SwArthmore College Librryry ,owarthmore, Pa. \ • I High School THE· SWARTHMOREAN .. ~.......,... VOLUME 22, NUMBER 18 ' BARRETlS OPEN, AT CLUB MONDAY Saturd'ay May 20 J" SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1950' R.'L. BURKE Changed To $'.50 PER YEAR YES OR NO INAUGURAL EVENT One week from this coming Tuesday the people of SwarthmoreI will be called upon to say YES or NO to two. ques~ions that vitally " concern the welfare of thi; Borough. The questIons, m the ponderous • legal language required by the Muni.cipal ~rro~ing Law,. are pr~nte~ Players Close 39th elsewhere in this issue under the headmg of Notice of Pubhc ElectlOn. Stated MeetIng, Ballet To . .From his vantage point as sitter,in at all .Council m~etings (a Follow Luncheon Year 'With Besier privilege open to anyone who wishes to take ~he:tlme) the ~dl~or knows T d Dr'ama why these questions must be answered at th!s ttme, and wtl~ try to set ues ay forth in this editorial the reasons why he beheves both questions should The Woman's Club of SwarthThe Swarthmore Players Club be answered "Yes" at the May i6 Primary. more will close its activities for will close its 39th season next week . To take up the second question first, because it is simpler, a vote the club year of 49-50 with an in~ as William Price directs Rudolph 'Of "Yes" will authorize the Borough Council to borrow not exceeding augural luncheon next Tuesday, Besier's beloved play "The Bar$55,000.1 to finance the Borough's share of the cost of a joint sewage May 9, at 12:30 ip. m. in honor of retts of Wimpole Street". disposal plant to end the pollution of the Delaware River so far as the the new directors Mrs. Frank McIsobel Price as Elizabeth, Nat Bormighs of Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge, Prospect Park, Ridley Cowan, Mrs. Peter Told, MIt;. Doughty, as Robert Browning and Park, and the Townships of Springfield, Ridley and Nether Providence George B. Thorn and Mrs. William Director Price as the formidable are concerned. Those municipalities have for over 12 years been banded A. DeCaindry. Papa will head the cast of 18 together in an organi2;ation called Central Delaware County Authority, Following the annua'- stated (counting the dog) which opens formed for the purpose of handling this joint problem jointly. The meeting _aJlter the IWlcheon, a at 8'20 p.m Monday for six nights. State Sanitary Water Board has decreed that a joint sewage dispqaal program of ballet will Ibe danced Doughty will appear plant must now be constructed ori lanel purchased from the Baldwin by Marie Louise Forsythe. Mrs. as Henrietta, Jane Keating ~ AraLocomotive Works, near the River. The project will cost'approximately Frank Rodgers Gray is luncheon o bel, Libby Hayes as the lithping A. A. Norton Elected Vice $750,000. and Swarthmore's share is $75,000. chairman. Reservations must be Bella and Joyce Noone as the in- p .d t W C This could he financed by the C.D.C.A. by borrOWing on the made by Friday, May 5, with Mrs. dispensable Wilson. Henry Caf-' reSI en m. raemer security of the sewer rents.pledged by the several municipalities. Your De Caindry. ferty will portray Henry (stuffed Sec'y - Treasurer Councilmen believe they can save several thousands of dollars in interest Section Meeting s~J Bevan with Ted Selmes and At a meeting .of the board of charges, however, by financing Swarthmore's share partly throtlgh the Brian Cookson porirayingthe directors on Monday Richard L. increased sewer rents levied this year, and partly by borrowing $55,000. The final contribution card pardoctors, and Ronald F. Porter at a considerably lower rate of interest than C.D.C.A,·will be obliged ty spoosoi-ed by the pea,ce service playm.g captain Cook. Philiop Price,' Burke, vice-president of the Sun Th d '1 h b ked -L. C cil' . . Dock C to pay. e etal s ave yet to e wor out,-uut oun 18 amung committee of the Club, Mrs. NorWilliam. Swezey, James Hayes, Shipbuilding and DryomI' h' ° hI hI' . . th h 'bI b pany was elected president of the at c eamng up t IS Ir;tescapa I! 0 19atlon m e s ortest poss! e num er man Kra.se, chairman, IfoIr the John F. Hermann . ... ..:. U""yy the company to succeed J 0hn G . P ew of years. Some of the municipalities are planning similiar action butf purpose of sending dried a'hiIk to Y nk Bodkin, and J R~' . lete°Llllth"'~castes as whose resignation. as head of the probably a majority will take the slower and more expensive course 0 Italian babies will Qe Friday May b Others ro ers comp e . . the letting the C.D.C.A. borrow the money and pay the higher rate of 12 at 8 !P.m. at the home of S. Behind scenes -mth sta, ge man- plant was ~ounoed earIier m Caldwell Harris. 30 Wellesley road. Th presid nt who interest. . d ager D. J. K. Fox are: prompter, ay. e new e We have heard no reasons of any kind advanced against following Mrs. Peter Told chairmaI}. of Marth K ;""'to . el tri ° T lives on Westdale avenue, assumed f ''\T'' Q a e'6oU n, ec Clan 0IIl his d u ti es unme . di t ly Council's recommendation in this matter. A vote 0 ' x es on uestion education announces that final . d d ef a e . '. . dd McFB) en; mUSlC an soun Alt A· N rto f U 'ver'MY .No.2, therefore, is a vote to discharge Swarthmore's legal obligation p packing of "BOoks for Peace" will •·..... c pbell on . 0 no m Sh., f ts acO , tha....." aka m... .. la S int d t f' hull at a minimum cost to the Borough. be held in the club lounge Frlday 'tt are p ce uper en en 0 conn e m e-pp "OIDIDl ee . Turning now to the first question that will appear in the upper morning May. 5 at 10. At this as Betty BenUey, Isabel R. Seymour, struction,. elected Vlce-preSl- left,hand corner of the voting machines 12 days from now, shallkhe meeting the edu~tion committee be d P ·h..·llls B. .....eyers·, and Emma H. dent. William Craemer of Hart~ with .... pYle, Mrs. Charles D. Mit- vard avenue was re-e1ected sec- Borough Council be authori~ed to issue· nds at such times an in will also welcome its new chairretary and treasurer. such amounts as it deems necessary; up. to a fetal of $225,000., to pro' man Mrs.' Jahn M. Pearson. chell, Elizabeth j3asseti,' Mrs. Al- . Mr. Burke who went with Sun vide a suitable Borough Hall? This question was tucked away in the. To Attend State 'convenlion exander Hoefel, Mrs. Philip C. Ship in 1916, has had a part in indefinite future untJl that midnight blaze of Mas;ch 15th destroyed Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe presiSnow, Mr~ J. Francis !l'aylor, Mrs. constructing all of the 52t) ships the roof ·and .{es~ted in extensive damage to most of the' re' dent of the Woman's Club of J. Archer Turner, Jr., and I!rs. launched at .the plant. mainder of the existing Borough Hall. The plaint of those who say the Swarthmore will head a delegaGeorge P. Warren chargees.of but we are confronted tion of 15 members from the local stage decoratioDlS H, was bom in Cape May C0urt fire hwas stopped f I too soon is un~erstandable, f properti andin. House, r;.r.J., on October 23, 1888. wit the act. p us $39,686.88,0 insurance money now reposing in ozganization who will attend the In 1907 he entered the employ the Borough treasury. Few people would be satisfied merely to con' 53rd annual Convention of the ' 01 the New York Shipbuilding struct another roof over Borough Hall, pull down the damaged plaster Pennsylvania Federation of WoCorporation, Camden, N.J., where from most of 'the rooms, install new Wiring, and let it go at that. Acting men's Clubs to be held in Philahe was employed for nine years in upon extremely short notice, th~ Borough archItect, Mr. George M. delphia, !May 9, 10, and 11 with the hull drafting department. Ewing. prepared tentative plans and sketches to illustrate what might the president's reception on the Mr. Burke left the employ of be done toward reconstructing and enlarging the old/Borough Hall. first' evening and the banquet New York Ship to go to Sun Ship These were shown and discussed at the Town Meeting of Match 29th. WednesdaJr evening. while the plant was still under Council has not' approved either of these propositions and an affinnative Variety Show ~o construction, and was made a vote on Question No. 1 will in no sense commit the Borough tq p1'O' Set For Final charge man in the hull drawing ceed with either of these plans. . Meeting room. _ Some people deplore the haste with which this issue is thrown In 1917 he became chief drafts- before the voters. The situation. however, calls for an orderly ~Iution . On Thursday, May 11, the last man in charge of structural work at the earliest possible moment. Just to illustrate this point, it is costing of til~ regular monthly meetings of and was in charge of all drawings the Borough over $150.00 a week more than it did before the fire, the Mother's Club for this season pertaining to the construction of just to keep the police radio in operation. (Swarthmore serves several will be held at the Woman's Club the first drydock, built in '1920. surrounding boroughs~ With iUi police radio under a cooperative plan School's Annual Festival at 8 p.m.' At this time there will Upon completion of the drvdock, which is considerably· -chCClper than if each of these Ipunicipalities Of Song To Be In be a variety show put on by the he acted as estimator on ship re- maintained its own broadcasting system.) The radio had to be mo;ved Clothier club members. Fro~ all reports pair work in conjunction with his up-to Hicks Hall on the College Campus, and an extra radio man with this promises to be one of the drawing room activities. it. Steps are now under way to operate the radio by remote control QIlce again the community looks (Contintred on 1page eight) from Borough Hall, so thaft~e regular police may take turns at oper, forward to the local school's anhighlights of th~ y,ear's program. AIl members are urged to attend ating it with a minimum interference with their regular duties. nual Chor-a! Concert being preaad cast their votes for the "new The first step toward an orderly solution of the emergency which sented next Friday, May 12 at 8 officers. Absentee ballots may be now confronts the Borough is to secure voter approval of a bond issUe p.m. in Clothier Memorial on the used by the voter sentling in her sufficient to enable Council to we its best judgment with respect to college car;npus. This is the eighth selection· of officers tel Mrs. "repairing, enlarging or replacing the present Borough Hall, partly annual Concert to be presented Thomas Prather... 315 Vassar aveupon iu present site and partly, upon adjoining vacant ground to be by the combined choral groups of nue, Swarthmore, by noon of May acquired by the Borough °.. the school, and the seventh given 11. AU absentee ballots must be The site of Borough Hall is not large enough to permit reconstruc' for the benefit of senior scholarsigned with name and addresS of Fashion Show and. ~ard tion or enlargement of the existing building. While the Borough can ship aid. It will be remembered the voter p ,., B H ld struggle' along for another 5 or possibly 10 years in the present Hall that last year's proceeds, were The ballet lists all arty .L 0 e e when repaired, new homes now planned. together with those in process turned over to the Senior High nominees for neXt year's officers: At Club of construction, indicate an ultimate increase in the population of the. Chorus for the purchase of new Presiden~Mrs. Ruth Enion, Mrs. 'd Mrs A community card party and Borough of nearly 50%. Long before March 15, the Swarthmore chonlI robes. • Jane Smith; Vice-Presl ent--.; . fashion show Win be held at the (~ontinued on page 5)' The 160 participating students Laura Lee VanHouten, Mrs. lUckey l'epresent members of the Senior Wolfe' Corresponding See'y-Mrs. Swarthmore Woman's Club next BOWING High Mixed Chorus, the Junior .,Winni'e ~, Mrs. Sar'ah NafT"l .. Friday, M,ay. 12, for the benefit PALMER S · Cancer Drive Reports Hi h G "Y,"& T wo :h undred guests will a·ttend Mrs P ~ '0.. .,...... ___..,.. Recording Sec'y 0 f the mamtenance fun d 0 f the Swarthmoreans have eontrib- rq.girl's A Glee Club, al and a Boys' . .egTru"'~dy _Mrs Pra'th~, Mrs. Ruth SWarthmore ~l Scout House, on the showing of the collected paint....~orus. well b anced program ..... H d S arthmo ~gs of the native flora of Pennsyl- uted over $2087.93 to the American is planned to include a grOUP of Askew, Mrs. Doris Harvey; Trea- av~::. avenue near w re vania by Dr. Samuel C. Pahner in Cancer driVE religious compositions sung by the surer-Mrs. Eudora Gerner, Mrs. Fashi . the Martin Biology building, Although the drive ended of- chorus. music of the modern Bernice Johnson Mrs Virginia ons from the Joyce LeWIS fi~ on Sunday, donations' are Americaa composer songs of the Spencer' Hospitality-Mrs; Betty ,Shop will be modelled by 13 bor~O!~ to- still being received. Those wbo folk, and variety n:unbers. Once Mrs. Palmer L. have been missed by the solicitors, again, tradition seems to be piayRoxby, 'Mrs. Mary Hoch, . Mrs. ough J48ry Margaret Maerker; Mem.. Skaffo~unwilld. willbePI~ ~ Pli:m300. The Members of the sponsoring or who have not 'yet contributed, ing a role in the concert with the bersbip-lIIrs.. Ann Kalbach, Mrs. 8lr gm.... p:m- groups, the Pblladelphia Boumical are urged to send their checb to Lois Peterson ....U' .. _ ur__ ~. Card-play'ers are asked to In:ing Society of the Academy of Natural O-~_n.._ N ti_L_~ Bani.- singing ~f Handel's Hallalujah -. ~.o. ~.T ""'-"A, th..~ .. own cards. Refreshments· ··ft. ~ _ P enD- ,the Chorus ~ Sciences, .the U nlVeI'Sly mad Qwcu.l.UUJ,ore t to th A _a" " :ODW.~ _ _ Cancer .. by the senior group' andthe Board Member-Mrs. Betty Coste, will be served and prizeS .distl'i- sylvanta Botanical SOciety, the .e ou e ~.u.;iIll Original Medley sung by the Boye' Mrs. Jerry Kline, Mrs. Betty Pur- buted. American Entomological Society, SoClety or ~ lI4rs. Agnes M. HaJg Chorus. The latter was put tonell. Mrs. D; ')(ace Gowing is the Delaware Valley Ornithologilocal gether by Dick Terry and Donald Mr. D. II. Gowing of Parrish J:IUlIl of the cpmunlty committee ~ Society and the facu).ty and ve, a t • Fetherolf, president and ~ceroad zeturned SatuMa7 from a which baa ~ the ~vent in Bmn-d of:P.I~ers ot., SWarth~ Mrs. Claire H. Jeglum of Hm- presidetlt of Chorus respectively, two-week trip to New Orl~ co--operation with Mrs.Jo1DiG~ more College Will be present 10 born .aveoue apent a few days of. Sandy Ford and Arthur McCor. and Miamj lie was accompanied Maxey, Jr., Girl Scou~ neighbor.. view the highly respected collec- last ~ visiting Ifr. and lira. mack. . b7 Mrs. Gowq.·· ~ chairman. ,. tion. FmriD Taubert of Salem, N. ~. (Coo~m~ on page seven) TO CLOSE CLUB 'BURKE NAMED T~-Ann' SUNSHIP HEAD O v: 0 • • .wa*- MOTHERS ELECT OFFICERS MAY 11 CHORAL CONCERT' NEXT FRIDAY BEN' EFIT 0N12TH FOR GIRL SCOUTS f~llowing ::=::n wom~ ~ . , pc:a:.pus, :eldon = :6-~ ~ \ ' - MAY 5 1950 GvlFlrthmore College Li brr:-ry dvn\rthmore, Fa. High School Changed To THE SWARTHMOREAN Saturd'ay l\fay 20 ~~~==========~==~==~==~~======~==========~==~=============~========~-~-~==~~==~-= ~~~ VOLUME 22, NUMBER 18 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1950 $8.50 PER YEAR -=================~==~=.=====~~======~==~====~======================================~~~~=== BARREIIS OPEN Al CLUB MONDAY R. L. BURKE Players Close 39th Year With Besier Dr'ama The Swarthmore Players Club will close its 39th season next week as William Price directs Rudolph Besier's beloved play "The Barretts of Wimpole Street". Isobel Price as Elizabeth, Nat Doughty as Robert Browning and Director Price as the fonnidable Papa will head the cast of 18 (counting the dog) which opens at 8:20 p.m. Monday for six nights. Tee-Ann Doughty will appear as Henrietta, Jane Keating as Arabel, Libby Hayes as the lithping Bella and Joyce Noone as the indispensable Wilson. Henry Cafferty will portray Henry (stuffed shirt) Bevan with Ted Selmes and Brian Cookson portraying the doctors, and Ronald F. Porter playing Captain Cook. Philip Price; William Swezey, James Hayes, John Bodkin, R. F. Hermann Yonkers and John Hayes as the brothers complete the cast. Behind scenes ~ith stage manager D. J. K. Fox are: prompter, Martha Keighton; electrician Tom McFa_dden; music and sound effacts, Patty Campbell. On the make-pp ~ommittee are Betty Bentley, Isabel R. Seymour, Phyllis B. Meyers, and Emma H. Pyle, with Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell, Elizabeth ;Bassett, Mrs. Alexander Hoefel, Mrs. Philip C. Snow, Mrs: J. Francis Taylor, Mrs. J. Archer Turner, Jr., and Mrs. George P. Warren in charge of stage decorations and properties. "I' .1 r. ,:) 'I .' .., !/ I, i (. I ' I ' I MOTHERS ELECT OFFICERS MAY 11 Variety Show Also Set For Final Meeting j'. I ,I I . \ / On Thursday, May 11, thQ last of the regular monthly meetings of the Mother's Club for this season will be held at the Woman's Club at 8 p.m. At this time there will be a variety show put on by the club members. From all reports this promises to be one of the highlights of the year's program. All members are urged to attend and cast their votes for the new officers. Absentee ballots may be used by the voter sending in her selection of officers tei Mrs. Thomas Prather, 315 Vassar avenue, Swarthmore, by noon of May 11. All absentee ballots must be signed with name and address of the voter. The following ballet lists all nominees for next year's offieers: President-Mrs. Ruth Enion, Mrs. Jane Smith; Vice··President-Mrs. Laura Lee VanHouten, Mrs. Rickey Wolfe; Corresponding Seg'y-Mrs. Winnie Fry, Mrs. Sarah Natvig, Mrs. Peg Ramsey; Recording Sec'y -Mrs. Trudy Prather, Mrs. Ruth Askew, Mrs. Doris Harvey; Treasurer-Mrs. Eudora Gerner, Mrs. Bernice Johnson, Mrs. Virginia Spencer; Hospitality-Mrs; Betty Roxby, Mrs. Mary Hoch, Mrs. Mary Margaret Maerker- Membership--NIrs. Ann Kalba~h, Mrs. Lois Peterson, Mrs. Mary Wood;Board Member-Mrs. Betty Coste, Mrs. Jerry Kline, Mrs. Betty Purnell. BURKE NAMED SUNSHIP HEAD A. A. Norton Elected Vice President W nl. Craemer Sec'y - Treasurer At a meeting of the board of directors on Monday Richard L. Burke, vice-president of the Sun Shipbuilding and Dry-Dock: Company was elected president of the company to succeed John G. Pew whose resignation as head of the plant was announeed earlier in the day. The new president who lives on Westdale avenue, assumed his duties immediately. Alton A. Norton of University place Superintendent of hull construction, was elected vice-president. William Craemer of Harvard avenue was re-elected secretary and treasurer. Mr. Burke who went with Sun Ship in 1916, has had a part in constructing all of the 52S ships launched at the plant. He was born in Cape May Court House, N .•I., on October 23, 1888. In 1907 he entered the employ o! the New York Shipbuilding Corpora~ion, Camden, N.J., where he was employed for nine years in the hull drafting department. Mr. Burke left the employ of New York Ship to go to Sun Ship while the plant was still under construction, and was made a charge man in the hull drawing room. In 1917 he became chief draftsman in charge of structural work and was in charge of all drawings pertaining to the construction of the first drydock, built in 1920. Upon completion of the dry-dock, he acted as estimator on ship repair work in conjunction with his drawing room activities. (Continued on .page eight) BENEFIT ON 12TH FOR GIRL SCOUTS Fashion Show and Card Party To Be Held At Club A community card party and fashion show will be held at the Swarthmore Woman's Club next Friday, May 12, for the benefit of the maintenance fund of the Swarthmore Girl Scout House on Harvard avenue near Swarthmore avenue. Fashions from the Joyce Lewis Shop will be modelled by 13 borough women. Mrs. Palmer L. Skoglund will pl<\V the piano. The affair will begin at 1 :30 p.m. Cax:d-players are asked to bring th.eu" own cards. Refr~shments WIll be served and prizes distributed. Mrs. D. Mace Gowing is chaiwMr. D. M. Gowing of Parrish J1l3Il of the community committee road returned Saturda,. from a which has arranged the event in two-week trip to New Orleans co-operation with Mrs. John G. . and Miami. He was accompanied Moxey, Jr., Girl Scout neighborby Mrs. Gowing. . Jhood chairman. YES OR NO INAUGURAL EVENT TO CLOSE CLUB One week from this coming Tuesday the people of Swarthmore will be called upun tu say YES or NO to two questions th~lt vitally concern the welfare of thig Borough. The questions, in the ponderous legal language rcquir.:d by the Municipal Borrowing Law, arc printed elsewhere in this issue under the heading of "Notice of Public Election." Stated Meeting, Ballet To From his vantage point as sitter' in at all Council meetings (a Follow Luncheon privilege open to anyone who wi~hes to take the time) the editor knows why these questions must be answered at this time, and will try to set Tuesday forth in this euitorial the reasons why he believes both questions shoulu The Woman's Club of Swarthbe answered "Yes" at the May 16 Primary. more will close its activities for To takc up the second question first, because it is simpler, a vote the club year of 49-50 with an inof "Yes" will authorize the Borough Council to borrow not exceeding augural luncheon next Tuesday, $55,000.' to finance the Borough's share of the cost of a joint sewage ,May 9, at 12:30 p. m. in honor of disposal plant to cnd the pollution of the Delaware River so far as the the new directors Mrs. Frank McBoroughs of Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge, Prospect Park, Ridle}' Cowan, Mrs. Peter Told, Mrs. Park, and the Townships of Springfield, Ridley and Nether Providence George B. Thorn and Mrs. William arc concerned. Those municipalities have for over 12 years been banded A. DeCaindry. together in an organi~ation called Central Delaware County Authority, Following the annual stated. formed for the purpose of handling this joint problem jointly. The State Sanitary Water Board has dccreed that a joint sewage disposal meeting aCter the luncheon, a plant must now he constructed on land purchased from the Baldwin program of ballet will be danced Locomotive Works, ncar the River. The project will cost approximately by Marie Louise Forsythe. Mrs. Frank Rodgers Gray is luncheon 5750,000. and Swarthmore's share is $75,000. This could he financed by the C.D.C.A. by borrOWing on the chainnan. Reservations must be security of the sewer rents pledged by the several municipalities. Your made by Friday, May 5, 'vith Mrs. De Caindry. Councilmen believe they can save several thousands of dollars in interest Section Meeting charges, howevcr, by financing Swarthmore's share partly thro~gh the The final contribution card parincreased sewer rents levied this year, and partly by borrowing $55,000. ty sponsored by the peace service at a consiuerably lower rate of interest than C.D.C.A. will be obliged conunittee of the Club, Mrs. Norto pay. The uetails have yet to be worked out,-but Council is aiming at cleaning up this inescapable obligation in the shortest possible number man Krase, chairma!l, for the of years. Some of the municipalities are planning similiar action but purpose of sending dried milk to probably a majority will take the slower and more expensive course of Italian babies will be Friday May letting the C.D.C.A. borrow the money and pay the hiaher rate of 12 at 8 p.m. at the home of S. . b Caldwell Harris, 30 Wellesley road. lIlterest. , We have heard no reasons of any kind advanced against following Mrs. Peter Told chairman of ~ouncirs recommendation in this matter. A vote of "Yes" on Question education announces that final No.2, therefore, is a vote to discharge Swarthmore's legal obligation packing of "Books for Peace" will. at a minimum cost to the Borough. be held in the club lounge Friday Turning now to the first question that will appear in the upper morning May 5 at 10. At this left,hand corner of the voting machines 12 days from now, shalhthe meeting the education committee Borough Council be authorizeu to issue bonds at such times and in will also welcome its new chairs~ch am0l!nts as it deems necessary, up. to a total of $225,000., to pro' man Mrs. ' John M. Pearson. vlue a SUItable Borough Hall? This question was tucked away in the To Attend State Convention indefinite future until that midnight blaze of March 15th destroyed Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe presithe roof and r('-sulted in extt:nsive water damage to most of tile re- dent of the Woman's Club of mainder of the existing Borough Hall. The plaint of those who say the Swarthmore will head a delegafir.:'! was stopped too soon is understandable, but we are confronted tion of 15 members from the local WIth the fact, plus $39.686.88 of insurance money now reposing in organization who will attend the the Borough treasury. Few people would be satisfied merely to con- 53rd annual Convention of the struct another roof over .Borough Hal~, . pull down the damaged plaster PennsylVania Federation of Wofrom most of the rooms, m:tall new wifing, and let it go at that. Acting men's Clubs to be held in Philaupo.n extremely short ~otlce, the Borough architect, Mr. George M. delphia, May 9, 10, and 11 with Ewmg, prepared tentahve p~ans and sketches to illustrate what might the president's reception on the he done toward rcconst~ctmg anu enlarging the old' Borough Hall. first evening and the banquet These ~v.::re shown and discussed at the Town Meeting of March 29th. Wednesday evening. CounCIl has not approved either of these propositions and an affirmative vote on Qucstion No.1 will in no sense commit the Borough to proceeu with either of these plans. Some pcoplc deplore the haste with which this issue is thrown , before the.voters..The situation, however, calls for an orderly .<;iolution at the earhcst pOSSIble moment. Just to illustrate this point it is costin a ~he Borough over $150.00 a week more than it did before the fir; Just to keep the police radio in operation. (Swarthmore serves severai .sur~oun?ing b~roughs with its police radio under a cooperative plan School's Anllual Festival wh~ch .IS c~nslderably cheap~r than if each of these municipalities Of Song To Be III ma1l1tamed Its own broadcast1l1g system.) The radio had to be moved Clothier ~I) to Hicks Hall on the College Campus, and an extra radio man with It. Steps are now undt.':r way to operate the r.t.dio by remote control ~ce again the community looks fr?m ~oro~gh Ha~I,. s~ tha~ the regular police may take turns at oper- forward to the local school's anat1l1g It WIth a m1l11mUm lIlterferellce with their regular duties. nual Choral Concert being preThe first step toward al~ orderly solution of the emergency which sented next Friday, May 12 at 8 now ~onfronts the Borough IS to secure voter approval of a bond issue p.m. in Clothier Memorial on the ~~fficI~~t to enabl~ Council to Use its best judgment with respect to college campus. This is the eighth repal~lIlg, cnlarwng or replacing the present Borough Hall, partly annual Coneert to be presented upon. Hi present sIte and,partly Upon adjoining vacant ground to be by the combined choral groups of acqUIred by the Borough. the school, and the seventh given The site of Borough Hall is not large enough to permit reconstruc- for the benefit of senior scholar. tIon or <:nlargement of the existing bUilding. While the Borough can ship aid. It will be remembered struggle al~mg for another 5 or possibly 10 years in the present Hall that last year's proceeds were when repalr7d, n~\V .homes now'plann~d, together with those in process turned over to the Senior High of constructIOn, mdlcate an ultImate lIlcrease in the population of the Chorus for ~he purchase of new Borough of nearly 50%. Long before March 15 the Swarthmore choral robes. (Continued on page 5) , The 160 participating stUdents represent members of the Senior PALMER SHOWING Cancer Drive Reports High Mixed Chorus, the Junior Two hundred guests will attend High Girl's Glee Club, and a Boys' the showing of the collected. paintSwartlunoreans have eontrib- Cnorus. A well balanced program ings of the native flora of Penn.syl- uted over $2087.93 to the American is planned to include a groUP of vania by Dr. Samuel C. Palmer in Cancer driVE religious compositions sung by the the Martin Biology building, Although the drive ended of- chorus, music of the modern Swarthmore College Campus, to- ficially on Sunday, donations are Americaft composer, songs of the morrow from 4 to 6 p. m. still being received. Those who folk, and variety numbers. Once Members of the sponsoring have been missed by the SOlicitors, again, tradition seems to be playgroups, the Philadelphia Botanical or who have not yet contributed, ing a role in the coneert with the Society of the Academy of Natural are urged. to send their checks to singing of Handel's Hallalujah Sciences, the University of Penn_,the Swarthmore Natiobal Bank, Chorus by the senior group and the sylvania Botanical Society, the made out to the American Cancer Original Medley sung by the Boys' American Entomological Society, Society or call Mrs. Agnes M. Haig Chorus. The latter was put tothe Delaware Valley Ornithologi- Sheldon Chairman of the local gether by Dick Terry and Donald cal Society and the faculty and drive, at Swarthmore 6-0585. Fetherolf, president and viceBoard of Managers of SwarthMrs. Claire H. Jeglum of Hill- president of Chorus respectively, more College will be present to born avenue spent a few days of Sandy Ford and Arthur McCorview the highly respected collec- last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. mack. tion. Edwin Taubert of Salem, N. J. (Continued on page seven) I CHORAL CONCERT NEXT FRIDAY -;~::Y::S:,:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::T~B__B;;S:W:;.A~&:T::B:M~O:B~a~A~N~::~::~::::~~__-;~~,'I~~::~__'I MAY 5,1950 THE SWARTHMOREAN 2 Mr. Wallace Arters of Media blue Skinner satin featuring a April 29 U; Bryn Mawr HOSPltal'l Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wood Dr. William F. Brandt of Buffalo, h.orv'ed as best man for his brother fitted bodice buttoned to the waistThe new baby ill a granddaugh- of, Yale avenue are being cottand the ushers were l14essrs. Wil- lln,e, Peter Pan collar with ""'arl ter of Mrs. H~~ C. ,Dodd of Ger- , ~duate on the birth of a da.ugJi,N. Y.~ announces the engagement Jj r--, o-~ 3 th am R. Shelly, Samj1e1 Montgom- trimming, and a full skirt onclinl~1 mantown, an" Mr. and Mrs. How- 'ter, M~ry Wood, on April 1 m. e of his dllughter, Miss Norma Eve- ery, Francis P. Kane of Media, in a long train. iRer finger tip _ . . . I hi veil ell Lewis Shav of Cornell avenue. Lying-In Hospital, philade p a. Iyn Brandt, to Mr. Robert Rowland ' , , and Jack Cohee of Drexel Hill. was attached to a headdress Toole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A recep tion f o....,w "-"ed a t white lilacs, and she a bouS. Toole of the Swarthmore Apart- S · H aven Country Club. pl'mg quet of fleur d'amour, Preventive Service Beats Roadside Service m,:~ Brandt is a graduate of the bride's, mother wore a gown otis and orchids. coral chiffon with matching hat. !Mrs. William T. Bell of Chester Drain and Flush Radiators Spring Tun.Up University of Buffalo where Her corsage was of white V'an,da I attended her sister as matron of was a member of the Sigma Kappa orchids. The groom's mother honor, Miss MIldred Bernard," anGulf New improved N,,·Nox ~ sorority. a gown of aqua crepe with hat other Sister, as maid of honOr, and Mr. Toole is a graduate of . I VIO ets. She carried ,an aqua muff Miss Victoria Schmid of Harvard Swarthmore High School, ' featuring fresh violets. avenue as bridesmaid. They wore Nichols School, -Buffalo, and University of Buffalo. He is gowns of blue marquisette with "Boh" Atz, Owner member of the Theta 'Chi fraterBAY - GOODALE off-the-shoulder necklines, and nity. Miss Susan Bainbridge Goodale, carried Rumbrum lilies and brisSW· 6-0440 D~rtmouth & Lafayette Aves. