, . 9W~rthmoreCollege Ll~r~ry ~~lf\rthmore J Pa. . . I To < 'J THE SWARTHMOREAN I SWAR~ORE, VOLUME 22,-NUMBEB' 31 72% EXPENDED FOR .INSTRUCTION Tax Yield Supplies 65 Pe.rcen;.t Of iiudge.t ' , Attention . . ..." .". '~eners The annual Flower Sbiow, sponsored by the Garden Section of the Woman's Club has , been. set for Tuesday, September 12. Gardeners should pam-, per their flowers ,.and get out their containers! .As usual ·there will be classeS for speci- The" Flowerless FBD>AY, AUGUST 4, 1950 $3.50 PER YEAR ~-------------=----~~==--===-==~~------~ MRS. J. KEIGHTON BURIED TUESDAY Long-Time R~8ident Succumbed At Home Friday Pubic Hearing . Borough Council will hold' a Public Hearing Qn MondaY!, August 7, at 7:30 p.m. in Borough Hall. The question will be whether or not to retain Rent Control in S'Jarthmore. SRA, FERRY TRIP NAME MISS FOLEY GUJDANCE HEAD Mrs. Daniels Succeeds Miss Blodgett As Music Director The annuBl \~~~iaIre'port :of ~nS and - ior arrangements, Funeral services for Mrs. Jane The Swarthmore School Board the School District of Swarthmore something for everyone to (p8l'- Hunter Keighton of 1 South Chesannounces the election of two adfor the year '~d;'ng-j-wY 1950',has ticipate in. The schedule will ter road, were conducted by the ditional staff members for the been comple{M and reported to be announced later. Rev. J. Jarden Guenther at 2 school f()r next year. As teacher the Departinent 'ot PulSlle- IitsirUc~' o'clock Tuesday afternoon in the of vocal music the Board has election by the ,~tary, Hilda Lang Patterson Funeral Home on BaltiP:t;ogram Finalities ted Elva Smith Daniels of Mount Airy, Germantown. Mrs. DanDenworth. This report summarmore avenue, Media. Interment Stress Aid Of izes the financial condition of the was in Eastlawn cemetery. iels has her bachelor's and masMany ter's degree in music from Temple School District for the fiscal year Mrs. Keighton ~ho passed away Uiliversity. She has taught three 1949-50. Friday night at her home had not The concluding week of activiThe report shows that total exbeen in good health fo\' the past ties of the Swarthmore Recreation years in the Warminster, Bucks Penaitures by the School' District In Winning Stride year, but had been bedfast only the Association ended wt Friday with County Schools and four years at for the year just closed amounted N T~W. last two weeks of her life. She a ferry-boat ride for the primary Collingdale: She will ,bring to the music program of the schools a to $291,328.95, of which $265,826.20 OW 0 ill was the last surviving ch~er group. great talent at the piano, a suc~as for current expenses involved . Series tr.ember of the Woman's Auxiliau' in the operation. of the schools, ot Trinity . Episcopal Church. . Thirty-two youngsters and a few cessful record in building an ele$1~,595.05 was for debt servl~ After a series of delays and Swarthmore of which Mr. Guen. mothers drove to the Chester- mentarY' school music program and $5,927.70 was for capitol out- postponements the Hornets finally ther, now in charge of St, Peter's Bridgeport ferry where they wer( and-a talent for writing and edilay. , pl~ed off their first half tie in the Great Valley, is an ex-rector. guests of Mr. Kapulski, general ting music, for she is serving as ' ed fr om a Wl'th' L ~sd owne on R i· This money was d erlV verVlew Born in Philadelphia on June 20, manager of the ferry line. The music editor of the Instructor number of sources, as follows: field on Monday night and emerged 1874 Mrs. Keighton mO!Ved to Children were taken aboard the magazine. from property' taxes of which'victorious by a score of 4-1. The Swarthmore as a bride of one Lackawanna, which is the one After carefully considering the recommendations of the Survey $$209,558.88 was current tax and ~niets thus won the first half year. She and her husband W. buopapterwidtheckanwuaspperres·derecvedk,anfodrththaet 5,436.42 delinquent tax. This championshi,l1 of the Edco League ' Committee made last spring, the total provided 62.5% of the and will play .the wilmers of the Barker Keighton, editor of the exclusive enjoyment of the Board has decided 'to add to the receipts of the yeai'. It is noted second naIf after that has ibeen Weekly Rent Record and Sales Swarthmore group. 'Mr. Robert faculty of the high school a guid. that the collections were 96% of decided. The playoffs for the List, a Philadelphia real estate Cornog, of the ferry line, explained ance counselor and have appointed the amount levied, which is con- le~gue championship will probably paper, purchased the house at the mechanics of the boat and al- Miss Jewel C. Foley of Bryn !Mawr sidered very good. The nextt take place within the next week. 307 Y~e avenu~, 5~ years ago. lowed each child to go into the to this position. Miss Foley, a forlarge~t t:ecelPts item was the !rite Hornets slumped somewhat Mr. Kelghton died m 1939 and pilot house and watch Captain mer teacher or" Mathematics and Mrs, Keighton and her daughters Turner steer the vesseL While Science, has served as school tuition ot non~resident pupils, during the second half, losing four t· ed to Ii th til· which provided 16% of the mcome out of five games during one con ~u .ve ere un SlX this· was going on, two complete counselor in the Lansdale Schools or $55,257.49. The balance on period of time but have lately years ag? when they moved to round .trips across the river were and the Norristown schools. She .hand at the beginning of the year' recovered their winning stride and the SO,uth Chester road apartment, completed. has also had experience as a So- _ . . A son, Walter B. Keighton, Jr., and ....' was $36,061.11, or 11 % of the should have a good .chance to win five grandchildren Charles, Robert, In the meantime, Mr. Kapulski cial case worker in the Neighbor'receiptS. The state appropriation the title. • J une, J ames and ' 'V' . had started ,off. in the newest hood Leagqe at Wayne ana LeSlie n.elgh:ton on account of teache:r's salaries 'W88 " Monday night's game with Lans- of Cedar lane survive in addition ferry boat,', the Chester, and, for had industrial experience when $34,682.33, or 10% of the income. downe was featured by Billy to the daUght~ tile Misses Martha the special ,benefit of the Swarth- she worked for the 'National , ~e wr!fe several miscellaneous Ziegenfus' steady pitchblg, Jack and Irma Keighton.' more children, gave an exciting Union Radio Corporation of LansItems which brought up the total Th9mpson's and Snyder's Mrs. Keighton 'was one of the demonstration of fire hoses in dale. A graduate of the UIiiverreceipts to $343,547.54. clutch hitting. While not at full action. This was the only time sity of Pennsylvania, she has her , last two surviving charter memThe report shows that the 'assess- strength, the team functioned bers of the Swarthmore Fire Com- these hoses have. been used except master's degree from the ed valuation of the real estate in smoothly and capably. pany Auxiliary. During. World fol" actual. service. ~he Lacka- place-and has in addition studied the district was $6,192,365, against On Tuesday evening the Hornets War I she served lis captain of wanna slowed down m order to guidance techniques at Columbia which was levied ~or school'pur- defeated EE;\St LanSdowne 5-2 in Red Cross Canteen Services under get ~e full ~~n.efit of the ~ater University. At present she is poses a 35 mill tax. This brought their last scheduled game of the Mrs. George Childs W. Drexel. spraymg exhibitIon, so that It be- working for her doctorate at the .' the face of the tax duplicate up second half. Jim Logan, pitched She had been a registry assessor c~me neoesscu: t9 let off :steam University of Pennsylvania. Miss Foley will bring to the work, broad to $218,208.03. effectively and was aided con- in Swarthmore a member of the wIth a deafer,tmg roar. This, the The total expenditures of the siderably in the last inning when ' children s";d was as exCI·ting as experience, a trained outlook and Swarthmore Woman's Club and a ..... , School District are distributed "in the team completed it's first triple dir to f th 1 al b f th the Swarthmore Fourth of July a keen understanding of children eight departments. Six of these play of the season. N ~ r 0 k ~~~ £ ran~ ~ she water fight with sound effects an({ their problems. .. wor are designated items of current The Clippers have now com.plet- ee ell ted :~ ;: 3~ e a~ded! , expense and include the following: ed their schedule' 'ifor the season annu y ero e . garAid M' W k A. General Control-$8,055.17, or while the Midgets still have two ments. Her hobby was Phi1~te1y. This unusual climax brought the . 19rant or ers .3%; B. Instruction-$192,719.32, or games left on their schedule, one • summer program to an end tor the George M, Stabler of Rogers primary group. ' Lane, Wallingford, is spending the 72.5%; C. AuxlliaryAgencies and with Yead~n at home tomorrow Coordinate Activities-fi2,611.87, morIting and one next Saturday. ' The most serious problem for summer in Michigan and Illinois, or 5%; D. Operation of School at Springfield Mrs. J. Francis Taylor, director of assisting in the program of aid for • Plant-$30,053.83, or 11%; E. summer activities at Rutgers, was migrant fann workers of the Maintenance 'of School PIali.t MRS. PHEBE E. McNAIR , ', m~ 'parshOrtagt toe :_~~~:eqCl'enuiPtmfunentds dfuOe ·AmHomerel'cMa.iSsions Council of North r $9,728.67, or 4%: and F. Fixed D t f th 1 al cba t f .uUOLUll Mrs. Phebe Elizabeth McNair, tree ors 0 e oc . p er 0 this 'd· rt to th .char 6 , ges--$12, 57.34, or 4.5%. The th Am' C S · ty D 1 purpose an m pa e Mr. Stabler is a graduate of soof W Irvmg' MeN"';" of, 'In'el_ e encan aneer OCle , e - 'e ce ti ..11_ 1,...... llm t. total current expen~tures were -':-1'... w.uo;:. .~ YT' C ty . x P on-..." .acuse enro· en ciology at the University, of WisleslCIV rood, ~o'-'erly nk R iMorey 1eaped mloU . ~- the consin in Madison. $26 , 5,826.20, most 'of which have to-~ a; J. .. ~ , of Wm'ter aware e l oun l SUmt, . Dr. A. Max- Fr~. do . With direct instructional ser- Park, Fla., passed away August w harp, PresIdent, reported breach by providing an eJ!ftra ' 2 at ,the Presbyterian H9SPital, that a total of $28,726.66, had b e e n ' , In Leelanau County, Mich., he vices f011 children. 'Addltion,aa. contributed to the now completed room for the s~nd four-year assisted in a program that includexpenses included, debt service at ::!~d~~:~;~~wing an o~- 1950 F\md Drive! pr. Sharp pro- group, and supplying bl~ from e4 counselling, recreation, social a cost of $19,575.05, which covered A memorial service will be held posed .the apointment of a' full- Colleg~ Avenue. An entire set service work, education and rethe reduction of debt and tne at the graveside at Elmwood Cem:' time, paid executive director, and of ~ulp,?ent' 'was borrowed from ligious services for the 200() mip~ent of outstanding bonds etery, New Brunswick, N. J.~ Sat- . the expansion of services to the Media Friends School. The R~ger grants and then; families who go amounting to $14,000. Capital urday morning, August 5 . p ' 0 0 r , Other recommendations ~ussells ~t a week-end build- there every year at cherry-picking Outlay items amounted to $5,927., were that .. the educational pro- mg. a ~ing saw ho~e and time. In Illinois, he helped e 70. . gram at the high, school level their chil~n ga-:r a nuniber of briefly on a similar program and The largest items have to do MaS. FRED A. BRILL ,should be accelerated and that ~ollow blocp which they and en- then made a survey of the state's with expenses of instruction and Mrs, Sarah E. S. Brill, widow the Board look into the develo~ lo~ed for ?"e~ ..Randolph Lee also migrant situation for use in planrelated activities under Depart- of Dr. Fred A. Brill, former Plilla- ment of a v()lunteer file, where bUllt a climbmg saw horse and a Ding future programs of assisments B and C. In these $157,- delphia dentist, died Saturday at both the skills and time which vol- smaller lwrse ~d. presented them tance.· 746.59 were for teachers' salaries her h 7 W' S ti d, .,.;' to the Association. 'The 1J0ward ome 5 • ta on roa unteers have availaole would be Jackson family contributed several Government estimates indicate and $21,524.79 were for staff sal- Ocean City, N.J., after a brief'ill- listed. that there are about 2,500,000 miaries. An additional $12,330.30 ness. She was 77. wheel toys, puzzles and various In the five years that the Dela- other items, . grants and their families who was spent on text books, instrucMrs. BrUI. a resid~t of Park ware County Unit has 'been in make a precarious living by foltion suppli,es, and other expenses avenue, Swarthmore for more existance, much progress has been Mrs. Taylor also' wishes to in- lowing the !harvests around the of ~ction.' The expenditures than. 20 years, is survived by a made in aiding' Cancer victims. dicate her appreciation to ~e fol- country. for coordinate activities cover son, Fred A. Brill, Jr., of Cynwyd,; Among :the features of the pro- ~f~gu' ardsladld'e::!~~ thtb.eire'vfsi~t as The· Home !Mission.s Oouncil, the with principally nursing senice. cafe- and foUT daughters,Mrs. Marian 1'ft are a ''Loan C,loset",. from. .... ""6 VA; t t taff teria servi d t o·~ p..tI'l'llD_ grou;p to the MO' a permanen IDlgran s ce, an support o. ex- D. Chamberlin of Ardmore, Mrs. whiab e,quipment is taken to pa- pool·~Be07th Presto .. r_..: ClTOW of 15 and some 200 additional tracurricular activities of the Flort!Dce A. HarriS of Manoa, Mrs. tientshomes for their and' n, .lY.J.Q,uon -:amp- summ ke h _-Jed -'-_..:t .. . bell, Elizabeth Garrahan and a ..... ;....~;--wor rs, as <=a..lTJ. out ~ Ruth E. Preston of Penn Wynne, the n"~~-" service which. has t th 1_ f ...... .-.....s M ........."'et Smith. ..~w.J 0 ese peop_ or ,The excellent financial cOndition and Mrs. Kathryn H. D61inan of supplied over 21,987 dressinp for ~e~ . nearJy 30 years. The program of the School District is shown by Collegeville. the patients. Dr•. Ned Wj))i~ president of now extends·in 26 states and IS the large margin of assets over ServideS and Interment were the Association, expressed ~tfs- supported by the memti'ers of 22 llabWties. The total assests of the held Tuesday in Lebanon. Mrs. Ernest Lewis of Yale ave-faction at the terminati4il of a ,najor Protestant denominations. District are $1,283,095.60; of wh1ch nue entertain~ at a luncbeon at !Successful "unmer pro_ $1,020,U9.0'1 are for school buDdMr. JamesR. MacPherson of her' home SaturdaY In bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of ings, aites,- textbooks, and equip- Haverford avenue left Saturday Miss Helen Margaret Keenen of which, was due in large ~ to Lafayette avenue entertained as ment. On this school property the to spend a few days in CbatauqUa, Harvard avenue who will be mar- the tine work and c:ooperativeness their week-end guest Miss Vivian (Contiuued CIIl' page six) N.Y. ried September 2.. of every staff """""er•. Dolezal of Swedesboro, N. 11. '3: THRILLS YOUNG HORNETS CLINCH '1 ST EDCO H'ALF ' " \ l J r ~ I I II ., ~ ' nuss ..... same ; h :n. ,'f COUNTY CANCER TOTAL $28 726 _'7 use.. 0"_ \ \ • ,I .;. .-", .. '." , '. ',"" .: - . ... ", : , ;,,~ ~ ~. ,'" ',-. .,;- - -.'. 2 THB PERSONALS 81fABTBMOB~AN AUG;vsT 4. 1950 AUGUl!/l' 4, 1950 T BEll W ~ B T B KOBE AN NAMES ATTENDANTS Mr, and Mrs. Joseph KenMrs. Walter MacFarland of nedy of Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Percy G. Gilbert of Park Swedesboro, N. J., will be matron Carroll Freed of Frederick, Md., avenue spent last week in Woodof honor :for Miss Helen Walker and Miss Mildred Sharinahan, stock, Vt., and While there visited "CHECK YOUR CAR" Worst, daughter of Mrs. Clarence Miss Alice Anderson, and Mrs. her daughter Harriet, a counselor w. WoOrst of Harvard avenue, and Ethel Hennessey, all Of Lynn, "CRECK at CatIJp Ogontz, Lisbon, N.H. the late Mr. Worst, at her mar- Mass. Mrs. Edward H. Cooley, her riage to !M:r. Peter C. Nowell, son BIGHT IN THE CEN'I'EB OF TOWN daughter Susan and son Douglas, of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Nowell TURNER MARSHALL left Friday for their new home Media, which will take place SatMiss Mary Marshall, daughter RUSSELL~S near Portland, Ore., Route 1, Box urday, September 9 in Trinity of Mrs. John Marshall of West 477 A, Oswego, Ore. Mrs. Cooley "Boh" Atz, Owner ' Church, Swarthmore. Chester formerly of Swarthmore, and family have been visiting The bridesmaids will be Miss became the bride of Mr. Co,n".d SW' 6·0440 DaJ.'bllouth & Lafayette Aves. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cooley of Mary Worst, sister of the bride, W. Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. I~~:;:;! Columbia avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Joan Thornbalm, Miss Mar- Brinkley Turner of Wynnewood, ,; Waldo B. Davison of Va~sar avejarie Black of Swarthmore, on Saturday at 4 o'clock on the nue. Miss Katrina Bogardus of SI)ri".g··llawn of the Marshall home, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tomlinson field. "Green Forrest". The Rev. J. Jarand Miss Helen Tomlinson of South Carol and Jane Oakey or Rose den Guenther, rector of St. Peter's Chester road have returned fol- Valley. cousins of the bride, will Church in the Great Valley, Palowing an eight-day vacation at act as flower girls. ali, formerly of Swarthmore, Lenape Village in the Poconos. A reception will follow at ficiated.. BEAUTY SALON Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of horne of the bride's mother. The bride, given in marriage UApplebrook," Park avenue is enTO I.OOK REFRESHED IS TO BE,REFRESHED The bride-ta-be was guest her uncle, !Mr. Frank Bechtel of tertaining this SUmmer her cousins honor at a burffet supper and CI"ymont. Dei., wore an afternoon Mrs. S. D. Watson and daughter bridge given last Wednesday dress oC 3qua and white damask Call Swarthmore, 6-(K76 Miss Miriam Watson of Enola evening by Mrs. MacFarland linen. featuring a cape of em9 Chester Road Plantation, Waterproof, La. the home of her parents Mr. broidered organdy. She carried Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jacobs of fv1rs. William H. Gehring of Uni- an old-fashioned bouquet of whitel~I=:=-IO:I.;.:II:::!!:==I:;:!!:==:!!:==::II==:!!:=I:::!!:===:iII==::II9 North Princeton avenue returned versity place. roses ilnd wore a wreath of ivy last week from a two week autoMiss Worst was entertained last and white delphinium in her hair. Delicious Dinners to sult the taste of BVel'J'one mobile trip around the Gaspe evening with a surprise kitchen Mrs. John K. Meneely of Albany, TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to order Penninsula. They made a short shower given by Miss Mary Jane N.Y .• sister Of the bride, and Miss visit in Castleton, Vt., with the Servais of Dickinson avenue Heather Champion of England, MARGIE'S FAlIIOUS CINNAlIION BUNS on SUNDAY , George de Forrests, former resi. !Jster, Mrs. Foster Nowell. Jr., as maid of honor. wore full skirts EVERY THURSDAY 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. SERVE YOURSELF dents of Strath Haven avenue, of Lansdowne. of pink cotton of ballerina length BUFFET SUPPER $1.00 and on the way home stopped in with blouses of pink organdY. Comfortable Rooms Day or Week. Bar Harbor and Cape Cod. Elevator WALSH - DlMMl'I'T They carried old-fashioned bouThe Dimmitt, marriage daughter of Miss of Mrs. mixed flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Haig Anne Mr. or Albert E, Turner, Ill, bro- STATE AUTO INSPECTION ACCIDENTS" SERVICE I The Bouquet I M:.~~aretlquets STOATH' HAVEN, INN n of Riverview road spent last week- Mary Robnett Dimmitt of Rutgers ther of the bridegroom. served as Swarthmore, Pa. Telephone Swarthmore 6-0680 end with their son and daughter avenue and Mr. L. M. Dinunitt of best man. WESTERN UNION OFFICE FREE 'PARKING in-law Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. New York City, to Mr. The couple are on a short hon- '~~tel!Cj:!it Haig of Westfield, N.J. Their Howard· Walsh, son of Mrs. Mar- eymoon trip to Vennont. : daughtel Roberta left on Friday garet M. Walsh of Philadelphia, to vacation in Whitefield, N.H. took place Saturday afternoon a~ 2 CHRISTENED for three weeks. l p.m. in the rectory of the Ch,urch I .John Edward Moist and JacqueMr. and Mrs. F. Norton Landon of the Holy Child in North Phila- lyn Elizabelh MOist, children of DinIn&' Room ()pen To PubIIo of Princeton avenue have been delphia. Father William J. MoGin- l\1ajor ·and Mrs. Robert E. Mtlist entertaining their daughter, Mrs. ley officiated. . .,ft"rnooini of Mitchell Field, N. Y., ,e"'.1 Richard F. Bovard 'who was here The bride chose an christened Sunday aftemoon at for a ten day visit. Mrs. Bovard length gown of pale blue dotted the home of Major Moist's mother, returned to her home in Clarks- SwlSS Over blue taffeta. The off-the Mrs. George Manaton of ParkSide. burg, W.Va., on Wednesday. -shoulder neckline was edged with The Rev. Carlos A. Avila of Mary - Leigh Elmore of Balti- white piping, and her sash, and Albuquerque, N. M., uncle of more Pike, Swarthmore is spend- button trim also of white. Her children, performed the cel,enIOD,y.1 tANiSIE!i"f GUES'1'8 ing the summer with.. her grand- bonnet was white and she wore a A buffet Slipper followed and Rlltgers Avennes Phone Swar&hmoI'e 8-8'111 ·parents Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Page white orchid corsage. christening. Among those .atten-I~~~ of Randolph, N.H. Miss MBry Frances Dimmitt as ding were PrOfessor and wore a John H. Pitman of Vassar avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Graeme G. Whyt- attendent for her sister a,cc,es"orie",1 law, of Cornell avenue have return- beige dress with b1ade grandparents. of the babies,· and :anadi.1 and a small white straw hat members of the immediate famC ~ ed (rom a vacation in black. trim. where they cruised the Saguenay Joseph Collins of Conshohocken ilies • and then spent a week in Nova was best man for Mr. Walsh. . Scotia. BIRTH A reception fOlloweli at 132 RutMr. and Mrs. Edmund Jones of gers avenue where the ;gu,es.ts Cornell avenue are receiving c:mTO ATTEND BRIDE were received before a fireplace .gratulations on the birth of a sun, Miss Barbara Krase of '[iiddlle,.1 banked with ferns and a magnifU Edmund Jones, town road, Elwyn, will ,be icent spray of white gladioli 2 B Alexander M 'ta on July 4 in ryn awr Hasp. J. , of honor for Miss Helen asters pierced wHh blue delphinThe baby is a grandson of Mr. Keenen, daU{lhter of Dr. and Mrs. ium. and Mrs. Henry W. Jones of Frank G. Keenen "Of Harvard ave- . Mrs. Dimmitt chose a gown or Haverford avenue, arid of Dr. and nue, at her marriage to Mr. Wil- pink lace and chiffon. Her 9CHam DeForrest Fetzer, ",on of cessories were navy blue and her Mrs. Alexander C. Purdy of HartMr. and Mrs. Paul Lowell Fetzer small navy blue hat was b :iITun,ed I ford, GonD., and Buck Hill Falls. of Ridley Park, which will take with tiny flowers. Her COrsag9 place Saturday, September 2, was a pink and navy blue orchid. FOR • the Swarthmore The mother of the groom wore MAGAZINE Church. a navy blue print dress with na, SUBSCRIPTIONli The bridesmaids will be Miss vy accessories with a large pi,!ture I Mrs. Lloyd E; Kauffmaa Patricia !McCahan and Mrs. John hat to match. She wore a lal,el.d,,, I • Sprout of Swarthmore, Mrs. Rob- orchid corsage. Swarthmore &.2080 ert Huber of Cleveland, Ohio, Out-of-town guests included Mr. <' .. 