, ,.ARE YOUR FLOWERS CHEERING THE_ SWARTHMOR-E FULL DAY OF FUN~PLANNEDIN LEGION NINE IS Borough To Uphold ,Tradition Of Doings For All Ages In Its Independence Day Celebration' Frances Pearson and Pat Told. Games for 10 through 13 girls will be led by Mn. J . .Alfred calhoun. Boys' games, are to be'Bii'ected by Andy Kirk and HarrY Warren. For the Fourth all persons of 14 years and up are adults and will take part in the variety choice program prepared for them by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lukens. By this time the popsicles fornished all players will be very welcome. ' 11.30 a.m.-i1remen'. Water Fight-Rutgers Avenue between Westdale and Yale. One of the ;most popular features of the annual Fourth of July program. you'll find yourself caught up into real suspense and we'll miss. our guess if you're not also caught in a litUe sprinkle. It's downright borly of the Firemen to take all that. wetting for the townfolk and teu them so. won't you? Time out for fe~g the hungry tribe and resting weary bones until the ball a~e ,"","" a t 1'30 . p.m. on the Riverview Field. 8:3.0 p.m.-8quare Dance---;RaUroad Station Square. neJgh.- Hill, Upper Darby During the past week, the of 6-3 and 3-1 and Upper Darby by 11-0. Dalton started last Wednesday's game at Sharon Hill and was relieved by Poole in the fourth inning when Sharon Hill tied at 3-3. Poole pitched his usual steady. effective game and held his adversaries scoreless from then on. A strong three-run rally sewed up the game in the top of the sixth. Barr led the Legion strikers with three solid hits and Dalton chipped in with two timely blows. ' On Friday afternoon the locals ovex:vhelmed Up~r ~rby by blasting the o.pposmg. pltcher ~ut ~ !he box ~th a rune-run first mnmg . explosl~n. S~v~ straight men hit safely .m the mrung before a man was retired.. The big blows were a base clearmg double by Dalton and a homer by La~ with two on held opts base. hill Dalton t . his innin po~en ess or five. gs whileTarr yielded one hit to the last man at the top of the seventh. On Monday evening, Poole pitched a splendid game in defeat- sharon Hill.. The one damag- II . lUg "E" dent wheiher parent, neighbor or' . just the watcher with an eye to CoUncil' Contributes the borough :future. ' A word to the wise, clip this program or carry Low Bid your Swarthmorean about with Share you. Or you'll let the event, not to 'mention the prizes given by the In special session Monday eve.:. sponsors, YOU' most want to see ning Borough CounCil. considered slip by you. the purchase of a new fire truck. 9:30 a.in. (don't wince it once The public safety committee rewas 8:45)-Parade of finest ported on its meeting, attended young fry to be on view in any by representatives of the Fire town in the country this Fourth Company, on JWle 15. Of July. There will be classes for Low bid for the truck was every kind of fancy dress, patriotic $14,300 net. However. the Fire (this has been the largest being Company preferred another make the most appropriate to the occa- whose Ibid was $2300 higher, since sion, fancy costume (many a Ute firemen were more familiar beauty and cavalier has turned up with the equipment on the higher here), humordus (with now and priced truck. then an unexpected twist),' comCouncil decided in the interest ments on the ,times (here an in- of goodwill and at the suggestion telligent and imaginative parent is of the Fire Company apparatu.o; an asset), pet pal (observation committee, to reject all bids and may have failed but we think there appropriate the amount of the low has never yet been a bamster) , bid to the Fire Company with the and then those unpressive units understanding that the Company of bedecked kiddy cars, tricycles, will purohase equipment substanbikes, and floats. ali propelled tially according to specifications of with such earnestness as to make the public safety oommittee. at no the task of the judges very diffi- additional cost to :Borough resicult indeed. Those judges: Mrs. dents. Francis H. Forsythe, Mrs. Avery The' Fire Company in turn ~la.ke, Mrs. Frank 9-. Keenen, agreed to pay cash for the new mCldentally, will be doing their engine selected and give the title good deed. for the week. for they to the !Borough. would like to ,be giving a :prize to every participant. There will be Indians To Play Phila prizes fOr many and a Flag for each child participating in the paThe third of this season's thrillrade given by the Ainsworth- ing box lacrosse games will be Wernher post of the American played at the Sun Oil A. A. Box Legion. Parade marshalls Ferris on Wednesday July 6, starting at W. Mitchell, C. W. Lukens and 8:30 p. m. when the redoubtable Harold Ogram will earn commun- Swarthmore Indians tackle the ity orchi$, too. Philadelphia Stars. '.nlese two 10:30 a.m.--Game Hour for All teams have alwaYs given the specon the College Aveuae School tators all the blood-tingling action Grounds-This doesn't, sound that anyone might desire and thiS nearly as exciting as the bourof coming tussle, like its predecessors, genuine community cooperation will leave nothing to be wished turns out to be. There will be the for in the way of exciting roughpony' ,rides for children under and-tumble action. Both teams seven under the indispensable di- are studded with stars from 001rection of Mr. and Mrs. Pbillp M. legiate lacrosse ranks, maJIY of Ald~. Qames for Brownleage them .All-American aelectkmS in girls, 7 to JO, will be ~ of recent yean. the Contributions from anyone in the community who would like to share their garden with patients of the Philadelphia General Hospital would be greatly appreciated. Containers to :hold flowers will be placed at the Woman·s Club from Wednesday noon unW Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. VARIETY REIGNS IN SUMMER FUN Swarthmore Legion "?ctories, team has scor~ three decisive de- ' feating Sharon Hill twice by scores FIRE CO MAKES ~g blf! :S!t~~d:~tt:\~li::ev~tri!!~ ~ DEAL O'N" 'NG'IHE ·e:~ch~~~=~:e ~e:: t~ set day off its proudest start. <;ertainly the SIght of the young_ blo'Y off $3.50 PER YEAR Will You Share Your Garden? TRIPLE WINNER ANNUAL COMNUNITY FOURTH Lads Defeat Sharon Fourth of July' carrid fo:" all , Swarthmoreans not only the patriotic import which it has for each . United States citizen but also the awareness that the borough's traditional day of conununity fun. is at hand. They know that the civic-minded' members of the Swarthmore Business Association are busily planning for the day-long program of family fun which for many years has made a stay-at-home F!lurth in Swarthmore a hiih moment in neighborliness and fun. This year's Fourth plans are in , good progress. Pony ri4es for the youngest celebrants are assured.. Agile and popular directors have been persuaded to .lead games for every age and condition of Swarthmoreans. The heat wave may have brought its woes but it has done its part to ,.get the Midget and Clipper ball t~ams in perfect p~ form for their holiday afternoon crowd. Then in the dusk. after tile bacltyard picnics have freshened. and relaxed relatives and friends. there will be a community square dance on the. station plaza to bring the day's fun to a close. All this and a parade, too, to PATIENTS? SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. JULy 1, 1949 VOLuME 21-NlJ.MBPB 2S th~ SUMMER HOSPITAL delivery was a and went tor I!. homer. Swarthmore finally came up with a three ruri burst in the bottom of the fifth ,after being stymied a num.ber of times by fast and fortunate fielding on the part of 'Sharon Hill. Barr and Dalton again led the hitters with two hits ('.ach. Tonight the team travels to Aldan for one of the most de'cisive games Of the league ..season. Summer Library Hours . ' Enthusiasm High As Registrants' End 2nd. Week Two weeks of the summer recreation program have sped along, with four more to go. Each of the activities is reported to be enthusiastically received by ~e children and young people who are enrolled. Among the Summer Clubbers. craft classes are popular, with 46 at work under the direction of Mrs. T. L. Purnell and Frances Pearson. Mrs. Purnell is a graduate of Albright College. In addition to her experience as a home economics teacher and dietician. she has studied at the Philadelphia Museum School of Indusbial Arts. Frances Pearson is a 1949 graduate of Swarthmore High School. whose interests, skills and personality have won ber the respect of the crafters. . The tre~ure hunt Iheld last Friday among .the 5lDnmer Clubbers was won by l~ members who -10cated College Theatre passes in a car bearing U1e license 95B28. F.\"ed Mazza, leader; Timmy Ryerson, Judy Abbe. David Woodai-d, Joan Harrar, Apne Drlehaus, Beverly Crow1lher, Rosemary Hibbard, Walter ReynOlds and Joe Gibson were the winners. Other teams were headed by Dick Jester, Jim Musser ·and Lynn Purnell. Each te?m followed a separate course; bud out as a r~t of hours of work by Don DIckinson and Tee! Dunn. At the Rutgers School, the Primary group has m~y different interests. Baseball 'has' become a favorite of the boys, and the competition between teams is keen. All the children have spent their craft period creating and decorating lamp shades for their mothers, and have found ot a rewarding process--even to the last coat of shellac. Last Friday they enjoyed a trip to the Michigan avenue pond of the, Belfields, watching and feeding a large variety of ducks. DR. FINE VICTIM OF THROMBOSIS Philadelphia Dentist Boro. Resident 40 Years Funeral services were held Tuesday in Christ Churc:b, Media, for William Middleton Fine who died of coronarr- thrombosis at 7:30 o'clock Saturday morning at his home 128 Park avenue. Dr. Fine who .had practiced dentistry in Philadelphia' for nearly 50 years maintained an office in the Medical Arts Building. He bad lived in Swarthmore for 40 years. Bom in Ocean Grove, N. J.. on July 9, 18'77, he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1901. He was a member of Delta Sigma Delta and the Philadelphia Medical Society. Surviving besides his wife. the ' former Emily CaUin Plumly, are three children: William. of Morton, Ill.; Emily, of Stafford Springs, Conn.• and Kom, 'of Jacksonville, Fla. PETITIONS OUT ON LIQUOR SALE , Give Residents Chance To Protect Choice, In view of an occurence in its neighboring borough, Lansdowne. local residents interested in protecting Swarthmore from the same predicament are circulating petitions to have the question of alooholic beverage sale in Swarthmore placed on the ballot so that borough residents may evidence their desire in this matter and adequate protection can be established in the event they wish to maintain the present "dry" status. . Lansdowne found a zoning ordinance unenforceable when the State Liquor Board granted a license to the owner of an establishment there and the Delaware County Court refused to' uphold the local ordinance which had been designed to prevent liquor sale. A referendum on saloons or the issuance of liquor licenses is necessary if the borough wants to maintain its local option. The only way this can be accomplished is to have 25 per cent of the voters sign peti~ions requesting the County Commission~rs to place the questions involved on the ballot for vote in September's primary. Those who wish Swarthmore to be governed by the will of the majority of its people in this matter should· contact Tob.e Swarthmorean, the ministers of the local churches, President John Nason of the College, President George Ewing of the Borough Council, Ilf any other resident who is in possession of the petitions to be signed. T4e petitions must be filed with the Commissioners before July 13. From July 1 to September 8, the customary summer schedule will be followed. at the Swarthmore Public Li\>rary. The library will be closed on Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday afternoon during this period, but will be open for business at the following times: Monday, 2-5:30 and 7 to 9; W~­ nesday, 2-5:30 and 7 to 9; FridaY, 2-5:30; ~aturday 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. The Library will be closed on July 4, on Labor Day, and on the Saturday before Labor Day. It is I expected that many Clippers Trip Lansdowne Swarthmoreans will avail themOn Monday evening, the Clipselves Of the very liberal summer pers scored their most impressive loan privileges, which have been triumph of the season when they so popular in the ~ast. To make traveled to East Lansdowne and it ,pOSSible for hoklers of library before a strongly partisan home cards to have a good supply of crowd. handed the local team its vacation reading matter, adults first defeat of the season by a may take out eight books and chil- score of 3-2. Billy Ziegenfus ren foUr ( twice the usual num-pitched one of the best games of ber that may be withdrawn at one his career and at one s,tage of th~ time), including anything except game struck out three in a row seven-day books and new access- with the bases loaded. The runs ions that are in great demand. scored ,against hlm. were the result Mr. and Mrs. Harlie D. Reynard. All books taken out between July of loose support, but his teammates and small son David returned to 1 and September 8 will be stamped res,~nded wi,th fine help at criti- th' ' eu- h ome'm Evanston, m., last for return on September 12; but cal moments. Noel Snyder and after visiting with Mrs. it is hoped that the holders. once Mike Bender drove in decisive' Reynard's parents Mr. and Mrs. they are through with them, will runs with timely hits and the Willard Tomlinson of South Chesbring . ~em back to. the IJbrary . whole team played in excellent ter road and vacationing in the at thell" e.iU'ly converuence, so that fashion. Thursday afternoon the Poconos for three weeks. Mr; and. others may make use of them. Olippers went to Overlook Heights MrS. Reynard will be located. in Miss Hunter, J,.ibrarian will be to replay a 2-2 tie of June 20. If Park Forest, m.. a suburb of on vacation from August 5 to this game is won.. the Clippers end Chicago after August 1. ....- Shipherd the first baH season in a tie with .Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M.: Reed Sep tember .7 ; an d , ~o:t. East Lansdowne for first place, of North Chester road will enter::s:.~~ ~~rarian. from July 2 and the plQoff will be held Sat- tain informany at ElUPper and ~..... urday. " ,bridge at their home this evening. week ;. " " " ,, .~ '. :j 'l J ! THE SWARTBMORBAN TO 8E()OME BRIDE Miss Jean Gillon Huey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam R. Huey of Dickinson avenue and Mr. Edwin Donald Gustafson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Gustfson of Highland Park, N. J. Will .be married tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Swarthmore Friends Meeting House. , . A reception will follow at Whittier House on the campus. Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Mercer of North Chester road will entertain al a dinner at their home before the wedding rehearsal this evening. Mrs. James H. Hornaday of Dickinson avenue will give a luncheon for the bridal party before the wedding tomorrow afternoon. The bride-to-be was guest of honor at a pantry shelf showp.r given by Miss Helen Kraus of Benjamin West avenue. TO WED TOMORROW Miss Emily Elizabeth Rumble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rumble of Yale and Swarthmore avenues, will become the bride of Mr. John Jerrold Jackson of Larchmont, N. Y., tomorrow afternoon al 4 o'clock in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. A cordial invitation is extended to friends to attend the ceremony. The bride-to-be was guest of honor at a kitchen shower given last week by Mrs. Robert Pfeifer of Yale avenue who wlll attend as matron of honor. Mr. and Mrs. G.,orge Schobinger and Miss Barbara Ann Schobinger of FIhiladelphia. formerly of Swarthmore, entertained at a dinner party lasl Thursday evening in honor of the 'bride. Miss Schobinger will be a bridesmaid. The bride was guest of honor at a luncheon given Saturday by the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter and Miss Jane Carter of Glenside, former Swarthmore residents. Miss Carter ,will be a bridesmaid. The bridal party will be entertained this evening following the wedding rehearsal by Mrs. Howard Bastian. aunt of the bride, and by Mr. and Mrs. Stoll Titus at their new home 20D Swarthmore avenue. JULY - BRIDE The marriage of Miss Elizabelh F. Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Wilson of Park avenue, to Mr. Frederick K. Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Foster of Syracuse, N. Y. will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Swarthmore Methcdist Church. The Rev. Dr. Roy N. Keiser Will perform the ceremony. A reception will follow at Strath Haven I n n . ' . Mr. and Mrs. Foster, parents of the bridegroom, Will entertain the wedding party at a dinner at the Ingleneuk before the wedding rehearsal this eveniog. Miss Helen Kraus of Benjamin West avenue, who will be a bridal attendant, entertained at a dinner party. ·at , her home Wednesday evenmg. RYAN - MEDFORD The marriage Miss Ruth Charlotte Medford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam L. Medford of Sirath Haven avenue, to Mr. 'Bernard Lewis Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omar C. Ryan of Richmond, Ind., took place Thursday, June 30 at 4:30 o'clock in the Swarthmore Pnisbyterian Church. The Rev. JO!l<'Ph P. Bishop performed the ceremo~. The bride given in marriage by her father wore a wedding gown of ivory satin made with a fitted bodice, off-shoulder n<>Ckline with yoke of tulle, and lace capped sleeves. A panel of lace extended from the yoke to the bottom of her full ski';! which ended in a train. Her three-quarter length veil· of tulle fell from a halo of matching fuce and she c8rrled a baskel with an ivory satin handle filled with gardenias and stephanotis. Miss Joan: E. Medford, as maid of honor for her sister, wore a gown of pink taffeta featuring a fi~' bodice, off-shoulder low neck edged with shirring, and cap sleeves. Her full skirt was shirred ,to the bodice and had three bands of shirring through it. The bridesmaids. Miss Agnes U. Thomas and. Miss Elizabeth ~. Elleman of RIchmond, Ind., Miss 'Charl?tte ~. Smithers of lIhiladelphia, MISS Hary E. Denworth of Elm avenue and Miss Mary Servais of Dickinson avenue, wore the 'samestyle model as the maid of honor, in aqua taffeta. They carried baskets with aqua handles filled with pink' flowers. The maid of honor's basket with pink handle held the same shade of flowers. They all wore bandeaux of pink fiowers in their hair. Mr. Robert A. Ryan served as besl man for his brother and the ushers included Messrs. Edward E. Thomas, R. Noah Berry, P. William Davenpory; Denver P. Cain &11 Of Richmond, and Phillip J. Smithers of Philadelphia. Mrs. Medfor-d wore a gown of light rose crepe with 'a biege nyIon net hat trimmed with rose lilies. lJer corsage was of pale lavender orchida. Mrs. Ryan wore a gown in beige shade with matching hat. Her corsage was of green orchids. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Armstrong - Brinsfield Miss Margaret P. Jkinsfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brinsfield of Girard avenue, and Mr. Thomas J. Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Armstrong of Holmes, were united in marriage Saturday, ~une 18 at 4 o'clock in the Swarthmore Methodist Church. The Rev. Dr. Clarence Carter of Philadelphia. formerly of Swarthmore, performed the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an ivory slipper satin gown fashioned with yoke of illusion finished with lace trim on bodice, and lace ruffles on bouffant skir,t worn over a hoop. Her finger tip veil was held in College Theatre Air Conditioned Phone Swarthmore 0450 17~ S. Chester Road Swarthmore ' The marriage of Miss Ohristine Woodard Harris, daughter of'Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harris of FOrt Worth, Texas. to Mr. Richard Coleman Clark, ,son of Mrs. Wil~ !iam S. Clark of Philadelphis, took place SRturdlly, June 18 at 12 o'clock noon in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop officiated. The bride wore a gown of white pique with inserts of organdy of a floral pattern on the full skirt. Her tulle veil was of finger tip length and she carried a prayer book with white orchid marker. Miss Anne Lingle of Cornell avenue, the bride's only attendant, wore a gown of white pique with fitted bodice and full skirt trimm~ ed with bands of organdy. She wore a Juliet cap of pique and carried American Beauty roses. ,Dr. William Gillespie of Narbeth served as best mario The bride is a member of the choir of the Swarthmore Presbyterlan · Ohur. ch ------ .JOHNSll'ON - SlPD,T,ER, Miss Constance Newbold Spiller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ROOert E. Spiller of Ogden avenue, and Mr. Thomas J. J ohnsto", son of Mrs. Louise Abbot Johnston of White Plains, N. Y. were married Saturdaw, June 25 at 3 o'clock in the Swarthmore Frienda Meeting House. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam H. Thatcher and Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Hunt acted as overseers of the Swarthmore Monthly Meeting. Miss Mary Miles Spiller attendede her sister as maid of honor. and the bridesmaida were Miss Barbara H. Thatcher of College avenue, and, Miss Margaret T. ~NEY" Serial - Comedy - Cartoons Come and Enjoy Your Seleetion From HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS STRATH HAVEN INN The Bouquet BEAUTY SAWN Come summer - 9 Chester Road when )IOU romp OIl RUGS arB CUAN~ (P~"'SO" tt· Comr.e!!,! Need CleanlnCJ EVERY Year. "MY DREAM IS Y01Jll8" in technicolor I n Gallon Containers Just what you want for the 4th of July weekend' Mi.b.el'. ClUep 'b.rmcl, July and AuguSt, ON TIlE coitNI:B ".. "God is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all ChurcheS of Christ, Scientisi, on Sunday, July 3. 'The Golden Text is: "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God. in him Will I trust" (Psalms 91:2). Re~~.C.And~n,Rector Orange and Lime Ice Closed Sundays Fo.r .. Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service Mr. Bishop's sermon Will be "FlIght from FreedQJD." The Church School, has officlally closed for the summer, to open again early in September. The Church Hour Nursery will be held this Sunday from 11 to 12 o'clock for ohildren ages 1 to 7. ,The Boy Seau_Troop :!.-meet each Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Each Wednesday during the summer surgical dressings are being made at the Church from '10 o~clock on. , If you would like to 'stay through the lunch hour please bring a sandwich. Brallle work has been resumed al the Church for part of this summer. The Six Dois and' any new volunteers will meet on Manday morning at 10 o'clock to do a special piece of work which is vitally needed for the blind. Noti..... is, herby given of a congregational meeting to be held immediately after the morning worsl?lP on Sunday. July 10. G. Willis Brodhead will be the guest soloist this Sunday morning. TlUNITY CHURCH In The Special One-Half Gallon Container "--" Christian Science Notes METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D.D., Minister SIJIlday ,JnIy 3 10:00 A.M.-Church School ,11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. / MOLD A FASHIONABLY Presbyterian Notes SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MInister ,Sanda.:v .JnIy 3 11 :00 A.M.-'l'he seniIon topic Will be ''Flight from Freeedom." WedJie6day, .JnIy 8 7:30 P.M.~Boy Scouts, Troop 2. 10:00 A.M. ~ Surgical Dressings Group. 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa •. Swarthmore 0730 or 0529 - Clearbrook 4646 Jane Logan delux ICE CREAM Sun. - Mon. - .Tues. Humphrey Bogari .John Borek "KNOCK ON ANY DOOR" 'SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY• .JULY 1, 1849 ------- ---- ----- Church Servi'Ces ... 1:1 ...............0 Marian' Ransburg of Har:vard avenue Will leave SuDday for Camp Kanes8'take, Spruce ,Creek, Pa., to act as councilOr for a few weeks. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Holy Comm,union will be celebrated at 8:00 a.m. and also at 11:00 a.m. Ushers for the 11:00 o'clock service are: C. W. Randan, bead usher, F. Plowman, T. L. Willlams, J. B. Bullltt, Jr." J. W. . Jones, J. P. Wilcox. C. S. Brown and J. L. Comog. No Died to worry about rep gettiag 80ft when cleaned at Paultop'., STIFFNESS NOT M, MOVED I City, Satunlay, June 18. Phyllis Kletzlen of South Chester road entertained a few friends at a picnic at Smedley Park Friday. Entered 88 Se arke~ old Lank BOROUGH HALL, SWARTHMORE for o.use unable to meet o.e full cost of the service: $2.00 per visit up to one bour. $Z.54I per _ . at an appointed speel· 8ed lime. $Lot for JInIodermlc injections III 9:30-5:00 -:0:SIJIlday lab' 3 CODl/Dunity. Oealth Society 01 Central Dela ware County· & aIIcJtarr ~e of f ... fa maIntained 9:30-1:00 PVk AveDUe'below Harvard THE COST , Summer FIGURE ..I CamP Hope and CamP Sanablne. • Volunteer traDSPOrtation for patients to boopltal c1taIca. • Administration for tbe Denial Healo. Center-financed by your local civic lI1'oups--wbere 561 trestments were elven. • The Woodl1D ChDd HesRb Cente~pened May 8, 1949, wlo. 47 babl.. attendlnrtbe first day. ' • AssIstance and cooperation ta Community Chest X·Bay - 'feJI tbrOagb the Delsware County ,TubercUlosis and Healo. _lsU.... ' . From special fDDda-Cenerously contributed by \oCal or.... ' batloDll-mIIk, special medlcaUono, eyqlu!es, etc., • 15 Infant lsJettes tbrOagb o.e N~llleworl< GuDda. FINANCIAL REPORT Balan';" June I, 1948 ................. , II.., INCOME Fees from In.Uvldualli and contncto •• , 9,118. CONTRIBUTIONS Borourb of Swarthmore ............. . ' ••00 Ridley Township CommIssioners •••••• COMMUNITY CHEST •••••••••••••••••••• Total Receipts •••• ~ ............. . ZOO.OO 13,092.00 .......14 1!XPENDIT1lRES· ' (Jftice Espense •••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• $ 2,613.68 Transportation....................... . 1,917.38 Salarl.. ........... ...... ........... 17,237.l0 Retirement Fond ........................... •_ _763_.8.0 Total Ezpenllllans ............... • 22,l!8L!MI Balance May 31, 1!K9 •••••••••••• • .... (Boob AmUted IIi Job B. _ _ and Com_) (CertIfIed Public Acoo_laBto) W. were able to make, 3929 free home viaita and to achieve this record bealUse your'Red Feather eontrlbutioas made itpossible for the Community Chest . of Philadelphia and Viduity to alIoc:ate $13,092.00 ____ ~_w. __agen_e_y' __ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _'••• _co,_ _ ......... la'A_Dr", Co_ All_ a en'_ .................... Cned __ ·'s_ ......_ _--J • THtSWARTHMORBAN NEWS NOTES Edith Kletzlen of South Chester road Is home from Nor.thfield Scilool for Girls, Mass.. and is working at the Pennsylvania Hospital, Phlladelphia for the summer. William David Webb, son of JIlr. and Mrs. W. H. Webb of Soulh Chester road aDd Cresco, Pa., was graduated from Wesle7an University June 19 with both Honors and Distinction. He was also elected to membership in Phi Bela Kappa. In September he will begin his atudies at Yale Quality Food. You'll - NHd to Properly ·CELEBRATE 'l'IE, 4th A larger Clooriment of lu.t tho food. you'll noed at homo IN' on tho e- Our Mar:=-- WUI OPEN FRL TILL 9 .oM. : SAT. 6 P.M. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, JULY 4th Girard - Lean, Smoked, Skinned - Family Law SchooL Mr. and.1IIrs. Webb 1 attended the commel'cement at Wesleyan June 19 and on 'June 20 the wedding of their niece MIss Pamela Joyce Faulkner, daughter of Professor and Mrs. Harold U. Faulkner of Northamp_' ton. Mass., to Mr. Fred ManSJJre of T.ansdowne. David was one of the ushers at the wedding. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Delaplaine spent th~ week-end with the former's mother Mrs. Roy W. Delaplaine of Cornell avenue. Dr; Delaplaine who has been stationed w+th the Navy Amphibious Force at LitUe Creek, Va., hao been released from the Navy and Js starling a residency at Bellevue Hospital, N. Y., in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Mrs. George F. Fenno of Swarthmore avenue Is entertaining Mrs; Alfred Gary White of Washington, ·D. C., formerly of Swarthmore, and Mrs. G.ary White of Birmingham. Ala., who arrived Thursday for a' few days visit. Margaret FIace1is of Scarsdale, N. Y., and Carol Shoemaker of Haddonfield, N.J., visited their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shoemaker of Riverview road. ., sIZe - SMALL RAMS ~;':;k IliS9' All bone, akin and eJCWQ. fat "moved. Weight 1.10 Ibi. YANKEE SLICED ' Ib 39c PICNIC SPBClALSI ~I:rt ·41 c VALLEY FORGE SOUR , We Have A Full Line of son < quart . Jar 2Sc Drinks and OilIer ,PIanIC Needs • doz 19c :-: Commercial and AIr Conditio....... HOME FREF:ZEBS and radios refor and delivered. Brooks, Swartmnore :-: W.A.·mGH Swarthmore 3237-M desires position as 50 cents per hour, day. evening: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =Sw~arthm~~ore;;:-~20~1~8::... _.".--==-PERSONAL-Lots _ mowed - Warren Pierce. Swarthmore ao78. A. Mf1rcer Quinby omEcraB Formerly of Media • h A I h Ig II 25 W.... ve., Pblla Phone Baldwin 1170 N'" a ddltlonaI ch arge 60. ~ suburban ealls ==--;; FOR RENT FUNERAL !~~~~~~~~~~~~ ROOFS GO'l'I'ERi1 BEl'AIRED AND INSTAI,I,ED Furnace Repairs & Cleaning Call , GEORGE lIIYEBS 409 Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 S8MtON£'S lOOKIN6 fOR YOUktROftRTV .JERSEY BOUND Green beans 2 Ib.19c Aga",-'tofat Mamd,WoIOht All ski", bone ond Dean fat remov-.l. Weight U ·Ib S9c LEMONS Short shonk.. --.11 trlmlMd - .. ,. • CANNED PICNICS Sales and Service LOCAL FRESH KR·un STEWING PICKLES PERSONAL REFRIGERATION Pork Roart ::;:;: Ib S9c co-op IAYOIIAISE CLA.SSIFIED can Wa7U U88 LOIN 2. - TVN1s 'l'rI-rnl' E nial S_~..... Fresh Blle.erry Pie wltlil!:;on 3ge . Bacon THE CGoQplete Tree 8ert1e8 ARE IN TOWN PRICES ABE DOwN Chickens 1M. CALIFORNIA SUNKIST SMOKEDPICNlCS~~~!f Ili47c ,btl. , . wHEN co-OP S ORANGES lie • TheSwarlh are Co-op JULy MACBEAN and CALIFORNIA SUNKIST Short thank., well trlllllMd - . . . . . . . . COOlED CANNED BAli AF~""oI=..fat mLY 1, 1l1li of MIss Helen TcwnJln.... ot ~::~I Chester xoad are spending. po':eit :mwa::gf!tm:e... week in Atlantic City. MIss Margaret Ransburg. Ing congratulations upon the Harvard avenue entertained at a of a IIOD, Timothy Wood Powell, miscellaneoUs shower Tuesday on June 22 in Lylng-in-Hospltal, evening in hoDOl' ot MIsa ....811cy I BIRTH Boiled Ham ;';g room, chen. Swarthmore FOR RENT New modem Apt., very close to Penna. R. R. Large living dinette, room,' large bedroom, kitchen!' tile bath. Kitchen furnished with American sink. exhaust fan, cabinets and refrlg- who sailed Thursday from Quebec erator. $80 mo. Call Swarthmore for a summer abroad; ~.. • S7c 01- Iii ~ 1234. SWarthm10~.~e~~~~~~~~1 ware Ce'iforaia I_hi. Letta.. "aacy Tru BID Berri_ with 4c , 2.... ..., K.,. Romano ••...eM CII.... New Cocoanut Crunch CDR•• Cake -5'0 • Tlf~ •. YI""" H _ Asphalt or Concrete PETER DI NICOLA Phone Swarthmore 1518 F. F. ZIMMERMAN Photographer . '''OUtstanding for Quality" Media 8-0438 6 E. Front St. 75e .. 45c 1·59c 1·53c "'III 42c -..:~2gc -.,:tiZgc tt:lgc ....·d.. .alad........ era.... • • ..... w. Ute Dole or U • ..,.'. =4• • • II,P.II 'tor ~se a ~ a.. a~ase .... 'N H..... _ 0.",. . Menk ..... "N, H.......... Stalled OU". ~ II. . . . ., •• OB... TUESDAY through FRIDAY .................... 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. SATURDAy ..............................................5:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. SUNDAY ........................................................1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. LInes Take the.lmmer out of summer.· 4fo1d Palm Beach Ties • . . here ogaln lor tho.e sweltering clays ahead • • • More beautiful than ever. FOR SALE-Ten ivory colored ventian blindo, 44" wide. Good condition. Call Swarthmore 0904 evenings. FOR SALE - Pair of woman's '* PUBLIC SALE Coal and Fuel Oil For newer cats . . Modernize with BUCHNER'S Toggery Shop. S PARK AVENUE Super - cushion Tires Chester BDCI Fairview Roa.k Ihnt"rt'lallene ..,.. • Goods STILWELL'S STORAGE PIANO TUNING ALBAN PABKEB Phone Media .6-1551 New and KebaBt PIanos and Kepalrlq 8 ' - 1118 FUSCO & ALSTON Household at Builder RepBirs and MaiintenlllllCE , WAREHOUSE Morton Ave., 1& Penna. It. R. hIT I atl P .. M. New aDcl Used FUrnIture China, IIoDIrs .... s-e To,. * Reservati..", Deslrabl<>Phone Swarthmore 4569-9:30 A. M. to I P.M. r PHONE 1984 IITCHENS .• WAll aod n ... , c.vnIll8~. • AUIIUIDNS ... IlrA/.S ' ARTERS BIl9TIIERS, IH, Contradorl and Bu;Ide" 302 Gay/ey Street • Medi., P.. ' Phone: M;edla 6,4281 MORE HEAT FOE PREMIUM ANTHRACITE. 331 DarimoutbAvenue . swaribmore , Swarthmore 03411 Mason Builders Supply Company MILLWORK ' - LUMBER BUILDING MATERIAL W.&I.I a.d ••~I... PROMPT SERVICE Y A. BUBL BA * * NEW CONSTRUCTION ALTSATION& REPAIRS * ffighest Quality Craftsmanship HORACE A. REEVES "THIRD ,GENERATION A. WAYNE MOSTELLER All Types of Electrical Installations and Repairs. Serviog Swarthmore and , Vicinity for past Twenty Years WILDERj;~ 1180 Muhlen....... Ave. Swarillmore ZlI85 LET US ES'l'DIA'l'B New P4riier lIIinftr aDd J. C. 8T1LWELL III SONS • MODI . . ';;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;;;;;;;~~~;g§~~~ Il~~~~~~~~~~~ij . Electrte Power M' Wd HI 1-..,-.,-,.'''-] 'AI and AUGUST 22nd until SEPTEMBER 6th Avenue. 711 FAIRVIEW ROAD, SWARTHMORE. SALES and SERVICE BAOIOS & ROME APPLIANCES $1300 2867-W. 'I~=~~~~~~====~I VAN ALEN BROS•. EASY TERMS! .at.. leach 10. . $1.00 Swarth- J!Il()S,,,,,, ~ CLOSED JULy 2nd, 3rd and 4th and Females. ~fI~~~Ha~Y-j Frii ~ LESS MONEY Closed Every Monday ~~Swaribm~~ore~l833~~I~~~:r.;Phone a'!W atG -..y 1 car garage, stable and tool house. Suilable for yew:' round occupyancy. Reply to Box L. The Swarthmorean. FOR SAl.]: In Swarthmore Unfinlsbed but livahle Iibree bedroom home. ApproximatelY 1 acre, woodo and stream nearby. Wonderful opporlunii;y for development. Write Box K, The They are real A K,beauties. C. ~tered. Call ~~~~~~~~~~~~I Swarthmore 1614. All Of J'ns1!rani" Web. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marks and In-law and sister Mr. and Mr•. arable mention. line of spectators at the water fight a joke and Was slartled when The Pet Pal Section had' twO which always follows the speed he fuund out that he bad won. children Bobby and Bonnie of Ellis Bonnet of Amsterdam. and Princeton, avenue spent the Fourth will attend the International Physwinners, Joanne '"Shearer and contest. The result of this fight Bert is planning to sell the suite of' July week-end visiting Mr. leal Education Conference in CoAdele Waring with Br'uIser, and is always announced as a draw. penbagen, 'Denmark. MIss Hath George Gilmore with "George's' No referee eould ever be fOll&d ,as he has no possible way to put Marks' parents In Danville. Pa. NaDcy Schmidt of MaglJI aDd will return the middle o.f August. it 10 use at the preseDt tlme. Zoo" Which included IIIIlOI1t other (continued on page 6)' I RITES FOR MRS. SCHOENBERG NEWS NOTES 2 The matron of honor Mrs. Bob- In a long oval train. Her full Cranford, N. J. 88 matron of boDOr, LINTON _ WImSTER Miss Elizabeth M. Huey as maid ert Pfeifer of Yale avenue, oousIn length veil of illusion fell from an and. th.e brldesmaida Mias Eleanor The marriage of Miss Elalne of honor for her siater. wore 1.!idwlg of S;yracu.Be N.Y., and MIas Bradford. Webster daughter of Mr. gown of white figured' organdie of the bride, and MIas Winifred heirloom roae point lace beaddiels. ~eIen Kra)18 of Benjamin West and Mrs. John C. Webster, Jr of over yellow taffeta. She caiTi.id Rumble, sister Of the bride, wore She carried a. white prayer bOOk gowns of white marquiSette over with a white orcb1d as' a marker. avenue, wore gowns of white marHighland Orchards, Wilmington. to a bouquet of pink roses, laVE:llder yellow taffeta, trimmed with 8PMrs. Edward Fimbel, Jr., of (continued to page 5 ) Mr. Jack Myers Linton. son of larkspur and yellow daisies and ....................... :.a:. ........................... ~ .....~:.:-~...: .............................. ..... . Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Linton, wore matching flowers 88 a head- piqued flowers of the taHeta. They carried white Shasta daisies to ~¥+¥. . . . . . . .~~.'Y+"+ of :Benjamin West avenue, took dress. place Saturday, July 2 at 3:30 The bridesmaids, Mrs. Robert match their headdresses of the o'clock in the McCabe Memorial S. Burton of Cleveland, Ohio; Miss same flowers. The bridesmaids Miss BaIi>ara Methodist Church Wilmington. Adele Stemmler of Manorville L. Sehobinger of Philadelphia, ll!ld . The Reverand Dr. Robert Gould I., and Miss Corrine Nagle of Balofficiated. The wedding music lston Spa N.Y.. wore sirniliar Miss Jane Carter of Glenside, was played by Mrs. A. Robert Long gowns of figured organdle over both former Swarthmore residents, of New York City, Organist. green taffeta and carried bou- Miss Sue Lasley, and M 8, 1878. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SAVE TIME! LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR· SWARTHMORE. PA., FRIDAY• .JULY 8. 11149 Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service Mr. Bishop's sermon will be "The Unity of Life". The Sacrament of Baptlism· will be observed. The Church' Hour Nursery has been discontinued. for the summer months. The Church School ia also discontinued for the summer months. Miss Jane McChesney will be the guest soloist this Sunday morning. On Sundays, July 24 and July 31 we shall have as our guest preacher the Rey. Peter Lovte, pastor of the christ Presbyterian Church, Warwick,}3ermuda. Tbe Christ Church is a historic parish of Bermuda belonging to the Presbytery of Edinbw:gl). and frQIll Its membership many great servants I The $l.OO-Serve YourseH-All You Want COMPLETBSUPPER STRATH HAVEN INN have given to the s6l'Vice of the been church. Boy Scout Troop 2 meets each Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Church. Each Wednesday during the summer surgical dressings are being at the Church, starting at 10 o'clock In: the. Please bring a Sandwich if you would 'like to stay through the lunch hour. Braille work has been resumed at the Church for part of the mer. A:nyone'interested in working v.ith this ~p please Mrs. J. V. S. BisbDp. Volunteers are u~gen~ needed.. . N~I!.c~ .1S~ereb~ glven of a congregational meeting to be held imm~at"?" after the moming worship this Sunday, July 10. ~~iiiiiiiiii~ii~iiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii~ The J30uquet made WATl:R IUls.·, Frien?s Dr. andMeeting Mrs. E. House. Le Roy Mercer !::............rt='t=SesrrHHr-sHHr::s....,~1=f=!HM ....,..., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. ALEXANDER FOUNDATION SCHOOL Thatcher acted as overseers, with 600 North Jackson Sitriet, Media Dr. Mercer reading the marriage certificate. . Phone MEdia 6-2912 The bride escorted by her father Small Private Elementary School wore a wedding gown of ivory Kindergarten through Ei,ghth Grade satin fashioned with a fitted bodice Thorough grounding in the three R's, science, social studies, with bertha of heirloom rose point Brusseis lace and full skirt with an introduction to music, dramatics. and manual training. train. Her veil of net was edged Bright, Cheerful Rooms. Large, 'Beautiful PlaygroUDil . with rose point lace, and had been REGISTRATION OPEN for LIMITED NUMBER of VACANCIES worn by her mother on her wedding day. She carried white carnations, lilies of the valley and stephanotis. ....... College Theatre Air Conditioned Baltimore Pike, Springfield Phone Swarthmore 0450 Friday and Saturday Loretta Young Van Johnson "MOTHER IS A FRESHMAN" in technicolor Feature Times - Sat. Night Only 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Special Saturday Matinee For K1ddles _ 1:00 p ..... "BLONDIE'S mG The Hoagie· But n~ s. Chesler Road MOMENT" Serial _ CartooDB - Comedy Monday and Tuesday . Clark Gable Swarthmore Phone 3218 . "CO~ PlJl:;:ION" Hoagies Steaks Party Sandwiches Wednesday Onl:y James MaSon In "CAUGIl'l"' Hamburgers Starting Thurs<\ay "TAKE ME 01lT TO'l'RE BALI. .OAIIB" MEDIA AIR CONDITIONED Friday and Saturday June AlIYson Peter Lawford Margaret O'BrIen ''LlTrLE WOMEN" in technicolor Sat. Mat. 1:15 p.m. Extra for the Kiddies. 