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert tol fairy. , ENGAGEMENTS THE ,SF.4RTHMOREAN PhODeS~8-" PETER E. TOI,D, FAlllor lIIAIU'OIUB TOLD andBAJUlAJIA KENT, AaocIate B4Ilen ROAne Pelrsol Lorene McCarter DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PA., nID~Y, RUSSELL'S SERVICE enue. Both are students at the University of Wisconsin. The wedding will take place in Swarthmore in late June. Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Jones of Rutledge announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Barbara Leeds Jones, to Mr. J. formed the ceremony in the Christ Cambridge. Donald Parker, son of Mr. and Church, ' urn Z. Medalia of Mrs. Nah Mrs. Henry L.,Parker of Wakefield, Cambridge as matron of honor Mass. a gown, of apple green tulle B:U, Preshyterian,' Notes Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock, service Mr. Bishop's sermon will be "The Riddle of Ppwer". Newly elected e1dfrs, deacons and trustees will be ordained and Installed at this service. • The Juninr Choir w1ll sing at the 11 o'clock service and Romona Van Uri<: will weat the gold cross in special rec6guition of her fine work with'the choir. Shirley Carpenter and Lynne Whaley are also to receive special congratulations. The Men's and Women's Bible Classes ,!Will meet ,together at 9:45 to hear Dr. Wil l1 am' Barrow Pugh, Stated Clerk of the General Asseinbly speak on "Protestant -Unification and the Presbyterian Church." , li'he PrimarY, juDior, junior-high and sen}or departments Of the Church School meet at 9:45 Sunday Morning and the Nursery and beginner's depar1!nlents meet at '11 , , o'cl--~ i U\:A.o The Committee on Assistant Pastor will meet at 10:30 Sunday morning in the Pastor's Study; and the Session will ""'I"t at 12:15 in the Pastor's Study. The Young Adult's meet at 6 fot meditation In the Church followed by supper and meeting, The COD)l1lunity, Youth Fellowship meets at 6:30 "t the Metbodist Church. The Woman's Association Exec,utive Board Meeting will be held at 10:15 Wednesday- monrlng. Th" Woman's Association Worship ~ vice will be held 'In the Church at DOOll and ,,!,1Il be led by Mrs.E. ~ii~iiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii.ii~~iiiiiii~~~~~ Kathleen niece of the-bride, as flower girl !\Vore a dress of blue I dotted organdy and carried pink hyacinths and nwsili. Mr. Arnold Chicquoine of Rutgel's avenue served as best man, and \the ushers were Mr. Samuel F. Butler, brother of the bridegroom, Mr. Robert Bair, Jr., Mr. John W. Flood, and Mr. William M. Harvey of SWarthmore. Following the ceremony a reception was held at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Bernard of South Chester road. The bride':s I The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON For lov"liness that rises to any occasion. Call Swarthmore 6-0476 , 9 Chester Road ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mother wore a gown Of,light crepe with deep "rose ~~:::I~ and a corsage of rose Ieak' Evel'Yone Enjoys a Tender Perfeclly \Cooked S . orchids. The bridegroom's And The&e Two Steak Dinners Are Top Favoriteswore a t gown· of aqua crepe WIlll1 . I lI WEEK-END SPECIAL T·BONE STI!AX DINNER ............ $Z .00 VIO e acceSSOrIes. er ' corsage Mrs. John Bordman of Concord, and cBjl'ied daffodils. The brides- was of lavender orchids. Many Other Tempting Choices, 01 ,Coarse, On the Regular Mass., announces the ellbarmaeiIt Iienda matching lace and she carried -a cascade bouquet of C:tbidium lilFriday and Saturday a patient a finished pcesc:riptlon Dorothy Maguire ies of the valley centered Wm. l4mdlgan white orchids. he gives hUn th6 benefit of~ FrIday, May 5 ''MOTHER DIDN'T Mrs. William R. Shelly of Drexel TELL ME" Dorothy MoGuire In of professional traininl- Jour Hill as matron of honor for her Sister, wpre a gown of white mar''MOTHER DIDN'T pharmaclst has studied botany, 8 Cartoons and Sertal quisette over peach taffeta. She TELL ME" , REGULAR FEATURE carried a Colonial bouquet of WlLL NOT BE SHOWN • ~ics, chemistry. biolotlY, and peach and ,pink daisies, pink PinSunday, Monday, Tuesday occhio roses and lilies of the valSaturday, Mon., Tues., Wed. associated aubjecn. Pharmacists Jane Russell May 6, 8, 9, and 10 ley with headdress to match. Thomas Mitchell ''TOE OUTLAW" are &iving the public a hii¥y spedaJlred ~ The bridesmaids Mrs. Gregory Van .Johnson In Wednesday and Thursd='-:ay:=Heath of Hackensack, N. J., slsIt Ia our sincere wish that you' m8y -never ha~ Charles ter of the bride, Mrs. Lee MBrtln of Baldwin, 1.. I., Mrs. Alan MII1er Sat. evening Feature Time ON TRE' i11"1l1 In your hmne. But if ~,do. tab lId.anof Media, Miss Patricia HilJs- of 'l'OWBR" 6:00, .8:00 and 10:00 mlorl West Palm Beach, Fla., and junof our pertococW, -.fidentlal eervb. Bdna ior bridesmaid Wendy 'W!ood of 'lbe FlnaIs or tile :MIls your Prescriptkms II>.. ." Greater Media (JpnteR wlll WIlmIngton, wore goWllS of white Saturd/IY ,!Matinee - 1 P.M. be held on the Stage 01. the marquisette over lime taffeta. Media 'lbeatre on W .....es, Special Childretl'a Show They carried Colonial bouquets -' _ EveDInI', May II al 9:16 .JoliDn:r Wd gUer In yellow daisies, yellow Golden L<>Ok I PJII.. RenJar Fealue wID be rosb and lilies of the valley "LOST 'l'IIIBB" ....... n· al the ~ IIIIMr wore maldllng flowers In _ .. I onb'. ' \ balr. \ -I • . , STRATH HAVEN INN Harvard· Inn Conn., . ChUl"ch Services SWARTHN:ORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH· Sunday, May 7 9:45 A.M.-Men's & Women's Bible Class will hear Dr. William Pugh. 9:45 AJM.'-Sunday ScbIooI. 11:00 P.M.-Mr. Bishop ,will ,preaJ!h on '"l1be Eiiddle of Power." 6:00 P.M.-Young Adults. 6:30 P.JIl. ..:... Youth Fellowship, Methodist Ohurnh. Ii "'s • , JlIETHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D. D., MinIster . Sunday, May 7 1:45 A.M.-Cburch SehoGL 10:00 A.M.-Young =J'ni ' 11:00 A.M.-Holy C on. 6:30 P.M. ~ Communit;y Youth , Fellowship In the Chapel IF: ILLNJSS COMES 1f;~s~w~ar~thm~~O~r~e~6~.20~1111§;::;;;;;;~ College Theatre . , . TRlNITY CHURCH Sunday, Mal' ~ 8:00 A.M:-'Holy Communion. U:45 A.M.--Church School. 11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion and , Sermon by, Dean Gifford . 6:30 P.M.-Young' People's Fellowship . (Methodist Church) 7:00 P.M.- Canterbury Club (Cloisters B; Swarthmore College). , MEDIA THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY • "cW:~~\~~~, t-.e OF FRIEN1!lS Sunilay, May ~ , 6:30 A.M.-1st Grade & up meet 'at Whittier House 'for Bir4 Walk. ' , 7:00 A.M.-Kindergarten & 4 & 5 year-olds 'meet at WhIttier House. I 8:00 A.M'.--;BreakiajSt at' Whittier House. Monday, May 8 All Day Sewing for the A.F.S.C. at Whittier House. Wednesdal', May 10 . All Day,~ for the ~.C. at Whittier -House. ' I'lRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIBNTIST OF SWARTHIIOg to Pu-lt Avenue below Harvard' 'Stmday, ~ ~ 11:00 ". V Sunciq Scbool. I 11:00 A.K. -- I m - Sermon ••" "Adam and Fallen Man." WednMlQ' ~ - < Friends Meeting Entered .... Second Class )latter, .TltI1uary 24, 1928, at the Pod Office at Swarthmore. , Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1871. , Lincoin Goodale of Cambridge, Mass., wore' the gown of heavy ivory satin and Duchless lace worn by ,her mother and grandmother at their weddings, when she became the bride Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock of Mr. Robert Duncan Hal" son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Northup Hay of Ogden avenue. With their origiI)8l tulle veil she wore a cap of matching lace and carried a small bouquet of cream narcissi. Dr. Goodale gave his daughter in marriage and the Rev. Gardiner M. Day per- , I'llIIUSIDD DDT I'JUDAT AT IJWAIl'DDI088, PA ftIII: IWAB'l'IDIOKMN. INO.. PUBUBIIBJt I'" Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Haas ilVblwa'ltkee, Wise.. announce engagement of their daughter Inge _Christeen to Rutherford Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hayes of Swarthmore av- Christian Ekience Notes "Adam And Fallen Man" is the bject f th SU 0 e 1 esson...sermon In all Churches of Christ, ScIentist, on Sunday May 7. The Golden Text is: "When I said, My foot slippeth; tby mercy, 0 Lord, held :me up." (Psalms 94:18) meetin& ~." 1'0,' p.m. Be.dln, ........ . . , . daIb'~Sunclq 12 to • p.m. WecID..tQ' _ I n • ., to , . p.m. to I:ao. mad. MAY 5,1950 _Arthur WhItney. Luncheon will follow at 12:30, preparoo by Circle 8, Chairman Mrs. E. W. Crosby, followed ,by business meeting and program. The Junior Choir rehearses at ,3:30 ,Thursday aft...rnooru, the Chancel Choir rehe=es at 7:45 Thursday evenings and the Cherub's Choir rehearseS at 10:15 urday 'mornings. ' sat- Mrs. T. W. Simpers and Katherine Simpers at the Harvard avenue entrance and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baxter at the drlvewaytransept entrance will aSsIst Mr. Bishop in greeting the oongrega.tion afler the service Sunday morning. On Tuesday, May 16, the Chancel Choir will sing the Verdi "Requiem", a musical event of unusual inte~!. Full details will be in nel. 348 Vassar avenue to 220 Vassar The ushers for the day'are A. P. avenue. SmIth, G. Giaesser, Jr., C. L. Emily Pritchard of Dickinson Hughey, E. Shustock and R. M. avenue has been elected corresSnyder. ' , ponding secretary of the Women's The Communit;y Youth Fellowship meets at 6:30 in the chapel Student Government Association The business Meeting and ~isl at the Universit;y of P"'!"sylvania of \be Young Adults will be on for her jl\l1ior year: EmIly has Monday evening at 8 IIi'the church. served on the Sophomore Council The Annual Conference meets Senate, Secretary of Government on Wednesday at 1:30 in the Arch CounCil. Choral Societ;y and PennStreet Church, Philadelphia., It sylvania News. will remain in seSsIon until MonPat Weiland, daughter of Dr. day morning. ,. and Mrs. Henry J. Weiland of Rehearsal for the Junior Choir South Chester road, was recently will be on Thursday at 6:30; the elected corresponding secretary of BOy Scouts meet at 7 in the Social thi> Delta Gall1lJlas at'the UniverHall and the Sertior Choir' rehear- s1t;y of Maryland. sesat 7:45. Mrs. O. J. Gilcreest of Vassar avenue bas returned froDl a vimt with her sister Mrs. W. N. Baylif Trinity, Notes of HlUTison, N. Y., Mr. John Yates , Holy COmmunion will be cele- and family of New York City, and bra~ed at 8 a. Church SChool Mr. and Mrs. John Dewhurst of villJ meet at 11:45 a. m. At the 11 Forrest HilJs, L. I. o'clock service the Holy CommunMrs. Samuel T. Carpenter of, Ion wiJ!. again be celebrated and Ogden avenue, chairman of the and there will be a sermon by Calling Group of the PresbyterDean Gifford. ian Woman's Association, was Young People's Fellowship will hostess at a tea to the' group on meet at 6:30 p. m. In the Met!ho- Wednesday. d1st Church. Th~ Canterbury Club Mrs. Avery F. Blake of Amwill meet in Cloisters B., Swarth- herst avenue spent several days more College at 7 p. m. of last week visiting her mother The boys serving as acolytes Mrs. Harry K. Nield of Baltimore. Sunday are: 8 a. m. FcltzBonsall; Dr. John R. Bates 'Of North 11' a. m. Clem Malin, Charles Na- Ch~ road is attending the A. son and Wi11iam McHenry. Ushers P. I. Coavention in_ CJeveJand, for tire 11 a. m. service are: W. 1.. Ohio this week. \ Cleaves, lLead WIlH.r, V. 1.. Fine, Mrs. Joseph S.LynCh of DartW. R. Fawcett, S. B. Bniwster, C. mouth avenue entertained the S. Keller, F. R. Gray, C. a Blake Medical Auxiliary ot'Taylor Hosand J. B. lIulJitt. pital at a luncheon-meeting at her Choir Scibool will meet on Mon- home Monday. day ancl'Wednesday at 4 p. m. Mrs. George D.Rice of Tomab, 'There will be a meetiJW of the Wise., returned to her home by Vestry on Monday eveniDg, at 8 plane Friday following a 1D-d.y p. m. visit with her son-in·law' and Choir rehearsal will be held daughter- Dr. and Mrs. Joseph 'l'bUl1lClQ' at '1:80. p. III. . l4'Dch of Dartmouth avenue. Such a pretty, pretty slip but Mother will IIwreciete the way it takes to long wear and frequent washings. Edged with embroidered nrlon' ,net--even that !leeds no ironing! In Barbizon', 3.pie~ patented design to give custom·like fit. Choose Petal Pink .. or Whitel $4.95 m. . , .' . OIl. "Body.co""'ur". draJ aillfll., , I , , P' I , \ Miss ' llo.20) , Lady 138,,42) LillIe Mila (9-15) .. . L1ulet.adr (14Y.t.22Y.t) BUCHNER'S Toggery, Shop 8 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE ' , , , TH E' "'WABTBMOB EA N \. 4~EARl'N~~~TO==iPOS::::Ti:':=:'U=B~C:::H=OR=U=S=:IN::7.v=icto~r""H=erbert::::an~da~dis=' ~=:'f:istan~ CL . ~:"';~Ch V ~ pro- fessor of English Literature at Swarthmore College, has been elected president of the pennSylvania Group of the College Engllsh' Association, Mr. Dearing, ..,. who lives at 3 Crum Ledge, succeeds Professor Francis C. Mason of Gettysburg College. Mr. Dearing is a graduate of AIlegheny College and did gradllate work at· the University of Iowa, receiving his Ph. D. from the latter institution. Before coming to Swarthmore in 1947 he was a member of the faculiy of Cornell University and the University of Minnesota. . HERBERT FEST .. W. L. Eckard soloist With Bereaved Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath, Jr., of Benjamin West avenue was bereaved by the death of her father, Charles H. 'Horner of Baltimore, Md., who died Alpril 27 after a five months illness." W ', P omen s rogram Tuesday number belore it was Jack Maxim, 'pianist and Ro- The opening number, "March,of the TQYs" from "Babes in Toyland" was sung by the entire Chorus followed by "Ah Sweet Mystery of Life" --am" Countess ~ Then Mrs. John Springer gave the solo "When' You're Away," and Mrs. W. L. Eckard the soprano solo "Kiss Me Again." The Chorus continued with selections from "Sweethearts" which included a comical' ....ooden shoe dance by Mrs. John E. Michael in bert Grooters, baritone, will give a joint recital on Friday May 12, 8:30 p. m., at the CommUnity Arts Center in Wallingford, Jack Maxim is a P hilad eIp hian who began his studies at the age of six. He studied at the well known Setuement Music School in Phila. From the age of 11 to he studied with M-me Wolpe. In 1948 he was a s!?"cial student at Swarthmore College and further studied" with M-me Wolpe. The same year he received the Lucius Pryer Award in New York winning a two-week concert tour in the mid-west. In 1949 he was asked to repeat the tour. In October, 1949 he won a scholarship to the Philadelphia Conservatory of Music where he is studying with Edward Stenermamm. In Janu- A delightful spring festival music program "Memories and ~elodies of Victor Herb';"t" was II1ven by the wo~an s of providing Swarthmore with an adsCiuafle Borough Hall is one of, the CllIestions to which we as voters are asked to give an answer OIl MBJ'UI• * • •• "ENIUNTOWN~ te 15:30. eJleept ~••Y" .30 .e 9 , oIaIIj< 8:30 te 15:30, eJl_'" .......,... 1 2 . _ te8 , \ . STRAWBRIDGE &_CLOTHIER , .... , .. :.. •. , '.J.:" '. . • , • 8 MlAY 5, 1950 THE 5WAKTBIIOBEAN • Gifts OU d. ere In "Baby Derby" will leave for her n~w post May 10. Dr. Spencer had previously spent five years in India under the Gugenheim FellOWShip do1ilg Anthropological Research. Her pm'ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chester S cer pen of Swarthmore avenue will go to New York to bid her bon voyage. New Post in India MAY 5, 1950 HONOR BRl'DE-TO-BE .~ {l'.,."I."",'. by MQJ"au'l£ . (P~",son' It 0'9 II-9F 'IIatu.. ,; Oluzol. DtkaI \¥hit. Co1_,.•. I 1:W1;. Lilt.,.'. NO"?'..!:'" Or_... 9d«zI I ) 4 for 4 . . AmedClll ToUet TI..... '~lf'... ( .~;.'rr I 6 ,.. 4 . . LvadDUI ~.:"r .9- hill".. or slicu I. . . .~ .,-rvp /)dull sneed pueh.. (No~~'I4c) 7 for Halv.. Bartlett P ..... ( N.~~'I") 6"'.9G Aprlaet Neetau: ~~~ ( ':.-'=37. I .S ,.. ••_ 9dtaI PreHI'V" ~.." ( I~~';f. ) 'S,.. ••_ GleawGOd oJeIIi" ( 12:!":1~': 150 I 7 for • •_ Cut GneD BeaD. ""o:~lo ( No~~'I5o 17 f., ••_ ....... Sweet Pea. ""8=10 ( 303o.:::i... IS for Farmdal. J.ima, Be... (N'~~'I3c~) 8,.. ••_ Burloek To...toe. ( N.~~~ ... I 8 fo. . . . Ac ..1e Whole Co.... Gold... ( N.."T..'::'I5o ) 7 ,.. ••_ .9- C_.,. Ma),onaaise :. 33e Sharp Chee.. " 65c Glendale Club "=" t= 75c Sharp Provolone .. 65c RING Fancy Blue Ch.... '"65c Prune....,... MIIII_ . . . . . 3te "Rob-ford Rice ..... 1411 !See4s PI::~:e..... "IQC CAKE ~3se .......... 19.: 'Garden Lime toppM wIth delldous _M.._ .....•w"' " ODcoanut Crunch A. . . .lectH Ha_ '.ck. . Tomatoes 2 ~ 3le New Florida White Creaming e POTATOESI (£~) 5I_ 1g 45 --;-;----:'::Io"'rIcI-=-=-.-.---=-- V.I!:':;~:::'~~6" doz e CHICKENS F~:!d~\~~~~~~· 3g "24'1b::-" \ s" CRUCK 'ROASTT=.1a 4ge e_ Ib . ~OUNG TOM TURitETS oua CID8'l'IIIl BOAD OPO iBUamAY . . . SNl'IJD)AY • ft.&N'I'i 01' , . I . Mr. and Mrs. George Paimer Pilgrim of Dogwood lane will entertain at. cock~ils before the Duck Club Dance at Penn State Center tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cook of Ib Grade "A" SLICED BACON Dry~ 43': $BAD a .... ilia ~ J2c : :It. • 17e I, of North Swarthmore avenue spent a few days of last week in Ohio. Mr. Jones attended a Refinery RallY in Toledo, Mr. and. Mrs. H. Lindley Peel, \'Ii... Virginia Peel, M!ss Bettv Van . Nest, and Craig Peei of Columbia avenue' spent the week - end at Iiake Wallenpaupack in the Poconos. Tpey were joined thereby Mr. Peel's sisters Mrs. Wallace Van Nest and Miss Marjorie Peel of West Orange, N. J. Mr. and Mrs, Marvel Wilson of 'Strath Haven avenue will entertain at a wild turkey dinner at their home this evening. Guests will be members of the group who have been hunting in North Carolina, and their wives. . Mrs. Dani~l S. Mor;se of Parrish road will Iei've tomorrow for a week's visit' with ,her daugh~er ~s, Donald W. Smith and family Munster, Ind. t The Rev. George H. Turner of Yale avenue is recovering satisfactorily following a cataract oi>eration of the left eye in Wills Hospital, Philadelphia, April 19. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Furst of Guernsey road have returned from a visit with relatives in Clevel~nd, Ohio, where they also attended a wedding, _and a visi~ with their son Mr. Edward E. Furst and f~y of Toledo. Mrs. Edward W. Furst of Guernsey road entertained members of her Wilmington Bridge Club at a luncheon at her home Monday. . ....... P~i;;;~~~;~~~; II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 24th and Providence Avenue Chester; Pa. 1. Reeve Swezey, V. M. D. Qriveway Construction . BOURS ~:30_ - 12:00; 2:00 - 3:00: 7:00 - 8:30 AsphaU or Concrete Also Wednesday and Saturday Mtemoons and EveDlDgs and I Cellar Walls lle-PIastere4 Sunday - by Appointment , Phone Swa+thmore 6-2526 e HO", W.'ER, Marge and Dot Casserole Catering Service SPECIALIZING IN • for' everything. ALTE'I"--\TIONS Lanclleous Buffet SaPJren COek1aII 1'ariI... Call Dot BeHield ~I Swa. 6-1873 . Marl Burd - Swa. 6-3138 ., ., ~ BMS....., 1111 ,.I....,,, I'A~ fB h..-...'"'.,.-7 ba\~ Chlll'les E. Fischer guar- 8.1'0.7117.11'1 ·..··and ". " BUILDER Swarthmore 8-%253 FOR SALE-Best Top Soil - 5 ton truck loads. Reasonable. Phone Swarthmore 6-2825. , FOR SJ\I&-Attractive, well-built Totdl A"ets $6,00.,"•••• new home on hill in SwarthLIABILITIES more, 6 rooms and bath. Under D~mlmd depo~ts of Indivldual.'l" pnrtneniliips. and cor$20,000. Owner regrets vacating. poratlong. .... . . . . . Write Box G, The Swarthmorean. TiJne depo..'1lts partnerships. corporFOR SALE--{;hinese rug; 9 x 12, aUon •. 1."",1,18.'" I blue and brown. Call Swarth- Deposits of United Stntes Govmore 6-7535. emment (including postal o.o.o.m _ _ __ Ie 'LlII'''OIlS ... _IllS \ r a other purposes ........................ 1 045,97ll.48 fee? . ,Phone Swarthmore Loans as shown above are MATERIAL For war~ fl8vings) Deposits of States Rnd pollUcal subdivisionS ...................... Other deposits (certified aud caalller"s checks. etc.) ......... . Total Deposits $553827.93 Other lI~bllttle3 .........:. :.:..::.:..::..:. :.;.:.:~..: :...~i5.1...i~~ Total LIabilities .. . CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Stock:" . COUDt BUILDING WATER HEATER WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General Hauling 238 Hardinll Av. Morton, Pa. I~:~:i:~::~~~';;~win:;~~:OallJWSF:S~:"~~~O~~~ ~~ii:;~~~;';~::::~:~t !~~,~~~,~~ I ends of 2-6233. any Chester • Swarthmore 6-1448 0. ••• 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . . . . . 0.0.. • IIIW COllnllCYlOII ' S. M. HARBISON Swarthmore 6-0740 You can learn a lot over the back fence. hut w.ill never know how much better service can get. ~ you call ••• Swarthmoreans dial Operator, ask lor ElUerprise UJ412 - NO TOLL CHARGE I J.A.G WIRING and RJEPAIRS . HARRY A. BREW, 1 s.& :t'r!a.,...... A,¥_ BWAa'I'IIIIOltE, .A. SWAailliiOaB I-lIH '- rve \te[D8 6-1512. FOR SALE-Bo~s full~size bicycle. Good ~ondition. $20. Call Swartlunore 6-6181. FOR S~Liirge-Wlllow-rrrees • WAU .......... C Ix> the Red Cross Board, will attend a meeting of the Disaster Connnittee The chOral groups are proud to Mr. Paul Cobble of Richmond, Louis B. Kahn promment PhilaI'• F • ..... ......"."... .........T m •..,....1Tuu Va., Will take place. September 2 for the SoutheaStern Chapter of present· two members of chorus Photoerapher in the Swarthmore. Friends Meet- the Red Cross to be held on May as soloists of the concert. Ruth delphia architect, will speak on "Architecture and the Uulted Woodward will be heard in the Nations Buildings" at the Friends ing Hou.se, was iIl¥'st of honor at 10. "Outotandin& (or Quallty'.' Media 6-Mal a surprise kitchen shower given Allegro movement of Mozart's Meeting House Thursday evenII l!:. Front st. last Thursday by Mrs. Edward E. Piano Concerto in A Major. Ruth, Thomas of "Applebrook", Park a senior from Chester and a stu- lecture ing,"Mayis 11, at 8:15. byMr. sponsored theKahn's Benavenue. dent of Mrs. Blanche Hunter Nei- jamin West Society and the Cooper PERSONAL Miss S~rvais will again be honor sen has been taking piano as a Foundation of Swarthmore ColPJ:RSONAL - _Electrj.cal PIANO TUNING guest at a surprise miscellaneous major subject in her ""hool cur- lege. and installation, residential ALBANP,o,l!KlIlI shower on Sunday afternoon .while commercial. Water heaters, ran,., riculum the past three years. The on a visit to Earlham College, Ind. dishwashers, dryers. Bendix.·All orchestral accompaniment will be Phone Media 1-8555 New and Beballl Plan.. '!1he party will be given at the work done to FII'e Underwriters' at a second piano 6y Mrs. Nelsen. May Queen Gets Crown an. Re~ Since 1Il0l home of Mrs. Robert Rodefeld of speclficatiOIlS. Service on washMay' Day ceremonies at SwarthThe oth\"" soloists will be Mary Richmond, In4., by Miss Jeanne ers, vacuum cleaners, ranges, LecroD, sdphomore,...;who has ap- more College, delayed a few days irons, toasters, fans, lamps. can Aaranson, a student at Earlham. Erich H. Hausen, Electrlcal. Con- peared on school programs several so as not to conflict with classes tractor, Swarthmore 6-2850. 335 times this year. The community and other regular activities, will Rubbish Collection To Attend Meeting Park avenue. will remember her solo work ac- be held on the lawn near Clothier Swarthmore Disposal Mrs. George Karns, Sw'ar10Im10re I ~J?i1iE"'R":s'£O'i1N\TALii--·-;M;;r.;:edi ..·~cal;:;-·M..a::.::;sag=e companied by the girls of chorus at 11:15 a. m. tomorrow. for wry neck. tense nervejl, ODnWeek17 or Month17 Red Cross' Disaster chairman, Mrs. stipation. Spot reducine by De- at the Christmas Carol Concert in 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - WARREN PIERCE William Hayes, chaiman in charge War. Call Beatrice Schmidt. the singing of Come Ye Hither, Swarthmore 6-2780. Ye Fait!Jful. Mary will be heard Swarthmore 6-2078 PERSONA:[;O:Gardensplowed, <0- in a waltz, Cannena by' Wilson, Since 1905 totilled, any size, Grass cut with the gay Jeanette in Her Woodpower mower. Phone Swarthmore , , en Shoes, from Sweethearts by CUNNINGHAM 6-6317. PETER E. TOLD Painted & Paper Bang..... Herbert. We should know how VQcuwn Spot solos in chorus numbers All Lines Of lusurance Swa. 6-2266 M1cnlgan Ave. appliances repalr~ will feature Donald Fetherolf, 333 Darbnouth Avenue ed. Prompt service. Robert senior baritone, in the' re',er'ent I Swar.lhmore, Pa. Brooks, Swarthmore 6-1548. ;;~~~~iR PERSONAL-AVON PRODUCTS, Built on a Rock, and Sam Lewis, C INC., one of the oldest and lar- sophomore baIitone, in the negro GuitERS ROOFS • gest Cosmetics manufactors in the spiritual, Ev'ry Time I Feel the REPAIRED & INSTALLED world 1tave openini/s for women !:Ipirlt. A. Mercer Quinby. WARM-AIR BEATING in Swarthmore and vicin1ty to Accompanists for the program FUNERAL DmSCTOR represent .Our ptoducts. Earn a Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned steady prOfitable income. Part or will include Margaret Croco who ~~.:~:~~~S~IDKOFF. Solicitor Formerly of Madla Securities Bldg•• ~ GEORGE MYERS T. Pa. full time as you wlsh. For .inter- has accompanied in concerts the 112ft W. ~ Ave., Pbila. Phone Mdwin 117. view at your home write to Miss .past three years, and Barbara M1chfgag,.Ave.. , S,W. 6-2266 TESTAMENTARY Snape, R. D. No.2, Consho- Shipherd, sophomore, who will ae- Egtate LETTERS No additional charlie fer of OSCAR M. HOOK, Deceased. Pa. suburban caUs company the Junior Glee Club LE'M'ERS TESrA-MENTA'RY on the above numbers. ... estate have granted to the bavlog uDder· ;~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiii~~ signed, wbo been request all persons claims or demands against the estate ot Tickets for the program are in the decedent to make known the same. all persons indebted to the decedent the hands of members of the sing- and to make payment. without delay, to BOHACI': A. BEEVES ing groups now. EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY. Executor Devine Taxi Service ''ThIrd Generation Wilmington, DeL __________ ___ I or to ita attorney Bullders." A. 'SIDN'EY JOHNSON, JR. Swarthmore ,6-3150 SWARTHMORE, PA. C harter No. 7193. R~e~rv~~'~~~~~~ Butler.,'.iBeattv. ·Medla, Po. til. Johnson Greer .~ Bunding gerv1n4 Swarthmore, MorNo.3. REPORT 01' OF SWARTIIMORE ton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 Repalring' Custom n\3de old lampshades Swarthmore, Pa., in the State of Peo,n' I recovered. Finest materials. Ex-- BANK AND TRUST COMPANY .:;::;.=~ ..--:~~"~3 quisite detaUlng. Swarthmore sylvania. at the dose of business on PIIONE: 6-5922. April 24, 1950. Published in response Swarthmore &-0414 FOR SALE to call made by Comptroller of the FOR SALE-Duster sailboat. 2 Cumncy, under Sectioll 5211, U. S. years old. Perfect condition. Ny- Revised Statutes. • t1HHt""(t"'1 ..... Hi 81 rst""" Ion sails. F1ull eqnipment. Call ASSETS , PETER DI NICOLA Swartlunbre 6-0429. ... Ca~:~~.~~:~~~;;~!fLwnh otber Rutgers avenue have retUrned New AlIst. At Sproul from a 10-day' automobile trip to Dr. Peter van de KamP, clIrector Dr. Dorothy M. Spencer, who Ohio where they visited their son has been with the State Departof the Sproul Observatory, an-. Mr. J. D. Cook, Jr. and family l)Ient in Washington for the past National ~aby Week, this year nounces that Hendrlk Rubingh, of Glanville, and their son-inyear and a-half, has been assigned again. Is hemg observed by the former cOlIJiPUter at the Leyden Amencan Stores Company's Ann- law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Observatory, Netherlands, has as a Research Attache to the U.S. ual "Baby Derby". Parerits 'hav- B. S. Collins. of Oberlin O. Miss Emma E. Walton of Cedar joined the Sproul staff as an assis. Embassy in New Debli, India. She ing babies born on Saturday, May -------------.-----------=-=~ 6, 1950 between 12:01 a. m. ond lane and her sister Mrs. Vincent tant. Mr. Rublngh, who served. S. Pownall of Kennett Square .for a yev at the Dutch observa12 p. m. will become eligible for returned home Sunday from' Win- tory, began his duties at Swartha gift package. Ier Park; Fla., where they 'spent more. on Monday. To receive the gift the parents must fill in coupon appearing in the winter months. Mrs. A. Piper of North the, American Stores or Acme Chester road 'was hostess Wedne3Market newspaper advertisements COME TO day evening to Delaware County Another 'xclting Acme or make a reasonable facsimile: The. coupon should be mailed: to members of the Women's Unifood 'vent ~ Ilg __ UBaby Derby Contest," American versity Club of Philadelphia. Mrs. I Stores Company, 424 North 19th Harold Seymour of Drexel Hill FOR CARPnlNG street, Philadelphia, 30, Pa. It reviewed "The Mature Mind" by Overstreet. is itot necessary to make a chase to get the gift. Mrs. Robert G. GiUillan of Yaie _. _ and Fathers, aunts, uncles, relatives, av~nue will 'eIItertain at a tea from friends, doctor! can help by mail- 3 to 5 tomorrow afternoon in honother ing coupon promptly. or of Miss Marjorie Shea of Drexel famous A host of real values In qualThe valuable gift package con- Hill whose marriage to Mrs. GilIty foodl on which you will brands tains useful baby food items and fillan's' brother Mr. Fredrick F. want to "cash In." Prepare will be mailed after receipt of the Turner of Media will take place coupon. June 3 in the Swarthmore Presfor the days ahead. Rugs and Carpet Samples byterian Church. Presiding at the Displayed in Your Hamel tea table will be Mrs. Elwood J. NEWS NOTES Turner of Media, mother of the Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Toole hostess, Mrs. Joseph F. Shea of Mohawk Carpellng • Drl••'.1 of the Swarthmore; Apartments Drexel HIll, mother of the bride(/IIId ~MIl . . 100 Park AYI~ Swarth.. PI. have· been entertaining as their to-be, Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner SWarthmol'"e 6-tWOOhouse guest for. the past week Mr. of Dickinson avenue. Mrs. William CLearbrook 94646 for Basil Wood of New York City. RobertS of' Wallingford, Mrs., tl.e InRleneuk - Open E~ea. 'Year Mr. and Mrs. C. D. SchJ.oesser, Charles Huber of Haverford, '4and eoa"enle.t,._'ono",'••• JUlt .dd water, mix anel bake Jr., of Park avenul' have returned Mrs. Frank Fox of Glenolden. WIlDIe Potatoes (N~.~a\... S for 4._ " home after spending eight days on an automobile trip enjoying Beiaz Variety Soup. ( ~.!.-.: I 4 for 4.Garden Week in .Williamsburg and Camp,",U'. Soups (~.!:': I 4 fO' 4.\ FINE CAKES -and PASTRIES' Charlottesville, Va .. /}dull Red CUrraat Jam ( I Z for 4 . . Frances Pearson of Cornell avSUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR 'PANTRY Tomato .fule_1 ( No~~'I'" 4 for 4 . . enue, a freshman at Wilson ColIlSaJ Old FullloDed Peaehe. ( I Z for 4.lege attended a dance and 'houseCall Su;art'hmore 6-3243 party week-end' at Lehigh UniHalve. Aprlaots u":'..!i'.':r (N~~~'I3c I 4 for 4 . . versity. I, S.otlons 'li'.'r'r {No.