.ow.... ':;wnrthraore Cvlle{!e Library . MARCH OF DIMES CLUB PLANS ·POLIO PROGRAM Book Review Now Set For Jan; . 14th On Tuesday, January 11, at 2 p. m., Mrs. F. H. Forsythe, Health and Welfare chairman; will present Ruth Ann Palmer, executive · secretary Of the Delaware County Chapter, National Found",tion of Infantile ParalysiS, and Mrs. Lester F. Lines, treasurer cif the Polio parents Club of Delaware County. · There will be shown movies taken in Swarthmbre at the Morrow .. pool; where a number of afflicted children were given outing. Mrs. Albert SIdney Johnson and Mrs. R. M. Kilgore will be hostesses. Mrs. Frank D. Windell and Mrs. Frederick R. Lang will preside at the tea-table: The book review scheduled for January 7 has been postponed until January 14. On that date Mrs. Donald Hibberd will' give "And Then You Came," by Ann Bridge at the club house at io a. m. Plastic lamp shades will be made on January 18. Those who are interested in making these..are asked to press their flowers before hand. Further notice ot time and place will be given. The Woman's Club morus will rpsume rehearsals at 10 a. m. on Tuesday under .the leadership of Mrs. Stoyan Russell, music chair-. man. an .' ·MARCH" OF DIMES RALLY TUESDAY Speakers, Play Planned For 8 O'clock Program "Fighting Dimes in Action,1t an arresting drama of the work ot the Delaware County Chapter of the National Infantile Paralysis Foundation, will higbl1ght a Much of Dimes rally scheduled at the Swarthmore Woman's Club on Tuesday evening, January 11. William L. Batt, state chairman of the 1949 March of Dimes, will be th~ keynote speaker at this rally which formally opens the campaign in the county. Richard C. Morse, county director of the drive, and Ruth Ann Palmer, executive secretary of the co~ty chapter of the National Foundation, will be other speakers featured at this 8 o'clock program. The stage presentation, especially written for the occasion by Janet Roever of St. Davids, Is a blending of comedy with pathos and high drama, considerably littensified by the participation of polio patients from this area. Nar· rators will be Mrs. Eunice Eaton of Park avenue and the Rev. Joseph Bishop, minister of the Presbyll'rian. Churcb. Other Swarthmoreans participsting in the show are Mrs. Oliver G. Swan and Mrs. George P. Warren, both of Chester road. Chairman of the production is Mrs. Jacob V. S. Bishop of Harvard avenue with Marie Louise Forsythe of Thayer road as director. Opportunity .for open questions will be included in this opening session of the 1949 March of Dimes which, it is hoped, will raise the record sum of $60,000 to continue the fight against pollo in Delaware County during the coming year. There will be no admiSsion fee and no sollcitatlon at this precampaign 1"11117. COLI.~:m; THESWARTHM VOLUME n-NUMBEB 1 • LIJn~A y RALLY 8 P. M. TUESDAY SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7,1949 PASQUJER TRIO TO eEBFORM AT COLLEGE The Pasquler irio, internationally known string group, will per~ form . at Clothier Memorial on Friday and Sunday, January 14 and 16, at 8:15 p. m. . 'l'hls group is composed Or three brothers "'" SW h R'I'H ~IOI\I'. (Jean, violin; Pierre, viola; and Entienne, viollncello) arid has appeared in all theprincipal countries of the world. Critical and popular reception has been enthusiastic everywhere. The Pasquler Trio is well known to Swarthmore, having appeared at Clothier twice in the past two years. LWV DISCUSSION GROUPS TO OPEN U. N. Is Subject Of Sectional Meets The League of Women Voters of Swarthtnore invites members of the community to participate'in the discl!sslon groups 'on United Nations which start next week. The studY' of the United Nations! work is the main project for the League this year throughout the country. The League presents an excellent opportunity· learn more about the United Nations and to discuss with oihers the issues involved. Mrs. Carl Chase of Wa11ingford is chairman . of the discussion groups. Five groups will meet at diUerent 'times in order' to meet the convenience .of as many as possible. . . '. Mrs. Glenn Morrow will lead the group which will meet Mimdays from 9:45 to 11:30 a. 111., January 10, 17, and 24, at Mrs. N. Bachman's home at 420 Rutgers avenue. Mrs. Oliver Rodgers' group will meet at her home, 535 Riverview avenue, Mondays at 8 p. 111., January 10, 17, and 24. Mrs. Phelps Soule's group will meet at her home, 410 Park avenue ,on Wednesdays, 10 to 11:30 a. m., January 19, 26, and February 2. Mrs. Carl Chase will lead a discussion group in Wallingford at the home of Mrs. Walter Robinson, Rodgers lane in Wallingford Hills, Wednesdays at 8 p. m., January 12, 19, and 26. Mrs. John Moore will be the leader of the grOUl' meeting at her home at 2 Whittier place on Fridays from 10 to 11 :30 a. m., January 14, 21, and 28. There is no need to "sign up" for one of the groups. Those who can attend should just plan to be present at the first meeting of whichever group suits their schedule best. The League hopes that the evening meetings will make it possible for working men and women to attend. The League of Women Voters reminds local residents that the work of the United Nations is very Important to all and demands interest and participation in discussion groups such as these. -to WINS MUSICAL HONOR David Spencer, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Spencer of Ogden avenue, distinguished himself by winning the berth of concertmeister in the southeastern district festival orchestra. David placed first in iryouts I)eld recently and competed with over 50 violinistS from some 25 schools in a threecounty area. ~bert Holm, director of instrumental music at' Swarthmore High, stated l'I\cenlly that to the best of his knowledge, David wbo is 13, is the youngest perso'; ever to achieve this honor. David is the pupil of Lucius Cole, retired member of the PhIladelphia Orchesira and a reSident -Of Drexel Hill. . SHS HOSTS FOR .100 MU:)ICIANS Students To Rehearse For District Concert Over IQO school musicians rep. resenting some 25 schools in a district comprising Delaware Montgomery and. Cllester counties will congregate at Swarthmore High School tomorrow morning to begin rehearsals for their annual District Orchestra festival The concert is scheduled for Saturday evening, January 22, at Clothier Memorial Chapel on the Swarthmore College campus. Membership of this group was determined through competitive tryoul'! held before the Chi-islmas holidays. The instrumentation conforms to orthodox symphonic standards and the caliber of the program material is of a nature that it will be a challenge even to such a select group. It was decided that this year the conducting chores would be shared by the music directors in seven of the schools represented. Under this. plan, the participants gain the experience of playing under various baton techniques. Directors front this area will include, D. Ray Yerger, Haverford, David D. M. Haupt, Upper Darby, Andrew Frech, Lower Marion, Elwood. Miller, Springfield, Don Corbin, Lansdowne and Robert M. Holm of the Swarthmore schools. Charles ,Long, of Chester is president of the association. . R!'hJ:arsals a r 'I scheduled throughout the entire day for the next three Saturdays: and arrangements are being made to broadcast a portion of -the program each rehearsal day. Alice E. Blodgett and Robert Holm, vocal and· instrumental music directors respectively at Swarthmore are co-hosts. $3.50 PEBYEAR THIMBLE GROUP REPORT The Thimble Group wishes to announce that during the past year It has made the following coniributions: The Community Health Center wheel chair, $25; The Community Health Center, $58; The Red Cro~, $20; C.A.R.E., $100; The ~alvation Army, $20; The AmerIcan Cancer Society, $20; Camp Sunshine, $75; and The American Friends Service, $25. A small number of workers meet every other week at the homes of the members to sew for any organization whlob particularly needs. help. Besides the $10 a year donated by each member, funds are raised by selling aprons and other articles and occasionally holding a bazaar. Mrs. James B. Douglas will be hostess to the group at her home on North Chester road on Monday, Janu~ 10. KRASNA PLAY TO OPEN TONIGHT "John Loves Mary" Begiris Eight Night Rnn "John Loves Mary" is the next production at the Swarthmore Players Club on Fairview road; Opening tonight at 8:20 to~ the first of eigbt performances, this light-hearted Krama comedy defies seriousness with its good-humored kidding·ot peace-time soldieripg and its sitUations of involved complexity, to be redundant. PrOduced under the direction of Nat Doughty, remembered for his fine portrayal of Spike McManus ~:~~; ~~ :~~' :~ ~~:r!,,:b:~ BORO COUNCIL . SETS TAX RATE Limit Parking. On Mt. Holyoke Place , DR. RUSSELL DIES IN .MARYLAND Reaches 80 Pet. ,R~turns from the annual Christmas Seal S~le conducted by the Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health Association reached approximately 80 per cent of their $72,000 lIoal, Robert W. Bernhardt, execUtive secretary has announced. Mr. Bernhardt expressed ap. preciation on behalf of the association to aU groups within the county who are assisting in the COI)duc;< of this yeartI sale. . Seal sale Dr. Percy RUIlSell, a former ,esident of Swarthmore for many years, died last Thursday in Frederick Hospital, Frederick Md. He was 81. A pioneer in the application of electricity to dentisiry, Dr. RuSsell was awarded a certificate of merit by the Franklin Institute in 1939 for his spced control for motors. Dr. Russell was a native of New Market, Md., and a graduate of the University of Maryland. He practiced dentistry in New York until 1901 when he came to l\hlIadelphia where be was associated With the E1eciro - Dental Manufacturing Company until 1928. He invented many electrical instruments used in modern dentistry, dental units and motor driven chairs. He· is survived by his wife' a son, Charles, of Ogden avenue ~d a brother, Dr. Henry Russell, of. Baltimore. Services were held at New Market on Friday. . FrIday, January 7 8:15 P.M.-Orchestra 8:20 P.M._uJohn L Concert ,; . - . , , ....... "'Iothi 'er M emon'at 0svesturdaMary ................. Players' Club a :v, .January 8 7:00 and 9:00 P.M.-Movie "Intolerance" Cloth· M . 8:20 P.M.-uJohn Loves ler emorial 8:30 P.M.-Basketball-College Del;'ware' ... PlaFi:relerds'HcIUb Sunday, .January 9 . ... . . . OUBe 11:00 A.M.-Morning WOrship ...•..•.......... Local Churches 7:15 P.M.-Dr. Lazarsfeld' M . . ...................... Martin Hall • 8:20 P.M.-uJohn Lov:"n:r,"!:.J.anuary 10 .. .Ja.:.iW-i-' ii'" ...... Players' Club 82 :00 Pp.M.M.-Ruth Palm"", National Foundation .. Woman's Club .• . March of Dune. Rally W . 8:20 P.M._uJohn Loves Mary" ...,...... ... oman's Club Wedne!I4IQ i··············· Players' Club 12:00 Noon-Woman's Associat; anuary lZ • 11:20 P.M._uJohn Loves M "on ...•.... Presbyterian Church Tb ary ................. Players' Club 7:00 P.M.-Father's NiundaY• .January 13 . 8:20 P.M._uJohn Lo Igbt .... ;................ Strath Haven IJm ves Mary ................. Players' Club Tn.: ,.' , Dental Inventor Was Former Borough Resident . TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR Mary" ,, At its first 1949 session Monday evening Swarthmore Borough Councll established the local tax rate at 13¥.. mills. Composed of U'h mills for general purposes, % for sinking fund, and 1'14 for library, the tax rate remains the same as in the past for borough purposes but· has been increased Y. mill for the library. A 24-inch' .storm sewer was ordered laid on Drexel roa'd at Dickinson avenue. It was discovered .that $15,000 was left in the budget at the end of the year due to street repalrs which had been planned but not accompllshed during 1948. Citizens of Mt. Holyoke place appeared regarding the parkini condition along their sireet. In consequence Council passed· Ordinance 509 prohibiting parking on the east side of Mt. HOlYoke place fl'Om Strath Haven south between the hours of 7 p. m. and 8 p. m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. be a good one. Tee-Ann Doughty will play the part Of Mary with Charles. Seymour as the a..'Iliable John. , Barron Helmuth will take the part of Oscar Dugan, Charles .Juniors To Dance Stockdale of Fred Taylor, William The Seventh, Ninth and Tenth Price of Senator James McKinley, grades will meet for their dancing Etta Haner of Mrs. phyllis Mcclasses on Saturday evening at the Kinley. Fred Echelmeyer as Lt. Victor O'Leary, Ernest O. Lange Woman's Club. as George Beechwood, Sally McThe Seventh Grade will have as Fadden as Lily Herbish and Donchaperones Mr. and Mrs. W. R. ald Macrostie as Harwood Biddle, Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Howard complete this well-balanced cast. Newnam. Stage managers are Col. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flaherty C. Mabbott and Thomas M. Jackand Mr. and Mrs. William P. Electrician is Mack Hayes will assist at the Ninth son, Jr. Owens, with music under the Grade class. ' The chaperones for the Tenth charge of Anne Chandler. Stage Grade will be Mr. and Mrs. Har- decorations and property honors lan R. Jes.up and Mr. :and Mrs. go to Mrs. John L. Good, chairman, and Mrs. R. T. Bates, Mrs. David Howard E. Shearer. Braun, Mrs. E. Faye Campbell, Mrs. Ray Latimer, Mrs. Jonathan Fathers To Be Feted BEREAVED Prichard, 3d, Mrs. Agnes Haig James Nancarrow, principal of Mrs. Henry J. Weiland returned Sheldon and Mrs. H. S. Toole. the Upper Darby High School, will this week to her home on South Prompter is Martha Keighton speak on "Tile Relationship of Chester road after attending the . Father and Child" at the annual funeral of her father, Mr. James Father's Night dinner of the MothWilliam Black, who died at his !"Irs. George Wagoer enter-, er's Club to be held at the Strath home at Kaukama, Wisconsin. He htamed atBea ~ess:rt-wbridge at her Haven Inn at 7 on Tbursday evewas g9 years of age. I _orne on DJantm est avenue. ning, January 13. Mr. and Mrs. T. Leigh Williams of Harvard avenue, have returned from Richmond, Va., where they attended the funeral services at Mr. Williams' mother, Mrs. W. R. Williams, who' died following a stroke suffered on Christmas Eve. , ~'. vs: .. ~, ' • THE NEWS NOTES • Mrs. H. F. Brown of North Cbester rlIad entertained. at a small luncheon last Monday In bonor of MIss Ceres Myers of New York City, bouse guest of Mrs. Agnes Haig Sheldon of Ogden avenue, and for Mrs. Willlam O. Sizer, of Glen Ridge, N. J., who was visiUng her sister Mrs. Fred Wiison of Walnut lane. Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Thayer, Dsvld and Paul Thayer, and Peggy and Mary Lou Thayer of North Chester road, entertained at Open House on New Year's Eve. Ann Harvey of Columbia avenue entertained at Open House from 5 to 7 on Sunday afternoon. Patsy McCahan of Strath Haven avenue and Barbara Krase of Elwyn, entertained at a surprise kitchen shower on Wednesday of Isst week at the McCahan home in honor of Miss Marilyn MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place whose engagement bas been announced. Joan Streeter of Columbia avenue and Joan Faulkner of Dickinson avenue entertained at a tea at the Streeter home on Thursday 01 last week. Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter and Mrs. E. J. Faulkner presided at the lea table. Dr. and Mrs. George B. Sickel of Strath Haven avenue entertained over the holidays, Mrs. Sickel's mother, Mrs. William Bittinger, her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Matthews and nephew Gilbert Matthews, Jr., of Plymouth, Ohio, Bill Sickel, home from Dartmoubb, Barbara Sickel on holiday vacation from Wesleyan Conservatory, Macon, Ga., and James Archer of the Un:verslty of Georgia. Mrs. Sbtrley Chidsey of New York City and Miss Frances Annltage, bostess for the Eastern .AIr Lines, based at Miami, Fla., spent part oJ the holiday season with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percival Armitage of Harvard avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. David M. Speers of Rutledge, fonnerly of Swarthmore, and small son Jonaihan, have returned following a two-week holiday visit with Mr. Speers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H .. A. O. Speers of Indianapolis, Inctj Peggy Keenen of Harvard avenue, a student at the University 01 Zurich, Switzerland, will return there following a holiday vacation In Italy. Peggy is traveling in a walking caste as a result of a broken ankle sustained In a bicycle accident the middle of December. Mrs. M. H. HUord of Dickinson avenue entertained at a cocktail party from 4 to 7 on Sunday afternoon. Mr. 'and MLJ!S --------- Orrin of PIne Ridge,! ii=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Media, M. son Elliott of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur!. o. Elliott of Los Angeles, Calif., JANUARY 13, 1949 on Thursday, December 30, a~ MIllbourne, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Armitage entertained at Open House on New Year's day in .bonor oJ the bride and bridegroom who will be at Come and Enjoy Your Sel!'Ction From home at 115 Hemlock road, Pine HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS Ridge, after February 15. AND DESSERTS The $l.OO-Serve Yourself-All You Want COMPLETE SUPPER STRATH HAVEN INN BmTIIS Dr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Gibson of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOAGIE HUT FOR "ou Wouldn't Take ....;,; '.' . Your Watch to a Plumber . . . MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MEDIA j Mrs· Lloyd E. KBllfhnan Swarthmore 2080 Last Two Days! FrIday - Sa~y Greer Garson W. PIdgeon • If your watch stops College Theatre or runs too fast or 1'IIIIDinc. too slow, you FrIday and Saturday take it to the finest repair shop Last 2 Days-Don't MIss It! you can find. Why shouldn't "JOHNNY BJ!I,INDA" you give your body the same Jane wYDUin Lew Ayres consideration you give yolir *= == :: OK KIDDIE SHOW Feature times SaL Nite 0Dly 6:00-8:00-10:00 P. M. watch? Too often, when illness Saturday afternoon at 1:15 Sa&. Ma&. 1 p. m.-Speclal "JULIA MISBEHAVES" All ClhIIdren It CeIIts comes, we listen to·well·meaning friends Or answer the call of the patent medicine vendor. The Children's Show ''Rellllrn of RIn TIn TIn," plus SedaI, Cartoons and Shorts . correct thing to do is to collsult your physician. • He alone can rliagnoae. your trouble, preac:ribe proper treatment. We are ready at alltimci8 to &ll Monday, Tnesda7 W...... eeda¥ J. Warile M. ()Ufl 8~-l[ondaY-~7 "BED RIVER" DannyKa¥e "A SONG IS BOlIN" sti.riIn« Th1ll'llll&., In tee'ndoohrl "A SOUi:liERN YAN... KEiI,....' vour prescriptions properly. ., ONTRECOBNU - - ,-- --- ---- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Church Services meeting will for follow. Rehearsal the Senior will be on Thursday evening 7:45 o'clock. The Social Hall is open for pervised recreation under dore L. Purnell on Friday lIing at 7 o'clock. ersInfrom 12 states attend. the addition to will organizing PRES:.:r~O~CH schedule of events, Mr..Tloornp:,otd Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MInister will preside at the dally meetings Sunday, January 9 at which guest experts from 9:45 A. M. _ Church School. fields of journalism will appear. 9:45 A. M.-Women's Bihle ,...,-General Dwl'ght D .-., ·>;:i.sermowe.r! ~ 9:.5 A. M.-Men's Bible Class . pre -d t f C I b' 11:00 A. M. _ Mr. Bishop will . Sl en 0 0 um la University, • preach, "What Can We Exwill welcome the editors to the peet of God?" • . Seminal' as will Carl W. Ackerman 3:00 P. M.-Youth Rally Trmity Notes dean of the Graduate School of 5:00 P. M.--.Tr. High Fellowship. Holy Communion will bce:hcelurlclen-I Journalism. . 7:00 P. M.-Young AduU's Group. brated on Sunday at 8 a.m. _8_:_00_P_.--'.M_._-C __o_ll..;eK::.e_G__r...:o___u::p_ _ _ ! School will meet at 9:45 a.m. METHODIST CHURCH the 11 o'clock service of mOlrningl NEWS NOTES Roy N. Keiser, D.o., MInister prayer the Rector will preach. Att· G W Sunday, January 9 ushers for the 11 o'clock '.''U;,'A I orney eorge . McKeag of 9:45 A. M.-Cburch School are: W. M. Harvey, head Parrish road is attending the mid10:00 A. M.-Young Adult Fel- F. W. Luehring, J. W. Jones, C. S. winter meeting of the Pennsyl. lowshfp Brown, J. B. Bu\lltt, Jr., T. vania Bar :Association at Reading, 11:00 A. M.-'l'he minister will Pa f f d this preach, "Wbat Is A Chris- per, J. H. Furll'ng and S. D. ., or a ew ays week. tian?1I . nolds. Confirmation class will Mr. ~nd Mrs. Th9mas W. Hopin. the Parish House at 5:30 p.rn. per of Magill road entertained at \ TRINITY CHURCH The Young People's Open House on Sunday afternoon '. Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector will meet- at 6:30 p_m. from 4 to 7. -. sUnday, January 9 The Vestry will meet In Mr. and Mrs. William R. Mc8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion Parish House on Monday at 8 p.m. Henry of Parrish road entertained 9:45 A. M.-Church SchooL 11:00 A. M.-Mornlng prayer-Tbe Choir School will meet on Tues- at !' famlly dinner party on New Rector will preach. • day at 5 p.rn. Choir rehearsal Year's Day. Their guests Included: 6:30 '1'. M.-Young People's Felbe hel? on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Jack S~l1llng, Jr., Mr. and lowship . Choir School will be held on Sat- Mrs. George J. Courtney and urday at 9 a.rn. daughters Mary Jane and Kay all THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OFPRIENDS The next monthly dinner meet- of WiIm1ngtOD, Del., and :M~. J. Sunday, JIIDUBrY 9 lng of the Men's Club Will be on Gordon Holt and son Gordon of 9:45 A. M.-Flrst Day SchooL January 17 at 6:30 p.m. Wallingford. 11:00 A.M.-MeeUng for Worship. Mrs. C. R. Passehl .bas returned Wednesday, JIIDUBrY 12 9:30 to 3:30-Sewtng and QuiltChristian Science .Notes to the home of toer daughter Mrs. ing in Whittier House. Box Sacr8ll)ent" is the subject of William R. McHenry of Parrisb Luncheon. All cordially in- lesson-sermon in all Cbt.QIhes road after a two months visit with vited. • Christ, Scientist, on SundaY, Jan- anotherdaugbter Mrs. ~p FIRST CHURCH OF uary 9. The Golden T~t is: Reidy and bahy son Pbillp, Jr., In WO.rcester, Mass. CBlUST SCIENTIST "Create in me a clean heart OF SWARTHMORE God ; and renew a right~,-p'i>it I S Mrs. Thomas S. Safford of Park Avenue below Harvard within me" (Psalms 51:10). trath Haven Inn left yesterday Sunday, Jan1&U7 II to spend the remainder of bbe Win-I 11:00 A. M. c'uIldAJ'ScbeoL ter at Harder Hall, Sebring, F1a. . . 11:00 A. M. T "18X1.. SermoIl "Sacrament" ' , Friends Meeting Notes _Mrs. Franklin Gillespie of I Wednesday evenine meeting The Adult Forum of the Swarth- Chester road has returned I each week, 8 p.m. Reading room more FIrst Day Scbool will ~.-+ I spending a week during the hali-I open dally except Sunday and day season with her brother, Dr. HoU~ 12 to. 5 p.m. Wed",!ScIay Sunday morning, January 9, evenln... _7 to 7:50 p.m. and 9 to 9:45, in the Friends Meeting HouSe. Lawrence H. Smith imd famiIy 9:30.. '. Mrs. Rolalld. G. Eo Ullman··'Will BuUalo and East Aurora, N. Y .. s::: Mich.el'. College Pharma.y Red Sltelluot. ~~~=====================~;;=!ANYWHERE~ .. BEAUTY SALON ELLIO'l"r-ABMITAGE Mr. and Mrs. Percival Armitage of Harvard avenue announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Margaret Gray Armitage, to U.r. J be made 'for the midwinter sea- Jr., and amall daughter Prudence, lowing a lo-day holiday visit wtth siona. . of MIlford, Conn., and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wl1llam H. Brown of PVBLUBBD ."Dr FBlDAY AT SWAB'l'BIIOa8, PA Mrs. Goodwin Gibson of Toronto, Riverview road. TUB SWAB'DiIIOBBAN. INC., P1lBL1SBBB BOOK AND KEY TO BE Phone 8wart1aDore .... , HOST TO H. S. SENIORS -::-~----l'ETER Eo TOLD, Editor Book and Key, an honorary . IIlAJUOIUJ! TOLD, BARBARA KENT, AssocIate J!dlton men's organization on the SwarthRosalie Pelrsol Lorene Mc Carter Edith Whitaker more campus, will play host to about 50 outstanding high school Entered 88 Second Class Ma~ January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa., er the Act of March 3, 1879. . Closed Every Sunday seniors of the BhiJadelphia area on Saturday, January 8. . Monday Thru Saturday DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON The program for the day, deOpen 7 A. M· to. 8 p. M. SWABTBMOBB, PA.. FRIDAY, signed to Introduce these promiSing high school students to Swarth. Dr. Walter Clothier, who has been more, will inclUde campus tours, Presbyterian Church Notes DAILY DIIOIJ:BS SSe 10 $1.60 traveling in Europe with Dr. motlon pictures, visits to thP. fraSunday rIlOrnlng at the 11 o'clock Charles Leber hi connection with terniUes, dinner with faculty and . Speeial Children'. Platters service Mr. Bishop will preaoh on the Restoration Fund will be the the subject: "What Can We Expect speaker. . ball game. coaches, and. the Delaware basket- I of Goa?" Tbe Board oJ Trusteees will meet This year's program is the secAll departments of the church Tuesday evening, January 11, at ond annual event of its kind staged school and the women's and men's by Book and Key. 8 o'clock in·the Churcb Study. Bible classes meet each Sunday The ~ollowlng persons united morning at 9:45 o'clock. Request For Films Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes with this church at the C::~;::~: I service January 2: Mrs. The Polio Parents Cluh of DeIat the Harvard avenue entrance aware County has been entertalnand Mr. and Mrs. George M. Karna Banta, Mrs. Joseph P. Bishop, Cresson, Mrs. Charles Deacon, Mrs. ing Polio victims with movies on at the drive-transept entrance will Albert L. Elting, Mr. and ~rs. R. their' new -ov,'e proJ'ector d assist Mr. Bishop in greeting the F<,':".tl1le.1 an screen recently presented to them congregation after tht; ~rvice Sun- E. Farringion Mrs. F. H. Mrs. Henry W. Heisler, Jr., Mrs. by the Lions Club of Haverford day morning. Harold L. Hildestad, Mr. and Mrs. Township . . The Church Hour Nursery for Seymour Kletzein, 'Phyllis Klet. The Club would be grateful for children ages one to seven is held each Sunday morning in the Parish zein, Anne Lingle, Mr. and Mrs. any 16 millimeter sound or silent House during the morning service Wdlter F. Luce, Jr., Mr. ·and Mrs. films to add to their library. Any_ William McClarin, Mrs. Charles E. one havm'g f'\ms t is l o et o n ,tr'h ue from 11 to 12 o'clock .. RITTENHOUSE 6-1581 Maschal, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Measked to call C I Ellis h' !11' , c airman A Youth Rally for Senior High young people Ironi this area will serve, Mrs. Frank R. Morey, and of the Volunteer Movie Committee at Sunset 7444-M. ' he held in the. church' on Sunday Mrs. Richard T. Randall, Jr. afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Senior Methodist Notes . High School Fellowship from this DI ••CIOIS 0 ••UNIllALS Pigeons Take Note The Official Board meels on ohurch will meet at that time inNeighbors on Vassar and Harstead of the usual evening meeUng. Friday evening at 8 in the chapel. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET vard avenUes are being disturbed The church school meets on SunThe Junior High Fellowship will MARY A. BAlR, Pr.~c!"" meet at 5 o'clock Sunday evening. day morning at 9:45. Classes are hy the dally appearance of pigeonS at their bird feeding stations. Preprovided for children of all ages The topic for discussion will be: sumably privately owned, the uTolerance Works Both Ways.n led and for adults. The Young Adults meet. at 10 by Russell Snyder. John Phillips pigeons have with timedbreakfast their arrivals to . coincide and o'clock in the Ladies' Parlors. will lead the worship service. diimer and amuse themselves by The topic Of the sermon at the The Young Adulls' Group wlll meet at 7 o'clock on Sunday eve- 11 o'clock service is: "What Is a frightening off the wild birds as FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, they eat the focid provided Christian?" ning in the Partsh House. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania The youth Fellowship meets in them. The College Group wlll meet at Cordially Invites You to Attend A Residents of the neighborhood the; evening at 6 o'clock. 8 o'clock on Sunday evening. have no objection to the pigeons The Church Nursery is FREE· LECTURE ON CHIUSTIAN SCIENCE· The Junior Choir will rehearse themselves but would prefer "~"'11 during the morning service Thursday afternoon at a:30 o'clock Entitled they dine at home: and the Chapel Choir will rehearse Mrs. Carl E. Dempsey will be "CHRISTIAN' SCIENCE: THE COIUFORTINGLAW OF ·GO»"· Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock. charge. by The ushers for the day are: TO MODERATE The Woman's, Association will ~EN' APp,LETON, C. S. meet Wednesday, January 12. The George Shubert, Edward ~:~~~ I PBESS~~'lSE:MJINAlt of Boston, Massachusetts '" worship service will be led by Walter Dickinson, Peter II Member of the Board of LECTURESHIP of Jack B. Thompson1of Mrs. Charles Fischer at 12 noon. and Paul K. Paulson. The monthly meeting and avenue, who attendetJ. a seminar the Mother Church The First· Church of Christ Luncheon at 12:30 o'clock will he Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts served by Circle 4, Mrs. Clifford of the Young Adults will be held of editorial writers last year, has on Monday evening at 8 in the been selected by officials of hi the Cburch Edifice, 206 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. Banta, chairman, and wl11 be folLadies' Parlors. American Press Institute Of Colowed by the business meeUng. MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 10, 1949 The Woman's Society will lumbia University to moderate . ( at 8:15 O'CLOCK for dessert luncheon on Wednes- a seminar from January 10 to 28. Lecture Will be amplified in the Sunday School day at I o'clock. The Twenty-three editors and publish- THE 'SWARTHMOBEAN DEW DROP INN YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP IIiF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii~~ 8 - cartoons - 8 Plus a New Serial In Addition to Regular Program By N .......... KJIIaDa 011 the N1Ihta et FRIDAY and 8ATlJllDAY JIID1IU7 7 and 8 • and JaDaI'Y It. ll, 11, II, 14, U . CllRTAIN AT 1:11 marriage by her maternal grandfather Mr. S. J. Mulhall of Scranton, wore a gown of ivory brocade, fashloned with fitted bodice and full bouffant akirt ending In a long train. The sweetheart neckline of the gown was trimmed In imported Brussel's lace, as were ber long pointed sleeves. Her veil of ivory illusion fell In double tiers from a small cap of rosepolnt heirloom lace. She carried a spray bouquet of gardenias and lilies of the valley with a white gardenia in the center. The matron of honor, Mrs. Albert Anthony of Hamilton, N. Y., sister of the bride and her only atten~ant, was gowned in American Beauty velvet following close- Rose Vall.ey and Avondale roada announce the hlrth of a second ; daughter Barhara at the Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital on Sunday, December 26. Mr. and Mrs. W.Harold To~­ 17'h S. Chester Road linson, former Swarthmore resiSWARTBlIlORE, PA. ARMSTRONG-RICHARDS dents, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert On Saturday, January I, at 4:30 Gibson Of Springfield are bbe Something new bas been added at the ''Uut.'' In addIUon o'clock, Miss Mary Claire Rich- grnndparenls .. to the best Hoacies you ever ate, you can now order pany ards, daughter of Mrs. Frederick sandwtches from us. Ideal for teas, parties, reeepttons, etc. Hoefel of Harvard avenue, became . Mr. and Mrs. Eldon B. Hollis of the bride of Mr. Noel Armstrong, South Chester road, are receiving son of Mrs. Noel Armstrong, Sr., conilratulaUons on the birth of a Phone: Swarthmore 3216 of Newburg, N. y" in the rectory son, Stephen Lee, on Sunday. Jan- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of St. Dorothy's Church, Drexel ~ary ~, at the Lying-In Hospital, .Hill. III Phtladelphia. The bride, who was given in r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' :g "JOHN LOVIX MARY" SWABTHMOBBAN -.. ,- j~~~~~ii~iiiiii~ii~~iiiiii~~~~~~~~iii~ii~ Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Now You can buy U. S. SaVings Bonds automatically, ~0U.II:h the new Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at thla JJaDk I ... THE SWARTBMOBflAN ~ • WHETHER YOUR~~ NEWS NOTES CLASSIFIED CAR IS Owned ancl 0,..,..," by American S'o,.. Company AND GOOD FOR YOU 50 fASY AND ICONOM'CAL roo, Serv. Rob-ford Drl.d Fruits, rich In food valu•• Ideal for ......kfo.t, moat accompanl. _nt, .tuff.d for Hlads, or INkotl In ,I•• and cak••• ......anI ........ PRUNES:. Zle: -;:.-Z~~ 35e ......... _ _ .... _ _ c..... v....... I~~' 31e I;~' Z3e 10l-FORD EVAP. APIICOTS ROl-rOID EVAP. pocm r ..... Pork Prlc•• Are OVEI 401 LOWEI TBAN 5or.4:O' 3g Loan, F,.......lb Ind up to 3li I_ POB LOINS 1& LOIN ENDI,n•• 4... CENTE. CUT81b U. s. ef'flflotl Gootf ..., ....""" ,............. " STEAKS .... SIrI.... Ib H... HI...... 1'....~Gn. . . . . .1 ........ereRl. . . . .1 •.. . . . . . . . . . . . .r s. . . . . I" ApI" ••••••••••• • ~~. SEA e ••• 7ge ••57- as. .51 TROUT ..... ~ Z5e - .....- ...... 0 ••• . . . . . . . . . . . 'lIST·ITT '~;zZ5e Sharp Chee.. 1069c Mild Ch.... • 10 SSe Kntft Spread. • ........ 23c Gruy.... I.,.... ••1.......... 65c C.... m Ch......... "... wed •·.. .. 2ge Dill Plckl•• - - ' , 2 81:~ 25e W~"" ••-='::Id 2 e,: 25c IMH. a.u.h WOI~" 2':::25c VI...... ... 0 ... 1.1. - - 10 cm T__ -39 _. AP........ .BREAD . . . . . . .. :l4e fu~..:rn. RIIM C ~ .... lood. ChoC. DlCI . 41_ .......":::'5.. ,....--= ~--====~~!::.. APPLE BU'rI'ER ~ 21e 'Z ."-'-....__ 'r::; .... ....... 0lIl ........... . . . . . . . . .l l . . . ~io!o. , Here's Itow to Use Less Oit Use Les. Gasoline, Get More Power _1_ ,.tt>Iitv FUSCO' a 1 1 y'. California mlsium in Dusseldorf, Germany, was guest of honor at t.he Open House. I':' partners happy. age ~~I as.' The Swarth ore Co-op Shoulder Lamb Fresh Country • Sausage Bib End Loin·Pork Habbersett Pure Lard· , I.... G••p.ll'uit S.etlo.. a '::;; a •• . . . . . ., Gnp.hult •• e'l... ':~2 ... ....1 "ull'kl'••, ~ a,N~Y'a5. v. I .............ettll.I:.'::'. 51~-:",aSCI I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oJuI. . ~. ~ B •• RQ ........ IIos'li:." H~"" a7_ 81l1'li'. . . . . . '"':'Cr.t'.:.... 41~'Z5e I la,o, ••" IISCOT....' . Catsup .'!;!.;::. I:;::' g.ttI autI ca. Mb.. a ~t:: 45t: a::: .. ' .8. GRAPES Carrots 2 bun 19c Celery Ig stalk 19c Beets 2 bun 19c Lemons doz29c Grapefruit 4 for 29c EATING AND COOKING Apples 31b 29c Make your 'phone calls ' short and snappy To keep your party~ine Frail Cocktail N~1~ 3ge Owll', r..d. WhI..... $pI_ MADISON TORE Rib Roast Beef Ib59c Shoulder Lamb Ib 49c Sliced Bacon Ib 59c GI__" , A .... oJlIII.. .dee. or .... , ..-..--.....-------------------... . lED eUUANT JAM::.~ • .._._- -- ••••, ••a. . I'UIetI "P::'.:.:'r ••a .... , Ib 49c Ib 49c Ib 49c Ib20c Pack, Blue Label, ELBERTA Peaches can 35c ,~arrots 2 buns 25c Indian River Grapefruit 3 for 25c Icebe,:g , Lettuce head 10c New On party.linetelephones,eourtesy pays dividends I Be brief c.~ ••• Space call•••• Hang up . gently ••• Taite the lead In sweet good panyrline maDDen.. It ......ror will mean better aerrioe for: lID. n. B.II T.1.,11••• C••, ••, • ., •••••,1'.111 • 401 • 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE (Owned and controlled by more than 600 Swarthmore fem!1jes) . I I BOBOUGB OF 8WABTII1IIORE, ORDINANCE No. S08 An Ordinance fixing the rate of compensation to be pald the vartous officers and employees of the Borough of Swarthmore, commencing as of January I, 1949, and continuing until further action of the Borough Council, and making appropriations therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN;. Section I. Commencing January I, 1949, and until modified or changed by Borough Council or other authority in accordance with. law, the compensatiQn of the following named officers and em- Red: Cross To Nominate an- - FOR SALE Disposal Service FOR SALE-Electric stove, Westinghouse model, new caloroid units. Price, $50. Call Swarthmore 4533-R. Rubbish Colleoted Weekly or Monthly Phone Swarthmore 3343 9 A. M. to 5.30 P.M. N()••~. tlful, genuine hand-made Per- throw rugs. Very reasonable. Home sale. Bryn Mawr 9167. FOR SALE-Maple crib and high chair. Call Swarthmore 2196 F.OR SALE-Hudson seal fur coat, size 38. Good condition. Call Swarthmore 3384. FOR SALE-Electric stove, never used. Westinghouse standard, $185. F. H. Flint, 93 Florence St., Green Ridge. Builder Painter .\7 ~ \ 10\ F~r.Z~~: Photographer Qua1it7,", '''qu,~tandlng'for can . Media 8-0436: ! ... , .", 8 E. Front St. . GBORGE IIIYBB8 409 MlcllIgan Ave. Sw.2268· ~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Ii Driveway ComtruoU. . Aspbalt or C.aere&e VAN ALEN BROS, ... PETER DI NICOLA Phone SwarUuno... 2SH Oil . Coal and Fuel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l\'I OR E HEA.T FOR .... TREE SURGERY': ,,LESS MONEY PRUNING, 1·1MB AND· . TREE REMOVAL . ROBERT BASDNGS Can SwartbJnore 'OS$5-W .. ~1II11111111111111111~"IIIIIIII"I!IIIUlI~11I1II1II111111li " iii a a, ~ Ii! ~ Electrical Repi11rs Irons a· Washers" Toasters Radios I! ., ;:. Wiring New and Old Homea i=. !II E MaSOIl Builders Supply . ··Company· I= Electric. Hot W "ter H~aters ~ and Electric Ranges Installed ; PREMIllM ~crn: 331· Dartmonth Avenue SwarthmOl'e .'. Swarthmore 0345· E ~.LWO"K -.I,VlIIBEB Bun.DIN Gl\lATEBIAL , -1- Samuel~. Harbison' '~~~~~~~~~~;;;~i 8~rUunore .O'I~O' ". . =-= Ii " WANT TO BUILD? iillllUllllllllllilllillllJ1immilUlUllllllllnllllllllllllllllliii Good materials and skillful workmen are now available. Call us for Information and· estimates Swarthmore 14148 WILLIAM BROOKS Asbes &' Rubbish Removed . Lawns mowed, GeneraJ. Hauling 236 HardIng Av. Morton, Pa. Reeves n !I;;:~~e A. Generation Builders" Swarihmore 3450 ALTE"I--\.' ERS BROS" ,'" ~nlllllllllllllllllllmlllllllll~llIIlIlIlIlIIunDI1IIIIIUa! = = • WAll aDd flOOR (0'1[::111(.:1. ! ~ = • ALTERATIONS ... UP"'H!:S -\RlERS BROTHERS, In· 8uildor~ 302 Oayley Street. Me-di .... '. Phone: Media 6-4281 SHOE HEBUIL/)INtJ SHOP· HAVE us RENEW YOUR SHOES ,fOWl Celia Shoe Shop Since 19M 102 PARK AVENUE S~bInore 2350 FUNERAL DIBECTOR Formerly of Media 1125 W. Lehigh Ave., Phila. . Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge for· suburban calls Properties With Us Marian S. Brown Associated with L. Henry Le Baron § 'Call Swarthmore 0121-091M A. WAYNE MOSTELLER DAVE WOOD Painting ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR and All Types of Electrical Installations and, Repairs. Paperlwnging Serving Swarthmore and Vicinity for past Twenty "A Well Kept House 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. PHONE Years Never Grows Old" \ SwarUimere 2295 Media 6·0755 • mGHT oZ'DAY . . ~hfte· ::a.-,., Since 1905 PaInters .. Paper Baaprs We should \mow how Swa. !Z68 M'eb'na Aft ,.. da). .- BdwaftlL.·Noyesa Co. " . CHARLES E. FISCHER SWARTHMORE 2253 itA HOUSE WELL-MAINTAINEIJ IS THE WISE OWNtR'S GAIN." • ; Iiii = ~ iii ., I I• il iiiIllllullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1l~ii Car.a· CUNNINGHAM . Ii List your Delaware Conntr a • NEW (ONSTlUCTION Contractor. and REAL ESTATE Ei • MODERN KITCHflU A. Mercer Qui.nby .THeSE JUST LEnOuR sians. Different room sizes, also ., I • II;;Oi!~~==-~;:;usl Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins, chair- i man of the Swarthmore Brancb, of the American Red Cross, announces the following noniinating committee: Mrs. Phillp M. Alden, chairman, Mrs. Frank G. Keenen, and Mr•. Willard Tomlinson. I Suggestions fot two directors and four officers may be sent iIi writing to the committee by any member of the local branch before Friday, January 14. PERSONAL _ Electrical inBtalIations: wiring, old and new; Resi· dentlal and Commercial, LIght and Power, Waterheaters, Ranges. All work done to FIre Underwritenl speejfications. Service on all riiali:es washers (Bendix iIl-""es c luded) , vacuum· cleaners,.,..... irons, toasters, fans, lamps. call Erich H. Hausen, Electrical Con· tractor, Swarthmore 2850 - 335 Park Avenue. BOROUGH 0.' SWARTHMORl< · PERSONAL- Vacuum Cleaners, OKIlINANCl< NO.... irons. toasters and radios re- ployees of the Borough of Swarth- An UrolmUII.."" further regulating paired. called for and delivered. more shall be at the rate hereinparklug or. vclucles 011 tbe streettl aDo. .. Ca1l~ Robert Brooks, Swarthmore after set forth'. IItghwuys herelll deslgouted. of the Jjorougn of :::!wurthmore. aupplement. 1548. .Borough Secrelary-$4875 per iug, unO amending Ordlnauce No. 489, PERSONAL - Subscriptions. to year, payable semi-monthly. This T;:~P,(;Ju~I!fL"".';~· ·i·"'~7nOROUGH OF magazines. Mrs. Bertha P. Far- oUicer shall be entitled to addi- -~WAIl'niMOllK DOEs ORDAIN: les. Swarthmore 4589-W - 239 tional compeQSation as heretofore bl<(;nUN I. Ordl".nce No. •••• .... Haverford avenue. or hereafter authorized. for, per- provet.l October tt, lYf,7. entlUed "Au :::':~=~::":'~:'=';=i>ii'--- ..(orming duties in connection With unlllwnce Buppl~meuUlIg and amending WANTED Onllr18.moe No. -'2(1 approved May 22~ !Vag. ====-:::-=:~::.!::=;=-'7::::;:::;:= preparation of the tax duplicate, aud Ordmance No. ·u.g approved June , W ANTED-'Female help-teachers and as building and plumbing in- '. Id... (ur,her ·reguluUng par.;.g or em thl: strt!i:u and hlgbwt1ys of tor, and.sear ecr t Y t0 the B 0 ard vehlcJes for primary grades. AlB0 Pbys i - speC the Borougb ot SwurtliUlOre herein dealg· cal education instructor, at the of Adjustment. nuted. aud providing penalties for the to the Borough Secre- violation thereof" LS hereby 'amended by Elwyn Training SchooL Telephone 4... _Assistant •.. .112':2632 bl the addltiou thereto of a lIew sectIou to Miss MacIntyre. Media 6-4589. _.:J-.p per year, paya e be numbered, Section Il, which said new W ANTED-College graduate de- semi -monthly, and compensation section shall read as follows: 'o.·res full or part-time employ- heretofore authorized for performSHC'l'lON 6.· Parking Prohibited at wl·th pre Certain Times. It Is hereby declared Ing duties I'n con nec t·o ' ble l'ndivl'dual Wl·th I n a nu I sallee t 0 auIfer or permIt any ment. Responsl ti f th Ii t d wide range of abilities: Tutoring, para on 0 e tax dup ca e, an vehicle of aDY character whatsoever '"", manual labor, takin'g care serving as stenographer to the to remain or park for a IODf.er period tyP..... Ph Board of Adjustmegt. tban Is necessart to permit oadlng or of children References. one, Bo h Tr $250 unloadlog of passengers or merehan' 0412 roU&' easurer ~ per dise. between the bours of '1 P.M. and E VE:rgreen 6. y~ar, ·payable quarterly. ~ P.M. on l\londBYs, Tuesdays. Wed· WANTED--Swarthmore--unfurnBorough Engineer-Sbch comnesda)'9. Thursdays and Fridays. upon. . ished room with bath facilities pensation and.· fees for specific those portlolls of the street herein· . ly B I Th nfter de.'tJgnated and dCl'!Crlbed: rior two students. Rep ox J e services authorized by the Bor(n) The Easterly side or Mount HolSwarthmorean. ough Council.as Council may from yoke Place from Stmth Haven Avenue . hed t" to tim to the Southerly end thereof. . S rna11 un!urms WANTED lme e approve. "o!!..'lCt"1 tlll!t 3nl dllY or January. A. D. apartrnent in S".'1arthmore. BusiBoroUgh Sollcllor-·A retainer of ..... ness couple, no children or pets. $1000 per year, payable quarterly BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE 8y Oeorxc M. EwJngCall Swarthmorean' 1870-14 after and, in addition thereto, such fees 6 p .m. for specific services authorized by (S••I) " ".",1, ~,r.~i{' 1{lc1!.:;fs~:·;1 W ANTED-'Position as baby-sit- Council as Council may from time • Borollgh SedLiaTJI Approved this am day 11 t S arth to time approve. 14 K Call ter. rs. e y a w Health Offln_.250 per 'year, of Jnnuar)", A. D. 19S9. more .0680. ~ J. Paul Brown Bur{1e~. WANTED-Woman for general payable monthly. housework. Hours 12 noon to Assistant to Health Offlcer-$175 7:30, five days a week. Walling- per year, payablj> monthly. PUBLIC NOTICE Milk 1n8pector~$180 per year, f ord. C all Media 6-2933 . A proposed budget for the Year payable semi-ann)1ally .. 1949 is available for public inspecWANFED - ..J!esponslble p<:rson. Plumbing:·lnspector - $264 per tion at the office of the Borough desll'es pOSItion as baby-sllter. year, payable semi-monthly. Telephone swarthmore 2018. , Chief of Pollce--$3548. per year, Se~retary located at Borough Hall, Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. beW ANTED-'-We will buy at best· payable semi,moJlU!JY.. . prices,· old china, glass, furnlSergeant 01 Poll~3193 per tween the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. for fifteen days subselure, firearms. Call Holly Oaik year, payable semi-monthly. 4313 or Holly Oak 6720, collect for Patrolmen-$2956 per year, pay- quent to the publication of this notice. appointment. All bu.;ness eonfj- able semi-monthly. Elliott Richardson dential. Colonial Cupboard, No.5, Patrolmen on Probatlon--$2683 Borough Secretary. Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, per year, payable semi"monthly. Delaware. . SpeclalPollcemen-whose emWANTED-'Young woman to assist p1l'yment shall. be authorized by In local·shop. Reply·Box K, The Borough C,?uncil, such compensaSwarthtiforean. . • !ion from !lme to time. as author-. Devine Taxi Service ~~ ·W b b sit IZed Or ratifIed by Borough CounWANT . ~ omen as ay- - ell . ters. Must b~ hon.est and deitadlo Operator--$2258 per year, SWARTHMORE, PA. pendable. For mtervlew reply to payable semi-monthly. R. W. Banks, 101 Colwnbla avenue, Pari-Time RadIo. OperatOrServing Swarthmore, Moror phone Swarthmore 2307. 93% cents per hour. . ton, Rutledge and Ridley FOR RENT Janltor-$1548 per year, llayable semi-monthly. Township since 1918 FOR RENT-To gentleman, atForeman-Highway Department "Q-activ"e single room with private -$2460 per year, payable weekly. PHONE: bath. Swarthmore 1443. Laborers-Highway Department Swarthmore 0444 . FOR RENT-Five-room apart- -$2090 per year, payable weekly. Section 2. The proper officers ment, c.ompletely furnished. Garage. Yearly lease. Reply Box J, are hereby authorized to take such action in ·connection with the The Swarthmorean. nual budget and appropriations, to FOR RENT-Warm, nicely furnished room, second. fioor. Con- be provided therein, as 'may be Dependable Service venient to transportation and tea- necessary to give effect to the foregoing. rooms. Swarthmore 0155-J. If you have real estate for Passed this third day of JanuFOR RENT - Comfortable room ary, A.D., 1949. sale, list with us and we will and bath. Gentleman preferred. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE give you the benefit of our Call Swarthmore 2806-J. Cooperative Selllng Bureau. By George M. Ewing, Call at. office or phone us. President of Council LOST and FOUND Atte~t: Elliott Richardson, LOST-Double strand cultured Borough Secretary WaUace Lippincott pearls, December 19, South Approved this third day Princeton avenue near Lafayette. of January, A.D., 1949 REALTOR Swarthmore 4551. Reward. J. Paul Brown, 90'1 EcIgmont Avenue LOST-Pair green snow pants. Burgess . Call Janet Lynch, Swarthmore Chester 3-4518 2332. LOST--Oval, silver brooch, set with semi-precious stones, Call Swarthmore 0331. Swarthmore 0' ,01 Fruits and Vege.tables ,t;'.0......... . . . PERSONAL BIG I GOOD w"' Miss Charlotte McCulloch ot East Orange, N. J., was a guest . of her brother, Col. McCulloch and family during the holidays. Mrs. Martha R. Blessing of avenue leI! Monday for Tr,voOI,1 N. C. During her two-month sence her house will be o~:~:::~ by Mr. and Mrs. Charles i Mn.. William W. Michaux Richmond, Va., is visiting her sonin-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bullock of Cedar '~"''''I for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald GillSOIll of Idlewild lane, Moylan, entertained at a dinner party on Years' Eve. Guests Included: Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Gilbert, Mr. and 'lb _ ' - oil, and to· get more _ i l l your car, Mrs. Thomas Lueders, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gilcreest, Mr. and Mrs. try ueiJIg PIemium Sinclair 0paliDe Motor Oil regularly. Special Harold G. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. . additives in Sinclai' 0paliDe clean piato.... rings aDd cylinder walla Albert Johnson, Mrs. Samuel of carboD, oIudge and other deposits - to provide better piston seal Dodd, and Mr. Dodd, Jr., all of And better piston oeaIlileana lea wasted oil, !eM wasted lluoline. It Swarthmore, Mrs. Robert D. Taymeans more power, too, tbanb to inere EFed engine efficiency. Stop to.:: lor of Lansdowne, Miss Helen day at the Sinclai. H-C sign for Plemium liIinclai. Opaline Motor OiL Boler and Mr. Charles A. Boler .of Drexel Hill,Miss Margaret Souder and Mr. Charles A. u.mgstreth of Haverford. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McKernan of South. Chester and Fairview Roads Rutgers avenue entertained at a cocktail party before the Dance on New Year's Eve. [ Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Clark I I College avenue spent the New FAIRLAWN STORE i I Year holiday at Skytop Lodge. f FRESH ME ATS E.-rary. Two of these played. by veteran ac~or W,lliam portion. were 84 new cases in Delaware from 25 schools filled the stage candidates will be elected for three Price and Martha Ke.ght?n who Actually the amount paid by County last year. Mrs. Lesler F. and music room' at Swarthmore years -to fill vacancies caused by proved h ~rseIf the pr~verb la1 good the taxpayer should be no higher, Lines treasurer of Polio Parents High Sch",,1 Il\St Saturday as the the expiration of terms of ollice trouper m a lasl mmute change a,t least locally, since Borough and Club of Delaware Comity spoke first all-day .rehearsal began. Rob- of Charles B. Shaw and Philip If. from prompter to mother of the off and on bride. School requirements are ~ted brieflY emphasizing' the need of ert Holm, cO-host with Alice E. and th!, tax rate set 10 .r8lse the supporling the March of Dimes. Blodgett' of this special ~usl~ Jewett. f the candidates are enOne of Ibe most subtle bits of ne~ed amounts. Thus If assessFriday, January 14, at 10 event: was at tbe podium d.reclmg th:as~iC users and supporters of playing is dQne by E~nest O. Lange ments are low, tax rates !Dust. be a. m. Mrs. Donald Hibberd will the flCst number. th lib . d all h ve man! in his appearance as George th ot e rary, an a . . e1 high; when assessments are high review "Lale Have I Loved Thee" Scattered amonJ! e group _ f ted a lively interest in its con- Beechwood, whIch was mc y . the rate can be lower and. still by Ethel Mannln for the literature school musicians were seven s~- t~:uing excellence and progress. turned, indeed. Sally McFad~en raise the same sum for local gov- section. ' ' dents. of th,e l~ca~ sch~ol, all m Mr. Jewett, a present incumbent. is a vivacious storm center as Lily. . ernment purposes. The onlY sltuThe book review scheduled for resp.onsible ch81rs m theIr separa~e who bas been president of the Newcomer Fred Echelmeyer dO~S ation where a taxpayer may pay January 21 will be given January sections. In tbe concel~master s Board during two of his three Lieulenant q'Leary to everyon~ s more if ~ assessment seems 28~ role was 12-year-old DaVId SpenB d member is stand- satisfaction, even the Sergeant s. t d pu years as o a r , " d B'd out of line WIth those ot properties Next Tuesday the chorus will cer, eighth. ll"ad e s t ud en, an - Ing for re-election. The other five Donald MacRostie's Harwoo 1of sim1lar value in the same ,nelgh- rehearse from 10 to 1l:30 a. m. pi! of Lucius Cole. Other first .. M C Thomas Bauer Jr die is as pompous as the playrs. . , ., Mr borhood. In this latter case there Make Lamp Shades ~"""ay' chair desks were OCOUPI'ed b y,Rare. us- K enyon a v enue', Dr. Peter E. wright intended and he and . . '1 ti . . . would seem to be a legitimate Also at 10 it. m. on Tuesday sell Snyder m, the VIO a sec on, Coste Rutgers avenue; Carroll Price sqUirm alternately In theIr compiai.n~ and the Coun!y B.or.rd Mrs. Allen G. Center, County Jerry. Goodman, the cello section, Fr y 'Ogden avenue historian and senator-gl\lleral fencing. Barron at ReVlSlon of Taxes will SIt at chairman of American Home, will and. William Potts, clarinet. Ruth re:e~rch editor for I Penn Mutual Helmuth's Oscar earns. one. " the Media Court House from 10 conducl a one-day class in making Garrett, Haro~d O~am, Eric Life Insurance Company; Mrs. It's mighty stimulatmg fun, to a .m. to 2 p. m., Saturday, January plastic lamp shades. Sizes of ~ Sbarpless and Jo~ Steinfeld com- Glenn R. Morrow, Rulgers avenue, which tbe stage managers, prop15, to hear such complaints. sired shades should be given to prised the rema1D1T~~ SwarthJnor- and Mrs. John W. Seybold, Am- erty committee, and a~ who work The Borough's new budget calla Mrs. Birney Morse 'or Mrs. Walter eans in playing POSItiOns. herst ~venue, who has seen service behind scenes contrIbuted the for about $80,000 ~~ I~ 1949 tax Dickinson in order that materJa1a This is the first time Swarth- in the Swarthmore College Li- rigbt touch_ rate was set In anticIpation ot the will be on hand. Members should more bas been privileged, to entm:- brary. -----new assessed, valuation wbIch bring a sandwich. Coffee will be tain such a group of school mUS1The eleCtion will take place in OLDTIME RESIDENT DIES amounts to an approximate $6,376,- served. ' clans. Until this year, Swarthmore fue library on Saturday, January Mrs. E. W. Hannum, a resident 550. School and County laX rates students eligible for District events 22, from 9.30 a. m. to 12.30 p. m., of Swarthmore for 40 years, passed bave not as yet been set but it Is Mrs. Frank J_ Beatty of ~- in orchestra, chorus, or band, have and from 2 to 4 p. m., and on Mon- a"way January 8 at the home of her believed they will also be in k~p­ land avenue, Morton returneid been guests of otber schools in one day, January 24, from 2 10 5.30 daughler Mrs. Adolph Weiss of iug with the increased assessment. home Tuesday following a mal"r of four counties, Chester, De1a- p. m. and from 1 to 8 p. m. The Rutledge where she had lived According 10 the law assessors operation perfQrmed in the Jef- ware, Bucks, and Montgomery. polls will close promptly at 8 since 1932. are permitted to assess up to 100 ferson Hospital, Phlladelphia.: Born Martha E. Wrigley, in (Continued on Paa:e 6)' o'clock, and the results will be per cent of the actual value of a Springfield in 1860, and wed 10 amiounced. as soon as the votes can property. However, somewhere ~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;R Mr. Hannum in 1884 she moved to Ii be counled. All members of the near 50 per cent is struck In the Library Association are entitled to Swarthmore in 1892 and her husaverage case. When the fact that ;'ote in this election, and any adult band opened a grocery business real estate market values'in some residents or taxpayers of thebor- on the site of the present Michael's instances have increased as much ough wbo are not yet )hembers Pharmacy. Mr. Hannnum also FridaY, January 14 or more than 100 per cent in the may join al any time merelY by served as postmaster here. past $ever,u years, the current in10:00 A.M.