rry Acme Quality MEArS Under Our MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE More and more folb are tumTnsrto Acme Qvailly Poultry and Meats for comp)eftlsaHtfactlOil Cut from Cor....Fed lltt'e Porker. PORK LOINS R3~::: 39c Ib J LOIN END PORK. ROASTS ~~.~ .. 4S. Fre.bly Ground Beel ... 4S0 Cooked Bam Im""8'.~I!~nlou, I~b 14·0..... $1.99 . Whole Caaaed Cbicken "':.':~~o 3~b $1.69 Geaulae Steer Beel Liver Ih 6:50 Le... Plate Soup Beel .. aso Tender Toung Milk-Fed VEAL a::l 2S ....... c: Ib ....p or .... Square Cut Sbould. . Veal ":190 FuD Meated CAPONS ~:.~S::; 63c SLICED BACON .....·lI~'!:··IXL 43c BEEF BOLOGNA 1U~~t:"'_ 4t: Ib .. Porgle. _ . . . Perch-PI.... - Whiting - Lobster Tall.... Shrimp .... _ . "15. 10 31. '"15. .. as. ·6ge era. Ib Ib Deviled -190 FI.h Cak.. 2"17c Corn Meal MuIh .....: lOe Corned Beef ".1 ae Ham Hocks _ .... 103ge It SWARTHMOREAN ANTIQUES FAIR OPENS APRIL 11 Women Sponsor Show For Fi.ft.b Year • Here MARCH 31, 1950. THE SWABTHMOBEAN == .. Bob Buxbaum of Windin ~ IJnf of Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust· will arrive today from Harvard Company, Executor, Estate of Phoebe W. LaBelle, Deceased. University for a week's spring vaLLOYD-Mar. 15 First and Final cation. Account of Provident Trust Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks Company of· Philadelphia and and daughter 1\IIoily of Harvard Gardner S. Rogers, Jr., Execuavenue will spend several days on tors, Estate of John S. Lloyd, Deceased. an automobile trip to Williamsburg, Va., and the Hickory Moun- LOCKE-Mar. 27 First and FInal AcCount of Chester-Cambridge tain Hunting Camp, N.C.. Bank and Trust Company, Trustee u/w of G. Frederick Locke, ORPHANS COURT OF Deceased. DELAWARE COUNTY MC DOWELL-Mar. 20 First Account of Albert P. McDowell PENNSYLVAN1A and William McD. Manning, Notice of FilIng and Audit of Trustees, as stated by William MCD. Manning, Surviving Trus, Accounts tee, Estate of Louise A. 1I1eNotice Is hereby given to heirs, Dowell, Deceased. legatees, creditors and all persons MC GLENCEY-Mar. 6' First and interested that aooonnts In the Final Account of William Mcfollowing estates have been flied Gleneey, Executor, Estate of In Ihe office of the Register of Rebecca McGlencey, De~eased. MC KERNAN-Mar. 27 FIrst and Wills and Clerk of Orphans' Court Final Account of Louis W. Me. as the- case may be, and that tbe Kernan, Administrator c.t.a., same will be presented to the OrEstate of Francis H. McKernan, phan's Court of said county on Deceased. . Monday, M3y I, 1950, 10 o'clock MAC ~ACKIN-Mar. 27 Sec~nd and Fmal Account of Land TItle A. M.. E. D. T., for confirmation, Bank and Trust Company Format which lime the said court will I erly The Real Estate Land Title audlt said aoommts, bear excepand Trust Company, Successor lions to the same and make by Merger to The Land Title ~''''~bu'l f th • and Trust Company, Surviving The Swarthmore Antiques Fair, the fifth one of these popular events to be sponsored by the Swarthmore Woman's. Club, will be beld this year on April 11, 12, 13 at the Clubhouse on Park avenue. Twenty-three dealers, representing a five state area, will exhibit their w~res to tire antiqueminded public. The cbarm and beauly ot the early craftsmanship as exemplified In fine old furniture, glassware, china, je~el­ ry, and numerous decorative household accessories will appeal to all persons who are Interested in the hagdmade articles of a past era which differ In many respects from the modem products of a machine age. The wide variety of objects to be displayed will reUCIIK& It on 0 e balance; Trustee, Estate of Bernard Macveal in many different ways how ascertaln!,d to be In the hands of Mackin, Deceased. life was lived in the days cif long Ihe aceonntants. MINSTER-Mar. 27 First ;md Fiago. nal Account of Harriett Dorothea More than 100 members of the I,EIAI[LI~Y'-:.M'lr: First and Final Gross, Executrix, Estate of Account of S. Bailey, ExHenry W. Minster, Deceased. Antiques Committee will be on ecutrix, Estate of M. Edna D. ,MURPHY-Mar. 24 First and Fihand during the Fair, assisting BaileY',Deceased. . nal Account of Carolyn A. the chairmen' and manning the BETH~D-Mar. 28 First and Lewis, Administratrix C.T.A., admission desks at both the RutFinal Account of· J. Harold Estate of Sara E. Murphy, Degers and Harvard avenue en,Hughes, Executor, Estate of ceased . Marcia L. Bethard, alk as Martrances. cia Hudson Bethard, Deceased. NULTY-Mar. 10 First and Final Account of Anna M. Costigan, The Fair will be open to the BOYD-Mar. 16 First and Final Administratrix, Estate of James public from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Account of W. Glenn George, J. Nulty, Deceased. on Tuesday, April 11 and WedExecutor, Estate of Emma Boyd, NUTTLE-Mar. 24 First and Final nesday, April 12, and from 10 a. in. a/k as Emma C. Boyd, Deceased. Account. of Bertha LeWis, ExBULATEWICz...:Mar. 27 First and ecutrix, Estate of SeJy Nuttle to 9 p.m. on April 13. Lunches and Final Account of Marion Fara/k as Sely M. Nuttle, Deceased: dinners will be served in the relly; Executrix, Estate of ClemPAGE-Mar. 24 Account of Girard lounge of the Clubhouse. ens Bulatewicz, a/k as ClemTrust Company and MaUd NewChairman of the Antiques' Fair ence Bulatewicz, and Klemens lin Page, Executors, Estate of Committee Include the following: Bulatewicz, Deceased. . George 1}ispham Page, Deceased. general chairman, Mrs. J. Paul . 8 First and FIn- PAINTER-Mar. 23 First and FiAccount of Chester-Camnal Account of Eva W. Painter, Brown; treasurer, Mrs. A. W. bridge Bank and Trust Company, !pxecutrix, Estate of Boward T. Bass; secretary business managers, Guardian, Estate of Arthur E. PaInter, Deceas.ed. Mrs. John L. Good, Mrs. Alban E. BurnaII, Late a Minor. 28 First Rogers; dealer hospitaliJy, Mrs. CALLAHAN-Mar. 27 Second and PANTENBURG-Mar. Account of The Pennsylvania B_. K . MiD r S e; food servIce" . Mrs. Final Account of Chester-CamComp.any for Banking and bridge Bank and Trust Company, P G Gilh Trusts, Administrator, Estate of ercy. ert; serving Mrs. Guardian, Estat'l of 'Mildred Katie Pantenburg, a/k as KathaJohn E. Michael; bostesses, Mrs. Cooney Callahan, Nee' _Mildred rine B. Pantenburg, and KathaDavid Bingham; door prize, Mrs. Cooney, Late a Minor. , rine Pantenburg, Deceased•. LeRoy Mercer; pqblicity, Mrs. .CARTER-Mar. 28 First Account RAWLEY-Mar. 27 First and FiGordon A. Meader; checking, Alice of Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust pal Account of Cbester-Camd' . Company and Jean Carter Slack, . tt M bridge Bank and Trust Company attlO ; a mtSSlons. Mrs.' Leslie