~'25c I a for 4. . Carolyn B. Morse of PaR'ish Tomato Soup { IO'h"!:':~ 9c 6,.. !;,oad, has been elected president ,9deaI'TomatO Paste { 6-~~~. '6 for 4 . . ' of Kappa Alpha Theta social sor., , , Theatre Square ori,ty at Duke UniverSity. Phillip'. Potato S..eks ( a;r~' I 6 for 4.Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones DeUalous Apple...... (303o.::r3c») 4'" 4 . . ~ pur.. THE SWART'-:MOREAN 711 FAIRvIEW ROAD, SWARTIIlItOn SALES an4 SIIRVIVE RADIOS ... BOMB APPLIANCES I , ... .CMl .l\,('an-Alen-- a& • .... 't}ro.s:- .._ , . , SWArthmore' College Li br"ry o~/arthmore. 8 -=~~~~==~~==~~~~~~~~==~T~H~E==:S~W~A~B~T~H~M~O::B~E:;A~N~========~~-=-=~~~.~-=====__~MA~Y~~, BU;ke Named Head in World War II and died in 1946 ,Third and Market streets, Chester. permit to use' ipl"ecas: slabs f.Ol\ • I COUNCR.'t HEARS TOWN . . LANNER SUPPORT COUNCil. . 2 pkgs 25c 39c FULL QUART 25c Plastic SOAP mSHllS 6c $1.50 Eversharp Repeater PENCil. 39c 400 pkg CLEANSING TISSUES 17c IMPORTED FROM ENGLAND 1950 TENNIS BAtUS 3 for $1.49 Fresh Vacuum Packed L.TA. Approved Soph Hop Tonight , The High School Gymnasium will he tho> scene tonight of the sophomores' traditional Hop. qoupies who will dance from 9 to 12 may enjoy refreshments provided in the cafeteria for the benefit ' of Stade: In charge of the dance is Clem Malin with iMary Lecron, publicity chairman and Bobby Robinson, Business ,manager. $2.00 PINAUD LILAC '12, oz. barber si:ze $1.29 $1.00 ~elus Spice COLOGNE 29c $1.75 size Je Riviens COI;OGNE 69c $1.00 L. H. Stem Filter PIPE 29~ clearance AU TOYS HALF PRICE 100 Douhle Edge BI1ADES 50c TOBACCO POUCH EPISOM SALT BOOK MAT4 :HFlS , Parent's Assoc. To Meet The Band and Orchestra Parent's Association of the Swarthmore Schools will meet in the High School Cafeteria on Monday evening May 8 at 7:30. ~.~~~~~.~",~,~.~,.~.~~~~. 39c 9c 5·lh 23c carton of 50's llc SQPH HOP B. S. Gym 9-12 Tonight TIckets $2.50 25e refreshment tieket BENEFIT STADE .........".. 50 ft. CLOTHES IJNE ---- - , JACK UP MOTHER'S' SPIRITS AND SP~ UPlIEJJ;t SUITS WIm :PRETTy • FRU.I~Y, PLAIN or COMFY SpeciaUjr Reduced jor Mother's 'Own Day .. ' See Our Fashions Modelled at the WOMAN'S CLUB, MAY 12 Swarthmore, Penna. ~-----_~_~_-...JI 1. SENIOR CHORUS Yale Sr. To Be Minister JUNIORS TO HOLD Of Education Sept. 1st 'SINGS TONIG'HT AN NUAL BAN OU ET , At a joint meeting of the Session I and the Trustees of the Swarthmore Presbyterian" Church John w. Stettner was appointed assist- , • her ally" as she charms the eye Expert To GIve Travel and directs the mind. II H. S. To Present Annual Nat Doughty oomtt\a!Dds respect " Tips In Tuesday " for his careful, inJtellIgent.ten, Festival In ant pastor and minister of educa,... .' der Jlortraya} of ~ Browning. Clothier tion beginning September 1. ~ueeting Mr. Doughty grows in the mea17 Mr. Stettner graduates this June role to ad achievement of leashed Swarthmore Hi~ School. in pre- from, Yale Divinity. School, ~ew 'The annual Mother-Daughter power and virillty. senting its annual festival of song Haven, Conn. He will be ordamed Banquet of the Jimlor Woman', 'Elizabeth.s ststers Henrietta and at 8 p. m. in Clothier Memorial in June in his home church, Broad Club- will. be held Tuesday, May Arabel and delightfully and skill-, this evening. will be joining com- Street Prespyterian Church of 16 at 7:15 p.m. in the Strath Haven full.Y played by Tee-Ann Dought.y mUDities aU over the nation pjU'- Columbus, Ohio. Raised in Co- ,Inn. FolloWing the of. 'MTS. Doughty'is beiDg celebrated May 7to 14. Un- University of Ohio in that city. Club to hear Elizabeth Baker, also equal to the dramatic exigencies <\er the dlrectlon of Allce Blodgett Mr. Stettner served almost three a guest at the banquet 'give a talk J. B. Shane Appointed of the role which have a wide the senior chorus......vm offer ~ years in the U.S. Army during the entitled uYou've Earned a Trip". To Succeed ar•. resuming his' ~dies after scope. Arabe1 as played I>y Miss share of illl program in support Spe~g at 8 p.m. the reprePerkin,s Keating is consistently ~ of the Music Week theme uA!neri~ his discharge from milltsry serv- sentative of the Shell Oil Touring President John W. Nason an, until her nnal hysteria. Both roles ca's Contribution to tbe World of ice. Service will present personally are well handled In set iDdividual Music." tested ideas for getting maximum nounced earlier this week that Jochar'acters and establish contrast. The program will cmm>rise mobenefit and pleasure out of travel- seph Brooks Shane, principal of Oakwood School, Poughkeep\Oie. EMzabeth Garrett Hayes is nice- dem compositions by Hving'Amering. N. Y., has been appointed vice, ly cast as the volatile flirtatioua ieans Aaron Copland and William During the meeting, the expert Bella Hedley.' Joyce Noone's Wil- Scburiumn Including such, selec'. will stress basic factors in good president of the college, succeedson is a thing of such perfection tions as "Younger Genieratlon" and traveling, iDcluding new budget- ing Jam... A. Perkins. !Mr. shtui'e that it must be seen to be, truly uH'OUday". both featuring interesting techniques, wardrobe selection, assumes his -new duties at the col.. lege in September; ,Mr. Perkins .appreciated. Much of the tension ing plano accompaniments to be First Cultural Olympics "'1d money-saving trip tips. will leave at the end of the curof scene 2, Act S, is due to her played by seni'or pianist Margaret rent academic year to becom'e an skill. Crooo. Prize To 'Leave executive aSsociate of the CarHar:r:I Cafferty contriblltes a Other, American compositions £tty negie Corporation of New York. perfeot brief characterization inclurle a musioal arrangement of The new college official is a Henry Bevan, the nth degree of "Ev'ry, Time I Feel the Spirit"; a The .swarthmore Players Club Swarthmore graduate, class of VicIQrian popinjay. Ronald F. Por- chorale "Bullt on Rock" set to mu- was awarded the 1950 Cultural 192;;. He taught and served as ter cut a beguillng figure as Cap- sic by F. Christiansen, past direc- Olympics Award last evening, I dean at GeorgE/ School in Bucks tain S~ Cook, whose chann tor of the st. Olaf Choir; a Stephen Presentation was made In David Mothers Work For County before going to Oakwood for HenrIetta Is eastly understood. Foster selecti!On arrimged male 'Narbeth, J?l""'ident accompanied Soout House as prln'cipal in 1~. fu addition Ted Selmes "" Doctor Chambers voices "Some]'oJ.ks Do'" a by ·D. iMalColm Hodge production to his Swarthmore degree, he Fund is a likeable English family doc- catrn; TenDfflsee Mount.rln :folk director in ceremonies held In the tor whose devotion to ElIzabeth tune, "Crawdad Song". uChop_ AcademY, of M'USic. This is the The conununity card party and holds an M.A. from the University endears him to· the audience. !Bri- sticks", which seems to be an over first year the ClOiIIlDIittee has gone fashion show for the ben~t of the of Pennsylvania. A member of the Society of an COIOImon who appears briefly as used American theme will be outside of Philadelphia to make maintenance fund of the Girl consulting Dr. Ford Waterlow heard hi " variety of ways as the aWard. Instituted in 1948 the Scout House will be held today at Friends, Mr. Shane is mariied and goes professionally to the, heart of sung by .the girls of Senior Chorus. Germantown Symphony Orches- ,the Woman's Club on Park avenue. has two children, John Buckley. a the matter. The will also' lude tra was,its first !Winner. Last year The 1:30 'program promises to be a senior at Swarthmore, and Joseph The Barrett brothers who form program mc it went to The Junto. one of the a1!fectionalte1y' held spots from Italy. England, -sweden, gala affair with a display of the Lawrence, a sophomore at Oakand Germany. Tonight's concert To be eli,glhle, a group must be latest fashions, modeled by 'Bor- wood. groups in modem dramas, were will mark the last appearance of self supporting over a period of ot1gh mothers, and snappy bridge played with nice imd ~any stalwart, y~ung ... ~ school years, be finanCially responsible or canasta games topped off with business by' ....... - Pri (0 • ""&ll , M r . and Mrs. Arthur V. Dodd. of • ....... ce ccy,; singers, 'many of whom ,~-ue ibeen and·be outstanding in the com- refreshments and nrlzes. Swez (Sep"_"_) ''''. r State College will spend the weekW illJ am '(Alfrey """"" appearing on SprIng concerts for munity in contributing to the avScout mothers helping 110 plan end with Mr. Dodd's tnother Mm• James Hayes ed). John Bod- ,as many years as the school has ocational cultural developme'1-t of the party are as follows: Samuel M. Dodd of Swarthmore kin (Charles). Hennann YIJnkera been using CI .......... ~or I'~ " ' - - ' the community. An,y grou,p thet (Geo ) uw= (Continued on page s e v e n )a"-ue. ._ (H ) J hn enry, 0 ."",es Tge • Festival . is interested in art. dramatics, mu- ':';;;;;;;'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;=;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;; Til,e ,seniors, include Pauline sic, or other cultural activity and :: To Dine 'School Musicians Beneke, Margot Bowie, J'oyue Ca- meets the above requirements is Tfte Band - Orchestra Parents hots, MargaretCroco, Edith Hay, considered. Friday, May 12 Association will hold a closed din- Sally HaWk, Mary Knabb (librarThe conunittee not only attended 1:30 P.M.-Scout's Card-Party & Fashion Show Woman's Clulb ner in the-ltlgh school cafeteria ian), Ruth Woodard, piano soloist plays here but also consulted 8:00 P.M.-H.B. Choral Concert ........................................ Clothier for sixth ~. jimior and seuiOl' of the concert, Sally Alden (sec- ,prominent :lwarthmoreans before 11:20' P.M.-"Barretts of Wimpole Street" .............. Players Club high school stndents who are retary.treasurer of Chorus), car- making their selection. The award Saturday, May 13 _hera of the bind or orchestra DUne deFuria, Marion Ramm.11'Il. was based uPon the generul ex2:30 P .lIII~Baseball: College vs. Haverford ... :.... Alumni Field 2:30 P.lIL-Lacrosse: College vs. Loyola ................ Palmer Field " and their parents.' Detm;ao Roetb, Bklky Tbompson. cellence of plays throughout the 8:20 P~.-··Barretts of W~le Street" .............. Players Club The dinner will be at S:U; Fri- ~nd Denwol'lh, Arthur Me- season. Snnda7, lIIa¥ It . day MaY 46. Parents should ,Cormack, Walter n/ddnsan, DonThis is the oilly award made ot '11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship, .............:................ Local Churches make paid reservations with IMrL ald Fethel:'olt (vice-PresIdent of .\:his nature, the l>alance of the TUesday, May 16 8:00 A.M.. to 9:00 P.M• .....:................................ Electhn pons Open Robert Hilkert and her coJDlDittee Chorus). Sand7 FIhs. Directed hy Williafu w. Price, who also brings his wide experience to the requiring role of Papa Barrett, the cast and stage ,crew expend ,themselves to achieve a ,balanced produati>n of beaut.y. charm, and !l)erSU8Slon wblch enhances the' familiar. Isabel Price earns accolades with her c;onsistent, quiet, sensitive de- as SOFT f PLAYERS CLUB' REC'ElVES /AWARD 8:00 P.M. Benefit Girl Scout House ! ' Swarthmore High School Senior ~orus v.: CLOTHIER MEMORIAL BLOUSES •...............•.•.........•...•...... $8.60 PER YEAR COLLEGE NAMES NEW VICE·PRES. 'Swarthmore High School Fnday, May 12, 1950 ISSUE Will Reopen May 22 MterWeekOf Collection which holds raptly shrinking as the wellaudience as of speech. voeal Organlzations Of . BOND, Capacity Houses Acclaim Curre"nt Show Here velopment of the lead role Elizabeth Barrett. It is a matter of expression. or nuance, of physical HOUSE MOTH BALLS or FLAKES 5% DDT INSECTFCIDE\ SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, MAY 12.1950 BARRETTS CLOSE P,LAYERS' SEASON I , . VOLUME 2Z-NUMBI!B iJ.9 , VOTE YES SWARTHMOREAN . YOUR BORO THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR WE ARE CLEANING " , " of wounds received in action in' He sewed' in supervising posinoor cOl1$truction in tJie ~ 1 Germany.' tions in the yard and in 1926 he Daniels house on South Chester Mr. Burke is a member of was made superin~dl!nt of hull ~p road. A permit for adding a porch . Springhaven Club, Aronlniink construction. Durmg the second to the Stone House on the Strath Golf Cluh and attends the Metho- World War he took an important Haven Inn O:rounds was also dist ChurclL part iD training employees in shlp- Nearly $40,000 R,eceived granted. Mr. Norton, whose New Eng- buildlog. ' land ancestors had followed' the - For Fire Loss On Mrs. Walter Schmidt president He is married and is the father of the Community Health Society sea ,was hom on the North shore of a son, Alton A. Jr. lJoro Hall '' thanked Counell for p'roviding, of Lake Michigan. He attended the well known Back in its Borough Hall cham- quarters for the Society during the Webb institute o'f Naval Archi- Children EnjoylWizard ber, with temporary Ughting, Mon- past 25 yearS and for including it , , day evening Oouncil heard Charles in the plans for !!he future. Actecture and upon' hlS' graduat,'on The High S ch 00,1 A u ditor,um . -, P. Cella• supo>.rvisor Of the Un!.. companied by Mrs. Elizabeth Groff in 11116, enter"~ the drawm' g ofI tely fill d S t d ,.-" was comp e e a ur ay versity of Pennsylvania'S Institute supervising nW'Se she alro announfice of Harlan and Hollingsworll", afternoon for the Chl'ldren's of Leea 1 Government exp1aln the ced the Society was now located on Several months later he w,ent Theatre of the Com'm'un,'ty Art overaI 1, long range planning sur- a month to month lease In the sewith Sun Ship when the young Center's presentation "" -~ the well- vey I·t·gh . 'floor rear aparhnent of the ' lDl t make for the horough cond ship yard set up its offices at loved play "The WlZ'ar'd of Oz". Approxlma te cost over a year's Paulson Bullding on . Palk avenue, The house was sold out well in period was quoted as between at a rent'!! of $75. advance of the performance. but $1500 and $1600. ~.D ' 'u"" so~"ce ~.., ad amel Josephson developer a sizeable group of 'people waited vocated by the League of 'Women sub mitted 'a plan for continuing Friday. May 5 outside in the hope that some va- Voters which 'Y<8S represented at Haverford place from Drexel road ~:~5 P.M.-College Orchestra Concert .. ".,"".,,""""""" Clothier cant seats might be available. The the meeting by Mrs. Helen Good- to Yale avenue. Tentative ap: 0 P.M. to 12:00 P.M.-Soph Hop "."""""""",, ...... ,,. H. S. Gym hope for two performances next win and •• uu~. _ Joseph S , Lynch, proval was given pending further Saturday, May 6 11:15 A.M.-May Queen Ceremonies """.'........ ,," ClOthier Lawn year is generally expressed. has been used to solve commun- study. 7:00 & 9:00 P.M.-Movies: ''The Thin Man" """"'''''''''''' Clothier It was a gala afternoon. "The ity building placement, traffic and Sunday, May 7 . Wizard of Oz", one of the most parking problems, standardization r A:""0uncem~mt that ~e pollce 11:00 A.'M.-Mornin~ Worship " .. " ......"""., ... ,,.,,:. Local Churches light-hearted and beloved plays of assessments. administrative and adio transnutter at Hicks Hall. Monday, May 8 of childhood delighted its audi- other related problems in many Swa~ore College ~as now set 7:30 P.M.-.Band-Orch. Parents Assoc. " ... "."."". H. S. Cafeteria 8:20 P.M.-"Barretts of Wimpole Street" .."""." ..". Players Club ence as the production progressed cities and towns including"Chester. up .w'th remote .control m!'l'e1y Tuesday, May 9 under the sympathetic and talen- Ridley P~k, Springfield (wth awa,tmg connection permission 12:30 P.M,_Ina~gural Luncheon ...... """ .. "" ...... ,, Woman's Club ted direction of Mrs. Stuart Delaware and . oye . ill the SUll Yard at varIOUS tunes. Wilson S. his younger son, served with distinc· ti on as a L ,eutenant in the Army, .' Pa •. , .... .~~ f,; .. :: - ' , - L ,,' , . '---<> - I , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE M:'.Y 12 1950 , 8 ==~~~~==::~~~~==~~==~==~==~T~H~E~~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O::R~E~A~N~========'~'========~========~MAY~U50 .~\ I Bu;ke Named Head in World War II and died in 1946 - Third and Market streets, Chesler. COUNCIL HEARS permit to use' ,prec:; slabs for, (continued from page one) of wounds received in action in I He served in supervising posi... ~:: floor construction in tne Alma In 1927 he was promoted to the Germany.. Hons in the yar~ and in 1926 be Daniels house on South Chester position of vice,od t and ~. Bmkc IS a member of was made supermtencn:?nt of hull TOWN "'p' LANNER road. A permit for adding a porch general manager. presl en Spnnghaven Club, Aronimink construction. During the second to the Stone House on the Strath W. Golf Club ~nd attends the Metho- World War he took an important Haven Inn Grounds was also ,th the approach of World dist Church. part in tr~ining employees in ship- Nearly $40.000 Received granted. wart ~I, Mthr. Burke took an active Mr. Norton, whose New Eng- building. par 111 "construction of the land ancestors had followed the - For Fire Loss On Mrs. Walter Schmidt president thre U 't H" is married and is the father of the Community Health Society Boro Hall C e new . . mh'cd States Maritime sea ·was born on the North shore of a son, Alton A. Jr. th,mked Council for providing ommU;SlOn s Ipyards. of Lake Michigan. Mr. Burke married Elva M. He attended the well known Back in its Borough Hall cham- quarters for the Society during the Sh,'bc ,'n 1921 • d h Cll1'ldI'en EIIJ'OY WT1'ZaI'd bel', with temporary lighting, Mon- past 2. years and for including it un h was t e father Webb Institute of Naval Archi'" of t R' d<.lY evenin'g Council heard Charles in the plans for the future. Acwo sons, IC ard L. Jr., and tecture and upon' h,'s gradu.at,·on. TI H' h S h I A d't . W'l n S b th 'c ,g c 00 u, onum P. Cella supervisor of the Uni- companied by Mrs. Elizabeth Groff 1 so of-' was campIe t'C1y f'll S a t ur d ay vcrsity of Pennsylvania's Institute supervising nurse sh~ also announempl d., ' 0 th of whom were in 1916, enternd '" the dra,,,,','g ,. 1 ed . aye In e Sun Yard at rice of flarlan and Holl,·ngs\vorth. [t f tl Ch'ld ' v o _' t. 'V a ernoon or IC 1 ren S of l.ocal Government explain the ccd the Society was now located on u..a.IOUS Ulles. ilson S. his Several monills latcr hc ,vent Th(;'a Ire 0 f th communi C .( y AI' t ovcrall, long range planning sur- a month to month lease in the seY of the \vnll' h t make for the borough. cond floor rear apartment of the t'ounger son, L' scrved wilh dis tinc- with Sun Ship when the young Ce"ter's pr DISHES 6c $1.50 Evel'sharp Repeater PENCIL 39c 400 pkg CLEANSING TISEUES 17c IMPORTED FRO!l ENGLAND 1950 TENNIS BALDS Fresh Vacuum Packed $2.00 PINAUD LILAC $1.00 3 for $1.49 L.T.A. Approved 69c clearance Filter PIPE ALL TOYS HALF 29c 5·lh 23c ALL AND JACK IJP SPICE MOTHER'S UP SPIRITS HER SIDTS SOFT PRETTY 'BLOUSES WITH BY ••• FISCHER Specially Reduced for Mother's Own Day lle carton of 50's 23c $2.00 Gilhel·t ALARM CLOCK IN ~%~g~~g~,~%~s~.~~s~s~s:~S~%~%~%~~;~~~~%~~%~%~.~%~'~~%~%~~~~'~'~'~i~%~S;~%~%~%e ~ BLOUSES 9c 50 ft. CLOTHES LINE NOT The Band and Orchestra Parent's Association of the Swarthmore Schools will meet in the High School Cafeteria on Monday evening May 8 at 7:30. 39c EPSOM SALT COME 8:00 P.M. DAINTY, FRILLY, PLAIN or COMFY POUCH BOOK lIfATCHES Frluay, illny 12. 1950 AND PRICE 100 Douhle Edge BUADES 50c TOBACCO maythe enjoy refreshments in cafeteria for theprovided benefit of Stade. In charge of the dance is Clem Malin with IMnry Lecron, publicity chairman and Bobby Robinson, Business manager. CLOTIIIER lIIEMORIAL Parent's Assoc. To Meet 29c $1.75 size Je Riviens COLOGNE H. Stern 'Swarthmore High School The High School will be tha scene tonight of the sophomores' traditional Hop. Couples who will dance from 9 to 12 12 oz. barber size $1.29 Al~gelus Spice COLOGNE $1.00 L. • Gymnasium LOOK BARGAINS $1.39 AROUND ------- See Onr Fashions Modelled at the WOMAN'S CLUB, :MAY 12 ADVERTISED Benefit Girl Scout House UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CAMPUS CUT RATE STORE - 13 South Chester Road 15 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD SWA:RTHMORE, PA. Baltimore Pike. Springfield, Pa, Phone SwarUunol'e G-1If50 Swarthmore, Penna. IN PLAYERS' SEASON CALLS 1500 BOOKS Capacity Houses Acclaim Will Reopen May 22 Current Show After W cek Of Collection Here ~ Soph Hop Tonight LIBRARY BARRETTS CLOSE ~ DDT INSECTICIDE I Swarthmore High School Senior Chorus THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR WE ARE CLEANING HOUSE $8.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1950 The Swarthmore Public Library "The Barretts of WimpOle asks all readers to return the 1500 Street" brings toa creditable close books, which they ' . .·ere requested the Players Club's 39th season to hold since the Library fire, durwith its final curtain tomorrow ing (he week of May 15. A slot night. Capacity houses !Which have for this purpose in the door of the acclaimed the current productiOn Library's temporary headquarters, prove the drawing power of a veold Bell Telephone Building on hicle of stature and meat despite Harvard avenue between Park and the fact that two other productions Lafayette, permits their return at of the same play have been availall hours. The Library will not able within the past three months. open until Monday. !lay 22. No Directed by William W. Price, fines will be charged until June who also brings his wide experi1. ence to the requiring role of Papa Barrett, the cast and stage .crew On April 5 the Library board expend .themselves to achieve a composed of Dr. J. A. Calhoun, balanced produatmn of .beauty, president; Philip Jewett, Mrs. charm, and persuasion which enGlenn Morrow, Harold Ogram, hances the familiar. Mrs. John Seybold, Mrs. Peter E. Isobel Price earns accolades with Told, A. William Bass, Jr., and her consistent, quiet, sensitive deMrs. Russell Snyder leased the velopment of the lead role Elizaold Bell Telephone Building for Yale Sr. Be MinisterlJUNIORS TO HOLD temporary headquarters for the beth Barrett. It is a matter of exOf EducatIOn Sept. 1st pression, or nuance, of physical SENIOR CHORUS Library. With the help of the Borshrinking as well as of speech, ough Secretary, Elliot Richardson At a joint mceting of the Session ANNUAL BANQUET plans were drawn for the placewhich holds the audience raptly and the Trustees of the SwarthSINGS TONIGHT her ally, as she charms the eye ment of the shelves. The conmore Presbyterian Chureh John tract for the necessary reconstrucand directs the mind. ' H. S. To Present Annual W. Stettner was appointed assistExpert To Give Travel Nat Doughty commands respect • tion was awarded to Horace ant pastor and minister of educaTips In Tuesday for his careful, intelligent, tenF esoval In Reeves, builder. tion beginning September 1. der "portrayal of Robert Browning. Clothier Meeting Mr. Stettner gradUates this June Mr. Doughty grows in the meaty from Yale Divinity School, New The annual Mother-Daughter Swarthmore High School, in prerole to art achievement of leashed Haven, Conn. He will be ordained Banquet of the Junior Woman's senting its annual festival of song power and virility. in June in his home church, Broad Club. will. be held Tuesday, May COLLEGE NAMES Elizabeth's sisters Henrietta and at 8 p. m. in Clothier Memorial Arabel and delightfully and skill- this evening, will be joining com .. Street Presbyterian Church of 16 at 7:15 p.m. in the Strath Haven fully played by Tee-Ann Doughty mundties all over the nation par- Columbus, Ohio. Raised in Co- Inn. Following the dinner the VICE·PRES. and Jane F. Keating. Henrietta in ticipating in National Music Week, lumbu. and graduating from the group, will retire to the Woman's University of Ohio in that city, Club to hear Elizabeth Baker, also the hands of M.... Doughty is being celebrated May 7 to 14. UnJ. B. Shane Appointed equal to the dramatic exigencies der the direction of Alice Blodgett, Mr. Stettner served almost three a guest at the banquet give a talk To Succeed of the role which have a wide the senior chorus will offer a years in the U.S. Army during the entitled "You've Earned a Trip". war, resuming his studies after Spea\f the:f>reS..: Ye..:r~old daughter' Nlilli\i.h" will .. """'-'!*f''''-' at ·the home of:Mrs. Richanl. T. byterian Denomination. arnve later in the summer. Mr. Randall, Jr.. 629 North Chester . The preacher next Sunday will Schaidyiwan Is a radio technician '.' ." . " r.~;'j ''''! 'r. road. iMrs. Earl Madsen will be be the Rev. Willlam Hordern, iAs- ~t present employed at a mliItary co-hostess. s!stant Professor of Rellgion newly post In Germsny. Of Russian de-' . I Circ\e 5, meeting at 10:30 with apPOinted this year. at,Swarth, ~cehi.. he taken to B~~ !>y • " _oat o. ;IIN_II'· . . '1 • 0 . . . ' ' . . Mrs. Pona\d P.· Jones. chairman mel!" College. . the'Germans in 1942. His wife has. I' 1820 CHESTNUT STREET I ' David Dyck, student pastor beeP.' teaching in priv..ate schools. from· ~ton. will be ordained Both' have had a general and .'''.0".116-1581 May 17 at the Presbyterian churcli .~"''ical education. and spe/lk J.'. ", .' .' -:;" , " , ,. in Princeton at a service at 8 p.m. ~~. , ,.. .... Mr. Bishop'will give him the EnFrtgl·lj'b d inter ted· "-d SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH charge ' . . . ,. ... ' ing enhome s areand emplo~~t es m llU'f\'J"- ''!.I'l~~~~'~~·''~>~· ~.~;'>'~'~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .' '" '. Sunday, lIIay 14 , this· !~ ;,:;' :. i 9:30 A.M.-Women's Bible Class. ", . . .::;: 9:45 AM......:sunday School and Trinity Notes Men's liible Class. 11:00 P.M.-Mr. BislJop's sermon : _~!1lY',.Cqm1DII"IQn ••will be celewill be on "Where .is..The hrated .. at,.8 '!•• ID•. ·· Church. School . American Family Going?" will meet at 9:45 a. m. At the 6:00 P.'M,-Young Adults. 11 o'clock servioo. of Morning ! • 1-, It.:' 6:30 P.M. youth FeJ.4ywship. Prayer. the sermon will be by. Methodist Ohurph. Rey. Thomas f... _M. Barnett, in-' : J4lI:THODJST CHUlICH structor in the Old Testament Roy N. Keiser. D. D., MinIster '!lid Hebrew ..t'the Divinity Schoo~ 1:4~ A.~~~;,.!"yS~ooL in P h j . l a d e l p h l a . ! 10:00 A.M.-Young Adults ' Young People's Fellowship wUJ, . 11:00 A.M.-Rev. CorUand R. Pu- meet at 6:30 together with oth~ '- ,. sey will preach. FellOwShfps -of the' community ihl I :. 6:30 P.M. - Community Youth the MethOdist Church. . Can~ , FellOWShiP. in th,e ChapeL bury Cldb will meet at 7 p. m. .: ] . Tfu"NITY CHURCH ClQisters B. Swarthm'ore Colleg~} • Satilrday. Hay U . Ushers for thll 11 a; JD, 10:00 A.M.~tion Class. are: T. W. Hopper. head usher. Sundar, lIIay 14 8:QO A.M.-Roly Communion. W. S. Patton; J. W. Jones. S. D. , 9:45 A.M.-OlUrch Schoo!.. Reynolds. E. A. Thompson. G. S •. 11:00 AJM.-Morning Prayer and Valentine. J. L. Cornog and A' E. Sermon by ·Rev. Thomas A. Pritchard. "The ti'6ys serving as 6:3rp~~~g Peo~le's. F~- acolytes are: 8 a. m. -:Ted'Cai'ey; • lowshlp (M!ethom,t Church) 11 a. m. - Perry Redifer and ...,. IT'S hete t6dayl A~e. rica'. first 7:00 P.M.- Canterbury Clnli Graham Foster. fully perfected .. "no, clntch-no (Cloisters B. Swal1:hmore ColChoir School will meet on Mongearshift'" driving! Th~ achievement MaT 11 (AseensioD Day) dliy '!Od Wednesday at 4 p. m. , of years of research ~d development 11:00 A.M.-Holy Commuriion: . Wives of Men's Club Members will be guests at dinner on: Monday. , .. ~, by S~ebllker and Bor~,Warner ~n. . " gineers - the .rC\v.olutl~>Dary new THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY night and wil1 hear William W. ~l. Studebllker. ~utomatic Drive! ~~~14 TomIlilsbn. vice-president of Tem.. ,. TechJ!icians ~;n,~)'pu that this 9:45 A.M.-~ ~ SchooL ~ple University spealt oil "You and. • Studebaker Automati,c l)tive is the ll:OOA!M..-Meeting for Worship. The Hoover Report." I . Visitors welcome. Children Choir rehearsal will be held on e > ideal combination of .R-.torque con• cared for In WhIttier House: Ti.UrsdiiY:· evening at 7:30 JD, verter aod direct meAlhanical d";ve. Monday. May 15 Confirm ti CI will t n ,. . But the way this amazing transmisAll Day Sewing for the A'p.S.C. at a on ass mee 0 WhIttier 'House. Saturday at 10 8.1 m. ,. , .• oion worksiso!t·halhoimpo~nt 10 • WedDeI!Iday,Hay 17 , most Car owners . .·"the certainty that All nay SewIng tor the A.F.s.c. at MethodiSt Notes it ti~,s.. work"':'Superbly. ; omooth;l), 'alo dutch """aI, of co.urse-and yo,,',. ."", rItIht . Wloittler Howie. . ,, and reliably!. .... .... .' , .. from the.I""1 No c1utcbing-no declutct.ing-withStudeFIRST CHURCH or The Sunday School meets at Come ..... a.nd try. ont .tIH.".s. far ad" bab:t Automatic Dri'!1'. All car rno".. forward, you juot .CHlUST SCIDl'.l'IST 11;45. Cia es are provided for chIl. d b-'- A 'iDa' Dr' feodthe ..... _oandbralce. yourStudebalcer'.'abiftafor OF SWARTBJIOllS dren of all ages and for adults. vanced Sm e .....t;r. uta . tic lve itllelf"--mm. go .. cbangeo e:alOmatically. q\JictIy and '>park Av....lle below BVftnl The Young Adults IDeet at 10 , _j~:!·t'.'obligati~n-r.ight, a~ay. _octhly. You keep the pointer 'on the .teering poot in S~, May It '-;'='~'- in the T .......~ ~_._ , lIt's . cost-but it'S th~ in"'dri",," pooltion moot of tIie - . But _ you,-..ltc:b 11:110 A.II.-£UIIday SchOO'. ",,~ .. ~"!""'" ~ r_owc. -oanehttbat'anybot1y' evliNnade in . on the IplitioD, tbe engine. wiU otert ODly If you have 11:00 A.II. _ LnlCD _ Samail The lIUest preacher at the. 11 .,1 'j ..-- mororing enjoyment!' •. . "'. I _ ~ ~ .elector Ia= a t'~"k" ieal .or '\""'_t..t.-.t.lt "",,-. ''Mortals and Jnpnortals'1. ,o'clock service will be Rev. Cart- j . ,! " , . , - .. ~.:, Wednesday evening IDeeting land R. Pusey. ~ of the Roy_ each w ek, 8 p.m. RM«iIDI ~ .!ndohl'iiethOdi.it Church. ' open daIIi, except 81P1day 12 to . 5 p.m. Wednesday ev-.iDlP' 'I to 'l'!ie Churdl NuiwI) Is open 7:50p.m, ~8 to 8:80.:, ___ ... ~_~,~.!'!~_~_~ ~L.-;, ". _.\~ '. . _ I • , •. j '. pr9gram I Spring .ettln~. An old fashioned ltoast Tarkey or Roast Beet DInner with all the trimmings - $2.00. PI1Bf\M' . For th""", who Chop/! and Steaks - $2.25 to $2.75. ·Don·t miss Margie's Apple Ple and Cinnamon Bnns. ae...rvaU""" now. chailinaD. . Funeral Service Swarthmore. Pa. 'IflePhone Swarthmore 6-0680 WESTERN UNION OFFICE AND FRl!B PARKING . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~' :'HMH HHe'r-st=Sf"1t1Mes...,.... M .... t"'1t""1t"1t'1MO...,...... HHHl;:C ~ . • , A, Special, Box of Candy For A • n...· , Special Mother• YOURS WHATEVER HER TASTE IN FINE CANDlES, WE'VE GOT- IT BOXED ATfRA:CTIVELY , , \ * HARD•. OAli:wY, CREAMY, CRUNCHY \ * .Michael' College Pt.fmlcy ON TIlE OORNER \ .. I • THE OLlV&R H. BAIR waS ce. ~"1 yan Church Services ' STRATH HAVEN .INN· . , the a . {amI1y' .- ". ' : -, • , m: serVice ,N."'.st and most advanced of ..all automatic transmissions! ,. !;r.J;... ·P. oest ; t,:, "'. '. ..... <' ::\FUSCO ·and,I·ALSTON. 1.. ...'. " , ,. '. , ,, baeoa- ........ .