-Book Review,_ Mrs. Donald Hibbard.'V!oman's C:~ signing the by.-laws of the assoA member of the Methodist crease in assessment would seem 8:15 P.M.-Pasquier Trio .. ,.; .. ,., .. , ... , Clothier Me~o lub Church Mrs. Hannum had been in ciation. 8:20 P.M.-"John Loves Mary' . , _... , . : . , ...... Players C a logical result. In view of the failing health for the past year. record that this is the first big Satnrda)'. January 15 Services were. held on Thursday. increase in many years, and the C. Derby McDargh Surviving besides Mrs. Weiss 4:15 P.M.-Southeast District Orchestra .... Statlo,!- WVCH, 740 other aspects of the situation as Memorial service wI11 be held are another daughter Mrs. J. Ro7:00 and 9:00 P.M.-"Sltting Pretty" •...•.. Clothier M"!"Or:explained above it aIao appears at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon bert Anderson of Overbrook, three 8'20 P.M-"John Loves Mary" ....... ·.··•··•· .Players C less at a hardsblp In general than 8:30 P.M:--Collegevs. Urslnus, Basketball ........ Pleld House in the Presbyterian Church for sons Clarence E. of Swarthmore, might at first be thought. C. Derby McD.rgh wbose death Thomas of Media and Henry of SanclaY. Sanuary 18 occurred Wednesday evening at California; nine grandchildren and 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship •..•.. ,.: ...... ~:~ the home of his brother-In-law seven great grandchildren. Sponsor Sale 8:15 P .M~Pasquier Trio ................. Clo and sister-in-law Mr:- and Mrs. E. The Methodlst ctiurch will sponTu~, Sanaary· 11 Mrs. D. S. Terry of North Ches. D . B rauns. sor D Bake Sale tomorrow morn. Mr. McDargh is survived by ter road attended a conference '. W oman's Club 10'00 A.M.-I.ampshade Construction........... Ing at 10 a.m. for the benefit .of his wife. They had been vlsttlng of the Federated Humane Societies 8:00 P.M.-Junlor Club Hobby NIght .... Woman's Club Lounge the Youth Fellowship Basketball the Brauns since September. of. Pennsylvania held last week. MUSICIANS JAM. LIBRARY HOLDS H.S. AUDITORIUM BOARD ELECTION ::~:r~~: e!~n~~:~U;rai:: :.o~: on THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR For Service and Satisfaction Phone Ardmore 2320 / $3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1949 u: I 135 Drexel Road TODAY > 100 Park Ave•• Swarthmore. P•• Swarthmor.1I730 or 0529 - Cle.rbrook 4646 Choice 'enlaa Rugs for Sale •••••• •••••••••••••••• 4 OPENS even! Domestic $6.00 O'A"'S"" &- Comr..e!!.~ DRIVE CLUBWOMEN IN STATED MEETING Swarthmore 1250 \ k Id ASSESSMENTS ORDERED RAISED • ·Cc.llece~. THE 'SWARtHMOR Volumn 21-Nwnber 2 Born'Mr. In 1874 in Yorkshire, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ land, Carroll came 10 Eng!biB :: country in 1896 and had'Deen a naturalized citizen since 1905. is survived by his son, John W. GarroU, and four grandchildren Coliege avenue, and a Evelyn M. Carroll of Glenolden. Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer of North Chester road, with Mrs. Domenico Vittorini, will be hostess at Faculty Tea Club of the University ot Pennsylvania on January 11, when Dr. Robert Strausz-Hupe, Associate Professor of Jr. Club Hears Science will speak on uGerllUUlY IIIlicc barbcf illustrated Talk and European Unification." The Members of the Junior Woman's gathering will be held in Memorial Club enjoyed an interesting tal!< Hall, 3801 Locust street, PhiladelL I-III"QI Tuesday evening by Dorothea G. phia. o Dan,~ whose topic was "Roriumce Mrs. De Witt A. HiiIs has reF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,i ot the Greeting Card." turned to her borne on Elm aveMiss Norton had many unusual nue after spending the Chrislmas ALICE KB.AFl' BHn'IDI and aid greeting cards which she CLASS FOR CBlLDB&N 'USed as illustrations with her talk. holidays with her daughter and She lold how the cards symbolized familY In Front Royal, Va. REOPENS SAN. Blat at Ned Rutherford, a student at $7.50 for 10 L ....... the customs of the countries they the University of Michigan, spent caUMrs.~ Swa. 811'15 represenled and bow thelle symthe holidays with his parents- Mr. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~!I bois came Into being. ~ Greeting cards of numeroUB and Mrs: S. S. Rutbertord of Strath countries bearing various messages Haven avenue. Sherman Clouilh IIL\BGB and oars were on display around the room of Brookline. Mass., was his guest 10 add charm and color 10 the for several days. Casserole Catering Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fischer lectUre. Service of Dickinson avenue, spent the Mrs. John H. Pihnan introduced SPECIALIZING IN New Year's holidays with Mrs. Miss Norton to the group. Mrs. Fischer's brother and sister-In-law, Arnold H. Redding won the door FruIt Cake prize which Miss Norton had do- Mr. and Mrs. Coates Coleman in Cookies Jenkintown. nated. CockIaU PartIes Miss Mary Bye and Miss ElInor Call Bye of College avenue entertained Patricia Weiland returned to the Dot Belfield - Swa. 1973 University of Maryland on Sunday Mrs. Loqise Lesley and daughler Marge Hurd - Swa. 3138 after spending the holidays at the Barbara of Atlantic City over the home of her parents. holidays. Mrs. Lesley's sons Billy and Conrad joined the family group on New Year's Day. Professor and Mrs. E.' O. Lange of ULangewood," Baltimore Pike, enlertained at a familY dinaer duriug the holidays when their I guests 'included Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lange, their son Donny, Jr., and daugbter Jean of the PilI grim Gardens, Drexel Hill, "Mr. and Mrs. Ernesl Lange and daughler Carol of Pittsburgh, and B!lb Lange, a sludent at P. M. C. 9 x 12 · t I 9 DWES Your 'Car Must Be Inspected By January 31st Delmas' "Priere," were written "Shepherd's Story" of DickinsoD, specially for the Instrument, and others such as "All Through the Night" and "Traditional were arrangements, the latter Miss Deeray herself. Miss DeCray plays with firmness, ity, and flne clear detan, as well as se~itive variety of tone. , OW:1.rtml(ire Library Temporary Headquarters Front and Onmge Streets Telep~ Media 41-47.. M~ Pa. 4e team. = INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 SEASON'S MUSIC SUNG AT TRINITY • Guest Harpist, Choir In Christmas Concert On Thursday evening December 3D, Swarthmor4;!ans, their chIldren , and their . neighbors had the privilege oi hearing a concert fine quality and unusual variety, presented to the community Trinity Church through the inspiration and leaoership of Rev. George C. Anderson, rector. The first piece, a great Prelude and Fugue of Bach for organ, was played with energy and brilliance by David Tudor. This was a surprise and last-minute appearance of the young artist, who played the entire program without rehearsal, and to whom Mr. Anderson paid tribute for his virtuosity and courage. Marcella DeCray, harpist of the Metropolitan Opera Company, played a rich variety of pieces ior solo harp. Some of them, such as Gabriel Faure's "Impromptu" and Delmas' "Priere," were written specially for the instrwnent, and others such as U All Through the Night" and "Traditional Carols" were arrangements, the latter by Miss DeCray herself. Miss DeCray plays with firmness, authority, and fine clear detail, as well as sensitive variety of tone. ALlCE KRAFT RIlYTBlII CLASS FOR CHILDREN REOPENS IAN. 2Ist ..t 3:30 $7.50 for 10 Lessons Call Mrs. Bloom, Swa. 0975 MARGE and DOTS Casserole Catering Service SPECIALIZING IN FruU Cake Cookies CocklaU Parties Call Dot Belfield - Swa. 1973 Marge Hurd - Swa. 3138 J. Harrison Eastwood, well known tenor soloist of the Trinity Choir, gave three very fine renditions of the music of Handel, and was at his best in the air uHe Shall Feed His Flock," where his steady and melodious voice maintained the pastoral feeling in the best of taste and restraint. In the more dramati~ airs that followed Mr. Eastwood obviously did not feel free to exploit their dramatic possibilities to the extent to which he is capable, out of consideration for the organist with whom he had no opportunity to rehearse. Everyone present was warmed by the hearty singing of Trinity Choir of Men and Boys in Christmas carols old and new, the oldest being one from the thirteenth century, for men's voices only, in the Gregorian Mode. The newest carol being the words of "0 Little Town Of Bethlehem" sung to new music by the contemporary English composer Ralph Vaughn-Williams, bids fair to make a place for itself in all repertoire. Mr. Anderson, who is the choir's director and conductor, announced that he is working with a new group of young boys and did not expect that this year they would attempt the dramatic and difficult "Shepherd's StOry" of Dickinson, but the boys had begged to be allowed the pleasure of rendering it and he had granted their request. The fine job done with this young enthusiasm commands respect and promises well for the future. Next week the executive board will hold a business meeting at the home of Jessie Gilbert, 407 Park avenue. MARCH REMEMBERYour Car Must Be Inspected By January 31st Rhythm Class to Reopen The Alice Kraft Rhythm Dancing Class for children will reopen January 21 at the Woman's Club House. The class will begin promptly at 3:30 and end at 4:15 p. m. The opening, originally scheduled for an earlier date, postponed due to the crowded calendar. Miss Kraft, Swarthmoreans, experience in summer teaching religious and educational conferences from coast to coast. HANNUM & WAITE GEORGE CARROLL Yale Ave. and Chester Road Funeral services were held last FI iday (or George Carroll of Glenolden who died Wednesday, December 29, after a week's illness. Born in 1874 in Yorkshire, Eng_ Swarthmore 1260 !'::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ land, Mr. Carroll came to this country;n 1896 dnd had been a naturalized citizen since 1905. He is survived by his son, John W. Carroll, and four grandchildren of College avenue, and a daughter Evelyn M. Carroll of Glenolden. To Hostess for Faculty Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer of North Chester road, with !\'Irs. Domenico Vittorini, will be hostess at the Faculty Tea Club of the University of Pennsylvania on January 11, when Dr. Robert Strausz-Hupe, Associate Professor of Political Science will speak on "Germany Jr. Club Hears European Unification." The illustrated Talk and Members of the Junior Woman's gathering will be held in Memorial Club enjoyed an interesting talk Hall, 3601 Locust street, Prliiniy 60c It is wise to protect this priceless asset. Include a health Please Note MATINEE at in celebration of National 3:00 P.M. e:umination for every member of the family io your yearly JayCee Week :: #: c; :: budget. When medicine is prescribed, bring the prescripWednesday Only Sunday and Monday "ESCAPE" The Academy Award Winner tion to US for prompt, economical service. "JOHN LOVES MARY" Ita: IIarriaon "BIlST YEARs OF OUR By N01'm8Il Kraana Pea" C. ..... LIVES" ON Now at regular prices FRIDAY SATlJB.DAY ImPortant Only 2 shows each 14 and 15 • dayl Sunday at 2:00 and 7:30 CURTAIN AT 8:11 Monday at 1:45 and 8:00. SAVE TIME! LET US •SERVICE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP The Bouquet j~iiii~~ii~~~~iiii~~iiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiii Harvard Inn BER11Is 1~~;;~~;;;;P;~:;;;;;~~an~d~TRAN~~S~~~;;G;U;IlS~TS~~ College Theatre MEDIA * and : lan1llU'andf ONTBECORND SWABTBMOBBAN ' . Trinity Notes THE 'SWAR'J'HMOREAN P(JJIl.ISJIBD- aUBI' FBlDAY AT 8WAB'lllKOBa, PA TII& SWMDmlOBBAN. INC.. PmJLI8BBB Phone BW1Il1bmoN .... PETER Eo TOLD, Editor MAJUOBIE TOLD, BARBAJlA KENT, .AaacIa!e ~ton ~e Pelrsol Lorene Me Carter EdIth Whitaker 'Entered .. Se~ CIa88 Matter, .January '24,"1929, at the Post Office. at Swarthmore. PD., under the Act of March 3, 1878. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON 8WARTIIMOBE, PA., FBlDAY.IANlIARY H, 1849 ~~ Presbyterian Notes Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday at 8 a.m. Church School will meet at 9:45. At the 11 o'clock service or MornIng Pnlyer the Rector will preach on the topic "How to Pray." The ushers at the 11 o'clock service are A. E. Pritehard, bead usher, S. D. Clyde, Jr., S. B. Brewster, C. B. Blake, R. M. KiJgore, W. C. Hogg and H. F. Stamford. The Young People's Fellowship will meet at 6:30 to hear an adelress from a representative of Alcoholics Anonymous. The monthly meeting of the Men's Club will he held on Monday at 6:S0 p.m. in the Parish House. Choir School ~ill meet on Tuesday at 5 p.m. The Women'. Council will meet at the home of Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, 1 Oherlin avenue on Tuesday at 3 p.m. Choir rehearsal will be held on.Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Choir School will meet on Saturday at 9 a.m. 11 o'clock, for sewing. Mrs. Frank Fialhe;rty will be co-hostess. Mrs. .SlIIlday morning at the 11 o'clocl< I Harold C. Mahbott will continue service Mr. BiShop's sermon the program on Hawaii at 1 be ''Ye Men of God." o'clock. Hawaiian music will be The Church Hour Nursery provided by Mrs. F. S. Gillespie. children ages one to seven meets Anyone having anything to coneach Sunday morning from 11 to tribute to the Ambal Hospital is 12 o'clock In the Parish House. asked to bring It along. Members .Junior High l"ellowship should hring sandwiches. R.s.V.P., meets, at 5 o'clock on Sunday eve- Swarthmore 0592-J. ning. Peter Braun will lead the Circle 7, Mrs. Harold C. Stott, worship service and Donald Ogram chairman, will meet at the home will lead the discussion on the of Mrs. John L. Good, 512 Harvard topic "How to Have FrIends." avenue, at 10.30 a. m. Mrs. Owen ---~ The HIgh School Fellowship Gay will be the co-chairman for Christian Science Notes meets at 6 o'clock on Sunday eve- the meeting. Members are asked "Life" is the subject of the Lesipng in the Parish House. to bring· sandwich. In the after- son.-Sermon in all Churches of ,,: The Young Adults will meet noon, Mrs. Irwin MacElwee will Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, J anu7 o'clock In the Parish House. discuss Frank S. Mead's book "On ary 16. The Golden Text is: '. The College Group will not Our Own Doorstep." "Labour not for the meat whicn any meetings until February. . Circle 8, Mrs. E. W. Crosby, perisheth, but for that meat which · The Young Married Couples' chairman, will meet at the home endureth unto everlasting life, Discussion Group will meet ~t of Mrs. J. R. Snape, 737 Harvard which the Son of man shall give Marise this Sunday evening as avenue, at 10.30. Mrs. G. A. Mills unto you." (John 6:27) . iuests of Mr .and Mrs. Bishop, will be the co-hostess. Members 7.S0. The topic for discussion are asked to bring sandwiches. Friends Meeting Notes be "A Confession of Falth for The Evening Cirele, Mrs. Frank The Adult Forum of the Swarthand Our Children." All young Ransburg, chairman, will meet at more First Day School will meet couples are cordially in- the home of Mrs. Robert G. Gil- at 9:45 Sunday morning In the lilted. fillan, 410 Yale avenue, at 7.45 FrIends' Meeting House. Oliver " A Communicant's Class will he- p. m., on Wednesday, January 19. Rodgers will review "Standards gin this Sunday morning at 9 The District I of the Philadel- of Success" by Teresena Powell ·~'clock in the Pastor's Study for phia Presbyterial will have an ex- Havens., He will lead the dis,all young people who are not mem- ecutive meeting at the Olivet cussion along the lines of parent bers of the church over 12 Presbyterian Church, Tenth and child relationship hringing out of age, or who will be 12 before Washington avenue, In Prospect what kind of success we want for ~nd of the school year.' Park on January 14, from 11 a. m. our children. .', The .following· Circles of to 3 p. m., for all key women and ~Woman's Association will officers of District I. Kap~ToMeet ·'i.ext Wednesday, January 19: The Session will meet on Friday The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sew(:ircle '3, MJ;s. William H. Gehring, evening, January 21, at 8 o'clock, ing Group will meet Tuesday, Jan.chairman, at the home of Mrs. C. in the Pastor's Study. uary 18, at the hoine of Mrs. ,C. Brogan, Thayer road, at 11 Th" Junior Choir will rehearse James Bacon Douglas, 600 North o'clock. Mrs. Paul Rutan will, be on Thursday afternoon at 3.30. Chester road. io-hostess. The Chancel Choir will rehe~se ,: Circle 5, Mrs. Donald P. Jones, Thursday evening at 7.45. Thetas To Sew 'chllimlan, at the home of Mrs. The' Swarthmore College Kappa Methodist Notes ;H. H. Hopkins, 4 Crest lane, at The Church School meets on Alpha Thetas will meet for their Sunday morning at 9.45. Classes al-day sewing for the American are provided for children of all FrIends Service on January 26 at the home of Mrs. Howard Cooper ? ages and for adults. ,i';.__________________________ The Young Adults meet at 10 Johnson of Moylan. SWARTHMORE o'clock In the Ladies' Parlors. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pi Beta Phi's To Sew The minister will preach at the Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, Minlater II o'clock service. The Church The Pi Beta Phi's sewing group Sunday, ,January 16 will meet Tuesday, January 18, 9:00 A. M.-Communicanta Class Nursery is open during the serv9:45 A. M. - Church School. ice and Mrs. Alberta Blankenship at' the home of Mrs. W. W. Turner ... 8:45 A. M.-Women's Blbla Class and Mrs. Grace Lovekin will be of Mt. Holyoke place. 8:45 A. M.-Men's Bible Class in charge. -.11:00 A. M. - Mr. Bishop will The ushers for the day are. WilHold Luncheon Meeting preach, ''YeMen of God." liam H. Schultz, Louis Alexander, The regular stated meeting of pect of· God?" , '.. 5:00 P. M.--.Tr. High Fellowship. James Pitman and E. Nell Shaw- the Woman's Auxiliary to the Del6:00 P. M.-High School Fellow- han. aw;>re County Medical Society was ship. The Youth. Fellowship will meet held Thursday, January 13. 7 :00 P. M.-Young Adult's Group In the evening at 6 o'clock. The luncheon meeting held at The Choir Association meeting the Ingl~.uk was conducted by · METHODIST CHURCH Roy N •. Keiser, D.D., MinIatar will be held on Tuesday evening ·the presIdent, Mrs. Edward T. 801lday, lanuary 18 . , 9:45 A. M.--Church School 8, In the parsonage. for the Senior Choir .10:00 A. M.-Young Adult Fel- at Rehearsal · lowship is on Thursday evening at 7.45. 11:00 A. M.-'l'he minister will Supervised recreation under Mr. · preach. . Purn.ell will be on FrIday evening 6:00 P. M.-Youth F'111owship In the Social Hall at 7 o'clock. , TIiUNlTY CHURCH .' Rev. Geo'. C. Anderson, Rector · Sunday, lanlllll7 16 · 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion · 9:45 A. M.--Church School 11:00 A. M. - Morning prayer. , :'. Sermon, 4IHow to Pray." . 6:S0 P. M.-Young People's Fellowship .. The • JANUARY 20, 1949 The $l.OO-Serve Yourself-All You Want SU• • • • Come and Enjoy Your Seleetion From HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS 'STRATH HAVEN INN FOR MORE THAN 70 YEARS .we have carried on the same ideals and aims with a constantly guarded standard of dignitY and service. We will strive to adhere to this policy throughout the years to come. THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DI&ICT015 O••UNUALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET I . Telephone RI 6·1581 MARY A. BAlR, President !named. r{~t~~~~~"YOU can't sew a fine seam with burlap twine ••• And you can't bake a loaf ~ "C>o~1I as delicious as our Fine White Bread* without using ingredients as fine as the ones we use." *ASK YOUR GROCER FOIt IT! Church Services M~cK=e:e:.=====================================:- cosr-CllmNG • NEW STIIDEBAKE~ /tI9ERS THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY' OFPRIENDS Sunda¥, ,January 16 . 9:45 A. M.~ Day SchooL Adult Fornn:i. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for-Worship. Wednesday, January 19 9:30 to 3:S()--,Sewing and Qullting In WhIttier House. Box Luncheon All c:ordIally invited. *= Mie.ael'. College '.armaey E lANU,ulY It, 1'" AMERICA'S NEWEST AND fiNEST TRUCKS FIlUIT CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST \. OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard Banda¥. ,JUl1IIII7 18 .•. 11:00 A. M. SUDdIl7 School .,. 11:00 A. M.-LaISOIl - Sermon .: "Life." : Wednesday evening meetln& 'each week, 8 p.m. Reading room , open dally except Sunda7 and ",' Holidays 12 to 5 p.m. WeclnesclQ' :c, _ i n .. 7 to 7:10 p.m. and 8 to ·',8~O. . • • They're stand-outs • loolcs aild cab comfort! In FUSCO and ALSTON • l:HfSTERand FAlBVIEW BOAJIS .. ...' \ T.H E S WAR T B M.OR ·.4 F) ~ A N T B ~S W AR T.R M 0 R III A 'N ,JANUARY 14,lMt . . ,~ Letters To The Editor Thanks Workers, Donors Dear 'Editor: served during the recent CommunIty Chest Campaign. Men and women of all ages In our Tawnships and Boroughs aecepted the various tasks necessary It has been a great pleasure 'have worked with all these Volunteers and I slncerely hope that ea'"" 1 one has derived as much pleasure and satisfaction from the job as I Will you, through the columns of for the success of such an under-. ha;:; on behalf of the thousands a r, pleaseand helpgratitude me express taking and pr~ forw.u:d ~n- of persons who will be ~~;~I y our~:eciation to thusiastically until the DIvisIon my the hundreds of citizens of Central goal was not only achieved but and happier during the year because of the Red Delaware County who so willingly passed. , seen In the wlndows of our homes and stores, I wish to say "Thank you one and all! " Slncerely yours, HARRY G. STEWART, Chairman Central DelCo.. Division, Zone D, Community Ohest. Good R"asons for Turning to Acme's of ~ Sa'. Make Request For Wool Clean, colored woo~ skirts, scarves, and wool pieces are needed for quilts to he sent to an orphanage in France. Those who have any of these items to contribute are asked to leave them with Mrs. A. H. Van Alen, 2C¥1 Park avenue, or Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest, 208 Vassar avenue. CANNED FOODS You ICIve on your food bills, you're prepClred for emergen· ele. Clnd you pleCis. your fClmJly Clnd friends. NEWS NOTES . I_lor Rob Ro)' Oth.r Big Money Savers PRESERVES:. 23e:5 $100 for ... Ideal Apricot or PinllClppJ., or Rob Roy Apricot-PineappJe. lOB lOY SWEET MARMAUDE I~ 21c: 5 ,.. fLOO Girard Lean Smoked Short Shank-RHdy to ECit ... SMALL PICNICS 3ge CHICKENS 43e S 7ge S·TEAK' --------------------Ib FCiney, Fresh·Kllled, Frying Ib . u. S. Gradot! Goad Priced No.. Slrloln,7-aon. 0' Po".rhou.. "I,h., Ib freshly Crabmeat .....Iar Iou_.. "69. • Ground Beef "49c "69. _ • Sea SCClllops Short Ribs of le.f , 37c Pollock Fillet. lolling leef o Bob Bird has returned to Dickinson College ~fter a holiday vaca.. tion at his home on Ogden avenue. Mrs. George E.' Silloway of 1II0rth Chester road entertalned durlng the holidays her daughter Mrs. Paul J. Furnas and granddaughter Carollne Furnas of Earlham, Ind., her sister-in-law Mrs. Leonard R. Sargent of Coronado, Calif.,. and nephew Leonard R. .Sargent, Jr., a teacher oLthe Taft School, Watertown, Conn. Mrs. D. D. Rowlands of Cedar lane entertalned her bridge club at a luncheon-hridge Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Slnger, former residents of Lancaster, ~e livingparents temporarily withMrs. Mrs.Henry Slnger's Mr. and J. Hanzlik of Cornell avenue. Sibyl Joan Plummer, ~~:~:;I of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F of Waillngford, has resumed her studies at Chevy Chase Junior 001lege, Washington, D. C. Joan made h!,r debut at the Debutante Cotillion and Christmas Ball at the Waldorf..Astoria, N. Y., December 20. ,. 2S. HClddock Fillet. In 14 COLORS and NEW NON:,YELLOWING PORCELAIN WHITE ~ fEITONaSIBIEY , nsaJ Hot Or RegulCir QUALITY SINCE 1163 li.D.SiPLER 11 80llTB VBI'.STBB BOA», SWA,lLTIDlOU CATSUP It:~18e Fruits and Vegetables. a_ .. __ :. WASHED Spinach YELLOW Onions SEEDLESS • Grapefruit SEEDLESS Oranges '';.' " ,' . . t' '3·lbs· ll-u 25c 4 for doz,29c ii ' . .., ' .. The Swarthmore'Co~o, SMOKED pt. .. - , ::. qtjar2Sc, .'<' .' " BEEF o....stf'-.-:Sw~I:..- - - - - - T-BONE or SmLOIN ... , .', 2ge FLORIDA JUICE - Oranges ICEBERG LETTUCE Ib 79c dentlal. Colonial CUpboard, No. Wilmlngto Philad I hla Plk' e p e, n, ~D;:el;;a<;w;.;ar~e.:-----;=~=-;::=== ;:; • WANTED - Jobs for handyman. Cleaning, carpentry, mechanical work. Kitchen hell? References. Decatur 2'l25-J. ; co-OP. • 401 - 403 DABTMOUTBAVENUE • debentures ...................... ,......... 215.107••1 hoods. ancl notes. Corporate stocks (Includlnlr $10500.00 stock of Federal Be;erve BRnk) .................. ,... Loa l ns ,.n.d dI9COnYn~.~)(lnc1Ud- Ba~~ Ji-e~t:: !:."~ 'j;:.;: ==::':';;:'-I'n~~l:n!n~m::~ ot'h~r"a"etil . (Owned and controlled by more than 800 Swarthmore •• faiI!ili.iil) . ~~~~~~~~~~ I A Baby Sitter Call Kiddie's Kare Agency 8Xl . ervIce SWARTHMOIU:,PA. 10.'0•.00 Swarthmore 2307 .'.071.'0 I A. Beeves SUI. _ • MODIlIi KITCHENS • WAll ••• fLOat CC,VUINGS ~one Nop~ ..... "' .•7U. 0'.71 None n .•7 ••" None • ALIII'lfONS .id I('AIIS ARTERS BROTHERS, IR(' PHONE: Contl'Octora a~ .Build.". J02 GayJe .. Sireet • M~di •• pQ Swa.rtbmore 0444 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dependable Service Phone: Media 6-4281 .5 5 _;_ REAL ESTATE = List your Delaware Coan~ 55 =~ __ Proper1lea With Us - Marian S. Brown 5=i§ L. Be.nry Le Baro.n ~_ Associated with = == Call Swarthmore 0121-:~~1 "" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ li ir,;tUl;I I;:;I I~I I;lI ;:;lI ~lI ; ;I ;I I; ;il ;I I~D1; ;I I;I ; ;mlO;:;lO~m:; IlI;:;~ A. WAYNE If you have real estate for sale, list with us and we will give you the benefit of our COoperative Selling Bureau. MOSTELLER' DAVE WOOD Call at office Li or phone . us. . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Painting Wallace 'pplncott .......R .........,&v 807 B4IImont Avenue Choster I-UI8 .... n None' Swarthmore Di8posal Service Rnbblsh CoUeoted Weekly or 1II0nthl7 Phone Swarthmore S343 9 A. M. to 5.30 P.M. and AU Types of Electrical Installations and Repairs. Paperhanging Servlng Swarthmore and. VlclnIty for past 'twenty Years "A Well Kept Honse 1180 lIIub "'nberg Ave. PHONE Swar~re Never Grows Old" lIZ9S Media 6·0755 NIGHT or DAY' A. Mercer Quinby FUNERAL DIItEVTOR Fo~erly of Media 1125W. ~.eblgb Ave., PhUa. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge tor suburban calla CUNNINGHAM PaIn&era .. Paper JIADpn llDehl_ Hd~hft. 'VDD CIm. .. We 11u11II4 bow how Q8rIerY ) BeI.anI L. Noyes a Co• Aft CHARLES E. FISCHER SWARTHMORE "5S "A "OUSE WEli.-MAINTAINED IS THE WISE OWNER'S BAIN" . Good materials and sklllfuI.. workmen are now available. Cl\ll'us for information and estimates ~UlIIlIIllllllDlllllIIllllllIIlIllDlIlIlIlD ton, Rutledge and Ridley Township slnce 1918 SWL SI8I , WANT TO BUILD? RTERS nROS.. ,~( n Serving Swarthmore. Mor- Slnce 1905 Builder Painter ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General Hauling 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. .·NEW COIISrIU'CrtO" .11.111.81 ".. maple' suite.2935. Reasonable. Call Swarthmore FOR SAl.E Walnut-flnished double bed with sprlngs;'chiffarobe to match. Twin' birdseye maple vanity dressers,. two drawers, large mirrors attached. Very reasonahly priced, Call Swarthmore M~~~!!~:·~j::e:riil~~_~'.d OU4-W. ". FOR SALE-<-Buff-eolored cocker ,spaniels now five weeks old. Males, $35. Females, $25. Patterson. Swarthmore 0850. .T' S Devine ~!t ~1!;e,.,;~~ntt:~~':::~~~~ Ot~t~~~:tii·~=:·~":c=.o··.· ~·: ~:·~:,•..•::i:~::i:~ I~ Ne~d Mason Builders Supply Company MILLWORK - LUMBER BUILDING MATERIAL 1448 fix:- range Jndlrectly repre!lentlng bank deep well and three burners. $50. preml'les or other real estate Pho~e Media 6-1937. Custome..' liability to thl. ..' Add before washlng for rain water' softness! Saves _p,.le.~ ens work, prevents formation of soap.sc~.and·launc\l7 ."1m'7" In clothes. .. .f'... 10........ Rcnl elltate owne(l other than Water Softn. er ·..t4-oz· 39c. ·.bol "" ne .111 Tellp...1 elnipu, s,I'1I11 pOlitical ,ubdl.I,lons ............ ~~~~FO~~R~S~A~I~.E~~~~ ~:;k '~:e::ti:: .wned.....·r. ~~~~~ t~yl~~'k\lel1Jl not 2 doz 49c Turnips 2 Ibs9c Sweet Potatoes 3 Ib 2Sc: =i E''; Other lIIew pickup crystal. Base optional. $17.50. Call Swarthmore 2572. FOR SALE-1944 Jeep and trailer. .Good condition. New ruhher. Low mileage. Call Media 6-2172. FO~ SALE-lIIewly' reupholstered settee' and chair. Three-piece PREMIUM ANTIniACITE . 331 Dartmou'~ Avenue Swarthmore Swarthmore 0345 -:::::::::;:==::::::;;::::=:::;:====; 111~~~;;~~~~~;;;;~~1 ..mn,.'. 532.16. furniture and ." YELLOW Onparty-linetelephones,couJlo tesy pays dividends I Be bnef • •• Space call•••• Hang ap ....tty ••• Take the lead In pod party-line manners. It wIl1 mean betterservice ior aIL LESS MONEY ! No. .7193 Reserve District 3 REPORT OF COIllDlTIOIII 0);' SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AlIID TRt!ST COMPANY OT.I-I< of Swarthmorl', ill the state of Pennsylvania, Ilt the31, close of huslness'on December 1948. Pub- r A Ice Ie 111 t Ever7 lished In response to call made by Pr ~ee.t Comptroller of the Currency, under '. "0'N section 5211, U.S. Revised Statutes. PATT flo:) . • . ASSETS . FUNEBAI.. HOllllE CoRh. balances with other W T Pa"~-.J_ . . . . _ banks. IneludlllK" reserve bulm. • MIAlIVD, uareowr aoee. and CR.'Ih Items In EtchteeD Yean Bx»erIenoe V:I~~t:':~ CC1~~e~~!ite·nt··oi):. 1.lt8.tU.Sli: .PBONB·MBDIA.I5IB· BEAT FOR PRUNING, IJMB ANI> TREE REMOVAL ROBERT BASTINGS Call Swarihmore 0265-W '==~~~~~~~~~== BANK Ib 49·.~ Grade U. S. Good lb. Mushrooms .U......L III "25. GrapefrUit .... ,... 10'" 49c Awlill "I with Phone workreferences. by 3-8651'. .. Furnished h. ouse WANTEDsimuner months sw~orwife0er vicinity by Bartol scientist, and two-year-old son. Call 1.0cu.st 7-3436 collect. . . . 'to . get dIniler . ' .at WANTED-Cook night Apply Swarthmore 1745. WANTED - 'Small apartment by young couple, March 15 or April 1 Media 6-0150. • . WANTED-We will buy. at best . prices, old china, glass, furniture,.; firea~: . C,all 'Holly' f . MORE TREE SURGERY -============;;;; ::.' Steak % I~ 37e Phone Swaribmore ISH E. S. SPROAT, Cashier M. Sworn to and subscribed before ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c . 2- 6233 . me this 7th day of January, 1949. llllllllllllllluunlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllil Reward given. AL;;t b 'tt 'lahle "~~~~:ii;;-:::=~==-;;r:: PETER E. TOLD. 1II0tary Public Electrl'cal Repal'rs _ PERSOIII oa Y Sl er aval FOUNI>-Girl's wrist watch, viCorrect-Attest:, '. Call Shawn Disney, Swarthmore cinity Park and Yale avenue, FriWm. Earl Kistler iii 0200, Extension 296. day, January 7. Call 2518. Charles R. Russell Irous _ Washers _ Toasters ~ 'PERSONAL Hand-knit socks FOUlIID--Goid ball polnt p.~n. Call E. B. Temple .• RadlOII" . About $3.00 a pair. Mrs. Fow, at Swarthmorean office. Directors. Ii .. Media 6-1296. o-_ _ _ _ IFOUND-silver jangl.. bracelet. - - - - - - - - - - - - _ WIrlng' New and Old Homes '" Swarthmore 1372. BEQUEST.~:F~OR1~:~~~r;.~~.!~ _ Sealed bid. will ~ - Electric Hot Water Heaters _ Swarthmore, room :for two students, preand Electric Ranges Installed §§i Reply Box L , Samuel M. Harbison FOR BUICK SALE Sedan Two • Door . Super,. 56-8, 1947 Swarthmore 0740 iii Call Swarthmore 10s8 = For Information IIUIIIIIUllllnIlIllIIlIIHIIllIIIllIllIIllIIllIllIlIllIIIUIlIIii! •• .,; PETER DI NICOLA Coal and Puel Oil . I :!~~~~:~ ~ ~~!~!t~-:rili: Obligation. ~~tio.~~:... ~~~~~.m~~~ ,~.~~~~ t.U7I.D!H.D•. I' ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ot Stat.. Rnd ;~~~~i;i~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~~iiiiitii~ Tongues APPL-=Ec=-=-:S~ Nori~E=~pm . . : 0 = : 2 I ... - .,' ShClrp Cheese " .. 35. Glendale Club 2'" I... 83c CreCim Cheeses"........·.. 17c CHEESE . Green Beans pkg.260. RO:-::: Dki 12c .,b-fllrd . BIRDSEYE JlIIU 23c VAN ALEN BROS. I SPRING Pickles onI Mixed Fruits , SOUR or DILL 2~:~ 35e •EvClp. AprlCClts ..... u;:: 31 c Seedless Raisins - Roast Beef Sliced Bacon· Shoulder Lamb··lb 49c Fresh Eggs "doz65c: _._.- Drivewa,. OonsInIotIoD Asphalt or eo........ . ~~7'~~~~:t:;1 WST-Male more 1808. Collie. Information ~ concerning,Swarthmore call E. Paxson, any unwan t ed Telephone 2818-W BONELElSS Photographer '''Outstandlng tor QuaIitT' . Media 11-0436 ~ 8 E. Pront St. ~fa~~~f'~;~~l:~, to':~ty ~~~~~~~~~==~~ ~ : PRUNES Evap_ Peaches ••ford .6.1.'_ Ask for coupon for sample can of meat . in. ali endless chain. Rob-ford Medluftl FOR RENT F.F. ZJMMEBMAN makes * Goes on E•• )' DrIes QuIck' No Brush Marks . ,- - -,- - I ROOPS GOFJEBS aBl'ADBD AND IN8TA',',m Furnace Repairs & Cleanlng Call GBOBGE HYERS . 4(19 MIchIgan Ave. Sw. 2266 eMIT AI.. ACCOUNTS PERSONAL _ EleclrI.ca1 lnstaUaStock: . , . tlons: wlrlng; old and new: ResI- FOR RENT-To gentiemim, at- Capital (a) CIaa& A' Preferred, total tractive slngle room w'Ith private dential and Commercial, LIght and par SNone. retJrable value' (b)- Class B preferred. total ,Power, Waterheaters, Ranges. AU ;;:;;,=,-;:Swartbmore 1443.=c:.-:== par 'None. tetlrable nIue' work done to Fire Underwritei'll (e) Common stock, total par specifications. Service. on all '115,000.00 ......•.•...............••...... 115,000.00 Surplu.e .......................................... 115,000.00 ;,twashers (Bendix In- '~tf~~;at. Undivided proOls ..... ,.................. 51.,...... eluded), vacuum cleaners, ranges ~I Res~"et ........................................ 10.518.01 Irons, .toasters, tans, lamps. Call Total Capital At'COUDU ...... '.8.001.48 Total Liabilities and Capital Erich H. Hausen, Electrical ConAccounts ................................15.411.11 ••78 ·tractor, Swarthmore 2850 - 335 MEMORANDA AuebJ pled&ed or assJped to Park Avenue. ~:~ H'Cure lJabllJUes and for PERSONAL - Vacuum Cleaners, other purposes ....................... . (a) Loans sa shown aboTe are 'irons, toasters and radios reafter deduction of reserves paired, called for and delivered. of ................................................ 1'''''''1 (b) Securities as ahown above Call Robert Brooks, Swarthmore 1548. ·PERSOIIIAL - 'SubscrJptlons ~--I of Delaware, ss: magazines. Mrs. Bertha P. Par-I ;Ies. Swarthmore 4589-W ~~~~;r::~~~~~~ above-named I, E. S. Sproat, of the .Haverford I\venue. bank,cashier do solemnly with gold swear that the above statement PERSONAL-Woman desires c,,!e day night at Pl"yel'll is true to the best of my knowledge children durlng day. MedIa Lafayette avenue. and belief. Baby Food 10 for S9c' H ;fs good service you wish to obtain. Don't make your calls 'blge Now lower Prlc. PF!iCSUNAL GERBER'S' "2S. "39c Mrs. E. Maerker ·of Knoxville, Tenn., is visiting her son Call daughter-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Maerker of Grace Park. CL;tSSIFIED EL~' 'JIFF'y~ Auxiliary Meets Monday The American Legion Auxiliary will hold its ffrst meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Walter S. Thorpe, 329 Dickinson avenue, on Monday, January 17, at two o'clock. Members are urged to bring old Christmas:cards to the meetmg for the Betty Bacharach Home for Crippled Children at Longport, N. J. ' SWAilTHMORE 0114 " Interiors Exteriors. :. ' • '. ' . JANUARY It, 1Mt TBE SWABTBMOBIQAN south where theT visited relatl'~eslln honor of the btrthday BDDlverMusieiaDs Jam BANK ELECTS James Sorber and Ethel Sti1z. sary Of Mr. Pitman's cousin, Mrs. At their annual meeting Th~ play Is being staged by the of Dr. Jones' In Morganton (Continued from page one) di I f th stu Asheville, N. C. Donald McSparran of Drloxel Wll. Tuesday stockholders of faculty as a vers on or e Swarthmoreans will recall the Swarthmore National Bank dent body during exam week. The Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hr• standing concerts by the Trust Company reelected the proceeds will be con'trlbuted to- of Princeton avenue will e eastern District Musical lowing: Edward B. Temple, pnesi'-I ward the purchase of a' new lIgbt- their bridge club at a dinner at BAKE SALE tions held last year in dent; Claude C. Smith, ing switchboard for the .taae ot the IngIeneuk tomorrow evening. IlatardaJ', J8IIU&I'J' 15 Merion, Phoenixville and dent; E1rIc S. Sproat, Clothier Memorial. Bridge will tollow at their home. 10 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. JOM H. Pitman ville. dent and cashier; Harold Ogram, Many of the arrangements vice-president and trust officer; Senior Assemblies To Meet 01 Vassar avenue entertalned 12 lIIe&hocUst Chureh ' this affair are being taken care Arthur R. Dana, Albert N • G arrett, On January 15 the eIghth grade at 'a family dinner party Sunday ot by the active Orchestra Par- William E. Kistler, Harold Ogram, and the eleventh and twelfth ents' Committee, chairmaned by Louis N. Robinson, Charles R. grades will hold their Steven Spencer of Ogden avenue. Russell, Claude C. Smith, E1ric C. classes. Individual committee chairmen in- Stott, F.dward B. Temple and WilChaperoning the eighth clude Mrs. Jack Thompson." ",M",;rs liam H. Thatcher directors. which meets at seven o'clock, ' • Morris Potts, and Mrs. "' ph l be Mr. and Mr. Howard Green, Gaskill. ,Mrs. Russell Snyder and Jrs. To Meet Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Pitther committee have assumed reThe Junior Woman's Club will man. sponsibility for the ticket sale. meet Tuesday to roll Surgical The eleventh and twelfth grades Dressings at its monthly Hobby convene from 8:45 to 11 :45. Night at the clubhouse. chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs. Orchestra Will Broadcast The Junior JJoard met last Tues- Jack B. Thompson and Dr. and The Southern District Festi- day at the home of Jessie ~~~~:~: Mrs. Walter Keighton. val Orchest.a can be heard to- to plan the calendar for the 'morrow afternoon, January 15, two months. Among the Wins Badio Prize at 4:15 over station ,WVCH (740 scheduled is a benefit card party Beth Purnell, daughter of Mr. on the dial) in a'balf hour pro- tentatively set for February 15. and Mrs. Theodore Purnell of Corgram broadcast durlug rehearnell avenue, won a deluxe Bicycle sal from .clothier Memorial on Faculty To Present Comedy in the recent Tom Mix Straight the college campusl On Thursday: and Friday eve- Shooter Radio Program Contest. 1 Beth, aged two and a half, won 1 ~~,{SLf: nings, January 20 and 21, the ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==:!! Swarthmore College Campus Club her_ second prize for suggesting ~ :::IIr=======::!=-:====j I REMEMBERYour Car Must Be Inspected By January 31st I taliee barbef • . will present Congreves' comedy, "Love for Love:' The production, scheduled for 8.15 p. m. in Clothier Memorial, Is the first all-faculty, • old bank buiildlncil play since 1938. The cast and crew of nearly 60 includes Robert Ackart, Mrs. Richard Crutchfield, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dearing, Patrick M. Malin, William Prentice, FOR Virginia Rath, Mr. and Mrs. BenMAGAZNE bow Ritchie, EdwRrd Selmes, 9 t I S SUBSCRIPl'IONS Mrs- lJoyd Eo KauffmaD Swarthmore Z08!l ' "Shoo-flY" as a name for the 1 Tom Mix pony. ' Dr. and Mrs. J. Albrlgbt Jones of Crest lane returned' Tuesday from a week's automobile trip v,IIIIIIIII,1> HANNUM &WAITE APpnoV[U 1 SERVICE ~ ] - preaento OONGREVE'S OOMEDY "LOVE for LOVE" TbursdaJ' and 'FrIdaJ' JanllUJ' zo ana Z1 8:15 Clothier MemoriallI-dmlsstoa '1.00 Swarthmore COU.,.., Students SOc MAINE to FLORIDA MADE SERVICEABLE PIANO TUNING ALBAN p,AUER Phone lIIed1a 0158-111 N_ ana BebDllt PIIm.. ana Bepalrlq Since 1808 Return Load Rates J. C. Stilwell and Son ,SALE DON'T MISS IT IF YOU LIKE BARGAINS 13S0UTB C:U1'STER ROAD Phone S"wa 0676 Since 1901 102 PARK AVENUE Swarthmore 2350 Swa 3400 + • t • • • • t • t • * * * • • • • • + • + * • • • • • . . DIMES? • • VOL~ OF SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY,' JANUARY 21, 1949 21-NUMBER 3 GERM- CAUSES STUDENT Services Wednesday . For Frank DaVl8 Frank llewellyn Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davis of Amherst avenue' died at the University of Pennsylvania' Hospital H,S, Students Victims Monday morning, January 17, 1949.' Of Sickening Frank graduated from SwarthLittle .Bug more High SchoOl in June 1945, A little germ with a powerful and had completed one year at punch to the stomach apparently Harvard, College. hit Swarthmore Higb School this Funeral services were coeducted week. Fortunately, his attack by the Reverend Joseph Bishop ~ though sudden ,,:as over qul~. on Wednesday morning, January Some of his victimS became VIa- 19th at Oliver Bair's Fuueral lently nauseated for several hours, Parlors followed by interment in , all seemed to recover w i t h i n " Cemetery. but EasUawn a day. Several students who were absent Tuesday reappeaned on Wednesday to find a total of 83 junior and senior high school students absent.' During the morning a number more were taken ill and H• S• MUSICIANS, " KEYED FOR SAT. Festival Concert Set For 8:15 Program In Clothier The final day of meeting of the Southeastern District High School Orchestra, tomorrow, January 22, looms large in the minds of its 106 players and its seven conduclors. Robert Holm and Allee Blodgett, co-hosts of this festival, have lined up a dsy that would 'challenge even the most· stalwart man. $3.50 PER YEAR Library Polling Begins Tomorrow The balloting tor two Board members to till vacancies which occur this month will begin tomorrow at the Swarthmore Borough 'Library and continue throughout Monday at the regular hours-9:30 a.Jll. to 12:30 p.m., and 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, and 2 to 5:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. on Monday. All adult residents or taxpayers of the Borougb are entitled to vote, but those who are not yet members ot the Library Association must first become members by signing the by-laws of the' Association. The six candidates who are standing for election to three-year terms are Mrs. C. Thomas Bauer, Jr., Dr. P~ter E. Coste, Carroll Frey, Phillip H. Jewett (President of the Board), Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow, and Mrs. John W. Seybold. The results of the election LATE OPENING Other Matters Tended At Meeting Monday A letter from the Home and School Association presented to the School Board last week requested the Board to secure the advice of competent medical authorities on the question of the late opening of school each year to reduce the' possibilities of polio cases during September. Tbis letter reported the discussion at the recent association meeting, and asked the Board to study the matter and reportthe~ tindfnga and, recommendatlona to the association. After an flour of section nebear, , sals and lunch the orchestra members will be ready in Clothier Memorial at 1 P. m. to necord a half-hour program to be transcribed over Station WVCH, toDr. J. Albright Jones, borough morrow afternoon at 4.1~. health officer and Dr. J. A. Calwere sent home. School authorities investigated Polishing the program numbers will be announced shortly after houn, acting as physician and County Strives For will occupy the afternoon rehear- the closing of the polls, which parents, visited the Board meetand consulted Dr. J. Albright Jones, borougb health officer. Self Support In sal time until 4 p. m. Relaxation takes place at 8 o'clock sharP on ing and diScussed the proposal Mond.y night, January 24. with the Board members. Both in the form of a dance In the High Food poisoning was ruled out since Annual Drive called attention to the fact that, School Gym will fill in the latter a high percentage of those The 1949 March of Dimes drive part at the afternoon. Music for stricken had not eaten in the cafeteria and although practically all to raise funds for the National the dancing will be furnished by faculty members do eat there only Foundation' for Infantile Par- the local school's dance band, the ,(continued on page eigbt) 'two of them were stricken ,!"d alysis opened officially on Friday, Garnet Rhythmalres. one of those did not eat in the January 14 and will continue Unique favors and decorations until January 31. will spotlillltt the Baruiuet which cafeteria. Economist To Talk According to Mrs., Walter C. follows at 5:30 p. m. Under ,the The elementary school abSentee list was' about normal, therefore Giles, chairman of the ,campaign the leadersip of Mrs. 'Jack Thompthe "epidemic" was diagnosed to in Swarthmore, 1949 is a vital son" mothers. of the ,orchestra aild be a sort of 24-hour grippe to which year in the history of the· March Band Committee will be hosts at On January, 25, at 2 p. m., Dr. many adults in this area bave fall- of Dtmes. "The epidemics of the a specially prepared dinner. At Principal Speaks At en prey recently. The older stu- past summer in North ~01lna Uris time awards of musicianship Herbert F. Fraser of the SwarthMother's Club more College' faculty will address dents ,seemed to be affected most. andCallfornia have completely will be liiven t1!e p~ers. Procnun I'I'eviewed ,the Woman's Club. ,Dr. Fraser, Seven students were absent from exhausted the epidemic fund of Dinner ' be who spent nearl;y two yeats in' the seventh grad" (although not the National Foundation for In- , she" BIlid' "and ,Directors, among them "R() rt The role of ·fathers in the procall of them from this illness)" 12 faotile, Parat.~sis,'" y, flolm, agree that comb1n.iDg', the Germany recentty, will present from the eighth grad.. 13 from the resear~h fund is being tspped Ilutslruldlng 'personnel o~, this, 'or- some interesting information on hiiI ess of education was discussed bJ principal the ninth, 16 from the tenth, 17 in order ,to advance funds to chestra and the excellent choice Of subject which is ~'An Economist,Dr. James Nancarrow, " of Upper Darby High School, at from the eleventh and 18 from chapters wfth large case loa~. music should make for an unusu- Looks At Germany." Research must go on, for it IS the annual Father's Night dinner the senior class. ally 'fine evening. The program In addition the club chorus will of the Swarthmore "-thers' Club' only through research that we '11' cl d "Le end" tr ".... ! h t tam t this . 'W, ID U e g , a song, sing the following numbers: Ste- on Thursday evening, J aouaary 13 may ope 0 s ~ p OU CrlP- melodious number written bv 15- phen Foster's "Beautiful Dreampiing disease ' at the Strath Have!l'1DQ. . aac, director of Marshall High er" arranged by Riegger, the "Ash"The Delaware County Chapter School Orchestra; Beethoven's Grove" a Welsh folk song arStressiqg the need for clofIe in its five years of existence has Contradanses, a group of five ranged by. Wick. and "God of All cooperation between school and never been self- suppo~;"'''' JJ she dances in lively measure using the Nature" Remick's arrangement of home in the production of a well&o,u&6, continued. "Every year the chap- typical Beethoven orchestration;, Tchalkowski's theme from the 5th rounded individUal, Dr. Nancarter bas bee,:, fo~ced to borrow the dynamic, lilting, and colorful symphony. row compared the father to a the ep,demlc fund at Na- "Der Roseukavalier" by Richard salesman preparing to market his Heidelberg To Receive from tional Headquarters .. t year Strauss', two numbers, by the On Friday, January 28, at 10 child product to the consumer Id He emph!zed the s"'"'I_I De Iaware C oun..,. r81S ed $42,000. &trmg· section of the orcbestra- a. m. at the literature section wor. Shipments From as " meeting, Mrs. Owen W. Gay will lar,·t,·es b t ind Ir d The cI,a~ter spent $56 000 ., . "Port Royal Suite" by McKay, and e ween us y an the Local Group Mrs. Giles emphaSIZed the great "Fiddle Faddie" by the violinist review "Lewis and Clark, Part- child, their common ne Ne; ),oj":I' I' tilibJ-siW:dlrl' (, portion of the day'a Pl'IIil8Dlo DIMES MUSTER FOR'49 Las, IDS' FLOOR WAXING HOUSE CLEANING For Serville and Satisfaction Phone Ardmore 2320 ARDMORE WINDOW CLEANlNG CO. Ardmore, Penm,ylvania HOAGIE HUT t 17\!! S. Chester Road SWARTHMORE, PA. Hoagie and party sandwiches both recieve the same I!areful supervision at "THE HUT" Monday through Thursday _ 11:00 A.M. to 11:00 P oM. Frk1aJ' and 'Saturday - 11:00 A.M. to mIdnight Sunday - 6:30 to 9:30 P.M. Phone: Swarthmore 321.6 THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Swarthmore National Bank & Trld Co. Member of Federal Depoalt InIurance Corporation Now You can buy U. S. SavlDp Bonds automaUcall7 thnDUlb the new Bond-a-Month TO THE THES-SWARTHM +.. WALL WASHING 135 Drexel Road GIVEN MARCH W.l.l ADOPTS GERMAN BRANCH Lovely wearable. for ...r.urbIoa MORTON, PA Celia Shoe Shop B!AVE YOU oWr!rthr.lOre ,CCillece Library DR. FEASER WILL ~:~~~~ ~:r ~heS·N~~~~ ~:,~ SPEAK AT CLUB FATHERS HEAR °T!:;UY DR. NANCARROW All Of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarihmore 1833 lIIARGE and DO'l"S Casserole Cater~ Service ' , Plan. I a. s•• ,t••m, ill a yarl.ty .. c.lon, your .'.cti·Ic.' ....,."......·_r ....wrail .... ~ at thIa 8aDk PH I LA!),E I:.PHIA ELECTRIC COMPAN,Y are· , ., , THESWABTHMOB&AN JANUARY II, 110 avenue was In BalUmore this ink.i F"nland .Mr VoJate Js the .................................................................................................................... ..... 1 41c Coa ch and ~. .z.v+'9AV¥"""'i-"""'Y+'+,"• •A ...n.¥...... Olymp week for a short visit with .her Shead ,Finnish Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson of mother, Mrs. Harry K. Nield. a member of the FInnIsh OlymStrath Haven avenue spent several Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath of pic Commettee. He Is In this days In. Washington, D. C., as Cedar lane entertained at a country to make. some of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Far- dinner party at their home Satur- arrangements for the 1952 Olymrington, and were entertained day evening. pics which are to be held 1Ii HelWednesday at cocktails by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dungan, Jr:· sinki. i::.ockwood Pratt of Washington. of Dogwood lane will entertain at Twenty members Of the AthleUc They also attended the inaugura- a buffet supper this evening. Department or Swarthmore Coltion and Inaugural Ball, ThursDavid Jackson of Vassar ave- lege gave the Howard D. Siplers day. ' nue has returned home after being a housewarming at their n_ Mr. Roger M. Wood of Strath a patient in the Lankenau Hos- home, 120 Harvard avenue, OIl Haven avenue who has been stop- pital, Philadelphia, for a few days. Saturday evening following the ping at Highland Park Club, Lake Ann Gibson of Elm avenue en- College basketball game. Wales, Fta., since December 26, tertained Susan Pollard of· Hanwill return home next week. over, N. H. t a Bennington College ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. L. Reed Tripp of sludent, as her week-end guest. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Rice Cedar lane entertained 26 guests Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. McCorkle of Altoona, Pa., announce the enat a buffet supper Saturday eve- of the Swarthmore ·Aparhnents gagement of their daughter Jeane ntng. will leave January 28 for Florida to Mr. Graeme G. WhyUaw, Jr., Mrs. J. Harvey Whiteman of to tour the southern states ·unlll the Swarthmore Apartments and April when they will be perman- of Torrington, Conn., son of Mr. "Polly. -Drummond Hill," Dela- ently localed at their home in and Mrs. Graeme G. Whytlaw of Cornell avenue. ware, is leaving Tuesday to spe,nd Stone Ridge, Ulster County; N. Y. a week in AUantic City. Recruit James B. Lackey, son of Mrs. Thomas W. Simpers of the Mrs. Alexander Robinson of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lackey Swarthmore Aparhnents announChestnut Hill visited her son-inof North Princeton avenue. was ces the engag~ment of her daughlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Closed Every Sunday recently selected to attend the ter Miss Mildred Roberts Simpers William Jackson Blackman of Monday Thru Saturday Signal School at Ft. Monmouth, to Mr. David Bingham of "TuckCedar tane. Open 7 A. M. to 8 P .. M. N. J. away House." t Chester, son of Mrs. Miss Anne Whiteman of the The Taylor Hospital. Medical Edward H. Bingham Of Cedar Swarthmore Apartments is visitAuxiliary met last week at the Rapids, Iowa. . ing In Washington, D. C., and athome of Mrs. James B. Cooper of . DAILY DINNBBS 8Se 10 $1.60 tended the inauguration and inParrish road. Plans were made for HICKSON - GARRETT augural Ball yesterday. Special Children'" Platters the annual spring· card party. The Pr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moir group is also active in making and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett/ and small daughters Jlnnie and of.Mr. Garrett avenue announce the 11 bandages for Ute cancer project. Joan of South Chester road will marriage of their daughter-in-laW,' Prof. and Mrs. Samuel T. car- Mrs. Kathryn M. Garrett, widow be week-end guests of Dr. and penter of Whittier ptace)llre in of their son Mr. A. Nicholson Mrs. ,John S. Clemence of WashNew York City attending the anington, D. C. Garrett, Jr., to Mr. Thomas Hick~ nual convention of the American son of Springfield. 