, ~rtbmoret 194~ BUY ~RTHMOREAN 'CHRISTMAS SEAIS VOLUME Zl-NUMBER 48 SWABTHMORE, FRIDAY. DECEMBER Z, 1149 . BUY CHRISTMAS SEAIJS $3.50 PER YEAR RENT CONTROLS Jr~~~ ~ =: FOOTBALL NIGHT TheC=~l:::;': THOMPSON TO STILL APPLYS :::eo:~~~n~~; TO .HONOR TEAM !ent!: ;~:e:t~~~e~h=~ ADDRESS WOMEN . = Flower · , s· Go vemor s Ignature Not Yet Secured On M easure ::... Shop, Baltimore to a Christmas Carol Concert by stu- Pike .. in the Club House, Tuesday, Dec~inber 6 at 8 p. m. . Mrs. Carns' talk will include at- ..... .- ts r_rneD ~ . Lafayett~ Coach To Speak tb In H. 'S. Auditorium. Saturday ning, December 19, at 8:15 p . m . . lk in the High School auditorium. internatIonal House Ta The evenlng's songs will cente~ To Follow Stated about the theme "Ring Out for M · Christmas" with bells and bell eetlog .lor e mantel, Word has come to the Swarth- wreaths for the front door, and rean that some local landlords table decorations Maurice "Clipper" Smith, head carols proclamiDg the "good The stated meeting of the Wo: m raised rents in the belief All juniors are urged to attend. coach at Lafayette, will be the news" of the season. man's Club next Tuesday, Decemh ve speaker at the Football Students from the grade school, ber 6, will be followed by a prothat the recent application of Night Saturday evening, honoring junior and senior high will sing gram under the sponsorship of the Borough Council to the Governor the all-victorious Swarthmore special carols, and then blend youth Conservation Conunittee. for the lifting of rent· controls •• High School team. Not only is voices with the audience in carols Mrs. George lB. Thorn, chairman, here has become effective. Ac"Clipper" Smith one of th.e best kno~ to e~eryone. This festive will present Elmer T. Thompson, tually no such thing has oocurknown: football mentors in this occaSion, olDltted last year because executive director of Ihternared and the situation at ,the mo• area but he is also noted for his of· the bi-ennial Community tional Hause, Philadelphia, whose ments exactly the same as it was Band Also Scores gift of interesting and entertain- Christml:tS Pageant, is eagerly subject will be "Other Men's before Borough Council decided ing an audience. T~ no cban-' awaited by friends, parents and Shoes." to seek rescinding of rent reIn HaHtime ces, the Swarthmore Citizens Ath- alumni. Mr. Thompson -will describe the strictions. Show letic Committee made sure of work of International House Governor Duff has so far withgetting him before the football which is home to more than 1000 held his signature which must be The Swarthmore High School season started. foreign students in Greater Philaplaced on the application. before football team climaxed what The Football Night celebration • delphia. Its staff and directors it c~n proceed to the Hous~g Ex- ~ight be consider~ one of its will be divided into two parts. One serve them in many ways in their pedltor and become effective. In fmest seasons .when It turned back will be the dinner, starting at adjustments to America, housing a letter dated October 27 the Lansdowne High 26-0 on Thanks- 3 . th Hi h Sch - I at teri and hospitalization, trips and Governor informed the Borough giving morning. From the very ~e~a:'e o~ th! limit: a~~~ Nason Conducts County travel, civic relations and countha~ he had received protests outset there was no doubt as to dations of the cafeteria this will Warm-up Meeting seling, immigration and mtroducagamst the measure. He re- the final result as the Garnet Boys b nfined to mbers f th At Club tions to homes, selection of food . f th e mmu . t es 0 f set up their initial score in the Hi e hco Sch I me 0 e quested COPIes 0 d th ches and shopping, I anguage diffi.cul.. blch·. . . g 00 squa, e coa the pubh(! heanngs upon W fIrst three IDlDutes. In the first and their wives guests and famWorkers from the 49 Delaware ties and dates, personal problems Council· based its conclusion that quarter no Swarthmore team ever ilies of the pl;yers. There will County districts ,of the 1950 and parties. rent controls 'Were· no longer ne- played harder or with more de- be no speaking at this part of the March of Dimes heaId Dr. John M;r. ~()mson is an able cessary in the borough. Th~e termination. occasion. The committee in charge W. Nason announce the ~unty speaker and his talk 8ho~d be were duly forwarded to. Harns- Twenty-two seniors were say- of food. arrangements has given goal of $100,000 at the organi- especially interesting to all who burg bu.t to date nothing fur- ing farewell and it was evident assurance that the eating will be zation meeting Monday night concur with the purpose of Interther has been heard on the sub- that this was going to be thelr good. Members of the Citizens Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop who will national House which "exio;ts for ject. greatest game. Although touch- Athletic Committee will serve. as head the Swarthmore campaign the creation of friendly underThus any increase in tenants' downs were scored by Barry Cole- waiterS and Superintendent Morey introduced Dr. Nason as county standing and good-will among the paYJl¥!nts at this time are illegal man on a 20 yard jaunt, Dana will be in charge of the carving. chairman of the drive which is students of the world, regardless except under conditions previoils- Swan' on a quarterback sneak" . B~nning at 8 o'clock the main scheduled for January 16 to 31. of race, creed, or complexion." ly condoning such procedure. John Sna.pe on a ,3 y8rd plunge, part of ~e celebration will be held The:Woman's <:;lub was, comfortHostesses for the day will be and Fetherolf on an alert fumble iii tile· IUgb. School: Auditorium ably filled by. w~rkers and~. John L. Good, ' Mrs.. John recovery in the Lansdowne end "and will be open to all residents of friends ~f the Nation~ Polio ::;tainton and Mrs. Elliott Richardzone as in all other games, it is Sw th . The High O..L.--I FoundatIon, among them Mrs. son. , ar more. ~. ah ident f th very difficult to give any one Band will be present on the stage DaVid McC an, PJ;es 0 e Enjoy Mrs. Eaton persop. a lion's share of the credIt. and will play several numbers. The Delaware County Polio Parents' The Literature Department of . Swan has always ~ an out- cheer leaders will lead. the yells Club. " .. which Mrs. S. Milton Bryant is , • standing feature as a field gene1'~ and singing. Pat Malin, known Richard McFeel?, pnnClpal of chairman, presented Mrs. Eunice Sunny Crest Boys Director aI, but only the hub around which equally for his wit and his, pub- ~eo:ge School, himself a. po~o Story Eaton in a book review at the hard driving backs Coleman, li c sel"Vlces, . ' will be chairman. VIctIm, ...... T o Take Part . . almade ala tmoving :and kmsPI. the Woman's Club last" Tuesd....., Arrison, Snape, McGilberry, Dick- ''Clipper'' Smith rwill give the one ration a~~ 0 every wor er m on Helen Wright's story of the Dec. 8 inson, and Johnson operate. and only talk of the evening. Mem- the campalgn to ~pend every ef- life of Maria Mitchell "Svreeper On Thursday evening ~Bird and McCray ,have been a bers of the three Junior High fo~ to reac~ ~e goal. He spoke in The Sky." The entertaining bra ~e ~ther's Club will hold rock of gibralter in the guard S hool squads the largest in WIth appreciation of the shock of account of the life story of Miss the Chrisbnas meeting in the Wo- spots. Paul Tan and Don Feth- s~arthmore'S hlstory, will be 10- attack to sufferer and parent ~d Mitchell, astronomer, educator, man's Club. . . erolf, along with Reds Crowther troduced. Then will come the of ~e tremendous good. ibemg and her long association with VasAfter a short busmess meeting have been giants at tackle, p~- closing highlight of the evening, achieved by .the Fo~dation. sar College was retold by Mrs. ,conducted by Mrs. Wal~ N. ticularly on defense, along WIth the awarding of football letters by A play wrlt~en ~y Janet Eaton in her own delightful way Moir, Nathan Berryman, director Campbell, Terry, and Willis ,who Coach Millard Robinson. The ver, former polio ViCtim and pres- which caused her appreciative auof the Sunnycrest Farm for Negro share the end duties. There is no layers will be given certificates in ent author and produ~, present- dience many chuckles. . Casey anI m thef role . . B oys a t Cheyney, will present a questil)n that Willi's p18yed one P lieu of the coveted gold footballs- ed "Thomas . th Honored guest at the meeting program. AlpproximateIy 20 boys of his finest games on Thanks- the tokens of an undefeated season of .father, Joan Sc on 0 e was Mrs. John B. Baker State from the farm will sIng carols giving Day. Bill McHenry has im- -which will be late in arriving. PolIo .Parent' Club as the ~other, Chairman of Literature, who was and other Christmas songs. These proved steadily and this game ~d little ~ .Youlton ~lio, pa- introduced to the audience by boys range in age from. 6 to 16 marked him as one of the best ., tient .asththe ChllJd. Euni pce tory Mrs. Francis Forsythe, president. h R years. Mr. Berryman will tell around. Bett Jacoh To Speak ' Eaton,. e ev. ose~ . BISh~p, . "W th Ohlldr 1 Y were off stage VOIces Wills Hostesse, for the day were Mrs. R hat Happens ,tourt ~ H ~ The Swarthmore High. SchOO For UNICEF Wednesday .Brodhead ~ng a song with words Harold C. Mabbott, Mrs; Joseph eferred thy the Co 0 omes. Band presented a distinctive and . . ' . written for the drive. . "H. Perkins, Mrs. A. V. B. Orr Before refreshments Mrs. Harry Ullique l'outine between the The Uruted NatIons InternationWalt C Gil will h d and Mrs. Harold FOlt WINTER • Carburetor and Ignition ....:..- Cooling System Engine & Clutch - Shocks, Steering & Brake8 DOI)D • MGl is MIss N'ma Pauline MOIlS dan.hter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Walter Hom of University Heights, Cleveland, Ohio, b'ecame the bride of Mr. Arthur Van Zandt Dodd, SOIl of Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd of Swarthmore avenue, and the ,late Mr. Dodd at a candlelight mony in the Presbyterian Church, HHeMMe Marl., .I ...... "THAT MIDNIGHT KISS" Sweetb,eart of 'l1edmicoldr Musicals! ( , THE 'S'"ARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED ."BY FRIDAY AT SWARTIDIOBB, PA TUB SWARTIDIOaBAN. INC•• PVBUSBBB Phone lIwari1uDore .... PETER E. 'l'OLD, Bdilor MARJORIE TOLD, A_late Bdilor RosalIe Peirsol' Lorene Mc Carter Entered as Second Class Matter, JIaDUBry 24, -ll129=,-a-t-tb-e-P-oatOffice at Swarthmore. Pa., under the :Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, P.\., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1949 ~!""!'!!""!'!=========~~=!!!!!!=!!"'~=====~.. .., Presbyter~ Notes SundaY morning at the 11 o'clock service Mr. Bishop will preach the first of four pre-Christmas sermons on the tiUe "The Drama of Divine Invasionn-A MysterY. The sermon topic ,will be "A Star Shines in Darkness." Saturday morning at 10:15 the young people of the Primary Department age are_ invited to come to the church to sing with the Cherub's Choir which Is preparing music for the Christmas Services. The Women's Bible Class meets Sunday morning at 9:30.' Mrs. Charles L. Minor will have charge of the program for December when the doctrines of the Episcopal Church will be discussed. Dr. L. R. Shero of the Classics Department of Swarthmore College will be the speaker. The Men's Bible Class will meet at 9:45. Dr. James B. Pritchard, Professor of Old Testament !Jterature at Crozer Theological Seminary will lead the discussion on "How Hath God Spoken?" \ The Departments of the Church School meet at 9:45. The Nursery and Beginners Departments meet at 11 o'clock. The Coffee Hour, to which all members of the congregation are invited, is held inunediately following the mornlng worship on Sunday morning, in the Parish House. The Board of Missions and Benevolences will meet in the Pastor's study at 4 p.m. Sunday. The Executive Committee of the ~h School Fellowship will meet • s SWAa"BlioaIlAN meet KaiIIJ as oro Sew Mrs. John C. Mac:Alpine of Kappa Kappa Gammas will ineet Princeton avenue will be co-hosto sew at the .home of Mrs MUton tess. H. PuBsell, Jr., lIZ7 Vassar 'avenue, Tuesday, Deeember 6. Mr. and Mrs. Andre-a A. ~th, sons Sandy and Wade, and daugh' P E 0 oro Meet ter Mary Virginia of 731 Yale P .E.O. Chapter P will meet De- avenue are moving to Birmingcember 2 at 12 noon at the home of Mrs. W. J. Turnbull, Penn Sher_ ham, Ala., where Mr. Smith has aton, 3900 Chestnut Street, Phila- 'been transferred by the Dupont delphia, Apartment 629. Company. Convention held in San Francisco. ----Devotions begin at 12:15 p. m. 101lowed by luncheon at 12:30 p. rn. Choir rehearsal will be held on Thursday evening at 7:30 p. m. The Men's Club will again spon, sor the father and son Christmas Turkey Dinner and Boar's Head Ceremony whiob will be held on FridaY, December 16. People's Fellowship will at 6:30 p. Ill. In the Preabyterlan Church. The Canterbury Club will meet in the church at 6:30 p.rn. Choir SChool wi!! meet on MODday and Wednesday at 4 p. m.' MTS. John E. Jeffords will be chairman of the monlhl7 luncheon of the w:oman, . III 8 .nUX ary on Thursday, at. whtch time Rev. Charles H. Long, Secretary of the Diocese of Pennsylvania will give a report on the recent General Swarthmore lational 'Bank at 5 in the Pastor's Study on Sunday afternoon. The Seventh and Eighth Grade Fellowship meets for worship and singing at 5 p.m. in the Parish House on Sunday. The Young Adult's will meet on Sunday at 6 for meditation in the Christian Scienee Notes Church Sanctuary followed by "God The Only Cause And CreNow You can buy U. S. Savings Bonds automaUcall:r' supper at 6:30. The evening will ator" is the subject of the LessoDbe devoted to the repairing of sermon in all Churches of Christ, through the new Bond-a-Month Plan. AIk at tbla Sank toys for Christmas gifts to Under- Scientist, on Sunday December 4• privileged children. The Golden text Is: "Unto thee, 0 The Christian Youth Fellowship God, do we give thanks, unto thee Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation will meet Sunday evening at 6:30 do we give thanks: for that thy at this Church. name is near thy wondrous works The Marrl.id Couple's Group declared." (Psalms 75:1) will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bishop, 912 Westdale at"enue, at 7:45 on Sunday evening. Letters To The Editor Mrs. y/illiam Pegram will give a Dear Sir: review of Mahatma Ghandi's life Now that the traffic lights have and thought; as a continuation of at last become a reality; we would the group's study of uGreat Souls!' like to make a public acknowledgMusic from Handel's tI¥essiah" ment of lilanks to Hannum and will be played at the beginning of Waite for the way in which they When you call us our chief co.nsideration the evening. All couples who are have helped those of \IS in the interested are warmly invited to Rutgers Avenue School DIstrict Is Ia help you in time of need. Assist come to the Manse this Sunday with the problems of our childevening. , r&ll's crossing Chester' road. Mr. you to obtain the finest possible service The Junior Choir rehearses Ralph Hayden and' other emThursday afternoon at 3:30. The ployees have "conducted" many a at the price yav had ploMed to poy. Chapel Choir rehearses Thursday safe trip back and forth when it evening at 7:45. would have been tempting death On Wednesday, December 7, the for the chtld to try it alone. It Woman's Association will'hold its was a public service cheerfully mon* sewing day, in charge of and freely given and those of WI Circle 7" Mrs. 'Harold C. Stott, whose fears have been so great chairman. 'Members are asked to over the terrible hazard of ChesDIRICrOll1 o. fUNDAL. bring sandwiches. ter road will alwaYs be deeply '1820 CHlESTNUT STREET Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hibbard grateful. at the Harvard avenue entrance Most sincerely, /MAY A. BAlI, ......Id... Telephone RI 6-1581 and Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Smith Brogan at the driveway-transept 731 Yale AVlIDUe SWARTHMORE entrance will assist Mr. Bishop Dr. and Mrs. Walter Moir PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 224' S. Chester Road in greeting the congregation after Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MIniIMI: the sel"(>ce Sunday morning. Sunda,., December 4. 9:30 A.M.-.Women's Bible Clais 9:45 A.M.-SundaY School and Methodist Notes Men's Bible Class. 11:00 A.M.-'Mr. lllshop's sermon The Sunday School meets at will be "The Drama of De- 9:45 a.m. Classes are provided fOr vine Invasion." 5:45 P.M.-Young Adult's Group children of all .;ges and for adults. The Young Adults meet at 10 In 6:30 P.M. Youth Fellowship the Ladies' Parlors. ' Presbyterian Church The minister will preach at the METHODJSr CHUlICH Roy N. Keiser, D. D., Mlnlater 11 o'clock service. rIbe Church , Sunday, Deeember 4 Nursery is apen during this serg:45 A.M.-Church School. vice and Mrs. Paul K. Paulson and 10:00 A.M.-,Young Adults Anne Kraus will be in obarge 11:00 A.M,-Dr. Keiser will preach The "shersfor the day are A.. 6:30 P.M.-Youth ,Fellowship P. Smith. G. Glaesser, C. L. HughTRINITY CHUlICH ey,-E Shustock and R. M. Snyder. Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector A large delegation from the Sunda,., December 4 ' With this heading we try to attract people, from nearby areas to our 8:00 A.M, - Holy Communion. church will attend the Evangelis. 9:45 A.J4.-Church School tic Advance Mass Meetiog in Conshowroom for fine rugs . . . and they come. 11:00 A.M.-Holy C9m nnmion. vention Hall in the afternoon at '1:30 P.M. Canterbury Club. 6:30 P.M. Youth Fellowship 3:30. Bishop W. Angie SmIth of Oklahoma will be the speaker and We got to thinking, though, about the other fine places right here in Presbyterian Church Homer Rodeheaver will be song THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Swarthmore. Noted for outstanding schools, beautiful homes, truly leader. OFFRlENDS The Community Youth FellowFRIENDLY people, fine eating places. we can also boast the unusual in shops. SODda,., December 4 ship will meet at 6:30 p. m. in the 8:45 A.M.-FIrst Day School. 9:45 A.M.-'Morning Forum - Dr. Presbyterian Church. Vincent Lathbury, psychiatrist Whether It be a men's wear store which always, has your size, or a The Board of Education meets on The Psychological Bases of on Tuesday evening at 8 at the television store where they really know how to keep your set working; Rellgion. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. home of Mr .and MTs. Charles whether it be a beauty treatment, a prescription to be filled, or the latest in , Children cared for In Whittier Hoover, 613 Yale avenue, Morton. House. Rehearsal for the Junior Choir fashions, you can do belt.er if you shop right here in Swarthmore. 6:00 P.M.-Supper for Friends in Is on Thursdsy at 6:30, and for the . College.' , 6:10 P.M.-Community Christian Senior Choir at 7:45. The Official Board will meet . Youth Fellowship in PresbyTo our fellow-businessmen for maintaining excellent standards of servterian Church. on Friday evebing at 8 in the ice, we doff our hats; and' to our fellow-Swarthmoreans, we say, Monda,., Deeember 5 Sewing for the A:E.s.C. In chapel. Whittier House. Wednesda.,., Deeember 7 Trinity Notes All day sewing and quilting for Holy Communion will be celethe A.F.s.C. I brated at 8 a. m. All departments FIRST CHURCH OF of the Church Scho!>l will meet CHRIST SCIENTIST at 9:45 a. m Holy Communion OF SWARTHMORE will be celEbl'8ted at 11 a. m. Tbe Park Avenue below Harvard Sunda,., December ~ boYs serving as acolytes are-8 am. . . . . . . . . ~da. . . CempleteSke ....p_......eatal . . . . 11:00 A..M.-8nruiay School. ' Graham Foster; 11 a. m. John 11:00 A.M. Lesson - Sermon Bernard Jack ThOmpson, David 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. "God The Only Cause and Hurm ":'d Robin Wright. Ushers Swarthmore 0730 or 0529 - Clearbrook 9-4646 Creator." • the 11 oc ' lock servtte . are'.T' Wednesday evening meeting .or ....ch week, 8 p.m. R ...... lng room B. Keirn ,head usher, R. M. DanValue Heaclqu.irters for Fine Rup openH• daily except Sunday and ieI, C. B 'Blake, W. F. KIng, Jl. T. olidays 12 to 5 p. rn. Wednelda;:v Bates, S B Brewster J S ThOlDPeven!np 7 to '1:50 p.m. and 8 flo • • " 8:30,. son and a G. Halg. 'lbe young ., Trust Co. I ASSISTANCE • .THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. Church Services • .. when you buy FINE RUGS SHOP IN SWARTHMORE (pA"'~D" l.t C'omr.en,! , . T BE S WABT B M 0 a BAN D 1,1M8 THE SWABTHMOBBAN = 5 Health· Society • Holds Meeting . '--- - .. For the~head of the house· and all younger aspirants * For family sweethearts SHIRTS . SWEATERS SWEA'I'ERS PAJAMAS UNDERWEAR by Barbizon, Van Raalte by Interwoven, lArrow, McGregor For all - Mittens, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Wallets * * Our selection is wide - choosing gifts here is fun - There'll be no fatigue when Christmas shopping is done u.e at , .. • SMOKER'S GIFTS If your very The Women's Auxmary of the American Legion will hold their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Norman Hulme on Thursday, Decemher B at 2 p.m. for the benefit of the needy. The Community of Swarthmore is invited to attend. There will be no admittance chaI'ge, but for many years it has been the custom for each guest to bring articles of food. Contributions will also be accepted. Man,y families will' be happier at Christmas for the donations rp.ade at this time. Last month 3 knitted afghans and 10 pairs of knitted socks were sent to hospitals, $5 sent to Coatesville Hospitsl to help defray expenses for. a watermelon party occurIng during the summer, $10 was given to the Special Polio Campaign, and $15 to the Community Chest ProjeCt. Coupons handed in last year were used in suppJying Perry Point Hospital with a picnic shel- ... tor on the I]"ounds, including a fireplace and benches. The Open House Group will meet on MondRY, December 5 at 2 P. m. in Whittier House. The PI"Ogram, will be under the direction of the Friends Meeting COmmittee with Mrs. W. Mark BitU. as chairman. MmgeandDot Cuserole Cate~ Serriee SPECIALIZING IN 1Ameh....... Buffel S - " , CoaktaII ....... OPEbi EVERY EVENING, STARTING DEC. 5 c.u Dot BeitteJd - SWL 11'11 Marie Hurd - Swa. 8111 ~pecial come right in. man's a smoker We've his favorite blend. The choicest pipes. FAMOUS PERFUMES Christmas magic for that most special person. . Here's a wide . choice of fragrances by Lentheric, Faberge, LeLong, Chan.el and many others. SHAVING SUPPUT:S . BEAUTY· ITEMS . A man appreciates practical gifts that he can use day in and day out. We've .:. eve..ythinghe needs for comfort and To Plea.. The Discriminating Lotions • Cosmetics • Manicure Seh grooming, brushes, 10tiOiU. Compach .in Christmas trimmings that • are irresistible. TOY . FAVORITES Auxiliary Plans party Open Bouse Group To Meet • • The board of directors of the Community Health Society of Central Delaware County held their November meeting recently·in Borough Hall. Mrs. Walter A. SchJDidt, the president, presided. The officers for the follOWIng year are as follows: Mrs. Schmidt, president; Mrs. William H. GebrinS first vice-president; Mrs. John C. Geniease, second ·vice-preBident; Mrs. Theodore Smithers, treasurer; Mr. Elric Sproat, assistant treasurer; Mrs. H. Lindley p.eel, secretary; and Mrs. George Duncan, Jr., corresponding secretarY. Mrs. Elizabeth Groff, director of the agency, gave a report on bedside care and school work fur the past month. Reports were read -by the various chairmen of committees. The most active committees were supply closet and volunteer services. Mrs. Charles Fischer, chalrnlan of the supply closet committee, 'Wished to thank the Swarthmore Needlework Guild, the Springfield Needlevmrk Guild, and the Ridley Park Needlework Guild for tb,eir lBrge donations of new clothing. Appreciation was also expressed.to the Friendly Circle, Scott Paper Company and the Paper Products Com_ of Swarthmore for their constant help throughout the year. Mrs. Carl Schmitt chairman of volunteer servicea reported on the work of the volunteers. Volunteers for transportation are badly needed for patients who cannot use public. transportation or make other plans for clinic attendance. Drivers take patients to and from the clinic, which involves a wailing period while the patient is being treated Drivers are protected by their own automobile liability insurance. Anyone wishing t.o volunteer for this work should call MTS. Schmitt of Secane, SwarthI1lQre 22B4-J. It was decided to omit the December meeting so that time could be given to Christmas plans fllr "Shut-In" patients and a 0hrIstmas 'Party for the Child Health Center. Holgate Toys mean an extra special Merry Christmas for children everywhere. They're fun and they lastl Have you ieen our newest? CHILDREN'S BOOKS Little books to live with--part of . WRITING·. NEEDS· Wide selection of distinctive papers by Eaton, Montag - Pen and Pencil Seh - Desk Seh - Scrap Books to make a wish come true. CHRISTMAS CANDY . Holiday Confections by Whitman, etc. every childhood-ideal stocking pres- . Candy Canes, Gumdrops - enh. sugar plum tree. for your \ - GIFT WRAPPED OF COURSE - MICHAELtS· COLLEGE PHARMACY - ON THE CORNER - .. • THE Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lange of Cedar lane entertained the foreign ~dents who are now attending Swarthmore College .at a tea recently. The other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thompson, of GET YOURS NOW An opportunity you won't want to min. Makes an excellent Christmas Gift. est sUvenmiths In Ame.... ica, with 0 reputation far fine silverplate. Sets of like quality selling where for more than twlCII our price. Th.Ink of it, this lovely, rich cARMEN panern-beautlful design found only In expensive silvarplata. Unusual valua. Made by one of the lar~est and fin- The purpose of the amendment is to remove the judiciary from various political pressures. Under the present system, the judge is elected on the basis of party affiliation as well as on his qualifications. The Pennsylvania Plan proposes that when a vacancy occurs the Governor will appoint a successor to the bench. This appointment would be made from three names submitted to the Governor by a nominating committee of seven members. This committee will be composed of a judge, three lawyers appointed by the bar, and three citizens appointed by the Governor. This appointment is for a period not exceeding two years, at which time, the judge if he wishes to continue on thd bench submits his name to a vote. His name THE SWABT.MO • • AN would appear on the ballot In a General Election,· without party uUiliation. U this amendment passes, he will have no opponent; he will make no campaIgn. The The electorate will vote on the merits of his conduct as a judge. Mrs. J. Burris West, as acting vice president of the League pre;;!ded. Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch, chairman of Structure ·and Fuilction of Government, arranged the meeting and introduced Mr. Holl. Hospitality ChaIrman Mrs. Henry A. Piper, was in charge of the luncheon. TO PRFlSENT CAROL ~G The Media Fellowship Chorus invites its friends to a Christmas Carol Sing at the ¥edia Presbyterian Church, Baltimore avenue, Media on Wedoesday, December 14, at 8:30 p.m. A varied and attractive group of carols will be presented by the Chorus, and the audience will join' in the slncJns of famillar carols. Fellowship Chorus, under the direction of Alice E. Blodgett, has performed for local audiences on numerous occasions during the past few years. ThIs group of some 50 voices would welcome all those who enjoy singing and Jlstening to carols as they are surig in A Cappella style. To Entertain Club Group Mrs. Henry A. Piper will be hostess to the Chester-Delaware County Area Group of the Women's University Club of PhIladelphia on Wedoesday evening, December 7 at 8 p. m. at her home, 608 North Chester road Dr. M. A. Tarumianz, Superin.tendent of the Delaware Hospital at Farnhurst, speaker, of the evening, will discuss the "Care Of the Mentally ill." ·ORANGE CLEANERS 48c Regular 600 up . SWEATER .............................................................. 49c ANY Man's or Woman's, Regular SOc and 750 up 3 WEEKS - NOVEMBER 28 to DECEMBER 11 Now 1 Da:\, Service Any Arllcle ISc Extra .1_ ICEBERG LETTUCE .c..~:!la . : : 25c IIIIt 1IOI23c Ib Joe Armour's TREET 'or your w ••Ic:-end d ...." Virginia lee Golden Pecan Bar CAKE -3tc Gold.nt Vanilla Iced.tappea with Pecans Str.uuel APPLE TART F. F;ZIMMERMAN Photographer "Outstanding for Qualll;y" Media 6·1486 6 E. Front St. J" Piclmick Pickles 1'1:': 15c SELF-SERVICE MEAT DEPTS. • Small, Lean SMOKED PICNICS (~) gas water condition. 1274. CUNNINGHAM New lowe~ Price Whole Kernel Golden 236 Harding" Av. fro_ t ......r young crol' bantam GoI. . . Cora. "Fresh Col'll Off the CoI../' Ideal Purple Plum.",,",rr.~'1,..,. N:;"W. a •• Dole PIa_pple .Juice a ::: ... BoDy Bill Oraaae lecticnu a ~ 4'. Ideal Fruit Cocktail N~II:I sse ....al Faaq Apple ~.ce a ':;,~ ase IdealOraace.Julce a '!:i.: a.. I "!: a.. HD ....Ute d Da'ide. -. S . . == = 'a•• ~~ ___ ...... ';.