Pa , ANNU:AL SALVATION 'ARMY ,SWARTHMORE, SALVATION ARMY CAMPAIGN OPENS Captains, Wo,rkert' Begin Drive Today JI:. Assemblies To Meet On the evening of April 2, the seventh, ninth and tE-.nth grades will hold their dancing assembliES. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Banks, chairmen of the seventh grade group, will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. = g ; O ; : ; : and Mr. and Mrs. The Salvation Army opens its 1949 Greater Philadelphia Maintenance Fund Campaign today as v~lunteer Workers t~~ugh?ut the City. and suburbs soliCit n~lghbors f?r support to e~able the org~tlon t? carryon. the. wor~ of Its 35 agenCl~ of serVJ.ce m this area. . Offermg help to ~ll, The Salvahon Army goes dlI'ectly to the source of trouble and ent a slate of nominations at repeated calls many people have Theodore Purnell, Assistant TreaMrs. W. S. Hobbs, Mr~. Charles the April meeting. been missed. surer; ,Mrs. Roger Russell, CorresThe Swarthmore High School Black, Mrs. A. D. Moscnp, Mrs. J. To those who have already oon- ponding' Se~etary; Mrs. Howard Volley Ball Team captured the H. Dunn, Mrs. J. A; Beagle, Alice ;--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,...~.... tributed, the local chapter appeals Jackson, Recording Secretary, and District I, P.I.A.A. Championship Marriot, Mrs. Charles Deacon, Mrs. ANNOUNCE EGG HUNT' for reconsideration. R. T. Bates, Board Members Herman Bloom, for the second straight year at J. S. Lynch, Mrs. C" P. Streeter, Ft;md prive Chainnan, points out Mrs. Donald Hibberd, John Moxey, West Chester last Satm-day, March Mrs. F. N. Bell, Mrs. R. A. ShepE. M. Buchner president of ,that today's dollar contribution. Jr., John Seybold, Mrs. Oliver 26. Other teams entered were pard, Mrs. Melanie Seymour, Mrs. the Swarthinore Business Asso- closely approximates a pre-war Swan and Mrs. Joseph Walter. Chester, West Chester, Kenneth L. E. Peterson, Mrs. W. F. Hanny, ciation, announces the revival fifty cents contribution. He hopes Committee Chainnen for the Square, Sellersville-Perkasie, and Mrs. W. L.' Thorpe, Mrs. Irene of the pre-war Easter Egg Hunt. that those who are ab~e will re- current year are: Athletics, Dr. Avon Grove. It was a double Rainey, MrS. W. J. Barnes and The event, staged the Saturday spo'nd with an additional share in Williams and Mr. BJpom, Co- elimination tournament .and the Elsie Reuning as her workers. morning before Easter, was for the great woi'k being done by the Chairmen; Finance Mrs. Avery Garnet team went through withMrs. Thomas W. Simpers is cap- tears the delight of borough Red Cross. Blake; ArtS and Crafts, Mrs. Roger out losing a match, losing only tain of collection in the Swarth- youngsters. Details of this year's Contributions may be mailed Russell,and Publicity, John Sey- one game the whole afternoon. more Apartments with Mildred Hunt will be given in next or delivered to the Fund Treasur: bold. The final match was played Simpers and Katherine Simpers week's issue of The Swarth- er, Harold Ogram at the Swarth.-:-._ _ _ __ against Sellersville-Perkasie' and as workers. morean . J rs. T o·H 0 Id Election . was defeated 15-10 and 15-9. more Bank. Or a telephone call North of the railroad Mrs. J. Paul Brdwn is captain of tbe to any of the following residential The Swarthmore Junior Music Tomorrow the team. will' go Constance von Erffa area chairman will bring a wor- Club will meet at the home of to Bloomsburg to playoff for Northwest section with. workers k t d CI . H dr' 64 the Eastern Championship. as follows: Mr~. Fred Wilson, Mrs. Memorial services for Constance er 0 your oor: Mrs A.Sidney atre en lxson, 5 NOrth Clifford Banta, Mrs. H. H. Hop- von Erffa, nine year old daughter JOhnso~, ~wa. 4566; Mrs C. :aus- Ch~ter road, on Sunday, Apri' 3 Members .of the squad are kins, Mrs. E. L. Mercer, Mrs. of Professor and Mrs. Helmut von sell Phillips, Swa. 0283-W; Mrs. at 7.30. p.m. . Arthur Barraclough, captain, Jack George Bland, Mrs. Joseph Kall- Erffa who died of coal poisoning Palmer L. Skoglund, Swa. 2046. Election of offIcers for next year Smith, ,Milton Helmuth, John ' h ome In . N ew B runswick, To Show Blood Program Movie will .be held as well as the regular Snape, Barry Coleman, Ted B0ler, Mrs. nussell. Heath, Mrs. Jul.. a t h er ian Gibson, Mrs. W. F. Singleton, N: J. on Saturday, March 26, will The College Theatre will show mUSIcal dProtgrabm. All memb~ gal'dus, Bill McHenry, Dana Swan, '30 two different films are e present at, this AveryCBlake, Mrs. J . K . D 0 h er ty, s Mr. H. B . b e h e ld S un d ay a fte moon a t 2 . P , on the Blood . imp urge rtant 0 ting .4bellBruce Mylrea and Mrs' th S arthm Fr' ds M t rogram made' by the March of 0 mee . Fred am~ • C I Mrs A. S R b · o es, Hall,. Mrs. J. . R.0 Pennock. mson, . ill e w len requests ee - TIme .' ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Helen ing house. Theorefamily for the Red Cross. "A Life If Captain of a section northeast of that no flowers be sent but' that in Your Hands" will be shown the railroad is Mrs. Richarc;l Haig, contributions be made to the during the week of April 4 .through her workers are Mrs. O. J. West, Friends Service Committee in 9 and "It Can B'e You" will be (Continued on page 6) memory of Connie. shown during the week of April FRIDAY, APRIL 1 8:20 P.M.-uLife With Father" ...........•...... Players Club Professor and Mrs. von Erffa 11 through 16. SATURDA~, APRIL 2 are recovering at the Middlesex 8:20 P.M.-''Life With Father" .................. Players Club Kappas To Meet MRS. HARRY BLEEKER General Hospital, but a 'second 9:00 P.M.-Duck Club Dance .. , ............ Penn State Center The Kappa Ganuna Se~ Mrs. Emma C. Bleeker, widow daughter, three year ol~ Julie, was SUNDAY, APRIL 3 Group will meet Tuesday, April 5 Of Harry C. ~leeker; died on Fri- not stricken. 11 :00 A.M.-.Morning Worship .....•........... Local Churches day, March 25, after an illness of The family resided at North 739 Yale avenue. 7:30 P.M.~unior Music Club ...... : ..... 645 N. Chester Road two weeks. Mrs. Bleeker former- Princeton avenue while· Professor MONDAY, APRIL 4 8:20 P.M.---''Life With Father" •..........•••.... Players Club 1y active in the Methodist Church von Erffa was acting head of the Named By Polio Chapter TUESDAY, APRIL 5 here was making her home with Fine Arts Department at SwartbAmong the newly 8IlD()unced. 2:00 P.M.-Music and Poetry ....•............. Woman's Club her daughter Mrs. Frederic A. more College. officials of the Delaware· County , 8:20 P.M.-''Life With Father" ...........••..... Players Club Child in Oak Bluffs, Mass. She Challter of the National FoundaWEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 . would have been 96 years of age An Orieptation Course for work- tion for' Infantile .' Paralysis' are 8:00 P.M.-.''The Mystery Of the Cross' .... Presbyterlan Church 8:20 P.M.-"Life With Father" •....... : ..•.••.... Players Club in June and was active until her ers preparing to resume Red William C. Morrow, Harvard ave. THURSDAY, APRIL 7 I last illness. Cross Activities with the Blood nue .ana Mrs. Avery Blake of 8:15 P.M.-Geology Lecture-Dr. R. E. Fellows .. Meeting House She is survived by four child- Procurement Program will be held Amherst avenue who were elected 8:20 P .M.-''Life With Father" •..........•.•.... Players Club dren, 19 gnmdclilldren, and 20 at the Media Woman's Club ClIl mem~ of the executive comgntat grandchildren. Tue9d8Y April 5, from 10.10 12. mittee. b v " PLAY TO BEN EFIT ' CLUB MOTHERS RED CROSS ENDS SHORT OF GOAL '-------------..11 TIDS WEEK'S CALENDAR . ~:: ~ c:r .1".,..+' }.!; :::) 1- ,~ .- '. I . THE SWABTHMOBBAN NEWS NOTES . Dorothy Denworth and Alice Patterson both of Elm avenue, Ellen Jenkins of North Cbester . road and Joan Pennock of Whi~er place are enjoying a 10-day sprmg vacation from George SchooL Marvel Wilson, Jr., o~ Strath :mv~. ::,,:u~ en~rta~~ ~ ew n~ urrng ~ emussl(~n 0 the Jumor ,Prom FrIday everung. Mr Willi F Del hant f Ya!e s~venue ":.t';"ed ~om/I~t week from Chester ~ospital and is co~valesclng followmg an operahon 5. f U ._ M performed J h F March G kill r;" osep . as. 0 D1 verslty pla~ ententained at a luncheon-bridge at her borne last week. Mr d Mrs W B P of . an , . . e~am y lYa!t~ ~vC~tyue ~~ent. t sundap 10 A~an IC 1 VISI mg Mr. egram s moth~ Mrs .. G~rge B. Pegram who 15 va""tiorung there. Patsy McCahan of Strath Haven avenue arrives home tomorrow from Mt. Holyoke College to vacation until April 11. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe and tbeir son Ricllard of North ton of "Greenhaven", Rye, N. Y., Mrs. Samuel G. M. Maule of took place Saturoay afternoon Rosemont, si\ter of the bride, was a 4 o'clock candellght ceremony her only attendant. Mr. George the Swarthmore Pryse ,Thomas of New York, Churcb . served as best man for his brother. The Rev. Jo.sepb P. Bishop A small reception at the'home Of formed the ceremony before tbe bride's parents (or the immedchancel banked with cybotium iate families followed the cerfern, and baskets of white f10WEt"S lemony. flanked by seven lighted Upon returning from iI wedding abr.. The aisle leading to trip to Bermuda, the couple will . a!ter was alight WIth candles reside in Scranton. ~ standards entwined with w1:litE,1 o;.,:rsbride,· given in marriage her father wore a gown of ,fashioned .'. satm wIth a long with tiny buttons down the and finished at the waistline a cording 0 f the Stin 8 . Th e's.~::~: collar and long tapering were trimmed with seed pearls the full skirt ended in a long train. The full length vell of Brussels lace belonging to Mrs. Edward Guest of Mamaroneck ,N. Y., was loaned to Miss Mac~ pwee who was, tbe tweUth bride to have worn it. She carried a bouquet of white orchids, bouvardia stephanotis and white hyaclnibs, Chester road have returned home following a two-week vacation to Sea Island, Ga. Miss Mary Wood of Oornell aveneu, whose engagement has been announced, was guest of honor at a tea and shower Saturday afternoon when Miss Kathryn Simpers of the Swarthmore Apartments, Mrs. Edward Rust of Lansdowne and MIsS Doreen McConecby entertained for 50 guests at the McConerhy home on South Chester road. Mary and, Hilda Denworth of Elm avenues are home from Carleton College for a 10-day spring vacation. Hilda is entertalnlng as her house guest, classmate Caroline'Sell Of Superior, Wis. Dick Bosshardt' of Park avenue returns to Cornell University tomorrow following a holiday of a week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Jackson have arrived at their home on North Chester road from Florida, where they have been vacationIng at the Highiand Park Club In Winter Park since the latter part of December. Eli route home they visited Charlestown Gardens, S. C. and Williamsburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rutan of Ogden avenue have re~ned ~o~ a three week moto; trIP to MlBffiI Beach. . Mrs. H. Lindley ~eel of Columbia avenlje ent~rtamed the teachers of the JUDIor Deparlment. of the Swarthmore Pres~ytenan Church at a dessert meetmg last I Miss Helen Kraus of Benjamin West avenue, the maid of honor t wore a strapless gown of coral taffeta with a matcblng 'jacket which button,ed with tiny buttons and featured' a Peter Pan collar and long tapering sleeves. The !Jridesmaids,Miss Dianne Tbrockmorton, sister of the bridegroom, a student at Bennett Junior College, Miss Barbara Krase of Elwyo, Miss Geraldine Wall of Elkins Park, Miss Marie Thompkins Julianelle of White Plains, N. Y., and Miss Mary Bertha Lauth of Cynwyd, wore simIlar gowns of blue taffeta. • They carried bouquets of daffodiis, acacia, tulips, coral camellias, and florets of coral iums and wore arrangements of matching flowers In their hair. ' Mr. Philip D. Reed, Jr., of New York served as best man, and the ushers included Mr. Malcolm I~ Oakford of Rye, N. Y., Mr John D. Barton of Buffalo, N. Y Mr. Edward 'Mathews~ NDrth· wood, Calif., Arthur C. Jack Jr., and Mr James E. Smith, both of Pittsburgh, and Mr. N. Colton O'Donoghue of PhIladelphia. " Mrs. MacElwee, mother of the . bflde, wore a gown of aq~.a:~:: with lace bodice and long sleeves. She wore a small ered hat ~d her corsage was cora!, orchIds. A reception at the Old Mill, Valley, followed the c;eremony . Upon their return form a ding trip to Bermuda, the week~ couple will reside in Mr. nod Mrs. C. C. West of Town, New York City. Walnut lane entertained at a dinner bridge at their home SatTHOMAS - THOMAS urday everuog. The marriage of Mrs. Virginia Sheaffer Thomas, of Bronxville, TO W1ID APRIL 9 The nlarriage of Miss Penelope N. Y., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ann Corya of Ogden avenue to Henry R. Harris of North SwarthMr. Julien Brandon Simmons of more avenue. to Dr. David Pryse New York City will take place Thomas, son of Mrs. Pryse Thomas of Elmhurst, and the 'late Mr. Saturday afternoon, April 9 at Thomas, took place Saturday at 3:30 o'clock in the Swarthmore noon at the home of the bride's Presbyteri:.a Church. The Rev. parents. The Rev. Joseph P. BishJoseph P. Bishop will officiate. OPt pastor of the Swarthmore Throckmorton - MacElwee Presbyterian Church, officiated. The marriage of Miss Marilyn Jean MacElwee, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Reed MacElwee of Mt.' Holyoke placi" to Mr. Bruce Hamilton Throckmorton, 80n of Mr. Harold A. Throckmor- MEDIA· Last 2 Days! Gall Russell - .John Warue "WAKE OF THE RED WI""8" t:;·'=:: THE SWARTHMORE PLAYERS CLUB presents , "Life With Father" Friday and Satmday April 1st and 2nd 'and PlaJlnc AprIl , - 9 Indn'llve S£ OK KIDDIE SHOWl Saturday Afternoon at 1:15 8 cartoons and a Serial In addition to our regular Program Ali Children 20 cents =: #: := =*~ Sunday and Monday Lore"", Young Robert om-olnl'l "'filE ACCUSED" -: Tuesday and Wednesday 2 Features "TIm LAST DAYS OF POMPBII" and "SIIE" Starting Thursday Olivia de BaYilluld Mart< Stev_ '''nIB SNAKE PrJ:" (Not for WEST - • APBD.. 1, '190 APRn. 1, lIN9 ) 'THE 'SWARTHMOREAN cJ.a.cobcta .. as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post OffIce at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Aet of March 3, 1879. Entered POWER MOWER BEAGLE RUSSELL'S ,DARTMOUTH &- LAFAYETTE AVES. Ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APRn. 7, 1949 , The $l.OO-Serve Yourself-All You Want COMPLETE SUPPER , , ' ~ Come and Enjoy Your Selection Froin HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS STRATH HAVEN INN The Bouquet. BEAUTY SALON Lest April catch you with your hair down Call Swarthmore 0476 9 Chester Road - , Church Services B~TBS Mr. and Mrs. Arnold H. Reddiogof Fumess·ne, Ia Wallingford ' are recelVwg congratuI a ti ODS upon the birth of a daughter, Janet Carol on Marcil 23 In the Universlty of Pennsylvania Hospital. The baby is a granddaughter of Mrs. L. G. Blundin of Park avenue and Mr. Frank W. Redding of Wallingford. .. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Smith of South Chester road announce the birth of a son, Steven Carter, Tu,,"day, Marcil 22 at Hospital, Philadelphia. The 'baby is a grandson of Mr. Claude C. Smith of Baltimore Pike and of the Rev. and Mrs. RaLyD'Olld Dining Room ()pen to PubHc PERMANENT and TRANSIENT GUESTS Avenues Phone Swarthmore 9188 METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. rr High Fellowship will meet at the Church at 6 o'clock on Sunday evening and go from there to the Lansdowne Presbyter" ian Church to meet with their fellowships. Wednesday, April 6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.Dl. the Woman's Association will, have its sewing day in the Parish House. The Women are urged to come sew or make surgical dressings. On Wednesday evening, April 6, the last of the Lenten Services Y(.ill be held In the Church at 8 o'clock. The meditation on The Meaning of the Cross will be ''The Mystery of the Cross." The Junior Choirs rehearse on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 and the Chapel Choir rehearses Thursday evening at 7:45. The Young Adult's Group will meet Sunday evening at 6 for inlPper followed by program. . ' " THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sunday, April 3 9:45 A. M.-First Day ScIlool. 9:45 A. M;-Adult Forum. 10" A. M.-Meeting for Worship, Whittier House. Wednesday, April 6 9:30 to 3:30-Sewing and Quilting In Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All 'cordially invited. -------------" FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvanl Snnday, April 3 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. ll:CI!!u~-ty~n - Sermon Wednesday evening meeting eacll week, 8 p.m. Reading rooID open dally except Sunday and Holidays 12 to '5 p.m. Wednesda;y evenings 7 to 7:50 pm. and D to , 9:30. , Trinity Notes , Holy Communion will be celebratep. at 8 a.m, on Sunday. Church School will meet at 9:45. Holy Commuion . wiU he Celebrated at ck . Th usb tb e 11 0 ,-, "'0 servIce. e ers for Sunday are: A. H. Knabb, head Usher, C. S. Brown, R. M. Kilgore, J. W. Jones, C. B. Blake, S. D. Reynolds; J. L. Cornog and W. S. Patton. Young People's Fellowship will meet at 6:30 p.m. Choir ScIlool will meet on Mon-, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Completely fumished opartments are mal... toined on aur promises. If you are from out-of-town or a member of a family who wish " . to remaIn here prior to the ServIce, these oportments are available without extra charge_ - Swarthmore College calendar. :rI!e William J. Cooper Foundation wIll present a concert 'and three lectures to the public during those eight days. The concert, sclleduled for Thursday, April 14, at 8:15 in Cloth,ier Memorial, is th~ most unusual event of the group. Four prominent musicians have been invited to perform several of the major "vorks of Russian composer Nicolas Medtner. This composer, once high In the MoscoW' musical hierarchy, bas suffered wiJiespread neglect since his emigration from Russia, and has only recently been persuaded to record some of his works for H.M.V. In Britiao. / THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. D.IKIOIS O. FUN.ULS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Telephon. RI 6-1581 MARY A. BAlli. ',osidonl The artists who will play Medtner's compositions are: Madame Maria Kurenko, Russian soprano; Eric Rosenblitil, New York violinist; Professor Boris Roubakine of the Toronto Conservatory, and R N George oth, ew York The group of three lectures Ing at 9:45. The Sunday School will meet at 9:45, and classes , are provided for children of am ages and for adults. ' The Young Adults Class meets at 10 o'clock in the Ladies' Parlors. The topic of the sermon at the 11 o'clock service is "The Meaning of The Cross." The Youth Fellowship meet.. at , 6 :30 in the chapel. The Cburch Nursery is open during tbe morning service. Mrs. Eleanor Smith and Mrs. Helena Hnghey will be in charge.The ushers for the day are A. P. Smith, C. L. Hughey, C. King and R. M. Snyder. The board of Education meets on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Demsey, 44 Roberts road, Media. Rehearsal for the oenior cIloir is on Thursday evening at 7:45. On Good Friday evening, the cIloir will sing the Lenten Cantata ''The Seven Last Words." The Social Hall is open for ervised recreation under Mr. Purnell on Friday evening at 7 o'clock. ..uP:: On Saturday afternoon, April 2, Clarence and Lilly Pickett, who have just returned from a twomonth mission to Palestine and the Middle East for the American Friends Service Committee, will give their general report to Friends in the Philadelphia area at the Friends Meetings House at 15th and Race streets ,in Philadelphia. The Adult Forum will be held on Sunday mqrning, April 3 at 9:4l!. Robert K. Epders will address the group. ,His topic wIl be H A' Biolollist Looks at Relilllo•." I • The period Aprii 7-14 will feature four major events on 'the opens on Thursday evening, April 7, at 8:15 in tile Meeting House when Dr. Robert E. Fellows, a geologist with tile Geologica! day and Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Survey division ~ the Department Holy Communion will be celebrated on Wednesd'ay at 7:30 and of the Interio<, speaks on ''Geology, Yardstick of Alaska's Fu10 a.m. , .ture. ' Mrs. Walter Giles will be In charge of the women's luncheon On the following evening, at on Wednesday at 12:30. The Rev- the same time and place, Erwin • erend Arthur L. M. Worthy, Vice- Piscator, Director of tile Dramatic Chairman of the Department of Workshop of tbe New ScIlool for, Christian Social Relations of the Social Research, discusses ''The piooese will be the guest apeaker. Theatre of Today and Tomorrow." Choir rehearsal will be held on Mr. Piscator has an International Thursday at 7:30 p.m. reputation as producer, director and lecturer on drama. On Sunday, April 10, tbe British Methodist Notes philosopher A. C. Ewing speaks The Official Board will meet on If Agreement and Disagreement this evening at 7:45 in the chapel This Will be followed by the meet- in Ethics" at the Meeting House ing of the Fourth Quaderly at 8:15. 'A lecturer In Philosophy Conference at ~:30. Dr. W. Gall- at Cambridge University, Dr. oway Tyson, District Superinten- Ewing is the author of many welldent, will be present and preside. known philosophical books and Class will meet on Sunday morn- articles. Friends Meeting Notes • I Concert, Lecturers On College Schedule ------ -----=-=---=-- ~------------ "RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN" 0440 No~ SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1949 • Long a favorite among users, this ,rugged. smooth-operating mower is a fine_ample of Jacobsen's leadership in the production of quality power mowers. CALL Christian Science "Unreality", is the subjeet of the I Lesson-Sermon In all Churche.s of Christ, Scientist, on Sunda~, April 3. The Golden Text is: ''Thou hast dealt well witil thy servant, 0 Lord, according 'unto thy word; . • • Tbrougt, tily precepts I 'get understanding: tlierfore I hate every false way." (Psalms 119:65,104) DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Presbyterian Nlltes I prayer book with a white orchid as a marker. Mrs Thomas McDhenny of West Philadelphia, the bride's sister and only attendant, wore a goWll of spring green taffeta fashioned with lace collar and'short She wore long mitts of matching green. Her headdress was of lace and she carried an old fashioned bouquet of yellow carnations and purple violets. Mr. Edward West of Ambler served as. best man for his hrother and the ushers were Mr. :rI!omas Mcilhenny and Mr. William Brown of Manoa. A reception at the home of the bride's parel\ts for the Immediate families followed the ceremony. The bride's mother wore a gown of gray ""epe. Her corsage was of white gardeniss. The bridegr09ffi'S mother cIlose a gown of navy blue crepe. Her corsage was also of white gardenias. Upon the return from a wedding trip to Clearwater, Fla., the couple will live in Ambler. PVBLlSBBD EVERY FRIDAY AT SWABTII1IIORB, PA. TJiB SWARTII1IIOlLBAN. INC., PUBLlSIIBB Phone Swarthmore t9tO PETER E. TOLD, EdItor , l\IARJORIE TOLD, BARBARA KENT, AsseeIate EdItors Rosalie Peirsol Lorene McCarter Edith. Whitaker LAWN QUEEN Miss ElIzabeth Ann Beagle, d au, ghter 0 f Mr• and Mrs. J 0 hn A. Beagle of Princeton avenue, became the bride of Mr. Kenneth Edward West, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward West of Ambler, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the ' Swarthmore Methodist Church. The Rev. Dr. Roy Newton Keiser performed the ceremony. The bride;given In marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin featuring" fitted bodice with lace collar and yoke, long sleeves and skirt with short train. Her finger tip vell of Tulle fell from a cap of lace and she carried a white I , TRESWARTHMOBaAK I • • • • • • • • • • • Th; more you rely on your telephone for busin.,.., con· yeoiencc t pleasure, or urgency, the more valuable your telephone service hecom~s. Today, in Pennsylvania alone, more than 10,2';0,000 local calls are nlade 'by our customers during a nOrIl1al day. Any way you look at it, telephone service is becoming more and more valuahle .••• Any way you look at it. tele· phone service gi,,~ you your money's worth. The Hcll Telephollc-CoITlPUl1Y of Pcnnsyh~"in • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - 3 MORE DAY-.S TO TRADE AND .SAVE! , WE'LL PAY BIG MONEY' FOR YOUR TIRES ••• • ,~ • when traded-in on new IUPERf(:USHIDN TIRES Ity GOOD,liE4R ~"""" a Ih .........~ , • Cushion does lETTER I • Give. f '!!!, Longer Mileage M.les your_ ear handle easier • :- Cuts down' repair biils .~ &iv~ you the smoothest rido :you ve ever had .: Makes your ear ride better than new ~odefirnt ire your car w;th Supef-CushiOiiil ey , your present wheels. - AvallHle III AII-W..ther .lId Rib' T....1It New Tires doserve _ tubes ..... Llfe&uar. m.~o blowouts h.",,1_ -ll'JS(~f) • liNI) 'lil~srl'()N Chester and Fairview Roads '. THE Mrs. Randolph Roess f11 Cornell Marks' mother Mrs. MY'"a Doe of avenue Is convalescing at her home Princeton avenuc. Mr. Marks a NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bates of Yale lwenue are entertaining as their house guests Mrs. Bates' parents Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Clarke of Fairfield, Conn. following an operation performed in the Episcopal Hospital, Phlladelphia several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marks and young son Bobby are vloltlngs Mrs. -------------:------------1 You will eat lJetter for leu W"" "'III rea' FOOD VALUES· Tum to Acme for quality foods at money-savhill prices. All our foods or. triple-tested to Insure satIsfaction. Ideal fancy Z3c r::~ I . FRUIT COCKTAIL ~o.2V,~an 550 The only fancy fruit cockled I pClcfted in utro hlJQvy Iyf\lp we seU. g.o&J 'S«ll CAKE MIXES ChaTceI of chiffon, white, Ipice or devJ/, food. 2~t;: 45c 30c I Hot Roll Mix ..... 45c Blueberries se., 2 I .... ptll No. I 35 1:..1" 'C'__. . . ." , , ' 2 I .... 29 2 Apricots eMS C r - u.c&U",",~;JaIl ..elti pili' C "'........, Orange Sfttl N ••• 25c Tomato Past. ' ..'13·... 29c .~It Evereaely e.",," 2·caQ" ... 31c'Tenderonl ea.p'. Va 2 .... '9c :.= N •• 300 ... .... ~ u. s. GRADED GOOD A BEEF 39 fancy Lean CRUCK ROAST STANDING RIB ROAST Ib T::: J,'~h~t Mllkfed Veal Veal Roast ••. Cat.D'.'. 'D 49c Veal Chops ."IU'.... 'II 59c Veal Chops . , . . 'D79c Breast Veal ,. 33e Dried Beef 01'....... V. ,. 29c Bacon A ..... Dry an ~fI 57C lIP '"'T D.ft, c '57c Ib Shorts Ribs of Beef 'D 33. Bolling Beef ,. 19c Sweitzer aUetd Cllen. v .. ,.. 20c American ."......... "/.,. 13. Corned B8ef·"""" <4,' I 8e Meaty Scrapple ,. 25c Sausage Pan Peril .. S5e MomLL'S BACON SQUARES . READ"I\ TO 29c Ib Embou)" or Girard SrMked, SkInned HAMS .=.-~~~~ 63c .IIJe•• of Values in our Seafood Depts. Larce Jersey Porpes Ib 17C 170 Ib 290 Ib ' ;' ':n Dressed WJlitinl Fancy SUeed Cod Steaks Frelh ShadCh·!::~··n,51C1: w.:l:'Roe BURFF ASPARAJUS SOUP ;,Jurchu .. of 4 ~. TOMATO or ~it~ _. VEGETABLE CIt .....I.r price ALL • FRESH FLOUNDER 1 0 43C One Reg. I Dc Can 5 2Sc fOIl APRR. I, SWARTHMO'R'flAN Pound PkS Rob-fonl RICE "lr!'.~ Ib } '''lHz pq ••...,... _ . RAISINS 470 IOlH stUdent at Duke University, Is havllig a spring vacation. Ten members of the Thlmble Group attended the regular aIIday .sewing meeting held last week at the home of Mrs. Edward M. Bassett of North Chester road. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Shaw of Park avenue accompanied by their daughter Dorothy of New York City, returned home last week followllig Ii month in· Bradenton Beach, Fla: Judy Dickson of Prlliceton aveneu is home for a 10-day sprli1g Robert Elder White, Jr., In-law and daughter Mr. and and famMrs: ily. • Berk$hire ~~ t;iti~HJ- 7: 19c: MOSTELLER . ELECTRICAL SUGAR OR PLAIN All Types of Electrical InstaIlatlonS and. Repairs. doz 29c Lamb ·Lamb Bacon Frankfurters Bananas Radishes Ib 64c Ib 49c Ib 49c Ib 49c Ib 15c bu 2c Celery bu 20c starch qt bottle 21c co-op Soap Sibs 99c oo-op Tomato Juice 2 for 25c Dog Meat ~nl1IDd 21 c pq 25c featuring . Color Harmonics beauliful cosrume Color Harmony wilh longer-lasting, sheer clear Beri>o shire Nylons, sheer, sheer Berbhire famous 51 's 0IId Nylace Konlruns I $1.35 to . Ny!oce Reg. U. S. Pat. 08. • ~- C~RNIA PASCAL CO-OP L I Q U I D . 1180 Mnhlenberg Ave. Swarthmore 2285 NIGHT or DAY • PIANO TUNING ALBAN PARKER Phone Media 6-3555 New and BebaUt PIanos and ·Repalrlng Since 1808 PATTERSON . FuNERAL BOllE . Wm. T. Pa&terson, mr.e&or Bla'hteen Years Experience I,'~ONE !llED1A ~588 Driveway ConstrncUon Asphalt or Concreto Ib Pb Ib Hea& Ib Calle lleat Ib -- = .- ...... - QUICK SERVilCE 1044 Tenth Avenue PERSONAL RuUedge. Pa. CALL awl DELIVEB Phone: Swarthmore 33M, e SIMEONE'S lOOKIN6 fOR YOUR lROllERTV heat- WE CAN FIND I:~~n~~~~~~~i~~ . lounge. on Edino"ds. Oberma,.er &: Rebmann. - SoUc1tol'3 all. with l~B Pacldt.nI Building . PhUadelphia I. PD. I~~~: large WANTED I~ practically new•. ......,..;;;;;=--i;i=:'-'i.::=~;;:;-;:;;;;;;;; I ,p"u~! will sell complete FOR WANTED Two to four room individually. Also .iX,:~~;b.~:~ , apartment, furnished or unfurncast aluminum garden ·ished, by young professlorial couOne 8 ft. custom made couch pIe. for permanent residence. June with down cushion- on- seat 'and occupancy. Please write Box 4, back. 226 Dickinson ave. Swa. 1997.1-·-"1"Y'"iiB:DIi:~O The Swarthmorean. FOR SALE I. WANTED Garden plowing, large Do you long for a feW acres in FamIlY's Need more 2078. house? I am offerllig or small. Telephone Swarth- dream the country on which .to build some your WANTED-Young colored girl de- of the finest tracts in Delaware sires day's work for Tuesdays or County. From 3 to 50 acres. PhODe Swarthmore 2528 Wednesdays. Phone Swarthmore Some with frontage on beautiful 08'V/-M. Ridley Creek and some hilltop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~IWANTED-SandbOX' wagon, and that are among ,the highother equipment tor sma1\.. chillocations in the county. North dren. Telephone Swarthmore 2194. Baltimore pike, and within two F. F. ZIMMERMAN WANTED _ Swarthmore resident miles of Media Station. Reasondesires to buy home on or near ably priced. Phone owner. Media Pho~ographer . "'Outstanding for Quality" more 0155-J. road. Phone North Chester . Media 6-0436 . WANTED Responsible young 6 E. Front St. couple, no children or pets, dePhone ~:~~~~~~~~~~~ sire housekeeping apart-I~~~~~=c-;;="", mentfurnished in Swarthmore. OcoL1pancy FOR RENT _ _ __ ·PETER from~~~~~~~~~~~~~; CLASSIFIED irons, toasters and radios repaired, called Vacuum for and delivered. PERSONAL Cleaners, Call Robert Brooks,' Swarthmore 1548. A Price &0 Mef,t Ever)' DI NICOLA ' : i.