HOME • AND 'SCHOOL . " I LIKE IT HERE OP£NSTONIGHT 8:20 Curtain Rises , On PIayers Club Comedy The Seventh, Ninth and Tenth MOTHERS TO EXCHANGE TIPS . . grades of tlie Swarthmore assemblles will llIalD bold their dancing .... . . classes on Saturday evening, February 5. Infant. To '6chool-Age Mr. and Mrs. Graham Wentz. Problems To Be and Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones, will be present to chaperon the Covered " Mr. Fixit comes to the swarth- Seventh Grade class. more Players Club tonight in the The Ninth Grade will have as guise of Willie Kringle (Robert their chaperons Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graham.) as the Club qlresents IF. Gaskill, an~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry the February productIon "I Like Shiperd. 11. Here." Written by' A. D.Shif- ,At 9:30 the Tenth Graders will frin and directed by the irrepres- meet for their class with Ca~tain sible J. David Narbeth this com- and Mrs. J. L. Woodruff and Mr. edy of machinations ~ scheduled and Mrs. William E. Simkin. to run for eight consecutive nights '(excepting Sunday) to audiences )rom all over the county and be.'yond. ETHEL RUP.PERT DIES AT KIIGE 6eU March Of A group of experts on chlld care will. discuss IDformally th,e problems of mothers at the next meeting of the Swarthmore Mother'S Club,·Thursday evening, February 10 at the Woman's Club. The program "Tips to Mothers from Mothers" under the direction of Mrs. Richard Enion and her committee (Mrs .Randolph Lee, Mrs.' Leroy Peterson and Mrs. William Elmore) will' feature Swar"Junore mothers as authorities. .; .. '\ TUESDAY' 8.:00 ·P. M •...:c: / ·$3.50 PER Y&U& SWABTIIMOBE, FRIDAY. ·FEBBUARY 4, 1M9 " Jr. Assemblies To Meet .. -.' :-,,' MEETS'· THE SWARTHMOREAN' VOLUME 21-NUMBER.5 ... :-- mines FILM LESSONS . ' . IS .CtU'B··TOPIC Lags The InfantUe Paralysis Drive has been extended another week by . Richard Morse chairman - of the March of Dimes in Delaware County. Although more than ever Is needed to fight the Increase In pollo, not even as much .as last year has been contributed to date '. ., . Bach School Man" To ~xplain' Visual ' d· E ucation ~ in the county. A house to house canvass brought up Swarthmore's contribution this year from under $1000 to $1200. In addltlon $651.50 was collected at the College Theatre. Tuesday's program·' will,'be :in charge of Mrs. R M.· KIlgore, chairman of mQtion pictures.·who will . present -Thomas McMaster, of the Bach Vocational School faculty. Mr. McMaster 'will show the part ~at motion pictqr~.play iIi, education today and glve','a short demonstration of an actual lesson film.¥r.. been clQsely associated with the Visual Education, Dep8rin).ent of the Phi1B:delphia pub~c schools: . H. &S. TO STAGE TOWN MEETING ~ith M~~ei- tias Under~. Members will be able to air their Comic Books, Movies McMlDlter's 1811dt!r" . The cast of eight makes up a liSt of competent players with D i - . .' pet theories of child care and to . Topics For ship the Film Council of De18W.8re rector Narbeth playing Mr. Smedobtain advice from other mothers T COWity .will.. hold" ley, Mary Jane McChesney as Noted Welfare Worker in a period of informal dlscUS910n. uesday February 10, at "8 p'.. iii. at Merriweather, Francilla Lived Here Three groups will be formed acA panel of four well-known Seller's a ~ Willis as the domIneering Matilda 25 Years cording to age levels of the chil- Swarthmore parents will lead dis- fo Both men and women Merriweather, Russell Gibson as dren. Mrs. Randolph Lee Will cussions ()f leisure time interests InVIted. " , ..., . ..', · her hen-pecked husband, G. Wills· Ethel Rupert, of 211 Benjamin guide the discussion of mothers for children at the Home and The Club. Chor:us will ren,earse Brodhead as lawyer David Bellow, West avenue, daughter of the late interested in the problems of the School "Town Meeting' 'Tuesday," at 10 a. Ward H. Speer as Brad. Munroe, John A and Sarah L. Rupert, of infant, Mrs. Leroy Peterson, the February 8, at 8 p. m. in the high The literatur~ section will '. JJi~ , . Mildred, Simpers. as Saphronia West 'Chester, died Monday eve- group interested in the pre- school auditorium. ~t the club house on Febia.Lawrence, and Mr. Graham. as ning, January 31, in the Woman's schooler, and' Mrs. William Following coffee and retresh- ary 11, at 10 a. m. · Kringle, mentioned shove. Hospital, Phlladelphiain her 67th more, the school age group. ments at 7:30 p. m. in the ctdeteria. tle will review :'Anne· of the ThoUWalker Penfield and Wllllam. year. Plans are being made for a Hilker! will openthe.town sand Days.'" " . . Bush, Jr., are stage managers with Miss Rupert has lJeen employed Mother's Club fashion show and meeting discussion. Mrs .. Nancy G···1 S ' ',., 1.;..:.... ·· . ' Samuel'Bigger and Virginia Fed- as senIor field representative with card party tp be held on March 3 Woodward will present the comic Ir·· eont COOJi.:WS: ,>, -.! as electriqians. ; Promptef is the State Department ot Public under the of Cyrus book problem. and John ., Go. On Sale' :.iMiss Simpers, and music is under Assistance.· She previously was Harvey and Mrs. Edward ~le will cover the motion picture Be~g next week, Februiu'Y .the direction of John Cozzi. Stage regional supervisor of eastern with Mrs. Samuel Gurin, Mrs. pro})lem. . . . 5 to' ·March "11, 'Girl i:;oouts . decorations and property worries pennsylvania ~th. the State James Harp~, Mrs. Robert Hop.}Ja~ri~ Murphy Malin will make througholl:t Delaware CountYVflll are in the capable hands of Mrs. Emergency Relief Board, after~, Mrs. James Stephens and the concluding remarks, after be selling·the veri PoPular·Cbdco· .'Hans Steinfeld, Mrs.· Brodhead, serving with the Lloyd Committee Mrs. Robert ,Turner serving on members Of Home and School have lale' and·· vatiilla b.itter· OOolHes :~:Mrs: Bush, Mrs. Robert Kurtzhalz, on Unemployment Rellef in PhUa- the committee. had .full opportunity to participate with the Scouf"i~f6il·d~iin... The : ,Mrs. Joseph S. Howe, Mrs. Henry delp~ during ~e early days of The executive ~ard of the in the discussion. '. . _ cookies !Jy~eebler Wey'lvViifbe 'I!' . . ., . ' . . .. , the depression m 193Q. , She bas. ~o!h~5':Club.metat tbe.,home . Both '4rs.. Woodwardand Mr. baked'especlally fO%' tifu·Scouts. ""li' M ....eIl. Mrs. C. Russell PhIl· been c:ont!nUOllB'" omplD>ed, In of M .... Walter N. MOjr. S. Chester Seybold haye made ,peclaJ.studies TIWcookie saJ.proVidtis'thiI ....t ps, ~. Walter F. Rauber and w~lfare work for almost 50 years. road,.Wednesday evening, Janu~ o~ their topics and· have valuable ofthe'EllZabefh:Borton'camp:aite ;Mrs. Charles W. Lukens. Miss RU~ first served as asslst-. 23. . . i~eas to present for conSideratio~ at Hopewell, Pa:;a' sirtkiiig :ftiiid . ant to ~ Mary E. Richmond in of all p a r e n t s . . toward ··the purchaSe (of a':cam.p " developmg the Philadelphia ~oMarvel Wilson, president of site, in Delaware County, and the ciety for ?rganizi.n g Charity, now . .. . . Home and School, will introdu~ purchase of, 'camping . equipment. · the Family SoClety.. She later the panel. Jack'S. Thompson Last.>year'a -successful·: sa18 deserved.as sec[eta~ of the Council vice-president will act posited funds for each of" these 01: SoCIal ~enCles and aided in, rator. .projects. This. year the Scouts hope t.he coru:olidation of organized to add to the funds as. well. . .: ~~arities mto the Welfare Federa- Second Semester Will MRS. J~ S. RODNEY. . IJl.or,de.r to absorb. our Swarthlon. Inclu.de New Mr ' more quota.; the ,oomuiIttee ·Usts Will. . Chairman 1949 Her exceptional 'expei-ierice and s. Louise Everett Rodney, th . mother of Mrs. Peyton H. Bray of e followbtgsugges~ons: i Fund Drive In , Vassar avenue, died Saturday at admjnistrative capacity caused Courses 1.. If you or .your friends have. h 'ldr . I Eri~ H. Biddle, executive direc~ March The annual meeting of the 01: the State Emergency Rellef The first semester's work of the the Elnwood Home on Baltimore C I en mco lege or· boarcUng swartlunore Bronch of the Red Board, to request her help In 1932 cJaoses at the Communi'" Arts pike. ' . school send, boxes., in the, noxt Cro&S held at the home of in settIng up the State Emergency Center, in which over half the She is survived by her husband, ,laundry ,... : , : .. the chairman. Mrs. Horace H. Hop-. Bdlef organization and she hecame membership h.. been port!clpat- James S. Rodo.,. of Clarksburg. e . ." . kina, on Frida , Janu"'- 28. Offi- th.e first field representative. Her lng, is to> '8 close. The W. Va., another daughter., Mrs. C.' .; e e$ ,at: -J second semester of 10 weeks will N. Wildt, Jr., of Evanston, IlL, and Scout ~ookies.: ,are th,~. answ~· v~ cers el~cted for the coming year knowledge of local conditions and. five grandchlldren. There, art! ~8 ~ eacq pack~e. :. e are Mrs. "Horace H. Hopkins, chair- needs in· the eastern counties has =tr~~~~e~~~!!, nS:':' Funeral services were held Mon3., If you .':lr~ a .prpfessor'swU . . da"" afternoon in the. Immanu'el hav~, Scout c~ki~ fo~ :honors JIlan; Mrs. LaRue Hendrixson. been· wi~ely recognized.' She is vice-chairman; Mrs. Hugh O. well known throughout the state Those interested are asked to EpJiscopal Church in New casU·e semmar refreshments." . '. . .. , . 6-1739) ana D e l . ..... ' Thayer, treasurer; Mrs. Charles E. for her work in PhUadelphia and 'phone the office , ,4. If. you~fe at~n-ager QelpE'jscher, secretary. Mrs. Richmond her activities in the field of 'public send the fee by m8n or drop in ing with a .Fell()wship snack" reD. Fetherolf and Mrs. Percy GU- welfare. . at the Arts Center.' member Scout cookieS~' ~rt were elected to three year Miss Rupert was a memberpf . The work o~ most Of. the classes Gives To Polio Fund . 5.' K~p yoUr cQOlde·jars triIed terms on the Board of Directors. the American Publlc Welfare As- IS being continued WIth present The Woman's Roos~velt Club of with Scout cookies for that lifterMrs" Wayne H. Randall was ap- sociation, the American Associa- students re-registering; but pro- Swarthmore which has disbanded, 'n60n pickup: ...., . : ... '/'~ pointed to fill the unexpired term tion ·of Social Workers, the Public visions are ~ade to ac:cept new is turning over the balance of ibl The· cookies' may ·be'·purchaSed of Mrs. John E. Daly. Charities Association, the Penn- people in every field although tr~asury to the March ot Dimes from any Girl Scout. The DiemR. T.· Bates has accepted the sylvania W~are Conference, and. some classes are llmited. campaign. - (~ont~uecl on page eigbt) , chairmanship . of the 1949 Fund the Delaware County Counc~ for ,nue to the subject matter there Drive in the borough. He served Health and Welfare. ~l be a complete new turnover Qf: vice-chairman 'under 'Burgess For the past 25 years Miss Ru- In the following classes--home FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4 . J. Paul Brown last year. The Fund pert has made her home in Swarth- decoration, ·textile painting and 8:20 P.M._uI Like It Here". . .. , . ' ......... Player's Club Drive begins on the first of March more. She is survived by two ,photography, which creates an SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 . . . ' . , ' \ and continues throughout the sisters, Mabel, wife of George J. ?pening for. beginners. The fact 7:00 and 9:00 P.M.-Movie: "Stone Flower" Clothier'Memorial. 8:20 P.M._COl Like It Here" .................... Playei-'s Club month. Captains and workets tor Moses and Sara. E., wife of Dantel IS stressed that the Arts Center 8:30 P,M.-Basketball, College vs. Drexel ........ Field· House •. the Fund Drive will be announced H. Sullivan, both of West Chester, wishes, to· enco~e beginners in SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 later. and a brother, J. LesUe Rupert of the ~ as well as ~ who are 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ............ Local Churches Concordville. experIenced. .' MONDAY. FEBRUARY., Mr. Bates has been a resident of Several brand new groups have 8:20 P.M.-"I Like It Here" . '., .............. Player's Club Swarthmore for the .p~t five years TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Friendly Cirele Meets been added, which indicates the 2:00 P.M.-IIEffortless Education Tmougb Films" .and is connected with the Fabric Twenty-seven members of the healthy growth of the Center. A . Woman's Club i and Finishes Depa$ent of the Friendly Circle gathered at the class iti lampshade making will 8:00 P.M.-Home and SchooL.,............... Auditorium "; Du Pont Company in Wilmington. home of Lillian' Boyt on, Park be conducted by Mrs. Leonard 8:00 P.M.-Junior. Club, Stated Meeting ........ Womim·s ' Club ',:. 8:20 P.M.-"l Like It Here": .............•..... Player's Club ~ avenue for the January meeting. Rodenhausen of Olney on Monday WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9. '. .' ,~) Dr. and Mrs. Geo1Ige B. Heck- Mrs. Edward 80,0. acted as co- mornings· from 9:30 to 11:30. Mrs; 12:30 P.M.-Dr. Edith MIllican •........... Presbyterian· Church· man ot Park avenue left yester- hostess. Rodenhausen is a teacher at the 2:00 P.M.-"China of Today"---Mrs. Walter Gilpatrick ': Methodist Church Ch8pel • day for a weekend of winter sports In addition to regular business Bryn Mawr Art' Center and has 8:00 P.M.-W.I.L., Prof. Laurence Lafore, 215 Cornell avenue" at Skytop in the Poconos. transacted it was voted to con- taught in other art centers. Mr. 8:15 P.M.-8lr ~old Jones ...... , ............Meeting' HOuse·;' Pepper. Neal has been elected tribute a generous check to the and Mrs. Harry Montgomery of 8:20 P.M.-"I Like It Here" .............•...... Player'"a: 'Club " captain of the Sigma basket))a1l Pollo Drive and to cuT;y on the Wallingford, who have been estabTHURSDAY• .JANUABY ~'. '1 8:00 P .M.-Mother's Club-"Tips to Jt!othE'.rs". ; ~ Woman.'a.\ Club ,'; team at St Mary's Junior Col- work of assisting need7 persoDS lished for: a number of· years as 8·20 P.ltL- "1'"UlAC 11..._ It H " . ..... ' C,l~j .'., " • ere ............. ' ....... Playl11 at Trinity Church wilb Ibe Fellow- 'be held this everung 1D the Clarifies Situation ship of that church. . Hall from 7 to 9 To Editors of The Swarthmorean: A light supper will be served The Preparatory Because of erroneous impres10r the Young Adult's Group on Class w~ meet on Sunday sions created by misleading stateSunday evening at 6 o'clock. fol- at .9:15 ill the chapelments made In certain daily newsiowed by Ibe program. Howard The €hurch school meets at 9:45. papers concerning a most untorBrinton, director of Pendle Hill Classes are provided for children tunate occurrence involving my School will speak on "The. Rela- of all ages and for adults. son-In-law, Samuel M. Harbison, tion Between Failb and.Work." The Young ~d~ts Class Jr., I should like to briefiy state The Junior Choir will rehearse meet In Ibe Ladies Parlors at the facts In the case. . Thursday afternoon at 3:30 and The topic Of the sermon at Early In the evening of January the Chapel Choir rehearses Thurs- 11 o'clock service is "The 22. Sam was driving along City day evening at .7:45. I of ~e T~." There will l,ine when he had trouble wilb his The Board of Trustees will meet baptism for children at the morn- lights. Wisliing to avoid leaving · .Tuesday evening. February 8. at ing service. his caron Ibe highway where an ,:.8 o'cU,ck in the church office. The Church Nursery is open accident might occur. he turned '.- The Wom,;n;~' Association will during Ibe morning service. Mis. off onto a side street.' He then meet on Wednesday. February 9. Eleanor Smilb and Mrs. Helena walked back to City Line In search · Mrs. Charles E. FIscher will lead Hughey will.be L'l charge. of a gas station where he might The ushers for Ibe day are A. secure aid. Since he could not find P. Smllb. G. Gla...er. W. Hart- anyone able to assist him. he reman. C. L. Hughey and R. M. turned' to his car. noticing as he ---...,-----------1 Snyder. did so that someone driving slowly . SWARTHMORE The Youlb Fellowship will along Ibe street appeared to be PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ill the evening at 6 in the Ladies watching him. SaJ,;, succeeded In Rev. Joseph P. Bishop. Minister Parlors. A motion pi!'hJrewill be repairing his lights himself and Sunda,.. Februar:r 6 shown during the meeting. returned home. observing the he 9:00 A. M.-Communicants Class 9:45 A. M. _ Church SchooL Earl H. Taylor. Political Editor was followed by the olber car for 9:45 A. M.-Women·s Bible CIBBs of the Curtis Publications. will be a short distance. 9:45 A. M.-Men·s Bible C1aaa Ibe . speaker at Ibe Men's Shortly after midnight, Ibe Hav11:00 A. M. - Mr. Bishop will at 8. He will speak on "The Re- erford Township police came to preach. ~'Citizens of Two C . i " . Worlds." port of the Hoover omn)1ss OD. my home, in which Sam lives, with 5:00 P. M.-Jr. High Fellowship This Is a subject that a warrant for his arrest sworn out 6:00 P. M.-Young Adults· Club everyone who is Interested In by Mr. D. H. Kennedy of 1011 will meet. Federal Government. All men Hunters lane. whose home had 6:30 P. M.-High School Fellowship will meet at Trinity. Ibe community are Invited. been burglarued at about Ibe same _-=::=::...:_______--'-__ 1 The Woman's Society of Chris- time that Sam's car had been METHODIST CHURCH tian Service will meet for lunch- parked nearby. The.ol)ly informaRoy. N. Keiser. D.D.. Miniater eon on Wednesday at 12:30. tion given the police was the liSunda,.. Februal'7 6 regular meeting will fOllow, cenSe number of Ibe car. the prox9:45 A.,M ...:..church School which time Mrs. Walter' lmity of which to his home Mr. 10:00 A. M.-YOUDII Adult Felrick, who recently returned apparently believed was lowship 11 :00 A. M.-The minister will China. will be Ibe spea)ter. evidence that the owner of the car preach, "The Burden of Little Rehearsal for the SeiUor Choir committeed the burglary. (To my Things." Is on Thursday evening at 7:45. mind this would be evidence to 6:00 P. M.-Youlb Fellowship The Social Han will be open for Ibe contrary, since no burglar in TJUNrl'Y CHURCH Supervised Recreation under Mr. his senses would park his own car Re~~.C.AndenwD.~r Purnell on Friday evening at 7 near Ibe scene of the crime for easy SQllda,.,Febl'll.al'J' 6 identification.) Aa Mr. Kennedy o'clock. 6:00 A. M.-Holy Communion 9:45 A. M.-Church SchooL had demanded the arrest. however. 11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. the police took Sam to the station 6:30 P. M.-Young People's FelTrinity Notes £Or questioning. In spite of his lowshlp. . Holy Communion will be eele- excellent reason for the location of THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY brated on Sunday at 8 a. m. his car at the time of the burglary. OF 'FRIENDS 'Church school will meet at 9:45. they detained him until Mr. KenSunda,.. Februar:r 6 nedy came the following morning. 9:45 A. M.-Flrst Day School. At Ibe 11 o'clock service Communion will be Without'asking for a description 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum. Patrick Malin, "The Conscientious Ushers at Ibe 11 o'clock of either of the two burglars whom Objector." . will be T. Hooper. head usher; C. Kenendy stated he had pur11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship.. W. Randall. R. J. Baker. P. B. sued down the street after they Wednesda,.. February :I Har escaped from his house, and with9:30 to 3:30-Sew!ng and Quilt- Ban k s, W . R . J ones. W .M . iDg In Whittier House. Box ~ey. R. M. Daniel and W. N. out providing any olber persons as Luncheon. All cord1a1!y in- R possible suspects. the Haverford yerson. vited. Confirmation class will be Township police asked Mr. KenFIRST CHURCH OF at 5:30 p. in. nedy whelber he recognized Sam CHRIST SCIENTIST The Young People's to which be replied In the affirmaOF SWARTHMORE ill t t 6 30 t tive. ~--..... w mee a : p. m.. a . ParLA A venue below ..... time they will entertain the PresIt was Iben necessary to detaIn Sandal'. Febraary 8 11:00 A. M. Sunday SchooL byterian Fellowship. Patrick M. Sam wtil ball could be set, which 11:00 A. M--lesson - SeiWOD Malin,. ~ Fri~d was done on January 26. Mean"Spirit.