13 South Chester Road , , Betty Piggott of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. J. S. Moss of New York Miss Elaine Title'of West Hatford~ City, Mrs. Forrest Cress of DeConn .. and Miss .Janet Warner of troit, Mich., Mr. Thomas Robnett Dallas, Texas. and Mr. Nesbet Robnett of Montclair, N. J., Mr. Stoner W. Yantis and Mr. Charles Yantis. of Lang_ Harvard Inn M, i OF SUMMER APPAREL • j ~. AN ANCIENT PROFESSION News Notes DEW DROP INN Mrs. H. F, Roberson of Albany, N.Y., and her daughter Miss Lillian Roberson of New Rochelle, I N.Y., who have been spending the I PETER Eo TOLD, Editor and l'nhllllher past month visiting Mrs. Rober1IIAIl,J01UE TOLD and BARBARA KENT. A8soeIate Edlton CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY Rosalie Peirsol Pat Told Lorene McCarter son's daughter Mrs. A. E. LongOPEN 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. well of Lafayette avenue, left Entered as Second Class, Matter, January 24, 1929, !It the Post Monday Thru Saturday Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Tuesday for a two-week vacation ! in :s.ockport, Mass. DAILY DINNERS 10 $1.80 DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Misses Anne and Pauline GuetSpecial Children's Plattf'H SWARTHMORE; PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1950 ter of Cornell avenue have returnClosed tor 2 week. be&'innill&' July 31-~e-open'8 Au&'llBt 141 ed from a two-week trip through the mid-west visiting friends, and their niece and her husband Mr. Presbyterian Notes and 'Mrs. Erik Hultburg, Jr., of At the 11 ,,'clock service SunDr. and Mrs. F. H. Murray have Indiana?olis, Ind. FINE and day morning the Rev. J. Stu;u-t returned to their home on Prince-I Carolme. FI~~erty of Guernsey Dickson, Pastor of .Glenolden ton avenue after a trip to the I road, a senl~r III September at the SUGCESTIONS FOR YOUR PANTRY Presbyterian Chureh will preach. P _w t Th I ft S th- Pennsylvanta Academy of the . a~c coas . ey e war F' Ar Ph'l d I h' h G. Wills Brodhead will be guest more June 21 to attend the annual me ts, • a e p 'a, . as reCall Swarthmore 6.3243 soloist. meeting of the American Protologic turned h?me after attendmg the The nursery for children aged Society in Los Angeles. They then Academy s . Summer School at two to six will be held Sunday at t· d th t Y 'te N Chester Sprmgs for seven weeks. , con mue nor 0 oseMl aM P L Whi k 11 0 clock on the second floor of t' aI P k' d S F r ' · rs. . . ta er of Park ave. . Ion ar an an anclSco, the Par,:,h. Houhase. Mrs. Damel Portland, Victoria, Vancouver and nue has returned from a threeTheatre Square Johnson .. ~ c rge.. Jasper National Park. After sev- week vacation to Lake Wmnepau. . . eraI d ays a t J asper they proceed ed . saukee, Center . Th.meet SurgIcal Dressmgs Group N.H., and I' WIll Wednesday mommg at to Banff d Lak Lo . d th South BerwIck, Harbor, Me. 10 in the upstairs of the Parish h' b an ef · S,:,"ep an I e~ Mr. and Mrs. Pierce MacNair House. All who are interested are c~~~ y way 0 • au an and children Victoria, Caroline, invited to come and bring a sandlcago. Andrew and Dora will move Monwich for the lunch hour. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Bassett day from Yale avenue to their The ministry of the Church of North Chester road left Tuesday newly purchased home at 322 can 'be reached during the for a week's trip to Maine. Maple avenue . mer by calling the Church Office Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris Latimer Mrs. Henry A. Piper and her son any m ommg'. and children Jay and Lindsey M W'lli P' N th h r. , am ,per of or C esmoved Friday from Drexel Brook ter road spent a two week vacation to Oak Crest lane and Rose Valley motoring through the southwest. Methodist Notes road, Wallingford. Mr. Latimer is Mr. Piper returned home by plane I Sunday School meets each Sunthe son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. while Mrs. Piper is now visiting day at 10 a.m. Latimer of Cornell avenue. Guest !preacher of the 11 o'cloCk Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Ford of her son Mr. Robert Piper • in AI- 1 buquerque, N.M. service Sunday morning will be Amherst avenue, entertained at a Dr. Henry E. Walheyof Philadel- neighborhood party Sunday eveMiss Barbara Brown of Walnut phia. ning in honor of the birthday an- lane spent last week vifiting her t'an Pitman will be in charge niversaries of Mrs. Avery Blake brother Mr. Richard Brown and of the Church ~ursery. and Mr. Richmond Fetherolf. family of College Park, Md. Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell De Dr.' and Mrs. Hallock C. CampBurlo, Jr., and small daughter Jane bell of Vassar avenue entertained CO~ Trinity Notes of Medford, Mass., have been as their house guest last week DIIICTOIS O. fUNIULS Holy Communion will be cele- spending the past week visiting Mrs. Charles Dakin of Trenton, brated at the eight o'clock service Mrs. De Burlo's parents Mr. and N.J. They will have as their 1820 CHESTNUT STREIT Sunday morning, and again at 11 Mrs Charles G Thatcher of Ogden guests for a week Mrs. Campbell's o'clock.' The Reverend John R. ave~ue.· brother and sister-in-law Mr. and • 6·"81 MARY A. lAIR. P,",d.'" Huggins, Rector of Calvary Bardwell Mrs. Allen Hutchinson and sons Mr. and Mrs. H, Richard and Jimmy who are en ' Church" Rockd.de, will be in Lincoln, Jr., of Ogden a"l'enue have . charge of the services during the been entertaining for two weeks route from Denton, Texas to their new home in Bridgeport, Conn. month of August. • Mrs. Lincoln's niece Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Carlton W. Croco ' The following will serve as. ush-I von Stein of Colorado Springs, W ulli J family of Hillborn ers: T. • Hopper, J. E. B ,tt, . Colo., who was en route to New and motored to, Elizabeth nearavenue PittsReynolds, C. B. Blake, A. H. England where her two sons have Kn abb,C. S. VaI enIine, J . S . been camping at Lake Winnepau- burgh last Wednesday a!ld visited, Thorn 'd E 0 C through Sunday with Mrs. Croco's pson, an, . . ramp. saukee, N. H. mother Mrs. William E. Carothers. i Major Frank J. Davies who has Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kelley Christian Science Notes beea stationed in Columbus, Ohio and daughters Carol and Joan, "spm.s . ·t"· theSUJeco b" t r the for year~, witht M his family . . .several .. h' d returned to their home in Seaford, .. LesSon-Sermon in aU hurches of 15 V1SLtng IS par~ s r; an Del., Sunday after a week's visit Christ, Scientist on Sunday Au- Mrs. James A. ~avles of Ced~r with Mrs. Kelley's parents Mr. t t ' 6 TheoenexIS. G Id T t" ''The lane before it'avmg for 'Japan md and Mrs. Charles C. Brogan of i gus. MD fruit of the Spirit .. · 1ave, JOY,. . September. ,rs. aYles I S J d d ' an Guernsey road. ~' I ngsufte.ring gentleness chIldren usan" 0 y, an Junmy Jean Galbreath of Benjamin faith, will return to their, former home West avenue left Monday for a I "perance: against such there is no at 215 Yale avenue. . 10-day visit with Mr. and Mrs. i ' 'iaw~" (Galatians 5:22,23) ~s. Bruce Harkness WIth her Matthew Evans of Sherwood I ' children Steven, Peggy and Laura Forest Md . will return to Chicago tomorrow ' after visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar West has returned Mrs. Lyle A. Whitset of Ehn ave- to her home on Ehn avenue fol- ' SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHi nue for two mouths. Mr. Hark- lowing a two-month visit in Des Sandal', A1I&'U8t 6 , ness has been studying at the Moines, Io\\!a. 11:00 AM.-'The Rev. J. Stuart Dickson, Pastor of the Presby- University of Chicago whp,re he terian Church of Glenolden received his Doctor of Philosophy MAN U MIT S C H 0 0 L ! will preach. The Church Nur- in j!:nglish in the summer con- 2 mlles So. of Hnlmesville on 513 sery will be open. vocation at the university. He will On SO-acre farm in Bucks Coun- I Wednesc1ay, Aocusf; 9 begin teaching at tlle University ty, boys & girls 6-1S practice de- , 10:00 A.M.-Swgical Dressings mocracy as they work & study: gronp lneets in Partsh iRouse. of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., in ~ep- in free, creative atmosphere. tember. Elementary & high school cur. METHODIST CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Richard Enion riculum. Small, informal classes. , Roy N. Keis.., D. D.~ Miniater and daughters Sara and Laura of Creative expression through Mu- ' SDDday,Aqust6 10:00 A.M. S~day Haverford aven.ue have returned sic, Art, Dramatics. . ' School Sports, riding, pets: Also coed meets. from a two-week automobile trip summer camp programs. School I 11:00 A.M.-Dr. Henry E. ~ to Cape Cod. term begins Sept. 18. Wn'te or RUSTED hey of Philadelphia PROTECIED preach. Mrs. G~ace Elmore and her phone .for catalogue: I In ordinary gasoline W. M. & B. G. C. Fincke, Box SM, In Sinclair Gasoline daughter Miss Eleanor Ehnore of B.D. 2, Bristol, P&., Comwells 0690 TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, A1IPS& 6 Baltimore pike, Sw,\!,thmore are I r;;:==;;;;;=;;;;;=;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ At fJI1 Ulr4 price you nOw get a gasoline with top power and 8:00 A.lIII.-Holy Comnwmion. 9n a two-week motor trip to New performallce plus Anti-Rust protection. You lleed this protection 11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Hampshire. because moisture condensation in your gasoline tank causes rust THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY and corrosion in your whole fuel system when you use ordinary Linda Smith of Amh~rst avenue OF FRIENDS gasOline. Steel rod at left i. heavily rusted after prescribed labentertained Sandra Jellinghaus of Sanday, August 6 oratory test in ordinary gasolille containing small proportion of 11:00 A.M.-Meeting !lor worship, Wihnington, Del., as her house water, as does your gasoline tank. o,mpare ~ at right after guest for, a few days. Vlaitors welcome. identic;aI teSt in new Sinclair GaSoline contaillillg RJ>.11,*, Dew . Honda,., Aqast 'I CAMERA & GADGET BAGS Mr. and Mrs. W. O. James of chemical illgred;ent Stops rust and corrosion, . All day sewing for AFS.c. FILM & FLASH BULBS Park avenue will entertain as their We«nMilpy, Aqud • Stop Rust and Corrosion that Damage Gas Tanks W.!ek~d guests Mrs. James' DARK ROOM NEEDS All day sewing for AFS.C. co)lSins Dr. and Mrs. Donald B. PROJECTORS - Clog fuel Pumps - Carburetor' Jets _ FIRST CHURCH OF Strohm of Englewood, N.J. _ ALBUlIIIS CHJIIS'1iscmmsr SLIDE & REEL CASi'S OF SWARTHIIOM Mr. Wesley Wagner of Park Park Avenue below lIarvud avenue will leave today to spend a SLiDE 8. MOVIE 811111'1ay, A..-& 6 . . year working in Vienna, Austria. 11:80 A.Jl.-8uadai SeI!OoL Mrs. David McCahan and. \ler 11:00 A.Jl. - T • _ Sennon daughter Betty of Strath Haven '~" W~~m7"1 avenue are spending a few we ks . MCh weeIr. • p.m. a.? c _ on the farm of the former's bro- STAn: '" HONROB S"'R..... ap., dail7 GcIIpt &""'Q' 12 .. MEDIA 1-117' I p.m. Wer!: 'q _ .... 7 • ther Mr. Richard Morse of St. l\IIicbael's, lIIId. ' 7:111 p,m. ea;t • to ".10. J'llBLI8IDD E'EltY FRIDAY AT SWARTIDIORE, PA. THE 8WAaTIDIOBEAN, INC.. PUBLISHER • _ _ _ _ _ _..:P..:h::".:;:Re SW_ar&Iua __ .re 6-08,00 __ •_ _ _ __ B,.aldlUl - £unc:1J - Dinne, asc • NEWS NOTES CAKES PASTRIES THE CAKE BOX '=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sum- • • I I AIR CONDITIONED I • OLIVER H.' BAIR TOP PERFORMANCE PLUS NEW l 'g~ess~ ANTI-.RUST PROTECTION m~ess, tem~ NO EXTRA PRICE · Chureh' S erVICeS I I College Theatre Caree,. '(OU,.ses in genero', portrait. commercial and color photogrophy. Short specialized evening cou,.,es in all phases. Under direc' SUperYisioh 01 America', bert· known t.olor photog. raphe,.. Writ. for Catalog 23 .. YAWN SCHOOL OF PHOTOGRAPHY Phll.delphla· LOcust 3·6244 Broad & Sprlni Garden SIS. AIR CONDITIONED Friday and Saturday Anne Baxter - Dan Dalley ''TICKET TO TOMAHAWK" A Musical Comedy in Technicolor! Feature Times Sat Nite Only ,'6:00, - 8:00 and 10:00 P.M. Children's Special Matinee - I P. M. "SHAGGY" 4 Cartoons - Serial Monday and, Tuesday J. Arthur Rank's "AS'I'ONISBBD 1lEAB.T" N ....I Coward - CeUa .Jobnson ..,,, e 1'11<.. 8~ ..... ~8..... ... Wednesday and Thursday Palll Daadu In "TIm BIG Ip'r' • MEDIA DELIGHTFULLY AIR CONDITIONED Friday and Saturday Margaret Sullavan Wendell Corey "NO SAD SONGS FOR ME" Kiddies Mat. Sat. 1:15 Roy Rogers Westem 7 Cartoons Also "Little Big House" REGULAR FEATURE NOT SHOWN Sunday OntY!:--RoyRopq "TWILIGHT ON THE SIERRAS" ~onday-and -TuCSdayWalt DIsney's "CINDEBEI.I.:\." Added: Oar Gang Comedy Wednesday and ThurSday Lew -'Ye... - Teresa WrIa'h& "TilE CAPTIlRE" Starting Friday.~,- LouIs IIaJ'wanI Patricia' _odin;' 'FORTUNEs OF CAPTAIN BLOOD" • Pharmacy ill one of the e" of all the learnecI p%Qfesa-. It had its becinninc more than fear thousand years qo, and baa hem practiced in one form or anotller 7 • The modem dnac store bears little resemblance to ever since. the apothecary of old. Yet, tIDday'a pharmacist is inspired by the IllUDe Mall . able principles that governed the c:onduct of his Conibeara. The phannaciat'a c:bief interest, now _ tIten, is the relief of sufFerinc and the proIm ... nre. 'tiaD of Prescriptions come first in our ....... Your do ctor IJl8T oot like to I1!CIOhM d .... part:icuIar pharmacy" but he will DeVer IIIIIDplain if you briDe his JlI'eecriptlooa to . . 1, li••••I'. o.llep " ••' •• • Gin. • CXJ&Da ,_ ' I I PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES rh¥ ,(/II' ROGER RUSSEu, -51NCLAI ' ,M1lNUHGASOLBNES FUSCO and ALSTON Chellter ... Falniww, • a,... PhOllI S'WartbmoIe ..1 II .- eLA SSIFIED work done to PIre Underwritea' J.osT '" roUND. \ LOST-Bracelet with pale blue specificaliollll. Service on' wuh- Le5, new colors, Dew patterns-to suit any decorating .scheme you may have in ·mind. Come in soon and make your choice. Let us show you our famous Gulislall C.atpe1S. d'A",,~' U Co. 1. 'Irt Ay... SWut........ SF........ 6.6000"... ..L. ill ......... ft. N_ "'" ,.",-••• 0_ ~ .• _ _ I. f!~til:~r ~nu1J!~e::t a!t~···:::::~~~:::·······:········· ..·.. ·...·...····~·····............tl,O •••U&.s, 1949 Tax: (Current Year) . .................................................... 170.855..5' ~~J~~iiili;~~~~i.~;~:>·:::::::::::::::::::::··::·::::::::~::.~:::~::::::::::~::::::.::::::~::~::::::~:::::: 5~ Balance on hand all -Funds Total Assets eXciudiii ..··siiiidii.. ·· ..········..·....··.. ···......:....·· ....·..······....... l.tll.85 g g Fund ............................................ 5t,1l8.5' ............................................................................ ;...................................... I.2ISI.OD5.S7 Bonded Indebtedness (With .Vote OfLl~~g) S ': Bonded Inflebledness (Wilbont Vote 0 HI ra ....................................... ~ .........., 17.0oo.ot ~JP~,. ~t.~~~::::.:::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::~~:~:::~~~:::::::;~~:~::~::~:~~. t::Ii A<'l'OT~m!'~s!:i~ries f u! ....-·..··..·_..·..·......·............ Amount of To: Collector'! Bond AmOODt of Treasurer" ;1181.71.... Amount of Secreta~: d ........... _ ... __ .............. _.............. I,soO.N 'R.eeonclUaUo " . Bond .................................... _.............. .1.000.t0 Bahk Balance Jut a 11150 n of BaDt: BalaDce at CIoocI or SehOOl Year \:=d~~ HCh"' ..........AvaUabJe -.=-~=::::::::::::::::::::=::::::=::::.:::::· ..-.--..... aD d1to' .:be for _... ".... - .._ .. _.-~ 5T.~!-!f .ThI;.:::a~t~6-~!ll~d~~~ '"ijj.·j;:;··on·H&iid·-(TO-Be~Av;n;N. ,:1-:-: .-~ We hereby certlfy tbat we bave oorreet. and that tbe securities of the BUILDING MATERIAL 'O,O~.oO eetorate) ......................................... ,... FOR RENT Attractiv.. room conveniently located to tea~ rooms and transportation. Call Swarthmore 6-4910. FORRENT-Unfurnished apartment, three rooms, bath and attic. Heat and hot .water. $55 per mo~th. Business couple .preferred. 134 Sylvan Avenue, Rutledge .• FOR RENT - C()Jn:fortably furnished room for transient. Full housekeeping privilege. Reply Box · A, The Swarthmorean. FOR RENT-Three-room housekeeping apartment. Best location. Reply Box B. The Swarthmorean. FOR REl\'T - Seashore Cottage Fishers Island, Connecticut: Ideal for Children. Balance of season. .A(pply personally to Mrs William Tidball, Wallingford, .Pa: Call Media 6-3695. FO!l. RENT -. Apartment, 'large hvmg and dining room - combined, large bedroom, tile bath, private entrance hall, modern kitchen. utilities included. $70 month Media 6-187.0. . • lind thtIa wItf. Jaw. KILPA~CK Registered PLUMBING & HEATING Estimates 116 Birchwood Road Aldan. Pa. Madison 3-42U HARBINGERS OF SPRING Snowdrops Crocus Daffodils Erythronium Scllla Sibirca Chionodoxa Grape - Hyacinths. TULIPS impOrted from HolIaIuI M. E. Burgett Box 195. Swarthmore Charles E. Fischer BUlLDEft SwarUunore 6-zasa TIMPKEN on. BURNERS Ft1EL On. J_ A. GR.EEN 1 . . . . 1'1:.........._ IWAa'l'llKOaa. ..... IW.aaTBMOU ..lIM · FOR ~E - Mahogany bureau, servUlg table and tea...wagon. Call Swarthmore 6-1496. FOR SALE-Boys bicycle, 1946 model. Fair condition, $15. Swarthmore 6-4548. . FOR SALE .-. Baby roach. very . good condltion, full size, collaps.ble, 313 Dartmouth Ave. FOR SALE - Vacant ground Swarthmore, Swartlunore Ave Near Parrish Road. 75 x 150. North Chester Realty Co. 1180 Morton Ave.. Chester . Phone 3-7206. . , FOR SAI-E Dining room furni!W"<', wal?ut, handmade needlel'l'mt .seal>; m blue. Wicker strodler, hke new. Call Swarthmore 6-7870. . FO~ !>lU.E-N~e piece mahogany dining room SUite. Any reasonable or unreasonable offer ae-' cepted. Call Swarthmore' 6-6088. FOR SALE Coil bed springs, . Simmons bed ends. Call.Swarthmore 6"2160. • FOR SALE Lad,y's HarIman wardrobe trunk. Cheap. Reply to .BoX F, The Swarthmorean. I , "Third Generation BuDders" HORACE A. REEVES Building Construction e .Residential _ Painting e Commercial _ Repairs _ Alterations S~a:rthmore .~ 6-3450 UNITED SERVICES Residential Wiring for economy FOR SALE 5.11'7.'0 .,e..Avaiiiiilie··fo;..SCbiXii··year·········l······ ..········ ..····· ...................... 1111.118.15 .50.111) ............................. 0,!18••• If not, you have a treat in store .•• in this store! For you'll be truly am3zOO. at the won~ derEul array of fashionable carpets we now have for your se- lAS. E. FOR R~E"'N=T----'-"":' I ROOFS Total Expenses . • Z85.818.10 . Total CUrren! Debt Sen-ioe (lte (ItE".JnS G) A- F In c. ) .............................. Total CApital Culla (~e H········· ..•··· ..·.. ··········..·.,.······ ..····· )0."S.05 II...... 01',...., •••II1II11 _", • on Party-Line Telephones • ping :Fund ................. :...................., 111,081.11 roperty tax 1040 ........................ 100,558.88 IDc'o11r capita tax 1949 .................... none nquent tax to 19-49) .................... 5,f16.U Sta(tPrevlous. e appropriation: Teachers, Transportation, Tuition Vocational ....................................... i',88B.81 lUltion non-resident pupils ...::::~ 55.15'7.D nterest .............................................. '58.• 5 Sale of real estate, supplies and AleqUlpment .................................... S'UIS 1 other sonrces ............................ ,I,08S81 TOL'l1 receipts, including . beginning balance ...................... IlsaJ Tomatoe. Ha~J1."Jod OUR CiiII8 ...... ROAD M • •xET OJ'lDlf ftlmDAY . . . . . . . . .'1' ftLL • P.IL SA.'ftJaDAY 'I'ILL • P ... JILIDIft OF . . . . .·.·'80 HOW TO BE AN "ANGEL" EXPENSES Dalancc 011 hand Jul., 4, 1949' All funds exclu!tive of Slnk- :::gi!t pRA~k"NTfs (Item Z ~ z'o DtJuzt Halve. A.pricots U....lod N':;,~'h Z7c !}thai Royal Ann~ Cherries N':;,~'h ~Sc !)dt.all'ruit CooktaU ~=-!~ N~~'h nc 1.lSg ..,011.118 Net runoont . oC··19,g··taX;··coii'ecte(i·..:. .:. . ::. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 10:::::::: Naw Pack Farmdole ~~ LEITERS TESTAMENTARY ESTA"fE OF JENNIE w. PENFIELD. D~D. Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the under-' signed wllo requests all penoD8 "hsvlDI cJaJms or demands Bgain8t the estate of the decedent- to make known the same. and all persons Indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay to WALKER l'ENFlELD. Extr. 430 Riverview Ave. =- CUNNINGHAM .$127.000.00 19-19 tax returned to' Count eoouK."lone er .......................... Discounts Y. rs ........•.•.........••••.••...•. "t:,z 3S~ GLENDALE CLUB c=' :t: lie 95.149.32 Net Debt ...................... ,.............................................. _.. . ASSETS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WITH THE "CHARACTER ANn VALUE THEREOF-JULY 3,1950 N.J. ASSETS Miss Betty Van Nest of Columbia Cash-General Fund .................................................................. $ 52.218.59 5.394.36 avenue spent the week-end in ~e!i,:,qUent ~axes ........................................................................ ultion R~ce.Jvable ....................................................................... 1.192.65 Orange, N.J. School BUlldmgs, Sites, Textbooks. Equipment .................. 1,204.290.07 Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. For. Total. A sseIs ........................................................ . ' IslfthLe and their .daughter Ellza- LIABILITIES $1,263.095.67 Ann of Thayer road left ITue,;da,y to spend the remainder of Outstanding Bonds .:....................................................................$ 127 000 00 ~ccoun~ Payable ........................................................................ 