~~~~~~~~~~~i~ ~'!'~f! HIM - FOR YOU List Your Beal Fa&ato With , . BAIRD &; Bank Devine Taxi Service SWARTHMORE, PA. Servllig Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 j PHONE: Swarthmore 04« SWarth-I.6:-~0~8~6~2·~;~~t ~~:~~~ : ~ay orw~unteeB· g.ven. marean. DAVE WOOD Painting and BcesTthrefSerearthnces IFiOiilRENTREiNt-:~Tw~o~roo~ms~~in~a:t1ttr~ac~­ ox, e w tive home the Hill. Call ~~ I~~w~ojm~a~n~~i~to~a~SSl~.~st~a~t;pa:rt-; Paperhanging ies, serve Call "A Well Kept Bouse Never Grow. Old" rt . WANTED-Professional bu$less , man, Single, desires comfortably furnished living room, bedroomJ private bath, garage. Quiet surroundings. References available. Call Media 6-0208. WANTED Responsible young • PHONE Media 6~O755 ~~~~~~~~~~~~i P..... the rooms, baths. private entrance. grounds. Gentlemen only. References. 400 Highland avenue, Morton. . FOR RENT Five room furnished i or baby sitter. Swarthmore July 1, 1950. No apartment. untilTenant leaving p,ets ()r children. Box D, The R Swarthmorean. bicycle. Telephone LOST and FOUND Park 2827-M. LOST Three keys on small chain, FOR SALE one marked M.A.S., one marked FOR SALE Greenhouse fresh M, the third not marked. Finder flowers for any purpose. Carns please leave at The Swarthmorean Flowers, 650 Baltimore PIke,oi;ff~iceffi:;'cn=R::.e~w:;;::ar=d::.......=::;--;:::.-::;;;;:;:Springfield. Phone Swarthmore FOUND-Large tabby cat with 0450. collar. Call Swarthmore 2556. FOR SALE The Schoo. DIstrict ot Swarthmore wiD receIve bIds at the office of the School nislrlct in the HIgh School BOilding, cor.. her of College BDd l'rincetoo' Avenues., Swarthmore. Pennsylvania, up '01. Thursday. Aprll ~n. 111'&9. and open tho bids at ::1. meeting of the School Board at School 81 whole or in lJart. and to award oont:J:act;S making up Bn,.. bid. ot Bl!Y item or items H~lda Lang Denworth. IT+l FOR THE HO:ME RALPH ·B. ALTHOUSE Sharon Hill, Penna. H11I ~81 adJouro~ i~~~S~h~"~ro~n~~~v~·~ii··iii~i trom that printing. instruc10'0, at • pmeeting. ..... or attOr. a meeUn,,· tional SUPplies and equIpment. aDd taZ du.. plicate boOks. SpecifleatIon can bo seeured between P a.m. and, p.m., dati,.. except Saturdays. So.da... and bOlld ..., at the School District office. The Board reserves the rlgbt to reject dny or all bids In Sw-~1..~ore lA"'8 W:!.LUll .... WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed. General Hauling SOcretalT Estate of R4ward B. Temple. Jate ot 815 Maple Avebue. Swarthmore. Delaware County. Penoqlvanio.. Deceased. Lettel1l Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the nnde1'8iR'ned who reo Queat all persona having claims or demands against the: ~ of tIle decedent to blake knOWD. tJie same.· and aU persons indebted b;J the decedent to make ~yment without delay to Eye1rn S. Temple and Albert N. Garrett, Executo.... 128 Garrett Avenue. Swarthmore. Delaware County. Pennsylvania. aT4-l Mushroom soil, $15 District afrlce on April BETTER-BILT Wooden Specialties 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. Swarthmore Disposal Service Bubblsh Collected Weekly or Mon&hly Phone Swarthmore 3343 8 A. M. to 5.30 PM. Sllice 1905 MORE BEAT CUNNINGHAM Painters '" Paper Hangers We shonld bow how Swa. 3288 Mlohlpn Ave FOB LESS MONEY "Third Generation BuUdemtf HORACE A. REEVES BUILDING CONS'l'RUCTION . . . . . . . IINII ••• .RED LABEL. No. 2 CAN FROZEN LEAN Interior and Exterior the sprllig vacation idays with Mrs. McCoy's parents Westtown School A. Mercer Quinby Mr. and Mrs. William Freegard of Mr. and Mrs. .R. T. Bates of FUNEB.AL DIBBC'l'OB Swarthmore avenue. Mr. McCoy Yale avenue entertained as their Formerly of Media is a senior at Harvard Universary. overnight guests John Daggett and 1125 W. Lehigh Ave., PbIla, Phone Baldwin 1170 Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Smith M. Page who sang with the .Bow. Co11ege Glee Club lD . P hilaNo additional and young son Grayson of Lewls- d om suburban charge calla . fer burg, Pa., are spending a week's delphia Saturday evening. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ vacation with Mrs. Smith's parEmIly Pritchard of .................. .................... ~ ................, ents Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. lIIark- avenue was initiated into .8.I.pll'a I ley. They are here to attend Chi Omego at· the University . BELL-TWIN GRINDER wedding of Miss Ruth Anne PennsylVania Saturday. .The rick and Mr. Frank R. itiation wasiollowed by a diwlIor 1 LAWN MOWERS which will take place tomorrow at Harvard 1nI!, Harvard aven'L1e I afternoon lli the Swarthmore fOr all the members of the Sharpened by Machine Presbyterian Church. A ternity. EmiIy is active in Other Tools also SbarpeDed . will follow at the Markley Choral SOciety and is on the Penn-I on Guernsey road. ,sylvania News at the University. Saws Set awl Wed Dick Danforth is at his home Hillborn avenue for a BLUE LABEL GRANULATED , 13 S. Chester Road Barbara W. Brown of Walnut lane sang with the Wheelock College Glee Club, Booton, which recently gave a joint concert with Bowdolli CoIIege. .' . Middlebury College students who arrive home tomorrow for a 10-day vacation lliclude Mary Lou Thayer of North Chester Road, Beth and Bill Huey f11 Dickinson avenue, and Carol Heinze of Strath Haven avenue. The Art Circle will meet today at the home of Mrs. Bernard Walton and Miss Martha Haviland of Ogden avenUe. Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. McCoy of Cambridge, Mass.. will arrive PERSONAL Responsible p;"ty (college) will drive empty car to Florida, April 14. Box B, The Swarthmorean.. PERSONAL Flliancial emergency? Credit Union loans are obtained quickly, confidentially, and at low cost. For particulars call Swarthmore . 3463-R, The Swarthmore Co-op Credit Union. PERSONAL Electrical installations: wiring, old arid new: Remdential and Commercial, LIght and Power, Waterheaters, Ranges. All work done to Fire Underwriters specifications. Service on all makes of washera (BendIx included), vacuum cleaners, ranges irons, toasters, fans. lamps. Call Erich H. Hawen, Electrical Contractor, Swarthmore 2850 - 335 Park Avenue. Servllig Swarthmore and Vicli1lty for past Twenty Yeara Made Fresh Dally On Our Pr_fses Donuts Painter SWARTHMORE 2253 "A ,HOUSE WELL-MAINTAINED IS THE WISH OWNER'S GAIN" . . CONTRACTOR WHEN cO-OP'S ARE IN TOWN PRICES ARE DOWN SPRING w. Ihe new way 10 ..... Mm·DED SPRAY ~ I SPRAYER The Swarth ore Co-op • STRAWBERRIES ::. 35c ,.",.., Spqhettl r.'!"..~!:! 2 '~' 2Sc IISt'fI ... . , . To. .to Catsup 2 \!;: 55ct A ••• Whole Goldl. c:o..a 2 '::r: 57•. ...., . . C,,-. Peachel s.\:r:: ~2\!0 2Sc ......... To. .to Juloe _...... ~ 21. IISt'fI Call•• :!:Jr.!'= .:. 44eZ5 for .1.27 A. WAYNE i~;;;;~~~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;~~~;;;;~;;~ YANKEE SLICED Lusaous LOUISIANA TI'J' It undo, our own brands guarant.. i Ib 3ge box19c 31b.25c 19c 4 for 29c SHOULDERS BREAD I.::; S4c FLOUR "I~:~.. ~! 37c: ~~107Ic - f f f LEGS Inrlchecl Supreme ".",.., Enriched 409 Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 . T lVe decorate them to your taste "On OJ:deru for your partles Oleomargarine :;:. 2;:: 45c Danish ~c::::.:. 39c Hot Cross Buns . • II ... 29. Ib • - Ofuw-I ell.... s·ez pl.. 37 ~ Ib f f f 'Fruits _. and Veget.ables fOR 290 250 1SO ROOFS GUi'lERS REPAIRED AND INSTALLED , Furnace Repairs & CleanIng Call GEORGE IIYEBS Roast Beef .Ib 59c Bacon 1-2 Ibpkg 28c .Lamb Ib·49c .Eggs doz59c 5harp Cheese .. 6ge Glendale Club ...... 0;,-: ... 24e IN..h MADISON TORE f ,~ 45e Gruyere "!lU." L_w_............ ~~~;;;;~~;;~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28C Mild Cheese TREE SURGERY PRUNING, LIMB Alfl) TREE REMOVAL ROBERT .,.. ~G8 Call S_ ... ~&~. 0II85-W ~:Jt_Ig.h thl! new Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at thIa !lank Asparagus Tomatoes Potatoes Celery Grapefruit I F~~~~~~~.~~~~~~!!!!~NE~~W;;.S~~N~O;;l~·.I!;;S~!!!!~to;m~o~rro;;;w~t~o~s~p~en~d~th~e~Sp~r~lli~g~h~O~I-~.~dlirllig Now You can buy U. S. Savli1gs Bonda automatically - SWARTHMOaEAN' CHARLES E. FISCHER Repairs and. Maintenance Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 1 THE Builder Swarthmore lational Bank & Trad Co. Jacksonville. vacation from Ill. MacMurray College, Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. McCorkle of Stone Ridge, ky., former Swarthmore residents, stopped at ., Strath Ha ven Inn tor a few days I FAIR LAWN STORE of this 'week while en route from 1 I FRESH MEATS e.. <'ROtERIES, FRUITSf,.YEHTABLES a vacation in Ormand Beach, Fla., ! FRE E DELIVERY _ to their home. PHONE 1'113 ---.. --... 413 DARTMOUTH AVE. Marian Karns of Wellesley road is having a week's vacation from I I Smith College. Elinor Karns arPRIME RIB _ rives home tomorrow from Mt. Holyoke College,' Mass., for a week's holiday. SLICED Mr. and Mrs. Donato Colafemli1a and their daughter Jean of Lima sailed last week on "The run.;terSHOULDER dam" for Le Havre, France and , plan to spend two months in Paris, France and Switzerland. '. Before FRESH returning they will visit relatives of Mr. Colafemina lli Italy. Cenza Colafemina, a junior at Rochester University, N.Y., will spend the Eas!.e= holidays with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Robl.rt FRESH L. Coates of Harvard avenue. Mrs. R. M. Kilgore of Cornell avenue, Motion Picture chairman FRESH of the Woman's Club, and Mrs. Harold Goodwin f11 Rose Valley spent Wednesday and Thursday in NEW New; York City attending the annual convention of the National" Board of Review of Motion Pictures. . HEARTS OF Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern of Riverview road are home after a trip to Honolulu. Mrs. KnisSEEDLESS kern spent two months lli that city visiting friends, and her son- 1~ ..." ........ cey...... PREMIUII ANTIIBAClTB 331 Du1moaih AVllDDe Swaribmore Swarthmore 'US ELECTRICAL REp'AIRS Establishment Of A wmlNG NEW and OLD Complete lobbing Service • • • _IINfIH . . . . . . . _ ,. . .MI~ IUI'IIUI, _ I I Mason BaUders Supply Company •• ?WI•• .." ....... MlLLWOBK - L1lMBBB BUILDING MATBRIAL .. e.'I1; ...... ItIJ1I ' ~ l'bone: .-UBI , Announces The ··HOM,fS Samuel M. Harbison , swarilliaore IU. PHONE SWARTHMORE 3450 FOR ESTIMATFl; .' THE Salvation Arm Workers Y (Continued from page 1) Mrs. G. H. Mcl;lure. Mrs. Charles Russell, Mrs. S. B. Brewster. Mrs. Paul Rutan. Mrs. A. D. Dickinson. Mrs. W. F. Bird. Mrs. E. W. Furst. Mrs . S .C. HarrIs. Mrs.M. C , Molstad. Mrs. P. L. Skoglund. Taking another part of the northeast secUon is Mrs. George Sweet with Mrs. A. Q. Davis. Mrs. • and Is now center guard on the sophomore basketball team. Mrs. Joseph lL Perkins of Cedar lane and Mrs. A.' R. O. Redgrave of Vassar avenue entertained at a lunch..,n at the. Ingleneuk last week in honor of the. blrthday of. Mrs. Rudolph Banks of Columb13 avenue. Following the luncheon. the guests spent the afternoon at the hom~ of Mrs. Raymond Fellows. Mrs. K. c. Sadler. Mrs. E. H. Weltz. Mrs. G. S. Valentine. Mrs. F. H. Holman. Jr.• Mrs. R. S. Vose. Mrs. E. M. Rowand. Mrs. H. O. Thayer. Mrs. D. R. Terry as her workers. Captains and workers urge everyone to "Help the Hand That Helps" by giving today to' Tbe Salvation Army. Redgrave. Ginny POOl. a student at Carleton College. Minn.. accompanied bY her roomate. arrived Saturday to spend the spri'ng vacation at the Peel home on Columbia avenue. Mrs S. P. Simmons of Hazelton. Pa .• is spending a week as the guest of her son-In-law and. daughter Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bass. To Speak On Easter. Cards Jr., of Harvard avepue. Dorothea G. Norton, CanadianWaldo R. Fisher of Guernsey born lecturer on greeting cards. road will return to Wesleyan Uniwill speak on Wednesday, April 6. versity Tuesday following a 10- In the Ladies' Parlor of the Swarthmore Methodist Church Following a 12:30 luncheon sponsored by Mrs. George Alston's Circle, Miss Norton will talk on the story of the Easter Card. Miss Norton spoke in Swarthmore earlier in the year when she addressed the Junior Women's Club in January. Reservations for the luncheon should be made with Mrs. Alston or Mrs. John Pitman. NEWS NOTES Mrs. Margaret G. Phi1lips of Harrisburg arrived' Sunday to day vacation. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pegram of Yale avenue will entertain as their week-end guests Mr. and Mro. Charles Arnold Mabey of Waahington, D. C .• and Montclair. N.J. Party' Sandwiches Phone: 31116 FRID4Y and SATURDAY ONLY PRINTS. PASTELS and PLAIDS _ Sizes 1-3; 3-6x; 7-14 Regular price $1.59 NOW $1.30 - $1.95 NOW $1.60'- $2.95 NOW $2.50 - $3.25 NOW $2.90 - $3.95 NOW $8.50 ALSO-Just received teen-ace dresses Sizes 10-14 IZUMI DRESS SHOP 631 South Chester Road THEATRE SQUARE . I:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let Us Help Make Your Cqr Run Better -- Longer Our Spring Car Saver Special is designed to help get rid of "Winter Drag" and get your car completely ready for wann weather. Right now your car needs these "Get Ready for Summer'~ Services I CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Winter oU Is too thin for warm weather. We drain It 'nd refill with Snmmer type Sunoco OIL 2 3 B4 5 CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS Drain transmission and rear refill with Sunoco All-p__ Gear Lubrteant specially made to resist high pressure and heat. 6 8 BATTBBY SERVICED Winter Is especially, &ough on batteries. We check 8treDgtb, clean terminals, add distilled water. BAN CLEAN AIR FIIJl'ER Lets yonr 'englne breathe easier-keeps dJrt out of the ca.rbnretor. DRAIN ANTI-FREEZE FLUSH ADD , 9 G •• s ~ * ~.,., AITB, Swarthmore 1250 IIf) 1~llN! on Easy Dries Quick No Brush Marks ~ QUAUTY SINe;; 1863 , H.D.SIPLER 11 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD, SWABTBlIIORB HOME This streamlined, easy-to-keep-clean Caloric Gas Range (Model CP-661 BL) is the answer to a homemaker's dream for modern cooking. Automatic oven time control, manual minute minder, and automatic oven heat controllBuilt to C P standards to assure sound construction and dependable performance. Easy budget terms available at our Suburban Showrooms. ' of For Further Information Call SAMUEL M. HARBISON SWARTHMORE 8741 or 2633-M PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY NO OBLIGATION • Instead of 2. CUIB COMEDY IS APRIL HIT HERE lliustrated Garden Lecture Planned At Club ~. Noted BANDSCONCERT ET APRIL 22 Psychiatrist Will Spe'ak Thursday On Tuesday April 12. at 2 m. at the Woman's Club. Mrs. D. Dr. John Lyons, noted psychiaReed Goer. garden chairman, will trist. will speak on "The Problem present Dr. Jobn S. Kistler. who S of Aggression and Its Relation to • will give an illustrated lecture on IC et a e To Aid Personality Development" at the Lar C "Tbe Flower Garden." Dr. Kistler New Uniform next meeting of the Swiu-thmore ge ast . Plays In Is a landscape architect holding d Mothers' Club on Thursday eveLindsay. Crouse a 'degree from the Uni~ersity of un nlng. April 14 at 8 p. m. In the Show' Pennsylvania. Besides carrying on Preliminary plans for the spring Woman's Clu~. . Tbe Players Club p oduction of his private practice. he teaches a concert of the Swarthmore High Dr. Lyons IS a diplomate of the Lindsay and Crouse' r''Life With course In .L....dscape Architecture School Band. which will be pre- Amerl"":,, Board of Psychiatry at Father." Wlhich Ia to its final at the Arboretum of the Barnes sented on the evening of April 22. the Uru~erslty of PennsYI~anIa. audience tomo"":w ~ight has re- Foundation In Merion. He has vis- were completed at a meeting of the psychiatric cons"!-t~t for Swarthnewed chuckles stirred' sweetly ited many parts of this country parents· association held at the more COlleg~. D1strlct Consultant nostalgic memories and tened as well as South and Central high school last week: under the for the Family Society of PIhiIathe hearts of all":h enj~it D America. Mexico. Hawaii the direction of the chairman, Steven delphJa. In these capacities he bas M I 1m Hod dIr °ts d t' . South Pacific Islands New' Zeal M. Spencer. found the problems of hostility bea co ge ec an s ars ' lans tween man and . in the title 1 W·th ch 1 and. Australia and India. P call for a varied and en. man. as neIghbors. eric outburs7 e;v~ f:~;:': Members are invited to bring tertalning program by the young as family members. as chilclr01J. a s!ruction In fillance. or woman- Spring flower arrangements at musicians. It Is anticipated that source of many of the ditflculties hood h t b"-h th 12.30 for a display bhe musical merit of the concert that eventually reach the psychla' e of es th a ~h es IIold' e man thas trist It is import ant f or 'the par, the head Tuesday is also .election In previous' eighties. It is ea ::.:e rOl': on: the club and the polls will be open ~ears due I? the traInIng received ent to .unders~d th~ Impulses In which gives great Ple..!-" on' both from 12 to 4 p. m. m preparation tor Participation In the child a?d ill sOClety that eresides of the footlights The Mutual Exchange will lie district and state band and orches- ate. aggr~SSlOn. This should he a Bernyce Atkinson is' quietly de- held April 18. 19. 20 and 21. ArtI- tra conc;erts. Tbe growth of the tOPiC of lDte~est to mothers of all lightful as Vinnie the core of the cles will be received April 18; the band in numbers and the extension a.g~ groups. smce the roots ot hosDay household. a:.nUe and tender sale will be held April 19 and 20. of the Instrumentation due to the tili~y are In the cradle. and develop JR. MUSIC CLUB with father and sons and domestics and settlement will be made on purChase of new instrwnents by rapIdly on the pl~ygr.ound. . April 21 the School Board promise to add A slate of nommations will be .. . IN APBIL ELECTION ~:::'i:;il;ffj~S:J;s n~':"o red n!'=~ A delightful program of music to ~e tone of the band. preso:nted to the clUb. at the April Tbe Swarthmore Junior Music. poral matters but In th"!e of the and poetry was given last Tuesday TICkets have been distributed to m~eting of the nommating ""':"Club mel at the home of Claire spirit as well. by the music chairman Mrs. StO)"8l1 members or the parents 'associa- =lIee. Mrs. D. Mace Gowing• He!ldrlxson on North Chester road The Day sons Clarence (Charles Russell and program chairman. tion and to members of the band chairman; Mrs. Howard D .. Sipler last Sunday evening. At the F. Seymour In third successful Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman. Grace fo~ sale. to their neighbors and and Mrs. Charles Garrison. RI'business "ll.eeting. plans for a pic'- role with the club this season) MacNair. soprano. accompanied fnen.... m the community. As in freshments will b!, served b,y Mrs. niC to be held on May 7 were John' (Robert Wescott) Whitn • by Peg Fulton. sang "A Heart preVIous years tbe proceeds will James Stephens and her ~t1!lBde. (In case of rain •.the date (Eric Lawrence). Har~ Tbat's F'I'ee" by'RobYl'. "MDrnc gO~O the ~?rm fUnd,which re- tee. will ~ May 14.) The final club (Peter Kroon). add lustre to the ing" by Speaks. "One KIss" and qulI'os rebUilding due to the Immimeetmg was so:' tor MaT 15. menage. Red haired b Inberi- a medely ",Lover Come Back to nent n~ of replacing many of ~ S D . At l.he ere.cuon of next year's lance (three by nature; one by Me,". and "Softly As In a Morning the ~lforms which have been In Omel'Vl e ay officers, Clau-e Hendrixson w~ artifice) and lively by tempera- SUDrlSe." all by Romberg. use smce the founding of the band. Yesterday SwartJunore College niade president, Diana Tucker. ment they' are till ell' Hazel H. Koehler violinist ae- As an extra inducement a com- alumnae began arriving for the vice- presl'den. t C aroI Ann Mos- neredt and likeable S w ohildren man- companied by Claudia " t' Id II • asasany Wright. b'10ed tick • e 18 so • good for either ~ ege s annual extended Somerteller secretary. Donald Ogram to be seen In the current th tr played "Romance San Paroles" by or both mstnunental concerts this ville program. Seventeen women•. treasurer. and Lynne Rogers proGuests of ¢he Days (to b ea e. Wieniawski, "Allegri, Rloluto" by sprlng-·namely, the band concert mostly from nearby areas. have gram chp.i.rman. exact of Mrs Day) are e m~~e Shutt, and "Am Moor" and "Ave and the orchestra cop.cert. been i~vited to return to the camThe musical program which foI- for many am;"ing f~~~: : Maria" by Schubert. It Is anticipated that support will pus. attend classes. talk witb stulOWed was arranged and announc- Cousin Cora pu.;,ed b ~. Mrs. Eunice Story Eaton read be wholehearted as In previous dent extracurricular heads and. eel by Dorothy Nester. Carol Ann G Harrar dro'ps . Yt llyy an original sonnet and a lyric poem years. many friends of the band renew acquaintances with familiar . Mosteller l a y e d ' .• ill mos casua ·tt . . II fi "H . P a plano solo. from Ohio and hrings the most wn en by Mrs. W. F. Faragher. n:' aking a d onation of the admls- co ege gures. unganan Rha~y" ,by Koel- demure and coy yOung friend M . Mrs. Robert Coates read selec- SlOn or mo~ to encourage the On Saturday. April 9. this proling . Naney Schmidt. who played (Jane Keating) to co 1 tel ary tions of Sackville West Words- young mUSlclans. gram comes to a climax with the "Rustles of Sprmg . "bY S·illding• twi'lJe young ClarencempProducin e y en- wortRobert h , and ' one of el h tion 0 f Somerville . Frost. cera Day. was followed by. William ~otts and a similar reaction fro;" Father her own poems. BUILDING COMMITTEE ,,:h~n all alumnae are Invited to . Donald O_.m a ~et duet teatime guest Rev. Dr. Lloyd . Mrs. Gordon Meader gave selecCOMPLETING PLANS vlSlt Sw~rthmore. Program for of. ~ Berlin ~ele~tions. "My (Stafford Parker in his first m1n- tions of Vachel Lindsay. Carl At ~ meeting of the BUilding that day mcludes luncheon 1 p.m.. Darting. My Darling' was then isterial role for the club) who/! Baker. Richard Hovey and John Comrmttee of the Presbyterian when Dean of Women Susan P. played by Sally Bates as a plano financial methods ound e Masefield. Church. under the Chairmanship Cobbs will speak; a Somerville solo: as Mrs. Day's but sprobab~ vagu~ It was altogether an Ins~lr"tbnal of Dr. David McCahan. held Sun- business meeting at 3 p.m.. at.. DIana Tucker was the next per- as well and th t d' t· . w°thr afternoon. day. it was decided to proceed which the recipient of the Lucretia' f o rm eI'•. a nd h i ' • a a lec lye lS e O ' . the completing of M 0 tt F ellowship . er se ection was height of under t t C, t n Frlday. April 8. at 10 a. m. WI'thout delay m will he anChopln's "Funeral March"., The Among those ~;:"emen. F th the literature section will meet t~ plans and begin construction this nounced. with Mrs. G. Davies program ended witb .gr?UP singing are Cook Margaret (~:":"et Me:. hear a review of "Cry. the Beloved year for the Church S~ool. Preston of Media. vice president accompanied by Priscilla Rogers Nees) and four f th ; II' Country" by Alan Patron. given The FInance Comnuttee. under of the Women's Alumni Associa-. on her. a~toharp':md aJi exhibition maids ever In ~ ':,;~aF:::''; by Mrs. William A. Jaquette. Mrs. the Chainnanship ~f Frank R. tion, presiding! an~ President. John ot twirling a lighted baton by company Ann! (EnuDa H Fyi ). J. B. West .will· give the literary Markley. was authonzed to make W. Nason delivermg the address; Carol ~ Mostel1er. Tbe pleaa- Delia (rr:,.a K':gbton No;a S~~ news. plans for the raising of additi. I n ' ~. Butler. • 'SOC1'a tion. dan . v "" aecor ce Wlth the wishes ¢ Mr. Wilson llves with his wife Mrs. Drain, flowers will be omitted Stephan H ay 0 f 0 gden II,venue and two sons . Marvel Jr.• and T .• __ and the ashes ....... be .... ·~ed t bas arrI ed h 'Ar·.. a v ome after more tban ton Grier. on Stratb Haven aveNatloDa1 CeInetaq. three years In Europe and AaIa.. DIIe. , • ft....... • _~ ..... ....... LIf~ ~th Father. lS as happy 'a combmation of perIod piece. cast. cOstuming and set as will be seen for ~any a day. U· you miss It and,1f you miss a single one of its eurtain calls. you'll be sorry. . EIGHTH GRADE TO DANCE P • at " luncheon-hridge at her home Tuseday. TIllS' WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDi\.Y. APRIL 8 10;00 A.M.-Boo!< R~view. Mrs. Jaquette ........ Woman's Club t· P '."tC8 ~:~~ ~~'=~f W h tForth°n ~rama ........... Meeting House . . 1 e 1 a er ................. Players' Club SATURDAY. APRIL 9 2:30 P.M.-Track--Swarthmore vs. LaSalle ..... Alumni Field 7:00 and 9 ,P'!IL-'~e Passio!, of Joan of Arc" ...... Clothier 8:20 P.M.- 'Life Wlth Father· ........•..... : .. Players' Club PALM SUNDAY. APRIL 10 . 11:00 A.M.-MOrning Worship········· .•... , .. Local Churches 8:15 P.M.-Dr. A. C. Ewing on Philosophy ...... Meeting House TUESDAY. APRIL 12 . .12:00--4 P.M.-·Election of Officers .•............ Woman's Club 8:00 P.M.-Jr. Club Election of Officers ......... Woman's Club WEDNESDAY. APRIL 13 8'00 P M W IL. "tu .... G roup .. .•..•..... 215 Cornell Avenue . • '-,' "o.y THURSDAY. APRIL I t 8'00 . S· 00PM P' ~-;-Faure's ''Req' U1em.. ............ Presbyterian OIiurch : ..... -Mothers· Club T A~._, W · Club S'1I5 P.M Medtner .....,.. ...."............. omans ..=.==,.. "='='","='='= ..=C..IO=th1=er=M=emo,:.. rIal,;,;.,.. Ib==·=~:=·-===:===Co==n=cert== ,. ') 'tHE SWARTBMOBGAN • APBILlI,lNt' II, 1W '. ~--------~~----------~-===-----=~,=---------~=-----=-~-NEWIS NOTES on the Quetln Eliz!Ibeth bodice with berth, of lace,iong of Stroudsburg are congrat- THE • SWABTHMOREAN beHIg , ' . Mrs. John H. F. HDwklns her daughter Beth of Fayetteville, N.C., has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dana of Elm England. They plan to spend most of their vacation in England with a possible tow:' of Scotland before their return on the Queen Mary the latler part of May. sleeves, and fUll skirt with panels of lace. Her fingertip veil of Illuslon fell from a Juliet cap and 8111i a Colonial bouquet of f1'eesia and gardenias. ulated upon the blrfu .of a son on April 1. The baby Is a grandchild of Mrs. H. Elliott Wells of Park avenue. Choir school will be hel.d on at 4:30 p.m. The Vestry wm .meet. in the ParIsh House Mqnday at 8 pm. THE 'SWARTH.MOREAN .- PUBLlSBBD *fBBY FBlDAY AT SWARTIDIO.*, PA 'rIIB SWAR'DIIIOB.B&N. INC.. PUBLlSHBB .' avenue Dr. Howklns Is tIatMr. andd dMrs. John P. MissI Grace Myrick as maid of ~;iiWiiW~~~~;;ii~Wi~~~~~;;ii~~~~ii;~~~~~~ t ending whUe the oLQ.' "edical Con~en h onor .......................................................................................... ~ ......................... ..... on an a ughters J oanne .Lor h er slater wore a 8 tra P- ~.'++++++¥ . . .'+'+ -i4V-i?.,v . . ++>y in Philadelphia this week. Lee, who have been less gown of turquoise Picoiay with Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd of with Mrs. a short cape of eyelet of the same more avenue entertained at schade's parents Mr. and Mrs. shade, and featuring a fUll skirt. dessert-bridge at her home. William E. Hetzel of Thayer road, MIss Frances· Myrick as brldesday evening. have moved to their new home on for her sister, wore a similar Mrs. Edward M. James of Win- Dogwood Lane. of maize Picolay. They carchester, M ...... , visited Dwight Hummer of Rutgers avColonial bouquets of spring, friends recentis'. enue arrives home today from the flowers and wore matching flOW-I' Mr. and Mrs. ClIfford M. rBryant University of Cincinnati for ers in their hair. . of Schenectady, N.Y., spent the spring vacation. Mr. Paul Shuman o~ Princeton. week-end with Mr. Bryant's parMrs. Arthur S. Robinson of University served as best man for ents Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant den avenue entertained . his brother, and the ushers inof South Chester road. at bridge Tuesday afternoon cluded Mr. Walter LaPorte of Mrs. Oll\fer W. Ramsay of honor of Mrs. Phillip Herrmann South Chest~r road, Mr. William' "RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN" field, N.J., is spending a week Washington, D.C., who is the guest Fleming of Chester Springs, Mr. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rober! of her daughter Miss Katharine Philip Barnhart. of Nashua, N. H., L. Coates of Harvard avenue. Herrmann of Ogden avenue. cousin of the bride, and Mr. Earl Miss Jane 'Beatty of Bowling Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Linton, Honeycutt, of Wilmington, Del. CALL 044 DARTMOUTH &-I.AFAYEJTE AVES. Green, who will be a May bride Jr., and young son Douglas are A small reception at the home ................................................... ~ ................................................................ . was guest of honor when Miss Mr. Linton's parents, Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank. R. Markley ~'+'+++ ~~.«++>.'