1st Chapter New Serial ''King of tile. Rocketmen" Sunday and Monday Abbott and Costello "WHO DONE W' Tuesday and Wednesday . Betty Grable Cesar Boanero "TIlE BEAU:IU'OL BLONDE FIIOIII BASHFUL BEND" in technicolor Starting Thursday BING CROSBY' Rhonda F1em1Dc "A CONNECTIC1lT YANK.E.." in technic:olor It Comr.t~'~si'~'~$~$~$~$ii$iRi:~sg~s'~$N:~ $~!:n::~ss~~~: $::a: !,$, 100 Plrk Ave., Swarthmor., PI. Swarthmore 0730 or 0529 - Clearbrook 4646 YOUR HEALTH .'\ • Pbrumacy is recognized public bed:h prof sssss .- COMES FIRST as a ioa in eu ) c:iYi1ized natt- of the wodd. It. practice is regulated by law. It hili as ita primary objectiVe the eervic:e which it can render the public in safeguarding the handling, compounding, and dispensing of medicinal substances. The consci,entious ppannaciat holds the health and safety of his patrons to be of first importance. See us before you buy medicine. DO _tter how simple your m may seem to be. Mich••I', Clilep Ph.r••, ON~OOBNBB Entire Stock Reduced' . , Christian Scienee Notes "SA~' is the subject of the lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, July 10. The Golden text is: "Thou, when thou prayest, enter into tl;le eloset and when thou hast ..which hut thy prayand to thy Father is d;"'r, in secret; thy Father which 'seeth in secret shall reward thee openly" (Matthew 6:6). • 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD, SWARTHMORE !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t;i~~~~~~~~~~~ --- . FIRST W. L L. ELECTS Swarthmore Branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom annOunCes its officers for the coming year: Mrs. HI"ll'Y Patterson and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson: Co-chalrmen; Mrs . Ida Stabler;· treasurer; Mrs. Joseph Walton, recording secreUuy; and Mrs. Leonard Dart, corresponding secretary. The following.will act 88 chajrmen: Mrs. Roy McCorkeJ., program; Mrs. Patrick Malin international' Mrs. Roderick Stebbins, human ~~ lations; Mrs.' RWips H. Jewett, education; Mrs. Le<>nard Dart, disTri,nity Notes placed persons, and Mrs. Frederick Holy commUnion will be Cel.... Tolles, publicity. brated at 8:00 a. m. Ushers at the 11:00 o'clock service will be: S. D. NEWS NOTES Reynolds, head 'usher, W. FreeClaire Hendrixson of North gard, T. Hopper, V.Fine,F. W. Chester road entertalned for .Luehring. R. Fawcett, J. Reynolds a week Kate Miller of st. PaW.. and B. Harrar. Minn., who arrived by plane two weeks ago. The girls left Friday __ _ _.:.'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for Camp Wyoda, Ely, Vt., for two . months of camping. SWARTHMORE Laogdon Elsbree of WallingPRESBYTERIAN CHURC-.tI ford Hilla is a councilor In Camp Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MiDister Tockwogh, Md., for the summer, Sunday, July !to 11 :00 A.M.-·The sermon topic will and is also editor of the camp paper. I be "The Unity of Life." . Wednesday, JalT 13 Jack Tomlinson. of South ohes10:00 A.M. - Surgical Dressings ter road, a junior at Swarthmore Group. College, is working for the sumThutsday, JalT 14 . 7:30 P.M.-·Boy Scouts. Troop 2. mer at Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie, Sandusky, Ohio. METHODIST CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Smith Roy N. ~eiser, D.D., MInIater and sons Donny and Tommy of Sunday, July 10 North Princeton' avenue. left Fri10:00 A.M.--Church School 11:00 A.M.-The Minister will day to spend the month a f preach. July at their summer home at Camp Netimus, Milford. Pike TRINlTY CHURCH County. They entertained as R.ev. Geo. C. Anderson, ReCtor their guests over the Fourth of Sunday, July 10 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. July holidays Mr. and Mrs. John 11:00 A.M.-Morning prayer and G. Moxey, Jr., and son Todd of sermon. Rutgers avenue, and Mrs. and Mrs. Willard Wright and son Peter , THE RELIGIOUS SOCIEI'Jr OF FRIENDS of Philadelphia. Sunday, JalT 10 11:00 A. M.-Meeting for worship. (Children cared' for In Whittier House.) .SlImmer Hours Wednesday, July 13 . 9:30 to 3:30-Sewlng and QuIlt9:30-5:00 . ing in Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All cordlall,y InWednsday and Saturday vtted. .&&e~*SALE mommg. .SINCE 1941 • World Famous $27.50 Palm Beach Suits Now $19.75 Church Services· . is Methodist Notes The Sunday School will meet at 10 o'clock. In the Intermediate and Senior Departments the lesson will be taught from the desk: by Dr. K.eiaer. . The minister will preach at the 11 o'clock service. The Church Nmsery Is open during the morning service and Mrs. L. E. Kauffman will' be in charge. The ushers for the day are G. Shubert, E. Alston, W. D. Dickinson, P. Murray and P. K. Paulson. sumcall ~~~~~::;:~::~~~:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~f (P ~"JSOt1 ~~~;;;t=;r;;e;=i:li;i;U;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I \ Presbyterian Notes WHILE YOU SHOP • TU= 8WABTBMOB8AN .JULY S,lM9 JULys, 1M•. THE SWABTHMOBBAN , CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard Sunday,' ~alT 11 11:00 A. M.-S..nday SchooL 11:01 A. M. lessou - SemIOD '~Sacrament!' Wednesday' evening . meet1n8 _chweek, 8 p.m. Readlne room ~ da11y except SUnda7 and HoUcIQa 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesday . ....uDII 7 to 7:50 p.m. l1li4 8 to '.'- You know that a sale on Palm Beach suits is rare. There hasn't been one Since 1941. Now marked down to $19.75 from $27,50, here's your opportunity to get one of these smait, cOol, long-wearing suits at a real substantial saving. Get two or three ilt thilsunusually low price, w.hlle they last. , SLACKS These are the famous Palm Beach Slilcb for Champions, preferred ~ golf's greats. 22% coolei-, comfortable, smart-formerly priced' at $8.75 nOw only ......•.....•• $6.95 A 6oodoll$JJ-bt-~~ FABRIC . . . . 'I'.M.. Good.u.s..rord. lac. Sec libel' ~ _ . . - 9:30-1:00 FlBST CHURCH OJ!' .- Men! ••• keep cool now and for many snmmers to come in a 22% cooler Palm Beach suit, and save yourseH real money_ '- -:0:- ' 9 irts BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SHOP C1lie.barbe"'~Id bank build,n· 8 Park Avenue Swarthmore 0240 ., THE SWABTBMOBBAN THB SWABTBMOBBAN BUCHNmrSTOGGERYSBOP . . . .KAVBNUB OIL BAI•• WAIHABL. PAITIL WALL PAINT flAT· GLOSS SEMI-GLOSS $,HC' 1863~'-------- H.D.SIPLER .' 11 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD, SWARTHMORE, THE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE OF TEMPLE UNIVERSITY • announces a practical course in (AM FM. persomel and enthusiasts LIMITED ENROLLMENT t._ for dll lp1W.'ifelafure wtif. IlIivenitJ Tarical 1IS1iIIt. o 128 II. BnH SInIt, PII!I ...... 31, Pa TrImm"''' Beuwvai . Call Wa7DO 1288 ~~~~~~~~§~~~ BSPEClA£LY FOR YOU -; Propwed oIarting date: September, 1949 (day and .. ·evening.dass.' . ~ Television and Radio Tedtnicians, LOIN END PUBLIC SALE HOUSlehoid Goods at STILWELL'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE Morton Ave.. & Penna. R. R. July 9 at 1 P. M. New and Used Furniture . Unclaimed frelghL aIIIo . Roushold Goods to be sold to settle an eslate • FANCY SOUTH CAROLINA NU-MAJD ROOFS flUTtEBS REPAIRED AND INSTAU,m Furnace Repairs & Cleaning Call . ENJOY GEORGE IIIYERS 409 Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 Grape Juice ql bll 35c Oleomargarine Ib 23c co-op - BLUE LABEL I Grapefruil Sections ~: 2 for 35c DON'T FORGET THAT WE WILL BE CLOSED ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS DURING .JULY &lid AUGUST f/Yf' Sales, and ... ~~~~~~~~~~~gl : SlM£ONrS lOOKIN6 fOR YOUa liOKKrY theA bridegroom. reception. fo~wed at .,,_ u.~ 236 Harding Av. home of the brIde s parents. The .. bride's mother wore a gown of rose beige crepe with lace. ·yoke. Her corsage was of ::~:~::\ orchlds . ~ -u,e groom,s chose a gown of champaigne oelKe crepe with Chmtille lace trim of the same shade, a white hat and .w_ "" WIE CAN fiND With . BAIRD & BmD 6>,,,- Bank i BIlIJdJng ~~-~~~~~L~~O~1~08~.~'-~'12~"~~ GOOOIiEAR TIRES N'W '61.',-;. ,~ II$.- \ PETER DI NICOLA Phone Swarthmore 2516 ren Pierce. Swarthmore 2.O'l8. F. F. ZIMMERMAN ot Swarthmore until September Since 1805 6.00.'. WI,Ii Your Old fire pws TAX .12.95 PRIOR TO APRIL ht _ • bilds~-pyt. We Painters '" Paper Bange.. should know how TBB MORE TELEPHONE CALUl YOU MAKE, the more valUable your telephone service becomes. Today, over Pennsylvania's 2,478,018 Bell telephones, more people are making more calla ~ ever before. at Any way' you look it, telephone service is becomiDg more aDd more valuable•••• Any way you look at it, teIeph..... service gives you your money's worth. • Tho aon Tolophone Company of Ponnsylvanla • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ··P-F" - (~I~I..Il' H_ It lsi The tiro buy you'.... been looking b - GIld what a buy it lal Straa.g bodiocl. tough tr_deci MCD'ath-. GoociyOCll". f_OWI CONYINIBIr ....- . I. YOU WIIHI FUSCO & ALSTON 103 PAlIK AVBN1lB Chester and Fairview Roads Swadhmol'e IS5I gl~e ma Dr.". In ••• trade in NOW. Shoe Shop Since 19M Serving Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and Rldiey Township since 1918 PRONE: Swarilnnore OUt '~~~:.~~~~~~:;~i ,~~~~~H~a~"I~ln~g~~~~ _~! ... ' .... c,... . . - .~~.~swa~.lIZ~66~MI~ohlg~an'A~ve~ ~ PE'l'ER E. TOLD All LInes Of Ins\JraIUle ~"II • =- FOR SALE ~tle an_~ye HaV ~~n·~d. ~ FOR I?AI.i~ stered' rocker. •,!ne mahogany Telephone ~7 !~~: .1~_ t~ avenue. Call • MODln I'KflllS • WAU CHHI flOOI • co 111111" • IIIW (OILSTIIGCT1OIII • ALTERATIONS .... IIP'.M \RTERS BROTHERS, ... Confrador.l and Bu;lden 302 Gayley Street • Media, h. Phone: Media 6-4281 MORE HEAT FOR LESS MONEY. Now You can buy U. S. Savings Bonds automatically through the new Bond-a-Month P1aD. Aak at this l3ank , I· DEW DROP INN . Coal and Fuel Oil I~xe·= de new lQ41 -One-~" motor" g~ l.~es, l~': !:'!!~t I!:::d~~~~~~~~ ,..v.~ ~ ~~ good ,~;<- ,"ft~' i:36- p.m. ~.~. ~ inn. ""uu.<~'. sides and top.$15.~i PIANO TUNING $4. ALBAN P.ABKJ"e . Underwriters' specifications. Service on washers, vacuum cleaners, ranges, kons, toasters. fans, lamps. Call Erich H. Hal1$ell, Electrical Contractor, Swarthmore 28S0 - 335 Park avenue. PERSONAL - Vacuum Cleaners, irons, toaSters and radios repaired, called for and delivered. LIBt Your Real Eslate B.F. Goomo' 'P-F~'~ * Swarthmore Disposal Service I.IIIM FOR YQU CLASSIFIED ~=s~:"::~~~~o:fO~Mr~:~=s~ ::!~";~~:!~.Her .... _ Ralph G. Schmidt of Magill and On their return from a wedding ~ Research Cochran, daughter A reception followed at The the Hamilton Cochran of of Mr. and Mrs. home of the bride's parents. formerlY of Swarthmote, to couple will reside ·In .LUI.. N V Robert Nixon Taylor, son of Mr. ews, a. and Mrs. Julien K. Tay-lor, of Wilmlngton, N. C., took place SaturSC..,.,.nvn DUNBAR , £UYu.uo . L ' day at 4 o'clock In the Wallingford Presbyterian Church. Dr. '",,:eplll Miss LeOnore Charlenl> Dunbar. W. Cochran, grandfather of ... _ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Liel S. --"'~ Dunbar of Napoleon, Ohio, be- Quebec, Canada, the young ---pie will reside In Syracuse. _, The bride is a graduate v> Swarthmore High School and ~~. acuse University. She is a ber of the Kappa Alpha sorority. The groom is also a U' GO l {\ Mr. Thomas Schmidt served as best man for his brother and the liP .. ushers Included Messrs. B. FrySwarthmore 1448 singer, William Hoover, James WILLIAM BROOKS Schmidt, brother of the brideAshes & Rubbish Removed groom and .Tames Flcey, cousin of Lawns mowed, General ~,:: J. C. STILWELL '" SONS NORRIS FANCY PURE FOR Servicing, Station Operation, Technical Writing, and is .. of member of PhI Mr. Robert Williams of Wi!graduate Syracuse gowns. Psi. He served 27 months In the mington, N. C., served. as best South Pacific with the U. S. man, and the ushers included Messrs. Lawrence G. Spront, Flced TAYLOR-COCBRAN PoisSon, and George .Tohnson, all lar white organdie. All the carried white organdie fans rated with :flowers and wore horsehair hats to match ~ I A. Mercer Quinby 540 Coconul Clslar. Pie mer yon avenue at the Devereux are spending Pine theCa:mps SUl:n-1 in North Anson, Me. Mr. Moran director of one of the camps. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Moir dauqhters'.Tlnny and .Toan of South Chester road left for 'Beach Haven, N. J., to vacation for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Hendrix- . son of 'North Chester road ent,.r-I tained as their week-end guests I recently, Mr .and Mrs. R. A. sack of Fort Monroe, Va. to be given in Chester, Pa. THE COURSE INCLUDES: PRINCIPLES OF RADIO AND ELECTRONICS, TELEVISION, AND TELEVISION SERVICING For beginnen, experienced ~Iete Tree 8enIce Sprayln&' - WHEN CO-OPS ABE IN TOWN PRICES ABE DOWN I. TELEYISION DRADIO * * ated before a chancel ~:~::l mlth white gladioli and candelabra. Mrs. Alvin Hahn, or!lanist, pla;yed preceding the many and accompanied MIss., Ann Meineke, a cblldhood of the bride who sang FOS'l'EB'. wgSON (continued from page 2) qulsette .over yellow, aqua, and orchl~ taffeta respectively. gOWlll) featured neckline and full skirts with -"_~ herd... busoled worn over MACBEAN and TVNJS Ib 69c Ib 49c Ib 54c Made for Ib 15c Tomaloes slicing I Cucumbers 3 for 10c or Ib4c Watermelons whole In half t.AfEITON-SIBlEYProdud _____ Qu"urr TheSwarth ore CO:"Op And,y and .TeU KIrk of North Swarthmore avenue, members the Univeniity of Pennsylvania Track Team, flew to Puerto with the team wIlere they D8Itiel-1 pated In two meets with the versity of Puerto Rico during thelrl stay- of two weeks. Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge of 0f~~~1 avenue entertained '-rhe E some" at a luncheon-bridge her home Tuesday of last week. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins Crest lane spent Fourth of July week-end In Eaglesmere. Alice Hornaday of Dicldnson avenue left for the Girl Scout Camp, Camp Elizabeth Borton. to act as councilor until the end of August. I'~ Mrs. W. H. Elsbree and dad'ghter Mary of Wa1lfngfu~d Hills left last week for Hawkeye Trail Camps In York for the summer. Mr. bree will join the familyR~~;:-t Schuyler Elsbree and Stotz left last week to open canlp.1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Israel their daughter Frances Evans, mer Swarthmore residents for their home in Miami, after spending a few days the guests of Dr. end Mrs. Frankl G. Keenen 'of Harvard avenue. Miss Barbara Kent of Ri,'enri",v I road and Miss Margaret Dilnmdtt I of Cornell avenue left last Thursday for a seven-week tour of west. Richard Danforth of ~::I avenue left last Thurdsay. to six weeks at Camp Gunston. Mil. Mr. alld Mrs. .Toseph Moran children Barbara and .Toe of Ke:n-I . Arrow FanQY Shirts And Sport Shirts lIow OD . - '• . $1.95 aDd $2.45 bride, and Swarthmore fOr many ;years, performed the ceremony. The bride given In by her father, wore a gown of white summer satin. featuring an illusion neckllne and . NEWS NOTES CHARLES E. FISCHER , SWARTHMORE "53 "A HDUSEWEU-MAINTAINED IS THE WISE OWNER'S 'AIN" - NIGHT or DAY . .' JI.,IIIIIDIIDI.IIIIIII •• Painter Interior and Exterior • , RlLY 8, lift TBESWABTBMOBBAN ""blg aad _=n " A B L BARB PHONE 19M PBOMI'T IIDVICB • 711 FAIRVIEW BOAD,IIWARTH1!rIORE ARE YOUR BlR'I'H Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. CUrtIn of Chestnut Hill, Mass., are recelvlng 'congratulations upon the birth of a son Richard Reed Cur- • Pa.' , FWWERS Compare ihe' new Plymouth --..........:::---- ~=8=ALB8===IIDd==II=D=VI=C=E====BAD==10I!==,,"~B=O=ME==AP==PLIAN====CEI!==~I tin. Jr.,baby on June _ The is a 4grandson of Mr. . CHEERING 10 AllY CAR AI AllY PRIC_, - and Mrs. Arthur R. Dana of Elm avenue. WREN SUMMER COMES Folks turn to Acm. for real refreshment. Real valuHIn summer foods. FLAiED TUNA FISH _.... (:::) :. 3le FRmT COCKTAIL ~~ (2~4U) Ne.;.,m 3le SEEDLESS .OiAPES 29 II ICEBERG LETTUCE ea:.":", lit c .SPROAT HEADS LOCAL BANK Sunrl.. Gracie A TOMATO JUICE 2::-3tc WelNter'. To. . . .Ja'.. 2 '::n: 17. Burt'. DeII.ht Apl'lGOt Ne.t·. ~ SIC ••••I ....1Ied .Jalce&,:=,t, a~S1.'''::SSG Florida T-,"""e .J.... a ~ 27.' .c:: SSG 'I-t_"" Olivai' FanC)' lJa/,.tJ STUFFED Vlrvln" .... Icpd OLms SPI(:ED "CAKE '~L:d .,.th ..... - 2Sc 't~ &_AddM C~~--------~ 43c IlIIJIomd PI.,.1O Streusel Loaf - 2Bc Stuffed Monzon! no. ONv•• ..., "'29c PIckI. Chlp.";,3 '-: 17c PlckI•• ...:::::.. ~27c llIIIc/o ... lup.. _ O''''. ._ . . BREAD ':::14c lISt» Halv•• Callfor.la ailltl .\\~\'\~' (contlnu.!.i from Page 1) with the nerve to tell one team It had lost when it had knocked down plenty of the winners with the blinding stream from its hose. He would surely be shot if he didand this Community Fourth of July is especially planned to be ",safe and sane." After quick lunches at home most folk hurried on to the ball game on' Riverview Field. Family supper picnics prevailed on many a lawn, though those that were just about to sit down when the storn. hit about 6 p. m. had to repair to cover temPOrarily. It was amazing how many residents and guests had sufficient energy left, after the bUsy, hot day, to jam the station square at night to take part in, or watch the anticipated dancing. Due to an apparent deficiency in connecting the fire company amplifying equipment fuses kept blowing and with deep regret of all this happy ending to the day's fun had to be called off. ISc PEACRES Z~:!.~ 53c . . . . . '" ...... -.." Ilmop Facto.!» .F'f.... Hnlce Ita.............. MO'Aa ,.rh· HANNUM &WAITE YALE and CHESTER BDII•• llwaribmoi'e 1250 NEWS NOTES You (an . ICE CREAM~~';' Z:.:. SSe AIII rteel PlaY.... A ...I Low PrIce. GLENDALE CLUJ ~ :.: Z3c: t:I 7Se 2.l: 3ge PRINCESS MARGARINE ACME QUALITY GRADD "A" BEEt IIrleI., l-Ion. or 'orterhouse SAVE FOOD ••• TIME • •• =- M ' with a modern HOME FREEZER I (!)I (JOWl", J4 ClecDuc I IT·'" . H vo; Lyncl.. Delaware. FoJ'Dl! of PrtJpOsR] and SpecUkatioDs may be obtained at the otrlce of !be Chle&. PHILADILPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY .; tait:'" Save food by freezing fresh leftovers • • • save time by buying in quantity and shopping less frequently •.