--, wnrthrilore CCillege Library H. 8warth more, ,Pa. s. CHORAL CONCERT ...c,~~4, ~~1 &"~ <;::$" v'" EEK NEW· LOOK OR SCOUT HOUSE Girl Sc~ut Benefit To aise Funds lY1i:ty 18 • 'The annual meeting of the Swarthmore Junior Assemblies will be held in the lounge of the Woman's Club- on Monday, May 10, at 8 ·')'clock. Parents are urged to attend this meeting. There will be reports of the sessions activities- and discussion of plans for improvements in next year:s organization. The nual lileeting offe(-s an opportunity for i>arents of the various grade groups to understand the problems involved in this unique Swarth-more project. Committee members will welcome questiOlis and suggestions of the parents. The election of officers for next year will be held at this time. Chaperons for the last dance of the 8th grade 'group on Saturday, :May 8, will be Mr. 11.nd Mrs. C. I. Galbreath, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wil~iam .H. Gehring. IN CLOTHIER TONIGHT PA., FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1948 Do Wo R. MO,RGAN Assemblies fo Elect • , N • SWARTHMOR~, . 't' -THE ·SWARTHMOR . .~ $3.00 YEAR - Queen Crowned The weather was perfect Saturday' morning for the traditional :May Day a::tivities on the college lawn, and many villagers as well as students turned out to watch Marjory Clough of Wallingford crowned May Queen. ' The floral <:rown was placed 011 the quecn's head by, a freshman, Nancy Robinson of Burlington, N. C. The other attendants elected by vote of the student body wcre Martha Penfield of Birmingham, Mich. also a freshman; P~t Edwards of :Maplewood, N. J. and Janet, Dunn, Pittsburgh" both sopho~l1ores; and Sara-Page :Merritt, Mount Vernon, N. Y., and Lynne Davis of Drexel Hill both Jlllllors. The quecn and her attendants were followed in the procession by thescnior girls, who had been presented with flowers by freshman girls early Saturday morning. Maypole dancing followed the coronation of the queen. iJifG:'C: MYERS TO SfWCrHDRSDAY . Mother's Club to Hear Lectur,e on ~'Discipline" The Girl Scout Bene~it Bridge, The next meeting of the Swarth"hiclt is scheduled ,for the aftermore :Mothers Club will be held on noon of Tuesday, May 18, at 1 :30 Thursday, May 13 at 8 p. m. in the p. Ill. in the \\Toman's Club, en-:\\Toman's Club. lists the aid of the entin.~ communGarry Cleveland Myers foundity in raising a hind to make er and editor of Highlights much needed repairs on the Girl for Children, will be ~he speaker Scout House on Cresson lane. of the evening. Mr. Myers is listed Thc .house is the realization of in "American Men of Science," a drcam conceived in 1930 when "Who's "Vho in America," "\VorMrs. George Zimmer and her Girl Id's Who's "Vho", and "InternaScout Troop, 16 celebrated the tional Blue Book." He writes a earning of first class ratings by daily column addressed to pare,ery mcmber with a thriftily ents, syndicated by King Features, planncd and earned trip to Washappearing in over 100 newspapers ington. There, while lunching in throughout the United States and the garden of the' Girl Scout Canada. He is the father of three House the local Scouts fired their children and has nine grandchitdleadcr with such en,thusiasm that reno His topic will be~ "What about she bcgan, upon' their return, to this matter of discipline". Many Promotions, In persuade their parents. Proceeding the lecture will be a E. S. Sproat suggested that the short business meeting and the 35 at Westcontracting company which was election of officers for next year. Inghouse nearing conlpletion on, the underIt is hoped tilat all who can will atpass would give the tool house Co David W. R. Morgan of· Strath tend the meeting in order to vote .which would othenvise be torn Ir S 0 Wlr a Haven avenue former general . \. '. . .. and enjoy wha.t., promises tp be a down to the Girl scbuts. Wh'enit .... 0\. otnen· s Annual 'manager of the South Philadelphia· was promised Mrs. Zimmer and . Meet Works of the "Vestinghouse Elect- Hig'h School Benefit delig~tful evening. It is the last , "'meetmg for the year, so The llrs. Ro~s Marriott secured Bororic Corporation, who was named Concert Given Mother's Club hopes for a full ugh Council's permission to move On Tuesday, May 11, at 1 p. m. vice-president of the Corporation the house to its present site which the inaugural luncheon and an- last week will direct activities of At Clothier hQuse. , 'Those who cannot attend may bad been given the borough by nual stated meeting of the Swar- the Steam and Aviation Gas TurTonight's benefit c,oneert by the vote by absentee ballot. to be sent Mrs. Cresson for a park. thmore Woman's Club will close bine Divisions of the South Phila~Irs. Elliot Richardson worked the year's club calendar. Follow- delphia Works and the Stoker choral organizations of' Swarth- ~o :Mrs. William Graham, Secremore High School at Clothier Me- tary, 46 Medbury road, Springhav-magic with the cost of the house ing the luncheon, served by Mrs. Division at Attica, N. Y. moving, reducing it ,to $25 from Percy G. Gilbert and Mrs. Robert Upon graduation fcom Ohio morial at 8 p. m. is eagerly await- en not later'than May 12. The nominees are as follows :! the estimated $150. With the aid Allison and their committees, the Northera University with a bache- ed by the townspeople. The program under the direction of ·Alice· president, Mts. William Kurtz-· of loyal fathers the house was new directors aO(~ offic-ers will be lor of science degree in mechaniE. Blodgett, will be climaxed by haJz, Mrs. John B. Weller andt outwardly ship shape with new installed. Mrs. Stoyan W. Russell cal engiueering in 191.1, Mr. Mor[lutty and paint. To meet the ,bill and ·Mrs. C. W. Croco wilt preseut gan was appointed a technical ap- the massed 180 voices singing the Mrs. John W. Seybold ~ 'vlce~presi­ of $147 countless benefits were several vocal selections. prentice at the old Westinghouse melodic strains· of Rubenstein's dent. Mn. H. L. Shay, Jr:, Mrs. beld. Other gifts, a fireplace !£rom The high scho'ol dnun major.' Machine Company. Iu 1916 he was Kamennoi Ostrow in a speci~l Walter N. Yoir' and Mrs. RichMrs. Leonard C. Ashtou, a 'wr- Helene Powers and her majorettes promoted to assistant engineer, and version, Voice of Freedom. Organ: ard Enion; :Recording ~ecretary, ought iron crane from Mr. Teri1e1ls' Tootsie Lewis, Lois Linton, Patsy 1911 -chief engineer, in the conden- a~d piano will add to the strength Mrs. David Ullman, Mrs. Peter E. and irons from Mes. Earl P. Y.er- Blake, Christine Ford. Carol Ann ser division. In 1~ he became of the work, as played by IvaG. Coste and Mrs. Hallock C. Campkes, a needed fire-screen ,from Mosteller, Alice and Ginny De- manager -of condenser and diesel Cannon and Lewis Izumi. Featur.. bell; corresponding secretary Mrs George Bordelais, a gate from Mr. Caindry, Donna Crosset, Mary f"..I1gine engineerillg. In 1940 he was e~ also in this nmnber will be a Casper Garrett, Mrs. Edmund Richardson, the attractive shrub- Lou Pierce and Debbie Thompson appointed assistant manager of en- mIXed quartet from chorus: Anne, Jones and Mrs. James I .. Harper; hery given and planted ia place by 'will repeat the routine they per- gineering, a year later manager of -Hickman. soPrano; Mary Lou treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Do Moscrip, (Conti~ued on .Page 8) , (Continued on Page 8) manufacturing, and in 1943 works Thayer, alto; Charles Keenen, Mrs. ~ruce Do' ~mith and Mrs. manager. In 1945 he was appointed tenor and George, Hay, bass Robert Bird; hospitality chairman manager of the steam di~ision arid Mary Lot1 Thaye!" is the selected Mrs. Charles C. Kline, Mrs. C. Scout House Being Rejuvenated Swarthmore's Chor- Prater .nd Mrs. James St h • a year later general manager at member. from ., h All S ep ens, . t us 0 slOg In t e - tate Chorus membership chairman.... G South Philadelphia. t b h Id' S ,.w.rs. eoIn haron, Pennsyl- ,ge W. ,Patterson, Mrs. Carl W. Mr. Morgan "..as pres~dent of o ~ e Continued on Page 8 Swarthmore Borough Coun~il 1942- (Contmued on Page 8) 43 an~ served with that body for eight years in all. From 1943 to 1945 he was vice-president of the American Society of Mechanical' 8:00 P M-S • FRIDA~, MAY 'I . • . prlOg Choral Festival ..••.. ,...•••.• Oothier Engineers. In 1942 he was p~eseJted with 'I and 9 P M M ' S~::1.RDAY, MAY 8 ,' o .- OVles • " feature •••.• Clothier the Westinghouse Order of Merit. . SUNDAY, MAY 9 , . In '1947 by authority of the Secre- 11 :00 A. M.-Mormng Worship •••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.0cal C:hurches tary of' the Navy, the Chief of ~he MONDi\Y, MAY 10 Bureau of Ships awarded him a 9:30 A. M.-~dio Skit on Swarthmore History Station KYW Certificate of Commendation for 3.30 P. M-Hlgh School, vs Pro~pect Park-Baseball .• ,•• School " TUESDAY, MAY 11 outstanding service to the United 1:00 P P. M M.-Inaugural Luncheon, Annual Meeting ••.... Woma' State ·Navy during World War II. 3'30 S wart h more College-Drexel-Ursinus_ nCs 11Clu b . . .Track e He is a director of the Dela- 7:00 P. M.-Mother-Daughter Banquet •... ,s °Celgb . . . . . . . • . • . • . • • •W oman u ware County Chamber of Com- " WlIDNESDAY, MAY 12 merce and the Pelaware County 12 :OO-noon-Woman's Association Luncheo,n ...... Presbyterian' Church National Bank, a' member of the 3.30 P. M.-Swarthmore College vs Loyola-Lacrosse C 11' College vs Laiayette-Tennis • ••. COllege . . Engineers' Clubs of Philadelphia 3:30 P. M.-Swarthmore~HURSDAY, MAY 13 •••. 0 ege Girl Scouts With the help of members of local Boy Scout troops T have been busy this spring painting an4. refurbishing their clubhouse and New York, and a member of 8:00 P M.-Mother's aiJb -"Discipline" by Dr. G. C. M ... yers ....•.••' on Cresson lane. the Aronomink Golf Club. Woman's Club an- MORGAN ASSUMES INAUGURAL EVENT NEW Y. P.DU.TIE~ ' L' TO CLOSE CLUB Y~ars SPRING CHORA H S ItT I t FESTIVAL TONITE W ·1 ' 0 0 0 • \ . , .' ·f . I n: TIDS WEEK'S CALENDAR 0 0 •• 0 0 • 0 00. 0 • • 00 0 • • • • •••••••••• • 0 0 • 0.0. 00 • • l 0 . ::~i '.' " .. " . -- , • •• ", o\1~rthr.l0re , H. Library SWarth more, Pn o s. CHORAL CONCERT C011ere IN ·THE SWARTHMOR EEK NEW LOOK RSCOUT HOUSE Girl Scout Benefit To aise Funds May 18 The Girl Scout Benefit Bridge, hicl! is scheduled for the aitcrof Tuesday, ).[ay 18, at 1 :30 111. in the \\Toman's Cluh, enthe aill of the entire COllltllunin raising a fund to makc h needed repairs on the Girl t House on Cresson lane. The house is the realization of dream conceived in 1930 when l;corgc Zitllmer and her Girl lit Troop 16 celcbrated thc in~ of first class ratings by mcmber with a thriftily cd ;ul!1 earned trip to \Vash. There, while lunching in ~arden of the Girl Scout Assemblies to Elect Queen Crowned The annual meeting of the Swarthmore Junior Assemblies will be held in the lounge of the \Voman's Cluh 00 1101lday, ).[ay 10, at 8 o'cleck. Parents are urgcd to attend this meeting. There will be reports of the sessions activities and discussion of plans for improvements in next year's organization. The annual meeting offers an opportunity for i)arents of the various grade groups to undcrstand the prohlems involvcd in this unique Swarthmore project. Committee mcmbers will wclcome questions and sug~cs­ tions of the parent.~. The election of officers for next year will be held at this timc. Chaperons for the last dancc of the 8th grade !:,>TOUp Oil Saturday, 11ay 8, wilt be ~Ir. and Mrs. C. I. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Galhreath, Jr. and ).Ir. and 1Irs. \Villiam H. Gehring. The weather was perfect Saturday morning for the traditional ).Iay Day acth'ities on thc college lawn, and many villagers as well as students turncd out to watch Marjory Clough of \Vallingford crowned 1fay Queen. The floral crown was placed on the quecll's head by a freshman, Nancy Robinson of Burlington, N. C. The other attendants elected by votc of the student hody ,vere ).f artha Pcn field of Birmingham, Mich. also a frcshman; Pat Edwards of Maplewood, N. J. and J anct Dunn, Pittsburgh, both sophomores; and Sara-Page 1lerritt, ~Iount Vcrnon, N. Y., and I.Yllne Davis of Drexel Hill both J 1Ill1urs. The quecn and her attendants werc followed in the procession by the senior girls, who had been presented with flowers hy freshman gids early Saturday morning. 1laypolc dancin~ followcd the coronation of the queen. CLOTHIER TONIGHT DR:G~ C.- MYERS TO SJiOOrrHURSDAY Mother's Club to Hear Lecture on "Discipline" The next meeting of the Swarthmore ~{others Club will be held 011 Thursday, ~Iay 13 at 8 p. Ill. in the \Voman's Club. Garry Cleveland 11ycrs founder and editor of Highli~ht~ for Children, will he the speaker of the evening. :\lr. 11yers is listed ill "American 11 en of Science," "\Vho's \Vho in America," "\VorId·s \Vho's \Vho", and "Interna.tional Blue Book." He writes a daily column addressed to parents, syndicated by King Features, appearing in over 100 newspapers throughout the United States and Canada. He is the father of three children and has nine grandchildrell. His topic will be "'Vhat about this matter of discipline". Proceeding the lecture will be a short business meeting and the election of officers for next year. It is hoped that all who can will attend the ll1~eting in order to vote and elljoy what promiscs to be ~ delightful evening. It is the last High School Benefit mecting for the year, so The Concert Given Mothcr's Club hopes for a full house. At Clothier Those who cannot attend may Tonight's henefit concert by the vot'.! by absentee ballot _to be sent choral Lrganizations of Swartll- to ~f rs. \Villiam Graham, Secr~ more High School at Clothie. Me- tary, 46 Medbury road, Springllav-morial at 8 p. m. is eagerly await- en not later than May 12. cd by the townspeople. The proThe nominees are as follows :: gram under the direction of Alice president, Mrs. \Villiam Kurtz-· E. Blodgett, will be climaxed by halz, Mrs. John B. Weller and! the massed 180 voices singing the :Mrs. John W. Seybold ~ vice-presimelodic strains of Rubenstein's dent, Mrs. H. L. Shay, 1r:, Mrs. Kamennoi Ostrow in a special \Valter N. Moir and Mrs. Richversion, Voice of Freedom. Organ ard Enion; :Recording s_ecretary, and piano will add to the strength Mrs. David UUman, Mrs. Peter E. of the work, as played by Iva G. Coste and Mrs. Hallock C. CampCannon and Lewis Izumi. Featur- bell; corresponding secretary, Mrs. ed also in this number will be a Casper Garrett, Mrs. Edmund mixed quartet from chorus: Anne Jones and Mrs. James I. Harper; Hickman, soprano; Mary Lou treasurer, Mrs. Arthur D. Moscrip, Thayer, alto; Charles Keenen, Mrs. ~ruce D. Smith and Mrs. tenor and George Hay, bass Robert Bird; hospitality chairman, Mary Lou Thayer is the selected Mrs. Charles C. Kline, Mrs. C. D. member from Swarthmore's Chor- Prater and Mrs. James Stephens. us to sing in the All-State Chorus membership chairman, Mrs. Geo~ to be held in Sharon, Pennsyl- rge W. Patterson, Mrs. Carl W. (Continued on Page 8) Continued on Page 8 MORGAN ASSUMr.S t ~~~i~hIO~:~hS~~~~u:i::! t::!~ INAUGURAL EVENT NEW VP DUTIES Many Promotions In c:';;r:~~i~~ro~~I1~~=!;st~~hi~;,at ,~~: TO CLOSE CLUB 35 Years at WestSPRING CHORAL inghouse 1-'. S. Girls to Twirl at FESTIVAL IONITE Wotnen's Annual r e hegan, upon their return, to I their parents ... ring completion on the under-' \\'ould give the tool house It would otherwise he torn ~ to the Girl Scouts. \Vhen it 'i,,_ promised ),1 rs. Zimmer and Meet l~oss 1\J arriott secured BoroCouncil's permission to move On Tuesday, ~lay 11, at 1 p. 111. house to its present site which the inaugural luncheon and anheen given the borough by nual stated meeting of the SwarCresson for a park. thmore Woman's Club will close ),f rs. Elliot Richardson worked the year's club calendar. Followwith the cost of the housc ing the luncheon, served by Mrs. , reducing it to $25 from Percy G. Gilbert and Mrs. Robert the estimated $150_ With the aid Allison and their committees, the oi loyal fathers the house was new directors and officers will be outwardly ship shape with new installed. Mrs. Stoyan W. Russell putty and paint. To meet the bill and Mrs. C. W. Croco will presel1t of $147 countless benefits were several vocal selections. Other gifts, a fireplace from The high school dnun major., Leonard C. Ashton. a 'wr- Helene Powers and her m.ajorettes iron crane from Yr. TerneUs; Tootsie Lewis, Lois Linton, Patsy irons from M·rs. Earl P. Y.er- Blake, Christine Forc4 Carol Ann a needed fire-screen from Mosteller, Alice and Ginny DeGeorge Bordelais, a gate from Mr. Caindry, Donna Crosset, Mary Richardson, the attractive shrub- Lou Pierce and Debbie Thompson given and planted in place by will repeat the routine they per(Continued on .Page 8) (Continued on Page 8) • • David \V. R ).{organ of· Stratll Haven avenue former general manager of the South Philadc!phia \Vorks of the \Vestinghouse E1ectric Corporation, who was named vice-prcsid;!nt of the Corporation last week will direct activities of the Steam and Aviation Gas Turbine Divisions of the South Philadelphia \\lorks and the Stoker Division at Attica, N. Y. Upon graduation from Ohio Northern University with a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering in 1913, Mr. Morgan was appointed a technical apprentice at the old Westinghouse Machine Company. In 1916 he was promoted to assistant engineer, and 1917 chief engineer, in the condenscr division. In 1926 he became manager of condenser and diesel engine engineering. In 1940 he was appointed assistant manager of engineering., a year later manager of manufacturing, and in 1943 works marulger. In 1945 he was appointed manager of the steam division arid Scout House Being Rejuvenated a year later general manager at South Philadelphia. Mr. Morgan "Was president of Swarthmore Borough Council 194243 an~ served with that body for eight years in all. From 1943 to 1945 he was vice-president of the American Society of Mechanical I FRIDAY, MAY 7 8:00 P. M .-Spring Choral P:es t·IvaI ...... ,.....•.••..•••.... Oothier Engineers. S~TURDAY, MAY 8 . In 1942 he was preserlted with 7 and 9 P. M.