J\YArtbiaore C()lie{Se Library Swarth more, ·Pa. H. S. ,MEEI'S MEDIA THE SWARTHM VOLUME 21-NUMBER 40 MEDIA IS BIG TEST FOR S.H.S. Nether - Providence Routed Friday 52-6 Contributions Wanted Friends of the Legion Auxiliary are asked to ransack their attics and bureau drawers, remembering that-a successful Rummage Sale on October 19 and 20 will enable this Swarthmore unit to carry on welfare and hospital aid during the 1949-50 year of activity. Anyone having clothing, house. hold or personal goods to contribute displayed great scoring 'POw~ las1; should notify Mr Robert Hair . Friday as the Nether PrOVIdence. s. , m High School football team fell charge of the sale, at Swarthmore aart under an avalanche of touch- 2315, or call Swarth,more 0292 to downs. Forty-five of the Ga:met have the material collected on squad participatecl.in the game and October 19. the score does not indicate the -----unevenness of the was two handiteams. Nether Providence capped,showed by injuries, Swarthmore great and improvement over the opening game which accounted fur the uneven score. In the first quarter it appear~ that the game would be very closely contested when Nether Providence scored on a long pass after the Garnet had taken the lead 6-0 on Al McGilbeny's touchdown plunge. Swarthmore sb:uck back and scored in three plays l~ad by Howard Arrison at fullback when he carried 40 yards, then plUMed over from the 3. From here on, the game was all SWaTthmore as our chargmg line stopped Nether Providence offense in its tracks and opened up boles for the slashing, driving, ball carriers. The Media Mustangs come to Rutgers Field as a very formidable opponent . Thf1Y have beaten Radnor in a thrilling game and lost to blocked. kick in EAN SWARTHMORE,' nIDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1949 The high school football team ."~ 3:15 P.tM. FANNIE THAYER BURIED IN VT. BESS FURMAN TO SPEAK TUESDAY Women Anticipate Noted ~orrespondent's Visit Bess Furman noted Washington correspondent will be the speaker at the first regular m~eting of the Woman's Club this coming Tu~ day at 2 p.m. Miss Furman is the author of "Washington By-Line" best selling book and the chief Washington woman correspondent of the New York Times. Swarthmore women are very for1Unate in being able to hear such an out· standing lecturer and Mrs. Donald Hibbard, program chafrm .. ' an, should be congratulated for securing her. Before the lecture the club will hold its first stated meeting of the year. Tea will follow with Miss F.unnan guest of honor. Mrs. Birney K. Morse and Mrs. Ross W. 11"~_· will .LUCU..llott pour. Hostesses for the day will be Mrs. Frank G. Keenen, Lillian Hoyt, Mrs. . George . W M Ka . . ms, and MrS.·B enl8lDlD • Collins. FIELD $3.50 PER Robert Millard Moist . . Funeral services for Robert Millard Moist, seven year-old son of Major and Mrs. Robert E. Moist of Hampton,· Va., former~ of Swarthmore, were held Sunday afternoon in West Chester. TlJe Rev. Dr. Willard Glenn Purdy of the Wilm.iti:gton Presbyterian Church conducted the services. GEORGE C ABBE DIES THURSDAY , •. • . Boro. Resident Succumbs Af P I d . ter ro onge Illness ~ COUNCIL FACES TOUGH DECISION !Digesting Landlord's Tenants' Problems Till Tuesday Whether the current availability of rental housing in Swarthmore is abnormally low enough to Justify ~e continuation of ~t controls, or whether the fact th&t the wording "For Rent" on local house signs and realtors listings seems nonexistent is merely because desirable rental properties have always been hard to find in this borough, is the question Swarthmore Councilmen are mulling over in their minds at the moment . By next Tuesday everung they will have arrived at their individ. ual convictions and meet at Borough Hall· to cast the votes which will decide whether a resolution requesting the abolition of rent control here is sent for Governor Duff's approvaL _ The half hundred citizens who appeared at the public hearing Council held Monday evening of this week equally presented both sides of the question. Allan C. Wood, Swarthmore apartment house owner who origlnally had requested Council to call such a hearing, led the presentation of the landlord's side of the case. Edward L. Noyes and W. Mark Bittle local realtors replied to questions put by Mr. Wood, COlltending the .high character and good 10ca.,tion of.this· town, as wen as its being a college site, has always made it difficUlt for tenants to find desirable rental properties arid that there seems no likelihood of a change in this condition. Mrs. Edith Cuskaden and Mrs. Ellen VanS. Cleveumd of Park avenue and Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South Chester road a1s.o spoke in 'behalf of the landlord. Points advanced in favor of lifting of ierit controls indicated that at this stage the controls were creating less instead of more units available ,to that section of the populace which through desire or necessity prefers to rent rather than own their domiciles. There being no control of property own.. ers' costs, taxes, utilties, £fuel and repairs having all increased greatly, it w:as brought out that many owners who fonnerly rented. their properties are now unable to realize any return whatsoever on them at ,pre-war rent levels and are therefore closing or selling them to occupants and removing them from the rental market. It was further brought out that little equality exists in rent controls since properties. occupied by their owners at the i time the .controls were set can now be rented at higher prices than $uperior accommodations on which rmtal was (contiQued on page eight) George C. Abbe a long time resid t f S ~'"__ died. Th en 0 war u.w.wre, ursday mOrnlDg October 6 at the Widow Of Builder Died ho e of his:ron Robert 'Abbe of At Home Here Co~ell avenue ~ter a prolonged Sept. 28 illness He ~ the husband of th lat Bessie Abbe Mrs. Fannie A. Goodell Thayer, ~orn e73 years ago New Lonwidow of Carroll Thayer well d on, Coon.,. Mr Abbe had b een known local builder passed away employed by the Baldwin LocoWednesday evening of last week motive Works and in later years at 601 Harvard avenue, in the L_ a.r.:came asso Cl'· a'ted W1·th Budd's little home which her husband from which he retired a year ago. built after he retired from active He was a member of the A.S.M.E. business. A widow for the pasi Besides Robert Mr. Abbe is sur11 years Mrs. Thayer had not vived by two other sons, Ricl1ard been well since last spring. T. of Tuls/l, Okla., William C. of Bom in Millbury, Mass., on West Chester, and a daughter, Mrs. November 27, 1860 she was the daughter of' Austin and Frances w. W. Shellenbarger of Merchantville, N. J. Hemingway Goodell. Educa~ The Rev. Joseph P. 'Bishop of in private sc~oo1s in ~hiladelphia the Presbyt&tan Church will perand married m·that Clty she came Benefit Aids Tenn. afte form the serviCe$ for relatives and to Swarthmore 45 y~ars ago r Settlement living several years m Glenolden. . friends . at Oliver iBair's, 1820 .t::~::;n~:~~... ~.o SiiaWas"'& in~ of "tt~ .. . School Chest-oot .street.';fu· ·PhiladelphIa. . As usua~ this game will 'be a Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, Many Swarthmore women ~e Intennent wm- be private. - - - - - .bitterly contested affair and it the Woman's Club of Swarthmore, active in their sponsorship of the LINE UP FOR CAMPAIGN (continued on page eight) and the Swarthmore branch of annual Delaware County Alumnae the Needlework Guild. of Pi Beta Phi Sorority's benefit The Swarthmore' district or, Surviving are three nieces Mrs. sale and tea fOr the Sorority's Set- ganization for the 1950. community Earle Creamer of Ridley Park, tlement school at Gatlinburg, chest canwaign opening October 20 Mrs. James Safford of Fairhaven, Tenn. Mrs. J. Archer Turner's is made up as follows: directorVt., Mrs. Clifford Willard of wal- home, 801 Harvard avenue, will Sewell W. Hodge; associate direcllngford, Vt., and a nephew Royal house the event on Friday, October tor (business)-Edward L. Noyes; Thayer of St. Johnsburg, Vt. . 14, from 2 until 5 p.m. and again secretary-Mrs. Hugh O. Thayer Panel. Discussion Set Funeral services were conduct- from 8 until 9 p. m. assistant secretaries-Mrs. E. D; PM· ed in the Swarthmore PresbyterMrs. James H. Hornaday heads Brauns. Mrs. F. W. Mitchell, Mrs. ~ or eetiDg iat1 Church at 2:30 Saturday after- the committee in charge of sales S. M. Viele, Mrs.. William Ward, 3d, Thursday noon by the Rev. Joseph BishOP with Mrs. Owen W. Gay, Mrs. Mrs. Edward M. Basset, Mrs. S. S. An informal tea marks the minister of the church. Intermen Gordon Meader, Mrs. Raymond Rutherford; captains-LeOnard C. , opening of Mother's Clul1 on Sun- .was in Wallingford, Vt. Denworth, Miss Marion Baker as Ashton, Nathan Bell.' G . Wills day, October 9, from 4 to 5 p . m . . her efficient aides. Mrs. C. W. Brodhead, Mrs. E. Fay Campbell, at the Woman's Club. Mrs. John Lukens is the tea chairman, Mrs. Isaac G. Darlington,. Mrs. Francis .B. Maerker will be in charge. Old Jack Thompson assisting. H. Gibson, Mrs. Harold H. Gibson, members, all new members and . Starting as a living memorial to Jr.. LaRue Hendrixson, Thomas W. any others in~ested in joining the 1897 founders of Pi Beta Phi, Hopper, Howard G.,Hopson, Donthe group are cordially invited. the work at Gatlinburg began in ald. P. Jones, Charles W. Lukens, Officers and board members have After a summer siesta the 1912 with the sending of a teacher Walter D. Macht, John E. Michael, tried to contact as many mothers Swarthmore Players Club opens to take over 13 pupils at' the end Maurice G. Moore, Mrs. H. Lindof young children as possible to its thirty-ninth season Monday of the three month term furnished ley Peel. Miss Virginia Rath, Paul extend an invitation to the tea. night, October 10 with the fam- by the County. Today the Pi Phi J. Rutan, Col. Stan~o~ S. von GraIn the event so~e ~others have ily comedy "The Bees and the School is the County School with bill, Dr. Ned B. ~illiams. not been called It IS. hoped that Flowers." Chosen by director Nat an enrollment of over 500 pupils. this announcement will serve as Doughty for its hilarity and laugh- The County provides teachers to Duff Appointed Hodge a cordial invitation., ter-back-H-you-don't-like-it guar- meet the basic requirements, with Governor .fames Duff has anOn Thursday evening, October antee this Kohner and Manheimer Pi Phi furnishing the Arts and nounced the appointment of 13 at 8 p.m., the fir~t regular play 'has already been approved Crafts, Physical Education, Health Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden avenue, meeting of the Club will be held by popular taste in the screen and Music teachers to enrich the as a member of Public School Emat the Women's Club House. At. verSion, ''The Three Darling curriculum. ployees' Retirement .Board. The e this there will be a panel Daughters". In addition, since there is no appointment takes effect immeddiscUSSIon by four well~: 'Fam~ names' appearing on hospital, Pi Phi operates a health iately. mo~ers ,~f ~w~o~e~cwhere 'the bill are thOse of Franci1a Wil- center with a qualified registered p;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;--. toPIC of this disBeloc~ II Partici- lis, James S. Feight, Cornelia Mc- nurse whose work includes comdoes Mother ng., .'. . M Ann .ty . 'bli h alth . Panf;s in' ilie pancl. are: Mrs. Kernan, Sue Surnck, arySmith mWll;. n~~ ~u c ~ h mJoseph Reynolds, a motha' who Dickinson . and Shirley . stru~tion mgul gIhenale . ti?me ·FRlDAY, OCTOBER ., th mspec ODS . areer Newnnmers to' the Swarthmore nursmg, re ar e 3:15-Football, S.H.S. vs. Media ............................ Rutgers Field has combined a busmessc . . ...... , Willi 1 ti in th Pi Ph· ·th t h o . g 0 f a home and stage are Jane Patterson, am and innocu a ODS e 1 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 WIthe rms'~mrgunmnOf two children: Mrs. S. Clement, Jerry Jordan, Virginia School and three ~al schools and 10:30 to 12-Bake Sale .......................................... Whittier House linic. She works 2:00 P.M.-Football, College vs. P.M.C ............. Alumni Field eekly b b Robert Spiller~ a mother of three Perce, and Joe FarceL ?w . a y c.. 2:00 P.M.-8occer, College vs. Alumni .•....••••...•••.• Palmer Field children, who has combined 20 Managing the stage is CoL H. C. m cl?~ cooperation W1th the local SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 Years of teaching with. her, home Mabbottwith prompterS Sally Me- physlclan and County and State 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ................:............... :Local Churches duties; ~. Leonard. Dart, a Fadden and Richard Frcteth. elec- Health Deparbnents.. t MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 former social worker, and Mrs. triclan HoWard Pennel, 'M,usie diArticles on order ni.d a y . are . 2:00 to 4:00 P.M.-Open HoUse for Older Swarthmoroans Methodist Church Peter . Costa, a former school rector Patty Campbell and stage produced under supervlSJ.on.and , teacher each of whom has three d~torS and propmty getters marketed through the Sorontys TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 '....... which tbu 2:00 P.M.-Bess Furman, NYT Coriespondent ...• Woman's Club ,children. Mrs. H. S. Toole and Mrs. Walter ship in the Gatlinburg, ' .. s 3:30 to 9:30 P.M.-Rummage Sale ..•............... Trinity Church ! All members are urged.to bring C.' Giles also behind the scenes. helps over one h~dred familielj to WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER iz their Needlework Guild contribuAs the club has gone back to be ~lf supporting. as weav~ 2:00 P.M.--Soccer, College vs. U. of P ................. Palmer Field tions to this first 'meeting on . . ht schedule the show Each alumnae club m the Um~ TBUBSDAX', OCTOBER 13 October 13, as all articles must be i~ SlX-~g m Monday Sb;ltes and Hawaii holds one an8:00 A.M. +.0 2:00 P.M.-Rummage Sale .... Methodist Social Hall turned over at the ingathering will ~~ 15 only: CUrtain nual sale to provide national sup8:00 P.M.-Mother's Club' •.•_ ..............................._ Woman's Club of the Woman's Club on October urday, ,. . port for the Gatlinburg work. 25. riseS at 8:20 p.m; in PI PHI'S RAISE PROJECT FUND d • • RUTGERS ','" ': " '0 MOTHER'S PLAN. 'INFORMAL TEA i PLAYERS CLUB OPENS MONDAY w:n TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR ° throuP.Sat- 2 THB PERSONALS their son-in-law and daughter Dr. and Mrs. Davld l'l711e ·Thomas. Cadet John 1.. Storck of .Crest lane, has been appointed corporal in the Corps of Cadets at West Point where he is a second class- Mr. and Mrs. Valenttne L. FIne of Swarthmore avenue will entertain as their week-end gueat Mrs. FIne's uncle Mr. John Ashley Jones of AtJants, Ga. Mr. Jones is the godfather of his great niece and namesake, small Ashley FIne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FIne. Mrs. E. Van S. Cleveland has returned to her home on Park avenue aftet spending a fall vacation in Atlantic City. Mrs. J. H. Gordon Me Conechy of South Chester road entertained at dinner for 10 guests on Monday evening in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mr. McConechy. Their daughter Miss Doreen McConechy was guest of honor at a d.iilDer party Friday evening in celebration of her birthday. Mr. Panl F. Collins of Boston visited his mother Mrs. Joseph V. Collius of Strath Haven Inn over the week-end. Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South Chester road entertained at a luncheon-bridge at her home last Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. Panl K. Panlson, formerly of Park aven)le, have moved to their new home at 308 Sedgwood road, Springfield. , . Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bryant have taken an apartment' in Norwood. l'vIr. Bryant is connected with the General Electric in the Philadelphia office. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of Swarthmore and Ogden ave- where he i. a member of the nues have returned home after sophomore class. spending the early summer at Mrs. H. Weston Clarke of CoItheir cottage in Rehoboth Beach lege aVeJllUe is convalescing at her, and later at Mrs. Clyde's old home home after an operation at Bryn "South Winds", Wellsboro. Mrs. Mawr Hospital. Clyde was ill with virus pneumonThe Misses Elinor and Mary Bye Ia and was confined to a Wells- of College avenue were week-end boro hospital for two weeks. Fol- guests of Mrs. Louise Lesley of lowing a long convalescent period Atlantic City, a former Swarth~ ... Mrs. Clyde was able to return more resident. home last Wednesday. The mothers and fathers of Rut,Miss Dorothy Shaw of Park gers avenue Kindergarten met avenue is attending the Library Wednesday night to repaint and Graduate School at Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadel- mend broken toYS and playground equipment. Refreshments were phia. served. Mrs. Cresson O. Davis of Robert O. Disque, son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Disque of University place is chairman of the Sltath Haven avenue, has been kindergarten group this year. elected vice-president of the stuMolly Storck of Crest Jane is endent branch of the American rolled in the freshman class at Society of Civil Engineers at the Simmons C;ollege. / Technological Instit,ute of NorthMr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald weljtem University. Swan of Mt. Holyoke place enterLangdon Elsbree, son of Mr. tained at a small dinner party mid Mrs. )Wayland Elsbree of Saturday evening in honor of the Wallingford, a sophomore at Earl- birthday ;mniversary of Mrs. W. ham College has been selected to J. Blackman of Cedar lane. usher at the college chapels and Mr. and Mrs. C. W j1H a m Ramassemblies during the first semessay of Lafayette avenue enterter. tained the members of their Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gordon bridge club at their home SaturMcConechy of South Chester road day·evenlng. entertained as their week-end Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of guest Mr. Calvin Huntoon of BufPark avenue spent the week-end falo, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Spencer in Baltimore, Md., visiting their and Douglas Spencer of Ogden son-in-Iaw-and daughter Mr. and avenue drove to Ann Arbor, Mich., Mrs. John W. Taylor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley France where Douglas entered the University of Michigan as a pre-med and children Helen Louise and Patricia Lynn of Sol!th Chester student. road have moved to their newly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cadigan of Dickinson avenue returned home purchased homeat3211-S.!dgwood Tuesday night from a 10-dey vaca- road, Springfield. tion in the middle west during Local members of the Faculty which Mr. Cadigan spoke at Earlham College and they visited Mrs. Cadigan's parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowden of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Harris Air Conditioned of North Swarthmore avenue spent Friday and Saturday the week-end in Scranton visiting Clark Gable - Alelds Smith "ANY NlJMBER CAN PLAY" Feature TIme _ THE SWARTHMORE Saturday Night 0nJi 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 P.MPlayers Club College Theatre Presents The Bees and the Flowers by Kohner and Mannhelmer OPENING Sat. Matinee - 1 P.M. Matinee for Children Roy Rogel'S In "SUSANNA PASSU _ Cartoons - Serial _ Coined;y Monday and Tuesda;y .June Haver - RaJ' BoIpr "LOOK POll TUB SILVEK . LINING" in technlcolor Wednesday and Thursday (by request) Belt IIarrIIoD BLlTB1!: sPlUr' Monday, October 10 and Running Through SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 Starting Friday "SLA.'l"l'EllY'S IWIIIIICANB'" Curtain Time 8:20 P.M. SWABTHMO • • A¥ OCTOBE.B 7, 11MB . PUBUSBED I!VBBY'FRlDAY AT SWABTIDIOllE, PA THE SWAKTIDIOB&\N. INC.. PVBLI8BER Phone SwvIIuDore .... BIRTH Golden Wedding by a speaker and discuSsion. 1BusiChristian &1enc:e Notes Mrs. Lorene McCarter of Vasness meetings and soctal periods "ARE SIN,. DISEASE, AND sar avenue joined friends from will be included in the program DEATH REAL?" Is the subject of Philadelphia on a week-end autoin addition to frequent cOrporate the Lesson-Sermon in all ChUrches mobile .trlp to State College. communions. of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Mr.'and Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee The Young People's Fellowship October 9. The Golden Text is: of Mt. Holyoke place have Just will meet on Sunday evening at "God be merciful unto \IB, and returned from a two-week va8.30 p.m. in Friends Meeting. This b!ess us; and cause his face to cation spent on Fisher's Island, is a combined Fellowship for shine upon us; that thy we" inay New York State, followed by a. young people of the tenth, eleventh be known upon earth, thy saving w(lek in the New England States_ and twelfth grades of all denomi- health among all nations." Gregory Heath, son of Mr. and nations. (Psalms 67: 1,2) Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar lane Choir School will meet on Mulgraduated from the University of day and Wednesday at 4 p.m. NEWS NO'l'ES Miami, Fla., September 10 with The Vestry will meet on Monday Mr. and Mrs. David Gilcreest, a ·B.A. Degree. He has secured at 8 p.m. in the parish house. former Swarthmore residents are a position with the Federal Paper Choir rehearsal will be held on now living at 524 E. Kiowa Street, Board Company in' Bagoto, N.J., Thursday at 7.30 p.m. Colorado Springs, Colo. where he and his famCy wilIllve. The annual Harvest Festival will ?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;9i be held on Sunday, October 18 at n 11 a.m. The first dinner meeting of the Men's Club Wlll be held on Monday, October 17, at 6.30 p.m. An interesting Speaker Wlll be present Closed Every Sunday and an election of officers will be Open 7 A. M. to 8 p. M. held. Monday Thru Saturday The annual Christmas Bazaar will be held on December 1. TilE 'SWARTHMOREAN , PETER E. TOLD, Bdltor MARJORIE TOLD, AsIodate EdItor Rosalie Peirsol Lorene Mc CarUlr Pat Told Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Po., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY. NOON SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7,1949 HAS YOUR MOTOR BEEN TUNEp UP YET? Drive In Today or Let Us Call For Your Car "RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF 10WN" SERVICE "Bob" Atz, Owner CALl:. 04 DARTMOUTH f-I AfAYETfE AVf~. 40 DR. HARRY M. TARNOFF, Chiropodist Foot Specialist ENGAGEMI!NTs Announces lhe opeDlD&' of offices at Mr. and Mrs. Warren Harlan Conly of Yale avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Ch- at 9.45 a.m. The rector will preach ing.' . at the 11 o'clock service of mom8:00 P.M.-Meeting in Whittier . . House with Hale Sutberland ing prayer. Ushers. for the servlce on The Meeting for Worship. are: R. G. Haig, head usher; T, B. Wednesday, Oetober 12 Keirn, J. S; Thompson, R. D. New9:30 to 3:3~ewing and Qullt- tin, C B. Brown, J. B. BuI1itt, J. H. ing in Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All cordlally in- Furlong and W. F. Klug. The boys vited. . serving as acolytes are: 8 a.m., ---..:..-..:..:::..---------1 John Simon; 11 a.m., Dale ThompFIRST CHURCH OF . CHRIST SCIENTIST son, Morey Whitehead and Perry OF SWARTHMORE Redifer. Park Avenue' below Harvard The newly organized Canterbury SuruJa:r, October 9 Club (a branch of the National ;:;o~, ~~h,:,;:,n: :=:~~. Friday and Saturday Richard Wldmark LInda Darnell Sunday and. Monday at the driveway-transept entrance will assist Mr. Bish<>p in greeting Sunday morning at the 11 the congregation after the sero'clock service the sermon will vice this Sunday morning. be .. Vital Roots". The Woman's Assocjation wUl The Women's Bible Class, lead-, meet Wednesdsy,October 12. The er Mrs. Donald Hibbard will meet Worship Service will be held in , at 9:30 a. m., Sunday. This week the Churcli, led by Mr. Bishop, Mr. Bishop wilL address the class at 12 noon. The Luncheon wUl on the subject "Great Bellefs". follow, prepared by Circle I, Mrs. The Primary, Junior and Senior Charles Lukens chairman. The Departments will meet at 9:45 a.m. speaker for the luncheon meeting and the Nursery and' 'Beginner's will be Dr. J. B. Schmoker, GenDepartments at 11 a. m. . eral Secretary for the Committee . The Church Hour Parking place on Friendly Relations among Forfor children of 6 and 7 years eign Studen'ts for the Fed<$"al Friends Meeting Notes whose parents wish to attend the Council of .Churches in America. Saturday mOrning, Ootober 8 church service will be held at 11 Dr. Sclunoker is vitally Interested from 10:30 to 12 the Junior Forum a. m. in thiS problem of our foreign grOUP is holding a Bake Sale at The Young Adult's group will students. • ) Whittier House to help furnish meet Sunday evening at 6 for a The annual Anniversary Sale of tbeir new class rOOm. buffet supper in charge of Elise the Presbyterian Home for WidThe Adult forum of the First Remont. Jim Hardig wlll speak ows and Single Women will be Day School of the Swarthmore on his travels through Europe. held at the Home on October 11, Monthly (Friends). Meeting, anThe High School FeI,iOwship starting a~ 2 p.m. nounces a very interesting prowill meet at 6:30 p.m. An open house will be held for gram for this year, beginning SunThe Girl Scouts meet on Mon- older Swarthmoreans at the Meth- day morning, October 9, at 9:45 day at 3:30. The Boy Scouts meet odist Church on Monday, October a. m. The prospectus for the first on Thursday evening at 7:30. 