,. Pa.. ~~ S\\' A R1'H MOO COI.I.Kn ..; LIRRARY ~ LEGION DONATE TO. THE THE·SWARTHMOR AN New Pupils To Be Office, Fumiture New President Was Swarthmore Professor Bronk was graduated' . from assistant professor of physiology ~i""I'''1TV, is a. former Swarthmore .olleg:e professor and' dean of men. Bronk was graduated form hmore in 1920 and married n Ramsey, of the borough, a r of the same class. Returning to Swarthmore in 1928 assistant profesor of physiology biophysics, he was associate 1927--28 and full pro1928-29. From'1927 to 1929 he served as dean of men. In 1937 his alma mater conferred honorary degree of doctor of upon him. After leaving Swarthmore to be the Eldrege R. Johnson Founfor Medical Physics at the sitt of Pennsylvania,. of he is now director, he moved Barren ~oad, Sycamore Mills , he lives with his wife and sons. He is also director of Institute of Neurology at the Donated to School Registered Early Through the generous cooperation of A. L. Carney of Swarth ... more College the School District received a large shipment of school and office furniture early this week. Mr. Carney had the furniture set up in the Prep School gym and invited representatives of the School Districts of Springfield, Media, M~ddletown Township, and Swarthmore to come and divide up this furniture from the War Assets Admini~tration Government Sur'plus stocks. Parents who have .recently moved into Swarthmore will want their boys· and girls to be registered early for the ne~ school year, that' they may have their schedules made out promptly. and .well in advance of the opening of school.· Much of the furniture was in excellent condition, although some of it was of rather flimsy wartime manufacture, had taken hard wear, and was in .need of repair and refinishing. Basically, it witt be very useful to the School District and will fill a need for office type furniture both for teachers' use and in the commercial classes. . The furniture donated from thiS government surplus to Swarthmore included 11- filing cabinets, 12 straight chairs, 10 swivel chairs, fout straight arm chairs, four executive typt desks for teachers' use, three secretary's desks, and ,three tables. Most ,of· the furnittire is of golden oak or walnut finish. EX -RESIDENT DIES IN WASHINGTON TEAM SRA TOURNAMENT WINNERS-TEAMS Life Cycle of ButterFly Viewed by , Parents .. .: 1948 Sv.mme'r Club disbanded in a spirit of fun and competition. The annual tournaments 'vere held all last week ,vith the following winners receiving awards on Friday: Tennis singles, Meg Garrahan, Bob Allison; Tennis doubles, Meg and Nita Garrahan; Ping Pong, Patty Stewart aad Ronnie Gold. "Capture the Flag", Dick McCormick's team nosed out the team of Bobby Allison. Members of the winning team were Sue Harrar, George Kroon, Ron'nie Gold, Bob Terry, John Pearson, George Allison, Roger Gilmour, Lee Swan and Billy Lee ... Softball, score 20 to 2. Bitt Ziegenfus captained the winning team composed of J olln Pearson, Dick McCormick and Bob and George Allison, Lee Swan was captain of the opposing team. Touch football, winning captain was Howard Shearer, the other captain, .Charles Grier. The team which won was made up of Lee Swan, John Pearson, BQb Allison, Ronnie Gold, Dick McCormick, Mike' Bender and Patton Gilmour. Checkers, Timmy Ryerson; Golf, Eric Sharpless; Jacks, Gwenn' Adams; Croquet, Joan Harrar; Horseshoes, Howard Shearer; Ponyshoes, Dick Snyder; Quoits, Billy Heot; Archery, Senior-Bert Kropn; Intermediate-Gwenn Adams; Begin· ners-Mardy' Mulley. ""' Friday's Treasure Hunt was won by JinmlY Godfrey's team composed of Lyn Purnell, P~tty Stewart, Bob Gurin, Dick Snyder, Mike Bender, "Valter Reynolds and Timmy Ryerson. On Thursday of last week, parents of the Primary group at Rutgers Avenue were treated toa really artistic sketch depicting the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly. The vivid color of the costumes, fashioned and painted by the children from living models added greatly to the play's illusion. Mu~ic indicating the change of season was played by Emiiy Pritchard. Pre-school and Kindergarten .children . attended. After the play the parents were tfeated to cookies arid punch ·in the Primary room where the handwork accomplished this sumer was on display. Jean Dickson deserves congratulations for her fine work with this group. The Recreation Board, chairmanned by Mrs. John M. Pearson, will Borough Benefits from Gaa Tax welcome any criticism on the proThe Borough of Swarthmore will gram offered this summer. receive $1,449.73· as its September 1 . allocation from the motor iund Veterans Entertained for the third quarterly, payment of Coatesville Hospital was tbe scene 1948 which is being prepared by of a supper party last Thursday the Department of Highways as when the various county units enits share of the tax levied on motor tertainep the' veterans. Those' re~ehic:le !, gasoline consumption. The presenting the Swarthmore unit Borough may .expend. this money w~re Mrs. Robert Sheppard, Mrs. for street, bridge, and road main- \Valter Thorpe, Mrs. Howard Hoptenance or construction. son, and Mrs. Robert Bair. . All parents, therefore, are urged to call at the school office as soon as possible to register their children. The office is located in the College Avenue building at the corner of College and Princeton ave; nues. The office is open from 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 daily ex~ept Saturday. Papers that be needed will be a vaccination certificate, a report from the previous schools, and a Mrth or baptismal certificate. Class lists are now being perpared and early . registrations are very Mrs. Alice M. Baird of the Old important. Bank Building announces that she is now associated with her sen ,Robert Spiller Bird in the. Real Estate business, and has. changed the firm's name to Baird and Bird. Mr. Bird, who came to Swarthmore after' the death of his father in 1923, graduated from Swarthmore High School and attended Antioch Ashes of ex-Fire Chief College. After three years ~xperien­ 'Burried' Here ce with 'theHotls'ehold FiRance· Corporation, he served as a pilot inSaturday structor in the Air Forces for four The Swarthmore fire bell tolled and a half years. When he returned to Swarthmore in December 1945 43 times last Saturday' afternoon; he entered the Real Estate business one time' for each year' of the life that his mother and started in 1929'. of Harry Francis McHale; a. native _ Swarthmorean and ex-chief of the LIBRARY CAPACITY AND local Fi~e Company. While it·tolled CIRCULATION INCREASED the ashes of Mr. McHale were laid At the last meeting of the library to rest in the family burial plot in board, the librarian Miss Hunter, nearby Eastlaivn cemetery, beside reported that 22,638' books have his mother, Mary and father; Willbeen circulated in, the, first six iam: The Rev. J. J arden Guenther, months of this year. 644 new books former rector of Trinity Church, have been added and 204 new cards Swarthmore of which the deceased was a member, conducted the last have been iss,ped. The capacity of the library has rites. been greatly increased by the adBorn on Dartmouth avenu.e Harry dition of new shelves. It is believed ~[cHale graduated from SwartJithat they will meet the needs of more High School and attended the next five years. Swarthmore College. His death ocThe summer schedule will 'concurred on July 8 in Episcopal Hostinue through August during which pital where he had been a patient time the library will be closed on since a week befQre last Christmas, Tuesdays and Thursdays and' on with cancer of the tongue. CremaSaturday afternoons. tion followed but interment was Among the latest acquisitions are: postponed until the return of Mr. Six New· England Villages, ChamGuenther from Europe. berlin; Among Those Absent; Coles; Shannon's . Way, Cronin; Surviving are t~ree brothers: The United States and China, Fair- Paul of Devon; Joseph of Overbank; The Heart of the Matter, brook; \Villiam of Summit, N. J.; Greene; Isabel and the Sea Millar; and three sisters Mrs. Louis Agnew Woman with a Sword, Noble; A of South Chester road; Mrs. R. Ghost Town in the Yellowstone, B., Paynter of Flushing, N. Y.; Paul; Important People, Van Gel- and Mis. Albert E. Griffin of der; Cape Breton, Walworth; N~w Drexel Hill. Song in a Strange Land, \Varner, and Grandfather in Peru, Wilder. will • BELL TOLLS FOR HARRY Me HALE take· up his new Hopkins 00 J anI upon the retirement of Dr. Bowman widely known geoChairman of the National 'Council and a member of Many Nation~1 Commissio~ of the Long Time Friends Nations Educational Scienand Cultural Organization, Dr. In Bora is also an advisor to. the Local friends of }.~ rs. Lawrence States Atomic Energy Comand was lately elected to E. Drew are saddened by her sud:den death last Friday in \VashingRoyal Society of L Grier. The team which WOn was made up of Lee Swan, John Pearson, BOh Allison, Ronnie Gold, Dick ~IcCor111ick, ~Iike Bender and Patton Gilmour. Checkers, Timmy Ryerson; Golf, Eric Sharpless; Jacks, Gwenn Adams; Croquet, J oall Harrar; Horseshoes, Howard Shearer; Ponyshoes, Dick Snyder; Quoits, Billy Hoot; Archery, Senior-Bert Kroon; Intenllediate-Gwenn Adams; Begin. ners-lI.l ardy ~[ulley. ~ Friday's Treasure Hunt was won by ) imt11y Godfrey's team composed of Lyn Purnell, Patty Stcwart, Bob Gurin, Dick Snyder, ~Iike Bender, \Valter l~eynolcls and Timmy Ryerson. On Thursday of last weck, parent5 of the Primary group at l~utgers Avenue wcre treated to a really art15tiC sketch depicting the life cycle of the ~lonarch Imtterfly, The vivid color of the costumes, fashioned and painted hy the children from living models added greatly to the play's illusion. lI.lusic indicating the change of season \Va.; played hy Emiiy Pritchard. Pre-school and Kindergarten childrcn attended. After the play the parents were t(eated to cookies and punch in the Primary room where the handwork accomplished this SU1llcr was 011 display. Jean Dickson deserves congratulations for her fine work with this group. The Recreation Board, chairmanned by Mrs. John ~I. Pearson, will welcome any criticism on the program offered this summer, Veterans Entertained Coatesville Hospital was tbe scene of a supper party last Thursday when the various county units entertainc9 the veterans. Those representing the Swarthmore unit were 1lrs. Robert Sheppard, 1\1 rs. \Valter Thorpc, ~lrs. Howard Hopson, and Mrs. Robert Bair. I , z I NEWS NOTES THE ENGACED 4th, of 'Stomally", West Chester, announce the engagement of Mrs. E11is's daughter, Miss Sally Shoch Rittenhouse, to Mr. Richard Mc-. Lean, Parry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M. Parry of Westtown, formerly of Swarthmore. Miss Rittenhouse's father was the late Mr. Alfred Taylor Rittenhouse, 2, of Washington, D. C. • . Mr. and Mrs. George S. Valentine of Benjamin \Vest a,'e.nue leave today for a weeks vacatton at the farm of Rev. and Mrs. P1l!ttenburg and family, in Redfield, N. Col. and Mrs. Stanton von Grablll of Cornell avenue and their children Stanton and Brenda recent~y returned from a weeks vacation at Rehobe\h Be~ch, Del. Mrs. Alonzo L. Taylor of South Mr. and Mrs. John \V. Iliff of Chester road and her daughter \Veymouth road, Springfield, an\Van'da visited the Bruce Millers nounce the engagement of their of Cornell avenue at their cottage daughter Jean to C. 'Whitford Mclast weekend. -D~wel1, Jr. of Pelham, Manor, Mr. and Mrs. George Si.lIl.mer of N. Y., forme~ly of Ogden avenue. Ogden avenue arc cntcrtallltng the No date has been set for the wedBir~ Cr.cek Club of Philadell)hia at I ding. their MIllcreek Farm n.oar Canaden-I Jean graduated from the UniverSIS 111 the Poconocs thiS we~kend. sit" of Denver in June and '''hitPatsy Blake, daughter of ~Ir. fo;d -will enter his scnior year at and 1[rs: Av:~~ Blake of .Amherst Colgate linh'ersit y this fall. {\"enue. IS Visttmg the Slplers of . Swarthmore .at their cottage in DALLETT-LITTLEFIELD A\·alon. N. J. for two weeks. The marriage 'of A1"iss Elizabeth Hohert Gilfillan III son of Mr. Ellen Litlefield. daughter of Mr. and ~Irs. Robert Gilfillan Jr. of and hlrs. Raymond James Littleficld Yah: .wcnuc is attending Caml> of Swarthmore place to Mr. Joseph Sinking" Creek for the summer. Dando Dalleu, son of ~fr. Joseph ~rr. and 1[rs. Robert J. Thorpe H. Dallcti oi Wilmington and Fort h.n·c jUf't moved into their new Pierce, Florida and the late hlrs. apartment 011 East Ridley avenue, Dallctt, took place Saturday, July ]{jdley Park. For the past three 31 at four-thirty o'clock in' the months they have been living with S,Yarthmorc Preshyterian Church'. Mr. Thorpe's parents, }'1r. and :Mrs. Rcvcrend Dr. J. Jarden Guenther \Valter L. Thorpe of Kenyon a\'e- pt:rformcd the ceremony. lIue whilc they have been rcdccoratThe bride, who was given in marillg their apartment. riagc by her father,. wore an i\·ory Mr. and ~Irs. \ViIlard Tomlin'soll satin wcddillg gown made with a and Jaitsma, Jr. of Paterson, N: J. ?\1rs. Littlefield wore a b~tle gown with a matching hat and a corsage of Ia \'"cndcr spray orchids. A reception followed the ceremony at The 'n.osc Tree Fox Hunt-;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ing Cluh in lI!edia. . For her going away ensemhle, the bride wore an aqua garhardine sliit with hrown and white accessories and a large white orchid corsage. BEAUTY SALON After a honcymoon in the Poco1l0S, the hride and groom will be at home in \Vihningloll, Oct., where Don't Jet beauty vacation too! Mr. Da IIctt is employed by the Du Pont Co. Call Swarthmore 0476. LET US LUBRICATE . YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP I The Bouquet I FLAHARTY -HADLEY 9 Chester Road resi-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I: - The wedding of a former dent of .swarthmore took place on Saturday, July 31, when Miss Alice take Hadley, daughter of Mrs. Frederick Watson Hadley and the late 1~r. Hadley, and II!r. Frederick Howard Flaharty of \Vashington, D. C. were married in the Truro Episcopal Church at Fairfax, Va. Those attending from Swarth- Phone Pike Swarthmore Sprinpield 0450 _ .. _..... -,_._ ... ./11 Friday and Saturday VICTOR MATURE "FURY AT FURNACE CREEK" ,'I Sat. Mat. 1 p.m. Children's . Show Feature will he ShOW~l "LITTLE IODINE" Cartoons- Free Comic Books • \Vednesday Only JUNE HAVER WALTER BRENNAN "SCUDDA HOO. SCUDDA HAY" in Technicolor St.a~ttng Thur5day "STATE OF THE UNION" :- EDWAllD G. ROBINSON ARLENE FRANC[S "ALL MY SONS" Tuesday - "'Vednesday WALT DISNEY'S "BAMBI" Plus The Academy Award F eaturette! "CLIMBING THE MATTERHORN" in Ansco Color! - -, • Yourdoctor adds at least seven t JII!IlI8 of Btudy to his high school education. Then be spends one or more years in a hospital with lit- c- tle or no compensation. is it not ., 'I CLARK GABLE LANA TURNER "HOMESOMING" Sunday - 1[onday 1,fonday and Tuesday WILtJAM POWELL "TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH" I Last 2 Days! Fri. - Sat. will mean better service for all. reasonable to believe that he is II AIR· CONDITIONED ! 'I • I OLIVER H. BAIR CO• , I I HOUSE PAINT GETS TOO! Product H. O· Sipler When you do not feel well there are two safe & Trust Co. things to do. First, consult your physician. TileD, bring his prescriptiona to us for expert ~ ..1 I11,LOO00 A. M.-~und.y Michael's College· Pharmacy ON THE CORNER '. Services Swarthmo're National Bank who have not had this education and experience? _ _ _ "'__ _ _ • of Pennsylvania • I matters of health than 10ur well-meaning friends poundins.' .. , The Bell Telephone Compan, -- I better qualified to advise you in On party-line telephones, COUTtesy pays dividends! Be brief ••• Space calls ... Hang up gently ••• Take the lead in good party-line manners. It ! I Church MEDIA -AIR·CONDITIONED THE SWARTHMOREAN dIJIC/(. TRIP TO IJIJR BINI( SEVEN LONG YEARS n Collel!:e Theatre I ';;;;:_;;ee:;;:;e:5!!i!!!!!!;;i;.......;;:-;;;.;E:-5!!"-i!!-..-;E;;;.;;-;;;;;3;;;;;;;.;;;-;E.;;;.-3;;,.,·;;--;;;-Ei;;;;;;;3l!·i!!m Hartman at their home in Dilsburg, Pa. last weekend. Mrs. A. A. Luder of Dickinson PUBLISHED· EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, FA. avenue entertained Miss Lois Jack . T~E SWARTHMOR&\N. INC J PUBLISHER of Huntington Valley, Pa and Mr. Pboae, S~ 0900 Joseph Noll also of Huntington ~ TOLD ..... 1OCIato _ _ Valley last weekend. pETER E. TOLD, EdItor • Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Crosset RosaUe Pdrool EdIth Whitaker. . I Peggy Keenen Barbara Xea! of RId ey Creek road returned Sun'1 day from a 10 day trip throygh E ...rlattu, January 24, 1929. at the Poot 1, Offioe at Swarthmore. PL, Under the Ad: of lI.reb 3,.1119. I New York, Vermont, New Hamp· shire, and :Maillc stopping cn route • DEADL1NE-WEDNESD!~NO()~_ to visit their daughter Donna at ~ SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, AUCUST 6, 1948 "I: the Hawkeye Trail Camp, Clinton ~ ....... __ • ___ .. __... _.. __ .................. ___ .. ____ ....__-..;;.......... __ .. _ ..__..... _.. _-------_ .. _..h: Count)-, N. ):.. and also for a fe,,\, ~.. ----" day~ in Newagon, lie. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES Mrs. John BOlVitch, Jr., of Cedar This Sunday morning at the "SPIRIT" is the subject of the lane recently returned from a two Presbyterian c:::hurch 11 o'clock ser- Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of week trip in New England where "ice the guest preacher will be C.hrist, Saentist, on Sunday, Aug- she ,·jsited h~r son, John Bowitch the Rev. Dr. Frederick \V. Lewis, ust 8. The Golden Text is: "God III at his home in Cambridge, Mass. D1RICfORI O. fUNDALS )linister at Pearsoll Memorial is a Spirit! and they that \....orship Airs. ~[attic G. Berry is now Church, ¥lilmington, N. C. Dr. him must worship him in spirit and staying' at the apartlllcnt of her 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Lewis is a graduate of Princeton in truth" (John 4 :24). daughter Miss Sarah L. Berry, on MARY A. 8AlR, PresldOtll 111 6·1581 and of 11cCormick Seminary and Park avenue while she is working ld l)astorates in Chicago, New lon a special Ilursing case in Merhe NEWS NOTES ., York and Newark. For ten years' lOn, fa. Mrs. Berry plans to return Mr, and Mrs. Russell Heath of Dr. Le\\;is was President of the to her home in HarrisiJurg, Pa. College of Emporia t Emporia, Kan- Ccdar lane and their little daughtcr arOUIl( I t IIe f'Irst 0 f S cptcmher rC-1 _;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Barbara, left Tuesda.v to take Sandy 1l1arcnts Mr. and Mrs. L P. 'Yray 01 Walnut lane. ' S ..arthtnore 3243 Drive YO~ ear in flDd put it in They'll make a thoro...h C illllpe<' lion" replace worn. or brokeD pub, and make the delicate adjustmellio which mean Phone 1913 FREE DELIVERY 80 much to auto per- formanceI s.... Ib 7ge - PERSONAL PER-soiiAL=Beca.... 01 vacation. closed for busines:, from Ju1y 31 to August 14. Erich H. Hausen•. Electrical Contrac- ,ot· pf.RSONAL-Vacuum qeaner8 irons tl)3sten and radios repaired. called, for and delh·ered. Can Robert Brooks. Swarth. ..,« 1548. PERSONAL--Chemicat R~(jning P~~~~~~~~utC:O~C~[e!~hae! T~~~ le~~: August 17 by Pan American. Highway. Total eost $125. f"r the 10· days in Mexico. Box: 69. Brooks Hall. Broadway ,& 116th Str«:t. New York. WANTED \\'AXTED-To buy "The Collet:ed Poems vi John Russell H3yes" in two volumes. Ua)t's Ewing, 1209 Roche Street. 'Knox· oillt'. Iowa. ~ --'\'.\XTED~To rent large 1)leasant room :n:rI private batb, with lightest of house ht'ring privileges. Woman alone. Swartb· t:orc 1066·1. W:\XTED \Ve will buy at best prices, old china. glass, furniture, firearms. Call lIr.lIr Oak 4313 or 'Holly Oak 6720. Collect, (~r .'1lIPointmeut. An business confidential. CO!I"r..ial Cupboard, No.5, Philadelphia Pike Wi:l\1l1lgt'ln. Dctawarr.. \r,,\XTl-:O-Single room by female Penn SI:ttc student ncar college. OCClll'Y lat· fer part of ScptC'mLer. Reply Box T. The until hfonday. Her mother, Percy G. Gilhert, and ~liss Ann ~ochran of Kenyon avenuc will pick' her up Monday en route to Nantucket, Mass. where they wilt remain until next Friday and then return home accompanied uy Harriet Gilbert who has been work.III ..Nan t uc kC t · III . since ).1 1y }.[r. and 1\lr5. C. C. Brogan of , Gucrnscy al~d Thayer roads has been entertaining her son-in-law d d h 'I I ~I J an aug ter ~, r. ant ;. rs. alllcs A. Kelley of .Scafonl. Del. and their four year old twin dau g l,ltcrs . ~~.~~~";;°b··';;i' No. 820 The Swarthmorean. Dec. Term. 1948 \i:ANTED-Defore September 1. to rent . Situate on the Southwest cotner ~T!laU bouse or- &Itartment with two bed· l.Hh a'nd Wehh Slre.ctoi in the City rooms, Swarthmore 01' vicinity. Thr~e adults. Chester. Count)· of Delaware and state SI\"J.rthmore 3625·J. , Penns,,"'ania. Containin~ in front alonR '\\".\NTED-Boy. o"r 14 to hell) at local said '13th Strrtt 461'5~" and. txtendin3" shop. Apph~ in pe:r50n to alice harher gifts. of that width in length or depth South· Old Bank Building. eastwardly 195' ~" to land of the Balti· \\·JU:TED~T"o"'·"'r~.n-:t-:-t.--·o-;b-:.""dr--oo--m=-""ho--u-.e more and .Ohio Railroad the N'orth~ast· or apartment, furnisbed. September L wardly line thereof along the said 'Vel8b and the Southwestwardly line Please caU Lt. Ford at Swarthmore 2516. Street \\'.\N'TED- Stronll: boy to make himself threof along Sproul Street. Bounded on' generally useful. Can Swarthmore the North by 13th Street on the East by 'Ve1sh Street and on the Muth by land of Oi33·W. • the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and the WANTE"'O;,-"";P'-o-:,i""tio-n -:a-;--m~thlCr's helper 3.t 'Vest hy Sproul Street. seashore. Phone Mary \Villi!. SwarthND improvements-Vacant ground more 2226. Sold as the property of Mary IT. Deale WA~TED;O-'S;-m-...Uc-;f".m=i1y-o:-;IO-:Q--u;ci.:-t-.--d"u""l .. r.'st_ & h,.i.-s of )"" ..... F.,qle Rakhmeetff s.wrn in Swarthmore and wishing ~o Truxton Beate, dec'd. Owners or reputed stay in vicinity would rent house or apart- owners. mrnl by September 1st Will make all Atty: Thomas A. Curren, Esa. m:nor repairs and give place best of care. G. R. \Vatkins Phone Swarthmore 2243. Sherif£. \\' ANTED-Po!'lition u companion. by re· ~3~T,;:.8~.~~·=====::====:;::;c===== filfflfined Christian woman. Reierenc¢s e'" 'FOR RENT PRUNING, LIMB AND TREE RE~lOVAL ROBERT HASTINGS Call Swarthmore O£65.W PETER E. TOLD SWARTHMORE 1250 • MODEIN IITCHINS .' General Insurance • NIW CONstlUCTION • AlTERATIONS .Id llPAIIS ARTERS BROTHERS, Ine. Conrroclors and Sui/de" 302 Gayl" Street , Media, Pa. Piton• • M.dl. 2567 Rubbiah Collected Weekly or Monthly Phone Swarthmore 3343 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. DAVE WOOD Painting and Paperhanging S _ 1905 CUNNINGHAM Paintet. &- Paper Bagera w. ahould Know How UA Well Kept House Mlcblgan Av~ Swa. 2266 Nevcr Grows Old" Phone. Drh'eway Construction Asphalt or Concrete Media 0755 Swarthmor~ Phone 2526 . 333 DARTMOUTH AVEUNE Swarthmore 1833 ,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Van Alen Bros. I11I111111111I1I11111111111I1I111111111111111111 HORACE A. REEVES UThird Generation Builders-' Devine Taxi Swarthmore' 3450 ..... Swarthmore; Pa. .'.".-11 Serving Swarthmore, ton, Rutledge and Township since 1918 Phone: Swarthmore 1I11111111ltllllllllllllll'" S' Dependable ervice If you have real estate for sale, list with us and we will slve you the benefit of our Cooperative Selling Bureau. Call at office or phone us. . Wallace Lippincott , Realtor 907 Edtrmont Avenue Chelte.. 3-4516 ,,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 PAINTING and DECORATING SWARTHMORE 0114 -§WANT TO BUILD?' . ------= ----'----= :: Good materials and skillful workmen are now available. Call us for information aqd esti:: mates. Coal and Fuel Oil ERNEST SMITH EDWARD L. NOYES & CO. • WAU "" fLOOR COVIRIHGS Swarthmore Disposal Service PETER DI NICOLA (h~llged. Reply Dox: P. The to Swarthmorean'j ""'============ WANTED-Coupl;-desires re~t- b;;;; -:;;;;==;;;;;;;=;. FOR RENT-Four room garage apart· I~~t.i~iiiiiliitiiiiiiiiii~~ili~~ 25e Hannum & Waite 'bun 1ge doz 3Sc Li •.t your Delaware Couoty Prop .. ertiea with us. \In"ERS BROS..... __'_ __ YALE AVE. & CHESTER RD. Sunkist Juice Oranges REAL ESTATE , LEY-AI.. NOTICE Fruits and Vegetables CANT ALOUPES ·CELERY HEARTS ; .·; ;, -; ;.Ii·.~.w.·; ;.-; ;.Ii·.~·w.••·W;;;./i·."_~'W.-;;;./i·."W.·;;;./i..'·_~'W.-;';./i••'._ij,.1 Carol and Joan... Mrs. Harry K. Field, OAR State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Rerrent rlf MaT'-'lalld left ~Ionda'\! 