- ___ _ I_T_.'_'._.,_ _.,.-.,.-_.."...,..,.,_ _ __ -...;:;e;i~lr::;~ Tbe School District of Swarthmore will ADVERTISEMBNT receive blds at the office of the School II,; 'T",de.wu.tb. Willi WI1 W &sq a.. • SHERIFF SALES of Real Estate SHERIFJo"S OFFICE DIJtrlct In the Hlgb School Bulldlnr. • conler of College and PrincetOn Avenues, Swarthmore. Pennsylvania, up to " p.m., Tuesday, December 0, 10-'0, oud open Ule bids at a meeUng or the Board at the School District ORlee.on December., IOU. at 8 p.bl., or at on adjourned meeting of the School Board. for cJeanin,. repalrin,. renovating. storing, and inlurlng or football equipment. Spedfl~tlons can be secured bfootween 0 a.ro. and • dally elOcept Saturdays. Sundays, lUi hOlidays, at the School District oll'ke. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids In ",bole or. In part and to award contracts or BDY Item or Items makIng up any bid. s.m . v:::";;b:;t ~_ 11-l8-.T !::~~~!!~!~S::~~:~~~~li:( ~,...--~. HILDA LANG DENWORTH Secretary Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete PETER DI NICOLA Phone 'Swarthmore 2526 Swarthmore avenue Swarthmore DiMposal Service Kuhh.... Coli.... W_1<17 ... Monthly Phone Swarthmore lOTI 9 A. M. to UO P.K. anived froni· France. December 1 after a year·· With the AniericaD FriendS ·Pa. brown silk money. Reward. 1528. FOUND Silk scarf and child's . J.acket. Call warthmore 0508-W. Motorists-beat car trouble to the pun~ this winter. See us DOW for Sinc1air·ize for Winter Service. With this special sery~ icc, we·proteCt your car ten ways against· winter wear. Charles E. Fischer' BUlLDEit Swar\hJnre.l ter Jean. Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett of filed thereto. WII.LlAM C. KNODEL.· PLUJIlIBING AND BEA.'lmG Registered in Swarthmore Dial Chester 8810i PETER E. TOLD All Lines Of Insurance 333 Dartmouth· Avenue Swarthmore 1833 •• A. Mercer Quinby F1JNERAL DmECTOR Fo:merly of Media 1125 W. Lehigh Ave4 PhJla. Phone Baldwin 11~0 . No additional. charge for suburban ca11s I ~L~ J~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 1:0-: 3Bc . Dessert. I......... u.. 4 .... 23e .,. .... dllll ... gMW B.arI Oats 14c Sharp Chee.. .. 6ge , Gold·N-Rleb " 6ge Glendale Club Hz ... 23c Vagt's Scrapple , ....... 24c Halves Pears NL ........ 2Se Christmas Cards. 6 I.... 2ge oodo. 49~ Phoil~ Media·· 6-3555 New·lIIld BebuUt Pianos IIIljl·Bepalrlnc Since 1,.. . B. BUTrIlllFIELD. The above a«.'Quat hal beeo filed liD the Ol'iee of Prothonotary of the above Court and wIll be ronnnned by IBtd Court OD Deceruber lIS. lue. uolea ucepUons are mm's - original bag ----~~.~~--------- PIAN~ ',rUNING ALBAN"PABKU _'" or GERTEUDE SHBIIIPP SALBS The League of Women Voter's of Ileal BoIat. contrib t· SHEBIPF'S OPFICE u 'on to its members and COUBT HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. to the community w!1l be dIBcuased .."day. ..........,. n. ..•• a meeting of the ..... _~ ~. the It :10 A.. M. .b&t~ru ~laudard 'rime ,U\oNI.n.&. .....1. UuuJlltolll! ,UU.UU C&Ili.I or (.'Cdded Swarthmore chapter at a boXl·--. at time of sale (unless otherwise 1 h hi auve.rtisemcut). ball1nee In ten unc eon to be held 12:30 p. m. ....y.. Uther ...dlllo.. ou day ot ..I•• Friday, December 9 at the home of Fieri Jo~a.c1QRubert •• MacBrl..... SherlJr. No. 11" Mrs. JOfieph S. ~ 97 Dartmouth avenue. .. League activities on the stete and national levels as well as pro'jects and pro8rams of the local league will be reported on by department chairmen. Mrs. Ctinton Clarke, ;~d~:::'I~~~'ft of Beverly, Massi,· and . ' . PaInters . Milton Bryant of South The FIfteenth Anniversary of luncheon at her home for elght. .•__ guests preceding the book revieW the Delaware County W r."".. . Cluo was held in Whittier House g.ved by Mrs Euruce Eaton at John B. Baker, stote CbaImian of Kniskem of Riverview road, was Literature, was guest of honOr. surprised on Sunday evening by' a Mrs. John O. Nessen, who Is reof . I ods . . group 0 fr e who called to s.ding with her son-m-laW and . , r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------,II •. IMPORTANT NcrrICE There will be no chonIB concert 'at Clothier u-orial Fri....,... day evenIng, December 2. that caring 118ve11 the weulac Call Swarthmore 04:76 II Chi!flter Road '~~. . . . .~~~~.~.~.~~~~_• •~~. .~_~i~:; Oscar Gilcreest, (recording seeretary), and guests Mrs. S. 111. Viele ~ and Mrs. Percy Gilbert from the Swarthmore Woman's Club. Interview Madame Pandit Several High School students had the opportunity recently to ask question and speak with Madam Pandit of India, the first woman ambassador to the United States. Being in Philadelphia at the time, she consented to have a press conference with students representing SlChools in the area. Representing Swarthmore were Warren Gold, Louis Sharpe and Donald Sharpe. Joan Davisson of Dickinson College spent the holidays with her mother Mrs. George Davisson 'Of Vassar avenue. They at tended the Army-Navy game with their house guest Halsey G. Knapp of Cornell University. GIfTS for TOTS and GmLS Snow Suits, Wool Coal Sets, and Dresso:s RUTH IZUMI Intimate gifts wi'th the magic . Christmas star.dust A new gown for holiday entertaining * * sheerist Nylon hosiery a"d lingerie * blouses a-sparkle with Christmas glow for ,your favorite gal .. ---- • • • 631 South Chester Road Theatre Square I '.......:, ;:t:• •:'" Still Time to Have Your wrap your gifts We'll ready for the CARDS but hurry! hurry! to alice Christmas , • ~ old ,bank buildlnf4 -l...• :-1t.• DECEMBER HOURS (WI the 14th) - 9 s.m. to 6 p.m. FrOJD 15th till Christmas 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. GIFT Suggestions _. WESTINGHOUSE Table Radios $19.95 SCIITCK i; "'f". ..... Electric Shavers « •• - SUN LAMPS • TOASTMASTERS ADOLPIPS 7 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD Phone Swarthmore 127<1 JOYCE LEWIS • SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. 'Fo~i::!~E~~= he said, laying a .tbick pad of pa_ per and a hunch of hts own par_ ticulsr I pencils on the counter. "And this," he added, rummaaing b...... in one of his capacious pockets and producing a slip of paper with one of those new ilial phone numbers carefu11y Written on it. The purpose of his coming, of course, was .to ask The. SwarthmOrean take the phone calJs of all Swarthmore boys and girls who wanted him to waken them on Christmas Eve. Santa's visit was necessarily short, but he ihad time to say that boys and girls could start calling him Wednesday, December 14, when the extra phone would be in, at Swarthmore 6-6175, giving their names, addresses and ages, and to ask their parents to leave the porch lights on to guide bim around the Swarthmore streets. "Haven'.t got time to get lost," he said, (ISO be sure to remind them to leave their PDrch lights on, and I'll be there eVentually." . Santa was halfway out the door by this time, but returned to say, a little uncomfortably, that the COLLI-:GK I,lMI The Bouquet STRATH HAVEN INN Edith Simpson, Mrs. Coates, Mrs. ~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Tuesday afternoon, an occasion the Woman's Club Tuesday. Mrs. daughter Mr, and Mrs. PhIliP W. h:::ODiiioirihieriiiblrthiiidayiii' that was also a Tea for the presidents and litera1llre Ser.ving chairmen of the Woman's Clubs in this coun~. Officers of the LUNcHIt;ONS and DINNERS club received. A program including original and our poetry read by Mrs, Robert Usual Thursday-Night Coates, and original songs and music followed the reception. BUfi'F'Ef SUPPERS Refreshments were served!. Those attending from Swarthmore were members Mrs. George Kremikoff, Mable Talley, Mrs. Swarthmore, Pa. Telephone Swu1I .......... Recip~~ I ~-.I·"I: R(jLAND U!-I,MAN G. E. ULLMAN TO 'SUIT ALL SERVICES HELD FOOTBALL NIGHT of 3 HELD SATURDAY In Handbook Residents, T own Makes : : e plans. The public is we1- 0-Year Resident' Was Actl've NEW PUMPER IS 'DUE THIS WEEK Latest Fire Truck Almost Doubles Boro Pumping Power As The Swarthmorean goes to press President Jom. Rumsey of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association announces the an-ival of the new Peter Pirsch pumper which will pump 1000 gallons per minute and carries a 100-gallon booster tank and 1500 feet of 2 \2 inch hose, is expected any minute. ·With the addition of this 245 horse );0" er public safety vehicle Swarthmore wi1l have a complete pumping power of 2500 gallons per minute and a 500-gallon booster capacity, the present booster truck having a 300-gallon booster tank and the ladder truck one of the same size as the new pumper. Fire Chief Harry Hamby advises that it is not only illegal but highly 'dangerous for automobiles to follow too closely in the wake of fire-fighting vehicles. In nearby towns several arrests were recently made for this offense. Chief Hamby expressed the hope that Swarthmore residents will' observe sufficient caution to guard against the necessi~ of such &rrests. Lafayette Coach Speaks, Fine Gift Boro Affairs . Camphell Named One of the three finest directories Swarthmore has ever had A Memorial Service was held Captain reposes quietty if not smugly in in the Friends' Meeting House on Patrick Murphy Malin, profesThe swarmore:.n office glo~ Sunday aftemoon, December 4, sor of economics at Swarthmore comfortably in its covering of at 3 o'clock for Roland G. E. Ullirrascibl bond. man who died Thursday evening, College, acted as toastmaster at e December 1, at his home "Apple- the 1949 football banquet held in And smug it might as well be, brOOk", Park avenue. Mr. Ullman the high school cafeteria Saturfor it is not evay directory, had been a resident of Swarth- day night for a team which chalk_ Swarthmore or otherwise, that is more since 1919 and during the ed up, its twenty. eighth stralght two years ~ the making, keeping past 30 years ihad taken an active victory on Thanksgiving Day. Beginoing on .Thanksgiving Day people panting at the doorstep or part in community affairs. ~hoking (usu~ in. ":,,as~A member of the Religious So- 1946 Swartbrnore has been untied bon) over the phone, mquiring ciety of Friends, hll'liad served as and unbeaten, ta\lying a rotal of as to Its Wlhereabouts. Nor is it assistant Clerk of the Swarth- 602 points to its opponents' 54. every direct.ory that has inspired more Meeting and as Clerk of the In twenty, of the games they held the cryptic, caustic, and (believe Concord Quarterly Meeting. He their opponents scoreless while in 1947 Broadway Hit Is it or ~ot) wistful comments from taught a class of boys in the none of the games did .the other Directed Here By those ~t~ested one way or an- First Day School for 11 years and team secure more than one touchSimmons other' m .ts progress. served on many committees of the down. A highlight of Saturday even• But arrive it finally did, with Meeting. ' Under the direction of J. Wilall the advantages of an automatic For 30 years Mr. UJlman had ing's affair .was the announcement liam Simmons, the Swarthmore washer and aU the salebility of a belonged to the Swarthmore of Fred Campbell, Jr., All~Dela­ Players Club will present next a Girl Scout cookie, for there is Players' Club where he worked ware County end, as next year's week (December' 12-17) Ruth nothing, it does seem, so handy as with characteristic enthusiasm in team captain. In addressing the public meet- Gordon's delightful play ''Years a washer, and nothing, we are. all phases of play reproducton, Ago!' The story of a young girl's . g ~,-~ COOki acting, directing, and writing. He ing in the school auditorium IfolI sure, so p easm. as.a .~ .....e. was a meinber of the -Board of lowing the dinner Coach Maurice ambition to go on the stage, 1be An alphabetical listing of names Governors for 20 years and each "Clipper" Smith of Lafayette Col- play abounds with youth and deand addresses av.:aits the r<;ference season for 15 years had directed lege (former All-Americ"'; and tennination and turns up nice coach at Vil\anova and of the and bright for Christmas with a of ·busY hOUSewlves sending out a play. the family Christmss cards and He had also served as president Bulldogs professional team) 'Paid castful of competent and charming players. offers aid to th: canvass",:, of of the Swarthmore Home and tribute to the seldrnn .equaled and to Mary Ann Dickinson heads the the town's varIOUS campaIgns. School Association. Mr. Ullman's record 01 the local the obvious fine coaching of Milcast as Ruth Gordon-Me, with Histories of Swarthmore, the col- fluencY in lsngusge led him to Grace E. Yeaw aud William W. lege, the churches and schools, take an active interest in the lard Robinson. _,Robinson presented an achieve- Price as my mother and my father, along with synopses of the town's local French Club. ment award to retiring Swarth- Barbara S. Thorbahn and Donogh organizations and an account 1y of Born at Lock es-sur-Ource, Burmore College Captsin Haines Z. McCutcheon as my best friend the se,:"ices of ~he borou~h simp gundy, France, on January 26, oo~e mformation ~or m~ested 18BB, -he was the son of the late Dickinson and letters to the var- and my next beSt friend, rereslden~ and strugglmg CiVICS stu- Dr. and Mrs. Gyula U1lman for sity team. Assistant Coach Henry spectivety. \Tuhn B. Littlefield, dent alike. many years residents of Chester, Hofmann made the junior var. Thomas H. Lueders, M. Jean Prosch, Ronald H. Yeher, and a (continued on page eight) A table of borough statisti~ (did Pa. ' cat (still to be chosen) complete you know that over 15 miles of Mr. Ullman was I""'duated from the cast. sewer pipe runs bene~th these Chester High School in 1904 and Thimble Group Meets Stage manager fr ~he show s streets of asphalt?), a list of the after a year of study and travel borough fire siren signals and a abroad received his engineering An extra meeting of the .Thim- Dr. J. Leslie Ellis. Prompter is . convenient page of general infor- training at the Universi~ of CoI- ble Group was held Monday at Alice M. Connolly with Walter F. mation, containing the numbers orado. He later did graduate work the home of Mrs. Edward M. Rauber as electrician, and Ted of police, fire and municipa:l at the Massachusetts Institute of Bassett, North Chester road to phones, are also included in this Technology and at the Wharton make Christmas slippers for Na- Cary in charge of music and sound val Hospital ~atlen'-, ff ts 136 paged '~lume .~. School of the University of Penn~'" e ec . A whole gallery of pictures of sylvania where he also for several the public buildings, scenes of years conducted a seminar for the college and the college woods seniors in Advertising and Marrounds out this . fact-informing keting. book and makes the perfect gift Mr. Ullman inaugurated a 1:00 P.M.-L.W.V. Meeting ........................ 97 Dartmauth Avenu for fonner borougbites, prospec- course in .Marketing, MerchanSunday, DecBDber 11 tive residents, or relatives and dising, and Advertising at Comell 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Worship .............................. Local Churches friends who want to know about University and for a number of 8:00 P.M.-Lecture In Defense of Neo-{lrthodoxy . the town of their favorite Swarth- years served on Comell's staff Lodge 5, College monlan. of lecturing professors. . Monday, December 13 8:20 P.M.-''Years Ago" ............................................ Plsyers Club It Is a rare book indeed, howHe practiced civil engineering Tnesday, J)eHmber 13 ever' careful1y planned that man- for eight years ,throughout the 8:20 P.M.-··'Years Ago" ............................................ Plsyers Club ageS 88 a whole to please every- Rocky Mountain area from Yu2:00 P.M.-Sue Read· "A .Christmas Festival" .... Woman's Club one but the Swarthmore Directory ca~ to the Arctics. 7:00 P.M.-.Tr. Club Covered Disn - Mrs. Hoot, reader comes close, with its guarantee In World War I Mr. Ullman WOIDlBn'S Club that everyone will find something cordi in served as a Lieutenant in the WednesclaJ', Dee«mber. 14 to be pleased with. A 'a1 - Air Corps of the United States vitation Is extended to all to come ArmY and was instructor in '''e 8:20 P.M.-"Years Ago" ........................, ............, ...... Players Club see for themselves this remark... , ThandaJ', J)eHmber 15' able book at The Swarlbmorean School 01. Military Aeronautics 8:20 P.M.....:.. 'Years Ago" ........................................... Players Club oftice on DarImDuth avenue. (continued on page eight) .....- - - - - - '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, "YEARS AGO" TO OPEN MONDAY' J. team. F====~=======~;;;;~=========:; TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR at INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE /.-='~ .. ~ DECIlMBEB Z, lM9 THE SWARTHMOBBAN 8 II Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South John B. Baker, State Chairman of Kniskern at Riverview road, was IMPORTANT NOO'ICE luncheon at her home (or eight Literature, was guest of hon.or. surprised on Sunday evening by a There will be no chorus conThe Fifteenth Anniversary of guests preceding the book revieW Mrs. John O. Nessen, who is re11 cert at Clothier Memorial Frid group of friends who ca ed to the Delaware County Writers given by Mrs Eunice Eaton at siding with her son-m-18W an day evening, December 2. Club was held in Whittier House daughter Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. "Iuesday afternoon, an occasion 1·I~h~e~w~o~m~a~n~'S~C;I~u~b~Tu;;e~S~d;;ay~.;;Mrs;;;;~';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i that was also a Reciprocity Tea 11-----for the presidents and literature chairmen of the Woman's Clubs Ser.ving in this county. Officers of the LUNCHEONS and DINNERS club received. A program including original and our BEAUTY SALON poetry read by Mrs. Robert Usual Thursduy-Night coates, and original songs and It's caring that saves the weerlDc music followed the reception. BUFFET SUPPERS Hcfreshnlents were served. , Call Swarthmore 0476 Those attending from SwarthmOl"e were members Mrs. George Swarthmore. Pa. Telepbone SwarUrmore 068. 9 Chester Road Kremikoff, Mable Talley, Mrs. WESTERN UNION OFFICE AND FREE PAIlKl!(G Hold Anniversary Tea I' Ihjo~nio~r..ihiieiriiiiibiiirth·iidiiayiii'iiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~ -------. The Bau'quet STRATH HAVEN INN Mrs·I~~.~i~~~~~i~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~i~~i~:::i~iiii~:i~:i~i~ii=i~; i": Oscar Gilcreest, (recording secreEdith Simpson, Mrs. Coates, tary), and guests Mrs. S. M. Viele and Mrs. Percy Gilbert from the Swarthmo.·e Woman's Club. ~ ARTS EXHffilTORS :. Among the contributors to annual Membership Exhibit of the Conununity Arts Center in Wallingford, are: Dorothy Schell MacMillan, E. R. Laws, Peggy Little, Alice Gilbert, Dorothy Curtis Kent, Julia Thurman, Mary Helen Danforth, Janine Hoffman, Doreell McConechy, Sally Brodhead. The exhibit will be open to the public through December 11. Intimate giFts with the magic Christmas star.dust A new gown For holiday entertaining * * sheerist Nylon hosiery and lingerie * blouses a-sparkle with Joan Davisson of Dickinson College spent the holidays with her mother Mrs. George Davisson of Vassar avenue. They at tended the Army-Navy game with their house guest Halsey G. Knapp of Cornell University. Christmas glow Jor GIFTS for TOTS and GIRLS Snow Suits, Wool Coat Sets, and Dresses .. .":'''':Iik4i\:iit SUl:iit.,:Iik' We'll wrap your gifts all .: Still Time to Have Your Name imprinted 011 CHRJiSTMAS CARDS but hurry! hurry! to S ready for the Christmas .: .. tree. • : old bank buildlnq: DECEMBER HOURS (till the 14th) _ 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. From 15th till Christmas 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. "'h"..:iit":Iik.:Iiit"':ik=t:~ ., rliffrc!lJli:j;r\l:j;r\l:.". '!I:...,*:W GIFT Suggestions .• WESTINGHOUSE from $19.95 REMINGTON & SCmCK ...... ..... Electric Shavers ~ ' SUN LAMPS " .~ TOASTMASTERS 7 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD Phone Swarthmore 1274 CHRISTMAS SEALS CO LlI·:I.: E L I g 1\.\ l~ Y t .., Cllih,s. Seals THE SWARTHMORE~N VOLUME 21-NUMBEB 49 CLUB PRESENTS SUE READ TUES. Club Committee Asks Gifts For Glen' Mills Boys SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, Christmas Window Service I DECEMBER 9, 1949 $3.50 PER YEAR U.W F. To Meet Here In order _ to take care of the Christmas ruf'h, the SWartlunore Post Office has arranged its schedule for window service as follows: Saturdays, December 10 and 17, open until 1 p. m. Mondays through Fridays, December 12 to 16 inclUSive. and December 19 to 23 inclusive. open until 7 p,m. Saturday, December 24. closed at 12 noon .. New collection boxes have been placed at the intersection of SwarUunore avenue and Cedar lane, and at the south end of Riverview road to accomodate residents in the new development. Alan Cranston, new President of World Federalists, Inc., will speak on Friday, December 16, at 8p.m. in the Meeting House on the college campus. The meeting will be sponsored by the Swarthmore College Chapter and The West Delaware County Chapter of United World Federalists, largest 'Vorld Govt>nunent organization in the United States. Paul Shoup, of Swarthmore College will introduce the speaker and Willard P. Tomlinson of South Chester road ~vill preside and tell something of the aims of the West Delaware County Chapter. Under the caption, "From Ideas to Action," Cranston will present the World Government picture in it's latest aspects and outline it's future plans. T·he public is wel- NEW PUMPER IS DUE THIS WEEK Latest Fire Truck Almost Doubles Bom Pumping Power A foretaste of Ohristmas will be give..."1 to Swarthmore next As The Swarthmorean goes to press President John Rumsey oC Tuesday, December 13, when the the Swarthmore Fire and ProtecWoman's Club presents Sue Read tive Association announces the in HA Christmas Festival". A forarrival of the new Peter Pirsch mer Lansdowne resident and a ptlm.tJer which will pump 1000 talented and attractive star on gaJlons per minute and carrics radio and television, Miss Read is a 100-gallon booster tank and well-known Ito many memb,¥,s 1500 feet of 2 ~'2 inch hosc, is exof the club. pected any minute. \Vith the Born in Philadelphia Sue Read addition of this 245 horse power is a descendent of George Read a ROLA~D ULUIAN public safety vehicle Swarthsigner of the Declaration of Indemore will have a complete pumppendence. As a child she attended ing power of 2500 gallons per Quaker schools. Her dramatic m:nute and a 500-gallon booster come work attracted the attention of capacity, the present booster the noted radio singer, Jessica truck having a 300-gallon hooster I Dragonette, who arranged for her tank and the ladder truck one of to study with the OSSible." At vitation is extended to all to come Army and was instructor in the Thursday, December 15 . Which point Santa whisked out of see for themselves this remark- School of Military Aeron.auties atl 8:20 P.M.-''Years Ago" ....................... _................... Players Club town, to return for a longer visit able book at The Swarthmorean (continued on page eight) ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Christmas Eve. office on Dartmouth avenue. -- DIRECTORY AIMED R. G. E. ULLMAN TO SUIT ALL SERVICES HELD fOOTBALL NIGHT HELD SATURDAY "YEARS AGO" TO OPEN MONDAY THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Table Radios ADOLPH'S BUY , J. your Javorite gal .•. RUTH IZUMI 631 South Chester Road Theatre Square t i' , Interview Madame Pandit Several High School students had the opportunity recently to ask question and speak with Madam Pandit of India, the first woman ambassador to the United States. Being in Philadelphia at the time, she consented to have a press conference with students representing s.chools in the area. Representing Swarthmore were 'Varren Gold, Louis Sharpe and Donald Sharpe. a'iCCgbGrierF ,. ., ",A I:TII ~lOl!E \ JOYCE LEWIS TaB z DECEMHIIB t, 1MI SWABTBMDBaAN -H 4 to 5 next Monday afternoon at guests at a eocktall party given the -home of Mrs. Donald P. Jones by Mr. and' l,fra. W. Herilerl I'JJIS YOUR CAR READY FOR WINTER , Helen Disque, daughter of Dr. of Swarthmore avenue, ,with weiler o(Paoli, and b7 Mr. ,1UId and Mrs. R. C. DIsque of strath Trooll mothers as guests of honor. Mrs. ~ Rivin&ton Pyne of Pea~ carburetor 'and Ignition ~ ~ooling System Haven avenue, and Patricia Me-' Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson pack, N J., at the FulweUer heme Cahan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Strath Hayen avenue enter- December 11. Engine & Clutch - Shoc4 Steering & Brakes David McCahan also of Strath tained at a dinner-bridge last Haven avenue, will sing with the Friday. HONOR BR-WEJ1'O.B» BlJSSEI4L~S Mount Holyoke College Glee Club Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Mercer, Mr. Miss BartJara Knabb of PrinceFriday evening, December 16. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller, Mr. and "Bob" Atz, Owner ton avenue, whose marriage to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf of Mrs. Arthur R. Dana, and Mr. Mr. Edwin Hanford of Drexel Hill Park avenue for the past week Charles G. Thatcher of Swarth- will take place December 17, was CAL L 04 it 0 DARH,1OUTH &- I ~rAY(rrE AV~). have been entertaining Mr. Wolf's more spent the week-end in guest of honor at a luncheon and brother and 8ister-in-law Mr. and Atlantic City with members of kitchen shower given \Sunday by Mrs. Fred Wolf of Utica, Ohio. the Ozone Golf Club. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Je~up Mrs. JMnes Lukens of Elm av- -:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, enue and her daughter Mrs. David r of Westdale avenue entertained of Haverford avenue entertamed Make it a Family Christmas Dinner at The Inn Welsh of Lansdowne, at the Luinformally at their home Saturday as their week-end guests Mr. and The Children will Love the Big, Bright Tree Mrs. H. V. Faber of Beaumont, kens home. evening. Mrs. Donald Crosset and her Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson Texas. and You will lind the True Christmas Spirit Here. daughter Miss Sandra Crosse! of of Westdale avenue will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Charles ·C. Heisler Ridley Creek road, Media enterOld-fllShionecl YnleUde TURKEY DINNER ........................ ,2.00 at a supper [or out-of-town guests entertained a group of friends, tained at a miscellaneous shower other Chol""" In.lude ChopS and Steaks, from ,2.25 - $2.75 on Sunday evening. including former Swarthmore DINNER DEC. 25th, 1 - 7:30; DEC. 26th 1 - 2:30 and 5 - 7.30 Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Reavis of High Schdol classmates, at the Miss Knabb was also guest of home of Mrs. Heisler'S mother Rese~n.s Being Made Now lor. Both Days honor at a neighborhood shower University place entertained as Mrs. Hugh W. Downing of Rivertheir house guest last week Mr. view road in, honor of Miss Anne given by Mrs. Henry I. Hoot, Miss Reavis' sister Mrs. Earl Harris of A. Argyle of Scarsdale, N.Y., Nancy Hoot and Miss Helen Hoot Swarihmore, I'a. Telephone Swaribmore 0680 Columbia, Tenn. . formerly of Swarthmore, and Mr. of Lafayette avenue. WESTERN UNION OFFICE AND FREE I'ABKTNG Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Merrill John William Lerew, Jr., of New with their daughter Linda of Rochelle N.Y. whose engagement ENGAGEMENT Ogunquit, Me., arrived Thursday has bee'; recently announced. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Balat" II for a week-end visit with anAlice P. Hornaday, daughter of Fawce1lt, formerly of Swarthmore, other daughter Lpuesa who is Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hornaday announce the engagement of their spending the winter with her aunt of Dickinson avenue has 'been an- daughter, Miss Nancy H8stI!ngs Miss Sarah Berry of Park avenue. nounced as co-chairman of the Fawcett, and Mr. Louis John WagThe Menills are en route to Tuc- decorations committee for the ner, son of Mr. Harry ·Wagner of son, Ariz. consolidated Relief Drive Formal Wilmington, and the late Mrs. BlJ;AUTYSALON Borough Secretary, Elliott Rich- Dance held at the Oberlin Col- Wagner. ardson left Tuesday on a two- lege recently. Alice, a junior in It's earing that saves the wearing The marriage will take place In week vacation to Miami and the Oberlin College of Arts and the spring. Jamaica. ~ Sciences, is majoring in Kinder'Call Swarthmore 0476 ' Mr. William H. Ward, Mr. garten-Primary education. She 9 Chester Road BIRTHS Donald W. Poole, and Mr. Mar- is a junior counselor for freshvel Wilson of Swarthmore are on men, and a member of the WomMr. and Mrs. Walter 1.. Douga 10-day hunting trip to North an's Athletic 'Association, Y.W.C.A. lass, Jr., of Coatesville are reExecutive Board of the Athletic ceiving congratulations upon the Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fischer Association at Goucher College, birlh of a son, Walter r"",don of Dickinson avenue entertained Baltimore. Douglass, III, on Decart his Rutgers avenue between Chester stockings for either a boy or a organization plays in ll1e cultivaroad and Cornell avenue to two girl, so members are reminded to tion of friendly relations among Sponge rubber hours, effective immediately, was bring toys, candy and wrapping students of all countries who have rug cushion I made at this meeting. paper as well as a IJlg stocking come to the United States to atCouncil decided to ask the to fill. 1'I1e Club III a1se donating tend educational Institutions in NOW YOtl can live Jour rugs that glorious feel of rich. deep-pile School Board to assist with the a basket of food for the needy and the metropolitan Philadelphia carpeaog-easily and cheaply_with amazing new SPtmg~x•• I would appreciate contributions of area. Made of pure, virgin rubber. SpongtK has many more advantages improvement of the road alonJlSide and Done ol the drawbacks found in old style carpet lining. at least two items.of canned goods Mr. 