-Movies 10M" f t . ea ure ....•...•••••••...•..• ClothIer the Westinghouse Order of Merit. SUNDAY, MAY 9 In 1947 by authority of the Secre- 11:00 A. M.-Morning Worship ••..••.•.•••..•••••••••• ~cal Churches tary of the Navy, the Chief of the . . . MONDAY, MAY 10 Bureau of Ships awarded him a 9:30 A. M.-~adlo Skit on Swarthmore History ••.••••• Station KYW Certificate of Commendation for 3.30 P. M-Hlgh School vs Prospect Park-Baseball .•••.•.. School outstanding service to the United TUESDAY, MAY 11 1:00 P. ~I.-Inaugural Lunchcon, Annual Meeting 0 ' 5 CI u b State Navy during \Vodd War II. 3:30 SIC • . . . .. \'v' 7 nlan P. 11 l · . - wart lmore ollege-Drexel-Ursinus_ Track C II C He is a director of the Dela- 7:00 P. ~L-Mother-Daughter Banquet W .... , .•.... .•. . ... • .• oman s °CCIgb u I ware County Chamber of Com- • WEDNESDAY, MAY 12 merce and the Delaware County 12 :OO-noon-Woman's Association Luncheon P M S ' . . . . . . Presbyt" erlan Ch urch Xational Bank, a memher of the 3'30 • • J: . - warthmore College vs Loyola-Lacrosse C 11 . Engineers' Clubs of Philadelphia 3:30 P. M.-Swarthmore College vs Lafayette-Tennis .•••••.. COllege THURSDAY, MAY 13 • • • • • • •• 0 ege Girl Sconts With the help of mcmhers of local Boy Scout troops ha'-e been busy this spring painting an4 refurbishing their clubhouse and N ew York, and a member of 8:00 P M.-Mother's Club -"Discipline" by Dr. G. C. M .. yers ..•...•• en Cresson lane. the Aronomink Golf Club. Woman's Club I TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR I T Z THE S WAR T T H It JI M 0 R E'A N ~------------~--------~----~~~~~~~~~--------------~.~----~~~ NewB NoteB I K~y who is stationed at West, Fla. DeBURLQ-THATCHER f They flew to Havana, Cuba, also Carolyn Wilcox, daughter The marriage of Miss Edith Mr. and Mrs. Oair Wilcox ~f ' for a four day trip. Mr. F. van Gracht of South Power Thatcher, daughter of Mr" Ogden avenne has been awarded a four year Trustee Scholarship to Chester road spent the weekend on and Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of trip at Bellefonte. Mills College in Oakland, Cali- a "trout fishing d H A. G M V f Ogden avenue, to Mr. C. .Russell ",r. an ,urs. . c ay a fornia. Miss Wilcox is art editor Front Royal, Va. are visiting Mrs. DeBurlo, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. of the high school year book and McVay's mother, Mrs .. DeWitt A. C. Russell DeBurio of Havertown, a memb'er of the school chorus Hills of Elm avenUe. They will, at- took place at five o'clock on Tuesand of the dramatics club. tend the weekend houseparty givJ uliane Richardson of Park aveen by Mr. and Mrs. ·Reichel at day, May 4, in a candlelight servnue gave a dessert party before their home "Framer" in Villanova. ice at the Friends Meeting House 10th grade dancing class on SatMr. and Mrs. George C. Wa&ner on the Swarthmore College' Campurday evening. of Benjamin West avenue have us before' a setting of white lilacs, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ~ J. Fanlkreturned from a two weeks vaca- white tulips and rhododendrons.• ner of Dickinson avenue enterThe bride wore a gown of deep tion at Sea Isle and St. Simons, tained the Rev.Yug Sun Chen of ivory colored satin with a yoke of Ga. Shanghai, a graduate student at The Misses Mary and Elinor Bye very old lace and a skirt ending in Princeton. over the weekend. of College avenue and Mrs. Grace a long train. Her Juliet cap was of Mr. and Mrs. William J. BarWalker of Wilmiugton were en- the same lace and her long veil nes of Yale avenUe and family ertained by their cousin". Mr. and was caught at the sides with orange Bill, Dickie and Doug, visited friMJ"s. Coleman Bye of Newark, blossoms. Her bouquet was fasends in Dover, N. J. over the weekDel. whose son they later visited hioned of gardenias and lilies of end. at St. Andrew's Episcopal School the valley. Mrs. Joseph B. Bates entertain- of Delaware. Miss Susan Thatcher of College ed 11 members of the Thrimble The Misses Bye were entertain- avenue cousin of the bride. who GrGolu p . IOn Mond~y. ed at dinner by Mrs. Walker and served as maid of honor, wore 3. ana Ann Pelrsol of Lafayette her daughter on Tu d . . . • I f es ay everung. marquisette gown over pale lavenavenu~ IS entertalOlOg severa 0 ?fr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Binns der. Miss Jean Huey' of Dickinson her fnends on Saturday afternoon of Muhlenburg ave h . . " . nUe ave re- avenue was the bridesmaid and ID eelebratJon of her fifth Olrthday. turned from a til k . . . ree wee 5 crUise ''fore a g.own of marquisette over Ingnd WeIsz who was two .on, from Miami Fla t C b'dg • , . o a m r l c , . pale green. Their bouquets were of Wd e nesday, had Sarah Beth Gner,' Md via the inland t . .' . wa crway In lavender stock and yellow tulips. George Glaesser, 3rd, Anne Mane their yacht Luana IV M; P I Mr. Calvin Kaiser of PhiladelK . .ss au ' b P rater, EIIza cth auffman and inc E Beatty ,vh' d to phia served as best man. The ush' . • , 0 IS engage .h~a~cla and MIchael Felton, at her their son Davis, accompanied them. ers were Mr. Albert G. Thatcher, bIrthday party at her home on of Moris Plain, N. J. brother of Dartmouth avenue. the bride, Mr. William Osler of WILL BE JULY BRIDE Barbara Lee Bird of Lafayette Walllut lane, Mr. Charles Newett The marriage of Miss Elizabeth avenue entertained several of her of . Havertown and Mr. Edward friends at a party on Tuesday in Ellen Littlefield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond James Little- Mahler of Frankfurt, Pa. hOllor of her fourth birthday. The overseers were llf. and field, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania to Mrs. Norman H. Borden of lfrs., Warren Paxson of Vassar Mr. Joseph Dando Dallett, son of Princeton avenUe entertained week Mr. Joseph H. Dallelt, Wilmingend guests from Princeton, N. J. to.n, Del., and Fort Pierce Florida FOR Mr. and Mrs. Arnold H. Redding of Park avenue visited friends will take place Saturday, July 31, at 4 :30 ;o'c!ock i" the Swarthmore in Bethlehem last reekend. , P~esbyterian Church. Johnny Phillips of Strath Haven I A receptioll will follow at The Call avenue celebrated his 13th birthose Tree Hunt Club, Media. Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman IES· HOUR, 2 P. M. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates A.".. 01 Modern ThriUbtil Amu.oernen1 AUt._ of "Rocky Spring Fartn" spent the weekend at Penn State where their son Bill 'is" a student. Mr. ,md Mrs. Arnold A. Luder of Dickinson avenue wilt entertain Mr. i.ud~r·s mother, Mrs. B. E. Luder and his sister Katherine on Sun'day, "May 9. The S,varthmore Nursery School Colle~e under the direction of Mrs. G. W. Brodhead and· Mrs. J. Kahler Friday and Saturday visited the Zoo and had, a picnic RONALD COLEMAN lunch there on Tuesday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday in Mrs. Elwood M. Rowand of Elm "A DOUBLE LIFE" The Academy Award Picture avenue has returned from a visit (Academy Award Wio"ner) to her son, Dr. Robert E. Rowand, "A GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT" Saturday Matinee I P. M. Children'. Show "LAST OF with THE MOHICANS" • .GREGORY PECK JOHN GARFIELD Mon .. Tues" and Wed. DOROTHY McGUIRE JOSEPH COTTEN and JENNIFER .JONES " "DUEL IN THE SUN w Sunday & Monday, ave. Dr. and Mrs. E. Leroy Mer-I the Swarthmore cer of North Chester road and Mr. Church on Sunday, April 25. and Mrs. Mark Bittle of Rutledge avenue. BIRTHS Mrs. Thatcher wore a gown of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. WOod pale gray. Her corsage and hat Providence Village announce were fashioned of pink sweetheart' birth of a daughter, Janet, al roses. Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital Mrs. DeBurlo wore a rose gown Monday, May 3. a harmonizing rose hat. Her Dr. and Mrs. George B. corsage was of orchids. of Wynnewood are the The certificate of marriage was ents. read by Mr. Samuel Carpenter of Swarthmore College. Mr. and Mrs. Harlie D. KeYn,,,, A reception followed at Whit- are receiving congratulations tier House. • the birth of a son, Harlie CHRISTENING The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JIarlan R. Jessup of Haverford was ,christened Martha by Dr. H. Lewis Cutler at I MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MEDIA A Y E REMEMBER MAMA EDDIE CANTOR Starting Thursday, 1\fay 13 "IF YOU KNEW SUSIE" with JOAN DAVIS LANA TURNER and SPEKCER TRACY in "CASS TIMBERLANE" Junior, at Evanston, III on April 30. The grandparents are Mr. Mrs. WJllard P. Tomlinson of Chester road and Mrs. Arthur Tomlinson is the baby's grandmotlter. LET·US LUBRICATE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP "A Midsummer Night's Dream," , D. Dickinson and Paul K. Paul- ic for 1946. to be given on Saturday, May 8, She i. a member of Alpha Chi son. .t the University's Morris ArboreThe monthly meeting of the Omega Fraternity and will take EVERY 1'IIIDJlY AT SWAllTllllOU. PA. pUBUSBED YoUJIg Adults will be held on Mon- part in this year's May ,Day play, tum in Chestnut Hill. TilE 8WAIlTlDlOIUDA!I, INC~ PUBLISIlE\I. PItoooe, S_ _ _ .. day evening at 8 in the chapel. The Woman's Society of ChrispETER E. TOLD, l!dIlo< 1L\llJOlUE TOLD. An Drle.. tian Sepvice wil Imeet on WednesTboodol"e F. mddn., Ad-.ettlaU>.· loIaDa.~ day at 1 o'clock in the Ladies' ParR..Jle Pcinor lors. The Spring Mart, under the ausPost 1179. pices of the Deaconess Home, will DEADUNE-WEDNESDAY NOON be held on Thursday at the First Methodist Church, Germantown. SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 'i, 1MB For 70 years we have giVen. Luncheon will be served from 11 t~ 2. For luncheon tickets, see uninterrupted service to this Mrs. Pitman. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES for rehearsal at 3:30 o'clock ThursThe' Senior Choir will hold recommunity. The second and third day afternoons and the Chancel hearsal on Thursday evening at Choir meets for rehearsal at 7 :45 Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock 7:45. generations of families continue service Mr. Cutler's sermon win be o'clock on Thursday evenIngs. S~pervised recreation un de r, ~Family Forlress"~ to call upon us ,in time of need. Theodore L. Purnell will be Friday TRINITY NOTES 'All departments of the Church evening at 7 in tbe Social' Hall. ! School and the Men's and Wom~ Holy Commnnion will he celeChri.tian Science Cbvche. Bible Class meet at 9 :45 o'brated on Sunday at 8 a. m. Church "Adam and Fallen Man" is the clock Sunday morning. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ned Pyle at the School will meet at 9 :45. At the 11 subject <>f the Lesson-Sermon in DlalCTORS o. 'UNUALI Harvard avenue entrance will as- o'clock Service of Morning Prayer, all Churches of Christ, Scientist, 1820 CHESTNUT STREET sist Mr. Cutler in greeting the the Rev. Wm. D. pow"el~~I"i1~~:;;~~~1 on Sunday, May 9. The Golden congregation after the service Secretary. of the F Text is: "If 'thou return to the AIT.I.phone Rl 6-1581 MARY A. BAllI,. P_Idont Sunday morning. I C~uncil of Chur, diving boards; gas pump. 363 Swarthmore and Muldenburs av.enues. Rut· ledge. 1 ' - ' b'ICy· FOR SALE-Boy's 26" balooD tln:u de. $13. Phon~ ~!"artbmore O'90·W. . FOR SALE-Pittsburgh plate glass mlr~ ror. JX5 ft. New $35. Phone S.w.04S~.M. FOR SALE-Topsoil.·5 ton toad:; dehver· ed, $15. H. Carlson. Call Madison 1092 FloweR to be Shown a There wili" lie flower siio~ of the Hill and Hollow Garden Club 011 Tuesday, May II from' 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 -p. m. It will be held at the Old Mill, whose entrance is directly opposite the Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Valley, Anyone interested in flowers and flower arrangements is invited to attend. Admission will be free. Phone ~[cdia 25,!,:6J:,.-,..-,---.:::=:-::::;:; FOR SALE-Play pen. baby~s rocker, bottle sterilizer, bottle warmers. LaTge chain three-wheeler, 28. Telephone Swar· thmore 2212 momin~g~s''=::::-<-l::;:;:;;:-<: FOR SALE--Cbild's large tricycle. S~~r. ed I,caver coat, size 16. good condition.: Telephone Swarthmore 2~9J~8~-W~._-,-== FOR SALE--Lady's five-piece bedr~m with single bed. Davenport and chair. rugs. Telephone S:.varthmore Or'l,'ntal RESOLUTION Authorizing Employment of Dog Catcher DE IT RESOLVED. that the Bur"geSS is hereby authorized to SweaT in not more thon twO' special officers to aid in enforc. iog the Dog of 1921 P. L. 522. :J.S amended. to serve when and as ca11~ upon and directed by the Burgess. While on duty within the Borough of Swarthmore su~h offi~ers shall be compensated at the rate of $1.00 per hour each. The nurg~.s is further authorized to employ the faclh. ties of an approved (log pound, and to incur the custom.1TY and rea~o~le chaTges for 5."lme, until such authority .IS revoked by Dorough Council. The authOrity of such officers, and the handling of cbarges.z!i be m3de against the owners of dogs set detained and disposed of, shall .be as set forth in said Act of Assembly, Its amend· nlents and supplements. Law ===___...:..._ ,=:"""'-~--." -for appointment. conf!denpYk! Colonial Cupboard,All No.busintsl! 5. ~bddelphia ..:•. "_ \VUmington, I!elaware. • \VANTED-Odds, and ends, fpmlture. chin3 and glassw3re. Reply to Dox 1. The Swartbmorean. W ~\NTED-Position as ~ook, six day per week. Refercnces. Ch~ter_ 2-~Si6.._ _ \VANTE~To rent furnished house or ap:lrtment for July and Augu!';t, SwarthmOt'e or vicinity. PllOne Ches~er. "-82.1 t. Dahlwin I.ocomotivc. \Vf"!rks, Eugmeenng Departnlent. John Sna,tagm. __ ' _ _-=: -,~r ANTEt~=Du-sine!'is girl dCEires sm:,11 , " h-' unfunlls t."'U apart ment or room WIth K with kite-hen privileges. Reply to Box , The Sw~rthmor('an, ..___ _ \V\N"Tl-:n-Sm:ol1 :l1'~nl1l('nt wiUI l.~t!' ~n(l cll·)killg" facililic" ('11" yount! l11;tlT1<.'\ XO chii,lr('1t or llcts. OCl:n1lY W ANTED-=Gr.1dnate~-;.;;;--anu ('onncil· Ion age 21 ot' over for July :md August. Interest in camp liff! ~ and na!urc ~()re rrefe:-red. Some eX}l'Cnence With Klrl~; Apply Girl SC01tt~. 6908 ~1:1Tket stree. Upper Darl)y or SW3t'thmor:e 2S22W Van Alen Bros. Lawn Mowers Sharpened by Machine Quick Service 501 Yale avenue RESIDENTIAL 1044-10lh Avenue RUTLEDGE, PA. Call and Deliver A. WAYNE, MOSTELLER Electrical A. Mercer Quinby Funeral Director Contractor PAINTING and DECORATING 5"-' .... VleiaIq f .... - ' Twen17 Yearl 1180 Muhlenberg Ave, SwVthmore ZZ95 I niaht Swarthmore 1272 or da7 Call Mason Builders Supply Company Swarthmore 0345 For All We are rieht here cia ~ EDWARD L. NOYES & CO. SWARTHMORE 0114 Sizes Hard Coal _ I III GOLD BOND POURING WOOL BATS AND BL,\NKETS PLASTERING SUPPLIES _ , 1125 W. I,hlgh Aoe., PIdIa. Plum. Baf oi ERNEST SMITH 3450 COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS 331 Dartmouth Avenue 1:e~ll US every BUILDING CONSTRUCTION S~ore-Phoae _~D~U~r~ges~s=~~-------:...-~===========::::~ wheT,9 you can Horace A. Reeves Coal and, Fuel Oil Other tools also sharpened Saws Set and Filed .1l~ Constance; ~rlO.rnll. _. ____ , UThird' Generation Builders" Phone: Swarthmore OI28-M LEGAL, 2952. FOR SALE- -Scotch collie, ~me year. old, beautiful sable and w~lte markings. AKC registered. Has had distemper sbols. ~In)-ecl~t~~ Twenty-sixth day of May 1948 Housebroken. Loves children. $'5. Call ass BOROUGH OF SWARTlu.rORE Swarthmore 1192.JI•• By ANDREW SIMP~ON "'NTED Presidoent of CounCil "==n--mW:=-::Aii AUo,t, ELLIOTT RICHARDSON \\'ANTED-\Ve will !Juy at ~t Prices.~~ ~ Dorough Ssrelary chiDa glass furmture, flreaTDIS., Approved May 3rd. 1948 HoUy Oak 431j or Holly Oak 6720,. col1~ct. J. PAUL DROWN Septemher.. Reply to SwarlhmoTf~ College. Realtor 907 E.dgmont Avenue GUTTERS ROOFS " REPAIRED..,d INSTALLED Furnace cleaning orders taken DOW. Call ' GEORGE MYERS Sw. 22IS6 409 Michigan Ave. REAL ESTATE c()ullle. Wallace Lippincott Cheller 3'-4516 •• llllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllll' J'oIO REA N NEWS NOTES men, Buddy Crowthers, Jo!In Tyler "nn Lukens, Mary Corse, M~rgaret Croco, Elaine Parcells, John Snape, Dick McCra~, Marion Ransburg, Margo BOWIe, Arthur McCormack, Alfred MacGilberry; decorations, Charles Acker, chairman, Dana Swan, Charles Barr, Edward ,Medford, Paul' Tarr, Edith Hay, Marjorie Zensen, S~l­ Iy J\lden, Barbara Crossett, Clatre Scbo!!, Joan Fairbanks, Fred Sales, Bill McHenry, Don Federolf Larry Franck, Fred Werner, Walt Dickinson, Bill Thomas, Ralph Parris, Dick Terry, Jeryl Faulkner ,and Julie Richardson. Formal to he Held Frida,. e"'eninG"'",=;"-='=;-;==:TC:=;:-'::;;;:FOR SALE-9X15 textured wine rug. $8:; NOTICE Begining Sunday, May 9 we will he \1l7 ART H ....////////////////////////////////////////////////////. Mrs. Benjanlin CoUins and Mrs, George Ewing were hostesses to OYiBl~L:E;~[sb;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 bags-Mrs. James A. Hayes, Jr.; j the April meeting' of the Friendly JOYCE LEWIS : aprons and other articles-Mrs Circle at the home of Mrs.. Collins Lucius Beebe. on Norlb, Chester road. Twenty_ Garden enthusiasts will be eager members attended. five to take this opportunity to see The dessert-card party to be Todmorden Farm in all its glory. held next Thursday, May 13 at the Mrs. Scott has, rare and beautiful Woman's Club was one of the gardens and of especial interes~ is subjects discllssed. one 5~Il _secJi?p thC!l~. ~jop~ists ~ri­ ,Funds raised will be used for tirely of. .plants of ber own "creation. .' , Camp Sunshine during the Summer :;=;,~~~;;~~;;~=~:=== BOROUGHITES AID HOSPITAL season when under-priVileged child_ ',ren are provided with '.. needed Members of the' Junior BQard va,cation and recreation' period. " ' t~ of the dester Hospital" includi'og Cakes, candies, potted plants and . several Swarthmotean', submitted aprons will be on sale. Tickets BEWAILS CHADWICK LOSS committee rEports as follows, at can be secured from any member Dear Editor: the Board meeting in the solarium of the Circle. The primary election had the ef- of the hospital Tuesday morning, _______ fect of removing E. Wallace Chad- May 4: Team Wina Aa-ain wick from the Congress of the .