10, from 2 to 4 o'clock. Everyone 14 weeks has been prepared in de. The Junior Choir for all children who is 'interested ·in· this Golden tail, and will feature talks by outof 4th, 5th, and 6th grades meets Age Club is invited to attend. standing autborities in the fields for rehearsal on Thursday afterThe combined Fellowship for of physics, biology, psychology, noon at 3:30. The Chapel Choir young . people of the tenth, medicine, psychiatry and philosrehearses at· 7 :45 on Thursday eleventh and twelfth grades of all ophy. evening. denominations will hold its first According ·to Oliver E. RDdgers The Board of Trustees will meet meeting this Sunday evening at and John W. Seybold, leaders of Tuesday evening at 8. The Board 6:30 at Friends Meeting House. the group, the plan for the "ext of Deacons will meet Fridsy, 0cfew months is to re-examine the tober 14 at 8 o'clock in the Pastor's Methodist Church Notes fields of scientific knowledge "to Study. The Sunday School meets on see what we can find out about Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Weiland at Sunday morning at 9:45. Classes the .Harvard avenue. entrance and are provided for children of all God and the nature of religi.on." ...Tbe first' speaker and discusMr. and Mrs. Frank T. Ransburg ages and for adults. The Young Adults meet at 10 sion leader will be Dr~ Leonard Eisenbud, a theoretical physicist in the Ladies' Pru;-Iors. employed· at the 'Bartol FoundaThe topic of the sermon, at the 11 o'clock service is "Use What tion, who wlll talk about "The SWARTHMORE Nature of the Universe." On OcPRESBvrI'ERIAN CHURCH You Have.1I Rev. JOBeph P. Bishop, MinJst-.1' The Community Youth FellDw- tober 9 and on October 16, Dr. Sunday, Oetobe~ 9 ship will meet at 6:30 in the Meet- Eisenbud will explain what Sci8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion entists currently believe about the 11:00 A.M. Sermon, _ "Vital ing House. Roots". The Church Nursery is open dur- origins of .the universe and the Wednesday, Oetober a ing the morning service for chil- scientific evi4ence, if any, .of di10:00 A.M. - Surgical Dr: sf"gs dren. Mrs. ,1.. E. Kauffman and vine planning in the structure group. Mrs. Charles R.Beacham will be and organization of the cosmos. ThllJ'llday, October 13 All who are interested in the 7:30 P.M.-Boy Scouts. Troop 2 in charge. discussion series are cordia.lJy:. inThe ushers for the day are MErHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D. D., Minlater George Shubert, Edward Alston, vited wbetber or not they are Sunday, October. 9 Walter Dickinson, Petllr Murray members of the Meeting. These 9:45 A.M.-Church School. classes wlll be beld in the Meeting 11:00 A.M.-Sermon "Use What and Paul PanJson. Open House for older Swarth- House, at the usual "Sunday You Have". moreans will be held on Monday School" time, 9:45 to 10:45 a. m., TRINITY CHURCH afternoon in the Ladies' Parlors beginning on October 9. Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector between the hours of 2; and 4. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock in Sunday, Octobe~ 9 8:00 A.M.-HOly Communion. The Young Adults will meet at Whit\ier House, Hale Sutherland 9:45 A.M.-Church School a Hot-Cake and BauSagl' Supper will lead a discussion on the Meet11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. The on Monday evening at 6:45 in the ing for Worship. All are wel'Rector will preach. church. Business mee~ and 'come. 5:30 P.M.-,Canterbury Club. 6:30 P.M.-YOung People's Fellowship. _ _ ......._.Choice Persian Rugs for Sal _ _-',......._ :~:;'~~:::U~":: ---=I=?~=~=·,=~'=#=L·-==·#-a·~-_:::-C-,'-O=--:=;~C-:-:-;d· ~·==I=e=JV=-~.,....-:c-:-::::I' AIR CONDlTWNBD' OK KIDDIE SHOW! Sat. Mat. 1:15 "THE MARAUDERS" 7 Cartoons "James Brothers of Mfssaarl No. 2" Regular feature not shown Presbyterian Notes Church Services Call Swarthmore 04'16 9 Chester Road Marge and Dot Casserole Catering , T H B s.W ART HMO REA N -= Tea Club of the University of Joan Mary, to Richard G. Keppler, Pennsylvanta wUl be entertatned son of Mr. and MrL JU!.ius Keppler, on Tuesday at a tea given by Mrs. also of Cornell avenue. Harold E. Strs en. ='nl8 n J!!.() I.;:''''' 0# 'J _ L . ,L , A:Ji,UueOQRer. IT'S THE '''NEXT LOOK" IN CARS.• All over America, all eyes are .on this dramari. cally different 1950 Studebaker: It'stbebiggeuimprovement in car styling since Studebaker introduced the "new look" in cars three years ago. Thls 1950 Studebaker is long and low-bot it's trim, 51eek and Oight. ---ed-nobnigingCl[" ~;;;J;nlk to squander gasoline. .. Stop in and see it. It'. tbe ...._look.. in cars. Wgg Nt-S_"1':iso~OOiermon Society for Episcopal College students) will entertain the 11:00 A.M~"Are Sin,' Disease, and Death RealY" WednesdllY evening meetinl each week, 8 p.m. J!eedlni room open daity except Sunda7·..,d HOJidan 12 to 5 p. m. Wedn-'q 7' tie ':50 p.m. IIOd • to R.'''6· FUSe0 & ALSTO N Jll!W EpisCopaJ. freshmen of S",arthmore buffet on Sun- _ _ College at a supper day evening. -Tentative plans are SH"';J being made for evenlng prayer each Sunda;y at 6.30 p.m. followed I • NI )1:001 ~X3N 3H.L Hl::.. \ :-J!V~\' snv:n ChiBi'EB and FAlBViI!lW Phoae' 3681 H])fVH30::1S ~.'JIll0H J.11V:JH SH1)1V83Cln.!~ , i .' . • , ' . blo, .....Hlfactlo. .. lIovlo, a ,00411, Apply 0.. lIutI. Uo..rpa..o" tor quality a." flavor. ,...·11 pi....... wllolo _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - ' " \ folllll, with alsortlno" .. tho.. Pare ..... It Pre..nol aM • 1 ..0111... ·STOCK·UP a. TBANK YOU SERVES ( ldwl PUlE GIAPE JAM ldDQI PIESElYES ".:;.==~.,.. . AD RUTGERS AVL rREE PARIING SERVE YOURSELF TO MEAT SATISFACTION #1 JJ.aJ r 23c : 6 h, $1.33 Ib 25e' 6 h,• $145 la' • ..~ 27c: 6 $1.57 Ib 29c • 6 $1 69 :. 35c : 6 for $2.1'5 la' I 'daa' Brand .... M .. ~~: I7c for ~~~----.OI",woodi! Appl......' "'I 10, _ . (R••• ,., P,I.. 'N.'. 59 "'n .. .. '1r'·'Alf '1AIur t. :,:233t: ~ 'Ui VI... RI'..... To...... ~ 3 1CV....... 25c:) I&:.:~irl ca.", c....,... Ifet. Irau "'-fie •., $0111... 6, K££8LEH '- 2~·25e C a.. e... Do..., SAUCE ..... ·37 12... .tau •. for APPLB C Ioi III mJ.lf:s o:.:::!t 6 1.09 = _.. z Eo'I..... Wltb .....0 •• Lo••lla Sw." C:1'8a. Inter gdqa/ fIl 97C a: lit AppI..al.Gwberry TOMATO SOOP 13 forSIOO Cut lb.,. I ANIt. A"'Je.C .....t.Appl.. iii.,..", .r Ap,........ for Mad...... '.ney Long ....':'~lt.d h, . lar III .w JELLIES: . .. ~ 21e : 6 $1.21 r:..aa::') Ioi -gltl.nwDDd lrand ZN~1~ZSC Tender, Juicy SIRLOIN 6'.t,tM }JtUit 91J//iIJA =,19C : , '"' $1•." Buy bJ QaiUlfity _" SAUER KRAUT £1t1utu. '§A4dqd It{i" lilIA/" 7_1:d.n~:,!:;'d~':..t~ "I., 19c I New Pack. ... what you buy, and buy who, you .... All cut. collophano wrapped, and markod with wolght, prlco por pound and total cost. Po.ltlvoly no waltlnll at tho moat cou....r. SATURDAY Tn.l. , p. II. ) 6..· $1" or Plum lthal CUBURT JAM ,,::.:!,:,ry (O:!~"J ldDQI CIUSIED CIEOY JAM ldDQI PBESERVES =:..:; (o:..au:.·1 ,.,., STBAWBE~Y PBESEIVES Swarthmore P'onty of Ib P..ch ..,.1. Rob-Roy Ol'aDle Mal'malade Iftlilllih CBESTERRD. RIB ROAST BEEF OPEl FIIDAY TIL'-9·· .. Ou KI .... or A..ortod Pur. Fruit last wook upon tho .... oponlnll of aur nowly .... modelod Acmo, now opon for your convonlonco• , All Our Market. Are, LOW PRICES - SWARTHMOREANS tor your splondld rospanso TEAISl~) at the.e ....... • .,.w/NG CHICKBNS 6":"~ Hurlsy Grad. "A" Hon TURKEYS ~~ P.OMPIIN DmLLED CRABS DeIl'I.~ lie ZJ:~ I'. . Make a DeU,I.u. ,.. ,.".1 VlrglnlO':::' ... Dc ,. 2111 New'ack Ropp-U.Tatlon .... 39c: ~.~~::~: PlII'e·Apple CIORR B~ Angel Food Ring ...h 3ge Laya r Caka Almond 0 .... ,....... 59. Crunoh Fre.h loll. '":r=:.~~~ 8~~ 1.. ..... SOPHIE BREAD ~S. ~ VaII, ...' ..II·. la"·I4c . Inrlch'" 19C J loaf C IlIlit's J:'~2 33 FR·OIT COCKTAIL c... ~t:1 3t'a."'" _ ROB~FORD PEACHES ";lr::.er ... 23" I Z7C SLICED PINEAPPLE Z7C CRUSHED PINEAPPLE M:~e . PINEAPPLE JUICE Do'• ROB·FORD WHOLE RICE 4:: 37C ·2t..-··. . . .-~ :.~ .~ Y;,.,....t \4'. or II> rI ... 730 P from country f,..h louellQ luH.r. A hGU..hold favorlt. for ~.ra· lion•• PtotectM evlry ltep of the war from cream.ry ta you. r HEIRZ SOUPS ......... ',,,"0"" ........... 2 •••• 251: Collophan. ,kg FRESI TOOTOES D.nololl ..... J ~-=JZc HEIIZ BEllS In:::: 2 ~::: 29.: ,19c Collo ,k, 19 ,.nc Styl. '= Jk crM beef. Spt_ and noked. BEECH-NUT Sfr/lln" IAIY .OOH II,.r. 'I" 6 Ian 79 -1"1'- - ;)f ,'.' .--~,,.':,-,!-"" ,i '.>'1'", ~-",,;:.-., ,",":-' SPRY JUNIOR .0005 V......le Illeren", 1 III C/Il 31 e• 3,111 • COR I.rg. builth 19c '1•••1 . RUSSET PEARS 87' 1 OutstandIng Values In Frosted Foods Z :: J7C =: c No boH., po.. ' •• fl ....... Iod •• , ........ . Try It .Ider .ur ow••r ••cll.,.ar...... ':= 39c CHILI CON CARNIi: l!xeeI'-nt for hmch. tupper ... la .. wenlng JAOCk. ...11 g.tIl'SMII Enriched .... fo, .....wl.... wlfb ......... Sklnl.... Delldow .leMI .. CELERY BEARTS ]JiIUfbI UqUID STARCR :'1'7e!I)lc Corn I .....k. 230 Pasco·Grange .Jalce ConM.".'M 2~49C Snow Crop Granl_ .Jaloe 2 ~~: 5711 Liberty Whole Strawberrl.. ':k:" 4111 08C I'ordllook LIma Be.... ':': 29C Ocean Perch Fillets ,. g. 3te Scallop. DM, , .....1<0 SSe California Frying Rabbits ,. 75c CDT·up CHICKEIS ~ 87c : '1:'" 71, DAZZLE lJJ.iJJJA1Il'.& .Det DE lwei OF II. nlS " •• rt· 1Iott1. Y•••' 1627c • MlV'"~":; W~·' ~'. _~~"_#..~:;!:~:',:~::~::~~:',~:.:~~!\~'/:~?·7'?~~~'~::.:~~~:?.~-~·:~-~~,~:'E:,.-.~=:i·:~tE==:.~ ~~~~'~':'J~l;~·,~~;:-~~,~~·,~'::<~'?i. :;-~~~~~@~~~"'?~7._\!J~~?W;;:?::~:=;:~~':;;:~·:-~;~~'~~~'~ To•., • Ioi III lIi III ~ jja SHIlHP CHEESE ' " SSe • Extra Sh8l:'p Cheese . ' I t: Imported Romano Cheese 1oI'.42c Pancy Blue Cheese '·6Sc e Kitchen ltaUan Grated Ch.... :r::.zSc ...• 14 3 111.25 CUT GREEI BEARS 5::' 1;:"23.: FLOUR :~: 38c: I~~b 73c Plct.Sweet cat .11.,•• 11, CRAIlBERBlES 2'~ZfC Anno..•• faoty ....... Ck.... . . - fbI. . ......d fro. 01' wId. NIoctIO.. A ...... fo, .very to.f•• 8'... D,.",••• D. L...e 1".. 11,••" 11 - VlBJDlA IAUIAGB c CAOLIFLOWER~ ~ TREET Nolp ro....., to . Frash Long Island Snow Whit. RICHLAND BUTTER ~';.~Ir::·"· ':1:., , •• Armour'. _ Co.operat/ng In the IIg 01•• YOU' Iomll. tho fIO....l.., of Vitamin A and valuabl. m"",ral, '0".•• ,......... u No.2 C/lil =~BUTTER Wlllo 1.£1_ No.2 c•• Amorlca'. Oroat Prlzo Wlnn.r Heinz Tomato .oa, .. Heinz Cooked .,....ettl i I....... k..vj .,..,. Haw.ll.. Brand Rich yellow layer, filled and Ic.d with d.llcTou. maralChlno )MPIMrrnlnt emlm leTn,. CoHee Cake P,r,~,~~ .... 2ge Strauisel Loaf c::::~ 2ge Apple 'Ie. La.... ...·49. CIIOCOI.4'1'1: Ideal Brand Fancy 1N~.21f1 Cia' Acqualn'ad wltlt nasa Traa',' ....~ BAR CAIE J)ldhbl .~o;: :~::k G9c I .. Iect I'ryIq Oy..en t",8 lea '1'l'out I. . .... .. 3SC .. 38c I PICNICS CLIANSIl II: 0 .......a..... GLENDALE CLUB 47 c c....... CHEESE I'OOD a.d ....Ib 111<. No.1... , ...1... 60tlt for _ PrInce.. Oleom.....ine Delrlch Oleo............ c~, :.:z: _. ~, ,. P:., 21c ,••k. S •• - Ranlel' 30e CEREAL s-;::;'" Z ,; Z7c . CHARGE DOG CAMBY PARD DOG FOOD 3 2~ ZSc 3 ~~. 31c X-Pert Cak. NIxes ""'Ito:;' ~Il:: ,... ..... ok. 26c Mutle. Chocolate Morsels .....1<0 21c Gottschalk's Metal .poIIIeI .'. 1'11. WDbert's l'arnllUle PolISh .... bet 2~ WDbert'. noor Wax . .:~ J9C:':~ 67c Woodbury'. Facial soap 4 -. Jill SWEE'I'BEART TOILETIOAP 3ca':.23c:2':: 23c :I ~~21- a,llFiirm .... to CvtI ......... DII DURA·PLASTIC STARCR ·-49. ....... I... OM ....1111., hr - , • • __ I.--------------~-----==-~--~------------~r---~----~~~~~ ~~---Chi Omegas To Sew Goethe C T II TBE .0 ege eams' Under Way Saved from defeat last Saturday only by a starUlng fourth quarter rally that gave them a 14-14 tie with Washington CoIlege. the Swarthmore College football squad is hard at work in preparatioon for the comlng atruggle with P.M.C. at Alumnl Field tomorrow. The Cadets figure as favorites in Saturday's contest, with a heavier and more experieneed team. Swarthmore is banking on men like captain Haines Dickinson, senior halfback Dick Esrey and freshman paaser and runner Richard Roeder to give the P .M.C. team an interesting afternoon. Coach Bob Dunn's soccer players. having previously appeared only in a warm-up contest with Delpark on September 24, -open their regular season against Princeton away on Wedriesday. Next clash for the hooters is the traditional Alumni Game, to be played at Palmer Field tomorrow, NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. William S. Harvey, II, of Cqllege avenue have returned home after vacationing in Cape May for three weeks. . The Junior Club entertained new members at a card party and reception at the Woman's Club Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Schobinger and her daughter Miss Barbara Ann Schobinger of Philadelphia, formerly of Swarthmore, arrived home Monday on the MS Gripsholm from the Scandinavian countries after three months abroad. Miss Schobinger will begin her work in the Intelligenee Section of DuPants Experimental Station in Wilmjngton "this week. Anne McDowell Hickman. daughter of Major and Mr•• Hinson B. Hickman of the Glen Mills' Schools, left for Baltimore Friday to resume her studies as a sophomore at Goucher College. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Morse and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jones of Parrish road will be week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. N. V. Ludwick at their farm near Chester- • town, Mrs. Md. Marvel Wilson' of Strath Haven avenue entertained her bridge club at a luncheon-bridge at her home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Moxey, Jr., and children Bonnie and Todd of Rutgers avenue will spend the week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard S, Turner of Mt. Lebanon, formerly of Swarthmore. Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore Elkinton of Harvard avenue have returned following a summer motor trip of more than'12.000 miles to New England. across the Great Lakes by boat, to Saskatchewan, the Rocky Mountain Parks and the Pacific Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Kent of Riverview road spent last week as the guests of Mr, Harold McCurdy of Philadelphia on his 50 foot motor sailer "The Wanderer", cruising .from Larchmont, N.Y. to Georgetown, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rlussell of Ogden avenue who left here the early part of August on an automobile trip to the west coast are dUEl to arrive home -shortly. They stopped at Estes Park, Colo.. and visited relatives and friends in Berkeley and Pasadena, Calif., and on their return trip visited Mexico and New Mexico, the Grand' Canyon, Bryce and Zion National Parks, and New Orleans. Mr. W. I. McNair of Wellesley road has. returned following a two-week visit with his SO"" ill Winter Park, Fla., and Louisville, Ky. Mr. McNair will spend the winter with his sOn-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. George IlL Kama of Wellesley road. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hook of Westdale avenue are vacationing at a resort on FairvIew Lske in the Poconos. Mr• .and Mrs. Hook have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McLain of Cleveland who are also guests at the same lodge. Concert Planned. Chi Qrnegas ot this v1c1n.1ty will meet Monday, October 10 at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan at 910 Mt. Holyoke place to sew tor Needlework Guild. Dedns Third Sea"The Media Fellowship Chorus has hegun its third season with new members from Clifton Heights. Cheyney. SwartImrore and Media", said Mrs. J. Lawrence Stabler of WallingfQrd, president of the Media Fellowship and a member of the Chorus. Alice Blodgett. Supervisor of Vocal Music in the Swarthmore Public Schools. is again director of the group which numbers over 50 voices from various parts of Delaware Countv The chorus began l'ts •. rehearsals three weeks ago with th· f ful en US.laSIll· or a success yeart ahead. Although plans have no been announced for the season. it ill is anticipated that the Chorus w appear in several, public conoerts beginning this falL Memhership in the Chorus is still open and a cordial invitation to join the group is extended to and women who like to sing. Tenors are needed but all are welcome. Rehearsills are held every Monday evening at' 8:15 at the Fellowship House, 21 West Franklin street, Media. men Mr. and Mrs. V, S. Kupelian and sons Teddy and David of WSshington. D. C., formerly of Swarthmore, spent last week-end visiting Mrs. Kupelian's parents Mr. and Mrs, Paul IlL Paulson of Park avenue•• '0C'.l'0BEB 7, UQ SWAB TH MO aKA N keeplng ,with this year's Goethe·~icentennla1, a program of Goethe's lyrics will be presented at Clothier Memorial, FrIday, October 14, at 8:15 P..m. James D. Sorber. associate professor of Romance Languages and director of musical activities at Swarthmore College. will sing selectons from the German poet's works set to music by Schubert, M~toer and WolL' This Goethe concert will be the first program on the schedl1le of the William J. Cooper Foundaiion for 1949-50. In Dr. and Mrs. George p, Warren of South Chester road will drive to Princeton, N.J. tomorrow to attend the Penn-Princeton game. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Collins at Arlington, Va., spent the weekend with Mr. Collins' parents Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Collins of North Chester road. Mr. and Mrs. Wi11iam B. Bullock, Jr., ot Seaford, DeL, have re., turned home after spending a fe,!, days with Mr. Bullock's parents Mr. and. Mrs. Bullock of Cedar lane. Bruce Godfry of Vassar avenue has been pledged to PhI Gamma Delts fraternity at Wash1nlton and Lee University where he Is a member of the freshman class, Mrs.. J. W. Hollander and daughter Judith Ann of Ogden avenue have returned home after summering at Monument Beach on Cajle Cod. They were joined there the latter part of the summer by Mr. Hollander and by Preston Hollander who had been camping at Camp Chewonkl. Wiscasset, Me. "TIIY NEWS NOTES Dr. Roy F,'Nichols (If Riverview road has returned after a year ·tin f f Am . as vis! g pro essor a erlcan History and Institutions at Cambridge University. Dr. Jeanette P. Nichols joined her husband here in September after also .spending a year as visiting prof_ essor of American History at the University of Birmingham, England. Mr. and Mrs. Milton W, Briggs of Philadelphia will leav~ for Houston, Texas, Monday where Mr. Briggs will be in the French Horn section of the Houston Symphony Orchestra. Mrs. Briggs is the former Miss Sylvia Swann. daughter of Dr. and Mrs, WUliam F. G. Swann of Ogden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. H11nd. Jr•• of Riverview road entertained Mr. and Mrs. Hand, Sr.• of Plainfield, N.J., as their week-end guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johansen of Trevose were additional dinner guests Saturday evening. ORANGE CLEANERS 405 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore, Penna. NOW I Day Service (ANY ARTIVLE 150 EX'l'BA) SwEATERS - BLOUSES " 49c To Ootober 15th BEAUTIFULLY OLEANED You'll never have to make a pill-ppying trip if you have. a checking account with us. Bring in your first deposit, start an account. OCTOBIB '7, lM8 THE SWARTHMOREoAN CLASSIFIED Health Council To Meet A meeting Of the delegates to Scbmldt, dB)", COIIditJom 0.0 Fled day N. ",•• 1 the Delaware ColDlty District of It"...~be •.!'.uJil~"'" ih~'the Health and Welfare Col1l1<,II,1 'h'n" n at which representstives of PERSONAL-Young married w0man desires. to baby sit afternoons. Call Swarthmore 3237-R. pERSONAL-French lessons, individually or in groups, b;y native speaking lady. Call Swarthmore 2076. PERSONAL-If you want your trees trlnimed or removed, call Swarthmore 0574. pERSONAL-Register yOUr Small IN THE COURT OF CO_ON PLBAS OF DRLA-WARE COUN1T, PENNSYLVANIA ~~~~~::~~r 1:i~~~'~~~~ I prOximately 75 member agencies and organizations are expected to be present, will be held Tuesday ,••-.-:~""~,:::_.,,,, October 11 at 3 p.m. in the Swarth_ more Friends Meeting House. Following the business session, tea will be served at, Whittier House. account bas been filed In the Prothonotarv and will be mid Court OD October 16th. ""'-;.: e.s:ceptJOI1I are flied thereto. WILLIAM C. KNODEL. :::~~~~l~~;~~~i=!~~~:~ ~~r~' .=: To Study In France SchooL Call DIrector, Mrs. G. W. Fry now. SWllfthmore Swarthmore2806-J. N1I1'Sery Brodhead. PERSONAL-LouiSe PlckIn, Hairdresser, - Shampoo and Wave, $1.25. Permanent Wave. $6.50 up. 1309 Seva.th avenue Grace Park, Phone Swarthmore 4538. Miss Fuchs received her masters ......T PERSONAL - Electrical wirIna JUld install,atlon"residentlal and commercial. Water heaters. fBllieo, degree in French and last ltslian at ~~;';o;~~~~~::~ Bryn Mawr College June. _ A former resident of BrooldyJ~ ~~~; ~'"'=''' dishwashers. Burllar ~U':id=ters' s~~~d~on~~e=d ServIce on washers. has lived in Swarthmore, the end'o! World War II in she served as first lieutenant Ruth Fuchs of Princeton and Lafayette avenues will sail on the ..y onn' M,.. deGrasse next Tuesday for Paris. ..••r. to 'study a year at the Sorbonne. Atty.: cliiri.'· Prothonotary of tilL Vtat l'.l.d.TlNG Esq. I I ~~~~;~~~~~~i~~ cleaners, ranges, iro'llB, toasters, fans, lamps. Call Erich H. Hausen, Electrical Contractor, Swartb!Dore 285~35 Park avenue. P ERSONAL - Medical Massage for wry neck. tense nerves, oon, stipation. Spot redueing by ~€t~<: ~~~~:: I~~~;~~;~~r~~~~~~~~~~~ I Expertly aDd Reasonably DoDe Robert J. MacBride. Sheri .. the Women's Army Corps. Twenty months of her three-year service I w.t,;r-iiea'ir:"SP;;;lIlca~~~i~ ~'" were spent in the southwest Paclfic. WORK GUARANTEED Call Chester 2-3026 Before Noon ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; r PETER & TOLD All LInes Of InsaraDee . 333 Dartmouth 'Avenue Swarthmore 1833 iho De-I F. F. ZIMMERMAN Photographer LAMPS MOUNTED "OutstsndlDlf for Qual1t7" Vases - FIgurines - Pitehers Ekl. Made Into IAImps Old Lamps Remodeled Call Chester 2-3028 Before Noon OP SAMUEL C. WISDOM- Media 6-84116 8 E. Front St. . BLA'IlR JO~ .- Builtin Book CII8eII - Oabinets Starage UDits DrIveway CoaaUuclioa Asphalt or CeDorete PETER DI NICOLA . IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLRAS Phene l'Iwarihmore ZU8 Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. Member at Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation PENNSYLVANIA OF DBLAWARE COUNTY.. No. 1951) CUNNINGHAM Painters .. Pa_ IJaqers We sbonI4 know how ~~~. IIDM!..... Aft Now You can buy U. S. Savlni. Bonds automatically SwarthmOl'e jthrough the new Bond-a-Month PlaIL Aak at thU 13ank Disposal Service !!i!i.~v_": I if 9 A. IlL to 5.30 PoM. Devine Taxi Service "PRIDE"-Fresh Lean Meat For Your Pets Bnbblah CoUeoied I!I~~~~~~~~~:=:=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! JACK DIEHL Groll!1d Meat lb 21" - A1so Cubed and Cooked BegnJa.r DeUveries Swarthmore 2302-R SWARTHMORE. PA. • Mor-lll:'~~~~~~~~J~i ton, Rutledle and lUdley Township since 1918 ServIng Swarthmore, PHONE: I ,-8~warIIImore~04«~1~~I,yon~I ~~~~ .