College ::''warthmore, PR. aw~rthmDre .(JAN 6 L1br~ry • • BEGINS MARCH ~RTHMOREAN OF DIMES JANUARY 16 • 5WARTHrrIuBE, . FRIDAY. JANUARY 6, 1950 VOLUME 22-NUMBEB 1 S.H.S. SPONSORS J:;:m:.u;!~t::!entIWOMEN TO HEAR UNITED CHARITIES ::;~~F:.:r=: FRANCES FUSSELL $3.50 PER YEAR Bed Cross Nomjnations Open , INSTALL NEW BORO OFFICERS The annual meeting (If the Swarthmore branch of the American Red Cross will 'be held Friday mollning, Janun to term on the tree cummittee; ~. the Swarthmore Legion Auxiliary tea table WIll be Mrs. Stoyan W. his other outside duties he is al- McCowan and Mrs. Peter E. Told endeavored to give happiness in. requests greatly exceedi<>g that Russell and . Mrs. Jerome lB. BelL so. in charge of the' Delaware to two-year terms as Council's amount. Fifty per cent of bhe several· directions. Five dollars net funds received will be sent to Book Review Today County Polio Foundation Drive· representatives on the Library were sent to Coatsville Hospital National Headquarters to aid In Board; Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd, oneMabel Talley will give the lit- this month. for tbe Christmas Gift Shop where epidemics, promote reseaIch, and erary news when the litera!Jure All members are urged to at- year term as collector of sewer veterans may choose presents for will ·also be put in reserve, so that section meets at 10 o'clock this tend this meeting and bring their rents; Dr. J. Albright Jones, twotheir families and $26 for decormording at the clubhouse. Mrs. husbands. ' y!ar term as health officer and ations and remembrances. The Chapters may draw upon this re- Robert L. Coates will read from milk inspector with Mrs. Jtseph Health Center of SwartIimore and serve when tbeir .;funds are exSeal serving a simila~ term as HURT IN ACCIDENT hausted. The remaining 50% Rumer Godden's recenUy pubthe Media· Center each received Mrs. Vernon M. Parry is in the his assis'tant; Gus Houtman, twolished book of Poems "In Noah's $10, and the Perry Point and Phil- which stays in Delaware County is used'to care for 'local pollo patients Ark." Chester Hospital recovering from year term as ,borough engineer; adelphia Ward hospitals $5 each. . .•. your friends and neighbors." On 'Monday, January 9 at 9:30 injuries and shock suffered in an Clarence G. Myers, two-year Roller skates were given to the This is the final meeting prI'CcIf.- a.m. the Executive Board ,will meet automohile accident on Monday term as Itorough solkitor; Elliott adopted orphans at Scotland ing the opening on. January 16 of in the .LolUlge. Richardson, two-year term as afternoon, January 2. School, an<\. three families, in- th M oh f "'__ C The· club class in rhyt"-ic Mrs. Parry, a former Swarth- plumbing and building inspector. e . ar o~......,. ampaigu. ..... morean who now lives with· her cluding 17 children, received fiv" Permit .Granted Delaware County's o ~1 has been dance will. resume sessions, Fri;husband and daughter Barby Lou pairs of new shoes, 17 piec:es of Council granted a bnilding pero ";' 13 at 9 a.m. in the set at $100000 day, Janu , . , at Locfs1ey near Glan MIlls, was mit to the Swarthmore Presbyternew clothing and 17 new toys. "All district chaiImel>, captains club house. drivink alone in her car to SwarthEach of the six adults was also isn Church authorizing the erecmore to transport her sister Mrs. tion of a $132,000 addition to the given a present, and a large doll and district solicltors, all members Shero Elected Andrew Erskine and children of present Sunday School bUilding, was placed in the hands of a of the Delaware County Chapter and the Polio Parents Club ••• in Allentown. and her mother Mrs. to house additional Sunday School little girl in one family. fact, each and every person in the Professor L. R. Sherio, of the De- J R McLe S . The three families also received Caii-~ Thlll'llda)', J ....1I&I7 12 :d-~ter Bar·· Convention in vious history of polio. ScIentists man''OY S~ ~"'W p~~ames Farrell ......._...... _................... Friends Meeting anisburg Ibis w ek... . . (continued on ~ six) Iilittee of tJ~ . ....__________________, _______J IRe DIMES SET FOR JAN. 16 MOTHERS PLAN 'FATHERS NIGHT Jan.. art ( :"art== term .tt;:s<;::.:;: . We c;;m-:.. S:s!it TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR , , •, daughler Barbara. home from Mt • Hotyoke College for the holidays. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Gilmour of J;larbara returned 10 college WedHarvard avenue entertaiood as ni!sday. their guests during the holldsys David Daugherty of Dickinson Mrs. Gilmour's sister Dr. Hannah avenue, home from the University Roach. professor of Hislory. Con- of Virginia for the holidays. ennectiout College for Women, New tertained at Open House Friday London ,Conn., Dr. Gilmour's cou- evening. sin Miss Eleanor Gilmour of PhilaRobert Y. Buzby has returned delphia and his nephew Mr. Jack 10 Bucknell University where he Gilmol,lT and .famity of Prospect- is a Senior. aiter spending the ville. holidays with his parents, Mr. Miss Harriet Gilbert of Park and Mrs. J. R. Hoover. Jr.• of avenue entcrlaitled as her week- Wallingford. end guests Miss Jean Louise Her-, Marvel Wilson. Jr .• of Stratil old of Metuchen, N. J., and Mr. Haven avenue spent a few days in Norman Green and Mr. Kenneth Milford, Del., attending a houseGreene of Montpelier, Vt. party and dance. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph W. Fres- . PERSONALS ,) ENGAGEMENTS co)n of Walkerville, !Md., were the Christmas week guests of Mrs. Mrs. John Marshall of West Lovett Frescoln of Harvard ave- Chester, formerly of Lincoln avnue. enue an.n<>O.nces the engagetnent of Dr, and Mrs. J. Albright Jones her daughter, Mary Ball, to Mr. of Swarthmore Crest entertained Conrad William Turner, son of at a dinner party at tlieir ibDme Mr. and Mrs. C_ Brinkley Turner last Thursday' evening. of Wynnewood. George w. Glaesser Of DartMiss Marshall is a senior at Brxn mouth' avenue celebrated his fifth Mawr College, and Mr. Turner is birthday last Monday by entertain- a graduate of Haverford College, ing~ight of his little friends. His class of 1949. guests were Sara Beth Grier, Bar.. " ," < .. , i " •',- . ",-. . ;,- '. ~" " . ,;' ,.. lANUARY 6, 1950 THE SWARTBMORIIAN 2 . , • bara Lee Bird, Kathy Christopher. Diane Renshaw, Lynn Hartman, Jackie Schumacher. Sidney Kauffman, and Douglas Dunm. Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath of Benjamin, West avenue entertained informaIty for Mr. Galbreath's brother-ill-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Weaver of St. Petersburg, Fla., who were here for a 10-day visit. The visitors were also guests of honor at a party given on New Year's Day by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W; Crosby of Dickinson avenue. Mrs. Scott D. Thayer with her two children of Essex, Md., is spending' two weeks with the Hugh O. Thayer family of North Chester road while her husband Lt. Thayer is doing a' two-week tour of duty at the Na.val Air Station, St. Vluis, Mo. Dr. and Mrs. V. T. Lathbury of Walnut lane entertained at &1 buffet supper on New Year's Eve. Capt. and Mrs. C. C. Shute of Maple avenue entertained at a: family dinner party during the holidayS with Capt. and Mrs. E. E. Yeoman as guests of honor. Capt. Yeoman is captain of the cruiser Roanoke now 'docked at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Dr. and Mrs. V. T. Lathbury of V{alnut lane entertained MIss Margaret Mabes of State College for a few days of this week. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davies of Ced~ lane spent Christmas week with their son Major Frank J. Davies. U.S.A .• and family of Columbus, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Plowman of Harvard avenue entertained at Open House on New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davis and son John of Amherst avenue visited Mr. and Mrs. D. James Davis and family of Aberdeen Md .• during the holidays. • Mr. and Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place were guests of honor at a dinner party given last Thursday by Mrs. James Lindsay France of Wilmington in honor of their wedding anniversary. Mrs. Francis W. Plowman of Princeton avenue entertained at a l~cheon-bridge for 20 guests durmg the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Schu~ert and young' son Paul of Dickmson avenue will move tomorrow 10 their new home in the Leedom Estates. Ridley Township. Dr. and Mrs. Nonnnn W. Krase of Middletown road, Media entertained at Open House on New ;Year's Day in honor of their Mrs. Mildred N. Maloney and Mr. David B. Maloney of Chicago. announc.e the engagement of their daughter Patricia Maloney to Mr, Duane F. Taylor, son of Dr. and. Mrs. Norris O. Taylor of Winding Lane, Media, formerly of Swarth": more. Miss Maloney is a graduate of the University of Michigan and a member of Alpha' Omicron Pi Sorority. Mr. Taylor, a graduate of the University of Michigan, is now doing 'graduate work in Metallurgy at Michigan. He is a member of the Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity. The wedding will take place in June. The ~ngagement of Constance A. --------~------ SERVICE gw. 6-0440 ,. Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. ,-i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~ :EXTRA .SPOCIAL· , and HEN'S SUITS PLAIN DRESSES BEAUTIFULLY CLUNED - JANUARY 3-14 FINE SHOE REPAIRING SIDRTS LAUNDERED 180 '. WE SPECIALIZE In EVENlNG DRESSES ORANGE CLEANERS 405 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore, Penna. The Bouq1:Let BEAUTY SALON , Beauty solves her problems with care Call Swarthmore 6-0476 9 Chester Road . N. Y. served as best man. and tbe ushers were 'Messrs. Henry F. Wood of Pelbam. N. Y.• Ray McMahon of Tuckahoe N.Y.• Wesley Williams of White Plains, NY William Kdvda, Mt. Vernon, N ..Y., and Robert Ray,' brother-in-law of the groom. A reception at the Rolling Green Golf Club followed the ceremony. The mother of the bride was gowned in flamingo red chiffon with gold accessories. Her corsage was of white orchidS. The mother of the groom wore a gown of turquoise crepe with jet accessories. Her corsage was, of olack orchids. Among the out-of-flown· guests were the graD~moflhers of the couple. Mrs. W. S. I\iff of Denver. Colo.. !Mrs. Mice C. Mathers of Hemet. Calif.. and 1Mrs. J ""eph E. Appley of Basking Ridge N.J. Following a wedding trip in ·tbe Poconos., Mr. and Mrs. McDowe\I will make their home in Bloom- r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~ <, 'TUDE , 'RESEIT DRES "OR $OmR RIDIIG Super~.. shion TIRES by 30 GOODjiUR Friday and SaturdayJanuary 6 and 7 "TRA~ MlD~(lBT KISS" . Wlth Mario Lanza Our big trade-In allowance pays you full .prlce for the unused mileage In your pres'ent. tires-makes greatar non-skid safety . ~nd better blowout protection yours at NO ~RA costl CDME IN NOW • •• 1~.1!~=~~1~!!!~'R~~~!~!m~~~~;H~ I FU seo & ALS'TO N AN ANCIENT PROFESSION ~~J'D GraySOQ m technicolor . Fe.ature Times Saturday Nite 6.00. 8:00 and 10:00 P.M. --~-- Saturd~y Matinee - 1 P.M. comI>OSe!' Nocolo' Pag:minl, The entire violin score by Ychudi Mtmuhin. Wednesday and +Irursday '"THE LOST BOmiD&RUS" MEDIA Friday and Saturday Walter P1~eon' Ethel llal:r:nnore . Peter L&wfnrd "TilE RED DANUBE" Kiddie's MaUDee Sat. at 1:15 "DEVIIlS PLAYGROUND" 8 Cartoons and Serial ~EGULAR FEATURE W1LL , NOT BE SHOWN! Sunday and Monday Barry Flkge£ilId Shirley Temple "TIlE STORY OF SEABlSClllT" in technioolorl :rhrill by ThrIll it pounds mto your heart! Tuesday and W.~ecIn=esd=a"'y­ Glenn 'Ford - Evebu Key. "MR. SOFl' TOUCII" , • Pbarmacy fa one of the olde« of IIll the leamed professions. It had lb beginning more than four thousand:yeara ago, and has been practiced in GIle form or another ever .inee. The modem drug bears little res mbIance to , . . . the apothecary of~ld. Yet, to__a p ....uuadst is inspired by the same honor. . . ,.10.. 'rlea that governed the conduct of his few I rL TIle .... ~- _. t· ......... ,.-rte......t:, ~' - •• ~ mteJ:cat:, DOW" tIIea. ia the relief 01 ........ aDd the proIaap.. tiaIl of life. Pi............. come lint in our IiXIft. y--• &:I • or - - I ~~ •&I&lII; .-.......... " " rr ~ ~F 'mend . ~ store , particu]ar pbarmacy. bUt he will never comp\aia ~ 7W brio& h1a preecriptiona to us. Starting Thursday! June Raver - Mark stevena "011, YOU IlBA.lQ:Ii'OL DOLII' In technloolorl Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service Mr. Bishop'S sermon w11l be "The Distance of God." . Church School, and the Men's .Bible Class'meet at 9:45 o'clock: on Sunday morning. The Nursery and Beginner's Departments meet at 11 o'clock. The Women's Bible Class w11l , be in of Mrs. John Fawcett this Sunday morning at 9:30; Mrs. W'llimn Earl Kistler w11l speak on Methodistlsm. Coffee will be served in' tbe Parish House immediatety after the morning worship on. Sunday. Everyone is cordially invited. The Communicant's Class for all young people of tbe congregation desiring to join the Church at Easter time will. begin on January 8. at 5 o'clock in Mr. Blshop's study and will meet every Sunday thereafter until Easter. The Junior High choir-fellowship group w11l no longer meet. A congregational meeting has been called by the Session for Sunday.,evening. January 15 for tbe purpose' of receiving and acting upon the final rt;,commendations of the Building Committee for the completjon of plans to bulld an addition to the Church School hullding. A supper will be served at 6:30. A Board of Trustees· Meeting in the ChurcllOffice w11l be held on Tuesday evening. January 10 at 8 ·o'clOl'k.'· '.' The Woman's Association will meet on Wednesday. January The Executive Board will m~ at 10 B.m. The Worship Service led by Mrs. Eunice Ealon, followed 'by .luncheon prepared by Circle 4. Mrs. Clifford Banta, chairman. will start at 12 o'clock. The afternoon's program will he given by Dean Margaret Diseri of Wilson Col\ege who will speak on "A Glimpse into the Work of our' Presbyterian Colleges." The Cherub's Choir w11l rehearse Saturday morning at ,10:15. tbe Junior Choir rehearses Thursday afternoons .at 3:30 and the Chapel Choir rehearses Thursday evening at 7:45 o·clock. The Young Adult's Group meets Sunday evening at 6 for meditation in the Church Sanctuary followed by supper at 6:30 and meeting, afterwards. A Meditation and Prayer period from 5:35 10 6 o'clock w11l be held Thurs'::ay evening in the Church Sanctuary. The following persons were received' inlo the Fellowship of the Presbyterian Church' on Sunday• .1anuary 1: Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Callaway. Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Paul W11lard Crane, 'Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Edgerton. ·Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hock. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Howe; Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence LU.ckei. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. McNair. Mrs. Charles Minor. Mr. Charles WilHam Ramsay. 'Mrs, William Rutberford. Mr. Wl\lia m F. Thompson. Mr. Richard Shepard Vose, Jr•. Michael's CelieI' 'bar••• y , . ONTIIE~ ' " • -';::;;--~~--­ Church S:ervices , .~n~d~::;1 day Scouts with bad aparty. happy meetil!g ments provided by and Mrs. Randy Lee. • The troop has grown tram three I to 18 members. Scouters Ra:",'1D00"d Gemrni1l. Leslie WeUauffer. RI,ch··1 ard Snyder. Lyman Darling. WllHam 'Pegram. Theodore Purnell, Robert Hetherington and Wesley France were delighted by the enthusiasm of the Broup attending the party which consisted of Scouts C. Grier. L. Purnell, F. Mazza. J. Wetla'uffer,'R. Snyder. D. Little, J. Pegram, J. Darling. R. Hetherington. B. Gwill1l\ L. Gemmill, J. Godfrey W. Reynolds. J. Krupla and Meenan. ~ . ...m. • I Cor company is much more than a business organization. It is an InstiMion dedicated to service-the best service our profession knows. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DalCToas o. "'".-ALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Mr. and Mrs. c. W. Tucker and children Diane, Vance, and Jewell of. Swarthmore avenue have re'" turned following a three-week automobile trip through the state of Florida. .. Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Bolton "f Teleph_ Rl6-1511 ------- -------------------- Notes Holy Communion ~11l be celebrated at 8 a.m. All d.epartments of tbe Church School will .meet at 9:45 The service of MornIng Prayer will he held at 11 a.m. The boys serving as acolytes are: 8 a.m.• John Bell Thompson; 11 am."C;:harles Nason. Mort:)' Wetherald m>.d Daie Thompson. Ushers for the 11 a.m. service are: J. L. Comog, head usher, B. Harrar, J. S. Thompson, S. D. Clyde, Jr., G. C. Wagner. C. B. Blake, T. W. Hopper and R. T: Bates. Choir School will meet>, on 14on" day and Wednesday at 4 p.m. There will he a meeting of the Vestry on Monday at 8 p.m. The sewing group of the Woman's Auxiliary will meet in the home of the chairman. Mrs. Alden Q. Davis. 312 North Princeton avenue on Wednesday for Mission sewing. Choir rehearsal w11l be held on :r'bursday evening at 7:30 p.m• THIS IS YOUR INVITATION a.m. "Sacrament" is tbe subject of the T PS"OO-8ermon in all Ch,ll1'Ciilles! of ChrIst, ScIentist, on Sunds;r, ~anuary 8. ~ Golden Text 'The preparations of tbe heart man, and !be aollWer 'oftlu~ .t.:.... is from the Lord. ••• Commit ~ world Cornell av- entertaining for the past week IWlolt IUdwldsoo . 8 0 335 Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of Crest enue entertained at cocktails be- Mrs, Rincliffe'. mother. Mrs. H. 'T-'" !Jorougb Secretary tractor, Swarthmore 6-2 5 • lane entertained as her hou~e fore the Series Dance in the WOo D. Peterson ot Sandusky, Ohio ~'-;;;;=-=;:-:::=--:c::--;=== Park avenue. IN TliE GUURT OF COMMON PLEAS PERSONAL _ Medical Massage guests for a few days Mrs. W. man's Club Saturday evaning. who is en route south tor the OF DELAWARE (."(lUNTY, Seward Iliff and Miss Alberta PENNSYLVANIA for wry ne", tense nerves,·conR. Blair Price, Jr., of winter. No. DECEMBER "'ER~I .... stipation. allspotBeatrice reduciniScbmidt, by De- Iliff of Denver, Colo., who were Chester road has returned to ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;91I FIRSr AND FINAL ACCOUNT CliES. h ere. to a t'~ d the wed ding of Hampden-Sydney College, Va., TER.cA·MBRIDGE DANK AND0>' TRUST ~n COMPANY. Gunrdlnn ot 'be Estale ot C War. Swarthmore 6-2780. Mrs. Ili:ffs granddaughter, the following the holiday vacation. Maqe and Dot ~:':a~!:d~lY. a weak·mlnded persoll. now PERSONA!r-=Magazine subscrlp- former Miss Jean Iliff and Mrs. Mr and OK_ Erik Hultb rg J "fhe .bove accoun' b •• beell me" in U,e tions. Mrs. Bertha P. Faries, . uuS. e , r., C I Cat I Oft'lce or the Prothonotnry nnd wIll be 239 Haverford avenue. Swartb- C. W. McDowell on Friday. left Tuesday for Indianapolis auerSe° 0 . ' er III conft'utOO by .. Id Cou" ou FebrulLry ald. 6 6750• Mrs. Marvel Wilson of Strath rvIee 1050. unless excc))Uons ure OJoo thereto. more _ where :M:r. ,Hultberg will be asWILLIAM C. KNODEL. ProtiJonotnry PERSONAL Envelopes ad- Haven avenue will spend SPECIALIZING IN WII,LIAM C. KNODEL. · . . several Mrs signed to the Indianapolis office Prothonotary dresseel, h and or typed $10 per d ays 0 f nex t week vuutmg . of the Insurance Companies of IIT·I-6 The School District of Swnrthmore will 1000. Mao; stamping, sealing and C arIe ton P epper 0 f N ew Y ork North America. Mrs. Hultberg is Luncheons insertions. E. L. Simpson. Swarth- C.ty Buffel Suppers receive bid. at Ihe 011'1. . ot tb. 0_·001 more 6-0280. I • E[aven I the fonner Aggie Lou Beneke. CoClldlll.l Pari\ee DIstrict In tb. Hlgb Sobool, BuuJin •. A T IF YOU ~G""Gayle Hodge of Strath Mr. and Mrs. Hultberg have oomer of College and Princelon Avenues. n lav.mule t ed Oall Swarthmore. Pennsylvania. up to 4. p_m .• PERSON".....ING A PARTY OR SH WEB, re urn to Cornell Uni- been living for the past six months Wednesday. January 18. 1950. and open cali Swartlunore 6-1554 your Wednesday following the w··' I·th Mrs. Hultberg's· aunts,. Dot Belfield _ Swa. 6-1973 tbe bldttDistrict a' a meellng ot Janunry U,e Boold18.a"be -t.. School oft"lce on ID!lO dwi canapes, fancy san ""es or holiday vacation. Gayle enterAnn and Pauline "culetter I Marg Hurd - Swa. 6-3138 a' 8 p.m .• or a' .n adjourned meeUn ••f small fancy cakes. t . ed 12 ts t I h' '-.J the School Board for l1Iuslcal Instruments am gues a a unc eonof avenue while U_. Hult- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,."d to 1181'1 ft, S 1ft ., PER!fQNAL _ Refined Swarth- br,·dge last FrI·day when the guests -LYll con be !ecured . more lady is available Fridays 1 d berg was taking a training course dally except Saturdays. SundaYS-. nnd ~ and Saturdays for baby sitting. inc 1! ed Swarthmore High School with his company. Board reserves at the the School right Dlstrlct to reject office. anyThe or D r.. H arry M. Tarnoff holidays. Also daytime during week. Phone and Comell c1assmat es. Several dinner parties were glv.11 bid. In whole or In part .nd to awsld 6 6299 M Lo 'l'h I ed contracts on any Item· or item,i making Swarthm~ ~~ _ . ary U ayer re urn to en in thecouple's ·honor during CHIROPODIST - FOOT up .ny bid. Hilda Lang Denwortb Secretary FOR RENT Middlebury College Tuesday folholidays. . SPECIALIST, anpounces the opening of FOR RENT Garage, Chester lowing the holiday vaclttion with Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of offices at road near Swarthmore avenue. her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugh North Chester road entertained Rubbish Collection ,Chester 11& Fairview Roads Telephone Swarthmore 6-1244. O. Thayer of North Chester road. Miss Eleanor Douthat of RichSwarthmore Disposal SwarUrmore, Pa. FOR RENT-One ap.',lrlment, two Paul· Thayer returned· to . mond, Va., as their house guest houses. Edward L. Noyes &. Slta~e WeekJ:r or MonUtl:r In addition to his offices at ~ompany ,Swarthmore 6-0114. .' Monday. during Christmas week. 609 Welsh Street, Chester WARREN PIERCE WANTED Mr. and .Mrs. John Bowditch, Mrs. Dewitt A. Hills of Elm B:r Appolnment WANTED-La~ desires room aDd Jr.• <>f Cedar lane have r"turned avenue spent the holiday season Swarthmore 6-2078 SW 8-1"3 Chesler 3-7515 .board In. private hnme . or from a five-day visit with their with· her son-In-law imd daughter room nearby. Vicinity Swartb- son Capt. Benson A. 130wditch and ~. and Mrs. A. G. McVay anll more Christian Science Cllurcb. fa~ of Camp. Lejeqne, N. C., family of Front Royal, Va. Media 6-4481. ani! attended the Marine Officers Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Since 1905 Wm. T. Patterson, Director. VI'ANTED - Small unfurnished !'lew Year's Eve party. Capt Ben- Jr., of Cedar lane entertained Eighteeu Years Experience apartment Swarthmore CUNNINGHAM PHONE MEDIA 2588 cinity. Call InMedia 6-1192.or v1- son leaves this week for six during the holidays their daughWANTED -. Carpentry, painting, of duty In the Mediterranean. ter Mrs.S. J. Weyl and her small .Palnlers '" Pa_Banprs FUNERAL HOME We obould know how A PrIce to Meet Ever:r odd jobbing; improvements. route Mr. and Mrs. Bowditch daughters of Fairfax, Va., and Reasonable. Phone evenings WAsh visited another son, Mr. Willits Mr. and Mrs. James Bowditcb - Price. Year Ago MOR, PREM, TREET'c~:' 3f~ tall Pink Salmon 1 Dr. Laubach believes that the Fanny Reed. Goddard, wife of atU o'clock£orLonisW. "CriSS--CI'Ossed and interwoven Dr. Harold Clark Goddard ,pro- who passed away Tuesday at in the counly. unrest in the world is due to the among th.... f()ur major dilemmas . home at Park and Harvard aveThe goal is $100,000. "shriveling world" by which the fessor emeritus IOf English at ., are the great broad conflicts of Swarthmore' College, and author, nues, at me age of 79. Final plans for the campaign groups have democratic nationalism versus . will be private. were mapped last Friday night learned that all people are not I k d b d democratic internationalism, na- Passed away at her apartment in A direct descendant of a genera wor erg an mem erhungry, sir.k, and miserable an the Mary Lyon building on Hartionalistic communism versus Wheelock who came to Massachu- ship meeting, held in the Munlc- are stirred by a tremendous deinternationalistic communism, geo- vard avenue at noon Monday after selts from England in 1637 and a ipal Bldg. in Upper Darby. sire to rise. graphic regionalism versus poli- an illness of seve.-al months. collateral descendant ot eral hundred men and The first point of his program tical regionalism; multllateralism Born in Worcester, Mass. in Wheelock who founded dedicating a few days and is, therefore, education.' He deversus unilateralism in the con- 1879 . and graduated from Mt. College, Mr. WheelOck caihe to of their time to help this drive to scribed the speed with which trol of destructive weaponSj ~e Holyoke COllege in 1902, she did SWart.hmore to live in 1917. He insure treatment fur victims ot the people can be 'taught to read with .United States· ·verS\1s· other forms ~ettlement work i!>r. time in New became widely known in the dread pollo, attended \ibis meeting. charts and the "Each one teach of internation~ org~~on." Y-ork City and law taught in verllsing ~eld "'hlch he entered ''These work..,. will make per_ one" Method originated in the pub'l,'c sohools of' Amherst,' Mass. al lls t hn t Del .. (continued on page four) by joining the N. W. Ayer Agency son ca a a os every a- literacy campaign in the PhilipIn 1906 she married Dr. Goddard, in 1905, prior to which he ware County home during. the pines. This was the first campaign coming to Swarthmore with him been editor of various Philadel- campaign," said Dr. John W. undertaken' by Dr. Laubach who To Hold Tax Discussions Ihree y6ius later when he started phia newspapers. Several . direeta f son, campaIgn. r or has continued to teach people to later he formed his own company, county. "I appeal to the people read first for missions, then for Under the title "You Pay th~ teaching at the Oollege. Surviving besides ber husband one of his clients being Stephen Delaware County to respond. governments for the past 30 years. Taxes, You Call the Tune" the Second in the Laubach program League of Women V()ters of are two daughters Ml"s. Mark Wor- F. Whitman and Son who were one lmows where polio will strike. then of Westem Reserve Univer-. b . d i c k It may co-a t our h Swarthmore will conduct a series .,~ a y ome, or was supplying good reading matter Just eginnmg to eve op pa of discussions of the Federal sity, Cleveland and Mrs. 