• , RGHllI BUY ' THE 'SWARTHMOREAN SEALS ." a.r-.stMS Sells ;::' VOLUME D-NO. 49 SWARTHMORE, FBmA~, DECEMBER 3. 1948 = FOOTBALL' TEAM HEARS HARMON' This Tuesday's weUIy rePOrt in the 1948 Community' Chest Campaign reveals that Swarthmore has raised ninety-eight per cent of its reviSed $15,010 quota. This is the last week of this year's Red Feather Drive. Rutgers Coach To Speak At Football NIght Saturday Plans have been completed for the annual Football Night, honor- S.H.S. DEFEATS LANSDOWNE. 20-0 HOBO NEABS GOAL Garnet Eleven Closes 2nd Victorious Season Millard Robinson's Swarthmore NEW MAIL $3.00 PER' YEAR ~:m SQUABBRED CROSS Postmaster Howard M. Teal an- . noWlces that Swarthmore Post 01fice has erected an additional mail ' PLAN IrVETERANS CHEER ~x:~=l :~~e:::: I::!!: Cookies And Gift Money in front of the Theatre Pharmacy. Should Be Sent To Mrs. - Good , The Education. Instruction and Supply Service ot'the Swarthmore Branch of the Red Cross met at ing Swarthmore High School's the host 11 of Lansdowne, Thanksundefeated and untied 1948 team. giving morning to the tune of 20-0. the home of the chairman Mrs. Head Coach Harvey Harmon, who Larry Dalton ment along on his John L. Gi>od on Tuesday, Novem ber 30. has made Rutgers University one scoring ways by annexing his Special Committee Gives of the top football factors in the ninth TD of the season late in Swarthmol'e's Christmas cookie East, will be the speaker Saturthe 1st period. This score followed quota for the three Service Hos Report On Chester day l)ight. Harmon, well known Mrs. Wilcox To ,Speak At the first touchdown by Fred pitals in this area is 20 pounds. Rd. Conditions Women who make good man-sized in this vicinity since he formerly Club Meeting On Campbel11 with left end Rich coached the Penn team, 1$ rated ' Terry adding another tally in the The Special Highway Commit- cookies for Christmas are invited as 'high for his fine influeru;e with Thursday third period.' Art Barraclough. tee of Borough Council, Dr. John to send some via Mrs. Gi>od's com young men as for his coaciling a!ld "Children and Art will lJedis- playing one ~f his greatest games M. Pearson, chairman, reports mitte to these hospitals. The Red speaking ability. cussed by Mrs. Clair Wilcox at at. right guard, broke into the progress in their study of traffic Cross membeI:S in this Chapter Dr. John Michael, who knows the Swarthmore Mothers' Club scoring column tor the first time conditions on Route 320 through area are making every effort to a the members of the football squad meeting, Thursday, December 9, in his career by place-kicking the the borough. The first part of the give each hospitalized veteran , about as intimately as their par- in the Woman's Club at 8 p. m. extra points on the first and third study has established the follow- Cbristmaspresent. Two dollars will provide a present for. one ing facts: " ents, will be master of ceremonies., Mrs. Wilcox, a Swartlunore tOUchdowns. (1) Traffic on Boute 320 In veteran. Contributions of cookies He can be expected to season his ~other, spent five years teaching - Ti,iS victory brought the Garremarks ,with some apt observa- art ~t The School in Rose Valley, net's string to 19 straight, and Swarthmore is at a level at which and money sllould be made betions drawn from ms acquaintance and is at present advisor for' the completed its second straight un- traffic control signals are prob- fore December 15 to Mrs. John with the boys of Swarthmore. arts and crafts program of Swarth- beaten, Wltied campaign. Captain ably warranted and expert advica L~ Good, 512 Harvard avenue. The Education, Instruction and A new feature this year will be more College. A graduate of Ohio Avery Blake, playing his last from State Highway engineers is Supply Service wishes to thank being secured to make a specific the awards of certificates for out- Wesleyan College, Mrs. Wilcox bas game ,added annther leaf to his the many people who contributed recommendation to Borough Counstanding performance to players, studied art at Washington Uni- ou1lBtandi.ng record and played to the "Gifts to Give" program in on some of the big college te'ainS versity, st. 'Louis Unlversity, th~ what may have been his greatest cil. November, for the Veterans Hos(2) There are no plans for alof the vicinitY. These' star pIay- School' of Industrial Art and the game. Barraclough looked like a pital at Coatesville. Many of, the teration or relocation of the State ers will be present, seated among Graphic Sketch Group. Her talk million at his post, and Milton the members of the high school will be directed primarily to Helmuth and Jack Dodd, also Highway (Route 320) within the veterans confined Ilt this hospital squa'd at the dinner. The awards mothers of youDg chlldren. sug- Senior linesmen, turned in out- borough. In spite of the fact -that are 'financially unable to send are being made by the Swarth- gesting approaches to the various standing performances. Jack traffic surveys show Chester road presents to their families on spe.., more Citizens Athletic Committee, media of artistic expression. She Houtz, Dalton, Don Dickinson, Bill to be OVE'.rloaded no immediate cial anniversaries. This programwhich sponsors the annual Foot": .will illustrate her di.scussion with McIntire, Bill Froebel, and Jack plans for relief have been made provides them with, gifts to give ball Night. ' the work of her pupils. Smith also bad\! farewell to foot- by the State. This is because there 'and.in some measure, helps, boost The dinner for the, football Plans are being made for the ball at S. H. S. in this exciting are a number of mQre urgent traf- the morale of the men' and their fic problems deman(ling solution families. squad, their parents, coaches and Christmas party for mothers and contest. in 'this highway district. \ _ _ _--'-____ close friends and the v~siting tal-' children to oe held Orl :Wednesday, Barraolough kicked, off to the Route 320 tramc has been doa- JUNIOR CLUB ent will be held in the high school December 22, under the direction Lansdowne five, and after four toured to Woodland, avenue on TO HO~D PARTY cafeteria, starling shortly after 6 of co-chairmen Mrs. D. Ma~ tries for a first down. the Lands account of construction of the viao'clock. Members of the Citizens Gowing and Mrs. William Mc- sent Dick Jordan into punt forduct over the Soortline and the Ml'S. Carl Watson !rom StrawAthleti,c Committee will double Clarin, Jr., and their committee. mation. The entire Garnet line relocation of Sproul'road between bridge and Clothiers' deparbnent, in the capacity ot waiters, the 'food Details of the party will be an- was in the Lansdowne backfield Baltimore pike and State road. store spoke on "Ohristmas Dec~ will mostly be prepared by wives nounced at the December meeting. before Jordan could get his kick Apparently this 'has caused some rations and Gift Wrapping" IDst of the committee members, and 'The executive board held its away, and Terry put his han~ concern to residents along North Friday evening at the meeting of Superintendent' Frank R. Morey regular monthly meeting Tuesday on the ball for the block which Chester road and along Cedar the Junior Woman's Club In., the will again do the carving. evening, November 23, at the home sent the pigskin back to the end lane. The unaccustomed heavy club house. 'Using red and green The main .program ,featuring of Mrs. John B. Maerker in Grace zone.' Campbell scoopei it up and table covers with contrasting apon the former is an an_the address by' Coach Hahnon and Park. fell over for the first score of the traffic noyance to North Chester road pointme~ts, her center pieces were the awards of gold footballs to the . day. Barraclough's kick split the residents; and the Wlaccustomed made up of greens and berries high school players, will begin at Dr., Patrik Sillverberg uprights to make the count 7-0. quiet on Cedar lane has 'led to found in the woods, with colored O'clock' m ' the high school audiDr. Patrik Silfverb~rg died '- On the next series of downs rumors that reconstruction of candles as added attractions. Mrs. \8 torium. The band and \the 'high Thursday morning after a long follo,wing the kick-off, Barra- Cedar lane is projected. The 1at-, Watson gave detailed instrUctions school cheer leaders Wl'll be there illness, at the home of his son- clough downed the Lansdowne ter has no basis in _fact. to her audiences as she made these ai .. p_..4.. carrier for a seven-yard loss. Foltable arrangements. to do th....... tin in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. lowing Lansdowne's kick, Houtz, ' In regard to the detour we have 'or Juru three the of Members Howard M. Teal of 404 Haverford High School football teams will Dickinson and Dalton lugged the f:=::: J. of Rosamond Jones for a business be given special recognition at pt;c:~ in Sweden 77 years ago leather. After -a' 10-yard aerial (Continued on page, 7) meeting. The following Tuesday, this year's celebration. These Dr. Silfverberg came to the from Dana Swan to Campbell, Dalton bucked through from the' December 14 is the annual covschool younger boys, the high United States when h e was 30, \ ered dish supper and Christmas players of tomorrow, have turned and was a practicing physician one. New Club Members 'n s'orne fine performances this in ' party. I Philadelphia for many years. ' The second quarter was scorE:To Be Feted Tuesday niLe llghtwel'ghts, th ed' 1 less, but it found the big Red movpast season. .1.11 He is best known in . e mIca new members will be guests ART CENTER EXHIBiT coached by "Herr" Snyder, field for his research work. ~gb/:~~edL::~:W;::s N!2~:: at The a luncheon at the Woman's Thelma Hartman, instructor in (Continued on page 8) His, wife, the former Alice Pen- had the Landk taken over than Club riext Tuesday, December 7, at textil!'! painting at the Commundleton, died 15 years ago. Blake heaved Tom Heaney back to one o'clock_ Mrs. Percy Gilbert MAKES ALL--AMFJtICAN He is survived by his daughter, the one. On third down, trom is chairman. Following the lunch- ity Arts Center, ,directs an exhibition of work by Center memFor the third sucessive year Mrs. Teal, and two grandchildren punt formation, Lansdowne pulled eon there will be a group of solos bers which opens Sunday, DeAlice Putnam of Lafayette ave- of Swarthmore, and a stepson, the surprise of the day with a pass by Mrs. Robert West ,of Clifton, cember 5. The show is open to and gained a first down on the 36. who is herself a new member. nue made the All-American wo- Baylis P. McKee of Cleveland; Services and interment will be The ball changed han,ds but the Mrs. George Purnell, niagician, the general public on _the. sixth men's hockey team picked last and will be open to all interested halftime score remained at 13-0. will then take the stage to enterweek at the United States Hockey private. persons Wltil December 19. The third quarter was yet YOWlg tain. Reservations are to be made Tournament in Winiletka, m. The total membership in' the Playing the Mid-west, .South- TO SPEAK AT COLLEGE when Terry broke through from with Mrs. Frank Bromley, Swarth- genter has topped the 500 mark. Professor E.M. W. Tillyard of left end, 'snatched a lateral ineast, Great Lakes and Pacific more 3155, by December 3. Memberships may still be taken Cambridge University and Dr. tended for Wilmer Grubb and States Team, the Middle Atlantic Handwork was the theme last out. eleven, of which Miss Putnam is Reinhold Niebuhr are scheduled to merrily romped. 35 yards to pay- Tuesday when Mrs. Walter Dicka member, played the big game speak at Swarthmore College dur- dirt. Barraclough added the final inson presented her American Cubs Vend Christmas Wares point' of the day to t;nakP. the score of the series with Northeast, on ing the coming week. Home program. 'Many beauti~ 'All ten Dens of local Cub Professor Tillyards lecture enstand at 20-0. Saturday afternoon, defeating and, interesting exhibits were Scouts ar~ selling Chrisbnas cookThe remainder of the game was them 4-1 to take the 1948 United titled ICShakespeare's World" will brought in by the members. Mrs. ies, wreaths, centerpieces, candleStates Tournament for the third be given on Thursday, Dece~­ a punting story with the Ga~et's L. H. Sperow gave an interest- logs, and waste baskets. Probably ber 9 at 4 p. m. in Bond MemorIal. kicker, McIntire, keeping Lansconsecutive year. Professor Tillyard is noted au- downe back on its heels until the ing lecture and showed her fine one of the young boys in your Six of the eight All-Philadelhandwork, quite in'spiring her aud- neighborhood will knock at your thority on ~e Elizabethan era as final whistle. Phia players on the Middle Atience to go home and sew. Mrs. door soon in this salesman venture • lantic made All-American. Miss well as on Shak~· ' Harold Bodke, State chairman of 'which is designed to raise money Dr Neibuhr will speak on 'The ! Putnam is' one of the three holdAmerican Home, and Mrs. Allen pOlitical Weakness of ~rical ~. PBNNBLL TO GIVE TALK Center, Delaware County cbair- for Borough Cub work. overs from last year: Religions and the Rise of Politi~ Mrs. Pennell of The Bookshop Miss Putnam, teacher of PhY- Religions" on Sunday, December will talk to the second grade man, were present as gUests. KAPPAS 'l'O MEET Sical education and health at the t 8'15 m in Clothier Mem- mothers of the Rutgers A~enue Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. -GoodThe - Kappa Kappa Gamma Swarthmore ~lic Sc\lools, play- 12 a ' , '~eb~ is profeSsor of School at the home of Mrs. Robert win returned to theIr home in Sewing Group will Tuesday, eel on the varsity teams ,at SVir1JiIi1warth- A°riaLliedDr:.n.~-u""I'" at the UniOn G,J1fl11an" Jr., on 410 Yale avenue, tIl High d Coach a PP ~UQ&&&"'" Rose Valley on Sunday from a two December '7, at. the bo~ of Mrs. ore un er eol 'cal Seminary and the on Wednesd,q afternoon, DecemAllen, ,and at Temple, and., has Th Ogl "Discerning the Signs of her 8, at S.30. _Her topic 'Will be weeks Visit, to Greensboro and Donovan' Spangler at 101 West been on the· All-Philadelphia authOr Of ' C C f t _ _ _ for _n~~" Pinehurst; N.C. ,Clearfield avenue In 'Oakmont. " 'ream 'for severat yeaM.~ the Times." AUUIUt V1U.IU-'"CUo CHILD AND ART MOTHER''S TOPIC High School gridders rolled over COUNCIL MAKES TRAFFIC STUDY I the ~~~~s::nq:!t~o::c~r o;r:::c~~:~iit::::n!:~ ~~~: • ; ,' meet , --, ' • • .' THE SWABTHMOBI!)AN • z NEWS NOTES , DECEMBER 3. 1948 George WIUs Brodhead, Jr. en- Perry of Ilie Swarthmore APenMr. and Mrs. Palmer L. Skogtertalned nine of JUs friends re- ments spent the Thanksgiving hol- lUDd of Swarthmore place entercently for his ninth blrthaay wilh idays with Mrs. Perry's son-in- talned Thanksgiving Day: Mrs. luncheon and Dk>vies. law and dsuahter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Allen, of Haverford aveHarriet Gilbert, daughter of Mr. ltussell M. Cook, of Montclair, nue, with her children Susan and and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of N. J. Terry, and Mr. Skogiund's, cousin, Park avenue, returned home last Miss Anne Bradford, of Swarth- a student at Wharton Scllool. Wednesday evening from Ver- more avenue entertained Miss Frank Wilchli", who brought with mont Junior College fOr the Sybil Finch of Birmingham, Mich., him his friend,' Jack Lawson, a , Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. Gil- her former roommate at Pembroke student at Princeton, University. bert's mother Mrs. A. P. G~rt College, over the holidays. They 'Both boys are from Racine, Wis. of Richmond, Va. who also arrived attended the Swarthmore-LaDsMrs. Robert Bennett, of ToWednesday, his brother Dr. C. L. downe game on Thanksgiving Day wanda, who with her husband was Gilbert with his wife and two morning. the weekend guest of 'Mr. and Mrs. children who arrived Thursdsy Mal-yLou Thayer, dsuahter of Clarke Davis, of Wallingford, is morning, and his cousin Mr. Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Huah C. Thayer, 01 the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. ward Turner of Palmerton, Pa. North Chesler road, baS ,been Paul B. Banks of Harvard avenue who was a guest for Thanksgiving pledged to Pi, Beta Phi at Middle- this week. Day, all attended the Penn-Cor- bury College where she is a -----ENGAGED nell Game with the Gilbert fam- freshman. Mr. and Mrs. Pemberton M: ily on Thursday. Mrs. FI;Wlk G. Keen~ presiDickson of Prin<:eton avenue, anDECEMBER 9, 1948 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde dent of the Woman's Association nounce the engagement of dsughof Swarthmore and Ogden ave- Of the Swarthmore' Presbyterian rues entertained at a family clln- Church, entertained at tea at her ter, Jean MacLeod to Mr. -lohn ner party on Thanksgiving Day. home on Monday afternoon in D. Chiquoine, son of Mr. and Mrs. The seilior class of Swarthm<>re h<>nor of Dr. Esther Morse mis- JOM E. Chiquoine of Rutgers ave, High School attended the play sionary to China, whose tetters nue. Come and Enjoy Your Selection From Miss Dickson attended. Whee!ock "Hamlet" in Philadelphia, Mon- from that field to her present hostHOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS day afternoon in connection with ess, Mrs. W. R. Gllm<>ur, of Har- College, Mass., and Mr. Chiquolne AND DESSERTS thelr English work at the high vard avenue were of tremendous is attending Pennsylvania State schooL interest to Circle 1 last year. College. Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant Members of that Circle were Mr. and Mrs. George Julian of South Chester road entertained guests at the tea with others who on Thanksgiving Day thelr cousins are acquainted with Dr. Morse's Courtney of WUmjngtOD, anDr. and Mrs. Trevor Arnett of work. Mrs. Fred R. Lang, who nounced the engagement of thelr New York City, and Mrs. ,James was chairman of the Circle, and daughter, Mary Jane to Mr. John Fleugel of Kalamazoo, Mich., thelr l'I1rs. Albert S. Johnson, who M. Skillin8, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. SkiUing. of 'Wj1mingPhone son and wife Mr. and Mrs. CIif- served the Circle as csUing chairBaltimore ton, at a family dinner partY on ford M. Bryant of East Orange, man, poured. Swarthmore Pike New Jersey, Mr. Myron Durkee of Lt. (j.g.) Robert W: Delaplaine Thanksgiving Day. Miss Courtney 0450 Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and EIIza- and his wife were weekend guests attended Syracuse University and Springfield is now a senior at the Delaware b,eth M. Bryant of Bucknell Uni- of Mr. and Mrs. JOM Delaplaine, verslty, home for the holidays. Of Cornell avenue. Lieutenant Hospital School of NurslDg. Mr. George Storck, a student at Delaplaine was the doctor in Skillin8, a graduate of Lehigh Dartinouth College, spent a holl~ <;harge of 10 of the 100 ships used University, is at Harvard Law day vacation from Tuesday until in the recent Navy maneuvers at School. Sunday at his home on Crest lane. Argentia, Newfoundland. Miss Courtney is a niece of Mr. Mr. and'Mrs. William E. DanMr. and Mrs. William Ridpath Wllllam R. McHenry of Parrish forth of Hillborn avenue had as of Drexel Hill and Mrs. Richard road. thelr guests over the weekend Mr. Delaplaine ,of Philadelphia, were BmTH Danforth's sister, Mrs. Robert G. Thanksgiving Day guests of the Mr. and Mrs. Arris C. J.indsey Severance, of 'Buffalo, N. Y., and De1aplaines. announce the birth of a baby girl, her son, Roger. Dick Danforth, a Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell Phillips student at Westtown School, spent of Strath Haven avenue enter- Karen Virginia, on November 3 1 in the holidays with his parents. tsined Mrs. P. L. Whitaker of the Lying-In Hospital, Philadel' Joan Davisson who is a fresh- Park avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Cra- phia. Where there is care there is compliment Mrs. Lindsey is the daughter of man at Dickinson College, spent ton G. Pitner, of Baltimore, and Call Swarthmore 0476 the week-end with her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Whitaker, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W .Deacon of Mrs. George DavisSon of Vassar Elwyn, at a family Thanksgiving Riverview and Wellesley roads. 9 Chester Road avenue. They attended the dinnP,r. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dumm, of Army-Navy game on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Campbell, of Dartmouth avenue are recelvtng Bob Riddle, of Rosetree, enter- College avenue, spent the '!hankstained on Thanksgiving Day,!his giving holidays in Michigan with congratulations upon the birth of University of Pennsylvania room- their sons, John and David, stu- thelr third child a daughter, Jo mate, Bob Murray, of Grand dents at the' University of Michl- Ann Sandra, on Fridsy, November 26, in West Chester. Forke, N. D., and classmates Carl gaD. Nelson, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. BradMr. and Mrs. William Davidson, Ward. Brown, of Duluth, Minn" shaw of Benjamin West avenue and AI Clark, of Honolulu. They entertained Mr. and Mrs. :Ernest of Grace Park formerly of all attended the Penn-CorneD Rushmer of Chevy Chase, Md., as Swarthmore annOunce the birth game. their week-end guests. They of a boy at the Woman's Hospital Mr. and Mrs. E. C! Walton of entertained as their Thanksgiving in Philadelphia on Monday, NoOgden avenue left Wednesday for Day guests Mr. and Mrs. James H. vember 29. Mrs. Davidson is the former Miss Beth AJ.)yn. Sarasota, Fla., where they ~I Cowles of Los Angeles, Cal. spend the wtnter months. Mr. and' Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Paul Thayer of North Chester Harvard avenue entertained at a She heard a neighbor road was home from Penn State cocktaU party in honor of Mr. for the Thanksgiving holldays. Banks' counsin, Dr. George Fornlift the 'phone, Ralph Brown of Riverview road, walt and his wtfe, Dr. Helen FornThe click was very clear, a freshman at Harvatd University, And so she bas made the Freshman SwImsigned off presently. ming Team. MAGAZINE Now wasn't she a dear? Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jeglum SUBSCRIPfIONS and thelr son, Carl, of Hillborn avenue, spent the holiday ,weekMrs- IJoyd E. Kauffman en<\ in Bethesda, Md., visiting Swarthmore 2080 Mr. H. M. Johnson and familY. Back~Up SAVE TIMEl LET US, SERVICE 'YOUR'CAR WHILE YOU SHOP The $l.OO-Serve YourseH-All You Want COMPLETE SUPP_ STRATH HAVEN INN -- - - - Iiii~~~i-ii'i-i'ii'ii~iiiii~iiii~iiiiiiiiiii-ii-ii'~iiiiii~ The' Bouquet BEAUTY SALON Christmas Suggestions Car Radios and Heaters Life Guard Tubes Goodyear Tires , .. • Slip Covers Porcelainizing Car Light College Theatre Friday and Saturday "PI<.i"i :ALL" Diek PoweD Lizabeth Scott Feature Times Sat. nite only 6:00 8:00 10:00 p. m. Sat. Matinee 1 P. M. Children's Show Western. Serial, 5 Cartoons, Free Comic Friday ao.d Saturday Jeanne Crain WDlIam Holden "APARTMENT FOR PEGGY" The Porent's MaRasine Gold Medal Picture Walt Disney Cartoon First Run World News t =: g, OK KiDDIE SHOW! Saturday Afternoon at 1:15 s-cartoqDs 8 to a~in ADD 8'n d t . Starting Thurada7 "LUXU&Y LtND." in: tecJml'>Dlor Lighter~ Cigarette '''iii" -I W_ lIIVBR" Feature Sunday 2:40 -:I - 9:20 Feature Monday 2:10 - 7 - 920 I', -'> " ' '''1$ • ""AB ,J<, 'fRIDAY,AT 8WAR'l'IIlIlOBB. PA ',,',':'.': .. :; .. : ',' ,~, ~:n~~=' .:,C.... PUBLlSIID .• ,,),,:-.-, I"P.ETER E. TOLD" EdItor l\lARJORm TOLD. BARBARA IU!NT, A•••lole EdUon Rosali..Peiraol-.,~~.. LoI"ene McCarter Edith Whttaker The Social Hall will be open on Roberta Halg, a freshman at MI. Mr. and Mrs. D. Smtth Friday evening at 7 for supervised Holyoke College, sPent the holi- of Princeton avenue entertained recreation under the direction of days with Mrs. Frank S. Dodge at a family dinner on Thanksglv- T~e::.:o~ =~ ra:;;n::d~fa=m=I::ly:..:,~O:;f:....:Wbi:..::::te::fl::el=d:,:-.:N.::... ..:H'::'J..::ing~~::0:.r..:a:...!:pa::;rty~.:0:.f..:1.:2:....- - - - , are pre-- . ANNOUNCING the full services soon sented on Tuesday, Thursdsy, Friday and Saturday evenings at 1:30 and on Friday afternoon at 4 0' clock. Matter, .January 24, 1929, at the Post Pa., UDder the Act of Mardl 3, 1879. , time :~~~~~~~ . I'The ' _ 'l:oPTible". All 1ep" School " Men's r sunda~ "\\r,. day at)th~" will l¥d\~~< BW " :r"f'sh Trinity Notes Holy Communion will be celehrated Sunday at 8 a. m. Church school will meet at 9.45 a .. m Holy Communion will be celebrated at 11 a.)n. The ushers are: W. C. Hogg, head usher; R. M. Daniel, R. J. Baker, A. E. Pritchard, w. H. Jones, E. O. Lange, H. P. Stamford and J. B. Bullitt, Jr. Young Peoples' Fellowship wlli meet at 6.30 p. m. ChQir School will meet on Tue.day at 5 p. m. The women's sewing group will ,meet on Wednesdsy at 10 a. m., in the parish house. Box lunches may be brouj:ht, and beverages WillCh~ serveheed. al" Oil" r ars will meet in th,e parish house, Thursday at 7 p. m. The next Men's Club dinner meeting will ,be on December 20. C6UI"M,;S~AA~es :: .. '. , SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN cHURCH Rev. Joseph P. BishOp, Minister Sunday, December 5 9:45 A. Y. - Church School. ": -' :;:~:.+~,~~~;~ICI~:as ll:~~T~, , hop,' T. ~r ",lIP.,Fulln<;ss "Joseph P. "The of 5:0 , '. M.--Jr. High FellowshtP 6:0o.'i1Ii gh School Fellowship 7:0IllP. M.-Yojpli, Ad~,ts 7:0(\.li~shi'.M.~,?!};"'· '~e Fel- Ihw p. , 8:OQ,:~~J:'. M.-Carol se,rvice, W~dnesdaY, ;Dece_r 8 10:00:A. M.--Sewing and Surg~ ,iiiaI Dressings' ,Group. 2:3QfIP. M.-Christmas Tea ~ODlST CmJRCH Roy It!'; Keiser, D.D., Mintster ~',1iIi.Sunday, Deeember 5 . 9:45',;/\. M.-Church School 10:0$i.!'L M.-Young Adult Fel~wshiP"· , ll:Oq!~ M.-The MiniSter wiD METHODIST Rear View Mirror Rubber Floor Mats • 0_," __ OUr friends and pairons who have watched Nick at niglit make a Hoagie with speed and efficieney will welcome the same courteous efficiency from: . 11:00 A. M.-ll:00 P. M. Mon. \hru Thurs. 11 :00 A. M. - 12:00 midnight .Fri. and Sat. 6.30 P. M. - 9:30 P. M. Sunday Phone Swarthmore 3216 11~ CROWN. QUEEN ANNE, GEORGIAN AND FAIRFAX These styles offer you in Bon 0B Table Lighten , We also carry Ronson Pooket Lighters 5 All beautifully gilt-wrapped with<>ut charge , alice .al'bel' gifts OLD BANK BUILDING money. December Hours until the 15th, 9-6 From the 15th until Christmas, 9-9 I Christian Science Notes "God the Only Cause and Creator" is the subject of, the lesson... sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, December 5. The Golden Text is: ''Thus saith the Lord that created the heavens, God himself that formed the earth' and made it; he hath estsblished ANYWHEREANYTIME it, he created it not in 'vain, he formed it, to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else." For a complete Funeral Honored I Ellw<>od B. Chapman of Harvard Historic Preservation Sociely in New York on Mondsr' evening, November 22, was presented with the Chester D. Pugsley medal 10r a worthy c<>ntribl'ti<>n to public parks in this country during the past year. NOTES The Ohurch School meets on =-:::---:-:--Sunday morning at 9:45. Classes Russell C. Kneef Mr. are provided, for children of all and Mrs. Benjamen L. Kneedler ages and for adults. , o f Springfield, was inducled into The Young Adults meets at 10 the United States Army and left in the Ladies' ParI<>rs, Mrs. L. E. on November 22 for Camp PickKauffman, teacher. ett, Va. The minister will preach at the On November 12, Mr. Kneedler 11 o'clock service on "The Pl'O-1 was guest of honor at a luncheon phecy of Chrishnas." arranged by officials of the c1atm During tbe service the Church department of the Bankers' InNursery is open for the demnity Insurance C<>mpany. The chUd M Alt P S ·th luncheon was given at the BenMrs. ~~rlesrsHughe;n and El:'o; I~';i::.' Frimklin Hotel, Philadel- , service just call~ avenue. President of the Pennsylvania Parks Association, at a-dinner of the American Science and RITTENHOUSE 6-1581 THE. OLIVER H. BAIR CO. ' 1820 CHESTNU:r STREET On your way to Joan Behenna will be in charge. where Mr. Kneedler was The Youth Fellowship wlll have presented with a gj,ft. supper at 6 in the Ladies' Parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kropp, of This will he followed by the re- Mt. Airy gave a dbmer in his gular, meeting at which time a honor on November 14, and a delegation from the South Dis- family dinner was given by his trict Fellowship will be present. parents <>n November 16. The M(>n's Forum will meet in On Novemher 10, Mr. 8l)d Mrs. the chapel at 8 o'clock. Dr. Herbert Malcolm Slrieby entertained the m..each. "The Prophecy of Fraser of the college, who spent family and friends at their home Wallingford. Chd$tmas" ' several years in Germany follow- in Mr. Kneedler, a f<>rmer Swarth6:01':;}>. M.-Youth 'FellowshiP ing the war, will be the speaker. 8:00r the day are A. P. ll:OI):A. M.Holy Commuruon, • lHE FEWIST ASHES 6:3~':P. M.-Young people's Fel- Smith, A. Glasser, , C. L. Hughey, • IIIE LEAST AMOUNT O. M. Snyder and 'A. Hartman. !kIwshlp. FIlE lENDIHO The Board of Education m~ts TJiI: RELIGIOUS SOCIETY • lHE MOST FOR YOUR on Tuesday evening at the 'home ~:'OF'palli:NDS" , HEA~DOLLAR ',(,: SnndaY, Decemher 5 <>f Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Shu9:41>' A. M.-Flrst Day SchooL bert, 24 Kedron Avenue, Morton. Call an.uprl.e 6.1100-No .01 9:4'i~ M:-Adult FOrum. ,...._... yeur ..... cIeol. , The Women's Society of Christll:O!»"A.M.-Meet!ni for Worship. S:urt'. M.-Bliss Forbush ''The ian Service will meet for dessert iWednead»•.TQee$Dber'Qull8t- luncheon <>n Wednesday at 1 o'9:30~lo 3:SO-SeWing and clock in the Ladies Parlors. This r ',~tWI, in Whittier House. Box ·1'.Wieheon.: All oordialiy ia- will be followed by the regular meeting. '-Yited. ' : : Thursdlr,y, ,December 9 'l1h~ Junior Choiir meets on 6-8" P. M.-Christmas Barrel Thursday afternoon at 4 in Shop at THEATRE PHARMACY , p • ~. •••••••••• If you want- chapel. 6:00 P. M.-Box Supper Rehearsa~ for the Senior choir is 7:15', P. M.-.carol .si~ng. In "Meeting' HoUse ' ' on Thursdsy evening at 7:45. Chrilltmas Night $~5,OO , * * * ,BOUSE WALL WASBING . FLooB WAXING Cause and Till .111 '1Iep"" C,.p••, If .,•••,1...1. , C~NlNG For Service aDd Satisfaction Phone Ardmore 2320 ARDMORE WINDOW CLJUMNG CO. 135 Drexel Road Swarthmore 1250 Choose the fragra.mcp. of romanr.e for a gift she will lonx re .. member: THEBE ARE ONL.Y A FEW of our large assortment of cos- ~~'V HANNUM &WAITE Yale Ave. and Chester Road • Hoagie Hut South ' Friends Meeting Notes Packing. On party·linetelephones,eourteay ,pays dividends' Be brief ••• spaCe calis ••• Hang up gently • • • Take the lead in good party-line manners. It will mean better service for alL , at the The Adult Forum wlll meet at 9.45 Sunday morning in the DEC.,MBEB 3, IIH8 ~iends' Meeting House. John SeybOld will lead the discussion The Chapel Choir rphearses and review the blghUghts of the Thursday at 7:45 p. m. material covered during the past The Board of Deacons will me..t I few weeks. Wednesday eveniog, December 8 The Christmas Barrel Packing at 8 o'cl,!ck in Mr. Bishop's stUd;' will take place on ThurSdsy, Dean December 8, at 2:30 p. m. cember 9. There will be a box Woman's Association will hold supper 'at 6, followed by carol annual Christmas Tea. Circle, 3, singing in the Meeting House at Mrs. Wllllam H. Gehring, chair- 7.15. Contributions for the harman, will be in charge of refresh- rels to be pocked may include ments. There will be a Musical new and used toys, games and Program and Mrs. Earl Killian gifts suitable for school age chilwill be the reader. dren; food, such as canned goods, candy, and dried fruits, and ents of the Church the Women's and Classes meet each g at 9:45;..~ SUn," , n's Class~'.~ . discussi~·ifu the FourthlC~dment. ' The iCb~~' Hour Nursery for childreh #i@.i to 7, is held each sunda~ f~Cj~g during th~ Chur~ f!JdI;lr.;:, The .Tl\lj,lotiii/jh Fellowsh!p:wlll meet !~~£,fr.fternoon ~:.t II o'clo~w.;~.. House. Eddie Hal"l"is! wUI1ojai:l,~e worship service, ;ind<,'9i.dti!e'.'ii\llen will ,lead the discUsslQrl, Oh th'l.' sUbject uWhyCari't.ti>O:!s U'i~!H.'~'" The, Hlgli,. '!'l~l' t!'ellowshlp will Iqi!etd\~Jjp:;mi'~-"re wlli be a speakii~i('~e'~o~~Council of Ch~~~~. ·- "':'. ~- ,',,: ~:' -j:': Th]\~'oil~""9ri!iiP ~~ at 7 on ~ii;t, e'i>e\ililg fcirSUpper, folio , ':b~'ap,a,~,ol'~ce in the ChUl"Ch a,'8/ c"" '''c'-, , Th':Y';\liig'W'd~t's G,ro~p meets at7 SimdOiev~. : ' The'; Boy's Juniilr:.¢!to4', rehearses VTednesdiif, ,attemOon,.t 3:30 the ~rl'S JuiU;?r..,qi~~n\hearses Thu1"!!llay aftern/iohSJ at,,,~:30. .:~ ..,::.;-}~,.-_.-~,;;~. of NICK DiCDSAR NOON morning at theNoUs 11 0' clock Mr. Bishop will preach, the first in a series of', sermo on The,.~l{M'JEiiiiJS" • / - Books Mon. Tues. Wed. • "GOOD SAM" GarJ' Ceo...... Exhaust Extension MEDIA a:,UII&1: j:,lli J'J Mrs. J. A. Perry and Miss Olive walt, of Secane, on Saturclay eve- FOB r-;~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;T;;H;E~S~W;;A;.::T~B~M~O~B~B:A::N:r-;::~::~::::~;:~~~~;,:~:;~~:I ~'l Bru~ ':;",'.: ~':,:",' 1!f~~~W4RTHMOREAN D Ardnlore, Penn&ylvania metIcs hi a widely varied price l"aqe. , Qadi. - 5 e tice _ Courteqo - aMnIlr StDnlllOUl'll-Dai17.. A. II. to,1111.--Sundq 11 A.M. te II P.II. . ' - THEATRE PHARMACY' u..: 8WAfi ...OIUl 11M ! 3A ': TRESWABTRMOBEIAN NEWS NOTES AUXILIARY SCUIi:nULES CIIBlSTMAS CARD PARTY Christmas cheer for veterans and their familiw is again the aim of the holiday work of the Amerlwn Legion Auxlllary. The annual Christmas . Card party held on Thursday, December . Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas of North Chwter road entertained at a family dinner party on Thanksgiving Day when their guwts included Mr. and Mrs. E. 1.. Conwell and fllDllly of Co- James Fluegel of Kalamazoo, Mich., their son and wife Mr. and Mrs. CUfford· M. Bryant of East Orange, N.J., Mr. ~ "Durkee of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. and EIiza~ beth M. Bryant of Buclalell Universlty, home lor the holidB7ll. Dr. and Mrs. James B. Cooper 2 at 2 p. m. at the home of the president Mrs. Robert T. Bair at 211 Cornell avenue, supports bospital and familY rehabilitation and assistance. lumbla avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Douglas of South Chester road. ' Dr. and Mrs. James B. Cooper and their daughter Ann of Parrish road spent ThBDksgiving Day and -CoUege Drive Tops $5,000 the week-end with Mrs. Cooper's sister Mrs; Arthur Barrett and Current report on the Swarth- family of Craoford, N. J. more Coliege Chest Fund sets the Harriet Gilbert, daughter of Mr. totals at $3,425.97 for students and about $1600 for faculty. Nelther and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Park ave!lue returned home Wednesfigure Is finaL day evening from Vermont Junior College for the Thanksgiving hollAttend Tri-Delta , days. Mr. Gilbert'" mother Mrs. Anniversary A. P. Gilbert of Richmond, Va., Mrs. Richmond Fetherolf, pres~ who also arrived, his brother Dr. ident. of the West Philadelphia C. L. G1'lbert with his wife and Alliance of the Delta Delta Delta two chi dren arrived Thursday Sorority; Mrs. Earl Weltz,MIss morning, and his cousin Mr. EdAnne Mabbott and ber sister, Mrs. ward Turner of Palmerton, Pa, John D. McNea}, Mrs. Millard who was a guest for Thanksgiving Tyson, all of Swarthmore; Mrs. Day, all attended the Penn-CorHorace Knowles, of Wallingford; ell g ith th G'lb rt 'family and Mrs. Robert N.Hilkert, of n arne w e I e Rutledge, formerlY of Swarth- on Thursday, more, attended a Founders' Day Mr. and Mrs. S. MUton Bryant Dinner on November 19, celebrllt- of South·, Chester road enter~ iug the 60th anniversary of the . _ founding of the Sorority'. The tamed on Tbanksl1vlng Day their dinner was held at the Woman's cousins Dr. and Mrs. Trevor ArCity Club in Philadelphia. nett Of New York City and Mrs. , DEC"EB 3. INS and their daughter Ann of Parrish road spent t han k s " i vi n" Day and the w.eek end with Mrs. Cooper's sister MrS. Arthur Barrett and fllDllly of Cranford, N.J. Mrs. Charles L. Chandler of Providence road has returned from Cambridge, Mass., where she THE SWARTHMORI1AN' repzwented ... the Phlla4elphla ... " RadcUffe Club at a meetin& in the interest of the Anniversary Fund. WhIle she was awaY she ilHended the wedding of her niece in Portland, Me., and visited numerous college friends and relatives Includlng her son CarL -;::==:::::;;;,;:::::;::::::::::;:;:,;~~;;::::==================, I' " -s~ands . Chri~tmas for the Charming, Chic gifts here • -for lovely Handkerchiefs, .sheer Hose without peer • -IS Goody.... Tira and LifeGuard Safety T .........w wonderf..t gil_greatly apprec:iatad for thei~ safety and loa. fllitMal ..nice. for Robes styled to please every man - -f 0rId eas to IiII ,t hat lis t that you scan \ TWo 7HI' limpllfy your Ihopping and ft.b ...... 