26'415'48 the season at Ocean City, N.J. ssets m Excess of Liabilities .................................................. 1.109:680:19 son-in-law and daughter Total Li a bili'lies ...................................................-:-....,.-'-' -$1.263,095.67 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lilley of 101 Princeton avenue will visit ASSETS IN SINKING FUNDS AS OF 7-3-50 them over the week-ends. NONE Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad Published by order of the Board of School Directors of Riverview road will leave today HILDA LANG .DENWORTH,Sec' y a three-week automobile trip DAVID McCAHAN. President through the Adirondacks and the Green MOWltains; Vt. AUDITORS' ANNUAL REPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE BOl\.OUGH OF SWARTffilORE Martha and Jackie Calhoun of [)~LAWARE COUNTY, STAre OF PENNSYLVANIA.. 1o'OR THE SCHOOL Y'EAR tENDlNu JULY I 1150 Elm avE!nue spent the week-end TAXATION • in Washington, D.C. as the guests of their aunt Miss Margar.et Cal... I n,oUll, and visited interesting places the Capitol city. , . Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson of Vassar avenue have returned I~A~,l51():U~=.;~"f~O~~.~SC;;;.~H~OO=L~T~A~X::::=:=;;:=========~P~RO~PB~R~T~Y~·~TOT~~AL~ from a two-week trip to the w e sAmount t· .. levied (Face of 19409 duplicate) ..................................... 218,t08.01 $ '118.108.0. They flew to Pasadena and ~:~~I~d~i:i\ d~p~'fteest,,····:········································................. l,t75.t5· 1,471.15 Total amount (s:~ Ofnl~r2 &··S··..::::···········································....... ITS.sa .178." 2% Commission deducted b'y eoJnt ··Tre8SUr······~:························· 117.'11.11 Il'.411~1l Heart'. Den.ht Apricot I)MtlI lIraad Coaceatl'ate4 Swarthmore. Pa. &908 MARKET STREET India R.llsh ""'... ",'" J" 15c OIIv.sO".......... -"'29c \ Olives OilYII' PlIlI_ 7 . . Jar 29c Id.al Tea ....·•• ..·27c IclaaIMlx·........ 3 .... 19c Rlce~::- ,1~: 14c = ~~:27c Prunes ...'C"d Lfnt Ib Ilk. 24a Catsup tr,.... Hot . . . . lac ••••Iar bat Neotar EST!':r-~ ~~~~TA~';.LKBR WORST. DEC'D. Lelters Testamentary on the above e8tate have been granted to the uuderslgJled who requests aU person, havJng clams or demands agalOlt the estate or the decedent to moke known the same, Ilnd all perBOlI8 Indebted to tbe decedent to make payment. wtthout delay to ·MRS. HELEN PEW WORST 180 Harvard Avenue .DR. H.,.. SHOR c I~ :7C Cru.hed Cherry Jam V!k GlenwOOd JelDe. Appl •• Ar,pl."'",.. ~f~:: 1SC or App • Currant Ibl.. Z~O 9dmt Pre.erve. ......1..'·01.....1. . /}tUaI Piaeapple Jelly Z .1~. ~S" 28 ... "SO /}tUaI Pure Apple Butter lar .. LEGAL NOTIOBII I--']M'i'ii';"::;';~~r.;;:~;;;",-- ~ .Sapreme Bread li::t14C New Pad< Ideal Whole Cherry s THE SWABTHMOBEAN AUGUST" 1950 S. M. HARBISON A modern electric home freezer pays for itself with savings on food bills. Think what you can save by buying foods in quantities when they are plentiful and prices at their lowest! Think what you can save by preserving leftovers to serve weeks or even months laterl Additional saving. can be mode if you have your own vegetable garden or if there is a hunter or fisherman In the family. All these important economies reallY make the home freezer a ''budget-slasher.'' See them today at yOur dealer's or at our nearest sl_. Swarthmore 6-0740 4(' ~ • ., I.t .. • lIIodem !p&eIaaN • WaD aa4 I'Ioor 08_ .... • New Con I a ...... • Alteratlou .... ItQ&IN or QJIIII4,,~74: ~I .IILIDEL.HII EUCllle eO••ID Arters Brothers, Inc. - Catracton . . . BeD' • 302 GII7le7 Street, Keel.., Pa . I'bae; Ve'!e • all AUG 11 1950 72 Percent Expended, For Instruction· (Continued from page one) School District carries a total insurance in the amount of $986,400. Agalnst these assets there are liabilities amounting to $153,415.48, which include $127,000 in outstanding bonded indebtedoess, dffitributed in three bond issues, the last of which wi!) mature in May, 1960. There are also accounts payable and contractual_ obligatioDS, principally teachers' salaries, to be paid during the summer · t $2645458 m onths, a moun t mg 0 , . • The balance on hand covers the reserve to pay these contractual obligations. The remaining excess balance of $25,764.01 represents savings on this year's budget due to non-expenditures, and also a cash reserve being accumulated as provided by law for the heating plant conversion which will be needed in the near future. This balance will also aid in cushioning the effect of the drop in state appropriations beginning next year. The aud't , ors 0 f th e B orough are at the present time completing their audit of the School District accounts. A summary of this audit is being published, and the completed report will be submitted to the Board in' the near future. POIJO INSURANCE FAMILY POLlCY $10 For 2 Years INDIVIDUAL POLlCY $5 For 2 Years Peter E. Told 333 DARDIOUTB AVE. return by way of the Grand Canyon and New Orleans. .Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. 'Jarrett Mr. and Mrs. Duane Terry of of Thayer road will leave tomor- North Chester road have returned row on an automobile trip to home after a short visit with Canada, Toronto and Montreal, friends at Rehoboth Beach, Del. and will return through New EngThe H. L. Bunkers of Mt. Holyland, Cape Cod and the Connecti- oke place returned Friday followcut shore. En route home about ing 8 two-week vacation in NanAugust 20 they will stop for their tucket, Mass. children Judith and Robert, III Pepper Neal of Benjamin West who have been vacationing in avenue has finished summer school Virginia. at the Women's College,' GreensMr. and Mrs. Paul E. Zecher of boro, N.C., and is now counselor North Swarthmore avenue enter- a t G ay V a IIey Camp, Bevard, N.C. tained for several days of this Miss Helen Margaret Keenen, I d week Mr. and Mrs. Leigh E. Wit- aughter of Dr. I"'d Mrs. Frank I G'~K tell of Lancaster. . cenen 0 f Harvard avenue, who Mr. and Mrs. Judson R. Hoover will be married to Mr. William ., ~ of WaIlin"'ord have returned from D eForest retzer of Ridley Park on ~ a vacation at Lenape Vill~ge in September 2, was guest Of honor the Poconos. at a luncheon given by Mrs. 11. ... _ James E. Davis of Amherst av~ "YU. and Mrs. G. G. Savelli of Harvard avenue will return to- nue at the Ingleneuk on Friday. M ·.morrow from a week's VIS','t with Is~ Lora Blackman of· Cedar 1 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Belfield, ,)'r., , ane, with a grO~P of Smith Colof Villa Nova avenue at the iatters' lege students, arnved home Tuessummer cottage m' East Sprm'g- day from a seven-week trip 7 b field, N . H . . a road. Miss Jessie Gilbert of Park Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest of avenue and a college friend, Miss ji;lm avenue have. returned from a Connie Lopez of Pittsburgh left two-week on d Bigwin Tuesday by automobile for , Island Lak vacation f BC a , ' e 0 I ays, ana a. week's vacation in Northampton Lt. Comdr. John C. Taylor, and Boston, Mass. U.S.N., left by plane for Japan to command a frigate. Mrs. Taylor and children Joanne and Sally Park·Like Lot will remain in Newport, R.I. for I . the present. Mrs. Taylor's parents For Sale Mr. and Mr~. Morris Potts of Yale avenue will visit them soon. In one of &he best residential Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of, sections of Swar&hm,ore Walnut lane will leave Monday by 75 FQOtI' FRONTAGE automobile for a six-week trip to TWO-STORY TWO-CAR the west coaSt. They will tske CEMENT GARAGE the northern route, stopping at ALREADY BUILT Banft and Lake Louise. They PRICED AT $5500. "Ian to travel down the coast to Phone Swarthmore 6-'079 News Notes t • t Flowers VOLUME 22,-NUMBER 3Z '-'. COUNCIL ORDERS , • • • .,," ,011 .I t1t1Vtlllttl,'1 II", It FOR YOUK FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE - ' BUY t t U.S. SAVINGS BONDS t M.mbsr, Pederal D.po,iI IT"''''",&6 Corpot'flliQff ~t • ueen ••• In Once you step from this car relaxed and fresli after a long day's drive ••• you'll know why people wha can afJard any car in the world are choosing the Chrysler New York~r. Just take the wheel and leom the secret nf effortless driving I Sit in the wonderful normal chnir·height seatsl Examine the quality of Chrysler materials ••• see the difference in Chrysler craftsmanship ••• feel the beneflts of Chrysler engineering ••• and you'll have the proof of built-in value oil the way through, unequaled today. Once you drive any Chry~ler ••• once you rid.~ for the rest of your life. ., the rear wlteel. Or grea'er comfort. Foam rubber teat cuwons and bac,"exceptionally wid•.• _ extra room foI your Moulden and leg" Wider door openings th'un any blh.r 'uxury cor ••. ~sier If' get in and out' rent control, • , BOUQUETS -TO THE BOUQUET Local Beauty Salon Rated Among The B.est Second In The SWll..-thmorcan7 s cCBuslneBS Men of Swa..-thmore Serlcs"-whtcb cur~ rcully presents members of the local IJmolne!'s Association to their feJlow townsmen. Borough Not too long ago, in Hardwick, VI. the lad who was to prove such a mid-century boon to Swarth~ more lovelies, was born to the Honeyford family. However young Robert journied about a bit before becoming the proprietor of the thriving Bouquet Beauty Salon on South Chester road. Attending grade school in Mt. Airy, N. C.' and high school In Upper Darby he later studied architecture at Drexel Institute control. A !Pl"evious resolution while working in a shipyard at passed by the Coun~il in October night. He was a practicing archiwas never signed by Governor tect for several years, .until a Duff as required ·under t!Je former recession in that profession came housing bill. . wity.the Depression in 1929. JoinApartment owners speaking for ing-til aunt at her beauty parlor the control were Charles C. Andes, in Burlingion, Vt. Bob bec;une so W. Mark Bittle, Dr. Arthur Basinterested in beauty culture that . sett, . Oakley Van' Alen, Mrs. Edhe decided to attend the Wilfred ith Cuskaden, Aubrey Y. Smith, Courtesy of The Evening Bulletin, Phila. Academy of Cosmetology in order Valentine L. Fine, W. C. LukenS, Alan C. Wood, and Victor D. ShlDolls dressed by Swarthmore women please Camp Sunshine campers shown here with Mrs. H. to become more proficient in the_ rer. Elwood B. Chapman told 'the Lindley Peel, one of the camp's three Swarthmore directors,· who inspired the varied costumes created business. Here he-studied under council he would like to see some by nimble borough fingers after the initial purchase of 22 dolls by the sewing group of the Swarth- the well-known Paul Rilling. After completing his study at relief for property owners. more Presbyterian Church. The dolls supplemented a donation of over 100 by the Delaware County the Academy he was employed in Tenants urging retention of Federation of Womens Club. Other local directors are George W. Sweet, Garrett road,. and Charles Wilmington, Del for several years, control were Dr. W. G. Faragher, E. Fischer, Dickinson' avenue. later going with Wanamaker's in Mrs. J. A. Perry, !Mrs. Thomas W. Mr. Sweet who has been on the board for seven years, is chairman of the Camp Committee which Philadelphia. Two years as lecSimpers, Mrs. Jolin H. Longwell. supervises the maintenance of the camp and the preparation and breaking up for each camp operaturer and demonstrator for the The landlords cited increased tion. This means that Mr. Sweet's summers have been concentraled on Camp Sunshine and his deDuart Permanent Waving Comoperating expenses resulting from votionto it has earned him the honor of the board and the affection of its staff. Currently, Mr. Sweet pany followed. 'higher taxes, fuel costs anel costs is the vi"';'chairlila':n, with Joseph M. Joseph chairman of the Camp Extension Conunittee and will In 1933 he married Kezia (Kay) Of repairs as their ";eed for relief be busy all winter with plans for the camp's future enlargement. One of his dreams for the camp Davison whom he had met from controls which prevent rent came true when the Chester Kiwanis built the recreation hall in two' Saturdays which has provided through his interest in hairincreases, and proved to the sat- much pleasure through rainy e~campments. dressing. >Having wed, Bob and ffifaction of the borough governing Three Swarthmore High graduate~ Clem Malin, Anne Lukens, Barbara Crossett and one senior Kay decided to arrange a combody that no abnormal situation in student Buddy CrotherS have served as counsellors this summer, contributing what tbe directors term bination of their nickname and regard to apartment rentals in the an "excellent job." . open a beauty salon. Upon inborough' exists. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Groff, director of the Community Health Society of Central Delaware County's vestigation of several territories in B~rough c:oun~il ~ authorized Nursirig Agency with local headqu.arters, is appointed by the camp's board of directors to act as admiss- the Philadelphia suburban area the mstallation of a fue hydrant ion chairman. School nurses and welfare agencies in the Central DelawaN' County area refer their Swarthmore seemed the most deat College ~venue and Cedar -lane children to her. Home visits are then made to learn the child's desire and need for camp. A medical sirable to the Honeyfords and they and autho'lZed the final settle- examination is gi\len with a final check-up on the day camp opens and transportation Is provided to rented quarters at 13 South Ches~en: for the new Boro~ lot on and from camp by the local ageney's volunteer committee. Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter, Charles ter road, setting up a first class A ~ ave~ue ':tit uF M. Keenen, Anne and Barbara Lukens have served in this capacity Urlor summer. More' children are shop which they at first operated_ E .or~ug ,iliar. ec, I orfge th always recOlnmended than the area's quota of 8 girls and 8 boys can accommodate. This sununer exclusively themselves. By 1948 WIngBorough s pr nunary·p ff filled . I fr om this area. when they purchased and moved new Hall eans or °d_e Mrs. G ro. . tw _0 vacancI es 'm ano ther d'IStr'let WI·th one b oyand one glr ered by Council. Th': :stC~r~e Many individuals in the borough give private support to the Camp. The Friendly Circle, the into 9 South Chester road, the deplan which included every fea- Needlework Guild, the Woman's Club and its Young Mothers and Junior sections give financial aid, dona- mand for Bouquet services had ture'desired by Council exceeded tions of clothing, jellies, books, games, and serve with last minute help such as a call for needed long passed the stage where carrying on without the help of extra the bond issue by $25,000. Council belts during the boy's encampment. beauticians was possible. Today revised its requirements, reducAny -of the l!>Cal directors will gladly serve as ~hannels for service offered. The names of undering the size of the Borough Sec- privileged children in the area may be given to Mrs. Groff. Children from the area were sent ~ year they keep seven operators beretary's office and the Public Ll- as folows: boys, one from Ridley Park, three from Springfield. five rom Ridley Township; girls, two sides themselves busy every day, in one of the most modern salons brary and asked Mr. Ewing to from Springfield, seven from Ridley Township. in this entire area. revise hffi costs accordingly. The Bob is noted for his keen and SERVE CAMP HOPE new plans will be presented at GUGGENHEIM AWARD Should Have Baked A Cake broad progressiveness, which does Two Swarthmoreans are direcFriends of former SwarthDr. and Mrs. Robert K. Enders, the September 7 meeting. not fear competition but heralds tprs of' Camp Hope, Delaware President H. l4ndley Peel was moreans Dr. and Mrs. Francffi J. their daughter Miss Gertrude Enit as contributing to a healthier County's recreational camp for in the chair. All councilmen Harper will be interested to know del'S who recently returned from condition for" all. Kay, who was alcolored girls. Ruffin J. Herndon were present except Dr. John M. that they will return to Mt. Holly, a year teaching in Turkey, Mrs. a demonstrator for Duart mid of Union avenue and Mrs. Joseph '. Pearson ·who is on vacation~ Bur.. N. J. to live this winter while Dr. End"rs' mother Dr. S. Gertrude Quinlan of Bowdoin avenue are worked. with Wanamaker, blends gess Charles Russell, . Borough Harper works under a Guggen- Crandall, Dr. Enders' mother Mrs. active in its management. Each tile charm of her 'personality with Secretary Richardson were in at.. heim Fellowship on the life and Frances Enders, and Dr. Enders' may be contacted fo[, informa- real interest and ability in her tendance and Borough SoUclter letters of John Bartram. The Har- secretary were in the act of buildwork. Together they make a team tion about the camp. Clarence G. Myers who is in Eur- pel'S have been in Rensselaerville, ing fire for their Sunday mornThree girls from SWarthmore of beautifiers which is hard to ope was represented by A. David N. ·Y., for the past 18 months, some ing breakfast at 7 a.m., August 6, were admitted t. the camp this beat, attesting to which are tho of which Dr. Harper spent in the at Red Grade just south of DuboiS, Speers. myriad attractive women who are reDllOte HudsoIi Bay region of Wyoming on route U.S. 287 when summer and one fr()m MortOD, four from Ridley Township, seen coming out of 9 South ChesCanada working on a 'botanical unexpected guests dropped in. ter road but were not noticed To Address Rotary survey. Molly mid Robin, grad- - FirSt came Allan Hunt who, en- through the office of Mrs. Groff, going in. Carroll P. Streeter, managing uates of iMiddiebury College and route to join his parents Dean nursing supervisor of the ComServed In Army editor of the Farm J ouma!, will Cornell University respectively, Everett L. Hunt and Mrs. Hunt of muni,ty Health.' Center Nu:rsing During World War II Kay carAgency which has temporary be the Rotary Club speaker at are spending the sum-mer Qua- Elm avenue at their summer home ried on while Bob served three ker Interns for Industry. Lucy and in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, also headquarters in the Paulson Noon today. years in the Army Air Force. A David will be with their parents had breakfast wi~h friends in ApartInen t5. sergeant with the 387 Bomb Mrs. Groff serves ss chairman Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen in Mt. Holly this winter. mind. 'With his help, breakfast Group, 557 Squadron he saw a of admissions for Camp Hope as of Park avenue have returned prep3rations were proceeding and ~s combat duty with 18 mtswell as tor Camp Sunshine. home following an automobile Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Plow- coifee was almost ready when a sions over Germany. He was an trip of several weeks .through the man and' family of'North Swarth- push of breaks heralded new arNew England States•. En route more aveD.uehave returned after ·rivals. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doris Snyder, Sue Purnell, aerial gunner instructor, in ¥ g e they stopped in Rensselaer, N.Y. .i' three-weEk vacation in Eagles- Walsh, the former Miss Margaret George Ellis, and Luren Dickin- of inspection of all gunners on the to visit with Dr. and Mrs. Fran- mere. They will leave' today for 'Dimmitt of Rutiers avenue, and son of Swarthmore attended a ground and in the air, and also of cis H. Harper, form",' Swarthmore Rehoboth' Beach where they will Miss Barbara Kent of Merion' camp in Innabab last week. At briefing them prior to missions. resident. They also visited Dr. and spend 10 days as.the guests of Mr. None of these parties had the Same time Mary Ann Dickin- Before the war his hobby had been _Mrs. H. Lewis Cutler of Boonton, and Mrs. S. Crozier FJemiog of planned this meeting but all son, Joanne Behenna, Charles gliding and he had owned his own N. J., formerly of SwarthDiOre. Westwood Manor, WibDingtOn. headed for the Grand Tetons. The Grier, Jr., and Donald Pierce at- ship. He is also an amateur plumMr. and Mrs. A. Robb Cochran Dr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Dud- Enders and Mr. Hunt will spend tended Institute at Haverford Col- ber, is highly interested in radio and family of Kenyon avenue_have ley and fami17. of Magill road will the rest of the month in Jackson lege. Both.. Camp Innabah and &J;ld enjoys playing ·golf whlmreturned following a two-week leave tomorrow fat a two-week Hole while the Walsh group will the InstItute are sponsored by the ever time permits. "1' (Continued OIl page aIz) vacatioh in cape May, N •. ,J. vacation in Avalon, N. J. be climhing in the Tetons. Methodist Board of Education. .0 a THE NEW YORKER ..DOOIt SliPAN as See it-drive It ••• there'S built-In value all the way through! The Beautiful CHRYSLER \ with Fluid Drive Advantage. of Chrysler'.', fluid Drive , .Advantage. of Chry.ler'. High Compre.slon Spltflre Englnel _ ' e. Chrysler'. Ana•••• In Camfol.rt ..cI Safety ' . ' f f . l A _ I , Gea, Sh1lt1ng-wlth full control of your .... ,1 Iotter .ractlc. .afer 0. slIppery Convenience of dutdl for easier parkl~g. Slower Eng_ $pHcI~uced noke, ~ Sew. gasoline. Drive In high whIle others drive In low In traffic. • W............, ,..Il10. stamng I. raI. hIGh - I C/o_leal" r":"'" Cyllaclor Wallo-fvr _ .... woor. fIo-. ......., helps ..... p .... n.. . . .,. ntdVOI or .11oI1_.n._~ friction, lost longer. Exflaldt Vcbe s-r , fa red... need for __";';hw~l:n:ni~~,ng~l;'hU~~R~_~A:OI~~r~'~~:'~k~••~PS~oU~~d~..~n~I~;:~~~~~~~~_________ r.ndIooal PHIsr"....,..11 ...... for your .....d. '......1cIen. Easy to ....., and ~ I - , . , ~_ llra1.. ................ Ie. podol Cydebondod an' dou~l. tho .,04 _re. M,. ..... "011-' for ':t woor. ".",1 ., Op _I0Ie=====T;..;.;H;.,.E~S;;",,;,;,W ART HMO B J: A 72 Percent Expended For Instruction (Continued from page one) School District carries a total insurance in the amount of $986 .... 