\.'. "Little Shop" (Mrs. Walter PalThe girl's lacrosse team won 5 United States. This is a disappoint- mer, chairman)-31 workers, 131 to 1, from the Lower Merion ment to the 1031 Swarthmore vot- hours; prosperity shop (Mrs. F. F. School last Friday. Today they win ers and the 40,000 Republicans of Long, chairman) six workers, 95 the county who supported him, hours; surgical dressings, (Mrs. be competing with Friends's Central •., \ Moreover, Mr. Chadwick's collea- Crosby Black and Mrs. George . Two members of the team will gues in the Congress have express- Armitage, co - chairman) f0 Ur •.. ..L••. _ ".. • ed their astonishment at the results workers, 14 hours, 4600 articles leave tomorrow !)lorning to partiof the recent election. Credit for wrapped; floor service (Mrs. J. cipate hi Play Day at the Baldwin the elimination of, this able legis- Paul Brown, chairman) 10 workers. School. All schools in this area lator goes to Mr. McClure and his 146 hours;, visiting desk (Natalie are sending members of their teams for this .event. efficient organization. Monroe, .chairman)-four workers, It is ironical indeed that' the loss 73 hours j cancer detection-Mrs. Mrs. Richard T. Randall Jr, of in Mr. Chadwick's defeat is not William Ward, 3rd reported one Nor~h Chester road is entertaining his but the county's. I am remind- clinic held, one worker and three h~r . brother-in-law and sister, Mr. ed of the editorial statement of the hours: membership- Mrs. Willis New York Times on the defeat qI Glauser reported 'one new mem~, ,and Mrs., Albert, 'L. Eltinge Who AND MANY OTHER DELIGHTFUL GIFTS arc enroute from West Palm Churchill in a post-war election: ber, Mrs. Robert Varley. Beach, Fla. to Twilight Park, HainuGratitude is for history not poliA sum for. redecoration of the es, N. Y. for the sumet. tics." • Vcry truly yours, GEORGE W. McKEAG FOR, THE ,S iiiiiiii ' !---_ _ _-..J ! t !\ \ , I\ ---= Charles E. Fisclter ---=5 -::-Builder ------::--------!!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilIU: , ~ :: PAINTING :: :: Interior & Exterior E :: Swarthmore 2253 :. lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1¥. Swarthmore 1448 WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes 8r: Rubbish Removed Mowed General Hauling .!36 Harding Ave. Morton. Pa. 1_1.wll-~ Reese-Baxter Co. SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. Cheater Elalar-. VUito ...... uut Mt, /Mrs The members of the Eightsome Arth' SeweU . S n~L'W, Hodge, Mrs. R. Shoemaker, Mrs. 'RusseU H. , ur. """ln50n, Mrs, Walter IIIliU'"IIIUlilllllJlllllUlIJilllilJ' . Kent, Mrs, WiUiam A. Clark, Mrs. IOIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII A. Ludlow Oayden and Mrs. Helen Gee, IIOID, Y and Mrs, Albert Thatcher of Wes~ Brow Oval. Lookout Mountain, ~hey were .also entertained at dinner at the home of Me and M~s, Richard Thatcher a~d ~t the Fairyland Oub by Mrs. Murray Raney and at a luncheon by Mrs .. Robert Robertson. The Club took the Skyline Drive d~~n. 'stopping in Washington to VISit the National Galleries. in order to see the German Collection and ,returned through the Grea; Smokles. ADMISSION 5c 7 to I P. II. ,h. THURSDAY, MAY 13 ......... 18 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. 1111111111111111111~11111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillf c APPLE BUTTER ..:~ PRESERVES I: ~:r.:,c:* • 23' ~pout oFtmuble this Summer .. For MoHler', Day YI..,.la I.e MOTBER'. DAY ·,,'5- .hI. loaf ... u...... 101. for .... - ... IDEAL PEAS .'::l. ,. 8 for $I,OJ SWEET PEAS "k'",::r.,. Zkl8 for 83' APPLE SAUCE ~=-t.. 1~::r 2 ~:;.: 17' SPAGHEtTI 3t!~~-:. 25a TOMATO SOUP I~~::=:~ 3 t::~01 25' . ArntatIr Star T••d_d BOIELESS BOTTS· 75c CBlCIEIS F't~::=~ SMOKED PICNICS::J: ~~a:!. POT ROAST BEEF :.:.~ CHUCI BEEF STEAlS 4 101 IN '" 110 III 10: 18 FRESHLY GROUND BEEF ~OOKED CHICKEN 7. Tiles 10. all an" AI, FI ..... -..=- ,-: MI. Ideal O"-"'faoalt S ee....... __ ....- GOld Seal PaaeaIIe aobfotod Whole al.. 10" a 7ao ; . : /.--" a.,. a::t:'aso . f83 ggf€J&!?j . I ,..- - SELIClTID MIXID NUTI & ' .....A. . . ___ Callfonla ~ RAllROAO -STRlKE May 7 and 8 MADISON ,BROS. FRESH _BU&I SHAD 111121: ;..c·-CoLD 'B" KCftJII-j :. '90, STUDERBAKER SALES &: SERVICE So. Che.ter and Fairview Roads PhaDe Swarthmore 9793 8g XXX 008 3JlUS81lg8g g XUIl XB ','" c::.• ...,. .. P~.V"" beDefit CAMP SUNSHINE WOMAN'S CLUB I p, M. Thursday. May 13 Ticket. _ Call Swarthmore 011-J "NEW LOOK" w.. • By the Ro.e Valley Cbanu ,SINClAIR1Z1 your car now· , lice to return the cOurtesy. I JT-4·JO THE MIKADO SPECIAL COMBINATION NICE .. 49c $1.98 ~ FRIENDLY CIItCLE De8sert-Carcl p aa ....... , ·1. .. .............. . '11ae Bell Tele.....e GUelt Prelentation of Gilbert &: SuUivaD'. 9. Spa" PlugS , line neighbors, who may aleo want to use the line. They'll make it a prao- OPEN of Swarthmore FUSCO and ALSTON 49c 45c 89c 751: And ••• you're ehowiDa courtesy to your party. "OOR" ......... keep teleo brief, you're learing the door open for incoming calls tbpt YOIl might not want to mia. THE ~ Barbara Davis. Jean. Brown and Dods Black are members of the concert club which presented "Alice in Wonderland" on May Day at Mary Washington College. Mrs, Ferris Thompson of North Chester road spent the weekend with her brother-inlaw-. the Rev. Edward Thompson and family of Cambridge. Md, Mrs, George E, Silloway of North Chester road is on a two week motor trip to Minnesota. Mrs. Robert M, Kent of Montclair. N. J. formerly of 'Westdale avenue, visited Mrs. Thumas Simpers of the Swarthmore apartments last week. The mother of Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup of Haverford avenue. Mrs, Charles C. Murray. who arrived two weeks ago for the christening of her granddaughter, has retumed to her home in Washington D.C. M r. an d Mrs. J . H ar Ian Jessup of Haverford avenue entertained for several days last week Mrs. Jessup's cousin Mrs. Robert Cooley who was enroute to her home in Batavia. N. Y. from the D, A. R. convention in Washington. The Players Club WI CARE FOR 6. Bcottory •• Co.nng syo,"m No. Z - Y1..c:::"ld AlI~~~ I. Challis 3. fran.mlilton' 2. MOIo, 4. Dlfhrenllol 5. mnl Wheels No. Z COIl 31e1 phone SOCIAL NOTES • you ~ • • Milford. Pike Co. Penna, Established 1930Regl~trations . for 4 or 8 weeks startmg July 1st. For Booklet and further information call MRS. BRUCE D. SMITH 300 N. Princeton Ave, Sw. 0508- R WI LUBRICATE 2ft ,.......... II" $1 ... 7 lOc .• Whencalls • Grr!~ 6 to 16 to protect i~ lO·ways_ Frult.d Stollfn - 35c IRIAD -.TElIJ'P Jill • • hooked with a big auto repair bill this Summer. Let us Sinclair-ize Your Car For Summer NOW "'''''''11, IoKid VI..,.III. ' - ________ CAMP NETIMOs Motorists-don't get IJlYEB CAKE La..,.. Gold.N·S.o Cocoa... Cannel ______________________________T~'~H~E=-~S~'W~ARTJH~M~O~R~E~A~M~~ J!!!!~~~IID~~~'~~'~"~-'~~~~______~7 . . : _ - • • • • • • • • • • • • .' • • • • • • • 1• • • • ' . • RUM MAG E SAL E w, Goodwin of Sw~hmore and. T' 'ty Ch h . Mary Verlenden of Lansdowne re. T Sunday from a 10 day~ ___,;,, toturned t' ---;W'F.ii:N~~~;\-nnv",:liiT~~U~I';,C;:---::",::"-:":~ WEDNESDAY ennessee.. EVENING, MAY 12 Their host and hoctess were Mr GNat Moth... bow. tIIat .&kat Apple httw .prtad OYer ... rlched S.p...... Bread I.... comblnaffo. hr t ro" ' , chHd,.. to for lit q big wfIJ. and .now. II". good for them, . r~~~~~=,~day_ MaJ'. 7, tMa DIll m&llEIIIl. of three railroad uniOD.... representing leSli'than .0ne-teDth of all railroad tlnD!oJee&, have called a railroad strike that iIoiild ~ the nation. • These leaders refuse to accept a 15% cents . . hour wage increase retroactive to November 1, 1947, ThIs increase was recomme!,ded JJJ an impartial EmergeDcy Board appomted by President Truman. ThIs increase of 15% cents already has been accepted by the 19 other railroad unions. But the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, and the SWitehmen's Ur'lIon of North America won't accept what more than 90% of all railroad em'ployes have accepted. They have called a strike to. get morel . Unions refuse rules discussion. CertaID rules changes demanded by these union leaders-which would increase wages stD1 further - were recommended by the Board. But the UDlon leaders' want morethey depumd that the railroads P'!t i!lto eli!,ct . ALto tile .-.,gaS tbey asked for. mcludmg thoSe the Board felt shonld be denied. 011 top of tbis, they insist that certain rules dtanges ,proposed by the railroads be withdrawD-in spite of the fact that the Board recommended them! These union leaders have refused to negotiate except upon these arbitrary terms. after' hearing evidence for 33 days} made recommendations based on all the tacts in the case. Tho rmmisslOD Statement M-300 Greater wage increase not justified Engineers and firemen are among the highest paid of all employes in America. as figures til ilIe box show. This strike threat doesn't justify giving a greater increase than other railroad workers received. Emergency Boards are a means provided • hy the Railway Labor Act in the public inter, . est to avoid Strikes. The President's Boardj LIABILITIES Demand deposits of indivi· duals, partners1t£ps,' and corporations ••••.••••.•••. 3,314,027.12 Time deposits of individuals, p.arlnerships, and COrporahans .•..•........•.•••.. 1,413,617.47 Deposits of United States Government •••••••. '.. . ••• 141,499.08 Deposits of States and polio tical subdivisions •••••••.• 110,488.59 Other deposits (certified and Cashiers checks. etc.) •••• 31,494.25 Total Deposits ••••••.•••• $5011,126.51 Other liabilities ••..•••••.•• • 124.17 Total Liabilities •..••••.•• $ ~,\\"orn l11e to and subscrihed hefore' tl!is 20th day of April, 1948 PETER E. TOLD Notary Public 214 • 143 LIBERTY STREET We are publishing this and other advertisements to talk with you at (Irst band about matters which are important to everylxKl¥• ,. , ,----- COl.. RECT-ATTEST W. E. KISTLER , ALBERT N. GARRETT C. R. RUSSELL Directors , -:~~Nk~~L:~~--~~::~::~::::~~-;::~T:=H~E~.~S~1V::A~R~T~H~.~M~O~R~E~A~"~~ __________________~______~~~ Seek New .Look Harris, who foresaw that Troop S . Ch I ·FrIda,.. May 7,1848 For. Scout House pnngF ti· ora · h es vaI T ODlg t day evening April·29, at the home £ of 'irs. George B.rel·tll·ng, on Swar- ments or appointments, so that " avenue. thmore \ h ere will be no. u~necessary wait· IIIg. All mothers of children wh Continued from Page 1 are to enter kindergarten next ye 0 Harry Wood of the College, tUl1JThe union of all available funds ;:;;~n~el~,~74,' P1sa,ge l61. sh~uld call Mrs. Brertling on F~~ cd the house into a home. But the inc1uding a gift kept in reserve by "".1 day, May 7, or Monday, May 10 . Mrs. Guenthcr Froebel for the Accompanists for the choral foof leak,ed and House CI13lrnmn . I' 'I d . 0 for an appointment. ' ~frs. Richardson rallied assistlnts I gt,rsf ": l.ose rC d311l of aobhlOUSC came groups will include Margaret ---once again to her aid. ,0 rUlllOll ma e POSSI e the ac- Croeo, Lewis Izumi, MalJfa Hop- Continued from Page 1 (jllisition of a beautiful new stove and Julie Lange' . ·Th e I·a tter f.ormed at the reCent .scho·01. band To Hold Final L _"""Oa _L I 1938 h d . I n t .t k t e out oor fireplace be(in 110 way resembling "Stove" of is appearing in this role for the The Woman' A '1' id I h concert. . . s UXI lary to the gan. 0 a e p ac.e .un er tIe ands .Jig!! i~",d JX An attendant problem first time. Spot solo passages in Members are reminded to make D:lllawba~e C.ounty Medical Sociely of :lfrs. Freden.c ChIld and her was' solvcd ,,·,·th the g',ft 0·£ an ',ce- the p rag ram \VI'11 b c· sung b Y reservaf WI 'tl 'I nng Its current"· year to a troopb 0(. S. couts. fhe. rummage sale TlOX bl.' 1\1 rs. Da",'d P. w·,sdo,n. D'd S 'tl f ' Ions WI 1 .n. rs. : H. J. DinJ . ' aVI Ill", one 0 the chorus gle. by May 8. . cIose on Th ursday, May 13, with ils run y ~Irs. H. Lindley .Peel in .. :r-t9\\'l~~J ~lC.'Y~!~oat 0.£ paint and representatives to soiA'li-eastern . 0 T · annual meeting and recl' . 19~1 earned funds to g,ve ti,e ot I,cr eSScllUa ' . ' I repairs are needed District Chorus held t",o ,"eeks 'II n G.uesday.; May 18, at 2 p. m. Iuncheon proclty at the LI h C I I t . . N " , Ie .)rl SCQut· Conlnll'tte- ,.,'11 .. . . anere oUnt' Ow the house to carry the story 0". Tile bene- a go 1I1 . Ph oenlXVI . '11" ' CI u b. A UXI'1'lary presidents . r) Jlouse c ec nClt. y.. e; '.1'dargo B owic sponsor a b r b'd and rlp~:ce:~:t~\Y~~1 members from Berks, Bucks, Chcs.)ccame a quahflcd hostel wclcolIJ- £it. ,"Wi~~~. g.i\"~s .all the people of and Shelby Martin, both soph- the .,clUbhOUsee~c ID~ ~ny t~oop ,for payment for Sw;!rthmo-rc "a chance to help give omares. be usew f tl· t~r~ ~ehi~h, ?rfontgomery and m crmght quarters. lIrs. Henry lhc .,sP,Out-· House its ncw look The following seniors will be I I G' or· Ie renovation 'of the PhiladelphIa Counties have b _ __ IlIa 1IIg t Ielr last appearancc with .. lI~vlted to attend. Airs. ~nchael J k' I' oca uI Scout House. . . . Cell the. high school chorus this year: KINDERGARTNE~S· TO BE ,P~I.lta, . vf Reading, Councilor fo' Sopra~os ; Judy Dickson, Betty REGISTERED NOW F O ' the District, will be tl)e guest ; -~ Lou Emery, Anne Hickman \ Joan All . R FAI.L honor.· 0_ . f ~ P' d ( . ' parcnts are urged to . t 'f ,cear) secretary - treasurer .0 f ·. their children for next r,eglks. er .1\'" rs .. George n. Sickel, pres icItorus, l\.fary Alice West·· aild 'I years In- tlcnt, wIll conduct the b . Carolyn Wilcox. Altos' '["lldred (I~r?artel ~ class 1n the pre-school . usmcss scsC mlc W l1ch will be h J I' I I' SIan and the ·election of ff \ . .1\ I3crnanl, Helen Chaiken Sadie I I . ... e ( 111 tIe ngh ilntl directo f h 0 Icers d Tile . rs or t e coming uear. , sc 100 bluldlllg 01 T Garrett,. Helen Jonson,D-o·r·,s \V d nes d a lUes ay and e "1..' 1 preSident wiJl present .1 Iler • Snell, Sue Surrick 1\'Iary Lou or(cr 1 y, may 1 . and 12. III I to complete . t • • a l nUlla report and instaH the new. Thayer and Hatsy Turnel', Li-.·15 requestcd that v regIS rallon It y el.ccled oficers f·or ti,e 1948_.n . . -t;J brn,rian. .Tenor: -Cllarles Keenen f,'c • d' accmatlon certi- season. aLe an hlrth ff· I and Howard Pressman. Bass' 10s- b I R' . cer I lcate . be .Mrs. AIexande~ FadiJ Pro I . B G . roug It. egJstratIOn will I CI . , gTam cp 1 rown eorge Hay; James pJcted and physical • ~e ._com- •.13Ir01an. will, introduce juditl Horsey, "Vi~liam Hucy (presidcnt), will be given. exall1l11ations Nma Goodl~lalj,' a former studcn: Harry McGllberry and Barry PatM P . at tho Julhard School of .1.\'I lISlC, . (.' rs. cter Breitling t S . ton vlcc~prcsidcl1t). thmorc 0608 R . .. a war- who will entertain with a piallo reIS makmg arrange_ cital. camping was to' have a future in sc . t·· . . 'bl f ou IIIg, " responsl e or this idea. ~wnrthmore Inaugu'ral E'vent To Close Clu"" :ilC I M others are,. really, just ordinary people Of course, they spend their lives in extraordinary acts That speak their love for those they cherish, Holding their homes a sp~ial sort of trust Even though, like Presidents their children ' Reward the mostly, with rushed .requests and too high expecta. tions. Continued from Page 1 Moeller and :Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks; board member, Mrs. Robert Kamp, ~[rs. Charles C. Martin and 1Irs. John B. Maerker. . The final meeting of the l\-Ioth-. ers Club Board was held Thurs- *Buxtoa. **Marionette ***Choice lines BUCHNER'S Thursday, May 13 The $I.OO-S erve Yourself - All Y ou W ant SPRING SUPPER HOUSE 1II11111111111111II11I1I1I11Il1111111I1111I11I11111111111111111111I11I1I1I1I1I1I11I1I1I11I11I1I11I1I1111111111l1ll1l1l1l1l111I111111l1l1lllllllll11 FUR STORAGE . Fur - Fur tri d C . Cloth Germ mme oats - Siored $2.00 Min. enl. - Blaakets - Siored $1-50 MDON'T DELAY - STORE YOUR GARMENTS mNOW . We clean Blankets, Drapes, Slip Coven Quilts QUILTS RECOVERED - PILLOWS RE~VERED . THE ORANGE CLEANERS 405 Dartmouth Avenue "-_ 8 . ~....a 10 5.30 eve.,. da» . Swu-thmore. Pea.... 1II11"I11""""IIlIII""""""II""""""II""IJI"""H""HIllIllIUIII~"IIID1UIIII"lm""111HII""""""""""IIII Harvard Inn We PORCELANlzE Your Car for $15.00 For Super Cushion Tires 9728 J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Dispensing Opticians '- Hannum & Waite 1923 Chestnut Street - - Philadelphia 6913 Market Street. Upper Darby, Pa. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH Chesler Road & .Yale Avenue Swarthmore 1250 Experts in the Making and Fiiting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses I ..... 827 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. ~a················· ~.".e4""Iet"."~_""M BENEFIT THE SWARTHMOR CHORUSES ~"tL IN CONCERT Qualjty of Tone Varied Choice Delight The Swa~thmore Public School ChoruseS. 'under the skilled and inspirational direction of Alice Blodgett, ·sang their way to triumph M<\y 7 in Clothier Memorial. The auditorium was filled not only with parents and' teachers but with those ·drawn from nearby areas by the .fame of the school's Spring Choral Festival. The rapport betten director and 5ing~rs, between audience and performers was apparent from the· united singing of Ihe National Anthem which opened the affair to the culminating rendition by the combjned choruses ,,;Ih piano and organ of the adaptation from Rubinstein's "Kamen· noi-Ostrow." The Mixed Chorus, membership in which is the school's top recognition of vocal ability, offered a program of wide variety which was executed in professional manThe Bach "Draw us to thee'~ sung a ·capella,' Fox' ;~Rain and 'tlie the River," the two spirituals "Get Down .Serv3ne' and "Ole Ark's alfovcrin", "Father William" with brilliant piano solo by Lewis Izumi dr-ew husl;ed attention, and applause. The "fanner Swarthmore Prepar... atory School Song prcsented to Ihe high school by Willard Tomlinson and .arranged by HolmBlodgett was sung with precision attack. AlcF.arlanc's "Open' Our Eyes" and the Hallelujah Chorus, which annually brings the audience 10 the traditio.nal rising tributc of the musically literatc, were well received But the al?plause which earned an encore from the Chorus was drawn by its ,rigorous performance of Van Heusen's "Country Style" 10 which Violinist David Spencer and square dancers Pat Gallagher, Margie Johnson, Joan Medford, Elaine Wherry, Ralph Brown, Waldo Fisher, Bill Scholl and George Thorbaln contributed their '·crsatile talents. The Senior Girls' Glee Club !ang a pleasing repertoire which included the gently melodic· Scotc~ lullaby "0 Can Ye Sew Cus. hions", the fa~ored· chromatic progressions in "Peter. Piper", "1'111 Only Ninteen"-a Kentucky moun~ lain ballad of unrequited love witl! its searching Question "i.o;:; there one man in twenty a young girl . call trust?" and the sprightIl "Janitor's Boy". The Boys' Chorus delighted all \\·ith the reminiscent-of-old-serenalles "~-\l1ra Lee", and the familiar \relsh tune which stirs the blood 10 "Men of Harlech". There had been heard tantalizing tales about the original song medley and with ~[iss Blodgett at 'the piano, tho Continued on Page 8 ner. Come Enjoy your Favorite Di.hes STRATH HAVEN INN Listing the services they give so constantly, . Offering our gifts in deUcate tribute., yearning .to let them tell our heart's true story Of love and knowledge that Mother's our security, Unspoken, mostly because the ~ords embarrass her. .