01. pl...ing wilh a Gift C.rdfcate ••• for Goodyear Tirel. LIIaG I . . . . . . . edt..r meTchandise we 'LESf· It ..... ftc a ....t',...... C -Socks, Scarls, Sweaters-snug and chill proof arrange for any amount you wHh. ainUIe to .. _ I The Super.eulhlDn FUSCO and ALSTO'N -Ties~so CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS The Swarthmore, Co-op ck'y for you. 1". .. ' Compulsory inspection has reclu~ed Pennsylvania's rate of accidents caused hy mecbanic.l defects to only 3%. The aatioaal ....erage is 17%. Take your car now 10 your nearest official State inspection station. Avoid the last-minute rulh. You cannot drive legaUy after January 31 with· out a safety sticker. There wiD be ao u:te~ion of this period. BEGINS WITH YIUR CAR COIMOIWEALTH OF PEI"SYLVAIIA , ,.,.rt••• t .f ....... Giant flavor-filled kernels. , - • Rice, 6 0%;.17c ; Wheat, 6 Grade A. Peak of the pack No, 2 can,22c CO-OP CATSUP, Blue I.ahel Rich color, heavy body, spicy flavor, JAMIIIL ..... Gssa_ . o~.15c CO·OP WHOLE KERNEL CORN 14 O%;,19c -says Shop early,·· S'hopoften, Shop at easein the daytime, in the evening, we're on duty to please More Proof That You Can Get Good Meat At A Reasonable Price MEATS ChuckR~ast lb. 55c AN~OUNCINGA NEW 3-L". COFFEE PACKACE! Boneless Rolled lb. 79c Fresh Country Country Sausage lb. 59c Californici Broccoli California Lettuce Int1Ia Blver Seedless Grapefruit BLUE LABEL RED LABEL • 30.'$137 pk,.' • 3pk,.lb. $1.50 25cBunch lOcHead 4 For 1ge 401 - C03 DARTMOUTH AVENUE , • ;- -Accessories-gay,. sma,t, smooth and delectable atives are fighting the High Cost of Living. Pot Roast SAFETY -Mittens,· gloves, for cozy, warmth indispensable Recently the Interstate Milk Producers Co-operative recommended that it be allowed to reduce the price of fresh milk more proof that Co-oper- CO.Op RICE or WHEAT PUFFS that you live in • State wKere inspection helps keep your car-and aU the ears you may meet on the highway - in safe mechanical condition. handsome, right" sDlart,·· and aloof (Owned and conlrolled by more than 600 Swarthmore families) , , at t_ - I. '- , , , ", ~ , Guardian, Estate of Margaret OBPJIAN'S OOUBT OF E. Bresset, late a minor. DELAWARE OOUNTJ' PENNSYLVANll\. BUSH-Oct. 22 First and Final Account of Provident Trust Notice of F~ and Audit of Company of Philadelphia, ExAccounts ecutor, Estate of I. Russell Bush, deceased. l Notice Is hereby given to heirs, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Fra- le~ateeo, creditors and all persons CARPENTER-Nov. 3 First Acand their daughter Miss Sarah Interested that aeeounts In the count of Mary B. Fink, Helen ser lli ford foUowmg ..tates have been rued B. Porter, & G. Ruhland RebIn the Office of the Register of mann, Jr., Trustees, u/w of Fraser returned to Wa ~ Hills after 14 monthS in the'. er- Ww. and Clerk or Orphan's Court Sarah E. Carpenter, deceased. ican zone of Germany. Living In as the case may be, and that the CHAl'4BERLAIN-Oct. 21. First stuttgart where Mr. P'raser was same wUl be presented to the Orand Final Account of Rosa M. hi f f Public Finance for Wurtpban·. Court of oald county on Sutcliffe, Executrix, u/w of C e 0 Monday, December 6, 1948, at 10 Mary Gardner Cbamberlain, deceased. tenberg-Baden, Mrs..Fraser. who o'clock A.M.. E.S.T., tor coDflrwas "just a wife", kept house with matlon. at which time the oald CLOAK-Nov. 1 First and Final A~c?unt of Florence Cloak.. ;<\drented furnishings and prepared court wlll audit said accounts, bear food shipped in by the American I exceptions to the ....... and make muustratrix, Estate 'of WIlliam , distribution of tbe balances asA. Cloak, deceased. ArmY. I certalned to be In the hands of the ·CLOAK-Nov. 1 First and Final . till hungry accountants. Account Of John J. Cloak, AdFor Germany is S · ministrator D B.N. Estate of There was barely enough food BEI J ~ct. 26 First a,!d Final William A. Cl~ak, deceased. for her own citizenS"let alone for Account of Joseph Elliott Bell DAWS-Nov. 1 First and Final Am I personnel and their and Esther Rebecca Beli, Exec:.ccount of William· ·Duncan, the er can , 1. d utors, Estate of Joseph Percy Executor, Estate of Elizabeth families. The 1500 ca otles a ay, Bell, deceased. Daws, deceased. the legal allQwanc~ to each Ger- BERINGER-Oct. 29 First Ac- DE FURIA-Oct. 1 FirSt and Fiman, was often cut to 1200 becount of Walter F. Beringer a'nd nal Account of Angelina G. "ause supplies were low, and not The R~al Esta~ Trust Company DeFuria, Executrix, Estate of '"r tlon book Insures the of Philadelphia, Trustees u/w Frank E. DeFuria, deceased. . t of Amanda Beringer, for ,Anne DE .wORTH-Oct. 27 First Aceven a a marketer of gett!ng hlS quo a. Beringer, Catherine Beringer, count Of John Y. Mace, ExecSInce the currency, reform In June, Clara Beringer and Marie Berutor, Estate of Laura DeWorth, inger. 'deceased... situation has been somewhat ameliorated. 1"0r currency reform. BONINE-Oct. 15 First and Final DUTTON-Oct. 8 First ~d Final it h o t yet done all Account of Earle E. Baruch, AdAccount of Randal P. Dutton although as n miniatrator C.T.A., Estate Of J. ang Edgar W. Powell, Jr., Ex~ ,that was e~pected, as Mrs. ~ra-, H. Bonine, a/k as J. Harvey ecutors, Estate of Charlotte B. ser says, "like a major operatIOn, ' Bonine, deceased~ , Du~on, deceased. Is not an blessing but a necessary BRENGLE-Oct. 30 First Account EMMI-Oct. 29 First and Final evU which though painfui In its of Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust AC,count Of Chester-Cambridge Ban k and Trust, Company, . dIat e!Uectl1 has for its i Company, Executor, Estate of lDlDle e th" , h ltb d I Rosalie L. Brengle, deceased., Guardian, Estate of Venera A. ultimate purpose e ea an, BRESSET-Oct. 29 First and FiIiaI Emmi, ,late a minor. ' well-being of \1le patient." : Account of Chester-Cambridge ENGELHORN-Nov. 3F.irst and Bank and Trust C ompa,*" Final AcCount Of Andrew W. The situation is such that Amer' leans, renting furniture, vacuum deal>er5 and other househo\tI furnishings, PaY their rent In food. Mrs. Fraserpald her rug rent, for Instance, in coffee and fat. Germany Is Still Hungry I Trustee f!ll' Catherine M. Ford, pany, Surviving Trustees u/w Barton, Adminjnstrator,' Estate Estate of Walter K. Mitchell. of Mary E. Hinkson, deceased. of George Engelborn, deceased. deceased. H:OLLINGSHEAD-Oct. 27 The FAULKNER-Oct. 18 First IIlld First and Final Account of Del- MUHLEISEN-Oct. 28 First and Final Account of Edith F. TayFinal Account of William G. aware County Trust Company, lor, Admjnistratrix, Estate of Muhlelsen, Executor, Estate of Trustee for Amelia H. Francis, James F. Faulkner, deceased. Sadie E. Muhlelsen, deceased. u/w of M.ry' W. Hollingshead, FORBES-Nov. 1 First and Final MURRAY-Nov. 3 First and Final deceased. Account Of Interboro Bank and of Beatrice E. Murray, Account Trust Company, Guardian, Es- INGHAM-Oct. 28 First and Final Adminiatratrix, Estate of DonAccount of James C. Baker, Extate of ,Murray Forbes, In, late aid Murray, deceased. a minor. _ ecutor, Estate of Mary Ingham, PHILIPS-Oct. 19 First and Final deceased. FURBER-Nov. 1 First and Final , Account of George O. Philips, Account of Helen M. Furber, JOHNSON-Oct. 20 First and, FiExecutor, Estate of Elmira K. Administratrix, Estate of Fierce nal Account of Annie J. Esrey Philips, deceased. P. Furber, deceased. and Margaret J. Davis, ExecGETTZ-Oct. 18 First and Final utrices,' Estate of Mary ·E. John- PLATT-Nov. "1 First and Final Account of Herbert W. Geltz, Account of Robert A. Platt, Adson, deceased. Samuel F. Geltz and Walter C. LANDSTREET-Oct. 27 First and ministrator, Estate of Mallie S. Redding, TrUstees for Lillie S. Platt, deceased. Final Account of Land Title Geltz, Estate of Charles W. QUINNNov. 3 First and Final Bank and Trust Company, ExGettz, deceased. Account of Mary Jane Ferguson, ecutor, Estate of John LandGLAUSER-Nov. 1 First and Fi'Executrix,' Estate of Francis R. nal Account of Shaeffer:, Madi- street, deceased. ' Quinn, deceased. LIENHARDT-Oct. 4 First and Fison Glauser, 3rd, Executor, EsRICE-Oct. 23 First und Final nal Account Of Mary E. Nixon, tate of Elizabeth J. Glauser, Girard Trust ComAccount of Administratrix· D.B.N. C.T.A., deceas~. , pany, Executor, Estate Of FredHARPER-Nov. 1 First and Final Estate. ,of Jennie E. Lienhardt, erick H. Rice, deceased. . deceased. ' Account of Katherine T.Harper, 1 Fir t 'd Administratrix, Estate of, Paul LONGHURSl'-Oct. 28 First and RUBENSTEIN N Final Account o~vKa~ R~t Final Account of Verna LongI. Harper, deceased. ensteln, Adminjstratrix Estate hurst and Miriam Friedel, ExHARTOUGH-Oct. 14 First ~d of Todd Rubenstein, deCeased. ecutrices, Estate of Lucy A. Final Account of Louise F. HarSCHOCH-Nov. 1 First and Final tough,' Executrix, Estate 0 f Longhurst, deceased. Frank J. Hartough, ajk as MC CORMICK-Oct. 8 First acAccount of Wilfred Leroy count of John E. McCormick, Franklin J. Hartougb, deceased. Schoch, and Charles Robert Administrator, Estate of Annie HASTINGS-Nov. 3 First and FiSchoch, .. Executors, Estate 'If T. McCormick, deceased.·· ' George' Howard Schoch, de. nal Account of Albert H. Hastceased. ings" 'Admjnistrator, Estate of MAENE-Nov. 3 First Account of Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust SNODGRASS-Oct. ,28 First and Agnes L. Hastings, deceased. Company and W. W. Montgom- , Final Acco~~ of B!,rnice SnodHINKSON-Oct. 14 The First and ery, 'Jr., Executors, Estate of Final Account of John C. Hinkgr~, Administratrix, Estate of Josephine Maene, deceased. son, El!ecutor, Estate of Mary William ceased. Stewart Snodgrass, deE. liinkson, deceased, as stated MARTIN-Nov. 3 First and Final Account of William C. Mar- STEINMULLER-Nov. 1 First and by Delaware County Trust Comtin, Executor, Estate of Sara pany, 'Executor, Estate of John Fin a 1 Account of Henry L. E. Martin, deceased. Schimpf, Jr., and Cbarles P. c..Hinkson, deceased. McEvoy, Executors, Estate of HINKSON-Oct. 14 The First Ac- MITCHEI.J Oct. in FirSt 'AcCbarles M. Stelnmuller, deof Fidelity-Philadelphia count count of,J. H. Ward Hlnksou and ceased. Trust Company, Substituted Delaware County Trust'Com- STERLING-Oct. 30 First and Final Account of Pearl Eck, Adminiatratrix, Estate of Isaac R. Sterling, deceased. STEWART-Oct. 28 First and Final Account of Theresa Stewart, Administratrix, C.T.A., Estate of William Stewart, deceased. TURNER-Oct. 27 First and Final Account of Sarah Turner Taylor, J. Victor Turner and Phoebe M. Turner, Administrators, Estate of John J. Turner, deceased. UHL-Oct. 30 First and Final Account of Elizabeth I. UbI and W. R. Hughes, Jr., Executors, Estate of Cecil R. Uhl, deceased. 'WALLACE-Oct. 6 Second Account of The Pennsylvania Com,pany for Banking and Trusts, formerly The Pennsylvania Company for Insurances 'on Lives and Granting Annuities, Trustee for Richard B. Wallace of one-half of the residuary esta~e under Section Six of the Will, Estate of Jonh M. Wallace, deceased. WATSON-Oct. 13 First and Final Account of Marla E. Watson, Administratrix, Est ate of Charles R. Watson, deceased. WHELAN-Nov. 1 First and Final Account of Marla Evans, Executrix Estate of Sarah V. Wbelan d 'd ' ecease • ZEIGLER-Nov. 1 First and FInal Account of Philip X. Rice, Executor, Estate of Franklin P. Z· d elg1er, decease. . JIII'IIlIIIIl'1 ,I• j DON'T HIRE A· "SinER" To tak~ care of your val. uables when you go out. It's much cheaper aDd more effective to have Residence Burglary, and Theft Insurance. !oJ III PETER E. TOLD : 333 Dartmouth Ave. I~ ARTHURP.B~umuCK Register of Wills and Clerk 01 Orphan's Court. ~ ll~ the ....... (;HollltJ tall Suft.iCompoay '" Hard"o~ l'hone: Media S-Ult Interiors Exteriors 8 D THE SWABTHMOBEIAN Plans Cbristuwa Party MOOBE TO SFEAK TODAY people Is expected. The 1948 hlgh season records In a row. With the Robinson describes them: "They Ben T. Moore will speak this school team did something that Swarthmore Junior Music Club afternoon st 2.30, at the Whittier had never been done before in the was held at the home 01 William House on "The Progress of the borough's history: It pve SwsrtbPotts, 01 Yale avenue. New mem- Marshall Plan." ThIs meeting Is more two unbeaten and untied hers and suests were welcomed sponsored by the League Of Womby the club. en Voters 01 Swarthmore In con~ Harold Ogram, president, con- junction with the Women's Interdueled ,the busIness meetIn8. He national League 10r Peace and 8DJ1OUDced the appointment 01 Freedom. Newq registered voters PrfscllJa Rogers as the new per_ have been Invited. manent program cbalrman. The Mr. Moore is well qualified to club voted to have a carolllDll give first hand 1n1ormation about party on ThUl'llday, December 23, the Marshall Plan. He now works the meeting place to be 8DJ1OUDced In the Office Of the Coordination later. The president then turned of, the State Department and the the meeting over to the program Economic Recovery Program, and chalrman, Priscilla Rogers. has attended several of the EuroDavid Spencer played a violin pean Economic conferences in solo "Mazurks" by Mlynarski, ae- Paris. He will soon leave tor Eurcompanied by Mrs. Morris Potts. ope again. He was followed by Carol Ann Mr. Moore graduated with highMosteller who played a Haydn est honors In the Swart!)more Colplano sonata. Robert Kelghton lege, Class of 1934. He, went on to then played his own ptano com- Columbia for graduate work, and. ·position IISimplici(y' 'and "Conso- began his government service in latlon" by Liszt. Fourth on the the Munitions Investigating Comprogram was Harold Ogram, who,' mittee. He has been In the Reaccompanied by Mrs. Potts, played search Department ,of the war "Valse Venite" as a saxophone Production Board. After the war solo. Carol Ann Mosteller re- he was put in charge of Korean turned to give an exhibitlon'of ba- Affairs in the Slate Department, ton twirling, with music supplied by Mrs. Potts and Elltabeth Football Team Hears Harmon (Conttaued nom one) Johnson, cluh adviser. Barbara Shipherd first played "Somewhere equalled the varsity's all-victorion the Painted Desert" and then ous record. The main program in the audiaccompaDted for the group singtorium will be open to all and Ing which preceded and followed a big ~umuut of Swarthmore the refreshments. The second fall meet1n8 of the VOLUME ZO-NO. 50 Chorus To Sing Gronp Of Nutcracker 'Selections Do your Christ~as shopping in one store - MICHAEL'S The Woman's Club will hold its Christmas program next Tuesday at 2 p.m., under the leadership of Mrs. Stoyan Russell, the chorus will slOg selections ftom "KIng Nutcracker" based on, Tschaikowski's "Nutcracker Suite." It will Marie Louise Forsythe who will ... give several : _e " There you will find a wide assortment of distinctive holiday gifts for everyone ,o~ your Christmas list. Soon :. :. Of course we will gift- wrap your selections CLOTHIEB MI!lIIORlAL, 8WAR"mIMOBE COLLEGE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1948 ~umbers A. L. Ventner CODSlSts of Alice fort\lll8.te that children grow up Mariot and Mesdames Lloyd E. each year to make room for newKauffman, J .Leslie EllIs, W. W. comers to his list. Because they Tulner, "Robert West, A. V. Orr; do grow and, their families do J.'B. ,IlIlnver,:Owen,Gay, Gordon 'move, a fresh list is made each C.:' Meador, A. M. Chambers, J. Christmastime. W.~'Parson, E. B HolUs and ,C. W. Do you want to see him? Then C~. here is what you must do: Ask ,The welfare committee plans to one of your parents to call Swarth, elleer to b oys betw' spread een the more 1936 before Wednesday, Deag'l'me11 Heath of be followed lit 8,.15 by an address . week in New York City attendiDC u p.m.-''The Voice of the Turtle .. ....,.Players' Club 8:20 • , b Reinhold Nlcbub of mOD A.S.M.E. meetings. ~ar lane entertained at a but- ,y ... _. Seminary. fet supper on Saturday evSline;, Theolo.....," Jf Make Your Purchases While We Have On Hand A Complete Stock of Choice Gifts for the Ladies in Your Life CHRISTMAS GIVES YAN. DRUTEN SHOW Santa Santa has once again persuaded The Swarthmorean to act as his secretary and list all local boys and girls who wish him to visit them "all snug in their beds" on 'Christmas Eve. This will be the sixty-first year that Santa, by Ii very special Srrangement, has made certain that every Swarthmore child who BUY $3.00 PER YUJ& Call of the fan- wishes to see him in person when . he makes his Christmas Eve gift The chorus accom~ed by~. distributions may do so. ,It is taliY. • SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, ,1948 CLUB CHRISTMAS PROGRAM~ TUES. .. N. . THE SWARTHMOR "problematical" at the season'. as a coach could ask for." Prescription for a Happy Christmas Compounded 13 South Chester Road ... ,.,.,. ...... loss of so ID8IIY of last year's _ - start. But, as head coach Mlllsrd soned players the outlook 10r the were a willing and teachable 1948 squad was considered only bunch of boys, with as fine a SPirit I TBE DECEMB~ DECEMBW It, 1Ma SWABTBMOBEA1C -.----------~~~~~~~--------~------------~====~= Mrs. 2 Lt. Comdr. and C. H. ParCIIBISTENING malee and Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. Bruce Black Conwell babYlOn Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Hop- R. N. Perley, of Annapolis, at- of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Conwell of kins of Crest lane have just re- tended the Army-Navy g.ame and Columbia avenue, will be chriaturned following a two-weeks spent th~ week-end WIth Mrs. 'tened'in the Swarthmore Presvacation at Sea Island, Ga., and Parmalees mother, Mrs.IaW. W. b Yterian C'hurch on S und ay morn· .ty MitcheII ,0f Uwversl p ceo ing . Nassau. Lois Linton, of BeD,jamin West Following the christening Mrs. Colonel and Mrs. George Logan avenue entertained the m e m b e r s , ' of Cornell avenue entertained as of the Swarthmore High School Conwell s parents, Mr. and Mrs. their guests at the. Army-Navy Hockey Team and Coach Virginia James Bacon Dougias Of. North Chester road will entertam at a game and for the week-end, Allen a t d essert Ias t wee k . At the family d' arty Colonel and Mrs. Samuel Smith business session which followed moer p . of Fort Meade; Major and Mrs. Edwin Everett, Fort Toten, N. Y.; Barbara Crosset of Ridley Creek LOSE SOMETHING'! Lt. Manning and Lt. Price, of road, Media, was elected captsin In a special box under the counWest Point. Their daughter, Mary for next year. Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Singer, ter in The Swarthmorean office Elizabeth Logan a resident stureposes a box with an ever-indent at Mt. St. Joseph Academy, of Lancaster, will spend the weekcreas\nfl accumulation of articles Chestnut Hill, was, also home tor end with Mrs. Singer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hanzlik ,of which must be being missed by the holldays. their owners. . Co'fnell avenue. Mrs. Willard Tomlinson of Turned in to the office by folks Phyllis Smith, daughter of Mr. South Chester road spent last week who have f()und them up on the and Mrs. George A. Smith of with her sister; Mrs. W. O. LusHaverford avenue has been elect- street is a prize collection of keys combe, in South Lincoln, Mass. ed Athletic Association Repres- on eve..." type holder, change purMr. and Mrs. Jack McWilliams entative of the freshman class of ses, jewelry. There are glasses with of Swarthmore avenue, had as Pennsylvania College for Women. gold rims, pink plastic rims and their guest last week Mrs. Mc- Phyllis is " graduate of Swarth- tortoise shell rims. Perhaps the one that seems Williams' mother, Mrs. Clair Ash- more High School most forlorn is the lady's lone baugh, of Mercer, Pa. Former Postmaster A. P. Smalblack cuban-heeled oxford who Mr. Ray S. Quid< of Dickinson ley and Mrs. Smalley have sold ;yearns for its mate and. wonders avenue, left Sunday by plane for their home on Yale ave. and have a two-months trip to Taipeh, Tai- moved to "Open Hearth", Lewis- how madame is faring on one foot wan, China. Mr. Quick is one of town, Pa. Mr. William H. Drie- these days. three consulting engineers sent by haus and family of Media have ring with a pretty blue stone, locket containing phoWestinghouse International to purchased . and will occupy the anAinitialed tos of two pet dogs, a pin made make a survey of the island of former Smalley home. of initials MHP, and a very faney Taiwan for possible power deBarbara W. Brown, daughter of pipe are other articles which cerv!,!opment. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of tainly shouldn't be left unclaimed. Pi Beta Phi's 'held an all-day WalilUt lane, was a member of the Some of these articles have been sewing at the home of Mrs. Elliott Fall Frolic Committee of Wheelock advertised in the lost ads in this Richardson of Lafayett'! avenue on College which arranged a gala paper by the folks who turned week end last Friday and Satur- them in. Perhaps the person who Tuesday. Mr. Ernest Lange of Pittsburgh day. lost them (especially the glasses) Ann Harvey, of Columbia avevisitoid. over the week-end, his did not see the ad. At any rate, it parents, Prof. and Mrs. E. O. nue, a junior at the University of you've lost anything recently (or Lange of "Langewood," Baltimore Pennsylvania, has been pledged even not recently) do call Swarpike, and his wife and baby daugh- to Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity. thmore 0900--maybe we have it! Mrs. Louis J. Servais of Dickter, Carol Ann, who are visiting inson avenue returned home last - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Lange's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell, Jr.• of Pen- week after sPending two weeksh...- - - - - - - - - - -........ with her daughter, Mrs. James FOR field. MAGAZINE . Mrs. Roy S. Latimer of Cornell Weir and baby grandson, George Louis Weir, of Pittsburgh. Mary SUBSCRIPTIONS avenue returned last WeK from a ..month's visit with Mr. Lamn.r's Jane Servais, of Earlham College, Ind., joined the family group over Mrs· Lloyd E. KauffmaD sister, Mrs. Frank B. Footer and the Thanksgiving holidays. Swarthmore 2080 Mr. Foster, of Beaver, Pa. NEWS NOTES College Theatre College Theatre Friday and Saturday "LUXURY LINER" in technicolor Jane Powell George Brent Laurlb Melchior Feature times Sat. nite only 6:00 - 8:00 - 100 P. M. Sat. Mat. 1 P. M. Cbildren's Show "TEXAS TROUBLE SB~" Cartoons, Serial, Free Comic Books monday and Tuesday "ABBOTJ' AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN" Wednesday Only "ARE YOU WITH IT" Donald O'Conner Olga San Juan Starting Thursday "APARTMENT FOR PEGGY" MEDIA Last 2 Days! Loretta Young -W"J1am Holtlen Robert Mitebum "RACHEL AND rrBE STRANGER" :0 __ oK = I ! 8 - (Jartoons - 8 And a Serm1 In Addition to the Regular Feature All Cbildren ZO Cenls I Yourself-All You Want COMPLBTBSU• • • Come and Enjoy Your Seleetion From HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS STRATH HAVEN INN ~~~iii.i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON Where there is ClU'e there is comp1imeJlt I ! Chester Road QUICK a_VICE at the Hoagie Hut Nick DiCesar, who is in the "Hut" at all times, will gve prompt, efficient service to all, particularly those lunch hour is limited. . Phone: Swarthmore 3216 . Tickets Sold In Advance Buchner's Toggery Shop Michael's College pharmacy Mrs. John Plumer Sw.-0255 Mrs. Walter Moir Sw.-3526 ANNUAL MEETING Non-Members Members $3.50 plus tax $4.00 plus tax Swarthmore, Penna. II I The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Swarthmore National Bank and Trusl Company, Swarthmore, b., tor the el",,lion of dlreclors and such other bnslness as may come betOft the meeting, wlil be held al the bankln, house In Swarihmore, Pa., on Tuesday, January 11, 1949. between the hours of three and 4:30 P.M. ELBIC S. SPROAT, Cashier -- - - -- r=--- -- ---Iii• I UNDILUTED Break/as' - £undJ - DiaD., , been said that tile two things most to be desired in liCe Closed Every Sunday Monday Thni. Saturday Open 7 A. M· to 8 p. M. are love and money. We believe that health should be included OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE • PLANTS Special Children's Platters FLOWERS Health is perhaps the greatat single blessing with which man WREATHS GREENS CANDLES Balto. Pike, Springfield Call Swarthmore 0450 has been endowed. Your physician is in position to help you preserve ~ health which is your natural heritage. We are ready to assist by fininc ... his p'e<:criptions esact1y .. onJered. Mich.el'. Collep ' ••r•••y a Co. SW.AJ\THMORE 0114 terms." Tenth Grade Parents to Meet The "eteran Swarthmore High The Tenth Grade Parents Group teacher.. Who has been there more will hold its Christmas meetlDg nil than 20 years, related her own Wednesday, December 15, at B experiences in the profession and p. m., at the home of Raymond K. gave 'some advice to the high Denworth. 301 Elm' avenue. .school age listeners about getting into teaching. - More than 400 Mrs. Arthur J. Jones of Dickheard her. inson avenue entertaiJied as het' -----, Mr. Robert Lange of "Lange- house guest last week her niece wood," Baltimore pike, visited Mrs. I. F. Manchester of Tiverton, friends in Stsmford, Conn., over I_R._L___...;..________ the week-end. er~oon at 3.30. The Chapel Choir -~---------­ WIll !ehearse- at 7.45 'Thursday eVAn Ind. t - ...... _ The EVening Circle wlil hold Its Christmas Party on December 15, at 7.45, at the home' of Mrs. C. C. Franck. 421 Cornell avenue. Mrs .. Stuart Graves will give a readmg and Frances Noyes will speak of her experiences in Eg;yp OUice Slot Installed The Board of Trustees will meel A letter slot was recently placed Tuesday evening, December 14, in the door of The Swarthmore an . at 8, at the church. office for the convenience of those who find it easier to bring news DON'T HIRE A Methodist Notes or advertising .ru.teriaI "r payThe Church School meets on ments of classified ads outside of "SlnER" Sunday morning at 9.45. Classes business hours. Just see that comTo take care of your valare provided for children of all munications bear 'proper identifiages and for aaults. cation and they will be taken care III proud of your car. Let us uables when you' go out. The Young Adults meet at 10 of promptly upon the next reopenpolish It up 10 bring back thai It's much cheaper and in' the Ladies' Parlors. ing of the office after their deposit. sparkling, new car appearance 'more effective to have The Annual Christmas Offering ••• give the body finish a,profor Gwen Narbeth's mission in Residence Burglary and Plan Christmas Party IlCIlw. caat, . Constantine, Algeria will be taken Theft Insurance.. The Woman's Auxiliary to tl:e in the Church School on Sunday. Any who desire to make a contri- Delaware County Medical Society bution for this cause may give it will meet on the afternoon of DeDRlVI IN rODAY to Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kauffman cember 16, in the Swarthmore Woman's Club :for its annual or the pastore Christmas party. The topic of the sermon at' the it.p......ting n.e .£rna Co""''}' ..... Refreshments will be served by 11 o'clock service is "Making Room Sumy Company of Hamotd. eon... the Hospitality Chairman, Mrs. for Christ." The Church Nursery is open George B. Sickel, and her com- Studebaker Sales and Servce during the morning service. Mrs. mittee. There will be a short EdIth Glaesser and Anna Kraus business session conducted by the Chester and Fairview Roads will be in charge. presip.ent, Mr.!? Edward T. McKee. SWARTHMORE, PA The ushers for the day are G . Jr. Shubert, E. Alston, W. Dickinson, Afterwards a sociable g~t-to­ P. Murray and P. K. Paulson. gelher, with some members playTh Youth Fellowship will meet ing cards. will round out the afterat 6 p. m. in the c:l!apel. DOOn . The monthly meeting and social of the Young Adults will be held Oh, Tannenbaum! on Monday· evening at 8 the A gay inDovation in the borLadles Parlors.. ough's Christmas decoration this Rehearsal for the Junior Choir we have carried on the same ideals year is the appearance o{ mediumwI~ be on Thursday afternoop at sized trees trimmed with vari4'col.. 4. and aims with a constantly guarded ored lights and placed symmetriSenior Choir rehearsal is on cally along, the streets In the Thursday evening at 7:45. standard of dignity .and service•. The Social Hall will be open on business section. We will strive to adhere to this This is part of the annual ChristSWARTHMORE Friday evening at 7· for superPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH vised recreation under Theodore mas program sponsored by the policy throughout the years to come. Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MInister Swarthmore Business Association L. Purnell. Sunday, December 12 A Christmas Vesper service will and is being provided through con9:45 A. M. - Church .SchoOI. 9:45 A.·M.-WQJIlen's Bible ClaIS be held on Sunday afternoon, De- tributions trom· the individual 9:45 A. M.-M~n's Bible Class cember 19. at 4 o'clock. business owners. 11:00 A. M. - Rev. Joseph P. Bish0PJ l'The Sense of DIliClOl5 O' fUNU.La TRINITY NOTES November Police Records wonder" 5:00 P. ·M.-Jr. High Fellowship Holy Communion will be cele1820 CHESTNUT STREET During the .past month Borough 6:00 High SChool Fellowship 7:00 P. M.-Young Adults brated at 8 a .m.' Church school police have arrested nine offendMARY A. BAIR, President 8:00 P. M.-College Age Fel- will meet at 9.45 and the Rector ers who were fined for motor vioTelephone RI 6-1581 lowship. Clothier Memorial will preach at the service of lations and 47 who parked illegWednesday, December 15 10:00 A. M.~ewlng and Surg- morning prayer and Litany at 11 ally. The former were out-ofical Dressings Group. towners who were picked up fot' a.m. The Young People's Fellowship speeding, slop sign violation and METHODIST CHURCH ........=.::..--=-~... ----Roy N. Keiser, D.O., Mlnister improper passing. ThoSe who - - - - - will meet at 6.30 p. m_, for a Sunday, December n paid one dollar fines in ilie latter Christmas party. . 9:45 A. M.--church School The Vestry will meet in the category were homefoik w!w 10:00 A. M.-Young Adult FelParish House .on Monday at 8 parked too long or in the wrong lowship 11 :00 A. M.-'-The MInister will p. m. .places. This was an average preach. "Making Room for Choir school will meet on Tues- month. Christ". . In addition local police files re8:00 P. M.-:Youth. FellowshiP day at 5 p. m., and on Saturday at 9 a. m. Choir rehearsal will be. cord two arrests for hold-up and TlUNlTY CHURCH held on Thursday at 7.30 p. m. robbery (the Maschal case) awaitRev.Geo.C.And~on,Rector The annual Christmas Dinner ing ti'ial at next term of court in Sunday, Deeember 12 Made En Our Own Shop 8:00 A. M.-Holy communion of men and boys will beheld on Media, and one arrest, convic9:45 A. M.-Church School . Old Fashioned '11 :00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Monday, December 20. at 6.30 p. m. tion and fine for drunk and disorThe . annual Christmas musi!::al derly conduct during the month -Litany. The Rector will preach, Chri~tmas 6:30 P. M.-Young People's Fel- has been changed from December of November. lowship. Christmas Party. • 27 10 December 30. "--=~~~:=::.===.;-" THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY GiveS Voeational Talk OFFRJENDS Friends Meeting Notes "There is opportunity: unlimited Sunday, December 12 Ii. Full Line Of 9:45 A. M.-First Day School. Roland G. E. Ullman will lead in the tAching profession now," 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum. Hanna Kirk Mathews, popular 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. the discussion of the Adult Forum in the Meeting House at 9_45 on English teacher of Swarthmore Wednesday, December 15 9:30 to 3:3O-SewIn.g and Quilt- Sunday morning. His topiC wlil High School, told a student asseming in Whittier House. Box be: "Youth's Challenge to Par- bly at George School last week. Luncheon. All cordiallY inSecond sPeaker in a new vocaents and Teachers." Vited. . tional guidance series, Mrs.' MatPlACE ORDERS EARLY .FlRST CHURCH OF hews, a George School graduate Christian Science Notes '. CHRIST SCIENTIST herself, revealed that thousands af OF flIWARTHMORE "God the Preserver of Man" Is new teachers are needed both in Park Avenue be10w JlarVaM Sanclay De< Ed,", 11 the subject of the Lesson-Sermon this stete and in this country. 11:00 A. M. s,'''!oIq Scbool. 'In 'all Churches of Cbrist. Scientist, CBBSi and. FAlKVmW BOADIiI "And salary prospects have ll:!1O.. A. 11.. t e n - .!t::~on Sunday, Deceinber 12. The THEATRE SQUARE been so good,n she added, W~:e ~er meetlnl 'Golden Text Is: "I, the Lord thy after elaborating on the " _ S"""QU lUI .' . . . Wllk 8 p.DL ReadlD& ~ God wlil hold thy right hand, say- satisfactions a feecber gets which DeIhwIes 1Ietarda:r d ini unto thee, Fear not; I wlil 0lIID daIIi UO&Pt..~~ cannot be measut'I!d. In cUb &IH818 12 to D ...... W . , hel thee"(lsaiah 41:13). to 'I:. . . . . . . . . . to P . ........ - - .... ~.':.. ... ;- .. • PETER E. TOLD 333 Dartmouth Ave. FISCOI' ALSTOI IInl 1111 FOR MORE THAN 70 YEARS m: THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. ~ ;;;;;;;:;;;:::::============....:..__--------- ..... haS DAILY DINNERS 85e: 10 $1.60 Presbyterian Notes Sunday morning· at the 11 o'clock service Mr. Bishop will preach the second in a series of sermons on The Advent of Jesus -"The Sense of Wonder." The Sacrament of Baptism will be observed. All departments of the Church School and the Women's and Men's Bibie Class meet Sunday morning at 9.45. The Junior Department will have as part of its. program a string quintette-Nancy Carroll, Mary Hay"", Peter Kroon, Noel Snyder and Deborah Thompson. Dr. and Mrs. E. Fay Campbell at the .Harvard avenue entranL'e and Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones at the driveway-transept entrance will assist Mr .Bishop in greeting the congregation after the service Sunday morning. . The Junior High Fellowship which meets Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock, will have its worsbip service led by Patsy Blake and an evening of candy making and games as its program this SundSy. Thp. ."High School. Fellowshill meets at 6 o'clock Sunday evening. There will'be packing of 'candy for an orphanage .overseas as a Christmas project. - The . YOUllgAdult's Group lIleets at 7 Sunday evening. The College Group meets at 8 p. m., Sunday, at the College to hear Reinhold Niebur sPeak. The Discussion Group will meet Sunday evening at 7.