• and sav~ money by buying in season when' foods are abundant, costs are low. You'll love the convenience and pleasure of a m0dem Electric Freezerl • CROSBY MORTON SERVICE TODAY Friends of otto· Skoglund of Chicago, ,nt, will be grieved to Last,meeting Mondayofevening, at the hear of his sudden death Friday annual the Swarthmore , cif a heart attaCk. Mr. Skoglund Business Association, Charles It: ' has visited in Swarthmore on a Russell of Ogden avenue Was S 'al 'Co • Member 1futoric Family nwnber of occasions. elected president of the AssoclapeCl - mmlttee {ijrectors is Mr. Russell's third term', as 1:30 this afternoon at Oll~er Bair's HIghway Committee held Wednes- day. ,ldent of the Sa~re National president. He had held' the office in Philadelphia for Crosby Price Bank and Trust Company" at a In 1935 and· 1930. Joseph Cel1a day, July 6, at Borough E.n, defMorton who passed away in his meeting of the Board of DIrectors of Park avenue was elected vice- inite steps were recommended to sleep early Monday morning•. Thursday,.July 7 Mr. Sproat came president and ,Robert Honeyford Borough Council to cope wlth Death wai attributed to coronary to the Bank as asSistant Cashier in of South Chester road was're-elec- present and future traffic conocclusi,on. Enjoying active good gestion on Chester' road. Thili 1918 from the Franklin National ted secretary-treasurer. health up· to the moment of his The Association passed a resolu- problem Is the second and last Bank of Philadelphia (now merged death, Mr. Morton had attended assignment given the committee ~th the Philadelphia NatioDaJ. tiou to· be presented to Borough church as usual Sunday morning Bank). He began his banking ca- Council, sUpporting the latter's by Council Defeat Yeadon, Alden and called upon friends that evenThe first assignment, that of r~ wijh the Farmer's National action in favor of' a by-pass to ing. ..' • As Season direct Route, 3l1\) around instead securing adequate traffic cOntrol Bank, West Chester, Pa. Friends are invited to the fun.,.,under present conditions, is on Matures He became cashier of the local of through SwartIunore. al service which will be conducted the way to completion V(ith perinstitution·in 1919 and was elected The clippers have started off by the Rev. Dr. Roy N. Keiser of mits for traffic control signals on a director in 1920. In 1928 his hand. .' Bids will be asked for the second half of the Edco base- the Swarthmore Methodist Church. title was changed to Cashier and furnishllig ;md for erection of the ball Conference wi10h two fine Interment will. be In Media cameTrust Officer and, his duties beapproved liiatts at Fairview, Yale, victories, one over Yeadon last t ery. came D!Dre widely inclusive. He MT.Monon was born on June College and Swarthmore avenues Friday 5-2 and the other over Was advanced in 1945 to the posi,on Chester road. The cost Is es- Alden 8-5. Billy Ziegenfus took 12, 1877 in Morton whiCh town tion of Vice President and cashto be between $6jlOO and up where he left off iIfter his was named after, his grandfather Lads' Fighting Retajns timated ier. He $8000. If all goes well the traffic victory ov"" East I.:msdowne the Judge Sketchley Morton. preceding Saturday for the first Mr. Sproat has been actively inChampionship control signals should be oper- half championship by holding Yea- moved to his home at 214 Lafayette terested in the 'borough in the H ating late this taU. , avenue, Swarthmore from Rutthirty odd years he has resided ope don to five liits and striking out The second assignment,. to- find fifteen batters; Yeadon got away ledge In 1910. He had been amhere. He is a director and vice On Monday evelng the Legion a permanent soluUon to the growpresident of the nearby GibbonS team won it's fifth straight vic- Ing congestion on Chester road has to a 2-0 lead and went ahead on ployed by the pennsylvania RailJohnny Hi1kert's· two run single. road for over 40 years and formerHomp., a director and assistant tory ,in Ii well-played game on been studied by the committee. The Yeadon pltcller tired after ly had held the Company's singles treasurer .of :the FamIJy Service Riverview Field when they de- prelim;nary conferences have of Delaware County, and adi- feted Alden by a score of 8-3. Al- been held with State Highway ~g out eight in a row and and doubles tennis championships rector and assistant treasurer of den had been the pre-season fav~ engineers, to map a course of the 'Clippers supertority soon be- as well as having won many local gan to telL 'BillY Hoot and Ziegen- tournaments.' A member ·of the the Community Health Society of ontes tn will the championship, action. / Swarthmore and Rutledge Tennis Central ,Delaware County. but this loss virtually knocked Present evidence indicates tpat fus led the batters with two hits Clubs he still followed this hobby , A past president of thll Delaware them out of the nmning. some fortuitous relief frmh long- ea~. . by attending major matches County .:Banker's AsSociation, he Is Lal.'ry Dalton pitched in exClell- haul traffic can be expected when , ~i1ly Hoot· in the ~onday game 'throughout the east although. he a member of :the Swarthmore Ro- oot fashion after a rather shaky the Turnpike extension and Inter- Wlth Alden ];ll~ed}lis ,stea- hlld given up his own aC~Ve partary Club aDd, the ·swarthmore slan and finished st1'ol:l& holding charig..s w1th· priiicipai cariiieL'tlng dy game, aided by exCellent sup- ticipation In the SpOrt some ye8rs Prespylerian' Church, where he the ·Alden batters hittless in the highways are finished. State port. The team hid hard Allison back. has been,'a faithful member of the last four Innings. Reds 'Barr ,led Hlginvay engIn8j!1'S expect' west- had a homer, Ziegimfus a triple Mr. Morton was left a widower Meri's Bible Class. the ,local hitters with ,ihree, solid bOund, traffic out of the Chester and Bender had doubles. To- by the death of his wife, the forHis,home is on Cornell Avenue blows and Harry Warren also area to use the new CoDcordville- night the clippers meet Holmes mer Eleanor B. Thomas" on April where he and Mrs. Sproat, their contributed ~everal wicked drives. Chester road on its Way to the on Riverview field. Holtnes was 27, 1938. A former superintendent The Legion hitters knocked Kurtz, the only team to defeat the Clip- Of the Rutledge School, he 'had son-in-liiw and daughter, Mr. and the Yeadon High pitcher wh"had Turnpike; east-bound traffic is expeCted to use the improved inpers tlie fifot half and the local been an active member of the Mrs. Charles Gerner, and small built up an enviable' recoro. for boys are determined to prove that Swarthmore Methodist Church dustrial Hig!iway which will congrandson, Elric Charles Gerner, , reside. ' 'Two former residences himself this spring, right out of the nect with Turnpike feeders alnng they. are the better team. since 1926 serving as trustee for box in .the tbiJ:d jnning. with a bar- the Schuykill River. m&ny years and was a steward of built by the Sproats, the stone dwelling at College and Swarth- rage of hits and treated his sucthe church at the time of his death. cessor e1most as r"ughiy.' ' The principle traffic using Route hall ,_J A member of the Descendants more avenues, and that at 5 Ogden Crowther, Kluka; 'and Gibson 320 Is expected to oonslst of'comars Onorea avenue, contribute to the charm of delighted the large crowd with mercial and passenger vehicles By duPont Company of the Signers of the Declaration the community. sparkling defensive plays and Art ~av~ling between the industrial John Marshall of West Chester, of Independence, he was a direct descendant of oJohn Morton. His Harold Ogr8l)l, who became AJo.- McKftn-rie ~ drew cheers"when he .distr,ct south of the Borough and for many years a resident of Linancestors settled In this sectiOn sistant Cashier of the Bank in run. 1923, th threw out two successive . . base - the residential districts to the coIn avenue, was honored Tues- about 300 years ago. His father h a vIng been previously WIth· e ners ....... nrl to steal !D'to third In north and, north-east. The dis~,....., at the ground breaking for the .Kennett Trust Company, Kenn!!tt the third ,innj~g.' pOSition of this traffic is the final new duPont fabric and finishes was Benjamin Newlin Morton and __ ._~ his mother Mary Farson Morton. Square, Pa., Is now Vice PresIdent, Alden made its last three hits problem' presented. ' departm,ent research lahoratory In d Cashi Surviving are two daughters, ov , er, an Trust Officer. 'In success,'on m· that innitig' but . Bv u, ....:w~Philadelpbia • the Department' of ....... by .the surprise anEsther (wife of the Rev. Dr. John Mr. Ogram was n.med :Assistant didn't get a man past first base. standards Chester road Is already nouncement that the new laboraCashier apd Asslstent Trust OffiTonlghtthe team travels to overloaded, there being about 9000 ,tory would be named the Marshall D. Herr of West Philadelphia) and Helen(Mrs. Mervyn L. Laffercer in 1928, Asiistant Cashier and Manoa for a most important game, vehicles per day on the <'oadway Laboratory. ty of Lewes, Del.); four grand'rrust : Officer in 1943,· a DIrector and on Monday it goes, to Drexel adequate for 5,000 vehicles a day. Scheduled to be completed next in 1944, aild Vice President and Hill, with Manoa returning next Compared to extreme congestions year at a cost of. $2,000,000 the children Susie Morton ,Lafferty Trust Officer in 1947. He is Wednesday to ru:verview Field to $ewhere, the problem on Chester new building will replace labor- and Mervyn Jr., and James and treasurer of the Borough of replay an earlier.2-2 tie. Manoa, Road Is considered a minor one atory facilities now located In Robert Herr; a brother John MorSwarthmore and of the Board of Drexel Hill and: swartlim<>ie are by State Highway engineerS. While three different buildings on the ton of Collegeville and a sister Directors of the Swarthmore Pub- .the three teams left in the f!ght they fully recognize Swarthmore's grounds of the company's Phila- Mrs. Mabel Stewart of OVerbrook. lic Library Association. He is for the championship sn the problem they expect several years delphia plant. also a, member of the Federal Be- next week's games will decide to elapse before its Priority will The tribute to Mr. Marshall INDIANS AFI'ER serve 'Nominating Committee of the i s s u e . ' warrent action. came after many years of service OILERS StCAI.P Group 11, ~lveniaBankers· Under usual circumstances a to the company. A graduate of Association and a past President For those who like their aetton Return From Camp "bottlene~' such as Chester Road the University of New Mexico of the Delawm'e County Bankers . • nnw is wnuld he remedied sim- with graduate study at the Univer- plentiful and power-packed there The following, Girl Scouts •re- P Jy b YWl·dening theroa. d~' AssociaUon. ouCh a sity nf Virginia, Mr. Marshall will. be chills, thrills and spills Richard M. Snyder Is the Bank's turned Tuesday iJ;om Camp Eliza- ,remedy on Cliester Road, would went with the explosives depart- aplenty when the Swarthmore In- ' at a high cost to the ment laboratory in 1913 contlnu- dians Invade MacMurtrieField new Assistant Cashier, having beth .Borton ~ ,two w~ ?f be campmg: Evelyn and Vll'gJDla . taken up his first duties there Bullitt, Lee H llis V·cky Willis :commumty in the loss of old shade Ing unttl 1927 when he became seeking revenge for the drubbing o ',,' ~ , trees;loss of residential real estate director of the Philadelphia labor- given them earlier ,this season by in 1926. Mr. Snyder Is treasurer e vaiues, loss of integration between atory, greatly enlarging its re- the Sun Oil Sextet. These two of the Swarthmore FIre and Pr0- BonntC· MI°SeXey. JeanmBe SchioeS da ser, . aro ymour, ren . a College and BIorough,and in- search facilities and hcl,plng to teams always play their hardest tective Association, Chairman of Grabill, Randa R~SS, and ~ creased hazards to young children plan the building now to be erec- and best against each other, and the Property Committee of the ted. In 1933 he transferred to the all box lacrosse fans eagerly await Swarthmore Methodist Church, Reed. Also B~o~es: Norma Wil- attending our ublic schools. p . son, Carol Williams, Sarah HethWi1mIngton headquarters as di- a meeting of these keen rivals. and a Boroi.gb Auditor. erlngton, Connie Russell, Dorothy \ The department of HIghway Coach Ave Blake win present Claude C. Smith of BaltimDre Ragers, Gerry c.:ean,Rosemal'Y o!ficiaLs are aware of this sit\Ja- rector Of the cheIDical division of the fabrics and finishes departa new goalie In the person of Dave Pike, was named ,Chairman of the Hibberd Margaret Builltt,' and Ja- tion and are sympathetic to any ' ,McCahan, who will seek to fall Board of DIrectors and Vice Pres- net Girl Scouts Carol Top- solutinn which can be developed ment. the OUers shots as effectiveJ;y ident. A director of the bank ping and Nancy Bunkei left !lUes- ,in the ~um' public interest. once he converted the points after smce 1928 Mr. Smith has been a day for two weeks of camping. . The Spec;jal H!ghway Committee New Members touchdowns for the sWarthmore , has considered these three. possible vice president' sin.ce 1943. He High School' football team. The The SwarthmOre Rotary Club The Chi Omegas of Swarthmore remedies: A tra,mc byp~ along Indians will al$O rely heavily on Is the senior memb.,., of. 1he Pbil- met Mon~ ~. at the the Eastern· BorOugh boUndary; a last Friday admitted two new ·adelphla law firm of Duane, Mor- home ,of Mrs. John G. Maxey of' traffic bypass on the IW+12rn members Into their club. They the accurate ,passing and sharpshooting of such stars as,the two ris and, Heckscher. Mr. Slilith Is Rutgers avenue to sew for their :bOUDdFY,in Crwn'vall~y; the were:' Avery F. ,Blake of Amherst avenue and Alber.t P. Van. ROuten Blakes(~athe'i and son./> Marsh also Ii member of the Board of present project, the Needlework widenm, of Chester Road. Austin, and. Bank Pord,. of Chester road. (continued on page .u) Mpn8i'!l1! cf SwaI1hmo!re CoUegot. G u l l d . · two MONEY COUNTY OF DELAWARE Sealed bids will be received In the office of the Chief Clerk to the County Commissioners at the Court House. MedIa, Pa., up to 11 Noon Eastern Standard Time. on Tuesday, _July 26, liNg. and pubUcly opened on the same day at 1 :00 P.M. 8.s.T•• for furnishing and delivering to Broadmeadows Farm. Concan) Town-ship. Delaware County. Pa.. ODe Patterson Double HeaUDI' Element or equal tor a Patterson Hot Water Heater. Each bid must be accompanied. by a Certified CbeC'k In the amount of '50.00. drawn to the order of tile County of CIONEAT OTl'O SKOGLUND usual and ESTATE of Jobn Balley !.etten testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the uoderslkned who request aU persons bavlog claims or demands agalnst the estate of the decedent to maim knnwn the same, and all penons Indebted to the decedent to make paf]l1ent without delay to Su8an Bailey, Executor Celeste Bailey, Executor 611 Ogden Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. LEGAL NOTICE The School DJstrlet at Swarthmore' wi!1 receive bids at the o1fice 0: the School DIstrict In the High School BulldlIll'. cor· oer of Collese and Princeton Avenues, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, up to , p. m., Monday, July 18, 18"8, sud open the bids at a meeting of the Board at the School District office on July 18, 1'411 at 8 p. m., or at an adjOlll'1led meeting of the School Board. lor towel sen1.ce. maple Ooorlng. cafeteria and other equipment, school furnIture. and repair- of typewriters. SpeclflcaUoIl8 cam be secured. between 9 a. m. and t p. m. dally acept Satur. da!st}'B, Sunday•• and holIdafSt at the School D rict ofl'lce. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids in whole or In part and to award contracts on any Item or Items makina' u-.p any bid. . " Hilda Lang Denworth aT"H Secretary " Cleft, Court House. Media. Pa. r The County Commissioners raene the rf«bt to reject "any or all bids. 'John H. Doherty Fred F. Dale. Albert 1. Crawford. Jr. COUNTY COMMlSSlONBRS CHESTER ROAD T''RAFFIC . , LEGION IN FIFTH STRAIGHT WIN CHRYST.ER - PLYMOtlTH Mr. and MI:s. Wallace Lippincott of South Chester road spent four days recently in Ocean City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bryant of Sou1oh Chester road entertained a cousin M,):'. W. K. Wipperman of Scotch Plains, N. J. as their guest over Fourth of July week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson and children Jimmy and Peggy of Westdale avenue spent the Fourth of July holidays as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lincoln of Westdale avenue at the summer home of Mrs. Lincoln's parents, the J. H. Jel;SUPS in Wal!jngford, Vermont. Mrs. Raymond Lassiat and son Rerny of North Swarthmore avenue sailed y~day on the DeGrasse for England and France. Mr. Lassiat will fly over and join the family In August. The Lassiats plan to return on the .lie deFrance September 7. ·Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. VanUrk and daughters Ramona and Mary Kirby, former residents of Drexel Park, are occupying their new home at 401 Thayer road. , Elizabeth Bryant of South Chester road left last week to be a councilor for ,the summer at Camp Wyonegonic, Demnark, Me. $3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. JULY 15, 1949 RUS$EJ.J. "HEADS BUSINESS GROUP HOSPITAL PATIENTS? CLIPPERS CHALK LAST·HALF WINS We say tha~from the value vlewpolnt-the new Plymouth ts the best automobUe ever l!uIltl And on the basis of thI8 statement, we Invite you to come In today and make us put up or shut upl We'll show you the new QuaUty Chart that pro ... the new Plymouth Is far ahead of the other Iowpriced cars In the number of flne-car features. ESTATE NOTICE Popular Bra" THESWARTHMOR VOLUME 21-NUMBB 28 4th. Of, July ProgIaw Owned and Operatecl by Am.rlcan Sto.... Company SUMMER' • as , " , ..' cI, . ~-" • .. ../" . TOMORROW'S BRIDE NOTES Mr. and Mrs. George F. Corse of Yale avenue are spending the week in Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Godfrey or Vassar avenue entertained for a few days of this week Mrs. Godfrey's sister Miss Ruth Cole of Salamanca, N.Y. / Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Park avenue, Mrs. Paul Williams of University place, and Kathy Hayes of Wallingiord, motored to Ocean City Tuesday to visit Harriet Gilbert and Nan Pitman of Vassar avenue who are worldng at the shore for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. R. David Warner and young son Roddy, former residents of West Philadelphia, have moved into an apaf'tment at 841 GlenAvOJ)d avenue, Cinein- nay, Ohio. Mrs. Warner is the Cormer Mary Yates Gilcreest of Vassar avenue. Dr. Warner graduated in June from the Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania and is now interning at the Cincinnati General Hospital. gandy over taffeta, The bridesmalds, Mrs. John Evaps of Media, and Miss Edna Miller, Germantown, WDre frosted blueorganoiy gowns over taffeta, They all wore large picture hats a6'd carried old fashioned bOll_byterian Notes H. Schliltz will be. in charge. , Sunday morning at .the 11 The.Ushers for the day are W~ o'clock service Mr, Bishop's ~r- H. Schultz, W,' A. Beachaln, C, W, mon will be ''The Middle Wall." Dempsey, J, Pitm3n' aIid E, N, On Sundays July 24 and July Shawhan. \ 31 we aball have as our guest preacher the Rev: Peter LoIIie, PastOr of the Obriat PresbyterTrinity Chw:eh "Notes ian Church, Warwick. .Bermuda. Holy Communioll Wm be celeChrist Church Is a historic parish brated at 8:00 a, m, At the 11:00 of Bermuda belonging to the Pres- o'clock service of Miming Prayer bytery of Edinburg'b. an,d from~ts and Sermon the uShers ;will be: membership ':"aDY great ferY":'ts R. ~", Baker, head usher, A. E. have been glyen to the servIce :Pritchard, 5, D, Brewsier, Wm.." B, of the Church, We ~ be hap- Bullock, S; D." Clyde, .Jr., En 0, py to welcome Mr, LoVle to our Oramp, iB. Keim and C, H. W, Church, Mr. Bishop will be Ingraham, . preaching at the "Vespers at the • _';'"_."_ _• ___ youth Conference this next week at Pouttney, Vt, Mr. and Mrs, 'NEWS NOTES Bishop and family will spend the Dr, and Mrs, ArlbuI:" E. Bassett month of August in Rhode Island, Boy Scout rI'roop 2· meets each and.Mr. and MrS,'iH~ert T.BasThursday evening" at the Church sett of North Chester i:'oad" are on a week's ~.utomobUe trip ~ Salem, at 1:30 o'clock, Each Wtl!lnesday during the Mass. Mrs, Clifford Banta of. Parrish summer, surgical dressings are road has returnad borne followfIlg being made at the Church, starting at 10 o'clock in the morning. a two-week visit with her brotherU you plan to rome and stay in-law and sister Mr, and Mrs, throngh the lunch hour bring a Foster Fudge of CraWforcIaville, Ind, En route sbe visited her sandwich, Braille work is being done at Mr, Phillip Banta of Cincinnati, the Church on Monday mornings Ohio, at 10 o'clock, Volunteers "are urMr, and Mrs, Walter F. Rauber . gently needed. of Pprk avenue, accompanied by Our guest soloist this Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Martin McVay of morning will be Mr. J, Harrison Schenectady, N.Y", left 'Monda7 on a thr"':'wi.e!t motor. 