Library SWarth more, Pa. COLLEGE CRADUATION· M9NDAY . HIGH SCHOOL .~ THE SWARTHMOREAN, GRADUATION TUESDAY ,-~~~~====~==~~~~~~~========~~~~~ ~j~O~L~~~~N~O~.~U~============~========~==~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~6-~R~E~,~P~~~~F~R~iD~A~y!,~J~U~N~E~4~,~1~94~8~====================~~======~~~P~~~Y:E:A:=R===, H. S. TO 'GRADUATE ~ FlnlETH CLASS Sunday Baccalaureate To Precede Tuesday Commencement " The fiftieth class of Swart~~lore High Sch~ot- will be graduated on Tuesday, June 8, in Clothier Memorial, Swarthmore Coll~ge, at 8 p. m. After the class proces~ional played by Benjamin ~. Kneedler, organist, there will a choral reading by all members. of the class of selections from the One Hundred and Third Psalm. Charles Andes will present the prayer from Norman Corwin's "On a .Note of Triumph':. The senior members of ~he high school chorus will present a vocal ensemble Mozart's "Song of Loyal Brotherhood." Two ,vocal solo numbe~s will be a soprano solo, "Habanera" by Bizet, sung by Emily Pritchard with Lou Emery, accompanist, and an9ther soprano solo by Anne Hickman, Lohr's "Where My Caravan Has Rested," with Robert Fawcett, accompanist. The . commenceme~t theme will be "A Half Century of Swarth. 'more"High ~chool." Roberta Haig will present an essay on the early period; Helen Reed, on the middle period; and Waldo Fisher, on the recent p'eriod. Prior to the award of the diplomas by Dr. David McCahan, president of the Board of School Directors, then~ will be an announcement of the award of scholarships, based on character, scholastic attainment, ability to profit' by a college education, breadth, of interests, social responsibility, and financial need. The Home and School Association Scholarship will be awarded to George Hay; the two Choral Concert Scholarships to Nancy Anderson and Teel Dunn; the Edith Swan Morey Memorial Scholarship,' to Mary Alice West; and the Class of 1948 Scholarship to Harriet Turner. Following the singing of the class' song, written jointly by Emily Pritchard and Robert Fawcett, with the, former as leader and the latter as accpmpanist, there will be (Contin'ued nn Page 4) GRADUATION AT ::~::~o~n~vi~n m~:~d:t t~:n;t;a:~ COLLEGE MONDAY To Adolre.. Seoio.. r,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ · , TO PLAN "THE FOURTH" EARLY DEADLINE Iii' ,.' " , S,"arthnlore Business Men's AsBecause of the High S c h o o l · :::;:~nce::i~t· b~he P;~i:;~ Earlier next week. The deadline for all, copy, will be Tuesday nOOf!. , 7 p. m. for the election of officers and to make 4th of July arrangements. ' TO SEARCIt FOR PEACE MATERIALS LEGION DEFEATS RIDLEY PARK 4-1 194 7 Champs DoWell In Memorial Day Preliminary As a preliminary to what points to a highly successful season the Swarthmore Legion Team downed Ridley Park by a score of 4 to 1 on Saturday. The boys were up against the pitcher who helped them to the championship last year, but Johnny Poole's pitching for Ridley Park could not stop the boy's this year in this warmup game. A standout performance was turned in by no one for, as always with Russell Snyder coached, teams, there was emphasis on team play. Larry Dalton pitched superbly throughout the game a,nd in addition drove in two important runs with, a timely single. Harry Warren had the longest hit of the day, which would have easily been a homer except for a ground rule on the College Field that limited to "two bases. George' Thorbahn also had a timely hit that accounted for scoring. • The locals showed real promise in all departments' and those who saw the game could riot help but feel that they have as good or a better chance of going a long way, in American Legion Baseball than they did at this time last year. The regular season opens on Friday, June 11, on the Riverview Avenue Field with Media. REMINDER Mrs. Birney K. Morse, chairman of the anti'ques section of the Woman's Club reminds the members of Elfreth's Alley Day tomorrow, June 5, starting 'at 9 in the morning. In case of rain it will be postponed to the following Saturday. Arts A program of music, dancing' Mrs. :Morse, Swarthmore 0602, will and marionettes will be presented be glad to supply any further induring the 'afternoon and refresh- formation. ments will be served by a committee, headed 'by Mrs. Charles C. ESCAPE IN OREGON FLOOD Lucas, Jr. of Rose Valley at the :Mrs. Clarence E. Clewell of BenArt Center Festival in the Old jamin \Vest avenue has recived Mill Rose Valley this Sunday word from Portland, Oregon', that from 2 until 6 o'clock. her daughter Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. The committee, under the direc- \V. C. Starr and their family are tion of Cyril Gardiner, local art- all safe, but Mrs. ~hroeder has ist, has obtained the cooperation lost all of her 'possessions. of eight Art Centers in the Phila- ,By being· on a weekend trip to delphia area and the work of Hood River, Miss Clewell was not students in these Art Centers will endangered, but the others, who constitute the exhibit of paintings, are former residents of Dartmouth sculpure and crafts at this public avenue, were in Portland when the Festival for all ages. . dam broke. Festival Sunday I Ellen Brinton, College Librarian, Busy Abroad Ellen Star Brinton curator of the Swarthmore College Peace :Library sailed Friday on the Queen ElizaDr Clair \Vilcox willi be the beth for London. She was accomcommencement speaker at t h e coI - panied by Elma, Greenwood 0 f N ew lege on Monday. York, research expert, who relinqui shed a civil service post in order to act as Miss Brinton's secretary in this s~mmer's search for peace materials abroad and then become F d I C SRA DANCE :~s:~a~e:ur;~:~ ~:~ Ne~ ~~rk :~:~ WELL '"ATTENDED h, A d d I n F lSC er war Jo hPrize for Ticket . e Sales." , . Swarthmoreans ranging in' age from four to 60 danced to. the music of . the Garnet Serenaders last S~turday- night when the Swarthmore Recreation AssocIation held its annual Memorial Day Dance in the high school gymnasium. Johnnie Fischer of Dickinson aveavenue, with ticket sales totalling nearly $34 was· awarded a $5. prize by Herman Bloom. Charles Andes, Jr. genial and witty master of ceremonies introduced the acts, which held many surprises for the spectators. Attendance at the dance, though greater than last year, did not compensate for the relatively thin backing accorded the Hornet's ball game Saturday afternoon. T-he teams, well matched, came out with close .1cores. George Allen who 'broke a bone in his foot was the only casualty of the game. Fans will follow the Hornets to Holfues next :Monday, June 7.. Girl Scouts Happy. Mrs. J. Alright Jones' has announced that the Girl Scout Benefit, Bridge netted' $291, ,including ~ontiibution, twenty-five dollars of which was a gift from. the Boy Scouts. fall. , The two women" both of whom are members of the Women's International League for Peace and · ~r. e~d~m. CI.~~ , rna,k e: ' t,h ~' Journ~y With a specIal letter from the board, will visit peace organizations and attend peace conierences in a number of European countries. They have several special assignments to search for and sort papers in London and Geneva and expect also to go to Denmark and Austria, collecting papers for storing in a permanent headquarters at the Swarthmore College Peace Library. Miss Brinton will' return in September for the opening of the new college term. During her absence her assistant William Fisher Brinton ".vill be in charge of the Peace Library. APPOINTED AS CONSULTANT 1\. H~ Taylor of Harvard avenue spent this wee~ in Washington, where he is serving as consultant to the Hoover Commission on th·e Organization of the Executive Branch of the Federal Go¥ernment. The Commission is endeavoring 'to reshape the complex government structure in the interests of more economy and ef~iciency and in line with prospe<;ive future needs. :Mr. Taylor's work, for the present, is connected with the committee studying the Department of Agriculture. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR SATURDAY, JUNE 5 Alumni Day at Swarthmore College 2.:30 P. M.-Swarthmore College vs Penn A. C.-Baseball .... College , SUNDAY, JUNE 6 , , 10:00 A. ~L-Friends Meeting •.................•...•. Meeting House 11 :00 'A. }.L-Morning Worship _...................... Local Churches 11 :00 A. },I.-College Baccalaureate Address ........ Clothier Memorial 2 :00-6 :OO-P. },I.-Arts Festival ..................... _....•. Old Mill 3 :30-4:00 P. M.-Trjnity ,Choir Sings .•...... Great Tower. on Campus 5:00 P. M~-High School Baccalaureate .•••....•. Presbytertan Church MONDAY, JUNE 7 . 11 :00 A. M.-College Commencement " ..•.•.••.•.•... Scott Auditorium TUESDA:Y, JUNE 8 8:00 P. M.-High School Graduation ••••....•....• Oothier Memorial Wilcox to Address 110 Seniors in. Scott Auditorium Today begins the 86th Commencement Weekend' at Swarthmore College. About 2000 alumni are expected back at college tomorrow for the annual Alumni, Day festivities. On Monday 170 seniors the largest graduating class in the history of the college will receive their degrees in 'the Scott Outdoor Auditorium. Dr. Clair Wilcox, recently returned to. Swarthmore dter three years as Director of International Trade ~olicy for the State Department ",ill address t he class .which includes nine, Swarthmore residents . . Events tomorrow start with the Alumni Association Meeting in the Meeting House at 11 a. m. Luncheon 'will be served in the college dining room at 1 p. m., followed by the traditional parade of classes from Parrish Hall into the Scott 0 A d" 2 A utdoor u ItorlUm at p. m. report on the outcome of thjs year's fund campaign and the announce'ment of future plans will be made there' at 2 :ISby John Stokes -Oe,;. ment, general campaign chairman, and President John W. Nason. Jack B. Thompson of Harvard avenue. Alumni Day chairman, will preside. The baseball game between $warthmore and the Philadelphia Athletic Club is due to start at 3:30 or. Alumni Field. The remaining social events include a tea at 4 :30 in Parrish Hall, reunion dinners at 6:30 in all parts of the campus, an alumni dance in the dining room at 9 p. m., and finally an alumni sing on the front steps of Parrish at 10 p.• m. The Baccalaureate Address will be given at 11 a. m. on Sunday in Clothier Memorial by Dr. Har. old C. Goodard, former chairman of Swarthmore's English department. Although primarily for grad,~at,es and ~th,eir parents, the com~unity is welcomed at this service. . Professor Laurence D. Lafore of the .history department has been asked by, the seniors to give the Last Col.Jection address at 7 :30 Sunday evening, followed by the Phi Beta Kappa lecture at 8:30 in the Meeting House. Dr. Owen Lattimore, outstanding Far Eastern authority and Director of the Walter Hines Page School of, International Relations at Johns Hopkins University will speak on "The Nature. of an Elite in Democracy". . Commencement exercises will begin in the Scott Auditorium on :Monday at 11 a. m. Following Presidelit Nason's review of the academic year and the awarding of degrees and, prizes, Dr. Wilcox will speak on "The Price of Freedom". The public is invited to attend the ceremonies in the Scott Auditorium. , ,( . '/' I dr;:: rthJ~lore ------------------- C011ece Librnry S1'!arth more, Pa C()\ ,1.I·X11i; L1HRAHY ~ 0 COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL .t GRADUATION MONDAY THE SWARTHMOREAN GRADUATION TUESDAY '- $3.00 YEAR =VOL. 20-NO. 23 H. S. TO GRADUATE ~ FIFTIETH CLASS Sunday Baccalaureate To Precede Tuesday Commencement . TO PLAN "THE FOURTH" To Address Seniors EARLY DEADLINE Because of the High School commencement, the Swarth. morean will be published Earlier next week. The deadline for all copy will be Tuesday noon. Swarthmore Business )Ien's Association will mcet at the Strath Haven Inn on l\Ionday, June 7 at 7 p. m. for the elcction of officers and to make 4th of July arrangements. TO SEARCH" FOR PEACE MATERIALS = GRADUAliON AT COLLEGE MONDAY Wilcox to Address 170 Seniors in· Scott Auditorium Today begins the 86th Commencement \Veekend at Swarthmore College. About 2000 alumni are expccted back at college tomorrow for the annual Alumni Day festivi. p. Jll. ties. On ~Ionday 170 seniors the After the class processional playlargest graduating class in the ed by Benjamin L. Kneedler, organhistory of the college will receive ist, thcre will a choral reading by their degrees in the Scott Outall mcmbers of thc class of selec. I door Auditorium. Dr. Clair \Vilcox, tions from the One Hundred and Ellcn Star Brinton curator of the r~cent1y returned to S~\·arthI11ore Third Psalm. Charles Andes will ,,\s a preliminary to what points ~.:J.nn.m l." .-,wart Illllore C 0 11 ege Peace J l'brary alter thrce years as DIrector of prcsent the prayer from Norman to a highly successful season t h e : . ..,...•. '1 1 I~• rt( . 1ay on tIle Queen Eliza- International Trade Pohcy , ,;;u c( . d for "" Corwm s 0 n a N 0 t e 0 fT' num p.h" • Swarthmore Legion Team downe d Dr Clair \Vilcox will, hc the accom- the State Department will ad ress Jct 1I f or L on d on. Sll e,"as . . . . The senior members of the I11gh Ridley Park by a score of 4 to 1 commencelnent speakcr at the col- panied by Elma Greenwood of New the class whIch 1I1cludes mne Swar• thmore residents. school chorus will present a vocal on Saturday. The boys were up. lege on ~Ionday. York, rescarch expert, w I10 re 1111ensemble Mozart's "Song of Loyal against the pitcher who helped ___________________ E,'ents tomorrow start with the qui shed a civil service post in or d er Brotherhood." Two vocal solo num- them to the championship last to act as ~Iiss Brinton's secretary Alumni Association :Meeting in the bers will be a soprano solo, "Hab- year, but Johnny Poolc's pitching in this summer's search for peace Meeting House at 11 a. m. Lunchanera" by Bizet, 'sung by Emily for Ridley Park could not stop the materials abroad and then become eon will he served in the college Pritchard with Lou Emery, accom- boy's this year in this warmup associated with the Federal Coun- dining room at 1 p. m., followed by panist, and anothcr soprano solo game. cil of Churches in .New York next the traditional parade of classes by Anne Hickman, Lohr's "\Vhere A standout performance was from Parrish Hall into the Scott fall. My Caravan Has Rested," with turned in by no one for, as always Outdoor Auditorium at 2 p. m. A The two women, both of whom Robert Fawcett, accompanist. with Hussell Snyder coached teams, report on the outcome of this year's are membcrs of the \Vomen's Inter· The commencement theme will there was emphasis on team play. national League for Peace and fund campaign and the announcebe "A Half Century of Swarth. Larry Dalton pitched superbly Freedom and make the journey ment of future plans will be made morc High Schoo!." Roberta Haig throughout the game and in addiwith a special letter from the na- there at 2 :15 by John Stokes Cle. will present an essay on the early tion drove in two important runs Swarthmoreans ranging 111 age board, will visit peace or- ment, general campaign chairman, period; Helcn Recd, on the middle with: a timely single. Harry \Var- from four to 60 danced to thc ganizations and attend peace co::- and President John W. Nason. pcriod; and 'Valda Fisher, on the ren had the longest hit of the day, music of the Garnet Serenaders ierences in a number of European Jack B. Thompson of Harvard avereccnt period, which would have easily been a last Saturday night when the Swar- countries. They have several spe- nue. Alumni Day chairman, will Prior to the award of the diplo- homcr cxcept for a ground rule on thmore Recreation AssocIation held cial assignments to search for and preside. mas by Dr. David McCahan, presi- the College Field that limited to its annual l\Iemorial Da!' Dance sort papcrs in London and Geneva The bascball gamc between Swardcnt of thc Board of School Di- two bases. George Thorbahn also in the high school gymnasium. and expect also to go to Denmark thmore and the Philadelphia A tbrectors, therc will be an announce· had a timely hit that accounted Johnnie Fischer of Dickinson ave- and Austria, collecting papers for letic Club is due to start at 3 :30 oc. ment of the award of scholarships, for scoring. avenue, with ticket sales totalling storing in a permanent headquar. Alumni Field. The remaining sobased on charactcr, scholastic atThe locals showed real promise in nearly $3-1 was awarded a $5. prize ters at the Swarthmore College cial events include a tea at 4 :30 in tainmcnt, ability to profit' by a all dcpartments and those who saw hy Herman Bloom. Parrish Hall, reunion dinners at Peacc Library. collcgc education, breadth of in- the game could liot help but feel Charles Andes, Jr. genial and l\liss Brinton will return in G:30 in all parts of the campus, an tercsts, social responsibility, and that thcy have as good or a better witty master of ceremonies intro- September for the opening of the alumni dance in the dining room at financial necd. The Home and chance of going a long way in duced the acts, which held many new collcge term. During her ab- 9 p. m., and finally an alumni sing School Association Scholarship will American Legion Baseball than surprises for the spcctators. sence her assistant 'Villiam Fisher on the front steps of Parrish at Lc awarded to George Hay j the! they did at this time last year. The Attendance at the dance, though Brinton will be in charge of the 10 p., m. t\\'o Choral Concert Scholarships I regular season opens on Friday, greater than last year, did not Peace Library. The Baccalaureate Address will to Nancy Anderson and Tee1 Dunn; June 11 on the Rivervicw Avenue compensate for the relatively thin be given at 11 a. m. on Sunday the Edith Swan Morey Memorial Field with ~Iedia. backing accorded the Hornet's APPOINTED AS CONSULTANT in Clothier lIemorial by Dr. Har. Scholarship to Mary Alice "Vest; bail game Saturday afternoon. The E. H. Taylor of Harvard avenue old C. Goodard, former chairman and the Class of 1948 Scholarship REMINDER teams, well matched, came out with spcnt this week in \Vashington, of Swarthmore's English departto Harriet Turner. I close ....scores. George Allen who where he is serving as consultant to ment. Although primarily ior gradFollowing the singing of the ~Irs. Birnev K. ~Iorse, chairman broke a bone in his foot was the the Hoovcr Commission on tlte Or- uates and their parents, the comclass song, written jointly by Emily of the antiqu;s section of the \Vom- only casualty of the game. Fans ganization of the Executive Branch munity is welcomed at this servPritchard and Robert Fawcett, with an's Club reminds the members will follow the Hornets to Holmes of the Federal Government. The ice. Commission is endeavoring to rethe formcr as leader and the lat- of Elfreth's Alley Day tomorrow, nex t Monday, June 7. Professor Laurence D. Lafore shapc the complex governmcnt of the history dcpartment has been tcr as accompanist, there will be June 5, starting at 9 in the moruGirl Scouts Happy structure in the interests of more asked by the seniors to give the (Continucd ron Page 4) ing. In case oi rain it will be post~Irs. J. Alright Jones has an- economy and efiiciency and in Last Collection address at 7:30 poned to the following Saturday. nounced that the Girl Scout Bene· line with prospecive future needs. Sunday evening, followed by the ~lr. Taylor's work, for the present, Phi Bcta Kappa lccture at 8 :30 in A program of music, dancing ~frs. )'forse, Swarthmore 0602, will fit Bridge netted $291, including is COllnected with the committee the ~Ieeting House. Dr. Owen Lat. and marionettes will be presented be glad to supply any further in· ~Ol:trihution, t\\'c.. ~ty-ii\·e dollars of studying the Department of Agri- timore, outstanding Far Eastern formation. wInch was a gI1t from the Boy during the afternoon and refreshculturc. Scouts. authority and Director of the "Valments will be served by a commitESCAPE IN OREGON FLOOD ter Hines Page School of Interna. tec, headed by Mrs. Charles C. tional Relations at Johns Hopkins Lucas, Jr. of Rose Valley at the ~I rs. Clarence E. C1ewcll of ~en-I Lni"crsity wiII speak on "The NaSATURDAY, JUNE 5 Art Center Festival in the Old jamin \Vest avenue has reclVed Alumni Day at Swarthmore College ture of an Elite in Democracy". ~Iill Rose Valley this Sunday word irom Portland, Oregon, that 2 :30 P. )I.-Swarthmore College vs Penn A. C.-Ba~eball .... College Commencement exercises will befrom 2 until 6 o'clock. her daughter I~uth, ~Ir. and )Irs. SUNDAY, JUNE 6 . gin in the Scott Auditorium on Thc committee under the direc- \ V. C. Starr and their iamily are I 0:00 .: \ . .\ 'I .- I". nen d s .\ 'I eetmg . ........................ 'I ..., ee t'mg H ouse ~lollday at 11 a. m. Following tion of Cyril Gardiner, local art- all saic, h'..Jt )'frs. Sfhrocder has 11:00 A. ~1.-~Iorning \Vorship ...................... Local Churches i~t. ha~ ohtaincil the coopcration I,,:-;t all IIi her possessions. II :00 .\. ~1.-C()lIc{!c Baccalaureate Address ........ Clothier ~Ielllorial Prcsidcnt Xason's review of the . '1 \ C . I PI'I B I" '''k'nd trip to 2:00--O:00-P. ~L=-Arts Festh'al ............................ Old ~Iill ;Icadcmic year and the awarding- ot 01 CJ~ 1t .: rt entcrs 111 tIe 11 a-I y )e~ng- 011 . a '>c c 3:30-1 :00 P. ~I.--Trinity Choir Sings ........ Great Tower on Campus dclplua arca and the work of Hood RIH:r, )'llss L1c\\'cll was not 5:00 P. ~I.-High School Baccalaureate .......... Presbyterian Church dcgrees and prizes, Dr. \Vilcox will spcak on "The Price of Free. students in thcse Art Centers will endangcrcd, but the others, who ~lONDAY, JUNE 7 dom". The public is ihvited to atconstitutc the exhibit of paintings, arc fOrtller rc~idents of Dartmouth \11:00 A. ~I.-College Commencement ................ Scott Auditorium tend the ceremonies in the Scott s:uh~urc and crafts at this public aYCIIUC. wcre IJl Portland when the TUESDAY, JUNE 8 I'cstlVal for all ages. dam broke. I 8:00 P. M.-HIgh School Graduation .•............ Clothier )Iemorial Auditorium. The fiftieth class of Swarth~l1ore High School will be graduated on Tuesday, June 8, in Clothier Memorial, Swarthmore Coll~ge, at 8 LEGION DEFEATS RIDLEY PARK 4·1 Ellen Brinton, College Librarian, Busy Abroad 1947 Champs Do Well In Memorial Day Preliminary J II· I SRA DANCE WELL .ATTENDED John Fischer Awarded Prize for Ticket Sales I I I Arts Festival Sunday I I I I THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR . • • THE SWAR'I'HMOREAN I NEWS NOTES Leonard C Ashton, Jr., a. class officer and a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, the Maroon Key and the college golf team will receive the degree of bachelor of arts at Lafayette College on Fri. day, June 11. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton of Elm avenue will leave Thursday to attend the com- mencement exercises. Mrs. William H. West of North Princeton avenue is visiting her far as Oberlin, Ohio, where she will celebrate her 40th class reunion, and Dc. Peterson, his tenth, before they return to Swarthmore· on June 14. Mr. and Mrs, James A. Kelly and twin daughters Carol and Joan from Seaford, Del spent the Memorial weekend with Mrs. Kelly's parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Brogan at Guernsey road. Sibyl Joan Plummer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Plummer, of Church road, Wallingford, has been chosen to attend the Debutante Coti11i~ and Christmas Ball at the Wal or! Astoria III New York next ecember. . son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Ayrault at Sea Island, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins, II, and baby daughter Suzanne of Jeffery Kirk of South Chester East Orange, N. J. are visiting road has be,en elected to the SphMr. Jenkin's patents Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Jenkins of North Ches- inx Senior Society at the University of Pennsylvania. ter road. Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Yerkes of . Mrs. Alfred E. Longwell of LaPrinceton avenue entertained Fri- fayette, avenue spent the holiday d.ay evening at dinner, cooked at weekend visiting her sister Miss their outdoor fireplace and serv- Lillian M. Roberson of New Rochelle, N. Y., and her son and ed in the garden. Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Richard F. Bovard daughter-in-law Mr. and Robert R. Longwell of Brooklyn, of Park, \Vest, Va. arrived Tuesday for a long weekend visit ,vith N. Y. Mrs. Bovard's parents, Mr. and . Mr. Lon~\"ell is working for the Mrs. F. Norton Landon of North (March of T,me during the vacation Princeton avenUe. lIrs. Bovard: months. be a bridesmaid for Mary GarJane Davis of Harvard avenue rett this afternoon. has been elected to Sphinx and Mrs. Helen lIf. Hall of Hillborn Ke~, the women's junior honorary m'enue spent the holiday iii New socIety at the University of PennYork. visiting her son and daugh. sylvania. Cadet Louis ]. Storck, son of ter-in-Iaw Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hall. Andy Jones of Cedar lane will Mrs. L. J. ,Storck of Crest lane entertain the College avenue third won the ja\'cJin c\'cnt for the U. S. grade at a picnic supper next :Military Acadcl~lY "C", Q~r fresh. Tuesday. l11an,' squad in all meets in ,vhich hIr. and AIrs. J. H. Perkins' he has competed this spring. Jay David ,"Veiland, who ulajorRose Garden at Swarthmore avcnue and Cedar lane will be open cd in chemistry, received his bachto the public all of next week. They -;:;::;:-:-------_ _ _ _ __ will be very pleased to have visi- FOR· tors while the garden is at its ~ < , elor of arts degree from Gettylburg College on Monday, May 31. His parents, Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Weiland of South Chester road attended the commencement exercises over the weekend. Jay will be w:!h the du Pont exhibit at Atlantic City for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Greene entertained the members of the graduating class· of the Keystone Secretarial School at their home on South Chester road Wednesday evening. A double· page short story entitled "The Commissar of Fun" by Lucy Kennedy (Mrs. Ralph L. Brown) of Riverview road is fea~ tured in the June issue of The American Magazine. Joan Faukner returned to her home on Dickinsol) avenue last weekend from her first year at Tusculm College in Tennessee. She will spend the summer at Tripp Lake Camp as tennis councillor. Professor and lIfrs. Roy F. Nichols of Riverview road entertained a large group Tuesday in honor Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Legi of Park avenue announce the birtb BIRTHS of a second child, a daughter nam. ed Eunice Lee on Friday, May 28 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Struble at the Bryn Mawr Hospital. announce the birth of a second The· grandparents are Mr. and daughter, Barbara Anne, at the Mrs. Leroy T •. Wolf also of Park New Haven Hospital on May 22. 2.venue. LET .uS LUBRICATE The BOltquet 0'\.\~ .. ~a\ ,-.!\~.··.: . BREAKFAST-LUNCH-DINNER _____________M _______ _ I Guard Your Health as . , You Protect Your Home ,~, w .. win be OPEN SUNDAYS I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Colleee Theatre ~EDIA1 "THREE DARING DAUGHTERS" in technicolor BARRY FITZGERALD DOROTHY HART "NAKED CITY" lYe are cllrrsing a full liflc of NORRIS Summer candies, including t"~', delicWNS DELLA ROBBIA MINTS THE "CAKE BOX" CHESTER .nd FAIRVIEW ROADS THEATRE SQUARE ;Daily Deliveries Swarthmore 3243 \Vednesday only! BING CROSBY BOB HOPE -- .. "ROAD TO RIO" erant peddler or the comer quack I is a dangerous practice_ Many people take medicine almost coa- Saturday Matinee. 1 • m~ Childrens's Show. "BLACK BEAUTY." Also "DICK TRACY RETURNS" and Cartoons. , . ':antly who do not need it at aU. " : ,::any others take medicine en- Monday and Tuesday"OPEN CITY" Italian film Wedn'esday onlyLAWRENCE OLIVIER and VIVIAN LEIGH ~'THAT MAMILTON WOMAN" Starting ThursdayJACK CARSON ANN SOUTHERN in "APRIL SHOWER" tirely unsuited to the particular with FROM 11:00 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M. FOil THE SALE OF OUR OWN MAKE ICE CREAM, SHERBETS AND DELICIOUS ASSORTED BUTTER COOKIES. • Buying medicine from the itin- Friday and Saturday JAMES STEWART in "CALL NOIlTHSIDE 777" Prize winning English titles. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday , PA. MARJORIE TOLD; AIosoda... Editor . . Tbeodore F. Hiclcinc, Advcrtising Manager Lorene McCarter Roulie PeirlOl al Filtered. 0f6ee II at Second Cia.. SwartIJIDOTe. Matter. Fa., IIlD1W'7 under the 24, Act Edith Whitaker 1929. of at lIareb the 3. _ _ _ _--==-:-::=;DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, ,JU~E 4, 1948 . ~~----.----------... Pod' 1819. I ~ II Ii Seek Dental Clinic CONTINUITY OF SERVICE' For 70 years we have given uninterrupted service to this community. The second and third A committee of interested comgenerations of families continue ------------------.----------.--------------------------: munity leaders is endeavoring to PRESBYTERIAN NOTES 'Vcdnesday afternoous at ":30. establish, a dental clinic for school to call upon us In time of need. Choir repearsal will be held "n age children. It is to be administerThis Sunday morning at tl)e II Thursday- evening at 7:30 p. m. in ed by the Community Health So. o'clock service the Holy Commu- the Parish House. ciety of Central Delaware County" nion will be observed. : which is the public health nursing Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Fetherolf at DI.le,oRS 0. fUNDAU METHODIST CHURCH NO"{ES J service covering this area. the Harvard avenue entraDl;e, will . . " Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe of assist Mr. Cutler in greeting the 1820 CHESTNUT STREET The . Church School meets on Swarthmore is chairman of this congregation after the servl~ Telephone RI 6-1581 MARY A. BAlI!, PresIdent Sunday mornUig. I Sunday ,!,orning at 9 :45. Classes' committee. Others who will serve ar,e provided for children of all ages include: Mrs. Harry L. Miller of All departments of the Church 'Swarthmore; Mrs. Robert Fitch School meet at 9 :45 o'clock Sun- and for adults. The Young Adults meet in the and Mrs. Leonard Corwin of day DlorniDg. The MeDs Class sanctuary at '10 o'clock and the Springfield; Mrs. Lloyd A. Daly meets at 9:45 o'clock. The Womminister will speak to the class on and Mrs. Louis Divan of Ridley ::;;::;:::::;;;;:;;::;::;:;:::::;:::;;::;::;:;::;:;:::::;;;;:;;::;::;:;:::::;;;;:;;::;::;:::;;;:;:;:::::;;;;:;;::;::= en's Bible Oass meets at' 9 :45 the recent meetings of the General Township. o'clock. This group is working under the and Annual Conferences. Children's Day will be observed At the 11 o'clock service,Mrs. professional guidance of Dr. Charin this Church on. Sunday, June 13, at the 11 o'clock service. This servo Elizabeth S. Cope, a missionary les Rossell, Jr.. Dental Consultant ice will be in charge of the young from Koru will will be the speak- of the Health and \VeHare .Counpeople and a cordial invitation is er. This is the annual thank.offer- cil and Dr. Muriel Robinson of the extended to all members of' the ing service of the Woman's So- Dental Division of the State Health Department. COhgregation. , , ciety_ The ushers for the day are Alton The committee was aroused to The Girls' J uniar Choir rehear~s on Thursday afternoon· at" 3:30 P. Smith, Charles L. Hughey, Rich- action when through the dental Thi. i. your o'clock. The Chapel Choir eve- ard Snyder and Raymond Wilson. examinations in the schools it was Your Weddlng clay! The Church Nursery is open learned that dental defects head Ding .at 7 :45 oclock. A clay you've cIreoomThe High School Baccalaureat~ during the morning service and the list. ed of. • . pl __ eeI fDr. At the present time, there is no Service will be held in this Chu~ch Mrs. Eleanor Smith and Nancy We bow you'll want Pitman will be in charge. clinical service available in the Sunday afternoon at' 5 o'clock. everythinll per fee t The Men's Forum will hold it> county for children whose parents Trustees Meeting-Monday ,June particularly the f1owlast meeting of the' sea,on Sun- cannot afford to pay for private 1 at 8 p. m. en. W,,'I\ be clellghtSurgical dressings will be made day evening at 8 o'clock in the care. ed tn talk Oftlr all In the Ridley Township School each Wednesday during the sum- ~hapel. Robert A. Detweiler will your p1!on. anel help be _ t~e sp~aker. . District, the Dental Division of mer at 10 a. m. at the church, ,.ou in ..v....,. pauihle The Woman's Society will bave the State Health Departm~nt. has I way. a picnic lunch on Wednesday at two dentists, each Jimited to fifteen TRINITY NOTES I ,,'clock at the, home of Mrs. AI. hours per month for preventive Holy Communion wiU be celebrated at 8 a. Dl. on Sunday. Church fred H. Williams, Providence road, work among the children of the first five! grades of Ridley TownSchool will meet at 9 :45. Holy Wallingford.. Baltimore Rehearsal for the senior choir is ship. Phone Commun,ion will be celebrated again on Thursday evening at 7 :45. This program does not even beat the 11 o'clock service. Ushers at Pik.. Swarthmore The Social Hall is open Friday gin to attack the great problem of the 11 o'clock service include: F. W. Plowman, head' usher; R. I. evening at 7 for supervised recrea- children who need remeJial' den0450 Barker, J. B. Bullilt, Jr. V. L. Fine, tion under the direction of Thea- tal work. The enthusiastic gronp of citizens who) make up this comT, B. Keirn, H. P. Stamford, and dare L. Purnell. mittee is planning to establish a "We Telegraph Flowers" G. E. :Wagner ., -NOVELTY &; DECORATIVE CANDLESdental clinic in the Central Delathe CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH , Choir School will meet in ware County area, which will be Parish House on Mond'!y and "God the Only C~use and Crea- available to the children of the tor" is the subject ofthe Lesson- Springfield, Ridley Pdrk, Ridley Sermon in all Churches of Christ, 'rownship, Swarthmore, Morton SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Scientist, on Sunilay, June 6. The and Rutledge scho~ls. They will be Rev. H. Lewis Cutler Minister Golden Text is: "All nations whom eligible for. this service if their SUNDAY, JUNE 6 9:45 A. M.-Cburcb Scbool thou hast made shall come and parents cannot afford private care, 11:00 A. :'\l.-Tbc Minister will preach worship before thee, 0 Lord'; and but are able to pay a part fee. METHODIS7 CHURCH The committee is stressing the shall glorify thy name .•For thou art Roy N. Keiser, D.D ... Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 6 great, and doest wondrous thinks: point that this project is not to be 9 :45 A. M.-Churcb School thou art God alone" (Psalms 86:9,- considc!."cd chariy, but citizeo_s plan10:00 A. 1!.[.-:Young Adult Class 11:00 A. M.-Junior Church ning to help one another over per10). 1. Skilled WOl\ WG G 'aU" QaaDty " IJ :00 A. lL-3.lrs. Elizabeth S. Cope. iods of financial distress. Z. Top ~ Me ..........1 Services For CompJee. J TRINITY CHURCH Tile time and location of the Friends Meeting Notes Rtv. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector CoDision Per • . SUNDAY, JUNE 6 The last meeting of First Day clinic will be announced in the 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. School classes was held May 30. early . fall. ~Ieanwhile the com9:45 A. M.-Church School 11:00 A. }or.-Hoty Communion Classes will resume the first Sun- mittee will seek the suppe"· .,f lo4. We Haw A ce Wdh Yoar PGaketLook cal clubs and PTA groups, in order THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY day in October. PeaI._1I ... Cc! _ • :1 _ - . OF FRIENDS The Baccalaureate Services at that the childrcll of these commull_ $1.25 We '., . SUNDAY, JUNE 6 First Day School Summer Recess ilegins which Harold Goddard will speak, ities may have the· dental correc10:00A. :\I.-The Meeting House wilI be cMI e AS POR IIOWi TD ·. .. . . .• open for 'Vorsbip for all who wish will be held IU Clothier Memorial tions they so badiy need. THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. cia,.. DEW DROP INN NOTICE SWARTHMORE PUBLISHER ' ~ WHILE YOU SHOP Albert A.KneClif Friday and Saturday Jeanette MacDonald Jose !turbi AT INC~ To the height. Dr. and Mrs. E. Fay Campbell Call ~ ... _.. ! t,' BEAUTY SALON of Cornell avenue accompanied by their son Ted will attend the gra- Mrs. Lloyd E_ Kauffman 1:1 duation of their daughter MarSWARTHMORE 2080 RI 6-6141 24' South 18th St. Beauty for the A.kiDl: garet from Smith College in North-'m~'~-~~~'~-~-~-i;-~',,·~'~j~~~~~~~~~~!E:~~~~~~~~iEi~iEi2i~~ I amptoll, lvlass., on MOlluay June CaU Swarthmore 0476 14. :Margaret, who is majoring is history, has been active on many 9 Chester Road committees including the chair~ ---------~---------------------------------.---------.manship of ~ the Association for Christian \Vork and the Smith Monday Thru Saturday Service Fund. She was also .~hosen OPEN 7 A. 11(.-8. P. M. >~ to carry the Ivy Day Chain. ' Closed every Sunday Following commencement:." lIar\~ I garet will spend 10 days at the De-OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE troit hoole of a classmate, Betsy DAILY DINNERS •.•••••• ; SSe to $1.50 . Shaw. ' Spedal CbI!dren'. - . Dr. and 1frs. Leroy E. Peterson 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' PETER E. TOLD, Editor Jr. of. Harvard avenue are receive. ing congratulations on the birth 01 a second son, Gerald Myers, oq Saturday' May 29 at the Bryq Mawr Hospital. Mrs. Robert G. Erskine, Sr, grandmother of the baby, lives at the Swarthmore Apartments. Mr. T. E. Hessenbruch of Yale avenue is the maternal grandfather. EVERY FRIDAY SWARTHMORI!.AN, Phone, Swarthmore 0900 Mr. and Mrs.' RobertG. Erskin~ YOUR CAR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Last 2 Days- PUBLISHED THE view road residence next winter while Professor Nichols is teaching at Cambridire University and Mrs. 'Nichols at the University of Birmingham England,' Professor Furber become. a member of tbe history department of the University of Pennsylvania in the fall Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Lawrence and daughter Nancy of Cambridge, Mass. will visit Mrs; Lawrence's parents Mr. ·and Mrs. H. I. Hoot of Lafayette avenue over t(,e weekend. . Hall at 11 o'clock. The regular Meeting for Worship in the Meeting House at lIo'c1ock will not be ,held but the Meeting House will be opel. at 10 o'c1ock for aU who wish to come to worship. \ Leonore Larkius will be at \Vhittier House· as usual at 11 a. m. to care for children. THE SWARTHMOREAN of Professor and Mrs. Holden The grandparents are Mr. and Furber who are to occupy the River- Mrs. Lee P. Wray of Walnut lan~ ,,'ill of Vassar avenue accompanied by their children· Karen and Eric are ieaving tomorrow for a visit with lIrs. Peterson's parents :Ur. and Mrs. H. Goodenough in Springfield, South Dakota. On the return trip, Mrs. Goodenough will accompany .them as ~.~.~.~-.~--~.~--;;~~~.~.~--;_;.~.~_;_--~_~.;..~.~.;..~.~.;..~.~- ~..~-;.~~.;--;---~;--;.~-~.;.;.--~.~-;;l~~~::~S~1V~~A;.:Il~·:1r~II~..~:():·:Il:;,'E~A~~If~------~__----~--~----------~~--____________________~S ' f;;_.. __ i1:, ____ -- "m which they suffer. Why take such unnecessary chances? Your health is your most valuable possession. When you are ill see your plprsician. Then bring the pres<:ription '-you to US ~ '.-:13 for oq: ::-t corr:;':mnding~ Michael' $ College Pharmacy! ON THE' CORNER ,, !, ' : - Church Servicea c-.a to come.' 11 :00 A. l!.I........Uaeeataureate Services in Clotbi~r Memorial Hall. 11 :00 A. ),r.-o.ild~n cared for in \Vh;t· tier HouS(: during Dassauaureate Service. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9 9:30 to 3:3O-Sewing and Quilting in Whittier Holt.!!e Box' LunchCftn. AU cordially' invited. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avtnue lltlow Harvard SUNDAY, JU~E 6 1,1 :00 A. ltr.-Sunday Schoo'. 1:QO A. M.-Sunday J.esson Strmon: "God the Only Cause and Crtatorlt• . 8 Wednesday enntng mretlng .ach week, d Il·m. Reading room open daily except SUD' 3y and holidays 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesday el'tning "I to 7:45 p.rn. and 9 to 9:30 p.m. :r- s _ ' II''''~ • ..... Thursday, June 10 The $I.OO-Serve Yoursc!f - /\!! Ya~ \Vant SPRING SUPPER Come Enjoy your Favorite Diahea STRATH HAVEN INN lUI .. H. S. to Graduate Fiftieth Clus , • . • Continued from Page 1 a recessional and the traditional singing of the AIm... Mater as the final activity of the Class of 1948 in the high school. The community haccalaureate service. of the Swarthmore High School Class of 1948 will be held in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church on Sunday June 6, at 5 p.m. Rev. George Christian Anderson will deliver the sermon following the call to worship by Dean Eveett Hunt of Swarthmore College. "The scripture will be read by Dr. Roy N. Keiser and Dr. H. Lewis Cutler will offer the prayer. The benediction will be given by Rev. George Frazier, pastor of the A. M. E. Church of Swarthmore. Music will be provided by the undergraduate members of the S,varthmore High School Chorus under the direction of Alice E. Blodgett. Parents and members of the com· n!Unity are cordially invited to attend. Distinguished Guests Miss Ava Hamilton of Jacksonville, Florida,. and Long Valley, New Jersey, and Miss Cleora \Vheeler of St. Paul, Minnesota, arrived from \Vasbington, D. c., Friday, May 28th, to be the house guests of Mr. Thomas "V. Andrew of 624 N. Chester Road. . THE Miss Hamilto~ is the well known explorer, author and lecturer who is the only women in the world to have crossed the Sahara Desert alone, with only a compass for guide. Her colored motion pictures of Africa including wild animals and native, life, as wen as a volcano in eruption which she photographed ~ith motion pictures films from the rim of the crater, showing the river of nu>lten lava, haye been given before enthusiastic audiences at the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University and The National Geographic Society of. \Vashington. , Miss Hamilton has recently returned from Guatemala where she was flown out into fhe Peten jungles· to make pictures of lhe Mayan ruins which were called to public attention by Charles Lindbergh after a flight over that area. She lias lived at least one" year in each of nineteen countries, is a gifted linguist and artist. Her great grandfather was Paul Hamilton, Secretary of the Navy during the War of 1812. Two of her grandfathers have been Governors of South Carolina. Miss Wheeler is a designer in the field of Art, and has recently been for two years the National Chairman of Design of the National League of American" Pen Women an organization of professional art ists, composers, sculptors and writers with headquarters in the City of \Va"hington, D. C. This '~'as founded fifty author of novels juveniles, Short Stories. feature aI:tictes. radio script, lectures on verse). Names of nominees in each field, and their records, were presented by vote of their respective Branches. There are 90 Branches througnout the United States and Hawaii, with .. membership of 3000. The Biennial of the league has jUst been held at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, a program in which both Miss Hamilton and Miss Wheeler were invited to take part. The Art Exhibition of the Biennial has been open to the public at The Collection of Fine Arts, U. S. National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, May 16-31 inclusive. Miss Wheeler exhibited in this show as a bookplate designer of a plate for the Daughters of the Am,rican Colonists, a 1N7· 1948 commission. Join Loc:al EngineeriDg Firm to join Lt. Col. Streicher, whose present station is at Headquarters, Fifth Army, in Chicago. They lIill spend the swumer at Boot Lake, Eagle River, in northern Wisconsin -where Col. Streich. er will join them weekends. In the fall they plan to live near ChiCago. The Streichers moved. to Swarthmore from Ft. Riley, Kansas, in !943 when Col. Streicher left for overseas duty. College: Mrs. Joseph S. Bates. of Paxson Hollow road is chairman of The ,Circle,... branch of the Philadelphia Wellesley Club. Mrs. Judson Hoover, Jr. of Wallingford is chairman of the drive in this aV~lue. NEWS NOTES T riaity Choir to Sine The Men and Boys' Choir of Trinity Church will sing on Sunday from 3:30 to 4 p. m. at the base of the Great Tower on the- Swarthmore" College Campus, as part of the .commencement program sche ... UUled for the weekend. The choir will be heard in compositions by Purcell, Farrant, M';zart, Bach and athers. The public is co;dially ill, vited. l Arthur V. Dood, who has ended his junior year at State College, will return to his home on Swarthmore avenue at the beginnin~" of the week. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Littlefiel~ 01 Swarthmore place will attend the graduation of their daughter Betty Ellen from William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Va. this weekend. The class of 1918 of Swarthmore College is holding a reunion picnic an Sunday at the hom"e of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clarke at Mrs. H. I. Hoot of Lafayette Crumwald Farm, Wallingford. Richard S. Hoot, son of Mr. and avenue, received his bachelor of arts degree from Tulane University in New Orleans on Wednesday, June 2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MrG. Kupelian, who was a project j engineer with the Goodyear ·Air- Harvard Inn craft Corporation in Akron, has accepted a position as manager qf Harvard' and the research and development department of a Philadelphia consuiting engineering firm. Moving from Don't Let Your " Beauty Fade RU~8"en ATeO. MENTION EITHER MRS. F. S. CHAMBERS, JR. OR MRS; S. H. HEMENWAY AND MR. ER. NEST WILL GIVE A PERCENTAGE TO THE MT. HOLYOKE $2,&00,000 ENDOWMENT FUND. Swarthmore For CIN~AMON BUNS-ROLLS-PIES-CAKES Ordc:rs or Dinner Resch·ations call Sw. 9728 CLASSIFIED the United States, one in Florida, one in Minnesota and one in New York City, who have determined the winners in· three top awards in Achievements for 1946-1948, one in Art, one in ~I usical Composition and one in Letters. (writing. as an ,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 cau NOYES thorougIa D~ 5 50 A~'S()" tt Com1!~~4~ They're larand new in design and performance .-in style and comfort! 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Swarthmore 0730 or 0529-Clearbrook 4646 COME for • .. You are invited to inapect a property on Vernon Road, south of Woodward Road. Moylan-Rose Valley JOSEPH W. WIDING Rittenhouse 6-6258 . Cynwyd 1486 • • NEW CONsflUCIION • ALTEUIIONS ••• IEPAIIS AHTERS BROTHERS, IDe. Con'"",ors and Builders 302 Gayley Streel • Media, Pa. p"••• • M,di. 2567. DAVE WOOD Painting and Paperhanging • LEGAL WANTED-RQOm for Penn State student beginning September. Call Waverly 4· 1345 or write Sally C. Weit%cnkorn. 7109 Cedar Park avcnue~ Philadelphia. WA:NTED="Homes fOrt~'O -gray and-thm gray striped kittens. Call Media 0721. WANTED-Homes for eutt kittens. Call Swarthmo..!:.t _ 3284.__ _ _ _ WANTED-Competent sitter Monday, June 7, 10 a, .ro. to 2 \p. m. Telephone Swarthtnore 458v.J. . ' "II'A· NT~We-will buy at best prices, old • Can china. glas9. furniture, f lrearms. Holly Oak 4313 or Hotly Oak 672° collect, for appointment. All busines!. con 1!dent;ial. Colonial Cupboard. No.5, Pbtldelpbla Pike. Wilmington, Delaware. --------------"ESTATE O~· LOLA M. D. GREEN, lJet'cased. LETTERS 1tESTAMiENTARY on the above Estate have been granted to the un· dersigned. who requests all persons in· debted to the decendent to make payment~ 333 DARTMOUTH AVEUNE without deJay, to Grace (ireenwood Green, Executrix 223 Kenyon Avenue Swarthmore 1833 Swarthmore, Pennsylvania or to hcr attorneys A. Sidney Johnson, lr., B G J h utler, Beatty, reer & 0 nson liledia. Pa. 11111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111 3T·6·4 ESTATE OF S. ~;THEL DOYT deceased - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LETTERS of Adntinistration C. T. A. 'FOR SALE On the above Estate have been granted to FOR SALE-S;;fa with maple the undersignd, who request all person! maple coffee table with glass toP. maple baving .claims or demands ~gainst tbe Windsor chair. Call Swarthmore 4S'so.-W. Estate of the decedent to make known FOR-SALV.=.RCA-Personal Radio.- ex· tbe same. and all persons indebted to the tellent condition. $20. Can Swa. 1988·M. decedent to make payment, without delay, to ELSIE G. HOYT and FOR Sl\'LE-Th~ashinK-machine LILLIAN HOYT wringer model. good condition. Calf Administratrices, 210 Park Ave. Swarthmore 4580·1. . Swarthmore, Pa. Or to tbtir Attorney, . :~~"'~_"e.''-I A.SJ.pNEY ]ONHSON, JR. General Insurance ERNEST SMITH PAINTING' and DECORATING Swarthmore 1272 I~J SIneo CUNNINGHAM Pa~ I< 1'a_ lIaD._ "A Well Kept House w••hoaId Jtnow H_ Swa. 2266 Miclolgan Ave. Ne,"er Grows Old" • Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete PETER DI NICOLA Phone Swarthmore 2526 Van Alen Bros. Coel and Fuel Oil A. WAYNE, MOSTELLER Electrical Phone I -= -----=----== --= ------ Media 0755 11111111111I1I1111111111I11II1111111I11111111111 ~PLACE NEED . FIXING UP? You can: do it for less thau you think. Good materials anc skillful workmen are now avail: able. Call us for information and estimates. HORACE A. REEVES "Third Generation Builders" Swarthmore 3450 Remodeling Repairing Building A. Mercer Quinby Contractor ONE·TON , Fr. STAKE ~@liE in and take a close-up look at the sensational" new 1949 Studebaker trucks. They're outstanding in new postwar truck features you haven't seen beforel Exclusive new "lift-the-hood" accessibilityl New truck cab design-with new spaciousness-new visibility-extra"wide doors -lower ftoors- enclosed stepsl Come, see them right away! More models than Studebaker ever offered beforel An impressive variety of sizes and wheelbases1 FUSCO & ALSTON S. CHESTER RD. &: FAIRVIEW RD. Garage. {lortation FORcouple or for .summer lh'imr room ,one Pri\'ate entrance. lllOrtan, Box A. "Sf,.,. 1900" FOR--RENT""':]une lS.Septem';;--1S: Beautiful stone colnnial home completely insulated" newly deCorated and beanti· - REGISTERED PLUMBERS fully fltrni~hed. J..arge· screened living I·ord;. Nearly two aere..'1 ground. Old Sharle. References required: Call Media 308 W. 24th St., Chelter Scrria8 Twenty ~wa. ·LOST 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. Swarthmore 2295 night - .. Ph. Chelter 2-4424 Swarthmore 0345 , For We are ri~ht here' wtlez:e. you can I'eacn US every da} EDWARD L. NOYES & CO. SWARTHMORE 0114 , I , All Sizes Hard" Coal GOLD BOND POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS PLASTERING SUPPLIES ( w. MedIa TMlm A_, PbIIa. \ I I \ \ \ --' -----§ Charles E. Fischer -~ -::-::. Builder ------= -----~111111111111111111'11'111111111111111IIIIIII~- !!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU: " :: 331 Dartmouth Avenue FOUND in day Supply Company l:nST'='P:-.rt -~'n~[]ra-:- f'r:l1lQ"e -{"ol',re,l (":It. ,·icinit... Rntllcr!; and Han'ant ;"\\"cnue. Phr;nc SW:l. 1758. J.OST-Grt'f'n )'hrinr ("I}TP" hla-nket nlon'!· Smtth Chc"tf'r r<>ad Sunday night. Call: ~w"'trthmore 2404.J. h1I,-;- left car. Plea!'e ca.1I Swarthmore 3381·R. or Mason Builders 2597·J. FOlrN'Tl-n"-TD-w-n=-=crochcted - Yean Call FOR--:""JfF.NT Twn b-;drooms for gentl~ man. Centrally located. 112 Rutgers ave· . nlle. rail Swal1hmore 0276·R. FOR RENT-Two large dnuhle rooms and porch. Cnnvcnient to trr.n!;porta.tion rind tea rooms. Can Swa. 015S-J. FOR- RF..NT...:....swarihmore- near college, four·hedroom two-hath h()u~e with In,'c, 1..- R~ounds and" ga.-age, from June 15 tn ~cptcmh('r L 1949. Alice M. nriirrl. Swarthmore 0108. TO RENTLs eoson. Rea~nnah1e.-- Atlantic Cih'. I..O\·ely apartment. Porch. Furnish!'rI. :\fain street. oce:tn front. Accnmmo. '{rites !'cven. 1Ifr$. \Va1t('T Pedrick. 416 ~'riin ~treet At1antic Cih·. FOR ~ ~ENT--F.ntll"f' third f1!l("1~.- Cooking Phone .... Viciait)' for put , Fonner17 of Ph... BoldwiR 1170 No addItJ.a1 dIaiP far .Buba.rban c:aJb Repdn S~ 0862. pTh·ilc~cs. and IastaUations , , Funeral Director 112J AIl Typeo of Electrical COMPLETE PLUMBING AND HEATING SERVICE IS AVAILABLE TO YOU AT RATES WHICH ARE REASONABLE. BURTON L MARKER &: SON WANT. TO SERVE YOU WITH EFFICIENCY AND COURTESY. ' machine cleans rugs safely" gently on a c:nrved surfaee. See the dillerellee tills .ak... •• • WAll ••• fLOOI COVUING.S PETER E. TOLD Swarthmore 2dults, ("\'enings 'FOR RENT vicinity of the Rose Valley Swimming and Tennis ClUb • MODliN KITCHENS Swarthmore Disposal Service Swarthmore Residents If you are interested in acquiring an attractive home on a beautifully wooded 3}t2 acre lot, in a secluded but cOl1\'enient location, in the ...... l NOTICE- Listless colors take Oil IleW' life • • • rooms take on ne"" B par k 1 e. Oaly the Mirza lII0I". ALTE,r.t--\.1 \ltm:s BROS.,.e. Marian S. Brown: :Media, Pa. 3T·S·21 Beatty, Gr«r and Johnson Butler, ESTATE OF CHARLES T. DEACON, deceased (Late of the Borough of Swarth· more. Delaware County. Pa.) LETTERS "FOR SALE-Girl's tan- jodhpurg-,-$S; Testamentary on" tbe above Estate have tweed riding suit with jacket and jodh· heen granted 0 the undersigned, who reo purs. $10. Size 16· Call Swa. 0669. quest all, persons having claims or de- ' _. •. k matJds against the Estate of the decedent FOR SALE-Porcelain !l1 n "'<'mIII,"1 to make known the same and aU persons ooanl wilh fittinllS. 42 inches .. , indebted to the decedent to make, paytnent, $15. Can Media 136t. without delay. to ALLEN T. PUTNAll FOR- SALE-AMC ·washi~Jiinewith "and OTTO KRAUS, Jr.• Executors. 310 ·lipin dryer. Excel1ent condition.- Call I.afayette Avenue. Swarthmore, Penna. • ~Iedia. 1339. _ ' 3T·S·21 FOR S'AI..R-=Queen Anne mahogany liv· ing room tahle with 8 drawers: Call Swar~ thmore 0790-W. FOR-SALF""::"'RUtledge, 9·room house. garage. aIr conveniences. Lot 80x1S0. wm finance. Call Swa. 1210. FOR- SALF...-Table model Universal mango Ie. Call Media 0721 Wheeler has served this ia deepet', cleaning. REAL ESTATE :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:I spring as one of three judges in Persian ---- .......... --.- .... ...--- ...... ............ ~ ~ six years living In the 20 .Latin American republics, ~peaks Spanish Funeral· services were held yes. fluently. Liat your Delaware Co-tT Prop" . 'terday morning for Fielder Juillel'tia with ..... iard Coffin, father of F. J. Coffin, Jr. of Yale aVenue. Former New , York'regional manager and formAssociated with Henry Le Baron Dauper director .of the Foreign Department of the Sun Oil Company, Mr. Swarthmore 01Z1 or ..... 75x117.5 Coffin died suddenly May 30 at Old Orchard Section his home" on Bay Island, Sarasota, ,///H///////////////////////////////////////////////' WANTED Fla. SWARTHMORE ROOFS GUTTERS WANTED-Apartment near transportaREPAIRED aDd INS:rALLED tion for two teathers be,iDlling Septoo:m~ PJlYini-. Curb, Water. Sewer ~".. for Columbia kr or October. Call' MilS Terwilliger. Furnace cleaning orders taken now. .' and Electricity s"..rthmore 0127.____ __ _ Miss Ethel MacNair, who has " Call $Z!IOO. WANTED=l\Icmbers for )Iiss MacNair'. been teaching English at the )Iexican tour August 11 to cool Mexico GEORGE MYERS City and Taxco. Write Middletown. Daup- Keystone "School for the past six hin County. 409 Michigan Ave. S-. 2266 weeks, leaves today for her home v..'ANTED-Small apartment by refined. ,////////////////////////////////////////////////////' lady for September. Call Media in Middletown, Dauphin County. SWAftTHMORE 0114 From July 1 to Angust" 13 she will attend Columbia University, studying Russian and Portuguese'I _______________ after which she will leave for LorRubbi.h 'Collected s~~~~~~~;m.,fur:-;~:_;iiiiiiObiacki ~dOt Texas, the starting point of 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiillllllllllllllllllllillU Weeldy or Monthly ~ two her to-day conducted tour of MexPhone Swarthmore 3343 ico City and Tax..:o. 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. by three ment .-: lliss l-iacNair, who has spent BEREAVED frame. tional , press work. . Miss • , Lot for Sale area. :Mr. and Mrs. Vahey S. KupeRai.e Fund for 'Welle.ley lian and son Teddy have left Ak. The local Wellesley Club Circle roo, Ohio; ",'here they were very activc in social and music .circles, has raised among its members to take up residence in the new $4,473.50 toward the present enapartments being built at 100 Park dowUlent fund drive of Wellesley years ago in Washington, through Mrs. Frederick Streicher of the efforts of three women known North Chester road, and children as "the dautless thrce" "one 0: Freddy and Susie, are moving from who;n was Marian Longfellow 0'Swarthmore the latter part of June Donoghue, a niece of the poet Henry \Vadswortlt Longfellow, herPerfumes, Facial Creams, Sunself a noted ne\yspaper woman, burn Oils. Salves. Suntan Oils, or "Anything in Finest Quality Cos· translator, author, lecturer an,poet who was the. only women on metics. a board of nine which headed naBeDjamin Franklin Hotel SWART ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. organization l::rnelt Beauty Salon THE SWARTHMOREAN PAINTING :: Interior & Exterior :: Swarthmore 2253 :: :: Swarthmore 1448 " WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Removed Mowed General HauliDI ZJ6 Harding Ave. MClrion. Pa. LaWh" Reese-Baxter Co. SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. Chester , , , Sfo,e Write. Aboat New Z-I.nd A new book by Leslie Lipson, as. sociate professor of political science at Swarthmore College, is being released this week by the Univer. sity of Chicago Press. The book uThe PoJities of Equality," is ~ study of the governmental systelll of New Zealand. In it; Prof. LiPson discusses such' controversial issues as so~ia]jzed medicine, minimum wage laws, government insurance and compulsory arbitration of la~ bor disputes. Prof. Lipson is a graduate of Ox. ford University and received his Ph. D at the University of Chic. ago.. He was professor of political science and director of the School of Public Administratioll in the University of New ·Zealand at Vic. toria from 1939·1946. As a ..eonsuJ. tant tQ the New Zealand govern. .ment, he· had an opportunity to watch the day-by·day operations of !he .government and to participate m Its work in the critical war years. •. ~.' .THE FOR THE SOnEST,SAFEST RIDE YOU EVER HAD••• ON BRAND O~LY I'OR YOUR mEAL MEALS 24 LBS. OF AIR Foodl packed under thll label will meet tile requlrementl til_ mOlt partlcllar people. B_ lure of campleh laMlfactlan - whll_ payllig lell. of QUALITY I'OODS at .rlc.. , . OUR GUARANTIiE • .., ••, h•• Ston. Co.p •• , wit. GO.ldnc.. If It doe•• ot pi.... , •• as w.11 as lor "Her ttoa.J a., .t........d................. Crtlo. I. . . . orl,I••1 coetal••r •• d w. will nplae. . . . ltea a IOllfel, Fl•• with oth.r braid we ..II .... rdl... of prl,•• FUSCO and ALSTON a., STUDEBAKER SALES &: SERVICE SO. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROAD YellowCII.. IJdeaI HaIY. or III,. PEACHES Phone Swarthmore 9793 I.""'. N•• IIIk LuJdo.. Callf.ral. Fruit 1ft • Rich H••vy Syrup /)deal - Flm COCKTAIL cJ=..a &arlO 2~ \ Stewing Chickens Ib.49c i 'or QuIck Easy Mea'. New Ellglalld Style Boneless Roast of Beef Ib.79c BAlED BEANS Wl:II:i:!.'1 Z n Z9t: Sliced ·BACON - I.II-oz. lISa) Pork & Bealls Reol SIIARP OIIESI Speor.II, 'rice" Kay Natural " .. lie Cheese Food till He Cream Chee.e .::.. 29c Cheullam _Ix -t' He Oleomargarin, _ . . lie Delserts 1...1 I 1ge ... ... a 19c Acme Cornarr,.~I. GoI ... Farmdale Large SWEET PEAS 2 ~.2 1ge GI...w ..... GRAPE·APPLI ar JELLY 2 g1!;:!. 29· Dired from our own K1tcheftl Pr••• wlng I FRESH PEAS ...::o;.~... People say Mary's a party·line saint; She uses the telephone . with restraint Fresh ASPARAGUS bu.2ge ExtralFancy Tomatoes Ib.25c FRESH· PEAS lb. 15c Owned and Operafed by America. Sfare. Company FANCY DUCKLINGS ~,:;,:. 1ge "'15c I Fin ''''... Cd~1a '. .!!"~-""'-""'.~-........~~-~..!".:..---~~'!""--.... ---~~-~-:"-~-..:.-. -----," 2 29c - -3·..... 11;0. . POT ROAST BEEF . Radllhe. "::' 140 Spring Onions 1-140 CANNED CHICKEN TRU BL·-U-.-E...;..R.....;.R-I..;..-ES VI:. 41- Cooked Ham ... I. 8ge 1'19c VEAL ROAST SHOULDER VEAL CHO.S ou'" lftJ.llt On party-linetelephones.cour• en 11Redy to . . " 'I" .... it oot cu Lunch Meat SIl... tesy pays dividends! Be brief $1 • 98 ". I> ••• Space calls ••• Hang up 17c gently ••• Take the lead in FRESH JERSEY SEA TROUi Ib 2iG Whiting ....... 31c MiIIlfed. Cciuntry, Square Cit Shaul dar Perch Flllds good party-line manners .. It will mean better service for all. It . '!.:- 15c: Florida Grapefruit Juice Webster's Pure Strawberry Preserves /:, 37c Ham·de·lite Mayonnaise Itrll 25c: : I~ 45c:'Sul Cake Mixes w:r~co,.. '!l;<2Sc: Hat Rr'l ",!iXl:':, 23c .. SSC! 0,,11'$ , .... :fMll Enriched Family Flour "' , Realtor . .S07 Edemont Avenue Cheater 3·4516 •• lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllk :to Farm-Fl'esh FRUITS and VEGETABLES 1.:::: Wallace LippincoH •• 2 If.: Ilc 3~- Zic Vellice Maid SpagheHI pk.39c If you have real est~te for sale, list with us and we will give you the benefit of our Cooperative Selling Bureau. Call at office or phone us. . Fruits and Vegetables ~=:;..;;.;.;;;:.:--.:;;;;;;;.. Celery Lemons Dependable Service Ib.6ge No...... I .... ; . Phone: Swarthmore Rib Roast of Beef =.: ..... -. 51> 7 S W·A R T HMO REA N national anarchy, where interna'l Western democracies were suPra:rer ..... ActioD Aake4 tional law· and international po. preme in prestige because of their .. VI. r 'po er are lacking national !iynamic pursui~ of li~erty, equal. Our people ought, each one of .~e. w .' tty and fraternity; the.r great ex- them, to. contribute to a chang< These churches of Swarthmore are so concerned with world tensions mll!tary • stren~h .s n~cessary. periments in political freedom; and of mood so· as to increase the today that they wish to bring to the altenti!>n of the commun. while we con~ually stnve for their industrial revolution, which· chance of averting war without ity the Program for Peace as proposed On April 26 by the Federal the multilateral reduction and con· added unimagined productivity to compromise of basic convictions. council of Churches of Christ in America, and whic!> appears below. trol of armaments through the human effort. This is a time for prayer.. Also They ask all individuals to help in ways that accord with their concepts United Nations. But the main de· Today, because Soviet co,.mu- it is a time for action. Men 0\ of duty. fenses of what we treasure are nism attacks roeedom, we are drawn goodwill must promptly lay holG TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH to be found in nonmilitary meas- into defense of the status qquo. We of the means at hand to increase METHODIST CHURCH ures which' will change the condi- ought to develop and make known the margin of safety against war. AME CHURCH OF SWARTHMORE tions favoring the spread of des· constructive programs which will This is a task in which every one SWARTHMORE MEETING OF THE potism. To provide those defenses again capture the imagination and can playa constructive part. • RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS is not the task for military advisers. enlist the support of those who 1.. Do not tolerate any compla· Therefore, the American peole. feel themselves expioited, and of cency about war. . in conformity with· the principle those who want to make dreams Some of us may ourselves b. The Federal Council of the' the self·control and self·restraint of democratic 2'overenment,' should come true. ,complacent about war. If not, eact ·Churches of Christ in !\merica. to protect themselves against that not permit poll<-y making to pass of us knows some who are. S( Ihrough its Executive Committee mood. predominantly into. the hands of C. Still another of the conditions each one can do something to reo meeting .in special sessioD, adSo, our citizens who believe jn · k ppman . ·1' ·1· which tempt Soviet leadership to. duce the sum to'tal of the compla· . Yo: h 0 t hIn y In 1tII.dresses itself to the present inter- their free society and want to th"se tary terms, as seems to be th.e case aggressive action is the possibility tency. national crisis. preserve it must exetcise sober today. of frightening people from work2. Combat a mood of hysteria or Powerful forces have pushed self.~ontrol and exert themselves .• O ur peop Ie an d Government ding against Soviet penetration. To- bl.·nd hatred. mankind· to the brink of an awful to stop others who would spread should not feel satisfied with mere- ay, even within the free societies Each of us is aware of focal abyss. The first and urgent task hyster.., wheth~r for ~t.tack or Iy military measures but should of western Europe, ·many feel that points of war hysteria and blinri is to check those forces. There- fo~ surrender. Some offiCials lII~y diligently develop and carry they cannot, without great future hatred. We know who are some 01 fore, we do not deal here with th1!lk that even 11I::c:essary legiS. through progranls of an economic risk of reprisal, express the diet. the individuals, groups, and publithe 10ng·ranKe task of building la!.on ~an be obtalD~d only by social, political and moral charac- ates of their reason and conscience. cations that are spreading that peace.. but with a short:range fnghtemng the Amencan people. ter. Thus, the real security of the That situation violates the pro- mood. Each by writing to political task of averting war wlthout . Ot~ers may !e.el that they ~re United Statcs and of the world visions of the United Nations leaders or editors, can do some· yielding sound democratic prin- pec.u!larly . quahf.led to cxerclse may be safeguarded,. and war may Charter which call for respect thing to stop the development 01 ciples We call upon our people pohucal .Iea~ersh.p and that they be averted. of human rights and require unreasoning mob emotion. , immediately to change. the pres- tan best rlde. mto power on. a the nations to take joint and sep3. Reject fatalism about war. V. ent prevailing niood which makes wave of etn'?tlOn.. ~hosc who m· arate action in cooperation with Each of us knows some who Peaco Program Detailed for war. This will 'not remove fluence pu?hc .OPlJlI~)J1 may feel the United Nations to secure the think that war is inevitable and Our people should press for posi- observance of those rights. Three that it is better ttl get it ovel the basic causes of the present that sellsatlOnahSIIl IS lIeedc~ to tension, but it will provide an in- arouse and alert the AmerIcan th'e programs which have immed: years have gone by without any quickJy so as to relieve the strain iate possibilities for peace and jusf- international commitment to that of waiting and to anticipate the creased ulargin of safety. !>eople. Those who do such things arc icc. ·They could, for . example, task. It is imperative that the Soviet development of atomic powI. Our people should not toler- following the doctrine th.t it is quickly mO\'e toward: a., Greater atc any compl~cency a~out .war. possihle to get good uy doing economic well - being throughout United States take the lead, with er. Each can do something. to War would ~ngul£ all III m.sery evil. The fact is that panic started. the world; b. Greater emphasis on 'thosc nations which _are agreed change that mood of -fatalism anc. and w(;l1:1ld unng ot~lcr conscqu~n- for one purpQSC seldom stops un- increasing social welfarc; c. Great- on what human freedon~ means, itllDatience. 4. Oppose primary reliance on ces .qUlte the OppOSIte of our In-:- til it has o\"crshot the chosen er observance of human rights, to to secure prompt aqoption of a covcnant of human rights, within military strategy to meet ComtcutlOns. mark. check tcrrorism; d. Grc,\ter use of II. Our people should combat a There arc fcaturcs of Soviet con- processes of international conver- the framcwork of thc United Na- munist aggression. lions. If our nation should quickly Each of us has, or can have, in1IIood of hysteria or blind hat~ed. duct.' and indeed features of our sa·don and negotiation. assume dynamic leadership of a flucnce with leaders in Congress III. OUf .. people should reject OWI1 national conduct which i:trC \Ve believe that the positive pro. fatalism about ·war. \Var is not evil ·and which we ~hould hate. grams '"hich we here propose by movemcnt to define and protect or in the administration or in politiinevitable. If it should comc, it Hut hatred of eyil is vcry tliffercnt way of illustra tion flow directly human rights, even if only within cal parties and can urge that the)· would· be because of conditions that from the hatred of people as a from our Christian faith and its the cxisting free societies, that ac- do not concentrate on lllilitar) men could h::lve changed. group. Those. who stand on· the re(luirclllcnts for relation of mu- tion would do much to reassure measures as though these alom peoples no\V frightened and to would assure pcace, but.-concerr VI. Our people should not rely urink of disastcr canllot safcly in- tual heillfulness and goodwill check the .further spread of terror- themselves also economic, soon military strategy to meet Com- dulge in emotions which make thcm among men. JSI11. cial, political and moral counter· munist aggression. Such reliance unstable and unreasoning. In urging at this time economic is more apt to bring war than preIII assistance to those in necd, incrcas- Talk. with Soviet Union Favored measures ~ against the threat of '·ent. it. There should be greater War Not Inevitable ed olJportunity for human welfare, D. Th,: avenues of diplomatic Press fo.r pqsiJive. program~ concentration on positive programs Our people should reject fatal- and great-er observance of the conversation .. between, .the· Soviet lvhich have immediate possiblitie~, of an economic, social, political-and ism about war. \Var is not in- rights and freedoms which are Union and the United States should for peace and justice. .. moral character: evitabl~. If i~should come, it would claimed by virtue of ?:nan's dignity be kept opc'n and used. There Each of u:!i. can use our voict V. Our people should press for be because ot conditions that men in God's sight, we arc setting rorth should be the fullest po,\sible ex- and our vote in behalf of con. positive programs which have im- could have changed. tasks which should at all times change of information and of views structive measures by our Govmediate possibilities for peace and There is no irresistible tide that command the support· of our Chris- on the assumption that all nations ermnent to increase the margk ju~tice.· ~rhey ~ould, for example, is carrying men to destruction. tian people. \Ve arc convinced that want peace, not war. of safety from war, such as proqUickly move toward: a. Greater The evil fortes at work are man- both the inherent right of these An appearance of broken offi- grams for recovery, for increaseG. econorilic wci1.being throu~llOut made and they can be 'manchailged steps and their direct bearing upon cial relations is psychologically bad social welfare, for a covenant on the world; b. Greater emphaSIS on \Vc do not belicvc that any Gov- the present international crisis will ·for peace. It increases the risk human r~ghts, and for continuing increasing social welfare; ~. Great- ernm.ent, whether our own or the commcnd thent to all men of good that Governents act on ntisinforma- diplomatic conversatIon with the: er observance of human rlithts. to Sovict's now wanb war or is com- will. tiOlJ. and make miscalculations Soviet Union. check terrorism; d. Greater use of mitted to war. Primary responsibility for the which leaq to perilous incidents. \Ve belong to a free society. Jlro_cesses of illte~n~tion,al. con verSoviet leaders do have a global technical aspects of programs Also, it may be that some of the \Ve cherish for ourselves and fm saUon and negotiation. program which, if (;;arricd out in rests, of cours~. upon gOVCrI!rncnt conflicts of national interest and others frecdom of religion, freeVI. Our people ought, each one the intolerant and coercive man- and political leadership. Nevcr- issues of power can be dealt with. dom of speech,· freedom of tht. of them. to contribute. to a change ncr of the past two years, is likely theless, our present appeal to Our by isolating them from irrecollcil- press, freedom of assembly, freeof mood so as. to mcreasC? the to lead to war. Howc\'er it can be people to press for economic, so· able conflicts of bas.ic convictions. dam of petition and freedom tv chance «;,f avertm~ war. \~lthout dealt with by counter-measures of cia), political and moral programs '\Ve do not presume to judge the vote. It is such free~onls which COI}lPrOl11ISe of baSIC COllvlctlOns. peace. It seems that the Soviet for peace would not be convincing. technical problems of when and ar.e threatened an~ which we want \ !I. <;Jur churche~ ought t,o program will he aggressively P4 sh • unless we could point to genuine flIt 1 d t where, and with whom, conver- more u y 0 ac neve an 0 J?ret:~tlfy \~Jth renewed vigor to God 5 ed to a danger point, especially possibilities of this character. A. One of the conditions which saliOl' should be held or negotia- serve. Most of ,(S would f.ght flghtcou~, love for al! .Olen and where the following conditions j>retions conducted. but we suggest rather than sl!:rrender them, even !he real.lty of the ChrIstIan world vail: first, where economics are tempt S oviet leadership to aggres- that there are in the field unused t!lOu~h they nnght well be lost by lellowshlp. weak; second. wherc the working sive action is the prevalence of possibilities which ought to be ex- fightlllg.. Tbese freedOtns c~n, We I people can be made to believe that economic distress. The Foreign plored. If trustworthy agreements are confident, .he pr~served If thel-· No Complacency About War proletarian dictatorship offers their Assistance Act just passed by Con- could be arrived at between the ~re no~v used III ways to avert the Our ·people should not, tolerate best hope of increased wclfare; gress can serve gr:eatly to change Soviet Union and the United lInmedlat~· danger of.. war. In a ~ any complacency about war. War and third. where man can be ter- these conditions in Europe and S f t t h also. to some extent in China. The tates. even On minor matters, the ree SOCle revery Cl lZen as ~ would engulf all in misery and rorized. . would bring other consequences To quote from Stalin, Soviet European Recovery Plan, which present world-wide sense of tension duty of actton. Duty of Cbriatiana Cited quite the opposite of our inten- communism strikes when and that. Act incorporates, shows the might be cased and the way made Our churches ought to testify tions. where the forces opposed have immense possibilities which re- easier to preserve peace. The mood Some have come to look upon d h· side in non-mililary resourceful- of the American people should be ~vith renewed vigor to God's right"a preventive war" as· an accept- "expose t elr practical bank- ne'ss and action. such as to encourage the Adminis- eous love for all men and the realable means of settling the present ruptcy". Where that condition is The constr\l~tiv" obiectives of tratioll to utilize the possibilities of ity of the Christian world fellowinternational conflict. Such a state not found, aggressive Soviet ac. this Plan have been strongly back- conversation and negotiation. Like. ship. . of mind we unqualifiedly condemn. Hon is suspended. The way .to cd by our churches. It has now ,Vise, avenues of religious, culChristians have their own divine The last war ended with the prevent war. therefore, is to change been enacted into law, an~ action tural, scientific and educational ex- commission to proclaim the king. dropping of two bombs which alone the conditions which tempt men to und~r it is beginning. Such action change should be kept ·open and de- dom of God and His righteousne.. killed over 100,000 persons and. reckless and dangerous activities. ought to do more than provide veloped as far as possible. at home and abroad. God is a Goo shattered the lives of many more. IV temporary relief. It should, and It may be objected that the pos- .of judgement as well as of mercy. New war would plunge the world More Tb.... Armed Force Needed can, work to change economic. sibilities we have suggested do In His' sight all nations, including IOta ntter misery. Whatever the Our people should not rely pri. conditions into those needed for not meet our test of immediacy. ourselves, have left undone thos~ !uilitary result, there would be an marily on military strategy· to meet a great revival of hope and crea- We do not believe that such an things which they ought to bave IOtensification of the misery which Communist aggression. Such. re- tive effort. objection is sound. Programs them. done and done those things which makes lllen willing to exchange liance is more apt to bring war selves have consequences even be- they ought not to have done. We freedom for dictatorship. Ihan prevent it. There should be Inj... tice Breeds Communiam fore they are fully realized. The are. called to recoguize the just Circumstances may at times make greatcr concentration on positive. B. Another condition which European Recovery Plan is ·a good condem nation of His judgment forcible resistarke a lesser eviL programs of an economic, social tempts Soviet leaders to aggres- illustration. The idea had profound but if we turn' to Hun in repent, than surrender, but no man should political and moral character. sive action is the possibility of influence when it was first put ance and faith we sball avail ourhe deluded into thinking that new In times of international crisis making men believe that the Com- fonvard by Secretary hfarshall and selves of His mercy, \Ve are callec War will achieve the· ends of which men tend to look to miHtary t'.nea- munist parties are today the only quickly endorsed on a bipartisan to be steadfast in prayer for all he would profess to be fjghting. sures as a means of s·alvation. ardent advocates of increased 50- basis. That occurQnce changed the the peoples of the world that they II That is happening in Amcrica now. dal welfare. These parn~s n .." a5pcct of affairs in Europe more may learn the things that belong tc To Combat Hysteria Nearly a year ago Secretary ~[ar- tract and organize ?coplc already than" !line months before the plan their peace; for our natioll and om Our people should combat a shall put forward the statesman- resentful because they feel that i~self took legal. shape. It is pos- G?\:crllment, t~lat they luay become lIlood of hysteria or· blind hatred. like idea for the European Recovery their present leadership and insti- slhle to get Immediate results wllhng to serve the purposes of There is always danger that in Plan. In many respects,. however, tutions perpetuate economic and which will decrease the threat of God. the face of alarming events hatred our recent ~ international policy racial injustices from which they ~\"ar. through economic, social, polit.Our churches .are part of a worldOr fear will arOUse mass emotion seems to have been much dominat- suffer. The conditions which create 'leal and moral proposals which 'Vide cOl1unumty of Christians. nd drive people into doing fool· ed by military thjnking, Such dOIl1- that feeling can be, and should be, are well thought out qud which it They .. have come into being as :;. lardy things. A free society can ination increases the risk of war. changed.. seems our nation \ is resolved to uni.v~rsal fellowship in our oWlr survive only as its members have In present conditions of interThere was a time when the carry through. Co.ntlllued on Page 8 OFFER PROGRAM PEACE ----_._.- I CLOSED WEDNESDAY NOON JUNE - JULY - AUGUST Ideal Grapefruit SectiollS '::1•. 2 •.to: 27c Ideal Apple BIiHer II....."-17c 10 Ideal Tomato SOIiP J 110"25. Pa. Ser.ving Swarthmore. ton. Rutledge and Township since 1918 Phone 1913 FREE DELIVERY 9d«zl PEARS· ~':..r~~ .9duze SWEET PEAS ,t: l /}dull PURE PlESDVES ","t" " ·0deaI OUNGE mCEr=(2·~19.J~ 21e I Sw~rthmore. MADISON BROS• • 01 .0. • Devine Taxi THE 37c: ... 1D. ne The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania • \ . .w'S:. f • , Offer Program , For Peace (Continued from Page 7) time through the work of the DIiasionary movement and through tbo new discovery of the unity III Christ that binds Christians of many communions. Let us always remember the great company of fellow Christians in Russia with whom we share a SPECI~AL ELASTIC SELF- SUPPORTING ·SHORT : SOCKS Remember Father's Day June 20 .'~I1)! THE SWARTHMOREAN F..wa7• .....;.4.I. . 1I;. co~test I common faith that should tran- creative' writin,!, on Honors and Mrs, W, Parke Dodd and Mr. and Mrs, Edward F. scend all the differences that make Day at the Umvers'ty of Delaware, children of Providence. Village, cock of the Swarthmore Apart. fCor ~onf1ict. Already in many p!aces . Mary Jo Hitchcock of. the Swar- Mr. and Mrs. J. George Breit1in ments accompanied by their dau h hmt has broken down the m,ddle thmore apartments ,11 t k g I'M J g. wall of partition in His Church 10 d t' h 'b ": . a e a and children 01 Swarthmore ave- ler ary c, a student. at Be.." even where Christians have been ay np soul eg,nnmg next . College, spent the holiday week. divided by the enmities of war. week after the close of Beaver nue, San.'ue\ 111. Dood, Jr., and MISS end at Atlantic City. ''Ie find . our ultimate hope for College. ,Sue He.delbaugh of Lansdowne. M ary D enworth, daughter o( peace III the faith that God, Mr. and Mr' \v'lr H bb ,. Mr. and Mrs. Peyton H. Bray Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond K. Deb. th.,ugh Christ~ is seeking to draw. S" I la~ 0 s of Vassar avenue will entertain all lIl~n t? H,mself and inlo fel. of Park avenUe enterlamed Mrs. Mr B .' f h M J S R worth of Elm avenue, has bee lowslllp WIth one anQther. . ' Ethel Waterbury and Mrs. Juliet s. f rci skat er r... . od- ~Iected president of the Womeb'~ Kent at dinner Monday evening ney 0 ar sburg, West Va. and League and made a member 01 in honor of Mrs. Hobbs mother' h~ ~ncle Col. D;rsey ~ Rodney, the Senior Women's Honor Board NEWS NOTES Mrs. Geneve Mohney. Mrs. Moh- w .0 '~ en ~;te r;~ hIS class ree for next year at, Carleton Colleg ney is leaving today with her son UOlO: ;t Test omt, over the in Northfield, Minn.. • Mrs. Nella Robinson arrived SatMr. Ralph D. Mohney for a visit wee en.' hey wi:! attend the . urday fTom Santa Cruz, Calif. to ?f a ~o~th \~ith him and his fam'ily ~r:~~atlOn exercises of Rodney make her home with her son and Cmcmnatl. On return she will . daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. In be in Ridway Pa f th' The third grade mothers of the , . o r a m o n s R .... school met for Ford Robinson of Westdale ave- visit. utgers aveu.... nue. M dessert Wednesday afternoon at William David Webb, Jr. of rs . Richard H. Willis of Har- at t he home of Mrs. Richard H. South Chester road was elected to vard avenue won an a Ib urn 0 f reo Willis on Harvard avenUe for the membership in the national honor cords on the Leroy M'II I er a ub f'mal meeting of the y~ar. society Alpha Sigma Rho at VIes- contest over Station WFIL this Charlotte Hobbs of Park ave. leyan University. . week. The song about which she nue was the weekend guest of Lois Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beaven of wrote was "My Heart Stood Still" Thompson, a classmate at the Baltimop~ were the ,.eek-end fronl the "Conn ec t'ICU t Y ank ee " .In School of Industrial Art in Phila~ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. which Mrs. Willis played for two delphia; at her cottage at Lake Perkins of Cedar Lane. Mr. Per" years G M' iIIman in N. J. Together they kin's mother Mr~. J. W,'ll rs. M ary P arke Dodd of S,"ar• en t er t' alOed a group of the art stuPerkins of Elkton, Md. ,·s v,'sl'tl'ng thmore avenue 'had as he r guest s at d ents at a party at the lake on her son and his family this week. B the h Gibson Cottage at Brant S aturd ay, the closing day of the I Ann Harvey, daughter of Mr. cae, N. J. over the holidays Mr. school term. and Mrs. \Villiam M. Harvey of Columbia avenue graduates from Bradford Junior College, Bradfo..·d, Summer Recreation Program - June 21.July 30 Mass. on J~ne 7. Ann has Deen a member of the college glee club. REGISTER FOR SUMMER RECREATION THURSDAY, JUNE 10 College Ave. School Rutgers Ave. School Anne J. Perkins of, Cedar iane Due to the ·.evere winter, cbeckina 10 to 12 A. M. 10 to 12 A M was awarded a poetry prize for front wheel aGgnmeDt i. very imw 1 to 3 P. M. 1 to 3 P.· M.· the third consecutive year In a Rates: .,., ... .. #" ..1.: portant. .' J •.. , ......... 'N ursery an~ Kindergarten $10.00 Primary (th,s year's grades 1 and 2) $5.00 Summer Club $3.00 . Summer Club plus basebal1 (Oippers, Hornets) $5.00 DJrec~ed craft and play program from 9 to 12 Monday througl, F riday H ave your ear la.peeted • for SIX weeks. bOW I I I I Wheel Alignment BUCHNER'S PARK AVENUE "Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. Member of Federal laaurQlc_ COrpo... tlOD '1 I Now You caD huy U. S. Saving. B_do automaW,. through the new Bond.a.Month Plan. Aok at tbia Bank INSPECTION Super CUShion Tires I Photographs 'W-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~ for the - Hannum & Waite 1 Jean You Trust F. F. ZIMMERMAN CHRYSLER - Cheater Road &: Yale Avenue "Outstanding for Quality" MEDIA 6 E. FRONT ST. PLYMOUTH' PHONE 043f Swarthmore 1250 YOII IIAIES? Nothing makes for driVing comfort and peace of mind like' the knowledge that your brakes can be counted on ... in any emergency. We feature brake service at our staWhy not let us check yours today? , "That's my theme/ Just look at· the time ••• the rush-push-hustle-oustle of City ~opping l.avoid. And just see the lovely sportswear, dresses, blouses I find at Joyce Lewis ',' •• all perfectly tuned to my country way Qf living." ,,~~ ~g~: - , .,.., .......... ... Dresses ~ Fusco '" Alston F"'·· Telephone Swarthmore 0504 CUSTOM TAILORING LADIES and MEN'S SUITS and COATS Reasonable Prices • ~. ,.- SWARTHMORri 13 S. CHESTER ROAl) HARRIS & CO. Tailors and Furriers Dry Cleaners SUCCESS TO EACH AND • THE SWARTHM EVERY GRADUATE ~~~~~==~~~~~~~======~~. CHARTS HARD ROAD TO PEACE FOR GRADUATES ' D~::'.::::::;::: '1100 A11END ARTS COMMENCEMENT ~~~o~~t!~~erw;~:e~:j:r~;C~f FESTIVAL SUNDAY AWARDS MADE Swarthmoreans desire a fireworks display to top off the local ·Fourth of July celebra- . tion. Anyone who would like to see a revival of this custom of several years ago should contact The Swarth- Says Unc~rtain Years Ahead Can Be Won by. Reaffirmed and Practiced Freedom Well Planned Event H. S. Graduates Small Class This Draws Many From Year Wide Area At the annual commencement exercisies on Tuesda)' of this week students, were among the 169 members of the largest h h' f S h C 11 h • d morean office or ,.. M. Buch• e Iass. In t e IStOry a wart more a ege w a rece,ve ':'" the fiftieth class in the history of ner of Park avenue. diplomas Tuesday morning. Despite the unsettled weather the Swarthmore High School was gradwere. held \n the ~autiful Scott Outdoor Auditorium. Dr. Clair .~::::::::::==::::::::::===:::::::::::::::::::::=l~ uated. The 72 members of this class former director of the Office of International Trade who will brought to a total of 2013, the num_ _ . ber of young men and women who duties as professor of Economics in 'the fall, delivered the ""nler.cem,ont .Address, "The Price of Freedom". h.ave been graduated from this high school in the first half cenS,mlnarizinlg the achievements of - . ' - - - - - - - - - - - 'D, I Appreciation is eXtended the tury com!l1ittee's chairman James by F!ight, \ The . ~lass, although full of acaAmerica now wields, ·Dr. WiIWallingford, to the nine Art Cen- demic promise and initiative, is 'the stated that although freedom ters in the vicinity who brought smallest graduated since 1937. The most precious of our posdisplays of their work to add to largest class oi one hundred pupils we scarcely realize that it the scope of the activities and was graduated in 1944. Many of the Few of us have ever stoppel! promise of the future. Assisting class have already been accepted by . think what it really means to The traffic safety education pro- center ,'ncluded the Bryn Ma'wr colleges and acceptances are comTh freedom, or to lack it.... at U gr;'m ""ven at Swarthmore High Art Center, The Cheltenham Town- ing in daily. one misses most in America, School biast week by the Atlantic ship Art Center, the Chester CounSeveral members of the class is a living faith .. we lack a ty Art Assocl'atl'on, 'Chestnut Hill have received announcement . of .. ReHning Company at the request . of mlsSlon .. we are too Theodore L. Purnell has again of The Swarthmorean resulted in Art Cente'r of the W·o'odmere Gal- very helpful scholarships from col;.,I,,. ••• hl~ to bum with Ii holy consented to direct a most capable a total of 38 students finishing the lery, Conshohocken Art League, leges. Nancy Anderson has been staff in the Swarthmore Asso";a. six-mile road test and 12 hours Germantown Settlement Art Cen- notified of a $750 scholarship to mood of uncertainty, Dr. tion's program of summer activi~ instruction to learners. Observers 'ter, Old York Road Guild, Phila- Smith College, George Hay of a numbered 73. , delphia Museum of Art Classes, ~ scholarship to Swarthmore stated, the country meets , ;'ud .the Wayne Art Center":' 'moving--foree of revolutionary. ·ti~s... • t ~ . • The Atlantic Refining Company 'General chaii'man of the event College, .loud . Sadie Garrett of a which must be dealt Purnell, a professor atPennsyl$250 scholarship to Oberlin'· Colreported local students had 'been was f~rJne[". Swarthmopean Cyril because it is the "antithesis of vania Military College, holds de- found to. be very cooperative and lege. Prizes and awards were presented This uncertainty also gree s from Albrighl and Penn had done an unusually intelligent ~ardiner, now of Wallingford. He was assisted by William' Price, as follows: Phi Beta Kappa Book Americans into the accep- State with additional work to his job of driving during· tHe course, chairman of program~ Mr. ·Feight Award and Reader's Digest Award that World War 3 is inevitcredit from the University of Penn- also eXhibiting a fine attitude to- master of ceremonies, Mrs. C. A. to Valedictorian to Sadie Garrett; sylvania. Besides his teaching he di- ward traffic safety measures. D~nnis, Wallingford, and Mrs. Woman's Club Award in French, 'Surely . it is folly to accept the This driver training program for Ralph Jennings, secretary and as· Swarthmore Library Association that war in inevitable. There rects the intramural program at high schools was inaugurated in sistant "ecretary, Mrs. R. V. Pea- Award in English, and Bausch and' has coached sports ,othing in the facts of economics the College, and , March 1947 by the Atlantic Refin. vey, Moylan, mailing chairman, Lomb Medal for Excellence in geography to support it. We at high school, Swarthmore Col- ing Company in the interest of Mrs. Charles Lucas, Rose Valley, reject complacency and fa· lege and P. M. C. In addition, he is traffic safety, and is the first pro- hospitality; Stuart Graves and Physical Science to Carolyn Wil. about war .... For the for- a,.. Boy Scout represen:tative and gran, of its type in the country. It Roger Millen, both of Media, co- cox; Albert D. Spaeth Memorial Award in Science, American Legion of destruction, once unleasheq. Troop Committeeman. . has been well received in'the Penn- chairmen of the hanging commit- Award in Social Studies, and General play including softball, not to be controlled." • touch and Australian football, vol- sylvania communities where it has tee; Emma L. Warfield, Spring- Blackfriars Award for Excellence Dr. Wilcox finds ,the belief held ley baU, 'Icapture the flag"t minia- been presented. Two dual iliontrol field; welcome; lhs. Norman Dut~ in Dramatics to Charles Andes;' millions of bmericans that the ture golf, quoits, horseshoes, a scav- cars and three qualified instructors ton, \Vallingford, luncheon; Joseph Business Men's AssociatioJ) Award to pe&.ce is an immediate and enger hunt and a hayride, will be in are used each time the program is Gibson, Rose Valley, m·embership; in 'Mathematics to Charles Keenen; conference with, Russia to . given. One car i~ used in a road Mrs: Graves, publ\city; and Mrs. Hermine Meyer Memorial Award all differences, unsound. IIWe charge of Don Dickinson, who was recently. elected president of the test, set up by local authorities to J. C. Bedford, policy adviser. in German to. Roberta Haig; Romet with these people again The committee is. currently con- tary Oub Award in Latin to Har-" high school'~ Student Council. cover a route five to six miles in again, during and since the The Craft program, conducted by length and including left and sidering five sites as possible per, we have made concession af- Mrs. Purnell and her assistant right turns, stop signs, traffic manent quarters. One of· these is riet Turner; John Kline Memorial Award in Music to Emily Pritconcession. But each concesSally Woodward, will allow indivi. l.ig hts and all normal driving condi- in Swarthmore, two in Media, one chard; Swarthmorean Alward in has served to whet the appet- dual eXpression in working' with tions. An instructor sits at the side in Rose Valley and one just outside Journalism to Mary Lou Thayer; for another •..• In a nation's atti. . such materials as copper, tin, alum~ of each licensed student as he Chester. Award for Excellence and Service toward the control of the inurn, plastics, shells, clay, ·and makes the road test. In the ~ rear in Secretarial Studies to Mildred it meets the acid test of its leather. Tin can craft and fabric seat of the car are three observers, HoJds First Commencement Bernard; National HOllar Society faith; the Russians have flatThe Pennsylvania State College Medal for Service to William Keen. block priDting' or . stenciling should preferably sophomores who have rejected cooperative develop- create much interest. a learner's permit or anticipate Center held its first commence• and internationn inspecment on June 6 with 31 graduates The tennis instructor will be AI~ securing one. as an infringement ~ of national Scholarahip Offe ....d Ian McChesney and Marjorie Lewis At the conclusion of the trip the and an audience of relatives and For month after win teach archery. instructor relates to the iour stu- friends. in conference after conA scholarship to the American The Delaware County Day TechVonnie Ryan will handle office dents both the errors made in we have sat in silence Red Cross National Aquatic School affairs and indoor games such as driving practices ·a·nd the operator's nical Institute had candidates from a stream of cbntinous abuse is being offered to Sc;.arthmore jacks, checkers, ping pong, etc. regard for the provisions of the the ont; year course of EngineerThe sooner we come to relize At the Rutgers Avenue School vehicle code. The driver's attitude ing and Business Administration boyar girl over 18 who has a Senthere is no simple solution to a completely diflerent program for toward pedes trains and other traf- and the Evening Institute, from ior Life saving certificate or its prohlem of Russia, the better the three year Merchandising equivalent. The Aquatic School children from the ag:' of two to fic is also checked. we shall be. gives a 10 day intensive training those who have completed second In the street, as close to the Course. 'The question of war and peace course beginning June 20, in swimgrade will again be under the able school as possible and barricaded by a question of the future relaming, diving, lif~.saviogr boating, l1r. and Mrs. E. Robert Marks direction of :Mrs. J. Francis Taylor. local police, the secona. car is used between the United States and canoeing, first-aid and accident Residents of the Borough and in skill te,ts developed by Penn- and son Bobby arrived Saturdar Soviet Union. There can be no prevention. Applicants for the schonearby communities are urged to I sylvania State College. These tests from Durham, N. C. where llr. \Vorlet government, no prolarship will please call Virginia Marks has completed his Sirst year register their children on June 10 \ check correct methods of parking, of disarmament, no sub~ for Swarthmore's unique, low-cost ability to drive forward and back- at the Duke University Law School. Rath, Red Cross First-aid and Life iu~,t;'1n of the atom, unless the Saving Chaiman, at Swarthmore program of summer recreation~ The ward on a straghit line. braking, They will visit Mrs. Marks mother ,viII participate. Better a 2534-W or call at her home 735' Mrs. Myra C. Doe of Princeton opening ~ate will be June '21 with ability to determine position of all 'United Nations with Russia Yale avenue. avenue until Sunday.. -Continued on Page 8 the closing date slated for July 30. (Continued Oil Page 4) 38 HS DRIVERS TESTED BY A R.C ·=~~P::. ~o!~: r";.~:,"!:jb~~ r URNELL TO H'EAO' I. •• S.·RA PROGRAM Saftey Program was Sponsored by Th Mrs. J. F rancis Taylor At R tgers Ave. School The Arts Festival held SundaY'in Rose Valley's Old Mill under the auspices of the D.elaware County Arts Center Committee drew 700 people from all sections of the County and its environs. The success of the event was most satisfying to the committee which exlblends its thanks to all who aided in the day's program. is Paper a Separates Accessories Lovell" wearables for suburbia STUDEBAKER SALES &: SERVICE So .. Cheater and Fairview Roads Phone Swarthmore 9793 .- ,'. WISHINC RE-LINING RE-MODELING -. RE-FINISHING . No. 11 Park Avenue Swarthmo..... P .. Reasonable Prices • . I NEWS NOTES I Brown of Newark, Del. Dickson of Johnstown. Susan Binns 'd W dung Mrs. William Wiley, one of the of Medford Lakes, N. J. cousin of M rs D aVl arner an yo . . . the bridegroom, was flower girl. • dn D 'd f Ph'ladelphl;a brIdesmaIds, WIth a harp accomson R 0 ey aVl 0 1 . "Th L d' P " Mr. John Hayes of Wallingford and Mrs. Rodney Warner of Xenia. pandl'?,eBnt, san~ e d?r s h rayer . h t f M David an ecause prece 109 t e cerc· served as best ma~ and the· ushers OhIO, were t e gues 5 0 rs. mony. were Mr. Georg~ Corbett of Phila. Warner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. The bride, given in marriage by delphia, Mr. Stanley Coleville of Oscar J. Gilcreest of Vassar avenher father wore a white satin gown New Lisbon, N. J., Mr. Tack Fukuue for a few days last week. They with a low round neckline, fitted shima of Drexel Hill and Mr. Paul were joined at on Monday bodice, long. sleeves pointed and Mattern of Ardmore. by Mr. and Mrs. David Gilcreest edged with Brussells lace, and A reception at the home of the . from Ridley Park. skirt ending in a long train. Her bridc followed the ceremony. fingertip veil was l1Cld with or ... ENGAGED ange blossoms and edged with heirJUNE BRIDE Mr. arid Mrs. William Freegard loo~ lace. The bride's bququet \vas The marriage of Mrs. Elizabeth of Swarthmore avenue have announcomposed of white. roses, white 'Vhitaker Lippincott, daughter at ced the engagement of their daughiris and gypsophelia. Mrs. P. L. \Vhitaker of Park aveter Miss E!izabeth Aylin FreeThe matron of honor Mrs. Stirl- nue, to Mr. Craton Guthrie Pitt.ter, gard to Mr. Donald Campbell Mcing B. Brinkman of Wilmington, son of Mr. Roy M. Pitner of Fort Coy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Del. and the bridesmaids Miss 'Vorth, Texas, took place on Sun. M. McCoy of Cambridge, Mass. Nancy Hoot of Lafayette avenue, day, June 6, at 3 o'clock at the Miss Freegard was a Pi Beta Phi at Bucknell University and Mrs. William Wiley of West ches-I Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. ter and Mrs. Richard Bovard of Dr. H. Lewis Cutler officiated graduated from the Philadelphia Park, \Vest Va. all wore g0wns of and the bride was given in marriage Museum School of Industrial Art. Nile green eyelet embroidered pique by her brother, Mr. Harvey WhitMr. McCoy, who served in the U. S. Na\'y dotring the war is a with fitted bodices and long skirts. aker of "'Villow Gates", Elwyn. The matron of honor carried a boul\lr. Henry Faust sang "The semor at Harvard Unhrersity. quet of yellow roses and gypso- Lord's Prayer" during the ceremony ~[r and 1:1r5. \Villiam Henry phcJia with a matching headdress The bride wore an aqua afternoon Gehri'ng of University place an~ while the bridesmaids' bouquets dress and accessories with a flower nouncc the engagement of their and coronets were of talisman coronet. She carried a nosegay daughter, :Miss Jean :h.larioll :Geh- roses and gypsophelia. composed .of Johanna Hilt roses and ring to Mr. "Va Iter Griffith Mac-! lIfr. Shelby Brown of Newark, gypsopheha. Farland, III, son of Mr. Walter i Del., served as best man for his Mrs. C. Russell Phillips of G. :MacFarlandJ Jr. of Huntington br~ther. The ushers were !Ir. Strath Haven avenue, who acted Valley and the late Georgia hHt- BrInkman of \Vilmington, Mr. Jay as Ill.atron of honor iOT her sisteT, ch~1I MacFarl~nd. D. Cook, Jr. of Philadelphia and was gowned in shell pink with a Miss Gehring bas just finished Mr. Benjamin S. I':ollins of AlIen- hat of flowers. She carried a bouher junior year at Cornell Uni- town. quet of pink Bountiful roses, blue versity. The motber of the bride who was corn fJowers and gypsophclia. ~Ir. :MacFarland is ·a graduate gowned· in gray lace ,vore a red ~Ir. Pitner served as be!;:t man of \Villiam Penn Chartcr School rosebud corsage. for his 5011. and Cornell University. . AIrs. Brown's choice was an The ushers were ?tolr. Phillips ashes of roses crepe gown with a and Mr. 'V. Craton Guthrie, Jr. of corsage of gardenias. \Vashington, D. C. To .Wed on Saturday The mother of the bride wore a A reception at Whittier House Invitations have gone out for the followed the ceremony. gray silk suit with a corsa!:"e of marriage of ~liss Natalie Anne After a week's honeymoon, Mr. pink sweetheart roses. Runkle, daughter of Mrs. Albert and Mrs. Brown will be at the A buffet supper 'for the immediGoho of Harrisburg to Mr. Dav'is Brower Hopson, son of Mr. and University of Maryland where Mr. ate families followed the ceremony Mrs. Howard Hopson of Rutgers Brown· will attertd summer school. at the home of. the bride's mother. Mr.· Pitner, \vho served· four avenue, which will take place Satyears in the U. S. Na~y, is a graduurday afternoon at 2 o'clock at BINNS-BEATTY the Trinity Episcopal Church. The marriage of Miss Pauline ate· of Ric"e Institute, Houston' Tex. Miss Marjorie Snow of Harris- Eleanor Beatty, daughter of Mr. and studied at Bowdoin College and burg will act as maid of honor and and Mrs. J. Frank Beatty of Mor. The Mass. Institute of Technology. Mr. Robert G. Hopson will serve as ton, to David South Binns, son of Mrs. Pitner is a graduate of the best man for his brother. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Binns of University of Delaware. On their return from a two week The ushers will be William Ward Biultsbrook, Swarthmore, t a a k motor trip to Queb·ec, Mr. and Mrs. IV of South Chester road, John place on Saturday at 2 p. In. in the Lewis Eavenson of Strath Haven Washington Memorial Chapel at Pitner will live at 4725 Keswick avenue, J. Francis Taylor, Jr. of Valley Forge. The Rev. John RobFOR Moylan and Donald Lee McCabe \ bins Hart officiated. of Ardmore. The bride, who was given in marAll friends of the couple are in. riage by hcr father, was attended vited to attend the wedding. b;- M.iss L~la Winters of Newark, N. J. as maId of honor. The brides- Call ' maids were Mrs. Benjamin S. Col- Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman B,ROWN-GARRETT SWARTH~ORE 2080 In a candlelight ceremony at the lins of Swarthmore and Mrs. John Friends Meeting House on Friday, June 4 at 7:30 o'clock, Miss Mary Lown.s Garrett, daugl).ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood H.· Garrett of Princeton avenue, became the bride Friday and Saturday of Mr. Jacob Embree Brown, son JACK CARSON , of Mr. and Mrs. Embree Sevier ANN SOTHERN "APRIL SHOWER" 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' Added: March of Time: "Presidential Year" Saturday Matinee I p. m. Children's Show Roy Rogers We wil1 b .. 111 "ROLL ON TEXAS MOON", "DICK TRACY RETURNS" and cartoons. FROM lI,OO A. M. TO 9,00 P. M. Monday and Tuesday for ProCLAUDETTE COLBERT FOR THE SALE OF OUR OWN ROBERT CUMMINGS MAKE ICE CREAM, SHER"SLEEP MY LOVE" BETS AND DELICIOUS ASgrams Sah,lrSORTED BUTTER COOKIES. 'Veduesday Only! "TOBACCO ROAD" W4!' Gre cfJrr~ing Q. fu.1l lillC of NORRIS Summer candies. including thi,i,. delicious Starting Thursday DELLA ROBBIA MINTS JEA;~ETTE MacDOKALD JOSE ITURI3I "THREE DARING CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS THEATRE SQUARE DAUGHTERS" Daily Deliveries Swarthmore 3243/ in technicolor .1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I!:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;::!I • • I road, Roland Park, Baltimore BIRTH Dr. and Mr.s. Richard Foulk an. nounce the birth of a daughter Susan. Mrs. Foulk is the former Jane Ann Williams, daughter of Dr. Frank E. Williams formerly of Amherst avenue. CHRISTENED Mary Kistler Connor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James lL Connor of Norfolk, Va. was christened by Dr. Roy N. Keiser at the Swarthmore Methodist Church on Sun. day morning. June 6. . "Mimi" is the granddaughter of Dr. and Mrs. William E: Kistler of Park avenue. The ceremony was followed by a family dinner party at the In- MEDIA NOTICE OPEN SUNDAYS Everung anc:l day Matinee. THE "CAKE BOX" Naucy Sutliff Lawrenece, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ce was christened on Sunday at Swarthmore Methodist Church the Rev. Roy N. Keiser. Mr .and Mrs. H. 1. Hoot of fayette avenue are the ents. THE THE SWARTHMOREAN . pUBLISHED THE EVERY FRIDAY SWARTHMOIlUN, SWARTBllORE, PUBLISHER open hou:~e at "Friendly Acres" the Friends' Home for chldren at 900 South avenue, Secane. All interested are cordially invited. PA. FETED In honor of Mrs. Craton G. Pitner, whose marriage took place on Sunday, Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup of Haverford avenuc entertained at a china shower, }'Irs. George St. Germain of Springield gave an apron . shower, and Miss Helen Miller of Philadelphia,. a personal riTER Eo TOLD,· Editor JIAR]ORlE TOLD, AolOdate EdItor Tbeodore F. Hicking, Advertising M;mager Edith WhItaker " Ro..Ue Par.,] as at Secoad ClaII Matter, 1.~ 24, 1929. at Swartb1DOft. ,PL, under the Act of Mardi PRESBYTERIAN NOTES 3, Post 187'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::: I! The Bouquet The Young Adults will meet on shower. . . Mr• .and Mrs. GUIdo G. Savelh. d M d M H Wh't Rehearsal for the senior~ choir is an r. an rs. arvey 1 .. on Thursday evening at 7 :45. aker of Elwyn eniertained. at an 1 Th~ Social Hall is open for super- outdoor suppe.r on May 29 tn han. I l f visede recreation under Theodore or a th e b n d a I c?u~I e. " "Ur. an d L p. 11 n Friday evening at' Mrs. C. Russell Phdhps of Strath 7' o'c;:c~ a H~ven avenue entertained for the ,. brIdal party and other' guests all TRINITY NOTES Saturday evening after the wedding rehearsal. 1M d' t 8 in the chapel. on ay tvemng a . . WHEN THE NEED ARISES CALL • • • . I . . ,~·t. . . .. '~--}-.;;~ RITTENHOUSE (»-1581 , , Competent staff is on duty 24 houlS a day. I Day-Sunday rnAairI ndi~~ 11 o'clock service. :~~e:Of the Church School will The Junior ~hoir will Mr. Cutler will give a brief A cordial invitation is extendto all children. all parents, and other members of the congregato attend· this young people's in the Church. Allen, Jeryl Faulkner and Ransburg will assist Mr. in greeting the congrega~jon the service. Darling, Jr., Donald Fe!'. Dick McCray, Walter EdMedford, Jr. Harold Ogram aM John Snape will usher for 11 O'clock service Sunday WHILE YOU SHOP I SWARTHMOIlEAN ~;;Es;E=El;;;;;!E!!Fo.5;;;;;!E=;;5i1E=';;;5i1E=';=i1E=';==;;;;;;==;;;;;;li11 from 2 until 5 o'clock there will be SWARTHMORE, PA. FRIDAY. JUNE 11. 1948 YOUR CAR ;·;"IJi::JU J'rri \.\~" THE OLIVER."'. ,lAIR CO. . ,DI.ICT~U OIclUNDAU ,. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET . . ,.., '. MARY A. IAIII, Pr•••clent ToI.p_ RI 6-1581 Holy Communion will be 'celeOFFICERS .ELECTED brated on SUllday at 8 a. m. Church, The officers elected at the 'eighth -;:;:::;;;:;;::::;:::;;;:;;:;;:;;::::;:::;;;:;;:;:;:::::;;;:;;:;:;:::::;;;:;;:;:;:::::;;;:;;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::::;:::;;;:;;::::;:::;;:;:;= School will hold its sessions at 11 gras. mayors. local and state police. other local clubs and 38 H. S. Drivers Tested by A. ,R. C. - Brlghte. ., YOllr Meall wJth Plenty of ) FRESH FRUITS .ad VEGETABLES Healtllhl and lusclou., too. SametillnlJ your faMIly will 1J0 for In a bllJ way. Yblt on Fre.. Produc. Departm.llt, and _ for youn..f. First of the Season "'rgIa I ..... la.I., , . PBEESTOIE PEACHES • CAITALOUPES Tender Stringle.. Green leanl ..... ,,_Ripe.... Callfortlla 231: Ib 2· 35c "15c branches of national organizations. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Michener, Jr. of Park avenue are re- ceiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Norman Edmund, on Sunday. June 6 at the Philadelphia Lying-In Hospital. The grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Krase. former residents of Strath Haven avenue, have recently returned from two years = Round-up In Old . Mill This Saturday A Rose Valley Round-Up from I to 7 p. m. this Saturday will combine fun and fund·raising and is planned as a good outing for cbildren and-parents. To be held in the community center. The Old Mill, which is on Rose Valley road opposite Hedgerow Theatre the event will raise mone~. ~~r a heating system .f~r the .butldlOg. . .' W.lliam DIXon S~ay .s cha.rn~an of the Round-up, wtth -the followlOg subchairmen iu charge of the dif. ferent wares and activities •• Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Randall. games; Mr. and Mrs. J. Forrest Shoff. refreshments: Mr. and Mrs. William Rhodes, bake sale: Mr. and Mrs. A. Kendall Murray, advertising, Mr. and Mrs. James Feight. horse alld pony rides for children: George Greer. prizes: John B. Park Ill, rifle range: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fagendorff. pottery and MADISON BROS. Phone 1913 FREE DELIVERY S..all ..... Fresh POBI LOINS ....Id.r AnI Pot Road ..... · n , :iIInd.r Cllu. . . . . Ste_ T .'. -. a19. Rib Roast of Beef .......... Dol". ...... wltll Ib.49c Boneless Roast of- Beef _ _ w_ =. fir. . AIeo OIuz....if.. ~ 99c ~ TOO BUSY? •• Well, leave it up to 28c • 29c 14:1:1 SWARTHMORE • FQSCO and Alston Staderbaker Sale. &: sO. Che.ter &: Fairview Phone Swarthmore 9793 Fruits and Vegetables New ONIONS 3 Ibs. 19c CELERY HEARTS bunch 19c 2 lb. 15c Fresh SPINACH Lg. JUICY ORAN~ES doz.35c Jimmy's phone is one of three On a party·line arranged; And that is why, as you can see. NO long caUs are exchanged. -.:-~ 15 ..... ...., """. 01 _I' He-. ., Jlall" Nail........,....11 ·,.11;, I 4 ~ 19., 4!;' ale '1;.1 Ilcl"= Ik BABY. FOODS 10 8$° ,ors "'uaker """ Wba, 2, 4·., "I' Sparkles, [.~s 23. bop. Milk ,,,..,,. 2 :::\ 29c Roll Mix .OI, 14 ... 23. Stal ttl Desserts t!.~I. 3 .... 19c: COITEE ,,~g43· 3 '·lb ba., $1.24 Ftne South Am.tltan Coffees, Isp.dall.,. .. lldld. e%perlly blendUi'." On party-line telephones. cour· tesy pays dividends I Be brief , •• Space calls ..• Hang up gently • • • Take the lead in good party-line ;"anners. It wj!l mean betterserviee for all. Win-Crest Collee ~:. 40C : J ~~,!" $1.15 Ideal Collee ~~;:Or" 4tc "arorl,,' _ VIKUVIII 'ac:led Save CIWPOItI 'rom ow t.,N .~• • • '01 vol,obl • • illl ERS BROS. INC. iI •• ,~.' ton avenue received his diplbma from the Peddie -School in Hightstown. N. J. on Monday. Formerly a student at Swarthmore Higlt School he was at Peddie for two years~ • WAll .ad flOOI COVElINGS 75x117.5 Old Orchard Section _~~~~P~RSONAL ____ mercial, and done Power, Ranges, Light All work to Waterbeaters, Fir'c Under. writers specifications. all makes of washers (Bendix cleaners, ranges. irons, Janps. Can Erich H. Hausen, Contractor~ Swarthnlore 2850· 'V. 335 Park Avenue. PERSON~A . L4R~rd~;a~b~le~~oo~I~I~~.~-n~udLm~1 . wishes to do baby·sitting. Swarthmore 1126·]. . can Swarthmore I ,Phone Media 0459-M RENT FOR RE~T T_'l.Tltc <10\11111..' room with twin Pled!'. RT(lund fllXlT. Tek Swa :!.2H·J. FOR Rf:~T----I'QOl. :1i('('~"I.' fl1rni~hert Ih·jn,1l" room ;:;nrl l)crlrr,rym. c('ml-rrt"l·1.fe "nth. C':t.I f'I??l·\V·. Su- 1905 CUNNINGHAM PETER E. TOLD General Insurance w. Phone Media 0755 Asphalt or Conorete 333 DARTMOUTH AVEUNE PETER DI NIf20LA Swarthmore 1833 Phone Swarthmore 2526 ~~~~;;;;~~~~~;;;;~~~~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 - ;Van AlenBros. ROGER RUSSELL Maker of FIne Photographs'. Penn State Bldg. Sooth Ave. & State SL Media 2178 Media. Pa. ERNEST SMITH LEGAL Coal and Fuel Oil PAINTING and DECORATING A. WAYNE MOSTELLER· " -----------' = --= ------ illlllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllllllllill . PLACE NEED FIXING UP? You can do it for less than you think. Good materials and skillful workmen are now awilable. Call us for information and' estimates. HORACE A. REEVES .IThird Generatiun Builders" \ Swarthmore 3450 Remodeling Repairing BuildIng A~ Mercer Quinby Funeral Director Swarthmore 1272 of All T,.".. IWd - RcpoIn lDstalIatIono S..-.u.r s....-. _' for 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. Member of F ed..",t Depoalt IDlU1'1Ulce Corporation' Swarthmore 2295 You can buy U. S. Savinga Bond. automatically through the new Bond-a-Month PI"". A.k at thia Bank JUt V. . . Viclalt7 Twenq I niaht or day , Call Mason Builders Supply Company 331 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore 0345 For J'i~ht here _. wheT.9 you. can ",each \IS every da~ .' EDWARD L. NOYES & CO. SWARTHMORE 0114 All . FonnerlT of iloilo 1125 W. Jehl", A_. PIaIlt. , PIIooe Bafdwla 1170 ~ Swarthmore National Bank & Trust. Co. We are Never Grows Old" Construeti~n , and Rebullt Pianos N~)" "A \Vell Kept House obonld XDow H_ Swa. 2266 Michigan Ave. 1136. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FOR SALE-Highest quality garden. fresh strawberries. Call Swa. 05S2-R. FOR SALE-Rug, 12x18 Karastan Town House, antique Kinnan pattern. Used years in a Newtown Square etstate, then traded on a. Paulson Oriental. A nre ._po portltnity to buy a flne l!lrge rug at really low price, $250 Swarthmore 0529. FOR SAL"E--Cocker pups. Home raised. Buff, black, male female. Registered A.K.C. Ph. Swa 2309-]:.__~_ _ FOR SALE-U!:;ed ABC wa!>hing machine. omdel 18. $12; :;mall Air-way \'acuu!11 cle-aner. $15; a new Allentown stoker. bID feed. type, $100 Cal.! Swa .0932. _ _ _ FOR- SALE-=-Pint and qll:\!l ma!>On jars, 25c and 3Sc per dozen. Detlefsen. Swarthmore 0624-\\'. _-1_ _. FOR SAT.F~Siamf'~e kittens. 10 wel'ko::, ~ female. $20. 4II Yale Il,·enuc. Swa. 2404-J. DAVE WOOD • Painting and • Paperhanging Ruhbi.h Collected Weeld,. or Monthly Phone Swarthmore 33'\3 9 A. M, to 5:30 P. M. PaIDterl a, Pa..... li_ _ .-:.:::========c:..:...::...____ ~w.1.,.th'n('r(' Swarthmore Disposal Service . and Repairing Since 1908 New PA.wI· Midi!, 2567 .:: "ESTATE OF LOLA M. B. GREEN. Deceased. LETTERS 'l1ESTAMtENTARY on th • above Estate bYe been granted to the un· dersigned who requests all persons in. debted to· the decendent to make payment, without delay, 10 • Grace Greenwood. Gr-een. Executnx conege girl 223 Ke:t1yon Avenue Mrs. T. E. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania NarbertfJ. Pa.~......,=-_ or to her attorneys . WANTED-Baby sitting, day Dr night, .". A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., competent woman. Swarthmore 06S7-W. Butler, Beatty, Greer & Johnson \VANTED-Apartment or. house needed Media., Pa. by Swarthmore family of three. Call13~T~.~6-4:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _' -_ _ _ Swarthmore 0552.M. I' W ANTED-OnfllnUsbed a .._ent for three adults. No pets. Phone J. D. Duman. Swarthmore 4513 _ WANTED-Lawns to mow, odd iobs to do. Call Swa. 2211. 'FOR S... 2266 ;,'////////////////////////////////////////////////////. Driveway • LOST The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania Conl,oclo,. and Builde,. 302 Gayley 5'teet • Media. Po. NOYES ALBAN L. PARKER IIPAIRS GEORGE MYERS Mrs. James H. Connor of Norfolk. Va. and her children Jimmy and Mimi, are visiting her parSWAKTHMORE on4 ents Dr. and Mrs. \ViIliam E. Kistler of Park avenue. Mr. Connor arrived Sunday.for the christcningl __________'_._ _ __ of their daughter Mimi. Dick Hook of Westdale avenue II II 111111 II III II 1111 II 111111 II III III II II IIInt, and two of his fraternity brothers - - PIANO _.--... TUNING ---- .1' ARTERS BROTHERS, Inc. P",YiDg, Curb, Water, aDd Electricity $Z9OO. Motion Picture Club. Camera Club. tion in July. Following the conven- • ALTEUIIONS Furnace cleaning orders taken now. Call 409 Michigan Ave. SWAR1]HMORE Vose participated in winter track from Dartmouth are driving to .and varsity track md was a mem- Estes Park. Col. to represent Phi ber of the Rifle Club. Science Club; Kappa Psi at the national conven- • NIW CONn.UCIiON GUTTERS REPAIRED aDd INSTALLED Lot for-Sale NEWS NOTES PERSONAL-Vacuum-Cleaners, irons toasters and radios repaired, called (or and delivered. Call Robert Brooks, Swarthmore 1548. PERSONAr:=Electrieal installations: 'Vir. ing, old and new: Residential and Com. • MODEIN ItITCHINS Hulme on Westdale avenue. Mrs. John W. Hifl of Springlie1d. whose daughter J <:all will be a menlber of the bridal party. entertained at a honeymoon shower for Miss Hopkins. Miss Hopkins was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given by Thomas Chilton of· Wilmington. Del. =.,.. lid.... IPBlCOrs-... ( 5.1 ) ~..I" 25' PEACHES 'IIWI. . 2v45c FRUIT COCKTAIL &\0 k..l" 37' SPAGHETTI Y1:JIII 3 \1: 251 nue and a buffet supper was ser~- mother Airs. Norman ·ed. Breakfast was at Robert Reed s on College avenue. after which several groups left for Ocean City, N. J. Ann Hickman was hostess to the graduates at a swimming party and picnic supper at her home in Glen Mi,lIs on Sunday evening following bac<:;llaureate. , Sue Surrick of Bowling Green gave a formal" dance for' members 01 the graduating class on SaJurday night at the Old Mill in Rose Vailey. . James Q. Vose. son of Mr: and Mrs. Richard S. Vose. of Princ~­ FOR· SALE OWII" and Operated 6, Alllerlca.· Store. COlllpany lie........ • ALTE'J\/--\ , Marian S. female__ after 6. ~~~_OO~ Clapp'si Gerber's, Helllz, Beech·Nut, Libby's P....,- .rtie. WANTED ~W ...A7'N"'·'"T;;E;;D--,U.".nf~ish-'ed~tw=-o... bed-.--roo-~-a-pa-rt.,.. urgently needed by three wprking • ••••• STRAINED Mis. Laura Lee Hopkins. y bartering away our liberty. For chorus. choir, Women's Athletic South Chester road, received her progress means change, and Ii- Association, Frosh orientation com .. Jerty .means change, and change is mission, and served as junior guide lhvays difficult to take .... \Vher· ·Miss Wilson majored jn music edu· Due te.. th'e severe winter, checking ;!ver there is a vested interest in a cation at the College of Fine Arts. front wheel aliP:IllItDt i. YeI'J' im .. ROSE Richard S. Hoot of Lafayette particular form of employment or VALLEY porf,1mt. source of income, whether in busi- avenue, who graduated from Tulane ness, agriculture, or labor, there is University last week was' a three 1 to 7 P. M. Saturday, June 12 antigonism to change. Wherever letterman in football and lettered (Rain date June 19) industry or government yields to for two years in basketball. Mary S. Harper, daughter of this pressure, freedom gives way at OLD MILL· OD ROle Valley Road Variety t.Lles. actiYitiea to regimentation, competition to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Harper of monopoly, and progress to stagna- Glen Mills, w~o prepared fer coISuper Cushion Tires tion .... We must keep .the door lege at Swarthmore High School, open to innovation, enterprise, will be a candidate for her bachenew~lood and ideas." lor of arts degree at Middlebury Dr.. Wilcox cited the obligation College on Monday. A member of of a democracy to provide equal the Mountain Oub, Star Gazers .Photographs opportunity. "We carry, on our re- Club, chorus, Music Appreciation cord, 'one black mark. Wherever Club and the Women's Athletic As. for the one defends our country again;t her sociation, she worked for four years H$UID critics, at home. or abroad, he has with the community Girl Scouts and to answer to the charge that we was a member of the' donnitory CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH discriminate against minorities. house board. Cheater Road &: Yale'AYeDIIe "Outstanding for Quality" Jessie W. Gilbert daughter of Mr. This discrimination is shameful and dangerous .... 1f we believe in the and Mrs. P. G. Gilbert of Park 6 E. FRONT ST. MEDIA SwuthDlore 1250 PHONE M38 virtues of" a free society, we must avenue, received her bachelor of practice .them. We ~ust allow di- arts degree from Pennsylvania Colversity; we must tolerate heresy; lege for Women on Afonday mornwe nlust encourage freedom of ing. She also received the $50. athought and speech. H_ere is an an- "of the John Hanson Me'morial Ath. swer. to· communism j here is a Ietic Fund for aU-round sports. task for America: to lend support manship and satisfactory academic to democratic governments wher- standing. . Wh.w a wonderful feeling ••• ever freedom is attacked; to pro. Arthur W. Collins of North mote positive programs of econo- I Chester road will receive the degree -to be able to take out just a few ~ic bette"rment and social "ameJiora_!"Of ~ache~or of science in electrical happy minutes to shop for tion. throughout the world: to de- engmeermg from the \Vorcester your wholl! wardrobe at the easy-to. monstrate the capacity of a free Polytechnic Institute at the comreach, just-around.the.comer society to maintain high standards 111ericement exercises tomorrow. Joyce Lewis shop. Isabel A. Myers, daughter of Mr. of living, to achieve industrial stability, to reconcile security and a~d .!Irs. Clarence A. Miers of progress, to ~Hord real opportun. DJcklDson avenue, is a candidate ity to all its people and, whatever fo~ the degree of bachelor of arts at obstacles it may encounter, to p~e- Middlebury College. During her serve its essential liberties. These four yearf there she was a mern• Dresses things we can do. ber of the college newspaper staff Separates j'But we sHall need a reaffirma- Library Club, French Club, lIoun~ tion of faith in the fundamental va- tain Club, German Club, and the ACC9550ries lues of freedom .... for freedom, if \Vomen's Athletic ASSOciation. A it is. to live, must be passionately scholastic leader, she was a dean's believed and deeply fett •.•. We hOl1or list student for two years Lovely wearable. for suburbi... have it" in our inheritance. "\Ve and this year was elected to Phi must find it in our hearts." Beta Kappa. Among the local graduates were Barbara Bartlett Kent, daughter SWARTHMORE I THE Friday, June 11, 1948 SWARTHMORE HIGH 8WAinrr ;'OR~' Of COu v/W SWARTHMOREAN SCHOOL . LI " " 194· GRADUATING I COLLEGE GRADUATES I l I I Wheel Alignment Our Heartiest .~ . , Congratu- ,"I--.rj . . ,;.-.' ,.. ~·)jgIJ. , .. " ' " __ C o " , lations ROUND.UP INSPECTION to the & Waite Class F. F. ZIMMERMAN ~- .. ~ wudtlt rr of Nancy Steele Anderson Elijah Baughn, Jr. Rodney Duval Bray Kenneth Childrey Charles Lovett Andes, Jr. Rosemarie Anne Beneke Joseph Brown Joseph Earl Ball Gerald Berkowitz John James Baron, Jr. Mildred Elaine Bernard Ralph Lyman Brown, Jr. Helen Irene Chaiken David Curtiss Collins Richard Crowther 1948 Joan Kathryn Davisson .. • • ~. 1] Swarthmore CUSTOM TAILORING LADIES and MEN'S SUITS and COATS 0504 Reaaonable Prices Telephone HARRIS & CO. Tailors and Furriers RE·L1NING RE·MODELING RE·FINISHING BEST LUCK OF TO THE CLASS OF '48 S. CHESTER ROAD Be:Jl Wi:Jhe:J to The Class Michael's College No. 11 Park A"..Due Swarthmore. P .. of Reasonable Price. Dry Cleanen Pharmacy '48 FUSCO and ALSTON "On the Corner" Studebaker Sales & Service SO. CHESTER amI FAIRVIEW ROAD FRANK Phone Swarthmore 9793 the barber Judith Dickson Teel Dunn INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ... ",.-"'i., 8 r Wilcox Charts THE William Black, James Pierce, Fre~cri~k Green, Edward Bass~tt, Cntinued from Page 1 Spofford, Ga\'lJl . O l D 'Joseph c.1 H Gary, 'k JWIlIin than a strong one with Russia lam 5 cr, 3,'1 3\' c, ames out". Bowditch, Grisclla Hall. Dr. \Vilcox sees no prospect jOt peace or real security for a 10118' :itnc.. He reC{,tll1I11CnUS a "strong, iirm, patient, wise, just" attitude toward H.ussia. "\Vc must promote positivc programs of economIc devolopmcnt, social welfare, .1Ilt! uuman rights throughout the worhl. :\bove all, we must demollstrate Jur ability to abolish poverty. proviue opportuility, and maintain irccdoUl within our own borders. [his is ollr best defense against communism. "Our lirst and l1Iost COLLEGE GRADUATES Jean G. Hue)" daughter of :Mr. and A:lrs. William R. Huey 01 Dickinson avenue will be a candidate for a bachelor of arts degree at Middlebury College on difficult Monday. While at Middlebury she problem is the maintenance of in- was a member of the \\'oman's Asdustrial stability. \Ve stand now sembly, Mountain Club, College It the peak of a post-war boom, Choir, \Vomen's Forum, Student financed in large part, by exports Action Assembly. \Vinter Carnival ior reconstruction and expendi- COlllmittee ami Women's Athletic lures for rearmament. \Ve know Association. Miss Huey mojorec.1 in [hat our ecoJlomy is vulnerable. English and was a member of Pi But we can reject the communist Beta Phi sorority. prophecy that it will work its own Elizabeth Fox \VHson, daugbter :lestruction.' of .Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. \Vil"There is another danger.... son of Park avenue will be a candiIt is the danger that we place too date for a bachelor of arts de. :ligh a value on stability; that we gree at Syracuse Uni"ersity on purchase permanence at the cx- Monday. She is a member of Kappa jJcnse of progress; secure security Alpha Theta sorority, University 1»)' bartcring away our liberty. For chorus, choir, \-Vomen's Athleti~ progress means change, and H- Association, Frosh oricntation com)crty means change. and change is mission, and served as junior guide llways difficult to take ..•• \Vher- ·Miss \Vilson majored in music edu;:ver there is a \'cstcd interest in a cation at the College of Finc Arts_ particular form of employment or Richard S. Hoot of Lafayette ~oun;e of income, ,.,.hether in busi- avenue, who graduated irom 'Tulane ness, agriculture, or Jabor, there is University last lVeek was a three dntigonism to change. Wherever letterman in football and lettered industry or government yields to for two years in basketball. this pressure, freedom gives \Vay Mary S. Harper, daughter of to regimentation, competition to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Harper of monopoly, and progress to stagna- Glen Mills, who prepared for coItion .... \Ve must keep )he door lege at Swarthmore High School, open to innovation, enterprise, will be a candidate for her bachenewblood and ideas." lor of (;rts c.Iegree at Middlebury Dr. \Vilcox cited the obligation College on !londay_ A member of of a democracy to provide equal the Mountain Club, Star Gazers opportunity. "\Ve carry, on our re- Club, chorus, Music Appreciation cord, one black mark. Wherever Club and the \-Vomen's Athletic Asone defends our country against her sodation, she worked for four years critic5 1 at home or abroad, he has with the community Girl Scouts and to answer to the charge that We was n. member of the dormitory discriminate against minorities. house board. This discrimination is shameful and Jessie \V. Gilbert daughter of Mr. dangerous .. _.If we believe in the and Mrs. P. G. Gilbert of Park virtues of a free society, we must avenue, received her bachelor at' practice thelll. \-Ve must allow di.! arts degree from Pennsylvania Colversity; we must tolcrate heresy; i !ege f?r \Vomen on Monday morn· we must encourage freedom of She also received the $50- athought and speech. Here is an an- of the John Hanson Melnorial Athswer. to' communism; here is a Ie tic Fund for alI-round sportstask for America: to lend support manship and satisfactory academic to democratic governments wher-' standing. • ever freedom is attacked; to pro-I Arthur \V. Col1ins of North Ill?te positi\'c programs of econo- \ Chcster road '~'iII ~eceiv~ the degree nuc betterment and social ameliora. of bachelor ot SCIcnce JI1 electrical tioll throughout the world: to de- engineering from the \Vorcestd 1110nstrate the capacity of a free Polytechnic 111st1tute at the comsodety to maintain high standards mencelllelit exerciscs tomorrow. of living, to achic\'e industrial st1sabel A. Myers, daughter of Mr. ability, to reconcile security and I aI~d . .Mrs. Clarence A. Mjers of progress, to afiord real opportun- DICklJlson ~l\'enuc, is a candidate ity to all its people and, whatever I fo~ the degree vi bachelor of arts at ~b~tacl~s it mil Y • ellc,:mllt~r. to pre- i ~11ddl~hury C~l1(!gc. During her SCI vC! 11.5 essentIal liberties. These' tour )ear'f thele she was a mcUlthings we can do. her of the college newspaper staff "But wc sHall need a reaffirma- Library Club, French Club, 4\Ioun~ tioll oi iaith in the lundamental "a- tain Club. (Jcrmaii Club, and the lues of irccdolB .... ior freedom, if \\'omell's Athletic _-\ssociation. A it is 10 livc, must be passionately scholastic leader, she was a dean's belic~·cd. and deeply felt ... _\Vc I honor .list student ior two years havc It III our inherit.wec. \Ve I and thlS year was elected to Phi nUbt find it in our hearts." Beta l\.appa. Among the local graduatf.'s were Barbara Bartlett Kent, daughter SWARTHMOREAN Iof Afr. and Airs. Russell H. Kent of. Riverview road, received the de.. gree of master . .of arts at North-' western Um\'crslty yesterday. Betty uth ~lorsc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Harvard avenue and a graduate of I I bachelor of arts degree cum laude from Brothers College, Drew University at Madison N J on lfo n· day afternoon. A member of the campus newspaper staff, the Drcw- ' . . Eds, the Drew Fellowship program committee, the German Club, Swarthmore High School is among she was. also elected to Sigma Phi, the candidates for the degree of scholastic honorary society and to bachelor of arts at the WeUesley' Pi Gamma Mu, social sciences honI· I . College outdoor commencement cx- j orary raterlllty. erciscs next .Monday. i Mary Ann Hook, daughter of Betty Beagle of Princeton ave- Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hook of Westnue, had double honors, the \VSGA ?ale avenue, graduated from wmkey and the Etting Scholarship, Jam and Mary College in \-Villiamsconferred upon her lnstitute Day burg, Va. on Monday. During her at Drexel Institute of Technology four years she ' ...·as a member of on Thursday, June 3. the }'fonogram Cluh and the Y. \V. Colin SIator McLarty of ObcrJin C. A., and was the head of interavenUe was awarded the .\"tcrian program, particularly. in for c1inic cases. The request w~s ' 1.,ca'loll I 01 thc four' weeks, June 1-1 to granted 011 a trial one-year baSIS. the Xational Tuberculosis Associa., f' II [ re I'jfTIOUS C'( , • I Play Baltimore in t'IC Ie ( 0 , . " I C' I I ' \\'al"o Da,','"o,. alld Arthur)' ction 011 local attitl1dc~ and requireu 1'1 'I d I . J 11 Y 10, Swarthmore {) e~e 15 actl'rcdo\lsly he had becn 11 a C - II C ' k 'IPIle'tred beforc the Board League Opener mcnts in every county and state in ormac < • h' I N t" nal Con- ing as host to more than a hundred lliia director of t lC l a 10 , to requcst further study at t 15 the nation, to decide policies, and On 23rd i· . 'I'tailS and Jews, I stl1dent5 who have enrolled 10 • . - t .. ce of C_I Ins . tltlle by a J0111 comTlll'ttee of citito set tremIs ill tuberculosis conl~rell I C I -arlO Prc~by- two C:lS('-!'hHly cIJurses hcmg offcr, 1 S I 01 Board to in .... estiIn the iirst league game of the trol. ,I,d l)astor of t Ie a \ ' . . zen:-; an< • c 10. .. _ 0 A A L ' \V 'lcote. ed hy the AmerIcan Inshtute of gate the POSSlblhty of erechng a lIew season the Sun il , . aKurtzhalz first came to the Philaterian Church at )fl the Uni\'er- Real Estate Appraisers. Students fence and additional stands at the crosse team, under the capable delphia Tuberculosis and Health As1, ' a graduate 0 • I J oe Kailier, of • II" u prillce-I far away as III"11l0lS all( I I'utgcrs sociation in 1925 as health educa, le IS. P y1\'allia a ,. , _'\venue field. lhe propos- management 0 '11 ~Ity 01 ell.ns S : y and re- \ Irglllta have come to attend the 1 'lddition would supply more Xorth Chester road, \VI engage tion secretary. After serving in this '1'1 eolog 1cal ennnar . k' C( < fiB I L toU I d gree of doc-' first two-wee seSSIOn. seating accommodations for spec- the power u a tlmore a :10 position for three years he did ,','''d an ' 'I I 118 tators and would provide, ' . ' th er of these action Cl.'l.... d' honorary - 'I from e Beaver C 0 IThe first course, III w' IIC 1 " It 'IS I e IIJ CI U I J mana simi1ar work elsewhere, returning tor of IV1l11 y ' (eslgnate I' d A ppral- r.onsidcrahlc addlltona , , I 'lncome Ior pac k-e d gam e s Ihat speclators find to become director of thf> aS5uciaare enrolle d • IS lege. sal I-PdnciplC".5 anci Procedures adequate c(luilJrnent for boys wh::> so thrilling. The fracas will be tiOl~ in 1937. • • Applicable to the Valuation of ~1l participate in sports. staged under artificial light 5tartTypes 0; Real Property, AppratsWith the close of Ihe school ing al 8:15 p, m_ on Wednesday, ~I II-:-~fcthod and Techniques, of year three memhcrs 01 Ihe leac~- June 23, at Andy 11adluhlrie AppralslIl,:{ Investment Properties, ing staH have resigned and wIll Field, Concord road, Felton"meool scheduled for the last two weeks, not return next year. They are scat of the Sun Oil Employees AthCharles Keenen 0 { Harvard ave· Summer music, instruction will Barbara and Sandra Crosset is a more advance~ course for Dorothy Adams, high school teach- lctic Association: 1\ue. G' Peel which the enrollmcnt IS only scven- er of English, who is going to CaliBoth tcams WIll- fcah~rc the play be offered by the Swarthmore tnny I I,,'oley Creek road, o \. d Ginny's ty, tornia; Helen Gr:wdhDmme, sixth of renowned ex-collegla~s dwlhlOSC schools this year for the first time I Columbia avenue an These course:;, 5pollso~'ed by the h d d ,v,'th the crosse game t em grade College Avenue teacher, w 0 ee s • it was announced by Robert ~L t' " Jean Van Nest of East I'ISI, ' ltlte frOlll tinle to time at vard f llC all(1 "lory 'fl,e Balhmore COl1:;ln N J are members of a is going to East Orange; an al ~. 'lOllS C011C"C5 and lIniversiies thrOrange, 1 . • 1 CI b ' DacI,e,1 by the famous Holm, director of instrumental " b " Theresa A. Young, elementary su· U lS C work in the borough schools. The group of 15 who win sail Ju.l~ ?n (JI,gIIOI11 Ihe eountn_', arc designed B hi Pool "'ho donated tl,e troplly lleryisor, who is to be married. 0 )Y tile Britannic to visit fanllhes m as training and refreshcr course:; I ' I 's nalll lor "'hich II,e program which will run concurrentA rel)Ort on the medical examin- )earll1g 11 t e I tl B 'liast Ireland and environs und~r fo- r men active!l' engaged in the 0 I t Jy with the other summer school of, the memhers of the teams compe e so 10 Y. w n atiol1s " UI Amenthe auspices of the sterTeal estate husilless and for -lawyb I S 0'1 A A t aas l classes from June 21 until July 30 teachinO'T and maintenance staff inyear y t le . 11n J . • en. will be " .. ithout charge. Plans call ers and itlYestmcnt brokers whose n :fl f 'f I d U I call Youth League. dicatcd that practically aU of them, ~ree ormcr ~V .ary a~ , s ?rs for individual lessons for beginChaperoned by Mrs. William work tonches on this field. . . are in the startmg hne-up; Jdes I" b d I I The American Institute of Real wlthl1l the past two years, Evcning'- American Legion Jr. Team vs Norwood.... lvcrVlCW 'Ie the Swarthmore Xational Bank to son Stuart at Oberlin College over Lee Swan, Howard Shearer, Bill TUESD -'\Y , JUNE _1 Hoot and Charlie Grier. s'warth22mOre Presbyterian CI,urcl, Continued on Page 10 t IlC wee k enu. 8:15 P. M.-Organ Recital .......... REAL ESTATE IS ~~':0:':i~:,~, COLLEGE COURSE )\"J)':~ 1948 Planning Fireworks SWARTHMOREANS I IN BOX LACROSSE Swarthmore Running I :.' . u ,', , '. ~~,;;:\ • .,.-.; ;\; .~'-';, :".--1.: I.i •• May ::...0" all your Wishes Doria Walker 8hlll<,I' GeOl'ge ilileman Stol'ck George Scott Thorbahn Elaine Louise WhelTY Phyllis Bottomley Smith Suzanne Crawford Surrick Harriet Ann Turner Cal'Olyn Wilcox Doris Snell Nancy Elizabeth Syl\'l\lluS Harry Knight Warren Allen Prescott Willis, J 1', Lesley Sleigelman Mary Louise Thayer Mary Alice West Raymond Patterson Wilson,Jr, SUCCESS To tile 1948 TO THE CLASS OF 1948 Gradllate With the smcere wish that all your Congratlliations ambitions will be fulfilled Be Fulfilled • HANNUM & WAITE I I Exchange VISitors To Ireland. I Schools Offer Summer Music Instruction l THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR I I I Yule and Chestel' Road '!~' ,. " ! - Helen Clark Reed NicholaR 1\lercUl' Saitto Harris & Co. B. J. HOY 5 AND 10c STORE 2 Park A venue Swarthmol'e SWUl'thnlOl"e 1250 I .-,- THE SWARTHMORE HIGH Swarth more, SWARTHMOREAN SCHOOL Friday, June 11, 1948 GRADUATING CLASS 1948 OF pa. SUMMER RECREATION OPENS ~EXT THE SWARTHMOREAN MONDAY MORNING • Success to the Class of 1948 • May all your Wishes Doria Walker Shuler Phyllis Bottomley Smith Doris Snell Lesley Steigelman George Hileman Storck Suzanne Crawford SUl'l'ick Nancy Elizabeth Sylvanus Mary Louise Thayer George Scott Thorbahn Harriet Ann Turner Harry Knight Warren Mary Alice West Elaine Louise Wherry Carolyn Wilcox Allen Prescott Willis, Jr. Raymond Patterson Wilson,Jr. SUCCESS Congratulations TO THE To the 1948 CLASS OF 1948 Graduate With the sincere wish that all your ambitions will be fu!filled Be Fulfilled • HANNUM & WAITE I Yale and ! Chester Road ,.j Harris & Co. Helen Clark Reed Nicholas Mereur Saitto B. J. HOY 5 AND 10c STORE 2 Park Avenue Swarthmore Swarthmore 1250 OR. CUTLER GOING Planning Fireworks It,SCHOOL BOARD , TO BOONTON, N. 1. ~~~":r~:s~~ t~e ~~:~i:g~:P~~r~~ IN JUNE MEETING Since many residents have eviden- of July, the Swarthmore Business Presbyterian' Pastor Association is trying to arrange a revival of this ,local custom. ConCame to Boro tributions toward the purchase o~ the fireworks can be left at The In 1946 Swarthmorean Office, l\Iichael's, or The Rev. Dr. H. Lewis Cutler Buchner's who has been in charge of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church since the death of Dr. Da\'id Braun s{llUC months ago, will lcave the borough September I for the First Presbyterian Church ill Boonton. l'I, J. Dr. Cutler came to Swarthmore in December, 19-16 ,to be associated with Dr. :ijrann in the local Presl,,'terian program, particularly in tile field of religious education. PrcyioUSly he had been Philadelphia dir'ector of, the National Conference of Christians· and Jews, stor of the Calvary Presbyan d ..... 1-'A , n Church a! Wyncote.: lena U . ' a graduate ' of the mverH e 1S . 't of Fennsylvania.' and PnuccSlY· -. dreton Theological Semmary an ceived an honorary degree of doctor of 'divinity from Beaver, Col- p.oo YEAR SWARTHMORE. PA. FRIDAYJUNE 18. 1948 VOL _NO. Z5 REAL ESTATE IS COLLEGE Swarthmore Running Month's Summer Institute Resignation of Three Teachers Greets Directors , At its June mce~ing on Tuesday night of this week, the Swarthmore School Board received a request from the Community Health Society for permissi~n to use the dental room in the high school- building . community denta I cI"mlc. for , the Have You Any Posies? KURTZHALZ HEAD OFNAT'l CONF. Locai contributions of Flowers for the Flowerless handled this year through· the garden" ;ection of the Womau's Club with }OIrs. D. Reed Gccr as chairman, should be left in buckets provided for them on the clubhouse porch on Wednesday afternoons and evenings. During June, July, A~gust, and and September members of the garden section ",-ill collect the buckets at 9 a. m. Thursdays and drive the flowers to the Philadelphia General 'Hospital to cheer otherwise flowerless patients. u. S. Tuberculosis Assoc; Names Boroite Charles Kurtzhalz, of Park avenue, director of the Philadelphia, Tuberculosis and Health Associalion, was elected president of the National Conference of Tuberculois Secretaries, The election took place at the 44th annual meeting of SWARTHMOREANS :::e~~~:i~~lu~~;~U~O:ij~:s~~ation ~~u:i~~~ti:'; :::a~~~! ~~:kS:orv:~;= IN BOX LACROSSE :i~~~~io:e~;e~e:~it~~.a~:n;~:g~:t :~~ Under the plan, Swarthmore would 'join "dtl~ several surrounding com- I .. ' The conference, a professional for clinic cases. The request was Untted States, advJses dIrectors of granted on a trial one-year basis., Play Baltimore in the National Tuberculosis Associa\Valdo Davison and Arthur Metion 011 local attitudes and requireCormack appeared before the Board League Opener 'ments in every county and state in to request further study at this th'e nation, to decide policies, and time by a joint committee of citito set trends in tuberculosis conzens and School Board to investiIn the iirst league game of the trot. gate the possibility of erecting a new season the Sun Oil A. A. La- Kurtzhalz first came to the Philafence and additional stands at the crosse team, under the capable delphia Tuberculosis and Health AsRutgers Avenue field. The propos- management of Joe Kahler, of soeiation in 1925 as health edncaed addition would supply more North Chester ,road, will e,ngage tion secretary. After serving in this seating accommod~tions fo'r spec- the powerful Baltimore Lacr?sse position for three years he did tatar's and wOQld pi·, it is felt, CI~b in anothe~, of ~bese actl?n- similar work elsewhere, returning considerable. additioD~ ,jl1cC?m~ ,_ .~~t ~p!lcke,d _games _that spec:~~or~ iln~_ .to t>,e~QJne' dir,ector of th,t;" associalege. adequate equipment lor bOys who so thrilling. The fracas wdl be lion in 1937. participate in spqrts. ' staged under artificial light start---;,_--With the close of the school ing at 8 :15 p. m. on Wednesday, year three members of the t'each- June 23, at Andy MacMu.htrie ing staff have resigned and will Field, Concord road, FeltonvJlle •. not return next year. They are seat of the Stin Oil Employees Ath-. Charles Keenen of Harvard aveDorothy Adams, high school teach- Ietic Association. , Summer music. instruction win Barbara and Sandra Crosset nue, G' P el er of English, who is going, to CaliBoth teams will feature the play be offered by the Swarthmore of Ridley Creek road, mny. e, ' a', Hele'. Grandhom,ne, sixth of renowned ex-collegians whose h ' year for the first time forn, of Columbia avenue and Gmny s sc 00 sithlS grade College Avenue teacher, who deeds with the crosse gained them it was announced by Robert M. cousin Jean Van Nest of East is going to East Orange; and fame and glory., The Baltimore Holm, director of instrumental Orange N. J. are members, of a Theresa A. Young, elementary su- Club is coached by the famous work in the borough schoo1S. The group ~f 15 who will sail J~I~ 1 ?n pervisor, who is to be married: Bobby Pool who donated the trophy program which will run concurrentthe Britannic to visit fanubes 10 A ,report on the medical examin- bearing his name for which the Jy with the other summer school Belfast, Ireland and environs und~r o,f, the members of the teams compete so hotly, won last 'classes from June 21 until July 30 ations the auspices of the Ulster-AmerIteaching and maintenance staff in- year by the Sun Oil A. A. team. will be without charge. Plans call can Youth League. dicated that practicaUy aU of them, Three former Maryland U. stars '{or individual lessons for begiJ1Chaperoned by lIfrs. William within the past two years, as re- arc in the starting line-up j Jiles ners, a summer clinic band for the Stockton of Bryn Mawr the gr~up quired by law, had such examina- 'Freeman, Mark Mediary. and Jim more advanced players. a string also includes seven boys and gIrls ions and displayed a high record of ·Barhart. Two All-A~erlca~s are. ensemble program and elementary , lrom the lIfain Line and three from health. They will also participate f~om Duk.e U.. Tommy. Petit and theory and harmony classes for Chicago. in the chest X-ray which will be JIm CorrJgan. Ray ~lttl.esberger any interested musiciaps. A few Before returning to this countr.f given at the school the later part (who made All-South 10 h,s fresh- school owned instrum~nts are availon Aug:ust 23 the group will have of September by the Delaware man year) hails from Loyola, and able for loan on a trial basis. toured Scotland and England as County Tuberculosis Association. from Johns Hopkins comes Bernie Classes will meet during the morn_ well as Ireland, Jiving in hotels in At that time the older pupils of Hagberg. Othe~ fam~us names are ing five days each week. The averthe former places. the' school and the staff will be x- those of Goahe Sk,p Barry and age student will be in attendance rayed during the day, with' the All-American Bo~ :t:rcElroy. . two periods a week of from 25-45 of· the community being :Manager Kahler s list of stars Inminutes each. Students will be exmembers EXPRESSED THANKS invited to avail themselves of this' c,tudes the names of Johnny Crae- used during vacation periods and BEREAVED ' free serv,'ce ,'n the' late afternoon ~ler and Bill Streit from Penn, Gor- t h Rev. M. W. Frazier, pastor of e on yI requirement is t h at t h ey Mrs. Almeda L. Trauger, wife of and early evening. dy Bierman, Don Swann from Del- attend regularly white at home in the Wesley lIf. E. Church, wishes the late Rev. Jordon C. Trauger of ' Communication was received from aware, Bark McCormick and Bill Swarthmore .. to thank the citizens and the Registration will be ~londay June churches of Swar!hmore for' their PhHadelphia and mother of Mrs. Borough Council regarding the Piper from Swarthmore, Ed Belsupport in the $25,000 church ex- Gordon A. Meader of Riverview mutual use of the borough tractor, fietd and Jim Price from Penn ·21 at the high school Bandroom tension program drive, which is road, died Sunday, June 13 at the which wln be used by the borough State, Cornell Archbald from Syra- anytime between 9 and 12.' still going on. Plans' are now be- home of another daughter in Bri- for snow removal in the winter and cuse, Bill Ward from LaFayette, ing made for the build;ng of a par- gantine, N. J. The funeral was held on loan by the schoI district' for· Robbie Hopson from Dickinson, and Awarded Gold Buketbalb sonage. Tuesday in Atlantic City, N. J. the cutting of grass in thea summer Dick and Erv Kahler 1 The _Board agreed to cut the _grass from Swarthmore. The 90 pounders, team winners of certain borough properties in Baltimo~e wilt be seeking to of the invitation basketbaii tournaview of Council's permission to avenge the two lickings it took at ment held under the auspices of the FRIDAY. JUNE 18 ... use this new tractor with the school the hands of the Oilers last season. Chester Y. III. C. A. last month, wert:: awarded gold basketballs Evening- Hornets vs EastLansdowne ................ RIverView Fteld distrIct mowing equipment. SUNDAY. JUNE 20 _ I Communication from the school Mr. F. P. Jones with his daugh- at the honor dinner held last ThursII :00 A. ilL-Morning Worship ...................... Local Churches solicitor, ad1(ised that the School ter ~1iss Rosamond Jones attended day. Those participating were Bob . MONDAY, JUNE 21 ..'. Board set up an imprest fund at the commencement exercises of his McHenry, manager, Bob Allison, Evening- American Legion Jr. Team vs Norwood .... RIverVIew Field h S h N' I B k TUESDAY. JUNE 22 t e . wart more "allona an to son Stuart at Oberlin College over Lee Swan, Howard Shearer, Bill Hoot and Charlie Grier. the weekend. 8 :15 P. lIf.-Organ Recital .......... Swarthmore Presbyterian Church ContlOued 0.". Page 10 Exchange Visitors To Ireland For'the four ,,:ceks, J~ne 14 to July 10, Swarthmore Coliege is actjng as -host to more than a hundred students who have enrolled in two case-study courses being offered by the American Inst~tute of Real Estate' Appraisers. Students from as far away as Illi.nois and Virginia have come to attend the first two-week session. The first course, -in which' 118 are .C:P!'-911ed, is desjg~at_e4. ~I?pr~i.:" sal I-Principles and Procedures Applicable to the Valuation of All Types of Real Property. Appraisal II-llfethod and Techniques of Appraisinf{' Investment Properties, scheduled for the last two weeks, is a l more advanced course for ".'hicll the enrollment is only seventy. These courses, sponsored by the Institute from time to time at various colieges and -universiies throughout the .country, are designed as training and- - refresher courses for men; actively engaged in the real estate business and for-lawyers and investment brokers whose work touches on this field. The American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers is a division of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. Sponsors of this particular session are the Philadelphia Real Estate Board, the Delaware County Real Estate Board, and the Philadelphia chapter of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers in cooperaion with tha Chester Real Estate Board and the Main Line Board of Realtors. On 23rd . Schools Offer Summer Music Instruction 1 -......:=-__________________________ THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR I THE I SWAItTHMOREAH Mr. and Mrs. William H. Geh- pearls and orange blossoms and she gowned in gray chiffon over pinle. \Of Moylan-Rose Valley, announce ring of University place will en- carried a white satin prayer book She wore a pink tulle hat and a 'M Ed d E Thomas fiance of the engagement of their-daughter, tertain at a buffet supper party for with white orchids and streamers corsage of pink carnations. . r. J warUII';'an of Park ave- Miss Barbara E. Jarden, and Mr. Mrs~ Hopson wore al) orchid M'5Sune the bridal party on Wednesday. of white satin. ' Tayor, l J' . . today from .his home J. F ranCl6 r., son 0 fM r. chiffon gown ,vith a small orchid Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Daley Miss Marjorie Spow of Harris",ue, arr.ves M J F . T I f in Richmond, Ind., to remain in and. rs. . rancls ay or, 0 will entertain at an informal party burg, who acted as maid of honor, and purple ribbon hat and a deep Swarthmore during the festivities Wallingford. on Thursday afternoon before the a gown of white French em· purple orchid corsage. • A reception at the Rolling Green which precede the wedding on June . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Wil. rehearsal for the bridal party' and broaidered organdy over pink satClub followed the ceremony. Golf son of Park avenue announce the out of town guests. in made with a tight bodice, low 26. After a two week honeymoon Mrs. Arthur W. Kent spent last engagement of their daughter EIiAfter the rehearsal Mr. and Mrs. scalloped neckline; cap sleeves and in the Poconos, Mr. and Mrs. Hop. weekend at Ithaca, N. Y. where zabeth to F. Kirkman Foster, son William Barker Bullock ,will give full'skirt. She carried an old fasson will be at home at SOS E. Jefshe attended the 45th reunion of of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Fos- a dinner party at Rolling Green for hioned bouquet of pink camellias her class at Cornell University. ter of Syracuse, N. Y. the bridal party, the out of town and pink carnation. with matching ferson Stree in Media. While Mrs. Anne Austin is out of Miss Wilson is a member ,of the guests and members of the families. flower. in her hair. Mr. Robert G. Hopson, brother CHRISTENED town, Mrs. Kent is occupying her graduating class of Syracuse Uniapartment at 224 Park avenue., versity where she majored in musDIMELER-BERNARD of the groom, served as best man. Mr. and Mr3. Harry L. Bernard Mrs. and Mrs. Robert M. Walker ic education and is a member of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Bernard The ushers were Mr. William Ward of Union ave. entertained on Sunand three chldren of, Whittier place the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. of Union avenue anriounce the mar- IV of South Chester road, Mr. day following the christening 01 will spend the summer at Duxbury, Mr. Foster, an upper Junior in riage 01 their daugl1ter Elsie John Lewis Eavenson of Strath their grandson Brian Lowe1l Warns' Mass. the College of Business Adminis- Frances to Mr. Eugene Dimeler, Haven avenue, Mr. J. Francis Tay- ley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup tration at' Syracuse University, is son 01 Mrs. Bertha Dimeler of lor, Jr. of Moylan and Mr. Donald H. Wamsley of Folsom. Dr. 'Roy 01 Haverford avenue will again affiliated with Phi Kappa' Psi fra. Media, which took place at '\ 0'- Lee McCabe of Ardmore. N; Keiser performed the ceremony The mother of the bride was in the Swarthmore Mehodist Church, spend the summer at \Vallingford, teroily and is a member of both the clock on Saturllay, June S. Vt. . Yarsity footoall squad and the track Tpe oride, in an aqua suit with Dr. and Mrs. J. Russell of team. He served for 27 months in white accessories and a corsage of Elm. avenue entc,rtained Professor the South Pacific as a member of gardenias, was attended by }{iss and :Mrs, John Orchard of COIUm-\the U. S. Army. ' Mildred Stroup of Philadelphia, who wore a brown suit with yellow bia University and Professor Newlin R. Smith of Tufts College Oyer Attendants Named accessories and ,a corsage of yelthe weekend. . The marriage of :Miss 1I.Iary Dure, low roses. I\k Horace H, Hopkms, Jr. ar· daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr. James Dimeler of Parkside riye.t1 Tuesday from Bc~kelcy, Frankliu Dure of Ogden avenue, served as uest man for his brother. Cahf., to serve as an usher III the, to l\Ir. Page Michaux Bullock son A reception at the home of the wedding party of hisf sister, ~liss: of 1\lr. and Mrs. '''illiam B~rkcr bride's parents followcd the cereLaura Lee I-Iopk~ns, this after- I Bullock of Cedar lanc, witt take mony. .. ~lOon: Before. he fhes back to Cal- place at 4 o'clock on Friday after-, After a short honeymoon the IIOrIna he WIll spend a few days noon, June 25, in Trinity Church: young couple will reside at 15 Balti~ at Cape Cod, l\iass. l\lrs. Anse Hade Speairs of Law- morc avenue in 1Iedia. Mrs. Harold ~larch of Elm avc- ton, Oklahoma, cousin of lHss HOPSON-RUNKLE Hue left Thursd.ay, June 10, for Dure, will act as matron of honor. Trinity Episcopal 'Church formed Packers Corners, VI.' Dr. March Th e l,r'd 1 esmal'ds WI'II 0 e '{' .1\ ISS J can the setting for the candlelight wedwill join her in • Vermont after he '.1\ [ ' GeIlnng . U' • • • anon 0 f mverSI'ty ding Saturday afternoon with the hmshes conductmg honors Rexam.- p Iacc, 'i' ., .., ISS SlIe Ib y ..'{ \ ac k ay J 0 h n. two o'clock ceremony which made llabollS at the UmverSlty of oches· son 0 f \V es t por, t Cann., 'I' 1.\ ISS D U I~ ter. . . cy Collyer Thomas of Scranton, Miss Natalie Anne Runkle, daughter 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I\fr. and Mrs. Raymond P. 'V.I. d an d M'lSS M ary F ranees H agan of of Mr. Roy E. Runkle and Mrs. n Albert Goho of Harrisburg, the son of. ParkR avenue,d accompame H un t'IDg t on, \" J d " "est " a. bride of Mr. Davis Brower Hopby tbelr son aymon, r. an ".rs. M W'll' B k B II k J \Vilson's brother Mr. Aubrey Y. . f. 1 lam ar er u DC I ~. son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, dro,'c to Syracuse, N. Y. WIll serve as best rna?" f~r hiS G. Hopson of Rutgers avenue. The on Sunday to attend the commen- brother. The ushers ~.ll tnclude Rev. George Christian Anderson cement exercises at Syracuse Uni- another brother, ~r. Richard Byrd officiated. BEAUTY SALON versity and the graduation of their B.ullock, Mr. Curbs Randolph HudThe bride, who was given daughter Betty. gm., GJr:ffo.fhNoMrfolkF' Va., Mr. Wal- marriage by her. father, wore a ter n It ac arland III of B ....uty ~or the Alki... French embroidered gown of white ENGAGED Huntington Valley and Mr. John organdy fashioned with a fitted Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Hillis of Francis Daley, Jr., Mr. Allen Mc- bodice, a high round neckline, cap Call Swarthmore 0476 Gill Daley, Mr. Gordon Whipple the Swarthmore Apartments an- Douglas, Mr. Holland Rhoads Say- sleilv,"s and wide skirt with a long , Chester Road nounce the engagement of their re and Mr. Steven Frederick Speno train. Her mitts were of the same daughter Miss Jane Walter Hillis cer, all of Swarthmore. material. Her fingertip veil' of illusto Mr. Clifford Milton Bryant, son Miss Anne Bradford of Swarth- ion fell from a coronet of seed of Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant more avenue entertained recently ------------------~ a 1 S ou tl1 Ch es t er roa d . \ . . honor of FOR 'at a surprISe shower m tt W f t d J anc, a gra ua e a es own M' D School and Harcum Junior College u,rVe' l C G'I d I . , . d h d .1\ rs. a ter . I cs an ler ~I m Bryn z',aw~, er e- daughter Miss .Priscilla Giles of gree at the R u t' gers avenUe are glvmg . . . 'Umvers.ty of Pennsyl• a Iunc h - Call va111~. . She IS now 'an, occupational '10 M):'S. LIoyd E • Ka uf f man R h b"Ii' eon today al Bowlmg Green I eraIP!St,'at Ch'ld t.• . I re~ s e a • ta- honor of Miss Dure. SWARTHMORE 2080 I;:==============::-~===-:=--:..:..---:..::.:..::...:::=::: LET US LUBRICATE l YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP The Bouquet \~~::i~~::::~~~::~~:~~:~~~:::::; hon Balhmore Cliffnstltute receivedmhis degree inMd. mechanical engineering at Swa~thmore College and is now connected with the General Electric Company in Philadelphia. J ~s[s FOR YOUR SAKE MAGAZINEN SUBSCRI Pl 0 S i~~'~=============.=i-;ri==========:=:==~ Mr. and Mrs. George H. Jarden, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' NOTICE we will be Mf:DIA • Last 2 days Friday and Saturday MAUREEN O'HARA ROBERT YOUNG and that Champion Baby Sitter CLIFTON WEBB "SITTING PRETTY" OPEN SUNDAYS Feature at 2 :35 7 :35 9 :40 FROM 11:00 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M. --_._--------- FOR THE SALE OF OUR OWN MAKE ICE CREAM, SHERBETS AND DELICIOUS ASSqRTED BUTTER COOKIES. Sunday and Monday JVe are carrying a: full line of NORRIS Srwrme,. candies, indudinK thR"r delinofu DELLA ROBBIA MINTS THE "CAKE BOX" CHESTER and F.AIRVIE\V ROADS THEATRE SQUARE Daily Deliveries Swarthmore 3243 J WALLACE BEERY "ALIAS A GENTLEMAN" Tuesday and \Vcdncsday BARBARA STANWYCK VAN' HEFLIN "B. F'. DAUGHTER" AIR·CONDITIONED .lll1I11111111111111111111l1111111l11111l11111\·!;;===========~ , Colle~e Theatre Friday and Saturday .. When you are examined by a \ 'physician, and take his prescrip- " JEANETTE MacDONALD JOSE ITURBI "THREE DARING DAUGHTERS" in technicolor Saturday Matinee I t.lJ.e interc:t of public health. Neither is self- Monday and Tuesday BETTE DAVIS • in "WINTER MEETING" sh.cuId have a family physician to whom you can OLIVIA de HAVILAND "TO EACH HIS OWN" Starting Thursday CLIFTON WEBB "SITTING PRETTY" sufficient. Each is dependent upon the other. You turn in times of illness. Be sure that he is a licenoed M.D. Then bring his prescriptions to us. Compounding prescriptions is a responsil:i1ity which ~!l we gladly, accept. r Michael's College Pharmacy ON THE CORNER TIMELY ADVICE '- , " ) I I' Recital Held at Clubhoule T~e second annual re~ital by t~e pupils of Charles Izuml local PIana tcac~er was held on "Vednesday evemng, June 16, at the Swarthmore "Voman's Club house. Severa] parents took part in this pro~ gram. Gordon Lange was vocal soloist. The following pupils played in the concert. I The Church School meets on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Mr. I S, W. Johnson, superintendent. Classd are provided for children of all ages and for adults. At the morning service at 11, the minister will preach on 'IChrist's Law of Increase." The Junior Church meets at the I Church THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DII.crOI. o. JUNaAU 1820 CHESTNUT STREET , , Devine Taxi Service ' NoAaY It. IAUI, Pt ..... ,------- To the I D. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES The far.sighted individual plans in advance of actual need. While , health permits what is more timely than to seek guidance and advice for a future necessity. Ask about our pre-al1'anged funeral Plan-there is no obligation. I This is your Your A da,.. Wedding SWaRTHMORE PRESBY'n:RIAN CHURCH Re.... H. Lewis Cutler Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 20 11:00 A. M.-Dr. Ilion T. Jones "Volun· tary Righteousness" ed of. • .planned for. We know you'D want everything p ~r f • c t particularly the f1owera. We'll be ~ht­ ed to talk _ all your plana and help you in every pouible wa,. ,Ai Baltimo.... Phone Pike Swarthmore Springfield 0450 Swarthmore, Pa: "". I Serving Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 Phone: Swarthmore "We Telegraph Flowers" _NOVELTY &: DECORATIVE CANDLES- 0444 Thursday, June 24 The $I.OO-Serve Yourself -- All You Want , METHODIST CHURCH !toy N. Keiser. 1l.D .. Minister 11:01) A. :'.f.-Holy Communion. ll.-llorning I;'rayer jlud SPRING SUPPER Come Enjoy YO.llr Favorite Dishes STRATH HAVEN INN I Se~on ~~;;;;:;;;;~~;;:;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:=::;::;;;;;;;;::;;:=~~~~:::::- R5~ICf\?r~~D~OCIETY THE 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 SUNDAY. JUNE 20 11 :00 A. }'1.-Meeting for \Vors1!ip. • 11 :00 A. }.I.-Children cared for tn Wh,ttier House during' meeting. Fur - Fur trimmed Coats - Stored $2.00 Min. \VEDNESDAY. JUNE 16 9:30 to J:30-Sewing and Quilting in Cloth Garments - Blankets - Stored $,1.50 Min. "'hittier House Box Luncheon. All corrtially invited. Comforts and Pillows Recovered Don't Delay --, Store Your Gal'ments Now NOW- day I clay you've dream- Services 11 :rlO A. Children's Show Gene Autry in "SIOUX CITY SUE" Wednesday only THE, SWARTHMOREAN pharmacist work hand in hand i!:l the medical and pharmaceutical \ " professions. The physician and the maximum benefits from both p. m. ..-----------------------.---.---·-··--------.. --------=----------. SUNDAY, JUNE 20 10;00 A. ll:-Church School 11 :00 A. M.-"Christ's Law of Increase". SATURDAY, JUNE 19 2:00 P. :\I.-Picnic at Smedley Park TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson. Rector SUNDAY. JUNE 20 tion to a pharmacist, you secure s SWARTHMOItEAH Honey Elser, Satoko Izumi, Carol Ann Mosteller, Mary Jane Soden I Rickie Turner, Noel Turner, John PA. F.VERY FRIDAY, AT SWARTHMORE MacAlpine III, John MacAlpine , PtiBLISDED THE' SWARTHMOREAN, INC~ PUBLIS,HER ' Jr., Robert Gurin, Samuel Gurin, I" , Phone, Swarthmore 0900 'VaYllc Temple, John Darling, DonI4AllJORIE TOLD, Alsodate Editcr , ny Widdowson, 'Dorothy WiddowpETER E. TOLD, Editor Bicking, Advertising ~[anager : son, Mary Lou :McCorkel, John I Tb~ore' F. Lo_-_._lIl_c_Ca_rt_.r_ _ _ _ _ _R_OIO_U_._P_ei_.... _I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ed_I_'h_Wh_i_taker_ Fischer, Jamie McCorkel, Sally Entered as Second Clan Matter, ]anu&r7 24, 1929. at the PoI'l • Stockdale•. Helen 'Varren, Ann Office "at Swartbmore. Pa., UDder tile Act of Jdareb 3. 1819. :, Cooper, Donnie Poole, Jackie Gray, I' DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Christopher Reynolds, :l.!rs. Joseph ;'1 ---S::::=WA-:-::R::T::::If=M-:::~OR~E=:.::::P::A=.=:F=R;;ID;;:AY JUNE 18, 1948 ','I,' Reynolds, Betty Ann McCorkel, G Mrs: Roy McCorkel, ,M a r y ~ ..._.___.--___..__----.. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_....--..--_-_-__ -_-------.... --------~ Lou Gray, Reds Graham, Mrs. "Villi am Graham, Phoebe Balsley, j same hour in the chape. Connie Russell, Geraldine Crean, PRESBYTERIAN NOTES The Church Nursery . . ,is open I..yn Bernard, Spencer Carroll, h 'R'Ie h ar d Gurm, ' Gord on 1 Sunday morning at the tl o'clock durmg the mormng serv.ce. Mrs. J ane t L ync, Laura Hoover and Mrs. James '[ cAlp' S M h J U I'Ie 1 .., a me, usan . ars, service D~. Ilion T. Jones, Vice- s . . Lange, Barbara Shipherd, Clement president and professor of Practical tephens arc m charge. . Th)' ushers for th~ ~ay are Wdl· Malin, Jane llacAlpine, Ann MorTheology at the San Francisco mm H. Schultz, Wdham A. Beec-l se, Katherine Shipherd, David Lyn. Theological, Seminary will be tbe ham, Geo~ge Dunn, James Pitman ch, Sally Thornton, Aud/ey Graguest preacher. Dr. Jones' sermon . ham, Randall Malin, Eddie Abrams, will be "Voluntary Righteousness." and E. Ne.1 Shawhan. The Church School will hold their Joan 'Pennock, John Boyle, and The Church School has discon· picnic on Saturday at Smedley Robert Turner, Charles Stockdale, tinued meetings until Sunday, Sepand Mrs. Joseph Lynch. iember 19 at which time the new Park. All members and friends are inSchool year will begin. ' To Be In Featival The Church Hour Nursery held vited to attend. A "special section of the Park is reserved for the during the Church Hour will be Five members of the Swarthmore continued for the next two Sundays. School beginning at 2 o'clock. High School Band, Jane Allen, There will be choir practice held William Potts, Charles Laws, Paul TRINITY NOTES this week. Holy Communion will be, cele- Tarr and \Villiam Crouthers. are The ~urgical Dressings group taking part in the gigantic Inquirwill meet each Wednesday morning orated at 8:00 A. M. On Sunday. er Charities Festival tonight at .t 10 o'clock at the Church. Bring The Rector will reach at the 11 a.m, the Municipal Stadium. This group a sandwich and stay during the Service of Morning Prayer. Ushers is to be part of a huge 240 piece lunch hour. This group is in charge at the eleven o'clock Service include: R. G. Haig, head usher' R uhuman electric sign". Each inof Mrs. Harold Griffin. strument will be wired with "miThe Board of Trustees and the T. Bates; W. B. Bullock; S: niature electric lights and, at a Session of the Swarthmore Pres- Clyde; W. H. Jones; E. O. Lange; given signal, the entire band will , byterian Church announce with and A, E. Pritcl)ard. flash on, to outline various forma. regret that Dr. Cutler's resignations. tion has been received. Dr. Cutler CHRISTI-!\N SCIENCE CHURCH In adition to the conventional Ills The Universe, Including Man, has accepted a unanimous caU' to band instruments the group will the First Presbyterian Church of Evolved by Atomic Force?" is the utilize four elecric organs, 12 HerBoonton, N. J. and will begin his subject of the Lesson.Sermon in ald trumpets and several sets of all Churches of Christ, Sci~ntist, duties there on September I. Cathedral Chimes. In charge of the N',rsery School on Sunday, June 20. The Golden , Formations include a huge chapel f this Sunday will be Marian Rans- Text is: "Though there 'be that are complete with ringing bells as the caned gods, whether in heaven or burg atid Jane Allen. band renders Adam's "Bells of St. Mr. and'Mrs. Donald P. Jones at in earth, (as there be gods many, Mary's". the Harvard avenue entrance will and lords many,) bnt to us there assist Dr. Jones in greeting the is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we In congregation after the service. him" (I Corinthians 8 :5,6). ~ ---~aa NEWS NOTES I --__ THE MEN'S SHIRTS BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED L Sfc!Iet~ WeA' A Ir' I ~ 2. Top ~ Me*mieaJ Services For CompI.... eft·1IG P , • , . S P.- FAlj In .. We ILaos A e n ! • With Yo. PculudJotok L B _ I t Pa& lrills . . . ~ Cc ' - I._ $1.2& We 'II : •• ' c:M' M« P(}Il a: II \ ' 4 ' • ....... IIIM"83~_ - I THE Friday, J... III, INa, S,WARTHMOREAN at the Swatthmore High School, he will go into business in Philaercises of William and Mary Col- flower girl, Davis served as left yesterday to make her ho",e in delphia at t"e W. A. Clark Co., i. NEWS NOTES lege .. went to Hanover, N. H. last ring bearer 'and Mr. Moscrip gave Los Angeles, Calif. at present visiting friend. on a sug_ On ] u n e 8 Mrs. Robert weekend to get their son Dick who the bride away. Mr. and Mrs .. Russell M. Ileath oar plantation in New Orleans, La. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Robert Arnold of Arnold of Wallingford gave a sur- has just finished bis junior year at of Cedar lane are attending the' Mr. and Mrs. Gunther H. Frocbel Wallingford have returned from prise dinner party for Mr. Arnold Dartmouth. wedding and reception of Miss and their infant son, Steven Yerkes in honor of his birthday. Mr. ] ames E. Davis with his son an 18 day trip south. a week of Elizabeth Sibley and Mr. Harry ,Froebel spent 10 days visiting Mrs, which was spent at their farm ill Gavin Spofford of Ogden avenue John drove to Cambridge on May Kentucky and five days at The Barnes of SL Paul, Minn. whicb 'Froebel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. sailed from New York as a cadet Z8 to get his other son Frank who Homestead in Hot Springs, Va. will take place in New York City Earl P. Yerkes of S. Princeton ave., on the S. S. John Waterman. last has completed his freshman year Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Griffin of tomorrow evening. Mr. Dou~las prior to moving into an apartment Friday He will stop at ports in at Harvard University and has reRutgers avenue, who entertained Heath, who will usher at the wed- in Germantown in order to be Belgium, Germany and other places turned to his home on Amherst Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin and ding, and Mr. Barnes are Amherst Dear the Budd plant where Mr. during the summer and return to avenue for the summer. Froebel will be employed their two children over the holi- classmates. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Mos· attend graduate school in the fall Mr. and Mrs; Ferris Thomsen of Mrs. James S. Hayes of Walling_ day weekend, have returned from Mr. and Mrs. William Freegard crip and, children Martha Ann and North Chester road have gone to ford entertained recently at a a three day business trip to Rich. of North Swarthmore avenue had Davis of Dartmouth avenue left Holderness; N. H., to open their stork shower for Mrs. Samuel W. as their guests on Sunday Mr. ] une 6 for Roxborough, Pa., mond, Va. 'Mrs. W. P. Spofford and son camp, Deerwood, on Squam Lake, \'1. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Furnas of 1_________.,....-:..___ and Mrs. Alfred M. McCoy and where ,they participated in the Donald left Monday for a SUt Miss Caroline McCoy of Cambridge, wedding of Mr. Moscrip's sister Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., Miss Margaret Moscrip to Mr. weeks visit .in Pensacola, Fla. Mass. and 'their family are visiting Mrs.' Mrs. J. A. Perry of the SwarthMr. and Mrs. O. M. Hook of William Nice, both of Roxborough, more Apartments has returned Furnas' mother Mrs. George E. 11 Westdale ave. who spent the June which took place J u n e from Montclair, N. J. where she Silloway at North Chester road. 5th weekend at Williamsburg, Va., 4 o'clock. Mrs. Moscrip acted as visited h... son-in-law and daughter Their' daughter Caroline Furnas attending .., the commencement ex~ matron of honor, !tlartha Ann graduated from \Vestlown School Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Cook. Mrs Frank G. Keenen of Har- on Wednesday, June 16, j-----------------------------.----------------------------------------------1 vard avenue spent the first week of Andy Plumer, son of Mr, and June visiting her parents in Spring- Mrs. John A. Plumer, entertained field O. On Sat. June 5, she was his fourth grade class from the I joined by Dr. Keenen in attending College avenue school last Friday I their flass reunion at J;lenison night with a swimming party at the Col\Cge in Granville, w her e Duck Club followed by refreshMond•.y Thru Saturday daughter Peggy has just com- ments at his home on Oberlin their OPEN 7 A. )(.-8. P. M. plcted her sophomore year. Peggy avenue. Closed every Sunday Jinnie Moir, daughter of Dr. and entertained last week a class· mate Nancy Lee Eckles of Mt, Ver- Mrs. Walter N. Moir, entertained SERVICE -OUTSIDE CATERING , non, 1\1. who returned with them IS friends on her fourth birthday with a lawn party at her South -" 'I,i DAILY DINlJERS ........ ; ISe 10 $1.50 from Ohio. 1Ifodo1 Qd1dreD.•• ~ Chester road home. •••• Mr. Donald P. Jones of DickinU______________________________________________________ ---------------------Mrs. \Villiam 1. Hull of \Valnut son avenue, Comptroller of the Sun Oil Company of Pennsylvania, has lane has been entertaining her ,..a been elected a Director for the year daughtc, Mrs. John O'Fallon III of 1948-49, by the, Philadelphia Con. Santa ~1011ica, Calif., who flew trol, Controllers Institute of Amer- East for a week in order to be present at the graduation of her ica. lliss Dor:othy Adams, who has son, \VilIiam Hull Osler from Swar. lived at the Harvard Inn during thmore College. Mr. Osler, who is her three years as English teacher on vacation" until September when DEW DROP INN BREAKFAST-LUNCH-DINNER i -- • "DDlJaD"II~IlD sD B Galllls ~~:-Ja:...__l_II,.:..'_l;.. .. .,;,.:.. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T ~T~h:e~re~W~il~l~be~~D~op~e~re~n~n~~~I~be~D~c~hj:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' S WAR T HMO REA N Hon.b ... at Hoa. On' Friday evening the HorDets warmers, as Mr. Snyder's motto is, Helen May Green of SOlI will meet East LansdowDe in the "Every boy iD every gime." lane was ·buried in the first home game of the season. It I • Monday, June 14, burial plot at Boonsboro, is hoped that there will be a good I LOCAL LADS FARM Monday, June 21 Tuesday foliowing funeral crowd at the field to spur the boys 'IN WISCONSIN Wednesday, June Z3 Monday evening at the to victory. Friday, June 25 PalllorS()U 'Funeral Home, Media. Last Saturday morning the HorTwo Swarthmore boys who workMonday, June Z8 Green who had suffered nets played a' fine game against' ed on !arms in Vermont last sumFriday, JUly 2 a heart condition' died Collingdale, ,winning 11-1. mer Intch-hiked west last week-' Friday, July 9 in 'Taylor Hospital, RidIn the afternoon they lost to end to spend this summer on WisMonday, July 12 Park where she had been a Holmes, 5-2, consin farms: Friday, July 16 Mr. Sndyer, who is coaching both Faber McKernan of Rutgers avefor three wee~s. She Monday, July 19 wember of the Media MethodISt the Ho'r ne t s. an d the CI'Ippers as b' :lUe left d' early Saturday morning' Friday, July 23 part of Swarthmore's Summer Re- elOg nven as far at the turnpike Monday, July Z6 SurvlvlDg besides her husband, creation Program, feels that the at Lancaster by. ~o~ Dickillson of All Gam.. 6 :30 P. M. Frank, who is now in a nursing boys show promise of playing very Park ave,Due. A JUDlor at Swarthill Media and had been a ,good ball this ,ummer. more Hl~h S~ho~I, Faber had at Swarthmore College for Lee Ford, pitcher, started in both reached h,s deshnatlOn at Deerfield Mr. and Mrs. William Linton, rears when illness forced him games last Saturday, with Bill Zie- by ~unday afternoon. retire in May, 1944; are an genfbs relliacing him. Both boys Rlchard Terry, Swarthmore High Jr. their baby son Douglas of Bosdaughter, Betty Ann who are worth watching. CUchers School sophomore left five hours ton an~ spending a couple of weeks just finished her iunior year were Charlie .Greer and Johnny la:er than Faber. His dad drove visiting th~ir parents llr. and llrs. Swarthmore High School; and McAlpin. Lee S~van showed up as 1,11111 to I:ancastcr an en route to Linton, Sr. on Benjamin West avebrothers Carroll Highbarger a fine batter, leading th. team in the Deerfield farm district he stop- nue and Mr. and Mrs. V. BrewsKirklyn and Harry Highbarger both games. The infield as a whole ped to visit friends in Evanston, ter of Dickinson avenue. Philadelphia. ' t sparkled. Ill. Mrs. C. ~!. C. Lewis 01 the Swarthmorc Apartments is entcrtaining Study Soil Conservation her daughter Mrs. Grover A. J. ff Noctzcl of Coral GalJles, Fla. until Sunday. G. Frank Green Legion Schedule 1948 I ., i l-': . T ) 'HE'" N'E''W'\;,., 49£ D •• , .... I. • "l"_ 'i .; " ! ," l h ' '1 i Aldan Norwood Darby Oifton Heights Manoa Drexel Hill Aldan rby Norwood Clifton Heights Manoa " Drexel Hill Hom~ Home Away Home Home Home Away Homa Away Away Away Away ANNUAL ORGAN RECITAL Benjamin L. Kneedler announces the annual organ recital by his advanced pupils at the Swarthn'lore Presbyterian Cliurch next' Tuesday, June 22, at 8;15 p. m. ~fany of our prominent organists of today have been trained by Mr. Kneedler during- his 36 years as Director of the Y.M.e.A. School of Music. Among those who have played in recital at the church are \Valter Baker, organist of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, now nationally known, and 'Alyce Bian~ • co, acomplished accompanist and organist of the Arch Street Metho· dist Church. Mr. Baker, lliss Bianco and Mr. Kneedler have appeared as guest organists at recitals on the \Vallamaker Organ. The recital is free and everyone is" cordially ilillited to atcnd. For Father's Day GIVE HIM THE BEST IN HOME ENTERTAINMENT R. C. A. - Victor Eye-Witness Television , IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION THOMAS F. CONWAY 3 Park Avenue 1St Radio and Electrical Sale. and Service Swarthmore 0458-W Swarthmore 0456 R T HIS is an anagram. The four scrambled words tell a well-known truth these days of scrambled budgets. Harvard ,Inn Hanard and Rutg..... Avea. You may have to do a little figuring to discover that it says: "ELECTRI~ITY IS A BARGAIN"but it doesn't take much figuring to realize what a great bargain electricity really is! Your pocketbook tells you that living costs have skyrocketed-that nearly everything costs more nowadays. But not eI'ectricity! The average family in this territory still gets twice as much electric service for its money as it did 18 years ago! , ) Father's Day ~.- lilten to the Summer Electric Hour-FRANKIE CARLl AND HIS ORCHESTRA, every Sunday, 5:30 P.M., EDT, WCAU. . June 20 REGISTERED PLU1IBIKG & HEATING 24th St. Cheater ,a . ..)!", ,j .!. l - PETER E. TOLD General Insurance .. (!APRIO'lrTY~S Remember w. I! J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. COMPLETE PLUMBING AND HEATING SERVICE IS AVAILABLE TO YOU AT RATES, WHICH ARE REASONABLE. BURTON·L. MARKER & SON WANT TO SERVE YOU WITH EFFICIENCY AND COURTESY. 308 ". , NdTICE Swarthmore Residents PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY '"_.' COME-'IN TODAY , ANr),~:SE'E IT 'FOR YOURSELF 9728 For the ,:one and only ,~NEW,car c~",:jn·=~its field! • Check your budget and ask yourself what other item does so much to make life easy and comfortable-at such little cost! P~y H 'E Ph. Cheder 2-4424 BUCHNER'S PARK AVENUE lVIctor Saies - Service 250 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PENNA . DispensingOpii~ians 333 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Swarthmore 11833 Experts in thc l\Iaking and Fitting of Spcctacles and Eye Glasses 19,23 Chestnut Street - - Philadelphia 6913 Market Strt~et - Upper Darby, Pa. 827 Lancaster Avc. Bryn Mawr, Pa. '.' , oJ. IIII " till , The five year olds will be in the Philadelphia 'area in the fall eare of Mrs. -Betty Guerney ,Lister es Aides and, Gray Ladies will co~lege cre~its. Classes will from L_ for days a week graduate of Teachers College at needed in almost. as large nultnl.... Mrs. J. Francis Taylor has secur- Temple University and for the past as were used in the blood 9:00 a. m. to 10:20 a. m. and from 10:30 a. m. to 11:50 a. m. ed a most capable group of leaders five years kindergarten teacher at during the war. Special COU"tt will b~ held for training vol un tee" Summer session students ~iIl for the Pre-School and Primary Lansdowne Friends. Mrs. Marie Donnelly of Yale for this service during the SUtntner have the use of the Center sw'm-, groups at Rutgers Avenue SchooL For the primary group, which is avenue returned Saturday on the Mauretania after her first visit to ~i~g pool ~nd t.he ~nasiu~l fac-I S. R A. is proud to announceoMrs. separate from the pre-school child- and early fall. .liltes. A .librarian will be . m at- T ay. I or'5 re t urn as d'trec tOf. 'H er ren, Mrs: Taylor has secured the her native Europe in 16 years_ tendance m the Center library to ' ,s experIence • . ., seven year as D'tfeC" services Of Miss Jean Dickson of Mrs. Donnelly spent three monT_che.. to To.... Woo, student 10 the.r supplement f th P S h I . or 0 ere- c 00 M at e d'13 Wheelock College. This year will ths visiting relatives in England, Alice Blodgett music teacher F' . h training .. ' mark "Jeanie's". fourth year in the nco d 5, com b'tne d Wit at Italy, and Denmark and also stop- tary course readmgs. the high school and Alice Putnao, Wilson College, the IIIman-Carter S. R. A. program. ped in France, Switzerland, Norof Lafayette ave., local physiCO! Although only 13 youngsters Unit of the University ofPennsylway and Sweden. . TO ENTER WILLIAMS he~lth and education ins-tructor "'in vania, and Temple University quali- have registered to date, it is hoped leave Monday in Miss Putnam's She was in Italy at tbe time of that many more will register on Paul D. Williams, Jr. of Uuiver- fy her for this post. ' the elections and speaks highly of opening day, June 21, and that car for a seven-week tour o( the orderliness. with whicb they sity Place was graduated from The west·. In charge of the two and a half 1948 will be a record year. Haverford School for Boys on were conducted. She also gives On ,their intinerary are Yellow. to three year aids is Miss Anne credit to the church in great de- Monday afternoon, June 14 at the Mabbott, whose training was ob- Nuroe. and Gra,. Ladia. Needed stone National Park, Salt Lak, gree for the outcome of the' elec- annual conunencement exercises. tained at William Woods College, The Board of - Directon of the City, southern California, Oregon, Following the ceremony, the n~w tion. Being the guest of her couMissouri. Kansas State College, Swarthmore Branch of the Red Banff and Lake Louise. Rushing to sin who is special secretary to the alumni of the school attended the the University .;>£ Hawaii and Cross met at the home of the chair- make keep reservation will not preside"t of Italy, Mrs. Donnelly annual Alumni Dinner for gradu- Wheelock. Miss Mahbot! has had man, lIrs. Horace H. Hopkins, on shorten their stay at spots which considerable experience with child- May 28. prove praticularly interesting for found herseH in the place, of hon- ates. While at Haverford, Williams rell of this age group at New York's or at many functions held during The chairman of Volunteer Serv- the two women have outfitted was president of the Dramatic Club "Bright Side Day' Nursery" and at her stay in that country. On Easter ices, :Mrs. LaRue· Hendrixson, eX- rear.. of the automobile to lIIake-up Editor of the school paBrooklyn's Colony House. plained the need for volunteers to sleeping arrangements where other 'Sunday she heard the Pop" give Mrs. Kenny, who will care for the per, a member of the Si!/!let Honassist the Civilian Blood Program accollllllodations might not a stirring address in regard to the four year aIds. needs no introducor Society, and listed on the Honor which will be instituted in the available_ elections and the future of Italy. tion to Swarthmore. N ewcomcrs, Roll. Everywhere she went folk were He will enter \Villiams College, however, will be happy to learn loud in their expressions of appre\Villiamstown, AJass. in Septembl.!r. that she is a graduate nurse. ciation of United States aid, as soott as they discovered she was frol11 America. In onc large public address the president described the magnitude of this aid, down to a penny and ga"c tribute to its vital importance in Italy's reconstruction. ~lrs. Donnclly reports in addition to the sincere appreciation of America's helping hand, ;emarkable progress had bcen made through the countrymen's OWI1 work in almost every country she yisitcd. She cited the adoption of several American I11c,\surcs in I\aly, such as the closing of places which serve alcoholic beverages on election day, and the closing of aU indl1stries for three days while emotions calmed down, after the COlmnunist threat to confiscate all plants after the election defeat. In Switzerland she met her Yale - avenue -neighbor :Mrs. \Vitliam Landis who is visiting her son· Bob and his wife there. Asked about the "new 10ok" in Paris, :Mrs. Donnelly replied "I didn't sec one well dressed woman in- the whole week I spent in Paris·, nor even one pretty one. -It was a -- .' luupleasure to return home arid behold our well groomed and nicely attired womell, although the adults and children of the Scandinavian countries are ahvays a joy to the ~eI, your Deighbot« will polot with emoy•.,today. and - . eye." Absorbs Scene in .. Ab oad 3 M onua r I meet' S.R.A. Staff Named r- -- • SOCIAL NOTES On Tuesday, Mrs. Dorothy L.· Simons moved from her apartment at 13 Park avenue to Oxford, Pa., ~[i.~i;!=~~~::t;r=fi~~lwhere ~ ~~~~~~Jt~~;~~F~;~§ i I H~~':.::: ber of the committee in charge of up , State College Center ill Swarthmore beginning June 28 fof" a six weeks period. The program. anothcr service of The Pennsylvania State College Extension Services to cOlumunities in the Chester area, is geared to assist college students, veterans, and school teachers 'in attaining in a hrief period required Qualifications for various professional goals. The Pennsylvania State College Centcr faculty and visiting faculty members from other universities will direct the courses which include Composition and Rhetoric, Composition and Exposition, Puhlic Opinion, Parties, and Elections, Human Nature and Modern Society, Introduction to Literature, Analytic Geometry and Calculus_ Students may schedule onc or two C01.1rSCS with a maximum of '"Six ,. - ,.' 'I-' -. . . ....W ..... oaIJ: Sliper-CuBhlon., Any 'ype bookket:ping.. Can Ch,,,'er _ 3 "-' ,;~;;;lSi~o; \VANTED"':-SmalC apartment. ~r unfurnished. by young business couple In Snrthmorc vicinity. Phone Cynwyd 7949, LOST-Plastic rimmed glasses in case. Thursday, June 3. Call 3284. LOST-Plastic rimmf.d glasses and brown fountain pen. Ret¥"ard. Swa. 1732. LEGAL ito 8 p. m. ~;~~'~:;;(~f~~I"ESTATE OF LOLA M. B. GREEN. \\'..\)\TED-parttime Dec:"eased. ming for children. LETTERS . 'DESTAMlENTARY on tbe· thmore 2303.W. above Estate have been granted. tOo the unWANTED-Laundry to do at bome.Phone dersignc:d_ wbo requests all persom; in· 2303-W. • df'bted to tbe decc:ndent to make payment, W!~"1'EI>=A to to witbout delay. to of July. Phone Grace Greenwood Green, Executrix 223 Kenyon Avenue __ Swarthmore, Pennsylvania pen. Can Swarth· or to her attorneys A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., Butler. Beatty, Greer & Johnson )fedia, Pa. w~;~~~~~~;~~~;~~~~~~1.;,.3T~-6_4~ laoy_ ~'''S~:':~' ra~ ....' :. lL '~ , Phone Swarthmore 9793 ROOFS GUTTERS REPAIRED ...d INSTALLED Furance Repairs and cleaning Call GEORGE MYERS 409 Michigan Ave. S... 2266 ....///////I'////////////////////////////////////////////. • WALL • IIEW CONSTIUCTION .-ALlllAnONS ••• 11"115 AlTERS BROTHERS, Inc. ConltGclorl and Suilders 302 Gayley Slteel • Media, Pa. Phon ... Mldia 2567 Rubbioh Collec:ted Weeki,. or Moathl,. Phone S\~arthmore 3343 9 A. M. tQ 5:30 P. M_ W- Painting and Paperhanging 1905 CUNNINGHAM "A \Vell Kept House Painten • J?aper Buager8 We obould ltoow How S"a. 2266 Michigan Ave. Never Grows Old" Phone • rooms with. private bath and dectric grin. by elderly lady. Best of references. Swartbmore lQ66·J. WA~TED_nys;;rlh-;;'re r:otlege senior ~n" hride. apartment with kitc:hen fadli· 't1rl privatI" bath nround September 1. _,;,,~,~;;, will rl"nt for summer or Jiip;n to hoM. Un to $85. Vetc:ran. '.,."",,",~ Reply Box F. The Swarthm~r. Phone Swarthmore 2526 = F~~~~='. ~WANT TO. BUILD? Van Alen -Bros. PAINTING and A. WAYN~ MOSTELLER DECO~ATING --= = ----=--= -------- ANDREW E BUCHANAN 3rd Suite 11-217 Delaware Trust Building_ \Yilming·ton, Dela. Pho"e 4-3729 \Villiam B. Phone Sw 2251 11:ENT------Coot. nkcl:r furnished li\'in~ .'Inrl bedroom. semi'prh-ate bath_ Call ~~~m'''._ 0221·\V. ,_~ Two bedrooms fo;- gentTcn1cn. ,~;;~i:~;~ locatccl. 112 Rutgers an.uue. ! Swa. 0276·R. REXT' O~~ second ~<;to-;::" - room·· :tnrl tint' hini stor~· room in nttr:tcth"e l1rtme ~ tnt, Hill :\nil:thle :1C'"xt week. Heplr ,",-.:: (". The Swtlrthmorean_ ~OR RENT-Bedroom, r;itting·room - nOll pr.,('h. Con\'"cnieflt to tranO::;f\Ortatinn. t('3~~1n~. Call Swarthmore 0155-1 (tiler Sun- All Typ.. of Eleclriea1 lDstaUatiODS Seniq aDd S_ Vicinity for .... put T1'I-enty . Year. 1180 Muhleaberg Ave_ Swarthmore 2295 I night or No Repaln day • ~y- - EDW A-RD L. NOYES & CO. SWARTHMORE 0114 of _ odditiGaal ...... , . 'iUburhan callS ----E. Fischer ~ -§-§ Charles -~ ,Builder ----= --= -= ----, -~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ :: PAINTING Interior & Exterior :: Swarthmore Ashe!'J & Rubbish Removed. General Hauliull L,\\\,n" Mowed All Sizes Delivered COMBINATION DOORS SCREENS Coal Timber Building Materials 1448 WILLIAM BROOKS Building Blocks .19 cent and up Swarthmore 2253 :: ;;11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i! Swarthmore 0345 '-> Builders" Swarthmore 3450 1125 W. T....lgh An., PbiIL PboDe _ 1170 Call We are ri~ht here wher..e you CaD -reach. us every dal UThird Generation Funeral Director 331 Dartmouth Avenue ~~~_F~O~R~R~E~N~T~. _____ _ HORACE A. REEVES Electrical Coalnctor through the new Soad·a·Moath Plaa. A.k at thi. Bank WAXTED-Apartment - or·- house-needed I.y Swartbmorf' family of three. ·Call ~nore 0552.1\1. mates. Form."~ .- Member of Federal lnaurancc CorporatioD. Now You can bu,.· U_ S_ Saving. Bondo automatically Good materials and skillful workmen are now available. Call Ug for information and esti- A. Mercer Quinby Swarthmore 1272 & Tr-US t C0 • J Media 0755 Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete PETER DI NICOLA '!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Swarthmore Nat.'onal Ban-k !)ri~'i1t'lre of Penn:\t1Imt. .1' flOOI COVEIINGS Swarthmore Di.posal Service Mason Bullders Supply Company =- .". So. Chester and Fairview Roads • MOUIII IlifellEII5 Swarthmore 0121 or 11M ~ ....//////1'///////////////////////////////1'////////////..1 ____________.-____~=================== ni~hed - STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE c.u ..,---....................... ............... .... Coal and Fuel Oil - .... Fusco II Alston Associated with Henry I.e Baron , WA NTED-Oneorc.'-t~w-o-p""'l-ea-.-n~,-u""nfu:r­ . (.YOU_ • • • IIIIN YOU DECIDU'-:. ALTE'''I-4..J \ ......a", BROS.'Ne, J;. Marian S. Brown ERNEST SMITH 61 thill un_1ICd " Liot ,.oar Dela...... CoaalT p .... ertieo with _ General Insurance new ldDii ~ c REAL ESTATE PETER E. TOLD on our 24 POUllcJ; we D1~e thill amaJio ..............................................J\ In n_ ,~--.- Institute of Technology on Friday, June 11. Members of the American Legion Junior Baseball teams f(om the Boro and surrounding County teams will be' the guests of the Phillies at Shibe Park tomorrow. Former Legion players noW in the big leagues will be awarded' certificates of Merit from George E. Bellis, Director of Activities, Harrisburg. Mr. ~Ild Mrs. C. D. Prater of Swarthmore avenue have as their guests for three weeks Miss Charlotte 1I:nne Lilly and her brother Jack from Chattanooga, Tenn. They spent part of this week in New York City. PATTERSON )'eatS Six college courses in English composition, literature, sociology, political science, and mathematics will make the first annual Summer Sessions of The Pennsylvania 7 SWARTHMOREAN the three day reunion in which returned to Cambridge. Mr. John D. Detlefsen and son George of Staunton, Va. spent the weekend with Mr. Detlefsen's parA Price to Meet Every ents, Dr. and Mrs. John A. De!Famil,.'s Need lefsen of Lafayette avenue. June Lee Heckman, daughter of FUNERAL HOME. Dr. and 1t.lrs. George Heckman, of .,. .,j"q ~f,..,nllra.rhic Wm. T_ Patterson. DIreoCor Park avenue celebrated her seven"omf'. ~wa. 0221·\V. EIghteen Years Experience th birthday Wednesday with a PHONE l\IEDIA 2588 FOR SALE magician show for her first grade foR SALE-Universal table model mango class of the Rutgers Avenue School Ie. Burpee Aristocrat 12 quart canner, used once. Quart and pint mason jars and a carousel. Sa-crifiee. Phune Media 0721. Mr. and Mrs. \Valter F. Rauber 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I foR- S_&:LE-40-inch - destmYf'r model, partially finisbed. l'tans included. Name of Park avenue left on Friday, JOUr price. Also 12 foot ....cedar and mahog- June 11, for a trip to San Francisco VIr rowtn"lt. A-I condition. $65. Swal1.h· an,d Los Angeles, Calif. Before remore 0874-W. FOR -SAJ..F;....o;;eC:- E:-lj';ttery type port· turning home the early part of able for sale Qr rent, rubarges from li~"ht ~ocket. new baltery. case fair. Ideal July, they will also visit Yosemite ir.ocbhout ra(tiD (fIr beach or picnic. $20. and Grand Canyon National Parks. (:111 Rohert Brooks, Swarthmore 1548. 1t.Ir. Frederick 'rolles, Librarian FO~ - SA rIF.-\VMhin~ maehine,- walnut office df'Sk and chair. two stf'"et filing for the Friends Historical Library nbinel~- Swa. 2438·1· at Swarthmore College, has contriFOR ~ALF.-Ton f'lYen- Ira'll - ",mq-e.- \Vorkbuted an article on the Religious 333 DARTMOUTH AVEUNE i:n~ condition. Can Swa. 0526. fOR SAT F'.-1l1'1flrl f .. m=,l"!:. rnc:kt"t' !,flaniel Society of Friends to the 1948 Brit'UPIH-. ~15. 12 wCf'k~. C=111 Mrs. Hewitt_ tannica Book of the Year" the anSwarthmore 1833 ~ ...,. 0413_ 1'011- ~ 1\ V _.'l'w':;-'· .. niti,... • !TLnhorrnn-..-. white. nual summary o~ the preceding T".h1~ Ii.,cn nM N'tt~ry. coPftf'r ran. year's events. r~11 S.... ",rl"morc 2241.\V. Mr. David W. R. Morgan of 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Strath Haven avenue, vice president of Westinghouse Electric 1---------..,.------and. author of several It.,ch,iti':al" docunienl.ts,- delivered· the to the graduates of Drexel LOST A lifetime roof that grow. in beauty ••• and it' insulate., by reflecting radiant heat. - FIRST SUUMMER SESSION Mr. Willetts, and Mrs.have Graeme G. Why!Herb a farm. , law of Cornell ave. have returned fro,!, New England where they at- Harvard ;~~~~~~~ii~;~~i~ Whytlaw's tended the class 30th atreunion of Uni. Mr. versity_ Mr. Whyllaw was a 'mem- RIYNOLDI ALUMI &OJDtoday. Fen chis roof Is /it,.prDDI, f'IUt1!rDDf ••• lasts Indefin/te1y. It needi DO painting. Its aluminum m-o wgthen to an atttacti'RI gte)'-white. Oa:,oucan paint itlf yoiJ Iike...and lee the palntweathergracefullywlchthealumin1UQo shingles go 911 widupeed and pnx:lllon ••• inttilocking in weatherdgh& fobits. hfcllng 111 aa1II. at.;.. .. suaight and true. - , And mOlt important, chis roof'is higbJr itIIjclent ~ , tion in itself ... refIeCting "",,,,die radlaot heat of Ch'M J mer sun, to keep your boule ~ ••• reflecting heM" IiJdIj your winter beat, to keep youihO~ warmer. Two sizes, 8'" x 1'Wz" and~" llPh-...~d...6" .... with full accmones for ezec:tioa. e her and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Jones, ~~~~~~I and their friends Mr. and Mrs. ~' SHINGLES .. THE 236 Harding Ave. Morton, Pa. • Reese-Baxte r CO SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. Cbeater / • THE. s_o_~_,O_b_l~a_rs_t_r_;_:u_:n_n~_d_~_;_~ _y_'_B_:_~_~_~_e _I~.:. .':. ;e.:. :.: .~_~e_h_e_c_o_n_'P_I_et_e_d_h_i_S_S~O_p_h_o_m_o_" I COLLEGE GRADUATES Isabel A. Myers of Dickinson avenue was graduated magna cum laude froll1 Middlebury College on Monday. Hc1el\ A. Crouse, of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Crollse, Jr., of Benjamin 'Vest ave- a'·· Food. of prov.n qllallty . . wa,. p'8.lf."11 the Acme, and at pr'e•• that wlll ..,p 'au pull down ,our food budget. thai', wh, .verybod, Including William D. 'Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wi1IiaJll H . •Webb of South Chester road, a gr,aduate of Swarthmore High Sch90l, was awarded the Briggs Prize in debating at \Vesleyall University's 116th When you drive into our station for a tarlkful of gas0line, your car undergoes a quick safety inspection service, • ,with no delay to you. HERE .5 WHAf WE DO: I ,iACHES W~::r~ to the student who excels in the field of International Relations. Betty Cutler, daughter of Fev., and Mrs. H. Lewis Cutler of Harvard avenue, is spending three weeks at camp studying mineral indastries as part of her work at Penn State Conege. Her brother Henry C. Cutler is home after fin-I ishing his sophomore year at Wesleyan University, and Martyn Cut- \ I 2~ Libby" California Pruit Coelltail N!!~ LIbby's Pean I ...!~ Libby" Yeal Loaf . '!:' HelD Mlltlard T:' Del Monte Catsup 1:;t' ! : Rodney Do Bray, 5011 of 11r. and, Mrs. Peyton Bray of Vassar avcnue, left yesterday for East: Lansing, :Mich., to attend summer; school at Michigan State. Alice F. Schattschneider of Yale a\'cnue received the degree of bach- j elor of' science in education from i the School of Library Science at I Drexel Institute. Betty Ellen Littlefield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Littlefield of, 43e 25e 8e 23c I ~ who "0 Fusco '" Alston , 1:: June 7, was, during her fOUT! years there, on the student assembly and the varsity hockey team, a 111ember of the chorus, lionogram Club, German Club and the I Y. W.CA., secretary of the Athle-, tic Asociation, president of the I Philosophy Club, president of Kap- Largo pa Alpha Theta sorority and sen-! iar class marshall. l' 'toOl doctora tc in nuclear physics at the I University of Illinois, received the only fellowship to be awarded the students in the physics' depart- Prunes~!!!i ...... to 19~8-~9. Ivap. Milk F;::P.anllt Butter AKa Apricots"'" Ita"" UlJlltled 18e Com A.-••• ~. .. Gold.. OIlV8l0l1~39c Spaghett ~'i:.J"i 315~;U 3&e Preser".,".' I~ 20c PMa Jar I. Jir SUPREME BREAD Mr. Stcuber receivcd his master of arts·. dcgrec in chemistry from I Swarthmore College in 1941. Laura Lee Hopkins of Crest Iall!.! receivcd the degree of master of Hrts from New York Univer- VICTOR BREAD POBK LOllS "1 Carot AlIlle Hetzel, daughter of and :Mrs. \Vil1iam E. Hetzel. Jr., of Thayer road, graduated last \\"ctlut!sday from the IUman Carter \' 1]l1it of the enivcrsitv of Pennsylvania with the dcgr~e of bachc-l lor oi sciencc~ .\ mcmber of Delta Delta Delta, Carat was also all the: bowling and the golf teams. She has j accepted the po~itioll vi kil1dergar- ; ten teacher at Ridley Park school ,I ~Ir. MUhfed Yeal Veal Roa.1t ss:..f,~ Chops , ...10.. 52c "SSe 10 lib , £II' I~ 53c• ". I \Villiam C. Buzby of Springfield,l ~Oll of ~Ir. antl :"lrs. Judsun R. HOo-! '"cr of \Vallingfonl was graduated j \V~ of cleanlag dlfIIeultlea.N Navy Liquidation Commission won SOCial occasion. him the government's "Medal of Approximately 400 coupons were For' excellent -PLANT rug cleaning, call ,-. Merit" in 1946. He is now chair- sent to Coatesville for the disabled man of the board of governors of veterans for the month of May the Federal Reserve System. The Woman's Association of the Methodist Church has done outstanding wor~ on this project, which will be continued through _ lOQ Park Ave.....§warthmo!!!.h._. . Summer Playschool the summer. P1,_ •S"'r:rth. _..... re 07:10 'or 0529 ••aea .......rc,-'-.... _" __ --J.......Children 3.6 year. of age ' TUg cleaning BETTER rug cleaning .__ JULY 5-AUGUST 27 9 A. M. - 3 P. M. Daily You are invited to inapect a property on Vernon Road, soutb of "'i.:,\i 2&c . Libby's Prune Plums ""PII~ Libby's Tomato Juice ler. another brother. has just finishcd his frcshman year at Lafayette i ~rJJRtym~ ,i,.... ond 2 Clean door window and { 3 CIta. 1 Checlc liah. bulbs chock wipe. blad.. hoadlllhts Examine raeliator, hose, 5 Clea" 4 fan belt, etc. Winchhield JUNE BRIDES CAN BUY WITH CONFIDENCE commencement. A junior at the! university. he was awarded also the Bell Prize, which is given annually ___--;-_~________-,----':T~H~E~!S~W~A~R:":T~.!H~M~O~R~E~A~N!..- Is POPULAR • FOODS lacrosse team. r~~~J:!.~ ..~I~"~I.~"~ PLANT !turr Cleaning • Pr....H.' 81" Va'••• '" she was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. and played on the place, SERVICE , Uuiversity of Pennsylvania where Swarthmore 5.POINT Ownecf and Operated b, AmerIcan Stores Company. Liberal Arts for Women at the H: (I.EEFor Your ~!oteciion 0 f nue, graduated from the School of College. S WAR T H MOREAN FrWa,., J_ 18, 114& Hmby '''.... F~(:srl C~c:vmbers " 10c: ,. 10c Plums Onions &altfanlla II Beaty Sweet Mo. 1 Yelh. 15c ) 1·25c 3 J>. 29c: Tea4ar Stria,lm . ---------- fooiIe, oat-of. seq .. lIE 18 to food..,..,: mmilr _ '1.Mi,le! ADd you can epeed.Ji:e 25 Ihe; of fnah JJocJa a& a CiIipI ~8 40% more 100m) 1bm ~ odd"e'P of ai ...Rar eIsoI 16 'Mlo Hgbt: wilbfla&fqlhema.d il.lf9 ... hfi1adle ..... o\.I.\itcbm1 by dlel'''''¥ •••• ; L '+'--, \i'l'~.~;Hn. JiD........aj • ~."IIarJaD *1' ,-~.--. ' i r"",".' .1opw..Jable ,ted! ,) .. J' ' On party-linetelcphones,courtcsy pays dividcnd~! Be brief .•. Space ealls ... Hang up gently . . . Take the' lead in good party-line manners. It· will nlean better service for all. TAKE CARE OF YOUR CAR! 'DRIVE IT CAREFULLY! I '. ". '. .. . I·COr.'MONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Department of Revenue The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania , I .1 I JAMES Ho DUFf, Governor THE It School Board • g In June Meetin I Continued from Page 1· take care of payments for extra:urricular activities. The letter all!! outlined the decisioll of the Su)reme Court, under ''''which extracurricular funds derived from admissions and sales on school prop... erty would be school district income and had to clear through the school board treasury. A plan was I)rescnted by which this program :ould go into effect with the new iiscal year, beginning the first Monday in July 1948. Hereafter. supplies, equipment; and service. for the extracurricular program will have to be paid directly by the School Board, instead of from the high school treasury as in the past. The financial report for the month showed the year's complete collections by the tax collector, Mrs. Dodd, totalled $170,000 out of· a tax levy of $176,000 or approximatcly 97 per cent collections. In addition there was $3,000 more, or about 1.8 per cent, discount allowcd [or early payment. 'Vith the Photographs for the F. F. ZIMMERMAN "Outstanding for Quality" MEDIA 6 E. FRONT ST. tory must go to Larry Dalton, pitched a grand game, giving only four hits while striking ten batters. In addition Larry had double and a single. in three at bat. Red Barr and Bob Crowthers the 14 hit attack by the home with three hits each. '\ The next home game will against Nonvood and this is one the most important ones 01 season for the ·locals since wood is very highly rated this The game wiII be played on Riverview avenue Field on day, June 21. $2,5000 unpaid property taxes from the Penn State Center schedule wiII 1947, ~here is outstanding at this permi.t time only $5,457 of unpaid proper, . ty taxes back to and including the WINS FIRST GAME year 1933. The American Legion Junior Baseball Team opened the regular league s~ason on Monday with a decisive victory over Aldan. The score was 10 to 2 and spectators saw a liveJy ball game. The boys Over two hundred Swarthmoreans looked well despite the fact that and friends dosed the dancing sea.three regulars were .missing from son of the 'Duck Club at the local Pennsylvania State College the lineup and the result is indicaCenter on Saturday· evening, June tive ,of what may be expected of the team during the season iust 5. started. As the crowd scrambled for balMuch of the credit for this VICloons which dropped from festive Duck Club- Ends Initial Seaaon blue and pink decorations at the end of the final dance, all agreed that the closing affair was a fitting climax to the series of four dances held by the Club since January. Russ Hannan's Orchestra played fOI" .11 four dallces and pleased all age groups with a varied selection of music. Residents congratulated the dan. ce committee, headed by Mrs. WalPHONE 0436 ter Moir of South Chester road, cial life of Swarthmore. Mrs. Moir announced the Duck Club plans to open another series of dances next falf. The formal season of the Duck Club closed officially Sunday, June 6, when members used the swimming pool a.nd gymnasium at the Penn State Center for the last of the periods which have been scheduled thrice weekly since November. The Club was originally formed to develop a working arrangement with Penn State authorities for use of the pool and gym in the MiIIer Crist Building on Harvard avenue, whereby local residents could avail themselves of these facilities. Through the generous cooperation of Penn State represented here by Arthur A-leyers, administrative head of the local Center. SwarEASY SPINDRIER WASHES MORE CLOTHES FASIER thmoreans and their friends have wringer! Saves ~ and IMx _ _ enjoyed many afternoons and eve· Easy ~ America's best washer value! nings of swimming, badmmtoD, Why? ·Beca..... it's /t1S1. Its two tubs _• -')'-iJO" creases. s.- nominal cost. Scores of adults, teen-agers and tub washes while Ibe olber rioses deaniDg biDs by safely cIoIa& bJaa. and spins clolbes damp,dry. Whirls kess and washable drapes u·~ children have used the pool under See Easy in acDon lDdayl ' careful supervision of competent out up to 25% more water Iban • life guards, and the gym has been popular alI through the winter and spring.. John Plumer of Oberlin avenue, president of the Duck Club, states similar activities are ~Ianned for next season, to whatever extent FOR LUBRICATION _. Because he'a learned that (Hannum & Waite) experts do a good thorough job for a reasonable price.· ,I ! ~ ---_. - _.' .- FOR TIRE CHANGING BeCause he's learned that (Hannum & Waite) workera are quick as well as skill-. ful and give immediate • serVIce. YALE AVENUE &: CHESTER ROAD SWARTHMORE 1250 / FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCTS Refrigerator., Automatic Laundries El~lI;:tric Rana;e, &:: Wale.. Heaten • Freezing Unit_, Etc.. " tu J)teW .....· . COAL & SUPPLY CO. WALLINGFORD, PA. Media 0123 Dresses Separates FOR A WARM NEXT WINTER ... __ I must rush over to Joyce Lewis-where I'm sure to find all the smart clothes I need for my country way of life ••. and ~ where I avoid that mad city-trafFj'c scramble." , ~ - "~ Accessories .,f)_ ., ~=-:::::;:;;;' Lovely wearables for suburbia FILL YOUR FUEL OIL TANK OR COAL BIN NOW NEXT ISSUE THE SWARTHM VOL ZO-NO. Z6 J. A. PERRY BURIED 4th OF JULY PROGRAM $3.00 YEAR SWARTHMORE. PA .• FRIDAY. JUNE 25, 1948 J. A. Perry AT MIDDLETOWN , ( IGEORGE BOWEN I BURIED TUESDAY Local Horseman F or~ merly in Steel Business Retired U G I Official. Ex~Burgess Died, Monday. NO FIREWORKS , The Swarthmore Business Association has abandoned the idea 01 having fireworks 'for this Fourth of July. Although a ·number of residents expressed the desire for an evening display, no cO,ltributions were forthcoming to de.. fray the estimated cost which would be in the neighborhood l. . HIGH ENROLLMENT FOR ·FIRST WEEK I Recreation Program Registers J79 On Tuesday Enrollment in the pre-school and Following funeral services held ol~. primary divisions of the SwarthMemorial services were held at ~ at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in more Summer Recreation Program 3 o'c1ock Wednesday afternoon in a Chester iuneral home, George reached 94, a new record, Tuesthe Swarthmore Presbyterian day . with 25 tots playing under ,Church for Joseph A. Perry who Mason Bowen was buried in the the watchful eye of Anne }.i"abbott died suddenly on Monday at his family lot ~t Chester cemetery. home in the Swarthmore Apartand her assistant lIarian Ransburg. Mr. Bowen, a resident of S\varthments. Interment was in Middletown Mrs. Taylor, Director. added Debmore for many years, died Sunbie Freeman, a junior at Sweet cemetery. • day in the Memorial Hospital, Mr. Perry who was 74 years old. briar, to her staff when the numWest Chester, where he had \leen was a native of Cornell, III. He ber of three year olds passed 20. a patient less than a week. Fat the Truman Names Local graduated from the United States far the pool and drinking founpast sev~ral weeks he had been in Expert on Inquiry , So Naval Academy in 1893, resigning tain in the kindergarten room have a West Chester nursing home. Prior from the service after his two-year Former burgess and school board made the biggest hits with their Board to that ~e made his home for eight cruise and later taking graduate president died suddenly Monday. new tenants., years at 143 Park avenue. He had work in civil engineering at the \Vald" E. Fisher of Guernsey also. lived at Yale and Haverford The uFours'~ under l\lrs. Kenny University. of Illinois. avenues and on North Chester road road, professor of industrial rela- with :f{atsy Turner assisting, num~ He joined the United Gas Imduring the years he was riding in- tions at the University of Pensyl~ ber 22. provement Company in 1897 and structor at Pennsylvania Military 'vania, is one' of three men named The uFives", most of' whom atwas successively construction en.. College and Swarthmore College. by President Truman on an inquiry tended Kindergarten last year, divigineer for the Yonkers Gas Comde their time with II rs. Lister and He also taught riding at summer \ board in the soft coal dispute. pany, superintendent of the Omaha camps in New Eng1and. Fisher has served in similar posts her assistant Betty McCahan beGas Company, and a~sistant genBorn in the South February 1, and is .n expert on coal both from tween busy indoor activity and the Disfavors 6~District eral superintendent of UGI. 1867 he was prominent in the steel a technical and a labor viewpoint~ In lure of the weil-equipped playground Before retiring in 1936 he served Plan. Considers business during his earlier days, 1922 he became a member of the Twenty-two children are in this as chairman' of economics and enOthers and designed the Bowen Anchor. United. States. Coal Commission. He group. gineering for Gas' Industries, conJeannie Dickson has 25 primary He ,came to Swarthmore from was coal advisor' to the National tributing important ,reports on the Serious consideration has been Chester. children, old enough for organized Recovery Administration, as ,,,ell composition of manufactured - gas given by the Swarthmore School games on the play!p"ound, skillful Several nieces and nephews in as chairJllan of the 1937 Committee known as the Perry-Little reports. Board to an act adopted by the last work in arts and crafts and particion Prices in the bituminous coal He moved to Swarthmore in 1906 session of the State Legislature, de- this area survive. industry, and economic consultant pation is singing and rhythms with living for 23 years at 104 South signed to coptbine many of the ,,;,"1;. '.!", or ;.;-,: on coal to the National War Labor Emily Pritchard. Princeton and lat~r at 410 Thayer smaller school districts of the state road. Board in 1943. into larger, presumably more effecThe Summer Club On College Actively interested in his home He was wartime cllairman of the avenue boasts its highest enrolltive operating units. Under this The Keystone Secretarial and community, Mr. Perry was burg~ss act a preliminary coupty-wide Business Adminlstration School \Viii manpower council of the Philadel- ment. in years with 85 signed up. o[ Swarthmore from 1913 to 1917. plan for jointly operating certain Mr. Purnell has divided the Clnb served on Borough Council two school districts of· Delaware County graduate the final group" of two phia-Camden area and has written into three groups and on Tuesday years, and ,was president of the has been suggested, one feature of year students today. 14 in this group many articles on the' e'conomics of each Clubber scheduled his own Swarthmore School·Board from 1926 which would have Swarthmore join are veterans. Four men in the Ac- coal mining, cheHly in relation to partjcipa~ion in arts and crafts, to 1930 during which time the audi- with. five other nearby districts in counting and 1lanagement course wages, prices and production. He has lived in Swarthmore for archery, tennis or general play. torium and several school rooms the operation of the public schools. .W()n distinguished' hon~ors for making an average of 93 or more in 19 yeau and in 1947 was appointed There are three one hour periods were added and the Rutgers avenue The School Board desires to take aU subjects for the two years. The a member of the Swarthmore School each morning. plot purchased. He h.s been pres. only such steps as wilt improve the four men were: Lewis Founds, from B;'ard on which he has recently Fifty boys have come out for 01 the board of trustees of the SwarSwarili~ore· sciu;pls in the light of Darby; Joseph Harrington, from been active as chairman of the baseball this year as against last thmore 'Presbyterian Church all the. factors that are .involved in Pennsgrove, N. J.; Millard Pepper teachers' salary committee. year,s 30. 1[r. Snyder has three in 1938 was made a life elder of the con:;idering any change from the squads, the boys over 14, the Horchurch. He was chairman of the present district organization. In Irom Chester, and Ch.rles L. WatHORNET SCEDULE E948 nets made up of boys from 12 to building committee when the church order to get the best advice it re- son, from Bristol, Va. Away 14 whose schedule appears e1seHolmes extensions were made. Two girls and six men have ac- June 7 tained the services of two experts Away where in this issue, and the ClipCollingdale Suniving besides his widow El- in school administration from ~he cepted positions with the DuPont. 12 Away pers a younger squad of enthusiastLansdowne eanor Stevenson Perry are three University of' Pennsylvania Bureau Co. The graduates have been placed 16 Home ic beginners. E. Lansdo\vne daughters; Miss Olive Perry of Qf Ed~cational Service,' who have in secretarial, accounting, and sell18 Springfield Swarthmore, Mrs. Robert B. Cloth- submitted a pre:1iniinary report. ing positions in Etlstern Pennsy119 Away Last Friday the Hornets met Sharon Hill ier of Freemont, Del., and :Mrs. This r~port indicates -Lhat the pro- vania, New' Jersey, Delaware and Home E t L ansd 26 owne '10 a vellY I'Ive Iy A way as I Yeadon Russell Cook, of, N. J.; posed ~ix district plim would vio- Virginia. 30 H game, conling out on the low end Holmes July \0 and three grandsons. late the principle of geographic H ome of an 8-4 score. Following are the names and 14 Collingdale H omel The next day another game endunity and would be administratively addresses, of the recent graduates: 17 Lansdowne Aome ed in a score of 8-5 in favor of impractical. E. Lansdowne H way Springfield. 21 Suzanne R. Faulkner, Upper DarOn the basis of the report above Springfield 24 orne 1[r. Snyder is well pleased with mentioned, tht': Swarthmore School by; Lewis Founds, and Albert Home the spirit and play of the team, alYeadon 30 The entire congregation and all Board' has notified the County Stephcy, Darhy; \ViIliam Long, Jr., Sharon Hill 31 other friends of Dr. and Mrs. Cutler Board of Education of Delaware Lansdowne; Charles Toland, CollAway though he would like a I.rger "rootare invited to an Open House, County that it does not favor the ingdale; \Viltiam Patterson, Drexel jog" section. Everyone is urged to which will be held on Sunday af- six dirstrict plan. It is anticipated Hill; ~!iIIard Pepper, William Suldine carlyon game nights and come RETURN FROM ABROAD ternoon downstairs in the Parish that a complete report of the Uni- livan, John Coakley and Edward out to support the team. Dr. and ~!rs. E. Fullerton Cook House of the Church from 4 o'- Yersity of Pennsylvania experts will Smagala, all from Chester; Ruth Ann \Vard, Ardmore; Clara' F. are now at home, at 143 Park aveclock to 6. be received in the near future and AT CONVEliTION ~lrs. David Braun, l\-irs. ,\ViIliam that it will be extremely useful to Brent, Boothwyn; Patricia },Ieneely. nue, having returned l[onday aSpringfield; Dorothy "'right and hoard the Koordam· after a five· --Barrow Pugh, }'Irs. Ambrose Van the Swarthmore .Board i~ ~eaching ~[arion Hermann from Bridgeport, week honeymoon abroad. They Richard Tayior of Harvard 'aveAlen and Mrs. Arthur Whitney a decision as to the best way in N. J.; Betty Ann Hurt, \Vinfield ~pent two weeks in Switzerland and Jlue, who has just completed his will 'Pour. which it can co-operate in working Baynes, Joseph Harrington) Richard short periods in France, Holland sophomore )'ear at the University toward the objectives of the cOlinty Folt~and 'VilHam Vinyard all from and England. In the last named of Virginia, is assisting in the press plan without any sacrifice of educaAT FRIENDS CONF. Pennsgrove, N. J.; Charles L. \Vat- country they visited ~Irs. Cook's \ divi.sion of the Dewey headquarters Mrs. William I. Hull of Walnut tiohal standards or a~ministrative son and Jack :McDaniel from Bris- sister 'Mrs. :Margaret lIarr Darch durmg the Republican convention lane will attend the Fiiend's Con- efficiency. toi, Va. ' and Dr. Cook's son, Ted, and his' this week. Continued to Page 4 lerence at Cape May N. J. on BOARD STUDIES SCHOOL MERGER Open House ~~~ WILSON FOR SEE Graduates 22 HANNUM & WAITE On Display at our New Salea Room . South Ave. at Baker St. Media, Pa. Swarthmore 0600 -._' FOR CLUTCH ,JUSTMENT_ he'a learned that num & Waite) anicaknow a car'a tals and how to fix $189.95 " FISHER CALLED IN COAL DISPUTE • ~~=====~================~=====~Ion achievement whic;h _ in aitssuccessful addition to resulted the so· Also a Complete -Display of All - .F.....~, SWARTHMOREAK ~J48 Library Swarth more, Fa.. SWARTHMORE 11 S. CHESTER ROAD I • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE II '- School Board \ · In June Meeting Duck Club Ends Initial Season I Photographs F. F. ZIMMERMAN FOR LUBRICATION o $189.95 EASY SPINDRIER WASHES MORE CLOTHES FASTER Easy is America·s best washer value! W'hy? Because it's /tlsl. Its two tubs work together to get your week's wash done ;n less ,ball "" hour. One tub washes while the other rinses Bnd spins clothes damp,dry, Whirls Out up to 250/0 more water thaD a wringer! Saves soap and hoc wareI' • • • you can return suds 10 washer rub for secoad load. No wringer CD press in bard-to-iroD creases. Saws c1earung bills by safely doiag bJaD. kets and wasbable drapes at ~ See Easy ia actioD todayl On Display at our New Sales Room South Ave. at Baker St. Media, Pa. d Because h (Hhe's learn& e t at annum Waite) experts do a good thorough job for • . a reasonable price. on its achievement which resulted •. in a successful addition to the 50cial liie of Swarthmore, )[rs, Moir annonnced the Duck C1uh plans to open another seric> ui dances next iall. The formal season oi tlle Duck I Club closed officially Sunday, jUlle 1 6, when mcmbers used the swimming pool and gymnasiullJ at the Penn State Centcr for the last oi the pc rio us which have been scheduled thrice weekly since November. The Club was originally ionncd to develop a working arrangcment with Penn State authoritics for usc of the pool and gym in the Miller Crist Building 011 Harvard avenuc, ,,~,'hereby local residcnts could avail themselvcs of these facilities. Through the gcnerous cooperation of Penn State represented here by Arthur ~leyers, administrative head of the local Center. Swarthmorealls and their friends have cnjoyed lHallY afternoons and evenings of swimming, badllunton, basketball and other sports at very nominal cost. Scores of adults, teen-agers and children have used the pool undcr careful super\'ision of competent life guards, and the gym has been popular all through the ,vinter and spring. John Plumer of OberHn avenue. president of thc Duck Club, states similar activities are planned for next season, to whatever extent Also a Complete Display of All FOR CLUTCH ,JUSTMENT. he's learned that (Han. num & Waite) anics know a car's tals and how to fix' FOR TIRE CHANGING Because he's learned that (Hannum & Waite) workers are quick as well as skill-. ful and give immediate • service. HANNUM & WAITE YALE AVENUE 8< CHESTER ROAD SWARTHMORE 1250 / FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCTS Refrigerators, Automatic Laundries Electric Range. & Water Heater. WILSON !)JeW COAL & SUPPLY CO. WALLINGFORD, PA, Media 0123 Dresses Separates FOR A WARM NEXT WINTER FILL YOUR FUEL OIL TANK OR COAL BIN NOW 0 " __ .00 ..... I must rush over to Joyce Lewis-where I'm sure to find all the smart clothes I need for my country way of life ... and ~ where I avoid that mad ,\.....f)_ '" city-traffic scramble." ~~ Accessories ~ Lovely wearables for suburbia SWARTHMORE Il S. CHESTER ROAD ... ..=....--'-=- , - - ~J48 FOR SEE NEXT ISSUE J. A. THE SWARTHM J. A. Perry I Retired U G I Official, Ex-Burgess Died Monday NO FIREWORKS The Swarthmore Business Association has abanuoned the idea of having iircworks 'for this Fourth oi July, Although a number oi residents expressed the desire ior an e\'ening display, no cOJltributions were forthcoming to de... fray the estimated cost which would bc in the neighborhood of $300. IGEORGE BOWEN PERRY BURIED! MIDDLETOWN PROGRAM $3.00 YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA" FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1948 VOL. 26-NO. Z6 AT 4th OF JULY BURIED TUESDAY Local Horseman F ormerly in Steel Business -. I HIGH , ENROLLMENT I FOR 'FIRST WEEK Recreation Program Registers I 79 On Tuesday Following funeral services held EnTollment in the pre-school and at 3 o'clock Tuesday aftcrnoon in I..:,=======::::::::::::::::::::::::==::::"~~ primary dh'isions of the Swarthmore Summer Recreation Program a Chester iuneral home. George reached 94, a new record, 011 Tuesday . with 25 tots playing under )[ason Bowen was buried in the FISHER CALLED the watchflll eyc of Anne ~[abbott family lot ;It Chestcr cemctery. I and her assistant ::\Iarian Ransburg. ;IlL Bowen, a resident of swarth-IIN COAL DISPUTE ~I rs, Taylor, Director, added Debmorc for lIJany years, d1cd S\10-' bie Freeman, a junior at Sweet day in the )[emorial Hospital, • briar, to her staff when the numI \Vest Chester, where he had ~een ber of three year oIds passed 2'0. a patient less than a week, For the So far the pool and drinking f0U11past several weeks he had been in tain in the kindergarten room have a \Vest Chester nursing home. Prior Fortner burgess ami school hQard made the biggest hits with their 10 that l.le m;:ule his home for eight presidcnt died suddenly :\1oI1clay. ncw tenants. years at 14.3 Park avenuc. He had Waldo E, Fisher of Guernsey al!'o Ih'ed at Yale and Haverford The "Four~" undcr ~rrs. Kcnnv a\'enucs and on North Chester road road, professor of industrial rela- with Hatsy Turner assisting, nunt"'during the years he was riding in- tiotlS at the t;ni\'crsity of Pensyl- ber 22, BOARD STUDIES structor at Pennsylvania l\filitary '\'ania, is one' of three men named The uFi\'es", most of whom atCollege and Swarthmore College. by President Truman on an inquiry tended Kindergarten last year, diviHc also taught riding at summer board in the soft coal dispute. de their time with ),1 rs. Lister and SCHOOL MERGER camps in Ncw Eng1and. Fisher has sen'cd in similar posts her assistant Betty :McCahan be~ Born in the South February 1, and is an expcrt on coal both from tween busy indoor activity and the 1867 he was prominent in the steel a h:chnical and a labor \'iewpoint. In lure of the well-equipped playground business during his earlier days, 1922 he became a member of the Twenty-two children are in this and designed the Bowen Anchor. L"nitcrl States Coat Commission. He group. Jeannie Dickson llas 2j primary He camc to Swarthmore from was coal advisor to the National Serious consideration has been Chester. Recovery Administration. as "'ell children, old enough for organized given by the Swarthmore School Several nieces anu nephews in as chairillan of the 1937 Committee games on the playground, skillful Board to an act adopted by the last on Prices in the bituminous coal work in arts and crafts and particithis area snrvi,'e. ~.e-"sion of the State Legislature, deindustry, and economic consultant pation is singing and rhythms with signed to co:mhine many of the ~ ... - of the recent graduates: 17 Homc ed in a scorc oi 8-5 in favor of Lansdowne impractical. E. Lan:;downe ~\way Springiielcl. 21 On tlw basis of the report abcve Suzanne R_ Faulkner, Upper Dar. Home SpringiieIU 24 ~r., Snyder is well pleased with The ('ntire congregation and all mentioned. the Swarthmore School by; Lewis Founds, and Albert Home the spirit ano play of the team, alYeadon 30 Board bas llotiiied the County StepIley, Darhy; 'Xilliam Long, Jr" Away though he ·would. like a larger "rootSharon Hill 31 o!ll('r iriends of Dr. and ~\lrs. Cutler Board of Education of Delaware Lansdowne; Charles Toland, Coli· ;trt· invited to an Open House,- Count,',' t,hat it doe~ l,10t fav,o,r the iI1L,.qlaIc;, \Yi1li at,1l Patters,o,II,' Drexel ing" section. E\'eryone is urged to Stlnday a" dine carlyon game nights and come \\ ~)idl will he held 011 six {ilstrIct plan. It 1:'> antlclpa_te,lon ot the Dewey headquarters Lone will ;:lttcnd the Friend's Con- i t:iiiclCllCY. 