~~~J~~~~~ ~ Swarthmore 14&8 . WILLIAM BROOKS :\~;;··Ud; Ashes & mowed, Rubblsh General Removed Lawns WANTED-We will }:lUY at best prices, old china, glass, furniture, firearms. Call HollY Oak 4313 appointment. or HollY Oak All 6720business collect, for Hau1ln& 236 HardIn& Av. confidential. Colonial Cupboard" No.5. Philadelphia Pike, Wil-" 108 School St.. Morton Pa. Phone Swartbmore 111«-& Part and Full TIme Malde PaInters _ Day Wortughout the club and added • spondlng secretary of the county new accessories to brighten the • Methodtst SooIaI Ba.I1 auxiliary. occasion. The fall Rummage ~ at Trinity Church to be held on Tuesday, October 11, promises to be most successful. Sponsored by the Women's Council of the church under the Chalrmansb1p of Ethel Stilz, the sale will feature a wide and varied selection of everything under the sun from chilciren's and adult's wearables to household articles and miscellaneous knick-knacks. Acting as assistant to Miss Stllz, Mrs. William S. Patton will be directing manager of the sale. Chairman of the various tables and their assistants will include: Mrs. Clarence W. Worst, in charge of hats and shoes; Mrs. Newton Ryerson, Sweaters and skirts; children's things, Mrs. Louis Robinson and Mrs. J. B. West; books, Mrs .. Parkman A. Wilcox;furniture and miscelianeous, Mrs. Scott B. Lilly and Mrs. George C. Wagner; white elephants, Mrs. Alden Q. Davis. Mrs. Joseph Reynolds will run a Snack Bar to serve light lunches for the many ladies of the church who will be working on Tuesday in preparation for the sale. The doors will open promptly ·at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon and the sale will continue until 9:30 in the evening, As in past years, the men of the church will be on hand during the evening to help handle the crowds. ;' , TO SPEAK IIFBE SUNDAY Council although feeUng It had Wo men Entertain . been amply lnfonned ()Il both aides At Annual Tea The Swarthmore Branch of the of the question decided not to setWomen's International League is to have the unusual ~pportuDity of meeting Dr. S"fJllJla Nayyar, personal pbyslcian to Gandhi for IIlIlDY years. She Is to be entertained at a tea at the home of ============. • J!: 0;:;' an-', -. .- . TBIi: 2 T'B E S W A·K T Ii MO • • a. N SWA'BTBMOBIIAN I , BJB'l'HS are the p-andparents or the new recently entertained at a dlnner Rochelle, N. Y.· . . . • . babY. PERSONALS party for 10 at their home on Miss Argyle was graduated from Mr and Mra. James P. Bowditdb. ebur7 Middlebury shCollege, Middl Mr.PI.and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Harvard avenue. -her a f, of ~en~d.Y, N. Y., are re- Lt. and Mrs. "'~ ~••~ O. Bennett Mr and Mrs. Paul B. Banks or Vt., w, here Jr., of Lafayette avenue w ill enKa e was G a m She is cei'~M~ ..... congratulation upon the or New London, Conn., IIDDOUIICe tertain at a neighborhood party 'Harv~ avenue entertai\led at a Kappa ppa aroma Id Be- birth or a son, Jameli J'ennlngt.on the hirth of a 800, John BowdItch . from 4 to 6 on Saturday atter- small supper party Sunday even- with the American Cya~am Bowditch, Jr., on September 18. Bennett, on October 8. ':'oon, October 22, to meet Mr. ing in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Bald- search Laboratories, Stamford, Mr•. and 'Mrs. W. JL Nuon or The baby Is named tor his maand Mrs. Robert Baird Clothler win L. Keyes of Philadelphia. Conn. Lerew was graduated·from Comell avenue, and Mr and. Mrs. temal grandfather Mr. John 1BoW_ recently moved from Claymont, Dr. and Mrs. V. T. Lathbury of :,:r·u . 'ty with honOrs He Jobn Bowditch, Jr, or Cedar lane ditch, Jr. or Cedar lane. Del., to their newly purchased Walnut 'lane entertained as their Y ~ DlVersl • ek d guest Miss ~t recelved his Bachelor of EngIneerH--n---HHHMHMH ....t='= ....Ht""w .. e bster BartholLewis ow 0f MilltParnsh roa ,. 15 one 0 ~ • Duk' U' 'ty h were GreenWlch. Conn., and attend the ford, N.J., Thomas A. • Jr•• 0 at tly. e mdverdSl • w °ors ·wedding of Miss Joan Petersen Malvern, Guy Bates of Drexel Hlll, : las h recen awar e c s on . . '1.__ . • f u· and Mr. Theodore Walworth on and Gordon Steele of Chero""". Paul D. Williams, Jr.. 0 m- Saturday. Iowa. versity place. has transferred from The bride's mother wore a.gown Wm'iams College, Mass., to the ' of aoyal blue crepe with feathENGAGEMENTS Wharton School, University of . ered hat. of American iBeauty Pennsylvania. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bernard shade. Her corsage was of or- . Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath of Union avenue announce the en- chids. The mother of the brideof Benjanlin West avenue. Mr. and gagement of their daughter Dorochose. a gown of eggplant Mrs. W. Sproul Lewis of G""dY-thy Louise, and Roberi Heberion crepe with hat of rose taupe. Her ville. and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Butler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fran- corsage was of orchids. White of Bowling Green. formerly cis Butler of South Chester road. Following ./a wedding trip the of Swarthmore, spent the weekMiss Bernard is a graduate of couple will live in Mt. Airy. end enjoying golf at the Seaview Swarthmore High School. -;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;;;;:;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;:;:;;;;;;.1 Country Club. N.J. ' Mr. Butler is a graduate of HIgh r FOR . Mr. and Mrs. Roberi Sheppard School and Pennsylvanla Mllltary of Vassar avenue have returned College. He Is now with General MAGAZINE home following a two-week auto- Motors Corporation of Wilmington. SUBSCRIPl'IONS mobile trip through the New Eng" Del. Mrs- lJoyd E. KauffmM land States. No wedding date has been set. . Swarthmore _ Mr. and Mrs. Graeme G. Wbytlaw of Cornell avenue spent last Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam Roba-tson week visiting their son and daugh- Argyle of Scarsdale. !N. Y. formerly ter-in-Iaw Mr. and Mrs. Graeme of Swarthmore. announce the en_ G. Wbytlaw, Jr., of Torrington, gagement of their daughter. MIss . Conn. While there they were Ann Mtim Argyll), to Mr. John AIR CONDlTJONBD guests of honor at a family din- William Lerew, Jr., son of Mr. and ner in celebration of their twenty- Mrs. John WiDiam Lerew, of New Friday and Saturday Never before has the screen fifth Dr.wedding and Mrs.anniversary. John R. Bates .and entertained with such boldriess!· . children SallY and Johnny of North Chester road will spend the '~OME OF THEBKAVJr' w~ek-en(i at Skytop in the PocoAir Conditioned nos. . OK Kiddie Show! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Barron Friday and Saturday Sat. Mat. 1:15 Richard. WlcImark. "WESTERN 1JNJON" LInda Darnell 7 Cartoons "SLArI'ERY'S IIUBBITHE SWARTHMORE CANE" ·"JAlIIES BROS. OF MISSOUBl" NO.3" Feature Time Players Club S.qurday Night Only Regular Feature Not Shown. 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. Presents Sunday Only! Sat. Matinee - 1 P.M. Children's Special MatineeAfrica's Wildest Secretsl Bed Ryder and uWe Beaver The Bees and the "SAVAGE 8PLENDOB." in technic<>lm:1 • In "LONE TEXAS BANGO" Flowers Added: Patrtda·1Me Serial - cartoons - Comed,y. ''BODYG1!AJU)''=. ~_ by Kolmer and Man""eimer Monday and T11esd ay Mon.. Tues.. and Wed. Verdi'. ''LA TRAVIATA" (The Lost One) Alan L..dd - Betb' FIe14 . Last Two Nights Narrated in English rum Swaribmore, Pa. WESTERN UNION OFFICE , Call Swarthmore 0476 Ii Chester Road Coming Next WeeK THE ORIGINAL REXALL 1c SALE F--;;;i;;--------., College Theatre SATUB.DAY, omDBBB. III Curtain Time 8:20 P.M. . Starting Thursday "l'I"8 ·A GR.AT I'IIBUNG" (As A4verilse4 III LIfe, IAok, I!.MurIIJII' EvenJq Poal) WEDNESDAY. TllURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY III C~111'1~1 . ..'S COJ.J.EGE PHARMACY ON TIJE CORNER Starting 'lbursday , Lalett&Y_ Cd h ...... '"OOMB'TO ~ TO BE RICH _A_- cP~"'5"l1 &- Coml!~!2IY- Church Services TtiE OLIVER H. BAIReo. MEDIA Wednesday Only Jeane ()rain In Oscar WU4e'II '"1'BB FAN" NO NEED • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRIDAY, 00l'0BEB. 111 ...., Thayer To Vie With Indian Smnmer groom • --, _____ ---... ---... --- --, ---- A TRADE NAME ::':'e!: • H. Schultz, W. Crafts, C. W. Demp. The SI!COnd meetlnc with Hale IWI, C. H. Grier and J. O. Steph- Sutherland on the Meeting for THE 'SWARTHMOREAN . UlGION AlJXILl&B.Y ens. Worship· has been· moved up to PlIIILI8I11:D avol' FUDAY AT 8WAaTBIIOU, PA The Church Nursery for c:hJl-5:30 as the first Frank Aydelotte THE 8WAaTBIIOUAN. INC.. P1lIILI8Im& RUMMAGE SALE PbolleS......... _ dren Is open during the mornlng Lecture Is to be i\ven by Ordway WeclDeIda,., October letb service. Mrs. Alton P. SmIth and Tead on "Higher Education and PE'lEK E. TOLD, B41tor Mrs. Charles L. Hughey will be the Philosophy of LIfe" at 8:15 In 7:30 to 9:00 P.M. MARJORIE TOLD, A.DeIaIe E4lte in charge. the Meeting HouSe. RosalIe Pelrsol Lorene McCarter Pat Told ThIll'Sda)'. 0c&0IJer IGtb The Delaware County MethodIst The Swarthmore Community Entered as Second Class I4atter, January :14, ItI29. at the Poet 8:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. M)nister1um will meet in the Christian Youth Fellowship will Office at Swarthmore. P •., under the Act or I4arch 3. 1878. church. on Monday at 10:30. Dr. continue to meet in the Friends For Welfare IUId. IfAI8pIW DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY' NOON ClarenCe T. Craig. the new dean Meeting House during October and Work of Drew Theological. Seminary will November at 6:30 p.m. ' 8WARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBEa 14, 18" the speaker. ___~___~-= ....!.!!=~===~==~==~~~I ~!"'!!!!!"'!!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!-'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ beThe all-day Advance IfDr ChrIst Presbyterian Church Notes ted at thls meeting. meeting sponsored by ,the bishops --~ ......-., ...... . The Girl Scouts meet on Mon~ of the church will be held on Wedsunday mOmlDg· at the 11 at 3:30 o'clock and the Boy Scouts nesday. at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. In o'clock. service Mr. iBIs?0p's ser- mdet on 'l'bursday evening at 7:30 ~e Arch Street Church, concludmon will be "Real Livlng Takes o'clock. mg with a great evening Mass TUne.". . Ii. ·The Junior Choir tor young Mee~ In the. Academy of MuThe Pr~. Jumor, Junlor- people of the 4th, 5th. and 6th ale. Bishops Rains and Short will High and Senior DePartments. or grades meets for rehearsal on be the speakers. . .. the' Church School meet at 9.45 Thursday atternoons at 3:30. Rellearsal tor the Jumor· ~1I' You dOD't have to be wealthy to own Oriental rUls. It'll just like o'clock on Sunday. The Nursery o'clOCk. The Chapel Choir meets lS on Thursday evening at ~.30 and BegInner's Departments meet f or rehears als OD",-..cy Th.. buying anything .. he that eoslt ",200 . even- and tor the Senior Choir at 7.45. or $300-except that you don"t have at 11 o'clock. ing at 7'45 o'clock. to replste it arter 10 yean. The Women's Bible Class m~ts The following Clrclel; of the Trinity Notes • at 9:30 o'clock Sunday momlDg. Woman's Association meet on Holy Communion will be celeMrs. Donald L. Hibbard ~ the Wednesday, October 19: brated at 8 a. m. All departments leader of this group. Mr. iBishop Circle 3 Mrs William H. Gehr- ot the Church School will meet will continue his discussion on ing cha~ ~t 11 o'clock at the at 0'45 a. m. The annual SEll'the subject of "Great Beliefs" thls ho';'e of Mrs. Donald W. Poole, vice' of Harvest Festival will be 100 Park Ave .• Swarthmore, PI. week. 415 North Swarthmore avenue. held at 11 a.m.. Swarthmore 0730 or 0529--Clearbrook 4646 The Men's Bible Class will of- Members are asked to please bring Evening prayer will be held, at ~ Choice PerslCln Rugs for SClle _ _........_ ...... ficlally open its, meetings this Sun- sandwiches. 6:30 p. m. by the Canterbury Club. day at 9:45 0 clock. The study Circle 4, Mrs. Cliftord iBanta, Miss Susan Cobbs Dean of Women, mater~ for this first ~ of ,the chairnlan. at the home or Mrs. Swarthmore College. will address • year will be the hook 'God Has George P. Warren, 327 South Ches- the group and lead the discussion. ter Road at 10:30 o·clocIt. Mrs. The Young 'People's Fellowship Spoken." The Young Adult's Group meets Fred L9ng will be the co-hostes:.. will meet at 6:30 p. m. with other at 6 o'clock Sunday evening Members are aaked to please bring FelloWShips in the community. The ,Christian Youth Fellowship, sandwiches. ' Choir School meets on' Monday \ a community-wide fellowship for CIrcle 7, Mrs. Harold C. Scott, and WE'dnesday at 4 p. In. all 10th. 11th and 12th grade young 'chairman, at the home of Mrs. The first dinner meeting or the people meets Sunday evening at Cisrence Lougllead; road, Men's Club this season will be 1WS company was founded ~ 6:~0 o'C(I.ock at ,l;he Fri~d'S Meet- at 10:30 o·clock. Members are held on Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Jng House. Officers will be elec- asked to please bring sandwiches. the church. The gueSt speaker 1878 by orlVer H. Balr. h is still Mrs. Stuart Smith will be in charge will be Glen C. H. Perry, AssIsIIIGIICIged and directed by memof the afternoon program. tant Head of Public Relations, E. Circle 5, Mrs. Donald P. Jolies, I. du Pont de Nemours. bers of his immediate family. chairman. at 10 a. m. at the home The Feast of st. Luke will be SWARTHMORE or .Mrs. Peter E. Told, 322 Park observed on Tuesday with a 001PRESBYl'ERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P. BImop. MinI8tw avenue, for sewing. Mrs. David ebration of Holy Communion at Sanda,.. Ootober 16 Wisdom will be co-hostess. Pro- 10 a.m. 9:30 A.M.-Women·s Bible Clais gram in the afternoon. Members Choir rehearsal ~ be held on 9:45 A.M. Primary, Junior. are asked to pleaae bring sand- Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Junior-High and Senior DeThe congregation Is invited to _KrOllS 0' fUNDAlS partments or the Church wiches. Circle 8, Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby. witness the televising of the conScqooL 1820 CHESTNUT STREET 9:45 A.M.-Men·s Bible Class chairman, at 10:30 o·cIoclt at the secration ot the Rev. J. Gillespie 11:00 A.M.-Sermon - "Real Liv- home of Mr.. R. Chester Spencer, Armstrong as .Blshop Suffragan of MARY A. lAIR. 'roold..., Ing Takes Time." 330 Swarthmore avenue. Mrs. Rusthe DIQcese of Pennsylvania on 6:00 P.M.-:Young Adult's Group sell Snyder will be co-hostess. Friday. October 28 at 10 a. m. 6:30 P.M~Youth Fellowship lIlonda,., Oetober 17 Membera are aaked to pll!ll8e bring Television will be installed in the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::::;::::::~ 3:30 P .M.-Girl Scouts sandwiches. church through the courtesy of Tharsda,.. Oetober Z8 Circles U. 10 and 11 will hold a R.C.A. for this special telecast. The 7:30 P.M.-Boy Scouts. Troop 2 combined meeting at 6:30 o'clock public Is cordially Invited. for a covered dish supper. Dr. Raymon Kistler. President of Christian Scimree Notes Beaver College will speak on "Wo"Doctrine Of Atonement" Is the men Building a New World." subject of the Lesson-Sermon In The Session will meet on FrI- all Church~ of ChrIst. Scientist, on day evening, October 21. at 8 Sunday. October 16. The Golden o'clock in the pastor·s· Study. Text is: All things are of GOO, who Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Michehath reconciled us to himself by TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderaon, Recto<' ner, Jr. at the Harvard avenue Jesus- Christ. and hilth given. to Sunday, Ootober 16 entrance and Mr. and Mrs. R.J. us the ministry of reconciliation. . 8:00 A.M:-Holy Communilln. Littlefield at the driveway-Iran(2 Cor. 5:18) 9:45 A.M.-Church School sept entrance will assist Mr. B~11:00 A.M. - Harvest Festival. op in greeting the .:ongregation Friends Meeting Notes The Rector will preach. 5:30 P.M.-Canterbury Club. after the service Sunday mornIng. The Adult Forum contim.tes this 6:30 P.M.-Young People's FelThe following persons were re- week with Dr. Leonard Isenbud, of lowship. Tnesda,. (SL Luke), October 18 ceived, 'into the fellowship Of this the Bartol Research Foundation Church on World-Wide Commun- leading the dlscwsion on the Na10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion ion Sunday, October 2: Mr. and lure of the Universe. Mrs. A. H. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ _ _ THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Harold Cobb, Jr.• Mr. Edward L. OF FRIENDS Sunday, Oetober 16 Conwell. Mr. and Mrs. Dale 9:45 A.M.-First Day School . Guthrie. MIss Phyllis Guthrie and 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. DlScussion Leader: Dr. Leonard Donald Guthrie. Mr. and Mrs. Isenbud on the Nature of the Morris L. Potts and Mr•.Willlam Universe. . Potts. Dr. and Mrs. Willism E. ·11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Wor~p. Reaser. Dr• .Robert F. Pfeifer. Mrs. HE BOARDWALK Children cared for in Whit• Check with recent purchasers of new Stud.. Corwin Schute. Mrs. MYra E. Sn:y.AILA'II'IC CI" tier House. hrist baker IIvcks. They can show you proof that 6:30 P.M..-Community C - der and .Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. 0""0& .. ' .... delightful • ..--, Studebaker IIvck power Is 'ClmClzlngly ecoian Youth Fellowship in the Zecker. weather for a last few days·nomical. W_....reslsting craftsmanship Meeting House. .tacqueline Dienna and Peter lIlonilaJ', Ootober 17 . relaxation before winter in ,keeps these IIvek. from taking enforced Williams Dlenna children of Mr. All day sewing for the AmerlC~ the salt sea oir. Sun decks and Mrs. Jack Dienna of DreXel "Clcatlons In the service shop. Friends Service Committee-ill and solorio, lounges. game Hill were baptized on Sunday morWhittier House. All welcome. • AmerlcCl's truck buyen like thClt kind of room, planned eveni.ng enterWednesday. October 18. . ning at the church service. economY-Clnd that's why they're swing9:30 to 3:3o-sewing and q~lting tainment. delicious meals in for the American. Frlen~ ing over to Studebaker trucks In a bill way. two beautiful dining rooms. Methoc&t Notes Service Committee-lD WhitHot and cold oceon water ill tier House. All welcome. • Stop in and find out what Stud.baker IIveks The Sunday School meets at ..II baths. could do for you-In dependable perform9:45. ClpS_ are ,proVided f« FIlIST CHUBCH OF children or all ages and tor adults. ance and substantial savings. ~J&i::tJfi The Young Adults meet at 10 Park Avenue beloberW~ o'clock in the Ladles' Parlors; 8anda,., Octo ~""ooL The ser'nton topic at the 11 11:00 A.M.-.sundaY .,.... 8enDOn o'clock service is "Some HelpI to 11:00.A.M. - Leason .. ''Doctrine of Atonement. PraYer". . Wednesday evenIng meetlnlJ The Community Youth Fellow... FAIRy"" BOA. . Mch week, 8 p~R = ship meets at 6:30 in the FrlI!IlCis. NOT JUST The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON I '......._ .....'5.' Plenty of low-cost Power! Ruggedness that·ama!.! STUDEBAKER TRUCKS PAY OFF IN SAVINGS -=-_ FUSCO Be ALSTON r: =':it :5P. m. Wednlldq M"IItinC House. ere W. - I n . . ., te ':50 p.m. and II tD 'lbe ushen tor the dIQ' ..... ST'·'" / . r--..a. . THB • • College Moke. Pose .. Holds Open House Ibe The Sponsor', Committee Oflder ()pen Bouse Group for 0 Swarthmoreans,' which was orgsnlzed last March under tha guidance of George Bowen, Philadelpllia Recreation Association, met October 3 at the home pf Mrs. Harold March, Elm avenue, to complete plana for the pr eo ent ~~ during the month of OeMrs•. March will again serve as leader of the program, helpers being appointed by tM hostesses. Tbe Committee starts the year financlalJy with contributions voluntar1iy given last season by ·members of the Group and intereBtecl frienda. Tbe first Open House was held on Monday, October 10, two to four in the afternoon at the Methodist Church with Mrs. Pitman and Mrs. otto Kraus servas hostesses. Swarthmore College, Bryn Mawr imd Haverford made the &turday Evening Post last week (October 8 issue) with the pubUcation of Robert M. Yoder's article "Station Wagon College." The article, beautifully .il1ustrated with com pictures, describes tha results of the three colleges' eJ8htyear experiment In sharing pro- season. fessors and facIlitieB in an effort Those present were Mrs. John to meet the sma11 college prob- H. Pitman, Allce Lukens, Mrs. lem of not enough teschers and Roger Bussell, Florence Magllton, not enough courses. Mrs. Gordon Clark, Mrs. Lloyd "All hands seem agreed that Kauffman, and Rosamund Jones. the Philadelphia coalltlon is workOrganizations of the CODUD'mlty Ind trial High .......... '--'ud th US way ~..--,"g ted ing fine," Mr. Yoder says. "The represen ...... e e ~eaGeorge L. Alston of North Chesthree colleges have found that lion AssocIation, Woman's Club, ad' g al -,,-,--- of they can cooperate while dis- Presbyterian Church, Strath"'" ro IS ener ........ ~ b committee of. arrangementa for agreeing haPPI17 .on many a point. H aven Inn, JUDior -.. oman'C1 s u, Indthe What they have done ·over the Methodist Churc;h, and commun- fo~al openmg of the New U3last three years is to form a loose, ity~at-1arge. Committee members trial Highway which will take easy fitting federation without repnsenting other organizations place at 4.30 p.m., Friday, October giving up a· nickel's wnrth of interested in this project were un- 14, at the Eddystone Avenue Bridge autonomy or character." able to be present at this meeting. as part of Delaware County's obThe presidenta of the three Mrs. March was re elected servance of Pennsylvania Week colleges, John Nason of Swarth- chairman with Miss Jones """_ October 17-24. more, Katharine McBride of Bryn retry-treasurer replacing Miss The Chamber of Commerce of Mawr and Gllbert White of Haver- Magllton who was unable to the City of Chester and Delaware ford are pleaaed with the scheme,. serve as officer this year. County is jointly sponsoring the according to Mr. Yoder, who co~Some of the problems consider- event with the Committee for the menta: ed involved transportation need- Industrial Highway. A dinner at ''Plans by which everyone ga1na ed for various members of the the Masonic Temple in Chester will and nobody loses· are rare; this Group,· suitable meeting places, follow the commemoration of 'the seems to· be one of them. No one leadership, hostesses and helpers completion of the Industrial Highhas put dollar-and-cents values fOr meetings, and fiItancing. way to Chester, at 6.30 o'clock. on the collaboration, but obviously Places for meeting were offered, Other Swarthmoreans aerving on each college has more in the way and it was decided to hold the the committee 'besides William F. of inBtruction and equipment than Open House which comes every Delehanty, secretarY, are WlJJiam • it bad alone." two weeks, in the Methodist I Craemer and David W. R. Morgan. help make good neighbors u__ On party-line t./ephon ••, too, courte.y i. the mark of. good neighbor! For example, when you pick up the telepho"'! and find ~ line in use, do you give the other pe1'BOn a few mmutes to finish the call hefore trying again? It'. the courteous thing to do ..• and your courtesy will he returned! It's courteous, too, when you are talking on the telephone and reelize toot your neighbor i. waiting to make a ...u, to Iumg up in a few minutes and free the line. When everybody .howe th_ little courtesiee, everyone heuelitol The Rell Te·lephone Company ef .Pennsylvanla • 'ft_ Here are the NEW PTC FARES which become Effective 3 A. M., Tuesday, October 18 . ;\ NEW FARIS PRESENT .AIES KIND OF TRI.. .. • Iw_ehlcle trip within tjle City, regan/Ie•• of ldnd of vehicle. Uled. REMARKS , .o. 10. 12~ctok. . 12~ctoke.. erlac .. ISc S_trlp.IOe Others 12Y.ac tole... More~n-two-vehl.le trip within the City. reganlI..a of kind of vehl.ie •• .. 13c S.me .a abo". 7Y.acerlOe School trip within the CIty at reduced fare. Subulban trip, ...h I:on. (excepting Ro.... 84 .ntI .,. Langhorne DI~I"on of Route B). • r. Machan. . -. • A.k for a "TRANSFER" at time fare I. paid. Tran.fer will be I•• ued on payment of a 3li\oc token hi addltloa 10· the I Dc ca.h fare. (If token la not used, the transfer charge will be 5c.) IYletolcen . plualOe lSe A.k for an 7Y.ac. or 10. No chonge Ie - Nacha .... • "EXCHANGE~' • at lime I5c fare la paid. Suburban I:one fare on Route 84 and Langhorne Dlvilion of Route 8 remolna unchanged. 12Y.ac lok.n or 13e. l THE,NEW PTC fare structure prescribed by the Penn.ylnni. J. Public Utility Commission retains the present fare charges for dngle-vehicle trips within the City but eliminates free transfers acept in connection with reduced rau. for ICbool farea, wbicb remain unchanged. , , The COSh of providing transit service in Pbiladelpbia bawe greatly exceeded the income of the transit system 10 far this year The additional revenue from the new fares i, urgently needed to put the Philadelphia Tra·nsponation Company in • posiaon wber.. Ie can continue to give Its riders good·transit service. ThiI is the first lime that • fare structure, with cbarges tOI In Summary: • 'rr0...make any two-vehlde rIeIe, plea.. a.k a fer. token plu. IDe ca.h. • '0 make ride ov.r more 'than two v.hld••, ....ase tor Fare-3Y~e a Ing. that ...qul.... pre..nt multlpl.