~' widely known here and abroad whUe, the builders with whom Wednel!day evening meetinC Sam had d busin elec each week, 8 p.m. Reading room his work among refugees one ess as an open daily except Sunda7 and speak on "SeeHnK a vOcation." contractor expressed their Holidays 12 to 5 p.m. Wedne I lay Chotr school will meet MOIUIay complete confidence In his Integ. ;;r:.inga 7. to. 7:50 p.m. BD4 9 to ~d Wedneeda;v at 4:80. rity and thejr wllJlnlll" h t o aid OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE Sweetly Traditional • • • this shameless heartstealer Delicious candy enclosed within a heart - the gift every Valentine expects! And no wonder, Our favorite box filled with our best candy so good you'U help your Valentine eat it! College "Pharmacy ICHAEL'S The Corner Drug Sitore ,, 'ChUrch Services Edmund O'Brien The Swarthmore 0476 Russ HannAn's Ba.nd Befrealunenls Formal Dress Optional Call Any Girl Scout Box35c I BEAUTY SALON r andli~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~J Ii son-In-law and daughter, Mr. Mrs. William Pichardo and small I I . son Billy of Pittstown, N. J. Mrs. J. Albright Jones of SWarlhmore avenue and Cedar lane entertained at a small luricheon last week In honor of Mrs. T. Janda, who will join Lt. Janda In Ibe Philippine In June. Mrs. F. C. Jussen of Cornell ave_ nue entertained her bridge club dessert-brld8e on Tuesday evening. ..Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of uApplebrook," J;Jark avenue, and Mrs. Margaret Servais of Dickinson avenue will leave Febl'lUU'y 9. for Richmond, Ind., for a week's '. The Bouquet a ~ ~'~!::Ii~iiii~iiiiiiii~~~~iilii~~~~iiiiii~~~ii~ii~ii~ of Burgess Walnut and laneMrs. are J. thepaO\ul~a!~:::~ g ents. :::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. .-.-- ~. f) .., ..=",~·_.·"."~_c,·,-._,,·=-=== _ ... "~~='. 'I'here will be Q met!ting of t,le i.'l a.ny \'."y ··~":::r ~!' ; \ : .•• ~!."~"\,; ::"t ""1::".1'; (I~ 7"\\"" !·~f.:l:;-=C tb..:.t the Committee OIl Tuel!day him of this false charge. One in actIOn was entirely -unjustified. at 7 o'clock in the ParIIh House. particular devoted many hours to The case will come before the The vestry will meet In the Par- attending Ibe hearings. conferring Grand Jury In March. Ish House at 7:30 p. m. on Tuesday. with lawyers, and assuring olber (Contlnu4!lll on p . . . ') 'The Building Committee will meet In the Parish House at 8:30 p. m: on Tuel!day. The third In a series of lectures by. Ibe Rector will be held on Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. In the Closed Every Sunday Parish House. at which time be discuss' Ibe relatipnship beMondliy Thru Saturday Open 7 A. M· to 8 p. M. ,tw'oen the Episcopal Church and oll,er religious bodies. empbasizing ~::~~:~"'; and differences and the problems raised by church unity. DAILY D~ SSe lotl.60 Choir rehearsal will be held on Special' Children's Platters . at 7:30 p. m. I:;;: Come and Enjoy Your Selection From HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS I f Mr. Pu and Mrs. Richard 0 ghtown. Pa.•· are congratulations },pon Ibe birth' a SOD, ~aul. Harlan Brown, on .To,"_' Uary 27. In Chester Hospital. - THE 'SWARTHMOREAN ., I College, accompanied by classJean Krotzer of Chappaqua. N. Y., and Dru Howsen of Pittsburgh. spent Ibe week-end at the B h rown ome on Norlb Chester d roa . Jlnuny Hornaday of Dickinson avenUe will return to the Universityof Maryiimd,' Sunday following a mid-term vacation. Barbara Brown of Wheelock College. Mass .• spent Ibe mid-semester vacation at her home on Walnut lane. Tom Maher of Rutgers -.- ~~!!!~~;;~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. Russell H. Kent of Ri"er·-I the maternal grandparents. enter-I jF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ view road enterlalned "The talned at a tea at Ibeir home In at a luncheon-bridge Tues- Wynnewood following the chrisday in honor of Mrs. William K. tening. HAVING COMPANY ? ? Harrison, Jr., who is viSiting Order HOAGIES From daughter Mrs. Russell H. Kent, Jr., BIR1'HS of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. John P . ~:::: Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins of South Chester road a .171,2 S. Chest~r Road Media Sunday after spending North Chester road enterta.iD~,ed;:,a;;t: !~~~:~b,~irth~ of a daughter Christine days in Cambridge, Mass., a small tea on Thursday in n ' January 23, in Fll~,,,.aldl SWARTHMORE. PA. visiting her son Bob who Is a of the birthday anniversary of Mercy Hospital. Monda,. throngh Thnrsday - 11:00 A.M. 10 11:00 P.M. Ireshman at Harvard. daughter Mrs. Wayland Elsbree The baby is a granddaughter of Frida,. and Saturday - 11:00 A.M. 10 mlc1nI6ht Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks and WarnDgford. Mr. Daniel J. Hilferty of South Snnday - 6:3010 9:30 P.M. Chester road. danghter Molly of Harvard Jean Brown of Mary WashlngPhone: Swarthmore 3216 w~k-end In AUantic City. - s W II. nTH =_=~ _~.= "~=~=~= SWARTHMORE. PA.. I'BIDAY. FEBRUABY 4, 1949 The$l.OO-Serve Yourself-All YouWant i COMPLETE SUPPER eral - ~ DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON . I Chester road. Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. JackIOn of Vassar avenue entertained a. Lheir week-end guests. Mrs. William Burke, Jr., and Burke, 3d, Of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Edwin C. Buxbaum to her home at Winding lane ~ __..=._ ~. PUBUSBBD BVBBY FBmAY.AT SWAaTIIMOU:. PA THE SWABTllMOBBAN. INC.. P1JBLI8BBB l'boile Swartamore .... PETER E. TOLD. EdItor MABJOIUE TOLD. 8ARBARA KENT. AsIodale Editors Rosalie Peirsol Lorene Mc Carter Edith Whitaker Entered as Second Class Matter JanUllJ'7 24, 1929. at ~ Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa.• w;Ier the Act of March 3. 1878. YOUR CAR YOU SHOP WHILE . I -_ •._____ THE .. .. impnrtance. See us. before yc;u buy medicine, no :.Dlltter how simple your ill may Seem to Michael's College Pha'lDacy . v..... IN. . ON TllECOBNEB. .' ARROW'S g'ea"~ 'Ie '. 1;' "._ ;'/~ a.ways get a man ., • • No man (or wo~an) can resist the charm 01 tiie.. handsome Arrow Beaux 'n Arrows Ensembles. The shirts with white satin and cord stripes to bring out the smartne~ 01 the colored ground, ore a joy to behold• So a,. the Ii" and handkerchiefs that hit a new hillh In eye-pleasing harmon),. Come in, bound 10 lind their colors just perfect far your auit.-Anow collar $lyles that. flatter you no end. you.,. INrtI $4.50 TIH $1.50 "andkerchleh 65, Buchner's Toggery Shop :4 THE SWARTHMOREAN " . ~Lang, George Warren andi spent the week-end visiting frien '.fed Oppenlander of Swarthmore at Yale University. * * * WALL WASHING FLOOR WAXING HOUSE CLEANING For Service and Satisfaction Phone Ardmore 2320 ARDMORE WINDo.W CLEANlNG CO. 135 Drexel Road Ardmore, Penn.;ylvania . FEBRUARY 4, lIN9 W. I. L. Study i,'omeo's loterllOltiooal League. Professor Laurence Wore of the Group To Open history department of Swarthmore The first of a series of four College W'ill discuss the history of study groupS on Lalln-Amerlcan the Latin-American republics. problems will be held Wednesday Subsequent meetings wfll be conevening, February 9, at the home cemed wIth present-day problems of Mrs. Robert A. Detweiler,' 215 of these countries. A cordial inviCornell avenu" at 8 p. 10., under talion is extended to/everyone inthe sponsorship Of the Swarthmore terested in attending. :r;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;';;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;~ Ii BE AMUSING AND GAY FOR VALENTINE'S DAY Monday, February Vlth Choose }rom Our New Look Variety Of Humorous and Sweetheart VALENTINE GREETING CARDS HOLLYHOCK SHOP . SWARTHMORE - PENNA. J. E.LIMEBURNER co. DISPENSING OPTICIANS HANNUM &WAITE Experts in the Making and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses Yale Ave. and Chester Road 1923 Chestnut Street -11-- Phila. 6913 Market Street Upper Darby , Swarthmore 1250 , 827 Lancaster Ave" Bryn Mawr, Pa. •••••••••••••••••••••• - Vielle Tl'io To Perform The Vlelle TrIo, a group of Inatrumentalists, wfll appear at the Friends Meeting House on Friday evening, February U, at 8:15. Thls trio plays "vielles"-anc:estors to the :vIOlin-which are actually moderp. reproductions of the old instruments made by following old drawings and written specWcations. The trio will play the music which these instruments originally played: cqmpositions of the Middle . Ages and &>naissance. Of the three vielles which wfll i1e used, two are 'alto and one is tenor. In addition to the vielles, a portable organ, also copied from an early instrument, will be used. Accompanying the trio will be a tenor sin&er, Mr. Du Bose Robertson. TO SPEAK ON CHINA All women of the community are invited to hear Mrs. Walter Gilpatrick of White Plains, N. Y., on Wednesday, February 9, at 2 p. m., in the Methodist Church Chapel. Mrs. Gilpatrick, who will speak on "China of Today," has just returned from a trip to that country where she visited one of her SODS, who was with the U. S. Slate Department there. . Born in .rapan, the daughter of a congregationaI'misslonary, Mrs. Gilpatrick, together with her sister the late Mrs. H. M. Crist, has been an active ·trained Sunday Schoof worker and has a wide Interest In all women's club activities. A graduate Of. Mount Holyoke Cullege, she is now a member of the Mount Holyoke Board of Trustees. Entertain At Surprise Party Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Kroon of Muhlenberg avenUe enterta1ned at a cabin-raising party at which 11 Westinghouse couples surprised Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Redding, wbo ·will move into their new home at 80 Fuwess lane in Wallingford the latter part of February. Each couple wrote a poem telling wbat they would do to help the Reddlngs move, such as washing windows, unpacking boxes, chopping replace WOod, etc., and each was appropriately dressed for the job chosen. During the evening, the group completed a quilt for the new home. Mr. Redding Is section engineer at the Westinghouse Company. Mrs. Redding Is the dsughter of Mrs. L. C. Blundinof Park avenue. LEATJERS OF, EW61NEER6 UNlfJN • Leaders of Imions representing railroad engineers and firemen seek to force railroads to add extra, needless men 00 diesel locomotives. This is sheer waste -a "make-work" program which would mean Cewer improvements and higher costs-for youl Railroads use modem diesel locomotives because they are one of the means of giving faster, better service to you. . Two men compose the crew of a diesel. They occupy a clean, comfortable cab at the front. The engineer handles the throttle The fireman sits and watcheS the track ahead. With no coal to abovel, he has practically nothing else to do. .No Benellt To You Now the leaders of the Brotherhood of Loco. motive Engineers and· the Brotherhood o· Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen want to use the diesel locomotive 88 a means oJ.' forcing a feather-bedding Bcheme on the raii.~ lOads. The extra men they propose to add to the diesel crewa are Dot needed. There is DO work for them. The union leaders are fighting amongtbemoeJ.v. about which union should furnish theseeldm, Deedleosmen. The Brotherhood of Locomotive EDgin..... have even threatened altrika. You may not he in........ted in this disP!'te of these two !"'iona, but you would be Vl~ COncerned if these IIlOUPS succeed in putting through this feather-_ding IICheme, !>-use it; woold mean a slowing up of the un~vemeot program of the railroads-of "hi~ the dieoel is the ootatanding symbol. . Dieael ' ...... are -=g the higheSt paid railroad employes-real aristocrats of labor! Their pay is high by any standard. Granting qfthese demands, therefore, would mean that the railroads would be paying out millions in unearned wages to those in the very high .. c pay brackets. We'd LIke To Spend This MoneJ On Yon You ~ow how much the .pesel has meant to you in increased speed, colnfo:rt and convenience. The railroads have many more of them on order for even greater improvement in service to you. But needless drains of money. such as this present demand of the uniona for needless men on diesels, :reduce the ability of the railroads to spend money on better service for you. Proud as the railroads are of the diesel, it is only It. small part ·of their improvement pro- «ram. Since the War, literally billiona of dol. lars have been spent on improvement of tracks and .tationa, on new p888el'ger and freight cars, as well as on diesel. locomotives, and on the many other less conspicuous details of railroading thot contribute to iUljJroyed service. Feather-Bedding Means· Less Sent•• To You Thetas Plan Luncheon The Pililadelphia Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta will hold its annual Founders' DaT luncheon at 1 p. m., on Saturday, February 12, at the Pehn-Sberalon Hotel in Philadelphia. Mrs. Eleanor Stabler Clarke, assistant executive secrelary of the American Fri~nds Service Committee will be toastmistress and Charlotte Eby will speak on her work with the American Friends Service COlDOlittee. . Mrs. Clarke and Miss Eby both have a wide knowledge' of Euro- . ·pean conditions, what has been accomplished, and what Is still to be done in helping the people. All local Thetas are urged to attend this interesting meeting. THE S WAr. T H III 0 It :;; t\ 1'! FEBRUARY., 1949 i o"curre,! at thjs corner, Jr, l\iusiei::ms l\":(~1 ! ,j Request are deeply co"",,n' i, as The January ·meeti.,g oi the The followin8 letter was sent to we are sure the· Borough Council Swat1hmore .runlor Music Club 'kJE'VE thosesilecial Valentine gifts suited to' George EwiIig, president of .Bor- Is, that no child be killed or per- was held Sunday evening at the ouah Couocli. Because It was manentiy Iojured through failure home of Arthur Grover on Dickthought to be Of' public Interest to provide reasonable protection inson avenue. After a brief busievery feminine fancy. Priced to please and right for has been printed here. and safety. It ahould further be tin t hich the presiI noted that this Is the comer most ness mee g a w milady's many moods. Dear Mr. Ewin8: used by students of the college in dent of the club, Harold Ogram, • / On January 18 a group of crossing Chester road to get buses presided, the mee~'was turned , ough residents, representing Sixty-ninth street or to make over to Carol Mosteller" program College Avenue School, the Trinity use of the women's athletic fields. cbalrman for the evening. She Church, Swarthmore College, and We would like to point out that presented an unusually full and Perfect Fitting LINGERIE parents of school childreo, met at the installation of a traffic light at v!"led program. . the Parish House of the Trinity this comer would not remove the· Louise Wittmeyer was the first Church to discuss ways of pro- necessity of ststioning a poliCE!- performer with the piano solo tecting our children from the trsf- man at this comer at those times "Solfegietto" by C. P. E. Bach. fie dangers on Chester road. It when it Is most extensively used Lynn Rogers followed by pl".ying har schemes to "make work". Neither you nor the rsilroads should be forced to pay such n II mo:etings, and other events. of these fall In the late. or early evening, when 1t Is either dusk or completely, dsrk, thereby In 14 COLORS and NEW NON-YELLOWING PORCELAIN WHITE * Drle. Quick N • • r ••h Mark. a••••• . E •• y EL r ~ s~ e.A. fEITON ..SIBlEY Product . QUAlI'Y' SINC! 1863 . H. D. SIPLER u II01J'l"B '''1R_~la . . 8O"P. BWAIl'l'llllOBB Newpeiformance! ~W smartness! Mw moneys worth! ANNOUNfjlNG NEw 1949 STUDEBAKERS oImmJ~/n~+S~~ T HEY'RE here today in all their /Iightstreamed glory-the fabulously fine new Studebakers for 1949! New visions of loveliness inside and outside! Spectacular new examples of Studebaker's postwar pacemaking! The most value-packed automobiles a mod.erate iavestment eyer bought! A new 1949 Studebaker Commander with new power! A new 1949 Studebaker Champion with new glamor! A special extra-long-wheelbase new 1949 Studebaker Land Cruiser-style-marked with a new distinction! Take a moment to take a look-and you'll w~nt to take an hour to admire thesenewesiStudebakerdreamcars. It'sa Studehaker year again all oyer America! \. See the.. slancl-Out dl.llndIDn. of the new 1949 Studebake.. Ncwdccorator-rabricupholsterieseNew instrument panels • New body colors • Self-adjusting brakes ._ Variable ra~ "extra.leverage'" steenng • PanoramIC vision. Seats centered ~tween a~es : Low ea\ter of gravity. "Black light dash dials • Automatic bill holder and t"oam rubber seat eushions optional at added cntt: on ChamPions-:S~ on aU other models • Automatic overdriVe. Climatizet heating system, white aidewall tires and wbeel trim rings are aa.pIoft StcnWtM c.... for 5 pa ajkiisiji liN')) liI..S'I'()N . s. Chester and F1ain>iew Roads StudelHJlerli iIre buy .om for thritithat lasts end style tLaftLr.UJ. . ~ .. Mrs. Maurice Griest of Elm av.... Letter To The Editor nue has returned after spending a (continued from PBlfe 3) few days with ber son and daughWhile I was out of town during ter·ip-law Mr. and Mrs. Thomas the entire period, I have ~ Peirce Hunler of Baltimore. greatlY distressed since my return by learning of the hardship and humiliation suffered by a young ma.. whom I know to be honorable and Innocent of any wrong·doing. as well as of the mental anguish endured by my· daughter. my wlte and Sam's own family at that time. More and More Know tflat n Is alarming to find that in this democracy. and especially in Dela.. Acme Money-Saving ware County. a man· can be taken from his home and imprisoned upon such slight "evidence" as was offered. Today your dollar buy. more food val ... M. C, Molstad In the Acme. JUit compare and know WOID_'" ic_., '0.1a w. Acme Meal Prices ue Lower tODAY', PRICU 19~8 'ender, Standing, 7.'nch Cut liB RO!ST lit STEAKS :.:~-::. (E=) • :VEAL ROAST ~:,!:.r;:I::: LEOS LAMB ~~";i!;. . u. s. Good :.hort IU... Beel U.S.G ..dodO.... ' . Non. HlgMr '...... Plat. Beel u. :;''=~t!''" ...... k •• WoI'""d'., ro...•• ! . or Iobert'. a.... !'PORI LOINS' lit lit lit L.aup ........ Rlb Ind te 3Y.r Ibi ..: Deep "a ScaDop. YI,.,.,. I.. s......,. 53. 'RlNO'CAKE ;.... I:::: 45 Appears On Television Lyn Bernard of Rutgers avenue was delighted by the opportunity to substitute on WFnls televised Tot·s Birthday party for one of the scheduled children who was III Wednesday night of last week. q. ... 79. ....N.~ IUced, Ic•• Louisiana Crunch e Made with ,...... orange. and tasty MacaI'DOfl Crundl Crust Iced 'oud Cake l1:! 3ge Raisin Bread ~".d~ ZOe Supreme Bread ''''14c Mazola 011 ..... 39c IISIXJ Pork & Beans I=, 10c Rob-ford Rice 2··· .. • 29c Webster's T;:: 2411:'39c IISCIJ Corn 2 N~~ 37c Best Pure Lard .... ,.. 18c NEWS NOTES Jessie Gilbert of Park avenue will entertain as' her week-end guest. Betsy Ross of Bronxville. N, Y., a tormer roommate at the Pennsylvania College for Women, Pittsburgh. Eben Lang has returned to Cornell University after a few days vacation at his home on Maple avenue. Mrs. Frank D. Windell otWest·dale avenue entertained at a luncheon-bridge at her home Wednesday afternoon and was again hostess at a bridge Wednesday eVening. Mrs. J. M. Nicholas ot Cornell avenue entertained at a neighborhood tea on Friday. Mr. Malcolm H. Merrill of Cedar lane· is spending a few days In Ogunquit. Mwne, er::::b11 Tea Bags I .... oru .....t .. P'::41c Ideal Oran.. '.k_ TEA BAGS Dairy Prices ue Lower mD CHEESE Faa.,. .harp Claeele "';lIo of TODAT'S PRICES , Creamy Cheddar Ib 49~ 'h 'b ~50 7ge Prices Sopt.30 1948 37. Gleadale Club Cheele Food ~ 790 Priaee••.f)leomuBarla. .bok_1 280 Sauerktaut and Frankfurter Week 97. I TODAY'S PRICES 32. KRAUT farge No.2'h ca. Fancy Lonl eut R• ...:ord WIlol. Cora G.'d.n 12_ ccn Baril Soa". •...... , Aspa"'.... 'O'h... or Vegetabl. CO" Craaberr'" Saaee .doo. 1.... • Faner con CtUloraia lardlae.'••• ~,. N •.• . Sauce can Faae,. SOUp Bea... . 2·'b pk. Bo..·de·Ute Ma,.oaaal.e r.:, Dre.llDa Hom·...-U'. r.:. Prem '"'"MM., Shou'd.. 12 ... can Apple·JeW.. or.nwood 12·•• ...... Evaporated Milk Fa""da" t." ,an Ca..pbell'. Pork II Beanl ••.•• C . rlace or Spr,. 3·'b c:na.. WhIte ~hOrI.nlng v_~.. n:' can IYo~ Soap 2:i.':. ~5e (h:!'~) ':".:' BI=••, Saper 'u.s., OlQ'dol .~ Sa... 'wIIt'. ~n Prices Sept. 30 19~8 2 23.: 2/3Oc Z/30. 2/33. 4/Z,. 4/~. Z/2.7. Z3_ Z70, 2/31. ~70 ~ Z70 31. 4~ .~ ~50 17. 6175e 6/850 Z/aSe 2/3Oc $ ••07 $1.31 ~se 41. for ~/Z90 ~~ ~.;.!~ Fumdal. LUle Sweet Peas Fl'8it Co--luaU or......DtI, LIMon ..... •• .. STUDEBAKER SALES Qnd SERVICE - Roast •Beef Ib59c Sliced Bacon . pkg 29c Ham Ib 59c SHANK END -Fruits and Vegetables _ "!::"~ ~-_-:_' !40~~ I 3 for JUICE Oranges 23c %. · ment in - U. , · !!y young ~ '~t, · Doz29c Tomatoes Potatoes Carrots .' .0/' nurse. ~.o~~=O~2_~~ appomtment. All ~ ~_~ l.i'; CO-Gp- ~ 2ge 5. . mothproofed. ~,. $99.50. . U<>ned. . (i) hut • I' P•••s,'".,. • Ii Rubbish CoUeotecl Weekly or Monthly Phone Swartlunore 3343 .. 9 A M. to 5.30 P.M. room ohio . ... .