~ / . Pa"'~ tickets llor families in the iront section of the hall of uninterrupted Beauty sing, with ~ chorus ' Give MOTHER A Box 01 c.nJy "WABASH AVENUB" , in tecbnlcolorl 6 71 YEARS BEAlJI'Y SALON I JUNE '4, GRADUATION THR (;AKE BOX ' J. C. S'I'ILWEQ & SON Call .,.. 1!onk .~~~~~~~~~~...~_.... ~...~=~~...~w~.....~...~,,",,~,,",,~;--,~,,",,~....~....~....~....~........ ~~....~... ~., For Service - Call cilla Allen and Helen Kraus will . "Bob" Atz, Owner , t !- be in char¥". Dick McCray. president at the The ushers for day are G. gradUating ~ of SWarthmore ShUbert·; E.·'Alst'on;'W. Dickinson. . ., .... School announces the 11 BUSSEI.I4'S SERVI(;E· SW. 6-0440 I TH& 8W~.T·HKOall.U( E· .. , .-.~-.-- -i:i-~--·~r7-!··-·· . .: ' .=-'--:-:-=-"="''"'' , Gull New improved No-Nox "T '. Drain and Flmh Radiators Spring Tune-Up ~ 't . . u.e Mr. an,d Mrs. Eugene W. :BaldMr. and Mrs. N. BrtI£e Duffett of Mxmterrey, Mexico are being con- win, Jr., of Chester road, announce gratulated upon the birth of a SOD. the birth Of a son. Thomas Thatcher. on April 27 at Bryn Mawr Norman Bruce Jr.• on'May 3. 3. HospitaL • . litarting Thursday! IIeUy Grable - Victor Me&are t Mr. and Mrs. ~ aDd Mrs. Joseph LaPann of Glens , P. LIngle of Falls and of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas omell avenue are the grandparJ;I. Lueders of PrInceton avimue. ents of the new ·baby. IN A, TASTY AISSORTMENT MaIil¥n Ma.l 74 lIl'1mbers of the 1950 graduatlng class will be accepted for college. fueling is automatic-nothing to ord.. and nathlng to be delivered. Heating Is automatic; an _ temperature Is maintained by tfIem.w1allc control. GAS HEATING ;s Carefree Is clean-bumlng. With gas heating. lfI_ Is na annoying noise. "0 ashes, and na filet aloe ". Gas --. See •J r )f. . pl...... eta: 1IeaII.., JI raU&fw'" ....... PHILADELP .... A. ELECTRIC COMPAIY • ~""'\\","~.(o1""'VJo\"""""", •• -.......\""."""""","'......,w::." .._.t4't'"' Republican Voters of Swarthmore ., , . PBDlARY E1,ECTlON DAY IS • Tuesday, lftay 18, VOTE FOR INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN ~OO:K.E FOR GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA . ,. - ~ .' , Jay Cook. II CI successful busin_man who can co.,. wilt. Pennsylvania'S critical financi~1 condition. 2. Jay Cooke is pledged to advance Republican planl for beHer , ,'1111111111'. 3. . OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE ... PETER E. TOLD d'A"'S,,\1 If Comf~!!''- • 333 Dartmouth Ave. Cooperate wit" IICAR S·AfETY MONTHII. •• Representing The .i2mLl' C;15uaJt)' and Swuy Cmnpaay of Hanford, eoo •. , oin't • crus hnl iul • Your Chevrolet dealer is JUNKING every unsafe car he takes in trade • • , WILKES BARRE fte Fellow", Swarthmore BesldeDtII Bespeetbll7 1Jl'Ie 1!'_ ~&ADENSIS To Vote Taestlay ••• JAY COOKE FOR GOVERNOR Philip M. Alden Mrs. Hugh F. Denwortb PhlDip M. Alden Dr. Waldo Eo Fisher Leonard C. Ashton J. Fraaldln Gaskill -Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton Mrs. J. Fraaldin Gaskill Herbert T. Bassett Mrs. Charles Gerner Mrs. Herbert T. Basselt Mrs.· John I.. Good Mrs. Edward M. Sa....tt Robert Hall' Kathryn Bassett 'RlIfIiI1n J. Herndon A. Laurence Baxter Sewell W. Hodge _Mrs. Sewen W. Hodge Mrs. A. Laurence Baxter Mrs. Florence Green Broomall Thomas M. Jaebon William Bush Jr. Mrs. Thomas M. Jackson Mrs. William Bush Jr. William F. Lee Dr. J. Alfred Calhoun ,William H. Lee Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun '. Mrs. William H. Lee Mrs. Leslie G. Campbell 'Elizabeth Lee Martha Curtis Campben : Charles W. Lueu WlDiam C. Campbell' Mrs. Charles W. Luteu Mrs. William Co Campbell Frau, B. Mulde7 Arthur B. Dana , Mrs. FranI B. MarkIeJ' : Frank u. MCCO..... ' Mrs. Arthur B. Dua Guy G. deFuria. " Mrs. Frank H. McCcnraa Mrs. GIlY G. deFuria " W. RodmlD MeHOUT Baymond G. Denworth . Mrs. W. Rodma" MeR.., Mrs. Ba~ondG. DeawortiJ Mrs. William McIntln . , Geotse W. McK_ ~s. Mrs. George ·W. McKeag Harry I.. Miller Mrs. Harry, I.. Miller Mrs. En Smith Paa1 Franda Plowman I Gearse PlowmaD Mrs. George Plowmu Willi... B. Pugh. Jr. Mrs. William B. Pugh. Jr. Donald U. Pugh Mrs. Donald H. PUl'h Mrs. Frank S. Reibel Walter M. Sehmidt Mro. Walter M. Schmidt Mrs. Apes Hall' Sheldon IIrDce D. Smith ' Mrs. lIrn... D. S..lth Charles G. Thateher Mrs. WIllI•• H. ThatcMr B. Tho.._ Mra. Jack B. Tho.,... WDHa.W. 'nmter ' 'I." =::~G~= ..... QUI. W. WGIIIt PTC Charter, Bus Service otTem many ~jOY. able advantages whenever a grQUP trip is p1annSd. Ideal for ·Lodge. Social Club. School and Church organization. ' , -" 'l1lere~s ouQngB, picnics, reunions and sightseeing. , and. venient -, k best of all. kind to the pocketbook. am- \ . ... • ' Month." The 164 Chevrolet dealers in the area shown on the Dl8.p are backing an idea to help cut clown tha accident toll. W. will junlr every un"!'" car and truelr we tab in trade clurilIO ''Car Safely Mom/t" Of every hundred fatal traffic ~ts., J3 are caused by unsafe cars. Since we ~ spending thonsands of dollars on tbia project. !'8'1l stop more than • few. accideats. And save more than • few lives. For information, just call PE 5-6100 and ask for "Charter Service." , , ' .........." .........".,',...,""",......,"',." ....,..." ....".,',- .......,",..,. , MSJIs "Car Safety Pre Charter-Bus Service iII safe, co:nt-ortable. con. Swarthmore Citizens For Jq cooke .,"',., no more delightful or carefree way ; • "11••,1,... Ir•••,.rl.II•• C••,.., , • L .'., • • • • spring and JIIlrnlJ'l.ir drivinl•. - Do it IIOUII DoCl " ........,. .......... _ " . M . . . . . . - , • We'U turn each title back to the State. to make sure the cars can't be glued together again and sent out to sta1k human prey. The cars thelDgelves will go to tbe scrap heap. And you-be certain you do yow part in this great campaign. Have YOuf car checked. Have it put in ti~top condition for carefIee. saf, • YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER -, \ . " i t r • General Insurance • Breaklas' - LUDell - Dinae, Clean Rugs AND Peace of Mind ENJOY GOING PLACES WITH YOUR 'OWN CROWl Jay Cooke, purple heart .veteran of both World. Wars, Is pledged to wipe out cOercion alld macing of piftllic employel. H. Is oppose" in Delaware County hy the notorio"s McClure machin.. DEW DROP INN ./'1J V I schools, beHer roads, sound mentol hospital and institutional care, • Itream clearance, and the attraction of new industries and job. to Pennsylvania. of conferences the children wl11 help Anne Jane Cleaver, art teacher, put up the exhibit, whlch-wlll be on display from June 7 to 14• The series of final.parent-teache1' conferences of the year are scheduled for the afternoons of June I, 2, 5, 6, 7. During these times the regular classes wl11 be held In the morning, ~ith classes suspended for the afternoon. ./'1J~ "" 60"~offers The coming weekend will bring 141 saw it in The S~.. a new burst of color to the college campus, headed by the appearance of early and !Jlid-season lilacs. Especially Interesting among the. lilacs are the unusual French hy-I brids found near the Meetiitg \ House. Another patch of spring; color is just 'norih of the Meeting House, where the azalea, garden . is at its early prime. . . The woods In back of the Scott Outdoor Auditorium "'nd near Wharton Hall. are scattered with dogwood In full bloom with azalea schlippenbachi with ~arlY rhododendrons and' many 'Varieties of , wild flowers. Flame j'zaleas will EVERYTHING RUNS make th»ir appearance I In the INTO DOLLARS woods in another week or two. For the ·convenience of those when .... ~jd...t otrik.a-for visiting, the campus, guide maps of the Scott Foundation's plant- hospital. lI1edi~.... for d _ . ings are available at 114 Martin ,for nunes. For only a f_ centl Hall or at the Business Office In a day you caD. have Altna Acci. Parrish Hall. dent InIurance which pay I1U:h ezpeme. Geologist To Lecture Mrs. J; David Jackson of Vassar avenue entertained 20 guests at a dessert-bridge at her home Tuesday' evening. \ 1. New Blooms Appear Dr. Maurice EwIng will disouss .. The Atlantic Ocean Basbi" at 8:15 ThurSday, May 18 In Martin ,Hall, Swarthmore College; Dr: Ewing is a member of the De~t of Geology, Col\'ffibia University. His lecture is sponsored by the Swarthmore chapter of Sigma Xi, national honorary scientific soel/ ety. .t • JAY ~he next Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewin, Day will be Tuesday, May 16 at the home of Mrs. William H. Thatcher of 21 College avenue. , ...m -Polls aM Open From 8 a. m. to 9. p. m. D.S.r , Kappas To Sew sev~ral Ali-AutomatIc ,--..,."..._-- ------' 43 Students Already Prepared For College GAS HEATING ;s Econom;cal guests Mrs. Topping's couslna Mr. I and Mrs. Roderick Dreyer who were en route from New York City to their home In San Gabriel, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Black and MIss Doris Black of South ChesClosed Every, Sunday The Swart~ore elementary ter road are entertaining as their Open 7 A. M. to 8 p. M. school children and their teachers house guest for a few days Mr. Monday Thru Saturday are making big plans for the actBurl Keys of Muncy. Ind., a senior ivities for the close of the year. at Purdue University. The Elementary Field Day is Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. TopDAI-.Y DINNERS SSe 10 $1.60 scheduled for May 26, a May Day ping of North Princeton avenue Special Children's Platters NEWS NOmS for May 31, and an art exhibit attended the DuBarry AsseIIlbly Ij,,====~======================================~==~~ June 7 to 14. Mrs. GraeIIle G. Whytlaw of In Wilmington recently. The usual Field Day' will be held Cornell avenue has returned home ------~--~~-------------~~~~~ on the College Avenue School after accompanying her daughter" " '" '" '" grounds at 9 a.m. on May 26. for in-law Mrs. G. G. Whytlaw. grades 2 to 6, or in case of rain Jr., and infant son Graeme, . . on May 29. This Is the annual 3rd to their new home In South < Garnet versus White, in which Bend, Ind. The younger Whytlaws there are relays, games, races, formerly lived in Torrington, tug-of-war, etc. The points were CO""., but had been spendinft a accumulated throughout the year, few weeks visiting in Swarthmore emphasizing sportmanshlp and until their new' home was ready. skill, and total points received on The trip west was made by plane. < Field Day will be added and a cup Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Thomas awarded. Many parents, fathers of "Applebrook", Parle avenue, the exae-tly c:otrec.t method of cleaning for every type, rug, and mothers, come out to watcb and Miss Mary Jane Servais of ,,-4 whether it be IIxminster. wilton, frieze (hid). velyet. iapestry. < this affair, and as heretofore all Dickinson avenue. left Thursday " brussel,. "c:henille, hooked, braidad. cotton, fibre. or Oriental rugs from Irlln, India, China. parents are Invited. Because of by automobile to attend the May I Ta.l.d.down carpeting a .pe.lalty. the strenuous' morning, there are Day week-end festlv~tles at Earlno school classes in the afternoon. ham College, Richmond, IDd. Mr. } ~ &4 SO" offers correct replliring of all types, including binding. refring!ng, The program this year will be in and Mrs. Thomas will be the guests ~ ,eweaving of Oriental rugs, rehooking of hooked rugs, burling, charge of Alice Putnam and Wil- of Mr. Thomas' parents Mr. and serging, sewing, hand selvege and overcoJsHng. liam Reese (physical education Mrs. Earl A. Thomas of Richmond. teachers.) and Miss Servais will visit with FIREPROOF STORAGE-ALL GOODS INSURED A revival of the May Day with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Ryan Our rates are only slightly higher than the lowest. songs and dances of many lands of Vetville. on the college campus. are cordiaUy invit.d to visit our showroom and pl.nt.. You } will be held on Wednesday. May Mrs. Ryan is the tormer Miss 31; in the morning about 10 o'clock Ruth Medford of Strath Haven USE RUBBER CUSHIONS ( at the Rutgers Avenue School and avenue. TRADE IN YOUR RUGS UNDER YOUR RUGS In the afternoon about' 1:30 at the Mlss Mary Bye and Miss ElInor Buy carpeting or Orient.1 rugs at lowest prices. Makes ordinary carpeUnQ f.el lik. luxurious College Avenue School. The theme Bye of College avenue entertalneq - ~ental rugs. Adds yean of wear. Keeps rugs get" fine trada-in for your old rugs. S.lect will be "Our World Neighbors." as their guests at a dinner party in place. Same cushions can be cut down or from Mohawk, Sulidan. Firth. Magee, Holmes. ) add.d to and used with both summer lind The children will hi! costumed, Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Ashman lees, IIncl Philad.lphill Carpet, and Oriental winter rugs. Ideal for sfair carp.ts. low.priced each grade representing a differ- and daughter Nancy of Glenside rugl from Iran, India, China. lit i~st .. few dollers more then ordinary rug ent c!ountry, and there will be a and Miss, Emily Ashman of Gercushions. May 'KIng, May Queen and Court. mantown. '> The grade school orcllestra' will Louise Archbold of Swarthmore play, and there will be dances and avenue was among the 40 stndents singing by each grade. The, af- In the coqege of home economics at fpir will be In charge of Alice Drexel Institute IIlOdeling their Bkxlgett, Alice Putnam, and all own creations In a fashion show Mohawk (:arpetlng • COIIlplete Size Range • Oriental Bup ~e grade school teachers. held In Philadelphia Wednesday 100 Parle: Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. . A repetition of last year's suc~ night. SWarthmore 6-6000 - CL earbrook 9-4646 cessful art exhibit is planned for Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Top· this year in the Rutgers Avenue ping of North Princeton avenue '-_""""'_"""......._"' ....._Member. Naliontllimlilule 0/ Rug Cleaner, playroom. During the ~oons entertained as their week~d LOWER GRADES' .SPRING FETES On Friday, May i9, at 8:30 p.m., the Swarthmore Symphony Or~ , chestra wl11 give B, concert In the hall of the Players Club on Fair~ view road. The program wl11 comprise the tollowlng: Egmont Overture by Beethoven, Symphony In D. MInor by Cesar I'ra!'ck, Goncerto In EMInor by Mendelssohn, end the Blue Danube Waltz by Strauss. David Spencer will be the soloist, Ip the Violin Concerto by Men~­ e1ssohn. The concer! is open to the pub11c free ot charge. I -THE SWARTHMOBEAN MAYU.l850 - , I II ...... IfIiII-' _ I J T DOVIIt· • f• • TH Ji: S WART HMO R EA N MAY 12, 1950 MAY 12, U/5O' ., THE SWARTHMOREAN, Presbyterian Choir To Present Verdi Requiem In All State Chorus MESSAGE.'TO OUR CITIZENS Margot Bowie, senior at the lo- .Iice !Jar!J. 1" 9 i-r ts On Tuesday evening May 16 at On' Monday, May 15, the U.S. Savings Bonds Independence cal high scbool and soloist at the 8 : 1..< p.m. the ChanceI Ch' Drive o,pens throughout the nation, conUnuing through the recerit District chorus FestiV'Bl oU' 0f th , e held at Sharon Hill, w- .a' .....ed Presbyterian Church will sing the Fourth of July . ;'. Its symbol is the Liberty Bell, encircled by - -""'" "R . " d th dir ,the campaign theme: Save for Your Independence ••• Buy as one of the 16 members from the Verdi eqwem un er e ec-, district chorus of 200 ~~~~~:;: tlon of Henry Faust. The soloists U.S. Savings Bonds. In the Annual All~State r ·Ue b aM F 11m d Fr ,Through ~_.'ft_ savings we buUd up' reserves agam' st m1sORCHESTRA CONCERT Wl ry 0 er an ances"~ Festivsl to be held May 18-20 at B,ur, sopranoes, Ruth _Littleton, fortune and povide Income for our later years, thus lesSening the William Penn HIgh ~-"-ftl,' H. S. Aadltorium mezzo-soprano, .Gene Bayles, the burden lipon others ••• We accUrnulatefunds for worthHams'burg. """"" SATUa6AY EVE., lIIAY 20 or, Herbert .. ~tty, bass. ' while purchases and investments. The buying power we store (Band Concert Tickets In-.-,._ clude this Concert) Soloists with the exception, of up helps to stabilize- business IjIld employment through the' Margot has distlngui.slted berOther Tickets 500 Miss Follmer who is well known years. ~ ' s e l f dwing her years in Swarth~ from Orchestra Members or in Swarthmore, are from' the Wes~ , AE. your burgess, I urge sll who are able, to help the volmore- as a soloist of marked iwu- ~;;;;;;;;;;;;::;a::;t::;D::;oo:iiriiiiiii~~~ unteer Savings Bonds Committee of this borough reach eva~ ity and Swartlunore Hi"'- ~-"--I ,minster Choir College of Prince- .points ' with pride to her ' many ..u ~ possible Bond buyer during the Campaign. The more we exSUcton, N.J., where Mr. Faust ceed our IndepeQdenre Drive quota and the more we spread cesses. She will have the privgraduated with a Masters Degree the ,habit of regular savings, through the Payroll Savings Plan liege of singing Wlder the dIr1~-1 in 1945, and where he is now or purchase at.'Bonds at banks and post offices, the more we tion Of Maynard Klein, direclXi.L teaching voice. James Vall, essissh,all have done for ourselves, our community and our nation. Choral uildut«i I";;;_;;;;;_____;;;;;__=. PORTBAIT STUDIO ~~~~~=~~~~~=======~=====~I ~amp, • \I NEWS Nodj. beue6ta I . . ~-- . -'® , • 8. , Wh.n, you· ...op In your conVenIent Acm. you g" , AdVe",Hd POPULAR' FOODS rMUJ MoJuJ / _1_to'===========-__ LAYER CAKE .... 59c Larller a.sortm.nt., trl,... taatad branda, real Our quaOty faodi for. 1011 Icy . Is (lltractlnll .J!ION and ".- t Spacial Mother's Day . vanilla Id"t =:~.d with .... wItt. rH rw. "on " Muon..,. ChotlSO ' ,OIl ...h ~ 45. Glendale Club ...,.... 75. Baby Goucla. ....... 45. . ·"39. ... Prun.. ......... ...... ' Uma loans::': ..... ' POCAIE m 2 =- 2h ....:. ,.",,- '." lresh Galden SUGAR,OORN3 .... zt. FroIII ..... ' .••111111 as " : : : : ...... Cat Shoulder &..111............... EdJtor. h _.• la.........; .......~ BolIgna • 53;C Llver_SaSl/us .... a ...I~.~ 5.Ie.,' :\,.. SUc:.d _.ON .... FRESH SIAD 60=:." SAI'E ~O • .nneB CUSTARD c.~-"2,~4" DESSERT Frail CockiaR N~!~ 29c . . ......... II. .. ..H..""'.1' ..... .' \ IJdUd Halv•• Bartlett P ..... No.'m"... sse !}dud pratt CoektaU ~,'21f"'" SSe Bo..-d.-Lite Mayoaaala,e r:,.sse Bo.·da-Ute Salad r:,.. ase I}tJuzI Ca: .a"IF Peaaat . .iter I~ at. VirIIaIa .... Caadles I:.:' 17. SPill"",". lea--. en.... Slk:ei, lkoflc. ~ ~ lh;d Drope Dre.d·. ' r __ •• _ _ _ _ _ _ . ___ . _ _ •. _ _ OR . . . .1 . . .OAD • •~ __ ....... ~,l. OP.... i'BlJIIPDAY . . . ftlDAY' " P ... IlAlftJDAY m.Io . .... ......'1'* . 1o'~1M Dais OP . . . . . . . . . 'NG. , • Wom.tbu ~eui1y -lhNaIea yea willa daD- . IJOIO- Bats. • ~ and installation, commerCial. Water seder miles in strong' new Goodyear tires for the dan· gerous miles in your worn . tIres. .• . CllESTER and FAlRl'IEW ROADS PHONE SWARTB1IIOBE CI~3881 . . Cl.'., " 3. Headquarters for the BolO IibrBrf· • . . 4. A recreation center fur 'all ages, operated ~·.tbe Swarthmore Recreation 'A.s:roclatlon (pocI, s:nn. . . I. . ' .. , etc.)... .. 5. A center 'for hobbles, arts an4 rcralrta ;etc., . . ~. Possible'use of ~cie tor.cllnic·or !'he.U""} center or infirmary, or otherwise 110 promote / 1950 MAY SUN MON TUE WED HlUR FRI L 2 3 4 1950 SAt 5 6 \ 7 S 9 10 II 12 13 ~ S.T·EE.RI N G • LIGHTS· HORN· 14,1516 '17 TIRES· JI 22 23 IS 19, :20 M U F F L E ,R • 24 25 26. 27 i~ 28 30, 31 W'I, N D S HIE L D WIP'ERS , • __ a Usticker" in: time saves.a 'ftne • • • Don't delay-have your car inspected in May. Let the Rubbish Collection 'hn of -. - .. -. .- • i . . " '....iNr -:-... ~ I------.-==p ~~ , oy 1. - , BUILDING ' MATERIAL He.- . !"""" ~ .. .- c~. . , a!' FUEL On. . J. A. GRWIII:-EN 1S,,,».' ,... .&:. . . . ono P. MI_IIII•• SWAaHiKO'" PA- . IIWUTll'Mo" '-'11141 ".- . /... . ,- ...., , . '!. .• , ------------'YN"'> = ..... _- '!,,:.o~.tbe ..._--...- - ... ..,..,..,............. JAMES E. LAMB PLUMBING AND HEATING toth. the .!'""Ile of ':' I::'J,~~ei. to. !heth. !'.-'~·l~_e, I to.~;:;I!'~' ~~IaY,-,o. ._~ I ~~,~ir?~ . ~~?W.~~}}JJOh"'!OD 've. 10. M_e,"~!:", :. Reptered in . ac l"!o$ ~~ ~5'1~ ~ .. I ner of CollegE} and Princeton Avenues, Swarthmore. Pennsylvania. Wednesday, May 11~ 19.50. up andto. openp.m., the bids School at a JIleeting the On School at the DistrIct of olrl.., May Board 17. ID.O, at 8 p. m" or at a meet"" adjournea from that meeting. for athletic supplies and equipment and for repaJr of type:. wrl,ters. SpecUlcalfoDa am be secured between 8 a.m. and " p.m•• dally. except SaturdB:Y8, Sundays. and boJidap, at the School lii~:::f 2~3. . .: .' rHEN DRIVE" SAR1Y . WI >•• ~u,w MAKE SURE YOUR CAR 1$ SAR- to . . .!'=' r Day. _C~. J.V.ledia ,.'6 _and7. .p .:.m. .;.. :615 .. ';,~1JJ1,'}.SR ~~t~~~~~!"Sed. road. Call SwWtJiinore .. No cat will be permitted . on the highways withollt a eurrent inspecti9n sticker after julf 31. ~t T. . m;:~- ~~~~~~~~~~~JI:i~~ ~T ~<;~pe~ . ". DloDth~t'Maypayof£inextrasafetyfQryonandyourfamily. presently ~ . ,No.' doubt' "Irt»ig;nel;f.ve readers could think of ." Wide varlev of . additional purposes thIa l)Ullding , 11I11".'~=~·aullv., ~l.· ~ t.'! I~ ElEN now. geub, ,. Ii Peace and Freedom brings to w.~ Swarthmore 6-2078 I. attention of local residents the ;.~:::~;::======~~ ceremonies at 4 p. m. (rhursday, May 18, which will dedicatE! the Delaware River as 'the First "vuu A. Mercer Quinby Friendship River. FUII1ERAL DIEECTOR Exercises will be held sinlul.-I Formerly of Media taneously at the Wilson Line Pier, 1125 W. Lehigh Ave., Phlla. foot Market street, Chester; at Phone Baldwin 1170 Pier 4 in Phlladel,phia and in the No additional charge for suburban calls churchyard of Old Swedes Church, _~!. ._ ::i Eacb yeu. ill Pen.sylvania, alaiD't 7.000 • .,.,ioll8 tmftic ,accidents are caused by mechanical fail'ure Qf cars. . Bill, if Pennsylvania's fipre for this type Qf fatality :were a. Ioiglo as the "!lUona! av~· thl're WQuld bave teen 20,000 more aCCIdents. This means that the Penn"flvania 01Ji.~a\ Inspection system is responsible, eaCh year, fDr sanng more than ISO lives which would otherWise be uselessly sacrificed in traftic accidents caused by fa~ty equipment! I . ~. .li~.01.SCh.IIf'S .. 001 .. W ... hstudere .. ~~er!w~.n: • Swarthmore Disposal Weekly or Monthly WARREN PIERCB -;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; ....... 1~':'~·.~~·4 _2 ; •••:....... ISpringfield; Penna. more important-IT SAVES LIVES group' practice lIf. local physiclaWt 7. Classrooms to accomodate cloD' Children Dedicate Dela. Rive:r I The Swarthmore branch of the Women's Inte,..national League for Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, Jr., of North Chester road are on a three-week trip to Bermuda. can ZED FERTILI' TOP SOR M I.R R 0 R • S TOP SIGNAL· some state?' Sh"''dn't its potentialitieS fIJIure into ourlirmnt plans foxI the CUiStmMlon of 1IIe DeW JIarQ ~. Ball! .. i . I Itaaw wllattbt __ _ Mrs. W. Newton Ryerson, Mrs. David P. Wisdiom.' Models: . Mrs. Lyman H. Allen, Jr., Mrs. Robert S. Bird, Mrs• James H. BreakeU, Mrs. William B. Bullock, Mrs. J oha R. Hanna, Mrs. B. Harrar, Jr., Mrs. R. P. Hetherington, Mrs. Donald P. Jones, Mrs ..Ross W. Marriott, Mrs. Howard D. Sipler, Mrs. Jack B . Thompson, Mrs. Richard H. Willis" Mrs. David P. Wisdom. , Table .chMrman: Mrs. George B. Heckman. Publicity chairman: Mrs. Howard D. Sipler. sing a 'Varied program of Madri- Wilmington. ~iiiiiiii~~~~iiiiii~ gals and folk-songs of this and All interested are invited to the t other lands. Religious numbers ceremony whiCh' is sponsored will also be offered including the jointly by the World Friendship Denne Taxi Service Negro Spiritual, "Soon Ah Will Be AmOiig Children headqtlllrtE.rs in Done" by William L. Dawson and New York City ondthe Act for ALTER) TiONS SWARTHMORE, FA. ~ Wasner arrangement of uB,e;outi-1 Frien~~~~~~~~~~~~ u o~· I .. :rv .. .rock~ ~e if 'Ht"'¢"1MMt=fN!:::()::::s t::1~ JDlSceUQneous Chmrs, Mrs. Mark Dres den,. soprano, and Mrs., Goo:~ge P. Warren. Refreshment Co_ttee: Mrs. I~~P leaf ldtchen taille. lIIlake of- Leonard Dart, . tenor both of ~RTlms' BRomERS, 11Ie, I""·' Cali Swarthmore 6·1808. Swarthmore, and Robert Helle; C; D. Schloesser, Jr., chairman; FOR. SALE. Double-breasted I!:s~ M dia Mr Anth y Vent. Mrs. Warren R. Bernard, Mrs. CDntradOl'l ortd III. . . . blaclt. tuxedD,· size 36. El!:cellent . . e. s. . on . . Jolin Carroll, Mrs. Paul E. Friend. Charles E. Fischer _ Gayle;' Sireet • Media. Po. ---~'tion •. '$20. P"--eSwartlmiore of Swarthmore will be p,awst Mrs. George A . H anse, II J r., Mrs. 1Iln I ' 6-7416. . . . and William Trumpler of Wa . g- Joseph S. Howe, Mrs. Edward C. PHone: Media 8·4281 FOR SALE TaIpestrles,· bric-a- ford,. flutist will assist. Musser, Mrs. Laurens C. Van ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~',n. ...b?,c, dishes, livi1).g romn' chairs, The public is invited, ,without Mr ><. rugs, r~ector lamp, tables. admission charge Dyke, Mrs. Neal A. Weber, s. I Cali ~ "'iii\" . William C. F. Ziegenfus. , ::::.:: .... v. Ticket Co_ttee: Mrs. A. SidswlU'tJimore 6-2Z53 --iii=~:';:;~~ore ney Johnson, Jr., chairman; Mrs. WJf~"I.n·... I~. SALE-~ 10th. Grade Mothers Meet room suite,.tWin T th G ad Mioth will h ld Esta'" !:II17t'"· set, rugs, dish~, upright en r e m"S '0 LETTERS the-;~~!~ i~~~~~~~~~~:~ ~ Swlll'thmore 6-1241. a tea meeting at 1!he home of:l\lIr)<. estate haveTESTAMENTARY been ·.ranted toonthe ,':-':;0.• 1;' 1 ~'~triick 06_"_, 221 North Prin.ce- ,glgned. who request aU persons Jmonul I'. ~:... -=:!...... ,.I.L1kU.U..1 clalm9 or demands against the ~I . . .'! 1"'WlLn ton avenue, Monday. the decedent to make known th~ .a.m. Swarthmore 6~1448 OO!~ In_M_ and all persons Indebted to the . -: . May 15 at 3. p. m. Mrs. Hanna to make rayment. without delay,_!,! WILLIAM BROOKS Can· ~ =- Kirk Mathews, senior EQUlTAD B TRUsr COMPANY. Executor Ashea & RubblS'h Removed ~Q~ -~" 'OD_~~~ -,...!? ~~~ , Wt1mington. Del. DES FORRESTER ReasOnable. Phone teacher will discuss the A SI'l:'N\l'yl~,:~~~'lf JR. Lawns mowed, General . scope of the English department at D~t1er. Beatty. Greer & Johnson Hauling 6-2825. . th R llin R d ~ Swarthmore high school. 3T_5'_5 MedIa, P~. 236 Harding Av. Morton, Par 155 Sou 0 g oa . ~ ...:. ffi . ~ ~ 11iY'>l> Tn "non Vallev 4 :mllecalsotionbfOrhneledxt year's 0 cers I !",,,,~:of, !!\..~K G. ;PBCK. ~------... c......... BRAKES • WINDSHIElD· That is "'(by the Pennsylvania AutQmotive AssociatiQn and the Department of Reven~e are hQlding an intensive car in.peenDIl otml?aign in May. Have your car ins"p"cted Make certain It is in safe mechanical condiuon fDr summer' hQliday and vacation driving. Your inspection statiDn thDroughly checks hrakes . . . winds1!ield ••• steering •.. lights .•• horn ... muftIer ... stop signal ..• wiedshield wiper •.. and, if found. necessary, puts them into good working order. serve. . . ".. Is it not. possible to . laJ;. plana The high school orchestra, combined with the elementary school orchestra is planning its annual concert In the high school auditorium on Saturday evening, May 20. This concert is the result of months of hard work and will present an amazingly fine group of instrumental numbers. Parents are enthusiastic about the possibilities of the elementary school orchestras as developed under the direction of Robert HOlm and his. assistants. The high school orchestra numbering 2. mUSicians, has a~hieved a degree of perfection that will make the program outstanding. The combined tickets sold for the band concert are also good for the orchestra concert, or special tickets may bio purchased. seat' i\ era. • ~.~ ~ FUSCO & ALSTON Coun~ can ~~~ ~,.~an m. at the home of Mrs. Robert T. B&ir, 630 Yale avenue, Swarthmoreans: h th d b a "Wen e Poppy rna e y disabled veteran is presented. to y~ by an Auxiliary member this month, the dont'oon for this : •.:: means' a 'thank you' to that vete· ~an. .' "This Poppy is likewise a triIJute to brotherhood, a of courage, and a practical way to help Five years ago th the t veterans. ' ' e ve erans sacrifice meant sacprity for America.' Today the Poppy means a hit of security for the· veteran. "The Poppy should be worn dur-ing these last days Of May as a pledge offalth in a new !World of Peace for the fut~et and m~mo?, of the red POPPIes blo~g m France over mounds dedIcated to fallen comrades," work done to:-~' speclfjcations. Service on washera, . vacuum cleaners, ranges, irons, toasters, fans, lamps. Call Erich H. Hausen, Electrical Con- Fellowship Chorus ~~~~~3~~~~~~1 tractor, Swarthmore 6-2850. 335 Park avenue. To Sing Thursday PEl'.sONAJ,. Medical Massage filr wry neck, tense nerVes, conThe Third Annual Spring ConPETER DI NICOLA stipation. Spot reducinll by De- cert of the Media Fellowship War. Call Beatrice Scllinidt, Chorus will be presented at Media Driveway Construction High School Thursday, May 18, at ~ any size, Asphalt or Concrete "" ~ 8:15 p.m. -~ .--Directed by Alice Blodgett, dimower. Phone Cellar Walls Re-PIaoItI!rea rector of vocal mUSic, Swarthmore Phone SwBrthmore 6-2526 Public Schools, the chorus will TRADE • l~, part dishwashers, -~._;_~~=-=_=:~=--=_~::.:.================:;-_ According to the lead editorlal in the last issue Of your paper. It is oontemplated that the population of this Bero will expand by 5Q%.twitbln.tbe next .few .years. OUr· schools are nOW' overctfowded. Will we be forced to build new ~1I" withlj. a sbcn:t period of: ti,me at. ~~; high construction b.isof todaY'lHow would thls oompare with :the cost of acqujsi. :.: jio!, of; this fine building? . , ". How does the cost of acquisition compare 'With the cost of buildlag a n~w.. Bero Hall to co~ a ..li~ brary, a Legion room,. quarters fer the visiting nurses, etc.? Wouldn't it be mQl'e feaslblol' to !Dake. arrangE8Den t • to .purchase the Mary Lyon building Nil. 2 .for the use .oJ: some of our BolO func~ ~Qim and', eConomize' in the ~~tlJ,i.~o";:,of the iBoro Hali? . Would it not be possible for.the thatt should IInow how Swa. 6-2266 lII1oJ1JPn Ave. y. .MIlE FOR MILE . - , full-time work· as gardener and ~~~~~~~~~~~~ tree surgeon. Call S!'arthmlDrl!'1 6~240 between 5 1U1 di{IPoge of this entire property, and !nay do so as a unit or piecemeal. A coinI}littee has been 8000inted, as I U1Jderstand it, to Study the prob- . . . . IUI... CIICKENS , ,. ..=:0 _ . .. T Ii: E MAY 12,1950 . Totih.. Editor. The Swartbmorean Dear SIr: . . ' ., 'Buildiilg No.2, In the M&ry Lyon's group, now occupied by • r'..~ Stste"C.nter, will be vaeated at the' end of another academic ~eSr. Swarthmore .eollege is now facing the problem of what to do with this building and oth..,..s which comprise the property acquired by, the College in order 'to temporary facllities to handle the post-war enro11;ment ·""31. Rob-ford Rico ... t:: 27•. Se• • .,=~="'IOe Ga",. Umo •...... 1,. . '. .. " The i o(lDJnloila~' apniNed below' are thole .of the JRdlyfdual mltell. AU\ letters to Tbe -SwartJurlorean mult be' ,lll"ne4. "PBeUdODJDlDS may be ·used, -tf the IdeDtity ot tbe writer 11 known to tbe Editor. Letten will M pubU,bed oal,. at the dltcretlon of tbe boom. d m_ON _ _fo_.... __._ve_ry' __IIY_._ _ _, eoy"",, and filled with _ i, It 12, 1850' should be, but seems that Beardl 'The 'Woinan's' Club and sideration. might well be given to oth~. civiC; mind~ agencies. . this opporiun!.ty nOt only by. 'the VerT truly )'loUrS, Eioro Council 'but 1>7 the School John W. Seybold .Letter. to t1&6 Editor • MAY T DE 'SW'A'R'r B 1'tf'ORE A}If -.II! 'T~~~'~8~. .