15011 and ]ac;" )'lcIJanicl from Dris- I sio:.ter ~Ir:,: \[,argaret ~[arr Darc,h du.ring the H.epuhlican convention i~'rCllCC at C.lpC J\'lay N. ]. Continued to Page 4 1101, Va. anu Dr. Cook s son, Ted, and 1115; tl1l5 week_ :i\lemorial services wcre held at .3 o'clock \Vednesuay afternoon in till' Swarthmore Prcsbyterrdn Church for Joseph A. Perry who diNl suddenly on 'Monday at his lwllI C in the S\varthmore Apartll11'nts- Interment W,IS in 1fiddleto\vn n'metcry. )1.1 r. Perry who was 74 years old, \\'as a nativc of Cornell, 111. He ~radl1ated from the Uniteu States Naval AcadclllY in 1893, resigning from thc service after his two-year cruise and later taking graduate w(lfk in civil engineering at the rniversity of 111illois. JIe joined the United Gas Im1'rl1\'CJJlCllt Company in 1897 and \\ a, successi\'e1y construction en~ gilleer for the Yonkers Gas Com~ pany, superintendent of the Omaha Cas Company, and assistant general superintendent of UGI. Before retiring in 1936 he served as chairman of economics and engineering for Gas Industries, contriimting important reports on the composition of manufactured gas ~:Ilown as the Perry-Little reports. Be moved to Swarthraore in 1906 living for 23 years at 104 South Princeton and later at 410 Thayer -.::, Truman Names Local Expert on Inquiry Board I Disfavors 6-District Plan, Considers Others I Graduates 22 Open House 'Freezing Units, Etc. Swarthmore %00 JUN ,- ;" Friday, June 111, SWARTHMOREAN in July 1948. Hereafter, :j:2,5000 unpaid property taxes from the Penn State Center schedule will tory must go to Larry Dalton, Mond"y c(luipmcnt, and services 19-t7, -there is outstanding at this permi.t pitched a grand game, gil'ing supplies, only four hits while striking I for the extracurricular program time only $5,-157 of unpaid properWINS FIRST GAME will haw to be "aid directly by ty taxes back to and including the tell batter., In addition Larry Ila~. Continued from Page 1 the School Board, instead of from, year 1~33, doublc and a single in three thnts take care of paymcnts for extraThe American l.egion Junior the high school treasury as in the -urricular acth·itics. The letter ~ Baseball Team opened the regular at bal, _Iutlillcd the decision of thc Su- past. Red Barr and Bob Crowthers leag-ue s~ason on :Monday with a The financial report for the mon)rCIlll! Court, under which extradecisive victory o\-er Aldan. The the 14 hit attack by the hOl11e rurricular {tIlH.I:i derivcd from ad- th showed the year's complete col. score was 10 to 2 and spectators with three hits each. missions and sales 011 school prop- lections by the tax collector, 1\lr5. saw a li\'cJy ball game. The boys The next home game will O\'er two hundred Swarthmorcans erty wonlu be school district in- Dodd, totalled $170,000 out of a looked well despite the fact that against Norwood amI this is one :OIllC and hau to clcar through the tax le,'y of $176,000 or approxi- anu friends closed the dancing seathree regulars were missing from the most important oncs of the . . chool board treasury. A plan was mately 97 per c(.!nt collections. In SOil of the 'Uuck Club at the iothe lineup and the resu1t is indica- season for the locals since Nor. lre<;cntcd hy which this program a(hlition there was $3,000 morc, or cal Pcnllsyh-ani;:i State College tive of wllat may be expected of wood is very highly rated this year :ould go into effect with the new ahout 1.8 per ccnt, discount allow- Center on Saturday evening, junc the team dnring thc season just The game will be played on th; ibcltl ycar, beginning the first cd for early paymcnt. \Vith the 5, Hivcrvicw avenue Field on .'.IIJI\. started. As the crowd scrambleu for bal::\Iuch of the credit for this vic-I day, June 21. loons which dropped from festh'c blue and pink decorations at the end of the final dance, all agreed that the closing affair was a fitting clitllax to the series of four dances held by the Club since january. 1 for the J{11:-;:; Hannan's Orchestra played fur all four dance":> and l)leased all :LgC groups with a ,-aricu selection of lllllsic. , Residents cungratulated the dan"Outstanding for Quality" ce committee, headed by ),[rs, WalPHONE 0436 ter 110ir of South Chester road, I MEDIA 6 E. FRONT ST. ~~~==~=~========~=='=======~===':'" - ;:)i'lnrthr,lOre C011ece Library Swurth more. Pa. I I I ,,' ! I I I , , fridaJ'. I THE SWARTHMOREAN ---------------------- I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Locke 11IoWin~ around the waist and be- Country Club followed the cere- Merton Pike brother and sister-in. . of \Vallingford entertained t~e coming two wiae panels in the long monoy. law of the groolll, all of Stowe, VI. Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Hunt members of the bridal party at train. Her fingertip veil feU from The bride wore a going-away suit and two aunts, Miss Inez MilJer o[ and their son Alan left this week supper yesterday evening. a balo of matching lace. She car- of steel blue shantung witb a white Newport, Vt. and Miss Pearl for tbe Teton Valley Ranch at Following the rehearsal this eve- ried a bouquet of madonna lillies, hat and navy accessories. Her cor- Grandy of Hartford, Conn. Jackson H~le, Wy. During their ning a dinner for the wedding par- stephanotis and gardenias arranged sage was of pink vanda orchids and absence thel< home on Elm aVI>- ty. around a large white orchid. BIRTHS stephanotis. On Monday following lIue will be occupied by ~{r. and will be given at th{ f10me of the the wedding the groom received his Mr. and Mrs. Artbur F. F. Sny_ The matron of holior Mrs. Ham- degree of Illaster of education lit der of Wellesley, Mass. announce Mrs. Charles Chickering. ,bride-to-be. Mr. and Mrs. Hoory C. Ford of Miss Carole Austen of Bronx- den Baskin. Jr. of Gainsville, Fla., the University of Vermont, .after the birth of a daughter, Divinn. Amherst avenUe have left for a ville, N. Y., one of the bridesmaids, the maid of honor Miss Betty Ann whil:!. the couple went to Maine for Lee, on Tuesday, June 22. 10 day trip to visit friends in De- arrived Monday to be the guest of Sprenger of Philadelphia, and the a honeymoon. The baby is the grandniece o[ bridesmaid's Miss Elizabeth Hornatroit, Pittsburgh and New York Miss Hill' until the wedding. North Swarthmore avenue and l>! The bride and groom will spend beIore going to Camp Passumpsic Mrs. R. O. Holton, her daugh- day of Dickinson avenue, Miss Thomas ·H. Hall of 'Philadelhia r. the SUJllmer at Camp Wawenock on Barb'ara Crossen of St. Louis, Mo., at Ely, Vt. for the summer. Lt. ters Mary Jane and Edna Oliver, lIfrs. lIfargaret C. Freedley ·O[ and Mrs. John D. Ford and child- her son James and Mr, Colburn Aliss Jean Iliff of Springfield, and Lake Sebago, Me., where they both • ren Peter and Jane of Newport, MacKinnon, all of St. Augustine, Mrs. William Dodd of Stamford, have positions. In the fall they will Mr. and Mrs. Atnold A, LUd Conn. were all gov.-ned in starched live in East Lansing, Mich. while R. I., will oc(..~py their house while Fla., arrh'ed \\'ednesday. f D'IC k'1I150n avenue are recei . er o the groom continues his graduate aqua marquisette over taffeta. The Lt. Ford is on duty at the Philadel. Vlng congratuI atlOns on the birth of a tight bodice had a yoke of mar- study at· Michigan State. phia Navy Yard. son, 1.aurance Andrew at the L Lt. Col. Frederick Streicher of WILL BE BRIDE TOMORROW quisette and folds of marquisette The out of town relatives who ing In HosDital d I I' 0y. . . , Ph'l' 13ePlIa 5th Army lIeadquarters, Chicago, The lItarriage of Anu ],{Yers, outlined the off the shoulder lIeckdd h e weddmg atten e t were :!.fr. Sunday morning J u 20 • n has' been at his home on North daughter of llr. and ~frs.'-Ctarence line. Three wide iuoks in the full and Mrs. Carroll M. Pike parents The grandmotherneis Mrs L Chester road lor several days. To- G. Myers of Dickinson avenue to skirt ga\"c a bouffant effect. The of the groom, and Mr. and Mrs. Blundin of Park avcue. n ' . c. day Col. and Mrs. Streicher and Mr. John \Varburtoll Secord, son of attendants all carried bouquets of their children Freddy and Susie ~Ir. and Mrs. John C Secord of yanda si)ray orchids and la\'cndar are moving to Chicago. They plan \Vat.rtown Mass. will take place Cattleya orchids in pink and fuschia' to spend JUly and August at Boot tomorrow morning at·11 o'clock on shades with, pink ribbons for the Lake, Eagle River, \Yis. the lawn of her home in the presen- matron of honor and the maid of honor and fuschia ribbons for the ~Irs. J. Horace \Valter of the ce of the immediate fantilies. Swarthmore Apartments entertainThe out of town guests will in- bridesmaids. The i r headdresses ed her brother lIT. Frederick Pax- elude ~·Ir. and !Irs. Richard Gre- were of aqua tullc and spray orson of Berkeley, Calif. oyer the goire brother-in-law and sister of chids. weekcnd. I the groom, and the grandparents r. l[orris D. Pike ;'f Stowe, of the bride Mr. and 1\[ rs. Lyman Vt. hrother of the groom served J J, Briggs of Washington, D. C. ENGAGEMENT as hest man. The ushers included • Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hayes 1\1 rs. Charles E. Fischer of Dick- Mr. Hurace H. Hopkins, Jr. of of Swarthmroc a\'cll~c anllounce inson a\'enue and her daughter 1\1 rs. Berkeley, Calif., brother of the the engagement of their daughter Ray \\'inch of Korth Chester road bride, l\1f. Eugene Uobinsol1, \Vater11 iss Lucy Rogers Haj'es to ~Ir. will entertain the hridal party at t(}\\'II, N. Y. Harold Hichardson, Edward S. Lawhorne of Primos. a huffet supper on Friday evening. Westfield. N. J.• Howard lIIcMiI~Iiss Hayes received her A. B. 1\1 rs. P:;l1il F. Gemmill will en- lan, Greellwich, Conn., and Rodegrec from Swarthmore College in tertain the bride and groom, the herts Rocmar, MUll-i1ie, N. J. February. l\Ir. Lawhorne, who also rclath'cs and out of tCJWI1 guests The mother of the bride wore a attended Swarthmore College ~\'ill at a hreakfast party preceding the yellow crepe gown with accents of finish his graduate work at the Jaw ceremony on Saturday tltorning. gray and coral.· Her corsage of It ----.. -.... -----.____________ ....___ .. school at Dickinson College. coral kalanchoes and yellow cymbi- ._--------------------------The wedding will take place in PIKE"-:!iOPKIN S dimll orchids was pinned to her the early fall. The marriage of Miss Laura Lee petit point bag. Hopkins. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. The mother of the groom chose MARY FRANCES HILL FETED Horace H. Hopkins of Crest lane, pale rosc chiffon for her gown. Mrs. Richard Willis and Mrs. to Mr, Milton C. Pike. J r" son of H~r corsage \\'as of dark lavendar BEAUTY SALON Billee .\Vheelock Hawes entertained :.r r. and Mrs. Carroll :!.L Pike of hybrid orchids. at a pers(;mat shower and buffet· Stowc, Vt. took place Friday eveA reception at the Rolling Green • slipper at ~Irs. \Villis' home on ning at 8 o'clock in a candlelight Beauty for the A.kinK WANTED Harvard avenue in honor of 1\liss service at the Swarthmore Pres).iary Frances Hill, daughter of hyterian Church. Dr. H. Lewis CutFor Local Shop Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Hill of ler periormed the dOUble-ring cereFULL TIME SALESLADY Call Swarthmore 0476 Country Club lane, whose marriage mOlly before a fan-shaped arrangeSteady Position 9 Chester Road to ~[r. Raymond O. Holton, Jr., ment of assorted white flowers in Must be \Villing to Assllme Reson of lIrs. R. O. Holton and the a bower of cibotiullt ferns. sponsibility . -----------_ _-_ _----------------------_._------------- ---~-----.---late hIr. Holton of St. Augustine, The bride, who was gi,'en in l11ar- Write BoJt D, The Swvt}mtoreaD Fla., will take place at 4 o'clock to- riage by her father, wore a white ---~-" . '. morrow afternoon in the garden of gown fashioned with a pointed lace FOR her home. bodice which had a scalloped berJ\fr. and J\Irs. Jack Thompson of tha of lace outlining the ilecktine Han·ard avenue entertained se\'erat of illusion and long lace steeves Can of the couples of the bridal party ending in points. Her satin skirt had and their fricnds at a supper party narrow panels of lace starting from Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman SWARTHMORE 2080 in honor of :Miss Hill. the point of the bodice in front, Mrs. William B. Pugh, Jr. of ITI~~~~~~===~~~~:n Park aYenue and her mother !lrs,11 .~ Robert Menow of Buffalo, N. Y. ., '1', _ entertained at a iniscellaneous Friday and Satl.rday • '!Ida b ,., ela of COli tJOUII1iiii showcr and supper party at the Last 2 Days- Fri. and Sat. MAUREEN O'HARA pleeaiplloos is DO c:bild'a pZa;y~!. home of :AIrs. \Villiam Barrow FRED l[acMURRAY CLIFTON WEBB Pught Sr. on Pro\·idence road. VALLI It requires knowledge. skill, and' III FRANK SINATRA 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' "THE MIRACLE "SITTING PRETTY" a high of accuracy. An . OF THE HELLS" guesswork must be c1irninated.:1 J 'First RUIl N'ew3Saturday I\[atince, Children's we will b. 'Important! First Evening Certain powerful medicinal Show I p. m. Slio\\" at G A5 Feature at 2:15 7:00 9:15 each da)' UAdventures of Tarzan" agents must be measured ~ a fraction of a lirain~ Sunday and ~ionday USitting Pretty" FROM 11:00 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M. When you bring your prescriptions to US you have JUNE HAVER FOR THE SALE OF OUR OWN LON ~[cC\LLISTER the assura'nce that all of these principles will be ' ~:Monday and Tuesday MAKE ICE CREAM, SHER"SCUDDA HOO! BETS AND DELICIOUS ASSCUDDA HAY!" conScientiously observed. AXN SHERIDAN SORTED BUTTER COOKIES. in techllicolor "ONE MORE will verify this statement. Ttl(.'sclay ;md \\'edncsda:r 'Tv., (lre carrying 0: full lint! of NORRIS '. TOMORROW" Sluumu 'IJUdl·CS. including tll~r ddiciolu NEWS NOTES I LET US LUBRICATE YOUR CAR I ~I WHILE YOU SHOP ~ r ... - -. . - -_ _ . . _ _ . . _ . II The Bouquet • ,I .• I • ! .. ---. .. .. .. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Collee;e Theatre MEDIA , ' degree NOTICE ... OPEN SUNDAYS . VEIWXIC\ LAKE Dliol.LA ROBBIA MINTS JOAN C\ L'LFIELD "THE SAI/liTED SISTERS" Starting" Thurs.~ Jl1ly 1st CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS THEATRE SQUARE HEKRY FOXD,o\. Daih' Delh'c'ties Swarthmore 3243 "FORT APACHE" .1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '~;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l.1 "CAKE BOX" I , \Vedncsday and Thur5day • RAXDOLPH SCOTT "ALBUQUERQUE" M!chael· s College Pharmacy ON THE CORNER •. J..a. zs. I"' THESWARTHMOREAN ..-.-......--.- - ---.------------------.-----~------------...-- Mrs, George C. Wagner of Ben-I to Hamiltoll, Bermuda and Nassau WEDDING GUESTS ARRIVE jamin West avenue and Mrs. Bruce ill the Bahamas last Friday afterThe marriage of Miss Aglles Schwalm of North Chester road 110011. Elizabeth Ullman, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce of PrinceSWARTHMORE. EVERY FRIDAY AT PUBLISH~D and Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of served on the jury during the Cri,, THE SWAR1HldORUN, INC, PUBLISHER minal Court at )Iedia last week. ton avenue entertained the Legion "Applebrook" and Mr. Edward George L. Phaling sailed on the Auxiliary at a garden party. on 'Phcnte, Swarthmore 0900 Eugene Thomas, son' 01 Mr. and !I ~Ionday afternoon. UAR]ORIE TOLD, Aoso:late Uitor ~ Mrs. Earl Thomas, of Richmond, Triangle Cruise from 'New York pETER II. TOLD, Editor « Bicking, Advertising Manager Theodore F. hidialla, will take place at 4 o'c1ock RosaUe PeirlOl • Edith Whitaker !.,. ,. I . , . .... fl ••. ·.~ Il COMPANY , -<,..;' ' AND ORAtJGE MaDIA. (,~U[-mC.., ~e"NA. ,.M ~ •. ~...... ;An~-·~+·" " < {~',';.J"~~ W!I MEDIA 2966 (" ••.•• ! _.~ , " . ' '.- P.... f",.. .: •.••• fr~.,'.: ..... ~r. ~~ .. ~ f"rlhe" _•••.••• ~:. C! _ . ___ .... __ .1 :t: ._ <: ••• ~- ••.• - .... ' .• 'fOR SALE-Antique (lavenport. • T•• I •• ,. parents to EB , ...,,/ • MODEIN IIITCH INS • WAll ~ \\roo~en framt' clock tells hour, day, month. Ph0l1C" Chestc:.r 2·3~2~_ after _6. _ fOR 5ALE-Valspar finished gateleg dinnin_co tahle with tllT&e leaves. Cal1 SwarfhJl'.rm~ 1099._ . __ fOR --SALE-Croquet set, $3.50. Lawn rollci'. $3.00. C~~varthmore~193. FOR-:C;ALE Norq-e rc:friRerator. 6 cubic fl"et. $50. CaIl'Media 20~______ FORSAr..E-N'orlre Tetrigerator in ex· cellent condition. Call S\Vartb~ore ~4g2-~~ fOR-- SALE--Po-;-celai;;- sink with drain! '.~,rrl. r.hrrtme fittin~. Gas stove, Rea· 61 f"J:":lh~e. Telehone Media 13 . _ ,_ FOR- 5Ar.~=Empir~- Victorian sofa !>ed, maple burean ReasonalJ1e. Can SwIT1hmore 2301. __ __ fOR - 5ALE=-Fielder';-:-glo;e.- first ba~!"1111'~ cl0,'e. Yer:r flood condition. $4.00 f.1~h. C::I1! 5"'arthmore _1244. _ _ _ fOr.-- ~ALF:"':"T.. & Tt e1ectric sl?"e. E'I:ce'lpllt ('"..dition. Grf:nt bargain. Call .'=v'".. 2~Al·~t. , r(, TI ~A L F.-0I~alit):-;"~-r~ngc~ $2 S. Good qo;,t=ti~n, ra'1 Swa.. 2806.]. t""Q c:, ,\ T.'F.-.~"i'<:':- "kiM'" -.lre.:;;ce;:-- d ... ~'7~ P. $5.flO £0" ~tt. C~ll Swa. 023!.:I- cbild~n. Monday and Saturday. itlclIce, Chester 2-7419. _ _~_ FOR HENT-Two ::jingle rooms, one second story. one third. In attracth'c home on tbc Hill. Call• .:"S~\V~a:....~1~67~;::.._ _ _;;-_ FO-RRENT Nice. airy room. Nea .. transporation. Gentleman preferred. Call\_--------------Swarthmore 280"6:!.1".--:--,._ _...,,..,.,--_ _ '}.70R-RENT Large bedroom, sitting room and porch. Kitchen privitege3. Canven. ient. to transporatiou. Swa 01.55-J,"._ __ FOR :RENT-=~rge, comfortable, attractively furnished room \\lith meals. priv,:!at~e~ba~t!,:h'c..!'P~h",on~e,-",S~,,~'a:... • .:'O:!:14~9:.:.._ _ _ __ ERNEST SMITH - LOST LOST-Platinum brooch with diamond in ceuteT, between bank and' post office. LOST-Si1\'er bracelet between Strath Haven Inn and College Theatre, Monday evening. Reward. Tele. Swa. 8246. A-reo FOUND WM\TEU-Unfurnisbed apartmettt for FOUND-Small hoy's da{k blue cap. Call thrt!'" adults. No pets Phone J. D. Durnall. Swarthmore 0337. Sw.u1hmore 4513. PUBI4IC SALE WAN'TED-\Ve will buy at best prices, old china, glass, furniture. firearms. Call Effects of Mr. 3.mi llrs. Frank Green Holly Oak 4313 or Holly.oak 6720 , eoll~t, 508 College Lane' / f~r appointment. All buslUes~ c:t;tn !dential. l[onday, June 28 CnlGnial Cupboard. No. S. Phllde.phia Pike. 12 noqn til 9 P. M. \\'ilmingtol1, Delaware. \.,.,~--~:..::.:.:.:.:..:::..::..:.:-:..::_ _ _ _ WANTED-Unfurnished two·bedroom apa~ ment urgently needed by three working 1dults. female. Call Swarthmore 1736. tl'enings :;.ftcr 6. WANTED-To buy used baby .. nd kiddie in good condition. PAINTING and DECORATING CUNNIN{;HAM Member of Federal Depolit lnaurance Corporation. HORACE A. REEVES 'UThird Generation BuUders" Swarthmore 3450 A. WAYNE MOSTELLER A. Mercer Quinby :I Funeral Director :Former.,. of IlecIIa Le:fJ3,wta Ave., PbIIa. Phone' 1170 1125 W. All 'f,p.. of Ele .. tmM~t ~'·',l(' "I;til ~",!".(.!,.1-.•~,. 1~, Tn~:lh"('(l r,nl'~;-,-t~ "i W""I ... .,,1 .- .. - - ' . pc .. !nr·l1t!1. r,!} WILLIAM BROOKS Swarthmore OJ4! We are I' r.i~ht here wfJer.e you, can 'I'eacA us every day • EDW ARD L. NOYES & CO. SWARTHMORE 0114 Building Blocks All Size. .19 cent and up Deli ...·ered COMBINATION DOORS - SCREENS Coal Lumber Building Materiala I !!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli:; 331 Dartmouth Avenue - I No additloaal ....... 1M Suburban calls Masop. Builders Supply Company "'ear help with ~'"*l~llOr~ preferrefl. :::::;.;.~/) Media 0755 Coal and Fuel Oil Call p".-', f""r;: '.",'-' "'.~~:!, ... '"; ... ~ (\lrt,~. Phone , tllroullh the new Bond-a-Month Plan. A.k at this Bank h.,tl, Old" Good materials and skillful workmen arc no\\~ available. , , Can us for information and esti. -oi mates. night !~70·R. Gro,}~s ANT TO BUILD? Now You can buy U. S. Savingl Bond. automatically !·i··"~,,,,·t... Never Swarthmore 1272 Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. 1 ",'., "A Well Kept House Eledrical Contraetor =============:;:::= h, ~f' DAVE WOOD. Painting and Paperhanging ~~Swa . ~3~03~1~.~~~~_ _~ 2199. "('~l~t·t;{'eflit'l~ R6 5. ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII and sinioni2'!~, $5 :l.nd $10. Call \Varren Mulloy, Medta 'FOR 302 Gayley Street • Media, Pa. none. !ofedia 2567 '. \\~-~TED=Ca;';- t-;;--c1ean ~~~ f:,;.;~,. Conlioclo.. and Sui/de.. PETER DI NICOLA \\"'\~TED-Day's work=o-r-ca=r-;:in::g~for for ARTERS BROTHERS, Ine. PETER E. TOLD WANTED f:tght • ALTEUflOIlS ad IEPAIIS Swarthmore Disposal Service illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm a" flOOR COVEltNGS • NEW COIlSnUCTION Springfield, spent last week at ll::=============::::!1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Stone Harbor, N. J. Sinee 1905 Patricia 1[cCahan of Strath Heyen ave. is leaving next 'Vednesday for Camp Kehonka on Lake 'VinnPaiDterl a: Paper HaDgere epesaukee in New Hampshire, We .hould Know H"" where she will he a councilor. 'Mary Swa. 2~66 Michigan Ave. Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • C. Russell Phillips, will ac~ompany her, to spend the summer as a {;eneral Insurance camper. Drivcwa:r Construction Corll~lia :UcKcrnan of Rutgers .. Asphalt or Concrete avenue is visiting :Molly Banks of 333 DARTMOUTH AVEUNE Han'ard avenue dt the Banks sUntmer home at Towanda. Swarthmore 18::'3 Phone Swarthmore 2526 "'.r':'er,1. C,"Drl w:'\t('hdng~. Swa.. 2RO('·J. \1__ \ ~:T F ":-11 ;;,!,,::- ~i' ti nc- rfu-rinz :l fternflr,ll ~ ,,"\·~I.ill:'". c:\l1 :>'fter 12 n,,·on ::'\fickc" -... her c ...... lJ n ..;....... of \\~~TEn-=-Hr.:ne;- fr.~;;~i~h-t w('('b; :'·'I':'i~~. Mnthc, thor,:,up-hhre<'1 Germ:m «.;;p "':t~ l. .....;n .. ; ...... I". .. r!".">c ..... '~ ,\ r ___ n~. • 1,1 "'1\;"" ST<~~',' <:';~ < ... , .. It ...... 1-"' .... '," ~ •• ·~ ... ..,...... If, Tl". ~'~·a!'th'l"'):-c?.n. .. e"POSI"'~ '1'11£ COCIR7Housr ", l'r.orn " . . . . . . .,.", . . , T'i'., ..1 ... ':·" .11'1,1 ""IT accompany ___ Mrs; David Braun 'of ,Westdale -';;iu"il .. S'~:;~~;I avenue will entertain the Rev. and Mrs. Allen Hackett and tlieir son Peter for a few days at the beginning of next week. Mr. Hackett is 011 leave of absence (rom the Central Union Church in Honolulu for the summer. ;-ttllr:\ JjESSU "1..~:'p'):" :~.J$~ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. O. Red- will TANNA KENNELS 2-WAY' .._._._._._, __,.......,_._.JJ I " DO{;S BOARDED THE ---- NOTES MORE I r----------., () ~C1AL CLASSIFIED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'S W A grave of Vassar avenue, accom- O<:ean City for the summer. panied by Mrs: Redgrave's sister from Asbury Park, N. J., sailed for' England last week to visit PIANO'rUNING Mr. Redgrave's family for the ALBAN L. PARKER first time in 10 years. Prior to the Phone Media Ot59·M war they went every summer. and Repalrlng Since 1908 . Ruth Medford, daughter of Mr. New and BebuUl PIanos and Mrs. W. L. Medford of Strath Haven avenue, has finisbed her ::.'//////////////....////////////////////////////////////.-::; junior year at Earlham College and GUTTERS . Dr. And Mrs David McCahan of ROOFS Strath Haven avenue attended a _______________ 'REPAIRED and INSTALLED \~eddillg in New York on Wednes. Furance Repairs and cleaning day. Call EXCELLENT CARE Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Furnas and GEORGE MYERS family, who ha \'e bcen visiting Mrs. to Fire 409 Michigan Ave. S .... 2266 BROOKHAVEN ROAD Furnas' mother 11 r s. George on allvacuum included). ; i.;]:~~h~~~ifi~i~~~~~~ Serviee call Ch~.ter Z.4037 ://///////////////////////////////////////////////////, Silloway at North Chester irnn,. toasterc. fans. E. H. Hausen, Electrical road, have left for a trip to 'Vest !>wart'hm'". 2850·W. 335 Park Virginia ~nd North Carolina beERS(l~Ar::='''Experienced tYf'li~t . desire-: forE returning to their home in p ;;.~('r:'ll tvpin't .. Ic.rical. !=tpn ....wraphlc wor1: Richmond, Ind. ROGER RUSSELL t~' ~') :It home. 5~-a. 0221-\V._ ._ Rubbi.h Collected Mr. and Mrs. George Alston, Jr., Maker of Flne Photographs £RsnNAT..-:-H int~rested a~ranvlI'lIl Weekly or Monthly r ·+:'n"nn .. al:....n tnr children atlC'nrhn . ( \0,. b Coml!~!!I!l SUPPL YING SPRINGFiELD WATER Swarthmore, Pa. .. ... .CRISP ICEBERG LETTUCE Ih. 81: C":~~ Small La. . Fresh . • BE-:''i'Dr: rU:J cleaning -- - . • Ib SlIc.d • - ~ •.. Mrs. f Randolph Rocss and daughters Nallcy, Judy. and Randa of Cornell a"entie left 1\1onday t(· motor to Lake \\'orthl Fla_, when: they will visit relathoes for several weeks. . Mr. and Mrs. Mathew. M. John~Oll and two year old son "Johnny" have moved from Philadelphia tc I~~ake their.. 119l11e at. ~28 Park ....vem~e. ~{r. Johnson is an ecollomks nr::,fessor .at .. ~c:nilsyh'a~ia 'j{"iI~tary College.' . . , Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam E. Creery ha \'C recently· moved to the home of Mrs. Arthur \V. Kent at 607 Elm avenue. ).{r. Creery is supervi,or of the Provident Mutual Life Insunmce Co. Largll BOlton e,' e:;Z3..C;"="jr",,r.: 4G46 ( ~PLANT I;U.7 c!Jani::.7 iJ ongination! FRYING CRICKENS PORK Loins·· ~·i~III·531: :..l~·i.~dll·5 71: vEii"iiiiisT 49c I BAcON % 351: . lUl P"'~' A\'~ .• Swcr;hplD~e. ~a. Phone Swc"t=:::,:c,'" A studebaker ~ . Mrs. Ralph S. Hayes of bber·1 . lin and Lafayette avenues and her aunt Mrs. \V. R. Farris of Lowell, hlass. who has been her house guest for two weeks, have returned froUl a visit with 1\lrs. Hayes' ~011 and daughter-in-law, ~-Ir. and Mrs. Charles E. Nelson of Annapolis, Md. "19c Fone:y Dress~d Whiting IllSc Fresh Picked Regular Crabmeat Fancy Sliced Codfish jU: til 29c ~ Olltlng Supplies • ., AKO Pure GRAPE JUICE MADISON BROS. .1 ......' Phone 1913 FREE DELIVERY .m ROB ROY ".. d,,· Z 23c I"" IIob .Plus l"eDIUI. Tax In CLOSED WEDNESDAY NOON JUNE - JULY - AUGUST Boneless Roast of Beef 31. . 291: BEVERAGES Penna. Harke14 _. Ib.79c ::, 290 ~Ib Sliced BACON 35c • Fruits and Vegetables I Lg. Iceburg LETTUCE hd. 15c Crisp CELERY Hearts bun. 19c Fresh TOMATOES Ib_ 29c Se!"ving Swarthmore, Morton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 Lg. CANTALOUPES each 25c Phone: Swarthmore' 0444 Seedless Grape(ruit each IOc First new idea in car styling in years! . Corned Beef 12·..... 47e: Marshmallows P"I'" 1~i." 17e: Hard Candles 4~i" 9e: Welners o~; 1:';:- 49e: Plain Olives on", 21e: Stuffed Ollveson", 'v,·" Jor 39e: Prlflcess Mustard .. Jar 13e: Kaukanna Klub ft":: - 47e: 'i: . Real SHARP CHEESE %.1. .350 Delicious Sprea'ds for Enriched Bread IDEAL PURE PEACH OR GRAPE , PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY ---------- ,. , .~ , DUCKLINGS ~:~I~:~:: 1li41o MACKEREL For excellen: PLANT rug .cleaniny. cali .{ STRATH HAVEN INN 2 •..•... 19e: 2 '''19e: lb > Come and Enjoy Your Selection From HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS - AND DESSERTS "120 3 "'19e: Con. 19e: ol. Fancy F....h·KIII.d Grada A ~UG' Ckr-.ning .( i.l I Devine Taxi Service Thuraclay, July 1 The $1.00 ~ Serve Yourself ~ All You Want COMPLETE SUPPER ,.,.Iar foad.. .",.,.,...., I. "";10., .... 19 PRESERVES -------Asco Peanut Butter Orange Marmalade Ideal Old Foshloned App'e BuHer Glenwood Jellies A~~f:':'" STRAWBERRY PRESERVES c I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" Dependable Service If you have real e~tate for sale list with us and we will give y~ th~ benefit of our 'Cooperative ALL TIlAT gleaming glass in this dreamlined Stude; ..t1. baker coupe is there for more than eye appeal It serves to give everyone in this distinctive closed car an open-car outlook on the passing scene; . First chance you have, see this and all the other Studebaker originations in far·advanced new sedans; coupes and convertibles; All o~ America; more than ever today; Stude; "} baker is the word for new value as well as new stylel Selling Bureau. Call at office or phone us. . Wallace Lippincott Realtor 907 EdR"mont Avenue Cheater 3-4516 •• IIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 1 Fusco f!I Alston' Marion S. Brown Associated with L. Henry Le Baron STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE So. Cheatet' and Fairview Roads Idtal Ib til fou Jar 2.·" Ju 12·" 1I1assti 19c 17c • 29c ..... OFFERS Phone SwarthmQre 9793 ,... Id~11 r DINNER 2. SPRIXGFIELD-Stone SingJe, tour spacious bedroOtl.1S, tile bath and powder room. . 16·" ... ' zOe um. V~~\~o 3 15,it" 2Sc Tuna Fish LI:~i~iat ~~ caD 37c: Armour's Treet 1~" 47e: Spaghetti Temt Lunch Meat '~' 45e: Swift's Prem 12·" ca. 48c Hires Root Beer Extru,,~ 24c New England Style Baked " BEANS.' 2 If;:: 29c WIth Perk In Ilolas!le!I lilluee .-. '.--~. -- - FOR SALE . 1. ROSE TREE-Brick Cottage with three bedrooms, den, two baths, four acres of ground, two .J car garage. DelmonTco Cflic!l:en Noodle Cbanls of ellltt!G and line ncocilu. Hut and , Owned and Operated by Ame..lcan Stores Company - Libbv's FRUIT COCKTAIL··:,~ 371: HAJ.a YES APRICOTS ,,':~'~.~:~';:.oo .~lc,25C • -t "," 2 27 Baby Foods .:il::d 10 SSe Gr .., 2Sc Apple Sauce ZI'I. ·. 3 Fresh Prunes 19c 12c PaDer Napkins Fltre 25c c.::'J e~l;-rUI No.2 . I: Wh~le Sections .!t!!S No.2\> ... ,"~or.SV ,. J" I Jan N.~.~ 8~~' .1. S\yAR'H~lORE-Four apartment building hadng income of $230. per lllotah owner'::, apartment. -to WALLIXGFORD HILLSGleall1ing 'Yhitc Single, three bedrooms, two baths on second floor. Two I.){;droom~ and hath on third floor. Three pGwder rooms, ·den. ! :Xlaid'~ room :-:llrl bath on first floor. \ ~hone Swarthmor~ 0121 or. 0904 . 8 , THE NEWS NOTES 'GATHER PUPILS LOST ARTICLES Annual Round-up oli Display at School Unclaimed articles of clothing left by pupils in their school lockers have been --'---BIRTH A daughter Harriet Anita Cotheal Kistler was born at 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon" June 24 in Bryn Mawr Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kistler of Park avenue. Mrs. A. L. Clayden of Riverview. road entertained her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Baumann and 'their son of Evanston, III., the first part of the week. Ned Rutherford, son' of Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Rutherford of Strath Haven avenue, who graduated from Dartmouth College earlier in the month, will .sail from New. York Thursday on the Brittanic. He plans to spend the summer at St. Andrews University in Scotland. Mr. and Mrs." Paul M. Paulson of Park avenue entertained many of . their frieny IJtlpil:-; ill their school iockers IlJartIllOt1tl~ Col!ege earlJ(:r 111, the: .,lave 1)ecn as~ell1)11 e( I 'III tl Ie h'] month, \\"111 !'al\ from . i\ew '\ ork ii 19l • over the holiday weekend ... have ~Ch('l,J lor exa1l1ination and claim-\ Thursday on the Bnttamc. He! your car thoroughly checked to :ng. In some cases where the llames plans to sl~el.ld tl~e s~lIml1er a~ St.: were in the articles, a postcard has' Andrews "Cmverslty 111 Scotland. insure your safety! Our experts h\.'\.'11 ~e!lt to the hOl11e asking the ~Ir. and ~Ir5. Paul ),1. Paulson will service your need. efficiently pupil to COl!le and get his posses of Park avenue entertained many 1 siolls. of their friends and relatives with i and the rates are low! See us now However, there is a miscellaneous open house all day Sunday in honor: collection of other articles-coats, of their son-in-law and daughter \ and have your car tuned up for shirts, mufflers, rubbers. etc., which Mr. and Mrs. Vahey S. Kupelian I that trip ahead! are thus far unclaimed, even though who with their son Teddy have: in most cases the teachers have come from Akron, Ohio, to reside II tried to find the owners. There are in Swarthmore. The ~ccasion. \:'as also keys, including house keys and also in honor of the fifth weudmg l'ar keys, glasses, and trinkets. anniversary of }'I r. and Mrs. htlpe· The school earnestly requests lian. that mothers and children come to :!\Ir. and. Mrs. F. Van .der G~acht the school any week-day between and son \:andy of Hanan) a\enue I the hours of 9 to 12 and 1:30 to arc 'visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. .. to examine these articles and to ::\1 utter, former residents of Park 'I claim any of them which they can ?venue, in Lancaster this weekend. properly identify. 1\[rs. Percy Belfield qf ::\lichigan YALE AVENUE & CHESTER ROAD These lost and found articles are avenue has opened their new cabin, SWARTHMORE 1250 now on display and will be kept Rock Bass Lodge, near Lake Sun~111 display for a period of three apee, N . H . I weeks, after which unclaimed artieMrs. Edgar Campbell, resident of 1<,'5 will be disposed of, probably be- Princeton avenue for over 19 years, '§~~ ing given to some charitable organi- would welcome any of her friends - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i I ! I i p·1 HANNUM & WAITE zation. FRANK GREEN DIES G. Frank Green of 508 College Lane passed away \Vednesday night in a Media nursing home, Jess than two weeks after the death of his wife, Helen ~lay. lIlness forced the retirement of the Swarthmore Cottege plumber in 1944 after 31 years service. An adopted daughter Betty Ann sur"j\·es. BIRTH A daughter Harriet Anita Cotheal Kistler was born at 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon" June 24 in Bryn Mawr Hospital to Mr. and ~I rs. John S. Kistler of Park ave· nue. at her new home at 117 Jackson street in 'Media. The "Toman's Association of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church is giving a farewell reception for Dr. and Mrs. H. Lewis Cutler, who are 11l,oving to Boonton, N. J. next Tuesday, in the Parish House on Sunday afternoon. Peter Braun of Westdale ayenue visited the \Vhitford Byrds at their cottage at Beach Haven from Thursday until Sunday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. \\'itIiam M. David!'on have 1110\ed from Princeton avenue to 525 Elm avenue until September. 1\1 rs. \\T a Iter C. Giles of Rutgers avenue attended the alumni reuni