•30, at the home of Dr. and MrS.' Leroy Peterson, 341 Vassar averiue. The topiC for the evening will be "How Protestantism Began." The Boys and Girls Junior . Choir will rehearse Thursday aft- Next. Tuesday evening at 6.30, members of the Junior W~'. Club will meet in the clubhouse for their annual covered dish supper and Christmas party. Each member Is asked to bring dish of food ample for six peop~. Followhig supper Christmas stockings will be filled and presented to the C"mm1ln1ty Health SOciety for distribution io need;y families in tills area. The stockings will contain toys and candy gaily wrapped by individual members of the club. This will be the last meeting until the first of the new year. Last Tuesday evening the board of directors met at the home of Rosamond Jones. • -- Church Services DEW DROP INN Edwanl L. 1107- SWAllTIDIOBE, PA., FBlDAY, DECEMBU I., 1948 ' The$l.OO~Serve Swarthmol"e National Bank and TrUst Company '*II • , DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON DECEMBER 16, 1948 Penn State Center RD88 HMoan's Ornhestra Featuring Doris Bell-VocaItst I • Sunday and Monday Now at Regular Prices! LInda DatDell Cornell WUde "FOREVER' AMBER" in technicolor! Important! Feature Sunday 2:40 - 6:40 - 9:10 , Monday ·2:10 - 640 - 9:10 First Evening Show at 6:30 each day! . YOUR·CAR WHILE YOU SHOP 2 A. M. STOCKINGS 'l1JESI)AY PETEB E. TOLD, EdItor MAJUOIUE TOLD, SABBABA KENT Asooclate Rosalie .Petrsol Lorene McCarter' EdIth Wh~: Entered 88 Second Class Matter J Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under ~uaru\lU::ar::' the Post 3, 1879. New Year's Eve II' - Kiddie Show SatUrday Afternoon at 1:15 , ==:. .:. 10 P. M. - JUNIORS '1'0 FILL . PUBLISBBD BVUl' FlUDAY AT 8WAIlTIIMO TBB SWAIlTIIMOJC&\N. INC. P1lBLIS U, PA Phone Swarthmore _ IIBll LET US SE.RVlCE Duck Club Dance TBESWAB'l'BMOBBAN THE 'SWARTHMOREA.N SAVE TIME! Call Swarthmore 0476 It, 1N8 Pillm Pudding and Fruit Cake Candies and Canes Norris Christmas Chocolates Cookies and Cakes Fancy Small Cakes Homemade Ice Cream THE "CAKE BOX" never -ma ., .r _Ie. I DIlCEMBI!B 19, _ THE SWABTHMOBBAN Dr. and Mrs. Walter Molr of Mrs. R. C. Di8A,ue of Slratb of Park avenue, and Mr. Patilson's attend the ChrIstmaa party at the Scott 'Paper plant there. The tol, South Chester road entertained 15 \ Haven avenue and a sophomore, nelces, Grace and Catherlne Hider lowing Sunday, they will attend couples at cocktails before the has been appointed to the writing of Albany, N. Y., who are spendstaff of the Mount 'Holyoke News. Ing a year with Paulsons, went to the plant party at Hoboken, N. J. 'Duck Club Dance•. Md's. Harry L IJebeck Is proDr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Malin Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert Long Alban;:v over the Thanksgiving 01 New York. City spent the w~-end to visit Mr. and Mrs. gresslng nicely at ber bome on of Princeton avenue entertained Thanksgiving weekend at the William Hider the girls' parents. Park avenue following 10 weeks as their week-end guest Mrs. Mary home of Mrs. Long's parents, Mr. . Mr. and Mrs. Wesley V. France in the Jefferson Hospital, and Is Spurway of Englanoi, at p~t a and Mrs. Frank V. Brewster on and daughter, Helen LouIse, of receiving visitors. . teacher in Baltimore, MeL PLAN CHOKAL:CONCEBT and .The Swarthmore.CQllege chorus, composed of 80 .inembers, \Ifill present its annual Christma.: concert at 8:15 on Thursday evening, December 16, in Clothier MemoriaL The program will consist of Christma.: music in Latin by Pallestelni and Vittoria as well as a Christmas Cantata by Bach and ~wo choruses and a duet from handel's Messiah. Soloists for the program will include ·N..-.ma HIIOY/ contraltD; Jane Sorber, soprano,' and Walter White, bass. The soprano and "ontralto will also present the duet, "He Shall Feed His Flock," from the Messiah. The chorus will be accompanied by the.slring ,and woodwind sections of the college orchestra. Robert Schick will be at the piano and J. Earl Ness at the organ. Dickinson avenue. South Chester road, w~t to Emily Pritchard, daughter of Jasper, N. Y., to visit Mr. France's Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Pritchard mo ther, Mrs.M , France, over the of D,ickinson avenue, a freShman Thanksgiving holidays. at the University of Pennsylvania, Mrs. John M. Pearson, of Corhas been pledged to Alpha Chi nell avenue, has returned from Omega. She is also a member of visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reythe choral society at thP. univers- nolds and family of Glen rudge, ity 'and has been recommended !oJ; N. J., formerly of Swarthmore, for the ACappeila. several days: Mr. and Mrs. Colin R. Hitchman Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. McCowan of Thayer road entertalned at a entertalned at a family dinner cocktail party at their home be- party following the Army~~:,VY fore the Series Dance. game. Guests included mi pMr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Hand, man Robert McCowan of Annapllo: Jr., of Baltimore pike and ruver- lis, and Frank, Jr., home from view road entertalned Mr. Hand's Penn State for the Thanksgiving parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert holidays. G. Hand of Westfield, N. J., as Carol Van Alen has returned to NEWS NOTES Bucknell University following a Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Ammerman their week-end guests. Mrs. Opal Gruner, of Minneweek's holiday vacation at her and daughter, Judy have moved tD :; South Chester road from 45 Am- apolis has returned to lier home home on Park avenue. Mrs. Andrew B. Chalmers, of hlirst avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Pat- following a week's visit with her brother, Dr. Milan W. Garrett and Newtonville, Mass., has returned terson, of Phlladelphia, with their ,home following a two-week visit two children have bought the Am- family of Princeton avenue. Mrs .. Maurice L. Beck, of North with her daughter, Mrs. Will!am herst avenue residence. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Mc- Princeton avenue entertained at a P. Hayes, of Swarthmore avenue. luncheon Friday in honor of Mrs. Mr ,and Mrs. Hayes entertalned Henry of Parrish road, spent Thanksgiving in Wilmington as Jessica McKeen Lyons of Wasb- at an informal "at home" on sun-I inglon, D. C., a former swarth- day afternoon in honor of Mrs.I· the guests of Mr. McHenry's more resident. Chalmers and her gre~t grandbrother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Ferris Thompson, Jr., of Elm daughter, Deborah Kirk, baby Mrs. George Julian Courtney and avenue and a senior at George daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel their daughter, Mary Jane. S~bool, won hts varsity football Kirk of Whitemarsh. Mrs. Helen F. Hawke and ber letter this fall as the team took Mrs. Edward Irving of New daughter, Jane, have moved from six out of eight encounters. Tom- Haven, Conn., is yisiting her 310 South Chester road to 239 my, guard and center on the 1948 mother, Mrs. WillIamP. Hayes Kenyon avenue, where they oc- eleven and a team sparkplug, of Swarthmore avenue. cupy the house vacated by Mr. and was a varsity wrestler last year Mr. and Mrs. George T. Herschel Mrs. M. W. Shellenbarger and as well as captaln of the cub foot- of Calico Cottage, Baltil!>ore pike, their family who are now llving ball teinn. ente'rtalned at a suPper party Sunin Merchantville, N. J. Eddie Medford of South Chester day evening when their guests inMr. and Mrs. Carl W. Moeller road has returned home' after eluded Mr .and Mrs. L. P. Wray, of Park avenue held Open House several days hospitalization fol- Mr. ruchard Wray, of Wainut lane, on Saturday afternoon. Miss Elise Remont of Moylan, lowing a minor operation. Miss Elizabeth Bassett of North Dr. and Mrs. A. Henry Craige, and Mrs. George Schoblnger and Chester road entertained Miss with their six-year old daughter ·Mrs. Edwin Johnson of PhlladelEleanor Douthat of Itichmond, Va., Janice formely of College Park, phia, formerly of Swarthmore. : over the Thanksgiving holidays Md., where Dr. Craige was a proMrs' Russell Heath, Sandy and and entertained Informally in her fessor at the University of Mar)'- Barbara Heath of Cedar lane are honor Saturday afternoon, and land, have bought the Anthony accompanying Mr. Heath this also at a dinner party on Sunat 250 Haverford avenue. day. Miss· Douthat was guest of house Dr. Craige is a research pbarmahonor at a dinner party given by cologist at the Smith, Kline and Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of French Laboratories In PhiladelNorth Chester road Friday evephia. ning. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup Mrs. Robert M. Pittman of Dickinson avenue is a patient in of Haverford avenue entertalned last week Mrs. Jessup's sister, Mrs. the Bryn Mawr HospitaL' Dr. and Mrs. Donald Hibbard H. L. Fahrney, of Frederick, Md. of ruverview road spent Thanks- On Tuesday, Mrs. Fahrney was giving in Montclair, N. J., visiting guest of honor at a luncheon at the Mrs. Hibbard's aunt Mrs. H. P. Ingleneuk, ",hich was followed by bride at the Jessup home. Howell. Helen Disque, daughter of Mr. . Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Paulson Make Your· Purchases While We Have On Hand· , A Complete Stock of Choice Gifts for the Ladies in Your Life 13 South Chester Road ~!!::=:=======~=:==:::=~::===~::::==:;:::::=~ JIFFY· In 14 COLORS and NEW NON·YELLOWING PORCELAIN WHITE * Goes on Easy Dries Quick No Brush MarkS J IElTON"SIiBlEY Product QUALlTV SINCE 1863 . H.D.SIPLER 11 SOUTlI.CBESTER'RoAD, SWARTHMORE • nal Account of Arnold John, BARGELT-Nov. 26 FirstA.and FiAdministrator. Estate of Margaret. Bargelt, deceased. . BOBIAK-Nov. 8 First Account of Max Christmas Suggestions Car Radios and Heaters Life Guard Tubes Goodyear Tires Slip Covers nek, "late a minor. . deceased. . of nal Account of Charles ~KR1A;lU~S~S-~~N~;0~V~-::2~7~~;~::~:~IWORRELL-NOV. 30 First r.~l~i and Fi- I Executor, Estate - of lJ 5 Account of Barry a/Ii: as William Estate of Ida Johnson Lane deC ~ -~' Cigarette Lighters NEWS NOTES tano, Administrator, Estate 1,~An~d~r\~e~w~'~~i~~~;:!i!I~~ of Russell T. Brosius, Executor, Estate of J. Taylor Brosius, deceased. ,. BRUGLER-Nov. 13 First and Final Account of Girard Oompany, Executor, Estate John M. Brugler, deceased. CARR-Nov. 29 First Account Margaret C. jlTewlyn, A~lii1iinS~ I tratrix, Estate of Catherine Carr, deceased. CON\VELL,-Nov. 27 First and Final Account of Chester-Cambridge Bank and Trust Com- Norman R0b'mson, son of Mr. Mrs. Andrew F. Robuison, Rutgers avenue, and a sO~~h~:;:1 at The' Principia College In Lein- Ill., reeel.·Ved an athletic letter '~0~~~.;!~:~~~1 and ~ hardt, hardt, Trust' , Rubber Floor Mats Priscilla .Giles of Rutgers ave.h nue as returned to classes at the Nursery Training School of Boston aiter the 'holidays. Dr .and Mrs. Frederick T. Sew- pany and \ Edward L. Conwell, ard and sons, Fred and J()hn, Executors. Estate of Marie B. "Interpines:' Goshen, N. Y., and Conwell, deceased. CROZER- Nov. 26 The Final of r,~~~~~ County Account Trust Co:mp81 tuted Trustee Lt. Jack Lindsay, of the U. S. 9 First and Final Submarine School in New London, McHalp., Kd- were guests of Mrs. Itugh W. Estate of James Downing at he~ home on ruver- r ..bee, u/w:t;:o~f~r;~~~~~~i~~~~1 deceased, Orphan's of . Connty, 'Pennsylvania, HANNUM &WAITE Yale Ave. and Chester Road Swarthmore 1250 Ac- and view the roadweekend, over Thanksgivlri Day and attended the A,rnty-Nnvy game on 'laltrnmalY.1 0,; ~:-:-:=:-=::-""-:--::---:"J=-",:-:::--.,.~:-::-:::--:-::-=---',:::--,:-=--.,.o-::::-=::--::-:--::--::=..,-:c=:-:-:=:-:::::::=-:::::::;; September 25, 1922. CROZIER-Nov. 30 First and nal Account of George B. Har- vey, AdminiStrator, 'Estate' of Maude K. Cro;der, deceased. Dittmann, deceased. MaiUe .~olut.e"'" . EACHUS-Nov. 18 'First and Fi- ~t ~O~f~ D~ee~laiY~w~a~re~I~~~~~ 104 PARK AVENUE tacili~~d deceased. 29 First and nal Account of -J. Calvinl ~m~:1 H, Executor,Estate of Ida N.· . deceased. FINEGAN-Nov. 23 First and Fi- ROAN-Nov. 26 The First·and Final Account of Nellie M. Fine- nal Account of' Delaware ,CoWlty gan, Executrix, Estate o~ Eliza- nai Account of sen, ExecutriX. Estate of L. Gilmartin, deceased. land, Guardian GRATZ-Nov .. 29 First and ':;~~I 'Rowland, lat~ Account of Girard Trust 0 SAYERS-Nov. pany and U/w, FlorenceH. Dyke, Bank Account Trustees Estate Van of Henry and oOi~~~~~~~~~~~1 M. Gratz, deceased. . (Jle_u. f tees u/w HARDEN-Nov. 5 First and Final ceased. Account of Guy G. deFuria, Ex- SCHWARZ-Nov. 26 Second ecutDr, ,Estate of Charles H. . Final AOI'ount of Land .. Title Harden, dec~ased. Bank and -Trust Company, sue- HALF·GALLON CONTAINERS .It's your guardian angel - rushing· to Marie Donnelly's to help you select just the right Christmas gifts. Trust Company, Executor, Es- beth· M. Finegan, deceased. . tate of Wesley BUrton Roan. deGILMARTIN-Nov. 24 FIrst and ceased. FInal Account of Hannah Thor- ROWLAND-Nov. 30 IN CONVENI£NT Rear View Mirror LITTLE--'~~N~O~V~. th annual banquet. count of ~~[ls~~E~A~C-~1 position wasfootball l~ lIuard . Estate of BUY JANE WGAN DeLUXE ICE CREAM Exhaust Extension Reaister of WllIs and. of Orphan's Court BOOTH-Nov, 26 First and Fu,lalILAURATANO-Nov. 30 First and Account of Mary E. Booth, Final Account of Albert Laura- BROSlUS-No~. Booth, deceased.29 Firs.t Account Back.Up Light ARTHUR P. ::~~~::!I Lane Marion Lane Lupton, Executors, of Laura Porcelainizing Car • Worrell, deceased. ecutor, Estate of Trust ~ 12 No""" Is herebY dYen tD hein, 1e1(atees, ""e41lors and all)Jel'lOns Interested I ilia. """"""III In u.e folJowtnJr estates bave .been ruod In the Office of the Redsler of WlIts and Clerk of Orphan'. as the ....e. may be, and lllat u.e same will be' presented 10 u.e Orphan's' Court of said connty, on Monday, January 3, 1949, at 10 o'dock A.M., E.S.T. for conflrma• Uon, at which time the sa1d .\ will audit said accounlll, hear ceptlons 10 the same and · dlstrlbnUon of the balances · certalned.1o be In the hands the accullJltants. ASHME~Nov. 29 First and Fi:nal Account of The Wayne TItle and Trust Company, Guardian, Estate. of Nadine Camac Ashmead, 1a~ ~ minor. Estate of Jesse EACHUS-Nov. nal Account of I'ale. a "" hom smarl buy.,. CHRISTMAS A_una HERMANN_Nov. '12 First ceedlng Trustee, Estate of I w:=iI::It:a::II:II=~=~=:I!=II=!t=II:II:a::II:II=:It:II=2l=:a::Q:: nal Account of William Frederick W. Schwarz, deceased. I t W'y, Administrator, Elitd ..a",te"'''ed.1 SHARP-Nov. 27 FIrst and Final 'alter. F. Hermann, Account of Henry E. Sharp, ExJOHNSON-Nov. 12' First and of Marie B. Sharp, ~:~gZ~~~ oid C~ester-campany. Execi1t an Esta~t Comand FJe of Al- . berta Johnsonord ased Rankin. ,ece . JOHfSAElN_Nov. 19 First and Fina ccount of WllJiam J. JohniON' Ex J ec h utor, Estate of A. Esea. 0 1l1'on, deceased. JQHNSON-Nov: 9 Account· of mer, deceased. • Bank STERN-Nov. 24 First Account pany, E~~~,to~,~~~J3. The PeDllllYlvanis c~~~~~:~:1 O. Johnson, Banking and ~ts • JUMP-Nov.. 24 First'. and Final The Pennsylvania Company Account of Mary Alice Jump, Insurances on Livea and GrantAdminislratfix, Estate of Wal- ing Annuities, Executor, Estate ter, Ray Jump, deceased. of Edith L. Stern, deceased. KIRSCHNEK- ov. 19 First and WOLCOTT-Nov. 30 First and FiFinal Ac~ount ot'The First Na- nal A c c 0 u n t of Charlotte tional Bank of Media Guardiar. a'Becket Lafferty, Executrix, Estate of Ann Caroline K1rsch~ Estate of Alice Mae Wolcott, DITTMANN-Nov. 30 FirSt Account of Northern Trust Com" pany, Trustees, Estate of Henry ~~ee~k~-~en~d~.~t~o~s~an~d~U~sky~;~O~h~iO;,~t~o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~jiii;~;;ii~~ii;i~ ••••••••••• OPEN EVENINGS . Notke-of FUinJr and Andi. of Estate .5 THE SWABTHMOBBAN ORPHAN'S 001JBT OF DELAWARE COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA ecutrix, Phone swarlbmore 3t70 , · :J:)ECEMBI!B 10, 1M3 . .t From the racks and shelvt!s of bras bed jackets dickeys hose gloves belts dresses suits jackets s.1tirts blouses sweaters slacks .. slips gowns pajamas bathrobes . scarfs handkerchieys compacts jewelry your friends He willhe~p you choose apPl'!aling gifts for your family . . .. and your business acquaintances. iShopping Days Away Save money on your favorite flavors of real bulk Jane Logan DeLuxe - buy them in home-size half-gallons. Vanilla-Fudge A convenient size for any occasion Strawberry , Vanilla eFita. easily -into freezing cabinets or freez,ing compartments of new refrigerators. Chocoll!.te eyou can serve part and store the remainder in refrigerator trays. Come In While Our Stock Is Complete • Ideal size for parties. Jane Logan half-gallons can be purchased at Michael's College Pharmacy Park and Chester,, Road Theatre Pharmacy I3U~Ii~~~·§ PARK AvENUE SWARTHMORE 615 South Chester Road SWARTHMORE, PA. A PBDDUCT OF ABBOTTS DAIRIES, lNC., PHJLADELPBIIA She will keep open from '9 R.E Goodrich a,m. to 9 p.m. until Christmas But ..... he can't stay around here forever. FOOTWEAR of our loveliest things are gone . _.. and before your guardian angel : '.Ai: yoUR pIl01Ev", NIN -rushes off in a huff, you'll be in, we hope. This week? Good? She'U be waiting for you ~//J}~~ Sincerely, ~ . Gooc!r' h boots galoshes and rubbers for child:en B.F. . . 10. ' and waterproof. and - Just are light In weIght. warm. 'g Come in today and as. important-lo~geB-Fea~riCh boots and,rubbers .,' outfit your small. ry ln t ',' rst weather. to protect them m win er s wo _ . .Celia Shoe Shop 102 Park Avenue Sooo, before so many Swarthmore 2350 " ., , ....~ I , . ,. , T H B. 5 W A •.T HMO B 1/ A N \ DECEMBER 10, 1M8 ------~----~.~------------~--~--------~------------T_------~.---lBsued 1903-1905. ThIs· was the of KipliDll's "Phantom" Rick-I avenue left ThllZSdq"to opend the daughter, Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. C. Rare Volumes Given College Library major production of the Doves shaw", alld five _ys by WIlliam week-end with her lIOn-in-law and E, NelllOn, of Annapolls. Press, founded by T. Co!x'enSan- Morris which she herself bound derson. Only 500 copies of this with beautifully tooled !esther. The Swarthmore Library has beautifully printed Bible ~ Miss Marot w.as the Ubrary's recently been presented with a A single leaf ,from Chaucer's guest at tea last wtIek. '11he collection of rare, beautifull,y "Canterbury Tales". chief work of is now on display in bouhd volumes ~ed by famous the KelmBciJtt Press, waa alao pre- collection the library show cases and will be late-19th-century Eng1Iah private sented. Other Important acquisithere until today. presses, it was announced today tions include first editions of KipExperts in the Making and Fitting by C~les B. Shaw, librarian. The ling, and a Kelmscott Press edigift of ElIzabeth Griscom Marot, tion of "Reynard, the Foxe", ori, of Spectaclee and Glasses NEWS NOTES a former Swarthmore resident ginall,y printed by William Caxnow living in West Chester, the ton, the first English printer. Dr. and Mrs. Roderick Firth and books are worth hundreds of dolMiss Marot, now in her eighties, son, Roddy, of North Chester road lars. went to 'England as a young w0- recently. visited Dr. Firth's par,. . " M<;>st important item in the col- man to learn the art of bookbind- ents, Mr .and Mrs. L. E. FIrth lection is the five-volume, vellum- ing at the Doves Preas. She haa jn- of South Orange, N. J. 827 Lancaste,r :Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Mrs. Ralph S. Hayes of OberliD bound edition of the Doves Bible, cluded in her gift a first edition pECEMBB 10, 1M8 • 'A'ITEND LAUNCHING Twenty-aix Swarthmore restdents were among the guests attending the launcbing of the sUper tanker Esso Zurich at the Sun Shipyard in Chester on Saturday, DeCember 4. Those who were invited to attend include: Robert Halg, Mrs. Agnes Haig' Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. William Craemer, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. G. McConecby, .J. E. LIME BURNER CO. DISPENSING' OPTICIANS Eye 1923 Chestnut· Street - - - Phila. 6913 Market Street Upper Darby· . Mr. and Mrs.. T. M. Jackson, Mr. and Mr•. H. W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. A. Norton, Mr .and Mrs. Richard H. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Ricbard G. Haig. Dr .and Mrs. John R. Bates, Mr .and Mrs. Donald P. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Markley, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Worst, aod Mr. and Mrs. Walton H. Nason. Practical Gifts ' .rOB EVERYORE THESE MEN ARE· NEIGHBORS OF -YOURS Mrs. PhIlip W. KnIskern of Rlv- of . University place spent the erview road entertained her Du- week-end as the I/Ue&ts of Mrs. Personal interviews with young plicate Bridge Club at a luncheon- Hanna's brother-in-law and sister men in this area have convinced bride at b~r home Monday. Mr .. and Mrs. Edwin H. Barlow, the local recruiting officer of the, Mr. and Mrs. John ReId Hanna .(l£. Ellzabelh, N. J. U. S. Army and U. S. AIr Force ~;;~;;:;;;;;~;:;~===~===========j Recruiting Service that a great;= many 18-year-old applicants do SWARTBMOBB mGH SCHOOL not cboose the one year enlist1848-49 ment becaWll! they believe that 8ASK&'iBALL SCHEDULE after their one year training per- Draft Law Clarified Iod Is completed they will be eligible again for service under the draft. This inc'Orrect impression was clarified when It was stated that the 18-year-old youth can fully "I'tisly his obligation under the Selective Service Act of 1948, by Opponent Place Time Date Boys Springfield Away .7.15 Friday, Deeemher 17 Boys Lansdowne Home 7.15, Tuesday, December 21 Boys Clifton Heights Home 7.15 Tuesday, December 28 B01II Sharon HIll Away 7.15 Tuesday, January 4 Boys . Eddystone Home 7.1.5 Friday, January 7 BoysIr'- Ridley Township Away 7.15 Tuesday, January 11 G ~ Lansdowne Home 3.30 Thursday, January 13 BoysIr'- Ridley Park Away 7,1.5 Friday, January 14 G ~ Haverford Home 3.30 Thursday, Janusry 20 enliSting for a one year training ~ Glell-Nor Home 7.15 Friday, \January 21 UU~ Glen-Nor Away 3.30 period. Men who enlist in this ',l'hursday, Janusry 27 Bays Prospect Park AWay 7.15 . Friday, January 28 category must follow liP their enGirls Media . Away 3.30 Thursday, February 3 listment wilh three to six addiBoys Eddystone Away 7.15 Friday, Februsry 4 Boys Springfield Home 3.30 tional years Of service in a reTuesday, Februsry 8 Girls Ridley Park Home 3.30 Thursday, February 10 serve component. Boys Ridley Township Home 7.15 Friday, February 11 The applicant who is accepted Boys Ridley Park Home 3.30 Tuesday, Februsry 15 for this one year training is enGirls Alumnae Home 3.30 Thursday, February 17 Boys Glen-Nor Away 7.15 listed into the Army of the United Friday.. February 18 Girls Upper .. Darby Away 3.30 Thursday, February 24 States Unassigned, and although Bays Prospect Park Home 7.15 Friday, Februsry 25 he receives the same training as GIRLS a longer term enlistee in the reguBOYS Coaches lar Army, he cannot be sent overCoacbes Miss AlIce Putnam seas. It is no longer necesssry Mr. W.Illiam Reese Miss Virginia ~~ for an applicant to apply more Mr. Millard Robinson Captain-Frances Pearson , Captain-Jack Houtz Manager-Helen Ware than once for the one year enlistManager-Donald Spofford , Emerson Ra~ios $16.95 up Westinghouse E1eclric Sheets - Irons and Radios WHAT'S HAPPENED TO THE (OST OF UVING Jewelry CLOTHING FOOD . up 96.1'" up 127.1'" 7 SOUTII . CHESTER ROAD HOME FURNISHINGS up 93.4", , • • . ""' . WHATS HAPPENED TO RED ARROW'S (Om nus STREET CAR COS, US $45,000 I. 1948 Vel lIun thall $2,000,000 will have ...... N o use telling YOli what has happened to the cost of living, but if you're interested in figures they appear to the right in this ad. It's a big increase and it takes a lot more money to keep a family going nowadays. In the case of our own employees, Red Arrow realizes what they are up against. Already wages have bee~ boosted~ for bus and car operators; the increase has been more than double. Still the to soar. Therecost of living conti,mes , fore, after a period of negotiations, contracts effective January 1st, 1949, have been signed providing for a further increase of 1O¢ per hour and other bene- RED • On the other hand the cost of operating Red Arrow Lines has more than doubled. EverythIng we buy, everything we do costs more. 1927-1a.. far. 10' per ..... and WMy.... peld It. 1932-llbcauntsw............larily _ ..... _ a l . far. dropp.d 10 .0915. • It47-SaM dbcounls" effect, .....rag. fare dropped 10 .0845. IiIOW 'ROPOSED-Sa_ 10~ ba.. far...... d ........" fa. ch11dr.... RedArrow Lines are spending and working for improved serVice almost 609(, of our motor vehicles are new since V-J Day and new street cars are coming. Also, we I,tave "held the line" on fares as long as possible, but fast-mounting costs make it necessary to seek some adjustment. The whole fare situation is plainly told in the box on the righL for a CP Gas Rang. .. . . Women who prefer' a gas range that will IJI'I8 them wonderful cooking results wi" find just what SCHOOL OtILDREN It27-..... fare dbcounh. 1912af N" .., '1~ _ _ QUAU1'Y CP s~ ~ granted, bringing fare 10 S'. 1t47-Chld..utlli cam..! ., half fa ... or St. NOW 'ROPOSED -Sa_ sO')(. d-.nt COl ochooI tIde.1s butdlrcafttlrouaMa af "'.' daI "go.".", at 69th SlrMt , ......... IeguIar Ir-r_ till I ......... IClddlas WId... twalv., _ urIo\g rdoooI rater, !Iere'i a rhlnlng e"a..ple af a CP range with a central_lOng lop. Ha, automatic oven heal - _oJ-roomy ulensA storage _ _ _ smokelers broiler pa. with porcelain ..amel grilL Cash hlslaBed price for Model D-31s $223.95 {under standard riel. a' a 2S~ discount. MOne The dllCOUftb alMrw......oo'•• InducI.Int.,.. . . . . tick... ..... a. led Anow u.. oneil condiflonsl-s1ightly ...... boodg.1 tenns. May -.!oIpNa & "3.,, ....tI..,... ,I w_ .... tvro:- .... W........ « at . , a_.. Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation " Now You can buy U. S. Savings Bonds automatlcall7 ugh the new Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at this Bank Brunswick, Ga. &h~attiJnally atlvaofllltl 011 1aIroact. A - .• •y 7al. & J 1'IcbII. aoPEll cp a••• t:..:' RROW LINES • • ."ILAbIL.HI~ ELEC'~IC co••allY , , .' .., ' , Most easily ma~euvered trucks that ever wheeled a load • r You can ~ve yourself many headaches' by k.lking over your home planning ideal with UI now. Our mortgage experience hal taught. us a lot about homes and home financing. You can draw 0" that experience at any time you wish. Streamlined sty'e and wide-range vision ThIs rang ...... a staggered ....... with sImmer·speed "'" and automatic JIiIIIlI I Abo hes large, . - y ":"" IMoIIinII _ with d.: . IMoiIer "rUt. Roper CP-48-311Ot .... for $224.50, 'cash W,•• ' • lund_ standard ~ s1!t1llly - en boodget - , BEFORE YOU OR BUY, SEE US NEW 1949 STUDEBAKER TRUCKS with 110 - ... ~~~~~~~~~~.~'~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Mrs. Henry L. Smith of Swarthmore avenue is leaving by plane December 16, for E1 Paso, Texas. to visit the Rev. and Mrs" Bancroft P. Smith. Mr. Harry L. Liebeck of Park avenue will return December 16, from a hunting and fiShing trip 'on his cruiser, Josephine III, to they want in a CP range. The "CP" (Certified Performance) insignia indicates that these rang_ fuDy meet exacting standards of quality of ... Gas Appliance ManufacJurers Association. I , ' 1hI. coml", winter to provide beIt.r ..rvle.. WHArS H,APPDlm TO lED ARIOW FlIES Yet, the average fare paid to Red Arrow Lines is less than in 1!?28. Yes, actually, less than twenty years ago. .. 'pent by Red Arrow Lln.....tw. .n Y-J Day and fits. All this takes money, much money. ment as processed his original' application will be within seven days. Even though the applicant may reacb his nineteenth birthday prior to being called for processig he is stili eligible for this enlistment as long as his application was accepted at the recruiting station prior to his reacbing his nineteenth birthday. The local recruiting station in the Chester Post Office is open Monday 'through Saturday from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.; during whicb time furiher information on the one year enlistment can be obtained. RECEIVE RECOGNITION Ten Swartinnoreans received international recognition by the inclusion of their biographies in ''World Biography," the largest international biographical reference book, just published. Included from Swartbmore are: Dr. John William Nason, prestdent, Swarthmore College: Dr. Clair Wilcox, economist: Dr. William Francis Gray Swann, physicist: Dr. Charles Bunsen shilw, librarian: Dr. Clarence Erwin McClung', zoologist; Dr. Wolfgang Kohler, psychologist: Dr, Laurence Irving, biologist; Dr. Arnold Dresden, mathematician: Dr. Henry (Jermain Maude) Creighton, cbemist: Thomas Bayard McCabe, banker. .nus mEET CAR COST US $18,400 In 1932 Their Cost of Living Has Gone Up,.Too. , THB SW;'&BTHMOBEAK FUSCO and ALSTON CHESTER ilD.d rAJllVIEW ROADS DECE.MBEB II, 1148 TBE SWARTBMOREIAN 8 Auxiliary Bolds Bridp Forty-five members anel. frieadl of the American Legion Any!!! • .,. attended the' annual ClhrIsbhu Card party last 'l'hu!Bdayo at the home of Mrs. Robert T. Bair, president. Held for the benefit of two veterans' faDiiUes, the bridge netted 84 cans· of food and a silver collection of $26.50. The Auxiliary feels' that this was a wonderful response to its appeals; the veterans will be grateful to those who remembered them' at this joyous season. , .- Wednesday evening, December)5 from 9 to 12. Buddy Lutton's Orchestra will flirnish the music. Ruth Wagner ot Dickinson avenue and Barbara Pennypacker of Penfield Downs, are co-chairmen of the dance. TWO HOMES ENTERED Within the past week two borough homes have been. entered. On December I, police discovered that the home of Frank R. Markley of Guernsey road had been broken into, and although nothing ~ppears to' have been taken police will not know definitely Wlill the Markleys return from their trip south. .. Owned and Operated Quality foods that Malee for . BeHer Brealdasts -Acme has the foods that help you .tart the clay right, ~ prices that "go _sy" on your packetb_k. Police also discovered on December 3.that the home of F. C. .or Complete 5atlsf~dlon and . Hutchison of South Chester road had been entered and rlUlsacked. They will be unable to ascertain' the extent of the loss until the return of the Hutchisons from Florida. Depandabllity Buy gold ~t s!i::!~d EGGS B~~~n III U. S. GRADD "GOOD BEEF" ( N"'m~"" ) STEAKS G........ •••• SIrloin, T-Bone or PortarhOUH . . . . . . .,. S~ Ib ........III••-.!.. !!!O~I't!....!RI~ ... ~oI!!.!.!! ... !!.._~1b 4ao • SMOKED PICNlCS!:1:::·45e Ia." ( PORGIES :::!~ sso I~ ....... Cat ••oald........." Roa.t IA......oat 01 sl:w ) sse IIo 1ge Ib ~=-c::"':--::-:-;-­ Dnuod WIIltin • ':i:.~ I~ ato ....... N •• a C ••-dla. . . . .Ita I~ 5 . . ........ Wldt. CrabID.a. I~ . . . .0. . . . . Mardl••• I_. 1. . . . 'PRUNES "'r.';:"' CttcoII... :~: 35e Evap••eaches ......... ~-:: 23. Mixed Fruits ................ 2Sc Apricots ......... ..·....·31. Sharp Ch.... 1"69c Barden'. Gruyere ....... 39. Baby Gouda -·49c . Oleomargarine ..~":' ..:: 31. BAR CAKE 3g e fliled and loed wlthMarahmallow. Topped .... with Cocoanut I.ny S_.IMI COmE em ""'" 31e 1....1 01...aohl...... Millce Me.t 20';' 25c APPLESCri:.a;:.-· 2 29 c 1110 Orange. '"'' ........ 8;:: 39c II.gplant...... .,..... Ie 15. Mushrooms :::"'~~.}, 2Sc Br_II 0111_. . . . . . .::::: 25c Luscious Halv•• 'reest_ PEACHES 2 '....·. ·49c N.. I% luldoua hatv.e ptOchN pocbcIln • rich MaY\' syrup. Id.aI Pl'alt CI!"'1aIJC.~~I. ".:;.1 207. Id.al C..........,. .....,.,..., a ~: a.c Grap.frult •••11. . . a ~ 209. 161. .1 F . . .)' " ••l'ILra.t ~ a N:;!~ 2050 F .....daI..........weet . . . . a~: ase GI•• wood "'eW.. ~~.:a.l!::.a.. := " RURFF SOUPS v..=:-:::'_ 4 10~' 25e 8u:r 0 R.liiI u1ar tOe Tulu •• kind or auort.d an a case. one IQ.... . . . for . . . . $2.1Q..... W.N. .,W. Delldo ••' W. 1'• ..,. • ~!. _ • ...... . 6 OurS's '10,000.00 RYE BREAD ~." .... 16e COFFEE a.osa SUPIOE lIED Dec. s.~ .,......... 14e _,:'_.1_"" Supreme ''h........, ....... - ... } "4~ .~. . ont. ,... . . . _ wa..c:r.t ................ ..try w.k. Atk _. e. CLASSIFIED 1 -.... - .. - • • Choice \ - Ib 49': pk 33c _n_._ Cauliflower 2Sc California bunch 10c . Florida Juice Oranges doz 21c . Fancy ,Apples I 21bs 29c' ii~iii~~ii~iii~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iZi~ leAt the same time ,we have underway, with much of it already completed, a post-war .improvement program on all of our lines totaling $2,000,000. "In spite of the fact that the railroads and the PTe have twice raised their rate of f~e,' 'Mr. Taylor said, "the Philadelphia Su.burban Transportation Company has been extremely reluctant to do so. Our present rates are the min- want.~ p....u.. , V~'~~PE~~;~;;;;1 JOHN 11. DOHERTY FRED F. DUKE ALBERT J. eRAWFORD, JR. Executive and AdmlnlstraU,"e Directors eaners; touters and radios recalled for IJ!ld delivered. Brooks, Swarthmore r, -'IlClne I lI-Io-iT ; ~~~~;ii~a~~E~::: ~i~~i~~~~~~~1 y.~~;~~~J~~~~~•....,,... _-.- ~:;;:r~~~~~~ I J!!!!!!!!!!: ~!i~~~~~~i~~ ~ 33c' CO'()P PERSONAL -Attention parents! your children in capable year-old child. Call Swarthmore a mother while Christmas 3028. etc. Available evenings Sil!'pkIDs, Swarthmore WANTED-Collegestudent desires any kind of work, any, hOl~, i~~~~~~~~~~~i hl)usehold from December 18 to January articles, is Phone Madison 3012-J. Since 1905 sale. Phone care year old child and assist WI'UlI CUNNINGHAM housekeeping, Sleep in. Good accommodations. Phone Mrs. Fry, Palntus '" Paper Ba1lll'tIl'B We should _ hoW' Swarthmore 2309-W. Swa. !Z68 Mlohlpn AYe WANTED-8turdy tshle suitable for portable' mangle, not over nursery ~~~f~eet wide. Swarthmore 2207 -J. mother wants A PrIce te lIIee$ BnrY or evening. Ex1'IIIDIlJ'. Need Reply Box D, PATTERSON more . The I'UNBIIIAL BOJD WANT~y out-of-town high FOR SALE WllL T. P .. Dbeot.. school senior girl, local residence _hleen y .... Bxpertenee months. Can or FOR SALE-Fireplace wood, PHONE MBOL\ .111 mostly oak. $18. per cord Phone part payment help. Write Box Glen Mills· 276-R 6. FOR ,SAT .N-Large size Lionel train set; two engines, cars and SAVE YOUR FUEL fixtures. Call Media 6-0774. FOR SALE-Boy's bicyc~e, good I ~~ (U's Too ~b to W..to) condition, $20. TypewrIter, reBy installing Storm Sash, cently overhauled, excellent condition, $25. Media 6-2463. Storm Doors, Weather FOR SALE-Boy's bicycle, 26:i!'ch ."l!:~.!!.:.-::=..-==;;;---balloon tires. Good conditIon, FOR RENT , Stripping and Insulation $12. Phone Swarthmore 0790-W. FOR RENT-To WE Have Them FOR SALE-Large doll coach, excellent condition. $3. Phone, r0.... r.o..."113 DARTMOUTH AVE.' I 1 CONiD' V",_U_OI _ _ _ TORE , FAIR LAWN STORE I Girl Scout Troop No. 166 is giving a play called "A Grumpy Santa Claus" on December 20, at 3.30 p. m., at the Presbyterian Church. It will be directed by the Troop leader, ~. Walter Magee. All Girl Scouts, Brownies, and parents are invited. each zone and, except for children, the discontinuance of discount tickets, including interchanges wipt Philadelphia and Western, Mr. Taylor said. Commenting on the wage increases which the company has made, Mr. Taylor said, "Oui.