- , Builder pajnter Never Grows Old" Media 6·0755 DrIveway CouatracUon . Asphalt or eo""""to MORE BEAT FOR LESS MONEY WANT TO BUILD? Good matertals and skilltul workmen are now available. Call us for Information and All Types of Electrical InIItIIllatlolla and Repairs. " ".. estimates ServIng Swarthmore and IBCI,rae:e A. Reeves Vicinity for past Twenty Years Samuel M. Harbison Generation Mason • NIGB'l' or DAY • • CHARLES E. FISCHER SWARTHMORE "53 "A HOUSE WElL·M.AlmAINED IS THE WISE OWNER'S 'AIN" .... '- PREMIlllII ANTHRACITE 331 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore Swarthmore 0345 3UO SWII&'tIunue =81 II "A Well KepI House PHONE ... ....)TBlCAL OONTILACTOR llS0 Muhhubeq Ave. = REALTOR . MOSTEIJrER Electric Hot Water Heaters , and Electric Ranges Installed S~I'''' Paperhangins A. WAYNE Electrical Repairs .. I Wallace Lippincott' Pboue Swarthmore 2518 WlrIn.. New and Old Home. occasional chair; other turni.ture, 11% South Chester road, Swarthmore 1143. • Paintins and ' PETER DI NICOLA Irons • WasIlera - TGuIen RadIo. and six U you have real estate for sale, list with us and we will give you the benefit of our Cooperl!ctive SellIna Bureau. Call at Office or phone us. Chester 1-016 Phone: Media. '·U81 i~iiiii~~~~~~~~~ ~ l~~ DAVE WOOD IMI7 u.mont Avenue . .1tJ Ga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Po. Phone Swarthmore 1143 U'"I'W'_qlllll Dependable Service ARTID laOTMEIS, .... c••, .... _ Iu...." Make and Repair Mosl Anyth~ for tbe Home CaniD« and RusblnJ Call Ridley Park n ... COVill . . . ••".u"'" ....1"11' SHOP Bodine and Kell3'on A..... !!i Photographer "'Outstanding for Qua1ltT' . Media 6-0436 6 E .. Front SI. Disposal Service e •• W c•• JI.la... ' 17 \.i South Chester Road F. F. ZIMMERMAN • • Wall ... STORE ful]y' recondl- - Swarthmore PRUNING, IJMB AND TREE REMOVAL ROBERT IlASTlNGS Call SwarthmDre .'5-W ••••••• IIKIII. FIXlTSHOP ~ I!II washer. _!3~~ . ~~!\oQ~'I:]zn. Telephone Swarth· INSTANT ne Ben relepb.e C••p••, 1-::: Rep......ting Th. A;'na CasuallY aruI &~~",s~-Bi !!nanas?-Y~, we have 'em. CO-OP SOOURING ~~~~~~~~~~~ SwOJ' tractor, Swarthmore 2850 - 335 a new home or rem ~'of Art In Philadelphia suburban The committee for an,mglng 80ns havlnr cJalms or demando _ Park Avenue. Mr.- Walter J. Coppock's Tuesday schOOls, classes includes Mrs, Stanley L. ll:~ =!~ ~!dtha~ld=:: ~:d:'~ PiiiilSUNAL- Vacuum Cleaners, evening class In home plimlilng A unique class" of lecture and MacMillan of Vassar avenue, Mrs. r:"",ent to make payment, without delay. frons, toasters and radios 1'8- should be hoth interesting and F LeRo Gilbert f M dow lane' GEORGE P. PILGRIM, Adml_tor ........ . ck, discussion will be conducted b y ' Y 0 ea . 710 Yale Av'. paired, called for and dellv... helpful. Mr. Coppo a resident d M CI d Shul f R bin Call Robert Brooks, Swartibmore Dr. John W, Laird of Germantown, an rs. y e er 0 0 . Swarthmore. -Pa. Hill Or to bls Attomer ~. FOB BENT 01\ Thursday evenings starting at . MALCOLM B. PETRIXIN, ESQ, r"""<>-","~...... to 8 p. m. Dr, Laird Is a graduate of De•• Co. Nail. Bank Bide. Mrs. i3er:tb..! P. I'v.. RENT Room with bath, lar- Syracuse University and Yale D1..... , • • I H es- ~~~~r. Fa. " , lea. 15811-W 2lIH age optio!'al, in attractive home vlnlty School and enjoys a repu. r avenue, on the HIll. Call Swartlunore . ~ ADVERTISBMBNT PERSONAL--Swedish hand mas- 1675. !alion as educator, author and lIRon£RiTY~ The School District of Swarthmore wID sage, Slenderizing quieting FOR RENT FurnIshed room ad- lecturer. Many members of the t· .1\ r 'r. ,t (~ receIve bIds at the School D.strlct ....... College Avenue BulldJnr. up to , p.m.. effect on nerv',ous system. Phon .e bath. Quiet, pleasant Thunday. February 10, "'., and " Ridley Park 0842-R, Repty to Box R. BUBGT..... and the bldo al a meeting of the School _ PERSONAL-Responsible .person IThe .,............ _,,,--::: i\>' at the Schoo' District olr"'" on F.......... would like baby-sitting 50 cents~ I~ ALARMS ~~. :::~:J~':'o~tt:e ~OOr~~~f~O:= per hour. Day or evening, Swarth· Installed In Your a __ Instrum.nts. Speclftcatlona eaa he .......... e 2018 --.-.... 1Ito1'l, ...... between .. a.m. aDd , p.m. daUy acept mor . _ .u • _. Free EstImates Saturday; Sunday. and hollda... at. the PERSONAL Baby-sitter -avallSchool District otrlce. The Board . . .""" able. Call Shawn Disney, Write to Ihe ""hi to reJecl aoY'or aU bids In tensl 296 LOST and FOUND Bur I ... _-- eo whole or In part aad to award _tracts Oono Swarthmore :.co¥" ex on • • er ~-u. ~I 011 any Item or Items maldD~ up ...,. bid. . WANTED I. ,pin, covered with Box 67 ... Hlld. La.. De.worth WANTED Unfurnished apart- :black fur to match hat. Call Swarthmore IT.I-Il Seeretary ment near tea room, by widow, ~0279.W. li~~;g'~~~;;;~~~~ ·Swarthmore resident. 'in early -,:,u~ :~~~f ~~I" I LIst Your Real Estato spring. Swartlunore 1306, on. r. ~~, I .Since 1905 WANTED Small unturnIshed Tuesday. ~w~. _ With Devine Taxi Service BAIRD & HmO apartment in or ,.!'~!!' SwarthCUNNINGHAM Old Bank BnIIdlag Swarthmore 0108 • 1202 SWARTBMORE, PA. and wife. ~HMHHHH~ HHMHHe Swa.JlII Mlohlpn Aft Serving Swarthmore, 'Mor~~1t.7_~;~ :inSWARrHMOillE ton, Rutledie and ·RIdley . SubstanUai Suburban Home Township since 1918 work ~~~, _~~ Over %-acre of ground. keasonable A. Mercer Quinby All stone house with slate Call Swartlunore 3219, PHONE: FUNERAL DIRECTOR roof, 4 bedrooms, automatic W~ . hot water heat, 2-car garage. Fonnerly ot Media 8W11l1bmore " " Owner spent close to $5000 112& W. Leblgh Ave., Phlla ~ ar Inspection by Appointment h.:.ithY ~ ,_~or ~ suburban callt JACKSON"()ROSS give away ~e_ sey~ COMPANY weeks old. LO 7-1505 ROOFS GUIIBBB VAN ALEN BROS. - REPAIRED AND • . MED MR.' I ROBEM 1N8T,&J,um ~ ~. Furnace Repairs & Cleaning Swarthmore 14dlJ Coal and Fuel Oil . You Dot likely to be Call BROOKS house in s : ' o r e . , home when hecalh, but GEORGE lIIYEB8 Ashes'&. Rubbish Removed women and child. Call 6-4826, . he will stop just the ~ame =;;;4:;:;09;;:;;M:;;lchIg;;:;;;;,an;;:;;A:;;v;;;e;;.;;S;;W;;';;2;;2;;66~ Lawns H~~ General • ... "cIMd". jut wMa you need ic m-. - .. CLASSIF'IED DoIl'c pmbIe - I BWABTHMOREAN I A _.. I'-nter Plans Roster ------.. .. .. Mr. and Mrs, Francis H. ForsJdhe of Thayer road wlll entertaln as their week-:-end guest Mrs. Forsythe's brother Mr. Edward Scranton Gillette of Winnetka, m that .very reduction In whol• •I. price. I. pa..ed on to you at on... • THE f'B8RUARY 4. 1149 THE SWARTHMOB,&AN • Builders Supply Company MILLWORK - LUMB.... BUILDING lIIATEBIAL Interiors EXteriors • , , T 1I E 'S'W A RT'H ~ O'R,I!I AN COLLEGE FIELD' NA'MED ftBBUABY II, ,lNJ Of' Managers of Swarthmore ColTo Addre5s Awdliary avenue re~umed to PeI!n Slate lege and president of the bulldllngl Mrs. Herbert F. F1raser, wHe of Wednesday following a short mldfirm, Robert E. Lamb & Sons, Dr. Fraser, fonner Chlef of' the semester, holldaT. "dd,eslgn ,!','ied'the Field House and PubUc Finance Brancll of the MIss Julie Forsythe of Thayer a'l great deal of time and advice United States MilltJ;.- Govern- road w'ill entertain at ,a buffet l Its construction in 1935. ment ,In Gennariy, will, be the supper on SundaT evening. " L~, Miller Honored An alumnus of the class of 1886, speaker at the meeting Of the Mrs. Arnold Reddllng of Park T~~ I MIller has been closely aasO- Woman's Auid!iary to the Dela- avenue, president of the SwarthIn llllOrBlB elated witli athletics at Swarth,ware Count)' Medical Soclet)' on more' Junior Club" WP ~ of Ceremony more College ever since his gradu- I TloUlull,y , ~b th I ' evenmg, ~ e ruary 10 ,honor' at a surprise babv shower atlon 63 years ago. For years . th II f th C ... • In a small informal ceremonT has been the onl" m e mee ng room 0 e oun•., at the Junlor'Board meeting at the Commissioners Ii> the Media Court 2 Tu -~ft' p. m., ........,. afternooll, member on the college's House. Mrs. FraSer will speak home of Mrs. Danie Johnson In Swarthmore College Field on Athletics. I m,fo.m"lly M' di Tu d was named In honor of Robert E. The, great oVal-shaped I' Lamb o f N orr1stown an d Char Ies house, first of ils kind ever con- in German" and will display photographs and .articles of inC MIll f Ri ert N J A . nz erla 0 von, . . lied structed, is notable ~~~:.~~:~~ terest collected during her stay in b ro hi h e p que w c was unve because, despite its 325-foot by Mr. Lamb read, "Tbe Lamb- and 125-foot width there are Gennany. Neighborhood group gatherings MIller FieId H ouse, named central supports to, obstruct ,the needhonor 0 f Cb ar1e sC. MIller 1886, plaYl'ng area. The bulldlng houses of members to make greatly ' R bert E. Lamb 1903 I ad In ed cancer dressings will be dIso ,. __ ._, e ers indoor tennis courts, basketball cussed and a demonstration of d ectJ f the p~", an er on 0 courts, volleyball or football dirt dressipgs given. bulldln 1935 .. g, ' courls, a track and several rooms The president, Mrs. Edward T. Mr. Lamb, a member of the equipped for bOxing, wrestling, McKoe, w'ill conduct the meeting. executive commltlee of the and weight lifting. (Continued from page one) William Thompson troop 16: MrIi. John Plumer, troop 19: Mrs. Alvah Stuart troop 83: Mrs. C. D. Schloesser, troop 95: Mrs. Theodore Purnell, troop 225: Mrs. H. W. Huse, troop 266, and Mrs. Charles Lincoln, troop 269. Mrs. Robert HIlkert, the neighborhOod chairman is the cookie sale chairman for this year. , BecOme Scout cookie ';;'nscious and bys~ doing help the girls enjoy Camp Elizabeth Borton next ,summer and ad dto their fimd for their own camp sit imd equip.. D1nIna .lIoom Open to PubHo' -:~~~~ TO PERMANENT and TRANSIENT GUESTS and Rutgers Avenues Phone Swarthmore 9728 II SPRINGFIELD, SWARTHMORE VICINiTY , . MARIAN S. BROWN. _iated with L. HENRY LeBARON, Realtor 1112 8uer Avenue; Springfield Phon~ Swa. 0121 .... 090t ment. The greatest service a Realtor can render, Is to find YOU the house you want at the price YOU can afford. ' ',', Mrs. FraDk G. Keenen of Harvard avenue and, Mrs. RsYZ\lond THIS OFFIfJE SPECIALIZES IN SUCH A SERVlCl!; The right howie at the right' price Is hard to find but with our Intiro'!te knowledge of the territory, we usua1l7 d'; a might)' good' job. U we do not have the suitable Usting for you we have co-operatlve Brokers to consult. BT listing TOur n'eeds, w'ith the LeBaron Office, you will save yourself a lot' o. work' and effort. Whe~er it be a new, properlT bullt Opj,n,tlOIi, house, Or one built to yOW' own apeclficatioo, old homestead' or a country place, the probabilities are that we can' find, it qnioker than you can, and get it at the right price. We will' not reoommend the purcbase of anT PlOpart)' at what we con"; sider an exceesive figure. U we recommend and show it It will be because we believe the price Is right. ' , , K. ,Denworth of Elm avenue enter-tained at the Keenen home Tuesday night In honor of Miss Adeline Str " , ' ouse, 'teacher of French at Swarthmore High School. MIss Strouse will leave for 'Paris, February 18th, on the Queen Elizabeth to study and trav'el 'or the' .' next' six months. ,During' the sprinlg tenn, she will studT at the Sorboune. NEWS NOTES nI Baffet 8 . ._ CoaktaIl PuU_ Call Dot Belfield - Swa. 1978 Marge Hurd - SW8. 8138 Arthur Dodd I Ir 'to the head of the line? Mail your personal check. Th,i U. S. Postal Service will see that it gets to its destination promptly. With a checking ac~ count' you can pay' bills anywhere, any time, from your h()me or office. , So why waste time standing in line? Open a check"',Iii account here. Enjoy this convenien-::,,: 'Swarthmore.ational Bank . ,'Trust Co. Member of Feder81 DepoBit Insurance Col'(>Ol:ation lbrough' the new Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at this Bank - -. of Swarthmore ,Our Broad • FOIlll' Comp'rehensive Public Liability Policy COLD and ICY WEATHER., might cause you to be ••• SUED!! will protect you and y,?ur family $10,000 protectio'n for '$10 Is yOIU • 'Now You can buy U. S. Saving$ Bonda aU,tolDBticalJy olll.rlDsuraDce ."."a.,. anti up 10 flal.? Consult us before renewing your present policies BAIRD & BIRD-Old Bank Building Swarthmore 0108 W., MARK BITI'LE-125 Rutgers Ave. Swarthmore 0111 EDW. L NOYES & CO.-23 S. Ches~er Rd. , Swarthmore 0114', ' PETER E., T0LIh-333 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore -1833 ' TO OPEN SOON • 'unebeons, Would you,' like to go . . . sw ;';\l1I\!('~" , DRIVE SPECIALIZING IN rOt'" THE SWARrHMOR!AN CROSS , more, ,Pa. 12\949 . RED Casserole Catering Service I Harvard 'Inn - IlABGBaa4~ . SCOUTS iSELL COOKIES r~"" ~J , . ':t SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1949 .- SHIFFRIN PLAY ENDS -TOMORROW Narbeth Directs Players Club Comedy SENIORS TO DANCE The Senior Assemblies will meet Saturday ,evening February 12 at the Woman's Club. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Jeglum, chairmen of the Eighth Grade Assembly' 'Will have as their assistants Mr. and Mrs. Henry C, Patterson and Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Lawrence, Jr. This class meets from 7 to 8:30 p. m. The Eleventh and Twelfth Grades w'ill hold their dance from 8:45 to 11:45. The chaperons for these two grades will be Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cabols and Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan. Mr. and Mrs. Heston D. McCray are host and hostess.for the Eleventh Grade, and the TWelfth Gradechainnen are l\P'. and Mrs. Lawrence Dalton. Players Club audiences are happily enjoying the club's 279th production, A. D. Shriffin's "I Like It Here," which. completes its eight-day run tomorrow night. Once again the staging is extremely well handled, Tl1e play is well cast and despite the slight and obvious plot the lines are smart and director J. David Narbeth and cast deliver them with skill to dr'sw' laughs of 'surprise and genuine ,pleasure. Robert W. Graham as Willie Kringle spirits the play away to center the action and become, without past or future, a man of limitless~talent whose "By us there is a saying" prefaces succulent adages. Mr, Graliam has given Tuesday's Talk Foremany deft performances and his Runner Of Next name in a cast proIni.es another Week's Drama to many club members. The role of Willie introduces his musiclanOn Tuesday at the, Woman's ship and his control oyer the un- Club, Mrs. R. M. Kilgore, chalrlisted, last-to.. appear, member of man of motion pictures, presented , the cast. Thomas W. McMastel'S who gave Ladies of the cast are Francllla an instructive talk and demonstra" Willis whose ,professional stage ex- tion of the enlarged possibiUties of perience it invaluable to her visual education. He showed two poised, consistent performance of 'JBoundary Lines" created to pr,o" the dominating Mrs. Merriweather; mote better feeling between races; Mary Jane McChesney as Laura, the other, an "Introduction to Map a spineless role in which Miss Construction," designed be used McChesney decorates the scene in a geography class to show the with !i.er' charm; and Mildred way maps are drawn and to exSimpers who leaves her prompting plain projection techniques, dlfflduties longellough to make' a:'briefcn1t "to Ullderstand'through '1107 appearance as Saphronia Lawr.. other medium. Mr. MCMaster conducts the Delaware Couo... enee. ".T• 'Film Russell Gibson is nicely cast in Council Forum, The hostesses the role of Sebastian Merriweather were Mrs. K. C. Sadler and Mrs. and his delayed revolt is as wel- Joseph A. Perry. Mrs, W. R. come as his supporting work in Tbomson and Mrs. C. MacDonald the scenes w'ith Willi... G. Wills Swan presided at the tea table. Brodhead in his first club appearOn Friday, February 11, at 10 ance is quite perfect as David a.m. Josephine BeisUe will review Bellow and newcomer Ward H. "Anne of a Thousand Days" by Speer as Brad Monroe Is a hapPT Maxwell Anderson for the literachoice. Mr. Narbeth plays Mr. ture section. As a new feature, Smedley with an easy, pace In Mrs. S. M, Viele will give the Litaddition to his director chores. "erary News. On Tuesday, February 15, at 2 p. m. the drama chairman, Mrs. George P. Warren, will present students from the dramatics department of Swarthmore College who will read the play "All My Sons" by Arthur Miller, a recent production. Barbara 20 Thousand Strong Broadway Pearsoll Lang is head of this work They, Muster To . at the college. Reservations for tl\e luncp.eon to Battle Polio . be held February 22 should be Swarthmore's contribution to made by February 18 with Mrs. the March' of Dimes dri'!e has FraDk Bromley, telephone Swarthreached $2000, exclusive of the more 3155. $651.50 collected at the College Theatre, This is double the fig- BOX SOCIAL AT TRINITY ure- of last year. On Monday, Valentine's Night, With a few scattered returns Trinity Church is going bucolic still to be reported the house-to- with its own adaptation of a good house canvass had netted· approxi- old country Box Social.' As the mately $1200; the coin-coUectors name implies, it" is purely a social in the' stores $70~81; the balance event to afford the members of being in special gifts from organ- the church an opportunit)' to meet izations and individuals. each other informally. Everyone This year funds are desperately is invited, but the ladies must needed to carry on the work of bring a box supper 'paoked with the Delaware Count)' Chapter of enough food for two people, and the National Foundation for 10- each box must have the lady's fantile ParalysiS and Mrs, Walter name inside. The boxes will be Giles the Swarthmore chairman in auctioned off, and the gentlemen the annual March of Dime:; is very will each purch~e an anonymous grateful to the people of the 'bor- box supper; open it, then seek the ough 'for their fine response, - ladT whose name Is concealed The canvass of Swarthmore was therein, as his Valentine partner carefully planned, aimed to give fol' "upper. every farnl!y an opportunit)' to Members may ,bring guests contribute, If tliere is 8D70ne who merely by providing an additional was not contacted his contribution box for' each guest couple, rem87 still be sent to Mrs. Giles at membering, of course, ~o place ,the 135 Rutgers avenue. name of the ladT guest inside each box. The Thimble Group met MonThe part)' dw'iaftllget undpererWBYtberat er sup e day at the home of Mrs" Agnes 7 p. m., an will be more fun a grand march, Sheldon on Ogden avenue. Eight members were present. (continued OIl pace ellbt) MOVIES STAGE IN LINE AT CLUB to " BOROUGH DIMES HEAD MARCJI ._---- , DR. NEWPORT DIES SUNDAY $3.50 PER YEAR Sponsor Benefit Bridge ". : RED CR.OSS RENEWS SERVICE, On Tuesday, 'February 15, the Junior Woman's Club w'ill give a ca'rd part)' for the benefit of the Rheumatic Fever Drive. The party will be held at 8 p. m. at the Retired' College ProfesSor Woman's Club. Mrs. !Soule, Mrs. Hunt The Tuesday night meeting of Was Chairman Of To Chairman Blood the club enjoyed a cosmetic demGerman Dept. Service Here onstration by the House of StuDr. Clara Price Newport, fonner art. Nancy Hoot of Lafayette won Mrs. Phelps Soule and' Mrs. chainnan of the German depart- the door prize, Everett L. Hunt will again assume ment at Swarthmore College and the chainnanship of the Blood a long-time resident CJf the borService of the American ·Red ough of Swarthmore, died Sunday Cross in Swarthmore, positions afternoon in 8t. Vincent's hospital, they filled so capably during the New York Cit)', after three weeks war years. Donor Recruitment illness. Chainnan for Swarthmore is Mrs. Franklin Flaherty. Retiring from the facult)' in Pledge Selves J:o 1936, Dr. Newport moved to New At the start of the Blood Pro, gram in ,the Philadelphia area it York during the w;tf where she Fight Alien did confidential work for th.eOfwill not be feasible to include all Doctrines fice of Strategic Services, She the hospitals that want to be inreceived her A. B. degree from Cub Scouts of Pack I, Trinity cl\1ded. Hospital selection is done Swarthmore in 1903 and' her Ph. Episcopal Church, and Boy Scouls by the local medical society. In D. from the University of Wis~ of Troop 3, Swarthmore Method~ Delaware County the choice is consin in 1908. She served in ist Church are joiniIlg two million m"de by the Delaware County the German department contin- Scouts in celebration of the ,39th Medical Society and which one or uously from 1908 until 1936, ex- Anniversary of Boy Scouts iil ones it is to be has not been made public." cept for the years 1910 to 1912 America this week, when she was a member of the Theodore Purnell of Cornell The Blood Ptocessiog Laborafaculty at the University of Kan- a,(enue, neighborhood commission~ tory, will be at Red Cross Headsas, Lawrence, Kansas. She was er of the Brandywine District, Val- quarters on North Broad street appointed head of Swarthmore's ley Forge Council announced where donors may give blood. A German department in 1927. Swarthmore Scouls have adopted mobileu:ut will operate in the Both at Swarthmore and at the the two-year crusade launched by suburban chapters,' and at large University of Kansas she was one the Boy Scouts of America this industrial plants. After the blood of the organizers of the Torch week to "Strengthen the Arm of is proceSsed it will be distributed Societies, forerunners of Mortar Liberty.;', He stated that in taking to co~operating hospitals accordBoard, national collegiate women's the crusade pledge these boy~, ing"l0 their estimated needs.' 