17'h S. Chester Road '. Swarthmore Friends held a Society of Civil Engineers. Prof. covered dish supper before the The marriage took place on I SWARTHMORE, PA. Carpenter is a member of ·~he Somonthly business session in the January 15 at 'the Methodist Hoagie and party sandwiches both receive the same careful ciety's Structural Committee. . Church in Elkton, Mel Meeting House, Tuesday evening. supervision at ''THE HUT" Miss Marilyn MacElwee of Mt. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barron of Monda7 th.....ogh Thursday - 11:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. Harvat:d avenue spent the week- Holyoke place, whose engageBmTus : FrIday and Saturday - 11:00 A.M. to m1dn4ht ment was recently annoWlced, was end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. . Mr. and Mrs. Preben K. Jobn-', Sunday - 6:30 to 9:30 P oM. William Springer of Wawaset guest of honor, at a surprise per- stOD, formerly of Swarthmore are: sonal shower given by MiSs Helen receiving congratulations on the Phone: Swarthmore 3216 Park, Wilmington. . Mrs. W. E. Dungan, Jr.. and Kraus of Benjamin West avenue birth of a son, Paul K., on ThursMiss Bimbi Julianelle of day, ·Januilry 13 at the Jefferson small daughter Susan of Dogwood and lane have returned from a week's Drexel Hill at the latter's home Hospital. visit to Blackstone and Farmville, on Sunday afternoon. The baby, born on his maternal Mrs. Charles Paxson of Cedar grandmother's Iilrthday, is . the Va. '. Dr. J. R. Kline of Riverview lane is serving as hostess to the grandson of Mr. and Mrs: C1arence Baltimore Phone . road spent a few days of this wel!k Art Club this ·afternoon. H. Barnes, formerlY of Hillborn Mrs. George Corse of Yale ave- avenue. Pike atlkrvard University' and MassaSwarthmore , nue entertained her bridge club \ !'busetts Institute of Technology. Sprinpield 0450 ., Mr. and Mrs. John M.· Corse at a luncheon-bridge at her home Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Pfeifer Wednesday. have moved from Kingsport, of Yale avenue announce the birth Tenn., to Chicago where Mr. Corse Mr. J. David Jackson of Vas&ar of a son, Keith Machold Pfeifer "We Telecraph Flowers" .will be associated with Mead avenue has .resigned ,his position on January 17 at Bryn Mawr Paper Company. Mr. Corse is the in' the Export Department of Hospital. NOVELTY AND DI!lCORATIVE CANDLES son of MJ:.. and Mrs. George Corse Sharp and Dohme, Phitadelphia, and will do graduate stUdy. at the 01. Yale avep,ue. Marie G; Donnelly of Yale avenue Wharton School; University of . The baby Is a grandson of Mrs., : '. Mr. and Mrs. Graeme' G. Whytand of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pennsylvania. iaw.of Cornell avenue entertained Pfeifer of Chestnut· Hill. Mrs. Randolph Roess of Cornell Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Rice of AltQona, Pa., and their daughter avenue entertained 12 at a dessert CHRISTENED JOlIn", as week-end guests. On bridge on Friday and will again David Rittenhouse Shay and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Whyt1aw be hostess at dessert bridge today. Deborah Meriwether sha.i, four Sally Gaskill of University plac~ gave a cocktsil party for 60 in BEAUTY SALON month-old twlM of Mr. and Mrs. celebrated her fourteenth birthhonor of Miss Jeane Rice. Among Howell Lewis Shay, Jr.. of Park the guests were classmates of Miss day and Greta Richardson of avenue were christened In. the Beauty Is a problem solved with .....e Rice from Beaver College and Park avenue her. fifteenth with Tioga Presbyterian Church, Phila_ Princeton classmates of Mr. a luncheon at the Gaskill home delphia, SUnday. Call Swarthmore 0476 for fourteen· of their friends folGraeme G. WhytIaw, Jr. The ceremony was followed by 9 Chester Road Mr. ~d Mrs. Benjamin W. lowed by a movie party. a family dinner at the home of Collins of North Chester road Mrs. Ada C. Hollis of 'Montgom_ the maternal grandparents, Mr. Silent the week-end with their ery" Ala., is a patient in Fitzger-· and Mrs. Thomas R. White of son and daughter-in-law Mr. and ald Mercy Hospital with a broken Genmmtown. , Mrs. George W. Collins of Jack- arm. The accident occured Jan- .:;:;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; son Heights, N. Y., and attended uary 13 while on a visit to her r FOR the Boat Show in New York City. son Mr. E. B. ~ollis and family Saturday. of South Chester road .MAGAZINE Mr. and Mrs. J. David Jackson Mr. and ¥rs .. Robert A. DetSUBSCRIPTIONS of Vassar avenue entertained for \...·eHer of Cornell avenue have Mrs. J.Joyd Eo Kauffman a few days, Mr. and Mrs. William had as. their guest for the past Swarthmore 2080 Hughes and daughters, Katharine, Week Mr. Armas Valste of HelGretchen, and Sarah, of Mexico City who were en route for a viSit to New York City. . Mrs. J. Howard Taylor of KenZI Perhapa ,u. ant ODe of thaN yon ~venue is recovering from 8 fortunate ilidlYiduaia who 11M major operation perfonned Janu• Last 2 Days! I Friday and Saturday ary 10 in Temple University Hosnever been Ill. If 80, you have Friday and Saturday pital. "JULIA M1SBEllA.VES Rita Hayworth given the matter of medical care Mr. and Mrs. George Corse of Gleim FilM Greer Ganon little thought. Here'. hoping that Yale avenue entertained for a few "THE LOVES OF CARMEN" Waller Pidpon . in technicolor days of last week, Mrs. Russell Feature Times, Sat. NIght • illnen never o~ you or ;; WE ?in := Bone and Mrs. William MOrrison Only, 6:00-8:00-10:00 p.m.. O.K. KIDDIE SHOW any of the members of your famof Milledgeville, Ga. Saturday Mtemoon at .1:15 Saturday Matinee 1 P.M. ily. But if it does, you should be prepared. What Mrs. Avery Blake of Amherst 8-Cartoons-8 And a Serial in Addition to Special Children'. Show physician would you call? Where would you take our Regular Show "THE ADVENTURES OF All Children 20 Cents his prescriptions? Establish your family physi. MARGE and DO'1"S ,g EQ. • ; ; RUSn" cian now. Prompt attention to minor ailments Casserole CateriD£ Sunday Onlyl Shivers - Shrieks _ Screams Mon. - Tues. - Wed. often prevents long, serious illnesses. When you Service DOUBLE HORROR SHOW "TIlE BEST YEABS OF find it necessary to consult him, depend on US to ''TID: MllMMY'8 GROS'l'" SPECIALIZING IN OF on LIVB8" and fill his preac:riptiona exactly as ordered. "TBE GHOST OF I"recle.-Io MI.• • Buffel S - . . PRANDNSTBIN" ItIJma LoF . CJoc/daIl Pu1l.. Feature Times 8:00-9:00 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Call . Regular Admlsion PrIces Sane W7JDan Lew Ayres . Dol Bellield :. Swa. 1873 "SOIlNNY BLlNDA" Starting ThursdaY Marge ~u:td - Swa. 3188 Feature at 2:20-7:20-9:25 "BOAD HOUSE" Each Dayl ON THE COBND ~------.--- - -- - - . JANUARY 21, lM9 NEWS NOTES SAVE TIME! LET US SERVICE YOUR'CAR WHILE YOU· SHOP J: • DEW DROP INN BNaldasl - £_1:11 _ Dlnne, OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I HOAGIE HUT ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~iiiiii~ii The Bouquet WHO IS YOtJR. DOCTOR? MEDIA College Theatre Michael'. College PharlDlC, -- - -- - THE SWARTHMOBEAN - - - ~-::.-~- -;:..--- --~==::...~ THE'SW ARTHMOREAN PUBUSIIED RVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORl, PA THE SWARTHMOREAN. INC.. PUBLISHER . Phon~ SwarthmOftl 0900 -=-::::------PETER E. TOLD, Editor MARJORIE TOLD KARBARA KENT, Asaoelale Editors Rosalle Peirsol 'Lorene Me Carter E)dith Whilaker Entered as Second Class Matter, JanU81'y 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON 8WARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1949 • Presbyterian Notes Sunday· morning at the 11 o'clock service Mr. Bishop will preach on .. The Shadow of Loneliness". Mr. and Mrs. L. A. WetJaufer at the driveaway transept entrance and Mr. and Mrs. William C. Campbell at the Harvard aver..ue entrance will assist Mr. Bishop in greeting the congregation after the service Sunday morning. The Church Hour Nursery for children ages 1 to 7 meets each Sunday moming from 11 to 12 o'clock in the Parish House. All departments of the Church School and the Women's Bible Class and Men's Bible Class meet a1 9:45 o'clock on Sunday morning. The Communicant's Class (or all young people of 12 years of age or over, who are not members of the Church, meets each Sunday mOrning at 9 o'clock in Mr. Bishop's study. The Session and the Board of Trustees will hold a brief joint meeting immediately following the morning worship on SWlday in the Church office. The Junior High Fellowship will hold a party tOnight at the Parish House, to which all young people of the 7th, 8th and. 9th grades are Invited. The party will begin at 7:30 o'clock. The Junior High Fellowship will meet Sunday evening at 5 Church Services SWARTaMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MinIster . Friday, January 21 7:30 P. M.-Jr. High Fellowship Sunday, January 23 , 9:00 A. M.-Communicants Class 9:45 A. M. - Church School. 9:45 A. M.-Women's Bible Class 9:45 A. M.-Men's Bible Class 11:00 A. M. - Mr. Bishop will preach "The Shadow of Lonelinl!SS." 5:00 P. M.-Jr. High Fellowship. 6:00 1'. M.-High School FellowShip. 7:00 P. M.-Young Adult's and Fellowship groups will meet ·'for a combined worship service.. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D.D., MinIster Sunday, January 23 9:45 A. M.-Church School 10:00 ·A. M.-Young AdultFe1lowship 11:00 A. M.-The minister will preach "Keeping Accounts for God." 6:00 P. M.-Youth Fellowship TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson; Rector Sunday, Januart 23 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion 9:45 A. M.-Church School. 11 :00 A. M. - Morning prayers, the Rector will preach on "Worship!' 6:30 P. M.-Young People's Fellowship Tuesday, January 25 (Conversion of SL Paul) 10:00 A. M.-HoIy Communion THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sunday, January 23 9:45 A. M.-First Day School. 9:45 A. M.-·Adult Forum. Leon- aid Dart. 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Wednesday, January 28 .9:30 to 3:31}.....Sewing and Quilting in Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All cordially invited. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST- SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard Sunday, January 23 11:00 A. M.-8unday SchooL 11:00 A. M.-Lesson - Sermon uTruth." Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 p.m. Reading room open daily except Sunday and Holidays 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesday evenings 7 to 7:50 pm. and 9 to 8:30. o'clock ill the Parish House. The High School Fellowship and the Y;'ung Adult's Group will be hosts to those two groups from the Overbrook Presbyterian Church and the Lansdowne Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening. The Fellowships will meet at 6 o'clock for refreshments, social period and program. The Fellowships and the YoWlg Adults groups will meet at 7 O'clock, in the Church for a combined worf:hip service. The Young Adults Groups will meet afterward for their iJ,·ugram and social period. George Chen, Pres. 'of the Chinese Christian Asso. from Swarthmore College will lead a discussion on "Communism in China". \ . . The Ses~ion,. will meet this evening at 8 o'clock in the Church Study. Methodist Notes The Church School meets on Sunday morning at 9:45. Classes are provided for children of all ages and for adults. The Young Adults meet in the Lsdies' Parlors at 10 o'cloCk. The topic of the sermon at thE; 11 ,o'clock service is HKeeping Accounts for 'God." The Youth Fellowship meets in the evening at 6. The Church Nursery is open during the morning service. Mrs. Louise Kupelian and Mrs. Dorothy France will be in charge. The ushers for the day are Harry E. New. Ctark Allison, Edward Alston, Walter Dickinson and ·Wesley France. ' The Wesleyan Service Guild will meet on Monday evening in (he chapel. Rehearsal for the senior choir is 'on Thursday evening at 7:45. The Social· Hall is open "for supervised recreation under Mr. Purnell on Friday evening at 7 II o'clock. Tonight from 7 to 9 o'clock there will be a Roller-Skating Party for grades 1 to 7. There will be an exhibition Basketball Game' between the Swarthmore Methodist Church Team and the Mbrton Presbyterian Church Team at 7:30 on Saturday' night. The game will be sponsored 'by the youth Fellowship. Trinity Notes Holy Comlnunion will be celebrated .on Sunday at 8. Church School will meet at 9:45. At the 11 o'clock serVice of Morning P.rayer, the Rector will preach. His SErmon topic will be "Worfihipo" Ushers at the 11 o'clock service will be William Freegard, head usher, R. D. Newlin, R. C. Haig, W. L. Cleaves. W. B. Bullock, A. H. Knabb, C. H. W. Ingraham and W. R. Sanborn. Confirmation class wlU be held al 5:30.. The Young People's Fellowship will meet at 6:30. The guest syeaker will be Joseph Kerr, Administrative Assistant to the Overbrook School for the Blind who will tell of the work among lhe stUdents at the school. The Men's Club. will have their monthly dinner meeting on Monday at 6:30. The speaker will. be James Wallace, 'who is VIce. . ti Presl~ent 10 charge of the Crea ve Plannmg Department of the .nati I d rt ·· f' f N W ona a ve ISlDg 11'111 0 • • Ayels and Son,. Inc. Mr. Waltace will give some interesting sictelights on the Advertising g8Jlle from a Huckster's point of view. Tuesday (Conversion of St. PaUl) there will be a celebration of the. Holy Communion at 10. Choir School will meet on Tuesday at 5. On Wednesday at 8:15 the Reelor will begin a series of five talks on various religious subjects. The topic on Wednesday will be "Problems Raised by the Creed". Refreshments will be served after the meeting. Choir rehearsul will be held on Thursday at 7:30. Choir school will meet on Saturday al 9. I p. m. Everyone Is invited and the silver collectlo'; will be for the benefit of the Troop treasury. In the past, during the winter months When Ills too cold to hold meetings In !he Scout House, Trc>op 83 has been a Troop without a home. ThIs year. they have their own "den" in Mrs. Valentine's basement. When working on apecial arts and crafts .proJects, the Troop holds Ita meetings around .the large table in Mrs; Alfred Cathoun's dining room. Troop 83 has adopted a girl their own age who had polio four years ago and has been unable to walk since. :aetty Lou Daley lives in . Springfield, and the girls deco- rated a little Christmas tree surrounded by gttts which they delivered to her. They ptan to visit her, write post cards and do as many things as 'possible to make her days fuller and happier. Police Fiiles Fines fOr three motor violations and 20 parking violations have been imposed in the Borough since the first Of January. Mr d Mrs Phili W Knik ' an. : Pd h • s ern of RIvervIew roa ave gone to the west coast. From there they bit H I I to .. t go Y p ane 0 ono u u VISI their daughter Mrs. Rohert E. White d f 'lY Mr Kisk an amI.. s. ern will remain for SIX weeks. DEFINITELY NOT HIGH PRICED Some, who have ·been iMpressed by our efficiency, modem equipment and beautiful appointments, may have come to the conclusion that our funeral services are expensive. this Is not true-ours is an impartial .ervice for ALL people. Christian Science Notes "Truth" is the subject of the Lesson-SermQn in all Churches ot Christ,. Scientist on Sunday, January 23. The Golden Text is! "Thou, o Lord, art a God full of compassion, and graCious, long-suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth" (Psalms 86: 15)._ Friends Meeting Notes The Adult Forum of Friends First Day School will meet at 9:45 Sunday morning in Friends Meet_ ing House. Mr. Leonard Dart will review Rufus Jones' last book. "A Call to What is Vital". Brownie Bake Sale On Saturday, January 22 at 10 a.· m. Brownie Troops 19 and 227 will hold a bake sale at Sipier's for the benefit of their budgets. Troop 83 Plans Play Girl Scout Troop 83 met the Year with resolutions and plans already well-oiled and in operation. Back in December the girls resolved to win their Dramatics Badge by producing a play. Before Christmas, the play was selected. try-outs held, parts and technical jobs assigned. After the holidays there has been the most determined amount of hard work by all members of the Troop and rehearsals have been held several afternoons a week. . Mrs. Gordon Lange, dramatics director at Swarthmore College, has generously given the girls. some expert coaching. This combined with the .initiative and serious work of the girls themselves pro.mises a rewarding production. The play, "Say it With Flowers,". is a Velentine's comedy, a merry mixup about a box of gardenias. It will be staged at Whittier House, Friday, January 28, at 8:15 New THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. Dla.CToas 0' fUNDALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Telephon. Rl 6·1581 MARY A. BAIR, President • • :At hideeding times, yes. He sounds off on the dot when a meal's due. But the rest of Yllur day, you're wise to depend on electric clocks. With a baby ill the house, it's smprising how much you depend on electric service-to prepare and refrigerate his food, heat water for his bath and laundry, wash his clothes, and so on. Of course, you depend on electricity to help take the work out of your housework too. Always ready, it lends a willing hand with heavy chores, provides comfort, ease and even entertainment. And best of all, yon can depend on its economy - for what other item in yonr budget does so much for so little? Your friends and neighbors in this company - under sound business management - are continually using their technical skJ1l and practical experience to keep electricity the biggest bargain in that budget of yours. You can depend on that tool • HI!I.I!N HAYES SIars in The BkcJric ThMtrwl Hlllr it ftMf'7 SmuJ.q. CBS, 9 P.M., BST. REMEMBERYour Car Must Be Inspected By January 31st HANNUM &WAITE Yale Ave. and Chester Road Swarthmore 1250 PHILADELPHIA EI.ECl'RIC COMPANY • , / JANUARY' Z1, 1N8 THE SWABTBMOBBAN JANUARY n, Letters To The Editor URGES r:" .. ' '" THE .sWARTHMORE.AN 190 COOPERATION I To the Editor of the ,Swarthmoresn On Tuesday night, Jsnuary 11, the 1949 campaign ,for the March of Dimes was Inaugurated In 100% of their value, but WHAT value? It Is rumored that the rrew assessments are based on 50% of 1939 values. Who is to determine those values? In my opinion, assessmen",,' of, 100% of a FAIR value are ee new Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at this 13ank, Exp1ains As s esoimen4 1~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~:~~:~~'~:~~~~I1~!!:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ During the past few days you have received the annual notice of dues of the, Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association. The Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association is a volunteer organization working for the benefit of our , community. Support of the Fire Company is an investment in low Fire Insur, ance rates. It takes the cooperation of the entire community to maintain these low rates. If the volunteer firemen are willing to pay $2.00 dues and give their time, day or night, and risk life and limb protecting your property, are, you not willing • to give $5.00 a year as an associate member in your own interest? . If YOll do not receive a notice and care to join and contribute, mail your check - to the Your front page news article in the current issue, of the SwarthDear Mr. Editor: morean contains some points in regard to assessments which should be Cleared up for the bene- ' tit of 'those who may be a bit hazy on the subject. It Is inferred that VALUE and SALE PRICE are synonomOllSThis is far from ,the truth as 827 Lancaster ve., ryn awr, a. YOUR HISTORICAL HERITAGE • common sense or any appraiser will tell you. In boom times, goods and servlces sell for more than their fair value; and in periods of' depression, the converse is true, Anyone who would base an appraisal or assessment on sale price would be way olf the beam. Sale prices. are given consider- ation in preparing an appralsal but are only one of the factors used in arriving at a true estimate 01 value. Replacement costs, less an allowance for Physical Deterioration and Obsolesence is another factor. Market VALUE (not market PRICE) and Income are otlJer factors. It Is true that assessors are per- mitted to assess properties at In all the United States there probably A ..tIUUo" .....toT ... DIAN .. r ......v.yIO. 1l People say Joe S!l1ith's an "Ace"; Between each call he leaves a "space," • A _ Mwwing 1M area IJt!IWd with Pun Springfield Water and indicating some of the betUlr know.. arulleuer luwwn historical _ . • more Ire • • ssocla Ion • o..party-Uneie1ephonea,eo...... • teoI7 paJII dividends I Be brief ..... 8p.tce ealIa ••• Bang up _tIy • • • Tab the lead in aood party-Une 1IUIII!lens. It SPRINGFIELD WATER "-"'-' -"-*....--- wm~better.rncetor"p. ~"- n •••11 T.I.'•••• 'C,."I., .t,~I"'I.bl is no other region richer in history than, Suburban Philadelphia. Since the first Dutch explorations on the Delaware in 1609, few years have passed without events of note. But unfortunately, as each year added new pages to the story, the bulk became 80 unwieldy that historians were forced to reduce many • • events to a line or two-or eliminate them altogether. As. a result, much of our local history is now little known or entirely forgotten. ~ Yet many now-neglected incidents of , the past still influence our daily lives. Often, without our knowing it, they help shape our attitude toward our government. Frequently, without our realizing it, they are 'rellected in the names we use when we refer to our highways, our towns and our streams. During the coming months, Philadelphia Suburban Water Company will reca1l some of the past with a series of historical advertisements. Not every subjed will be unfamiliar to evqyone. But we hope many will read this series with pleasure and perhaps BOrne profit. The region we have chosen is within and adjoinilig the area of 300 square miles served with Pure Springfield Water. - " - " - . Watch for the first advertisement in an early issue of this newspaper. PHI L .A D E L PHI A - SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY • • . 6 THE SWARTHMOBE~N JANUABY ZI, lM8 ~--------~~------~--~~~~~--~==~~Science, in one of her wrlitngs experience, that materiality bad Mayor and townspeople, pictures Entered in Track Meet Christian Science Lecturer Speakes On Monday evening a free leetu~e on Christian Science was delivered by First Church of Chrlsl Scientist, Swarthmore, in the church edifice on Park avenue. Mrs. L. Davis Corya, Second Reader, Introduced the lecturer, Miss Helen Appleton, C.S., of Boston, member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. The lecturer spoke substantially as follows: UToday, the world as never before is looking hopefully to law for the settlement of a1llts difficulties. "God is the only lawgiver. Christian Scientists accept the word of the Bible as their guide and inspirHtion. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian (The First Church of Christ, Scienlist, and Miscellany, page 295) states: 'The Bible is our sea-beaten rock . . . It stands thl' storm. It engages the attention and enriches the being of all men.' It is in the Bible that we first hear God spok- nothing to offer, either as a curative agent or towards spirltual salvation. "Christian SciEnce has made understandable that all heal!ng is the result. of the operation of divine law in human ronciousness. Di- en of as 'lawgiver.' vine law is ever operative and ever ary..17. "Jesus refered to God as Spirit and as Truth. He taught that Goil is divine life and stressed that God is divine love. Jesus saw man as God made him, perfect.· "Jesus says that evil is never a reality. Its claim to reality is but the unreliable testimony of the physical senses. "Mary Baker Eddy had been brought up from earliest childhood to believe in the value and the effectiveness of prayer "Mrs. Eddy's faith in God's presence and power grew with the years as she became more and more certain, through study and available to .alI. "Good health belongs to man universallY. Man is a unit, a whole idea. Man i? complete, reflecting all the qualities of Mind. He is not part well and part sick. Such argument st""'!' directQ' from materiality. Only by spirituality can it be eliminated. "May we become aware that '·the law of .~e Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." (Romans 8:2)." ------ The ·Swarthmore· . Co-op Sweet and Juicy Indian River Florida Oranges 2 doz 49c OLD Cabbage Bananas 31bs 10c Ib lSc BmDSEYE Spinach co-op pkg26c Household Cleanser co-op Soap Granules 2 Ib 25c 5 Ib 99c LEGS GENUINE Lamb Ib S9c FRESH CouRtry Sausage SMOKED Beef Tongue Ib 49c Ib 49c SKINLElSS Frankfurters Ib 49c 401 - 403 DARTMOUTH AVENUE (Owned and controlled by more than 600 Swarthmore families) -"-------,,-_._-_._-_._,--- Rib Roast ·Sliced Bacon SMOKED Tongue Fresh Eggs Ib 59c Ib 59c Ib 43c doz 6Sc --------------···--------,.--------.0---___.____, _n___o_____, _ _ • Fruits and Vegetables ..ICEBERG -----------------~-,----------~~----------------- Lettuce Tomatoes EATING AND COOKING Apples EXTRA LARGE Oranges 2 for 2Sc Ib 29c 31bs 29c Doz39c compete in the Pole Valut. ., FOODS APPEAL TO ALL HOMEMAKERS When you shop at the Acme you .ave on all your food needs and without· sacrificing quality. All your favorite. awai .. you In the Acme, at prices that . will help you puIJ down your food budget. . I • No.2~ SlIc•• c TeUow Clin_ Peaches orDollibby'. Monl. N'!;.3 03 . . . . • __ n ...... Cllaastone Peaches "~r.''::d Nc;;,~'h a7. EllIlrll FrelSloDI Peaches L",by:~ I~t'"n.. Nc;;,~'h 4ac IlSaJ Old Fashioned Peaches ~~~o.":.·n a9c F&"uit CocktaU ~'g~,~~~ Nc;;,~V:t 390 F&"ult CocktaU LI~~:::,o, a '::~~ 49c Del MODle or LIbby's Pears Slices No.can2V:t 4"'. 3W Cl'Ushed Piaeapple ':.'g~,'k"~:.~ a '::~~ a9c Whole Unpee.ed Apricots M~~l. Nc;;,~ aoc Ideal Grapelnait Sections a '::~~ a9c ZI, 1949 THE 5 W A B T.H MOB II AN Ches-I Dr. E. L. Mercer of North Feted on 35th Anniversary 1.....:_ _ ter road bail returned frOm Callch I P ulson f D el f . h h tte ded N·C I Mr. Mi ae a 0 rex .:.