Executors, Estate of Sarah Jane Administrator, Estate of Lillia~ A. Wetlaufer, .arrangements, Mrs. Carter, Deceased. F. Rawley, Deceased. H. iii. Toole; advertising, Mrs. AI- COLEMAN-Mar. 28 First and FiROBINSON-.Mar. 28 Account of ban E. Rogets. nal Account of Margaret H. William P. H!1ll, Executor u/w Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe is Coleman,' Administratrix, Estate of Adele G. Hull, Surviving president of the Swarthmore Club. of James M. Coleman, Deceased.. Trustee, u/w of Elizabeth W. DOLAN-Mar. 27 First and Final Robinson, deceased: Account of Chester-Cambridge ROlIN-Mar. 27 First and Final Bank and Trust Company, ExAccount of Alice L. Rohn, Executor, Estate of Margaret M. ecutrix, Estate of P. S. Rohn Dolan, Deceased. a/k as Peter S. Rohn, Deceased: DORIS-Mar. 27 First and Final SCBLEGEL-.-Mar. 28 First and Account of Jennie Hueston, Exnal Account of A. Esther Schecu~rix, Estate of Joseph J. legel, Administratrix, Estate of DorIS, Deceased. Lawrence B. Schlegel, Deceased. GAGNON-Mar. 22 First aDd Fin- SCHOEN-Mar. 28 Account of al Account of ~ecil E. Meagher Girar~ Trust Company, Trustee and Corine E. Gagnon, ExecuTEM~LE for E. B. S. Held, Estate of trices, Estate of Eveline Gagnon, Charles T. Schoen, Deceased. a/k as Eveline lB. Gagnon and SHELDON-Mar. 28 First and FiEvelyn Gagnon, Deceased. nal Account of Mildred V. ShelGROSS-Mar. 17 First and Final don, Administratrix, C. T. A." Account of Frank V. Gross AdEstate of Malcolm H. Sheldon ministrator, Estate of R~gina a /k as M. H. Sheldon, Deceased: Gross, a/k as Regina I. Gross, STROIK-Mar. 27 First and FiOFFERS A Deceased. nal Account of Chester-Cam28 First and Final bridge Bank and Trust Com-' PRACTICAL COURSE IN Joseph L. Sites, Expany, Guardian, Estate of Roof Anna S. Hall, bert H. StrOik, Late a Minor. TRIMJ;lLE-Mar. 28 First and FiHAYES-Mar. 8 The First Account nal Account of Orner Fulton and of Annie Merrill Hayes, ExecuHenry Schwarz, Executors, Estrix, Estate of J. Arthur Hayes, tate of James K. Trimble, Deceased. a/k as James Arthur Hayes and James A. Hayes, Deceased. VALENTINIS-DEE-Mar. 28 First HELMS-Mar. 28 First and Final and Final Account of Emma Account of Florence Seivard ..pauline Valentinis-Dee, ExecuExecutrix, Estate of Alice S: trix, Estate of Arthur ValenThe course includes: Helms, a /k as Alice S. Hems tinis-Dee, Deceased, as stated by Principles of Radio and ElectronDeceased. ", Olga Valentinis-Dee, her Executrix. ics, Television, and Television HEPWORTH-Mar. 17 The First and Final Account of Delaware WALL-Mar. 27 First and Final Servicing. For beginnert, experiCounty Trust Company, SucAcco!IDt of Charles M. Wall, enced personnel ond enthusiasts. cessor by merger with the PennAdministrator C. T. A., Estate sylvania Tine and Trust Com,of Charles L. Wall, Deceased .. Vem-s E..... lIIIder G. I. lUI pany, Executor, Estate of George WALLS-Mar. 17 First and Final E. Hepworth, Deceased. Account of Warren B. Walls ,RAIN FOI Television Clnd Radio Tech.. Executor, Estate of' Brambl~ 27 First and Finicians. Servidng, Station Operation Walls, Deceased. nal Account Edward N. HowTedrical Writing, Sales Qnd Research: ell, Administra tor, Estate of WILLIAMS-Mar. 14 First and Fi. Katherine V. Howell, Deceased. nal Account or Chester-Cama.OISTaArlON for Day and Eveolng