++'+ Peggy Jane Rincliffe of Strath and Mrs. Linton of Benjamin of Guernsey road followed the Haven avenue entertained West avenue, and Mrs. Linton's ceremony. guests at a luncheon and parenis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. The bride's' mother wore a shower Saturday. Brewster of Dickinson avenue. bronze crepe dinner dress with lace Ruth Medford of Strath Lintop has received a degree peplum. Her corsage was of brcwn avenue returned to Earlham Col- Doctor of Science in and pink Cymbldiu';' orchids. The lege Saturday following a week's Engineering at M.I.T., and has bridegroom's mother chose a plum BEAUTY SALON holiday. During bel' vacation accepted a position with the du gown of taffeta. Her corRuth, who will be a June bride, Company in Arlington, N.J. sage was of pink. camelliaS. was guest of honor at a m1scelMr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Gaskill Following a wedding trip to BerLest April catch you with your hair down laneous shower given FrIday eve_ of University place are entertain- muda, the couple will make their Call Swarthmore 0476 ning by Mary 'Denworth of ing Dr. and Mrs. Dudley Ross of home in Drexel Brook, Pa. avenue. Ruth was also Montreal, Canada who are en route 9 Chester Road with a surprise stainless south. shower with Mr. and Mrs. !R. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Barr BmTHS Rincliffe Of Strath Haven Harvard avenue entertained Mr. and fJ/' Wesley France of as hosts. bridal party and South Chester road are receiving Miss Veronica; Sullivan guests at a buffet supper congratulations .upon the birth of APRIL 14, 1949 Swarthmore avenue returned Sun- evening preCeding the wed<\ing re- their second' daullbter, Patricia day afternoon following a two- hearsal of Miss Ruth Anne Myrick Lynne, on March 30. week vacation with her brother of Rutgers avenue and Mr. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Vahey Kupelian Mr. Frank Sullivan of St. PetersSchuman, Jr., of Chester Springs of Park avenue annOWlce the b~rg, Fla. whose marriage took place Sat- birth' of their second son, David Come and Enjoy Your Selection F'rOJI) Miss Peggy Jane Rincllffe of urday. Ralph, on April 3. HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS Strath Haven .avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dana of Elm Mrs. France and Mrs. Kllpellan AND DESSERTS at a surprise kitchen shower avenue returned last Thursday are sisters and are occupying Thursday evening in honor of Miss after vacalioning since January 13 sanie room in the Lying-In HosKitty Weltz of College avenue at the Highiand Park Florida Club, pital, ·Philadelphia. SAVE TIME! . LET US SERWCE .YOUR ,CAR WHILE YOU' SHOP ~ Swu1hmon .... . PETBB I!. TOLD, EdItor. '. .. ! MAJUOBlB TOLD,. BARBARA KENT, A~'" I!'4ito... RosalIe PeIrsol· .' Loiene Mc Carter . EdIth Whitaker , . RUSSEll'S q The Bouquet The $l.OO-SerVe Yourself-All You Want CO"PLETE SUPPER' STRATH HAVEN INN ~~~iiii~rii~iiii~~~ii~~~iiii~~~ii~~~ii~ whose marriage to Mr.· H. Edwin andinatCuba Varadero andavenue Mrs. Paul Shepplird Of Sandersville, Ga., Lake Wales, Cuba.Fla., While they of'Mr. Park are M. the Paulson grandwill take place Mal' 14. spent 10 days as the guests of of both new babies, and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson of VasEllsworth Curtin ot Webster Mrs. Mina France of South Chessal' avenue and Mrs. Harold Good- Springs, W. V., who was tel' road Is the grandmother of To make II easy for yon to shop at your leisure, our card win of ROse Valley road, there. En route home they Patricia Lynne France: spent the week-end in Bethesda, their son-in-law and daughter Dr. racks are now overflowing with cards. bunting wfIh the 107 Md., as the guests of Mr. and and Mrs. John H. F. Hawkins and Carol Renee Burton, daughter of Eastertlme-eards with exquisite Spring flowen roNa with Mrs. John C. Moore, former small daughter Beth of Fayette- of Mr. and Mrs. Winter Andrew Swarthmore residents. While there . N.C., and stopped at Burton of North Chester rq;id and gay bunnIes ....d Iivety rabblts-eards appropriate for everythey made a tour of old George- hurst, N.C., for a fortnight. great granddaughter of the late town homes and also enjoyed Mrs. A. V. Lees of Wilmington, Thomas Winter Andrew, was born one with speelsl sentiments In tbe real Easter spirit. ~agtPanese cherry blossoms ill: Wash- DeL, a fQrmer SwarUunore resi- Wednesday morning, April 6, at ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN FOR EASTER FLOWERS 10 on. dent visited her son Mr. James the Osteopathic Hospital in PhilaMiss Mildred Simpers of the Sproul Lees and family of Cornell delphia. Swarthmore apartments and Mr. avenue for a few weeks. David Bingham. of Philadelphia, . Lt. Cdr. and Mrs. Lawret>.ce who will be married in June, were Traynor of Middletown, R. I. are SHUMAN - MYRICK guests of honor at a kitchen shower being ~ongratulated upon the given by the Sunday Night SupThe marriage of Miss Ruth Anne birth of a, daughter on Wednesday, per Club at the home of Mr. and Myrick, daullbter of Mrs. McKer- April 6. Mrs. Samuel L. Hayes, Jr., of non Myrick of Rutgers avenue and Mr. and Mrs. A. Ludlow C)ayW'!llingford. Those present from Mr. E. Britt Myrick of Phoenix, of Riverview road are the Ui;!!:!!l!O!il!O!i;'!;l!;!!;!!:!!l!O!il!O!i;'!;l;;;;;;!!:!!l!O!i;'!;l;;;;;;!!:!!l!O!il!O!i;'!;l!ll!;;!!:!!l!O!i~!ll!;;!!:!!l!O!i;;!!;! Swarthmore included Mr. and Mrs. Arizona, Mr. Frank Randolph den' • -- --:c--=;- =--.",- ._-. =._ _ baby'S' grandparents. - --,,------= --- --:;- -- . Jack Thomp'son, Mr. and Mrs. Shuman, Jr., son of Mr. and .Mrs. Charles E. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Shuman of Chester Springs, took Mr. and Mrs. William P. Wells Jonathan Prichard, Mrs. John place Saturday, April 2 at Broomall, 4th; Mrs. Paul Sharp- o'clock in the Swarthmore Presless, and Mr. an~ Mrs. George byterian Church. The ·Rev. Jose!.h I FOR Plowman. P. Bishop performed. the ceremony. MAGAZINE Barbara Brown of Walnut lane, The bride, given in marriage by SUBSCRIPTIONS PALl\I( SUNDAY AND arrived Tuesday night from Whee- her uncle, Mr. W. Theodore M;vMrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman lock College in Boston for two rick of Suffolk, Va., wore a gown Swarthmore 2080 HOLLYHOCK SHOP . SWARTHMORE - PENNA. '0 w~' vacation. The Kappa Alpha Thetas of the Swarthmore alumnae met on Wednesday at the home at Miss Edith S. Coale in Riverton, N.J. for their all-day sewing. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jessup of Haverford avenue will ..sail Tues- THE SWARTHMORE PLAYERS CLUB presents "Life With Father" -~ i~f~W~h~i~te~ch~i~u~o~n~fe~a~tu~rm~.~g~a~~~IL~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r . MEDIA Last 2 Days! Fri. and Sat. Olivia de Havilland Mark Stevens ''THE SN,AKE PIT" (Not recommended for children) OK KIDDIE SHOW! Saturday ·Afternoon at 1:15 Shirley Temple "REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM" 8 Cartoons and a Serial All Children 20 cents Sunday and Monday Gary Cooper ~~~- Joan Leslie lAST TWO DAn YOIIB." April 8th and 9th 1!M8 Cartaha at 1:11 P.M. Friday and Saturday Garland Roark's Famous Sea Story ''WAKE OF THE RED wrrou" Sat. I p.m. Special Children's Matinee Red Ryder and Little Beaver . "VIGILANTES OF DODGE CITY" Also cartoons and Serial Monday and Tuesday Loretta Y _ CUm"""'" Tonight and Saturday Night College Theatre RobertACCUSED" ''THE No closed The UWhodunit" of the Month-Look Magazine Wednesday and Thursday "TIlE lAST DAn OF l'OMPEIl" and "SHE" _"":.-:::0.::-__ - - • - ** APRIL 8, 1949 ;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ . ,Presbyterian' Notes gregatlo!, followed the Stated The Co~ttee to receive Dam. ~al M~ting of the CorporalnatiotlS'ior' Trustees tion of the Swarthmore Presbyterb)' Elders' Deacon1.:to. beeleciedto fill the places IIf.. those members of the Boards· Who. rotated out of office on Maich' 31, will meet in the choir room SWlday morning the Church services. Members this committee are: Mr.·Thomas M. J:ackson"Cl!a1rman, Mr. James H. Hornaday, .Mrs. Stuart Slnith, Mr. A. D aVI'd M • S peers, and Mrs.C. ~-. will be MacD '. onald .~an.·~uey glad' 'to: receive suggestions from the members of the congregation. ian Chur?" ~ be ~eld o,n W~nesday ev,enmg, ~Pril 20, at 7.30. The ~eetings. will follow a con- gr~ati;;:u:n:: a~ ~clo:!t e ~ ,00 m as usual. at.9.45 0 clock on Palm Sunday. On Easter. Sunday the Church Sch",;,1 WIll attend the Church at 9 0 clock. t' Dr. and t th Mrs. Har George d ' L. , age a e var -=~~~~:::~:::::==~ .theChoir rehearsal Parish House will on lie held In r 7:30 p.m. POETS CIRCLE TO MEET The Rev. J. B. I'rHehard On Maundy Thursday there will The Poets' Circle will meet MonS~C~ ?e..~bgi:! be. a celebration of the Holy day, April 11 at the home Of Mrs. Men's Blbl" Class on munion at 10 a.m. At 8 p.m. Harold G. Marr of Kershaw and SUNDAY, APBlL 10 will be a servl";' of Preparation Turner roads, Wa1lingford.. Mrs. at the Swarthmore Preshythe Easter (:~union..There Arthur C. Jackson of North Ch'esterian Church also be a reuruon of all the con. I "Jeremiah and the D. P.s ted b . h tel' road will present the program. Read Chapter 29 flrmatl . lsss' presentonRector in Trinity Church. c es prl!Sen y t e ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' Members of each class will sit in the special section of the ohurch which will be reserved for them, VI: V~ according to classes. On GoOd FrIday there will be the reading of the Litany and the Closed Every Sunday Service of Ante Communion at Monday Thru Saturday 10 a.m. . The congregation and OpeJ,l 7 A. M. to 8 p. M. will participate in Community Three-Hour Service I to be held in the Presbyterian Church from DAILY DINNERS SSe 10 $1.60 until 3 p. m. Special Children's Platt.... The Ann uaI S ' prmg RUlJlDl.age .... 1 Sale WIll be held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 20 and 21. avenue en- nrw n.lOOP. I,rj A/'N Brealdas,- £a.neb - Di.n.n., OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE tra d Mr d Mrs Charles W n~~an t an dri . !ran '. ens a e vewaysept entrance will -ru;sist Mr. BishThe Young Adult's Group meets op in .greetlng the congregation .METHODlST NOTES for a. llght: ~pper followed by a after the service SUnday morning. ~eetIbg 'on ,Sunday evening at 6 The ChurCh"HourNl!1'Ser;v for T.he Sunday School will meet at a clock. , ' chUdren ages 1 to 7 held each Sun- 9 :45. . Classes are provided for Notice Is hereby given that the day morning in. the Parish 'House children of all ages IQld for adults. Stated. Annual.Meeting o~ the from 11 to 12 o'clock will be in The Young Adults meet at 10 charge .of KatIir;vt>. Simpers and o'clock in the Ladies. Parlors. Mrs. Gordon Clark .thIs SUnday Th!, topic of the sermon at the Im"rIlinig.· There will be arrang~ 11 o'clock' serv!ce Is ''Two Ways ---'-~-....,...-~------, ments made for 'the Church 'Hour of Winning the World," Thete SWARTHMORE . to be helddur!Dg both·. the 10 be baptism of chUdten and recepPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH lion of._members at the service. Rev. Joseph'· P. Bishop, MinIster and 11:30 a.m. services on Easter Palm S.unda:r. Aprtl'10 Sunday momiDg: .The Youth Fellowsh;p will meet 9:45 A. M. - Church School Ahyone . desiring .to give Lilies at the church at 7 o'clock and go 9:45 A"M.-Women's'Blbla CIa-. or other white flowers for the on a visitation to the Springfield 9:45 A. M.-Men's Bible Clsss Fell shi 10:45 A. ·M....;;,Palm'· SWlday War~ decoration' of the chancel on Easter ow p. ship; Sermon-"Half-Way Re-ISlmx' Shullect, E. Alston, W. D. DlcklnBaptism,'. Spectal . mUSic or phone son,. P .. Murray and K. Paulson. . . Adult's Sw. 0672' .Mrs. J: Pitzoan and Mrs. C. R. 6:00the P. choir., M~-YOung . will meet:·, . On Wednesday, :April 13, Beacham are in charge of the ,Hol)o Woman's AssocIation will hold its Church .Nursery during the 8:00 P. monthty ,meeting. . The Worship Ing service. The Nursery Will. be Paure's b op"en for the Th·ursdov and "'riwlY rament service in the Church,.led .y "~l~ II ~ ~ fu Church. serVIces· :a.m. is: ;;:;;;u;g ;~!'!b;e~~~~~~;;::I!C~'~fM~o~n~roe~ mc.m'-I I NON .SECTARIAN Our large clientele embraces those of all faith.· and creeds. We have a . staff which i. thoroughly familiar with the services and rituals of ;'11 religious denominations and fraternal orders. THE OLIVER H., BAIR CO. . DlI.crOI. 0' fUN.tAU 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Telephone RI6-1511 at 12 noon. Luncheon, served The Young Adults will have Albright, wlll be h services. 7, . Mrs. Harok'" C. f Stott, their monthly meeting and social 12 Mr:Bl9hop will' be .,h~ld at 1":~111 on Mouday evening. at 8 in the seven meditations on followed by. the Business meeting Parlors. seven last ·wofcls of the· Cross. and program . The program Is _ _ _ _ __ The ministers of the other charge of the Committee on~:~;~ Swarthmore Churches will CL-'-t' "CO-' participate in the service. Education and Action, Mrs. .....,. Ian <:H:lence Notes P. Warren. ~n. The SE>eak-i . HAre Sin, Disease, And· Death Swarthmore Women's Cluh METHODIST CHURCH er will be Dr. William E. Selby Real?" is the subject of the LesRaY.N, Keller, D.o., MInIiIter the Dudley. S~ul Clinic' of St. son-8ermon in all Churches of . Sanday, A»rtI 10 Luke's and Children's Hospital in Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, April RECEIVE ARTICLES FROM 10 AM. to 4 P.M. 9:15bership A. M.-Preparatnry Mem- Philadelphia. H.e will speak ' 10. The Golden Text is: "Bless Clsss . MONDAY, APRIL 18 9:45 A. M.-C1lurch School the work of ~cohalics' Anony- the Lord, 0 my soul ,and furget 10:00 A. M.-Yodng Adult J'elnot all his benefits: who forgtveth SALE OF ARTICLES FROM 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. lowship The Adult C!asiles of the ChurCh aU thin~ iniqnities; who healeth AFI'ER DINNER 7 to 9 P. M. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 and 20 11:00preach A. M.-Mr. Keiser w::~ ISo1l1o(.1 will meet on Bundal' morn_ all thy 'diseases; who redeemeth ''Two' Ways of Win. Ding the World." at the regular time of 9:45 thy life from destruction" SETl'LEMENT FROM 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. ~:OO P. M.-.Youth Pellowship o'clock. (Psalms 103: 2-4) THURSDAY, APRIL 21 . TharicI.ay, April 14 There will be no Junior ci:loile! Communion Rehearsal next week. The ;~~=: I 8:00 P. M.-Holy a - FrIda,y , All Articles Must Be In First Class Condition Friends Meeting Notes 8:00 A. 14.-"The Seven Last Choir will rehearse. briefly Words," the service on Holy Thursday On Sunday morning April 10 at No Hats or Toys evening. 9:45 in the Friends Meeting Honse TIUNlTY CHURCH The Rev. J. B. Pritchard of the Martha Dart will review for the Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector I Cro,:er Theological Seminary Vlill Palm S1IlI!IaY. Aprtl' 10 11:00 A. M.-.Holy Communion teach the Men's Bible Class on "MarI/'a ,9:45 A. M.-ChurCh SchooL Sunday, April 10. HIs subject will 11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and be "Jeremiah and the D. P. s." . Distribution of Palms Read 'Chapter 29. lIIaandy Dlursday 1,,:00 A. M.-Holy OoDiinunion 8:00 A.M.-Preparation for Easter Communion. .. Trinity Notes a-Fricla:v 10:00 A. M.-Lltan:v and Ante H:oty Commuion. will be cele" Comniunion Service brated at 8 am. on Sunday. Palms 12:00-3:00 P. M. Community will be blessed at this ser.vice and Three-Hour Service at the will be distributed at the close Swarthmore Presbyteri.... Church. Because Friday, April 15th ·is a Legal of all services during the day. I Church School will be held at THE IU:LIGIOUS SOClE'rY 9:45. The Rector will preach at OFI'RIBNDS Holiday this Bank. will be open for husiness the 11 o'clock service of Morning $aDda)', A»rtI .10 9:45 A. M.-First Day School. on the tllPic ''The Guilt of raJlll 11:45 A. M.-Adult !l\lrum, . SWlday." Hymns to be sung 10:20 A. M.-Meetlng for Worship, clude "All Glory, Laud and Han-I Thursday Evening, April 14th from 7 :00 P.M. Whittier HDuse. W ec1n irn«a,.. API'il 6 ort" "There is a Green Hill Far 9:80 to 8:30-Sewing and QuIlt- .Away" and "Ride· on, Ride on ing in Whittier House. Box until 8:00 P.M. Luncheon. All cordlalty in- Majesty." Special music to be sung by the choir of 40 men's and vited. boys' voices includes ''Psalm 150" by Stamford, "Te Dewn" by Hadley, .."JubUate neo" by. Tetertlus Noble and the anthem ''Oreater I Mutual Exchange and~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHANGE IN BANKING HOURS EASTER DESSERT SPECIAL PA., Mary" by Josephine Moffet BenNanC')' Van Alen a senior at ton. Mrs. Benton herself will be Wellebey College Is s~ a 10 the guest speaker on Easter Sun- -day vacation at her home 'In Park day. 'avenue. .* * * **. JANE LOGAN DELUXE Egg Nog Ice Cream Michael's College Pharmacy * * * !:~~d., ~~~~~:~=: II~Lo~ve Hath No for Marl" hl' John Uslters the U are R. j, BUker, W.B.. Bullock; R. M. evening meetiDg P. Stamford, Robert ~.,;~~ ReadiDg room C. H.. W. Ingram, S. D. Clyde, Jr. and' B. HaiTih" Young '- ".p-.m. l1li4 • to Fellowship has di:scoptlnued its . program for. the reason •.. 1 I, ON THE CORNER a Swarthmore 0857 , <,Sa;",:,:: Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Kember Federal DepooJt 1Deura...... Corporation - - THE SWABTHMOB8AN_ AUDITOR'S Makes All-Star Chorus REPORT MarIJ,yn Achuff, head Ubrarlan March 16, 1949 of the Swarthmore Hl&h School - To the Borough Council and Burgess Chorus, and a iea'''-'' Borough of Swartimlore ____ aeeood alto, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania • has been choseD a member of the Gentlemen: ' A l l - S t a t e Chol'\lllwhlch -sang at Your Auditors have completed their examination of the fl- Pottsville, March 31-April 2. The nancial records of the Borough Secretary, Treasurer and Tax Collector for the year elided December 31, 1948, and present herewith a Com- Southeastern District Chorus, made parative Statement of Receipts and Expenditures for the years 1948 up of students from seventeen and 1947, together with a statement showing the financial position high schools In a four county of the Borough as of the close of those years. area, Is represented. In the AiIOUr examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accord!ngly include such tests of State Chorus with one ae\ected accounting records and such other audJlmg procedures as we con- student from each high schooL sidered necessary in the circumstances. This highly selective chorus - In accordance with the practice of previous years, the assets was conducted by Dr. Harry R. shown in the Permanent Fund renect the gross asset value, no depreciation having been taken thereon. Wilson Of Teachers College, CoBOROUGH OF SWARmMORE lumbia University. Dr, Wilson Is COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF widely known as a oonductor, RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS d YEARS ENDED composer, arranger, an teacher. Dec. 31, \ Increase The choruS will/be heard In two Dec. 31, RECEIPTS 1948 1947 (Decrease) radio broadcasts and two public Taxes Collected .$ 76,380.79 $ 57,703.04 $ 18,677.75 performances. 3,420.26 3,249.85 170.41 _ _ _ __ Sewer Rent. _. -. Assessments on Street Improvements and Liens ... Pole and Main -Tax . . .. . .. Permits . . Rents (Other than sewer) ... Fines . Liquid Fuels Fund Sale of Bonds . _ . _. County Aid Proceeds of Loan . U. S. Bond Maturity (Sinking Fund) _.. _....... _. Other ___ ...... __ __ D1SBURSEilmNTS General and Administrative Hig"ways ___ .. _____ .. Police _. _____ .. _.. Fire .... __ Health Public Property Light and Power .' _. Sewers ........ : .... . Library _... ___ .. ' . _____ ". Sinking Fund ... ___ .. Investment ........ . .. . 7,011.50 1,570.44 3,103.25 3,859.30 656.00 5,798.92 7,602.10 1,568.44 1,197.00 3,482.04 586.00 4,965.24 5,156.25 2,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,302.51 2,754.45 $114,102.97 $ 90,264.41 .$ 17,143.36 14,141.23 25,186.18 0,378.13 4,716.81 4,842.52 6,400.81 8,576.72 5,707.18 10,140.00 $ 11,165.01 35,192.86 22,582.11 5,220.56 4,737.12 5,106.63 5,841.55 1,521.37 7,488.93 5,087.60 7,400.00 • • -' 590.60 In Piano Recital 2.00 The fourth In the series of re1,906.25 citals being given by pupUa of ~77.26 70.00 Dorothy Paul took· place on last 833.68 week at the home of Mrs. Donald ( 5,156.25 Jones on Swarthmore avenue.. ( 2,000.00 Maragaret WbIttelsey read a 5,000.00 review of the life of Chopin, 8DIl 5,000.00 Peter Kroon, violin pupil of Lucius ( 451.94 Cole, played the "Intennezzo" $ 23,838.56 from Cavelleria Rusticanna. A rhythmic scale contest was'won $ 5,978.35- by Phillis Turner, with Sa1J;y Huse (21,051.63 a close second. . 2,604.07 Others performing on the pro1,157.57 gram of solos and duets Included: ( 20.31 ( 264.11 Mary Ellsbree, Beth Jones, Rolan 559.26 Sweeney, Norma Wilson, Mary 7,055.35 Hanzlik, Riggy Turner, Susan ( 1,781.75 5,052.40 Cochran, Molly Huse, Noel Snyder, 7,400.00 Judy Roess, Frank Turner, Jewel Tucker, Betty Gemmll, LInda $( 8,110.80 Smith and Lindsay BreakelL $ 31,949.36 ( - Wear tlrese A"ows and see wlro gets (o.,li.ent.,,· ·t/tis 2,207.55 $ 971.24 . - $ 2,420.33 $ 3,153.73 4,900.00 486.14 $ Sinking Fund Cash ...... __ ...... Investment .. _. . Unpaid Taxes ...... . • 5,180.00 440.00 $ 8,040.33 Sewer Fund Cash ... _____ ._ $ 38U8 Investment .. _________ . ___ _ 7,450.00 Unpaid Sewer Rents 286.28 $ 8,120.66 $ ( $ 3,622.21 7,400.00 291.95 $( 3,237.83 50.00 ( 5.67 $ 11,314.16 $( 3,193.50 2,207.55 $ $ - ... _. $ 8,040.33 $ 8,539.87 . Surplus . . . - . - - .. - - - . _.$ 8,120.66 $ 11,314.16 Permanent Fund FuDded Debt ... _...... _ . _$ 46,000.00 $ 49,000.00 Surplus .. _.. .. .. . .. . . . .. .. 287,776.05 284,776.05 499.54 ---$(' 3,193.50 , $( 3,000.00 3,000.00 $333,776.05 $333,776.05 $ - - TOTAL LIABILITIES and SURPLUS ..•......•... $408,719.47 $396,774.35 $ 11,945.12 The date of the last maturity of the respective forms of fund'"' debt is- October I, 1960. Respectfully su'>mitted, .lOHN A. SCHUIIACIIBa IUCIIABD M. BnDEB. .JOHN B. MoW11.1.1AM8 Borough Auditors ; .. .• ou and INVITE All Swarthmore Childre~',. ,12 years 'of • and u~der, to participate In The Annual ,. Children's Easter Egg Hunt, Satu-rday, April 16, at lOA. M. , - , This' Association also Sponsors the following activities:' . .The July Fourth Games and Entertainment. . 1,236.31 $( Sewer Fund SWARTHMORE 0240 ing. no delivery problems. Gas house heating is truly automatic heating in every war. $ 14,401.85 971.24· $ I • reetlng to • Gas is the carefree fuel. It comes to your heater just as required and used •• _no order- Sinking Fund Surplus TI.. $1.50 TO HEAT YOUR HOME WITH Liquid Fuels Fund . _. __ .. ___ .. _. _.. _ $ Shirts $4.50 Easter • !)t P TOTAL ASSETS . ___ . $408,719.47 $396,774.35 $ 11,945.12 The total assessed vahle of the Borough is $5,931,100.00. BOROUGH OF SWARmMORE COMPARATIVE BALANCE siIEETs ' YEARS ENDED Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Increase LIABILITIES and SURPLUS 1948 1947 (Decrease) General Fund Accounts Payable _. _.$ 7,485.58 $ 2,078.75 $' 5,406.83 Surplus __ . _.... ___ . _. _-. _. . 49,089.30 40,094.28 8,995.02 Surplus Arrow Easter Parade Ensembles 8 PARK AVENUE Extend an • ~~::::~========================~.~=====~ Equipment ........ $ 37,787.64 $ 37,787.64 $ Permanent Improvements Railroad Underpass 49,426.69 49,426.69 Road and Sewer Improvements 197,264.75 197,264.75 Public Buildings and Grounds ............ 49,296.97 49,296.97 $ 56,574.88 $ 42,173.03 . , 733.40 College, is spending the spring 280.00 vacation at Carlsbad, N.M., with 46.14 a classmate Pat Harley. $( 8,539.87' _$_(_4_99_.5_4 $333,776.05 See Arrow Ea.t"!' Parade Ensembles here today and the smart Arrew collar styl.. they come in. , ' S h Pl:C:~~h!"::":tt:!dr:;' ~~~:: Buchner s Toggery op Permanent Fund $333,776.05 DiHo for the r.lated ti•• and handkerchiefs which blend ...._fedly both 'in calor and pa"ern. ,- 1,236.31 urday. $ Members of the Swarthmore Business Association EASTER! Arrow Easter Parade Ensembl.. scdre sp.veral poinb in your favor .tll/ht off the .,all The .shirt i. a broadclath beauty with Grandrelle and satin .tri..... And it comes in colOrS that flit magically with .very .uit. $103,232.94 $111,343.74 Excess of Receipts over $ 10,870.03 Disbursements . Excess of Disbursements over NEWS NOTES Recei\!ts . $(21,079:33) BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. Fussell COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS of Riverview road entertained as YEARS ENDED Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Increase their week-end guests recently Mr. ASSETS 1948 1947 (Decrease) and Mrs. Nicholas MIIsoo> and General Fund small son Nicky of IrvIngton, N. Cash-General and Special Accounts __ . . __ . $ 34,286.34 $ 20,947.39 $ 13,338.95 Y., former Swarthmore residents. Investments _...... __ . _... 10,476.00 10,260.00 216.00 Mr. and -Mrs. Robert Wood of Receivables Yale avenue entertained at a Unpaid Taxes _ _... _ 5,607.83 4,824.46 783.37 buffer supper receD!Iy before Unpaid Leins and Assessments __ . ____ 6,204.71 the Hedgerow production "She 6,141.18 63.53 Stoops to Conquer." $ 56,574.88 $ 42,173.03 $ 14,401.85 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willls of Harvard avenue entertained 12 Liquid Fuels Fund Cash . __ ...... _" ... $ 2,207.55 $ 971.24 $. 1,236.31 guests at a dinner-bridge on Sat- . I - ECONOMICAL TO BUY - Gas heating equipment is usually the lowest-price automatic equipment to install. ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE ... Cost of gas for automatic house heating is comparable. with the cost of other fuels. CLEAN - Gas House Heating Is clean - does not create anysoot or dirt. QUIR-There are. no annoying or disturbing noises of any kind. AUTOMATIC-Gas House Heating maintains desired tempera. tures automaticolly at all times. EASY TO INSTALL - USUQlly, a gas heating Installation CC!n be completed In one day. $II rOUR ~M8IR OR HIA"NG CONl'AAcTOR POR ,URrHIR INFORMA"ON ON GAS HOU5I iliA"'" PHILaDELPHIA ELECTRIC CoMPANY \ The Hallowe ~en Parade . The Christmas Lighting of. the Business Section " ...- • THE HosteN To Group Twenty mothETS were PI .sent at the College avenue Kindergarten meeting held Thursday aftrnoon at the home of the chalnnan Mrs. Jam!!S B. Bullitt of Llncoin avenue. .zc lur TBE DOZEN Ov.r anef abovo th ••• mon.)'oICIYIng prfcos an additional saving, 12 conls a dozen can-. ragardlo.. of wheth.r you buy all ana kind or auorted. Stock up and sav., ACME WHOLE CORN 2'!;: 37e: 2'!:;: 2Se: . SWEET PEAS Pal~'::I. lISCO PORK 1:' BEANS ,=zlOc,. Gold . . Rob·"'" Com httu IemtI 2 ..n. 33C Kidney luu 2 r:;J 21c Sweet Peu 'dool 2'=~.. 35c ,...., f<..... Sty.. .......;,.., ....dPov::,.o, N~'n2 Zic t~~';;.t·' 2 N~2'h 23c WIaoleleellllob.'o,d If;'I9c No. 303 .'eacllel ,•• .1 lUId ....up..e e........ aL. IdooJ Piaeapple"r.,:lon PINEAPPLE JUICE SUNRISE TOMATO •....I-:&Of..wood GrIII'SUJ.I.. ~z 3Bc Dol. JUICE~&21e: 11_/'Tomato ....' Soap 3 1~~. 28c _ - •• -- n •.eII Each DORa On. KInd or ('a • • ( AA~rted a~l!: .. D_.II.. • • , 2-"_ 71. Gleadale Clab:::Z4c: Sharp Ch.... "69c Mild Ch.... "45c Pippin RolI-" ....... 20c Oleomargarin...,•. 2 a·,. 45c . . .- 1'1' Straussel ...... _ -29< BAR CAKE wJtftT""~ 1'::: ) c~.... rood VI....... .... Go... . Delo,."a "".35e:. .. N.w Law.r "rlco BOT CROSS IUNS ~ 29c APRIL. 8, lMt Plans tor the balance of "'., I BlOO her hospitality committee, year were disCUBSed, wh1ch Mrs. Arthur Moscrip, Mrs. RayInclude a visit to the ~~:~:Imond FeUows and Mrs. Winthrop Zoo, BIOd a boat trip frOm Wright. , to Phllade1p\ila BIOd return. Following the business Bession, tea was served by Mrs. NEWS NOTES SAVE , SWARTBMORIBAN . . . Popular .n.... Ice Cre.. 2 .l~Bau.55e flavors -lMlt~proof Auort.d Fr.. Milly McGowan of Vassar avenue entertained 14 guests ·at a slumber party following the Junior Assemblies Saturday eviming. . Ralph L. Brown, Jr., made the FreShman Dean's List in a class of 1300 at Harvard University. He is "Iso a member of the freshman swimming team and on the Harvard Crim,son radio network staff. Ralph returned to Boston yesterday follo~ing a few days' vacation at his home on road. Jane Davis of Harvard avenue was receritly elected president of the Woman's Student Government Association of the Ul1iversity of Pennsylvania. She will be installed during the annua~ Hey Day exercises in May. Jane is a member ot the Alpha Chi Omega sorority, president of Sphinx Key, junior honorary society and is secretary of W. S. G. A. this Andrew L. March of Elm avenue a senior at the high school, has been invited to take competitive examinations for four-year scholarships to Kenyon CoUege in. Gambier, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. WilliBlOO B. Bullock of Cedar lane spenltt~lth:~e~t:~~~:;~~! I with their son and d and Mrs. William B. BuUock, Jr., of Seaford, Del. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood H. Garrett of PrInCeton avenue spent the week-end with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Brown of Hyattsville, Md., and also enjoyed the cherry bl()ss.omlS I in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Mc:Cowanl of Vassar avenue spent the weekend in Atlantic City. , Dr. and Mrs. John H. WiglOn Harvard avenue entertiUned as their week-end guests Dr. and R. B. Somerville of Presque Isle, Maine' Mr. and Mrs. Charles BollOn ._-- . ... T-Io.e. or rorterhoase STEAlS -- Vaal Roast 0 - cot Vaal Chop. _ ... =.. I I. .. 49c P.rk Squares "59c lacon A~= CH.CKENS.J~iifw.~A Ib --===-:::-:--:---______ . - iitici'sOD· 29e: 1-~ :;... ~ -_._--.:-- ....... J .....,. Poqi.. F_OJ' Cod FlUet. ASPARAGUS ~~~I::::: Corn':::: I .!:'... :I - 25< Radish •• Sugar 'b Ib lit 3- ~70 ZSo 2t JOc WINESAP APPLES :::~;'I!: 2 Ibs 2Se: ,.,.,.. CLOSES SOON! Classified, April 25 Alphabetical, April 28 • In order to assure aCCUa racy, we check and recheck:· every. name, address and Dumber before • n you have a listing 01" an Z;:'Ztc _._-_. The NEW B.II .Telephone Directorv for SUBURBAN PHILADElPHIA wi.h DELAWARE COUNTY CLASSIFIED SECTION I>rintiug. or Spaghetti .1..._ a"-I6cj'Omal __ 5 ow - 2 .... ·25c c Moth-Dod ' _ _ ( _", a-; 5c Moth-Dod _ I 69c Sa... W &ad FI1eoI •• -. QUICK SEBVrlCE 10« Tenth Avenue cPA"ISOl1·lt .C~Jr.e!!,- CALL and DBI..lVD Phone: SwarthmOre 3307 RIB ROAST - advertisement in the present directOiY, pleale make aure it iI jUd: . . you want it. • If you wish any chang... pleaae caU our Duaia ••• OfIice at cmce. Coal and Fuel Oil - Roast Beef' Ib Sic· A. Mercer. Quinby Ib49c BONELESS , POT ROAST FIlNERAL DIBECI'OR '. BeefU_ ._ . Fruits _1- and _ Vegetables CELERY HEARTS or PASCAL STALK YELLOW -3·lbsI4c NEW Potatoes , , SEEDLESS l-t 31b2Sc 4 for 429c.. ... i~~~~~~~~~~~~~;a~~~~~~~~~~~~~i '. doz 29c BE'1"l'ER-BB.T al • FOR THE HOME . Wooden Speei ties : RALPH B. ALTHOUSE . renD&. Sharon SharonRUl, Hill 0'181 Ib4Sc Ib S9c 'Ib 49c The Swarthmore Red Cross Service prepared food for a spon- emerg- Swarthmore 1448 WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General ' Haullng 236 Harding Av. MarIOn, Pa. Swarthmore Disposal Service Babblah Collected Weeklr or Mon&hly Phone Swartbmor.. 