- Dr. G. C. Myers to , Speak Thursday It's just once a year we speak their value; Van Raalte lingerie in Nylon or Barbizon, ' Even wallets, ~ hose,~~ and gloves~ ~~ we sometimes borrow· SCOUT I ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~.~'~~~.~~.~~~~~.;;~I Libra.ry SWa.rth more, Pa.. SUPPORT ! College M~s. Joseph Madison To Sing "Requiem" Phyllis Curtin, soprano, and :Mrs. I Jennie Marie HQlverson Henry .Faust, baritone, win be the Madison w~s buried Tuesday "ftfeatured solists at the Swarth·· ernoon in Eastlawn cemetery folmore Coll~ge Chorus presentation lowing 3 o'clock services conducted of Brahms' "Requiem" on Friday, at her late home on Girard avenue May 14, at 8 :16 p. m. in Clothier by the Rev. Dr. Roy N, Keiser :Memorial. The chorus of about 70 rector of the Swarthmore Methovoices is under the direction of dist Church. . James Sorber o( the Swarthmore Mrs .. Madison· passed away Satfaculty, and is accompanied by urday in Taylor Hospital, Ridley David Tudor, organist. Park where she had been admitted Mrs. Curtin who has been with two da·ys "Carlier, after two weeks the New England Opera Company illness. A native of Chester., she under the direction of Boris Goldwas S9 years old and had liv~d ovsky for the past season, sang the the Girard avenue address Jor 28 role of the countess in "The Marriyears. age of Figaro" in the company·s Besides her husband Joseph, Philadelphia performance. She is four sons OI1ie and Nor.man of the wife of a Swarthmore Collegt!l Perkiomenville, Alfred of Springsenior. Faust, the other soloist, is field and William of Ridley Farms director of music at the Swarth.. eight grandchildren; two brothers more Presbyterian Church. Harold arid Olaf Holverson of I-~----------·---­ This, concert will. conclude the aH~ster and a sister, 1\lrs. Louise Chorus's work for this year. The Malmberg of Linden, N. J., surpublic is cordially invited to at, tend. . Another musical event at the college this week-end will be the performance of musical compositions writtell by students of Swarthmore and Haverford colleges. This wil! be held in Bond Memorial on Sunday, May 6, af 8:15 p. m. MEMORIAL DAY WEEK-END.. PLANS Local Baseball Games Dance to be Repe~d 1947's U.,morial Day game and dance sponsored ·by the Swarthmore Recreation Association in der to raise funds Jfor the. borough's summer recreation program was so spectacular a success that it bids fair to become it tradition. This year. on }.{ay.29, borough families awl their holiday weekend guests will gather at Swarthmore College field to see 10 innings of baseball; five played :by the local American Legion team against the Swarthmore College junior varsity and five in which the town A and B Hornet squads battle it out. David Bradford· and Russell Snyder are in charge of this part of the day's doings. At 8:30 that evening in a gaily decorated high school gym, the musie of the Garnet Serenaders will coax rhythm-lovers of, all ages to tread the light fantastic. Highlight of the evening will be an ail-student floor show under the expert direction of :Airs. J. Oliver Swan_ Junior Club Dines Mothers Nancy Hoot vice-president elect and Rosamund Jones treasurer elect were installed into their speclive offices by Mrs. John E. Michael, senior club president, folJowing the mot"\ter-daughter banquct of the Junior \Voman's Club in the Park avenue clubhouse hridge prize. A quiz program under the direction of ).,[rs. \Vayne Gersen entertained guests after the banquet. 11 rs. A. B. Rea vis won the jackpot by declaring there are 49 streets, in Swarthmore. Bobby B1akiston received t),e booby prize. re- I DON RUTHERFORD IN FATAL CRASH Boro Boy 'Victim on Navy Training Flight Midshipman Donald Bruce Rutheiford was lolled during" "rou· tine training flight in line of duty" ;:c~;:v~;e:IL'F1~:~!:~' ~~:re7, :~ had been stationed for advanced training in flight ccmbat. He was CLUB-WOMEN· ·END . SUCCESSFUL YEAR ~ NEXT TUESDAY AID SCOUT HOUSE AT MAY 18 EVENT F ashion Show~Bridge to Finance Repairs The "new look" for the Girl Scout House on Cresson Lane is almost out of th..! dream stage, for the entire community has fallied to the cause and the benefit bridge to be held Tuesday, May 18, at tbe Woman's Club promises to be an unqualified success. The party begins at 1:30 in the afternoon with a fashion show of "new look" clothes from Joyce Lewis. The collection of daytime fashions for summer suburban life .wil! be worn by mothers ·of the Girl Scouts. Piano accompaniment for the show will be played by Mrs. Paul Banks and Mrs .. Palmer Skoglund while the clothes are modeled by :Mrs. Buchanan Harrar, lIrs. John Hanna, Mrs. }.oIace Gowing, Mrs. Carl Delmuth, Mrs. James Lees, Mrs. Ross Marriott, ~{rs. Thomas Hopper, ·Mrs. Robert \Vilson and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett. Alwa·y~:_· an attr~ction are. the door pri~es, and the current selection donated by merchants is particularly intriguing. Door prize awards will be made following the fashion show, then reireshmenb T uesday.s· L unch eon Bemns Summer 0'" Recess will be served so that those whose time schedule does not permit to have received his wings in June. th em t 0 remalll . f or b'd n ge may The youngest son of Mr. and leave: Mrs. S. S. Rutherford ot Strath A delectable feature of the aftHaven avenue, Don was born on With a well attended luncheon ernoon wilt be a candy contest parJanuary 4, 1928_ He graduated'Tuesd:.y, I llay 11, the Swarthmore ticipated in by the Brownies and front Swarthmore High School in Scouts of Swarthmore. The girls the c1ass of 1945 where he was \Voman's Club closed an ev..!ntful will display boxes of their own pet president of National Honor Soc- well rounded year's program. The candy recipes and prizes' will be iety and earned varsity letters president, ~Irs. John E. :Michael awarded on the basis of attractivein track (in 10th grade, with stars ~ave a detailed resumc of the con- ness and originality. of packaging. in 11th and 12th) and in basket- tributions to the community in After the judging, the caady will ball. A loyal· member of Boy Sc~ut fields. of education, culture and be sold in little baskets among the Troop 2. he brought honor to hi~ philanthropy, as well as in raising bridge tables. The prizes are Troop when he became the sec- funds by their antique show, mut- a secret, but they are something ond Ace Scout in the United ual exchanges and beaefit bridge. whicli bridge players wilf find very States as a result of his early work Following the installation of four useful. In the Scout ,branch of aviation. new directors, Mrs. E. D. Brauns Co-Chairmen pf the S c 0 u t After grarluation he entered the Mrs. Co H. Jeglum, Mrs. \Valter House benefit bridge Mrs. W. A. Naval V-S unit in aviation and H. Dickinson and Mrs. O'wen vy'_ DeCaindry and Mrs .. J. Albright was sent ~o the University of Rich- ~ay, Helen :owers, drum major- Jones and Chairmen Mrs. Jack mond and, later, to Duke Univer- ette of the High Schoo! Band gave I Thomp.son, (tickets), Mrs. Russell sity. Upon his voluntary enlist- ~n entertaining exhibition of twirl- Phillips (arrangem~nts), lirs. Dament in the Navy he was sent for 109. Sh~ was followed by one giv- vid Wisdom (food), Mrs. S. H. pre-flight training to Ollumwa, en by the younger corps ensemble. Hemenway (publicity), Mrs. GeoIowa. Later training was received AIrs. Stoyan W. Russell and :Mrs. rgc \Varren (table prizes) wish at Corpus Christi, Texas, and at Continued on _Page 8 Continued on Page 8 I Pensacola, Fla., prior to assignment at Jacksonville. A :Memorial Service will be con. FRIDAY, MAY 14 ducted Sunday at 2 p. m. in the Swartlimore Presbyterian Church 3:30 P. M.-Hlgh School Girls vs Agnes Irwin-Lacrosse .... _ .Home S :15 P. M.-Swarth"!ore College Chorus Concert ..••• __ ... _. Clothier by the Rev. H. Lewis Cutler. BurSATURDAY, MAY 15 ial was in· the family plot in \Vad- 2:30 P .. ~1.-Swarthm,!re College vs Haverford-Baseball ... _.. College dington, N. Y., earlier this week. 7.00-9.00P. M.-;Movles ...... - ........................ ____ _ Clothier He is survived by his parents 8 :15 P. lI1.-lIlu51cale, Swarthmore and Haverford Students .... Bond SUNDAY, MAY 16 and his three brothers, S. S. Ruth~ 11 :00 A. :'.l.-:'.Iorning Worship _.............. _.. , __ . __ Local Churches erford, Jr. and \\iilliam \V. RuthTUESDAY, MAY 18 . erford of Swarthmore, and Edwin 2:00 P. 1I1.-Girl Scout Benefit Bridge .....•......•. _•. \Voman'5 Club K. Rutherforod, a senior at DartWEDNESDAY, MAY 19 1110uth College, all three having 3:30 P. M.-Swarthmore College vS C. C. N. Y.-Lacrosse __ . _College sc(!n active service overseas dur· THURSDAY, MAY 20 ing the past war. 1:00 P. M.-vV.I.L. Annual Luncheon and Meeting .• 504 Walnut lane THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 8 -:~~~~~L:~~----~:::-::~~::~::~~:I~T~H=E~~S~lV~~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N~ ____________________________~~~ Seek New Look Harris. who foresaw that Troop S Friday, M.y~ 1948 pring Choral . IT . onight day evening April 29, at the hORle f 'I G mcnts for appointments, so -tllat estiva 0 .I., rs. corgc Breitling, on Swar- I . thlllore avenue. ~ Jere will be no u~neccssary wait~ Continued froIll Page 1 mg. AU mothers of children who Harry ,ruod of the College, turn.... 'l~h~. union .~r :11 a~allalJlc funds Continued from Page 1 arc to cnter kimlcrgartcn next YC~tr :.!u the huuse jtlto a home. But the me u( II1g a g-I t cpt III reserve by v3nia ~Iay 14, ]5, 16. .!ih~ulc..I call 1t.[rs. Breitling OIl Fri_ ;oof leaked awl House Chairman rls: . (I ;1t~'lI~~lcr Fro ehel for the Accompanists for the choral day, .Alay 7, or MOllday, May IH ~Irs. Richardson rallicd assistants i g-.r ~ \\: 1.0SC urc~1ll 0 f a.bhouse callle groups will include .Margaret for all appointment. ' . 1 to. l.r.lIIl10n ll1auc pO.SSl Ie the ac- Croeo, Lewis Izumi, Maura HopdllCC Hgnm to her aid. Continued from Page 1 To Hold Final Luncheon (ltlJ~ltIOn of a beautiful new stove kins anu Julie Lange. The latter . band ]11 1938 the outuoor fireplace be· (ill no way rescmbling "Stove" of is .tppcaring in this role for the formed at the reCent .school The Woman's Auxiliary to the -{an to take placc under the hands Egg and Jr . . \11 attendant probl. first time. Spot solo passages in concert. D~lawa~c County ~-[edical SOciety :;f :.\Irs Fred . CI 'hI I I ..' em Members are reminded to lliake Will bnng its current year to . '. en.c. 11 am Icr wa~ soh'cd with the gift of an icc- the program will be sung' by troop of Scouts. llIe l'Ullltnag-e sale, ilux by )'Irs. Da\'id P. \VisuolJI, Da"id Smith, one of the chorus l'eservatiolls with .Mrs. H. J. Din- close 011 'Thursday, :May 13, with it': run by Mrs. II. Lilluley Peel ill a, BC\y.,coat of· paint and representati\'es to Soutli-castefB glc hy Alay 8. . annual meeting and reciprocitv 19.H. c'lrlled fllllll" to gl·,' II I • : . . On Tucsd',,,· }!'IV 18 at 2 IUIlcheon at the Llanerch C . ' .... ~ e Ie ot ll:r esst.·lltlal repairs arc needed District Chorus held two weeks ' _. . . n .1.\ • - , p. m. .b ' , ountry IlOuse clcctrlclt, "0 II I fhc li.lr1 Scout CO'II'III'ttee \v,'11 CI 1.. AuxJJlary presidents 'lUd . ' I...' \ " It! IOUsc to C;lIT'"oJ ,lIe 'IOI'Y' I 'fl Ie Ilene- ago III . 1'1lOellJXVI . '11 c; 'I ;Jecalllc a I'f' • 01 . . :.\ argo Bowie (~tla I let hostel WClcOIll- i.it. '!ridg.c gh'<:s all the people of and Shelby 1[artin J both soph- sponsor a benefit bridge party in members from Berks J BlIck s, CI les. • IIlg allY 11 oop . for paYllIent for Su"arthmurc a chance to hell' give Olllores. the clubhouse. The proceeds 'will t~r~ LeJIl.gh, Montgomery and J"enlight (llnrt'r' c use.(l for the reno\'ation "of tl Ie PllIladelplnn Counties hay , e s. ..~[ rs. l-I cnry t I Ie •,~~~lIt Huuse! its ne\\' look. The following seniors will he Ibe . . . ' e IJCCli oca I G'IrJ Scout House, IIIvlted to attend. 1\irs. Mkhael , making their last appearance with, Penta, of H.eauillg, Councilor .. , the. high school chorus this year: KINDERGARTNERS TO BE U' . lor tl Ie Istnct, will be the guest uf . '!'liV' Sopranos; Judy Dickson. Bettv REGISTERED NOlV FOR FALL hOI101·. : LUll ElIlery, Anne Hickman, )oa;1 '~II pa.rcnts are urged to :register l\[ rs.. George ll. Sickel. pres iPiccanI (secretary - treasurer 0 f thclr clllidren for n"xt •s k'111.... year chorns), )'lary Alice \Vest, ami <1.el1t, Will conduct the business sesd~r~arten class in the pre-school SIOn and tile clcctioll f '" C'H~oIYIl \Vilcox. ....\Itos; ~lildrcd . 0 otllcer .. clllUC which ,,,ill he held in the high and directors for th . . Bernard, Helen Ch::likell , ....S a( I'Ie . . e comlllg year. school hllilding on Tuesd'IY a .• '1' ., c lIu he presIdent will presellt her (;:'l1TCtt.. Helen Jonsoll, J)oris \V eduesday, Alay 11 and 12. In allnuaJ report and Snell, Suc Sl1rrick lI.l :try Lutl ~)rdcr to complctc rcgistration it ly elected oHcers install the new~ Tha:rcr and Batsy Turner, for the 19-18- JI) I~ requested that vaccination ccrtl'$e<150Il" brarian. Tenor: Charles Keenen f t Ica e and hirth certificate b t I' . e ),11'.'>. :\lcxan,l"r I' 1'1 P awl Howard Pressman. Bass: Jos- I,l' ollg II. \.cglstrOltion will he COIt1'',If I. rog-ram eph Brown George Hay, Jamcs Jl',ctcd ami physical cxamina'tions c:.1.Jairm:w. wiJl introduce Judith Horsey, \VilIiam Huey (presidcnt), Will hc given. " ~lIla (;oodl~lan, a former .studellt I larry 11 cf.;ilhcrry, and Barry PatMrs. Peter llreitJin N dt the. Julhanl SCht101 ( I f Music t)ullore ()Gi08- "D IS nlak'0 at Swar- who Will cntertain witl I a ,llano •. tOil (\'icc-president). . r" ' • IIIg .arrange_ , cltaJ. For Scout House campi."g was to have a future in sC'ontmg. IS responsible for this idea. F I I' naug-ural Event To Close Cluli n.! I ~ow. J. • j , 0.-- - - -~ - - - " - .----~ - - Dr. G. C. Myers to Speak Thursday Mothel'S are, l'eally, just ordinary people Of course, they spend their live3 in extraordinary acts hat speak their love for those they cherish, Holding their homes a spe~ial sort of trust Even thou.gh, like Presidents, their children Reward the mostly, with rushed .requests and too high expecta,. bons. T Continued from Page 1 ),Ioeller ,llId :Mrs. ,\.nthony Fairhanks; hoard memher, :Mrs, Robert Kalil», ).f 1"5. Charles C. Martin and :;\f rs. John B. Maerker. The final meeting' of thc l\.foth .. crs Cluh BoaI'd was held Thursf ~"." , ~~.,", . -'"" ~, ~ _.' Thursday, May 13 The $ J .OO-Serve Yourself - All Y ou Want SPRING SUPPER STRATH HAVEN INN 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 FUR STORAGE Fur ~ F .... t ' d C oats Cloth GrImme arment. ~ Blankets - Stored $2.00 Min. Stored $1.50 M' ON'T DELAY - STORE YOUR GARMENTS'~OlV We clean Blankets, Drapes. Slip Cover. Quilt. QUILTS RECOVERED - PILLOWS RE~OVERED D It's just once a year we speak their value; THE ORANGE CLEANERS 405 Dartmouth Avenue Open 8 to 5:30 every day Listing the services they give so constantly, EEering our gifts in delicate tribute·, Swarthmoro, Penna. 1111111111111111111111111"11111111111111111111111111"111111"1111"01111""1111111111(1111111"11111111111111111111"11111111111111111111111111 o Harvard Inn We Van Raalte lingerie in Nylon or Barbizon, ' Even wallets,:(. hose,:(.:(. and gIoves:(.:(.:(. we sometimes borrow· H ....v ....d and aut,:en A_. PORCELANIZE Your Car for $15.00 yearning to let them tell our heart's true story Elove and knowledge that Mother's our security Unspoken, mostly because the ~ords embarrass her. o CINNAMON BUNS~ROl.J.S-PTES __ CAK or 9728 ........