'Lee""""'all aged candy and lay plans for a home." in the simplest form to suit the Budget. of Springfield, Mass., and national business. In a few years The Delaware County many needs. He urged that books Mr. Wheelock joined Ihe Whit- spent $20000. more during 1949, in of agriculture, child care, home If the citizen· is to call the tune grandchildren. A college memorial service man Company, later the care of polio patients in the economics, be written simply and he must have' ~ understanding vice-president in charge of adver- county, then its share Of the mon- supplied; that the Readers Digest ()f the budget and its impact on be annouru:ed later. our economy. tising, a position he held until he ey' collected in iast year's cam- be simplified for beginning read' NUARY SHO'W resigned in 1931 to conduct his by paign. This Where do our taxes come f.rom? th N ti deficit al F was dat·made up ers; that the UNESCO technologJA own adveIftising cOWlSel!ing sere a on OWl ical books be "written down." He How does governmen.t spend W'th' th t. daIOn. vice for the next 9 years. oJ. m _ e pas ",ew ys, praised the course in simple journthem? Are we getting our money's than 3 000 . 11 eta with Whitman he played a major ,<"Om co e rs' alism taught at Syracuse Univerworth? are only a f£:w questions TO OPEN MONDAY b Iced' to . d publi _ part in developing many of the een p a ill s res an . C sity. that call for answers. bu'ldi' all . th . company'S famous packages 'in-' 1 ngs over e county. In contrast to the present inLeague members and their "Brighten the Corner", eluding the Sampler in 1912. The campaign will oontinue un- action by the democracies in this friends are cordially invited to Swarthmore Players Club's Janu·-I (continued on page seven) tIl'January 31. respect Dr. Laubach described select one of the following groups sh M .... t ary ow, opens o&A&aJ a Russia's ~tensive literacy cam.and to attend any or all of the Fairview road theater for a six- MrS. Alma Blanche Jones To Represent Band paign which has produced slow meetings of that group. . ht W ·tt h J hn mg run. r l en y 0 " ..011 1 ·Mrs. Alma Blanche Jones widow . Larry Franck, Fred Sales, Har- readers but a program of books Tuesdays from 9:45 to 11:30 a.m. Holm and directed by Ned Pyle, of George Jones, died suddenly aid Ogram, Jr., and Donald Ogram directed at the masses in the January 17, 24, 31 at the home the production is a three act com- Friday morning of a heart attack will repreSent the Swarthmore simplest sentences PO;Dted at their of Mrs. Bryce Wood, 310 Chestnut edy in the ·iight and frothy tra- at the Stokes Nursing Home, High School Band at the South- carefully studied needs and preavenue, with Mrs. Clair Jeglum. dition. And while it defies plot Primos, where she had lived for eastern District Band Festival of judices. He warned that they are and Mrs. Wood as leaders.' l' ral t ak f . and de IVers no mo 0 spe 0, the past three years. She was 83. the P.M.E.A. to be held at Souder- wmning the masses. Thursdays from 9:45 to 11:30 the play neverth~less provides MIs. Jones, had lived for many ton tomorrow evening. (continued on page seven) a.m. January 19, 26, February 2 plenty of "situation" as an ambi- years at South Chester road. - at the home of Mrs. William Peg- tious nephew tries to wangle a Her husband had been connected , ram, 216 Yale avenue with Mrs. really sporting wedding gift out with the Philadelphia Inquirer for Norman Hixson and Mrs. ()f his uncle. 40 years. FrIday, Jannary 13 Robinson as leaders. Major roles will be played by Sb,e was a member of the Trin7:00 P.M.-Mothers Club, Dr. Nason, Speaker .... Woman's Club Thursdays at 8 p.m. Charles Stockdale, Nat Doughty, ity Church, Swarthmore and' a 7:15 P.M.-Basketball: H.S. vs Prospect Park ........ H.S. Gym 19, 26, February 2 at the home Sheri Horton,•. Donald Lange and former member of the local Wo8:15 P.M.-College Orchestra Concert ........................ Clothier Mrs. BirneyK. Morse, 742· Har- newcomer Penny Halladay, sup- man's Club. S"turday, Jannary 14 vard avenue with Mrs. Herbert ported by Peter Braun, also a new_ Survivors are a brother, Frank 7:00 & 9:00 P.M;.-Movies: Comedy & Buster Keaton .... Clothier Fras"" and Mrs. Burris West as comer to the club, James M. Good- Bennett of Coral Gables, Fla., a Sunday, January 15 leadell!. . win, G. Gena Hopson and Mr. grandson Ted Jones of Palo Alto, 11:00--Morning Worship .......................................... Local Churches Pyle. Calif., and two nieces Miss Olive Monday, January 16 Managing the stage this trip is Norris of Rhode Island, and Mrs. 2:00 P.M.-Legion Auxiliary .......................... 208 Vassar Avenue Kappas To Sew 6:30 P.M.-"China"-Rev. Charles Long, Jr..... Trinity Church Ernest Federoff with Samuel Big- Ralph Wallace of MontClair, N.J. 8:00 P.M.-Legion Presentation ............................ Borough Hall The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sew- "er as electrician, Stewart Brown A son Norris Jones died seven 8:20 P .M.-¥lhighlen th.e Oorner" ............................. .Players Club ing Group will meet Tuesday, as chief smmd eUecls man, and years ago. .. Tuesday, January 17 'January 17 at the home of Mrs. EmIlVl Pyle as prompter. 00Memorial services were hdd 9:45 A.M.-LWV Tax Dis.,ussions ............310 Chestnut Avenue Fred J:Murray of 739 Ye1e avenue. chairman for properties are Mrs. Sunday in Trinity Church with 2:00 P.M.-Dramatics and Music Program .......... Woman's Club Hans Steinfcld aDd Mary Burn, as- the Rev. George C. Anderson in 8:20 P.M.-uBrlghter. the Corner" ........................... .Players Club sisted by Mrs. GeOl'ge Davisson, charge. Wednesday, January 18 Sew For Red Cross Mrs. Stewart Edgerton, Mrs. Char8:20 P .M.-hBrighten the Corner" ............................. .Players Club 'l'hlrteen members of the Thlm- les Lukens, Mrs. Harold Ogram, Rev. George Christian AnderTharmay, JIUluary 19 ble Group met Monday at Mrs. William Rutherford and Mrs. Rector of Trinity Church has 9:45 A.M.-L\\- V Tax Discussions ' ..................... 216 Yale Avenue home of Mrs. Harvey Schumacher Louis Storck. Make-up will be 'for Birmingham, Ala., to 8:00 P.M. -Organ Concert ............................ Presbyterian Church 8:00 P.M.-LWV Tax Disc:ussl0IIS .............. 742 Harvard Avenue of Haverford avenue to sew tor directed by Mrs. E. Poole iRentley preach in St. l:.uke·~l Episcopal 8:15 P.M. -Carroll Daugherty .,., Ecooomics .... Priends Meeting the Red Cross. Mrs. George Paul and Patty Cam,pbell. Church there. He WIll be away 8:20 P .M.-'·Brighten the Corner" .....................__ ••••.Playera Club Of New York was co-hostess. CurtaIn time Is 8:20. '. . until Januiry 21. . • 0M ~:;ar:=tiV~ ::~ t:':~:'~, ::irFi:~::r:~fr;:=:~ti:: II!============::::!II ~:' ':~::t ':;~~~ !eo::e~! , diagnosed." SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. JANUARY 13, JANUARY ~~~ :~F~~~:~; ~Another recurrent subject, garking meters, was discussed without any definite conclusion being reached. (conlinu,ed. from page one) feel Ihat the majority of these Infections were of the unrecognkable, subclinical type which produces no symptoms at all or symptoms so mild that they <:annot be DIMES HEAR TALK ----- Lancaeter Ave., THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 22--,-NUMBER 2 1923, Chestnut Street - - - Phila. 6913 Market Street Upper Darby OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE BEGINS OF Orville H. Bullitt, of Walnut lane was elected a trustee at the anooal meeting of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, it was announced Wednesday. of Spectacles and Eye Glasses Closed Every Sunday 10 Sped•• ~hUdrea's Platters Elected Trustee DISPENSING OPTICIANS Breald••, . £ ....cll • DhuJer DAILY DINNEIIS ·.MARCH J. C. LIMEBURNER CO. section of the borough. A leller from John T. Lamplugh of Linwood, agent for Mrs. Frances J.ANUABY 6, 1950 SWA&TBMOBEAN , I H. L.. W~~ELO NotedIt::;~::g ~ampai~ a By Telephone To Okinawa The J. Howard Taylors of Kenyon avenue, Mrs. Taylor, Jr. and eight year-old Richard Taylor, on Christmas Eve were happy to say "Merry Christmas" by telephone to Ait Force First Lt. John H. Taylor, Jr., stationed on Okinawa for duty with the Twentieth Air Force. JJlIlIIIIJI~ \. " ft_ '. ,I YOU CAN'T PUT OUT WATER like a fire, but you can insure against ·water overllowmg fixtures, bursting pipes, etc. Important protection and Dot expensive. _ PETER E. TOLD - GenE!ral Insurance ' 333 Dartmouth iAve. ..... 'os Mlorum.d damage from i""_H'_, CosuakJ" ....., C-poay til CGaa. IInl IIIll Here It Is! ~ow on Dlsp~ay: The beautiful 1950 Chrysler ••• the beauty S\lJ1lrise of the year! From flID8rt new front to smart new rear, every sleek, trim line was deliberately styled to give it a new long, low streamlinetl look! With stl1~DjDg new interior selections, new nylon fabrics, new patterns ••• it's today's new style classic, inside and out! And again for 1950 Chrysler's beauty refiecIB the sound engineering and the solid comfort inside. Again there's hj!8droom, legroom and shoulder·room to spare! Chairheight Seaml Surprising visibility all-around • • • in the easiest of all Cars to get into and out of, plus all Chryliler's great eXClusives-including completely waterproof ignition system. You've got to see and drive it to really appreciate :1'. ••• to know the wonderful things that have been done to make it the smartest, most comfortable-the safest, . sweetest driviDg car today! (19 new body styles available.) • BEAUTIFUL . ()Hlll:'-;Llill- 1950 HAmIDM & WAITE \ TODAY'S NEW ~ STYLE CLASSIC Chester Road - Yale Avenue . , \ • \ THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR . , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 1.-..._ _ _ _ , I THE 6 Install New· ~oro Officers Tuesday JANUARY 6, 1950 SWA&TBMOBEAN I and Mr, Mohammed Ibrahim Adham of Bagdad Iraq, were Mr. and The Chi Omega Sewing Group Mrs. Richard Haig of Swarthmore, will meet on Monday, January 9· Rear Admiral and Mrs. Fred at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Hardesty and Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Bruce D. Smith, 300 North Prince- : Woodward, of Moylan, Mr, and ton avenue. All Chi Omegas are Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, Jr., of cordially invited to join the group. Wallingford, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Vogdes and Mr: Edwin R. NewAmong those in this area at- comer of Media. Mr. Adham is tending the international wedding a special diplomatic attache to the in Wayne on December 31 of Miss U.N. from iraq. Chi Omegas To Sew ' P E OToMeet The regular meeting of the P.E.0 .• Chapter P, will be held at the home of IMrs.· Elliott C. Powers, (continaed from page one) 6 Curtis road, Longview Farms, fog committee of the church and Springfield, at 12 noon today. Mrs. Paul Banks and Elwood B. Chap- Charles W. Card will be co-hosman interested neighbors. tess. In a verbal report Dr. J. Albright Jones health officer sumDick Bosshardt returned to Cormed up local health conditions. nell University after 'a two-week He mentioned having received vacation at his home on Park repeated complaints about the pol- avenue. Dick has been initiated lution of one of the little creeks into Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity Emily Wetzel, daughter of Mr. which runs through a residential at the university. and Mrs. Charles Wetzel of Wayne section of the borough. A lettcr from John T. Lamplugh of Linwood, agent for Mrs. Frances Davis of Cornell avenue and Fairview road was read complaining that a pedigreed dog picked up Breakfasl- LUDCh by the dog catcher had been minus Closed Every Sunday its license tag when its release Open 7 A. M· to • p. M. was secured. Later in the meeting Monday Thru Saturday Council discussed the age-old "to catch or not-to-catch" problem. It being the general conccnDAILY DINNERS 10 $1••0 sus of opinion that the present Special Children's PI.tters system should be dispensed with, the secretary was requested to give Edward A. Hcrskcr dogcatcher the 60 days notice required to terminate his contract. Mr. Hcrsker was engaged last May at an annual salary of $400. I Orville H. Bullitt, of Walnut lane was elected a trustee at the annual meeting of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, it was announced Wednesday, DISPENSING OPTICIANS Experts in \he Making and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses BIDDer asc Elected Trustee J. C. LIMEBURNER CO. DEW DROP INN OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE 1923-Chestnut Street - - - Phila. 6913 Market Street Upper Darby 827 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Excitingly ... dramatically.,:. and differently Another recurrent subject, parking meters. was discussed without any definite conclusion being reached. FOR MARCH OF DIMES SET (contin~ from page one) feel that the majority of these infections were of the unrecognisable, subclinical type which produces no symptoms at all or symptoms so ndld that they cannot be diagnosed." '. A classic of long~ low and lovely styling I Scientists believe that these subclinical polio infections afe! fortunate, Mr. Smith explained, inasmuch as it is this type of repeated exposure which can build up strong resistance to the disease. Without such protection, Mr. Smith pointed out, polio would be an even greater tragedy than it now is. BEGINS MARCH OF DIMES THE SWARTHMOREAN ==.:==-==== =~====~=====~SW~AR=:::T::H::M~O~R~E:',=FR~I:::D~A~Y:-.=J':A~N~U;:'A:'R::;Y~13, VOLUME 22-NUMBER 2 I HEAR TALK ON I FOREIGN POLICY I Chili Schedules Member Luncheon For Jan. 17 The Woman's Club first official meeting in the Clubhouse for 1950 last Tuesday January 10 when Dr. Frances Fussell sP~ke on the "United States Foreign Policy," augured well fa: the coming year.. In spite of ram and generally bad weather the. Clubhouse was filled to capacIty. Dr. Fuss~l, formerly connected with the State Department, is currently with the Executive Office of the President. Introduced by the Club's president Mrs. Francis Forsythe, she told club members: "In international affairs the areas of greatest concern to the American people at the moment appears to be the U.S.S.R. enigma and threat; China -gone but not forgotten; Germany-half slave, half free; and the United Nations-alternative to the atom bomb, proximity fuse and the guided missile. "Criss-crossed and interwoven among these four maj or dilemmas are the great broad conflicts of democratic nationalism versus democratic internationalism, nationalistic commwUsm versus internationalistic communism, geographic regionalism versus political regionalism; multilateralism versus unilatcralism in the control of destructive weapons; the United States versus other forms of international organization!' (continued on page four) To Hold Tax Discussions By Telephone To Okinawa The J. Howard Taylors of Kenyon avenue, Mrs. Taylor, Jr. and eight year-old Richard Taylor, on Christmas Eve were happy to say "Merry Christmas" by telephone to Air Force First Lt. John H. Taylor t Jr., stationed on Okinawa for duty with the Twentieth Air Force. ,JJII'IIIIII~l I I YOU CAN'T PUT OUT WATER like a fire, but you can insure against water damage from overflowing fixtures, bursting pipes, etc:. Important Pl'otection and not expensive. ..- PETER E. TOLD - General Insurance ' Here It Is! '!low on Dlsp)ay: The beautiful 1950 Chrysler ••. the beauty surprise of the year! From smart new front to smart new rear, every sleek, trim line was deliberately styled to give it a new long, low streamHnClllook! With s~g new interior selections, new nylon fabrics, new patterns ••. it's today's new style classic, inside ami out! And again for 1950 Chrysler's beauty reflects the sound engineering and the solid comfort inside. Again there's 333 Dartmouth 'Ave. BEAUTIFUL hnl UIII h~droom, legroom and shoulder-room to sparel Chairheight Seatsl Surprising visibility all-around • • • in the easiest of all cars to get into and out of, plus all Chrysler's great exclusives-including completely waterproof ignition system. You've got to see and drive it to really appreciate it ••. to know the wonderful things that have been done to make it the smartest, most comfortable-the safest. sweetest driving car today! (19 new body styles available.) TODAY'S NEW, STYLE CLASSIC CHRli"'lE'R 1950 HANNUM & WAITE Chester Road - Yale Avenue \ , Under the title "You Pay the Taxes, You Call the Tune" the League of Women Voters of Swarthmore will conduct a series of discussions of the Federal Budget. If the citizen' is to call the tune he must have an understanding of the budget and its impact on our economy. Where do our taxes come from? How does government spend them? Are we getting our money's worth? are only a few questions that call for answers. League members and their friends are cordially invited to select one of the following groups and to attend any or all of the meetings of that group. Tuesdays from 9:45 to 11:30 a.m. January 17, 24, 31 at the home of Mrs. Bryce Wood, 310 Chestnut avenue, with Mrs. Clair Jeglum and Mrs. Wood as leaders. . Thursdays from 9:45 to 11:30 a.m. January 19, 26, February 2 at the home of Mrs. William Pegram, 216 Yale avenue with Mrs. Norman Hixson and Mrs. Mariana' Robinson as leaders. Thursdays at 8 p.m. January 19, 26, February 2 at the home of Mrs. Birney K. Morse, 742 Harvard avenue with Mrs. Herbert Fraser , and Mrs. Burris West as leader~. Kappas To Sew The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewing Group will meet Tuesday, January 17 at the home of Mrs. Fred J. Murray of 739 Yale avenue. Sew For Red Cross Thirteen members of the Thimble Group met Monday at the home of Mrs. Harvey Schumacher of Haverford aveI>Ue to sew !lor the Red Cross. Mrs. George Paul of New Yark was co-hostess. I'WA . "~"j Thanks Contributors Parking 'r.imitations To Be Enforced Burgess Charles R. Russell requested The Swarthmorean this week ti~ annOWlce that beginning next Monday, January 16, there will be strict enforeement of parking regulations in restricted zones of the borough. Cars will be checked regularly by police officers. This action was deemed necessary in view of complaints from residents seeking to park for short periods, especially in the business section, and being unable to find space. It is claimed this condition is pue in considerable measure to the practice of some motorists parking their vehicles in excess of the legal time limits. 40·Year Resident Dies Of Illness Here Fanny Reed Goddard, wife of Dr. Harold Clark Goddard professor emeritus 'of English at S:warthmore College, and author, passed away at her apartment in the Mary Lyon building on Harvard avenue at noon Monday after an illness of several months. Born in Worcester, Mass. in 1879 and graduated from Mt. Holyoke College in 1902, she did :;etUement work for. Ii time in New Ylodern program wi11 be held at 1 p. m. Thollght Teach Us about Man, God Mrs. Joseph P. Bishop will review and the Universe?" uMission at Grass Roots" by WUThe annual meetings of the liam P. Shriver. American Friends Service ComCircle 7, Mrs. Harold ·C. Stott, mittee will meet at the Race chairman, at the home of Mrs. Street Meeting House in. PhiladelFrank .G. Keenen, 718 Harvard phia, Friday and Saturday Januavenue at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Fred- ary 13 and 14-on Friday at 10, erick W. Steuber will discuss 2, and 7:30 and on Saturday at 10 "Mission at Grass Roots." and 2. All are cordially invited. Circle 8, Mrs. E. W. Crosby, chairman, Mrs. Birney K. Morse, co-chairman, at the home of Mrs. TRINITY MEN'S CLUB James B. Douglas, 600· North TO HEAR ABOUT CHINA Chester road. Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf will be co-hostess. A report on the present situation Circle 3, Mrs. William H. Geh- in China will be given to the Men's ring, chairman, at the home of Club of Trinity Church, at their Mrs. W. R Morgan, 913 Strath monthly dinner meeting on Mon~ Presbyterian Notes The sermon this Sunday morn~ ing at the 11 o'clock seJ;Vice will be preached by Mr. Bishop on the subject "Ends and Means." The Women's Bible Class meets at 9:30. Mrs. John H. Fawcett is in charge of the program. The Men's Bible Class, the Prinlary, Junior, Junior-High, and Senior Departments of the Church School meet at 9:45 •. The Nursery and Beginners' >Departments meet at 11 o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. Horace H.!Hopkins at the Harvard avenue entrance and Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moir at the driveway~transept entrance will assist Mr. Bishop in greeting the congregation after the service Sunday morning. The Coffee Hour, to which all the members of the congregation are invited, will be held after the morning worship in the Parish House. The Communicant's Class for all young people wishing to unite with the Church at Easter tlmti is held Sunday .evening at 5 in the Pastor's study. The Young Adult's will meet in the Church for a period of. medi• tation at 6 on Sunday evening. There will be a congregational meeting, called by the Session, Sunday evening, January 15, for the purpose of receiving and acting upon the final recommendations of the Building Committee for the completion of plans to build an addition to the Church School buildlrig. SUPp& will be 8erv~d at 6:30. Reservations should be phoned in to the Chureh . office by Friday 01 this week. The teachers of the Prinlary Department will meet at 8 Sun~ day evening in the Cb.urch office. The' following Circles of the 'Chllrch Service., a~ A WIDE PRICE RANGE We have over 70 different price ranges. Consult us-then compare. Our estimate will prove that we are deflnitely not high priced. THE OLIVER H.IAIRCO. DII.ClORS 0' "NIIALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET lelephone RI 6~15al MARY 'A,. lAIR. Prestde";y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HavenR. avenue at will 11 reviewMrs. 1rvin MacElwee the the Rev. Charles H. Long, Jr., who Dook "Mission at Grass Roots." Evening Circles, 9, 10, and 11, at the Church, at 7:45 o'clock. Mr. tiishop will !q)CIIk on "D.P....~ "Answer for Ann," a movie on D.P.s will be shown. The Junior Choir at 3:30 on Thursday afternoon. The Cherub's Choir will rehearse on Saturday morning at 10:15. The Session will meet in the Pastor's Study on Friday evening, January 20, at 8 p.m. Methodist Notes The Sunday School meets at 9:45. The Young Adults meet at 10 in the Ladies' Parlors. \ The topic of the sermon at the 11 o'clock service is "Freedom through 1:ruth." The Church Nursery is open during the morning service. Mrs. Earl D. Freas and Mrs. Roger S. Kauffman will be in charge. The ushers tor the day are H. H. Schultz, R. Cassidy, C. W. Dempsey, W. Crafts and J. O. Stephens. The Youth Fellowship will meet at 6:30 in the Presbyterian; Church. Rehearsal for the MinstreJ. Show viiU be on Tuesday evening at New Plymouth Special Deluxe Four-Door Sedan SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CInJRCH .. The Plymouth Special DeLuxe fo~oor sedan, one of nine new models, is shown above. The car (ontains Sunday, JanUary 15 important styling ebanges and improvements for safely and comfort. Its high compression engine and many 9:30 A.M.-Womens Bible Class. mechanical features provide lively, economical performance. 9 :45 A.M.--5unday School an:d Mens Bible Class. t ' 11:00 A. M.-Mr. Bishop's sermon :will be "Ends and Means". 5:00 P.M.--CQIJllIl.unicants Class, Pastor's Study. 8. 6:00 P.M.-Young Adults Group. The Junior Choir will hold their rehearsal on Thursday evening METlIODIST CHURCH ' Roy N. Keiser, D. D., MinllIter at ~30. Sunday, January 15 . The Boy Scouts meet on Thurs~ 9:45 A.M.-Church SebooL The 1950 Plymouth car, with iar and ready to prove it,tt the new been continued in the ornamentation day evenjnli at 7 in the Social 10:00 A.M.-Young Adults portant styling changes and improve- Plymouth was characterized by D. of the rear deck. The block·letter ' 11 :00 A.M.-The topic of the ser~ Hall. ments for safety and riding comfort, S. Eddins, president of Plymouth, as name plate, the license plate light Rehearsal for the Senior Choir man ,will be "Freedom through will go on display in dealer show- 'crrhe greatest car value we have ornament, the license plate recess. Truth."' will be held on Thursday evening ever offered the public." and the T-sbaped luggage compart6:00 P.M.-Youth FeJlmvship at 7:45. molDS throughout the ~ountry Jan· "When we speak of value," Eddins ment handle are styled to accent the Presbyterian Church.· , nary l2. said, "we mean that we have com- car·s low, sleek lines. f!orilbination TRINITY CHURCH Trinity Notes There are new lines in the silhou· bined beauty with sensible styling, tail ligh!!: and stop lights are set Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector . Holy Communion. will be cel~ ette which give the new Plymouth a that we have achieved big-car per-- into· ekeh rear fender. Sunday, .January 15 brated at 8 a.m. The Rev. Melvin longer, lower, more streamlined ap- formance with small-car economy, The redesigned instrument panel 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. C. Heckler, Rector of St. Martin's pearance. The changes are readily and that the mechanical excellence provides new backgroWlds of trans9:45 A.M.--Church SchooL 11:00 A.M.-Morning ~ayer. Mr. Church, Marcus Hook, will be the apparent whether viewed from front, of which we have always been parent ginunetal on spun aluminum proud has maintained its high level." for the gauge dials, speedometer, George C. Ruof will preach. celebrant. Church School will rear. or side. Rear fenders, wblch are bolted on The front and rear tread have radio dial, and clock. The gunmetal 6:30 P.M.-Young People's Fel~ meet at 9:45 a.m. At the eleven for economical removal in case re- been increased, a factor which in- finish is also used on the radio grille ~:= at. P,esb~ o'clock service of Morning Prayer, pairs are necessary, have been ~ creases stability, eases tire loading screen. There are larger rotary n rb George C. Ruof, student assistant styled and lengthened. A larger relIT stress ·on curves, and enhances the switch knobs which are easier to J 6:30 p.M.,-...ante ury Club. __::-",,:,___'-::::"""::==-_1 at Trinity Church will conduct window on club coupes and foUl'- car's general appearance. Thirty·two operate. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY the service and preach. Acolytes door set:}ans, slightly greater over-all per cent larger than on previoW! Features for performance, comfort OF FRIENDS width, and alterations on the rear models. the new rear window in-and safety which were previously ina ,Sunday, .January 15 for the day are: 8 a.m. Robert deek provide a longer, heavier, roadcreases visibility and its lines blend troduced in the Plymouth line have 9:45 A.M.