3343 9 A. M.~IO 5.30 P.M. Large Airy GuM Rooms with Seml-Private Baths OPEN AF'l'ER APlUL 8 Special Pre-Season Rates Mrs. Ann Marie .Boeshim'lt Swarthmore O'I86-R TREE SURGERY Phone: Media 8-4281 sored party at the Philadelphia Naval Hospital for 150 inmates of one Of the wards recently. Sandwiches were made at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Avery Blake, by Mrs. Dwight Brauns, Mrs. Roy Latimer, Mrs. Norman Hulme, Mrs. W. F. G. SWBlOll, Mrs H. Lindley Peel, Mrs. Fred Lang, Mrs. Louis Goodenough, and Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. Mrs. Lang, Mrs. Goodenough and Mrs. Blake served the sandwiches and coffee in the evening.. tricycles for chii'both adjuslPhone FOR SALE - Greenhouse fresh flo f wers or any purpose. C arns Flowers, 650 Baltimore Pike, Springfield. Phone Swarthmore 0450 ~;;5""AT'"'-;;;;::;;;:::::::=--:;;;'= FOR SALE-Mushroom soil, $15 load. 'l'elephone Swarlh ency? Credit Union loans are obtained quickly, confidentially, and at low cost. For particulars caU Swarthmore 3463-R, Th_e Swarthmore :Co-op Credit Union. PERSQNAL _ Electrical installations:and· wiring, old and new! dentfal Commercial, LIght and :~;~iti~~:' t h t Ran All Power, Wa er ea ers, ges. Ij~~~~ work done to Fire Underwriters Reai-I SHERIFF'S COURT HOUSE. OFFICE MI!DlA. PA. , . , :~¥~~~~~~~~~:~ Friday, April 19, "'" PRUNING, ~ AND ":10 A.M. Kusteru Daylight TIme Conditions: $25U.OU cash or certifted check at lime ot 8ale~ (uolesa otherwiBe stated In advertlsement) balaoce 10 teo days. Other condltioDs On day 01 aale. Robert J. &lacBride, Shelitr; TREE REMOVAL HOBERT HASTINGS I't-... S-~.L- Ore -65-W "...... alll;~~~~~~~~~~~~! PERSONAL - Vacuum Cleaners,· irons" toasters and radios repaired, called. for and delivered. Call Robert BrQoks, Swarthmore Reply, 1548. PERSONAL - Baby-sitter availcondiable. Call Shawn Disney, $129 Swarthmore ·0200, Ex\ension 296. _ 5. PERSON~Have yow garden plow'ed or rototilled. No plot too Minnesota conlarge or too small. Swarthmore dOt· $20 W 1 lon, . aveSwarUunore 2668-W. .-.1#4-8 FOR SAT.'" C andlesJ cards,6Uo~. WANTED - Two to four room Carns Flawers, 650 Baltimore apartment, lurnt'shed or unfurn- Pike, Springfield. Phone Swarthished, by young professional cou- more 0450. FOR RENT P ie, fOI"permanent .residence/ June . Be 4 occupancy. Please wrIte x , FOR RENT Furnished rooDlS, The SwarthmoreBlO. second floor. Private baths, privW ANTED-Garden plowing, large ate entrance. Lovely grounds. - or small. Telephone SWarth- Gentlemen only. Refererices. 400 more 2078. Highland avenue, Morton.. WANTED-Young college couple FOR R.j!:NT-Two rooms, seperate desires small apartment with or together. Garage. In attrac. d t b'~ $65 ti kitchenette an prIva e a.u. . ve on the Hill - ' Call ""'arth .,... lOp. Occupancy June 1. Reply Box E, The Swarthmorean. WANTED-Baby stroller" in good condition. Telephone Swatthmore OGI5-M. WANTED-A handy man to assist superintendent in an apartm.,nt house. Best of r eferences req-uired. Ph oneavenue, Reply to Box G, The Swarthmor- Park ean. 0:7~O~9:-:':=~~~~~~~~~lnuel v".; SIM£ON£'S LOOKING fOR. YOUR n01lERTV sa~d , Driveway Colllllrucllon Asphalt or Concrete sbed 16 x 10 teeL makes of washera (Bendix specifications. Service on included) , vacuum cleaners, ranges irons, tQBSters, fans, IBIOOps. Call Erich Hausen, Eleotrical tractor,H.Swarthmore 2850 _ Con335 ....tK"1o.I..I..IU ~n91~~~~~~~~~~~~g tqqq HH M =- September Tern., 1946 No. ' Levari Facias ALL THAT CERTAIN messuage and lot or piece .ot land Situate on the southerly alde ot Conconl Aveuue In tile Cny ot Chester In the County of Delaware and State of Penn,ylvanla. bounded and descr.lbed as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the south· easterly comer of Concord Avenue and Edwards Street; extending thence eastwardly aloDI' the said Concord Avenue fourteen teet and twenty-one hundredths feet to a point; extending thence ahouUr wardly in a line parallel with the said Edwards Street and passing along the middle of tho·party waU separating said messuage froql the messuage adjOining on the &1st. nlnety,eIsht and forty-five hundredths feet to a point in the northerly side of an alley loto' the said Edwards St.; extending thence westwardly aloog th~ northerly side of said alley fourteen ".nd twenty_one bundredth.9 feet. more or leu. to a point In the' easterly sIde of said Edwards Streeti aDd extending thence northwardly along the said F.dwards Street one bundred feet to a point. the Place of .....lnnlng. BOUNDED on the 1l0rth by Coocord Avenue on the East b. a contiguous brick m.... uage and. lands late of' Booth R. Pennington, on 'the South by said alley TOGETHER with the rlobt and use of on the west by ·Edwards Street.. ~.t~r.a~:~lD' :=~: ~'!~:: owners of Improvements iI story brick and frame house COD8ist 10 x 10otteet with frame Park Avenue. 3800 Ventnor Avenue ATLANTIC CITY -' At Friday's meeting of tile Swarthmore Rotary' Club Howard D. Sipler was elected president, Charles G. Thatcher vice-president, Horace B. Passmore secretary, Charles Andes treasurer, and Ambrose Van Alen and Peter E. Told directors. ...,.., ........... .... Media 6·0755 C.lIIsillfwl_ .... ,. MII,I,WORK - LUMBER Bl1Iq)lNG MATERIAL -NIGHT or DAY PHONE UTlII.IOftIIS, IrK. Mason Builders Supply Company PERSONAL ~F;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~ •'"''''1''' ....." ... SWarihmore 8~re 0I4li No addltional charge for auburban callII The Swiss Cottages So Order Ear17! Tongue__ ,~ Chickens Bacon·· 331 Dartmouth Avenae lIZB5' "A WeD Kepl Boue • , Never Gro... Old" •••w"•• PRBlIIIDH ANTIIBAcrn: CLASSIFIED ROOFS 00'1'115&8 REPAIRED AND INSTAI,I,BI) ...·_-ce ... ~-".- & Cle--'-d ......... ""'...... .......... Call OBOaGE HYBJl8 4C9 Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 19c Onions • wau ....le •• CIV •• I. . . Twenty Years 8~re and Paperhangins . . . . . . . lltGII.1I ServIng Swarthmore and Vicfnity for past Formerly of Media 1125 W. I.ebillb Ave., Phila. Phone Baldwin 1170 Ib'69c _. _J _ _ _ All T7Pes of installations and Repairs. Local Canteen Entertains FRESH KILLED FRYING Chickens Painting ROTARIANS ELECT VAN ALEN BROS. DAVE WOOD BLEOTBICAL CONTIIACTOK 1181 1II11111eD1Mq Ave. , ___ b MORE BEAT POK LESS MONEY MOSTELLER Baileda'e. Pa. 100 Park Ave.; Swarthmo;ei Pa, Swarthmore 0730 or .0529 - Oearbrook 4646. ___ Choice Penlan RU9' for Sale YANKEE SLICED telephone DCARON! re., s... , SWARTHMORBAN A. WAYNE O&Iaer Tools also 8harpenecJ. 9xl2 Domesti~ $6.00 FRESH KU,t.w LOCAL S'I'EWING "29c "57«: (None High.., 8bupene4 b7 Machine w.ter .. ,.p' , SMOKED BEEF 72c S9C rord - ... .... W'II7" d ..... willa Donuts 65c lit LAWN .MOWERS The.Swarthm'ore CO-Op STEAKS Prlced-No•• Hlgh.r ,.CI •• ~.·••••.., 10ar ......' •. , WitIa ~.s.w 'Specially For Yow:.'Parties - ........11,. BFJ.I-TWIN GRINDER Cedar lane guests wiU entertain as their week-end Mrs. Bolton's 'Intlece Miss Mary Webb who is on the staff of WeUesley CoUege. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole of North Swarthmore avenue tertalned at a dinner-bridge their home Saturday evening. Frank McGowan, Jr., of ".ISS'IrIS • avenue and Midshipman Rc,bert I McCowBlO 'of Annapolis spent WHEN cO-OP'S ARE IN TOWN PRICFS ARE DOWN. week-end at Penn State and attended the spring dance Saturday evening. WE MAKE U. s. GOV'T GRADED GOOD "A" BEEF THE Sold .. the property of Wtlllam W. Grasty, lUgr. & Real ·Owner with DOUce iT~': ~ry &;IfRankin. to terre tenants. an•. PETER DI NICOL4 ESTATE OF. SAMUEL MATHEWSON, late of.. the Burougb Del. Co .. Pa dec'd. LettersofofSwarthmore. AdmlnlstraUun have been EaDted on the above Estate to the UDders ned l wbo requests all persoM havIng cia, or demands li«alnst the Phone Swarthmore 1516 i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F. F. ZIMMERMAN Estate of the· decedent to make known the aame. - and aU- perSoDB Indebted· to the decedent to make payment, without PhDtographer dela•. to ELIZABETH MATHEWSON: Administratrix "'Outstanding for Quality" Media 6-0436 6 E. Front St. 18 Park Avenue Pa. OR to herSwarthmore, attorney RICHARD A. MONTGOMERY. !!squire .- 216 West Front Street MedIa, Pa•. .T.... Eatate ot Edward .._ 1 B. Temple, Since 1905 late of CUNNING-HAM 315 Maple Aveuue, Swarthmore, DeJaware County, Pennsylvania, Deceased. Letters Testamentary on 'the abovo estate have been grauted to the unders.lped who requat aU persons bavlng claims or demands decedent to makeagalnBt known the the estate S8.Ille., ot andthe all persOD8 Indebted to the decedent to make payment without to Evelfll S. Temple and Albert N.delay Garrett, Executors. 118 Garrett Painters .. Paper Hangers We should know how Swa. Z266 Michigan Ave Avenue. Swarthmore, Delaware eoUDty'lllIIUllllUllUllnllllUllUlIlIIllIIlIlIlIIlIIlIlllUlIUUUll Pennsylvania. ---;T::h:::e'--;Sc:-'I:-'OO:::;-I--::n::-I'::-trl:;-c::-t---=O::f-;Swa=rt:::-bm=-o=-re:-w:::111 ELECTRICAl. receIve bids at the ofl'Jee ot the School District in the High School BundIng. cor. ner of College and Princeton Avenu... 11i REPAIRS Swarthmore, Pennsylvaula, UP. to "' p.m., Ii! Thursday. April 21. and open bids at , meeting of IOn. tbe Scbool Boardthe at= iii the School District otrlce on A.J!r11 n. Ii! WmING NEny d OLD 18"'9. at 8 p.m .• or at .. meeting adJourned ' .... an trom that meeting, for printing, Instructional sUpplies and equIpment, ~nd tax duHOMFS plicate books. Speelflcatlon can be 'BeCUred between SJ a.m. and 4. p.m., dally,. except e at the" Samuel '".1U u. Harbl'son Saturda,.., Sunda,.., School District office..and Tbeholidays. Board reserves iii the right to reject any or all 'bIds In = wbole or In )J3rt, and to award contracts: Swarthmore 0740 or any Item or Items up any bid. • Htlda making Lang Denworth I = I a = , CALIFORNIA , FANCY BoXED SPRING SPECIAL! - NEW! - . . ''Third Generation Bulld...... HORACE A, REEVES . ; ROGER . RUSSELL PORTRAIT STUDIO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Announces The Establishment Of A cO,OP Complete lobbing Service BRAND PHONE SWARTHMORE 3450 FOR ESTIMATe; BIRDS'S EYE BIRDS'S EYE Your or with Hercules Steel Tile . Twelve Durable Colors CaU J. S. LEES swarlhinore 0283-J and D«lst;opal Church Swarthmore April 20 "-9 P.M. , ADMISSION 50 and April 21 8 A. M .- 1 P M. . ~ • PUBLIC INVlTED ART EXHmlT An Art For Friendship, an ex. " hib.t ?f draw~ by Europe~ and Amencan . children is on v.ew to all interested at the Community Art C t Wallingf d . en er, or . Th e bib't 'Il cl A ril 17 e x • w. ose p . Mr. R. T. Bates, Swarthmore Red Cross Fund Drive ,.. .. ~.-~~"""" is happy to report that Swarthmore reached its quota of $8,O()O. this week. iii................________• ;;; Miss Nancy Hoot of Lafayette avenue will fly to Boston '-day ~ for a week's visit with her brotherin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Lawrence of Baltimore Pike Springfield Phone, Swarthmore' U~==~==~==~~=d!!:::~~'::~~:::'~":~~~::j Foundation, this plant Wister, director of causes the , 0450 _...J... W7I<> l'l~ W~ Car Is Safe! For safe driving, the manufacturer of your car recommends chassis lubrication at regular intervals. Stop in at our station for special SINCLAIR INDEXED LUB~ICATION SERVICE. We follow your car manufac_ turer's specifications. FUSCO &ALSTO. CHESTER AND FAIRvIEW Q Q SPECIAL SALE Friday and Saturday Only 15 Washable Dresses In Assorted Sues and Volon' $6.95 to $10.95 - You Deduct $1.00 from Price 'l'aa" Beautuul Paslel Children's Dresses for Easter Sues 1 _ 3, 3 _ 6X, 1 _ 14 _ From $3.95 up . NOTES home last week. Senate Sessions ·before returning Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Eo Pellerson I of Vassar avenue entertained Mrs. Peterson's brother-in-law Mr. James H. Harger of Ridgewood, N.J. as their overnight guest last week. Mrs. Richard Willis of Harvard avenue entertained three tables at dessert-bridge last week. Last week Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar lane had as her gnests at luncheon and the Swarthmore Antiques Fair Mrs. Everett Jones of Havertown, Mrs. Harry ~;;~ of Rosemont. and Mrs. 1. Taylor of Germantown. Mr. ahd Mrs. William R. Waiters, Jr., and small daughter Jennifer of Montreal, Canada are visiting Mrs. Walter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Ro:r P. Lingle of Cornell RUTH IZUMI , AT IYolande Blouses $10.95 14.95 handmade . 631 South Chester Road "Open Evenings Thursday and FrIday to 9 P. M. ~=~::::~~~::~:;=;~~::~;;~::~ FREE ~ ;.>-',. ~-I. Sunday Concerts - Sylvan Hall 4:15, 7:15, 9:45 ~ '7"~ ,I.",mrr ~? JACK STECK'S Stre4mline . Miniature Railway KlDDIES' HOUR ,2 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. B. Edward Schmidt and sons Robbie and Eddie are occupying their new home on WyodOll\ road, Maplewood Park, Secane,. Mr. Schmidt and family have been living with Mrs. Ride thAl New and Kiddie Boat Ride NOTICE ., NEW SERVICE STATION HOURS On Top Of The MONDAY TIIRU SATURDAY World 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. OTHERS' $5.95. 7.95 10.95 ~~._, THE~' .., SIGN THEATRE SQUARE aVenue. • '~f~.,A, 0680 Telephone Swarthmore I Be Surt: Your Roast 'Beef .............. , $2.00 :::':1 ~~iiii~~iiiiii~~~iiiii~~iiiiiii~~~iiiiii~~~ Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Lyon Chandler of Wallingford and their house-guest Mrs" Carlton Kimball of Andover, Mass., spent a few days with Mr. Chandler's brother in ArUngtonand his nephew in Alexandria. They attended Committee Hearings and /IIl""""""""'' ' "' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ",1 . Delicious Steaks and Chops ............... $2.25 _ $2.50 . l£i£E £ q ~. SUNDAY - 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. is the lucky housewife who depends on A WC services! Window Cleaning Wl!ll Washing Floor Waxing House Cleaning Awnings Hung Screens Put In Stann Windows Removed ARDMORE WINDOW We Have the Following Interesting Tire Specials While They Last 600/16 WmIE SIDEWALLS Reg Price $28.29 Our Price $15.96 820/15 SyPER-CUSmONS Reg PrIee $26.33 .Our Price $21.31-. CLEANING 00. 135 Drexel Road, AtduwNe ~ 13 S. Chester Road Phone Ardmore me for Serrice and IJaUsIaeUoD. YALE AVE. and CHEsTER RD. SWARTHMORE 1250 I A,M. THE ,SWARTHM I EASTER SWARTHMORE, THANKS BOROUGH. HOPS INTO TOWN Raynam T. Bates local chairman of the recent Red Cross Drive.has issued the Iollowing statement of appreciation. "Now that another Red Cross Fund Drive has come to. a successful ~pletion in Swarthmore I would like to extend on behalf of the American Red Cross, a grateful acknowledgement for the generosity of Swarthmore residents· for the untiring efforts ril 12,. was a stated ,4& suggests that .particlpants L'Ome sChool, and. M:argarllt.. fri!!"· Rut"- meeting. day;· 'Q1.e; president; Mrs. .. . .,qulpped with paper bags err con- gers avenue kindergarten teaeber, John Michael, opened with the .-.,. . '.' .•' . • r ,their 2105 Y'cears tainers in which to collect their will. be honored rtf0hm h reading of a bea.utifuJ message in packages. serv.ce as Swa ore a ers keeping with .the spirit of Holy Mrs. Sonle Is Local Public Invited To Hear The my l'U!es he laid are as when the Home and Sebool As- Week. This was followed by the Chairman For Red fOllows~ sociation holds its annual meeting singing of the spiritual, "Were You Wilcox, Douredonre 1. Any child living in Swarth- in the high school auditorium There?" arr8nged as a duet and Cross Project Thursday morean territory or visiting in next Tuesday evening at" 8 o'clock. sung b; Mrs. Robert West and April 18 marks the opening of Swartl1II1ore is weloome to hunt After a social half-hour with Mrs. Stoyan Russell It was an- the Red Cross Blood Program in Dr. Claire Wilcox of O~en .,.erv ed and is eligible for a prize. coffeeI an aid d".ssertt S7 30 th inelthe \lOunced that at Delaware County the Greater Philadelphia area. The enue. an~ :Bjmlard Douredoure, 2. Very small cbUdren must he s~oo c ..ter18 a : . e ec- Fine Arts Day, March 17, Mrs. Headquarters Building on North pronun..n, Philadelphia buain_ accompanied by an adult. ti~n of officers for 1h1' commg :rear Robert Coates received first award Broad street has been redesigned man will ,pre.:ent. the Internatl~ be ' held. for a sonnet• and Mrs. Oscar Gil- t 0 accommodat e d onors and th' 3. No prizes will be issued twill o . e Trade Orgaruzation from div_ children over the age limit. In . Dr. Fredenck L. Pond educa- creest first award for the play she great number of volunlel!r workers, angl",: on Thursday, April ~1 at II d . distr tional consultant to the State De- submitted. Mrs Gilcreest also re bil 'ts ha b anized p.m. ill the Media Woman s Club or er to secure eqwtable i- pal"bnent of Public Instruction, ceived ohanorahie mention for ~ mo e uru ve . een org _ house, South Jackson Street, bUtion, only. one prize will be H isb ill ddr th _~ for suburban areas, and blO and Mr. and Mrs. E. A., Whilney of 0: Thayer of North Chesler road the ushers .wlil mclude the b~o~er Elwyn have arrived home follow- enlertained 16 guests at Strath of the bridegroom, Mr. WIlliam "1iIg'~i:flve-week motor trip through Haven Inn. i Reed Fry, Jr., .of Bethlehem, Pa.; MeXIcO.' They have returned by Mrs L. J. Servais of Dickinson Mr. James. P. Hornaday, brother way of New Orleans and the GWf avenue entertained at Open House of Ihe bride; Mr. Raymond F. Coast.. in honor of her daughter Mrs. Winch, of Dickinson avenue, and Mrs. RiclJard D. Seales and her James Weiro~ Pittsburgh who with Mr. Charles Welsgar of Newbury, son John, 'and daughters Jean and her baby son George was here VI. Carol of Park Ridge, Ill., arrive for a week's visit. • ,tomorrow to visit Mrs. Arthur W. Mr. Charles H. Topping of SIMMONS _ CORYA • LoIl9' a. favorite among Kent.: They will occupy Mrs. Wes- Princeton avenue spent several The marriage Of Miss Penelope '.ton E. Fuller's aparhnent at 416 days recently In Cambridge, Ann Corya, daughter of Mrs. Lael udera, ~ ruggod, smooth. North,.Chester road. Mass., attending the events In con- Davis Corya of Ogden avenue and operating Mower is a fine Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Shearer neclion with the inauguration of Dr. Harold Williamson Corya of example 01 Jacobsen's lead.and children June, Joanne and Dr. James R, KilJian, Jr., as tenth Quoque, L.I., and Hobe 'Sound, orship in the production Howard ,of Nonh Swarthmore president of the MasSachusetts Fla., to Mr. Julien Brandon Sim01 quality power mowers. avenue will spend Easter week- Institute of Technology. Mrs. Top- mons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donendvil;itirig relatives in Washing- ping and children were week-end aid E. Simmons of New York, ·lon..,D. C. guests of Mr. Price Topping and N.Y., took place Saturday, April Mr_ l\hIlip Banta, a student at family of Larchmont, N.Y. 9 at 3:30 o'clock In the Swarthmore 13 S. Chester Road Harvard University, spent a few Helen Hoot of Lafayette avenUe Presbyterian Church. The Rev. days of the spring vacation with and Stuart Jones of Strath Haven Joseph P. Bishop officiated. his parents Dr. and MrS. Clifford avenue arrived Saturday from Mr. Gustav Abmeyer of PhIlaBanta of Parrish road. Oberlin CoIlege, OWo, for a 10-day delphia sallli "Satisfied" and "The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,', Mr.' and' Mrs. A. -R. Long of spring vacation. Lord's Prayer". _ ,New York City will spend Easter Miss Mildred Simpers of the The bride, escorted by Mr. . week-end with Mrs. Long's parents Swarthmore apariments was guest Douglas Haig Langston of Linden, 'Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Brewster of of honor at a luncheon and surprise N. J., wore a wedding gown of Dickinson avenue. miscellaneous shower given by ivory satin featuring a fitted bod:,,' Mrs. Robert L. Coates of Har- Mrs. E. Marshall Harvey of Media ice and fuil skirt with hoop. Her ,yard ,avenue was hostess to the at the Ingleneuk Saturday. The finger tip veil Of tulle fell from a Reading Group last week. guests were Mrs. Thomas Simpers tiara of sequins and she carried BEAUTY SALON .Pamela Dodd,. daughter of Mr. and Miss Kalhryn Simpers of the white tUlips. 'and Mrs. William P. Dodd of Swarthmore Apariments, Mrs. Mrs. Langston, as matron of Pompadoured for the Easter Pllnlde? ~vidence Vlllag" celebrated her Ernest L. Green of Wallingford, honor, wore a gown of pale blue fourth anniversllJ'Y last week by Mrs. Horace P. Green, Mrs. H. C. taffeta fashioned with hoop skirt. Call Swarthmore 0476 entertaining eight of her litUe Armitage, Mrs. Miriam McDonald, She carried a bouquet of red tufriends at a birthday party. and Mrs. John D. Rockwell of lips. 9 Chester Road , Mrs. Thomas S. Safford has re- Chester. The wedding of Miss Mr. Curt Heimsteadt of New " Wrn'ld to Strath Haven Inn' after Simpers and Mr. David Bingham York City served as best man and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I!PeDding several months at Har- of Irvington place Chester, will Mr. William Gruver of New York der Hall, Sebring, Fla. take place Saturday, June 18. City as usher. Mrs. James Daugherty Of DickA reception for -the immediate lnson avenue entertalru!d 12 guests . ENGAGEMENTS families followed at Strath Haven at '.. luncheon-bridge at her home Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson Inn .• recently.. Budd of Mt. Airy, announce the Dr. and Mrs. Anhur E. Bassett engagement of their daughter, Miss and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Bas- Jean Budd, and Mr. Thomas l!'Iar.. sett Of Nonh Chester road spent shall Jackson, Jr., son of Mr. and Swarthmore Women's Club ~day In Ventoor, N.J. as the Mrs. Jackson of Park avenue. . gilest of, Mrs. Frank L. Bassett Miss Budd attended the Stevens RECEIVE ARTICLES FROM 10 A.M. to " P.M. who ·returned with them to spend School and was graduated from MONDAY, APRIL 18 several weeks at Strath Haven Inn. CorneIl University in June, 1948. Mrs. George E. Sillowoy of North She is i' member of Kappa Kappa SALE OF ARTICLES FROM 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. CheSter roild and her cousin Mis. Gamma. AFTER DINNER 7 to 9 1'. M. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey WhItaker TUESDAY. APRn. 19 Walter H. Dickinson of College Mr. Jackson is a graduate of the of Winter street, Media are re"iltvenue are motoring to Richmond, Haverford School and Cornell Uni- ceiving congratulations upon the SALE OF ARTICLES iO A.M. 10 " P.M. .WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 . Ind., for Easter. Mrs. Silloway versity CoIlege of Engineering. birth of an eigbt pound 14 ounce will, be the guest of her daugther During the war he served as en- son, Barclay Joel Whitaker, on SETTLEMENT FROM 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. 'Mrs. Paul J. Furnas, formerly of sign in the United States Navy. April 11 in the Lying-In Hospital, THURSDAY, APRIL 21 , ':Spring Hollow Farm, Media, and He is a member of Phi Gamma Philadelphia. .lMm.. Dickinson will visit her Delta fraternity. All Articles Must Be In First Cla,ss Condition The baby is a grandson of Mrs. daughter Mary Fell Dickinson, a P. L. Whitaker of Park avenue, ..'student at· Earlham College. Mrs. W. Alber.tson Haines of I r:;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; No Hats or Toys "'" lUcllard S. Hoot of Lafayette Newton announces the engagement II "aVeilUe left last week for Monltrie, of her daughter, Miss Mary ElizFOR Ga, where he is tralnJng with one abeth Haines, and Mr. John L. MAGAZINE "of the A's Baseball Farm Teams. Eavenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. SUBSCRIPTIONS :After· "training he will play second Alben T. Eavenson, II, Of Strath Mrs· Lloyd E. KauffmaD ~' with the Youngstown, O. Haven avenue. -Team; _ _ _ __ Swarthmore 2080 "'Leslle Ann Kurtzhalz daughtj'r APRIL BRIDE ~~~~~~~~~~~~ of"..Mr. and Mr•. William Kurtzh!Uz The marriage of Mtss Elizabeth i i .of"Park avenue celebrated her Tucker Hornaday, daughter of Mr. ,seventh amiiversary last week by and Mrs. James H. Hornaday of , entertaining 32 guests at a birth- Dickinson avenue, to Mr. Robert day party. Edmund Fry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Helen Frielee, daughter of Mrs. William Reed Fry of Philadelphia, >""" EASTER DESSERT JUST A BBIiINDBB tlif-it . You can get your last· minute Easter Gifts at The Bouquet . Mutual Exchqnge' For That. ! -.:·MEJ)IA Last 2 ** College Theatre JANE LOGAN DELUXE "WHIPLASH" saturda.Y~~~~~~~ 8 Cartoons a S~:~ar ;, ** FrI. and Sat. Friday and Saturday , SPECIAL In addition toandour l program All ChUdren 20 cents Sunday and Monday .Jeannette McDonald lassie ''TIlE SUN OOMES uP" "\VIa. Claade .Jarman, :Jr. . _ Lloyd Nolan Tuesday and Wedneoday Dan Dalley Celeste Holm "CIIWKBN BYEB~ . . SUNDAY" "Tn.!.~,~ Bedaakl GVIIlDer "'1UAT WONDBBftIl, 1JRGB" Dane Clark - Alexis Smith Zachary Scott Feat. Times Sat. Nite Only 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. .' Sat. 1 p.m. Special Children's Matinee Double Feature Program "Baltle of the Cowboys" Gene Autrey , "SADDLE PAm" Roy Rogers "GAY, BANCHERO" Plus Serial and Cartoons Mon., Tues., Wed "SNAKE Prr' Olivia De HayiDand starts Il'bursday "CHICKEN EiBBY S1JNDAY" F'LOWERS HEIGHTEN :I'HE SOLEMNiTY OF THE DAY EggNog lee Cream ORDER HOUSE, GIFT and CORSAGE FLOWERS EARLY I Michael's Colleg.' 'harlDaOy' i , Baltimore Pike Springfield Phone, Swarthmore MliO "We 'I'elepaph Plate .... ~.AP:.:.:.;:R:u::..;,;;1S;;;;,;,;;1:94::9~========_ _=T==:H;.;E;,...,S;:;..;,W;.,A;;;;;".;;;B;.,T~H:..:M;;:..;O:..:B;;;.;;;;B;.;;A~N---:_=_-=----_:_:__-==--.;-......--~a,. -- - ---=---=----- .--'--=----~~-- - --- ---~~-~ - . Shall Say "Jesus ChlrIit is Risen it up. FortunateJyo the dog (4) A boy, was walking "lith ,his Today" with a soprario cjf!l!C8nt preferentially heeded its masdog near his· home, when, ah,d "Come Ye Faithful, RaIse the ter's whistle In the nick ot roughly'reprlmanded to "hur-, , Strain!' The Communion music time. ry home with that, dog gefor4! Includes the "KlYr.\eiJ' 1'Credq," (3) Another dog was taken froIn we take it from you!" "Sanelus" and "Gloria in Excelsis" its owner's lawn over the proIs this necessary In Swarthniore7 by Stamford. The anthem is the tests of children ~ the family , . D., M.~Wb.i. ,': "Hallelujah Chorus" from the with whom it was playing at Parrish road~, , "Messlah'~ by HandeL The Revthe time. April 12,1949,;,: THE 'SWARTHMOREAN PUBLlSIiED BVBRY FRIDAY AT SWARTllMOU, PA THE SWARTBMOB.BAN. INC., PllBLISBBB Phone Swarihmore 0Ht PETER E. TOLD, Edltor MARJORm TOLD, BARBARA K1!NT. AlISOCliate EdltonRosalie Peirsol Lorene Mc Carter Edith WhItaker .~;;;;:;:;;;;;:;;;;;:~z;::;;;:;;:::::::;:;:;:::::;~ II=jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii_iiii Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 19211, at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. . , DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON He 14 Risen SWARTHMORE, PA., FlUDAY•.APRIL·15, 1949 Presbyterian Chureh Notes A children's Service for all young people of the Church Sohool will be held at 9 o'clock. The Juniors will sing. There will be no regular Church School on Easler. erand Neville ....Ward The will • -------..,- -. assist at the 11Lascell a.m. service. usbers for Sunday are: 8. a.m., W. C. Hogg; Jr. Head usher; J. B. BulJltt, Jr., V. Fine, F. W. Lueh. . _ III , . . . 1111 Mr. ring, W, H. Randall and T. L. WjlJjams~ 9:30 a.m. to be assigned. .... • III C!riJt -'Jill 11 a.m. S. B. BreWster, head usher; W. M. Harvey, B. Keim, J. Rey_ nolds, W. L. Cleaves, F. W. Plow, OIQ*II'IV7 ....ftlU"S~ XV, :II man, R. C. HaJg and William Freegard. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion on Easter .-'\ 11"""1II1II'_..,'••"., P&. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church at 7:30 o'clock on Wednesday, April 20, 1949. The meeting will be preceeded by a covered dish congregational dinner at 6 o'clock. Reservations may be made by phOning the .chUrch office. The Hoagie . :a~t . , '. ' 1711l S. Chester Road " Swarthmore . . . . . . .un. tl'MIscm beo. The will Fellowships at 10 meeting a .m. of ,the conAdults not meetand this Young Sun- Monday The annual day evening. The Young Adult's gregation and the election of group will hold a picnic and square VestrYl11en will be held on ManDance thi~ Saturday -afternoon, day at 8:15 p.m. In the church. April 16, at 4:30 at the h01\le of the Dessert and coffee will be ~erved Cobbs, on the E. G. Harrison estate at 7:30. ' on Rose Valley ROild, In Moylan. The Women's Council will 1\leet , Circle 3, Mrs. William Gehring, o,n Tuesday at 3 P.M. at the home, Chairman, will meet on Wednes- of Mrs W. Newton Ryerson. day, April 20 at 10:30 a.m. at the The Annual Spring Rummage home of Mrs..E. A.' WhItney, El- Sale will be held In 'the church wyo, Pa., ~here will be a trill basement beginning Wednesd8;y through the school. Members assist Mr. Bishop in greeting the are asked to brln~ sandwiches. ' at 7 p.m. and continuing on Thurscongregation after the 10 o'cloele day until l' p.m. service Easter Sunday. Mr. and Circle 8, Mrs. Birney K. Morse, Mrs. Oliver 'J. Hart, wife of the Mrs. George M. Ewing at the Har- Co-Chairman, will meet WednesBishoP of the Diocese of Pennsylvard avenue entrance and Mr. and 'day April 20, at 10:30 a.m. at the vania, will be honored by a. tea Mrs. A. B. Reavis at'th' drlveway- home of Mrs. W. E. Dungan, Dog- given by the Women's AllXiiuwy transept entrance will assist Mr. ,wood Lane, Swarthmore. Mrs. P. at the home of Mrs. Paul J. Banks, BIshop after the 11 :30 senioe L. WhItaker will be co-hostess. on Thursday afternoon. Easter Sunday. Mrs. S. W. Kietzien will review Choir rehearsal will be held on Yau are hereby notified that mo~e of Dr. Meall's boo~ on Ha- Thursday at 7:30 p.m. th'; Stated Annual Meeting Of the wail. Members shDuld brmg sandmembers of the congregation and wiches. . Letters To The Editor the stated Annual, Meeting of the The evening Circle will 'meet Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, on Tu~day,' April 19 promptly at The oplnloDS Mpressed. below are a Corporation will be held at 'the 7:45 at the home of Mrs. Grover those or the Jnlil1vjdual writers. All , C. Greene, 208 S. Chester road. letters to The Sw8rthmorean must be P.lJeudooumns may be osed. It Refreshments will be followed by signed. the JdeoUtfy of the wrltet Is known the meeting. Mrs. Herbert Bassett to the Editor. Letten wUl be published ooly at the dIaeretlon of the will show moving pictures. Editor. SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P. Bishop,_ Minister Methocllst Notes To The Editor of The Good Friday, Apru 15 'The choir will sing "Tille I Seven Swarthmorean; 12 to 3 o'clock-Three Hour Union last. w0M:"" by Dub~is on Fri-, I wish to take this opportunity Service. Mr. Bishop will give seven meditations on the day evenmg at 8 a clock., The to opetiJy cOngratUlate the Borough seven last words of the Cross• public is invited. Council on the thoroughness and The ministers of the other The Sunday School meets, on dispatoh with ,wh1~h their Gestapo Swarthmore Churches will Sunday ~ornlng at ~:45. Classes Agents "liberated" this town on participate in the service. are proVIded for children of all Tuesday from the vicious canines Easter Sunday, April 17 9:00 A. M. -ChUdren's Service ages and for adUlts. that rove the streets. I do IIlOt feel for all young people of the The ~o~ Adults meet at 10 in particn1arly proud to live in a Church School. The Junior the ladies parlors., community which employs the tacChoirs will sing. The·topic at the 11 o'clock ser- tics openly displayed this week. 10.00 and 11:30 A. M.-Identical worship services In ,celebra- vice is "What East"" ~eans." When people of the eallbre em·tion of Easter. The Youth Fellowship meets at played In this case are operating 6:30 In the chapel. . wIthout supervision on a pieceThe ushers for the day are W. work basis with an incentive of H. SchUltz, W. A. Beacham, C. W. $2.00 per head, the operation 88Dempsey, J. Pittman and E. N. sumes all the characteristics 0( a Shawhan. : raeleet. Identical of Worship Services In celebration Easler will beheld at 10 and again at 11 :30 a.m. Special music will be offered by the choir. The Church Hour Nursery will be conducted during both services. Remember to bring Sacrlficial Meal Money to church with you. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Whitney at the Harvard avenue entrance and Mr. and Mrs. A • C. W00d a t the driveway"transept entrance will If these tactics are needed as a "lessontl to our citizens the general intelligence level of Swartlunoreans has apparently disintegrated to a rather low state. Picking up dogs that are hanglng-around the Friends Meeting Notes shopping section, public play_ The AdUlt Forum of the S~_ grounds, and other public places TRINITY CHURCH more First Day School will. be making a general nuisance of Rev. Goo. C. Anderson, Rector held at 9:45 on Sunday mormng themselves and having their own~Friday 10:00 A. M.-Litany and Ante April 17 In the Friends ~eeting ers subjected to a fine pAYABLE Communion Service . TO THE BOROUGH would be a 12:00-3:00 P. M. _ Community Houoo. John Seybold will review "A real service to the community and Three-Hour Service at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Man Called WhIte" by Walter would constitute an IntelJlgent inChurch White who has devoted thirty forcement.of the spirit of the law. Easter Sunday, April 17 years of hi"' to .the . National In contrast to this the residential 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion 9:30 A. M. - Holy Communion. Association for the Advancement streets were gleaned of dogs any_ Choir. Sermon. of Colored People. • where in sight with no pretense 11:00 A. M. _ Holy Communion. of an attempt being made to esChoir. Sermon. Christian Science Notes tabllsh whether the dog was on its Monday, April 18 , "Doctrine Of Atonement" is the rightful .premises or not. 10:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. subject of the Lesson-Sennon In I would' like to site briefly four THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY all Churches of ChrIst, Scientist, examples that during OF FRIENDS on Sunday, April 17. The Golden Tuesday's pW'ge which exemplify Easter Sunday, April 17 9:45 A. M.-First Day SchooL Text is: "John seeth Jesus coming the ta~tics employed: 9:45 A. M.-Adult. Forum. unto him, and saith, !Behold the (1) Our own dog had accompan11 :00 A. M.-Meeting for worship, Lamb of God, which taketh away ied my wife three doors from WhIttier House. the sin of the world" (John 1:29). home to a neighbors back yard. Wednesday, April 20 9:30 to 3:30--Sewlng and QuiltThe dog trotted around to the ing In WhIttier House. Box Trinity Notes ,front yard. My wife followeq. Lunclleon. All cordlall;y inHoly Communion will be celin time to see the dog being Vited. ebrated at 8 a.m. In order' to placed in the truck. The gruff FIRST CHURCH OF accommodate the growing CODgre.. response to her question as to ~.JJt'f:r:!r~ gation, there will be an extra serwhethm; the dogcatcher had Park Avenue below Harvard vice at 9:30 am. at which time eStablished if the dog was 01> Easter Sunday, April 17 Holy CoDllI)union will be_lebratits own property was "You 11:00 A. M.-5unday SchooL ed, the choir will be present and can get it back :from the Po11:00 A. M.-Leason - Sermon the Rector will preach on "1mlice at noon." UDoctrine of Atonement. n Wednesday evening meeting mortsli.... " " The' 9:30 service will '(2) My friend's dog was In its own each week, 8 p.m. Reading room be repeated at 11 a.m. The music yard.·The owner opened the open dally except Sunday and at Doth the 9:30 and 11 o'clocli: serdoor' just as the, dogeatc1lers Holidays 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesdl\7 ~ces Includes the h1mns UWel-, were attempting to entice the r,::inp 7 to 7 :50 .p.m. and 9 to ~ine Happy Morning, Age _to Age dog out to the street to pick Steaks PartY, . Sandwiches .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f___ _ Phone: 3216 IN CONCERT EXTRAORDINARY The Mason Swiss Bell Ringers' of LOs Angeles, Caltf., NATIONALLY, KNOWN NOVEIll'Y MUSICIANS -FeatUring.:... , SWISS HAND BELLS MUSICAL GLASSES. SOLOVOX, TRIPLE OCTAVE CHIMES and the WORLD'S MOST MYSTERIOUS INSTRUMENT ''THE VICTOR TIIBREMIN". this Instrument has no keY-OOard, ~' or pipes and playS without being touche1.CeS T.he Church ~ursery. IS open durmg the mornmg servIce. Ml;'s. Lucile Harlow, Mrs. El~anor :aand and Mrs. Margaret KeJSer will be In charge. Hoagies '. For over 70 yea'.. wehava given uninterrupted service to this com- ' munity. The second and third generations of families continue 10 call upon us in time of need. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. D,.ECTO.S O •• UNUALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET. Telephone R"6-1581 MARY A. lAIR, President ;;;;;;:;:;;;:=:;;;:;;;;;;:::;:;;;:,:;;;;;;:;:;;;:::;;;:;;;;;;:::;:;;;:::;:::;;;;;;:;:;;;:::::;;:;;;;;:;::::; Say "HAPPy EASTER" to the whole family with gifts from the latest collection a,t their favorite shop - Buchner's. occure.t· EASTER FLOWERS ON THE CORNER Swarthmore 0857 • ,.,-. , . > • It's so easy to find just the right gift for each and every one in this varied spring array for people of taste and diScrimination. Buchner's Toggery Shop 8 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE 0240 . , C , !.In. V. L. ~e THE a.m'atIbA~Au"~1l1enbeim . .,.. UIol' v O. ATLANTIC'. CIT' . .• _""" _ _ the OONft I . . . . . .'" NO oir end ...... ww.. a $oBI. Ltd. 'HI IOAI.WALIC t a.a.. .. ~cio ... MIl~r:'~tin: "g' ~ ..~tlentic City'. Snell reoorI .aono-.0011 Ina.. ,." 1-1111 .,041'COftV8l11tenc ..Meet pIuIe• _......... -.... - Mtel. .II TM,.heeI .IIRO i.I!'d" COU .~_.........1Ifie........ ......... 7. .~... d .... .,-' .,-, !t NieJ!e:~s!~~: =~ a~'t!l:v:"w!:'n~::I=edS~~ AI'BIL 15, INt York City. During her absence Mrs. Harry "Ji:.;;";:;:;nW:: Mrs. Jones HlJIyer of New York mlaw°re, ~dd isughter~ and u_ by Mrs Ellwood H. Garrett of nesday evening In honor of Mr. City was here with her two-yearan a • -". • . d Mrs d Mrs Allen. old granddaughter Ashley FIne. Avery .F. Blake of Amherst for Princeton avenue. Dr. an . ' an . of Swarthmore avet;'ue returned home Wednesday IDllowing a lo-day visit with her sister Miss Ellnor Hlllyer of New , SWARTHMORBAN log ....., _,oble. ~veral~. Mr. and Mrs: Nathan D. 'Bach- ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;g Ii man of Rutgers avenue will spend Easter week-end iii New York City. Their son Nathan is vacationing until Sunday with a fOrmer schoolmate Julia Englebat1Jt of Scarsdale, N.Y. . Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Mercer of North Chester road are entertaining ,their son-itt-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allen and smaIl son GarY Of Isle of Hope, Savannah; Ga.. who arrived Monday to remain through the Easter ooli- STRATH HAVEN INN APRIL 15, 1MB THE NEWs NOTES Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart of Vassar avenue entertained 12 guests at a luncheon at the Ingleneuk last 'l'hursdSJl' which was followed by bridge at !be Stuart home. . . Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of The Inn With PersoDlllity Reservations Now For Ogd~ avenue entertained at a tea Sunday afternoon in honor of Swarthmore College friends who were here for the annual Somerville Day Saturday. Daniel S. Morse of Parrish road entertained 12 guests at a lunoheon-bridge at her home Wed.nesday . . '. Mr. and Mrs. FranCIS W. Plow Mr... SWARTHMORIJAN man Of Princeton avmrue will' entertaln 14 at a famI.Iy dinner party on Easte~ Slmday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Blair Price of North Chester road will entertain over the Easter holida,s Mrs. Price's mother Mrs. J. Payne Carroll' of Richmond, Va. R. Blair Price, Jr., a student at HampdenSydney College, arrived home on 1=~=-~~~~;;~~~i;;;;;~;;~ii~~~~~~9i Th~ for a fiv~ , EA'STER DINNERS • vacation. EASTER ------~- ....... -----------~.::.-::.--::---."-.--"- -.,., - ... ---- .. "---'- Also Beautifully DECORATED EASTER EGGS Names Added (No Charge) A; G~ Catherman PRAMACIST "eolll/se it lASTS QVAUTY SINCE ., 11« ... H.D.SlPLER 11 801lTll CllBSTEB ROAD, 8WABTIIIIIOBB . During the first S months of 1949 Studebaker retail sales throughout , NOTICE ~ NEW SERVICE STATION HOURS MONDAY TBBU SATURDAY spring Mr. and Mrs. William H. Brown of Riverview road will entertain - their IOn-itt-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Goodwiil Gibson, Jr., of Toronto who arrive today for the Easter week-end. Mr. and Mm. William Bailey Brown, former residents of Water-' 100, Iowa, are visiting Mrs. Brown's parents Mr. and Mrs. Birney It. Mo~ of Harvard avenue. They are en route to the University of Maryland, College Park: Md, where Mr. Brown will study for his Master's Degree. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Rutan of Ogden avenue are entertaining their daughter Mrs. WiUlam O. Linhart and sons Bill and Bob of Pittsburgh Who are here on a two_ week visit. Mrs. R. T. Randall, Jr., of North Chester road entertained as her week-end guest Mrs. James Kent of New York City. Dr. Clifford Banta Qf Parrish road has returned after attending a five day meeting of the American Petroleum Institute held at the Shamrock Hotel, Houston, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden avenue entertained last Wednesday Mrs. Hodge's cousin Chief Petty Officer Harold Mahan of Pennington, N.J., who was en route to San Diego, Calif., where he will be on land duty for the next two years. !'dr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker .of Riverview road entertaIned at a dinner party last Wednesday which was followed by the Players Club pertormance "Lite With Father." 'l1he guests were Mr. and Mrs. John S. Salom and Mr. William West Conrad Of Devon. Mr. Blld Mrs. William R. Warner, III of Audubon, and Mr. and Mrs. Winfield S. Wilson of Riverton, N.J. FOR 'Turkey - Baked Bam - Roost Beef ............ $2.00 Delicious Steaks and Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2.25 - $2.50 Telephone Swarthmore 0680 8 A. M: to 9 P. M. SUNDAY• - 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. & • ."VII aad WAITB' YALE AVE. and CHESTER RD. SWABTHMOQ UN • • help so much! On parIy.fine telephones, 100 ••. littla courteoies help to give. an "extra" value! Party-line neighbors who take the lead in courtesy:'lnd their favors returned. They enjoy better service. So does everyone else on the line. Them'.' nothing difficult about party.line courtesy. When' you keep calls reasonably brief, you're being COurieoWi. You're a good party-line neighbor, too, when you space callo 80 that othem may use the line in the intervals ••• and when 70U hang up gently on finding. the line in use. THE IIll UmHONE COMPANr OF PENNSYlVANIA YOU'VE GOT TO DRIVE IT TO BELIEVE In You'n driven cars with good respolllIe. You probably know oIengin.. that are .s~ooth ••• quiet ••• economical. But you can't know how Futuramrc m perConnance an engine can he-untH you drive a "Rocket" Engine Oldsmo-. bile! It's an entirely new kind of. motoring experience:-hecause the URocket" iB an entirely new kind of engine! More people bought· new Studebaker cars and trucks in January, february and March of this year than in any previous quarterly period • In Studebaker history! , , HlGH-COMPRESSION IS ONLY HALF THE STORYI It'. true that tbe ttRoCket" has a high compression ratio ••• 734 to 1, in fact.. But thattsllot aU. To eliminate noise and mration,Oldsmohile engineers designed a oompletelynew engine that gives you this bigh-compression . dividend of spectacular action •• ~ with even greater smoothness' and quietness than before. . fiRST OF THE ENGINES Of THE fUTURE I Tbe Oldsmobile "Rooket" begins a new era of Futuramic power. It,takes the fullest advan. tage of fuels. It squeezes more performan~ ~ every drop of gasoline. It estal;>lisbes a lead that other engmes will foUow in the future. TRY-"THE NEW THRILL" Your best tist of the "Rocket" will come when you feel that smooth, gathering surge of power yourself. We L!_cr' urge you to see your d eaIet" SOOn ••• to try tum .atr.bome sensau'on" in either the luxurious Oldsmobile "98," or the spectacular new Oldsmobile "88"-the lowest.priced "R04)io:et" Engine carl • i '; Studebaker is the. ~9 bu.y ","ord -all over ~erica.! ----------------------_.............. __....._-..... . -~ .. .. • /)omp/eh/y..,A'iJW! /)omp/e~e/y /'rOye;! OLDSMOBILE1S HIGH~COMPRESSION··~Pf.ur"ENGINE GIVES YOU TOMORROW'S PERFORMANCE ON TODAY'S FUELS record! . 511 YOUR NIAREST I' s OLDSM081LEDEALER WHITAKER· -~ BARRETT INC. -- M~dia, Pa •. 279 EASTBALTINORE PIKE (Telllporary Quart.n Until New Building Is Complete) PHONE MEDIA 8-0100 ' • , . THE Additions To. Library and 19 other works of tic:tlon.· The mysteries are:- " The a Le den The Swarthmore Public L1!>rar:r Bubble" Branson; "The Darker added 58 new books to Its shelves the Ni~bt." Brean' "The Bloody ks Brow';' "Dark Wonin· Marcb. 37 of these boo were MoonIlght" ton" "er:.oked House," f1etlon and 21 non-fiction. T h e . -.. fl'etlan In-'uded 18 mystery stories Christie' "Case of the Dubious Che~-. ::::::::.:::...=;:::..::.::::.::=:...::=:=:.!..--.....---:.--.,-- SWABTHMOBBAN Bridegroom," Gardn~er:~.~::~ .......~ man's Nlgh---." "The Innocent Bottle." "He's Late ThIs Momlng," Hale; "The Case of the Redoubled Croas," King; ''The Cat Wears a Mask," ''The Inn t" Pi . Olsen; ocen • per. 'If)taircase 4," Reilly; uShadow an Allbi," Rhode; "&nily Know." Rutledge; 'CGi1bD,ert:~'S~~:: TOOthache." Scherf; .. Affair," ,Tey; and uEvI:J,, Roo!," Thayer. Other works of fiction Indude: "Braclford Masters," Baker; "The Barriers Between." Brandel; "Strong CitadeJ.," ,Burt; ''The Golden Fury," Castle; uSuzanne and 0 PARADE OF Your ."..." food need for thl. weekend, value. that will please you and your pocketbook. ers," ''"The Girl theW;,t--I dine."Greeni Gaither; lIIIist ononthe CLOSED J2.3 PJ1. Good Friday (Whol. or Halfl HAMS~S Ib Short Shonk-Well frimmed C10·14 lb.) SMOKED PICNICS DUCKLINGS Small. Lean,. to Eat Ib ; ...hKlllocI long 1,lamt S5C ZSO 4S0 Ib Ib Ib .. 1ge a.o. .... Z40 Ch.... Food Gladale Cia f.!'l 75c Mild Cheese Sharp Ch ••se Baby Gouda. Gruyere ......... hlA .. 45c '·69c - 47e ... '*' 39c Llad.rkranz Cheese ~ 35c Sharp Provolon. "",. 32c Prlnnt•• Brand Oleomargariae FRUIT COCKTAlL'::lv. 35e :. SSe, ':;,225e Popular Del Monte Products '"'It Cocktail 2 >0. Peach....~:w: 2 No.:: 45c Sweet Peas 2 303 .... 35c 43c Asparagus ::::. H .. a to 29c Sliced P_rs No."", - 43. Diced Carrots 2 , .... Jon 2ge Plums 2Sc Hoi:'" 19c Golden Com 2 ......... 35c Baysenberri•• NL'-3D< Tomato Sauce 3 .......·22e Preserved Figs """27. Spinach ..·•..... 2Ie PIneapp Ie 01'... 2 NL -........ 18c CMI• 2ge Raisins . ell Tldblts'- No. • ... Prun•• 1'0'::: 241 I • .:'.... 3ge Nr:" and Aprtl 21 8 A. !If. I ~ can Painting in Our Century,'· Wight; ''The Literary Markel:place,". Bowker; and 'World manac, 1949." I Gray Ladies Needed The lted Cross is recruiting Gray Ladies to serve in FedeI-al1 Hospitals. Women between the ages of 25 and 55 who are available during the day. or evenings or weekends are needed. Who are interested may call Red Cross Headquarters. Locust 4-2530 between 10:30 and 4:30 Monday through Friday to arrange for an interview. Lectures will be held at the Naval Hospital.from 7 to 9 p.m. on April 25. 27. May 2 and 4. Eric Peterson of Vassar av,ent.e entertained a few friends day a:fternoon in celebration his second birthday. ---=- LAWN MOWERS A. WAYNE FamowI lIIonon ....... 1'001 BbarpeDed by Machine MOSTELLER Morton. Po. at 12 Noon Sharp Other Tools also 8barpe.ned Penoual Property cll.11I141 at Bodect BId Smftb'. ornamtml8, l_pR. Jot fIIrDltun. and 1000 other artIeI5 &00 DWIIerOJI8 to meaUoD QUICK SERViICE TElIMSOASH 1044' Tenth Avenue to 1 P. IlL . MO'BE FOB LESS MON.EY BODfD EARL SMITH Rutledge. Pa. OBTUP and WBftEDIDE A\!etioneers OXFORD. PA. CALL and DELIVER 118. MubIeabeq Ave. • WAU . . , .... PRI!MI11M ANTIIRAOITB 331 Darimouth Avenue 8wart.hmore SwarOuaore 03tS NIGHT or DAY • II MADISON FAIRLAWN FRESH MEATS TORE STORE e.. GROCERIES J FRUIT.sf..VEHTABLES FREE OIOLIVERV PHONE 1913 _.- iI - """- ......... ' 413 DARTMOIiTH AVE. - - , SMALL WHOLE or SIIANK ENDS Hams Bacon Chickens Eggs Ib 6Sc p~g 29c Ib 69c _.dozS9c SLICED FRESH IDI,T,ED ROASTING STBICl'LY FRESH Fruits and regetables _. C-a b-b age Ib Sc Potatoes 31b 23c .Aspara-us e 29c Tomatoes pkg 25c 24 for 69c NEW JUICY The Swarthmore . Co-op WHEN CO-OP'S ARE IN TOWN PRICES ABE DOWN MADE FRESH EvERY DAY Donuts doz 29c TRY AN Egg Nog Tave.rn Pie or Pineapple Pie , 69c 60c YANKEE SLICED Luscious Louisiana SnAWIERRIES pt box I Potatoes u. S'N':: 1 5 1111 29c LeHuce callf.... l. I..... .11 19c Celery c.I'=:. I"'~k 19c Grapefruit ::.\:. 1~:-65c Enriched CAKE _.. SUPREME BREAD Sop...... argo14e InWoy ..... lloaf Frash Rolls...... .... 15e VI.nna Bread -''''5e _........ MAYONNAISE :. 3Se . .AJ.AD DRESSING ~ 150: l! I zse 1'·.....4 · EYaporated Milk 5:: sse . .If IoI'd en•• Peao.......~l:... No,;,!"" zse SPECIAL FOR WEEK 1948 CHEVROLET R and H Less than 0000 Miles Two door $1595.00 1940 Plymouth 5 pass Coupe Motor Overhauled New Tires $765.00 1941 OldsmobUe 4 dr R & H New H,ydro-maUc $895.00 1941 Desoto 4 dr R & H PeI1fect condo Super Cush Tires $895.00 1940 Plymouth 2 door H Good Runnjng $495.00 1939 LIncoln ZepbyN' _ H New Motor NEW Potatoes Spinach elery FRelH. TENDER Sibs 39c Ib 10c 19c STALKS CALIFORNIA PASOA,L Remember your lOVed ones at Easter time with Co-op Flowers arid Potted Plants. They're Beautiful, and they're FRFlSH! ! ! co-op BRAND EVAPORATED ¥OR Milk .2 tall cans 2Sc NF:!ilI'S ,895." ='98~ ~~ Sibs ,1.75 Grass Seed lOlbs f3.25 FISCO &ILSTOI Moth Crystals 51bsfL09 Dog Meat Ib 21c miles . SPRING "lAM tJiiiBlEB AND IrAIBiIBW -_, I . ~8'l91 21bs~ SAVE HONEY ON OUR FROyBN AU. LBAN f j f f f __, Painting and Paperhanging c.,...... "A WeU Kept House . . . . . C. .H.",... Never Grows Old" • MI......... . . • Ui ... MOll9n Builders Supply Company _ MILLWORK - L1JIIIBER BUILDING lIIATEBlAL Swarlbmore 1295 Phone: Swarthmore 3307 ~M"' DAVE WOOD ....... If,..... All TYpes of ]:1ectrIcal Installatl.ona ~d Repairs. Serving Swarthmore and Vicinity for past Twenty Years ,Tel 1114-J-8 HEAT BLBCTBIOAL OONTBACl'OB Baws Bel aDd mod ' ware. IIIftftI', .,;, SALE Ri. Roast Beef tJT\ Ib S9c Shoulder Lamb Ib 49c Bacon Ib 49c PEACBES Ilolltd.Ute er-my . BELL-TWIN GRINDER ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;~~~;;;;~~;;i~;;~;;~;~ "Marmee.··Salyer; "Guide to Cor-III reel EngUsh," Stratton; "Clb.o"in,"1 Weinstock; "Milestones of Anl!erl-I '6c TOMATO CATSUP LAYER • ANNUAL· RUMMAGE ., iI .... IiI oaEA N SWAB T I _rd"" 11/1 • ,..M. SMALL PVBLICSALE April 20 7-9 PJIL ADMISSION 60 Flaminia," Hayes; ''T'he, Gr~'h()Wld in the Leash," Horner; God Seeker," Lewis; "The Tides of Dawn," Mally;, upoint of no Return," Marquand; HCutlass Empire," Mason; (The Sisters," Meridith; UA Crescent Moon," ShaW; "Wreath of Roses'" Taylor; "Cer_ emony of Innocence," Webster; and tiThe Chair," Wellman The new non-fiction list includes a number of highly praised wo:rkl;.1 some of which hold important smons on the hest-seller March additions were: Setting for Everyone," ~'Their finest Hour." Churchill; "Till Fish Us Do Part,'· Cook; ''T'ba I ~ New Way to Eat and Gel: Cooley; ''The Story of Television," Everson; "An Outline of Psychoanalysis." Freud; "Death Be Proud," Gunther;> "How to Make Your Own Draperies," .HaIdy; "In Search ·of a Future," Hindus; uSea Routes to the Gold l"1elds," Lewis; ''alief Justice: John Marshall," Loth; "Tobe Valley Below." MJItt-IIB iott; "Irma and the Hermit." Ma-II teri; "Young Hickor,y,''' MOIrel; "Complete Poetry." OPEl FRIDAY TIIJ. 9 P.M. Lean, Smoked, Skinned . Id LanKI !THE " TrinIty BPJseopal Cb1ll'Clh Swarthmore Joseph." Duhamel; ''The ~~::~'Ii Tree," Duncani "Double ~ALUES . APRIL 15;' 1949 iiiiNiiii_....iiiiiiiiiiNi_iiiii.~=i I EASTER f 9 ItS ilL L a ice i PHONE AATDS JIOTIIU, .... C"......... , . . . . . .,Ist ...... tu",,, Media 6-0755 M'., Pa. Phone: lIIedta 6.4281 CLASSIFIED. SealE:d bids wJII be reechoed fn Counch . SHERIfo'}I"S OFFICE Chamber, Borough Hal!. Swarthmore. Pal. COURT HOUSE, MEOlA. PA. TREE SURGERY on )Iay 2nd, lIt-l" at 7 :·u l'.M., EIlstero Friday• .April 29, 10-19 Jjaylight Sayllig Time on furnlshlu", th~ 8:80 A.AI. Hastern Daylight Time PRUNING. LIMB AND PERSONAL JunterJolR and dOing the work ot corblnr Conditions: ,.l!ou.ou cusb or certJft.ed VAN ALEN BROS. and paVing apprf)xhnlltcly 40U feet of check at time of 68le (unless .otherwise TREE REMOVAL Strnth Haven A\·enue in necordnnce with stated In advertisement) balnuce in ten ROBERT BASTINGS PERSONAL-Older wot:nan, ex.. plans'rd speclflcations which may be seen days. Other (''audltloJl., on day ot sale. P erienced stenographer, avail.. at the o!flce of the Dorough Secretory. Kobert J. MacBride, Shedfl'. CaU SwarUunore OZ65-W able Thursdays, Fridays for· office The Dorough resef\'CS the right to ·reject September Term. 191.0 Coal and Fuel Oil on)' or all bids. A certlfted check tor h th F'uclos No. 51. work. Box H, T e Swar mOrean. '100.0U must accompany eDch bId and the LevarI ALl.. THA· .. CKltTAIN messuage and lot 'HHHHHHM t""t"'it"'1t""...-I1~polDY as General Manager In Arts Center, Wallingford. in Rose Valley will Speak on 1943. Painting classes will be held "Reading Readiness," M . onday afternoons and evenwgs TO DISICUSS L T. O. by Cyril Gardner, Tuesday momCollege In Music Festival (Continued from page 1) ings by Katherine W. Hayes, and president of the Foreign Traders' Wednesday evenings by Florence Swarthmore Collage will be rep- Association and Is well fitted to Return From Mexico Tricker. resented in a collegiate music fes- present the business viewpoint on Mr. and Mrs. Howell Liowls Weaving will be taught by and art exhibition to be held l;bls vital matter Shay of Cornell avenue accomiam Fredenthal on at the Met Theatre in Philadelphia The League Women Voters panied by their daughter, Mrs. photography by Samuel on Friday and Saturday, Aprll 22 that it is serving the commUD- WilHam M. Conron, Jr., of NeedJr., Wednesday evenings, book- and 23 by Jack Mavin, pianist who 01 the County In offering an ham, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. binding by William Walton has recently completed a several , :for citizens to discuss William Dixon Shay of Rose ValTuesday evenings, creative music week's concert to~ and the timely movement with auth- ley have returnec;\ from. a three writing by Irving Rabinowtz fonned Welsh Choll'. of National and Internatlon- weeks trip to New Orleans, Houson Sunday evenings dance by Beth The. two-d~ state-wide experience. It cordially Invites ton, and Mexico. Bolling Wednesday mornings,home featuring mUSIC from 20 public to attend. Mr. Shay and son Willjam atplanning by Walter Coppock vania campuses will be tended the annual convention. of Tuesday evenings, tray ~::::lbY the National Students Kap....a To Sew' the American Institute. of Archiby Alice Wight Monday e1 tion lit. an effort to present to ..t cts· H to Th high . t ~K G ,,_ .• ~~ e m ous n. e pom d creative writing of fiction an public music and art which Is u'" appa amma ooow...... th ti th d ' b T t ·th ill t to Tuesd of e conven on was e awar resentative of college life today. ~o: ~9 ~~ of .::..' ing of the gold medal of the Amerfiction y Diana a e-Snu othCehilr.Tudrenes?"s/Yclnassigbest. m' Minting Other groUps from the college, in- Char PI I P aLarkine J f n k~ ican Institute of Architects to ~. eluding the students Folk e s . , r·o o ...roo Frank Lloyd Wright. will be under Emma. DiLauro on group, may also attend. road, WaUingf'ord. Enroute to Taxco from Mexico I ":.'!irw:: :::; r.===========:r Terrenee Mfcbael lIIoNulty PHOTOGRAPHER oi ru:: Saturday mornings and in ballet Three performances, all differunder Marie Louise Forsythe on ent, have been scheduled for FriFriday afternoons. day and Saturday ni8hts, and on Because of popular demand the Saturday aIternoon. above five week term is being gJ.1~_1 en before the Summer Term Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Gllcreest 01 gins. the 600 or more Vassar. avenue entertained for there have been about 300 few days of this week Miss Hellen in classes. There will be Thomson who is en route classes for children and Florida to her home in in all subjects requested. rt ca 'Cod Registratib'ons for the new termlpo ~ Mrs: Roy N. Keiser are now eing accepted at avenue entertained Mrs. Community Arts Center o1!fice. A. Rohrback of Harrisburg Fees will be one-half the the week-end. of the full ten-week course members. Mrs. Robert Gick, of Lansdowne is chairman of the registration committee. lli. Miss Shirley MacMillan of Vasavenue and Mr. Samuel F. Jr., of Yale avenue, ninth teachers of the Presbyter- EASTER toMOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL PROTRAlTS 8xl0 3 for 'S.()() Selection of Proofs 813 Seuth Chester BGad I1hone Swarthmore 1077 i~iiiiiiiliiii~iiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~ Harvard Inn Dining Room Open to I'UlJHo Sunday School, were guests of honor. at a supper party given Sunday evening by Mrs. Peter E. Told, superintendent of the Department of the Sunday SchooL MIss MacMJllan and Mr. Ralring whose marriage will take place in June, were presented 'with a silver gift by the class. I PI!:II!'lAl~NT and TRANSIENT GUESTS Phone Swariluaore 9128 Easter Egg Hunt,Sat, ~RTHMOREAN For Children • Ages 7-12 VOLUME Zl"":NUMBEB 16 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1919 $3.50 PER YEAR , BUNNY TO MAKE RnURN VISIT 'Seven To Twelve Year 'OIds To lIunt Eggs Tomorrow A.M. Arriving last Saturday with bags and bags of gaJly colored jelly beans and 150 of his own special chocolate egg prizes, the Easter Bunny with a ~ew asststants, scattered his eggs broadcast over Palmer field on the college campus. With fue, quaint idea that ART EXHIBITION OPENS AT CLUB Older SwarthmOreBll1S will meet Open House Today this Friday at 2 o'clock at the . Methpdlst Church 0/1 Park avenue. Those men and women are included who may be interested in participating in the friendly pur- 'Caroline Granger To pose of these meetings. .. ·S ak. A 0 . Refreshments were served at . pe t pemng the last Open House by MIi.. Johil Tea Tuesday Pitman and her committee. This The fifteenth aminal Swarthweek they will be in charge of more Annual Art Exhibition will Mrs. Otto Kraus. For transpor- open at the Woman's Club on Tuestation, phone Swarthmore 1847. day afternoon with a program and tea. Mrs. B. F. Schwalm chairman of the Art Section will present Mrs. caroline Gibbons Granger of Philadelphia who will talk about her H&S TEACHERS ELECT BAND CONCERT AT H.S. TONIGHT TtooP Scouts 2, Boy ToScouts Beorganire of America . will be reorgaatized at 7 p.m; Thursday, 28, atPresbyterian an outdoor meeting. A{>ri1 at the Cb.urch. Scoutmaster William Bell and Assistant Scoutmaster Paul Rutan will meet with any boys interested in becoming scouts. MOTHERS CLUB HEARS DR. LYONS Nominations For May Elections Also Presented . Varsity Program, 'Solos To Be Featured The Swarthmore High School Band of which the community Is justly proud will present its annual concert tonight in the high school auditorium at 8 o'clock. As an unusual ...... -,;=__ BANTAM POWER MOWER • Engineered to combine Iightneas with rugged strength, the Bantam Power Mower is built to . give years of dependable, economical service. The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON A Manl.ure'" a "mast" In pansy plantin' timel Call Swarthmore 0476 9' Chester Road 7 Mr. parents Mr.Cedar and Mrs. BOWditch's John Bowditch, Jr., I1f lane. Mrs. John M. Rainey of Yale avenue has returned home after spending a few weeks in New York City. Joan Plummer daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Plummer.