-rlde r0ut- ask .... an IxdIW,... fare-lie cash. transfers. bas been prescribed in Philadelphia. PTC will do every· thing in its power to make tbe transition from the old fare scbedale ,moothly and with the least possible incoovenience to patrons. We do. however, ask your patience. PTe employes bave been thorougt.ly instructed in the details of the new fare structure. They will cooperate iii answering questions and in explaining The Pl!IlIlB1lvania Horticultural Society will hold ita annual Chrys- anthemum .Show in the Swarthmore Field, House, Friday, Saturday and S~day, ~ovember 4, 5 and 6. Opening to the public at 2 p.m. - Friday, the show will remain open until 9 p. m. Friday and Saturday evenings, and on Sunday from 12 noon to 5 p. m. Ther~ will be large displays of greenhOUBe grown Ohr,yBanthemums and hundreds of cut blooms as well as all klnda of hardy, outdoor grown Chrysanthemums, fruits, vegetables, roses and carnations. A large collection of shrubs with bright berries of all colors will be exhibIted by the Scott Foundation and the Morris Arboretum. A variety of flower arrangements and fall supper tables may be seen in the artistic classes. ExhIbits of nurseries, seed hous- 100 AT PEO TEA Members of the Swarthmore Members of Chapter P, SwarthBusiness AssociQtion which spon- more, of the PEO Sloterl:Iood, held sors· ·numerous community affairs a tea for more than 100 lIIests at such as the approacblng annual the home Of MrS. Prank G. KAleHallowe'en parade are now dls- nen of l{arvard avenue on Friday playing red, white and ilIue paint- afternoon. ed aluminum identification plaRepresentatives frOm eight other queo. chapters in the Philadelphia area, Year plates are changeable so three from chapters in WlJmlngthe plaquesC8D be kept up-to-date ton, DeL and guests of 1oca1 memeach year. bers attepded. IIi addition to proclaiming the Mn!. Louise Sears of Park avbusiness' membership in the en.ue, charter member and fira1: AssocIation, when displayed the president of Chapter P, was Illest plaque announces to solicitors of honor at the tqa. • Mrs. Sears "No subscription, donation, adver- celebrated her seventy-fifth blrthtisem~t or other contribution day anniversary during the sumwill be considered· by us until mer and has been a member of you have registered all facts re- PEO for 35 years. Before coming garding your proposition at the to Swarthmore, ahe beionged to a SWARTHMORE BUSINESS AS- a chapter in Omaho, Nebr., and SOCIATION, and it has been was active in helping to establish found not to conflict with the the PEO home in Nebraska. Mrs. principles adopted by the ABsocia- Sears is one of three members of tion." , h e r family who helong to PEO, the Headquarters for the AssocIa- others being her daughter, Mrs. tion hetween monthly meetings Steven Spencer of Ogden avenue, which ara held at the Strath Ha- and her sister, Emma 'Boesche of ven Inn are at the Bouquet Park avenue. Beauty Salon, 9 South Chester Mrs. Keenen, chairman of the men of the community are c0rThe recent Anti-Trust contro- dially invited. R .inationa ahoIIl4 versy between the United States be made at the ParIIh hoUle. G.wernment and the E. I. du Pont de Nemourli Comp~ wID be dlJcussed at the first fall meeting of Marge aDd Dot the Men'. Club at TrInity Church Casserole Calerlnc on Monday at 6:30 p. m. Glen Service .C. H. Perry, AssIstant Head of SPECIALIZING IN the 'Department of Public BeIations of the du Pont Company will Luob....... · be the speaker. Mr. Perry was Buffet 8 _ Cloak1aII Paril_ a fonner Washington correspondent for the New York Sun and Call covered both political conventions .Dot Belfield - Swa. 187. Marie Hurd - Swa. 1111 in 1940 and 1944. He also campaigned with Wilkie. Tbe Trinity Club To Meet DEW DROP INN· Snalr/••, - £aacll - Dina... Closed Every Sunday Open 7 A. M, to 8 p. }L Monday Thru Saturday OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE DAILY DINNEIIS .Se: 10 fLe. Special ChUd,e.'. Platt.n es and florists add to ·the beauty of road, in care of Robert Honey- committee in charge of arrange-I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ menta, Was assisted by Mrs. George I; the Philadelphia area. Hires, of Media and Mrs. B. F. Judges for specimen classeB.are: Madeleine Carroll To Schwalm of Nnrth Chester road. James Jack, Rye, N.Y.;· WUliam Members df the chapter served as Kastberg, Port Chester, N. Y.; WllAppear At College hostess and officers, including Mrs. liam Sealey, East Port Chester, Elliott Powers, vice-president; Conn.; Allan T. Wicks, H,,!,tingdon Madeleine- Carroll, noteil stage Mrs. Guy de Furia, recording secValley; Frederick H. Moore, Hav- and screen actress, will appear at retar,.; Mrs. Jack Thompson, corerford; William G. Davia, Chester the Swarthmore Friends Meeting responding secretary; Mrs. George .springs; John Tonkln, Chesnut House Tueaday, October 18, to Karns, treasurer; Mrs. William B. Hill; John W. L. Gatenby, Bryn show a mo'vie and deliver a talk Pugh jr., chaplain; Mrs. Charles Mawr; George Pocock, Strafford. on a French school in which ahe W. Card. guan!, and Mrs. Paul l"1ilwer arrangements and tables is interested. Fetzer, past president, !(>OUl'ed . will he ludged by Mrs. Laurence N. Miss Carroll'l! lecture, brought The tea table was decorated in Wilson, South Orange, N. J.; Mrs. to Swarthmore under the au- yellow and white; PEO colors. F. F. Men'iam, Mountain Lakes, $plces of the c.)llege Utile Flower arrangements were arrlald Wave N. J.; :.Irs. William A. Bridges and Theatre Club, in cooperation with ranged by Mrs. Schwalm. Mrs. Arthur Shipley, Towson, Md.; the·· American Frienda Service Mrs. John N. Aitken, Chesinut HiJ1, Committee, 'is scheduled for 4:30 , . Philadelphia and Edna S. Pennell, p.m. It follows a tea to be given "I saw' it in tbe Swarthmorean.'t Lansdowne. in honor of the actress in WhitHarold Graham is chairman of tier HOuse at 4 p.m. Mormation and AppOintments ANTONICA FAIRBANKS the Show, assisted by Mr. Harry The Hollywood and Broadway Wood and Ann Wertsner Wood star is maJring several'other apwho have charge of 'the staging. pearanees in the Philadelphia area I eve~ings 234 Park Avenue Other members of the rommlttee during the run of the play "Good .SWarthmore 17754· are: Mrs. E. Page A1Ijnson, Mrs. Bye, My FancY," in which abe· is Artbur H. Scott, ·Char1es· Becker, featured. Jr., Eleanor W. David, Mrs. Pack- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ard Laird, Alexander' MacLeod, Wayne W. Radcliffe. Mrs John s": Carson and Mrs. William W. Battles, Newton Square, will serve hostesses for the Society. this great spectacle, the largest in fo~d, secretary. Saxer and LeHann One Block oft Baitimore Pike Springfield, Pa. , BJlflclall., %01. $7.50 and Up as .," .. ••• A~ry To Hold Sale A ·Rnmmage SaJe is to be plan- ned at the monthly meeting of the Legion Auxiliary, to be held at the hottie of Mrs. iHerbert T. Bassett, 500 North Chester road, Monday, October 17. Every member who can keep this date, is asked to be present . The Rummage. Sale is scheduled for October 19 and 20. All articles to be donated, will be cOllected, if desired, upon telephoning Swarthmore 2315 or 02,92. Swarthmore friends are urged to aid the Auxiliary by donations of hOWlebold goods or clothing. This help will mean more extensive work in Welfare and Hospital branches. ., . "'~ '< < -~ .~. " the various cbanges. M&W YORItER «.DOOR SEDAN PTC will welcome the opportunity to make prompt adjustment in . tny case in whicb .. passenger, through his own misunderstanding ~. or ours. bas been overcbarged. Such -incidenh should be reponed !O the Company at its offices. 1405 Locust, St.. Philadelphia Z. • Fare. for lingle-vehicle ride. within the City retrlaln unchanged. • rho 3 Vac token (3 for IDe) will not be good for pay_nt of fa.... It may be used only for obtaining a transfer. ticket at , e IDe cash fare I. paid. • FuI detala. of the new fare structure wUl be found In avalabl. on aU PIC v.hlde•• I'.. fakI." , PHILADELPHIA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY '. 1949 MUM SHOW AT COLLEGE SHOW NEW SBA. SIGNS Phone Swarthmore 9797 , - SI...I.-vehld. trip within .... CIty en ......eca, traelde•• trolley••ubway..levafeII ....U..ul..1iIute bualla.. , . rasular Slagle-vehlde trip within the CIty buallri... I THE SWARTBMOB8AN SWABTBMO • • A¥ To Give Book Review Mrs. 'Paul 'Towner will give a book review Saturday, October 22 at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. P. D. Windell, 800 westdB1e avenue who is chairman of Circle No. 3 of the WS.C.s. of the Methodist Church. Dilworth To Speak Here Richerdscn Dilworth, candidate - Jlouse Itse.U .uac1 Q ~ J.arK~ DUallJer 01 liUl tJower d.ecuJ,"itlJ.owana me 5UDQUed 1J&ntmg. was YeLlOW, green ana. wnne er- .LeCLlVeJY carried C?~t Wltn yellow autumn yeuow mru:J.gOlas, g.-een yellow ana WDlte naplWlS canw~, .Luurs an oJ OWl ii. stilpatioDI._. tauJe. Bxpert17 and BMeenably Done WORK GUARANTEED Call Chester 2-3026 Before Noon -~~~~~~,,~~~i!!:~~ ~aC1ousness 01 gewa.t.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, lUllS lavored \l10tie present WIW ~tiveriU plquam. VOCaJ, renctitloDS. LVlrs. 'WaJ,ler J.". MOlr, pCe3u:tent; oLVU:;. M.;;;B'rt'le. _L~~'[~~O ..... IuUIPS.MO:I!NTED VUes -FIcurlne. • Pitchers Ete. Made lAIIDpo . :OldLamP& Remodeled . Call <:hester 2-3026 '.. " ,: , : : Before Noon ·In.., l\.J.CllarU .uuon, Vlce-pres.l- nent; J.Virs. J:nomas J. J:'J'ater, re- corcung -secretary were In In;e recBlvmg lUle. iUSlljImg =5. JOlIn were Mr.. '~'Ileodore '1'urne1i, Mrs. ..,;,jmunn J ones, Mrs. J..eHoy l'eterson, and Mrs. Jonan .NatvIg. All LInes Of lDsuraDCe SIIerl. 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarihmore 1833 M. ~~'; F. F. ZIMMERMAN StaDwud Photographer "Outstanding for Quality" Media 6-11438 8 ,:. Pront St. prices, ~'o~;'Oak ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J:i • .M.earlter, C118J.l"man 01 tlle tea PE'l'ER 1:0 TOLD SHEalFF SALES or Real FAtate SHBRIFfo"S OFFICE COURT HOUS&. MEDIA, PA• Frida,. October II. 10&1 me aJ.l'eaay _s.· .tobert tiOp- to "lJIlospllere. -~iio~i· IT·IO-T . ~"DrlY.Way .Constructlon I wn T TAM C. KNODEL. I'I'otbonotaq' for appointment. . All business confidential. Colonial Cupboard, IT·ll". Del. . , . 5, PhIladelphia Pike, Wil- BLA:1IR JON,Q; ;~~~~~~~~~~~ Bunt In . Book Cues • Cabinet. Storage UnlfB CABPENTRY REPAIRS S~ore 1291 328 Hawarden Rd. Springfield, Pa. ABpbalt or Concrete . PETERDI NICOLA j Mrs. Jo'toyd bennett 01 l:>an Diego. <:aJ.if., 1Io1'lIll!1'ly of ..swarthmore, visited Mr. and. Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., of Cedar lane fOr a few days while on an extended tour by automobile tbJrmtg!J, I ~th_e_e_ast __an_d_S_O_U_th_._ _ _ _ __ c.;01. aru1 .:" ," .. ·r • Phone SwarthIllore '51~ SALE - Quality gas range, . excellent condition. Phone 0948-W. SIJlce.1!105 '1.!¥1~~M~orton l'lI. Ai 1044.R Full TIme Maid" PATTERSON Wm. T. Fa_n. DIrector m.hteea Yean Es:per:ien"" PHONE MEDIA 1588 -FUNBB.AL BOMB A Price to Meet E ... , CUNNINGHAM PaIn.....· .. ··Paper BaDpn We JIIonl4 bow how SWli.lIz86 Mlcbqan Ave hllnten • 9 A.M. to 12 ~n'"'~. 1~~~:~==~~~~N~e~ed~~~~II!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A. Mercer Quinby . .. . Swrrtb:lnilr~" '. If a fuse JUST ONE when you ~plug 'in appliance ••• .6etter "ave your HOUSE WIRING c"eclcedl _.ed (}f«HM4., ilt~l Wile.. • PHILADELPHIA \ ., " ELECYRIC COMPANY - '~~:. •ClcEANlNG ·Efftclent· BOUSE and CO. Pa. and G.Emaker. Jewelers crometer .calipers. Is new or little Swarthmore -.:,'.;' .. ::~". ". Devine Taxi Service Call GEORGE JIIYERS 409 Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 Cnbed and Cooked Betrular Dellverles . Swarthmore 2302-R .\ ton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 PHONE: CRAFTSMANSHIP Before yO!! REMODEL ••• REPAIR avenue' and BUILD ••• 122 x 170. North Co., 1130 Morton Phone Swaribmore 0«4 Swarthmore 14148 WILLIAM BROOKS OO'I'IERS REPAnum AND INSTAI,UID Furnace Repairs & CleaninC ROOFS "PRlDE"-Fresh Lean _ . For Your Pets JACK DIEHL Ground Meat lb 2lo • Alao SWAJtTHMORE,PA. • FUNEBAL DIRlWTOB of Ave., MediaPhJla, 1125Formerly W. Lehigh Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge' tar suburban calla Service fixtu,l'e. latest model. Rubbish Collected Weoekly or lIIonthly Phone Swarthmora·. 2076 9 A. M. to 5.30 P.M., .. let Wi estimate' and bid 011 your job. You may save mone)'. while getting the advantages of our toP·Q.nalIty work. Horace A. Reevls C." KNODBL. Prothonotary . Ashes .& Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General '. Hauling 236 Harding Av. Pa. ALTEI\I--4. piano right; good condition. Priced Can evenings Swarthmore 2226. APPLES. Popular Varieties. El Rancho Orchard... Providence Road, one mile north of Rose Tree· Hunt Club, near Media. . . FOR'SALE-Fireplace ~~ and well-seasoned. Call '"w ......• more 2078. FOR SALE - SHERIFF SALES of Real I!8tate SIlERIPF'S OFFICE CoURT . FrIdayHOUSE. OctoberMEDIA. t8. 1I~'PA. "'rhlnl Generation BuIlder" CALL SWARTHMORB 3450 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iii~~~~~iii~~~~~ Coodltlons: '1150.00 Stand$rd C88h or TIme cert18ed ~ "0:10 A. M. kUtem ... MORE BEAT FOR LESS MONEY THE BE9I' BUY OF THE SEASON.' Unexcelled for kindling or fireplace hasket.grates 3" x 3" dry wooden plugs 1000 lhs - 'approx. 30 hu. ~ $9.50 500 1bs - approx. 15 hu. - $5.00 • WAlt ... noo' con_S pl1B!IIimI AJI'11IIIAC1'1'B . 111 D.n-ath A_e • NIW COln.crlol 8...n1uDUe • Amurlolls' ... IlPAIII LOST and FOUND UTERS BROTHERS, he, wrist watch, canvass . Contracton ond !wildon 30Z Gayle, Street • Me4ie, ... ''!)!'Innld TIEd.e) Smaller quantities delivered with coal order if desired GOOD COAL ATLANTIC FUEL OIL swaru.-re II" Ma.,.,n Builders Supply .). Ii '1 Company VU,J,WOlllt - LUMP" BUILDING IlAftRIAI, Vao lien Brothe,s Ridley Park P ......, MeiIIIa .6-1181 BWlcier. . '. j it- Ii r" I • MaOIU 11KIIIIIS Replin.an~ '. ~ ~~~i~~~~ Short Dome Disposal Sel'Vlce FUSCO & ALSTON Day Wolken - HauJlq Office Hours _ to the Stetson served as acting director Of athletics. He Is a member of the executive committee of the Eastern College Athle,tic Confer- Baltimore Pi1CJlWtz ALBAN PARKER S~~t;Lo;;i to ministration. He Is a resident student at Phi Kappa Sigma frater-I ~f?~.<'lJ~ nity house. 11 SOUTH CBBSTER· ROAD. SWABTBMORE WeJ.1er anct .Mrs. James tea neck, ~$t'\~~ei~~~l~~ thro"~" =="--:.:'-~' H. Brown,·Jr., an Instructor at Yale Uiversity. . Mr. and Mrs. LerOY lUddie and Bob of Old Orchard Road, Rose Tree arrived home Friday a five-week vacation at the University of Pennsylvania Stone Harbor. Bob has returned mor- as'a so,\ihomore In Business Ad- H.D.SIPLER au- .,.,epnens presJ.Cled at tne Call Erich H. Hau· Contractor, Swar\b· Park QUAUTY SINCE IlItJ·,J 01 VIDrant coJ.o:t CU1U warmUl to tne uu>1e. .M.rB. Jen~ .,.--.-. tol~i~i~~~~;~~~~llc~.:nl. for the teacher. will lecture on "HiPer score; Alden's placement· was Education and the PhUosophy of wide. IJf";' at 8:15 p. m. Sunda,y. October The play of Whit 'Bird and Dick 16 in the Friends Meeting House. McCray In the center of ~e line ~e appearance of Mr. Tead Is was outstanding. as they con- made possible bi the Frank Ay_ stantly jammed the holes through delotte Lectureship a special which fullback Scala attempted to fund raised by students of Swarthrun. John Snape was injured as more College. Two SUch lectures he came up fast to tackle·fuJlback were held previously. Iri 1940 and Scala on a line buck and ~asre- 1941. with William A. Neilson and moved from the game m the Robert G, Sproul as respective second quarter. Tackle Paul Tan· speakers. Normally an "nni'Sl who again kept the Media safety event. the lectures were disconmen very deep with his high, long. tinued during the war. spiraling punts; was Injured on the A' tI e of, Somerville Mass same play and was removed from Mr ; a dv . ed his AJj' de~ the g~me, His lnj~ was slight at ·.ru:e=~llege In 1912. his and he returnd to actlon In the D t St La ' U· '.... ' ed LL. .... • wrem:e mversl.,. ~cond half. John Snape suffer , 1939 and LXI>. at Amherst In a shoulder injury but It Is hoped ~~42 He is active In the Public that he will be ready for Satur- AffaIrs Commission of 'New York day's' encounter with Springfield. and the American Economy AssoBackers-up Coleman and Mc- 'ti Henry did an outstanding job as Cia on they filled up the holes developed by the Media line In offense. Red Feather Workers These two' hoys, combined with the bighly vaunted running and . (continued from page one) the crashing Emd play ofClar- Macht, Mr. ~ank R.. lIfarkley. ence Willis and Campbell, stopped Mrs. Arthur J; McConna,*, Mrs. passing attack of the Mustangs. Frank H. McCowan. Mr.Herbert Reds Crowthers Inserted Into the E. Michener. Jr.. li!Iiss Kathryn lIDe-up as a substitute tackle M. Moran. Mrs. Walter Moyer. proved to be a ~ark plug that Mrs. Fred J, Murray. Mr•. Fred kept the te,am from fal1il1g apart A. Patman. Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol, at crucial spots. Jr., Mr. Waiker PeIIfIeld. MIss The Springfield Cougars lost to Olive Perry. l\fJ". Francia W. Plowstrong Prospect Park team 14-0. man. Mrs. MorrisL. Potts. Mrs. tied Yeadon. and defeated Nether Charles R. Pratt. Mrs. Ray S. Prov~dence 19,-0. This is always Quick, Mr. Wayne H. Randall, a must game for the blUe and Dr. Louis N. Robinson. Mrs. Agnes gold and considering they sponN. Balg Sheldon. C. ,Dudley Sch- a about the biggest team in the county. starring their 200 pound fullback, Tommy' Hall. It isap.. parent they are a very dangerous and formidable opponent.. T!>e kick-off will be at 2, p.m. Saturday at Springfield. Players Give Comedy (continued from page one) William S. Clement is a newcomer to the club In his role of WInSton Atchison; one which it would be easy to overplay. He handles it with considerable subtlety and the lamb. cbnp by-play between him and Mr. Feight is a choice piece of business. The six youngsters In the cast give the production its contagious fresh gaiety. They are beautlfully cast and are not onli capable but attractive on the stage•. . Cornelia 'McKernan iti the sympathetic youngest sister role of Allie has already earned a considerable following. This performance will deepen her hold on old admirers and gather In new. Sue Surrick as Tess also rounds out former appearances with ;the club to show a growth of talent. She, hllndles the demanding role of Tess with skill. JBD:e Pattersbn is the third sister Ilka and in her first appearanur, . l\I;'$. Soule stated than any heal- Mrs, Jam"" B. Cooper. Mrs. James preparation to work for a. peaceful man. Mrs. JOseph H. Walter. Jr:. thy man or woman between the B, Daugherty and Mrs. C.. M. Al- world. the SWARTHMORE KENT Grsham Wentz. Mrs. ClaIr Wllcox, ages of 18 and 59 could donate a J>right. Mrs. Walter H. Dfckinoou SCHOLARSHIP. The. platform Frank Wtnd'ell, Jr. pint of blood. lIfInors must have and, Mrs. S. Milton Bryant will formulsted thus far Is: 'What Is Worth Having written permission from parents pour at the tea table. 1. A committee shall be formed or guardians. Liten.ture ~ consisting of one representative Is Worth Waiting Adult Courses Open Donors should weigh at least 110 . meeting will be from each local organization, with For' lbs. and should have been In good A literature t 0 In the an alternate or substitute to aerve ' At Penn Center health prior to donating. It takes held on Friday. a 1 a. m. , in his absence. The purpose Of this The Pennsylvania State College A year after It was originally ahout 30 minutes to give a pint Woman'. ClUbhOuse.~ ~~ committee is to raise a minimum Extension Service and the Health expected THE· SWARTHl\fORE Of blood. and there ....e no hann- news will be given by, s. G':;S;gn of $1.000 each year for a scholar- and Welfare Council, Delaware DIR.Eql'ORYis published and ful effects. Physictans and nurses P. Gear. lIfrs. Haro~:!d One to ship to be awarded to a'resident County District; are sponsoring an available at The SWarthmorean are in attendance at all timeL will review thehnbookQould, th f of Swarthmore who Is ready and Adult Education Program to be . Go On ., by Jo au or 0 Center t Office. , In dls"'lSSing some of the points " f Maine qualified to pursue his studles on held at the Swarthmore 0 The publishers regret the cbain that should be borne In mind, Mrs. several stones 0 ' the post-graduate level in the field the Penns.ylvania State College be. of unavoidable misfortune to their Soule said that do""rs s l u i u J . d . of human relations. from local to ginning on Monday evening. Octoprinter which was responsible for drink fruit juices and eat nothing • international problems. ber 24. delaying publication. for at least four hours before· the Legion Hears Rev. B18hop 2, Any wrplus ,hall go Into an 'Courses in crafts. folk dancing Even so. the New Directory donation. She especlally warned At Monday Meeting endoWtn<;nt fund 'for future use. and singing. games and leadership. needs no apology. it emerges the against eatlng a heavy lunch tn_ The amount given to any candidate leadership training enjoyment of Most' Complete and Up-to-Date cludlng ~ggs. fat.!. cream or Ice Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, pastor of shall be commensurated with his art. music appreciation. adventures work of its kind ever to be printed cream. the Swarthmore Presbyterian Specific needs as determined by the In good reading. effective written . " dan here. d ImmedIately after the donation Church. thrllled a record member- conunittee. and spoken Engllsb. modern . ce, During the, enforced walt the the Red Cross Canteen Service ship turnout of the Ainsworth3. The atandard of asking shall home decoration. record-keeping publishers took advantage of the will serve refreshments consisting Wernher Post of the American Le_ be $1.00 each. or one dollar for each for small busineses human relaaddil\onal opportunity to enlarge of coffee. toast. cookies. g1ngerale, g10n at their meeting In 'Bonnlih member of the family. Business tlons. ~d the management of per_ and improve upon the subject mat- milk, .or fruit julces. Red Cross Hall Monday night. Institutions shall be asked to give sonal fmanees. have been set up ter to appear in the local hand- officlals do not advise .....tIng a, . alii about his a dollar for each person on the for all adults not now engaged In book and to include many new al after donation. Motor He spoke inform ch laIn payroll • formal study. for leaders In club resid:mts whose houses weren·t ::mbers will be on baa experiences ":' a ran 4. The winner shall be oelected activities. and for leaders of scout even built a year ago. during the day to provide trans- during the last w~. from pathOi by a commltlee of five judges. two troops, church groups. and other As a concentrated telephone. rtstlon. the ~ca~e of emot!ODSto tragedy from Swarthmore and three from organizations of a soclo-clvlc nastreet and business directory the po to hilarity sod back • neighboring communities. Each ture. new book will be' Invaluable in Needl rk Good To Aid ,Mr, Blshop's ~ followed. a candidate shall be scored on 100 The Adult Education Program every home The lineup of the ~wo K Morse president brief business meeting at which points. evenly divided as follows: was developed as a service to fill Borough and·lts organizations. with Mrs. Blrtley ~re B~ch of the officers for the present year w~ (1) Recommendation Of candl- the need of the communIty: sod histories of each is the most de- of the Swarthm Guild has announced introduced and committees en date from his college president. the purpose of the program Is to k • Needlewor, red. ed t ) tailed ever attempted. that Camp Sunshine and the Pe- noun , are' (Continued on pace ten) (Contlnu on page en game. As is usual with all Spring.- I! for every participant. and a demonstration by the iHigh eld-Swarthmore encounters. it was, School Band. CLUB' TO HOUSE RED CROSS UNIT c:t Howri HERE na~ u.: Although the publishers tried to adelphia d1atrical General Department of thewill PhilOffIcers andJohn committees provide an adequate number. natuHospital be Comm",:,der. MC:U~~ rally the supply is limited and will . lents of some of the garments senior VIce commander. Jo Rob reclp 0 . j' . ce commander _ not last FOREVER. collected at tlI.e Ingathering on Co tier; uruor. VI ch lain' Rev . Therefore--IF YOU HAVE NO'!' 