-=~~~iC~=-=-~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~ . MAKE SURE that YOUR house is a HOME. It,pays to order enough coal now to heat it for next y e a r . . , Swarthmoreali3 dial Qperatqr. ask lor • Enterprise UJ412 - NO TOLL' CHARGE ... "' 1111_...._ .l\(e.tIIAlen.:~ . , Mis . . I'11III_ I SwArthmore College Librnry' PEl.. ~'vmrthmore, THE , \ OFFICIAL CLUB SEASON used as the 'Club saw fit. Mrs. Johnson vice-president of Juniors presented the Club with a beautiful tray~ Mrs, Forsythe read her meeting which followed the lWlChfor the year at the annual stated eon. Besides including reports of all chairman briefly, she listed awards which club members had won. In the County Federation Art Festival Mrs. Oscar J. Gil· c~eest won third prize for her child's story; Mrs. Warren F. Farragher, second prize for. her quatrain, and honorable mention for adult story; Mrs. Raymond W. PerJYnsJ honorable mention,.phild's story; and Mrs. Robert M. West third prize for a musical program suitable for a club program. Mrs. Warren F. Farragher also won second prize for short story in class' A at the State Convention this week. .. Mrs. Streeter and Mrs. Viele illustrated with a black board chart how club finances were tribuled. After the formal installaton of the new directors a short ballet was' performed by Marie Louise Forsythe and five o,f her pupils. Dancing with Miss Forsythe in a colorful selection were Barbara Bloom, Dorothy Hopkins, Joan Jefferies, Nancy Neuweiler and Zoe Kranzfelder. Mrs. Robert M. West played the accompanying musiC, Victor Herbert's "Kiss Me . " Agam. , Mrs. Frank Rodg';"s' Gray with her committeE! was in charge of the delicous IWlcheon served by Mrs, Clifford Banta and her comittee. Attractive table settings of gay spring flowers had been arranged by Mrs. 0.' M. Hook. Bea~ ferns for each side of the slage were furnished by Mr., E. J. carns. The affair officially ended the local club activities. for the year. Howe\'er, Mrs. Forsythe' and a delegation from the Swarthn10re Club will continue by attending the State Convention in Philadelphia this week. Among those attending are Mabel Talley, Mrs. Charles H. Zensen, Mrs. John E. Michael, Mrs. George B. (l'hom, Mrs. Peter E. Told and Mr.. J. R. Hoover, Jr. Ohorus To Sing In Folsom The Victor Herbert prize music program arranged by Mrs. Robert M. West which was given by the Club Chorus last week will be repeated next Wednesday, May 17, at the Folsom Club at 2.30. ORCHESTRA CONCERT Saturday Program H. S. 13 South Chester' Road Swarthmore, Penna. ___ ;President Roosevelt's Board' .said-- " President Tru-man's Board, said-,, • ", Still the leaders of the Railroad Firemen's -" Union _sayThis ridiculous strike is an affron~ to every citizen of the nation. It's. not for more mone~. It's not because of hours. It's only for soft feather.. bedding spots-for additional unn~ces­ s~ry firemen to go along in diesel locomotives iust for the, ride. A leadinglil:)eral n~wsp.per calls the , demands of the union leaders"horse-feathers"l '4\ . "feather-bedding" by leading the members of their union out on strike and threatening paralysis to IRrge areas of , the nation, they are defyjng the spirit and intent of the very law which they helped to create. " • This stqke is not for higher wages. It is a strike to force 1be railroads to employ inany more thousands ,of firemen who·are not needed! It would be indefensible waste. We railroads have refUBed to place this additional and unnecessary burden on the pUblic. But' more important t1u;n any other consideration, is the action of these' few irresponsible uni~n leaders in seeking to force d crippJingstrikeupon the been tWice ruled out by Presidential Fact Fi¥ding Boards duly appointed under thJ provisions of the' Railway Labor A9f;. This demand of union leaders for additional and unnecessary firemen to ride in diesel locomotives was rejected -after months of hearings- by a Board appointed by President Roosevelt in 1943. This strike is one of the silliest strikes in history I What are theoe reckless union leaders trying to do? They .....k to cauae thousands of their members to strike, and throw hundreds of thousands of other employes on and off the railroads 0t~ employment, with 1088 of pay to t and their families, plna a severe blow to industry and the citizens of the nation. What's the strike all about' If the union has ita way-what happens? The present m.embers of the union won't get one cent more pay. ,They will,mereIy have been assessed for a costly and indefensibJedrivein anattemptto provide morednes·payingmembersfortheunion· by creating "feather-bedding" jobs for additional a,nd unnecessary firemeri~ , This is certainly one of the silliest strikes in history! ; nation for their own selfish pUl'pOl!eS. , There is no other 'possible to such a demand but "Nol" , 'answer The railroads in making such a reply believe they have the whole-hearted supPOrt of the people in whose interest they are willing to fight thls out, despite the, 1088 and inconv.enience that all Will. sulfer. ' , It is time to ,.. ;. American demands I, • I , . -, ... • Under the baton of Dr, w. F. G. Swann the Swarthmore Symphony Orchestra will ,present its concert at 8:30 tonight in the Players Club on Fairview road. The concert is open to the pub_ lie. Auditorium ! VOTERS APPROVE BOND ISSUES Few Exercise Voice Local, State Mfairs LIBRARY OPENS AT 2 ,p M MON In $3.50 PER YEAR College Concert Sunday 'llhe Swarthmore College Orchestra and Chorus Concert, postponed from two we,eks ago, will be held in Clothier Memorial at 4 o'clock . this Sunday afternoon. Thomas Dunn, acting director of the College music department while Alfred Swan ,takes 'his sabbatical in England will conduct. JONES RENAMED SCHOOL TREAS. Board Grants Requests, Sets Calendar In May Meet Tuesday's primary election In regular session Wednesday brought but a light vote despite evening the Swarthmore School two local bond issues and a stateBoard reelected the following of' w i d e h~ted con~st for top Refichils for ilie next school year be•• \ . publican offices. ginning July 1: treasurer, Donald New Books, Savaged Borough COWlcil was given a P. Jones; SOlicitor, Claude C. Child Readers vote of confidence by a slim mar• Smith; tax collector, Mary Parke gin when 536 citizens voted yes Boro Physician Honored Dodd; team physician, Dr. George Offered and 526 no on the question of B F II B. Heckman. authorizing the borrowing of up y e OW ,The request of the Swarthmore Four to five hundred new adult to $225,000 for repairing, enlargAlumni Recreation Association for use of books, bought and catalogued dur.---ing or replacing Borough Hall on the school facilities in its summer ing the Swarthmore Public Li- present site and adjoining ground. D r. G eorge B. Sickel of Strath program was granted and an apbrary's period of enforced inacH The second bond question for $55,- aven avenue received the Girard propriatlol' of $400 toward the extivity will' be ready for circulation 000 to pay 1Jle borough's share. of AIutnm. . A ward' of Merit at the pense of the program was.authorwhen the Library opens for regu- the new joint sewage disposal May meeting of Girard College ized. The request of Dr. George lar service Monday afternoon at AI . 2 p.rn. Customary Library hours plant met with more overwhelmumm. Warren for the use of the Rivering approval the vote being 929 Dr. Sickel who is pathqlogist of view avenue field for summer will be resumed at that time. the city of Chester graduated ,baseball was also granted. yes to 104 no. • The Library's many friends who For senator and from Girard College in 1904 and The calandar for the next school have been eager to offer gifts of governor . d . Swarthmore typically chose the reCClve his doctor of medicine year ,was adopted providing for books are asked to reserve their opposite to the rest of the state. degree at Temple, University in pupils return on September 11, offers until the publication within A precinct analysis of the voting, c 1911' After serving hiS. intern,- Monday" and for teachers reportthe next few weeks of a Jist of appears elsewhere in this issue. , s ·'hip a t T.empJe UniversIty Hos- ing :;eptember " 6 for workshop conneeded books, in' The SwarthCouncil Meets pital and remaining for a year as ferences. morean. At a special meetmg held in chief resident physician, he took The Board authori2Jed the <;onIt Is hoped that the list will be BOl'ough Hall Wednesday night graduate work in serology and tinuation of the summer music kept for reference and that gifts Council voteq ,unanimously to pro- surgical pathology at the Univer- program launched so successfully of those specific volumes listed ceed with the purchase of the Kist- sity of Pennsy!vania and in Bio- last year under Robert Hohn of will be offered in order that the ler lot at a cost of $37,500. Plans chemistry at Harvard. the school factJ¥y. This will run Library may restore to its shelves for the futnre of BOr'Ongh Hall He has headed the Chester Hos- concurrently with the summer for community circulation many wore studied, but a final decision pital department of pathology school for six weeks beginning of its lost volumes. There will be, was postponed to a later date. since .1920. June 19. It provides free ,band according to the board of direcAdvertising bids were also Serving as First Li~ut.enant in and orchestra insh'ument instructors' president Dr. J. Alfred Cal- authorized for paving Bowdnin the Army Medical Corps during tion to all interested borough houn, neither roonl nor time to avenue and set b a cks on F alrview Wor1d War I and completing two YOWlgsters. handle unsorted lots of books. road. enlistments as. captaln in the BeThe report of the instruction The majority of the books sayed '" resolutio!>. <:<>mmending fI:. E. serve-Medlclil Corps, he is 'a past- committee _which has been making from the recent ~ were chile Hessenbruch a past president of president of the Delaware COWlty a two-year study in an effort to dren's books. , Council, for ~ many years of un- Medical Society and member of draw up some form for rating For the convenience of readers selfish service to the Borough, was the following organizations: Art- teaching success, ·was received by the Library hours are reprinted passed; a copy of the resolution !sans Oider, of Mutnal Protection the Board which plans to use it herewith: will ~e sent, to his widow. Springhaven Club, Chester Cham~ next fall. Mrs. Raymond 'DenMonday 2-5:30 and 7-9:00 p . m . , be): of Commerce, Delaware Coun- worth and Dr. Waldo Fisher repTuesday 2-5:30 p.m. . Wallingford Men To Be ty Chamber of Commerce, Patho- resented the Board on this comWednesday 2-5:30 and 7-9:00 p.m. mitlee with Margaret Price, Harry Thursday 2 5'80 pm Guests At wreHare Council logical Society of Philadelphia, Oppenlander and James Irwin -., , W ' American Association of Clinical Friday 2-5:30 p.m. Alfred H. Williams and Clarence Pathologists, American Chemical representing as teachier members. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p,m. Also received was a progress and 2-4 p.m. Ev'!O Pickett, both of Wallingford Society, state and national medical will be guests at the Annual Meet- societies and the - Swarthmore rcport of the survey committee, ents Association are planning to . g f th Del C ty Dis Presbyterian Church. made by Carroll P. Streeter. It is serve refreshmenis to all the par- Mothers Club Elects 10 0 e aware oun expected the report will be comtriet of the Health and We1f8re The Girard honor went to him ticipants; and a community dance N' xt v 'Off' Coun'cll, whiCh will be held on plete in a week or so and the inunedlate!y after the performance e Lear s leers as one who has quietly and un- administration, ,superviSory and Thursday afternoon and eVBling, obtrusively carved out' a successwill be open to all holding conMrs. Richard Enion was elected May 25, at SI. Hedwig's Audltor- ful career, been mindful of and pupil services of the schOols might cert ticket stubs. president of the Mothers'Club for ium, West Fourth Street, Ch'ester. 'be better coordinated or improved helpful to others, thus renecting th b C ultants !h ha _ next year at eJections held ThursMr. WilJisms, president of the credit on his alma mater. ere y. ons W' 0 ve been at the schools this week in Bar,'bara Cop·e Elected day evening, May 11 in the Wo- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadel_ b ------- . this connection include Dr. Will '_.J 'he m an,s CIu. phia, and chainpan of the ComS o' econd 'Graue Teac r Also elected to office were Mrs. muuity Chest Committee of Dela- U.W.F. To Meet On 26th French of Columbia University Barbara W. Cope of German- A. F. Van Houten, vice-;plesi~; ware COWlty, will be the main Many phaseS of World Govern- and Dr. H!elen Huns and Dr. Rclph town avenue, Philadelphia, has Mrs. Thomas Prather, recording speaker of the dinner session which ment will. be considered at the Preston both of the University of been elected teacher of the second secretary; Mrs. Johann Natvig, begins at 6:30. He has long been Pennsylvania. Dr. Arthur Jones grade -in the College Avenue correspondin~ secretary; Mrs. active in public affairs and is a m.ember:;hip meeting of the Unit- of Dickinson avenue, retired na'"~ ed World Federalists, to be held tional guidaa>ce authority and past School f or next year to succeed Char1es G erner, tr easurer; ='. member of the board of the Ameri- Frid iM 26't th = 1ft A~ 1 ' tly resIgn . ed . John B. Maerk er, h OSpl·tality . ay,' ay a e .. o - p e president of the American GuidN ancy H 00t W h 0 recen ' chrurcan Academy of Politl'Cal and House, Pennell road, Lima at 8 ance Association, has been acting Miss C ope Is a 1950 grad uat e 0f man;.Mrs. LeR P ter . oy e son, mem- Social Science, the p~nn""lvania the .West Chester State Teachers bership chanman; MIs. Peter State PI81lning Board,~' PresiJames Sands' IWill briefly as advisor to the survey grol!P' College with specialization in pri- Coste, board meinber. dent of the Christian Association clarify the diDference between j:he Th~ lBoard gratefully acknowlmary education, At the close of elections a Var- of the University of Pennsylvania. NIlI'th Atlantic Union and World edged the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Before going to West Chester, iety Show entitled "The Bowry" He has been activ~ in the PbW'- Federalism. Seymour S. Rutherford of Strath Miss Cope attended Friend's Select was given by club members. In delphia and VI'C'-'ty Commum'ty HaV\eIl avenue consisling of the ~ Willard Tomljnson, chairman, library of aviation books collected. School.. She \ ~":' always ~ I~e gay atmosphere of a bowry Chest having s"",ed as general will present a digest of the Clark- by their son Donald a Naval aviakeeuJy mteres~' m yOWl,ger chil- I uarroom Mrs. Natvig and Mrs. chairman of the 1947 Drive, as Sohn./~posal for ~te!>"bY~ tor who was killed at Pensacola dren ,an~ durmg her. summers John B: Roxby, Jr.,. 'as bartender Honorary Executive Secretary of ~nverslOn of the U.qted Nations several years ago. The gift further ' has held Jobs working WIth young~ and wrutress respectively, brought the American' Friends Service mto World Governmmt.. ,provided $50 toward the purchase er children, wl).ich included the on the acts. Committee Mr Pickett is well Mrs. Frank Roy<:e ,will speak of new books in this category each position as substitute librarian at Mrs. Robert C. Schultz presented known ~th here and abroad from the ~oJiticaJ . Actions .. angle year for the next sevearal years. a branch library in Philadelphia. a monologue followed by the sex- for his active participation in and COllUDlttee chrurmen will reFor a year she directed a BrowuJe tet Mrs, Van Houten, Mrs. Wal- various matters of international port 'on jobs 90ne and jobs troop in the community of West tel' N. Moir, Mrs. Richard Schmidt, relief and for b,is creative ap- planned. Mrs. Philip P. Snow of WaIlingChester. Because of her interest Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Robert Pfiefer, proach to various social problems. Questions and discussion will be ford Hills will be hostess to the in mUSic, she· augmented her col- Mrs. Norman Weeks, singing "Man He has been honored by the welcomed Art Club at her home today. lege coUrse with training in music ill the Moon", and ''!.bver Come Philadelphia Award in 1938 jointly iF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J:;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ education at· the college. She is Back to Me." , with the I~te Dr. Rufus M. Jones, a skilled player of the piano. In Dance routines ''East Side West and by honorary degrees from extracurricular activities in col- Side" and "Music, I(usic" were H erf rd Earlham and Oberlin • Samr.Jay, iliaI' 20 lege she took an active part, es- giyen by Mrs. Joseph Moran, Mrs. C:~ge~ 8:15 P.M.-"Architecture and the U.N. Bulldings" pecially ,in the Woman's Student Harrtson H. Kalbach and Mrs. • , . Meeting House Council and in a number of cam- H. C. Campbell. Mohologues by ;Firs-t-Trum--pe-ter 8:30 p.M.-Swarthmore Symphony Orchestra ........ Players Club p~ clubs. Mrs. William B. Pugh, Jr., and SMurclaJ', lIIay 20 2:30 p.M.-Nei!lhborhood Track .......................... Alumni Field Mrs. MaerIqer were hlgbUgbts as Warren PiAlrce of College lane, 2:30 P.M.-Tennis: College va. Drexel ..............Wharton Courts Dr. Joseph Storlazzi, professor well as the qUJ!11et composed of a member, of Scout Troop No. 3 ,• SIIJldJIJ', iliaI' U of Biology at the Pennsylvania Mrs. Van HouteD, Mrs. Pugh, Mrs. BpOiIS01ed by the MetIbIist 11:00- P.M.-Morning WOrship ............................ Local' Church.es Military Co1We, has been elected Maerker, and Mrs. Sebmidt, who ch~ lias ~ ~~ trum.:00 P .M.-<:Ollege Orchestra, Chorus Concert ............ Clothier ~ of the board of the dI- did "Rag !Mop" _ "Carvt,. 1lilifi)et·p;,s1ib;'topJaY at tiieBo,- . " ' Tn «r, IlIaJ' " 8:30, p.II,;"'lIoIuSic Club ........................................ Whittier House rectOrs of the Nati!JDal Association Cake." Mrs. Schmidt sang two Scout J'.......>Iee to'be IIeld at VI!lil . . ..\ t '. ~ of Clinical Laboratories. aoIos. ley Foqfe from JUlIe,SO tOluq $; I ' \ ',.. , In Concert Tonight GIRARD ~AWARD GIVEN DR SICKEL , . , :!c,' AUDITORIUM I PUt an end to sucl!. _ UDion Leaders Defy: Intent of Law The UDion leaders helped write the , as. P'r::.: dictators. Raihny Labor Act. Yet in an attempt, to jam tbIouah this aebeme of pure • • I , SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1950 "The Swarthmore High School orchestra will appear in concert tomorrow at 8 p. m. in the high school auditOrium. A combined elementary school orchestra of 30 members and several of the smaller instrumental ensembles vlill also be heard 'at this time. Soloists of the evening will include Russell Snyder, Jr., violist, d Jerome Goodman, 'cellist anA __ -' . , t, WiUiam Zie...,.....us, planlS T clarinet duet by Mary Philli'ps and Joan Hemenway of the'R u t gers Avenue schooI w ill b e a' f eature of the elementary part 0 f the program. la d b th Selectlons to be p ye Y e. . high schQal orchestra will mclude, the overture "Caliph of . ti Bagdad", a modern transcrlp on of "Begin tho Beguine"; and a '"• symphoniC tone poem ''MOWlS . ber th As one of thejl' num s, e combined elementary orchestras will present an interesting novelty "The Village Clock Store". A string' quartet comprising David Spencer, Ruth Garrett, Russell Snyder and Samuel Hayes will perform "Divertimento" by Mozart and the elementary quintet which includes Debbie Thompson, Peter Kroon, Nancy Carroll, Merry Hayes and Noel Snyder will be he"ard m' a work by BoccherlDl'". These youthful musicians under tile, direction, of Robo.!1't M. Holm, ~ by thelr own private in-structors have developed a degree of ~usicianship that is win;" ning high commendation. Most of the first chair senior musicians participated in the District Orchegtra at LoWIer Merion earlier this year and David Spencer and' Russell Snyder were subsequently chosen to join the All-State group at Hanover in March. The Band and Orchestra Par- I union want to force, do'wri the throats , Orchestras To ,Present __ of. the railroads and the public a ridiculous "make-work" proposal which has THE SWARTHMOREAN 'SCHOOLS TO GIVE SPRING CONCERT SALES and SERVIOE Ill~~~~~7~1~I~F~"~'~R~"~IE:W~~~~~~!~!~~~~~~JlL_~~~~= :..~_~~~====~~==~ • r • The reckless leaders of the firem€,,'s SATURDAY VOLUME2~NUMBER20 BREHL Mediation Board have brought no change -in the attitude of the union " , I Fr=~iji~ii=i:i~¥'===:;======~iii~~ii~ii5i~lIl I'ROlIII'T SERVICE WIRING and R'EPAIRS It was again rejected in 1949 by a Board appointed by PresidentTruman. ReCent meetings with the National ..... SS1I.,._21'111111_••• tift . SCHOOL F. HARRY A. , SWART Dunn To Head newW1lforms were purchased year. Together with alrerations, Band· Orchestra Group repairs, ~d cleaning. the BariC! The Band-Orchestra Parents requires about $800 annual mainAssociation of Swarthmore Schools tenance. John MacAlpine, 'prehas chosen its officers for the senting a finance committee report, The Inaugural Luncheon held at coming year. The new preSident stated that these needs, plus others, the Woman's Club House on Tues- I. to be George F. Dunn; vlce- indicate that the B\II1d Parents' day at 12:30, attended by nearly president, Mrs. J. F. Gaskill; Sec- Association requires an annual 200 members, wound up a success- retary, Mrs. Paul Sharpless; trea- budget of about $1,000, ful club year for the first term of surer, Harold Ogram. The annual Mr. MacAlpine as chairman of Mrs. Francis Forsythe's presidency. business meeting was held in the the by-laws committee, presented The luncheon honored the four high school cafeteria last Monday new by-laws as prepared by the newly elected directors Mrs. Franl!; night. committee, which thus for the first A. McCowan, Mrs. Peter E. Told, The t~easurer, Mr. Ogram, re- time had a definite plan of proceMrs. George B. Thorn and Mrs. POrted a total of approximately dure. Robert M. Holm, director William A. DeCaindry. Other $1,400 in the treasury, available of music, gave an extensive report honored guests at the head table for the band Wliform fWld needs of the activities of the year. This introduced by Mrs. Forsythe, were other activities of the Associa- report pointed out that in addition Mrs. W. r. Hull, Mrs. Birney K. Mr.. Seymour Kletzien, to the work which he himself does Morse, Mrs. J. Horace Walters, chainnan of the dinner committee, there are four instructors who Mrs. Cerroll P. Streeter, Mrs. reported that plans are Wlder way come to the school who give lesWilliam E. Kistler, Mrs. Walter for a dinner for parents and band sons; Robert Barclay on strings; N. Moir, Mrs. E. S. Eaton" Mrs.' and orchestra members at the Hamlet Tardl on woodwinds; AlJ. Paul Brown, Mr., Daniel John- school cafeteria on Friday evening, bert Leopold on brasses; and son, Mrs. Robert L, Coates, Mrs. S. May 26. Lucius Cole on virttins. ~ Murray Viele, Mrs. Jesse H. HolMrs. Avery F. Blake, chairman mes, Mrs. Claire H. Jeglum, Mrs. . No Sunday Box Mail Roland Ullman, Mrs. A. William of the card party committee, reThe Swarthmore Post Office Bass, Jr., Nancy Hoot and Mrs. ported on the very successful eve- has annoWlced that the Sunday Richard Enion. ning on March 17. distribution of mail to the boxes Mrs. Moir, president of the Stnart H. Chapman, chairman of will be discontinued as of May 14, YOWlg Mother's Section, presented the Band Uniform Committee, due to the iact that the auxiliary a check to Mrs. Forsythe to be pointed out that $596 worth of clerk hire bas been cut 50%. George , THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR • ;-'. \.~~.-.' . -" _. , , ' ., '., \ 2 ! TUB· SWARTHMOREAN J eryl Faulkner of Dickinson avenue, a member of the senior class of Swartlunore High School, will next year attend Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla., where she has been awarded an achievement stholarship. Mrs: Frank G. Keenen of Harvard avenue has returned from a lO-day visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin O. Largent of Springfield, Ohio. . ENGAGEMENTS 1\Ir. and Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe of Thayer road announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marie Louise Forsythe, to Mr. William Richard Lilley, son of Col. and Mrs: Donald Leroy Lilley of Springfi,eld and Tokyo, Japan., at a party at their home Saturday evening. Miss Forsythe is a graduate of Lansdowne High School and studied ballet in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Mr. Lilley is a graduate of Episcopal Academy and 'attended Washington College. He is a grandson of Mrs. William A. Wheatlev of the Swarthmore Aparhnents. The wedding will take place Saturday, July 8 in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. which miniature .white orchIds and lilies of the valley will be attached. Miss June Kompass of Drexel Hill will attend as maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will be Miss Adrienne Shero and Miss Frances Shero of North Chester road, Miss Mary Gary, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Leona Wright of New Castle, Del. They will wear gowns of white orgaridy, embossed with green leaf design, over green taffeta with matching taffeta sashes and their bolero jackiets will be patterned with rows of tiny ruffles to form a portrait neckllne. They will carry ~ascade bouquets of ivy strands and white summer flowers to match the wreaths in their hair. Mr. James Gary of Seattle, Wash., brother of ,the bridegroom, will serve as best man, and the ushers will be Mlessrs. Edmund Rohland, Jr. brother of the bride, Joseph Gary of Cleveland, brother of the bridegroom, Richard Hoot of Lafayette avenue, and Charles Hesner of Lansdowne. A reception will follow at the Llanerch Country Club. The bride's mother will he attired in a govm of gray chiffon and lace with pink accessories. Iier corsage will be of miniature pink, orchids. The mother of the bridegroom will Wlear a gown of Iigljt blue chiffon, with corsage of wHite "orchids. Following a wedding trip to South Carolina, the couple' will live in Montclair, N. J. 1Oll0:;:ed;=~a;t~t=h:ei,t::;:;;;;brl:;;;:£StS;:;~;;t5:;t5;t5;;t5;;;:;ev5:;~;·"':::;;...::,,;t5:;;;:;;:;:~I; A reooption Swarthmore Woman's Club. The bride's mother chose .. gown of aqua lace and chiffcm with hat to match. Her corsage was of gardenias and pink sweet peas. The groom's mother wore a gown of rose colored lace and chiffon. Her corsage was also of gardenias. and pink sweet peas. Mrs. W. Ellsworth Moore, grandmother of the groom, wore a gown of dark biue lace. Her corsage was of yellow THE 'SWARTHMOREAN Preventive Service Beats Roadside Service Spring Tune-Up PUBLI8HBD BVERT PlUDAT AT BWARTBIIOKII. PA TIlE 8WARTIDIOBBAN. INC.. , PUBLlSIIBB . Phone SwarIhDII'e 8-.... Drain and Flush Radiators PETER E. TOLD,-EdI="'to-r----,--IllAR.JOIUE TOLD and BAlUIABA KENT. AaoCJaIe EdHon Rosalie Pelrsol Lorene Me Carter Gulf New improved No-Nox RlJSSEIL~S SERVICE "Bob" Atz, Owner SW' 6.0440 Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. roses. '. Entered as Second Class Matter, J&D~ 24. 11129, at the Poet Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 18711. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORB. PA., PlUDAT, Pl:::~:~ex~co~~:U:u:'~ ~fr ~""'~~""""'~~"'ii"'~"'~"'~"'~"'~"""~""'~""~"'~""~=~~"""~~~""'~"""~"""~"""~"""~...~...~'~""~""'~~~-~:"'b4J>::' live at Crum Creek and Farnum BERGER - VIELE St. Peter's Church in the Great Valley, Paoli was the setting Saturday for the man-iage "'of Miss Martha Viele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Murray Viele of Strath Haven avenue, to Mr. Frank Fleer Berger, son of Mrs. Stella Irene Fleer Of Lansdowne, and Mr. Rus- Rev.Berger J. Jarden officiated of Guenther Philadelphia. The sell at te 2 o'clock ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown of imported Swiss organdy featuring a lfitted bodice with embroidered sleeves and Peter Pan collar, and full skirt. Her finger tip veil of French. tulle was attached to a headdress of Swiss embroidery, and she carried a colonial bouquet Of white orchids, lilies of the valley, and gypsophila tied with streamers caught with clusters of lilies of the valley. Miss Virginia Horsey of nlerion, as maid of honor wore a gown of pale lavendar organdy and pique. Her Colonial bouquet of mixed flowers, with pink and lavtentlar predominating, matched her floral headdress. A reception followed at the home Of. th; bride's parents. The brul,e s mother chose a gown .of Navy blue nylon, net with hat of blue milan. Her corsage was of yellow CymbidIum orchids. The bridegroom's mother wore a gown of cocoa brown with orchid cor- Mrs. Addison Sprague Wickham of Winter Park, Fla., and E;agJ.esmere, formerly of Swarthmore announces the engagement 01 her daughter, Cynthia Gowdy Wickham, to Mr. Roger Carlton Brindle of Winter Park, son of Mr. and Mts. James Hatton Brindle of Westerly, R. I. KEPPLER - KILGORE Miss Joan Mary Kilgor"e, daughThe wedding will take place this summer and ,plans will he an- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Riehard M. KUgore of Cornell avenue, became nounced later. the .bride of Mr. Richard Gilpin Keppler, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Lunde of Ripon, Wise., ann()unce the' en- Julius Keppler, also of Cornell gagement of their daughter Pa- avenue, ori Saturday afternoon at tricia Jean, to John Robert Hanz- 3:30 in St. Peter's Church in the lik, son of Mr. and Mrs. iH.enry J. Great Valley, Paoli. The Rev J. Jarden Guenther performed the Hanzlik of Cornell avenue. Miss Lunde is a graduate of ceremony. Ripon College, Ripon, Wise., and The brid2, giv~n in marriage' by is now teaching at Marinette HIgh her father, wore a gown of iyory School, Wise. Mr. a,m"lik graduated Ifrom the satin featuring a fittedlong bodice with iums. sage of green and brown mandarin neckline, sleeves . University of Michigan, Colleae and .full skirt with train. Her of Engineering, and is now em- finger tip veil of tulle d'ell from a ployed as Project Engineer with tiara embroidered in pearls and Bmms th~ Marinette Paper Oom,pany, she carried a shower bouquet of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Douglas WISe. white roses and lilies of the valley. of Gwinhurst, Del., are recelv: The ""edding will take place in Mrs. Jack Rice of Garden Citr. ing congratulations upon the birth Ripon, August 12. sister of the bride, as mau-on of of a son, Bruce Russe1l, on May 11 honor, was atfue.t in a period in the Wilmington Hospital. A MAY BRIDE gown of orchid mOilsseline de soie The baby is a grandson. of Mr. The marriage of Miss Eunice with draped overskirt of taffeta and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas Rohland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and bustle bow, and bolero j .. cket of North Chester road. . Edmund C. Rohland of Colling- of taffeta. She carriled a Colonial dale, to Mr. Rex I. Gary, Jr., slln bouquet of spring flowers with Mr. and Mrs. William Henry of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Inglis Gary matching headdress. Hay of iMadison, WIse., announce of Wellesley, Mass., formerly of The ·bridesmaids, Mh. Homer the birth of a daughter, MIranda, Swarthplore, will take place to- Morris of Media, Miss Ellen Gibb on May 12. morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in of Secane, and Miss Eleanor ColThe new baby is a grand~h­ in the Trinity Episcopal Church, born of Springfield,' wore gowns ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Collingdale. TIre Rev. John P. of similar style, Mrs. Morris in Hay of Ogden avenue, and Dr. and McGaM/'ey .will perform the cere- yellow, and Miss Gibb and Miss Mrs. Maxfield Parrish Of Umana, many. . Colborn in aqua mousseline de Ill. Dr. L. R. Shero of North Chester soie. Their colonial bouquets road will present organ numbers matched the flowers in their hair. Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Palmer preceding the aeremony. Mr. 'M)r. William E. HI011:man of .of Sante Fe, New Mexico, are beJames Rooks of Chester will be Princeton avenue. served as best mg congratulated on the birth of soloist. . . man, and the ushers weJ:e Mr. a son, Thomas Edgardo,' on May The 'bride, who will be given in Richard W. Banks of Oornell ave- 14. marriage by her father, will wear nue, Mr. Jack Rice and Mr. Homer Mrs. Palmer is the fonner Miss a gown of white organdy over Morris. Jane Smalley of Swarthmore. w~te satin with fitted bodice ,.tea- ~_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. . turmg sleeves and insertions of Ii imported eyelet. The full skirt will have a circuIar train. Her finaertip veil of tulle will be held in place by a cap of the eyelet and she will carry a prayer book to Thursday,. Friday, SatUrday Friday and Saturday Petty Grable - Victor Mature ''WABASH AVENUE" . Kirk Douglas FOB Lauren Bacall Kiddies Mat. Sat. 1:15 MAGAZINE in TIm Holt Western "YOUNG MAN Wtl'H SUBSCRIl"l'IONS 7 Cartoons and Sertal A HORN" JKrs. Lloyd E. Kanffmy REGULAR FEATURE S::-aturda,.....-· :-y-:Matinee - 1 P. M. NOT SHOWN Swarthmore G-24188 Sunday, nlonday, Tuesday Children's Show ..._ Roy Roprs Dana II\Ddrews Presbyterian The Bouquet Roads, Media. BEAUTY PLAYS WITH THE ORCHESTRA Call Swarthmore 6-0476 9 Chester Road ____ '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 Everyone Enj"ys a Tender Perfectly Cooked Steak! And These Two Steak Dinners Are TOil FavoritesWEEK-END SPECIAL T-BONE STEAK DINNER ............ $2.00 Many Other Tempting Choices, Of Co.rae, On the Regular . Sunday and Weekday Menns On Thurs~ as Usual (5:30-7:30) $1.00 Serve-Yourself All-You-Want Supper I . . , STRATH HAVEN INN Swarthmore, Pa. Telephone Swarthmore 6-11880 WESTJm.N UNION OFFICE AND FREE PAKKING ";;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;~:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;~ r- . FINE CAKES md PASTRIES SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR PANTR·Y Call Swarthmore 6-3243 '('HE CAKE BOX . , Theatre Square The following Circles will meet on Wednesday. May 24: " .tr., College Theatre . MEDIA . ,on "COLORADO" Susan HBYWU'd "MY FOOLISH 'HEART" Wednesday 0IIly I I Wednesday 0IIly ,• . J. Arthur Rank's Superb Thriller "SI·EBPING ()AB TBBOUGH TBDS'l'B" starting Thursday, May 25 aMId! 11 e CoIIIeI1 -: In "I"· c ... BOMB" . JWllmGl'e !'Ike, 8 ......~ ... l'!IoIia BUY Ul\Tl'EID LoisP.Hoonwi1lbeasslstanthcis- an8 R. F.Mrs. Winch, Mrs. J. D. Howe, Walter M. ,Magee. Church Services SAVINGS BONDS SWARTH!I(ORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, May:U 9:30 A.M.-Women's Bible Class. 9:45 A.M.-Stmday School end Men's Bible Class ..,; 11:00 A.M.-The Rev. William Hordern will preach. 6:00 P.!M.-Young Adults. 6:30 P.M. - Youth Fellowship, Methodist Church. , Swarthmore National Bank & Trust' Co. ~ODlST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D. D., MinIster Sunday, May III ' A.M.-Church Sehoo1. 10:00 A.M.-Yolll1il Adults 11 :00 A.M.'-Sermon: "Our Faith in the Holy Spirit". 6:30 P.M. - Community Youth Fellowship in. the C\lapel. ':.5 Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ' V' PERI\IICIOlJS ANEMIA \ I - --.: I • / , can be developed by a process with which your physician is thorougl)ly familiar. The proc 9. is constant and does not efFect a cure•.It does. however. enable the patient to com9:~~e n normal 8pflII of life. Always COIllIult your ph~ll1;cian in times of illness. Then ~ring his prescriptions to .. to be filled. .. . , ,J I - • Mic••el'l C.Uege ' •• r •• oy . ON '1'BB CORNDl s-a.-. ....... \.. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8 a. m. Church School will meet at 9:45 a. m. The Right Rev. J. Gillespie Armstrong, Snf fragan Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania will officiate at 11 a. m. at the service of Confirmation. The boys serving as acoIyte,s are: 8 a. m. - Clem Malin; 11 a. m. Dale Thompson and Morey Wetherald. Ushers for the 11 a. m. service are: - R. J. Bl!ker, head usher, R. M. Kilgore, J. S. Thompson, G. C. Wagper, J. H. Furlong, E. C. Cramp, B. Harrar and S. D. Clyde, Jr. Young People'. Fellowship will meet, together with other Fellowships of .the Community in the Methodist Church at' 6:30 p. m. The Canterbury Club will meet in Clois\f.>rs B, Swartlunore College THJ: RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Methodist Church NOtes OF FRIENDS.....: t Sunday, May 111 ·.oolute 'falrness of thls method. her class choir for four years, and, as a member of. the Glee Club her In junior and seruor years, sang the annual Christmas Concert at Town Hall In New York. For two years she served on the Coun_CTO. . Of .UNIIIA&S ell of the Fellowship of Faiths. a camPl/S religious organization. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET OUR POLICY wi'" • • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. Telephon. RI 6-1581 IMRII A. lAIR, PrOlldeni ;rumor I ' . ~ '-; ,- THE WO° R' LD MUST Trinity Notes TRlNITY CHURCH Sunday; May 21 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9:45 A.M,-Church School. 11:00A.Ml CONFIRMATION SERVICE. WITH SERMON BY THE RT. REV. J. GIL- at7p.m. LESPIE ARMSTRONG. Choir School will meet on Mon6:30 P.M.-Young People's Fellowship (Meth~ Church) day and Wednesday at 4 p. m. , 7:00 P.M.- Canterbury Club Chotr rehearsal will be held on (Cloisters B. Swarthmore Col- Thursd,!IY at 7:30 p. m. lege). ,.' CANNOT BE CIJREe • Donlt be misled by the quacks and charlatans who claim to cure pernicious anemia. The most contemptible person in the world is the one who will sacrifice public health, comfort. and happiness for Ilis own financial gain. A pa_ "*'"t only lOth Grade Mothers Elect Circle7.Mrs.Lero:";T.WOlf;Circleli~o:a:tm:an~'~0~f~s~"~mm~i~t,~N~.~;r'i'iiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ • --- tess.... !Members are asked' to bring sandwiches. Circle 6, Mrs. Guy DeFuria, chairman wlll at the home of Elsie Bailey, Bal~imore Pike and Sproul road, at 1l:30. Mrs. William A. Raiman will be co-'hqstess. Please ·bring sandwiches. Circle 2, Mrs. P. G. Gilbert, chairman, will meet at the home of the chairman, 407 Park avtenue, at 12:30. Do not bring sandwiches. A u-ip has been planned to the Tyler Arboretum. . . The SessIon wlll meet at 8 p. m. lD the Pastor's Study on Wednes day. May ~4. . The JlllUor Choir rehearses at 3.30. Th~ay afternoons, the Chapel ChoU' rehearses at 7:45 on Th~y evenings and the Cherub s Choir rehearsetl at 10:15 Saturday mornings. The Girl Scouts meet at 3:30 Monday afternoons and the Boy Scouts m7"t at 7 o'clock 'Wednes day e~enmgs Anniversary Day for the Presbyterian Home for Aged Couples and Aged Men will take place al the Home, 47th and .City avenues, On Thursday. May 25 tram 1~:30 pm. to 7served. p. m. Lunch and dinner will be Tbe' = ' A cia .. omans -~tlon announces the' following Circle Chairman f th or .:: coming two~e~ ~JoclCirll ~ ~j ~:r' _~ __ ~ ·C. I e 3' • Gear' Q-..:x:.lj.... llC e r Mrs. ge W. McKeag; Cirr.le. 4, Mrs. Carl Ryan', Circle 6, Mrs. George P. home of May W.will Logan, kens, chairman, meetMoylan, at the 8. Mrs. J. Leslie Ellis; and Evenat 10:30 Mrs. G. B. Harvey and ing CIrcles 9, 10. and 1l. Mrs. IND~PENDENCE-- STATES HAT 19, 1950 organizations should be sent to EXCHANGE I'BOFESSOR S. W. Johnston, 41 Amherst avePhilip W. Carruth of Ogden avenue. tIits week for the annual au- nue, assistant professor of mathedIt. matics at Swarthmore College, will teach at Reed College in Portland, ChrisdaD Science Notes Oregon, next year. Mr. Carruth goes to Reed as tbe "Soul And Body" is the subfirst Swarlhmore professor to parject of the Lesson-Sem!.on in all ticipate in a general mathematics Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday :May 21 ',l'he Golden Text exchange plan evolved recently at is: '"My soul, walt thou upon W\eUesley College, whereby mathGod; tor my expectation is from ematics teachers serve as visiting faculty members at other instituhim". (Psalms 62:5.) tions for one year periods. ,Replacing Carruth at Swarthppolnbnent Phone CH. 2-6814 • T~y mea produce mo';' aod will produce otil.l male fa the ahead. This fact underlies our COD!taatly usiDg living staoduds. In Cactories, as in homes and stores. more and mOle dUngs are daDe faster and better at the snap of. switch. 'Ibis greater bdpculness has brougbl _ demaodo for dearicity, and your neighbors who operate your electric compa!lY have it ca1c:uIated for years to come. Our long ra.nge expansion program wu.res p1eDty of power fa the years .q..d. reatS I ILIcnICIl" .1 "ILL 'III I.OWIII .I.CI. NICI' ••'" ON nl •• MILY IUD lilT PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY A IUIIN.I.-MANA •• D, ' ••••AyIN. U'ILIIY cOM.ANY ______________________________________________________________________~O~W~N~.~D~.~Y~.=D~ ••~.,~.~.~'O~C~k~H~O~L~D~.~ ••~____________ , • \ lie. J. III . . . . . "r... BUlDricol H.rifDlle.·· Walda (or tM nat irl an early inue of thu paper. I The language of the IDdjRnB go wed harsh and disa~ble to most early white settlers. But, to WilIjl'm Penn, no language in Europe i'hath more sweetness and greatness" and "like shorthand in writing, one , word serveth in the place of three." Undoubtedly Penn's influence prevented the sub- • The more we IaoW about your decor, your taatee, " your habits and .nab, the straighter we can steer you to the perfeot carpel or mg in our grand, new Mqee collection. So give 118 ' the lowdown on life," you live it at home. There's a Mqee pattem, a Magee color, a Magee price to enrich every room. See all our famous brand.-ooon. ..w.. e..... .i· 4leftd ark t'r. CCM ' '• • ; Oomr?"t"': D\fII"W'It7 . . . . . ~ woadedal ed_tap till ...... ' rLT n: d,Ny. "hh P tJ.oaP-NORTHCORD IIIIt ," aD ordfoery wrl He ..... lc!io with 1IJIaa tIar _ _ I' ~... aDd-....... ~. . . . .~~2 n 3 i wo.... _~_Jlt_ ..... 1 NORTHCORDw'li • _ _ , .,.,...,.. Ita 8t7Ie aDd taiL C _ proof 01 ita quality. It·a • I I~ l 1 DEWEY-MURPHY; Inc. - HOURS 9:30 - 12:00; 2:00 - 3:00; 7:00 "- 8:30 THE REDSKINS HAD A WORD FOR. IT You'll be surprised how easily and quickly you can own a new 1950 Bigger Value Dodge if you act at once! Woodland Ave. &: Powell Road I. Reeve Swezey, V. M. D. a We're ready now to take your order for Quick Delivery 1950 DODGE 24th 'and ~ovidence J>venue Chester, Pa. • Irq FUSCO & ALSTON I With the big Spring season here you want to enjoy your new Dodge now. " TIRES by GOODjiEJlR , ,) Y , Super.l6ushion US .SI, ES SIR ••• the finest Dodge models we've ever sold are on the way to our showroom right now: Factory production is in full swing. Now is the time to get an order in on your choice of model. CHESTER ANIMAL HOSPITAL UNTIL YOU GET OUR' IRADE-IN DEAL ON 'Modamlxa your car with tires that wID maka It rid. "eHer than newl Start now to anloy a naw thrill In motoring - come In today trade and savel YOU DON'T NEED TO PAY CASH ••• wa'lI arrange EASY" TERMSI home "life • mterests The Commnnlty Arts Center, Wallingford, will present an Arts Festival on Saturday, May 27, from 2 until 9 p.m. Snnday, May 28, is the rain date. The broad la~ will be covered with various, alluring activities which lend their color to the peasant market theme. ,There will be exhibits .,j)f weaving,'" antiques, crafts, books, plants, flowers, Pennsylvania Dutch furniture, and a clothesline exhibit. Children will. be entertained by Henry Schroeder, magician, wlio will give performances at 2:30.3:30 and 4 :30. For them also there wtll be ponies, puppets, and for all a lovely May Dance. "I;he evening will close with an old' fashioned square dance. Good music is promised and old, comfortable shoes are to be the order of the day. Dinner will be served on the gronnds. Terms o! lessons in flower arrangement, weaving, photography, home decorat,ion and o,uer awards will be made. . "tlll" your NYLON May 27 Event To Feature Varied Exhibits, Activities Nancy Terry of North Chester road has been elected sports manager 01 hockey for the Women's Recreation Association at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. Mrs. Lorene McCarter of Vassar avenue entertained her bridge club at a dinner-bridge at Strath Haven Inn on Monday evening. i:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; i AND , Howard D. Sipler, assistant In physical education at Swarthmore College, has been named head coach of basketball, replacing Willis Stetson, wbo will devote his full time to his duties as dlrector of athletics. The new head coach is a Dartmouth avenue resident and proprietor of the hardware ":store on Chester road. A graduate of the college In 1933, he was appointed assistant basketball coach three years after graduation. Since that time he has served continuously on the Swarthmore physical education staff exCept for the years 1943-45, when he saw Navy service. The retiring coach, appointed director of athletics last year, has guided Garnet basketball teams since 1939 and has been a member of the physical education deparlment since graduation from Swarthmore. He is a classmate of Sipler's. In postwar competition, Bill Stetson's basketball teams have won two championships in the Southern Division of the Middle Atlantic Conference, including the 1949-50 title. -----Miss Ethel Hay of Ogden avenue is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hay of Glen Head, L.I. Louise Archbold of Swarthmore avenueJ a junior in Home Economics at Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, was recently elected to, the Women's Student Government Association and is the newly elected president of her sorority, Delta Sigma Epsilon. She Is a resident student at the PanHellenic House. cal.wtto _ _ • ... u 'priae.8oe... mi' , ........ ' 1 I ' 1'1 , - • --: ,.....r IleedQllCrlen stitution of English words for many of' the Lenni-Lenape words we use toIlay. Neshaminy is one of the words that "aerveth" for three words. It means a single stream formed by two other streams. We atiII. pronounlle it almost pre- , cis4tIy as Penn must have heard it from the Redskins. And also, as in Penn's time, the waters of Ne"shaminy Creek still "~re pleasant and sweet." It is for this reason-for the pleasantness and sweetness of Neshaminywaters-thatPhiIadelphia Suburban Water Company maintains one of its modern filtration and pumping stations on the banks of this stream. Yes, here ilj, good water that is made better . . . and safeguarded 24 hours a day to maintain the traditional wholesomeness and delicious flavor of Pure Springfield Water. lor _".,. ...r ...,. NORTHCOap SPORT CO..... . , '. , J .lP"",son 1I Co. NORTHCORO RACKS ... -.:.~'" " i ....wt ..,.....•• 0 ............ : •• '1rII A.......1rIII.... PI. " BUCHNER'S SPRINGFIELD . . . ..... \ . '_T .-.. ~ - • 8 . Park . Avenue • I "" SFartAmore UOOIJ: Cl. .. bNul P-4646 _N_ .,,,,,••,, • 0_ B-. " • . _ ... ~ _ ••_ . ..._. _. .::.'*"~ , J a PHILADELPHIA , , WATER -.... ---,_.. ., ... - SUl'UllBAN WATER -~~ COMPANYa , 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN IJR. , COFFEE PRICES ARE LOWER el1.00" your ta••• p ........nce from one of our 3 quality blends - h_t.flo roastedtop. In flavor. ..,...------- 6-" ..· 4.T IIsaJ RIch IIId Fall Bodied I. COFFEE· Maxwen HOUle, ao.cul, Chan a Sanbom, DelMonte WlN·CREST comE~Y!:: ~. 66e: _CotIto-.. 5far.1.9Z eoo.. I.... but .... a .. ~comE~ AppM.......... of ......... p'·.... ~7~ eow-. ,sfar-Z.15 Ideal Brand, Finn, Fr••h SlIc.... TOMATOES c:amonda' •••• FA F....b DeIWle eele.,. Be..... Tna-R'pen... Valencia • FLORIDA ORANGES aon:... n al 59C famous Lancas..r Brand lmoked HAMS('~4)=:':..:! SSe: Ib OTBER BRANDS IIAMS ( '1t.16 ) ~.:w I. Roady .. fat H.... SIIOhtly HI..... SIe: MAY'19, 19S1I -her--talk-.-T-O~-D".;B. CLUB H-EA--R-S--·":"P-h-asl-zed-thr-O-u"gh-O-u-t Installs OHic:e.ts prove. her point. Miss Baker reThe Delaware County Chaptel' marked' that "the average home- of the D.A.R. held itS final meet.maker works 3.850 hours Ii year. iDg of the year Monday at "Ridge- • TRAVEL EXPERT I and the average business· man wood", Wa 11in gtord,' the home of spends 2.000 hours annually on Mrs. Herschel G. Smith, retiring Mrs. Fersythe Inaugurates his job-not counting all the extra regent. work htr does at home." Swarthmore members lnstalled New Officers At "Getting away from home at new officers of the group ate Tues. Meeting regular intervrus'." she added. ~ fo1lgWs: "gives us a .change of scene. 'Mrs, Henry J. Weiland. regent; Following the annual Mother\ change of routine and change of Mrs. Roy G. Rincliffe. second viceDaughter Banquet held at the pace that we all need in order to regent; Mrs. I;lavid Bingham. treaStrath Haven Inn Tuesday eve- face our everyday responsibilities," surer. ning. 35 Ju,nlor Club members and Board MeellDg Tuesday Also installed at the meeting their motMrswithdrew to the WoThe final board meeting includ- were Mrs. Edward T. Pittock ot man's Club to attend a brief stated ing old and new officers. will be Moylan. first vice- regent, Mrs• meeting and hear Elizabeth Baker. held at,8 p.m. Tuesday evening at Han-y H. Bates. ;registrar; Mrs. trip expert. give a talk on travel the home of Alice Marriott. Laf- John C. Mutch, corresponding tips. ayette avenue. secretary; Mrs. Arthur B: GrifAs a part of the business meetfith of Media. chaplaln; Mrs. Roing Mrs. Francis Forsythe. presi- Auxiliary Group To Attend be~ Arnold of W~rd. hisdent of the Woman's Club. inAnnual Defense Meeting ,torIan. and Mrs, Sllllth and Mrs. auguarated the following officers A.B. Geary. also Of Wallingford. A group from the Swarthmore new directors. for next year: Nancy Hoot, president, Mrs. Daniel Joimson, vice- Legion Auxiliary Unit will attend Jiostesses for the occaldml preSident, Ann Cochran, recording the Annual Defense Meeting in were Mrs, Joseph H. Perkins of secretary, Jean Blakiston, trea- Philadelphia. Monday. May 22, Cedar lane. and l/¥S.. George Stull Tile meeting. lWill be held in the of Media. and Mrs. John Sloatman. surer. Mrs. Newell West, who was unable to attend. will be inaug- Union League. sponsored by 50 urated as corresponding secretary patriotic organizations. Mrs. HarDean Everett Hunt of Swarthrison Smith. chairman Of the Wo- ~ore College was a resource leaby Miss Hoot at a later date. . With the reading ot the trea- man's National Defense Committee der .for the third of a series of surer's report by retiring trea- of Philadelphia and a member of faculty conferences designed to surer Rosamund Jones, the meet- the auxiliary, will preside ~at the assist in the further development ing was officially closed and the 1Y1"eting. held for ·the purpose of of the tmique educational program giving a better understanding of at TransylvlU1.ia; College. Lexinggroup settled down to enjoy Miss existing conditions in America and ton. Ky Monday and '.l1uesday. Baker's travel tips. other countries. The subject was "Honors The trip expert, w~o is women's The program,' which will in- Work" as no;w beIng utlllzed In travel representative of the Shell clude such speakers as,Major Gen- some lustitutions and the form Oil Touring Service, advocated eral Daniel B. Strickler. lionorable such a iprogram at Transylvania systematic saving, year-round Laurence H. Smith of Wisconsin should take. planning and observance of money and Col. Charles H. Gerheardt. and time-saving tips as the three . is open -to the public. Granted Scholarship steps' to increased motoring enEdith Hay. daughter of Mr. and joyment. Through a special "VaMiss.Elinor Bye and Miss Mary !Mrs. G. A. Hay of Harvard avenue, cation Insurance Policy", Miss Bye of College avenue entertained has been granted a scbolarshlp to Baker showed club members how as their week-end guests Mr•. Oberlin College in Ohio. 'Edith is the maximum pleasure in vaca- Louise Lesley and her daugh~ one of eight Pennsy~va.pa studenta tioning could be attalned. Barbara of AtliUltIc City. formerly to receive an award from the The need for a vacation was em- of Swarthmore. college. as THE SWARTHMOBEAN MAY 19,11150 -'----;====;w----- totilled, any Size. power mower. Phone 6-6317. PERSONAL Radios, television receivers. vacuum cleaners and other electrIcal applianCes repaired. Prompt .. service. Robert Brooks. SWarthmore 6-1548. PERSONAL .;... Painter. formerly Boss Painter with George gwespie and Charles Fischer. Call SWarthmore 6-4251 Mrs. Thomas H. McCormack of Possum :af>llow road. Media salled PERSONAL-AVON PRODUCTS, on the Queen Elizabeth for EngINC .• one of the oldes~ and largest Cosmetics manufactors in the land on Tuesday. Mr. McCormack world have openings fur women and Miss Nancy Lewis ot Gradyin Swarthmore and vicinity to ville. formerly of Swarthmore. will represent our Products. Earn a fly to England tomorrow. Mr. and steady profitable ~come. P'!fI or Mrs. McCormack and Miss LewIs f':ill 1lme as you WISh .• For mtture-a new concept ofpicturo .• The Dti !\font Signalock*loCks signal in -screens' inter. quality with big 12~·. and 19ference ont-sets new high in inch screens. The most lifelike · pictnre steadiness. telepicture ever achievecL • And many more' develope • The On Mont Sensituner* men'" to lengthen set 6Jter -for unexcelled selectivity. ont 8tstic,sharpen definition, Precise, hairline tuning of en· make tuning easier - festures tire FM and 1'V range. found ••• in Du Mont. 3 Park Avenue more 6-0842. WANTED-Homes for t~ cute tiger kittens. Call Swarliunore 6-2122. ._ or apartment on ground f l . for family of thr,*. :eply BoxL. 'The Swarthmorean. ,,=u. furnished or by two business transportation. ,__ .ill. Swarthmore ~. sa~ay or after 7 p.m. WANTED-Home for gray, mele kitten. Phone Swarthmore 6-1947. WANTED-For summer months in Swarthmore. college girl to help with children. Call Swarthmore 6-7056. W ANTED--Young woman to assist in local shop. Full or part time. State preference. Write particulars to .Box K, The Swarthmorean. WANTED-Audience for a iety show to be given June 14. For further information see .Presbyterian Young Adult Group. J.. a,bout $150. a month, and Is due In Ut't fact that itqm . SUch as ralt,~ and utllitles, ~ were f41rmerly lIUPPlled by tor Boroush m,. now he paid by tbe,lIbrar7.) (ContInued OIl paae nJ:ne) • •• .·50 • in and see us. We'll give you adem- onstration of· beauty and performance that . I I Blo~s Skirts I BATHING SUITS Dressmakers One·Pi,ecers Two·Piecers T·SHIRTS Plain Colors . Stripes . will repay you handsomely for waiting. was ~. • . . . 13 S. Chester Road Swa~ore .. ', .. • HANNUM & WAITE Chester Road,. Yale Avenue I ..." . 9:45A.M. SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1950 JUDGE HENRY SWENEY Registration For Summer Recreation To Be rune 5, 6 18 I HALL $3.50 PER YEAR , J. Marge and Dot Casserole Catering SerVice THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 22, NUMBER 21 ~==::::::==:::::::::=~~~~:::~~~~~==~~=:::=:i .. Idbrnry .... '-' ' ..... . . '_. . ~,' ._, :" ., SCOUT, BROWNIE CEREMONIES HELD G. BAKER THOMPSON Canlperships Awarded In M~mory Of . Mrs. Zimmer DAY EXERCISES TUES. Judge Sweney Address To Precede Parade . . Swarthmoreans will bonor thCll" war-dead next ~y at Memorlal Day exerCISes at Borough Hall Plaza begirming at 9:45 a.m., follawed by a parade out Park avenue to East! cem.et awn erywill·· d J u dge 'Heary G • S weney eliver the day's address. He will be Introduced by O>mmander Jack McWilliams of the AInsworthWernher Post No 427 American Legion, which Is' spo';""rtng the program WIder the ohairmanship of RObert T. Balr, Jr. -All ex-llervloe men are urged In turn-out In their uniforms. A oordlal InvltatIon Is also· extended to civilians to loin In the exercises and parsde. . The High School Band will open the program with the playing of "The Star Spangled Banner". The Rev. JOSEiPh P. :Bishop pastor of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church' and chaplain of·the Post, will give the prayer. After Judge Sweney's address Boy Scouts and Cubs will place flIi.gs at the memortal tablet while names of the community's deceased servloe men are read by Herhert T. Bassett. The Legion Auxilinry will then plaoe its wreath at the memorial. "Taps and Echo" will !le sounded by the Band, Mr. Bishop will pronounce the henediction and the Band will play "America the Beautiful" as the parade .torms under the lIUU'shallship of RpbeN Bair, Sr. T.he order of march will be: United States Marine Corps Heserve with Legion colors, U.8lM.C. firing squad; High Schooi Band, Legion members, other veterans, Le!lion Auxiliary, Red Cross, Girl Scouts and Brownies, Boy Scouts and Cubs, Fire O>mpany. At the cemetery Marsllall Balr will read ,the roll of dead vE!lerans while Scouts set individual flags, the Legion wreath will be placed, CIiaplaln Blsh<\(> will deliver a prayer and the BaIJd will repeat "Taps and Echo". Aithou~ enroute to the oemetery othe parade will journey straight down Park avenue, its return route will be up Park to Harvard, left on Harvard to Rutgers, right On Rutgers to Chester road, right on a.ester road In Park avenue, :rIgbt OIl Park avenue, In Borough Hall , At the Girl Scout Court of Awards and Brownie Fly-Up, held Wednesday evening, May 17, Janeth Thomson of Troop No. 83 and Carol Seymour of. Troop No. 249 were awarded camperships, given by the Woman's 'Club in memory of Mrs. Gcqrge Zimmer, who devoted many year. of her life to scoutiJlg. The clQllpersbips were ;iven to the girls for their outstanding records aa scouts. Presided over by the newly appointed Neighborhood Chairman Mrs, Oliver ·G. Rodgers, the evening's program began with the annual Brownie Fly-Up. Girls from.Brownie Troops No. 19 and No. 225 were welcomed into Girl Scouting as Brown Owls Mrs. lIallock Campbell and Mrs. Theodore Puroell presented the following girls to their new Scout Troop leader Mrs. G. Davis Preston: Lyn Bernard, Diana Brown, Betty Ann Coleman, Sara Hetherington Molly Huse Gail LIncoln .'.' , Katrma McKernan, Josephine Perce, Susanne Purnell, Constance Rnssell, Carol Williams, Norma Wilson, Margaret Bullitt, Shirley C 't C lin arpen er" aro.e. Danforth, Gail Gallagher; Mimi Hawkins, Rosemary Hibbard, Judith Ann ,Hollander, Janet Lunch, Vicky MacNair, I1orothy Rodgers, Amy Ryerson, Judy "anDycl<, and Romona VanUrk. At the Court of Awards that tollowed girls from the vailous Scout Troops were awarded their badges. From troop No. 83 Joanne Allen, Judy Ammerman and Janeth Thomson rec.elved first class pins, presented by co-leaders Mrs. James TaYlo~ and Mrs. J. ·A. Calhoun. All members of the troop received their yearly membership stsr, and Vlrg!nia Magee" was given her five-year pin. Proficiency badges were presented to Sally Bates, Susan Hansell, Sally Jacob, Patsy Jones, Virginia Magee, and Joan Narbeth. Members 'of troop !>to. 249 were presented their second class badges by Mrs. J. G. Bowden and Mrs. B;arry Seymour. 'I?U>se receIving them were: Jeannl' Schloesser, Marianne Musser, ~ancy Gowing, Karen Rogers, ROsemary Cox, Babbie Garrahan, Carol Seymour, Jewel Tucker, Brenda VonGrabill, Vicki Willis, Mary Leigh Elmore, Jane Hay, 'Randa Roess, Gayle (Continued on page ten) U.W.F. Meet Tonight Willard P. Tomlinson, chairman of the Delaware Cuunty Chapter of United World Federalists, will present a digest of the Clark-Sobn proposal for converSion of the U. N. intlO ~orld Government at a meeting to be held at 8 p. m. tonight at Wolff Apple House, Pennell road, Lima. Mrs. James Sands and IM}rs. Frank Royce' w.lll also speak at the meeting. Committee chairman will give their reports and varIous phases of World Government will be consiOerecL Elected Chief John Rumsey of Haverford avenue was elected chief of the larded. Swart,Innot;" Fire' an~ Proteetlve • Association, succeeding Harry Andy KIrk of North SwarIbnore Hamby who bas mslgued. avenue was elected' captain 01. Mr. RumSey had served as chief track at the Unl:venll~ of ~ prior to entering the service. sylvania TI,esday. He was also recently ,e!eCted -=>:elary aud l. - - - - - - - - - - -.... I>'easurer of the Varslt) CU>. Kirk '!'he Swartmnore Pubue u. who Is ta~ It,tlve-;year 1IIdIl- brary will be closed on Mq 30, tec!nel IlOIlrse win he a aenior DeeoratIoo DQ. DeD ,ear• , BAND· ORCHESTRA DINNER TONIGHT Varsity, Non·athletic Letl;ers To Be Awarded Mon. BID .FAREWELL TO THOMPSON , ~iudents Pay Trih~te To Retiring B.S. Principal Wednesdsy morning at a special assembly of the entire high school body, called,by the Student Government Association, students of Swarthmore honored their retiring high school principal, George Baker ThomPson. When the students had filed into the auditorium,. to the martial strains of the school band, 'the program opened with a religiOUS anthem by-the Chorus. Speakers were Dick McCray president of the gradua'tirtg class, Jane. Allen secretary of Cabinet, and Don Dickinson president of last year's Cabinet: A presentation of luggage and a certificate was made to Mr. Thompson by llaymoDcal Churcllel May 28 6:16 P.oM;.-Lette!' Banquet .................................... H. S. Cafeteria . or 'Al', May H 11:48 P.M.-M -ulal Day ServIces and Parade .~. Borougb Hall M_", ,, . . 