'trlp &stwoOd. tenor, through the New England Slates and C8pe Cod, Chri,stian Science Notes Mr•. William F, Hanny of Yale "Life" is the subject of the Lesavenue and MIss Helen P, South son-Sermon in all Churches of of New York were the guests of Christ, Scientist, on Sunady, July 11. The Golden Text,is: ''This Is Mr, and Mrs, Arthur W. Binns life eternal; that they ml.ght know of Mu1henbenI avenue on their thee the only true God, and JesUll yacht L~ IV~ov~ ,,' ~t Christ, whOln th»u hast sent" week-end, The .fmn'-day criIlse covered two huildnid miles of the (John 11:3), Our estimate will prove that we ChUrch Services AIr Conditioned Monday and Tuesday RobeJ1 Taylor ran,lles. Consult us-then cOmpare. Mr, and Mrs, A. D. Moscrip and flllniI¥ of DartmoUth avenue are spending three weeks in their cabin in the Poconos, Master John A. Hoag of Coral Gables, Fla., is visiting bls grandmother Mrs, E, van S. Cleveland of Park aenue, He is a member of the youth Roundup of the MIami News and of the Youth Center of Coral Gables and interested in boxing, baseball, and ari sPQtts of youth, He was attentJBI.IS~ BVDY PBlDAY .T BWAB. . . .O... I'A TIlE SWABTIIIIOBUN. INc..r.m"DIIBR l'boDe sward .e ' SWARTJDIOBB, PA., nm.t.T, SWAaTHMOBBAN lower Chesapeake 'Bay and included an over night stop at T8Dlier ls1and, Va. . Dr, and' Mrs. Vincent Lathbury and their childun Susan and Bill of Walnut Jane, left July 1 for their II'nnmer hoDIe at ~ruce Shores, East B\IOthbay, Me, Dr, Lathbury returned to SwarUunore after the holiday, but will join hlsfam1Jy for the month of Aug- DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON· RUSSELL~S CALL T~B JULy. 15, 1M. PETER B. TOLD, lIIdIt.r MAJUOBlB TOLD, Aaod.te MOor Rosali'. Pelrsol Lorene McCaite'r Pat Told En~ as SecoDd Clas8 Matter, .JanUlllT If, 1l12li, at; the Post OffIce at I?warthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 11"8, *;;~;;~~;;~~~;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ medjcine in Mansfield. • JULy 15, 1" ' " ~ws I THE SWABTHMOBEAN • = . - - \ "" - . " • THE PHONE 1 8 8 4 . . JULY U, lIND "'I'IBg aDd ~~fB'1'B HARRYA.. L. 711 FAIRVIEW ROAD, SWARTHMORE Mr. and Mrs. Warren Godfrey and sons J~ MId Bruce of Vassar avenue spent a lCk1a7 vacation in Sherwood J!'orest. MIL Bruce remained there as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G •.W. Ernest BalUmore. Mr. George Corse, Jr., of Y8le avenue left laat week for Martinsville, Va., where be has taken a position with duPont;. Mr. and Mrs. John Corse, form· er residents of Evanston, m, are visiting at the Corse home on Yale avenue before locating In Lan· RADIOS &0 BOME APPLIANCES SALES and SERVICE Clearance Sa'le ..' . mer~ , THE AT.I .. STOCK . of JUIIOR BOOl SHOP Announces THEIR SFX:OND ANNUAL JULy SPECIAL $1 Discount on Each Pair of .Shoes Purchased FROM NOW TILL JULY 30th BURRY OVER AND SAVE! Springfield Rd. and Springfield RcL Trolley Station SWARTHM(lRE 3464 • \ . 111~1) IJ (~I~.I) . I place September, was guest honor in at.a miscellaneous given by Doris Black aod Patricia Weiland 'of South Chester ' at the latter's home Sunday eve- . H O~\:rc:UpCK nil}g:. The guests includ~d a large vania, at. the close of business _ .. . . FUNERAL DIRECTOR Formerl"v of Media 1125 W. Lehigh Ave., Phila. . Phone Baldwln'U70 -~ g N o a dditionaI ""ar e ",or suburban calla ;~_;;_;;:;;~_;;;::;;;_;;~-;;_;.~;;:~_~.~ ROOFS GU'I'l'ERS REPAIRED AND , INSTALLED Furnace Repairs & Cleaning Call GEORGE ~=DD ...... DD-D 409 Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 UPON THE CHOICE . OF Elric , N6 '~Ob SeMtON£'S LooKI T'" Lisl Your Real Estate With . BAIRD & BmD AS PRESIDENT • Old Bank BuIlding Swarlbmore 0108 • 1202 Drlv_al' ConslracUon . Asphalt:Or Concrete gram PETER DI NICOLA ' Phone Swarihmore 2526 .3.1."..•• , 4611.68. furniture and " fixBunk .... owneel •.- sa,702.02 ture ... "rernl IHI,2.12.U ...................... other assets ........... .................... IS.GU.5a . Total Assets ...... _...................•5•.5-19.693.14 "'Outstanding for QualIty" Media 6-0436 6 E. Front SL er Richard Since 1905 CUNNINGHAM and our business associates upon their wendeserved advancel1)ent •. We believe the 'step .. will prove to be mutually profitable to the Bank, the Individuals, and the Community. . . . . of ernwent (IncludIng postal D.:::!rt!·~[ siai..···.iiil"j;Oiiii' . STRATH HAVEN INN HOLLYHOCK SHOP SWARTHMORE CO·OP COlLEGE THEATRE • BAIRD and BIRD ADOLPH'S BARBER SHOP CHARLES FISt:BER" MICHAELos COLLEGE PHARMACY . PETER E. TOLD . B. J. HOY 5 AND 10 HARRIS and COMPANY· E. L. NOYES aDd 00. THE BOUQUET ., HANNlJJI & WAITE ., . ALICE BARBER, GIF"ffi heaters, ranges, Burglar alarm systems. All work done to Underwriters' specifications. , RUlrISEY'S 4:BEVROLET BUCHNER'S ' toasters, fans, ~wa:~ ~~;;;an"'E;;'·n"-.P;:r=of"ess=o=r=-=-co=mm=·:-:g:-7to Wharton School. two small dau... 12S.•" . l · g h t e r s , needs three or four bed- eal subdh'lslons ....................~ 50,OOg.9S irons, toasters and radios re- room house, unfurnished, autoOther depOsits (certified and paired, called. for and delivered. matic beat, late August Occupancy. cashier's ebecks. etc.) .......... !7.852.27 Call Robert. Brooks. Swarthmore Call. Sunset 9554-W. Total Deposits 15.0D9.0S2.10 ~~~~:::!.--';~:;.:~C~~-=Other Uabllltles .......................... ,"0." .1;54~8~.. -.=:-:::-:-_,,-""""';c-::- WANTED - Local Petr'lleurn En. Total Llabllltie~ .................... 15.100.422 ... 0 PERSONAL-Lots mowed - Wargineer, wife and child, need Coal and Fuel Oil Assebl pledged or 8S9l«ned, to secure liabilities and f~r other purposes ........................ Loami as shown above are after deduction of reserves of ALBAN PARKER Phone Media 6-3555 New and RebnUl PIanos and Repairing Since 1918 PHONE: , , Swartlunore 0444 Swarthmore 14.48 WILLIAM . BROOKs ABhes· & Rubbish Rem1rved Lawns mowed, General Hauling 236 Harding Av. Mo.!1On Pat ~~~;;;;;;!~~~~~~~~ RfERS BRDS.. ... • WAll •• d •• tl27.21 I, H. S. Sproat, cashier of the above .. named bank, do 60lemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. " THE- TECHNICAL INSTITUTE OF TEMPLE UNIVERSITY announces a practical course E. S. ,SPROAT. Cashi<1'. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of July. 1949. W. MARK BITTLE. lXowry Public W. E. Kistler • MODERN KtrCHINS , .{l9.580.04 State of Penn6ylvania, County of Delaware, Ss: DiTectors. ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE of John Bailey Lettera testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned who request 'all persons having claims or demands against the estate ot the decedent to make known the same. and nil perl'ons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay to Susan DaUey. .Elt.ecutor Celeste Bailey. Executor '·611 Ogden Avenue, Swarthmore, Pat LEGAL NOTICE (AM FM Repairs.and '. CONSTRUCTION • ALTERATIONS ••d lirA ... \RTERS BROTHERS, ... Contractors anti Build." 302 Gayley Street • Mod;" ... • In Phone: Media 6-4281 MORE BEAT FOR LESS MONEY Proposed starling dale: September, 1949 THE COURSE INCLUDES. PRINCIPLES' OF RADIO AND ELECTRONICS, TELEVISION, AND TELEVIS'ON SERVICING PREl\IIUM ANTIIRA(llTE 331 Dartmoulb Avenue Swar\hmore Swarthmore 0345 (day and evening classes) Mason Builders Supply Company IRAIN .oa Television and Radio Technicians, Servicing, " Station Operotion, Technical Writing, Sales, and Research' T.llp'l Ulliversity Te~Hica' IIstitllte .128 N. Ina. Sm.!, PIIiIadilfliil 38. Pa Builder COVI_S to be given in Chester, Pa. fo,. Jueripfive literature write Fonns of Proposal and Speclfleations may be obtained. at the office of the Clerk, Court House. Media. Pat • The County Commissioners reserve tbe right to reject any or all bids. . John H. Doberty • Fred F. Dote Albert J •. Crawford~ .Jr. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' noOi TV) LI MITE D ENROLLMENT SealedCOUNTY bids \\-1ll received in the OF be DELAWARE· office of the Cbief Clerk to the County Commlsskmers at the Court House. Media. Pa., up" to 12 NOOn Eastern Standard Time. on Tuesday. July 26, 1949, and pubUcly opened' on the same day at 1 :00 P.M. E.S.T .• for furnisbing and delivering to Broadmeadows Farm. Concord Townsblp, Delaware County, Pa .• one Pattenon Double HeaUng Element or equal for a Patterson Hot Water Heater. Each bid must be accompanied Certilled Check In the amount ~O",;ty drown to tile order of tbe 'l..' • NIW TELEYIS'ION AND * RADIO * For beginne';, experienced personnel and enthusiam Delaware. PIANO TUNIN~ Serving Swarthmore, Mor· ton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 Capllal Accoun.. .........................", FOR SALE Cushman Motor Convenient, to transportation and Scooter. Phone Swarthmore tearooms. Swarthmore 0155-J. MEMORANDA ST-7-l ' SWARTHMORE, PA. fortable home. opposite campus. ~2:.~----o=-,..- Total Liabilities and All Lines Of Jns1Jl'&l!.oe 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarlhmore 1833 V AN ALEN, BROS. Devine Taxi Service CAPITAL ACCOUNTS rOll ·Plerce. Swarthmore 2078. unfurnished apartment or house. Co"'tal S.ock: SALE Call Swarthmore 3203-R between Common stock. total par .... ~~g:~~~:~~ ;,===.;F.:;OR 8 and 10 p. m.. Su~'u, .................... ................... r FOR SALE - Grand piano, dark ::....:==--=.::....:;;;;~~==;;---~~~~~ed (::3~:tiremeDi'"·ac.: 37.0l! .31 mohogany finish, medium size, FOR KENT count for preferred. stock) 37.249.97 good condition. $450 for quick FOR RENT - Large room, comTotal Capital Accounts ........ 449.!71.J8 sale. Media 6-2274. .CEUA, SHOE SHOP : MADISON BROTHERS' on washers, vacuum clean- 1.401.610.71 PETER E. TOLD THE INGLENEUK RUSSEIJ.'S SERVICE MARTEL BROTHERS c==- Pat or- Beaver Falls,' Pat on' WANTED Plttsburgh, ek d' lRide ' ===:-::= orne avenue or the last week. Vi AWrED _ Barlol scientist, wife UJ~~:rstn~~q~!~~~~e·nt··oi):.ll.010'71l.0! Mrs. Lee Holt of Springfield, and small child, want to rent IIgntiollH, direct Dnd guorMass., is visiting her parents Dr. unfurnished home, Swarthmore or nutcet) .... -................. ,.............. a,S2'.:Jfl8.n vicinity by- Sept. 11. Best referObll!!l1t1on~ or Stn'-, nnd and Mrs" Harol ~ C Goddard of l)oitUcat IIUI.1I1I,,18101l; ....... .... . l • ences. Permanent if possible other bonds. notes. .and Harvard avenue. Won't \you call and talk it over. . deben.u.... ............................. Swarthmore 1847. Corporate· stocks (Including 0,.=----.-" fl1 ....... ,tock o[ Feeleral WANTED - Child's nurse, full Reserve Dank) ...................... lime, live in. July 28 to August S7~.326.U = HOMES . qua, Pa., has been visiting Mr. Correct-Attest: AS VICE.. PRESIDENT·, CAs'HIER, and . ' TRUST OFFICER WIRING NEW and OLD """=... WE CAN I=IND HIM - . fOR YOU - proat " \lOUD ~DOlPmT\I " 1\ r" ml I i • ASSETS l.oans and discounts (I~ud. Ing $179.01 overdrafts) ........ REPAIRS MarlI:rn Green of fyale avenue Mrs. Dewey Purnell of Tama· ~=~~""'~J4~.~=~~=~~~=~~=~~>..:l~<~-;n;;J~~'""~"11 DE!~¥ft~r:.:~I~:t~~:~t=~:~~ . .'. ;~~~~i~~~~~~~~ I Ohio. ._..-_.:::::::::::;~. cn~~;lks.b~:~JI~~II1K l\;~~":.t~~I~ ance, and ca~h Items In A. Mercer Qt.P.nhy SWARTHMORE NATI:ONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY , on Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Knis. Revised Statute.. kern of Riverview road are hav- OF THE aHarvard Bachelor of Arts degree University. Mr. 'has taken a position with the Purchasing Department of Proetor and Gamble in Cincinnati, School classmates as well as ad..;. call made by Comptroller of the Cur' is camping for the summer at ditional guests. reney, under Section' 5211, U. S. Camp Songadeewin, Barton, Vt. east;er. • Charter REPORT No. 7193.OF:Reserve District No.3: CONDITION OF SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Swarthmore, in the State of Pennsyl, group of 1947 Swarthmore High 30. 1949. Published in reopon.e.o SWARTHMORE - PENNA. We Congratulate the. Directors' 5 SWABTBMOBEAN ing as their house guests theMrs. sister of Mrs. Cassidy. Leroy Peterson of v'as:sar'li~~SA;ur:=-:~~~;r:sp;~er.l Swarthmore summer Mrs. Kniskern's aunt Dorothy Denworth of Elm ave· Henry L. Ness,n of East Oranlle, I avenu has b't"n' notified of her DiKposal Service nue left last week to be a leader N.;J. election 10 a Ihree·year lerm Rubbish Coll...,tecl at Camp Cayuga, L.ake Temagami" Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Meador Member al Lar.ge on the . Stove, Calrod units Weeldy or lIrIonOlb' Canada. She was accompanied .. of Cornell aVeIYle and Fairview Board of Oberlin College, repre- heats, broiler, oven, automatic Phone Chester 3-0331 by Sally Gaskill of road spent the week·end In At. seotlng the classes of 1930 through timer and clock. Used very litOe. L~~~9~A.~:M=.:to=5:.:30=P:.M=.~~: . place, and five of her lantic City visiting Mr. and' Mrs 1939. Call Swartlunore 3675-W. _ J. J. Cassi<\l'. Mrs. Meader Mr. Philip Banta, son of Mr. FOR SALE General Elect~c re- ~llUllUWBUIIIIUlUllllllUlllUllllIIIIUUUlllllDDuuaa School classmates. frigerator, 6 cubic feet. EXcelfNancy Rlncliffe of Strath ~lven I . - - - - : - - : - : - : - : : - . . . " , . . . . . . , - - - - - - and Mrs. Clifford Banta of Par· ent condition. $50. Telephone avenue whose marriage will BANK 6TATElIrIENT rish road graduated June 23 with Swarthmore 1512. ELECTRICAL '" NEWS NOTES / Pauline Btmeke, Jo.an FaIrbanks, Clair Scholl, Margot Bowie, aDd Mary ,Corse of Swarthmore are working In OCean City this irum.. PBOlID'T SEa THE JULY 15, IN9 -_ ................................. --_...."" ....-------_ __ lIrIILLWORK - LUMBER BUILDING MATER~ A. WAYNE MOSTELLER _-_ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ..... * .................... __., ........ NEW CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS. *. REPAIRS Highest Quality Craftsmanship HORACE A. REEVES ..... ..... ..... • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR All Types of Electrical In· stallations and Repaira • Serving Swarthmore and Vicinity for past Twenty Years "THIRD GENERATION BUILDERS" 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. LET US ESTIlIrIATE CALL SWARTHlIrIORE 3450 Swar\hmore a8S Nl;GHT or DAY " CHARLES E.FlsCHER Painter 5WAII'I'HMORE "53 "A HOUSE WEU·MAINTAINEf) IS THE WISE OWNER'S 9AIN." Interior IiIld Exterior ; .'. • • JULy 15, lHt Mr. and Mrs. Carroll\ streeter CIIElSTER ROAD TB.AF'FIC Carter Davison Of Vassar avenue was one of the memben of the Springfield College varsity lscrosse team who was honored recently at a banquet given at the • close of the squad s succeesful season. Davison was a defense and their SOD Jack of Columbia avenue spent the week-end In Ithaca. N.Y. Mrs. Henry J. Welland and her deughter Patricia of South Chester road spent last week In City as the guests of the Albert St. Clalrs of Wilmington. man. (continued from Page 1) Ocean . --------..::..----...:...---------;------1 Owned and Operated by AmerIcan 5'0.... Company At home or on vacation, It will pay you fa shop WHERE QUALITY ,., COSTS LESS You'll find your convenient Acme Clbo at the seasho..., 10 you can alway. be au ... of popular fooda at popular prl.__ /lSaJ CATSUP =.~r '::"13c : t:: 9&: APPLE BUTTER ::~~:'h':= ~"19C A~,.n .TEA ara_ ~"'!.It ZBc: ~.:!.It 53c C'.I\,I..u P.koe Ideal Tea . . . . __ __ 'f.'.:.- Lean, Tender, Acme Graded "A" Beef CHUCK ROAST lOlling a.ef ......... "25c IGround.1IHf Short Ribs Beef "33c Beef Tongues '"43c "49c FRYING CIICKENS ~~: • 39&: Shoulder VEAL ROAST "'M.. 45c C8t lit LIVER PUDDING ':.tier ( JI':t. ) An~ COOKED CANNED BAM ~~..~ht DRESSED WIlTING Ioad;;~ "'" .. • no 57c HI 19c lit ISc r-'..•...- .. 79c Haddock Fllle,. "29cI Lob... HONEYDEWS VI:::.:' Celery _ H - ' ':'::1gelWatennelons _.,.. ~ 4c Umes ,-,.... -'''ISe Apple. ".:.'::" 3'''25c t LIMA BEANS ..:-:.~.. Z.. 19c Ch.... ,... w.... GLENDALE CLUB :; Z3c W",h... ".,"lIIm"'" lal. Club BEVERAGES GI .... AI. Ial'le Root aM' Sor50parllla Orong. Ibot 2-11t ,kg 75. tOC Plu, "'ptllU" Peal.. TU II PlIU. MarUII ROB ROY REfRESHiNG Bever8l" It,";' 12_ ft_ Depostt ...!!~ Tu 'I PAl... Sharp Ch.... Grvy.... "73c 1:18" I. . . . . . . . pk. 59c Kraft ............ 2'~ '''ac Gold-N.Rlch ,. 65c Pab.t.." ......... ""'- Ok. 23c Goad Luck 0'_.._ .. ,••" 32c lISa) Oleomargarine 26c PrInce.. 0,':".. 2 1-10 39c .= ·".rtN flavor. Popular lrand ICEIMlt..proof CREAM 2 .!k~ sSe ball' Induded-No charste ..... 27c Popular food at Popular Price. Ideal, Del Monte or Llbby'a Cling, In favor of the first is the fact that traffic through ~ Borough is headed principally nOr1:h and north-east from the south, and vice versa. An eastward bypass would thus be In llne with the traffic movement. In favor of the second is the avoidance of the 'Proxlmity of traffic to areas which are densely settled secured, however. by the sacrifice of Crwn Valley. The Delaware Park Commission would agree to this only on the showing that such a use of the valley . was patently more in the public Interest that its conservation as a park area. Swarthmore College considers a highway in Crum Valley only a uttle less undesirable It!han the widening of Chester Road. It is evident that wherever the through traffic is peomanently disposed damage will be incurred; and that public interest must include all people likely to be affected either as property owners or as hlghway users. ger waitevident before that takin@: It we is also theaction lonthe more a bypass will cost. thus reducing the chance of securing relief. In view 'If tl/.e above. with the advice of the Department of Highway people. the Highway Committe recommend.!.!. and Council ,passed a resolutlon requesting a bypass of the Borough. It is intended by the action taken to increase the priority of our traffic 'Problem in the eyes of the Departm.mt of Highways to such a point that a defInite relocation of Route 320 will be established to bypass the Bor. ough. It is entirely possible .that such a relocation will be along a route not indicated, by our px:ellmInary studies. Wherever;.t is 10cat~ if the right-Of-way Is secured actual construction can be delayed with the ultimate, bypass of traffic ilssured. Miss Allce Blodgett and Miss Myrtle McCsU/n of Rutgers avenue left Wednesday for Springfield. Mass.• to visit Miss Blodgett's mother. Miss McCallln will lster visit Miss Margaret Price of Moylan who is summering In Nantucket. . Jane Penfield of Riverview road visited her Stephens College roommate Lutitia Sharp of Atlanta. Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp had Jane as their guest in Atlantic City last week. Lutitia is now visiting Jane at her home until late in July. Miss Nancy Hoot of Lafayette avenue returned home last week from a two-week trip to Sandwich. N. H .• where she was a guest at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen MacQueen of Lansdowne. Ho.2~ .11 u........ =I:=: N:;~ 450 2 ~ S..~.2 27. ':~ 2 •• N,:;,2 1 . . 2 "::;.! S50 2 t:,.o.,,: sse ' : ' sse '?:' 1" . fltOSTfD fOOD YAWlS o .. c 'ordhook LIMA BElNS ~=tt e..= ....,t4 . . .w.Ca-op 0I'aaI. ".... • :.: 57e U.wt,a •• adWllol••b:aw• •,,,,I:t:5te ...... _ ......... ew.ots ':';: Z60 "AlE ..... ".,.-c. SUP : >I I IUlD -..-' DaD . ... " au' • ptl I Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Now You can buy U. S. Savin&s Bonds automatlcall7 through the new Bond-a-Month Plan. AaIt: at thi8 :Sank ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Swart ore Co-op WHEN CO-OP 8 ARE IN TOWN PoRICES ARE DOWN 49c TWO DAY SPECIAL ONLY Loci.1 F1'esh KtIled. FryJug , Chickens Ib4Sc GOv't Graded "A" Rib Roast of Beef· FInal Special GIl Yankee Slieed Bacon '. IbS9c only Ib 39c 'l'l7 CO-OP Bluo Label Bed Label Tomato Juice 2' :-..! 29c oz 3 12cans' 31e F1'esh palled Jersey Sugar Corn doz 49c· Cantaloupes 2 for 39c head 10c Lettuce Callfornta Sweet eam.. leebelir .. l n g "• sh e is survived by four children. a daughter Carol Maude (Mrs. Louis de Moll); three sons Guenther H. Jr.. of Germantown, George Coggeshall and William Freden'ck·. three grandchildren Steven Yerkes and 'Joanne Burns Froeb eI of Germantown. and Lane Marie de Moll; and by her mother Mrs. Maude Coggeshall Burns of Tall O a k s . ' WILLIAM A. .BLAND- William A. Bland of West ~hl!