24 These two charities are ert T. BBU'. Jr.; ap. . YEr ORDERED AND PAID FOR ~er added to the Guild's list Joseph P. Bishop; finance o~cer, YOUR copy-pLEAsE DO SO ~efIclaries . -Howard Hopson; service officer, AT ONCE at 333 DARTMOUTH 0 Mrs F. W. IJpplncott bas been Morris Fussell; sergeant-at-arms, AVENUE - Phones Swarthmore named a director of the local William Beck~; delegates to:; 0900-1833.. branch, and Chi Omega and Delta county comnuttee. John tI:'!,om PRlCE-$2.50. subject to 20 per Gamma are new group dIreCtors. ~ John Jefforda; ~ecuelJ, Ro~ cent DISCOUNT TO SUBSCRlBnuttee, Ferris Mi George EftS OP THE SWARTHMOREAN. • ....., J HERMAN HOLMES Tborpe. JOhn L'lmsd'lll,l!IIemorIal DIREC- au..:.. f J Warren, CharI ... Gerner; THE SWARl'HlIfORE Eugenia S. Holmes, wife 0 • Ferris Mitchell, TORY ~ publislled iJS a Herman JIolmeS. formerly of Hav- ~ Charles Gerner: to the people Of SwarthmOre. edord piace, dled suddenly ~ rg committe Frank MaceJll; it Is ;hoped none who desire B copy bar 9 at Solomons. MeL hOUS~_L'p Robert """'~ James will have to be deprived of it. Before her marriaIIB last ~ mem-:,,~gram,' ~""'::T~"'" Balr Sr' ress ~"'~~er Price' pro .....,.,... .,., The publishers wish to exPand Mrs. Holmes was EugenIa Q y > " " , 'vitles John I;umsden; aUxIliary appreciation for the patience wh Martin of' Harrisburg. FUn~ acti ration John Wblttler: pubcontidence of the many folk pi 0 services and tnterment were : : : owfes .. Hess. paid In advance for their' eo... arrtatnu'Ilut J'rid8;y. ' and advertIainI 10 IobC ~. H servia: Acc.uori.. . Plays -......... :'r-~----------------------, . happy minutes to shop for. your whole wardrobe at the easy-toreac:h just-around-the.c:orner • , Joyc:e Lewis ~p: , S.H.S. ~~:? I • . ' 'Id' 10esSer, Mrs. Robert A. Sheppard, ~~;;:;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;;;;;;;;;;:;:::;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ MIss Kathryn Simpers•. Mrs. J. -;;-Roy Snape. Mr•. Walter Steuber: Mrs. Jack B. Thompson. Mrs. FerrIs "rhomsen. Mrs. Willard TomlInson. J. lJ. Millard Tison. MIss 405 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore. Penna. Harriet M. Welsh. Mrs. R. L. Wilkinson, Mr. Robert w. Wood, Mr. Fred~ic w. Yocum. (ANY ABTlm.E l5cBX:l1tA) WSRN-student Radio Station at Swarthmore College. which broadcasts play by play a"""unts of all home and away football games, will hroadcast the SwarthmoreWesleyan game tomorrow shortly after 2:15 from Middletown, Conn., longest' broadcast In the Ststlon's history. The Station may be heard at various places In the village at Dial 640. Those who .... iront make contact, are urged to hear it over the loud speaker at Mlchael's COllege Phannac;y. This Is the tbh'd consecutive year that Michae"s has been broadcasUng games. " k 5 FrIdAy, October n 8:15 P.M.-GoEthe Concert - James D. Sorber..................Clothler 8:20 P.M.-"The Bees and the Flowers.......................Players Club Saturday. 0c10ber. 15 • 2:30 P .M.-Soccer. College vs. Rutgers ......................Palmer Field 7:00 and 9:00 P.M.-Movies - "How Green.'Was MY Valley" Clothier 8:20 P.M.-"The Bees and ,the Flowers......................Players Club ' Sanda;'. October 18 • 11:60 A.M.-Morning Worship, .................................Local Churebes 7:30 P .M.-..Junlor Music Club................ 645 North Chester Road 8:15 P.M.-Aydellotte lecture by Ordway Tead ... .Meeting House Tnesday. October 18 2:00 P.M.-Garden Department..................: ............Woman·s Club 4:30 P.M.-Madelslne Carroll....................Frelnda Meeting House 8:00 P.M.-..Juuior Section. ... ;.....................................Woman·s Club Wednesda¥, October 19 ' 7:30 P.M.-l.egion' Auxiliary Riimmag<: Sale..........Woman·s Club . Th1U'llday. 0eC0ber 20 • . 8:30 A.M.-Legion Auxiliary Rnmm'lll'> Sale........WOJIUjIl·s Club WSRN To Broadcast ,,......,, ., ,0.' old t THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR f!'amy. frothy sauee for current pressures, CHICAlO 9I I "The Bees and the Flowers" is PHILA. shown., TIDS WEEK'S CALENDAR FrIday, October Zl 10'00 A.M.-Book Review "And One To 00 On" Woman's Club 3:00 P.M.-Football _ S.H.S. vs. Sharon Hill."".......Rutgers Field Saturday. October 22 2:00 P.M.-Foothall - College vs. Ursinus" ....".""...Aiumni FI~d 7:15 P.M.-Mormon Choir... ,............... " ......... " ..." ....." .....~.. Clothier Sanda:r. 0ct0IIft sa 11:00 A.lIf.-MorniDI WorshIp...............................".Local Ch~1!II Monday, October. I t 2'00 P.lIf,....Qpen House for Older SwartIunoreans. . . . Methodist Church Taeoda;y, October III '. • Club 11:00 A.l\f.-,-Needlework GuIld ~therlng............Woman!, 2:00 P.M.-Guild Exhibit; Lewis Lecture ............ Woman 8 Club 8:00 P.M.-..Jr. Club Halloween party..... ,..._.~... _...._.Club LoUDge 8:15 P.lIf.-MUllic Club....... _............ :_._..~_ ........._.WbIttier Houle :'';'.!:: ,- " " l _______________________.. ) , THE SWARTHMOBBAW the Penn-Navy game tomorrow , Mr. and Mrs. Robert AlllSQll and with thel. week"end'lIUlIBts Capt sons Bob and George have moved and Mrs. Karl A:Truem~ 'Of W8.sb~ Ington,D.:C:, and.a group .of relfrom 3il Vassar avenue to their atives . froin· . Ocean City· and newly built home at 408 Vassar Princess Anne, Md. avenue. ell f Spencer Carroll of North ChesMr d ._.- Ch I R . an ••u s. ar es USS 0 ter road spent the twfHlay school Ogdell avenue returned hnme h lida'" ··tin h cbi !h Tuesday folloWing an extended 0 ,VIS! g er gran 10 er Mrs. J. Ro~ Carroll, Sr., of Hadtr · through th . est Ip e w • doot' Id N J Pamela Foster, daughter of Mrs. . Ie, • . . tant t th Susan Spencer of Yale avenue M ary Child F os t er, as.1S 0 e ill I b t h' . Dean of the Woman's College Uni- w ce e ra e er s~th atlIll.ververst·ty () f New J ersey, ' N ew'sary. tomorrow evenmg by enter. .cIt, N J . mak;'n.h taining 16 of her young frIends B runsWl. . . , IS ---.-g er at aHallowe'en birlhday party. horne WIth the Duane Terrys . D 0 uglaso! . ·FalIs I of .D aVl'd H ames North Chester road. Pame.a is Ch .ch V h' .. tIn •. the granddaughter of Mrs. Frederur, a., W 0 1;8 VlSl g JilS ic Child· of Oak Bluffs, Mass., grandparents ~. ancj. Mrs. James . I y 0f S war thmo r e . : Bacon Douglas of North Chester lormer . . th M Reed "'lad for two weeks, will be lamed · M r. an d Mrs. K enne. 'ek . f Nortli Ch· t . d i l l 'd next we -end by his parents Lt. 0.. . es er r?a . w spen. Col and liirs Rober! H Douglas several day's over the week-end..· . . . at Split Rock iu the PoconosiD. . Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Moeller of f th· the week-end I b t· ceeralono elrwedding anni"- Park ... avenue f ' d spent s PERSONALS .' . versary. Mrs. Louis I. Dethloff of Wayne entertaiued informally Sunda~ afternoon at the home of her parents the Lewis B. Beattys Of Bowling Green, in honor of Mr. Robert Elder White, Jr., of Honoe lulu who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern of Riverview road for the past month. Mrs. White left for her home Tuesday. Mrs. Carl de Moll of Park avenue entertained at an informal tea Monday afternoon iu honor of her daughter Mrs. James D. Nelson of Spartanburg, S.C., who has been here on a week's visit. Guests included old school friends of Mrs. Nelson's. Mrs. Nelson will also visit her brother liir. John de Moll and family of Dartmouth av~nue before returning to her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Hilles of the Swarthmore apartments enjoyed the fall follage this week while on a several day motor trip through the seven mountain ,view approaching State College, 8,!d to Wellsboro, the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania. Dr, and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of Cedar lane and Mr. and Mrs. John W. -Iliff of Spriugfield spent the week-end at Split Rock in the Poconos. They were joiued there by Dr. and Mrs. Leo Hubbuck of Lima, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Stauffer· of Drexel Hill, liir. and Mrs. Enlest Howe of Rochester, N.Y., and Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Rassweller of Short Hills, N.J. formerly of Swarthmor~. Miss Genevieve Reavis of Unive~sity place entertained at a luncheon at her home Saturday in honor of Mrs. Rober! Elder White, Jr,,~ of -Honolulu, the former "Took/e" Kniskern of Riverview road. Luncheon guests were Swarthmore High School class_ mates. . Mr. and Mrs Frank J. Reynolds and "mall son John Cheney Reynolds of Pittsburgh, and Comdr. Arch Bay, Calif., who are on an Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Eimer, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Federoff extended trip. in the' east, will ar- IX of Wayne, are receiving Clm- of South Cheater road announce rive· ioday for a visit 01 several gratulations upon the blrlh of· a the blrlh of a daugh~ Karen, days with Mr. Hitchner's. sls~ daughter, Heather, on September October 19 in JeUerson Hospital. Mrs. Carl de Moll lind Mr. de Moll ·30 in Bryn Mawr Hospital· The baby is a granddaughter of of Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. de Mrs. Elmer Is the former MIss Mrs. Frances Lumsden of Kenyon Moll will later take their visitors Keta Brower of crest lane. avenue. on a trip to the POCOIlOS. MIss Frances Noyes of Parrish road enterlalned at a luncheonWinterize Your Car With GUlf Pride bridge in honor of Mrs. Robert Elder White, Jr., of Honolulu, DRIVE IN TODAY formerly of Swarlhmore. Mrs. J. R. Hoover, Jr., of Wal"RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN" lingford visited for several days of this week her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stoorell of Brick 4 Church, East Orange, N.J. "Bob" Atz, Owner Mrs. William F. Hanny and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson of Swarthmore, CALL 0440 . DARTMOUTH &. LAFAYETTE AVES .. and Mrs. Raymond Perkins of Secane, visited Miss Josephine AIry of Merchantvlll!', N.J. Mr.. and Mrs. Donald P . .Jones of Norlh SwarthmQre avenue enVISIting rlen' in Black. Rock, tertained the members of Mr. Conn., and attended the Yale-Cor- Jonesl bridge club and their wives at a dinner-bridge at their home ~ell game Saturday. Friday evehing. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hopper . BEAUTY SALON ·rjf Magill road will spend the Engagement week-end in Ithaca, N. Y.• attendBeauty snares the , gridiron. passes Mr. and Mrs. A. Robb Cochran 'iug the Princeton-Cornell game Saturday and visit with their son of Kenyon avenue announce the Call Swarthmore 0476 Thomas a· freshman at Cornell engagement of their daughter, MIss Anne Newton Cochran, to Mr. 9 Chester Road University. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Croco of George West Cochrane, son of Mr. Hillborn avenue have returned at.. and Mrs. Thomas Cochrane of ter a motor trip through northern Upland. New York State and Vermont PECK - MURPHY where they vislled their son Bob a The marriage of Miss Delphine junior at Mtddlebury College, Vt. Mant Murphy, daughter of Mr. AlBob is a member of the college bert H. Murphy of Philadelphia, varsity cross-country team. formerly of Swarthmore, and the Mr. and liirs. Francis W. Plowlate liirs. Murphy, to Mr. Charles man Of South Princeton avenue With colder weather almost here-there are sollie Edward Peck,· son of Mr. and I entertained 30 guests at a dinnerthings that should be taken care of NOW: bridge at their home Saturday Mrs. Hubert Raymond Peck of Lancaster.' was solemnized evening. Mr. ,nd Mrs. Roy McCorkel and 12 noon, Saturday, October 15 Cooling system should be thoroughly cleaned and family of Cornell avenue spent the the Chapel of the Fh-st Pr<..byt,,,-I made leak-proof week-end at their cabin near Penn ian. Church, PIJladeiphia iu presence of the immediate fa,mi1, State. Pay special attention to the electrical .system--cold Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson ies and a few close friends. of Westdale avenue and 18 other The bride is a gradu•.te weather puts a heavy burden on the battery, spark plugs, Nebraskans from the Philadelphia Swarthmore High School and atare .., spent the week-end at State ten~ed the U~verslty Of. Pennsyland wiring. Your battery particularly must be full of College and attended the Penn varua .. The bndegroom IS a grad.power. A stalled car on a bitter cold night is a tough State-Nebraska game Saturday. . uate of Phillips Academy, Andover, Mrs. Henry J. Weiland of South Mass. He served as a lleutootantl situation. Chester road is in Pittsburgh this in the Air Corps during the war, week attending the State Confer- and was graduated t.om the Wbarence of the D.A.R. Mrs. Weiland ton School of the tJniversity is substituting as a delegate for Pennsylvania last June. He is at Regent, Mrs. Herschel .Smith Of present located in Newark, Ohio. Wallingford, who Is ill and canThe couple will live in Bllcl!:eye I not attend. Lake, Ohio. Miss Carolyn Cresson of River...,...----view rClad has returned following BIRTHS -Mr. aud liirs. DaVid R. W'n'Illerl a week's visit with her brother Dr. CHRYSLER - PL~OUTH Samuel Cresson and family of of CinCinnati, Ohio' announce the birth of a daughter on October 14. YALE and CHESTER BDS. Boston. The new baby Is a granddaughDr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of Swarthmore 1250 North Chester road will entertain ter Of Mr. and liirs. O. J. Gllcreest as their week-end guests Mr. and of Vassar avenue. Mrs. Gilbert Frei of Jackson Heights, L.I. FOR Mrs. Milton H. Fuasell· and her MAGAZINE mother Mrs. Job Pugh of Vassar SUBsCRIPTIONS avenue spent the. week-end visiting Mrs. Fussell's daughter Anna Mrs· IJoyd E. Kellffrnan Mary, a freshman at Bucknell Swarthmore ZOllO RUSSEI L'S SERVICE The Bouquet I1~~iii~~~~~~iiii~~~~=~~ii~~~~~~~~~ WINTERIZE NOW! HANNUM &WAITE University. ~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ferris W. Mitchell t of Strath Haven avenue spent several days of last week in Ocean. City while M:-. Mitchell attended an A.A.T.C. Convention Friday and Saturday in Atlantic City. Mr .. and. Mrs. A. E. Hitchner of Loretta y _ mington, will serve on the ho5pi~ Celeste Holm tallty committee of the assembly 'COME TO THE 8TABLE" this evehing. . OK Kiddie Show!· Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby Air Conditioned of Dickinson -avenue will entert3tn Sat. Mat. 1:15 their club of 16 at a dessert-bridge Friday and Saturday "KEEPER OF THE BEES" this evehing. 7 Cartoons Ckrtober 21 ·and·22 Dr. GeorgeL. Armitage of South ".JAMES BROS. OF Dennis Morgan Chester road is iu Chicago this M1SSOlJRl" - NO.4 .JaekCanon week attending the American COlRegular Feature Not Shown in lege of Surgeons Convention. Sunday and Monday 'IT'8 A GREAT FEEI·ING" Mr. and Mrs. W. MInton Harvey in technioolor Van .Johnson of Columbia avenue will attend Gloria De Haven Sat. Matinee - 1 P.M=.--"SCENE OF THE CRIME" Children's Special MatineeTuesday and Wednesday "SCA'rl'ER.BRAIN" and Mrs. Gilbert L. Countryman of Boston, visited Mrs. Frank L. Reynolds last week-end and were the house guests of Dr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher of Guernsey road. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clothier of Columbia avenue, members of the Du Barry Dance .ru.sembly In Wil" MEDIA College Theatre with J'udy canova Also Serial - Cartoons - Comedy Ball1more PIke, 8prbqfteJd, ..... il,lMt DennIa Morpn Doris Day - J'aek canon . Mon. - Tues. - Wed. "IT'S A GREAT FEELING" iD. technicolorl . "TIlE HOME OF THE Thursday, Friday, Saturda;y BJliAVB" Van J'ohnloD - J'adJ' GvIUI4 Starting Thursday, Oct. 27 "IN TIlE GOOD .OLD Lo~Y_1n "COMB TO THE· STABLE" SlJMMI!1t'l'lME" . In technicolor! THIS. WEEK The Church Nursery Is open durEvl!1'7one Is welcome to two Group, meeting at 10th and Race Ing the morninJ service tor chiloall-Friends wenta In PhIIadelpbla: atreeta will he October 20 when THE 'SWARTHMOREAN dren. Mrs. Earl D. Preas and June on Monda)" October 24, the annual Doro Willson apeak8 on "Man-A P1lBLI8HBD a,ur FRIDAY AT 8WARTBMOBE, PA Shearer will be In charJe. fall SocIal ServIce Conference will True OrIJinal", at 11 a. m. 'ftDl SWAaTBIIODAN. INC~ PUBLISHER Pbone 8wariba1ore . . . . The ushers for the day are H. be on "Democracy In HouInJ". E. New, G. Alston, W. Dickinson, At 4:15 to 5:45 P. m., Charles PETER E. TOLD, &dItor W. V. France and. C. Zlngrebe. Abrams, a N.Y.c attorney and 1orNEWS NOTES MABlOBI& TOLD, Aaodate &dItor The Woman'. Society and the mer council for the New York RoaIIe PeIrsol J Lorene Me Carler Pat Told Wesleyan Guild will have a united Houaing Authority will speak on Mrs. Robert Clothier of ColumEntered u Sec ond CIasa Malter, .Januar;y 24, 1929, at the Post meeting on Wednesday evening at "Democracy In Houalng;" and at bia avenue Is today attending the ottJce at Swuthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1819. 8 iu the church Mrs. John H. 7:15 to 8:45 p. m. the topic Is Plinhellenlc Fraternity Tea In WUBarnes will be the speaker. "HousIng a Democraey" and mlngton as ParUmentarlan for the DEADLINB-WEDNl'BDAY NOON Rehearsal for the Junior Choir speakers: Walter Alesaandronl, group. She is also representative BWARTHMORa, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBEB 21, IHB is on Thursday evening at 6:30, Executive DIrector of the PhU- of her Fraternity, Theta Slima and for the Sen.lor Choir at 7:45. adelphia Housing Authority, Nellie Upsilon. Young Adul~ will go to Tully Mrs. Alston's Circle will hold a Bright, Principal of William Har- Mi. and Mrs. Russell M. Cook Presbyterian Notes Memorial Presbyterian Church to Masquerade ParIy on Friday eve- rison School, Philadelphia, and and son Perry of Montclair, N. J. Sunday morning at the 11 meet the young adults ,of that ning in the Social Hall. William Clark, president of W. A. SPBDt the week-end with Mrs. o'clock service Mr. Bishop's ser- Church. Clarke Mortgage Company, Phil- Cook's mother Mrs. J. A. Perry of mon will be ''The Limits of Life". Tbe Christian Youth Fellowship Trinity Church Notes adelphia. Both meetlnp are to the Swarthmore apartments. The Junior Choir will sing at this for tenth, eleventh and twelfth Holy Communion will be cele- be held at the Friends Meeting Dr. and Mrs. Norman Bassett of service. graders in the community will brated at 8 a. m. All departments House at 15th and Race Streets. Ventnor, N. J., will visit. the Dr. The Women's Bible CIaaa meets meet at 6:30 o'clock at the Friends' of the Church School will meet at The first of the tour winter Arthur Bassetts of Norlh Chester at 9:30 o'clock Sunday morning. Meeting House. At last Sunday's 9:45 a. m. The rector will preach meetings of the Women's Problems road this week-end. Dr. Donald L. Hibbard will apeak meeting the following officers were at the 11 a. m. service of morning on "How Our Church is Organ- el Th boy ized" ected: Richard McCray, Pres- prayer. e . s serving as aeaTh' M ' Bibl Class d the ident, Barbara Crosset, John Chap- lytes are: 8 a. m., Robert Perce; ....._~_. "; s . ; . 'U~.. d man, Ray Denworth 'and RiChard 11 a.m., Clem Malin, Ted Carey "~J, umor, wuor-....,.. an Terry. and David Hurm. Ushers for the Senior Departments of ,the Chureh Circle 2, Mrs. David Braun, 11 a.m. service are: A. H. Knabb, School meet at 8:45 0 .~ , Chairman, will meet Wednesday, head usher; H. B. Spac!rman, Eo YOUR ROOMS BEAUTIFUL The N~ ~ ~o'~De- October 26, at 10:30 o'clock, at the O. Cramp, J. E. :Bell, G. S. VaIen__r. "'Y to JKo,at. with partmen mee a home of MD. Donald Crosset, Rid- tine, C. B. iBlake; S. D. Clyde, Jr. The Church Hour Parking Place ley Creek road, Media. Members and R. T. Bates -do not show ...ry foet. print for ~ 8 and 7 year olds meets at are asked to please .bring sandEvehing prayer will be heid at 11. o'clock in charge of MIss Bett;y wiches; 6:30 p m. by the Canterbury ClUb, --cost I... to own Lee Lecron. Circle 6, Mrs. Guy dE! Furia, followed by a business meeting. ....__. always in ben t .... A fellowship for seventh and chairman, will meet on Wednes- The Young People's Fellowship eighth graders will begin this Sun- day, October 26, at 10:30 o'clock, will meet at 6:30 p. m. with "ther day afternoon t.= 5 to 6 o'cl.ock. at the home of Mrs. John R. Bates, fellowships iu the community. Group singing and choir training 649 N. Chester road. Mrs. Walter Choir School meets on Monday under Mi. Faust will form the Schmidt will be co-hostess. Mem- and Wednesday at 4 p .m. heart of the program. Wombip bers are asked to please bring The women o~ the parish are iu100 Park Ave., Sw.."hmore, P... and lefreabments will also occupy sandwlchllB. vited to a tea iu the Parish House Swarthmore 0730 or 0529 - Oearbook 4646 iuuerent parts of the program. All Mr. and Mrs.' C. R. Lougbead on Thursday at 2:30 p. Ill. to enjoy Choice Persian Rugs for Sal"...._..",......__~,..l young people of these ages are at the Harvard avenue entrance a social hour and to hear a brief iuvited. and Mr. and Mrs. Richard WIUIs discussion concerning the program --.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;~The Young Adults' SUpper will at the driveway-transept entrance of the Women's GuIld. be held at 8 o'clock Sunday- even- will aaslst Mr. Bishop iu greeting Choir rehearsal will be held on Ing. I'o1lowing the euppi!r the the congregation after the aer- Thursda;y at 7.30 p. Ill. vice Sunday IIlOl'1ling. Through the courtesy of RCA a 'nle Girl Scouts meet at 3:30 on television will be Installed in the ~urchServices Monday afternoons. The Boy recreation room so that the conScouts, or.oop 2, meet at 7:30 gregation and publlc may witness SWARTHMORE o'clock on rrhursday evning. the consecration of Rev. J. Gllleshave a wide range of prices PRJ!'SBY'1'ElUAN CHUlICH The Junior Choir for young pea- pie Armstrong as Bishop Suffragan R8't'. J': ( r"- THE HOT WATER REBELLION .i In 1798, to help pay for our expected war with France, Conti- passed the so-called. House Tax, a levy against the r aize and number of windowe in a 'dwelling. Some PennsylvanioDB-includingmanyinMontgomery County-balked. at the law. Ass: OlB measuring and counting windows, were drenched with scalding waterl Insurrection flared and troops were called out. Then the Hot WateiRebellion cooled • of Life". Children cared tor in WhIttier House. 6:30 P.M..