'I'hompson's talk was inits new play!ield and the railroad, at this time. Sl1"8'" is sanitarY, has no dirr-catdting crevices. It is mothterspersed by the comments of . and-vermin-proof, doeso"c aruaa lint. can be scrubbed clean in a extending from Swarthmore avMrs, Henry I. Hoot will pre- James Yang a graduate of the Unijiffy_ S/lDa,'Jl will never stretch out of shape, aeep. crawl. budde enue to Riverview road. sent Christmas readings, which versity of Pennsylvania and curGI' mat down. The reorganization meeting of will be followed by carol singing. rently a resident of International Y.,. owe it to yourself and your russ to give them.the luxury Council was set for January 3. aad IODs-life MiMa.rance" of S"".61# Rug Cushioo. CoII\C io ana Mary Spencer of Walllngford will House, who entertained his aud... how it feels 10 Mep on Sp&n8"" Zoning Decision Postponed be accompanyist. ience with an amusing recitation • T. M. Bee. 9x12 - $33.00 Juniors hope that all members of the complications and embarAt a meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment Tuesday and friends will join in the fes~ assments he encountered as a student as a result, of customs here evening testimony was heard in livities. differing from those in his native regard to the application of B. China. Franklin Pierce for a technical Ellen Jenkins of North Chester variance of several inches in lo- road, a student at Dav!s-"""'';' Mr d Mr ••_ _ e l:arpetl. . . . Complete Sloe RlDle. Oriental B.g. . an s. ~ed R. Wilson .. cating a house ·he plans to build College, ElkIns, W. Va. who re- of WBlnut lane entertained Miss 100 Parle Ave;, Swllfhmore. Pa. at Harvard avenue and South returned home for the holiday va- Edna Baker of Woodbury, N.J. as Sw.r+hmore 0730 0. 0529 - CL •••brook 9-4646 ... Chester road. The meeting was cation, underwent a knee opera- their week-end guest "'-_" ~Jl.gs Need Cltanll,IYERY Year! adjourned to meet at a later date tionTuesday. in the''Bryn Mawr Hospital I upon call of' the Chairman. on Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Weiland of South Chester road entertained Open House at Gibbons HClpDe Mr. and ~. Albert St. ClaIr, of Open House will be held at the WUmington, Del., as their guests Gibbons Home, Baltimore pike, over a'recent week-end• Monday evening, December 12 at Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Tait B o'clock. have tr\Oved from the Swarth-. Mrs. George P.· Warren will m~re Apartments to their new present the story of Christmas, home in Stoney Creek ,Park, illustrated with slides, and music. Springfield, Delaware County. Mr: New Lillu Underfoot for you w"'S;onqu. I ',i.. l1'A"'~~" It C"mge~J~ ii;tiiii;tiii·~ii~i~iii~i.iEijrii~j~i~i~j~iirii~ii I am really not trying to get your GOAT but come to see MINE. They came from Sweden where they are a symbol of Chrislq1as. , CHECKS GIVE YOU AHETI'ER ." , , • My shop is chock full of beautiful and praciical gifts awaiting your choice. ~~RUNNING RECORD" CELIA SHOE SHOP HltlI .~ Jr. Assemblies \ There's everything )'011 need in B. F. GoodrIch rnbber footwear for tiny tots. Easy on and off ••• Lightness in welght ••• Famous B. F. Goodrich durabllit:r for long wear. Bring , your children in today aDd let us lit them. while we have a fuB ranee of .ue.. J~ 112 P ....k Molor T. CLOSES THOMPSON TALKS ' S BUSINESS EAR y . =:~~esS~,:,d:=~~ .AT' CLU , for TINY TOTS Your car needs winter protection, too. See us now for Sinc1air-ize for Winter Servicc. With this special service, we protect your car ten ways against wint:r wear. ~~~~~.~,:1~'~6:'~::~~~:-__~__~___'~T~B~E~'~S~W:A~a~T!!H~H~O~a!!.~A~N~____~______'~__~~-=__~,~~__~=-~! & AI..S'I'(tN CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Swarthmote 3681 A~tIe Swum n .... Give A DDlECI'OBY This oIristll.OS The New Up·to-the·lIIInllte Catalogne of Swarthmore Its residents, Its history and institution. is sure to be warmly accepted by everyone interested in the Borough - Swarthmoreans Who Have Not Yet Secured A Copy Swarthmoreans Who :Have Moved Away , Swartkmoreans Attending' College You won·t want to be dashing around with cash, once' you've paid bills ~y chec~. It's not only quicker, safer and mare bu.smes~­ like ••• it provides automatic receIpts IR the form of c<:lncelled checks and keeps your spending "in balancel" Come in and.". us. Swarthmore lIational Bank & Trust Co. ' Now You can buy U. S. SavinP Bondi! IllUtoDatl..u,. ~0UII:h the' n~w Bond-a-Mont:h PlaD. AIi& at tIIIa l\UIk Only $2 to subscribers of The Swarthmo~ ORDER EARLY by calling Swarthmore 0900 For your convenience I will remain open until 9:00 P.M. every day until Christmas. Let me help you. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation \. 104 Park Avenue Swarthmore 2513 • T B & S W· A • TaM 0 & ., A If 6 The Annual Christmaa tea of \ afternoon at the home of Mrs. the Kappa Gamma Aluumae \ James Bacon Douglaa of Nwtb Association will be held tomorrw Chester road. .~. :04 1;1." I, DtI Un cJol1eie, played In the aDD...1 "",' South Chester road, ElIzAdrla' Army-Navy All Star Hockey abeth is PllBeta Phi sorority rep.. Succsseful Season pme on Saturday. She held the resentative on ,th.. Pan-HellenIc Swarthmore Hl&h School'. Girla' positiOIl of left wing for the Army COWIciL Hockey team WOWId. up 1ts llNl1 team. Wllllam A. McCulloc:tl of Rivaeason with a bang_ game . David Daugherty of the, Uni- erview road has been e1ected to against Upper Darby. winlling b,- vers!ty of 'Virginia spent the the glee club at lehigh UniveNity. a well-earned _ of 1-,0. end recent1y at his home on He is a first bass. Opening !he fall schedule rather DJckillst>U avenue. • Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gowing of inauspicious1y with 1 _ to Ellzabeth Bryant returned to Parrish road, entertaIned Mlsa Springfield Qld Haverford b7 ODe Bucknell Uni~ty following Louise Watkins of Cleveland, Ohio point each, and George Schoo\ 2~. a weekend spent at her home recently. an uninspiring tltauIh effec:t1ve • nothing-nothing tie with Westtown • the alm'odt COD!pletely green team then managed a tum for the better. beating Lanadowne 8-0, holding Media at a 2-2 tie and 0011eluding the feason with the beautifully played Upper Darby game. Coached bY Virginia Allen and managed by Mildred Magee, this years team members. Pauline Benecke. Ruth Wilcox, Barbara Crossett, Jane Evans, Beverly Harlow, Dottie Heinze, Marlyn· Green, Loraine Saunders, Anne Lukens, Jerry Faulkner, Vivian Herndon, Polly Told, Chrissy Ford have much to show tor this season's work. Captain Bobby Crossett. benched the first three games due to a foot injury. waa the one returning player from last year's varsity. It's record. though not so impressive in the books compared to former undefeated seasons. is significant in the display ot steady development aa evidenced by its game hy game improvement culminating in the fina! game of top-notch hoc!27c Lamb Roast,,=~: I04ge Short Ribs of Beef ,> 35c Lamb Chop••ON'' ' "67e , Corned Beef .,,,.. v." 1Be Lamb Liver ........ '>47c Sliced loaf Lancaster Brand .. DRI!al~!'a, ~~~n.2ge Liver p~~~,_ Ib RoDed VEAL ROAST P!~:!III Smelt. FIAIYN .. 1 cau.dlaa I ::=;:..... LARGE BOSTON MACKEREL Shrimp ...,.. _.tatl For Oe.nert fhl. W..l:-end VIRGINIA LEE ICED POUND CAKE M~on Plain o. Marbl. Virginia lee at: Pineapple fill.c:l BUNS 6~. . Z5e 49.: Sge Ib .. 35c Perch Fillet. ,> 59c Whiting '033c I017c Ib 21e .Ideal Old .aahloned Mince Meat 2~-:4ge Peaches 23c Tuna Fish :: 23c R~~= Nt. .~ LI=:~eat Pink Salmon Acm. Com : . : Olives on.... Plde Jellies 17:a'::'W:-. I:oh,lord La .... Sweet PRUNES FOR'ALL SWARTHMORE - Ideal Fancy Long Cut What hits the FAST 'DIAL SERVICE ....... 39c 2 ":;! 33e lo-trI .... 43c 7 tu ....... $1 5 Ji~. $1 Selected AII.Purpose U. S. No. 1 Size A MaIne TELEPHONE USERS • \ ,DE"'EMiiJIL ',IMt THE -.....~" CLASSIFIED w.. ~ _= '15.... ,.1. 1'·"-·'" I i ,....,n_ & .. ~ .v_ I . ____ .... ~ ~'::'ar"!t,ed .m .valfll... wrapped - of.oo-, ,-' =, S~I,F-Hot I ==- . w.Y. ',-! ";. • : a.. ... ...,..., ....HHHHHH""'HHHHp , Charles E • F'ISCh er BUlLDEa swarlJUDOre 1111 WANIl'ED-BOOKS \10 !be distributed by FOR U. S. PEACE MIlltary Center, Germany: alley of Decision. Davenport: The Shenandoah, J. Davis: An American Tragedy Jenm'e Gerhardt·. Sister Car, Own rie Dreisel"' ,Eisenhower'S St~ry of the War; Citizen Tom Road, Fast', ShowPaine, ~-'om I:"L~ boat, So !Big, peculia; Treasure, ~~~a~Th~.~e Bent D. FishBankTwig, ".count, K. er . ""¥r F~· As I See ReligiO:t, On Be. gaR'eal Persoll. Fosdick; How m America Lilies :FumaS. Leave a t Swar.thmorean' for woman.·,S Club. WAWfFD BOOKS: Will BuY old and 'USed books in an)' quantity. Ralph Smith, Cheyney. Penna. WesttowlI 3732-JL. W.ANrFD YOung married WOman desires to baby sit evenings. Swarthmore 1648 - R. WANTED _ Apartment in pleasant surroundings, furnished or r r·~T~-,~I-~~~~~~~~~~~ FOUND-Red LOST and hand-kJUt FOUNDchild's __._...__ • ._. __... _ mittens. in yard of 111 Lafayette ' ~w.e ~, , "'~ !" ... avenue Call Swarthmore 4548. ''',. ,-- , - Iof ~"'!!. :' • ~.: COUNTY OF DELAWARE I;;ex, '.n, t~~ above ""tale ~_hO_J1 bav. ~, Sealed proposals \vill be received at the ~--to ~e olflce or the Chlet Clerk, Court House, I liil having -;18~ !'I" Media, DeIDware County. Pa., until 1 :00 the ~~te of the ~ .. n P.:\I. and publicly opened at 2:00 P. Mol ~~iE~~;!r't1\~ ~me;.: to .and ~... on Tuesday. December 20. 19'9. tor reo ~_ LU", make moving. repalrlng and rep!aclng deep well ; delo.y_ to turbine pump tOT Well No. " at Broad· NatiQnal Bank & meadows Farm. Concord Township, DeJa.. Trust _Co., Adm. c.t.a. ware County, Pa. th~ Delaware County. Each bid must be accompalned .• u. .. ~~'!P~.:. ~rtilled eheck tor $,o.00. drawn to or to Its : order bf the County of Delaware. Albert N. Proposal forms may be obtained at the 228 Garrett County otl'lee ot the Chief Clerk, Media, Pa. Swarthmore. The County Camml!lSloners reserve the Pennsylvania. t:' right to rej'" any and on bI.... ~ ~'&.'1r. 2-T·1!-9 Albert J. Cnwfonl. Jr. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS n... c.y.....s 5<_.- No .. lllMia, ... ConIAlCf... " " " . IT • • Casserole CateriD&' Service Would You Like A ::;PECIAIJZlNG IN LaIIeb_ Buffet You can have it for less than 1_" think. ' IJV~ a_~T:..:"::Z-.:'---=--==::=::::-====:::=:::IN THB COURT OF COMMON PLBAS OF DBI.AWARB COUNTY. PENNSYLVAN'" In the matter of GERTRUDB B. BUTI'ERFIELD (An ALLEGBD WEAK.MINDBD pERSON) No. n8t Sept. Term. I ! THE F1RS'1' AND FINAL ACCOUNT CHARLI!S R. COWAN. Guardian of r Modern Kitchen? "'.nn • II ~ 3412 Gayley , .~_ a,.., A. 1UtIi"" '"1'hIrd Generation BuIldera.n .-......-1'" c.n. Dot Belfield - swa. 18'13 l\lar,e Hurd - Swa. 31S1 " PREMIUM ANTIIBJUllTB CHRISTMAS PLATFOBlIIS $1.92 & up Plywood all sizes and 'thickness Muon Builders Supply Company SIl O ... luwuUl Ayenue 8warUunere s~rellU - It may he now or never as far as your coal supply for this winter is concerned. We are willing to 'work, but we can't work miracles. H you want IiO keep warm with coal this season BUY ALL OF IT NOW! 8~ CoCktaIl ParII" YOU NEED I - TONS with IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK. Al ~tV.Alczn,~' "ls'"m W... ~roOl ~ MU 0 • . ,_-;._:;~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~J.~= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ltHRS BROTDIBS, 1M. OF PENNSYLVANIA ~;. 'n' .. gr • "IW (O.RHett . . THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY "..... I~':f, I • AlJlun.1tS .... 1r..tIS Onlon..... s ..... Grapefruit .:&. mo~: I J~t~tlm.~~"~'.t, ~ • WAU .... ,. -...&4 =~. ~"'~d;;""";"""~~~A~=~~=~""~i~';4;""~ ~ • • •" . " nft....S bai 1111. . . . 0. 'T-!'" ~oandDot wiUl dfta - ~ beaUfalbo . . .11" . .' ...... Ixceneat k ..pl... -b : r until 9 P.M. .. '.: ---==- grow. ohop -bl_~ I!state or GBRTRUDB B. BUTTERFIELD. Carol SiDg Soloist , SHERIFF SALBS The above account hu been Oled in the :: _. ........ M.~t Bowi of Real _te Mice of ProthOnotary of tbe above Court -~~' e senior at SwarthSHERIFF'S OFFICE and will, be l'Onftrmed by said CoUrt on Oecember 10. lUG. unlas euepUonli arc _...~ , P~ more High School will be soloist COURT HOUSH. MEDIA. PA. Oled tbereto. PERSONAL _~v~ Mrs; at the Media Fellowship Oborus I'rlday. December n ..... WILLlA~1 C. KNODEL. ....... Z3U Ha·-....... a "a Chr' t . .". A. M ..... tern Standard Time protbonotary pERSONAI.----'Extra D10IleY MI', _ .~~ y-~... ven_. I. mas Carol Smg in the Me- CondlUons: c:asI1 or c:orJlIed Christmas - Reliable jeweler 'mu.... 4589-W. dia Presbyter:'h ......._.. l'Itt.-- v..... m . to 88 •• appro.ed M.y ". , .... of Int.nUo. Jlle In the office of Ute Secretary ot $25 Phone erances exchanged. Swart.luDore tor refrlgerator , . I u.n. - -. _. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. at 0701-J. ,Swarthmore 3237-R. Ring Out For Christmas ,- - -~. "Rubbu",. Pa .. a.d In Ihe oll'lce of Ihe ~~)NAi::=~n;;-:-d;;;;;;d-=~for; FOR SAT ""'-W';"'haired' • puppies. SHuRIF .. SALI!S Prothonotary of the Courts Common ._.!::: ......... "Ring Out For Chrisbnas," w i l l ' " Pleas of Delaware County. on of Wednesday. PERS9NAL-Dolls :}~~: 6 weeks. Four male, one feot Real Estate tbe U day ot Det-ember. 1D,g. a Certlftcate Chnstrnas; stuHed male. Re";c.+~ pedigreed. Call be the YuleUqe carol concert to SHERl ...F'S OFJo.'ICE tor tile conduct of B bwlness In Delowar~ mocks f ::'~~ 6&0:11 ........ ..."" b res ted b stud ts f th COURT HOUS1::, MI!:DlA. PA. County. Per:.nsylvanla. under the 088UWed s or Darby 2310. e p en y en 0 e "'"du.y, December SI, Uta or Octltlous name. style or deslgnotlon ot ~ FO---R -SALE. Swarthmore schools on Monday g:IO A. M. Kastllru Standard Time The Swartlunoic Nurser)' School. willi Its ----,.; Authentic Early CoutUUons: '2~u.uo casb or cerlOed prlnelp31 place or business at 108 MRpie . y ..... .4'.~' -..: American six-room doll house evening December 19 at 8:15. check 6t time ot sale (u.aleea otherwbe A\'e•• Swarthmore, Po. ~onsJ toasters SU&y . __._~ with electric lights and furniture Th will b h rd th th IItoted in advertiaew'!'nt). balaDce 10 teo The names ond Ddtlrosses ot 011 persons Pall'ed, called for on stand 57x26 ID'ches. Must be ere e ea e you - days. Otber (.'UndltioDlJ 00 day ot sale. g,,,Jng nr Interested in said business are B ks ful voices of the children in' Rober' J. MacBrld•. Sberill'. Mro. G. W. Drodb.a,1 Call Rob-t:,&-.. roo , . , seen to appreciate beauty and - .... ~_ Fieri Facias !riie~'., an _S!, an, Swarthmore 0710. Nations Council at Lake Success ajoni-~ p:~~.'a;: .~ ~r1~. All LInes Of lDaorance FOR SAI,F--F.ireplace wood, iuud ~oday. I:"aving on an early morn-I .:.~~ ~;;,r'~!'~-~i~,S., !'. :1,de .::.;; 333 Darimouth Avenue and well seasoned. Call Swarth- mg. tram, they were ~ted I~~LSN.-"''1'!. anl__ tb';'!~<.brft ~~ Swarthmore 1833 Devine Taxi Service ;;m~ore;;...;;2;;;07~8:;• ..-_==='=-== I speCIal fare rates by the railroad I ~~;' of ' ~;~"'or·l;aOOb-.!'.'~""II--~i:"'t!!'i~'i."'·-I FOR SALE - Strawberry roan and are taken right to the Lake ;:~:i a iiI!"1._ W~:es, \~:~~.~. ~. ~=:=:=:;:;;;:;;~~~~~ .A~~ 15.2, ::nen ~~ Success headquarters. Here they ~~i.a:~ ~;, \:'I~:': tee of .....' l SWARTHMORE. PA. 1 2523 will visit sessions during the _co~-, a , :~ry b<}ck A. Mercer Quinby WANTED returning in the early evening. 11 ..,:.;: :.:r,~~~o. _~o ~~and Ii FUNBILAL OIRBCTOll ' Serving Swarthmore. Morton. Rutledge and Ridley t!>e, '0 and Formerly of Media , The students will be acoompan- !!~iJ WANTED-Colored woman de- ied by Frederic Yocum, teacher of A 1125 W. r4billh Ave., PhIla. Township since 1918, sires laundry work to do at social ~~dies, ~n~ Frank Morey. 'Jose~.!. J Esq. Sherill'. Phone Baldwin 1170. hom;~ Call Mrs. Green, Chester PIlONE: superVlsmg prmCIpal. LETTI!IIS OF ADMINISTRATION No additional charge for ESTATE OF ERICH RATH. deeeased, suburban calla WANTED-Coklred woman delate of the Boroulh ot Swarthmore. DeJa. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ware County.OFPennsylvania. ~:f!~:e ADMINISTRATION ners sires and laUndry serving work, at parties. cooking Refdin- Lexington, Mrs. Harry Va., F. is visiting Brown, Mr. Jr..and of onLETTERS tbe above Estate bavlol' been ROOFS GUi1&R8 _leren~~ces~.-=-C:::aIl=-::H::o~war:-=:::dc:5::.-.:1~18=5:;.== I Mrs. Harry- F. Brown of North to tbe uodersl,Ded. all persons. ,"~""'" llBPAI1lED AND claws or demands tbe~:r;~i. • .,. wANTED---Swartbmore business Chester road. • the decedent are aaainst requested INST .... U,Ell Swarthmore 14148 man desires living quarters·I _ _ _---:--:--:-L!----:-----:---- known the same, and all person. Furnace Repatra &0 Cleanin& WILLIAM BROOKS Preferably furnished, with 'Pri- unfurnished, desired by young to the decedent make parmeot. Call Vlrjlnia. Ratb vate bath. Pbone Swartlu$re couple. No children, no, pets. delay to:Ashes 0_ Rubbish Removed 1U Yale Avenua GEOllGE MYERS La~ mowed. General 1932. Phone Swarthmore 3065-W. Swarthmore. PeDDa. 409 Michilian Ave. Sw. 2286 Haullnl WANTED Medical TeChnician WANTED-Couple with month old or to her attomeya:r-Butler. Beatty. Greer P for laboratory of nearby boochild desire furnished apartIe Jobnson 236 Harding Av. Morton, pita!. Reply Box T, The SW8lIIh- ment or house until February 15. 11 SOuth Avenue I ' _ morean. Good references. Madison 6-6~~., Media.. PenDa. In The 7 IilW ABTilMOBBAIf A·... . .... 011 I THE SWA'ltTHMOBB-AN 8 oiIgh library, but of steady progress toward still hlgber standards of library. service. R,G.E. Ullman Services Held (continued from page one) the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Later he was assigned to dutY at Chanute Field, Rantoul, Illinois, where he became Chief Engineer Officer. At the beginning of World War II ,Mr. unman flew with the ArmY Air Corps 'on emergency coastal patrol for six monthS. . ted ·th Mr. Ullman was asSOCla \\'1 the McLain-Simpers Organization . before forming his own agency in 1928 known as the U\lman arganization, Inc., Advertising and Marketing Counselors, of which he was president. Both sons are officers in the business. SEEK LIBRARY BOARD NOMINEES Club Presents Sne Read Tues. Football Nigh· . t. ' ' . ',." . Held'Saturday (continued from 1l8ge one) berry, John Snape, Steve Snow, Nlckie stuart, Paul Tarr, Dick Terry, John Tyler, and Clarence Willis, all seniors: Captaln-elect sity presentations and 'Bill Re4!Se! Fred 'Campbell, Howard Arrlson lihose to the junior high team ";'d Bud Crouthers, juniors, and Harold ,Barr, senior manager. which he coaches. Varsity letters were awaroed to the following: co-eaptains Dick Mrs. David Braun, Peter and McCrsy and Bill McHenry, WhIt Susan Brown Of Yale avenue Bird, Bob iBradford, Barry Coleman, Walter DickinsOn, Don Feth- spent· ,the holidays with Mrs. erolf, Sandy Ford, Harold Jobn- Braun's m~ther Mrs. Samuel A. ston, Art McCormack, Al McGil- Barker of New Haven, Conn. ' ~ Board of Directors of the Swarthmore Public Library has (continued from page ODe) annoonced that noniinatlons for to 16 in the-Glen Mi11s Scbool who board vacancies, which will ocwill receive no gifts from home. cUr in January, may be filed with This work is being sponsored by the secretary. Dr. J A. Callioun, the Youth Conservation and Welor left with the Librarian, Bet- fare Committees, Mrs. George B. tina Hunter, at any time on or Thorn and Mrs. Charles E. Fischer, before December 31, 1949. chairmen respectively. ' , The annual election will be held Hostesses for the day are Mrs. on Monday, January 23, to fill John B. West, Mrs. F. M. McLarty, vacancies causee, It will open 1950 with a program Laudamus. Accompanying the Dru,ggists, American Pharmac~u­ make a fine contrast to eacll Next Meeting Planned ot compmnity interest on January J1jIlior High Girls' Glee Club and tical Association, Pennsylvania other and do a good job in their reFor Early In 5 when Dr. Frank Laubach will audience carolling' will be !Bar- Pharmaceutical Association, and spective characterizations. Thomthe Delaware County Pharmaceu· January speak . at the High School in an bars Srupherd, Sophomore. as H. Lueders adds considerable tical Association. open meeting sponsored by the humor to a play alreadY packed Nine of 17 Swarthmore organi'club. Dr. Laubach is an interAdding a special touch of youthA charter member and first pre- with laughs in his fine portrayal zations have given" their approval national figure .in the field of ful gaiety will be the Rutgers Av- sident of the Swarthmore Rotary of the Qit part Mr. Sparrow. of the general idea of the KE..1IIT literacy. The club is giving enue Sixth Grade Chorus in three Club Mr. Michael is aiso a past The collection of stage decora- scholarship in social sciences. Swarthmore a remarkable op- attractive carols including a Dan- president of the Swarthmore Busitions and properties, a trying job portunlty in presenting him to ish Dance Carol, Welcome Sweet ness Association. Many criticisms and suggesin any ptay, is to be particularly the community. Dr. Jobn Nason Chrtsnnas. This group will comtions were offered, from which commended in this period piece President of the College will bine efforts with the Senior Chora better program should develop of the early 1900's as the work introduce him. \ us in a 'SPecial Christmas number, when the working committee christmas SprQ's Oh Beaut.iful Yuletide, by Chris- BOBO, DONS HOLDAY AlB of Mrs. Thomas M. Jackson, meets in January. ? Borough busines houses shine with her committee of :Mrs. Walter . The Tuesday before Christmas, tiansen. Dr. John Nason of the College F. Rauber, Mrs. Rough contributions have aland ages of young callers a.sking Church, New York City, and a 8:00 p.M.-Alan Cranston, World Federalist S,peaker ready started coming in even beSanta to waken them Christmas noted author and editor, .ill :Meeting House fore the campaign has opened8:20 P.M.-"Years Ago" .. "" ..•" ••• " ....• "" .." ..... " .. " Players Club one dollar bills from individuals Eve, and cheerfully carol remind- speak on "Gandhi and the Christers to leave porch lights on to mas Spirit" at Clothier Memorial, 8:20 p.M._BaSketh~~~:ll~:lgb ........" Field House and a check: for ten dollars from make Santa's Swarthmore jaunt a Swarthmore College, at 8 p.m. 8:20 P.M.-"Years Ago" ••. " ......•• "."••• ,.••.•" ••••• " ......" .Players Club the Woman's Club, the calnpaign Sunday, December 18. Sunday, December 18 tor dollars from each citizen has litUe easier. • ~ list grows longer everyday, Hohnes' appearance is sponsor11:30 A.M.-Mornmg 'Worship •...... " .•••.•. " .......... Local Chmdles been tentatively set for March, 4'00 P.M.-Dr. N~ar .................................."".• Whittier House as the money will not be needed but, Santa anxioustbat no one ' Student • 4:00 P." -Christmas candle-light, Service • .'·Methodist Clburch Swarthmore be left OIit hopes everyone' plan- ed b Y the , 8:00 John Hohnes .............. " .... " ......."." ..... "",,. Clothier until the end of this college year. MondaY, _ _ 19 Groups that have not yet rening to have him come, Wil1 be Christian Association. The pro" 8:00 P.M.-Legion Meeting ........ " ........ " ......: ........" Borough Hall plied to the letter from the chairsure to call before 12 noon on gram for Sunday evening, which also includes a vesper service and 8:15 p.M.-Christmas' Carol Concert .............. H.S. ,AudItorium man ~ requested to write or Friday, December 23 when he re., ' mntt of carols, wgins a t ' ~~~ Ta;W-yti,=~ 'Club L _ phone Williard Tomlin",,'}, SW. toms to th" SWarthmorean of- the sw L_9::::30~A:M:.....-C __ W._ . . ._.as . . __rea ___ . ___ •.._._oman_""":~:-___IO'_-,,,::~...J 6 - 2 0 2 2 . : ........ fice to cOllect the' names and ad'1 p.m. dresses. So Call Santa, SooIll • "YEARS AGO" IS CURRENT PLAY . . ' NINE APPRftVE ~COOKING! TIUS WEEK'S cALENDAR pM.-Dr. _ I f.II02NN • SC~OLARSHIP Days Away Come In While Our Stock Is Complete SEAL'S PLAN CH,RISTMAS CAROL CONCERT MICHAEL NAMED S.H.~. S~ers BANK DIRECTOR ~~J~~ !::~::;::y::E. Studebaker truck and get produ~on t he ~ops •In vaIu. t ,---_._--_._--- CHRISTMAS Boys G~ ..,&', BUY Gifts Wrapped For, Glen Mills I 16 ~'wf~rthmcll'·.eu _. t Co11e~ Pe.. DDBMJi al,1M z;. , I • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE .,. '. , RG.E. Ullman Services Held (continued from page one) the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Later ,he was assigned to duty at Chanute Field, Rantoul, Illinois, where he became Chief Engineer Officer. At the beginning of World War II Mr. Ullman new with the Army Air Corps on emergency coastal patrol for six months. berry, John Snape, Steve Snow, Nickie Stuart, Paul Tarr, Dick Ten")" John Tyler, and Clarence WIllis, all seniors: Captain-elect (continued from page one) Fred Campbell, Howard Anison sity presentations and Bill Reese bhose to tbe junior high team and Bud Crouthers, juniors, and Harold Barr, senior manager. which be coaches. Varsity lelters were awarded to the following: Co-captains Dick Mrs. David Braun, Peter and McCray and Bill McHenry, Whit Susan Brown Of Yale avenue Bird, Bob Bradford, Barry Colespent the holidays with Mrs. man, Walter Dickinson, Don Fetherolf, Sandy Ford, Harold John- Braun's mother Mrs. Samuel A. ston, Art McCormack, AI McGil- Barker of New Haven, Conn. ough library, but of steady prog...oss toward still higher standards of library service. Football Night Held Saturday SEEK LIBRARY BOARD NOMINEES Club Presents Sue Read Tues. The Board of Directors 01 the Swarthmore PUblic Library has announced that nominations for board vacancies, which will occur in January, may be filed with the secretary, Dr. J A. Calhoun, or left with the Librarian, Bettina Hunter, at any time on or before December 31, 1949. (continued from page one) to 16 in the Glen Mills School who will receive no gifts from home. This work is being sponsored by the youth Conservation and Welfare Committees, Mrs. George B. Thorn and Mrs. Charles E. Fischer, chairmen respectively. Mr. Ullman was associated with The annual election will be held Hostesses for the day are Mrs. the McLain-Simpers Organization on Monday, January 23, to fill John B. West, Mrs. F. M. McLarty, . before forming his own agency in vacancies caused by expiration Mrs. Charles H. Zensen, Mrs. 1928 known as the Ullman Organof the terms of three present Leslie A. Wetlaufer. At the tea ization, Inc., Advertising and Marketing CotUlselors, of which he Board members: Mrs. Harry L. table will be Mrs. S. Blair Luckie was president. Both sons are of- Miller, Dr. Calhoun, and Dr. paUl. and I\'lrs. Harold R. Goodwin. F. Gemmill. Members of the Section l\leetings ficers in the business. board may and frequently do Monday December 12 at 1:30 p. Mr. Ullman was a member of stand for re-election, ·but two of ffi. Mrs. Peter E. Told invites the the Engineers' Club of Philadel- these three have expressed a de- members of the Education Departphia, the Poor Richard Club, the sire to retire. It is the fixed pol- ment to meet at her home, 322 American Marketing Association, icy of the Board to encourage ac- Park avenue to pack Christthe Eastern Industrial Advertis- tive participation by the mem- milS candy for the benefit of the ers of which he was president bership in the nomination Bonsall scholarship fund now !rom 1935-37, and the National election of new representatives chanted from a loan fund to a Industrial Advettisers. who are genuinely interested in scholarship grant. He was a member of the Nation- service. Any Swarthmorcan may Following dessert, which will al Advertising Agency Network become a member simply by sign- be streamlined in consideration and one of .the nation's pioneers ing the by-laws, and any member of the seasonal rush, Mrs. Donin market research. Mr. Ullman may be a candidate for a three- aId L~ Hibbard club program developed many of the basic tech- year term as Board director if a chairman, will spend a half hour niques that are widely used in petition in his or her behalf is with the group as it plans for its signed by at least ten members of sponsoring of Dr. Frank Laumarket research today. bach'!; lecture here on the evenHe is survived by his wife, the the Association. Aid from the membership in ing of January 5. Charts used former Eliza Katherine Ulrich of Chester, two sons David Ulrich seeking out, nominating, and elect- by Dr. Laubach, the most powerUllman of Amhurst avenue and ing the persons best qualified to ful, single worker for world litRoland G. E. Ullman, Jr., of Villa- fill Board vacancies will be en- eraey, in his work. pictures of his nova, and a daughter Mrs. Edward thusiastically and unanimously teaching, books written by him welcomed by the present incum- will b-e available to the entire. E. Thomas, also of SwarUunore. bents. A lively interest in the eonununity. After this the candy 'I1here are three grandchildren. annual election is the best pos- packaging producllion line will A sister, Mrs. William Russell of sible guarantee not only of the function. 