• , Super Cushion Tires J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Dispensing Opticians '. *Buxton, ··Marionette ·"''''Choice lines Hannum & Waite BUCHNER'S CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH Chester Road & Yale Avenue - Swarthmore 1250 Experts in the Making and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses 1923 Chestnut Street - - Philadelphia :r 6913 :Market Street - Upper Darby, Pa.! I .. ... _ 827 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. ~a······················~·"·" ........a ~ ,'\ C::.llece Library Swarth more, Pa. SUPPORT BENEFIT NEXT SCOUT TUESDAY HOUSE . CHORUSES [lCEL IN CONCERT Quality of Tone V.aried Choice Delight The Swarthmore Public School , Mrs. Joseph Madison Choruses, under the skilled and insPirational direction of Alice Blodgett, ·sang their way to triumph lfay 7 in Clothier 1[emorial. The auditorium was filled not only with parents and teachers but with tho~c drawn frolll nearby areas by the .fame of the school's Spring Choral Festival. The rapport bl!teen director and singers. between audience ami performers was apparent from the united singing of the ~atiollal Anthem which openeu the affair to the culminating rendition by the combined choruses with piano and organ of the adaptJtioJl from Rubinstein's "KamenHoi-Ostrow." The ~1 ixed Chorus, membership ill which is the senoors top re· co!,('nition of vocal ability, offered a program of wide variety which was executed in professional manner. The Bach I'Draw us to thee'~ SUllg :l capella, Fox' ··Hain and the. the n.ivcr," the two spirituals "Get 1)OWI1 Servant" and "Ole Ark's a~ ~loverin", "Father \Villiam" with 1947's :M-emorial Day game and hrilliant piano solo by Lewis Izumi dance sponsored l>y the Swarthdrew hushcd attention, and apmore Recreation Association in or.J' plause. tIer to raise funds .for the boroThe former Swarthmore Preparugh's Sllnmler recreation program atory School Song presented to was so sptctacular a success that Ihe high school by Willard Tomit bids fair to become .a tradition. Jinson and arranged by HolmThis yeaif'.". on l'lay .29, borough B~odgett was sung with precision families and their holiday weekattac.1{. l\JcEarlanc's "Open' Our end guests wilt gather at SwartilEyes" and the Hallelujah Chorus, more College field to sec 10 innings which annually hrings the audience of baseball; Bve played 'by the loto the tl'aditional rising tribute of cal American Legion team against the musically literate, were well the Swarthmore College: junior received. varsity and fivt: in which thc town nut the applause which earned A and B Hornet squads battle it an encore from the Chorus was ant. David Bradford' and Russell drawn by its vigorous performance Snyder are in charge of tl1is part of Van Heusen's "Country Style" of the day's doings. to which Violinist David Spencer At 8 :30 that eveni"g in :0 gaily and square dancers Pat Gallagher, decorated high school gym, the ~Iargie Johnson, Joan Medford, music of the Garnet Sercnaders will Elaine \Vherry, Ralph Brown, coax rhythm-lovers of all ages to Waldo Fisher, Bill Scholl and tread the light fantastic. Highlight George Thorbaln contributed their of the evening will be an all-stu\'(:rsatilc talents. dent floor show under the expert Thc Senior Girls' Glee Club direction of ~Irs. J. Oli\'er Swan, ~allg- a pleasing repertoire 'which included the gently melodic ScotJunior Club Dines Mothers ch lullahy "0 Can Ye Sew Cus11irIilS", the favored chromatic proNancy Hoot vice-president elect ~re:";Slons in "Peter Piper", "I'm and I{osalllund Jones treasurer Only Nintcen"-a Kentucky moun- elect were installcd into their retain ballad of unrequited love with spective offices by ~Irs. John E. it:'> searching (Iuestion Ui~ there :\Iichael, senior club president, {olOne man in twenty a young girl lowing the 1ll0tl,ler-danghter banC;11l trust?" and the sprightly quet o[ the Junior \Volllan's Club "Janitor's Boy". III the Park a\'elllte cluhhouse The Boys' Chorus delighted all hridge prize. '·'.ilh the l"CllliniscC'nt-oI-olc1-:':ercn,\ quiz program t1nder thc di;.. \ .. , ··.\ura Lec·'. and the fall1iliar H'ction oi )'Ir:-;, \\";LYllC (;('1"5('11 ell\\"t.:!:.;h tUlle whi~h stirs the blood I tertained gllbts ait~r the hanquet. to "~[en of HarIech". There had ')'lr5. :\. B. H.ca\'i.; \\'on the jackhe-en heard tantalizing tales ahout pot hy deci;)l"ing there are -.19 tile original song medley and with streets in S\\'arthmore. Bohhy :\I i!'s Blodgett at the piano, th~ Blakiston received the booby CfJlltintlcd on Page 8 jllri7.e. MEMORIAL DAY WEEK-END PLANS To Sing "Requiem" DONALD RUTHERFORD )1:rs. / Jennie :Marie Holverson ~ladison was buried Tuesday afternoon in Eastlawn cemetery following 3 o'clock services conducted at her late home all Girard avenue by the Rev. Dr. Roy N. Keiser rector of the Swarthmore llethodist ChurchAIrs. Madison passed away Saturday in Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park where she had been admitted two days earlier. :after two weeks illness. A native of Chester, she was 59 years old and had li\'~d at the Girard avenue address ,for 28 years_ Besides her husband Joseph, four sons Ollie and Norman of Perkiomellville. Alired of Springfield and \ViIliam of Ridley Farms eight grandchildren; two brothers Harold and Olaf Holverson of 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Ole!o.ter and. a sister, :M rs. Louise Malmberg of Linden, N. J., survive. Local Baseball Garnes Dance to be Repeated Come Enjoy your Favorite Dishes . ci\'I~rthr.lOre DON RUTHERFORD IN FATAL CRASH Boro Boy Victim on Navy Training Flight Phyllis Cllrtin, soprano, and Henry Faust, uaritonc, win be the featured solists at the Swarthmore College Chorus presentation of llrahms' "Requiem" on Friday, May 14, at 8 :16 p. m. ill Clothier ~I emorial. The chorns o[ about 70 voices is under the direction of James Sorbcr or" the Swarthmore faculty, and is accompanied by David Tudor, organist. Mrs. Curtin who has been with the New England Opera Company under the direction of Boris Goldo\'sky for the past seasOIl, sang the role of the countess in "The :Marriage of Figaro" in the compallY·s Philadelphia performance. She is i the wifc of a Swarthmore Collegb ."cnior. Faust, the ether soloist, is director oi music at the Swarthmore Preshyterian Church. This concert will. conclude the Chorus's work for this year. The public is cordiaUy invited to attend. . .Another musical cvcnt at the college this week-eml ,\'ill be the performance oi JlIusical compositions writteh by students of Swar~llJl.lOre. and Ha:'erford collegcs. .flus WIll bc held III Bond llelllorlal 011 Sunday, May 6. at 8:15 p. 1II. I AID SCOUT HOUSE AT MAY 18 EVENT F ashion Show~Bridge to Finance Repairs The "new look" for the Girl Scout House on Cresson Lane is almost out of the dream stage, for the entire community has rallied to the cause and the benefit bridge to be held Tuesday. ~[ay 18, at the \Voman's Club promises to be an unqualified success, The party begins at 1:30 in the afternoon with a fashion show of U new look" clothes from Joyce Lewis, The collection of daytime fashions for summer suburban life will be worn by mothers "of the Girl Scouts. Piano accompaniment for the show will be played by If rs, Paul Banks and :Mrs .. Palmer Skoglund while the clothes are modeled by ~Irs. Buchanan I-Iarrar, ).[rs. John Hanna, 1\.Irs. ~Iace Gowing, l'oIrs. Carl Delmuth, ~Irs. James Lees, ~Irs. Ross ?vlar. tt , 'I no .\ r.s, TIlomas H opper, '[ .1.\' rs. Robert Wilsoll and Mrs. Albert N. I Garrett. Midshipman Donald Bruce Rutherford was killed during <'. "rOll' tine training flight in line of duty" tlOn donated by merchants IS parat 2:30 p. Ill'1 Friday, ~Iay 7, at JacksonyiJIe, Florida. where he fashion show, then refreshments< had been stationed for ad\'anced will he sCl'\'ed so that those whose training in flight com hat. He ''''as time schedule docs not permit to have received his wings in June. them to remain for bridge may lea \'e~ The youngest son of }'lr. and Mrs. S. S. Rutherford 01 Strath J\ delcctable feature of the aftHayen avenue, Don was born on \Vith a well attended iUllcheon crnoon will he a candy contest parJanuary 4, 1928. He graduated T d 'I II tl S ticillated in by the Brownies and . . S I' ues ay, ...\ ay , Ie warthmorc S . from Swarthmore High choo m .. conts 01 Swarthmore. The girls the class of 1945 where he was I \Voman's Club closed an evc:atful· will display boxes of tl1eir own pet president of National Honor Soc- well rotmued rear's program. The candy rccipes and prizes' will he icty and earned varsity letters president, ),1 rs. John E. ).lichae1 awarded 011 the basis oi attractivein track (in 10th gralle, with stars \{a\'c a detailed resllme of the COll- ne,ss and originality of packaging. in 11th and 12th) and in basket- tribution5 to the cOlUllIunity in .Atter the judging, the candy will ball. A loyal member of Boy Scout fields of education, culture and he sold in little baskets among the Troop 2, he brought honor to his philanthropy, as weil as in raising uridge tables. The prizes arc Troop when he became the sec- funds by their antique show, lllUt- a secret, but they are something ond Ace Scout 111 the United ual exchanges and benefit bridge, which bridge players will' find very States as a resu1t of his early work Following the installation of four useful. in the Scout branch or aviation. new directors, ~lrs, E. D. Brauns Co-Chairmen 9£ the S co u t After graduation he entered the 1Irs. C. H. Jeglum, lfrs, \Valter House benefit bridge 1\1['s. W. A. Naval V-5 unit in aviation and H. Dickinson and ~Irs, Owen \v. DeCaindry and l\.Irs .. J. Albright was sent to the University of Rich- Gay, Helen Powers, drum major- Jones and Chairmen ~rrs. Jack manu and, later, to Duke Univer- cUe of thc High School Band gave Thompson, (tickets), :Mrs. Russel! sity. Upon his voluntary cnlist- an entertaining exhibition cf twirl· Phillips (arrangem~nts), 1\[rs. Dament in the Xavy he was sent for ing. She was followed by one gi\'- \'id \Visdolll (iood), ~Irs. S. H. prc-flig-ht training to Ollumw3. en by the youngcr COrtlS ensemble. Hemenway (pubJicity), ),[rs. GeoIowa, Later training was received :\frs. Stoyan \V. Russell and :lIre;, rgc \Varrell (table prizes) wish at Corpus Christi, Texas, and at Continued on Page 8 Continued 011 Page 8 ' Pensacola, Fla., prior to assignment at Jacksonville. .A 11cmoria1 Service will be conFRIDAY, llAY 14 .dueted Sunday at 2 p. 111. in the Swartl~1llore Presbyterian Church 3 :30 P. 1f.-H;gh School Girls vs Agnes Irwin-Lacrosse ...... Home 8 :15 P. ~r.-Swarth~ore College Chorus Concert ... _........ Clothier hy the He\" H. Lewis Cutler. BurSATURDAY, MAY IS ial was in the family plot in \Vad2 :30 ~ .l!'~S\\'arthm~re College vs Haverford-Baseball ...... College dingtol1, X. Y., earlier this week. 7.0Q-- .OOP. ~L-;lIovle~ .................................... Clothier He is slIr\"i\·e(1 hy his parents 8 :1.1 P. ~I .-~ll1s1cale, Swarthmore and Ha,'crford Students .... Bond SUKDAY, MAY 16 <111<1 his thrce hruthcr:-;. S. S. H.uthII :00 ,\. ~I.-~[orning Worship ................... , .... Local Churches criord, Jr. and \\"il1iam \\'. H.uthTUESDAY, MAY 18 . erionl of Swarthmore, ami Edwin 2:00 P. lL-Girl Scout Benefit Bridge ........ _....... \Voman·s Club K. Huthcrforod, a senior at DartWEDKESDAY, lIAY 19 mouth Collcg:e, all three ha"ing 3 :30 P. ~I.-S\\'arthmore College vs C. C. N. Y.-Lacrosse _. _. College ;;ee!l actin:- sen'ice o\"('rs(,as durTHURSD..\.Y, MAY 20 iug the past war. 1:00 P. ~I.-\V.I.L. Annual Luncheon and Meeting .. 504 \Valnut lane CLUBWOMEN' END I~O~:\~;:;~es:H~lIt:~,:ct~:~rel~~eSCI~~~ SUCCESSFUL YEAR ~i,~~:I::~~\\iilll:~!g~:~~~ f~~o~:in:r:I~~ Tuesday's Luncheon Begins Summer Recess THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR • THE New, Note, CooK-MARR Mrs. Joseph K. McLean of the Strath Haven Inn left by plane on May 9 for a visit of, several weeks with her daughter Mrs. J ohu G, Butterworth in Evanston, III ,Nine members of the Thimble Group met Monday at the home of Mrs. James B. Douglas on North Chester road. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Disque of Strath Haven avenue and Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lange of Baltimore pike attended the spring meeting of the Middle Atlantic Section of the American Society of Engineering Education at the United States Naval post graduate school at Annapolis, Md. on Saturday, May 8. The marriage of Miss Helen Crawford Marr, daughter of Mrs. George A. Marr, of Park avenue, to Dr. E. Fullerton Cook of Atlantic City, formerly of Wallingford, was performed by the Rev. Dr. H. Lewis Cutler, pastor of. the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, in an informal ceremony at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. Harold G. Marr, Kershaw avenue and Turner road, Wallingford, at 6 :30 Wednesday evening, Moy 12. ~ The bride was given in marriage by her brother and attended I>Y his wife, Mrs. Harold G. Marr. She wore a pale blue faille afternoon dress. SWARTHMOREAN Fnh,.. Ma,. 14, I A Lieutenant Commander in the birth of a second son, William' Jr. of Floradale, Pa., are ree:eh,in. Naval Reserve, he is associated Sweyn,' on April 17 in Toledo. congratulations on the birth 01 with the law firm of Duane, MorThe grandparents are Dr. and son, John Frederic, on May 5. ris, and Heckscher. Mrs. John A. Detlefsen of The grandparents are Mr. After their marriage the bridal fayette avenUe. ' M r s . Walter Suplee' of West Ches. couple will reside in Pittsburgh,' 'ter and Mrs and Mrs. Frederio Ii Pa., where Mr. Olds will be conMr. and Mrs. Frederic E. Griest, of Floradale. nected with the law firm of Reed, 11~iiiiiiiim~iiiiiiiimru~iiiiiiiiiiiim~iiii~m~rururuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirn~iiiiiiiilliil Smith Shaw and McClay. II CAMP DEERWOQD The marriage of Miss Mary FOR BOYS. 8-15 YEARS ' " r, , Dure, daughter of Mr. and0 Mrs. d Henry Franklin Dure of gen B I Deerwood ia ai_ted on Squam Lake iD the White Mo....taI... of avenue, to Mr. Page Michaux u New H....pahino ' lock, son or' Mr. and Mrs. William Bar,ker Bullock of Cedar lane, ,vill F...l1Irillll all Ja.!.tI anti _ _ aporta inclaclintr canoe anti mountain trip( take' place at 4 o'clock on Friday Water om';', arb anti crafta _d rIfIr,. 25 . T .. afternoon, June • 10 nmty For iaformatictn contact .ither Churc,h. DAVID MERCER or Bill McHenry will hold Open Dr. ''lalter A. Bastedo of New The Rev. George Christian AnFERRIS THOMSEN Head ~ of Waterfront Ownel' and Dir«tor House tonight during the Intermis- York City acted as best man for derson will perform the ceremony. SwarthJ:1orc 2012·W I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Swarthmore 14S3·M sion of the Soph Hop at his home Dr. Cook who is chairm.n.of the ______ on Parrish road. committee of revision for the BIRTHS I' Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde United States Pharmacopoea. Dr. and Mrs. F. Leonard Dart of Swarthmore and Ogden avenues On M:ay 14 Dr. and Airs. Cook of Dickinson avenUe announce entertained 1I.fr and Mrs. \Villia!" will sail on the Queen E1izabe~h the birth of a son, David Leonard, Yates who were on their way for England and Switzerland at the Taylor Hospital on April from Florida to their summer home where the former will attend a 30. in Hamilton, Ontario, this week. Iconference of the pharmaceutical The grandparents arc !{r. and Three dens of fifth grade cub branch of the ''lorld Health or-I Mrs. F. F. Daet also of Dkkinscouts will be the guests of the ganization. Upon their return son avenue. . Phillies when they meet the Giants (aboard the NordJlam five weeks tomorrow at Shibe Park. ~ later they will be at home at 143 Dr. and 1Ilrs. Roy \\'. Harkness Virginia Clyde Francis graduates Park avenue. of the Redland Dtstrict, formerly frolll Stevens College, Columbia, of Swarthmore, announce the birth Missouri, on May 25. Mrs. Samuel TO WED MAY 29 of a daughter, Ruth Tschera, on D. Clyde of Swarthmore and OgApril 19 in the Victoria Hospital, den avellUes and her daughter The marriage 01 Mrs. L J. Havi- l\1iami, Fla. 11r5. Virginia Thackara of Red land, nee Evelyn Morgau, and Bank, N. J. will attend the gradua- Mr. David McNeil Olds will be Mr. and Mes Leslie G. Rastion. I)erformed on Saturday, :?\lay 29, musscn of Toledo, Ohio, arc reMrs. Chades R Passehl 01 at 12 o'clock noon in the Swarthceiving congratuiations au the Philadelphia wilt make her home Rev. H. Lewis Cutler will officiate. with her son· in-law anrJ daughMrs. Haviland is the daughter FOR ter Mr. and Mrs. 'V. R. McHenry 01 Mr. and Mrs. David W. R. of Parrish road. _---------------_._-------------------------------------.----.~.------.-----, 11orga11 of Strath Haven avenue. 1\1r. and Mrs. 'Villiam S. Hobb. Me. Olds is the son of Mr. an.! of Park avenue1 who returned Sat- Mrs. Edwin G. Olds of Pittsburgh. Call !i urday night from a two 'weeks bus- He is a graduate of Sw'arthmore Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman iness trip to Detroit and other College and Han'ard Law School. SWARTHMORE 2080 •• •• cities, left Sunday for :hfiami on BEAUTY SALON learning the death of 1l.ir. Hobbs' , " father in Cocoanut Grove. Fla. ,,, ,,, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Barron and ,• 'I Tulip T ime i. Tune up Time sons Lloyd Eugene, Jr. 5, and Scott, 10 months, have bought the ,' , , . CalL Swarthmore 0476 ' '''agnon house at 308 Harvard a\'enue. AIr. DaHon is !n the Open Etlenings and Philadelphia oHce of the duPont Week·Ends Till May 21- Daily Tllereafler Company as district manager of FREE SUNDAY CONCERTS Photo-Products. Sylvan Hall. 4:15. 7115. 9,45 P.·M •. Benjamin S. Collins 01 North J .\CK STECK'S KIDDIES' HOUR, 2 P. M, Chester road has been elected .., AcreJ 01 Modem Thrilling AmUiemenr AUrc:ra;om: 0.. 1l'i,C' T ..l.." Fa.r or 13r C.sh F;II~ to WON!dd, Park en PTe LiQft r..president of the Brown Key Soc...AI·f ... ~i }.I••· r.nl uf lhe Ci'Y on 8"" Rout" E (64th and ~r...bt SUo to Ger. rl ... nt;,,," ~~.d (,J.-llrnA.I:I.) .. lIS (hOlll3.1d and Dauphin 5b. aad -Hlh SL......t iety at Lehigh University. f ... "'*TRINITY NOTES Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday at ~ a. m. Church School will lIleet at 9 :45. The Rector \vill preach at the 11 o'clock Service of l10rning Prayer. Flowers for decorating th~ church on Whitsunday are' reqquested. Bring to Parish Jiouse before 11 a. rn. Satutday. Young Peoples Fellowship has ended for the seasol~. Ushers for the 11 o'clock service are: A. E. Pritchard, head usher; P. B. Banks, \V. L. Cleaves, J. L Cornog, R. G, Haig: W. H. Kilgore and S. D. Reynolds. , Choir School will meet on Monday and 'Vednesday at 4:30 p. m. in the Parish House . Choir rehearsal will be held on Thursday evening at 7 :30 in the Farish House. The lIfen's Club will have a picnic on Sunday, lIay 23, from 5 to 1 'CO'.'PL'," IT'I'L' 2;.i-ON"" OMY y" , . 1/:31) WED:;ESDAY, MAY 16 • to 3:30-Sewing and Quilting m Whittier HOll!'e Dox Luncheon. All ~rember cnr.liERSONAI..=Prh'ate tlurt)" wishes to. buy tate model car, 1940·1947, frolll Jlnvatc o ....·ner. Call Swat", h more 201 'w:\V -' - - ._.-. PElf.C;ONAI...