- bus and car operators were paid 60 cents an hour in 1928 whereas, during negotiations last year, a new rate of $1.25 an hour was established to help them meet the soaring cost of living. And more r'lCetitly, after a periQd of negotiations, contracts have been sigiled providing for a further increase effective January I, 1949. "Meanwhile our operating expenses have soared 134 per Cent during this same period. For example, since 1933, brake shoes have gone UP from $42 to $120 a ton, gasotine 101-2 to 17 1-2 ~ts and motor oil 31 to 64 cents a gallon. Mrs .W. W. Mitchell, of University place, returned home last week following a two-months visit with her sister, Mrs. Charles 'Gelger, of St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan Harrar IUld daughters, Suzanne and Joan, of Yale avenue, - attended the Army-Navy game with their week-end guests Lt. and Mrs. Andrew Papage&rge, U. S. Navy. MADISON I To Present Play With its average basic fares 13 per cent lower now than they were 20 years ago, the Philadelphia Suburban Transportation Company has been compelled by skyrocketing material, costs and steadily rising w~ges t'o appeal to the Public Utlllty Commlsslon for relief, Merritt H. Taylor, president of the company announced. "To partially compensate for the Increase in wages and for other items which go into rendering OUOl' service, we are filing tariffs providing for a ten-cent cash fare in R. G. Rincllffe of S1fath Haven avenue has been elected a delegate-at-large for th.. Community Chest of Philadelphia and vicinity for a one year te"!l' THE SWARTHMOR.AN Philadelphia PIke, W~ Delaware. ' WANTED - Secrets.,., blgb]y exbooperikkencedln' Stenography typing, AL PEBSON -eep g. Part-time. Perman, Electrical installa ent, Reply Box A, The SwarthPERSONAL tioDS: w1rh>a, old and new: ResidentIal and Olmmerclal, Ll&ht and Power, Waterbeaters, Ranges.. All hour worlt done to FIre Underwriters hour after specifications. ServIce on all tails Re ly iFU;tii~;n;ji;j~;:;;,t;eji;jt;;it:ii:~~~;e~=ii:ii:~it;;ic;e;;;n:;=i;q=t t I -Iy hiched b Mr•. Arthur Porteous of Avondale Estates, Ga., former~ qr Swarthmore avenue, Rutledge, died November 15 after several years' illness. Mrs. Porteous lived with her brother Prof. Thomas Sidell of Georgia School of Technology. White' SLICED BACON D~~~:' 6Se BLENDED 1~~~'(3'::;,~ Z5c)2 ~~: 39c: 5for9SC PANCAKE MIX :,.,,..., 2!t;: 25e CI MRS. ARTHUR PORTEOUS Elected Community Delegate DJ:IlCEMB- 10, lM8 Media 6-0755 uamont Avenlle ()bestor I-Ul. r~=:'l II !i I- I LIst l'~UI' DeIa...... ()o1lnb ProperiIeA WHh u. I I , Electrical Repairs IrODS - Wuherr. - - - - Ba''" Wlrln;r Ne.... aDd Ow. - - Marian S. Brown I- Associated with = i Samuel M. Harbison He~ Le Baron Call .swarthmore 0121-00: i S~ CHARLES E. FISCHER SWARTHMORE "53 "A HOIjSE WELl-MAINTAINEP IS THE WISE OWNER'S lAIN" • WALl.ad flOOR (O,·t~'HGS e NEW (ONSnUniON Electric Hot Water Heafen and Electric Ran&eI Instolled L. • MODERN ("CHINS .n. ' • alTERATIONS •• d REP.HOS ARTt:RS BROTHtmS. II;, Contractor, cr:d P',.,:':' .~:s 302 Gayle)' Street • ~~i=~::a.. r.l. Pbeue: M4!d1a I-all , Interiors Exteriors , 10 ther, Wendy Ford, Mary Lou Friend, Ann Hay, Leigh Hollis, Joan Harrar, Joan Hemenway, Lanie Hopper, Louise Johnson, Beth Jones, Carol Lincoln, Bonnie Moxey, Patsy McGonigle, Nancy Neuweller, Mary Phillips, Sally BAND LAUDED ON PERFORMANCE 'The Swarthmore High School band was highly praised In a reReaser, Nancy Reese, Joanne port recently recelved from the Shearer, Mimi Wisdom and Anne officlals of the Cultural Olympics Driehaus. of the University of Pennsylvania. The F1yup Brownies from RutThe band appeared along with gers and College avenue schoola many other bands at the playlne have been literally busY as bees demonstration on the River Field alnea thelr troop tormed in Octonear Franklin Field early In No- vember. Especially noteworthy were the comments, on the eeneral effect of the band's appearance. The report stated in part: "Excellent. A fine program ,played In a musicianly manner. Congratulations to a band that plays musically on the field Outstanding." The detailed, report states that the rhytbm was very good, steady, and no tendency to rush. The interpretation was excellent; the =. LOCAL BOYS WIN :~!!'~~~:n~,tha: ~~~ VARSITY LETTERS Pa.. • THE SWABTBMOal!2AN Inson and Hofmann, Trainer Wllmore and Mr. Davidason, presentin, them with gifts from the squad. CertIficates awarded to colleg1ate stars were presented to Lou Ferry, 1949 ct.ptaln of Villa Nova'. squad, Bill Doushert;r, an out- alADdin, Villa Nova performer,. Halnes Dickinson, next year's 'Swarthmore Colleee' captain,. Gary, and John CopeJy, FMC ,;V,;O=L;:UME,;;;;'==20==111'=0=,=51==Ij=======:==~SW~AR~TBMORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1948 Gift to an:y9ne who sews the A_:""" MATIC . Threads needles in five seconds, amall, COmpact and SO PLAYERS CLUB IN SMART COMEDY sim- ple a child can operate It. Fully guaranteed. ants, Mrs. LeRoy Peterson and Mrs. Jack McWilliams, the girls I:)ope to be able to pass all Tendertoot requirements in time to be invested before the new year. It will be then that they receive the Girl Scout pin. , ' • Haines Dickinson son ot Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dickinson of College avenue, Alan Hunt son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett H. Hunt of Elm avenue, Philip N. KnIskern son of Mr. and M",,' Philip W. Kniskern of Riverview road, Evans , At the present time ~e Flyups Bum son of Mr. and Mrs. RichChristmas Hours: 9 A M. to 6 P. M. are designing and making their own Christmas cards. They will ard G. Burn Of Lapidea HIlls, WalBeginning December 15th - 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. f!celebrate Christmas together at a lingford, and Harry E. Oppenspecial party planned for Decem- lander, Jr., son of Mr .and Mrs. Harry E. Oppenlander of Yale intonation, "very commendable-- ber 20. avenue, Morton, have been award-I :"--'::::--~:""--;;"'--'-"';;'--""'::""--';"--"':'--"";;'" especially good in Navy hymn." Twenty fathers were present as ed varsity letters for their parThe tone was good quality, color, WALL WASBlNG guests Of their daughters, at Ii ticipation in the fall sport proFLOOR WAXING and control. Thanksgiving dinner in November gram at Swarthmore College. BOUSE CLEANING The report further continues to given in the Girl Scout house. For Service and Satisfaction Phone' Ardmore 2320 Dickinson W>\S co-captaln of the commend the band on its work The entire meal was prepared i>y 1948 football team and Is captainin the special drilL It speaks of the girls themselves under the ARDMORE WINDOW CLEANING CO. elect for next year. He was voted the band appearance as being "an guidance of four mothers who doimpressive drill; left flankS after nated thelr kitchens and services the John Denton Memorial USA good; placement of sousa- on the day of the dinner. The giVE'.n the player best exemplifyphones in 'anchor' excellen~ scouts and their leaders wish to ing the Denton spirit of aggressiveness and fair play. He played - - . . . , / - - . . - -..... ~-.. ~ Instruments rather well placed." thank Mrs. Robert Abbe, Mrs. both guard and center for the The band suffered a bit in its Harry W •• Crowtber, Mrs.-Howard Garnet. rating on ,uniforms, which now E. Shearer, and Mrs. A. 5Y,dney Bum, a freshman, played tackle have been in service for ten years Johnson, Jr., 'for their kind help. and end on the Swarthmore elevand are showing signs of wear Following the dinner the fathers en.. Oppenlander was the he~d and did not appear as bright and joined In singing and games led inanager of the football team. flashlng as the new uniforms of by Susan Braun and her patrol, Both KnIskern and Hunt were such bands as the ~tesville the "Parrots:" Beth Jones and members of the Swarthmore soccer band, Phoenixville band and oth- her ·'Owls". were responsible for team that won the championship ers. On uniforms the rating was the dessert and tahle decorations of the Northeastern Distri<;t at the average. which were carried out In the Middle Atlantic ConferenCe. The school band has had a busy ThanJa,glving theme. Bonnie fall season ot outdoor work under Moxey's "Cracker" patrol pre-' its leader Robert M. Holm and is l'the sailad pnd Bnrsday December 20, DeCember' 23 Windows open until 9 P.M. FrIday, December 24, 1948 Normal Hours Howard M'"Teal, Actg. P.M. Set And Cast Star In Van Druten . Play "Voice of the Turtle," 1he Ned Pyle directed John van Druten play which contlnues at the Players Club tonight and tomorrow, is as a~ctive.ly staged as any hi a ...s of creditable sets by :~~ .,:~ The isillusion of transition space well maintained by and the insight into three rooms; the satIsfaction of variety is assured by the delightful and colorful' decDratinl{ effects (complete even to runnlhlg water in the kitchen). Roy Snape and C. W. Lukens directed the staging with the Invaluable aid of, Ernest and Virginia Federoff, Walter Rauber and David Bingham. Elizabeth Garret Hayes, Barbara B. Kent, and Forrest Compton make up the cast, one of the smallest in Players Club history, and one which earns an accolade for readying a performance in one third the usual time. So small a cast places a heavy burden on an amateur club. Lines are long, business has less chance for va. riety, pacing ts harder to maintain. Added is the fact that Vol"" of the Turtle, with all its established drawin, power and Insouciant chitrm. bolls down to a lot of talk, sophisticated and simple, about love. ' Hayes handles tbe role of SallY Middl.eton ably;' emphasizing her., engaging 'naivete 8I)d l:IUldor. SlIe 'devotes herself to the role with such a "harge of energy as to' accelerate any production, and certainly a week-end. Mr. Compton, a senior at Swarthmore College who has had experience in summer stock, plays Bill with a quiet w,e and gentleness which is qulte',adequate to the stature of the fXqle, and gives it genuine appeaI.:.;iitd force. Mlss>Kent as Olive Lashbrooke, actresS a-prowl, develops .a true sense "ot the ludicrous and the sardonic into a good character performance. Briefer than the other roles, that of the amorous, greedy, thwarted Lashbrooke takes some doing 'to set up the foil against which youth and Spring and love sfsnd tresh and virtuous. ''Voice of the Turtle'l is com.. , mended for ita plentiful chuckles, its su~ior staging, its interesting cast. cLOTJi:IER MEMORIAL, SWARTllMORE COLLEGE FOR HIM FOR HER PIPES FAMOUS NAME PERFUMES TOBBAOOOS ELBCTBIC RAZOR FACE POWDER lIIANlCUltE SB'1'8 SHAVING SETS LIP8'l'lCK 8B'1'8 F01lNTAIN PENS C1GABS COLOGNES SA()BBI'S BOXED STATIONARY DUSTING POWD_ • n •••11 T.I.'•••• CtpJl1i • f 'U.'rlY••II Theatre Phatmacy SEALS Mr.. Children To JOiIl In Theatre Square. Swarthmore 3184 Virginia Allen, coach of the Swarthmore High School girls' sports and teacher ot healtlh and physical education, was honored at the 27th Annual Ban que t of Ute pennsylvanla State Association for Health, PhYsical Education and Recreation, meeting in Phiisdelphla last week. She was given a cltation as contributing OUtstandingly to the progress of health and physical education in the Schools of pennsylvania. Martha Gable of the Philadelphia Board of Education in making the award said: "Miss Allen has contributed much to athletics both as a player and a coach. She is a former AIl-Anlertcan lacrosse player and was a U. S. reserve in hockey." In 'the last 20 yeara none of MIss Allen's lacrosse teama bave been, bea~ . In InterscholsStlc competition. Her players and her f!'ftller Student. are ver'1 proud of this outstanding recoenItiDn which has come to Mis Allen. 19, 1948 For Hospital Monday J\U fu~o tome in t~l! ~it of ~e6er1llttl! The Woman's Clubhouse wore a festive look on Tuesday afternoon when the Club Chorus under the direction of Mrs. Stoyan Russell presented "King Nutcracker," a fantasy for chorus and ballet based on Tchaikowsky's "Nutcracker Suite." ,! The pupils of Marie Louise Forsythe performed the ballet. Those taking part in the ballet were Katie Lyons as Mary Silberhaus, Charlotte Brodhead as the animated nutcracker, Penny Mor_ row and Polly Emery as the Arabian dolls, Elizabeth ADn Forsythe as the Russian doll, Gail Iredale as the Chinese doll, and Elizabeth Boyle the candy fairy. Nancy' Baker, Molly Banks, Barbara Cabots, Penny Morrow, Polly Emery, E Iizabeth Ann Forsythe portrayed the woodland flowers . Lees as th e solo flower. WI·th Dons Greens were massed across the entire backdrop of the stage, in .. terspersed with colorful Ohristmas ornaments. To the left of the stage, and Iorming port of the setting for the ballet, was a Christmas tree with old-fashioned trimmings of cranberries and popcom. Mrs.~. L. Wilkinson and Mrs. A. B. Reavis, poured and Mrs. Charles' G. Thatcher and Mrs. John S. Vertner were co-hostesses .at the 'tea which- followed, caroi 5~nging by the full assemblage. ',; Many gifts were collected for the boys atGlen Mills School wIho will Dot reCeive presents from bome. Under the auspices of the Garden Section, the club members ,are asked to help make wreaths for the wards at Philadelphia General Hospital at 10 a. m" next Monday, December 20. Members are expeeted to come to the clubbouse and bring evergreens, ribbons, jar rubbers, small pine cones, and artiliclal or natural berries. They should. 8Jso bring a sandwich, as .."'offee and dessert Wl'll be' served. Mrs. D. Reed Geer is chairman. mtb ~.orS~ip arl! ~IIMt11ml! Call Santa Carols, Enjoy Santa NUTCRACKER AT WOMEN'S CLUB AT 5 AND AT , O'CLOOK ~;:;:=~~~~~~===~ ;;MOTHERSHOLD YUlET'I'DE PARTY $3.00 PER YEAB To Make Wreaths SUNDAY, DECEMBER Soon Santa Claus will be on hand to bestow gifts at the Mother's Club For the deadline is 5 p. m., Christmas party which will be Wednesday, December 22, and alheld in the Woman's Club Wednes- ready Santa is shoeing his reinafternoon, December 23, at 3.30 deers, polishing his sleigh bells p. m. Mothers and children will and sharpening the runners in tch a preparation for his annual odyssey · ga th er t 0 smg caroI 5, t 0 wa . . d t · magICIan an 0 glVe as we11 as to to the borough homes in Swarth. recelve presents . more. Each child bas been requested Santa's personal phone, Swarth· 25 ' wr'dPped as a more 1936" has been ringing merto b ring cents Christmas gift. The money will rily and busily for several days be 'used by the Welfare Commit- now, and Mrs. Claus herself, with tee of the Mothe,'s Club to pro- occasional help from a stray elf vide gifts for a needy family in or two, has been answering calls the vicinity. Under the direction from parents and hopeful chlldien of co-chairmen Mrs. D. Mace asking Santa to include their home Gowing and Mrs. William Mc- 'on his .ever-Iengthenlng list. Clarin, Jr., a committee is at work Santa grieves that he has to set planning genuine Christmas fun 'a deadline at all, but as insurance for, both children and mothers i~ against his getting rushed and the club's initial Yuletide party. flustered, and'so that he can wind Mrs. Clair -Wilcox addressed up the tho~and and iJ4e lost-milithe . regular meeting of the ute. items that require his own Mother's Club on '.rhursday eve. particular attention, he has found ning, December 9, in the Woman'~ It necessary to call Wednesday at Clu.b. Speaking of uChildren anC;l five as the last possible time. Art," Mrs. Wilcox stressed the! d ' Band In Holiday, Concert therapeutic qualities of arts an! hild b ed th t th crafts and urg a e c ~ The 45-piece college band pre.. ' 0 f expresSIon . offered med la w hi-~ \;.u ·sented a concert in Clothier Me. t 0 creat e f reeIy. morial, Thursday morning, under would allow him She suggested clay and poster the direction of R. M. Holm. paints with large brushes as exBringing a successful season to 'Is f or th e pre- a close with this performance at cellent matena school child. the last Collection before the holiMrs. Wilcox told mothers to cul- days the band played "Semper FItivate appreciation of children's delis Maria," tlTwo Moods Selecartistic efforts, so that they may tiOD," - "Trojan Prince Overture." win the confidence and un.der-: and several novelty numbers. The standing of their children. Her braSs ensemble played "Gloria." . remarks were illustrated by a dis- "Adeste Fidelis," HOeck th e Halls" (Continued on page 8) with assembly singing. HANNAH MICKLE ,DIES AT AGE 93 45 Years' Resident Succumbs At Home Mrs. Hannah J. Mickle, widow Of Joseph E. Mickle, died early Saturday morning at her home at 318 Yale avenue. 'She had been an invalid for the past four and haH years following a fall in which she suffered a broken hip. She' was 93. ' Mrs. Mickle, daughter of the late Levis and Ann McIlvain Miller, was born on what was then known as Greendale Farm, Upper Providence Townehip. A resident of Swarthmore for the past 45 years. she was a member of the Swarthmore Friends Meeting. Surviving are, two sons: J. Evans Mickle ot Media and Erancis ·K. Mickle of the Yal~ avenue addre:ss; a daughter, Mrs. C. Wal,ter Darnall of Drexel, Hill; four grandchlldrel!, and 12 greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were· held Tuesday. Interment was made in . the Friends Burying Ground in M arple. Duck Club Plans, Dance Everyone is welcome at the New Year's Eve dance which will be held by the Duck Club at Penn State Center from 10 p. m. to 2 a. m. Russ Hannan's Orchestra, featuring Doris Bell as voeal1st, will play. The committee Is putting forth a special effort to make this dance a gala occasion. Santa Claus To Make Daytime Visit To Swarthmore EIGHT QUALIFY ' FOR ORCHESTRA Swarthmore High Sch,ooJ will be well represented in the District Orchestra Festival to be held in Clothier .Memorial, January 22. Eight local musicians qualified for membership in the group of over a 100 members, at the competitive tryouts held at the high school last Saturday. David Spencer was selected as Virginia Allan Honored On party-linete1epbones,courtosy pays dividendo I Be brief •.• Space call•• , • Hang up gently • , • Take tbe lead In good party-line mannen. It 1rill mean betteroervl.. tor all. CHRISTMAS mainstay. =piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TIIBE.AD - BOY , .THE SWARTHMO Swarthmore ,papsing' wlzanl Sam Ii 1948's , conce~astert 'and Russell Snydel', viotit; Bill Potts, clarinet, and santa Claus of Christm:u' l~e, North pole will make hIS : : : da;ytime visit to Swarthmore ~......... v December 23. dren on .J:u-w.--....... , Making his temporary headquar"annum 8I)d Waite's on tersat n , South Chester road and Yale avenue, Santa will chat with, local children from 1 until 6 p. m. renewing acquaintances, making new frlenlls ,and checking youngsters' lists for possible cleri~ Jerome Goodman, cello. were chosen to head their respective SE!ctions. Eric SharpleB$~ trombone; Ruth GalTett, viollD; Harold Ogram, oboe, and John Steinfield, d01.lble bass, also placed and will participate with the festival group. Over 20 schools in a three-county area sent candidates to compete. A group of interested orchestra parents met at the home of Steven Spencer of Ogden avenue for the purpose of setting up plans for the forthcoming festival. Tickets will be placed on sale tmmedIately after the holidays. Mrs. Jack errors made by his busy Christmas Thompson, chairman cit the Banelves. quet Committee rePorted aDd . The picture above was snapped plans were set up to fete the festiat Santa's 1947 visit in Swarth- val orchestra with a dlnner in' the more. high school cafeterfs immediately preceding the concert. ,., . • , ., INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ownrthr.lore C"lleCE! Library SWarth more, Pa. • 10 .DECEMBEB 10, INS THE SWARTHMOREAN BAND LAUDED ON PERFORMANCE ther, Wendy Ford, Mary Lou inson and Hobnann, TraIner Wil- standing Villa Nova performer,. Friend, Ann Hay, Leigh Hollis, more and Mr. Davidsson, present- Haines Dickiru;on, next year's Joan Harrar, Joan Hemenway, ing them with gifts from the squad. Swarthmore College captain, Lanie Hopper. Louise J OhnsOD, Certificates awarded to collegiSwarthmore passing' wizard Sam Beth Jones, Carol Lincoln, Bonnie ate stars were presented to Lou Moxey, Patsy McGonigle, Nancy Ferry, 1949 captain of Villa Nova'. Gary, and John Copely, FMC Neuweiler, Mary Phillips, Sally squad, Bill Dougherty, an out- mainstay. Reaser, Nancy Reese, Joanne Shearer, Mimi Wisdom and Anne Driehaus. 1948's Gift to anyone who sews the The Swarthmore High School band was highly praised in a report recently received from the officials of the Cultural Olympics of the University of Pennsylvania. The Flyup Brownies from RutThe band appeared along with gers and College avenue schools THREAD - A - MATIC many other bands at the playing have been literally busy as bees Threads needles in five seconds, small, compact and so simdemonstration on the River Field since their troop formed in Octonear Franklin Field early in No- ber. With the help of their leader, ple a child can operate it. Fully guaranteed. vember. Mrs. Donald P. Jones, and assistEspecially noteworthy were the ants, Mrs. LeRoy Peterson and Haines Dickinson son of Mr. and comments on the lieneral effect Mrs. Jack McWilliams, the girls Mrs. Walter H. Dickinson of Colof the band's appearance. The hope to be able to pass all Tenderreport stated in part: "Excellent. foot requirements in time to be lege avenue, Alan Hunt son of A fine program played in a musi- invested before the new year. It Mr. and Mrs. Everett H. Hunt of cianly manner. Congratulations to will be then that they receive the Elm avenue, Philip N. Kniskern son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. a band that plays musically on Girl Scout pin. Kniskern of Riverview road, Evans the field Outstanding." At the present time the Flyups Christmas Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. The detailed report states that are designing and making their BUrn son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Burn or Lapidea Hills, Walthe rhythm was very good, steady, own Chrisbnas cards. They will "" Beginning December 15th - 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. and no tendency to rush. The celebrate Christmas together at a lingford, and Harry E. Oppeninterpretation was excellent; the special party planned for Decem- lander, Jr., son of Mr .and Mrs. Harry E. Oppenlander of Yale intonation, "very commendable- ber 20. avenue, Morton, have been awardespecially good in Navy hymn." Twenty fathers were present as ed varsity letters for their parWALL WASHING The tone waS good. quality, color, guests of their daughters· at a ticipation in the fall sport proFLOOR WAXING and control. Thanksgiving dinner in November gram at Swarthmore College. HOUSE CLEANING The report further continues to given in the Girl Scout house. For Service and Satisfaction Phone Ardmore 2320 Dickinson was co-captain of the commend the band on its work The entire meal was prepared by ARDMORE WINDOW CLEANlNG CO. in the special drill. It speaks of the girls themselves under the 1948 football team and is captainelect for next year. He was voted the band appearance as being "an guidance of four mothers who doArdmore, Penn!'oylvania 135 Drexel Road impressive drill; left flanks after nated their kitchens and services the John Denton Memorial Award USA good; placement of sousa- on the day of the dinner. The given the player best exemplifyphones in 'anchor' excellent-all scouts and their leaders wish to ing the Denton spirit of aggresinstruments rather well placed." thank Mrs. Robert Abbe, Mrs. siveness and fair play. He played both guard and center for the The band suffered a bit in its Harry W .• Crowther, Mrs." Howard Oarnet. rating on ,unifOmlS, which now E. Shearer, and Mrs. A. Syd&ey Burn, a freshman, played tackle have been in service for ten years Johnson, Jr., for their kind help. and end on the Swarthmore elevand are showing signs of wear Following the dinner the fathers en.. Oppenlander was the head and did not appear as bright and joined in singing and games led manager of the football tean•. flashing as the new uniforms of by Susan Braun and her patrol, Both KnIskern and Hunt were such bands as the Coatesville the "Parrots." Beth Jones and members of the Swarthmore soccer band, Phoenixville band and oth- her "Owls". were responsible for team that won the championship ers. On uniforms the rating was the dessert and table decorations of the Northeastern District of the average. which were carried out in the Middle Atlantic Conference. The school band has had a busy Thanksgiving theme. Bonnie fall season of outdoor work under Maxey's "Cracker" patrol pre-• • its leader Robert M. Holm and is ~~ ,'the saUad ~nd BQV<¥-Iy. Local CItIzens now beginning rehearsals for Its Crowther'" "Cardinals" cooked Honor Team appearance as a concert band in the main course. (Continued from page one) ¥~~Ij: the early spring. With its ap•••• The troop and its leaders wish Sq uad and announced the election pearance at several public fWlC- to express their thanks and apPAULSON'S n.v., buy flUl' by the "bundl." tions in the community, including preciation to all the mothers and of next year's co-captains Bill McBETTER RUGS,. ••• ,..ver ha ..... unduirabf. rU95 10 ·'dear Henry and Dick McCray, taking the Hallowe'en Parade, U1e par- to the committee which recently Qut." All Oriantals individually , .. Ieril'!d ents generally feel that the band sponsored a benefit bridge in be- over the position so capably filled for beauty. for weer. for vatu.. W. ~l" • little moro: W8 taka ",or. pains; we cll~play is a real community asset, an or- half of the troop. Mrs. B. Harrar, this season by Avery Blake, Jr. Special certificates were given batter rugs. ganization that should be encour- Jr., chairman of the Committee, to John Wilmore, trainer of the lETTER VALUE •• PAULSON'S have achieved .an ul\ulu"lIy aged and supported in every way, was aided by Mrs. Russell PhiI,lips fevorabl. turnover r.te, t:nabhnlJ l,a to set varsity squad. and to Waldo DavidMrs. David Wisdom, Mrs. Thomas son, faithful and tireless follower our priu~ lowe, thin is ~rdin.'il! ~Oft. ,ida,.d good busin.ss proc;.hce. ThiS ., • Hopper and Mrs. Neuwiler. of Swarthmore grid fortunes, for rerlecfi..:.n again of cafeful buyihg. Allo, To Hostess Wives Program Members of the flyups are: Anna their outstanding service to the, .(, til. word , •• ms to b. qetting around. Mrs. Robert C. Disque of Strath Mae Allison, Judy Abbe, Barbara squad. 1948 captain, Blake, ex-':: lETTER SERVICE,. You dul with principal, at PAULSON S. Haven avenue is chainnan for the Bloom, Susan Braun, Evelyn Bul- pressed the sentiments of the memWhether it b. Paul M. 'aul,o". Founder. all-day program for the wives of litt; Nancy Bunker, Beverly Crow- bers of the team to Coaches Robor Paul K. Paulson, Menag.'. th. ,ug' ar. displayed by one, ~ho know ~rient~ll. and the American Society for Engiwho are genuinely Interested In Mrvll'~g .you neering Education conferees meetwell ••• 10 that "he word may cont1nue ing at Drexel Institute tomorrow. GIFTS THAT PLEASE to g.t around. She will be assisted by Mrs. E. Whe. YOI huy flu ruqs ••• Co .... to s•• ra.. re. Open 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. Until Christmas O. Lange of Baltimore ptke LOCAL BOYS WIN VARSITY LETTERS * * * ) when you buy gU{;§ .t. w. To your party·line neighbors be a good friend And don't ramble on and on without end. HOLLYHOCK Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. McFadden, Propretors ~- FOR HIM ..mHl ..mmamwmwm~~~~I~~~mR~••~~"· On party-linetelephones,cour_ tesy pays dividends! Be brief •.. Space calls ... Hang up gently . . . Take the lead in good party-line manner8. It will mean better sernce for all. w"" tv.,. (PA"'son It Coml!~!1I'- SHOP SWARTHMORE - PENNA. CCI'" 10 .pedal .,••• on" h.,d·'o·fh.", lI" Jour ,.qulte".en', UI. 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, P•• Swarthmore 0730 or 0529 .- Clearbrook 41>41> ' - Value Headquarten for Fine Rugs ~ FOR HER ~~mwm PIPES FAMOliS NAME PERFUMES TOBBACCOS FACE POWDER ELECTRIC RAZOR MANICURE SETS SRAVING SETS LIPSTICK SETS FOUNTAIN PENS COLOGNES CIGABS BOXED STATIONARY SACHETS of P•• as,I"111 Theatre Pharmacy THE SWARTHMOR VOLUME 20-NO. 51 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, DECEl\IBER 17, 1948 PLAYERS IN SMART COMEDY SWARTIIMORE POST OFFICE HOURS Christmas Window Service Sa.turday, December 18, 1948 Wmdows open until 6 P.M. Sunday t December 19, 1948 12:00 noon until 5:00 P.M. Monday thru Thursday. December 20, December 23 Windows open until 9 P.M. Friday. December 24, 1948 Normal Hours Howard M. Teal, Actg. P.M. Set Aud Cast Star In Van Druten Play UVoice of the Turtle," the Ned Pyle directed John van Druten play which continues at the PlayerS Club tonight and tomorrow, is as attractively staged as any in a long series of creditable sets· by this club. The illusion of transition and space is well maintained by the insight into three rooms; the satisfaction of variety is assured by the delightful and colorful decorating effects (complete even to runninig water in the kitchen). Roy Snape and C. W. Lukens directed the staging with the invaluable aid of Ernest and Virginia Federoff, Walter Rauber and David Bingham. Elizabeth Garret Hayes, Barbara B. Kent, and Forrest Compton make up the cast, one of the smallest in Players Club history, and one which earns an accolade for readying a performance in one third the usual time. So small a cast places a heavy burden on an amateur club. Lines are long;, business has less chance for variety, pacing is harder to maintain. Added is the fact that Voice of the Turtle, with all its established drawing power and insouciant charm, boils down to a lot of talk, sophisticated and simple, about love. Mrs. Hayes handles the role of Sally Middleton ably, emphasizing her engaging naivete and candor. She devotes herself to the role with such a charge of energy as to accelerate any production, and certainly a week-end. Mr. Compton, a senior at Swarthmore College who has had experience in sununer stock, plays Bill with a quiet ease and gentleness which is quite adequate to the stature of the :'role, and gives it genuine appeal .and force. Miss Kent as Olive Lashbrooke, actress a-prowl, develops a true sense of the ludicrous and the sardonic into a good character per.. formance. Briefer than the other roles, that of the amorous, greedy, thwarted Lashbrooke takes some doing to set up the foil against which youth and Spring and love stand fresh and virtuous. "Voice of the Turt1e'~ is commended for its plentiful chuckles, its superior staging, its interesting cast. MOTHERS HOLD YULETIDE PARTY Chihlren To Join In Carols, Enjoy Santa CLOTWER MEMORIAL, SWARTHMORE COLLEGE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1948 AT 5 AND AT 7 O'CLOCK J\U fu~o tOme iu tIre ~pirit of ~e6ereme UUl) Call Santa Soon ~nrsltip ure '-eltome HANNAH MICKLE DIES AT AGE 93 45 Years' Resident Santa Claus will be on hand to Succumbs At bestow gUts at the 1\fother's Club For the deadline is 5 p. m., Christmas party which will be \Vednesday, December 22, and al_ 1 Home held in the Woman's Club \Vednes- ready Santa is shoeing his reinMrs. Hannah J. Mickle, widow of afternoon, December 23, at 3.30 deers, polishing his sleigh bells p. m. Mothers and children will and sharpening the runners in Joseph E. Mickle, died early Satgather to sing carols, to watch a preparation for his annual odyssey urday morning c:t her home at 318 magician and to give as well as to to the borough homes in Swarth- Yale avenue. She had been an invalid for the past four and half receive presents. more. Santa's personal phone, Swarth- yeaI"S following a fall in which she Each child has been requested to bring 25 cents wrapped as a more 1936" has been ringing mer- suffered a broken hip. She was Christmas gift. The money will rHy and busily for several days 93. Mrs. Mickle, daughter of the be used by the Welfare Commit- now, and Mrs. Claus herself, with lah: Levis and Ann McIlvain Miltee of the Mother's Club to pro- occasional help from a stray elf ler, was born on what was then vide girts Cor a needy family in or two, has been answering calls known as Greendale Fann. Upper the vicinity. Under the direction' from parents and hopeful children of co-chairmen Mrs. D. Mace asking Santa to include their home Providence Township. A resident of Swarthmore for the past 45 Gowing and Mrs. William Mc- on his ever-lengthening list. Clarin, Jr.