1\'1rs. John M. Pearcontinued excellence of the borson will assist the hostess. Denver, Colorado, also survives. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _.,-_ _ -_. ---- - - - - Tuesday, December 20 at 9:30· OPEN EVENINGS a. ffi. members O!f ·the club are cordially invited by the Garden Department, Mrs. Elliott Richardson, chairman to meet in the Lounge to make sprays for the Philadelphia General Hospital. Kindly bring greens, ribbons, bells, cones or any other suitable material. Christmas sprays made at home will also be most acceptable. . , .. .~ Get a rugged Studebaker tru(;k and get the tops in value I .. .~ Mr. Philip Carney 01 Dedhatn, " : Mass., was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. .James F. Bogardus and family of .' Cornell avenue over a recent week-end. • Get the extra pulling power-the extra staying power-the extra earning power-of a husky, handsome, trustworthy Studebaker truckl • Get the exira value of the super strength in a Studebaker truck's K-member frame-the extra driver comfort of the roomy, big-vision Studebaker cabthe extra convenience of a Studebaker truck'. unique "lift-the-hood" accessibility! • Stop in now and get the proof of the big savings Studebaker trucks effect on yo". lcind of hauling. -- FUSCO & ALSTON CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS for modern IjUCti~~I2~§ GAS COOKING! PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE .. " OPEN EVENINGS f"i.~·i:rt~·1.'n{~ JIFFY· AMEL In 14 COLORS and NEW NON-YEI.I.OWING PORCELAIN WHITE * Goes on Easy Dries Quick No Brush Marks 'c.A flElTON"SlIlBllEY P"oduct QUAliTY SINCE 1863 H. D. SIPLER -. ·;s the RAGE * * * * .' I: Modern Roper Gas Ranges offer the ultimate in gas cookingl For instance, the model shown here has four Simmer-Speed top burners, a big 3 .. in-one oven, a roll broiler, storage compartment-and morel See this modern Roper at your dealer's store or at your nearest Philadelphia Electric , store. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY ModtII '·l302NN 11 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD, BUY CHRISTMAS SEAL'S THE SWARTHMORE ~V;O=-L~U~M;E~21~NU~~MB~ER~5~O==============~~"----~====-~~=========,=======S,:;\\~'AR.: T~l\1OIIE, FRIDAY, DECEl\18ER CLUB WOMEN HEAR SUE READ Schools Close December 2J ; H.I, S..... o.t II 16·,~~194~9~··~=;======~====$3=,=50=P=ER=~YEA&=- John E. Michael CRANSTON TO SPEAK TAYLOR ROGERS DIES IN PHILA. The Swarllunore Schools Will' Alan Cranston, national head of at the end of the morning I-'~'--·'--'-' - , - - _ . - - - , " " , the United World Federalists, \Viii seSSion on Wednesday, December speak Friday evening at Swarth21: for the Christmas holidays, and more College on the general subWIll re-open at the regular hour I ject Of world. government. Gifts Wrapped For on Tuesday morning, January 3. i The program, which will begin Services Held Wednesday Glen Mills During the Christmas holidays I at 8: 15 in the ~'Ieeting House, is For Former the gymnasium will be open daily being sponsored by the SwarthBoys Resident I~r varsity practice for boys or more College and the West DelaGay with Christmas decorations guls or for a basketball recreation H. Taylor Rogers, for some ware County Chapters of U.W.F. and the Christmas spirit the Wo- program in charge of Millard Robyears a Swarthmore resident, died ·,}.rillard P. Tomlinson, president man's Club celebrated it holiday inson. Sunday night December 11, at of the county chapter, will premeeting with Sue Read, radio lhe Friends Hospital in Philadelside On Monday night December 26, and television star, in "A Christ- there will be the Varsity Club phia. He was 86. mas Festival." dance in the gymnasium . On the Born in Philadelphia, he attendMiss Read's dramatic program evening of the twenty·-seventh ed Friends Central. After some was divided into several parts there will be a basketball game years with J. B. Lippincott Comeach one vividly and imagini- with Clifton Heights, and on pany, he moved to North Carolina tively portrayed. Her excerpts Thursday night, December 29, the in 1890 where for many years he included, the Night Before Christ- alumni basketball game will be owned a book and stationery store mas, and how it came to be played. in Ashevlle. Following the sale Club Audiences Enjoy . written; Christmas in such lands of his business in. 1926, he returned Able Production as England, China and Brazil as to Philadelphia and, after the compared to Christmas in the Here death of his wife, Mary Eavenson United States; a few truths and Rogers, came to live with his Players Club audiences are findlegends about the origins of daughter, the late Mrs. Sarah ing small cause to "lay down on mistletoe and holly, the Magi, Rogers Hayes, at Swarthmore the New York, New Haven, and apples and oxen; and a bit about avenue. He later moved to PhilHartford railroad tracks" as J. the Little Lord Jesus whose birthadelphia. A birthright member S.H.S. Singers Prepare William Simmons' well-directed , day we celebrate. of the 15th and Race Streets competent cast performs Ruth Then there was a delightful inMeeting of the Society of Friends, Varied Program For Gordon's "Years Ago", playing this Mr. Rogers was for many years cident of a modern young mother Monday Night week at the clubhouse on Fairview a member of the Committee on singing her baby to sleep with Local Pharmacy ·Fills road. Featured soloists in the ChristSilent Night, and, not to be forMinistry and council. Nine-Month Mary Dickinson as Ruth Gordon mas Carol Concert to be presented gotten, some of Tiny Tim. He is survived by two of his Jones is channing and natural as yacancy The decorations which added this coming Monday, December four children, Miss Mary Middlethe daughter aspiring to the stage so much to the occasion were 19 at 6:30 p. m. by the SwarthJohn E. Michael of Harvard and conveys her moods of en- ton Rogers of Philadelphia and made by Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave more Public Schools will be Mar- and Yale avenues was elected a Alban Eavenson Rogers of Park got Bowie, Crolyn deFuria, ar.d director oC the Swarthmore Na- thUsiasm and dejection nicely. avenue, as well as by six grandand Mrs. A. P. Shenkle. Members also celebrated their Mary Leeron. Margot Bowie, a tional Bank and Trust Company Grace E. Yeaw is delightful as children: Priscilla C. Rogers, WilChristmas program in a tangible senior, ·will be heard in Adam's on December 8 to fill a vacancy Mother as is William W. Price, the liam T. Hayes and Rutherford P. way by bringing gifts for the Cantique de Noel; Carolyn de- which had existed on the board roaring warm-hearted father, and Hayes, all of Swarthmore; Lucy .• boys at the Glen Mills School Furia, also a senior, will be fea- since the death of E. B. Temple the three together bear the bur- Hayes (Mrs. Edward) Lawhorne, den of the show with an ease that who otherwise would receive no tured soloist with the Senior last March. is as pleasing to watch as it is of Carlisle; and Clayton T. Rogers home presents. Those who did Chorus in the Appalachian Carol, and Mary E. Rogers of WashingMr. Michael who is a graduate convincing in the portrayal that not bring presents were able to Jesus, Jesus Rest Your· Head; Mary depicts family groups everywhere. ton, D.C., and OlJe great grand buy candy for the purpose which Lecron, a sophomore, and new- of the Philadelphia College of Barbara S. Thorbalm and Don- child. Mrs. Peter Told and her scholar- comer to Swarthmore High School Phalmacy, moved to SwarthmoI"e ogh McCutchen. are more than Funeral services were held on ship committee had packed in at- this year, will sing the solo in in 1933 and purchased the Colordinarily pleasing as the imWednesday in Philadelphia. tractive half pound boxes and McCollin's Come Ye Imber, Ye lege Pharmacy here in June, 1934 pressionable young friends of the sold at the door. After the meet- Faithful, accompanied by the girls operating the esotablishment as Michael:s College Pharmacy since heroine, and John B. Littlefield is ing Mrs. George B. Thorn, chair- of Senior Chorus. that time He is a member of the engaging indeed as the good-naman, and her Youth Conservation Margaret Croco, who has aC"tured oh-so-patient boy friend. Committee collected and distri- companied Senior Chorus in past Rexall Drug Company and vice- 1V1. Jean Prosch as the strong sipresident oC the Pennsylvania buted the gifts. years, will be assisting the chorus lent amazon and Ronald Yetter as With this meeting the club in a .-nodern, rhythmic, version of Club He is also a lnember of the admiring, not-so-strong, but closed its program for the year. Jingle Bells, and a Welsh Chorale, the National Association of Retail more talkative of the athletic type, Druggists, American PharmaceuIt will open 1950 with a program Laudamus. Accompanying the Next Meeting Planned mak~ a fine contrast to each of community interest on January Junior High Girls' Glee Club and tic~1 Association, Pennsylvania other and do a good job in their reFor Early In 5 when Dr. Frank Laubach will audience carolling will be Bar- Pharmaceutical Association. and spective ch~racterizations. Thomthe Delaware County Pharmaceuspeak at the High School in an bara Shipherd, Sophomore. January as H. Lueders adds considerable tical Association. open meeting sponsored by the humor to a play already packed Adding ·a special touch of youthNine of 17 Swarthmore organiclub. Dr. Laubach is an intercharter member and first preA with laughs in his fine portrayal zations have given their approval ful gaiety will be the Rutgers Avnational figure . in the field of enue Sixth Grade Chorus in three sident of the Swarthmore Rotary of the bit part Mr. Sparrow. ot the general idea of the KENT literacy. The club is glvmg Club Mr. Michael is also a past The collection of stage decoraattractive carols including a Dan·· scholarship in social sciences. Swarthmore a remarkable oppresident of the Swarthmore Busi- tions and properties, a trying job ish Dance Carol, lVelcome Sweet Many criticisms and suggesportunity in presenting him to in any play, is to be particularly Christmas. This group will com- ness Association. tions were offered, from which the community. Dr. John Nason commended in this period piece bine efforts with the Senior Chora better program should develop President of the College will of the early 1900's as the work us in a >special Christmas number, when the working committee introduce him. \ Oh Beautifut Yuletide, by Chris- BORO DONS HOLDAY Am of Mrs. Thomas M. Jackson, meets in January. Christmas Sprays with her committee of Mrs. Walter tiansen. Borough busines houses shine F. Rauber, Mrs. Robert H. KurlsThe Tuesday before Christmas, Dr. John Nason of the College Gay descants to the well known forth in one accord this week with December 20, members are rehalz, Mrs. James H. Hornaday and has suggested as a name for the minded to meet in the Lounge at carols sung by the audience, a matching holiday wreaths bearing Mrs. A. Francis Jackson. scholarship the Swarthmore Scho9:30 a. ffi. under tbe leadership of lighted processional to strains of electrified bells which spell Merry ,::=============;, larship in Social Sciences. Frank the Garden Department, Mrs. Oh Come All Yc Faithful; chimes Christmas. This uniform effect, COMMUNITY SING R. Morey of Swarthmore Schools Elliott Richardson chru.rman, fo ringing out the bell tones of Christ- supplimented by various laurel proposes that Education be added The traditional Community to the social science list. Stuart make Christmas sprays for the mas, and Christmas Prayer will bring the special touch of Christbedecked light standards and winSing will be held at 5 p. m. Chase, author of "The Proper Kindly bring greens, ribbons, Philadelphia General Hospital. mas in song to the community. dow outlines ,and a lighted ChristChristmas Eve at the Dartmouth Study of Mankind" and inspiraHeading the committee in charge mas tree here and there throughbells, cones or any o'ther suitable avenue doorway of Borough tion for the idea of this scholarof the concert is Dick Terry, pres- oul the ,shop area, adds to the material. Sprays made at horne Hall. The Episcopal Boys Choir, ship, bas given the tentative plan ident of Senior Chorus. Assisting gay holiday .wares exhibited inalso will be most acceptable his blessing. Mr. Chase's new book directed by Rev George C. An- "Roads to Agreement," now in him are Donald Fetherolf, viced erson w ill I ead th e group outline form, sC!C!ms to have merit p'resident of Chorus, Louis Sharpe, side the windows and exudi.J)g a CALL SANTA SOON Nancy Wrightsman, Margot Bowie, holiday spirit even Scrooge could singing. in tJ:tat it assembles for laymen's A .popular dial number these days, partieuJarly with the (sniff) and Joyce Cabols. "n~o~t~e~s~ca;p~e~.=========~::::::::F::::=:::::::::;;:::;;:::;;::::::==::! use the available various effective tech;. -=~ niques for reducing "younger set" is Swarthmore Holmes At Swarthmore friction between individuals and 6-6175 where a happy contingent peoples. of Santa's helpers, large and small, John Haynes Holmes, recently Friday, December 16 gayly answer phones, take nari:tes retired pastor of the Community Alt!>ough contributions have al7:15 p.M._Basketball - High School vs. Springfield .. H.S. Gym and ages {)f young callerS asking Church, New York City, and a 8:00 P.M.-Alan CrarEton, 'Vorld Federalist Speaker ready started coming in even beMeeting House fore the campaign has opcnedSanta to waken them Christmas noted author and editor, *ill 8:20 P.M.-"Years Ago" ........................................ Players Club one dollar bills from individuals Eve, and cheerfully carol remind- speak on "Gandhi and the ChristSaturday, December 17 ers to leave porch lights on to mas Spirit" at Clothier Memorial, 8:20 p.M._Basketball _ College vs. Lehigh .......... Field House and a check for ten dollars from make Santa's Swarllunore jaunt a Swarthmore College, at 8 p.m. 8:20 P.M._uYears Ago" ............................................. Players Club the Woman's Club, the campaign Sunday, December 18 for dollars from each citizen has little easier. Sunday, December 18. 11:00 A.M.-Mornir.g Worship ............................ Local Churches been tentatively set for March, . The Jist grows longer everyday, Holmes' appearance is sponsor4:00 p.M.-Dr. Nayyar ........................................ Whittier House as the money will not be needed but. Santa anxious that no one 4:00 P.M.--Christmas Candle-light Service .. Methodist Church be left out hopes everyone plan- ed by the Swarthmore Student 8:00 p.M.-Dr. John Holmes .............................................. Clothier until the end of this college year. l\londay, December 19 Groups that have not yet rening to have him come, will be Christian Association. The pro8:00 P.M.-Legion Meeting .................................... Borough Hall plied to the letter from the chairsure to call before 12 noon on gram for Sunday evening, which 8·15 P.M.--Christmas Carol Concert .............. H.S. Auditorium man are requested to write or Friday, December 23 when he re- also includes a vesper service and I· . Tuesday, DeceI\lber 20 ' tums to the Swarthmorean of- the singing of carols, begins at I' 9 . 30 A.M.--Christrnas Wreath Making .... Woman's Club Lounge. phone Williard TomlinSon, SW fice to collect the names and ad6-2022. 7 p.m. dresses. So Call Santa, Soon1 CIOS~ PLAN CHRISTMAS CAROL CONCERT MICHAEL NAMED BANK DIRECTOR NINE APPROVE I THIS WEEK'S cALENDAR I I l .-::.::.:..._-------------:----..;....,J SWARTHMORE . . , SC~OLARSHIP Phone 31181 lOEtl Come In While Our Stock Is Complete ..,CIIIsI "YEARS AGO" IS CURRENT PLAY CHRISTMAS 16 Shopping Days Away ~I~rthmore College Librl'ry ,:,w!l.rthmore, P!I.. DECEMJIER 9, 1Me THE SWA·RTHMOBEAN 8 • DEC 17 1949 , , THE 2 • SWARTBMOB~AN .':' :J1 I~ ~,' --1'; 'lMI will take place Wednesday, DeThe baby Is a grandson of Mr. Milwaukee, Wise., are receJ" 19 Luehring, H. P. Stamford, A. H. Sewing for the A:F.s.C. In Knabb and T. B. Keirn. The boys Whittier House. serving as acolytes are: 8 a m. Tuesday, December 20 7:30 A.M.-Monthly Meeting for _ Davidsin Luehring; 11 a. m. Philip Halicke,. Perry Redifer and Business. 'Wednesday, Deeember 21 ' Robert Perce. All day sewing and quiltinll for Choir School will meet on Monthe A:F.s.C, • day and Wednesday at 4 p. m, FIRST CHURCH OF There will be a celebration of CHRIST SCIENTIST Holy Communion at 10 a. IlL on OF, SWARTHMORE Wednesday (St Thomas.) Park Avenue below Harvard Sunday, Ile4ember 18 Choir rehearsal will be held on 11:00 A.J4.-Sundi;r SchooL ' Thursday at 7:30 ,p.m. .11:00 A.M. - Lesson " Sermon Holy Communion will be cele"Is The Universe Including Man Evolved By Atomic brated at 11:30 p. m. on Saturday, Force." . christIilf!S Eve. ..ch Wednesday even!njr meetiDa Friends M:eetioi Notes week, II p.m. Readlna rOOlll Dr. Richard Btandt, Professor "Pen dally exe.pt' SundQ> and ::..~ II to Ii p, m. WedJl.ta;r of Philosophy at Swarthmofe Oobn l';11, ~ T W '1:111 p.m. UMI • '- lege will lead the Adult Forum Chllrcn to com;r. 13 South Chester Road Sw,uthmor'e Prescription , for a Happy Christmas Compounded Do your, Christmas shopping in one store - MICHAEL'S There you will find a wide assortment ofdistinctive holiday gifts for everyone • vour Christmas list. Of course we will gift wrap • your selections Michael's, 'College Pharmacy Tuesday and Wednesday Ingrid Berpnan Joseph Cotten "UNDER CAPBIOOJl.N" in tec1micolor ! Out of ,her curtained past came a man P!lSt all forgetting! Starting. Thursday! Paul Dou&bs Linda Darnell Celeste Holm "~E""nER-YBODY DOI!8 1'1"" HANNUM &WAITE Yale'Ave. & Che.iler Road Swarthmore 6-1520 . , • ON THE CORNER , DBCEMBJ!B If, 1. . THE SWARTHMOSBAN Christmas Seal Sale \' Home For The Holidays NEW'S NOTES Tom M. Hopper of MagIll road u_ d u _ Ell "-~ H Garrett Sent ...... an ....... Wuuu • ' ders Renun vuvn - ' D"""', of Princeton avenue wID enterwill arrive home t o m ARTS CENTER PLANS Darby, sponsor'for the group will also be present. --...,.---- I To remind those who have Oomell University for the Christ- lain 'over the holldsys their sonLiblllrY Honday Hours overlooked the acknowledgment maS holidays. In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Users of the Swarthmore Public of their 1949 Christmas Seal 101Dick Hook of Westdale avenue, J ay D . C 00, k J r., and small son Library are asked tc bear In mind ters, the Delaware County Tuber- a graduate student at'TuCk School, Trippl". of Granville, Obio. that the library wID be closed on culosis and Health Association, Dartmouth College, will Mr. and Mrs. Hamden Baskin, the afternoon of Saturday, Decemwhich is conducting the Seal Sale, horne tomorrow for the Jr., and small daughter Betsy of ber 24. It wID be open for buslhas mailed brief "reminders" acBetty McCahan of Strath Haven Gainesville, Fla., will arrive Sun- ness at the usual morning hows; cording to J. Newton Pew, County avenue ru;rived home ThmSda:v day tc visit over the holidays Mrs. on Saturday, December 31 Seal Sale Chairman. from Wilson College. Patsy Me- Baskin's parenl!' .Mr. and Mrs. be open both morning and "Busy with other Christmas Cahan '! student at Mt. Ho1yoke Norman Hulme of Westdale. ave- afternoon. preparations, a great many of us College will return 'home tcmor- nue. Robert Hulme of the Sixty-one new books were addsimply forget io acknowledge the for the holidays. University bf Virginia will also ed during the month of November. A GIFT FOR Seals and appreciate being rePat Told of Park avenue will be home for the holidays. Thor! w ....e ten mystery stcrles, minded of it," he said. "We arrive home tomorrow from SarMrs. Alvah' Wood Stuart of 22 volumes of otherfietion, and to stress that it is possible for a gent College, Cambridge, MasS., Vassar avenue entertained her 29 works of non-fiction, THE FAMILY person's acknowledgment !"1d bis for the holiday vacation. bridge club' at a luncheon at the New reference works Include. reminder tc cross in themail..AnnaMaryFussellofvassaraV-IngleneukThursday.fOlloWed·bY "Cosmopolitan World AUas .(Rand When that happens, of the enue will be home next .week tor bridge at her home. . McNally) and ''Webster's GooA Westinghouse T. 12 recipient who has already made tite holidays from Bucknell Uni- Mrs. Richard C. Dickinson with grapbical Dictionary." his return should ignore his re- versity. h'er baby' daughter 'Jan!' of New , To HOlwr Dr. N83'1Yar , minder r.ard." Mary Alice West a student at York is spending the holiday seaThe. Peace and Soc1al Ord~ TELEVISION With a successful Seal Sale, Mr. the University of Delaware will son with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Committee of Swarthmore Friends Pew added, the Tuberculosis Asso- spend the holidays at her home Bruce F. Schwalm of North Ches- Meeting and the Women'. Interciation can carry out its plans to on Benjamin West avenue. ter road. national League are uniting at a SET expand its health education, caseLois Linton of Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones tea Sunday, December 18 at 4 finding, and rehabilitation projects avenue and Molly Stcrck of lind family of Swarthmore avenue p. m.in whittier House in honor for the control of tuberculosis' in lane will reach holDe. next Tues- will spend the week-end in Buf- of Dr. Susbi!a Nayyar, who was Delaware County. day from Simmons College, Bos- falo, N.Y. Mr. Jones will speak the personal physician of Gandhi "The Sale is the;sole means of ton for the holiday vacation. at a dinner meeting Saturday aJ)d his wife. support of the Delaware County Carol Van Alen and her IfIance evening. Dr. Nayyar is In this country _ Tuberculosis and Health Associa- Mr. John W. Sprout of 'SOlclltlllillJ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Meader studying ,public health at Johns tion," Mr. Pew said. University will spend the ~;::;I af F alrview roa d and Cornell Hopkins University In Baltimore 7 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD , mas vacation with Carol's avenue will entertain: as their before .returning to her native Mr. and Mrs 1IIaniei S. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of house guest through the holiday India earlY next year to aj.d In Phone Swarlbrnore 6-1274 season Mrs. Meader's sister Mrs. rural health programs: She will of Parrish road wiU entertain Park avenue. 16 at a dinner-bridge Jane Penfield of Riverview road Eve T. Cassady of Atlantic City, speak briefly on ''Personal Recollection. of ·GandliI." ..::::::::....::==-::::=.~~=;.,::=::...:::::=-_e_v_enln-:_g_..."._______ is home from Stephens College who will arrive tcday. Columbia, Mo., for Christmas. Dr. mid Mrs. John Hawkins and Interested members Of the comRaymond P. Wilson of Pari< aveare cordially iIIlvited. nue has been pledged tc the daughter Beth of Fayetteville, N.C. are vistlng for a week Mrs. Syracuse University chapter of Hawkins' parents Mr. and ·Mrs. Phi K.appa Psi. Raymond is a A. R. Dana of.Elm avenue. They Open 'Every Evening freshman enrolled In the sollege will spend the holidays with .Dr. of Liberal Arts. He is a member of tlie Syracuse University march- Hawkins' parents Mr. and Mrs. Until 9 /rom Now to " COAL - WOOD - OIL Ing band. , G . Hayward HowkiD:!! ,of Cohasset, Barbara Thatcher of North- Mass. Upon their return south, Christmas Eve Dr. and. Mrs. Hawkins will move "Founded With The Borough:' • western Universi.tY will arrive Sunday to spend the holidaY sea- tc Kingsport, Tenn., where Dr., Hawkins who has been attached Tbe shop is son at her home on College ave- tc the Medical Corps of the U :S. nU~;"'olyn Morse of Duke Uni- Army, w!11 begin private practice.. with gifts - everytblnt bea1dtfall7 NEW MANAGEMENT versitv. will return tc hhMiss Maryattended Ann Hook. of West- liU. ..... wrap...,... _.... - 0 f course. ~ home on dale avenue a houseparty cours~, . ADOLPH'S GREEN'S UNDER * * * f gar'l t S * * The* Meantime Deta,lls Later. Parrish road tomorrow to vacation until after the New Year. at Lehigh University last weekMiddlebury College students end., .Iicc who arrive home next Tuesday Mrs._ David . C. McCahan of for the holidays include Barbara Strath Haven avenue will hold a , Luken~, Carol Heinze, Mary Lou Christmas teen party fOfr the Pallo '\ Thayer, Beth and Bill Huey, -ag" group 0 Delaware Robert Croco and Quentin Vose. County at her home this evening•. Donald G. Follett, Jr., of Ober- Mrs. J. A. Hartman of Upper' lin avenue has received the \ ~ H Yon Want Courteous, Quick Clean Service , DIAL SW 6·1234 1 ISouth Princeton Avenue "cMc" in Cross at Mercerburg Academy. ~ (mo~' - SELL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, TOO Banks sell Ghristmas presents? Of course we do! We seH U. S. Savings Bonds, which ate just about the finest kind of Christmas present you can give-or r"eiad ASavings Bond is an ·ideal gift-one that increllses in value from year to year - and pays back in ten shott years $4 for every $3 you put in. It's the "prescnt with a future"~ •• the gift that keepJ on giving. Come in today to buy a gift of Savings Bonds- for your children or grandchildren, or others you want to remember on Christmas witn a gift of lasting value. Gill mrappinC' YeJ indudl We gipe YO" fru all ar' reproductiort 0/ a 610.,i/.' Christmas oil pai",iag ,tu Q Jadlel to IM1I4 • adt l.d;o/dfUJ/llf' 0/ Bo.1h. Swarthmore lationallank &, Trust Co. . Now You can buy U. l:t. SavInP Banda IlUtomatically broUlh the new Bond-a-Month Plan. AI*. at thiIL JJank ~ I c old bank buildlnq Christmas is home for a three-week t~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;::;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~IDOnald holiday vacation. ~ b ~~;t;n;;e;it;;it:ii::it;n;;;,t;;it;;it:ii~~;n;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ athl~tic award Co~try Marian Karns of Wellesley road has recently been apPointell the head of the Senior Prom !It Smith College. Marian was In charge of the decorations for the Junior Prom at the college last year. Frances Pearson of Cornell avenue arrived home Thursday evening from Wilson College for the holiday vacation. Jean Brown of North Chester road and Barbara Davis of The Harvard will return home this e\'ening from Mary Washington College for the holidays. . Peggy Keenan of Harvard avenue will arrive home from Denison University next Wednesday. Peggy's ~warthmore High School class of '46 will hold a reunion and open house at the 'home her parents Dr. and ~. Franllt Jig G. Keenen on FrIday December 23. Charles Keenen of Harvard avenue and Bill Sickel of sucaU'\ Haven avenue will return home from Dartmouth College for the holidays. Barbara Sicid b;;- a committee under Mrs. Notman Dutton of Wallingford. The Obildren's Theatre of the Community ,Arts "'Center will hold an Open House or demonstration period on Saturday, December 17, at, 10:30 a. m. for parents and friends of its inember's. "'Tbis will not be an entertainment or finished .performance In any sense of. the word", said Mrs Stuart . Graves, director of the Theatre, "but rather an opportunity tc peek in on the .~ork we are doing and to give the cbildren who are in training a ohance to try their wings in front of a sympathetic audience." Most of the playluts to be presented have been create:i hi im imprompt~asbion from famillar costume ,stories. some in . ' some not. An actual rehearsal will y day. DeeeJDber 9 at the home of ¥rs. Joseph S. Lynch. The recent survey OIl PublIc Health nnmd _ was _ _the _basis _ _of one.... _ ~~ ~_ table led b v Mrs. Vincent T. Lath• bury. wlthspeclal emphasis on improved .persoWlel. Mrs. J. !Burris West led &DOtbel' roundbudget table discuBslon the"You federal under theon title ,. • ~D~~~EMB_. ~ER~. ~-~~~~~~;;li~;;~~~::.~~::T~H~E~~S~W~A~B;:T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N~ ________________~__________----__-27 · S SIFTED' CLA Jr. Assemblies To Meet presented to. the Community The club recessed for Ibe hol'Health Society for ChrIstmas dis- Idays with the singing of carols trlbutlon among n~· fam!1lesln to the. accompanh,!ent of Mary Delaware County. Spencer. " , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pay the TaXes. You call the Tune" The need for continued support of the United NatlOllS and Inter~ ' national reconstruclion tbrough world trade was discussed at the third table with MrS. Carl· Chase as chalrman. The round tables were a preview of material to be covered In a series of informal neigbborbood group~ that will begin early. in January. Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad. President oJ the Swarthmore League presided at ·the business meeting which followed. . SBOP EARLY FOR FOODS, TOO! It' will help you In the busier day. to come. Shopnowl BE READY FOR CHRISTMAS BROWNIES Vou couldn't order a beHer one. Play .af. with a Lancaster. . t:~QYR::~I: .::~~'::":~:I!~C .'t~ 15c !JJ.I MINCE MEAT ~~od !JJeJ GOLDEN PUMPKIN I N:a~~ 15c Acme Wholl~ Golden SUGAR CORN· Z~: 31c Fanadale Crushed Colden Cora :I ~~: :ISO N•• 21.90 Ideal Cut Greea Beaal Ci"er;rss:Pp:aamiiiE·e;rllpiiiuiip-;: pIes, A.K.C. Registered. Call ;;;----cFo=ur:::---=ro:::o=m,.-.-="... I Swarthmore 6-1614. second-floor apartment, porch FOR SALE-=-Str,,"w::;b""erry=C:-r-o'"'an"'" garage, Wallingford. Busines~ _ mare, 15.2, seven years. For man and wife ()r employed cou- mfol'1llation. call Swarthmore pIe. $75 per montjl. Available 6-2523. February. Call Media 6-0550 af- FOR S'-:ALE-;T;;-TL-=adIy'=s-fur='_trLlDlDl"'· ~ed ter 6 p.m. coat, almost new. Size 14-16. FORRENT Large room with Westinghouse Sun Lamp. Rea, bath, December 22 to January 4. sonable. Call Swarthmore 6-0429 Meals. References. Reply to Box FOR SALE Child's or adult's U, The Swarthmorean. True-Scale, Official bowling ,-----1 alley, 8~ feet long. Pbone =~=~~~~~~ Swarthmore 6-1382. FOR SALE - Remington typeWAN writer. excellent condition, 14 TED inch carriage. $15. Call Swarlh- WANTED - BOOKS: Will Buy more 6-7178. ()Id and used ibo,*-, in any FOR SALE-Violin. perfect. full quantity. Ralph Smith, Cbeyney. size, beautiful tone. Includes Penna. Westtown 3732-Jl. bow and case. $45. Swarthmore WA'NTED Double-breasted tux. 40 Tux 'hirt 15 33 6 6665 ed Call 0, Swartlunore 6-3812. sIZe. s . I -. WANTED Coilege glr to e ice wants ___ I ; size BJh. Good Swarthmore FOR SALE-Two girl's bicycles. 28 inch, $20 each. One Wurlitzer accordion with case, ivory, 120 ·bass. $175.. Bov's chemis'• ~3 set. $10. Crosley electric refrlgerator. needs repair, $15. Two walnut bedroom' rockers, $2 each. Girl's dressing table with bench. $4. Telephone Media WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Rubblsb Removed Lawns mowed, General Haullnl Hardina Av. Morton. Pa. . BURJ)ER PHONE SWARTH1IIORE 6-3681 Swarthmore 6-2253 Fresh Killed Turkeys Getup-and-Go I .ply WiThe- Swarthmorean. FOR S~Man's club bag, top cowhide, outside zippered comparbnent with lock, containing two flasks. four shot glasses. Never removed . from original packing. Cost $56. Sacrifice for $40.. Telephone Friday or Monday before 10 a.m. or during week-end, Swarthmore 6-6328. FOR SALE Large RCA mahogany cabin"t RadiD Record Player. CI\Il be converted to L.P. Beautiful condition. OriginaJ cost $500. Telephone Swarthmore 6-0904. FOR SALE-Girl's 24-inch .bicycle, $15. call Swarthmore 6-2332. FOR SALE-Fireplace wOod, bard and well seaooned. Call Swarth- Free Delivery / S. M. Harbison & Sons • PL1JMBING and HEATING Gutter and Spoutng • MOD!" IIK.. E.5 • WAll ..... nol. C . V I _ Linoleum, Rubber and Asphalt \oRIfERS BROTHERS, I.e, Con,.....on oItd J~iIde.. • 302 GaYley SIr..,. • ft Merry Christmas • sa:' II. " M~ •• .... Since 1811 101 PABK\ AVBN11B SwarDl -e a.1IIit WST and FOUND Save On Interior Decorating MODERN DECORATORS Greally Reduced PrIces on Interior Decorating before the Holidays Phone Swarlhmore 6-0838 PIANO TUNING ALBAN PARKEJ!. Phone Media 6-1555 New and Rebuilt PIanos and ReI>alrin&" Since 1... F. F. ZIMMERMAN Electrical Wiring "Outstandini for Quality" Media6-MBS 6 E. Front Sl Coun~y, P. M. and publicly opened at 1:00 P. -M. Media. Delaware .• untn on Tuesday, DeceJnbel" 10,PelIJ-&I. lor 1:00 re- &.'1late of Jo.sephlne BelsUe, late of UI Rutgers Avenue. Swarthmore. Delaware County, P~nnsylvanla, Deceased. Letters or Administration Cum ··Testamento An. IICXO on the ab(n-e Estate have been granted to -the undersigned who request ali having of claims· or demands Estate the decendent to the same, and all persons decedent to mllke plI)'lllent o~"~loio>re. ;::. National Bank &. c.t.•• County, :-( PUBLIC HEARING DISPENSING OPTICIANS Would You Like A Modern Kitchen? You can have it tor less than think. I!-UI"A"". A. a.-WBlIIi BldJdhC RemOdelJD! .~ • ••••••••••••••• Asphalt or CoDcrete PETER DI NICOLA Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 JAMES Eo LAMB PLUl'IIIIING AND BEA'DKG Rellistered .in SWIl'Ihmore Dial OhMter 181.. PETER & TOrn All LInes Of Iuarance 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarlhmore 6-1833 -- •• A. Mercer Quinby FUNERAL DIBlW'l'OIt County IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF DE1.A W ARB COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA In the matter or GERTRUDE: B. BUTTER· fo'JELD (An ALLEOED WEAK-MINDED K .... ...... , • , 2T-12·18 Dot Belfield - Swa. 6-1973 Marg Hurd - Swa. 6-3138 J. C. LIMEBURNER CO. I V: JOHS H DOH"RTY .FRRD DUKE' ALBERT J. CRAWFORD. JR. HXe(:uth-e Bnd Administrative Directors. CeJJ I-WI i .. , drawn to the order of the Delaware Coun~ If InJtUutfon D'·lrl. _ ~ c. All bids must be sealed Dnd addressed to the Administrative and Ex.ecutlve Ot~ lice I'll of the Delaware County Institution DI8trl~t. Fair A~res Fann. Lima. Pa.• and p'alnl)' markoo on the enveJope "BID FOR DAIRY fo'ERO. PIG AND HOO FEED AND FER TILIZKR" or ·words to that .W.... The Excculive and Administrative DIredollJ 01 the Delaware County InstUutlon DIstrict Rserve tile rlallt to reject any or all bid,. I':~~~-:-_~-=-:-:~;.:..::.-=-_ Call Swarthmore 6·0740 827 Lancaster Ave., Bryn ·Mawr,-Pa. .' Ka('h bkl O1usl Ix' ."",mpabled by a check In the amouot of 1100.00, eertlfted COUNTY OF DELAWARE Sealed proposals will be received at the ofrif..-e of the Chief Clerk. Court House. . FOUND _ Gold tie clasp with PERSON) No. HU Sept. Term. IUS basketball on Maple Avenue. THE FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNT OF CHARLES R_ COWAN. Guanllan of the Call Swarthmore 6-11H. PhotolP'apher 1923 Chestnut Street - - - Phila. 6913 Market Street Upper Darby Shoe Shop apartment by U. of P. professor and wife, February 1. Call Swarthmore 6-0429. Tiles Experts.in the Making and Fitting of Sp'ectacles and Eye Glasses t~I~I~Il' OWlce. Fair Acres fo'ann, Lima. Pa. IT·li·! Little Train, Lenski; Rourke; Little House in Big Long Winter, Wilder. Call 6-0131. WAN'l'ED Houseworker. parttime, experienced. References. Age between 25 and 45. Write I·'·,,,;,~.·;;; BQx x, The Swartbmorean. _ WANTED _ SmaiJ.-funtisbed Painting e AlUIATlqNS ul HMIIIS Dare any weather in iImo-o-olh B. F. Goodrich winter weather footwear. Whether l;our ward· robe calls for glistening black high bools. sheepskin-cuffed warmers or sleek rubber ox· fords . • • B. F. Goodrich is your answer. We have what you want in the size you need. T 00, t G ramatky ; Lit- I • NEW co.~nuaUMI Wishing You A the I;~~:~;~:: ,. ,,. F. M. on 'hat dat•• SpecJftcationa and forms of Prop088.1 may be obtained at the Superintendent·, •••• EDCh bid must be accomp.lned by a f..'l!rtlHed cbeck. (or "o.00. drawn to the order of the County of DelaW"D.rc. Proposal forms may be obtained at tbe ily life for German children: Told o~lce ot Ibe Chlel' Clerk, Media. Pa . . U d th S The County Commissioners reserve tbe n er e tars and Stripes; Mr. rlgbl to rej",t Dnf Bnd an bids. Popper's Penguins. caddie WoodJobn Doherty lawn; Choo-Choo, Little Housel ~.I~rlj.~~~ton'l. Jr. Mike Mulligan. Burton; In My roUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mother's Administrative 'bl. rectors of Ule Delaware county Institution District at Fair Acree lI'arm. Lima.. Pa. at Nouee Is lIereby ~Iven that 8 public hearing will be Ileid In COuncil Chamber. Dorough Hall. Swnrthmore. Pa. on !I'ue&day, Januar)' 3. 1950. at 7:-15 P. M. In connection wllh the proposal of Swarth. SHRRlfo'F'S OFI'ICE more Presbyterllln Chuft'h to erect a 1Iew COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. FA. PaTish House upon the Church Eround.. }'Tlday, December 211. IIiU Sorth side Harvanl A,·enue. Wellt of • :10 A. M. &tlltun Standard Time Condltlous: $250.UO CDBh or cerifted Chester Rood. The proposed con.'ttructlon .:ileck at tlrue of sale (unless otherwise Im-oh-cs nn extension of nn exlstlne DODstated In advertisement), balance in teu conlonnln.. lI1=e. under the terms of tbe Swarthmore ZonlnR' Onllnance. dosrs. other conditions on day of sale. Hobert J. MacBride. SfterUT. Borough Secretnry Pieri Facias . No. Ion ELLIOTT RICHARDSON \ September Term. 1.U All that piece of land In Chester. Del. Elliott Richardson Co_. Penna .• BEGINNING on the S. side of Tenth St. 160' froID the S. W. cor- 2T-I2-16 lIer of Terth St. ft.nd Upland St.. tho a}f Dg tbe ~. side 01 Tenth Street W. I.' G to lalld now or late of Maqraret K. Rubbish Collection Frost; tb. by same and passing tbrouKb ~he middle of a part7 waH S. s." 10" :0 lands now or late or F. Otl. Dryant; tho Swarthmore Disposal by same E. u" e'~ to Jands now or late of William. Davis. et UX; th. by same N. Weekly or Monthly sa' IO'~ to point and place of beginning. BEING known &8 Ira Eaat Tenth Street. WARREN 'PlERCE UNDER AND SUBJECT to easements. condltlom and restrictIons of record. Swarthmore 6-2078 Improvements consist of a ! story (rame house 18 x 10 feet and a I stor,. frame addition 10 x IS feet. Sold a9 the property of Samuel Malloy ;lnd Fmnces L. Malloy. AU).'; Llndenmutb &: CJass. Driveway Col1ltracUon i;W~AN'l'iii~Ei,D"':'::';C"hi1i::·""dre=n"'s::-'·iii'Boo=::;ks:::-'for= Peace" to depict American fam- Owned and Operated by , ~/ during lIxocutly. and lb. 1R0vlr.g. repairing and replaclDI' deep ",ell Christmas turbine pump tor WeJI No. "' at BroadTelep'hone meaduw& Farm. Concord. Township, Delaware County, Pa. House, Clark; Down, Mountain, Credle; FO RSALE--American Flyer Ioco-Il~~~:~~y Finn, Tom Sawyer. an..:l th P Cl motive and cars, switches, trans&.ou e auper, emens; formers, over 30 feet of track, Bay Express, Davis; Dr. I O-g1Ilaj~e. -plus train table. $30•. ReWashington carver, Gra- UNITED SERVICES tow~ .. . housework va(".ation. Reference. Media 6-2147. 6':.-i4,,3,,1~4;,'iT'''--'===:-;==-=- Down CDESTI!R and FAIRVIEW ROADS allort" 35 ScrvinI Swarthmore. Mor- Charles E. Fischer FUSCO & ALSTON tubes. new $17.spare Call WIth tiresSwarthmore and inner 6-1085. -~~~.~;f~~~~~~~~1 SWARTHMORE. PA. TIRES Virginia Lee Ria .. END Devine Taxi Service Swarthmore 6-0444, Fl.. Assortment Including fruit. aad nu'" PORK LOINS LAMP MOUNTING Work Called For and Delivered and Guaranteed Call Chester %-3026 Before Noon Orders 'Taken 'For H~Boots ... • • PHONE: GOO JUNIORS HOLl) . YULETIDE PARTY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ~r-S:-HH=~::79:;HHHH"'" i.ine Of TH'E Avenue Brownies, announced Ule Piasterin&' - PaperhandDc Palnlln&' - carpentry _ Flooring LInoleum and TIle CALL MEDIA 6-3696 ! , ~~=-~,,_ Chocolates :~~ $1 HARD CANDIES 5:. $129 .. ' Lean, Fresh TrPe8 own Shop Old Fashioned EN'!',ERTAIN Household RemodellDg of under the chairmanship of Mrs. Francis Plowman aided by Mrs. 'PLACE ORDERS EARLY H. D. Sipler. Mrs. J. V. Lynch, Mrs. Earl Anderton. Mrs. Davis Preston and Mrs. James Stephans. ~~CA"E Popsicles, Christmas Cookies and THEATRE SQ1JABE candy canes made up the. popular m~u. A program ()f gam"" IDellveries Saturday Swarlitmore 6-3243 dances. Christmas stories and songs followed. Mlrs. Kenn e1!lt 1~!!!!!!!!!~!!~!!!!~I!!~~~~~~~~~~IIIIi!I~~~!!~~ Balsley wa~ presented with a farewell gift by Spenc~ Carrol. in appreciation for all 'libe help and time she has devot.!d tD her troop. The Brownies have been collecting money for dolls to be given to very ill children lsi Children's Hospital. f4rs. Ned _ Williams. leader of the Rutgers Packed wIth Ealra.Heovy SyruD I Christmas; stuffed. toyS. Chlldren's smocks fol'" school. ~ Alberta at .I!~IJ, 81la1Ul TURKEY , g.td:lMlt Enriched PERSONAL - JWIf'llttJ in time ~L"' _ _ "! Thr ki for \.dLUO"""""-:O ee e «ens. Yours f~ the asking. Swarthmore 6- 509 pEiiiS(~M:.:·=i>;;i~~iri;;ed-=fu~ 60r PERSONAL-Dolls .I.' The Browni"" of College Avenue entertained the Rutgers Avenue BfOwnies Whittier House Wednesday afternoon with a Christmas Party. Refreshments were served by PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR YOUR I PERSONAL ~c:!nNAL-Chair cantng _ All r~ Kinds. Write or bring' chairs to T. Halper, 1013 Madison Street, Chest er. • PERSONAL Vacuum' Cleaners Irona. toasters and radiOs r"': SHERIFF SALES paired called for and d II ere. , r _-" . .~ ~ -\":: / ... Phone Sw 6-_1 . .:', °l··, .- '0 -... ',: :-<7 .. T_, Malin Heads Civil Liberties Union Mr. Malin is resigning his du- CHJ!BiER aDd FAIRViEW JII()AJJI. FUSCO & ALSTON Eve to New Year's Night inclusive. Patrick Murphy Malin has been named director of the American Civil-Liberties Union to succeed Roger Baldwin who retires January 1 after 29' years in tihat post. Announcement was made at a press conference in New York yesterday. The Srudebaker "next. look" and the Srudebaker "next ride" are selling the 1950 Srudebaker faster than any car Studebaker ever introduced before. Come in now and let this aerodynamic new 1950 Studebaker work its magic on you. You woO't ever··want. to go badi: to ordinary motoring. '; ties as professor of economics at Swarthmore College at the end of this year aDd ~ take up his work at the !'lew York he,adquertars of the organization for the defense of the Bill of Rfgkts on n_ Februaay 1. '- DATES CHANGED The Junior Assembly dates have been changed. Seventh and ninth grades will' meet Monday, December 26, and Senior Assembly will meet on Thursday, December 29. The annual Home Lighting ConCommunity Sing test which has become a part 9f Christmas Eve the'Christmas tradlUon in SwarthThe annual Community Christmore will be sponsored again this mas Eve Carol Sing at the Dartyear by the Swarthmore Business mouth avenue' plaza of Borough Association and The SwarthHall at 5 o'clock tomorrow evemorean. ning will he led ,by members of Holiday . lighting effects have the. Episc,'1pal boys' choir. been increasing nightly during The Rev. George C. Anderson thl~jpre-Christmas week and are will direct the music for the expected to be in full bloom by seventh consecutive yew. Two tOnight, All decorations which quartets from the Swarthmore are visible from the exterior will High School Band will provide be considered by the contest instrumental accompaniment. juclges who will ,serve in secreCy Lights of the community tree and circulate along town streets will be turned on by Burgesswithin the next week. Wmners elect Charles R. Russell, president of the three cash prizes (first, $15; of ~ the, Swarthmore Business second, $10; and third, $5) will Association. be announced in next week's The community Christmas issue of this newspaper in order prayer will be given by Dr. Roy that everyone may have ample Newton Keiser of the Swarthmore Methodist Church. time to view the winning d~ The local Fire Company whose plays before they are dlsmantied.' loudspeaker has kept the local In order 10 qualify for the air a-ring with Christmas carol awards the decorations must be recordings this past week, will kept alight from 6:30 until 10 use its spotlights to illuminate p.m. every night from Christmas the .plaza for the Sing. 'OPEN EVENINGS A'P~ The Chrlst-child stood at Mary's knee, His hair was like a crown, And all the flowers looked up at Him, And all the stars looked down." • It would be incredible that each Christmas Eve brings a renewal I gift of love to the world of men, if we did not see it with our own ! eyes, feel it with our own hearts. There is not too much outward : change since then and now. Bethlehem was filled on that first ,Christmas Eve, with annoyea people wrangling about too much i taxation. Tomorrow night the entire Christian world will read again the story in the second chapter of St. Luke beginning, "And I it came tp pass in those days that there went out a decree from I Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be- taxed." Family gatherings on Christmas 1949 will discuss heavy taxes, too. There were tyrants and dictators then as now and the tyrants and their oppressed subjects were each one afraid. There was treacher,y, and greed, and selfishness, and fighting, and false witnessing, and poverty, and' wealth, and ·dlscrimination, and death, and people were living with tear. The difference Is that the idea of men living as sons of God Les;de their brother sons of God in freedom and goodwill was :fresh and new, then. Today it Is as old as the first Christmas, and that ,Is very old indeed. We who play our link in the human chain, can easily trace and face the reason for the laggardly development of Christ's world of brotherhood if we wIlL , Ogden Nash wrote a "Carol for. Children" to which the compuls. ChristJilas Concert ioll of this sense of failure musnllive di'i~eti h1ni. Of nine' stanzas, the final three conclude: Presented At "Two ultimate laws alone we know, , B.S. Monday The ledger and the swordSO far away, so long ago, The High School Chorus and We lost the infant Lord. participating .groups of the Swarthmore Schools presented, Only the cbildren clasp his hand; Monday night in the College AveHis voice speaks low to them, nue Auditorium, their Caroi ConAnd: still for them the shining band cert "Ring Out for Christmas" W~gs over Bethlehem. under the direction of Alice E. Blodgett, teacher of music. God rest you, merry lrmocents, Following the processional "0 While innocence endures, Come All Ye Faithful", sung by A sweeter Christmas than we to ours the girls choruses as they march- I May you bequeath to yourS." •• , ed by candlelight inlo the dark!Here we are brought into this inner children's circle by the ened auditorium, the Junior High miracle of Christmas, a miracle just as real and true today as anY' Girls' Glee Club opened the con- miracle that ever was. In the light of the manger, we are reduced cert with ... group of European in heart to the tendemelll', the inclusiveness of childhood. The Chrirtcarols. Dressed in dark skirts, child "speaks low to us," too, as we fall on our knees in, wonder and white blouses. and gay Christmas praise, and in dedication to its symbol of a lOving, ~elfjsh world. corsages, the girls made an at- It Is our Christmas, if we wish it. tractive appearance as they sang "You must remember this, for it is 8fi' true as that I see you and atTangements from the Slovak, you see me. It is not reveal,ttJ:le"rso:nl and Miss Ethel McDowell, both of Springfield, entertained at showMrs. A. Meader ersMr. In and honor of Gordon Miss Iliff. of Fairview Road aDd£ornel1 avenue will entertain the out-oftown wedding guests at a luncheon at ·their home Friday, December 30. BJ!:AUTY SALON Mistletoe favors lovely lncf es Call Swarthmore 6-0476 9 Chester Road ·SPRINGFJET:D VETERINARY HOSPITAL • ANNOUNCES NEW HOURS Monday, '.l,'neaday, WedDesday, Thursday Satarday 9-12, 2-4,7-8 AND BY: APPOINTMENT Swarthmore 6-2929 I'~~:::~~~~~:::~:::'~~~~~~~~~~~ ~, ''LOST B01lNDAJIIB8" 'leader's Digestl . -- TiiB:E::S::W~A~R~T~B~M:;o~a~B~A~N~________________-=~______________ 1 - ' ;h JUageant Next Year his o:olleagues In the General As- dents In every locality eI""p& THE'S'"ARTHMOREAN whe~e~ er of requests aslr!ng sembty voted aplnst an amend- Philadelphia from paying the pt]BU811J:D BVDY PlUDAY AT 8lVAK1BIIOaE, PA woUld b the Nativity Pageant ment, that woUld have relieved wage tax. Our people would TBE BWAIlTlll\lOaBAN. INC.. PUBLlSBBR , e pr~nted tbls year is Ilon-residenta of paying the Phlla- still have to pay the tax to Phila. Phone 8~re 8-.... ? tribute to Its place of allectiCID delphia Wage Tax. . delphia while in all other cases PETI'!ll R. TOT.D,-I!d=I:-:In-.------m ~~ community. Those who ''While a recent newspaper the non-residents would be ex.MARJORIE TOLD and BARBARA KENT, AssocIate Edlto.. parh~lpate In its bl-ennliU.pri,s.. editorial made that charge," Clen~ empt." Rosalie Pelrsol Lorene McCarter .entation are anxious that it be deoing said, "It Is a downright. atund~tood that its omission this tempt to mislead. An amendment Mr. and Mrs. Walker Penfield Entered .. Second .CiuII Matter, J1ollUlll')' 34, 1928: at the Post ~hrlStm.. is due to the fact that to Act 481 was oUered and It of Riverview road wU1 entertain OUice at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of' March 3, 1879. smce the Pageant was presented would have 'prevented non-resl- at Open House on Christmas Eve. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON . I last year this is .the alternate year. ::;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ IIWARTHMORJ:, PA., FlUDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1949 Nex~ year the beauty of \lle ~==========~=========dl Pageant of the Nativity will a~ Swarthmore NatiolUJl Bank Trust Company depth and wonder to the Christmas Swarthmore, Penrm. Presbyterian Notes None of the Fellowships or the tide of Swarthmoreans and all ANNUAL MEE'TING· Christmas-Tide Services at the. Young Adulls will meet this Sun- who attend it in "the spirit of reverenee and worship." i'he Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the SwarthChurch will include:~ day evening more National Bank and Trust CompBll7, Swarthmore, Pa., 1. Chrishnas Eve Communion Music Club At Trinity for the election Of directors and such other business as may Service with carols and canTrinity Notes come before the meeting, will be held at the banking house dlellght at 11 p. In. All are InHoly Communion will bJ celeThe Swarthmore Music Club . S warthmore, Pa., on Tuesday, January 10, 1950 ' m between vited to this beautiful and slm- brated with ·the traditional Christwill have their Christmas program the hours of three and four-thirty o'clock P.M. pie service. Mr. Bishop will be In mas Eve service at 11:30 p. m. in Trinity Episcopal Church on HAROLD OGRAM, Cashier charge. . , T h e boys serving as acOlytes for II. Christmas Morning (Sunday, this service are: :Barry Palton, Wednesday, p.rn. The entire December community 28 at 8:15 is December 25). , Samuel Reyoolds, Thomas Hopper, invited to attend this program. ,7:00 A.M.-Traditional Carol Allen Jones, Bruce Godfrey and Carols will be sung by the SURt-1 ALWAYS 'sPEND THE CHRISTMAS Service; Mr. Van Dyck in Robert Malin. Ushers will be: W. audience and the featured artist AT THE charge. L. Cleaves, head usher, A.' E. will be Marcella De Cray, harpist 9;30 A.M.-Service of Praise Pritchard, P. R. Gray, C. S. Kel- of the Metropolitan Opera Comespecially for the Church ler, C. S. Brown, J. B. Bullitt, W. pany.. The Trinity Men and Boys' • • . trees and decorotions-stockingscorols-o big turkey dinner-and 0 whole School and others'desiriiIg .to. Freegard and G. S. Valentine. Choir of 40 voices will be heard Christ'!'os 'week of speciol entertoirtJnent attend. Mr. Van Dyck In Holy Communion will be celebra- in several Christmas anthems and . . . With two festive parties On New Year's charge. , " ted at 9 a. m. on Christmas mom- ~arols. Master, Michael Reynolds Eve .•• all of Christmas and New Yea""s right at the ocean's 11:00 :A.Mi--Service of prajSe, Ing. At 11 a. m. on Christmas Day will be the soprano soloist. David ATI.ANTIC CITY JOSWlWIIIU regular w!'rship and sermon. there will be Christmas carols for F. M. Ulrich, organist, will be • SOlIs. LTD. Mr. Bishol' In charge." The all. the family. In order that fam- heard in several ~omPostions. o•• u ... M.uw;r.Df1' sermOn will be the fourth In ilIes may worship together at this This annual event has become the series on The Drama of service, there will be no Church an important feature of the pivine Invasion - A M3Tstery, School session' on Christmas Day. Christmas celebration. the .titie being "The Messen~ Acolytes for the 11 a. m. service The Rector, Rev. George C. gerand the Message are One". are: David Hurm and Robin Anderson, will be In charge of the Ill. New Year's Eve Watch. Wright. James BuJlittWm serve program. Night Service, December 31, 11:30 at the ,9 a. m. service. Ushers for p.m. the 11 o'clock service on Christmas Mothers Club Meets There will be no Church, School Day will be: W. C; Hogg, head On Thursday night, December 8, this Sunday morning, but cia ses usher, H. B. Spackman, E. O. the Christmas meeting of the You. nol we, decide whal IfIe funeral should will resume on January 1. . Cramp, J. E. Bell, J. H: Furlong, , Mothers Club was held at' the ....1. We have learned thai the best way I<> The College young people of the R. D. Newlin and S. B. Brewster. Clubhouse, on Park avenue. congregation are cordlally Invited Holy Comniunion will be celemake arrangemen~ is to select Individuall~ A chorus from the Sunny Crest to the Manse, 912 Westdale avenue brated on' Monday at 10 a. 18. to Farm for Negro Boys sang Christthe various items necessary for a complete for tea with Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, observe ·the Feast of St. Stephen. mas Carols under the direction on Monday, December 26, from Choir Scb:ool will meet for a of Ernest Berry, a student at funeral. By this method It Is possible far you I<> 4 to 6 .' special rebea,rsal at 10:45. Cheyney Teacher's College. Fol_1roI each and e.ery II... of expenditure. The 'l1Iiursday worship ~od, On Tuesday there will be a lowing the singing Macon Berry5:35 to 6 p. m. will be held as choir rehearsal at 8 p.m. man director of Sunny Crest gave usual next Thursday afternoon. The children of the Nursery, Be- a . report of the activities and Mr. and Mrs. ITohn S. M~ade, ginners -and Primary Departments program of the hoys at the farm. Jr. at the Harvard,avenue entrance of the Church School will have and Mr. and Mrs Loonard C. their annual Christmas party and ,SEEK BLOOD DONOBS Ashton at -the driveway-transept entertainment on Wednesday DIR.CIOas 01 PUNIIAU The Blood Service of the Amerentrance will assist Mr Bishap In (Holy Innocents) ~ 3 .p. In. in the ican Red Cross requests those who ~820 CHESTNUT STREET greeting the rongregation after the recreation room ot, the church. wer~ unable to give blood here 11 o'clock service Christmas mornMARY A.IAIR, _ ... Telephone RI6-1581 on November 9 due to colds or Friends Meeting Notes ing. illness, call Locust 4-2530 and First :Day School and Adult Forum will not meet on Sunday, make an appointment to donate December 25. First Day School blood during thr holidays. There ------~-------I will meet on January 'I, aDd the is a desperate need due to the . SWARTHMORB AdUlt Forum will resume on Jan- high rate of accidents at this .time PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH and the falling off of donors at Christmas Eve uary 8. 11:00 p.M.-Comml1Dion, Service. Meeting for Worship will meet this season. Those who go In to Sunday, Deeembet 25 at 11 o'clock.. as usual, on the Philadelphia headquarters to giv!' Christmas Day momings of December 25 and Jan- will be counted on Swarthmore's quota. 7:00 A.M.-Traditional Carol Ser- uary 1. vice. MIr. Van D,yck Un The Monday Sewing Group will charge. 9:30 A.M.-Servlce of Praise Mr. not meet for two weeks, resum- ·Stade Extends Greetings Van Dyck In charge. ing on January 9. Burgess J. Paul Brown received 11:00 A.M.-Mr. 'Bishop's sermon The ,Wednesday Sewing Group the following message from Burwill be '~The Message and gular the Messenger Are will meet as usual on its re gomaster Ludwig Jurgens of t. • est . ,Saturday; _ _r 31 day. Stade, GermBll7. fo~ yOU~ J1aPpl • 11:30 P.M. - New Year's' Eve Christian Science N'Otes "Dear Mr. Brown: Watch Night Service.' "Christian Science" is the subIn appreciation for all the klndMETHODIST CHURCH iect of the LeSSOIi-Sermon in all ness the citizens of ~ore lloli.1ay SeasOn. Jl07 N. Keiser, D. D., MInIster Churches of Christ Scientist on have given us I want to wish you Sunday, December. 211 ' . Christ 9:45 A.M.-Church School. Sunday December 25. The Golden and your citizens a merry . • yea~ 1,ring 10:00 A.M.-Young Adults text is:'''Glory to God in the high- mas and a happy and prosperous )w\.ay the coJlllng , . 11:00 A.M.-The sermon topic will est, and on earth peace, good will New Year. Sincerely Yours be "If there were no Bethle- toward men." (Luke 2:14) . Jurgens hem Child." ,--~~~----.----.1 go 0.1 fortUne. . Burgomaster" .yan TRINITY CHURCH Methodist Notes yoU)'O , Rey. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector The Sundsy School meets at Christmas Eve. James Th Broadcast 11:30 P.Mo.-Holy Communion. 9:45. Classes are provided for 'Christmas Message Sunday, Deeember. 25 children of all ages and for adults. Congressman BenjaDlin F. 9:00 A.M.-Holy Communion The Y0UIJ8 Adults meet at 10 James will brOadcast a message of 11:00 A.M.-Family Carol SIng- o'clocK in the Ladies' Parlors. general interest at noon Christi~onday, DeeeinJier 28 The semnon topic at the 11 mas Day over the facllities of ra(St. Stephen) !)'clock service Is "If there were dio station·WPWA. 10:00 A.M.