1.' . I ) , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE MAY 241950 MAY 19,1950 THE SWARTHMOREAN 8 H.S. VOICES Lin IN SPRING SONG The Annual Spring Choral Festival of the high school was heard with delight and approval Friday night, May 12, by admirers who crowded Clothier Memorial. Verses by Noble Cain keyed the grouping of the program and were read as introduction by Dolores Rocth who served as narrator throughout the evening. The Chorus-presented soloists Ruth Woodard, pianist, and Mary Lecron, soprano, were impressively talented and earned ovations of considerable warmth. Mrs. Blanche Hunter Nelsen accompanied Ruth. Chorus Director Alice E. Blodgett accompanied Mary. Soloists with the Chorus, Donald Fetherolf and Samuel Lewis added stature and pleasure to the evening. The Chorus was in excellent voice and true pitch and sang with unity and enthusiasm under the contagious direction of Miss Blodgett. The pl·ogram had wide scope in technical difficulty and in character of the compositions selected. From the Hallelujah Chorus of Handel to the Younger :Jvmrthmore College Li brnry dVlRrthmqre. PR. Way to Go Home, That Old Gang for 12 guests at her home Satur- Mr. Howell Staley of Camden, N.J., of '-'Iinc, That Lonesome Feeling, day in honor of her sister Miss will take place June 17 in the You're Driving Me Crazy, Bromo Helen Craemer whose marriage to ·Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Seltzer. Some mention must be made of the desperate moaning as Old Jonah Whaled away. HOW SWARTHMORE VOTED TUESDAY Margaret CrocD and Barbara Shipherd were the proficient acBoro Hall II Sewage Dis. II U.S. Senate II Governor companists. II Bond Issue II Bond Issue II Generation by Copland is a span, and an enjoyable one, with Miss Blodgett as maestro. The Junior High Girls' Glee Club was received enthusiastically in five numbers, the first featuring graceful dancers Molly Banks, Barbara Cabots, Polly Emery Penny Morrow and the last, the lilting melodious Crawdad Song being repeated by applause request. The two numbers Birthday and Let's Dance, sung by the girls of the Senior Chorus were very pop- YES NO Precinct CO,unty Nurse Honored Dorothy -Mae Sidner, Delaware County public health nurse, was awarded a $500 U.S. Savings Bond by the Walter E. Hering Foundaular and the Chopsticks variations tion of Hahnemann Medical Coldrew demands for a loepeat. lel,le and Hospital for her public The Boy's Chorus is annually a high spot with suspense mounting health work and her efforts in establishing and organizing a well- i until medley is heard. This year's baby clinic in Woodlyn, Ridley medley proved highly entertaining Township. and surprising, with nicely spotted The award was made Tuesday solo interpolations and a delightat a luncheon meet.ing held in ful accompaniment by Miss Blodgett. It included such old favorites Philadelphia. as Sentimental JOlU'ncy, K-K-Katy. Board Walk in Atlantic City, Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole I Ain't Misbchavin', Pop-Eye the of North Swarthmore avenue enSailor Man, By the Light of the tertained at a dinner party for Silvery Moon, I Love You Truly, out-of-town guests on Friday In the Gloaming, Baby Face, Brush evening. Your Teeth With Colgates, Old Miss Alice Craemer of Harvard Northern 168 163 Western 231 236 Eastern 137 127 TOTAL 536 526 II II YES NO' II I II 304 26 394 59 231 29 929 104 II II II BOROUGH SERVICES VOLUME 22, NUMBER 21 DuffK'kle IICookeFin. 166 200 221 240 128 133 515 573 II II II 292 73 342 118 173 80 807 271 S.R.A. PROGRAM TO OPEN JUNE 19 L:==============:;:~~~:;:~~~~~=:::=~ June JOHNS, REALTOR 18 SOUTII OLIVE STREET PIIONE MEDIA 6-1248 EVENINGS MEDIA 6-3267 Black Joe, Chloe, Show Me the _a~v~e~n~u~e~e~n~te~r~t~a~in~e~d~a~t~a~lu~n:c::h::e:,:o:::n:...!:=============================' ,. .I " Marge and Dot Casserole Catering Service • SPECIALIZING IN LWlcheons Buffel Suppers Cocktail Parties Call Dot Belfield - Swa. 6-1973 Marg Hurd - Swa. 6-3138 DOMEMOVIES 8 and 16 111M PROJECTORS and FILM FOR RENT TIlE BEST and EASIEST " ENTERTAINMENT FOR CHILDREN'S PARTIES ROGER RUSSELL STATE &, MONROE STREE1l'S for waiting. all this time for your new ana '. , Chrysler or Plymouth. Now that our pro- , :," (Continued on page four) '.• LIBRARY HOLDS OFFICIAL OPENING .,'i duction lines are rolling again, we'll soon be able to show you the finest Chryslers Patrons Enthusiastic Over Temporary I~ .Quarters .' • and Plymouths· In all our 25 years • • • so MEDIA 6-2176 come in and see us. We'll give you adem- DENIM Halters onstration of beauty and performance that Slacks Sh01ts BloUsfS Skirts will repay you handsomely for waiting• .}.} BATHING SUITS Dressmakers One-Piecers • Two-Piecers T-SHIRTS Plain Colors Stripes ~, I,,"" ~. '~-,* c~ ~ 13 • S. Chester Road Swarthmore HANNUM & WAITE Chester Road - Yale Avenue ,. Fresh paint, new books, and smiling librarians greeted patrons of the Borough Library as it reopened officially last Monday. The opening marked the climax of many weeks of hard work on the part of librarians and contractors. Early visitors to the new Library were enthusiastic over the attractive appearance of the temporary quarters, but were saddened, by the sight of stetches of empty shelves. Children's books and fiction came through the fire very well, but losses were heavy especially in the history, biography, and reference sections. For this reason, the Library Board would like to commend to the attention of readers of The Swarthmorean a list of much needed books which will appear in next week's issue. All of the Library's friends are urged to scan their shelves and help fill the gaps. The list does not include every volume lost in the fire, but only those books which must be replaced in the opinion of the Library Board. Although the insuranee settlement of losses was a very generous one, there will not be sufficient funds to re-purchase all of these books as well as to continue the buying of new books and carry the· added expenses incurred by the new location. (This latter amounts to about $150. a month, and is due to the fact that items such as rent, heat, and utilities, which were formerly supplied by the Borough must now be pald for by the library.) (Continued on page nine) 9 :45 G. BAKER THOMPSON Awarded MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES TUES. Judge Sweney Address To Precede Parade Swarthmoreans will honor their war-dead next Tuesday at Memorial Day exercises at Borough Hall Plaza beginning at 9:45 a.m., followed by a parade out Park avenue to Eastlawn cemetery. Judge Henry G. Sweney will deliver the day's address. He will be introduced by Commander Jack McWilliams of the AinsworthWernher Post No. 427. American Legion, 'Which is sponsoring the program under the chairmanship of Robert T. Bair, Jr. All ex-service men are urged Ix> turn-out in their uniforms. A cordial invitation is also extended to civilians to join in the exercises and parade. The High School Band will open the program with the playing of liThe Star Spangled Banner". The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop pastor of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church and chaplain of the Post, will give the prayer. After Judge Sweney's address Boy Scouts and Cubs will place flags at the memorial tablet while names of the community's deceased service men are read by Herbert T. Bassett. The Legion Auxiliary will then place its wreath at the memorial. ''Taps and Eeho" will pe sounded by the Band, Mr. Bishop will pronounce the benediction and the Band will play "America the -Beautiful~' as the parade furms under the xnarshallship of Rober.t Bairt Sr. The order of march will be: United States -Marine Corps Reserve with Legion colors, If.S~M.C. firing squad, High School Band, Legion members, other veterans, Legion Auxiliary, Red Cross, Girl Seouts and Brownies, Boy Sconts and Cubs, Fire Company. At the cemetery Marshall Bair will read the roll of dead veterans while Scouts set individual flags, the Legion wreath will be placed, Chaplain BishQP will deliver a prayer and the Band will repeat "Taps and Echo". Althou~ em"(lUte to the cemetery 'the parade will journey straight down Park avenue, its return route will be up Park to Harvard, left on Harvard to Rutgers, right on Rutgers to Chester road, right on Chester road to Park avenue, right on Park avenue to Borough Hall Mrs. Zimmer At the Girl Scout Court of Awards and Brownie Fly-Up, held \Vednesday evening, May 17, Janeth Thomson of Troop No. 83 and Carol Seymour of Troop No. 249 were awarded camperships, ~iven by the Woman's Club in memory of Mrs. G':!orge Zimmer, who devoted many yearfl of her life to scouting. The ca~perships were given to the girls for their outstanding records a.::; scouts. Presided over by the newly appointed Neighborhood Chairman Mrs. Oliver G. Rodgers, the evening's program began with the annual Brownie Fly-Up. Girls from Brownie Troops No. 19 and No. 225 were welcomed into Girl Scouting as Brown Owls Mrs. Hallock Campbell and Mrs. Theodore Purnell presented the following girls to their new Scout Troop leader Mrs. G. Davis Preston: Lyn Bernard, Diana Brown, Betty Ann Coleman, Sara Hetheringtoll t Molly Huse, Gail Lincoln, Katrina McKernan, Josephine Perce, Susanne Purnell, Constance Russell, Carol Williams, Norma Wilson, Margaret Bullitt, Shirley Carpenter t Caroline Danforth, Gail Gallagher, Mimi Hawkins, Rosemary Hibbard, Judith Ann Hollander, Janet Lunch, Vicky MacNair, Dorothy Rodgers t Amy Ryerson t Judy VanDyck t and Romona VanUrk. At the Court of Awards that followed girls from the various Scout Troops were awarded their badges. From troop No. 83 Joanne Allen, Judy Ammerman and Janeth Thomson received first class pins, presented by co-leaders Mrs. James Taylor and Mrs. J. ·A. Calhoun. All members of the troop received their yearly membership star, and Virginia Magee was given her five-year pin. Proficiency badges were presented to Sally Bates, Susan Hansell, Sally Jacob, Patsy Jones, Virginia Magee, and Joan Narbeth. Members of troop No. 249 were presented their second class badges by Mrs. J. G. Bowden and Mrs . Harry Seymour. Those receiving them were: Jeanne Schloessert Marianne Musser, Nancy Gowing t Karen Rogers, Rosemary Cox, Babbie Garrahan, Carol Seymour, Jewel Tucker, Brenda VonGrabiU, Vicki Willis, Mary Leigh Elmore, Jane HaYt ~Randa Roess, Gayle (Continued on page ten) U.W.F. Meet Tonight Willard P. Tomlinson, chairman of the Delaware County Chapter of United World Federalists, will present a digest of the Clark-Sohn proposal for conversion of the U. N. into :World Government at a meeting to be held at 8 p. m. tonight at Wolff Apple House, Pennell road, Lima. Mrs. James Sands and iMrs. Frank Royce ,viII also speak at the meeting. Committee chairman will give their reports and various phases of World Government will be considered. Elected Chief John Rumsey of Haverford avenue was elected cbief of the Elected Swarthmore Fire and Proteetive Association, succeeding Harry Andy Kirk of Nurth Swarthmore Hamby who has resigned. avenue was elected captain or Mr. RumSey had served as ehlef track at the University of Penn- prior to entering the service. sylvania Tuesday. He was also l .-_____________ recently elected secretary and treasurer of the Varsity Ciub. Kirk The Swartlunore Public Liwho is taking a five-year archi- brary will be closed on May 3D, tectual course will be a senior Decoration Day. next-:rear. A.M. $3.50 PER YEAR BAND· ORCHESTRA DINNER TONIGHT Varsity, In Memory Of 7 INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT THROUGH SCOUT, BROWNIE CEREMONIES HELD Camperships 5, 6 Registration for the Swarthmore Recreation Association g summer program will be held on Monday and Tuesday, June 5 and 6, according to Dr. Ned B. Williams, president. The hours for registration are from 12 noon to four p.m. on both days, and enrollment may be entered at either of two locations: the playroom of the Rutgers Avenue School or the hall in front of the auditorium in the High School buildi!Jg. This year the activities offered by the Association are more varied than ever, but the important features of the past have been retained. As usual, there will be four basic programs-pre-school, primary, summer club, and league baseball. The pre-school and primary groups will again be under the supervision of Mrs. J. Francis Taylor and her staff of trained leaders. From 9 a.m. until 11:45 a.m., Monday through Friday, for six weeks beginning June 19, the Rutgers Avenue school and playground will accomodate the activities of these groups. The preschool group will include subdivisions for threes, fours fives. Any child who will reach his third birthday by September 1 of this year is eligible for admission. The primary group is for children who have completed either the first or second grades. Handsome, well built, stone C'!lonial residence: Located in protected, attractive section. Fust floor contaIns, center hall 27 ft. living room with fireplace, large tmclosed porch, 20 ft. dining room with large bay window. Modern kitchen, laundry and lavatory. Second floor contains 4 bedrooms, 2 tile baths. Heated by oil. Close to tra~portation and stores. EDWARD J. JUDGE HENRY SWENEY Recreation To Be ~BOWLING GREEN) HALL SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1950 Registration For Summer ----- MEDIA THE SWARTHMOREAN DAY NOll-athlctir: Letters To Be Awarded Mon. The high school BID FAREWELL TO THOMPSON Students Pay Tribute To Retiring H.S. Principal Wednesday morning at a special assembly of the entire high school body. called. by the Student Government Association, students of Swarthmore honored their retiring high school principal, George Baker Thompson. When the students had filed into the auditorium.. to the martial strains of the school band, , ·the program opened with a religious anthem by the Chorus. Speakers were Dick McCray president of the graduating class, Jane. Allen secretary of Cabinet, and Don Dickinson president of last year's Cabinet. A presentation of luggage and a certificate was made to Mr. Thompson by Raymond Denworth present head of Cabinet As Mr. Thompson made his way to the rostrum the students arose and sang "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow". After his address, the Chorus sang ,tJhe favorite school song "Spirit of Youth". The climax of the program was reached when, standing~ the assembly accompanied by the band sang the school alma mater '~for OUr principal". Mir. Thompson wlho :recently accepted a county post, has -been with the Swarthmore schools since 1931 when he came as a social studies teacher. In 1940 he became principal and has served in that capacity until the present time. The students and faculty feel his leaving is a great loss to the local high school. Show Practical Arts The Swartnmore High School Practical Arts Exhibit will be held on Friday, June 2, at 7:30 p. m. in the high school. The "open house" will be sponsored by the Industrial Arts, Horne Economics and Art Departments. Student hostesses will act as guides directing visitors to the various exhibits. The highlights of the evening will be a fashion show presented by the Clothing Classes of the junior and senior high school. Gifts, made by the students in the different departments, will be given to six lucky ticket holders after the fashion sho\v. This is an excellent opportunity for parents to see the splendid work done by the students in the special were studied, can give to our lives. Church Services SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, May 28 9:30 A.M.-Women's Bible Class. 9:45 A.M,-Sunday School and Men's Bible Class. 11:00 AM.-Sermon by Mr. Bish- op - "Five Years Later". 6:00 P.M.-Young Adults. 6:30 P.M. - Youth Fellowship, Methodist 0Imr0h. . _I, .n l'IICIOIP"i fli rl'dl ;UD IIii Gil _ ::cr.!:,,?~" .. , • ~-- , . £i . Jr. Musie Club Holds Final M~ Sunday of , Included . such· 1_',.8 siJpPO~ quate educatiQn for every child of the Pennsylvania ;Plan the In the. state; and support of the Eleef;lpn of Jud«s; empluulls ~ long overl,iue ~eapportionment of merit rather than PoUtlcalJ?8t- political dlstrieis. ron age as the measure. for pointment of personnel to the De"I saw It in The Swarthmorean". Partrn~nt of Public Health; ade~~~........;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, tor ap- . WBEREAS,T. E. Hessenbruch gave many years of his life to community service; which included nine years as a member of Borough Council, two years as l'rfIsident of Co~cil, and seven years a member of the Zoning Board of ~dJ!'stment, such service being compensated only by the rea~atlOn ~,!at performance of these dutieS was }Jart of :the obligatlOn of Cltizenship.:. as NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Counc!! and Burgess of the Borough of Swarthmore hereb;r express theIr deep regret over the passing of their friend and fellow townsman E. Hessenbruch, and desire that this Resolution be ent";ed uPon the public rec6i'¢! as an indication of their appreciation for :Mr. Hessenbruch's public service and the esteem in which his· fellow' townsmen held him. or. Passed this 17th. day Qf May A.D. 1950. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE '. By. H; Lll'UJLEY PEEL , PreSident' of COWlcil Attest: ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Borough Secretary Approved this .l8th day of May. . 'A.D. 1950 CHARLES R. RUSSELL . Burgess. . Hypnotism Denounced" Is the Louise Wittmeyer played Bee- ~-==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ subject of the Lesson-Sermon in thoven's "Minuet in G" as a flute ,' all Churches of Christ, ScIentist, solo, with Mrs. Potts again at the on Sunday May 28. The Golden piano. Then a vocal .trio composed Text Is: "If God be for us, who of Claire Hendrixson, PrIscilla .C can be against us?" Rogers, and Gretchen Bauer sang (Romans 8:31.) four numbers: "Dinah", "June Is .. ; , •• 1 . Bustin' Out All Over" from Car- , ,, Trinity Notes 'ousel, "Many a New Day" from Holy Communion will be cele- .Oklahoma! and "Come to the FaIr" brated at 8:00 a.m. Church School 'by Martin. Carol Mosteller closed .. W.have. wide range of.prices wlll meet at 9:45 a. m. The Festi- ,the program 'With an exhibition of . ' .'. . }. vai of WhItsunday will be ob- :Baton flwirling. (he •• me hIgh ,standard served by a celebration of the Hoty. The last event of the 'season, Communion at 11:00 aom. and ser- the club picnic, Is scheduled for Is, accorded (0. aIL mon by Dean ~lfford. ;Saturday, JWle 10 at the home of , , . I. The boys servmg as acolytes to- . the new president, Diana Tucker: day are: 8:00 a.m. -. Davidson j ~uehring; 11:00 a.m. George Hay, : Attend LWV Meeting John Simon and Jack ThoanpsOn. Ushers for the 11:00 ain. service' :Mrs. J. Burris West, president are: H. P. Staml'ord, head usher; of the League of Women Voters of W. c. Hogg; F. W. Plowman; C. H. 'Swarthmore and Mrs. Melvin C. _ o n o. fUNIIALS W. Ingraham; C. S. Keller; W •. Molstad, vice-president, returned 1820 CHESTNUT sTREEI 'Freegard; W. H. Jones and R. G. :yesterday from three days at State HaIg. , . . ,College where' they attend~ the Rl6-158" YoWl~ People s Fello~hip will Council Meeting of the League of meet Wl.th other fellowships in the Women Voters of Penosylvanla. . community in the Methodist: Church at 6 :30 p. m. . Repo~ts on the progress of the Choir school will meet on Mon_ League s work were .made. These day and Wednesday at 4:00 p. m. The Woman's Auxiliary will bold a garden party on the grounds In the rear of the Balsley property adjoining thl'~ church on College avenue on Thursday at 12:00 Noon. Each woman Is asked to bring a boxed lunch. Coffee and dessert will be served. Choir rehearsal will be held on Tbursday evening at 7:30 p. m. " NOT EXP.EN.SIVI \ yet .. serYbi • THE OUVER H. iAIR CO. ' '.phone Methodist Chureh Noles The Sunday School, meets at Remembrance". 6:30 P.M. - Community Youth 9:45. The Young Adults meet at 10 o'clock in tlbe ladies Parlor. ClassFellowship in the Chapel. es are provided for children of aU TRINITY CHURCH ages and for adults. Sunday, May 28 The sermon tQpic at the 11 (Whltsnnda:r) o'clock service is "A Book ot Re8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. membrance". 9:45 A.M.-Church School. 11:00 A.M.-Festival, Holy ComThe. ushers lor ·the day are W. munion and serm.onby Dean Dickinson, P. Murray, H. E. New, Gifford. 6:30 P.M.-young People's Fel- G. Shubert and C. q. Zlngrebe•• Mrs. Clark AllIson and Anne lowship (M'ethodlst CIhurch) Kraus will be in charge of the THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Church' ~ery d~ 1he OF FRIENDS morning service Sunday,May 28 The rehears;tl for the J1mior 9:45 A.M.-First Day SchooL Choir is an Thursday at 6:30. Boy 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worahip. Scouts meet in the Socisl Hall Visitors welcome. Children cared for in WhIttier House. at 7 and 8enior Choir rehearsa\S 4:00 P.M.-Pendle Hill Sprinl!ll at 7:45. Tea. The Officisl Board will meet at 4:30 P.M.-Address by Bayard 8 o'clock Friday evening. Rustin, "The Shock Troqps Of AS SHOWN Monday, May 29 Elizabeth Bryant of South ChesAll Day Sewing for the A.F.S.C. at ter road entertained a group of Whittier House. Wednesday, May 31 . Bucknell University classmates All Day Sewing for the AP.8.C. at 3t a week-end houseparty. Wlaittler House. --'---------_- STUDEBAKER CHAMPION ' "'AS5., 2-DOOR CUSTOM SEDAN ) Peace". .The Studeb~er Champion . is one of the 4 lowest price. 1arg~t ~~ caD! " ':. ;.' Park .A.v.""..e below :. .' $1555 '. Delivered in 'Sw'arthmlor~ ~I ~;;'f!4~ .. · SlIIIday, 11:80 A V SUllda7 J , I: D - Se."IJIOIl "Ancient and Modem NecroDI8Ilcy, alias Mesmerlmn and ~ Deoounoedw • Wed-as ~ evening e'fnl each week, 8 p.m. Rea"!n8 room open dally exc;ept SuI>da;y 12 to 5 }J.m. W""nesiJ., _I.,..· 'I to ...' RESOLUTION The final meeting the Swarthmore Junior Music Club was held in WhIttier House last Sunday evThe Board Of Deacons will meet ening. Club President Claire lIenin the Pastor's Study on Wednes- drixson thanked all those who day, 'May 31, at 8 p.m. helped with the club's activities . The' Junior Choir will rehearse this year then turned the meeting at 3:30 Thursday afternoon and the over to Lynne Rogers, !program. Chapel Choir will rehearse at chairman. 7:45 Thursday evening. The CherHarold Ogram, accompanied by ub's Choir will rehearse at 10:15 :Mrs. Morris Potts, opened the proSaturday mOrning. 'gram with Drigo's "Serenade" for The Women's Bible class will saxaphone and piano, followed by hear a report from the General "Beebe" by Jimmy Dorsey. DonAssembly to be given by Mrs. ald Ogram, also accompanied by Donald Hibbard. This is the final M,.,.. Potts, played a clarinet solo meeting of the class for the sum- "Commuter's ,Express" hy Laugen-. me~. us. Sally Jacobs then played Engelman's "Russian Dance" on the Christian Science Noles piano. She was fIOllC1Wed by Di"Ancient And Modern Necro-ana Tucker who played Grleg's maney, Alias Mesmerism And UButterflies", also a piano solo. See , - dodDr thin"e~ ... toda.Y ... -.!!c. We are '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I l1:oo.A.ll. - = '1:50 p. m. and 8 to 8:30. . .. ' Legion Auxiliary Note. Members Qf tlbe Legion AuxIllary are asked to meet at Borough Hall at 9:45 on Tuesday, May 30 to pay tribute to the boys woo klst their lives in World Wars I and II. Those who can urged to bring their cars to help drive otb.ers to the Eaotlawn Cemetery where further services 'Will be held. SWARTHMORE, PA.., FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1950 J.til:THODIST CHURCH Roy' N. Keiser, D. D., MInister' SnndaY, May 28 1:45 A.M.--Church Sehool. 10:00 A.M.-Young Adults 11:00 A.M.--lSermon: "A BOOk of Armr Career '" on A-~ cIeaL I'm...u.tlnc right aft« are Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1828, at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Ad of March 3, 1879. = wh1ch SPEClAJ,1ZING IN 1Ameh_ Baffet B _ PETER E. TOLD, Editor MABJORIE TOLD and BABBABA KENT, AMoelate EdItors Rosalie Pe!rBol Lorene McCarier i''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lee Hartzell, daughter of :Mr. and :Mrs. Frank C. Hartzell of Wallingford, at her marriage to :Mr. John Toll Young, son of :Mrs. Louis A. Young of Narberth and the late:Mr. Young which will take place on Thursday, June 15 at 5 o'clock in 1ge Swarthmore' Presbyterian Church. The Rev. :Mr. Joseph P. Bishop, minister' the church, will officIate. The bridesmaids will be MIss Elizabeth Ann Cook of Swarthmore, Miss Christine :Baird Sweeney of Marga1le, N. J. a cousin of the groom, Miss Gertnu:le HarrIngton of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. and Mrs. William IMcOUltoheon. Hartshorn of Haverford. . Sandra Mason Young of .Ardmore, niece of the groom, will be flower girl and John Campbell Miller Of Wynnewood, nephew of the groom, wili be tqe ring bioarer, PUBLISHED EyERI' FRIDAY AT SWARTIIIIIOBE, PA TIlE SWARTllMOB.EAN. INC.. PUBUSIIEB Phone Bwartau.re 8·.... Drain and Flush Radiators . Miss Jane Dougher, who Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dougher of Chester, and Mr. John BEAUTY SALON Richard Armitage, son of Dr. and Mrs. Goorge L. Armitage of South BEAUTY JOINS THE MEMORIAL PARADE Chester road, were ooited in marriage on Friday, May 19' at 6 Call Swarthmore 6-04'16 o'clock in St. Roberts Rectory, Bridal Attendants 9 Chester Road Mrs. Robrt 'Bruce Wentz of Le- Ohester. The Rev. Francis Kelley ota will 1llIItron of honor at The bride wore a suit of beige the marria~ of her sister, Miss officiatlL gabardine 'With pale green hat. Elizabeth Marshall Lee, daughter . ., F II C of :Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lee Her corsage was of white o r c h i d s . · Mrs. James O'Connor of Chester Reservations Now For A DelwlOus ~ ourse of Harvaro avenUe, to Mr. Harvey attended her sister as matron _of . _ Clayton Taylor, son of Mrs. Franhooor. Mr. George L." Armitage, MEMORIAL DAY DINNER, ces Taylor of Tampa, Fla., I . SERVED 1 to 1:30 P.1\I. will take place Saturday, Jooe 17 m, served as best man for h i s , ' brother. TUESDAY, lIIAY 30 in the Swarthmore Presbyterian FEATURING FILET MIGNON $2.15 - SmLOIN STEAK $2.50 Church. The Rev. Joseph P. Bish- , A dinner for the immediate families followed the ceremony. Af-' OTHER CHOICES _ ROAST TURKEY and ROAST BEEF $2.00 .oP will 'Officiate. . Mrs. Oliver Rickson of Boston, ter a ~edding trip to Williamsburg, Mass., formerl5> of Swarthmoce, Va., the couple will live in Balti~I·STRATH H A V E N MIss Mary Jane WhItley, and lMiss m o r e . . . Swarthmore, Pa. Telephone Bwadhmore 6-0680 Dulcie Elaine 'Whltley of PlattsFREE PABKJNG WESTu.N 1JNION OFFICE burg, N. Y., will attend as bridesBIRTHS maids. . Mr. and Mrs. D. James Pitman of Folsam are receiving congratTO BE AUGUST 'BRIDE ulations on the birth of a son, John The mar~ of Miss Sandra William, on May 19 in St. Vincent's Jean Crosset, aaughter of Mr. and Mrs. ·Dorlald Adams erooset of Hoopital, Philadelphia. The baby is a gran$on of Pr0"Windswept AcreS', Medla to :Mr. refreshing ocean dips from 'our exclUSive beach. fessor and Mrs. John H. Pitmao of William Wa;rd, 4th, son of 1~~~111,;;;",!~~~ may bathe direct from thei, rooms Without Vassar avenue, and of Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, 3rd of Ches~ extra cost. ReJox on spacious sun decks In the spar.. ter, formerly of South Chester Mrs. William Nuckols of Milmont kling sunshine, and salt sea breezes. meals served In two dining rooms. Varied entertain. road, Swarthmore, and the late !Mr. Park. ment nightly. Centrally locoted ,Ward, will take place on Saturday at Pork Place. Mr.' and Mrs. Jack M. LInton of August 26 at 5 o'clock in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. West Chester announce the birth A reception at "WIndswept of a son, John Bradford, on May 'Acres" will follow the ceremony. 20 in the Delaware Hospital The newbahy Is a grandson Mr.·and Mrs. W. HeDfY linton of ' ." JUNE WEDDING PLANNED Benjamin West avenue, and of Mr. MIss Barbara Jane Young of Narberth, sister of the groom will and :Mrs. John Webster of Wihnbe maid of honor for Miss Mary ington. be • 'I'HE S W AR'I'HM 0 aBA'. THE'SWARTHMOREAN The 'Bouquet Armitage - Dougher . = honorary society at the Hey Day ceremonies at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. and :Mrs. John H. Pitman of Vassar avenue returned home Wednesday from Erie where they had spent several days attending a Masonic Convention. Mrs. E. D. Stevens' of Garrett Park, Md., will retul'!> to her' home today following .a week's visit with her sister :Mrs. J. P. Daugherty and family of Dickinson avenue. Marge and Mr. and Mrs. James G. Daugherty and small daughter Lee Purnell, former Swarthmore residents, have movlld to their apartment on West Ridley avenue, NorODd . w . . .. MAY 28, 1950 ....... 88i111wrTI_iICa..:.; " ..... • FUSCO·.and 'f\LSWN '-.. . \ -', '. Chfl8~ Ud ~.ie" . Ph!laeSW...,""IIIe a-J. .1111. MAY 26, 1950 THE SWARTHMOa'EAN CRATSLEY NAMED YP AT !:!:: A ,native of Warnm, Ohio, S.R.A. gram To Announee Eumjna~Carri' a~= N~CY r:e~ , Crats1ey gioaduated In 11136 Op 19th For P.O. Cleno.· , er week's visit' with Mr. and Mrs. the' CoUege of Wooster. He reo ' en one An ""amlnation lIor swstItute William Carnllls of Spring Meadcelved a masters degree In bus(ConUnued from page oae)ba've I Clerk-C&rrler for duty· at the ow Farm, West Chester. Iness adminIstration from liarChildren of all ages who Swarthmore Post Office has been Mrs. Robert B. Clothier of Co-• • vard Univenity tn 1938 aDd a completed the third grade are announced. lwnbla avenue entertained at a tea St. Lnwrence Professor D.CS. In 1943. In 1938-39, be for I>dmlsslon to the swnA,ppllcants m1l9t either reside at ber home. a resI,tro,\leJ'1 Edward K. Cratsley, -""~ IJ::~June 19, In the morrungs, will and professor of business admln- slstant Professor of Buainess Adthrough Friday will meet quirements but all applicants Istratlon at SaInt Lawrence Uni- mln1stration at SaInt. Lawrence the College Avenue :.mool aod be requlred to take a written exversity, has been named a vice- In 1941, he has worked there conChildren will receive aminatiUl; No persons will be _ president at Swarthmore College. tlnuausly since that time, bavlng instrUctIon and have a chaoce to pointed who are unable to drive John W. Nason, president of been made a full professor In participate tn tennis, softball, vol- an automobile. Swarthmore announced ;that 1947. ley ball, croquet, table tennis and Applicants must have reached Cratsley will come to SwanhCmtsley Is the second ....""",t I many other sports. In addition, their eighteenth birthday but must more In the fall to take cha be primarily tn alumni veteran preference applicaots. fund raising and public League baseball will again be Applications for this examinaunder the supervision of Russell tion must be on file with the DiSnyder and two other coaches. rector, ThIrd u.s. Civil Service • Fill your c:oaI bin DOW, at Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins Three teams, consisting of boys Region, l03-A CUstomhouse, PhIlthe lowest prices you'll set aIr North Chester road visited her eight years up, will compete adelpbla 6, not later than tohe the rest of this year. Pay for it daughter Mrs. WIlUam M. Blaisdell In the Eastern Delaware County close of business on May 31. later In monthly iostoJl"i"""" of Arlington, Va., for 10 days. Competition begins earlY Interested persons truly obtain THREE DIMENSIONAL on our convenient budget plan. Jdns Mr. Jen and daughter Mrs. June and continues throughout further information and Ibhe neOrder Old Company'. Iehiah FULL COLOR PICTURES W. H. E1sbree of WaUingf"rd the summer. Although in past cessary application form from the premium anthracite-the HIlls motored to Arlington Wedbaseball practice has been Commissl,on's local secretary, E. R. VIEWERS - $!l.00 smokeless, clean Pennsylvania nesday and were accompanied In the afternoonS, as ao ex- McDonnell located at Swarthmore. hsrdcoal thst ..... louaer. REET.S - 3 for n.eo home by Mrs. Jenkins perlment, tbls year, practice will . The Mothers 'Group of the Col- be held in the mornings and will Frances Fitts, daughter of Mr., lege avenue second grade will be coordinated with the summer and Mrs. Frank Fitts of WallingROGER, RUSSET.T. I "',... an annual picnic at the home club program so thet boys may ford, a freshman at Centenary STAB., MONBOB &"BI&&' of Mrs. Oliver G. Rodgers of register for one or more summer Junior College In Hackettstown, Riverview road todliy following club activities, play league base- N.J. was a model In the annual MEDIA 8-117' I Field DI!Y, ~; William R.. GU- ball, and, still have afternoons free Fasblon Sbow at the college !sst AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR OVER 35 YEARS ';;;;;;;;;;;;~~~-;(I~ur~ls~gr~'~'o~u;P.