10 would accept the challenge to so case of disflSter more hlood honorary societT. She is survived by a neice, Mrs. live the Scouting ideals of broth- be sent from the 'bank at headA. S. Robinson of Ogden avenue, erhood, servicelUld duty to God quarters 'at any hour of the day Or a nephew, Charles E. Price of and Country that the ,libert)' jor night. In; the operation of' blood Rose Valley, and four other neph- which this nation stands shall not banks at other centers 'hi" the be'thr"ate'!edIJYanY alien doc" cuwitry,' additional rare types of ews and two other neices. trine. , '_' " , , _ bloOd may be flown In frpIn other A memorial service for Dr~ ClJurch,Service Sunday centers. Newport" be held on Friday All Cub Scouts and Boy Scouls Fl'aDk C. 'P. McGlinn, General afternoon at 3 p.m. in the Friends of Swarthmore, Will' attend morn-:: Fund Chairman, estimates that Meeting House. ing ,worship services at the 14eth- $200,000 of the Southeastern mUst Church this Sunday'in, uni- Pennsylvania Chapter 'of the form, At this service recogititlon American Red Cross' $2,005,000 will be given to the boys as they "uota will' be needed to operate rededicate ,themselves to the Scout this life.:saving blood .'service. The oath and law. They will assemble service will provide free blood to outside the church at 10:45 a. m. all who need it regardless of'race, at which time they will meet the color or creed. , pack and troop committeemen and The American Medical AssociDartmouth Avenue Man mar~h to the section reserved for ation, the American, and the Killed By Bus tbem. Cath~lic Hospital Associations; tne A display. for Scout Week has American, and the U. S. PublIc Friday geen placed in the. window of the Heal~ Service, and the Veterans Private funeral services were Sipler store on South Cllester road Administration have all agreed held Monday morning for James by members of Troop 3 under the that the American Red Cross is the Howard Wilson of 326 Dartmouth direction Of Scoutmaster . George most logical agency to collect, avenue who was killed instantly Smith and Troop Committee process, and distribute blood. They when a Route E PTC bus baoked Chairman Stoyan Russell who in- also believe that the Red Cross into him at the 69th Street Tenni- vite all boys 12 to 15 interested in can do this for normal medical nal during rush hour of home- Scouting to join' the troop which needs of the entire popuiation, and coIning ~uburbanites last Friday meets. every Friday night at 7:15 that the Red Cross can expand 'its evening. ill ,the Methodist Church base.. services to meet any national Mr. Wilson, was born in Phila- ment. emergencY'. delphia 73 years ago. He retired The American Red Cross plans from business a year ago but had to open the Philadelphia Regional To Hold Danee been temporarily assisting his sanThe Duck Club will hold a Blood Center at Red Cross, Headin-law Richard A. McClatcby in semi-formal dance on Saturday quarters, 253 North Broad street, the business of John H. McClatchT evening, February 19, at the Penn early in April. real estate brokers and builders. State Center GYlD on Harvard aveHe was formerlT engaged in the Uue. Music will be provided by , Mrs. D. W. R. Morgan of Strath automobile body building business Russ Hannan's Band, and refresh- Haven avenue· entertained. at a and owned the finn of Fulton ments will be served. luncheon at her home on Monday. Wilker in Philadelphia. A resident of Swarthmore for 17 years, Mr. Wilson was a member of B.P.O.E.I Masonic Lodge and Artisans Lodge. Surviving besides his wife Mae Belle Giles Wilson are three Friday, February 11 daughters: (Mrs.) Gertrude Mc4:00 P,M.-Women's Basketball vs, Penn State, , . Field House Clatchy, of Paoli; Carolyn Wilson, 8: 15 P .M.-Vielle Trio, ., ""'," .".,'. Meeting House of Swa'rthmore, and (Mrs.) Doro8:20 P.M._u~ Like It Here" ................. Player's Club thy Andrews, of Florida~ and six grandchildren. Saturday, February 12 LOCAL BOYS IN SCOUT WEEK wU! wIiI 1. H. WILSON IN FATAL ACCIDENT R~R' AT DICKINSON The Rev. George Christian Anderson, rector of Trinlt)' Church, Swarthmore, will lead a series of religious discussions at Dickinson College, Carlisle; during the week of February 13. He will make seversl addresses and consult with students, and faculty on the prob- . 8:20 P.M.-"I Like It Here" .,.,', .... , .. ,.,' Player's Club 8:30 P.M.-Basketball-College vs. P.M.C. ".,'. Field House Sunday, February 13 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship " , , ... , .. , , .. ,' Local Churches Tuesday, February 15 2:00 P.M.--'Dramatics Program , .. "', ... ,"" Woman's Club 8:00 P.M.--Jr. Woman's Club-Benefit Bridge Woman's Club 8:00 P.M.-Wrestling-College vs. Lafayette .,. Field House !ems of science, re!lgion and phllosopby. • ib"",,==================:::!1 " • F'BBRUABY 11, 1MI THB SWARTHMORBAN Trinity Notes Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ciliberto Vassar avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. of Mlimont Park announce. the James E. Baird of Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Francis birth of an eight pound boyan sythe of Thayer road and February 8 In Crozer Hospital. . Mrs. Robert Arnold of The baby haa been named Francis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. BaIr, Jr., of RidleY Park, announce the ford, left Wednesday for birth of a aon John west BaIr, ka, m., to attend the wedding ate of Manhattenville College of and ~ gold bra~et, the latter I Mr. and Mrs. LeslIe Logan BaIrd on' Tuesday, February 8, at the Mrs. Forsythe's nephew Mr. Hal- the Sacred Heart. th~ gift of the b;,degroom, The . of Secane are being congratulated Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital. bert Scranton Gillette, which Mr. LaPorte Is a graduate of brIdal bouquet WIll be of upon the birth of a aon Leslle Mrs. Bair Is the former Patricia take place tomorrow. Villanova College, and is now a phyllum lllies. Lo B . d J: J ' In Mrs. Paul R. Hertel of Swartb- development engineer with the Miss Nutter's gown will be of gan all", r., anuary 18, West of Des Moines, Iowa. more avenue, RuUedge Is enter- Sun 011 Company. pale apple green faille fashioned Bryn Mawr ~ospltal. The baby Is the grandson of Mr. talnlng her bridge club at a lunchwith a square neckline, bracelet The baby 18 a grandaon of Mr. and MrtI. R. T. Bair of Cornell eon-bridge at her home today. Mrs. L. Davis Corya of iength sleeves, and a long hoop and Mrs. Carl H. W. Ingraham of avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Geb- avenue announces the skirt with busUe. She will carry ......................................................................................... .... ring of University place enterher daughter Penelope Ann pink specioswn lllles and wear a I . ." . . . . . . .• •~T¥+>. .'+'+~. .'+ tained at a dinner party for their Julien Brandon coronet of matching lilies. week-end guests, Mr. and son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mr. Wood has chosen Mr. C. J. L. Sturgis of New Sinunons of New York City. Armel Nutter of Moorestown, MIss Corya is a graduate brother-in-law of the bride, as N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse Colorado College in best man..Ushers will be Messrs.' of Harvard avenue will entertain Springs where she was elected Henry S. Ross, of Medford Lakes'l at dinner and bridge at thelr home Pbl Beta Kappa and Kappa N. J.; Wayne Radcliffe, of Havertomorrow evening. Theta. She Is now studying town; Josepb Huber, of Penn ValMr. and Mrs. WlllJam J. Cres- with Hanya Holm In New ley, and Harold Graham, of Elkins son of Amherst avenue entertain- City. Park. ed as their week-end guests Mrs. Mr. Simmons attended City ColA reception for members Of the, Cresson's aunt Mrs. LIlUan Eckert lege in New York City before be- immediate families will be beld at I; of BalUmore. coming a' pilot In the United the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Nancy Van Alen of Wellesley States Army AIr Force. During McK. Wr.tt in Mt. Airy following College arrived home Thursday the war. he was all instructor at the wedding ceremony. for the mid-term holiday. Shaw Field, South Carolina and Leaving for New York preparawill entertain at a bridge party new the Hump for the ·Air Trans- tory to enplaning Sunday for a at ber home on Park avenue to- port Comnland. He ill now a wedding trip to Bermuda the morrow evening. pilot with Eastern Air IJnes. bride will wear a black faille suit, Mr. and Mrs. Harlen Chapman Miss Corya is the daUShter of a white hat Irinuned with green of New York City spent the week- Mrs. L. Davis Corya of velvet, and a white orchid corsage. end with Mrs. Chapman's parents, avenue and Dr. Harold The bride is field secretary of FEBRUARY 17, 1949 Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. LaUmer of Corya Of Quogue, Long Island the Pennsylvania Horticultural Cornell avenue. Hobe Sound, Florida. Mr. Wood Is superintendMr. and Mrs. William B. Bulof grounds at Swarthmore Collock of Cedar lane will entertaIn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Israel and the Arthur Hoyt Scott . their Evening Bridge Club at d1n- Miami, Fla.. formerly of Foundation. He is a past clialrner at their home tomorrow eve- more, announce the engagement man of the Philadelphia branch, Come and Enjoy Your SelectioD From Ding. their daughter Mary m:~:!~1 National Gardeners As'sociation HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS ,Taddy) Evans to Nelson and is a member of the Park AND DESSERTS Marriage of Warren, Ohio. l'diisS I ExecutiveS Association. Miss Frances wson I Evans graduated from SwarthAfter June 15, Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Oren B. more High School With the class Wood will· be at home at 329 Corlate Dr. LaPorte. The bride will wear a floorMIss Coleman Is a daUShter leJlg\h Empire model of white H. Po.... I the late Frank J. Coleman, Judg,e 1crepe with v-neck and fingertip Mr. of the United States District Court. length sleeves. Her headdress will She attended the Ursuline be a halo of white tulle and she '-~le strand of pearls wear a S...... will d Is elle Wlnnet- of New Roch an a gradUl- NEWS NOTES THE 'SWARTHMOREAN PllBLISBBD BVBal' QlDA,Y AT SWAB'l'IDIO'" PA THE 8WAB'1'IDiOBBAN. IN"., .uNIHH • Phone 8wart1aDo1'e .... ---:-:.,------ Entered aa Second Class Matter, January 34, 11121, at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. I DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY lII00N SWABTBMOBB, PA-, FBlDA,Y, FEBaUARY 11, 11149 SAVE TIME! LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAVING COMPANY? ? Order HOAGIES From Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grayaon Smith of LeWisburg, Pa., are reSeymour was given a unique ceiving congratulations upon the "shower" recenU;v when a group . MIss TOMORROW'S 'IIR'IDE M . R f G birth of 'a son on '""bruary 7. of young men armed with paint arle umpp 0 erman•Mrs. Smith Is the former Miss brushes and scrubb'-d brushes t own will entertaln a t cockt ails ..... this e· . g ecedin Adele Markley, daughter of Mr. surprised him at his newly aevenm pr g a .... at th Aid and Mrs. Frank R. Markley of dinner pa quired apartment in Media. They ••, e an brought refreshments and non- Manor for those who will road. sense gIfta and spent several hour,. I part in tomorrow's wedding --'ey mertsner Mr. and Mr•. Allyn T. Sayre, MIss Anne Be..... helping him give a new look n' th artm t Germantown and Mr. Harry W,<>Ni I Jr., of Swarthmore place announce . e ap en • of . Comell avenue, Swarthmore. the birth of a son, All:vn T. Sayre, The marriage will be 3rd., February I in FitzgeraldENGAGEMENTS by the Rev. William Mercy Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Fnr_1 Aulenbach In Christ Church Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Storrs of a;vthe of Thayer road St. Michael's, Germantown at Swarthmore place. and Mr. and the engagement of their daughter, o'clock Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Allyn T. Sayre of SpringMIss Julie Forsythe, to Mr. MIss Wertsner will be given field are the grandparents of the man K. Brosch, son of Mr. and marriage by her cousin Mr. James new baby. .Mrs. Frederick G. Brosch McKennen Watt of Mt. Airy and -;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;j Lansdowne. have as her maid of honor and i MIss Forsythe Is a graduate only attendant her niece Mrs. PaWesttown School. of Wheelock tricia Ann NuUer of Moorestown, College, and the University of N. J. and Pembroke College, ProvPennsylvania. I'denee. R. I . Mr. Brosch Is a graduate of ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Lansdowne High SchOOl, and the r FrIday and Saturday . Wharton School of the University FOR Loretta Young of Pennsylvania. He served in MAGAZINE "RACIIEL AND THE STRANGER" the U. S. Navy .four years. SUBSCRIPTIONS Feature time Saturday Night The wedding will take Mrs- Lloyd E. KauffmaD 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Swarthmore ZOllO Mrs. Frank J. Coleman of LarchSaturday Matmee 1 P.M. mont, N.Y., has announced the Children's Show Boy Rogers engagement of her daughter, Miss Margery Coleman, to Mr. Walter "SPBlN[GTIME IN TH~ SIRBH,,-" LaPorte, son of Mrs. Norbert M. Also Cartoons and JUNGLE LaPorte of South Chester road, Last 2 Days) GIRL Serial formerly of Rye, N.Y. and the Friday and Saturday Gono Kelly Monday and Tuesday Loma Tomer The Swarthmore The Marx Brothers Frank Morp,n "A NIGHT at the OPERA" Players Club ''TIlE 3 MUSKI\TEEItS" Feature times .7:00. 10:80 in technicolor Also presents ImJlOrtant: Owing to the un"SAN FRANCIscO" usual length of this plchll"e Jeanette' MacDonald "I Like It Here" it will start promptlu at Clark Gable 2:10, 7:00, 9:20, Feature time: 8:80 p.rn by A, D. SHIFFRIN Reissued 17 S. Chester Road SWA,llTBlllORE, PAMonday throngh Thnrsday - 11:00 A.M. to 11:08 P.lII. FrIday and Saturday - 11:00 A-M.. to m1dnJPt Sunday - 6:30 to 9:30 P.M. Phone: Swarthmore 321.6 IIijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii~ii~~iiiiiiii~ aa. BEAUTY SALON BEAUTY PULIS THE BOW Cal). Swarthmore 0476 .9 Chester Road College Theatre • DON'T LET YOIJR CHILD HAVE DIPHTHERIA. Last Two NIchts . :* . *g :: *= uuI 8ATIlBDA,Y F'EBRUARl! 11 and 1Z~ Curtain at 8:20 tact that • WD7 to prevent diphtheria was diacov- erect many years ago, thoU88llds of children have diphtheria every year. ~uch of this is due to the indifference of parents. They know that their children should be immunized. but they just don't get around to it. Make a resolution now to have your children treated. The Wednesday Only Rex BanIsoa. Pen, Cmmnhw In John Galsworthy's ''E8CAPB'' FlUDAY treatment is simple and safe. Ask your· doea. . about it at the first opportunity. Abbott aad c.&eDo Starting Thursday Michael'. College Pharm.IY "MIlXICAN 1IA.'I1IIDE" "J1lNE BBlDE" ON THE CORNER Sunday and M()!!day I .' • De.pite the -- - - -------- - -- --:: - =- ..-. . We've those spe4!ial ValentiDe gifts suited .to every masculine or feminine fancy • • • young or old • • • all priced to pleasld and right for any mood or mode. Buchner's Toggery Shop , FOR MORE THAN 70 YEARS we have carried on the same ideals and aims with a constantly guarded standard of dignity and service. We will strive to adhere to this policy throughout .the years to cOme. THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DlRIClOIII O. PUNUA'i 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Church Services· The Bouquet MEDIA . ..... . I HOAGIE HUT 'h BmTHS VALEi\TTIN.E GIPTS Februaryr~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 STRATH HAVEN INN nell. avenue. Among the parties held in honor of the bridal palr was Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rugart's dinner party last Friday evening at their home III Penn Valley. - - -_ __ I !.::::::I COMPLETE SUPPER of 1946 College and Is now a Junior at Hiram in Hiram, OW". Mr. Thompaon served in '....e armed forces and will receive...... Bachelor's degree from liIram College this month. He plans to sJart graduate study in the field of engineering next September. The co",ple will be married early ~ June. ______ Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. BroWn Moll;y Huse and CJaIre Hendrlx- of North Chester road and Mrs. Holy Communion will be c:ele- son. Those performing solos and Brown's brother Mr. W. R. Greer brated at 8 a. m. on Sunday. duets included Beth and Larry and Mrs. Greer of Woodbury, N.J. Church School will meet alllt[,9,.:n45_ Jones, Margaret WhltteJsey, l\Ior-1 spent the week-end in Atlantic 1rna Wilson, LInda Smith, and at 11 olclock servtce of City. ing Prayer, Bobbi Lewis B. Gross- Sweeney, Rlggy Turner, MI.s Genevieve Reavis of Unlman of Ohev Sholom Gemmill, Mary Hanzllk, LIndsay versity place has returned from of Chester, will give the Breakell, Noel Snyder, and Susan aID-day skiing trip with friends The title of his address will Cochran. to Gray Rocks, Canada. "Belleving and Living hood." The ushers for the o'clock service are S. D. ReyD.>ldl. I head usher, E. O. Lange, .1. Bell, J. B. Bullltt, Jr., A- H. Knabe,,1 W. C. Hogg, V. Fine and' W. RandalL The Young . . . . . ~,~ • • .."0•.; •," .·.·.·;\0.1.·· •••• ~.:.~••••• Fellowship will have a Va~el;tille .,7 h?;i.~.<· at 6:30. :~ ,:..:" ~.' .,' '0 .... ~. • " ........... • " " Choir school will be held '0 ..... t .... "'10'. -.. Monday and Wednesday at belng Sally Huse, Mary Ellsbree, program will be a discussion "Hobbles." Sunday morning at the 11 With Mr. Bishop In the o'clock service Mr. Bishop's ser- this Sunday morning we will mon will be ',uNew Horizons." come as our guest Mr. Gerald The Communicant's Class for all Hollingsworth who Willllh:;;~~::IP~he Women's Cowicil will meet young people of 12 years of age from the Princeton T on TUesday at 3 p.m. at the home or over who are not already mem- Seminary this spring. The Junior Choir will rehearse of Mrs. James Bullitt on Llncoin bers of the church, meets each Sunday morning at 9 o'clock in Thursday afternoon at 3:30 avenue. Wednesday evening class will Mr. Bishop's study. and the Chapel Choir will be held at 8:15 at which time the Mrs. William F. Delahanty and Thursd..y evening at 7:45. topic will be the organizaUon of The Session will meet In . Mr. Paul Delahanty at the Har:th;;e,~E:p~~Is~COPal Church with spe,ciall vard avenue exit and Mr. and Mrs. Church Study on FrIday ev.~niJng'l to'the creation of Priesls 18, at 8. Mrutln Luther at the drlveway- February The following Circles will and. Bishops and the jurisdiction transept exit will assist Mr Bishop the various officers. ' in greeting the congregation after on Wednesday, February 16: Choir rehearsal will be held the service on Sunday morning. Circle 3, Mrs. W. H. Gehring, Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. All departments of the Church chairman, will meet at the home School and the Women's Bible of Mrs. Robert T. BaIr, 211 Cor~ends ftleet~ liotes Class will meet at 9:45 Sunday nell avenue. Circle 4. Mrs. CliUord Banta, morning. Members of the Men's Bible of Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes at 19 13, the Adult Forum of the First chairman will meet at the home At 9:45 a. m. Sunday, Class will gather at the church at S .• Princeton avenue at 10:30. Day School will continue its dls9:15 on Sunday 'morning ·and go Lyman A. Darling will be cusslon of the "Conscientious from there to the Lansdowne Pres- hostess. Members are asked Objector" under the leadership byterian Church where they will b~ing sandwiches, and Dr. E. L. Mercer. J. Paul Brown, be the guests of the lI1en's Blbl~ fOr Ambala Hospital, India. and Wayland Elsbree. Class of that Church. Circle 7, Mrs. Harold C. Stott, At 10:20 Anna Brinton of Pendle . The Church Hour Nursery meets chaIrman will meet. at the home Hill will speak in Whittier House each Sunday morning from 11 to of Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes, 660 Par- on the Friends Girls School .in 12 o'clock for children' ages I to rlsh road, at 10:30 a.m. Members Tokyo-Its history, destruction and 7, in the Parish House. are to bring sandwiches. rebuilding. , The Junior High Fellowship afternoon program will be a The Adult Forum Is invited to will meet this Sunday evening at on religious music by Mrs. John join In the closing exercises of the 5 o'clock. This will be a game H: Fawcett. . First Day School and hear Mrs. night with supper. Howard ShearCircle 8, Mrs. Birney K, M.