• a committee is at work Santa grieves that he has to set years, she was a member of the planning genuine Christmas fun ·a deadline at 011, but as insurance Swarthmore Friends Meeting. for both children and mothers in I against his getting rushed and Surviving are two sons: J. the club's initial Yuletide party. flustered, and so that he can wind Evans Mickle of :r.iedia and FranMrs. Clair Wilcox addressed up the thousand ana one lost-min- cis K. Mickle of the Yale avenue the regular meeting of the ute items that require his own address; a daughter, l\.frs. C. WalMother's Club on Thursday eve- particular attention, he has found ter Darnall o( Drexel Hill; four ning, December 9, in the Woman'$ it necessary to call Wednesday at grandchildren, and 12 greatgrandchildren. Club. Speaking of "Children and five as the last possible time. Art," Mrs. Wilcox stressed the 1 Funeral services were held therapeutic qualities o[ arts and! Band In Holiday Concert Tuesday. Interment was made in crafts and urged that the child be I The 45-piece college band pre- the Friends Burying Ground in offered media ?f expression which I sented a concert in Clothier Me- Marple. would allow him to create freely. morial, Thursday morning, under She suggested clay and poster the direction oC R. M. Holm. Dnck Club Plans Dance paints with large brushes as exBringing a successful season to Everyone is welcome at the cellent materials for the pre- a close with this performance at New Year's Eve dance which will school child. the last Collection before the holibe held by the Duck Club at Mrs. Wilcox told mothers to cul- I days the band played "Semper FiPenn State Center from 10 p. m. tivate appreciation o( children's' delis Maria;' "Two Moods Selecto 2 a. m. Russ Hannan's Orchesartistic eHorts, so that they may lion," "Trojan Prince Overture," tra, featuring Doris Bell as vocalwin the confidence and under- ~nd several novelty numbers. The ist, will play. The committee is standing of their children. Her brass ensemble played uGloria.u putting forth a special effort to remarks were illustrated by a dis- .. Adeste Fidelis," "Deck the Halls" make this dance a gala O'ccasion. (Continued on page 8) ! with assembly singing. ------~----~----- _.._. -- Sa~t~ Claus -To Make Daytime Visit To Swarthmore Virginia Allan Honored DUSTING POWDER • Thl Bin TlllphD •• c •• , ••, ore 1 71949 Theatre Square Swarthmore 3184 Virginia Allen, coach of the Swarthmore High School girls' sports and teacher of health and physical education, was honored. at the 27th Annual Ban que t of the Pennsylvania State association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, meeting in Philadelphia last week. She was given a citation as contributing outstandingly to the progress of health and physical education in the schools of PennsYlvania. Martha Gable of the Philadelphia Board of Education in making the award said: uMiss Allen has contributed much to athletics both as a player and a coach. She is a former All-American lacrosse Player and was a U. S. reserve in hockey." In the last 20 years none of Miss Allen's lacrosse teams have been beaten in interscholastic competition. Her players and her former students are very proud of this outstanding recognition which has come to Miss Allen. • lane. South Chester road and Yale aveSant a C laus of Christmas . th'rd nue, Santa will chat with local North pole will make hIS 1. . . ·t to Swarthmore chtl- children from I until 6 ,po m. redaytime VIS' Thu rsday December 23. newing acquaintances, making dren on ' new friends ,and checking youngMaking his te:nporary head?uarsters' lists for possible clerical ters at Hannum and WaIte s on BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS $3,00 PER YEAB NUTCRACKER AT WDMEN'S CLUB To Make Wreaths Fol' Hospital Monday The Woman's Clubhouse wore a fe!tive look on Tuesday afternoon when the Club Chorus under the direction of Mrs. 5toyan Russell presented "King Nutcracker," a fantasy for chorus and ballet based on Tchaikowsky's "Nutcracker Suite:' . The pupils of Marie Louise Forsythe performed the ballet. Those taking part in tile ballet were Katie Lyons as Mary Silberhaus, Charlotte Brodhead as the animated nutcracker, Penny Morrow and Polly Emery as the Arabian dolls. Elizabeth Ann Forsythe as the Russian doll, Gail Iredale as the Chinese doll, and Elizabeth Boyle the candy fairy. Nancy Baker. Molly Banks, Barbara Cabats, Penny Morrow, Polly Emery, Elizabeth Ann Forsythe portrayed the woodland fJowers with Doris Lees as the solo flower. Greens were massed across the entire backdrop o( the stage, interspersed with colorful Christmas ornaments. To the left of the stage, and forming part of the setting for the ballet, was a Christmas trce with old-fashioned trimmings of cranberries and popcorn. Mrs. R. L. Wilkinson and Mrs. A. B. Reavis poured and Mrs. Charles O. Thatcher and Mrs. John S. Vertner were co-hostesses at the tea which followed carol singing by the full assemblage. Many gifts were collected for the boys at Glen Mills School who will not receive presents from home. Under the auspices of the Garden Section, the club members are asked to help make wreaths for the wards at Philadelphia General Hospital at 10 a. m., next Monday, December 20. Members are expected to come to the clubhouse and bring evergreens, ribbons, jar rubbers, small pine cones, and artificial or natUral berries. They should also bring a sandwich, as coffee and dessert will be served. Mrs. D. Reed Geer is chairman. EIGHT QUALIFY FOR ORCHESTRA Swarthmore High Schpol will be well represented in the District Orchestra Festival to be held in Clothier Memorial, January 22. Eight local musicians qualified for membership in the group of over a 100 members at the competitive tryouts held at the high school last Saturday. David Spencer was selected as concertmaster, and Russell Snyder, viola; Bill Potts, clarinet, and Jerome Goodman, cello. were chosen to head their respective sections. Eric Sharpless, trombone; Ruth Garrett, violin; Harold Ogram, oboe, and John Steinfield, dOl....,le bass, also placed and will participate with the festival group. Over 20 schools in a three-county area sent candidates to compete. A group of interested orchestra parents n"let at the home of Steven Spencer of Ogden avenue for the purpose of setting up plans for the forthcoming festival. Tickets will be placed on sale immediately after the holidays. Mrs. Jack errors made by his busy Christmas Thompson, chairman of the Banelves. quet Committee reported and The picture above was snapped plans were set up to fete the festiat Santa's 1947 visit in Swarth- val orchestra with a dinner in the more. high school cafeteria immediately preceding the concert. DECEMBER 1'1, INS , z DECEMBtBI7;,IM8 THE SWARTBMORE4AN areen spend several weeks, with a BUlt of dark and wiIll ""'rrYl ~~~~~~~~ NEWS NOTES son-In-law and daughter, Mr. poinsettia.. . Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Gay, Mrs. Richard D. Scales and fIIIln-1 Mr. Robert Clark Reed of Wallingford HllIB, wbo~t::~II1y'Of319 North Prospect lege avenue, will serve.as last' weekend Mrs. GaTs Park Ridge, m' man. In-law and Blster, Dr. ....t Mrs. Norman H. Borden Following a wedding trip, the < Stanley P. Davies, of White PrInceton avenue bas returned couple will live at 29 College aveN. Y., will have as their from a two-week trip thro\l«h nue, where they' bave taken from next Monday until. New England states. apartment. The bridegroom Is Year's, their son-In-lsw Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faulkner student at Penn State Center. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. DIckinsOn avenue' will P. Frederick, Jr., of Stete informally on Sunday. BIRTHS Dr. Walter G. Hiscock who Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert and Andrew\ McKeever Irving, • been the guest of Mr. and daughter, Jessie Gilbert of Parkl son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walker Penfield of avenue, leave Monday for Irving of New Haven, Conn., road sailed for his home In Eng- burgh to attend the wedding born December 10, In the I>r:JlII land last week on the Queen Mrs. Gilbert's niece, Miss MaUlda Mawr Hospital abeth. Mr. and Mrs. Penfield Wilcox.to Dr. Richard Mrs. Irving was the former Marand Mrs. Preston SpoUord on Tuesday. Ian Kirk of Swarthmore. to New York to see him oU. Mrs. WiDiam I. Hllll of The baby is the grandson of Mr. Hiscock is manager of the lane, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. William P. Hayes of ial Smelting Corporation, Ltd., Jackson of North Chester Swarthmore avenue. England. entertained a grOUP of friends Mr. and Mrs. William S. FawMrs. Helen Goodwin of the Hull home Saturday cett, of Glenolden, formerly . SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BUFFET· . lane entertained ''The with pictures shown by Dr. Park avenue, are receiving • at a luncheon-bridge on Schairer of Princeton. Mrs. gratulstions on the birth.of a Thursday, December 2:Ird. 5:30 to 7:30 ,Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van entertained at a dinner party Richard Alan, on November 12. entertained at a dessert bridge 10 guests preceding the The baby Is the grandson of their home on Park avenue entertainment. . and Mrs. J. L. Brinsfield of Gu1miIi day evening. Mr. and Mrs. James A. avenue and Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. Bruce D. Smith of of Cedar lane, will leave Fawcett of Ridley Park, Princeton avenue entertained at for Columbus, Ohio, where Mr .and Mrs. Robert S. Bird' A Traditional Christmas Dinner tea and bridal shower on J. Davies and his wife and three Lafayette avenue, announce day in honor of Miss will visit their .on, Major Frank birth of a second daughter, Bev-I Saturday, December 25th, Christmas Day-l:oo to 7:30 Lynda Crop of Philadelphia children over the holidays. erly Alice Bird on Friday, marriage will to take Mr. Richard Stockton Mr•. J. David Narbeth of Harry Haney 10, atisthe TallY~!lo:r~d~~~~~~I~~iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii left Sunday withMcWilllams, his parents Jr.• cember The baby the ~ return to his home in Skytop of Mrs. Alice M. Baid of , avenue is a patient In the PrIce Memorial Hosplte1 a serious abdominal operation. is hoped that Mrs. Narbeth will home in time for Christmas. Mrs. Willlam H. West of Princeton avenlle is vlslJing son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Mrs. John Ayrault of Sea Ga., who are moving tbls week Riehmon, d V a. E1linor Karns, a freshman Mount Holyoke College, was member of the cast of the man Club's Sixteenth Christmas nativity play which presented on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and family of Chicago, m., arrive tomorrow to spend a week holiday with Mrs. parents, Mr. BIld Mrs. Lyle Whltslt of Elm avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burriss West Benjamin West avenue have turned from a fishing trip to tauk, L. I. Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth Elm avenlle is hostess at a meeting of the Art Club at home today. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cook, and baby son of benison slty, Granville, Ohio, will tomorrow to spend the holidays with Mrs. Cook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood H. Garrett of PrInceton avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Brown, Jr., of Lexington, Va., will tiJe holidays with the parents, Mr .and Mrs. Harry F. Brown, of North Chester Harry, Jr., is a student at ington and Lee. ' ' Constance Spiller, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Spiller, Ogden avenue, was recently an All Holyoke award in She Is a senior at Mount College. Mrs. Arthur W. Kent of avenue, left early this week a week's visit to his mouth avenue. Mrs. John H. McWilliams, of Hen-I ----"-jamin West avenue. CHRISTENED Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth Tbe Rev. JOSeph Bishop offlciEin> avenue, attended the ated at the fOllOwing~:~E: annual workshop conference of in the Swarthmore Commision on Professional S:~I Church, Sunday morning, ard. of the Pennsylvania ber 12. Education Association held Edward Lawrence Legg, Jr., Harrisburg last' Friday and Eunice Lee Legg, children of Mr. urday. Mrs. Denworth Is and Mrs. Edward L. Legg, of tary of the Swarthmore avenue. The babies are the grandBoard. children of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wayne H. RBIldall of T. Wolf of Park avenue; erview road, has returned Margaret McWilliams, daughter following a two-month visit to of Mr. and Mrs. John Me,WIlllallll8 West Coast. She visited of Swarthmore avenue" ,an~~d~~:::1 daughter, Mrs. Charles H. child of Mrs. John H. III nan and baby daughter, Carol, of Benjamin West avenue; J.J11l111 San Francisco, and her brother, Kippax, Jr., son of Mr. III!d Mr. H. P. Sheldon of Altadena, Lynn Kippax of Media, Calif. grandson of Mrs. John L. ~::I Mr, and Mrs. W. Henry Linton, of Harvard avenue, and .A Jr., and small son, Dollilas, Edward Trumpler, son of Mr. Cambridge, Mass., will spend Mrs. William Tl'I11Ylpler or MEodia'.1 ·holidays ,with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Linton, of Benjamin W''''ll To PI esent The Messiah avenue, and Mr. .and Mrs. The choir of the Brewster for a rew days. Church will present excerP'~~~1 Judith Dickson, daughter of ''The Messiah" at the and Mrs. Pemberton M. Christmas Vesper Service, of Princeton avenue, has DeMcembe~}9tat 4 Ps' ~ chosen a member of the varsity ary ".as ers, enlor hockey team at MacMurray Col- at the Curtls Institute of lege, Jacksonville, Ill., where will participate. The is a freshman. will join In the singing of mas carols. TOMORROW'S BRIDE i======~1 Miss Betty Ann Putt, daugl~terl FOR MAGAZINE of Mr. and Mr•. Elmer W. of Media, and Mr. James Price. SUBSCRIPTIONS . foster son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolbert I Mrs- Lloyd E. Ka1lffman H. Reed of College avenue, SwartluDore Z080 be married tomorrow afternoon 4 o'clock at the bome of Mr. Mrs. James W. Baker O'ff~~~:~1 'k Farms, Avondale, Pa., g. I of the hrlde. I The brid.. will wear a gold brocaded suit and will carry white camellias with holly. Miss Harriet Diem of Wa1llngfor.d, as maid of ~onor, will wear MEDIA « c., • - (leata Sunday Only! I Femtw. I AloboU .. CaateIIe "PAlIDON XI' SABONG" shown at 4:DO-7:0D-8:25 sad 0IIJa .. 1~0l0~~ "IIIU.ZUOl'I'U mown at 2:30 and 8:25 oaqTuea:dQ' and WecJneedQ • 'hi. • a Christinas.Glow Call Swarthmore 0476 Jeanne CraIn Wllllpm Bolden ........ Gwenn "APAB.'l'MBNT FOB PEGGY" in technicolor Feature times Sat. Nite only 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. Sat. Mat. 1 P.M. (lHQ,DIlD'S BHOW GeDe AJda7 '"l'WiLIGBT _ the RIO GItANDB" plus SerIal, Cartoons. and Free Comic Books Monday and Tuesday , Wm. Saroyan'. "'1'II1D 01' YOtJa UI'B" 1 - Cqae)' ., .. December Zl at 6:30-reopen December Z7at 11:00 a.m. May we suggest ordering your ~oagies by phone sO we, can have them ready when you call for them? Hoagies w)11 be so easy to serve the family after the Community Carol Sing. A Hoagie will hit the spot after trimming the tree. . Church Services Phone: Swarthmore 3Z16 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS REFRIGEEATOB,~ME Thomas F. Conway, Radio & Electric Sales and Service __ PHONE 8456-W ------.- .. - --=....:=. - -.- 'o:.,-..'..-_~ •.• _ _ _ A FRIENDLY WARNING , • Many of childhood's infectious whooping cough. It is much PLANTS Swarthmore 0460 Iii It ~~r~~~'--~-".~'-~,-~~~~jJ theria, smallpox, typhoid, or Balto. Pike, Springfield Call Theatre Pharmacy FRJ!EZBB or ELECTRIC R,\NGE child needs to sufl'er with diph- CANDLES THE "CAKE BOX" Wll.LCLOSE diseases can be prevented. No FLOWERS WREATHS GREENS Cookies and Cakes Fancy Small Cakes Homemade Ice Cream 9 Chester Road Priday and Saturday OK KIDDIE SHOW Saturday Afternoon at 1:15 8 - Cadeona -8 AmI & SerIal In Addltlon to the Regular Feature All ClIlIdna It ~auty tights ·3 PARK AVENuE , , ea8-, ier' to prevent these diseases than to cure them. Your doctor kno"':" ,lUll: exactly the thing to do. Don't wait' for an, epidemic before you protect your child against d' _ :IIC. See your d octor thi8 --.' ' ~ .- •• today ••• - . We carry all rel»gnUed imnmnilin& asentl , .. '"- 'It ·College Ph.,••8Y O)f'l'BE~ • Plum Pudding and Fruit Cake Christmas Candies and Canes Norris Christmas Chocolates BEAUTY. SALON College .Theatre , Last 2 Days! Friday and Saturday BartoOIra StanW)'cIo: Bert Lancaster "SOBBY, WlIONG NUMBBB" The Bouqu·et For the BOMB Give a KelvinatDr - DEFINITELY NOT HIGH PRICED THE OLIVER H. BAliR CO. Strath Haven Inn HOAGIE HUT THE 'SWARTHMOREAN • YOUR,CAR WHILE YOU SHOP • bave dlacontinued their meetIniI until January 9. The Men's Club will bave their PUIILl8iUII JlVDy FRIDAY AT 8WAB'11DIOIlE, PA monthly dlnner meeting on Mon'nIB SWAB'11DIOB.BAN. INC., l't:.iSLt811EB , Phone~.... ' day at 6.30 p. m. The ancient ceremony of the Boar-s Head ProcesPlITEB Eo TOLD, EdItor 8ion will be held, and a turkey Some, who have been impreued by , lIIAILJOBlB TOLD, BARBARA KlINT, AlIoooIaIe I!ditonl dlnner will be served. Carols will Ro8a1ie Pelraol Lorene McCarter Edith WhItaker our efflci~, modem equipment and be sung, and the sound motion Entered as SeClilld Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post picture "Scrooge" will be shown. beal/Hful appointments. may have come Office at SWarthmore. Pa., UDder the Act of March 3, 1878. The boys of the parish are guests 10 the conclusion that our funeral ..rvof the men at tbls dlnner. DEAP~~NESDAYNOON Ices are expensive. The Feast of St. Thomas will SWARTHMOBB, PA., FlUDAY, DECBMBBB 17, 1948 be observed on Tuesday with the - - -- - - - - - -'::---.~----=---::-------~------= - - 1bIs Is not true-ours is an impartial 'celebration of Holy Communion at Presbyterian Notes Party on December 23, at 2 o'clock 10 a. m. ..rvlce for AU. people. Choir school will meet on TuesThe Christmas Sl!11day worship to which visitors are cordially Inday at 5 p. m. Choir rehearsal will tbls Sunday morning will begin vited. A Candlelight Carol and Com- be held on Thur8day at 7.30 p. m. with an organ recital at 10:45 munion Service will be beld In the Christmas Eve will be observed o'clock. Mr. Bishop's sermon will church on Christmas Eve at 11. ,~y celebration of Holy Communbe the third In a series on The DIIlICTOU 0' fUNIRALI The High School Fellowship Ion at 11.30 p. m. The choir will Advent of Jesus-''The Invasion will meet at the church at 7:30, be presen~ and carols will be sung. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET of Goodness.!' on Christmas Eve to go carol sing_' On Chnstmas Day there will be All departments of the Church a celebration of Holy Communion MARY It. BAlR, Presldont r.l.pl,o". Rl6-I581 School meet Sunday morning. The ing throughout the commUruty. A Candlelight Carol Service at 10 a. m. Beginners' Department will have With a brief meditation will be ----a Christmas' party for the parents held at 7 o'clock on Christmas Christian Science Noles of the children beginning at 9:30. "Is the Universe, Including Man ~_ _ The Primary Department will have moming in the cburch. Tbe Boys and Girls Choir will Evolved by Atomic Forces?" is the ~~~-~ -~----::::=..--its Christmas service at 9:45. The rehearse on Tbursday afternoon subject of the lesson-sermon In - Junior Department will also have ils special Christmas service in at 3:30 o'clock. Tbe Chancel Choir all Churches of Christ, &:!entist, its department at 9:45. The Inter- will rehearse on Thursday evening on SWlday, December 19. The Golden Text is: "The Lord hath . mediate Department will hold its at 7:45 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher prepared his throne in the heavChristmas service in the church at ens; and his kingdom ruleth over 9:45. Mr. Bishop will speak, and will be at the Harvard avenue enHenry Faust will be at the organ. trance and Mr. and Mrs. Albert all." (Psalms 103:19) The SenIor Department will meet L. Baxter will be at the driveway Friends Meeting Notes for ils ChriStmas program in its trancept enirance to assist Mr. Bishop in greeting the congregaThe next meeting of the Adult regular department. Made In Our Own Shop The Intermediate Department tion after the service Sunday Forum will be held on January 9, morning. Old Fashioned at 9.45 a.m. in the Meeting House. Will, collect books to send 10 the Mr, and Mrs. Ullman extend a girls at the Presbyterian Orphan- 'The Junior Choir will sing Sunday morning. (The tea, at Mrs. cordial invitation to all .members I!l:e and the boys of the departof the group to attend Open House ment are entertaining 12 boys from Griffin's will be at 2.aO p. m. at IIApplebrook" on Park avenue; the Orphanage on Monday, De, Methodist Notes on Sunday, December 19, from 5 cember 27 t for games, biking, A Full Line Of 'l"he Church School will have a t08p.m. h1ncheon and baskethalL The Fellowships will not meet White Gift Service on Sunday Mrs. George F., Fenno of morning at 9:45. The g1ftsrethis Sunday evening. Swarthmore avenue, entertained ceived will be sent to the Fifth On Wednesday afternoon, DeMrs. Malcolm Merrill, of Oguncember 22, Mrs. Harold Griffin of Street Community Center for dlsquit, Alaine, for a few days. 214 Rutgers aVj!11ue, will entertain tribution, at Christmas to' needy the Women's Bible Class for a families. PLACE ORDBRS EARLY "Christmas-the Great Asser- llr==II:III:lI=lI:IIt::II:==t.sl::ll::1j5 Christmas tea.. The Bible Class will hold its special Christmas pro- tion" will be the topic of the gram on December 26, at its regu- sermon at the 11 o'clock service. The Players Club A Christmas Candlelight Servlar 9:45 meeting hour. Of ice will be held in the sanctuary CBBSTBIt and FAIltvlEW BOADS At the T. M. Thomas, Center, at 4 o'clock. Special Christmas Swarthmore Third and Norris streets, Chester, music will be sung by the two THEATRE SQUABJi: there will be a special ChrIstmas choirs and Mary Masters, noted "THE VOICE OF PhIladelphia harpist, will play in THE TURTLE" the service. All people of the LAST TWO NIGHTS community are cordially invited • SWARTHMORE to attend. FRIDAY and SATURDAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Churcb Nursery will be DECBMBBB 17th, 18th GIFTS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MInister open during the morning and . Sunday, December 19 CandleIlght services. Mrs. L. E. Fairview Road, 9:45 A. M. - Church School. d 9:45 A. M.-W9JlleB'S Bible CIaas Kauffman and Mildred Bernar at the ,:45 A. M.-l\Dn's Bible Class will have charge during the momSwarthmore 11:00 A. M. - Rev. Joseph P. ing service and Mrs. MirIam SnyBishop, "The Invasion of der and Eleanor Joan Behenna Curtain at 8:20 P. M. Goodness". will be in charge in the afternoon. Wednesday, December 22 10:00 A. M.-se~ .md SuraThe ushers for the day are,: W. _ _ ~iC~al~~Dre~S~9~fn~g~A~G~ro~u~P~';;';-_1 H. Schultz. W. A. Beacham, G. FOR HIM Dunn, J. Pitman and E. N. Shaw- ' ' - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - 1 METHODIST CHURCH , John Middleton Pipes Roy N. KeIser, D.D., MInIster han · ere will be no Youth Fellow- • Th Sunday, December 19 ~nson Lighters 9:45 A. M.-Church' School ,ship meeting this Sunday. Schi~k Electric Razors A Christmas Day service will be 10:00 A. M.-ymmg Adult Fellowship . held on Christmas morning at 10 11:00 A. M.-'1'he Minister will o'clock by the Young Adults to FOR HER preach. "Christmas - The Great Assertion". which all people are invited. Volupt Compacts 4:00 P. M.-Candlelight Service A collection of $102 \vas rePerfumes TRINlTY cHtntcH ceived last Sunday for Gwen . ft_~_ Narbeth's Mission in Constantine, Gift Sets Rev.Geo.C.And~,~wr Sunday, December 19 Algeria. This has been sent to 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion bring Christmas cheer to the chilFOR CHILDREN 9:45 A. M.-Churcb School f th . i 11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer. Th dren 0 e nuss on. Holgate Toys Rector will preach. Tuesday (Feast of 8&. Th~) Disney Watches Trinity Notes 10:00 A. M. - Holy Communion Kidmetics Cl!rls&maa Eve Holy Communion will be cele11:30 P. M. - Holy Communion. brated on Sunday at 8 a. to. Games Caro~brislmas Day . Church school will meet at 9.45. 10:00 A. M. _ Holy Communion The Rector will preach at the 11 FOR THE FAMILY =~~~=-====--::;;:;:;;:;;;;;;;-"~. o'clock service of morning prayer. THE J.... JOIOUS SOCIETY Members of the congregation are Whitman Chocolates THIS CHRISTMAS we'll be OF PIUBNDS . ed Sunday, _ b e r 19 requested to bring wrapp .. ringing the bell' for more Eaton Stationery 9:45 A. M.-FirBt Day School. Christmas gifts for the patients at Long Distance calls than Electric Heating Pads 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum. the Philadelphia General Hosever. We'll do· our utmost 11:00 A.M.-Keetinll for Worship. pitai. Gifts for women should into put each call through Wednesday. December 22. 1 tbs GIFT WRAPPINGS quickly. 9:30 to 3:30-Sewini and Quilt- elude face powders, was c o , at no extra charge ing in WhIttier House. Box tooth brushes, perfumes, etc, Men Of course, any out-nfLuneheon. All cordisIl.Y In- enjoy cigarettes, tobacco, wash town calls you can niake vlted. cloths, books, etc. Each package before Christmas Eve or QuaUt,- - Sen-ice - CourtSJ' - a".nlirell after Christmas nay will. I'IRST CHURCH OF may contain one or several artiStore Hours-Dally' A. 1\(. to 11 M.-Sunuy 1. A.l\I. te 1. P.Il. help us complete tUJ holiday CHlUST scIENTIST cles, but tbe package must be caIIs more prompdy. Re01' SWAftTHM~srd marked ''man'' or "woman." member that most of these Park Avenue below Church school children have been San..,., DeMn'ber 18 , b' gifts for chlldre'n messages cost less after 6 Diwards The ushers 11:00 A. M. Sund~ SchI02~ ~ked hto ?tal P.M. ""'7 weekday, 88 11:00 A. M. Lesson - - - - m the ospl . .. • well as all day on Christ"Is the Universe, IncIudlnll at the 11 o'clock servo.ce are. J. mIlS and Sunday. Man, EVolved ,by Atomic W. Jones, head usber; J. H. FurForce?" long C .B. Blake, '11. W. PlowDe 1.11 T."" •• C....., . . : - : ~., ei"'~:'I:"_ man: lL B. Spackman, S. D. Clyde, ....IQhHll SuDdq and C. W. Randall and W; It. Sanbom. , w_....,. 12 t8 • p.m. Wed: d~ The Young peoples FellowshIp e. ....' til 7:t11 .... aDd • to • , SAVE TI.,E! LET US', SERVICE ,a THE SWARTIIMORIIAN J( THEATRE PHARMACY Un. _ uBi '::t Theatre Square Swarthmore 3154 THE .sW...ABTBMOBBAlC m;ws DECEMBm 1'1, 1M8 Charles B. Medford, son of Mr. on the freshman football team at the 'annual sports dinner of the cer of Swarthmore avenue. enter'Mrs. W. Edward Medford of TrinltJr College. Hartford, Conn., college. December 13. tained at a dinner-bric;lieat their Mr. and Mrs.J. Robert La Pann South Chester road. a right tackle was given his numeral award at Mr.. and Mrs. R. Chester Spen- home Saturday evenlnil. of Glenn Falls. N.Y•• will spend D a few dBys over Cbrlstmas with Mrs. La Pann's parents. Mr. 8Dd CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Mrs. Thoinas H. Lueders of PrInceton avenue. GIVE DIM an RCA Victor Televlalon receiver or • Mr. E. H. Taylor of Harvard Swarthmore, Penna. RCA !elor IIadIo-Phono-Telev...... avenue. has returned from a 10ComblnaUon day trip to the Middle west where he visited his mother at Yates , Tbe Annual MeaUna' of the stockholdel'B of the SwarUomore Na- ,. Thomas F. Conway, Radio & Electric lIoual Bank ami Trust Company. Swarthmore. PL, for &he, eleoCt!Jlter. Kansas. and delivered the lion of dlreeiolll and 8IIch o&her bnslness, as may oome before December Seminar Address at' Sales and Service the meeUna'. wllJ be held at the banklnlr hOUR In SwarUImore; Kansas State College of AiriculPL. on Tuesday. January 11. 1949. between &he hours of tiIree 3 PARK AVENUE PHONE M68-W ture on the subject: "The Next and 4:30 P.M. r Stage In Our Land HIstory." NOTES ~d Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company ANNUAL MEETING ....er bus Th•IS street' cor This 29_pGsse.... cost us n 1933 $6,400 ' " cost us 932 .,&,400 \n \ • DECEMBER 1'1, 1948 THE SWABTBMOBEAN OBP!IAH'S OOuaT OF DELAWABB COUNTY PBNNSYLVANIA No&e of FiUnc' and Audit of A ta tIee Is COGun No hereby dven &0 I_tees. ~&ol'B and all _ _ Interested that _ I a In &he 'oUowinl' eatates havelle&:Ister been rued In theand Offtoe of Willa Clerkofofthe OI1JhaDIs Court lUI the .,..., may be. and that &be ...me will be Pi .ented &0 &he Orpban's Conn of aaId GIl 3 Monday. Jan.....,. ,1948. at 10 o'clock ....M.. E.S.T. for co~&&on. at whleb time the said court will aodU aald &C001Ul&8, hear exceptlODli &0 the II&IIle and mak.. dlslrlbuUon of the b a l _ as, cer&alned &0 be In &he hands of 'heHMEAD-Nov. aceounlaDle. 29, First and AS Final Account of The Wayne Title and Trust Company. Guardian. Estate of Nadine Camac 'Asbmead. late a minor. BARGEL'I)-Nov. 26 FIrst and Final Account of Arnold A. John. Administrator. Estate of Margaret Bugelt. deceased. BOBIAK-Nov. 8 First and Final Account of Max Parashak. Ex~utor. Estate of Wasyl Bobiak. 4/k as William Babiak. deceased. BOOTH-NofVJ6 FI;tBandth F!:::1 Account 0 Dry. 00 , - ecutrix, Estate of Laura E. Booth d ed ~ eceNas 2'9 F' t A t BROSW'.,..... ov. 1l'S ccoun IIf R~ell T. Brosius. Executor. F.state of J. Taylor BrosiUS. de- he.... _&Y. ceased. BRUGLER--Nov. 13 First and FInal Account of Girard Trust Company. Executor. Estate of John M. Brugler. deceased. CARR-Nov. 29 FIrst .Account of Margaret C. Newlyn. Admlnls..tratrix, Estate of Catherine Carr. deceased. CONWELL-Nov. 27 First and Flna1 Account of Chester-Cambridge Bank and Trust Company aM Edward L. Conwell. Executors. Estate of Marie B. Conwell. deceased. CROZE&- Nov. 26 The First and Pinal Account of Delaware County Trust Company. Substiluted Trustee for LillIan Lar- This street cor cost us 194 & $45, ooo,n rabee, U/W of Mary S. Crozer, HERE AT A GlANCE IS WHAT WE'RE UP AGAINST Iu. aM trolley .,..... alorl are ..... a. ",.,&c.I. tIHrty. N" In 1921 . . . . . ........ hHrly ..... $1.21"" . .......... WE'RE PAYING MORE FOR EVERYTHING _ed ...........h Iliell a. v.eatl •••• over"...... " • .",....,. ...... IOM. ...... a.lowan_ _ unllonn., .'c.• btI... H..., the . . . .V' Sl •• I. Jusl'OSI/OU are Yel the Average Fare is Down 13% on Red Arrow lines r •• 28 ' •• 7 O •• RAIINO IXPINSIS tiP la.Ift .92. ,..7 OPEIATING IMPLOYIIS' WA.GIS U. 163'" nI" .. '92. '_47 AVI.AGI 'All OOWN uS Account of Girard Trust Com~ and Florence H. Van Dyke •• ""tees u/w; Estate of M. Gratz. deceased. lIAR,DEN-Nov. 5 First and Final Account of GuY G. deFuria. Executor. Estate of Charles H. Harden. deceased. HERMANN-Nov. 12 First and Fl~ nal Account of William T. Mcv Ka ·~-'ru·stralor. Estate of walt• ~'" er F. Hermann deceased JOHNSON-Nov. 12 fust and Fi~ nal Account of Chester-Cam_ bndge Bank and Trust Company, Executor. Estate of Alberta Johnson. deceased. JOHNSON-Nov. 19 First and F1nal AC ... 49c Seedl... Raisins II·..... 12e CAKES 2 .;!':. $171c 45 5~.3"': Ib ......... CIoook full ., hul. New IUPNIIM RYE .READ I~ 16e GoI_nRlpe BANANAS I Lettuce ",,_ra ~-. '>15e Cranberrl•• . .tate•• N"~'" a'"'2Oe White Onion. ..... 23c 2'''I9c I....' or Ubby. CaIIfontia PEACHES e Zg ......... ..... •• .... t~ CnI............... • "-10•• , ... It . .eked I... rick hony .,.... ' ....1 ~2.". ~ 5ee Me. OM ..··"..... ....... ~'. Pndt e.DktaU ':;.' <1:.;= .so As. ., t . . CIl...lat. . 2~~b • • •59 VIqiIIIa .... 1IarC CaDdies ~ ••• 49 ~ .... TIIID Mlatsc_ o!. 4 . . ....... &.1'1••18 1=~'1" ~ ..... ena••I'I', . . . . . _ • All •• 0 ..... C.,.=- .~ Ift1I1etaO ...... Jane Penfield of Riverview road and Nancy May Rlncliffe of Strath Haven avenue. students at Stephen College, Columbia, Mo.• have arrived home for the holidays. . Charlotte Hobbs of Park avenue. a freshnlan at M11l!gan ColCOMMUNITY SING lege. Johnson City. Tenn.. will The annual' Christmas Eve arrive home today for the holiday Community Carol Sing' will be season. Charlotte has just comheld at 5 o'clock next Friday eve-' pleted a 12-day tour through varinlng at Borough Hall. The hour ous clUes in Florida as a member was chbsen as (lne most convenof a 40-volce choir of MillIgan ient to townspeople. In time to College. catch returning commuters, withAilce Hornaday of Dickinson out interfering' with the Christmas avenue. Helen Hoot of Lafayette eve dinner or the bed-hour of bigavenue. sophomores at Oberlin eyed and expect""t youngsters. College aod Sadie Garrett of Princeton avenue. a freshnlao at the college. will reach home Sunday tor the Christmas holidays. Dick Hook of Westdale avenue, nue. will arrive at her home from ,," ". . . William Sickel of Strath Haven Tusculum College, In Tennessee." avenue. and Charles Keenen of Gilbert of Park avenue, Harvard avenue, students at Dartmouth, will spend the holidays at will return home Wednesday night . their respective homes here. AI•• w••• CDk. ,. Ihe .., . . . . . . lIIAIIGE and DOT'S •••I.al 'ut1 for hom. Ule;. Y-'" . Milton Hobbs of Park avenue. . . . . .ad . ,.. wfth th........... who Is doing gaduate work at / Casserole Catering Camelie Tech. will reach home Service c:.n ....rprJ •• 6-1100--' loll tomorrow for his holiday vacation. .h.... -:-.. Y........~ SPECIALIZING IN Carolyn Morse will arrive home Sunday from Duke University to Fruit Cake spend a two-week vacation at her Christmas Cookl.. home on Parrish road. Cock1all PartIes Teel Dunn \WlO Is attending the Call University of Delaware will vacaDot Belfield - Swa. 1973 tion at her home on Dickinson Marge Hurd - Swa. 3138 avenue until JIIDI.IarY 3. to:::~:. STEAKS = .. -tR-UiT from Vermont Junior College. Nan Pitman of Vassar avenue, will leave Suoday for Akron, Ohio, where she will be a bridesmaid 'at the wedding of her cousin. MIas Louise Pitman, on Wednesday. Nan Is baving a holiday vacation from the Philadelphia MUIle\UI1 Scbool of Industrial Art. Ross Pfalzgraff of Riverview road, a freshman at the University of MlchJgan; will spend the holldays at his home here. Joan Streeter of Columbia avenue, will return home tomorrow from Iowa State for a two-week holiday. _ _ _ _ __ e~~?~:S!£;:~1e!?a;,:: I,. l~,~'~~,( \L i ~ .1 l\~~~a~_ U. S. Graclecl "Good a..f" T......., Sirloin, Pet1erheu.. a... u.Iote._ week-end of festivities at West Polnt Includlng the Christmas dance Saturday evenlni. Betty Lou Emery, a freshman at Smith College. will arrive home tomorrow to spend the h(llidays with ·her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Emery of Chester. . Nancy Van Alen arrived home Thursday from Wellesley College and Is spending the holidays at her home on Park ,avenue. Carol Van Alen will reach home Sunday from Buclmell University. John and David Campbell will arrive tomorrow from the Unlver.ity of Michigan to vacation at their home. on College avenue. John, a senior at Michigan, has been elected to the Board of Control of Student Publications. Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. TholllBS, of Richmond, Ind., will arrive December 23, to spend 10 days at the bome of Mrs. Thomas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullmao of Park avenue. Dorothy Borden of Princeton avenue. arrives today from Ward- e.,.· '!:: ... 57. .!!:' .... Save Money-Save Wort BE COMfORTABLE ........,,-, BobNorthwestern Reed arrivedUniversity Wednesday from tOII spend the hollda;ys at his home on ColleBe avenue. Thomas Randall, a atudent of the Waahlngtan and Lee Law SchOOl will arrive tomorrow spend the holidays at his home on Riverview road. Sa1l:y James. daughter of M! and Mrs. Wilbur O. James aod a sophomore at Tulane University in New Orleans, returned to her home on Michigan' avenue. Wednesday. for the ChrIstmas hol- ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~:::~~~~~~~~ to Robert Buxbaum of Winding idays. lane, Media, has been elected a member of the Harvard Radio Network. He will return home for the holidays tomorrow. Barbara Ann Schoblnger, a .senior at Middlebury College, will spend the ChrIstmas holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Schobinger. of Philadelphia, formerl:y of Swarthmore avenue. Gloria Quick of the University of Colorado, Boulder. Colo., will arrive tomorrow to spend the holiday season at her home on Dickinson avenue. Middlebury College students who arrive home tomorrow tor the Christmas holidays Include Barbara Lukens qf Strath Haven avenue, Bill aod Beth Hue:y of Dickinson avenue. Mary Lou Thayer of North Chester road. and Robert Croco of Hillborn avenue. Barbara Thatcher and Helen Reed. both of College avenue. will arrive home tomorrow from Northwestern University for the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Newell B. West and baby son, Newell, Jr.. of Norfolk, Va .• will spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. Burriss West of Benjamin West avenue. Newell Is a kophomore at the William aod Mary Extension College in Norfolk. Waldo R. Fisher returns tomor, row from Wesleyan University in Connecticut to spend the holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher of Guemsey road. Hayes Penfield. a junI.,.. at Williams ColI"lle, will arrive next Thursday. Carol Drew of Wellesley HIlls, Mass., will aceompan:y him and will spend the ChrIstmaa holl<\8YS witll the Peatie1ds 011 Riverview road. Marian Kama of Smith College and E1lnor karns of .t. Hol:yoke will arrive at their holM OIl WellesJe:y road, s."day. f~ a :~, \.. .. "", .CLASSIFIED ....abl.· . to Count. c::::1 *. , * WALL WASHING' FLOOR WAXING HOUSE CLEANING For Service and Satisfaction Phone Ardmore 2320 ARDMORE WINDOW CLEANlNG CO. Ardmore. Penru.ylvania, !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -,,-,,- -,Rib Roast Beef Ib Sge . SMOKED Tongue Ib 4ge Ib Sge Sneed Bacon - - .11 -Fruits - and Veget.ables -- _1 __ - _n head SLICING Ib Tomatoes Sweet Potatoes 31b PASCAL Celery stalk JUICE , Oranges doz ;~~~~~~i5~~~iiiii~ W A.NT TO BUILD? A. Reeve. Painrin6 JOHN H. IlOHBRTY FRED F. DUKE . avenue. be Olrit of theholldaT EIIOll. , $3.00 PER YEAR SERVICES FOR MRS. BROWN by the Business Holiday Lighting ANNUAL MUSICAL ou~~~~~:e:~~~:~~d~':~; SCHEDULED Be Open Friday Evening " Public Invited To Program At Trinity And Friday Evening DECEMBER 31st· The Annual Chrls,tmas Musical of the Swarthmore Music Club will be held in Trinity Church on Thursday. Decenwer 30, at 8:15 p.m. The Reverend George ChristIan Anderson. Rector of tbe church and a member of the Music Club is,. Chairman of the progrem. The feature artist will be Mar'cella DeCray. harpist of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Miss DeCray made her first appearance In Philadelphia at the age of eight. Since then she has given over 600 professional performances. She was a pupil of Mildred Dilling. famo"" American harpist and also studied In Paris with the outstanding harp authority Henrietta Renie. Her program will include "Impromptu", Laure; "All Through the Night". Old Welsh; - "The Fountain." Zabel; Swarthmore National Bank . & Trad Co. ' Member of Federal Deposit IIlSIU8nce Corporation •.