~~==~mee~io~ :r U;"~! ~r. ~B~~~~te~~~~~~~~! vendty of PemiSylvan1a and avenue WIth Paul.Paulson their wives, and Mrs. the also HIll·and of Park the Rose Bowl Game and the Wesley France ,of South Chester road and Mrs. V. S. Kupellan of Tournament of Roses. Mrs. Mer- Park avenue with their husbands eer visited her son-In-law and held open house from 2 until 10 ~"ibe.~ii;"~oiP~; daughter, . Mr. and Mrs. Ross G. 'I k • OC oc on S und BY a t the P ark Allen and family on the Isle ot h f th· Ir ts Mr H G avenue orne 0 e paren • SLICED PINEAPPLE ~;~%:nf. H!·.-3Ic: Z'::~~3Ic CRANBERRY SAUCE :~:! Z 1!:: 27c FRUIT COCKTAIL ':.'g~,~~':.>;~ N~~'h 3ge l Glenwood Grapell'Uit Juice a :-:: 57c Pineapple Juice ~~~~: a '::~: no Sulll'is. Tomato Juioe GAd. ,,::z as.' Libby's Tomato Ju.&:e ~~:z Z7_ Aomo GOiden Whole CorD a '::~: 570 FARMDALE PEAS ~::. NIBLETS CORN 6'j3!~ ..., -- 7ge Kay Natural v. I. 33c .swiss D••HtI, Chllletl Vol I~ 38c Nestle's Gruyere 0·,,,,, 39c Ritz Crackers 10 ... 31 c Marmalade Fozz Oraa,1II III JII' 19c BAR CAKE 3g 2·lb loaf Chee•• Food Virginia L•• Ch.oeolot. FuelS_ Manhmallow .ach 2 '::~: 2Sc Z',!-:: 35e Olendale Clah Fr••h from our awn hakerl•• Jam Rob Roy 1M" 29 c 'b "28c Ideal Red CUl'nllt ,It ... ,.. Oleomargarine Wilson's Mor e Prince... 12-02 UII 45c BREAD 'r:::; ~r------------------~---------------, STEAKS =:= Enriched SupremR ' .tf-s: u.s. Grad.d Good =--51.IOI.,_r_8o ••, _ . Porterhouse Fre.hly Ground Beel Le~D Short Ribs Bee. CANNED BAMS SCRAPPLE Robe,,·!. PORK SAUSAOE 490 570 Ib Ib Sm." BoHed • 8 to 10 Ibl avg Ib We;l.nd·, or Pel,n's Meaty Ib 'obe:~F~:·~a"d·' Ib CHICKENS Fa.CY~:;;~~KIII.d 91e 27e 57e Ib 45~ ,!':J ~ SEA TROUT ::~ 25e 8o".:::;al 45C ORANGES Ib Juicy, Florida, Tree Ripened -Ib ~~=---~~--~~ IDABO POTATOES lISa} Tomato CATSUP .::. ZI.!:::5SC ·10 Orl~~"1 .... &9-= aUM 1::05 Wash•• Everything e With purmas. of onothw at regular prlw. You SAVE Z8" PERSONAL _ Electrical instaUations: wiring, old and new: Real.• dential and Commercial. Light and Power, Waterheaters, Ranges. All work d one to Fire U n derwrtters specifications. Service on all makes ot washers (Bendix in- I wedding anniversary, Well over a hundred guests brought rongratUlations and manY :.T=:.~'.=i·=:-::::_=__=------::-:_::_l lovely gifts were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Paulson. One of the IIlost cherished momentos of the occa-. sian for Mrs. Paulson is a long lyric poem presented by her husb d h ed ·t d rio his an w 0 compos 1 u g . r eluded), vacuumtans, cleaners, Irons, toasters, lamps.ranges Call .. Erich H. Hausen, Electrical Con, SWARTHMO~ tractor, Swarthmore 2850 - 335 Substantial Suburban Home Park Avenue. Over 'h -acre of ground. PERSONAL _ Vacuum (''leaners, All stone house with slate irons, toasters and radios reroof, 4 bedrooms, automatic paired. called· for and dallvered. hot water heat, 2-car garage. Call Robert Brooks, Swarthmore Owner spent· close to $5000 . 1548. on property during past year. PERSONAL - Subscriptions . to Inspection by Appointment magazines. Mrs. BerthlL P. FarJACKSONoCBOSS ies. Swarthmore 4589-W - 239 COMPANY Haverford avenue. 1.0 7-1505 h d ~ _ec=en=t;;;llln=;;;e;;;ss;;;=·======~1 ~r~~~~~lt~~1~~:;;:~: Devine Taxi Service WJLLIAM BROOKS FOR SALE-Fireplace wood, seasoned. Cut length. Phone 2078. Ashes 8< Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General .. HauUng ·Av.' Morton, Pa. 236 Serving Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and Ridley To~p since 1918 WANTED-We will buy at best prices, old china, glass, furniture, firearms. Call HolIy Oalk 4313 or HolIy Oak 6720, collect for appointment. All .bu.sfness confidential. Colonial Cupboard, No.5, Philadelphia Pike, Wtbnlngton, Delaware. ' WANTED - Jobs for handyman. Cieaulng, carpentry, mechanical work. Kitchen help. References. Decatur 2725-J. WANTED-Furnished apartmen,t or house, vicinity Swarthmore. Good references. Husband and wife. No children. Reply to Box M, The Swarthmorean. WANTED-Two bedroom unfurnished ground floor apartment. Two adults, no pets. References. Media 6-1059 Or write Box N, The Swarthmorean. WANTED-Practical nurse. Two weeks. Will pay transportation. Give references. Write Mrs. John T. Handy, Jr:, Crisfield, Md. . WANTED - Early spring, by widow, Swarthmore resident unfurnished apartment near tea room. Call Swarthmroe 1306. iN\ANTED-- Jlapanese-Amerloan stUdent wants room and board In return for household work. Call Helen Hall, Swarlhmore 2225-W. WANTED-Excellent cook and houseworker, half-days, by week. Call Swarthmore 0377-J. CUNNINGHAM Painter. .. Paper _ We IIiIIoaJd bow how S_:aII Mloblpa Aft A. Mercer Qninby PlJIiIBBAL DIlUWTOB . Formerly of Media 1125 W. TAlii' Ave., PhU&. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge tor suburban calla All Ir ~_, t/fn",' II, I KrERS BROS.. ,", C3 --; .. PHONE: ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;~;;;;;;~ Driveway. OonstracUea Aspltal& ore.. e" PETER DI NICOLA REAL ESTATE u. Marian S. Brown. 907 BdnIont Avella • NIW CONSTRUCTION Ch_ _ 8-451' . \ltTERS BROTHERS, luI' Phone: Me4Ia 8-U81. L. Henry Le Baron Call Swarthmore 0121-01184 Wlrln.. · New and Old a- Electric Hot Water Heaters and Eleeiric Ranges Installed DAVE WOOD Samuel M.· Harbison "A WeD Kept HODle Swarthmere 0740 Neve.. G...... Old" ~~~~~~~I!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~ = PRONE GV'I'l" BBPAIRIID AND INSTAU,m Repairs & CleIlniDC , Call ~ce A. WAYNE MOSTELLER VAN ALEN BROS, IILI!ICTBIOAL CONTBA1bmore 0444 Pro~W1th TREE SURGERY PRUNING. I,tMs AND TREE REMOVAL ROBBBT BASTINGS Call Swarthmore . . . .W SWllribmore !lI95 NIGHT or DAY 1,\\nl'~ ~1 ~ Media 6-0755 ~~ MORE HEAT roB LESS MONEY HOLES IN SHOES CAUSE FEET TROUBLE.. COIHCII/IIS (DA'JIlIOllwlllr 7kK!IiJIIt81o'1I1I11$ Celia Shoe Shop Sin"" 19M 102 PARK AVENUE Swarthmore 2l1liO PREMlUM ANTIIB.ACITB 331 Dartmouth AftIlue Swarthmore Swarthmore 0345 Mason Builders Supply Company ~,~'t b\\ t · · e Sure, Johnny is only Five and it's only natulal that sometimes he's a little careless. But, if one night Johnny leaves his tricycle on the walk and someone falls over it, you may lace a heavy claim lor damages. COMPREHENSIVE Mln,WORK - LtJMBBB B1lILDING lIIATEBIAL PERSONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE will protect you and your famity against this, and many oth·er claims for damages. Let us tell you about this policy. PETER E. TOLD FOR RENT FOR RENT-Room with bath and garage in attractive house on the Hill. Swarthmore 1675. 333 DARTMOUTH AVENUE LOST and FOUND Phone Swarthmore 1833 SWABTIIlIlORE, PA. ., FOUND-Strlng of pearls on Lafayette avenue. Call Swarthmore 1830-W after 7 p.m. FOUND-Gold RAP. Fb'Ing pin, with stones Call Swarthmore 1792. serv~ Wallace Lippincott • .ODIIN K"CHINS "'Ou~dlng for Quelit)'" Media 8-0436 . 8 E. Frw1tSt Bnbblsh CoUecIed Weekly or Monlhly Phone Swarthmore 3343 9 A. M. to 6.30 P.M.. Dependable ConltOclo" and luilde" 302 GstIe", BlrNt • Modia, P. F •. F. ZIMMERMAN Photographer Swarthmore Disposal Service ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALE WANTED Since 11104 The School Distrkt at Swarthmore wU1 receive bids at the School Dlatrlct omce. College Avenue Building. up to I p.m .. Thursday. February 10. 1"', Bod open SWARTHMORE, PA. more FOR 0552-R. SALE-Pair hickory ridge top skis with metal edges and biodings and size 10, man's ski boots, romplete. Good condition. Call Swarthmore 0832-W. FOR SAI.E--Fur trimmed black . winter: roat, practiea1ly new; gray flannel suit, perfect condition. Both size 16. Very reasonable.. Call Swarthmore 0429. FOR SALE Newly reupholstered settee and chair. Three-piece maple suite. Reasonable. Call Swarthmore 2935. Good mater1aJ8 and Mi1UIIl worlmien are now aV1lllable. Call UI for InformatIGG and estImatee ...~._ •• '_.= U ed to t ehavln« un en/lin • who request au ~ .clalma or demands a&aIDst the Estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all J)eI1IOIlS Indebted to the decedent tD make pal'lllent, wlthool dela,.. to .r:!!A1~IM. Admlnlotrator 80ns I;~~::::~:~~~, flulshed In $100. mahogany, cradle, $20. Masecretary, rehogany chio.a closet, $35. Upholstered turtleback chair; good rondition, $50. Two mahogany rockers, $10. Tel. Media 6-3578. . FOR SALE--China closet, porcelain top kitchen table, 22 " 27. Call Swarthmore 1783-J. . FOR SALE-Sink and faucets, very reasonable. Call Swarth- WANT TO BUI~D? ce~~li.wE~~R ..G~J'MI~::~~lgr; !~~~~~==~~~~~:;i~ On the above Estate have been aranted Call Shawn Disney, Swarthmore PERSONAL-Baby sitter avallable 0200, Extension 296 . plex vacuum cleanert doll carriage, $3. Call more 3350-J. FOR SALE-Pratt an(!. WhItney hand-fed miller with several cutters, without motor. Ideal for small workshop. Reasonable. Phone Swarthmore· 0200 Extension 358. H.I..... I ( la"·29 .... Halv•• or I Although the 1949 C.A.R.E program, sponsored by the studentF of the Swarthmore High SchOQl made a slow start, it has gathereq' momentum as plans were COlJlo" pleted for the second year io the stUdent body's adoption of Stade, Germany. One group, the Missions and Benevolences SOCiety of the Presbyterian ChurCh, has already begun work on several forms of aid for the town. and initiated the program by giving a large sum. of money to the Social Education and Activities committee of the Woman's Club to be spent for diapers. This committee of the club, under the leadership of Mrs. George Warren, has a]so made diapers to be sent along with the ones purchased. These groups are to be commended for their start 50 early in the drive. It is hoped that this year's program will not only meet but supersede last year's standards, and if this enthusiaSm continues, there is every indication that it will. Any groups who would like to rontrlbute something to Stade are asked to caiI Whit Bird; Swarthmore 0670, or Mr. Hofmann at the high schooL · A new feature added this year 18 the special C.A.R.E. room· at the high schooL In this room is evidence of how much these people appreeiated Swarlhmore's generosity last year-letters from the J~ABY PERSONAL .e~ -Ad4tJIdJHudd .0/ , '.! AB. (Continued from page one) Northern Section Workers In the house-to-house canvas in. the northern section of the borough Mrs. S. B. Brewster, Mrs. W. DeCaindry and Mrs. J. A. Cali houn are captains with mesdames I H. F. Brown, R. Blair Price, Philip I Alden, Joseph Kahler, Edward N. Hay, Paul Rutan, F. A. Patman. William Hayes, R. L. Harlow, ,Palmer Skogland, C. B. Shoemaker, Robert Turner, Mace Gow,ing, Lyman' Allen, Gordon Lang. W. E. Soden, W. H. Dickinson, I Donald Poole, W. E. Dungan, Orville H. Bullitt, Jr., H. W. Brinkmann, C. G. Thatcher, Rober! : Walker, Neal Thurman, R. B. : Crean, J. D. McCrwnm, and Miss '\Vistel" Lukens, as workers. Southeastern Section · Ul"s. Milton H. Fussell is captain ~ of the southeastern section with mesdames W. M. Harvey, J. S. I Lynch, E. L. Conwell, C. W. Ram· say, W. F. Lee, F. T. Ransburg, J. H. Hornaday, R. G. E. Ullman, Buchanan Harrar, Jr., R. T. Bates, JUlia Young Murray, A. W. Bass, : Jr., J. H. Pitman, F. H. McCowan; ·I and the Misses Catharioe Fussell, Anna Mary Fussell and Katherine T. Bronson to assist. Southwestern Section In the southwestern section Mrs. ,Fred Hoefel is eaptain with the following mesdames as her assistants: W. E. Kisiler, Joseph Celia, George Plowman, Le Boy Wright, Harry Bernard. Rex Self, W. O. Heinze, Norman Hubne, D. Reed Geel·, David McCahan, H .. D. Weiland, and J. A. Turner. Mrs. Albert Rilles is in charge of the S\'(arthmore Apartments, Mrs. R. B. Crean the High School, and Mrs. W. W. Turner the College Theatre. ' O peL' S--s-I-·i'-1-1!--~D ~~::~s~f~:! ~t~:~::~ ~·,~["I~.~.~.~~:~~~:~~i~~~ C AT OREATER SAVINOS Program For Stade CHOICE Daniel and Andrew Kirk wlll participate tonight In the In-· qulrer-sponsored Indoor Track Meet to be held In Convention Hall. . Dan will enter the Invitation 1000 yard run while Andy will Marching Dimes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IH. S. Plan C. A. R. E. - of Stade, and recordings made at the ceremony at the time the packagl'S were distributed. Anyone Interested In seeing these items is cordially invited to visit this room which will be opened to the public after Janu- .. ... -.. .' SWARTHMOBE 0114 • __ ~--------.----------.-~~~r-----~~~,-MUsic Club Will with Mrs. DorothY School Studies Opening Peace Chest Drive S.P. C. A. Officers EIeeted I r'IW accompanying. (continued from page one) , Mrs. G. V. KrenlltoU of SwarthMeet Monday Mr. James Sorber will c~~~::1 The annual United Peace Chest avenue was elected corresponding drive to aid the work of the sectetary of the Delaware County ~-.. ows hip a f Rec oneI1iation, S . P. C. A. at the Annual E1ec-,' ...... N a tionaI C e l l ' th Pre 'ti oun .or e ven- on of officers held January 10. W tion of War. and the omen' s Others elected to office were International ,League in greater Walter L. R)loades, Dr. Mark Philadelphia will get under way Allam, Delos E. Culver and Mrs. In Swarthmore next Monday, Harry H. Hoopes. January 24. Workers will meet Mrs.' Leroy Gilbert of Meadow at a tea at the home of Mrs. Pa- lane and Elrle S. Sproat of Cornell trick ~. Malin, 221 North PrInce- avenue were elected to the Adton avenue at 3:30 to hear Burton visory Board. Pa';'hall, cha~ of ~e Greater - - -_ __ Philadelphia Drive, discuss the Renamed by Daneites goals -of the campaign ~or 1949. Mrs. Henry A. Pelrsol, Jr. of Mrs. Benbow Ritchie lS chair- Lsfayette avenue, was elected to man of the Swarthmore drive. a fourth term as secretary-treasMrs. J. Warren Paxson and '~"'I 'urer of the Philadelphia Great Plans were made, through the Frederick B. Tolles are cOntact- Dane Club at the club's annual Instruction Conunittee with Mrs. 109 . wark ers f or t h e local cam- meeting held In Merion Monday R. K. Denworth as chairmtln, for palgn. further meetings with teachers. Early in December, the Board met the elementary school teach- ....W.V. MEMBF!RSHIP TEA at the Rutgers Avenue school, On Thursday, January 27, at a conference on Swarthmore's 2:30 p. m., at the Whittier House Mrs. Samuel T. Carpenter of ~:;~~~,~ for the elementary the League of Women Voters will Whittier place entertained at a!' On January 18 a similar hear reports on "The Status of tea Friday for Mrs. Harry Lockett conference was held with the Sen- Education." by Mrs. Wlllia';' Huey, of Riverview road, a newcomer ior High School teachers in the "Mental Health Facilities In DelBROWNIE BAKE SALE to Swarthmore. school library, to give the Board aware County," by Mrs. Vincent (Troops 18 and 227) Joan Hertel, daughter of Mr. members a more intimate view ot Lathbury, "Pending Leglslation," Saturday, January !2 and Mrs. Paul R. Hertel of the present program. A meeting by Mrs. Glenn Morrow, and '..,..,.., 10 A.M. Swarthmore avenue. Rutledge, re- with the Junior HIgh School teach- cial Agencies of Delaware Coun'-I 'Slpler's Hardware Store the program by singing The Swarthmore Music Club Songs" by William Soule, Old ltalmeets In Whittier House on the ian songs, and German songs. Mrs. campus on Monday evening, Janu- Dorothy Paul will ary ~4, at 8:30. these. Mrs. Albert G. Gwinn is chairIt is 'noteworthy that the first man of the program' which will number, the String Trio, is being ~clude the following numbers: performed by members of the , A string trio, ''Terzetto for Club. Those interested in String Trio" by Dvorak, with in the Swarthmore David Spencer playing first Music Club are cordially invited Ruth Garrett, second violin, to attend this program. Russell Snyder, viola. Six modern. songs, sung by Choir Opens Membership McChesney, with Henry Faust The Media Fellowship Choir is accompanist, will follow. opening its next two m.,eting••, Piano solos, "Nocturne, Opus 72, January 24 and January 31, No. I," by Chopin, and ''Child"",'s new members. The choir Corner" (three parts) by De Bus- Monday evenings from ,8:15, to 10. sy, will be played by Mrs. James Any soprano, alto, tenor or Perkins. with a gregarious instinct is , On the violin Mr. Lucius Cole vited to come to the Fe11owship play "Danish Folk Song," by House at 21 West Franklin street, Sandby, and "Humoreske," by ,Media, will , ,,, ,, , I ,, I ,,I , ,, dation for Infantile Paralysls commended the proposal consderation. Th~y gave professional opinion to the effect that no gain In health would resuit from the' proposed plan. A report from the chainnan of the Mothers' Groups showed that most mothers voted against suggested change. The Board decided to study illatterfurther, and to secure, with the national eooperation of the Borough Health Officer, opinions from county. sta~ and national authorities. I Nee,d A Baby Sitter Call GIVEN TO THE THE ·SWARTHMOR IM9 LIBRARY BOARD 'ELECTS Mrs. John Seybold' Also Elected To Board College Comlltencement A~ Whittier CLAm WILCO;K BAKES FOB POLIO FUND Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop of Harvard avenue is' baking cakes this year for the benefit of the Polio Fund. Anyone desiring angel food or \ sponge cakes may call her Swarthmore 0627-J. MARCH OF DIMES? ,PER GIRL SCOUT AID MARCH OF DIMES Mothers Club Also Taking Theatre Collections Kiddie's . Kare Agency turns this week to Endicott Junior ers, will be scheduled later. College in Beverly, Mass;, The request of Adeline K. a seven-week period of int:en'-I Strouse tor a leave of absence for Swarthmore 2307 ment, an off-campus bUSiness, the spring semester to travel and perience in a local study in France, was granted. Mrs. store, -and vacation. Margaret Williams Thompson, of West Chester who has taught high school French for a number of JANUARY 27, 1919 years, was elected substitute teach- I;t.l~.;,'~,~b;y~Mrs~~.;Ro~beirt~w;a~l;k~er;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * WALL WASHING FLOOR WAXING HOUSE CLEANING For Service and Satisfaction Phone 'Ardmore 2320 J ... _ _ _ _ .... The $l.OO-Serve Yourself-All You Want er during Miss Strouse's absence. During the fall semester, P~I~C:: COMPLETB SUPPBR II~::!:~~from West Chester ~ College and Temple UniCome and Enjoy Your Selection From BOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS STRATH HAVEN INN \ H1AVE YOU I ,, ,,, Pn. JANUARY Z1, 1NI THE SWABTBMOBIIlAN ARDMORE WINDOW CLEANING CO. 135 Drexel Road Ardmore, PenDl.ylvania Iii4~.~.~.!:.!:~.~.~.~.!:.!:~Y~Y~Y!:Y!:.!:~+~Y~Y~+!:Y!:~.~.~.~.!:.! • versity were observing and assist-·I ing in elementary grades, and in mUSic, physical education pnd social studies classes. The Board noted the honor that .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ihas the Swarthmore • Isol10ols,come and to community in BRING gplUH.t; to the interior of your Home Let us brighten your walls with fresh Pastels Call SWiU'lluaore 2253 0, 33S9-1 Charles E. Fischer BUILDER to serve as host to' the SouthI ~:::~~~:, District High School OrI' which will present a conin Clothier Memorial tomorro", evening. An unusually large number of Swarthmore pupils were honored by being successful in the competition for securing important places in this orchestra. A survey report was presented, DON'T MISS IT IF YOU LIKE BARGAINS • PPJ!8 . 1380UTB CIDSTEB ,ROAD Lovely .........J,I. f... ow, =I r RfCln fOR RAISIN 7fA lOAF. Mix lois of experience, cGreful . aHentionto every'detail, with fine Ingredients like spicy cinnamon and loarls of Sun-Mold Raisins. * Bake in covered pans-lock in all the flavor-cIouhl....wrap for exira freshne's. Garilet Host 'l'o West Pointers But wiry Jo if yourse"? ARNOLD BAKERS do it for you ••• .ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT! • showing the practices in the sub qrban schools in organjzjng and providing for the instrumental music program.' A number of the better schools follow the same plan as here: In the grades,. to provide instruments on loan for year to beginners who after showing progress are expected to buy 'll1 instruments which parents not be exPected to supply, as horns, . drums, oboes, bass viols, and so forth. The Board authorized the securing of quotations I several additional ~~~::::~ for the grOwing musical -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~;;; ations. • A DRASTIC : disc!'5Sion of the spring sports program revealed that in boys sports there were requests for full Interscholastic competition in three sports this year, ' : : : : b'ack, . baseball, and 11 Because of the small size of school and limited budget, school has not heretofore been able to suport more than two sports. It was decided to continue the program of last yeartrack and baseball, with lacrosse , ~ minor sport, practicing and play_ 109 on Saturdays. AlE YOUR IFIOI' WHEELS A survey of the limited equip.. ment of the school audio-educa_ tion program, prepared by a commiltee of teachers, indicated needs In the aUditorium, the room, the gymnasium, and In portable equipment for classrooms Microphones and lOUd spea~ should be Provided, as well as record-playing equipment. The Board expressed appreciation for the offer of the teachers to build this equipment, mid - authorized the purchase of needed materials SAFE? ' ~ont 'Yheels need special lubrication because high friction m ~anngs can cause a wheel to shear off. Prevent a serious e~lde?t. Let ":' clean, inspect and re-pack the bearinlll' with Smcla>; front wbeellubricant-specially made for thi, job. eo-mtodq. FISCO & ALSTO. Studebaker Sales and Serviel' Cht!liter and f'ah dew ....... • BEREAVED .... The infant son of Robert and Virginia DeHaven Hall of Holiday Hill, Westtown, Pa., died In the West Chester Hospital on Monday, January 24. The baby was the grandson of Mrs. Helen M. Hall of Hillborn avenue. Lt. Col. Robert H. Douglas and family of WashingtoD, D. C~ visiled his parents Mr. and Mrs. James B. Douglas of North Ch_ ter road over last week-end. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE dW'lrthraore C"llece Library THE Music Club Will Meet Monday The Swarthmore Music Club meets in Whittier House on the campus on Monday evening, January 24, at 8:30. Mrs. Albert G. Gwinn is chairman of the program which will include the following numbers: A string trio, "Terzetto for String Trio" by Dvorak, with David Spencer playing first violin, Ruth Garrett, second violin, and Russell Snyder, viola. Six modern songs, sung by Jane McChesney, with Henry Faust as accompanist, will follow. Piano solos, "Nocturne, Opus No.1," by Chopin, and Corner" (three parts) by De sy, will be played by Mrs. Perkins. On the violin Mr. Lucius Cole will play "Danish Folk Song," by Sundby, and "Humoreske," by Koepping, with Mrs. School Studies Opening P. C. A. Officers Elected Peace Chest Drive Jp_eDlII S.Mrs. G. V. Krenikoff ot SwarthPaul accompanying. Mr. James Sorber will conclude (continued from page one) The annual United Peace Chest avenue was elected corresponding the program by singing "Three dation for Infantile Paralysis re- drive to aid the work of the secretary of the Delaware County Songs" by William Soule, Old commended the proposal unde:r I Fellowship of Reconciliation, the S. P. C. A. at the Annual Elecian songs, and German songs. Mrs. consderation. They gave their National Council for the Preven- tion of officers held January 10. DOl"Othy Paul will ac"ornp,an:d professional opinion to the effect lion of War. and the Women's Others elected to oftice were these. that no gain in health would re- International League in greater Walter L. Rhoades, Dr. Mark It is noteworthy that the first suit from the proposed plan. A Philadelphia will get under way Allam, Delos E. Culver and Mrs. number, the String Trio, is report from the chairman of the in Swarthmore next Monday, Harry H. Hoopes. Mrs. Leroy Gilbert of Meadow performed by members of the Grade Mothers Groups showed January 24. Workers will meet Junior Club. Those interested in that most mothers voted against at a tea at the home of Mrs. Pa- lane and Elric S. Sproat of Cornell membership in the the suggested change. trick M. Malin, 221 North Prince- avenue were elected to the Ad .. Music Club are cordially invited The Board decided to study the ton avenue at 3:30 to hear Burton visory Board. to attend this program. matter further, and to secure, with Parshall, chairman of the Greater the national cooperation of the Philadelphia Drive, discuss the Renamed by Daneites Choir Opens Membership Borough Health Officer, opinions goals -of the campaign for 1949. Mrs. Henry A Peirsol, Jr. ot Mrs. Benbow Ritchie is chair- Lafayette avenue, was elecled to The Media Fellowship Choir is from county· stat~ and opening its next two meetings, authorities. man of the Swarthmore drive. a fourth term as secretary-treasMrs. J. Warren Paxson and Mrs. urer of the Philadelphia Great January 24 and January 31, to Plans were made, through Frederick B. Tolles are contact- Dane Club at the club's annual new members. The choir meets Monday evenings from 8:15 to 10. Instruction Committee with Mrs. ing workers for the local cam- meeting held in Merion Monday paign. Any soprano, alto, tenor or bass R. K. Denworth as chairman, further meetings with teachers. with a gregarious instinct is inEarly in December, the Board vited to come to the Fellowship with the elementary school teach- L.W.V. lUEMBERSHIP TEA House at 21 West Franklin street, ers at the Rutgers Avenue school, On Thursday, January 27, at l\.Iedia. for a conference on Swarthmore's 2:30 p. m., at the Whittier House for the el""oerltalry th e L eague of W omen Voters will 1\'11"5. Samuel T. Carpenter of P rogram W-hittier place entertained at a schools. On January 18 a similar hear reports on "'l'he Status of ;:==::;~ tea Friday for Mrs. Harry Lockett cCJnferencc was held with the Sen- Education," by Mrs. William Huey, 11 Iii of Riverview road, a newcomer ior High School teachers in the "Mental Health Facilities in De,l-I BROWNIE BAKE SALE to Swarthmore. school library. to give the Board aware County," by Mrs. (Troops 18 and 227) Joan Hertel, daughter of Mr. members a more intimate view Lathbury, uPending Legislation," Saturday, January 22 and lVlrs. Paul R. Hertel of the present program. A m~ting by Mrs. Glenn Morrow, and "So10 A.M. Swarthmore avenue, Rutledge, with the Junior High School teach- cial Agencies of Delaware CounSipler's Hardware Store I A Need Baby Sitter Call 1========== tUrns this week to Endicott UlUUI-,ers, will be scheduled later. ~y~'~"~b~y~M~rs~.~R~o~b~e~r;t~W~alk~e~r;.~;;.!;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ College in Beverly, Mass., The I'equest of Adeline K. Do seven-week period of intern- Strouse tor a leave of absence for Swarthmore 2307 ment, an off-campus business ex- the spring semester to travel and 'k WALL WASHING perience in a local department study in France, was granted. Mrs. FLOOR WAXING store, and val'ation. l\'Iargal'et Williams Thompson, of HOUSE CLEANING West Chester who has taught high For Service and Satisfaction Phone -Ardmore 2320 school French for a number of JANUARY 27, 19-19 ARDMORE WINDOW CLEANlNG CO. I "''"''''. was elected substitute teacher during Miss Strouse's absence. 