400. Against these assets there are liabilities amounting to $153,415.48, which include $127,000 in outstanding bonded indebtedness. distributed in three bond issues, the last of which will mature in May, 1960. There arc also accounts payable and contractual obliga ... tions, principally teachers' salaries, to be paid during the summer months, amounting to $26,454.58. The balance on hand covers the reserve to pay these contractual obligations. The remaining excess balance of $25,764.01 represents savings on this year's budget due to non-expenditures, and also a cash reserve being accumulated as provided by law for the heating plant conversion which will be needed in the near future. This balance will also aid in cushioning the cffect of the drop in state appropriations beginning next year. The auditors of the Borough are at the present time cllmpleting their audit of the School District accounts. A summary of this audit is being published, and the completed report will be submitted to the Board in the near future. AUGUST 4, 1950 : N Give I News Notes return by way of the Grand Can- r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t yon and New Orleans. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert B . .Jarrett Mr. and Mrs. Duane Terry of , of Thayer road will leave tomor- North Chester road have returned rowan an automobil~ trip to home after a short visit with , ' Canada, Toronto and Montreal, friends at Rehoboth Beach, Del. , ' and will return thrcugh New EngThe H. L. Bunkers of Mt. Holy- , ' land, Cape Cod and the Connecti- oke place returned Friday follow- , cut shore. En route home about ing a two-week vacation in NanAugust 20 they will stop for their tucket, Mass. PROMPT , children .Judith and Robert, III Pepper Neal of Benjamin West who have been vacationing in avenUe has finished summer school Virginia. at the Women's College, GrecnSERYlCE Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Zecher of boro. N.C., and is now counselor; , North Swarthmore avenue enter- at Gay Valley Camp, Bevard, N.C. I t ' tained for several days of this Miss Helen Margaret Keenen. week Mr. and Mrs. Leigh E. Wit- daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank t tell of Lancaster. G~-Keenen of Harvard avenue, who t Mr. and Mrs . .Judson R. Hoover will be married to Mr. William t of Wallingford have returned from DeForest Fetzer of Ridley Park on t a vacation at Lenape Village in September 2, was guest o~ honor the Poconos. at a luncheon given by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Savelli of .James E. Davis of Amherst ave- t t Harvard avenue will return to- nue at the Ingleneuk on Friday. morrow from a week's visit with Miss Lora Blackman of Cedar Mr. and Mrs. Percy Belfield, Jr., . lane, with a gr0u.p of Smith Col- t of Villa Nova avenue at the latters' !lege students, arrived home Tuessummer co)-tage in East Spring- day from a seven-week trip t t' t tt tt Your Flowers 't J: VOLUME 22,-NUMBER 32 tt t It COUNCIL ORDERS RENT DECONTROL Puhlic Hearing Airs COllvictions Pro and Con t tt t t field, N.H. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest of Elm avenue have returned from a two-week vacation on Bigwin Island, Lake of Bays, Canada. Lt. Comdr.' John C. Taylor. U.S.N., left by plane for Japan to command a frigate. Mrs. Taylor and children Joanne and Sally will remain in Newport, R.I. for the present. Mrs. Taylor's parents !~\::~r~~e~o~~o~~ d ::n:: Yale Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of, FAIIULY POLICY Walnut lane will leave Monday by $10 For 2 Years automobile for a six-week trip to INDIVIDUAL POLICY the west coast. They will take $5 For 2 Years the northern route, stopping at Peter E_ Told Banff and Lake Louise. They plan to travel down the coast to 333 DARTMOUTH AVE. ~~~::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::~s~O~u~t~h~e=r~n~C~a~lif~ornia before their POLIO INSURANCE eaut ab~! Park-Like Lot For Sale In one of the best residential sections of Swarthm.ore 75 FOOT FRONTAGE TWO-STORY TWO-CAR CEMENT GARAGE ALREADY BU.U,T PRICED AT $5500_ Phone Swarthmore 6-7079 u.s. t t i. 1 1 t BUY SAVINGS BONDS ,J t I t SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK A'UB TRUST COMPANY t.n It tt tt t , MeN/ber, Federal Deposil I,J.fllrlIlUe COI'poratiotJ t t , ,~~~~~..-.~ .... ~--..--- ....~.........-.~....... • .---- ueen ••• In - - ---- izel Once you step from this car relaxed and fresh after a long day's drive _ •• you'll know why people who can afford any car in the world are choosing the Chrysler New Yorker. Just tak .. the wheel and learn the secret of effortless driving! Sit in the wonderful normal chair-height seats! Examine the quality of Chrysler materiols _ •• see the difference in Chrysler craftsmanship • __ feel the benefits of Chrysler engineering ••. and long, low, love'y ••• yef sensibly designed wilh exfra room for your head. you'll have the proof of built·;n value all the way through, unequaled today. Once you drive any Chrysler .•. once you own any Chrysler, we're sure you'll want to drive Chryslers for the rest of your life. lear sea' passeD· Jers ride ~ " .he rear wheels or greater comforl. foam rubber seaf cushions and hach excep'ionally wide- • • • extra room lot vour $hQulders ancl legs I Wider door openings Ihan any Dlher • luxury car .•. earier fa ge' in and ouf J j ; 1 \, THE NEW YORKER 4-DOOR SEDAN See it-drive it ••• there's built.in value all the way through! The Beautiful CHRYSLER , with Fluid Drive Advantages of ChrySler"", Fluid Drive Autom~'ic Gear Shi"ing-with. full control of your cor! Better tract;on--safer on slippery roads. ConV'enrence of dvtdr for easier parking. Slower Engine Speecla-reduc:ed noise w~ ___ Saves gosolinel Drive in high while others drive In low In traffic. ,. Advantage. of Chrysler's HIgh Compre.slon SpItfire Englnel f Waterproof 19n;,lo~revents ~talling In roin or high water. Chemically Cylinele, Wall.--for greater wear. F'oG"", Power-helps eliminate vib~tion Superfinislted Parb--reduce friction, last 'onger. Exflausl Yalve Seal rt.-red~ce need for vofve grinding. Full Flow Oi' Filter-ke. 011 deanl Chrysler'. Advantage. In Comfort and Safety I Ser,. Guard HydraulIC 8ralres--smoother stops, less pedal pressure. Cydebonded linin for double the wear. Electrically OpercrtecJ Windshield Wlpen--c:oNtant speed all the tillS I 'lI.. Functional Design--full room for your heed, legs, shoulden. Easy to en.er and Il!aVel Chair Heigh, Sear~a crouching, you sh naturally' Safety Rim WbeeI's-won't th .... tires after blowouts ot normal speeds. Dovble-widr. AIm lelf-for arm chait ~ HANNUM and WAITE • r";",ed .CHESTER ROAD Be YALE AVENUE To SWARTHMOREAN The Flowerless SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1950 Swarthmoreans Take Active Interest in Camp Sunshiue BOUOUETSTO THE BOUQUET Local Beauty Salon Rated Among The Best Se('QIHI in Tlw Swartlnllor('all's "Dusiness tt t tt t Y'" III.s. tld••tlnltt,... "'.,. Jessie Cabert of Park t • • • •" . , avenue and a college friend, Miss t i Connie Lopez of Pittsburgh, left Tuesday by automobile for a t " .. ~ tI.. .. week's vacation in Northampton , and Boston, Mass. , t FOR YOUft FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE - SYmrthmore College Librnry ;;''vmrthmore, PR. Ii \l Following l'vlonday night's ani:\1,'11 of Swarlillnorc St'ries"-whlch cur· rClltI}' l'rc~t.'IIt." IIIcmh,'rs of the Ioc..'al mated public hearing on the quesIII1"'illt.·_~~ :\:;;~(}{'i;lliuli til tlll'ir fellow lUWIl~lIIl·lI. tion of rent control, Borough Council pa5sed ummimously a Not too long ago, in Hardwick, resolution calling for the removal vt. the lad who was to prove such of rent controls in the borough.. a mid-century boon to SwarthForty five landlords and tenants more lovelies, was born to the crowded the councilroom to speak Honeyford family. However young for and against the measure. Hohert journied about a hit before This action becomes effecti'v.e, becoming the proprietor of the under the 1950 national housing thriving Bouquet Beauty Salon an act. as soon as the resolution on South Chester road. is c1e•.'!-ed with the area housing Attending grade school in Mt. e,~pcditer in Philadelphia. Airy, N. C. and high school in The action was the second taken Upper Darby he later studied arby the borOUgh to remove rent chitecture at Drexel Institute control. A previous resolution while working in a shipyard at passed by the Council in October night. He was a practicing archiwas never signed by Governor tect for several years. until a Duff as required under the former recession in that profession came housing bilL . wit\! .the Depression in 1929. JoinA-partment owners speaking for ing-lih aunt at her beauty parlor the control were Charles C. Andes. in Burlington. Vt. Bob became so W. Mark Bittle, Dr. Arthur Basinterested in beauty culture that sett, Oakley Van Alen, Mrs. Edhe decided to attend the Wilfred ith Cuskaden, Aubrey Y. Smith, Courtesy of The Evening Bulletin, Phila. Academy of Cosmetology in order Valentine L. Fine, W. C. Lukens, Dolls dressed by Swarthmore women please Camp Sunshine cainpers shown here with Mrs. H. to become more proficient in the Alan C. Wood, and Victor D. Shibusiness. Here he studied under rer. Elwood B. Chapman told the Lindley Peel, one of the camp's three Swarthmore directors, who inspired the varied costumes created the well-known Paul Rilling. council he would like to see some by nimble borough fingers after the initial purchase of 22 dolls by the sewing group of the SwarthAfter completing his study at more Presbyterian Church. The dolls supplemented a donation of over 100 by the Delaware County relief for property owners . the Academy he was employed in Tenants urging retention of Federation of Womens Club. Other local directors are George W. Sweet, Garrett road._ and Charles Wilmington, Del. for several years, control were Dr. W. G. Faragher, E. Fischer, Dickinson avenue. later going with Wanamaker's in Mr. Sweet who has been on the board for seven years, is chairman of the Camp Committee which Mrs . .J. A. Perry, (Mrs. Thomas W. Philadelphia. Two years as lecSimpers, Mrs. John H. Longwell. supervises the maintenance of the camp and the preparation and breaking up for each camp opera- turer and demonstrator for the The landlords cited increased tion. This means that Mr. Sweet·s summers have been concentrated on Camp Sunshine and his de- Duart Permanent Waving Comoperating expenses resulting from- votion to it has earned him the honor of the board and the affection of its staff. Currently. Mr. Sweet pany followed. higher taxes, fuel costs and costs ts the vice-chairman. with Joseph M. Joseph chairman of the Camp Extension Committee and will In 1933 he married Kezia (Kay) of repairs as their need for relief be busy all winter with plans for the camp's future enlargement. One at his dreams for the camp Davison whom he had met trom controls which prevent rent came true when the Chester Kiwanis built the recreation hall in two Saturdays which has provided through his interest in hairincreases, and proved to the sat- much pleasure through rainy encampments. dressing. Having wed, Bob and Three Swarthmore High graduates Clem Malin, Anne Lukens, Barbara Crossett and one senior Kay decided to arrange a comisfaction of the borough governing body that no abnormal situation in student Buddy Crothers have served as counsellors this summer, contributing what the directors term bination of their nickname and regard to apartment rentals in the an "excellent job.'" open a beauty salon. Upon inMrs. Elizabeth A. Groff, director of the Community Health Society of Central Delaware County's vestigation of several territories in borough exists. Borough Council also authorized Nursing Agency with local headquarters, is apPointed by the camp's board of directors to act as admiss- the Philadelphia suburban area the installation of a fire hydrant ion chairman. School nurses and welfare agencies in the Central Delaware County area refer their Swarthmore seemed the most de ... at College avenue and Cedar lane children to her. Home visits are then made to learn the child's desire and need for camp. A medical sirable to the Honeyfords and they and authorized the final settle- examination is gi"en with a final check-up on the day camp opens and transportation is provided to rented quarters at 13 South Chesment for the new Borough lot on and from camp by the local agency's volunteer committee. Mrs., Carroll P. Streeter, Charles ter road, setting up a first class Park avenue on August 16. Keenen, Anne and Barbara Lukens have served in this capacity thi~ summer. More children are shop which they at first operated Borough _architect, George M. always recommended than the area's quota of 8 girls and 8 boys can accommodate. This summer exclusively themselves. By 1948 Ewing's preliminary plans for the Mrs. Groff_ filled two vacancies in another district with one boy and one girl from this area. when they purchased and moved new Borough Hall were considMany individuals in the borough give private support to the Camp. The Friendly Circle, the into 9 South Chester road, the deered by Council. The cost of the Needlework Guild, the Woman's Club and its Young Mothers and Junior sections give financial aid, dona- mand for Bouquet services had plan. which included every fea- tions of clothing, jellies, books, games, and serve with last minute help such as a call for needed long passed the stage where carryture desired by Council, exceeded ing on without the help of extra the bond issue by $25,000. Council belts during the boy's encampment. beauticians was possible. Today Any of the local directors will gladly serve as channels for service offered. The names of underrevised its requirements, reducthey keep seven operators beprivileged children in the area may be given to Mrs. Groff. Children from the area were sent this year ing the size of the Borough Secsides themselves busy every day, retary's office and the Public LI- as tolows: boys, one from Ridley Park, three from Springfield. five rom Ridley Township; girls. two in one of the most modern salons brary and asked Mr. Ewing to from Springfield, seven from Ridley Township. in this entire area. revise his costs accordingly. The Bob is noted for his keen and SERVE CAMP HOPE new plans will be presented at GUGGENHEIM AWARD Should Have Baked A Cake broad progressiveness, whiCh does Two Swarthmoreans arc direcDr. and Mrs. Robert K. Enders, the September 7 meeting. Friends of former Swarthtprs of Camp Hope, Delaware not fear competition but heralds President H. Lindley Peel was moreans Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. their daugr.ter Miss Gertrude Enit as contributing to a healthier in the chair. All councilmen Harper will be interested to know ders who recently returned from County's recreational camp for condition for all. Kay, who was alwere present except Dr. .John M. that they will return to MI. Holly, a year teaching in Turkey, Mrs. colored girls. Ruffin J. Herndon so a demonstrator for Duart and of Union avenue and Mrs. Joseph Pearson -who is on vacation. Bur... \ N. J. to live this winter while Dr. End~rs' mother Dr. S. Gertrude Quinlan of Bowdoin avenue are worked with Wanamaker, blends gess Charles Russell, Borough Harper works under a Guggen- Crandall, Dr. Enders' mother Mrs. active in its management. Each the charm of her personality with Secretary Richardson were in at- heim Fellowship on the life and Frances Enders, and Dr. Enders' may be contacted for informa- real interest and ability in her tendance and Borough Soliclter letters of John Bartram. The Har- secretary were in the act of buildwork. Together they make a team Clarence G. Myers who is in Eur- pel'S have been ill Rensselaerville, ing a fire for their Sunday morn- tion about the camp. Three girls from Swarthmore of beautifiers which is hard to ope was represented by A. David N. Y., for the past 18 months, some ing breakfast at 7 a.m., August 6, beat, attesting to which are the Speers. of which Dr. Harper spent in the at Red Grade just south of DubOis, were admitted to the camp this myriad attractive women who are remote Hudson Bay region of Wyoming on route U.S. 287 when summer and one from Morton, seen coming out of 9 South Chesfour from Ridley Township, Canada working on a -botanical unexpected guests dropped in. To Address Rotary through the office of Mrs. Groff, ter road but were not noticed First came Allan Hunt who, ensurvey. Molly and Robin, gradgoing in. Carroll P. Streeter, managing uates of I!I'liddlebury College and route to join his parents Dean nursing supervisor of the ComServed In Army editor of the Farm .Journal, will Cornell University respectively, Everett L. Hunt and Mrs. Hunt of munity Health.' Center Nursing During World War II Kay carhe the Rotary Club speaker at are spending the summer as Qua- Elm avenue at their summer home Agency which has temporary ried on while Bob served three headquarters in the Paulson ker Interns for Industry. Lucy and in Jackson Hole. \Vyoming, also Noon today. years in the Army Air Force. A Apartments. David will be with their parents had breakfast wi'th :Criends in sergeant with thc 387 J30mh Mrs. Groff serves as cbainnan mind. 'Vith his help, breakfast Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen in Mt. Holly this winter. preparations were proceeding and of admis~ions for Camp Hope as Group, 557 Squadron he sa\v a of Park avenue have returned y~r's combat duty with 18 mishome following an automobile Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Plow- coffee was almost ready when a well as for Camp Sunshine. sions over Germany. He was an trip of several weeks through the man and family of North Swarth- push of breaks heralded new araerial gunner instructor, in C4arge Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doris Snyder, Sue Purnell, New England States. En route more avenue have returned after rivals. they stopped in Rensselaer, N.Y. oj three-week vacation in Eagles- Walsh, the former tMiss Margaret George Ellis, and Luren Dickin- of Inspection of all gunners on the to visit with Dr. and Mrs. Fran· mere. They will leave today for Dimmitt of Rutgers avenue, and -son of Swarthmore attended a ground and in the air, and also of cis H. Harper, fanner Swarthmore Rehoboth Beach where they will Miss Barbara Kent of Merion ~ camp in Innabah last week. At briefing them prior to missions. None of these parties had the same time Mary Ann Dickin- Before the war his hobby had been resident. They also visited Dr. and spend 10 days as the guests of Mr. Mrs. H. Lewis Cutler of Boonton, and Mrs. S. Crozier Fleming of planned this meeting but all were SOD, Joanne Behenna, Charles gliding and he had owned his own headed for the Grand Tetons. The Grier, .Jr., and Donald Pierce at- ship. He is also an amateur plumWestwood Manor, Wi.lrirlngton. N • .J., formerly of Swarthmore. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Dud- Enders and Mr. Hunt will spend tended Institute at Haverford Col- ber, is highly interested in radio Mr. and Mrs. A. Robb Cochran and enjoys .playing golf whenand family of Kenyon avenue. have ley and family of Magill road will the rest of the month in .Jackson lege. Both Camp Innabah and ever time permits. Hole wru!e the Walsh group will the Institute are sponsored by the returned following a two-week leave tomorrow for a two-week "" (Continued OD page six) be climbing in the Tetons. Methodist Board of Education, vacation in Avalon, N. J. vacation in Cape May, N • .J• 2 'I • • AUGUST 11, ,1951 AUGUST 11, 1950' THB 8WABTBMOB&AN Mrs. Beorge F. Fenno ot SwarthMr. and Mrs. Carl de Moll of There will be a celebration of Park avenue will entertain inform- more avenue entertained tor a tew Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Sun- ally tomorrow evening In honor of days Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hobbs day morning. At the 11 o'clock the house guests of Mrs. Ullman. of Binghamton, N. Y. service of Morning Prayer, Reverend John N. Huggins, rector of Calvary Church, Rockdale, w1ll preach. Those serving as ushers Sunday are W. Freegard, W. C. Hog, C. S. Keller, C. H. W. Ingraham, R. M. Kilgore, W. R. Sanborn, W. R. Fawcett, and R. M. Daniel. TriJlity Not. PERSONALS THE SWARTHMQREAN PUBLlSHIID E\iEar I'&IDAY AT 8WAATllKOU PA. THE BWAATBMOaEAN, INC.. PUBLUlID& Ph••e 8wartllaen 6-.... PETER E. 'fOLD, Edlior ..... PablllJler lIIABJOIlD TOLD _ . JlA&BABA KENT. A scelate ...ten . Rosalie Peirsol Pat Told Lorene :McCarter Entered as S."';nd Clasa Matter, .lanuary 24, 11129, at the Poot oroce at S"'arthmo~, Pa., under the Act of Uarch 3, 18711. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON - - - SWARTBIIOJUI:, PA., J'BD),\,T, AUGQST 11, 1954i" \ News Notes Mawr Oollege, will preach. He Is. DeIIeloWl Dloners io BUn Mr. and' Mrs. John Patterson Presbyterian Notes At the 11 o'clock service Sun- the finit teacher to occupy that re- and family of Amherst avenue day morning the Rev. Geddes cently endovled position which have returned from a two-week MacGregor, Ph.D newly, appointed was created in tribute to the late vacation at Ship Bottom, N. J. Larry Woodruff son of Captain Professor of' Religion at Bryn Dr. Rufus M. Jones, a trostee at Bryn Mawr for half a century. Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Woodruff of l\lorMacGrellOr .is a Scotsman, b,aving ton i!!. a junior counselor at Camp come to this country from Edin- Tocli:'fogh, on the Chesapeake Bay. burgh last fall. Mr. and Mrs. William H. DriaSWARTHMORE Mary Follmer will be guest .0- haus and daughter Susan of Yale PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH loist. Nath~el Watson will be avenue drove to Lake Carey Fri11:00 A~da~eA~.13 Geddes guest orgamst for A~. day to bring home their elder MacGregor, Ph.D. will preach. The nurselY for children aged daughter Anne who had visited rwlll be two to six will be held Sunday at ek. N The Church ursery 11 o'clock on the second floor of Joan Hemenway there for a we °Wednesda)', Aqaal 18 the Parish House. Mrs. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Ch,,:les W. !,,::s 10:00 A.M.-SuI>gical Dresrlngs Johnson ill in charge. and daughters Bar ara an e group meets in Parish iHDuse. The Surgical Dressings Group of Strath Haven avenue w illl . eave METHODiST CHuRcH- will meet Wednesday morning at next Thursday by a."iom~bile for Roy N. Kels..... D. D., Mlnlater 10 in the upstairs of the Parish a two-week vacatlOn m Lake Sunda" Aqast IS House. All who are interested are Willoughby, Vt. 10:00 AM. Sunday School invited to colDe and bring a .and- Dr. and Mrs. Seymour W. Klet11:0n~.-Dr. Henry E. Wal- wich for the lunCh hour. zien of South Che~ter road ~­ hey of Philadelphia, will The minlstry of the 'Church can tertained the staff of the Nutrl~ preach. be reached during the lIUlIIDlel: by tion Clinic of the pennsylvania TRINITY CHURCH calling the Church Ollice any Hospital, Philadelphia, at a re~t Sunda)', Aqast IS morning. picnic supper In the larden of their 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. home. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. Christian Science Not. Barbara Lukens of Strath Haven . THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY . avenue will entertain as her weekOF FRIENDS "Soul" is the subject of the Leo- end aueiots Mary Krum of Shaker , Sunda)" Aqast 13 son-Sermon in all Churches' of Heights Ohio and Elizabeth Ahner 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for wonhlp. Christ, Scientist on Sunday ,AU- of Scar~dale, N. Y., classmates at Visl=da':~=- I i ' gust 13. TIle Golden Text Is: 'The Middlebury College. All day sewing for. A:FB.C. Lord is my portion, saiDl my soul; Mr and Mrs. Benjamin W. ColWf'tfuMdal', A...... 18 therefore will, I hope in him." lins ~f HUlborn avenue have raAll day sewing for A:FB.C. (lamentations 3:24) turned following a week's auioFIRST CHURCH OF mobile trip to DetrOit, Mich., and CHRIST SCIENTIST Methodist Note. d eek crnis OF SWARTHlI/IORB Oberlin, Ohio, an a w Park AVenue below Harvanl Sunday Sch;"t the held at the U.s. Naval Air Stathe high school and 9 for the ele- Rooter Waldo Davison. Tbe squad he and his fiuniIy were christmas opportun1ti"': at. the teacher s col- tion, Patuxent River, Md. Ensign Hunter is attached to mentary grades. will r~turn fr~ camp at 5:30 the Day guests of .the school. lege open ~der vistas of p:ofesPatrol Squadron 21 based at PaIn general ¢he dividing line for followmg Wednesday. p. liti slonal ServIce. He v;ill be ill the " the assignment of grade pupils Although the 1950 squad is a rem::";:'l!yhi.hism~~~~ ~~:~ department ·ot Secondary Educa- tuxent River. Ensign Hunter entered the Na, will be along Park and, Harvard large otle • only three letter men indepen1ent otin In 1922 h tion. val service in 1946 under the naval avenues to Cresson Iane and are back. Tbey are, Captain Fred was th . v gful' Dem tie Miss M. Jean Prosch teacher at midshipman program and atten~ . . C b e UQSUccess ocra c . Swarthmore avenues. PnPil!' liv- . amp ell. ~robably ~e outs~d- and Independent candiliate for the third grade at Rutgers Avenue ded Pennsylvania Military College Jng south of this center line will 109 player ill the district. Fullback Congress fro th DeIa School has recently been appointed at Chester. attend the Rutgers Avenue Schoo~ Howard Arrjson. bigger and more Chester C()Ilr:.. ~ . cf ~~ to the faculty of the KutztoWn and PUpils, living north of the line powerful. ~an last year. and Thomas S. Butler: 1,'1 agams State Teacher's College. She will will attend the College Avenue Tackle William Crouthers•. A large .... be assigned to teach in the laborCapt. and Mrs. L. O. Shoc;>k and School. Because of heavy enroll-group, of promlsing but untested t'obBOtD 2m 5 All!gheny • Pa .• ~n <;Ic- ato"" school and to direct the work daughter Sally of Riverview road . several cases ~~c~ rna. terI'al IS . commg . er • 111-.3 Dr•onEIl1s first of -, m~t.t. 118m uP-ff~m the newspaper job' was the Phil student teachers in training. have returned home following a to reassign some of the pupils liv- Junior and Sophomore classes. ctel h· It b t hi· . - She will also teach classes in the 10-day automobile trip through . ing near the line. The situation meaD!' there Is a a p.aal em wo,rked. . . emphasize . par- the New England.. States. They Phil u· del eater his· daili He college She will Tbe Scho,!l calendar ~or the wide open chance for about every on sever . ~ p ... es. e . ul . el +.~ were guests of Comdr. and Mrs. . . c1 d th ~ 110 boy on the squad turned to religiOUS wrIting early tIC arly tile new emen_, commg m u es e J,.O Woo • .,. - ' • Social S di . d teyear: . Any boys who have not had an beeommg editor of the Internat-' course of study ill tu es. H . W . Ligon a fNe wport, RI ..• and 109 a s . . . 1 Christ· Th ted late Dr and Mrs H J Brown and Teacher's report for workshop opportunity to sign up for fo~t- 10n~ .an Endeavor Organ . ese. unexpec • ~er. ., . conferences and reexaminations on ball ar\, requested to get In touch unlll 1897 and of F?rward Pres- restgnations co,?e as a surprISe daughter of Winchester.. Mass. .. "_ with Coach Robinson whose tel- byierlan weekly. ·until 1902. and ·the vacanCIes have not yet Carol Brown a.ccomparued the M Septemb er 6• 7• 8. 0 non.....,. •Swarthmore ~_~ Blbl Sh00ks h ere ,or • a .VlSI . ·t• ephone number is . ~~-. • e Lands been filled. 50Ptember 11 • pupils repor t f o r . . . Ely' th . . -----------------:-----------classes. On October 16 and 17 the 6-3913. ar. ill ~e century his world 7 . • • school will be closed for teaChers travels a. LegIon Amnhary Reports on Current to attend County ,Institute. the sesMr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Gem- ::::-~:d:nmves~~tion ,?f ~ial• .: Projects and Tie-in With Convention sions being held in Swarthmore. mill. sons Bruce and Lee. and f II. 'di~ dt pOfliAmtiCal. conditions The American LegiQn :Auxiliary . An adopted orphan from Scot.. . .. or·a synfirst ca e I 0 1917erlcan .HospItal ' Th anksglvmg V;tCl1-tlOn will.be No- d allg hter·B e tty returned S und BY papers h -tr news1 d goal for the Coatesville land School. founded by theI vember 23· and 24: December 22 from a vacation In the Poconos in Russ"a b' n. e ..::.ve.e has been reached after three years American Legion. has been the will b e thCehristmasY last da 0hf li~chday00l b.e- where they had taken a cottage at on the RuSsian I. ecommg an Revolutionau~orlty. and re- of work ill collecting coupons an d annual concern of the Sw arthm?re . th f are the . 0 WI Twin Lakes for two weeks, , porting ihe rise of Bolshevism for cash donations. Tbe women of Auxiliary. Mrs. Roy Delaplaine schools reoperung on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilson of The Saturday Evening Post. He the Methodist Church and other of the Home Unit. has been the January 3. Monday.• F~ru.ary 12. Ogden avenue· returned home served as a war correspondent on friends of the Swarthmore Unit Big Sister for s~veral ye"fs. corthe schools will be closed for one Sunday following a two-week va- the R . P i Ro . who were faithful in (:ollectlng responding sending monthly ald ay o.b servance a fL· USSlan, fronts ers an, during uma.w.an. • . mco.In's birth- cation at Mt..Desert. Me. En route and French. the coupons will be pleased that the lowance. and gifts for holidays. day. ~ter vacation will include· home they toured through New First World War. Dr. Ellis covered $5.000; covered grandstand for the Jerry Allen•. a long time Superln~ Good and Tb the Hampshire. Vermont. t. FrI day ek' Marc!;l f Mar h23 26 New York and NorthernNorthern Jersey the Paris Peace Conterence and mental cases at Coatesville Hos- tendent of Scotland Home.. spoke en Ire we ill 0 c and spent ~ day visiting their son: the C?nterence on the Limitatton I!italls a reality. It was dedicated on Friday at the Convention. HIs ~ch:~ ';.h r:p~ ~ b ' : in-law and daughter Mr and Mrs. of Armament in Washiogton in last Sunday. Mrs. Leonard J. Brad- family. now 400 children. will be P W~ ~ s oo~ 30e ~ Bart Millington of Croydon. 1921-22 fo~ a newspaper syndicate. ley•. state president of the Aux- increased to 800 this coming year. on I es aill:r· d f 'hildr e ·Mr and Mrs D M G .... n~ (Continued on page six) iliary giVing the dedication speech. "Graduating from the school and sch 00 year W en or c en • . . ace 0.".--. . . . • . on Thu day June 14 and children Nancy and Susan of . Three members. of the Swarth- gomg lDto the world for a job rs.· Parrish road returned home SunMr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Lang more Unit attended the AuxiliarY and adjustment is the most dif. Mrs. Frances E. Walton of Am- day after a- two-week vacation on and son Bob of Maple avenue and Convention held last week. in fieult period of their lives". deherst avenue returned SaturdaY the Tbollsand Islands. . Dick McCormat:k of Ogden ave- p~elphia. Mrs. Louis A. ~us~ clared Mr. Allen. after ff month's trip by plane to 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. McCoy nue have returned hO~ after It ton. ;~. L. J. Servais, and Mrs. Tbe Keystone Camp for Girls. Mexico. "She was accompanied by have returned to their bome In vacation ill Douglas p. J •.. Gilcreest. run and paid for by the Auxiliary her cousin Mias Eleanor Gillespie Cambridge, Mass after a week's Hill, Me. Eben Lang has com- .' In the past, the Swarthmore Units. teaches true Americanism. of York. Mrs. Walton entertained v .....tion with Mrs. McCoy's par- ple~_ summer school. at the UnI- tiiUt was I&.teiested In a leper of the ways of Ibis Democracy. and as her week-end guests her son ents Mr. lind Mrs. wn)iam Free- Versl!'Y of pennsyl"!"",,.and Is on CarsvIlle HosPital, Ln., who dled the Government founded on basic and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. gard of· SWarthm.ore avenue: a trip thro~ the IDlddle west a few years ago. It ts satisfying principles of right and wrong. One Edward-G. Walton of Lancaster. Mrs. 'Buchanan IHalTar and beto~ returning to Cornell UnI- to learn that the 40 and 8 organ!- young girl whose work and reWinifred Rumble of Swarth- daughters Suzanne and oTqan have verS1ty. zation ot 'the Amarican Legion sponse bad b!!en unusually high. more avenue· is painting at the retnrned to their home on' Yale Mr. and .Mrs. JameS Eo Davis ha4 donated $'5000 to Ibis Leper grade. was sent to Washington I Jerry Farnsworth School-at Art avenue following a week's motor and son John at Amherst avenue • Ibis summer to enjoy the CapitOl In North Truro, C!Ipe Cod for trip· through New York State and spent a f_ days of. this week In Colony for· new .....pera from out- and to Iearn more of the program the month Of August. Canada. Atlantic ClI7. side the area. In which her Interest was evident. • to BARGAINS ALL OVER THE PLACE SEPT. 5 Jf it's about a financial matter, per- are welcome to draw on our experience. coiffure or a complete change of The .' New Students Urge~ To Register Aug. 21" 28 Whether or not you ar!l_a depositor,. you seeking a slight tidying of her .THE S.WARTHMOREAN. SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER· 11 ·t , To VOLUME 22-NUMBER 33 ' , , w.fUB Y SVmrthmore College Libr."ry ;''wRrthmore, Pe..·' . ,> l I,, , following a two-week vacation to organization Of its kind in this Virginia Beach, Va., and Roanoke country. , CLOSF..D AUG. 21 - L;~~" - Bouquets to The Bouquet Stokes Nursing Home Linville Orchards . Give 1950 drive Chryslers for the re.t of your Iifel Inside \ ~eg~. l'!" ~dertook M THE NEW YOUR ..-DOOR SEDAN Saalt-drlvalt ••• there's built-In yal~e all the way through! The Beautiful Advantag•• of Chrysler'. fluid DrIv. CHRYSLER Advantag.s o. Chrysler'. High Compreuloil w,"th Fluid Drl"ve .,"11; • Eng..... -. .....ryat.r·. Advanlags. In Can,tort and Safety A _ _ r SIIlftlntt--<>k place. Sat- 6 in Bryn Mawr Tospital. more College. PERSONALS of Media, and Florence Callaway Mr. and Mrs. Frank R;e::::1 Mr. Kerr served in the Anny urday, ~ugust 12 at 2 o'cI"ck in Edward Callaway is visiting his is the guest ot her aunt Mrs. A. St. PatrIck's Rectory in Ripon. . of Yale' avenue ha ve Engineers during the war, and IS' Father Gordon Johnson officiated. grandmother Mrs. C ary C:a1lla",rav W. Myer of NuUey, N. J. fr 10 d I om a - ay tr p to Maine, a graduate of Hamilton College. where they were the guests Miss Mary Jealine Welker sang" Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Thomas of NUPTIAL NEAR "The Lord's Prayer" preceding the . Scarsdale, N.'Y., at their summer The marriage of GillIan,l'r~~~;:lceremony and Miss Joanne MIller home in Camden, Me. Griffith to Mr. Stephen sang "Ave Maria" lit the close ot 'G the service. Mr. an d M rs. C I Bl'ence . Myers son ot Dr. and Mrs. J. of Dickinson avenue, a""oD~p'mi,ed I Howard Smith ot Wilmington, N. The bride, given In marriage by ' s'st Mis P . her father, wore a gown of whl·te by .Mr Myers . I er s arcle C., formerly of Swar!hmore BEAUTY SALON Myers Of Delray Beach, Fla. re- ta1te place Saturday, Augus't 26 marquisette with lace jacket. turned home Sund fr tr' finger tip veil of illusion fell BRAUTY HOARDS THE SUMlIIER SUN ay om a IP at 3:30 o'clock in Saint Paul's abroad. They sailed June 9 for Church, Salem, N. Y. from a JUliet cap of lace, and she Call Swarthmore lI-M76 England where on June 22 tbeir Lt. Col. and Mrs. Walter May- carried a cascade bouquet of wtlllE" . 9 Chester Road son Mr. Peter M yers recelVed . the nard Howlett have Issued invi- Figi chrysanthemums ~~~~::= degree of D . Phil . a t the U· -ty with orchids. She wore a mversl 1ations to the wedding and to the of Oxford A - a Rh d S h la of pearls, a gift of the groom. . => a es' c o r reception which will follow at he had .been study'Ing three years Red Gate Farm, Shushan, N. Y. Mrs. Gordon Suckow and Miss at the university. The family Myra Middleton, both of Ripon, group then toured· England and as matron of honor and maid of DeUoioWl Dinners &0 .8UU the taslle 01 everyone . the Continent, spending a greater Th TO WED SEPT. 2 honor, respectively,wore gowns of e IJ¥U"riage of Miss Aun Har'l'ENDER S'l'EAKS and CHOPS Cooked &0 order part of the time in Switzerland and blue marquisette fashioned with vey, daughtel' of Mr. and Mrs. t 1 MARGIE'S FAlIIOUS CINNAlIION BUNS on SUNDAY Italy. Miss Ann Myers who acII s 0 es of the material. They carWi iam Minton Harvey'! of Co- . d companied her parents remam'ed Iurn b ia avenue, to Mr• .fames Hen- be bronze chrysanthemums. EVERY THURSDAY s:ao &0 7:30 p. m. SERVE YOURSELF BUFFE'l' SUPPER $1.80 ' for a longer visit abroad. Mr. ry Vidal, Jr., son of Mr. and' Mrs. !'1r. Peter Gritls of Detroit, and Mrs. Peter Myers wl'lI retllim I J ames H. Vidal of Gainesville MlCh., served as best man. Mr. W'II ComlortabJe Rooms Da), or Week. Elevator to this country November l ' ' I iam Lunde, brother of the wnen, Fla., WIll take place Saturday, b 'd Mr. Myers will begin work I'n September 2 in Trinity Episcopal rlA e, was usher. Research Laboratory of the Bell Ch",ch, Swarthmore. reception followed at CarvEorS' Telephone Company. 1\',rs. William McCabe Harvey on Green Lake, Wisc. The bride'.s' S _~L_ P th mother wore· a Navy and p,lnI< I w_wuuore, a. Telephone Swarthmore 6-0680 Helen Hoot of Lafayette ave- f S o war more avenue will be WESTERN UNION OFFICE nue who is worklng at Camp tr f h linen suit with Navy accesFREE PARKING onor, the bridesWauoyatah, H'~IS' _. on, Me., this rna rna Idon s w0III be Missand Priscilla Giles sories. The groom's mother cllOS" I summer spent the week-end of Rutgers avenue, Miss Marjorie a gown of turquoise crepe the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur' Edgert on 0 f Wynnewood, Miss Ar- Navy accessories. They FINE CAKES and PASTRIES E. LaCroix of Newton Center den Bennett of Glen Mills and wore corsages of white Figl chrysMass" and then returned to ' Mi 55 M argaret Lessig of Merion. ' anthemums. . SUGGESTIONS· FOR YOUR pANTRY by plane. Mr. Vidal will serve as best Following a wedding trip by Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Forwood for his son. The ushers will be plane to New. York City, Ocean Call Swarthmore 6-3243 their daughter Gail and son Chip~ Mr. William McCabe Harvey, bro- City and .Rehoboth, Beach, the per of Oberlin avenue returned the~ of the bride, Mr. John' Te- couple wlll live at 2715 Hall avehome Sunday after a two-week Selle of Gainsville, Fla., Mr. T. nue, Marinette, Wjsc., where the vacation in Avalon. S!etson Videon of. Tallahassee, groom is p projec( engineer with Mr_ and Mrs. Oscar S. Harl of Fla., and Mr. William P. Hall of the M~~nette Paper Co. Lafayette avenue, and their house Greenwich,. Conn. ~s. Hansllk of Cornell avenue Theatre Square guests their son and daug:hte,r-in-I A reception at the home of the was accompanied' to Wl.sconsln law the Rev. and Mrs. J. bride's parents wlll follow the for the wedding b) her daughter Hart of Swedesboro, N. J., ceremony, Mrs. Donald C. Songer at last week vacationing in mington.Park, N. J. AUGUST BRIDE --,---Miss Helen Margaret The wedding of Miss Elizallet]. I BmTHS daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Johnson, daughter Of Dr. Keenen f H ' The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph n. . 0 arvard avenue Mrs. William T. Johnson Of O'gd,enl • 1Iv guest' of honor at a tea '",ven I a d Bishop of Westdale avenue Tu .... venue, an Mr. Richard B. Wray. receiving congratulations the esday afternoon by ·Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee P. Wray, b'lrth of a seven and 'a-half pound L F~ f R'd! • c •• er 0 I ey Park. The marof Walnut lane, will take plaice I son, Timot~ Edward Franch:'J rl g f Mis a e 0~- , s Keenen and Mr. and at 3. o'clock on August '26 at the Bishop, on Monday, August 14 Mrs • F'll;:"w:.er S son ,Mr. William Swarthmore Friends Meeting B Forrest Fester will take place Sep- House. . ryn Mawr Hospltat The baby temb 2' th S IS named for his mlllemal -nder m e warthmore PresMiss Lucetta Sharp of Wynne- father. ...,byterlan Church. wood wlll be the maid of honor, Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Spiller and Mrs. William J. Evans Mr. and Mrs. WaiTen R. Bernard Ride on and their daughter Mary have Greene, N. Y., will act as bridesOf South Chester road announce returned home from six months maid. the birth of a son, David Nelson in Norway where Dr. Spiller Mr. Porter Wray of Pittsburgh Bernard; on August 7 In Taylor Visiting Professor of brother of the groom, will ' Hospitat Literature at the UniverSity of as best man. The ushers will The new -baby is a grandson of la, They also visited the Mr. ,?arl C. Colket of Manoa, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bernard of GET 4 way non-skidl Deep versity of Uppsala, Sweden Richard Worth of West Chester, Union avenue, and .of Mrs. Mabel the spring ''Promotion'' and Mr. Edward Worth of Wilgrooved traction! Be safer on Hutchison of Rutgers avenue. They will return to their home on mington. slippery wet roadsl Ogden avenue about September. A reception in Whittier House Mr. and .Mrs. Jack B. Callaway will follow the ceremony. of Elm avenue announce the birth ENGAGEMENT: of a son, John Ronald, on August HANZLIK - LUNDE Mr. and Mrs. John Howe Hall of The marriage of MIss Patricia Strath Haven avenue announce Jean Lunde, daughter of Mr. and th~ engagement Of their daughter, CHGllTlill and FAmVIJnll' aOAH Mr~. J. P: Lunde of Ripon, Wise., Gn.ella Chyrstil! Hall, to Mr. to Mr. John Robert Hanzlik, son of PIIONE SWAB'l'BlIIOaE 6-3681 James Thompson Kerr, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hanzlik of Mrs. J:>mes L. Kerr of Upper Montclair, N. J., and the late Mr. FOR Kerr. 'r-.:;;;;~-:,;;;;~-;:;,;;;~-~~!;~;;;~;'';~~~~~~-;:;,;;;;:; -The Bouquet If t~;~~;~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STRATH HAVEN INN ~============:;;=;:;;:;;:;;;:;;;;:;;=;:;;;:;;;;;\;;;;:;;~=~ THE CAKE BOX ~~~~~~~~~~~=:=========~=~~~~d MADE on ilLIP GRIP "'11'11 GOODJiEAR ALL-WEATHER ,'R E AD T IRE 5 . FUSCO & ALSTON , , , Miss Hall is the gr'~~~~~:~1 of the late Mr. and Mrs. Prescott Hall of Plainfield, N. and of the late Mr. and Mrs. ward Henry Eru;nshaw of 'MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Mrs· Lloyd f;, ltauffmaJa Swarthmore 6-2080 MEDIA Picture Framing Large S&OCk 01 REAnY !\lADE FRAMES lIIe&al - Wood -Leather LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MOULDINGS FOR CUSTOM MADE FRAMFB ROGER RU8SEU, B'l'An: .. MO!mOK 4' Jll!DIA 1-.17. 18 DELIGHTFULLY AIR CONDITIONED Friday and Satilrday~­ Spencer Tracy .Joan Bennett Elisabeth Taylor "FATHER OF TIlE BlIIDE" Kiddles Mat. Sat. 1:15TIm Holl Western " 7 Cartoons Also "Apelng· Hollywood" REGULAR FEATURE , BalthBere ·Plke, S~, Pa. PheDe ~ 8-MSt Cellcge Theatre AIR CONDITIONED Friday and Saturday • Roberi Donat In,''THE WINSLOW BOY" Feature Times Sat. ~lte Only 6:00 - 8:00· and 10:00 ·P.M. Saturday Matinee - 1 P. M. "THE CARmoo TRAIi." Children's Show BoyBo_1n "DON'T FENCE !lIE IN" Four Cartoons, Comedy, . Serial Tuesday and Wednesday Monday and Tuesday _~..:NOT SHOWN Sunday and-Mond""'a""yBaudolph 8coU -In· Colorl Robt. Walker " .JGan LeiUe . "'l'IIB SIUPPEB SURPBI8ED BIB WH*,' Thursday Only CUftea Wellb Rob&. Maareen 0'IIaN Y_- "8DTING PBMWl is. starting Pridayt "TID: GOOD 1IlllIIO& lIIAN" Robert Wallrer aDd De_K_ In "PLBASB BP'.tBVB lIB" Wednesday and Thursda:y S_Tnq " l vlleth or.raw fa "FAI ...... OF 'IIIB BaIDB" AI IICI£IT P.8F-ESSIO. en llOaecf.cl1 1 cf aD. tile 1 DeC! prof ·co' It' bad .1 z' clog mace than tbIIr thp d;,ears ago. SId has heeD pract:iced in ClIle fona 01' . eYer &iDee. The modem druc st:(lre bears little resemblance to , the apothecary of old. Yet, 1:0da:y". JIharmaeist is inspired by the same hoDOrable priaciplea that ';',aned the CIOIlduc:t: Gt hill, 1Ix........ 'l'he phil" c· s dliefiIJ.W I, _ _ ~ ia ~ Jelief of m , . I MIl dae poL IF . tin. 01 life. Prescriptjona 'II I I e' iIIIt .. oar .... Y~ 010 c' JC ..". .at 1iII:e bI n m d ..... : ~ pbumac:y, Mat be will DeVer con,," . H ..... anotioer rO if JQU brine hie prc:acriptiom to UII. ..J • adelphia. Mrs. Don Dickinson will At the 11 o'clock service Sun- be in charge of (he Church NurDr. and Mrs. George B. Sickel, day morning, the Rev. Donald sery. Bill and Babs Sickel of Strath MacLeod, Ph. D., a member of . . Haven avenue have returned home the faculty of Princeton TheologThe Rev. and Mrs. J. Richard . from Plymouth, Ohio where they ical Seminary in the department Bar! have returned to theIr home spent a month visiting Mrs. Sicof Homiletics, and fOl'lIler pastor in Swedesboro, N. J., after a 10- kel's mother Mrs. William Bit- i of First Church, Louisburg, Nova day visit with Rev. Har!'s parents Scotia. Dr. MacLeod Is a popular Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of tinger. preacher and lecturer in this coun- Lafayette avenue. WhIle here Mr. Lloyd Leach of North Ches- . try and in Canada. Rev. Hart, pastor of the First Pres- ter road returned home yesterday: Mary Follmer will be guest 50- byterlan Church, Sweresboro, was from abroad where he had been loist. Nathaniel Watson will be guest preacher of the First Pres- on a business trip since Juoe 1. guest organist for August. byterian Church, Phil.delphia. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Rob- : ,The nursery for children aged Mr. and Mrs. G.Davies Preston inson of Ogden avenue have retwo to six will be held Sunday at with their daughters Susan and turned from Shiphottom, N. J.,. 