•• when you buy FINE RUGS With this heading we, try to . from nearby areas to our showroom for fUle rugs . . . and they come. "Prleretl , We got to thinking. though. about the other fine places rigllt here In Swarthmore. Noted for outstanding sch~ls. beautiful homes. truly FRIENDLY people. fine eating places, we can also boast the 'lDlusuai In shops. . ' 5WAB'l'HMOBE, nIDAY, DECEMBER %4, 1948 The traditional Swarthmore Christmas Home Lighting Con" test is being sponsored again this . -year by the' local Business Asso.. ciation and The Swarthmorean. DECEMBER 24th.' ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~t;j=;jt;;e;;Q;iij;it;j=;t;it;~~;t;ii of Harvard avenue, at the annual' meeting of the society at ClncinnaU, last week. Mr. Taylor was' also made an honorary life mem-! ber of the society. The award was based on the address "Our Changing Land Policy," given by Mr. Taylor at the 1947 annual meeting, which was subsequently published and widely distributed by the society and others interested In conservation. It has been translated Into four foreign languages and is credited with having given the initial impulse to the movement for a unified national land and waler conservation pOlicy In this country. =~tI~':"nged NOTICE This. Bank Will Not 52 , The annual Christmas Eve community carol sing will be led by a double brass quartet lrom the high school band tIWj evening at 5 o'clock at Borough Hall IIlaza. Robert- Holm will direct and the Rev . Joseph P. Bishop of the Presb;)!terian .Church will deliver the communily prayer. The Rev. George C., Anderson of Trinity Church will be master of cere: monies and direct a group of his choir boys wiho will join voices with residentS, young and old, in sending strains at familiar carolS forth on the still air of this hallowed night. . The communlly Christmas tree will be lighted by John H. Pitman. ' An innovation this year will be the appearance of Santa Claus to wish the town children a Merry Christmas and' send them happily off to bed to await his later artivai at their individual' homes with his pack of requested gifts and surprises. The program will last one-half hour and is part of the hollday ----------~==~~~~~==~~===-~----------------~~--------------~------~ GIFl'S THAT PLEASE Hold English Ceremony ZO-~ER ~ether it be a men's wear store which always has your SIZe, or a television store where they really knOw how to keep your set working; whether it be a beauly trea~ent. a prescription to be Iilled. or the latest In fashions. you can do better if you shop right here in Swarthmore. . To our fellow-businessmen for maintaining excellent standards of service. we doff our hats; and to our feUow-Bwarthmoreans, \.Ve sayJ I "SHOP IN SWARTHMORE" (PAuls"" If COmN~!1I'- Deluiss; "Passacaille," the judges who will serve in secrecy and circulate up and d9wn borough streets during the next few evenings. In order to qualify for the cNlh prizC5 of $15, $10 and $5 the deco_ rations must be lighted from 6,30 until 10 p. m. each night, Christmas Eve to New Year's inclusive. Prize winning e1fects will be announced in next week's issue of The Swarthmorean In order that everyone will have ample time to view them before they are diS... manUed. Santa Change? Never! Time was when people left a lighted candie in the window on Christmas eve to guide Santa, to their doors. And they listened for the jingle of sleigh bells. the call of a hearty voice and the squeek of snow under the runners to herald Santa'. approach. ' But now its an electric light bulb gleaming on the porch, and it has even been rumored that he comes In a car. But :what heresy! In Santa's quaint language, Push and Twaddle~ For Santa is conservative (small c) right down to his oldfashioned whiskers. And as sure as he wears his favorite costume of red and white trim, which, tik.e Orphan Annie. he has worn for years. he cOmes, ob, believe US, In a sleigh with his eight faithful reindeer. Grown .folks, who seem to think they know so much but only occasionally prove their point. are often skepti~ and claim that there is no sleigh and reindeer because they have never seen it. But the answer la Iimpie. Deer and Reindeer, as .every Handel; "Pastoral Variations on an Old French Noel," Rousseau and a medley of Christmas carols. The Trinity men ·and boys' choir of 35 voices will sing a' group of 12th-14th century carols; They will also be heard In the Sanctus from Saint Cecelia's Mass by Gounod. The choir will be accompanied by the harp and organ. J. Harrison Eastwood, tenor soloist will sing "He shall feed His flock Like a Shepherd," "Comfort Ye My People" and "Every Valley shall be Exalted" from Handel's Messiah. , Charles Harvey Heller. organist. will play "Prelude and Fugue In E. Minor," JOhann SebaStian Bach, seasoned bunter knows, are mcor"Marche des Rols Mages." Thea- rlgibly sh7 of human haunts. and dore Du Bois. the moment Santa knock!! on a At the close of the musical, the door to bewilder a sleepy chlld member:! of swart!1Jnore with his presence. they make !l Music Club will meet in the reo- dash for the robf and hide behind realion rOom for a CbrJshD88 the cl1hllDey, dragging the sleigh , Social Hour with them; it Is seldom that a • invited disbelieving adult, lookinll tor The public I s C o l ' d l a l l Y (COIItlN'ed on pap till) WE CELEBRATE CHRiSTMAS Once again it Is Christmas Eve. In our cOmlnunlty, as elsewhere, there is the sense of breathless expectancy, of' mountIng suspense that pl~es us into Christmas. ThIs morning we cali say with ~.h.lllips Brooks, "Everywhere. Everywhere Christmas tonlgbt." The Pageant of the Nativity presented with sUch reverent beauly of sight and sound last Sunday ushered In the CbrIstmas-tide for our village on a note of awe and wor.shlp. None who parlicipa~ In its biennial preSentation aDd none who witnessed it could fail to be caught up Into an outrush of welcome for the Child whose coming ga,ve to the world its only hope. There was alive in Clothier Memorial last Sunday the compulsion to share that gift of hope with others, the compulsion which moved a three-year-old, sUrred by the radiance of the angels. the simplicity and light of the manger, 'sod the gUts of worship proffered by shepberds and wisemen. to say, "I want to give Him a present. too." An old Christmas carol refiects the same inspiration: ' "What can I give Him, poo)' as I. ~? If I were a shepherd, I, would bring Him a lamb; If I were a Wiseman, I would flo my part, , What I can I give Him, give mY heart.I t It is a wonderful, shining beauty that every twelve mOnths lifts the hearts of the world, no matter how starved or grieved or greedy or Indrawn they are, Into a pouring out of friendliness. U'Tis a beautiful time when Christmas comes All up the street and down; For hearts slight make faces bright When Christmas comes to town. Neighbor and friend in gladness meet And all are neighbors dear, When the Christmas peace bids evil cease On the holiest day of the year." So we keep Christmas. The jolly litUe Christmas trees which have shone in the business section through sun, dark, sleet and snow to carry the Christmas greetings of local merchants-the bright colorful'doorways aglow with lights to give the feel of friendliness to, our streets-the Carol Sing ,this evening at five before our Borough LIght-rejuvenated Hall (some times many and sometimes few families follow the choir boys' leading but over the years the community voices have swelled the world Hallelujah) are a part of it. And almost as soon as the caroling fades (it will be resumed later by groups of choisters) jolly St. Nick will be stirring and readying for the sixty-first year of night-long visits with every dhild in our • has asked him to call. village who We hope that he knows, but then of course he must, how many of yesterday's children and even today's oldsters will find their'Christmss merrier because they. too, listen to his "Merry Ohirstmas to all" ring across the frosty air. But the 10vlJest thing of all Is that the spirit which prompts his cry jOins with the voices of pastors and choirs In the midnight church ~ces which welcomes the Christ Child to remind our heart$ that the night is a Holy NIght, indeed. "Oh, ChrIstmas is a lolly time When forests hang with 'snow. And other forests bend with toys And lordl7 7ule-Ioga glow. M?;~ is a solemn time -the 100 P... Ave.. Sw..thrno ... P•. SWMlhm.... 0730 .. 0529 -- Clearbrool 4646 , .... H....nrhn for Fl••••• ji to the mUlieaL ALL , Residents To Carol At Boro Hall Plaza 3:30 P.M.-Children·s christmas Parly _ '. _... _. Woman's Club TO YOU THE SWARTHMOREAti COMMUNITY SING AT ,5 TONIGHT MONDAY. DECEMBER !O ..:::::=1 GUESTS VOLUME 11'00 . Wa rsh'IP '- ........... , .. Local Churches . A.M. -Mornmg 4:00 P.M.-Candlelight Service .... , ...... , Methodist ChU!'Ch 5:00 P.M.-Chrlstmas Pageant ........... ,Clothier Memorial , 7:00 P.M.-Chrlstmas Pageant _.....• ' '" Clothier Memortai The Junior Music Club!> Wins 1948 S.C.'S. bers are to meet at the S, The 1948 award by the Soil CO:D.-l more station at 7.3Q on oervaUon Society of America dlrlCiI December 23. tor carolling. Th,,,... 1 the outstanding published COILtri--' wiD be a Christmas party at buUon' on the subject of conserva-I p. m., at 512 Ogden avenue. tion, was presented to E. H. TaylOrl DlnIq Roam Open to PIlbUc CHRISTMAS SUNDAY.bECBMBERI, to Carol Harvard Inn ME.RRY 8:00 P.M.-College vs. Franklin and Marshall, Basketball " Field House " 8:20 P.M.-''The Voice of the Turtle" .. : _...... Players· ClUb SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18 8:20 P.M.-''Th~ Voice of the Turtle" .......... Players' ClUb_ Open To19th Public T'll According 'to the chairman of the Blislness Association's Chrlstmas lighting committee a total 173 bulbs have been taken the little trees which have made the center of town so gay the past week. It Is unpleasant at any time feel untrustworthy people, they big or 811iall) abide In nIlidst. But the word for pelrsonsl who wo-uld take bulbs from Christmas tree is Such action seems to reflect ineffably and lack of soul In individual and utter lnappreciation Of the time. money and effort put forth by other Individuals community good. Jr. Music Club A 'tHIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Paintings and Crafts God Best You Merry Bulb Snatchers , more, Pa •. FBEDAY.DECEMBEB17 the:~:~;:1 cussed the progress of ary scbool children on the high sobool at seventh level. and Indicated pleasure th e h 19b standing most of the chlldren display In mastery the elementary school subjects. Thlelltl was some discussion of further plans that could be InsUtuted provide Special attention for children who might be below standard in thdr grade ment. G. Baker Thompson. high Week Haven avenue, OPEN 'ART CENTER tute of Local and Stale I • DECEMB" 1'1, 'lMs THB SWABTIIMOB&AN SCHOOL BOARD' HOLDS .'. . , ., ~weath "'1'iiW the Star~ '~b~", WIlli Mrs. Florence ElIzabeth Brown wife of T. Harry Brown retired PennSJl'ivania Railroad ~employee passed away Tuesday morning In Taylor Hospital, Ridiey Park. where she had been a patient since suffering a stroke ThUl'Sday' of last ,week. Mrs. Brown- was an active community charity and civic worker having been the first president of the Friendly Circle. a former chairman of the health and welfare department of the Woman's Club, and a director of the Community Health Sociely. For 20 years she was organist and choir director of the church of Our Lady of, Perpetual Help. . Morton, where solemn. requiem mass Was sung at 10 o'clock yes_ terday morning. Interment was In Holy Cross Cemetery. Yeadon. Born In Philadelphia. December 1. 1876. and married In 1904, Mrs. Brown came to Swarthmore four years later to live at 320 Cornell avenue, where she still resided at the time of ber death. Survivin/f besides her. husband are a son, William T., Qf WUmjng. ton, Del; a daughter. Mrs. George P. L\oyd, of Jollet. m.• a brother Dr. William L. Schreiber. of Oak Lane; a sister. Miss Mae Schreiber. of West Philadelphia, and sev~n grandchildren. C. J. ANDREWS DIES IN U. DARBY Lived On Dickinson Ave. From 1912 To 1948 Charles Jefferson Andrews, a resident of Dickinson avenue for· 36 years died Monday following a stroke at the home of his son; LeRoy, in Upper Darby where he had been living since last spring. Born in Federalsburg, Md.. 82 ye;ars ago, Mr. Andrews married Clara Freas of Plymouth Meeting with whom he celebrated their fifty-seventh anniversary 011 Thanksgiving Day. 1948. , Mr. Andrews retired from the Pennsylvania Railroad In 1930. He was a member of the Lutheran Church and for many years an active member of the Swarthmore FIre Company. Besides his wife and son at whose home he died. !he is survived by another SOD, C. Vernon Andrews of Mandarin, Fla.. a daughter Mrs. William Sexten of New York and four grandchildren. The funeral was' held at I o'clock yesterday afternoon from an Upper Darby funeral home. Interment was In Arlington Cem-, etery on Lansdowne avenue. Home From Hospital Nancy Hoot who returned home Sunday after three months In the Taylor Hospital following an automobile aCCident, was entertained. Wednesday noon by a ring of carolers, the Junior High Glee Club directed by Alice BlodgetL MIss Hoot will be very happy to receive friends at her home on Lafayette avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Craton G. PitDer of Baltimore will be the guests of 14rs. Pitner's mother Mrs. P. 1.. WhItaker of Park avenue over the Christmas weeJrend Mrs. Whltal!;er will entertain at afamll;r dinner ~ Christmas Dov. liwn . Forty-Year Resident Was Leader fu Philanthropy , r z NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. I. R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place eJ1.tertained as their week-end guests, Mrs. MacElwee's brother, Mr. Paul F. Collins and Mrs. CoJllos; of WInchester, Mass. They were enroute home from Washington where on Thursday, December 16, Mr. Collins was given a Presidential Citation. The awarel of merit was presented by General Sym- B as W A B r DECEMBER H,.1M8 B M 0 JlID A N rBE SWABrBMORilAN for Coral Gables and Palm Beach, Mrs. Phllip J. Smithers of PbliaFla. delphia, and at a lloen shower Tuesday, with Mrs. Edward E. Thomas, of "Applebrook," ENGAGEMEN'l'S avenue, as hDStess. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. MacMr. and Mrs. Medford will enMillan of Vassar avenue, annOliID"e I te..taln informally for their daughthe engagement of their daughter, ter and Mr. Ryan, Wednesday, Miss Shirley Livingstone MacMil. December 29. lan, to Mr. Samuel Franklin Rarig, Mrs. Charles L. Flounelers Jr., of Yale avenue, son of Mr. anel Miss Marguerite FloUnders..,f R1<1-1 Mrs. Rarig, of Catawissa, Pa. ley. Park will entertain at a 1~~::1 Miss MacMillan is a graduate eon and bridge at the 1 Strath Haven Inn January 1st NEW YEAR'S DAY DINNER As Notable As The Day Itself HOAGIE HUT .' I .. w. wi of Madison Brothers of • MERRY cmusTMAli Friday and Saturday (Christmas Day) Vlclor Msture Rlehard Conlo "CRY of the CITY" Feature at 2:20-7:20 and 9:20 each day -- • • • OK KIDDIE SHOW Christmas Afternoon at 1:15 8 - eartoo... - 8 And. Serial In Addltion to the Regular Feature . All ChI1dreD II CeIIta *=. =: Sunday and Monday :g S:E Walt Disney's Musical Comedy III Technlcolor' "MELODY TIME" College Theatre Friday and Saturday Robert Louis Stevenson's ''BLACK ARROW" with Louis Hayward Feature times sat. Nite only 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. Sat. Mat. 1 P.M. CIIILDREN'S SHOW Bol' BoceI8 ''BlILU! of SAN ANGELO'; Monday and Tuesday "IUNIOB MISS" and. for the New in thai spi"i Ill< .aJ!.lII. PeeIY Ann Oarner Wednesday and Thursday Wal$ DilDe7's "MELODY TIME" Friday and saturday Ava Ganbler Boberi Walker "OR 'I'OVCII 01' VBNtJ8" Year. we vvish you 365 happy days. wiJh lor J!'U IIfllhe jJyt and h1essinCS of lhis y..1etWIe HARRIS & CO. PllBLlSBBD BVEB~ FBmAY AT SWABTBMO TUB SWAB'l'IIMOBBAN INC RB, PA , Phone :;'1lBLlSIIEB rhursday, December 30th-5:30 to 7:30 I MEDIA THE'SWARTHMOREAN SPECIAL HOLIDAY BUF'Fm ington, chief Of Army Air Forces, Swarthmore High School, and League, Philadelphia,' ..Thursday !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to Mr. Collins, a civilian, for ael- the Drexel Institute of Technology. evening, December 30. vancing the cause of aviation' Mr. Rarig was graduateel from during the war. Purdue University after serving as Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvarel an Ensign in the Naval Reserve. SAULNIER - RAUS avenue aoo Mrs. Clyde Spangler He is an engineer with Scott Pauer I The marriage of Miss Jalnice I WILL CLOSE of Germantown, entertained at a Company, Chester.' Mae Raus, daughter of Mr. and tea and shower at the Banks' home Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Harrison Mrs. Homer Raus of Will°tighby, December Z4 at 6:.30-reo(len December 27 at 11:00 a.1IL Tuesday for Miss Holland Balch Motiey, of I.archmont, N. Y., OhiO, to Mr. Henry saulnier, son Hoagies will be so easy to serve the family after the Com- . of Haverford, whose marriage to announced the engagement of of Mr. and Mrs.· Theophile Saulmunity Carol Sing. A Hoagie will hit the spot after trimming Mr. Gilman Wing will take place their elaughter, Miss Yvonne Mot- nier of North Princeton the free. May we suggest ordering your Hoagies by phone so in February. ley to Mr.· Thomas Bayard Mc- took place at Willoughby, Ohio we. can have them ready when you call for them? Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates 01 Cabe, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, Decemfler 18. North Chester road' will entertain Thomas B. McCabe of North ChesMiss Mary K. Shaw of Geneva, Phone: . Swarthmore 3216 as their guests on Christmas Day, ler road, Swarthmore, .and Wash- Ohio, acted as maid· of honOr for Dr. Bates' mother, Mrs. Clarisse ington, D. C. the bride. M. Bates, and his cousins, Miss Miss Motley was graduated Mr. Theophile Saulnier, Jr., Louise Lewis and Miss Lila Clark, from the Grier School in Bibning- North Princeton avenue served all of New York City. ham, Pa.,. has studied at Stuart best man for his brother. The Miss Genevieve Reavis of Uni- Hall in Staunton, Va., and com- ushers were Mr. Henry Leftwich versity place, Miss Grace Brewster pleted her sophomore year McCor.kle of Media, formerly of of Swarthmore avenue, Miss Swarthmore College. She is Swarthmore, and Mr. Peggy Little of Park avenue, and present a student at the Scudder- Raus, brother. of the bride. Mr. John Robert Hanzlik of Cor- Collver School in New York City. The bride and groom will live at ·Amherst, Mass., where Mr. nell avenue, spent the wee~-end Mr. McCabe, Jr., who attended skiing at Stowe, VennQnt, with Deerfield Academy in Deerfield, Saulnier is studying for his members of the Buck Ridge Ski- Mass., is now a senior at Swarth- Master's Degree In geology at !ng Club of Philadelphia. more College. He is a member of Massachusetts State College. Lt. Comdr. Lawrence G. Tray- the Delta Upsilon Fraternity and .Jet.. nor and Mrs. Traynor of Middle- served during the war with the ~ BmTIIS ton, R. I., are holiday visitors MerC!bant Marine and the U. S. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bell of Chesthrough Christmas week of Mrs. Navy. are .receiving co~:~at;::: Traynor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Allen M .. Smith of· Har- ter on the birth ot a son, A Ludlow Clayden of Riverview vard avenue, announces the enTruver Bell, Jr., at the Chester road. gagement of her daughter, Eleanor Mr. and Mrs. David Mercer aild Wister to Charles J. Ober, U. S. HDSpltal on Tuesday, December 21. The baby is the grandson of Mr. WllIII Santa !!11Gb In, small daughter, Bobby Ann ot Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mrs. Harry Bernard of Union Pottstown, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ober of Pottstown. hust h, Ieav. avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Ra~plll Thomas Mercer and daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Huey E. Bell, ot Media. Holiy, of Moorestown, N. J., will a saUrimful ohll of Dickinson avenue, announce the Many residents will be interspend' Christmas week with Dr. good thlap for yolo and Mrs. E. L. Mercer 01 North engagement of their daugJiltE.r; I ested In the news of the birth of MisS Jean Gihon Huey to Mr. Ed- a daughter, Judith Ann, on DeChester road. Carol Van Alen of Park avenue, win Donald ·Gustafson .son of Mr. cember 18, to Mr. and Mrs. James has been initiated into the Buck- and Mrs. E. C. Gustatson of High- Lauder who are now living in New Paltz~ N. Y. "Jim" Lauder was nell University chapter of Delta land Park, N. J. Miss Huey graduated from Mid- assistant athletic coach in the Phi Alpha, German honorary dlebury College In the class of Swarthmore schools and Summer fraternity. Carol, a ju-:u.0r at 1948 an.d is a 'member' of PI Beta Recreation baseball coach for sevBucknell, is a member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. eral seasons. , Phi sorority. Patricia Patman, daughter Mr. G.:u;t8rSon served in A seven pound daughter, Sandra Dr. and Mrs. Fred A Patman of Pa.cific \lS'..j> ensign. during World Lee, was born in the Fitzgerald Princeton a venue, has been placed War 11. He graduated from Mid- Merey Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. on the Dean's List at Penn Hall dlebury in. the class of 1948 and Walter Snyder of Kenyon avenue Junior College, Chambersburg. Is a member of Delta Upsilon. At on December 12. Dr. and Mrs. David McCahan present he is employed In the col- p;.~__i;;;o_,;,;;;;_,;;;~;;,,;;~~;; of Strath Haven avenue, attended lege. department Of MacMillan WISHING YOU ALL the concert at Town Hall, N. y.l, Company, publishers, with headA ViERY·MERRY Thursday evening, December 16, quarters in New York City. CHRISTMAS presented by the Mount Holyoke The wedding is planned for the Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman College Glee Club of which their Spring. Subscriptions for all daughter. Patricia, is a member. Magazines PatriCia has arrived home for the Swarthmore 2080 HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robb Cochran • Ruth Medford, daughter of Kenyon avenue, will entertain and Mrs. William L. Medford Miss Doris Slothower of Baltimore, Stratti Haven avenue, whose en, Md., as their guest over' Christ- gagement to Mr. Bernard L. Ryan of Richmond, Ind .. has been anmas week-end. Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armi- nounced, will be guest of honor tage of South Chester road enter~ at a number of parties during the tained Mrs. Armitage's brother, holiday season. Marijane Servais of Dickinson Mr. Kenneth D. McCutcheon and Mrs. McCutcheon of Waban, Mass., avenue, entertained at a kitchen for a few days of this week while shower, Wednesday. Mi."" Medford will be guest of enroute south. \ Mrs. Ellen Van S. Cleveland of honor at a buffet supper aOO Park avenue, will leave this week shower on Sunday to be given by -' DBCEMBEB M, 1948 SwarthlDor. lational Bank & Trust Co. Now You can buy U. S. SavIDgs Bonds aulomaUcalI7 throu&h the new Bond-a-lI4onth Plan. Aak at this B8Dk 11 Park Avenue II mber of Federal Deposit IDInuance Corporation swarthino..... PETER B. 'rOW, Bdllor lIIAlUOBIE TOLD, BARBARA KENT Assoc RosaJ.Ie Peirsol Lorene McCarter' Edi:~~: Entered 88 Second Class Matter Jan Office' at Swarthmore. Pa UDd'er thUBrye Ac2t 4, fI9:~~t the Post . " 0 h 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Here fOJ the Holidays 8WABTBMf)BB, PA., FRIDAY, .' Rodney Br&y, a lreshman at DBCEMBER 24, 1948 MiChigan State, is having a holiday vacation at his home on VasPresbyterian Notes hold its Christmas party on De- sar avenue. Sunday morning at the 11 cember 28. Plans are under way Richard Shelly, of South Cheso'clock service the sermon wil' be and members are asked to save ter road, is home from Trinity that date. "The. Meaning of Joy." All departments of the Church School meet Sunday morning at 9:45. The MelJ.'s Class meets at 9:45. The Women's Class will have Its special Chrishnas program at 9:45. Mrs. Charles Minor is In charge of the program and Mr.. Samuel Harris is in charge of the "music. 'The Church Hour NurserY meets from 11 to 12 o'clock for children, ages 1 to 7, each Sunday morning in the parish house. ,Tbere will be no ..Fellowship meetings or Young Adults this Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop will entertain the young people of the church who are at home for the holidays from college or post-high school work, at the Manse from 4 to 6 o'clock, tor an Open House Tea. A cordial invitation is extended to all young· people of this age group. A Candlelight Carol and Communion Service will be held in the church on Christmas Eve at 11 o'clock. The High School Fellowship will meet at the church at 7 :30 o'clock on Christmas Eve to go carol singing throughout the community. Tbe boys and girls choir will not rehearse this week.' Tbe Chapel Choir will rehearse on Thursday evening at 7:45. , The Jun!or High Fellowship will Church Services ushers for this service are: C. H. W. Ingraham, S. B. Brewster, P. Banks, W. M. Harvey, T. Hooper. S. D. Clyde, F. W. Luchring and H. P. Stamford. Tuesday (Holy Innocence Day) there will be a celebration of Holy Communion at 10 a. m. The children of the nursery and beginners department will have a Christmas party at 3 p. m. Games, carols and sound motion pictures will comprise the program. Choir rehfarsal will be held on Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. On Thursday at 8:15 p.m., the annual 'Christmas Candlelight musical will be given. 11he Swarthmore Music Club will be present and Marcella DeCray, harpist of the Metropolitan Opera Company will be guest artist. The choir will sing 12th-14th century carols. J. Harrison Eastwood, Jr., will be heard in several arias. On New Year's Day Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10 SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, Minister . Christmas Eve 7:30 P. M. - High School Fellowship. 11:00 P. M.-Candle Light Service CHrIstmas Day 7:00 A M.-Carol Service. SlUlIIay, December 26 9:45 A M. - Church School. 9:45 A M.-Women's Bible ClaSs 9:45 A M.-Mlm's Bible Class 11:00 A. M. Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, "liThe Meaning of Joy!' a. m. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. KP.lser. D.D., MInIster Christmas Day Methodist Notes 10:00 A. M.--Christ'inas Service. A Christmas service will be held , Snndal', V~ 26 in "the church on Christmas morn9:45 A M.-Chureh School 10:00 A. M.-Young Mult Fel- Ing at 10 o'.clock by the Young lowship Adults.' All people of the com11:00 A. M.-Student Recognition munity are invited to come. Service. Tbe church school will meet on Mondal', December 2'1' Sunday morning at 9:45. 8:00 P. M.-Wesleyan Service The YOUng Adults meet at 10 in Guild. the Ladies' Parlors. Mrs. L. E. TRINITY CHURCH Kauffman, teacher. Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector A Student Recognition Service Christmas Eve 11:30 P. M. - Holy Communion. will be held at 11 o'clock in the Carols. sanctuary. Students who have ,reChristmas OilY 10:00 A. M. - Holy Communion turned home for the Christmas holidays will participate In the Snndal', December Z6 service. The minister will preach. 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion 11:00 A. M.-Farnily Carol ServThe Church N"rsery will be ice. open during the morning service. Tuesday (Holy Innocents) MrS. Theodore L. Purnell and Mrs. 10:00 A. M.-Holy Communion 'Clark Allison will be in charge. Thnrsday, _ b e r 30 8:15 P. M.-Musical. HarPist There will be no Youth Fellow-' ship on Sunday evening. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY The Wesleyan Service Guild OFPRIENDS . will have their Christmas party on Snndal', Deeember Z6 .9:45 A. M.-FIrst Day School. Monday evening at 8 In the Lad11:00 AM.-Meetlng for Worship. ies' Parlors. Wednesday, December 29 The Social Hall will be open on 9:30 to 3:30--Sewing and Qulltlni In Whittier House. Box Friday evening at 7 o'clock for Luncheon. All cordlallY In- supervised recreation under TheovitecL dore L. Purnell. FIRIIT CHURCH OF . CHRIST SClBNTIST .oF 'SWARTHMORE Park Aveaue below Harvard Christian Science Chmcli "Christian Science." " Wednesday eveillng meeting each week, 8' p.m,' Readinll room open .. dally except sunday and HoUdays 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesday el7enlngs 7 to '1':50 pm. and 9 to _~_ weekend with Mrs. Schroth's mother Mrs. Elwood Rowand of Elm avenue. On January 1 Mr. and Mrs. Scbrolh are moving to Haddon Heights, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dinsmore, formerly of Swarthmore, now residing in Lawrence, Kansas, are ,vIsiting relatives and frienda In Swarthmore during the hoUdays. Bo~ Disqde has arrived from Northwestern University In Evanston, from elts, their nue. lll., and hili sister Helen Mt. Holyoke. in Massachusfor the holiday season at home on Strath Haven ave- -;~~=====================:::::::I ANYWHEREANYTIME For a complete funeral service iust callRITTENHOUSE 6-1581 THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DlR.CIOas 0' .UNUALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET MARY A. BAIR, P,.ddont Junior College, Raleig~ N. C., forl~~=======================~~ the holidays. Swnrthmore residents who are home on vacation from George School tnclude: Dorothy . Denworth, Alice Patterson, Ferris Thomsen, Jr.• all of Elm avenue, Richard Bullock of Cedar lane, Joan Pennock of Whittier place, and Ellen Jenkins ot North Chester road. Donald Bourne of Los Angeles, Calif.. arrived Monday from the Midway, USN, to visit his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Morris Potts at their borne on Yale avenue for the CJuistmas holidays. Priscilla Giles. who attends the Nursery Tralnirtg School of Boston~ Mass.~ is spending the holidays at her home on Rutgers avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson H. Littlefield left Troy, N.Y. on Wednesday to spend the Christmas holidays wi!.'!. Mrs. LitUefield's parents Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hem,. of "Walden" Wallingford. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Douglass, Jr., of Coatesville will spend Christmas weekend with Mrs. Douglass' parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Brown of North Chester road. Death, diaeaBe and the dangers of pioneer life took their toll of thoBe hardy pioneers who founded the fir8t perIi {:( manent Bettlement of English speaking eolonl8t8 in I America at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. , The WELL"t JAMESTOWN "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__iiiiiiiiiiiliij I / By 1609, Jamestown had grown to a village of 50 or 60 house., clustered around a village well, within a stockade. Prior to the digging of this well, the settlers drank the brackish water of the James river. Eventually the well .vas found to he in an unsanitary condition-no doubt due .to its proximity to the huts. A new well was dug in 1611 but in 1617 this was also fonnd to be polluted. . PLANTS FLOWERS WREATHS GREENS CANDLES Balto. Pike, Springfield Call . Swarthmore 0450 From 1607 to 1625 the colony lost more than 6,000 settlers "nt ofa total Of 7,289, Undoubtedly many of these brave men and women needle8sly died from diseasee caused by the lack of a plentiful supply of good water. You, however, can always depend upon the water thai we send you. It comes from clear, safe, cou",.try stream•• Its purity is safeguarded, preserved and tested time and time again ••• 24 hoU1'8 a day. 'IILADEL'HI. SUBURBAI WAIER COMPAIY , I ' uC~istian Science~' is the sub... ject of the lesson-sennon In all SUPPlYING Chrfst. Scienttst, on Sunday, December 26: The Golden Text is: ''Oreat IS the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the moun~ of bis holiness" (Psalms 48:1).- $PRIIiGFIELD WATER Sundal'. .,..,..mber 28 11:00 A. II. . SIInday School. 11:00 A. 11.-1. on - SeI'DUlD Churches of 9:30• • Trinity Notes Holy Communion will be celeb~ated on Christmas Eve at 11:30 o clock. The Choir will sing the Communion Service by Oldroyd and the anthem is Jesu Bambino by Pietr Yon. The familiar carols will be. sung during the service. Members of the congregation are asked to bring poinsettas to the parish house before noon on Friday. Ushers for the service are: William L. Cleaves, head usherC. S. Brown, A. H. Knabb, J. Rey~ nolds, R. Haig, R. Kilgore, R. D. Newlin and T. L. Williams. On Christmas Day Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10 a. m. On Sunday, Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8 a. m. Tbe hour of the ChUrch School has been changed from 9:45 so that the children and their parents may worship at the Family Carol Service to be held at 11 a. m. The College, Hartford, Conn., for the holidays. Lora Blackman, a senior at CentenarY Junior College, Hackettstown, N. J., is speoding the holidays at her home on Cedar lane. Patricia Weiland of South Ch~ ter road, is home from the University of Maryland for the holiday season. Judy Dickson of Princeton avenue, arrived home Saturday from MacMurray College, Jacksonville, Ill., for the holiday vacation. Ginny Peel of Columbia avenue, and Hilda an" Mary Denworth. of Elm avenue, are home from Carleton College for the Christmas vacation. Frank McCowan, Jr., and Midshipman Robert C. McCowan of AnnapOlis are vacationing until after New Year's with their parents, Mr. and Mrs"Frank McCowan ·of Vassar avenue. Pepper .Neal of Benjamin West avenue. is home from St. Mary's Peter Hay a student at Ohio State Unfversity and Gil)ny Hay who is studying at Wheaton Col~ lege in Norton, Mass., have joined their parents on Ogden avenue for the holidays. Mary Margaret Marsh a student at Duke University is spending the holidays at the home of her parents "II!!r. and Mrs. Alfred Henry Marsh Oil Columbia avenue. Mr and Mrs Burt .' "d . on Cox of Baltun ore, •••. , will spend the Christmas weekend with Mrs. Cox's parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. SchoU of Riverview road. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroth of Pittsburgh are ~nding the s. Collins won his varsity letter In soccer, at lehigh University thts fall. He had prevlousty been awarded the varsity soccer sweater. Benjam:n %4,IM3 THE SWABTHMOBB'AN , Dr. and Mrs. John R. Batea of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur c. Jackson Norllh Chester road, entertained at of North Chesle;;.· road, leave next a dinner party Saturday evening Monday for Lake Wales, Fla., to In honor of Dr. Bates' birthday sPend the remairi.der of the ~ter at the Highland Park Club. annIveraary• ----- T H i! S W A B T B M O'R iJ A N Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks Dr. and Mrs • JOhn R. Bates H Bl'Vard avenue, entertaIned Chester road, wIll . Banks'· parents, Mr .and Mrs.'