_ , adelphia, formerly of Riverview road. died suddenly earlY Saturday morning of coronary thrombosis. He was 71. Born and educated in Chicago. Mr. Blsnd at the lline of biB death was a retired executlve of the Philadelphla Branch of the Amer!" can Radiator Company. He was a Mason. By the end oflune, so many pe0:r.le ha bought new Stu ebakers that the biggest haH year in all Studebaker history was recorded. of loveliness inside and outside. It b~ogs new thrift that counts, new handlingeaseandriding comfort ioto motoriog• CHESTER and FAIRVIEw ROADS PHONE SWAK'DlllOBB flN STUD£BAK£R'S REALLY ROLLING! 1949 IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR! Bid Awards Made, New Combined CIa88 Arranged tails concerning time. p1sce and classes will be announced lllter. . The committee urges all local gardners to pamper their flowers and get out their containers (there are classes for everybody). reminding them. too that the more they cut their fiowers. the more fiowers they will have: ' ' Cut flowers are needed for the Phllsdelphla General Hospital patients.. They may be left iD containers on the Woman's Club porch each week between Wednesday rioon and 9 o'clock Thursday morD.!ng. . ' Bike Ride Featured As Association Enters Last Weeks It is difficult for any ~rter' --.. to keep up with the van'ed activilies of, borough children who are attending the SWllIIier recreation programs held at both schoolS and on all plaYgrounds. .Let us stop in at Rutgers Avenue School for a morning. '1'he three-year olds. who five weeks ago wept. loudly at the departure of their mothers, DOW play happily together in sandbox and express wagon. at easel . and . tea table. tears now make their appearance at noon when Swarthmore avenue, a radiating , mamas come to take the children center of. activities. She took an home. active interest In the Home and DeJ.eat r And Victory:, The fours have prog,..,..ed from I' t th School Association and ,the various P aymg oge er to working tomother·s groups In which her l\:Jaintain League gether. This week they were children's schooling Involved her. Tie hosts to their mother~ at a tea She was active In the Swarthmore party for whlch they made and f'lled b' Former Swarthmore Junior Assemblies which she aer• The Le6 ....'on nine continued ,'ts' erry boxes. ThIs occasion ved as chairman. She originated Resident Dies drive toward the League cham- was also an opportunity for the first home parljy for the pionshlp last FrIday when it lost mothers .to see the :fAmous doll Sudden! graduating class of Swarthmore • . Y a' heartbreaker to Manoa but corner. and admire the productS ;mgh School on the graduation Edward Armstrong Gillespie. bouoced rid>t back M;onday with of work bench and sandbox. night of the class of 1940. son of the late Mrs. E. A. Gillesa stirring 5-4 victory over Drexel The five-year oids have modelShe was an active and devout pie. was Interred In West NoltingHill pulling the league leaders led and painted ducks as a result Episcop!l!ean. president of -the ham. Maryland. In the. Gillespie back· Into a three-way tie with of their trip to GI·.n..Providence Auiciliary and Guild at Trinity family plot on Saturday following Swarthmore and Manoa. Park. ",he"", in addltion 10 feeding Church for several years. She was the ducks they ro'lled d the "" . th . i 'k f his death from coronilry thromJohnny. Poole was far fram his • own a'orge of North Cbester road, and WIlliam A. Bland, Jr.. of Dallas. Funeral services were held In Philadelphia Wednesdey. Interment \vas private In Arlington Cemetery Lansdowne. h:m~s' b"':::~:'n::an~. h: but he was planning to . return to Swarthmore soon. He Is survived by his wife' Helen Traux Gill~ espie whom :be married Novem~ her 10. 1939 and by his five year old' son Harry Truax Gillespie; ' ter Mrs Walton Amherst by his sIS .• avenue and by three neIlhews Charles E. and G<>orge Gillespie of Strath Haven avenue and Ed~ ward G; Walton of Amherst avd en e. ~':~f:gr:: ~~:.:..~!:= during the coming year. CLIPPERS TALLY :~ ;~~:s~:n ':d~ts f::k:!,,~ ANOTHER WIN Bills were. approved and authorized paid In the amund Christ. Selentls" on Sunday, July Carolinas and Florida. He spent August 1. At a Congregational Meeting, 24. The Golden Text is: held Sunday, July 10, it was voted ·me thy way, 0 Lord: I will walk II unanimously to request the Pres- in thy truth" (Psalms 86:11). hytery of Philadelphia to return the, call which had been extended NEWS NOTES to i the Rev. Stanley M. Taylor to become the Associate Pastor at this Church, In charge of ChrlsMr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoetiail Education. Circumstances maker of luverview road are en. tertaining their son-in-law and made it wise and advisable that daughter Mr. and MrS. WlllIam thIS step be taken and it is H. Dietz. and childrep Billy, Dorexpected that Mr. Taylor may ry and Walter of Tokyo, Japan find his field of labor near.... his . who are here for a visit of 45 home in Detroit. days. They arrived in Seattle Boy Scout Troop 2 meets each last. Saturday and flew east on Thursday evening at the Church a . United Airlines DC 6. Mr. at 7:30 o'clock. Diets has'been stationed in Japan Each Wednesdayduril!g thEiw1th the U;S. Civil Service In summer, surgical di'essin/l"are charge of steel and !ron prodncbeing made at the Church from tion for the paSt four years. Mrs. 10 a.m. on. Workeri! are. asked to Dietz joined him there iwo and hring a sandwich if the;, would one-half years ago. Mr. and Mrs. like to stay through the lunch Shoemaker entertained 24 nieces, hour. great nieces and nephews at a . home Pl!Ity, Friday. A meeting of the Church School welcoming teachers and officers will be held at the' Church on Thursday July Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Lang of Maple" avenue are" entettamtng 28, at 8 p.m. . Mrs. Christian Harris CJ1ll'k will Mrs. Lang's brother-In-law and ,be guest soloist this Sundsy mor- sister Mr. and Mrs. Wood and two children of . KewaDing. . nee, Ill., who arrived Wednesday for 'II short :v.iJiit. . Methodist Notes Babs Sickle of Strath .Haven The Sunday School will meet avenue is spending a we<:k at . at ·10 o'clock. Rev. Walter J. College Park, Ga. 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD, SWAB'l'BMORE Mrs. William Hanny, Mrs. J. Watten ·Paxson of Swarthmore, TRINlTY CHVRC(H (An Abbott's Dairy Product) Starting TBESWABTBMOBEAN Re~Geo.C.Anderson,~ .Tqne AUyson ' Peter. Lawford ElIzabeth Talrlor ''LrrrLE WOMEN" in technicolor Feature Times - Sat. Night· Only 6:00 ~ 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Special Saturday Matinee For K1ddles - 1:00 p.m. ''WAY OUT WD!T" Serial, _ Carloons ~ (lomeily • JULY·ZZ, HID IIGt in an early WU4r of Uaia pqper• emphasize his belief, he took his wife's china-ware to Philadelphia--;-and·smashed it, piece by piece,.in the market-pI8.ce! It is not for US ·to say how right or wrong Benjamin Lay. may have been. We do know that many people enjoy these beverages today. And all teaand-coffee lovers realize that much of their pleasure in the cup depends oil. the water used for brewing_ To these people, the delicious, natural flavor of Pure Springfield Water iJ the source of one of their greatest pleasures at the table I FIlUIT CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST· OF SWARTQORIC Park AVeDUe beloW Harvard SPRINGFIELD , Sunday, .TnIy 24 11:8O.A. M. Sunda;, SchooL lltOO A. M~ Lesson - Sermon . "Truth." Wednesday evenJ.ng. meeUna -eh week, 8 pm. ReadinC room . . .' .... .-. . e PHI L A . "DE L PHI , A ~ .,_~\!!!iP_ ~ __ dailY except SUnda7 IQlCl 12 to 5 p.m. Wedneedq ... ' .... 7 to 7:50 p.m. aDd • to .olIda;ys WATER . ...... , " - suaURBAN WATER ~'""- . COMPANY • - 'NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs, Bucllana n Harrar of Yale avenue 6pent a recent week·end the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Donald W. Poole at their cottage in Rehoboth Beach. ,Mrs. J. A. Perry and Miss Olive Perry ERIS" ~ us BSTIMA'l'B swA1IIriiMOBI!: 3UO LET BAIRD &,BmD 0\4 BanI< BaI......1r Ashes & Rubblsb Removed Lawns mowed, General Hauling 236 Harding Av• • N'W CONSTaunlOtl " * Swarthmore 14148 " WILLIAM BROOKS Sepf..m-, 7949 IRA'. 128 ....... StttIt. FlI1111_' 31, Pa. frigerator: beat elothes dryer; and bench; 3 double and 2 twin-size; porch oriental rug 13 ~ 21.' Swarthmore 3302'"W. LOST and FOUND LOST-Grey Persian full grown cat, vicinity of Harvard and Yale avenues, Please call Swarthmore 0602. ' Swaribmore lItH TV) T_ UIliversitY TccI,leal -"""lillllhll CAD. PREMIUM ANTBBACITE 331 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore Swarthmore 03(5 Mason Builders Supply COl1lpany MD,I,WOIm: - LllMBER BUILDING .MATERIAL S~ 0108 - lJI8 CHARLES E. FISCHER. Builder SWARTHMORE "'I . ." .. HDUSl WElL~MAIN1AI"~ IS THE WISE OWIIR'S lAIN" Repairs and .. _. FM ~ deteripIiYe liI.alu,. write AUA youa lRGftICfY It is easy io oppose a fare iIlerr ne. But those who oppose it have failed to su.ggest a work. able way for P.TC to continue to famish 800d service without a fare increase. 'All PTe has asked is a fare increase that wiII produce enough money to pay its bills; to keep its equipment in fint.class condition; to make the constandy necessary imp1Ovements which mean better Hrrice to all who nsePTC liaes; to eu1:a a modest reIanl for those who haye furnished die capital that hu made it possible to she phil,de(phi'g' mnsit .erric:e 5eCOJlCito _ (AM LIMITED EII.O L L ME II T SlM£ON£'S lOOltlN6 fOR. Lqss $1,314,000 TELEYISION AND *RADIO * For beginners, uperillllCed ,.....,...eI and enfhusiam ' INSTALLED Furnace Repairs & Cleaning Call GroBGE lIIY1!RS 4011 Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 , PHILADELPHIATRANSPORT1TlON COMPANY swart.bmore usa - ROOFS At present 'ares and at today's volume of traffle the weekly 1011, week after week, Is over $40,000, ' ..0 '\11TlllTl rT~' ught 'contests to eager devotees of the "faStest gwne I flAT. GLOSS OIL aas•• wasila.LI on two feet". The Sun Oil paSTIL WALL palNI SEMI-GLOSS sembles, ,as well as those of two visiting clubs, will be well-I studded with tile names of Crosse luminaries whose 'Valorous ----QUAtlTY S l H C I I 8 6 S ' - - - - - - - - deeds have won them All-Ameriiro"", toasters can, and other honors. paired, called for and can Robed Brooks, Swarthmore H.D.SIPLER 1548. Phili'p M. Kniskern of =;:'~;ru;"",,.-y:,===.-==, 11 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD, ~ PERSONAL-Lotlfmowed'- WarRiverview road who left ren Pierce, Swarthmore 2.078, SWARTBMOBE Thursday for, the wes,t coast, flew WANTED to Honolulu for a two-mon"th:obtvis",-tl W AN'l'ED Cars to wash· and siit with his sister Mrs, •• monize, Reasonable, C a l J Elder White, Jr", and f!QDily, Swarthmore 2211, :::;i;t;;n;;~;;n;;;:t;t:i;;n;;it:it:i;;n;;it:it:i~it;;;i:;:n;*"~;t;~t:i~it;;;i:;;iji Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden WANTED-University professpr II Mrs, Bichard Haig, both of Biverand wife desire furnished or unfurnished, one ,or two bedroom , view road enter\alned ''The Eight- apartment, up to $75, Call Poplar some" at a'luncheon at the Ingle- 5-8318, " , ' neuk last Tuesday followed by W ANTED-UrgenuY needed sterbridge at Mrs. Haig's, The guest eoptician for child's eye exercises, ,Media 6-.0436. WANTED-Buslness- Woman, refined, mature, desires position as companion to.' lady or charge of children; Reply ·to Bo~ M; The Member of, Federal Deposit Insurance cOrporation Swartbmorean. .=SF SWEl? AN . . • •••••. , 22, .iJIu ' lMelOsse Double Deader ~, If tI /'f/ their' week-end guests Mr, and Mrs. George Leeder and family of J>rlnceton, N.J., who wIll·re:. turn to India SeptEmber 1. Mr. Leeder is head of the schoolS In Northern India and Mrs, Leeder is a teacher in the schools, Dr. and Mrs. George B, SIckel of Slrath Haven avenue entertalned lBsi week Mr. and Mrs, George Moore, their daughter Pot and son Dicky of East Point, Ga., who moved this week to Laosdowner Mrs, Moore js a niece of Mrs. S'ck I 1 e, Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd of Swarthmore avenue will spend next week on a vacation to Cape Cod ' Mrs. ElizaQeth H, ,Hilliard, a fo~er resident of Louisville, Ky., is now residiDg at 310 Elm avenue. Mrs. Donald W, Smith with ber daughter DaDa ol Munster. Ind., will arrive next Wednesday to spend a month with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Daniel S, Morse of . I \. . .' -: . Painter', Inklrior uti' Eshdor • , 6~________________~__====~_______T~B~B~_S=W__ A_B=T __B_M __O_B__B_A~N____~__________-r________=-IUL __~__~~t__ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Enion and daughters Sara and Laura of Haverford avenue bave returned from a vacation of several weeks at Stone Harbor. Mrs. Warren M. Foote of Ogden avenue is spending July and Au- gust at Stanley Parms, New Lon- Recreation To don, N. H., E~hibit Sally James of Park and (conUnued from Page 1) gan avenues is entertaining 'Jane Marriott of ChiCllgo, her roommate top, two old golf balls, one orange at Tulane UniversitY, who Is Ilere ribbon, one horse hair, a canary ' feather, one Okinawa can celled_ on a three-week VISIt. stamp, two nasturtium blossoms, • one rabbit's foot, one ham strIng, a IIlQvie stub, one 1949 penny, a shoe button, one·brass cw1&n ring, and one old dog tag. The winning team, composed of VIrginla Smith, Sue Purnell, Phyllis . SAVINGS FOR YOU 49c a..$100 SALE Many of your fayorlte foods at money-saying .. price.. Stock up now and put your food budget In line. 6:::.: 4gc R':u~!r PEACBES F'::::~n. PRESERVES Id;:~::',:~.' TOMATOES :::;:dS~~ PORK"' BEANS APRICOTS U=~:~:d Plum IB» 5::49'= 6 $1 Ib 19c 2 ~~~29c a $1 11 $1 1Oe l9c 6 $1 ",ular Price fa>' for Regulllr Price for .egular Prlca for 1........ _. .ular'rI_ for N!'nl 3 1~49c PEELED FIGS ~~C~~'p~':~ IDEAL DESSERTS Pvt~~t1~'" I .k.·49c S~49c RED RIPE TOMATOES GLENWOOD JELLIES 12~~: 15. 7 $1 Farmdale Evap. MILl :a:l~z;' 9 $1 Ideal PURPLE PLUMS N!!J.:'zzo S $1 CoIDed Beel HashAnaour" ~a3So 3 $1 • Tomato J' SUDllSe uee :a~S90 12 $1 1M f., f", _la, ..I.. 1M Luscious Vellow Fraestone Elberta 2 Z5 1bS c Crisp California loellerll.ettuoe- Ib SS." , Ideal Brand Juioy Lemons c;,~~. :a0Cl CELERY HEARTS .......laIV· unch Delu... Ideal Or. . .e Juioe ~:x~. BaJa Clu.. Beveralel Plus bottl. deposit and hnna. tox In Penna. Mar~tI BoIft'de'Lite Mayonaais. ~t~~ .~d BreS.inl ".mod.·nle ~I~~~ DaIry Products ISc "!:. 41C 'tr SOCI '1~~t The Regular Republican Organization of Delaware CountY announced its endorsement of the f9llowing candidates to ,be plae dan.' Tli~ g8lne was scoretess given excellent account of them.. • Hear Wallingford where they were ra- to dismiss the referendum peti- until the bottom of the fifth when selves during the ,second half fr.eshed by cool drinks, the riders clai)ning that it was faultY Aldan routed Gibson with a four of the season. 'They defeated Rai .. cir shine, hot or cold, the cycled to Smedley Park to en- since it did not list the occupa- run rally. In the top of the sixth Collingdaie,llandily in IPe first Swartpmore Public Library congage in ~xploration and games. tions of the signers in many in- the aroused Swarthmore sluggers game by a score of 11-1 behind tinues to contribute to the literwent to work. The excursion was thoilroughly stan!:e5. Barr doubled, Poole singled, and Jack Thompson's one-hit pitching. ary needs of the communitY. At enjoyed by all but two riders In making his decision Judge They fol}owed this with a neat a meeting of the Board of DIrJohn Davis whose tire went fiat EIwIn acknowledged' the argu- Gibson slashed a home rufI into 7-3 victory over Springfield, the ectors, held on July 25, Bettina early in the ·trip anli Keith Rich- ment of Borough Solicitor Clar- deep center field. Before the in- first half winners, Dave Wilcox Hunter, librarian, reported that ardson whose bike jack-kniiI'ed. ence Myers, as counsel for the ning was over the S{."Ore would. pitched this one. Jack Thompson the number of books circulated bringing home to him with great referendl)lIl petitioners, that Esple have been tied if the plate umnire followed with a close 2-1 win in the second quarter of 1949 was suddeoess tpe fact that Mother a resident of Media had no legal had not reversed the base um- over Morton, but Wilcox lost sup- 11,643, an increase of approxiEarth has a "firm" side to her r.ight to contest a petition filed by pire's ruling of a balk. At the top of the seventh witq port in the critical moments In mately 700 over the circulation nature. ·residents of Swarthmore. the Holmes game and lost 4-3. On the corresponding period of last Thus It appears Swarthmore's darkness falling the never-say- Monday night Thompson lost a year. Of the total circulated in Most of the members who did not take the bike j(}ur.ney spent Democratic right to the freedom die Swarthmore team loaded the heart breaker to Lansdowne by the quarter, 7,304 were adult the morning finishing articles for of having its town conform to bases again on three .successive a score of 3-1. books and 4,339 were for juveniles. the exhibition held Monday the wishes of the majoritY of its walks and Gibson came through The team ends its scheduled The special vacation ,privilege, through Wednesday in the Sipler townfolk has been preserved. It beautifully with a game-winning which permits a very Iib~ral numstore window. Space did not per- is now up to these same townfoik double. Johnny Poole quickly re- season touight with a game at b erof b 00ks t a b eWl·thdrawn an d Lansdowne and,_ if they win, mit all completed handiwork to to consider the question seriously tired the Aldan team and Swar.th- East they stand an excellent chance retained until September 8, if demore once more rode to victory be shown although at ll'ast one and turn out In person to bave sired, is more popular than ever item done by each of the 54 child- their votes recorded accordingly on the courage and artistry of to finish in a three way tie for this year. In June alone, nearly ren who took the arts and crafts at the local polls Tuesday, Sep- Johnny Poole's good right arm first place, depending upon the two and a half times as many supported by a hustling well-bal- outc.>me of the play-off of a 6-6 books course was displayed. Mrs. Pur- tember 13. were taken out under this anced team that knows how to tie with Yeadon' earlier ip. the special r.egulation than were With_ nell and her assistant Frances hit when the chips are down. season. The team. as a whole ~s Pearson did wonders in providing been playing excellent defensive drawn in June, 1948. New memLOCAL CANDIDATES a variety of media and securing bali· and has been the most im- bers added to the Library in April, excellent results. Finished artiNEWS NOTES May and J:une totaled 76, of whom The following petitions have team in the league during cles included pencil and comb been filed for local offices in Beth Jones of North Swarth- proved the seco!Id half. 48 were adult and 28 juvenile. cases, change purses, dog leashes, New accessions of books during Swarthmore to be placed on the more avenue is camping at the plaques, earrings, br.acelets, canThe Midget team has also dis- these three months totaled 302, ballot for primary E1ecti9n, Sep- Tamarac Camps, Nicholson, Pa., tinguished .itself with some ex- of which' about two-thirds were dle holders and ash trays. until August 21. tember. 13. On the' sports side tournaments , Burgess, Charles R. Russell Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen cellent play during the season. for adult readers as against oneof Harvard avenue entertained They have been playing a schedule thir.d for juveniles. are well underway.' \Vinners up Council, H. Lindley 1>001, Franlr Library,:;'sers should keep 'in to date are Peter Bloom, ping informally Wedriesday evening of two afternoon' games a week H. McCowan, Charles G. Thatcher following the box lacrosse game and have participated most en- mind that the summer schedule pong; John Davis (seniors), Bob and Thomas W. Hopper. on the Sun Oil A.A. Box in honor thusiastically in the program. of h(}ui's, as given below, will be P.rce (intermediates), John FlscSchool Board, Carrol Streeter, of the birthdays of Mrs. Avery her (beginners) archery. Leading On TUesday afternoon they de- in effect until Labor Day: MonE. W. 