>rsl., Brilillion's _t_alk_._ _ __ er will .be in charge of the wor- co-chalrman, will meet· at the ship program, home of Mrs. James H. Homday, RABBI AT TRINITY The High School Fellowship. will SIU Dickinson avenue at lQ:30 a.m. meet Sunday evening at 6 o'clock Mrs. C. L. MInor will be cO-hostRabbi Lewis H. Grossman of and a film ''BeYQnd Our Own" ess. Members are asked to bring Ohev Sholom Synagogue, Chester, will be shown after th~ w"rship sandwiches. will be the guest preacher at Trinprogram . ity Episcopal Church, Swarthmore The'Evening Circle, Mrs. F. T. The. Young Adult's will meet Ransburg, Chalrman, will meet on Sunday, February 13, at 11 a. m. Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. The at 7:45 at the home of Mrs. Vaughn as part Of the observance of National Brotherhood Week.. Rabbi K. Foster,.505 Yale avenue. Grossman is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Coftlethodist .Church Notes lumbia University and the Jewish SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH on Sunday morning war he served as a chaplain Themeets Preparetory Theological Seminary. During the Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MInIster Class 9:15 iii the chapel. Europe with the rank of major in SundaY, February 13 The Church School meeta the Army. He Is an official repro9:00 A. M.-Communlcanta Class 9:45 A. M. - Church School. 9:45; classes are provided for chiil-I s'entative to the Synagogue Coun9:45 A. M.-Women's Bible dren of all ages and for adults. cil of America and cOI~"sp"ndlinl~ 1 9:45 A- M.-Men·s Bible Class The Young Adults meet in the secretary to the Rabbinical Assem11:00 A- M. - Mr. Bishop will Ladies Parlors at 10 o·clock. bly of America. His topic will preach, "New Horizons". 5:00 P. M.-Jr. HIgh Fellowship Tbe Preacher at the momlng "Believing and Living Brother6:00 P. M.-High School Fellow- service at 11 o'clock Is Dr. W. hood," ship will meet. , 7:00 P. M.-Young Adlllt's Club Galloway Tyson, District intendent. Holds Piano Recital METHODIST CHURCH The Youth Fellowship meeta In Roy N. KeIser, D.o., MInIster th!! evening at 6. There will be a A third recital by piano pupils Sunday, February 13 visitation from the SpringfieUl of Dorothy Paul was held SaltJr9:45 A. M.-Church School day afternoon at. the home ·of Mrs. 10:00 A. M.-Young Adult J'el.- FelloWshIp at this meeUng. The ushers for the day are G. Russell Snyder of Dickinson avelowahip H:OO A. M.-Dr. W., GallowB!Y Shubert, E. Alston, W. D. Dlckin- nue. Susan Cochran read Tyson, District Superinteninteresling review of the life son, P. Murray' anli P. K. dent, will preach. The Church Nursery, Is E~:': Mozart and a 'cello solo was per6:00 P. M.-Youth Fellowship formed by Noel Snyder pupil during the morDing service. TlUNlTY CHURCH and Barbara Scott will be In Grace Sober. Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector Other features Of the afternoon Sunday, February 13 ~ee. Young Adults have were scale contests, the winners 8:00 A- M.-Holy Communion 9:45 A. lI1.-ChurClh SchooL, monthly meeting and aocial 11:00 A. M.-Moming Prayel'- Monday eveDing in the church. Rabbi Lewis B. Grossman will Rehearsal for the senior speak. is on Thursday evening at 7:45. 6:3U P. lI1.-Young People's Fellowship Supervised recreation under Mr. Pumell is held in the Social Hall THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY on FrIday evening at 7 o'clock. OFPRlENDS Last Sunday the minister bapSnnday, February 13 9:45 A. M.-First Day SchooL tized Barbara Lynn daughter 9:45 A- M.-Adult Forum. ''The P. Russel and Viola T. Bulman; Conscientious Objector." 10:20 A. lI1.-Meeling for Worship, Jeanette Ruth, daughter of Cb,ar·-I Whittier House, Anna Brin- les H. and E1na B. Grier; Diana ON THE BOARDWALK ton, speaker. Gayle, daughter of E. Neil Wednesday, February 16 lUlIITlC CIU Ena M, Shawhan; Robert Mills, 9:30 to 3:30-.Sewing and Quilt- son of George W. and Edna M. lag In Whittier House. Box Enloy sun-filled d:l~~ restful nights at one I 'gIIt Luncheon. All cordIa1ly 1Il- Smith; and Nancy Lynn, da'uglltelrl lea'S finest resort hot~\oUS of Jack E. and Blanche Snear. vited. on--",~eo.nn'"c=d ..,Iorlo. ,FIRST CHURCH OF .......-~ '-"tly with endeliciOUS meals, Christiim Science Notes CHRIST SCJENTIST tertolnment. R~"double. OF SWABTHMOJU!: "Soul" Is the subject of the Les-I Park Avenue b\!lOw Harvard ~~I~tnond Cold son-Sermon In all Churches Snnday, February 1J water In all bOth.. 11:00 A. M. S'lnda;y SchooL. Christ, Scientist, On Sunday, Fell>-I Coli ClIV 5-111\ 11:00 A- M.-T rOD - 8enDoD ruary 13. The Goldm 'Text: "SouL" Wednesday, evening meetlna ''The Lord is ~ shepherd; I shall each week, 8· p.m. ~dIng room not wanL He maketh me to He open daIl7 except Sunday and down In green pastures: he leadHoHdays 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesdq eth me beside th. still waters. He evenlnll8 7 to 7:50 p.m. azul II to restoreih my 1ICIul." (PSalm. 23:1-3 Presbyterian Notes The $1.00-8erve YourseH-All You Want JmSon of Grosse Pointe, will become the bride of Mr. Mich., W. Seymour son of Mrs. Melanie D. Seymour of Vassar avenue on Saturday afternoon, February III, In the Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. Miss Jillson Is being honOred many luncheons and shoWers In Grosse PoInte and DetroiL Mr. M . PETEB II. TOLD, J!dItor MA.JLJOBIE TOLD, BARBA.RA. KlINT, AIIocIate Edlton RosalIe Pelrsol Lorene Mc Carter EdIth Whitaker spathi-I • THIl SWARTHMORIlAN FEBRUARY. 11, 11M. Telephon.. RI 6-1581 MARY A. BAlR, ,,.oIdent • _~~=======================~~ Americas "est-looking andfinest new tnu:Iu! REVOLUTIONARY STUDEBAKER ~9ERS Plenty of low-cost powerl A brand new kind of l:uggednes5! MatlbOf9usb I . "J\cn\elm n..... r.!' ",\antIC ':10. • A new Idnd of dependable per- . . formancellllg ""vlngl on 1101, all, npalnl • New cob desllln_ vision all _ndl Enclosed cob steps. • New "IIfI.6Hiood" ac....lbll\ty to -.1M and Ignltlonl Powerful l1h-ton and SIon Stuel.llahr ',ucka available In four wh..... baS" for 9 foot, 12 foot, 14 or 15, root BDd 17 0< 18 root bodiCi. There'. a full lin.of~-_.Yt·_ _ 1-_ modeh. too. FUSCO and ALSTON STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE CmsI'ER and· FAIRVIEW ROADS PHONB SWAB'l'llllOaB ..,81 • • THE .......... . ---.... " . SWARTHMOREAN FEBRUARY U, 1_ , Letters To The Editor' * * * Dear Editor: hI'''' _,." WALL WASHING FLOOR WAXING BOUSE CLEANING For Service and Satisfaetion Phone Ardmore 2320 After digesting Ute letter to George Ewing cono&ning necessity of placing a stop light at the corner of Chester ARDMORE and College avenue, I f!'lt pl"OInp..1 ted to suggest Utat Ute Borough 135 Drexel 'Road • WINDOW CLEANING CO. Ardmore, Penru.ylvania Council InspectIna number of otherl~~~~~~EEE;:!::~~~~~~~~~~:!:!:!~~~ danger areas the community which are just as bad, if not worse, than the corner to which attention has recently been drawn. The comer of Yale avenue "When a family of bakers Chester road is a diaagreeable grows from ,six six hundred spot to cross at certain hours during the day, whether driving or in eight years, .hey must bake '0 on foot, because of -the traffic Enjoy the softest, safest ride you've ever had. _ something preHy special. If you hoverf'. tried Arnold products· yet, find out for , yourself why .hausands of people will buy no other bread or rolls I" to and from ·Chester. Many' school children who reside on the western side of Chester road make it a point to cross at that particular corner. In tbe early us for 5~r~~ TIRES lIy GOODfiEA~, morning, as they are headed wards their classes, workers on their way to plants in Ch,ester I and travel in lengthy streams FUSCO and ALSTON their deotinations. STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE PEBBUABY ll, IM1' THE . SWARTHMOBEAN -, To Sew The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewlog group will meet Tuesda)" Febl"Ulll"y 15 at Ute home of Mrs. Florence Broomall of 112 Cornell avenue. Wins In Camera Ccmtelit Lloyd Merritts, agent for the U. S. Department of AgrIculture's bureau of animal Jndusfry, attached to a research project at SwarUtmore College has been deelared a winner In the "Popular Photography" $60,000 prize photo contest, Ute largest ever held In camera history. Mr. Merritt, who received a $100 , . COLLEGE '1'0 PlLAY P .M.C. The Swarthmore College basketball team will be' fighting to UJI.seat P.M.C. from leadership of Ute local division of the Middle lantic Conference Saturday night. The game( scheduled" for the MIl- "-t- • . , (face value) U. S. Savings Bond for his black. and white enhT titlelu~ . ~~C • • U.. . 0267. slipcover. Secretary. mahogany finish. Phone Swarthmore 1004. ah F OSAT R ,"" S 0 lid r ed m months old. . Ogany. ..,' 52-Inch. round • ext enslon.n ng Swarthmore 1022-J. room table. Buffet and six chairs to match. Swarthmore 2190. f:O4s~;:. Greenhouse freSh I FOR SALE Fl=rs SpringfIeld. . Phone Swarthmore 1>450. FOR SALE Chevrolet 1941 club coupe. New motor. Radio. Heat:;'reH~t~::,t oUer tak.es. Swarth"O;D ·6~~~~ ~:;~~'--·:aiili ~ ; .,: . . ROOFS ' GOiiBB8 IUlPAJBBD AND INSTAJ·J.BQ Furnace . - . & (!lean"'· .-Call GIIOBOE lIlYEB8 ,I. ._olfilll•• _w.~;._,:",uu. .. Iia i:;;40;;;9;;;Ml~chlg:;;;;;an:;;A;;V~e.;:;;;S~w;;;.;;;.':;;'.;;;;.~ .M!,.~ ' ~ ~ 11__ TREE SURGERY for dining room 08ll-W. L -1-4 ~ord F~~~~~~9~ Y-'-"'~""'" F<5P.5J ·~ftft ~ Ine. . Large _and :a1l :"Bn [awr FOR SALE rugs. 91 17. ~ -~ New Eastman Kodcak BeDe.. {Jamera with ease. Never used. Slore price $13'1. WIll Sell for $100 CaU F. D. CLYDE Swarthmore 0693 e ••111. ~I- BI ...;•. --. ~ IIIC•••• e ALilU". . . . . . . .PAII. FIXlTSHOP AIlTIIS IIlOTUBS,_. FOR 'RENT-Unfurnished, two bedroom apartment. Prefer lease !, or one. year: Write or phone Mrs. STORE 17~ South ·Cbester Road SHOP Bodine and Ke~on Ave. eMf"..,." . " .'IIt'.... Make and Re",,1r . bat~ for one or two 0736. --8n~ WANTED WANTED _ Unfurnished apartment near tea room, I>y widow, Swarthmore resident, in early sprJna. Swarthmore 1806. WANTED-We will bllJ' at best -Builder Painter I... -;.=, GeneralP ~- -~ A .-...... v.... Lawns 238 ..... U.-&_ un..", a. • Dependable Service If you have· real estate for sale. llst with us and we will live you the benefit of our Cooperative Sellini Bureau. Call at office or phone us. VAN ALEN BROS. li~~~~~~~~~~~~i F. F. ZIMMERMAN PhotoKl"apher '''Outstanding for Quallty" 6MEedia. ""!":'t43S6t. ~ .• ~ . .Mz.,.......... w.... P•• Painting Wallace Lippincott RBAIJI'OB "A Well Kept House II'J Bqmon' AYIIlU Cheder 1-&518 Never Gr,ows Old" PHONE DrlYewa, ConItrucUon Aapbalt or CloJIente Phone: 1IIe4lA 8-081 DAVE WOOD and Paperhanging • IIW C. ." . " '. . . FOR RENT Fann !'~~~~dfl~p~ar:l:,~~westtown ... Pa .• Westtown Swarthmore 0444 9 A. M. to 5.30 P.M. • WAU ... n ••• C8YUI. . . and chifforobe. In tion. $40. Call Sw~re PHONE: & Rubbish Removed .ubbbh CoUeoIed Weekb' or Monthl7 Bhone Swarthmore· 3343 ALT~PA.TIONS J' ...,... SWB. 0572·J Serving Swarthmore, Morton. Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 Coal an4 Fuel Oil WILLIAM BROOKS Ash.. Disposal Service Call 8W11ri1mMn ......W .·h~"gOOd :!~.a~5~: C~~SEN .,.... Swarthmore PRtlNING, PUB AND sale. Swarth- ,?r ~ ji' '~ 11 lA.... II- BOor::TR::~:~G8 ~~;asi.~~~~~ . New and Bebullt PIanos and RePlllrtnc Sin"" 1908 Devine Taxi Service , :,i~~~~~~~~~::~ . " PIANO ALBAN TUNING' PAltKER Phone lIIe41a 0459·111 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; . lO i Painters ..ul4Paper We ..... know1IaDpn how 8-.UG6Mlnh l..... An . ..... .llb "roMI,O&1' I 10UI MOM£1 BA(I Swarthmore 1826. FOR .RENT-Attractively furn-· . iahed comfortable room. Twin beds. Private bath. Meals. Phone Swarthmore 0149. FOR RFNT-Garage. comer Chester road and Elm avenue. Phone Swarthmore 1675. Swarthmore 1250 ore D_ft'_ Media 6·0755 PETER DI NICOLA Mo.' Phone Swaribm_ 2518 ~lhIng for the Home Caning and Rusblne A. WAYNE MOSTELLER Phune 8wa.rt\uDDre 1143 ~~~.~~~~~~~. room and bath.-for g",:,t1.tl,om;m. HANNUM &WAITE I CUNNINGHAM College 1874-.1. l BI ue ca face • 4545. ";"'I11:ce. ~!! r · · can y. 1... . and extending In depth Westwardly con· tlouln, the same width one hundred and I twenty teet to an alley fifteen feet In width ntendlng from tbe said Sixteenth Street to Seventeenth Street. The South· I ern line of ..,d property passing through 1 the middle ot the party wall between said messuqe and a contiguous messuage.; Since 1105 pearl ~~r·S~li:P.~.'~~~'-~ $':.4~~0.~.~ ........ 7 _ctal~lllace, avenue. -Ciiu !!:.,;;,:! ()e ' built chair, in- LETTERS TES'['AMENTARY 0;) the nbove Estate ha"lng been granted to the undersigned. all persons Indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment and those having clalms to present the same without deJay to: Joseph Evans Mickle. Es.ccutor al~ N. Orange Strl'et. Media. Pa. stated In advertisement) balance In ten or to days, Other conditlona on day of' sale. Walter Rhoads While, Attorney Levari Facias No. 'l'GI 12 South Avenue. Media, Pa. ALL THAT CERTAIN Brick Messuage IT·!·, and Lot or Piece ofTerm. Land. SITUATE on September the Westerly side of Walnut Street at the dl.taDCO of fifty-two fee' mo,. or less Cleamred Northwardly from the Northw~ corner of the said Walnut Street Bnd SIEteentb street in the City of Chester. In tile County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, and designated as No. I... Walnut Street. CONTAINING In SWARTHMORE, PA. front measured thence Northwardly along Box 67 .1.A.RS",r and Convenient -l~ Y8Ie Ave. and Chester Road 1111 Write to Bnrcler Alarma ~ , nnqt FOt!1n 333 Dartmouth Ave: )Iul ALARMS YOUI' Home Free ElUmate. Ins~ed In WANTED-To trade standard Royal typewriter for good port- i!srATK OF HANNAH J. MICKLE. Deceased. Late of the Borough of Swarthmore I · 2003-W. -- m.u. PETER E., TOLD . Company of l-brtfonJ, Conn. - ;;.";." Excellent "'cu.& Swarth- Media 6-0615 after 6. L wn~~Full time help. to Z'U'I ... ~ seasleep" out. Phone Swarthmore LOST Pair of pale blue nylon I ~socks. Bon'ower please return c~ ut:_ ~_c~ on regular _ ~- Phone Swa. 0121 or 0904 • 5wuJ' • Swaa1hmore 0108 .. 1201 '~wi1:h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~I BUBGLAR and FIBB child ----. s m . by -Q~n .:!.oJu__ BAlBD & BmD Old Bank BalliUn.. ....... v~ ~ S:~= :;;: With , ROBERT J. MacBRIDE. Shedir Atb'S: Ledword amI Hinkson COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Friday. Marell , ..... 1:10 A.M. Eastern Sstandard Time .:ao A.M. Eastern Standard Time CondlUon" ' •••.0. cash 0' certUled check at time of sale (unl ... otherwl.. LIMt Yoll' Real Estate 1\,. '....... 2T·!·]] LEGAL NOTICE _ and. c:=-_c '.ea· FOR SALE FOR c. ~' '·or You are not likely to be home when he calls, but he will stop just the same and. he won't go away empty handed. Better be prepared by having an lEtna Residence and Outside The f t Insurance Policy. Casuiliy and , or w, . .~ e~ Swarth- "'..... all ~J~~~~~~~~~.~-ly, neer. ~. MEET MR. I ROBEM Repraenting The A!tna l~.O:_'l:! ft~~. __ ~. _~ ,-_ - __ ..; . u.~~ ~~ enWi, au..> ,,~u. ...... a..... more ~.......... _!~'~ c ~I\ I ·405 ..t~ Iio !!"'..e_ W!fN j Joan K. Davisson of Vassar avenue ia one of three freshmen Women students at Dickinson College chosen for the court of honor at the Dickinson midwinter ball tonlght. • Mr. and Mrs. John E. Michael of Harvard avenue will entertain at a Valentine dinner party on February 14. Bill Soden of College avenue returned to Lafayette. College Wednesday after a mid-term vacation. hree ~ ,. 0" 19c 25 . 4589-W ...:... 2391 . ~~ h~~SIW;OOI:8Jl·or ~ WE CAN FIND ~~,_~*:dhean~ HI M F. OR YOU P~' °pS:k:!f CaI!...ftft-n,,;'- , ~ ~ OFFICE SPECIALIZES IN SUCH ~ SERVICE . :r'>.e nght house at the right price is hard to find but with our mtimate knowledge of the tenitory. we usually d~ a migll'good job. If we do not have the suitsble listing f ..., have co-operative Brokers to consult By listing or You.~ with the LeBaron office. you will save yourself a I~~~f ~ork and effort. Whether it be a new properly built house. one built to your own sPecification, old h~?O~ . o~ ak country place. the probabilities are that we can ~ealt q c er than you can. and get it at the right price We will n.ot rerommen~ the purchase of any property at wh~t we conSIder an excesSIve figure. If we recommend and sho· ·t it will be because we believe the price is right. WI • C .1 •• ~~ Far- mouth P lo~.8'lng Mrs. Wllllam Harvey of Columbia avenue entertained her bridge club at a luncheon-bridge Tueaday. SIMEONE'S lOOKIN6 fOk YOUD lIROipmTY n r Northwardly by lands be1I0W or lale to Daniel Hall and wife. and Southwardly by a contlpoua bride messuage and lunds belOD,blK DOW or lute to William B. Holland and wile. TOGETHER with the right aDd uae of the said alley In common with the own· era of other lauds abutUnl thereon • Improvements consist of :I atury brick bouse 18 x ao feet with a frame &bed 8 x 11 feet. Sold at the properly of Enoch Buck. Mtgr •• Terre Tenant. and Real OWDU. COUNTY OF DKLAW,ARE Sealed proposo.rs wUl be received at the office of the Chief Clerk of the Comml8sloners of Delaware Cuunty at the Court House. M«lla. Pa,., unUI 1 :00 P.M. and publicly opened at 2:00 P.M. OD Monday. February 21, lIJ49, for turnllblng and delivering Incandescent Lamps, F. O. B •. Court House. Media. l'n. Specl6caUons and bidding sheet may be obtained ot tbe ofrlce of tbe Chlet Clerk and no bid \\111 be entertained unless made out un SIltd bidding sheet. Eu.cb bid mU8t be accompanied by A. certified cbeck for Fifty (150.00) DollaJ'8. drawn to the order of the County of Delnware. The County CommiSilohers rcserve the right to reject UII}' or 011 bids. JOHN H. DOHERTY FRED F. DUKE .~LBKRT J. CRAWFORD. JR. Board of County CommIssioners BOUNDED eVening. • more 3284. The greatest service a Realtor can render Is to find. YOU 1 the house you want at the price YOU can ariord. CAKE 75 on Sid~& Mrs rJ>n FO~ 192 Saxer Avenue. Springfield VALENTINE'S cleaning -.t~~ . to a. in. Orange-C1e Ii:d : Virginia Lee Decorated Galden CrlQm Cake. e.tra Vanilla Iced. Pink Cacoanllf large .~ - anY, · Ph nn-"D Pierce. one ..... 0 SHOP Ii SPRINGFIELD, SWARTHMORE VICINITY OleoDiargariae Z lb. 49c • I re:: ~ CEllA· SHOE Princ... lraad • ..!,! ~ ~ Swarthmore 2350 ,1IDd. Dr. and Mrs. v. T. Lathbury of Walnut lane entertained out-oftown guests at dinner Saturday Mrs. Steven Spencer and lOB David. Mrs• .Tack ThompllOll, Mrs. Paul Sharpless. Mrs. Russell Suy_ der and sons. Mrs. Milan Garrett, Mrs. Joseph Gaskill and da\lghter Sally. 1I(r. and Mrs. Clarence C. Franck, 1I(r. and' Mrs., Harold Ogram and son. Harold, Jr•• 1I(r. d Mrs Hans St 1nfeJd, Ik and an . e. and·"Mrs. C. Russell PhilliPS. ..... and Mrs Robert Boyle , • • f u n I I . .- •_. EXPERT SE~JIICE Since 1904 !ale avenue entertained FrIday t o a s t e r s .' soned. Cut US TODAY FOR 102 PARK AVENUE Mr. and Mrs. Morris Potts of of the. DistrIct Orchestra given In Clothier MemoriaL "~~~":' ..All present were parents of children work .auR" to Fire m the District Orch<'·-tra or on .~specifications. Service on all . L 1oU~ makes of washera (Bendix in- concert committees and Included. eluded), vacuum cleanen, Irons. fans. lamPs~~ prices, old chInII. glaa, Erich H. Hausen. Electrical ture, firearms. Call Holly Oalk tractor, Swarthmore 2850 4313 or Oak 6720, collect for Park Avenue. All l>uslnPlls CODfi~ dentiaL Cupboard, No.5; :: _for.an I~h!la.de~ PIke, WilmIngton, ::F~hostess. Lunch will be ning at 8 o'clock in the Church held 'at 12:30; members are asked study to bring sandwiches. At the m e e t - · . ing at 1 :30 Mrs. Donald Hibbard T~e College age group Wl~ meet will be the speaker. Her subjeCt at .~ on Sunday evening ill the . will be "There is Something New ParlSh Howe. Under the Sun." The Young Married Couple's Circle 2, Mrs. David Braun, Club will meet Sunday evening at chairman, will meet at the home 7:30 at the home H. W. Gabriel BIrd a f Mrs. W.F . , 241 Ogden 405 Haverford place.. The Junior Choir r~earses Thursday ·afternoon at 3:30. The Chapel Choir rehearses ThurSday evenings at 7:45. SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MinIster Christian Science Notes Sunday, February 20 . "Mind" is the subject of the 9:00 A M.-Communicants Class Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of 9:45 A. M. - Church SchooL 9:45 A M.-Women's Bible CJaas Christ, SclentiSt;'onSunday, Feb9:45 A M.-Men's Bible Class ruary 20. The Golden Text is: 11:00 A M. - Mr. Bishop will "Great· is our Lord, and nf great preach, "Idols of the Mind." power: his understanding is in5:00 P. M.-.Tr. HIgh Fellowship 6:00 P. M.-High School Fellow- finite." (Psalms 147:5) Ship will m~t. 6:00 P. ~M.-Young·· Adult's Club 8:00 P. M.-College Age Group Methodist Notes owill meet. . . Church Services Notes Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8 a. m. on Sunday! Cburch school will meet at 9:45. At the 11 o'clock service of moming prayer, the Recto rwiIl preach. The ushers at the 11 o'clock service are J. H. Furlong, head usher; C. S. Brown, A. E. Pritchard, J. R eynoJds, W" B Bullok cJ, .W. J ones, R . M . ... ,,~ .