-'Holy Communion. no Bethlehem Child." James prepared a message of THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY The Church Nursery is open hope and cheer, which he hopes OF FRIENDS during ,the mol'\lling service. Anne \ will impress upon citizens the , . Sunday, 25 and Helen Kraus and Mrs. Charles importance of retaining Christ11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Hughey will ,be In charge. Children cared for in WhIttier The ushers for the day are W. mas, and all that it means to young , House. W V and old alike, as the religious and Wedneaday, ])ecember 18 Dickinson, G. Alston, . . spiritual day of days. All day sewing and quilting fJor France, H. E. New and O. C. ZinCopies of the Congressman's the A.F.s.C. _ .... • message may be obtained by writ---~~------~~--I&~' The Christmas party for the ing ft> James' Washington or ~e­ FIRST CHuRCH OF ' Beginners Department will be beld dia office, House Office BuIlding CHRIST SCIBNTIS'l' on. Thursday afternoon #OIIl 2 to and the County B1J j lri j D.g, respecOF SWARTHMORE How You can buy u. S. automau..u:r' Park Avenue below Harvani 4 In the cburch. tively. jtbr.....111 the new Bond-a-llonth Plul. ~ at tIdo . . . " Sunday, Deeember 25' Meanwhile, State Rep. Robert l1:uO A.J4.-Sunday SchooJ. Mrs. E. N. Thurman. of Cedar 11:00 A.M. - Lesaon _ SermOD J. Clendening concluded teo weeks "ChrIstian S c I " lane entertained at a smali dinner 'of substituting on the regular Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . Wednesday : , ' ; g meetIna party Tuesday evening In honor Sunday program for Congressman each week, 8p.m. Rne"'C room of Dr Thurman's birthday anni- James, with a denial lbllt he and 11.________________""\'...;._____-1 open da1ly eIcept and . Hol1da7s 11 to S p. Ill. W-n-'Q versary· n , an4 ~~~~=~~===::~~:;::=::::~=::~=§:::==:!! marlborouglt-ilenlteim A DECISION .o' '. r_;;~~~~====;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;:;~~~~~ 0,.". This can· happen TO YOU _11 Be on the RIGHT SIDE of the Motor Vehicle Financial and Safety. Responsibility LAW with the RIGHT KIND of II)ISURANCE. f William S. Bittle &~ Son :tUesdaY and Wedn~ay rile real life stmy bun the . - N tW· Chllrch Services and Friday, 9-12, 7-8. "'l'IIIi: DOCTOR AND Walter Bnmnan In color! " __ StartjIllt Thursday - • MEDIA "BJIIM8'l'ONB" -- • WISHING YOU ALL A MERRY CIOUSTMAS and a' HAPPY NEW YEAR Mrs. LloYd E. Kauffman SUBSCRlPl'IONS FOR ALL MAGAZINES Thurs., FrIday and Saturday Paul Douglas LInda Darnell Celeste Holm "EVERYBODY DOm 1'1"' Sunday and Monday Glen Ford Gloria DeHaven - THE OLIVER H. BAIR'CO. Ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I Mon. - Tues. - Wed. W HB E'.8 ..:m tab aDd train. Her veil Of illusion '" STA"'" AUf0 INS'.PECTIO·N. from a cap of lace and she carrie.i I .,L "" white roses and white l I l a c s . y < \ U RECEIVE THE SAME CAREFUL ~ The i!ridesmaids MIss M".:vt . COURTEOUS SERVICE AS IN THE PAST Knabb, sister of the bride, Miss Vivian Hanford, sister of Bri~g Your &,on the ,bridegroom, wore models of green velvet and· .taffeta featur' T I... ~· Ing fitled bodices and full skirts :lUi . ~.. y .......AlI worn over hoops. They carried "Bob" Atz, Owner yellow roses tied with gold tissue. Mr. John Platt of Germantown SW' 6-0440' Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. Boa Caaaeaoa AdrI&'Il Booth ~'WAGON --- - HONOR BBIDE-'1'O-BE Charles InnIs, and Mra~ Paul Sny_ MIss Barham FaIth MIss Elizabeth ;Baneroft Smith der .... bei .....lned at the la....s daushter of Mr. and Mrs. of Sw~e aveiwe. whose home In Westtown. H. Knabb of Princeton a' marriage to Dr Donald N Twad Miss sniith was boOored wiUt a became the bride Of Mr. Edwin dell ~t Dund~ N.Y., tea last Sunday gI'fell by stall Hanford, son of Mr. and Mrs. place WednCllday December 28 members 'Of the American Friends CharleS H. Hanf'Ord of Drexel in the Sw~ Presbyterian Service at the home of MiBa Eleaat a candiellght ceremony, Church, was gUest of honor at a nor 'Ilownsend and MIss ,Nora day afternoon at 4:30' In cupbOard shower given by MIss Booth of Ph!ladelphla. Miss Smith Christ 'EpJ,scopai Church, Carolyn Oressoti 'Of ruV'ervlewspen~ last year with 1;he Friends P":l"k. The Rev. W1l1iam road. . ServIce In Paris. rector, oUictated. . . , The couple will be guests at a The bride, given In ~:::I 'The bride-to-be was guest of cocktail 'Party Sunday Bfternoon honor at a' luncheon and' 'kitchen when ·Mr•• ~ Mrs: Wllliam Rauth by her father, wore a' - .... gown of candlellght. satin shower on FrIday, Decet4b~ 16 of Penn ,Valley will entertain In ioned with filted bodice of wh'll' 'Mrs. Richani Daniels, Mrs: .their hoIllOr! ted lace and full skirt with bu~Ue I i-~it";t;;;ji!r:(;;ii!=1;t!=1;-t;i;;;t;,....,.;;Q!=1;t>=<;,..,~,..,;.ite;;:;e;'(;;..,;sj;=;jj=;t.H;.... ;qH;·~=;;;;;.;..itH;;.t;i=t;i;q;=~ Also cartoons and seria1s in • .I BANFORD - KNABB mE GmL" Monday _ Christmas Matinee REGULAR FEATURE WILL NOT BE SHOWN! "HOME IN OKLAHOMA" starring Boy JIGpn , Plus 7 CartObas Starts 2 P. M. I . Red Ryder and Little Beaver I . t;'."4. " • , . Swarthmore lational Bank & Trust Co. Savinp'Bon~ - Phone 6-0111 WHAT YOU , SuJi._ I. , . ,. TBlls"ABTa.,oaBAN 4 .~ E wb« Z3, 1Mt ~. . . .~ C9R~~:fItl]s·1949 1/1" .. Hew's Ic.aldc \ .~ May lIlt , wealdc4joy IIdmgJ of.grtlll' he ymn tn/ull jOy The Yule is a season for songs and reJoicing. Our. earnest hope IS that all vou friendly people may share in this . . '. ;ktis:bt.45 Day. thIS Chnstt11flJ. SPirit to the utmost, And for what Irs worth, we offer OUt heartiest wishes tor a very Merry , For d smile on ev~ry face dnd d carol In every heart we commend you to the spirit of Christmas, tlus - . CELIA SHOE SHOP ~~~;;;;:~Happy holiday. . Rumsey Chevrolet Yale and Rutgers Avenue liZ Park AVeJllIe ' Christmas MiL&Mt : \ .May·your' ChriSfWlaS . . " be Merry a.JEfi~ht, ."'.\ Michaers College Phar1Jlacy ON THE CORNER EdwardL. Noyes & Company. CIliESTER ROAD Season.; lQ4Q HAPPY HOLIDAY . ,. to all of you. Ma'/. no cloud app,ear to disturb its serenity.. 9---'---- May 'all the wonderful things that go With Christmas be yOUl'i In the fullest abundance From all of us BEST WISDES 1949 \ 13 b here to all' of you-a most happy holiday. South C~ester Road HARRIS & COMPANY Swarthmore ' 11 Park Avenue ". 00 o • Ndturally there is d . I o '" Santa Cld'us---;ust <)' No children. 0 () • 0 0 G <:> 0 , • •, .' ma'J . SIlOwfiill. one even •. -=, , At, 8 • Few expenenm ~urpass In beauty Ihal hllsh we express the sin~ere hoPe that this year holds for you a perfect of Christmas. wondeiful expectancy IIIPI foils t1tW • . . Buchner's Toggery Shop PARK AVENUE • tW. This RflSfJII of. 1919 holds dmllII' _lor JtJII• .0 O. Ihe ho~ on ChnstmllJ partial measure of our friendship J, aL.nku. the season dnd your shdre of JOy come. CIm.;/nuu rhn-.nJ ~ up- 'J9~r 1.- Just give way to the spirit of will accompanies a Ouistmas Eve , doubts that dny more. ... " 'dS ~dturally dS there dre o 0 May" it be touched with thl! same kind ,of serenity that • . FUSCO and ALSTON . CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS 'Hannum and Waile Yale Avenue and Chester Road The Swarthmore Co-op . . -' . 1 • I .', i " '. • . - .. . !, .' . .',: 6 nee-....... 23, ito THE SWAaT.BMOBBA!J. , J)eeember 23, ·1Nt THE SWABTHMOB~AN 7 SCHOOL NEWS Holiday Greetings By Slud.ula To All , • I , 0 • . .. • I. .. .. .... On Christmas, 1949. we re.live the' lOY that comes to us across the cen· IUries May this seaso~ bring you nothing but happiness. Marge and Dot: DaB dentSche AbeDdOlien On December 15 the G~an pai"!ment of Swarthmore H.Igb School held its annual baJ.q"et.1 The 90 people present ate a IIcious meal 01 Imockwurst sauerkraut 'Iollow.ed by' an cellent dessert of appelkucllen ice cream. The group then together in the singing 01 • Gennon folksongs and ChI·I.stJl.as carols. The accomPaniment supplied by a string trio. Ne>;t on the program was the play on by the third year students. year, they did a take-ofl on ''Hansel and Gretel" written by John lo!:I I I 'Twas twelve o'clock midnight All seemed to be. well When over the bakery the moon cast its spell. The lights in the' cases were turned on so bright The shades were pulled down to shut out the night. 'Twas no human hand that had done this stranJe thing, And the fairies of CakeIimd started to sing. THE SWA.RTHMOREA.N STA.FF ,;' A ./ We • wish you well thiS season. , . The cinnamon buns to the cookies made love The coffee cakes flew to the rafters above. The cupcakes arrayed in their jackets of yellow Were addressing the layer cakes who started to bellowHI say there, sweet cupcakes, have you a da\e tonight? . . "I'n take you out yonder where the moon's shining bright "I'll give you a taste of my chocolate icing U And then we'll go in and catch the bread slicing!' happy holiday to all. ~~~::~====~~~==:~~~==~~~~I MERRY CHRI:HMA.S EVERYONE H'OLLYHOCK SHOP . . SWARTHMORE - PENNA. .. MR. and MRS. FRANK E. McFADDEN, Propretors Even the boxes were having their fun. They were chasing the tissues with a fierce looking gunA gun filled with wWp cream and jelly that smeared. Steinfeld an'! "Herr" cast included Clair Snyder. Scholl The as Gretal, John Steinfeld as Hansel, Charles Acker the woodchopping father, Sally Alden the mother and "Reds" Barr was the witch. A male quartet added more flavor to the evening, by rendering sev~ eral GennOlO selections between tne acts. With the play another successful German banquet came to a close. Senior Play On February 11, 1950." The Senior Class will present its annual Senior Play. This year the s-nu Hope of the World I • PAULSON & CO. MAY ALL Swartbmoro, P .. THE SEASON'S BEST -tie ~etr pilei t"at (?/,'C~imaJ ~ wit/" uJ THIS CHRISTMASTIME. lit, 6y w~ IlIl'eyone a IVOlfrll'Cpul "oliky. walft\ to filii t/"I ThomasF. Conway Baird & Bird Old Bank Building 100 PARK AVENUE PARK AViENUE • ~~:~~~~~:=::~:~:~~~~:~~ In 'our . 5 and IOc STORE Swarthmore I Park Ave hohday of all renews wish you all Its happmess each year. A very Merry ------- -- 101 fur 1949. but bors. I r"1 .' ; .. WILliAM S. BITTLE &180n Joseph's Barber Shop ,.:,.:,.:,.!.,.,. 8o<:iet:rl~~~~~ii~i1~ij~i i8~~~~~~~~~~~ which theHealth Health cenl-i for the operates Community elic. b.r'-f t 5 TO YOU AND YOUR WHOLE FAMILY OUR WlSHE5. I I Youth and old age Will be served With a Me ··ERRY .tt' Chnstmas thIs year RISTJt\AS • CATifEitMAN'S . Drug Store t , • .. 9.141 I..nk PABKAVENUE . A truly Merry Christmas to our good friends and II:-~ CHRISTI!S {ngleneuk Tea Room I 9 1949. --...-.... MERRY CHRISTMA.S•• EVERYONE M~RRf DEVINE TAXI· 4 Closed Monday & Tuesday happiness. .. . 9 -:..- Following our usual custom of a Christmas "vacation", the Shop will be we ~ 1 Society Entertains Santa visited WoodJiYn Child Health Center on "r.uesday, .December 20. It was a gala party for the kiddies arranged by the Community Health Society of Swarthmore and Santa's visit at 3 p.m. was the main event. Colona! Harry C. Mabbott of Harvard avenue, as Santa· had a gift for every little boy and girl, William Price of Rooe Valley told sl0ries of Christmas and OOOldes, ice cream and candy were served. The Tower Forum of Ridley Park, The Friendly Circle of Swarthmore and John E. Michaels of Swarthmore also oooperated in making the party a success. The Swarthmore Scout troop dec:arated the tree. Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Swarthmore anct M1's ChrIstine Jack~ son of Woodlyn were co-hostesses BE.ST .. !!III-- mood, heans, the great... MERRY CHRISTMAS • .~ , "':it:Jt!:"':i.~..lJtA:"lI Open. Tonight TiU Nine TOlTWrr.OW Till Seven In the . Chrisbnas .' Che'[(shed B. J. HOY Sf.'ASON'S Immedtately following Health Center party Santa Claus and Mr. Price visited the CWldran's Ward at the Chester Hoopita!. Here Santa gave ealClcb~= a stuffed Christmas st wWch were donated by the Junior Woman's Club of Swarthmore. On Thursday, December 22, William Hetzel and her COlIlInittee wrapped fruit and plants for 'the Shut-ill patients of the Community Health Society. Simple. unadorned thoughts are best at Christmas So we 'would only wish you a joyful and happy holi· day season. when every step you tak.ein~ creases your desire to be a friend to mall. , And a Merry Christmas to you MORRIS MARTEL , M. WEINSTEIN & SON , BE YOURS tLfain o","t to ~ joy moUf/" 6ut WI JERRE MARTEL May the 10ys of the season be completely and all yours. pole story ofrevolves play Street". is "'nle The Barretts around the Barrett family wWch is dominated by an overbearing father, played by John Steinfield. , The conflict arises When Elizabeth (Dolores Roeth) decides to marry Robert ~wning (DiCIt McCray). others in the cast Barbara Crosset the rebellious Henrietta, Mery Knabb, Bowie, Marian Ransburg, Fred. Sales and many others. Health MARY LOU SHRIVER let us give thanks together for the priteles~ gift of Christmas Wim-I:~~~iiii~~~~~~~.I~iiii~~~~~~~~~ CHESTER ROAD 7 'SOUTH CHESTER ROAD Phone Swarihmore But suddenly all became quie\ again For the clock had struck five and in came the men (Who made all these sweet things for people to eat) The eggs and the flour they started to beat. But they never knew what happened that night For the fairies of Cakeland had flown out of sight WisWng Swarthmoreans large oneS and small, ' Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas to all. THE BOUQUET DEW DROP INN . CChriS'hnas- • ... :" . , - 1\' Ope. Th............. TIll 9 p.m. SabUda., TW 6:00 p.m· .for a Succeufu' CHRISTMAS DINNER be sure with one of our famoul 5 . 1610 • 20lbs Ib .• 49 4S e• , over 201b. • Ib e Ixtrw fancy Lancatt.r lraa" Turkey. are the pick of ,h. couafry" be.. ItNa....., DIMIty ...... t_lI.r. You take cltllnce. with a Lanccuter. _ockI. top sracl.#, broael READY TO COOK HEN TURKEYS ( : : ) ~:::: '10 75e: 11:,-:, '10 65e:;;,~:, '10 61e full, drawn. $ave II ..... No 'MIlt••. LONG ISLAND, DUCKLINGS ~";;: no Agar's Whol. Canned. bOn.. ~=r /at. '10 COOED BAMS SLiCED"':O. ..:I"n '" N,o Ib Sle The Swarthmore AsSftObUes' Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hanis eld Chrls1mas parties are being h of North Swart1miore avenue will next w~ at tbe Woman's Club. entertain over the holidfYS their Dr. John W. Nason, 1950 March On Mondsy, December 26 at '1 son-In-law and daughter Dr. and of Dimes Campaign DIrector, has p. m. the seventh grade will meet, . Id n.... Th f called a general membership .th Mr d Mrs John Mr.. Dav ~ - ' Small furnished' apartment by U. of P. professor and wife, February 1. Call SW;lrthmore 6-0429. WANTED - BOOKS: Will Buy old' and U3ed books In any quantity: Ralph Smith, Cheyney, Penna. Westtown 3732-JI. College gn"~i-w-an-,fS~ housework during Christmll§ va"atlon. 'Reference. Telephone Media 0-2174. wANrED - Double-breasted tuxedo, size 40. Tux sbirt 15-33. Call Swarthinore 11-3812. Sub~cription Swarihmore 6-2253 EASY TO GIVEJUST CALL &WARTHMORE 6-0900 AND A WELL-TIMED GR,EETING C~ WILL GO FORTH TO ANNOUNCE YOUR GIFT. ,, DEEPLY APPRECIATEDBY FOLKS AT HOME, FORMER RESIDENTS, STUDENTS ~WAY AT COLLEGE. ONLY $3.50 for Every Friday of the Year at his home on V;assar avenue. Robert Tucker of Cornell avenue. a freshman at Harvard University, is home for the holiday vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Kent of Ri.verview road are ent~aining MIss Harriette M. Ellis and Miss Kate Ellis of Brookline, Mass., who arrived Thursday for the Christmas holidays. Bob Buxbaum of Winding lane, Me~ia, a sophomore at Harvard University, arrived home Wednesday for the holidays. He was accompanied by his roommate Tom Morrison of San Mateo, Calif., who will be his holiday guest. Mr. and Mrs.' Charles F. Frederick of State College will arrive FOR SANTA (continued from page one) wouldn't\ ·mind if he had to wait until, next year to provide one or two of her desires. ~ Parkle reports he has tried to be a good boy and take care of his toys, and thoughtfully wishes Santa a Very Happy Cbristmas. That's a large order you sent.. Parkie, but Santa promises to try hard to leave at least half the things you requested. Remem.. ber there are millions of children cOWlting on Santa's gifts and he can't leave 50 many at one house that he has nothing left for some other litUe boy or girl. war-I:~~':~~~~~~~::.~~~r~~~~~ ren, Larry Dalton, Jack Collins, Barry.Patton, HarryHoutz, George Thorbahn, Bill McIntire, Ave Blake, and m3llY others, will be able to participate. Bill says that he would like to have players who have played under Mr. Reese to serve as opposition for the High School varsity. It may be possible to play a J.V. game if there are' enough men interested. Whether or not a person played basketball in High School Is an irrelevant matter. All fellows who wish to play should contact .Bill on or after December 23 - SW. 6-6705. The game will be played on December 29 at 7:15 p.m., and will be an official one; the purpose being to bring together the old gradf', either as players or spectstors. today Frederick's to spend the holidays Francis must noise promise notgets to frey Mr. ofand Mrs. Warren God-a Mrs. pareilts Mr. with and make too much if he Vassar avenue R. spent Mrs. Owen W. Gay of Walling- a drum and a' horn and ration few days of last week in' New ford. his box of candy so that he doesn't York City. Roberta Haig of Riverview road a stomach ache. Sants is -;;;~;;;;;;;~~;;;;;~~:;;;;~;;;;;;;;; and Helen Disque of Strath Haven marking many things in his doll ~ Household BemodellDc of aD avenue are home from Mt. Ho}y- department for Marion who seems 'l'nIM oke for the holidays. to lean very strongly toward doll SurprisIncly Reasonable PrIces FOR RENT Rodney Bray, a sophomore at equipment. Piasterin&' - Paper~ FOR RENT-Furnlshtld home for Michigan Btate, whUe vIl;iUog I Johnny' only wants two things PalnUng - Carpentry - FloorlD&' rent-Swartb.mOre, 4 bedrooms, 2 in Swarthmore next week, a remote control truck and a LInoleum ODd TIle baths; near s<;hool. transportation. the guest of Charles Keenen train set. Santa Is going to try ~~~C~A~~I'~'~'~M~F~"~I(~A~6~-~36~9~8~~ Call SwartIunore 6-2268. of Harvard avenue. very hard to see that he gets FOR RENT - Unfurnished apartMidshipman Bob McCowan of them, and.thanks Johnny for his ment, Rose Valley - 3 large Vassar avenue arrived home thiS good I.wishes. rooms arid, bath. Entire thtrd lloor of iarge house. Convenlent morning from Annapolis for a There were several letters transportation. $65. UUlIties' in- lO-day holiday. whose writers forgot to sign their cluded. iBusiness couple preJoan Faulkner of Dickinson names so Santa can't answer them ferred. Occupancy January. Write avenue, home from Tusculum direct. However, hE:: will be sure Box A, T·he SwarthmOrean. lege for the holidays, will attend to call at every home where a FOR SALE a holiday party in New York City child expects him, and to leave FOR SALE - Girl's ice skates, December 28. many delightful gifts. "Brooks" white, size 4. '$5. Sally James, a junior at NewMrs. Sants Claus wishes to • MO" . . . ,KIEI' Swarthmore 6-0413. comb College, New Orleans, La., thank Deane for the pretty • .All 00#1100. COYIIII.5 FOR -SALE--Wir<>haired puppies, returned home Sunday and is Christmas card she. received. 6 weeks. Four male, one fe- having a two-week vacation at • lEW COISTlUCTI •• male. Registered Pedigreed. Call her home oh Park and Michigan Before he dasbed back to his Darby 2310. workshop to continue loading his • ALYlUnOI' .... ,IPAIIS FOR sALE-Fireplace wood, hard avenues. Ann Broomall of Cornell ave- pack Santa called the hope thnt and well seasoned. Call Swarth- nue, a student at Penn State boys and girls would remember 4.R'JIERS I!ROTHERS, he. more 6-2078. Conftadon crtttI"lJullclett Center, will, entertain at Open to be as good and helpful all House Rext Wednesday. 'roWld as they are now ~ust before LOST and FOUND 302 Gayley 5".., • ~.dio, ... Bob Hanzlik of Marinette, Wis., Christmas. And, he added, '"ell LOST _ Silver earring, Monday Pbouel MNI& ...au evenmg, in or near High Sclhool. is spending Cbristmas with his do hope that everybody learns Call Swarthmore 6-4188. parents Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hanz- to "Christmas." many people use the shorterSo"Xmas" LOST-Small white woolY female lik. of Cornell avenue. dog, black patch on back. Name MJ:. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ltie- not realizing that this began long Save On Interior Decoratln« ago when folks were persecuted "Susie". Finder call Swarthmore ders of North Princeton avenue are for being Christians, while today, MODERN DECORATORS' 6-2761. ' entertaining over the Christmas he .continued, there is no excuse Greatly Reduced PrIces on holid8ys their son-in-law and for leaving the Chris. out of Interior DecoraUng before the s.varthniore 6-1448 daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert La Christmas! Holidays . WILLIAM BROOKS Pann of Glenn Falls, N.Y. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I Phone Swarthmore 6-0838 Aabos & Rubbish Removed and Mrs.road Gordon A. Meader Lawns mowed, General , ofMr. Fairview and Cornell ,; RubbiSh Collection ; Hauling avenue will entertain" as their Swarthmore Disposal A. Mercer Quinby 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. guests 'next weeK-end, Mr. and FlJNIZB &I, DOUWl'OIl Mrs. Lloyd Mathers and daughter Weekly or Monthly Formerly of Media Ann of Pelham l'4anor, N.Y. formWARREN PIElI.CE 1125 W. ,,,,,hI,,, Ave., Phlla erly of Swart~ore, who will be Swarthmore 6-2078 Phone ~wIn 1170 here to attend the Iliff-McDowell No addltioruol charlie fer wedding. Friday, December 30. suburllan calls Lt. COlndr. and·Mrs. Lawrence Charles E. Fischer. Since 1905 G ..! Traynor, ·and small . Priscilla, 'are spending the ChristROOFS GU'1'l1US J,'alnters '" Pa..,r H a _ mas holidays with Mrs. Traynor's RBPADm AND BUlLDm We mould know hew $SSssgSiSSS$$$ SSiS SSS !NST ..... ' . Swa. 6-226& Michlnn Ave. Furnace tt.paIra '" C)Mnlne The SwarthmoTean so Mr. and Mrs.' H. Edwin Sheppard of Atlanta, Ga., will arrive this evening t<> spend a week of the 'holidsy season with Mrs. Sheppard's parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Weltz of College avJ.ue. Bruce Godfrey flew home TuesdaY' from Washington and Lee University to spend the holidays J~~~~1: Swarthmore's High play School Basketball team will two games next week. On Tuesday evening tbey will meet Cllflon • m,... Heights on the home court. For -";,~iilc'ii"jj .~~."!d~~ ,o~~~~;E the first tim!> ,In many years a , ~ game has been arrsnged between the Alumni and the High School team. Bill Huey is trying to whip together a team of, which the Alumni can be, proud. He I,s hoping such ex-players as Dave ~"'-,~-"-" ..,..."•.. wANTED -' to· so liE t •••• put 52 Times . with a Gift tlons. Mrs. 239 Haverford avenue. more 6-6750. , Here For The Holidays TEAM TO PLAY, :."___~' ~'.;;:~~cOOb}~:!,·,!Oi'!>;;';'!io.; a AU bids must be scaled aud addressed to the Admlillstrnth·e Bod ExecuUve orOeenl ot the Delaware County InsUlution Dlstrlct. (o'alr Acres Fann. Limn, Pa.• and plainly marked on tbe envelope "BID FOR DAIRY .'KED. PIG AND HOO FEED AND FERTILIZER" or words to that e8'ect. Executh·e and Admlnlstrath"e DI· ot tbe Deluware County Institution D.~\[!~ reserve the riKht to reject any or JOHN H. DOHERTY FRED F. DUKE ALBERT J. CRAWFORD. JR. Executive and Administrative Directors. 2T·IZ·lG ~~~:~t~~~~~~~~~~~i~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I CUNNINGHAM '''MERRY CHRISTMAS" ,® Gift Suggestion •••• SWARTBMOJLE P.S. Most messages cost less after 6 P.M., as well as all dsy Christmas and Monday, December 26. \ Add),ottle deposit. and ~Io;;; SWEET O'AM BU'I iD 11 SOUTH CUFSTER ROAD, There will be some delays, but we'll do our level best to speed your holiday calls to friends and family. We knowhow much these calls mOBIl, and we'll try to make it a Merry Christmasl PERSONAL pERsONAL-Vacuum Cleapers, irOns toasters and radios re'red 'called for and dellvered. rail Robert Broolloo, Swarthmore 6_1548. pERSONAL -, Electrical wiring and inStallation, residential and commercial. Water heaters, ranges, dishwashers, dryers. iBendhr, All work done to Fire Underwriters' specifications. Service on washers, .vacuum cleaners, ranges, iions, toasters, fans, lamps. Call Erich H. Hausen. Electrical Contractor, Swart1miore 6-2850. 335 Park avenue. pERSONAL -, Medical Massage for wry neck, tense nerves, cobstipation. Spot r8ducin¥ by DeWar. Call Beatrice Schmidt, 6-2780. H.S. ~~~~========~~ H. D. SIPLER peak. :::.r. •.::'n;.;"""':.::::;,;,;;""":;:;:;o,,;;.._ _ _ _ _..... _ QUALITY SINCE 1863 Although we've added many lines and switch'boards since last Christmas, we'll have our hands full on the Christmas week-end, when Long Distance greetings hit their , CLASSIFIED . , parents Mr. aod Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden of Riverview road ' Mrs. Helen 1'4. lfall of Hlllc born avenue Is entertaining five students from other lands during the Christmas holidays. Mr. T. H. Cheng, son of the Chinese delegate to Unesco in Paris will be coming from the University of Michigan, and Paul Van der Veur from Holland and I1ldonesia comes from University of Minnesota where he Is doing graduate work after having graduated from Swarthmore College last year. The other three students come from Swarthmore College: Gertrude Brenken from ESsen, Germany; Elizabeth Condostanos from Greece, and George Chang "from Hong Kong. s~ll Go.s on Eas,. Dries Quick No Brush Marks . , Lat. CRANBERRY SAUCE. ., AMEL In 14 COLORS and NEW NON·YELLOWING PORCELAIN WHITE How.. Ideal Fancy Quality , '-'\4It:iiI OLl..... $il.iiI :il.ilfJlII '''IOe MIlKed Nuts h~. 3ge 'i.::f 14e Season's Greetings .. Mr. and ~. Roy MoCorkel and three chUdren of Comell avenue, acoompanled by Mr. McCorkel's mother Mn. R. L. McCorkel, will sail on the Queen Elizabeth next Thursday, December 29 for France. They wIllllve in Genev... Switzerland where tbe children will attend ·the International Sohool. Mr. McCorkel will be Regional Director for CARE In southern Europe, Including Czechoslovakia, Austria, Itsly, Greece and the new state of Israel. .... ADort. . . . Ind.tlh.. fruih ......... , N(JI1on Calls ~neral Membership 'Meeting NEWS NOTES . sOns lancaster Brand fresh Killed under 161b. Ib Plan Christmas Parties • TBESWA&TBHOIUlAN Dece ..... IS, UO T BE 5 WAR T B'M Ga. AN 8 Devine Taxi Service UNITED SERVICES WISHES YOU A Merry Christmas *II , can GEORGII HYIIBII Michigan Ave.. Sw. 6~2266 RICHARDSON Elliott 'RIchardson A DrivewaY eonstructlon Asphalt or concreto PETER DI NICOLA Phone Swarthmore 6-2526 ,JAMES E. LAMB PLUMBING AND BEATING Registered in Swarthmore Dial Cheder ISlN PETER & TOLD All Unes Of Insuranee , 333 Dartmouth Avenue SwarUunore, Pa, YOU NEED 1-"'" TONS with. PREMIUM ANTBltACITB CBBISTMAS PLATFOlIMS $1.92 '" 111> plywood all sizes and thlclrness Muon Builders Supply ComplUly SlIl Dan-uth A_. . SwuihJnare Swartbmore 6-03f5 Would You Like A· Modern Kitchen? You can have it for less than you think. HORACE SWARTHMORE, PA. I Seivinc Swarth:inore, Mor~ ton, Rutledge and Rldler T<>wnahlp alnce It111 BuDdlne ltfInY'dlnl l PIIONB: Swv&bmore 6-8441' S. M.