HUTCHIN~Mar. 28 First and bridge Bank and Trust Comeo-. April 3rd Jlwwgh 121b from I pany, Trustee u/Will of Edward Final Account of Susan C. 10 a ..... to 8 Po""" P. Williams for Hester Fleming Hutchlngs,Executrix, Estate of Williams. . Jolm M. Hutchings, deceased. . ZERN-Mar. 24 First and FInal JACKSON-Mar. 25 First and Fi(losses begin April 12 Accoimt of Reber T. Zern and nal Account of PrOVident Trust David E. Longacre, AdministraCompany of Philadelpltia fIIld tors, C. T. A., Estate of Anna Herbert W., Jackson, -~s, CITY CENTER IlDG. Belle Zero, a/k as Anna B. u/w ot Jolm Jackson, Deceased. 411 STREn, CHESTER Zern and Amiabei Zern, De27 First and ceased. Fina1 Account of Helen Janlat. OffiCI 3D ROOI Admjnistratrix, Estate of. Mar:: THOMAS A. CURRAN, . RIEMONf 300319 cyana KC£Z8JjnsJri. aJk as Mar.. cyana Kosza1inskI, Deceased Reclster . , Wills and Clerk BEl' I E Mar 28 PJrst AccoUDt of ~ ()rphans' Court. \ Borough Has One Week To Reach $8500 Red Cross HORACE A.BEEVE8 "ThIrd Generation Builders." Swartluriore 6"3450 Building Remodelinl! Repairing ."$$% 0:51- aoAD tiAl!'PI' since 1923 Only duPont's & Devoe'J Paints Used Serving Swarthmore. Morton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 'PHONE: Swarthmore 6-0444 r . ·PETERDI NlCOLA Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete CeUar. Wa)1s Re-Plastered Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 attentive, Intellig,ently, and properiy signalling very move seems as idyllic as the one destroyed by the realist. And we. decide with a sigh that if it is not generous to mistrust e\'ery other driver on the road, at least il is a safer policy. NEWS Charles E. Fischer Mrs. W,ldo E. Fisher of Guernsey road is attending the National Vocational Guidance Asso~iationts Annual Convention being held in Atlantic City. rMrs. Fisher is a delegate representing the Philadelphia and Vicinity area. ~ Mr. and Mrs. D.W.R. Morgan of Strath Haven avenue are having as their guests through the EasLEGAL NOTICES - - - SIl~IUFI<' SALES ter holidays their daughter Mrs. of Ileal Estate David M. Olds and childr~n John SH~lUl<'l-"S Ol<'HCK and Joan Haviland of Mt. LebaCOUnl' HOUSI~. M.I:WIA. PA. Friday, April ~I. It/50 non. 9 :~u ..,\ ..~I. EAstern Standal'll Time Cou,hliolls: $2,0.uo cash ,or certifIed Dr. Warren F. Faragher of the clu..'C.."k at time oC stile (uulcs,s otherwise Swarthmore Apartmnts' is In stilted ill ;uh'crtit'cmcllt) b.ulal]ce in tell tlU)'s. Other cUllllitioliS 011 dny ot stile. Houston, Texas' this week attendFieri Fuei;!s ~. 1"\0. 46B . th t· f th Amerl lkct>mber Term. U:.ili e mee mg 0 e can AU 3 .pieces uC grulmd Sfl' 011 S.E. "Jng side WnHm)' A\'c .. -1641 rt. S.W. from S.W. Chem.ieal Society, which is being sll.e liowartl St. Twp. UI)per ChIchester. held ill the Shamrock Hotel. BeCouto in flOut memmrcd- b)' S.K side WUM n~rly Ave. S.W. (ill ft. x S.E. between fore returning to SW2l'thmore, Dr. IlUruJ/cl lInes at rt. angle to Waverly Ave. Faragher will visit refineries In I~IO ft • .lo !und~ uf Grier. Being knowll as . . ' . lot8 H. Hi nud 17 in hlk. "A A" Oil plnn the v,clmty of ChIcago. uf Wurth City. '. hnprOYCmellL.. eonsi<;t of n cement block Mrs. Peter E. Told of Park ave-. 