-Communlty ChristIan Youth Fellowship in the Meeting House. Ottabel' H . All day sewing for the Amencan FrIends Service Committee-iu Whittier House. All welcome. WednesdaJ', October 18 8:30 to 3:30-Sewlng and quilting for the American FrIends Service Committee-In Whlt:tler House. All welcome. """y, FRIDAY and SATURDAY co. • 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. (As Adventsed In Life, Look, SaturdaJ' EveDin&" Post) a THE SWABTHMOBEAM olf as the leaders were captured and tried for treason. This may be history's only instance of 'Water being used as an instrument of revolt. Generally, it serves a better, more important purpose; chiefly, it benefits man's physical wellbeing. It is with this in mind that we employ every scientificmeasurepossible-24hoUl8 a day-to maintain the traditional, natural wholesomeness of Pure Springfield Water. " \ )II(~II1'1~1..'S SPRINGFIELD WATER , • COLLEGE PHARMACY ON THE CORNER • PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN ,. WATER COMPANY • THE .WA.THBO •• AN Mothers HeIaI' Panel , ..4t Monthly Meeri", TENDERIZED Hams Beef Roast Bacon Sausage Eggs BONELESS FRESH COUNTRY FRESH Cauliflower Celery Hearts Ice.erg Lettuce Ripe Tomatoes Green Beans . Ib 59c Ib 69c 1 2 Ib 29c Ib49c doz 59c head 19c bun 19c head 19c Ib19c Ib 19c -~--~--~---------- . ocroBIIB 21, u.. GIBL SOOV'1\9 Girla of Scout Tro:lp 18 COJIIIl'8gste.! Monday afterDoon at 3 o'clock for an overnlgbt expedition at the Scout House. The IEOUP of 16 made a visit to former Scout leader Mrs. Raymond Winch and her young daughter of Dlckin""n avenue. Upon their return to the Scout House the gtrls prepared their evenlng ':'eal over the outdoor firepiace on snllill tin can stoves and buddy burners' which each Scouti had made. Thla was followed by an interesting evening's program of songs and skitS by the Indoor fireplace. The entertainment was 1 ted by refreshments : I s =by the motherS of the LenersTo The Editor • _ _ _ _......._ _ _ _ _-" =1 Thursda;, night October 13 1be dplDJoDl ·ff" below are _ of. tbe... _ldqal 11'1'Iten. All marked the opening of the relUletters Ii>'ThO SwiutlUoo..... mut . . m.ned. PoeudoDUlDIlO It lar monthly meetinp of the Moththe JdeDUtfy, ot the.. wrJter .II kDcnrn to the BdIfor. Lette.. will . . puber's Club. At tbIa time there, waa JImed onl,. at the d.lIcretJon of tbe a panel discussion "Where Does BdItor. Mother Belong'/" The two mothers '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_.,J who represented a career or proT Th Edito . f a 0' e r: fession with the nmnmg 0 home were Mrs. Joseph Reynolds DurIng the next few weeks we and Mrs. Robert SpUler. For the sha1l all have the opportunity of mothers who stay at home and participating In an Important cohave community activities aa their operative enterprise, the final)cine outside interests Mrs. Pe~ Coste of, the many hospitals. health, and Mrs. Leonard Dart were child care. and other ~ices the speakers. rendered by the 160 agen ea of After the question period which the Community Chest. No. there followed the panel. refreshments won't be. 160 people ringing our were served by Mrs. Theodore Pur- Troop doorbells. One ~ wilt <:all, U H itality ChaJrman a n d ' ' h u t he will be seekmg our support ne. os~ • ,Following a night's rest at the for all of the Red Feather 'Agen_ ttee her comn:u • .. Scout cabin. the gtrls agsin cooke<\ cles many of which operate In Preceding th~ disCUBslon there their own breakfasts. carrying out ~ware County.' In. fact,' last was a short busmess meeting. con- a new idea whereby each girl t In year more money waa spen d ted b Mrs Walter N Moir uc . y. • • furnishes her own equipment and Delaware County by these agenpresident. The officers and mem- food. cles than was' collected here in bers of the board were introduced After the process of cl ....ning up, th algn "7' to those assembted. Plana for tIoe all returned home Tuesday morne camp. . ,Bake Sale to be held Saturday. lng after a happy hoHday. Camp "How much' should I give?" October 22 from 111 a. m. to noon directors were Mrs. Walter Magee, Each of us must answer tbIa acat Sipler'. Hardware Store was an- Scout leader. assisted by Mrs. Mary cording to hla own lights. If we nonnced Baker think that life would be just as • pleasant without the hospitals, Dr Le Peterson of Vassar day nurseries. visiting nurses. Mr. and Mrs. Eo L. Conwell of Columbia aVenue will entertain as aven~e s~'the week-end in ()b,. boys' clubs, U.s.O., homes, for their dinner guests following the lin Ohio attendlng a meeting· of the aged and blind, and such orthe Penn-Navy game tomorrow:e Oberlin College Alumni Club ganiza~ons'hth~ .let·s ,:~ j~ Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Smith of Wall- Presidents Council and repro- nelghbdr w 0 rIngS our , •_... rei, d Mr d Mrs William tlng the Philadelphia area a smile. ~ut, if we. even though .......0, an . an. sen we personallY may have no cause • Stetyler of GcMman of Spakane. Wash. Mr. MacMillan Is a cousin of Mrs. Plowman. Mrs. Henry I. Hoot of Lafayette avenue Is convalescing at her home following an attack of sciatica. MIas Jessie Gilbert of Park avenue wilt be the week-end guest of C lie 0 ge, Theate' r Begr.ns . Re,t.earsa L~_ Is The Swarthmore College Little Theater Club. under the direction of Mrs. Barbara Lange. has begun rehearsals for "Lady Precious Stream." its fall production to be presented In the COllege Commons. at 8.15 p. m. fiom Thursday. November 3. through Sunday. November 6. A Chinese classic of unknoWn origin. "Lady Precious Stream" was first translated into EngHsh 5 SW.ABTHMOREAN CHILDREN'S PLAY AT TOWN HALL WiDa BeeoplioD Ullman. Jr.. ert director for the Ullman OrIsn1zatlon has haclfour pieces of hla work accepted for the Plfteenth Annual Exhibition of Advertising Art. sponsored by the Art DIrectors' Club of PhiladelPhia. One of Mr. Ullman's entries. which won a top award in its class. appeared in a recent issue of Forlune. "I laW It In The SwartbmoreIm." IIoland G. E. The next presentation of the Mae Desmond Children's Theatre at Town Hall. Philadelphia, wlIl be the famous fairy tale "Tbe Sleeping Beauty" on Saturday. November5. at 2.30 ·P. m. A deHgbtful version of the story 9f tbe gentle princess wbo pricked ber finger and slept for one bun~ dred years. the play includes enThe three hundred "Ada" In the cbanted scenes depicting the ralnbow fairy dancing about the cradle exb:bition chosen for excellence' of of the tiny princess; the saucy design snd illustration were se- Maree IIDd Dot Casserole Caterinc Service SPECIALIZING IN Luneheona Buffet S _ c.okwl Pu1I. Call Dot Belfield - SWA. lW11 .Maree Hurd - SWL 311. ~e~c~ted:;fr:om~mo:r~e~th:;an~3:00:0~en=tri~·:es:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Httle flower girls mimicking the pompous buller as be tries to show them bow to strew flowers. the handsome prince awakening the sleeping beauty with a kiss. the baugbty queen, kind king, devoted Nanny, petulant PrInce Rupert, the gay peasant children. ~Fiiiiiiiiii:ii:ii:ii:ii:ii:=ii:i I I ANTONICA FAIRBANKS ' Teach... or PlaDo 234 Park Avenue Swarthmore 1775-J Everyone 'EnJor.o A Tender. PerfectlY Cooked Steak! And Th..... Two Steak DInners Are Top Favorite.~-END SPECIAL T-BONE STEAK DINNER, NOW ,2.00 CLUB STEAK DINNER. MONDAY TBBOUGa FRIDAY, 'US , Many bther temptlll&' eholees, of courae. on the reJ1llar Sunday and week-day menu. ON ·I'BUBSDAY. AS USUAL (5:~0 - ':30) ,1.00 SERVE-YOURSELF ALL-YOU-WANT SUPPEB STRATH HAVEN • INN Swarthmore. Pa. . Telephone SW1II't.ImMwe ...1 WESTERN UNION OFFICE AND FREE pARiaNG A=:~s:=:~~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=­ Miss I\osa of Bronxville. for aSwarthmore London presentation in 1934. N. Y .• 'Betsy a former classmate at Penn_ The theater group Be- ~ sylvania College for Women. lected jt in accordance with its Mr. and Mrs. ,Frank H. McCowan policy of developing the various of Vassar avenue have been enjoy- forms of the drama and because ing the autumn season on a week's little work has been done with the motor trip through the New Eng- Chinese \irama in tbIa country. land States. • .1 Da isson a sophomore at The use of the Commons for the Di=son ~lleg~•.spent the week- play will enable the Little Theater d ·th h mother Mrs. George Club to employ, the arena st,Yle of , . en ,WI er . tat' R ,..... growmg in D isson of vaSsar avenue and en- presen Ion. ap...... av popularity. this style does away tertalned as her guest Halaey ·th ed' f stage and scen~ fLe Del 'rat WI ue 0 a _." Knapp 0 . wes. .• a semo It also brings the audience closer Cornell ~ru~! R ell and to the actors who are permitted to Mr. an ger uss expreBS themselves' more freely f~~~!havHerfodayrd aventhue apenteek than on a conventional stage. a folloU-u.cy 0 over e w end enjoying the fall season at suzanne. Braman. a sop~omore their cabin at Spruce Creek, from Washington. D. C., .Wlll play State College. the woman's lead oppoSIte Chuck MIas CharlOtte McCulloch of Andes. Swarthmore•.an~th",: sophEilst Orange. N. .1.• Is the guest of omore. Both were active m colhel' brother Brig. Gen. W. A. Me- lege dramatics last year. CulIoch and Mrs. McCulloch of Riverview road. Molher'ri Clnb Miss Florence Turiler McCulloch BAKE SALE of Riverview road who recently Saturday October 22 received her Master's Degree from 10 A.M. Te NOON the University or' North Carolina. , Slpler's Hl&rdware Store Is now French instructor at the near . ~, ~ Uke' lillie r.agician •• dollars at Joyce Lewis turn lhemsel.,., into Ihe most delightful casual clothes for suburban living~ They become soft sweater_bright skirls--gay scarv.s-;beoutiful suils-smoolh lingerie-!ovely dresses. It doesn I take many of them io do it"":"'nd they do it with no wa.te of your lime or energy • ; • for Joyce Lewis is just a step down along your pleasant home·town streell • • • ~. DRESSES SWEATERS . ......, A . . aU.. lor I ' , SK/ITS AcenSO.... . . .' 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD ,--===========:d~~___~~=-~=:':"--=-"':"'-----~=--:-",--____=-:=--==-==-::--::=---::~- Oldflelds School. Md was Nancy Ennis ofGlencoe. Ridley Park. 'the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Austin M. Allison of Vassar avenue ' tbIa week while playing with the All-Delaware County High SchOol Orchestra which performed at the Delaware County InstItute held in Clothier Memorial Monday and Tuesday. . EmIly Pritchard of Dicldnson "venue, a student at the College for Women, University of Pennsylvania. was recently elected seqretary of the Government Council and was one of two members of the sopho..wre class elected to the student Senare. Mrs. Margaret G. Phillips of Harrisburg is visiting her son Mr. . C. Russell Phillips and family of Strath Haven avenue for' a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Livingstone of Highland avenue. Morton. have been enwnaining for the past two weeks Mrs. Livingstone's brother Mr. Harold Patrick and family who returned to Munich, GermanY, Tuesday. Mr. Patrick has been associated with Education and ReHgious organizations in Germany for the past three years and has bei!n on leave since July. Stuart B. Jones of Strath Haven avenue sailed last week from New York on the S, S DeGrasse' for France. He will study in Paris at the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere. Miss Blanche L. Smith of Daniebon is the gnest of Mr. and Mrs. Pred P. Jones of Strath Haven avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. BinnS of Muhlenberg avenue and their guests Mr. 'and Mrs. Horace M. Burton and son Joseph of PrImos spent several days on the BinnS' yacht "Luana lV", cruising on the Chesapeake Ba7 and the Rappahannock River. Mrs.. S. Milton. Br1tmt of South Chester road entertained • a IIIII8ll luncheon at her hGme last I * * ~ ~ ' / -' '/. ..•. ,.' .... ',~ , ;;...- .' 1'110 ....""" Chry"" New Y""'or . .,. ',.afolltGfic Rl1id om. ... 'M tlmpled of 011 aufomofic transm&ticmt ond pduli.,. Waterproof Ignition SysfMt. DRIVINO ON A ILlPPERV ROAD. Chrysler gives you more pcIIitIve control of your carl Prestomatie fluid Drive il tho only . . . . matie transmission that can·t shift you into wrona par when wheels spin. GOT YOUNOITIIII I. 1n ~ They'r. safer when you stop suddenly! ChJYSI.r has the first and only Safaty ClJshlon Dash. Vllla!UTY lAD ounlDl!r In f!lln, anaw or ..... ' Chrysler's electrically operated windshield wipers won't aIow down or quit like the others that depend on analn. poww. WANT IQ PEACE 0' MIllor See your Chrysler d.ler for the ride that proves ChJYSIer keeps your family ..far. (' ---HANNUM & WAITE Chester Road • Yale Avenue tad., .~. .",- , . , IIlRIAI KEMP .- .,~ 0' ALL oua MARITI .. -~',' OPEl ~ For Consistently Depen~able DIrector O.r '. HOIII' S.rvlc. ....... . rri.·n.M. Sat. 6 P. M. . . flour should be perfectly balanced, of uniform quality, and enriched for extra nour- , Ishmant your family requires. Only testing and reotestlng, a regular practice. of our' Home Service Bureau and our experienced buyers, Insures contl!1uous succe.sful \baklng results. which are guaranteed' with ,.",.", Flour. Plenty of FREE PARK.ING A LEADD FOR OVBR S,YBARS (2 ,: lie) ,.",'1.., III rich_ ~r IO~ 731 OVJl OWN BLUm GUAIlA.NTEE PlY MOlE" h, 0.11 ..., PI...../tII .uff........ H It " .....t . ' _ yo. II we/I........... flo •• .., ..........". Y.' ••, ...................rtf •• I• ....,1,1••1 .....1..' •••" we wIU ....._ It • ...,_, ...../fII .ay ....,. ••••" w...... . " ..._t STREAMLINED SELF·SERVICE MEATS . . . SMALLBAMS' 'urltall ...l1li READY; TO IAT . IIlISBIIlLLIW. I' • YlrglnJa L.. .... '*11 .. Thill 111m IlCBLAD .•~ .::. n. Hoy,·. Candy •••".\ I...... '~: tI. 49" Whol.or Shallk Half " lit '. ,a'd ed,dar Che •••.' 1·47C CIletIdarCb•••e 10 _ "'7 Go...... II.. . . .... 45C " 1.57C M.aty Scrapple ROobrCQ-:l'I:~~~~" Ib 35c LIYEIW_T tIMwIchH, ek. I. Co......... M .... lid •• _ .r.ncl O· \l:1tI IMI"ncy .IIIH .ltll .');''''11 ....... ...... ...... Lay.FIp ......... _ford Lo... aw ... ., 1.. I. ~ hnq Drltd JhoIed a ••• Loa••11.... \4.1. 11:' ~,. CoM , •• & Mapl. Idal Syl'll, I~ .10 lutllill I_I " • ....,.. IlifIrd I~'" ~,.. lConono • anana Flak.. !."":lh Imbelllahe. Iou,. an" Ora.!e. GrIYY._ It," 110 • AUG Tomato Sa...... , Pork • I • • I';: 1.. -... AICO Patr., " IrO'_ ;&C~ _ , ... _ ••1 0 _ ...... 4\\..& . . 17. He. t _ as. o.w M.III .....,... Chili••• y .....,.. ........ . . . I"",, - ~ ll... -P' '-. ',' l t?J I'. ' ."Iy. , 'ow ii I'RVIT STOIJ.EN (It. . . . . with F,.It) I'ILBERT LAYER CAKE GOLDEN COCOANUT BAR CAKE AISORTED FRESH ROLLS • p::'~';... 'I. '. 25«: ·"·3'C ..'" 59C "··39C .,··.. 15c CmlliMOI STBEUSSEL LOlF .a,t -2511 .• :: ...._. ':'17•. Milk 4~ 45e 1P!d-= 'an.. 1t :: ,,. (¥ap. ~1MhoI . .,.. Miil :: 39• 2':2ge · .' .Cotf... IUllrIa ,.. ·S3c· 11o • 1.55, ... ....vl.1' .odIN. VIO"UIft PUk,1I tIA.mD.uA A JIJIJ.fiA lOW MIX .........,. ftoal PI.... - Z.. r.. wu COBIED BEEF BASH 1~'33c a..wu Old Anno.'. Cboppecl ..... ~47a IntUoh en ~ &U tii:i 011 d ,,,1I0I0 tJ!J ~ZIo ilihAiciitii ; III ~ m- n. ... z.. I Ioi ~1" 1:' 1.. hlldallttl "'" 10 1on1I,. L_ . .I••tM.............. ,. . .. er.om au...... at ftonu, rutin COFFEE ""'"'....... , •••to I • ., .,. _ J ""'.1.:11' ..... Zlo J .... J3G ii~IitJ_ T_'" Zit 1,.'1" 4.... '-"./ Make •• Vi.........." · .'. A~"l'" 1"6!':') , WDI·CBEST COFFEE~42c lODa/ SAVE . -- ".~ c U,loIer ••41... a I., w.ol Gelati" ., ...." • -A RI••• " .... Fl.. IIUIh Amlnoan MIdooO '.: PU;loiIon "'" 41 J ,., ,1 II . tlSaJ COFFEE . ~, ~ ~., "l!....... • .... 01... ." ..11II1IIII1II IIrd. Eye "each •••11.... · I::: 2ge Ilrds Eye Cut Cora 2 ~: 45c .Irdl EyeSplllach ~~'l::: 2 ~t.~ 51 c Green Pea, PI..-... ..... 2 ~'O: 4'c o " C L:ma ••anl F~".M I:;: 2'c ......... 2 ..... 4·' O ran,. J uIce P...... ".... ~.. c Orange Juice ••OW Cro. 2 ~-: 53c Chicken••'i:.!i~ I. 69c:~*~: I. 71 c 'rylng Rab"lts ..11,.,.1. '0 7Sc eoun CoIn,dlu Po...,kg I. 3'c·• LM... ....., ..... Seafo 0 d •••~II.tI un 7'c e :: -- 11~·1" ~iii' ~Ht ,T-FLO BOASTED .....y ..I.. ..1".. ........ !Mklw1~ CllERR=Y:-:.F=D=.-=-I'.~E=D BUNS Try ttli. CoffH Ca........... Yoo'll A) ........ fI.v... wt*M Mlcri'lm. ...IIIWO. y..,'lIl1b the 11M, ..... ........., lien,,", HtIWOI an. 1...1,.. ........." ' .. C 0.14•• rI•••••d. wltk fn.k orao_, I' to, ... wlfll 01 y H"clol. en ... . ,.It'iiP . TOPS IN FLAVOR MEANS Cat 2.c A LOAF BING CAKE 45 Hi. 2: ... 1" '-_~~ t~;1. tJ.-t .v._ . . ,.. Vlr,llIla L•• LOIII,Ialla Crllnch 140-":'" . .....etl. -;1.. ' ~~~ 10' t.'.nti.:., r~ ALASK4- PINK SALMON CRANBERRY" SAUCE o.::~:-, Grel. BEllS :a24c De.sePt r,.eat. fo,. ,fie Wee" End V.I. MIIld ••;. • eMhed Com 2~270 ' I~ Zlo •••01 .....1 Anno . OIIerr1. ...~.~ 17. . Pl'lncessOI8Olll........e.~21C "ROSTED I'GODa lb. SH..I~~.. nO Q . Iorm.". WhIle or Golden " New I.ow.r 'rlces-llrd. I,e APPLES ~ir.{:. 3 29c V..,t,. IMld Spac. ",'2•• ClLlF ICEIEBG LmQCE ·ISc FBESH CUIIIEDIES ...~,.. llc LUSCIOUS IIJOB PEIBS 3"'Zlc 47. 00ItI1oo1 ~ .01,. "')fC 10_ r:c .......... Z':.:·III, . Glen,dal,ea8bC::::=23C::-:79C .iae"IBonneIMUIulne.:.aIC 103)8 Cauliflower ""15 IwNt·. 'anuk.111 .......... T ..eut III . S........ Z L••,·, C.Hfol'ltia SlIc•• or Halves Presh Long Island SIIOW White .IU , 290 Ioi so. ~6ctJi(~11Z111U4~74111 : ... HO Ubb,', • . : Quality Ca""ed FoodsatAHractlv. 'r'c•• I.ar,. allorlm.nt at most aHractlv.· prlc•• ':;'11 en".,. HII. _ '\IJo"" 1 ...,..... Oystel'l - ;. Orup .'':':'' ':;." .•" ~ IIond PocboI . T _ ·2'::.: ... · 8kInIeU Cod .""... Haddock I'IIIetII _1M Ore••ed WhI..... ' . :II , I.- :=~. Loss ..... kU....... I. :l7a ......1 RI_ .... T••,aloo •• J5c I •••• Bee. U",....... 'sa Dollcloas ....... c....... Ita . Pani.dor~ o.t BALVES APRICOTS ·37C 9/J.Q.Q/ PUMPIIN,' . Holl. lUll· , su.VEI SUt.IIU .._oI .. &Sc: I CII ~13c1:=. .... i 'of~zS9C T-.NI: OR "'Me ........ ECGS , FRYING CHICIENS ":':ii::~y·SIRLOIN STEAlS T-=,~. .73 . BuRFF SOUP :;~:!:s 6':~-291 PORTERHOva. anA.a .... .9.th.alBLBlfDD .TVICE (...... SWBBT' PI:A. 2 :-.. 25e Ib" I'ARMDALB ACMB WHOL': GOLD':N CORN - 2·:;: 35e . ·oiII' ...,. 0,1.1 Lilli ..... ~ till ';:: :lSe. 1 ...... Toma.. .....p f#Iil"'" MetIl,1II .an:.::"ty ItWI.M.,.r A ~d... _ _ . . .'1 . ..... . . Cooked Coned . . ., III... \t.11G "-".y~ ......." . :!:'110 Holiday 'rand .....,. M'I '1:' 17. CIi, ...... t.t.........., I ..'.,.. .... • .. k I . . . . . R':~il::l\:" , III N1'IIICIDi n'" ,.'r.nt ,tic ena..... rrl... of Quail" WIIJTE ........... I"" 001• ..., _ ...... "", ,..,... too 001. 01 ""', hO'--.... -. h. . .hO'• •.,.,. 1t. to............... -not'· whY - ....y .....kt P ho ••••.k.... 1n_l.. oft .......,... . Le..., Smoked" SkIIInecI . . 1 ,04ly'51151 IGG VILR c , 110 prlnb .~. 2ac: !!' 75 CREAN , MIDIUM S\II creo'" .v.···· 'l3 Po.,tlv.I, no waltln, at the m.at count.r. All ..... cellophan. wrappotl, and mark.d with wel,ht, prlc. p.r pound and total colt. ••1110 H, D.o. ,2. ,.,.,..., HotRoll Mix 2 - - 41c lob.ford S..dlessRalslls 11. . . . . .Comstock Sll~.d Apples 2 ..... - 33& IISaJ Baking Soda 2 1·- ...·U. Ideal Extracts A1';::'-:~~::'1o '.;: lie IIsaJ Vanilla Extract .... Nt 2ge , •• ICIII "",o".ai. Groat 'rl•• WIn ..... We Know You'll L1k. Our Ultra.Modorn Ioi of nih, ...... oIevIl·. . . . . .r ........ New 2.1.. packa,., ....I.r to handle. Note allO vwlou. rad.... tItcd d.mollltrate conclu.'nl, tho all.purpo.. function of thlt "flour of flour••" WHY c Y."IIt ... w.......Ix.1Id ...., Chi.. bftt FaM·Y =45 quality c CAIE MIXES 2 5· ... AU"I".••. , ,:: ... .::........ ... o,j a:== o &U 1/11 ~ :II SlII'Ifch ....." . Zl. .v.oar's DevIled Haw '':.;=''IIG BREAD tr:..14 _.. EDUCITOB CBAX ~:...,:", CBEAtl OF BICE CEBEAL lEADSLEJ'S =,.:::c:.: I::, ZOc : SPEEDUP AMMOILIA fullS........ Powol., fino fer CIoimInt SOILAI A Waohl ,.Into,.. Wood_rIc, ........... c _~_4-=:: It .,.1•• ;. 270 I:;" 29c lIe : IDe a:;25e = :: BEJ:CII·JfVT Str.lned BABY FOODS 95. .......N.t JUilior Foods , 10 Iodw- lulkl.. DOG FOOD lara jaN 79c I ILUI aLA DES 5': 55· Regular or Drip ~ , " . '-"'-","- .., .--;--'" .:-.",-=".;:.-:- .- .. ...." . ____.=-:,;....o:-_..:..'=...=;.:;;:.. :=-~ :--::-'.-. ---~.- . . -._--:. :-_"",~. ___ ... = ..=.;,:;--.---... •.,..:~_-_~'O'. --:-....l~-'".::- ;o..re:~~,- T.'_' ,., ...~'"....,.,.",...-:, ... ~:"I"'""""..---. '.'!::'."C" ,'!,"'!:~l· ....-.:,~:.::.">~;..u ..:-:~~!,~ • 8 . THE SWABTHMOaaAN CLASSIFIED PERSONAL pERSONAL-LouIse Pic:ldD, HaIrdrea8er, - Shampoo and Wave, $1.25. Permanent Wave, $8.50 up. 1309 Seventh avenue Grace Park, PERSONAL-CANASTA - learn Sl'ATB)IENT OF THE OWNEBBHIP to play Mrs. Reilly's Method. AtANAUKMHST, CJKt.:ULA'fJON • .ETC~ R~U'1tK" UV THE ACT Of/' CONUllKSS ~!1ephone Clearbrook 9-3319. ~~' AUUUh1' U, Ullf, AS AMENDE" BY PERSONAI,....:MidCne-aged"'w:':o':"m-an- JHk A<.;·rs 0 ...· MARCH I, '"11, AND JULY •• II" would like baby sittlng eve- O~ l'be S",artHlUorean published Weekly nings. Call Swarthmore 0428-M. at Swarthmore, PeoosylYania (or October 11,'-111, ~tute of l'euIl8ylv8111a CoUDI, 01 PERSONAL- VaCuum-Cleaners Delaware. • irons, toasters and radios reo: ikto(e PihOin!e~Slw~art~h;m~ore~i4513~B;' ~~.~ I:Palred.~5~C~allied~ ; the State Call Robert Brooks, Swarthmore for and delivered. dryers. alarm systems., Ali work Fire Underwriters~~'b=~~::~:! Service . on.. vacuum cleBneJ'S, toasters, H. HauSwarth- • uppean!d • L~~id!~8 '12 e'witch alterations. Experienced. Call Swarthmore 0285-M. PERSONAL-Magazine subscriptions. Mrs. Bertha P. Faries, 239 Haverford avenue. Telephone Swarthmore 4589-W. PERsONAL--Frencli·=-'le=ss=o=n:::s-,'in=-dividually or in groups, by native speaking lady. Csll Swarthmore 2076. Driveway CoutruoUon AapbaU or (J........te upon the qUHUoD wbether there .II:lll ubt. lucb lbortace In ftDtal bouJd~ ... wmmodatlonl sa to require rent caDtrol In tbe Borough ot Swartlunore: and WHEREAS. aa a result of IBid pubUc bearing, the (OveralDl' bodr ot the BorQugb ot Swartbmore hal made a ftndlnr. that there DO loqer exlsta wcb a aborta.ce In .rental hOUIln.. aceommodaUODB BIll to require such reot cootrol; NOW, THBREFORE. BE IT RESoLVED b)' the CouDcli ot the Borouch of Swarthmore In regular meetJDI' auembled, that the ,oyeralng body of the BorollJ"h ot Swarthmore hss found. and hereby finds. based upon such public heann., that there no lonl'cr exists INch a sllortare In rootal housing accommodatlonl a8 to require rent control lu the Borough of Swarlh- more. BE IT I<'URTHER RBSOLVED that B copy o( thlll: Resolution duly C'ertiOed by Ult> Borough St>crelary. be transmitted to tbe Honorable James H. Dud'. Governor or Penllflyhranla. with a request that be approve stich resolution and thereupon transmit tbe same to tbe Houstnl' E:I· uames and addre55el pe.:Uter, In acrordance \vlth said Act No. editor. IDUORliDI t.'1iltor. '12 and with the Federal Houslug ond managers are: Rent Act of lice. Swartlunoreao. .118 Pasqed Ulls Eleventh day ot October. SwortbJ:nore, au. 322 Purk Avenue. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORK E. Told. an Park FOR, RENT Attractive room with pr,vate bath. Reply to Box A The Swarthmore"ll. . ' FOR RENT - Furnished apartment, 4 rooms and bath. Private entrance. Balcony overlooking garden. Garage. Adults only. References. Telephone Media 6-1488. F,OR RENT - Pleasant second floor room, suitable or two. Garage available. Call Swarthmore 0592-R .. FOR RENTT:'~Ar:p:;;art=m=en"'t"'·'"3"r"'oo=m'-s kitchen and bath. Available Nov: 1. Call Swarthmore 1999. FOR RENT-Basement apartment 201 Elm avenue. One room, bath kitchen. $35,-including eleeheat and hot water. Sweeney LuJ~ens, 523 Welsh Street, Ches3-7183.. one e'vegot By GEORGE M. EWING ( .....ed) Prealdent of CouDcl1 Attest: ELLIOTT RICHARDSON (.ltcoed) Borough Secretary Approved tbid Hlth day of October. UCB. . (,'-ned) beds, semi-private 1828-R. Park Avenue. bondholders. mort· security 1 percent or hold~r8 blore ofowning total bonds. morttages. or other Rre: (If there are Done. IfO IJS ..:_~h!'L~~O~~~. WANTED PETER DI NICOLA ~~~~~J{~~~;~l~~ SILVER PLATING Expertl,. and Reasonabl,. Done WORK GUARANTEED Cali Cheste,' 2-3026 Before Noon 51~P.Jii" i~~r.~,;~~ ~~~~t~r PE:rER E. TOLl) LAMPS lIIOllNTBD Vases - FIprin... -1'Ikhers Etc.· Made Into Lamps Old Lampa Remodeled Call Chester 2-3028 BetoreNoon on the beam All Lin... Of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avenue Sw....ihmore 1833 during and references. 1705-W. Del....are County CUNNINGHAM Painters .. Paper~'" We should know how Swa. ~266 lIIIohInn Ave 'She's got ,the place , Rubbish Collected Weekb' or 1II0nlb11' Phone Swarthmore 2078 ·Devine Taxi Service For HALL , woman day's work, Monday. WedThursday 1& Saturday, Call Media 6-1782. wodesires. day's work. Good ~;;~9~A.~M~.;to~5~.~30~P~.lI4;.;;~ 1~~~~~Call Chester , SWARTHMORE, PA. sectional· bookcases. 1783-W. ·Serving Swarthmore, Morton, RuUedge and Rldiey Township since 1918 and fill Call J. Son, Swarthmore % length, size dress, size 13-15. 1666. Swarihmore 0444 Grab 'Your Mask Let's Be Hearty Join The Parade-And Hallowe'en Party sworn:~I~;"~~~f;i~ daJ"~ luth A.. Mercer Quinby L, KOYES pOnOUGH 01·' SWARTUl\fORB RESOLUTION WHERRAS. purRunot 10 or Act No. 372, approved a public h(':ning WfHI held Chamber, Dorough Hnll. P,fllns},h'!Inla, Ht 7,·n I',M. Octuber 3, IUD, after ten nnUce. br due publication notit'es. lit wllIph OPI){)rtuqlt)' wos all parti(>.~ In Inlerest to rl1ro{;lh MORE HEAT LESS MONEY Swarthmore 14148 . WILLIAM BROOKS · Ashes &' Rubbish Removed · Lawns mowed, General Hauling 236 Harding Av. Morton, Fa. of Rose Media. mile Club, near an "Third Generation Build.,r., swarthmore Swarthmore OS45 CALL SWARTBMORE3450 Company All fHNf' ,A, RTFJIS IWIS-IE ..... l • MODE.tI Kltetl .., • WAll ... ne •• (MIl •• " • tlEW COtlSrllKT1ft • AlTEiArID.S ......'HIK \RTERS BROTHERS, _. Contract_ and /luiIdenJ JOZ (""fief Srreel • M..tie, .... ~: SWARTHMORE BUSINESS ASS'N Horace A. Reeves PREMIUM ANTBBACl'rB Dartmouth Avenue Mason Builders Supply I;- . SPONSORED BY CRAFTSMANSHIP Before YOU BUD..D .... RElIIODEL • . . REPAIR let us estimate and bid on ,.our job. You may save money. whlle getting Die advantages 01 our top-quality work. ALTE'~ 7:30 P.'M. COLLEGE FIELD HOUSE C. KN"ODEL. Prothonotary ROOFS Gu'I'I'ERS REPAIRED AND lNSTALLED Furnace Repairs & Cleaning Call GEORGE JllYEBI! 409 Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 FOR MILLWORK - LUMBER B1JJLI)lNG lIIATEBIAL Saturday, Oct. 29 FUNERAL DmECTOR Formerly of Media 1125 W. Lehigh Ave., PhIla. Phone Baldwin 1170 No addlUonal charge for suburban calls (SR.U.) Ply commh.ldon e!'CPire.i Ja.n, 11. leSS) 3-0094. equipped with coaster brake and offer. PIIONE: So, Come On Kids From One To Sixty Seventeen To One Hundred Fifty I~~;;~G~RA~-~c~1~=;L~""~E""~w~7~s~~~ ElIIPLOYlIIENT AGENCY 108 School St~ lIIorton Pa. Phone Swartbmore 10U-R Part and Fall TIme MaIda Painters - Da,. Wolke.. Hauling Office Hours 9 A.M. to 12 Noon Since 1905 Swarthmore Disposal Service SHRRlFF SALES of Reol Rltate SH&BJFF'S OFPlCE COUR'r HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. Friday. October IS. 114. ':10 A. M. Butern Standard Time CondJUoD8: '150.00 cub or certUled check: at Umo ot sale (uoless ot.berwbe !ltated lD advertl.sement), balance 10 tell days, Otber c:ood.iUona 00 day of ea1e. • Levari Fac1u No. 101. JUDe Teno, un ALL THAT CERTAIN Lot or Piece of Ground. with tho BuUdlna and lmpnwemenw thereon erected. DESIGNAT.