-of Wallingfurd attended the Easter dance at West Point Military . Academy Saturday while home from Chevy Chase ~unior. Col- returned tofollowing Dickinson Wednesday the College 'spring vacation of a week. Billy Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Allen of Riverview road, celebrated his !first birthday anniversary Monday. Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf and son Jim of Park avenue ·have ~etw'ned from a three-month stay in J~ckson, Miss., with Mr. Wolf who has been on a busines assignment in that territory. While South now Arts, a stUdent in theofSchool of Fine University Pennsylvania. . She is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha and Delta Omicron. Mr. Linton attended Pri,nceton University and was graduated -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, avenue is guest this Jessie Van Park, N.J. Mr. and entertaining as' her week her sister Miss Sciver of Edgewater College Theatre > RUMMAGE SALE MeUtodlst Sool&l Hall Swarthmore, Pa. THURSDAY, APRIL 28 8 A.M. '- 2 P.M. Starting Thursday Feat. Times Sat. Nite Only 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. Sat. 1 p.m. Special Children's Matinee The Hoagie Hut 17~ S. Chester Road "BANJO" - Story of a Dog Plus Serial and Cartoons Coming Next Week SwarUtmore Noel Coward's Ho,agies Steaks Party Sandwiches Phone: 3218 in technicolor Una THa Naw sa-mJhyid" MinilitureRailwllY _ .......... w............. nc. ... , . . .. ___ .......... , . . . '7 . . . . . . . B IIDIIa _1I..t.t .... tD c. a.r... • P. ... ... ""',w. __ H_"""" .,..,.... :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ""-- . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . tD4at. _ ......... A'fII.) TURTLE" .JaeI< CanIon E d _ Arnold Patricia Neal ".JOlIN LOVES ~Y" PETER E. TOLD, EdItor MAlUOBIE TOLD, RARBAKA KENT, AaoeIate EdItors , Rosalie PeIrsol Lorene Mc Carter Edith Whitaker J Entered as Second Class Ma~. Jan U&rY 4 , f~ ~ Office at Swarthmore. Pa., tinder the A a , * Most of 118 throw e.ery safegutd posa"le arou.nd onr property. Homes. ----biles, and valuable personal property are c:arefully insured against losses by fire, theft, and storm. We insure our lives to protect the economic well-being of our dependents. Yet health, on which depends our ability to earn these material comforts, is often completely neglected. Good health is too frequently taken for granted until it is lost. It is wise to prCltect this priceless asset. Include a health, examination for every member of the family iri your yearly budget. When medicine is prescribed, bring the prescrip~ion to 118 fo! prompt, economiCal service. .. Michael's College, Pharmacy , ON THE CORNER Swarthmore 0857 rar:. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON 8WARTHIIlORE, PA., FBlDAY, APRIL 22, 1949 ~~~~;;~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~ Presbyterian Notes Sunday m;'rning at the 11 o'clock service Mr. Bishop will preach on the subject "On Leaming To Worship." All departments of the Church School meet at 9:45. The Wemen's and Men's Bible Classes meet at 9:45. . The Church Hour Nursery will be' held during the Church Hour for children ages 1 to 7. . ' . The Junlo~ High FellowshIp will meet Sunday afternoon ,at 5 o·clock. The program "EasterThen and Now" w,lll be led by John Davis. Molly Bailks will lead tile worship service. Polly Emory and Jack Bird will be in charge of refreshments. . The High School Fellowship extended to everyone to attend this meeting. . The following Circles will meet next Wednesday, April 27: Circle 1; Mrs. E. J. Faulkner, chairman, will meet at the home of Mrs. Howard Newnam, 547 Walnut lane. Eva J. Cresson will be co-hostess. Sewing at 10:30, Lunch' at 12:30, and """,tlng at 1:30. Mrs. Irvin MacElwee will review the book "Oil Our Own DoOl;rtep". Circle 6, Mrs. Guy DeFuria, chairman will meet at the home of Mr~. George M. Allen, 415 Riverview road. Mrs. George M. Ewing will be eo-hostess. Members should bring sandwiches. Mrs. John S. Vertner is in charge of the progr&n\. Mrs. E. W. Sippie will be in charge of devo- will meet There at 6 will o'clock, evening. be a fi11." strip shown. Marlon .~nsbur~ IS in charge of the worship servl~e. The Young Adult's G~uP will meet at 6 o'clock 10r a light supper followed by a mee.ling. Dr. Levitt Dewees will speak on "The Problems of Modern Marriage". The Young Married Couples Group wi! meet at 7:30 Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marlin, 406 Haverford place. Tl).e discussion, led by Mr. Bishop, will be "On Knowing the Structure nt Our Church." , Dr. Charles T. Leher, Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, who' has jll5t recently returned from Amsterdam, India and the Near East will be the speaker at "the Annual Meeting of the PhiIadelphia Presbyterial Friday evening, April 29, at 7:30 in the Arch Street Church, 18th and Arch Streets. A curdial invitation is SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, Minister . Sunday, April 24 9'45 A. M. Church School, . Women's and Men's Bible Classes. 11:00 A. M,--Church service. Mr. Bishop will preach "On Learning to Worship." . 4, Mrs. Clifford Banta, chairman, will meet at the, home of Mrs. Charles E. Maschal, 9 College avenue, at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. W. H. Linton will be co-hostess. Members are asked to oring sandwiches.· Circle 2. Mrs. David Braun, chairman, ':"ill meet at the home of Mrs. William H. Lee, 511 Harvard avenue, at 10:30 o'clock. Cohostess will be Mrs. Catharine Bair. Mrs. Lee will tell of her recent trip to Pay.ama. The College Group will meet at 8 o'clock this Sunday evening. The Junior Choir will meet for rehearsal Thursday afternoon at 3:30. The Chapel Choir rehearses at 7 :45 on Thursday evenings. The following members of the Communicant's Class were receiv~ ed into the fel1awsh.1p at the Church on April 3: Joanne Allen, Sally Virginia Bates, Joseph Michael Bender, Mary Anne Bunker, Ross W. Billstein, Donna Crosset, Allee DeCaindry, Patriia Ann Jones Nancy Lees, John ~nley Mceah~n, VirginiaMaschal, Muriei Magee John Rob~rts 'e't Louisa Merrill. H arrl . 1 "ted. The followmg p~p e uru with our fellowship on Holy d Mrs William M Thursday: r. a n . B. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lloyd Bunker, Jr., Mr. and ~. METHODIST CHURCH I J. Roy Carroll, Jean~ld;';!~: Roy N. Keiser, D.D., Minlater Nancy Newnam, C'D SchloesSunday, April 24 Pratt, Mr. and M~, Richard 9:45 A. M.-Church School 10:00 A. M.-Young Adult Fel- ser, Jr., Mr. an '. lowship . P. Schniidt, Mrs. Allen ~th, Mr. 11:00 A. M.-Mr. Keiser will and Mrs. W, Alfred Smlth and preach "The Companion of the Linda Smith, Russell Snyder, Jr., Road." . . 6:30 P. M.-Youth Fellowship. ·Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toppmg, Mr and Mrs. Albert Van Houten TRINITY CHURCH d Mrs Warren Weston. d· Rev. Geo. C. Anderspn, Rector an Mr. a n . Sunday, AprU 24 8'00 A. M.-Holy Communion Methodist Notes 9.45 A. M.-Presentation vi the The Sunday School meets at Mite Box Offering. 9:45 Classes are provided for 11:00 A. M. _ Holy Communion. Rev. W. J. Alberts, celebr8;"t children of all ages and for adults. and preacher. Choir Of Christ The Young J),dults will meet at Church, Media. 10 o'clock in the Ladies' Parlors. Monday (SL Mark) • 10:00 A. M.-Holy Commuruo,;," The minister will preach at the Presentation of Women s 11 o'clock service on "The ComThank Offering. panion of the Road." There will THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY be bapti;lm for children and reOF FRIENDS ception Of memhers. Sunday, April 24 The Youth Fellowship will meet 9:45 A. M.-First Day School. 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum. . in the evening at 6:30 in the 11 :00 A. M,-Meetlng for worship, chapel. Whittier House. The Church Nursery is open Wednesday, April 27 9 :30 to 3 :3D-Sewing and Quilt- during the morning service. Helen ing In Whittier House. Box and Barbara Scott will be in Luncheon. All cordially ill- c h a r g e , . vltcd. The ushers for the day are H. FIRST CHURCH OF E. New, C. Allison, E. Alston, W. CHRIST SCIENTIST DickiI).son and W. V. France. OF SWARTBlIIORE The Wesleyan Service Guild Park Avenue below Harvard . Su.... ey, April 24 will meet in the church on Mon11:00 A. M.--sunda;r SchooL erung . t 8 o'clock. d ev a 11:00 A. M.-Lesson - ~ ay Rehearsal for the Senior Choir ''Probation After Death. Wednesday evening meeting is on Thursday evening at 7:45. The Social Hall is open for each week, 8 p.m. Re4d1ng room open dally except Sunday and supervised recreation under T. 1.. , HoUdays 1:& to 5 pm. WednesdlQ' Purnell on Friday evenin& at 7 avenin .. 7 to 7:50 pm. and 8 to . o'clock. 8:30. Mrs' MEDIA Breed" SUNDAY" JAC!C STECK'S KIDDIE'S HOUR ~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~ ''This Happy Friday and Saturday Dan Dailey Celeste Bolm "CmCKEN EVERY Hall ':15, 7:i5, 9-. .. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Mrs. Lloyd E. ,Kauffman Swarthmore 2080 fLast 2 Days! Friday and Saturday Tyrone Power Gene Tierney . Reginald Gardiner, ''THAT WONDERFUL URGE" OK KIDDIE SHOW! Saturday Afternoon at 1:15 Approved Feature "MY PAL WOLF" 8 Cartoons and a Serial All Children 20 cents Sunday and Monday Glenn Ford Wm. Bolden Ellen Drew "THE MAN FROM COLORADO" in teclmicolor -oruesday and Wednesday Eleanor Parker Ronald Beann "THE VOICE OF THE Mrs. Robert M. Pitt- FREE Sunday Concerl:s FOR ' PhoDe swarUanore .... Church Services r lege for the holidays. the Wolfs visited New Orleans Mrs. L. J. Servais of Dickinson j THE 'SWARTHMOREAN , PU BUSHED .... ElY ERY FRIDAY AT SWAKTBlIIORB, PA mE SWARTBlIIOBBAN. INC~ PUBLISIIBB Sun~ay tions. Circle , _ Chrietian Science Notes "Probation After Death" is .~ I IrelaUons and personnel for many years. Mrs. Robert E. Sessions, a member Of TrinIty Church and subject of the Lesson-SeiS"'''IJD.,nn,tlst,! t .....e mother of ODe of our chotr all Churches of Christ, on Sunday, Aprll 24. The ~:~:; boys. She has worked in the field of socIology as a playground Text is: "The Lord willme: worker 'With und-"'vileged chilthat which concemeth ~ .... mercy, 0 Lord, endureth dren. Mrs. Herbert Spackman, ever" (Palnls 138:8). the mother of a girl in Vassar College, a boy in elementary school I ::,:rla::v~ ~.,:~~ 'is Dean of the Cathedral Church of SL John in Wilmington, Delaware and rormerly Director Of the Department . of Social Relations hI gt H in the Diocese of Wab n ?n. e has done graduate work m the field of sociology and also studied at the Washington School of Psychiatry and St. Elizabeth's Hospital for Mentally lli. He is Friends Meeting Notes : : married and the father of three The Adult Forum of the Sw'arth-I ::: mare First Day School will educational institutions. children. held at 9:45 on Sunday IlnOlnilog I The final session on May 18, will All of the meetings are open to April 24 in the Friends' M.eetln.!1j feature an address "The Spiritual the genral public and wide opHouse. Factors in Marriage" hy the Very portuuites ,for discussion will be John Seybold will review Reverend J. Brooke Mosley, who presented. Man Called White" by Walter • White who has devoted 3D years of his life to the N.A.A.C.P. THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCmNTIST Trinit;y Notes SWARTHMORE, PENNSYLVANIA ,Holy Communion will be celeCordially Invites Yon To Attend A brated at 8 a.m. Presentation services for the Mite Box OfferFree Lecture On Christian Science ing hy the children of the Church Entitled School will be held at, 9:45 am. Holy Communion will be cele"Christian Science: The Revelation of the brated at 11 a.m. I Rev. William Healing Christ" , J. Alberts. Rector of Christ Church By Media, will be the Celebrant and Dr. Walton Hubbard, C. S. B. Preacher and his choir will sing Of 'Los Angeles, California for the service. At the same Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother <;:hurch time, the Rector and choir of The First Church of ChriSt. Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Trinity Church will be in Christ Church, Media, repeating the CWTIIIER MEMORIAL, SWARTHIIlORE COLLEGE VAMPUS Easter service. This interchange Sunday Afternoon, April 24, 19'49 Of Rectors and choirs follows At 3:15 o'clock (Daylight Saving Time) ye,ar"I~~~=:;===================== customTheestablished ago. ushers for many the 11 service are: W. N. Ryerson, ~~"_I usher, E. O. Lange, J. E. Bell, A. Smith, G. C. Wagner, H. B. Spackman. W, H. Jones and C. W. Randall. Holy' Communion will be celehrated at 10:00 a.m. on M~ and the Women's Auxili~ will present their Thank Offermg. Choir School will meet at 4:30 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday. A WORD ABOUT PRICES You decIde which price you desire 10 pay and you have a choice from over 70 differ....l· price ranges. There is full opportunity • MarT/age Talks for choice and comparison and the same At Trinity Church A seminar on Marriage Problema will be held in Trinity Episcopal Church beg1n~ Wednesday, Aprll 27 and for three additional Wednesdays. Planned to provide an op~rtuuity for free discussion concerrung the most intimate pro~lems in I!'e marriage relationship, the Series will present outstanding speak~ and autho~ities tn the fiO:W' Dr. Eleanor A. Steele will open addr~s ~ . high dandard of service is accorded to all. THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. _KrOllI 01' FU/ClUU 1820 CHESTNUT STREET r.....o... RI 6-1581. MARY A. IJAIII, "ooIdoot I~it;it;ii;t;it;;jt;jt;ii:=ii;eit;;jt;jt;ii=e;;;t;ij;;it;it;ii:=ii;t;it;;~~~~~~~~ the series with Psychology of anSexuality. "The Dr'll Steele Is a graduate of the John . 'ty Sch001 0f Hopkins Uruversl Medicine and on the faculty of 1 U' ..... SchoOl of Med Temp e mverSlL,J icine as Assistant Professor of Psychiarty. She also lectures at the University of Pennsylvania and at Bryn Mawr College., She has a privatle practice as a psy_ chiatrlst and psychoanalyst, her husband tl. also a psychiatrist. The ,following Wednesday, Dr. H. Curtis Wood, Jr., will speal< I "V' ti In /the H"-'~ on aria OIlS .~ Male and Female." Dr. Wood . .ty a graduate of the UDlVersl PennsylVania Medical School is Associate in Obstetrics at. Chestnut Hill and Episcopal nO""-1 pitals and Chief Of Obstetrics at Stetson Hospital. A former president of the Pennsylvania League for Planned Parenthood, he now serves as vice-president. He is married and has several children. On Wednesday. May' 11, four parents of children In Triuity Church will give brief addresses on the general topic "Parents Look at Marriage," The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, Pastor of the Presbyterian' Church will act as moderator. Rev. Bishop studied at Washington and Jefferson Colleg~ and McCormick Tpeological Semmary. While at McCormick he took a special interest in psychiatry and counselling. He has served on Family Welfare Bnards and was a navy chaplain in the recent war. He is married and has .ev~ children. 'lbe parents who will .~:_ . • Dr Vin address U~ 8esSlon &re. • cent T., ~thhury,· father at ~ne ot our chOir boys and a practiClDg psychiatrist. W. Newton ~ one of the parents In the parish. He has been in the lield of public ••• banking, that I•• We offer services for a" of you from a thrift account for "Si." or "Bud" to financing a home for the whole family'. benefit. Drop in-anytime. Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. ., , .. Kember of Federal DeposIt Insurance Corporation N"'; You can b~ u. S. Savings Bonds automatically' IImllUlh the new' Bond-a-M';"th Plan. .Aak at thIa 13ank : ~. -. APRIL zz, 1M. DEW DROP INN "" •• w .., _£aacll - Dlnn.1' Closed Every Sunday Monday Thru Saturday Open 7 A. M· to 8 p. M. OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE DAILY Dl1UIIO. SSe 10 $1.60 Special Children's Platters Vounever qat as much avenue has been elected to Presbyterians Elect posmon Of treasurer of the YOlWlendenton water . . . and is todny. Chiefly, of course, man's h""lth requires an ample supply of ,..holesome 'drinking water. To m""t this all-impOrtailt need, a corps of expert technicians em· ploy their skill and knowledge 24 hours a day-every day-'to keep Pure Springfield Water immediately on tap in your home! - THE SWA&TBMO&BAN NEWJS NOTES refreshments and favors. , Paul Thayer of North Chester Mr. .and Mrs. Albert ~tcher road made the Dean's List at Penn 'and small son Garry of Morris Slate where he is a member of Plains, N.J., spent the week-end the Junior Class.. with Mr. Thatcher's parents Mr. Virginia W. Hay dalllither of and Mrs. Charles G:,?,hatcher of Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Hay of Ogden avenue recentlY . Ogden avenue has been elected Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart chairman of. the house committee and Nicky and Patty Stuart of of the Student Alumnae building Vassar avenue spent the Easter at Wheaton College where she is week-end at ;t.b.eIr cottage on the now a member of tlle sophomore Chesapea)wer last Thursday in honor of Miss Roberta Blakiston· ot Elm avenue whose marriage to Mr. Charles C. Brogan, Jr., of Guernsey road will take place April 30.. Jeryl Faulkner Of Dickinson av.... nue and Joan Fairbanks of Rutgel"S avenue accompanied. J eryl's father Mr. E. J. Faulkner to .Annapolis last week .. Sondra Skoglund of Swarthmore place celebrated her sixth birthday . recently by entertaining the College avenue kindergarten with . , SAFET-Y TUBES We will allow you full list price for ~ Dr presentluhes.. up to On Top Of The CROSS IlCliON aach when traded In on new LifeGuards • LifeGuards make blowouts harmless as slow leaks. .• LifeGuardso~twear as many as 3 sets of tubes. 0, THI World LlfIGUARD. HERE'S HOW LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUSES DIFFER FROM ORDINARY TUBES: is the lucky housewife "iho depends on A WC serVices! lET liS 6tT YOU ~ SPRINGFIELD WATER 8Y filWNfi YIJI/A RS CLASS /JJJ#ldtJlf}fllml :::;=-= =~ =: SUBURBAN Cob&-.b C••~": ,.. " APaD. 28, 1949 • ALAN WOOD STEn COMPANY Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones CElJA, WATER COMPANY. .' SHOE SHOP lIMe 1111 1• •MEA...... ... ORDINARY TUBE BLOWS- Instantly both tire and tube go flat, frequently throwing car out of con~ Window Cleaning Wall Washing Floor Waxing House Cleaning BECAUSE SHABBY' 1.0011116 SIlO£Sl • PHI LAD E L PH I A for his. technical paper, "Three Dlmensianal. Photography' pre,. sente.I at the Annual Student Conference of the AmeriCan Society of Mechanical Engineers held at Ea.,. and children Patl:ar=e:'ini:':o;;m=e. Ore engine In accordance with Devine Taxi Service or refined hdusekeeper to as~ FOR· SALE-Loa~v &&..., top soil and pumper specl8caUons, a cop,. of which may be 613 Soulh Chester Road well-rotted mushroom soil, by procured from the undersigned. The bldsume light household dutieS. Reply large truck load. Phone SWarth- der shall stote the allowance which he to Box M, The Swarthmorean. SWARTHMORE, PA. Phone Swarthmore 1077 will make tor the purchase trom the lJormore 0790-W. WANTED-Four or 'five room un- ~~'-i;-:';:;:';i''-'n===:::-=;;;:--:c;-I ough of one 19.111 American LaFrance Ore furnished apartment on ground FoR SALE-Broadloom rugs. 31- engIne pumper DOW available for inspecat Borough HaD. A certlfted check In Serving Swarthmore. Mormas t new, h eavy p ile, powd er tlon the amount ot 1150.00 must accompany ton. RuUedge and Ridley blue, in the following sizes: 12x15 tbe bid of each contractor and the person -$120; 14x16Jh4135; 7Jhxl2- or Onn to whom the contract is awarded Township since 1918 $60. G reen B roa dl oom · rug t 11X 19 must es:eeute an agreement and bonds as required b,. law. the fonn of -$100. Call Swarthmore ·0730. wbleb may be examined In lb. oll'lce of PHONE: FOR SALE-Electric refriget-ator, the undersigned. The Boro118'tJ resenes 7.5 cubic foot, porcelain inside the right to reject aWiU~ttalJI:k~80n Swarthmore ""' I I ~ 23c 19c 29c 19c 17c ~0rth I~;;;;;;;;~~;;~;;;;;;~ .. mil. CUNNINGHAM ~~=g ::;~~~~~~MEIlY. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :..:..=--;REQ;;;;::;;U;;;EST~5;;-;;FO;;R:;-;J1;;ID;:::S::--- = The Swarlh ore Co-op Sibs 29c Ib Sc Pineapples .each 30c NEW SERVICE STATION HOURS MONDAY THRU SATURDAY .' SUNDAY - co·op SOAP PRICES SLASBED! LOWEST ANli!WHKRR\ Grass Seed 10Ibs~.25 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. andWAITB GKOWFAST 5 Ibs ,1;'75 Phone LOST Black six-month-old kitten with collar and bell. Sunday. near Harvard avenue. Phone Swarthmore 1075-M. LOST Male cat partly Persian, light gray; blltck stripe. white breast. Phone Swarthmore 0868. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. CO-OP BRAND EVAl'ORATED ALL Swarthmore 3171-W. and out. Good condition. LOST and FOUND YOU CAN ALWAYS DEPEND 'ON co-op MEATS ALWAYS. TOP QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES! 3 tall cans 3Sc i= I = NOTICE PORTO RICAN JUMBO Milk m _tar. doz 29c YALE AVE.. and C~TER RD. SWARTHMORE 1250 , .'1'...... ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Bo;ro~ug;h~-;;;;;;ta;rr~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAVE YOUR TREES PRUNED NOW AVOID DAMAGE TO TREFlS AND PROPERTY LATER Swarthmore DUlposal Service Rubbish CoUecto:d Weekly ... lIIon~ Phone Swarthmore 8848 I A. M. to 5.30 P.K. Call ROBERT HASTINGS Swart~ore· 02415·W YOU CAN GET YOUR GARDBN ACCBSSOBIBS 1lERB, TOOl SAVE MONEY ON OUR 'nOzEN ALL LEAN 1111 Rntledge. Pa. serVing Swarthmore and Vicinity for past Twenty Yeani FUNERAL DIRECTOR -~ Cabbage If you should injure someone while fishing; hunting or ~g~g_ ing in some other .port, you might· find ie very costly. Better _ DO about the broad 1044 Tenth Avenue A. Mercer Quinby 69c NEW P............ All 'Types of Electrical InatalIations IIlld Repairs. ~====~~==~==~~ Vegetables - a_l_ . . Asparagus Ib Fresh Peas Ib Potatoes 5 Ib wm·rE Celery Hearts Carrots 2 for Potatoes HOOKING THE BIG ONES QUICK SERVICE Coal and 'Fuel Oil 49c 6Sc 49c lob-ford Whol. Grain H~~2ge colilTltACTO. VAN ALEN BROS. I Ib Ib Ib Ib BEAT BLECTBlCAL Saws Sel and FIled f .. - MOBE Phone: Media 8-US1 Swarthmore 1250 _I. Halves or Sibs MOSTELLER YALB and CBJ!STEB BOS. FRUITS f,VfG-ETABLES FR.EE DELIVERY --......... "+I~ DARTMOL!TH AVE. Fruits and sharpened b)" MaMlne HANNUM 6 WAITE TRY 'EM HERB. THEN TAKE HOMB A DOZEN US No.1 FLORIDA ASK fOR PUNCH CARD .oa- one owner can e.. GROCERIES Donuts, Ideal Peach Molt MRUItional off... made by IClfgell 511 ....• worw manufacture... 1ft the world. GuorantMCi to alw long and IGtldoctory MlVlce. '795 MADE FRESH EVERY DAY .... 1Jpo .". ....dWlIh a leall, SuplWle PLDlOllTB SEDAN. ( Door WHEN CO.OP'S ARE IN TOWN PRICES ARE DOWN Walbedt·. 0111 .,. , .... Mixed 6 each. DInner Inl.,... lea SpooM. SpoorM ond DI"ner forb .hft 1m '89& FAIR LAWN STORE Chickens Hams Bacon Roast Beef Give Us 15 Minutes To Give You Good News Mr. Willard TomllnSAn will discuss "ECONOMIC ACCOMPJJSIfMKI'lTS of the UNITED NATIONS" Sumiday. April 24 STATION WPWA 1590 DIll the Dial Presented By , League of Women Voters of Swartbmore 1941 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SON. LAWN MOWQS A. WAYNE O&her Tools also Shupened '1&95 MADISON TORE J PHONE 1913 W.I.L. members will journey to j Drexel Hill, Thursday afternoon April 25 to attend the County FRDNG annual meeting as a climax to their last "Work Day' this sprong. Gertrude Baer. W.IL. Consultant SMOKED at U.N. will be the speaker. The local League stresses this last work avenue. the visitor can find about 75 varieties of lilacs. One of the most popular American shrubs. few people realize that the lilac originally came from the Bulgarian mountains. In .bloom now. northwest of the Meetmg House walk. are the Kor- J SWABTHMOBBAN NEWS NOTES BAND CONCERT .'l'ONIGHT Lewis. Don Spofford; majorettes. Matlorie Patsy Blake, Cluistlne Ford. Mrs. Prank G. Keenen of Har(Continued. from page 1) vard avenue entertained . Mrs. March. Paul TatT; trumpets. Ch'f"les Israel of Miami. Fla•• fonn- George Allen, Nell Bell, Buddy erli of Swarthmore who was here Crouthers. Paul ·Davis. Carl Deta short visit. Mrs. Israel's dausht- wiler. George Dunn. LaITY Franck. er Taddy Evans. a student at Edgar FrIend,. John McCahan. Hiram College, Ohio. spent the Richard McCra,y. Donald Pierce; spring vacation with her grand- horns. Randy Malin, Ch!lfles Rusmother Mrs. Violet Graser of sell, Fred Sales. Teddy Sanville; Wriglofstown. Pa. baritones. John Chapman. Jerome Mrs. S amue1 H einInger of Pitts- Goodman, De vld Tucker; tro mburgh entertained at a dessert bones. Arthur Jones. Charles Laws. bridge party and surprise shower John Phiillps. Eric Sharpless; ooufor Miss Katharine M. Downing sapbones. Di.i:k Follet. Lewis on April 16 at the home ot her Izumi. Samuel Reynolds. Jr. John mother. Mrs. Richard I. Griffith Steinfeld; tymPani. Edwin HatTis; of Media. The matTiage of snare drums. John W. Boyle. RonDowning to Mr. Charles G. HelS- nie Gold. Dick Reese' glockenspiel Ie of Haverford Will teke p l a c e . • M!"" • Marian Hunt. Carol Ann Mosteller. Joan Plumb. Donna Crossett Alice DeCaindry. Virginia. DeCaindry.· Barbara Harlow. Jane Lacrosse Game • MacAlpine. Mary Lou Pierce. Debbie Thompson; color guard" Joan Acker. Barbara Crosse!, Elsie KammiIiga. Connie Knowles. Clair . . . Scholl; offIcers: Captain. Douglas _ Spencer; lieutenant. Richard. MeCray; sergeant-at-arms. Charles Laws; treasurer. Harold Ogram. H. S. BAND IN FINEST CONCERT • J. C. LIMEBURNER CO, DISPENSING OPTICIANS SALE LIABILITIES Demand deposits ot fndlvlduols, pnrtnersWps. and cor- Ti~Cro~~:cisltS···or·ilidiv'idi.i·aj;; 3.658,771.63 partncllIhJps. and corpora- tlons ................................_.. _..... l,864.184.U Deposits ot United States Gov- 139,1!l8.10 cal subdivisions .................... 100,498.17 D:~:~n~t 'sbites"and"'politi: Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks., etc.) ........ :!9,298.7.5 Total liabilities Deposits ................... '5,287,801.51 Other :... 28.08 Total' LiablHtles .................... 5,287.827.62 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS CIIpltal Stock: Common stock, total par .... 125,000.00 Surplus ....... - ................................. Undivided proftts .... :................. Reserves ........................................ Total capital Accounts ........ Total Liabilities and 250,OOO.OQ 20,158.88 88,918.08 .foI2,07-4..92 the Hebrides: "A -"";-'s Love ....... 07 Song" and "The Fidgety B3im; "Mad Bess'! by Henry Purcell and finally, two' songs from "An Irish Idyll": "The Fairy Laughl l and "Cuttin' Rushes" with music by c. V. Stanford. ' Dr. E. C. Wagner, accompanied by Dr. Samuel Gurin, will play the violoncello 5010: "Sonata in D ed Minor" by A. Corelli. arrang by J. Salinon, in four movements. Following this is Henii Busser's II d "Three Pieces for Violonce 0 an Piano." in three movements. Sandy Ford of Amherst avenue d was operated upon last 'lburs ay in Taylor Hospital for an athletic ipjury: to-.his knee. Sandy hopes t t h to 0 re urn ome morrow. Mrs. Jack Thompson and daughter Bicky of HalVard avenue and Mrs. George M. Allen and da",.7hte.r .we.-u Jane o~ Riverview :road visited. colleges while on a motor. . trip through Virginia last week. - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Capital Accounts ................ 5,nO,402.'oI ME~IORANDA pledged or assigned to secure IInbilltle!J and for A~sets other purposes ........... ·· .. ·.. u... Loans as shown nbove orc after dedudion of reserves of -199,810.9' 4,627.21 State of Penmylvania, County of . Delaware. ss: I, E. S. Sproat, cashier of the above~ named bank. do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. S. SPROAT. . Closhitr. Sworn to and subscnoed before me this 20th day of Apn1. 1949, PETER E. TOLD. Jo{Otdry Public (Comm. RIp. 3-12-51)· Correct-Attest : Wm. Earl Kiotler Charles R. Russell Albert N. Garrett DiT~. MOTHEBS CLUB HEARS (Continued from page 1) Prather; for treasurer, Mrs. W. J.I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; Askew, Mrs. Bruce Smith, Mrs. I ' Burton L. Williams; for corre-. sponding secretary. Mrs. W. G. Jackson. Mrs. Charles Martin. Mrs. Leroy Peterson; for membership chairman. Mrs. Chll!"les Gerner. Mrs. Robert Gilfillan. Mrs. Charies Spencer; for hospitality chairman. Mrs. Caspar GatTett, Mrs. Theodore Purnell. Mrs. Joseph Schubert, Mrs. Albert VanHouten; for Baltimore Pike board member. Mrs. Edmund Springfield J Mrs L. H Sh Phone, Swarthmore 0t50 J Mrs ones. Walton. • . 11:1'. r.. Joseph. I, "We ~ I'Iww••" 'I_..::!!:~~~~:..!~=~_.I Entire spnng stock of suits drastically reduced. LIMITED SELECTION 11 SOUTH CIlEBTER ROAD. SW~TllMORE PHONE SWABTllMO&E 3t70 C.A.R.E. Film Thursday As mlny people missed the film uSwarthmore" when it was presented in March by the High School C.Att.E. commtttee. arrangements have been made for another showing. on Thursday. May 5. at the Woman's Club. The film . will be shown at 7 p.m. and again at 8 i>.m. The movie was made for the C.A.R.E. drive to be sent to Stade. Swarthmore's adopted town in Germany. It is about one. hour long. has a sound' track. and is ·In technicolor. Donations for C.A.R.E. will be taken at the door. SCHOOL BOARD HEARS RESULTS , ~oday . At 3:30 p.m. $3.50 PER YEAR In District Concert GARDEN TRIP AFTER : (HIBI' ~ Art DISCUSS NORTH ATLANTIC PACT ROSE VALLEY FAIR" TOMORROW vaca~II~;;~~~~~~;;~~;;~~~;;~~;;~;;;~~~~~~~ ORANCE CLEANERS SWARTHMORE, fRIDAY. APRIL 29,1949 [\ \ : . ' John Boyle. LaITY Franck. Donald Ogram, Jr.