01 Penn Sta.e col· 1 lorb her Y hOl;e J in 'Baltill1~re,1Id~ 1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m~ =-ii:: Shoulder LAMB CHOPS Ib 6Se OLEOMARGARINE a • TEA· BAGS ~~~ 50 8RANGE JUICE r~ PRESERVES sTiiiiEiRr PEACHES FR~~~~~iE FRUIT COCKTAIL Linn Ib 6ge Bomeless POT ROAST ~A sw;tJERalll - TANNA KENNELS I -:-::=---====-= SPRING LEG LAMB ..... ORANGES MAYONNAISE H3M~" SALAD DRESSIIG N"~"L"" Hoss Airs .. CLASSIFIED 3.7180'3".,.--_-;-_-;--;-;:-__ 21e: ,. 12e: ! ,.. 29e: .,,1. 10 SeI.n ir.g La~do, Texas. noon. Inn. after a weeks visit with her daugh-I.:==:::======:::=:::::::::=;I ter Mrs. Avery Blake of Amherst J\ avenUe. ~ . Mrs. G. Warder Cresson of EXCELLENT CARE Riverview road is recuperating from an operation at the Pennsylvania BROOKHA.VEN ROAD Hospital at Eighth and Spruce c.u Cheater 2-4U7, Streets. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence Smith, Jr. and sons Jonathan and ;.;'///////////////////////////////////////////////////;:1 H. L. Smith, 3rd, of Jacksonville, ROOFS GUTTERS Fla:', are visiting A{rs. H. L. REPAIRED and INSTALLED Smith of S~vartlunore avenue. They Furance Repairs and cleaning will go with ~{rs. Smith and ElizaCall beth Smith to attend a family rea GEORGE MYERS union at the home of :Airs.John T. 409 Michigan Ave. Sw:. 2266 Handy in Crisfield. Md. this week;.'////////////////I"///////////////////////////////////' end. DOGS BO' DDED 15'1 l::: Jllcy CollhrsJa Valucla engineer. Atlantic Co., wire and' child. require unfurniihcd apartment or house. Excell· rill refeTCnc~CaH,2war:thmore_OSS2.l'tI. 'pERSONAL-Bertba Whitfield. Chester 2·7960, for days work. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Gilmour of Harvard avenue entertained Mrs. Gilmour's cousin, Dr. Arthur ~arri~on of Y ~cum, Texas. with hl~ WIfe and children Amy, James and Nancy on Monday and Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Gilmour and three children left yesterday for several days visit to Dr.' Gilmour's brother ~ir. John L. Gilmour and -family in Ocean Grove, N. ). J essie Gilbert of Park avenue left },csterday for Bronxvillc. N. Y. to ,·isit her Pennsylvania College for Women classmate Betsy far winter or longer heginnimr, Sept. ment. Will consider family of two adults Xo 11eh or children. References exchanged. only. Apply Sw-eeney and Lukens Phone hie, Lombard. Swarthmore l04g. Ch"ter . IP'OR-'SALE FoRli"iN""T-Large airy double room, private bath. Meals. Phone Swarthmore FOR SALE-Deat inflation. Own property 0149,-. _ ffJr home and garden. 17S x SO Swarth· FOR -'-::==--;-_ RENT-Large rOCrm, suitable for Il'r,fe vicinity. Special price to Veterans. two, furnished or unfurnished. near all rho!':" Swarthmore 30S0-M. . transportation. Phone Swarthmore 1889. FOR SALE-Young tender fn'ers nnd m.1!>ters, Swarthmore 2266. LOSTi FOR - SALF..- Alhum!' of''''oS--ym=.hLCo=n::,·-::,,:-. LOST-Grey evcrsbarp pencil in front of ('onis. manual. in perfect condition. Man's l\[artel's. Please call Sw. 0844 after hicycle. Phone 1775·J. August 16. FO R- SALE Mode 1'-"-CA;"";F""o"',""d-c--o--u"",,::-."a,,"ood::-:i mechanical condition. Owner enlisted. U5ST-UmbreUa. fat. hand carved. dark brown wood parrot handle. Mrs. S. n. $200. S"'arthmore 3450. Brewste.-. Swarthmore 0260·R. FOR SAL&-, Gas stO\'C, ·O\'en regulator. FOUND -fall Swartbmore 0303. FOUND-Some time ago, pair black gloves FOR SALE-Four "bu=,:Cn.=-=,-=,,=-'=---"'=ri" •• n and umbrella. Telephone Swarthmore exeenent condition._ Price $17.50. Madi0508·1. ~on 6577·J, after six. CLOSED WEDNESDAY NOON JUNE - JULY - AUGUST 15e: • .:;;;:;;::--".=.,..,.,==_===--;= the handa of our expert mechaniea. MADISON BROS. New. Note. must move from September I. Desires unfurnished r.O:N! or two ,hedroom apartment for rent i;: dcinity of Swarthmore. Phone "Ir. ~!l')ers. Swarthmore 3340 or Chester 3·7145. \'-.-\XTED-House to rent or -buy - i~ Sw.'lt· tbnore. \Vallingford. :\'r)ylan. Thrt"e to fO):.lr l.oedrooms. garage. G~orKe Loft. Am· rrican Friends Sen·ice Committee. 20 Sr.!uth Twelfth Street. Pbiladell.hi3. Rittenhouse CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS . 'THEATRE SQUARE Deliveriea Saturday only during summer montlu Mr. and Mrs. David E. Lilienthal of Washington, D. C., spent Tuesday, night at the Stfath Haven I:ome by The "CAKE BOX" Colorado MOllifal• •r0W8 IIItISN • II r::: ;:, SEUCi'BD FARM FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES • Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daley ~ Iane an d EI 01 avenue an d C e~ar J k d AU ~ h' :~~:r aa':no:t~ in ;;:..:~:;,..at orne Mrs J h R H f U • • 0 n . anna 0 OIversl'ty ,a nd COrneII avenues an d h er children Marion Gayle aDd John Reid, Jr. have returned from a month at Ocean City; N. J. Mr. Hanna J'ol'ned th em a t tl Ie s hore Over wee k _ ends. Ginn" daughter' of Mr d '{ " . an Drs. \\'iIIialll H. Gehring of University place, accompanied her grandmoth_ er ~rs, Joseph Cowin to her hOllle at Vallejo" Calif., where she will remain until after Labor Day, f1yiug home in time for school. , Mr. and Mrs, R. M. Kilgore of Cornell avenUe have returned from a two week vacation at Harwich... port on Cape Cod, Mass. Carol H. Van Alen of Park avenue, who will be a junio~ at Bucknell University this fall has been cited on the dean's Jist for scholastic excellence during the p('eced,'"~n term. She is enrolled in the 'liberal arts course and is a member of Pi Beta Phi. TH£ SWARTHMOR£AN Swarthmore 1272 A. WAYNE MOSTELLER ElectrieaJ A. Mercer Quinby Fqneral DIrector Contractor P'onuerl:1 of lIedIa 1125 W. Ie.l", An., 1'IIJIa. ~. ~ 1170 No &ddItIoaaI ....,.. fer All Tn.. of EtocwIcaI IustaJIatioas Seniq IUld SwaI1' Repoiro • IUburllaD aM --- VlciDitT for .... Tw...ty S ..arthmore 22.5 or -5 Charles E. Fiacher i, ::-= -= ::Builder ----= = = -::== :. = --= --= -= ----= S iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ !!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: Yean 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. Dlght ean. da,. PAINTING Interior & Exterior c.u , Mason Builders Supply Company 331 Dartmouth Avenue S ....rthmore .0345 Building Blocks All Sizel .19 ~ent and up Delivered COMBINATION DOORS - SCREENS Coal - Lumber Building Material. warthmore 2253 , •• Swarthmore 1448 WILLIAM BROOKS' Aab.. & Ru1i>lsh Removed Lawns ){ow~ General Haulina: 236 Harding Ave. Morton.' Pa. SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. Cheal... Reese-Baxter Co. 1 • Librl',ry Sl1arth more, Pa. , 8 THE School' News Dr. and Mrs. L; R. Shero of North Chester road entertained Dr. and Mrs. H: W. Hastings of Albany, N. Y. who were in town to attend the marriage of their niece Mis. Betty Ellen Littlefield to Mr. Joseph Dando Dallelt on Saturday afternoon. Miss Alice Hastings and her brother Mr. Henry Hastings. cousins the bride, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William McIntyre 01 Oakdale avenue·. The out of town guests also included two 500rority sisters of the bride. Miss Nora Sp.am and Miss .Jane Seaton from Washington. Miss Anne Co~hran oflKenyon avenUe entertained at a luncheon Tuesday in honor of Miss Roberta Love of Bowling Green, Ky. Those present were Miss Mary Ann Hook of Westdale avenue, lIiss Jessie Gilbert of Park avenue, Miss Jane Beatty of Bowling Green ,and 'Miss Carolyn Bowder of Upper Darby. Miss Love is the niece of Mrs. Grover C. Greene of South Ches· ter road and has been teaching at the Keystone Secretarial School this summer. ' Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam M. Conran, Jr. are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howell Lewis Shay :>f Cornell avenue. Mrs. Conron is the former ,Eunice Elizabeth Shay. hIr. Con ron, who was graduated from Yale in June on the lean's list, has accepted a position ovith the Connecticut General L~fe [nsurance Company. They plan to make their home in Boston, llass. Miss Wistar Lukens of Maple avenue and her sister Debby Lukens have just returned· from Camp Wright in Stevensville, l\-1d. where Wistar was a counselor and Debby a camper. Mrs. Norman Hulme of Westdale avenue spent last week at Sebago Lake, Me., joining ber husband and Mr. and lirs. Oscar Gilcreest for the week in the Poconos. of' Mr .. and Mrs. David Gilcreest, who are spending the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coates on Harvard avenue, have had as their guest for three wecks Mrs. Gilcreest's" mother Mrs. F..,arl Jackson who left yesterday for Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Furst of Guernsey road have returned form spending a weekend with friends at Skytop in the Poconos.· Mr. and Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop of Harvard avenue spent four days recently in Atlantic dty, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Wilkinson of Dickinson avenue are enjoying a 10 day vacation at Lake Placid. Mrs. Hood who is Mrs. Wilkin· son's mother and Mr. Hood are at the Wilkinson home during their absence. Mrs. T. Leigh Willlams of Har· vard avenue and her son Randy are leaving Monday for a" week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skidmore at their summer home on Fire . Island, N. Y. Mr. Williams will join them over the weekend. Mrs. Thomas W. Simpers of the Swarthmore Apartments, who has just returned from a weeks vacation at Easton, Md. has left for Ocean City, N. J. 1.Ir. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of Park avenue, .accompanied by their daughter Polly and Milly McGowan of Vassar avenue, , spent a long "'eekcnd visiting their daughter Patsy at Camp l-Ierestead in Camden, Maine. Mrs. John B. Maerker of Park Lane road. 'Grace Park is entertaining her parents Mr. and lIrs. A. M. Curry of Knoxville. Tenn. nntil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James 'V. Lukens of Maple avenue accompanied by their daugliter Phebe, Mr. Patrick \Velsh, and Miss Sarah Sweeney of Elm avenue, were at their sum· mer place near Rehobeth, Del. over last weekend. Mrs. E. W. Funt of Guernsey road has- her sister-in·law Mrs. Carl Klaustermeyer of Miami, formerJy of Wilmington, visiting her for the summer. . Page Williams, daugher of Mr. and. Mrs. T. Leigh WiUiams of Harvard avenue, is leaving this weekend for a visit with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs.Samuel D. Clyde . at their summer home at Wellsborough, Pa. Mrs. Marion Je'nkins and her son formerly of Ogden avenue were in Swarthmore on Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Barnes, Jr. of Y~le avenue and their sons Earl, Dickie and Doug, have returned trom two weeks at Pine Beach, N. J. ·Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Chapman who spent the month of July at Buck Hil1, have returned to their home on Harvard a venue. Miss Mary J 0 Hitchcock 01 t he Swarthmore Apartments accompanied by two friends returned Tuesday from 'a four w~eks motor trip through New England which included Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Cape Cod, Boston, Bar Harbor, and the White Mountains. Mr. and 1Irs. James 'V. Bassett .. ,,-"_...... W1RINC AND REPAIRS ;. A Group of ... Hadbags Scarfs Wallets (Other thigs, too) Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul J. Ruten of Ogden avenue have been entertaining their daughter Mrs. William O. Linhart, Jr. and their grandson Billy for two weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Linhart are spending this week in the Poconos, but will be in Swarth. more for a few days more before r,etu~ning· to their home in ,Pitts~ burgh. . )'lith Dr. and Mrs. Alderfer, lor. mer residents of Cornell avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. \V, Bass, Jr. and sons Dirk and David of Har. vard avenue hav~ returned from a mo,nth at Avalon, N. J. REGISTER YOUR' SMALL FRY NOW FOR. SEPTEMBER AT THE SWARTHMORE NURSERY SCHOOL Whe.... they will rec:ei... iD,~oD &lid S_rriaed Play Director. Mr•. G. W. BRODHEAD 308 Mople Avenue - Swarthmore 2806· J .. ~;:;:;:;:;::;;:;:;:;::;;:;::;;:::;::;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;;;=.;:::-~;;;-=;::;;:;;;;;;;::;;:;:;::;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;;~:::: Y.. Thuraday, August 12 The $1.00 - Serve Y Qurself - All You Want COMPLETE SUPPER .' AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPbRT SCHOOL DtSTRIC OF THE BOROUGH OF S\VARTHMORE DELAWARE COUNTY. S:rATE OF PENNSYLVANIA . far the . , ' alice barber, gifts Old Bank Buildinlf August hours 10 to 5 Wed. and Sat. until 1 ~~s~~~1 :falu~~i1: 1~!ieJaxable il real estate......•.. _: ...•.•••.•...• $5,581,475,00 .........................•.......... '. 31.5 Number 8&sessed with per capita tax 'none Rate of per capita tax •.•.••.•.•..• , .•......•.•.•.. , .• _ , . ' . , ; . ' none PROPERTY TOTAL. AMOUNT OF SCHOOL TAX Amount levitd <:race of 1947' Duplicate) ...•....... $175.816.76 Additions to duphcate ..•..•..•....•..•.•.•..•..•. .24 Penalties added after. Ckt. t. 1947 ...•.....•.•••.• 499.66 Talal amount (sum af 1. 2. & J) .•••••......•••• 176,316.66 1947 tax reurow to County Commissioners ...•.•••.• 2.531.09 I>iscounts ••••••••••••••••••••.•• , . • • . • • . . • • . • •• . 3,021.84 .. - RECEIPTS Ballance on hand July 1. 1947 711 FAIRVIEW ROAD, SWARTHMORE SALES AND SERVICE RADIOS & HOME APPLIANCES PtJr e nllt'llt ,.. ell "'8, mil! 5·POlll SAFmSERVICE TOTAL RECEIPTS (I"m 14) TOTAl. PAVMENTS .24 499,66 176,316.66 .. 2.531.09 3,021.84 170,163.73 EXPENSES All funds exclusive of SinkinK" Fund' ••••..••...••• $ 31,022.43 Property tax 1947 •••••••.•• $H0.763.73 Per capita tax 1947 • ~.... . noae DelinQuent tax (Previous to 1947) .••.•. 2.637.67 State 2pprapriatiop: Teachers Transportaion, Tuition, Vacational • •• •• . ••• . • . • • • . 43.584.50 Tuition non·resident pupils •• 39,822.70 Interest • • . . . . . • . • . . . . . • . • 101.05 Sale of real estate, supplies and equipment •......... 39.59 1.719.69 All other sources. . ........ . Total receipts _ .... _ , _ , , , _ , _ 289.691.36 Harry A. Brehl $175,816.i6 170.763.73 Net amount af 1947 tax collected Gentta! Cantrol (A) .•••••••• $ Instruction (B) 7,083,84- _ .•...••••.• P4,189.40 Auxiliary Agencies (C) •••• _. 9,503.73 Operation (D) _ .••..•••• ,. Maintenance (E) •. _ •.•..•• 30,143.87 Fixed Charges (F) Debt Service (G) Capital Outlay (H) 8.132.{iO ..• _ •... 236..4J3.54 ••...•...• I .•... _ .. 20,722,92 5,609.72 SUMMARY .................................. $289,691.36 Totti) Current Expenses (Items ,A·F inc) ... _, .. , .... ,. _.$236,413.54 Total Debt Service (Item G) .. 20.722.92 Total Capital Outlay (Item H)' 5,609.72 Tota.l ...... ' ...• _, . _. Balance {In Hand (To Rc Available for School Year 1948-49) HERE 15 WHAr WE DO: 1 2 Clean door window' and Chtdc tl,.. and ch.a: wiper blad •• Dahl bulb, Examin. radiator. hos., Clean 4 Ion be", _ Redllced Rates for Children •• der 12 on Man, Amusemenh EYe,.., Mon•• Wed•• ~,.,. LIABILITIES Bonded Indehtedness (With Vote of Elect{lrat~ ..•..•....•.••.•...... $)17.000.00 Bc..nded Indebtedness (Without Vote of Electorate) ...••••..••.....••.• 38.000.00 Teachers' Salaries •.•..•..•....•..... _ ....••.•• ~ •• $25.449.34 Supplies ••••••••• ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• •• •• • • •• • • 17.03 All Other ~\ccounts •.••.•••..•••••••••••••••.•..• 129.30 BREYER DAYS TU£SDAYS IN AUGUST 3 .....dIIthIo CIea. 5 Wilodahiold Fusco f!I Alston Gd Free ••• PItt-PaId AIII . . . .t Tltklts ..:t Letal Bnr« 1ktJers. < hndl,-S,lYln Hall Total JACII STfCII'S "/ddl.,· Hon, 2 P. II. l FlEE CONCIRTS Liabilities ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " . _ .•••••• 180,595.67 Amount af Tax Collectar's Bond •••• ~ ..... ~ •• :~ ••.• $186.660.10 Amount of Treasurer's Bond ... __ •••.•.. _ • • . . . • • 2,5000.00 Amount of Secretary's Hand •...•.•••••••••..••••• 1.000.00 Bank Balance July 5, 19-18 _..................................... _ .$28.884.76 Outstanding Checks •.... _ ••.......•.••.•....•..• _ ..••.•. ___ .. __ . _ 1.939.58 Balance on Hnnd tn he .-\vailahle for School Year 1948·49 ..••...••••••• 26,9-15.18 \Ve hereby certify tbat we have examined the abm'e accounts and find them correct, and that the securities of the affk~rs of the board are in accordance with Jaw. ':11. ':111. 8:U Dlb 0.. PTe F. . Ie ...... Pul qd CmtII P.. , r.ro. Prac.. ~r II tilt Clb'. . . :'I[1lt STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE SO. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROAD Phone Swarthmore 9793 262}46.1S 26,9"j.18 ASSE.TS School Buildings and Site~ at Cost $984097.92 Textbooks and Equipment at Gost .•••.•...•...................... 147'335.99 ISI.. 1 Tax (Current Year) . _ .•..•.. -..•.. '.'::.'. ':::::.'. '.., ...... '. '. ~'..... ':. '. '. '. '.' 2;531.09 1946 Ta........ , ... _" _, ________ . __ ............. ' ......... _ ... _ _ _ _ 664,60 1945 Tax ••...•••.•....... , . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ... _.. 432.40 Previous to 1945 Duplicate .... __ . _ .... __ , ,_, .. , .. ,., , , ' ......•...• I,757S8 Tuitian Receiveable _______ , _ , ... ~ .. ' , ..... , . , , , , _ • . • . . . . . • • . . . • • .. 1.235.40 Balance on band all Funds excluding Sinking Fund .•••....•.....•• ' . . 26.945.18 Total Assets •.....••••••.............. _ ... _. _ .• __ . ___ ... _ .$1.165,000,36 MODERN THRILLING AMUSEMENTS When you drive into our station for a tankful of gasoline, your car undergoes a quick safety iDspection service .•• with no delay to you. ., ... , .. " . • I JOHN A. SCHUllACHER RICHARD M. SNVDER . JOHN JI. McWILLIAMS . THE VOLUME 2O-NO· 33 . \ Complete Report on File in School District Office in High School Bulldng. Open to Pu~hc. . Auditors TEAM SWARTHMORE, PA·, FRIDAY,l\UGUST 13,1948 T. W.Andrew Dies At 91 Honored By Royal College Of Surgeons In London ANDREW . SIMPSON Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Jackson of Park avenue, who sailed to England a month ago on the Brittanica, returned last week on the Queen Elizabeth. While there, Dr. Jackson was made a fellow in D. S. at the Royal College of Surgeons in London. He was honored also by being asked to read the Charles Tomes Memorial Lecture by Dr. A. F. Jackson and by giving a paper at the meeting 0 f the European Orthodontic Society at the Royal College of Surgeons and at the meeting of the Ameriean Dental Society of Europe. Before their return Dr. and Mrs. Jackson visited Dr. Jackson's sis... ter Mrs. Robert Lumsde:t at the Selsdon Park Hotel ~t Sanderstead. England. Thomas Winter Andrew died at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at his home, 624 North Chester road where he had been ill for the past three weeks. Born in Shrewsbury, England on January 3, 1857 the son of a Congregational minister he spent his early childhood on the famous Wimpole street in London, and came to this country In 1868 with his parents and older brother. The family first lived in Washington but in 1871 Mr. Andrew left for Austin, Minn. where he learned. Home After 10 Week Tour the bank'ng business. Eight years later he transferred to Boston Mrs.R.G. Rlncliffe returned Friwhere he married Harriet Louise day night to her home on StrathJudson of Austin. Three children Haven avenue after having eOVwere born of the union: two sons ered 12,000 miles of the eontinent who died in infancy and a daugh- sinee she left Swarthmore on May ter Mrs. FrhankdV I 'dBurtonJ 0lyfPhila 4 ' 0-f 16.Stopping first at Stephens Co1del phia w o e on u this year. In 1887 Mr. Andrew lege, Columbia, Mo., she was was left a widow~., .. ed h b M I In 1899 he became associated Jom t ere Y r. R ncllffe for with the Merehant's National the graduation of their daugbter Bank, of Philadelphia, being made Clah'e on May 25. The three then assistant cashier in 1900 and cash- toured Colorado Springs, Bryce, Zion and Grand Canyons, and Hooier in 1907. When that bank merDam before eontinuing to Calged with the First National Bank if;'r,rla to see Los Angeles, Sequoia he became cashier arid later. in y . Na' al P tion arks, plc1920, was elected vice-president'll~!~~&os~~elme~'~t~e~ Although he officially retired in Monterey and Carmel, · t t and Lake Tahoe. 1926 h e ret a ined an a ct· ,ve 10 eres Reaching CraterLake, Oregon and an office in the bank for many June 19 the trio found itself years Mo~ing to Swarthmore in '1903 back into. winter. An Mr. Andrew was one of the found_ blizzaro arrived ers of the Players Club of Swarththe Rincliffes, adding more in 1911 and served as club of snow already on treasurer for 25' years. A bronze placque hangs .in the lobby of the I SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY 5, I ... TAXATION LEGION THE SWARTHMOR TO Former Banker, Players' Treasurer, Beloved In. Boro STRATH HAVEN INN I f REf. For Youro~!otection and' their children Linda and DavId arrived last week from Los Angeles to visit Mr. Bassett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Basselt of North Chester road. Come and 'Enjoy Your Selection From' HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS - AND DESSERTS PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 19M - DONATE SWARTHMOREAN Simpson Resigns Post Going On Sabbatical Council Names Ewing Swarthmore Borough Council in an adjourned meeting Tuesday even'_d accepted the resl'gnatl'on -.., of Andrew Simpson. ,Mr. Simpson who has b"'en president of Council since laSt January was elected to that body in the fall of 1941, takin!: office in January 1942. Prior to being named president he served as chairman of the highway committee. His resignation was c1Ubhouseiars~tesit~~;I!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~te!nid!e~r!e!d:d;U!e~tlO;h~iS $3.00 PER YEAR PILOTS ERCOUPE TO WASIDNGTON Piloting a small plane through rain and fog. partly over mountainous terrain. was the unusual experience of Dick Danforth be fore returning to his home on Hillborn avenue from Buffalo last week. The existence of dual controls on his uncle's Ercoupe enabled Dick to do most of the piloting and some navigating. Excitement was added by the unpredicted ad vent of a dense fog which soon turned to rain, blotting out ground check points. Dick succeed, eel in keeping to the course by using radio beams and frequently dipping nearer to the earth. men zero ceilings prevented landing at National Airport, they managed to reach Congressional Airport just before the fuel ran out, thus narrowly escaping the necessity of making a forced landing on rough, muddy terrain. Since Dick has had only four or five hours flying time in' the Ercoupe, a Piper Cub and a .Luscomb, his feat was even more noteworthy. Near 100 Get In The Swim Red Cross Benefits Many in Five-Day , Course A goodly number of local mothers ducked the family wash Monday morning to duck themselves· in the Pennsylvania State College Extension swimming pool and along with their own or their neighbors small try avail themselves of this week's free 'swimmlng lessons under the auspices of the Red Cross. . Less intrepid instructresses than Virginia Rath and Lora Blackman might have dueked out when they were faced with the little crowds which jammed each of the three groups: begiruu>rs. intennedlate and advanced. 