'Dungan and Peter E. Told. Blake and Mr. Richmond D. feated Springfield by a score 0:1. day and Wednesday, 2-5:30 and team in Capture the Flag is Dick " Borough Auditor, Morriis H. FuJester captain, Howard Shearer, Fetherolf. 4-3 in a beautifully played game 7-9; Friday, 2-5:30 only; Saturssell. Mrs. Henry R. Harris of North when Noel Snyder doubled in the day, 9:30 a.m.-12 noon. The LiJ(}hn Fischer, Walter Reynolds, Tax Collector, Mary P. Dodd. Swarthmore avenue entertained at winning runs with the bases load- brary will be closed on Labor Marianne Musser, Peter Campbell, Justice of Peace, Morris E. bridge followed by a lWlcheon at ed. Johnny Fischer started the Day; on Tuesday, Thursday, and Ernest Behr., Phyllis Adams, ruchSmith. her home Monday. ard Snyder, Lynn Purnell, Judy hurling duties and was followed by Saturday afternoon until SeptemConstable, Thomas Clay. Mrs. Henry C. Ford of Amherst Dickie Snyder and Terry Dell- ber 8; but will be open for busAbbe, Bob Perce, Larry Jones avenue entertsined last week her muth. and Molly Huse. Softball leaders Skipper Skoglund and iness on Saturday morning, SepMr. and Mrs. Lee C. Bennett mother Mrs. Sewell S. Shaw of Keith Richardson in addition to tember 3. are Captain Howard Shearer, Bob . • and her brother these three, have done some fine Stein, Bob Pleroe, Joby Perce, and son Lee of Haverford avenue B r ooklyn,NY returned last week from a month's arid sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. pitching in the season. Dick Jester, Lynn Purnell, Ted Mr.. and Mrs. William J. Barnes Shatagin, Phyllis Adams; Steven motor trip through the 'western Shaw. Jr., and ,two children of and their sons Bill, Dicky and Stewart Bowie has done exUnited States and Canada. Among B'fdwin, L.t. Gatschet and Jack Seeburger. cellent work behind the bat and Doug of Yale avenue spellt the Today the final special event the places they viSited were Colo- i='-:!:;;::::;;::::;:::;:;:;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;;;:;::::;;::::;;;;;:;; Craig Peel and Charlie Wentz week-end at Pine Beach, N.J. program Included a pet parade, rado Springs, Rocky Mountain, Terry and Stephen Turner of have done a fine job at first base. Due to possibilitY of pOlio doll show, balloon bursting and Grand ,Teton, Yellowstone and Lin Purnell, Jobuoy Lang, Peter Garrett Park, Md., returned home 'racing, bag racing, paper racing, Glacier National Parks, 'Banff, , Morrow pool is closed to the Breitling, Geo~gle, Kroon, Seth Sunday after a five-day visit with tug-o-war, bubble gum and yo-yo Lake Louise and Jasper, Alberta. Singleton, and Jackie Walters their cousins Arthur and I..arri contests, coca cola drinking (with Dri~ up Pike's Peak wlis just public until further notice. among' others have perfonned Jones of North SwartluiIQre avenipples), bottle fishing and blue- one of tile b l,th17 Interesting e>rd Presbyterian Church, at' which J;>Oint, th~ younger ones start their return trip. The older ones continue to Smedley Park where 10yo contests and other quiet games will be played preparatory to the return trip. SUMMER :VOLUME 21-NUMBEB 30 l=~q;ti=o~~~q;~;t~~~~~~~~~~~;;q;~=o~~ . " ARE YOUR FLOWERS . CHEERING E Adams George Manpsse, Luren Another Acme 81g IISCD CATSUP Work Michi- Helen Hoot of Lafayette evenue spent the week-end with an Oberlin College classmate Virginia Talbot of Haddonfield, N. J., who is vacationing at Cape 'May, N. J. Mrs. Fred J. Murray and Peter Murray bf Yale avenue spent a recent week-end as the guests' of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Colvin of Point Pleasant, N. J. Mrs. P. A. C. VOstell of Spcsne, formerly of Swarthmore; was , entertained at a farewell dinner party by Mrs. ,John Muhler 01 Secane: Mrs. Vosters sailed on the Queen Elizabeth for a. visit to France, :Belgium, Switzerland, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Swedeli. and England returning on the Queen Mary late in September. Pa. , , ." '. I z THE SWABTHMOBEAN NEWS NOTES Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Campbell ,and children Peter and sUsan Dartmouth avenue will leave morrow on a motor trip ~=: the Adirondacks and the and White Mountains. They to spend the balance of with Mrs. Campbell's parents and Mrs. A. C. Hutchinson Waterford, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest Elm avenue have been ing lor a week in Lakeville, Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. and daughter Rosemary of view road sIlent a lew days last week visiting in Md. Dr. and Mrs. Hibbard daughter ieft Thursday for a cation of several weeks to ·N.H., and Three Mile Island, Winnepesaukee, N.H. . Waldo R. Fisher of l'oad will spend ,two weeks climbing in the White in preparation for a week of climbing in the Traverse' section lD North¥n Main with a group of 20. Sponsored by the Appalachian Mountain Club, this group will hike the Traverse section but Dwight Hummer of :~:j avenue will return home week after attending the session at the University of cinnati. Dicki Bullock of Cedar lane home Sunday for a short from Camp Pocono where he councilor for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baker their son Carlson bave to ,their home in Texas following a week's with Mr. Bllcd Mrs. Landes C. Baker of Cornell avenue. Lallie Hopper of Magill will return home this week spending a month at Camp Fairlee, Vt. Dr. and Mrs. Ned B. and children Carol, Joyce Su;;an of Dickinson avenue leave Sunday for a two-week vacation at Avalon. Ann Bradford of North Swarthmore avenue and Mary Harris Toronto, Canada have ,been spending the month of July on a in Alberta, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Conrow of I E m avenue returned home by way of the White Mountains a two-week trip to Mt. Desert, I Lane entertained· at the BaTH Mrs. Kahler and the baby were home Monday evening In. admitted to Delaware Count)" of Mrs. WW1am H. Dletz of Japan A daUShter was born to Mr. Hoapitalwhere the former underwho is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kahler at 2:8() went an appendectomy on Tuesand Mrs. Walter R. Shoemak.... Saturday morning at their home day and both are repOrted doing of Riverview road. on North Chester road. Later well. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. GcXKI·-1 ~p=;a:;ii:it:ii:it:=t:ii:it:=t;j:it:~~=;a:;a;;==;;t;;~t:it;a:;n;;;;;,j win of Rose Valley road are I tertaining this week Mrs. ~::;I win's niece Miss Mary Ann 1 of Guilford College, N.C., and , Kim Harrtman of New York U·[V.I After 16 years of pleasant association W,ith Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker Riverview road en~ained· 20 th~ Sw3rthmore m,otoring public I have sold my guest at a luncheon Thursday honor 01 her daughter Mrs. Wilbusiness to ROBERT /. A'rZ. liam H. Dietz who is home on a visit. I know ~'Boh" to he a capable and honest Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart and their daughter Patty of Vasworkman. He will prove deserving of the contino sar avenue left ThursdaY for a week's visit with. Mrs. Stuarts ued patronage of the motorist of Swarthmore. sister Mrs. D. S. Platka of Burlington, Vl, and to attend the wedding of their niece Miss Dorothy I hope you ~ continue to call Lonise Platka which will take place tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Robinson and children Jimmy and PeW of whenever your cars need anything. Westdale avenue and Mr. Robinson's mother Mrs. Nella Robin- hollOl":r ;:::1 F~~~~~~~~~~~ College Theatre Baltimore PIke, Springfield Phone Swarthmore 0450 The Hoagie Hut 17% S. Chester' Road S_rihulore Phone 3.16 Hoagies SteakS Party Sandwiche& Hamburgers MEDIA . AIR CONDlTIONED Friday and Saturday Ray Milland - ,J..,... Peters Paul Douglas "IT HAPPENS EVERY SPRING" Friday and Saturday Air Conditioned Speetsl Satnrday Matinee For Klddles _ 1:00 p.m. Gene Autry "BACK IN THE SADDLE" Serial - Cartoons - Comedy M<,m. Tues, & Wed. Bing Crosby "A CONNECTIC1lT YANKEE"" in technicolor! Thursday Only C1ari< Gable ClaudeUe CoI_ "IT IIAl'nNBD ONE NIGH..." Starting FrIday , "POB'l'BAIT OF JENNIB'" PETER E. TOLD, EdUor • MARJORIE '!'OLD, A_late EdItor Rosalle Peirsol Lorene Me Carter Pat Told Entered as Second C1asa Matter, JanU8J'1 24, 1929, at the Post Olfice at Swarthmore. Pa.,· under the Act of March 3, 1879. Fred Asta1re - GInc......)tocers ''THE BARKLEYS ON BRoADWAY" in technicolorl Sat. Mal at 1:I5-Extra :for "KING OF THE BOCKBl'MENNO 4" Sunday and Monday America's New Sweetheart! Lois BuD.... ''MICKEY'' in Color! Tuesday and WednesdaT Wal'Jle Morris -,Jane 'l'aIP. "TIlE YOUNGER , in technicol...! Starting Thursday! • ,Jame. stewart I_~- "TIlE B'l'BA'm'ON STOB"f" he toured' the north-eUt lnclud~ Nllliara Falls, Canada and the Thousand Islands. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilson of Ogden avenue retllrned SUJ!,dsy following a two-week trip to Grand Manan Island on the' Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, and Nova, Scotia. , -. . .... - .' , .'3 .' A WIDE PRiCE' RANGE . .' .. ' We have over 70 different price.· . Mrs. William E. William of Crest lane and her daughter Miss .ranges. Consult us-then compare. :t;IEADLINE-WEDNFSDAY NOON . Dorothy Witham of Washington, D. C., spent last week vacationing Our estimate wiH prove that 'we SWARTBIIIORB, P&",FRlDAY, .JULy 29,1949 in Ocean City while Miss Wi1!ham are definitely, not hi~h pri_d. was visiting her parents for a few Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, JulY weeKs. Presbyteri Notes I "' '. Miss Leanore Perkins of Cedar , . At the 11 o'clock service Sun- 31. The Golden' Text is: "Be dity morning the Rev. Peter Lovie, pedect, be of good comfOrt, be lane returned home Monday after pastor of the Chitst Presbyterian of one mind, live in peace; and a visit with her aunt Mrs. J .. A. Church, Warwick, Bennuda, will .the God of love and peace shall Hru-tenstine of Principio Furnace, ....ero.. o. PUIIUALI be witil you" (n CorinthIans Md., and with her grandmotiler be guest preacher. 1820 CHESTNUTSTRIEI Mrs. J. Will Perkins of Elkton, G. WillIs Brodhead. will be 13:11). Md. . .guest soloist. T ....... on. I. 6-1581 There will be no Church School Mr. and Mrs. Jotm de Moll and MAffI A. IIMI. ""...aoled"'... " or Churcl1 Nursery until SeptemNEWS NOTES their small daughter ChrIstine of ber , D a r t m o u t h avenue returned home The Surgical Dressings group Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shoeinaker Saturday following a two-week will meet ' dur'-~ ...... ·~e ~ .month o·f of Rivemet< road entertained for vacat·lon a t Harvey Cedars;. N.J. August at 10 a.m. at the church a short visit Mr. and Mrs. George r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;o;;;;~;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;o;;;.;;;;;o;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Bond and two children of Calion Wednesdays. Members are asked to bring a sandwich if they fomia Who are en route to their plan to stay through the lunch home. after visiting in tile east ,. since Swarthmore College comh our. t. Troop 2 of the Boy Scouts will , mencemen meel each Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. PlowMr. and Mrs. Bishop, Holly and man and daughters Smanne and The Directors are grateful to the husiness .and professional. Peter will spend ·the montil of Joan of South Princeton avenue August in Rh04e Island and may willl leave Monday to spend the be reached in case of emergency month of August in Ocean City. people and to the many citizens of the horough for their expresduring the month at RD.l, HavMr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, ersham. Point, Westerly, Rhode Jr., of Cedar lane are entertainjng Island. their grandchildren Willlts, Jr., siom of satisfaction aud confidence in the recent election of Mrs. Savelli will be out of the John and David Bowditch of HilChurch oUice during the month ton, Va., while their maternal of August but may be reached a grandmother Mrs. W. H. Hornsby Elric S. Sprout. President; Vice .Pr~~ident~ Cashier . . Harold Ogram. . ....' . -. , large part of that time at her Of Yorktown, Va., is seriously ill home in Media. in a hospital in RIchmond, Va. Mrs. ". StallIeY Taytor and sons and Trust Officer; and Richard M. Snyder. Assistant Cashier. Methodist Notes Chipper, Rusty and Johnny of '. The Sunday School will meet Kennett square have returned to at 10 o'clock. At the 11 o'clock . their home following a week's visit service the Rev. Walter J. Lep- with Mrs. Taylor's mother Mrs. pert of Drexel Hill will preach. Cbarles D. Mitchell of "Brookhill", SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK .. -. . '." . ', The Churcl1 Nursery will be open Wallingford. , ." Mr.' and' Mrs. John Bowditch, .', during the service. .Jr., of Cedar lane ;'pent· a: week ( and TRUST COMPANY visiting Mr. and :.~s. James BowTrinity Notes ditch. at Schenectady,N.Y'" and I. . Holy Communion will be cele- Manchester, Vt. ., brated at 8:00 a.m. The service Peter Lumsden flew home ·to ClaudeC. Smith, Chairman , of Morning Prayer and Sermon ;" . England last Tuesday following . will be held at 11:00 a.m. Ushers a six-week visit with his uncle at the 11 :09 o'clock service will: and aunt Dr. and Mrs. A. F. \Tack.' be: J. Furlong, head usher, W. son of Park avenue. While here . Patton, C. B. Blake, W. H. Randall, H. p. Stamford, \T. S. Thompson, G. S. Valentine. and W. H. aa •• . THE OLIVER tt. lAIR CO. . CHARLES R. RUSSELL I~iiii~iiii~~i.iiiii~~i.i~~iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ T he Bouquet , BEAt.1TY SALON Come summer - • THE'SWARTHMOREAN RUSSELL'S SERVICE 0440 son of Princeton and avenues returned Sunday from .. ,. THESWABTHMOBBAN PUBLlSIIBD BYUI' FRIDAY AT, SWAB'l1IIlOD, PA TBB 8WAB'l'IDIOBEAN. 'INC., PtlBLISHB& \ Pholle SwartlaDore ..... THANKS SWARTHMORE it will beand necessary ,to flY in their Stonevacationed Harbor, since N.J'. where ;they supplies equipment. One of Me. Mr. and Mrs: Lyle A. Whitsit had Wednesday. their main projects will be to de- of Elm avenue. are entertaining as Mr. and Mrs. GraC/lle G. Whytvelop trails, and they will also their house guests this summer law of Cornell avenue entertaindedicate l"e LeRoy Dudley Mem- Mrs. Whitsit's sist':' Miss Grace ed with a cocktail party and picnic supper Saturday in honor of orial on the Katahdin Shaffer of Bedford, Ind., and Miss of the section. Gladys Roberts also of Bedford. Mrs. Edwin K. Hayslip of ProviMrs. Frank L. Reynolds of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Smitb dence, R. I., who had been their guest for tile week, and Mr. Guernsey road will spend of Yale avenue spent a week vamonth of August vacationing cationing at Towanda. Mrs. G. G. Whytlaw, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott of TorEast Northfield, Mass. Mr' and. Mrs Robert Marks of rington, Conn., guests for Mrs. Thomas W. Simpers of Princeton avenue returned home week-end. Swarthmore Apartments left Friday following a week's vacaday for a week's visit with tion in Atlantic City. Their chilMr. and Mrs. Edward. Fred S. Munsell of Eastern dren Bobby and Bonnle remahied of North Chester road t Maryland. home with their grandmothers Monday from a ten-day stay Mr. and Mrs: George Mrs. Myra Doe of Princeton Buck Hill Falls where they WE"" I and their daughter Ellis of nue and Mrs. Victor Marks the guests of Mr. and Mrs. yard avenue are leaving today Danville who was here on a Charle.!! F. Jenkins. a two-week vacation in Mrs. Myra Doe of Mrs. Howard M. ,Jenkjns N.J. avenue is entertaining her North Chester road left Mrs. Alton P. Smith of ther-in-Iaw and sister Mr. and far a two-week visit to Dr. avenue entertained at a Mrs. Irvin Cleveland of Mont Mrs. Frank Aydelotte of Prin" .. 1 party at the Morrow Pool on Clair, N.J. ton, N.J., who are summ.eripg at vard avenue Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Good- Waterford, Conn. Dayid JMkins Mr. and Mrs. Frank Markley win of Rose Valley road enter- is spending this week with his Guernsey road have tained as tbeir dinner guests Sun- uncle and aunt, Mr. and' . from a two-week vacation to Sky- day Mr. and Mrs. John Charles F. Jenie an ~troduction to music, dramatics. and_ manual trajning. cated in Columbus, Ohio wlrerel Bright, Cheerful R<>oms. Large, Beantlfol PlaylP"oUDd he will ,be associated with Kennith Abbot in Ne,ur()surgery.1 REGISTRATION OPEN for LIMITED NUMBER of VACANCIES gery. .1ULY 211, 1M9 JULYzt, 1MB Come care • Call Swarthmore 0476 9 Chester Road ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I!II!I!II!~I!II!~ CLOSED ~ , ~ Saturday, July 30th WILL REOPEN -~ .Monday; August 29th . • . , Jon"e5. ~. ~. Christian :;;cience Notes "LOVE" is the subject' of the Lesson-Sermon in all ChUrches of 13 SOllTB CHESTER ROAD, SWARTHMORE Church Services SWMTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, Minfster Sunday, July 31 11:00 A.M.-Rev.' Peter Lovie will preach. Wednesday, August S 10:00 A.M. - Surgical I)n>sg!ngs Group. JANE LOGAN de Lux:· Thursday. Angupt 4 7:30 P.M.-Boy Scouts. Troop 2 METHODIST CHURCH Roy N., Keiser, D.o., Minister Sunday, ,July 31 10:00 A.M.--church SchooL 11:00 A.M.-Rev. Walter J. Leppert will preach. , Fresh Peach Ice Cream TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector Sunday, July 31 8:00 A. M.-Hoty Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Morning prayer and • The Summer Time Flavor sermon. Available in • Bulk or Half Gallon containers ; at \ Michlel's Cellege PharIDICY • ON THE COBNBR .Now... Chrysler Offers THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OFPRIENDS $undlQ>, .July 31 11 :00 A. M.-Meeting for worship. Wednesday, August 3 9:30 to 3:30-Sewing and Quilting in Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All cordta1ly invited. FIRST CHURCH OJ!' CHRIST SCIENTIST , OF SWARTHMORE Park AVeD.ue below HarvanI SUD"':r. ,July 31 11:80 A. II. SmMtay SchooL 11:01 A. 1\(. TflIIOII - SermOD l'Love~" W'ednaadAy evening meeting each wek, • p.m. Readin& roam ~ dally ucept Sundq and Holidays I2 to 5 p.m. Wedn_1Q> '~:"''''!!I'i!u,''!I''I\I., ,7~~,;":50 p .... and • to • I-Safer Driving! Through the years, the 2-SaferDesign!Nowtheengineer8 @eatestadvancesinsafetycometo.youfirst(romwhopioneered the first all-steel ear lalryeler. Now there's a new advance in steering bodieshavedevelop.edastillsaferbody _ .• Chrysler's Heenter control" steering! Your and frame design-23% more rigid. daya o£~htiDg a wheel arc over. There's fP::eater You have full control of your automatroad .tabIlity, easier handling, less road shock. ic gear 8hifti~ car_ With Prestomatic Even the leather covered foam rubber Safety. Fluid Drive Transmission, the Safc~ Cushion dash, and the new "Bulls_Eye" headliglit Clutch enables you to take over in lenses are designed to give you extra protection. emergencies. select the gear you need. ~ - Safer Vision! W hen Chrysler engineers mtroduced the first-.+whecl hydraulic brakes 25 . years ago-they brought to the automobile indus- . ~ a new idea. It is the idea ef car design that ~D~ with safety, the~ huil~s ~utY1 comfort,·· perlormance! Yb.tl ean t pOSSibly appreciate the ailIerence until you drive this Car. FlDd out how' m.uc~ mo~e con6.dent you feel'in tqis ·Chrysler WIth Its mtghty High. Compression Spitfire engine. l'reJtomatic FbNl Drive' T,.,..missimo ••. drive without shiftillfi (, Safer Car to·Drive .' / .. ... ;, HANNUM &·WAITE . Chester Road- Yale Avenue ' . . '-- ' i .nJLy _,• 1M9 TBE SWABTHMUBBAN f Hundre6 01 THAN YIAR AGO Your 1Io"ar tod..,. ....,. . . . . . . . per __ m_ ...... Iut par .. -..y ........ 1tenu. COMPARE THESE BIG VALUES 110 SAVINGS FOa YOU Ideal Brand Fancy Callfomla FRUIT n. P- . COCITAIL~~ onI, foDCJ' fruit coddall In utfa we Mil. 2/5Oc 2Se ...u. 33e ... 3/'ae TOMATOES ",ts\!'':,d 29c 39c 3/.uc " •. 1 Tl'eet, .pa-I PI., Mer Tealt Luach~ Meat Cera" Bed ....h 39c N•• 1 can STUWBEDyl~ 5.. 