---'Vantcd·Onc thousand T euslmners for the League of 'Vonten '~lIers nook Sale, !Jorough Hall. 9 to 4, Friday, )tay 14. I II LEGAL .................................................... -The Sch~Vist~ict~f - Swarthmore will recei'·e bids at the office of the School Oistrict in the High School Building. corner of College alld Princeton avenues. Swarthmore. l)ennsylvania, up to 4 p. :.;n"j 1'uescJay, liar 18, 1948, and ir wlntc a nc h , ""n~an's Club. Call a.t the Swart marean Conlracforl and Buildo" 302 Gayley Street , Modi., Pa. Pit ••• ,M.dia 2567 DAVE WOOD Painting and Paperhanging 1905 Since CUNNINGHAM Michigan Ave.. Never Grows Old" Drh'cway Construction Asphalt or Concrete Phone PETER OJ NICOLA I Media 0755 Phone Swarthmore 2526 • U11111111111 III" 111111111111111111111111111111 Call Swarthmore 0121 or 0904' I·~·~·i··~·~·~·i··~·~·~·~·~·~··i·~·~··~·i··~·~··~··i·~··~·~··i·~ •.~.~•.i.~••' 11111. II I I I I 1.+" .. ++1+++H 3T.5.14 Van AI.en UThird Generation Builders" Bros. Horace A. Reeves ." . Samuel M. Harbiaon & Co. (9al and Fuel Oil GENERAL CONTRACTOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SOl Yale avenue ELECTRICAL WIRING PAINTING IN SWFlhmore-PhoDo 3450 LAYING OF LINOLEUM LAWNS MOWED ODD JOBBING - - - - - - - - - - - , I RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS A. WAYNE. MOSTELLER S war thm ore 2688 •M or Swarthmore 0740 Electrical A. Mercer Quinby Funeral Director Contractor Installation/' and s.rviDg vlcinlt7 for 11~ Muhlenberg Ave. Swarthmore 2295 ~t Swarthmore 1272 .We are rieht here whe.z:e you can :reach us every ds') EDWARD L. NOYES & CO. SWARTHMORE 0114 Yean Twent,. PAINTING and DECORATING ..... _t or day Call Mason Builders Supply Company -. -§ Charles E. Fischer -E !!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 --§ ----- PAINTING :: Interior & Exterior :: SwarthplOre 2253 Swarthmore :. :. : - 1448 WILLIAM BROOKS For Asbes &: Rubbish Removed Lawn'i Moo,\"Cd General Hauling 136 Harding Ave. Morton. Pa. Sizes Hard Coal ~ ::IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ Swarthmore 0345 All --.-. ....- Builder :: 331 Dartmouth Avenue • A_. MecUa l'bIIa. 1'hoae BaldwlD 1170 No addltioDaI ........ for 'iiiburIJan ca\JS RepaIn SwartIuaono of 1125 W. TAlgb AIITyp.. of Electrical ERNEST SMITH REPAIRS YII II /I /I /lUllIII III 1111 IllIIIJUUlUIUII/II Fonner.,. .'IX.. rn,."; AlTERS BROTHERS, Ine. r Property Overlooks' Rolling Coun· try in Rose Tree Hunt Section. !d \\. -\"\TEP--Tfl , Stone Barn REOlJF.ST FOR DlDS Sealed bids will he received in Council Chamber Borough Hall Swarthmore, Pa. in~ bicyc:~; 32-~? C21~ on June'! 7; 1948 at 7:45 P. 1\.[. Eastern Daylight Saving Time. on furn,ishin.g one carload of 3 foot radl1;Js curhlng In !1C· cordance with specification, acopy of which rna). be had upon applicatoin to the. undersigned. The Borough resen'es Ille rtght to FOR - SAL~nftluc. K.inrmuseJu~\~o l~ear!: reject any or ErL~~IT RICHARDSON 'x 15 SIX I • Borough Secretary 'E·\ct.ll;nt - in by conditi~n: Will sacrifice, 1,-·1It - I op 2T·5·14 9~55·'V. d-b FnR-S.\LE Fine tomato plants ·an ca· RESOLUTION haRe plants at 3J~ Par~av.enue. ~ .\uthorizing Employment of ,Dog Catj~ S'ALE - :Win~ chair With 1l00d!>pIt. was moved by Mr. Ewmg. seeo FO~, d·-li. cover. worn upholsterv, by Mr. Gehring: rlnJ!'iChild's an SwindUp ca I·nne t p honograph , 8t'. IT RESOLVED, that t.he Burgess ~t2. t more ~4 ("..All- Sw. 1174. . _ _ _ - iii hereby authorizerl to swear .tn.no f .. . .... - F - ·daire. 6 cubic feet. $75, than t .....o speeial officers to aid In en arc· FOR SAL,:",- run. S35 Garden hose. tng the Dog Law at 1921 P. 1.. 522, ~s Philco calnnet radiO. ed' " 0447 27 E..'\st amended. to serve whcn and as ca\l~1 u~: l'Of'<; dnthin2". etc, l\f I I I . . anti directed by the Burgess. 11' ul e Fourth - Street. _ -- - rt cnt duty within the Borough of ~::rt~~~ FOR - SALE-Media. .thrcc $~~~ ~on. such orricers shan I;Ie comr"¥be Burgess how''', two -ap.utments m~ome sSe!losion at rate of $1.00 per hour eac'l tb f T thly. First $f11~SOroo·.paprthmoneen 'I~dia 0,441. _ is further authorized to emp OYnd ,~e ndc,~ I t l' ties of an approved dog pou , ab !'eU e~_en '. - ' - - b ler- chain hike, incut the customary and rheas.Otna~te ~:!::d FOR RAL'Fl"Thit~tri~ ~dio, $20; bottle f me until such aut Or! y 1S !I;~~: Gcn~rah bottles $3 hattIe wanner, bor nS:rouKb Council. Th~ authority of sucb cterrilzer Wit ., officers and the handling of dcharges. $1. Tele. Sw 2212-,-__ be mad~ against the o~'ners of ogs sen WANTED . ed d di,posed of. ,hall be as ... " ..wm:::::;w.~i·l b t best prices old in ~d Act of Assembly, its amend· \VANTED-We jt! 't~~ea firearms. 'Call !JtetllS and. supplements. china. 81aS5t3' um 6720J collect, May 1948. • th 'Lv of April H Holly Oa~ 43 t. 0 business cont!den~a1. Passed this TewentY'Slx ~ .. No. S, Phildelphia Pike. 1948. DOROUGH OF S\VARTHMORE \Vilminglon, Del~wa.!.!:.........1 desire9 small By ANDRE\V SIl\{P~ON \VANTED--Bumness gJf room with - President of CounCil unfurnished :'-~trtmentR.opfv to Box: K, Attest: ELLIOTT RICHARDSON with kitchen pnVI eges. .I Borough Secretary The Swarthinorean. 'th bath Approved May 3rd. 1948 - ·-N·TE·D Small apartment W1 'ed J. rAUL BROWN 'VA ~:- f aCITt'es fOf Y01lng marn,m Burgess and cooking I I Occupy cl)up1e. No Rchit~rent -orCJ:::';nc:e Merrill, September. eplY 0 Swarthmore:.... COll~ge.'-:--,;;:-::;-b Ridley \VANTED-lromng to do at 0 Park 2595·J. - - . - ~arthmor;;-fo~ol; \vANTED-Rf:~.;~ ~y College student. le~e yNtr 0200. _ __ Genrge FuUer. ~wa~ - - -1 no • ~ - =.\-rtmcllt three .adll t5, IS -i,:l • ALTERATIONS •• d REPAIRS "A Well Kept House 5 Ac:res ",techon. rthntorc re~Htent'i. Re· pets. f Phone ~war 4513. __ fCI·cncts urOlS : . t - tw(' to f,u!'h !'chf:()1 ,!Or. II -h',ld. \\'\NTED:.-ny . • . k· .. (':ut' 0 <;;'n:l "four week Job t:l m..,. ~"til)n \\trite Jane rt"Y'! during !'itll"Htlt"l" ,a. . PittC"n!;!cr. Nnttindla!1" _ P:l. _ _ _ _ _ ,_ ~T-F.f)- HY~~·;"-lh1l1{Jr(' ~l' .. ;:c: _c ...;,.;.~,~:. . . '111.-nt t .... h- r,,-r"l'lf,om rake that _ . .po clean - pJdao liP trash - and depoolta ID the conlQ/uu without 1'_ eIoopo Ing or bendlDg. det oiIe today. . Relax on spacious sun decks- . You can p ...onaUle thl. c10et 10 JOIU' waklDg habIto - with a 10ft or loud cdanII. 1. allracll... 1..011' iI......l'!~ ''' ...... _ .______._........ FLOWERS • The Year ROUDd Token Of Esteem And Thoug....tfu1ne.. Decorative and Novelty Candle. DALT. PIKE SPRINGFIELD HEADQUARTERS FOR BATTERY SERVICE almost at the ocean', edge--and enjoy the 8xhiiarLding ,.ea air and glorious sunshine at Atlantic City's finest resort hol.l • The courteous service, refined atmosphere, plus extensive facilities providing every convenience, will ma~o your stay memorable. Plan now for _ 10ng-tol1l\ vacation free of household e:a;rftl. Hot Taxi Se:rvicell a cold , ••••t.. In all b..... . IIfir SwaJ;thmore 0450 41c 43c TELEGRAPH FLOWERS :_';'_~_\i..!..._ Ideal Fancy sa_u_e_r_K_ra_lI_t___.___ Zigler's Virginia 2 25 FOR THE SOFIESI RIDE . YOU EYER HAD •••ON ONLY 14 LIS. OF AIR I Venice Maid Spaghetti TOIaIIo .'"uSll~ '" California Tomato Paste Sunrise Tomato Juice Glenwood Grapefruit Juice Ideal Tomato Soup 15"·. .. GIT ... ...":;.' .... I~ 2 10%... ~~~-=~----~"~"~-CRANBERRY SAUCE'- 25 'tl~-·~-:-~:~~~:·-~·~~---~E::;:·.::.::::::::~-.:.;~::.:.:. :.:.. ~~-:.~-~~~~§.:-:.. -~.:-~.~,. LAYER CAKE 6ge GRAPEFRUIT JUICE!~:'15c -~. - large loaf , . will mean better service for all. each Golden layer, chocolate fudge~filled and Iced, topped with nuts. . ... - -._-----:...=..-------. ...1 loaf only' 14 IDe C tesy pays dividends! Be brief •' •. Space calls •• , Hang up gently . '.' Take the lead in good party-line manners. It Virginia lee Nut Chocolate Fudge Iced Fla~ida Natural -----._-----_.-_..... On party-line telephones, cour..~ Owned and Operated lIy American Star•• Compan, Real Values in Popular Beverages ~~ Glazed Sealed in Moth Why go to Philadelphia for this work when Our facilities are unexcelled to render the belt possible workmanship and service at much Lower and More Attra~tive Prices. . • Proof Bags. HARRIS & COMPANY ., TAILORS , 1 . FURRIERS - CLEANERS II P""k Aven.... Swarthmore, Penna. Sw. 0504 - Fresh and healthful - that's the way a frozen food cabinet keeps vege: tables, fruits, and meats, And Ihat's not ott. Yau can slore many olher perishable items in your frozen food cabinet ••• pies, cakes, pastries, ice cream, and cooked foods. . Su~me~ time can be trouble time for you, too, if your car's not ready. Let us protect it 10 ways with our Sinclair-ize for Summer Service. for 0 CleaIJ.ed Keep out of trouble this Summer Phone Swarthmore 9793 , Re~trimmed Remodeled Altered Cleaned Pressed and -,,' This summer. enjoy the maneysaving advantage of buying fruits and vegetables in season and freezing them for later use, ,; SO. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROAD 3 ,., • at rock-bottom prices with. a r~1nDiRN FROZEN fOOD (ADINET From making long telephone calls refrain, Or your partJ'line neighbors • will soon complain . Your Choice APPLE SAUCE. Furs and Fur Coats Winter Clothing . FUSCO and ALSTON 0 NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR Phone: Swarthmore Rob'ford Brand Gold Seal Pallcake Mix STRATH HAVEN INN Swarthmore, Pa. .. ... MIXBS F=,h..N:'~~ ...~~1: SLICED BEETS .. ., , ------~---- raqulady for a check-up. , J:': ':r.:. , , Come Enjoy your Fayorite Dilhes I\Ir. and Mrs. Charles E. Lin- avenue has b d 'pres. dent een l e ecte \Yestdale avenue en- of t h e \Vomen ' s Stud' G ent overnMr. Lincoln's sister . lIIrs. E. W. Jones of Medford, Mass. and her daughter Janet last Slop ID 42c YOllr Choice All You Want SPRING SUPPER ton, Rutledge and Township since 1918 ~. ....:~ 2Sc Th~ $1.OQ-Serve Yourself - coIn of tertained . A dry iIatIoIl may 100II be a "deadN 1Iattery. Save 1'our batt"'l' with our 0" ~ at luncheon and bridge yesterday. Mrs. Raymond W. 'Perkins and Mrs. E. G. Prescott spent several day of last week visiting Mrs. J, c. Moore, 'formerly of Amherst avenue; in Washington, D. C. Thursday, May 20 ; r •r. ". ' ing two and a half years in Korea. ,,,here she was a delegate at the . 0 f W omen V 0 ters Gerner's mother Mrs. Bigger in convention. . Prospect Park. Be It y A I1n B eagIe 0 f P' rmce t on week. 1o.1r. and ~lrs.. Ford F. Robinson of \Vestdalc a\'enue held an , Opon House Friday April 30 for about thirty nearby neighbors in honor of Mrs. Hobillson's parents 1fr. and Mrs, J. If. Gadd of Lincoln, Neb, who were visiting hcre, . 11 r. and ;\1 rs. Richard H. Wittis of Harvard avenue cntertained 11 r. and lIIrs. George A. \Vittis frolll Erie reccntly. They had as their guest last week, 1o.,1rs. Willis' 'hrother, 1IIe. C. Leslie \Vatcrhury- of E"3IlS0Il, III . lIIr. and 11 rs. Elliott Richardson have been entcrtainillg their three 7 ment 'Associati~n at Drexel In· stitute of Technology where she is a 'junior in the Administrative Secretarial Course. Mrs, C. L. Bolton of .Cedar lane entertained twelve of her friends They are at present visiting Mrs. nation . a1 League .... 69c F:J:' =:=. .a. $1.79 ) DeW The Red Cross disaster commit_ tee is being reorganized and brought up to date to serve On a peacetime basis. Trained nurses living in Swarthmore who would be willing to aid the disaster ocmmittee in time of emergency arc asked to notify Mrs. George M. Karns by phone at Swarthmore 1644 or postcard at 25' Wellesley road. Anyone between the ages of 21 anll 55 who can assist in work of the gray ladies please call Mrs. H ... ry L. Miller at Swarthmore 1240- W immediately. ALARM' .CLOCK RAK.,:~ Iodar 11_. Halv•• or No. 2V. SII••, large It. 1 PICK-UP It'. th. c.-. ADJUSTABLE TONE GE "HERALDER" THIS .ran pnvuti,.. malDtellQl1C8. Sweet P••• 2~f29.8'.830 ".--,~ ----'-'.~.;:.,.~~. _-.:..~.~:;.-:c= Cholc. Bartlett Pears Gold Seal • E~J.. Evap. Milk Mayonnaise 2~4S· -'FreesioiiltElberta -'7' III a,ddar Sar.... Tea Bags ORANGE ea.. 15 MILD CHEESE SNOW CROP A 1Hz. MaUl 6 Full G'.,," 291: I Radishes 't:1 3 ...... 1 er.amy EASY DOES IT WITH I~ 6 c WATERMELONS l.Imlt.4 Tim. Only 37e 6ge .t. -- Fresh PEAS to molorlng. The,.'r;ro;;; doubIa atll;I., CIIICJ nlDfoJciod at all _ P<>I*. o.t a ...t today. 1NaIIDg'. .t. 190 Fresh Skhlless Flollnd.r FIII.ts Fresh Plck.d CrabMeat Celery ~':::'::!r: 1ge Pineapples Fra', .... 2Se na.. blight paIIua, . . . fit. IIDg ClOY... add hOdatr 10 . • C1PI*D\lIIce CIIId cool ~ 1111'· MACKEREL Sw••t, Red, R,p. S'IAT COVill IIoS90 $1.98 J-I' III DUCKLINGS ~':,~:~~ POT ROAST BEEF PLAID IIIIR' I I F~riU~·=~~,~M=·~T~I~~~~I.~~I.~.____________________~__------~T~,~H~E~.--S_lV~~RT~H~.~M~O,~~~!~~~A __N________________ Fndq, Ma,. If, I'" ,;~.. , .' I HIIII'S WHAT WI DO WE CARE FOR WE LUBRICATE 6. _ory e. TIN' I. Challis 3. Motor 7. eo.llnl Sy...... 9. Sparle "UI' 2. Yf1Inlmt..ton 4. Differentia.l 10. 011 and Air FlIIe... 5; Fron' m •• t, \ Compan~ of Pennsylvania ccbinet!j en d:sF:ay Cit {{":; your local dealer's store or at any Philc.:.lphia Electric shoVlream . SPECIAL COM81NAnON ,.RICE- SINClAIRize your car now FUSCO and ALSTON The Bell Telephone See the convenient. modern frozen food " "-"' ., .' .' P.IILADHPiHA STUDERBAKER SALES & SERVICE EL£n~nC So. Chester and Fairview RoacLs Pbone Swarthmo.... 9793 COMPI\NY , . ""', > ~ /7:,,:< . ;. ":",, \ :'- ~. . and ~Irs. Alvah and ~-[r. and Mrs. Paul Banks th~ (Continued from Page I) C. 'V. Croco completed the program with se\'eral familiar vocal duels. On Tuesday, May 18, at 1:30 p. m., t:1C Girl Scout Committee will sponsor a benefit bridge party in the dub house. The proceeds will be lIsed for the renovation of thc local Girl Scout house. The Art Department will have its final meeting and picnic at the home of Mrs. Harold Goodwin, St~~ \Vallirigford, ~Iay 18, at 12 noon. Aid Scout House At May \8 Event Continued from Page I ~~ for Jr. Assemblies In Annual Meet 6 E. FRONT ST. • '.', 'N _ f:! ' the F. F. ZIMMERMAN "Outstanding for Quality" MEDIA PHONE 0436 .,..,.... $189.95 I Easy is America's beSt washer value! Why.? Because it's /Ilsl. Its two tubs work togemer to get your week·s wash done ;n less tbtln an hour. One tub washes while the other rinses and spins clothes damp.dry. Whirls OUt up to 250/0 more water than a wringer! Saves soap and hot.vater - • . you em return suds to washa tub for second load. No wringer 10 press in hard-to--irOD creases. Saws cleaning bills by safely doing blat>kets and washable drapes at home. See Easy in action todayl On Display at our New Sales Room South Ave. at Baker St. Media, Pa. -.-- Be feminine and cool in-g- McKettrlcli: especially designed ta Aatter and toi fit ••• in lightweight Bemberg. rayon~ .• ® -...:- Refrigerators, Automatic Laundries Electric Ranges & Water Heaters 'Freezing Units, Etc. WILSON Super Cushion Tires -- COAL & SUPPLY CO . WALLINGFORD, PA. Swarthmore OGOO ~[edia l.ooJy wearobles for sul>u,f,ia Cli.ESIMJr HIU.. 8609 Germantown Ave.. . • ".. .BRYN MAWR. 839 Lancader 13 SOuTH CHESTER RO,\D, SWARTIUIORE PLYMOUTH Chester Road & Yale Avenue PHONE Swa. 3470 '.' '. . ., - ..! FOR A WARM NEXT WINTER FILL YOUR FUEL OIL TANK OR COAL BIN NOW Swarthmore 1250 fI", ~ ,= SWATHMORE, PA., FIUDAY, MAY ~, 1948 VOL. ZO-NO. 21 RAISE OVER $200. FOR SCOUT HOUSE Tuesday afternoon's Girl SCOUt House benefit in the \Voman's l1ub was a highly successful e\'ent with some of the 200 women standiug to view the fashion show and \\"ith ,card tables overflowing into the club lounge later. Proceeds ex· MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE II All organizations of Swarthmorc are invited to 'participatc in the ~f CillO rial Day Services which will be held ~Ionday, May 31, at Borough Hall al 9 a. m. The Cubs, the Boy Scouls and Ihe Girl Scouls are particularly urged to attend in uniform. 0123 .! THOMAS B. MeCABE Cost Rise, State-Aid Cut Necessitate Measure The youngsters themselves cleared $40 with their homemade ~an­ dies and oil-cloth tally cards. Prizes for' candy went to the {oHowing Brownies Amy Ryersoll oi Brownie Troop 19 for originality, with candy fashioned into a Brownie face complete with hair oi braided taUy tie~ with brown hows; Carol Jean \Villiams 'of Brownie Troop 95 for quality, with attractive colored candy made into ;1 corsage. :,\1 artha Calhoun of Troop 16 Intc-rmediate captured the Girl Scouts originality prize with her confection of taffy spun into a ·'G. S." Cornelia hlcKernan of Troop 83 intermediate won the fluality prize in thiSj divjsion. The fashion show done by the Joyce Lewis shop featured costumcs for the average budget, attractively modeled by Girl Scout mothers. Thc benefit committee is deeply gratciul to all those who contrilmted to the improvement of the Scout House project on which lIIany mothers havc worked hard for the past 18 years. A new budget adopted by the Swarthtnore School Board at its .recent mceting is only $9,000 higher than the budget for the current year in spite of much higher costs and general increase in salaries for th~ entire teaching and administrativc and malltenance staff. :Most of these incrcases and costs were oriset by rigid economy in the maintenance anu capital outlay departments. The prillcipal loss of income has been $14,000 decrease in the State appropriation, due to the ai>plication of new legislation which goes into effecl July I of Ihis year. The income to carry this budget will be derived from ,"'arious sources, including a 35 mill levy on real property. After carcful considcration of new forms of taxes, the Board rejected the idea of lJsingany of the taxes that could be levied on property transfers, personal property, ctc. Several officers werc elccted for next year, indluding Donald P. Tones. treasurer; Claude C. Smith, ~olicitor j 11 ary Parke Dodd, t:'lX collector, Dr. George B. Heckman was named team physician for the coming year. Bids were receh'ed and ord~rs placcd for a number of school services, inch.;ding rehindillg books, towel scrvice, purchase of medical supplies, painting flag poles, repair of typewriters, purchase of fuel oil and coal, and llurchasc of grass cutting equipment. A report was recei\'ed of a brief safe-driving course to be given The resolution rcgarding thc J ulle 1 to ~ at the high school Borough's employment of a dog through the courtesy of the AtIancatcher having been duly adver- tic Reiilling- Company and. The ti:,cd and local citizcns having had Swarhmoreall. Two Plymouth cars well over the required ten day::, with dual cuntrols would be a\'aitn'Jtice of the measure, the practice able for one-hour driving lessons will be }Jut into effect 'beginning for high school pupils who holt! \] onday of next week, May 24. dri\'ers' licenses or learners' perepon publication of Council's de- mits. cis ion to take stringent methods In the final report of the tax tl) dear lip the straying dog situa- collector it was noted that $170,000 tion, in The Swarthmorean thrce had been recci"ed from the tax colweeks ago a tcmporary relief oc- lector and $2,5000 returned to the (:ITrrccl. Dog uwners apparently county treasurer uncollected, with ',\'i~he{1 ~o 11rotcC"t their pooch(-s ::::3,000 d.ist~()~lT.~t ~~k.~n..f~r early pay -. ;tllli their pocketbooks and sa'''' mcnt at t.,xt.:~. I Ills IS ~()J:\. per cen~ that the formcr remaincd on their II collectiun, 1.8 per CCllt ~iscoUl1t, own p,ropertics. But aiter a week:. and only lA per cent unpaal at the whcn the dog- nabbers didn't put ('IHI of the year and returned to ill an appearance, the canines ca111~ i the county treasurer. It was noted f(Jrth agaiu ami returned to their I that this is one of highest records Continued 011 Page 10 lof tax collection in recent years. I THIS EVENING $3.00 YEAR ELEVENTH GRADE H S ORCHESTRA MEET ~~~,;,~!.\rr;g:::,,,~ CONCERT TONITC day, ~Iay 2~, at 8 p. 111. in the Music Room in back of the high school auditoriuJll at the meeting of the eleventh grade parents. There will also be election of officers. TAX-INCREASE INSCHOOL BUDGET I Hannum & Waite CHRYSLER - CONCERT THE SWARTHMOREAN Council's Early May Edict Goes Into Force FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCTS and flushed your radiator! ':.;, '. , .,,"-'" ~ ORCHESTRA DOGCATCHERS TO ARRIVE MONDAY Also a Complete Display of All \ ~ s. ceeded $200. EASY SPINDRIER WASHES MORE CLOTHES FASIER l1ave you changetl your Anti-Freeze H. Fashion Show-Bridge Staged on May 18 Photographs to thank their assistants and other members of the community for their cooperation in helping to give the Scout House a "look" of which all may be proud. TJie allIlUa) meeting- of the Swarthmore J tlnior Assemblies was held in the \Voman's Club MOI1day evening with an unusually large grou}) of p,arents present in. ciuding se\'eral fathers. The committce has expressed the hop~ that the Assembies will continue to grow as a parents group rather than just a mothers cOlllmittee. Mrs. Henry Ford, chairman. ga\'e an extcnsive report of the past year's activities concluding with the suggestion from the members of this year's committee for next season. SWnrth more , P a. Frida". Ma" Jf, J$48: I Public Program Will Feature. Instrumental Solos ) MEMORIAL DAY PLANS PROGRESS Ball Practice, Show Rehearsal Order Of Day Under the direction of Robert f;}.1. Hoh.n, instructor of instrumenI, j tal mUS1C the orchestra groups of the public schools will present a varied program of orchestral and ensemble Illusic in the high school auditorium tonight at 8 :15. The organizations have been doing exceptionally well in rehearsals and give promise of presentingl Bctween rams local baseball a program of very high nlUsical \Vell known resident and college alumnus to he honored at dinner squads are warmift~l1p iOf" Memor-, exccllence. In several numbers the tonight. ial Day's double header when the I combined elementary schools orA and B Hornets teams' contest chestra and the junior string quarand the ColJcge JV's \'s the Legion tct will be featured. The latter part tcam promise a good aitel"llOon of of the program will be the presenball playing. tion of the high school orchestra, A twelve-act show is in rehear- together with the senior string sal for that Saturday night's da~ce quartet and a combined string enParticipating in the' show whIch semble. Hornets, Sponsored by will be presented during the dance I Several excellent solo and duet will be UCarmcn and i numbers are promised. Rut h S. A. Join Delco I intermission Common, the Samba Queens"; the \Voodard will present a piano solo League famous "Rockettes"; two seventh i by Brahms. Jerome Goodman will grade boys in a number called! play a 'cello· solo by Cassada. A The Swarthmore Recreation As~ sociation is again sponsoring sum- "Adagio"; six senior high couples duct number wilt bc presented with Iller baseball for all boys interest· rcvlv111g the Charleston; a tap! \VilIiam Potts, clarinetist and State solo: the singing "Andrews Sis- i champion bandsman, and Douglas ed in learning to play. This season the Hornet team is ters"; a bit of high stepping. by i Spencer, flutist, with Emily Pritcentered in the Eastern Delc;:o ,Lea- eighth grade chorines; and a flfth j hard at the piano. The program i will dose with the symphonic Rue for boys under 14 years of age grade girls' surprise number. A fiye-dollar prize has been ofj poem, "Phaon" hy Johnson, prewith a schedule of 14 games. They will compete with Springfield fered for the ticket-seller \\'ho sented by the entire orchestra v,,'itlt I.ansdowne, East Lansdowne, Yea- turns in the most money hy noon a violin cadenza by David Spencer. No admission charge is made for don, Holmes, Collingdale~ and Sha- Saturday, ~ray 29. The contest is ron Hill. beginning approximately open to all students and those who this concert. All friends of the in the middle of June and running performed !'IO !'Iucccssfully in last school and citizens interested in until the first \\'cek in August. This year's ticket sale arc Ilarticuiarly music arc invited to enjoy an eveleague group has bcen functioning urged to enter. Allotments may he' ning of melody and musicianship. \'cry Sl1cccssful1y for the past three securcd tomorrow morning, 1h.y! seasons and the Association fecl~ 22, 9 a. m. till noon at the home that it ·.\'ilI be a real improvement of Mrs. Jack B. Thompson, 507 over last year's organization, es- Harvard avenue. Proceeds from Ihe ),Iemorial pecially since many boys in this "Henny and Jenny Penny", the particular age group arc availabl\! Day program help to support Sw- story which grew from six year arthmorc's Summer Rccreation olds under the listening of Elois~ and eager to play. Program The Recreation Board. Holmes who set it down a very 1\[ost of the boys in the 15, 16, and 17 year age group will be melU- announces the engagement of same short t~ll1e before her recent death, highly lic utilities-.1 "IT RUNS AND RUNS AND RUNS" lntroduetorY SA,E lAay "til ta 29\11 OIIIy $11. 95 pl.. 6.00,,16 LESS TRADi-'~", aASY ":r':W:1c AI $1. our Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. Oil PaY pion Marathon - built to be the best Ure in the low prlce range-is back in, the Goodyear Illle ••. back with the same safe diamond tread thal made :Marathon outstcmding for long wear and non-lIkId traction . . . baqk with even greater protection against tire failure because it has more and stronger cords in its rugged tire body. Backed by Goodyear's Stan·' dard Guarantee - this is the same warranty that covers every tire bearing the Goodyear name. FUSCO and ALSTON MemLer of Federal Depolit Insuranc:e Corporation. STUDERBAKER SALES & SERVICE • SO. CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROAD Phone Swarthmore 9793 .' SOCIAL NOTES -avenue participated in the" Alen, daughter of ing D! Mende1ssDhn'~ QratDriD . CaroI H. V an, jah" when it was presented Mr and Mrs. Ambrose H.' Van Wednesday night by the State Alen of Park avenue. has' been College chDir at school e1~cted vice president of the WornFrank C. Hartzell, Jr. Df AVDn• Athletic AssDciation. secretary brook drive. WallingfDrd, whQ was e~ s th Student-Faculty Congress. elected tD Phi Beta Kappa h'1nDr~he ;mpus gDverning body. and ary sDciety 'last rnDnth. has been h been appDinted Qne Df 15 coeds elected tQ the Amherst College t:s serve as freshman cDunselDr at Student Coun~i1 fDr 19~: , Bucknell University. where she is Mr.and Mrs. RDY G. Rinchffe of DphomDre and a member of Pi Strath Haven avenue left last week ~e~a Phi sDrity. for Columb~s. MisSQuri! tD attend Mr. and Mrs. F. P. JDnes Df the graduat'Dn 'If their ~ dau';!hter Strath Haven avenue bad Mrs. Claire frDm Stevens UUlverslty. Charles G. Potter of Nashua. N. Mrs. lJarlan R. Jes,sup 'If HavH .• and her daughter Miss Natalie erfDrd aVenue en~ertained. at a ",,'L" Th.\'nr r'lad as their we.b,nd guest Mr. CarlDs Touche' from • BuernDS Aires Dn May 7 and 8: Mrs. S. T. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Hutchinplace are entertaining SQn. WhD have been visiting their his parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. daughter Mrs. H. C. 'Campbell at Carpenter Df Montpelier. OhiD. her'hDme 'on DartmDuth avenue fDr I Miss Barbara Carpenter. who has the past two weeks. have left for alsD been their guest. left May 10 and' Mrs. Ogllen avenue left May 12 f'lr thre" ~ys in ' Harris,bur, where .~ h.e y at~nded the State CDuncii Meeting Df the League Women VDters. 1 .i ", • I I .:... Potter of Washington, D. C. as surprise shower for Mrs. Ehzabeth their weekend guests. VII. Lippincott of Park avenue on 1fr. Percy C.' Belfield Df Michi- \Vedne.day evening of last week. ~an aven"J.e is taking an active' On Saturday afternoon May 8 part in tbe all-class reuniDn Df the Mrs. Benjamin W. CDlIins .Df NDrth 1iJuit in styl.r Central :Manual Training School Chester road gave a surprise showwhich will be held in Philadel- er for Miss Mary Garrett. whD will phia 011 :May 22. be married June 4. JDhn D. ChiquDine of Rutgers Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. CO'1k Df 1Vrot in vision! ---------_.------ .~iJuit Ly far with: a postwar car!: FUSCO & ALSTON • To All Swarthmoreans: '. ROMAN AQUEDUCTS The high degree of civilization which characterized the Roman Empire at the height of its glory was rendered possible by an abundant supply of water. Previous to 312 B.C., Rome obtained water from the Tiber and from springs and wells. This water finally became so badly polluted that a purer supply was sought from distaut and' more reliable sources. In one case water was con"eyed to the city from a distance of 61 miles ••• and we have records of aqueducts aggregating 359 mUes. , The Pont du Gard in France (then part Df the Roman Empire), shown in the illustration, was construoted 2,000 years ago. This great aqueduct stands today as proof of the engineering skill and quality of construction which the Romans used. Notwithstanding thEik sreat cost, fourteen of these large aqueducts were built In the Roman Empire, for even in the time Of Ancient Rome, the vifal necessity of a pure, wholesome supply of water, was recognized. This is the sixth of a series of narratives which graph•. leally tell the stDry of water. Look for the picture' and story of the Roman Baths in this 'paper very soon. This. year the American ~egion pI ans again to sponsor a Legion• Junior Baseball Team in the Bor~ugh. We are all very proud of the local boys, who were last yeaI" s league champions, and in view of their success and the enthusiastic interest'of Swarthmoreans during the 1947 season it is sincerely hoped that you will, through your financial suppo rt, enable us to continue the project for' 1948. The funds n'Qw requireCl are for replacing worn out equipment such as balls, bats,' gloves an d uni{orms, providing a coach, umpires and insuring the players. It IS asked that you become a Junior Baseball Donor again this year. I Checlts should be made payable to "PO$t 427" - Am~rican Legion" All donations will be acknowledged by presentation of the Donor's Card. There is certainly no doubt as to the success of our eff~rts last summer or to the importance of thi~ project' t~t:he. summer' ;cOmmunity, We sincerely hope that through your cooperation and support we will be able to continue Amerj.can -Legion Junior Baseball this year. PHIL~DELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMP.AMY AINSWORTH-WERNHER POST NO. 427 SUPPLYING SPRINGFIELD WATE·R I Hall LEGAL I FOR RENT II.3T.5.2i . ing Toom, semi.private bath Gentleman! Furnished bedroom and Ii;: prere,!.red. P~~lIe _ Swarthmore_ 022)·W. FOR RENT--TwQ attractive rooms with bath for two men. References exchang. W. R~ply Dc" 'M. The Swarti1mon-an. I . S--- - -S FOR RENT- ummel' coUage at hawnee' on'I?elh:,r::,rm,'" tlhr'r' held~dm3, i:n:t ~th ~me was e ec riC, a.1 ry. 0 • e c'l :~c1uded.: r.o:~~~~dt ~O~~I1:::~~ ~lmn .S''Rr- nlOl'e m r. IC ee '. I' 00.). e· ff'.rencel'O. exchanged. Price $4,50 ~eason nr, well split !leason. Phone Richard Parry We<:,tfown 2897 vcnings or P 0 lJ x J,j \Vesttown. e . . 0 '.' _ _ ___ .. _ :-- _ l'OR RENT-Two rooms anll a ha~h. _ S"~1rthmore _ 2597); _ _ __. _ .. FOR RENT-House, June 15 Septem· her 15. Ph, S,,!a. 1847. FoR ']fENT-.~r~t:;;-l~lT()om. 2-1ar~e dr)""eh. second floor. Com'enient to 'hoth htl'" lines"'and village. SwaTthmoTe 2191 _ ;. . • FOR RENT-AttractlW! ('orner Tnom. newly clt~coTatetl. SKoml floor. Com·en·. knt to trnn~r.nmt!?n._Te1_ S_\~~~55.J_._ tn 4313 china, glass, furniture. fireanns. Call Holly Oak or Holly Oak: 6720, collect, for appointment. All business confidential. Colonial Cupboard, No.5, PhiJdelpbia Pike Wilmingion. Delaware. . '\\'-'NTED-n • _.. -'-1 d . -II ~ USIftCSS gu esues sma unfurnished apartment or room with ,dth kitchen privileges. Reply to Box K, The Swarthmorean. WANTED=nyhigb school girl, two to four week job taking care or small children during summer vacation. 'Vrite Jane Pittenger. Nottingbam, Pa. W i;'NTEn-\Vaitres;;---fo~inner work, ApC'ly Dew Drop Inn. '\\, ANTED-To - rent.- gir'1'';-- sm311 two wheel hicycle. CaU Swa. 2046, WAN;I'ED-'Unfumished - apartnie~t- by ~'ol1ng engineer and June bride hetween nresent and July 1. Rer!)' to nox P. The Swarthmorean. WANTED -Unfl~i;hed apartment ur· gently needed by respectable enJ{ineer and wife. Two or tbree rooms. kitchen :md IoMh. r.l'ICat refere:nces provided. R. N., rim. Sun Oil Co.. Marclls Hook. WA NTF..D=-Apartmen"t- for- three -;d~lt;. No. pet!';. Phone J. D. Duma1l, Sw. 4513. WANTEO="To-exchange -- for !';malle. housc in Swarthmore 10 roooni home. IO\,l!h' a('re. June 25 for a yc.'lr. \Vilt· m~~·er. Ro~e Yalley.. Telephone ).redia 2-1(,9, \\'AXTEn=Sccond-hallll flute. Call Swar. 0429 after weekend,,-.'.-..,..- - - - , \\r~ \NTEn=U';;fu;~ishf'd three or fOllr r()()m apartment October 1. Hush:md te.,che~ nt C'niversity. \\'rite Rox T. The ••••- ..C'C" • MODEIN KITCHENS 3T·5·14 LAWN MOWING SERVICE all Moylan- Rose V ey . Confradors and Builders •~ 'U" 9 ' j\ IN THE COURT (W cmDlON PI.EAS '1 5 30 P . M. " • t'1: hl'::====~=========: . Sluco Painting and Paperhanging, 1905 Painter'll &: Paper Hanger. ~ We .hoald Know Haw Swa. 2266 Michigan Ave. W W-d' ling Never Grows Old" Driveway Construction . Asphalt or Concrete Phone Media 0755 PETER DJ NICOLA Phone Swat:'thmore 2526 Van AI," Bros. I Coal and Fuel Oil and ERNEST SMITH ! Swarthmore 1272 2202... __ _ _ 1.1 icet 8 inches. Runner to m~tch. (";'llly nt'w. Call !'iw:;rthl:1nrc 2SS2. {-'(IR- SALE·_·F;,·(> (flot lIick.. t f(·ll(,('. r~l· \\1)"'1. 1 J(I f"d !""C'. C,·" 1,,· '('(:1 Cl: .~ ~\'·~,rtlIl11,'r... F(IJ~ 1'1;1('('. C.dl We are ri~ht here wllel13 you can . ,'reach tiS every dt:.·/I ,.,.,.p .,, '.- , ....I ~'::-- :!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ = ----= -§ Builder :: PAINTING EDWARD L. NOYES & CO. SWARTHMORE 0114 Interior & ExteriQr :: Swarthmore 2253 -§ ---.: ...=- -5- - . :illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillii Swarthmore 1448 WILLIAM 'BROOKS Ashes & Rubbish Removed Mowed General Hanlini' 236 Harding Ave. Morton. Pa. La\\'n~ Hard Coal GOLD BOND BATS A!':D BLf.NKETS Remodeling Repairing Building ---§- Charles E. Fisclter .---~ Sizes POURING WOOL Swarthmore 3450 Formerl1 of !ledia 1125 W. II3igb A.... Phila. Plume Baldwin. 1170 No odditiOllal cbarp fer SUburban c:::alI5 For All Third Generation Builders Funeral Director Swarthmore 0345 I HORACE A, REEVES A. Mercer Quinby 331 Dartmouth Avenue 2111(. . S"\I.E--Antill\1C walnut l1Tc;..~~··. .Tenny Lilul 1)('11. sprinlZ'!" chairs. l)()rch hhTc. hamper. rocker. 624 South Cftester m:ld. Mason Builders Supply Company __ _ FOR SALE-'Vhite p:!.lm heach suit, size ~j. Call Swarthmore 0995. . FOR- SALE-Riontl!' ('ocl;erilU~rs. $15 -;nll $25. Swarthmore O--!B. FOR- SA T.F~Ge~uine !'lcel~'- I)(I..ud. - ~in('le lleel si ...£,. l.ike new. $3. Ph. ~\\'a. 198R.H. FOR S:\T.F.-=-Twn ·-,man.('lI('!t !op- !dtC'h('n tall~e~ n!~hogany lO\'e !'(·:1t. nunc::!r: Phyfe rln'm f:tille. rc\'oh'ing hO{1k('a~ wa'"lIt hNlroom ~uitt>. Reply to 110:-;: R. The Does Your Roof Leak? You can repair it for Jess than you think. Good materials am! skillful workmen are now avail· able Call us for information and :o;;w.~r.!..hmore ---------= -----= -=---= III1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII1I A. WAYNE MOSTELLER DECORATING "A Well Kept.House. • Marian S. Brown GENERAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL WIRING PAINTING INLAYING OF LINOLEUM LAWNS MOWED ODD 'JOBBING DAVE WOOD CUNNINGHAM •••••.•.•.•••.•.,.......... •.."•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. OF DELAWARE COUNTY, March Term, 1948 No. (106 Notice is hercby gh'en that application • '---d ES·r.\TE 01' CH,\I'LES T. D ~ , EACON, deceased (Late of the Borough Swarth- Associated with Henry Le Baron more, Delaware County, Pa.) LETTERS· Te,;tamenlary on the above Estate have Call Swarthmore 0121 or 0904 heen granted 0 the u":dersign~d, who reo • quest all persons ha\'lng claims or de· 'rnands against the Estate of the decedent ' ., to make known the same and all persons --I indebt cd to the decedent to make payment. .ttlllll·+++++++++++++++~1 without dela)', to .\LLEX' T. PUTNAM and OTTO ·KRAUS. Jr., Executors, 310 Samuel M. Harbison Be Co. Lafayette Avenue, Swarthmore. Penna. 