11 o'cloc~ on the second noor .of Nell of Dogwood lane will leave where they had taken a cottage the parl~h. House. Mrs. Daniel today for Camp Deerwood, N. H., for a month. Johnson IS m charge. h th '11 to f the' son Mr. ·and Mrs. S. s. Rutherford The Surgical Dressings Group w er~ ey WI S. P _or If of Strath Haven avenue have been will ,meet Wednesday morning at Dave before vacat,omng on Lake entertaining as their house guest 10 in the upstairs of the Parish George for a week. fOr several weeks Mrs. RutherHouse. All who are interested are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderton and ford's cousin Mrs. MeGreery Gray invited to come and bring a sand- children Hope and Brooks have Tomkles of Baltimore, Md. wich for the lunch hour. moved 'from Riverview road &0 Mr. Arthur W. Hoch o( Yale The ministry of the Church can their newly ·biult home at 105 avenue was guest organist in st. be reached during the summer by Forest lane. Mark's Lutheran Church, Belleca)llng the Church .Office any Mrs. Joseph B. Collins of Strath font, Del., at the Sunday morning morning. Haven Inn and her daughter Mrs. service. I. R. MacElwee and son Don of Dr. and Mrs. George B, .Sickel Trinity Notes Mt. Holyoke piace have returned of Strath Haven avenue are enHoly Communion will be cele- from a three-week motor trip to tertainlng as their house guest Mr. brated at 8:00 a.m. Sunday.· Rev- Wisconsin. James Archer of College Park, Ga. erend 1J0hn Huggins; rector of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gilfillan Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Molr Calvary Church, Rockdale, will be and 'family of Yale avenue and and daughters Jlnnie and .Joan in charge and will preach at the Mr. and Mrs~C. D. Scbloess:r and of South Chester road have re11 o'clock service of Morning daughters cf Park avenue, will turned frOm a two-week .acation Prayer. _ . leave Monday to occupy a cottage in Dimnisport, Cape Cod. The ushers for Sunda! will be at Buck HIll Falls for the remainMrs. Donald Smith with her S. D. Clyde, Jr., V. L. Fine, F. W. d f th . children Dana and Da:nnY of MunW . N , R yerson, W • F . ero eseason. · L ue h rIng, Mrs. O. J. Gilcreest of Vassar s te r, Ind., will r etum t 0 their h orne d Klug, J E. Bell, F. R. Gray, an tomorrow after a three-week vlsavenue has returned home lOllowJ.' W. Jones. it with her parents 'Mr. and Mrs.· ---r--ing a three-week visit with -!ter Daniel S. Morse 01 Parrish road. . Christian &ience Notes daughter Mrs. David Warner and Mr. Smith spent a two-week va"Mind" is the subject of the tamUy of Lima, Ohio. cation her•. Lesson-Sermon in all Churche.. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates Mr. and Mrs... Arthur' W. Hoch, of Christ, Scientist on Sunday Au- of Harvard avenue attend,ed the daughter Peggy Anne and son gust 20. The Golden Text Is: funeral Monday of Mrs. Coates' Wayne of Yale avenue will leave "Blessed be the name of God for cousin Mrs. Edith B. Ramsay of today by automobile for the New ever and ever: for wisdom and Plainfield, N. J., who died at her England States where, they will mjght are his: '. . . • he giveth home Saturday. Mrs. Ramsay vacation until after Labor Day. . ON '!'lIB ooaJO!B ' . • I OLIVEIl H. BAIR I "'ICI'OU O. PUNDALI ' ..... . Methodist Notes sUnday School meets each Sunday at 10 a.m. At the 11 o'clock service Sunday morning, the gUest preacher will be Dr. Albert M. Witwer of Phil- Church Services SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, Augnsj; 20 11:00 A.M.-The Rev. Donald Ma~od, Ph.D., will preach. The Church Nursery· will be Buy carpeting or Oriental mga at lowest prices, get a Cine trade-in Cor you~ old ruga. Wide oelection. . Vilit our showroom cPAuls"" It (;oar....... . ta' Bu" ~omplele Size Range • Orl ... III....... 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. SW artlrmor. 6-6000 - CL earbrook 9-4646 N_ 1M IngleMuk ••• Open Evening........~/'......_ 4 eked tkese importoHt pO/HtS 6e/ore . . I ' 11011 ckoose II cllreer 1 t/ PLACEMENT POSSIBILITIES ~ SUPERVISORY OPPORTUNITIES t/ ECONOMIC SECURITY Get aStudebaker and set "more truckfor the money t TELEVISION ond RADIO _offers a practical course in . which will train you for a responsible position as a, Wednesday, August 23 10:00 A.M.-SllIIgical Drpssings group meets in Parish iHOlDe. METHODIST CHURcH-Roy N. Keiser, D. D., Minister SundaY, August 20 10:00 A.M. Sunday School meets. 11 :00 A.M.-Dr. Albert M. Witwer of Philadelphia will preach. TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, A1l&1IlIt 20 8:00 A.M.-Holy Comm"nlon. 11:00 A.j!II.-Morning Prayer. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sunday, August. 20 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for worship. Visitors welcome. 1II0nday, August :n All day sewing for A.FS.c. . Wednesday, AugUSt; IS I All day sewing for A:FS.C. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCl!:NTI&T OF SWARTJD401111 Park AVOlllue below uarVU4 Sunday, AUPd ze 11:00 A.II.--Bunda7 Schoo! 11:00 A.II. - LIlI;U - SermOa p ....DI _ell WI k, • pm. R . . . . . . - dUI7 UCIIPl SWIdq d .. I p.m. WecIn..,. _ ..... , .. ,:It P. IlL IIIId • to . _ lIpID. v==' TEMPLE UNIVERSITY open. ''Mind.'' Trade in flour rugs ••• -=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::;::::::::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--1 ledge to them that know understanding." (Daniel 2 :20,21) • ._--_. J---- wisdom unto the wise, and know- co. , ••0 CHIITNU1 51RII1 I W_eeM:r ewaInC .CeIIeC' Phlr•••, AIR CONDITIONED Prctlbyterian Note. A"plus"of .xtra-value features! Big visibility cab with head room, hip room, !~~ room for three,., Fully enclosed sofety steps. ,. Llft·thehood" occessibilily to engine, ignition, instrument panel wiring .•• Adjusto-Alr seat cushion. _ • Two foot-~on­ trolled floor yentilaton •• , Two built-in window WIngs • •• Dual windshield w\pen •• ~ Two arm rests ~nd sun vlson , • ,Cab light with hand and automatic door switche •••• Tight-grlpping rotary door latches ••• Exha strang K-member front frame reinforcement, , • Rugged, aasy-rlding sprJng •••• Shack-prGofyoriable-ratio steering with extnr leyerage for aasierturn-arounds and parking. FIRST TRUCKS WITH AUTOMATIC OVERDRIVE Avai..... ill Y2 tea aacI "A .... models at extra QSI -FUSCO and ALSTON Cbeeter ... ","w ..... p~ sw.... • RADAR TECHNICIAN • .TELEVISION lind RADIO TECHNICIAN • TELECASTING ENGINEER • ELECTRONIC TECHNICAL WRITER • FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE • SALES lind RESEARCH SPECIALIST • TELEVISION lind RADIO SERVICEMAN Full Tim!! Day and Evening-Part Time Evening Courses REGISTER NOW' Classes Convene September • . 1 • C}JESTER.UNIT - ' CITY CENTER BLDG. 411 MARKET ST" CHESTER Offlc., 3n1 Floor • Telephone 3.0319 ATTENTION VETERANS A Certificate of Eligibility i. required at time of Reglltratlon. Secure your certificate immediately from the Vetenlns Admini~tlon. I • •III~ , \ .. ~::::::::::::::::::::::~:===-==--=~T~Br;E~&:W~A~B~T~H~M~O~.~K~A~~ =&..... r H.lrvard Inn DInInc Itoom ()pen To PuIoHo Ifa""";d and Rutlrer8 Avenues rb p NAA4$q~ SIIlNT G1JKS'l'8 PlIane Swal1bmore G-t7Z1 -.~- - .......... •.....b ......................... ~ your dental plates repaired same day ~ ~ DR H I SROR • • • 6908. MARKEl' STREET • op.n: 9., Mon., Wed.• Fri. ,,, Tun., .IIIERAl CRED'T nil",. tEIMS Room 310 UPPER DlIBl.AI'L un IUS. IEI.va'or Ie",i.., . through Vermont, New Hampshire. and New York State. Mrs. C. D. Howard of Rutgers avenue entertained as her house guests last week her brother Mr. . Walter A. Conover, his wife and their children Kenneth and Nancy of Erie. The out-of-town guests were also entertained by Mrs. Howard's son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Pyle. II of ,Media. Mr. Henry I. Hoot and son Billy of Lafayette avenue will return home next w"",k following an automobile trip to the west coast. They 'will return via the southern rou teo stopping at Boulder Dam, the Grand Canyon, Albuquerque and Lincoln's birthplace in Spring~ field, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Hoot with their son left here July 20. En route they visited Dr.. and Mrs. W. W. Lawrence of Norwalk, Ohio. They stopped at Kansas City. Colorado Springs, Reno and Yosemite National Park before they arrived in MonrOVia, Calif., Augqst 1 for a visit with their son-in-law and ~aughter Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Lawrence. Mrs. !Hoot will remain until September 1 when she will return by train. Miss Alice PutllaIn of Lafayette avenue and Jane Tyson of Chester returned home Mondlly after a two-month automobile trip of 7000 miles to the Grand Tetons in Wyo,:"i.ng. While there they enjoyed h'kmg and climbing and spent some time on a ranch in Wyoming as the guests. of :Mr. Ge"rge Wil-/ Be prepared PERSONAL / . . with • PERSo~N"AL-=""""U"r:-:g=e=-nU"y=-Needed-::' Automati( ~,5 HOUSE HEATING -.Rubbish WANTED No';" is the time to change to a modern. carefree heating system. Automatic GAS house heating keeps - Colored woman desires generaJ housework 4 to 5 day's a week, no cooking. ReplY Box X. The Swartjunorean. . W AN'rEf).;.,Large· furnished room or two small rooms with bath, by man. Give price whether apartment or home. ReplY to Box M. Coll.ction Swartbmore DiSposal Weekly or MonUll7 WARREN PIERCE . Swarf!unore 6-2078 you comfortably :warm all winter long-without any . attention. Just select the temperature you want and forget all heating worries. Furthermore, the cost of heating your house with gas compare. favorably with the cost of other automatic heating. See your plumber or heating contractor today and ask for further inforllJlltioll 00 automatic gas house heating. PIea.e the Family wIth Prad.,.rhaJA. REALLY "FARM" Tum to Acm. for fr.sh fruita and v.s.tabl •• that will help you to preP9re h.alt.... ful and ,,:,ost app.tlzlng menus that will appeal to your family these warm. B.£EVES , Dtal Chester 3-8108 Fancy Callfomla SEEDLESS GRAPES Z 25c: • Residential • Paintln& • Commercial • Repairs • Alterations Ibs Z Swu1hmore 6-USO' d ~= BtJ'r~'ER I A....;.................. Vft,t .... Its creamery ".. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . .. . ·. .rtlcularly ' ....h corn, t .... ......,.. . . . . . . . . . . _ _ fit ..... touch t. such aa cake., mu..............., .... 1M. Eo IDLPAT!tICIt Painters &. Paper Hancen 118 Blrcllwood Road We should know bow Swa. 6-2268 M1chkan Ave. Aldan. Pa. MMbteD PETER DI NICOLA' a nurse, con- sty' Cellar WaJIa Be-1'IutotN4 Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 NEW YOIKfI NIWJIOar ••• willi a.ac6ac rear wIeIIow ~~~~~~~~~~~~=. ROOFS OUrrERS REPAIRED &INSTAIJED WARM-AIR BEATING , . Furnaces Vacuum Cleane:il GEORGE MYERS Bos t8 - Swarihmore 8·0740 6-6982. WANTED Graduate student, and baby, desire in wife Swarthmore.· Callapartment Hilltop 51.rvine; Swerthmore. Morton, Rutlede;e and Ridley TownShip aince 191. PHONK: '-81" Swarthmore - ~ -- and carfare. • electric washing machine. Sercondition. $6. Call Swarthmore 6-5551. FOR SAI,E One pair Brooks football shoes. si7;e 8%. slightly used. $8. Swarthmore 6-2447. FOR SALE Baby carriage. strol. ler, play-Ilen, and Babee-Tanda, Beam-type scale. bathinette. basket,gate. auto-seat, nursery ~~~~~~.Il pedal auto. small rew additional items. Swarthmore 6-3829. ' swarihmore . Flow 0/1 ." 'ill'" k _ 011 d ..n long... II j. • • no croudltng on the oor ••• fundlonol DeJIgo head; (eot, shoulders. fafYn to '';'~oom fo r your r an d leave. Cen,........... SIM" whOol fIoht. II"':;" ..Inlotl... road !hodr, ,,--., ~ ""'U 'II" .. " " ooh! ••. • - ' - YIbratioe hoIp • . •.... rfdo Iot.... fa......,. ' • ·The BeaUfi~u~_CHRYSlER . - -- - ",,,,..,. WII.. for SQfetr RIm Wh ..,• ••• won", throw trres after blowouts. al n.orRial speeds. Conllern, C'___ ..1 Windshield W .....Safe 'pelS • • • electrically operated II< b Gu,,,,' Hyrlraollc arabs ••• bala-d a power, _ e r .lOps. I..........., __ CYCLEBOND linIngs for d ...ble .... _ , ..... withFlaid : :.. .. HANNUM and WAITE CHESTER ROAD a'YALEAVENUE' - . BUILDING Chrysler Safety Advantag';s: --~-: MATERIAL TIMPKEN on. BURNERS . FUEL On. .' - - .______ .J . J •. A. GREEN . ................ ....&&1_." 1 •••• 1'17 - S A; _ _ -1-111& 29c 7~~= 49c III'" .....Plll'tll .~. . Jill' 9c ':k~ 27 &: : ':: SIc: • AIIEvtrglnla Lee each Rainbow· . 39&: Two rich yellDw layera fill.d and Iced with creamy von1l1a Idng. topped with ribbons of chocolate Icing. - _\_I_\_I_l_t _ _ l_.\_' HANGE COCOANUT TWIST loa... Charles E. Fischer 3ge ACME GUARANTEED MEATS plea .., you or we e:hHrfulll' refu .... your lIIone),_ BUILDEB. Acme Graded. A Beef s. Swarthmore 8-3153 I Sirloin or Porterhouse , Ib '7. . CHICKENS ,resh.~~!~~!e'i~" 43«= UNITED I~ URGE JERSEY PORGIES 17&: FROSTED FOOD VALUES ideal Brand Concentrated ·S. ,M. HARBISON _'I _._ Ch,,;r H.lght _ TEA BAR . CAD vi~ble • Fluid Drive ••• automatic gear shifting with exclu_ s(ye car controll High CompreSJion $pM;r. Engine ••• extra power 01 all speeds. Supemnlshed parts for longer life. Chemicalty treated cylinder walls for far greater wearl Woterproof Igrtltion Sy.,.,.. '. • • prevents IIolllng In flood or _ ,." 7·u .... each .wont coif.. coke filll:d with a. delldou,I orange cocoanut fillina. topped with vanilla Idna. .. CateII' covrIN /n genera'. potfnJIt, _ _rdal GOd eelor phoIOl/""":" SItort .....aflzed._a._·'n all,."... Vnclt,. dirKf" F."""" Chrysler Comfort Advantag.s: 011.,... Plat. 12: ~'37c Reaideniial Wirins Chrysler Driving Advantages: 21e Ideal Desserts 4·... 23c Lemon Jute. ,.... 2· ....tllill ·.. 25c IIIUd SpagheHI ~=-. 2 ,."::: 25c . Peanut BuHer:= 29c l'ea Bags ,.... _. 50 ,••l. 43c • .IIHI Ora.... P.koe OUHGEJUICE SERVICES See it-drive It ••• there's built-In value all the way through! .,., Gia.. 1,.:,::,,0' Mustard Weal 0 ...... A " ... _,_\ __ • Olives Olives 2~:69&: M.E. Burgett Bes 195, , Spre·• lUi .1_ PI......'o. 011 •• jj A Pl"eclpple• •11th PINEAPPLE JUICE imPOrted frGm HollUul 6-9586. FOR SALE SWARTHMORE,PA. I-au lIL,ese ". ~.a '. Snowdrops Crocua Daffodils Erythronium ScIlla Slblrca Cblonodoxa Gr_ - Hyacinths.. TULIPS to transportation and tea-rooms. Call Swlll¢hmore , Devine Taxi Service Kraft HARBINGERS OF SPRING Driveway Construction . AsPbalt or CoD_til 2:; 41c: GLENDALE FOOD c::.J PLUMBING'" HEATING CUNNINGHAM . ~W:rny!s;nue' Athnadt wthl·l,rem·'ak"eUlyl'o·;un avaC'Uheryaslle' rIhbe W'~Yf Ihrough without equal. • .c •• crafhmanshl J' uye rom now on. Quality In prestige and p~~;~:gutn,,!nn,g : •• that mean you Invest not only anyone 01 the 21 body I .n a,st,'"bg, saodtisfocfian as well. See this car or es ava a e toy! 1SC lb. , LOCATED 17% So. Chester Road Since 1906 • lb. POTATOES S·'_~:I::a~ 10 ZSc: NEW OFFICE Rellstered - , days. , Building Construction Swarthmore 8-1448 WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & RubbIsh Removed Lawns mowed, General Haultng %36 Harding Ii..v. Morton, Pa. PH...... PHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Academy, will leave today to be guests of another classmate Miss Marge Mansell at her sunimer home in Cape May. ~ PERSONAL - Elecirlcal wiring Your Home for Sale. Buyers nnd Installation. residential and waiting. L. Henry LeBaron. The commercial. Water heatell, rao,es, Action Office, Swarthmore 6-0121. dishwashera. dryers. Beodlx. All PERSONAL-Light ~auling. odd work done to Fire Uodervlritera' jobs, trash"· removed rreasonable, specifications. Service on wash- Thomas & Handy. Call Swarthers, vacuum. cleaners, rangeB. more 6-6093 or 6-6239. irons, toasters, lans, lamps. Call FOR RENT H. Hausen. Electr1cal ConIT-H Swarthmore 6-2850. -'35 FOR RENT-After Septeinber 1. two room. separately or togethe'r PlANO TUNING attr'!.('ti"~ home on the hill.. ReALBAN PARD& receivers, vacuum The Swarthmorean. other elecirical appliances repairNew and Rebuilt PIa_ ed. Prompt service. Robel;t and Repairin& Sin.. 1It1 corner be.iroom Brooks. Swarthmore 8-1548. l'houe Media 6-35S5 2 closets, own PERSONAL-Painter - formerlY heated garage. I !:.;~~~~~~~;::~;::~~ to find ·year I , boss painter for George GillesBox O. The pie. Every job a satisfied customer. Call Swarthmore 6-4251. "ThIrd , a..Derat.1on Bulllien"' -YBle HIlMCS A. . PLUMBING AND BEATING C14l-01114. Registered in Swarthm..... Ii Miss Mary Elizabeth Logan of ~~~~~~~~ Cornell avenUe and her h~use and guest Miss Sally Hope of Scranton, avenues. a classmate of Mt. St. Joseph PERSONAL-Boardin, Kenne~. Sara L. Palmer, Wa!1!ngfQl'd Avenue, Moylan, Pa. iMedla 6-0288. JAMES E. LAMB Step in ••• step up in the worldl h . co~v:rt~bie C rysl~~ New Y~rker Newport ••• Ihe original "hard.top" B . ' •• e car I al started loday's smartesl trend in de.i n ul Yhouve a~ly I:" see it and drive il to realize fhallhere sf,'II,'s not g • anol er car like it N dl • 0 car rega. es. of price can maich the luxury f h . t e ma!e~al. a~~ appointments in the lovely inleriors. Even the Clea~bac rear Win ow sto stands alone for grace, beauty, and exceptional CLASSIFIED for car.fr•• • winter co III for,t __________~;-~----------~~--------------------~I~e~tt~s~o~f~N~e.w~Y~Or~k:.~------~_1~. Th' • h .' THB'SWAB'rHMoaZAN , AUGUST 18, 1950 AUGUST 18, 1950 1--iiu~EIi:;S-siiiVi£i-t NEwS NOTES t 'l'HE CENTER ·OF 'l'O.N t :f~~l::~e=' !~;".:!~r:~ t F GAS * OIL * LUBRICATION I lowing a week's automobile triP ,_SW_·_6.0_440 _ _ _D_artm_o_uth_&_Lafaye_ue_Av_e1_. . / - OIANGE JUICE Swarthmore 6-0740 LEMONAQE~:.- 0' color p/IoIog' Cafa~ 21 " New Pack Farmdale , Large' YAWN SCHOOL OF PH OrOGRAPHY Sweet Peas 3-8244. Sa: Broad & ........ Ub "'etr • Mo, m APPLES ...1 .WaD ... ~o...""' PEA(:Hf:S • )feW 00ti...1.... SWEETCO~ KDowlton . . . - % IIIDe weal' of 'OWetou. ·. .ct" • between ~"'..... l " m U •• a~Hc _I', Food or N.... « S5e ____~~. ______~Mo~I~~w-~~-~--------__ 11.110 ........;,...--- Arlen Brothen, Inc. I I. ... 1Id..Gqle7 street, lied". Pa CJwdI n .. . .nI........... "or. lISt» T..... I.H!d'1'·g d z r::.:a.. a!:! zse I'ftdt CoCkUiI , Klki ...·.,_ ZN~:~Z7&: ,'·Inm .. ._1 ,.... '. ". ~.:... ~. i- .' . .... , 'THE &WABTBMOa Mr. Mrs. Ellwood H. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Purnell of of Princeton avenue vISited their I r,n,.", ..n. avi;nue have returned son-in-law and daughter Mr. and a wbek's tour of New York Mrs. J scob Brown of Greenbelt, and a visit with friends in Md., over the week-end. and Stamford, N. Y. Their Deborah Furnas of Richmond, small daughter Beth .pent the Ind., is visiting her grandmother week "lith her grandparents Mr. Mrs. George E. Silloway of Nprth and !',frs. G. E. Wolfgang of Port Chester road.' Royal.' ' of per capIta AMOUNT ~OUllt le\'fcd (Foee of 1940 duplicate) Pc Uft~o~J~ ddP~lcat t·est···················································............... (Si Q!u1:r . ~i:&a~ofDf 1 mm S8 00 J, see·th_ In 1.475.15 &"8)"':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ildi~:~: '.eII ·~I·~·;ta~.~re~t~U1'JlOd;~t~o~co~uni1ty~C~.omm~~I ..~I~o~n.~r~.~. ~...~. .~. .~....~~...~. '~...~...~.. ~. .~v;i~.~.O~7~1.~.~. ··of··lufu··iiii'·..col ····iected ,.......................................................... ',176.11iG =~ll~~ .................................................... ZOI.558.88 ~N:O~~~nt It"~ and of counUess m,.g,azule , FAmUON ' ucted. by CoUDty Treasurer ............................ CO.tI.Ntat WINDOW I BOAST' TOWN'S OLDEST SHOP Celia's Has Kept Boro On Feet Since Of 1904 nbn:n;sid'e'nt'pupli8":::::::: Your old fur coat transformed into a smart new The Ladies 'Bible Class of the Methodist Church held a surprise party and shower at the' home of Mrs. W.' S. Koffman of Park av. :~~:::~~I enue for Miss Ruth Horn of Girard avenue who sailed for Algiers last Tuesday. Miss Horn will be the guest of Gwen Narbeth. missionary of the Methodist ~ount o~ ~ax Collector's Bond .........................................".1182.718.19 Church. ' :\ aunt 0 t s!cetlSUrer'8 Bond .................................................... 2,500.00 , Ba k n - mOuR!c:lIelllati~~rJ'?B::kdB8Jali;;e ..at ..c'iOS;'·..ot ..SChC,(jj· y~~OOO.OO Mrs. George F. Fenno 'of Swarth- ' ou~n:l~nCl""d~ 3, 11150 .................... " ........... " ...... :.................................................. 1 57.G8D.Sa more avenue entertained informalBalaDl..'e o! Ha d to ·b ..···A..;..jy ..bi.. ···i......·....................·.. :....·...... ·.. ··............................. 5.450.8' ly ,at te~' held ~ntly tn .Tld~~ar:o_fl~IIP'r~d':~~~~~ c·'Baiance··o~ Hiiii·d.. Avai'iabi'e f~~'!J:b:~ honor of Mrs. S. D. Watson and We hereby cerU~y that we have examined the above accounts and Ond Miss Miriam Watson' of Enola rorrect. and that the securities of the officers of the board are In accordance wltb Plantation. La., who Are hou_ JOHN A. SCHUMACHBR RICHARD M. SNYDER guests of Mrs. Roland G. E. UllANNIB H. TUNELLI . Auditors. man of "Applebrook", Park avComplete Repo.rt on File ·:In School District Office In HJgb School BuJldJnl". enue. Open to PubUc ONLY J 59.98 It's the most economical fashion fad of the year. •• and one you won't wont to overlookl We'll send your old fur coat away, have it used as the lining for a ·smart 'new th.!:ee-quarter length style; Your old furs are cleaned and repaired to bring out their original lustre and beoutyl Choose from advance atYles, from ten gorgeous fall colors. I Three Reasons Why It's Your Smartes~ Buy! senior Celia, Joseph P., learned the . g his f os.<-s ,,~. Trl'ckle's comnu'ttee m' - =e':mZ:~~:;'':fner:':''~!:: $3.50 PER YEAR ======~-== 26 Year Resident Had Many Facets of Influence Funeral services were in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church Tuesday afternoon at 2 for Mrs. Helen Louise Craemer, wife of William Craemer, whose steath occurred in her 64th year in the University Hospital, Philadelphia, Friday night. Born Helen Louise Anger In New York City, Mrs. Craerner studied in the city schools and graduated from Hunter College in education. She taught in the New York Publicher School systemto until 1912 when marriage Mr. Craemer took place. When Mr. Craemer was appointed treasurer of the Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., in 1924 the Craemers moved to Swarthmore, living for a year and a half on Princeton avenue and then moving to 422 Harvard aveMrs. Don Piccard of 501 North Chester Road wishes her husband nue which is still the family home. good luck prior to his trip to enter the Netherlands balloon races on Mrs. Craemer was an active Sep t em b e r2. D on w h i t0 d ay on the French L'Iller L'bert 0 eaves 1 e member of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, a member of the will be the only Americ.an to participate in the race. Woman's Club of Swarthmore, and ACCLAIM J R SMITH'S BOOK illness made him willing to sell, ,-------'-------'--.1 a fdrmer treasurer of the Swarthmoved to Callfornia and was lost ' Exchanae Dates Set more Music Club in which she . <~ _~L ale S his bert C. Fraser,.and Mrs. Russell L. ' • • .... was keenly interested. She held m .....e e~ ",qu e. ome of Snyder, all well known in musical Announcement that Septemoriginal wooden lasts are still on her home as a primary responsicircles in Swarthmore and experber 19, 20, 21 are the dates for bility and interest and the five display in the shop. the' annual Fall Mutual Ex- children who survive her speak <~ t ieneed in p)ann1ng programs of The shop was h oused a t ",a rnusI'cal m' terest. t' . 