... _.Jnn I Miss .EIeanor Douthat of RichD. Banks, of Harriaburg, for a mo hd , Va., as their house guest days of last week. Chr'lBlmaS week. A frieDdly feeling in the air, A thougbt of good ~ends everywbere That's' --- t "OLD-FASHIONED' 5 . old bank buildlna 194-8 CHRISTMAS!" vacau:J Following our usual custom of a tiny Christmas shop will be closed Christmas Day: and the Monday after, iIsI fer 11M. we relit aD the joys and raptures of childhood as we behold the bright . tinsel and the gay wraDDinas of' the boxes stammand and Staff and adaptation of the comedy. although the play llghted stages all over the since Its premiere In Venice in middle noos. The schedule for the Week Is as follows: ''The of the Inn." December 25 Ing). 27. 28. and 31. with a matinee and evening performance on January 1; ''Saint Joan." by on Wednesllay. December 29. and "Cadenza," by Holland Dills, music by Mark Bucci on December 30. School, Maxwell Air Force Base. -;;;;;;;;;';;;~~~;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j Alabama. His wife. the former rr Miss Doris May Pitman. resides at 328 Vusar avenue. Merry Christmas. Everyone Major Moist came to the Air University from Headquarters. 11th Air Force. HarrIsburg. Pa.• where he was assIPed to the Personnel Division. Durinl the last war he served 32 months overseas ps Adjutant and Executive OUicer. 1st Air Commando Group. A:rmy Air Forces. in Ind18, Burma, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. McFadden, Proprietors China. He was awarded the Bronze Star. Tuetlday. followinl a week's visit ,with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Norton Landon Of PrInceton avenue. . HOLLYHpOCK , SHO SWARTHMORE - PENNA. • Philadelphia Transportation Company has filed new fare schedules to be effective January 21, 1949. Rides which now cost 10¢will cost 113# token (3 for 35¢) or 13¢ cash. Rides which now cost 12~¢token (2 for 25¢) will cost 13¢ cash. School fares and suburban zone fares will remain as at present. Transfer and exchange privileges will remain unchanged, except on that part of bus Route C between Olney and Snyder Terminals of Broad St. Subway. This step has been taken becauie of the necessity for increased revenue to meet the higher costs of providing public transit service, as well as a fair return on the value of the property which makes that service possible. Even with these new fares riders will receive more for their transit dollar than for the dollar spent on most other things. PTC present fares have risen an average of only 31 % (under the new fares, about 49%) since before the war, whUe other cost-of-living items have averaged a much higher increase. In comparl.on with tho rI.o In farel. 108% Food priCOI are liP Clothing prIco. are up 96% Tho averago of all Item. II! tho cost-of-llvlng Indox I. up 74% Operating Costs Are Up PTCwagecosts,likethoseofallotherbusinesses,haveincreased substantially, and now take over 61¢ of each dollar of revenue. Thousands of supply items and materials are needed to operate and maintain the syatem. Prices of these have risen sharply, many·of the major items having gone'Up from 70% to 132%. For 'example: . . • Galollno (before taxe.) I. up 93% Steel rail. are up '70% Track are up 109'J{, Trolley wire II up 80%' Transfer ticket paper Is up 132% Patricia Paul re- Only %~ left from each $1 of Revenue. Chiefly as a result of these higher labor and material costs, less than % of a cent is left out of each -dollar of revenue ' after the costs of providing service are met. (See Chart.) _ It can be seen that this margin is totally inadequate for further equipment modernization, service expansion, or for even a modest return to the 49,000 stockholders, most of them Philadelphians. whose money helped 'furnish the community's transit lines. While increased riding resulting from high postwar busineSs activity and additional revenue secured from prior fare increases have helped, these factors have not been enough to offset the great and continuing rise in operating expenses. PTC also is faced with the necessity of undertaJdng II Il'eater amount of maintenance work. to restore normal maintenance programs which necessarily have been CUl'tailed. " verSity of Rochester to spend their PERSONAL _ Electrical iilSt8U8- vacations wilh tbeir parents on tions: wi;rIJIC, old and new: ReaI- Vassar avenue. dentlal and Commercial. LIght and Power. Waterheaters. Rang... All • work done to Fire Underwriters specifications. &ervlce on all makes of washers (Beodlx ineluded). vacuum cleaners, ranges Irons. toasters. fans. lamps. Call ------------1 Erich Hausen. Electrical trJlctor.H.Swarthmore 2850 - Con335 ~~;:~:.. Vacuum LOST-Pink. .cameo, encircled in gold. Can be worn as pin or locket. Reward. Phone Swarthmore 0286-M. . LOST-Hand knit garnet mittens, white Norweian design. Please Debby Thompson, Swarthmore 0107-J. FOUND Near Acme Store. gold earring with brown heads. Call Swarthmore 3526. • 1 I, iI£od em New York 10e (subway) • member that most of these messages cost less after 6 P.M. ,.try weekday. as well as all day on Christmas and Sunday. WANT TO BUILD? Good materiU and IkI1lfUl wor_ are noW available. Call us for information and estimptM Coal and Fuel Oil Swarthmore 1448 WILLIAM BROOKS '01. REAL ESTATE Asbes & Rnbblsh Removed , LaWlis mowed, General , Hauling 236 Harding Av. Morton. Pa. .J The Bell. Telephone Company • 01 Pennsylvania l'nrk LIst your Delaware Connt7 Properties Wltb U. Marian S. Brown HKRKBY mVEN pursuant of .A8sem'oly No. '~~j~~~~iO&~ orI Act ,", I v.!i. of Inteotlon Associated with of at tbe L. Henry La Baron UD5_ .... I" Call Swarthmore 0121-0964 W _ ••••; I • .ODII~ Knelt • • ' DAVE WOOD • WAll ••• fLOOI COVII' . . . • NIW COltSl.UCT~O. Painting .IUIiITIOIt • • • 4 "'AlII and lRTERS BROTHERS, lu. Con'nJC'lort 0ftfI J02 G.yl., ..._ .rilcl.,.. Paperhanging • MMio. , •• "A Well Kept Bouse Phone: Media 8-4281 Neyer Grows Old" MERRY CHRISTMAS! A Meny Chrisbnas, friendsl The wish Is strong and deep and true, To bear our greetings on this day' To every one of youl A Merry Chrisbnas, friends I And may' It ring with love and cheer, A Chrisbnas of such gladness To last an-month yearl The merriest of Chrisbnases, , A day to lift and bless (Your hours with warmth and welcome. (Your hearts with happiness I Elliott Ricltardaon Borough Secretary , A. Mercer Quinby F1JNBII,AL nmBC'J:OR Formerly of Media 1125 w. I.ebIJlb Ave.• Phila. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge for . auburban calls Swarthmore Disposal 'Service Bnbblsh Colteoted Weekly 01' Month17 Phone Swarthmore 3143 9 A. M. to 5.30 P.M. Photographer "'Outstandinl for QtwlltT· Uk (raill ISc (8 far $1) on principal, bus lines Proposed new fare.12c (rail) ISc (principal bus linesl Medla8-1MS8 8 B. Front St. Dependable Service If you have real' estate for sale. list with us ,and we wlll give you the benefit of our Cooperative Semng Bureau. Call at ofiIce or phone UL St. Louis 10e Proposed new fore12c (3 .... 35c) 13c (3 far 35c) , Wallace LippiDcott 'J, • PDf' ,ADF.' ..rmA ELECfIUC COMPANJi PHILAD,ELPHIA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY BULTOB ...,UII" n t A _ (lhW1el1-m1 Media 6-0755 MOSTELLER CUNNINGHAM Painters If Paper Sa_ers We should know how Swa. !Z68 M1oh1can AYe F. F. ZIMMERMAN Plttsbu..h PHONE A. WAYNE ANNE lIlARY LAWLER , 12" ("';"bined subway.surface rldel Walhlngton 331 Dartmouth Ave Swa. Call Swa. 0345 Lumber VAN ALEN BROS. AN ""..", tAr 15c (elevated) 13c (surface linesl 13c (4 far SOC) Mason Builders Supply Co. PRUNING. T,ThfB AND TREE REMOVAL ROBERT HASTINGS Call Swarthmore tiS5-W can make before Christmas Eve or after Christmas Day will help us complete nil holiday calls more promptly. Re. of tile Baltimore lOe Proposed new fareISc (2 for 25c) Detroit ' nBEPLACE Wood. Cannel Coal PAINT New Work. Touch Up , 1II0ULDINGS Wood. Chrome WEATBEB STRIPPING Felt or Metal Pnmpi Dellvery TREE SURGERY or In Some may believe that fares in Philadelphia are , higher than in other large cities. The foUowing table shows, 1wweuer, tJzat even ,'!lith the proposed increase fares in Philadelphia will be in line with those in other large cities: 12c (3 far 35c) The sixth graders from tho College avenue school met yesterday at the home of Debb~ Thom~ft,n ~ ron Harvard avenue for, a carolsing and refreshments. A.BeeveI PTC has spent $22,800,000 since 1940 for 1506 new streetcars, ,buses and trackless trolleys-one of the biggest transit im- ' provement programs' in the United States. Further steps in this program soon will be neecrary. These steps, however, must depend on a betterment of the Company's position. We realize good local transit service is essential to workers and shoppers, to merchanta and manufacturers, and to the general welfare of Philadelphia. The new fares are necessary to meet the higher costs of good service, to assure the progress that can come only from a financially sound company, and to give fair treatment to th~ who have inveSted their money to provide the transportation facilitiMthat serve you eveJ:.V day. aoveland Green GranUles. One Side No Paint or Cover Necessary Plywood Sheatbinl. Other Boards $1.92 up 'Ve'n YOll . , ,... ..... ...-., DON'T FORGET will have its hands full this Chris~mas seasont do our level best to put holiday calls through quickly. Of course, any out-oftown calls - • Cell .....,,1 •• '.1100-11•••11 ch., •• -_ yo. I..., 4 .... too, ." Tb_ ThlDp' FOI' ChlrII .......... _ PLATFORMS INSTAIJ,BD • rulnace Repairs ,. C'1epnlne Call Gl!OltGB IIUEIIS tOg Michigan Ave. Bw. me AI. . . . . . e.ke _, .11. . . . . . ... ....1c.lf••1'............ y . . ... the •••, .... w .............. . . .. ... _ .. _1 LoNG DISTANCE, . -' , ... ROOFS 01)1'1&&8 . BBPAIBm AND M,ney-Sav. If COMfORTAllf Good Service Must Continue Chlcaglt mas with his parenta Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Faragher of the Swartbmore Apartments. l~~~'NA~Q , .~~ iiI .. A,. ~. Al ~ . 1IB1JlI.II AND AVAIWLE 101. _ 10 _.000 SI'CKIIIOUIIIIS (2/3 oft ...., , IIDIW AlII SIAft rAIlS , .iESJ ON IIOIfIAII IONDS IMACIMIIIr Of WIIDI our· IWIr AlII RRllIU.lPlllllill~"'l-.,...-t-..L 'f' arrived Tuetlday from Ogunquit, Me.. to spend tbe winter in the Davies house at 523 Cedar lane. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence C. Franck of Cornell avenue will entertain at a breakfast followin the Duck Club Dal)ce on New Year's Eve. w_ Cleaners. !rom. toasters and radios repaired, called for and deliVered. Call Robert Brooks. Swarthmore 1548. PERSONAL . - SubscripUons, to magazines. Mrs. Bertha P. Faries. Swarthmore 4589-W - 239 Haverford avenue. LOST and FOUND Boston lOe New rate. cali for a 16c fare for the maiority of ride .. WHERE YOUR FARE GOES . ,. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Merrill . Mr. Robert Faragher of Wash- Since 1905 Streetcan have gone up from $16,800 to $28,500 each. 'Bu.e. and trackle.. trolley. are up prapolfionately. UUIIE PERSONAL and Joann tum~ Wednesday from the Unl- and daugbters Louesa and LInda Ington, D.C.. will BpeJld Chrlst- FOR SALE-Kodak camera 620. Good condition. F 8.8 lens. case included. Call Swarthmore 3198. FOR SAT·E Medium size ash sifter. used little. Swarthmore 1548. FOR SALE Cocker spaniel puppies. males and females. AKC registered. $30. and $35. Call Swarthmore 1614. . FOR SATE Coille puppies. ,three months old. healthy. champion stock. registered AKC. Reasonable. Longfield. 1126 Morton avenue. Rutledge. , FOR SALE-Wbeary wardrobe trunk. Like new. Price $75. Call Swarthmore 0619. , tI.,. CLASSIFIED, FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC • THE SWAaTBMOBBAN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR All Types of Electrical IIlstallations and Repslrs. Serving Swarthmore and Vicinity, for past Twenty Years 1180 IIInhlenber. Ave. Swart.bm&re 11185 NIGHT or DAY 1-I IIIIIIIIUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillooIIIIIIII Electrical Repairs Irons • Washers - Toaster. Radios = Wlrlnr New and Old H _ i Electric Hot Water Heaters and Electric Ranges Installed Samuel M. Harbison Swarthmore 0140 !iimIIIIIlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PETER DlNICOLA Driveway Specialists FALL SPECIAL , Repair now a-nd save the costly damage from winter's ice and snow! Resurfacing of old drives also a speciality. Call us for a free estimate at any time. Our prices are moderate and all work is guaranteed. PHONES Swartbmore 3343-3344 Residence - Swarthmore 2526 SwarthD)ore National Bank. and Trust Company Swarthmore, Penna. ANNUAL· MEETING TIle Annual lIIee.m1l of the awckholders 0( the SwarIIIIiIore Natlonal Bank and Trust eoDlPBIIY. Swarthmore, Pa•• for ibe election of dlrectol'S and suoh other bUsIness 88 IIUQ' ""me before • the mectlnll. wUJ be held at the _InC ho.... in S~. Pa., on Tuesday. January 11. 1949. between the 1m.... 0( tIRee and 4:SI'PJII..' • " ..n:: S. SPROAT, .Ct,b" • • THE SWAKTHMOKEiAN 10 soclm To Be Christened Sunday Santa Change? Never! The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop will (continued from page oDe) officiate at the christening pf Ste- evidence, thinks to glance uP at ven Yerkes Froebel, son of Mr. the roof, mucb less peer behind and Mrs. Guenther Froebel, Jr. the chimney, and no wonder he and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. has never seen them! Anonymous CODtrihuters Earle P. Yerkes of PrInceton ave- But Santa, with a twlnkle as nue, and Mr. and Mrs.. G. H. Froe- broad as It 'Is long (and Irls are Cheer Families, bel of Swarthmore avenue; and VERY long whlcb automatical1y Shut·1ns of William Barrow Pugh, 3d, son makes them large), takes skeptiSanta Claus is Dot a fictional of Mr. and Mrs. Pugh, Jr., of Park clsm in his stride and warms his character. He lives right here in avenue. The latter baby's grand- heart by the letters that come Swarthmore in the hearts of the father, the Rev. W. B. Pugh, of pouring into his study. Only the residents as was proven to 12 'ProvidenCe road, will assist with other day he was cbuc1t! l ng over families, 60 cbildren and 35."shut- the. Christening on Sunday me,m"1 some from his Swarthmore conins." ing ·in the Swarthmore Presby- tingent. Most Of them were from The Board of Directors of the Church. little-Ish ones, and a letter that ~ommunity Health Society wishes he liked particularly was fro.... a to thank the clubs and individuals child who hadn't REALLY who contributed to the Christmas Christmas Recital learned to write yet. Fund of the nursing agency. The. Christmas Recital by With the opening of the last group of women with pupils of Dorothy Paul was held letter, Santa closed ibis desk and Mrs. William' Hetzel of on Saturday afternoon at the home plunged Into last-minute prepararoad spent Wednesday ~"~;n,d of Mrs. William Ziegenfus on tions for his' Christmas eve jourpacking gaily wrapped baskets Dickinson avenue. The program ney. And whether it ra1os, snows fruit for "shut-in" patients. The opened with a scale contest in or sleets, whether the ground nurses will take either a plant or which the winners were Noel Sny- muddy or ci.ry and crisp, Santa basket of fruit to their 35 patients del' arid Beth Jones. will be here with bells on. who are chronically ill. Norma Wilson gave a talk on the absence of snow has never yet In addition to supplying Chriat- life of Josef Hayden and solos turned Santa from'his pUrpose. mas Cheer for the "shut-Ins" followed by Molly Huse, Lam'l And although the scruncb of l11D.Swarthmore clubs also provided Jones, Peter Kroon, Susan Co,ch.-I ners on a gravel drive may disdinners and gifts for many fam- ran, Mary Eisbree, Bert~[~:2Iturb the feelings of some sensitive iIl.s. The Swarthmore Cubs un- Bar b a I' a Ziegenfus, and practical-minded adults who del' the direction of William Lee Whlttelsey, Beth Jones, worry about sucb things, Santa of Swarthmore took care of two Wilson and Noel Snyder. wouldn't leave his sleigh or his families; The Friendly Circle gendear Donder, Blitzen and Co. be• Chrislmas carols were sung in hind for the world erously aided four families and I' If a Swarthmorean called, Santa gave $50 to the agency fund. The conc USlon. Swarthmore Presbyterian Churcb will be there sometime before Priroary Department helped one Kindergarten Gives Pageant dawn. And if adults are there to family and gave money to anMembers of the College Avenue greet him, he'll probably come other. The Junior Woman's Club Kindergarten under the direction through the front door, so pardonated some attractively sttlff.!d I of their teacher Mrs. Robert K. ents are asked to leave !he porcb Chrislmas stockings which were I Enders presented a pageant of the light OD; and Children. who are distributed among the children Nativity for the first, second and wise will leave a bit of moss and the four families helped by third grades on Monday, a kinderlump of sugar or two by an open Friendly Circle. The AIlne"imln I garten parents party on Tuesday window, for his reindeer to Legion Auxiliary Unjt 427 and higher grades on Wednesday. cruncb as they wait by the chim,unllieij f S t' tuni~. vided for two veterans' f ney or an a s re HEALTH PLAYS SANTA and a cash donation. Thh,e~~::~; downe Iron and Steel C sent their annual generous tribution. Swarthmore High School J. J. Club helped one fami1y and the Swarthmore Exchange Bell Telephone operators gave a Christmas dinner to a farnlly. This year all families who received help at Chrislmas, were cleared through the Christmas In- I Mr. and Mr.s. Robert GilfI11an of Yale avenue will hold Open House from 3 to 6 on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. McCorkle of the Swarthmore Apartments entertained for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Stever.' of Stone Ridge, N. Y. who were en route south. The sixth grade pupils of the NEWS NOTES DBCEMBEB zt, 1948 TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR 5:00 P. M.-Community Carol Sing .......... Borough Hall 11 :311 P. M.-Holy Communion .............. TrInity Churcb ChrIst.DIas Day, Saturday, December 25 7:00 A. M.-CaroJ. Service ............ Presbyterian Churcb 10:00 A. M.-Service .................... Methodist Churcb 10:00 A. M.-Holy Communion ............ Trinity Church Sunday, December 26 11:00 A. M.-M()ming Worship .............. Local Churchse group for the holiday vacation. Dr. and Mrs. George 1. Armitage of South Chester road, will entertain over the holidays their son-In-law and daughter, Lt. and Mrs. George H. Troxel, and children, George and Jeffrey, of Urbana, m . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell of Har-' vard avenue will entertain at a family dinner party on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Bell of Pittsburgh will join the family group. Mr. and Mrs. William· Ramsay of Lafayette avenue will entertain at a family party on Chrlslmas Day. Mrs. David Braun of Yale avenue is ente!'taining Mrs. Franz Schnelder of Berkeiey, Calif., and Richard Schnelder of Dartmoulh College for a few weeks. MrB. Hannah Gettz of Dickinson avenue will spend the holldays with !her daughter Mrs. Hannah Duff of ElIzabeth, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer of University place will entertain at Open House on Sunday afterMisa Genevieve Reavis of Uni- nooon from 3 to 5 o'clock. versity place, attehded the Yale mother, MrB. J. V. Collins. Mrs. Collins will accompany Mrs. MacE1wee back to Swarthmore for the hollday season. Mrs. A. B. Reavis of University place, entertained at a neighborhood tea, Saturday, December 11, in honor of the eightieth birthday anniversary of her mother, Mrs. Albert E. Thomas. Mrs. Henning LInden, of Fort BelVOir, Va., was an out-of-town guest. Mrs. A. E. Longwell of Lafayette avenue, is having as her holi. day guests, her mother, Mrs. H. F. Roberson and aunt, Miss Marie L. True, of Albany, N. Y.; her sister, Miss Lillian M. Roberson, of New Rochelle, N. ·Y. ,and her son and daughter"in"law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Longwell, of New York. Miss Betty Wilson, teacher of music in the soh~l dlatrict of Camden, N. Y. will attive this morning In spend the holidays with he r parents, Mr. lind Mrs. R. P. Wilson, of Park avenue. Her brother Raymond, who is attending Wyoming Seminary", arrived yesterday. I a.-was' - £unclJ -Dinner OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE Hope of the World limb:. Iiob Zsll PAULSON & ~O. Swarthmore, Pa. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ day to attend the wedding of her Doe of Princeton avenue. son Mr. James A. Drain, Jr. Sally Iliff of Springfield. a ~• • • • • • + • + + • • + + • + • • • • • + • • • Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Shenkle of sophomore at Middlebury College, Dickinson avenue who will enter- is at her home for the Christmas WALL WASHING tain at a family pari)' on Chrlst- vacation. FLOOK WAXING . mas Day will have as their weekMr. 'and Mrs. Laurence M. Smith HOUSE CLEANING end guests Mr. and Mrs. S. A. flew from Greenwood, Mass., For Sel'vii:e and Satisfaction Phone Ardmore 2320 Shenkle and small daughter Vi- Thursday to remain until Swnru,y ARDMORE WINDOW CLEANING CO. vian of West Orange, N.J. . with Mrs. Smith's mother Mrs. Charles DeHart Brower ot c .....tl 135 DJ;exel Road Ardmore, Penm,ylvania NOTICE * * * I ~~~I;!:~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • '.fhis Bank Will Not Be Open Friday Evening DECEMBER 24th And Friday Evening DECEMBER 31st Swartbmore latioaal Baak &: Trld Co. I Member of· Federal Deposit- InIRuance Corporaticlll THE SWARTHMOREA VOLUME 2O-NUMBBB 53 11:00 P. M.-Candlellght Carol Service .. Presbyterian Churcb DEW DROP INN tilts bg tn lilt dtg of laUill a &autour. ""It~ II efJrist SlIt' YEAR TO YOU ALL FrIday, December U Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitts Edgmont, Pa., are . home for holidays after spending three I montha In Santa Monica, Calif. Club dance at the Phlladelphla lIIARGE and DOT'S Cricket Club, December 11, at Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest which tline the famed WhiffenCasserole Catering Elm avenue, will entertaIn at Serviee family dinner party on sang !he flratSinging time InSoclety PHIlapool's,for Yale's Day and will include: Mrs. delphls. SPECIALIZING IN formation Center at Media so Rutgers avenue school and father, Mr. FnmkUn J. that there was no duplication. teacher Miss Myrtle McCaIlin her aunt, Miss Mary L. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. LawrFruIt (lake CbrlsUnas Cookies The Board feels the list of in- were' entertained Informally on of Wilmington, Del.; and her son, ence and small daughter, Nancy, Cocktail Parties dividual contributors would wish Tuesday evening at the ihome Mr. T. Peirce Hunter and Mrs. of Cambridge, Mass., are spendfng to remain anonymous .. To all of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup Hunter, of Baltimore, Md., who a two-weeks holiday with Mrs. Call the loyal generous friends the on Haverford avenue after a will be week-end guests. Lawrence's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dot Belfield - Swa. 1973 Society'wishes to say, "Thank you caroling party. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Mac- Henry I. Hoot, of Lafayette aveMarge Hurd - Swa. 3138 . t mas and H appy an d a Merry Ch rls Mrs. Clarence C. Franck of Cor- Millan a f Vassar avenue, ent er- nue. Helen Hoot of Oberlin ColN ew Y ear... nell avenue, who entertained at talned . at a b r Idge an d supper {rs. Carl JegJum of Hlllbom avenue will entertain at Open House on Sunday In hollor I of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. .Johnson and sons ot Betflesda, Md, Miss MIlT Theye Worthen of »._1 York City, who will be their guesta over the hnlldayrL Mrs. I. R. MacElwee or Mt. Holyoke place, left SlIIldq Stev_ P\)JDt, WIIIc., to vIalt In 14 COLORS and 'NEW NON-YELLOWING PORCELAIN WHITE * Go.son Easy Dries Quick No Brush Marks tAIElTON"SIBlEY Product QUAliTY SINCf 1163 n H.D.SIPLER BOllTB ,,&iSi_ BOAD, 8WABTBMOBB 'SNOW PLACE LIKE SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1948 se~~r:~tht: 1~~~:S:ChOOI COLLEGE musiCIans wlli partiCipate in a ~:ca;!a!~~ ~=: :!:~~':d ON Sharpless will be heard with BEGINS MONDAY Personal Return Fonns The County Personal Return Forms, which are sent to citizens of Delaware County have arrived. Frank Gettz, local assessor, will be glad to help people with the Busy Week To Include forms, but because 'he has no way Harvard Avenue Best of telling what items are exempt Powicke; Concert Lighted Street and what are not, puzzled citizens are asked to call the Board of AsFriday This Year sessment and Revision of Taxes, College begins again this coming Media 6-0600, lor the information. The 1948 judges have examined Monday, after two weey.s Chrlstthe various holiday lighting effecis Signatures do not need to be mas vacation. There are only two witnessed. on borough homes and awarded weeks of classes, however, before Dr. and Mrs: George B. Heckman mid-year examinations begin. first prize, the ;WIlliam E. Soden 'l1he Swarthmore College Orfamily second, and Dr. and Mrs. chestra will present the first conHenry Weiland thlrd. cert of the season on Friday eveThe Heckman home at 132 Park ning, January 7, in:· Clothier Meavenue, a Christmas card picture morial. Conducted Ijy Dr. Peter home even when unadorned, is van de Kamp, the orchestra will enhanced by an outline of variopen the concert with the Lucio Local Boys Lauded By colored lights entwined in laurel SlIIa Overture by Mozart, followed Collegiate Field Aud around two doorways facing on by Haydn's Oxford Symphony in the street, and along the connectTrack Team G Major. After the intermission ing roof overhang. The main the program wlll continue with On Thursday, December 30, the doorway bears a wreath with a "The Consecration of the House" Collegiate Track and Field Club, huge candy cane, and the lamp Overture by Beethoven, Pavanne of Swarthmore, honored its threll post at the entrance pat~. is also by Faure, two movements of Son- members of the United States entwined with ligbts and laureL ati.. by Gillis-played. by four Olympic Track and Field Team, trumpets, Valse Lyrique Op. 96 by Victor Frank, Jr. (discus throw), . The Sodens 'have achieved an Sibelius, and Contradances by George Guida (400 metres), and outstanding holiday glow with a Beethoven. This year's orchestra .Teffery Kirk (400 metre hurdles), red eleclrlc candle within a red has 40 members. The concert be- with a dinner at the Ingleneuk Tea wreath in every window. They gins at 8:15. Room. Se\'enty members of the live at 305 College avenue, (second house from the EpiSCOpal Church). On Thursday evening at 8:15, club and their wives attended. The entire front door of the in the Meeting House, the William Among those .present, in addlJ. Cooper Foundation and the His- tion to the guests of honor and Welland residence at 400 South tory Deparlment are presenting their parents were Senior National Chester road, comer of Westdsle Sir Maurice Powicke on the "Lim- AAU place winners: Dr. Nathaniel avenue, has assumed the guise of its of HIstorical Study." Sir Mau- Boyd, 3d, broad jump, decathlon; a large shiny red Santa with a rice, a distinguished -medieval bis- pentathlon; Dean Cummings, 400 lovely face and whiskers and torian, has been Reg;s Professor metre hurdles,' 400 metre and 1600 clean, black boots. A spotJight of Modern HIstory at Oxford since metre relays; Warren Snow, 200 shines on this central effect and 1928 .• From 1933 to 1937 he was metres, 400 me.tre and 1600 metre a little evergreen at either side of president of tbe Royal HIstorical relays; James Morris, 400 metre the entrance waUi. points up the Sociely. The holder of numerous and 1600 metre relays; Daniel display. honorary degrees from British in- Kirk, 1600 metre relay; Harry KelHonorable mention was made of stib!tio~s olld f,'Om I{ar\"ard Uni- I~r, Jr., 400 metre relay. ,~ the following: versity, he has written extensively Junior National AAu place winThe large lighted tree on the on medieval England. ners were: 30 kiJ9metre champion lawn of William Craemer, 422 Thomas Jones; William Craemer, Harvard avenue; the Frank Brom.Friendly Circle Spreads Jr., .hot put, 35 lb. weight throw; ley house at 750 Harvard avenue· Christmas Happiness James Scouler, sprint medley (opposite StrBth Haven Inn) which The Friendly Circle met on De- relay. has blue tights strung along the cember 16 at the home of Mrs. Middle Atiantlc AAU cbam- first noor rooflet; the Percival Frank Gettz on Dickinson avenue, pions:' ~er1ck Guenther, bam- Armitage home at 314 Harvard with Mrs. A. G. Wuest as co-host- mer throw; David Mercer and avenue featuring blUe candled to transact the regular month- Robert Vaughan, hurdles; Alex- wreaths ~n the Windows, along the ly business. ander Scott, medley and mile re- roof and on two trees banking the In discussing the charitable lays; Peter WhIte, mile relay; doorway; the Paul J. Carey house ~ork of Ihe Circle it was men- Mitchell Williams, medley, inI1e at 641 North Chestet road with tioned that five families including and two-mile relays; John Brlstor, doorway and evergreen lightingi 32 children were given food and two-mile relay. . Elric S. Sproat's house at 105 Corclothing al Thanksgiving time. A ?thers present: James Grosholz, nell avenue with groups of red generous con,tributlon was made to Middle Atlantic Collegiate 880 lighted be1ls suspended along the the Community Health Society to yard record 'holder and cross coun- doorway roof and "Merry Christassist in Christmas 'work for the (Continued on page 8) mas" written in white on a ~e, red card upon' a white door. shut-ins and it was voted to extend Jr. Music Club Carols Christmas cheer to families in Borough Hall in its holiday dress The annual Christmas party of of lights along the plaza roof and need again. A Christmas program, under the the Swarthmore Junior Music Club on the shrubbery also -brought guidance of Mrs. Harold Griffin was held last Thursday evening, honorable mention from the judges and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson, fol- December 23. The club met at the In the annual contest which Is lowed the business ,!,eetlng. The station to start on its tour of carol- sponsored by the Swarthmore afternoon concluded with carol ing. In respons~. to invitations ex- Business 'Association and The singing and delicious refreSh- tended to the club, the carolers Swarthmorean. stopped at the 'homes of Mr, and menls served by the hostess. Judges strained a point to make Mrs. Morris Potts, Mr. and Mrs. their decisions early enough in the Steven Spencer, and Mr. and Mrs. Kappas To Sew busy holiday week to enable pubHarold Ogram. lication in this week's SwarthmorThe Kappa Kappa Gamma SewGames and refreshments at the ing Group will meet Tuesday, home of the adViser, Elizabeth ean. Thus residents still have a January 4, at the home of Miss Johnson, concluded a lively eve- few nights to View the displays Eliza Willets of 315 Cedar lane. ning. before they are dismantled. Eric Mr. Holm in a number of brass Boro Tries To 'Suit quartet selections on the MethndThe Varied 1st Melodies Hour ,at 4:30 Sunday Taste over WDAS. These broadcasts originate directly from St. An, Snow or no, most folks agree drew's Centenary Methodist Swarthmore is a very fine place Churcb at 45th and Oheslnut to live. Here is ample space for streets, Philadelphia, and are unwinter's white mantle to alight and der the direction of Rev. Herbert lie undisturbed along tree bough R. Howells. and lawn to dellght the eye of the season's devotees and for the frolic of youngsters. Yet an efficlent Borough highway department Is out with the first flakes that fall, ,clearing sidewalks with its new tractor and streets with the big snow plow, so that those who pre.G. Hurst PaulB Lived fer to mince their steps have a minimum of anxiety about loss of In Munich For life and Umb. Ten Months The new tractor, whlcb was From November 1947 to Seppurchased by the borough last spring and shared by the school tember 1948 the G. Hurst Pauls district for grass cutting' during with their two daughters Joann the sununer, had Its Initiation In and Patricia llved in the American snow duty on December 19. A zone in Munich where Mr. Paul mishap to o.ne of its tires put It out was with the C.1.D. of the Ameri. of the rUnning before its job was can Military government. As the Pauls observed, the recompleted but the College tractor whlcb 'has served faIthfully in suits of the bombing and even the former years, came to the rescue. rubble is not noticeable because As alwayS trucks soon clear the the walls of the buildings are sl11l business district by 'haullng away standing; but the insides are almost completely demolished. Stuthe excess whlteness. Borough· officiala request that dents attending the Universily of parked cars be kept off tbe streets Munich, like .Joann, had an exduring or immediately after future tended vacation from Chrlsbnas to snowfalls, in order to facilitate the April because the rain and .snow, dripping through the holes in the work of the snow removal squad roof, fonned ice on the stairs, msking them Impassable. Efforls are . JUNIOR ASSEMBLY beIng made to repair the damages, PABTIIS m,aD and a perSon enrolling for I.. lour year cow-se in the university must The Swartfunore Woman's Club first put in six mcnths manual was the scene of much CbrIstmas labor before he or she can begin gayety and cbeer· on the evenings studies and. become an official of December 29 and 30, when tbe student.. . assemblies held their· parties. Except m rare lDstances ali pubOn the evening of December 29, IIc buildings are unheated, and the Seventh Grade was cbaperon!'d whereas in this country a cold by Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape, pedestrian can slep into a library and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bloom, to warm up for a moment before with Mr, and Mrs. Paul B. Banks going on, it is not possible thl're. The large stone buildings are as host ~d. hosteSs. The .