~..c;h;a;I,....~;a;n;;;;' other pursuits. FrIday. . The Association hopes to be able STORY & COMPTON make arrangements with Penn FUEL .CO., , INC. Center so that swimming and FlNE CAKES and' Instructions will CRUM LYNNE - CHESTER through the facilities of Orders taken nntil 11 P.IIL SUGGESTIONS FOR YOlJR PA.NTRY , Duck Club in the afternoons " BY ~ 19c "SPBAi¥ ~ MARATHON attemoon. Box To A Customer, $3 Genuine AEROSOL BOMB - .... Atlantic Oil Phone Ridley Park 0412 'ltd, de _'ge Lge Assortment of SUNGLASSES Authorized Dealers Iron Fireman Oil Burners Marian Karns, daughter of Ml-. and Mrs. George M. Karns of Wellesley road, was awardedJourth place in the "Prix-de-Paris," a national art contest put on annually by the publishers of Vogue m~gazine. Only 12 were chosen from the 1450 college seniors competing. Marian, who will be a candidate for the A.B. degree at Smith College June 5, was elected 'to Alpha-Psi Kappa Psi, an 1J0norary society which recognizes outstanding talent and creative abilIty in all the arts, for her work at the college where she majored. in fine arts. She has also been a member of Studio Club, an organization of students interested in t~· j pare a report on the resources and needs of children and youth . Th' t al .in Pennsylvama. e repor, ong . f th Ih· 66 . , with thoac 0 e 0 er . counties of the state, will be drilwn upon for the Mid-CenturY white lY.- $1 Wembledon Lavender Mter-Shave Lotion 29c $1 Rite Point Automatic PENCILS 19c $2.50 Guaranteed ALARM CLOCK $1.39 STATIONERY box 1% GU'aranteed FRESH FILMS 17c BOOK MATCHES box 0/ 50 8c (1 two newspapers on campus, as well as for a' freshman handbook in 1947. , Through the Religious Association at Smith, she did community service work in Northampton: "Interested in sports, she· aiso played on basketball and lacroSse teams; IODIYS 50c Large can PINK SALMON 50c METAL SPRAYERS 75c DDT UQUID 50c DDT' POWDER $1.50 Para Moth. Crystals or Nuggets RUBBING ALCOHOL the technical aspects of art. On County Committee Chairman of the Senior 'Promtbls Mrs. William A. Jacq""tte of year, she was head"01 decorations Elm avenue is a member of the last year for the Junior' Prom. Delaware COImty committee apShe has done art work for the poinbed by Governor Duff to pre- In National Art Contest 01..1 lI .. k Luil..l.n. EAR 5 Shearer, one goal; Eddie Harris and Bob Terry. ~"'red Shoyer was manager and did an outstanding job all season. 9' -I t t 5 ' "I'UE CAKE BOX with 10 goals was a "bull" In front of the goal, working with Captain Ford, who also scored 10 goals. Bill Mcqlathery alID scored. Dick M«:I-ay and .Iohn Tyler lonned the nucleus of this fine The boys' lacrosse team com- team but the greatest acblevement P leted a fine season as they de- was the manner In which the ted D I JV' '6-0 Th . young 9th and loth graders filled ~':t d f re~e IS. t' od' e in and played top-notch varsity '.t Ile enthslve p.:?... s ~hro oU"_~t ball. .Iic. lIarltc 'P~S THE SWARTHMOBBAI iii· . . . . . . . 11001 Fe I "u .. . \ .1 1 : ___ 1.,,· \ • • THE SWARTHMOBEAN 8 MAY., 1950 ----~------------------=-~--~------------------------------------------NEWS NOTES You'll find Acme prepared to milt aU your Oa'door Gaalit, FOOD NEEDS Whether you 90 on a picnic or stay at home Acme has your food nHda at moneysaving prices. MAllIIm OPtN FRmAY TILL 9 P.M. Sat... Mon. till 6 P.M. - CLOIID AU DAY NEMOIWIL DAY Virginia Lee ,reshly Baked Goods , POUND CAKE ~n 35c FRESI ,ROLLS 2 ~\' 29c Extra rich In ~ Oold. . . bot and quality. You'll be d.u"ht.d _u.. . . . ea,·I.Quo Bola Club Refre.hlng BEVERAGES larselOc boHle Choice of OlngH Ale, Root BMt, Bird. 8Ht'a'J:i'Y' Grope, 5artoporlllo, I Orange or Cream Coca-CDla 6 ........ 25c Pep.I.c:ola 6 2Sc ,a_ .... '= Seven-Up 6 7 ....... 25c Root Beer·- 6 29c 'a All hVlHOgil Prien AcId Botti. Oepollt, and lax In '.nltG. Marktq, 'a•.,. eh••••, SHARP CllEESE I)duzI ...."" Ib c:::: ... Gle Glendale Club ·75c Blue Ch.... _ I t ~l68c Pink Salmon III' ... 3Sc Olive. "'.... , - - " " 290 Olive. "'......... 7"'"" 29c Pldd.. ":'_--15c Limon Juice OlIN. 2'O::25c IIStD Mix 3 -190 c.......,. or CnHtdIy PEANUT BUTTER ':: Ztc _.=,.110.1 .... Ma\!!og I.. c. . . ..,AI......... .t. ase CRAX = Tn..................ppI. .JaIq ....... I.Im • • SMOKEDipICNlCS.:!::::: • 37c BEN TURKEYS ~::I!i:· • 45c - . . . Eat Smo..... _ I.. SKth... HI..... Jean Brown of North Chester road, a junior at Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia, has been elected acting president of the Recreation Association for the Summer session. Mary Lackey of North Princeton avenue, was recently initiated Into Phi Sigma, honorary biologIcal science fraternlty at the University of Kansas. She is a junior In the college of liberal arts and srlences at the University. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Ashton who have been spending the winter with Dr. Dorothy Ashton of Cedar lane, will leave for their home In Reading, Vt., the latter part of May. Mrs. Henry J. Han?] ik of Cornel avenue will leave by plane today for a two-week visit with her son Mr. Robert Hanzlik and fiancee MIss Patricia Lunde of Marinette, Wisc., and her son Mr. Henry Hanzlik and family of MIssIon, Kansas, formerly of Swarth- ......, Nita 01 B.el T. DeUeioua Potato . . . .d "1~" 550 :.. 250 .. Set of 6~~S9c: JUICE I)dt", .....ett ..... _ ......... Appl •• c .. A, II WIle.. aDld.D C ..a /)d.'lII CoeIle4 BUIlt'. To ••to ~:::'. IlSaJ '1'0 ••••• . CI. .wood Jem.. I Jlarv ....d and Rutgers Avenues ~t~~ Diseases Durable There is currently a imlall outbreak of Measles,1n the Borough. Dr. J. Albright Jones, Health Officer would like to call attention to the Borough of Swarthmore the rules and regulations regarding German Measles, Chicken Pox, Mumps, Measles and Whooping Cough. 1. No placard for German Measles, Chicken Pox and Mumps. 2. Placard for Measles and Whooping Cough. ' 3. Patients with German Measles, Chicken Pox and Mumps must be reported as before. Any person who has German Measles shall; remain on his or her premises! until recovery as· 'determined by, a physician. If the patient is a school pupil he or she must have' a written release by a physician' Denim I Du·ngarees in DARK or "FADED" BLUE or just plain RED Phone Swarihmo... 8-9'/111 Separates'in Skirts, Shorts Jackets and Caps to match after HOW 1'0 BE A "GOOD EGG" Arr,()w~s Nifty On 'arty-Ii,.. Telephones WHEN (for the class of '50) with your party-line nelghbon ••• it pa;p dividendsl They'11 return your courtesies, aDd everybody OIl the line will get better service. YOU PLAY PAIR H_ are two AIfIfIest.ons Come See .our Fine Selection of On flDdlng the line In use, hang up gently aDd live the other penon a few minutes to finish hls calL And when, whUe ta1ldng, you realize that your neighbor iii waitiDs to make a call, hang up In a few minutes 8Dd free the line. College-Preferred Arrow Gifts For Your Favorite Graduate! .... Easy, Isn't it:? Yet these llttle courteaIea mou1I: you as a "good egg" on the party 1ine ••• ooe who dM 1;_ fair treatm.mt in return. MIBl _ _..... _ . "..... set of the disease; Mumps until swelling has disappeared. Other household members including children are not restricted In any way, and may attend school. , 4. Patients with Measles and Whooping Cough~ust remain under quarantine as follows: Measles-For a period of 10 days from the onset of the Illnes•. Whooping Cough-For a period of 28 days from onset of illness. Any ~ousehold contact who has not had these diseases, and who attends any school must remain on the premises as follows: Me,asies-For a period of 10 days between the 7th and 17th day after exposure to such disease. Whooping Cough-For a period of 14 days between the 7th and 21st day after exposure to such disease. . ® Sassy Check Trim Shorts galore. in plaid, or pinpoint corduroy I . , - in colors gay enough to cheer up any soggy pl'ayday! Match them or mix them in T-Shirts of every size - stripe or color. , 13 South Chester Road Swarthmore, Penna.· • ' • UNl '-DAY 0' new V\eStingpouse the I ARROW SHIRTS ••• Your favorite collar styles in white and • solid cololS. $3.65 up. .~,~ AUTOMATIC ~~ CLOTHES .DRYER this wonderful new automatic electric clothes dryer eliminates the hard work and Inconvenience of No.~_5ZO 2'::;: 2'70 lent drying lob with no _rk at all on YDur part. • .... to __ W_ ,I00I'. am I 411 ."Illn ST. CH!STII " • II - .. "'dayl this olh. Is 0pr••• nt suppl, of dryen. , ILIC.RIC COMPANY comfort on summer vacalion-days! Amlw handkctcbicfs and underwear I Come m for your 8f~duate·. &ifts todayl new Dodge you've alwayS wanted. No , for the male graduate. Arrow shirts and Ii.. for college or career! Arrow sports shirts and basque shirts for solid Come in and Bee the .biggeet value cu .,: ., of the year. Find out how much more Dodge gives for your nioney. Learn how easy the new 1950 Dodge is to own. .IW 8IGGIRVAW. 8 .. Park -Avenue • , - order now will insure BUCHNER'S • " ,~ finD , $." ,need now to settle for less than a Dodge. PHILADELPHIA \ ES SIB, a quick delivery. Production on aD models of the big, roomy, rogged 1950 Dodge is now at an all·time high. That's why, even with the flood ~f ordMII we'.., been taking, we can promise you the all other men) coast to coast, and make the perfect gift . oreo«M&,m:~! lILlIe. Y Famous Arrow products are tops with college men (and Call your near•• t Philadelphia TtllPlE UNIVERSITY carm .~. '19995 cash price ••• onl, TH' TlCHNICAL IN''ITUn Of QTY ARROW SPORTS SHIR.TS •.• Cool and comfo~. able •••• $3.6, up. Westinghouse, plug.in clothes dryer does an excel- CHESTER UNIT 2 1=.,-250 $1.2' up• clothes; battling with th~ weathermanl The ..., ......... c _ 2::': 2" ARROW BASQUB SHUlTS •• ~ in many pattems :tugging with clotheslines; dragging, out heavy, wet V_ . . . _. I.. 2 ti: 45. ..... . Dr Joues Giv Rul R • • es. es e· garding ContagIOUS shall Station Operation Technical Wr;ting Sal.s and Resean::h *vicillg ~ 550 2':.;:250 2 '::;:2" ~~.J2:'!!. 29. paxson( Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bass, Jr., of of Vassar avenue spent the week- Ogden aveilUe entertained at a end at their cottage on the Ches- small cocktail party before the ter River, near Millington, Md.. Series Dance Saturday evening. Chicken Pox remain on the. ~:""~'"';;~iii~~"'''~~~~~~~;~~~;~~ltopremises 10 days Patients thewith' onreturn for to school. Television & Radio Technician Jul. . c - _ . ' ARRIVE IN THE BOROUGH ~======_ _~7 I SIlI':NT GUE8'l'8 Prepare. lor. 0GraPefruit .......... H Harvard Inn incI""".. ORANGE (Hurl Blen4le4 Jul.... far aspoSSlble. There " will be no charge and instrumenta, part!cularly strings, will be available on a loan basis. Parents planning vacation activities will probably want to consider the fact that this work will begin Monday after school· closes and will contln"e through July 28.' Pupils will be required to attend ouly the activities that they sign up for and often times this Involves only a 30 minute period about twice a week. ""esMMHlHrHt=1rHHHHHHHHHHMHHt"1H'4HHH Trohthtg Principles of Rodlo & Bectrania. Television, and Television ServJc:.. ingcomblnedwithpracticalworlr. Ideal Fancy FlDrida Gracie A O#D~ 11 SOUTH ()BB81'iiA BOAD, 8W.u.TII1IlOU I CmSES BEGIN JUNE 7, n ~_y\rolled .dge 10 pre.,... JIt/MI 0nIIi. H. D. SIPLER TELEVISION and RADIO Colorful In green 01' red ...,... The S arthm Bo School D;'tors h:eagaln IZed a SIX weeks Summer music program under the direction of Robert M. HQlm. Instruction will be offered during the mornings between 8:30 and 12:30 Monday through FrIday. Registration wlll be held at the High School on Monday June 19 between 9 and 10 o'clO'"..II: and students from fourth grade up are eligible. In addition to Individual instrumental instruction for beginners the program will Include a summer band, harmony theory - class, and smaJler ensembles. Mr•. Holm emphasizes that the offerings will be flexible and will __________ /M~"' ~~L decoration•• durable chipping. Summer Music Program· In Swarthmo.e ':hO:~ :;~~::~~..:~e:; ENROLL .NOW 2se TUMBLER. • I' ~=-==~=-~,-=~~~==~~~~~~~~~ &' First Grade Mothers of the College avenue School ended the season Thursday afternoon with a social get-together at the home of Mrs. Stanley I. Wlnde of Ogden avenue. Mrs. Robert Cadigan was named chairman for next year, and Mrs. Winthrop Wright, secretary-treasurer. I Mr. and Mrs. Hallock C. Campbell of Vassar avenue are entertaining for a few weeks Mrs. Campbell's parents Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Hutchinson who are en route from Winter Park, Fla., to their summer home in Hamilton, Mass. William A. Thomson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Thomson of Benjamin West avenue, a junior at the University of Delaware, will attend a six-week ROTC ' Summer Camp at Fort Meade, Md., beginnIng June 17. Cadet Thomson Is a Navy veteran with service In the Europe~ and Pacific Theatres. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. GJlcreest of Vassar avenue entertained as their house guests for a few days of last week Mr. and Mrs. Garner Dunkerley of Texas. Mrs. Dunkerley Is Mr. Gilcreest's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Jenkins of North Chester road will entertain their daughter-In-law Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins, II, of Fairlawn, N.J., who will arrive tomorrow with her daughter Suzanne and son David for a two~ week visit. Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee !)f Mt. Holyoke place was chairman of the annual tea-meeting of the Hannah Penn House held ill: Philadelphia Monday afternoon. Mrs. W. o. Unhart of Pittsburgh, with her sons Billy and Bailby, has been spending the past week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rutan of Ogden avenue. BeautIfully Oecorated Ivy Swirl Dellgft Rofy Pnlv IVAP. T B E S W A B T HMO REA N more. '1.6. Wbole e·.ned Claiekea Mh~~3":'·1" .... . . . . Plate SoUp B... .. MAY 26, 1950 , ,, - - - - F O R ARROW UNIVERSITY S'i'YLES.....- - • .- .' .. '~ '.' - DEWEY-MURPHY, Inc. • . ' Woodland Ave. & Powell Road SPRINGFIElD, PENNA / MAY 28, 1950 THE S W A B T H ~:.O:.:R:.:E~A;.;;N~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ ..==_ _ _MA_Y_28_._1_950- 8 THE S WAR T HMO REA N ~~~~~~~r-==~-=-=~~~'~==~~~~~~----______~7=====~==~_ _9 CLASSIFIED ~~:edde=~.ma=.,:; College Events May Be Library opens • • PERSONAL PERSONAL-AVON PRODUcrs, INC., one of the oldest and Jargest Cosmetics manufactors in the world have openings for women in Swarthmore and, vicinity to represent our -Products. Earn a steady profitable income. Part or full time as you wish. For inter- c~'i: i~;;'~~A~~eD='::t ~~:- ger, 1l0{ Dekalb St., Norristown; Penna. PERSONAL LAlMPSHADES CUstom made - Old Lampshades HOBACE A. IU!iBV. "Third Generation JIullders." Swarthmore 6·3450 BtdWlne RemodeUDi FOR SALE Repalrina FOR SAlB Best Top SoU _ 5 ton truck loads. Reasonable. Phone Swarthmore 6-2825. FOR SALE Very deBlrable An ,,_.,' ", ' RTERS _ iIIIOL- ." HI ....'" <. • MODI •• I"citl.s • • WAll "" 6-5922. PERSONAL. _. Electrical wIrin& and Installation, .....Identlal and commerclal.l Water heaters, ranCell, dlshwasher8\ dryers. ·Bendl,.. All work done to Fire Underwriters' specifications. Service on waabers, vacuum cleaners, ran&es. irons, toasters, fans, lamps. Call Erich H. Hausen, Electrical Oontractor, Swart:hmore 6-2850. 385 Park avenue. Medical PEns ONAL k, t Massage f or wry ne4 ense nerves. constipation. Spot reducinll by DeWar. Call Beatrice Schmidt, Swarthmore 6·2780. ~:.:: - Radios, teleVisIon other el~IJ:.i~=li=e::ps~ ad. Prompt service Robert Brooks, Swarthmore 6~1548. PERSONAL Painter, formerly Boos Painter with George Gill""Pie and Charles Fischer. Call Swarthmore 6·4251. no •• COYllliMs ~~bl~,~ ch:f:I;;:l ~~~ chairs,' in g<*ld' n will, be glad to give fulrtber iitfO!rtnation about this . t. Prolec -..;..--Mrs. Raymond G. Clapp of Cleveland, Ohio is visiting her daughter Mrs. Dennison Bancroft and family of Harvard avenue until June and will then accom. pany them to South Brooksville, Me.• for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Moir FOR RENT FOR RENT _ Two rooms and of South Chester road entertainbath. 'Gentlemen preferred. ed as their week·end guests Near transportation. .Call !Media Mrs. John A. Moir and small FOR RENT-June 18 ·in September 9, Pleasant living for the irummer· in oomfortably furnish"" home near center of town. Call Swarthmore 6-2153. FOR RENT-For July only, rurnished house 3 miles north'of Downington, 47 aores woodland, electricity, bath, au:t~c ~ water... References excbanged. Mary M, Rogers, 1321 Spruce 'Street, Philadelphia 7, Pa. 'FOR RENT-Six room furnished i house for summer. Call Swarth· more 6.0304. ' May furnished FOR b _ _ n .,=.~ ape, HEARD IN MAY 20 CONCERT AT H (Continued from page one) The organization was incorporSRN the student radio station Sated as a Public Library under the at Swarthmore College Is consid.. • laws of the Coinmonwealth of ering establishing a frequency Pennsylvania in 1937 -Chiefly so oJ I tI st ti t g! ~ th m u a on a on 0 ve... e The membership roll of the that it might have the legal right oommunlty within a ten mile rad·. High School orchestra which pre- to accept gifts of money. Thereius the possibility of lid"ning to sented its annual concert· Satur- fore, should anyone wish to conCooper F~undation programs, lec- day evening, is as follows: tribute a sum of money, it will be tures and special events, music Violins: David .Spencer, Ruth most gratefully received at this 'from the Senator Bronson Cutting Garrett, Sally Gaskill, Diana particular juncture in the history Collection of 'classical reoords and Tucker Debbie Thompson Nancy of the Swarthmore Public Library. "bl . ' • POS~1 Y some athl~bc contests. Carroll and Sandra MIlne; viola: Arrangements will be made, Smce the campus IS hlread,y cov- Russell Snyder; Cello: J ....ome following publication of tht! list er~d by the regular AM station Goodman Bass: John SteinfeW of wanted books, to eollect any which c~~ the programs to flutes: John Pearson, Peter Rad- volumes which the donors are not . f ~~g'dthastinge. whole pro- _emacher; oboes: Harold Ogram, able to deliver·to the Library. !ec 0 roa c would be Jr., Edgar Friend; clarinets: Don1~ the nature of a community ser- ald Ogram and Robert Fox; Su: I ~ lid VIce For that tly SwarUunore 6·1448 .. _ reason recen a ophone: James Chapman; horns: queshonarre and request fur funds Fred Sales, Ted Sanville; TrumWILLIAM BROOKS was sent out to learn community pets:' Larry Franck, George Allen, Ashes & Rubbish Removed senti,:""nt on the venture. George Dunn; Trombones: Eric Lawns mowed, General . ThIS proposed educatiolU,ll sta- Sharpless John Phillips Pam Hauling ~Ion could carry no advertising so Foster; ;iano: Beverly Hariow; 236 Hardini Av. Morlon, Pa. It would not have the usual method percussion: Edwin Harris, Rounie ' . • of s.upport. The quality of re- Gold and Jane Allen. cepbon would be that of ,the regMembers of the Elementary JAMES E. LAMB ular FM bands. ~e . programs, orchestra are: violins: Peter Kroon, PLUMBING AND BEATING however, would be limited ·to the Leigh H llis K R D r time college is in session and, at othy Rod~ , arAnnen Ognr;"":'eha° Rellietered in SwarthmOl'e th tart t fte lay' . gers, e us, e s ,0 a moon p mg of Barbara Zie~ Lee Gemmill , Dial Chester 88106 recorded music coming from the M lly H C l' S d' Cubti 0011 ti d f o u s e , aro eymour an . ng . ec on an ,except or Janet Lynch· cellos' Noel Snyder SpecIal events, the same in the George Kr~n· fluie· Mary Lo~ Rubbish Collection evening. -. ' . The college station has often Friend; c1armets: M,,:,"y Phillips, Swarthmore Disposal had its special programs used b,. Joan Hemenway, Alice Carroll; Weekly or MonthlJ' conunercial statio"". 'I1IIrotigb. ~pets: JOhn. Wetlaufer, John WSRN facilities WVCH will' Fischer, Keith Richardson, Robert WARREN PIERCB give Nason', bar'to BIoom; I ne: Fred . a special .broadcast of an original Swarthmore 6-2078 radio play written and produced trombone:. Donald Li;tUe; ~: by Dr. Henry Gleitman of the flllBarry ~wmn; tuba: Robert Gilfaculty entitled "Angel Out of Pa. an: plano: Brenda "o~ Gra~ill, tience" and will be heard on Sat- DebbIe !Reeder, and· percussIOn: PETER DI NICOLA urday. June 3, at 4:30. The cam- Susan Braun,. Ann Hay, Carol mencernent addniss .nf Thomas LIncoln and Junmie Robinson• I i These are' "the shape of things to come" on every road you ·travel by car. These shapes can shape your destiny-' for the care with which you pay attention to them will prolong your life. These shapcs are the road signs that blueprint a travelogue of SAFETY. Heard Over WSRN bid Of or _each aDd conthe person d'irmcontrRctor to whom the tract is awu'ded shall execute a conU'act aDd IfUmIsh bcmds as ~~~:::;::~~:~-:I: =d~~~r; lIIall bids. III - e=========-===~;;;;;;;;~;,;;;;~;;;;;dJl2T-5-19 • I Elliott Richardson BoIWllh Secretar7 To Graduate May 29 Steen L. Meryweather, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Meryweather of Phi1adeiplhfa, formerly. Of Swarthmore will gpaduate from the East Stroudsburg State Tea~ers College on May 29. He will receive the degree of Bachelor of Science. His major field is Health. and Physical Education with minors in General Science and Social Studies While in college, Meryweatlher. played Soccer and was on the track .leam He served as vice presid.Jmt of his Sophomore class Cellar Walls Be·Plastered Phone Svr.u1hrnore 6-2526 '==~:;;::;;::;;::;;:==:;;:~~~~ l A. Mercer Quinby i'UNERAL DmEC'l'OR Formerly of Media . U25 W. Lehigh Ave., PhI1a Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge for suburban calls f..~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HH!=1t=St=1t=JHHMt=S .....t=JC!=(l'""! and presl\lent. of his junior class. He was also a member of the varsity US" Club; the Health and Physical Education Club; and the Men's Execu.tive Council Since 1905 CUNNINGHAM Painters & Paper Bangen We shonld know bow Swa. 6·2266 MlCllIpn Ave. Mrs. Thomas W. Simpers of the ,-...~-~,,",~,",~,",~...... ~q~=~~,",~,",~~~~-~=~~1J;.l~ Swarthmore Apartments and her , daughter Mrs. David Bingham of ROOFS GU'X'IDS South Princeton avenue entertainRE.AIRED & INSTALLED ed at a tea from 3 to 5 last ThursWARM-AIR BEATl,NG day at the home of Mrs. Bingham: Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Ryerson of Elm avenue entertained Mrs. GEORGE MYERS Ryerson's mother Mrs. James Michlgan Ave., Sw. 6-2266 Hamilton of Birmingham, Mich. r Complete Home . and Building Maintenance Bids submitted on the following type work • • • Lawn Mowing, Shrnb and Hedge Care WllndoWB Cleaned. Screens and Storm Sashes "'....lled . and Removed F8undatlO~ and Ce1lano \ Waterproofed inside walls cleaned, painted, papered and plastered Also all tn>es of earpeniry, elecirlc, plumbing, oulsltle palntlag, and roofing work AlQ' work needed to repair, renovate or maIn&aili' ),our pr'operiy , PETER E. TOLD All LInes Of Insurance 383 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. ill UNITED SERVICES Residential Wiring S. M. HARBISON FRED -HOEFEL SWARTHMORE 6·3328 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. , • Swarthmore 6-0740 . DEW DROP INN a.-",.s, - £ ...dI - Dinner - I Closed Every Sunday Open '1 A. M. to 8 p. M. Monday Thru Saturday OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE DAILY D .... e •• aSc1:o fLeo . Special ChUmn'. Platters .. MAY JI, 1950 THE SWARTHMOBEAN -===~==~~==-===~=-------~=====-~----------------~--~==~=====-----~--------~.------gifts rather than loans. Contri... One Delivery Red Cross Meets for Reports Five Seniors Following instructions :from thp butions Of money toward the purThe spring meeting of the Receive Sclwlarships Post Master General, the &warth- chSse of a used crib would also CALENDAR SET FOR H.S. SENIORS WednteSday, June 14th Last Day Of School With the approach of June days, special plans and calendar for the last weeks of school have b"een completed. Seniors will begin their' examinationS on May 29, to continue, except for the holiday, for the rest of the week. The baccalaureate service will be held at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 4, at 5 p.m., the services being conducted by the local ministers. Monday evening, June 5, will be the traditional Senior Banquet at Whittier House and on Tuesday ,evening, June 6, at Clothier Memorial at 8 o'clock the annual commencement exercises will be held. Adniission to commencement is by ticket only. Other high school classes will have regular sessions up to Wed.. nesday, June 7, when the ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades' will begin their examinations" to continue for the rest of the week. Pupils will then return on Wednesday morning, June 14, fo!: the Moving-Up Day Exercises and to receive th~ir reports, as will all the pupils of the schooL June 14, is the last day of school The pl,lpils in seventh and eighth grades will have' .classes up to Wednesday afternoon, and then on Thursday and Friday mornings, Jime 8 and 9, they will have morning sessions only, with special classes, assemblies, cpld homeroom meetIngs. Monday, June 12, will be devoted to make-up examinations, arid on Tuesday, June 13, the sixth grade classes from Rutgers aDd College Avenue Schools. as well as some sixth grade pupils from out-of-town, who will be in the seventh grade nexi; year. will visit the junior high school to become ,acquainted with teachers and rooms. The elementary Classes will continue May 31, and on Thursday. June I, the conferences will begin and continue until Wednesday, June 7. There will be morning classes only in the grades. the afternoons being devoted to conferences. Following the conferences. the morning classes will continue for the rest of the week and up to June 14. This will be the closing day. School will, re-open Monday, September 11, for the 1950-51 school year. the teachers reporting' for workshop conferences on Wednesday. September 6. . Swarthmore branch of 1be American Red Cross was 'held Friday at the home of the chairman Mrs. LaRue Hendrixson on North Chester road. The following committee chairmen presented their repor.ts: Mrs. Rlelps Soule blood donor; Mrs. John A. Good. camp and hospital; Mrs. Avery Blake canteen; Mrs. George Karns, di~aster; Mrs. Harry L. Miller, Gray Ladies; !Mrs!. Rodman McHenry, l.Tunijor Hied Cross; Mrs. R. T. Baltes, lD>tor corps; Mrs. L. A. WeUaufer, staff aides; Mrs. Percy G. GUbert"production; Mrs. Wayne Randall. nurses aid; Mrs. HenrY Ford, home nursing; Virginia Rath, First Aid; Mrs. Clair Wllcox. college activities; R. T. Bates, 1950 Fund Drive. more Post Office will have only be moot welcome. MTB. J. David one delivery a day, starting Jadb.on, 215 Vassar avenue (teleditor of the Yearbook. active Thursday, June 1. ephone SWarthmore 6-3826) is in in dramatics, radio, projectioo, charge of receiving cribs and doand intramural sports. Seek Cribs For Blind Babies nations. The Elizabeth. Hubbard Bonsall The Swarthmore Alumnae ABScholarship. presented by the Wo- sociation of Delta Gamma is mak- Tennis Club Opens Tomorrow . man's C:I~ ~ been awarded to ing an appeal for ten seoond-hand Through the courtesy of the CoICarol Livingston. While her 001- cribs whim. are needed by the ~ege the Swarthmore Tennis Club lege plans at present are uncer- Overbrook School for the Blind. is permitted to begin play on the tain, she is oonsidering enrolling The cribs are to be used for three College avenu~ courts this Satat Beaver ,College for the study 12-day summer sessions in July urday, May 27. Members are .exof art. SHe has been active in a and August when ten mothers and peeted to relinquish courts to stunumber of school organiunions. their blind babies, under three dents until Oollege clooes. including tlbe ~ Club. ~e Band, years of age. will be in residence Newly elected officers of the and other mUSlcal orgamzations. at Uhe school. The summer ses- Tennis Club are Curtis Wallin, The recipient of the Baccalaur- sions were instituted experiment- president; William Johnson. seceate Scholarshlp of about $90 is ally la~ summer to assist mothers retary-treasurer; and Ben Palmer, Fred Sales, who plans .to study of sighUeSs children to deal with chairman of courts. music education at West Chester the problems of traiIliIl'k their 00State Teachers College. He has bies to walk. feed themselves and Delta Gamma Hostess been active in Band and Orcheg. become independent and active Mrs. Donato Colafemina of MidBob Richardson Jr., of Park tra, is business manager of the children at as earlY an age as pas- dletown road, Lima will be hostess to Delta Gammas at an all-day avenue was recently elected to Yearbook. and is active in the sible. sewing on Tuesday, June 6. art and radio clubs of the school. The School desirt$ the cribs as Student Council at Penn State. I • , • • oJ TBE CDYSLERS ARE COMING difference in the value'You get for your money! ' Arid you'll find a. car priced just right for your pocketbook - for Now Chrysler's rolling at top production • • • new, new beautiful cars are being shipped as fast as possible. And , they're coming in a rainbow of colors Scout Ceremonjes (Continued from page one) Hanna. Barbara Ziegenfus. Allce Carroll. Nancy Moore, Ann Morse, Ellis Plowman. Katherine Shipherd. Helen Warren. Nancy Earnest, Judy Jarratt and ~ Whaley. Leaders Mrs. E. S. Groe and Mrs. R. M. Doyle. assisted by Mrs. LeRoy Peterson presented merit badges to the following members of Troop No. 269: Judy Abbe, Anna Mae Allison, Susan Braun, Evelyn !Bollitt, Nancy Bunker. Beverly Crowthers, Anne Driehaus, Wendy Ford. Mary Lou Friend. Joan Harral'. Ann Hay, Joan Hemenway. Peggy 1foch. Leigh Hollis. Lanie Hopper. Louise Johnson. Beth Jones. Carol Lincoln. Patsy McGonigle, Bonnie Moxey, Nancy Neuwiler. Mary Phillips, Sally Reaser,; Nancy Reese. Joanne Shearer, Susan Swartz, Carol Topping and Mimi Wisdom. . Troop No. 16, comprised of seventh graders who were busily preparing and serving dinner to the School Board that night, was unable to attend the ceremonies. Although the girls' names were read, and the awards mentioned, the troop, under the leadership of Mrs. Walter Magee; assisted bJ' Mrs. John MacNair, will bold its own Court of Awards .Tune 12 in the Scout Bouse. (Continued from page one) / Chryslers come in a wide range of -in all kinds of .mart body styles, from long, low and lovely sedans ••• prices from the sensationally modest sleek convertibles ••• to America's most beautiful hard top convertible, the Chrysler Newport. through the luxurious New Y orkera priced Royal and Windsor models up and Saratogas to the glorious Crown Imperials. , 'Once' again we're ready to demonstrate how great engineering ••• great comfort • • • great performance • • • great safety make the greatest possible Come see the moat beautiful Chryslera of all time. Drive theml Co~pare them! And you'll be doubly glad you waited I I. HANNUM and WAITE CHESTER ROAD & YALE AVENUE : , • , . f: • "- ..... ~ '-' ... • ~ ., • - " .. ~ ,