~ore and T . L • Williams. At 6:30 p. m. the. Young People's Fellowship will have as their guest Rev. Joseph Gibson of Our Lady of Petpetual Roman Catholic Church in ton, Pa. Choir school will meet oil Monday and Wednesday at 4:30. The Rector will discuss the various theories of Holy Communion at his Wednesday evening talk, at 8:15 p. m. On .Thursday, the Feast of St. Matthias, there will be a celebration of Holy Communion at 10 a. m. Choir rehearsal will be held Thursday at 7:30 p. m. MOT~~ EVENT . Several charities will benefit from the Swarthnwre Mothers Club bridge-fashion show to be held at 8 p. m., Thursday, March 3, at the Swarthmore Woman's \,O"ID.j Mrs. C. R. Harvey and Mrs. H. Pyle co-chairmen have nounced that club members model latest fashions by Lewis. Committee chairmen are: tatll"',1 Mrs. James I. Harper; finance, Mrs. Samuel Gurin decorations, Mrs. Robert J. Turner; door priiz"",I Mrs. RobertR. Hopkins; refreshments, Mrs. James Stephens; posters, Mrs,. Howard D. Sipler. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D.P., MinJster Suilday, Feb~ 20· 9:45 A M.-CburCb School 10:00 A. M.-Youni: Adult Fellowship 11:00 A: M.-The minister will preach. His topic will be: "The Father of His Country!' 6:00 P. M.-Youth Fellowship TRINITY CHURCH Rev.~~C.And~D,Rernror Slinday, February 20 8:00 A. M.-Hoty Communion 9:45 A. ·M.-ChurchSchooL 11:00 A. M.-Mornlng PrayeI'The Rector will preach; 6:30 P. M.-.Young People's Fellowship. . ' Thnrsday, February 24 , (St. Matthias) . 10:00 A M.-Holy Communion THE IlELIGIOUS SOCIETY OFPRIENDS Sunday, Feb.,..,. 20 9:45 ;.:. M.-First Day SchooL 9:45 A. M.-.Adult Forum. "The ConsCientious Objector." 10:20 A M.-Meeting for Worship, Whittier House. Wednesday, February 16 9:30 to 3:30-Sewing and Qullt.-~ in Whittier House. Box ~eon. All COriIJalJy invited. . honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A Drew of Wellesley Hills, Mass., house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Penfield of Riverview road. Mrs. Lindley Peel of Columbia avenue and her daughter Mrs. A. David M. Speers of RuUedge entertained at the home of Mrs. Peel Wednesday evening at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Betsy Hornaday of Dickinson avenue whose engagement has been announced and at a st!lrk sh.,w,er for Mrs. Raymond Winch, of Dickinson avenue. Mrs. J. Dando Dallett of WllmIngton, the former Miss Betty Littlefield of Swarthmore place entertained Saturday ·at 'a pantry shelf shower in honor of Miss Jane Beatty of Bowling Green whose engagment to Mr. Laurence H. Lucker, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucker of Minneapolis has been announced. Mrs. Daniel S. Morse of Parrish road will leave February 25 for a ten-day visit with her daughtel' Mrs. Donald Smith and family at Munster, Ind. Mary Denworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of Elm avenue, was chairof the meeting on cqunseJing and guidence at the fifteenth annual Careers Conference at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., Wednesday, February 9. S. H. S. Class of 1949 Presents ...h Wilderness under the direction of Mrs. Edgar Mathews Saturday, Feb. 19th at 8 p.m. Herbert F. Fraser, professor mGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Economics at swarthmore'~::~:1 will discuss the Berlin situation. at the dinner of the Trinity Men's Club to held in Trinity Episcopal Church on Monday, February 21 at 6:30 TlOKETS ON SALE' AT MICHAEL'S $1.00 GET YOURS EARLY p.rn. Mr. Fraser has recently returned from Berlin where he was an advisor to the United States Military Government. He has served for, many years as an advisor to the State Department and was active , in working out the Reciprocal Trade Agreements with Cordell Hull. FOR MORE THAN 70 YEARS we have carried on the same ideals D.A.R. To Meet Monday The regular meeting of the D. A. R. will be held at the home of Mrs. George Plowman of Har-: vard avenue on Monday, February 21. Mrs. Roy S. Latimer of Cornell avenue and Mrs. Kenneth Arlllstrong of Wallingford will be co-hostesses. Mrs. Herschel G. Smith of Wal- and aims with a constantly guarded sJandard of dignity arid service. We will strive to adhere to this policy throughout the years to come. , THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. lingford, Regent, will conduct the business meeting. Program for D.R.CTOas o. PUN.RAla the day will be under the direction of Mrs. Jonathan Prichard of 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Michigan avenue. Mrs. Lloyd Telephane RI 6-1581 MARY A. BAIR, P,esldent Goman of Wallingford and Mrs. S. D. Clyde of SwarthmGre and Ogden avenues will preside at the church in the a!ftamoon at 4 tea table. o'clock. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Youth Fellowship meets at 6 o'clock in the Ladies' Parlors. The ushers for the day are: H. Schultz, L. Alexander, A. Beacham, J. Pitman and E. Shawhan. The Church Nursery is open during the morning service; Mrs. John Hamilton and Mrs. Theodore to be able to take out just a few L. Purnell will be in charge. happy minutes to shop for The Choir Association will have your wholp. wardrobe at the easy-toa dinner for its members and famreach, just-around-the-corner ilies on Tuesday evening at 6 Joyce Lewis shop. o'clock. The Senior Choir rehearsal is on Thursday evening at 7:45. The Social. Hall is open for supervised recreation under Mr. Purnell on FrIdioY evening at 7 • Dresses o'clock. The women of the church will Separates meet for sewing. for the MethodIst Accessories Hospital on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. at the home. of Mrs. William Earl Kistler. Mrs. Alfred H. Williams will review two chapLovely wearable. for suburbia ters of the ·Mission Study Book, ''On 'Our Door-step," during the SWARTHMORE FIllST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMOlIB Park Avenue below Harvard Sunday, Febnlary It 11:00 A. l\L Sm.'IIY 8cheol. 11:00 A. M. LeIlOD- S_moIl .fMind."· '. Wednesday evening meetinc each week, 8 p.m. Reading room open daiJ,y except S\UlCIa7 and lIoIidays 12 to~ 5 p.m. Wedn~ ,,",,Inp 7 to 7:50 p.m. and II to afIIernoon. 1I:a0. .. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker of Riverview road have just returned from a week's trip to the Highland Park Florida Club, Lake Wales, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., of Cedar lane entertained Miss Jean Murphy of Forrest Hills, N.Y. as their week-end guest. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates, Sally and Johnny Bates of North Chester road, and Miss Elizabeth Bassett, also of North Chester road spent the Week-end in City. Miss Anne Bradford of Swarthmore avenue entertained at a kitchen shower last WedneseVC!'ing in honor of Miss Jean Huey of Dickinson avenue whose engagment to Mr. Donald Gutasson of Highland Park, N.J., has been announced. The guests ineluded Mrs. C. Russell De Burlo, Mrs. Christian Pedersen, Mrs. Robert Sheppard, Mrs. Jetty Nowell, Mrs. Pelzer Lynah, Mrs. Paul Heenehan, Miss Jane Beatty, Miss Carolyn Henry, Miss Helen Kraus, and the Misses Follmer. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole of North Swarthmore avenue entertain at a dinner party their home tomorow evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leach North Chester road entertained a dinner party Friday evening in '1'0 Speak At Men's Club ·1 The Preparatory Membership Class will meet on Sunday moming 'at 9:15 in the chapel. The church school meets ·at 9:45. Classes are provided for children of all ages and for adults. The Young Adults meet at 10 o'clock in the Ladies' Parlors. ,At the 11 o'clock service the topiC of the sermon is "The Fatho:r of His Country." The Christian Association af the oollege .wi11 hold a service in the I ~. II S. CHESTER . _ - THE •• FEBRUARY'II, 1Mt SWARTHMORBAN FEBBVABY 18,: INt Dlclt-I Mrs. Willtam R: Hue)' of Assemblies In, the Woman's Club North entertain M~. and Mrs.. J Warren P axson t he Ingleneuk tomorrow evening, t bChester road ~ cia of Vassar avenue will entertain Bridge will follow at the Paxson inson avenue who \!DtertainefPhiladelphia Electric to maintain, improve, ~d expand your electric lervice in keeping, with modem' high standards. Ceol'ge Mill'o a 3ge ige 45e 65e SODS 17 South Chester Rood , FREE DELIVERY , Telephone' Swarthmore 454'1 mount to approximately $9,600,000 a figure which, the Company's ann?uncement s&ys, barely covers the mcrease In payrolls ~one s~ce 1940. The most r~t wage 10~n;.~":9 became effective J~uary , . Meanwhile, as the Company points out, its other costs have soared. Copper wire and poles cost 100 per cent more than In 1940; transfonners, 74 per cent more. All other necessary items have increased commensurately. In contrast, the many substantial reductions have cut the price of domestic service from an average of 7.7 cents a kilowatt-hour In 1921 to 2.8 cents In 1948, a decrease of 64 per cent. Under the new rate, calculated on the basis of last year's domestic consumption of electricity, the average cost will still be almost 60 per cent less than in 1921. Of the $9,600,000 the new rates ale expected to produce, it Is said by Company officials that approximately $3,700,000 will come from the Company's 660,900 residential customers; the other $5,901),000 from 146,000 commercial, Industrail and miscellaneous customers. The increase will pennit the construction of generating facilities and capacities that will restore the Com-pany's reserve generating capacity that was eaten up by wartime demands for power and the continued illcreased demand in the postwar era. ~ That is beyond measure of importance to every customer, the Company declared, because it will provide reserve' for every contingency. It will mean complete assurance against the possibility of any foreseeable disruption of oervice or power shortage. uOUr reserves before the war were adequate for all nonnal demands," the Company's statement continued. "Reserve generators were available for use while others were shut down for servicing and repairs. To . meet the abnonnal demands of current for Ute war effort every plant and every reserve facility was operated continuously at 100 per cent capacity. Our employees, with amazing skill and some good luck, brought wi through that period without a major interruption." On the basis of investment In plant imd equipment for each customer, the 1igure is considerably higher in suburban areas than in the city of Philadelphia. That explains a slight variation In dty and suburban electric rates. In The Pi Beta Phi Sewing Group Philadelphia, P. E. serves about met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. 3,500 cUBta1rlnc 81nee 1II1II .' .... _.. - :.. .!S' •.• 'r •.• ~"r ~ FIIlST RED' eROS'S D,ive 0".8• •arclll., If your car acts sluggish ••• seems to .have lost pep and power, let us look it over. A tune up now may save time and money later. Our prices are low. Come in today. FUSCO, and ALSTON' STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE C~TEB and FAmVIEw ROADS PHONE SWARTBHOBll 9'193 lMH\n'~ '-'-~, ~ ~,~tt \ \i t · .. , ? --:,;J '-\.IJ.,. .... ;............ ~.....-:.,., . ',' ., r.' . ' •·.1 ',' _ ............. \ure, John~y iS,onl,y five and it's only natural t at s?mehmes he s a little careless But if onik ",g~ Johnny leaves his tricycl~ on the 'fa ahn someI ~nl1 falls over it, you may ace a eavy c aim for damages. COMPREHENSIVE PERSONAL LIABILITY INljURANCE will protect you an d your famI ' l y against th' d L~:' a~ II many bother claims for damages. us e you a out this policy. PETER E. TOLD 333 DARTMOUTH AVENUE SWARTBHOBB, PA. Phone Swartlunore 1833 $3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1949 J.J!s Plana Soap ,The J.J.'s, group Drive of Ninth I TO SHOW GIRL • SCOUT DOINGS MUSIC CLUB TO MEET ALUMNI BANQUET THIS WEEKEND The Swarthmore Music Club will meet on Monday, February 28, at 8:30 p. m. in Whittier House. drive for the benefit of In the absence of Mr.. Everett There will be a door-to-door Hunt, Allred J. Swan will conduct Movies At Women's the .program. John Sears, vice- Honorable Owen Roberts Marks Volunteers' campaign from March 7 to March president of the club" will open Sendoff for' 11. The residents of the !loro are Club Next' To Speak, At 61st urged to have the soap ready for the meeting. Tuesday Tuesday' collecting. !larrels will be sta. A "Trio tor Piano, Flute,· and Annual' Affair tioned at bile Acme and at the Clarinet, Opus 10," by Allred J. ' Red Cross Sunday, the tradi- Co-Op for contributions between FrIends of scouting are invited Swan, is the first number on the All Swarthmore alumni in the tional day set aside each y!'8l' tor March 14 and 19. The Presby- to the program "Scouting in Ac- program, and will be played by borough are reminded that the proclaiming the Ideals of the Red tion" which will be presented at terian Senior Fellowship will colWilliam E. Trumpler, Jr., flute; 61st annual banquet of the SwarthCross from the pulpit, radio and lect the soap and melt it before an open meeting of the Woman's clarinet by Charles Gilbert; with more Club of Philadelphia is being new~aper, will be celebrated this sending abroad. Club on Tuesday, March 1, at 2:30 Mr. Swan at the piano. held on Saturday night at 6:30 in year on Sunday, February 27. It Thts Drive, which is to be ear- p. m. The program fields of Girl Beethoven's "Sonata" for piano the College dining room. The will mark the sendoff of thl! army ried out by the J.J.'s is in con- Scouts and !lrownies will be dram- will be given by Gail Shoemaker. speaker will be the Hon. Owen J. of volunteers throughout the na- junction wibll the larger C.A.R.E. atized in skits, exhibits, and movTo conclude the program Mo- Roberts, former' Supreme Court tion who are dedicating their spare Drive planned by the Swartinnore ies. zart's "Trio for Piano. Clarinet, justice and Dean of the Law time to collecting contributions to High School students. Life at Camp Elizabeth !lorton and Viola, K,498" will be played School at the University of, Pennmaintaip. the vital services, of the and at the day camps in movies sylvania. Red CrOss. will show the girls at work on their with Irma Wolpe at the piano, According to Lawrence Worstall, Peter van de Kamp, viola, and '24, president of the club, the menu The, Regtonal Blood Service, nature, out-of-doors sports, and Charles Gilbert, clarinet. , which will be opened in the Philagame badges. Contributing to the will be steak and french fries. At delphia area in April is another originality and color of the llfternine p. m. the group will. adjourn lo the ,Lamb-Miller 'Field House project on the Red Cross agenda. noon's entertainment will be exAs one of the tinest medical projamples of acUvities of music, dancto wilness ,the Swarthmore-Haver~ ects ever offered the community, lng, and dramatics. Letters from ford basketball game. This' game it means that no one in the future Club Will Sponsor European children who have rewill be counted toward the ,Hood shall' suffer because he cannot Benefit Program celved Girl Scout clothing kits Trophy. The score now stands at obtain Or afford blood. March 3 will be shared by the girls who two Swarthmore victories and one High School Students tie. Haverford has yet' to win a But it also means that the people have had this experience' in interof the community must give that Plans have been completed for national friendship. There will be contest this season. Offer Group blood. The Medical Advisory the Benefit !lrldge--Fashion Show exhibits of arts and I!l'afts, health, All wives are invited to, attend . Speakers Committee estimates that one pint to sponsored by the Swarthmore' safety, and services to the comIh~ dinner ,being held for them in per year for every 35 iuhabltlmts Mothers' Club at the Woman's Club munity. The.girls will act as hostHigh School spirit is running Bond Memorial. Mr. Roberta' adIs the need of the pbUil.delphla on Thursday, March 2, at 8 p. m. esses and will serve refreshments high, as CARE week approaches., 'dress will be broadcast ,to:. them area, which would mean a donation Mrs. Cyrus R. Harvey and Mrs. as part of their homemaking badge Every free period is being used via student radio.' Mrs. ,Joseph H. for some type of CARE meeting. Walter, Jr." o,fBenjamin West of at least 150 pints from Swarth, E. H. Pyle, 2<1, co-chairmen, have requirement. moreans. announced that no tickets will be Mrs. Harrison Kalbach program Students active in the drive can .av~nue .~, in charge,:..' Therefore, when the Red' Cross sold for the event, but a donation consultant will act as mistress of be seen in different committee worker calls at the house for con- .,f at least 75 cents will be appreci- ceremonies and will enliven and meetings from the time' classes' end '. trIbuUons of money, she will also ated by the sponsoring organlza- coordinate the presentation with until the School itself is closed up: AU de~ents and classes iu"e .. , ., , , ' ,'.c : ask for prospective donorS for tion. ." he~ original vetse. Swarthmore's blood collection 'day Mrs. William A. DeCaindry will At 10 a. m. on March 1 the involved 'in tile program in some tor next OctOber and for anyone give a rwming description ot the choNS will 'have a rehearsal. New manner. The sewing class is makwho is able to 'gO into Red Cross fashions by Joyce Lewis which members are welcome. lug a banner, . the Indilstrial Art ' : , 'P"" Headquarters. Mrs, Franklin Fla- will be e>- eral weeks to go before Activities Methodist Church Bodine avenue Mrs. Fred Mayes; decorations, Mrs. ary 1 were the guests of honor and ~ngh~ o.n March 11, ~ High School Planned by the ~ternation"l, ,in~ Robert J. Turner, Mrs. Fred Deck- seated at a special table. Mrs. R. 15 strlvmg to orgaruze the program ter-denominationa!, and inter-raer, Nrs. L. E. Jewett; posters, Mrs. W. Marriott and Mrs. A. R. Red- for the highest efficiency and to cial United Councll of Church Howard D. Sipler, Mrs. Fred Deck- grave decorated the tables in keep- bile best advantage. It is for this Women this service of world ;worStage Set, Costumes er, Mrs. William Ehnore, Mrs. Ed- ing with the holiday. The program reason that a speakers committee ship will take _ its ,theme from mund L. Harvey;' door prizes, Mrs. was in charge of Mrs. Lloyd was organized. The aim of tIiis Psahn 121" "The, Lord is ,thy ,Action Recreate 'Robert R. Hopkins, Mrs. Peter Kauffmann, Mrs. S~yan Russell committee is to make tht? 'drive k-eeper.'~ .. " Confused '06 Coste, Mrs. Herman Bloom, Mrs. directing the music, and Mrs. ~le,,:,er to all of the town organIn,1948,the World Day of Prayer The Seruor Class of the high Joseph Moran; refreshments, Mrs. George P. Warren in charge of the Izations. All of these speakers are was observed in '14 countries. and schoo\ presented its class play, James Stephens, Mrs. D. W. R. tableaux. Inside a huge frame the well qualified to talk, on the pro-the voluntary offerJn8, by women characters gram and are glad to have a in the United States amounted to Eugene O'Neill's uAh, Wilderness" Morgan, Jr., Mrs. Peter E. Coste, following, historical Mrs. John !I. Maerker, Mrs. Caswere potirayed by club members: chance to spread some of bIleir $195,000. This gift aids world to an interested and congratulatory audience which ahnost filled par Garrett, Mrs. W. E. Trumpler George Washington (Mrs. J. B. enthusiasm. To obtain a speaker needs, among them women's union the school auditoriUm Saturday and other members who will serve West), Martha Washington (Mrs. a group has only to leave its'name colleges in india China and' JaJohn Pitman), Barbara Frltchie at the High School Office, and aU pan; the woi'k C:f the Committee night. Mrs. Edgar Mathews di- the refreshments. Those who attend are asked to (Mrs. W. F. G. 'Swan), Abr3ham arrangements will l?e worked out on Friendly Relati"nsamong ,Forrected the production with the aid bring cards or games and pencils. Lincoln (Mrs. C. Russell Phillips), to the convenidnce of the indi- eigu Students which ,arranges for of student directors Molly There will be a table p,ize for !letsy Ross (Mrs. C. T. Deacon), vidu~ organization., Storck and !Ioh Malin and seven exchange students throughout' the each table in addition to door prizes three Virginia belles (Mrs. Alvin It lS through a ,well-organiZed world; the publications whicb. are student committees. contributed by Swartinnore merStuart, Mrs. George Heckman, and The Seniors did a creditable job program such as this that ,the High needed for Dr. Laubach's wo~ld­ Mrs. W. R. Thomen), and two School is trying to make the CARE wide educational program, "Ji:ach both in the staging and acting of chants. mamtnies portrayed by Mrs. Euthe play which is difficult. There drive the most intereSting and one teach one'" work with the nice Eaton and Mrs. Harold' GoodEntertain Friendly Circle was a great deal of abillty in the successful possible. (Continued~n page eight) east and a tremendous amount of Mrs. Harold Griffin of Rutgers win. Mrs. W. E. KisUer read approgroup cooperation In the produc- avenue and Mrs. George Smith of priate poetry as !letsy Ross and tion. Ladies of 'the cast acquitted Haverford avenue were hostesses Barbara Fritchie were shown. themselves with distinction. June for the FrIendlY, Circle at Mrs. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25 For the other tableaux bIlere was Reynard as Mrs. Miller fell into Griffin's home, February 16. 10;00 A.M.-Book I,teview, "Myself When Young" Woman's Club music, . largely by the Woman's 8.00 P.M.-Wrestling, College vs. Haverford ' .. ,Field House the appearance and deportmentot Twenty-eight members were 3:00 P.M.--Swiniming Meet, College vs.•!lroOJslyn ... Hall GYII! the housewife of 1906 pleasingly. present and an interesting meet- Club Chorus and a duet by Mrs. Robert West and Mrs. J. L. Ellis. , SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 ' Lynne Leach as the spinster sister ing was conducted by the presiAs a special treat' William EackLily added appeal as well as emo- dent, Mrs. W. Mark Bittle, after 6:30 P,M.-Alumni Dinner, Han. Owen J. Roberts " Swarthmore College tional stress, and strain. Anna which refreshments were served. ard of Lansdale, haritone soloist at Nativity Lutheran Church in 9:00 P.M.-Basketball, College vs. Haverford ...... Field House lIfary Fussell as daughter-of-thePhiladelphia, ' sang "Ole Man SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 family Mildred was completely at Heads Industry Committee River:' uNobody Knows de Trouease and her middy blouse attire 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship", .... " ........ Local Churches George L. Alston of North Ches- ble I've Seen," and "Without a 7:00 P.M.-"A Classlcist Looks At ReIigion ........ !lond Hall had nostalgic chalm for niany in ter TOad presiden,t pf the Delsware Song." In the last number Mr. 7:30 P.M.---Junior' Music Club ...... , ........ 311 Cedar Lan~ the audience. ElImbeth Schoen- County Chamber of Commerce has Eackard sang "America" as the MONDAY, Fl!BRUARY 28 : berg, was completely out..of char- been named head of the Industry acter as Belle, the bar-fly, but committee in the 1949 Red Cross chorus sang an oblIgato and the 8:30 P.M.-Music Club ........... , ..... '.... , . Whittier House flag was shown alone in the frame, handied the mature role with skill Fund drive in the Chester area. TUESDAY,lIIAiK:H 1 ' : giving the afternoon's program a enough to set parents worrying. 2:30 P.M.-"Scouting in Action" ........ : ...... Woman's 'Club Mr. Willard' T<,m1insoll of very impressive and beautifUl 8:00 P.M.---Jr. Club Board Meeting .. Linden Avenue,'Rj1Uedge Jane Hawke, in the role of Muriel, ending.' ' the beloved, was excellent. :Mari- Sonth Chester road and Harvard ."WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 avenue gave a talk on ''OccupalYn Achuff as Nora the m&Id dlsThe Poet's Circle will meet at 8:00 P.M._uThe Tragedy of'the Cross" ... 'Presbyterian Church played a, philosophical acceptance tional Opportunities In the SocIal the home of Mrs. George Marr of THUBSDAY.MABCII 3: " of her own as well as the Wiler Sciences" at the annual Washing... Park avenue. Mrs. CUfford Buck 2:00 P.M.-Woman'. Art S--nr • .,~ v .............................. """'v"""- .................................................. """'v"""- ....... ..... . ~·......... The marriage 0l~ M iss Frances . . . . . . . . .~z.,..'Y+'+'+~T'+~ Milligan College, Tenn., for the first semester earning an average Of B plus. Charlotte, a 'graduate of Hosford J~n, daughter of Mr. Swarthmore HIgh School, Is a and Mrs. Oren B. JiIJson of Grosse freshman at Milllgan. Pointe, Mich., to Mr. David Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Top.. Walter Seymour, son of Mrs. Melping and children Carol, Cynthia, anie D. Seymour of Vassar avenue and Tholnas, former residents of took place' on Saturday afternoon, New CaSUe, Del., are occupying February 19 at 2:00 p. m. in the their new home at 323 North Grosse Pointe Memorial Church: Princeton avenue. Mr. and Mrs. The Rev. Frank Fitt, DD., assisted Maurice Beck,' formerly of 323 by the Rev. Thomas W. Nadal, Princeton avenue, have moved to D.D., officiated. Wynnewood. The bride's gown of deep ivory Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Littlefield of satin was designed on Victorian I NEWS l ... Barbara Sickel, dall8hter of Dr. and Mrs. George B: Sickel .of .' • Strath Haven avenue, having been awarded Semester Honors at Wesleyan Conservatory of Arts and Music, Macon, Ga., has been selected, togeUher with 60 members of the Glee Club, to participate In a conceit tour througb Georgia and Florida. Mr. Walter L. Thorpe of Dicklnson avenue attended the annual luncheon of Uhe Delaware State Snciety of Uhe Cincinnati held at Swarthmore place. and their son"RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN" the DuPont Hotel in Wilmington in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. lines with a row of tiny buttons up the front of the molded bodice, on Washington's Birthday. J. Dando Dallelt of Wilmington a litUe round collar, pointed I Paul Hummer of Rutgers avenue spent the week-end in Atlantic sleeves, and a gathered skirt whicb has been appointed to the Elections City. CALL 04 Lf 0 DARTMOUTH &-I.AFAYETTE AYES. swept into a short train. Committee of the Student CounMrs. A. C. Bosshardt of Park ~~~................................................................................................ ......... cil at Swarthmore College. ThIs avenue who has been in Miami, A cIoeh e bonnet appliqued wi Uh ... '+Y'..'Y'+'+'+'+.~+>.~~ . . .'+ymedallion roses of Point de Venice group establishes and enforces Fla., for the past three months, lace held in ·place her tiered veil .1 regulations governing all student returned home last week to attend of blending illusion. She carried j elections held at Uhe college. Paul the marriage of her son Mr. Roy a cascade bouquet of white tulips, Is majoring in Engineering. Bosshardt to Miss Maryanne Kell- white violets and ivy. Mr. Charles Izumi is giving a er of Springfield which took place Honor maid was Miss Marjorie piano recital and party for his Saturday, February 12. Dick BossAnn Jillson, sister of the bride. students at the new Izumi home, hardt of Cornell University was She wore a portrait dn:ss of ivy 631 South Chester road, tomorrow Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation also home for his hrother's wed- green laiieta and carried a bouafte)'noon, from 3:30 t05 o'clock. ding. quet of yellow tulips, blue violets Mrs. H. S. Toole of Ibe SwarthJean Galbreath of Benjamin and ivy. more Apartments was hostess NoW You can ·buy U. S. Savings Bonds automatically '. Thursday to a groUP of friends West avenue and Barbara Shipherd Mrs. Leland Johnson, of Rochthrough the new Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at this J3ank . who are contributing to the work of Dartmouth avenue entertained ester, N. Y., as matron of honor, of the Entertainment Instruction 16 guests at a birthday luncheon wore a dress of Florentine gold taf_ and Supply Service Committee of at the Galbreath home Saturday. andand carried violets ivy. orange tulips, blue j Fi~""'.....o-t __ _ the American Red Cross. There This was followed by a movie feta party. were 16 tables at a dessert-bridge Mr. Charles F. Seymour, brother Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Robinson of of Uhe bridegroom, served as best and Uhe event was held at the MARCH 3, 1949 home of Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Ogden avenue will entertain over man. The ushers were Mr. Leland the week-end Uhelr son-in-law and Walnut lane. Johnson of Rochester, N. Y., Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Turner daughter Dr. and Mrs. Elam Hitch- Robert Nadal and l'o'lr. William of Guernsey road entertained at ner, Jr., and children Lee and Boales of Detroit, Mr. Edward cocktails Friday evening before Elizabeth of Moorestown, N. J. Oren Kay of Marshall, Mich., and Come and Enjoy Your SeIe«=tionFrom Teddy Bogardus of Cornell aveUhe Taylor Hospital Junior Board Mr. William McIntosh of Toronto, HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS Dance at the Springhaven Country nue visited his uncle and aunt Mr. Canada. AND DESSERTS and Mrs. Percy S. Hartzell of Club. A reception in the Church ParGlenside over Uhe week-end. Dr. and Mrs: William Elmore of lor followed the ceremony. Mrs. Ruth Millington of PbllaFor her traveling outfit the bride delphia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Baltimore pike. Swarthmore enR. E. Wilson of Ogden avenue, won tertained Mrs. Elmore's father choseofa hunter's white wool suitWith beneath a green. it she the Women's Single Championship Prof. Leigh Page of New Haven, coat wore white accessories and a corin the Pennsylvania State Open Conn., as their week-end guest. Tournament for Table Tennis held Mrs. Everett Hunt of Elm ave- sage of white violets centered with Have You Been In The In Bethlehem, Pa., Saturday, Feb- nue is recovering ltatisfactorlly a single white rose. After a short wedding trip Uhe ruary 19, when stiff competition from an Illness in the Bryn Mawr was furnished by the New York Hospital. couple will be at home at 440 Sout·h J aekson street, Media. contingent. Mrs. MUUngton has Mrs A W Bass J .f H . " ,r.,:J arCome In. Sit Down In A Booth recently renewed the game after vard avenue entertained her Dup.. SOLI'S--SPEARE a !!~ OfSchl l0 years. lieate Bridge Club Monday afler.And Enjoy A Hoagie ._"n oesser of Park aveMrs: Nathan Speare of South noon. 171;. S. Chester Road Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Turner Chester road and Westdale avenue, nue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. 8WARTH!IIOBE, PA. Schloesser, celebrated her fourth of Guernsey road entertained at and Mr. Mendes Da Silva Solis of Orders·Taken For Party Sandwiches birthday wiUh a party for several a dinner patty Sunday evening in Philadelphia were united in marof her friends last Wednesday honor of Mr. Turners' parents Mr. riage· on Friday, February 18 at Phone: Swarthmore 3216 and Mrs. Charles A. Turner of afternoon. thePhiladelphia, home of Dr. who Louis A. Wolsey • Mr. and Mrs. William H. Drle- Ridley Park who left Monday for of officiated. haus of Yale avenue were hosts a menth at Miami Beach, Fla. Mrs. Speare was ~ttended by her at a family dinner party last week Karen Peterson of Vassar ave- daughter Mrs. Herbert B. Pearson, in honor of the birthday annIver. nue entertamed at a small supper 3d, of West Hartford, Conn., and of Mr Do al P J sary s. n d . ones of rt dh . Th d pa y an urs ay Mrs. Thomas Hibbert of Parkslde. North S wartbmore avenue. afternoon orne mOVIes Mr. Richard A. Soils acted as Barbara Crossen of Webster . best man ior his brother. Groves, Mo., formerly of Swarth_ EN-GAi--G-EMENT-~BInted or entertained for .any ThoBe present frOID out-of-town action. included Mr. and Mrs. JOMlph W.The second luncheon will be held Frescoln of Walkersville, MeL on March 11 at the Strath Haven Major and Mrs, Robert E.. M,olst ' Inn, and the general topic will be, of Ft. Slocum, N.Y., and Mr. and "Th h lth d If f "The Care, Treatment and Reba- Mrs. Frank H. Robbins and small e ea an we are'O our bilitatioD of the Sexual Psycho- daughter Ann of Green Ridge . its educational program community and the legislative ac- path." . tivities in these fields are everyMrs. ~. Roy ,Snape of Harvard ,Rodney Bray of Vassar avenue, body's business," said William . , avenu~ IS reeup~rating at her home a freshman at Michigan State, has Charles Hogg Esq of Wallingford Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pitman oj followmg a maJor operatton in the been pledged to Phi Delta Theta, in announcini a ~~rles of legisla~ Vassar avenue entertained 12 at University Hospital, Philadelphia, ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j tive luncheons under the sponsor- a famUy dinner party Sunday. February 7. ship of a special committee of the Health and VVeIfare Council, Del, .... Come On, Lees aware County District (a Red Feather Service). ,,(dlU~rd~,) • ,, ' I The opening luncbeon will be , Get Acquainted! held at the Strath Haven Inn on Friday, February 25, from 12 noon INTRODUCTORY OFFER:-present this ad for $1.90 to 1:30 p. m. Frank A, Robl:iins, discount on any pair of shoes purchased. Jr., secretary, Department of Pub_ Good Until and Including Friday, March it. lic Assistance, Conunonwealth of WHEN co-OP'S ARE 'IN TOWN PRICFS ARE DOWN PRIME . THIS IS NOT A SALE. IF WE HAVE NOT MET YOU, WE Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, will WOULD LIKE TO MEET YOU. speak on "Public Assistance and CHD..DREN'g SHOES by EDWARDS Current LegislatlQn." Mr. Robbins BOY'S SHOES by BUSTER BROWN SMOKED BEEF spent all his active business life MEN'S SHOES by ROBLEE at the Steelton (Pennsylvania) CASUALS by CATHY ORIGINALS plant of the Bethlehem Steel Company. He started to work there • FRESH COUNTRY immediately after his graduation Sprjngfleld Rd. and Springfield Rd. Trolley Station from Massachuse'tts Institute of SWARTllMORE 3464 Technology in 1902. In 1918 he FBESH became General Manager of the p,lant and continued in that capacity until .his retirement July I, FANCY 1946. Outside of his steel plant experience, he was a member of the first 17 South Chester Road LARGE Emergency Relie! Board of DauFREE DELIVERY phin County, and chairman of the Telephoue Swarthmore 4547 first Dauphin County Board of YORK IMPERIAL Assistance, its Successor organization, until Governor James ap~~~~~---------------­ PARAMOUNT BRAND pointed him to the State Board of _ Public Assistance in 1939. He was , VAN CAMP'S appointed Secretary of Public AsPORK sistance by Governor Duff, January 21, 1947. RlfrEk The purpose of this and subseSHOULDER quent luncheons is to inform the general public about current legisFRESH COUNTRY lative activities in Harrisburg. Sinc,e the meetings ru;e solely for 'BLEN1,)ED MEATS for PERFECT niformation, no-resolutions will be John C. Wister, director of the Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation at Swarthmore, will be one of the featured speakers during the third annual Colonial Wi!Ii b Gard d FI BIJ!S urg en an ower ~ymPOSlwn which begins in Wi!Iiamsbur!l' Va" ~n ~b~ 28.. Mr. WI.ter WIll discuss 'Amerlcan GardenIng-Yesterday and To- • 'l'HI!: 5WARTHMOBBAN PEBBVARY 15, lNt holding "Open l{ouse" Y withwe're special entertainment and ES, souvenirs for all 'visitors. Everybody's welcome! FOR YOUR BENEFIT As the recently appointed Dodge. Plymouth dealer in this area,' we include with this announcement a special invitation to every car owner to drop, in and see the beautiful new Dodge now on display in our showroom. We're mighty' proud of a plaque recenlly awarded us. II signilles Ihal our mecltanics have completed a full year of postgraduale Iraining under the "Master Technician Service Plan." This means a 10110 us - bUI il means still more to you. It meanslhal-when you bring your Chrysler or Plymouth here for servi,ce - you gel the expert work of specialists who really know Iheir stuffI Space does not permit our describing this wonderful new car in detail Our men were good before they took this year of specialized Iralning. Now they are master technicians ' - _ in the art of serviCing your car. They save you money GREAr CARS because of the speed with whiclt they diagnose your car's needs. They save you future headaches because GOO D S E R V ICE BY of Ihe. thoroughness wilh which they meel these needs. MASTER TECHNICIANS Bring your car In today. We'd fike to show you the . new plaque we've lust won. Then we'd like 10 shaw you KEEPS what we think is the finest - and fastest"':" service your '--- ---- - \_-THEM .. - APPQQVED car ever had. 2 PLYMOUTH CARS AND DODGE IIJob_Rated'1 TRUCKS ARE ALSO HERE! Yea--Plymouth Can are on display, too. Come and see !hem for yourself. And remember that D:W THE SIGN OF DEPENDABLE Dodge "Job-Rated" Trucks are available in 248 different c:has~s models from lh-ton commercial vehicles to medium and heavy duty trucks for more rugged types of service on and off the r?ad. SERVICE Woodland Ave.• & Powell Road ----" ~);;."O~Z~ . . SWAB'l'IDIORI: DEWEY-MURPHY, INC. Swarthmore 3607 ' DODGE • PLYMOUTH· • DODGE " J,O B· RAT ED" , aDd WAlft: , provided with the latest tools and equipment for all tyws of maintenance and repair on both cars and trucks. A complete stock of factoryengineered parts for Dodge and Plymouth assures prompt and reliable replacements whenever necessary. Make our convenient location your Transportation Headquarters. A Warm welcome awaits you along with our pledge of prompt, dependable and economical service always. • GREAT SERVICE YALE AVE. and CHESTER RD. Be sure to drop in today or tomorrow. Meet our organization and see our modern Service Depa~ent ~here skilled, mechanics have been • &~'{$('2:--p JmCY here. All we can say is that you're in for a \real thrill when you see it. The style is NEW, with natural beauty, that flows from truly functional engineering. Inside, too, there's new luxury plus real comfort that comes with greater elbow room, more leg room, more head room. 'You simply must see the daring new Dodge to appreciate it fullyl. use . ' TRUCKS • THE NEWS NOTES Mrs. S. Francis Butler of South Ohester road enterJained at.a tea Saturday in honor of Mrs. Peyton H. Bray of Vassar avenue who will join her husband in Bad Nauheim. Germany next month: Captain Bray is with the Transportation Corps with ·headquarters in Frankfurt. Germany. Mrs. William Freegard of Swarthmore avenue and her daughter Mrs. Donald C. McCoy of Cambridge. Mass.. entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the Freegard home in honor of Miss Kitty Weltz of College avenue whose engagement has been announced. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Payne of East Aurora.N. Y. will stop to spend the week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Gay of Wallingford Hills. while en route to Florida. Dick Bosshardt of Park avenue a freshman at Cornell University: has been placed on the Dean's List. • SWABTHMOBEAN' CITES LACK· OF' CONFIDENCE · _ _U&aY 15;.1MI FEBRU.A8YZS,lNt Are Pun." a program dedicated to the infant and toddler. The executive board met ThurSaay evening ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ROLLS ON! With hundreds of bans-up val_ that will help yau reduce yaur food budset. . , A TRIPLE TREAT ~4 'February at the home Ilf Mrs. Bruce Slll1th on Princeton avenue. "Tips to Mo~ers from Mothers" Matriculated At Trinity a program of Informal disCUSSion Charles B. Medford and Richard Full selection of highlighted the m~ing Of ~e R. Shelly hoth of South Chester choice cand1es., Swarthm?re Mother s Club Thurs- road. were matriculated at Trinity day evenmg. February 17. Under College; February 17. in an aca'Woman's Exchange the leadership of Mrs. Richard demlc ceremony more than five baked goods Enion and group chairmen Mrs. centuries old . brought in by local Randolph Lee. ~,:". Leroy PeterThey are members of the first women at reason_ son and Mrs. W.lliam Elmore. the freshman class to be matriculated able prices - Birth: mothers met to discuss the day- under a new rule at Trinity praday cakes expertly to-day problems of child-care. viding that no stUdent can become decorated. ' Mrs. Enion' explained the pur- a member of the college body until pose of the program and spoke he has satisfactorily completed the -Seasonable plants briefly on the proper reliance on first semester of college work. and a refrigerator one's own i udgment as well as on The clasS took the oath of rnastocked with Fresh child psychlogists. She cited sev- triculation at college convocation Cut Flowers. el'al reasons for a lack of self- at which President G. Keith Funconfidenc~ in modern mothers, and ston and Dean Arthur H. Hughes SWEET SHOP urged group action on such com- spoke. mon projects as obtaining the Old Bank Building . services of a lJlatTiage counsellor Mrs. A. E. Rogers of Park avePhone 4597 and the investigation of the possi- .nue has b,\"n visiting relatives in bility of putting a younger mem-W .~.~y~n~eS~b~o'~ro~.~p~a:.• _t~h~Is~W~eek~:._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ber on the School Board. Refreshments were served to a lively group 'of disputants by Mrs. William Stephens 'and her com- , I- CLA.SSIFIED 2' - PER$ONAL PERSONAL - ' Electrical Installa· tions: wiring. old and new: HaI,dentlal,and.Commerclal. Uaht 8lId .Power. Wat.,.