00 opening day the groups totaled 74 while on Tuesday 80 reported in all. However Miss Hath who.is women's physeducation head at Swarthmore The Shays Return From ical College and local ehalrman of water safety for- the Red Cross, 10'000 Mi1e Auto Trip and Miss Blackman who recently Mr. and Mrs. Howell Lewis won a scho1J>rship to the Red Cross Shay of Cornell avenue have re- Aquatic School at Camp Greeley, Into their task and set eacb turned from a trip to the West. dove pupil further on his way toward Mr. Shay attended the annual con- seH-sufficiency in the water. vention of the American Institute of Architeets in Salt Lake City Ini\lal Course Here representing the Philadelphia This is the first sueh course the Chapter. as president. The five ~ed Cross has sponsored here and day convention which was attendtownfolk turned Ol,lt in aped by 100 men and 200 women, the preciation of thp need for greater' was one of the most successful swimming ability among the genones the architects had held. eral populaee. It was gtven this After leaving Salt Lake City, week ineonnectlon with National Mr. and Mrs. Shay traveled for Swim Week. seven weeks enjoying to the utmost our many national parks. YOW1ll8ters ~er to Learn These included Bryce and Zion in The beginners group from 9 to Utah, the north and south rims of 10 A. ~4. numbered 40. Several tlie Granel Canyon of Colorado In of the youngest, aged 5, eould' ·Arizona, Boulder ·Cit)' .. and the scarcely touch' the bottom in the Hoover Dam. shallowest part but gamely clung Going on into California they along the pool ledge and learned saw the ~~dwood National Forest, to exhale under water, and propel the beautiful Yosemite and the themselves through the water by little known Lassen National kicking their feet. Even the most . Park. It had been unusually eo1d timid had gained eonfldence by the all through the West and Lassen second day. Two· adult women had opened late because of the were star pupils in this group. Miss deep snow there, 20 feet of which Hath's manner of presenting the were on tl1e ground, but the next lessons appealed mlghtly to the day in another part of California youngsters and brought forth they experienced 106 degree tem- chuckles every now and then. perature. In Oregon, Crater Lake National Middle Group Tests Merit From 10 -until 11, Monday Park and the Willemelte Nationthrough Friday, the intennediates al Forest were on the itinerary. As well as touring out national consisting mostly 0 f mothers' parks, the Shays visited friends brushing up on swim styles grown and relatives in Palm Springs, Los stale through long disuse improved Angeles, San Francisco, and also daily in endurance and perfection Eugene, Oregon and Seattle and of stroke, breathing, and kick. Those who preferred to spend part Wenatchee, Washington. A trip was 'made to the Grand of the time learning to dive did Coulee Dam project in Washington so, these being mostly the older and a few days were spent at Old boys and girls and the teen-age Faithful Inn at Yellowstone Na- contingent. An easy . and 1110Vel tiona1 Park in .Wyoming, where hack stroke was among the styles the natural falls were in contrast mastered early in the week by with the man made ones at Grand the 26 aquatic students enrolled in this division. Coulee. On the way through Cheyenne Mr. and Mrs. Shay took in "Fron~ Always Room For Improvement The advanced class met from 11 tier Days", .the big five day rodeo until noon, specializing in dives celebration. . After touring through a good and speed and variety Swimming part of 14 states the Shays think qualifying the participants 111 0 t Pennsylvania is the most beauti- only to be capable of taking care of themselves in the water but fu1 slate in the Union. possibly of assisting others in dlstres or need of swim pointers. This Histor~c Pastor's Decendant cia ... numbered 14. In Donegal Review ;'-.' his sabbatical year from Swarthplans spend where. he isto superSoutli ·:i\merica. llr. seen 26 years and leave their Harand the painter-sculptress vard avenue next month for responsible for the Vaneouver ho- the trip. tel Friezes. The friend accompanGeorge Ewing Chainnan of the ied them to Vaneouver, B.C. public safety committee was electOn to Victoria, Seattle and ed to the presidency by' Council Grand Coulee Dam and from there a 1 S 0 ,appointed Charles to Coeur de Alene, Idaho; Lake Swarthmore College Louise, Banff and Waterton Lakes, , to fill the vacancy and Canada, and Glacier National''''rve unexpired term of Mr. Park where Mr. Rincliffe ended Si.np,;on on Council. his part of the vacation trip and returned home by train. At Yellowstone Park. the car window was broken and the ve- RIVERVIEW AVENUE hicle looted of all souvenirs,good clothing, and a hair d~er. At by E. C. WALTON ., \ Cody, Wyo., Mrs. Rincliffe and Forty,two years ago. Riverview Claire witneosed a rodeo and ·then continued to Sioux Falls, the Black Avenue was a dusty. dirt road. was one house along the Hills and stayed in the Badlands There way to ease the solitude. On before going on to Wisconsin Dells completion of the houses now and Dearborn, Mich. They partieularly enjoyed crossing from Mll- being built, it will be one of the waukee to Muskegan by ferr.y boat, borough's attractive residential sleeping on the boat during the all streets. V. ~. Pown~l1 an~ mys~lf were night journey. Ending their trip in Sandusky, Ohio Claire remained to the ploneel'S In thIS secbon. We spend a month with her grand- purehased a lot. from the Richard mother there and Mrs. Rincliffe G. Park fann forty years ago and V. S. built the house now occupied continued home. Continents Bridged ~Y PenCields and 1 built the resIdence . at t~e corm:r of Ogden Mr. H. W. Green of Yale avenue, and ~lVervlew, which was my operator of a federally licensed amateur radio station with the call GILBERT S. WINANT home Lor many years. Th~re ~as no gas. or water W3DHM has been awarded the Gilbert S~ Winant, 73 father of on RiVerVIew at that tlme and we coveted WAC (worked-all-eontinents) ce,..,ificate of the Interna- Dr. Ruth H. Winant of Sproul road had to ~un two pipes from Baltiional Amateur Radio Union for died Monday afternoon at his more Pike at the expense of sevhaving communicated with at least apartment in Philadelphia. Mr. eral hundred dollars. The gas one amateur station in each of the Winant who was a direct decend- company finally reimbursed us six eontinenta1 areas of the world: ant of the firsl governor of New for their pipe, but the old three NorL'1. Ainerica, South America, 1tork, was a retired business eoun- inch \VlIter main, whieh we put Colin McFal"lluhar Hitchman Paints Southwestem Scenes Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania. sellor, and moved to Philadephia in, is still deep in the heart of little son of Mr. and Mrs. Colin from Sproul road a year ago. Riverview. To qualify for the award Mr.Green Miss Carolyn TrIcker and her R. Hitehm'an of, Thayer road apSurviving him besides Dr. WinPrevious to this time, there was was in two-way radiotelephonic pears on the cover of the August sister Miss Florence Tricker of ant are three other daughters Mrs. a stone bat"ll on the east side of contact with amateurs in Arabia, 7 issue of Presbyterian Life. He Yale avenue have returned from a Alask!l. Algeria, Argentina, A..... Janet Champion of New Vn.".,Riverview Avenue, which had is also shown examining the Wit- five week trip to the~Southwest. Edith of Philadelphia and Mrs. been burned leaving the walls still tralia and Austria, and he has ness Tree placque onthe. publica- Here the latter painted the Indian his contact-confIrming-postcards John W. Peirso1 of Springfield, standing. I purchased the walls tion's page 7 in connection with Powwow at Flagstaff, Ar~., the N. J.; two sons Of. Edward M. as they stood and used the stone proudly displayed on the wall of a story on the historie Donegal rodeo, missions. the desert, and Winant of New York and Remsen out of them to build my house. his radi·'} room. G. of Larchmont; and his widow Ogden Avenue was a grassy Church, near Lancaster, whose other scenes as they travelled to nee Minna Miller; and seven lane between two rows of maple 1777 pa,tor Colin McFarquhar is the Grand Canyon, Sante Fe and grandsons. trees with no bridge. across the buried in the adjoining graveyard. Taos, N. M., \Jarez, Mexico, and The 35th annual reunion of the back by the way of EI. Paso, the KeepBoro In Trim little stream. Dolty MIGingley This week is appa,rently being farmed the Park farm, collected Donegal Society was held recently Smokies, and the Shenandoah observed as "gutler clean-up I o - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , I t h e borough's garbage and fed it with 250 d ...cendants of the fam- Vlilley. week" in Swoarthmore. Borough to a lot of pigs, which he kept in ous Revolutionary eongregation Workman have been around blow• on the south side of Ogden friends of the ehurch taking tOrching the weeds and shoveling School Opens Sept. 9 abo u t ,opposite Percy To Handle Dane on Television out accummuIated dirt and debris. . house.' There was no Mrs. Henry A. PeIrsoI, Jr., at Tbis they do annually, eontributto ten the pig's were there Lafayette aVet!ue. Swarthmore, ing a clean-shaven look to local the wind blew off the lee Lone Mumpster secretary of the PhUa. Great Dane streets. Of' course, a little occasKindergarten through sixth years later Mr. Emmons The borough Seems to be nicely Club, with a balf-dozen other Ional 'effort by Individual house- grade will begin at 9 o'clock. the Park property, did free of eontagious diseases at the members of the Club and their holders would lighten the task grading and ·\aid out new molllent. The only case reported dogs will participate in ....xt wedand keep the tilly look more i!on. Seventh t h r 0 ugh twelfth 'He and Mr. Thayer de- to the local Board of Health this nesday evening's weekly "Putstant. The project; might provide an afternoon's occupation for the grades will start at 8:30 A. M. '''''I'Ve much of the credit fOl' the month was D1\1IIlP9 on August3- ting on the Doi!" program. teleimpro ....ents in this section of the victim, David Bass, eight years viSed over WCAU and featuring ....all try, a eonstructive I~n ' -__~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--I,the borough... . old, of 201 Hsrvard avenue. Great Daones that week. In civic improvement. imony to his know1edeg' of finFairview road an~ whlch .ma lariQ was responsible for the ability to ereet its own little theatre in 1931. During his active years with the elub he also appeared several times on its stage. Even in later years when he journeyed. from his home but Uttle he was "'often seen renewing acquaintatance. and enjoying a club presentation from the audience. Surviving are a grandson. W. Andrew Burton of· Philadelphia; fOUr granddaughters Jane Burton ·of Philadelphia, Marion Burton 0 f Springfield, S. D.; Louise Burton 01 San Francisco, MD. Charles McKee of Hagerstown, Md. and two great grandehiIdren. Funeral services will be conucted at 3 p'clock this afternoon in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church of which the deceased was a member. Interment will b ....· in Eastlawn cemetery. The Rev. Charles Robinson of the Rutledge Presbyterian Church will conduet the services bolh at the chureh and at the grave. • . '" ·-;i,· I =- I • .. " \ "\" .' 2 THE SWARTHMOREAN Friday, August 13, 1948' , NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Ferris W. Mitchell of Strath Haven avenue left last Sundllyjor a Cew weeks at Ocean City, N . Ralph Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Brown of Riverview road, Who graduated In June has been admitted to Harvard University where he will be matriculating In the fall. This summer he is acting us life guard at Rose Valley PooL Mrs. Orville Bullitt Jt. of Walnut Lane and her three sons Sandy, Tohayer and Billy returned 'last Tuesday after a month at York Harbor, Me. where they were visiting Mrs. Bullitt's parents Mr. and Mrs. Russ"n Thayer of B r y n Mawr. to the u.s. Naval Academy, Annapolls, Md, as a midshipman, Class of 1952. The new midshipman will spend the summer months being indoctrinated In the fundamentals of Navy life and will stali the regular Academic course in September. Mrs. Gene Morlan of Woodstock. Va. and her three children Dick, Ann and Steve spent last week with her parents MT. and Mrs. E. D. Brauns of Vassar avenue while her husband was in New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Breakell of Harvard avenue and their two daughters Betts and Lindsay spent several days last week In Rehobeth Beach, at the cottage of Mr and Mrlli. Wister Morris of North Chester road. Louise Archbold of Swarthmore avenue -left this week to visit Miss 1Elinor and Miss Mary Bye her relati\'eg in Syracuse. New of College lane entertained at a small luncheon and sewing circle Yor~. last Wednpsday. Mrs. Hugh Wagnon of Easton, Pa. and her mother Mrs. A. E. Miss Trudy Enders. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Enders Etchen of Kansas City, were the of Elm avpnue sailed last Friday guests of Thomas A. Bradshaws for Turkey where she will spend o! Benjamin West avenue for two years at Roberts College in several days thL.. week. I Turkey. Mrs. F. A. C. ·Vosters of South Dr. mid l\'1rs. David McCahan of avenue, Secane. accompanied by Strath Haven avenue and David. a friend from Washington, D. C. Hetty and .Tohn returned last Fri- has returned from a cruise to day from a short trip to Williams- Bermuda "nd the Bahamah. On burg. Va. Betty will remain in SI. their return they spent sev@ral days in New York City. Michaels. Md. ror a few weeks. Miss Alice Lukens. siste~ of Mrs. Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of S. Chester road entertained at a tea Harry Miller, is spendil1ll the yesterday in honor of Miss Jane month of August at the home of ,tlillef of the Swarthmore apart- M... and Mrs. Herbert T. Bas.ett ments who is engaged to Mrs. on North Chester road. Bryant's son CUff'lfd. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bates of Yale Mrs.J. Randolph Roes; of Cor- avenue have been entertaining nell avenue and her three daugh- their nicce Miss Martha Morgan ters Nancy, Judy and Randa have of Parlin. K J. for the three just returned from a s~ weeks' weeks since their return from vacation with Mr. Roess' mother Ogunquit, Maine where they spent Mrs. G. F. Hoess who lives in Lake their vacation. Worth, Florida. Dick Hoot of Lafayette attended Mrs. Thomas A. Bradshaw of the wedding of a Tulane UniverBenjamin West avenue and son sity classmate at Chevy Chase. Bobby spent three days last week Md. over the weekend. with the Raymond Lassiats of RutMr. and Mrs. Morris L. Potts gers· avenue at their cottage in of Yale avenue en·tertaine·d at a Harvey Cedars, N. J. family reunion of 25 last WedMr. and Mrs. George M. Karns nesday evening in honor of their. of Wellesly road are entertaining son-in-law and daughter Lt. Com. as. their gUQst Miss Edna Shearer of and Mrs. John C. Taylor and their Northampton, Mass., Thursday and granddaughters Sally and Joan Friday of this week, who is here Taylor who left Friday f p r to attend the wedding of her niece Moscow. Idaho; where Lt. Com. Miss Vennette Addison Shearer to Taylor will study for two years Mr. Neil Hartman at Old St. at the University of Idaho. Davids Church at Devon. David C. Campbell of College Don Swan, son of Mr. and Mrs. avenue arrives today from the C. MacDonald Swan of Mt. Holy- University of Michigan where he oke ptace. "rrived home last week has been attending summer school. from Quantico, Va. w her e he Dr. and Mr•. J. Alfred Calhoun spent the summer in the Platoon of Elm avenue are on a trip to Leaders Class Training Regiment Parkel'~burg and Nitro. West Virof the Marine Corps School In ginia. Quantico. Don will leave the first of September for. football trainMiss Vicki Schmid of Harvard ing at the University· of Delaware avenue and Miss Dorothy Berwhere he is in college .. nard of Union avenue are spending a two weeks vacation at Martha's Mr. A. L. Wetlaufer of EndVineyard and Nantucket, Mass. eavor, Wis. is visiting his son and They will sightsee in New York daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. L. City before they Teturn t.o SwarthA. Wellaufer of University Place. more. Miss Marian Karns of Wellesley Mr. James H. Callahan of North road returned yesterday from New Jersey is viSiting his parents Mr. York City where she has been and Mrs. James C. Callahan of staying at the Studio Club this Garrett av~nue for two weeks. sumrp,er. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, Jr. Mrs. G, F. Roess of Lake Worth Florida is visiting her son Mr. of North Chester road and their J. Randolph Roess and family of daughter Spencer will be at NorthCornell aventie for several weeks. east Harbor, Maine until Monday. Jane Disque of Alberqueque, Mr. Thomas A. Bradshaw of Benjamin West avenue returned New. Mexico, the niece of Mr. Saturday evening by plane ,from Robert C. Disque of Strath Haven a weeks trip to Denver, CoL where avenue will visit at the Disque he visited his mother Mrs. Thomas home this weekend on her return from Washington. D. C. Miss DisY. Brad~haw who was ill. que was a member ot the group Robert C. McCowan, son of Mr. of High School stUdents from all and Mrs. Frank H. McCowan of over tile country who recently Vassar avenue has been admitted toured the capitol. Mr. C. R. Dumall and his sister Miss Pauline Dumall of' Silver Lake .Terrace, Mort,on, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Walter Dumall of Drexel Hill and their granddaughter, Judith Hawley spent a weeks vacation at Twin Lakes in the Poconos. Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy G. deP'Urla of North Chester road and Mrs. Palmer N. deFuria of Moylan drove to New York 'Tuesday to meet Mr. deFuria's brother Dr. Palmer N. deFuria and his son Frank who are just returning from a three months tour of Europe.' While in Rome Dr. deFuria atBarbara Griebel of Minneap- tended the Convention of the olis, Minh. and Mary Jeanne Erick- International College of Surgeons son of Evenston, Ill., are visiting of which he is a member. Mary' Denworth of Elm avenue this week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Zeche~ and their one and one half year William R. Huey, Jr. son of' Mr. old daughter Linda are the occuand Mrs. William R. Huey of Dick- pants of the new house at 727 inson avenue, Mary L. Thayer~ Swarthmore avenue. The Zechers daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O. moved here in April from West Thayer of North Ohester road, Walnut Lane in Philadelphia both graduates 0 f Swarthmore where Mr. Zecher is editor on the High School and James Q. Vose, Suburban desk Cor the Philadelson of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vose phia Bulletin. of Princeton avenue,. a graduate of Peddie School, will enter the Mr. James H. Hornaday of Dickfreshman class at MiddleburY Col- inson avenue is in Memorial Hoslege on September ,21. pital, Wilmington, Del., following an operation performed there on Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol, August 5. He expects to be home Jr. and daughter Gloria Ann of the middle of next week. Lafayette avenue will spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mrs. Henry B. Coles, Jr. of WalS. Casper of Phil;1delphia aboard nut Lane and her three daughters the Casper's cruiser The Alouette, Judith Barb and Mary arrived docked .t Forked River. N ..J. home recently after a t.hree weeks vacation at the Avalon Hotel. Avalon, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Exton Stone of Haverford, Pa. were the guests of Mrs. F. V. Warren of Walnut Lane for some tlme while her daughter Mrs. ·Cole. and family were at the shore. Helen Warren, d.aughter of Dr. and Mrs. Georg~ P. Warren of S. Chester road. entertained at luncheon and movies Tuesday in bonor of her eleventh birthday. Mrs. G. 'V. Hudson and her daughter Carolyn Jane of Sebring, Florida were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of Harvard avenue for :;Ieveral days thh; week. BmTH Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Cooley of Auburn, Ind. announce the ar- rival of Sue Haynes Cooley Iln Wednesday morning, August 8. She is the gronddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cooley of Columbia avenue and Mr. Rnd. Mrs. Waldo B. Davison of Vassar avenue. • Gloria Ann Peirsol of Lafayette avenue will visit Jeri Taylor. of Wynnewood formerly of Harvard avenue. np",t Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Howe of-Rutgers avenue will entertain six of their friends at dinner and bridge tomorrow eveping. Don Dickinson son of Mi'. and Mrs. Don Dickinson 'of Park ave., is visiting relatives in BprkJey Springs. We.t Va. Am- CONDITIONED Friday,-Saturday Dan Dall'IY. Charles WlnDln_ rer. Nancy Guild, Charl~_. Ruggles "GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY" In technicolor Bug Bunny cartoon. 1st RUn World News ,Peature at 2:30, 7:30, 9:30 j~ l' Swarthmore 0450' Mr. and Mrs. Rob"rt C. Disque oC Strath Haven avenue and their I daughter. Helen recently return-! - - . -.. -.-,,-~-----.--,.;..----~-. ...,--.~--,---.----.-.~,--ed from a two weeks trip through! .. . . .._: . New .~ngland. along thp North. Shorp and the Cape. . I I Mrs. W. E. Dungan, Jr.. of Dog- : wood Lane a'll d her daughter' Susan will leave soon for ·a ten i day vacation at Avalon. N. IJ. - FOR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Call Mrs· Lloyd E. Kauffman Swarthmore 2080 SAVE TIME! LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP People say Mary's a party·lin·e saint; She uses, tile telephone with restraint \ Sunday,~onday,Tuesday CHARLES BOYER INGRID BERGMAN i ·'ARCB OF TRIUMPH"' Sunday Matinees 2:30 Feature 2:40, 7:10, 9:15 ,Monday, Tuesday , Peature 2:10, 7:10. 9:15 Wednesday OnI;v ROY ROGERS "£IBS·OP TBXA8M In ,Color ADl-CONDl7ION1!D • Sickness is a great leveler. All , the world is related wh~n illness . comes. Prince and pauper have ' . Sal. Matinee 1 P.M. Chilnrpn's Show--Cartoon~ Monday, Tues., Wednesday, \! medicines, desiy;t;ted to cure On party-line telephone~,cour~ c~: cup tesy pnys dividends! "Be brief (" \,. cry thing from water on the ••• Spac~ calls .•• Hang up gently .•• Take the lead in good party-line manners. It brain to hou::;n:>id:s knee. When ill, you must ., ! . wUl tnean betterservi~ for all. CLARK GABLE ' This cannot be accomplished by have a remedy to meet your' own exaet require, ment. Consult your physician. LANA TURNER "HOMECOMING" ·Then bring hill prescription to US for, compounding. We ec:ription specialists. Starting Thursday DAN DAILY "GIVE MY BlilGABDS BlWADWAY" ,0 TIll 'en Tele"o.e Call,II, of 'e ••sylvanla .1 are pre.J . Mh,hael's College- Pharmacy ON THE,CORNER 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Granted the tightness of the housing situation is far from slackening. Most dwellings are still filled from basement to garrett, or being sold at fabulous prices to desperate families. Yet the classified ads of The Swarthmorean continue to ~ercise their famo",! drawing power even as It were In the face of insurmountable odds. The Church School meets Sunday morning at 10 ,o'clock. Dr. Henry E. WaIbey will preach at the 11 o'clock' service. The Church Nursery will be open during the· morning service. A young man from Pough- The Rev. J. Wesley Twelves, rector of the Church of the Epi phany In Germantown, will conduct the 8 o'clock Communion I service and the 11 o'clock service I of Morning Prayer. Ushers at the 11:00 service are: i J.B. Buntt, Jr. head usher; R. J. Baker; S. D. Clyde, Jr.; J. H. Furlong; R. M. Kilgore; F. W. Luehring: and W', N. Ryerson. l t I , keepsie, wanting to live in Swarthmore, mailed an Qdvertisement for placement in a recent Friday's paper. The next Monday mormng he dropped The Swarthmorean a note that he wouldn't need the ad repeated as he had already received. two replies and considered the ad most successful and speedy In ita results. ' Whatever you are seeking Dr wishing to sell, rent or trade you will find an inexpensive little ad in the classified columns of The Swarthmorean will tum the trick if it can be done. Just call S~rthmore 0 9 0 0 before Wednesday noon and a member of the ~taff will be glad to help you word your particular 'ad effectively. : I SWARTHMORE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. I DIRECTORS OF 'UNEkALS RlTlenhou •• 15,11 Mary A. lair, Preslden. This week The Swartiunorean received a letter from a young man, Richard Krueger, age 23 of Stade asking for correspondents In Swarthmore with the people of Stade. Following are a few paragraphs taken from his letter: "iday Special Oaly ~~ Lemon Chiffon Pies SallUday Specials Only Fresh Peach and Apple Cakes "Swarthmore is doing a good of work In its efforts to help the youth of Stade in many ways, and It certainly will help very much to improve our national relations and understanding between folks over there "aIld here. I would very much like to correspond and· exchange thoughts with and American boy o~ girl or with several of them. I have friends In Stade of both sexes which are also very Interested In such matters. ",e." Peacb aad Apple PIID Dowdy Apple DIu_pIing. Open Sunday for Cookies And Home Made Ice Cream. I woulud be very'obliged tot you If yOU could help me In finding girls or boys from Swartiunore who would like to write to me. If I get more answers I wiIl wil- THE·"CAKE , BOX" lingly pass them on ti> my friends. My best Wishes and greeUngs to you and to Swarthmore." CJturch SerVICeS \ THE ADDRESS TO REMEMBER Dr. and Mrs. John J. Schoff and Hands Across the Sea sons Peter aDd Johnny, are mov( ing next week from South PrinceIn March this year the High ton avenue to their new home at School held a CARE drive and 630 Edmonds av,nue, Drexel Hill. adopted as their town the city of Mrs. Geneva D. Mohney of Park Stade in the Ruhr Valley In Geravenue returned last week from many. Stade "(as chosen because two months spent with her son of its similarity to Swarthmore Ralph D. Mohney and family at and now many of the High School Cincinnati, Ohio, and at her former students are writing to young pe0ple in Stade. -----. -' - • _~ Mrs. and Mrs. W. A. Smith of Amherst avenue have been entertaining Mr. Smith's brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. 