10 b 20 f fr ch'ange managed b y the W 0- for the loving care and training une m a y oot ame Friday evenings will be MusIc Baruch, Bromfield, Cite man's Club stirs the zest of which she gave them, constantly. building with windows on all four NI'ght at <~e Arts Center. On ere the residents refer to him Edmond (Skipper) Dawes, who will not be beard from again unThe Celia Building was extended Saiurday mornings, a c1ass for the with respect and affection as the conducts the Magic Lady pro- til another emergency. The sito the buildiiIg line In 1932, re- older and more experieneed boys "sage of SIlllllY Ridge". gram on nulio station WF1L' ren damaged in the March 15 fire designed and constructed by Mr. and girls will be taught by Mrs. ' works with Paul Whiteman on has been repaired and is now on Cella's oldest son Anthony who Graves on Thursday afternIlOnS; , Mrs. Austin Allison ot Vassar TV' teen-age Club on Sa~ a platform over the spot where it had become an engineer, to inSeptember 24 Is the date set avenue, her daughter lIIIra. W. Gornights; will be the Rotary speaker once resided in the bell tower. clude modern apartments edjoln- for the Annual Open- illouse and don Scott of Muhlenberg avenue, ing and above. teachers' exhibit when registra- and son Mr. Clark Allison of MJ.ch- at today's meeting. The call for repair processes tlon for membership and for clas- igan avenue will spend the weekMr. Dawes has recently n::~lc~V:;S:.~Ro~malne Markward of Is visiting her cousin more convenient than thoee In ~ will take place. CIa will end in Huntington and attend a to swartbm~~'.'.'~~.~~~.'~~~.'::::'::':':'::'::'::::::::::'::'::':':::'::::':::::':::::'::::"::::':::::::::"::"::::":':':":'::- of scHOOL ~'Wfl.I'thmore, . W. T. Ellis Dies In Canada . • AUDITORS' ANNUAL REPORT , . SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THR BOROUGH OF SW AR.TIbIOlIB DELAWARE COUNTY. STATR OF PENNSYLVANIA , FOa. THR SCHOOL YEAR ENDlNb JULY I, 1150 . TAXATION SwArthmore College. Pa. AUGUST !8, 1J5O. AN INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE • THE SWABTHMOBEAN 6 D W T Elli Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood H. Garrett of Princeton avenue visited their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown of Greenbelt, Md., over the week-end. Deborah Furnas of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Purnell of Cornell avenue have returned from a week's tour of New York State, and a visit with friends in Norwieh and Stamford, N. Y. Their small daughter Beth spent the Ind., is visiting her grandmother week \",lth her grandparents Mr. Mrs. George E. Silloway of N.orth and l\'Irs. G. E. Wolfgang of Port Royal. Chester road. 4 r. • 1\'lan and his Message", T,i:;;;;;:;;:r;;;r.;;;rr.;;;=;;rT,;;:;;r.r.;;;;:r;~~;;~;'=========:;;::;:;::;:;;:;::;; ~s.s'-"'1:"'d \'uluu.uoll or taxable real estate ....................................................................$ •• 19t,las.OU Uis("'Oullt.s N~ allluulIl oC l\U\I tax collected ......... . , ;',I"';'I"rS ~D,",a:. $ 2UJ.208.03 1.'75.25 618.83 217,Ul.11 •• 69 4.071.98 3.77("'6 20P.!i58.88 EXl'ENSES lJlllullec 011 haml July 4. IUD All fum.!lJ e.\:clush·c of Sink· tllg I'ulld ................................... $ SG.OtU.ll Property tax 19-1V ........................ 209.551:1.88 ~~liI~q~~J~!:~ ~ lUI!.t .................... lIonc Gellcral <':oJltrol (.A) ................... $ 8,055.17 lll.structioll (U) .............................. 192.71V.32 Aul>iliar)' Agcllcie::l (C) ................ 12.G11.87 OJJcration (D) ......... ...................... ;10.053.83 (l'rc\'Ious to I!H9) .................... Stutc ~pprOI)riation: Teacllers. Transportation. Tuition Voca- 5.4311.12 TU~u~~llloil~·r~~id·e·~~t··pi.i·p·ii.~··:::::::: ~~:::i::: ~llIilltcllallCC (E) .. .................... Interest .............................................. Sale of rcal estate. supplies and equIpment .................................... All other sources ............................ Totul. receJpts. including 4.'16.85 .Fixed Charges (F) ................. " ... 1~.6S7.3 .. Dcbt Sen'ice (G). .............. 19.575.05 . . .= . 57.U5 2,016.51 Cl.1llital Outlnr (II) .................... 0.728.G7 5.027.70 OUR FASWON ---.------- 34 VOLUME 22,-NUMBER C01l.Nt:K WiNDOW! "Advertis- BOAST' TOWN'S OLDEST SHOP 1 (item H) ~,~~b~~~I1~:::f.s ~:~~p~~~~t t\~tCc~si ....................... (CuI"Tcnt Year) . ::!U '!/x ax ................... _............ ID.J.7 'fux ............ ........................ ~ ............... Walmsley of Philadelphi.... and Mrs. Paul Stephens of l·· t' I illCilllW I, 0., a so survive. Service.;;:; were held in his Lyndhurst home on Thursday followed by bUJ'iul in a nearby country graveyard. . ............................. $1.~~~::~::~: .:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4.071-118 . ..... _...... .......................................................... ....... ........... ........ ...... ..................................... ...... . .' (t~dmllnd EX'lcnsC:i TollIl Current (Itl'IIIS A-«, inc.) .................. $26.;;.826.20 Toll.1 Debt Sen'ice (Itl'1II G) ...... ....... ............ I!J.575.05 Totul Capillli Outlay (Item 11) ........... _......... _.......... 5,927.70 Total ............................................................................................................ 291,828.95 lIul:Jllce un Hilnd (To be AmiJablc for School Yeilr 1950-51) ........... $~2 •.2.1_8.~ ASSETS 601.13 Your old fur coat transformed into a smart new FIJR LINER 133.96 587.29 The Ladies Bible Class of the I 52.218:5~ Methodist Church held a surprise I ~ sse .................................................................................................................. party and shower at the home of Mrs. W. S. Hoffman of Park avLIABILITIES ,iltOIH,'''li Ilmllebbte(lllIe.~s (With Vote of Elcctorate) .................................................. $ 91,000.0'0 enue for Miss Ruth Horn of Girl'( t "p'llyn c let nc.~'i (WiUumt Vote of Electorate) ................................. ". 80.000.00 bl e: •\ Ollt ccouu:. ..... .. ard avenue who sailed for Algiers Teachers' Salaries ...................... .......................................... . 26.888.58 Miss Horn will be 15."2 last Tue.sday_ ~~1)p8~er···A~a;;iii·s····::::::::::::::::::............................................................................. . 11.58 the guest of Gwen Narbeth Totul Liabilities .. _... ~ ....... . ......................................................... $ 153.415.'8 a missionary of the Methodist rrc\'iOus 10 19'7 DupUeate ............................................. ... ................................. Rec.'!h·able ........ ..................... ............................. ............................................. II·u!~ion u~lT~tllln\halt:: all l-'und!0-1931)" under Summary. We hereby certify thl)t we have examined tIle nho,"!! nccounts and Ontl them nud that the f;~uritles of the officers of the board in accordance with law. JOHN A. SCHUMACHER ('(Irrt'Ct. ONLY SWARTHMOREAN ARTS CENTER LISTS MUSIC '. kk'y, Calif.; and two sisters Mrs. ............................................................................ 1343.5-17.:;.1 Celia's Has Kept Boro On Feet Since 1904 :;:;;"""~'~n="~h~••;#.ba~l~nn~'§e~...~...~.. ~..=.~~ ~.'~31~3~.':!:":::.~"~============::===: I NOlTistOWIl, and Herbert of Ber:::g:::~t l!~t}~~U~I:;S Your ====~=-~~==~====~====== $3.50 PER YEAR ~~~==~l==========J.~=======-==-====~.==-=====~"--== see them in It··.. None NOllc 4.071.98 8.770.56 209.558.88 i I AStuukr UF SCHOOL TAX COlluuissiollers .............................. . ................................... --......................................... . , Flowers ing the Church", Bible Lands Today". "Pilgrims Fare from Bible L d" •• A h an s, s t e Shepherds Saw and of countless magazine and newspaper articles. He interviewed many important .personages, Ibn Saud of Arabia, the Dalai Lama, last Sultan of Turkey, and numbered among his -friends the late Queen Marie of Roumania, Rudyard Kipling, and Lawrenee of Arabia. M.!s. Ellis, the former Margaret H l\.1ackinnon of Yo k h he • r , w om marrit!d in 1899, survives him, with their three children Franklin CQul'tney E1lis of Winnetka, nl., Dr. Mackinnon Ellis of 'Bryn Ma\\'l'. Llnd Mrs. Edward Everett Pierce, Jr., of York. Seven grandchildren; -three brothers CharJer; H. of RockJedge, Frank of U NUlIlbcr of milltt Il!tl'd .................................................................................................... i~1II c, l1sscs.."l't1 \\" th pl'r CUI)ila tax ........................................................................ lc u per caJJita tax ...................................................................................... ...... . .... 1\1.19 tux rcturllt.'ti tu LUUllly SAVE! His many tours of Bible lands coloured his religious writings and covered, he said, every place mentioned in the Bible.' He was the author of tlMen DELAWAltE COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Amount lC\'icd (Face of 1 !.ti9 dUI)licate) .................................. $ 211:1.2UI:I.U3 Ot.'tlndioll::l (rom du,lIk.ltc . . ...................... . 1.475.!!5 I't'IIUItil'!:I atltled IIml interest ......................................................., ... . 678.33 Total 1I11l0uut (sum of 1. 2. &. 3) ................................................ :.... : 211.0111.11 2% t:oJIIllll.o;.siull deducted by Coullty TrcusUler ........................... . 3.69 SAVE! Libr~ry The Give and Missions", "Billy Sunday, the 3, unto • S (Continued from page one) SCHUUL DISTRICT OP THE DOROUGH OF SW ARTHlIORB SCHOOLi~l~l&~OIN\.J JUI~Y _. . Dies In Canada AUDlTOKS' ANNUAL REPORT "'OIl 'JJIE • - College dvmrthmore, Pa • ~Arthmore AUGUST 18, 1950 in AUGUST 25, 1950 Till: SWAaTBMO • • • Mildred Elaine, to 'Michael R'j HONOR COUPLE Gould. son of Mr. and Mrs. MiMrs. William Ward. III, of Ches. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold B. Gould of Bryn Mawr. . ter. formerly of Swarthmore. will of Wallingford entertained at a JIIIiss Bernard is a graduate of entertain at a dinner ·this even. shower and ·buffet supper Satur- Swarthmore High School and at- ing following the wedding reday evening in honor of Miss tended Pierce Business College, hearsal of Miss Sandra Jean J).nne Louise Elkins of Cheyney lIhiladelphia. Mr. Gould is a Crosset. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BEAUTY SALON and Ensign Thomas Davis Truitt, graduate of Lower Merion High Donald A. Crosset Of "Windswept U.S.N., whose marriage will take SchooL Acres", Media, and her son Mr. LEST BEAUTY EBB WlTH THE SUMl\IER ~E place September 2 at Stoney bank No date has been set for the William Ward whose marriage Church. Glen Mills. wedding. will take place tomorrow afterCall Swarthmore ~76 Frances PearsOn of Cornell avenoon at 4:30 o'clock in the Swarth9 Chester Road nue will retwn home Sunday CllIQUOlNE - KEI,I.ERS· more Presbyterian Chwch. from Camp Daddy Allen where 'Miss Isabel KeUers daughter of Mrs. John Damon of Walling. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kellers ford, a bridal attendant, enter- ~ --. ~e bas been counselor for the '11 t to Upper Montclair was married tained members of the bridal parsummer. Frances WI re urn DeUolo1lll DlDners to solt the Iaate of eveqone '!s C II S t b 18 Saturday, August J9, to Alexan- ty at a luncheon Thursday. W Jon oege epemer . DUncan Chiquoine son of Mr. Mrs. William E. Helz!ll, Jr.• of TENDER STEAKS anol CHOPS Cooked to order Whit Bird of Greenwich, Conn.. and Mrs. John E. Chiquoine of Thayer road and her daughter MARGlE'S ~AMOUS CINNAMON BUNS on SUNDAY spent the week-end as the guest IRlltg'ers avenue. The ceremony Mrs. W. Thomas Morris of TrOY, of Arthur McCormack of Ogden was performed by the Reverend will entertain members of the briEVERY THURSDAY 5:30 to 1:30 p. m. SERVE YOURSELF BUnET SUPPER ,1.00 avenue. His parents Mr. and Edward A. Odell of Montclair at dal party and out-of"town guests Mrs. W. F. Bird. former Swarth- the horne of the bride, 568 High- at a luncheon at the Ingleneuk toComfortable Rooms Da,. or Week. more residents, visited over the land avenue. Miss Bertha :Ann morrow. week-end with Mrs. Bird's bro- Kellers, sister Of the bride, was ther-in-law and sister Dr. the maid of honor and Mr. John E. TO FETE COUPLE Swarthmore. I'&. Telephone Swarthmore 6-0688 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. M~-. Mrs. H. B. Rowell of W:~ini!~~! Chlquoine was best man for his WESTERN UNION OFFICE FREE PARKING The Rev. Dr. Roy N. son. A luncheon was given af- Cabe of North Chester road will and Mrs. Keiser of Park av- ter the ceremony f~r the bridal entertain at a dinner on Friday enue returned from a month's party and members hf the family. evening, September 1 in honor of summer vacation. They visThe bride is a graduate of the brillal party and guests folitegical DresslDlIS group meets in Parish iIJouae. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Kels..... D. D .• MInIster Sunda,.. August 21 10:00 A.M. Sunday School meets. 11 :00 A.M.-The minister will preach. The church nursery will be open. STEAMBOATING ON SOUTHAMPTON RyN Tradition Baya that John Fitch _. who built and operated ,America's pioneer steamboat on the Delaware River in 1790 -tested his earliest model on Southampton Run, a branch of Pennypack Creek. Overshadowed by Robert Fulton's later accomplishments, Fitch. now recogIJi'Uld BB the inventor of the steamboat, WBa lhe first to realize and prove that our country's waterwaya could he turned to greater usefulness. Today, America's major atreama play a far larger role in tranPportation-and in power and in irrigation-than Fitch ' t. I pm. WedD"'V _ 'J................. .... , .. ever dreamed. It also is true that such small, clear-running streams BB the Pennypack-which Fitch knew so well-have been turned to greater usefulness, too. For the abundance of wholesome, sparkling water supplied by Pennypack, Crum. Neshaminy and Pickering Creeks is made available to thousands of homes through the facilities of Philadelphia Suburban Water Company. Scientifically aerated, mtered and safeguarded 24 hours a day for your protection and enjoyment, it is Pure Springfield Water at its traditional bestl SPRINGFIELD WATER Avenue below JII1rVUOI Sanda,.. A...... 27 11:00 A.M.-8unday SchooL 11:00 AJII. - L on hiT.,. "Christ Jesus." ,W.edu"'~ even1q = _ch waek, 8 p.m. B . ) h C _ opeD daIl7 except SI'""q 18 .. ~:.:'; ". DR. H. I. SH• Park IkIn& Mi'~I.I'1ON'1B«'"NfIa Celie.. '~lr.I'Y . • =~. OF SWARTHMOlUl e ~ that l'QIIlIIq nnw html .... el oar J . Wednesday and Thuzsday _,ke. O'A"'Sc)t1 It C~r;~'- to fill or even extract teeth with the utmost comfort THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sunolay. August 21 11:00 A.M.-Meeting fOr worship. Visitors welcome. Hoo.\IIQ'. Aucaa 28 All day sewing for A:i'S.c. Wednesday. Aucaa 30 All day sewing for A:i'S.c. p~im, c:laemiatry, biolOl1. and .- I with nerve block TRINITY CHURCH Sunolay. Ao.gust 21 8:00 A.M.-Holy Com",,"iOll. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. Pharmacist has studied botany. Saturday Matinee - 1 P.M. WaH pp.__""lntllt OLIVER H. BAIR CO. "i.i, ,/ I Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Berrulrd orf Union avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, • • Mrs. Keiser have just returned At the 11 o'clock service Sun- from a summer vacation. Anne Kraus will be in charge of day morning. the Rev. Charles Robshaw, pastor of the Gladlng the Church Nursery. Memorial Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, will preach. Mr. D..ICIOIIr 0' r u N _ NEWS NOTES Robshaw was born in Ireland and 1820 CHISINUI .IRIII is a brilliant speaker. Mrs. E. M. Bassett, Miss KathHenry Faust will be guest 50- ryn Basset! and Miss Elizabeth __ It. IMP, PI .._ loist. Nathanial Watson will be Bassett of N~rth Chester road have guest organist. return ed h orne after vaca t"IonlOg T h e nUISery f Qr 0 hlldren aged • . two to six will be held Sunday at 10 •Blue Mountam Lakes in the 11 o'clock on the second floor of Adirondacks for a few weeks. the Parish House. Mrs. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Jenkins .10hnson in charge. and son David of North Chester The Surgical Dressings Group road left August 17 for a cruise will meet Wednesday morning at on their ·hoat "The Howelse" on 10 in the upstairs of the Parish the Chesapeake for a few weeks. • •• to gel tlKrt line tU' YOll.,. always wanted House. All who are interested are Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bowden. Jr., Select bew carpeting er invited to come and bring a sand- of Magill road entertained as their Oriental ruge from our wich for the lunch hour. guests for a few days of tbIs week fiDe display. Trade in The ministry.of the Churoh can Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weymann your rug, NOW, ....e 8toraa:e e:xpeme. Free be reached durIng the summer by and chlldren Billy and Harriet of Storage Until Wanted calli~g the Church Office any Atlanta. Ga. On New Rugs mornmg. _~rlOII tw ".. """,a,..,. Mrs. Maq Robnett Dimmitt .h_ GlftOU'Id -mor '1IqH1•• ,011. and her daughter Miss Mary FranTrun.·'ty Notes. ces D,'mmitt of Rutgers avenue. There wlll h.. a celebration of accompanied by Miss Anna Jane Holy CommunIOn at ~:oo a. m. alhertson of Germantown returned S~nday. At. the 11 0 clock ser- Thursday from a lO-day automoVIce of Morn1Og Prayer, Reverend btl tr' t Ro kport M . .•••tle t::IIrpetl . •• eComplete Size Range. OrleB...1 R ••• . J. R. Huggins will preach. e IP 0 c • ass. of Rose Valley have returned from 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Those serving as ushers SUnMr. and Mrs. Maxey Morrison a two-week automobile trip Swarthmore 6-6000 day are as follows: S. B. Brew- and chlldren Hugh, Bill and Helen through the New England States ~ J>UY with CONFIDENCE .... bny at PAULSON' stet', J. P. Wilcox, 'B. Harrar, J. of Dartmouth avenue returned and New Brunswick, Canada. En L. Cornog, W. H. Jones, E. A. home Saturday from a three-week route they visited Mrs. Goodwin's Thompson. R. J. Baker, and C. trip to Newfound Lake. N. H. Mr. sister-in-law Mrs. Joseph D. White B. Blake. Morrison and his sons spent three at Lake Winnepausaukee, N. H .• days on a trip to the White Moun- and took a boat trip from New • ti Sci N . lains where they enjoyed elimb- Bedford to Nantucket, Mass. They Chns an ence 0""" . "Christ Jesus" is the subject of 109 Mt. MoosiJauke. . spent a day in Mystic. Conn., the Lesson-Sermon in all ChurchMr. and Mrs. Edward Jenkins attending an Art show and visited es of Christ Scientist on Sunday of North Chester road entertained a Marine Museum where they saw August 27. 'The Golden Text is: for a few days of tbIs week their the old whaling ship, Charles "Behold. the days come- saith the daughter Mrs. William Blaisdell Morgan, and the square rigger, Lord, that I will raise unto David and chlldren Christy and Barry of Joseph Conrad. a righteous Branch, and a Kinl Arlington, Va. Mrs. Paul Hadley with her 'sons shall reign and prosper, and shall Mrs. William H. Drlehaus and James and Bruce of Elsah, execute judgment and justice in daughters Anne and Susan of Yale arrived Tuesday to visit her parthe earth . . . . And this is his avenue left Wednesday by train imts Dr. and ~s. A. F. Jackson ~I name whereby he shall be called, for Maine Where they will visit of Park avenue for several weeks. ~ 'l'liE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUS- Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pegram NESS. Jeremiah 23: 5, 6.) Swarthmore avenue at Lake Sebec. and son John of Yale avenue spent Me., and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bates the week-end in Madison,. N. J. 6988 MARIIET STIHT Methodist Notes of Yale avenue. near Camden. Me. visiting Mr. Pegram's parents Dr. The ChurCh School meet.. at 10 Mr. Driehaus will drive to Maine and Mrs. George P,egram. They R_m 310 'ly . . d th b Mr d · Open: '·8 Mon .• Wed .• ff'i. 9-6 1 ...5._ Th1H5. U'PEI P'- liT" UYK M •• a.m. next week to bring his famI were Jome ere Y • an -, ......... _LIIERAL CItEDtT TEaMi (Elevat.rServicei At the 11 o'clock service Sun- h:o:::m=e:..._ _:..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr.::.:s_._J_O_h_n_p_e..:gr:....a_m_of_Lo_s_A_n..:g:.e_l_e_s._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ day morning: the Rev. Dr. Roy N. Keiser will preach. Dr. and • there is an easy way COME SEE OUR HATS If ILLNESS COMES =-________~I AIR CONDITIONED Jean of Elizabeth City, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson were guests of honor at a dinner party given at the Ingleneuk last Saturday evening by their children and the Rev. and Mrs. Outlaw in honor of their twenty-third wedding anniVJersary. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Blake of Amherst avenue entertained for a few days of last week Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McCurley, Jr.• of Baltimore and with them attended hox lacrosse between Baltimore and Main Line Team Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson and children Peggy and Jimmy of Westdale avenue and Mr. Robinson's mother Mrs. Nella Robinson of Princeton avenue returned home Monday following a 10-day vacation at Lenape Village in the Poconos. Mr. and Mrs. William H. McInroy and daughters Patsy and Trudy have returned to their home in Canton after a visit of six weeks with Mrs. McInroy'. parents Mr. and Mrs. William H. Thatcher of College avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin Presbyterian Notes SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR PANTRY I AUGUST 25. 