• and William Potts. members of the high school band. participated in the Southeastern District Band Concert given at 11th Annual Event Band Uniforms, 'Fence, Downingtown Saturday night. Tea To Close Show Overfills Property 'Use They were selected by the disAt Club This trict band leaders because of their Auditorium Desired Sunday outslanding competence. William The Swarthmore High School A request from the Band-Or- Potts was honored in being selectA trip to Longwood Gardens Is . Concert Band and Its conductor chestra Parents Association was ed a member of the state band being planned for next Tuesday. Robert M. Holm won the enthusipresented to the Board recently by which played a concert at Butler May 3. Anyone wishing transastic praise of the "standjng room several officers of the association earlier in the year. porlation or anyone driving who only" crowd at its eleventh annual -Steven Spencer. preSident, and has room to share. is asked to call concert FrIday night. The doWnHarold Ogram. treasurer. The parthe chairman of the garden secpour of rain could not discourage ents point out that .the present tiOll. Mrs. D. Reed Geer. Swarththe band's admirers who turned uniforms are badly worn and new more 1914. or Mrs. A. R. Redout. in the greatest number of the ones wlll be needed soon at a grave. Swarthmore 0344. Cars will pait eight years. to be well repaid probable Cost of about $3000. Since leave the clubhouse at 12.30 p. m. for loyal support. this expenditure would be quite The club chorus will \'Villi"!,, C. Me- of Its school .conference WIthout Quaker organization _ all ofer with the kind assistance' of Mra. established the band's ahllity in Dermott. an enclosed fIeld. the United SIa.tes. His experience Harriet Butler a Swarthmore artserious work. Assisting the committee are ge ~ids were. reCeiv~ for a ta.r: includes five. years' residen~ in ist. An info~ arrangement of Novelty number "Swanee Sa.- conunittee chairmen in charge of varIety. of mstructional supplies Washington to follow developments chairs and a profusion of spring tire" displayed its all-roWld en- 'the following offerings: Mrs. a~d equIpment for next ~ear. These in Congress, a year's study in flowers gives it a beautiul setting. joyment of fun and appreciation Thomas L. Kennedy. baked things; bIds were opened and WIll be. tsbu~ Europe including two visits to Rus- The exhibit is open to the public of individual talent in which the Mrs. Orville Varnell, clothing; lated and presented. for action at sia, and 15 years ot travel and each evening through Friday from audience vociferously concurred. Mrs. Robert. Walker, Uwhite ele- the next. ~oard me~tmg. ~ serve organization in the American 7 to 9 p. m. and on Saturday from John Steinfeld did a commendable phant" table; Mrs. Paul. Gay. as subshtute for Miss McKie dur- peace movement. 2 to 4 p. m. It will close wi1lh a satirical narration. The Hillbilly books; Mrs. Frederick W. Skill- ing her absence on leave. the Dr. WoOd has served with the tea for the exhibitors and their chorus was done to a turn. Snare- man, supper; Mrs. W. J. Jefferies, Board elected Mrs. George J. State Department and attended the guests on Sunday from 2 to 6 p. m. drummer John Boyle was In his handmade articles. Mrs. K. F. BeI)ker of Swarthmore. Mrs. San Francisco Conference. He has Following is a list of the exhibielement to the tremendous pleas- Foracret ice cream; Mrs. Wayne Becker has llowing a lO-day wedding bride-to-be. Mrs. Jay D. Cook of Rutgers av- trip the young couple will reside . Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. Heisler enue. at 6100 McCallum Street, German" of Haverford will entertain the Mr. a,nd Mrs. Edward Lawhorne town. The bride's going away uridal party and additional guests have returned to their home in suit and hat were of Navy blue following. the wedding rehearsal Meadowbrook, following a week's with red accessories. 01 Miss Downing and theH- son visit with Mrs. Lawhorne's parents this evening. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hayes 'l'OMORROW'S BRIDE Mrs. William R\ Argyle .and her of North Swarthmore avenue. Miss Jean C. Blakiston will act daughter Miss Ann Argyle of Mrs. A. Ludl~w Clayden of Rivas maid of honor at the wedding Scarsdale. N. Y., formerly of' erview road returned bome Monof her sister. Miss Roberta Win Swarthmore, will entertain the I day following a two-week visit Blakiston, daughter of Mrs. Joseph bridal atten<\ants at a luncheon' with her son-in-law and daughter Barry Blakiston of Elm avenue, at the Ingleneuk tomorrow. .Lt. Cmdr. Laurence G. Traynor and the late Mr. Blakiston, to Mr. and Mrs. Traynor and their baby Charles Carson Brogan, Jr., son HONOR BRIDE.TO-BE . daughter Priscilla Alden of Midof Mr. and Mrs. Brogan of GuemMiss Roberta W.· Blakiston dletown, ,R. I. sey road, which will take place Elm avenue and Mr. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kirk, fortomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock Brogan, Jr., of Guernsey road mer resigents of SwarUunore and in the Swarthmore Presbyterian whose marriage will take place to'Whitemarsh. are now living at Church. morrow, were guests of honor at Lima, . 'Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath of The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop will a cocktail party from 4 .to 7 on Sunperform the ceremony. ,day afternoon given at the home Cedar Lane will entertain at a The bridesmaids will be- MiSs of Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Orr 'cocktail party before the Series Ann N. Cochran of Kenyon ave- Bowling Green. Media, with Dance in the Woman's Club tonue and Miss Jessie W. Gilbert bride's mother, Mrs. Joseph ,morrow evening. of Park avenue. Carol C. Kelley Blackiston and her bridge and Joan E. Kelley, twin niece~ of members serving as hostesses. ENGAGEMENT Miss Jessie Gilbert of Park ave.,. ,- Mrs. Oscar Garrett Hebnuth of the bridegroom, of Seaford, Del., will be flower girls. lJue, who will attend the Rutledge announces the engageMr. William G. Piper of North as a bridesmaid, entertained at a , "'ment of her daughter, Miss EUzaChester road will serve as best spinster dinner Wednesday even" 'Det~l Louise Helmuth and Mr. man and the ushers will include ing. .. 'William Roessler Bates, son of Dr. Mr. Ralph T. Downes of Wynn_ Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Brogan 31:0 Mrs. Joseph Sumner Bates of wood, Mr. .James B. Vosters of of Guernsey road ,will entertain Rocky Spring Farm, Rose Tree. Secane. Mr. Allyn T. Sayre, Jr., at a buffet supper this I beth Roxby, April 23 in Temple nue, and Mr. and Mrs.· John HoUniversity Hospital. ward Taylor of 'Kenyon avenue. .................................................................................................... . • •'Y+-'Y• • •'+'9. ~+~.:++++""''+ SAVE TIME! LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP The Bouquet BEAUTY SAWN Refreshing as an April shower Call Swarthmore 0476 , 9 Chester Road Pa. , The $l.OO-Serve YourseH~All You Want COMPLETE SUPPER Come and Enjoy Your Selection From HOT DISHES - .DELICIOUS SALADS AND ~ESSERTS STRATH HAVEN INN I~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~ii~~~~~~iiiiii~~iiii~ , HOLLYHOCK SHOP SWARTHMORE - PENNA. V"AI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guard Your Health as You Proteet Your Home COME TO THE FAIR WHERE-The School In Rose Valley WHEN-Saturday, April 30, 3 to 5 p. m. Supper 5 to. 6 WHAT - Books, Plants Food, Clothes, Pony Rides, Entertainment ,"----- Sat. 1 p.m. Special Children's Matinee Gene Autry in ;'ROBIN HOOD OF TEXAS'! Plus Serial, 2 comedies and 4 cartoons MEDIA (Based on Mark Twain's "Jumping Frog" Story) 8 Cartoons 8 "CongO Bill' Chapter G All Children 20 cents Sunday Monday and Tuesday Alan Ladd-Brenda Marshall ...::.!!...H1SPEB.JNG SMITH" Wednesday only BWDphrey Boprt AIm Sheridan "ANGELS ·WHB Dr&TY FACES" Starting Thursd ' craID-l.fniJa ~I AIm Soulheru flA LBlinm. '10 TRRU Monday and Tuesday .John Wayne in "THREE GODFA'IiHKRS" in technicolor Wednesw,y only Charles Laaah\on ID "PBIVATELIFE OF IIENl!Y VlII" WIVES" , , We like the early May days when people lucky enough to have MOTHERS - come in and say "W.ill you help me find a NICE present for my Mother?" MAY 5; 1949 of Bradford, Pa., and Dr. Franli. following the Wedding rehe:....:all FRY - HORNADAY Burns of Park avenue.' Of Miss Blakiston and their son. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth A reception w}ll follow the cereTllcke'r Hornaday, daughter of Mr. mony at the home of Mrs. Joseph BmTIIS arid Mrs. James H. Hornaday of E: Way of Bowling Green. l\fedia. MOTHER'S DAY - MAY 8th Mr. and Mrs. Fielder Coffin Jr., . Dickinson avenue, to, Mr. Robert of Idlewild lane, Media, Edmund Fry, son of Mr. and Mrs. of Swarthmore, announce the birth Remember the One that Never Forgets TO WED TOMORROW W. R. ·Fry of Philadelphia, took of a daughter, Edith Chase Coffin, place Saturday at 4 o'clock in the Mrs. Oliver Rickson of Middle" 'Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. bury, vt., will serve as matron of April 26, in Jefferson Hospital. Choose those GIFTS she has Admired , . The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop per- honor at the marriage of Miss Philadelphia. We Deliver ••• or I\Iail your Packages Mrs. Coffin is the former Miss formed the ceremony before a Katharine Margaret I;>owning. chancel banked with cybotium daughter of Mrs. Hugh W. Down:~ Edith Talley Cramp, daughter of COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND ferns, white flowers and lighted ing of Riverview road. to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cramp Upland. candelabra. Chilrles Cornelius Heisler, son of '1\'Ir. Henry Faust presented mus- Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. Heisler Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Berical numbers preceding and during of Haverford, which will take place nard of Rutgers avenue announce -the cer.emony. tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in the birth of a daughter, Jeanne-An The bride, given in marriage by the Trinity Church, Swarthmore. Bernard, April 22, in Delaware . her' father, wore ~ gown of canThe bridesmaids will include County Hospital. . ' dlelight satin fashioned on Prin- Miss Mary E. Heisler, sister of the 4 PARK AVENUE PHONE SWARTHMORE 0998 cess lines with long tight sleeves, bridegroom, Miss Anne L. Link The baby is a granddaughter fitted bodice with button trim and and Miss Ann A. Argyle, both of Mrs. Mabel of H.'rr:d; and of Hutchison Mr..and Mrs. full skirt with circular train. Her Scarsdale, N. Y., Miss Alice L. avenue L. Bernard of Union avenue. _ :~eil of Brussels lace, which was Robertson of Glen Falls, N. Y., .. -attach,ed to a lace tiara, was worn Miss Patricia E. Milestone of Dr. and Mrs. John B. Roxby, Jr., '''by her mother on her wedding day. =~'·i Lakewood, Ohio, Miss Nancy Lou- of Kenyon avenue are receiving ·The bride carried a shower bouise Casey of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Roger ::;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;-;;-; quet of white gardenias, lilacs, and F. Woodman of Portland, ·Me., and r FOR I lilies of the valley. Mrs. Dorothy Rogers of Park avI Miss Alice P. Hornaday, who ·enue. MAGAZINE attended her sister as maid of Mr. Edmond Heisler will serve SUBSCRIPTIONS - honor, and the bridesmaids Miss as best man fer his brother. \\Irs. Lloyd E. Kauffman . Addenne Northam of Stony Creek, A reception at the residence of Conn., and Mrs. Albert C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Swarthmore 2080 , Jr.,: of Boston, Mass ... wore gowns . -of' peach pink taffeta with lace • Buying medIcine from the itin; inserts in bodice and skirt. r.rheir "bouquets of shell pink gardenias, . erant peddIer or the COfllCI: quack were tied with purple ribbon Friday and Saturday is a dangerous p~ctice. Many streamers and they wore twists Jack Carson Friday and Saturday of p'ink maUne in their hair. • Edward Arnold people take medicine almost conTyrone Power Patricia Neal Gene Tierney "JOHN LOVES MARY" otantly who do not need it at all. Will Not Be ''THAT WONDERFUL URGE" Many others take , medicine en, I Feat. Times Sat. Nite Only 1:15 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. tire1y 'unsuited to the part:icqm College Theatre I • . illness icom which unnle.C'<~lIlnry they suffer. Why take chances? Your health valuable P1l!l~ssion. , When , suCh is your moet you are ill _ your 1'h.YIician. 1ben bring the preseription h~ ~"nd8 ~ , to US for expert cc:!mpounding. Michael's. Col18ge Phar~acy ON THE CORNER Swarthmore 0857 . ~ I, We think the people who talk about 'commercializing Mother wouldn't "go on" so if they saw how young, tired, grumpy, faces grow gentler and happier just~hinkjng about Mother and the fun of finding her that very special gift. • That's why. each May we have the choicest lingerie - the finest hose-wallets to glamorize the family purse - gloves to grace~ hands that se~e - blouses, gowns, slips for the most deserving person we know. Youseewe-too~remember MOTHER! THE SWARTHMOBBAN APRIL 21, 1JD "0, NEWS NOTES GETTNE OST MILEAGE OF ,A STUDEBAKER ~9ER • "My new Sludebaker lake. fa, I••s lIaslhan my fo.. me. !ruck 10 cover a 74O-rnlle rou..," says one ha\lle•• • "No eX",",se oUhlde o'llasand all far many monlh.," write. anolher pleased Sludebake. !ruck owner. • "$Iudebaker 'lIf1ofhe-llood' acce.. lbHIIy sa".s me a llood 50% In lnalnlenance "me," ..porlls"" anolhe'. man who keep. a .harp eye on co .... • Mo.."me-savlng, 'pln. .avlng, coif-laving Improvements Ihan you eve••aw In any new !ruckll Check up now on Ihe ..volUllonary new Sludebake. '4gersl FUSCO and ALSTON CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Now , IS Walter Molr of South a..... ter road elltertaIned a few friends at a tea last week In honor of Mrs. Ross G. Allen 01 SaV'}'DDab , Ga., wbo is visiting ber parents Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Mercer of' N ortb Cbester rpad. Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell and daugbter Midge of ~ale avenue visited, relatives' In Scranton recently. ', , t=It:::It""OYCE LE ~. . • ~. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davies of Cedar lane entertained as their week-end guests recently, the fonner's brother Dr. Frank J. Davies of tbe college of Wilkesbarre. Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of Harvard avenue entertained as their week-end guests recently Mrs.. Chauncey G. Hobert and daughter Barbara of EvBDBtown. Ill .• who were en route home Il'01Il Smith College where they had visited Nancy HobarL Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel and son Craig of Columbia avenue and Mr. and Mrs. A. David M. Speers and son of Rutledge spent the week~end recently as the guests of Mr. Peel's sister Mrs., Wallace V"" Nest and'Mlsa Marjorie Peel of East Or.."ge, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam R. Huey of Dickinson avenue entertaIned' as their week-end £11eSts recently Mr. Huey's brother-in-law and' sister Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MaeNutt and two children of Hempstead, Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. JIllMS B. Douglas of North Chester road spent the week-end recently with their son Lt. CoL Robert H. Douglas and !amily of Flills Church; V& DRESSES, ",SWARTllMOBB" PA., FRIDAY, APlUL 29, 1949 BRAS STOCKINGS JEWELRY BLOUSES BAGS LINGERIE AND MANY OTHER DELIGHTFUL GIFl'S Lovely wearables for ~uburbia 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD, SWARTHMORE PHONE SWARTHMORE 3470 Bendix soaks the' clothes , Bendix washes the clothes Bendix rinses FOUR' times THOMAS. F.CONWAY ' 3 Park Avenue SWARTHMORE,' PA'. ••• Phone.Swa. . 0456-R '." ,. Friends MeetiDg Notes If on the mOrning of May 1st It is not raining the annual Bird Walk Presbyterian Notes to attend this meeting at 7:30. will be held. Children from First Sunday morning at the 11 Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel at Grade' and up 'meet at Whittier . rthe day are A. over llie week-end the' fonner's SWARTHMORE P. Smith, C. L. Hughey, C. King parents Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hand PRESBYTERIAN, CHURCH and R. M. Snyder. ' of Plainfield, N. J. Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, Minister The Board of Education will Joseph. Cook has returned to Suaday, May 1 t Tuesd ening t 8 9:45 A. M. - Church School, mee on ay ev a Penn State following a week's vaWomen's and Men's Bible o'clock at llie home of Mr. and Mrs. cation at his home on Rutgers Classes. Charles Hoover, 613 Yale avenue, avenue. 11:00 A. Mr-Church service. The Morton. ' Mrs. Lovett Frescoin of Harvard Rev. Dr. William Barrow Pugh Mr P I T .Il . . . . ·11 ch. s. au owner WI give a avenue IS entertammg as her wlprea bk· dth . f 00 revIew un er e auspIces 0 house guests Mr. and Mrs. Elbert R ::·i~ISl.D~ Circle 2, on Wedoesday afte~on Frescoin of Winner, S. D. ' A WIDE PRICE RANGE We have over 70 different price ranges. <;onsult us-then compare. Our estimate will prove that we are deAnitely not high· priced. THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. DlIICIOH O. PUNllIAU 1820 CHESTNU' STREET r.lephon. RI 6-1511 MNrt A.1AIIt _ _ Harvard' Inn Dlolng Room Open to PubHo PERMANENT and TRANSIENT GUESTS Avenues Phoae Swarthmore 9728 THIS TIRE MAKES OLD (AR·S RIDE be" THAN NEWI Church, Services Bendix Automatic Home Laundry BENDIX SAVES TIME ••• SOAP AND WATER TOO! ject "Institutions in the Diocese and the General Work of the Auxiliary in the Diocese." Mrs. Harry Pack will be in charge of the luncheon. Choir rehearsal wll1 be held on Thu.-sday at 7:30 p.m. 6d>~t'~ ." GOODIiEAR Everything a tire can do • • • Super-Cushion does BETTER' FUSCO' and ALSTON at 2, at the home of Mrs. Willlam Suzanne Hopson of Rutgers avSTUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE E. Kistler. Sbe will review "The enue entertained during intermisStrong Citadel". Tea ,will be served. sion of the J. J. dan"'l recently CHESTER and FAffiVIEW ROADS Rehearsal for llie Senior choir on beld in the Woman's Club. PHONE SWARTHMORE 9793 Thu.-sdsy. evening 7:45. Miss Margaret van Dyck of _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ R at tI der SupervlSed ecrea on un Hartford, Conn. spent the weekTheodore L.Pumell will be held etld recently at the home, of her Rev. the Social Hall on Friday eve-: piU-,mts, Rev. and Mrs. A. S. van ' Suaday, May r nmg at 7.. .' Dyck of Rutgers avenue. Mlsa van 8:00 A. M.:-Holy Communion The OffIcial Board will meet on Dyck is on the staff of a radio sto~:45 A.·M..c...cburch School. Friday evening at 8 in the,church. tion ' in 'Hartford and conducts 11:00 A. M.-:Morulng Prayer, t!>e During the Easter season the era) Rector wlll preach on "Chris'. . sev , programs. tian Mental Healtb." ' 'followmg children were baptized: Benjamin S. Collins of AllenHORE PEOPLE you are THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Richard Allen son of Mr. and Mrs. town fonnerly of Swarthmore, and able to call by telephone (and the OF PRIENDS William Fawcett, William Gerald Arthur S. Jennings of Morton, are more who can call you), the more S1UUlay, May r son of Mr. and Mrs. HaiTy New, midfielders on the Lehigh Univer6:30 A. M.-First Grade and up Richard Holtzhouse son of Mr. and sib' varsity lacrosse squad t.or the Valuable your telephone service ,meet at Whittier House for Mrs. Roger H. KaUffman, Robert 1949 season. ' becomes. Bird Walk. , 7:00 A. M.-Nursery and Kin- Gilman son of Mr. and MrS. Her-Jane Currie, Wilson College Today, with more and more dergarten groUPS meet at bert Gilman Hand. 'Th~ following freshman and daughter of Mr. and telephones heing connected and Whittier House. were received into tbe member- Mrs. Thomas A. Currie, Jr. of interconnected, you are able to 8:00A. M.-Breakfast at Whit- Ship of 1he church: Lois Storlazi:i, Wallingford will be a dancet" iIi tier House. call more people (and more penple If it is raining, breakfast at 9 Anna May' Alliso.n,Eleanor JOBIl In Wilson's May Day Pageant, are' able to call you) than before regular class. Bird Behenna, Jeanette Alice Brlns- ''Treasure Isllind," Saturday, May ever before. will then be on May 8. field, Donald Pierce, Joseph Stor- sevenlli. 9:45Walk A. M.-Adult Forum. Sb ' 11:00 A. M.-Meetlng for worship. lazzl, George Dunn, Eugene oosStephen Wolff, a senior at Any way you look at it, tele(Children cared for in Whit- tock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cassidy, Swlirthmore High School, has been pbone service is becoming more tier House.) Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gilman awarded a four-year scholarship to and more valuable•••. Any way P.M.-Meeting 'and on discusthe Webb Institute of Naval Arch8:15sion in Meeting House "Im_ Hand, Mrs. Ora Rohrbach. you look at it, telephone service plications of the North AUan_ itecture at Glen Cove, Long Island, gives you your money's worth. tic Pact." Speakers: E. RayTrinity Notes in a competitive examination of mond Wilson and Bryce Holy Communion will be cele- 200 stUdents. He was one of 20 Wednesday, May 4 Wood. THE BElL TELEPHONE COMPANY 9:30 tft 3:3~ewing and QuIlt- brated Sunday at 8: a.m. Cburch admitted to the schooL Stephen OF PENNSYLVANIA - lug in Wbittier House. Box Scbool will m~t at 9:45 a.m. At is llie son of Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Luncheon. All cordially Ia- the 11 a.m. service of morning Wolff of Rutledge and a grandson vlted. prayer, tile rector wUl preach. His of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davies I'IlUIT CHURCH OF topic will be "Christian Mentel of Cedar lane. I CHRIST SCIBNTIST Heeltb." Mr. and Mrs. James I~lkeas and OF SWARTBMORB, 'lbe Diocesan mass meeting will their daughter DEbbie of Elm avPark Aveaue beJowHarvard ed fro lo-da,y Saada:r. ~ t be held in Holy Trinity Church, enue have return m a 11:00 A.]I(. 5"'''''17 School. Philedelpbie on Monday at 8 p.m. motor trip to Tallahessee, Fla. 11:00 A. Il. T IlEIID - S!rmoa Bishop Hart and Bishop HernlngMrs. Frances G. Lumsden of "Everlasting Punishment." ton will speak. Kenyon avenue left Sunday for a p:''''W:,na':-= Choir school will meet on Mon- month's visit willi her, .brother opea dally u:capt Suzldo7 mel day and Wedaesday at 4~80 p.m. Ilr. Franlr: G. G~ at his sum- . Holldqa 12 to a p.m. Wal, ''17' The WOIl1l!ll'S Auxlliary meelinC mer cottage on Pike Lake, aear _'ap 7 to 7:10 p.a . . . 1 til and luncheon will be held. on Pontiac, Mlc:h. M.:...cb~ch oy • sllllib,yM:. I' 9:45 A. YScbool 10:00 A. M.-Young Adult Nlowshlp ,. 11:00Wl(\oil bM·-IHDb ly~~ Commuruon eceem=. 6:30 P. M.-Youlli Fellowship. G~d~r ~ THE -:~ I. , ' , I ... als at 12:15 p.m. The speaker wUl be Mrs. George Trowbridge of tile Department of COrIatlan Social Reletlons who wUl speak on the sub- PETER E. TOLD, EdItor ' 'MAiUOIUE TOLD, BARBAIlA KENT, AIIIIOCIaIo EdItor. , Roselle Pelrsol ,Lorene Mc Carter EdIth Whitaker ' EQlered as Second Class, Matter, January 24, 1829, at llie Poet ,:Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under llie Act of March, 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON BATHING SUITS I SWA8THMO&EAN ~i;;:;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~Th~~~~,~starting~~~W~I:lli~d:ev:otl~OD~-~r:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,THE, SWARTHM08EAN. ' 'COATS , Phone Swa. 0456·W THE INC~ To replace that 'old washing machine (trade it in) with a NEW Bendix does the rest even adds its 'own soap BendixD~mp Dries ....... ' THB SWARTBlIIOIlBAN. P1lIiu:sBBll Pboae Swadbwota ' " ' the time ••• 2. Set the dial . , . . ., 'PllBLI8BBD EVERY lI'IlJDAY AT 8WARTBlIIOllB. PA , L Put in the clothes , .; AI'lBIL· - - - • TOMLINSON SPEAKS 'lBE APBD.II, 1'" S'WAR'lB MOREA N accomplishments of approach to the subject was sumDuring the quarter, 315 new timany others are failing. Gunnar this hard hitting ""mm1"loD. He med up when he said, "In.any Ues (242 of which, were adult ON L,W.V. PROGRAM Myrdal of Sweden heads the group said, "For the first Urne In his- event, we should not be too smug books, and 73 books for childreD) Willard Tomlinson, Secretary of and "runs the committee with tory, electriely now flows across about helping Europe. In help- were purchased by the Library. In Edward N. Hay and AssocIates, zest and power like a Town meet- lines from one coun'try to another fig them we are helping ourselves, this period, 117 new readers and member of the Boar~ of the ing. He baftles the Russians be- because of the insistEnce of E.C.E. and while the Economic Commis- joined the Llbr.lry; of this.number, United Nations Council of PhIJa-' cause he refuses to stanel. for their on a cooperating Europe. The sian for . Europe labors on, we can 74 were adults and 43 chI1dren. delphia made the usually abstract nonsense." And so far, the Rus- magic of E.C.E. is in ignoring never say that struggle naught The Library Is indebted to Mrs. subject of eoonilmlcs seem very sians have vetoed nothing, but boundary Jines. availeth. The key word Is Action Marcia Gould for the gift of a real and vivid to his radio listen- have gone right along. ' Mr. TomJinson answered the and' the Watch on the lIohlne Is substantial riumber of much-needers in a recent discussion. He was Mr. Tomlinson only had Urne criticism that we do so much to now the Watch on the Elbe." ed books by George Bernard Shaw, reporting on the Economic Com- to mention two key men. :rhey help Europe that the people O. Hpnry, and Robert Louis Stevmission of EuroPe;' known as the were Mordecai Ezekiel of the Unit- there 'are doing nothing to help LIBRARY SE'l'S RECORD enson. Despite the continual flow E.C.E. in an ,intervtew by Mrs ed States and, Ray Cameron of themselves. "The German people _ .of new books Into the library, Andrew A. Slhith for The League Canada. but of' the whole E.C.E. did loaf and feather~ unm July At Ilie q~erly meeting of the the worthwhile books of past deCof Women Voters of Swarthmore he said, "They cut f,brough the 20, 1948," he said, "00 that day board of ~ec~rs of the ~m:th- ades have many readers, and Mrs. on their re-gular Sunday afternoon political Red Tape and before the the German government stabilized more Public Llbra~ AssOClatlO?, Gould's generous 'gift is most welprogram broadcast. ''LeagUe lumbering hinges of the beaurc- the mark at 30c. lnImediatety. held. on Monday Dl.ght" the ~- come. . Time." crals back home can swing, the loafing stopped aod absenteeism branan presen~ed fIgures which Mr. Tomlinson made if clear that E.C.E. has sent all the coal there Is steadily decreaSed. German show that the first. quarter of 19~9 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L .. Ott of the economic relationship betweeo to where it Is most hadly needed." housefraus started canning and exCeed~ aJJ .prevlous records 10 Hartsdale, N:Y., are spen~ the cOWltries must be everybody's bus. .. .. rking WI·th thel'r old zeal Ger circulation, Wlth a total of 12,232 week-end with Mrs. Ott. uncle The E.C.E. IS d,v,ded 1Oto differ- wo - b ks d 'odi Is 'thdr d t M and ••~ J V S iness, it must not be left to the .. . . man miners have increased coal 00 an pen oa WI awn an sun r. .lYU:D...· . 'H . d ''TIl E C E ent speCIal diVISIOns. They are . . . ' for home reading. Of this total, Bishop of 736 Harvard avenue. politiClans. e sal , e . . . C I El tric Pow Industry production until Europe IS almost • . , consists of 14 speCialists, engineers oa I ec . ~r, J • • . • 5.229 were works of fiction, 2,421 The Otts will be at home there and technicians-not a oolitician TransportatIon. Housmg and Food. self-suffiCIent as far as coal IS con- non-fiction (including 602 period- for friends on Saturday evening, in the crowd-" and that this was Mr. Tomlinson discussed Coal cerned." ipaJs), and 4,582 were juvenile April 30. Mrs. Ott Is the former the reason for its great success. and Electric Power to show the The speaker's whole .positive books. Miss Ruth Lipman. The E.C.E. Is succeeding where so significant -.-.-'------ Al'B1L II, 1Nt TBB '~e~S PAB'l'Y the FrIendly C:::~: Thursdliy atteruoon, April 21 at the home of Mrs. J. Warren son on Vassar avenue, with Mrs. J . D . Durnall as co-hostaa. The reUring Presiden, t Mrs . W. Mark Bittle, opened the meeting b;y expressing her appreciation ~ thanks to aJJ who bad assisted her in many ways during her two year ,term of office. She then turned the mee~ over to the newly elected President, Mrs. Edith. H. Black. Following the ·usual business reports, plans ~ere made fOr the annual benefit dessert bridge part;y planned for Thursday, May 26, at one o'clock in the Woman's CJub~ Mrs. H. E1llott Wells will be the ehalrman assisted by tbe following committee members: Mrs. H. McCone and Mrs. Frank H. 'McC~an, tickets; !Mrs. John M. Esslinger, cake table; Mrs. Arthur R. O. Redgrave, .pJant table and prizes; Mrs. F. A. C. Vaster. and Mrs.. Adolph G. Weust, cbairs an~ tables; Mrs. J. Warren paxson, white elephant table; Mrs. H. ~d1ey Peel, desserts; Mrs. Wi1l~ lam S. Hobbs, apron table; Mrs. John H. Pilman, lundleon cloths; Mrs. D. Reed Gtjer an~ Mm. Frank D. WlndeJl, calling contriuting menlbers; Eva 1. Cresson, typing lists of contributors. Pax- . WEAR A POPPY! W:' ~ ::,~wf:' y : : : :or~ War U ~ edt ,;:: many hospitals : ; : p';mca: and mentally disabled ter ve ans. Their morale Is an important road to recovery. Popp;y making brings self respect and interest in life. It resta with communities to belp the veterans by donations for poppies during Ma;y. Popp;y Day contributions make up a large part ot the financial support tor the Auvlliary's reo' habilitation and child welfare activities. The wild poppies of France and Belgium suggested the making of artificial poppies and their adornment by interested members of society. These flowers are reminders of the poppies in FIsnder's Field w'here soldiers fell in battle and were burled. More than 25,000,000 crepe paper replicas are made every year by dIsabled veterans throughout the nation. It Is the obligation of individuats not louched physicaJJy by war to wear these poppies in exchange for a flnanctal offering, therefore Swarthinore, a generous group of citizens, Is asked to contribute freely to this cause. E. Y. G. " /TS I • • ' . : . . . . 