135 Drexel Road Ardmore, Penn&ylvania During the fall semester, practice teachers from West Chester statel!~~~!:!::!:!~~~!:~:!~~~!:!::!:!~~!:!::!:!~~ Teachers College and Temple Uni-I {;ome and Enjoy Your Selection From \'ersity were observing and assistHOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS ing in elementary grades, and in AND DESSERTS mwic, physical education and soRfelPE fOR RAISIN TfA LOAF: cial studies classes. Mix lois of experience, careful The Board noted the honor a"ention to every -detail, wilh fine has come to the ingredients lil,e spicy cinnamon schools and conununity in and loacls of Sun-Maid Raisins. * able to serve as host to the Southeastern District High School OrBake in covered pans-lock in all chestra, which will present a conthe flavor-double-wrap for cert in Clothier Memorial tomorexira freshness. roW' evening. An unusually large number of Swarthmore pupils Buf why clo it yourself? were honored by being successful ARNOLD BAKERS do it for you ••• in the competition for securing important places in this orchestra. Kiddie's Kare Agency ••••••••••••••••••••••••• * * The $l.OO-Serve Yourself-All You Want COMPLETE SUPPER STRATH HAVEN INN \ BRING $plibu; to the interior of your Home Let us brighten your walls with fresh Pastels Call SwartlJ6nore 2253 or 3389-1 Charles E. Fischer BUILDER A survey report was presented, showing the practices in the sub urban schools in organizing ahd DRASTIC DON'T MISS IT IF YOU LIKE BARGAINS ,~. ~. 13 SOUTH CHESTER Lov.ly wearable. for _".Ir MAD disc~ssion A survey of the limited equipment of the school audiO-education program, prepar-ed by a committee of teachers, indicated needs in the auditorium, the music room, the gymnasium, and in portable equipment for classrooms Microphones and loUd speake"; should be provided, as well as record-playing eqUipment. The Board expressed appreciation for the offer of the teachers to build this equipment, and· authorized the purchase of needed materials GIVEN TO THE THE SWARTHMOR LIBRARY BOARD ELECTS JEWETT Mrs. John Seybold Also Elected To Board CLAIR WILCOX College Commencement At Whittier Sunday ARE YOUR FRONT WHEELS SAFE? I ~ront '"Yheels need special lubrication because high friction In ~artngs can cause a wheel to shear off. Prevent a serious a~lde~t. Let ~ clean, inspect and re-pack the bearings with Smcla~ front wheel lubricant- specially made for this job. Come m today. FUSCO & ALSTOI Studebaker Sales and Service Chester and F!>lrview R""dM ." BAKES FOR POLIO FUND Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop of Harvard avenue is baking cakes this year for the benefit of the Polio Fund. Anyone desiring angel food or sponge cakes may call her Swarthmore 0627-J. Thirty-six students, the small-. est mid-year graduating class in recent years, will receive degrees from Swarthmore College in an informal ceremony at the Friends Meeting House, Swarthmore, at 3 p. "., on Sunday, January 30. Speaker for the commencement will be Dr. Leslie M. Lipson, associate professor of political science ot the college. Dr. Lipson was the choice of the graduating students themselves. There will be a tea in Bond Memorial for seniors and their guests after the exercises. MARCH OF DIMES? PER JANUARY PLANS MUSICAL PROGRAM SUN. YEAR GIRL SCOUT AID MARCH OF DIMES Mothers Club Also Taking Theatre Collections The College Theatre manageIn an election in which several ment is cooperating with the candidates ran almost neck ,to neck, March of Dimes drive by sponsorPhillip H. Jewett was re-elected ing audience collections at both to the Board of Directors of the shows each evening during the Swarthmore Public Library, and Community Arts Center drive. Mrs. John W. Seybold was chosen Under the direction of Mrs. J. To Present Local to fill the vacancy caused by the A. Calhoun, Girl Scout Troops 16 expiration of the term of office of Vocalists and 83 make the collection at the Charles B. Shaw. The newly Photo Ihrig & Thomas Last month the Community Arts early shows and Mrs. John Weller elected members will serve-threeCenter of Wallingford, true to its president of the Mothers Club asyear terms. promises, offered its membership sisted by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Following the balloting, which a varied program of Art events Garrison, Mrs. Leonard Dart, Mrs. ended on Monday night, the Board which included an exhibit of paint- Leroy Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. elected as officers for the coming ings and crafts, lectures on weav- Charles 'Martin, Mr. and Mrs. year: Mr. .rewett, president; Mrs. ing, photography~ painting and a Thomas Prather, Mr. and Mrs. Seybold, vice-president; Dr. J. Al_ children'S party. Martin Luther, Mrs. Henry Beck, Swarthmore Professor fred. Calhoun, secretary, and HarDistrict Orchestra This month attention will be Mrs. Carl Dempsey, Mrs. John old Ogram, treasurer. World Reports On focused on Music when an unusual Weller, Mrs. Glen O'Neal, Mrs. Event Fills In her annual report, covering and interesting program will be Roderick Hobart are taking care Trade Charter the year 1948, Miss Bettina E. Clothier presented at the Center, Sunday of the later show collections. Hunter, librarian, announced the Clair Wilcox of Ogden avenue, afternoon, January 30, by Donald In addition to the workers listed An overflowing audience in addition of 414 new readers (284 M . 1 h til Joseph Wharton Professor of Po- MacRostie, baritone, of IV1,eOl.a,J in last week's issue of The SwarthCl th o ler emona ear y apadult and 130 juvenile), bringing litical Economy at Swarthmore, morean the following are helping the total registration to 2,425-8 plauded the 105-piece Southeast- saw on Tuesday the publication Sally McFadden, Anne Voigt Perdue Cleaver, all members in the southwestern section: Mrs. record for new members in any ern District High School Symphony of his book. "A Charter for World the Rose Valley Chorus and Lee C. Bennett, Mrs. George Lagiven year, and the ·largest total Orchestra last Saturday evening Trade." Community Arts Center. The acgan. Mrs. Alban E. Rogers in the enrollment to date. in a concert of the highest calibre. Published by Macmillan Comcompanist will be Thelma Crow house-to-house canvass, and Mrs. Ot the 43,600 books circulated The program the student musicians p&ny, "A Charter for World Trade" and the narr~tor, Fred Echelmeyer. John Longwell at the Bank. 1948, approximately 'two-thirds played was one which left the concerns the charter for an interTwo members of the special gifts were, adult and, one-third juvenile audience applauding for more. Un- national trade organization com- There will be solos, duets, trios and quartets. committee have sent $325 to headtitles. The' cirCUlation among the der the ~adership of seven instru- pleted at the United Nations Cooquarters and each donation has adults included 20,641 works of mental directors from this area, terence on Trade and EmpioyThe musical program will fol- been acknowledged. All Girl fiction, 6,528 non-fiction, and 1,855 festival orchestra showed the ment at Havana, March, 1948. The low the business meeting which Scouts are setting dimes along a periodicals. suits of a month of earnest prBc- final set of the conference was will open promptly at 3 o'clock. chalk line, striving to reach a Books purchased during the year lice and ensemble rehearsal. signed by 54 countries and the James Feight of tJte Arts literal mile of dimes. numbered 1,347, of which 935 were The program, beginning with a charter is scheduled to come be- Board of Directors will open a for adults and 412 for children melodic, sonorous Legend undel' fore the legislatures of some 60 general discussion period at which . . ' , the Unite d time the memb·.rsliip will be Gal'llet Host Of variolL'; ages. Other additions thE' direction of Robert Holm, was countries, including to the Library equipment were well pl~nned to give the audience States, for approval in 1949. brought up to date on the organnew shelving, which greatly in- music of contrasting moods and West Pointers Dr. Wilcox joined the facuIty at ization of this newly founded anC! creased the sheli capacity and a styles. "Fiddle-Faddle", the in- Swarthmore in 1927 after having popular enterprise. Howard FloBill Stetson's Swarthmore Colnew magazine rack, a gift from triguing and popular string num- earned his Ph. D. at the University gaus of Wallingford, business di- lc:ge basketball squad, with six the Swarthmore Woman's Club. ber by Anderson brought the Pennsylvania, his Alma Mater. rectol' and house chairman, will consecutive victories to its credit, Having circulated in 1948 enough strongest r~spons,e of the evening, Besides a distinguished career as report on the work done on the tftkes on a large order when the books to provide ten for every a' request for repetition. Other educator, Dr. Wilcox has had an Arts Center's quarters. Cadets of West Point invade the 'resident the' borough, the Li- intricate and attractive numt,e", impressive record in Government "Many improvements have been Field House Friday night. brary staff is anxious to have new included Revival. 'a Morton Gould service: In the NRA and OPA; made with the loyal cooperation The Army team, which recently registrations for this free commun- arrangement of six spirituals, as consultant on the National Re- of many of the members," Mr. pressed sensational Yale for threei ty service. with a view to making ing attention to the pizziccato sources Planning Board and on the Flogaus said, "but there is still quarters of a hard-fought game, 1949 a banner year in meeting the strings, the modern harmonies of Social Security Board; and as di- much to be done and we are hop- has a 3-3 record. The Cadets deneeds of book-reading Swarth- the brass, a 14crying clarinet", and rector, Office of International ing more members 'will step for- reated Union, Williams and Lemoreans. intricate, intriguing string sections. Trade Polil'Y, Department of State. ward to help lift the immense bur- high, while losing to Brown, PittsUnder D. Ray Yerger's direction, He was vice-chairman of the U. S. den from the shoulders of those burgh and Yale. The Swarthmore this number was well executed. cielegation at the United Nations who have already contributed so record stands at 7-3. H. L. Shay, Jr., Is Czech Rhapsody, the last number Conference on Trade and Employ- much of their time." Three veterans of the powerful Year on 'the program conducted by El- ment at Havana. In addition to Jr. C. C. Man Mrs. Charles Dennis, presillent, Army football team are expected Miller of Springfield, these activities he has written will take this opportunity to pre- to start for the visitors. They are Howell Lewis Shay, Jr. of Park wood avenue was presented with the brought the true Czech folk dance many articles in various magazines sent the newly-appointed Board of forward Arnold Galiffa, center Jim Junior Chamber of Conunerce key and song flavor to the foreground and journals, including the "St. Directors to the membership. They Rawers and guard Frank Barnes. in Philadelphia last week as the in interesting color combinations. Louis Post-Dispatch," "New York are: Joseph R. Gibson and Mrs. Galiffa and fellow forward Tom "outstanding young man of 1948." A favorite among the members of Times Sunday Magazine," and Stanley L. MacMillan, both' Boydston have been leading the Shay, a graduate of Swarthmore the orchestra, this composition "Fortune." Swarthmore; James S. Feigtlt, I Cadet attal"k this year. High School in the class of 1936 proved a fitting climax to an outchairman; Emma M. Abbett, Mrs. Swarthmore'S hopes ride chiefly and the University of Pennsylvania standing concert. Spencer Article Widely Read J. Claude Bedford, Mrs. Charles A. with Jim Reilly, lanky PhiladelOne of the most musical numwith honors in 1941. is executive A recent magazine article by Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. phian who plays either center or bers of the evening was rendered vice-president of Forces United Steven M. Spencer of Ogden ave- Dutton, Mrs. Wayland H. Elsbree, forward. Jim leads the Philadeland was instrwnental in develop- by the solo cellist, Jerome Gold- nue has appeared in 11 languages Mr. Howard A. Flogaus and Cyril phia area in points per game, and ing tt.is organization which con- man, sophomore at the local high and been read by more than Gardner, aU of Wallingford; Mrs. the Swarthmoreans are banking sists of groups pledged to help school. Mr. Goodman proved him- 40,000,000 people, Mr. Spencer was Stuart Graves and Edward T. on his shooting eye to surprise the self nothing short of an artist in protect the Nation's Liberties. Moore, of Mediaj Mrs. Harold V. West Pointers. informed recently. Arthur C. Kaufmann president his rendition of Adagio and RonFriday night's contest will be The article "Where Are We Now Hartman, of Chester and Emma L. of the Chamber of Commerce and do by Boccherini. Applause could on Cancer?" was condensed from Warfield, of Springfield. the last for Rex HSam" Gary, captBin of the Garne,t team and ace chairman of the award conunlt- not express the audience's enthusi- The Saturday Evening Post and Mrs. Vance ,A. Pierce of Media passer of last fall's football squad. tee in making the presentation at asm. An encore, Habanera by Ra- appeared in the September, 1948 the Union League said of Shay vel, played in muted tone proved issue of The Reader's Digest. The is publicity chairman and her Gary 1 a former resident of who _ts a partner in the Howell exceptional in its interpretation editors believed that it would be local committe includes M~. Neal Swarthmore, graduates on Sunday. Thurman and Mrs. Samuel Gurin. Probable line-ups are: ArmyLewis Shay architects firm, "He and tone. equally enjoyable abroad, and ran Edward T. Moore, Executive Boydston and Galiffa, forwards; Mr. Holm and Alice_ Blodgett, it in most of the Reader's Digest has given his time, his opportunity to make money, his influence, his co-hosts of this tremendous under- international editios. Mr. Spencer Secretary, who is in the office at Rawers, center; Barns and Mosny, constant unflagging service to taking, are to be congratulated for has now received, copies contain- the Arts Center daily (phone ME- guards. Swarthmore-Reilly and something that needs doing so the success of the evening. Swarth- ing his article in British, Au- 6-1739) will report on the brochure Poit, forwards; Hall. center; Gary which is now being prepared for and Esrey, guards. desperately that we of the com- more is more than proud to have stralian, Spanish, Portuguese, mailing in the near future to mittee recognize it as monumental. been host to such a fine group Swedish, Finnish, Japanese, His work has but begun but the of students and to such high cali- French, French Canadian, Nor- launch the second semester o( BEREAVED classes. "We now have more than beginning is 50 great, so needed, bre musicians. The infant son of Robert and wegian and Italian-with more to 400 members, including about 300 Virginia DeHaven Hall of Holiday that the committee to a man voted come. students," said Mr. Moore, Shay the award." Hill, Westtown, Pa., died in the David Daugherty, son of Mr. we are anxious to keep them Established on July 4, 1947 in and Mrs. J. P. Daugherty of DickWest Chester Hospital on MonRed Cross To Sew close touch with everything Independence Hall the national irison avenue and a third year day, January 24. The baby was Red Cross Sewing Day will be program of Forces United Is dedi- student at the University of Vir- held at the Presbyterian Church goes on at the Arts Center the grandson of Mrs. Helen M. Hall cated to education for knowledge ginia, has been elected to mem- at 10 a. m. Wednesday, Febru- well as acquaint others with of Hillborn avenue. activities." Of the American system of govern- bership in Alpha Kappa Psi, ary 2. ment, making it work better, solv- national professional fraternity Lt. Col. Robert H. Douglas and All women of the town are coring and fighting its problems. family of Washington, D. C., visMrs. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden ill economics and commerce. dially invited to help make supavenue, entertained "The Eight- ited his parents Mr. and Mrs. The Thimble Group met Mon- David is also a member of the plies for local hospitals. Coffee will be served at noon. some" at a luncheon-bridge Tues- James B. Douglas of North Ches" day at the home of Mrs. Carlos International Relations Club and ter road over last week-end. Members should bring a lunch. day. holds a varsity lacrosse leiter. F. Noyes of Parish road. PUPILS P'RESENT CLAIR WILCOX . FINE CONCERT BOOK PUBLISHED o .n 1'0 I I 01 organi-I-;;;;:;;:;;::::::::;;:;;:;;:;;;;:;:;;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;:;:::::;;:;:~:; I of the sports program revealed that in boys sports there were requests for full interscholastic competition in three sports this year, namely; track, baseball, and lacrosse. Because of the small size of the school and limited budget, the school has not heretofore been able to suport more than two sports. It was decided to continue the program of last yeartrack and basebaU, with lacrosse ~ minor sport, practiCing and play_ mg on Satul'xiays. A H!AVE YOU of providing for the instrumental music program. A number of the better scr..ools follow the same plan as here: in the elementry gradesl to provide instruments on loan for year to beginners who after showing progress are expected to buy their own; in the instrwnental groups-band and orchestras, the school district to provide the large and the unusual instruments which parents could not be expected to supply, as horns, drums, oboes, bass viols, and so forth. The Board authorized the securing of quotations on several additional instruments for the growing musical ations. S\varth more, Pa. JANUARY ZI, 1MB SWARTHMORI1lAN -- -, ~- I , • * THE SWARTHMOBEtAN NEWS NOTES - Mrs. R. M. K1lgore 9' .Cornell Mrs. Albert L. $choft 01 River- avenue III entertaInIng ala'lunchview road. I 'eori~bridite ilt her home today. . The Poets' Circle met Monday Mr. and Mrs. C. IrwIn dalbreath at the home of Mrs. Harold G. of BenjaDun )Vest avenue will enGrlUin of Rutgers avenue. Mrs. tertain informally at their home Roland G. E. Ullman was in charge tomorrow evening before the of the program. Series Dance· In the Woman's, Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant Club. of South Chester road entertained Mrs. J esh Arnold Saulnier of i their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wallingford. recently returned I Wipperman of St. Louis, Mo., as from Paris, France. where she; overqight guests Tuesday. has been visiting her sister' for' Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Firth Ihe past four months. 1 of Norlh Chest.r road leave SunMrs. T. A. Hays has r.turned' day for Norwich, Vt. Mr. Firth to her home on Riverview road is on leave of absence for second after visiting her daughter and semester in the Philosophy Depart- two sons in White Plains, N. Y. ment at the college. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Edward Penfield, mot....r Townsend Scudder, 3rC!, of Wood- of Mr. Walker Penfield of River- willi Mrs. Cox's parents, Mr.eru\ ,.SAVE:thWE! LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR WflILE YOU SHOP MIss Margaret Little of Park avenue, a graduate of Physical " TheI'l'.py from the University of Minnesota, Is now working as a therapist with the University of • / .".' Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia. R: Blair Price, Jr., 01 HampdenSydney College, Va.. will spend five days of a mid-term vacation at his home on North Chester road. " 'Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Kent. Jr., of Springfield, are entertainingior seve... l days Mrs. Kent's par.nts, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. William K. Harrison who have just returned from Japan. They will live in Washington, D. C., where General Harrison will be stationed. bury, Conn., former Swarthmore view road, has moved to Swarth- i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wentworth Harrison of Stony- residents, are returning and will more and will reSide at Elnwood.: Formerly ~he liVed at the Pelhambrook, N. Y., will join the family occupy the Firth apartment. Mrs, Robert H. Reed of College Biltmore, Pelham, Manor, N. Y.,· ,FEBRUARY 3, 1949 for the we.k-end. av.nue returned Monday from and was a resident of the t(lwn ,Mrs. Rudolph H. Banks is recuperating at her home on Co- Evanston, Ill., where she had for 50 years. . , lumbia avenue, following an oper- sp.nt sev.ral days visiting Bob and .Mrs., P. L. Whitak~r has returned ation performed in the Presby- Helen Reed, both students at to her home on Park avenue after I Northwestern University. Helen a visit with her son-in-law and terian Hospital, Philadelphi"a. Come and Enjoy YOUI' Selection From. Dr. and Mrs, James A. Perkins was initiated into Kappa Kappa daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. HOT DISHES - DEUCIOUS SALADS Pitner in Baltimore, Md. of Strath Haven avenue leave Gamma Sorority Saturday. AND DESSERTS E. H. Taylor of Harvard ayenue, Mrs. David R. Warner and son, Monday by plan. for Seattle. While on the West Coast, Dr. Perkins has returned from Decatur, Ill., Roddy,of Philadelphia, are spend- i will visit coll.ges in portland, wh.re he was one of the speakers ing a few weeks in Swarthmore San Franci.sco and Los Angeles, at the two-day MldcWest Confer- visiting Mrs. Warner's parents, Mr. and will also visit southern col- ence of Industry, Labor and Agri- and Mrs. O. J. Gilcreest of vassarl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ leges before returning home. Mrs. CUlture. Mr. Taylor's subject:was avenue. Mrs. Charl.s Chickering of the I Perkins will return the middle of "Soil-the Basis of the American Economy." Harvard Inn spent .the past week HAVlNG COMPANY ? ? February. Airman Mildred K. Kapelskiof in Washington with Mr. ChickerMrs. Howard M. Jenkins of Order HOAGIES From, North Chester road returned home South Chester road, was one of the ing attending the Inaugural CeleSund~y from a two-week trip 100 WAF trainees to march in the bration. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCowan of south where she was the guest of inaugural parade for President Truman in Washington on ThursVassar avenue accompanied by 17lol! S. Chesl!!r Road Dr. and M~s. Frank Aydelotte at day. Miss Kapelski was a memtheir daughter Mildred will spend 8WARTHIIIOBR, PA.' , the Highland Park Florida Club, ber of the 1941 High School graduthe weekend at Penn State and Monday thronllh Th!!J'Sday .11:00 A.M. ,to uioo P.II. Lake Wales, ~·la. ating class, and until recently was att.nd the commencement festivlMr. and Mrs. Donald Crosset of FrIday and SRturday - 11:00 A.M. to m1"n!a'ht Ridley Creek road, Media, enter- in charge of the Orange Cleaners. ties of. their son Frank McCowan, Snnday, - 6:30 to P.II. Karen Peterson, daughter of Jr. who will receive his degree In tained at a supper party Sunday Phone: Swarthmore 3216 .vening when their guests in- Dr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Peterson Industrial Engineering on Moncluded Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm of yassar avenue, is celebrating day. Miss Shella Llvock of Surrey. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomp- her fifth birthday 'anniversary .'. ~on, Mr. and Mrs. George Plowman today by'entertaining 14 guests at .England, is the house guest of Mrs• oi, Swarthmor., Mr. and Mrs. Earl a supper party from 5 to 7. Home Margaret, Freedley of Swarthmore Deppick and Dr. and Mrs. William movies will be featured during the avenue for a month. entertainment. Howard Shearer. Jr., 14-yearErb of Ridley Park. Miss Mildred Simpers of the Susan Williams, daughter of Dr. old son of Mr. and Mrs. Shearer . Swarthmore Apartments enter- and M."S. Ned B. Wil1lams of of Swarthmore avenue Is recupBEAUTY SALON' tained h.r brtdge club at dessert- Dickinson avenue, celebrated her erating at hi:!; home from an atbridge Thursday eveiling. fifth birthday Saturday by.nter- tack Of pneumonia. Beauty dolles the _tiler Mrs. Gordon Lange of Cedar tainlg her small friends at a Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of Prince_ .'