1950 Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier and son j3ob, Jr., of Columbia avenue, spent a recent week-end in Waynesboro, Va., as the guests of Col. and Mrs. Carl C. Loth. While there tbey attended the wedding of Miss Nancy Jean McCracken, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Roy McCracken, to Mr. Francis Hintze. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dickinson of Park avenue entertained for a few days the Rev. and Mrs. Abner ____________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IOutlaw and daughters Betty . and STRATH HAVEN INN I __________________~T~.~.__._W~.!~.~.~.~O~.~.~.~.~ -.~ .."."" ~ • IP H 1 LAD E L PHI A ...,r""",""",, SUBURBAN WATER COMP'ANY • I THE SWABTBMOaZAN Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. earpenter of Ogden avenue entertained as their dinner guests last Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carter of Bloomville, Ind., and Mr. Charles Newlin of Sproul road. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Heg of Rutgers avenue are spending 10 days with their son and daughter-in-Iaw Mr. and Mrs. E. BiddIe Heg of Lafayette College at their summer place in North Mountain. Y. __ NaBy "go places" wit' ,"'. big IJClItB MiJ·SuIHP'UJt CARNIVAL OF VALUES With "Easy to Prepare" and .iReady to Serve" foods featured. the more you Save In the Acme the more you can "go places/' Hom-de-Llte Creamy ",. .. 23c MAYONNAISE{3n7~) I: 63c Made with rene splcel, choicest otis and mellow. wellogged vinegar, and delivered fr•• to our markeb. News Notes N. Y. " SEEDLESS GRAPES Ca~i:.-:.. 2· 25c J b• Ollvar StaB.. OUvel .'h.... lor Olives 01.... "". aV·"-19c Dill Pickles .,... ,.. Tomato•• =d . . ,. . .s'!:: 2 WoxBeans ...... Cut D........ 11iN.! OtI.UN Dr' had1." ""·IOC ........ Pineapple ..::'.:. Peach...... _II... 2 ........ ~1lI ...... Ju' 25c SpaghaHi ~~ Ginger Ale. Root BMr Sor~ soparillco, Orange, C~r.rt, Birth Beer. Cream or Clutt Soda. bttIltI .....It ad ,tI. ., Royal An"_ .... tar. III Pa. Zge CHERRIES 25< 2 H:;':29c 17c 3 'kll 19c No.aWl NO;.! 27c Nt. leu, 35c 35c N~~¥.o STREUSSEL COFFEE CAKE ~ii'.d oad> Dellcioul cream filllng and topped with honey dnnamon stNus.1 eltecll tltese importllnt points belore 11011 cltoose II cllreer! t/ PLACEMENT POSSIBILITIES t/ SUPERVISORY OPPORTUNITIES t/ ECONOMIC SECURITY ~~§~~~~;;;;~~;;;;;~ TEMPLE UNIVERSITY offers a practical course in TELEVISION and RADIO * 10; • ! I which wiU train you for a responsible position as a. • RADAR TECHNICIAN CLASS1J!'lElJ REGISTER NOW! .- ** ** ! ** New moneys wo:::~hfor you· in a lowest price car! ~~~;;~~~~~;;~;;g Zge Devine Taxi Service ACME SELF·SERVICE MEAT DEPT. Lancaster .Brand Smoked. Shankl... (10-14 Ibs) SWIFT'S HAMS s~~ ~H~') • 65 CANNED HAMS ~~... •• $689 c ... ( "RMldy to Eat" Harm Slightl, HlgMr Ilervlnjr .swarthmore, Morton. Rutledie and Ridley Township since 191a AND THE ONE TO . BUY . IS THE STUDEBAKER CHAMPION! S~re Delivered in Swarlbmort "45. ",;:: 49. . MATERIAL TJMPKEN .. » il. _ V - .....MP. FOR FUEL OIL I:.. .' L _",_ I ......... ' u ... FUSCO and ALSTON Swarthmore ()'0740- When you treat your party-line neighbors with courtesy and consideration, you soon win an A-I reputation. 81!1 a good party-line neighbor. What's more, you'll find that your courtesies are returned ... and this " ' _ good service for everyone on the line I Feb,,"". '. ·P.... SW. . . . . . .. .&._ UWAa'IWKO'" .... UWBi. . . . . . '-lIM Chwt. . . . Fwo 8rief Suggestions: On finding the line iD .... hang up genUy and give the other perOOD a few mIIwtes to finiah his r:alL And when, while talkj.... that your neighbor is waiting to make a call, bane up in a few minutes and free the line. p~ courIIeIr7 • ,..u ....u. SALE SAT·F~MG-TC - is easy. And it _ series En- big dividendsl offer. Swarthmore 6-4041 or 6-3688. FOR SALE Six cubic foot Coldwiill Frigidaire. Good condition. ~:R ~ Swarthmore HSIIO. cubic toot par- II J=-_.........==-.....=:::::;.8 $50. cau . .' '. 0. •• ' n • Alterallou aaa ... Arten Brothen, InC. 11tI Bell Telepholll Company of PennsJlVIIII o.tra.lln ... • S'n• '.' loa ~lq StNe\ ..... Pa ..... = 1._ • ---<.,. ~k1I-. • New Oom I vff= can Sv:;::n'::i= Mod. . . • wan ........ glish Road Racer. $1250, or best J. A. GB.EEN DiaiRaR Sliced Strawlle.. l.. 59. CUt-Up Cllickea ~HG", a m:",. '7SC1 aAftUAtr . . . . . .... S. M. HARBISON on Party-line Telephones man, 3 or apartment. remodeled house and on or second floor. Call Swarthmore 6-6689. W ANTFD-Small apartment by young couple. No children. Will paint and repair If needed. RepJy to Bo", W. The SwartJunorean. .........,,-coupe On. BURNERS ··awwr Residential Wiring HOW '1.0 BE THI "SALIO. THE EARTH" BUIi.DING 'n Frosted Food Case. i .... &Y: . . DAY: ,.... . . . . . SERVICES about Comparably 10_ Prie- on other StudeJHker Champlcm Cuatom. mod.1a: 4-4Iooz aedan. s...... Starlight ooup4t. ICE CREAM.::~~ 2=:53e : ~I 99c UNITED WANTED Sta", ."" /ami /11.,..•• I/ ..y ••""" Sharp Cheese "610 \Muenster - - , Mild Ch_ee_5e _____ .._4;..:5;..:c..:.....G_r_uy.:...e_r_e-=:.!:::=::..::·:,._ ..,. epa . .U 8-0444 nished apartment, 3 rooms and bath, separate entrance. $83.00 a month including utilities. Garage available. Reply to tBox T. The Swarthmorean. FOR RENT- Desirable room for student or business man. 112 Rutgers avenue. Call Swarthmore 6-3889. PriCII$ NOY 'NIY IDQldly IIII.-orby illw d .. to dlfferenc8S In Ira. P lotio.. dmroe F Swarthmore 6-2253 Good 10to Box A, The ·$1555 LARGE JERSEY PORGiEs .' ' PHONE: STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 6-PASS., 2-0001 CUSTOM SEDAN DUCKLINGS =:~ ORANGE JUICE c•• =:~... The AS SHOWN Sold oN, hi cgn. Ready to HIVe, f~ brolW or ~ whole. GLENDALE CLUB - • FOR RENT . Attractive third floor apartment lri Lansdowne. Large living room with fireplace bedroom, "bath, kitchen, extn: room and garage. . Excellent location. half block from R. R. Station. Available about Sept. 1. Box R SWARTHMORE, PA. {:==~)lb65C REEVES en- «< «< «< .... You'll Save Time and Money In Our Modern SMALL I. with the new store interior of Mrs. Mary Snape of Harvard avmahogany veneer wainscotting and enue has returned home after a fixtures. accostlcal ceiling, air two-week vacation at Schwenkcirculating system and other up- sville. to-date improvements for the - - - - - - - - - - - -..... mutual benefit of customers and Stokes Nursing Home employees. The shop is noted for prompt. efficient service and exSELECT CLIENTELE veptional cleanliness. During the 46 years it has kept the borough Madison 3-9098 well shod, 12 other shoe repair concerns have (:ome and gone. The Celias recently received an Ii Wm. T. PaUenon. D.ar.ter exquisite piece of hand work linen· Rla-bteen Yean Es:perlen.. from Italy. in appreciation for PHONE lIIIIDIA. lUI some df the charity repair work PATTERSON which they performed at home FUNERAL HOME and abroad during the war. When A Price '" M ..t BYOI'J' the Naval Hiospital Annex was t!::==~FIrm:;,~~n~,.i··~N~.e4~===!! located in Swarthmore Joe spent many hours caring for the needs of veterans who would arrive in taxicabs and wait while special work was done to their braces . and orthopedic ;lil!ts. When Borough Hall burned he threw open his entire building and adjacent garages to the emergency. housing the police overnight and the Community Health Society for several weeks. Phose S~ a-MIt In addition to expert workmanship in the usual repair line, spec- Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"ii ializing in full, invisible soles with APPLES the Celia name branded right into them, the shop .prides itself on PEACHES carrying the best in "she findings" to keep shoes in good conSWEET CORN dition - cleaners, polishes, laces, shoe kits, bags, brushes. Their shoeshine boy challenges any Lillvilla Orchards comer to match his shine. Knowlton Road - ~ mile The newest wrinkle at the shop is a machine guaranteed to rescue west of Middletown Road, any and all Swarthnioreans and between Media and Cherner their neighbors who find themselves at the mercy of a zipperl~============::! needing repair. C?hviously DO one hereabouts has "ThIrd GeDeraUOD BaJld.en" the least excuse for lacking zip or· HORAOE A. for not properly toeing the mark. Robert L. Amsden, the new PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Mr. and Mrs. Carl de Moll of • TELEVISION and RADIO TECHNICIAN Park avenue are entertaining their ... son-in-law and daughter Dr. and • TELECASTING ENGINEER Mrs. James D. Nelson and son ~ Carl David of Spartanburg. S. C.. • ELECTRONIC TECHNICAL WRITER who are here for a week's visit. • FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE Mr. and Mrs. George Plowman and daughter Ellis of Harvard • SALES and RESEARCH SPECIALIST avenue have returned from a three • TELEVISION and• RADIO SERVICEMAN -week motor trip to Butte, Mont., where they visited Mrs. Plowman's Full Time Day and Evening-P-art Time Evening Cour$es father Mr. Edward S. Passmore, and to Spokane, Wash., where $ they visited ~ousins. En route to Classes ,Convene September Butte they toured Yellowstone National Park. ,C H EST E RUN I T Miss Mary J 0 Hitchcock of the Swarthmore apartments has been appointed: an instructor in home CITY CENTER BLDG. economics at the University of 418 MARKET ST., CHESTER Maine, Orono, Me., and begins . Offi~e. 3rd Floor • Telephone 3~19 her new du~ies September 5. Miss Hitchcock holds B.S. and M.S. : ATTENTION VETER'ANS degrees in home economics from Drexel Institute of Technology. She has held ieaching positions at Friend's Central School. Philafr.om the Veterans Administration • delphia and at Beaver College. Jenkintown. --~**~*~*---.«< CANTALOUPEs '?! 19" 1 5 (Continued from page one) Celia to add several machines for of Swarthmore ~ plans to move with his this work to his shoe making Ifami/\)' to their new home at 415 establishment. Slowly mass pro!'venue the latter part of this duction evolved a complete concAMERA & GADGET BAGS Iweek. version to repair and rejuvenaFILM & FLASH BULBS tion of footwear. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Dodd DARK ROOM NEEDS In 1930. 1931 and 1932 Mr. Celia Alexandria. Va .• spent the week PROJECTORS I-.,nd with Mr. Dodd's mother Mrs. won the certificate of merit for ALBUMS. good workmanship in rebuilding I:~:~~. M. Dodd of Swarthmore shoes. SLIDE & REEL CASES In 1940 he received an SLIDE & MOVIE Mrs. Alexander Ewing of Dart- award at the Shoe Repair I m,outh avenue will spend the week and Dealer's Exposition in PhilROGER RUSSETJ. visiting her son Lt. Col. adelphia in recognition of b:is IEtlwln Aiken. stationed at the superior work in shoe repairing. Mr. Celia raised a family of nine STATE ., MONBOE STIUlKTII IIJ~arir,e Corps Base at Quantico, MEDIA. 1-2178 Va.. and his wife and two sons. children. bringing them· up accordMrs. H. Weston Clarke of Col- ing to the old school when boys learned trades very young and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ avenue entertained at a earned UIeir own expense monies. S Is[nati luncheon at her home TuesWhen he died on February 12, JAMES E. LAMB, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Horna- 1945 the Celia Shoe Shop passed Alice and Jim Hornaday of on to his son Joseph M. who had PLUMBING AND HEATING IDiickins;on avenue will leave today assisted him in the business from Registered in Swarthmore al first serving after a short motor trip through the age of Dial Chester 3-8106 school hours and later full time. the New England States. . Young "Joe" as he is known Miss Nancy Hitchcock of Lewis spending the summer by Swarthmoreans was born in with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Morton. educated in local schools• Mr •. Edward F. Hitchcock of the and was a member of Company C Swarthmore Disposal apartments while 1302d Service Unit RC (Army) Weekbr or Monthl,. working as a secretary with an in World War II until receiving WARREN PIERCE insurance company in Philadel- a medical discharge. He is current president of the Swarthmore Swarthmore 6-2078 phia. Business Association and also is a member of the AMVETS. the Shoe Service Institute of America, WILLIAM BROOKS the Men of Malvern. and the TullyPERSONAL Ashes & Rubbish Removed' Secane Country Club. His hobbies Lawns mowed, General PERSONAL - Electrical vvirine include golf and fishing. Haulina and installation. residential anrl In 1940 he married the former c~mmercial. Water heaters, ranCe5, 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. Yolanda M. deBardinis of Chesdishwashers, dryers. Bendix. All work done to Fire Underwriters' ler. Mrs. Celia was employed by specifications. Service on wash- Ihe Sincla;. Refining Company Since 1905 ~s, vacuum. cleaners, ranaes, U'D.ns, toasters, fans, lamps. can from 1933 until 1943 when she CUNNINGHAM Erich H. Hausen. Electrical Con- took over the management of the tractor, Swarthmore 6-2850. 335 shop for her husband. Since 1936 Painters & Paper IIaJi.....,. We should know how she had done the firm's bookS _ 6-2266 Mlchll'aD Avevacuum and keeping at night. Although born appliances repair- of Italian parents Mrs. Celia had ·WlNS TROPHY ed. Prompt service. Robert never learned to speak the lanAt the ·Commencement exercises Br~0'ii0fiks~';;iS~w~arthm::i~~or~e~6~-~15~4~8~·==.lguage until it became necessary of Rider College of Business Ad- Building Construction PETER DI NICOLA PERSONAL-Painter - formerly Gilles- f or h er t0 d0 so quickly in order to ministration on· August 17,. Helen . boss painter for George • PalnUng ple. Every job a satistled custom- best interpret customers' wishes R. Johnson of Union Avenue was • ResIdential Driveway Construction • Commercial • Repa1r8 !'!. Call Swarthmore 6-4251. to Italian-speaking shoemakers awarded. the ·trophy given to the • Alterations Asphalt or CGIIol'e&e PERSONAL-Bo~ Kennellr. during her husband's absence on outstanding woman in athletics. SW1IrihmDre s-wo Sara L. Palmer. WaJ1ingfOl'd war service. The couple has one Cellar Willis ae-pJaonerec1 Moylan, Pa. iMedia c hild, Elvira Yolanda, sevenNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant NEW OFFICE Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 months-old, who however does not to tlle provisions of Act of Aflsembly No. 3811, npproved May U. 19-1.5. or IntentJon prevent her mother's continued to Ole In the Office of the Secretary of LOCATED activity in the shop. the Commnnwt"alth of Pennsylvania, at Hnrrisburg. 1'0.. ond in the Office of tile The pre~nt proprietor is a quiet, Prothonotur)' of the Court of Common I . [lieas of Delnwo.re County, on the 5th day i 17'" So_ Chester Road unassuming chap thoroughly of SCfJtember. lOtiO, a CerUftcale for the ROOFS GO'rlERS grossed in providing the ultimate coneIuel of a husiness In Delaware County l'ennsyJv'mla. under the assumed or de: REPAIRED & INSTALLIm in shoe service that the latest titlou!> name. stylc or designation of • Horuce A. Reeves, with Ibl principal place WARM-AIR BEATING eqwpment and methods can pro- of business at 501 Yule Avenue swarth-I'B=='5Eii2:iE:E:Eii5ESEiStast;; sires general cure. Ultra modem equipment mote. Penns}'h·llllln. The Names I and 1·'"'..,...,f"':I."'r""M,..,e""....,,....,t"""'MC.~·· Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned a week. Call evenjDWl ndllresses of nil persons own ng or Park 3146-R. for expediting the work by elimin- interested in ~Id business are Hornee A. GEORGE MYERS • UeeveR, 501 Yale Ave•• Swarthmore. Pa. ating all lost motion and system- and Lorene L. Reeves. !W! Yale .Ave.• FOR RENT Be", 48 - Swarihmore 6-0740 't' . t0 the nth ,degree every [SWflrthmnre"' I'n . BUTLER. BEATTY. I Izmg Charles E. Fischer . HREHR & JOHNSON Convenient floorCape furnished FOR RENT -firstCool May; job, small and large, is combined Media. PR. apartment, 5 rooms faeing ocean for September at $200.00: BUILDER B. 600 N. Chester road, • * ! ** *** * BWAa'rUMOaSAJil Town's Oldest Shop NEWS NOTES Miss Marcia Garrett of Garrett month's visit with friends in St. avenu; has returned from a Louis Park, MinD Mr. and Mrs. D. Malcolm Hodge and daughter Gayle of Strath Haven avenue have returned home after a month's trip to Yosemite National Park. San Francisco and Los Angeles. Calif.. and Mexico. . Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wisdom and daughters Catharine and Mimi of Vassar avenue returned home Sunday after a week's vacation at Sea Isle City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thatcher of Ogden avenue are entertaining this week their daughter Mrs. C. Russell De Burlo and baby daughter Jane of Medford, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. De Burlo and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Bryant of Ridley Park, formerly of Swarthmore, spent last week on a trip to Nova Scotia. Dr. and Mrs. E. LeRoy.Mercer of North Chester road have returned following a two-week automobile trip through the New England States. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark BitUe of Rutgers avenue spent the weekend with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mr•. Thomas Murray of Cornwall-on-Hudson. !'BB AUGUST 25, 1950 AUGUST 25, ,1950 • II, . AUG~ST 25, 1950 THE SWAaTBMOKEAN I = II (conti~:: fS~=~e one) - Watch The Swarthmorean for detailed plans. Many things have been going on at the Conununity Arts Center in Wallingford this summer. The session of classes held in July attracted many students and aU classes offered proved very successful. The children's classes in painting, leatherwork, dramatics, woodworking, and pottery were so popular that in many cases the groups were divided into two or three each. This summer the Center turned its attention to the teen-age group and special' classes in Dramatics" and Painting for just this age were well alitended. Encouraged by this success, the Arts Center will continue to 'provide activities for this age, which has hitherto been too old for the children's classes and too young for the adult aC-1 tivities. Approxjmately 40 adult members took advantage of the various evening and afterhoon Painting classes conducted by Cyril Gardner and Mrs. Katherine Fussell. I' I. Thanks to home freezing, fresh' foods are always in season From the day of the carbon Jamp to the day of television, electricity has performed wonder after wonder. It is a story without ending, for electricity is always finding new tasks to do, new ways to make life pleasant. Past performance is our promise for the future. Let new inventions come, let new homes and factories be built in any number, let the demand for power grow and grow ...your EleCtric Company will always be prepared to meet these requirements. . ELECTIICITY IS snLL THE LOWEST PIICED NECESSITY ON THE fAMILY BUDGET I I I I t II Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goodwin t of Rose Valley entertained at a t dinner party at their home Sat- t I urday eveni,ng in honor- of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Dwight Cooley of Columbia avenue. In addition to Mr. and Mrs. Cooley, tliose attending included Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ewing, tt - _ ••• - - - ~- _ .. - p. - -, ~ ~ :~: " - ~ -.. - :. , , .... , .. ~.1 •• -: ::~ -:-- , , I I I I n - I t - " Time ,., tlcll.1I I I ,. I Autumn is also a good time of year to plan for your family's future. We'll gladly explain how our com- II plete range of trust services may help you and your family. Come in. FOR YOUR FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE U.S. SAVINGS BONDS BUY AND TRUST COMPANY I t : : . v:.0~~:~ , ' B_IO_!_~_k_:n_O_~_s_~_~_t~_m_d_o_r~_._S._R_U_d_O_I_P_h ,~_~ _~ .~ :~" ~_~bn:~'_~F~tI~d_~n:~'4l~_~D~tI~:~O~siI~_~I~n~:~ ~'I tJ~:~c~:~"~fJ~ ~"I I~:~ _~ .~ ,.~J Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. O. Red- ;';;:,,~. =~ _P- h-i-l-a-d- - :A-~-:-~-I~-:-.! .-.-y_:iM.,-;-.-O:-~-~-~-~-~-;:o_~_~_:'~_:r-:'-~-:-~-K-H-~-~-D~-7-:-=- -p-a- _n_y___ • ••• or i ! ewor IS "Imperial," says Webster, means "superior excellence." IMPERIAL, says Chrysler, is this luxurious new car that excels anything on wheels in the sheer exquisiteness of its styling. Come look inside this reigning beauty ... look at the lavish wool broadcloth fabrics, . tastefully combined with topgrain leathers. Look at the lovely color harmonies, the soft sheen of the butl~r-flnished chrome. Consider the advantages of Fluid Drive •.. exclusive new automatic transmission ... Waterproof Ignition ••• Full Flow Oil Filter ••• High Compression Spitflre Engine ••• electric window lifts ••• the ClEARBAC rear window for exceptional driver vision ••• and dozens more. Surely, of all the world's flne automobiles, only the Chrysler CROWN IMPERIAL, this car's running mate, achieves the same aristocratic distinctione Come see the flawless workmanship, the flne materials, the superb Chrysler engineering ••• and you'll agree that no other car, at any price, compares with the Chrysler IMPERIAL Inside ~r out, there is no finer car in America" ONLY THE CHRY,5LER IMPERIAL offers you thl. absolutely unique system of window control! Each window has ib own separate electric motor ••• each one can be raislld and lowered independently from the driver's seat or at the window ibelf. And thaI's not alii So many other de luxe features.. the kind you thlnIt of as beiag in the "special order, extra cost" category ••• are STANDARD EQUIPMENT the Chrysler c:n .. Imperial For example: armrests on oR four doors ••• foam rubber seat cushions and seat backs ••• double· width center armresb in front a. weD as rear seata ••• stainless steel wheel coven •.• white sidewall low· pressure tires ••• carpeted luggage compart,,?entl Full .''1ow all filter and many other engine feoturesl YeJ, yeo get aU these extras as standard eq'"pment WIth your beautiful new Chrysler Imperia~ New IutaufiIuI Clwysler 1mperioI ••• 0IIII of 21 lovely CIIryrIer IxxIy style., .. Inside and out ... it has no ~quar at any price ••• the beautiful -~ HANNUM and WAITE .Imperial --- .' I INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE 6 Arts Center (Continued from page one) Wutch The Swarthmorean for detailed pluns. Many things have been going on at the Conununity Arts Center in Wallingford this swnmer. The .sc~sion of classes held in July attracted many stUdents and all classes offered proved very sue1 <:cssluJ. The children's classes in }J