-FIrst Day SchooL Perne, 11 a.m. John Sinlon, Charles hugging appearance for all models. into the cars new streamlining been retained. The car has chara.. 9:45 A.M.-Admt Forum. Nason and Grab'am Foster. Ushers The grille has been simplified and motif. The window is set in a newly teristic interior roominess l amp 1 e 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. for the 11 service are: R. M. made more massive. It consists of designed locking rubber seal. head and leg room, and wide, deep Monday, .January 16 Daniel, head usher, C. W. Randall, two large horizontal bars with a There are larger bumpers on both chairaheight seats. The six-cylinder, Sewing in Whittier House for W the A.F.S.C. R' R. Fawcelit, J. P. Wilcox, F: curved-down top member and a front and rear. In addition to pro- 97~horsepower engine has a 7 to 1 Wednesday, .Janwiry 18 . Gray, C. S. Keller, C. S. BroWn siilgle vertical bar at: the center. viding greater protection for the compression ratio. The combination Above the grille the Plymouth name grille, rear deck and fend~, the ignition and starter switch, autoAll day sewlnii and qulltina for and J. E. Bell , the A.F.s.C. . ,The Young People's Fellowship plate appe~ in larger block letters, bumpers add materially to the gen- matic electric choke, super-cushion and a bigger, more colorful medal- era! appearance of matsiveness. tires, safe-guard hydraulic brakes ~ meet at ·6:80 p.m. in the llon has been placed over the name The theme of simplicity which has and safety·rim wheels are among the FIRST CHURCH OF Presl1.Yterian Church. been carried out in the medallion "high.priced car" features contained CHRIST SClENTIS'l' Tbe .Canterbury Club, consisting plate. OF SWARTHMORE Described as "Packed with VAlue and name plate on the front has in the new Plymouth. of the Episcopal studenla in Park Avenue IIIIlow Harvard Swarthmore College will meet at I Sunday, .January 15 11:00 A.M.-Sunday Scbool. 6:30 p~ in ·the· church.·· 11:00 A.M.. Lesson ~ SennoD The Women's Council will hold , '4Life1 ' . their annual meeting In the church Wednesday evening meeting u on T esday .. at:3 p.m.. Election each week, 8 p.m. Reading room opejl daily except Sunday 12 to of officers will take place and 5 P.m. Wednesday evenings 7 to tea will be !lElVed. 7:50 p.m. and 9 to 9:80. ••• • • • • • • Plymouth Has New Look , Both Coming ana Going a.m: HANNUM and WAITE Yale Ave and Chester Road / SWarthmore 6-1250 " ,. Women Hear Dr. Fussell (Continued from page one) Dr. Fussell believes that "the United States foreign policy is clearcut, constructive, and applied wherever it is physicallY possible to apply it. In summary this foreign policy Is support for the United Nations; economic aid to those who are going our way and THE who are willing to help themselves; milit31"y aid on that ,basis; technical and capital aid to underdeveloped nations who request it and who will help themselves toward the objectives of democracy; spiritual aid in the form of moral support for freedom of speech, press, religion, etc; the most.. favored-nation principle economically, closing the dollar gap fin- SWABTBMORBAN ancially, and raising the standard of living of peoples the world around through better health, and welfare measures. "Regional applications of this policy emphasize the Good Neighbor concept for the American hemisphere, a United States of Europe under the United Nations, moral support for whatever demo- cratic elements might exist' in Soviet-controlled countries; independence for the people of AfrIca, Middle East, South East Asia as soon as these people can meet their obligations in the spirit of the United Nations Charter and the Open Door, non-dismember- ment, tu.. UId.heel trim riDp opUorW. at erll'a cadi Make" Studebaker your 1950 buy word for thrift and solid value! G IVE your new·car moneyachance to buy you America's top value in a low-price automobile this time. Step out of the groove ofh.bitand into a Stndebaker showroom. Come in and treat yourself to a close-up ereful of the refreshingly new and non-foreign domination ment for our domestic tranquillity. And we need moral armament for ultimate world peace in the democratic spirit. We must believe in a better future for maukind. We must work unsparingly for that future," Dr. Fussell, who Books For Peace is international relations chairman of the Club, concluded. Attractive decorations had been arranged 'by Mrs. John Michael, past president. Mrs. C. C. Frank was in charge of securing the tea. Mrs. Jerome B. Bell and Mrs. Irvin MacElwee poured. Flower pictures by Dr. Samuel Palmeri had been secured for the Club by Mrs. A. Black. Mrs. Peter E. Told, Chairman of Educatilln has asked the members of the Club and other interested persons in the cOItununity for donations of 01<1 books for Books for Peace to be distributed by our services abroad, especial)y in Germany. These are certain listed books sbowing our way of life. Lists of those approved have appeared from c time to time in the Swarlhmorean. As most of these are classics which people hate io parl with, Mrs. Told has suggested small money donations so that her committee can buy books at Leary's to augment the 12 already . receiv~. We need economic arma- Varied Program For Tuesday The new members of the Woman's Club will be feted with a luncheon in the clubhouse on Tuesday, January 17 at 12:30. New Drama Chairman, Mrs. David Bingham will introduce Mrs. Gordon A. Meader, a member of the club who will entertain with a group of dramatic readings in the nature of historical monodistinctive Stndebaker Champion. logues. Go out for a drive in this thrifty The rest of the program will be in charge of the new Music 1950 Studebaker. Lnw, long, allur~ chairman Mrs. Robert M. West. ing,it's really1950all thewa~through Mrs. West, a well-known soloist - out ahead in "next ric;le" as well and vocal teacher in this vicinity will sing a few selections. W1lliam as "next look" -fastest selling new L. Eckard of Orland, soloist at car in Studebaker history I Nativity Lutheran Church of Phila. CHESTER aDd FAlBVIilW ROADS delphia and radio and concert artist will also sing. He and Phone Sw 6-3681 Mrs. West will then render duets. Mrs. Frank Rodgers Gray is . chairman of Luncheon Committee, LEADS AGAIN WITH THE' NEXT LOOK' IN CARS' Mrs. William A. DeCaindry, FUSCO & ALSTON .' . STUDEBAKERS 'RI:l.. LLY ROLLING' STUDEBAKER ReserVation Chairman. Reservations must be In today, January 13. Hostesses for the day are Mrs. H. D. McCray, Mr•. R. W. Perkins, Mrs. B. F. Schwalm and Mr•• Owen W. Gay. Section l\IeeilDp :I'be Llterature Deparlment, Mrs. S. Milton Bryant, chairman will present EdIth Bunting in Literary News and Mrs. Donald L. Hibbard in a review of Scholem Asch's "Mary" on Friday morning January 20 at 10 a.m. Music Chairman Mr.. West is organizing a Club Chorus. Meetings will be held in the Club on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. All interested members are invited to jOin. The Chprus will give a program on May 2. policY for China; and containment for the aggressions of the Soviet Union. ' uWar is not inevitable. Neither is peace inevitable. We need military armament for the realistic requiremeuts of the cold war. Whlioaldewlll JANUARY 1.3, lBItI *:;) Pi Beta Phi's Meet A sewing meeting of Pi Beta Phi Delaware County Alumnae Group was held Thursday at the home of '. Mrs. W. W. Turner of Mt. Holyoke place. . S. S. WHlgers Oliver E. Rodgers of Riverview road was called to Anaconda, Mont., Sunday by the death of his father, S. S. Rodgers who "ate4~"""~~~ a William Bittle & Son Phone 6-0111 !!!! BREAKfAST SEll BUT ITS MOT MEW. I lUST PAINtED n WIllI mTOJI.SIBi.IY JtffY-lWIB. . Schn~ . ~,- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~.~"~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~I ~=~::::::::::::::===~I 23c Ib._. :190 Services Today For Assemblies To Meet tions. Mrs. Bertha P. FarIes, 239 Haverford avenue. Swarth'Louis Wheelock The Junior Assemblies for the mo", 6-6750. (Continued from page one) eighth and t~nth grades will meet PimsONAL;::--i!:nvelopes ad: An early member of the Poor on SatUrday. January 14. at the PERSONAL dressed, hand or typed $10 per Richard Cliub Mr. Wheelock served Woman's Club. PERSONAL _ Vacuum Cleaners. 1000. lYso. stamping. seaJinlt anq as its president in 1928-29. Mr and Mrs. J. Roy Snape will irons. toasters and radios re- insertions. E. L. Simpson. SwartbAn aviation and yachting enbe host and hostess for the eighth Opening rallies will be held paired, .called for and delivered. ~m~0~r;e~6~-:;0~2~80~'--=:-7-;-_ _• ___ thusiast Mr. Wheelock always grade with Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Amsimultaneously Thursday evening. Call Robert Brooks. Swartbmore PERSONAL-Painter - fonn.erlY 6-1548. Boos painter with George GUl- January 19. in more than 50 com- maintained an active interest in merman and Mr. aod Mrs. Robert PERSONiL _ Electrical wlrlng espie and Fischer. Call munities in Delaware and Mont- new Ithlngs. Well before the first B. Clothier as chaperons. and installation. residential and Swarthmore 6-4251. gomery Counties as the 1950 World War he went down in a The tenth grade host and hoscommercial. Water heaters. ranges. PERSON~-=-Young girl woUld Crusade Campaign of Valley Forge submarine with Simon Lake. In tess will be Mr. and Mrs. Irwin dishwashers. dryers. Bendix. All like 10. be Mother's Hei,per or Council, Boy Scouts of America, 1910 he took an adventurous trip Galbreath with chaperons Mr. and work done to Fire Underwriters' take care of small chlldren momin a free balloon. Eighteen years Mrs. Henry F. Shipherd and Mr. specifications. Service on wash- ings or afternoons. iHas had Asis- gets underway. ers. vacuum cleapers. ranges, tant in Kindergarten experience. The rallies will be attended by later he organized and flew a del~ and Mrs. Alban E. Rogers. irons. toasters. fans. lamps. Call Call Swarthmore 6-6111. volunteer leaders and representaErich H. Hallsen. Electrical Con- PERSONAL - IMMEDIATE OP= tives of the campaign organization egation from Philadelphia to DeAuxiliary To Meet tractor. Swarthmore 6-2850. 335 ENlNG for special position as troit to help build interest and inPark avenue.. . pictured in LIFE. page 96. January of more than 8.000 friends of still confidence in aviation. He The monthly meeting of the PERSONAL ...:. Medical Massage 9 issue. Lf you have goOd appear- Scouting who will receive their ,was at one time cOIJUDi,dore of the Legion Auxiliary will be held on for. wry neck, tense nerves, con- ance, t»ersonality, cart need as final instructions for the fund- Seaside Park Yacht Club. Monday. January 16 at 2 p. m. at stipa'tion .. spot reducing by De- much as $75. weekly. can worl< raising effort. He was a long-standing close the home of Mrs. Oscar J. Gil-, War. 'Call Beatrice Schmidt. evenings 3 10 9. (no canvassing or Albert E. Smith. district camswarthmore' 6"2780. parties): write Betty V{,eyna, 415 paign chairman for the Brandy- friend' of Dr. Brussell H. Conwell creest. 208 Vassar avenue. PERSON,u;:..MagaziJieSu6SCriP= Kent. Upper Darby. with whom he worked at the BapM~mbers are asked to bring cou}'OR SAL=-=E--- wine district •. which includes this tist Temple. and of Sir Wilfred pons and old Christmas , cards area, anftounce that the meeting • : .~ . \FO ~=R"'"~S~A~I~E;"::Six cubic foot refrlg- to ,be attended by volun"'ers in Grenfell of Labrador. A director -;e;;:;;;;t;:;e;:t;:;;;;;:~l;it;j:;;;;t1. F. F. zIMMERMAN' erator. Ever-ready hot plate and of the Grenfell Association. of ~~!=ft:::{Hr-J~e'I=jMt:fM Photoil"apber . oven. Highest bidder. Call Swarth- this vicinity will. be held in America. he made many trips to f Since 1905 \ Swarthmore and Wallingford at "oub;tandiI1ll for Qua1it;;r'" more 6-6088. Labrador with Sir Wilfred. In CUNNINGHAM FOR SALE-FIreplace wood, hard 8p.m. MedJi,. 8-1U6 Painters & Paper Hangers and well seasoned- Call Swarth"The 1950 Crusade Campaign is 1934 he took an expedition of col6. E; Front St. more 6-2078. We should know how a forerunner of the National Jam- lege boys with an engineer, a Swa. 6-2266 Michlpn Ave. FOR sALE-New Io-inch custom- boree which will bring more than cook. aDd a quarrymim to 8'll is'built Television set. sold with or without guarantee. $95. Robert 50.000 Boy Scouts and Scouters land in the Arctic Circle to ,.: .. into the Valley Forge area this labradorite for the Grenfell MisBrooks. Swarthmore 6-1548. pIANO TUNING FOR SAT E .crib set and chiffo- summer to celebrate the fortieth sion. Drwewa:r Co~Uon ALBAN PA·"n In 1894 he married Blanche robe in birch. Excellent condi- anniversary of the Boy Scouts of AsphaU or Concrete Phon. Media -1-1111 . . tion. Reasonable.' Sw~ore America," Mr. Smith said. Toulon who died in 1928. In 1935 Jljew and Beblilll PI&ilee 6-2212. Completion of planS for the he was wed to Marie A. Creamer, and RepoJrln&' Slnoe t ... PETER DI NICOLA FOR S""ALE-Cust='-==om::-:-:-ma=7de--;h"'an=d second Crusade Dinnl>r of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph carved Victorian settee, side and Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 two airtl chairs, cane seats and Valley Forge Council were an- F. Creamer of Cynwd. with whom ...•...•.•.•...•...... backs. Telephone Swar\hlnIlIre nounced Monday by W. T. AskeD.. he had been associated in the adChairman of the Brandywine Dis- vertising agencY. Swarthmore 6-,5938. FOR SALE-Remingto:...,.-n .....N;-o~ise-....less-.·'='. trict. The klck.-off meeting will In addition to his widow he is Devin~. Taxi Ser~ce JAMES E. LAMB GoOd condition. ReasOnable. be held in Philadelphia Saturday. survived by a son Ward Wheelock Call Saturday morning 01' Sunday January 14. at 6:30. p.m .• as 1.090 of Haverford; two daughters. Mrs. PLUMBING AND HEATING S~ARTm'IORE. P,"" swarthmore 6-0513; • Scouters and their ladies assemble J. Paul Brown of .Walnut lane. Registered in Swarthmore ,FOR SALE-Attractive mahogany Serving Swarthmore. Mordining room set. $200. Table. to celebrate the close of the first Swarthmore and Mi's. H. L. JenDial Cbester 38196 ton. Rutledge and Ridiey 6 chaiTs. buUet and china c~oset. year of the Crusade Program of nings Of Spring City; a sisler Mrs. about 12 years old. .Fine condi the Council To Strengthen Liberty. Li1'n Township since 11118 of Glenside; seven tion. Call Ridley Park 1351-W. grandchlldren including James.; FOR RENT --.--RichBrd and Bamara Brown, and PETER Eo TOLD -:-,' .;.,.PHONE: .... ,\ .. \.. • FOR RENT-Apartment in Rose Noted Educator Speaks s.vartbtDore 8-0444 two great grandchildren. All Lines Of Insurance Besides the Poor Richard Club Entire !hird .. f!oorrooms 'of 1a:rge ' . IA t 'H'tg h'Scho0 1 Valley. 3 large andsuburbath. ' . 333 Dartmouth Avenue his organization memberships inban home. Convenient transportation. $60. including u,tilities. (Continued from page one) Swarthmore, Pa. cluded Union League. Friends of BusiIi~ couple preferred. OccuDr. Laubach told of his work in Franklin and the Academy of Na,pancy January 15. Reply to !BoX India. where 80 per cent of the tural Sciences. He also held a F------_. •. The Swarthmorean. .... ~--- people are still illiterate. and in directorship in the Ludwick In- ~ -' WANTED stilJUte. A. Mercer Quinby WANTED-Used exercise recordS. Siam. Each government invited ER.S BROS.._ J, FUNERAL omECTOR Call-Swarthmore 6.6140. , the literacy campaign and others _!!tf]'.~w't. .'''' EB ~~..." .'_. Formerly of Media WANTED-Woman for;full time are eagerly awaiting qualified 1125 W. LehIgh Ave .• Phila. . .'. position in local shop. Stati> age workers. There is. no stopping the ·i~~.:-'::· "•.. !:. :~<.,.. -.. :::.' .. COUNTY OF DELAWARE Phone Baldwin 1170 ""d experience. Write Box E, The progr8l'!l. I;>r. Laubach stated. ·Most ?ea1ed bids will be received at the 0.0 ICC Df the Chief Clerk. Df the COunty No additional charge for .l! M~rrt .... i.lell'.' Swarthmorean., governmenta fear overthrow by Lommis.!lloners. Delaware County. In the suburbar. calls l.Oll,rt House. Media, Pa.• up to 1 :00 P.M. WANTED - ' Part-time secretary Oommunlsm... WAll •••. fLOO. ·(OVIII. . 5 Oil .l'u~~y. Jaouary .4. Ig50. which wlll • 5-15 hours Per wee1i:. Most of opened In the office of tbe Couoty work can be don at home. Call Point :three rwas the support of ~ ~mmissioners at 2: :00 P.M •• on that date ' .. MEW 'CO"JUUUION Swanlhmore 6-0266. the United Nations unanimous vote .~r furnishing alld deJlveriD~ F.O.B. ,-OUTt House, Media. Po., "miscellaneous COLOR CRAFTSMEN .·AlTEUTIONS·". llPAtlS WANTED-Day's work _ cleaning., that the leading nations of the .aw books tor use of Court ·Room No.8. . -, '. .. PaintO!'s Of bids must be submitted on the fonn , laJlD.11. Ple1ItT .r Free PrnIq Now Yet can buy U. ,So PLUMBING and HEATING ~O:re&l'l'l. experience true dru:nocratic of technl-, racial prejudice. as well lack as high ROOFS GuTtERS RBPAIRED AND INSTALLJID Furnace Rel'8lf8 ,. Cleanl". '. ramtin« , the new Bond-a-Month Plan. A'*- at U!Ia 1SaDk j world 'tID be on the thresbhold of its greatest era. John W. Carroll of College ave- nue, a trLember of the Delaware County Board of Assistance. went . 'RootiNG Eleclrical cal skill. Dr. Laubach believes. the can GEORGE .l\IYD8 MlchInD Ave.. Sw. 8-i!IIl Gu«er'.bla Spontin« Saving. Bon~ 8I1m-tiCl'U.. Member of Federal Deposit Insuranee Corporation == PREMJ1ll\1 ANTHRACITE Special - AU Colors SUNFLEX WATER pAINT GaL $2.50 - QL 75e Ma~n Builders Supply Company 331 oartmOnOl Avenue swarOlmo.... Swarthmore 6·0345 !l:a,1d:r.:'r;::'I!h~r~~h!a~ ~.r:.. OWNED AND OPERATED BY SwarthlDore lational Bank & l1ust Co4! YOU NEED 1- TONS· with :~ii~~~~~~1ii~~~ S.M. ,Harbison. & Sons a.t~ SOCJ••• It. . . . . I UNITED ,- DECEMBER. TERM UU R : in their Wills for their children. Talk .....!: ..... No. 517 gram will but, not be to business FIRST AND PENNSYLVANIA enterprise thatleft a government FINAL ACCOUNT OFCHESprogram will also be carried out. TER-CNMBRIDGE BANK ANDEstate TRUST COMPANY. Guardian of tbe of This he believes to be more -~ Isabella Bly. a weak-minded person, DOW pOrtant 'than military defense. d~bove account baa been Died in the Dr. Laubach stated that it is on- Olrice 0 f tb e . P'h ro DUO ta ry and iwl l be confirmed by Court on Fehruary 8ni. 1.. unless exceptions areProthonotarY Illed thereto. . . . J ~ in. America ·that he is d.iscoUr- 1950, WILLIAM C. KNODEL. ',; Wylie, _ Elinor _ Poems; Zinsser _ aged by the disinterested people WILl.IAM c.' KNODEL. As r Remember Rim. Rats. Lice in the world. iHe urged a helpful 8T.l-6 protbono'ary ond History. Leave at Club or call·cul ·tu ard el-~~ Swarthmore6"OlS'7 fOr cOllection. art, ate atti de tow The School District of Swarthmore will ER . representatives saying that one of receive bids at the offIce of the School ] WANTED-Bypro!essionat lady, th t t' f Am' . . t .Dlstrict in the High ""bool BuUdlng, . room with kitchen privelege if - e grea es SIns 0 erlcans IS 0 comer of eolle«e and Princeton Avenues. ;. , . . elect representatives and,then for- Swarthmore, P8nnsylvanla. up to 4. p.m .• 'DOSS Ible. BoXG. Wednesday, JanuarY 18, 1150, and open .' ;- ~w,arthmore 6-2253 get the1h until it is time to blame the bids at a meeUng of the Board at the Schoo) District otn<:e on January 18. Ul50 WST and FOUND " - them. . at 8 p.m., or at an adjourned meetloK' of " LO I chain, ST-O:rlbrd vicinity glasses Presbyterian on sliver If th e sharlDg . of t echnical. knaw- ,he and School for" lIgbtlng Board for fixtures. musicalSlJecl8eations instruments and •'I"" , .'" £ Church. Call Swarthmore 6-0916. ledge by the United States is lmcdan secured Sabe.twrdeen • "sum.D d avs., p.m _ _ i.E ...... • • a i l ybe e:z:eept u ay8. an d· FO'oND--slue andgold -Scarf iii plemenied by legislative action. hollda,.•. at the School Dlstrid olrl... The Methodist Church. Call SwarIh- supporied by the people. staffed by a::..:':i more 6 .. 2.752-. workers with moral· prlnciplElS, contract9 on any Item or ttems maklDC up any bid. SERVICES BlJILD BEANS rs=~. 3 ~~: 251: Olives . ... .-. . . . ~2~3;6~H~,.' ar~'~din~.~g~A~V~.~M~·~orto~~n~;~p~a~.~ San Rey. Our Town. of our Luis Teeth;' Willde _ One Skin World; "'..,.,"";=,,..,,...,est=\ ....""'_.... __• Wilson _ Ruggles of Red , Gap' .. _ . . ;Wolfe- - Look Homeward Angel; Wister _ The virginian: Wri~ht, " .Frank _ AutobiOgraphy When De-. Ch.'arles.E.·FI.scher l;! _Black mocracy _ BoBuilds; ...... UncleWright. Tom's Richard Children'. . MiD., Bowl ":: 4h BUNf'S P£leBa "'::.:.- . 2~33c: mrrs SOUPS SWARTBMOlm present. They provide future protection Id..... l Vegetarian Virginia Le. 11 -SOUTH CHESTER ROAD, . I "15c "31. ':M;;- TANGERINES H. D. SIPLER 29c I ... 61c FRYING CHICKENS G3·lt::~·· LEGS GENUINE LAMB LAMB ROAST Ib The Philadelphia Ship Society. founded in 1931 by Gordon A. Me.ader of Cornell avenue and Fairview road has an interesting exhibit on display in the lobby of the Philadelphia Public Library at 19th street and Parkway. ' Under the organization's slogan "Down to the sea in ship models" I th~ many interesting ship models bemg currently exhibited includes the whaleship, "Alice Mandell," a vessel of the 185O--period. the model of which was constructed by Mr. Meader some years ago and has to its credit a fair number of .museum appearaoces. She has been shown previously at the Philadelphia Art Museum hia Art Alliance. Mr. Meader is at present at work on a model of the Bounty of Mutiny on the Bounty fame but refuses to make.any promise or predictions as to when the latter model Will be ready for a public appe81'lnce career, The exhibit at the Public Library will be on display until February 10. W~ .. Call Swarthmote. 6-0740 . '. Rubbish Collection sWarthmore Disposal W~ or JlODibI:J' WARREN 1'JBIUlB SwarlbmOre 8-2078 '. ~'~iQi;a;.._~H~lld~a~La~n'~De~nwo~rth~~~~~~;i;';~~~~~~~ Secretary ==>4=. . .w~w.............. ...,. HH Hee-'S! a C""HHt=(!' HM"4HF1l""""-v'=" IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK. It may be now or never as far as your coal. supply for this winter is concerned. We are willing to wor~ but we can't work miracles. H you want to keep warm with coal this season BUY ALL OF IT NOW_! . __~ out of office last month after serving the legal llmit' of two consecutive three-year terms. Mr. .",.",. Carroll was one of 34 memberS of the county lioards to conclude his six year period in December. IL ____ W'" Alel\l.. . 1J;'.!\ft.atv:'l""1- .- -= , - ~r~ . ~_:POlltia .. _ fI "'~---... , s. 'rB.E \ rARENTS HEAR NASON AT CLUB A delectable dinner. gi:y music and a distinguished speaker will lure staid husbands and fathers to the Woman's Clubhouse tonight at 7 o'clock for the Swarthmore Mother's Club annual Father's Night program. Over 100 parents are expected to hear Dr. John Nason. president of Swarthmore College discuss "Six Major Proposals for World Peace" and to enjoy the songs of Mary Fulmer. dean of Women at the feno State Center. For several years the Mother's Club has invited fathers to attend a dinner meeting. This year dinner will be covered dish buffet provided by the mothers. The speaker. althought a father also. has been requested not to speak. on the usual child care but on events which will shape the world in which ~day's children are growing. Dr. Nason is well fitted to speak on world peace as this year's President of the World Affairs Council. Plans for the dinner are being made by a committee consisting of Mrs. Richard Enion. chairman, Mrs. Peter Coste, Mrs. Leonard Dart, Mrs. Edmund Jones, Mrs. Albert Van Routen, Mrs. Joseph Walton and Mrs. Lindsay Wolfe. AT ARTS CENTER Gilbert and Sullivan favorites will be presented by members of the Rose Valley Chorus at the Community Arts' Center in WaItingford on Sunday. afternoon January 15 at 3:30 p.m. This is an especially/arranged program in costume to include eight selections from the various well-loved Gilbert and Sullivan operas. with brief dramatic and musical interludes. A similar program by the same group was so enjoyed at the Center last year that a 'return engagement was requested. Poetry will be the subject of ·a· second January program on Thursday evening. January 26 at eight o·clock. . Mrs. Edward Lodholz. National Chairman of Art. Federation of Women's Clubs, will give a talk. on Kostes Palamas, the Greek Poet. Palamas, who died at the end of World War II. was considered by many critics to be the' greatest po'et of his day. The present children's art exhibit, which includes entries from 14 schools in the Philadelphia area who are members of the Art Teacher's Workshop, will continue through the month of January. SW.AB'rBM8BEAN Legion To Present Plaque Mrs. Jackson To Head To '49 Football Team Local Y.W.C.A. Drive The Swarthmore High School football team will be the recipient of a special award from the Delaware County Committee of the American Legion. in !recognition of their unbroken string of 28 victories. , Presentation of the plaque signifying the award. will be made by Heston McCray father of one of the team members at the regular meeting of the Ainsworth-Wernher Post 427. American Legion. in the Legion Room Of SwarUunore Borough Hall Monday. January 16. at 8 p.m. Guests will be the members of the present team, their fathers. the principal of the high school. the director of athletics. the coaching staff and the team trainer. E1ollowing the presentation of the aw,rd. an ¥med Services film will be shown and refreshments served. Post com,nander John J. McWilliams rwill announce his plans for the post·s participation in 'the Train of Toys program which is sponsored by the national Legion organization. Mrs. Thomas M. Jackson of Pllrk. avenue. recently appointed to head the Swarthmore Division in the Y.W.C.A. of Pl\lladelphia Building Fund, has announced her committee which will conduct the drive in that area from January 23 to March 4. Th~ first public appeal for funds the Philadelphia Y.W.C.A. has made in over 50 years. the drive is seeking to raise $1.200.000. in the Philadelphia area which will provide a modem six-story residence adjacent to the Y'. neW Mid-City Center. and renovptions at the three branches located in the city. The committee assisting Mm. Jackson includes Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ashton; Mrs. Franklin Flaherty. Mrs. Waldo Fisher. Mrs. Reavis Cox. Mrs. Paul Banks. Mrs. Margaret Neal. Mrs. E. F. Campbell and Mr•. Charles Bolton. Mrs. Jackson has also issued a strong appeal for volunteer workers tei supplement her committee. Mrs. Jackson pointed out that a recent scientific survey made of Philadelphia Y.W.C.A. facilities city residence and denovations at the branches, included in the gOal. are "urgently needed'" Mrs. Edson S. Harris, of Rose Valley. who is in charge of the campaign in Rose Valley Borough, has annoUnced the names of members of her committee which includes !Mrs. George Allen and Mrs. Lewis Shay. Sr•• of Swarthmore. and Mrs. Horace Fritz. Mrs. Walter Randall, Mrs. Robert Butler. Mrs. Claude Richards, Mrs. Thomas McCormack, \ Mrs. Sa,n;uel Ward all of Rose Valley. . College Concert '.tqnight The Swarthmore College Orchestra. under the direction of Thomas Dunn. will present its first concert of the year Friday evening. January 13. at 8:15 p. m. in Clothier Memorial. This concert marks the first .appearance of the orchestra under Mr. Dunn's baton. The new conductor is an Instructor in the 001lege's Deparbnent of Music. having come to Swarthmore in September. .' The principal work on the pr0gram will be Beethoven's Eigwth Symphony. BEFORE YOU MAKE ANY DECISION-LET US SHOW YOU THESE BEAUTIFULLY STYLED NEW CARS GIVE 'TO THE THE" SWARTHMOR OF DIMES ~~~~~~~~~~'F~oo.