1 stOl'y bUllgalow itlx",O teet. Soi~' ns the property of W,iIllRm '~I. Me- nue and Miss Barbara' Kent of CO)' IUHI Rulli Clotelln 'MeCo~'. Merion have returned from a' few AU)": N. HorRce Berman •. Esq. Frank A. Sne.nr. Jr. SherIff. days visit with relatives and friends in Cambi-idge and BrookSHERIFF S A L E S . . line, Mass. They were acoompanor llcnl E!dllte SHERIFf"S ied by Pat Told and her roonunate COURT HOUSE. Ofo'FlCR MEDIA, PA. Frldu}·. April 21, HI51) Anne Doody who returned to Sar9 :30 A. M. Bnstem Standard Time Conditions: fl!50.00 clish or certilled gent College after a spring vaclu'ck nt time of ('\laic (unless otherwise cHtion. I BUILDER Swarthmore 6-2253 I !~~~~~~;;;~';;~~~;;;~" ~. tI A ':rI:'~/R ',TIONS . IL L . . ' . ~_ I ' ~'ERS 8nn.a '/ ~ ~II , , ~~ dl .. '"" '-'-0 • MODUN InCftl"' • WAl\ 00' flO •• enlllll'S . , • MIW COMSTlUCT.OM • AUIiAflOMS ..... IP.... \BTERS BROTHERS, I.e. Coo,''',,''' ,,1><1 Buildon 302 Gayley S.ree. • Media, Pa. Photle: Me.uaS-U81 c-.. om JUdie,. ParIt Rldle,. Park MIl DRAWING OF JURORS , FOR JUNE TRRM 19'0 1 Drnwing of jurors for the June Term shallHouse. take place Court Room No, "'1950 Court ~fedln,In £'n. at ten o'clock I~ the'morning (10:00 A.M.) E.S.T., Monday. April 8, ID50. BY ORDER OF THE JURYCbairman BOARD Hnrold L. Ervin, Helen ~f. WilJy. Secretary ESTATE MELANIE G. FOOTE a"o known asOFMELANIE-GRUGAN FOOTE. deceased. Letters Testamentary on lITe above E! for old black with gold deeoration. PaintDishes, - Glassware - Vases ed trays, gold decoration. Boxes Figurines or what have you - Paintings" water colors and oils. Call Chester 2-3026 Ceremic 'pieces. Swarthmore SILVER PLATING Before Noon 6-4249. FOR SALE-JI'an wool suit, size 18, good condilion. $4. RepJy &Ix Q, '!'he Swarthmorean. Lowest Prices LAWN SERVICE Call Chester 2-3026 FOR- SALE-Brand new Eniliish Grass Culltng, Ete. Before Noon . myle girl's bicycle, $35. Call Power Equipment Swarthmore 6-2160. J. H. BLAcKISTON FOR SALE-Nearly new, electric Chester 2-1103 Swarthmore 6-1448 hair dryer, hot and cold air. Has handle plus adjustable stand. $20 WILLIAM BROOKS new. Best offer considered. Phone ..-Ashes & Rubbish Removed " SWarthmore 6-1847. Lawns mowed, General FOR sALE-Anti::quC:e~lar-g-e-mi-rror, A. Mercer Quinby Hauling gold and wooden frame, overall FUNERAL DlRECTOR 23.6 Ha~dtng A v. Morton, Pa .. ~ dimensions, 8 ft. x 6 inches by 6 Formerly of Media ft. wide. Small desk $12. Virginia 1125 W. Lehigh Ave., Pblla. sofa, $15. Mahogany china cloest, Phone Baldwin 1170 3 drawers at :top, glass doors, $50. No additional charge for Mahogany single four posted bed. suburban calls $15. Twenty-one volumes encyclopedia, $10. Mahogany frame, serpentine back sofa, $125. Empire sofa, $65, etc. Call at 16 Oberlin avenue, Saturday and Monday, ROOFS GU'l'iaJUI FOR-sAl:..E.:-BABY !'iTRO~ REPAIRED & INSTAI,"':D collapsible. Almost new. OrigWARM-AIR BEATING inally' .oost $39,95. Swarthmore Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned .' 6-5922. BUILDING FOR SALE-Seasoned. oak tireGEORG. 