. , lane, director of dramatics at the luncheon. ton avenue, returned home SunCall Swarthmore 0476 college, and 12 students of the Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of day after spending two . weeks in 9 Chester Road Little Theatre Club of the college North Chester road will entertain Atlantic City. Mr. Yerkes joined , leave today for a theatre week-end as their week-end guest Dr. Bates' her week-ends. in N.w York City. They plan to mother, 'Mrs. Clarisse Bates of -----see three plays and will meet the New York City. ENGAGEMENT stars following the performances. , Bob Hulme of Westdale avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richard 'They will also visit Ceutury Stage arrived home Wednesday from the Harris," of Swarthmore avenue, Ughting Studio. University of Virginia for the mid- announce the. engagement and apMrs. Harlan R. Jessup, Harlan term vacation of a few weeks.. proaching marriage of their daughR. Jessup, Jr., Kathleen Lee and Mr. Donald Gustasson of High- ter, Mrs. Virginia Sheaffer Thomas Martha Jessup -of Haverford aveland Park, N. J., was the week- of Bronxville, N. Y. to Dr. David Member of Federal Depoalt Instaance Corporation nue spent the week-end in Washend guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Pryse Thomas, Son of Mrs. Pryse ;Qlgton, D. C., and Frederick, Md., Huey of Dickinson avenue. The Thomas of Scranton, and the late and saw the Inaugural Parade in nNow You can buy U', S. Saving. . s Banda engagement of Miss Jean Huey and M r. Thomas. . au'touiaii-.... Washington, last Thursday. Mr. Gustasson was recenUy anDr. Thomas was graduated from through 1:l,tenew ~n:d-a-Month Plan. ASk at thIa Sank , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bradnounced. shaw of Benjamin West avenue Medicine at theand University of, Lehigh University the School . entert,ained at dinner at their Mr. and Mrs. F. Pelzer Lynah, of Pennsylvania. He served four Jr., of Wallingford, entertained at home Friday evening. Mr .and Mrs, Po. Sidney John- a small dinner party Saturday eve~ years as a major in the U. S. Army during the war. son, Jr., of Lafayette evenue will ning. entertain at cocktails before the' The Philadelphia Alumni of r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Series Dance in the Woman's Club Swarthmore College held a bridge FOR tomorrow evening. party and fashion show at StrawMAGAZINE Barbara Thatcher of College bridge and Ciothier Saturday, SlUBSCRIPrIONS avenue was recently initiated into Mrs, Charles W. Lukens of Mrs. Lloyd E. KauffmaD Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority at Strath Haven avenue entertained Northwestern University. Swarthmore 2080 at a neighborhood tea Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of North Chester road entertained at n dinner party at their home Saturday evening. Mrs. Hazel Taylor of Omena, Friday and Saturday Mich., is visiting. her brother:'inRichard W I _ 'law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rob"With health, eveml;!ing is a SourCe of '• Last 2 DayS! lda Lupino ert H. Reed of College avenue. pleasute; without it, nothing' elSe, whatever ''ROAD HOUSE" Betty Grabie Elizabeth Bryant of Bucknell Dan Dally Sat. f.ature-6, 8, io p.m, it may be, is enjoyable. It follows that 'the University will spend the mid"WHEN MY BABY SMII..... greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any term vacation at her home on Saturday Matinee, 1 p. m. AT ME" South Chester road. OIher kind of happiness, whatever it may be , Special Children's Show in technicolor Mr. and Mrs. BUrton Cox, Jr., Sabu In "ELEPHANT BOY" -for gain, advancement, learning, for EaDIe, ",~:;;;a en # Also Cartoons of Baltimore, spent the week-end let alone, then, for fleeting'sensual pleasures," advised New Ser1aI-H Jungle Girl" OK Kiddie Karloon Show! Arthur Sch'!penhauer. Saturday Afternoon at 1:15 Monday and Tuesday A. pharmacists, we are constand), al~rt to forward Danby Kaye in Sunday and Monday measures important to public health. In our prescription "A SONG 18 BORN" . Dick Powell department wo; have assembled the imponant drug. fro,. in technicolor .Jane Greer all oyer the world. These mediCinal applies ~preselit "STATION WEST" Wednesday and Thursday I I The $l.OO-Serve Yourself-All You Want COJiP£BTESU,.PER STR4TH HAVEN INN HOAGIE"HUT'" 9'S. The Bouquet .. • Swarthmore lational Bank & Trust Co. ':' I~~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:' ~~I I College Theatre MEDIA = BALTIMORE PIKE SprIqIleld Phone SWal1IImore M5t ''We TeJecraph FIowen" Charles DilCken's Classic NICHOLAS NICKI.EBY SIirtingFriday "WilEN MY BABY 5MB E8 AT 1m" ~' * - Tuesday and Wednesday , Clan: Gable .Jeanette MaeDgneld "SAN PRANCI8OO" (A Re-Release) ,he:~mmunity's arsenal agablitdiseaseBriiig yoUr preSCrlpUons to US for e~ coDlJlO!lnding. I,· ' ~lIell "h.r•• O!J~~. ' • THE SWARTH,MOREAN JANUARY 18, 'lINt', THE ,SW'ARTHMOREAN PlnsusBBD ."0'1' FRIDAY AT ,8WARTHMORE, PA TIlE SwAaTBIIORBAN. INC•• PllBLlSIID Phone 8wari1aDoN .... ------- PETER E. TOLD, Editor MAlUORIB TOLD, BARBARA KENT, Aosoclate Editon BoaaUe Peinol Lorene Mc Carter Edith Whitaker Entered as 'Second Class Matter, January 24, 1829, at the Post outce at Swarthmore. Pa., UDder the Act 01 March ,3, 1879. .DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON ' 8\VARTIDIORB, PA., FRIDAY, IANUABY 28, 1949 Presbyterian Notes Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service :rIIr: Bishop will preach on the subject: "Reality or Fantasy?" All d.partments of the Church School meet each Sunday morning at 9:45. The Men's Bible Class and the Women's Bible Class also meet at 9:45. The Communicant's Class for all young people 12 years of age or over who are not melD1'>ers of the churCh, meets each Sunday morning in Mr. Bishop's stud~ at 9. The Building Conunittee will meet after the morning services in the church office. The S~sion will meet after the services in the pS$tor's study. A dinner for all members of the Chapel Choir and their husbands . and wives will be given this evening at 6:30 in the Parish How:'" Sunday evening the Junior IDgh Fellowship will go to the Broomall Presbyterian Church for a joint meeting with their fellowship at 7 o'clock. The High School Fellowship wlll meet at 6 o'clock in the ParislJ House. The Young Adult's Club will meet Sunday evening at 1 in. the Parish House. Roland Pennock, professor' of Social Sciences at , Swarthmore College. wlll speak on "The Background of Comm~m." The group wlll meet at 6 o'clock, preceding this nieeting for a light supper. The Junior Choir rehearses Thursday afternoon at 3:30 in ,the Parish House. The Chapel Choir rehearses Thursday evening at 7:45 in the Parish House. ' The Philadelphia Presbyterial will hold a Prayer Meeting at the Arch Street Church Chapel, corn.r Eighteenth and Arch streets, at 10:45 a. m. on February 1. 'The speaker be Ruth Ure, who will talk on "God's Spirit Working Through Europe's chi-istians." The leader will be Mrs, George D. Robins. The Woman's Association will hold its monthly sewing day on Wednesday, February 2, at 10 o'clock. Circle 2, Mrs. David Braun, chairman, will -be .in charge. Members are asked to bring sandwiches. Coffee, tea and dess.rt will be served. There will be tables for those who prefer to make surgical dressings rather than sew. wlll Trinity Notes John H. Pitman and Miss Priscilla NEWS NOTES Williams will be in charge. ,Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. of Education meets The "oard I> Steuber of Yale avenue were on Tuesday evening at 8 at the' among the passengers saJ.l.ing from home of Mrs. Henry I. Hoot, 301 New York, January 14, on Grace Lafayette avenue.' Line's Santa Rosa for a CaribRehearsal for the Seni(!r Choir bean, and South American cruise is on Thursday evening at 7:45. ' to the West Indies Venezuela and The, Social Hall is open for Colombia.' supervised recreation on Friday Dr. and Mrs. Howard R. Erb and evening at 7 . . daughters Molly and Christine of The monthly meeting of the Ot- Rochest.r Minn. are visiting Mrs. ficialevening Board win on FrIday at 8 be in held the cburch. Earl H. Taylor! political editor for the Curtis Publications. will speak on the "Report,of the Hoo~ ver Commission" at the Men'g Forum, on Sunday evening, February 6. All men of the community are invited to attend. Erb's father. Dr. Louis Robinson and Mrs. Robinson of College avenue until February 4. Dr. Erb is finishing his third year as a Graduate Fellow at' the Mayo Clinic. Rochester. Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Shaw of Park ayenue are entertaining for a few days Miss Phylll.s Wang of China who is vacationing between semesters from the University 01> Illinois Library School -;;;~;::=='==:'===::::=========L::====:;;;~;I ANYWHEREANYTIME Christian Science Notes "Love" is the subject of the Lessen-Sermon in all Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, January 30. The Golden T.xt is: "How excellent is thy loving kindness, O' God! therefore the children of m.n put their trust under the shadow of thy wings" (Psalms 36:7) . Kal!pa Hostess For a complete funeral service just callRITTENHOUSE 6-1581 THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. The Kappa Kappa Gamma sewing group will meet Tuesday, February 1 at the home of Mrs. Milton l F'ussell of 227 Vassar avenue. Dla.croas 0' FUNERALS I 1820 CHESTNUT STREET MARY A. BAlli. P,.sld... Holy Communion will be celeJr. Music Club To Meet brated on Sunday at 8 a. nl. Church School will meet at 9:45. At the The first Swarthmore Junior 11 o'clock service of Morning Music Club meeting of the new Prayer. sermon topic will be year will be held Sunday, Janu"Is PrayeI:' Illusory." Ushers at ary 30 at 7:30 at the home of the 11 o'clock s.rvice will be H. Arthur Grover, 214 Dickin..c;on ave"":" D. Spackman, head ush.r, W. S. nu.e. ~ Patton, J. L. Cornog, R. T. Bates, All high school students who B. Hat'rar, F. W. Plowman,' B. make 0[" enjoy music, are invited Keirn and C. Wagner. to attend the meeting and see what Confirmation class will be held the club has to offer, at 5:30 p. m. The Young People's Fellowship Mothers Group To Meet will meet at 6:30 p. m. 'Boy's Choir SChool will meet The First Grade Mothers Group on Monday and Wedn.sdaY at nf Rutgers Avenue School will !:30 p. m. hold a luncheon meeting at the The. second in a series of lec- ,Inglent;.uk on Saturday, January tur.s by the ,Rector will be held 29. Anne Cleaver, elementary art on Wednesday'at 8:15 in the Par- teacher, will give an infonnal talk. Ish House, at which time the topic Oth.r gu'¥'ts will include Ruth will be "How to Use the Prayer Abbott, First Grade teacher; Allce Book." Blodgett, teacher of music, and ---------,,------1 Th. regular monthly luncheon Alice Putnam, physical education , , will be held on Thursday, Febru- teach.r. Yale Ave. and Chester Road ary 3 by the ,Women's Auxiliary. Devotions will be held at 12:15 Mrs. William .F. Del.hanty of SWARTHMORE Swarthmore 1250 and Mrs~ Sue Walters is chairman Yale avenue, will entertain at a PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MInIster of the luncheon which follows. bridge-luncheon at her home , Sunday • .Janaau- 30 Afterwards, Mrs. Fredwhich Wilsonwere will 'Tu~:es~d~a~y~.-:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~=:~~~=:~~~~=:~~~~~=:==~~~~~ 9:00 A. M.--Communicants Class show colored slides _ 9:45 A. M. - Church School. taken by her and her husband 9:45 A. M.-Women's Bible Clus during two vacation periods spent 9:45 A. M.-Men's Bible Class 11:00 A. 'M. - Mr. Bishop will in Arizona and New Mexico. The preach l "Reality or Fantasy?" s,lides deal particularly with the 6:00 P. M.-High School Fellow- Navajo Indians living in Monuship. 7:00 P. M.-Young Adults' Club ment Valley. The Sewing Group of'the 'Auxiliary will meet every , 'wlll meet in' Parish House. Wednesday from now .until Easter METHODIST CHURCH for all-day sewing. Roy N. Keiser, D.o., Minister Sunday• .January 38 Methodist Notes 9:45 A. M.-Church School 10:00 A. M.~Young Adult FalThe Preparatory Membership lowshlp 11 :00 A. M.-'l'he minister will Class will meet on Sunday morning at 9:15 in the chapeL All preach, "Why Men Pray" 6:00 P. M.-Youth Fellowship YOUng people of the congregation or community who are not '!lemTRINITY CHURCH bers of the church are invited ,to Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector Sunday, .January 30 attend. 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion The Church School meets at 9:45. 9:45 A. M.-Church School Classes are provided for childr.n ,11:00 A. M. - Morning Prayers. The Rector will preach on "Is of all ages and for adUlts. The Young Adult Class meets Prayer Illusory?" 6:30 P. M.-Young People's Fel- in the Ladies' Parlors at'10. lowship At the morning service at 11 o'clock, the minister will preach THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY on "Why Men Pray." , OFPlUENDS Sunday, .January SO The Youth Fellowship wiil meet 9:45 A. M.-First Day School in the evening at 6. 9:45 A. M.-AdUlt Forum. WilThe ushers for the day are: D. D. liam Matchett, "The Problems 'Dickinson. W. A. Beacham, D. W. Faced by the Conscientious Objector." • Dickinson, J. Flood and J. Pitman. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. The Church Nursery is open Wednesday, February 2 during the morning service. Mrs. 9:30 to 3:30-Sewing and QuIlt. lag in Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All cordIalI7 laMARGE and DOT'8 vited. This streamlined Roper offers gas CXIOking the Thermostalic control on this Penfield Automatic Casserole Catering FIRST CHURCH OF CHlUST SCIBNTIST way you Ilkeitl Built-in top light. divided bumeis. Gas Water Heater assures always-ready hot Service OF SWARTHMOllB Park Avenue below Harvard and gloM Store-All. This model. 48-3302. cashwater. This 30-gallon size. model DP-30. has SPECIAJJZlNG IN , Sunday, .January It Lunch-. priced at $194.50, installed under standard galvanized steel tank ••• $155.72 cosh, it11:00 A..!oL S"""!Q' Sebeol. Buffet 8~ 11:00 A.. !oL J IIICO. - SenaoD staUed uncIer standard canditions. canditians. '-Love." . CockCaIl PaI1IeII Wednesday • evening meetlnl Call each week, 8 pm. Bepdlns room open daII7. except Sunclq ~ Dot Belfield - Swa. 1978 iLECTRIC COMPA,NY Holidays, 12 to fi p.m. Wedn"'!Q' )(arp Hurd - Swa. 31sa . _Inp 7 to 7:50 p.m.'8DIl9 to • the & WAITE ,Church Services here are ,good ideas for making homemaking more convenient 11:30. .' CHiD'! cooking perfection C"'jo'l ready hot water with with a CP Gas Range an automatic Gas Water Heater PH I LAD ELPH IA • THE SWARTHMORBAN clerk-carrier for duty at the Wal- Penn Center Assigns Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. MO'lllerl Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Unruh Appointment To Be Made lingford Post. Office. There are of Park avenue will ....tertain of 'Wallingford will" entertain at PhYI3· Ed. Instructor their E. R. McDonnell at the Swarth- no experience or residence reweek-end guests Mr.' cocktails before the Series Dance. more Post Office announces that quirements fo~ this position, but With the assignment of a full- Mrs. Torvll\d D. Eberhardt there will be a civil serv.ice exami- all applicants must be able to time physical education Instructor small daughter Mary of' l!~~: nation for the appointment of a drive. lor women for the first time this Rock, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. l\i ~ Ice a. r year at the Penn State Center in wIll entertain in their honor beSwarthmore the 150 coedB are fore the Series Dance developing a sports program who.., I evening and again on Sundaiy I' L calibre of performance has afternoon. 0 Da'n Dui InQ setting their oppon'ents on edge. Taking student leads i~ the development of the various pr,)grams I are 10 coeds who are slated 8UY MOld-SAV. MOU major in physical education upon their transfer to the campus as ANOrHD. BIG ACMf sophomores. Among the curricula which these girls wiiI consider I ,. f ·1t 5 9 b b lei DOLLAR FOOD SALI Th. last time w. pre.. nted our Dollar Sail. $0 many hom.mak.... were quick to tak. advantage of the lOving that w. arrang.d for anoth"r. Don't miss thl. big .01•• I ... 7o.. h' : : ·One Jand .r A&Iorfftl On. Kind or Assorted • PRESERVES Apri~PlII;:. I! 13c MARMALADE Rob=... : Dc APPLE BUTTER 38~~~' lie ...I. 1- • 5 $1.00 for Acme Guaranteed Quality Meats SwIIt'............. . .Ib Welghln/iJ 14-18 lb. 'k'n"" Smoked 5ge Go •• on E•• ,. Drl •• Quick No Bru.h M.rk. is possible, for qualified students. c:.A fELTON-SIBlE\' • 4g SIRLOIN STEAKS G~~ 6ge lit SlatrlRiltI leef 110 33e : Plate lec:i.!:I • 25e Week Lu,e No. I C··IIIia. Sa,11I .. 25. End Fuc, I.Uediall .. 31e Seafood r.u,. 'me, Select Oylters .... 35e Lu,. "C ..... uJar Vi ....'" .... ARGELrOOD 35e BING CAKE halher IIqht IMilly d.IIc~lou. for Amazingly o.L.. Iowpriw ~ Inrich'" s...,.... BREAD ~S4c 11 SOUTH CBB8TBB ROAD, SWARTllMOBB Louise Grossman, who as a mem'.er of the Penn Stale College swimming team last year placed in the National Swimming Teleg.":.tphic Inh~I'c(tllegiate Meet in the IOO-yard breaststroke event. by winning eight tilts. tying "Wh.' and losing one. The girls proud of "this one, since this is the- Center's first year in competition. The basketball season gotunderway like a slow boat to China' with a loss to Rosemont. But the 14girl squad is optimisilc about their remaining seven games with such opponents as Beaver, ~warthmore, Immaculuta, Temple, and Bryn Mawr. Exemplifying the diversity of programs for the Center coeds is a modern dance club of 20 -mem- ; ;• • Clu Ch.... ~ 7t: Sweet Potatoes hockey, softball, swimmin"g, and the modern dance. • FOR SALE-Horne-made cookies and party. sandwiches, made to order. Chester 3-4482. FOR SALE-Light gray Parstman wool misses suit. Made to order. and illustrations for the o f f i c i a l ' Inaugural Program" as well as a Studebaker Sales and Service member of the Inaugural Program Chester and ,Fairview Boeds Committee. FUSCO & ALSTOI doz 60c Ib 79c . saie.· Bryn Mawr 9167. FOR SAI.F--Motorola radio for auto, type 850. Reasonable. C,all Swarthmore 0887-R. FOR SALE - Greenhouse fre$h :flowera for any purpose. C8l'IllI FlowerS, 650 .Baltimore Pike, SpP.'" ·.afield.'. Phone Swarthmore ~ 0450. ' FOR;,·SALE--Antlque mahogany m~!'..esJo~~~awers. Phone Swarth- WANTED WANTED _ Unfurnished apartnear tea· room,' by widow. in early home r;;t;;~ to 222 • .... ",...~;:rr 01 ,OUI _.ll\I1ln81 In Y""' ..... b.... S. ""'~.. C"~JU' .......IIt.. In.. . -, Evelyn CHRISTIANSEN Swa. 0512-J, CUNNINGHAM Painters .. Paper flangen We should know how Swa.2266 MlohIp,. Ave 2,lbs 2Sc Formerly of Media 112& W. LehIgh Ave.• Pblla. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charga for suburban calls GRADE A n. RATH'S Located Strath Haven !!...~~~6~-2525 after 7 '. 401 - 403 DABTMOUm AVENUE (Owned and' controlled by more than 800 SwIIrtbmore iemm • I BVLETTING n.u.. US SAVE YOUR m. room. Twin Meals. Phone FOR RENT - Room, bath and Man preferred. ~b~r~e~.~kf~asti~in elerty durln.s past Flowers, Designer for the Bureau o( Eo-, . . year. '" II and Drexel. In this field tile coeds are aided by their able coach• bers. This group is in. ~~~:~::~ on- an interpretation of C -.,...,.----- . I H. D. SIPLER., Center Girls' Hockey team tenninated a highly successful season I I· QUALlry SINCE 1863· Miss Grossman, physical educalion instructor who was graduated CHiCKENS ~~N ! bers of the swimming tealn are preparing for six meets scheduled !OI' the remaining winter and coming spring seasons. Their opponents will be made up of such aggregations as Chestnut Hill, Swarthmore, Beaver, Temple, Penn will Soon be scheduled by the stu_ dents in the Center auditoriwn. Sh.nk Half lei * continue training past the bachelor's degree, a graduate program At the moment 20' some mem- SWEET PEAS:= Z:;.: 3Se: 6 for $1.00 LARGE PEAS .......... Z::'~17e: 8 ... $LOO WHOLE CORN -:!i~:: 1!'-:"lSe : 7'''' $1.00 SLICED BEETS ::'..-:~ Z,::"Zge : 7 ... $LOO lISCO CATSUP ::::.:.: 1::"1ge : 6 ... fl.oo '" .1J."I SOUPS ~::::'i:3 Ic:..~:" 28e : IZ ... $LOO '"BURFF SOUPS 41~~"'2S~ : 17 ... $1.00 at., ......... u. .r v......... BLENDED JUlCE::'..-:!. I::.: lie : II ... $1.00 '" g,AIII SMII M.carODi •• ''i: ISe : 7 ... fl.OO ·GLENWOOD JELLIES ~~=ISe: 7"for flOO Ie In 14 COLORS and NEW NON-YELLOWING PORCELAIN WHITE upon reaching the campus are studies in health education, physical education. or recreation. And fOr those stw;lents who wish to .. . T H ESW.A R T HMO REA N OLD SHOES WITH A GOOf) AEPAk: ,.,108 CELIA SHOE SHOP Since 19M 1. PAlIK AVBN1JE Swart:bmOl"e use ELECTRIOAL CONTRACTOR All Types of Electrtcal installations and Repairs. ri~.~en' SmvIng Swarthmore and Vicinity for past 'l'wenty Years 1180 Muhleuller« Ave• Swarihmere H85 mG~orDAY ::~"'iY da~ Edwanl L. Noyes a Co. CHARLES E. FISCHER Builder Painter SWARTHMORE 2253 "A HOUSE, I WELL-MAINTAINED IS THE WISE OWNER'S BAIN" , " .> , SWAllTHMORE01l4 " • Interiors Exteriors I > THE SWABTBMOBBAN JANuARY Z8, 1. . ' ~8u~n-l·te-d-P-e-a-c-e-Ch--e-s-t--I-Mr-S-.-D-a-V-id"""B-r-a-un-'-:-:M:-rs-.~E.~F:a-y"i:F:RA~::-:S::E:R=--:R:'~E=P~O=R=T=s:ill-;M=r."':f'Ro::Bber;:;t~F~.~Bll~:::op:-p::n:d~:pen:8m:::;r;~:0~legc::~n:ourgn~~.InternatiOn~1 Lists SUnday ;;===;::;::;::;;:::;;;;:==i/ ON r~Ull, ~rs. Campbell, Olive Cleaves, Mrs. S. Workers Leonard Dart, Dorothy Harris, M Alb t Hilles Mrs. Jackson, William Mrs. Patrick M. Malln en!er- I. J. David tained the workers for the Un,tted M 'Ed d A., Jenkins Mrs. t a tea at her rs. war . ' Ch t D . Peace es rlve.a Philip H. Jewett, Mrs. William T. home on North Pnnceton avenue, J h M Arthur Kent Mrs Monday, January 24, the day of the 0 ns~n, I rMs. P tr· k M Malin' t Philadel Roy Lmg e, rs. a IC ..., h G opening of t. e rea er B b - Mrs. Harold March, Mrs. Roy Mcphia campalgn. Mrs. chairm.an en ow Corkel, .~rs. J. W~rren P axson, Ritchie of Crum Ledge of the local group introduced ~ur- Mrs .. Wllliam F. Smgleton, Mrs. ton Parshall, executive director of Ida Stabler, Mr~. HOW;llllL. S~ay, the United Peace Chest who spoke Jr., Mrs. FrederlC~ ~ 0 Ees,S"::' on the objectives of the drive Millard Tyson an rs.. which is to raise funds for the sup- ford W~ters. Port of three agencies: The FelMrs. William H. Turner of Wallowship of Reconciliation, the N ational Council for the Prevention lingford was hostess at a tea, I t meeting of the Delaware COWlty of War, and the Women s n ernational League. Workers for the Wellesley Club Monday afternoon. Swarthmore drive include the fol- Mrs. Joseph S. Bates, chairman, lowing: presided. ............. . . . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_---~~~~~.~.~~.~.~.~'~+~. * * * WALL WASHING. FLOOR WAXING HOUSE CLEANING For Service and Satisfaction Phone Ardmore 2320 ARDMORE WINDOW CLEAMNG CO. Ardmore, Penm,ylvania 135 Drexel Road y y • + y y y + .: + y • y ~ .... y + • + • Y. Y Y Y WE HAVE PURCHASED 1500 PAIRS OF BABIES' AND INFANTS' SHOES AT A SAVING AND WE ARE PASSING IT ON TO YOU $3.95 and 14.95 Regular price $4.75 - $6.25 (sizes 4 to 9 all widths - White Only) . From JANUARY 31st to FEBRUARY 12th JUNIOR BOOT SHOP Springfield Rd. and Spri,ngfield Rd. TrolleyStatlon SWARTHMORE 3464 If your child isn't in need and you wish to take ~dva~tage of this sale, stop in or send check for shoes and we wl~l flt the child when shoes are needed. Act quickly. Some. Slzes an<;l widths not as plentiful as others. + y •0 r)'DgWe , ," with Mr. Bishop s .parents, GERMANY Barvard Mr. and avenue. Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop of PJitra Eo TOLD , Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armi1 All UDeI Of IDIIaraDoe Women To d Industry tage of South Chester road red' turned Tuesday from a IO-day 333 Dartmouth· Avenue Pro uctIon trip to Miami and Havana While I U . Swartllaiore i813 S p i n Miami, Dr. Armitage atitended , , • Ii Mrs. C. H. Jeglum, legislation chairman, introduced Dr. Herbert Fraser at Tuesday's meeting of the Woman's club. Dr. Fraser spoke on his recent experience in Research optometrist, Director of Eye Clinics, S. Naval Germany where he w~ Chief of Public Finance Branch of th~ Medical Research .Laboratory, will shortly announce The OpenUnited States Military Government. He spoke of the need of ing of His Offices for Eye Examinations. the new currency plan since the decline of the mark and the black . 188 SAXER AVENUE market made life difficult. He said that Communism did. not SP~INGFIELD, PENNA. ~=iii~~iiii~~iiiiiiii~iiii~iiii~~~~~iiiii DR.LEONM.RUDOLPH U: . flourlS' h in western Germany because so many had seen it at work and were not convinced. He also stated that by the end of 1948 industrial production in western Germany was 70 per cent of that of 1936, and in the Saar Valley 10 per cent above that year. He felt things were better. and had a restrained optimism that a peaceable solution could be worked out. Mrs. Stoyan Russell led the club cholJ1s in three numbers. There will be a literclture meeting at the club house at 10 a. m. on Friday, January 28, when Mrs. Owen W. Gay will give the book review. On· Tuesday, February I, at 1() a. m., the ~horus will rehearse. Also 'at that time Mrs. B. K. Morse, asks all who are interested , ~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPRINGFIELD, SWARTHMORE VICINITY , MARIAN S. BROWN. assuciated with L. HENRY LeBARON, Realtor 192 Saxer Avenue. Springfield , .Phone Siva. 0121 or 090t The greatest service a Realtor can render, is to· fifld YOU the house you want at the price YOU can afford. THIS OFFICE SPECIALIZES IN SUCH A SERVICE The right house at the right price is hard to find, but with 0lU' intimate knowledge of the territory, we usually do a mighty good job. If we do not have the suitable -listing for you, we have co-operative Brokers to consult. By listing your needs with the LeBaron office, you will save yourself a lot of work and' effort. Whether it be a new, properly built operation house, or one built to your own specification, old homestead or a country place, the probabilities are that we can find it quicker than you can r and get it at the right price. We will not recommend the purchase of any property at what we consider an excessive figure. If we recommend and show it, it will be because we believe the price is right. ill braidedbringing rugs to come to ': ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!::~~~ themaking club lounge, a sandwich. At the Acad~my I;>f Fine Arts in Philadelphia on Thursday, Febru.... you grandmOther ary 3, there will be a gallery talk for the art section of which Mrs. who baked wonderful bread, B'. F. Schwalm is chairman: Memcan she used the bers will meet at Hotel Wl:littier :tt 12:30 p. m. for lunch. ...-........~IG .... kind of ingredients . On February 4 at 2 p. m., there use In our Fine White will be a meeting of the peace service committee at the home of Bread· ••• you can't bake the chairman Mrs. T. D. Maher 226 Rutgers avenue. the without puffing' had a , bet . We best To Play For State DON'T MISS IT IF YOU LIKE lovely wearabla for naL..,.".. BARGAIN~ Two of the local high school musicians have been selected to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - participat' in the State Festival orchestra at Greensburg early in February. William Potts and Jer13 SOUTH ome Goodman, first chair players in the recent district orchestra, CHESTER ROAD we~e notified of the honor by Robert M. Holm upon his return from the State selection committe meeting near Pittsburgh.. Mr. Holm added that other Swarth-:more first chair players were unfortunately ineligible because the State event is limited to students of senior high school level. Late Registration PENN STATE , .. TECHNICAL INSTITUTB Coeducational Adult Education Complele 1-YI'. Daytim. Pl'ograDl Business Administration BveDing COID'••• In: Public Speaking, Accounting, Engineering, Drafting, Art, Fly Tying and Angling. Advertising, Salesmanship, Retailing, Foreign Languages and many others. BBCIBrBA'IION DArB. January 28 - 29 - 31 - February 1 _ 2 _ 3 APPLY PBNNL S'rAD CO.....OE CENTEB _ 8" HARVARD AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA. PHONE SWARTHMORE 3340 the best into itl" ·ASK YOUR GROCIR POR n. Local Quartet On Air The Swarthmore Brass Quartet will again be heard over WDAS 4:30 to 5 p.' m. this Sunday in a program aired from St. Andrew's Methodist Church, Forty-fifth and Walnut street, West Philadelphia, The group includes Charles Laws, Eric Sharpless, Larry Franck and .Robert Holm. This will be the last in this series of Methodist Melodies broadcasts until late SPring. The Rev. Herbert R. Howells is in charge. :==:;;::==========;;;:;;;;;::;:;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;:.;;:::;;; , THI . Friends Meeting Notes The Adult Forum of the First Day School will meet in the Friends Meeting House at 9:45 on Sunday morning when William Matchett will lead the discussion on "The Pt:0blems Faced by the Conscientious Objector." NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Bernard of Rutgers avenue spent' last weekend· in Dover, Del where they attended the christening of their godchild Peter Knight Adlam, grandson of Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Knight of Ridley Park. Their son Skip entertained' eight friends at a birthday party yester_ day afternoon. Mrs .. Sewell W. Hodge of OgdeJl avenue, spent the week-end in New York City. Switch to Super-CushloM ••• we'll make a liberal allowfor old tires. FUlCO.• ALI-ro. South Chester and Fairview Boads