~nnen of the Ninth c1ammy and damp far into the Grade, Mr. and. Mrs. La Rue Hen- month of May. Patrons attending the opera drlxsollj had assisting them Mrs. Ethel Mosteller, Mr. and Mrs. come prepared with blankets and Ferris Thompson, and Mr. and extra sweaters; members of the orcbestra play In their overcoats, Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath. The Tenth Grade had as their although the violinists are not so chaperones' Mr. and Mrs. Carrol fortunate in this respect. FIne Operss Presented P.' Streeter and Mr. and Mrs. Frank But not even the cold can disMcCowan. Their graae chairmen courage the musically Inclined are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Told. Gennans. Some of them hike in Tne next evening, on Decemhe;l" from the country some 15 or 16 ail, the - Eighth, Eleventh, and miles to hear a Chamber Mu.qic TweUth grades met for thelr an- Concert. And ope'ras were prenual Christmas party. sented nightly In the one remalnMr. and Mrs. Clair P. JegJum ingopera house, located not far had 'asslstlng them for the EIghth from the Pauls, in spite of the fact Grade, Mr .and Mrs. ..James Luk- that the company's 'own SCenery ens and Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Bell. and costumes had been destroyed The Eleventh Grade chaperones and all such equipment ha4 to be were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogram borrowed from other companies. attending with Mr. and Mrs, Hes- Enthusiasts jammed the- house, ton D. McCray, the host and host- overcoats, blankets and all, to hear beautifully directed performances. ess for that group. For the German opera does not The TWelfth Grade asslstants have the hIgh-priced singers that were Mr. and Mrs. Henry LInton we do in America but concentrates and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Dalton. on the ensemble; and it was rare The offices of the Assemblies to see a German singer who was Committee, Mr. ,and MrB. Carl not a good actor. Performances Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McHen. usually began at 5 o'clock, and in ry and Mr. and Mrs. WhItworth the case of the Wagnerian operas, Bird, were present at all the par3 or 3:30, to make sure that it was ties. over before 8 when the street cars stop running. Most of the university students W. AT.JtEJVr (JBD!!SON W. Albert Cresson, who was play at least one InstrUment. hom In Swarthmore and spent and some cif them play several, his boyhood here, pilssed away but whlle the Germans are generally musical themselves, they w~ Monday, December 27, at hlsbome surprised to see musical Americans in Noblesville, Ind. 'He is surviv- and regaidedthe Pauls with IIOme ed by his wlte Fleta Butler, and interest. as Patricia studied Violln his BIsters the VI es Eva L aild with the Conoert Master of· the Annabel M. Cresson of Di""'nson Munich Philharmo.nic, and both avenue. (Continued on page 8) . LOCAL FAMILY IN GERMANY $3.00 PER YIlA8 HECKMAN HOME TAKES 1ST PRIZE HONOR 'OlYMPIC TEAMM ess, TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR Sunday, January 2 • 11:00 A. M.-Mornlng W"Orship .............. Local Churcbes 4:30 P. M.-High School Brass Quartet ............... WDAS Monday, January 3 9:3() A. M.-Executive Board ............. . Woman's Club • Wednesday, .January 5 '8:00 P. M.-8Warthmore College.JV VB College o \ Penn State' 'Center 'l'baraclay, January 6 8:15 P. M.-Lecture by Sir Maurice Powlcke •. Meeting House ving Tonighl A" 12 Ani. • ,, ...... c· - z THE SWARTBHOBBAN Katharine Margaret Downing Charles Cornelius James H. Hornaday of Dickinson son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. avenue, announced the engage- Heisler, of Haverford, on Sunda7, ment of their daughter, Miss E~ December 26. abeth Tucker Hornaday to Mr. Miss Downing was graduated Robert E. Fry of Gulph Mills, son from Swarthmore High School of Mr. and Mrs. William Reed 1943, from Vassar College In 1946, of Phlladelphia,formerly of Bl'ook-I and Is at present doing work at the University of _. u_ On Ohrlstmas Day, Mr• and DUD. sylvania. Mr. Heisler Is a graduatE Of the William Penn Charter School, and Amherst College wh~ he was a member of Psi Upsilon FratErnity, In Quakertown. He Is c~~,~~ with the McAdoo and Allen ling Company. The wedding Is planned for spring. 4 • A reception at "Rowtn Brae" which harmonized with .h:~.~~1belts 8lid navy ski trousers. On the immediate t~_n- followed Mr. and Mrs. HatTy L. '. ihml Poconos, Mr. and Mrs. PEderaen·!llitioDsupon iheblrlil> of a son, Swarthmore HIgh School, wore identical ski suits of Robert Gilman Hand, Qn Decemch ENGAGEMENTS Miss Hornaday graduated from Middlebury College In the class of 1947. Mr. Fry, a graduatE of Dartmouth College In the class of served In the U. S. Army AIr during the war. The wedding is planned for spring. , , DECEMBI!B 31, 1M8 ::::::I~~eck~~f1~a~n~n~el~shlrts~. ~~,~..~t~an~l~ea~th~e~r~ber~~24~,~J.n.~T~ay~1D~,~r~,H~OS~,~P~i,tsl~'g;=~ School, and Junior College, The bridegroom Is eonnected with Temple University. The $1.oo·Sel've Ybur&eH·All You Want Mr. and Mrs. Wil1iam E. NuckMr. and Mrs. ,Robert M. Hagy, ols of Milmont Park, announce the of Albequerque, N. M., have anengagement of their daughter, Miss nounced the engagement of Mrs. Marie Elizabeth Nuckols, to Mr. Hagy's sister, Miss Anne B. Daniel James Pitman, son of Werisner, of Germantown and Mrs. John H. Pitman of V,.ss:arl Mr. Harry Wood, of Cornell aveavenue. Due.. The announcement was Miss Nuckols is a graduate made at an informal party which Notre Dame High School. took place Sunday at the home of Mr. Pitman is a graduate of Miss Werstner's brother-in-law Swarthmore High School. He at- and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. Armel tended the spartan School of NuttEr of Moorestown, N. J, nautics, Tulsa, Okla., before tering the Army AIr Forces and TO BE WED TODAY was on occupational duty in Japan The rectory of Our Lady of Perfor a year. He is now a senior in petual Help will be the scene of accounting at the Keystone Secrethe wedding of Miss Anne Howtarial School. ard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. SUPPER On Monday, December 27, balf past twelve o'clock, MIss san IDbbard Thatcher, daughtEr Of Mr. and Mrs. William Thatcher of College avenue, and Mr. ChristIan H. Pedersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harald C. Pedersen, of New Providence, N. J., were married In the (!ome and Enjoy Your Selection From BOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS. STRATH HAVEN INN ~!etingl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~ Swarthmore Friends" House. i The bride wore an ivory salm I wedding gown with high neck and a round collar embroIdered with seed pearls, and long taperlnil sleeves. Her finger-tip veil was trimmed with duchess lace wIdell had belonged to her great grandmother. She carried a bouquet of whitE roses, lilacs and stEphonotis. Mi-B. W\IDam' H. McInroy, a s1ster of the bride, who was matron of honor, wore a dress of holly !'ed velvet. The bridesmaids, MIss I A Very Happy ,New' Year . FROM THE. HOAGIE HUT \ Will close Dec: 31 at 6:30 P~M.-Open Jan. 3 at 11:00 A.M. Let a Hoagie help you usher in the New Year.' A busy hostEss will welcome the "no fuss" convenience of' serving Hoag;ies to hollday guests. May we suggest ordering your Hoagies by phone so we can bave them ready when you call for,them?· Phone: Swarthmore 32~ ,.,. William Howard of Claymont, ilEIL,1 Barbara R. Thatcher, ~oth.. s1s- ~~§i~~~~~~~~~§i~~~§1~~~~~~~~~~g Mr. and Mrs. Walton H. Nason and Mr. Robert S .. Wright, 3d, ter, and Mrs. C. Russell DE!Btarlc>, t of Cornell avenue, announce the of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wright, Jr., Jr., a cousin of the bride, we,re' engagement of their daughter of Westdale avenue, this afternoon. moss green velvet dresses made In Shirley, to Mr. Richard Krecker, The ceremony will be followed by the same style as the bride's gown. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. a reception at the home of the TheY calrled bouquets of !'ed carKrecker, of Potisville, Pa. bride's parents. nations and glorlosa llUes, backed The bride and bridegroom will with red and green leaves, I\Dd Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Nortoln I reside In Dayton, Ohio. had matching gioriosa f\ower banLandon of North Princeton aveMr. and Mrs. R. S. Wright, Jr., deaus In their hair. nue, announce the engagement entertained at Open House The bridegroom had three broththeir daughter, Elizabeth night In honor of the bridal couple, ers In the wedding party, Mr. to Mr. Herbert Warren Jacobs, and MIss Howard was guest of H any T By1or, a f N ewar, k N • J ., Upper Darby. honor at a miscellaneous shower who served as ,best man, and Mr. Miss Landon and Mr. Jacobs Tuesday evening In Claymont. James C. Taylor and Mr. Oharles are both graduates of G. Taylor, of Prospeet Park, College, class'Of 1946. Mr. KERB--CRO'I'HElRS who were ushers. The other ushis a member of Phi Kappa Psi The marriage of Marion ers were Mr. C. Ruaseli DE!Bt,rlc> of Sigma Tau fraternities. ers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Chester road and Mr. William uel Crothers, Jr., of Wallingford, H. McInroy of Canten, Pa•. Js ... III.Y........~, . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Bye to Mr. Robert G. Kerr, Jr., son of The bride's mother wore a of Bryn Mawr, formerly of Moy- Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Kerr, of EdIn- beige dress trimmed with gold "psth, ...,.IIIS II lan, announce the engagement of burgh, Scotland, took place yes- beads and a hat of Ught brown . 1imI, WI . - .." their daughter, Miss Doris Lippin- terday afternoon, December 30, at nylon net. Mrs. Pedersen was wlsfllsfar,.. . . cott Bye, to Mr. John Ch.arlles 5:30 o'clock at "Rowin Brae," the gowned In blue c,'epe made wi!'h II1II' Ferm, son of Mr. and Mrs. John home of the bride's parents, In a beaded neckUne and wore a Ferm, of Midland, Pa. presence of the immediate famUly·1 black hat wIth an -ostrich Miss Bye is a graduate of The ce..emony was performed Each had a corsage of orchids Swarthmore High School and the Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, of the Swarthmore College and is study- Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. ing for her M.A. in 'geology at The bride wore a ballerina FOR Pennsylvania State College. length gown of royal blue crepe MAGAZINE Mr. Ferm is a graduate of Penn- featuring an off-shoulder neckSUBSCRIPTIONS sylvania State College and is line. Het corsage was of: studying for his Ph.D at the orchids. Mrs- Lloyd E. Ka1lffma n versity of Michigan. Miss Elizabeth C. Crothers, "''lD Swarthmore 2080 sister of the bride, was maid ~~~~~~~~~~::=::~::=::=1 honor, and was gowned in a sim.- Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Weltz of ilar model fashioned of gray lace 'College avenue, announce the en- over pink. Her corsage was of gagement of their daughter, Miiss I matching pink cam~llias. Catherine Lenore Weltz to Mr. H. Mr. Bickley Parker of Wallin~:Edwin Sheppard, son of Mr. and ford served as best man for Mrs. H. A. Sheppard, of Sanders- Kerr. ville, Ga. The announcement was The mother of the bride wore a made at a cocktail party from 4 purple crepe gown with a corsage to 7 on Sunday aftErnoon. of pink roses. , The traditlonlll wedding m~tsIc Mrs. Hugh Wagner Downing of was furnished by Mr. Gerald P. Riverview road announced the en- Kynett, Jr., of Wallingford, cousin ' gagement of ber daughter, MIss of the bride. I I I Plume. J,II, '. .Ii. Madison Brothers -~~ HAPPy NEW YEAR! Last 2 Days! Friday and Saturday Red Skelton Brian Donlevy "A SOUTHERN YANKEE" = ,#u IlIIPORTANT! Friday Matinee at 2:00 Evening at 7:00 and 9:00 New Year's Day ¥atlnee at 1:15 ' FIrst Evenlnc Show at 6:00 Feature New Year's Day 2:40 - 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:" Doors open at 5:40 =- - _= *= ==SHOW :: OK ;g IUDDIE Saturday aftErnoon at 1:15 8 - CJartooDa - 8 , 'Ius the first chaptEr of a New SerIal . "I'e4enl AceD..... All (lfdIoIna 141 (lea. 'l7Ien-~ • New Year tf4lI'IIin~1-d JIM which, "" trWt. .",1/ /wid III I10re for you and yours health, happmm and Jiribtet/fJ III l1li' Monday and ';l'uesday Montgomery CUft Star of Red River In ""'m "'1'IIE SBABCIl" H metUUFr. " HARRIS & CO. SQUABB" Beginning '1b.ursda7 The must-See Picture of the , Phone Bwaribmon .... . PETER E. TOLD, Editor ' MAJUOBIB TOLD, BARBARA KENT, A800eIate Bdlloro Rosalle PeIrsoI Lorene Mc Carter Edith Whitaker J:ntered as Sec~ld Class Matter January 24 1929 t th Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act 'Of ~ 3~ 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON , > MaY)four wish be year. 11 Park Avemte DEW DROP INN DARTMOUTH AVBNUB Mrs. Eleanor Smith and Mrs. Alberta S. Blankenship in charge. There will be no meeting of Youth Th Fellowship this week. e Board of Education meet on Tuesday evening at home of Mrs. L. E. Kauffman Dartmouth avenue. Rehearsal for the Senior Clloilr i is on Thursday evening at 7:45. The Social Hall will be open on Friday evening at 7 'o'clock for supervised recreation under Theadore L. Purnell. and Mrs. Jolui T. MoxeY of Ger- kitchen shower Wednesday In mantown, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ross Ihonor of Connie Spiller of Ogden and cbildren, of Madison, N. J., avenue, who will be a June bride. and Mr. John Lamond of Ardmore. Mr• and 114ro.. E L. Conwell ..... ~ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Fres- Columbia avenue, will entertain at coin, of Walkerville, Md., are ()pen House tomorrow evening. spending ........ ~~~-week In Mrs. J . W • P axson a f Ve_o. "'WRUO _ Swarthmore visiting Mrs. Lovett avenue, enterta1nedat a luncheon Frescolo of Harvard avenue, and Thursday in honor of the birthday Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pitman of anniversartes of Mrs. Arthur R. O. Vassar avenue. D""'~_ fV d f •.....,..Ave a asssr avenue, an a Mary Denworth of Ehn avenue, Mrs. George M. Ewing of Columentertained at a dessert-bridge and bia avenue. NEWS NOTES Trinity Notes Presbyterian Notes The Holy Communion will be Holy Communion will be Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rickson of observed. at the 11 o'clock service brated on New Year's Day at Middlebury, Vt., spent Christmas week·end with Mrs. Rickson's this Sunday momlng. New mem- a. m. bers will be received Into the felOn Sunday, Holy Communion parents, Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. lowship of the church at this serv- will be celebrated at the 8 and 11 Morse of Harvard avenue. Mrs. ice. . o'clock services. Morsets uncle and aunt, Mr. and we have carried on the same idea's The Church Hour Nursery will Ohurch School will meet at 9:45 Mrs. R. C. Roberts of Chevy Chase, D. C., were also holiday guests at .or be held from 11 to 12 o'clock In a. m. and aims with a constantly guarded Young People's Fellowship will the Morse home. the parish house for chI1dren from not meet until the following SunMr. and Mrs. Charles G. Thatcbone to sewn years of age. standard of dignity and service. er of Ogden avenue entertained at All departments of the Chur~h day. Choir School will meet on Tues- a family dinner party on Christmas School and the Women's and Men's We will strive to adhere to this day at 5 p. In., and on Saturday, Day, and Included Mr. and Mrs. J. BIble classes will meet Sunday policy throughout the years to come. at 9 a. m. Warren Paxson and Mr. and Mrs. morning at 9:45 o'clock. Thursday, the Feast of Russell De Burlo, Jr., of SwarthThe Session will meet at 10:40 Epiphany, there will be more, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert o'clock Sunday morning In the Communion at 11:30 a. m. Thatcher and small son of Morrischurch "!fIce, to receive the people The Woman's Auxillary Will town, N:J. uniting with the church at !'he 11 hold !'heir monthly luncheon meetMr. and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern o'clock. service. DIIIC101' O. PUNIIlALS n A CommllDc8 t's Class for all ing following the C;;:'~=~~ of Riverview road, entertained as •young people of the congregation service on Thursday. Guest their house guests over Christmas 1820 CHESTNUT STREET er will be John Hill, a member week-end, Mrs. Henry L. Nessen, desjring to join the church at MARY A. BAIR. President Mrs. Nessen Shelly, of East Orange, Telephone RI 6·1581 Easter time will begin on January the National Council of the N. J., and Mr. H. Ward Nessen, 8, at 10:30 a. m., In Mr. Bishop's copal Church and one of the ing figures In the national of Milton, Pa. study and will meet every SaturThe sewing group will meet Mrs. John Nessen of Riverview day thereafter until EastEr., Wednesday In the parish house road, and Mrs. Henry L. Nessen, A Watch Night service will be of East, Orange, N. J., leave today =====,..,..~--held In the church on New Year's 10 a. m. for Clearwater, Fla., to remain Eve from 11:30 to 12 o'clock. south for three months. The Junior Higb Fellowship will Christian Science Notes The Crum Creek Bridge Club meet at 5 o'clock Sunday aftErnoon "God' 'is the subject of the les- will resume ita meetings at the for refreshments and a social pe- son-sermon In all Churches of Harvard Inn on Tuesday evening, riod and will join the high school Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Janu- January 4. fellowship at 6 o'clock for a wor- ary 2. The Golden Text is: "As Dr. and Mrs. Henry Al,:ier!Eer This Bank Will Not Be Open Friday 'Evening ship service and Installation of of- for God, his way.is perfect; the and small daughter, Kathy, ficers of both groups. The high word of the Lord Is tried: he is a Madison, Wis., are spending' two school fellowship will have Its buckler to all them that trust weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph meetiug after the worship service. him.. For who is God, save H. Banks, of Columbia avenue. The Junior Choir will rehearSe Lord? and who is a rock, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Bittle at 3:30 on Thursday afternoon and our God? (II Samuel 22:31, 32). of Rutgers avenue are entertaining the Chapel Choir ,will rebeafse at their son-In-law and daughter, Mr. 7:45 o'ciock Thursday evening. Methodist Notes and Mrs. Thomas Murray and The W" 0 man's Association Th" Church School meets small daughter of Cornwall-onMonthly Sewing Day will be held Sunday momlng at 9:45'. C~lSS'''! Hudson, through Ohristmas week. on Wednesday, January 5, from 10 are provided for children of Mr. George C. Abbe of Cornell a.. m. to 4 p: rot; In charge of Circle ages and for adults. avenue is confined to the Delaware 1, Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner, chelrThe Young Adults meet at County 'Hospital following a heart man. There, w!ll also be tables o'clock in the Ladies' Parlors. attack on Tuesday, December 2l. for the making' of surgical dressAt the 11 o'clock service the M r. and Mrs. J ahn G . Moxey, Member of Federal DEposit Insurance Corporation ing. Members please bring a sand- Holy Communion will be cela. Jr., of Rutgers avenue, entertained wich; tea and coUee will be s~r.ved. brated. This church has open com- at a family party on Christmas munion and all disciples of Christ Day. Their guests included Mr. are invited to COmDl\me. The ushers for the day are: A. P. Smith, G. Glaesser, W. E. HBrtSWARTHMORE man, C. L. Hughey and R. M. SnyPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH der. Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MinIstEr The Church Nursery is open . . New Y",",a Eve d' th with 11:30 P. M.-Watch Night Service. urmg e mor serv.ce Sunda)", .JalUUIrY I 9:45 A. M.'- Church School. 9:45 A. M.-Women's Bible ClalII 9:45 A. M.-Men's Bthle Class 11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. , 5:00 P. M.-.Tr. High Fellowship. 6:00 P. M.-High School Fellow. , ship. This streamlined, easy·to·keep-clean Roper range offers MJ:THODlST CHURCH gas cooking the way you like itl With built·in top light, Roy N. Keiser, D.D., MInIster divided. tap burners, and giant "Store-Ail," this Roper Sunday, .Januill')' :e \ model (48·3302) can give you tops in cooking ease ond 9:45 A. M.-Church School 10:00 A. M.-Young Adult Felconvenience. Cash-priced at $193.50, installed under lowship standard conditions. Slightly higher 'on bu~get terms. 11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. FOR MORE THAN 70 YEARS THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. I • • .NOTICE I DECEMBER 31st Swarthmore National Bank ,'Trust Co. Church Services • I ning' • • Make your cooking . with a-modern Cp Gas Range . -- TlUNlTY CHURCH Re~Geo.C.Anderson,~r New Year's Day does CP mean ,to YOU? THE !IELIGIOUS SOCIETY Tpoa.e Power AI .Jobon "BOSE of WASIDNGTON l'1lBU8IIIiD sYBilI' I'IIIDAY AT 8W~TBIIOBll, PA TBB 8WAR'l'IDIOItBAN. INC.. PIlJlI'8BBB 8;00 A. M.-Holy Communion Sat. Mat. 1 P.M. CIIJLDREN'S SHOW ''BLONDIE KNOWS BES'I'" Serial, Cartoon Carnival, comedies, Free comic book, Free Roy Rogers ~an photos ...,.e '. 9:45 A. M.-Churdh SchooL 11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. Tbursclay (EpIphany) 11:30 A. M.-Holy Communion. Friday and Saturday Ava Gardner Robert Walker ''ONE roUVH Of VENUS" Feature times Sat. Nite onlY 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. . Wednesday-One day only AIlee THE 'SWA.RTHMOREA.N 10:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. '. Sunday, .JanWll'J' 2· College Theatre MEDIA ~.'~".' BWABTBMOU, P,\" I'IIIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1948 JANUARY 6, 1949 I PEDEBSON-TBA'1'CIIl!B I,J OF l"l\IBNDS Sunda)", .JalUUIrY 2 9:45 A. M.-FIrst Day school. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. WedneaclaJ', .J...uart 5 . 9:30 te 3:30-Sewing and QuiltIng In Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All cordially invited. Ayear brimming with malerlal ml • 'tual good. foc WID. Splll IV Here's a Caloric range (model CP·6618L) that is an answer to a homemaker's dream I Its Automatic Oven Time Control, Manual Minute Minder, and Automatic Ove.n Heat Control make it the time·saver that means easier meal preparation. Cash installed price, $186.50" under standard conditions. tllglitly high"r an budget terms. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIBNTIST OF SWARTBIIORE Park Avenue below Barvanl Sw"", ,JUlIIAI7 I 11:00 A. II. S"nd'V Scb en). 11:00 A. II. LUBDIl - ~ ''God" Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 p.m., Reading room open dsIq except SundaY and 'Holldays 12' tn II p.m. WednesdaT C!\>eDlnllB 7· to 7:GO and 9 to 8:30., p.m. C P stand. for Certifoed Performance, as specifled by the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association. Among other things, it assure"s you automatic lighting of top burners, oven, and broiler units. It means automatic control of oven temperature. and smokeless broiling. Altogether, CP ranges meas· ure up to 42 different speciflcations-your assurance of quality cooking performance I ;. M. WEINSTEIN & SON IN PABK. AEN1lB ,. ELECTRIC COMPANY., PHI L A DE LP H I A • • .. . - ".' , '" • THE SWARTBMORIlAN j !I Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bates of y~ avenue, entertained informa1ly on CbrIstmas Day. Mrs. Helen Hall of Hll1bom avenue, entertained for a few days . 'I' :fI, I;~:'" .:. ,'1, , I : • )01 • 31, lfU r:;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;T~B~I~S:W~A;R~T;,B~';M~O~R~E~A~N~:::::=~:::::T::~::~~::~;::I Ii. over the bolldays, George Cbang, kern of Riverview road are entera pre-med student at Swarthmore taln1ng Mr. Kniskern's mo\!ber, College, wbose home Is in Hong Mrs. A. D. Kniskern of HastIngs, Kong. Mieb., as their bouse guest during Mr. and Mrs. PhIlIp W. KnIs- the holiday season. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Cb!quolne of Rutgers avenue, entertslned on Christmas Day the latter's sisters, ~ Anita Reinhard and MIas rtB Reinhard, of New York \ .......... City. Also joining the fam117 group were John ChIquolne, Of Penn State, and Duncan Chlquolne, of Cornell, home for the holidays. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Gur1n and sons, Robert and Rlchsrd, of Amherst avenue ,spent ChrIst:mas week-end as the guests of Dr•. Gurln's sister, Mrs. Josepb Burton, Jr., of Foiest Hills, L. 1. .~-~----~~~~--------- 9 A 9DC8\~ t9 ~, t t On the dan of the New Year, we pause , • ,MAY YOUR TABLE , BE m·IID WITH again to express om best wishes for the coming • •o 0• again broad, Exo'clock AJIL, Bo8.T. for oonOrmamlnistratrix, Estate of James of B. Sharp. Uon, at whldl time the IIIId McHale, deceased. wm aadlt IIIId acoomilll, hear McKENNA-Nov. 20 Second SLEEPER-Nov. 30 FIrst and 1i'1captious to the - " aDd count of Girard Trust nal Account of Matthew Rankin dlslrlbutlon of the bal....,... and Edward B. Executor, ,l!:state. of Joolah eertaIned to be In the hand. Executors, Estate EdwUd Sleeper, dece&sed. . , tbe AccoUDtaDl8. McKenna, deceased. STEMMER-Nov. 17 First and FIASHMEAD-Nov. 29 FIrst and McKENNA-Nov. 20 FIrst AcnaI ACCOlUit of Christopher Wlx!'inal Account of The Wayne count of Girard Truat ComlllmY ted and HGward Stemmer. ExTitle and Trust and Edward B. Seiberllch. TruBecutors, Estate of William Stem_ Guardian, Estate tees, Estate of Edward McKenna. mer, deceased. Comac Aahmead, deceased. STERN-Nov. 24 FIrst Account of BARGELT-Nov. 26 MITCHELL-Nov. 23 First The Pennsylvania Company for naI Account of FInal Account of Jameo L. Banking 'and Trusts formerlY Administrator, Estate kin, Executor, Estate of Pennsylvania Company far goret Bargelt, deceased. M. H. Mitchell, deceased. on uves and GrantBOBIAK-Nov. 8 FIrst and FInal RICE-Nov. 30 First and FInal Executor, Estate Account of Max Parasbak, EXAccount of Walter Rice. Ex. deceased. ecuter, Estate of Wasyl Bobiak, ecutor, Estate of Darilel RIce. and Flatk as William Bobiak, deceasdeceased. of Charlotte ed. RITTER-Nov. 29 FIrst Exe;cutrlx. BOOTH-Nov. 26 First and nal Account of J. Estate of Woleotb. Account of Mary E. Booth, Executor, Estate of Ida deceased. ecutrix, Estate of Laura deceased. WORREI.I~No.i. 30 FIrst and FlBooth, deceased. ROAN-Nov. nal' Account· of Clarence WorBROSWS-Nov. 29 First nal reli.. Executor, Estate of MarOf Russell T. Brosius, shall Worrell, deceased. Estate of J. Taylor Brosius, tate of ARTHUR ceased. ceased. Register oal'BAN'8 COUBT OP DBLAWAJtB COtJlllTY ~._..__PENNSYLVANIA of .....__ -~ol A-.... of o t J 11~1~~G~uardi~f~an~.~0~f~E~~~m~\IIl~d~;S~' _:_'1/'" . . o ... ~ Ir AND LET TIlE JOYS OF • THIS SEASON 1J ~ 3 STAY WITH YOU ALL YEAR. Russell's CELIA SHOE SHOP Dartmouth and Lafayette Avenues IOZ PARK AVENUE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I :~~:Jr~: BRUGLER-Nov. FIrst and Fl-I jRiO~WLANJ).....;~~~~N~O~V~.3~0~First~·~~an~d~Fl~-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~or~·~~~~~~. nal Account of13 Girard Trust ~i~~1~~ I CHRISTENING cludl'd were thi: Oversee... for th Deirdre LoI1lse Dryden of. Mr. and Mrs. Jameo M. of -DJ n....._An, Ohio, and ter of Mr. and ~rs.,Alexander Dryden of Swarthmore and Yale avenues will be chrlatened ·by the Rev. George C. Anderson rector at .Trinity Church following· the worship service this Sunday. Godparents wIU be tile baby's uncle d t M and an aU\l, r. Mrs. Henry A. Pelrsol,' Jr., of Lalavette and Mrs .Wllliam AII~n Brown of Park iivenue. .' Wedding, and the out of toW:: fruID DEVINE TAXI , Willi. .'(91 ~ :",,============, Old Bank Building ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAPPY YEAR ~i~~~~;;~~~;1 Corinne McEacbreon of. South Nelson, New Brunswick, is made j r Sw8fthmore WILLIAM' BROOKS ,Ashes & Ruliblsh· Removed Lawns mowed, General Hauliog 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa, fi will BybeBysatisfied. Please write to me.", REAL ESTATE '''1---\.TIONS ERS BROS_, .. Hartnmnl~t;,~~~~~~!~~~~~;~t~~ exnmtn,;;t '~~l;';! I and four children of Westfield, and Mrs. Vernon N.Mr. J. were lb. Christmas weekend guests of Mrs. Hart~an's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and . F. van der Gracht of South road. The .van der Grachts' Mr. and Mrs. R. van der I G',",CI,t and Dr. and Mrs. Robert of Philadelphia group for a farni(y diruJer I m,riv on Christmas Day. Rumsey Chevrolet Yale and Rutgers Avenuo FO,. THE RIDBRD WQ- ourwm of Good Luck to travel with you through the months of ... AHAPPY YEAR! Marian S. Brown ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::n Coli Swarthmore 0121-D9M • NEW (ONSUUcnON • ALTEUIION$ lod tEPAl1S ARTERS BROTHERS, loC' Contrud~n and BuUd." 302 Gayler Str.... Media, ra. Pholie: Medla 8-4281 I PIANO TUNING ALBAN PARKER . Phone 1IIedta 0459-111 New ..,d RebnlU Ptanos and Repairing Since 1908 9O'l Edgmon' ~venDe Chestor 8-4518 A. WAYNE skates, size 2207.J. F. F.ZIMMERMAN FOR SAIoE Pair of lady's bro~ leather lambs' wool lIoed Banff stadium boots, slz.e 8-8'h. Never worn. Phone Swarthmore. 0669. FOR SALE 1936 four-door blue Ford sedan, reCently overhauled; new heater, $300. Reliable owner. Call Swarthmore 0151-J. FOR SALE-Rugs: Dx16 and 9x12, matching green broadloom, new, $ 250: Dxl8 ·Amerlcan OrienW, practically new, $235, and othen. Call Swarthmore 0529. FOR SAT,E-Baby coach, play pen, bathinette, car-carrier. Call Swarthmore 0182. MOSTELLER Photographer "'Outstanding for QualIty" Media 6-0436 6 E. Front st. Swarthmore Disposal Service Rubbish Collected Weekly or MonOlb:· Phone .Swarthmore 3343 9 A.. M. to 5.30 P oM. ELECTBICAL CONTRACTOR and Paperhangin& Serving Swarbunore and VIcinity for past Twenty Years "A. Well Kep'Rouse 1180 Mgh""'berIr Ave. PHONE • Swadlunore 2395 FormerlY of Media 1125 W. t-eh!gh Ave., Phila. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional marge for calls ••• Hang up pntly • • • Take the lead in ..,oclparty-line manners.' It . "UlInean betterServiccforalL ••• Space F. Conway . suburban calla • .' ,;. ", ,_. I . ctmNJNGHAM. . .......... l'abdora·,&':~r n. 1.11 Tel••, ... C••plI, 3Puk Avenue ., , •••.,h••I. • Never G..,ws Old" Media 6·0755 FUNERAL nmECTOR tesy pays dividends! Be brief nlshed room, second floor. Convenient to transpOrtation. Swarth. more 0155..J. ' Painting A. 'Mercer Quinby On party-line telephones. cour.- blocks Call DAVE WOOD All Types of Electrical In'Stal1atlO1ls and· Repairs. NIGHT or DAY FOR BENT aC3". Call The flee. . L Henry I.e Baron • WAll .Id FLOat (OV!lIlIGS If you have real estate for sale, list with us and we will give you the benefit of' our Cooperative Selling Bureau. Call at office or phone us. Associated with • MODERN KII(HINS Dependable Service 0' ~homas Properties With Us 2T·t2·17 REALTOR FOB SALE Estate of deceased. 9 FIrst and Fiof Chester-Camand Trust Estate of ~:J~I I LIst your Betaware CoUDb' .....,..' c;"" .": Wallace Lippincott Hang UP' your telephone . genUy, pray; Thafs the friendlY, . courteous. way. au. A.BeeVN --:";!~!iit~~-.t ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ;~~~~~~~~;~i~!1 Good materials and skl1ifui workmen are noW available. Call us for information and· estimates An-I I---===c.::::::::::;:::...- ~:~~:J~~~m; . WANT TO BUILD? ! ~~~~i~~~~~ l'f~~. , deceased. 19 FIrst ~~:~; of William i.;roiln-I ter Ray Jump, KJRSCHNEK-Nov. FInal Account of tlonal Bank of ~~i~~;'ii::~ Estate of Ann ( late a minor. 27 First and FiIlai I E. Krauss, of Harr7 deceased. 5 FIrst and of Barry D. Lane Lane of Ida Lupton, johnsOn~=~~:I : I ~~~~~;;;;;~~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Hayes of i WlrlD&,·New aDd Old Homes . avenue entertained over ii == Ohrlstmas Week-end, their son-in- 5 .E1ectrlc H.ot Water Heaters law and daughter, Lt. Comdr. C. and Electric Ranges Installed E. Nelson and Mrs. Nelson of Samuel M. Harbison napolls. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Latimer ' Swarthmol'!' 0140 Cornell avenue spent the ChristlIDIIlIlIIIIIIDIDIIIII1InmnUJDlIIIUIIIIIIDiliIDlUnJl Since '1905' Baird and Bird ~ 0; ••• GreeIings for you. Mr, and Mrs. JClIIepb Bishop of The Manse on Westdale avenue entertaloed Mr. Bishop's mother Mrs. Hannah Biohop of New York,' for the Chrlotmas holldays. and family of ,,-- J0 lnIng the IWbV group ,w e r e Mr• and Mrs• ,If· Chap"'an of New York. Mrs. Cilapm an'lo the former Miss MarLatimer. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of WllUlngford entertained at a buffet supper., Monday evening In honor of )\Irs. Arnold's nephew Midshipman Thomas Davlo Trw·tt USN now stationed at Pensacola, Fla. Geo~e ~d Tom Stabl.... of Wallingford are home trom Earlham College in indiana for holid8ys. Bob Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wrl8ht, Jr., is spending Christn:ias vacation at his home on Westdale avenue. Co-op: es roug own for sale at the mas holidays with their "Dear FrIend: I am writing a note and pulttinl~ It on one of the Christmas ,,,,,,,-<1 ,.. ,..." '®.~: Ito . see wh<>llets my note. ~~~;~~~ ment in Swar1!lUnore by two I am onlY a poor litUe girl . adults. Will do own papering and grade III. I only want ~-""O - '''"'' Telephone Swarthmore' to bring. me a doll, and . :~~~~~r:1 Trust Company, .naI Estate of Katharlqe H. deceosed. ' FINEGAN.-Nov. 23 First and Final Account of Nellie M. Finegan, Executrix, Estate of ElIzabeth M. FInegan, deceased. GILMARTIN-Nov. 24 FIrst Final Acoount of Jlannah ~~l sen, Executrix, Estate of J L. Gilmartin. deceased. GRATZ-Nov. 29 FIrst and Account of Girard Trust pany and Florence H. Van Truatees utw, Estate of M. Gratz, deceased. ====================~===",I HARDEN-Nov. 5 First and Final Account of Guy G. deFuria, Executor, Estate of Charles If. Harden, deceased. lIERMANN-Nov. J2 FIrst and Final AccOunt of William T. McKay, AdmInistrator, Estate Walter F. Hermann, dece!,s~LI JOHNSON-Nov. 12 FIrst and Final Account of Chester-Cambridge Bank and Trust ComExecutor, Estate of AI- happy New Year we're wishing ,NEWS NO~S IHarrls LaUtner Wellesley, M ass. Dr. and Mrs.' G'eorge Arml'-'~e fal!lilY ,C'LASSIFIED wo,rk. ~. • . .... , . , . . ""6 of South Ch t es er road entertained at a family dinner' part,y· Tuesday evening. ,. .' S and Mrs. John W. IUU of prk.!ield entertained at a BOOIj'BPAIBBD iBB8 ~oc5 30 . party' Sunday from' 3:30 ,IN8TAI,I,BD . 0: in honor of theu- daugtber Furnace Repalro & Clean!'" Miss Jean Iliff whose engagement Call has been announced to Mr. Whitf rd GEORGB JIIYBB8 0 McDowell of New York form409 Michig.an Ave. Sw. 22611 of Swarthmore. Virginia Clyde Francis of phens College accompanied by Hafrety of Poplar Bluffs. Dt\v.....)' Conatrueu...-· sp,"nt part of the holiday Aopball or ~eto WIth Virginia's grandparents, and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of PETER DI NICOLA Swarthmore avenue. They were ;:;;=Mi';;;;;;;=Mi'=;o;;;Mi'==Vii Mrs. C. Russell De Burlo, Jr., enTRmUTE guests at the 21st birthday party II Phone Swarthm.... IIH tertained at a buffet supper SunA tribute to our devoted friend of Nancy Lewlo of Gradvville, .I~~~~~~~~~~~~i day evening in honor of the bridal Kathryn Charlesworth of ' also h formerlY of Swarthmore, and party of Miss Susan Thatcher w 0 lived in Swarthmore altended the Charity Ball in ChesV AN ALEN BROS. Mr. Christian Pederson. Also In- many ~eBr1i and passed away ter, Tuesday evening. WISHING YOU the S~l1th Nursing Home in Media Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson on Frl!!ay, December 10. She was family of Strath Haven avenue atCoal and.Fuel Oil A VERY a S~~ol of the highest .type of tended a family Christmas DaJ'tv I =;-----1 ~hr1Stlan womanhood, never fail- at the home of Mr. Wilson's Ing anyone in the hour of need mother, Mrs. Thomas R. Wilson of He~ was a life of sacrifice and Millord, Del., Sunday, December If~~~~~~~~~~~~ II ~ servIce to. all mankind, doing good 26. II NEW, to all WIth whom she came in Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen TREE ..... contact, and her loving kindness of Harvard avenue entertained a SURG.r.RY sympathy and unselfishness en~ few friends Tuesday evening in PRUNING, LIMB AND washers 'l'REE REMOVAL vacuum cleana,s, ranges de~ her to all who knew her. honor of the 20th wedding annIWith ber passing .has gone versary of Mr. and Mrs. Peter E ROBERT BA8TINGS Mason Builders Irons, fans, lamps. Call Told of· Park avenue. Call Swadlunore 0II8S-W ErIch H. Hausen, Electrical Con- who may be an inspiration tractor. Swarthmore 2850 - 335 everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith of ~:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:::========~ Supply Company Park Avenue. ML.B. and E . A.B. North Princeton avenue enter- !!!lllllUlIllUlIIlIumlDlUUIIUIIIIDUUUUIIIIlDlUUIlIIIIi SWARTHMORE, PA PERSONAL - Yacuum Cleanero tawed 12 at a family dinner party !!! Eledrical Repairs I Irons, towels and radios ~ TREE· ACCOMPLISHES on Christmas Day.. !!! ,!I paired, called for and delivered. CHRISTMAS Mr. ar.d Mrs. D. l