'Moody Smith and their daughter Carol :Ann of Panhandle, Texas. Mrs. Vaughn K. Foster of yale avenue accompanied by her, Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Firth of daughter ElIzabeth 'IUld her house North . C.hester road have been guest, her sister Mrs. George W. entertammg for the last two weeks Legge of CUmberland, Md., her Mrs. Firth's mo~er Mrs. Conrad sister Miss Eleanor Smith, and Harrison Goodwm of Lancaster Miss Ruth Hawkins both of Brad- County, Va. ford visited Williamsburg, Va. this week. "SOUL" is the subject of the'\ Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 15. The Golden Text is: "Come i and hea., all ye that fear God, I and I will declare what he hath I done for my soul." (Psalms 66:16) ,; There Is No Substitute for Qua~~2:y \ This Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service the guest preacher will be the Rev. Dr. Bruce M. Metzger, Ass~t Professor of New Testament at Princelon Theo~ logical Seminary. He has published two books and has two others in Manuscript form. He is a member of the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society and Superintendent of the Ohurch School of First Church, Princeton. Dr. Metzger will preach on the "Extravagant Benevolence of God." PRES:!~:I!:gu;~CH the same desire-to get well. Comedy Also rree Comic , Books NEWS NOTES Presbyterian Church Notes ' 11 :00 A. M.-Dr. Bruce Metzger "The Extravagant Benevolence and God." Wednesday August 18 . 10:00 A. M.- Surgical Dressmgs Group Meets. Friday and Saturday SPEl'rt. & SOO!!S ... 2~ 23c ................................ $~=;,~9~ .9: • 3 .9 2.531.09 664.60 LIABILlTI~ BROOKIIA\'EN ROAD Call Chester S.ttS7 TREE SURGERY aooFS GtJT1'EB8 REPAIRED AND INSTAJ.I.m Furnace Repairs & Cleanintl Call GI!lORGE MYERS 409 Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 Swarthmore Disposal Service Rubbls" Collected Week17 or Montbl7 Phone Swarthmore 3343 9 A. M. to 5.30 P.M. PETER E. TOLD l<'IlI'III~ Suo General In.~urance Since 1905 333 Dat1mouth Avenue Swart.hmore 1833 Devine Taxi PaintinJ! f\~11 llet'. Term, )g.jS 011 the Suuthwe.~t and PaperlulnJ!inJ! CUNNINGHAM Palnte... & PaIM!r DlD&'ers . We should know how Swa. 2Z66 Mlchlpn AYe Driveway Const.....,tJon Service Asphalt or C8lWl"ete SWARTHMORE. PA. PETER DI NICOLA Serving Swartlunore, Morton. Rutledge and Ridley Phone Swarthmore 2526 Township since 1918 "A Well Kept House PHONE: Never Grows Old" Swarthmore OU4 .. ",\lSTY -.---.-.-~.---~- V AN AI,EN BROS. PHONE 0755 ..---~-~ ----- Coal and Flrel Oil A.-Me;'~r Q.rilili; UR,.AWARE FUNERAL -'1 OmECTOR '1 FonnerIy 0 f Med'la • 1125 W. Lehigh Ave .• Phila. Phone Baldwin 1170 I lin)", AUgDl'It 2-1. 19-18, and will be publici)" opellP.f1 lit 1:00 ·P.M. Eutern Slandon Thm' 011 tile 9E1me date, for furnil'lhlnJ(, No additional charge for 1!II.uon Personal Properl}' Return Blank!l .',_ .S_Ub,,~u_rb_an_ca._I1s tor til(! yl'ar 10.19. for the use of the _ .. __ _ _ --.JI Boorel of As..oqo.$Sment and Revision oC' Taxe~ Spe,'IIlt'ntions and bidding sheet may be obtained at the Office of the Chief CJer~· ulUl n6 hid will be enterta.lned unte.'i.<; nuule tlut on 'iRld bidding sheet. Each' bid mullt be accompanied by 11 certlncd check for J'ffty CI50.00) DollfI! druwn to tile order ot the County or Delaware. ·The County Commissioners ~crv(' tile rlll'ht- to reject any and all bldt!'. Charence L. Conner John H, Doherty Albert J. Cmwtord. Jr. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A. WAYNE PAINTING MOSTELLER and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SWARTHMORE 1272 WILLIAM BROOKS All Types of Electrical Installations and RepaiN_ Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General Hauling 236 Harding Av. Morton. Pa . Serving Swarthmore and Vicinity for past Twenty Years Swarthmore 14148 PA'TTERSON 1_ -I ----_.- ERNEST SMITH DECORATING -. Media 2176 SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. 1180 Muhlenberc Ave• Swarthmore 2295 Chester NIGHT or DAY Reese-Baxter CO. Crosley Station Wagons. Sedans and Convertibles SMART - ECONOIlUCAL For qUlck delivery Call Chester 2-8540 No Trade-in Required LONG TERMS -........ , . '. ~ .... , CALL Mason Builders Supply Company 331 Dartmouth Avenue SlVarthJnore 0345 Building Blocks F. F. ZIMMERMAN All Sises .19 (Jent and liP Delivered COMBINATION DOORS - SCREENS Coal - Lumber Bnlldlng Materials Photographer "'Outstanding for Quality" Media 6-0436 6 E. Front St. Media. Pa. WANT TO BUILD? . Bonded Indebtednes. (With V~ of Electorate) " FOR SALE-Dinette suite, solid Sl'IIIt'C1 propOAAls will be received lit the dark oak. Extension table, .four Oml'e lit tll@ Chief Clerk of the Count)· chairs. buffet, china cabinet. ('ommlll.... lonerB of Delaware Count)·. It tht" Court HoU!~, Media. Pa., until 12 :1141 Phone Media 6-1529. Noon Eastern Standard· Time. on Tues· I ~r~OU$ Rto .1945 Coffee Coke ~ ~ cities across. the country. TOTAL Jellies .....1I1ee1 Streu.el Coffee CClk. ........ ... Zi_ - ~ Servel electric re8 cubic. feet. $50. -.------- $115,816.76 Gl:i\.'WODD PURE BlMG CAKEi4ge RI., · ....,Pee..... ..... -". ••,....... .:\L l!45c George Armitage of South clies. ter road and Bert Speare of Westdale avenue returned by way of Chicago from a motor trip to the W es~ Coast via the southern route. Dunng their two months journey. ther camped out in many of the natIOnal parks and visited many Total Current Expenses (Items A-F inc) .........•.....• $236,413.54 Total Debt Service (Item G) 20.722.92 Total Capital Outlay (Item Hf· 5,609.72 sets " Mr and Mrs. W. Alfred Smith. of Amherst avenUe have as their guest this week Miss Sandra J ellinghaus of Wilmington, Del. Apart from the quality of products we sell, you'll EXPENSES I find we have the right slant We want General Control CA) •.•..... _$ 1.083.84. on service too! you to come back. We Instruction CD) ............ 17-1,189.40 I believe i n thoroughness Auxiliary Agencies (e) ...... 9,503.73 that's why we give your car a bumper to bumper checkOperation (D) . . . . . . . . . . .. 30,143.87 ing. It isn't work with us:\Iaintenance (E) ............ . 8,132.60 it's service and we like to Fixed Charges (F) ....•.•. 236.413.54 give it! ..•• :::::::::: 289;691,36 Capital Outlay (H) • VIRGINIA LEE SUGGESTS FRESH ORA __ ....... Pe_ 11:~:~: List your Delaware County Associated with Henry Le Baron Call Swathmore 0lZ1 or 09M I SHKl\lFJo' SALJo:S Sttllntc ('orner uf FOR SALE--Three pocket brine I :lth mill Welllh Streets, In tile City of freezing unit by Frigidaire. . ·lIl·ster. COUllt)' ur Dehlwnre Ilull state Cheap. For ap"""intment write ur l'l·lIIll1yh'u.nln. ('uutllhdng In front alon.: p'.... ;;ald • 13th Street -Jul'H~:' nUll extendln*{ Box Z, The Swarthmorean. of that width In lemrth or depth South. . --- - - - .. cn:;twunll)' 19... ·':~:· to land of the BalU4 FORSALE--Maple seat. Mahog- mure mill Uhio UnJlroad the Northeastan dresser with triple mirror. wnnll)' lIue thereu( along tile mdd Welflh .;;treet. null the Southwestwardly Iille White enamel dresser. Lawn fur- IIierro( Illuu~ Spruul StreeL Bounded Oil niture. Swarthmore 2241-W. till! Nurth b)' 13lh Street on the Kltst b).' ____ ._ .. _________ ._._ _ _ _ Vi\'I$lh Street Ilnd on the South b).· Illo" Cit thl" Bnltlmore ond Ohio Railroad uud th(' FOR SALE-Gas stove, oven regu- Welll b)' Sproul Street. lator. Two wicker rocking chairs. :So ImprOVements-Vacant ground. Snld 08 the property of Mary H. Benll' All in gooli condition. Call Swartha"t. & l!elnl of Mill')' Kngle Hnkhmeettr II more 0303. TruxtlJlI H"'llfO. dec'·d. Uwnen; or rt'lmt(OiI _. . uWllen;. FOR SA!'E G. E. wringer-type ,\tI~·: 'l'hfllTlll~ ..\. Curr('n. Ef:Q. n. It. Watkins. washing machine in good condiSIIf!rifJ. .o.e, 1947 Tax (Current Year) . . . • • • • • • • . • • • . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . •• . . . 1946 T • . .• • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • . • •. . . . . . .. . . . . .. • . . Apr'-' , FOR SAT eF -~-. PROPERTY DOGS BOARDED REAL ESTATE sUtuUoml to Identify the property held by tltem. provided anr. BUch sf",n shall not exceed 20 '"luare eet, unle8ll a BPeclnl pennlt be obtained from till" Board of AdJwltment. . PRUNING, LIMB AND 11. SI",nR erected by nn owner or builder TREE REMOVAL fn ('Olmection with the active development of premises mny be erected upon ROBERT HASTINGS the application Rnd granting of a penult Call Swarthmore 0265-W tor the same, provided the size of any iuch slKn shall not be In excess of 20 L_____________..J '«tuare feet and not more than one such sl~1I shnll be placed upon any individual _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-lut or premises belDI' developtd. No ,1Ircctiona I signs. arrows or other advertising anllouncements flhall he posted or erCt"ted other tlmn lUI provided h\ this flection. Pml..'~('d thlR 2nrl rill)' of At,gn!'!t. A.D. - ---- - - ..•..••••••••. 110.763.73 RECEIPTS Ballance on _ hand_ July', 1941 M _ Grlly.re'\r#P Cream Ch_ "III" OleomargarlH c.. .. Ideal Des.erts I'" Olivo••h8!r'....... · IV:- ... Tomato Juice ~ 1. . Orange Juice ,... . 0Ilr Ik ollon. Serve Ie:) cold WANTED-To rent in Swarthmore or vicinity, one pleasant, moderate-priced room with private bath and I1ght kitchenette privileges. .5. l'ennanent Dlay be erected In· b, schools. colleges signs or other charitable References. Phone 1066-J. )<'OR SALE -- WANTED "eapha: "t"ax···························· . Net amount of 1947 tax collected 25' Mild ChBI.I re1r1S81. Miss Betsy Hornaday of Dick:ln._ son avenue is spending this week touring through New England visiting former college friends. . $115,816.76 AdditlOl1S to duplicate' •••••••••••••••••••• ',',',',',',',', .24 Penalties added. after Oct. I, 1941 ...•••..•••••••• 499.66 Total amount (sum' of 1. 2, & 3) ..•. :........... 176.316~66 1947 tax retuned to County Commissioners ......•..• 2,531.09 Discounts • • • • • • • • • ... • • • •• • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • . . 3,021.84 If« TAm J'UICE 10 ~:t 49 c Betsy Jane Brinkmann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. !Brinkmann of Walollt lane, is spending the month of August at. Camp Netimus ' at Milford, Pa. valuation of taxable real estate of mills levied ...•.•••••••••.••.•••..•• $5.581,475.00 31.5 assessed with (lCr" per capita tax ••.••••••.•••.....••••••.....••.. _ ..... _ . none AMOUNT OF SCHOOL TAX Amount levied (Face of 1941 DupUcate).... '·21c '·,2c Celery ",neI." 1M lie ..."r" Sweet. Meaty Red Pllim. Crisp Iceber, Lettuce California Pascal Selected Porto Rican Yams -=:.::..,.:c""""-_ __ YILLOW ONIONS ... i Keep Assessed Number Number Rate of ... 1 SEEDLESS ORANGE , SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY S. t"918 TAXATION ....... ':tn' .....-...... ltc ... ... ......." ztc .... 2'Hr; Farm Fresh Fruits and Ye,.fa"'es Luscious Old Sooth 2.90 19c ACME WHOLE 50LDEN CORN UNPEELED WHOLE APRICOTS ;IIUNPIELID HALYiS APRICOTS ; LalY'S HALVES PUCHES LaIY'S .IUIT COCKTAIL IYlHADY SLICID IARYLITT PlARS HALVES .1. .TONE I'IACHH ....5IY CRANIHRY SAUCI LIIBY'S DELlIXE PLUMS Reconstituted upon completion of the work done b)' sUl'h mechanic or other artisan. SlRns anllounclng that furnishings· or otber equipment have been or will be placed upon the premises are hereb)' prohibited. --- --- ---FOR SALE Pedigreed black Scottish terrier puppie.. Call Swarthmore 0634-W. - AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPORT SCHOOL DISTRIC OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DELAWARE COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Regular 2 for 29c New PACK with .U th.ir ,garden fresh flavor s.el,~ In. . 'or Individual Serving, ._-- ~- Sweel Peas GRAPES WANTED-Two bedroom apart. LEGAL NOTICE ment Young doctor, wife and ---------- .--:: two children. Swarthmore or vi- such slgD .hall bona Ode hold bls said premiseR tor ROle or for tent, aR the case cinity. Swarthmore 0570. may be. . 4. SIgll8 of mecbanlCB. ~llIterB or other WANTED-Male student at Penn artisans lRay be erected and .mrliutained Stlite Center desires room start- during the petlod such persons are pering last week in September. forming work on the premises 011 wbJch slgll!! ore erected. pro\'lded the size ehone Pbiladelphia TE-9-1693 !laid tller('-O( 18 not In excess of D square feet. SUnday between 10 and 1. an(1 .IR1ch slgnli ore removed promptI)' '. -~------ Mrs. J. P. DauglI#>rty of Dick:ln.son avenue has returned from a 10 day visit with her sister Mrs. E. l? Stevens in W""hington, D.C. While away Mrs. Dougherty and Mrs. Stevens spent some tinle In Williamsburg, Va. CELERY HEARTS bun 10c Iceberg LETTUCE 10c CUCUMBERS 3 for 10c PEPPERS 3 for 10c Green Beans Ib 19c Int........... -.. \6 II , . . ..... L_ .~~----- SWARTHMOREAN WANTED-Single room near College by female Penn State stuPERSONAL - Colored practical nurse desires day work. Phone dent. Occupy latter part of September. Call Dr. J. Dolak. EverChester 3-3578. green 6-6234. PERSONAl. - Reliable baby sitting until 9 p.m. Children over WANTED-Two bedroom apartthree.. Call Swarthmore 2494-R. ment, furnished or unfurnished, ._------_._-Swarthmore vicinity. October ocPERSONAL G.I. student and cupancy. Reply Box E. The wife desire three or four rooms Swarthmorean. and bath. Convenient to transportation. Call Media 6-0458 after 6. WANTED-Reliable day sitter for IPIl<. active year old. Call SwarthPERSONAL _ Electrical installanORmTfiH fW SW,\RTn~IOUE tions: wiring, old and new: Resi- more 2877-M after 5:30 P.M. dential and Commercial, Light and .- .. - .. SRA I. Power, Waterheaters, Ranges. All FOR RENT n~' GRORGE M. F.WING work done to Fire Underwriters PresJdent of Count'il specifications. Service on all FOR RENT-Large 'Pleasant room ,\ltl"l'Il: R[.1.10TT RICHARDS()S makes of washers (Bendix inlIurlllll:'h St¥rl'tnrr on second floor, for t)\'o men. cluded), vacuum cleaners, ranges Most convenient location for bus irons. toasters, fans, lamps. Call lines, tea rooms, village. Tele- ,\J)JIrIl\"l'd thl~ .. th tln~'or .\UlClIst. .\.n. IPt1'l. Erich H. Hausen. Electrical Con- phone Swarthmore 2194. .T .....-\1.11. l}RnWS tractor, Swartilmore 2850-w. 335 llurreAA Park Avenue. LEGAL NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Reavts Cox and their daughter Rosemary of Walnut lane leave tomorrow-for Silver Lake, Hawkeye, N. Y. When they return on thi! first of September their son David,who has been at the Hawkeye Trails Camp all summer, will accompany them home. .Fruits and Vegetables Freshly GroIIIItil leef Store SUCH I.... .: Lea.. Short lib. luf PERSONAL .-- Mr. Valentine L. Fine,' of SwBrthmore avenue who joined the firm of the I>cott Paper Co. two years ago as associate legal Council, will become the_ assistant treasurer next month. - Spring LEG LAM B Ib 69c Boneless ROAST BEEFlb 79c Shoulder LAMB Ib 49c __ .. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Page Michaux Bullock leave Saturday, August 21, for Wilmington, DeL where they plan to make their permanent home. Mrs. Bullock Is the former Miss Mary Dure of Ogden avenue. CLOSED WEDNESDAY NOON JUNE - JULY -- AUGUST All Our Beef. LGm~ alld Veal are U. S. GOY...........t GraQ T.....r Juicy U. S. Cilillmercial Steer .... .. PERSONAL- Chemical engineer, Atlantic Refining Co., wife and child, require unfurnished apart. ment or house. Excellent references. Call 'Swarthmore 0552-M. ._- ----- - - --PERSONAL - Vacuum Cleaners, irons, toasters and radios repaired, called for and delivered. Call Robert Brooks. Swarthmore 1548. r..t. FREE DELIVERY 100....HIlty ••• price . . ,CIoeaIc ..'1_ ,.. _Nco! . Mr. and Mrs. A. Ludlow Cla,:rden of Rlverview road have returned from a short visit with th2ir sonIn-law and daughter Comm. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Traynor at Newport. R. I. Phone 1913 THE CLASSIFIED -----. -_ _.- Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cornog returned to their home on Dick:ln.son avenue last Thursday after spending three weeks In :\Cennebunkport, Maine, and 12 da"" at the Tanglewood Music Festival in Stockbridge, Mass. MADISON MONEY.SAYING Friday, August 13, 1848 Friday, August 13, 1948 0; Mr. and Mrs. Valentine L. Fine and their daughter Ashley of Swarthmore avenue are leaving next Saturday' for a week with Mr. Fine's mother Mrs. Andrew M. Fine at Scranton, Pa. Asbley will stay with her grandmother for another week while her parents go to Old Forge, N. Y. returning after Labor Day. _ NEWS NOTES SWARTHMOREAN : Yale Avenue & Chester ad. SWARTHMORE 1250 Wallace Lippincott . Ed.utI L. lIoyes a Co. ~ 7 " '; " " " !t " n~:~:~e A. Reeves H Generation Builders" 8......n11moft 1451 917 EdImoDt Avenue Chester 3-4518 r !!IIIIIl ! i I I Charles E. Fischer Builder PAINIl'ING I----------Jnterlor & BEAIJrOR SWARTHMORE 0114 A'1ttitnr'l Good materials and skillful workmen are now avaiiable. Call us for information and estimates ExterIor ' Swarthmore 22S3 • ----~~--~ 6 THE SW ARTHMOREAN SWARTHMORE • ANNUAL STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS AS OF 7-5-'48 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE Published pursuant to the act of June 25, 1941, P.L. 159 STATF.MENT of GROSS LIABILITY, NET DEBT, ASSESSED VALUATION, ASSETS, MATURITY DATE OF FUNDED DEBT, AND BORROWING CAPACITY. Assessed Valuation (1948) $5,626,550.00 Indebtedness allowed by law (7% of assessed valuation) S393,858.50 Gross Liabilities .. ' . ' . $180,585.67 Deductions ·Allowed by Law (Section 202) Cash in Sinking Fund (inc. 1947) None Delinquent Taxes . $5,385.87 (90% estimate collectible), $4.827.28 Friday, August 13, 1M8 Telephone Company Reeord's Phone, Conversations T'he Bell Telephone Company of , Pennsylvania has filed tariffs with the Penn.ylvania Utility Commission and the Federal Communic ations Commistion-, prviding for Monday Thru Saturday the use of telephone recording Open 7 A. JIf. to 8 p. M. devices, effective last Monday. Closed Every Sunday August 2. A short high "beep" repeated approximately every fifteen secDAILY DINNEBS 85e 10 $1.60 onds will indicate to a telephone user that his conversation is being Special Children's Platters Current Revenue recorded. This u·beep" is produced OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE Applicable within Fiscal automatically when a recorder is ~....,~u~u~.... ~;a:""'I'01~t::jU$A~'4A~;"':"'~UAS;;));;)~ Year 1948-49,........ $28.180.58 attached and it is unlawful to use Tobl Deductions 533,027.86 any recorder not equipped with 1----device. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u=~~=n~~~~~i Net Debl ,.,.,.. . , ........... $147,567.81 this The connection of voice record.. ing machines has been. authorized Borrowing Capacity '(excluding borrowings in antiprovided the "beep" signal is used cipation of current revenues). . . .. $246,290.69 to let the person at the olher end ,TATEMENT OF DATES OF LAST MATURITY OF RESPECTIVE of the Hne know that the converFORMS OF FUNDED DEBT sation is being recorded. AUGUST 16 to AUGUST 28 BONDS-All serial bonds ,,---- ,_. - ---_ ..., , - - Date of Issue Rate Maturity Outstanding' To l\lake Room For New Stock 1926 4 If., 1956 $ 45,000.00 1960 1930 4'1. $ 72,000.00 Last week it looked as if 1934 31~ 1959 $ 38,000.00 we had a cold in the head I TOTAL $155,000.00 Mr and Mrs. Frank E. M~Fadden advel·tising .out H:,aci" bags ASSETS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WITH THE CHARACTER and other "thiJ!s". Pl'oprietol"s AND VALUE THEREOF - JULY 5. 1948 ASSETS Well. we're over the cold Cash~eneral Fund ,.,. .. ,.,. .. ,.. ,. ... ,....... . $ 26,945.18 (we hope) and what we were 1~~~~~~U~~;J~,,~,,~,,~,,~,,~~~~~~~~,~~~=u;~ Delinquent Taxes. . . , ... ' ....... . . ... .. . ..... . 5,385.87 trying to say was that we're !. Tuition Receivable .. . ...... . 1,235.40 i having ~I SchOOl Buildings. Cites, Texthooks, Equipment ...... . 1,131,433.91 ~~~~=n=O~~~~~~ee1~~~e>~e>~e-~~~~e1~e>~e>=e.,~e>~e>~~~~~e_~~~ DEW DROP INN ARE YOU Brealdas' - £lUIcll- Dlnn., GIVING HOUSE CLEANING SALE I HOLLYHOCK SHOP I i Total Assets . .. .. . ......... , . .. . .... $ LIABII.ITIES Outstanding Bonds ...... .:,.,..... ,.,. .. ,. ..... ,. .. $ 155,000 00 Accounts Payable.. ' , . ' ... , . . .. , ... '....... 25,595.67 Assets in Excess of Liabilities ....... ' .... , ........ ,... 984,404.69 Tolal Liabilities .,.... . ... ,'. .. ......... $1,165.000.361 ASSETS IN SINKING FUND AS OF 7--5--'48 , ' NONE 1 Published by Order of the Board of School Directors DAVID McCAHAN. President HILDA LAND DENTWORTH. Sec'y THURSDAY. AUGUST 19 CLEARAICE SALE The $l.OO-Serve Yourself-All You Want COMPLETE SUPPER , Come In and See Us. Come and Enjoy Your Seleetion From HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS alice barber, gifts STRAYH HAVEN INN of a few items at REDUCTIONS 'of 25% to' 50%. Old Bank Building August hours: 10-5 Wednesday and Saturday: 10 - I PHONE 1984 ~=====d' ·1 • MODIU I"CIIIS For excellf'RI rug cleanin~ (':ll PROMPT SERVICE Wiring and Bepair. BARRY A. BREBL· 711 FAIRVIEW ROAD, SWARTHMORE .IfiALI ••• floal COVill NIlS • MIW CONSTIUGTlOI SALES AND SERVICE • RADIOS & HOME APPLIANCES ------_ .. ------'--- .. .lIlIIATlONS • • IIPlI. . ARTERS BROTIERS, he. ConI_Ion "",, a.HhH" 302 Goyl., 8trHt • Modi., PAo••• M• • 2~1 UK) Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Swarthmore 0'30 or 0'29 Cloubrook _ , . . . N.... aN oW,,,, :rfn of several hWldred species. ing front dive, running jump into' "go-ahead" is received from our postcards' stating their 'intention This is Dr. Wherry's third book deep water, five minute continmembership on or about Septem- to attend camp, enthusiaS1p is nOllS sWImmmg. under water running high among members of on wild plants, one on terns and :iwimming.. The last mentioned ber 15th. .mother on the wild flowers 01 , "Let me calt upon all who can the squad. Notices were sent out Mt. Desert Island having been was the bane of several. in this group. One local mother, having appreciate the significance of a to all boys known to be interested published some years ago. spent a~ years struggling to recreational outllet of this naturp. in football, but if any who would The current issue of Pennsyllearn to stay up in the water, to take immediate steps to put this like to tryout were missed, they vania Park News mentions the finished the class with the conproject across. What is urgently still can join the squad by calling Edgar T. Wherry Trail named in required is a spontaneous response Swarthmore 3272-J. viction that she'd never drown. Dr. 'Wherry's honor in Bowman's She just COUldn't seem to stay by a hWldred or more families and Hill State Wildflower Preserve at down long enough for the underwe have a little more than three Washing ten Crossing Park, Bucks Wins Special Award water swim! Those who qualified weeks until the deadline is County.. Bowman's Hill is a living In Photography Contest as intermediate swimmers were: reached:' illustration of what can be done Lloyd Merritts of Elm avenue in wildflower conservation. It is Mary Bak~r" Marie Bartoli, Mrs. Joins Century Club has been declared a winner In the limited to flowers of the Keystone Warren Bernard, MTs. Rennan second monthly awards of the State and at present has growths Bloom and son Peter, Mrs. G. H. W. Green of Yale avenue, "Popular Photography" 'pr i 21 e of 500 species native to P~yl­ Will s Brodhead, Jim England, owner and cperator of the "ham" photo contest. For 'his startling David JenkinS, June and Walter vania. On about 1,000 feet of the station W3DHM, has been awardblack and white print. "Marine Edgar T. Wherry Trail there are Km.ghton, Johnny Lang, Eleanor ed membership in the DX Century Ballet," he will receive a $100.00 Moore, Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol, Jr., more than 75 species of ferns Club, exclusive society bf a~ateur U. S. Savings Bond and a certlfI)ee Steiglt~man, Lois Storlazzi and oonstituting one of the finest colradio operators who have made icate denoting third priz~ in that Nancy Sylvanus. lections of natiye ferns in the two way short wave radio con- division. The photo was published The advanced group placed 17 tacts with at least 100 of the more. th . , Se t ber Is country. in the tests with 16 of them finishill e magazIne s p em thim 200 oouotries of the world. h' h ched ~ ta ds Ing: one hundred yards each of sue w IC rea ..ue news n COLLEGE BUYS His is the thirty-seventh amateur on Wednesday. ~reast stroke; side stroke; crawl, station to achieve this member.;hip APARTMENTS back crawl or trudgen crawl; 50 since the war. Although he has been actively jnterested in his camera for 10 Swarthmore College has an- yards on back using legs only; years, Merritt. an agent of the nounced the purchase of the Gar- turlls on front, back and side; State Road Grant Due U. S. Department of Agriculture, rett Apartments at 317 North surface dive; treading w ate rj Swarthmore will receive $1449.- l'egards himself as an amateur Chester road from Albert N. Gar- plunge dive; running front dive; 73 as its quarterly share in the photographer. During 1946-47 be rett of Garrett and College ave... ten minute Swim. Gail Bauer, Mary Bunker, George Cavey, Dick $20,000.000 appropriation distri- engaged In medical photography DUes. bution from the State Motor Li- at the Rochester, N. Y. General The three-story building con- Danforth, Jean Galbreath, Mig cense Fund, to be used by local Hospital, where he made his prize tains six apartments with one ad- Garahan, ,Marilyn Green, Nancy governments for street, road and winning photo. ditional aparlment over the flve- Lees, Doris Lees, Dick McCorbridge ~onstruction, repair and Winning a special monthly car garage. The College plans to mack, Nancy Moore, Carol Mox::maintenance. Allocations are made award dQeS not affect Merritt's nse the uoits for faculty housing gan, Judy Pennock, Peter Rade" on a road mileage basis. of macher, Janet Thompson and Billy c h ances 0f " wmnmg one 0f ~ ..ue and hopes to have occupancY . Ziegenfu. passed. two overall prizes of $5,000 for at leMt two by this Fall. Instructors Virginia Rath and OMISSION a color or a black and .white Lora Blackman were as pleasantUnfortunately in publishing the photo, which will be announced Locals Meet Phila. ly surprised as the pupils with the obituary of Thomas Winter An- in March, 1949. Prints winnjng The Swarthmore Indians will remarkable accomplishments 0 f drew last week the ,printer drop- the major awards will be exbibitmeet the Philadelphia Box Lacross one short week's instruction. Just ped the following paragraph: ed In Philadelphia and four other Team at 8:15 P.M. next Wednesan hour's concentr,ation on five "In 1889. two ye..... after the large American cities and sent day on tlie Suo Oil field. succeeding days (pofnters from the death of his first wife. Mr. Andrew abroad to tour the principal cat>Instructom and a bit of practice married Ella Mary Cowdrey who itals of the world. passed away In 1938." Merritt, who spent most of the Mrs. Harriet Treat of Dickin- to overcome Individual difficult, current summer at Point Barrow, son avenue is entertaining her ies) made' a considerable number LW.V. Workshop starts Moo. Alaska, helping to set up a scien- nieces Mrs. Leroy Jeffries of of Boroughites more confident and The League of Women Voters tific laboratory and a headquar- Ocean City, Mrs.' Thomas C. better able to take care of themWorkShop "n United Nations will ters for the Department of Agri_ Downes of Pleasantville, N. J., and selves In the water. hold its opening meeting Monday culture, was in Trincomalee and Mrs. Helen Weiss of Atlantic City. 23 of August from two to four Kandy, .Ceylon, for 15 months In Mr. and Mrs" CharJ,es E. LInMr. and Mrs. Colln R. HitChman o'clock at the home of the cbair- the years 11144-45. He describes coln and family of Westdale ave- ot'Thayer roac'l have as their house man Dr~ Frances Fussell at 451 them as a pbotographer'B para- nue will return· from three weeks guest Mrs. Hitchman'. mother Riverview road. .disc and hopes to return tbere. at WalJlngforcl. Vt., thla weekend. Mrs. James Fox of Pa.. 40 Swimmers Pass Tests 1'0 Home From Botany Tour p , Easton; ' THE 2 NEWS NOTES Mrs. John Seybold of Amherst avenue and her son Jenny recentl)" returned from a ten day visit with Mrs. Seybold's father, Mr. H. L. Blood in New Harbor. Maine. Dr. R C. Ammerman of Amherst avenue left Saturday morning to join Mrs.' Ammerman at Silver Lake in' the Adirondacks where she has been spending the summer. Their danghter Judy, who has been summering at the Hawkeye Trail Camp at Silver Lake, will return with them at. the beginnirig of September. Lyn and Skipper Bernard Rutgers avenue left Sunday to visit their uncle Mr. Harry L. Bernard and his family at Avondale. Pa. . cousin of the bride, will officlate. Springfield, MII88. Bridesmaids and Harvard and served as an Gwen Lysaught of Drexel HUl Miss Dorothy Ann Nester will will include MIas Adrienne Norih- ensign in the NaV7. • at the Ii0!'le of the former. act as maia of honor for her sister am of Stony Creek, Conn.; MIas A receptiOIj at !.'he home of the Miss Hilles will be given a kiland Miss Marie Elizabeth McGin- Patsy Corr of Milwaukee; Mrs. A. parents of the brides wlli follow chen shower this eveQIng b)" Mrs. ni.., a cousin of the bride, and David Speers of Rutledge; and the ceremony. , Roberl Weller of Wilmington, Del. Miss Betty Lee Andrews, a college Miss Elizabeth Marshall Lee of and Mrs. William. Harve)" of roomate, will be her bridl!$llaids. Swarihmore. FETE. BRIDE-TO-~E Swarthmore avenue at Mrs. HarMr. Joseph V. Paska will serve Mr. Clifford Rathbone Hend- Miss Jan.. W. Hilles of the vey's home. as best man' for his brother. :J.'he rix of Greenwich, Conn. will be Swarthmore Apartments. whose -----marriage to Mr. Clifford M. B~Bmm ushers will be Mr. Frank Prevosl Mr. Rickson's hest man. and his ., h '11 b M L ant of South Chester road will Mr. anrl Mrs. J. B. Millard Ty· d d M r. T a d Pul a. co11e ge f nen an s M us tth ers WI W elh .essrs. fawrence the g r ' ' -b take place on September 11. was son of Park avenue are receiving , 0 L oom. , a ew a eun 0 = ury . N I d t 'St Park' Martel Berge of Svrac guest of h. O:1or at a desserl bridl!e congratulations on the birth of a M ISS es er, a gra ua e O L .. , use; ,. son Timothy Millard on Saturday. and linen shower on Saturday f rd and H I f Ch I H i C0 11ege, Emmitsburg, ar es e .. er 0· ks averf 0S ;· W'hich was 'given by Miss Ann August 14. at the Lying In HosK th B rtil R Md., received her M. A. from enne e IC on 0 prmg- ,. ''{.!ay of Clifton Heights and Miss I pital in Philadelphia. Johns Hopkins University and fie~d. Mass. brolher of the brideis now a member of the faculty at groom. ..... ........................................................................................................ .:.... ...... ~++¥ . .~. . . . .~....pr. Bal S t S h t he e on c 001 in timore. Betly Ruth who will marry Mr. I Mr. Paska is a graduate of Villa- John Walker McCoubrey son of nova College and M. I. T. and is Mrs. John Walker McCoubrey of at prese'lt..l;tudying for his doctor- Watertown. Mass. and the late Mr. ate at The Johns Hokins Univer- McCoubrey. will have her sister. . sity where he is al~o a member Mrs. Wilfred Bailey Brown of Col.. ' 01 the faculty. Mr. Paska is a lege Park, Md. as matron of honor. Miss AntorUc3 Fairbanks left Saturday I 0 l' Marinetle. Wi~. where she will visit her brother- Lieutenant jn the Naval Reserve in-law ilnd ~ister Mr. and Mrs. ann ~erved as' a radar officer William King until Labor Day. durin2 World' War 11. Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin Galhreath of Benjamin West av,emle.lll\IIOrum are entertaining as their guests I, SISTERS PLAN Mr. Galbreath's hrolher-lu-law DOUBLE WEDDING and sister Mr. and Mrs .•T. Allen Invitations have been .issued by Weaver of St. Pelersburg. Fla. Mr. and MTs. Birney Kellogg for ten days. Morse of Harvard. avenue for the 'b marriaae of their daughters, Bon-' M r. an d M r sH. .H. G I son. eo and their daughter Ann of Elm ny Jean and Betty Ruth. at 4:30 avenue recently returned from a len day visit with the William Singletons of N. Chester road at Iheir cottage in Spray Beach. N ..T. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Toole of the Swarthmore Apartments arrived home Sunday after a three wee k s vacation at . Lake. York's Log '\(i11age and Bailey's Island. Maine. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll. Jr. of Norlh Chester road are expecting Mrs. Carroll'!! uncle and aunt Mr. and Mr$. Harry Siansfielld MinneapOliS, Minn., to arrive this weekend for a visit 01 week~, ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Amhrose H. Van Alen of Park avenue announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Nancy Kimber Van Alen to Mr. John W. Taylor, Jr.. 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor 01 Baltimore. Miss Van Alen graduated from Swarthmore High School in June 1945. and I. a senior al Wellesley College. Mr. 'raylor is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mond;iy~ SAVE TI M' E '. ~ ET US SERVICE· YOUR CAR Her bridesmaids will be the Misses Flora McLeod Lee of Swarthmore; Roberta Ann Speier of St. Louis; brother Mr. Andr::ew McCoubrey. Mr. Charles Boyle. and Mr. Edward Joseph Kelley all of Boston; and Mr. Wilfred Bailey Brown of on th September jn ·the h College Par.k'. · 6.Ch S war mnr'! P res b y t enan urc. We guarantee what we furnish equal to the best or bettE'r. than can be gotten elsewhere. regardless of pricE'. 112 East 21st Street, Chester ,Pa. Phone Chester 3-9011 and our represenlatlv.. 'wlll "" .dad to ~ll wUb sample, without obligation to you. The Bouquet an" JI""I. P_ Do.,"y 11.",,1. Dam"llDgs " ••11 P ••cb BEAUTY SALON Don't let beabty vacation too! Open Sunday for Cookies And Home Made Ice Cream THE "CAKE BOX" Call Swarthmore 0476 Call Mrs· Lloyd E. Kauffman .- _ .... - _ - . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ n _ _. _ . _•• _ Baltimore Phone Pike Swarthmore Springfield 0450 , • ABsociated with FAR INTO THE NIGHT ,~'--------------------AIR- CONDITIONED Last 2 Days! Ftiday.-Saturday Jack Carson 'ROMANCE ON THE mGn SEAS" In technicolor! Sunday _ Monday Rita HaYWOrth Oraon Wen... "LADY FROM SHANGHAI" Tuesday - Wednesday J06Il Fontaine LouIs Jordan '~Er:t&R FROM AN UNKNOWN WOMAN Starling Tbursday, Aug. 26 n • N'tght and day throughout the year scientists are working in research laboratories in the interest of public health: During the last :-" two decades many diseases have been conquered. There is reason ".) to believe that' more and more progress will be made, that many .... "ctlODS now ratal will gradually ~e1d to medical researcb. Your and he alone, is well inform¢. on these new discoveries. He includes neW medicinal agents in his practice as soon as their therapeUtic value has been established. Depend on your doctor. Depend on us to fill his prescriptions exactly as or4cred. , •;. Dan Daily • i • GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY In Technicolor RA'l'URDAY MATINEE 1:00 P.M. Special Children's Show ~4StJPEB.MAN'· ''DICK TRACY' (Final Chapter) Free Comic Books MONDAY & TUESDAY EVELYN KEYS - On par"ty-linetelephones,courteal' pays dividends I Be brief ••• Space calls .• ~ Hang up gently • • • Take the lead iu good party.line manners. n will mean bettorservice for all. doctor. aLEN FORD "TIlE l\lA.TlNG OF MILLY" Bather WIlli,... -ON AN DILAND Wl'l'h WED. &'THURS. Edward Arnold Burt T.anceRer -ALL lIlY SONS" nl a.n T111.1tI1i C•••••, Mic••el'. College Pharlllaey If , ••••,In.11 • ON THE CORNER Swarthmore National Bank ) & Trust· Co. - Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Now You can buy U. S. Savlugs Bonds automatically ough the new Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at thts Bank AIR CONDITIONED • '. OLIVER H. lAIR CO. 1120 CHESTNUT STRIIT .....'" . C-o. .(11","'SO" tt fGf' the SCHOOL YEAR ENDI"" JULY 5, 1948 TAXATION PROPERTY TOTAL . $175,816.76 , .24 499.66 176.316.66 2.531.09 3,021.84 Net amount of 1941 tax co11eeted Sunday, August 22 11 :00 A. M.-Dr. Lefftrts A. Loetscher "The Church of Jesus Christ." Wednesday, August 25 10:00 A. M.- Surgical Dressings Group Meets. ~:aTCtloa:. ~~ ... ... METHODIST CHURCH TUition non·resident pupib. •• Interest • •• • • • •• ••• • • • • • •• Roy N. Keiser, D.D., Mluister Sale of real etta~, IUptlies Sunday, August 22 and ...1""""'. •• • ... . • • . • 10:00 A. M. Church SchooL AU otIIer ewl"CeS. • •••••••. _ 11:00 A. M. Dr. Henry E. Walhey TtJtal receip~ .... , ... " . . . . 110,763.13 ••••••••• , 170,763.13 RECEIPTS Ballance on hand July 7. 194' All funds exclusive of Sink· lug Fund ..........' •••• $ 31,022,43 p .......... tax 1947 ......... • $170.763.73 Per capita tax 1947 ••••••• IlOIlCI Delinquent tax· (Prcvlowo to. 1947) • • • . . • 2.637.67 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 State appropriation: Tachom • no more than their share. Friday and Saturday O':I~th::eTr==========================::; ",venue returned the fu"t I Swarihmore 2080 • MEDIA . nlDg, September 13, at 8 o'clock i AMOUNT OF SCjIOOL TAX ------------~--------------.-------'---.- College Theatre -=- - As ....ed of "'uation of ....ble real _ Number mUla levied •• " • • • • • • • •.• • • • • • .• • • • • • • $5 •581 ,...'75 •00 First Day School Program. for the Number assessed with per' '~pha"iaX"""'" •••.•• •••.•.•••...... 31.5 .comffi '. g W1Jl . t er I on M ond ay eve- Rate of per capita tax ...••.............................. , ... ' , aoae DODe Flo_*" Call SwathmOre 0121 or 89M --- There will be a meetlug of all those who are luterested Iu the' We Telecraph NOVELTY AND DEOOBATlVIi 0MilIDI.E L. Henry Le Baron --- - - - Friends Meeting Notes .. 9 Chester Road _. ---,-,_._- - . , . ~ ..... MORRIS P. EVANS a SON Lemon Chiffon Pies .SalrUday Specials Oaly IFresh Peach and Apple Cakes -- oi DARTMOUTH &-1 AFAYETTE AVES. Genuine Engraved Wedding Invitations and Announcements F,iday Special ODly - a~ed • Marian S. Brown MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTroNS , ! .I' i"'~""~~""~~""~""~""~~""~""~""~""~~""~""~ ....~~....~....~.... ~~....~....~.... ~.... ~.... ~~....~....~~~ . . . . . . .'+~+++¥+'V+++~.....,.... The Rev.•Ioseph P. Bishop new Bonny Jean graduated from paslor 01 the church will perform' Middlebury College in 1947. Mr. the double C'eremony. Rickson is at pre....ent Middlebury after several years Miss Katheri').e Margaret Downing of Swarthmore will be maid overseas with the i~fantry. of honor for Bonny Jean who will Betty Ruth graduated from Welwed Mr. Oliver Rickson. son of. lesley College in June and her Mr. and Mrs. Bertil Rickson of betrothed graduated from Exeter • TO WED AUGUST 30 The wedding of Miss Elizabeth • swarthmore 3243 May Nester. daughter of Mr. and Deliveries Saturday only during summer months Mrs. John Paul Nesler of Dartmouth avenue. and Mr. Roman Andre Paska. son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paska of Baltimore. Md. will take place Monday, August REAL ESTATE 30 at 10 a.m.. at Our Lady of Party·line service Perpetual Help Church. Morlon. List yoar Delaware County is better than fair Rev.....John B'. Wise. of Baltimore, Properties WUh Us. When users use FOR I i R U' 5 S ELL ., 5 If 0 - , "RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN" CALL 04 - SWABTHMOBEAN week from a fortnight 1IiBit C'?:th her sou-iu-law and daughter Mr. PUBLISHED EVERY FDDAY AT SWARTHMOBE, PA and Mrs. William R. Walters, Jr. THE SWARTII1IIOBEAN. INC.• PUBLISBEB Iu Moutrea1. Mrs. Walters and her Phone Sw&l1bmore 89M baby daughter Jennifer accompPB'JEB Eo ToLD, EdItor JllAB.JOBIE TOLD, AlIIIOOIIIto EdItor anied Mrs. LiDgle to visit with her Barbara Kent Peggy Keenen Rosalie Petrsol EdIth Whitaker Iu Swarthmore and with friends Iu Narberth for a week. Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Mrs. Mabel Hutchison, who has Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the. Act of March 3, 1879. bOOn visiting relatives Iu Maryville, DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Tenn. in the Smokies, returned to the home of her son-in-law and SWARTII1IIOBE, PA., FBlDAY, AUGUST 20, 194B danghter Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Bernard of Rutgers avenue on Presbyterian Church Notes Iu Whittier House. Teachers, par- Friday after an absence of six This Sunday moming at the ents and all concerned members weeks. 11:00 o'clock service the guest of the Meeting are asked to be Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hoppreacher will be the Rev. Dr. present to discuss plans with the son of Rutgers avenue, accompLefferts A. Loetscher, Assistant committee and staff. anied by their· children Roberl Professor of Church History at and Sue, spent last week at Ocelll\ A social hour will follow the Princeton Theological Seminary. meeting. City, N. J. Dr. Loetscher has written the book Mr.. J. Roy Carroll of Norih During Its last session, held at "A Brief HIstory of the Presby- Media on Au~t 10 the Concord Chester road has had as her'guests terians." The sermon .vill be ''The Quarterly Meeting of Friends tor the two weeks during the abChurch of Jesus Christ." placed Delaware Coun\;)r FrIends sence of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy CarMrs. Eleanor M.cMichael will on record as opposed to eonscrip- rolL Jr~ at Northeaat Harbor, Me., be the organist and MIas Chris- tion by adopting a statement ori- her aister-in-law MIss PrIscilla tiDe Harris the soloist. .giDa1ly prepared by representa- Carroll. and her niece MIas Carotives of nearly every Yearly :Meet- Une Walton, both of PiIiladelphia. lug in Amerl.... Mrs. J. Archer Turner, Jr. of Methodist Chureh Notes _________________________ Cornell avenue by The Church School meets SunNEWS NOTES /ler son JeD .u.d her mother Mrs. day morning at 10 o'clock. Mr d M WiUlam J DeCin Emma C. Donovan wIll,be at SkyDr. Henry E. Walhey will preach dis ~rlm:it, avenue .:nd ~ ~d Farm at Buck Hill unW at the 11 o'clock service. The Church Nursery will be chilpren Diana, John and Peter unday. leave tomorrow for two weeks lit - - - - - - - - - - - - - open during the moming service. Ocean City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. J. Archer Turner, Trinity Note& Jr. of Cornell avenue and their The Rev. J. Wesley Twelves, children Jeb, Chuck and Jan, rereetor of· the Church of the Epi turned Friday from a two week ph3IlY, in Germantown, will conDon't dean duct the 8 o'clock CommUDion vacation at Beach Haven, N. J. While there Mr. ad Mrs. Turner rup at home service and the 11 o'clock service attended an Open House aboard with ma¥.e"f Morning Prayer. Mr. Nathaniel. Ewer's three mast·.bilt meth· Ushers at the 11 o'clock service ed schooner the "Lizzie Evelyn." include: J. W. Jones, head usher: Mr .. and MI.... Russell De Burlo S. B. Brewster, C. S. Brown, S. D. of Ogden avenue left last week for Clyde; W. M. Harvey; W. C. Hogg. a trip to the West and Banff and Jr.; S. D. Reynolds; and G. E. For ucelle,,, rug cleaning, caR Lake Louise in Canada. They plan Wagner. to VlSit Mrs. De Burlo's brother Mr. Edward Thatcher Iu MIunChristian Sci'el1ce Church eapolio and tour YeI.1owstone and 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore. Pa. "MIND" is the subject of the Glacier National Parks before they Sw;uthmore 0130 ot 0'29 Lesson Sermon Iu all Churches return next month. . Clearbrook 4646 of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Mrs. Roy P. LIngle of Cornell R." N ••d CI ....in.. THI August 22. The .Golden Text is: '''fhe Lord giveth wisdom: out of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - AUDITOR'S ANNUAL IIEPORT his mouth cometh knowledge and SCHOOL mSTRIC OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHlo!ORE understanding" (Proverbs 2:6) DELAWARJ;; COUlITY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA . ~f Boston will be best man for his brother. Ushers will be another THE THE 'SWARTllMQREAN WHILE YOU .SHOP Ann Elizabeth Moore of Huston; and Nancy Corr of Milwaukee. Mr. David Lawrence l'I1cCoubrey CHESTEB and FAIRVIEW ll.OADS THEATRE SQUARE YOlJ" In technicolorl Friday, AugUst ZO, 1948 Friday, August ZO, 1M8 SWABTBMOBEAN EXPENSES Geo«aI Con.rol (:A) ••••••••• $ 7.083.8' ,•••••••••••. 174,189.40 AuxiUary Agencies (e) .••.•• 9,50',73 Instruction (D) Operation CD) • • • • ••• .. • .• 30,H3.81 ••••• ,.... 8,132.60 43.584.50 Mailltea.a.tlCe (E) 39,822.70 101.0S Fixed Charles 39.59 Debt Senioe (G) . _ • • . . • • .• 1.719.6' 289,691,36 Capital Ou.Jay (D) • • • • • • • • 5,609.72 262,746,18 26.945.1' •••••••••• ASSETS THE RELlGIOUS SOCIEl'Y SclIool BuUdinp and Silcl at Cost ................................ $984,097.92 TCltt~ and Equipment at Coat •••••••••••••••••••...••••••• _•. _. 147.335.99 OFPRIENDS 1941 'tax (Carrent Year) • ~ •••.••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••..•••• _. 2.531.09 Sunday, August 22 1946. Tax...................................................... 664.60 I ;~f~ 11:00 A. M.-Meeting for Worship \945. Tax ............. n.;.:.... ........................... ..... . PrrvtOUI to 1945 LIlIP te ••.•••..•.•••. _. . . • . . • . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • , • (No provision for child .care Tuitioo Receiveable '94'.' L ' • . • ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~,235.40 durinl August) Balance on hand aU .1'UlKIB excluding Sinldq Fuad ••••••••••••••••• , 26.945.18 Wednesday, August 25 Total Asoets .............................................. $ 9:30 to 3:30-Sewing and QuIlting in Whittier House Box LIABILITIES Luncheon. All cordially in- Bonded I n d _ (With V"", of E1ectora..) ......................$117.000.00 Bonded Indfobtedn... (Without Vote of Electorate) ••••• 38,000.00 vited. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue bel<>w Harvard Sunday, August 22 11:00 A. :M.~lnday SehooL 11:00' A. M.-Sunday I;esson. Se.rtnon "MIND" ~ Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 p.m. Reading room open dally except Sunday and lIolidaJ5 12 to 6 p.m. Wednes4DY neninI 7 to 7:45 p.m. and II to 11:30 p.Ut,. • • • • • • • .. • •• • • ''i/' J. , fl,Gman6 ~oy 20,722.92 Trtal • ~. _•... " .. ,... (To Be AvaiIab1~ for School Year 1948-49) 6 • h ' •..••••• 236.4\3,54 (F) SUYMARY ~~t :A~~S (Item 14) .......•.••..•.•......... , ......... $289,691.36 Na\ Cnrnnt ExpoMeo (I..... . A.F Inc) $~:t6.413.54 'l'otal Debt SeiVice' (ttem~ 'G) .:: 20.722.92 Total Capital Outlay (Item H) 5.609.12 TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson. Rector Sunday, August 22 8:00 A. M.-Holi COlr.mtinlon 11:00 A. M.~The Rev. J. Wesley • Twelves will preach. BaImee on BaM • • . That's 'what "wise guys" of th.e 1880's. called the newfangled electric service. And that's all it might be today -IF ..• IF people hadn't risked their savings to start el!lCtric companies such as yours, and to keep them growing. IF others, often against expert advice, hadn't poured out their energy and time.:... to extend the wires farther and farther, make tRe service better and better, bring the rates lower and lower, They took the .risks - they developed the skills - and everybody benefits. That's the way the AmericaD. business system • T~n' Salaries ................ ' •••••• ~.. • . .... .$25~449.34 Supplies • ••••••• •••• ..... ........................... 17.G3 AD . Other A.c:counIa ...... ~ .. • • • • • • •• .................. 129.30 works. RidJ. man's toyl Today, electricity is eveIf.D1an's gooil right arml Amoaid: of Tax Col' ......... Boild. •••••••••••••••••• $116.660.10 Amoonl or Troonrer'o !load •••••••••••••••••••• 2,5000.00 Amoon' of S ""- Friday, CLASSIFIED ALT tL!TIONS' I - .. • FOB BENT PERSONAL Young. Earlham .-=--~-:-c---,----:--:---::College professor and wife on WANTED-Single room by female leave' or absence to study at the Penn State student riear col- FOR RENT-Double room, twin beds. Breakfast 0 p t Ion a 1. University of Pennsylvania, need lege. Occupy later part of Sept. Swarthmore 3140. living accommodations in Phila· Reply Box T, The Swartlunorean. delphia or suburbs beginning late . ~--,,------:---:---: September or October. They would WANTED-Family of three quiet FOR RENT-Large pleasant room on second floor, for two men. be very grateful if some kind soul adults, born in Swartlunore and Most convenient location fOr bus would inform them of the avail- wishing' to .. t a yin vicinity ability . of an apartment, smaIl would rent house or apartment lines, tea rooms, village. Telehouse or rooms-preferably fum. before September 25. Will mak.r phone Swartlunore 2194. ished. Do you know of any such all minor repairs and give place - - - - - - - - - - - - accommodations? Pl"""e mite best of care. Phone Swarthmore to address following: Paul G. 2243.. Haslings, Earlham College, Rich· WANTEO--Room near colleg!, by mond, Indiana. female Penn State student. Oc-PERSON~ Chemical engineer, cupy . latter 'part of September. Atlantic Refining Co., wife and Reply Box C, The Swarthmorean. child, require unfurnish"ll apart- WANTED-Business couple desment or houSe. Excellent references. Call Swarthmore 0552-M. perately need apartment. Three .. __ .. _.. rooms. private bath and entrance. PERSONAL -Vacuum Cleaners, Up to $55. Call Swarthmore )977irons, toasters and' radios re- M evenings. Pllired, called for and delivered. WANTED-=i';"m nearC'h;'-t-er CaIl Robert Brooks. Swarthmore bus for Girl Scout professional 1548. worker. Reply to Ruth Smith, 15 PERSONAL _.Electrical installa- Ocean Avenue. Ocean Grove, N. J. tions: wiring, old and new: Resi- WANTED-Garag~: -viCinity Fairdential and Commercial, Light and Apart from the quality view and South Chester roads. Power, Wa t er:h eat.ers, Ranges. . All References if necessarY Call of products we sell, you'll work done to' -FIre Underwnters .. .' specifications. Service on all Swarthm~re ..~581_-J: _. __ ~ .... ~ find we have the right slant on service too! We want makes of washers (Bendix in- W ANTEO--Day care of child you to come back.. We eluded), vacuum cleaners, ranges while mother works. 24 Sycairons, toasters, fans, lamps. Call more ·avenue, Morton. Phone believe in thoroughness Erich H. Hausen, Electrical Con- Swarthmore 0294-W. that's why we give your car iractor, Swarthmore 2850-W. 335 -------:---:--:--1 Park Avenue. WANTED-Small apartment for a bumper to bumper ~heck· - --- two young men in Swarthmore- ing. It isn't work with usPERSONAL-Penn State College Wallingford-Moylan area, convenit's servic.. and we like to Coed desires room for semester ient transportation. September oe~iv.. it! year. Reply Mrs. E. F. Williams, cupancy. Phone Media 6-2394. 16 Richmond Drive. 0111 Green~ -. hJ C o n' W ANTED--Someone to drive a WIC 0 , ~ ~_ . car to DP.nver. Colorado about PERSONAL--Young lady, recent September l. Call Swarthmore college graduate, wants apart- 9747. ment to share with one or two ---=--=--:-:c---:-~~--. --~ girls. Kitchen essential. Must be W ANTEO--Furnished apartment. near tranSportation, Reply Box D, two bedroom~. September 15 to . The Swarthmorean. about January 15. Can Lt. Ford. - - -_. --...,--- Swarthmore 2516. . ----PERSONAL-Capable, experienced woman would take care of WANTED -- Small housekeeping one or two children by hour, day apartment or room and bath or week. Phone Media 6-2658. with light housekeeping privileges -- .... - by single woman. Could bring I<'OR SALE own furniture. Replv Box E. The FOR SALE Rust colored' studio _S_w_a_rt_h_m_o_r_ea_n_._ _ couch with flowered cover. In good condition. $50., Media 6-3114. WANTED-Tricyclp for two-yearold. J;luy or rent. Call SwarthFoR SALE-Rust covered daven- more 2479-'\\' .. -. _.'-_. __ _ ... _--port, about 30 yards slipcover material at cost $1.00 yd. Swat1Jt- W ANTED---Co\lege couple desire apartment or room with Ught more 0460. cooking privileges near sc'hool. FORSALE-~·-Tb.Or;';:to~c Write Mr. P. F. Shea, 3815 Yolando washer, Thayer. baby carriage Road, Baltimore 18. Md. and Coldspot refrigerator. C a II _ .. _. ..' _ .. __ ~ _ _ __ Yale Avenue & Chester Rd. Swarthmore 3321-.1. W ANTED---College student, reFOR SALE-W;;;dell ~G. ~McN~ cently oiischarged naval officer SWARTHMORE 1250 pro~eJ1Y. Providence R a ad. and working wife desire houseMedia. Large old shade trees sur- keeping apartment in Swarthmore ..ound 11 room, three bath dwel- vicinity. No children. no pets. Call ling. Hot water heat, sleeping Media 6-3646. or Mr." Roland Rt porch, stable, kennels and 11 acres. the college. For infonnation call Edmund Jones, Esq., 25 East Fifth Street. Driveway ConstrueUon Chester, Pa. Chester 3-6156. TREE SURGERY Asphalt or Concrete FOa- S~Large voium~- His-= PRUNING, LIMB AND tory' of Chester County" with . TREE REMOVAL PETER DI NICOLA genealogical an tl biographical ROBERT HASTINGS sketches. $12.00. "History of ChesC II S _~L_ 0.'5 W Phone Swarthmore 25241 Meals. Finder please call Dr. Heckman. Swarthmore 4581. LOST-Black leather case with glasses between American Store, Madisons and Cornell and Yale. Please Phone Swarthmore 0119-J. PETER E· TOLD A,l1 Lines Of Insul'IUJI)e 333 D,lrtmouth Avenue Swarthmore 1833 LOST-Man's wrist watch. with stainless case, grey strap, August 10. Vicinity Swartlunorp. Apartments. Reward. Call Swarthmore 2588~T. -- ROOFS G~ REPAIRED AND INSTALLED Furnace Repairs & Clellnlna Call GEORGE \liTEM 40g Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 LOST-Grey male cat, some black and white markings. Reward. Swarthmore 0887-W. LOST-N ear Bouquet Beauty Shop. Gold clip earring, circle of 10 moonstones, rhinestone center.- Call Swarthmore 2061. • > Swarthmore 14148 FOUND WILLIAM BROOKS FOUND-Yellow long-baired kitten. with brown leather collar. Female. Call Swarthmore 0429. Ashe.., & Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General Hauling 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. _u_ F.F.ZIMMERMAN PhoJographer "'Outstanding for Qualiiy" Media 6-0436 6 E. Front St. .I- 1 I Df'vine Taxi Servif'f' FUNERAL DffiECTOR Fonnerly of Media 1125 W. Lehigh Ave., Phila. Phone Baldwin 11'10 No a:tional charge for suburban calls , .-'""'...... -" ... -'"- ........ - ~~ ' .... ~ ......... SWARTHMORE. PA. CALL Serving Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 Mason Builder!' • Supply Company PHONE: 331 Dartmouth AvenDe Swarthmore 03405 Swartbmore 0444 Building ~---~- .' A. Mercer- Quinby Block..~ Since 1905 All Sizes .1f; Cent and up CUNNINGHAM Delivered Painters 41; Pa)ler Baqers W.. 8hould know how Swa. 2%66 1II1ehipu Ave COMBINATION DOORS - SOREENS Coal - Imtnbes' Building Ma....IaIs . .. • In • the name ,of LIFE • • • .. ".- srop sign Hannum·& Waite on a road means just what signs by figuring every BDgle of traffic and We-you and I and die man it says-STOP your . , car and make certain road conditions. He disregarded the warn- can that you have a clear right of way before ing. Drove his car into the main road with· drive and walk safely. Probably ,here will ter and Delaware Counties"memwith geneological and personal oirs. Two volumes. $12.00. Phone continuing. out even slowing down - smack into always be a certain n.umber of people who • "It won't hurt you to stop' for the few another car that couldn't get out of the way wiU be ~ careless of the :~~:~;=--::::-:-' --OR-op-~r:i-ns';j:: ated automatic gas range. Tele- "A seconds needed to make sure you will be safe. It may hurt you plenty if y~u don't, cut ~ door- traffic accident& to q rn.in.iliwm if IDe ridW of in time. He will never drive again. And two the other /elWw-and they drWe tIusI way. youngsters in the second car were hurt. . The vast majority of us want to lWe and let live. Let's all get together on thi&-wida It n'lay even kill you. "Another traffic tragedy that could have the right attitude. Let's be as courteous fDherI "Like this accident; A driver thought he . been avoided. If you are driving on a through we drive as we are in other everyday em- was smarter than the combined experience . highway and are coming to a cross road- tacts with people. Then all of us am licIc of men who make safety their lifework ••• slow down. When you come to a STOP who plan just where to put these STOP road-STOP in the name of life." traffic accidents. JOIN THE DRIVE TO STAY AUVE This Space Contributed By , ADOLPH'S BARBER SHOP HANNUM & WAITE AlJCE M. BAIRD THE BOUQUET BUCHNER'S E. L. NOYES and CO. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK. and. TRUST CO. , HOlLYHOCK. . ... . . SHOP '. . ., ' . '., ," ~JCE B~ER, GII!TS CHARLES FISC:8 It:R' . COLLEGE THEATRE THE INGLENEUK . PETER E. TOLD , 'It J. HOY 5 AND 10 RUSSELL'S SERVICE MICHAEI.'S COLLEGE PHARMACY MARTEL BROTHERS W. 'S. BITl'LE and , SON Swarthmore Disposru. Service phone Swarthmore 2160. .. Call U~ for information and E is • B _..;Zder i!;j ~=;;; :; i= Beef25c Ib EITHER CUBED OR GROUND !I iii 5 Interior & Exterior Swarthmore 2253 ;51 51 Reese·Baxter Co. FOR SALE-Pair football shoes-size 8; pail' track sboes-size 6%. PHONE 1984 as . PROMPT SERVICE WI,ln. anti ••"al,s BARRY A. BRBBL , Call Swarthmore 0235. WANTED VAN ALEN BROS . AU Types or Electrical Installations and Repain;. sn Serving Swarthmore and Vicinity for past Twenty Years 1180 Muhlenberll' Ave. Swarthmore 2285 Coal qp.d Fuel Oil NIGHT or DAY 711 FAffivJEW ROAD, SWARTHMORE SALES AND SERVICE RADIOS & HOME APPLIANCES !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ----. n $C • Swarth- WANTED - Apartment, more vicinity. Westinghouse engineer and wife. No children or pets. Local recommendations. Call Hargiss. Swarthmore 9728. • nAVE WOOD ERNEST "SMITH PAINTING WANTED small unfUrnished . . apartment for single, middleaged woman. Media 6-3905. WANTED Couple desires to rent house for winter or longer beginning Sept. 15. No pets ~ chilo . dren. References exchanged. Peter Lombard, swarthmore 1049. as A. WAYNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Chester • SWARTHMORE 9725 . - - - - - -.. ---- .. ---~.--------- MOSTELI"ER SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE· . TO ORDER CALL .~ Builders" ,Swa.r&hmore 3450 iii p A. I NT I N G = ~ estimates Dll[or,ace A. Reeves Generation i! = Delivered To Your Door FOR SALE-Kiddie Koop screened crib; metal bed with coil springs and Spring seat scooter. Call Swarthmore 2416-M. and • Bdwanl L. R07•• a Co. SWARTHMORE 0114 M WANTED-We will b~. at pest p~ old cbin~ ~. ~- ~7~~~M"=~~~7t==~~M======r"=~==~r====~r-=====~F=====~n~I ... i ;;; ;; 5 5 ; 1 !Ii HOl'Se Meal 20clb FOR SALE-Black Scotty puppies, pedigreed. C a J I Swarthmore 0634-W. ----FoR SALE--Choice grain fed steers, ready for lockers. Bruce F. Durnall, Swarthmore 4513. • = C 1 E P' h hnr .es· • (' Mr .pr Attention Swarthmore Dog Owners ~IIIIUIIDUlUHUIIIIIHllUHlluIUIIIHnHlllluIIIIHllj . SwarUunoreruL WANTED-Three adult Sw~rthmoreans need small unfUrnished apartment or house September 1. Phone Swarthmore 0552-R. Good materials and skillful workmen are now available. illllllllllllH81UUHIIIUlRIUIIIIIHIIIIIUIUlUIIUIllIllIII'iij Il~==a==w=~=~==o ==~==-==~~.~.~.~.~.~.~. ~.~.:':':':.~.:.:.:.:.:':.~'t:.~.~I~ ______ .___ .. ___ . ___ WANTED-YOWlg college instructor and wife desire 3 or 4 room apartment by September 10. No children. Reply J30x A. The Jf/ ANT TO BUILD? Rubbish Colleoled Weekb' or Monthly P.hone Swarthmore 3343 , 9 A. M. to 5.30 P.M. Paintinll • and > Paperhanging "A Wen Kept Rouse Never Grows Old" DECORATING PRONE SWABiiBHOBB 1I'1t Media 0755 THE' SWABTHMOBEAN & NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones d their daughter Beth are l~v­ Dr. and Mrs. ,G. L. Armitage of South Chester road are enter- l~ for Eaglesmere at th~ begmtaming Mrs. Armitage's brother- J rung of the ,week. TheIr ,home in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. on S~arthmore avenue t will be William D. Wermouth, fonner res- occuP";d III ud\'ertisement) lmlnllce In tell clu)',M, Uther cOllllllloll~ 011 dll)' of snle, Ll"\'nrl Jo'llclas Nu, M!!II Dec. Tenn, J ;48 Sltunte 011 lhe Southwe~-t corner tlr J :sth lind Welsh Streets, III the City or Chester, County of Delaware and stat~ of l'ennsyh'llnla, Cimtalnlng In front nlollJt II"ld 13th Street 401',* .. and edendln;!' of thnt width In length or depth Soullt. enJoltwllrdJy 19,'%'1 to land ot the Oliin more nnd Ohio RaJirOlld the Northeast, wllnlly nne thereof along the said Welsh Street, aud the Southwestwardly IlIw lhereof along Sproul Street. Bounded 011 the North b)' 13th Street on the En.~t by W~IRh Street and on the South by lood uf the- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and tht· We~t by Sproul Street. No Impro\'emen~Vncnnt ground. Suld liS tlle property of Mary H. Dcnh' &It. lit heirs of Mary Engle Bakhmeetfl' '" Truxton IIMle, dec'd, Owners or rt'lmll-.1 nwnel1t. Alh'; Thnmns A. CUrren, Rsq. O. R. Watkins. Sherif!. SWIfT'S ~::t- PREM Specially Priced 45. 39c Stuffed OliYes Sp.llldl Jar Plain Oliy"s Oil,.. 7·.. I" Peanut Blltter ASGI I" Ho•• MayonnaIse 0.11 .. lu Libby'. IG,2' ,lt Plums , IIItlll' Dill Pickles .oy " I" Speed.up Ammonia h. BALA CLUI Refre,hrav BEVERAGES 3~ 25 c . .... Plus bOllle dop •• I. "nd 'onnlll. Tillie I" Penna, mar.f'fI. 2Bc 3lc 45c 25c 25c 10c " " .. I ALSO HOT OR REGULAI CATSUP • ~.:' -OIITar - 'v., ·It 18c 14·1\1 bot iiiiiiffoES 10 39c FOR 10 DAYS jONLY Ibs ,or L-Imes Fluh ,... Lon.' - ···.15 P:lII,.rd "'! _ ":IJI Island Lima III"",... 11:,'"" " " GOO X 16 SIZE I . _.-. __ ... ".J ~. . A,RATHON Greening Apples :~~;~ - -.' Sweet fresh corn', a real treat whe.....rve" wit. that famous . S"eet Cream America's Great Prize Win n f n 9 8utter, • household favorite for generaii(lRs. Always dependable. AlwGys elellelaus., Enhances the Bovoi' of lIIaay fresh vegettlb!'!-s. SHARP CHEDPIR CHEESE .. ll, REDUCED TO a5c 95 $ Plus Tax 35c 41c Re~',l.1' Marathon is backed by Goo~year's Price $ 12.95 ' Standard Guarantee' the same warranty that cover!.. every th'e bearing the GOQdyear name. It "runs and runs and runs" _ ,gives you long wear and Cemstock Sliced "'I"I'I';-s- 2 'f;,': 25c Re'" Sour Pitted Pie Cherries N;;,." 27c Fancy Blueberries NO;.:'' ' 31 c ~ Bille Wi ••er UapeelM HALVES APRICOTS .:;z.. 25' ~"t ... -to Hal",. In,Eaeh Caa, La Hll'll~. L11r:n~y·s Fruit Cocktail ••;:~ 37c' Farmdale Peas ~_ 2 ... 2&c' .•. . ,• -•• , $2 •90 W I'I son •s,Corned Beef Hash I!:, 31c Grated Light Meat Tuna Fish :. 37c Ideal' Desserts ........ 3 .... 19c ACrlle Whole Gold:: Con ":;.., 19c .Iersey Cranberry Sauce . 2 l!o:' 29c ' Sunrise Tomato Juice ...: 19c Old ~out. Oran,e Juice 1. :;: 49c I"' ..... , FDey Orallge Juice __, 21c ; ~ , • • -------- non-sktd ~afety. ',frade in your worn tires now and save! LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES ~1"lJS(~() liNI) lil..S'I'()N ,STUDEBAKER SALES ANT) SERVICE" South Chester and Fairview ijoad Phone Swarthmore 9793 • GIVING YOUR • FLOWERS THE SWARTHMOREAN • VOLUME 20-NO. , 35 SWABTIIl\IIORE, FRIDAY, AUGus,T 27. INS . Scott Lilly Dies, In Wa11ingford GEORGE L ALSTON FOR THE FLOWmulSS $3,00 PER YEAR ~han~es Smalley Ends Register For JUdg~~~~~!,!~~~ 15 Yrs. Service Draft Aug. 30 Pool last week's SWARTHMOREAN article on the status of the Swarthmore swimming pool project. it is not yet necessary to give up all hope, Mrs. Justus Garrahan, chairman of the Membership Committee reported. College Professor's Busy Life Ends At Home . Postmaster Retires On 31st, H. M. Teal Successor Men To Sign Up At ' High School Gym Arrangements have been made by the Local Draft Board with the Swarthmore Schools for the regiSFive or ten families were distration of men 18 or over, and uncovered who, for some unaccountder 26 years of age. The registraable reason, had not received intion will take place in the high vitations to join, and it is believed school gymnasium on the days inthat there may be others in this Born in Powershiek County; dicated in the proclamation of categocy who would be interested Iowa in 1885. Mr. Lilley graduated Governor Duff announcing the Mrs. Garrahan stressed that it was froin Michigan Stale College in draft. The hours of t'egistration not the intention of the committeE> 1906, He received his civll enwill be between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 to leave anybody out. Newcomers gineer degree from Cornell Unip.m. to SWarthmore are invited in pa:tversity where he held an instrucThe schedule of registration is icular. to investigate the project. torship from 1907 to 1910. He as follows: held the Henry C. and J. Archer Alfred P. Smalley who was ap• A numb.r of calls was received • (a) Persons born in the year Turner professorships of Engifrom persons who wanted to know pointed postmaster here on AugJ 922 after August 30. 1922, shall neering at Swarthmore where he what they could do to help out. 23, 1933 will retire from the office be registered' on Monday. the 30th was an assistant professor beThey were advised to contact their on the 31st of this month. having day of August. 1948. tween 1910 and 1917. friends immediately and to con- completed the 15-year service per(b) Persons born in the year After this time Mr., lJlley Alston Heads Affairs tinue to pester them until an ap- iod of the government retirement 1923 shall be registered on Tuesworked as an engineer for priplication blank was aciualJy signed plan. In Delaware With his wife Aravl1a. Mr . day. the 31st day of August. 1948. vate companies until 1929 when and delivered. Judging Ifrom the number of people who have said Smalley has lived at 309 Yale ave- or on Wednesday, llie 1st day of he returned to the college as a full County professor of engineering. He had "You can count me in" there will nue !for a quarter century,' mov- September, 1948; (c) Persons born in the year been chairman of the division of George L. Alsion. of North be no membership problem at all; Ing here from Erdenheim, Pa.. in 1924 shall be registered on Thurs1922 alld taking up' residence at still those who have 'actualJy signengineering here since 1936. Chester . road, has been named day, the 2nd day of September. Mr. Lilly was the co-author of Chairman of the Committee for ed on the dotted line. with or with- the Yale avenue address after a uAnalytical :Mechanics." He was. a Coordination of County Activities out the accompanying cash, con- year in a house on Vassar avenue. 1948. 9r on Friday. the 3rd day Before becoming postmaster he of September. 1948; past National Director of ,the for Pennsylvania Week. The ,ane stitute a much smaller number. was in the building supply busi(d) Persons born in the year American Society of Civil Engi- nual celebration to he observed O~ about two' weeks remain ness with offices in Wilmington, 1925 shall be registered on Saturneers and chairman of the Com- from Sunday. September 26. before the finlll inventory will be Del. day. the 4th· day of Septemher. lnitlee on Professional training through Shturday. October 2. has taken aod the final decision made. The year Mr. Smalley took over 1948. or on Tuesday. the 7th day of the Engineer's Council 'or Pro- as its goal the interest of each citi- Pool Committee President Joho the local postal administration fessional Development and held zen as'to PennsYlvania's wealth , of Seybold urged that anybody who the gross receipts totaled $28.311. of September. 1948; (e) Persons born in the year memberships in the Ame:ican Ar- natural resources and diversity of has any ideas, either in connect33. Last year they reached an an19.26 shall be registered on Wedbitration Association, the Ameri- industrial development. It is the ion with the membership effort or can Association of University Pro.. dual 'objective of emphasizing the the cons\!:'Uction problem. should nual $67.981.43. an increase of nesday. the 8th day of September. 140%. . fessors. the Sorjety for the pro- state's past anet present aohieve- get in tou!hwlth.him; 1948. or on Thnrsday. the 9th day Employees at the post office in of September. 1948; motion of Engineering Education. ments and using that -knowledge 1933 numbered 10. At present (f) Persons horn in the year and the American Concrete Insti- for economic, cultural and recreaREGiSTER NEW PUPILS there are 22. 20 regular and 2 cus- 1927 shall be registered on Friday. ·tute. He was a1s9 a· member of Itonal inlprovements. the lOth day of September. 1948. the honorary engineering societies All new pupils who have not todian. The Pennsylvania Week proUp until November. 1935 when it or an Satw·day. the 11th day of Sigma Tau, Sigma Xi. and Taux gram seeks to stimulate interest. done so are urged to register at moved into its own new building Beta PI. both in the state. and locally in the College avenue school office on Rutgers avenue the postoffice September, 1948; (g) P-arsons born in the year In 1946 he served as consultant the community. Mr. Alston, whose the week of August 30. between was housed lIt 15 South Chester the hours of 9 a,m. and 4 p.m. 1928 shall be registered on Monto the Baldwin Locomotive works activities extend throughout road. day. the 13th day of' September, aod was Instrumental in getting the state. will have the job of c0- During this ,week special effort On July 1. 1943 the postoffire will be made to give careful indifor the engineering department was officially changed from a sec- 1948.'"r on Tuesday. the 14th day ordinating community activities vidual attention to each new puof September, 1948; at Swarthmore a 600.000 pouod ond class of1ice to a first class one, pil registering. After September in Delaware County. testing lnachine, used in research (h) Persons born in the year based on volume of business. Vice-President, Secretary and 7, due to scheduled conferences work on the field of structures. The employees and patrons of 1929 shall be registered on Wedand examinations requiring the Mr. Lilly Is survived by his Treasurer of General Steel Castthe Swarthmore mail center will nesday; the 15th day of September. wife, Jean McCoy Lilly, a son, ings Corporation in Eddystone, presence of members of the school miss Mr. Smalley's touch, but 1948. or' on Thursday. the 16th day staff, such individual consideration Scott. Jr .• and a daughter Mary Mr. Alston.' in addition to other none more than the littlest patrons of September, 1948; will not be available to parents and Alice. (i) Persons born in the year who stood on tiptoe to peer over interests is also President of the new pupil-. the window .counters with eager 1930 before September 19. 1948. Funeral services were held Parents are asked to accompany eyes searching for Mr. Smalley shall be registered on Friday, the Monday afternoon in the Trinity Chamber of Commerce in tlte 'City Church. of Chester and Delaware County. pupils 'at registration time. They each time they. accompanied some- 17th day of September. 1948. or on are asked to brtng the following one on a trip to the post office, Saturday. the 18th day of Sep_________..c:.__~___·_____________ 1 papers with them: record from There was a special sign if any tember. 1948. previous school, or last' report child spotted him and caught his ·(D Persons who were born on cards; hirth or baptismal certifi- eye. A sjlent signal. the child or after September 19. 1930. shall 'cates; any transfer papers from raised one finger and Mr. Smalley be "registered on the day they atprevious school; and vaccination responded similarly and disaptain the 18th anniversary of the certificates. peared. ImmediatelY. as if by day of their birthl or within five magic. the lobby door marked days thereafter, July first the liner Britannic Scotland arrlvmg in' Glasgow where they visited the University "Postmaster" opened and the child Male ciii:t.ens of the ages indisailed from New York's harbor L V· W· WORKSHOP of Glasgow. From there they eonentered, closing it behind. him. cated above who are away from with four young Swarthmoreans STARTS MONDAY Soon he emerged with several col- home shall present themselves to aboard. Ginny Peel of Columbia tinued to Edinburgh and saw the The League of Women Voters orful hard candies in 'his smaU the Draft Registration Board in the avenue, Sandra and Barbara Cros- Edinhurgh Castle. Holyrood PalWorkshop on United Nations will grasp. The mysteries behind the communities where they happen to .et o~ Ridley Creek road and ace, Prince's street and Loch Lahold its second meeting Monday. closed dpol' were guarded by the be on the day or days 01 registraCharles Keenen of Harvard ave- mond in the Trossaks. Five days August 30 from two to four o'ciock small fry society, though a mother tion. Those who, for reasons belater the group started toward nue, who were members of the Ulat the home of the chairman Dr. who on~e accompanied her tiny yond their control, are unable to ster American Youth Group leav- where they viewed York Minster. Frances Fussell at 451 Riverview daughter 011 an initiation trip ,into present th~mselves for registration ing for a seven wl"'k tour of the and the famous Walls of York. the inner-sanctum came out willi on the above days shall do so as They were fortunate in seeing r~ad. British lsles. Ten days later they • visions of a large transparent jar soon as possible after the cause landed in Cobh. Ireland and trav- many famous places in and about in which one could see, sparkling for such inability ceases to exist. eled from there through Dublin London including Windsor Castle, rut·and·Runner At Large like jewels, a myriad of colorful Oxford and Eaton Colleges. Hamp. to Belfast by slow train. The Flush, ten-year-old honey colorsweets challenging the freedom of group remained in and around Bel.. ton Court, Tower of London, Wested . cocker spaniel of the H. Bardchoice of the little guest. fast for three weeks staying in the minster Abby, SI. Paul's CatheREGISTRARS well Lincoins. was found dead in Howard M. Teal of 404 Haverhomes of Irish families. While dral. Buckingham Palace. StratNEEDED the gutter In front of his owners' ford place has been appointed actthey were there they visited a ford on Avon, warwick,Castle MaRegistrars are urgently ,linen mill. a" shirt factory in Lon- dame Tousads Wax Works. The home at 143 Ogden avenue last ing postm&ster. to succeed Mr. needed to assist with the donderry, saw the Giants Cause- Parliament Buildings. Lloyds of Friday afternoon. The victim ac- Smalley. and will _ume his new Peacetime Draft Registration cording to Mr. Lihcoln. was hit duties on September 1. Mr. Teal way and the Parllament build- London. and - both the Tower in the high school gymnaings where they were received by Bridge and London Bridge on a by the most vicious of all automo- attended Swarthmore Preparasium. daily. except SUnday. the Minister of Education and en- short ride down tM Thames one bile drivers-the hit-and-runner. tory School and graduated from between the hours of 8:30 Muhlenberg College in 19S5. takjoyed a'short trip down the Antrim afternoon. Many of them also a.m. and ,5:00 p.m.. Aug. 30 ing extra courses at the University Coast. The Queen's sister also viewed the Olympics arriving in to Sept, 16. Anyone willing Beleaved. of Pennsylvania. During World held a very lovely tea in their ttme to see the boxing and basketto contribute this public serMrs. S. H. Hemenway of Strath War II he was with the United honor. and they were at one time ball evenls and a few of the track vice. call Swarthmore 4567 received formally by the Lord events. They left Liverpool, Eng- Haven avenue was bereaved by States Department of Commerce. to report days and hours landFrlday AugUst 1'3 on the Brlt- the recent death of her father Mr. Since the war he has been in busiMayor of Belfast.' , available. After about· three weeks tn Bel- tanic arriving tn New Yorok last Charles P. McKown of Tunkhan- ness for himself as a commission broker In Philadelphid. nock, Pa; • fast they l ..ft Ireland by boat for SaturdaY. Scott B. Lilley, educator. civil engineer and chairman of the Division of Engineering at Swarthmore College. died Thursday afternoon at his home on PIU$h Mill road. Wallingford. He was 63. I Pa. Week To Begin Sept. 26 - Local Students Return From Summer In British Isles TIRE BY GOODYEAR BUTTER • ABE YOU Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson of SIIERWF SAL ...' uf Real Estute Mr. and Mrs. Harlen R. Jessup of Haverlord avenue with their children Harlan, Jr., Kathleen, and Martha are leaving for Wallingford. Vt. tomorrow. They will return after Labor Day. Switrth more,Pa. Friday, August 20, 1948 , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE AR'I'HMO COIA,E(; ~; .:j\mrthI,lOre G:'lle[e LIBflAIIY Library .-----l,M Swarth more, Pa. THE 6 NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones Dr. and Mrs. . G. L. Armitage and their daughter Beth are le~v­ of South Chester road arc enter- lng for Eilglesmere at the beglntaining Mrs. Armitage's brother-i nin g . of the week. Their . home in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. 011 Swarthmore avenue wIll be occupied by n.frs. Jones' parents William D. Wermouth, fanner reSidents of Swarthmore. for a few Mr. and Mrs. George H. Turner days. of Wilmington, Del. until their Owned and Operated by Americ:an Stores Company BETTER MEAT VALUES Just visIt your nearest Ac ... M~Qt Select the Departmeat. "ut you want. ancl you will • _ -::aC]l!i:r:e Immediately that yau get satisfactlo. for leu ",olley in the Acme. Con.merc:ial Steer lee,f STEAKS T~ndEl Juicy Slrloln-T·Boa. ... PO'"terhol!.e CHUCK ROAST RIB ROAST C.t.'~r.~:,,, ~EA BASS Ib Temler H~a. l IIlder 59- Ib Ibllnt In) ) 6ge Ib -- ~,-:.:: 23 c Ib .-;-~c--­ .arge Bosion MC!c:kerel Dressed Whiting 'cor.""~" Fonc:y Cod Fillets " 17 • 19 .. 35· ,.------FRUIT STOLI.EN- - - - 49 -~--, .. Virginia Lee SU9C]estions C each 0:.. Il:ed Cinnamon Buns Almond Streussel Coffee Cake Marshmallow COl:oanut BtlIr 301: ..··391: "" 39c SUPREME BREAD _ ,..I...._',_ '::: 14 C ~--.J SWIFT'S PREM Specially P,;ccrJ BALA CLUB Ref.cshing BEVERAGES 3 ~.~ 25c "jus bOllia dopolil and P('nnro. Trolt In Pennro, mo·klf't~. Mut DU,ar 7 '11 ·01 Stuffed Olives Splnhh jar Plain Ol!ves Dllllr• 7+DZ Ja. Ib Peanut Bdter "sea In ,1 Mayonnaise ;~Tt! libby's ND. Plums ..t Q" Dill P,ckles B". B.y In Speed·up Ammonia ,.1 " ,. ALSO HOT O~ R[GULAR lbs . I! • -r ~ ~"-' l,"1mes hClh Pat. Long Island Lima , ... '-,·"5 "II ~-~. ~~ , +" t + .. Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson of Park avenue, who are spending two weeks at Ocean City J entertained Mr. Jackson's mother Mrs. A. F. Jackson of Park avenue this past weekend. Jackie Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Jackson of Vassar avenue, left recen.t1y for Cotuit, Cape Cod where he will spenei celebrated her ninetieth birthday ten days visiting relatives. at that time. LEGAL NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Dorman MacBirney of Harvard avenue are enterSI:OIiI.-'Cl IJropusals w1ll be reccin.'<1 lit tht, taining Mrs. MacBirney's mother Of)icl~ uf lilt! L111ef Clerk or Ule COlli .. ~ l"umlllissiollers of Delaware (;OUlIl)". ; Mrs. Mary E. Wait of Newburgh, UIC Court House. ML'(1I8. I'll •• until U:UU N. Y. for several weeks. ~uon Eastern St.lludurd Time. 011 Tues· • da)', August U, 1948, abd will be publici)' Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Little- opl'lIcd at 1 :00 . P.M. Eastern Stalltlartl T,me on the slime dale, for furulshillJ.: field have returned from a ten I:!n.uuu )'Cn.Qnul 1'rolJcrty HduTII DlIIIa,k,. for tIle year 19·Ul, fur the use of tht! day trip through New England Uuanl ~Ir A~csslllcnt und ltc\'lslun of to "Walden", Wallingford, where TlIxcs. they are sp(~nding some t.·me Wl·th ubl:lillcd SIIC('ilh'aliulIs nlHl billdiuJ{ !ih\,t,t lila), ht' nt the Office of the Chit·, ('1(,,1. Mrs. Littlefield's parents, Mr. and Illul lin hid will be elltcrtalul'(l un I.,,.. .. lIIatl ..' tlllt un ~:1id bidding sheet. Mrs. James Palmer Henry before E:wh hid mtisL be ucculllpaull'd b)' :1 leaving for Troy, N. Y. where they ,'alilkd du.'Ck for Fifty (150.00) DolLu drawlI 10 th.' orilt'r of tht~ County or expect to live while Mr. Little- J)t'!mmre. field teaches at Rensellaer PolyTlu' ('uunt)' ("UIIJlnjs.~IUIU'rs rt'.~t'r\·I· 11 ... I h· d Mr L·ttl f· Id 1'i~hl In n~h-'d any IUld all bid ... ec nlC an s. l e Ie at I ('lnn'lIee L. C'Ollllt'r Russel Sage College for women. .lohn II. I>uherty ,\lhNt .1. Crawfonl. .lr. ("OllNTY CQMMISSIOXI':US ~IIEItIFJt" SAI.I':S uf Hl';tI K ..t;lh· ,sIIEltl(t'F'S Olo'l"JCE ('OllltT 1I011S"~. MKIlU. I' \ FJUI>AY Modern, Thrilling Amusements Mr. and Mrs, Harlen R. Jessup of Haverford avenue with their childrell Harlan, Jr., Kathleen, and Martha are leaving for Wallingford, Vi. tomorrow. They will return after Labor Day. Reduced Raru IIX Childrea U,.. '2 011 MQII)' Amllsements E,er, Mon,.. Wed.. Fri. d~ BREYER DAYS Mrs. \Villiam E. Kistler of Park avenue has returned from a trip to New England where she visited in Northampton, Mass, and attended the Berkshire Music Festival. She was accompanied on her trip by her sister Mrs. Harold Pennock of Roxbo1"ough. Mr. Pennock stayed at Park avenue with Dr. Kistler. Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hopson of Rutgers avenue who went to Tue5lfo)'5 In SUNDAY-Sylvao H.O Jack Steck's ~Kidd:ies' Free Concen. 4*15. 7115. 9;45 P. M, 25e " 25c: 10e h)' I:Uh Strel~t nil the I-:;L.. t 1)\ Street lind UII the Suuth hy lund I;f , Ihl' nallimurc and Ohio Uallrnml 111111 1111' lilt' ~urth i W,'I!'lh : Wt'-It by SI)roul Street. , Xu iIlIPI'()VClnt'lits-Vncant grOlllll1. Snltl liS the l)rOpel'ty of Mal'Y II. HI'II ~" 1,:,;1. & hcirs uf Marr Jo:lIglt~ Uakhnll'(>ttr :0:. 'I'ruxlull Ut';lh'. del·'II. O\\'lIer~ or 1"'11111,',1 Aflr: ,,'II " ('urn."n. K '1'lmll1:1."; I ' ...·.·0 18c BUTTER REDUCED TO ,,5e s 95 Plus Tn,,' 35e 41c: ~~I~~9C r (::clnstock-Sliceti ~--l:.r'( s 2 2 .t ~Sc :<,,01 Sour Pitted Pie Cherri.,s NU" •. 2 27c MD, 300 Fanc.y Bluebcl·r~cs 31c n". ; B1ue Winfter Unreeled .::f" \~':lrdlr lille thereof ll)ung the sah. Wel:;h ,Street. /11111 tile Southwestward!}' Ihll' jill'reuC a/ullg Sllruul 5lrcct. DOUlldt'(1 (111 I 45c: Sweet fresh cou"s a real treat when served wltll ~hat famous Sweet Cream APRICOTS I IIWllt·I'S. _... • HAJ.\lEf· I 33c: --, c SlURP CHEDDAifcHEESE Hour. 2 P. M. ('ullllitiulI~: t"l1l'l'k tilm' $2;iIl,tlU cush til' cl'l'lillt'd uf sail' (unless othl.'n\·lst· .'~Iah'd ill :uln'rlisl'lIIl'ul) bllhllll'e III 1\'11 da~'s. (Hh~I' l'ulIIlIIluns (III tla)' uf ~all', : 1."\':lri Fadas Nu. ~"!II : ,. I>ec. Tenn, 1918 Situate un Ihe Soullm'(·..;l l'orlwr uf , I:lth mul WC!sh Sln.'ds, III the Cit)' of ! Chester. CUUlIl)· uf Uclawnre lind stall' I uf ,I'enlls)·"·nnin. Contlliniu:; In frout IIlulI;.:slllli 131h Stred ,Ial'.l~" lind extl'lIilill" nf that width in length or delllh Sonll;' cn ... twa1'1 !!). 195·~'i.'· 10 laud of the 811Hl IIIUrt' IlIld Ohio Hailro:ul the Nllrlhf'lIs1 I ~~~-~-~--~-~-~~~~~~~~~~ 39 Greelling Apples :~fJ:1. 3 August Fn-e auol Part,Paid ~ at LoeaI Brtya' De.lm. Allti(JST 27. H15~ P::I!I ,\,:\1. E,,~h'rn l)ar:i~hL Thill" 28e 21,~ }4·OZ HOr.t.E GROWN SELECTED WHITE POTATOES IO ,., Benton, Pa. last weekend were accompanied by their son Robert, their daughter Sue, their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hopson of Media and Beth Huey of Dickinson avenue. Mrs. Robert Bair of Cornell aveune went to Hollywood, Fla. last weekend to visit her mother Mrs. Annie C. Thompson who return after Labor Day. Mr. "nei lIfrs. Carroll P. Streeter of Columbia avenue with their daughter Joan and their sons Jimmy, who has just returned from spending the summer at Ringoes, N. J., and Jack, left Tuesday for a vacation at Ocean City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Marsh of Columbia avenue are vacationing at Ocean City, N. J. ~ MT. and Mrs. G.eorge Ewing of Columbia avenue visited OM r s . George Ewing, Jr. of Rosemont, N. J. at her cottage on Morningside road in Ocean City, N. J. this weekend. Mrs. Frederick Anthony 0 f Haverford avenue flew to Tulsa. Oklaholl1Oi. on Tuesday to join her husband. Mrs. Juhn H. Bennett of South Chester road returned last week from a month's stay in New Brunswick, Canada. l\'lr. ane. Mrs. Wallace Lippincott of South Chester road were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Pitner at Baltimore over the weekend. All attended the wedding of the nephew of Mr. Lippincott, Mr.' Ellis R. Lippincott of Medford, N. J. and Miss R. C. Clifton of Baltimore on Saturday. 3ge 1!~I CATSUP • 45c '~.:' LIDdl f Friday, August 20, 1948 SWARTHMOREAN 25c .•. ,,' 10 "ah·... lin I':W-h Can, In Itlf'b Byt'tl" LFit>uV 5 fruit Cocktail .';.~'" 37c' anndale Peas \;"", 2 ••. • 25c' $2 I' ..N eaRS • ~ .90 W I'son 5 Corned Beef Hash 1... 31 c Grated LICJht Meat Tuna Fish -\(, 37c: Ideal Desserts .... 3 ':i'.. 19c: Aen1e Whole Gold~'; Corn ••. 2 19c: ;~rs:y Cranberry Sauce 2 :'.. 29c: .. illl\,fse Tomato Juice ....: 19c: Old ~outh Orange Juice 10 u~ 49 1"'''- Fane" Orange Juice <;' II... 21: ------ Marathcn is backed by Goodyear'!' Standard G ua l'an tf'f' the sam£>' warranty that cover~ evC'ry tire bearing the GOQclye~u' name. It "runs and runs and runs·' non-skfd :.::afpty, ..gives you long W£"(lf :mel Tr:Hle in your worn tires now anrl savp! LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES .,I~(JS(~(' liN)' li,.. srl'C'N ,STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE South Chester and Fairview Road Phone Swarthmore 9793 ABE YOU GIVING YOUR FWWERS THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 20-NO. 35 Scott Lilly Dies In Wallingford SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, AUGUS,T 27, 19118 GEORGE L ALSTON College Professor's Busy Life Ends At Home FOR THE FLOWERLESS $3.00 PER YEAR Pool ~hanc.es Smalley Ends Register For Brrghtenlng 15 Yrs. Service Draft Aug. 30 Judging from the response to last week's SWARTHMOREAN article on the status of the Swarthmore swimming pool project, it is not yet necessary to give up all hope, Mrs. Justus Garrahan. chairman of th~ Membership Committee reported. Five or ten families were discovered who. for some unaccount'able reasrm, had not received in\ vitations to join, and it is believed ! that there may be others in this c.a.tegory who would be interested I Mrs. Garrahan stressed that it was I not the intention of the committe£> to leave anybody o'lt. Newcomers to Swarthmore are invited in particular, to investigate the project. Postmaster Retires On 31st, H. M. Teal Successor Men To Sign Up At High School Gym Arrangements have been made by Ihe Local Draft Board with the SwarthmorE.- Schools for the registt'ation of men 18 or over, and under 26 years of age. The registration will t .... ke place in the high school gymnasium on the days indicated in the proclamation of Born in Powershiek County t Governm' Duff announcing the Iowa in 1885, Mr. Lilley graduated draft. The hours of registration from Michigan State College in will be between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 1906. He received his civil enp.m. gineer degree from Cornell U niversity where he held an instrucThe schedule of registration is torship frem 1907 to 1910. He as follows: Alfred P. Smalley who was ap- . (a) Persons born in the year .~ A numb£>'r of calls was received held the Henry C. and J. Archer from persons who wanted to know pointed pos.tmaster here on Aug- 1922 after August 30, 1922. shall Turner professorships of Engiwhat they could do to help out. 23, 1933 will retire from the office be registcred on Monday, the 30th neering at Swarthmore where he They were advised to contact their on the 3! 5t of this month, having day of August, 1948. was an assistant professor befriends immedi~tely and to con- completL"<.i the I5-year service pertween 1910 and 1917. (b) Persons born in the year to pester them until an ap- iod of the government retirement After this time Mr. Lilley Alston Heads Affairs tinue 1923 shall be registered on Tuesplication blank was actually signed plan. worked as an engineer for priday, the 31st day of August, 1948, With his wife Aravi1a, Mr. and delivered. Judging {rom the In Delaware vate companies until 1929 when or on 'Vednesday, the 1st day of number of people who have said Smalley has lived at 309 Yale avehe returned to Ihe college as a full September, 1948; County "You can count me in" there will nue for a quarter century, movprofessor of engineering. He had (c) Persons born in the year ing here from Erdenheim, Pa. in been chairman of the division of George L. Alsfon, of North be no membership problem at all; 1922 and taking up residence at 1924 shall be registered on Thursengineering here since 1936. Chester road, has been named still those who have actually sign- the Yale avenue address after a da~·, the Znd day of September, ed on the dotted line, with or withMr. Lilly was the co-author of Chairman of the Committee for out the accompanying cash, con- year in a house on Vassar avenue. 1948, or on Friday, the 3rd day "Analytical Mechanics." He was a Coordination of County Activities Before becoming postmaster he of September, 1948; stitute a much smaller nunlber. past Natiunal Director of the for Pennsylvania Week. The anwas in thl! building supply busi(d) Persons born in the year Only about two weeks remain ness with offices in Wilmington, 1925 shall be registered on SaturAmerican Society uf Civil Engi- nual celebration to be observed neers and chairman of the Com- from ::Iunday. September 26, before the final inventory will be Del. day. the 4th day of Septembe.·, mittee on Professional training through Sbturday, October 2, has taken and the final decision made. The year Mr. Smalley took over 1948, or on Tuesday, the 7th day of the Engineer's Council for Pro- as its goal the interest of each citi- Pool Committee President John the local postal administration of September, 1948; fessional Development and held zen as to Pennsylvania's wealth of Seybold urged that anybody who Ihe gross receipts totaled $28,311. (e) Persons born in the year memberships in the American Ar- natural resl')urces and diversity of has .any ideas,. either in connect- 33. Last year they reached an an- 1926 shall be registered on Wedbitration ASSOciation, the Ameri- industrial development. It is the ion with the membership effort or nual $67,981.43, an increase of nesday, the 8th day of September, can AssGciation of University Pro- dual objective of emphasizing the the cons~uction problem, should 140%. 1948, or on Thursday, the 9th day fessors, the Sodety for the pro- state's past and present achieve- get in touch witil him. Employees at the post office in of September, 1948; motion of Engineering Education, ments and using that knowledge 1933 numbered 10. At present (f) Persons born in the year and the American Concrete Insti- for economic, cultural and recreathere are 22, 20 regular and 2 cus- 1927 shall be registered on Friday, 'tute. He was also a member of itonal inlprovements. todian. the lOth day of September, 1948, the honorary engineering societies The Pennsylvania Week proUp until November, 1935 when it or an Saturday, the 11th day of Sigma Tau, Sigma Xi, and Taux gram seeks to stimulate interest, moved into its own new building September, 1948; both in the state, and locally in Beta Pi. on Rutgers avenue the postoffice (g) Persons born in the year In 1946 he served as consultant the community. Mr. Alston, whose was housed at 15 South Chester 1928 shall be registered on Monto the Baldwin Locomotive works activities road. extend throughout day. the 13th day of September, On July I, 1943 the postoffiride, a 'senior at Millersville State Teachers College, will continue her studies there during the 1948-49 term. • I ATTF..NDANTS NAMED The wedding of Miss Patricia Livingston Thompson, daughter of Mi". and Mrs. G. Toby Thompson G enuine Engraved Wedding Invitations and Announcements We guarantee what we furnish equal to the best or. ~etter, than can be gotten elsewhere, regardless of price. ' NORRIS P E . .' V 5 • 50N • 112 East 21st Street, Chester ,Pa. ' Phone Chester 3-9011 and our representative wUl be ..I. . to ""n ,willi sample, wlthou' obligation to you. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iii~~~~~~ The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON Don't let beauty vacation too! Call Swarthmore 0476 9 Chester. Road I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _a_. ____. .-. - - -, - - - Mr. Robert Durh;>m of Laurel, Del. t will serve as best man for Mr. Nester. The ushers will be Mr., Willard Ewing, Mr. John Wilson, Captatn Harry Smith, Mr. William Hughes, and M!". Carlo Canterra All are University classmates and fraternity brothers. Mas t e r George T. Thompson will be ring bearer for his sister. Baltimore Phone Pike Swarthmore 8450 Springfield M.... Sharpless, a graduate of Chester High School, Millersville State Teachers' College and Tem• .. We Telqraph I'JOwen'" pIe University where he received NOVELTY AND DBOOB.&TIRClLJIJI·= . his Masters Degree June 1948, will Mrs. C. M. C. Lewis of the . t . . t h th P Miss Thompson is a dlrect deassume a POSI Ion WI e enn- scen d ent 0 f D-b ~ ert R . Li' vmgs to n, I~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S warihmore Apartments returned sylvania State Civil Service Comhome last week from a four week American statesman and sign~r of mission jn· Harrisburg, Pa. vacation at Haddon Hall. Atlantic the Declaration of Independence, City. and is a .enlor at the University of .. Ch 1 Delaware. ".rs. ar es R. Pratt of Vassar T'() HAVE GARDEN avenue has had as her guest this Mr. Nester graduated from summer her sister Mrs. Katrina WEDDING Archmere Academy at Claymont, Ives of Denver, Col. The marriage of Miss Nancy Bu- and the University of Delaware chanan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. in 1948. He Is a member of the Andrew E. Buchanan of Landfall, Kappa Alpha Fraternity and a ZENSEN _ KAHLER Kennett Square, to Mr. Willinm charter member of the Delaware Birrel Horsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ag~icultural Honor Society. The marriage of Miss Carolyn Kahler, daughter of Mrs. Harry SALE A. Kahler, Rutledge to Mr. Robert ROSE TREE SECl'ION E. Zenson, Jr. son of Mr. and MrS. Make your 'phone calls ' All stone residence, 4 bedRobert E. Zensen also of Rutledge SWARTHMORE 0114 rooms, 2 tiled baths, maid's short and snappy took place Saturday afternoon at " room and bath. Barn In ex" :t cellent condition. 24 plus To keep YllUr party·line acres. , -'FOR SWARTHMORE - 4 bedpartners happy. rooms, 2 tiled baths. MAGAZINE ~ EdwBl'd L. Noyes a Co. me ?C !' !t : ' SUBSCRIPTIONS Call Mrs- Lloyd E. Kauffman Swarthmore 2080 Marian S. Brown There Can Be No Substitute for Experien'ee Associated with L. Henry Le Baron Call Swarthmore 0121-0904 -"'.!:....=-~- MEDIA AIR- CONDITIONED LAST TWO DAYS! Friday - Saturday Esther Williams Peter Lawford "ON AN ISLAND WITH YOU" . In technillQlorl . Th~atre I, With .that Champion BabySjtter-CUfton Webb AD."'CO~~NIID • of ftllinc pre:- pharmacist often holds the life of the patient in the honow of his hand. He must be skillful and ac- SAT MATINEE AT 1 P.M. Children's Show GBBONIIII9 curate. Honesty muat govern his On party~linetelephoRestcour- When you brine .every ope1ation. , teal' pay. dividend. I Be brief ,.,.... prescriptions to US you benefit by our ~ ••• Sp..... ~l•••• Hang up pntty • .'. Take the lead In· pod party:line manners. n will mean betteraervice for all. MONDAY & TUESDAY Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth "'DIE LADY FROB 811ANGJIAl" of expeiience, for which t:hmI can lie no ..1bIdtu}e- Remember that we are in ~tion to i the ~ of profesaiona1 eervice that JOU ..... roue doctor have a Til. a.1I T,'e,II••• C••, ••, • •,,••u'.....I. " ~ ® WEDNESDAY & THURS. Ray MIlJand Barbara StanWY!ck "CAIoII'OIUCIA" I scriptions is no child's job. The Cartoons _ Free Comic Boob TUmDAY _ WEDNESDAY Maureen O'Hara Robert Young - --- - -- • Tbit ,bum I FRIDAY & SATuRDAY Joan Fontaine Robert Jourdan "Leiter From an Unknown Woman" Also "SUPERMAN" SUNDAY - MONDAY Judy Garland GeneKeUy 'TIlE PIRATE" In technicolorl "Sl'rI'ING PBBfi i College :F:n:·u:y~,:A:~~'==t_~~,_lM_'_8______________________~T~H~E~S~W~A~~~T~H~'M~O~B~E~A~N~____ .~______________________~____~a , • ri~t to expect. Michael's College Pharmacy ON THECORNEB - , ---- - ---- ---~------ _. - -------~-- THE 'SWARTHMOREAN PtlBLISIIBD BVBaY FRtDAY AT 8W....TBlIlOBE. PA THE 8WAB'l'BHOIlEAN. INO~ P1JBLI8JD1l P\loII.e SwadIIIMnI .... rEid Eo TOLD, I:dl'lIIAJIIOlIIB,TOLD, All. utel:dltor Barbara Kent pecgy Keenen _He Pelrsol EdIth Whitaker I . - ' Entered as Second Class Matter, ,January .4, 1921, at til. Pan otfIce at Swarthmore. Pa., UDder the Act of Y:ardl 3, 1879. , DEADLDlFr-W5DNESDAY NOON 8WAllTlllllORE, PA., nmAY, AUGUST 17,"19;48 Presbyterian CJlUreh Notes This Sunday momlng at the 11:00 o'clock service the guest pNllcher will be the Rev. Dr. Phillip A. Mergler, professor of religion and philosophy at Emporia College in Emporia, Kansas., His serm?n will be ''1'he Gospel of Vacation". A graduate of Hastings . College and of Princeton Theological Seminary, Dr. Mergler held several' pastorates tn New Jersey before joining the staff of the institute of Puerto Rico, and then Emporia, College, where he spent last year as acting president. Mrs. Eleanor MacMichae1 will be the organist and Mr. G. Wills Brodhead the so~ist this Suncla7. Mr. G. Wills Brodhead, of Maple avenue sang Friends Meeting Notes week at the outdoor band concert at Glen ProVidence Park tn Me-dia. They w~ ''Lo~ ~o tn Alcala," an Encll&il ballad by Andre OLIVER H. BAIR CO. Messager, "Tramp. Tramp. Tramp" from NaUCbb' Marietta by Victor Herbert, "Because" by GuY D. Hardelot. and "Stronghearted Men" ,by Sigmund Romberg, aecompanied by ,the Elk'. Band of Chester, directed by TOIIIIlIY Gleason. Miss Doreen McConechy of South Chester road, who left by plane for Buffalo on August 10 to visit Mr. aod Mrs. C. B. Huntoon, expects to return after Labor DaY. Mrs. R. M. Kilgore of Cornell avenue reo:ently entertained Mrs. Gladys Hasktn of Cleveland, Ohio the house guest of Mrs. Rayn>ond Perkins of Secane at a ltmcheon. We have a number of Individual consultation rooms, Insuring privacy,' for those who caH at our offices seeking help and guidance. If .you prefer we will . send an experienced member of our staff i'here will be a meeting of all those who are interested tn the First Day School Proiram for the comtng winter, on Monday evening, September ~3, at 8 o'clock tn Whittier House. Teachers, parents and all concerned members of the Meeting are asked to be present to dis"""" plana with Ike Mr. R. M. Kilgore of Cornell committee and staff. avenue is on a two week busln_ A social hour will follow the trip through the South. meeling• to the home to complete arrangements. _ICTOIS o. PUHDALS '820 CHESTNUT STREET "' MARY A. lAIR, Presld... 116.1581 ,NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. John 1tIstler of Park avenue spent a' week at Williamsburg and some of the Virginia plantations getting addit- IN tional pictur~s for his lectures tn architecture. Methodist Church Notes landsoape Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. HIlles, The Church School meets Sun- Jr. of the Swarthmore Apartments day morning at 10 o'clock. and their daughter Jane weretn Dr. Roy N. Keiser will 'preach Atlantic City for a few days last week. at the 11 o'clock service. Jack Tomlinson of S. Chester The Church Nursery will be open during the morning service. road Is visiting his brother-tn-Jaw and sister Mr. and Mrs. Harlle D. Reynard in Evanston, ill Trinity Notes Mr. and Mrs. Graeme C. Why!The Rev. J. Wesley Twelves, law 'of Cornell avenue have, just rector of the Church of the Bpi returned from a two week vacaphany in Germantown, will con- tion spent tn Mexico where they duct the 8 o'clock Communion visited such places as T8sco and service and the 11 o'clock service Cuernavaca. ~ Morning Prayer. Mr. and Mrs. F. van der Gracht Ushers at the 11 o'clock service of Harvard avenue and Mr. and include IL B. Spackman; head Mrs. William R. Snyder of Ph!la-, usher; W. B. Bullock; C. B. Blake; delphia spent the weekend at R.G.Haig;V.L.Fine;R.D.New- Shawnee, the summer home of Mr; and Mrs. W. G. Reese of 'Mt.' Jln and A. E. Pritchard. Hotyoke place. Five year old Lois Thompeon Chriatian Scienco Church of Harvard 'avenue has a double "Christ Jesus" Is the subject of fracture of her left arm, which she the Lesson Sermon in'all Churches received while tumping from a of Christ, Scien~t, on Sunday, kitchen stool to a ladder. August 29. The Golden Text is' MIss Dorothy G. Harris of Gar"The Son of man is come to seek rett avenue has returned to her and to save that' which was lost" position at the Friend·s Historical (Luke 19:10). Library at Swarthmore College from a two week vacatidn at Backlog Camp in the Adirondacks. Mr. H. M. Crist, a former Swarthmoreo'n was the week1 SWARTHMORE end guest of Dr. and Mrs. William PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E. Kistler at their home on Park Sunday, August 29 11:00 A. M.-Rev. Dr. Phillip A. avenue. Mergler liThe Gospel of VaMr. and Mrs. Colin R. Hitchcativn". • man of Thayer road left last week Wednesday, September 1 10:00 A. M.- Surgical Dressings for a short trip to Canada. Group Meets. Mrs. D. A. Hills of Elm avenue received a surprise visit from her daughter M,s. A. G. McVay and METHODIST CHURCH her granddaughters Deborah and Roy N. I{.eiser, D.D., Minister Priscilla of Front Royal, Va., last Sunday, August 29 10:00 A. M. Church School. week. 11:00 A. M. D ... Roy N. Keiser will Mr. W. H. Dickinson of College . preach. . avenue is visiting his parents Mr• and Mrs. J. H. Dickinson in WtnTRINITY CHURCH ter Park, Fla. Miss Mary DickinRev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector son has returned home after six Sunqay, August 29 weeks at Dunwood Farm tn Hold3:00 A. M.-HoIy Communion erness, N. H. 11:00 A., M.-The Rev. J. Wesley Twelves will preach. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grover and two sons of Dickinson avenue are THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY visiting Mrs. Grover'. mother at OF FRIENDS 'Argyle, N. Y. Sunday, August 29 Dr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Peterson 11:00 A. M._Meeting for Worship of Vassar avenue enter1alned the (No provision for chlld care early part of this week Mrs. Peter: du~August) Bon's brother-in-law and sister. Wednesday, September 1 ~:30 to 3:30-Sewtng and Quilt- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sawyer of Carling in Whittier House Box pito, Venezuela and their son DonLuncheon. All cordiallY tnald. On Monday they also entervited. '____-;-________ llatned Mr. Sawyer's brother, Mr. FIRST CHURCH OF Pbillp Sawyer of Palo Alto, Calif. wbo is a student tn the Foreign CHRIST scIENTIST Serv!,ce School at Georg...rtwu UDl.OF SWARTHMORE ~... Park Avenue below Harvard versity, Washington. August 29 11:00 A.Sunday, M. SUnday School. ,Mr s " C~ _uar1es R. Pratt, who 11:00 A. M.-Sunday Lessonwith ber father Mr. Follwell and Sermon ''Christ Jesus". her two year old son, Christopher, WednesdllY evening meettng moved into 404 Vassar avenue each w k, 8 p.m. Reading i"OOIIl in Juii !rom Denver, Col., was open datly except Sunday, and guest. of honor at a neighborhood Holldqs 12 to 5 pm. Wednesday eYeDInlt. 7 to 7:45 pm. and II to tea given last week byMrs. Roger 8:30 p.Di. S. Russell of Haverfoad place. Church Services tour sol00 1Jut THIS DHEAlM:LINED NE'ft" 8TtJDEDAKEH THERE'S a song in your heart as the miles breeze by. Life i. a new thrill in a Studebaker convertible I ChampionandCommahd. er sedans and coupes, too -and a special 10ng·wheel: base Land Cruiser. I~'JS(~()' liNI) lll..S'I'()N STUDEBAKER, SALES AND SERVICE South Chester and Fairview Road Phone Swarthmore 9793 , ' • • • It's lust like b.lng there ••• with' DloclerB TELEVISION 1 Yes, with amodera telemioftset, yon'U feel jostas if you're ball field ••• io the theatre ... or wherever television takes you. In many cases, you see history io the m,king_ 00 the See the te1e-risioluea on di.pla)' at ,.,nr local right io your own home-where entertainment, news, electrlcaldeo1er'sstoft'or and educational features Ue yonrs at the turn· of a dial I at IIIlJ' of ..... showrooms. • ILECTRIC COMPANY , • • , ' THE SWARiHMOREAN 4 Friday, August 21, 1948 N;EWS NOTES .B.~1iMB8B OPENING SEPfEMBER 17th Miss Frances Hoot, who has been studying at the University of Minnesota this summer, Professor Leslie Lipson of Swarthmore College who has been teaching Polit17~ South Chester Road ical Science at the University, and SWARTHMORE, PA. Mrs. Leslie ·were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brandt Open Dally from Sand~ of Elm avenue at their summer DeIlvered Noon 'til 11:00 P. M. home on Crane Island; Lake MInnetonka, MInn. MIss Hoot will reSubmarine &ndwiches from A Submmine Shop turn by pIime today after comptet~===::::====================='Ilng her work In Phyehology and Remedial Reading at the University. ' HOGlE HUT . Friday Speeial Only CoL and Mrs. William A. McCulloch have returned from New York wherE- tbey met their daughter, Miss Florence Turner McCulloch, who arrived on the Mauretania. After graduating from Vassar College, Miss McCulloch went to Paris with our State Department and was In the Embassy fO<' two years. Last year she attended the Sorbonne. Lt: WUllam A. MeCulloch III who Is with 'the Engineers in Nurenburg s~t a ,week in June with his sister In Paris. Miss Betty Cook and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Collins have returned to their home at Thayer road from a summer at Camp Happy Valley In Fori Deposit, Md., where they have been counselors. In the fall Mr. and Mrs. Co1lins will take up their new residence In Allentown, while Betty will return to the University of Pennsylvania for her senior year. Lemon ChiHon Pies Lady Baltimore Layer Cakes _ Salumay Specials Oaly Fresh Peach and Apple Cakes EveryDay Chocolate Whipped Cream Pies Open Sunday £0:( Cookies And Home Made Ice Cream THE "CAKE BOX II CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS 'THEATRE SQUARE DeUvedes Saturday only during 8UDInter months a, 194a The $l.OO-Serve YourseH-All You Want COIULBilJ: SUPPER Come and Enjoy Your Selection From HOT D~ - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS .'. STRATH HAVEN INN Owned arid Operated by American Store. CompCl'!,_ 0 ... I.owel' MEAT PRICES help bring down your food budget. ____--::_____---'1 No maHer w .... yell lillO, y •• are llire of better lIIeat ••• ".ttry t. our ••ats are Yol... o~t mcarket•• All U. S. Gaven.. •••t lupected. with .n bHf. 1. .1t aad yeal U. S. Gov_ . . .t ,r~ft(f. OpeD Frida)' tiD 9 P. M. 821. 6-P. M. --~-~.. - ,.----U. S. COllUllercial -,---Steer Beel ginning 15. No pets or cbl1- ~~w~as~h~e~r;~c~o~lds~p~ot~~re~f~ri~g:er~a~to~r~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dren. Sept. References exchanged. Call Swarthmore 3321-.1. Peter Lombard, Swarthmore 1049. WANTED-We will bu;y at J>est PHONE 1984 PROMPT SERVICE prices, old ahlna, glass, !umiture, firearms. Call Holly Oak 4313 . . , • • •, ... or Holly Oak 6720. Collect, for appointment. ' All business conti.... dential. Colonial CUpboard, No.5. 711 FAIRVIEW ROAD, SWARTHMORE Philadelphia Pike" WilmingtOn, SALES AND SERVICE RADIOS & HOME APPLIANCES "'.".Dg aDd a ....ai's BARBY A. .DeBL STEAlS · 79 . Ground Beef II Shaultlers Yeal 'Yeal· Breast Yeal 1149c au..., II Short Ribs Beef Neck Yeai Shldr. Yeal Chops Sirloin Yeal Chop' 59e: 59e: rl 39~ ---...:-- CHICKENS .ac:.. ~: ~ r.73e: SIIe:ed DrllHI IHf Loaf ". !O 28e: Delaw~e. " 45c 1142c Illi5e: 1169e: ...... fmll ,eu... F1YIIIG I Coned .....".. .ra... lwelger BOMB''':.S BUTTS':"... UGSVEALROAST 110 "lie 110 .. lie =-" 890 590 rI !02k It 49c rI U. J .....y Sea TI'OIIt ..... FlHnder PI..... _ WIIlH" PHleh R...lar Crab..... := rI 1ge '. .I•••• C",llIorel. CAITALOUPE=-S_ .:&. 2 '" 23c Loftl ....... LIMa leCIII. Ite" Itlpe W.I.......I••• 5c . : 15c ~. 10c !O • Celery He.rts ' Ideal IFreslt hek LlIII.s ;:.:;.;:.::.:..--Selected YAMS '= - c ..~"tIa;,;;;:•.;;,.;:,_O.;;•.;.r_S:.p_,c;..I';..I..;l;..o.;..w~'rlc. IODICES ' ~~ ... 3 Pin Itttl, ••,..11. Alld PellaL 'M II. . . . . MlIlIb SEWING CENTER' Y bu , pletely ~quipped, Sewing Center and to make use of the exceptional modern facilities which have been especially designed to _fill your every , sewing requirement. HOM..or·UJf IIIYOIIIISE 110....... 23c : 'J:: 43c HOM..oI-UTI SALAD ••ISSI... ... 31e: ,1•• SEWING MACHINES. Console, Desk, Cabinet and Portahle models. SINGER DRESS FORM: 10 iust 30 min· SEWING INSTRUcnON, Complete 8 Lesson Course $10.00- -Single ·'R.,. fresber" Lessons $1.50. yow!igure. Periect!if without tty-ons, FASHION SERVICES. Sewing Notions, Gifts, ·'pretty·up" Accessories. Also '·u.nish.it-for-you" Services- Button and Buckle Covering, Hemstitching, etc.. Try • hr .1111 _ nIII fllnllltH utes we can mold an exact duplicate ot IIsaJ Cah·~I1~'~- -!eNy.I..... t=:. and supplies. Ii,,!,e" repaits, based OD rea· mnable turnished In advance. emmates I 00::, Ik ~2 19c Far.da'. L_rte SWHt PEAS Stra••ea., Presenll partS "4k PIa Appl....... Whole Corn PARTS AND REPAIRS. Genuine Slnge< other lIe Gelatla D••••rb ,... 3 .... 1ge Mew'... I .... Oil. Needles, Belts and .r. '::' lie tIStxJ Oleomargarl.. II 37e Chac. KisMS . _ . t;' 37e ruts seWlDg tune almost to balf! • Z :;,t , _ _ 24 - 25c $2.90 nUIT COCKTAIL ASCO lirap. J.pce,_ _ _ _ _..i SUPIEME BIEU, - 't:: 14' IIEIL PlESDIES &11'. r , , SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 522 . Edgmont ' Ave. 2 ..... Y..r .... 5.1",_r and your friends are cordially invited to visit this new, com· . Chester 2-6185 Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brodhead of Maple avenue leave today to visit Mr. and Mrs. Percy Belfield at their summec home Bass Rock Lodge In New Hampshire until acter Labor Day. -----:==--=-==---- c ,CHESTER'S ''wrlU; CLASSIFIED , Can begin September 27 Please low cat, with white throat, paws, Mrs. Dan ~U8. 30 ==-=~FOB~=-.:.BENT=:.:.:::-:-::-:::-_ Female. Call Swarthmore 0107-.1. --.,,-,-'-::-=--c------ Belmont Street, Brunswick, Me. FOR RENT-Avalon, N. J. FumNEWS NOTES prefer\shedfacing apartment. Enc"losed ,-,-=~~P~E~R.!~SO~N~AL~--'--- WANTED-Young ably ml!1ried, for man, part time job porch ocean. Available afMr. and Mrs. D, Mace Gowing PERSONAL-~emlcal ,engineer, In local shop. Reply Box H, The ter September 15. Moderate ren- 'of Parrish road and their two AtlImtie JWfinlng Co., wife and Swarthniorean, stating age, hours tal. Call Swarihmore 1133. daughters NancY and Susan rechild. ,require unfurnIshed, ..part- of present occupation. ' ment or house. Excellent referFOR RENT-Double room, twin turned recently from a two weeks ences. Call Swarthmore 0552-M.' WANTED _ Business executive' beds. Breakfast 0 P tI 0 n a L, vacation through the Gaspe, Queand wife desire room for one or Swarthmore 3140. bee, Montreal and the Thousand PERSONAL-Vacuum Cleaners, two months. Phone Swarthmore Islands. irons, toasters and radios re- 0667. , F O R RENT-Large airy double paired. called, for and deUvered. room. Private bath, Phone Iif;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;::;;j Call R~ert BrQ9kB, Swarthmore WANTED-To buy pair football Swarthmore 9728. Ii 1548. ' '• shoes, slze 9li!. To sell football, LOST soccer, and basketball shoes,sJze 8 PERSONAL - E1ectrIcallnstalla- Phone Swarthmore 1155. LOST-Gold chain bracelet, down tions: wiring, old and riew:'Resitown district of Swartnmore, dential and Connnercial, 'LIght and Friday, August 20. Please phone Power, Waterheaters, Ranges. All / l<'OR SALE ' work done to Fire Underwriters --~--------­ Swarthmore 3070. speclfications. Service, on all FOR SALE-Junior bicycle, new makes of washers (Bendix Inlamp, speedometer, basket, $10. FOUND eluded), varuum cleaners, ranges Call Swarthmore 2534-W. • • ODUN KiTCHENS iroJUi, toasters, fans, lamps. C a ) l l - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - FOUND-LaBt week. Black, y~lErIch H. Hausen, Electrical Con- FOR SAl&--1948 Philco advanced • WAll ••• /Loot COV[~":G5 tractor, ,Swartrunore 2850-W, 335 design Conservador refrigerator, Park Avenue. 7 cubic feet, Used only six months. • NEW , CONSIRUCTION Excellent condition. Owner' movPERSONAL - Can you help re- Ing Into apartment where refrigerDAVE WOOD • ALTElAJlONS an. REPA:RS cently discharged naval officer ation is furnished. Phone SwarthatteJlding Swarthmore flnd an more'3279-W. apartment for his bride? Phone ARTERS BROTHERS, l!!~ Painting Germantown 8-4837. FOR SALE-Exercycle, slightly Conlrodo" ond:Builcle" WANTED used. Only $200. Call Media 302 aayley Street • Medic, Pi-I. and 6-3989. Phone: Media 6-4281 WANTED- Young college In- FOR SALE-Boy's Bicycle, 28-1n. Paperhanging str.uctor and wife desire 3 or 4 wheel, good condition. $15. room apartment by September 10. Phone Swarthmore 1247. No children. Reply Box A. The I:-c::-=----c=-=--=:-----:--=ROOFS GUTrERS "A Well Kept House SW--,-:arthm==o_re_=aT::-'_ _-::-:-:--«::-_-::- FOR SALE-New encYclopedia. REPAIRED AND ::: • For Informatioa call SwarthNever Grows Old" INSTALLED WANTED-Three adult Swarth- more 2640. ' Furnace 'RepairS & Cleanil)ll moreans need small unfumlshed -:::--:-:--:--:aparlment or house September 1. FOR SALE •• - Two single beds, Call PHONE Phone Swarthmore 0552-R. springs and mattresses, comGI'lORGE MYERS plete, $20. Call Swarthmore 1178 Media 6·0755 409·Michigan Ave. Sw.2286 WANTED Couple desires to rent hoilse for winter or longer be- FOR SALE - Thor automagic Te.der. Juicy Porterhouse. T·Bone. Sirloin • 5 THE SWABTHMOREAN Friday, Aucust 2:1, INS f, WANTED-Day care of cbi1d while, motheiJ works. 24 Sycamore avenue, Morton. ,Phone Swarthmore 0294-W. W ANTED-Fami1y of three quiet adults, 'born In Swarthmore and wishing to,s t a yin vicinity would rent house or apartment before September 25. Wlll make all mlnol' nipairs and give place best of care. Phone Swarthmore 2243.. ' WANTED-Room near college by female Penn State student. Occupy latter part of September. Reply Box Co The Swarthmorean. WANTED - To rent house or . apartment in Swarthmore. Excellent references. 'Reply Box X, The Swarihmorean. ' WANTED - Westtown graduate desires room by September 20. Penn State student, John R. Terrell, Center' Square, Pa. Norristown 7D.4:-J3. WANTED-college couple desire apartment or room with light cooking privileges near school• Write Mr. P. P. Shea, 3815 Yolando Road, Baltimore 18, Md. WANTED-An apartment or house from October I until January 1. Phone lUdley Park 0743-J. WANTED-Ex-naval officer, now Westinghouse engineer, wife and year-old daughter, desire two bedroom aparlrnent, furnished or unfurnished. Call J. W. Witherspoon, Media 6-4849. WANTED-~Board and room hy young girl. college student, vicinity Penn State Center. Will baby-sit through week In partial payment. Write Box G, The Swarthmorean. WANTED Small apartment for two young men In SwarthmoreWalIIngford~Moylan area, convenient transportation. September 0ccupancY. , Phone Media 6-23M. WANTED-By young man veteran, Penn State College student, room with private fan?lY. Write Ray R. Wilson, 21 ReDUngton avenue, Coatesville, Pa. WANTED-Navy lieutenant and fami1y desire a two-bedroom tumlShed house or aparlment for elght months commencing Nov. 1. Phone Media 6-1144. WANTED'-('-irl to go to Buck HIll September 3 to u to help with children. Call Sunset 8950. WANTED _ Penn State College. student desireS room to occupy latter part of September. Write Burton M&rgolls, 1225 Stirling Street, Coatesville, or call CoatesYi1le 0868 J. WANrED-Part time job, approxImately 30 hours a week, for wife of Swarthmore student. Per-ma:oent residents. Have a car. No objectitlll8 to ear17 evening hours. ROGER RUSSEL Maker of Fine Photop'aplos Penn state Bldg, South Ave. & State St. Media 6-2176 Media, Pa. r PIANO TUNING - ALBAN PARKER Phone Media 0459-M New and Reballt I'lanOli and Repairing Stuce 1908 I Dependable Service If you have real estate for sale, list with us and we will give you the' benefit of our Cooperative Selling Bureau. Call at office or phone us, . , Wallace Lippincott REALTOR , , 907 Edgmont Avenue Chester 3-4516 F. F. ZIMMERMAN Photographer IIIOutstanding for Quality" Swarthmore 14148 Media 6-0436 6 E. Front Sl \YlLLIAM BROOKS Ashes & RubbiSh Removed - Lawns mowed, General Hauling 236 Harding Av. Morton, pa. A. Mer,cer Quinby l Drlvewa.y Cons_llou Aspbalt or CODCl"ete ;.PETER DI NICOLA Phone Swarthmore 2526 FUNERAL DmECTOR Formerly of Media' , 1125 W. Lehigh Ave., Phila., Phone, Baldwin 11'/0 No addltional charge for suburban calls TREE SURGERY PRUNING, LIMB AND TREE REMOVAL ROBERT HASTINGS' Call Swarthmore, OZ65-W CALL Mason Builders Devine Taxi Service Supply Company SWARTHMORE, PA, 381 Darbnouth Aven.... Swarthmore 0345 ' , ServIng Swarthmore, Mor-' Building Blocks ton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 All Sizes THE c.:;nURTYARO WEI...L Of' THE 15th CENTURY In the dirty crowde.' cities of the Middle Age. water was ohtalned from well. which were frequently dug in the center of a courtyard. The watcr was pulled up by mean8 of a rope and' pulley. Eveu the greateat bou8es of the 15tb century, with all their statelines8 and heauty, lacked the tuoet elemenlary sanitary ~onveni. ence8 as we know them today. Thes" ancient wells , were frequently polluted, because tile courtyards we~e Iwarming with dirty. ,unkempt Olen, women lind clul. dren, a. well a8 horses, cattle, pig. and poultry. The eourtyard wells sueb as you see in thi8 picture• crude as they wer~ represented a great advan~e o,:er previou8 methods of obtaininG water. They e!,abled whole families and communities to get water rIght at their own front door. ' Today, . p ....ctically everyone enjoys not only a plentiful 8upply of water, but water that i8 safe, d ..an and pure for drinking and hathing purposes, 8ueh ao was unknown to even the richest and moot powerful people during the middle agoo. Modern science and engineering 8kill have given yon ALL THE WATER YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT. This i8 the ninth of a series of narratiVe8 whieh gralj,':!calIy tell the story of water. Look for the next in • paper very 1IOOn. .19 Cent aDd up DeIlvered COl\IBINATlON DOORS - SCREENS Coal - IJamber BuDding Maiorlals SU", YING SPRINGFIELD, WATER Since 1905 CUNNINGHAM Palnters & Pa.per Rauers We should know how Swa. 2266 MlehIga.n Ave WANT TO BUILD? Good materials and skillful' workmen are now available. Call us for information and estimates A. Reeves Swarthmore Disposal Service Rubbish Colleoted Weekly or Monthly Phone Swarthmore 3343 9 A. M. to 5.30 P.M. Generation 3450 !!IIHIHIIIIHItIIIHHH!IIIIII1I1IIIIIIIIIHHIIUIIIIIIIIIUIII!!I = ~ !i- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aa== A. WAYNE MOSTElLER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR All Types of Elet!trical IIl- .IILIDEL.HII SUIURIAI WAtER COMPA.' PQONE: Swarthmore 0444 ~ = ~ = ill 5 = == Si =1 Charles 'E. Fischer Builder PAINTING Interior & Exterior Swarthmore 2253 Serving Swarihmore and VAN ALEN BROS. 1180 MahleDben Ave. S~ 2Z95 NIGHT or DAY , . ~ = ae== g = = a = 5~ -E § = ~lIImlllllnHHIIUUllllnmmllllllllll~ stallations and Repairs. Vicinity for past TWenty Years = a Coal and Fuel Oil INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE . , Friday, August 27, 1848 THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 NEWS NOTES Mrs. John E. Chiquoine of Rutgers avl'nue and Mrs. Robert T. Bair of Cornell avenue attended the American Legion Auxiliary Convention in Philadelphia last week. Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. Bowie of Ogden avenue and their daughter Sandra have returned from two weeks at Keene Valley, N. Y. They spent last weekend visiting friends in Cooperstown, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed of College avenue, their son Bob Lind their daughter Helen returned last Tuesday from a month's vacation in Michigan. Margot Bowie, Joan Pennock, and Sally Alden spent last week visiting Caroline de Furia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy de Furia at Ocean City, N. J. Mrs. Seymour W. Kletzien of S. Chest~r road and Edith, Phyllis, Damon and Ralph returned recently from a five wl!ek vacation at Heron Island. Me. ncar Booth Bay Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kahler of N. Chester road and their childdren Bruw, Robert and Kathy returned l'ecently from a two week vacation at Jamestown, R. I. Miss Margaret Little of Park avenue returned the last. of July from Boisl', Idaho and California at which time she and her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Little of Park avenue left on a three week trip to Nova Scotia and Cabot Trail. Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert Bradford and children Anne and Bobby of North Swarthmore avenue, returned Sunday from a two-week trip to Canada. After a week at Muskoka Beat'h, Gravenhurst, the Bradfords spent last week motoring through Ontario and the New England states. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lee of Lafayette avenue, and their children Billy and Elinor leave tomorrow for a ten day vacation aboard their cruiser in the Sassafras River and Chesapeake Bay area. Mrs. George Marr and her daughter and son-in-law Dr. and Mrs. E. Fullerton Cook all of Park avenue spent last weekend with Mrs. Marr's two sisters and brother in McEwensville in Northumberland County, Pa. John Pegram son of Mr. and Mrs. William Pegram of Yale ave. flew alone to New York to meet his grandfather, who took him on a week's drive through Canada, camping out at night. Miss Jean Evans, daughter of Mr. dnd Mrs. S. Herbert Evans of Strath Haven avenue returned last Saturday from a summer as counsellor of riding and painting at Camp Happy Valley in Maryland, and left Sunday for the Penn Academy of Fine Arts Summer School at Chester Springs Pa. for two weeks. Mrs. Paul Hadley of Elsah, Ill. al)d her young son arrived early this week to spend a month with her parents Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Jackson of Park avenue. Her husband, will arrive later in September and drive them home. Mr .. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey of Yale avenue have returned from two weeks at Wilmington. Vt. On their homeward trip they toured the White MOWltains, visited Mr. Morey's son David in Ogunquit, Me., and were entertained by friends at Hyannisport on Cape C;od Barbara Krase of Middletown road and Peg Keenen of Harvard avenue '>pent two days last week at Ocean City, N. J. viSiting Carol Van Alen of Park avenue and Norrine Taylor, formerly of Swarthmore. HOUSE PAINT GETS SUtl-BURNED, TOOl The actlDlc rays in sunlight burn paintdestroy its protective film. SUPER.LASTIC resists actinic rays-gives better service beC"lIse it is made for this climate. It stays whiter. too ••• because it weathers clean. ~~r..A (flElTON -SllBllE\, Product 1863 • 1948 Eighty· five colorful years of quality H D. SIPLER 11 South Chester Road Phone 0105 FALL OPENING AUGUST 30 Harvard Inn Dinning Room Open to Public Lovely wearables for suburb'a START Your Business Career At KEYSTONE Day School-Sept. 'lth Evening School-Sept. 20 You will get 2400 hours training in each Two-Year . Course in • Accounting & Management • Salesmanship&Management • Administrative Secretarial • Medical Secretarial ' ... One Year Courses In • General Busines.