11" Dr. and Mrs. W1l1lam Elmore of 'Mr. and Mrs J. H. Perkins of Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. MoJr of Baltimore pike enter11alned as Cedar Jane entertained recentti South Chester road entertained their week-end guests recently Mrs. Perkins nephew Cmdr. J. as their guest recently Dr. Muir'. Mrs. Elmore'. sister Mr•• Edmund Grant Hebbe, III, U.s.N., Of Saparents Mr. and Mrs. Alpxander Piper ot,.New Haven, Conn., and attie, Wash. , Moirof ' ... . . PhUade1phia, and Dr•Dr . E1mOre' s roo Mrs. Grace . Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Abbe of Moir's brother and sister-in-Jaw Elmore and slste Miss E1 Dr and Mrs Jolm A.' 14 Ir r · eanor El- Cornell avenue are entertalDln, ~ da' 0 more.ot ¥ontour FaJIs,. N.Y. MrI. as their house guest Mr. Abbe'. ughters Martha and Nanc;y GraS MeeUng ; 3400. apartment, first floor, near bus Room at 1:00 P.M., R. S. T. on ,the same 613 South Chester Road I FOR SALll 8tnd,·0 co.. _L • custom I,'ne July and August Box L day. for furnishing and deUveriDg' vaddus SWARTHMORE, PA. ; made,-iooer spring, s~d,y frame The' Swarthmorean. ' . " ~~~. for the 'U8e of the CountY 'of Bholle Swarthmore' 1077 twin or double. Purchased Feb- FOR RENT Dellghtully cool Each bid must be accompan'ed b. a eer· Serving Swarthmore. Mor'=============~I ruary. Call Bryn Mawr 2309-M room, near transportation. Gen- titled check In tbe amount of $'0.00 drawn :: evem'ngs or week-ends. I f d Call S arth to the order of the Count,. of Delaware. ton, Rutledge and Ridley t eman pre erre . w SpecUlcaUoDs and bidding sheets may FOR SALE-SEASHORE BAR- more' 2806-J. be obtained at tbe 0"1.. bf the ChIef Township since 1918 at the Court House. Media. Pa.. Construction . . . Repairs GAIN fa· r amateur or profession- FOR' RENT R oom f or gentleman .Clerk. The County Commissioners reserve. the PHONE: a1 builder. Three-fourths built, sixwithin block of tearooms, buses right to reject any and all bids. room cottage at Brant Beach, N. J. and railroads. Call' Swarthmore John H. Doherty High-quality C{aftsm 8n ship I)ay view on two sides, one block 1140-R. SwarIbmore ci«4. Fred F. Duke Albert J. Crawford. Jr. f rom ocean. M ust sacrt'f'ice a t LOST and FOUND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Call us for an estimate $3.500. Call Clearhrook 1749-J. ..,,=,.:::;;.:~7-:::::6:::T.==-::::.-=-:cj2.T~'4-~ •• ~;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOST Wallet. vicinity of the FOR SALE-Boy's large deluxe Club. Monday. April HORACE A. REEVES bicycle. excellent condition. $25. 18.Woman's Reward. Mrs. West. SwarthCall Swarthmore 0182. more 1564. "Third Generation Builders" HAVE YOUR TREES PRUNED NOW FOFC)iRtssijAUT:i.Eg::::;''i'Puniiiii(ch~'"225S\vroo;f,lumiiiiieess..ILOST-Child's red tricycle, fouryears 1841-1891. bound in red year-old size. vicinity Rutgers Swarthmore 3450 AVOID DAMAGE TO TREES AND and gold. $200. Also various pieces and Cornell avenues. Swarthmore of fine Period furniture. silyer. 3674-W.· PROPERTY LATER :;: .T..... Tuesd.". r PETER E. TOLD PIANO TUNING All LInes Of InsuranAle 333 D_outh Avenue Swarllanore 1833 ALBAN PARKER Phone Media 6-3555 New and RebuUl l'Imlos and ReJCalrlnc S~ 1918 CALIFORNIA , - 1180 Huhlenberc Ave. RE4T NEWS NOTES ORTLIP and Wmn,SmE Auctioneers OXFORD. PA. _r __ BLUE LABEL VlcInlty for past Twenty Years Phone: Swarthmore 3307 I . Serving Swarthmore and CALL and DELIVER RODO> EARL SMlTII c GREEN PEAS 2 r.. Z9c ..... All Types of Electrical Installations and Repairs. MORE TERMS CASH TRY A DELICIOUS Frelh Collfornla, Full ,odd.d QUICK SERVICE Rutledge, Pa. Anllqu... IlIe ware. .over ornaments. lamps' lo& famlture and 1000 oUter ~ &00 nWDel'OU8 to menllon WHEN CO-OP'S ARE IN TOWN PRICES ARE DOWN FARMDALE IViP.M1LK 3::35c Saws Sel and FIled ~ Cabbage Sp'nach Celery Tomatoes Ora MOSTELLER V.wt1'lUCAL OONTBAC'l'OB ~====;==:;~==~; Fryers Roast Beef Lamb Bacon •• • A. WAYNE 1044 Tenth Avenue APRIL 30, 1949 The Swarlh ore Co-op Doctor'.................. . Tomatoas ..... - Sbarpened by Mechlne PUBLIC SALE n •• of ...... May 7th. 194'1 .... _........................C·.:loclc L - Other Tools also SlMaqcqecl S· JUICY ...................................................... . Po ....... " .................................................................................. ....,.. THE - - ..=-- LAWN MOWERS ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i;i~~~~ PASCAL ,M, r-------------------------~ ............. -==-- . 8ElJ-TWIN ~RINDER occupying their' newly purchased home at 509 Rutgers, avenue. Marsha attends the Rutgers avenue kIndergarten. FRESH Fri.II'" wupOII pi '. t old bank - .., . . . . lUI A.IL . . . 'S .... ....p - .~~""~""~""~----- MIss Caroline Gwddl1 of the houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. mantown, formerly of Swarthmore James A. Davies of Cedar lane. by ofRclal APRIL 29, 1MB --- Swarthmore Disposal Service Rubbish Collected Weellly or lionUtI)' Phone SwarIbmore 3343 9 A. III. to 5.30 P.M. Call ROBERT HASTINGS Swarthmore 02415-W \ Builder Repairs and Mainten~ .CHARLES E. FISCHER • Painter SWARTHMORE n53 "A HOUSE WEU-MAINTAINED IS THE WISE,OWNER'S GAIN" Interior and Exterior , , ' 10 THE ·HS CHORUS TO SING MAY 6 Presbyterians Present • • • A specia:-~-::U!~:'o:~ SWABTB~OBBAN FAVORS LOCAL RESPONSIBILITY APBD.. a, 1141 will direct the :young J?CQple who Gehring, 'Mrs. Walter H. Dickinwill guide visitors through this son, . and Miss Elizabeth Buse of fascinating and famous garden. Ridley Park. Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Plowman· .of Princeton avenue enter. NEWS NOTES tained at a buffet supper and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Mc- bridge Friday evening. Cabe of. North Chester road will Mrs. Marvel Wilson of Strath entertain as their house guests Haven avenue enterlained at a over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. luncheon at ·the Ingleneuk last Roger F. Woodman of PorUand, Wednesday and with her guests Me., and Miss Yvonne Motley of later attend~ Smith College FashLarchmont, N. Y., whose marriage ion Show at the Merion Cricket to Mr. Thomas B. McCabe, Jr., will Club. taka. plaee June 18. . Mrs. C. Milton Pike, Jr., of Mrs. A. E. Lo~gwell of Lafay- Lansing, Mich.", who atrlved Wedette avenue entertained last week nesday for a week's visit with her her mother Mrs:' M. F. Roberson parents Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopand Aunt Miss Marie True both kins of Crest lane will be a bridal of Albany" N. Y., her siste; Miss attendant at the wedding of Miss Lillian Roberson of New Rochelle, Elizabeth Sprenger of GermanN. Y., and her son and daughter- town Saturday. in-law Mr. and Mrs. Robert LongMr. and Mrs. C. I. Galbreath well of Brooklyn, N. Y: 'and daughter Jean of Benjamin Mrs. John E. Michael of lVlrvard West avenue will visit Mrs. Galavenue and Mrs. S. Blair Luckie breath's parents Mr. and Mrs. of the Swarthmore Apartments Charles H. Horner of. Baltimore, are attending the convention of Md., for the week-end and will General Federation of ,Women's also attend the Maryland Hunt Clubs in Hollywood, Fla., tIDS Club Race Saturday. week. Th~ Delaware County Auxiliary The Philadelphia Alumnae Chap- of the S.P.C.A. held its monthly ter of Mu Phi Epsilon met Sun- Pleeting at the home of Mrs; day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Duane R. Terry of North Chester Laurence Baxter of Harvard av- road Tuesday. enue. After the regular busin~ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Patterson ;ession, a musical program w;as of Elm. avenue will spend the enjoYed by the members. week-end visiting Mrs. Patterson's Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Den- uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Richworth of Elm avenue entertained ard Gregory of Mont Clair, N.J. at a tea from 4 to 6 on Sunday .' '" . afternoon 10 ·honor of Miss Vu-gnua Allen, Girls physical education instru~tor at the high school and Miss Margaret Price, Rutgers avenue kindergarten teacher who recently com leted 25 years service 'as p . Swarthmore teachers. Guests 10lty eluded present and fonner facu ~~;:!!::;.:....~~ b '/, mem ers. What a con .'n ......... ...... Wood Pure"" .... h ... ..... Phebe L':1kens of Elm avenue and lest _y to lie sure ef • _ An~ Harvey of Columbia avenu~, forta .... ho_ .... wiIIIIIr.V. . ..............c ..."............... Kap~a AlPha Thetas a~ the U~­ W. . . COk.I._of ......... verslty of Pennsylvarua, particfu.&s Ioecavw It tII- _.' warmth and comf.... willi . . ipated in the Fashion Show given .......OIf ................. c.... by the sorority in Phi1adel~a CAll En.."".. 61500 (free r• ...... NuftW, .4100 Saturday. from. Swarthorr_dear.... more attending the FashIon ShowALAN WOOD STEEl COMPAR bridge in~J1ded Mrs. James Lukens, Mrs. W. M. Harvey, Mrs. Col" a..Dca/s Lloyd Jones, Mrs. Marvel Wilson, Co"boIIocteI. h. . Mrs. A. H. 'Marsh, Mrs. W. H. obstetrics who. bas also tmjoyed a full general practice and come ·face to face with just about every . The choral organizations. of problem of modem marriage adThe greatest single threat to Swartlunore High School, under dressed a "COmbined group of our liberties lies in the tendency the direction of Alice E. Blodgett, young people, college-age and ·to look upon government as a are eager to follow the splendid older, at the . Presbyterian Church national pyrl!mid club that can musical evening preseD'ted by the last Sunday evening. make everybody rich, Donald P. band, this past Friday, with their Dr. Lovett Dewees told of his Jones comptroller of Sun Oil ComSeventh Annual· ~ong Festival at work as a pioneer in the fight for pany declared last night. Clothier Memorial on this next birth control whiCh ran the gamut Mr. Jones who lives on SwarthFriday, 'May 6,. at 8 p. m. Proceeds from criticism to acclaiin. At pres- more avenue warned that it is of this concert, unlike other years, ent he is actively interested in imp~ssible.: t~ ac~pt. favors withwill go into a choral fund to be "Birthright,· Inc." which is receiv- out 1Ocurr1Og obligat!oIllS and that used for chorus robes and neces- ing similar treatment. no individual or group receives sary equipment. Dr•. Dewees holds degree.~ from funds from government without Approximately 150 students Haverlord College and. the Uni- fir~t . agreeing to whatever .refrom grades Seven through 12 are versity of PennsYlvania. He is a stnctive terms government Imbu,sily rehearsing their Parts in founder of the American Associ- poses. , preparation for the event. The ation of Marriage Counsellors, a Mr. Jones spoke at the annual Junior Girls' Glee Club, accom- member of Philadelphia's Marriage banquet of the Last Man's Club panied by Catharine Hider, a Counsel Bureau and the committee (veterans of World War I) of the sophomore, will set the tone of on Family Relations of the Phila- Howa~d C. ~cC~ll P~t of ~e the concert with gay songs of delphia Yearly meeting of the Amerlcan Leglon 10 Philadelphia. spring and out-of-door life. The Society of Friends. He is currently Government handouts that do High School Chorus accompani~ teaching Sex Hygiene at Temple not result in the creation of goods · by Margaret Croco, a junior, and University and a course .in Mar- or se~~ces merely ~ucceer;l in Lewis Izumi, a senior, will be riage Guidance at the University of pyramldmg 'costs, a~dlDg .to ~e heard in three varied groups. Pennsylvania. "Successful'; Mar- {llo~ey supply and stImulatIng 10Opening the concert, this group riage" published last year by Fish- flatIon, he declared. will be heard in several sacred bein an(i Burgess contains a chap,,:, "The ~el~.ion w*: suffer," Mr. compositions by the great choral ter by Dr. De\vees on pre-marital Jones said, IS th.~ Idea that gov· writer Bachand Handel. The counseling. er~ent can give us something for remaining groups will feature sevAfter last Sunday's absorbing nothmg~at governmen~ pJaneral WlUSUally interesting negro general talk and question and an- ners can give us more secu~~tr than . spirituals, folk songs, and modern swer period on marriage Dr. De- we can earn for ourselves. compositions by the English, writer wees was unanimously requested Mr. Jones deplored the apparBritten, and the American, lfflle. to return this Sunday evening for ent willingness of certain segThe Boys' Chorus, composed of further discussion of the subject. ments of the American population " I ff if th . 'biliti " boys from the mixed chorus, boys . All interested people in the to s u" 0 elr responSl ~ in the instrumental groups of the aforementioned age-group are in- a.nd a barter a measure Of. ~~ school, and others desirous of vited to attend the meeting which liberty for a few palt.ry subsidies. singing in a male group, will be will open promptly at 7.30 in the Among ftliese people, he added, ready to entertain the audience Parish House. indivfdual sta~a ~d relian~e upon self-determmabon are diwith a group of songs, including a . . bin· t th mlDlS g a every t'une w h en song medley. A new innovation Second Marriage. Talk · expenditure t h e b urd en 0 f publ IC in the popular choral concert last Next Wednesday IS . . h . growmg eaVler-a process year, the medley found' favor with H. Curtis Wood, M.D.· will all, . including the young male speak next Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. which destroyed many nations in singers. Put together this Fear by in Trinity Church, at the. second the past.· Higher standards of living for all David Smith, president of the session of the Marriage Conference Mixed Chorus, Bruce Godfrey t being held at the church on four can be obtained only through the and Kenneth Wright, the 1949 sUccessive Wednesdays. The gen- creation of mor.e and more products. This requires, he said, rnax. medley should prove highly eneral theme of the conference is imum productivity from all of tertaining. "The Christian Approach to Mar- both through our own physical A surprise feature on the pro- riage." efforts and through the ID,:'eatest gram will be the introduction of a possible use of tools and machingroup known as the Swartlunore PHOTOS AT (fOLLEGE ery. Treble Shooters. An exhibit of the outstanding Mr. Jones urged the Legionaires work of the Sculpture and Camera to continue active in civic affairs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii Clubs at Swarthmore cOllege will and to seek the solution of local il INTRAMURAL CHAMPS be on display in the· East Parlor, problems at the local level. The boys' intramural volleyball Parrish Hall, beiinning May 1. "The best way to defend our. championship was won this year Many. students .have developed selves . agaInst the smothering by a fighting underdog sophmore hidden talent with clay this year clutch of government intervention team. Given little chance to sur- under the direction of Helen Zelin our lives js to solve our own vi~e. th~ first round of a double ezna, an instructor with wide expersonal, community and state elurunation . tourname?t they perience in America and Europe. problems ourselves," he declared fought from behind time after The students whose Work will be time to their first intramural exhibited give full credit for their, PLAN FLOWER MARKET championship. progress in sculpture to their The Providence Garden... Club's Members of the team are: War- teacher. annuai Flower Market will be ren Gold, captain; Donald Pierce, Among the prize photographs to held on Saturday, May 7 from 10 Franklin Conly, Larry Woodruff, be displayed by the Camera Club until 5 at "Todmorden Fann," Mrs. Lee Bennett, Jerry GOodman. are shots taken by every conceiv- Arthur Hoyt' Scott's estate in Bobby Linn. able kind of camera, from the Wallingford. Mrs. J. Ward Hinkbest to the least expensive. Of son of Wallingford is in charge of Benefit Performance of the first interest is ·the. remarkable the market with Mrs. Philip W. "Canary Murder cat picture "Narcissus," done by Kniskern of Riverview road and Friday, May 6 Woodlief Thomas, which won a Mrs. Philip C. Snow of WallingSWARTHMORE PI.JAYERS one hundred dollar prize in a ford, as co-chairman. ' CLUB· Dental Health Center of contest sponsored by C~ Mrs. Snow will be in charge of Central Delaware County th~ plant and vegetable section. magazine. Mrs. John S. Albert of WaUing• WinS stcholarship ford. is chairman of the Old CuriCIRCLE NO.2 Gwen Watkins, daughter of Mr. osity Shop committee, ~. Lucius METHODIST ·CHURCH and Mrs. W. Watkins of College Beebe, also of Wallingford will Book Review by avenue has been awarded· a $400 have a table of baskets and mats . Mrs. Paul Towner "THE STRONG CITADEL" scholarship from Wooster College. from the Bahamas, and the Snack May 4th 2:00 P. M. Gwen will graduate in June from Bar will again be in charge of Mrs. 144 Park Avenue Swarthmore High School. J. Taney Wilcox of Wawa. Mrs. James A. Hayes Jr. of Wallingford I.- us !hose Of"_ d;liWNI ease" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Banking is done at ,our convenience-when you bank .by mail. Use our bank- by-mail service. COSTS lESS The Providence Garden Club will hold their annual FLOWER MARKET at Todmorden Farm, Wallingford on because It Saturday, t May 7 10:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. lASTS Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. , lONGER Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . I I Now You can buy U. S. Savings Bonds automatically through the new Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at this J3aDk H.D.SIPLER 11 80UTII CIdSfBIL ~~TBMO.B • Baltimore Pike Springfield Phone,· Swarthmore 0C50 "We TeletraPh· 1'Iowen". o. , . BANKING HOURS UnUl SEPt'. 25. tM9 , Monday throuah Friday 8' a.m. to 3 p.m, FrIday, Evening OJ to 8· p.m. Dayli&'ht Savin&' TIme INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 10 THE Presbyterians Present Marriage Authority H. S. CHORUS TO SING MAY 6 SWARTHMOBEAN FAVORS LOCAL RESPONSIBILITY APRn. 29, 1949 will direct the young people who Gehring, Mrs. Walter H. Dickinwill guide visitors through this son" and Miss Elizabeth Buse of , A specialist in gynecology and fascinating and famous garden. Ridley Park. obstetrics who has also enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Plowa full general practice and come man of Princeton avenue enterface to face with just about every tained at a buffet supper and The choral organizations of problem of modern marriage adThe greatest single threat to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Mcbridge Friday evening. Swarthmore High School, under dressed a combined group of our liberties lies in the tendency Cabe of North Chester road will Mrs. Marvel Wilson of Strath the direction of Alice E. Blodgett, young people, college-age and to look upon government as a entertain as their house guests Haven avenue entertained at a are eager to follow the splendid older, at the Presbyterian Church national pyramid club that can over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. luncheon at -the Ingleneuk last musical evening presented by the last Sunday evening. make everybody rich, Donald P. Roger F. Woodman of Portland, Wednesday and with her guests band this past Friday, with their Dr. Lovett Dewees told of his Jones comptroller of Sun Oil Com- Me., and Miss Yvonne Motley of later attende~ Smith College FashSeventh Annual Song Festival at work as a pioneer in the fight for pany declared last night. Larchmont, N. Y., whose marriage ion Show at the Merion Cricket Clothier Memorial on this next Mr. Jones who lives on Swarthbirth control which ran the gamut to Mr. Thomas B. McCabe, Jr., will ClUb. Friday, 'May 6, at 8 p. m. Proceeds from criticism to acclaim. At pres- more avenue warned that it is take place June 18. Mrs. C. Milton Pike, Jr., of of this concert: unlike other years, ent he is actively interested in impossible to accept favors withMrs. A. E. Longwell of Lafay- Lansing, Mich., who arrived Wedwill go into a choral fund to be "Birthright, Inc." which is receiv- out incurring obligations and that ette avenue entertained last week nesday for a week's visit with her used for chorus robes and neces- ing similar treatment. no individual or group receives her mother Mrs. M. F. Roberson parents Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopsary equipment. Dr. Dewees holds degrees from funds from government without and Aunt Miss Marie True, both kins of Crest lane will be a bridal Approximately 150 students Haverford College and the Uni- first agreeing to whatever reof Albany" N. Y., her sister Miss attendant at the wedding of Miss from grades seven through 12 are versity of Pennsylvania. He is a strictive terms government imLillian Roberson of New Rochelle, Elizabeth Sprenger of Gerrnanbusily rehearsing their parts in founder of the American Associ- poses. preparation for the event. The Mr. Jones spoke at the annual N. Y., and her son and daughter- town Saturday. alion of Marriage Counsellors, a in-law Mr. and Mrs. Robert LongMr. and Mrs. C. I. Galbreath Junior Girls' Glee Club, accommember of Philadelphia's Marriage banquet of the Last Man's Club well of Brooklyn, N. Y. 'and daughter Jean of Benjamin panied by Catharine Hider, a Counsel Bureau and the committee (veterans of World War I) of the Mrs. John E. Michael of Harvard West avenue will visit Mrs. Galsophomore, will set the tone of on Family Relations of the Phila- Howard C. McCall Post of the avenue and Mrs. S. Blair Luckie breath's parents Mr. and Mrs. the concert with gay songs of delphia Yearly meeting of the American Legion in Philadelphia. of the Swarthmore Apartments Charles H. Horner of Baltimore, spring and out-of-door life. The Government handouts that do Society of Friends. He is currently are attending the convention of Md., for the week-end and will High School Chorus accompanied teaching Sex Hygiene at Temple not result in the creation of goods General Federation of Women's also attend the Maryland Hunt by Margaret Croco, a junior, and University and a course in Mar- or services merely succeed in Clubs in Hollywood, Fla., this Club Race Saturday. Lewis Izumi, a senior, will be riage Guidance at the University of pyramiding 'costs, adding to the week. The Delaware County Auxiliary heard in three varied groups. Pennsylvania. "Successful' Mar- money supply and stimulating in- The Philadelphia Alumnae Chap- of the S.P.C.A. held its monthly Opening the concert, this group riage" published last year by Fish- flation, he declared. will be heard in several sacred bein and Burgess contains a chap"The delusion we suffer," Mr. ter of Mu Phi Epsilon met Sun- meeting at the home of Mrs. compositions by the great choral ter by Dr. De\vees on pre-marital Jon~s said, "is the idea that gov- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Duane R. Terry of North Chester writer Bach and Handel. The counseling. ernment can give us something for Laurence Baxter of Harvard av- road Tuesday. enue. After the regular business Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Patterson remaining groups will feature sevAfter last Sunday's absorbing nothing--'that government plan- 'ession, a musical program w~ of Elm avenue will spend the eral unusually interesting negro general talk and question and an- ners can give us more security than enjoyed by the members. week-end visiting Mrs. Patterson's spirituals, folk songs, and modern swer period on marriage Dr. De- we can earn for ourselves." ' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Denuncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Richcompositions by the English writer wees was unanimously requested MI'. Jones deplored the apparworth of Elm avenue entertained ard Gregory of Mont Clair, N.J. Britten, and the American, Fine. to return this Sunday evening for ent willingness of certain segat a tea from 4 to 6 on Sunday The Boys' Chorus, composed of further discussion of the subject. ments of the American population boys from the mixed chorus, boys 'All interested people in the to "sluff off their responsibilities" afternoon in honor of Miss Virginia in the instrumental groups of the aforementioned age-group are in- and a "barter a measure of their Allen, Girls physical education inschool, and others desirous of vited to attend the meeting which liberty for a few paltry subsidies." structor at the high school and Miss singing in a male group, will be will open promptly at 7.30 in the Among ihese people, he added, Margaret Price, Rutgers avenue individual stamina and reliance kindergarten teachel' who recently ready to entertain the audience Parish House. upon self-determination are di- completed 25 years service as with a group of songs, including a , minishing at the very time when Swarthmore teachers. Guests insong medley. A new innovation Second Marriage Talk cluded present and former faculty ~ in the popular choral concert last '/, Next Wednesday the burden of public expenditure members. is growing heavier-a process year, the medley found favor with 'What Q eomWaaIiottl n.. .... H. Curtis Wood, M.D. will Wood PurchaM Plan Is .... _ Phebe Lukens of Elm avenue and which destroyed many nations in all, including the young male lo,t way to be • .,.. of • _ speak next Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. Ann Harvey of Columbia avenue, the past. singers. Put together this year by fortable ho_ . .xt ........ Y. . in Trinity Church, at the second g"autornlllic"'UverieSaoo.Alaa Higher standards of living for all Kappa AlPha Thetas at the UniDavid Smith, president of the Wood Coko Is _ of .... IIMst session of -the Marriage Conference fulll, bocav,o It g1v., Mcua-can be obtained only through the versity of Pennsylvania, particMixed Chorus, Bruce Godfrey, being held at the church on four warmth and comfort wiIh . . creation of more and more prod- ipated in the Fashion Show given and Kenneth Wright, the 1949 least effol1 a"d at the low... e..... successive Wednesdays. The genucts. This requires, he said, max- by the sorority in Philadelphia medley should prove highly enCAll En,""';.. 61500 (free T_ eral theme of the conference is tertaining. imum productivity from all of us Saturday. Those from Swarthph_ Sa...;..'. tfoIrid_ ...00 "The Christian Approach to Mar01' rrwr dealer. both through our own physical more attending the Fashion ShowA surprise feature on the pro- riage." ALAN WOOD STEEL COMPAR efforts and through the greatest bridge included Mrs. James Lugram will be the introduction of a kens, Mrs. W. M. Harvey, Mrs. possible use of tools and machingroup known as the Swarthmore Divisioll PHOTOS AT COLLEGE Lloyd Jones, Mrs. Marvel Wilson, ery. Treble Shooters. {or Ibollodtllll. 1'11. An exhibit of the outstanding Mr. Jones urged the Legionaires Mrs. A. H. 'Marsh, Mrs. W. H. work of the Sculpture and Camera to continue active in civic affairs Clubs at Swarthmore College will and to seek the solution of local INTRAMURAL CHAMPS be on display in the East Parlor, problems at the local level. The boys' intramural volleyball Parrish Hall, beginning May 1. "The best way to defend ourchampionship was won this year Many. students have developed selves against the smothering by a fighting underdog sophmore hidden talent with clay this year clutch of government intervention team. Given little chance to surunder the direction of Helen Zel- in our lives is to solve our own vive the first rOWld of a double ezna, an instructor with wide ex- personal, community and state elimination tournament they perience in America and Europe. problems ourselves," he declared. fought from behind time after The students whose work will be time to their first intramural exhibited give full credit for their championship. PLAN FLOWER MARKET progress in sculpture to their The Providence Garden- Club's Members of the team are: War- teacher. annual Flower Market will be ren Gold, captain; Donald Pierce. Among the prize photographs to held on Saturday, May 7 from 10 1/ / Franklin Conly, Larry Woodruff, be displayed by the Camera Club Lee Bennett, Jerry Goodman, are shots taken by every conceiv- until 5 at "Todmorden Farm," Mrs. Al·thur Hoyt Scott's estate in Bobby Linn. able kind of camera, from the Wallingford. Mrs. J. Ward Hinkbest to the least expensive. Of SOil of Wallingford is in charge of first interest is the remarkable the market with Mrs. Philip W. Benefit Performance of the "Canary Murder Case" cat picture "Narcissus," done by Kniskern of Riverview road and Friday, May 6 Woodlief Thomas, which won a Mrs. Philip C. Snow of WallingSWARTHMORE PllAYERS one hundred dollar prize in a ford, as co-chairman. CLUB contest sponsored by CAMERA Dental Health Center of Mrs. Snow will be in charge of Central Delaware County magazine. th~ plant and vegetable section. Mrs. John S. Albert of WallingWins ~holarship ford· is chairman of the Old CuriCIRCLE NO.2 Gwen Watkins, daughter of Mr. osity Shop committee, Mrs. Lucius METHODIST CHURCH and Mrs. W. Watkins of College Beebe, also of Wallingford will Book Review by avenue has been awarded a $400 Mrs. Paul Towner have a table of baskets and mats scholarship from Wooster College. your "THE STRONG CITADEL" from the Bahamas, and the Snack May 4th 2:00 P. M. Gwen will graduate in June from Bar will again be in charge of Mrs. 144 Park Avenue Swarthmore High School. J. Taney Wilcox of Wawa. Mrs. James A. Hayes Jr. of Wallingford NEWS NOTES ~"--'