1IIYBR8 wood. Cut any length. $20 lIIlchlcan Ave.. Sw. 6-lIZ" cord. Call Valleybrook 2108...J. MATERIAL FOR SALE-Trailer load ot stable . ••••••••••••••••••••••• I. TWO .I,IONllS OJI., BURNERS UNITED SERVICES NO' W ~G 'FUEL OIL, 'TELEVISION and RADIO REPAIRS ELEcrR1V RANGES a.nd BOT WATER BEATERS-lNSTAI,I.E» COMPLETE WlRING SERVICE Swarthmoreans dial Operator, ask. lor Enterprise 1.lJ412 - NO TOLL. CHARGE Coal' NOTRS CLASSIF1ED btllted . in advertisement) balance In dll)·s. Other conditionS! on dn)' of snle. , (O~ierl Facins No. 115.. MOoo.Or::1P;:it;":l'="""::t':lt:1MMt=t,.. ~IRrch Term. HUB ALL THAT CERTAIN Lot and build· Since 1905 Ing sit. Clfe.c;ter, 1'0 •• on E. side ot Potter St.. 82 ft. ~.W. (rom ,N.E. cur. of Potter nud Ele\'cnth St.. extendinG' E.. WG ct. thence N. :!B feet to nile)'. thence along Painters & Paper Hangen aile)' W. li ft. thence S. 14 ft. to corner \\'e should know how thence W. l~O n. to K side or l'o\ler St.. thence along E. side "olt~r St.. S. Swa. 6-2266 Michigan Ave. ... to I)tace Known RI> ~~~~~~~~;"§g§~~~~~ 1109ft.l'o~ter St .• of withbeginning. use of aile}'. ':'Q't:::iP"t:::.i~j;.':"••"'UQQ~1;",; ImproYcmenL<; consist of n 2 story brick I building 2ux36 feet and a 1 slorr fmUle shed fflXIJr! tecto Sold R.!-fi .••, doubles .............. ;.... Field House P.M.-H.S. Minstrel Show ...................... Clothier Memorial Saturday, Ap,J'll 1 . .. . P.M.-Finals - Interscholastic Tennis :; .......... Field. House Sunday, Aplrl Z . A.M.-Morning Worship .....•.......... ~; .......•..•..• I..ocal ~~_ \ \ . MondaY, AlJriI 3 . .'r P.M.-Open House G~uP .......\..... _....... Methodist Church PJ.\Ie8day, AprU 4" P.M.-Debate on Soclalized Medicine ...... Woman's Club Th1l1'8Clay, AprU 8 ' P.M.-LIllian Hellman, dramatiSt ........:... Mee~ House Berkshire's· .~~ in famous Nylon 51's Marce and Dot C._role Caterinc Service SPECIALIZING IN lanell_us Buffet SUppeI'II Cocktail ParU.. DON'T Call Dot Belfield - Swa. 6-1973 liar, Hurd - Swa. 8-3138 Now ••• lovely stocking shades precisely planned to' complement. each costume and acc~ssory color ••• that's . Berkshire's new "Complementary Colors"-yours with all the longerwearing, sheer~. sheer bea,uty of famous, Berkshire 51-Gauge Nylonsl GET YOURSELF- OUT ON A LIMB Personal acts of you and members 'of your Family may put you "out on a limb" Financially unless you ~ave a new • -. - COMPREHENSIVE PERSONAL LIABILITY POLICY . , \ The coverage is broader than ever before, yet the cest is low. (cplI us for complete " information.. • .~ETER'E. TOLD .. ~ 333 Dartmouth Avenue, Swarthmore ' • HANDKERCHIEFS Gayer then 'Springtime Be'autiful, blooming flowers on Irish Linen' in exciting colors hand,.olled for a perfect finish .Iice laarLer( .. 901...i-. r t 5 ~.nk IouJl"'~,. In 15, 20, 30 deniers. , 13 South Chester Road . Swarthmore, Penna. Phone Swarthmore 6-1833 '. • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE • THE 8 500 Attend Town III eeting IVednesday (Continued from page one) Councilman Frank H. McCowan presented the cost in millage and an example of the actual cost on a $5,000. assessment under each plan, based OIl a 20-year period. Plan A calls for .90 mills at the start, reducing to .G8 which would mean (on a $5,000. assessment) $4.50 gradually reducing to $3.35; Plan B calls for 2.10 reducing to $1.54, or $10.50 reducing to $7.70; and Plan C calls for 2.32 reducing to $1.72 or $11.60 reducing to $8.60. Clarence G. Myers, borough solicitor for the vast 26 years, presided over the discussion period, during which 35 citizens expressed their reactions. Mrs. Melvin Molstad, president of the League of Women Voters, presented a proposal for bringing in