£D .. No. 518 West Second Street. SITUATB In tbe City of Chester. In the Count, of Delaware and State of Pennayl,.ama, BEGINNING at a point On tho Soutba erl, 8lde of Stb>nd Street•. at the dielance of oDe hundred and thlrty.u: feet. three Inches measured Westwardly (rom Fulton Street, CONTAINING lD tront. along the sold aide of Second Street. measured Westwardly dfteen feet. three Incbes aud extending In length. or depth Southwardl), between parallel linea and at right ungles to the aald Second Street. one hUlldred and torty·two teet. Ilx tnches to the NlJrtherly 81de of a Ofteeu teet wJde alley. called Cherry Street. The Westerly line pa.s.sjoa thl'OUJ'h the middle of a party waD between Improvements upon Ihe above described p_remlses a.nd Improvem.enta erected. upon the premises adJolnlnJ' on the West. owned now aT lale hy Domenick CollltU and wife. BOUNDBD on the Eut by lands now or late of Too)" PUent. ct UE. T0GETHER. with the right and use at the aald alley in common with the OWDen of other mod8 abutting" thereon, Improvements constat of 2 story brick building 18 x 110 reet and 1 »tory .tucco addition 18 x 40 feet. Sold 88 the property ot Meivin ,A. Archie and Canle Archie. his mfe. MortSagOIll. Terre Tenanta and Real OWnc.... AUy: Ledwanl and Hinkson. Robert J. MacBride. Shert« aT-Io--r Phone SWlirthmol'e 3538 .. • THE S WAR T H MO R Eo AN J. C. LIMEBURNER CO. DISPENSING OPTICIANS Experts in the Making and Fitting of. Spectacles and Eye Glasses 1923 Chestnut Street - - - Phila. 6913 Market Street Upper Darby THE BEST BUY OF THE SEASON Unexcelled for kindling or fireplace basket grates 3" x 3" dry wooden plugs 1000 Ibs - approx. 30 bu. - $9.50 500 Ibs - approx. 15 bu. - $5.00 • .pain and I .1 SroaUer quantities delivered with coal order if desired GOOD COAL ATLANTIC FUEL OIL 827 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. : "1 Van Alen Brothers Ridley Park CHARLES E. FISCHER SWARTHMORE 2253· "A HOUSE WEll-MAINTAINED IS THE WISI OWNER'S fAIN" I,• '\ I lIIedIa 8-DBl Builder . -j Painter Interior ani Exten.. '~ . , ."1 THB SWARTRMO •• AW 10. S.H:5. Plays· Sharon Hill Today At Rutgers Field Adult Courses 'Open Laws Drafted For Local Scholarship .~.UIt· Cubs To Meet' Frida,. . .' .-' . JupiOl' Muaie Club Meet. (continued from page Ullces the opening of offices at NEWS NOTES not exceed $100 for each th,awlllDdl fall calendar of, the (Chester & Fairview RDads. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. St,oe-l dollars collected. Branch of the Women's SwarIhmore, Pamaker of Riverview road have 10. The winner and his tional League will be a In addition to his offices at returned following a short visit sponsor shall be asked to re]oort I dish luncheol) at the home of 609 Welsh St; Chester Pa. with their son-in-law and daugh- progress to the <,ommittee chairman. Mrs. Henry Pa,\t..erse,n.1 BY· ~INTMENT ter Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Fiaccus. each year. 307 Elm avenue. on Thursday. Dc'f S dal NY liober 27 at 12.30 p. m. Swartbmolie llOI-W J r .• and children 0 cars e. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Whitsit of Following a brief meeting for Elm avenue flew to Chicago and Group Added By Red Cross business. the group will hear a visited for the week-end their Beginning With the next meeting report on the eleventh Internadaughter Mrs. Bruce Harkness of thEl Open House Group for tional Congress of the Women's Drew Pearson's New ('.arne family. Older Swarthmoreans next Mon- International League from Mary • day. October 24, at the M,illl.odistl Renwick, .a delegate· fromthls "PREDICT - A - WORD" Chur.m on Park avenue. the Group country to the, sessions held wlll have help with its transpor_ Copenhageh. D get an and upper elementary grades are our elected representatives and ner is gulped and the dash of Hath was ~ctive around the vil- attack under way. One of the for the first time maldng colorful their appointees are given a manparaders and spectstors to the lage, attending, church. Rotary most outstanding defensive plays designs tor store windows. The:r date to take over more and more field house begins. By 7:30 Grand Club and the Old Swarthmorean's ever made by a player on any field believe. With the store owners, of the prerogatives thaf we used Marshall John H. PitoJan will Club until the middle of sum- 'preceded 'this touchdown. Right that this will add a note, of at- to exercise as local communities have ,the origln!l1.' comic. fancy mer. wh",,: the infirmities of age end Fred Campbell crashed into tractiveness to the onmn";" sec- and private individuals? Do we dress. I-made-It-myself, and adult confin~ him to his home.. the Sharon Hill backfield as the lion and will be much more in- fear. or would we welcome. ibis sections in line for the <\larch Born m Brenke. near Gottmgen, quarterback attempted to hand the teresting than the nnslahU7 soap- arrangement," he asked. around the field house' fioor. GermBn?" Mr. Rath w~ one of ball to his left halfback. Fred ing that hu been the custom too In evidence of the trend toward Mr! and Mrs; Fred Lang. Mr. nine children born to his doctor came in with such speed and force often In the put. thls state. Mr. Lewis reminded and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan. father. He studied at ~e Ro,:al that he knocked the left halfback SpotUIOred by the Swartbniore his audience that Herbert Lehman. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrts Mitchell. Dr. Conservatory of Music. m Borlin, down and stole th ball - his Recreati ·-~-tIon -_.. the In his test f t · th . e 0.. on ~..... con or a sea m e and Mrs; Frank Keenen. Mr. and and cBlne to the United Ststes m hip. at th a f 25 -. . . th giving the Garnet possession Swarthmore Bolslnes' lIofen's AsscH United States Senate. lest week 1891 Mrs. Don Piccard are among those .lO-Coll e on their own 33 yard line' at a ciation, about thirty merchants accept the concept of the welusi• f ulety~ea to H 0 llins' who are brushing up on their mcac ege. spook-lore in order to pick win- in 1892. In 1895. he wei,t to time wh~ the ~le and gold have joined in inviting the students fare state in opposition to John Washingto CoiIe~: inW hi _ were making thClr greatest drive. to f\>llow the lead of a mnM... o! Foster Dulles who condemns it. ners in each section. EvetT par' D· C n h h' ts.. : t nf g The defensive game at times was neighboring communitites in at- '"The election in New York State ticipant Iil the parade will receive ton • • . • were e ___ or fth e fiilest . , . be asked tractive decoration of &tom win- willhave a prof ~undinfl uence on 10 ar returnin to Hollins in 0 that could . a variety of souvenln ,to take 190::' H";, tsught o~gan and piimo ~f any team. T~ere is little doubt dows. Prizes are I>einII offered our national thmking now. that home. s An additional treat in store for and directed the choir at Hol- m ;mY0ne's mmd but that this and the •• 88M l artistry will be the tssue has been drawn m so lins. was the big factor in saving judged on the basis Qf the most many words." the assemblage is the annual per, Swarthmore from "defeat. The attractive d .... - . the most COIDI'C The decision which 'now faces formance of the Swarthmore High Mr. Rath·s wife. Leila Turner. -.... . average citizen for or against School Band in connection with gran'ddaugbter' of the ...'6 0under of speed with which Campbell. Ter- design. and the most original. De- athe"welfare staten is difficult beHollins College, died in 1937. ry and Crowthers moved down, ~ are being planned under the the parade. Besides his daughter. Virg!i>.ia. under punts. along with the alert direction of Claudia Hancock and cause it presents a troublesome EX H 'BIT I'. this complex. ...... daughters. Mrs. Ellis A. Bonnet. prevented any concentrated drive ay afternoon. competitive. . corporate life we g oing on at the Community ..... Center o~ Rodgers lane W·-. The business men ~~"'n~ u _, wife of a U. S. Consular official from fdeveloping. JohnSnape's play W I. . in .. -.."'.I:" ...... -u.ue m· live • W e must remember" howingford. This Ex1u1>it Includes now stationed at Amsterdam, HoL- at sa ely at times was sparkling this program under the leadership ever. that most of us are able to original etchings; lithographs, and land. and Gertrud. staff member and sure. Howard Arrison's inter- of the president, Charies R. Rus- make a go of it, and the most color prints by American artists, at the Masters School, Dobbs Fer- ception of a Sharon Hill' pass in sell, are: satisfactory "go" in the world loaned to the Center through the ry. N,Y.. ,There are three grand- the last quarter was one of the American Express B. J.Hoy. today. Perhaps the most critical courtesy of the Print Club of Phll- children. turni~g points of the game and was Harris and Company. Thomas segment of our population for us adelphia. These original works of Three brothers also survive Mr. the result Of very quick thinking Conway. Liberly Adverlislng. to think about In this decision is art are outstanding o.f thclr kind Rath: Alex. of Staten Island, N.C.; on tpe,part of this fullback. Sharon Swarthmorean, The Swarthmore that groUP which can make a gn acqording to Cyril Gardiner. art Max. in Stockholm. Sweden; and Hili" placed a fine team on the Cooperative. Dew Drop Inn. Music of it if it has to-but is perfectly chairman of the Center. and are ;Dr. Felix Rath. in Munden, Ger- field and many Garnet routers feel Box. Madison Brothers, Frank the willing to ease off and take handwell worth coming to see. As a many. the home team was lucky to win. Barber. E. L. Noyes and Company. outs if there is anybody around highlight of this exhibit, Robert Servtces were held at 11 a.m. The Garnet trave1a to the Glen Howard Sipler, Dr. R. C. Ammer- handing things out.·.. M. Walker .chelrman of the De- Thursday at Hollins College. Va.. Nor HIgh School field tomorrow. man. Joyce Lewis. campus Drug Those for the welfare state must partment of Fine Arts at Swarth- with burial In the family lot near Here is an example of another Slo,..,. A. C. C8thermen Drug also. he oautioned. wrestle with more College. gave a gallery talk the campus. team that shows a great deal of Store Bouquet Beauty Salon some grave apprehensions. In the at the Arts Center on prints last spirit and. speed on the field but Geor~e Mitro. Miss Marsh, CelI~ name of the public interest might Friday evening. DJSCUSS PUBLIC HEALTH cannot WID ball games. During Shoe ShOP. Marte Donnelly. Wein- our government institute conArt events at the Center this "Publlc Health In Pennsylvania the season they have .displayed stein and Son. Buchner's ToQery trois over industry and commerce. winter will bear watching as an ranks 42nd among the 48 states," some °lf the mf ost deceptiVle .offen- Shop. Paulson and Company. Jo- or throttle criticlsm of itself by imposing program of exhibits and reported Mrs. Jean F. Carroll Slve pays 0 ~y schoo m the seph's Barber SI:t<>P. Hollyhock the press and radio. which would activities is alrelIdy planned second vice-president of the State county. along WIth backs that are Gift Shop. Father TIme, Miohael's fundaments1ly alter owi way of thrDughout the season. ~ of League. at the openipg meeting if fast enough to score from any College PhamI8cy. life? We cannot be blind to the which will be open lio the public as the League of Women Voters of place on the tl.eld. As in other fact that in our own memory. the well las to members. The next Swarthmore held October 21 at games on the Swarthmore schad- ' KappasToSeW people of Ru~a. Germany. event will be ~ SecOnd Annual Whittier House. Mrs. carroll, who ule this is Glen Nor'S most' imCzecho-Slovakia. and even to some Members Exhibition from ~OVEl1l- was quoting from. the findings of The Kappa Kappa GamIN Sew- extent of Great Britain have surber 6 through December 10. the Peimsy1vanta State Medical porlant g"""e and you can be sure ing Group will meet on Tuesda:y, rendered rights of free citizens , , Society. also dlscussed a SlJl:Ve:r they will be at their best. . November 1 et the home of Mrs. in exchange for what they bope Scouts Invested of conditions in this State recentOliver G. Swan, BIZ North Ches- will be something better." , Girl Scout Troop 249 of Swarth- Iy made by the Aemerican. PUbllc Assemblies Dates Set tar ,road. (continued on page six) has proven a highly magnetic b cordial invitation meetingA on Monday from 2totothe 4 is extended to men and wOm';" inlter-I ested in either giving or I'eIlCi'rin:gl the friendliness and cheer and fun 'older Swarthmoreans which proved so rewarding lest seeson. U transpDrtatjon is needed, telephone Swarthmore 6-1847. before Monday noon. Members of Cbapter P. Swarthmore, of the PEO Sisterhood. meet at the home of Mrs. Jrrme,s 1 H, Guy. the Manse. Ridley Park I at 12 noon today. Mrs. L~ Smith and Mrs. Patricia Johnson will be co-hostesses. • HaJlowe'en ' more had its investiture Monday. October 24 at a ceremony beld at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. ' Girls·. received their pins are Merle Balsley Allce carron. Rosemary Cox. ~ Leigh Elmore. Nancy Gowing. Bobbie Garrehan, Jane Hay. Gayle Hanna. Nony Moore Ann Morse. Mar. u • Pi Karlanne ...usser. Ellis owman. en Rogers Randy Roess Carol Se' • Kath :nnour. Jeanne Schloesser. ~Shipherd, ~ , ~. Van G ... ~ ~ reo. L7nn Whale:r. w...... 8IIdBarbara Zit. Ifu& n_ Health Association. This problem will be given exteIlSlve study by the 10cal League of ,Women Voters during the coming winter so that It can join with the other 26 LeallUes in the State in recommending aetlon by the next Legislature. Stimulating .opportunlties for explorlng a variety of current subjects will be offered by the League . to·ts during the corDIng year. I Final arrangements for the coming Junior Assemblies season were completed recently at a meeting 01 the committee held at the bome,of the Chairman Mrs. H. LIndley Peel. Invitations were sent and the first assemllly for the seventh and ninth grades set tor November 5. Eighth and tenth grades will meet Noveniber 19 • A new plan of having the elevth' d twelfth - - ' _'- ~ held dletown. Del., is spending a week BmTHS ,Monday to members. of h<;'r with, the ,family "f her daughter ,Mr.. and Mrs. John Schoblnger Swarthmore Bridge.Club at their ,MrS!,J. A. Turne!, Jr, of Cornell .of lllue Ridge Summit, announce first meeting of the fall seasorj.. avenue while Mrs. Turner is' a t~e .birth of a daughter. Janet Dr .and Mrs. Frank G. Keen"" patient in Fitzgerald Mercy Hos- Mary, October 22. of Harvard avenue, will entertalil pita!. The. baby is a granddaughter of uirormally tomo~row evening Iil. ,Mr. and Mrs., George Schobl'nger Dr. and Mrs. Donald Hibbard honor of Mr. and Mrs. William J. of' Rivervi.,v road, entertained as 0 f Phila..,e ri. 1 h' p .a, f ormerly of KIndley of Salisbury, Md.; who Swarthmore. Mrs. Schoblnger is are the 'eek-end guests of the their overnight guest Tuesday ".V M H'bb d' b th . Mr F d ,visiting her soE- John and grand'Peter E. Tolds of Park' avenue. rs. I or s ro er. , r e - son Michael for two weeks. Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden of erick W. Lewis nf Scarsdale, N.Y., Riverview road entertained "The Ext!cutive· Director of ·Herald TriEightsomell at a luncheo:1' at 'the bune Fresh" Air 'Fund, who' ' spoke ~r. ,and Mrs. J. A. Turner, Jr., at the Woman's Club Tu' esday of. Cornell avenue, are being eonIngleneuk Tuesday, followed by . . d Mr R' b t E Fr th g, ratulated upon the birth of a ' M . r. an· s. 0 er . y, e bridge at her home. Mrs. A. B. · El' b th H d' d, aughter, Margaret, on October 20 f Chapin of Schc:mectady, N.Y. form" ormer M ISS Iza e ' orna ay k' h t in Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital. · erly of Swarthmore, W3.S a guest. 0 f DIe .JllSon avenue, ave re urn, The new baby is a granddaughMr. Edmund Jones of Cornel! ed from the west and are now oc. avenue'attended a three-da,y busiL,' cupymg their apartmen t at 6100 ter of Mrs J. Archer Turner of , C' 11 Harvard avenue. ness convention in ,Reading laSt Mc a urn S treet, G erma~,t own. week. Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty of F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ FOR Mrs. D. D. Rowlands of Cedar .E1m avenue returned home Saturlane has returOf;~d home following day from Ann Arbor, Mich., where MAGAZINE an extended visit of several she was cal~ed October 14 upon SUBSCRIPTIONS' months with her son Dean Cald-- the death of her father Mr .. WilMrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman well and family of Reno, Nev., he,r liam L. Mason. Swarthmore 2080 sister Miss Narrye Davis in .Colo:Nicky Stuart of Vassar avenue rado Springs, and another sop. returned Tuseday. from Taylor Charles Caldwell iuMemphi$. IJospita! where he had been a Tenn. ' .patient' for a few days with torn Mr. W:;'lli;ut\ ;B\l1'ke of Washing- ligaments, of the, left ankle fol~n, D.C.,. will spend: the week- lowi~g.3 fall from a tree when end with his daughter Mr$. lio,,,- attacke.d by,,, swarm of yellow Friday and Saturday ard C. Jackson and family of jac~ets. --""'"t'HHHHF"',.....*?~ ."- ,....,., HHHHHHH " J IS YOUR CAR 'RE~DY FOR WINTER , • f" Carburetor and Igbition - Cooling System Engine & Clutch - Shocks, Steering & Brakes BIJSSBLIlS SERVICE , ' "Bob'" Atz·, Owner· CALL 04 "t 0 DARTMOUTH &-1 AFAYETTE AYES MEDIA .Vassar avenue. . I'"o;;;-;;;;;;;;--------~illl Judy Garland ,Mr. and Mrs. Percy G, Gilhert "'IN .THE GOOD OLD of Park avenue visited over ,the SUlIIlIIERTIlIIE" Week-end Mr. Gilbert's brother' in technicolor! and wife, Dr. and Mrs. C.L. GilAir Conditioned OK Kiddie Show! bert of Greenwich, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kirk of Sat. Mat. 1:15 Friday and Saturday Lansdowne,. formerly of &warth"HOPPY'S HOLIDAY" .,'Loretta Y01Dl&' 7 Cartoons more will sail this afternoon' Celellte Holm . from New York on the Niew Ani"COME TO·TIIE STABLE" "JAlIIES BROS. OF sterdam for Rotterdam, and plan FEATUlU:.TJME MISSOURI" NO.5' Saturday Night Only to work and travel on the Co';Regular Feature Not Shown 6:00 , 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. tinent for the next year. Sunday and Monday Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen Sat. Matinee - 1 PM. Rndolph Scott HALLOWE'EN SHOW Goo. Macready "PHANTOlII OF THE PLAINS" "THE DOOLINS OF OKLAHOlllA" Cartoons - Serial - Comedy! The BEAutY SALON Beauty fears no unmasking Call Swarthmore 0476 9 Chester Road EVel'7one Enjoy. A Tender, Pertecti7 Cooked Steakl And Theoe Two Steak Dlnnera Are Top Favorite..WEEK-END SP.El(:IAL T-BONE ,STEAK DINNER. NOW '2.01 CLUB STEAK DINNER, lIIOND4Y THROUGH. FBlD4~, $1.71 ' lIIaDy' other temp&lna' ehol""", of coa.ne, on the regular Swut.yand week-day menu. ON TBURSD4Y, 4S USUAL (5:30 - 1:30) ,LOO SEJlVE-YOURSELF ALL-YOU-WA.NT SUPPD STRATH HAVEN INN' Swarihmore, Pa. TelePhoj,e SwartInDore " " WESTElIN UNJONOFFICE AND FBI!E PABKwO PRESENTS CHINESE DRAMA "C~AND Baltimore Pike, Sprlnd\eld,Pa. 'PIl"';e 8warthniaCe . . . , ' cLEoPA'r&A" Thursday ''IN'TIIE 'GOOD' OLD S1JMME1!~" Starting Thursday! Jennifer .Jon"" Van Heflin - LouIs.JouMan "lIIADAlIIE 8()VARY" 'Dr. r.enbud of the Bartol on the work for the bUDd In Del. dation will ....turn to the Sunday iaware ONtoty. The Sunday School at Morntng Forum to fIDIsh the two----pUBLIBIDD EVDY nmAY AT SWAlL'l'IIIIOBR, PA 9:45. Classes are provl~ed for week dlacusalon of "The Nature of Jr. Board To Meet TUB SWAaTBMOBKAN. INC.. I'UBU8ID1B Children 01 all ag... and for adults. the Vnlvene." The Board Meeting of the JunPhone Swaribmore HIt The Young Adults meet at '10 I W 'CI b will be held at ' 1 ck'in the ' or oman s u PETER E; TOLD, Edllor o ;'~e sermonLa:!,~ P~IO~ 11 Christian ScienOB Notes the home of the vice-president MAlLJORD TOLD. AuocJale EdIlor o'clock service Is ,~aProtest:an, "Everlaatlng punl'hment" fa the ,NancY Hoot, 301 Lafayette avRosalie Peirsol Lorene Mc Carter Pat Told Heritage.". subject of the Leoson-Bermon In ,enue, on Tuesday, November 1 at Entered as Second piasa Matter, Januar;y 24, 11129, at the p~ The Nursery for children Is open all Churches of ChrISt, ScIentist: 8 p. m. Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the 4ct of March 3, 1879. during the morning service. Helen on Sunda;y October 30. The GolPlans for ;he ThanksllivIng' DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Kraus and Mrs. Willtam H. Schultz den text Is: ''The Lord Is far from . Dance will be dIscusSed at this will be in charge. .\ the wicked but he heareth the· time. ItWARTHMORI!, PA., FRWAY, OCTOBER. 28, 1949 The ushers for the day are D. prayer of the rlghteou.l. b~~=~=======~====!!"'"=====~=~ D. DIcklnaon j. Flood, C. Grier and (Provefb 16:211) MIss Barbara Kent of Riverview at 11." The Church Hour Park- T. L. Purnell. road spent a few days of this presbyterian Notes ing place for 6 and 7 year olds The Community Youth FellowDelta Gammas To Meet week In Wasbingl.on, D.C. sunday morning at the 11 meets in the Junior room at 11. Ship meets at 6:30 In the Friends The Delta Gammas will meet Dr. and Mrs. CilUord Banta of, o'clock service Mr. Bishop's ser~ Fellowship for seventh and Meeting House. Thursday mornIng Nov~ 3 at Parrish road h81le returned fol- ,"" mon will be "The Soil of '?"cl"ion." elgtj,.\ graders meets each Sunday The monthly meeting Of the 10:30 at the home of Mrs. GeOrge lowing a two-week motor trip to " We will welcome the GlI'~ Seo,;,ts afternoon from 5 to 6. Henry Board of Education is on Tues- Plowman of 600 Harvatd avenue. WhItefield, N.H., Quebec and of this distrJ<:I to worship w.th· Faust will lead the young people day ev~ing at 8, at the home of Mrs. J. Willls Gla~ will speak Montreal. the congregation Sunday morn- in group singing and there will Mrs. Richard ¥. Snyder, 209 Darting. be a worship program and refresh- mouth AV!!I1ue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey at ments. , , A dinner for the men of the the Harvard avenue entrance and The Youn,g Adult's Group m~ts chur(:h will. be served on WedMr. and Mrs. S. H. Hemenway at for meditation at 5:45. Supper nesday ev~g at 6:30. Dr. Althe driveway-transept entrance is served at 6 o'clock and the pro- bert S. Morns, pastor of the Mary will assist Mr. Bishop In grP.e~ gram begins at 7. "On Being a A.. Simpson Church, PhJladelphls, the congregation after the serv.ce Real Person" by Harry Emerson will be the speaker. Sunday mornIng. Fosdick will be the study material Rehearsal for the Junior Choir Is The Men's Bible Class meets at for this week. on Thursday evening at 6:30, and 9'30 sunday motnings to study the Th Christian y 'th F ll'wshl for the Senior Choir at 7:45. book "God Has Spoken" under the f ~ eni hiOUgh _.~ 01 P The Official Board will meet . C St tt. Th or s , or ........00 age on Friday evening at 8 in the leadership of Harold . 0 e young pooO)le meetS Sunday evenWomen's Bible Class meets at 9:45 ing at 6:30- at the Friends' Meeting chapel. ,this Sunday morning to bear Dr. House. ' . Charles A. Anderson speak on .. Fri ds M t N tes . byterJans" which will Beguuung Sunday, November 6 en ee JIg 0 "Other invites..the Concord Quarterly Meeting o)f bring toPres a close, the month's study the Board of Deacons . . . esb t ' Church. Next congregation to corne to the Parish the Race Street Yearly Meeting of th;, Prth Y e:':minations will House 'each Sunday morning im- meets 01> October 29 at the WilmDIRICt0ll5 Of 'UNIULil mon . 0 er mediately following the. m.ornIng 'lngton FrIends Meeting House. At be studied. Ch ch worship service for a cup of COf-llthe 3 ,,'clock meeting, J. Passmore 1820 CHESTNUT STREET The Departments of the ur fee and the opportunity to greet and Anna G. Elkinton will return Telephone RI 6-1581 School meets at 9:45. The Nursery your friends .and aCQuaintances. their MInute., Supper ~ be d Begmn"'ers Departments meet .. elec an Each Thursday from 5:35 to 6 p. served. Foilowmg musi s m ..the Church will he opened for tions In the evening, Edith R. those who wish a period of quiet7 Inberger will speak concerning her THE'SWARTHMOREAN meets THllRSD4Y - FRIDAY - SATURDAY , SUNDAY ' NOVEMBD 3,' t; 5 and 6 • Tickets - 60cat Michael's . ;: ' ,. -'.' , c"NO NEED . TO BERIt'H "', " IN TIME OF NEED • I SolI-I' -C-h-llrch SerVI'CeS "LAPY PRECIOUS' STREAM" . , • ..... j 'to: You .ion', h~ve be -wealthy to own' . Oriental· rllgs~' It's '-jUst "like Lu'ying unythhlg' else ~ thai costs $200 •. or S300 .. -ex'('el)t th~t" you dou'tf ha\'c "to replace it nrrer: Io--yean.