~-··~~--~~~~ VOLUME zz-NUMBEB 3 =-=~~~~~::~~~~~r=~=:==~~~==~S~~,~ARlrT~H:~~1:0~1{~~~.;F~R;I~D;A~Y~.~J;A~N~U;AR~Y;'~20~';1~95;O~~;;;;; __.-~~~~~~$;3.;50~P~ER~~YE;-A_~ , ~ Red Cross Meeting LIBRARY VOTE To Be Held January 27 BEGINS TODAY s::~:e';!an~::~~~e ~m:~~ TRINITY CHURCH WITH PROPOSED ADDlTlO~S NEW WING FOR PRESBYTERIANS Congregation Hears Plans can Red Cross will be held Friday January 27 at 9 a.m. at Association To Elect morning, the home of the chairman. Mrs. At Meeting Three Board Horace H. Hopkins. 4 Crest lane. Sunday For the officers of the branch Members of the Swarthmore Memhers and two members-at-large of the PrOlSbyterian Church authorized Three candidates will be elected Board of Directors to be elected the Building Committee to proto the Board of Directors of the at the meeting, the nominating ceed with plans for the new wing Swarthmore Public Library. to committee. Mrs. Willa~d Tomlin. II~c";';"'i~jr.j at the Congregational Supper serve for three years ea~h. at the son. Mrs. Howard Newnam and ," [::~;:::1il~~""":0:l1~~ Sunday night. The action followed election which will begm today. Mrs. Guy deFuria. have submit!~ presentation of the history of the and continue on Saturday and ed the following slate: ":;:_:.-; .. ~._ -;.~_~. :...____ ... committee's work and· th~ Monday. . The Friday hours for Chairman, Mrs. LaRue Hendrix-. of s1ides to illustrate its plans for balloting will be from 2 to 5:30 son; vice-chairman, Mr~. William ,he new building and the alterap.m .• Saturday from 9:30 to 12:30 P. Hayes; for re-election as An artist's sketch of the original model made by Mrs. George tion of existing facilities to meet and from 2 to 4 p.m .• and Monday treasurer, Mrs. Hugh O. Thayer; W. Casey Architect and Senior Warden Emeritus, which has been congregational needs .. from 2 to 5:30 and 7 to U p.m. for secretary, Mrs. C. Russell' submittect' to the Vestry for consideration in connection with the Dr. David McCahan listed as the present .buildng·program. . . . The Annual Meeting of the Phillips; for member-at-Iargc on Mr. Casey is one of only two survlvmg Charter Members of major items planned the creating Library Association, to which all the Board, Mrs. Alden Q. Davis; Trinity Church and the proposed structure in addition to being in of two offices and lounge in the members are cordially invited, for re-election on the Board, Dr. excellent keeping with the College building on the opposite cornel" present Church Secretary's room; would also be a very fitting tribute to the former Senior Warden. alteration of the Junior room to will be held at 8 p.m. on Monday. Harold C. Roxby. . I provide a corridor to' the new January 23. Swarthmoreans who known relatively little about library activities in ·their community can get an idea of the care with which this Swarthmore public service. is administered, by attending this Annual Meeting and James A. Perkins vice-president ion ware may be stored and ele-. Mrs. Walter c. Giles, chairman hearing the reports of the persons Former F.B.I. Agent of Swarthmore College since 1945, ments prepared, and where entrusted with the responsibility of the house-to-house canvass for has· been appointed an. executive flowers may be prepared for the To Speak Here . of supervising the functioning of t1!e 1950 March of Dimes Camassociate of the Carnegie Corp or- Chancel. James Waldron, well-known alion of New York, it was anthe Library. Election returns will paign which opened Monday. JanIn the new wing of the Parish also b,\announced at this ·meeting. uary 16, announced capta~ns an:d Trenton attomey and former F.B.I. nounced Wednesday by Charles House is planned a Woman's Mrs. Harry L. Miller. Dr. J. A. canvassers for th~ Swarthmo.te special agent will speak on uThe Dollard, Carnegie Corporation Association room on the Harvard Most Fasoinating Woman I Have president. Dr. Perkins will be one avent\e end with a kitchenette Calhoun. and Dr. Paul F. Gemmill area as follows: Captains north of the railroad, Ever Known" next Tuesday, Jan- of seven executive officers of the included, a room for the Nursery are the three Board members whose terms of office are about are: Mrs. S. B. Brewster. and Mrs. uary 24 at 2 p.m. in the Woman's foundation which devotes its re- Department, a roorn for the Beginner's pepartment, and three rooms to expire. Dr. Calhoun, who for J. A. Calhoun with Canvassers Club. SOUTces to promoting ru;earoh, !VIr. Waldron is .a graduate of Mrs. W. E. Dungan. Mrs C. B. the past three years has served public service and educational [or the Primary Department on the first flom:·, and on the second not only as a Board mepiber but Shoemaker, Mrs. H. Brinkmann, Notre Dame and received his law projects. floor of the new wing a fellowalso as Secretary of the Board, is Mrs. Samuel Carpenter, Mrs. O. degree at Temple. Before the He will relinquish his SwarthWar he was a special agent of the H. Bullitt, Jr., !4rs. William Pren-. ship hall is planned with a platstanding for re-election. The five more. post a t the end of the curF.B.i.,·· working in New York, tice, ~s. J. .R. Paifnock, Vas. form, a new kitchen, and a serving other ·candidates who have exrent academic year in June. During presSed willingness to take on the John McCrumm, Mis Maurice Wasmngton, and Hawaii. During the last five years he has been room. dutie's of membership on the Griest, Mrs. William Danforth, the War he was with the 0.5.5. chiefly responsible for the college's The committee stated an ~p­ . Board are: A. William Bass, Jr., Mrs. C. C. Shute. Mrs. Ross as a counter intelligence agent in fu~d-Taising efforts, serving as proximate figure, based on present .of Ogden avenue; Mrs. R. C. Dis- Pfalzgraff. Mrs. G. M. Allen, Mrs . the Far East working particnlarly exeoutive vice-chairman of the costs, of $165,000 to· cover the enque of" Strath Haven avenue; H. F. Brown. Mrs. Philip Alden. in indo-China, China and For- :';warthmdre $5,000,000 Campaign. tire operation. The Finance Com{)liver E. Rodgers, oi Riverview Mrs. C. R. RusBel10 Mrs.· F. A. moTsha. I Lid He also served as acting president mittee reported $115.000 on hand e. No a ux or program with the probability. that another Toad; Mrs. Russell L; Snyder of Patman. Mrs. W. P. Hayes Mrs. 1.. h e did f or J anuary of the college during the absence $10.000' could be collected from C. F. Wolters. Mrs. J. C. Taylor. original.., sc u e Dickinson avenue; and Phelps Mrs. D. W. Poole. Mrs. Palmer 24 had to be canceIIe d d ue t 0 th e of President John W .~Nason in the old pledges and new gifts within Soule of Park avenue. L f d The Clu b rail 'of' 1947. this year. The present Board of Directors Skoglund. Mrs. Robert Turner. illness of Miss ux or. iE very fortunate in securing Mr. He and his wife, the former Jean The Building Committe plans Mrs. D. M. Gowing. Mrs. Dunurges lively participation in this can Foster, Mrs. Gordon Lange, Waldron to take her place and Bredin of New Hope, reside at to ask bids from February·1 to 10, Annual Election. Swarthmoreans are reminded that any member of Mrs. R. H. Reed. Mrs. William only some unusual circumstances St"ath Haven avenue with their with the hope that the building made it possible. two daughters and son. They plan will actually get under way around Hordern.·, the Association is entitled to vote, Honored and special guest at the a move to Princeton sometime in March 1. Captains south of the railroad and that every adult resident of are· Mrs. Milton H. Fussell and meeting will be Mrs. Ira C. Pratt the summer. It was suggested that the new the borough may join the Associa- Mrs. Fred Hoefel with canvassers of Coatsville who is State Prowing be called the David Braun tion, . if not already a member. Katharine Bronson. Mrs. R. T. gram Chairman of the Pennsyl- , Tax DiscUSRPns Continue Memorial. This idea was referred V"hat action on a particular mea- to the Session for thought and merely' by signing the by-laws Bates. Mrs. E. L. Conwell. Mrs. van18 Federation of Women's W. R. Godfrey. Mrs. Buchanan Clubs. Hostesses for the day will sure will mean to the state of bus- action. Subsequently the Rev. which are available for that purHarrar, Jr., Mrs. W. M. Harvey, be: Mrs. Aver.y F. Blake, Mrs. W. ir.ess, to prices paid, to paychecks Joseph P. Bishop commented on pose in the Library at all times. Mrs. Howard Jackson, Mrs. W. Mark Bittle, 'Mrs. James A. Davies received, were some 'vlRrthmore, Pa.. They'•• Now On DIsplay ••• Come. see them' today' ••• cars of ~urp~ing nt!W beauty ••• With new longer: lower, lovelier lines • • • stnnning new interiors new nylon fabrics. Yes .•• it's biay's new style classic! And Chrysler's kmd of beauty is the beauty you re&ly appreciate-becaUse it reflecta the sound engineering and the solid. comfort WII. inside. Again there is room' to s~ for. your head, your hat, your legs, your shouldera. C~-helght .seats. Again-the Chrysler is designed b eaB1est handling-for safe vision-'>for ease of getting in and out. See it, drive it and you'll agree, it's the IIID8I'teat, safest, sweetest perfol'lllinB .car today. '. HANNUM & WAITE Chester Road - Yale Avenue • I and / I ....~ INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE , rARENTS HEAR NASON AT CLUB JANUABY 13, IMt S~ARTHMOBEAN = AT ARTS CENTER Legion To Present Plaque Mrs. Jackson To Head Local Y.W.C.A. Drive To '49 Football Team disclosed that an additional mldcity residence and denovatlons at the branches, included in the goal are "urgentlY needed." Mrs. Edson S. Harris, of Rose Valley, who is in charge ot the campaign in Rose Valley Borough, has announced the names of members of her committee which includes ,Mrs. George Allen and Mrs. Lewis Shay, Sr., of Swarthmore, and Mrs. Horace Fritz, Mrs. Walter Randall, Mrs. Robert Butler, Mrs. Claude Richards, Mrs. Thomas McCormack, Mrs. Sa';'uel Ward all of Ro5e Valley. Gilbert and Sullivan favorites will be presented by members of The Swarthmore High School Mrs. Thomas M. Jackson of the Rose Valley Chorus at the football learn will be the recipient Park avenue, recently appointed Community Arts Center in Wal- of a special award from the Del- to head the Swarthmore Division lingford on Sunday afternoon aware County Committee of the in the Y.W.C.A. of Philadelphia A delectable diJUler, gay music January 15 at 3:30 p.m. This is and a distinguished speaker will an especially arranged program in American Legion, in Tecognition of Building Fund, has announced their unbroken string of 28 vic.- her committee which will conlure staid husbands and fathers costume to include eight selections duct the drive in that area from to the \Voman's Clubhouse to- from the various well-loved Gil- tories. Presentation of the plaque sig- January 23 to March 4. night at 7 o'clock for the Swarth- bert and Sullivan operas, with The first public appeal for funds nifying the award, will be made by more Mother's Club annual Fa- brief dramatic and musical interthe Philadelphia Y.W.C.A. has Heston McCray father of one of ther's Night program. Over 100 ludes. A similar program by the made in over 50 years, the drive parents are expected. to hear Dr. same group was 50 enjoyed at the team members at the re!,'lliar is seeking to raise $1,200,000. in meeting of the AinsworthW ernher John Nason, president of Swarth- the Center last year that a 'return the Philadelphia area which will Post 427, American Legion, in the more College discuss "Six Major engagement was requested. Legion Room of Swarthmore Bor- provide a modern six-story resiProposals for World Peace" and Poetry will be the subject of College Concert 'l\Jinight ough Hall Monday, January 16, at cience adjacent to the Y's new to enjoy the songs of Mary Fulmer, a second January program on The Swarthmore College OrMid-City Center, and renovations dean of Women at the Penn State Thursday evening, January 26 at 8 p.m. chestra, under the direction of Guests will be the members of at the three branches located in eight o'clock. Mrs. Edward LodThomas Dunn, will present its Center. For several years the Mother's holz, National Chairman of Art, the present team, their lathers, the the city. The committee assisting Mrs. first concert of the year Friday principal of the high school, the Club has invited fathers to attend Federation of Women's Clubs, will evening, January 13, at 8:15 p. m. Jackson includes Mr. and Mrs. a dinner meeting. ~rhis year din- give a talk on Kostes Palamas, director of athletics, the coaching in Clothier Memorial. Leonard Ashton; Mrs. Franklin ner will be covered dish buffet the Greek Poet. Palamas, who staff and the team trainer. This concert marks the first apF1011owing the presenlation of Flaherty, Mrs. Waldo Fisher, Mrs. provided by the mothers. The died at the end of World War II, pearance of the orchestra under the awqrd, an Armed Services Reavis Cox, Mrs. Paul Banks, Mrs. speaker, althought a father also, was considered by many critics Mr. Dunn's baton. The new confilm will be shown and refresh- Margaret Neal, Mrs. E. F. Camphas been requested not to speak on to be the· greatest poet of his ductor is an instructor in the colbell and Mrs. Charles Bolton. ments served. the usual child care but on events day. Mrs. Jackson has also issued a lege's Department of Music, having Post conunander John J. McThe present children's art exwhich will shape the world in Williams will announce his plans strong appeal for volunteer work- come to Swarthmore in Septemwhich today's children are grow- hibit, which includes entries from for the post's participation in 'the ers to supplement her committee. ber. ing. Dr. Nason is well fitted to 14 schools in the Philadelphia The principal work on the proMrs. Jackson pOinted out that Train of Toys program which is speak on world peace as this year's area who are members of the Art gram will be Beethoven's Eig1jth sponsored by the national Legion a recent scientific survey made of President of the World Affairs Teacher's Workshop, will continue Philadelphia Y.W.C.A. facilities Symphony. organization. through the month of January. Council. Plans for the dinner are being . . made by a committee consisting BEFORE YOU MAKE ANY DECISION-LET US SHOW YOU THESE BEAUTIFULLY STYLED NEW CARS of 1I1rs. Richard Enion, chairman, Mrs. Feter Coste, Mrs. Leonard Dart, Mrs. Edmund Jones, Mrs. Albert Van Hotiten, Mrs. Joseph Walton and Mrs. Lindsay Wolfe. ,. DAUGHERTY WILL SPEAK ,., , , ' . ji '(I., . Dr. Carroll R. Daugherty professor of Economics at Nort:hwestern University will give a public lecture on "The Implications of Industry-wide Collective Bargaining," under the auspices of the William J. (;ooper Foundation and the department of economics of the College, in the Friends' Meeting House on Thursday, January 19 at 8:15 p.m. Dr. Daugherty is one of the authors of a standard treatise on "The Economics of the Iron and Steel Ind·ustry" and is the author of a ,widely-used text on "Labor Problems in American Industry." In 1949, he served as chairman of the President's Fact-Finding Board in the wage dispute in the steel industry and was principal author of the report that led to the settlement of that dispute. The views expressed by Dr. Daugherty in the Board's report on the implications of industrywide collective bargaining gave rise to widespread public discussion. The department of economics has asked him to develop them further in his lecture. New...New...New CHRY& 118 with all-new beauty inside and out! :1t:11'""'(~~ddt;:::{t::10f'"i ANTONICA FAIRBANKS , ~ '\ ., TEACHER OF PIANO 234 Park Avenue Swarthmore 6-4910 U M ~ s;:::iA~)::;j"""A"","""hA"""""",,,""", Casserole Catering Service SPECIALIZING IN Luncheons Buffet Suppers \, Cocktail Parties Call Dot Belfield - Swa. 6-1973 Marg Hurd - Swa. 6-3138 GIVE THE SWARTHMOREAN TO THE ='. · = c = c ·. . OF DIMES ~·~-~===~- -.~=~--~. __~=====-I $3.50 PER YEAR 5WAltTH~101tE, FJUDAY, JANUARY 20, 1950 <. VOLUME 22-NUMBER 3 -.-=-~-.-;; = LIBRARY VOTE BEGINS TODAY Association To Elect Three Board Members Red Cross Meeting To Be Held January 27 =--===."==.·0- .-.-~~~-~-.-.-------- TRINITY CIlURCIl WlTIl PROPOSED ADDITIONS The Annual Meeting of the Swarthmore Branch 01 the American Red Cross will be held Friday morning, January 27 at 9 a.m. at the home of the chairman) Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins, 4 Crest lane. For the officers of the branch and two members-at-Iarge of the \ Board of Directors to be elected! at the meeting, the nominating! committee, Mrs. Willar:d Tomlin-I ~on, Mrs. Howard Newnam and: s·' Mrs. Guy deFuria, have submitt. .. ed the following slate: Chairman, Mrs. LaRue Hendrix, son; vice-chairman, }\Ilrs. William An al'ti~t'g ~ketch of the original model made by Mrs. George P. Hayes; for re-election as . W. Casey, Architect and Senior lNarden Emeritus, which has been treasurer, Mrs. Hugh O. Thayer: ~ubmittect to the Ve~try for ccn.::ideration in connection with the for secretary, Mrs. C. Russell pIcscnt uuildng prog1:am. Phillips; for member-at-Iarge on Mr. C<1sc,\' is one ot ollly t\\·o surviving Charter Members of the Board, Mrs. Alden Q. Davis; Trinity Church and the propos(.'d ~tructure in addition to being jn for re-election on the Board, Dr. excellent keeping with the College building on the opposite corner would also be a very fitting tribute to the former Senior Warden. Harold C. Roxby. - = - --='-_. __ ._-= , _ . _ - - - - - NEW WING FOR PRESBYTERIANS Congt·egation Hears Plans At Meeting Sunday Members of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church authorized the Building Committee to proThree candidates will be elected ceed with plans for the new wing to the Board of Directors of the at the Congregational Supper Swarthmore Public Library, to Sunday night. The action followed serve for three years each, at the presentation of the history of the election which will begin today, committee's work and the showing and continue on Saturday and Monday. 'I'he Friday hours for of slides to illustrate its plans for balloting will be from 2 to 5:30 the neV.l building and the alterap.m., Saturday from 9:30 to 12:30 tion of existing facilities to meet and from 2 to 4 p.m., and Monday congregational needs. Dr. David McCahan listed as the from 2 to 5 :30 and 7 to 8 p.m. major items planned the creating The Annual Meeting of the of t\'-:o offices and lounge in the Library Association, to which all present Church Secretary's room; members are cordially invited, alteration of the Junior room to will be held at 8 p.m. on Monday, provide a corridor to the new January 23. Swarthmoreans who wing of the Parish House, and known relatively little about Librthree large rooms for the use in ary activities in their comulUnity this department; alteration of can get an idea of the care with present choir room to provide a which this Swarthmore public Sacristy facility where Communservice is administered, by attending this Annual Meeting and James A. Perkins vice-president ion ware may be stm'ed and eleMrs. Walter C. Giles, chairman Former F.RI. Agent hearing the reports of the persons of Swarthmore College since 1945, ments prepared, and where entrusted with the responsibility of the house-to-house canvass for has been appointed an executive [Jowers may be prepared for the To Speak Herc of supervising the functioning of tbe 1950 March of Dimes Cam' I e 0 f the C ornegle . C orpor- Chancel. aS~OC13 .James \Valdron, well-known ation of New York, it was anthe Library. Election returns will paign which opened Monday, Jan~ In the new wing of the Parish also be, announced at this meeting. uary 16, announced captains and Trenton attorney and former F.B.I. nounced Wednesday by Charles House is planned a Woman's Mrs. Harry L. Miller, Dr. J. A. canvassers for the Swai·thmore special agent \"ill speak on "The Dollard, Carnegie Corporation .\ssociation room on the Harvard Most Fascinating Woman I Have president. Dr. Perkins will be one avenue end with a kitchenette Calhoun. and Dr. Paul F. Gemmill area as follows; ~ver Known" next Tuesday, Jan- of seven executive officers ()f the included, a room for the Nursery Captains north of the railroad, are the three Board members uary 24 at 2 p.m. in the Woman's fO'J.ndation which devotes its re- Department, a room for the Beginwhose terms of office are about are: Mrs. S. B. Brewster and Mrs. sources to promoting l'eBearoh, ncr's Department, and three rooms to expire. Dr. Calhoun. 'who for J. A. Calhoun with canvassers Club. Ivlr. \Valdron is .3. graduate of Mrs. W. E. Dungan, Mrs C. B. publk service and educational for the Primary Department on the past three years has served the first floor, and on the second not only as a Board member but Shoemaker, Mrs. H. Brinkmann, Notre Dame and received his law projects.. He will relinquish his Swarth- floor of the new wing a fellowalso as Secretary of the Board. is Mrs. Samuel Carpenter, Mrs. O. degree at ·Temple. Before the standing for re-election. The five H. Bullitt, Jr .• Mrs. William Pren-. War he WilS a special agent of the m'Jre po:st nt the end of the cur- ship hall is planned with a platother candidates who have ex- tice, Mrs. J. R. P~l{HUck. lVirs. F.B.l., wurking in New York, rent academic year in June. During form, a new 1dtchen, and a serving pressed willingness to take on the John McCrumm, Mrs Maurice Washington, and Hawaii. During the last five years he has been room. duties of membership on the Griest, Mrs. William Danforth. the 'Vat' he was with the O.S.S. :hiefly responsible for the college's The committee stated an apBoard are: A. William Ba'ss, Jr., Mrs. C. C. Shute, Mrs. Ross as a counter intelligence a~cnt in fund-raising efforts, serving as proximate figure, based on present ,of Ogden avenue; Mrs. R. C. Dis- Pfalzgraff, Mrs. G. M. Allen. Mrs. the far East working particularly executive vice-chairman of the costs, of $165,000 to cover the en,que of, Strath Haven avenuei H. F. Brown, Mrs. Philip Alden, in Indo-China, China and For- .warthmore $5,000,000 Campaign. tire operation. The Finance ComOliver E. Rodgers, of Riverview Mrs. C. R. Russellt Mrs. F. A. mosa. He also served as acting president mittee reported $115,000 on hand The. Nola Lux(Qi.'ct program Patman, Mrs. W. P. Hayes Mrs. road; Mrs. Russell L. Snyder of .:f the college during the absence with the probability that another Dickinson avenue; and Phelps C. F. Wolters, Mrs. J. C. Taylor, originally scheduled for January of President John W. Nason in the $10,000 could be collected from Mrs. D. W. Poole. Mrs. Palmer 24 had to be cancelled due to the 'all 'of 1947. old pledges and new gifts within Soule of ParK avenue. illness of Miss Luxford. The Club Skoglund, Mrs. Robert Turner, this year. The present Board of Directors He nnd his wife, the former Jean Mrs. D. M. Gowing, Mrs. Dun- is very fortunate in securing Mr. The Building Committe plans urges lively participation in this Waldron to take her place and B]'(~dill of New Hope, reside at to ask bids from Feoruary 1 to 10, can Foster, Mrs. Gordon Lange, Annual Election. Swarthmoreans ouly some ufJusual circumstances .-3t, ath Haven avenue with their _\vith the hope that the building are reminded that any member of Mrs. R. H. Reed, Mrs. William two daughter:'> · andI son. They made it possible. Hardern, t" plan will actually get under way around I 0 P [Inee on some Ime In the Association is entitled to vote. . .l move Honored and special guest at the Captains south of the railroad March 1. and that every adult resident of are Mrs. Milton H. Fussell and meeting will be Mrs. Ira C. Pratt the summer. It was suggested that the new the borough may join the Associa- Mrs. Fred Hoefel with canvassers of Coatsville who is State Prowing be called the David Braun tion, if not already a member. Katharine Bronson, Mrs. R. T. gram Chairman of the Pennsyl- . Tax Discusfillns Continue Memorial. This idea was referred 'Vhat nction on a particular mea- to the Session for thought and merely by signing the by-laws Bates, Mrs. E. L. Conwell, Mrs. vania Federation of 'Vomen's W. R. Godfrey, Mrs. Buchanan Clubs, Hostesses for the day will sure will mean to the state of bus- action. Subsequently the Rev. which are available for that purHarrar, Jr .• Mrs. W. J\lI. Harvey, be: Mrs. Avery F. Blah" Mrs. W. i:.css, to prices paid, to paychecks .Joseph P. Bishop commented on pose in the Library at all tiines. Mrs. Howard Jackson, Mrs. W. Mark Bittle, :Mrs. James A. Davies received, were some of the ques- the approprateness of naming this F. Lee, Mrs. W. W. McClarin, Mrs. and Mrs. Jessie H. Holmes At lions raised at one or another of wing in memory of onc whose A. D. Moscrip, Mrs. J. Y. Murray, the tea table, Mrs. William Chester t:ll. opening sessions, this week, work is largely responsible for the Mrs. C. W. Ramsay. Mrs. F. T. Morris and Mrs. Roland G. Ullman .or a study conducted· by the I fact that th.- Church is able to Ransburg, Mrs. R. B. Rogers, Mrs. will.pour. League of 'Vomen Voters on taxes undertake any building program Section Meetings J. H. Pitman, Mrs. R. F. Winch, and expenditures of federal gov- at all, and of one whose love went Thursdr.y. January 26, Mabel 'c.'l'nment. To find answers the. out to old and young alike. Mrs. J. H. Longwell, Mrs. E. S: Eaton, Mrs. W. E. Kistler, ]\Ill'S. Talley, Chairman of the Art De- Le;lgue has available for members: Leisure time courses aimed to P. E. Told, Mrs. D. H. Pugh, Mrs. partment., plans a luncheon at the of the discussion groups, pamphl»ls' FACULTY CAMPUS GROUP develop part-time hobbies and J. G. Moxey, Jr., Priscilla and Whittier, 140 North 15th street, ))'Jblished by researCh organiza-·, The faculty and Campus Club skills will be offered ilt Ihe Penn Patricia Giles. Mrs. C. D. Howard, Philadelphia followed by a con- tions, busine$s men's groups, labor: of Swarthlnore College will pre·· State Center in Swarthmore should Mrs. George Logan, Mrs. Frank ducted trip to the Academy of ,TO'..l.I)S as well as a summary of', sent, on January 27 and 28 in an adequate number of adults be Windell, Mrs. G. A. Stauffer, Mrs. Fine Arts. It is not necessary to ~he reports of the Hoover Com- I Clothipr IVlemorial, the nineteenth interested according to Arthur K. P. G. Wrightsman, Mrs. W. p. go to the luncheon to attend the :nissiol1. ! century comedy "Fashion" or Meyers, administrative head. Tomlinson, Mrs. J. H. G. McCon- trip to the mllseum. Please phone The three League groups are: "Life in New York," by Anna Cora Registration for a variety of eehy, Mrs. Gco~ge Armitage, Mrs. Miss Talley, Swarthmore 6-7079 in progress simultaneously. llv[owatt. courses is now open and will con- J. Natvig, Mrs. B. K. Morse, Mrs. for further details. Scheduled also for Thursday, tinue daily and evenings for the J. A. Turner, Mrs. R. T. Pfeifer, next few weeks. Courses will Mrs. H. L. Bernard, Mrs. C. E. January 26 is the all day meeting cover basic principles and proced- Lincoln, Mrs. Norman Hulme, of the Dcla\',;are County FederaFriday. January 20 ures and the subject matter will Mrs. D. M. Hodge, Mrs. W. O. tion of Women's Clubs at the A.M.-Book Review ................... ,........ ·............. Woman's Club 10:00 be determined by the interests of Heinze, Mrs. L. F. F. Wright. Twentieth Century Club of LansP.M.-"Brightcn the Corner" ........................ Players Club 8:20 the group. Informality will be Mrs. L, A. Wetlaufc(, Mrs. W. W. downe. Saturday, January 21 8:20 P.M.-"Brighten the Corner" .......................... Players Club the nature of many of the pro- Turner, 1.\lrs. A. L, Hilles. Jr., Mrs. Sunday, January 22 grams in order that students may H. M. Teal, Mrs. A. H. Silvers, Parents To Hear Talk Wed., Dr. Allen C. Miller, a P,sYChOIO-! 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ............................ Local Churches attain their individual goals. Anne Mabbott. gist at Temple University, will Monday, January 23 Among the courses for which give on illustrated talk on "The 2 - 4 P.M.-Open House Group .................... Presbyterian Church l'egistration is open are ~pprecia­ WIL TO HEAR SOLLMAN Prcblems of the Second Grader" 8:00 P.M.-Library Annual Meeting .................. Borough Hall The winter study group series before a combined meeting of the tive and creative art, writing, Tuesday, .January 24 310 Chestnut Avenue 9:45 A.M.-LWV Tax Discussions ............ journalism and speech programs of the Women's International parents of second grade children 2:00 p.M,~ames Waldron .................................. Woman's Club and subjects relating to home League will begin next Tuesday. of the College Avenue and Rut8:00 P.M.-Junior Club Bridge .............................. Woman's Club January 24 with' a discussion by gers Avenue Schools on Wednesbeautification. 8:00 P.M.-WIL Meeting ................................ 215 Cornell Avenue 25, at Whit8:15 P.M.-Music Cl.ub ..........................................Whittier House Interested students are invited Dr. William F. Sollmann on day evening, Janua~ &J Wednesday, January 25 ' "The Future of Gennany." to contact the Penn, State Center tier House. I' 7 :30 P .M.-Second Grade Parents ........................ Whittier House The meeting will be held at on Harvard avenue for further The College Avenue ~thers Thursday, January 26 9:45 A:M.-LWV Tax Discussions ...................... 216 Yale Avenue inf.:lrrnation on the informal the home of Mrs. Robert A. Det- will be hostesses for coffee and OO"",,!P,.•• 8.:. cultural programs whieh. meet one weiler, 215 Cornell avenue at 8 dessert at 7:30. M•.::-.L.WV __ T.a.x.D.lS.·••.•..•...•..•...•..•7.4.2.H_arv_a.r.d.A_V.en.u.e_.I p.rn. evening per week. WORKERS NAMED CLUB SPONSORS lVICE-PRESIDENT IN DIMES DRIVE JAMES WALDRON PERKINS RESIGNS I THIS WEEK'S f.AtENDAR iiiSOS$%%%%%%%S4SSSS%%' CLEARANCE SA I.E Many, Many Items reduced 50 percent or more MARCH CENTER OFFERS ADULT CLASSES Marge and Dot JAN 20 /S5V 3vmrthmore College Li br"ry dvrnrthmore. Pa. They're Now On DIsplay ••• Come, see them today! ••• cars of ~urp~ing n"w beauty ••• with new longer, lower, lovelier lines • • • stunning new interiors new nylon fa?rics. Yes ••• it's today's new style classici And Chrysler s kmd of beauty is the beauty you really appreciate-because it reflects the BOund engineering and the solid comfort inside. Again there is room· to sp~ for. your head, your hat, your legs, your shoulderll. C~-helght .seats. Again-the Chrysler is designed for easiest handling-for safe vision-for ease of getting in and out. See it, drive it and you'll agree, it's thelllllllrteBt, safest, sweetest performing car today. . HANNUM & WAITE Chester Road - Yale Avenue r I 11..._ • JANUARY 20, 1950 2 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Guy de Furia of North Chester road entertained at a buffet supper Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bass, Jr., and sons David and Dirck have moved from Harvard avenue to 241 Ogden avenue. Mrs. Bass' mother Mrs. S. P. Simmons of Hazelton is visiting here for a few days. Mrs. J. Bernard Walton of Ogden avenue will be hostess to a meeting of the Art Club today. Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden avenue entertained her club at a lun~heon-bridge at her home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Phlilp W. Kniskern of Riverview road are en.. tertaining as. their house guest Mrs. Klliskern's aunt Mrs. Henry Nessen of East Orange, N.J. Mrs. Edward Lapham and Miss Lila K. Willets of Cedar lane will entertain at a small luncheon today. Mrs. John R. Bates of North Chester road entertained at a luncheon Tuesday in honor of Mrs. A, E. Sangster of Cheboygan, Mich., who is spending the winter with her daughter Mrs. R. A. Gezelius of Wallingford. Mrs. Buchanan Harrar of Yale avenue entertained at a small ltmcheon at her home Wednesday. Sally Bates of North Chester road entertained 16 of her friends at a party at her home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roland Pennock of Whittier place entertained as their week-end guests Mr. George Little, formerly of the Political Science Department at the College, and Mrs. Littlc, recently returned after a year and a ..half as Dire,ctors of the American Friends Service Conlmitt~ Center in Austria. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gezelius of Wallingford entertained at a dinner party Monday evening in honor of the eightieth birthday anniversary of Mrs. GezelilJS' mother Mrs. A. E. Sangster of Cheboygan, Mich., who is spending the winter here. Miss Patricia Sangster of Cheboygan is visiting here for a few weeks. Mrs. Irwin R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place entertained a few friends at tea at Strawberry ManSion, Philadelphia on Thursday. Dr. and Mrs.' William Earl Kistler of Park avenue entertained as their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Effing of Lancaster, formerly of Swarthmore, and Mr. Haldy Miller Crist of North Wales. ':I'r. and Mrs. Henry J. Roth, theU" io"" year old daughter Betty Jayne, and Mr. Roth's mother Mrs. Emily Roth, formerly of Olney Philadelphia have moved to the;,: newly purchased residence at 201 Harvard avenue. . Dr. Jeanette Nichols of RiverVIew road with Mrs. Russell S. Callow of Philadelphia will review . books for the Book Group of the ~aculty Tea Club of the University of Pennsylvania in Memorial Hall in Philadelphia Tuesday. Former Swarthmore Postmaster A. P. Smalley of Open Hearth Lewistown, visited professor and Mrs. John H. Pitman of Vassar avenue Tuesday evening. Joan Davisson, daughter of MrI. George E. Davisson of Vassar avenue, has been nominated for the title of queen of the mid,vinter ball to be held at Dickinson College on Febrnary 10. A sopl;mmore and member of Chi Omega, Joan is active in intramuI'al co-ed sports and has been on the all-sta,' girl's basketball team. Joan will arrive home next Tuesday for the mid-semester vacation. Ann deFuria a student at Pembroke College of Brown University arrives today to spend the midsemester vacation at her home on North Chester road. Edith Kletzien of South Chester road has returned to Northfield School for Girls, East Northfield, Mass. During the Christmas vacation, Edith had an emergency appendectomy, .performed at Ridley Park HospitaL Capt. and Mrs. C. C. Shute of Maple avenue entertained at a small dinner party a t their home Friday evening. Dr. and Mrs. George P. Warren of South Chester road entertained Dr. Warren's brother President Harold C. Warren of Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Miss., who came north to attend a meeting of United Negro College Fund held in New York City Thursday and Friday of last week. Dean and Mrs. Everett L. Hunt of Elm avenue entertained at a tea' from 4 to 6 Wednesday in honor of President 'Warren when guests inCluded a group of Swarthmore College faculty m~mbers and students interest.d in the work he is doing at Tougaloo. Mrs. C. Walter Durnall of Drexel Hill, formerly of Swarthmorc, entertained a foursome at a luncheon-bridge at her home Tuesday. the .bridesmaids will be Miss Dixie Hetzel of Thayer road, and Miss "B~GHTEN THE CORNER" By JOHN CECIL UOLM LAST TWO JMYS FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 ..... SATmmAY, JANUARY Z1 CII11aID TIme 8:20 P.1L STATE AUTO INSPECTION , ' Saturday Matinee Special Children's Show 1 P.M. . "TUSCON RAIDERS" also serial and cartoons Monday and Tuesday June Baver in "OU, YOU BEA,IUii,j;.,U""'O....L DOLL" Wednesday ODiy Joseph Cotten and Jemliler Jones "SINCE YOU WENT AWAY" Thursday Only James Stewart in "MIL SMITH GOIS TO WASHINGTON" , "Bob" Atz, Owner Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. :~~~~~~~~~~~...~...~...~...~~~...~...~...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Bouquet To be Wl!ll·dressed is to be well.groomed Manufaeturera -0enera117 epeaklnl', (Door ehampoolnl") .. • -8ayIIs t1aaproa, practice, and In 01. past has bMD the ..""t wldeapl'fOlld IleriOUIJ eause of cte-n1ng 4IfDc·ultlelll' For excellent PLANT rug cleaning, call (pAulson &- Com~e~,! Buy wiOl CONFIDENCE - R." Buy at 'PAULSON'S " 100 Park Ave .. ;Swarthmore, Pa. SWarthmore 6-6000';....- CL earbrook 9-1646 THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE, :PENNSYLVANIA Cordially Invites You 'To Attend A '. Free Lecture On 'Christian'Science Ent!Ued "Christian Science: The Pathway of Light" By FOR Margaret Morrison, C.S. of Boston, Massachusetts Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church The First Church of Christ, ScientiSt, in Boston Massachusetts . Monday Evening, J1a~ary 23, 1950 , "~. MEN ,OF COURAGE , Thurs., FrIday and Saturday' MIlton Berle VirI!fDIa Mayo . "ALWAYS LEAVE TBEl\I LAUGHING" The Nation's No. 1 funnyman is here! • Pain, torment, and suffering play no favorites. They attack alike the sole wage earner of the family, the mother with her many responsibilities, or the only child: Sat. Matinee 1:15 Regular Feature and Serial The one safe refuge i. the family Sunday and Monday Farley Granpr ()bUIes Bickford and introducing SOUl BY..... ''ROSEANNA l\fcOOY" The Hatfield - McCoy Feud physician, who alone bas Ihe knowledge, COurage, and stamina to battle disease. Don't hesitate to consult your physician in time of iI1n"'ess. He, and he alone,.is competent to Tuesday and Wednesday RosaUna Rand Roberi . Coo "'1'1 '"1'ELL IT TO 'I'RE SlJDGE" advise. Depend on us·to fiJI his prescriptions three-on-a~ne,moon prc>mpt:l¥ and accurately. . Michael'. Cellep Phar ••• , comma ' ON 'I'IIB ; cr.. ~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i , ASSISTANCE • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. 'Church Services \l1i WIlH STUDEBAKER' 'RUCKS! .. , ser- At 8:15 O'clock 'Lecture will be amplified in the Sunday School MEDIA howl of the year! ' . IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE, 206 PARK AVENUE, SWARTHMORE , PENN STkI'E THE PENN STATE CENTER PLANT Rug Cleaning Is BETTER Rug Cle"'" of Carpet ~ , Call Swarthmore 6-0476 9 Chester Road Institute Robert Carels Of Peace Dale, R.I., formerly of Swartlunore. Mrs. John E. Michael of Harvard avenue will entertain at a luncheon at her home Tuesday before the meeting of the Woman's Club in honor of Mrs. Jra Pratt of CoateSVille, state program chairman of the Pennsylvania Federation of Women's Clubs. a BEAUTY SALON The _------ About Man, God and the Unl- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tisdall are verse?" at this Sunday morning's occupying the Dana residenCe ses~on of the adult forum at 9:45. during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moran of Trinity Notes Kenyon avenue entertained at a Holy Communion will be eele- surprise birthday party Monday brated at 8 a. m. Church School evenlng in honor of Mrs. Moran's will meet at 9:45 a. m. At the 11 sister· Mrs. Walter N. Moil;' of a.m. service of Morning Prayer South Chester road. The guests the Rl!ctor will preach. 'Young included Dt. and Mrs. Moir, Mr. People's Fellowship will meet at and Mrs Charles E. Lincoln, Mr. the Presbyterian Churoh at 6:30 and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson, and p. m. There will 'be a meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Cresson O. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sessioru;. and son Bobby of Ogden avenue will move February 1 to their ! the Canterbury Club at 6:45 p.m. Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden of newly built home at 314 Chestnut the church. The boys sen-ing Riverview road has returned home avenue. or over who are planning to unite in as acolytes are: 8 a. m. George ..:;;;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;;;;;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ presbyterian Notes with the Church at the Easter Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock season meets each Sunday after- Hay; II n. m. Perry Redifer, 'Jack r service Mr. Bishop will preach on noon at 5 o'clock in Mr. Bishop's Thompson and Robin Wrlght. Ushers for the 11 a.m. service are: il " the topiC "Free to F a. office. . All members 0(. the congrega'Cultural Education Program The Young Adults meet Sunday V. L. Fine, head usher, R. J. Baker, W R. Sanborn, W. F Klng, • tion are invited to come to the evening at 6 o'clock for meditaIII G S. Valentine, J: Reynolds, H. P. parish house immediately after tion in tbe Church'Sanctuary, and SWARTHMORE the morning service on Sunday to at 6:30 for supper follllwed' by Stamford and E. O. Cramp Choir School will meet on Monhave cup of coffee and an op- meeting. Courses portunity to talk with Il.'e other Circle 1. Mrs. Charles W. Lukens day and Wednesday at 4:00 p. m. 011 Pa"'tlng & water Color. Arts 8& Crafts There will be a celebration' of members of the congregation, new chairman, will meet Wednesday, Art Appreciation Creative Writing January 25, at 10 o'clock at the Holy Communion at 10 a. m. on and old. Decorating The Home Gardening & Landscaping The Primary, Jwtior, Junior- home of Mrs. E.W. Furst, 111 Thursday (Conversion of St. Paul). Modern Books .JournaJlsm Choir rehearsal will be held on High and S~nlor Departments of Guernsey road. Mrs. R. L. WilMusic Appreciation Languages Buying & Bulldlng A Home RadIo Speech the Church School meet at 9:45 ltinson will be co-hostess. Speaker Thursday evening at 7 :30 p.m. a.m. The ·Men's Class meets at Mrs. John B. Danner. REGI~RATION NOW (9 A.M. - 9 P.M.) Circle 2, Mr~. David Braun 9:45 also. Christian Science Notes The Nursery and Beginner's chairman, will meet at the home "Truth" is the subject of the Departments meet at 11 o'clock of Mrs. George McKeag, 645 Par- Lesson-Sermon in all Churches on Sunday morning. rish road, on Wednesday, January of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, , TELEPHONE SW. 6·3340 January 22. The Golden Text'is: 855 HARVARD ",VE. Mrs. Frank Reynolds is in . 25, at 10: 30 a.m. charge of the program for the 16M G G d Fur' Women's Bible Class which will Circ e , UY., e .a. that call upon nigh all all thatthem call chairman, will meet at the home "The Lord .is ihim, to unto meet at 9:30 on Sunday morning. of Mrs. Agnes M. Haig Sheldon, upon him in truth. (Psal,¥ 145:18) Dr. R. E. 'E. Harkness will be the Ogden avenue. Mrs. George M. speaker. Bornhis in Canada Dr. . HONo-R~ AT PENN kn did d t . k Ewing wll be co-hostess. The proHar ess . gra ~a e' wor gram will begin at 10:45. Mrs. Jane Davis, daughter of Mrs. at the Univers.ty of Chicago, was Glenn R Morrow will continUe Marjorie Davis of Harvard and ordained a Baptis~ M~t<;r ~d the stud; of Japan. Rutgers avenue, receiVed an award , served as pastor ill IJlinOlS and Th J' Ch' rebearses of merit from the Alumni Assoc. . H h b Prf e UOlor Olr W .sconsm. When you call us our chief consideration e as een 0 essor Th sd aft at 3.'30 iation of the Univedity of Penn• . t f Chr' ti .ty t Cr ur ay emoon o. His ory 0 1S am a ozer th Ch b' Ch' rehearses sylvania during last Saturday 'alS ' . 1927 e erus . Oir is to help you in time of need. Assist TheoIOgle emmary smce 'to f ' th Chr' al Saturday mornmg at 10:15, anli afternoon's formal 50th anniverEd d an Ira e oruc,....-a the ChapetChOir · · rehearses :rhurs- sary exercises at which PaulYOIl to obtain the finest possible service Baptist Historical Quarterly. '::dY evenings at 7:45 o'clock. Henri Spaak, ,Belgian statesman, The Married Couple's group will The Thursday evening devotion- was· heard . at the price you had planned to pay. .meet this Sunday evening at 7:45 al period 5:35 _ 6:00 in the Churcli Jane who is the first woman uno'clock at the home of Mr. and contiitues 'to mean much to those dergraduate to receive this award . Mrs. Charles C. Martin, 406 Hav~ erford place to think together who p,ause for that midweek 'time f colorlul medallion. The can WILLIAM BROOKS look new "both coming and going." . announced by Robert W. BernPHONE, Ashes & Rubbish Removed hardt, Executive Secretary of the Lawns mowed, General Yale Ave.,& Cheiter Road· Swartbmore 6·0444 Hauling . Assochition. The survey will cover 236 HardingAv. Morlon, Pa. ,Swarthmore 6·1250 seven high schools, nine com.munities and a foodhandler group In Delaware County and will run • COLOR CRAFTSMEN from Febrauary 6 to 17. ROOFS GUftEKS Painters Of These free chest survey x ..rays REPAIRED AND Distinctive loterion and are made available to anyone 18 INSTALLED Exteriors Furnace Repairs & Cleaning years of age and over, who' lives Color Ideas - Arrangements Call or works in llelaware County. Styled For Yon . GEORGE MYERS Results of the examinations are Priced for You Michigan Ave.. Sw. 6-2266 stricUy confidential, reports going GRanite 4·3858 only to the individual and his or her family physician. Paulsen Decorators Rubbish Collection since 1923 Mr. Bernhardt said that over Ouly duPont's & Deboe's Swarthmore Disposal 92,000 persons have already been MUST MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STO~ Paints Used reached through this preventive Weekly or Monthly measure of the Tuberculosis WARREN PIERCE Every Day New Items Are Added .To Our Asssociation and Pt8ns have heen made to x-ray 6,000 individuals during this two week's survey.· This work is supported by the Reductions Of 50 Per Cent and More annual sale of Christmas Seals, " Since 1905 , RTERS BROS.,,,, whjch is the Association's only CUNNINGHAM A" ,,,'."." I/o means of raising money to catty Painters & Paper Hangers on its preventive and control We should know how work in the County. . , Swa. 6-2266 Michigan Ave. UNITED SERVICES I , Plymouth Has Massive Look II ~ r • ., HANNUM .& WAITE • SALE! SALE! ! SALE!! ! i " I ~1~~~=~S~:;arthm~=~~t"';G~:~",,;6~~;2~07;:~M;-~"'~ . CLEAR.ANCE ' , 1. QUALITY-FLAVOR Are Consistently Good 2. YOU SAVE Up to 20c a Pound 3. VALUABLE GIFTS • WAll •• d fLOOI COVERINGS • NEW (ONSUU(TlON • ILTn'lIONS ••• IfPA.IS Phon", Media 6-4281 MUSIC CLUB TO MEET Driveway CODl!truction Asphalt or Concrete On Tuesday, January 24 at 8:15 p.m. the Swarthmore Music Club PETER DI NICOLA \RTERS BROTIIERS, JDr Con' radON lind Build~n 302 GayJey Streel • Media. Pa. •••••••••••••••••••••••• COFFEE.::t .:-. 63e WIN-CREST COFFEE ~B '0" •. IISCD Sovih America', liMat coif. . expertly blentt.d. ~Iar with the multltud.... Ughter bodied with Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 \. \ ~HHrHHHHHHHHHHH~ YOU NEED ~ I - TONS with, ~ . '. .....••••••.........••• JAMES E.' LAMB' . Registered in Swarthmore PLUMBING AND BEATING Dial Chester 38106 Q PETER E •. TOLDAll Lin.. ()f Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avenue I .swarthmore, Pa. PREMIUM ANTHRACITE Special - An Colors SUNFLEX WATER PAINT GaL $2.50 - Qt. 750 Muon Builders Supply ComplUl), 311 Dan1DntIa A _ 8. . . . . . . . , SwuUunore l-tW I . -- -- A. Mercer Quinby FUNERAL DIRECTOR Formerly of Media 1125 W. lehigh Ave., Phila. Phone Baldwin 1170' No additional charp f .... suburban calla - Poets' :~! h mangacs a confusing number I 'udl\'jdt'd prulil~ ~f~ entrances and exits with the llCH:ncs ease and skill of a good trouper. ·}ul'll Capitlli At'("ouut!' . and contributes a consistent Tutal Liabilities. aud Cal)iial ,\(-C(lUlits . characterization. Charles Stockdale satisfies his I ~1I':"WIl'\ND'\ many admirers in his role of .\"..:l't~ pll'tll:l'd or IIl'siJ::llt'd In ,','cun' linhllitics :11111 forUncle Jeffrey. It is quite safe other PUfIJU.'-cS ... . ~ iHIl.310.S1 to say that at: ali the amusing Luaus as showil aboye lire 'lrt"r Ikdudlol1 of re5cnc." . __ _"' ..... $ 4,;1~:!.21 involvements, his \vith sheets, feet, ;lr . __ . ' • )tale of Pennsylvania, County of and love-seat top the laugh meter. DdawafC, ss: Nat Doughty as Neil Carson and 1, Hatold Ogram, cashIer of the Donald Lange as Towns~nd Mar- above-named bimk, do solemnly swear shall add status to their roles of that :he ahove statement is true to Sleepless New Yorkers taking aU the best of my knowledge and belief. HAROLD OGRAM. in their stride, , Cashier. Two newcomers, Peter Braun S'worn to and subscribed befoTe me appearing as the delivery boy and this lith day of January, 1950. James M. Goodwin whose Officer PETER E. TOLD. lI(o,"'y Public. Robertson makes one hope -any Com. Ex. H2-51 New York cop encountered will Correct-·Attest: Wm. Earl Ki5t1cr be cast in like mold, are personCharlcll R. Russell able additons to the cast. John E. Michael Properties are ·ably handled by Directors. a committee headed by Mrs. Hans Steinfeld and Mary Burn. ItEQUI\ST fOR DlUS The new Chevrolet is an ~ven more outstanding value than its famous forerunners! Chevrolet's beautiful interior has been made even more impressive with new two-tone panels and luxurious fabrics. Chevrolet's world's champion valve-in-head. . engine has become even smoother and mQre powerful with a new car. buretor. Sl':\]CC\ bids will be r('4:ch'ed In Council L:hnlllb~r, llnruu;:;h 111\11. SWllrlh\llOre. l'u. 2nd ANNUAL DRIVE OPENS UII Fcbnlf\t)' lith. 1950 at ,. :45 l'.M. rur furnishing ;IPlnoxllUlltcl)' lOtiO reet of The Swarthmore Ohapter of 21jJ" illld 50~1 tc('t of IlJ,:" double Ja~et linctt. Fire nose In nc{.'Ordanee the League of Women VoteY'S is rubber \lith speclt1eation~ n COP}' of whIch rna)' participating in 1he second annual be obtained from the undersigned. A certified check fur ilOO must· accompany finance drive of Leagues of Met- the proposal of cneh bidder anti th~ sue-ropolitan Philadelphia which op- c{.'S!'flll bhlder will be required to sign a l"onlmct and to furnish hond 8S rCliulrect ened Monday, January 16. One hy Inw. the form of which rna)' be seen the otrlt'C of the lIndersll{n~d. Thc hundred and s;venty-seven wo- at Borough reS\!f\'es the right to rCJect nn)' men of the area are takjng part in ur nIl bids nnd to accept tbe bid which. In the opinion o( Borough Council. is the campaign, held by the league (or the bel;t loterht of the lJorough. HllIott Richnrdson on the basis of its many serviceli i9 ,the voters and the communities. Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow and Mrs. "Holden Furber are acting as captains and the following members of the Swarthmore League are team members: Mrs. George By.eI1i, Mrs, Euward Cox, Mrs. Rod.ericls: Firth,' Mrs. Frances Fussell, porough secretary. ... . ' .. ;', '- And now Chevrolet for '50 is farther ahead of Its field than ever. .' --I!:... Swarthmore 6.2,463 • 6-1439 Y{llfl and Rutgers Avenues ' ,;:.. ' •.y 2T-I-~Q' _ _~~~=~~:..~-::!... '~"..:.,i~--.:'--.:..;.~~----------:----------:---:------~-------- - • THE DARBY R.AM No. 12 ill the seria "Your Historical Hf!T~." K-·otch for the nelt ,'n ~n t!fJTly iR.'n~e of thu paper. - . Probably America's oldest firefighting app!\l"atu!!, the Darby Ram is revered as a priceless heritage by Darby Fire Com- The story goes that a mariner, a Captain Simpson, ordered the Ram for the Com, pany in Birmingham, England, in 1801. But it was not until 1812 that the fire-fighters could raise $350 needed to pay for the Ram. Its tank, filled froqJ, buckets, holds 30 g\lJ11UlS of wIlWr. It!! twQ lengths of hOlle, m'lglmlUy of riveted leather, measure 60 feet, Ita rotary pump, operated by 6 to 8 men, .iJli throws a stream approximately 160 feet! • onatlbOf9Ug"b ... 1Blenbe\1U Bo,,1'I0W,,\.K t;,n; wf. do EniO'! 1 re1o)C.QtiO n at thiS dis- hee a'.~ed ""lei right at the ting\.il»l edf' SpaCiOUS , ... " RUMSEY CHEVROLET founding 175 years agO! A1Ulllle ell \ too will say Chevrolet is fiDl;r than ever for '5\!. ' pany No.1, now celebrating its u. \ See the sleek new models and you 'Yill !Wow why. Drive the smooth valve-in-head power-pllmt and you sun ocean's nges enclosed decks o~ h~ ent~ltoinrnent Contrasted with modern apparatus, the Ram emphasizes: the progreSs in fini·fighting. equipment. It" also se~es' to emphasize the civic spirit or. today's volunteer firemen. For the Ram was purchased origi- • nally only to protect the property of Darby CompljIlY members. This was the custom of the time. Today, however. Darby Jl'inl Company No. I .aI\d tdl volunteer fire companies-safeguard their entire' communities. Aiding in .this. protectio.n of your propE:rty by' assuring the 81 companies i,m 49 municipalities of 8!l am.., water supply is one of many ways Philadelphia Suburban: Water Company serves you. fire so\orio, n~g--le\iCi~ meals. and musIc 1d sea water In tlot and co .. all baths. . 1111 I Clty:'O 2-4849 COli ""onti< In No "'I. CitY Co" SPRINGt=IELD '" WATER ::i:::uo'"~ _ _ -," ~ • PHI LAD E L P .HI A SUBUllaAN w.A. T..E· R Dr. Nason Thanks Theatre ,In Fine Example of Cooperation A special meeting of the congregation of Trinity Church has been ealled for 3 p. m. on Sunday' to discuss the purchase of the Baisley property adjoining the church and also to present plans of the Building Committee. The Rector will preside at the meeting and will introduce W. Charles Hog!!, Jr., 'Who is Chairman of the Building Committee and who will discuss the proposals. Refreshments will be served by the Women's Guild at the close of the meeting. ' CLUB TO STUDY INVESTMENTS • Free Course For Local Women Opens Feb. 7 Believing since more than hall The College Theatre is running of the property in the United W oIlld-be socialites and their a benefit performance for" the States is owned by women, it is foreign affectations will be mocked March of Dimes Campaign on time they learned something about by the Swarthmore College FaculSunday, January 29. The Brithandling it, the Woman's Club is ty and Campus Club in their ish film, Quartel, will be shown sponsoring an investment course presentation of "Fashion" or "Life at 7 and at 9 in the evening. The every Thursday in February and in New York" on the stage of ticket office will be closed and Tlie first consignment of each person attending will have the first Tuesday in March at 10:15 Clothier Memorial at 8:15 p.m. books will be sent FebruSry 1 p.m. in the Clubhouse. tonight and tomorrow. Proceeds the opportunity to make a contriThe course will be given by to the United States Military will go for a Swarthmore Campus bution at the door to the :March Reynolds and Company prominent Club Scholarship to be awarded at Recreation Center at Frankof Dimes Campaign in place of the furt, Germany. They will be investment brokers of PhiladelCommencement to' a Swarthmore cost of a ticket. The entire prophia and New York and members distributed by American . College student. ceeds will be turned over to the of New York, Chicago and Philasoldiers to schools and homes Delaware County chapter of the This 19th century co~ by delphia-Baltimore Stock Exchangwithin the area or used at the National Foundation for Infantile Anna Cora Mowatt is directed by .Mrs. Sar~S80n Joins es. The course wi)! be free to aJJ recreation center as reading Paralysis. Barbara Lange. Stephen Whicher women of Swarthmore and nearBoard; Mrs. Hill matter. The College Theatre has been is Mr. Trueman, upholding everyby cOlnmunities. The tineS have been chosen runnin·g all week a trailer emphaResigns thing wholesome, pure and 'AmerIt is the same course Philadelsizing the importance of the work to represent every day life and ican against the "fashionable" foradelphia women paid to attend in of the National Foundation for The regular meeting of the eign deceitfulness of Henry Gleit- philosophy in the freedom perPhiladelphia last June. man as Count J ollmaitre: Stand- mitted by democracy. Tech- Infantile Paralysis and urging all board of directors of the ComLocally, and for the convenience members in the community to munity Health Society was held ing staunchly on the side of virtue nical books on the list are a of everyone, the Club is bringing are Gertrude, the Ol1>han girl (Hel- p!\rl of the share-the-skill pro- contribute to the current March in Borough HaJJ, yesterday. Mrs. a real opportunity to women to en North) and Col. Howard (Bruce gram. The project is one in of Dimes Campaign. The Girl Walter A. Schmidt, president learn the proper handling of inSwarthmore have been presided. The board announced Dearing): Mabel Knight plays the which all Woman's Clubs Scouts makiDg a collection during .the Mrs. George Sargisson of Ridley vestments and the profitable planpart o,f'Mrs. Tiffany, the prize fool, 'through their education departning of ·savings. Morrow C. Hart Park as a new member. ments are participating at the performance. whose daughter (Susan Cobbs) "I feel very' indebted to the The principle business of the of Reynolds and Company who puffs along in her wake. Appen- request of the militarY occJ.lpawill eonduct the course has asked dages in the Tiffany drawlng"room tion. Swarthmore's responsi- management of the College meeting .was a discussion of the that written questions it). regard Theatre," said John W. Nason, proposed budget for June 1950 to are James SorberI poet, and Ben" bility is the Frankfurt Center. , chairman of the Delaware County May 1951. iBecausl: the Ooimmun.; to various fields of investment be bow Ritchie, who is too, too, bored March. of Dimes Campaign. "Mr. ity Chest Campaign fell short of submitted to him so that a lively with it all. Kalish has been' most cooperative ib goal the members of the fin.- and valuable discussion will occur The contrast betwe;en the suave in helping our important drive for atice' committee faced a serious to add interest to the regularly and the rustic is repeated in the funds, the results of which will problem in. planning for next year. planned course of five lectures. household servants, with Jane The first of these leetures will be used to help those stricken with The Board expressed appreciation Linsenmeyer as the French maid , the disease to carry on research for the splendid work of Mrs. deal with a description of the and George Cuttino .as Zeke, the in: its Prevention and cure. I Theodore Smithers, chainnan, modern stock market, its funcwell-intentioned butler. :Marian· Medal Presented hope that the Swarthmore com- Eli-ic Sproat, Edward Ft'u-st, Rich- tion, and operation. The second Becker wanders lonesomely munity will be as generous as ard Frazier and Mrs. C. Edwin lecture will discUss the types of Stimulate through the play !Ill Prudence, the Mr. Kalish in supporting a great Ireland who are members of this securities; the third, capitalization Interest' maiden sister. The real villainy comparisons as they relate to the humanitarian cause." \ co~mittee. centers around the cringing Mr. requirements for a go'od investThe board accepted with fugret Tiffany (George Becker), ruled A gold medal for the student ment in an industry, a uiility, and the resignation of Mrs. Alfred G. and ruined by his wife and. black- giving the best speech on World Library Association Hill of WaJJingford who for the a railroad; the fourth will be on . mailed by his scoundrel of a clerk Federation has been presented to Elects Three To Board past five years has been a valuable the investment trust field; and the (Kenneth Allebach). Swarthmore High Sehool' by the At the Annual Meeting of the member of the board of directors. fifth will be left open for further West Delaware County Chapter Lilla Field manages production of United World Federalists. The SwaQhmore Library Association, Mrs. Elizabeth Groff, the dir- clarification and discussion of the for uFashionu • Victorian backdrops PUJ"Pose of the award is to stimu- Ij.eld . 01\.. Monday evening, the ector, reported that during Nov- preceeCling lectures. are designed by Hedley Rhys, with late interest in til!> subject of results of the recent eleetions to Secl~n Meellngs props furnished by Patricia Ritch- world goverrunent among students, the Libl ary Board were announc- ember and December the staff Mrs. S. :MIlton Bryant, Chairnurses made ~977 visits to homes ie. Betty Dearing is in charge of teaehers arid their families. e4 . Of the six I candidates whose and through the .school health man of the Literature Departcostumes and William Prentice The High School has not yet nal)1es appeared on the ballot, Dr. program assisted with 891 medical ment, announces that the first of make-up. Stage manager is decided. just what use will be J. A. Calboun, who has been a examinations and 747 dental ex- meeting in February will be FriJean Rhys with other backstage made of thl!! award, but details Board member and Secretary of t day morning, February 3 at 10 aminations. departments hindled as follows: will be .announced as soon as the the Board during the past three a.m. in the Clubhouse. Mrs. The board of directors also exLights - Cliff Renshaw, Jr, music program has been prepared. years, was re-eleded for another George Thom will give current - Dorothy Hunt, dance - Irene Parents are reminded that there three-year term; and Mrs. Russell pressed appreciation for the gen- literary news and Mrs. John E . MQll, program James Field, are approximately ten times as Snyder and A. W. Bass were re- erous help given by community Micha'el will review "The Long business - Kate McCrumm; treas- many student members of U.W.F. lected to serve as new members clubs and individuals during the Love" by John Sedges. holiday season. urer- Caroline Shere,- and (ood . as adults, in proportion to their for the next three years. The Education Department will Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt attended meet for dessert at the home of its for weary workers - Ethel Stilz. numbers. Grown-~ps have often T)le election tellers reported Guests at the "Fashion" ball in- enough sent their childr-en off to that the turnout of voters was the health advisory committee chairman, Mrs. Peter E. Told, elude'Lee Firth, Elizabeth Wbich- saerifi~e everything for survival. larger than in any previous Bor- meeting of the Health and Wel- 322 Park avenue at 1:30 January fare Council. Representatives 31. The department has been er, Barbara Clolbron, Virginia Hath, U.W.P. urges that people, rather ough Library election: from the agency also attended the collecting "Books for Peace" to be Peg Reaser, .Jean ~erkins, Wil;liam than despairing, should work with Reaser, R?y LinsellII!eyer, and .each other and with students to FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T annual meetings of the Commun- distributed by the army in FrankOn Febr!-,ary 4, the Young ity Health and Civie Assoeiation furt, Germany to schools, churches James PerKins. accomplish what seemS impossiAdults of the Presbyterian Church of Ardmore and the Community and homes. The Swarthmore Faculty and ble. Campus Club plan to give a play On Sunday, Januar·y 15, Drew will hold a Rubes And Dudes Reel, Nursing Service of Chester. Adult classes in rythmic exerevery year in the future and to Pearson stated that the advent of of plain and fancy dancing for all cises conducted by Alice Kraft Kappas To Sew award a scholarship every June. the Hydrogen bomb would force at the Penn State Center. Dudes will be held Friday mornings at 9 The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sew-- in the Clubhouse. The Campus Club is an infonnai the establishment of World Gov- will fox trot, rumba, waltz or social organization of aJJ women on 'e=ent ~ar faster than most charleston and Rubes will dance ing' Group will meet Tuesday, Jancampus. Last year's prodUction, people reapze; in this· issue of squares, reels and polkas. There uary 31 at the home of Miss E1iza Juniors Plan For Fund Con.greve's '''Love fo~, Love" was the Century, everyone should take will be floor shows, and other en- Willets of 315 Cedar lane. , "l'he board of directors of the the first post-war Faculty and a stand, for or against world tertainment. High School age, Swarthmore Junior Woman's Club Delta Gamma Hostess Campus play; 'Proceeds were used government. Neutrality, like war, college age, middle age - in facb Plans, were any age is welcome ruld an enDelta Gammas will meet to sew met last week. for a new switchboard on the means chaos. Clothier stage. World Federalists believe that joyable evening will be had by Thursday, February 2 at the home made to cooperate in the Rheuthe one best hope for decent sur- all. . of Mrs. Cresson Davis 621 Uni- matic Heart· Fund Drive next month. All who came to the Fiesta versity place. LWV, WOMAN'S CLUB vival lies in world government, based on Law and backed by w hieb the Young Adults spon- F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ PLAN JOINT MENrING force. The hour may be late, but sored last spring will want to Dr. Clair Wilcox, as a delegate there is stiI\ time to make in- repeat the pleasure of that evening; Those who missed the Fiesta to the Havana Conference, and H. dividual influence felt. . Frldar, .January 21 United World Federalists urge will be sorry if they miss this too! Wickliffe Rose, President of The 8:15 P .:M.-Campus Club Play, ''Fashion'', ....................Clatbier American Tariff League and Gen- all to join ta-ciay. Further details All proceeds from the dance will eral Assistant Manager to the may he obtained by caJUng SW go to the March of Dimes. EverySalUrday, .Jannll1")' 28' one is welCome. . President of American Viscose 6-2022. 8:15 P.M.-Campus Club Play, "Fashion" ...................... Clotbier Corporatiml will speak before' a Sunday, .JaD1IaIT 29 To Present Class Play joint meeting arranged by the Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol, Jr. of La11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ............................. llocal Churches Members of the sehlor cJass at League of Women Voters and the fayette avenue was re-elected sec7:00 and ·8:00 P.M.-"Quartet" ............................ College Tbeater Swarthmore High School will· pre.. Waman's Club at 8 p. an. Tuesday, retary-t:reasurer of the Great Dane Tuesday, lannary 31 February 8, in the Woman's C1ub- Club of Pennsylvania at !the or- sent ''The iBalTett's of Wimpole Street" on 3a.turda;y, February U, .8:00 p.:M.-Exhibition Tennis Match •...•.~..... College Field House IL___ · ____________ __________________________ house. ; ganization's annual meeting held The public is cordIaI]y invited. in MerioD Monday evening. U.W.F. ,OFFERS STUDENT PRIZE proved dumbility of Body by Fisher. :Mrs. H!>len Goodwin, Mrs. W. F. Hanny, M~. JQhn C. Michael; Mrs. John M: Moore, ·Mrs,. !,Jghn M. Pearson, Mrs. Henry Piper, l'4f~.. Robert Walker, Mrs. E. P. Yerkes. oK Tn. design and the No wonder the town is talking about this new Chevrolet. The Education Department of the Woman's Club thanks all those who have delivered books from their libraries to The Swarthmorean, the Clubhouse; or called SW 6-0137 to have books collected for the "Books for Peace" project. Parts of the American LibrarY Association's Inng list appear each week in the Classified advertising section of this paper. Any book in the list will be much appreeiated. SUNDAY MOVIE TO AID POLIO DRIVE Trinity Contemplates Purchase Of Property of Chevrolet remains alone in the low- . price field with the proved economy" , • of valve-in-head $3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1950 Mightier Tlwn Swords DIMES HEALTH SOCIETYPLANS BUDGET The whQle town is finding this out: --~---- SWARTHMOREAN OF CO'MPANY. TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR inthe~.m~au~ ~ ~,-I 'l • , TBE 5WAK'lRMQBBAN 2 I = PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Doug_ las of North Chester road entertained as their week-end visitors their son and daughter-in-law Lt. 001. and Mrs. Robert H. Douglas, and family of Washington, D. C. Mrs. William H. Brown of Riverview road will entertain at a luncheon next Tuesday in honor Qf Mrs. Russell H. Kent, also of Riverview road who is moving in the near future to Merion. Florence Callaway of Elm avenue celebrated her seventh birth- Mrs. J. H. Jessup Qf IHaverlord matching flowers ..;,d gold leaves. avenue and her daUghter Mrs. Mr. CharieB Schroth served as, ere Charles E. LInCOln of Westdal~ best m..;, and the ushers "I avenue entertained at a tea pt the Mr. J. Richard Sadler, Mr. Richard LincOln bome Thursday. Payne of New York, Dr. Franklin Mrs. cn.ton G. Pllner of Balti- Massey of St. David's and Dr. Robmore visited her mother Mrs. P. ert Learning. L. Whitaker of Park avenue ~ A reception followed at the attended the Rowand - Noyes wed- Rolling Green Gall Club. The ding Saturday. bride's mother wore a gown of Sixteen friends joined Mr. and purple crepe with pink flowered Mrs. Samuel T. Carpenter at a hat. Her corsage was'of .pale lavcovered dish and housewarming ender orchids. The mother of the party at their home on Ogden av- bridegroom wore a gown of dark enue Sunday evening. blue velvet with hat to match. • Her corsage was of white orchids. day Saturday afternoon by entertaining 20 of her young friends at a party at her home. Mrs. Charles C. Brogan of Guernsey road entertained informally at a luncheon at the Ingleneuk on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel, , Ginny Peel, and Miss Betty MISS Van Nest of Columbia avenue spent the with Mr. sisters week-end Mrs. Wallace Van Peel's Nest and Miss Marjorie Peel of West Orange, N, J. Mrs. Ed win Hanford of Harrisburg entertained at a dinner party Thursday evening at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Nettie Ryder of Milford announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Edna Ryder of Wallingford, and Milford, to Mr. AIfred B. 'Montgomery, Jr., of Havertown and Ocean City, N. J., son o( Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery of Havertown. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Deacon of Riverview and Wellesley roads, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Joan C. Deao.on, and Mr. Donald Reese Aikens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Aikens of Bala-CynwYd. Miner of Spok..;,e, Wash., formerly of SwarthmOre, to Mr. John lJOucian Savage, took place J anuary 14 in Denver, Colo. 'Mr. and Mrs. Savage will travel to Mexico, India, Australia, Is- Knabb of Princeton avenue, in honor of Miss Jean Dickson of Princeton avenue, and Miss Dixie Hetzel of Thayer road, brides-tobe. The guests included Miss Judith Dickson, Miss Carol Hetzel, Miss Betty Cook. Miss Mary Jane Servais, Miss Kathleen Scott,!Miss Ann Bradford, Mrs. Edward Thomas of Swarthmore, Miss Mary Lee Hartzell and Mrs. John Damon of Wallingford, Mrs. Page M. Bullock of Witmiogton, Mrs. Pa, trick Welsh of Lansdowne, and Mrs. Walter Macfarlan of Woodbury,N.J. Dr. and Mrs. FIorace H. Hopkins of Crest lane entertained their bridge club at a dessert-bridge Fri- students at Ursinus College. Mr. and Mrs, Wilder H. Haines of Belmont, Mass., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Benita Haydn Haines, to Charles Richard Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Shaw Qf Park avenue. Miss Haines attended Antioch College, Boston University and the NUrsery Training School of Boston. Mr. Shaw served with the Office of War Information after which he graduated from Columbia. He is now doing graduate work at Columbia University and Is on the staff of the BrooklYn Public IJbrary. as ROWAND - NOYES Miss Frances Faber Noyes, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes of Parrish road, became the bride' of Dr. Robert Ellwood Rowand, Medical Corps, U.s.N., son of Mrs. Ellwood M. Rowand, Jr., of Elm avenue, on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop per- Beautiful Tone Bench To Match Entered as seJ>nd Class Matter, J"nuary 24, 11129, at the Post . Office at swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. 6-4584 DEAllLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Call Swarthmore l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , RUSSElL'S SERVICE "Bob" A SW' .6.0440 Owner ' Dartmouth & 'r~~~~"""~"""~=~iii~=~~""~"""~"""'~""'~-~=iii~=~~=~iii"""~~~iii~~~~~;;;;. Iii Mr. Savage is continuing his foreign consultation work. Upon returning to the United States, they wiII make their home at 1651 Dahlia street, Denver. The wedding was attended by Mrs. Miner's four children, Mrs. Thomas W. Hopper of Magill road, Mrs. Jean O'Connell of Franconia, Va., Mr. James Miner, Jr., of Spokane, and Capt. florenCe Miner, U.S.N.C. of Denver. Mr. Savage is the designer of the Boulder and Grand Coulee Dams, and also the Norris Dam iil Tennessee. tz Lafayette Aves. The' Bouquet. .... . BEJ\UTY SALON BEAUTY CHARMS THE BEAST Call Swarthmore 6-0476 9 Chester Road 11lI~~~~~~~;~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r- -. ---,_. .-- .--- COME DANCE FO!R THOS'J;" WHO CANT "" RUBES AND DUDES REEL To Be Given By THE YOUNG ADULTS GROUP of the 'I Swarthmore Presbyterian: For The Benefit Of The Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman, Jr., of Spring Mill Road, Vill- POLIO FUND ON FEBRUARY 4TH. FROM O'CLOCK ON AT THE PENN STATE8 CENTER Plain aJld Fancy Daneing , ' (Tax lnclnded) Special Floor Show ". $1.00 apiece , anova are being congratulated on the arrival of a son, Thmnas SinI c20air Ullman, on Friday, January in the Bryn Mawr Hospital. ;"pt""'11"""dett"1est=1Ht'""HrHt"'Q7'1t""'fHp::::(M'''""1H.....,esHt'"''Mt:1e-sH~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g- POLIO BENEFIT DANCE The baby is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston Sinclair, Jr., of "Hollowtree", Villanova, and 'Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of "ApplebrOok", Park aveDue. Sponsored by the DUCK CLUB fot the Benefit of THE MARCH OF Saturday February 18th - DIMES Penn State Center RUSS HANNAN'S ORCHESTRA ters Carol and Joan of Seaford, salin, fashioned with long fitted ing congratulationS upon the birth 9 P.M. 10 J" P.M. Delaware. bodice and full skirt with train. of a son, William Allen Brown, on Mrs. William E. Witham of Her finger tip veil Qf lliusion fell Pri,ce $3.00 per. couple (including tax) January 5 in the New Haven HosSwarthmore Crest attended the from a band featuring clusters of pital. and the eatlre proceeds (except the tax) above the,s \ Women's Annual Luncheon of the orange blossoms. She carried go 10 the POLIO FUND Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin Gibson, phiiadelphia Council of Churches gardenias and white lilacs. Jr., of Toronto, Canada, are reon Thursday and heard a talk Mrs. J., Richard Sadler of ceiving congratulations on the Support the Polio Drive and have fun. doing it! given by Mrs. Mildred McAfee Springfield was matron of honor Tickets on sale at MICHAEL'S, BUCHNER'S and the MUSIC , Horton. • for her sister, and the bridesmaids birth of a daughter, Deborah, on January 23. BOX or from one of the authorized ticket soUcl1ors Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Franck were Miss Doris Cummings of The new bahies are the grandand sons Larry and MartY of Cor- Haddonfield, N.J., Mrs. Robert nell avenue entertained at open Leam'ing of Philadelphia, Mrs. Wil- children of Mr. and Mrs. William rM~_~_:;_~_~_~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~= : ; 7 , ==., ~ouse Friday for the children of liam Weinbardt Qf East IJverpool, H. Brown of Riverview road. • the neighborhood and their par- Ohio. and Mrs. Charles Schroth of ents to see urailroads on parade", Haddon Heights, N. J.t sister of , FOR Mrs. Walter N. Mair of South the bridegroom. They wore gowns MAGAZINE Chester road is entertaining at a of gold satin which featured fitted SUBSCRIPTIONS tea today in honor of Mrs. Ax- bodices with square necklines and I Mrs· Lloyd E. Kauffmmt thur W. Hoch of 730 Yale avenue full skirts. They carried bouquets and Mrs. Warren Warden of 731 of deep red carnations and heather, Yale avenue, newcpm.ers to and their hooddresses were of Swarthmore 6-2080 Swarthmore. .. NN AN,ClENI PROFESSION ~~~;;~~;;;;~~~;;~il~~~~~~~~~~~~~;! ~ ~;I~e~V~~~~;n=~a:e~b:,,,! College Theatre Presbyterian Church and their parents on Sunday afternoon. Friday and Saturday Rosalind Russell Robert CummJngs SWAR'l"IIMORE COLLEGE FACULTY PLAY IN 'Clothier Memorial January 27 and 28 - 8:15 P.M. Admission $1.00 Purchased at door only in ''TELL' IT TO THE .JUDGE" Feature times Saturday 6:00, 8:00 and 10:00 p. m. Saturday Matinee Special Children's Show 1:00 p. m. Western, Serial and Cartoons Sunday, January 29 Special Show for Benefit of March Of Dimes J. Arihur Rank's "QUARTET" All proceeds will go 10 the Swarthmore quota of the March Of Dimes. Admission price - any contribution. Monday and Tuesday Barbara .Hale Boberi y _ Baltimore . PIke, SprIndIeId. PII. Phcme ~ 8-M5I , . in "AND BABY IIIAKEi 'J'IIRBB" . MEDIA Thursday, Friday, Saturday Alan: Lada - Donna Reed 'fessions.. It 'had,its beginning more than four th9~d years ago, and bas beea pract1ced in doc form. or anether ever since. The. modem drug ..., 1I store bears little resemblance to .~ the apothecary of old. Yet, today's pharmacist is inspired by the same honertIDle principles that gQven;led the conduct of his f'orebears. The pharmacls,t's ~ef ihterest, now as then, is the relief of suffering and the pn>longation Qf life. PrescriptionS i:OIDC b in 01U store. Your doctor'may not like W re<:Otnmend ~icular:J:'haimacy;, but he ANTONlCA FAIRBANKS TEACHER OF PIANO 234 Park Avenue Swarthmore- 6-4910 anY will never ccmplaja if you bring his prescriptions to us. " Trinity Church • Feb. 1.6 Sittings 5:1~, 6:15, 7:15 P.M. ' A d u l t s ,z.VO ~hUw-en 10: $1.00' TIckets, constituting reservations, obt";",,ble from Mrs. Walker Penfield. =. . =. . =.:. . . ~-=~F""':-=U=~:==.:. . . ==. . :""'~~-~:""":"""=....: '" :" "=u: " "~" "~" ":.... ~=~~ Dr. Waldo Fisher of Guernsey , road will be honored Monday Janpresbyterian Notes Cherub's Choir rehearses Saturday uary 30, at a dinner given in his Sunday' morning at the 11 morning at 10:15. The Chapel honor by the California institute of o'clock service, David Van Dyek, Choir rehearSes Thursday even- Technology in Los Angeles, Calif. shIdent minister from Princeton ing at 7,:45 o'clock. T·hat evening Dr. Fisher will Theological Seminary, iwiIl be the Mr. and Mrs. J.' B. Millard Ty- present an, address on "The Expreacher. The topiC for his ser- son at the Harvard avenue panding Role of Government and mon is "What Kind of SoU". . trance and Mr. and Mr•. C. C. Mar- Labor in the American Economy". The Women's Bible Class meets tin at the driveway-transept After graduating from Oolumat 9:30 on Sunday morniiig. Mrs. entrance will assist Mr. Van Dyck bia University, Professor Fisher Frank L. Reynolds will be in in greeting the congregation' after began his graduate work at the charge of the program, the services this Sunday morning. University of Pennsylvania from The Men's Bible Class and the The Thursday evening devotion- which he subsequently received Primary, Junior-High and Sen- al period from 5:35 to 6 o'clock is the degree of Master Qf Arts and ior Departments pf the ~ Church held in the Church and aU are Doctor of Philosophy. He has School .meet at 9:45. The Nursery welcome who wish to pause for been a member of the Faculty of and Beginner's Departments meet that midweek time of prayer and the Wharton School and has taught at . \ 1 . ' silen~e. • Industrial Relations since 1920. The Coffee Hour will be held The Philadelphia Presbyterial He served as immediately following this morn- Prayer Meeting will be held Fri- of the Staff at Uniing worship on Sunday, in the day, February 3 at the Greek Hall ted. States Coal Commission Parish House. All are invited. of the John Wannamaker Store at and 01 the International Labour The Girl Sl:Outs meet on Monday 10:30 a. m. Office in Geneva, Switzerland. He at the Parish House. The Mrs. Donald Hibbard will speak ~as C:hairman of various groups Boy Scouts m~et Thursday even- on "Japan" - "A Stream to a Thils- mcluding the Committee on Priing at 7:30. ty Land." ces in the Bil!Uninous Coal Industry, tP,e Committee on Govern. The Woman's Association SewMethodist Notes mental Price Fixiilg, and Maning Day, in charge of Circle 1, Mrs. The Sunday School meets at power C~uncil of PhiladelphiaCh8l'les W. Lukens, chairman will 9:45. The Young Adults meet at Camden Areas. be held Wednesday Fe,?ru~ 1, 10 in the Ladies' Parlors. Dr. Flsber, who left Thursday at 10 a. m. at the Church. BeverThe. topic of the sermon at the morning will return February 6. ageWlll be served. 11 o'clock service is "OUr Falth in The Jtmior Choir rehearses Bible." Thursday afternoon ,at 3:30. The theThe U$ers for the day are D. Polio G~up Shows I Church Services Ch~ch i I :es:....s!=ft::1p::(..........,!=I!=J-q=rt={~ OUR POLICY en- Bring Your Car In Soon I DR. FISHER HONORED _________ 3 entertained thts week-end their were enroute to Wilmington 10 son and daughter-in-law Mr. and attend a wedding. Mrs. Robert Shaw Bowditch and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rutherford FILET OF ' both of Worcester, Mass., who ROASIl' BEEF DINNER I YOU WILL RECEIVE THE SAME CAREFUL AND COURTEOUS SERVICE AS IN THE PAST their week-end visitors their son- formed. the ceremony. in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. The bride, given in marriage by Mr. and-Mrs. William H. Brown, •Tames A. Kelley and twin daugh- her father, wore a gown of ivory Jr., of Milford, 'Conn., ar~ receiv- Mrs. Olarence C. Franck of Cor- 8'VARTHMORI!, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1950 ~t=<,"",=O=<=Hj-l/-vid Van Dyck will . preach on ''What kind of Soil'r' 6:00 P.M.-Yo~ Adults Group. 6:30 P.M,.-Young People's Fellowship. ' MtrHODIST CHURCH Roy"N. Keiser, D. D., MInister Sunday, January 29 g:~5 A.M.-Church 'ScloooL 10:00 A.M.-Young Adults 11:00 A.M.~'l;he topic of the sermon will 'be, "Our Faith· in 1ib.e tBible". 6:00 P.M.-Youth FelliOlwship PrE$byterian -.Church. ' , TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector Sunday, January 29 8:00 A.M.-Holy Commimion. 9:45 A.M.-Church School. 11:00 A.M.-.Morning Prayer. The Rector will preach. 6:30 P.M.-Young People's Fellowship at P,resbyterian. Church. 6:210 P .M.-Canterbury Cluh. Th1U'llCby, Febi-uary 2 . (Purification) 10,00 A.M.-Holy·Communion. D. Dickinsun, Edward H. Alston, F. Behenna, D. W. Dickinson and J. F. Hamilton. The Cb:urch Nursery is open during the morning .service. Priscilia Allen and Mrs. J ohnH. Pitman will .be in charge. Th~ Youth Fell!'wshlp ""lets at 6:30 m the Presbr..erlan Chprch. The Jl!nior Choir rehearsal Is on Thursday eveninli at 6:30; the Boy Scouts met at i in the Social Hall, and the. Senior Choir rehearses at 7:45: . The OffiCIal 'Board holds its monthly meeting on Friday evening at 8 in the church • Appreciation At the regular weekly meeting .of the Swarthmore Rotary Club at the Ingleneuk today Dr. John W. Nason will receive 500 Holland bulbs from Mrs. Richard Bennet . former president at the Delaw~e County Plllio Parents Cluh• The gift Is being made in appreciation of the 'USe of theoSwarthmore Gollege women's swimming pool where polio victims swim each Saturday morning during tbJ> win· ter.' Presentation will be made by Veronica Seitz one of those who has been enjoying the pool. Christian Science Notes ~'Lqve" is the subject of the Les_ son-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, January 29. The Golden Tex.t is: ''The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea; I have loved thee with an, everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee." (Jeremiah 31:3.) 1110's. Agnes M. Sheldon .of Og- THE RELIGIQUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDs saturday, January 28 1 to 3-Quarterly !Meeting Ministry and Counsel - Whlttier House. 3:00' P.M.-Concoro. Quarterly Meeting - Meeting House. Supper served in Whittier House. 7:00 P.M.-Evening meeting addressed by William Sollman of Pondle Hill. Sunday, January 119 9:45 A.M.-First Day School. 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum led by ,Dr. William Hordern of Swarthmore College on The Essence Of, Religion - The .Christian View 11:00 A.JI.-,Meellng for Worship. Visitors Welcome. Mouday, January 30 Sewing in Whittier House tor the AF.S.C. . WednesollQ', Feb. 1 All. day MWinI and qulltlqtor the A:F.s.C. ,- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIZNTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue, below Harvard Sl1JIdq, Jmuary I. 11:08 A.lI.-Sunday. SchooL 11:00 A.M. LIISIDD .. SWiDOll '''Love". . . ,Wednesday evening me!ting each' week, 8 p.m. Readln!l room open ~ ~t 'Sunday i2 to 5 p.m. Wednesday evenlnllll '1 to '1:50. p.m.8JId 11.10 9:30. \ •\ All arrangements In regard to costs arB made with the tvl' understanding of the family. They;know the exact service to be rendered and the total cost involved. , Our long experience has demonstrated the absolute falmen at this method. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO.' DllicrORS 0'· FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET' TelephDne R16-1581 MARY A. BAlR, P,esld'" PLANT Rug Cleaning Is BETTER Rug Cleaning 'rne READER'S DIGEST says: _"CAUTION: Be verY careful, In advertising or personal solicitation, not to claim more than you can deliver. O:t-the-ftoor clean.. ing is NOT the equivalent of plant cleaning, and should not. be . claimed to be." .. For excellent PLANT rug cleaning, cali , ,(Pt\"J~~11 V: Com1?~!2I~ lO\~ P.r,.k AVf" .• S'V.T!~J'more. Pa. CL ~arbrook 9-4646 SWarthmore 6-6000 BUY\ >yith CONFIDENCE - Buy at PAULSON'S • To Head Cancer Drive den avenue has accepted the chairmanship of the American Cancer drive in Swarthmore. The campaign will run in April. News Notes Mrs. 'John Bowditch, Jr., of Cedar lane spent a few days of last week ,visiting her son-in-law Friends Meeting Notes and daughter Lt. and Mrs. George Concord Quarterly Meeting O. Bennett of Groton, Conn. meets at Swarthmore this SaturMiss Virginia Rath of Yale day, January 28. The afternoon avenue will entertain .her sister session begins at 3 and the even- Miss Gertrud With, and Miss Helen ing mee~, a lecture by William Cole, both 'of the Masters School Sollman; begins at 7, both in the at Dobb'sFerry, N.Y., for the Meeting House. week-end. The, Sunday Morning Forum Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Kent S~ies cOntinues on "Insights Into ?f Riv~rview road are ent,:"tainReligion". Dr. William HOTdern mg theIr son and daughter-m-law of ife department of phUosophy Mr. an~ Mrs. La~ce S. Kent and religion at Swarthmore College and .children C~, Roger and begins the serieS' on ''The Essence Laune-Lou of Qumcy, III., and of Religions _ The Christian vieiv" Miss Lela Ross of Rushville, III. All are welcome. • Mr. and Mrs. K~t were entertained Wednesday evening with a small party given by Mr. Kent's Trinity Notes sister, Miss Barbara Kent, and Holy Communion will be cele- again. Thursday evening with a brated at 8 a: m. Church School party in their honor by Mr. Kent'. will meet at 9:45 a. m. At the 11 brother and sister-in-law'1I4r. and a .m. service of Morning Prayer Mrs. Kent, Jr., of Springfield. the Rector will preach. Young PeoMr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., ple's Fellowship will meet in the Presb)'terian Church at 6:30 p.m. ' There will be a meeting of the Marge and Dot Canterb~ c:J.ub' at 6:45 p. m. Casserole Caterinl in the church The boys serving Service as a~'Ies are: 8' a. iii. - Kenneth sPECIALIZING IN Wyse; 11 a. m. William McHenry, . Dana Swan and Barry Patton. t.aN'beena Ushers for the 11 a. m. service are: Buffet S~ A. H. Knabb, Iiead. usher, W~L. CoGIdaII PartI_ Cleaves, J. W. Jones, S. D. ReyCall nolds, J',B. BulIitt, S. B. Blowsier, Dot Belfield -' Swa. 8-1973 H. B. Spackman and W. H. RanMar~ Hurd Swa. 8-3138 dall. Choir School will meet on Mon- goes "all out" for new 1950 There's no doubt about it: this is a "Chevrolet town "I And the new 1950 Chevrolets introducinl1 Powerl1lide automatic drive and new beautyleader stylinl1 insidl! and out-will keep it sol ' A visit to our showroom wili reveal why the new Chevrolets have a~oused so much enthusiasm. A ride in a new Chevrolet will explain why everyone's callinl1 Chevrolet's Powergllde automaticdrive the greatest new-car feature in years 1 Don't take our word for this-take time to come in and see for yourself how Chevrolet has .RUMSEY CHEVROLET made a great car.even greuter! , . , ' Yale and Rhtgers Avenues Swarthmore 6-2463 - 6-1439 , • • 'J: B ZS W A. IS 4 or If M 9 IS • AN Harriet GUbert of Park avenue d fr retumed home Wednes ay om Vermont JUJlior College, Monf>.. peller, vt., where she bad join~ classmates for a week-end of skI- When Snow falls: judith Ann Hollander 01. Ogden avenue entertained at a surprise supper party IIor 12 in hooor of Christitm Scientists H ear B aston Leeturer. Barby Heath who moved last .week Margaret Morrison, C. S. of from Cedar lane to Marinette Boston, Massachusetts, a member W· of the Board of Lectureship of The ing at Stowe, Vt. J&C. Mother Church FIrst Church. of • __ .ft • • nnn-..-r.uJt:LTA......w-~J.7G..ct07..£f.JOQ:Tq· 'Christ, Scientist', in Boston, :Mas&o achusetts, deliyered a lecture entitled, Christian Science; the Pathway of Light, under the auspices FURTHER DRASTIC REDUCTIONS of FIrst Church of Christ, Scientist, Swarthmore, in the church edifice, on Monday evening, January 23. ON REMAINING WINTER STOCK lituart H. Chapman, former First w. plow Ihe sid•• as .en al I ••• P tho cent.. Reader of the chuch, Introducl'd .. the .troet. That help. bep 011 traill, moving. the lecturer, who said In part, "The first command from God given in the Bible is, ''Let there be light," . and the record reads, "There was Ught." It further states that "God Sfiw the llght, that it was good." In the llght that was good the entire creatinn of God was seen to be good and very good. "As In the realm of the physical sense light only can dispel dark• ness so In the mental realm spirit.. (Some Were Up To $29.95) You can halp UI k •• p tho ,Ido Ian •• cloa, by pilla .. ual understanliing only can dispel ,Idewalk Inow noar tho curb-not fn Ih. roadwa". the darkness of materiality, or that mental ignorance which is called matter• • "It has been said of Jesus that "first he wrQught and then he Whenever it snows. PTe puts up an all-out fight to keep traffic moving taugJ:tt" (Chaucer). This may also all over Philadelphia. be said about the Discoverer and Our big snowplows can do a thorough job on all streets used by trolleys and buses except where park~ au~mobiles block t!te way. That's. why Founder of Christian Science, , we ask motorists not to park lD streetcar and bus line streets until the Mary Baker 'EddY. For some snowplows have had a c~nce to ge~ there. I'arke4 cars .prevent the plows ' years after her healing, which from doing a lhorough Job. Motonsts' co-operation will be Bpprec:tated_ came about through the llght of underst;mding thrown on a record of healing In the Bible, she studied if _no wi\.., Jto., "ur aIdwaIk. o......,.lion con f,. rIvng ..._ , _.-dC"!" Ie o~ ~ consecratedly the words and worla of Jesus, of the prophets. \ and apostles, and proved, by many works of healing, the truth of her discovery .bellore she gave it to the world In the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." "P01(erty Is always lpld only a mental argument, a false concept, I , COATS HALF PRICE Special Group Of, DRESSES -$7.00 Both of us will get there Faster! • 13 South Ch.ster. Road Swarthmore T._ an- Philadelphia Transportalion (a. ..........._---- , < Why Should a Dollar's Worth of Travel Continue to Cost you$l~? • never a real condition or fact, and " !heretore must be healed mentally through spiritual enlightenment. Matter never brought enlightenment on any subject, so no ,amount of money or material wealth of any kind will heal' the belief of poverty. ~. . "Christ Jesus never made a' theoretical, merely philosophical, or sentimentallY religious statement. HIs statements are declarations ot law, to be understood, obeyed, and demonstrated. He gave the perfect remedy for poverty for all time and all peoples for nations as well as individuals' In that oft-quoted statement the law of God: "Seek ye first t?e kingdom of God, and hiS righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." As God is MInd, the kingdom Of God Is just the kingdom ot MInd. ' "It Is God's will that we should be free from care and anxletybuoyant and joyous in activity. Not that we 'l"'Y indulge our physical sense or gratify merely material . desires, but that we should reflect .~d, glorify good, and grow SPU'ltuallY.lnto freedom from the trammels of materIality,'" • / , oi , I " "IS THIS TRIP NECESSARY?" you were asked i~ 1941, when every inch ofspace was , needed for troops and war supplies. To discourage travel then, a tax was· added on your travel dollar, a tax that grew to 15% during the war. The Federal Government collected it through the railroads. The Government still €ollects it, though your travel need not be rationed now. Today, the originai purpose of this tax is as obsolete as an Air Warden's helmet. But, four years aft~r the w!r's end, YOU are still paying the Government at the rate of ~Z50' 000,000 a . I year m travel tax. ,And, of the billion and three quarters collected since 1941, over halfcame out of )lOur pocket after the green li\tht on travel went on again. Eastern \ You don't have food rationing today. '.' you don't have gasoline rationing today. Yet, a very real brake is still being put. on travel. On a coach trip from New York to Chicago, for example, YOU are still J!l:rying $4,61 in Federal tax. . And the same with the goods-that are shipped to your home community. On every dollar you pay for freight, yqu pay the Government an extra 3 cents (4¢ a ton on coal). That means YOU are still paying over $300,000,000 a year -freight tax alone., * * * This tax should be repealed NOW. There is no lon~er any reason you should pay $1.15 for every dollar's worth of travel ••• $1.03 for every dollar of railroad freight. ilroads IU LIBERTY STREET • MWYORK '. N. Y. -, News Notes • Mr. and Mrs. A. :JI. Van. Alen of Park avenue visited their BOnIn-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. John W, Taylor, Jr.; of Baltimore on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. GI17 of Wallingford Hills 'will attend the graduation Of their daughter Mrs. Charles F. Frederick Jr., who wDl receive a Bachelor of Science degree from Buckn~U University on Saturday, February 4. Mrs. William E. Witham of Swarthmore Crest visited her son Capt. Philip_ Witham ot Metuchen. N.J. last Sunday. Mrs. Walter N. Moir ot South Chester ,road ~th her smaIl daughter Joan will leave SundI17 for a visit of ... tew days W:lth her sister-in law Mrs. ITohn A. Moir / NASON SPEAKS ON WORLD PEACE On Friday evening, J anllllIY' 13, the Mother's Club of Swarthmore , held the annual Father's Night at the woman's Clubhouse. After a covered dish supper Dr. John Nason, president of Swarthmore College, spoke on "Six Major Formulae for World Peace." In his talk Dr. Nason said, In effect, that a preventive war with Russia would' create a terrible holacaust while a pacifist approach gives religous, groups an opportunity to be leaders. The results of fighting are always worse than not fighting, Dr. Nason asserted. The united Nations, he contin- SCHOOL NEWS BY STUDENTS Cablne~ RePOrts Last week in a special ass nobly of all senior high pupUa, the Student Government of the High School gave a report of progress over the first half-year of the current session. The Cabinet, as it Is called, is' a legislative body, functioning within the limits of formal constitutijln. The 'legislation it passes Is Ifut'into effect by a , chairman. "fickets may ,be obtained snn,plify and ,?ake finan~~ .. liee from Mrs.' Walker Penfield, 430 eaSIer ~e question of ch8l'lty if Riverview road all the money was collected at To facilitate o~der and efficlency one time. A special co~ttee there will be three sittings: 5:15 was set up to examine this app. m." 9:15 p. m., and 7:15 p. m. In .proach. . this way, no one group will be The comnuttee, under the cap__ crowded , 'servl'ce'will b e more-rap- able d'd leadership of. Warren Gold, id, and food piping hot Guests I "lIo excellent Job and helP84l should state, when buying tickets, make ~ new method a success. preference for s·tting CommIttee members were chosen Mrs. H. GibSO~ is to',be in charge in the individual ~OCialJ studies of the dining room, and decora- tChlasses. h The ~Ir.n:'ttee, made a tions will be d -t> M:r W oroug exammatlon of many Charle!i, Hogg. ~~: f~ p:';par~ chari~es and finally decided to ation chairman Is, Mrs. Winthrop CO?tr~bute to the C.oncer, TIl~­ Wright with clean-up under the di- CU:0SIS , Hea;t DISease" Pollo, rection of Mr Willi' 'P tt Crippled Children, Community s. am a on. Ch t dRedC . ti Mrs. Robert M. Perce Is charge of es an ross ons. publiCity. Mrs. C. Worst will'be Each homeroo,? was gwen a busy at the last minute collectiug quo~. P<\sted m ~e bomeroomS borne-made awle - I were charta recording the amount ____P_'_es_._, of money collected. Each Individualwas asked to donate $1.50. Elected Two homerooms In the twelfth Warren D. Johnson of Notting- and eleventh grades and one in ham was elected President of the the seventh reached and'surpa3Sed National Turkey Federation at the their quota. The whole high Convention held January 6 at school has collected $600, so far. Mlnneapall,s, Minn. The atten- The twelfth grade homeroom of dance at the Convention this year Mrs. Mathews held a bake sale was 4050. which raised a large proportion of Mr. Johnson is the son of S. W. their quota. Other homerooms Johnson of Amherst avenue. did simUar projects. of herbrldge club at a lunebecobridge at her holM 'l'Vepll17. • f,ar_"lerF t 5 9 WHAT A LOVELY ~ BUT ITS NOT NEW. I JUST PAIIIlED IT WITH BREAKFAST SO I m~ 1IFFY.(WIEl. old bank U. W. F. • Now is the time for action. Join the Delaware County Chapter before current bills come out of committees for Senate and House action. To receive an invitation to a House Meeting, phone Howard Hopson SW 6-0292. To Join, phone Willard Tomlinson SW 6~2022. UNITED WORLD .fEDERALISTS The man we seldom see. • • Swarthmore National Bank • & Trust Co. Now You can buy U. S. Savings Bonds autoDtlltiOBlIY' rough the new 'Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at tlIis 3aDit Member of Federal Deposit Insuranc" Corporation buildll~Ci Get the out-ahead style and , sensational savings of a ReID I950 Studebaker new-car savings! Come in and jot them down item by item-the si%8ble savings you can make on 'gas, on oil, on repair bills, by driving a new 1950 Studebakerl What's more, this low, long, alluring Studebaker is nnriiisQlkably out , • • • • your pencil and get SHARPEN ready to total up a big list of ~ Court House, N. J. Mrs.' Pearl Ba8tlanof 200 South avenue entertained the me , ; . - . Swarthmoreans are reminded that this year's Care Drive has been scheduled around the end of March. This Is not to be confused with the United Charities Drive. various administrative committaes ot Cape Swarthmore avenue entertained at open house from 3 to 10 on Sundl17•. Mrs. A. H. Knabb of Prlnclrton It Is felt that the United Charitties Drive bas been a success. iHowever, qonations will be gladly received. PupUs may make their contributions by sending them to Mr. Duncan, the Swarthmore School treasurer, at the High School. and boards. Accomplishments of the past half-year Include develop- Study Small Child ment of boards whose duty it- Is In Homemakiug Class to see that high standards are upheld by students and student orGirls of the ninth grade class in ganizations. This year the Cabhomemaking at the Swarthmore inet has grown Into an efficient High School are :undertaking a and well planned organization. It study of the small child as a part has extended its services where of their regular work. The study they have been needed, and withued, is an international machine drawn them wheh no longer ls being directed by teacher of homemaking Mabel Ewing, with which has made a great step me cooperation of tbe College forward toward a world forum. necessary. A world government such as the The underlying philOSOPhy of 0\.venue kindergarten teacher Mrs. Uni\ed World Federalists he said, Swarthmore High School's Stu- Robert Enders. presents a merger ot many small dent Government Is that everY groups. Dr. Nason also feit that individual has a right to particiAt the present time they are the plan of Ely Culbertson wonldpate in Cabinet activities ,and that studying the kindergarten chUdren abolish all veto emphasizing the student government should be by visiting the kinderilarten1llld relative, sizes of powers represen-, completely democratic. One of the observing the children at work ted, and that an Atlantic Union highest honors a student can and at play. Each girl will obwoul!! ,not sabotage the United Na- receive Is to be ,elected by his serve for a total of 'nine hours. tions but Instead act as a supple- classmates, to represent the stu- Each one, will specialize on a child ment to this organization. dent' body. ' This is true because study his behavior pattern, and Dr. ,Nason then charged the as Cabinet president Ray Den- then submit a report on her obparents with, the necessity for worth said at the close of his servations. each of them to know the pro- speech in the school auditorium: Under the direction of the posals. He urged their knowing "Representatives should be leacher an outline of study has the formulae for peace and the elected to Cabinet because they been prepared and there is readimportance of their doing con- 'have an interest In working to Im- ing to be undertaken and an instructive work toward the winning prove conditions around them, the dividual project to be developed. of these goals for world peace. ability to thInk~ act, and lead, and As the course develops it is Pea~e he said depends upon law the most import')"t of all, because anticipated that Dr. J. Albright and law depends upon govern- they have high character and a Jones, Borough Health Officer, ment. willingness to strive against all will come to the class, bringing Dr. Nason presented his talk In opposition to attain nltlmate children of various ages, and talk his usual forceful manner show- worthy goals," of chUd development. It is hoped ing deep interest. and' thorough, Combined Charttles Drive also that three mothers will ackno\yledge of the facts presented. Swarthmore High is winding up cept the invitation of the class its first combined charities drive. ·to bring their small children under Trinity Plans Filet Dinner Previous to this time Individual one year of age and discuss the Tr " collections were made throughout care, feeding, habits, sleep, rest. Chthurcdaht~ces Feb- the Year as the national campaigns toileting and bathing of infants ru aryiml'tyOas, e, e for Its FIlet ot . -th th lass ' ro8St 'beef dinner. of the organizations Were going on. WI e ,C , Mrs. Joseph' f!.eytiolds Is general -~he students decided tba~ it would - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . 15 TBE SWAKTHMOBSAN ,I~ARY 27, 1950 JANUARY Z1, 1150 ahead in style. It's the "next look'! in ears-the fresh new kind of designing that tells everyone you know that You're driving a real 1950 model. Stop in now. Go out for a ride in this newest and finest Studebaker. Get behind the wheel and drive it. ' Get the convincing proof that it's America's top value in a new carl ,FUSCO & ALSTON ~"'iER ~o~:::s~ , H. D. , SIPLER, 11 80tJm CiI&iiU 0 " ' , BWAiiii"iiKca. • , '1ANUARY Z7, 1150 'J:.BE G Mrs M urice Griest of Elm av- \ Cornell avenue spent a few. days INJURED ~UNDAY CRASH . daMrs Roy S Lalimer of of last week in New York City. en\le an . • A collision between two automobiles at Cedar lane and Swarthmore avenue at 8:45 Sunday DlOrD- Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. Bd>insoIl of College avenue left Wednesday by automobile for Florida. ,They will tour the west coast and Dr. Robinson will spend three or four days fishing before their return I SALE 631or:~~~...~ beingl;th~e~en~d~o:t~Feb::ru:ary:~.----~~¥~;:~~=7~=7;;;;;;;;~ "NOW I KNOW WHY IT'S CALLED SUPREME BREAD" Richer and more nutritious, more milk, more shortening, more sugar, and no chemical softeners. It surely has Jlospitalized J..Ollowing lUe accident io willcn the car of Harry weissman of Philadelphia reportedlY came through the stop sign on Cedar lane and struck the ngllt rear Qf the car' of Mrs. SwarthmOre, Pa. Telephone swarihmore 8-11881 WESTERN UNION OFFICE AND FREE PABKING ~4e ~:ig:t:a~, :;~ ~~g~;y~ bruises and two other sons Ever-: et!, Jr. up. 15 and Robert .13 were shaken Weissman was held under bond by Magistrate Morris Smith for turther hearing pending outcome of injuries. A Host of popular Brands Libby's California Cling PEACRES Z~~!~4~c Luadou. Halve. or Slice' ~Fruit CocktaU ~~ Tomato Juice ~,.. Pineapple Juice ... or V~etarlgn '" ~iZ5C ... -16 ...... ~O ~ .. ,,,., Z .... ~ ... coni Acme Graded A Quality Beef Ib7SC Sirloin, T-bone or Porterhouse Saup Be-e-:f-;-.... =PI:::.= ..~-:I;:-.2=5-C;";S::h-o-rt:-:R\:=b;:-s::-::0-;f":";B;:eet:-::' ,. 3Sc ". ....IIIfW'.I~51c Lamb's Liver ON. III 'iii 41 c Sausage w.lI_d· FlU.', F'f'WI Petk • llu 5··apple wIt• FeU.'s ....,irI... rta•• ,1I23c La mb Roast S.cut.1I111L 111145 c.. Mu.tI SmaUHams bn.... , Stewing"Chi"kens G:"~:"r.A" S..ok.cll_ncasl. or Whole or othor popular Shaoklo" Half C Ib ......-KU... .Ib" up LARGE JERSEY BUTTER'ISB -_. S3 37 Ib Ib C 15c 5 ;::, 35c I Strawberries ........... 29c EMPEROR GRAPES C41IKorala 2 Ib,2Sc Fancy Gradt A Dry Cured SlIeed NEW LOWER PRICES Largo 8ra"· .. Whllo .. .. S' EGG, red lISCO BACON~k'!' Z9c Sharp Mild Cheese Pabst-ett Glendale Club CRAX 'U·""'" CI'IIken carton "mtrJ~a". of 12 , Sll.e" Seal ~,ton EGGS ./1' 41!! c ~ 1065c .. 49c 2.10 pk, 87c c:= C/l ~~ s~:~,oom Ibprl." Richland Butter. gJJld ~arl Enriched . FLOUR AIt;=::I~;" ,025c Bu".. 73c 1"""7Ic ~~ 3SC: 1£~ 73c Try It under our own bfanda guoranfH BEST, PURE LARD ,.!\'.II4c More Outstanding Values Fancy, Whole Kernel, Golden ACME CORN 2 ~"n,2 SHIRTS LAUNDERED 18 Cents ' WE SPECIALIZE in EVENING DRESSES. RUG SPECIAL $3.95 9 x l~ Domestic 3 DAY SERVICE 29c I those,wor:-n tires NOW for new II ..!' ..;;N~'I~'i;..;;O;;F.