· Harbison & SoD!! , TilE S W A Ii 10 ·FRANK LAUBACH COMING JAN. 5 World Literacy Head Speaks At Night , The lecture by Dr. Frank C. Laubach 10 be given on the evening of Thursday, January 5 in the high school auditorium is an event of major imPf"'tance to the commumty. Dr. Laubach is recognized throughout the world as the pioneer and l~ading specialist in world literacy. Although his literacy campaigns among the headhunting Mqros, in the Phillipines and the natives of Singapore, CelanI India, Cairo, China, Syria, Turkey and Africa have been written up in Time and Reader's Digest, he says in his book "The Silent Billions Speak," that his work is better known throughout the world than in the United States. An editorial in the New York Times of July 22, 1949, praises his public service as an adult education specialist in campaigning against illiteracy throughout the world, and praises also Dr. Laubach's ~eep conviction "that the lot of the individual human being can more easily be be~ as his means of helping himself are expanded." When Dr. Laubach began his work in 1915, ,there were no materials available, no funds to supply materials if he could master new languages thoroughly enough to set up key words for quick and effective teaching, and the task of a single-handed effort to turn' illiterates into literates would have daunted any lesser man. The story of how the teaching spread by the "each one teach one" method and the organization in New ,York in 1935 of the Committee on World Literacy 8l1d Christian Literature to support his work, and the tremendous part this literacy program can now play in the job, essential to world peace, of breaking down barriers between groups, will be told on Thursday, January 5. Dr. Laubach is a graduate of Princeton University, with' a Phi D. fro';' Columbia. His bestknown books are "Teaching the World to Read," "The Highway of Print," "You are my Friends," and "Letters of a Modem Mystic." In 1946 at the request of the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), he helped prepare recommendations for a world pIan for fundamental education. The lecture in Swarthmore, which is presented without charge to the community by the Woman's Club, will be Dr. Laubach's last speaking engagementbi>fore he leaves immediately for French Africa to conduct another literacy project. , The meeting will begin at 8:00 when Dr. John W. Nason will introduce Dr. Laubach to the audience. Swarthmoreans are asked to come promptly since many pcople from out of town are requesting the privilege of attending the meeting. or II MOB BrA N ChtlilWal J'n,yer concludecl the progrllm, and with the recessional It Came Upon, the Midnight Clear an entirely successful program was brought to a close. MIss modgett Is to be congratulated upon ~ excellent direction and the hearty audience participation in the singing of the traditional carols Is as much a trW>ute to her as the trulT fine 'Performance of her~. Accompanylsts Margaret Croco for the High Sohool Chorus and Barbara Shipberd for the Glee Club and traditional numbers, along with Jane Allen who played the chimes are also to be commended. In fact, from the elleer, ful decorations of ,the auditorium and the cordial welcome of Dick Terry, to the bea~y read Christmas Slory by Supervising Principal Frank R. Morey, the Concert was a most el)joyable one, and the, audience l'eturned home well-pleased with the evening's entertainment and in thellighest spirits for this Christmas Se!"'on. H. S. Carol Concert (continued from page one) Appalachian carols. , _ , 1 _ Rm Toar Head was the climax of this group as Caroline deFuria sang with poise, and assurance the lovelY alto solo, accompanied in a cappalla style by the Chorus. The Sixth Grade of Rutgers Avenue, each member holding a spray of evergreen, formed an effective Christmas tree to sing their carols, and charmed the audience with their renditions of Blue Were The Flowers, In Bethlehem and Welcome Sweet ChrIn- mas. The group, accompanied. in the above numbers by Mrs. Albert Guinn, .then sang Christiansen's Beautiful Yuletide with the Mixed Chorus. , The next group of songs truly rang out ·for Christmas as the Mixed Chorus sang Joyous Bells of Christmas, Jingle Bells, and Today There Is RiDging. All three were sung well and with real feeling and: brought the theme of the concer~ to a focus, but Charles' very freely adapted Jingle Bells, light, bright and cheery, was marked as a favorite with all, and by all appearances the chorus thoroughly enjoyed giving their UWF P 'd 'Addr encore to the applauding aud' resl ent esses ience. Full Meeting Added features of the night were House solos by Mary Leeron, assisted by the girls of the Senior Chorus, "There can be 'no peace without in Come Bither, Ye FaIthful and justice, no justice without law Margot Bowie, accompanied at the I and no law without government piano by Miss Blodgett in the to fonnulate and enforce it; thereFrench Version Oh Holy Night. I fore world peace requires world Both renditions were superbly', law." said Alan Cranston presldone and were well received by dent of United World Federalists the audience. . speaking to a capacity audience The moving GoodnIght and' in the Swarthmore Friends Meet- ADVOCATES MORE POWERFUL U.N. 'I SWARTHMORE mGH SCHOOL 1949 - 1950 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Tuesday, Dec. 27 Boys Cliflon Heights Tuesday, Jan. 3 Boys Sharon Hill Friday, Jan. 6 Boys Ridley Township Tuesday, Jan. 10 Boys Eddystone Thursday, Jan. 12 Girls Lansdowne Friday, Jan. 13 Boys Prospect Park Thursday, Jan 19 Girls Haverford Friday, Jan. 20 Boys Ridley Park Thursday, Jan. 26 Girls Glen-Nor Friday, Jan. 27 Boys Glen-Nor Thursday, Feh. 2 Girls Media , Boys Ridley Township Friday, Feb. 3 Tuesday, Feb. 7 Boys Springfield Thursday, Feb. 9 Girls Ridley Park Friday, Feb 10 Boys Eddystone' Tuesday, Feb 14 Boys Prospect Park Thursday, Feb. 16 Girls Alumnae Friday, Feb. 17 Boys Ridley Park Tuesday, Feb. 21· Girls UPpCr Darby Friday, Feb. 24 Boys Glen-Nor zs, 1Nt ing House last Friday evening. as delegates were honored by "The United World FederallBta" elecUon to' State oUices. he said, ''Urge that the United Jean Wolff was chosen associNations Assembly be granted ate ~tary and member' of the limited legislaldve authority to enact world lawS controlllpg executive council and Mrs, Frank weapons of mav. destruction, that Royce was elected a member Of the Security Council be freed of the executive council. veto and given executive aulliority, and that the International Court of Justice be given oompul~ Mr. and Mrs. Georg,; Sehobinler sory jurisdlction. Also a more eq- of Pbil~lphia, formerly of ultable system of leptesentation Swarthmore avenue, entertained must be adopted." their Swarthmore Bridge Club at It was stated that a resolution a dinner party at the ./U't AllIance, to this eUt'Ct, is now before Coq- Philadelphia Thursday evening gress and voters can give 'strength followed by bridge at their home. ·to the movement by contacting thei! Congressmen and represen-I , . . !;Itives in Harrisburg informing ,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...;._ _, them of the strong popular force behind World Government. Paul Shoup chairman of the I Swarthmore Students Chapter of UWF opened the meeting. Wil- I lard Tomlinson chairman of the! West, Delaware County Chapter presented the speaker, who held the undivided attention of his audience for an hour with his picture of presel\t conditions, leading towara a World War III, and action which could prevent such a catastrophy. A dinner for a group of active I • Federalists preceded the meeting, ' with Willard Tomlinson actingas,. I IT'S NOT TOO LATE- HELP' FIGHT TB host. Prominent members were introduced. A question period followed. CounUans Elected I ANSWER YOUR CHRISTMAS SEAL LmER I During \he State Assembly of I the United World Federalists" ! held at Harrisburg, December 10' and 11, members ot'the West Del-I ....-~----------­ aware County Chapter, attending; • •i.lfp··$'f!·l$~~iilt'lfNi Give A' Home 7:00 Home 3:15 DIRECI'OBY Away 7:15 Away 7:15 Away 3:30 Home 7:15 Away 3:30 Home 7:15 Home 3:30 Home 7:15 Home 3:30 Home 7:13 Away 3:30 Away 3:30 Home 7:15 Away '/.;15 Home ,3:30 Away 7:15 Home 3:30 Away 7:15 This £hris'.•••as Swarthmoreans Who Have Not Yet Secured A Copy Swarthmoreans Who Have Moved Away , Swarthmoreans Attending College ORDER EARLY by calling SW 6-0900 .TaE,WITCH OF CRUM CREEK \ Penn's common sense pr';bably saved P~nnsylvania 'from a teirifying witch hunt. Eight years before the Infamous trials in' Salem, Massachusetts, Penn sat in judgement of a certain Margaret M - - - - who lived on Crum Creek. One neighbor testified he had been told menty years before of the WOman bewitching several cows. Another testified she had used certain '-'m mly expressions" wheJl she remarkeci it was better to boil the bones instead of the heart of a calf 'supposed to have died by One of a series of informal recitals was given by ,the pupils of Antonic.. Fairbanks at her home ' on Park avenue Friday, December 16. Those partiCipating were Addis and Bobby Gilfillan, Danny and Shirley Little, Billy Barnes, LesAnne Kurtzhalz, Nica and Mike Fairbanks. and Beverly Crowther. witch~raft. Unforlunately Penn's charge to the jury is lost. It undoubtedly was sober and thoughtful, infiuencing the verdict which saved this wo"\,,,nfrom further perseCu_ tion. SHe was found guilty of having the COmmon fame of a witch but not guilty as indictedl To look at Crum Creek today -flowing placidly through the billa of Chester and Delaware Counties-you would never suspect it once was the scene of such high drama as the witchcraft trial must have been. You can see, though, as it winds down the pleasantly clean countryside, that it is the kind of stream which helps maintain the traditional, natural wholesomeness of Pure Springfield Waterl - ';"t.t:.t,:-.•, \ W~TER COMPA-NY • , 'Al1UDDl . . I Representative Dr. Mrs. W'~ H. Thatcher of College avenue has' been elected I Frank C. Laubach . Wilcox Elected $3.50 PER YEO I JUDGES AWARD LIGHTING' PRIZES Annowicement was made at the meeting of the American Economic Association, held in New York City during the past week, that College to serve a term of four Dr. Clair Wilcox, Professor of Park Ave. an As ,sumes ·years. . . Four Homes Place In Economics at Swarthmore ColManagerial Doties ' lege, had been elected Vice PresAnnual Holiday , ident of the AssocIation. Today , Contest . Professor Wilcox addressed one Ernest R. Laws has been named ot the sessions of the conference The, awards for external holIadveriJsing manager of the Philaon "The Significance Qf OligoPoly day illuminations which are made delphia Electric ComP'I."Y, sucin the American Economy." annually by the' Swarthmore Busceeding Clara H. Zillessen who iness Association are annoWlce« in retires today. . order ',that !ill who can do so are Mr. Laws has been with Pbila- Swarthmore Resident Was able to view them over the New delphia Electric for 16 yearll, ,the ,One of ~he First Year week-end. The awards o.re past ten of which he has served as made in recognition of the pleaWomen Dentists assistant advertising manager. He sure which has been added to the been a resident of SwsrtbDr. Coinelia B. Inglis died sudholiday by 'citizens who genermar'; since 1934 when he movee!- denly of a heart Httack yesterday ously share their decorations with he,re wlthhl,s ite the generosity of Cemetery will follow. Death came bers of the Arts Center, will be him have rapidly increased read- Delaware County Chapter of wUticb their service, express their apsuddenly'Tuesd;ty at the Iwme of tl> present elementary Information ers in the Philippines, Slam, China, Willard Tomlinoon is ,cbaimlan. preciation of the many gay and relatives in' Stroudsburg. . needed by the owner of a ·small India. 'Africa,' and South America Those desirin~ 10 obtain :fur.. tasteful arrangements and of the Mi.... Bossard, a lonnerresldent suburban ,prop~, in order to get but the problem still great and ther information or to, join the great multicolor lighted tree which Of Chester ibad lived wi\il. his the most pleasure from the gar- the additional prOblem of furn- UWF should telephone the chair- is the William. Craemers' Christdaughter Mrs. Williard G. Reese den and in order to grow the ishlng material of worth to !he man at SW 6-2022 or send him mas gift to the community. at 913 Mt. Holyoke place since the fl.n.est plants. The course will new world readers is acute. their check NOW , death of his wife Elizabeth Mor- consist of six lectures on conDr. L~ubacb !mew and worked . Kappas To sew , gan Bossard thrl!e an~ a half years secutive Wednesday m~ at with Ghandhi, Who first opposed The Kappa Kappa'Gamma Sew10 a. m, ,starting January U. The his work but later aided it. NeIuv ago. He was 13 years nId. ing Group of SwllI'lhmore will Jr. Music Clubbers Meet Born iil,the Monroe County town lectures will be given by the ~- praises the literacY campaign in meet Tuesday, January 3 at the Cl:f Bossard:ville 'which was named ter staff of the Scolf Foundation - india and aids Dr. Laubach's work The annual Christmas !pI1l1y of home of Mrs. ponovan Spangler foT 'Iiis 'fanU)y;lhe came to Ch...... John C. Wister, Direclor of the activelY. Dr. Laubach leaves for the Swarthmore Junior Music Of 101 West Clea,rfleld road, Oakter and opened a caruly and ice sCott Fouodation and the Tyler the Belgian COngo immediately Club was held on Tuesday even- mont. cream establishment early in this Arboretum, Secretary of the Pen- after his lecture here. ing, December 27 at :the Ihome of c;entury. For the past ll5 years he na. Horticulture Society, noted au- Kncwn throughout the' world Nancy ?"ambers of ~eerint:endent of Dr. Laubach is a native Pennsyl- '\oefresbments. hold its first meeting of the New Mr. Bossard was a Mason, a SWarthmore 'College grounds, vanian having been born in BenThe next meeting is scheduled Year on Monday, January 9 at 2 member of the Barger Blue member of the Philadelphia Flow_ ton, graduated from the Perkio- for February 5, the place to ,be p. m. at Whittier House. Alice SERVICES FOR DR. C. B. INGLIS U.W.F. STATES AIMS, ,PURPOSES has LAUBACH WILL SPEAK JAN 5 If Lodge in Stroudsburg and the Monroe Royal ,Arch Chap~er.. ~e was also a Sbrfuer aitd a Kmght Templar. Surviving besides Mrs. Reese are: llnother daughter Mrs. Ow!", MOrrison of Springfield; two SISters Mrs. Allen P. lIIusselman and Mr.. George F. Bartbolom~w of Chester; and two - grandchildren Ilichard and Nancy. day morning closing hour, but will be cI~ that' aften:iOOD ~ all day I1elrt Monday. • er Show Committee a.nd assistant __~(co~n~tin~·~u~ed:.:o:,:n~p:ag~e::....:l::0)~~...!...:an=n:.::o.:::un:.::'::.."":.:d~la._ter_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L_uk:......,eDS __will_·_._b_e-:h_ostess_-:.-:-_ __ editor of the Woman's Home Com- _ panion Garden Book; G~de Smith, garden consultant, editor and widely known lecturer. Oth6 Winter Courses stan on 3rd Satanlay, December 31 A 10. week's term ,of winter 11:30 P.M.-Watch Night S'1l"Vloe ................ ~yterian Churdh classes will open at the Arts Center on January 3, with.roany new Sunday, January 1 dded to the already full courses a ' , 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Worship ................................ Local Churches schedple. A class in china p~ting under Lillian Schofield Blame, Tuesday, January 3 graduate of the School of Indus3:15P,M.-Basketball: H.S. VS. SbaroD Hill .............. 11.8. .Gym trial Art, will bl! held Thursday f WeclnealJay. ~-VY , atternooo fr9m 2 to 4.. MIldred R. Downham has I!dI:Jled ~ture ,10:00 A.M.-4:~ P.M. Woman's Assoc. Se;;::'1~an Ch~ decoratiOn 10 'her clasS in .~ palntini, bold !DorniIlIIS· 8:30 p.M. College vs. J~ Hopkins .. Field House In reply to many requests, a class nunday. l'~ 5 in woodworkiDII for boys will be ol!fered on Saturday ~ 12:30' P.~-WoipB11's AuxilllllY Luncfteori ..~ ..... Trinity 'Church 11:30 uoderthe il1structi,?, I> 8:00 P.M.....Dr~.~ Laubach ......... __......... RS. Auditorium Joel Spivey. Drawing and. pamting ! (OOI\ldnuOO page 10} • TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR Mf"'Dal Court of Justice be given oompulsory jurisdiction. Also a more equitable system of representation must be adopted." It was stated that a resolution to this effect, is now before COlj- UWF opened the meeting. Wi!- i lard Tomlinson chairman of the West Delaware County Chapter presented the speaker, who held the undivided attention of his audience for an hour with his picture of present conditions, I leading towarCi a World War III, light, bright and cheery, was and action which could prevent marked a::s a favorite with all, and such a catastrophy. by all appearances the chorus A dinner for a group of active: thoroughly enjoyed giving their I UWF P 'd t Addr " Federalists preceded the meeting, ' encore to the applauding aud- I reSI en esse~ with Willard Tomlinson acting as ience. I Full Meeting host. Prominent members were' Added features of the night were, House introduced. A question period solos by Mary Leeron, assisted foHowed. by the girls of the Senior Chorus, ~ "There can be no peace without Countians Elecled in Come Hither, Ye Fa.ithful and justice, no justice without law Margot Bowie, accompanied at the' and no law without government During the State Assembly of i piano by Miss Blodgett in the to formulate and enforce it; there- the United World Federalists,! French Version Oh Holy Night. fore world peace requires world held at Harrisburg, December 10' L_ _...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Both renditions were superbly, law." said Alan Cranston presi- and 11, members of the West Del-I clone and were well received by dent of United World Federalists aware County Chapter, attending . • ~:. . ~: ~:i!It'~ the audience. I speaking to a capacity audience ---------- ' - The moving Goodnight and . in the Swarthmore Friends Meet- ~~~;el;~e!~y aa;:~~~ ~~:gl~h~I~: ...... -. Deeemher 23, 1948 ;;lvlRrthmore. Pa. clo~ that afternoon and all day next Monday. • Jau,uary 11 Dr. Frank C. Laubach Wilcox Elected JUDGES AWARD LIGHTING PRIZES Announcement was made at the meeting of the American Economic AsSOciation, held in New York City during the past week, that Dr. Clair Wilcox, Professor of Four Homes Place In Economics at Swarthmore College, had been elected Vice PresAnnual Holiday ident of the Association. Contest . Professor Wilcox addressed. one of the sessions of the conference The, awards for external holion ''The Significance of OligOpOly day illuminations which. are made in the American Economy." annually by the Swarthmore Business Association are announced in order that all who can do so are able to view them over the New Year week-end. The awards are made in recognition of the pleasure which has been added to the holiday by 'citizens who generously share their decorations with who pass their homes. West Del. Co. Chapter allThe Frank Bromleys at 750 HarSeeks To Enlarge vard avenue received the highest vote from the judges who have Membership driven up and down the village Membership in the West Dela- streets in the warm, rainy week to ware County Chapter Of the United enjoy and to seek the illwnina'It'orld Federalists is growing-ten tions most pleasure-giving. Five new members from SwarUunore in evergreen trees across the front W orId Educ'ator At the .last week alone. Wbat do are lighted with blue lights to give High School Aud. these people believe? depth to the blue outlined pOrch The U.W.F. members are con- roof facing Harvard avenue and Thursday vinced that there can be no peace the lovely circular window facing Dr. Frank C. Laubach, head of the without justice, no justice without Yale. Twelve red candles shine Committee on \Vorld Literacy, will law, and no law without govern- from the first floor windows and speak in the High School Audi- ment to enac~ interpret and en- hvo larger lights from the second, torium Thursday night, January force that law. Therefore, world in bright contrast to the soft blue 5, at B p.m. There is no charge for peace demands world law. outline . the meeting and the Woman's For this purpose, World FederThe laurel entwined and green Club, which is :bringing Dr. Lau- alists largest world government lighted pOrch and doorway of the bach to the community, invites all organization in America, urge Philip G. Wrightsmans, 547 Corwithin this vicinity to hear the three things: nell avenue, earned. second place challenging story of how the world 1. Amendment of the United for its be~uty and dignity. Two is being taught to read and the Nations to "transform it into a multi-colored lighting arrangetremendous possibilities which the world government. ments tied for third place. One achievement brings. 2. Participation in conferences outlines evergreens and house Hne Dr. Laubach's story is a true seeking to. draft a world govern- at the residence of Daniel J. Hil"success" record, marked by his ment constitution. ferty, 401 South Chester road. The Christian humility, his love and 3. Pursuance of other lawful and other outlines a picture window faith in the untaught millions of reasonable means to achieve world and doorway hung with silver this world, and the S01UldnesS of federation. bells of graduated sizoo at the his trabing and work. After a Such men as W. T. Holliday, residence of George A. Hunter, quarter of a century of pioneering President of Standard Oil of Ohio, 624 Magill road. in the field of teaching ABCs to Harry A. Bullis, Ohairman of the In addition to the recognition adults whose languages had never Board of General Mills, Inc., of the illuminations the Business been in print, his program is Grenville Clark and Cass Can- Association .gives 15 dollars to the , d called "Lightning Literacy', an field, Chairman of Harper Broth- first winner, IOta the second and such illstitutions of teacher train- ers are World Federalists. five to each of the third place re. T h' C I ing as ColumbIa eac er s 0 There are over 700 chapters in ceivers. lege pay tribute to the effective ac- the United States, with two near Annually the judges, who vary ds curu\,.j' of his metho . Swarthmore-a stUdent chapter at with the years but remain anonyLiteracy campaigns directed by Swarthmore College, and the West mous despite the generosity of him h3.ve rapidly increased. read- Delaware County Chapter of which their service, express their apers in the Philippincs, Siam. China, \Villard Tomlinson is chairman. preciation of the many gay and India, Africa, and South America tasteful arrangements and of the Those desiring to obtain furbut the problem is still great and ther infonnation or to join the great multicolor lighted tree which the additional problem of fum- UW'F should telephone the chair- is the William Craemers' Christishing material of werth to the man at SW 6-2022 or send him mas gift to the conununity. new world readers is acute. their check NOW Dr. L~lUbach knew and worked Kappas To Sew with Ghandhi, who first .opposed The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewhis work but later aided it. Nehru ing Group of Swarthmore will Jr. Music Clubbers Meet praises the literacy campaign in meet Tuesday, January 3 at the India and aids Dr. Laubach's work The annual Christmas iparty of home of Mrs. Donovan Spangler actively. Dr. Laubach leaves for the Swartiunore Junior Music of 101 West Clearfield road, Oakthe Belgian Congo immediately Club was held on Tuesday even- mont. after his lecture here. ing, December 27 at 'the !home of Known throughout the world Nancy Chambers of Media. The Open House Group To Meet as the "Miracle Man of the Moros", club enjoyed games, singing and The Open House Group will Dr. Laubach is a native Pennsyl- refreslunents. hold its first meeting of the New vanian having -been b.om in BenThe next meeting is scheduled Year .on lVlonday, January 9 at 2 ton, graduated from the Perkio- for February 5, the place to be p. m. at \Vhittier House. Alice (continued on page 10) announced later. Lukens will be hostess. _ _..'.':"::::::::~::.:..:::.::.-=-::.:...-.-!c.::::::...----------------------=----­ U.W.F. STATES AIMS, PURPOSES LAUBACH WILL The Communi~ Arts Center, on Rodgers :lane in Walling!ord, has arranged to present a series of lectures on horticulture under the spansorship of the • -thur Hoyt .&U Scott Horticultural Foundation of Swarthmore Con-e. The ob~.6' ject of the course, open to members of the Arts Center, will be to present elementary information needed by the owner of a small suburban property, in order to get the most pleasure from the garden and in order to grow the finest plants. The course will consist of six lectures on consecutive Wednesday mornings at 10 a. m. starting Januaiy U. The lectures will -be given by the winter staff of the Scott Foundation John C. Wister, Director of the Scott Foundation and the Tyler Arboretum, Secretary .of the Penna. Horticulture Society, noted au·thor and lecturer .on Horticulture; Harry \Vood, Superintendent of Swarthmore College grounds, member of the Philadelphia Flower Show Committee and assistant editor of the Woman's Home Companion Garden Book; Gertr:'de Smith, garden consultant, editor and widely known lecturer. Olher Winter Courses Start on 3rd A 10 week's term .of winter classes wiU open at the lIrts Center on January 3, with.many new th lr d full courses added to e a ea y . schedule. A class in china pamting under Lillian Schofield Blaine, graduate of the School of industrial lIrt will be held ThursdaY aftemoo~ from 2 to 4. Mildred R. Downham itas added furniture decoration to iller clasS in tray painting, held Monday mornings. In reply to many requests, a. class in woodworking for boys wiU be oMered on SaturdaY mornings at 11:30 under the rnstructi~ of Joel Spivey. Drawing and pamting (continued on page 10) SPEAK JAN. 5 THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Saturda.y, December 31 11:30 P.M.-Watch Night Service ................ Presbyterian Church Sunday, January 1 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ................................ Local Churches Tuesday, January 3 3:15 P.M.-Basketball: H.S. vs. Sharon Hill .............. H.s. 9-ym Wednesday, January ( '00 A.M --4'00 P.M. Woman's Assoc. Sewing Day . '10 . ., Presbyterian Church 8:30 p.M....:Basketball: CoHege vs. Johns Hopkins .. Field House Thursday, January 5 12:30 P.M.-Woman'. Auxiliary Lunc!heon .......... Trinity Church • 8:00 P.M.-Dr.. Frank Laubach ........................ H.S. Auditorium '. , ,- TB'£ SWARTBMORSAN 2 ( D :''':14,,1; :~. Hatch Medical Group at Penn Joan Kathryn Davisson 'to Mr. HalMr. and Mrs. Paul J. Furnas of Mrs. Clarence W" Worst of Harsey Gearge Knapp; son of Mr. and Riclunoncl, Ind.. formerly of Yard avenue announces ttU. enTile marriage of Miss Elizabeth Yan, .N.· Y ... · Bancroft Smith, daughter of Mrs. George Knapp of Nasl{enry Lawrence Smith of Swarthmore avenue, and the late Mr. 'I he marnage of Miss Deborah Miss Davi.xl : Miss. Thatcher and Mr. Reed the Beaver Country Day Scbool /. wore a ruby red velveteen Kate ore entertaiJUng friends at an Open and is attending the West Hill Greenway frock and 'c8ITied a J:Iouse on New Year's aftern.oon. small round bouquet of ted and School. Boston. Mr, Scudder grad.. ,white stribed carnations with Mr. and Mrs. S. Murray Viel.. uated from the Phillips Exeter hollY, and'wore a wreath f)f small announce the engagement of their Academy and is attending Harvard carnations on her head. ' daughter Martha to Mr, F. Fleer UniversitY. Mr. Elbert A Twaddell. Jr., of ,Berger. son of Mrs.. Stella Irene Mo'. and Mrs. Charles A. BronAfanasquam, N. :T. se,rved as best Fleer of Lansdowne. and Mr. son, Of Arlington, Va., hav~ an. man and the ushers included Mr. Jtussel Berger of Philadelphia.' nounced the engagement of Mr. John T. Handy. Jr .• Mr. Robert Bronson's sister, Miss Kather:i:l)e Furman of Washington, D. C., Dr. Mrs. George H. Troxell of DartTaintor 'Bronson of Park avenue. Now You can buy U. S. Savlilp Banda automatically Ja,!,es W. Robinson. and Mr. Ram_ mouth avenue has announced the to Mr.' Harry Bewley of Media. sey M. E. Fischer of Philadelphia. throuch the ,new Bond-a-Month Plan. AM at . tbIIo JJank engagement of her daughter, MarMiss . Bronson is the daughter A reception at the Swarthmore ian Louise, and Mr. George E. of the late Rev. Dr. Charles E. Woman's Club folloWed the cerEdward Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Bronson, fonner president of Tenemony. The m,\ther' of the bride nant College. and who was minwore an aqua crepe dress and a Edward Of Lemoyne. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation The announcement was made ister of the West Hope Presbyhat of dubonnet shade with osat a dinner-bridge given at the terian Church, Philadelphia, for I trich feathers. Her corsage was Troxell' home TuesdaY evening, 23 years. of orchids. The bridegroom's mother wore a gown of beige lace '. Miss Troxell, the daughter of Mr. man, Bewley, a former newsthe late George H. Troxell, at- paper is connected with the and matching hat. Her corsage tended Denison Univel'tit3', and Advertis'..,I... n.:-................ ent of the r ,\1\1\'" \1f'~' LlJ46 ~ LoI.LI. (\\\\\" \ ,,,~""'I ,~"'. was of orchids: is a graduate of the Philadelphia Ele~jc Storage Battery Company, ::: ..... "\(!~\",,.,\\,""'\\;. The bride is a graduate of Con- Schooi' of Occupational Therapy. Philadelphia. .\..,1, •.~. """," .. necticut College for Women, She is now employed as an occuThe wedding is planned for earserved with the Waves during the pational therapist at the Univer- Iy February. war, and has recently returned sity of Pennsylvania Hospital. ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ from Paris wl!ere she was with Mr. Edward is a graduate of r the American . Friends Service Lebanon Valley College, imd is WISHING YOU ALL A Committee. HAPPY NEW YEAR now a '\ludent at Cornell UniverDr. Twaddell is .a graduate of sity 'Medical College, Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman Columbia University. College of Mrs; George Edwards Davisson, SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL Physicians and surgeOns. At pres_ of Vassar avenue announces the MAGAZINES ent he is a member of the Foster engagement of her daughter, Miss ~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 3 TWADDELL - SMl'l'II G~b\Yl1l~ "CU~GlIAM:~·~lie ~~=ia~n-:~t!~ :::""'~a~:erW:t:d ~. " f. . . el' • STRATH HAVEN INN ~iiiiiii~iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiii~~~t The Bouquet ,u.s. I~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Swarthmore iI.tional Bank & Trud Co. . • ~~~::::::~~~~:::~~:::~~~~~~~:~~ t,.\\\\,·... t NEW YEAR'S EVE DUCK CLUB GALA DANCE CcdJege Theatre Friday and Saturday Linda Darnell Paul Douglas in "EVERYBODY DOES IT" AT Penn State Center Saturday, December 31 10 P.M. to 2 P.M. • • • Special Orchestra Duke and his Five Aces • • • Advance Ticket Sale at Michael's' .& Bnchner's • *, • EVERYBODY WELCOME' Saturday Matinee _ l' P.M. Special Children's Show Roy Rogers "FRONTIER PONY EXPRESS" I Monday and Tuesday Glen Ford in "THE DOCTOR AND a'BE GIRL" Wednesday o.y Frederlck'Mareh in ''LES MISERABLES" • Starting Thurs., January 6 Kathr)'n Gra:rson in ' "THAT MIDNIGHT KISS" 't' MEDIA Thurs., Friday and Saturday "LOST BOUNDARIES" The real life story from: the Readers Digest. EXTRA - ''RUDOLPII TIlE RED NOSED REINDEER" Kiddie's Matinee Sat. at 1 :15 "CIRCUS QAYS" . New Serial! Radar Pa.kol VB. . Spy Rlngi , Be on the RIGHT SIDE of the Motor Vehicle Financial and Safety Responsibility LAW with the RIGHT KIND of INSURANCE. REGULAR FEATURE WILL NOT BE SHOWN Sunday and Mondiiy-John Wayne - Vera Ralston ''TIlE FlGIlTING KENTUCKIAN" . 