-beaters. Ranges, All , done In ·Fire Underwriters . Service on all washers - (Bendix 111- . Opea Friday 'm. 9PA • SaL 'TIl. 6PM. 29c PEACRES Libby's Halve. "r Slices large Na.2M! ca. Libby'. Fl'lllt CoektaU 1_!':.2Y.1 5" Libby'. Pine.ppl• .Jul.. "!;::' 58_ Libby'. To..ato .JuI.. a~ase:.c:.:u_ Libby". Gudea Sweet P... a N:;~:» 57_ ,Libby'. Whol. Gold•• Co... a N~ 57-, Fana..... Sweet .... a ':;;.: as_ IISaJ Apricots ~~ N,.";,I ~,. I N':;!Y.I 5a_ FI'•••t • • Peach•• H.I$lIen· ... or .. N•• 2Y.1 45caaa Red Ripe T ....toes .a '::;.~ as_ I.... Or.... .Julc. G~!"A a ~;:: 4" Id... • ....ia Purpl. PIa... N':;.~V. aa_ I .... Grapell'lllt S.Olloac ~::r. a ':::.: a •• ' ~cke. Noodl. Diaael' D.lman'.. 'b .. n ~._ .••I'md". Ey.p••• ted Milk 4'::~ 4" .1.... ITo..ato Soup Lou.no """'odIuItW w,th '"' IOv...., ~ can. ... IISCIJ To...t. C.tsup a I:;': 5Sa ~k:: Gleadal. Club CIa. . . . .ood 2,;~b 75- .5- ........ Ole............. . 47. Dr. Beulah Sandell Of Lansdowne will ·speak at the regular meeting on March 10 on ·"Babies , HAPPY·FEET. •• IF y()ui.l. l.ET US/)(J )1}VR SHIJe ~ePAI/lJNG REGI/LARLy'1 CELIA SHOE SHOP Loaisiul CI'IIDch *Hon.y-II.voreti Arnold FIn. Whit. B,ead qroIddy ma'" crllP _ .. that'........ loy to 11'......... wIIh fine In.....' _ Ilk. un- . '", chid ...... and ....1, rich to.... b _... .,':::.:I::,!d·~th large cocoanut macafOl)n .tze 4Se "''',''' -:~~~~~ A...... nDed CoHee Cak. ':.,: . . . Golde. Loal Cake VI~'. ..... ~ •• HOT WATER when you want it '"SSe .=~~:r~ lb' ,.11"'. ,.Unlnd or Girard Ready 10 Eat-l0 to 16 Ibs 'PORGIESJ~".:~ Sea Ib 'ood Values ) Flounder F.." 'm,b ,. 49c Seta Scallops t Cod Steaks :~'!e~ . Ib 31 cHaddock GII_ur .. FlUet. I SSe with an Automatic Gas Water Heater~ ~7C PHILADELPH'IA ., ELE~TRIC -, WANTED-We will .b.uy at best · ri ." .. Id china ...... furni p ..... 0 • -. ~. ture, firearms. can Holly OBlk · 4313 or Holly Oak 6720. collect for : appointment. All business. conti-· .. aentiBl., Colonial Cuphoard. No.5. '. Pblladelphla Pike. Wilmington. 1 Delaware. .. " . 'i WANTED. _ Unfurnished'. apart, ment near. tea· room,. by Widow. ,:. Swarthmore ,'resident, In early " sprtng.· Sw~ore.1306.· W ANTEl)..;;:-Soweone t9 d a 'i}.ouseday. cleaning in small.nouse.-CaII'Swarth, tDree hourS ev.ery Frimore 2361-W . · " W~.Apartment. by r.spansible young· couple. college graduates. -:'-!,o children. Swarth~ more area suitable. preferred.CallMay 'firSt '~ occupancy Swarth1 more 0215-W. WANTE=Part~i'- . 'work. or laundry to do at home. Refereflees. Call Media 6-0886. WANTED-Housework., European ,! white girl seeks day work. Excellent cleaner. Chester 3-9471. FOB SAJ;;E COMPANY • cycle. Friday. Call more 0975. i • k N6 lr:OIlr SlMtON£'S lOO' 1"" III1rOiPERTY ~~ve~n~u~e~~B?,lii,l)~d~log~. I~~~~;~i~~~~5.~~~?-:=~ UOUIIr Henry 'IfjRaron, Realtor WI CAN.IND "1M FOR YOU CUNNlNGHAM .....ten.. ~ lIrIIIaen We ......... IIDow how . B_ JIll M1e hl..... A ...., NIGHT or DAY ~ ,ROOFS GO'X'JBI18 BBPAlBED AND INSTALLED Furnace Repairs & Cleaning Call GEORGE lIlYBB8 409 Michfgim Ave. Sw. 2266 . A. MercerQuinhy FIlNBBAL DmBC'JOB Formerty of Media 1126 W. T.eh11lh Ave.• Phila. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge for suburban calls FlXITSHOP STORE 17 Y.z south Cbester Road SHOP Bodine and Kenyon Ave. Make and Repair Most Anything for the Home Swarthmore Disposal Service Bubblolt Colleoted Weeld7 .... Monthl7 Phone Swarthmore 3343 9 A. M. to 5.30 P oM. Dependable Service U you have real estate for sale. list with us and we will 1Iive you the heneflt of our Cooperative Selling Bureau. Call at office or phone us. Wallace Lippincott SWARTHMORE.PA. Serving Swarthmore. Morton. Rutledge and Rldle:r Township oince 1818 PHONE: Swu1hm..... 04" VAN ALEN BROS. Coal and Fuel Oil F. F. ZIMMEBMAN Photographer "'Outsbmding for QuaUtT· Media 8-0486 8 E. Pront st. DAvE WOOD Painting and Paperhanging BBALTOR "A Well Kopt Houe .907 Bdpaont AVeDne Never Growa Oldn ()hoster 8-&1118 PHONE Media 6-0755 Driveway OonatnIotloll Asphalt or C_ete PETER DI NICOLA Phone Swarthmore 8586 Caning and RUshing MORE HEAT FOB Phone - Swarthmore ll43 LESS MONEY WANT TO BUILD? . . . . . . . IIK •••• • WAU u •• ".1 CO"III." Phone: III..... I-WI . . 7:" I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, I Electrical Repairs froM -Washers - TGutenr Badl.,. Wiring New and Old _ Electric Hot Water Heaters and.Electric Ranges Installed Good materlala and skIIlfu1 workmen are now avallahle• Call us for informatlOl1 and estimates RHora,~e Swarthmore 074.0 IIDLLWOBK - L1JMBIlIl BmLDDlG MATBIIIAL , "A NOUSE WELL-MAINTAINE1J IS THE WISE OWNER'S BAlM" ., .. Mason B~ders Supply Company 'SWARTHMORE "53 \ . PREMIllM ANTBBACITE 331 Dartmouth Avenne Swarthmore Swarthmore OU5 SamueiM. Harbison CHA'RLES ,E. FISCHER Repairs' and .MaLintenan~ A. Reeve. "Third Generation Builders" Swarlbmore 3450 . .. , -;;i;i;;;;;;;trI.i__;;;;;;;;;; ".rd Builder . Seoi........ l:iP~ii~iiii~~~ii~~ .2 ..,.., ................ . .... ~~}~~~~r~"f~~~i~1 L. _.h IIlOTlLiIS, 1M, Cas Water Heater. model . .:1. IIorwP o~'~o~;;' I~';'fellbb,~-::'~ . . . . C. ."UOIO. DP-30. Dependilble thbOsta.lic control ~ always-ready -hot water at just the temperature you want. Cash-priced at $155.72, iostaIIed under standard condilions. at"'ll::' daughter Mr.small and Mrs. John Cbll'is-I David o.fr' :::1."11 mortcalle or Insnre de Moll and daughter ber. Borough HaU. Swarthmore, Po. on B" ...noN ' e 'w·ill occupy theit home dur- treaUIlI' &lan:h ••••••• at P.M. for surface LIST WITH Le Z1D'V tm approxlma,tely 15,000 &quare yards ing their absence. of ,tr..ts to be deol«nated by the S 0121 Swa. M(M Andy Kirk of Swarthlnon! ave- ~o'll'~~ H1chway Comml_ In tonn as wa. n. ue won the pole vault in'the 1. FurnUhlDI. applJlng Triangular Polar Bear Track approxlmaWy" Ions of concrete. cleaning areas to held at Princeton on Wash- turnl8bln~ and appl"ng . birthday 'between Colum- and fuml8blng. spreading BURGLAR and FIRE bia. Prlliceton and Pennsylvania. eruobed rock. . ALARMS Mrs. S. Gilroy Chandler of Dedto:m~mJ.-:':fo..'!'·w~I';l~ttiOOx'~ I Installed In Your Home h t' ed h UOD 01 thi asphalt binder. ham. Mass.. . as r.e urn orne Free Estimates following a visit with Dr. and Mrs. I. Fur........... and appl"ng appro"'. Write to Oharles L. Chandler of ':SorrOws mal.,y '00. raIInna 01 asphalt binder. Burgler Alanmr CD End;'; Providence road. All materials and work .hall be In "'" Box 67 Dr. Arno Viimoever. a former "hlob cord""""maywith he IOCUred opeclllcatlOPl. from .~.--Wi'deolr~ " I Swarthmore Swarthmore resident an.i now on .....ed. the Staff of Res~arch of the Walter The Bol'OUd ....." .. the rlgbt toii!eoct .. bing!on. spent ·°7 or all In bfcl. and •t •and • 0.. Swarthmore l _A... S I Was Reed Hospita. d..mbed ltemo 1 the to eren' Wednesday in Swarthmore. conlnrctoro. WILLiAM: BROOKS Miss Mary and Miss Elinor Bye Ashes &: Rubhlm Removed of College avenue entertained as TREE SURGERY Lawns mowed, H ....__ General their week"end guests. Mrs. Lapise a ............ PRUNING. IJMB AND 236 ._....... .......,-- Av. M 0 rton• P a. TREE REMOVAL Sfnee 1lI0II BDBBIlT HASTINGS van Swarlbmore OZI5-W planningI Pictured here is the SO-gallon size 29~ • :~@~~~~~E~~~~~I Not really magic-but sound engineering and Penfield Automalic \ :I~~~~ .ALnUII...... I.PAII' "5ge 1·39c SHBlUW SALBS of BooI _Ie COURT HOUSEiI MEDIA. PA. .' SHERIF.... OFl'lCB ~liot~~= TIm. .:1. A.M" &utem SlaDdard TIme CondIU.,...: , ........... or corUIIed I FOR RENT-Room and bath. 8lId garage .if needed,· in attractive I\ome on the HilL Telephone 1675. FOR RENT Furnished'room ad~ . jacent to bath. in' private home. Pleasant . surT<)undings. Call Swarthmore 1178 for' appointment. . LOST and FOUND . purse. Col8. Call at '"25. SMALL' HAMS hMartha RENT '·"'-lOe ~'~':;-·lDthe~c::: . F..... FOR SALE Candles. cards. gifts. Carns Flowers. 650 Baltimore Pike,-. Springfield. Pho"e Swarthmore 0450. " - at A ......10<1 _ In the _ '.00 and equlpm""t. Spectfications can mutt ......pany the bid 01 ......:....... be secured between 9 a. m. and tor .nd tho penon or ana to .. ....y 4 p. m.. dally except Saturday. _tract .. awarded mutt .......Ie Sunday. and holidays. at the _ e n t and tIInrIIh hendo School District offices. The Board ...of reserves the right to reject any or BLLIOTT IUCHAItDSON all bids in whole or in part and to . award contracts on any item or IteDll! making up any bid. Manor. N. Y.; former s..rartho,or.el IT·.'I HILDA LANG DENWORTH . residents. will' entertain in their ADVEBTJlII..... CNT . 3t-2-18 SecreIar7 honor at.coCktalls tomorrow. The School DIstrict of SwarthDr. and MrS. H. H. Hopkins of ~':'!t a~ ~:'Jf,~fUD "r."n:.th~t!: more will receive bids at" the II tee e III gl bul' t din' da .... Other condlU"", on day ot ..... School District Office. Co"ege • Crest a Mrs..eMath-- Levari No••11 Swarthmore. ner in lane honorwof Mr.ve and up to 4 p. m., Thurser. before the Seri"!l Dance' ta1949. and open the I' "' rn morrow evening. a meeting of the School Mr. and Mrs. Howell~:~:::~1 at the School DIstrict office 10. 1949.meeting at 8 p. of m.. the or of Cornell avenue. by their daughter Mrs. William for athletic supplies ConraD, Jr.. , of Needham, Mass., y, ; -FOR SALE - Greenhouse ~~~~~~~~~~ nowers tor any purpose, C~~ 'ftO- ~ Flowers. 650 Baltimo~e ~..",~.I Springfield. Phone Swarthmore 04~0. . A.WAYNE FOR SALE Fireplace wood. sea- , soned. Cut any length. Warren MOSTELLER Pierce. Phone 2078. FOR SALE--'-OrIental rugs. BLECTIII()AL me, beau.tiful Large and small. CONTRACTOR sale. Bryn Mawr 9167. All Types of Electrical. In-, - FOR SALE _ Irish setter puppies. _ AKC; eight weeks. George FelstallatioliB 8lId Repairs. · ton. Darling. Pa.. Valley Brook 2391-R~4. Serving Swarthmore and Vicinity for past FOR SALE-Cocker spaniel puppies. male and females. AKC Twenty Years registered. Will sacrifice; Swarthmore 1614: 1180 Mllh/enberc Ave. FOR SALE--1200 pounds stove coal. . Less than half' price. Swarihmsre 2285 Swarthmore '1808: ','.. . . RING CAKE I aeI1verecL aftel of Mis. as re turned Blessing' and Associates radlos lI'- av"!'ue Swarthmore January and February In Edward G. Lambert N.C. ,,' Marlo S B Mr. and Mrs. Donald Piccard D • rown L1at Your Real Brrtate magazines•. Mrs. With North Chester road will have ies.· Swarth.n1ore 192 Saxer Ave •• Springfield their guests for a few dRys Mr. BAIRD & BIRD : Haverford avenue. Established 1923 Piccard's brother and sister-inOld Bank BuUdinK · PERsON~Lauise· Pickin' BeauSwat1hmore 0108 - HOI · ty Salon with permanents $6.50 Mr. and Mrs. John Office open for your Convenience and up. Grace Park. Call Swarth- and son DiCkie Of !3llfflll o. N. Y. Mon. to Fri. evenings 7 to 9 p.m. ::il::it'it""?"-HHMb' b9HHHHHt" more 453'i8...__="' Mr.. Ql1Q Mrs.' Henry ~~~i.~~~;rJ~~;,:'; Sundays 3 to 6 p.rn. Harris of North Swarthmore av'~ I '!. 'nue have lett for a two-week ~~~~~~~~~~::-__' Consult wlthont' obligation to ·Texas,' Their son-in-law -81101 REQUEST FOil. BIDS whether. you wish to buy•. sell, Devine Taxi Service able. Call Sw.arthm.ore 02QO, WANTED TO A SET OF B'I: HMO It BA.N ===:!~~~~~~c:== LBGAL NaI'WB8 w. Mr. 'and Mrs. ruu as of _ Sprlqfield, whoJomi will have their weekend guesta Mrs. Iliff's I brother' and sister-in-law Mr. Mrs. L1·-d C. Mathews of Pelham eaDUii; • ASK YOU, GROCER FOR ITI Since 19M 102 PARK AVENUE Swarthmore· 2350 Virginia L_ "The winds do blow, and we sholl have snow •• " and hot buffered 10051* and jam with our coffee Ihese mornings. AIwoys keep ARNOLD Fine White Bread on hand-FJenfy ofHI'~ c1eanen,:....".es tans. lamps. Call :aw A Lesley and daughter Barbara IAtlantic City. Electrical ConSwarthmore 2850 - 335 three weeks trip to Fort·from ~re,.,s, returned Sunday night Beam and a tour Of Florida. a mittee. Mrs. Thomas Prother announces plans for a Player's Club benefit performance of "Life With Father" which will be given Monday evening April 4. NEWS NOTES Appreciation Mr.. and Mrs. David S. PC/Ik to extend deep and sincere to everyone for the many , sions of S)'IDpathy upcln the ·death of their son. Henry. 3 OUR BIG T H B Painter Interior and Exterior I THE 8WABTBMOBBAN '49 Actors In Drama ORGANIZE FOR' OVER 65 GROUP Plans Afoot To Provide Leisure Time Activities (Continued from page one), Carl Detwiler 'was . ideally cast a.s Richard, who' typifi~ the emo~onal stresses, yearrungs, rebel· lions, ?f a~olescenc~, playing the part WIth -?,ce re~tramt and normalcy. DaVId Srmth as Nat Miller conveyed the weighed down, baffled feelings of parent and newsman. John Boyle as the alcoholic . was recei · tWI h d eS I'd DavIS ved li ht d h dIed his ture 1 ~ an ~ ma . ~ e 7It~ restramt to emphaSIze Its u ty. Bruce Godfrey as Tommy the youngest son contributed a light touch nicely. Larry Dalton as the ba~jo toting Arthur, Philip MarkoWlch as the stormy McComber, William Froebel as Wint thetempter-from-Yale, Allan, Jones as the youth-about-town, Ken Dresden as bartender played smaller parts with aplomb. "Ah, Wilderness" is not the cut and dried choice of graduates. It is unkind to all pretense of wisdom or success or emotion. Eugene O'Neill's realism is never quite comfortable but it is good theater. Challeneged by it, the high sc~ool Seniors came through with credit David Smith was chairman of the reading committee, Anne Broomall of the property commit:tee, Tom Hopper of lighting, Herb Breneman of business, Lois Linton of costumes, Faber McKernan of scenery, Gwen Watkins and Helen Ware of painting and design. The faculty committee included Clauk di H' a ancoc, Mary· Armstrong, Mabel Ewing, Irma Zimmer, David Watkins, and Frederick Yocum. The Garnet Serenaders, Arthur Grover soloist, contributed lively contrasts With their intermission numbers. A meeting for the purpose of examining the need for leisure time activities for Swarthmore men and women over the age of 65, was held last Friday at the home of Mrs. Harold March on Elm avenue. Carl Schmitt director of the Health and Welfare Council for the Delaware County District told of the procedures in this and other counties where this need has been met successfully. Those present included Mrs. Joseph Bishop representmg the Presbyterian Ohurch, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Groff for the Community Health Society, Florence Magilton of the Strath Haven Inn, Mrs. Wayland Elsbree for the Society of Friends, Mrs. Otto Kraus for the Methodist Church, Virginia Rath for the Swarthmore Recreation Association, Ethel Stilz for the Episcopal Church and Mrs. William Singleton of Elm avenue. Several others who had been invited were unable to attend. After Mr. Schmitt had presented the details of the Philadelphia and county movement for recreation for older persons, individual reports on this community were given. It was then decided to form the Committee of Sponsors for Social Activities for Older People, with those present at the meeting acting as members of the Committee. Mrs. Harold March was appointed temporary chairman. Two important hurdles are still to b,e met -if any such group is to be establish. They are a central WOMEN TO WORSHIP place for meeting, with easily (Continued from page one) accessible side rooms; and, as with evE!l>y group, individuals who can Navajo Indian and the migrant contribute their skills or good-will groups in the United States. in person fit meetings every week ~omen of the A.M.E. Church or every two weeks. Beside the will be assisted ~y women from Committee members there have the Methodist, ~lSCOpal, Presbyalready been found 'a numbe ofterian churches and Friends Mcetthose enthusiastic over a pros~ct ~ng. All w~men ~ ~e communof contributing in the last named Ity are earnestly mvIted to attend respect, but more will be needed. Fr~day's service to add their worThe proposed group will be open ShIP to that of women all over the to all men and women living in world. Swarthmore, and any member of The Kappa Kappa Gamma the Committee is prepared to receive names of any prospective Chapter of the University of member of the group, and of any Pennsylvania entertained at a surwho may be able to offer their prise shower last Tuesday in 'honor of Marilyn MacElwee of Mt. Holyservices or transportation. , , oke place whose engagement to Bruce Throckmorton of Rye, N. Y., Cops Turn Thespian has been announced. Clare CochThree members of the local poran of Wallingford Hills was one lice force will give a three-act of the hostesses. play for the Cub Packs in Trinity Church at 7.15 this evening. The skit on "Duties As a Citizen Under All Circumstances" will have as settings, "The Home," "Michael's Drug Store," and ~'On the Street." : ; nasVABY . , 1111 H.S. STUDEN'l\S IN DISTRICI' FESTIVAL 3r. Musle Cluh To Meet The Junior Music Club wlll meet , Eight Swarthmore lDgh School Sunday night, Februal7 27, at '1:80 students will be among the 20'1 at the home of Robert Ketghton choristers to perform in the Southeastern District High School Festival Chorus this coming Saturday evening at the Upper Darby High School. The .program Includes numbers featuring tJie entire ensemble of mixed voices and special groups by the boys and girls t ly separa e . Guest conductor for the, occasion is Theodore Nitsche, director of the Olney High School A Cappella Chair. Sopranos from Swarthmore include Margo Bowie and Ann Curry; Altos-Marilyn Achuff Anne Broomall and Gayle HOdge;' tenors-Allan McChesney, Kenneth Wright, and Stephen Wolfe. To Assist With Banquet Mrs. J., Alfred Calhoun, Mrs. David W. R. Morgan, J,r., Mrs. Oliver Rodgers, at:.d Mrs. Frederick B. Tolles are among the Swarthmore residents whg Will assist with the Fashion Show-Bridge Party in Philadelphia, today. Mrs. Arthur Hamlin of Media and Mrs. Charles Lyon Chandler of Nether Providence are also active in this party for the benefit of the Radcliffe College Endowment. Early college costumes, both social andatbletic, will be shown as well as current .styles. mate at Bradford Junior Co11ep. on 311 Cedar lane. Bed en. to Sew Anyone interested in sewing for, the Red Cro88 Js asked to report at the Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, March 2 at 10 am. ~ Kappas to Sew Mareh 1 The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewing Group will meet for an all-day sewlng at the home of Mrs. Howard Newnam, Jr., of 537 Walnut lane, Tuesday. March 1. NEW,S NOTES Mrs. H. Stephens Plummer of Harrisburg, formerly of Swartbmore, .bas been visiting Mrs. George W. Wellburn of Rutgers avenue, and Mrs. Frank V. Brewster of Dickinson avenue for the past two weeks. Margery Anne Olandler of Providence road entertained a number of friends from the University of Pennsylvania at a record party Saturday evening. ' Mr .and Mrs. John C. Moore, ,of Bethesda, Md., former Swarthmore residents, were week-end visitors in Swarthmore. Mr. 'and Mrs. W. N. Ryerson of Elm avenue will entertain at cock.tails before the Series Dance tomorrow evening. Miss Helen Kraus of Benjamin West avenue entertained over the week-end Miss Gloria Neuman of G d C'ty L I • Ta1re A Tip From Robin Redbreast Repair Your Home To Look Its 'Best Before Spring peeps 'round your corner see that you fixup, clean-up !n paint-up' your little nest! Consult us. Clwrles E. Fischer Katrina Bogardus of Cornell Sw~ore2253 avenue will be the guest of friends at the University of Virginia weekend festivities. .:;;;;;;;;;;;;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~;ar;;;e~n~l;~,;.;.~'~a~~~,o;rm~er~c~la~Sl~s;-g~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r + - • The ..2t~' Of Your Dreams ... . The Suii Of Your' Schemes' • • • We've reams and reams of smooth 70unc casuals to fit all yoUr plans. Come and see us soon! The, new things are now here. 'Lovely Wearables For Suburbia • alice batt t 5 WILLIAM PENN • FOUND SOMETHING TO WRITE HOME; ABOUT No.1 ill tIut - - "Your HQIorica! Herita6e." Walch for tile After almost a year in the New World, William Penn took his quill in hand on August, 16. 1683 'and wrote a long letter home to London. c'The COWltry • ~ • hath the advantage of many creeks, or rivers rather," Penn wrote among other things. ccThe waters are generally good," he also said, "fot: the rivers and brooks have mostly gravel and stony bottoms; and in numbers hardly credible ••• Our people are mostly settled upon the 90ld ·bank build,nq PETER E. TOLD All Lines Of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore 1833 Mothers' Club Benefit Bridge Fashion Show Fashions by JOYCE LEWIS IIa:I ill _ etU'ly _ _ 0{ tit" popr. upper rive1'8; which are pleasant and sweet • • • " Some of the creeks, "or rivers ,rather," P~nn undoubtedly had in mind were the Pickeritlg, Crum and Neshaminy - streams still "pleasant and sweet" and the source of Pure Springfield Water. We -sincerely believe if WjJlj~m Penn could taste this water you enjoy today~dependably on tap the year around-he would find it delicious and wholesome, truly wonh writing home about! THURSDAY MARCH 3 ", ... ~:,:' at the , SPRINGFIELD WOMAN'S CLUB 8:00 P.M. J WATER No Reservations Donations ~~~ 75e ~ • ~HILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY.