" ownrtht.l , Lib,rnry Swn+,th .more,~Pao - .1948 .I • • O'CLOCK CHILDREN'S PARADE STARTS 'THE SWARTHMO MONDAY MORNING •/' SWARTHMORE, JULY -- . - . . ~PA., - -=FRIDAY, - - - -::;.- -2, UN8 ~OL ~ a-NO. 7:t' B,urgess Brown RECREATIONISTS GO SCAVENGING ,Latest Special Event Ends In ,Tie OPPORTUNITY ,... There is an urgent need for boys of high school age or older to volunteer to aid Polio victims' who swim in the Morrow pool on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Ff"iday afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock. Volunteers are also needed to help transport patients on these days. Any persons, who will aid may contact M.::s. ,Avery Blake, Swarthmore 1971-W. 'The many local persons 'who work actively with this group fin'd· it inspirational, never ,a \. chore. .. ... ..,,1 ANNUAL COMMUNITY 4TH OF JULY' PROGRAM SEt FOR NEXT . :MONDAY - , Kiddie's Parade, Games for All Ages 'Pony Rides, Baseball on .. "'": All-Day Schedule With small fry Lusilv decorating their trikes, bikes and scooters in red, ,white and blue a~d adults priming themselves for their annual share in the unique games of the day; the 1948 Swarthmore Fourth of July Program is the current talk of ' the town. Burgess Paul Brown IS limbering up his right ~rD1 to pitch the first ball 1'n the afternoon's baseball conte·st. 'K M. Buchner president of the SQ~1 Business Association, John H. PitUA man, and Ferris W. Mitchell will ' marshal the parade for 'children _' , M r . George Little, who has been which opens next Monday.'s activiteaching at Swarthmore College ties at 9 a; m. on Park ,avenue be- . during the past year, sailed Tues- tween ,Dartmouth and Harvard. To Pitch Firat Ball day' with his wHe, Virginia C()le There will be prizes for winners in Little, for Austria. Mr. and Mrs. the customary sections: tricycles, Little' will work with the Ameri- bicycles, fancy dress, original and can Friends Service Committee re- comic costumes; and pets. Mrs. Last \Vednesday's victory over 0 lief unit there. John E. Michael, president of the LansdQwne with a score of 8 to' 4, rhe. Service Committee program \Voman's Club 'has appointed the follo\,'ed by Saturday's 8 to 5 vicin Austria includes, a supplemen- following assistant judges; George tory over Sharon Hill established A ' . d tary feeding program of 600 calor- Corse, Mrs. George Warren, Mrs. . 'f·Irst pace 1 . ' testimonial resolution, Slgne I ies daily for about I,000 teen-age B'Irney K . M orse, B ar b ara B' the H ornets m, m . . .. rown the Eastern Delaware County Jun- by 17 offICIals of the vartous· Phtla.. apprentic~s and the 'distribution of and Mrs. Robert R. Hopkins. ior Baseball League, The only team delphia Publ~c High Schools, pre- 6,~ food packages monthly to At 10 a. m. there ,~il1 be games to which the local lads have bowed. sented posthumously to Roy \V, tubercular young people under 25 f('\t: all, ages- on the College ayenue so far is Holmes. I Delaplaine of Co~netl avenue reads: years of age. In addition to these' school grounds. Every participant Lee ,Ford, star pjtcher, leaves for relief activities, the Quakers are will be refreshed by a free Dixie "Over the years, a man's personal- sponsoring two Neighborhood Cen- CUP. supplied by the Busmess . A ssoccamp this week but Bohby' Allison 'and Biny Ziegenfus show great it)·.. and character develop by the tus and a day care center. 'The iation at the conclusion of the var':' pitching promise. manner in which he meets life's day care center is operated in co- ious contests, ~ehind . the. bat Charlies Grier iS problems. To the 'degree h.e' faces operation wi'th the Vienna Ed1.1ca- Graham \Ventz will lead the- 6d011lg a fme' Job. 1 them and conquers them so is his tiOlial Departrilent. to-IO year-old boys'. games or w t Ih rac k"e t s an d b a 11 s to t ,1 J d' J I 10 '14 d 17 R . that was as rea as It was apparen , ~ scheuu e . u y , , an . eSl- I f b·t actl·"l·tl·es in ten other countries of I 'I 6' ISS Ratl~ at the school g~ounds . d' h d t lere ore: e 1 • de1,1ts are rcmll1do t at a goo, "Resolved, that this resolution be Europe and Asia.' promptly at 10 o'clock. , crowd makes a good game better.. 'b d 1" 't f th A speci'al feature of this year's . . .,' 'mscn eon' Co'ni:nittee· t le mum eson 0 Boy'se ANNOUNCES NEW OFFICERS program ,that will ' \' Supervisory delight the : , .' Those not wishing ~o participate. VISITS SESQUICENTENNIAL Athletics of the Philadelphia Se'younger children is a revival of will engage in the regular program. The new ofiicers of, the Ameri- tIle 0'ld - t·nne CllS t om 0 f provi·d·mg The, SesquecentenniaI of Schen- ior High School, and an engrossed \Vith the regIstration of Jinlmy D c'an Legion Auxiliary for the years pony rides. The Business AssociaGodfrey this' week the Summer e~tady, N. Y., enlphasizing the ut- copy signed by all members be sent 1948-1950 are as follows, President, tion has hired three ponies to sup.. 100.. ., rs.· R 0b ert B' aIr, V'Ice. P reSl'de fit - ply free rl·d bet e 10 a d 11 ch origin of the city, was sisited to his wife. April 1948.',' . 'I ' nlembershl·p reachdd Club , ' l a s t week by Mrs" Oscar J. Gil-, At the time of )'Ir. Delaplaine's ~Irs. Howa, rd' Hopson, Recording a mOIl the es w en grounds n to _______ hl'gh -chool ., Qf Vassar avenue, who end h I h he had . . :s crees~ I·n eat severa mont sago, Secretary-llrs. Edith Simpson, chl'ldren under SI'X years of age 'oyed th'e old Dutch silver exhibit, . Ph·l d I h' h I served In ,the I a e p la sc 00 s Treasurer-Mrs. John 'Vhittier, }'Ir and ~I Phirp M' AIde ·11 J Mr. and. Mrs. Pa'lll F. Gemmill the 'Historical Society Tea, and, the for tree h '(leca d es. ... . : . rs. I . , n WI Historian-llrs. Harvey Pierce, direct the rides. of Thayer roay are sailing from d Montreal 'tomorrow for England. pa~~i:'u~ features of the parade Sergeant-at-Arms- ~Irs. Robert At 2 :30 baseball fans will enThey go to France in the mid- p~rtrayed Junior Leaguers in DutSheppard, and Chaplain-Mrs~ 'Os- joy a game between the local Amef"- . car Gilcreest. . a L . ' t d Crfto . dIe of August ,returning to S war":'ch CQstumes, ,sweeping ,the city __ Friends of the lC n f!glOn earn an I.n on thmore in S.eptember. Tl).eir son str-eets with wide hrooms, an anci!frs. E. Tiel Smith of the Stone Auxiliary are the Riverview avenue field. Coach Robert and daughter Jean are on a b I f H 11 d asked to put away clothing and Russel Snyder predicts plenty of . ~nt '. arre orga~l rom .0. an House, Strath Haven Inn returned other articles for a Rummage Sale action, "'ith the bu, rgess an ex- • student, tour of Europe whichI 111bl as t l .. of the local Legion Post 1· '. mg, t ~ un~, .. 11gh wheel bicycles \Vednesday f rom.S wampscott,.l:}'I ass. Ion October 6 and 7, as the Auxili- cOI)lmander eludes Holland, Switzerland, ta y, n~den w~th dlfuculty ~nd a buggy where she was elected national preS-I ar"'" treasury will need '\\,'herewi~hal making the opening thro,". ·France, Austria and Germany. They WI tl 1 a f f1!1 ge 0 n top. , lid. ent at.t h e DIG e ta amma r.onv,:n- foroJ tI{e next year to replace. th, e will attend for several weeks the , , t l o n whIch was attended by =>-00 $7000.00 already expended. experiment. in international study Receives }'IIational Award delegates.. . • sponsored by the government, at '\Villiam ·F. '!-ee, of Layafette aveMrs., Smith who is a graduate o f ' O'C AM the Universiy of Heidelberg. Ro- nu~, has been presented with ,the Swarthmore College joined the PLAN PR R lfrs. Francis H. G. Forsythe, hert Gemmill received the degree National Quality Award for 1948 frater'nity, here. Sl~e served as' naThe Executive Board of the chairman. o~ the recent Cancer of MaS't"'er of Arts with 'a major in sponsored by the National Associa- tional treasurer for, several years :Mothers Club met at the home of Control Driye proudly reports that economics from the University of tion of Life Underwriters and the and was appointed by th-e Grand \' the newly elected president, llrs. Swarthmore with a tota~ cash .conP,..e....n_n_s...:)~·I.... v_an_I_·a.........i...n--:;J_u_n....e....._ _ _.-..........."\. Life Insurance Sales Reseat:ch Council in 1947 to fill the vacancy' John \Velle,r in, \Vallingiord on tribution of $2,304.45 was the high(J PUBLIC LIBRARY Bureau. He is associated with the \ left by the 'retiring president. This Jun~ 22 to plan the program for the est. in Delaware COUIlty. It!. addiHome Office Agency of the Penn! is the first tin.le she has been ele.ct-I comm~ ye~r. Present were ,lIrs. D. tion to the sum turned in by. the During July and Au~ust, Mutual Life Insurance CompanY'i ed to the office by the conventIon I ~Iace Gowmg, ~I~s: John Maerker, many individual workers in the the Library <;ioses at noo~ on The Award for 1948 was given I which represents the 40,0000 college, :Mrs. George Br~lthng, }'Ir~. Bruce borough, this total includes' $75 Saturday, and is, not open ,on the basis of persistency and st,udents and alumni in the United Smith, .}'Irs, \Valter ~1.01r, ~Irs. f;om the Junior~\Voman's Club, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat'quality of life insurance sold and States and Canada who are mem-I Carl ,Moeller, M~s. \Vl1ha~ Step361.65 raised by local Girl Scouts. urday , afternoons. .-...______ hens and Mrs. RIchard Emon. , __________________ II maintained in force during the year.' bers of Delta Gamma.' Five teams participated in the Scavenger Hunt held last Friday at the College' Avenue Summer Re-: creatiOn Program. Each team had' . eight or nine members varying from eight to 15 years' of age. The 1\vo teams which tied for first place brought in every article on the following 'list, with the exception of the 1943 copper penny: foUT leaf clover, Indian arrowhead, Japanese maple leaf, green marble, peanut in shell; a gray hair, two old golf balls, wonn, six-inch nail, 20 chances ,match I.:overs, signature of lady over 60,' butterfly, jobnnyjump-up, 1943 copper penny~ chicken feather, old fishing badge, purPle button; dill 'pickle, Wilkie button. Patsy Blake captained one of the winning teams composed of Linda . D"lCk'Ie S ny d er, All en S ml'th , SmIth, Mike Bender, Charles and GrahaJ11 Wentz; and Suzanne Hat"rar the otber team composed of Jane Hay. Nancy Lees, Pett>r Bloom" Craig Peei, Phyllis Adams, Calvin and ' John Coleman. Th e wmners s h arcd candy bars, liie savers and chic,lets. Thoge who did not take part in the Scavenger Hunt were occupied with unscheduled arts and crafts, tennis; archery .and general play. Don Dickinson who is again direct(lr of generai play, ~s a Swarthmore HI·gll Scl1001 senior and was recently elected president of, the St1.1dent Council. He participated in u "as'ketball,and baseball.last year and Frl·d''ays. interesting' with spel11akes . . . . cial acttvltles. ~\ b'ICYC Ie- rt·d e IS !'cneduied next' for younger and older members ot the Summer Club. for Austria 'PHILA HONORS ROV DELAPLAINE Hornets Lead League Present Resolution T Teacher's Widow I I I I I 1" .;J I ' mer Sum Europe ,,,ill Heads Delta Gamma ,y I i ~~ ~ Boro Raises.$2,304.45 to I Fight Cancer rtW.lOre G011ece Librnry o\l8.r t-h .more, ~' . . . n, ;:)\1:-' - S\VA~ 1948 JUL 2 JI/ORH' .. L COLII"("/~ ' ,•f 0 ~~~y 9 O'CLOCK CHILDREN'S TH"E SWARTHMO PARADE STARTS MONDAY MORNING ·1 $3.00 YEAR = =VOL. .20-NO. 27 RECRfATiONISTS \ GO SCAVENGING There is an urgent need for boys of high school c:ge or older to volunteer to aid Polio victims who swim in the Morrow pool on Tuesday, \Vednesday, and Friday afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock. V oJunteers are also needed to help transport patients on these days. Any persons who wiJI aid may contact Mr:s. .Avery BJake, Swarthmore 1971-\V. . The many local persons who work actively with this group find it inspirationaJ, never a chore. Latest Special Event Ends In Tie teams participated in the ~cavenger Hunt held Jast Friday at the College Avenue Summer Re-; creation Program. Each team had 't:ight or nin~ members varying from eight to 15 years· of agc. The two teams which tied for first place hrought in every article on the following list, with the exception of ;ANNUAL COMMUNITY 4TH OF JULY · . 'PROGRAM SET FOR NEXT MONDAY . OPPORTUNITY Burgess Brown Five . \ .. • . Kiddie's Parade, Games for All Ages Pony Rides, Baseball on .. All-Day Schedule '''; \Vith small fry busily dccorating- their trikes, bikes and scooters in red, white and blue alid adult!' priming themselves for their annual share in thc unique games of the day, the 1948 Swarthmore Fourth of July Program is the current talk of' the town. Burgess Paul Brown IS limbering up his right arU1 to pitch thc first ba11 fn the afternoon's baseball conte·st. E. M. Buchner president of the Business Association, John H. Pitman, and Ferris \V. ~Iitchel1 will Sail for Austria ,J PHILA I . HONORS the 1943 copper penny: four leaf clover, Indian arrowhead, Japan('se maple leaf. green marble, pea- I - marshaJ the parade for children George Little, who has been which opens next ~Ionday.'s activiteaching at Swarthmore College ties at 9 a. m. on Park avenue be- . ~lr. ROY DELAPLAINE nut in shell, a gray hair, two old I during the past year, sailed Tues- tween Dartmouth and Harvard. «olf ba1Js. worm, six-inch nail, 20 To Pitch First Ball I day with his wife, Virginia Colc There will bc prizcs for winners in ~hanccs match covers, signaturc of -- ----. --Littlc, for Austria. ).[ r. and :\1 rs. the customarv sections: tricycles, lady ovcr 60, butterfly, johllnyLitt~c wi1l work with the Ameri-I bic::cles, fancy uress, original and jump-up, 1943 copper penny, chicken can Friends Service Committee rc- comic costumes; and pets. )'Irs. feather, old fishing badge, purple Last \Yednesday's victory over lief unit there. John E. ).Iichacl, president of the button, diJI pickle. \Vilkie button. Lansdowne with a sCOiC of 8 to· 4, The Service C.ommittce program \\'01l1an's Club has appointed the .Pa!sy Blake captained onc of. the i()llO\:\"~d by Saturday:s 8 to 5. vicin' A~tstria includcs. a supplemcn-' f~llowing assistant jud~es; George wtOmng teams composed of L1Oda" tory ovcr Sharon HIll cstabhshed tar\' feeding prorrram of 600 calor- Corse, Mrs. George \\arren, )'Irs. . . 11, D'IC k'Ie S nyuer, ,1 All en S 1111'th ,the- Hornets 111· . -. . A testlJ110111al resolution Signed ' - dailv for ahout '"' . K I B rown Snllt 11rst place 111: • • . .' • I ics 1,000 teen-age Blrncy . '.,Iorsc, B ar lara ~like Bender, Charles and Graham the Eastern lJelawarc County Jun- I hy 17 offiCials of the vanous PllIla., apprcnticntz; and Suzanne Harrar the ior Baschall League. The only team dclphia Public High Schools, pre- 6,000 food packages monthly to i At 10 a. m. therc Will be games other team composed of Jane Ha~, to which thc ~onl 1.,ds have bowed \ ;"enteu posthumo'..lsly to Roy \V.I tul;crcular young pC0ple und~r 25, fnr .,11 ?gce: -:):1 the CcHcgc avenue Nancy Lee~, Pett'r Bloom .. CraIg so f<:or i~ P:)ll1~es. I Delaplaine of Cornell avcnt!c reads: ',ycars of age. In addition to these I school grounds. Every participant Pecl. Phyllis Adams, Calvm and Lee Ford. star pitcher, leaves for I . " r e l i e f acth'itie~ thc Ouakers are will be reircsheu by a frce Dixie ~ h . .. '(her the Ycars, a man s personal- I ..... . ' . John Coleman. TI Ie wtOner" s ar- camp thIS wcek hut Bohhy _-\llIson!. ~ponsoring two ' ~cighhorhood Ccn- cup supphed hy the Busllless Assoc('(I candy bars, Jiie sayers and chic- 'a~HI . Billy Zi.egenfus show great: It\ and .charac~e.r develop by. ~h.e I tcrs Clnd a day care ccnter. 'The ~C\tion at the conc1l15ion of the varh:t,~'. . . . pltcI111~g- prOl11ls~. " . . .. .., 1 manner 111 wl1lcl1 he meet:; hte s \ day c;:re ce~~ter is o~:ratcd in CO-IIOt1~ c~ntest:;; .' , flwsc \\ ho dul not take part 10 Behmd the l><1t Charhe:> Gner b : prohlems. To the degrce he' faccs operation With the \' lellJla Educa- I (Jraham \\ cntz \\ 111 Jead the- 6the ~c~\yenger Hunt were occupied dnin~ a fine job . I~ t 11cm anI 1 conqucrs t l' . l' tiolnl Dej)artll1el\t I to-1O -ycar-old ho\'s' games .lnu .. f. le111, so IS liS < . 1 \\'Ilerea', I 'I L'ttl .-\Iston the 10. -to-l-t ycar,,;ith unscheduled arts and cra tS'1 The entire infielhcarcr,I~ussell Snyder! II I't' 1 t l · · f tl FI tcl r cCllool otL'\,,' Swarthmore College ph\'stcal edu• 1 met a COl1( I Ions lOnes y. S1l1cerc- 1'0111 Ie . c Ie : : 0 ' I ~ I'r. (If g:neral play: IS '~ Swarthmore and Billy Hoot who. arc al.so re-! h', and yigorol1sh', hd;)cd those all(l niplr'!l1:tcY :111f1 Coh;mhia cni- cation department is planning the I. IJ"h SC1110r and was re-_ =". -!Jon ~ ible ior .1I10't . • • • • • ''; There I'·:> d, po··'b·]·t" ,.,.,. School _ .' " ot the l11t;;. •• ' . :!\:ho needed' .It mo:;t, kept ·counsel \"crslty. He ha;; Just receIved hIS .girl..;' ,: g'llll ' 1.::. _ :>:>1 1.1 .y '. t.lltl) ~lecte~l pI eSHlent ?f. thc SH.t . ~\mp!e opportunity IS allorded eyer ,\.ith the rightness of things, DoctnratL' in \ntern:tti(ll1al Rela-! 01 a te~llll,": toUrt.lament tor gIrls dent CouncIl. Hc participated 111 S,,'arthmoreans to see thc Hornets I I" .1 . t 't t' .'-'1 'L-Il1' 'el'-I't"\' I·]!) to 1(,. rho;;.~ I1ltcrestcd should , .. 1'111 ", l ' . . ma{e (eCISIOI1S \\"Itl an 1n cgn y lun" 110m ·1,IC \:> o ' , • . J,askctball and b,be)a ast) ear an( , ::1 actIOn as thrce. home games are I tJlat , I . TI () 1.. . ' 1 ' \yuh racket.;;. elllU balls to wa:; as rca as It was apparent, 1(" _ua ... er:-- carr} on !>llll1 ar, r~')()rt .'. . . I 't 'lctl·'·1·tl·'· I'll t'll otlter C()lllltrl'c' ot', ),11;;:; Rath at the school grounds :l1akes Fnelays l11terest111~ WIth spe- scheduled: July 10, I-t. and 17. Resl-; I . . . . \ l' 1 .1 . .. ' t lerclore. )e 1 < l:-I.: .:-. n:1 etctl\·ltles. ~ llCyC e .f\( e IS dents arc rClll1lHlocl' tllat a good I "1" I I I l' I ·t·· b Ill' .all(1 \sl'a prolllptl\' at 10 o'clock . 1 I '.CSO '·C( t let t t lIS reso u llln I! Eltr 0 ... ' . ' ~,:h~dt1le(l next for younger all( crowd t11al~~s a gc·od game hetter.. '1 I ' ... I Sl.)CCi J'.. ("I to llS Wl1~ . .; pr~ '[ ·D· I I' 'i)'1 rs .. R.ohert Bail', Vice President-! ply free rides between 10 and 11 >y 1\ l r~. :>car '1 . .11 - 1 At the t1llle (·t ., r. e ap1 ame • R\.econhng . I a. m. on thc lucyh . school grounds to Iast ,,'ce. - \'"" 1 s )'lrs. HO\\'ard Hop:>on, creest ot a:>S,lr avenue, \\ 101'1' en-I death sevcral months ago, lC 1ad . ccrctdr)--' r::.. Ed'It I1 S·1111pson, children under~ SIX years ot age 'J Joyed thc old Dutch Sl ver ex 1J )It, :iervcd in· the Philadelphia schools T ).[ J I \Vl 'tt' :. .. ),1 r. aml ).[ rs. Paltl F. Gemmill tl Hist rical Society Tea and the I . I ,I d' reasurer-- rs. 0 10 1~ ler,.)'1 r. and )'Irs. Plllhp ~I. Alden Will lC d 0 -' , tor t lree ueca e:>. I-listorian-).[rs. Harvc" PIerce, (Il'rect tile rl·de". Thaycr roael are sailing from J ~ of 'r -I f E I n,1 pa~~ .e. f . tile d Scrgcant-at-:\rl11:-- )'Irs. Robert .:\t 2:30 baseball fan.;; will en_. ontrea tomorrow or ng a u. uUlC)ue eatures ot para e . 0 . 'j~"'lr.~. • L caguers 10 . I) u t _ I Sheppard, and Chaplal11-).lrs .. · . s- , jO\' a name between the local Amer- . '-, \\'1'11 go to Frallce in the mid-' portrayc d _Tumo. :::0 • .. d1e of .;\ugust ,returning to Swar- I t me sweeping the city car <..;i1creest. Ican LcglOn team and Chtton on c 1 cos U s, ' . Frienlb of the _-\uxiliary are 1 R'· -' . . .. Id C 1 thlllOre in S.eptember. Th.eir son s.t re et'!'i "I'tll \\'I'(le l>rOOI11S , an anCl'[ (' . I1 ot. tl Ie St one hc. ' oac 1 \ ~,rs. E'... r'Ie I .:::onllt k I I I' d tIe ,-1\enIC\\ a\cnue . I~c.!Jert mct at tIe Control Dri\"e proudly reports that y t'col1omics from the Univcrsity of tion of Life Under:niters and the; an(1 \',:as. ;qlJl(~nte(1 ..by the Grand '\ thc ncw: c1cc~cu p:es~del~t, )'lrs. Swarthmorc ,,,itlt a total cash .conl'<':l1nsyl\"ania in Junc. .\ Life Imurancc Salcs Rcsearch i CounCil III lY4, to till thc vacancy John \\ elle.r 111 \ \ allmglOrd on tribution oi ~2,30-t.45 was the highoJ PUBLIC LIBRARY Bureau. Hc is associated "'ith th~ lIcit hy the retiring- president. This\ June 22 h) plan the program for the e~t in Delaware County. In. addiI-lome Oiiicc :\gency of the Penn: is the first timc shc has been elect- I cnming year. Present werc .:\lr5. D. tion to the sum turncd in by the During July and .:\U&ust, . ).Iutual Lifc Insurance Comp~ny.: ed .to thc office h~," the cOl1\'ention: ),1 ace ~';owing.))'I~s .. John ~[aerker, many individual workers in the \ thc Lihrary cioscs at noon on I The:\ ward ior ly-t8 was g1\'en '.dllCh rcpresents the -to,OOOO cotlege. 11 rs. Cleoq!e brelthng, ).[ r:>. Bruce borough, this total includes S75 Saturday, and is not open Ion the hasis 0i persistcncy and stuc\ents and alu1l1ni in the United; Smith, .~lrs. \Valter :\Ioir, )'lrs. i;0111 thc Junior'\Yoman's Club, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Satquality of lifc insurance sold and ~ States and Can~da who are mem-l Carl )'foeller, 11r5. \YiJlia~1 Step361.65 raised by local Girl Scouts. .. urday aftcrnoons. r' : maintaincd in forcc during thc year.' hers of Delta (.. amma. hens and )'lr~. H.ichard El11on. Hornets Lead League I I Present Resolution To Teacher's Widow I ., ., I I 0 I I • I I I .- - .. \\. I. • • • . ' I I \\ ~I I Su I . Europe mmer In - -' • . II I • 0 Is, - '[ - . Heads Delta Gamma I I _\ I' ' . - .' Raises.$2,304.45 Fight Cancer I . 'I' I '1 :ue Pa. l l I . I ~ I ~HB SWARTHKORBAN . - Fri_y, Jaly Z, I. . I • BULLOCK-DURE College in Providence, R I. Thel fodil yellow, halo hats with shou!. at home for the next two years on al wedding marches. ' The marriage of Mary Dure, groom is a graduate of George 'der length veils and mitts of match- the Earlham campus. After a honeymoon in the Podaughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Henry' School and Hampdem-Sydney CoI- ing materiaL Ea.ch, girl' wore a silconos, the bride and groom will Franklin Dure of \ Ogden avenue lege in Virginia. vcr locket and chain, the gift of have a leisurely drive to the West SECORD-MYERS to Page Mi~haux Bullock, SOft 01 The out·of-town members of the the bride, and each carried a showThe lawn of her home 'on, Dick" Coast, via Yello~stone Park. They Mr. and Mrs. William Barlier Bu!- bride's family included her grand- er bouque.t 01 yellow roses, caUa witl 'continue their studies at the lock of Cedar lane, .took, place at mother, Mrs. Robert Charles Ste- lillies, and baby orchids entwined inson avenue formed the setting University of California in the fall for the. wedding of Ann Myers, 4 o'clock on Friday' afternoon, June venson of Fresno, Calif., her great with ivy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 25, in a candlelight ceremony at aunt Mrs. C. Frank Kifeker, and Karen T.hamas of Richmond, Ind., PAULSON-AMEN· G. Myers, and John Warburton SeTrinity Church. Rev. George Chris- Mr. C. F. Kireker, Jr. .from Arcola, five year old niece pf the bride. The marriage of Miss· .Laura lian Anderson officiated. N. J. The grandmother of, the groom, wore a full lenglh yellow cord, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Secord of Watertown, Mass., at Amen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. The bride, who was given in mar- groom Mrs. William W. Michaux, 'taffeta frock matching ,the gown 11 o'clock on 'Saturday morning, John Amen of Philadelphia, to Mr. riage by her father, wore a gown ~!r. and Mrs. W. W. Micbaux, Jr., worn by the maid of honor. find The Rev. H. Lewis Cutler perform- Paul K Paulson J r.,.son of Mr. of candlelight satin made ,vith a Miss Byrd ,Michaux, Mrs. Martin carried a basket of mixed ~ellow ed the ·ceremony. and Mrs. Paul M. PaillSon of Park' fitted bodke featuring an off the Michaux, Dr. and Mrs. Stuart M. flowers. She wore yellow rose buds The bride wore a' white gown avenue, took place on Saturday shoulder neckline wilh a salin ber- Michaux and Mr and -Mrs. Henry in her hair. featuring a Iaca bodice with' a tha edged ,,,ilh rosepoint lace be- Grant all of' Richmond, Va., were Richard O. Thomas 01 Richmond, sweetheart neckline, long sleeves evening, June 26, at 7, o'clock in Congregational longing to her great grandmother, also present. Ind., served as best man for his ending in points and a full skirt of The Armenian Church at West Philadelphia. Rev. and caught at the center by a gold brother. The ushers, who wore marquisette. She carried a bouquet Samuel Rejebian officiated at the heirloom brooch, long sleeves, and THOMAS-ULLMAN white dinner jackets with maroon 01 white roses and wore a band of ceremony. full, panelled skirt Her "eil of The marriage of Miss Agnes boutonnier~s to carry oct the Earl- white roses in her, hair. , The bride, who was given in 'marillusion, which fell' from, a head Elizabeth Ullman, daughter of Mr. ham colors, were David Ulrich UlIMrs. Charles E. Fischer of Dick- riage by her father, wore a lovely piece of matching rosepoint lace and Urs. Roland G. E. Ullman' of man and Roland G. E. Ullman, Jr., inson avellUe played the tr~ditionContinued on Page 6 al'd had butterflies of the lace "Applebrook:', Park avenue, to )i:d- brothers of of the bride, and Berappliqued on it at random, extend- ward Eugene Thomas, son of Mr. liard Ryan, Robert Rodefeld, Will· - - - ------ --cd to the end of the long train. She and Mrs. Earl A. Thomas of Rich- iam Davenport, Noah Berry, a,nd --,carried' a bouquet of gardenias, ste- mond, Ind., took place on Saturday David Hunt, all of Richmond, In,.!. phanotis, and white ivy leaves tied afternoon, June. 26, ,at" four o'clock The bride's mother wore a gown with w~lite satin strea'mcrs. in the Swarthmore Friend's Meet- of dusty rose lace with matching hat and glo,'cs and an orchid cor~ . hlrs. Anse Hade Speairs of Law- I'11g Hou . se. . sage. • -tOil, Okla., cousin of the bride. The bride, given ,in marriage !>y The mother of the bridegroom acted as matron of honor The her fatlter, wore a gown of white chose a gown. of beige crepe with bridesma,ids 'were Miss Jea~ Ma-I faille taffela with a fitted bodice powder blue accessories.· Her cor. rion Gehring of University place, buttoned down the back to meet 5agc was of orchids. , Miss Shelby MacJ.-ay Johnson of the bow. bustle. The off the shoulder Dorothy Johnstone Easeler, well 'Vestport, Conn" Miss Duley Col- neckline featitred a race-trim.:. known harpist of Philadelphia playlyer Thomas of Scranton, and lliss mcd bertha below a yoke of iled' preceding and during the cerellary Frances Hagan' of Hunting- lusiao. The long sleeves were mony .. tOil, 'Vesl Va. The attendants all edged in lace and the full Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates, wore tissue faille off the shoulder skirt ended in a long train. Her :\[rs.' J. L. Servais, and Mr. J. Panl dresses with scalloped capes, blue full Icngth veil of heirloom Point Brown were the overseers and Dafor the matron of honor and shell Venice lace fell from a heartvid Ullman read the certificate. pink for the others. Their bead- sh!lped halo, and' she wore an. anAn outline of ivy backed the dresses were large leghorn hats ticluc brooch of seed peat]s worn by facing benches and an arrangement trimmed with faille to match their hrr great grandmother and her of white gladioli, Easter lilies, gowns and they carried small old- mother on their wedding days. She fashioned bouquets of mixed flow- carried a shower bouquet of or- stock and carnations complemented ~~~~Ei~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the lovely simplicity of the Meeting ers and wheat to harmonize with chids. gardenias~ ·and bovardia. their dresses and halS. Miss Ruth Medford of Strath Hav- House. A reception at the home of the en avenue, who acted as maid of Mr. William Barker Bullock, Jr. honor, wore a quaint taffeta gown bride followed the ceremony. served his brother as best man. The of daffodil yellow with a fitted The bride's goin" away costume lIshers inclllded another brother bodice, off the shoulder neckline was a light weight gull grey wool BEAUTY SALON Mr, Richard Byrd Bullock, Mr. and a full skirl caught up with suit ,,,itll pink accessories and a Curtis' Randolph Hudgins, Jr. of' bows to show the lime green pet- grey felt bonnet with a veil. She Norfolk, Va., Mr. Walter Griffith licoat. Full length mitts of match- worc a corsag~ of fuschia-throated Beauty for the A.kina MacFarland III of Huntington Va!- ing Inatetial anti a halo cap with white orchids. ley and Mr. John Francis Daley,Jr. shoulder I~ngth veil col)tpleted her After a honeymoon of three . Call Swarthmore 0476 Mr. Allen McGill Daley, Mr. Gor- costume. The matrons of honor weeks at Vineyard Haven on Mardon Whipple Douglas, Mr. Hal- Mrs. David Ulrich Ullman of Am- tha's . Vinyeard, Alas·s., Mr. and 9 Chester Road Ial)d Rhoads Sayre and Mr. Steven herst avenue and Mrs. Roland G. Frederick Spencet, all of Swarth- 'E. Ullman, Jr. of Villanova and at "Applebrook" for Airs. Thomas willbefore return.leaving for a visit more. . ' the bridesmaids, Miss Mary Jane Richmond, Ind., where they will be The mother ~f the btJde wo~e Servais, Miss Jean Dickson, Miss a rose gown WIth. a brown orchid Virginia, Peel, ~fiss Jean Gehring, FOR cor~agc at the \Valst, brown acces- all of. Swarthmorc, and :Miss Suzsones, and a large lace straw hat anne Hoerner of Keokuk, la. were SUBSCRI~TIONS of brown. all gowned alike. They wore gowns Call Mrs. Bullock was gowned i~ yel· of lime green laffeta fashioned like low crepe with white accessories. that worn by the maid of hot}or Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman SWARTHMORE 2080 Her oyster hat \vas" trimmed with with contrasting petticoats of. dafyeltow orchids an~ she 'wore a corsage of yellow and green orchids. After a reception at the Aroni ... • Pbarmacy ia one of the oldest mink Golf Club in Newtown of all the learned professions. It Square, the bridal couple left for a Friday and Saturday s· bad its beginning more than four Last 2 Days,Friday-Saturday' wedding Irip to the Adirondacks. ERROL FLYNN The bride attentied. Pembroke "ROBIN' HOOD" thousand years ago, and has beetl t··' HENRY FONDA \ in technicolor 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' I prac:ticed in one form or another SHIRLEY TEMPLE Saturday Matinee, 1 p.m. ever since. The modern drug JOHN WAYNE , Children's Show "FORT APACHE" store bears little resemblance to Feature "Robin Hood", Car~ we' will bo the apothecary of old. totoons, and Serial will be shown. day's pharmacist is ,inspired by the same honor:Sunday and Monda)' : able principles that governed the cond~ct of his ' RAY MILLAND FROM 11:00 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M. ~[on.> Tues. add \Ycd. forebears. The pharmacist's chief interest. now as CHARLES LAUGHTON VAN JOHNSON FOR THE SALE OF OUR OWN then, is the relief of suffering and the prolongaMAuREEN O'SULLIVAN TUNE ALLYSON MAKE ICE CREAM, SHER"THE BIG CLOCK" tion of life. Prescriptions come first 'in .our store. "BRIDE GOES WU:'D" BETS AND DELICIOUS ASSORTED BUTTER COOKIES. YoUr doctor may not like ·to recommend any Thur!iday only rve are etlrT}'ing a filII line of NORRIS particular pharmacy, but he will neve,;: complain Tuesday and \Veduesd~l' Summer ca"die.J~ including "Jar delicio"., HENRY FOXDA D&t.LA ROBBIA MINTS ' if you bring his prescriptions to us. ~ . ALEXIS SMITH "THE FUGITIVE" ELEAXOR,PARKER CHESTER and FAIRViEW ROADS SIDXEY GREENSTREET Slarting Friday THEATRE SQUARE "THE WOMAN IN WHITE" "B. F.'. DAUGHTER" Daily De1ivcnes Swarthmore 3243 LET US LUBRICATE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP. The Bouquet , ~i~iiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~~:i~~:ii~ii~~~ I MAGAZINE MEDIA' • 11 ANCIENT PROFESSION Collee:e Theatre t, ~~;! NOTICE e yet, OPEN SUNDAYS TflE "CAKE BOX" I 1111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 11111 !!;:::;:::::;:::::;:::::;::;;;;:::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::;;;;;;;;;=~ I Michael's 'College . Pha~macy ON THE CORNER ... - ~?-== J: THL1 :.1 • It ',1'. -_.......... SWARTHMOREAN ' .....•.- ..... PUBLISHED 'EvERY FRIDAY, AT SWARTlbIOIlE, THE SWARTIUlOREAN, INC J l'UBLISHEIl . Phoae, S....rthmore.0900 l'A. Barbafa. Kent ~ Rosalie Pcirsol . i I I PETER E. TOLD'Ib'~toor.r F. HI'-'~.g,· A~.~!.om'RaIEloI~gL::, Aloodatc _tor C\IU THE SWARTHMOItEAN lIOn.. II • Edith Whitaker ' i, Enterccl as Second CIu. Mattte, J&uuarJ 24,· 1929. at ,'_ LUC ..... 1 Offioc at Swarthmore. p... UDder the Act of Mardi. 3.. 111'. DEADLIN~WEDNE5DAY NOON : , . ,- - ' - . -- _.- p.......!I: I IN GRATITUDE" We wish to lake the opportunity to eJ/press sincerest gratitude for the great :generosity and affection sho,~n by our many friends in Swarthmore.· We cannot, I have.colltn possibly kll.o w. thde,. names of all who I llute In so many ways. h h to our happiness Ihroug t e 1!l01lths we have lived in Swarthmore i and espicially during the last ew days of our stay here, but. please knolV ,how deeply we apprecIate all .... ThUrsday, July'S The $1.00'· Serve Yourself - AI~You Want COMPLETE SUPPER Come .and Enjoy Your Selection From HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS - AND DESSERTS i ji STRAJ'H HAVEN INN L~___b~;~~~~~~~~:__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~_~~~___________!' ~::t :~I: b::; ~~n~o~a~o~~:u~Ie:~ ~:"':=======:;:===::::===::====::::~ii;:::::=~ serYe together may' this splendid I PRESBYTERIAN NOTES "'Ve thank you for carrying on Church ever more effectively make ~ ~ IJ:q" Sunday morning .it the 11 0'- the pastoral work of preaching and real God's will on earth and the clock service the guest minister visitation during the illness and coming of His Kingdom of love and ,itt be the Rev. Dr. Maynard Cas- especially after' the death of our I righteousness an!I peace. " sady, Prof. of Applied Christian- former pastor. We thank you for Rev. and Mrs. H. Lowis Cutler and for the ity at Crozer Theological Seminary. doing much of this work under un- family July I-Sept. 6 - Blue Hill Dr. Cassady is a graduate of Prin- certain conditions which would have Falls, Maine ceton Theological Seminary, with discourage!! a lesser man. . After September 6 513 Bird ZI~MERMAN: doctor's degree from Columbia "We thank you for your unseIf- Slreet, Boonton, New Jersey a "Outstanding for Quality" ' U ·versity. He has been a travel- 'ish devotion to Ihis church and for NEWS NOTES PHONE tM34I MEDIA 6 E. FRONT ST. I· III fellow at the University of subordinating your. personal desires JOg • l fare Berlin and the University of -Tueb- -and '~Ishes to t h"e ~UJty an dW8 , en Direclor of Men'~ Work for of thIS congregalJon. Mrs Troyer S. Anderson of Park :~~ Presbyterian Board of Chris- "The gift tendered ~y us wi)l, we avenbe has moved to New Yo'~k tian Education, Chairman of. the hope, remind. you of your.andfMrs. where she witt study for her MasDepartment of Religion at the Uni- Cutler's serVIce to us, and 0 our ter's degree in library science at . rs'lty of Roche.ter and held num- gratitude to you for a job well done Columbia Universily. Her daughlerous civilian offices during the reuo ur .best WIS . hes an d prayers go ter . Nancy Anderson, who ~ just ecent war. with you and your family in your graduated from Swarthmore High There will be nO Church Hour new Church work. Schol, will spend the summer at Nursery or Church School held With Kindest regards, East Lake Farm in Oakland, Main,e, during the months of JuI~ and ' T h e Session" and attend Smith College in the August. fait. Kenneth Anderson, who is Mr. Henry Fa'ust ,viii sing the METHODIST CHURCH NOTES taking the pre· medical course 'at solo at, the service this Sunday The Church School meets on Dartmouth College, will be wo(king • • mornmg. Sunday morning ~t 10 o'clQck. The on Mount \Vashington, N. H. this The Surgcial Dressings group .~oty Communion will be celeb~at- summer. . meets each Wednesday morning at edat the II o'clock service. .Dr. and Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins 10 o'clock at'the Church. Workers The Church Nursery is ",pen duro of Crest lane spent a few days at will bring sandwiches and remain ing the Ir.orning service. Mrs. Rich- Cape Cod following the wedding of over the lunch hour. ard Snyder wiII be in charge. their daughter Laura Lee to Mr. During the. summer months any The ushers lor the day are AI· Mitton C. Pike, Jr. Church business· may be transacted Ion P. Smilh; Charles Grier, Char........ Miss Eleanor Bye and Miss with Nancy Savelli who may be Ies L. Hughey and Richard Snyder. I Mary Bye of College avenue spent . -, ... reached at the Church office Sw. • the weekend with AIrs. Conrad '- .~ ..'--":':;~:-"'" 0672, or at her home phone Media Lesley 'l-t Atlantic City. TRINITY NOTES During the absence of lIrs. Mar0876J. Holy Communion witl be cele- garet C. Neal and her daughter The following resolution was abrated al 8:00 a. m. on Sunday, and Pepper in North . Carotin a', their dopted by the Session • again at 11 :00. Ushers at the 11 o'- residence al 234 Benjamin West "To you, Rev. H. Lewis Cutler, clock' service include: R. 1\[. KiI, ~linister of Religious Education avenue witt be occupied for July and f.ssistant Pastor of the Swar- gore, head usher; C. S. Brown, S. and A';gust 'by Dr. and Mrs. Ioure thmore Presbyterian Church, We D. Clyde, Jr., R M. Daniel, W. Patai of \Vashington,D. c., formFreegard, R. D. Newlin, W. H. the members of· the Se~sion say erly of Budapest, Hungry. Dr. PaIhank you for, your guiding hand Randall, and H. P. Stamford. tai is to be connected wi1h the Barill our Church School affairs. We tol Laboratory for a year beginthank vou for assembling a staff of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH ning'on JUly I. 1~l'aI Sunday School leachers. uGOD" is the subject of the. LesMiss Genevieve Reavis enterUse your credit ... save :"Ve Ihank you for helping' to son-Sermon in all Churches of tained the Young Adult's Club and "Best Deal In your cash for vacation s.ecnre parent and teacher coop.er- Christ Scientist; on Sunday July' tile Choir of the Presbyterian funl A small down pay;uion in preparing the way for a 4. Th~ Goiden Text is: "I am the Church last· Thursday evening with ment will completely new cnrriculum which promises the Lord thy' God, which have brought a candlelight party at her home on equip your car with highest grade of religious education thee out of' the land of Egypt, out University place due to the storm. Goodyear's New SuperIhat our Church has ever had. of the house of bondage. Thall Miss Mary F. Dickinson of Col" Cushions. ' . shalt have no other gods before lege aveHue and Miss SuStln Slaugh I me" (Exodus 20 :2,3). of Elm avenue are attending the Servi~ Friends's· Conference at Cape :May. SWARTHMORE lIr. and Mrs. A. Sidney John· PRESBYTERIAN CHU1{CH· Rain Dates for Basehall Games Rev. H. Lewis Cutler MinUter son, Jr. of Lafayette avenue atSUNDAY. JULY '4 The bad weather has caused post· tended the' Pennsylvania Bar As11 :(JO .0\. lI.-Dr. Maynard Cassady wi1t ponement of two American Legion' sociation Convention preach Atlantic Team games within the last \veek. City for ihree days Ihis week, METHODIST CHURCH One of the rained out games will Roy N, Keiser Q.D.. Minister lo!r. and Mrs. \V. B. -Keighton, SUNDAY, JUIN 4 be played on July 5 with Clifton 10:00 A. ll.-Church School Jr. of Cedar lane returned lolonday CHANGING ..:' II :IJO A. lL-Holy C(lmIDuni(ln Heights and the other on July 7 from a tWO weeks vacation at Buck WH£I!LS OR RIMS wlien the opposition will be from ,Hilt. TRINITY CHURCH Re~. Ceo. C. Anderson. Rtf:t(lr Manoa. ,Games are played on the }.[r. and )'Irs. Qtto Kraus, Jr. SUNDAY, JULY 4 Riverview Avenue Field. 8:00 A. :\I.-Holy Communipn. and daughters Ann and Helen of II :f)O A. lL-;-Holy Communion Benjamin \Vest avenue are spendTHE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY The Francis H. G. Forsylhefaming the month of July at Ocean OF FRIENDS SUNDAY. JULY 4 • ily of Thayer road are yacationing City,.N. J.. 11 :00 A. ).I.-Meeting for WOrs~lp. . 11r. Eugene C. Lappe, Jr. ;'f 11 :00 A. M.-Cbildren, cared. f,!r 10 Wbtt- in Ocean City until the end of tier House dunng meeung. July. Yale a\'enue spent the weekend irr WEDNESDAY. JULY, .. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. LongPittsburgh. 9:30 to 3:3O-Sewmg and QUIlting 10 'Vbittier House' Box Luncheon. All well of Brooklyn visited llr. LongMrs. H. Bardwell Lincoln, Jr. of cordially invited. • \vell's mother lIrs. Alfred E. Long- Ogden avenue win visit her sister FIRST CHURCH OF welt of Laiayette avenue over tre 1frs. J. H. McAleer in Buffalo next CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE week-end. Next 'Tuesday }'lrs. \\reck. " Park Av~nu~' Below Harvard Longwell's mother, Mrs. H. F. RoMrs. Charles Pixson of Cedar SUNDAY, JULY 4 11 :00 A. )l.-Sunday School. berson of Albariy and sister lIiss lane, who spent five days at the ST,UDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE 11:00 A. It.-Sunday Lesson Ullian Roberson .of Ne,~ Rochelle. Friends Conference at Cape 1Iay Sermon "God" S~~ Cheater and Fairview Roads 'V~dntsday ev~nlng mtet!ng each week. 8 p.tn. Reading room opcrt dady except Sell' will arrive to visit here this sum- last week rcturRS today' frOlll a Ph.ne SW8l'tbmore 9793 day and holidays 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesday mer. . four day trip, to Buck Hill. tvening "l to. 7 :45 p.m. and 9 to 9:10 p.m. Photographs " .: tt'. .' • F. F. I , _. , AT SPECIAL .PRICE town'" Church at I Fusco f:I. Alston SWARTHMOREAM c TH E' 4 Frida",' JaI" Z. IIM8 IIlYOU8 FRO EELS Sa'FE? I AT 'A I REAL SAVING Front wheels need special lubrication because high fric~ion, iB bearings can cause a wheel to shear off, Prevent ~ ser1<~us accident. Let us clean. inspect and re-pack the bear~ns:' With Sinclair front wheel lubricant-specially made for th,s job. Come in today, Mad. to ... Qi""'MI'i Talti.·... Yalln MAYORNAISE ~DIo, 'Fusco ' Bo.....De..Llte Salad Dl'en'ng ,(1 Alston STUDEBAKER SALES lit SERVICE . SO. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROAD. Phone Swarthmore 9793 • MADISON , BROS. .In Can-MG.kMf WelSlhl. imall. Rtod'y.. to-lat-5hort Shaok COOKED HAM SMOKED PICIIICS 89c 'b Phone 1913 .1. Ib • '!_ lOlled. Grad. A Fancy Yatlng. 10.16 lb., , SANDWICH FILLERS "SSe L= for Ho/ldaw Meal. WEDNESDAY NOON JULY - AUGUST , 110 " 14e ~ "18e ~ '·28c ·~'·I4c HAMS shank end lb 6ge ,Smoked TONGUE lb 48e Ib 8'ge Boneless Roast of Beef SHARP CHIDDAI 'It Bala Clab B•• I lelrtlb.,llt CHEESE ' BEVERAGES ~.,: 3 '~ ZSt: RIB Ray BEVERAGES ...,,, 2 ~. 'I'" ",It 23c .Plua Penna. Ta."C ID Penna. .I..arkeb \> ,. 3 LEMON JUICE Freestone 6JI • lb. - 17c each 1ge CELERY HEARTS bun. 1ge ". 'New POTATOES I . I , Q. I . . -' , I I • PATTERSON 1 .CLASSIFIED C:h~k~,,!o~I::dl. lbI2c owner 22-13. ~~ts._Cal1_, the per~on I Dependable Service I haudmadc If who { ! .,he", {or'. sale. was gircll a child's light green J you ha\'e rcal estate I~cater kt.hrorSh err~r So~. JU.jg~4 22 at the' list wilh us and we will gh"e you ca. "a. . fEiS'ONAL-=-Supen'iscd -and Icdel1cu I . II ease 1 IT.7.2 the benefit. of our Cooperative ~~;:;:;:;;;:;~;';;:;;;U;:;;:;IVW;:;;;M Selling Bureau. Call at office or ~...........,................................ , . phone us. Re:tding work, by Educati?", p~i\·ate or group c;:la5S!"5 beglnnmg Write Darhara Knabb, 104 South (-)~ ,:L\'enue Swarthmore. Fa.. for REAL ESTATE - 1I0pkin' on Staff of ~~~~ri~~~~~O~f~~~IU~,i~,;ii~n':l<~r<~"~od~i~nl ~ ~tudio }:~o. Z190: O'r1ID\'?&''''' 5W :r':1,:'(,·7.1~U ~ ~ I,a, r gr• (', ,r,~ ..... oa tlli> it..:!i; .... Ca. SWEET -=-P=EA.:::.S-=FE!~:o--:;::~_ 2~:~: Z5 c 4:-:. Ideal Orange .Juice :.::,:."; • ~IC Asco Pure Grape .Juice "'«,. ~9a Ntw En'lliand Sble S 18-01 :&90 Baked Beans ,. M.',.lIow ..... S.... ..'....2" .rr.. ~ Z '70 h Ideal Peaa es H.'n." SU... I'D'.... ,. .. ~.oi Venioe Maid Spagbet,t to••'uSu," ~ .... I I .__ ~ 'orl,'" 5·" "'5" .' 1.·.. 69c r~ 3'_ Flour ".11, baD ~ . . . ... Wallace Lippincott ertiet with Ut. Marian S. Brown 907 Ed!(mont RealtorAvenue Che.ter 3.4516 ,.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .5. " . . Z,. ( SptciallJ ) C~~~ca~!~~!..' 'n"tI" ~= 14-oz • ~;,!'.t:::." .PEACHES Juicy 35. Kay Natural Cheese. \>" 35c '"" 43e Nestle's Gruyere ' Cheese Food ..~:::'. ~ He Oleomarga,rlne Prl..... .::. 37e Picnic Plates ... IOe Paper Napkins 10,.\' 12c lISCO Cat_s_u.:.p____l:.f 19c GLENWOOD . • ~"17e Luncheon Meat s,.... Frankfurters ""'''' Large Bologoa \ Braunschwelger Sliced Dried Beef Loaf Sliced AmerIcan Cheese D.llclo.. .FREE DELIVERY CLOSED JUNE FRYIIIB CHICKEIIS Ib 51. HEN TURKEYS 'b 65c "6ge Dry' Cure Breakfast, Sliced Bacon • THE New. of Laf;lyette Bven~'e entertained over the weekend Miss Miriam B. Watson of Waterproof, La., who will remain in Swarthmore for several weeks with her cousins, Mt. and !If rs. R. G. E. Ullman. Mr. and Mrs. Craton G,' Pitner of Roland Park, Md" spent the week. end with Mrs. Pit,ncr's mother, Mrs .. P. L. Whitaker of Park ave· I • ' . enue. Mr. and Mrs. Bayd't. Harris of Yale avenue are leaving July 6 for Pittsburgh, where Mr. 'Harris has, accepted a position ,vith Westing~ house. Mr. Harris graduated from Villanova in June with a degree in mechanical engineering while lirs. Harris 'graduated from' the West Chester Teacher's College where sh~ had majored in 11 usic, in Alay, Mr. and Mrs. William Ward 11I of South Chester road entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ric11ard N. Hoerner and son R. N. Hoerner, Jr. of Keo· kuk, Ia., who arrived in Swart1l~ more on \\'edriesday of last week to attend the wedding of June UII· man and Ed\\:ard E. Thomas on Saturday. Mr. and' Mrs. William Medford of Str~th Raven avenue were hosts to l\fiss Suzanna ~loe~ller of keo~ kuk, Ia., one of_ Miss Ullman', bridesmaids, and lIr. Robert Rodefeld and lIIr. Bernard 'R~'an from Richmond, Ind:, who served as ushers at the ,Ycdding. lEss Ruth Medford was hosiess ,to the brides· \ maids and' ushers at the Spring~ \ hal'en Country Club last Saturday night following the departure of Mr .and Mrs. Edward E. Thomas for their wedding trip to lIartha's Vineyard. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Malin and children Clem and 'R~ndy of Princeton ayen~e return today from a week at Cape :May: Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch and children David and Janet. of Dartmouth avenUe left Wednesday for a three week trip to Wis· consin. TN Pre"re for a Lollt Holiday W....1ld I" at M;ass. for the summer. Notes Miss Helen Hoot of Lafayet!o \ Mr. and Mr~. H. A. O. Speers of d L J f avenue, who spent last weekend In Indianapolis, Ind" arrived Tuesday an arry ones, sons 0 Haddonfield, N. J. visiting an Oberand Mrs. Donald P. Jones of· . I M' V· ., , " 1 f t d 11m College c assmate, 'ss .rg,nra LEGAl NOTICE av~nue, e t yes er ay Talbot, has gone to Mt. Gretna, --....c...o..-:-c:-c-c.--:--::--:----:: i.,·ernn); for C,\mp Onondaga, Long Pa where she has a summer posi." Th•. sch...1 District of ,Swartbmor. will Y where. they wilt spend I ., I re(:eh'c bids at the office of the School tion at The Inn. Her grandmother I n;,trict in 'b.e High : School Building, camIhe ,ummer.. Mrs ,V S Fricke of Cynwyd .r of Coli••• and Pronceton Avenues, S..... TI S H Hemenway family of Ithmore. Pennsylvania. up to 4 p. m., Tues· Ie • • d' S formerly of Swarthmore, accom-, da., July 20, 1948 and open the bids at a Hayen avenue returnc uo. d 1 f dn eek m~ing of the Board at the School Dis· e\'Vv'{I" H' L trict office 0!1- July 20•.1948,' at b8' p, m., f rom two week~_at Lake Carey, ;.~at~te ler ~rf }of r. and 1\ rs. 1 tam • ee or at an adJorned. meetmg of t e School and daughters Tish and Flora of, Board, ror •. ~la~room (umiwre and equipA Schumacher f~mily, 1 m~nt. Speclfu~3.tIOJ\:5 can be &eC:urcd between 11l eJ nhn ....· '. Harvard avenue leave .today for 9 a. tn. and' ... fl. m., dail, except SaturOgden aven"" ar~ spcndrng ,Ihe t1' ummer hom~ at Avalon N. J. d.,.,. Sundar' an" holiday,. at.·th. School f July at Avalon N J' lelr 5 . .. J \ Di!'ltrict offlc~. The Board re5erv~5 the o ..,.. lliss Harriet Gilbert. of Park right tn reje<:t any or aU bids in wbot~ or ~Ir. and :Mrs. Frederick Anthony \ ' I ' ition at the Ocean in part a.nd t~ award cont~cts 'on anY,ltem . h Ott 1 a \ enue las a pos r items makln2' up an)" bid. ,, equate? Ask Us " " ta QJerw ..•. ~. DEW DROP INN , BREAKFAST-LUNCH-DINNER Monday Thru Saturday " ,~ 9728 . , ALICE M. BAIRD - Old Bank Building - Swarthmore 0108 W. MARK B'ITTLE-125 Rutgers ,Ave.-Swarthmore ~111~J EDW.L.NOYES&Co. - 23S.ChesterRd, -Swarthmore0114 . PETER E. TOLD-333 Dartmouth Ave.-Swarthmore 1833 ' , Pa • • THE S WAR T HMO REA 1'1 i Fri""'; July 2, • • HOLTON-HILL Pugh, .Jr., of Park avenue,. Colburl! tilue bachelor's b.utton. an-d-mond, Ind. l-lacKmnon. of St. AugustIne, Fla., The groom's mother, wore an NEWS NOTES Jessie Gilbert's roommate at the and John H. Gontrum of Baltimore, crepe gown with matching hat Mr. and Mrs. William S. Fawcett Pennsylvania College for Women Continued from Page 6 "'fd. accessories, and. a cor.sage of and daughter Nancy ·moved yester- Be!sy .Ross of Bronxville, N. Y., James S. Holton, of St. Augustine, Mrs. Hill, the mother of the bride, ow roses. day from 313 Park avenue to their arrived at Park avenue on. Monday Fla., served his brother,as best man .. \\'ore a soft grey chiffon floor Aft~r Labor Day they will b. newly finished home al 617 Glen- for a week's visit. V~hers included Thomas A. Hill'jlClIgth gown with contrasting hat home at 1180 Oxford road,. field avenue, Glenolden. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Las- brother of the bride, William B. and accessories and a corsage of Miss Nancy Hoot of Lafayette si~t and son Remy ·of Rutgers aveavenue who has been visiting her nue will be in Ocean City the , brother-in-law and sister Mr, and Fourth. Lewis D. Lawrence· in 'Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Tho~as of Mass., is now being entertained Richmond, Ind., and lIIr. Allen S. at Bonnet Shores, L. I., by a Wheel- Bedell of Greenville, S. C. ~.l're the ock classmale, Miss Anne Gilbert. guesls of Mr. and Mrs..R. G. E. Clare Cochran of Wallingford Ulima!, at the Strath Haven. Hills, a gradl1at~ of Swarthmore over the weekend. BUT ... dOD't let your tires' 10 High School, made the dean's list Mr. William F. Lee of Lafayette at the University of Pennsylvania.' avenue entertained a group of NavBANG.I If you're plaDDiDIl • trip Mr. George M. McKeag of Par- al Reserve officers, who· served toor just gain. ~o vi.it the relative. rish road attended the 'meetings of gelher in tbe Pacific abroad the the Pennsylvania Dar Association "Appalachian", on his cruiser over the holiday weekend ••. haYe in Atlantic City this weeK. "The Apple" on the Sassafras River yOUI' car thoroughly checked to Mrs, . Oscar .J .. Gilcreest 01 Vas- and Chesapeake Bay over the weeksar avenue spent a night in Albany, e n d . ' . in lure your l.relyl'"Our espcirta N. Y. with friends and one in Captain and Mrs. Marion \V Scranton, Pa., with 'her fainily last ShelJenbarger and children Charwill service ,our needa efficiently week after visiling the Sesquicen- lotte and David of Kenyon avenue and the rates are lo:w I See UI· DOW tennial of Schenectady, N. Y. : will be on Martha's Vineyard, Cape Mr. anti Mrs. D. Reed Geer of Cod, for .Ihe month of July. and bayo ,our car tuned up for Harvard avenue have returned Peter Myers of Di"ckinson avethat trip ahead I from a two \V~~k5 vacation at Lake nue arrived hoole after a Mohonk, N. Y. study at Oxford, England on a • },ir. llnd' Mrs. Harry Liebeck, Rhodes Scholarship, in' time to be their daughter Mrs. William Ulhe present al the wedding of his sis;!!1J1 grandau~ht~r~ Linda. ;lnd tel' Ann' to ] ohn Secord on Satn.hoda, are leaving 900" f6r three itrday. ~.- .. > I!!; .....'H· , l months at th~ir hlh\, bouse at Pata~' Told 01 Park avenue left 1 Ocean Cit)'. Mr, Vtlii!' will join his Tuesdll~ for a summer at Camp Merestead, a sports camp at Camfamily on "';'ekellds. . Mrs. R~bert Kamp of Riverview den, Me. r roa'(\ r~ltirlled 'yesterday from two .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh \,vagnon of "reeks at Beach Haven. Easton, formerly of Swarthmore, YALE AVENUE a: CHESTER ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Bauer attended the wedding 01 Miss Mary SWARTHMORE 1250 and daughter Carol LeAnn of Riv- Frances Hill on Saturday. ervie\\' road are leaving tomorrow Betsy :McKeag, daughter of :Mr. lor a trip to W~st Virginia 10 visit and Mr" G. McKeag of Parrish road Mr. Bauer's parents and to St. entertained ·her classmates . Louis, :Mo.. to visit Mrs. Bauer's teachers of the Media Friends parents. School at a wading pool party on Mr. and IIIrs. H. Lindley Peel of Wednesday 01 last week. Columbia avenue had as their house :Mr. ami ~Irs. John· B. llaerker of guests far the weekend ·Miss EJiz- 334 South Swarthnl0re avenue are abeth Elleman, :M.r. John Nicholson moving to?3 Park Lane road, Grace and Mr. Robert Beck, all of Rich- Park on Tuesday. HORNETS PLAY HOLMES HERE THE SWARTHMOREAN SWARTHMORE, PA. FRID'A;~'YII', .J.ItUIIL'I.'YV '91,~ over Get A "Bang;' Out Of 'The Fourth .. I I I < 0< Plymouth . ~'. HANNUM & WAITE "HOW MUCH OF· YOUR ESTATE Will BE LEn fOR' lYOUR_ FA"'ILY_~ Taxes take a big bite. Inexperienced man'; agement would be likely to. take another. But, ~ you choose this institution~ as Execu~ tor and. Trustee. .your estate will benefit by . our long experience in keeping expenses down. ... ·su'spended In : Swarthmor~ National . & Trust Co. Bank Y!!s,fresh foods and cooked foods, meats, fruits, and vegetables can be put in your m.odern freezer-and kept for monfhs, still rich in color, tastiness, and vitamins. Shop today for your home "super market" , •• the home electric freezer ••• and enjoy the matchless convenience of always having on hand a variety of foods-at any time of the -year I Member of Fedel'al Deposit lnaurance CorporatioD. I Now You e .. n buy Ua S. Saving. Bond. Automalieally through the Dew Bond-a·Month Plan. A.k at: tbis Bank • ' . _ \ l •. ·~~c..,' ...'" I PHILADELPHIA • ELECTRIC COMPANY Chrysler SM' ENROLLMENT TOPS AHUNDRED Summer Club to Swim At Morrow. Pool LEGION PRESENTS FLAG The beautiful 24 foot, wool bunting American Flag which was seen flying from Ihe flag pole of the Weeks Memorial Park, Baltimore Pike and €hester road, over the Fourth, was recently presented to the Legion by Mrs. Roy S. Latimer of Cornell avenue. The Legion accepted Ihis gracious gift and secured the permission of the Keystone Automobile Oub, owners of the Park, to display the flag on all proper occasions. This is being accomplished through the patriotic and public spirited eflorts of Mr. Stanley H. Dalton. Last Friday's treat-of-the-week .• t Summer Club was a bike ride in which 35 children and two lead-' ,rs parlicipated. 'The younger ones pedalled as far as Wallingford Station and relurned with Marjorie Lewis, while the rest went 01\ to Glen Providence Park in Media with Alan McChesney. The latter's trip was interrupted by a flat tire; however, under selected leaders a good number of t~ group reached the Park and a safe return was enjoyed by all. The special event for this Friday is a swimming party at the Morrow Pool from 9:30 to 11 :30. All those who plan to take advantage 'of the }.forrow's hospitality should have written permission and For the second time within two reporl directly to the pool. Those weeks Swarthmore trees received a not participating will report as usu· sudden and drastic pruning by the al to the Cottege Avenue School. elements. T u e s day afternoon's s tor m Don Dickinson and Bonnie Morse brought down,·as· many ·or more Midhone, Swarth- L outs 10 ... ew or. '. . . Phone BaltiInore D d Mrs Peter Coste and Richards. Jomed the PClrsols, on more 0672, or, if no answer, Nancy chil~~e~n Marga;et and Peter hav~ the Fo~rth, for a steak br?i1 on the S.,-clli, Media 0176J. Swarthmore Pike moyed from 314 North Chester road Peirsol s property on MIddletown 0450 to 121 Rutgers avenue. • road. , . . Springfield TRINITY NOTES Claire Hendrixson, daughter of Mrs. R Bruce Mtller and chtldHoly Communi"n will be celebrat- Mr and Mrs La Rue HendriXson ren Thomas and John, of Cornell at 8 a. m. on Sunday. The <)f.Nortlf'Che~tert:oadand Amanda avenue; and Mrs. Miller's mother, ''We Telegraph Flowersw _NOVELTY &: DECORATIVE CANDLESn_".~_ .will 'reachat the sern!!';' of Spackman, daugl,tter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bachelor of Wate~­ llorning Prayer at 11. Ushers at Mrs. Herbert B. Spackman of Far- bury, Vt., left Tuesday for a month s Ihe 11 o'clock service will include: num road, Media, .Ieft last week to vacation at Brallt Beach, N .. J. S. D. Reynolds, head usher; R. J. spend the summer at Camp Wyoda Dr. and M~s. :Valter N. MOIf and Baker; W. N. Ryerson; V. L. Fine; . V t daughters J tIlOle and Joan celeermon. k d J. H. Furlong; T. Hopper; A. H. m Mrs. Charles T. Deacon, her br.ated the Fo~~th-of-July wee -en Knabb; and G. E. Wagner. daughter Pauline and her son Da- WIth Dr. MOIr s brother, Dr. John granddaughter of· Mr. and Mrs. BIRTH \POOI, Englan?, !uly seventh. From Beach Island with het Uncle and , there they WIll Journey to Northern Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mahney Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed Curtin Arthur R. Dana of Elm avenue, announce the birth ot a daughter, and- Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Cur• d'[ B' K. M Ireland, 'Scotland and England re- of Drexel Hill. Mr. an "rs. Irney orse turning August 20. Milton Hobbs spent the recent Dana, on June 4. 'The baby is a tin of Webster Springs, W. Va. of Harvard avenue entertained over Bobbie Crafts of New York City holidays at Surf C·Ityon Ieave. f rom the Fourth, Mr. John McCoubrey visited her Aunt, Mrs. R. C. Disque. the RO.T.C. Camp,. The EnglDeers of Watertown, Mass. and Mr. and FBI V f St at h Haven avenue over the Center, ort e vou', a.. . Mrs. Wilbur B. Brown of College aweekend r of the fourth. d M W'II' Mr. an rs. I lam S .' H abb s Park, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Schwalm of of Park avenue drove theIr daughMr. and Mrs. Albert L. Hilles North Chester, road entertained ters June and L~ura to Camp Epaand daughter jane W. Hilles of the their daughter and her husband, cheseca near Stt1lwater, Pa., where. Swarthmore Apartments returned Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dickinson of June will spend the month of July Monday from a two week vacation Old Greemvich, Conn. over the Laura two weks. at Atlantic City, N. J. holidays. . Robert Turner, grandson of Mrs. Mrs. Ethel C. Mosteller of Part- J. Archer Turner and son of DonMr. and Mrs. Louis deMolI of mouth avenue spent the Fourth of aid C. Turner has left for Camp Philadelphia entertained with a July with M~. and Mrs. W. H. Caribou: Maine after ...cently remint julip party on Sunday after- Hardesty of Providence road Med- cuperatmg from a tonst1ectomy. noon at Tall Oaks, the home of. . ' T h e twin grandchildren of Mr. Mrs. deMolI's parents Mr. and ,I\,[r. and Mrs. Nathaniel Myers and Mrs. Elliott Richardson of LaMrs. Guenther H. Froebel. The an d d aug I1 t cr. S'd . f PI am . f'Ie Id, fayette avenue visited here over the . [. 1 ney 0 party was m honor of 11 ISS MarN J t tl F tl f J I at their grandparents . . . • spen Ie 40ur IOU y' I10I't- holidays garet Frances· Flemnllng of Haver- d· ays WI'tl1 '[ A nd rew home. ,I.' r. an d '[ .1\' rs. ford. whose weddmg to Mr. How- '[ f C II Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Cresson of 1\ yers 0 orne a,'enue. ard Oakie will take place tomorMr. alld Mr;. Paul :II. Paulson Noblesville, Ind., visited I\Ir. Cresrow. '!I.I rs. de 11011 is a member of of Park 3\'CnUe entertained last son's sistcr.s Eva and Emma B~l1 the wedding party. The guests in- week ~lr. Paulson's sister, l{rs. Cresson of Dickinson a\'cnue for the ~.-¥-~-~--~-~-~--~-~-~--~-~--~-~-~--~-~-~--~-~--~-~-~--~.~.~.-~-~--~-~.~--~-~-~--~-~--~.~-~~.~-~.-~.~--~-~-~-~-~-~--~;~-~-~--~-~.-~~, eluded members of the two families. 'Villiam Hider of Albany, N. Y. week. r' • . Mr. and Mrs. de 1Joll ha"e just, Jay B. Snape, son of Mr. and Jane and Mary \\tlhs :,1 returned from a vacation trip which I }'lrs. J. Roy Snape of Harvard arc s~cnd1l1g t!115 we~k at the Pre~:1 jn~luded ~ night )vith the former avellue, who has finis~led his fresh- ~yter1al1 .JUfl1~r High Ca~p 111 I .:Ml~S Dons Rowand and her hus- man. y~ar at Bowdom College in Frcnchto\'tn, New Jersey. I band Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroth I Brunswick, :1IIe.,. is spending the I\Ir. and M:s. Charles W. LukBE AUT Y SAL 0 N of Pittsburgh. two days summer ,at Can~p Lenapee in Tas-I ens and faI111ly of Strath .Haven vities in Charlottesville, Va., at .the I ton, Pike Co. Pa. as swimming 3\'cnue attended the weddmg ~f i,\: wedding of a college classmate, and councilor I }'frs. Lukens n~phew, lIr. Lewls Don't let Summer go to your bead! l a few days in Cleveland where 1\lr5. :Mrs. D. D. Rowlands of Cedar Breuninger, Jr. in \Vashington, de ~[oll was a bridesmaid'in the lone who was with a friend Mrs. D. C. over the fourth. I Call Swarthmore 0476 !,I wedding of her Hollins College Brainard Parker of \Vashington roommate. Mr. and Mrs. de Moll, D. C at Jamestowl~ R. I. for th~ FETE BRID:I':-TO-BE 9 Chester. Road. returned home via Niagara Falls. month of June, wi'!l leave for Reno, A dental appointment developed ...................................................... -.......................- ..-.................._...... _..__............ =:;;;::;..I Col. and Mrs. \V. A. McCulloch Nev. July II, to visit her son S. mto a delightful surprise sh?wer . .. ', of Riverview road entertained Col. Dean Caldwell III. Later she will and supper. party for :l\Iiss Theresa McCulloch's sister Miss Charlotte be the guest of her sister Miss A. Young last Friday at the office McCulloch of East Orange, N. J. Narrye Davis and her brother Mr. and home of Dr. Bertha Eastwood over the Fourth. Paul Davis of Colorado Springs, m Germantown. l!rs. George Me,, J\[r. and Mrs. Thomson Little- Col. Her home IS being occupied bus and Miss Jane Jorden of Glenfield arrived Sunday morning on during her absence by Mr. and side were co-hostesses. the U. S. Veteran from Scotland Mrs. Peter Lombard. THE where Mr. Littlefield has heen Mr. and Mrs. James O. Stevens CHRISTENED / studying at the University of Edin- and six yeaT old twin daughters Mariorie Wynne, daughter of hurg. Mr. Littlefield's parents, Mr. Sally and Suzanne have moved to Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Davies of and Mrs. Raymond J. Littlefield of 314 North Chester road. Originally VALUE' Media, was' christt!ned Sunday Swarthmore Place went to New from Port Arthur, Texas, they movYork to meet them. ed here from Ridley Township. morning June 27 in the S,varthmore .I Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Gettz of Mr. Stevens. who served five years Presbyterian Church. Dickinson avenue spent the fourth in the army, is an engineer in the .........-wr-.. of July holiday at Ocean City, N.J. steam turbine division at Westingreturning home this past Tuesday. house. I , Mr. and Mrs. H. Lind[ey Peel Charlotte Hobbs left Swarthmore When something serioUS' and son Craig of Columbia avenue, July 4th to spend the remainder of is at stake, Mrs. David Speers of Rutledge, Mr. the summer at Surf City, Long and Mrs. Donald Crossett and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ Give your party·line daughter Donna of Ridley Creek FOR neighbor a break. Road and Dr. and Mrs. Frank Keenen and daughter Peg of Harvard avenue were in New York last Thursday seeing Virginia Peel, Call Sandra and Barbara Crossett and Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman Charles Keellen embark on the SWARTHMORE 2080 Britannic which arrived in Liver- NEWS NOTES . THE I d ... LET US LUBRICATE. FRIDAY SPECIAL ONLY. Lemon Chiffon Pies , WHILE YOU SHOP o The Bouque·t ,- S~ymou~ I fcsti-I il I I I : II· • -I I / ! -. HUNT CLUB / 2-WAY I 2 ROBUST NUTRnlOH THRIFiYo TO FlED .• ;-,--; •DEPENDABILITY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MEDIA Last 2 days - Fri., Sat. DICK POWELL SIGNE HASSO "TO THE END OF THE EARTH" Sunday Only! 2 Features 2 ROY ROGERS "lINDER CALIFORNIA STARS" and RICHARD DENNING SHEILA RYAN "CAGED FURY" l[ond,), Tuesday \\'ednesday YVONNE DeCARLO TONY MARTIN "CASBAH" .--~ AIR CONDITIONED Collee:e Theatre Fri. and Sat., July 9, 10 BARBARA STANWYCK B. F.'s DAUGHTER Saturday Matinee, 1 p. m. Children's Show "RENFRU OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED" also Laurel and Hardy Comedy • . ~ -" ~. When you bring your prescriptions taus you Iunte gently ••• Take the lead in the assurance that aU of these principles will be good party-line mannors. It· conscientiously observed. Your .own pbyei;ipn .. will mean better service for all. Wed .• Thurs., July 14 and 15 "MIRACLE OF THE BELLS" with FRED 'MacMURRAY and FRANK SI::\,ATRA will verify this statement. • ON THE CORNER! • f; ........ ~ I 11:1)0 A lUIO." STRATH HAVEN INN j:l::.....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:========= PHONE Swa. 3470 "Sacrament" .t evening meettng each week. lint;! room open daily except SUfl' Hdays 12 to 5 p.m. \Velnesdal' II 7:45 p.m. and 9 to 9:30 p.m. r-::-yOU for the "Outstanding for Quality" , MEDIA can huy U. S. Savings. Bond. automatic:aliy \\ ~ugh the new Bond.a-Month Pian. A.k at this Bank F. F. ZIMMERMAN 6 E. FRONT· ST. Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. Member of Federal Depolit Insurance Corporation. Photograph, SU~DAY, JULY 11 f.-Sunday School. ",lay 13. SOUTH CHESTER ROAD, SWARTHMORE 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 t -Sunday Lesc:nn S('~·.~on \\'t·, S p.m. 1 d~y . m tnning ~ Come and Enjoy Your Selection From HOT DISHES _ DELICIOUS SALADS - AND DESSERTS School 118:01) :00 A. A. M M.-:\Iorning Prayer and Sermon .-Holy Communion. TilE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS 'SUNDAY, JULY II 11 :00 A. "I.-Meeting for Worship. 1l :00 A. M.-Children cared for in Whittier House during meeting. WEDNESDAY. JULY 14 9:30 to 3:30--Sewing and Quilting in "'hillier House Box Luncheon. All _ _,::!o!!.rc1i;>l1y invited • FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST :)F SWARTH~IORE p;, k Avenue Below Harvard Clearance ,. • COMPLETE SUPPER TRINITY CHURCH ..;. Michael' 5 College Pharmacy The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania • .... will Rev. Ceo. C. AndersoD. Recio-rSUNDAY. JULY 11 agents must be measured to a fraction of a graiD~ ••• Space calls ••• Hang up Thul'sday, July 15 The $1.00 - Serve Yourself - All You Want 11 ;00 A. M •...:..J{oly Communion Certain powerfal medicinal tesy pays dividends! Be brief CELIA SHOE SHOP METHCoDIST CIWRCB loy N. Keiser, D.D"", Minister SUNDAY. JULY 11 10:00 A. M.-Cburob Storewide except Friday - 7 P. M. Close Sat. 12 noon during July - August Services SUNDAY, JULY 11 11 ;()O A. M.---Pr Olin M. Jones • preach The "CAKE BOX" 7:30 A. M. -6 P. M. 102 PARK AVENUE METHODIST CHURCH NOTES The Church School lI\eets on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The min-I~]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==;;;;;:::::;:;::;;;;;;:;;:;;;=:;;;:;;;;;~ • ~. It MI'ka liiOwIedgl, akiD; { Summer Store Hours SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH iev. H. Lewis Cutler Minister gUis work muat be eJimjoetecJ;1 Mon. Tues. J uiy 12 and 13 VERONICA LAKE JOAN CAUFIELD BARRY FITIZERALD in .. "SAINTED SISTERS" .• '\ Church a high d 8wee of accmacy. All On party-line telephones, cour- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH "SACRAMENT" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday July II. The Golden Text is: "The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers sh.JI ,,"rship the Father in spirit and in truth: for. the Father sqeketh ,uch to worship him" (John 4 :23). .. ........ ..... ... .......-.• _ '" • iIiAC-. _ DO SATURDAY SPECIAL ONLY Banana and Coconut Cream Pies All Whip Cream Goods and Cream Puffs . Eclairs Fresh Daily Under Constant Refrigeration Large Assortment of All· Size Cookies Also Home Made Ice Cream I .. ------- - YOUR CAR .. SWARTHMOREAN PHONE 0436 •~ ________________~____________________~~:T::H:E::=S::lV:A::R::T:H::M:O::R::E:A::N::::::::::::::::::~~, :':'~'..:.""'::!.....:":!~ NEWS NOTES 'ax (Nair: •• 6.Go.16) partlell.",. w'" TOE-IN COR.RECTION gdeal iJJumd TEA"veiACS IISiXJ Orange Pekoe 50 ~:g 43 c TEA~."28e:: '~.~b 53C "...,. IDEAL ORANGE JUICE F.... GLENWOOD BLENDED JUICE FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .GLENWOOD LEMON JUICE - .... 3 102 " ...:.. ".' Out of Une wheels waste tire mileage, See uS today and If't . our wheel specialists correct your wheel aUqnment. . 25 • ":.:' 21 e: 2 ~ 39e: ~.. 15e: 3 s.!~."17c 3 29 BEVERAGES ~:: * 'I!!: ROB ROY ~:: • 2 ':r; 23e: • Pia: Penna. Ta.z In Penna. Jfal'ket. Kay Natural Cb... " 69c SheHord :::: , ... 19c .~:: 29c Cream Cheese !lSaJ Oleomargarine ,:: 3ge Apricots .b.". I.• 1w l6c allm.1 Stuffed Olives ::'::... 7V,W" 39c Plain Olives Oll'ar 7j:: 2Bc e "1 California Santa ROla "Iums .) California Pascal Celery Ideal Fr•• h Pack Lime. . California Cantaloupes ".. II ..... CALIFORNIA 8 e IUlCH IdAl ",dl, Gf'IJI at PII. PRESERVES J!, lIe ----':.-- BREAD T......... tIIIb WllrJ 14c URU ••• F ""'.11 I...... """" VICTOR BREAD ••• 2\> CD I:' .. ... 1:>:, Jar 14... 25c 33c 13c 23c 25c. PLOURS.l:3So1~~9o CRICIENS ( -.;) . 51 ----- c POT ROAST BEEP~:"dto ".690 aROUND BEEP ~~ "590 .... ,. 4Sc OIIuck Steak• I. I. 75c: SLlcm BACON Sea ~'ood Vcrlue. I Short Ribs Beef Stet. SllcIoII Boneless Roast of Beef .....h Large Trout Dressed Whiting (R.." , .. Pu) / Sklrdess Cod Fillets ~ Genuine Haddock Fllleis - _ - --,---'-0.._-- libby's FRUIT' COCKTAIL HALVES APRICOTS " 23c: "19c ,. 33c , "39c --'-' .. No.1 'u:,~ an BRooKH "'VEN RO·" ....... c.u Cbeoter 2-4037 ..., Maker of Fine Photographs Penn State BId&'. South Ave. & State St. co~rMISSJONERS !\ledIa 2176 ESTAn: OF also known as J A PERRY 1 Borough of Sw;~tb~ore, CotUttyat:r °b:~~ ware: Pennsylvania. . J.F.TTERS TESTAMEr,"TARY th If ~bo...e .Estate having been granted th~ 0:;' ~dcr!ltJmed. .all persons indtbted to the 5:u3 E!ltah: are .rtque~ted 10 make p:tymeht. :1ll tht:l.!le haVing claims to present the !l3111e, \\'Ithout delay to F.leanor .S. Perry, Executrix Swarthmore Anarlment~ Swarthmore. Pa. Ilcr ~ttorneY5 A. Sidney Jotm!lon. JI". DUller. neatb', Grter & Jobmol1 ~fedia Pa. . 3T·7·9 ' District nf SwartbmC)fC'" will caning, repai.ring, reo recdve hills at the of£ice of the School chairs .10 T. Harper, Dish·jet in the llioh Scl,,)/)1 nl!~.ting. corn. C'"r of College and Princeton A"f!nues SwarI'llreets, Media 1109. thmotr. Pennsyh'ltnia. up to 4 p. m:. Tue!'l' day, July 20. 194,9 and open the bid~ ~t a m~etj'H! of the Bo:.rd at the ~t"nol Di'l. tri('t office flt] Juh- 20. 194ft ;"\t 8 " m .. ~('hool HILDA LANG D"NWORTH Secretary Devine Taxi Service Medla. Pa. ROOFS GUTTERS REPAIRED and INSTALLED . Furance Repairs and, cleaning Call GEORGE MYERS 409 Michigan Ave. S"'. 2266 DriYe yOU!' car ia and put it in Dependable Service • • . R~altor 10 DAVE WOOD Painting and Paperhanging . CUNNINGHAM "A \Vell Kept .House PaiD.ten a Paper Baas-ere We ahouJd Kuo... How Swa. 2266 Michigan Ave. •• 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. .•...................... • • • • • - • • •~ • • • • • • • • _ • • • • • I Never Grows Old" REAL ESTATE Liat your Delawa're Coullty crtic& with us. . Phone ProP-I Marian S. Brown A ssociated with H eory Le Baron Call Swarthmore 0121 or 0904 . .• .• .~ .. .. •. • •. •.•.•.•.• .~ •.•.•.•'1•• •• •• •• , .•,• r .•_ Media 0755 Driveway Construction , Asphalt or Concrete PETER DJ. NICOLA' !!imimmiimimif.T.rn~imiiiimi Phone Swarthmore 2526 r~~~~~~~~~~~~~; WANT TO BUILD? Good materials and skillful workmen are now available. Call us for information and estimates. Van Alen Bros. PETER E. TOLD Phone: Swarthmore 0444 Swarthmore 1833 HORACE A. REEVES Coal and Fuel Oil (;eneral Insurance 333 DARTMOUTH AVEUNE "Third Generation Build..... • to - June~ t1r fumisherd or or large single po,,;ihle, apt. col1ege student Re- formance! . • A. WAYNE. MOSTELLER , A. Mercer Quinby , Funeral Director Co';tractor bun. 19c 21bs 35c made before July 31. I=~-·~ wbUati... SerriD& ODd R-u. s--. ... VlciDit7 for put TWe:lty PAINTING and DECORATING SAJ...E-AMC vacuum attachments, $15. Reply Box: --- 1180 Mublenherg Ave. Swarthmore 2295 or alght day Call 'FOR Mason Builders Supply Company RENT -§ Charles E. Fischer ~ --§ Builder E -----§ = ---'=--:illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~-- ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI: Yean Swarthmore 1272 49c I oi EIcctrleal All Typeo PAINTING ~ - I nterior & Exterior :: :: Sw~thmore 2253 Swarthmore 1448 331 Dartmouth Avenue PLYMOUTH-CHRYSLER Owned and Operated by Amel'lcan Store. Company 4 - -.- --.-Apple. - - '. 2 ... 1 2ge COlllstack Sliced 'Pie 'U. 10. 2% 1ge Choice Fresh PruMs 2 1.· .. 23e IISaJ Pork and Beans cu' 1~:, 20c Delmonica Chicken Noodle Dinner 1S 3 rrlll %." 2Si: Venice Maid Spaghetti Dinner To .r:.,::10 3 .... _1ge Ideal Gelatine Desserts or Puddings " 29c IlSaJ Grape Juice btt V 25c '.';t 45c ' Hom-de-lite Creamy Mayonnaise Hom-de·llte Salad Dressing llt 20e r~ 33!= .. -".~.---' ... two rooms avenue. Tel. HANNUM & WAITE YALE AVE. & CHESTER RD. SWARTHMORE 1250 ~ LOST AND FOUND We are .,i~ht nere ~O.(-.X'D-.2 sweaters· 1 h1ue :md 1 gre('n. t1cnmy o( 1J S. al{~<;ter road. J ul)' 1. ~'ller ma.y ha\-e by paying (or this ad.Please . "111 fo, them aft~r Juty 13 at' Apt. 4, 13 S. Che<,ler road. Y'ST - juh""-:;2'-."""..o--;k-,,"'·s-o-.-.::;:h""'oi'-n""',"'''''"'h-' JI1:1 r and Yosemite Nat'1 Park on a sih'cr QIS<:. Plea~e return to iiiiiii Swarthmore-an office_ Swarthmore 0345 WILLIAM BROOKS Building Blocks Ashes &: Rubbish Removed Lawns Mowed General Hauling .236 Harding Ave. Morton. Pa. All Size. .19 cent and up whe.z:e you can 'reach US every ~' • Delivered I COMBINATION DOORS Coal - SCREENS Lumber Building Materialo EDW ARD L, NOYES & CO. SWARTHMORE 0114 ~ ____________ l Formerly of IIedla 1125 W. r ....l... A_. PIIIla. , PIuJo. lIafdwID. 1170 No _ _ rIIu&iI fer i1ibarban c:alII FOR SitLE Car Inspection must be . Swarthmore 3450 ERNEST SMITH ~- much to auto per- ,. --......:..:;;;-.--~ Phoft." Media 25~7 S _ 1905 907 Edrrmont Avenue Che.ter l-4S16 • . ContractOrl "nd Build'rI 302 Gayley Slreet • Medi •• P •• Phone Swarthmore 3343 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Eleetr:ical each 25c Large Juicy ORANGES !f ARTERS BROTHERS, Inc. Rubbi.h 'Collected Weekly or Monthly Wallace Lippincott Serving Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 Call eve- PEAS • AlTEUTlOIIS aid REPAIRS Swarthmore Disposal Service you have real estate for sale. Jist with us and we will give ytlU the benefit of our Cooperative Selling Bureau. -Call at office or phone us. They'l make, a thoro....h i ...Pec- which mean .1' flOOR COYIIINGS • IIEW COIISIIUCTIOII and make the delicate adjuotmen .. Fruits and Vegetables CELERY HEARTS • WAn • Swarthmore, Pa. ..... Ib 79c CANTALOUPES • MODEIII II!TCNEIIS JOSEPH A. PERRY '111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" tlJ BROS.'N(. EXCELLENT CARE tion, replace worn or braken parts, \ SSe Dry tmd, 8rtd;1ut and Repalrlq Stnee 1908 New and Rebnllt PIanos CUMo "01'.00 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i TrJ It UII'. Dtr UII.I Cillf\llbl ...., ...... A Ra ... tllg TANNA KENNELS R"0'GER RUSSELL am... or at an adiorned me~tinQ' of the Schl"lOl n(>:lT"fI, fnr c1:l!lcty)()m fll r nitllre a"d equip... menl. Spf'"Cifications. can IlC ~cllred b.t,,~.',",1 () f the outside painting at improvised ealer second of the smaller boys; Jim monarch moths life cycle to hiking sels or indoors, in the big plaroom Chapman won a :.vood carver in the followed by cookies eaten back at with the piano. walking contest. the school grounds. At 11 :15 a contest and water HEAT FORGOTTEN AT The pre-school group is also off fight arranged at the last minute RUTGERS AVENUE SCHOOL to a flying start. The children came In spite of the mercury, the Rut- in all spic and span and with .their by two teams of members of the 10cal Fire Company, was held on gers Avenue Recreation School is company manners the first few Rutgers avenue below Yale. Many agog with activity. days, but now they are perfectly at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 home, the "watchers'" have joined the g~oup of normal, lIoisy healthy Tum Out for 4th of July Events S. R. A. Enrollment H d eel Tops a un r Jm, t, FrWa,. NEWS NOTES" Bicky Thompson of Harvard ave, nue, Barbara Lou Parry of Westtown formerly of Swarthmore, and Anne Thomas of Wayne a student at Swarthmore College are working this suoyner at an inn at Lake, ville, Conn. Mrs. Homer Evans and Mrs. Evan. mother Mrs. H. Cone of The Harvard this week. PFC George Froebel, Who is tioned' at Fort Belvoir, Va., Ihe Fourlh of July weekend home of hi. parent. Mr. and Guenther H. Froebel on S"'o>.. more avenue. He has recently two turned from a furlough trip to Cali YOUR RUGS MORE CI;EAN RUGS • L09K BETTER • FEEL BETTER • WEAR BETTER Have your rugs cleaned each year. It is 0 good investment in good living. 'xl Z Do .....lc. $5.50 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Swarthmore 0730 or 0529 - Clearbrook 4646 ups would enjoy hearing them dis- POOL Parade. Contests Planned TOday In Gym HOUSE PAINT ~,.' Certalllly D ••• 11 s. 'a.t QIIAUI'Y ""a "" H. D' Sipler Chester Rd.' S,,'al'thmore 0105 Distinctive Delightful Atmosphere ,. Food ness, and "friends in the commun- "C h e z G a ity". itself with wood-workiag, ranging from boats to doll beds. Kick baseball i. their favorite playground activity and all join lustily in the rhythms and singing games during the music hour. THE SWARTHMOREAN YOUR CLUBAl- cuss transportation, birds, thankful- The primary group is busying FLOWERS 8 ton" SWISS CHALET DINING ROOM Baltimore Pike - SpriDcfjelcl, R.. Accomoda tions for Weddin,cs and Parties Closed Monday Swarthmore 3254-W • • Choice Persian RuCJs for Sale / ......_ ........._~ Summer Clubbers enjoyed splashing and swimming at )lorrow pool pn Harvard avelast Friday. Facial expressions c1u,ek-spliting grins to mere of sheer bliss testified to appreciation of ~he Morrow Friday special today will find tug h school gym turned into a of fun. Beginning with a pet and doll show, the program then swing 'into contests such bubbie blowing, pie-eating. '''ith behind the back, drinking drinks with a nipple, balloon races, ballons duels (baltied to the backs of the conare the targets for the rolled newspaper), a race, and fishing conJudges will be the members Summer Club staff. staff is also working on the of tournaments which take place the later part of week and the following week. tou~nameDts will he held in softball, archery, captureIniniature golf, croquet, horse-shoes, touch football, , : /./ Summer time can be trouble time for you, too, jf your car's not ready. Let us protect it 10 ways with our Sinclair·ize for Summer Service. HIIII'S WIIAT WI DO \ SPECIAL COMBINATION PRICE- .'..' ." SINClAIRize your car now Fusco (!I Naturally, you want a range that is fully automatic ••• easy to clean and easy to use. You want a range that . provides tnps in cooking performance. " Nancy Reese, Emily Terry, Thompson, Miriam- WisLouise Emmons, Dorothy Hop- Kathleen Jessup, Sandra Jean Rogers, Joanne Allen, Bauer, :Mary Ann Bunker, • Magee; J~an Narbeth, Witham and Cornelia Mc- MRS. LAPPE DIES OF HEART ATTACK Services Yesterday For Yale Avenue Resident he was a High School student, Registrars to be days at the' Un"versity of Pennsylvania, will run in a special Olympic Swarthmore event the 400 metre hurdles. Jeff August 9 came in third in a blanket finish among se~ond, ,third and fourth Inspite of ~e national placers Jas.t week ~t the Evanston, Conventions which have ra,ged, are conducted the service. Interment Wife of School Board Solicitor III. meet. The winning' time was 51.7 in Pittsburg followed. ~nd Jeff's 51.9 Claude C. Smith succumbed to long now raging, or win soon be raging Born in Blairsville, Pa. on June 17, in the city of Philadelphia, regis- 1890 and educated at Greer's PriiII!>ess Tuesday. At the close of the Olympic trars, like the early spring robins, vate School for Girls Mrs. Lappe games when the other American contestants return home in Septem- ber, Jeff will remain abroad to travel in England and Scotland. JUNIOR CLUB SUMMER DANCE TONIGHT AT 9 A lpcky spot dance, will be of the feat"urc"s in "-the Junior Woman's Club "semiwformal dance all\! i I I REGISTRATION DEADLINE SEPT. 11 MARY SMITH DIED AT HOME TUESDAY Services Today for . Long-Time Bol'O Resident I I , I, 1 !' I J are appearing in the scene earlier was wed in Pittsburgh on November than e~pec-ted. lIedia Courthouse 5, 1913. After several years' resi- clerks have already opened up their registration b6oks, and reving registrars have mapped .their itinerc:..ry in preparation for the registra.tion deadline on September 11; even the little white registration cards, always available at the dence in Pittsburgh she moved with her husband tQ \Vashington, D. C. where her two sons were born. :l.Ioving to Swarthmore in 1913 the family lived a short time on Park avenue before transferring to the Yale avenue' address. CourtA member of the Swarthmore h~use and ready to r c c e i v e ,Presbyterian Church and an interany kind of identifying nlark from ested worker in the Presbyterian Mrs. Mary Roberts Smith, wife Orchestra is ready to produce a the simple X on the dotted line to variety of tunes for dancing in the of Claude C. Smith of Baltimore the unforgeable signature of ,a re- Woman's Association, :Mrs. Lappe Woman's Club from 9 to 1. The Pike died Tuesday morning, July tired bank pnident, have been was also a member of the \Vom- tonight. The well-known Glen Dale punch bowl will be full all evening 13, at her home after a long illness. pJaced in a more convenient ~ spot. an's Club of Swarthmore and active on its luncheon committee. ~o quench thirsty dancers, young ping-pong, Jane MacAlpine, Bonnie these features because it is built to rigid specifications. See the new CP gas ranges now 0;' display at ynur local dealer's store or at our nearest showronm. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC ,COMPANY • FLOWERLESS? Funeral ~ervices were conducted at Oliver. Bair's in Philadelphia yesterday morning at 11 o'clock for 1frs.·' Ruth Truby Hicks Lappe, wife of Eugene C. Lappe who died suddenly of a heart attack at 11 :50 • In a. m. Tuesday at her home at 117 Yale avenue. Dr. Hugh B. McCrone, former pas!or of the Chambers Memorial Party Presbyterian Church in Ratledge, with the mayor and a number bands was held. . Jeff whose track career has been exCitedly 'followed by local fans from Harlow, . Joan Hemenway," from Coach Robinson, will go out Smith of Swarthmore; two daughHollis, Helene Hopper, Carol to members of the squad soon. ters, :1.1 rs. \Villiam G. McCulloch A CP (Certified Performance) range gives you all Alston STUDEBAKER SALES &: SERVICE SO. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROAD Phone Swarthmore 9793 ,". An impressive fareV(eU the time Flowers for Flowerless Buckets for flowers of' all kinds, colors, sizes and descriptions, are being placed each Wednesday afternoon and evening, and early Thursday morning until 9 a. m. for the flowerless patients of Philadelphia General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hayes of North Swarthmore avenue went to New Y!>rk on Wednesday . the 'sailing of the Olympic team on 'the flU; S. 's, American", their Jeffrey Kirk being one of the men on this year's track team wl,iclll I was accompanied by nine coacl,es.1 women of the Presbyterian Church ,Voman's Club of Swarthmore for AT an opportunity to meet Miss Rensch ELIZABETH BORTON who will leave in Septembtor for spe- two years during 'Vorld ,Var II. A few years ago, she and her Girl Scouts who will cial work in the mission field in at Camp Eli.abetli Borton for Siam. Sent by the Presbyterian husband made a gift to the Swarthnext two weeks, are: AJice De- Board, . Miss Rensch will be in more Schllol District providing an Janeth and Joan Thomson, annual Swarthmore College scholarSehlessen, Barbar, ZiegenH. S. Squad Training Trip ship of $2()() for a graduate of the and Lynda Reed. Arrangements have been ·made Senior High School selected each and Brownies who have for the Swarthmore High School year' by the ~chool District. One returned are: football squad to. enjoy another year she was the woman's" golf Danforth, Kat~ina Mc- training trip this year will be a champion of the Rolling Green Eleanor }..{oore, Karen Dwight near Do\vningtown. The Golf Club. She worked and played Amy Ryerson, Carol Sey- trainig trip this year will be a day wholeheartedly, skillfully" and enJudy Abbe, Susan Braun, Jonger than usual, beginning' Fri- thusiastically. and Virginia Bullilt, Nancy day, August 27, and lasting Survi,ving besides her husband are Martha Calhoun, Nancy Thursday, September 2. Letters, two sons, Richard Owen Smith of Virginia DeCainclry, Bar- containing instructions and a word Drexel Hill, and Carter' Thomas Keep out of trouble this Summer 1. Chalil. 3. Molor 2. Tranlmlilion 4. DIH....ntl•• 5. Front Wh •• ls MARY R. SMITH I It New Votera to Regiater Surviving i.re her husband and is hoped that eligi?le citizens sons, Eugene C. Jr. and Richard A. of. twenty-one or over will take ad- Richard who is first officer of the vantage of their right'to vote and tanker SS Sun Oil had arrived home insure their participation in the hfonday evening for a day's visit. three-way battle on election day by registering before the deadline. Prospective voters, who will. be of age on or before Novell1bet 3, are urged to register for the first time; voters who, have moved from one who is being relieved from )lis given in her honor on Thursday, munity and' the Re1igious Society district to another should regtennis instruction, will be the July 22, by lIrs. David McCahan ister again. Householders planning of 607 Strath Haven avenue. The of Friends, of which she· was a to move in the fall should manage ior the second group. tea will be an open house to give member. She \V,as president of the .; ,'i-;•. WE CARE FOil 6. _try e. TI.... 7. Cooling Sy.'.m 9. Spark Plug. 10. 011 and Air fl .... Kirk. Off to Born in ~orristown' 56 years ago, checkers and old, as couples in search of she was the: daughter of the late the ,1ucky spot vie for the winning prize. Tickets may be obtained Ellwood and 'Mary L. Roberts. Mr •. Friday is the popular an- ahead of time by calling Rosamond Smith was a graduate of Swarthbayride. The event this year Jones, 0839, or at at the door. more College. She had lived in include two rides, one for the Swarthmore since her marriage in children, and another for LEAVES FOR SIAM 1917. During that time she was older ones. Vonny Ryan, assistto ~[r. Purnell, will accompany Miss Dorothy Rensch of Drexel actively interested in and served younger group_ Nick AIcChes- Hill will be guest of honor at a tea in various capacities in the com- ball, jacks. with a CP gas range WE LUBRICATE 'FOR THE -------------,'~---------------------- music, rhythms, stories, building with blocks, working with scissors, crayons, paints and clay, combined w~th much outdoor activity. Grown- YOU children of. Rosemont are visiting farnia. five year olds, who are enjoying J:NJOY ARE Hornets Lose The Hornets suffercd their second defeat of the seasOll last Saturday at the hands of Holmes, the t;mly team to defeat" them so far. The score was 3 to 1. \Vednesday's game to do sa. before Thursday, Septem- with Collingdale was rained out. ber 2, which is the last day for re- The Hornets will meet Lansdowne l1lovats if a vote~ is to _retain his this Saturday 011 Riverview Field registratiqn. at 2 :30 p. m., when kee~ competiThe Registration Commission tion is anticipated. should be notified of such removal, By staging .a 4-run rally in the by September 1 3 . ' final inning against Media Boys' Registration Haura. Cluq, the Intermediates brought Roving registrars will be in the home a victory largely due to Neil Swarthmore Borough Hall' on 11on- Gallagher's fine pitching-- and batday August 9 from 10 a. m. to 3 ting, and the catching of Georgie p. m.; 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. to accomo- Dunn. date the boroughites. In addition to The Clippers werl' not so fortuthe regular business hours ...:Monday· nate in their" g"allle with Lansdowne. through Friday from 9 a. m. to 4 :30 p. Ill., Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon, the Media Courthouse will also be open Tuesday, August 10 from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. CONVENTION AIDE and Mrs. Robert G. Hayden, both Haines Dickin'son of College avecharge of Audio Radio work. of Drexel Hill,; five grandchildren; nue has, had the unusual opportunMr. and Mrs. Don D. Dickinson a brother, Howard C. Roberts of and family of Park avenue returned \Vilmingtol1, Del., and a sister 11r5. ity to be one of the college gradulast week from a ten-day trip to \Villiam A. Robinson of St. Peters- ates asked to drive the 1949 Fleet of. Fords donated by Ford for the the Roanoke Islands and the Lost burg, Fla. Services will be held in the convenience of deJegates and speColony, N. C. They attended a Dickinson family reunion in Beau- Swarthmore llecting-' House this cial guests for both the Republican fort, N. C. and re,turJ'ed by way of afternoon at 3 p. m. Friends are and Democratic ~ conventions in Philadelphia. requested not to send flowers. Raleigh and Durham. \Vith a score of 7-0 against them in the third inning the Clippers brought the score up to 11-10 by the fifth ,,,hen rain stopped the game. Noel Snyder and· Mike Bender pitched, and Jester was behind the bat. Mro: Arthur Shanklin \Vord has been received of the death of Mrs. Arthur Shanklin in Syracuse, N. Y. She is survived" by her IlUsband and two daughters Betty and Eleanor. The Shanklin family resided on Amherst avenue for many years. / INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ;;j\';:"!rthI,lore Cvllece I,ibrnry ~~·'~rth muru }'a o ,, " j 8 THE SWARTHMOREAN residents braved the heat to watch The three-year olds have adjusted the events which ended in a draw. to each other surprisingly well. NUlllcrolls younger residents manThere arc few disturbances to the Continued from Page 1 aged to get into the line of the hose Illornin(.:" routinc of outside play, the direction of George Alston, stream for a cool soaking. trip to the bathroom, "tea" in one's with three of the' prize winners own cup, eaten with crackers at uick Jester, IJeter Bloom and Stuthe table. followed by a rcst on 1rt Bvwie enjoying the special one's own blanket and a little story. prize of all airplane ride with }'Ir. The artists in the group have con\lston. In this group Jim Noyes Continued from Page 1 tributed many paintings toward delIlU DOll Saunders won 'the three- Diana Di Cindis can swing "up to Teg~ed race; Xocl Snyder was first the sky" and back. Betsy McKeag corating' their room. Thc group 1S ,IIH1 Jim Xoyes second in ~he hun- and Harry Smith are champions a happy cooperativc one. Ired yard dash for smaller boys. on the see-saw. Kirk Jacob is a The four year oMs were given a Ui\"'k )<:sler and Fred :Mazz3. win- builder with the big blocks and mother Hamster prior to the open!1ill~ the larger boy:; event; Bruce Janet Jester and Billie Rieser are ing of school. }'I uch to everyone's ~{ahler and Jacky Calhoun won the the artists in the group. Peter surpri5e on opcning day, five baby _,maller ho\'s' wheelbarrow race, and Breitling and David Grooters en- Immsters werc discovered in the Stuart Bo~,tie and Dick Jester the joy the express wagon and all the cage. The children have becn bringlarger boys'; Peter Bloom was first chi1dren are enjoying caring for ing little bags of food for the ;lI1U Stuart Bowie second, in the their five hamsters. mother and take great delight in The activities in the Primary feeding her. lIornings are spent larger boys' baseball throw, Noel Sll~'der being first and Bruce Kah- group vary from a study of the outside painting at improvised ealer- second of the smaller boys; Jim monarch moths Hfe cycle to hiking sels or indoors in the big pia room Chapman won a :wood carver in the followed by cookies eaten back at \,.ith the piano, the school grounds. walking contest. At 11 :15 a contest and water HEAT FORGOTTEN AT The pre-school group is also off RUTGERS AVENUE SCHOOL to a flying start. The children came fight arranged at the last minute hy two teams of members of the loIn spite of the mercury, the Rut- in all spic and span and ,,,,ith their cal Fire Company, was held on gers Avenue Recreation School is company manners the first few Rutgers avenue below Yale. :Many agog with activity. days, but now they are perfectly at home, the "watchers" have joined the gronp of normal, noisy healthy five year olds, who are enjoying music, rhythms, stories, building ENJOY YOUR RUGS MORE with blocks, working with scissors, crayons, paints and clay, combined with much outdoor activity. Grownups would enjoy hearing them dis• LOOK BETTER cuss t~ansportatjon, birds, thankful• FEEL BETTER ne!'!', and "friends in the commun• WEAR BETTER ity". Ha\'c your rugs clcanctl each The primary group is busying y(~ar. It is a good invc::lhuent in good li,·ing. itself with wood-workiRg, ranging fWIII boats to doll beds. Kick base9xl Z Domestic. ~5.50 ball is their favorite playground activity and al1 join lustily in the rhythms and singing games during the music hour. Turn Out for 4th of July Events s. R. A. Enrollment Tops a Hundred NEWS NOTES Bicky Thompson of Harvard avenue, Barbara Lou Par;y of \'lestto\\-n formerly of Swarthmore, and Anne Thomas of \\'aync a student .tt Swarthmore College arc working this summer at an inn at Lakeville, Conn. ~I rs. Homer E,"ans and two children of Rosemont arc visiting Ai rs. Evans mother Mrs. H. Cone of The Harvard this Week PFC George Froebel, who is . tiolled at Fort Belvoir, Va., the Fourth of July weekend at home of his parents 11T. and Guenther H. Froebel on more avenue. He has rCCClltiv turned from a furlough trip to' Cali CONTRIBUTING YOUR CLUB AT POOL HOUSE PAINT ;. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hayes of North Swarthmore avenue went to New York on Wednesday for the 'sailing of the Olympic team on the "U. S. S. American", their son J efirey Kirk being one of the 65! men on this year's track team which was accompanied by nine coaches. An impressive farewell ceremony Summer Clubbers enjoyed with the mayor and a number of splashing and swimming at bands was held. Morrow pool pn Harvard ave1eff whose track career has been la)t Friday. Facial expressions excitedly followed by local fans frolll cheek-spliting grins to mere the time he was a Swarthmore of sheer blis5 testified to High School student, through his appreciation of the Morrow days at the University of Pennsylvania, will run in a special Olympic event the 400 metre hurdles. Jeri Friday special today will find came ill third in a blanket finish nig-h school gym turned into a among second~ third and fourth (Ii fun. Beginning with a pet placers last week at the E\Tanston, and doll show, the program Ill. meet. The winning- time W3S 51.7 \\'iie of School Board Solicitor then swing into contests such and Jeff's 51.9 Claude C. Smith succumbed to long bubble blowing, pic-eating with 01 ' . illnc:.s Tuesday. At the close of the \lnp.c hchinc1 the back. drinking games whcn the other \ . . drinks wjth a nipple t banoon l 10llle 111 . ; ;:,eptelll~lleflcan t "to t 5 rct nrn l races, uallons duc1s (bal- con e:. ,m. , . ' her left \\,111 rcmalll abroad to I . til'J to the backs of the con• •• j are the targets for the tra\'el 111 England and. Scotland. QUAUTY $INa " " Swarthmore 0105 Dis ti ncti \'e Food Delightful Atmosphere "C h e z Gas ton" < SWISS CHALET DINING ROOM Baltimore Pike - Springfield, P.a. rolled nc\vspaper), a race, and fishing con· Inogcs will be the members Summer Club staff. Accolllo wed in Pittsburgh on Xovel11ber . - 1"1' \f I" , ,1"'[ d'. J, ; than exp~ctcu. _\ Clot C ourt IlOuse, . ' ter sc\"cra :rears I reSl. I tlcncc 1Il Plttshurgh she 1110\'C( WIt 1 clerks ha\'e already opened up! I I I I t \"\' I 'ngton D C ,ler lUSJatH 0 as 11 ,.. I their reg"istration book:;, and reving where her two sons wcre born. JUNIOR CLUB SUMMER I 1 rc~j~trar:; ha\'e ,mapped (heir i~iner)IO\'ing to Swarthmore i.n 1913 DANCE TONIGHT AT 9 ary 1tl preparatIon for the rcglstra- the family Ih'ed a short tUlle all Services Today for tio11 d.eadlillc 0. n Sept.embe.r 11; even Park a\'ent1e bciorc transierring to A lucky spot dance will be d l thl.' little white reg'l5tr,.tlon car S, the Yale avenue addrc::'>s. one of the features in the Junior ! ah\'ays available at the COl1rt- A memher of the Swarthmore \Voman's Club semi·for",al dance IlOuse antI rea(I 'v eChurc l I an(I an lI1tcr. :r 0 t r e eel Preshyterian tonight. The well-known Glen Dale any kind of identifying mark frolll cste . i LET US LUBRICJ\TE , YOUR CAR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Colle~e , "I REMEMBER MAMA" \\1t"tt Barbara Bel GeddesOscar Homolka Philip Dorn Important I Feature at 2;10 (; ;45 9 ;15 each Day. First ~vening Show starts at 6:3C GENE TIERNEY WHILE YOU SHOP :i ~. AIR-CONDITIONED at at Edith WbiJaket Second Clan Mattet, ]uua.., 24. 1929. at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of ilardi tbe Pon 3. 1179_ DEADLINE-WEDNESD,AY NOON ----'S:::W=A:-:R=-T=H:::M=O::R:::E:'-,-=P:-:A.;:-·-':F=R::I-=D=-=AY,Jui.Y 16, 1948 : LEGAL I ! I! The Bouquet An Ordin3~ce authorizin,( c0operation wtb. tbc Pennsylvania. J.Jepartment of Highways in the widening and draining of the cartway of Chester Road. from Yale A"cnue to Westdale Avenue; 3uthoruug the proper Borough affccrs. at the ex. Dorough officers. at the excurbing and re·lay sidewp.Iks ~here necessary; and prohibit~ lug parking upon said highway. I BEAUT,Y SAL 0 N Leat summer rule the wave Call Swarthmore 0476 9 Chester Road EN J OY YOUR RUGS ~IJEAN MORE RUGS • LOOK. BETT.ER • FEEL BETTER ' . WEAR BEnER Have your yugs cleaned ea~b year. It is B good investment In good living. 9x12 DomestIc. $5.50 f OF SWARTHliORE DOES ORDAIN: I Section. 1. The proper Borough officers CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH are hereby authorue 11:00 A. Y.-Morning·Sermon Alice have just returned from a I '. TRINITY CHURCH trip to Seal Cove, Maine, where Rev. Ceo. C. ·Anderson. Rector I . .------------------~ SUNDAY JULY 18 they vi~ited Miss Eugenia KetterCOME IN NOW AND SEE THIS 8 :QO A. M.-Holy Communion. 11 :00 A. ~r.-Morning Prayer and Sermon linus, Mrs.· Patterson's cousin. En S1UDEBAKER SUPER UNE OF route they stopped "t Martha's fINE NEW TRUCKS FOR '491 THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Vineyard and Nantucket. Alice will FRIDAY. JULY 16 3 :00 P. lr.--l\£emorial Servi<:e lor lIary spend the month of July at Seal i' R. Smith in Meeting House Cove with her aunt. SUNDAY, JULY 18 M iss Nancy Hoot of Lafayette 11:00 A. ~r.-MeetiDg ror \Vorship. 11 :00 A. Af.~ildren eared for in \Vbit- avenue returned last weekend from tier House during meeting. a visit with a classmate. Ann GilTUESDAY JI.'LY 20 MonthI~~ ).roeeting for Business bert of Bonnet Shores, R. I. \VEDNESDAY. JUr..y 21 Mrs. Arthur 'V. Kent of Chicago. ~:30 to 3:3G-SewinR" and Quilting in \\'"hittier H01lse Dox LuncheoD. AIl formerly of Swarthmore, will attend cordially invited. the Centennial Celehration of the FIRST CHURCH OF Calling of the First "'oman's Rights CHRTST ~CTR.NTT~T OF SWARTHMORE Convention which takes place :MonPark AV~"I1" "R,.'I'l," 'Jbrvard dav at Seneca Falls, N. Y. The , SUNDAY. JULY 18 11:00 A. :\I.-Sunday School. foil owing day she 'yill be a guest STUDEBAKER SALES 8< SERVICE 11:00 A. ~r.-~l1"rf;>V Lesson Sermon "Life" . of-the SlIsan B. Anthony Memorial SO. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROAD \Vednesday evenIng meeting ea(:h week. in Rochester. Later I 8 p.m. Readinq TOOtn f'lOf'n rt'ailv .....·e-t ... t S"'I~ Association Phone Swarthmore 9793 d1!o· and holidays ·12 to 5 p.m. Wednesday Mrs. Kent will visit relatives in I, evening 7 to 7:45 p.m. and 9 to 9:30 p.m. Storewide Clearance I 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore. Pa. . Swarthmore 0730 or 0529 - Clearbrook' 4646 Choice Persian Rugs for Sale FAR INTO THE NIGHT Church prescriptions exactly as ordered•. Starting Thurs .• July 22 IRENE DUNNE REMEMBER MAMA" The Bell Telephone Company • of Pennsylvania • ., .BOROUGH OF SWARTH1l0RE ORDINANCE NO. 505 - I PRESBYTERIAN. NOTES SU1\daY morning at the 11 o'clock en'ice the guest preacher will be :be Rev. Joseph P. Bishop. minisler of the Fourth' Presbyterian Church in Albany. New York. Mr. Bishop is a graduate of ....Vashingto!l and Jefferson ·College and of MeCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, and served as a Chaplain in the Navy during the war. A cordial invitation is extended ~to C\'cryonc to hear 1\fr. Bishop preach this Sunday. At a meeting of· the Session on July 1, it was resolved that a con. grcgational meeting be called for July 19. 1948 at 8 o'c1ock D.S.T. in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church to receive and act upon Ihe report o[ the pulpit committe.e ·appointed by the congregation to reconlmend a pastor ·for caU. There will be no Church Hour "ursery or Church School during July and August. The . Surgical Dressings Group will Jl1C~t each \Vednesday morning at 10 o'c1ock in the Parish House. Church business may be transacted at the Church office phone (Sw. 0672) ; or if no answer at Mrs. Savelli's at' Media 6-'3492. Ballim_ I It ~ progress will be made. that many afflictions now fatal will gradua1ly yield to medical research: Your doctor, and he alone. is well informed on these new discoveries. He includes new medicinal agents in his practice as soon as their therapeutic value has been established- ('! ,. Depend on your doctor, Depend on ua to fill his On party_linetelephones.cour- ANN SHERIDAN ERROL FLYNN in "SILVER RIVER" ~'I RosaUe l'eifllOl Peggy Kecn.en p!~-------_.•.'._--------_.:.._-----.......=====-----......_---_._ ...__._-_. . _-_ . . _-------: to believe that more and more Mon .• Tues .•Wed. "THE IRON CURTAIN" Barbara X ....t. Ollie< been conquered. There is reason tesy pays dividends! Be brief DANA ANDREWS 1'A. Servicea Rew design! New sizesl . Far in front with fine Saturday Matinee-1 P. M. Children's Show- Feature will b~ shown ?uuday. Monday SWARTIDIOU, I'UBLISHEJI JIAll]OIlIE TOLD. AIIodate _ £oter«l Theatre GARY COOPER JEAN ARTHUR in "THE PLAINSMAN" IRENE DUNNE AT INC~ PETER E. TOLD. EcHtor • Friday and Saturday Last 2 Days Friday Saturday EVERY FRIDAY SWARTHJ40ImAN; l'boDe, S _ 0900 1::==:::================___________. : : : "- Mrs. Edward M. Boyd of Strath Haven Inn left Wednesday for a two-month stay in Fryburg. Me. Mr. Lewis L. Tanguy. Jr., of Rutgers avenue left last week for Pierce. Idaho. where he has accepted 'a position for the summer with the U. S. Forest Service. THE SWARTHMOREAN THE I Summer Dance WOman'. Club Tom.'ght 9 to 1 $3,00 couple I ..••- - - - - PUBLISHED .1.. I s SWA~THMOREAN --~!Ei=!!l!==;;;;;=;;;;;;';::-"-;;-!!l!-;;;;;-;;;;;;-;;;;;0;;;-;;;;;03-;;;;;030;;;.;;;."••303.;;;.==-;;;;;.3.;;;...-";;;;;;;;.";;;;;==' Batavia and Warsaw, N. Y. f .-. Kenneth M. Reed In a quiet ceremony before memf ~o;t~ Ch~;ter road were the bers of the immediate. families. :eek-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Theresa A. Young. daughter of Mr. Erald Welsh of West Chester. Fol- and Mrs. Carl C. P. Young of . da" 'th M' W'llow Grove was married to lowmg a few ys VISIt WI ISS 1 , Margaret Thompson in Rehobeth Frank R. Morey of Yale avenue. Beach Del Mr. and Mrs. Reed on July 6. The wedding was per• , ks f d b tl e Rev Dr Raymond will leave Friday for a tl\ree-wee orme y.' P vacation in the Adirondacks. Bruc~ Lutz In the lOgton resNancy Hoot of 'Lafayette avenue byterlan Church. Mr. and Mrs. . "f '11 k their home' at will leave Sunday for the Umverslty ~ orey WI ma e · . h '11 t 310 Yale avenue of Minnesota where s e WI a , t k' I . I S tend summer schoo: l~ 15 a lIlg a course in Ed~catlon In t.he deBEARD-JANDA mentary field m preparatIon for The Swarthmore Presbyterian her M. A. degree. En route she Church was the scene of the wedwill visit Mr. a.nd Mrs. J a~"es G. ding of Miss Dorothy Len"re Janda. 'Weir of Pittsburgh and WIll staY'1 daughter of Lt. Col. and Mrs. L. T. in l1innesota \\'ith her aunt· and Janda. of Fort Dix, N. J., formerly lIncle, Mr .and Mrs. 'Valter 'V. of Drexel Park. to Mr. Ned Fulton Fricke, while attending the Uni- Beard. son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ,'ersity. J. Beard of Chadd's Ford. Pa. on Jean Patterson. daughter of Mr. Saturday afternoon July 10 at 4;00 and Mrs. H. C. Patterson \,f Elm o'clock The ceremony was peravenue. will visit Elizabeth Ann forn,,;d by Dr. Frederick B. Igier. Forsythe, daughter of hIr. and 1Ir~. The bride, who was gh'en ill Forsythe of Thayer Road, at the1r marriage by her father, wore a cottage in 'Ocean City N. J. this white organdy gown featuring a ENGAGEMENTS week. bertha of heirloom rose point lace 1\-Ir. and 1\irs. Arthur Robinson and Jong sleeves. Her full skirt Dana of Elm avenue, announce the . t of their daughter, was edged in front with a ruffle of engagemen I BETTY ELLEN LITTLEFIELD lace which came to a V at the Geraldine, to :M.r. Edward T lOmas TO WED JOSEPH D. DALLETT waist in back, aml ha\l a long train. Tisdall, son of 1Irs. James Joseph M I"S. Thomson H. Littlefield o[ Her fingertip veil of illusion was I Tisdall of Holyoke, l\lass., and the Swarthmore Place will act as ma~ held by a headband of orange late Mr. Tisdall. tron of honor at the' marriage of blossoms. :Miss Dana, who is a graduate of her sister-in-lawt :Miss Elizabeth Mrs. David A. Milne of Marlton. George School, is now attending the Ellen Littlefield. daughter of Mr. N. J.. sister of the bride, who act~ summer session at Connecticut Coland Mrs. Raymond James Littlefield ed as matron of honor, wore a lege for \VOlllcn and will graduate o[ Swarthmore Place to Mr. Joseph gown of yellow organdy. Another in September.. ~Ir. Tisdall ,is a Dando Dallett .s~n of Mr. and Mrs. sister of the bride. Miss Elizabeth graduate of 'Villisto~ Academy and Joseph H. Dallett of 'Vilmington. Janda of Ft. Dix. N. J .• the maid of Amherst College and served as an Del. and Fort Pierce. Fla. and the honor, was gowned in rose organdy. ensign in the U. S. Navy during late 1\lrs. Dallelt. which will take The bridesmaids Miss Sarah Lee the war. place Saturday. July 31 at 4;30 0'- Beard, sister of the groom, lIiss clock in the Swarthmore Presby- ) anice Igler of Philadelphia and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Raus of terian Church. Miss Patricia Perry of Montclair. Willoughby, Ohio, recently . announcReverend Dr. J. Jarden Guenther N. J .• all wore pale green organdy ed the engagement of their daughwill perforal the ceremony. dresses fashioned like the bridal ter Miss Janice Raus to Mr. Henry The bridesmaids will be Miss gown. 'Their headdresses were of Siddall Saulnier. son of Mr. anq Jean Bevans of Washington. D. C. flowers to match their bouquets. Mrs. 'Hheophile Saulnier, of PrinceMr. 'Charles S. B~ard served as ton avenue. Both Miss Raus and Miss Carolyn Henry of Walling• ford. Mrs. E. James Buckley of Mr. Saulnier are graduates of Wynnewood. and Mrs. Charles T. University. 1\ir. Saulnier is now Gallagher Jr.. sister of the groom. working in Cleveland. Ohio. o[ Wilmington. Mr. Charles G. Wiswall of Wi!mington will act as best man. Mary has a telephone, The ushers will be Mr. Thomson H, Littlefield, brother of the bride. per It's on a party line. Mr. Lawrence J. Jones Jr.• Mr. ~~~~~~~~~'!1111!~~~'!1111!~ So every time she uses it Charles T. Gallagher. Jr.' and ~ FOR Her manners they are fine. Mr.' William F. Metten Jr, all of Wilmington. Mr. E, James Buckley I of ....Vynnewood. and Mr. Louis J. Hoitsma Jr.• of Patte~son. N. J. Call .A . reception will follow the cereMrs. Lloyd E, Kauffman mony at The Rose Tree Fox Hunt'SWARTHMORE 2080 it!g Club. Media. THE Fricla,.. . . . I" 1141 Michael's College Pharmacy I=====O=N==T=H=E=C=O=R::N==E=R===~ FUSCO & ALSTON • • • " THE I' FridaY, SWARTHMOREAN NEWS NOTES Distinctive Food Delightful Atmosphere "C h e z Gas ton" ,I'oa Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pitman of Vassar avenue recentlY visited their daughter and son-in-law, Major and Mrs. Robert E. Moist of Harris_ bu~, Pa. Th~y were accompanied by thel: daughter and son-in-law Mr. SWISS CHALET DINING ROOM . B.oltimore Pike .:.. Spriqfield, P .. MO Accomoda tions for Weddings and Parties Closed Monday Mrs,ofFrank I1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~w~a~tt~h~m~b~r~e~3~254~~-W~~1 and Robbins RidleyRobbins Park ' ,.... JOII' .. _y, AcI .... 'crllr .IDS , . . . . . . ,.... IIIar. bra... - y ~ Jag valves, for Jail. . . MOB CHId IowI' food b~ Open Fri. THI 9 P. M•• Sat. 6 P. M. LIBBY'S PEACHES ...:.o::a He".:.' 18' BALVES APBICOTS 1I::;::edHG~" 19' FRmT COCKTAIL Ubbr." 2 ~:~: 49' . No. 2\\ can No. 2t,1,' Ideal Pelcbes ~I~.":":: 511••, Unpeeled Halves Aprlo~ts Comstock Sllc~d PI. A'PIH 2 .21. 2&0 2&. '- CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS THEATRE SQUARE Sweet Is01 G.eeD B.... Z ... Z," -- Galli. .. "oF Dew• $,. BODe • tal,.......Eolln·'I....... ,. 11 ..0 - _ _ 'IIIiI'S _=11 4", . .r::,. ~ 38e TBU-BLU BEDIES Delicia.. MADISON BROS. Phone 1913 FREE DELIVERY IISI1J Fuff lodlla - - _ . - COFFEE lb. bag 0., lIIut POPlly bllna If Fl., Sodh A•• leu c,n... u..t ••. Bodled WIN·CREST COFFEE::, Yet .II~I-:::: 3 t. $1.24 IDEAL COFFEE ~ rv V.'uobr. and make the delicate adjutmenb Boneless BEEF ROA5T - ................... G'"'._""",..._.."..".~.,..._.., ~~ $~~ ~ . ~. ...::~. s~. 43c INdeal I'c!I IIcy IFlorlda Orange Juice 3 ......~ 2Sc i ":.." 21 c Sharp •• I MA YOHR!tI!E 251::, ',':: 451: Hom d. 111. SALAD DR!ESS!NG ,.' • 4 , "":_>0 CHEll. %-11>. ISc Kdtlka'nna Club hOtod' 8 ... 45c ., .' LIII'" IIDk_ Kraft Yelvee}o 2." 1.09 Stllfled otlves .,..1111 ot,.., 714Jar... 39c . Armollr Treet 12·.. 47c i .. lISco Cats'up III;clar .olor 14 ... 20c kit Corn Flakes Gold Su, 13·" 17c Cake Milles Sold 14'" 2Sc eul ptl ... ... 'r','.051 _...._'-- OleolDargonne ~~9 37 C • -. I I.. • .0 much to auto per- formance! ;. ... , Car Inspection must be made before July 31. . Juiey ORANGES 24 for 69c Lg Ripe Cantaloupes each 25c Fresh STRING BEANS lb 19c CHICKENS lb. White or Yellow SQUASH • ~_ Owned and Operated by AmerIcan $tor~ Company CL~IiWOOD JELLIES 2 '2,01·9a Jlob nc~· Pcm:!1 Preserns - ROOFS 'GUTTERS RgPAIRED ... d INSTALLED 1'__"'-'_________-.::3:,:T:,:.7:..:-16 Furance Repairs and cleaning Call GEORGE MYERS 409 Michigan Ave.. SW-. 2Z66 Hannum & Waite YALE AVE. & . \:':"=ttr. 5!rClwb~:-ry P~etErves t;:;~,i:eis O~:sr.!ie M(lr;'l'1('!c:de CHESTER RD. •• ' "'" H'c Ib '" 37c:. , SWARTHMORE 1250 ; .Swarthmore, Pa. •.... Phone: Swarthmore 0444 PaIDtero .IT·7-2 • WAU ... flDOI COYEIINGS • NEW CONnlUeTlON • lUERlnONS response to call made by comptroller of the currency. 'under section 5211, U. S. Revised. Statutes, a. DAVE WOOD Painting and Paperhanging Paper Hng.,. Swa. 2266 "A Well Kept House Michigan Ave. Never Grows Old" .Phone Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete v~~to.e'tl .... '1h",wl1 {f~.,r:t;'1" •• '-" (or Call Swarthmore 01Z1 or 0904 1!1!!1!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 702419.08 "~,,.,. 're of ·r.. <;,~r\"~<;, - ••••••••.• State of Pennsylvania County of Delaware, S5: I, E. S. Sproat, cashier of the and belief. E. S. SPROAT Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of July, 1948. PETER E. TOLD. 'Notary Public. Correct-Attest: E, B. Temple Albert N. Garrett Harold C Stolt Directors . ERNEST SMITH PAINTING and DECORATING , Swarthmore 1272 TO BUILD? Good materials and' skillful workmen, are now available. Call u~ for information and esti- Van Alen Bros. mates. Coal. 4nd _. :.-.; fuel Oil .. HORACE A. REEVES '. I~~~~~~~~=~=:;::;=~ Wallace Lippincott IEPAIIS Con'ra,/o,,_and Bui/d." 302 Gayley Street • Media, Pa. PhOH.' Media 2567 w••hould Know How c:ee o':!oael5- Dependable a" ARTERS BROTHERS, InCl. .~ ..~~ to \\~a\~ ~eo." ~~J1 Dlstnct an tbe High School Buftling com· er of College and Princeton Avenucs,' Swar· thmor1!'. Pennsylvania. up to 4 p. 1n:t Tues· rI:ty, July 20, ,1948 and open tbe bids at a rn~eting of the Board at the Se;hool Distnct office on July 20. ,1948. at 8 pm .• or at an 'adjomed meeting of the School Roanl, for classroom furniture and equipment. Specifications ean be secured between 9 rn. land 4' D. m .• daily exeept Satur· fl:iy!'=, Sunrtays and holidays at the School T!i~trict office. The lIoo.rd reserves tbe !"lght tn reject any or all bids in whole or In part an.-l to award contracts on any item I)r items makinll up any hid. . HILDA LANG DENWORTH Secretary " CUNNINGHAM Charter No. 7193 Reserve District 3 REPORT OF CONDITION OF SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ~ c,onP: ~e ~ ao.ote of ~warth11lore In the State of ~s '1 10~ ~ ~ ~ c.Ofll" Pcnnsyh'ania, at the close of btt'iito ner.s on June 3!\ 1948. Published. in school , ltoS SiDco Marion S. Brown high • MODI I .. IITCHENS Ruhhi.b CoDected Weekl" or Monthly Phone Swarthmore 3343 9 A, M. to 5:30 p, M. ST·7·9 ~o. ,. Swarthmore Disposal Service Serving Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 . ASSETS Cash. balances with othe. banks including reseI"Vc balance.' and- cash ilelUS in process of collection •.•.••..• 984.127.7.0 United States Gov.eroment RI 0·6141 Z4 S. 19th ST. oblig~tions. dirl!':t and guar.~ .... _............. 2.930.504.44 '11111111111111111 1111111-'1111111111 1111111111'" Obligations of States and political subdivisions •• 195,662.06 Other bonds. notes, and de-S~rvi€e bentures ... . . . • . . • 283,028.39 Corporate !iotocks (including If you have real estate for sale, . $10.500. stock oE F~ral Reserve bank •••••••••••.• 10,500.00 list with us and we will give you Loans and discoUDts ·(includ· the benefit of our Cooperative ing $74.58 oYerdra(ts) ...• 724.026.13 Bank premi.!':e5 owned $75.Selling Bureau, Call at office or 603.64, furniture and fix· phone us. 83,692.00 tures $8.088.36 (Bank premises owned are subiecl ·to No liens not assumed. by bank) \V.\ '"!"TRJl:-\Ve ,...ill "'IV ",t 1,...=t tw"i.::C5-:- nM Other assets ..•...• ... . . • . .. Realtor . 6,881.73 ..loin:!. IZ'b<~. fUrnit1lre. fircarmlll. ("'.aU Total Assets •••.... $5.218.422.-45 T1"nllv 011.- 4~1~ or llol1v Oak 6720. {"o11f"1"i:. 907 Ecia'mont A ..en_ LIABILITIF.5 t",. :> .... ,...... i.,tm~"t . .A1I b.... i ... ~t:; "t1T'1"rtentl:ll Demand deposits of indivi· Ch.atel' 3-451& ("..1,,":... 1 rll"f)'h"'"rrt. N .... 5. Phila·delpbia Pike duals: partner!:hip9. and cor· W:1..,i-nvtrrn. Delaware. porations . •• • . • •. . 3.203,080.7? Time depos;,. of ;nd;v;duals, .11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 'FOR S~LE ..rtn_hips, .nd corpora· , FOR SALE-La tions ...•........••........• 1.;98.447.19 wnmower. boy's bicycle. Deposits of United States I Phone Swa. 3272·1. G ovemment. • . •• •• 106 •20S •15 _____._ ''-::,,---o-,-~--' FOR SALE-Oak- ron·top desk 8-drawer Deposits of States and politi 49,527.27 A •• ociated with L Henry LeBaron 65 in. long. Leather covered sofa 60 in. ea.l subdivisions ...•••• long. Carved. oak hall bench, 40 in. long. Other deposit.! (certified and Clothes tree. 56 in. long high book.kcepen cashier's checks. etc.)..... 26.981.44 I, -SO Foot Lot on Haverford desk and revolving chair filr same 45" Total Deposits •.•.••.... $4.784,239.84 metal venetian blind.· stell, nearly· new. Other liabilities . . •• • . . 443.75 Avenue Near Harvard, Priced for C.all Swa 0627.r.· Total Liabilities ........ $4.784.683.59 Quick Sale, FOR SAL'E-Croquet set. Can Swa. 0646. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS FOR SALE-ABC washer, model 18, good Caflital Stock: 2. Modern Stone, 4 Bedrooms, _~ndition, $25. Call Swa 0932. Common stoek. toul par 125,000.00 --$125,000.00 .... - ........ 3 Baths. 5 Acres Grounds, Stone FOR-SA'-LE225.000_00 --'- --Double pedestal flat-top wal. SUl'flht!\ .•....•............ 48.396.21. Barn. nut d ~,two matchinR" chairs. $100. Undivided profits •.. 35.34MS :\fahogany secrrtary $40. Easy chair with foot Test, $25. Tele. Swa. Reserves . 433.i38.86 r .• 4554. Tntal ........... Capit;~.1 Acenunt~ .. Near New Sun Oil Plant, Marple Total Liabilities and Cap· ital ACCQllnt" •.••.••••• $5.218.422.45 Township_ $45,000, a. glasses" . Devine Taxi Service IB _ . II H •• C.taQ I)u~ty Bulldmg .Medla. Pennsylvania ESTATE OF JOSEPH A. PERRY. also known a.s J. A. PERRY, late of the Dorough of Swarthmore, County of Dela. ware. Pennsylvania. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Es.a.te baying been granted to the under"h~:ned. all ~rsons indebted to the eairl Estate a.re rCQue~et{ to make payment. and those b3ving claims to present the sahle. without delay to F.leanor S. PerT"'. ExeCUbix Swarthmore Anartmenls Swarthmore, Pa. nr tt'l her attorneys A. Sidney Johnc:nn, Jr Dutler. neath'. Greer &- Johnson. Media Pa. f\~ A!,p~e C!!:-re!";t. A::-~!9 E:derberry, or 1-..[:;:'3 Grape " ::!3c ,. 29c: Georgec abcye-named bank, do solemnly --:~~=~~~~--swear that the above statement is The: !chool District of Swarthmore: win r~eh:e ~ids at the office of the School true to the best of my knowledge FonBJ..~-:9' Large Fresh Sea trout '\o.-,_ _ _Cod _ Steaks ___ Fresh_ Sliced c.n c...._ z.4tJ7' 2T ·7·9 LOST -.At..) ."OUND ALTU\,j~ T ANNA KENNELS LEGAL NOTICE FRESHLY GROUND BEEF ) Clarence T... Conner John II Doherty AI~rt J . ...c'V'·(orri. Ir. COUNTY COMMI$SIONERS WAXTEJ>--.La\\'ns to mow by boy 1·8~ Call S .... 2039 . _.,-.,-_ _ __ \V.-\XTED"=-Couple desire~ to rent ~ house for winter or longer beginning Sept 15. ~[) IleiS or children. References exchan!rcd. Peter Lomhard. Swarthmore _1049.._ _..". W~\NTED~Pin-g.poog-tnbl;- for south )fcdia Reereation Program. Also any tl~lle game~. Phone Media 6·0860 ,r,\NTED':'Room--;;car -Penn St~C~ for young lady student. ,Vilt share room with another "iitudent of q-ood characler Occupy Sept. 26,-. Reply Miss Lynn Dri!l ('011. Ambler 0754. ·W.\~TEn-Col~~dgi;i-rlesi;;;--.iay';wiJrk. Cleaning or ironing preferrel1. Chel.ter .]·1937. \VANTED=·Y:.-'!'I-.---c-o-upl-;-de!\ire house· t:eerinq- apt. furnished or unfurnisbe.-l. IlIrni!\herl flreferred. Swarthmore vicinity !'ept. 1. rhone Swa 3340. 9·5. Phnne .gw:nthmore 3340. 9·3. W,\NTED-Gcneral housework or cook· in!!'. experi~nced. Referenc::es. Cal1 Fullon 9·1!63. WANTED Person who can translate French and Germlln business letters at ),th:v I and Mrs. Erich Peterson of Silver N. Hopkins of Haverford place Springs, Md. who sailed Friday on luncheon and bridge Wednesday the Queen Mary for Oslo, Nonvay, afternoon in honor of Mr.. where they will attend !- meeting. A. Milne of Cornell avenue'While there they will also visit Milne and daughter Sandra en- Sweden, Denmark, France, Switzer. planed yesterday for California land and the British Isles returning where they will visit Mrs. Milne's on the Queen Elizabeth in about father Joseph 'Sweidel in six weeks. ' and Mr. Milne's sister Mrs. F. R. Miss Marion Wood, daughter of Hill, wife of the' regional Boy Mr. and ,Mrs. Allan C. Wood of Scout executive, in Santa Monica Swarthmore avenue, 'spent the until early Septembe!, week-end visiting at her parents' .Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Peterson home. Miss Wood is a nurse in the Albany Hospital, Albany, N. Y. Vandy Van der Grocht, of South Chester road and Harvard avenue Harvard' I"n has been entertaining his cousins, Sally and Betsy Hartman, of Westfield, N. J., since last Saturday. Lt. Commander and Mrs, Lawrence G. Trainer of Newport, R. I. arrived Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs, A. L. C1ayden of Riverview 'road, They will leave Sunday. ' I 7 A. K.-a_ now renewing acquaintances. Mrs. David Braun and two child.' ren moved July 10 from 912 West. dale avenue to the Piper house at \ 213 Yale avenue. ' , Friendo M_tin. Notea Our member, Mary R. Smith, . passed away Tuesday morning. There will be a Memorial Service for: her in the Meeting House this afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. The monthly Meeting for Busi. ness will be held in Whittier House on Tuesday evening, July 20. , I.': . '" \'' ~. ' .' ~.\ ; '- SERVICE '. 'j " " / DAILY DINNERS ......... ; 85e to $I 50 5pedo1 CII!Idren'. ~. • ' ,' i "j 6 E. FRONT ST. ,,- .',.,. the :~ . F. F. ZIMMERMAN "Outstanding for Quality" , MEDIA YOUR , BOARD " IHOLDS MEETING , , j !' i I .. VISITS STARIMON. PRESBYTERIANS ELECT' BISHOP Borough Ordinance No. 303 requires all grass and weeds on SwarBuckets and contain:r. a~e still thmore lots be cut at least twice being placed 011 the VIi oman. Club during the summer. If an owner porch for flowers to be sent to the '_. • neglects to comply with the regu" pet wards of the Philadelphia General R~SlgnS lation the Boro~gh has the work Hospital, by Mrs. 0:. Reed Ge~r I done, billing the property owner and her garde~ comm~tte. contn- j I for the cost plus a 20 per cent penbutor~ may brmg thelt bouquets !alty. At a, mid-summer meeting 0" a, Two weeks ago the Bor".ugh SecThe Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, pasThe three-year-olds are inviting any .tlme Wednesday ~fternoon or even~g and u,p until Thursday hot July night,' the Swarthmore! retary's office issued notIces. that tor of the Fourth Presbyterian mothers to school on Monday mornmg at 9 0 clock., I .! the fl'rst cuttl' ng must be achieved b ,. Church of Albany, New, York, was h b f B d d see what has heen accomplished A traditional summer activity in ~ School oar a e ore It anum er i within a IS-day period from that the past five 'weeks, For Swarthmore for over thirty years, I of items of routine business in ad-: date' In addition 'to this current unanimo!lsly elected to be called of the children, the expe";- the Flowers for, the Flowerless dition to several concerning changes: cutti'ng, another will be necessary as minister of the Swarthmore Presof leaving home has been service was first brought here by of staff. A ,resignation was received, between August 15 and Septem- byteri:'n Church, at a meeting of new, and, like all new ex- Mrs. G.or~e Zimmer former chair- from J. A. Christian, teacher of 1 ber 15. the congregation of this Church on I."iienc:es, holds pleasure "ot un- man of the Garden section of the mathemlltics in the high school It's a hard pu.h if you happen July 19, at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. with pain. Mark Beardsley's Women's Club. Mrs. Zimmer made to take effect immediately. To suc- • to be the owner of a nice large has been considerably allevi- it the responsibility of each church ceed him, the bpard elected Charles: vacant lot and nothing but a man- Bishop and their two small children by Mrs. Beardsley's bringing in town for a month, to send the Klemmer of West Chester, who! ual mower but for the protection will come to Swarthmore about mending for four weeks; said flowers to the Philadelphia General is teaching for the second year in' of boroughites in general from ex- September 15 to take up their work being put aside practic~ Hospital. At first the flowers were I the summer school. ~{r. Klemmer,! cess ravages of hay fever, poison here. f upon arrival in order to "tele- merely sent to 69th street where a native of Reading, attended the ~ weeds, and obnoxious insects to I Mr. Bishop is a graduate 0 L_,._" The "telephoning" has they would be left in water before Wyomissing Polytectmic Institute· say nothing of the unsightliness • gradu;,lIy lengthened to three hours, an ambulance from the hOSPit~11 and \Vest Chester. State Teachers! of a neighbor's overgrowth next \Vashington and Jefferson College phenomenon lost upon Mark, who could come to pick tmm up. ThIS College. For several years he work- . to your own carefully cut lawn, and McCormick Theological Semhappily until her return. as the flowers had lost most olj ed with the Textile Machine Com-! sending hardy weed'seeds into the inary, Chicago, and during his time Doroth,y Hetherington and Janet system proved to be unsatisfactory,: pany of \Vyomissing and during garden yuu've so painstakinly \\.'eed- there supplied the pulpit at the have been transformed into their freshness by the ,time they, the war was at the Nav}' Yard cd, it is a very necessary measure.! Union Church in }'Ionroe, Wisconcooperative group members reached the wards. It ",a-s then de- appren:icC' schoor at Pearl Harbor; sin. He ~as. served fOll.r years as their mothers' consistent refusal cided that the {Jowers would be I as an mstuctor ~n trade mathem2a Chaplam m the Umted St~tes to regard Udaily do",,'npour~" as sent in individual jars, about 350 I tics and supervIsor' of the adult I Navy and the recommendatlons anvthing but "summer showers". sm2U bunches in app~opriate jars evening vocational schocL :Mr.\ from _his superiors and from fellow Last 'week the four-year-olds and vases being driven in by vol- Ij:lemmer has proved himself an I I d II t officers show clearly that he has made a trip to Morrow's log cabin. unteer drivers directly to the wards. abl. teacher and ,a fbe leader of It takesc on,YS tw 0C:~~ f left a lasting impression on the along through 'the woods :Many of ,the young people of youth. 'la~oPt" a1 ~mp un~ I~e ; .~r men with whom he came in contact. went the "pioneers", equipped with Swarthmore collected and arranged To teach art in the elementary a oay, endy o~r.tleend °b ars a gl~~ Since leaving the Navy he has been I t e d A nne some un erpnvi ege oy or glr . F ourt h P reSLe IJI charge. I I) \\'. 't J S tt f N' th . • d. er 0 or . Til D. .t Princeton So,nllnary in I C . r. . . .. co . . '.. .'. • I Lcs:cr road IS Ylsltmg 1115 COUSin I 19b. !Jr. \\. evcrs mil preach on NEWS NOTES ; '[ J . C·. r'Jau I'In _,' Ianenl'J ' '11 e, P a ..I ...,:. WHEN THE NEED ARISIS Frank as the solo.I left last \\'ednesdav for . CampI and daughter ormer 0 Holy"by ' I . d y I ' ar , . . '. I Tockwogh, 1\[<1, ',\"here he will spend a\'Clltlt lave mOle to t lClr nen I at the ll~Orm~lglserDvlcc ~hls Sunday. I se\'cr,al \\'cocks, : rcsidence in \Vynnewood, Pa. -AIR.CONDITIONED Sunday, l\Ionday JAl1IES CAGNEY PAT O'BRIEN "THE 'FIGHTING 69TH" Wallingford, over next ',[051 MEDIA "ELDORADO" ::~::en~f suhjcct "Christ, the Desire of . 'f' .' .. .. Gordon Smith son of Mr and' c. Ine summer. 1110 "atlons . , . • oj Harvard a\'cnuc " 'I d 'I \\. J S ' 1slllg" ' 0 Lord.. ~fn. Allan SmIth Henry F'aust w.1 ,I .;., r.::\11 ~'rs. f " . I tel'ens, f P IRENE DUNN. "I REMEMBER MAMA" I,!" PA. for- 11'1! i:=======iii r;=-==~=====~~~I Collee;e Theatre PUBLIS~~E :::J.~~=' ~~_ 'i.~~"Ta'~KE, 1. I' ~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ Swarthmore College. Mr. Myers graduated from Swar- :: thmore High School. taking his freshman year at G' Oak 6720 Ridge Parkway. Devine Taxi Service • WAn ••• flOOI COYEIINGS • NEW CONStRUCTION • AUnAtlONS ••• IEPAlaS ARTEllS BROTHERS, Ille. Conlradors and Builders 302 Gayley Sireel • Media, Pa. PA."t. Mtdla 2567 Swarthmore Disposal Service I -====== DAVE WOOD Painting and Paperhanging "A 'Veil Kept House ~ Never Grows Old" ("o!k~t for appointment. A11 ·Imsines!! con· fi.'~!·,tial. Colonial Cupbo.ud. No. 5 Phila· rI~ll,llia Pike, Wilmington. Delaware. ., --W:\:-:TED ,Vornan want~ da.,,· ~ work. Tltt ... da~·. Thur!'day and Frtday. "Reference!';. (t-oNler 2.4.400. WA!\"'TED-Two or th~b~droom- apart· I~cnt or ht'lllse. unfurni!'lhed .. Tmntt:di:l.tely .1r loy Septemllf'r I st. Reference~. Premium r!'n~. \\'t·her. ~""·;,.rthmore ~..s'9.\\r. \".\XTEn"-F;rnily- w;J.ship,(" ·hI"nket'l. cur1'!';n ... etc. to he done :l.t home, Call ~\\'ar1hm. "'o",len d~lre ~man ~ur,"!lshed apt. 'WIth kitchen and lnlh. ~mmng Sept: Reply Dox I. The !'\\'.'lrthmore.?n. _ _ _ ~ __ _ \\·A~TEn-,nrother· and sister would like to rent thr~ rooms with ('ooking: fatiti· tie'l ~ginnin~ September.. "References ir '·"'""v. Telephone Ardmore 7995-W. WAN·TF:r>=-SwArthm-;:;~ Colleie- co·ed '£1;' ~ire.~ room :foRti hoard position near t:tmPUJ for comina "chool year. Call BA 2·7149 ~fl!:"r 6 o'clock. __ ,r . \:'''TF.D-P("o!;ition as companion. hy r~ fined ·Chri!!tian woman. References ex' challlled Reply Box P. The: Swarthmorean. WANTEO-To rent ~mal1 house or apart· ment with two I~lroorru; for thr~e ndulta l... fr>r<· September l~t. Swarthmore or vicino it)·, Swarthmore _ 3tf!5.J. _ __ \\,AXTF.D-A haby's play {len. Can Sv;-al'.hmore J65~:'y., EST \T£ I Phone lOSE! H Dri\'cway Construction Asphalt or Concrete aiso k ~. J A- PE'RRyA:· PERRY, no .... n as . . • late of the Dorough of Swarthmore, County of DeJaware, Penns:rlvania. LETTERS TES'l"'A)'(ENTARY on the above Estate having been granted to the u~dersigne::);,=-S>.c~~~~3~ wit1i'i(~ This Space Contributed By ': Tender BEETS Iceberg LETTUCE When'iou are tempted to make your car gofaster4nii £aste~ the frightening sound !)f sCreaming tires and crumpling steel '. Ib 45c ·Fruits and Vegetables - Use your head to step on your foot's tendency to ._-:.£,..;.....;~a......~ ..• overturns ••• ~ops twenty feet into a ravine. all happens so I Green cABBAGE udd€:nly the highway veers In a sharp curve. The driver wrenches his 100;- teeriIlg wheel. . • jams on his brakes. His car takes the curve on two -25c 0 Hom-de·Ute Mayonnaise Hcn:-:!e.Lite Salad Dressing Sunrise Grade A Tomato Juice the hands of our expert mechanic•. The "CAKE BOX" Smoked BEEF TONGUES Vlrgll/'a Lee Suggests a Dellclou. De.sert Iced Cinnamon Buns Cinnamon Streusel Loaf Drive your car . . in and put it in c c CBUTTER "'.io •• Tn·llue Berrie, t:allfol'llla'le:eberg Leltllce .' , Deliveries Saturday only durin,;- Bummer montha hll':~~de.d "- ( & RD. • HANNUM & WAITE CHARLES FISCHER THE BOUQUET COLLEGE THEATRE E. L. NOYES and CO. . ARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK and TRUST CO. PETER E. TOLD L'V""LoYHOCK SHOP MICHAEL'S COLLEGE . PHARMACY BARBER, GIFTS B. J. HOY 5 AND 10 . THEINGLENEUK RUSSELL'S SERVICE MARTEL BROS.. W. S. BITTLE and SON __ii ",I$:'~"r. • • THE SWARTHMOREAN Pa. SCOUT CAMP the contents of the book and why Camp Elizabeth Borton, which NEWS NOTES Mrs. Robert Cadigan of Ditkib.· it is considered best. son avenue and Karin and Ros•• (Continued from page 1) ,.NO , u . and Mrs. J. Robert Hanlm A list of U\N 'runners up" .15 a I so had a waiting list for July, has sevJ\'j~. -/ mary, h er d a~g h ters, 1ef t Wed~ by H. B. Green permitted the school given in a secondary list. eral vacancies for the m?nth ?f ",nose marriage too15 place in Ard- nesday for Sea Side Heights where district to purchase and pay Included in various other classi- August. Scouts and Browmes may I more on June 26 are occupying the they w'iII spend the next three lor coal before the recfnt price fied lists between the main list and go by the week if they wish, rather ./lome of III rs. Edward H. Allen at . weeks .. rise went into effect. than for the entire month, by writ- 215 Haverford place for two months On the basis of actual costs for the appendix are lists .of the Fifty ing The Delaware County Girl' while ·Mrs..Allen and children are I fDiFck'dDanfortfhl of HB i11b o m aVNenue . h Best Books, the Twenty Best Am· l e t rt ay to y to u f f a l y 48 7 the school year 194 -19 ,usmg t e Scouts at 6908 Market street, Phila- at East Gloucester, Mass I h '11 b . . d 'b . . erican, Twenty Best British, Best d I h' , . K • w 'ere e WI e lome y hi, fo rmula provided in the state school American Fiction, Best British and e ~ .a. . "farlan arns, daughter of Mr.' I hi· K D S rtz I Th code, the school board set the . . SItuated at Elverson, 18 miles aad IIIrs. George M Karns of U~t e r tl ·. 'h ~a ~. e two tuition rate for 1948·1949 as fol· Fore'gnFlcton, Best Scence, Art, f R d' . t t t t' \V II I d' . k' . w.1 then y m t e atter s two seat· Poetry, Religion, Drama, Travel, rom .e~ 109,. In a 5 a e .ores I' e es ey ~oa IS wor tn~ In a er Ercoupe to Nanistee, Mich. Dick lows: in the kindergarten and ele· R . W d I' t f B reservalton ~hlch was once under dress shop In New York CIty, and "1 "t . t P t L k USSla, ar; an a 15 0 est U S D fl'. . . . W .. VISI cou ... aacS a or age a e, $18700 h I mentary sc 00, • per annum, A u th ors h ea d e d b'V . . epartment 0 ntertor'l s.a)'11Ig at the Stud.o Club In New I"M'IC h f y an W yc k the • or' severaI wee k s. 1n the junior· senior high school B' k 'th'f b k d 1: Borton is olle of only. four camps York while she is 'there this sum-: . ' I ' 00 s an a tota . lake. V·ISlltng . . M rs. H arry W . S cott 0 f Strath gra des 7 to 12 IDC USlve, t h e ra t e froo 17ils WI . t our d ' h S . b k on the enltre parents mer. School Soard MeeD ~""'.'- ,.IS P. M. • SEE OLD TIMERS PLAY THE SWARTHMOREAN \ I sd' Can I VWlt D telD ae , will be $266.00, per annum. The OM . d a Iso t It e payment I' t arquan an ar an. oren next board authortze r of interest' and redemption of I In IDe. bonds, series B. in the amount of T. B. ASSOCIATION TO $5,956.00, due August 25, 1948. . COME SEPTEMBER 30 The secretary's report for the year on the financial condition in The Delaware County Tubereuthe district shows t h at the cu~ent losis Association will be at the receipts for the fsca I year amount- Swarthmore High School on Septed to $258,668.00 in addiion to a ember 30 to take chest x-rays, balance of $31,022.00, giving a total announces Mrs. Elizabeth Ann income of $289,690.00.. Expenditures Groff, director of the Community for the year were· $262,746.00 .Ieav- Health Society. X-rays wi1\ be free f I'ng a balance of $26,944.00 for the 0 charge, and confidential reports fiscal year beginning July 6, 1948. will be sent to the individuals' physicians. ..... ING All resident are urged to check SETS FOR TH I.E...... LITERATURE on their health at this time. I .... Asa Dorn Dickinson of Park ave· nue is author of "The Best Books of the Decade: 1936. 1945" a 288page volume just published by H. W. \Vilson Company of New York. using hundreds of lists published by 86 authorities Mr. Dickinson was will wish to stop at historic Hope· Paul Hummer, son of Mr. and . . .111 Hopewell M well V.llage or sWIm rs. Paul'M. Hummer of Rutgers Lak~. \ avenue is spending the summer as The councilors represent several a nature and hiking councilor at nationalities including a Cuban. and the Y.M.CA. Camp Singing· Creek a German refugee who is a stullent near State College, Pi'. III the University" of . Chicago. A, Richard W. Grouiher of Yale councilor for the younger group I avenue, recently enlisted in the composes original words and music N avy an d h as.b een se~t. to the Great for ca!"p dramatics. Lakes, lll. Naval tratlung center. I - . Lepob A1Diliary Th e Le' '1' ary is continuing gton A ux•• t h e coupon drive for the veterans' grandstand at Coatesville. The Methodist Women's Association is I still at work. bringing them, in. : BILL EMERY Hann avenue recently returned f rom a t wo wee k s vaca t'Ion a t EgyPt Mills in the Po"Conoes. Jan~' Seymour, daughter' of Mr. and, Mrs. Harry C. Seymour of Dickinson avenue left this week for Saunderstown, R. I. where she will spend the summer with R ev. and. M rs. . F re d ertC . k E . S eymour. Sh. is motoring up yilh friends. DEW DROP INN • :, CeO SED AUGUST 1 ._ 16 I' ii Attends Special Preview I Mr. George A. Hay of Harvard FOR CEMENT WORK avenue, President 01 the Philadel· Phone AI. 4·6207 : phia Hospital Association, attended CARPENTER WORK : ., the special preview of "The Case of 1 CELLAR W,HlTE WASHING I Iii ~[rs. Conrad", a new· documen~ary 15733 VINE ST. Phila., Pa. ~________________________________________________._.___=-'=_________._...~:; I i labe not only to compile a list of I flll11. Prepared by M arch of T.me, the 400 best of .the bests but to the film covers an operation from, tsart to finish and Illustrates the: award a point score to each book. advances in surgery and hospital Arranged in' aJphabeticql order aeording to author. with dates, oc- care in recent years. cupations, education and other information regarding the author, the 400 books are rated as to their PRUNING, LIMB AND TREE pluses and minuses in the Book REMOVAL Review Digest,. with quotations ROBERT HASTINGS from leading reviews that suggest Call Swarthmore 0265· W j Distinctive Food Delightful Atmosphere "c h e z Gas ton" I, I J SWISS CHALET DINING ROOM Baltimore Pike - Spribgfield, Pa. A-ccomodations for \Veddings 'and Parties Closed Monday IRegistration Deadline'l Sat., September 11 i . ENDS'48 CLUB £,ghibt, Treasure Hunt and Hayrides • Enjoyed La,t Friday between sunshine aild raindrops, 31 of the younger group slimmer c1ubbers yelled and as they took their annual They returned at 10:30 to 22 of the older group to a similar tour of ,the vicinity. first group was accompanied Vonny Ryan and Nick McChe~­ , and the second group by Toot, Lewis and Don· Dickinson. Those 110t taking advantage of ritles remained at the school participate in general p1ay and finish their articles for the arts cralts exhibit which was held Ir:::I~;"~r~and Wednesday in Sipler's :H: Company show window. children worked most enthusintic.llly and although there was enough space to permit all the mmnlpt~d articles to be shown, at one item of each of the 50 was displayed. The crafts Mrs. T. Purnell and her Imi,;ta.,t Sally Woodward combined various art and craft programs plastic, wood, leather, fabric, clay, metal: and shells a unified course, produ'cing artcles such, as earrings, '""Iets. necklaces, vases, baskets,. ,nY:lfds, dishes, trays, plaques, etc. This week there are no scheduled as all of the departments are with their various tournamer.ts. This Friday afternoon at the assembly, which will follow treasure hunt, awards will be to th~ tournament champion, another successful, much "'Joye,'. and well attended summer Swarthmore 3254·\V Summer Courses Close summer session of the KeySecretarial and Business Ad,"nistfi.ti,·", School .doses ~n Fri· of this week. G; C. G~ene, r~ports attendance ]arge~ that of . any other summer the beginning of the war .. V.!¥'1t£cut«: HOUSE PAINT QUAIII'Y SlNC. II. Certalnl, Doe. las' H. 11 S. Chester Rd. o· Sipler STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE , Swarthmore 0105 Swarthmore CUSTOM TAILORING LADIES and MEN'S SUITS and COATS. 0504 Reasonahle Prices Telephone FUSCO .and ALSTON SO. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROAD Phone Swarthmore 9793 HARRIS & CO. Dry Cleaners Tailors and Furriers \ RE·L1NING RE·MODELING RE.FINISHING Reasonable Prices No. 11 Park Avenue Swarthmore. Pli. I IMrs. Walter C. GiJes BLAKFS . ' . Elected Secretary· PARENTS VIEW R J t. TREE SURGERY THURSDAY , ° Pd011l NEXT Philadelphia,. Delaware Montgom' Bucks and (hester Counties well represented. Twentyveterans attended the sumterm in o:rd~r to make up for entrance Iilst fall. Several colle'ges were Tepresent~ by graduates who are taking and secretarial coursThe majority of pupils in attenwere high school students graduates who were taking and type\vriling to 'help college work. The teachers at Keystone will a five·week vacation period II'ginni",g August 1. The fan term on September 7. de;~~::~n~;: ~~I i~:~~:;:is~~~~~IACCOMPLISHMENT W:.a:~le~~~d~~;:i:~a:fa~;::e~n~~~; MEET elecllon dlStrtct. Potent .. l voters meeting of the Delaware County anticipiting an active part in the Chapter of the National FoundaPresidential election ill November I For borou!(h children enrolled in . are urged to register by thai date the Summer Recreation Program, lion for Infantile Paralysis, it was from those who will becoO:e o( this week marks the close of a I announced today. age on or before November 3, to' rich and satisfying experience., The . h Other officers elected were: Will· seasoned citizens who ha~e neglect- Recreation Board feels t h at It as ed this ritual. Voters planning to been fortunate in having secured iam H. Snyder, Jr., vice·chairman, move from one district -to anoth'er at the very· modest salaries it is of Ros~l11ont; Lester F. Lines. treashould do so by September 2, as able to pay, the services of so able surer, of Bowling Green; and Mrs. removals .. fter this date will pre- a staff of administrators, leaders Walter C. Giles, secretary, of Rutvent voters' from participating in and assistants. gers avenue, Swarthmore. the elections. The Registration For parents 0 f t he pre·sc h00 I Commission should be notified of and primary groups, this last week SeveraJ committee, chairmen were ·the removal by September 13. has been most interesting. On Mon· appointed. They are Hayes PennRoving registrars will be ·in the day mothers of the three·year·olds 'I ington of Brookhaven, public inSwa~thmore Borough Hall on Mon- had ~n opportunity unique in ,~he formation; ~Irs. William. Boyer, day, August 9 from 10 a. m. to expenence of many, that of bemg of . Drexel Hill, membership; Mrs. 3 p. m., T p. m. to 10 p. m. The re- visitors to a world in which their Richard Bennett, of Penfield, woo gu1ar business hours in the Media IlObabies" felt quite at home. Each men's acth·ities. Courthouse are :Monday through child served his mother iitea" by The officers and chairmen, who' Friday from 9 a. rn. to 4:30 p. m., <.:arrying a cookie and paper cup serve one year terms, are members Saturdays from 9 a .01. to 12 noon. to her, and the "work" accomplish- of the Executive Board, with WillAdditional hOllrs will be held on ed this summer was proudly display- iam C. Morrow, of Harvard avenue, Tuesday, August 10 when the Court ed. . Swarthmore; Mrs. George Sieger, House will be open from 9 a. m. to The Recreation Association is of Springfield; George H. Rusch9 p. m. 'most appreciative of its latest con· haupt, of Lansdowne; Thomas tribution from the Pre-school. Kraemer, of Springfield; and Dr. Mothers Association of Swarthmore, 'I Dell N. Ross, of Haverford. a sturdy doll bed which, going to The election was held in the Mrs. Kenny's four-year·old group,. Chapter's office.. in the County TO SWIM was promptly set·up in \~ secluded! Building, Media. Miss Ruth Ann "doll corner" on ihe playground. Palmer, of Chester, is Executive The children have had. a wonderful Secretary. time with it. Kathy Dolman remork- I T LEARN WEEK AUG. 9-13 .Safety Classes Held ~~v:.s .:::s~~:w!:~ i~~Si~h. esbp:~~~;'I·OLD TIMERS' TO At Penn State you have measles". -BIg enough . .. Pool for two. This group's finger paint. '. :.. HLeanl to Swim" week from Itlonday, August 9 through Friday, Au· gust 13, is being conducted by the ,Vater Safety division of the Amerltan Red Cross at the Penn State Extension pool on Harvard avenue. There is no charge for.... the co~rse. Pe~n State has given the use of t}~e pool free. INDIANS SUN OIL Game at Sun Oil Field Wed d nes ay . Aug. 4 In ~heir second meeting of the season, \Vednesday, August 4 manager Joe Kahler will have his Oilers keyed up to a fine pit'!:h for an elfort to avenge the defeat administe~ed by Avery Blake's Swarthmore 'Indians earlier in the season. The Sun Sextet has defeated its opponents rather easily, having two wins over the Baltimore LaCrosse Club and one over the Nit'tany All-Stars, and are eager to maintain their winning ways against the Swarthmoreans. Lineup: Swarthmore P. Papazian - Goal Avery Blake - R. Defense Avery Blake Jr. - L. Defellse lIIarsh Austin - R. Wing Porter \Vaite -: Center Walt Cosinl1ke - L. \Ving Spares Hopson Froebel T. Brown J. Bair Thorpe Hopper Jennings Slater Sun Oil E. Kahler - Goal Wm. Streit - R. Defense I ;a~ti~v;:;r1~v~~;ri;~:~ t~:ira m~~~:~: IPLAY LEGION LADS' Def~nse John Piper - - L.R. Wing Ed BeHield Cornell Archbold - Center \-Vm. Ward _ L. Wing ."', J. Kauffman Spares B. lfacCormach R W d ar Officials Wm: Piper G. Biern;~: who vl~lt~dsc~ool,.1.'ues.~ay morning. Helmuth Hect.c preparattons preceded last C. Bierman Wednesday morning's "mothers' .day" .in the pre·school group. T\vig; Joe Green were gathered Monday morning for tepees to complete the childrens' The local baseball calendar will 'construction of an Indian village. be turned back some years when a Mothers who viewed the vjllage on team of "old-timers" of the Swar- HORNETS DEFEAT . 'Almost half the peopiC who go Wednesday were equal1y intrigued. thmore diamond take bat against CO ·~swhl1mi,n&." .cao't ~wjm at all. To remedy this and to cut down on I LLiNGDALE On DeAD'. List the terrific death rate from drownAugust 5, 011 the Rivervie~v avenue ' . "Vord has just been received from ing each summer the Red Cross Harvard University. that Frank fi~ld. has been carrying on an extensive 'Davis, ,a member of the Freshmen A small per capita charge will program too ching beginners to Class has been placed on the first be collected for the Legion team swim, teaching those who can swim group rank list at the College for treasury at this game which is one a little to ta~e care of themselves which the minimum requirements of three to be played in determining Last Thursday's Hornet game in deep water, and . teaching the are four A's. This not only places whether today's fresh energy can with East Lansdowne was called ~dvanced swimmer life saving. him On the Dean's. List but also outweigh long experience. The in the eleventh inning when the Classes will be held in the morn· puts him in the upper 2 per cent next game is scheduled for Sep- score was a tie of 12 to 12. In the Springfield game on Saturday four ing~ ,from 9 to 12. Non-swimmers of his dass. He is the SOli of Mr. tember. to play due to illness, as were sevat nine, intermediate swimmers at and Mrs. James Davis oLAmherst Next Thursday's first ball will eral others on the team. The SCore 10, and advanced swimmers at 11. avenue and a graduate of the be tossed by Burgess Paul Brown, was 6·4 in Springfield's favor. There is .no age limit for the class- Swarthmpre High School. ex·commander of the borough Le· The Hornets played Collingdale es, mQthers, fathers and children gion post. Umpires will be Charles Wednesday evening with a score may all attend. But due to the depth Mrs. Samuel T. Carpenter and Grier home plate, Cliff Rumsey of 11-3 in the Hornets favor. Billy of the po~l s\~immers must be at daughter Shirley of Whittier place first base, Jack Hanna second base, Hoots pitching was outstanding. least four· feet tall. This course is have left on a four w«ks trip to Bob Baird third base. Young Russ Snyder knocked in being offered primarily for instruc· visit in Archbold, Ohio and in Montfive out of eleven runs, including tion and is not for recreational . Catchers for the' Old Timers will a double and a homer. Lee Swan and pelier, Ohio. swimming. Mrs. M. A. Whiteley, who has be Porter Waite, AI Swinn, and Billy .Ziegenfus hit triples. Virginia Rath, Swarthmore Red been visiting her son-in-law and Bob Coiley. Less Korndorffer, Bob The Clippers triumphed over East Cross Chairman. of Water Safety daughter Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Allison, Bill McCandless and Bill Lansdowne 22 to 7. and Instructor of Physical Educa- Lingle of Cornell avenue since eariy Ziegenfus are listed as pitchers; In a game with Springfield, the tion for Women at the College willi spring, has returned to her home Bob Reed as first baseman; Joe Intermediates Were defeated' 4-1. Kahler, second ba.se; Ollie Madison. It was a close game with the score give the course. She will be assisted I at Niagara Falls. by Lora Blackman of Swarthmore, I· Mrs. William I. Hull of Walnut third base; Russell Snyder, left st~nding 1·1 until the last inning. winner of the Scholarship to the 1ane is visiting her sister Mrs. Alex- field; Jack McWilliams, right field; There will be a return game with R.ed. Cross Aquatic School at Camp lander T. Slade at her summer home Eddie McCall and Jimmy Johnson Springfield on the latter's field short stop. Saturday. Greeley, Pa. at Jamestown, N. Y. • Hornets of Decade ago To Retest Ball . .. . Arms ~~e ~~~;en~e~m~~:;'d;;gi~~e~~:;' I 11-3 Hornets Tie Clippers Beat E. Lasdowe Teams , z NEWS NOT:£s i!eiiiilIEieEiii,_ I THE SWARTHMOREAN LET US LUBRICATE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP, __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ --,__ __ __ __ Th B ! e o-uquet I I I ._----- B - MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS , Colle2e Theatre Fri. & Sat. MF:DIA PEGGY CUMMINS CHARLES COBURN "GREEN GRASS OF WYOMING" Saturday Matnee I P. M. Children's Show Mon. & Tues. JOHN WAYNE GENE TIERNEY . "THE IRON, CURTAIN" \Ved. & Thurs. Returned by Request "SITTING PRETTY" Last 2 Days, Fri, & Sat. SPENCER TRACY \KATHERINE HEPBURN VAN JOHNSON "STATE OF THE UNION" Important: Feaure at 2,10, 7 :00, 9:20 ' Sunday & Monday VICTOR MATURE "FURY AT FURNACE CREEK" Tuesday & Wednesday JOHNNY WEISSMULLER "TARZAN AND THE MERMAIDS" Strating next Thurs. Aug. 5 CLARK GABLE LANA TURNER "HOMECOMING" , • DoD't be milled by the qnee" ..t11l.... IIIb_ . . . ' '5 tocaa PSi",_, ___aM 'lheIDOltCIQDtleJilpCiNe pel.... ill tbe .... ia the one who will 1i&J;e public beahb , mmfmt, aod ""je' for his own finandat pin. A pa, . : - . . L_ • - • ;.. ~n. &mine pel" PJ8 an ia delicient ill red blood cella. New ted blood ceu. c:anbe developed by a pnx:ess with which )Ogr physician ia thoroughly ii!J!)..tv... '!'lIe proc ia constant and does DOt eft'ect a c:uie. It does, however~ble the patient to oml1 te a W .... span of life. Ahraya c:oa,alt 7OUl' ph7lician ill' times of j1!°m. Then briug his preacriptk... uti to be filled. C i-.a... -AIR-CONDITIONED 5 , ' E On party-line telephones, Courtesy pays dividend. I Be brief • , • Space calls, •• Hang up gently • • • Take the lead in good party-line manners. It will mean better service for all, TIle Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania Wednesday. Mrs. Jeglum and their s~n Carl will remain in Iowa until the middle of AUiUst, visiting her family at Sac City' and Mr. Jeglum's family at Esthervi11e. Mrs. David P. Wisdom of Vassar avenue gave a block party last Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. ,William Pegram and her mother Mrs. Rainey who have recently moved into the house at 216 Yale avenue. SWARTHMOREAN the middle of August. ENGAGEMENT South Chester road are being ~on-I son of Park avenue are reCeiVbg' Richard Reese, son 01 Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Latimer of gratulated on the birth of a son, congratulations on the birth 01 a Last evening at "Applebrook" on Mrs. W. G. Reese of Mt. Holyoke Cornwell avenue announce the en- Walter Bradford.' on Sunday, son Christie Berges at the TempI. Park avenue Mrs. Edward E. Place is at Camp Bill-O-Wood in gagement of their daughter Miss July 25 at the Taylor Hospital i Hospital in Philadelphia on MOb. Margaret Harris Latimer to Mr. in- Ridley Park. Walter Bradford day, July 26. Thomas, the former June Ullman, 0JltaFjo, Canada for the summer. entertained at a kitchen shower Mrs. Maurice Griest 01 Elm ave-I' Harlen Munroe Chapman, Jr., son has four sisters Jean Ann, five; for Miss Jean Gehring of Unhw- nUe has returned from a two weeks of Mr. Harlen M. Chapman and the Virginia, eleven: I\fiJdred, sixteen A daughter Patricia was bO rb sity place, whose marriage to Mr. visit with her daughter Mrs., Sey- late Mrs. Chapman of Bethesda, and Alberta, seventeen years of to Dr.,and Mrs. H. P. Stamford 01 Walter MacFarlahd of Huntingdon mour L. Green at Beach Haven, Md. Miss Lat'",er is a graduate age. Yale and Park avenues on Sunday, Valley will take place on September N. J. of Wells and Bryi1 Mawr Colleges, ]J uly 25, in the Lying-In Hospital 18 in the Swarthmore PresbY1erian Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank R. Morey and M,'. ChapmT.n is a graduate Mr. and Mrs. Mathews M. John- Philadelphia. \ ' Church. of Tinitv Coll'c\ock. The minister, Dr. Walter J. Leppert, will preach at the 11 o'clock service. The Church Nyrsery is open during the morning service. - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES "LOVE" is the subject of the SWAIlTH140RE PRESBYTERIAN, CHURCH Lesson-Sermon in all <;:hurches of SUNDAY, AUGUST 1 Christ Scientist, on Sunday, August 11:00 A. M.-Rcv Dr. F. "Y'. I.oetscher \ViIl preac:h :on the tODic "A God· I. The Golden Text is: "We have Sent Man" known and believed the love that WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4 10.00 A. M.-Suraieal Dressings Group God hath to us. God is love; and meets he that' dwelleth in love dwelleth METHODIST CHURCR in God, and God in Him" (I John Roy N. Keiser. D.D .. Minister SUNDAY, AUGUST 1 4 :16). 10,00 A. M.-Church ' School 11:00 A. M.-Dr. Walter 1. Leppert will ____p~r~~ch~===_--=-~~------NEWS NOTES TlUNlTY CHURCH Rev. Now You can buy U. S. Savings tbroulfh the new Bond·a·Month Bond. automatically ~Ian. Alk at thi. Bank FUSCO and ALSTON so. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROAD Studeltaker ••• First Ity far wl.1t a postwar ear! EDW ARO L. NOYES & CO. SWARTHMORE 0114 "A vVe11 Kept House Phone Swarthmore 2526 Van Alen Bros. Dependable Service Coal and Fuel Oil If you have real estate for sale, list with us and we will give you the benefit of our Cooperative Selling Bureau. Call at office or phone us. Never Grows Old" A. WAYNE MOSTELLER 907. Edgmont Avenue Che.ter 3-4516 .,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Marion S. Brown Swarthmore 1272 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Good materials and skillful ,,,.orkmen are ~now available. Call us for information and esti:: mates. HORACE A. REEVES A. Mercer Quinby Electrical Contractor Funeral Director AD Tn.. 01 Electrical Formcr17 of llcdia '1125 W. Teblah Me.. PbIIa. lIoIdwln 1170 . No adcJltioaol . . . . fer iiiburl!an calls ImtaUations A ..ociated with L. Henry LeBaron PAINTING and DECORATING ---EWANT TO BUILD? ---=---------= ----Swartbmore 3450 Realtor I, 80 Foot Lot on Haverford Avenue Near Harvard, Priced for Quick Sale. Media 0755 UThird Generation BuildenU Wallace Lippincott , 'Wl1e.lJ1 you can oreac!l us every cia} PaiDten & Paper BUlged We .bouJd Know How Swa. 2266 . :Michigan Ave. PETER DI NICOLA ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" ERNEST SMITH ri~ht here and Paperhanging Phone: Swarthmore 0444 -------------------------------------- We are Painting Drh'eway Construction Asphalt or Concrete S'rvlair PIt... ReoaIn and S~ ..,. Vicinity for put -= -= -a Charles E. Fischer -E --E Builder i---t !f~~~~::;:~~~~::;:~~~~~ ----= --= Ma80n Builders --Supply Company 2. .Modern Stone, 4 Bedrooms, Betsy UcKeag, daughter of Mr. 3 Baths. 5 Acres Grounds, Stune and lIIrs. G. W. McKeag of Parrish Barn. road, entertained hcr Swarthmore Ncar New Sun Oil Plant, 11:arple Recrcation Progam group at a wad- Township. $45,000. ing pool party last Friaay morning. Call Swarthmore 0121 or 0904 ~ Betsy and hcr brothcr Dan visited \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ friends· at Beach Haven over .the ~ IS GROWlNG IN POPULA.lI.lT'L DAVE WOOD CUNNINGHAM j 11 r. and 1\1 rs. Charles Schroth of Glcnshaw, Fa., have been visiting Mrs. Schroth's mother Mrs. E. M. Rowand of Elm avenue for a few days this week. Mrs. George \Varren of South Chester road accompanied by her daughter Helen and Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell of \Vallingford have returned f!'om a thrce week motor trip to New England, where they spent a week at Chebeague Island in Casco' Bay, Maine, and a few days at .. Bar Harbor. _They visited Mrs. L. C. Ashton and Mrs. Harold Marr at their homes at Paris Hill, Maine, and afer touring the Lake \Vinncpesaukee rcgion in New Hampshire, they visited Mr. and Mrs. George deForest at Castleton, BetsyVt. COQtroc/on and Build." 302 Gayley Street • Media, Po. Pk." •• M.dla 2567 Phone Swarthmore, Pa. ..... Serving Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 'J J aneth and oan AlTERS BROTHERS, Ine. f l.OST-Pair pink shell· rimmed lady's ~Ia;,ses probably Chester road. \\reek of luly 12. Box Q. The Swarthmorean. weekend_ Member of Federal Depollt Insurance Corporation. • A&TEIATIONS aid RE'AIRS Bevine Taxi Service of Schlosscr and . d 1 arrive lOme· WANTED-Good homes for four six. Tue-sday aftcr two weeks at Camp weeks old k:Uen9. Call Thurman. Swar· Elizahcth Borton. LOSTi Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. • NEW CONSfIUeTlON - Since 1905 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Mrs. George E. Sillowar and her W:\NT EO-=Large -room with twin bed;' Allee DcCamdry, near college. hy two Penn State students, Thomsen. Jeanne frmalc. a!.Qut September 15. Call Chestnut B b Z' f Hill 7-68-17. I ar ara legcn us FOPN"D-Car ke~'s for licensc D.o\ 88. Call at Swarthmorean. f, I ege avcnue gave a surprise -Itchen shower on Tuesday in honor m,lf-: or \"ICIIUI),. ~o children or "ets. Dox I . I' F d I . S. The Swarthmoreall. of MISS .. 111 'rccgar , W lose marn· \\';\KTED-By September 1. unf~i~hcd I agc to !lr. Donald C. McCoy will three he~lrootn apartment or hou:;!. Rent take. place in Septembcr. "C h e z G a 8' ton" A TIME-SAVING IDEA THAT • WALL lid fLOOI COVEtINGS Rubbi.h Collectecl Weekly or Monthly Phone Swarthmore 3343 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. I . FOUND • • MODEIN WITCNINS Swarthmore Disposal Service Swarthmore 1833 I '1 tz • 333 DARTMOUTH AVEUNE WA~TED-:Man or strong POy to do part. 'I Apartments leave tomorrow on a! l;lae ~ardelling, aU day Sat~rda): or motor trip through New England j I'afl~ of two or three days. E.xl)Crltnt"e! I,rei.;:rrcd. Houri)' rate uelJtpdim: on com- and Canada. . Uox_R._The_Swartbtnorean__ WAXTElJ- Young couple. teacher and ~tudcnt husband. desirt: three or four nHlll unf!-,~n~shed. allar.tntent in Swarth· Dreamlfned new StUdebaker ERS BROS_,oc. BROOKHAVEN ROAD CaD C....ter z.4t37 General Insurance "'.\:-;TED~To rent large 1,leasant room (,1U~.1 Cl ~ rs. e!lrlC. a .• riC e aHrl Jlrh·:l.te bath, with lightest of bou-;e' of North Chester roac. and Mrs. J . keel)ing l,ri\·jIeges. \\'oman alone. Swarth-I Horace \Valter of the Swarthmorc I CLOSED Closed Monday T ANNA KENNELS PETER E. TOLD - on the trip. l...:tttlCt:. Food EXCELLENT CARE 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInr . . I WANTED DEW DROP INN Disti~ciive DOGS BOARDED !l~~~~~~~~~~~~5~~1 I I r- PRUNING, LIMB AND TREE REMOVAL ROBERT HASTINGS Call Swarthmore tz6S- W I trally located. Pbone SwarthmoreY231·W. AUGUST TREE SURGERY Mrs. W. W. Michell of University place is enteraining her granddaughter Anne Parnelee, daughter of Lt. Com. and Mrs. C. H. Parnelee of Annapolis, Md. I'EI~SON.\L-~rake resen'ations now f;' cd by Miss Jane Patcrson, formcr· SCll~ember and O<:tolJC.r., l\[u,:ko~a Deach !v of Collcge a\'cnue, and in South Inn. 111 heart or OntariO s beautiful :i\lus· .• kob Lake counlry. Favorite "acation re!- Dakota they plan to VISit Lt. Col. !-Crt ot many .Swar.lh.more f~mili.es. Doat- and :\[rs. Solomon Cutchcr. Mrs. i!1J(. goll, tenms, radlng. sWlrnrnmJ:t". l o a f - . . • ill ..... :Manr other in amI outdoor .:l.cti\'ities Cutcher IS the former ~hss Nancy E:tcdlent .food, r~aHlnal~le rates. Few choice Kiwr of Rutgers avcnuc. The ·Misses 3ecnnltYlatIOns stIli 3'·allable. For cornllTete ,." information I,hone Ernest U. L:l.\\·s. Per- Xancy and Ellen Fitts of Edgmont, ~iln!.1 r~·presentati\'e, Swarthmore 0.590-M. Pa., ha\"c accompanicd their cousins STRATH HAVEN INN I I • datl Malin, Deacon, Gordon Craig Peel,David Stewart Bowie, Ran:r/////////////////////////////////////////h'////////.-l Smith and John Darling left this , week for Camp Tockwogh, M.d. tbe ROOFS GUTTERS Mr. and Mrs. Bucl,ana!, Harrar, 'same, and all REPAIRED ...d INSTALLED Jr. and daughters Suzanne and Joan cedent to make Furanee Repairs and cleaning of Yale avenue returned Saturday Call after to d~ys ·at Ocean City, N. J. 'Or to t,i. Attorney Susan and Barbara Thatcher of G,or.e H. Cia.. GEORGE MYERS County Building 409 Michigan Ave. Sw:. 2266 _~=c:-..:PERSONAL College avenue have been touring Media, Pennsylvania . College- . - 3T·7·16 PERSONAL-Swarthmore gradu- the \Vest this ,summer by automo-I _____________-'-__ tor. Come and Enjoy Your Selection From HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS - AND DESSERTS . -' . ... M iss Genevieve Reavis of Univeritv place will take a canoe trip ~p the Rancocas River in N. J. with the other members of the Buck Ridge Ski Club on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, Jr. of North Chester road hai'e returned from a few days at Virginia Beach, Va. They'., w11 leave today for a vacation in New Hampshre. In their absence tile house ·will be occul,ied by Mrs. Roy J. Carroll, Sr. CLASSIFIED 1Iue. , 1;-\. !, Elm avenue and also a few we'eks at Ocean City; N. J. Mr. and Mrs. J. Archer TUrner, Jr., and their chilaren Jeb and Jan TweDt,. !l1I1II1I"" 11111111111111111111111111111111111: Y tan 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. Swarthmore 2295 night or day :: PAINTtNC : :: Interior & Exterior :: :: Swarthmore 2253 :: Call :;11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;:' Swarthmore 1448 331 Dartmouth Avenue WILLIAM BROOKS Swarthmon! 0345 Building Blocks &b.. & .Rubbish Removed Lawns Mowed General Hauling All Size. .19 cent and up .!36 Harding Ave. • 1 • Delivered COMBINATION • SCREENS DOORS Coal - Lumber Building Material. \' I Morton, Pa. SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. Chester Reese-Baxter ·Co. ~.------------~., ~------------. I ;)VII, anu Mrs. Kobert Hair. on Satlufd,LY. , Mr. and Mrs. Craton G, Pitner Marion Ransburg of Harvard aveof Baltimore. Md. will spend the nue leaves· today for Lewes, Del., weekend at the home of Mrs. Pit-I where she will visit ber cousin for ner's mother Mrs. P. L. Whitaker of I' two weeks. 'I Park avenue in order 10 attend the Word has been received that Mrs. wedding of Miss Betty Ellen Little-, Bonnet and Eric, wbo sailed on the • - r , ------ FRIDAY SPECIAL ONLY Lemon Chiffon Piea SATURDAY SPECIAL ONLY Banana and Coconut Cream Piea Fresh Peach and Freah Apple Cake Large Assortment of Layer Cakes Pineapple - Peach Up-Side-Down Cake • Open Sunday for Cookiea And Home Made Ice Cream c...llaU.w. . . . . . . . . . . .... , ..,...If !low ".. _ . _ yow fM4 ACMI.· .. .".1' .. AI Ope. hi. TID 9 PeN. .... X.. 6 Pe II. s.... SHM Well,..,.· •• tiio ••d I~- .. ANS' ~ - - W" ~59c 1:~'~' ..-.0,11, .., 4gc CBlCIEIS fRY .-:ra:,... ... LAMB BOAST ..:rH& 1 - ,. - 59c FRESHLY GROUND BBBJP _ ..toot S'.JCBO BACON ... ,Ii\1! Seer 'ood VerI.. Miff.", • . ·19c Larg. Shrllllp " 59c' 590 6ge iii iii HaHbeIt - Rob Roy Sweet OrCHIli' TOMATO CATSUP 1~ I.. ,rI.ceu . '~.d 69c ... '=- ::. 43c 8... 'arlcay Oleo_garl.. SyIY_ S.al CreaM ek.... '!to; 17c Kraft V.lv"'a s,.~ 35c PrJ.ces. M.stard 2 J:, 25c .1. 3 Ibs 25c A PEACDES C"'lfo... la !cellerg Lethe. C lIkeda CrIsp Caerol. " lSc lOe := ..............k"u... = BOtta "'D...MiWriS.-~'=''''~~''Swxt Ib '"" .......Ia 'a..'" C.lery 25c "'lSe New Peal! "'lMIal. Cllt Strillgless GREEN BEANS ";"2 ...... all 1M'" . .rd_ h .... I.YOt leafed I. tJI1t1II' .rape" ai, .IaIce CaUforlla __ Mr. and 1\1 rs. Charles Lincoln 01 . \\'estdalc avenue and their Children leave today for Wallingford, Vt _.---.." . '. where they will spend three we~~ at the SUlIltllCr cottage of l\{r. and Mrs. J. H. Jessup of Haferlord a venUe. Mr. Lincoln will be there at intervals. ----:-:' . ~,.... Swarthmore 3243 ~ '..~\. C3i'. \ CLOSED WEDNESDAY NOON JUNE - JULY - AUGUST Drive your I 'Boneless ROAST OF BEEF Cal" They'll make. a Ib SSe SHOULEDR OF LAMB Ib 6Se SLICED BACON &-rv had_,' a little La·iii},. . in aDd put it in tboro...h ilUl_. lion, replace worn or broken parb, \ , and make th.... delicate .djualmenb whic.~ mean 10 much to auto per- .... sa formance! ,, hd 15e bun ISe RED PLUMS doz 19c before July 31. .• '11 " Dod 11 • __ . . 2 • s .')'IOa BIIt must,tbea walk ... tbIi • , . . . . tbree·ti=es better wi"", \ " .,. .,"Iaiil ... ill ........ wI'-. ftlWIe . . . . . . . ,. Even at moderateihMAI ' r.., J'J' 5 p• .., . __ JeD .,eih Ii' • ill .9.+ ID 'IIIOp. At 040 miles an hour, Ih lit higmr speeds. .. t~,afll.••'~".".,. ••. . . _. ~ r., . ~ '·.ICif.~ = ....R UIIlIt., ~~ _____ ~ ~ ......_~ __• I"! Ph ..... ' • " lito. •• JII!I I Y_-. , a.~. i '~'r1' .J +__ MIt S9: look outl '_.; .J. , _'Uy'OJd ----y:~ This Space Contributed. By , Owae~. erlld OP.rcrNd by Am.rlcall Sto.... CompallY BARBER SHOP. YII'lIIBla Looe AI.ood Pic lie -........... 46-.. 3 I~'" C ... !*_z tilu' " Imade PI • Car Inspection must be CELERY HEARTS ... ,- . ,-F \ . ,~the SAJt'E'1' Y _ RUL~~~. pkg 3Se Iceberg LETTUCE' I Jj " AmI a'S' the.y went to """ ,11ell' walked to the of the right, Phone 1913 FREE DELIVERY ... C1--:==.:r" ...... II .... Da....... or 'athlhtp ....... . Dickinson avenue to 4 Windsor Circ;c, Spri.l!gHcld toda~. . .0.1 .s.. PIItIi Stearlle ....d. A To••to Jalc. . 2J~' 15c. "'1 ' • • Pal led C' .. "ud LII LOB.hIe. or-- " .... 16. 2\i sn... ..... lOe ... ... PEACHES FRUIT COCKTAIL 1t.1._ .. i ; Fruits and Vegetables e ....... . . the bands of our expert meclulJlica. OLEOMABIiUIIE:. 37c SHARP CHEESE Ie•• ,r, •• --'-" - ..... -- '";.;.,;t-. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll E. Robb MADISON BROS. , tISIXJ Hot or Regular .' - .00--;.. ,'''''I MARMALADE . -" .... 7 -anci their 50:1 Kcnt"are nlOving froOi BOX" : Deliveries Saturday only durin,," .ummer month. ..... , . . Jh Ib' 190 l'aIlOJ' Raddoek I'Weta '~CAKE Jab- ••• Na CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS THEATRE SQUARE I'. iii I '.rch The • July 2, liave arrived in 1(011erda." safely. Mr. and Mrs. \V ..G. Reese of Holyoke Place arc planning to August at their summer home Shawnee Island, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert Pottstown are occupying the Swarthmore avenUe home of Karl Reuniltg while he is 'UDllller. ing at West B'lldwin, Maine. , Freddy and Bobby, twin grand. SOils of Mr. amI Mrs. Elliott ar":son. are visiting their grand. parents at their honie on LafaYette avenue for II)' days. 5%-u: , BIle CAKE 35c 19c 17c 3·t "19c Topped ....."Ift .lieed a_o.d. ,au Vlrglllia Le. Almolld.FllleeI eoffee Cak. Rlag Victor E.rlched Bread Saall Ft..f_II '" ... 5ge . ,Hannum & Waite I 'YALE AVE. & CHESTER RD. .... 39c Ito, ,lOe ~, ARTHMORE NATIONAL and TRUST CO. SWARTHMORE 1250 .vLoLoYHOCK SHOP .. -." " - -.. - ...... -- -.... --.-. -..,.....c:: __ . BARBER, GIFTS ., _. ~ , HANNUM' & WAITE CHARLES FISCHER THE BOUQUET COLLEGE THEATRE E. L. NOYES and CO. THEINGLENEUK PETER E. l"OLD B. J. HOY 5 AND 10 MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY RUSSELL'S SERVICE MARTEL BROS. W. S. BITTLE and SON -- . - 8 , I I RETURN FROM ABROAD ENTERTAINED IN MEXICO . Mr. and Mrs~ Raymond K. Den- spending four weeks wih, their son Church, wiIJ be. the organist and BY PRESIDENT ~ worth J>f Elm· avenue entertained and daughter-ill-l~w M.r,.', .and Mrs., the soloist at the marriage of "lIS' s Barbara Krase .anti Lynne Leach .0 returned Wednesday on the liner . E P Y k f Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas son- A., pavid ,M. Speers. of ~utledge. EI~anor Jones and Mr. Harold Mr. and Mrs. . • er es 0 P . h d rmceton . avenue a~e returne from a tnp to .MeXICO . .and the southwest. While ID MeXICO, Mr. Yerkes attended the annual summer meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, of which he is a director. 'The summer nieeting was held this year in Mexic!o City for the first time, at the invitation of the Mexico Secti.on of the Institute, and under the sponsorship of the Federal Government of Mexico, which took .this opportunity to hold an International Engineering Congress. Queen Mary from England. Lynne 1as been in England since Novem-' ,')er 0 f 1945 an d a tt en d e d tl le.;:JtUl& C!_J-t Mours Convent in Weybridge, Sur:ey, England during this time. Her . parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leach :>f Chester road had their residence ;n Weybridge, Surrey, England during most of this time returning to America earlier this year. . Since June, 1946, Barbara has been in school in Switzerland where -;he studied at Pre Alpina Institute, Chexbrex, and the University of Neuchatel. Last March she received the Certificate for satisfactory com)letion of the study of French at Neuchatel. For the past three months Barbara has been in Dijon, France living with the de Regel lpmily, and attending lectures at the University of Dijon. She traveled to England by way .of Paris where she spent several days with the Ray Youngs, and saw the BastiJIe Day celebration. Many famous buildings were speciaJly Hood-lighted for the occasion and during. the evening magnificent fireworks 'were shown along the Sein~. Barbara spent a week with friends in LondOl) and Surrey prior to her iaiJing. Until the beginning of the fan term at Mt. Holyoke, Barbara will Jive with her parents Dr. and Mrs. Norman W. KrasC! . D\lring her two years. abroad Barbpra visited niost of the COI1tinental countries with her parents who returned to the United States on the Queen Mary last May. Her travels include trips to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland and the Channel Islands. ~.T .' 'in-law and daughter of Mr. and Mr. A. n ..M Speers sist~r, ·~fr~. nild~stadt tomorrow at the Summit Mrs. Roland G. E. UlJrnan of Ja1lle~ Cunnmg also of Indlanapohs,· Presbyterian Church in' Gern A pp Ie b roo k I . d Iast S a t ur d ay to d" '. ast S un d ay a t a t ea. l . n d.,arrlve nve • t .. M' , .d. .M~' H'ld t d lan. . Mr. and Mrs. H. A. O. Speers' them home. : '. o.wn .. , ~. an rs. I es a twill returned last Wednesday to r their Henry Fat,lst, .)(jni5t~r ot ,Music occupy the apartment at 323 Park home in Indianapolis,. Ind, after! at the Swarthmore J?res»yterian a~enue folJowing the we4ding. ./ I a In addition to large technical program, many social events were held by President Alemap .and me~l1bers of his cabinet, particularly· for the officers and directors'"of the Institute; and their wives. After the meeting, Mr and Mrs Yerkes visited many of the ot~er interesting places in Mexico,' notably Puebla, Orizaba, Fortiu des Flores, Cuernawaca' and Taxco. \VhiJe in Mexico City they caUed upon the families of Dr. Astolfi, with. Wh0111. their daughter Virginia liv(.d with spending the summer of 1943,:~ there,' and of Miss Carnien ElgJe~o; who spent the 1947 Christmas season in Swarthmore with the family of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris. 't- .~ :~J!t", .~ !~. iO" ~ Upon leaving MexiCO, Mr. and :Mrs. Yerkes visited Los Angeles, Zion and Bryce National Parks and the North Rim of. the Grand Canyon before returning to Swarthmore by way of Salt Lake City, and Chicago. 'J \ ... t I j : . ~n a.mazlng ~ffe"" ~rue, but SUp8r~ausbion is an amazing • • - a I "~.~\.. ~,~ senSational we nave'no neaitc:ltion in sayiIKr --ride. tbea.. ~ { . i dde"1 Latus put ~et of Super-CushioDS,compl,te willi, . ., on y~ur ~. I?~ve ·lffor...~e w.e~ .!f ~". doll.'t .~~: ~ ... • .Cushions giVe" you a smOother deI., iaaier ~.Iscmdlll&g. aDd .,.11.. e; a ....r ",,,... ; ~:;~;. '~I J!J~er8toPl, we~, ~$pl