'l'ueday Only~!-Ricardo Montalbut GeoIP • 'Murp~ "BORDER. INCIDEN'r' --Wednesday Only! Wanda Hen_ Claude RaIDs Macdonald CaftJ' "SONG OF SURRENDER" Starting Thlll'!ldayl E. Bw.,more - W. I'IIJ."TBB IU!D D.AN1lB"- . , n TO YOU This' can William S.' Bittle & 5Qn , Phone 6.0111 o .. ReAlie Pelnol • Lorene ),{e Carter .' Entered u Second ClaIII Matter, JuUU7 2t, 1112t, at the Post Office . at Swarthmore. P •• , under the Act of M&rcl( 3. 1878. 8WARTIlMOD, PA.. P,JUDA'I'. DECElIIBER 30, 1949 .' , Presbyterian Notes Holy Communion will be observ";/l this SllI\day morning at the 11 o'clock service. The Meditation will be "The Purposes of the Past." , The Sunday School Departments and the Men's Bible CIasS meet at 9:45 a. m. The Women's Bible Class meets at_ 9:30. The Nursery and Beginner's Departments meet at 11 o'clock. There will be no meeting of the Fellowships or' of the . Young Adults Sunday evening. Meetings will be resumed on January 8. A Communicant's Class for all young people of the congregation desir1l1g to join the Churcb at Easter will begin 01' Sunday January 15, at 5 o'clock'in the evening in Mr. Bishop's Study. ' The Coffee Hour will be held following the morning worship on Sunday, in the Parish House. The Woman's Association Sewing Day in cbarge of Circle 8. Mrs. E. W. Crosby, cbairman. will be held on Wednesday, January 4, from 10 until 4 o'clock. Members are asked to bring sandwicbes; beverage wlll be. served. The Junfor Choir . rehearses Thursday afternoon, at 3:30 p.m. The ~hapel. Choir rehearses Thursday evening at 7:45. New Year's Eve ~m 11:30 to 12:05 a seryice of quiet and prayer will be hald in lIhe Churdh usher in the middle century. . David Shoemaker and family of I avenue spent the holidays with left Wednesday to J Mrs. Foster's parents Mr. and through the New Year holiday at Haddonfield, N.J. Sea Island, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn K. Foster Mrs. FranC~ D. Smith of ReybPeggy Keenen of Harvard aven- and daugh~r Elizabeth of Yale oldsville. ue will leave today to visit her r?~lllmIIte Betty Piggott of Dem)lt, M1dh. The girls on holiday vacation will. return to Denison University on January 3. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce. Harkness d children Steven and lI4arguer.te of Chicago, ill, are' visltiDill Mrs. Harkness' parents Mr. 8Jld . 0".. company is mudJ more than a Mrs. Lyle A. Whitsit of Elm avenue through the holidays.' business organization. It is an ,Miss Grace Robinson' of Westport. Conn., spent the CIuistmas institution dedicated to service-the week-end with her .mother Mrs. Nella Robinson of Princeton ~vb~t service our profession knows. I DEDICATED TO SERVICE :m DEADLlN&-WIlDNBSDAY NOON Shustoclt and RiChard M. Snyder. The Board of Education meets on Tuesday evening at 8 at the home· of Mrs. Max H, Thirlo. 1140 7th, avenue, Grace Park. The Choir Association meets on ~ednesday ~vening at·. 8 at the hbme of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoover, 613 Yale avenue, Morton. There will be a rehearsal for the JtUllor .choir Thursday evening at 6:30, and for the Senior Choir at. 7:45. The Official Board meets on Friday evening at 8 in the chapel. on Trinity Notes Holy Olmmnnion will be celebrated at 8 a.m. AU departments of the Church SchOOl . will meet at . 9:45 a.m. Holy Communion will again be celebrated at 11 a.m. The boyd serving as acolytes are: 8 a.m, Davidson Luehring; 11 a.m, John' Bernard, Jack Thompson, David .Hurm and Robin Wright. Ushers for the 11. a.m. services are R. M.' Kilgore, head Usher. W. S. Patton, V. L. Fine, E. A. Thl'mpson, C.H. W. Ingraham. W. H. Jones and W. N. Ryerson. Choir School wlll meet on Wednesday at'4 p.m. The Woman's Auxiliary will hold its monthly luncheon meeting . ali' Thursday at 12:30 p.m. The l.mcbeon will be preceded by devotions at 12:15 p.m. and followed . by a business meeting. Ghoir rehearsal will be held on Thursday ev.ening at 7:30 !l.m. Holy Commnnion will be eele'.'. , brated on Friday (Epiphany) at . Methodist. Church Notes . 10 a.m. ,Kenneth Wyse will be , The Sunday Scbool m":'ts at the acOlyte at this service, 9:45. T~e Young Adults meet at Friends. Meeting Notes 10 o'clock iil the Ladies' Parlors. Both First Day School and MeetThe Holy Commnnion will be celebrated at ~e 11 'o'clock serv- ing for, Worship will be held on New Year's Day. The Adult ice. . The Church Nursery is open Forum will not convene again during the mornJDg service. Mrs. lmtil January 8. There will be no sewing on Alton P. Smith and Mrs. Arthur Monday, January 2,' but Whittier Snyder wm be in charge. House will be open for sewing : The' ushers for the day are all day Wednesday. ~ton P. Smith. George Glaesser. Jr. Charles L. Hughey, Eugene to Christian Scienell Notes enue. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Vahey Kupelian and children Teddy and Davie of Washington, D. C.. are spending the holidays with Mrs. Kupelian's parents Mr. and Mrs. P.aul K. Paulson of Park avenue' Mr.' and Mrs. John Espen_ sch~de of Dogwood .lahe entertained at Open House' on Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Molr of Somh Chester, road will entertain at a cocktail party at their home before the Duck Club Dance at Penn State Center tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier of Columbia avenue will entertain at 'Open House on· New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Clothier will aftend the Dubarry Assembly Dan~ of Wilmington, Del., on New Year's Eve. Edith Damon Kletzien of South Chester road is home for the holidays from the Northfield School for Girls. Mass. until January 5. Mrs. William I. Hull of Walnut lime is entertaining her daughter Mrs. John O'Fallon who flew from Santa Monica. Calif .• to visit through the holiday season. Mrs. Hull will entertain at· a family 'dinner party Sunday. Mary DickinsOn· of College avenue will retum to Carleton College Monday following the h.oliday vacation. Miss Jean Dickson of Princeton avenue and Miss Betty COok of Rutgers avenue entertained at a d~ssert-shower at the Dickson home Tuesday evening in bonor of Miss Dixie Hetzel of Thayer road whose marriage to Mr. Thomas Morris of Troy will take place March 11. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts Innis. Jr.. of Wallingford \ will ·entertain informally befOre the Duck Club Dance tomorrow evening. Mrs. H. Bardwell Lincoln is confined to her home with a fractured leg as the result of a fall in Jenkintown last Thursday. Mrs. Lincoln was taken to Abington hospital and later brought to her home on Ogden NEWS t, "0---- ...• . !:.:= • • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. • O. PUNIRALS _ICT~ F. "God" is the subjeCt of the Lesson _ Sermo!, in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, On Sunday, JanSWIARTIlMORB uary 1. The Golden Text is:. "Who PRESBYTERI.4.NCHURCH is so great a God as our God?" Satanlay, Deeember 31 (Psalms 77:13) 11:30 P.M. New Year's Eve I Watch Night Service. Sunday. January 1 avenue. 9:30 A.M.-Womens Bible Class. NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Gas9:45 A.M.-Sunday Schoof and Mr. Robert M. Pittman who had kill of University plac~ entertain. Mebs Bible Class. . 11:00 P.M. Holy C<>"!Dmnion been transferred tb Davenport, ed infonnal1y on Christmas eve. rowa by Industrial Electric EquipMr. and Mrs. Harry Wood of 14i!:TH0DIST CHURCH· ment Company in November. N?rth Ohester road entertained at ROT N •. Keiser, l;}. D., MInIster, Sunday, .Janll&rJ' 1 ' joined his family on Dickinson an open house from 4to 8 on Sun9:.5 A.M.---Church·> s.!looI avenue for the Christmas holl- day afternoon. 10:00 A.M.-Youna AdUlts days. Mr. anfJ. Mrs. Pittman and Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. Blake 11:00 A.M.-JIoly Communion. their daughters Betsy and Susie of Amherst avenue will entertain TRINITY CHURCH . lett Thursday by automobile for at a New Year's Eve party tomorReT. Geo. C, Anderson. Recto1' their new home at 210 Essex Lane. row evening. 'Snnday, .Janll&rJ' 1 . 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Dayenport. Betsy and Susie will Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wentz 9:45 A.M.-Church SchooL attend St. Katherine's Episcopal of Leola will spend New Year's 11.00 A.M.-Holy Communion. School there. week-end with Mrs. Wentz·s parFriday .(Epiphany) Mr. and Mrs. Harry W, Lang ents Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lee 10:00 A.M.-'Holy CommllJlion. of Dickinson avenue will entertain of Harvard avenue. Mr. and Mrs. THE RELIGIOUS SOClE'l'Y at a cocktail party before the Lee will entertain at open house OF FRIENDS Series Dance, in the Woman's on New Year's Eve. SlIIId&y, .Janll&rJ' 1 Club tomorrow' evening. Leonard S. Thomsen of Elm 9:45 A.M.-First Day School 11:00 A.M.-Meettna: for Worship. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Top- avenue and Robert Terry of North Children cared for In Whittier ping of Princeton avenue' enter- Chester road are entertaining a H Quae. 1 tained at Open House from 4 to 7 group of friends on New Year's Wednesday, Janll&rJ' 4 on Monday afternoon. Eve at the home of Len Thomth All day sewing and, qulltiae for e U.s.C. Jack Bird of Ogd,,? av,,?ue ~- sen's grandmother Mrs. George E. ~ed a few fr",'nds at his Silloway of North Chester road. ~CHURCHOF home Thursday evenmg. , Nancy Moore ana Judy Pen- ......ST SCIBNT1ST . Mr. and Mrs. David ~om of nock both of Whittier plac!e enOF SWARTBM:ORB Vassar avenue entertained 14 at tertained at a combined bjrthday Park Avenue below HlIrvard a dinner party Christmas party on Thursday evening at' 3 SUlII"" 1 11:00 'A.M.~-sd.00J. Included among the guests. Whittier place. 11:00 A.M. _ Leaon _ Sermon Mr W'lSdom's aunt Mrs. Kathenne uGodf!. . Mr.•and:m. . Wednesday.8VeIIlna _tILl Ne;"lin of New York City who was here on a week's visit. of .R.verYlew . "ell ~8 p.m. :ote-d'nl_ . Mr 8nd Mrs. William (II. Hetzel. during the holidays Mr. an~ Mrs. "Pen cIaIli except ~ anel • Thayer road MIss eaioI Louis W. Flaccus and of HoU...,.. 11 to Ii p. m. W'" .1'07 Jr., of . ~"---'a1e NY and Mr.familY and Mrs. ~~ 7 to 7:50 p~ and 1110 Hetzel. MIss DIxie Heb\eI and Church Services f ,r. PETD Eo TOLD. IId1lor BARBARA KENT, Aaoclalo Edliors MAlU~RIE TOLD and iEl~t~on~Tru~~Eb~lO~O~d~at~R~i~eh~l!IO~n~d~,~J~m~~~(C~on~ttn~u~ed~~o~nj;pa~ge~·~n~in~e~)t;;j I :A;~:~.":'~.'~'~:==::::=::~:==:~:=:=~~ vaca:t1oa: PllIIu..... 1l\'Iia'l' PlUDA'I' AT .WAaTlllloaB. PA 'I'IIJC 1111'AB'l'IIBOaaAN. INC.. I'UBUllIID l'hoDe Swartbmore 8-tHO Mrs., ,. RUSSEI L'S SRRVl£E liance Mr. Thomas Morris 01 Troy TIl:.E 'SFARTHMOREAN , her.,.,...... . ' .., • 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Telephone RI6-1581 COATS MAR!( A. lAIR, P. .d ... DRESSES • SUITS DATS· I 13 South Chester Road Swarthmore <' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::~~~~~ Ii THE NEW 1950 CHRYSLER • WITH AN ALL IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE WILL BE ON DISPLAY IN SWARTHMORE THURSDAY .JANUARY FIFTH \ ., ~ You'll See. Brilliant New Styling. Keyed To Your Comfort, Safety And Convenience &WAITE· .Yale Ave. & Chester Road Swarthniore 6-1250 " 1'.• -______________..,________ ' ..... ... THIl SWAB~BMOBBAN - DECEMBEB 30, 190 N~w 5 VUR·1950 I .• /I J • Hert~ II siirccrc hopt Ihnl Ihis lI'i/l he Ihe hesl )'enr of )'01Ir life. /~oO • A.t a time when conviviality reigns among all men, we join in the annual mood to proffer to all the people Of our town a wish for a mighty, Happy New Year ,[.7";;; .. . .. ... ::.:.... . ~ . : : ." ....... if':';';' ~~~4" , (.., "j...."1- I Yale and Rutgers Avenue • Edward L. Noyes & Company CHESTER BOAD , .- o . old f r i e n d s ' . The orne , won't be forgotten ' IS nities whl~ lie before us, and • it is our hope that will mean of persons who live here now ,DDV .the most succeiSful __- NEW' YEAB. ' of all New Years 1950 for you. 13 South Chester Ro.d e Swuthmore Silver Bells ' HARRIS COMPANY Avenue .......... .••••...... ----_. & , 11 Park Take your signals for 1950 from the bowl football games. F"Ight Uw.u and clean. Compete with all . you've got. Itf's tll£ . /VI-w ~a!119aiJt. . ••.What a world , . ..: come again when . QS we hQve the kmd I Greetings we take stock of the opportu· .n this community . Not so long ... W/uJtevn' your J9S~ New Year's merriment their rfSO/utiollS . '\.-) may Dt. we knuw they w~ . . matk in tm h;gh spirit of hfJ/lt' and adlioR. melody foretells. J For there is a New Surcesf 10 all of),011. ' Year upon " us, bright'and l'roper' music1 indeed, for the .. , m_slt, ~Of" , - J.ip cOI>U~ M>~ 10,-1- New Year-: 1950. V",W Buchner's Toggery S.hop , .- 1950. NO • ~ dO the good things of 1950 be yours to enjoy. Rumsey Chevrolet ON 'X'HE CORNER . wedlth •of New- Yedr cheer - May Mic1!ael's College Pharmacy of ( \ Ham 1950 to .,... CELIA SHOE SHOP May you prosper according to yow desires in ' I If. Ii... '" PAB¥AVENUE Unspoiled. May it remain so . , i for you. J Hannum and. Waite Yale Av_ and Chester Road • FUSCO and ALSTON . . 'CHESTER arid FAIRVIEW ROADS , . '# The 'Swarthmore Co-op • TBE 5WABTBMOBBAN 6 ~ppy Happy New Year EveryOD!e _H 0 kL;r~OCK . , '3&,1" TBE ,SWABTRMOB&AN ON OKINAWA New Year Air Force 2nd Lt. Jobo ilL TIQ'lor Jr., son of Mr. John H. 'rIQ'lor Sr., of Kenyon avenue recenU; arrived "!l Okinawa tor duty with the Twentieth Air Force, it was ~ounced by Comma!!ding Offi_, Col. Geo. A. McH 6332nd station WiDg. I!W'T, A former student of SW.irtht:nore High School and the University PennsylVania, Lt. Taylor . .bond the service in July 1943 at He 'Was trained as m the Southeast Tra!n!nl/lg~::;1 mand and attended ~ 1Y. Finance SchoOl a't St. LoWs, He was commlssionoed at SlaIrgart,l Ark. on December 23 1944 As a civilian Lt. T";'lor w'orked for the Ford Motor Co., and the Dufont Co. Having arrived tor dutY the ~en.tleth Air Force, the cupation Air ,Force of Okllnawa,l Lt. Taylor was subsequently assillDed to the 6332nd Fin.moo, Disbursing Unit as Assistant nance Officer. ·Lt. Taylm's wife the tanner Elizabeth Passmore and son Richard W., currently reside at iRD 1 Glen Mills, Pa. ' To All . SWARTHMORE - PENNA. Marge and Dot MR. and MRS. FRANK E. McFADDEN, Propretors. ~Season's ~elphla. .~·May . hope you strike good to :":: I it rich this year. you. Bring THE' BOUQUET DEWDROP INN CHESTER ROAn 7 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD Pllone SwarOmlore S-lZ7' , , to I I - Sails For France 01 the year . Leslie D. Polk, son of Mrs. William H. Polk, Sr. sailed for ~=I --w--q, ;- - Ffo.fal11 --= - ~tdSOn 's 1~1Sf1ffJ.'.··.' ,,onor of Betsy Pittman of Dickinson avenue who left Thw-sday for her new home in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lange of Cedar Iane have been entertaining Mr. Lange's brother Mr. Stanley Lange of Kansas City. Mo., dw-fug the holiday season. On Monday evening they entertained a group of his Swarthmore College friends. Waldo R. Fisher of Guernsey road will return to Wesleyan Uni- . ENGAGEMENTS (continued from page 2) Miss Worst Is a graduate of SwartJun.Ore High Scbool, class of 1/ You Have Cowboys in Your Home • •• '45:. , YOU NUD RUlIIR CUSHIONS UNDIR YO~R RUGS I M.h. ordl..ry ..,,.H.9 fe.llilt. lUlu rio.. OrIont~ Add, y•• rs of wI.r. K.eps rugs "In place. .,.ntI Tur- over 20 lb. key. are the pick of the country'. ....t Rock.,' .op .rod., ....... breast,"" meaty ami ..nder. Y.u take no c.allc•• with • Lan••'.,. _Ib loastiDf· CHICKENS 'm~~!;, Frying CHICKENS .~'!;= .. Lancaster Brand Shankle.. SMOKED HAMS ("=~:I~.If) I~ 53(: d.ir urpeh. ' 9Il12 - $33.00 cPA"'S"" It ComPr~~! M ........ ("_petla • • Compl.lr Size Ran,r • Orle.tal ~...., 100 Paolt Ava•• Swarthmore, Pa•. SWarthmore 6-6000 - CL ell.brook 9·4646 B"y with -_. CONFIDENCE - Buy'-of-P.4ULSON·S ..... :-..._-" I' -.. -~-. U. WF. • • • • The largest world-government groUP in . America needs your support. Join the West Delaware County ·Chapter· before 1950 and save $~.OO Write or phone Willard Tomlinson Chairman. SW 8-2022. RING CAli .... sse Grur:!!: ,1::- s;:: BREAD Gladue CI•• BEVEDGES I Our Chester load .arket OpeR Thur. Fri. TmS P.M.· Satur••y Tilt , P.Me Plenty of Free Parkinc -. Media, will atterid a reunion of Merestead Campers which is being given today at the Wynnewood home of Mrs. Siter Owen of the camp's staff. Ellen Pratt of Oyster Bay and 'Ellie Lamont of 'New York City, who were here for the reunion were guests of Polly Told. Tom .Hopper of I Magill road, home fro", Cornell University tor the holidays, entertained at Open House from 8 to 10 on Christmas Eve. . Mr. and Mrs. C. Wllllam Ramsay' of Lafayette aVlllue will entertain before the Duck lntormlllli Clul? Dance tomorrow ev~. .,. I todaY I Miss Edith Philips of the French Department at the college, Is entertaining as her holiday guests her brother and wife lIIr. and Mrs. J. E. Philips of St. Louis. Mo., and ALIIAN PABKQ Phone Modla 8-1551 New ODd Beballt PIa.... and BeP&irln&" Sin.. 1l1li Asbes & Rubbish Removed LIiWns mowed, General Hauling 238 H ...dlng Av. Morton, Pa. iroWil. toasters and raBios re- the "inspected and approved" nmning conditioo.. "ab.-to make certain th..,. will stop and hold In an emergency... Lllh,"-to make certain th..,. are focused couectly and that they cast illumination a certaia number of£eet. It•• rlng Wh ... -for trueae•• and freedom from lost m.otion. 1Ir••-(or aaftI uacaon. Wlndowl-for safety glass to be in good condition. Whe ... -for halance and aUg,,· m ...t. Wlndlh,.ld Wlp.r-to make certain ft world. Fbiltt th. trtdfi. tICCitI_ r.u . . '" ",""-i<6l/IIibtn tf un b 18% ;" ,~ Unit«/ S",t.f-,,,.-.,./",. IIIlIt ..cciiJ-. ;" p _ l7"-ia b ' - tbtm 4%Pelltu)'lftDia ........ 4~ ti...... safer. That's how car inJpec. tiOD benefits ,.OU anel on, of PeDIlS}'lvani.. TroI!ic upeqa ~g. thla faa and are urging- all stares to follow Pelltu)'lvania·. lead 10 thla worthwhile ufetr measure. 'car iDapectio~ I. Cor yOQr pzOtection. ..ha.... -mu81er ODd aU pi_ ond CODDectiOtu for ufetr. Inspecting your car and the c:u oE every other ~enDs,.l"aDia driver has paid off in lives saved. and injuries avoided. This chan Ieils tho It"". Dot penni.rtec:\(to dri",e your car'les_Il, oIter 1aallllr)' 31.., 1£,.00 do not han an official car in- . .peclioD sticker. The -fHIiN DIUVE IT SAflLY lAMES No DUPP. 0. •• , . onG •• MlsnS. SoS,_Jory , Realstered In SWU"thmon . . A. Mercer Quinby PEI'EB Eo '!'OLD FUNBllAL DmEOTOB All Lbo.. Of Insurance Formerly of Media 1125 W. lAhl." Ave., PhIIa. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional, charae for 333 Dartmouth Av. .ue SwarUunore. Pa. 8uburbaJ~ calls • . YOU NEED ,....., TONS with I, Urus lIII05-_ "" ~..' '" IE __I f . ' • MDBE . . . 'K"IMS PBEMIUX AN'l'IIIlA.OlTB SpecIal - All (lolora SUNT-LEX WATElI. PAINT Gal. $ue - Qt. 750 M.IIOD Dullders Suppl,. Company 3S1 DartJ.ath Aya•• 8wari1una.. SwarUun6re 8-03fS • WAU "'fLOOI COYIlINM • ".w CONnlUOION • UUIATIONS .... I.'IIIS ~RTERS BROTHERS, I.e. Conf_ror. and luild«r '. 302 G.yley S..oo, , Mod........ ' Phone. Met1Ja 8-.11 Swarthmore National Bank and TTJ.l.St Company Swarthmore, Penrm. ANNUA'L MEETING The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Swarthmore National Bank and Trust' Company, Swarthmore, Pa., for the election of directors and such other business as may come before tile meeting. will be held at the banking house in Swarthmore, Pa., on Tuesday, January 10, 1950 between the hours of three and tow--thirty o'clock P.M. . HAROLD OGRAM, Cas!1ier .- . -~.---.--~===~~~~~~~• , , Swarthmore Disposal Weekly or :\IonU1lJ WARREN pIERCE Swarthmore 8-2078 Since 1905 , CUNNINGHAM PaInters .. Pa.u BanI"W. lIhoald lInow bew Swa. 8-2288 Micblpn Ave• radio. :t' Scbool~ct~="",oA, wiD ~~!re bids Pep. 1m_ alRennw PLlIiI!IBlNG AND BB&'ftKO Rubbish Collection FOR SALE-15" loud speaker, ui . watt amplifler, Webster auc:ago 8lI1gle speed record changer. 5 1iube -"'i ..................... !able model All used bllt good condition. swarthniOre -1847.. . « FOR SALE-FIreplace wood, hard Would You Like A and well seasoned. Call Swarthmore 6-2078. Modern Kitchen? be * e1JMMONWEAL TH OF PENNSYLVANIA, .' J AMJIS l!1. LAlIB BooFS Gu'l'I&B8 Bm'ADlED AND INST,41,UfI) • Furnace :Repairs &: CleanInC Cell GEOBGB lIIYBB8 Mlchlpn Ave.. Sw. 8-2288 I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ old and - used bOQk:sWill iii Buy any I. WANTED BOOKS: quantity. I1alph ·Smith. Cheynew, Penna: Westtown S732-JI. WANTED-LadiY desires room and board in pr-ivate home or room nearby. Vicinity SWarthmore Christian Science Church. Reply to Box B, The Swartbmorcan;. WANTED ~Ciupen1lry•. paiDtinJ, odd jobbing. Re.sonab1e. Phone eVeninp. W A 8-0294. WANTED - Small' unfnrnished aparlment in Swarthmore or vicinity. 'Call Media 6-1192. MAD SURE YOUR CAR IS SAFE, • • FOR SALE You will PAINTING. ROOFING AND BEPAIBS Pllone Swartl1mcJn 8-0831 WANTED Mirror-Ear cl.ear"eu of vision. 1I0rn-that Ilgnd can be heard .for at leut 200 feet. S. M. Harbison & Sons CORSAGES PETER DI NICOLA WILLIAM BROOKS paired, called for and delivered. Call Robert Brooks, Swanhmore 6-1548. • sticker that i. added life usuronce for you and your family. AI sa-month inten"ais your CU' beopmes suspect of safety faulcs that can cause serious acddeotl. That i. whm an olIicial inspection SUltiOD will chOck to make cenain'that your car fa in. Ale' ... SwarUunore 8·1U8 a PERSONAL - Electrical wlrlnll and. installation, residenUal and commercial. Water heaters, ranges, dtshwashers. dryers. IBendix. All work done to Fire Underwriters' speciflc",tioIlS. Service on washers, vacuum cleaners, ranges, irons, toasters, fans, lamps. Call Erich H. Hausen, Electrical Oontractor. Swar1;lunore 8-2850. 335 Park avenue. . PERSONAL - Medical Massage for,wry neck,.t_ nerves, constipation. Spot reduclne by DeWar. Call Beatrice Schmidt, Swarthmore 6-2780. PERSONAL-Magl12ine . subscriptions. Mrs. Bertha P. Faries, 239 Haverford avenue. SWlIrIhmore 8-8750• Aap/aI, or Ccr DIal Oh..... Ill. . on CLASSIFIED ~ PIANO TUNING 0<=..,="",.="',.... - ""=1' UNITED WORLD' FEDERALISTS Modern Decorators Driy....,. Phone Swarthmore 8-1528 i laicy Florida OrlDges 8·':::'..o14ge CHEESE 69c Development· of a method fo<: growing polio.vIrus In noo-nervous. tissue in a lest tube marks a "scientlflc first" for '\hat disease d brings an a preventive pollo vaccine one step closer to realization, ~t was disclosed by Dr. John W. Nason, Swartbmore College President, director of the DeIaware County March of Dimes campaign. .. CiUng a resume prepared by the NationM Foundation for Infantile ParaJ.vsis aJlItUnin~ the .ip2St year's accompllshm~ts ":' polio research, Dr. Nason srud fiI\ancial obligations Imposed by last year's record polio epidemic Ithreaten to retard these studies, unless the Mareh of Dimes campaign January 16-31 meets with, an overwhelming response from the American peapIe. The March of Dimes campaign director.reported that dw-lng 1949, a group of scientists headed by Kansas-born Dr. John F. Enders of the Children's Hospital, in Boston, I campaign ~r said, and a large' her ~ MIu Amy PhIlIPS Of "I saw It in The Swat ttnnmean." supply of VIl"llS with which to pre- 'Hartford Colin. "pare. sUftici~nt vaccine must be lIIr• ...:d Mrs. James R. Powell readily available. FUrthermore, 1of Wallingford will entertain at F. F. ZIMMEBMAN he added, the vaccine must be' a cocktaIl party bdore the Duck Pboto2hpber ",:,mpletely safe. Therefore. polio Club Dance at Penn State Center "Outs~ for Quallty" VIrUS free .from nerve tissue must tomorrow evening .... Media 11.....8 be obtainable. He pointed out • II E. Pront St that Dr End ' Bet!y Green of Haverford. formers accomplishment erly of Swarthmore entertained now makes this passible. at a tea on Tuesday' afternoon. ently a student at the 'Massachu- and Harvard University, "had sue- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ setts Institute of Technology where ceeded in doing what other scihels a member of 'the Alpha Tau enUsts had failed to accomplish" Omega Fraternity: He served two -growing human polio virus in years in the ArmY as an instruc- non-nervoUs tissue. For years. Dr. tor with ·the Infantry Detaclmlent Nason recounted. scientists have Charles E. Fischer at the United States Militarysoul!ht WlSuccessfully to do this. Academy at West Point Previous to 'the Harvard scienNo date has been set fo~ the tists' aCcomplislunent, he continBUILDER wedding. ued, polio virus could ,be grown . .only In the living nerve cells of BlR'l'H " human beings anI! certain laboraSwarthmore 8-2253 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stauffer, of tory aniIDaIs. On one occasion Dartmouth avenue announce the some years ago tw . tists . d Leah Elizit ' 0 SCIen birth of a aughter. . - w.ere able to grow the polio virus beth,. on December 19 at Lying-In- in a test tube. he explained, but ·Q..... AA·.......·I\;;;n....Ho" Hosp,tal. 'philadelphia. the virus grew onlY when the culMr. and Mrs. JOlm Delaplaine ture medium used was brain tissue. Virus grown in brain or other will entertain at their home on UNITED SERVICES nervous tissue, Dr. Nason went on, Harvard avenue New Year's WISHES YOU Day 40 associates of the Houdry Is not satisfactory for use in a Process Corporation of Marcus vaccine because it may produce -!>- Happy New Year degenerative changes in the brains HOQk. Of th.ose . individuals injected with . the vaccine. If polio vaccine Is achieved, bhere Will be a tremendous demand for it, the March of Dimes PERSONAL PERSONAL-Vacuum Cleaners, GRAPES 1,lb·2Se Ca"e-·19 p" c .: .' Nowell, sy1-;aWa Medical.5cboo1. Mr: and Mrs. JOseph !Betts Pope of White- PWns, N. Y., formerly of Swartluiwre. IIlUl()IU11ce tbe engagement of their daughter, Ellzabeth .Tunell, to Mr. Clharles Arthw- Compton soli of Dr. and Mis..Karl Comp~on son. of Dr. and Cambridge, Mool The Boaid l'e8ene9 tM <1'Iabl to reject any or all bids In whole or in part aDd to aWard amtraeta: on aDy Item or IteIU ...... UJl . . . bid. : .mJda'~ OeD • •tIt. &+. 'ti, ........ ' -~~ct In .... ~tner Of Collece • ·'be _t 11IstrIct........ You can have it for leu thm you 1blnk. .BOU.CB "-THE LIVING ROOM '5 ABOUT THE ON ON ·IN THE HOUSE WITH A WALL SOCKET /" Don't overload your 'electric circuits. When you build or modernize provide ADEQUATE ·WI~ING. 'PHI LADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY , , I 7 • Dr. Laubach's appearance' here Is a privilege which the commun(contlriued from page one) ity, education minded as it Is, will men Seinlnar.v., Prlriceton Unlver- welcome and appreciate, for Dr. sity, Collllllb;.a Univeraity, and Un- Laubach is one of the world's ion Theological Seminary, and or- great ooucation pioneers. dained a minister lri the Congre. gational Churoh. Sent to the P hIl- Garde C ippines by the American Board of n ourse ered (continued from palte one) Commissioners for Foreign MIssions, Laubach was assigned to. Mr children on Saturday mornings Mindanoa, There he made friends will be in charge of David Drinker, and began his teaching with the \V'ho also teaches Adult Art classes Moros and his home has been at the Arts Center. there ever slrice except for teachAnother class offered w ing trips thl'Oughout the world. children will be creative dancing, Laubach To Speak Here 011 I new " S W A • Til M 08 I'.to. N T B B' 10 which will Include instruction lri the basic movem.... and encouragement lri composlrig oriliinal dances to music. '!'be lnstructor of these classes, arranged according to age groups! is Elfriede Mahler, M. A. in dance, 'ConnectI,of Martha cut College, a -~l'l ...... Graham, Louis Horst, :Doris Humphrey, and Malvine Tals, and a teacher of side experience. These classes will be oftered on FrIday afternoons.' With these additions, last semester's sohedule will continue;for the winter tenn, I -,. i Cubs Pl'Ovid-, HoBday Cheer ... ; -';~>i.,I; Junior Aid -,1Nt For Seel $ale The eight dens, of Cub Scout Vollllie von Grabill of Cornell Flack No. ~, Swartilmofe 00II1- avenue and Nelson RImeD of South pleted their December program on Chester road have been busy the theme "Help and Give",· The inaking and selling, 0niSfmas 80 Cubs devoted themselves to the corsages to supplfmumt theTuberproduction an,d aale of various sea- culosls Seal CampaJan. 'To date ~nal and decorative works, rais- they have ralsed $2.35., mg a total net· amount ailghtly lri They will CODtinue UIeJr ettorta excess of $200. ,for this cause by~ ChrIstThe Cubs and Pack Committee mas trees for any 'SwertbiDore are very grateful ,to borough res- famlly who wishes 1Ale service idents for the cooperation which and wID telephoDe' Vonnie made the boliday project such a (SW81'tbniore 6-2154) or Nelaon success. '(Swartbmore6-1274). --------------------------------J I • • \ , . • • / • . , More people 'bought new StcAdeb'lker.cars and trucks in "1949 than. in any v.ear before' ! Since its introduction"in September, the , new 1950 Studebaker has been 'bought bV' more, people than' any new-model Studebaker, ,i~ any similar period ! , I 0 Todaysfar-advanced new 1950 Studebaker, is , the fastest.selling '$tudebaker of all time! '. ~ , . , of ,;~~. -,7' '" I ~ 't,", '. .. • ' . -----l1li--------_....------------_.-__ .. .. • " I i I , • "