·.;;n==BB::.;p:;A:-:UN:::G:.._ _ _ _ _ L______..;.Pl;;;,;;; ... WE BUY THE UNUSED MILEAGE IN YOUR OLD TIRES ••• ALL YOU PAY FOR ON A TRADE-IN IS THE· use;f ' ." .. , ADDED MILEAGEI NON-SKID SAfETY AND BEmR. BLOWOUT PROTECTION 'COSTS yOU NOTHING EXTRAI ~~~~~~~~~~ FUSCO & ALSTON f' m CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS PHONE SWARTHlIIORE 8-3881 • • may be ohtainedhy camng- Mrs. John Cornog, S.. 6-1845.· followed at the home of Mrs. l~~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~ fred G. Hill on Country Club lane, ~pHHHHHM~HHHMH~ Mr. and Mrs. Jolm C. Moore Wallinilford. painters Of Since 1905 Distinctive interiors and gogds, and Sons Charles and' Bill of ExterIors glass and chlina ware. Call Clies- Bethesda, Md., formerly of CUNNINGHAM Seniors Seek Costwnes Color Ideas - Arrangements ter 2-6238. visited Mr. and l\Irrs. Palntera & Paper Haugers The senior "'lass of Swarthmore W. Alfred Smith of Amherst aveStyled For You We should know how Priced for You nue Sunday. Charles and Bill High School is seeking costumes Swa. 6-Z266 Mich1pn Ave, are ~udents at, the University of for use in its February 11 presenGRanite '-3858 ~_~. Pennsylvania. Mrs. Moore visited tation of the play ''The B,omotl!. I':..~o~=~~'""~~""~""~~~~il=i~""~""'~"':=>-'~~ wife, Paulsen Decorators of Wimpole Street". It will be ap~ friends in Swarthmore until :"baby, residents since 1923 Driveway Co_oOon desire 2 bedroom Thursday and was 'guest of honor preciated If friends having suitOnly duPont's '& Dev~iS May. If yoil have or at a luncheon-meeting of "The able ganneJrts to lend will leave Asphalt or Concrete Paints please call them at the high school office Scribblers" given by Mrs. RayPETER DI NICOLA mond W. Perkins of Secane on between 9 a.m. and ~ p.m. Wednesday. Phone SW!'rthmore 6-2528 Mrs. J. A. WilSon of Dartmouth and Mrs. H. i~~~~~i:;i~~~~~g of Mr. Riverview roadRussell entertained avenue is confined to the Hahne_ I mann Hospital, Philadelphia. Kent's brother Lt. Colonel lenll"Y I JAMES E. LAMB J, BROs.... Century , Mr. and Mrs, E. j. Faulkner of T. Kent of Riclun!>nd, V,:,. and Resources, Dickinson avenue entertained All 'J~.~' lit h. ..-,-,/~ weekend. PLUMBING AND BEATING Bargaining Works, members of the College Faculty Mrs. 'lI'illiam E. Het~l, Jr., of Registered in Swarthmoce - Yankee Thompson,Train V. _ The Mus- I Tennis group at their home '!'ues- Thayer road entertained her club Dial Chester 38106 Thompson, D. - Pol- day evening. at a luncheon-bridge at her home • MOOt . . . . ,KIIIIS Tbayer - American Mrs, Rohert W. Deacon of River• WAU 0 •• FlOOI (OVnIIHlS Tuesday. Fire; Sullivan - view and Wellesley roads left last Mari¥' Karns, daughter of Mr. an American, Our Thursday on a motor trip south to and Mrs. George Karns of .Welles• I\(W COIISTlUeTIO. - In the Name of PE'I'ER E· TOLD _ Intercultural visit relatives in St. Petersburg, ley road,· has been appointed All Lines Of Insurance • ALTERAnOIlS ... II"'U of an American" Our PIa. She was accompanied by her chairman of the senior prom at - Teeftallow; Stowe - daughter Joan and Donald R. Smith College. Marian was in 333 Dartmouth Avenue BROTHERS, 1ft, !Remains. Leave at kens of Bala-Cyo·Vlyd, on mid- charge of decorations for the Swarthmorean ofSwarthmore, Pa. Contrac1ora ar.d Build.,. 6c 0137 for collec- semester vacation from Ursinus junior prom held at the college College. The engagement of Miss 392, Gayley Street • PVfedi., ... year. Deacon and Mr. Aikens has been last ,Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Daugherty of i FOB SALE Dickinson avenue will entertain ~~p~bo~ne~:~M;e~.~~&;..4oJ8l~~~~~ ~R _ _ _ _~~:.....:~==-_-::-,..._:, I announced. A. Mercer QUinby ~ ~=-laceCa1l~ Mrs. E. J. Faul1mer of Dickinson infonnally before the Series lan,ce I FUNERAL DmECTOR more 1-2078• avenue entertained the teachers of in the Woman's Club Formerly of Media FoR SALE-'-Eleven -piece solid the Junior Department of the evening 1125 W. L<>high Ave., Pbila. mahogany dining room furni- Swarthmore Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. George W. McKeag Phone Baldwin 1170 ture. $75. Call Swarthmore 6-2523. at a meeting at her home Thurs-' of Parrish road will entertain infc,,"e. No addltional charge for FOR SATE G. E~Wringer wash- day evening. formally tomorrov. evening before I. subUl'ben calls er - rebuilt year ago. Call Media Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier ~-~~:;;~~~-~'~~~:;;~~'~ 6-4089. of Columbia avenue will entertain the Series Dance. FOR SALE - Brownie sweater, Household Remodeling of ali worn 3 or 4. times. Call Swarth- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rich of Wil, Types mington, Del., as their guests this Surprisingly Reasonable Prices evening. Plastering - Paperhanging Ann Gibson of Elm avenue arPainting - Carpentry - Flooring PREiIUUM ANTIIRACITB rived home Tuesday from PemLinoleum and Tile CALL MEDIA 6-3696 broke College, R.I. lor the midSpecial - All CoIOl'lI term. vacation. She was accomS'ONFLEX WitTER PAINT Gal. $UO - Qt. 71ie panied by a college friend Ann Kullman of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mason Builde1'8 Supply John Comog, Jr., son of Mr. Company 'Mrs. John'L. Comog of Dickinson 331 D8.I1mc!uUa ATeDD_ avenue was nominated. for bership in the Phi Beta Kappa S.varthmore 8-03(5 Get the jump on the spring rise of construction ciety at ceremonies held last FriI dayMPrincetonUni~ty.~~ costs! a senior at the university, will Call us for a discussion ESTABLISHED 18;11 graduate in June. of' your remodeling plans and a free - ethical - estiWilliam S. Patton mate. You are under no LOST and FOUND obligation whatsoever. LOST-·Double strand of pearls, Bnilding costs are lower 28 PRESIDENT AVENUE rhinestone clasp, in village. Call in winter and' our modem Swarthmore 6-1279. RUTLEDGE, PA. construction methods enable , top quality workmanship flannel emin any season. InRoofing Call News Notes coWR cRAFl'SMEN GOOOjiE4R TIRES r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HAYE PLENTY OF \Rums ;:':::;;::;:::==:::::=:::=::~ wi'" a PENFIE'LD AT ALL TIMES r ' YOU NEED TuNS with I AUTOMATIC GAS WAIER HEATEI Hot w~ter, alway. on tap. Is a luxury i you can enjoy at low cost with an Automatic Gas Water Healel': 'This Penfield a'Jtomatic gas water heater has a central flue running up through the tank, heating the water from the Inlide, thuS effect-. ing 0 substantial cut In heat . loss. What's more, extra heavy Insulation holds the In the tank which result. iI. a'furtherIGYlng on your gas bill. TheY are only two of tile "aavlag featu..... you get When you buy a Penfield Aut0matic Gal Wafer See thl' PenfIeld made. at your lecal ate... or at any at our ..bu"'lb_ "'111:1" .. • _ ..... U,. 'I. B.t ..... it.: c.-e • .' I ' U JI . t:" . GI_wood Z'::' Z.. ---- I ,9.dulI -. • ~~4~O~I)~D~art~'~m~o~u~t~h~A~v~e~n~u~e~,~~~~~~S~w~arthmo~~~r~e,~P~"§§.~II~~ The second panel, to be held at The Union, Haverford College, 8 I.uIdon tender whol. nnwl... You1. Ub Ita p.rn. February 8, will be on "How COfn "oft the cob" Iavor . much is Forl"!ign Prosperity Worth Sauerkraat ~ Z No.~.... Z50 to Us1" Margaret R. T. Carter, /}dull FaDOJ' Appl. Saa.. Z No.2 ZSO Chief, Div. of Public Liasion, U.s. . . . lord CIi.......... Z.~ ".. Department of State will be the Bed T Wbol A-first speak.... Rlchard Davies, Z '::..: Z.. President of Pennsalt International fjIIItI 11.. lib Z ZSO CorporatioZ\ ..ill represent induslJdMd Maple Z50 try, and Ted Silvey, C.LO. repro.Jellies 17.V_ sentative in the Washington office 7-MJnIt PI. Cnut WI" ... C/WOW ~ ... . . of the Economic Co-operation Ad- _ .. - ' . ministration will speak for labor. OUR CHESTER ROAD lIIIARKET A few compllmentary tlcketa for 1tPEN '1'B'li':~A~~d =~~r 9 P . B L t h i s meeting are still available and __ I~~iiii~~~~~i~~ji~~ ORANGE CLEANERS Charles R. WhitUeseeo of Wallingford, a member -of -the University of Pennsylvania was the principle speaker of one of several panel discussions organized by the League of Women Voters of Swarthmore, - Media, Haverford and Radnor, held recently. • Joseph Burke, President Of the Philadelphia Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL, was the second speaker on the panel, and J olm S. Zinsser, chairman of Sharpe and Dohme and director of numerous industrial and financial organizations was the third. KO GI'Mlt Prize WIn"., ~- ONE, DAY SERVl'CE -15c 'Extra Hold.,Panel Di~eussions 2;~~7Sc '-'111 I BEAU'Iu'ULLY CLEANED The annual campaign for the United Peace Chest of greater Philadelphia will be carried on in Swarthmore from February 2 to February 16. Mrs. Benbow Ritchie heads the local drive which will raise funds for the work of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, and, the National Council for the Prevention of War. The following Swarthmore residents will serve as workers for the campaign: Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, Olive Cleav~s, Mrs. S. Leonard Dart, Mrs. R. 'A. Detweiler, DorothY HarriS, Mrs. William I. Hull, Mrs. David Jackson, Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins, Mrs. William T. Johnson, Mrs. Philip H. Jewett, Mrs. Roy Lingle, Mrs. Patrick M. Malin, Mrs. Henry Patterson, Mrs. .T. Warren Paxson, Mrs. Ida Stabler, Mrs. Frederick B. Tolles, Mrs. E. Stlinford Waters, Mrs. Robert M. Walker, Mrs. Neal Weber. Mrs. Ritchie, as chairman or" the Swarthmore drive, will be at home to all workers on Thursday afternoon, February 2 from 3:30 to 5 o'clock at her home at 5 Crum Ledge for the distribution of materials. I~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I Ii E. BLOUSES, ISWEATER,S, SKIRTS - ANY 2 TROUSERS, SPORT SHIRTS - 50 cents United Peace Chest Drive Febrruuy 2 - 16 "10 Iato< No. 2'h Port Deep Brown. with Apples ..." .. STRATH HAVEN INN \'U"lgtlt'S busban:Q. ,l!;verett ofn~rtn-I· leage wno was proceeding Wt:$l on bW81·tomore avenue headed lor Jjallimore pike. ~th cars were towed away with police estlmallng an approximate ~atiO damage to eaCIl. Patrolman Todd 01 tne >swarthmore police took Mrs. wnent and Walt~r to the hospital as we!! as Mrs. Phoebe Du HOis 01 Morton WL deterw-ine trends in their polit- Dr. Spiller was also editor of the Swarthmore 6-1448 own 7857-W. WILLIAM BROOKS Devine Taxi Service ical alignment.. He found they Literary History of the United are bound closer to the Chinese, States. Ashes & Rubbish, Removed FORREN'f FO=R~R=ENT~-First.fl~o':':o~r·funu="'·s:;::h-=-ed-': because of their ancestor-worship, Dr. and Mrs., Spiller and th"irl Lawns mowed, General SWARTHMORE, PA. apartment, one bedroom. Call but are antagonistic to the present daughter Mary, sailed yeste:rde,y.1 . Hauling Swarthmore 6-4369. regime of Chang Kai Shek. Serving Swarthmore; MorThey will return to Swarthmore in ~~2~36~H;ar~di~·n~g~A;V;.~M~orto;;;~n~,~p~a~.~ Hostesses for the day were Mrs. September. WANTED ton, Rutledge and Ridley Avery F. Blake, Mrs. W. Mark , Township sinoe 1918' WAin'ED:::Jl . , Bittle, Mrs. James A. Davies, and Woman's ~ety Celebrates Rubbish Collection PHONE: Mrs. Jessie H. Holmes. At the Chapter P, P.E.O. celebrated Swarthmore Disposal &-0'4' ;:::~~;r-~~est;~tij" tea-table Mrs. William Chester Founder's Day with a luncheon Weekly or Monthly ). Morris and Mrs. Roland G. Ullman at the Springhaven Club last WARREN PIERCE poured. Friday. A meeting and p"~gJ,anll Swarthmore 6-2078 109 resulted one woman delamed tnIsinweek under obser- vation for shock. at Taylor Hrulpital, Riilley Park irom which one 01 her sons was discharged on ,,!Onday aller, having been treated lOr Mad injuries. ,VJrs. .tiliZaoeth C. Wright and her son Walter, lU, were tne only ones 1 ~ WALDRON SPEAKS Spiller Granted Leave For Norwegian U. Post ON FORMOSA CLASSIFIED UNITED· SERVICES DRESSES _ DBAS'ftCALLY JLBDUOED Ruth Izumi S W A. T.R M 0.& Ii: A 'f B E 27, 1950 , I~~~~~.~·~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;e;q;=~~ • It,,... . ' PHllADHPHIA ElECTIIC COM'OI ..... A·... Coal 11'''' • • TWO PHONES NO WAITING,.. .. I Save Money •• , Remodel Now· avenue 011 a pearl necklace. Owner Cornell avenue. Identify same. 238 Spouting - Gutters SWartlrmore a-ta5 -!'_,' Horace A. Reeves 'can s... 8-S45I TocIQ ,L._________ o· • • -- .. JANUARY Z"i, l.t5O TB& SWAB'lBM8aaAN 8 • 5 ~:ndly Circle Meets LWV IN ~ND DRIVE from Louis Pearlman of Doyles- COLLEGE TO PJUSENT' The Friendly Circle met at the The second annual metropolitown, and new lighting fixtures for TENNIS CHAMPIONS home of Mrs. Otto Kraus Of Ben- tan Philadelphia Finance' Drive two of the rooms in the high school An exhibition tennis match, ,?pen jamin West avenue on Thursday for the League of Women Voters building. to the publiC, will be held in the afternoon, January 19. Mrs. Cecil is now under. way. _ Swarthmore College field house at Howard was co-hostess. Mrs. S. M. VIele, Sw 6-4579, Is fiA report was received from Dr. 8 o'clock next Tuesday evening. Letters of appreciation were read nance chairman for' the SwarthCarl Leech county Superintendent, The four outstanding amateur (rom the families who received more League. Mrs. Glenn R. MorRoof Replacements, Four- regarding the new state reimburse- players from this area who will baskets at Christmas time, and row, Sw 6-4728 ~d. Mrs. Holden ment plan, to go into effect next participate are Edward Moylan of Mrs. Elizabeth Groff IOf the Com- Furber are captains 1D the present County . Statistics year. On this basis the state ap- Trenton (ninth ranking player in munity Health Society, also ~ote drive. Reviewed propriation will -be based on the the United States), Victor Seixas a letter of thanks to the Circle (or The second report meeting of real values as determined by the of Philadelphia (twelfth ranking its generous contribution that the 18 teams throughout the area At the January meeting of the State Evaluation Board and not on player in this country), Billy Vogt brought holi~ay cheer to Shut-In's will be held Monday, January 30 Swarthmore School Board, Mrs. Mrs. S. W. Johnson of Amherst at the home of 'Mrs, Arthur Loeb, Raymond K. Denworth, secretary, the assessed values used locally. of Drexel Hill (who with Seixas was designated to represent the Under this plan it would appear won the Pennsylvania state dou- avenue and Edith Bunting of Col- The Warwick, Pbiladellphia. Mrs. board at the State School Direc- that Swarthmore's drop in state bles four years straight), and Jim lege avenue are new members of Oscar Ruebhausen, National observer for the League of Women tors' Association meeting to be appropriation will be $7,733. Dr. Schnaars of Philadelphia (Eastem the Circle. Voters at the United Nations will held in Harrisburg early in Febru- Leech called attention to the fact Clay Court Doubles Champion). Moylan 'and Seixas will playa Eleded Bank Directors be the speaker. ary. Mrs. Denworth is regional that if a joint school is organized and operated with some neighborsingles match following which they D. S. Guthrie of Oornell avenue director for southeastern Pennsyling district, the appropriation drop will pair with Vogt and Scbnaars was elected executive vice- presvania for the State Association. for doubles. ident and a director of the ProsPETER E. TOLD The property committee report- will amount to only $1,915. Bills for the current operation of ed on the completion of a two-year , pect Park State :Bank; George W. General Iuurance Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of Og- McKeag of ParrISh road was also program of replacing worn out th chool and for' contractual obroofs on several of the College ave- lig:t~ons together with purchases; den avenue entertained members I elected. a directo~ of the bank at a luncheon-l the annual meeting of the stocknue buildings. The structures that made, ,were approved 1·n the' of her bridge club at • • have had new roofs replacing the amount of $21, 491.74. I bridge at her home Wednesday. holders held this week. the old ones were industrial arts shop, gymnasitun, and elementary school. YOU MAKE ANY DECISION- LET US SHOW' YOU THE~E BEAUTIFULLY STYLED NEW CARS A report was presented from the Suburban School Study Council, representing the nine districts of Abington, Cheltenham, Haverford, Lansdowne, Lower Merion, Rad- I nor, Springfield (Montgomery County), Swarthmore, and Upper Darby. This financial analysis is prepar.ed annually and the figures under discussion covered the recently completed fiscal year. The report shows that Swa.rtlunPre stands third in expenditure for instruction, at $234.76 per ptipil, and also third in expenditures for teachers salaries at $193.69 per pupil. It is fourth in the total current expenditure at $322.00 per 'Pupil. It is in the fortunate position of being the lowest in the annual cost of debt services per pupil out of the nine districts, the expenditure last year being only' $26.11. In a study of assessed valuation per pupil it is shown that Swarthmore is not 'one of the wealthiest districts, ranking sixth with assessed valuations of $8,764 per pupil. The, highest value is in ~wer Merion where the value per pupil is $19,417. As an indication of the fact that Swarthmore Schools have small classes is the fact that Swarthmore stands third among the districts in teacher-PUIPil ratio with but 17.9 pupils per teacher While school costs generally have risen, the report showed that the total current expense increase for the last four years is only 21.4%, which is next to the lowest of all nine districts. I: SCHOOL BOARD HEARS REPORTS 333 Darimouth Ave. - --B'EFO'R"i' COME SEE CHRYSLER'S, The study currently being undertaken by the high school faculty was reported by the principal, Baker Thompson. In this study the teachers ;will report to the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools on the evaluation of the school services w,ith particular reference to work in curriculum, pupil activity, and guidance. This is the follow-up of the thorough evaluation study ma!ie ten years ago, at whiCh time Swarthmore was placed high on the approval list. Certain purchases were authorized, including a French horn and a string bass for the orchestra DON'T GET CAUGHT! ~ 1'1 ~~t'Ruhber ~ lVofWSfll' '- for Men•• btl B.F. Goodrieh A col~ is messy, 'inconvenient, too, if you have to stay home on important business days. Don't take chanceS on wet feel. Get B. F. Goodrich rubber footwear for men,' and be sure. (~I~I..Il' Shoe Shop 8IDee 19M 1. p~ AVENUE ',here's beauty, beauty,' beauty everywhere you look! And it's all brand-new. beau.ty inside and out! Chrysler for 1950 is boldly and dramatically re-styled! Deliberately re-designed to be the Beauty Queen of the road, a classic-of the long, low, and lovely. There are wonderful new nylon fabrics .•• smart new trim. Most of all you'll be impressed by the fact that Chrysler's kind of beauty-unlike all others-truly reftects the sound engineering and the solid comfort and safety inside! The extra headroom, legrooJ,ri, shoulder-room! The safer visibility! The chair-height seats! All the extra convenience of the easiest of all cars to enter and leave! See and drive this great car at your Chrysler dealer's today. It's the sm8rtes1i, most romforiable car we ever boot and the sweetest performing, with its wonderful Spitfire EDgine with the completely Waterproof Ignition System. • • i '-" I TODAY'S NEW BEAUT/FeJL 1950 STYLE CLASSIC-. . , ... HANNUM & WAl'l'E Cheater Road - Yale ,Avenue • SWaribmore I-UR • . .- INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE JANUARY 27, 1950 T. H Jt S Vf ART II M Q B .. A N 8 SCHOOL BOARD HEARS REPORTS Friendly Circle Meets LWV IN SECOND DRIVE The Friendly Circle met at the The second annual metropoliTO PRESENT COLLEGE from Louis Pearlman or Doyleshome of Mrs. Otto Kraus of Ben- tan Philadelphia Finance' Drive TENNIS CHAMPIONS town, and new lighting fixtures for An exhibition tennis match, open jamin West avenue on Thursday for the League of Women Voters two of the rooms in the high school to the public, will be held in the afternoon, January 19. Mrs. Cecil is now under way. building. Swarthmore College field house at Howard was co-hostess. Mrs. S. M. Viele, Sw 6-4579, is fiA report was received from Dr. 8 o'clock next Tuesday evening. Letters of appreciation were read nance chairman for the SwarthCarl Leech County Superintendent, The ,four outstanding amateur from the families who received more League. Mrs. Glenn R. MorRoof Rcplaccments~ Four- regarding the new state reimburse- players from this area who will baskets at Christmas time, and row, Sw 6-4728 and Mrs. Holden ment plan, to go into effect next participate are Edward Moylan of Mrs. Elizabeth Groff IOf the Com- Furber are captains in the present County 'Sratisties vear. On this basis the slate ap- Trenton (ninth ranking 'Player in munity Health Society, also ~ote drive. Reviewed iJropriation will be based on the the United States), Victor Seixas a letter of thanks to the Circle for The second report meeting of real values as determined by the of Philadelphia (twelfth ranking its generous contribution that the 18 teams throughout the area At the January meeting or the State Evaluation Board and not on player in this country), Billy Vogt brought holiday cheer to Shut-In's will be held Monday, January 30 Swarthmore School Board, Mrs. the assessed values used locally. of Drexel Hill (who with Seixas Mrs. S. W. Johnson of Amherst at the home of 'Mrs. Arthur Loeb, Raymond K. Dellworth, secretary, Under this plan it would appear won the Pennsylvania state dou- avenue and Edith Bunting of Col- The Warwick, Philadelphia. Mrs. was designated to represent the that Swarthmore's drop in state bles four years straight), and Jim lege avenue are new members of Oscar Ruebhausen, National obboard at the State School Direcappropriation will be $7,733. Dr. Schnaars of Philadelphia (Eastem the Circle. server for the League of Women tors' Association meeting to be Leech called attention to the fact Clay Court Doubles Champion). Voters at the United Nations will held in Harrisburg early in FebruMoylan and Seixas will playa Elccted Bank Directors be the speaker. ary. Mrs. Denworth is regional that if a joint school is organized and operated with some neighbor- singles match following which they D. S. Guthrie of Cornell avenue - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , director for Southeastern Pennsyling district, the appropriation drop will pair with Vogt and Schnaars was elected executive vice- presvania for the State Association. will amount to only $1,915. for doubles. ident and a director of the ProsThe property committee reportBills for the current operation of pect Park State ,Bank; George W. ed on the completion of a two-year General IJl.surance the school and for' contractual obMrs. Charles G. Thatcher of OgMcKeag of Parrish road was also program of replacing ,worn out nue entertained members elected a director of the bank at roofs on several of the College ave- ligations, together with purc ha ses dell ave ridge club at a luncheon-,I the annual meeting of the stoek nue buildings. The structures that made, were approved in the of her b : b"l'dge at her home ·Wednesday. holders held this week. have had new roofs replacing the amount of $21, 491.74. • the old ones were industrial arts shop, gymnasium, and elementary school. A report was presented from the Suburban School Study Council, representing the nine districts of Abington, Cheltenham, Haverford, Lansdowne, Lower Merion, Rad- I nor, Springfield (Montgomery County), Swarthmore, and Upper Darby. This financial analysis is prepared annually and the figures under discussion co\'ered the recently completed fiscal year. The report shows that swarthmore stands third in expenditure for instruction, at $234.76 per pupil, and also third in expenditures for teachers salaries at $193.69 per pupil. It is fourth in the total current expenditure at $?22.00 per pupil. It is in the fortunate position of being the lowest in the annual cost of debt services per pupil out of the nine districts, the expenditure last year being only' $26.11. In a study of assessed valuation per pupil it is shown that Swarthmore is not one of the wealthiest distdcts, ranking sixth with assessed valuations of $8,764 per pupil. The highest value is in Lower Merion where the value per pupil is $19,417. As an indication or the fact that Swarthmore Schools have small classes is the fact that Swarthmore stands third among the districts in teacher-pupil ratio with but 17.9 pupils per teacher While school costs generally have risen, the report showed that the total current expense increase for the last four years is only 21.4%, which is next to the lowest of all nine districts. PETER E. TOLD 333 Danmouth Ave. I COME SEE CHRYSLER'S " The study currently being undertaken by the high school faculty was reported by the principal, Baker Thompson. In this study the teachers will report to the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools on the evaluation of the school services \'~ith particular reference to work in curriculum, pupil activity, and guidance. This is the (ollow-up of the thorough evaluation study made ten years ago, at which time Swarthmore was placed high on the approval list. Certain purchases were authorized, including a French horn and a string bass for the orchestra DON'T GET CAUGHT.' Get Ruhher Foofweor for Men ... h!J B.F. Goodrieh A eols! is messy, 'inconvenient, too, if you have to stay home on important business days. Don't take chances on wet feet. Get B. F. Goodrich rubber footwear for men, and be sure. (~I~I..Il' Shoe Shop Since 1904 102 PARK AVENUE Swarthmore 6-235t There's beauty, beauty, beauty everywhere you look! And it's all brand-new, beaaty inside and out! Chrysler for 1950 is boldly and dramatically re-styled! Deliberately re-designed to be the Beauty Queen of the road, a classic of the long, low, and lovely. There are wonderful new nylon fabrics •.. smart new trim. Most of all you'll be impressed by the fact that Chrysler's kind of beauty-unlike all others-truly reflects the sound BEAUTIFUL 1950 engineering and the solid comfort and safety inside! The extra headroom, legroo~, shoulder-room! The safer visibility! The chair-height seats! All the extra convenience of the easiest of all cars to enter and leave! See and drive this great CtU' at your Chrysler dealer's today. It's the smartesiu most comfortable car we ever built and the sweetest performing· with its wonderful Spitfire Engine • with the completely Waterproof Ignition System. CIIRl:,)/~Ell ". - . TODAY'S NE·W STYLE CLASSIC . HANNUM & WAITE Chester Road - Yale Avenue ..