12... 39. can I!.-:- 1-...;5=:I:;:.:....,-I-_~'!:ic=-_ WII_'. Grated Tuna FIsh . . J to Cel lfol'llla ........ C. l'aee...ae P ..ch.. Inood "aDCl "ue1NUI•• ............. P ... . aD .... LaW P... = "81 ~n 37. 37. 111-0. 33c con 1- 2/"" ..n Ho.300 U. ... N:i\I;:::::;e.id=;:ourBiiiiiiii PERSONAL Send your small . Mrs. Wl11lam H. Drieha\l8 fry to Swarthmore Nursery her daugbters Ann and Susan School. Sign up now for SeptemYale avenue have re~ed ber. Call Mrs. G. W. Brodhead, a two-week vacation ill director. Swarthmore 2806-J. PERSONAL-Good colored maid N.;tf. Mr.Driehaus joined thEml avallable for all or part of Ang_ over the week-ends. oat to accompany a family on vacation while present employers are away. Call Mrs. Savelll. MtOdia . atter 7:00 p.m. Friday. TheSwarth re Mr. and Mrs. Ph1l1p w. KDI8kern of Riverview road spent the week-end as the guests of Mrs. J. Bancker Grlbbel of ''WIndy Hill". Upper providence. at her summer home In MamaJo!r1ng, N.J. ACME PRiCES'LOWER I , . NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Donald G~:::~I have returned from their .trip to the Canadian Rockies. have taken an apartment on South Chester road. Mrs. Gustafson is the former Miss Jean' Huey of Dickinson avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Minton l{a,rv••v! and their daughter Ann of C0lumbia avenue spent the wE!I!k:-er.d! visiting Mrs. Harvey's sister-inway Mrs. W. W. McCabe on farm on the Eas,tern Maryland. co-op S IJ.'r)' &be PASTBY, • ABE IN TOWN PRICM' ARE. DOWN CLASSIFIED CAKES, aDd aou,s In our Bakert. Eo.y week-eDd wefeatare a 4IIf_t "SPECIAL" MAYOINAIS! SHOULDER OF .Lamb Frankfurters Baby Beef Live.. Celery Hearts JUICY YELLOW FREESTONE Peaches Peppers FANCY JERSEY Ib 49c Ib 49c Ib 69c ,. bunch 9c 2 Ib 19c 3 for 10c OO-OP GREEN LABEL 2~:;,: Tomatoes co-op Shortening TRY BED LABEL I 25c , 31b SSC 2 ~:~.: 3Sc A DELICIOUS TREAT! '. BED LABEL SPECiAL Apricot leclar. Every WeclnMfay during July and August we close the doors at 1:00 p.m., not just milrninlr, ,01' lunch. So. CoME oot until Thursday EARLY! FOR SAT,E Ouly one left! RA!d female Cocker Spaniel. 6 wklf. old.. $25. Champion stock: 800 "Palrv;;;;;;:.:;ie;;:wi...:r;;o:::a~dr.'.;G;.:ra:::ce~,;P;ar~k~.~..­ FOR SALE--1940 RCA Victor Console phonograph Radio Home Recorder.. Call Sw8rth- \ A. WAYNE I MOSTELLER II 4S e m ROAST ~=~-= S .. 65 e Buy 3, ••• Get.·4 famous GOODYEAR' TIRES "titlc Jt££-• •JI'I'BBII 'I'BBJlD BpeclGJ PURCHASE! ReI.I.S ••••• v.=:.. KTy!!!'ted Milk ... 1',," ••!:!! :r .....·_·W..... OI1 --.CrIsco~-.........-=- .!.!. _ -. C ••_IU' ..... = - 1- PLUMS a/3" 4/4. 2/Ue 1./5& 'J:I. 950 ....-. 5" 3/HO I 2/6 ..!::'f_ 1'-1ge .. tsc IC.'ery _ . - -25c .". La_' -. - .. FRESH PEAS................2.. 2tc . .nalMlli ..... till.. .....u. . . .·•...... -2Oc '_Colo •••• Soap P. . 'c.' II.. ..tor.... - eWER 1/11. I/lle CUNNINGHAM Painters '" Paper Ban6ers We should know how Swa.2266 Mlohlpn Ave ~~~;;;~~~~;;;~~~ l' ~ Swarthmore Disposal Service RnbbIsh Collected Weekl:r or Monthly Phone Chester 3-0331 9 A. M. to 5.30 P.M. ELECTRICAL REPAIRS WI«ING NEW and OLD HOMES Samuel M. Harbison S..artblnore 0740 I!~iiiiiiiiii~iiiiii~ AUDITORS ANHUAL REPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DELAWAIlECOUNTY. STATE OF· PENNSYLVANIA for the SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY". 19" Devine Taxi Service' TAXATION SWARTHMORE,PA. rea: estate .............................................................5.616,550.00 Number of milla levied ................................................................................................ 15 Number assessed witb per capita tax .................................................................... • None Rate of per capita tax ........................................"....................................................... None Serving swarthmore. Morton. Rutledie and Ridley Township since 1918 in local Year round full or part time work. preference. Haply Box R, The Swarthmorean. AMOUNT OF SCHOOL TAX g~~'~o~~ a wore 5-. bicycle. PHONE: PROPERTY TOTAL Tr..... ................................ ROOFS desires work in local vicini+-. L;7 GUTlEBS Five years experience. 336 N. Princejon avenue. KBPAIBED AND WAlfrED Child's play house for use in yard. call' Swarthmore 2494-& WANTED-Minor household jobs and repairs. from floor waxing INSTAI.I"" Furnace Repairs & Cle8Dj~ Call GEORGE MYJ!ll8 40g Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 to plaster more 1670.patching. Call Swarth~-~~~~~~~~~~~~il I UA WAJ. 6 61..... -... 2'~~~'-----=--.--",-,,-==-=-.-c WANTED - Professor cOmIng to .... Bn)o $14.75· eacb aud )'OlD" You Get the Fourih TIre 10,540.110 OperaUon (p) ................................ 27,a08.19 48,507.111 Maintenance (E) ........................ Interest ....... :........................."......... 118.0.a: Sale of supplies and equipment '8.9' Fixed Charges (F) ...................... All other sources. ""All o.ber squrces ........................ 0,S7 •• 11 Debt Service (G) ........................ Total receipts, Including beg!.nlng balance ....................$.0.,."••1 Capllal Outlay (H) .•.••..•.•.••....••• 8,150.11 8,2:82.« .0.".... SUMMARY 19'6 Tax ............................,............................................................................................... Previous to 194.-6 DupUcate ................" ............................ " ............................ ".......... The F. F. ZIMMERMAN Photographer List Your Reai Estate With . '''Outstanding for Quality" Media Q-D4S6 6 E. Front St BAIRD & BmD Old Bank Bolldin&" set of 4 old tires. TUttfOn ............................ ".......... TuItfon non·resldent pupils ._ .. Asbes & Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed. General Hauling ,~~~~~~~~~~~~ 236 Harding Av. nOD~' • Auxiliary Agencies (C) ............ 16,486.94. Z, •• "'" matic heat. late August Occupancy. Total ........................................,.................... "......... '.70,"181.46: Balance on Hand (To Be Available tor School Year Ut4.!H950) .................. " .... 86.061.11 Call Sunset 9554-W. WANTED - Local Petroleum EnASSETS gineer. wife and child, need School Building and Sites at Cost .............................................................................1.001.485.14 unfurnished apartment or house. TeEtbooks and EQuipment at Cost ........................................................................ 10.518.80 Call Swarthmore 3203-R between 1948 Tax (CUrrent Year) ............................................................................................ 8,518.89 194.7 Tax ............., ................ "............................................................................................ 857.17 8 and 10 p. 10. .WI CAN t=IND HIM - .OR YOU - 3 Goodyear. TIres 6.00 '" 16 slse for PDeerllncaquPel"'n't ~ 19.&8 .................... L.CLL (Pre.lo"" '0 U'.) .................... State approprlatlow: Teaehen. Swarthmore 1"8 WILLIAM BROOKS TOTAL RECEIPT (Item ") ........................................................................................ 1.0 .......1 Wharton School. two small dau- TOTAL PAYMENTS . Total Current .Expenses (ltems A·F Inc.) ............. U8.2!18." ghters. needs three Or four bedTotal Debt Service «Item G) ................................ 20..188.18 room house, unfurnished, autOTotal Capital OuUay (Item. H) ................................ 1,191.n LOST and FOUND LOOK! SwarUunOle 0444 Amount levIed (Face of....10"8 dupUcate) ..................................... 198,9293' AdditJollS ,to dllplkate :................................................................. .%8 • UI6.9J19.z,,: .11 ~~~~~ii,i~=i[iii,i~ii~ 20·.·. PenalU.. added .................................................................................... ..815••8 ...... J Call Swarthmore 2531. Total amount (sum 0: I, t, & a) ......................................:............. 197,U4.,8 IH,544.51 FUNERAL DmECTOR '% Commlssl.n deducted by Co. 7... WANTED-Bartol Scientist, wife IU8 tax return~ to County CommissJoners ................ _........... 8,528.89 1,528.89 Formerly of l!IItOdia and small child. want to rent DiBcounla ...••.• ...................................................................................... ........ ., •••• ,. 1125pir~nt;:~f,;~eii7~ unfurnished home, Swarthmore =N=et=am=·=o=u=nt==ot~ ..~ ..~tax§i.. =I=lec;;t=e~d=.. =='=.~;;";:::';:::.'.~~10;::.~••;":;;;.'. or vicinity by Sept. 11. Best ~efRECEIPTS EXPENSES No additional charge for !ere·n",,,,. Lease. W on't you call and Balance on hapd July.. 19.. suburban calls t a lit lover. ·t S w arthmore 1847. All funds of Sink· 1 20,945.18 General Contral (A) ......:.............. 8,924.29 in&, Fund es.:duslve ······.............................. ~~~~~~~~;;;~~-~J WANTED-Mechanical engineer Property tu: 19..8 ........................ 190,614.40 Instructfon (8) ............................ 181.002.01 ; HURRYI HURRYI HURRYI . Swarthmore 0108 - 120S Tuition Ilecelvable .............................................................................. ......................... Balanee on hand all Funds excluding Sinking Fund ........................................ '08.50 1.800." S,908.88 10,061.11 Total .Assets ...............................................................................................................1.1116.110.28 • MODERN IITCHENS • WAll aod flOOR COYEtllKS • NEW CONSTRUCTION • AUElAflONS ood IEPAttS mTERS BROTHERS, I.e. Conrrodon and Builden 302 Gayley Street • Me(Jia, P •• Phone: Me4la 8-4281 LIABILITIES Bonded Indebtedness (With Vote of Electorate) ............................................ 1 .~~:~~~::~: I Bonded Indebtedness (Without Vote of Electorate) .................................... : Teachers' Salaries ................................................................................$25.100.04 TotafILI~gu~~ti!~~.~.~...::.::·::.:·.·::.·:.·::.:·.:·.:·:.:·:.::':::::.::'.::::':::::.:':.:::::'.::':::.:':.:'.:'.:':.:.:..........~.~:~~. MORE HEAT FOR 166.176.78 LESS MONEY at * .NEW cONSTRUCTION . * NO EX'i'&A OOST! other sizes at proportionate savinP * ALTERATIONS. REPAIRS Highest Quality Craftsmanship "THIRD GENERATION BUIT,DERS" LET UIjI ESTJ!IIATE nsco and :ALSTON. i Auditors. Complete Report on File In School District Otftce In High School Building• Open to Public HORACE A. REEVES Here's the best deal we've bad In yean on genuine first quality Goodyear TIres. We made a sensational bny f . - ' Goodyeal' aDd are passinlr u.., savln&s on to you. n'S the same famouS tire new .... miomaIlICltarelB selee&ed year after year for. ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT TIRES! Remember - qUDttl;y Ia IlmHecl - 'don't delay - b.....,. - Iret here early! This famous safety tread is also avallable In Goodyear's famoUs Super-Cushion in some sizes at slmlllar rElductions. ; . . ., CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Swarthmore 3861 C.-·,He ................., 7 Since 19011 I ~ W ANTED-Boy's Quinby YOUiROPmY LIMITED QUAITITY! 1/1.Oc I.Ic All LInes Of Insaranee 333 DartmoUth Avenue SwarUunore ·1833 -'=~~'f'~~iifassr.:~ Assessed valuatJon of taxable U80 lIIahlenberlr Ave. Swarihmore . 11115 SlMtON£'S lOOKlN6 fOR. ON THIS OFF1ER PrI-:.., Y... . PETER Eo TOLD Total Liabilities ........................................................$ ASSETS IN SINKING FUNDS AS OF 7-4-49 Sl!l"1(lng Swarthmore and Vicinity for past Twenty Years .. llc TODAY.. PllCif !:~~~=~~~~~~~~ Outstanding Bonds ...... : ...............................................................$ 141,000.00 25.176.78 AccolUlts Payable ........................................................................ Assets In Excess of Liabilities.................................................... 1.029.942.45 Puqlished by Order of the Board of School Directors . DAVID McCAHAN, Pre5ident NONE HILDA LANG DENTWORTH. Sec'y YOU SAVE UP TO 25% MOIN J!oa ... P..... Phone SW811bmOle 18518 =. .= . .= . .= . .=. .=. .= . .=. .=. = . .= . .=. .= . .= . . •. STEWIIG CBlCDNS..aur .. 3tc BEN TURKEYS ~~::: .. 53e ,=-... -.. I~&-URI Padella. • tic P,!:~..!'...!=..!3c WOE JERsEY IUTTERFISB PETER DI NICOLA Total Assets .............................................................. '1.196,119.23 LIABILITIES . . WANTED Bi.EcTuns Dicky and Chuck.y this summer. two-week vacation in WaJJjngford, 10:00 to 5:00 of Garrett avenue spent 'last week Mr. and Mrs. John Seybold and Vt. as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. son Johnny of Amherst avenue Mr. Henry C. Ford of Amherst Cloeed Wec1neecJay .... John BeHield of Wynnewood at returned Tuesday night from New avenue attended the funeral in their summer h9me in l?pringfield, Harbor, Me., where they bad POrt Allegany Saturday of his S.turd.)' AfleioDoons N.H. Mr. and Mrs. Fellows and vacationed for two weeks. Dur- sister Miss Helen D. Pard who had family are vacationing this week ing their absence Andy Seybold been in Arizona: for her health at Belgrade Lake Camps in Maine. visited his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Cook of Rutgers Mrs. A. M. Seybold of Mountain for the last few y~ars. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Mac• avenue spent 10 days with. het' Lakes, N.J. Patty Seybold spent Millan of Vassar avenue will daughter Mrs. James Schurz and a quiet time at home. turn home today after spending family of Dallas. Mr. Cook joined Bobby Kahler of North Chester a week with their daughter Mrs. the group over week-ends. road is visiting his great uncle Wayne Gersen and family of PittsMrs. Horace H. Hopkins of Crest and aunt Mr. and Mrs.' VI. R. burgh. lane, accompanied by her son and Smyth at Jamestown, R.L His daughter-in-law Dr. and Mrs. sister Kathy u; with her grand; Horace H. Hopkins, Jr., of Cali- mother Mrs. Harry Kahler of fornia and her son-in-law and Rutledge until her mother, Mrs. daughter Mr. and Mrs. C. Milton Joseph Kahler, and infant sister Pike, Jf., of East Lansing, Mich., LEGAL NOTICE sailed Thursday on the Queen -~-'(-C"-r-IT-I-O~U:::S::;N=AM::"":E':=R:":EG=J=IST-RA-T-I-O-N­ Mary for a seven-week trip abroad NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions ot Act. ot Assembly No. Dr. and Mrs. Hopkins visited. the 3110, approved May II•• 11145, ot lntenUon file In the office ot the Secretary_ ot f ormer' s parents on Crest lane to the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, at for several days before sailing. Harrisburg, Pa., and In the office of the . h' 1t Prothonotary ot the Courts of Common Dr. Hopkms as lust comp e e Pleas of Delaware County, on Wednesday, :his. gl'aduate work at the Univer- tile 27th day ot July, 18'11, a Certificate tor the conduct of a business In Delasity of California. ware County, Pepnsylvania, under the as, Betty Cook of Rutgers avenue sumed or fictitious name, style or designation of Cosmic Counters, with Its prina councilor at Camp Happy Val- cipal place ot business at lUI Cornell . Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa•• The names and ley, Md., will be in charge of swim- addresses of all per90nli oWDIng or Interes;ted In said business are Harvey Ciay~ m ing at the Water Carnival to ton Taylor. 1111 -Cornell Avenue, Swartbbe held there tomorrow. more. Pa. Brig. Gen. and Mrs., William A. NOTICE?,;-;;I:;;S--:H;';'E~R;;-;E~B;:;;Y~G;;l;;V~E~N;-,-=p-=u=-:l'81l=ant to the provisions ot Act ot Assembly No. McCulloch of Riverview road have 880. approved May.', 11145, of Intention to Ole in the Office of the Secretary of returned from a week's trip to ~mmonwealth of Pennsylvania at Harrf&. Canada. En route they stopped burg, Pa., and In the otrlce of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas at Buck Hill for a visit with Gen. of Delaware County on the 80th day ot July, 1848, a Certlftcate for the ronduct McCulloch's relatives and in Ot- of a business In Delaware County, Penn. 'ted WI'th Mrs• Mc- sylvania. under the assumed or ftctitlous t awa th ey VISI name. style or designation ot RUSSELL'S Culloch's cousins. They were the SER VI~E, with Its principal place of busl. d ness at Darboouth Avenue and Lafayette guests at Blue Heron Point, Lyn - Avenue. Swarthmore. Pa. The name and '0 of Dr an'd Mrs address of the pel'llOn owning or lnterested h urs t , 0 n t a n. . In said buslness.is Robert John Au, ProvlWilliam T. Ellis, former residents dence Road, RD UI, Media, P:.=a=.=-_ __ of Walnut lane, Swarthmore. DELAWARE COUNTY Sealed proposal wlll be received at the Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter and olrlce of the Chief Clerk, Court House, Big rang. of ,I ••• and whHlba•••1 Mrs. H. Lindley Peel will be host- Media, Penna., until 111 :00 Noon Eastern The new Studebaker trucks come Standard Time. and publicly opened at in ~-ton." l-tOll. l}i-toD esses at a party for their immedi- 1 :00 P.M. E.S.T. on Tuesday. August I, (illustrated) and 2-~ capaC1ti~ ' ghborhood tnniaht in honor 1948, tor furnlshlng trucks and labor for they're aU outstmuilng ~ 1D ate nel ~•....,. Haullng Voting Machines to be used at ruggedneas and Iow-cost operation. of the birthdays of Mrs. Avery the Primary Election to be beld on Tucaday. September n, lU8. Blake' and Mr. Richmond D. Forms ot proposal, general conditions • F;rst In comfort-and first in performance-that'. why Fetherolf. and specifications. form of Contract and bond wblch the successtul bidder will be Studabaker trucks are selling sansationanyl ' Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup of Haver- required to execute. can be obtained at office of the Chief Clerk. Bids will for"d avenue and Mrs. Howard G. the • Now there's naw big power, 100, in Studebaker'. madlnot be accepted except on forms ot proHopson of Rutgers avenue enter- posal furnished by the County. um-duty trucks-the 16A and 17A .arie,. Studebaker'. E::acb bid must be accompanied by a · all d 100 h.p. "Power Plu," engine daliven 200 Ib,. ft.torq .... tained inform y at a esset"t- Certified Check of Two ('ZOO,OO) hundred bridge at the Hopson home Fri- dolJarR, drawn to the order of the County ot Delaware. whick will be retained hy America" m9,t progre',~ive truck de.isning-get day. the connty as liquidated damages In case the utmost in solid dollar value-get a Studebaker truck' Mrs. S. B. Brewster of Swarth.- ot tallure to execute contract and bond. The County Commissioners reserve the more avenue returned WEdnes- right to reject any and all bids. day from Penn Yan, N.Y. where John H. Doherty Fred F. Duke she visited her father and sister Albert J. Crawford, Jr. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Chester and Fairview Roads for two weeks. Miss Grace Brew- IIT-T-!!! ster returned home Tuesday from ~~--......:...----------=----------------------------:---=Cape May, N.J. where she had spent ten days part of which she visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman alice bart,cf re.. 9I t S old I,ank building New conveniences! New handling' easel Le.. s fatigue. STUDEBAKER -TRUCKS ,,-ton. • cht FUSCO and ALSTON 5IT'ITFORGET ITI aE SALE Attractive Summer Dresses Assorted Sizes $4.98 and up RUTH IZUMI Dress Shop' Swarthmore 1250 Theatre Square 631 South Cliester Road J. C. LIMEBURNER CO. DISPENSING OPTICIANS Experts in the Making and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses TAKE " WASHDAYS EASY with an 1923 Chestnut Street - - - ·Phila. 6913 Market Street Upper Darby 827 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Automatic washers make wash'ng simpl~ as setting a dial. There's nothing to it! Just load the automatic washer, set the dral, and go your merry way. Your clothes will be thoroughly washed, rinsed, and dampdried without a moment's attention from You. See the new automatic wamen at your local dealer's store or at any Philadelphia Electric store. .. THURSDAY AUGUST 4, 1949 The $l.OO-Serve YourseH-All You Want COMPLETE SUPPER Come and Enjoy Your Selection From HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS STRATH HAVEN INN • PHILADELPHIA EL·ECTRIC_ COMPANY •