· cPt\~'S"l1 & C"~~,~~)!l 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Swarthmore 0730 or 0529---CI.arbrcok 4Mb --"""'~ Choice fersian RU9S for Sa;e " } PERNICIOllS ANEMIA CANNOT·BE· CIJRED \. l;m~US;I~eal~~tra:V:els~~in~~En:g:!a:n:d~:an:d~]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ness andneed devotion who a ISCOtland. genuine for It.andNo onefeel is to feel under obligation to attend. This is being offered to those.who particular tim are desirous of a e in the week when the tensions and. anxieties of our lives may receive the touch of God~s healing presenee. Anyone is welcome to this ''Ex . ent in Pra- " penm • _. .. The Woman's Association Monthly Sewing Day will be held this Wednesday, November 2, in charge of Circle 6, Mrs. Guy Defuria, chaJrrnan. Beverages will MEl'HODIST cHURCH Reo' N. K elser, D. D., MinIster he served. SundaY, Oclober·30 The Junior Choir rehearses 9:45 A.M.-Church School. Thursday afternoon at 3 :30 and the 10:00 A.M.-Younl Adults 11 :00 A.M.-"Our Protestant Her- Chapel Choir rehearseS Thursday evenings at 7:45. itage!' . 8:30 PM.-Youth Fellowship The Young Adult's Group has elected the foilowing officers for TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector this year: Jim Hardig, pi-esldent: sunday,Oolober 30, . Mary Jo Hitchcock, secretary: Hel8:00 A.M.-HOly Comm\lI',lDn. en Anderson, treasurer: Mar:r 9:45 A.M.-Church School 11:00 A.M.-Morning Pray~.,Ser­ Follmer, program 'chairman: and. montopic "The Mearung of Elise Ramont, supp,:," chatrman. All Saints." 6:30 P.M. -, Canterbury Clubi Trinity Notes Discussion. , 6:30 P.M.-Young people s ~el­ Holy Communion will he celelowship. Friends Meetmg brated at 8 a. m. All departments House. of the Church School will meet at Tuesday (All Saints' D!'-y) 7:30 A.M.-Holy Comm~on. 9:45 a. m. At the 11 a. m. service 10:00 A.M.-Holy Commumon. of morning prayer the sermon topiC will he ''The Meaning of All THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Saints." Acolytes will be, 8 a. m. .OF FRIENDS J. B. Thompson; 11 a. m. - P. RediSaturday, Octoher 29 D S an and 3:00 P.M.-Concord QuarterI,Y fer, W. D. McHenry, • w Meeting at Wilmington. Del. P Halicke Ushers tor the 11 a. m. Supper will be served. s~rvice will be: S. D. Reynolds, , ONLY a little more Evening-Music. Edith Sollen- head usher, R. J. Baker, C. If. W. . than one month 00 berger speaking on her trav- Ingraham, P. W. Luehring. W. H. the market-and the eis In England and Scotland. Jones, J L. Cornog, W. R. Faweett fastest selliog car in Sunday, O.tober 30 P 9:45 A.M.-First Day School, and V. L. FIne. The Young eoStudebaker history I 9:45 A.M.-Forum In the ~eet- .pIe's Fellowship will meet with That's the amar:ing House. Dr. Isenbud on" The other Fellowships in the communrecord of mill new 1950 Nature of the Universe. . Ity at the FrIends Meeting House Studebaker. 6:30 P.M. The Commum~ at 6'.30 p. m. The Canterbury Cl~ Public demand for Christian Youth FellowshiP this bream·takiog autoin WhIttier House. meet for Evening Prayers and mobile was so tremeolIIonday, October S1 . discussion at 6:30 p. mdous in September, All-Day sewing for the AmertChoir School will meet on MonStudebaker did iu big· can Friends Service Committee. day and Wednesday at 4 p. 111. gest month's business Wednesday, November 2 . On Tuesday, All Saints' Day, of all time! 9:30 to 3:30-Sewlng and Qui!- aoly communion will be eel... Stop in. Takea100ka, Bing for the Amer:. Fr. Servo brated at 7:30 a. m. and at 10 a. m. Studebaker'.trim,.leek "next look"' styling. Com. The altar Guild will meet afterArrange to get a 1950 StudebaketOfyourowa. FmST CHURCH OF ward$. CHRIST SCIENTIST The Women's AuxlllatY will hold , OF SWARTHMORE Its monthly lunch~ on ThursPark Avepue below Harvard day at 12:30 p.m. preceded by deSunday, October SO • t 12'15 P m. Dr Thorne 11:00 A M Sunday School. votions a . ~ the Church of 11:00 A.M. _ LesIO!, - ~n Sparkman, rector will SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CH11iWIf Rev. Joseph P'OBlolahber°P,so- n ..... . Sunday, 0 9'30 AM -Women's Bible Class 0;45 A.M:-Sunday School and Men's Bible Class. . . 11:00 A,M.-sermon "The SoU of Decision:y" Adult's Group 6:00 P.M.- oung 6:30 P.M.-Youth Fellowship lIIonday, Oclober 31 3:30 pM.-Girl Scouts Tll1ll'aday, November 3 7:30 P.M.-Boy Scouts, Troop 2 Just the right amount of dash, snap 'n dyle in bags, belts, gloves, scarves ... all accessories. With Joyce Lewis accessories you know you're always dressed to casual perfection. Dresses Separates Acc85Sories lovely wearables for suburbia 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD New 1950 Studebaker America's buying it at a iet-propelled pace! , .Colleg~ Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday Dorothy Lamonr Dan Duryea "MANIIANJ)LED" :roun-! Methodist Notes THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. Little Theater Club of Swarthmore College Vall Johnson Monday and Tuesday Gregory Peck - Ava ~er "TIlE GREAT SINNER" Wednesday Vivian Lekh ,; Claude RaIns .. 3 SWARTBMOBIlAIl I l~t~~H~t=i~t=i~...~t=i~t=!~r=g=r~~-~,~t=!~..,~..,~..,;...,;,~p::(~=~..,;'..,~.....~........ ;;,~""~""~'~-<~""~""'~t=i~":';.~e.~ a~:~~~ THE ' • bon't be misled by the quacks 'MIIl hi 'wwboc1ajmtoeare pemiclo aanemiL "l"he most 00Ilt .... itM pel'IIOCl, in the world is the one wbOwill IIIlcrifice public J health; comfort, 'and happiness for his own financial gain. A pe.tient having Pernicious anemia, is deficient in red blood cells. New red blood cells can be developed by 8, pro<: with which your physician is thoroughly familiar. The proce9lJ'is c:oaatant and does not effect a cure. It does, how- , ~ble the Patiel!t to complete Il. normal. ~ of life. Always c:xmault your physician' in tm- of illness. Then brine hispresc:riptionato - . . to be fiIlcd.:, ,Michael'~ Collg~ , Pha_rmacy ON TIn! CORNER . "~. '- . .;nn FUSCO & ALSTON ''Everlasting pUD1sbm ent. the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr, Wednesday evening meeting be the guest speaker and his topic. ..ch week, 8 p.m. ~!'!'!_ ~ III be "Spiritual Values!' open daiJ3r except S _ W ~~ ___1 will be held CD Bollda7a 12 to 5 p. m. Wec'n I aa;r Choir .........Ie '1:50 tI.JII. and • to 'l'IlurS~ I 3T·Io-28 Street, '. BBPmAIBSTN,;.mAND Prospect FOR water with~ut a moment's attention. Quality in ~~_ BUILDER. WILL DE CASH· . . The purpm:e of the sale· Is ·to realize an upset price os set (orth below against each of the fonowing described premises MORE modern appearance and poreelite finish. It is ., SALE OF SEATED .LANDS· WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General Haulinl 236 Harding Av. rr 0;., '00._.. Cowl.,. l~~~~~i~~~~~~ TIlomRs Comer. House & Lot W. S. Bon· sail Avenue 20 x U"~t prfce It,alt.'rD Svvarthrnorel448 fully automatic and assures you plenty of hot Pa.Paln ri ~~ ...... Mode131-Tttrapgrade,·12~e, situate In the Township of Chester. the full chok A, 30" barrel, ventilated Township of Upper Darby. the Borough Devine Taxi Service Of .~ 1;ton8 . Jr. ". Commlg.glonetil of Delaware ~olldar. condition. Serving Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and RIdley Township since 1918 y In RcconfulI('e· with the·Acts of AS8em· In suclt cnsu Qt. made and ProVlded'1 Comrnl~o;;loller$ D~,lRware. coo.ot , :::""" will 'nlfer at public Sft]e In the Coun tY herringbone tweed, .~~~~i:::f l.!omml'l.'donel'll·~ Meeting ROO~ o~ tbe.· Drst new. White Rotary lloor of the Court House, In tb~. Boro.!lIh able machine. Call of Media. r •• lls,lvArtla. On November 28th, .IU9 at 10 o'cl()('k A.M.. thl": following- described Pieces or Jand in said ·County, owned or «puled 10 be owned by the. respective persons noted. .. _THE TERMS OF THE' SALE ...:e SWARTHMORE,PA. u.. c:;:rt Albert J. Crawford, 'T·'....COUNTY P.~B~'~· NOTICE . COMMISSIONERS: .. ~~~~~,I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I~C~al~I~~~6~-~05~1~5~. style Service ·D·Ruhblsh u~posa.1Collec ted. • - ~~ • TOLD ~ preseD.tr~~~~~~~~~~::~;lli~~~~~~~~~~~~ represented at th19 time. .orAll persdng Interested" should be SUcCeMful bidden must· Jnake setUement In l'qU on the dp~e of sale. . County, Media.' Po. Hang~.rs THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY • Book. ~. 333 P.artmouth Avenue SwarUunore 1833 ",. ALBAN TOWNSHIP OF UP.PER DARBY. L.ln en. upto 3~ lloa ""BEN ROLtED VEAL ROAST p!:.Hfv~ . JAMESE. LAMB ~:·i.:.:;C Loan Fresh albIn. up to a~ Ib, , -. wlten you wan' ;,- PORK LOINS 47c • S7c , ..." . - ;~~;~~~~:;:~~ HAYE ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED VICE MEATS g u. . Week., October 30 to November 16'lwThi1lleamAntiQues' Department, Mrs. 'in "A Morning with Jane Austen.. of all local troops will meet I . C.' Morris; cbaIrman, and considered three books "Parson pERSON~Loulse Pickin, HaIr-I~~ ~~'.'.: at 10:45 a. m ... on Sun~ at the American Home Department, Austen's Daughter'! by Ashton, dreSSer, - Shampoo and Wave, I' Church to take D. Reed Geer, chairman will "'Pemberley'Shads" by D. A. Bon·1.2~. Permanent Wave, $U.50 up. h tesse&' to 'all . terested mem t d "M About Jane T3oS'Seventh aVenue Grace Park, .the services. Troop iu, under os In avia Hun an ore . Phone _Sw~ore_4538. leadership of Mrs. Walter Maot the Woman's Club on Tuu- .Austen" by Shella"Kaye-Smith and PERSONAL - Electrical wirlnl and Mrs. Johri C. MacAlpine afternoon, ,November ·ftrst, 'at C;;. B. Stem. . and Installation, residential and . have charge of the arrange- at t1!e home of Mrs. Morris, Car- .:. . p;;'p;;' ii'~'~'WWWWWWM~ . commercial~ Water heaters,ranles, . PareniS "and iriends are Perm, Concord Township. ) dlshwashers, dryers. Burglar to join with the $COuts at '. Mrs. Morris will show her workalarm systems., All work done to this·serVic·e.·' where she makes various Fire Underwriters' specifications. t ,,__ Including 11 service on washers, vacuum Ameeting,incharge .of Mrs. Ned 0 PO'-.:r • p-, . toasters after the Pennsylvania cleaners, . ranges, IrOns, i B. Williams and Mrs. Hallock C. manner. Pott~ m' the p __ tans, lamps. Call Erich H. HauC b 11 h a1s bee lanDed IDultch ~...~ sen, Electrical Contractor, Swarthamp e ,as 0 n p of making as we'll as the more 2850-;-335 Park avenue. for all BrOwnie troops to bold a article will be displayed. PERSONAL Medical Massage vate Box H, joint investiture at the Soout Plans f th will be for wry neck, *ense nerves, con- Swarthmorean. House on Monday, October 31. At or e year . prestipation. Spot reducing by De- FOR RENT-S.ingle room, private this time all seoond graders will and the workorpnlzed Tea War. Call Beatrice Schmidt, home. Share bath with young become Brownies , b e served. Members may Swarthmore 150U-J. man. 119 Yale avenue. Swarth. ' . Mrs. Geer, Swarthmore 1914, pERSONAL-Magazine subscrip- more 0335-W. Troop 249, under the leadership transportation . tiona. Mrs. Bertha P. Faries, Mrs. J. D. Bowden, Jr., and Mrs. To Bevlew Books 239 Haverford avenue. Telephone . . Seymour will have a win- The Literature Department, Mrs. Swarthmore 4589-W. display in Michael's drug store M. Bryant, chairman will have! pERSONAL-Middle-aged woman co~oratioil Of Girl Scouting second morning program of the PBILADELPIIIA . nings. would baby sitting eveemphasis on itsClworld-wide on Fri"M. ·Calllike Swarthmore 0426-M. Ann art ....,. moming November EAGLES e Jane eaver, . at 10. Mrs. Bryant will prePERsONAL- Vacuum Cleaners, for the elemtary schools, Vs. iroDs, toasters and radios re1-==~B:::O~A::R:;:D:-::O-;:F-A7DJ;:-:;U;;S:;::TME;;;;;N~T;PITrSBUBGH paired, called for and delivered. helping the girls with this proCall Robert Brooks, Swarthmore . HEARl~O STEELERS 1548. PJ:eSeDted By . AUVERTISEMENT FUSCO '" ALSTON. Chester '" Falrvle~ Roads 4583-W W~ekJy or Montbly Phone Swarthmore 2078 9 A. M. to 5.30 P.M. Save Time and Money Tuesday Program II=L~ew' ~C~l"ToIdLlt~._., .,. JSo'!!dE. _ M' Hill. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Ashton are ret~g from Vermont and are spending the Winter again with Dr. Dorothy Ashton of Cedar lane. Peggy Keenen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of Harvard avenue, has been elected to House Council of Shaw Hall, senior dormitory at Denison University, Granville. Ohio. Mrs. S. Blair Luckie of the Swarthmore Apartments attended a meeting of the Executive Board of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs in New York City last week, and as a delegate attended the Herald Tribune Forum held Monday, Tuesday and Wed;nesday Of ~ week in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Frescoin of Walkersville, MeL attended the Penn-..Navy game Saturday and SpMt the week-eod visiting Mrs. Lovett. Frescoin of Harvard avenue, and the John Pitmans of Vassar avenue. =~:I,&"er;'h~a~: TCl Celebrat;,Sco1it Week .Plan. In recognition .of Girl· Scout part' day evening. AII.PurpolO Slaymall PERSONAL - Manuscript, briefs, the,s~ expertly typed at hOlne. f or write IBox K, The EN ' L 0 W E a L ' B Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Brower and son Craig, Jr., now res!dents of Princeton, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Brower have been living 101' the past three years with Mrs. J. Harvey Bonine of Lafayette avenue•. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eltlnge of Twilight Park, Haines Falls, N.Y. arrived Tuesday to visit with Mrs. Elting's sister Mrs. Richard Randall, Jr., of North .Chester road, until December before going south. Mrs. George M. Allen and daughter Jane of Riverview road visited Cornell University, Wells, and Elmira Colleges in New York Stafe last ·week-end. They were Saturday night guests of Mrs. Gertrude Grover of Ithaca, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. C. William Ramsay of Lafayette avenue entertained at a small dinner party Sun- LL:I...4SS·IF1ED·· PERSONAL ~"";;:;"";::=:;;;;;;"''''';;;;';;;;';;;''';;;''';'''';;;''';;'';;''_'I Mrs. Russell Heath, Mrs. J. P. - - - - - . - : ; ; :: Daugherty, Mrs. Birney K. Morse, .•• Prepared for Your and Mrs. A. H. Marsh of Swarthmore were guesis 'it a luncheonbridge Wednesday at the home of A Mrs. Raymond Hadley of Drexel FRSTIVU'IES - THE.: SWABT.HM.,O.BBA,M GOOD COAL ATL"AlVTIC.FUEL· OIL .Van lien Broth.rs RidteyPark '} . • ..:. ;ANSWER BLOOn UNIT QUESTIONS "." . ':' T liE .1. W ... . . . char,es .vary in the diff~t hospitals. The cost of the Red Cross Blood Program is mei 'by individual donations in the Annual Fund Drive' in March; The blood is never wasted.. It keeps ~der refrigeration aa whole blood for three weeks .. If it' has I)ot been used for transfusion during that time, it is sent to a commercial laboratory· for fractionization into derivatives such as Immune Serum Globulin, Antihemophlic Globulin and many oUiers. ,There is no charge for tJ,.e~ derivatives. . Mrs. Soule urges all able bodied citizens to support. the Peace Time Blood Program: Don...rs will have the satisfaction of having performed a humanitarian act as well as determining their blood type. Call Swarthmore 2465, Mrs. Flaherty, for an appointment. A. T B .. 0 • • A If .'. Leri Alerts WO~eD Conferences At School Nov. 9,;,15 Local Wives Entertain (continued from' pace one) The wives of bankers attending "U one is a,ainst the welfare The elementary school confer- the twenty-fifth national convenstate, he laces first of aU the fact ences for the fall term will be held' tion of Bank Comptrollers in Philthat we live in a world of weI- this year at both the eollege and adelphia, were the guests of Mrs. fare states and do bUllness wlth Rutgers Schools on Novmber 9 Paul D. Williams on Wednesday; The visit of the Red Cross ~lood. them. Practically every major 10, 11, 14, and 15. A1J in othe; OctOber ~6. They were ~terta1ned' Mobile unit to Swarthmore on country in .the world and most years the schools will be in session at a luncheon at the .home ot November 9 from 1 to 7 p.m. at smaller ones have full-emploJ- in the morning but the afternoons Mrs. W. E. Dun8an with Mrs. the Woman's Club has raised many ment programs, unemployment in- will be used by parents and teach- Franklin T. Flaherty as co-bostess, questions among bprough citizens. surance, pensions for old-age dis- era for individual conferences and and for tea at the hOllle of Mrs. In an effort to clelU' up any misability, housing subsidies. Many there will be no ~ions for the ,Henry J. We~d, with Mm. David understandings Mrs. Phelps Soule have compulsory health insurance, children. A number of parents McCahan, Mrs. Ralph Hayes, 6Ild chairman of the Blood Committee, farm supports, and emergency this occasion for shopping Mrs. Stuart F. Smith as' co-bosMrs. Franklin Flaherty chairman spending for times of depression. or other trips. ' tesses. of Donor Procurement, and Mrs. "Few of us would go back to The dates of the other conferThe out of town yisitors .were: Horace Hopkins, Red Cross Branch the days when hunger and destiences are winter conferences on Mrs. Mills B. Lane, Jr., Mrs. Charchairman, wish to emphasize the tution in our midst or provision February 22, 23, 24, 27, 28 and ~e les Conklin, and Mrs. Robert following points. for old-age and dependency, was end of the year conferences on Adamson, of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. The Delaware County Medical left either to chance or to'organ- June 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7, 1950. Darrell Cochard, and Mrs. Charl~ Society approved the Red Cross ized private philanthropy. At ponce Dop Perform Meyer, of Chicago; Mrs. Burton P. Program last winter. The prothe same time, the opponent of the The pupils of both the College Allen, of Sacramento, ;Calif.; Mrs. gram had already been approved welfare state feels that there is and Rutgers Elementary Schools Ira Chaney, of San Francisco; Mrs. by National Medical and Hospital some place where the line can be were delightfully entertained by Clarence Lichtfeldt, of Milwaukee, groups. At the start of the prodrawn' between what is'a private a squad of State Pollce with their Wis.; Mrs. Cecil Bortoon, and Mrs. gram in April only two Delaware or local matter 'or what is properly trained dogs . last Monday after- George Earhardt, of New York County hospitals were included To Show Movie noon in the College Avenue School City; Mrs. Art;hur Burbett, of Balto ~ sure blood would be avail- .' "Give a Pint-Save a Life" a Red the function of government." . The definition of this function gymnasium. timore, Md.; Mrs. Raymond Marx, able when needed. Now all the Cross short on the Blood. ~gram. is the root of the matter, said Mr. ' of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Edward hospitals in this area are included. will be shown through the courLewis, reminding listeners that MUSIC CLUB OPENS Lyle, of Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. The question of charge for the tesy of the Coll~\, Theatre durThe Swarthmore Music· Club Hugh E. Powers, of Louisville, Ky.; blood constantly recurs Mrs. Soule ing the week of October 30 to No- the founders of this country used the term welfare in the sense of held its first. meeting of the year, Mrs. Edward UbI, of Philadelphia; stated. There is no charge for vember 3. Mrs. Phelps Soule urges the common good, and that "in Tuesday, October 25,8:15 p. m. in Mrs. Robert Haines, of Lansdowne. the blood. Hospi~ do charge. everyone who can· attend, to do spite of the basiCally competitive Whittier House on the college cam':' and Mrs. Clifford E. MoOrris, a new for administering it, and these so. spirit of our free enterprise his;' pus. resident of Swarthmore. tory, the comfort, security, and Officers of the club are John Paul D. Williams has been preswelfare of our people has beelJ. Sears, president; .Mrs. Morris A. ident of the National organizatioOn Friendly Circle Active ANTONICA FAIRBANKS the envy of the. world!' Bowie, vice president; Mrs. Henry for the past year. Mrs. W. Mark Bittle and Mrs. Teacher of l'Iulo Facing the fact that welfare, in Piper, secretary; and Mrs. Elliott - - . - - - - - - - - . - - Charles G. ThatCher were hos234 Park Avenue I- b J b tessesto the Friendly Circle meet- the. narrow sense of the word, .is Richardson, treasurer. here to stay, some at national,. a Ice ar _ C~ Swarthmore 1775-3 I ing held at Mrs. Bittle's home, 125 Vespers In Wallingford Rutgers avenue on Thursday, Oc- state, or local levels, Mr. Lewl~ The Vesper Forum of the Wal. tober 20.: Twenty-eight members said that it is hopeless to think that federal adminstration of wel~ .llngford Presbyterian Church plans Id I k b -Id . were present.· fare can ever be anything but to present musical vespers on Sun0 Dan u, Inq Marce mtl Dot . .The . Circle has contributed its mechanical and challenged a local day, October 30, at 4 p. m. The F~::;;;;;:;===;;;;;a~========~~~ .~ual .~f oOf 22 articles to the Casserole. CateriDc welfare departmlmt to be " it program will feature solos and N~ey.rork Guild. The project sort of community intelligence group numbers by members of Service SMART DRESSES of ·Thimk.sgiVfDg baskets was cUs- center, for. focusing attention Sizes 9-15, 10-20, veSper Forum. Nancy Burk will' SPECIALIzING Ilf : cuSsed ~ all' members. are asked ~e needs of the community and play the cello; Elinor Burk, the 14lh - 24lh, 38-42 Lauoh.... to,.bring canned g~' (two cans) RUTH IZUMI simplifying pr~ of mode111 harp; Mary Spencer, the organ; Buffet a..... 631 South Chester Road neXt meetini, or leave them community life." and William Taylor, baritone, will Theatre Square . . c.-..a. ...... . fO'the with Mrs. Bittle if it is impOssible If we have lost the battle,' he sing. Call . ~ ~ preJJerit.·· , I said, we have lost it in our Owtllf;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;----;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 'At the ·ooncl~n of the bU3Dot Belfi~ - swa. It'll back yard, from refusal to ai:ce"t lIarle ~ -.~ 1111 inesa session, a social hour was the ~ponsibWties of citizenship• . enjoyed.' All but avery few of the attitudes and abilities as a responsible .citizen are developed right in one's own community. He, then asJted Iiis audience detailed and comprehensive qu~ tions about the operation of the . Borough of Swarthmore. To ~ PREVENTION SERVICEable to answer everyone would be a large order, he said, but to Does save time and inconvenience. answer none or only one or two is a serious indictment of anyon,e II COOD VISIONwho thinks he is a good citizen. "No democracy can survive if . Doel your windshielf wiper wipe clean? uninformed 'or dis.its people interested in the processes democracy, What goes on in the EXHAUST SYSTEMUnited Nations or on Capitol Hill Remember, you drive with windows closed; carbon· is only the refiection of what goes on in thousands of communities monoxide fumes from leaky exhaust can be that make up a nation. A lives not in a nation or family of dangerous~ . llaarp edgecI "ltop-Hotc:la••" gift nations, a man lives in a communluper-CuhloDa utra grl'p !ex .... _. qWck_ "atop aDd go trad1oII. ity of people. TIRES and WHEEL ALlCNMENT"Let us' therefore, before we A Iofter,"''' ..... -'wltch to condemn the welfare state, ask To stop on wintry roads you must have traction. ourselves what we are doing to by . . . . . pro,1l10te the welfare of our oWn CHHI IUde 0.. 24 u.. Of J community. In a society where, ANTI-FREEZEwelfare is literally eve!'Ybody's . ~'~ . ' ,,' . " ". . ~ . ~. ~.' '. . . ~. ..... Just puffing in Anti-Freeze is not enough; cooling business, the term welfare state will be one which unites instead systems should be , checked. ot divides us. What we do here is the real determination of what lies ah~ad in the future." (lJIFATEB anc1 FAIRVIEW aoADS WINTER LUBRICATIONMrs. F, H. Forsythe, president PHOn SWAlLTBIIOD MIl Don;t make your car work against stiff oil and grease. of the club, presented Mr. Lewis adding to his many qualifications the fact that as the brother of the Clubs program. chairman Mrs. Donald L Hibbard he had a very real claim upon his Swarthmore audience. I use F '9 I t S the! on ? • • . • are of man '01 / ·6....,tllaA'l. , ,;" IiE•• a.... \. \ FUSCO & ALSTON Are You One Of The 3% Who Has . Taken Care Of Ilis Car Swarthmore lational, Bank Named To Nurses Convention &Trust Co. Member of Fedenl Depo8lt Iuui-anee Corporatlon . Now You can bUJ U. S. Savinaa Booa ..- ~ automaUca11T thI'1DU11b the n~ BoDd-a-lIoDtb Plan. ~ at thla:sank , . ' Election of delegates from this area to the Pennsylvania state Nurses' Association's 45th annual state convention held in Rea~g November 3-5 wu announced by Alice 0' Halloran, president of District No.1. . Among the Delaware' County delegates representing 2519 nurses of District I, which Includes Philadelphia, Delaware, BuCks Chester, Montgomery Counties is ElIzabeth AIm Groff - dIreetor cd ·the CammunlQ' Health Socle~t· Swuthaaot.. -HANNUM &,WAITE CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH YALE and CBBSTBB BDS. Swaribmore US.· ... , .