3T·5·2) oC Media. P•• Weeldy or Monthl,. PhDne S"-rthmDre 3343 REAL ESTATE • • Ph.n• • M.dla 2567 Ruhbish Colleeted Conter hall, living ro'om, suaporch, ~ning room, pantry, a.nd kitchen on firat floor. Joseph l 302 Gayl.y Str••1 D'IsposaI SeI'VIce • secluded location. I ARTERS BROTHERS, Inc • Swarthmore acre the office of the Secrdary of Pcnnsylvania, at er occupied. the office- of thc PRICE $3S 000 Prothonotary of the Courts of Common I Picas of Delaware County, on Tuesda)', the Inspection by appointment first d .. y of June 19-18, a Certificate ior the condu t f ; ' I ,,' s 'n D la 'are C pc 0 I • JU. Ifu I h e YI • ou,:ty:. cnnsy,-aDla, um er t.e a~stlmed 1520 Land T'tl BOld' , or f!Chhotis. name. s~~'le o,r (!e~lgna~lOn .of • I. e UI Ing THE KE' -JECT CO:\IJ A:'>l '.I., With Its Ph.ladnlphla 10 Pa. principal Iltaoce or husiness at Yale anti • Rutgers a'-enues, Swarthmore. Dela.ware Rittenhouse 6-6258" County. IJcnns)·"·ania. The namcs and ad· drc ...ses of all penons owning or interc,;tcd in s:titl ..bt1!iine~ ....~re: Cliffor,! ~f. Rtp". IV'rl"rl'tt.YrI'.I"J-a~v"...a..V~aY.·rl'1 sey. J)iivul A. RlIm~ey and John J\. Rum· sey, \ ale awl ~lItg~rs A,'cnucs. Swarth· more. Penns\·h·an'::I. HUTLEU: BEATTY GREER & List your Delaware County PropJOHNSON . el·ties with us. • • lIEIHA. PA . IT·5·21 111 • AlTERATIONS ••• UPAIIS Call Madisoll 4251 . after 6 P. M. heavil,. wooded tract, near Rose Valle,. Swimming and TenDie Cluh. Ve- convenient but . • IIEW CONSTIUCTION REASONABLE RATES STONE COLONIAL HOME 0 • WAll ••• nool (OVEIINGS Ganlell Wor" Tree Trimmiq Vemoll Road south of Woodward R oad, . 3~i Sw •. 2266 Michigan Ave. J1 BROS.'N'. Attorney _" ...Btatty. PAINTING h:-' Pr:lcti· 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111 illlIlIIlIlIIll to rde a. In'I'D~ Call I GEORGE MYERS will he made to the ahove Court on Friday, May 28. 19-18, at 10:00 A. ).f. ,-~-r~-r~-r~__~-r~~~~-,~ (D.S.T.) CQurt Hause, )Icdia. Pa" for the PIIII}()!;C of obtaining a ChaTter of a JlTOI'0sccl nonprofit corrllOration to be orJ!'ani1.cd under the Nonllrofi,t Corporatiori Swarthmore 2688.M f ..'\\V of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl· vania. appro,·etl 1\Iay 5, 19~3, The name or of the' proposed coroporation is THE 1'01.10 PARENTS CLUnS, !NC. Swarthmore 0740 The purpuses for which it is to be organized are: prcpare. d~\'elop, supervise, :~±~~~:±:~~~~~~M-~~~++ To sponsor, Electrical Contractor dir('Ct ami 3!'sist in the execution of pro· grams for the rehabilitation or the victim!! of poliomyelitk This is a corporation which does not cr.ntcmplate flecuniary All Type> 01 Electrical smin or profit, incidental OT ()therwise, to it members. InstaUatiot15 and Repain The Articles of Jncorporntion have heen filed in the Office of the Prothanotary, S.rriDtr swartIimo.. """ Court House "reelia. • GEORGE ,V. ),fcKEAG. Esq. VIciniI)' lor - ' PHILIPS, FARRAN & McKEAG ~warthmorean. Solicitors Twenty Yean 1331 Fidclity·Phila. Tmst Bldg. '\'ANTEn-~{M11beTs for Miss ~rac· Phialde1phia 9. Pa. XaiT's :\t'cxic.'\n tour August 17. ta cool "tcxico City and Taxco. can ITan'ard Inn. IT·5·21 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. ----~~------.~----REQUEST FOR BIDS FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received in Coun.cll Swarthmore ZZ95 "F'O'''R~..,S;-;A;-;L''E-,,-Blue-KI;·nna=.:n=-r-u-••~I''O:-I''t. Chamber, Borough Hall. Swarthmore, Pa. si" in. by 15 ft. six in. Used two years. on June 7, 1948 at 7:45 P. 1\[. Eastern night or day Excellent condition. "rill sacrifice. Hilltop Daylight Saving Time on furnishing one 92SS·W. ~rtoad of 3 foot radius curbing in ae~ FOR SALE-Dacbshu!'.d pups. Healthy. cordance with specification, atop)' of which Home raised. Fine selection. AKC. Rid· may lie had upon app1icatoin to the under· signed. The Borough resen'es the right to ley Park 2S61-).f,, _ _ _-., rejcct any or all bidli. ·F"crn--S·ALE--lfeil':'e rug. 12X~Phone ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Call Swarthmore 0246. Borough Secretary FoR-SAL~Maple-hed. bureau, dressim:: 2T·5·14 table. Mahogany dining table :md roll top desk. Several Tmlnd top t:\hles od.t chair~, two ~ingle beds, Kelvinator Tefrip'erator. Savalle washer, small house safe. S\~·;\rthmor('an. Swarthmore, Pa. Furnace cleaning Drders taken now. Five DC room., .creeDeel ' pore ~ ~d two baths on second floor. NOTICE]S IU.REB\ GIVEN, Jlursuant S . . th·rd fI to the (Irovisi()ns of Act of AssclP,bly No. ervan... quarters on I oar 380" al)l~rO\'ed )Ia): 24, 1945, Of intention ABC oil-fired warm air heaL Own13, Commonwealth of l ahe Harrisburg, Pa" and in FOn- ~.\ T.l~':':nl';;- h~o~~(IlQ(1m--ru2'--:- t2 AMERICAN LEGION i Borough Swarlbmor••...:.34:.:5::;O~.-,-__ PER-SONAL-AII ty.... 01 photography. F. ·STA:TIi(WS.r.;rnEL:O:OYT~;;;;;j1 F. Zimmerman "Ou~tandinB' for QuaU1.y" ESTATE OF S. ETHEL BOYT ,6 Ea.t Front .. r.... Media. Phon. ldedia LETTERS of Administra'ion C. T. A.. (l4J6. On the above Estate ha"e been granted to PERSONAl.-Ust . )'our furniture, h~ the. uhders~gned, who request all. persons hold goods, for quick $3.le, witb tbe Attic bavlng claims or demands .agalDst the Shop Chester 2.6233. . Es~te or the decedent tl:! make known , _ _. . _ I the same, and all persons Indebted to the PF.RSON,,\f..-"Wish plam sewmg done, decedent to make payment without delay to by seamstress in her home. Will deliver. Reo f ELSIE G.' BOYT and' pi)' to Box S, The Swarth.JJ'.o~n. _ I LILLIAN BOYT PERSo'NAL-ConsideT Ethel :MacNair's Administratrkcs, 210 Park A...·e. )0 day tour, August 17. to cool Mex·l . . Swarthmore, Pa. ito Cily and Taxco. Can Haf\,ud "Inn. I A. Or 10 their Attorney, srDNJ-:V JONUSON, JR. . FOR RENT ,' II Dutler. Beatty. Grttr and Johnson M d' P =-o=~;o--=.cc.::. WANTED-We will buy at best prices, old lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill11111'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II • 'PERSONAL-Vacuum. OlelDer., toalten and radio. rePlired, ealll!!d lor 8nd delhe.red. 0.11 Robert Brook., swarthmOre 15'8. • . PERSONAL-Service on an makel of electric wubers (Bendix iDduded). ironen, vaeuum cleaners, ran,e. iroDf!:. toaa1.era, fanl and lampa. Allo wiring-new and old. Wiring of water beaterll. All work complies to Fire Under· _ 'writers specifications. Call Erich H. HauseD FOR SALF..--Two easy chairs, club type. Swarthmore 28S0·W. PeTfeet condition, Reasonable. Call Sw. PERSONAL-Carptntry jobbing: &tio 0429 after weekend. matos cheerfully given. Reasonable prices First class workmanship. Reeves. P~one WANTED S. CHESTER RD. & FAIRVIEW RD. ( GUTTERS REPAIRED ..... INSTAll EO I II PLASTERING SUPPLIES ~______________________~__~ Reese-Baxter Co. SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. Ch ~____~.__~____~e~.t~e~r__~~~~~ I wit~ Tribute. to . C. H. Porter Itor•• -- SAYS IlY1HIM6 .ROM "!.. to Do••ts". -t'lotL ,0" 'Esr I 011 'NJ'~i to bring you real a \o~~why wo oen offelyf you Ullllesltating . . fer . . papule' unMr an IInq guarantee. 11ft UP. TO Dc AlA. ".,." .,1"•• FLOUR : . : 39': e~b 71' 11.,.,_ 'w..... lie ........ fa.II, 10....If...... MD.... lite May.....I.. ( ':'~. ) 4Sc ( ':':" ) ....wa.if JeHI.. ~,r.:h""':l- 17. -1P1ESDVl' er!t:1.,.... ('r'7I') a:tJ ..... • ..... Io.!.o;t' ('r.... ) 2 .......1•••• To..... SOlI, (~2) I 1"", 20C :IMPE mCE .. (~t#) ::..18: ~t 331 ;CUE MIXES sb.':Eor( TI~ ) 1:: Z3 t.::..... DONUTS nro '(;Ir.r) 12': 151 I':, C I I . I I I I III"', IMII...... Pork LoiBl . ~~ 53': ., ~~ 57c ••..... '8AC:0 ,- Ib3'7e' , , .1 RGA'T ••", 69a Ih69a Ib T•• dn ..... Sha... h . Iliort Riba Beef II e".d "Ready ~ E~ It.... , 'D7Sc Ii '1.98 CIIIIED CHICID can a.. ..... Jena, Jia.l,rwI 3ge I~ 1ge I~ 1'1ge HI 1ge I'Zge 3le 1'35e IN.... Miliap / Pra.. SllwcI ,ocIItII I' ••..r.God ....... PD."- Pa,~ --..=0--FHIIIa ~ _~ -1II ran.-If Have your PACKARD serviced the right way -the PACKARD way-by your neighborhood dealer. May we service your car NOW for summer driving. . 2k 211 1m.. ices were held ' , dty I a na';'e' 'work of where he had spent hi. career in Washington Shops may be aided school work by the inspiration of a life, w. ' Mr_ Porter was a pioneer in the hope and suggest tbat the new Mrs, Waldo B. Davison of Vas. belief that vocational work should I shops school to be built ...• wiII be sar avenue has received, from the be correlated with elementa~y named in honor of the founuer Cincinnati Elementary Principals' work. The Washington School and will be known as the Charle. Club and .from the tuchers of the testimonial reads in part: "Charles H. Porter Schoo)." Washington Junior High School in H. Porter was a founding father. The Cincinnati Elementary Prin,Cincinnati where he held his final Without qualification .• we may say cipals' Club reviews his life from principalship, memortal resolutions that his life influenceu the lives of birth at NicholasvilIe, Ohio in 1863, 'honoring her late father, Charles many during his lifetime and that his, marriage in 1886 to Caroline H. Porter. Mr. Porter died On Thanksgiving Day, 1947, at his the accomplishments of his years Pem~erton, his care and education wiII affect the lives of many for of their 12 children, 10 of whom daughter's home here where he unknown years in the future. That live and are successful in widely spent his last years. Funeraf servthis influence may be identified varying professions, and his caTeer as an educator and founder of the Cincinnati Schoolmasters Club and the Cincinnati Elemen. tary Scbool Principals' Club, the first of its kind to exist and affiliate with the NEA. "He could sense the professional needs of the hour with a clearness of insight that seems almost uncanny .... As the first president of CARS PICKED UP AND DELIVERED • our' association his dynamic leadPrompt, efficient service assured, work guaranteed. ership was contagious .••. giving dignity and importance to elemen~ Prices reasonable tary principalship ...• He served as principal in five of our schools ..•. He believed in disciplne ,and the useful functioning of school training.. He proved to the satisfaction of his supervisors that the We have available for immediate delivery aubject to prior aaIe: traditional lockstep system of the NEW CUSTOM DeLUXE' 8 CYL. 4 DR. SDN. Did, academic curriculum was drivNEW SUPER 8 CONVERTIBLE VICTORIA ing many pupils out of our· schools .... that there should be more emphasis on practical shop training for pupils mechanically inclined ... J30J MORTON AVENUE and the Washingtoll Junior High Chester, Pa. School Shops came into being as a unique part of our education system. .~ "Yet he was a firm believer in the cultural values .... a lover of art .... the valuable collection of paintings that adorn the waUs .... of the Washington Schools testify to his love of the beautifuL, •. He ranks with the gr:-eat in. a profession star studded with those whose contributions. odo more to make d.emocracy live, .... than any other group of persons". Packard Chester Co. MADISON BROS. Phone 1913 FREE DELIVERY_ 0 Rib Roast of Beef 0 Ib.69c Stewing Chickens . When you bang the receiver down on the hook You break every rule in the party·line book.. Ib.49c Slic'ed BACON Smolced Tongue pk.38c Ib.45c Z~. " ..... A 141 :lelly ",..... 1 Mali S9a ','," ." . I~ bu.29c C On party-Iinetelephones,cour_ tesy pays dividends! Be brief •• , Space calls •• , Hang up gently ••• Take the lead in good party-line manners. It will mean better service for al1, Lge JUICY ORANGES d02.29c 'oplar Branch, al50 s_m.', & L••e.'s Cut .. Dralls ~~;'" 25e: 3""19e: 3 "" 10e: The Bell Company of Pennsylvania • I to Telep~one AI~':h:~'e Anarc~y," BAG OF BONES What dol mean by "Bag of Bones"? It doesn't sound too good to me, Perhaps its meanlingless to you, Not what it seems to me to be. Suppose a man dn money bent, Betrays the name of an honest man, The loss is 'his In many ways For which he pays as best he can. When a man pret.nds to be something else Than the life that he is really living We would say for sure he's an hypocrite A bag of Bones, not worth the saving. We' must add some strength tc tissue here And love o( truth and honol bright And courage along with honesty And mix them well in the proper light. When a father betrays his only And when the time of judgemen' comes son The loss Is his in faith and To the highest bidder writhing about A Bag of Bones we'll want 0< strength longer him That every bad deed always A Bag of Bones is too good a name But men that arc strong, heroically I' brings brave For such a man. so cruelly grim. He is weaker now than And men with honesty and honor. fore Dr Samuel C. Palme! And compromised in honor for Bones? 'Ve can add some nerves and si"things". \ news strong I ' Dr and 'Mrs. :Uorris A. Bowie of No doubt he's ahead a dollar or Somc blood and lymph and,tendons Ogden avenue were in \Vilkes two too Barre where he held an A, M. A Its a millioh perhaps that he owns And place them where they (10 seminar on Physical Medicine 011 But what is he now, as a man .1 belong. Tuesday. mean? Not much but a Bag of Bones·. , The time will come when tempted • th~ BIG BUY IN HOME FREEZERS! • KELVINATOR! It Holds . 40% More! IT COSTS_.L£S.S _ •• ", - 0 .- ./' / r. _ --$249.95 by I) \ havelLa-,1t r--1 C""";,:!, one million SOF:l' BUN~-ROLLS-PIES-CAKES Oruers or Dinner Reservations call Sw. INSPECTION 9728 _ _ Have y'our ear in.peeted now! flI!l!!!IIIII!!:I!lIIl11l11l11l1l11llllllll11l11ll11l11ll11llllll11l1l1ll1l1l1l1l1llll11l1l11mllIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII---=-_~~-=_ AlE YOII FlO EELS SAFE? (fonnerl,. of Nixon, N. J.) LANDSCAPE GARDENER We Beautjfy Outdocn 2t.5 Rh'crvclw Rd. Lawn Mowing and Hedge Trimming Seasonal }.{ai~ten­ ance Contracts Available. Ornamental Trees Shrubbery Lawns SoU Hannum & Waite CHRYSLER - Front wheels n;"d special lUbrication because high friction in"bearings can cause.a wheel to shear off. Prevent a serious accident Let us cle.an, inspect and re-pack the bearings with Sinclair front wheel lubricant-specially made for this job. Come in today. PLYMOUTH Cheater Road &: Yale Avenue FUSCO and ALSTON Swarthmore 1250 STUDERBAKER SALES & SERVICE Tel: Swarthmore 05i2- J So. Chester and Fairview Roads Phone Swarthmore 9793 11IIII'II!IIiiiII!I!1II!li1!!!Iill! 1111111111111 !l1II1I1I1I1I1I1II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!11111 I!! III II!II!1II11111111111!1111111 Telephone Swarthmore 0504 CUSTOM TAILORING LADIES and MEN'S SUITS and COATS Reasonable Price:l DAY THE SWARTHMOREAN "'VOL. m·No. zz SWARTHMORE, PA~ FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1148 iEG~ON MEMORIAL T~~:::::m:::ces:m::::lyhtor_ Henry Faust BLOOMING ON CAMPUS II .SERVICE MONDAY World War II Tablet To be Dedicated Before Parade During the week of },fay 30 the garden by the railroad station should have a full bloom of iris and peonies. There are over 300 varieties of each of these flowers in the collection. The later rhododendrons should also still be in bloom around the outdoor auditorium along College avenue. ch.,tra will give a concert at the Players Club on Fairview avenue tonight at 8 :15. The Concert will be open to the public free of charge. ELiZ. D. STEELE HARRIS & CO. Tailors and Furriers Dry Cleaners RE·LlNING RE·MODELING .RE·FINISHING No. 11 Park Avenue Swarthmore, P .. Reasonahle Prices SATURDAY. MONDAY $3JNI YEAR SRAMEMORIAL DAY SCHEDULE , .Game at 3 Tomorrow, Dance and. Show At 8 Citizens of Swarthmore and holiIf the weather man cooperates day guests are invited to join with Swarthmore's Memorial Day festIhe Ainsworth-Wernher Post No. jvities will start with baseball on 40 of the American Legion in the the college field at 3 o'clock Satannual Memorial Day exercisls to urday afternoon. Rain will postbe held under its, auspices next pone the double header until MonMonday. A special invitation is is-. day. The local American Legion sued to all veterans to participate nine go to bat against 'the College the program, preferably in unijv team; ~he Hornets' A and B form. The Post believes that the squads will compete for high scor~ of Swarthmore will weIes. the opportunity of joining in Elizabeth D. Steele of 1 Park After the game the Swarthmore dedicatory exercises at Boro- ave'nue was buried Ht l.fedia on The traffic safety education pro- Recreation Association has allow~ ugh Hall and Eastlawn Cemltery Monday after funeral services held gram to be presented at the high ed enough time for ,boroughites and as thdr part ~f the national obser- at a Media funeral home. school next week by the Atlantic holiday guests to dine and freshen \'ance of this day to commemorate . Miss Steele who was 78 was a Refining Company, The Swarth- up before the coulmunity dance those who have served their coUn- retired elementary school teacher, morean and a group of local busi- which starts at 8 o'clock in the high • try and community. having taught at the Sandy. Bank ness men is one of several worth- school gymnasium. Dance music Assembling. at Borough Hall at School in Media and. in the Lan.· while projects it is hoped to pre. will be provided by the Garnet Ser9:30 a. m., the high school band 40wne Public Schools. She came " sent locally this summer. enaders. will play the National Anthem be:- to Swarthmore in' the late 1800's OIl Tuesday, June I, high school Listings for "Bessie's All-Star fore the monument. Following the to live with her sister, the late I students who hold dr~vers' licenses Floor Show" scheduled for dance invocation given by the Rev. Roy Mrs. C~arles~. Smith of 1 Park i lng or learners' permits will take part intermission time, read like a press Keiser, Post Commander Charl- avenue, at a time when there were June in a highway and gen.eral safety agent's dream; world famous adagR. Gerner will Dedicate the only about a dozen houses in the education program. With three obio team, "Bing Crosby"· and "The War II Memorial' Tablet vicinity. Henry Faust, Baritone, wiII pre- servers, preferably non~licensed, A.ndrews Sisters", the "Great Gorintroduce the speaker Jack. She 'yas one of the last three .sent a song .r~cital in the Swarth· accompanymg each driyer. fiveThomp",n. f"';' slli'vivifig··charter members of thC'more - Pr~sbyteri;m . Cr.ureh" on rilileroa'd !ests·iti'two~'i:IiiaI=equijji>. don Lange". imported f~om ~st Flags will be placed in froitt of 'Swarthmore Methodist Church and Wednesday, June 2, at 8 :15 p. m. ed cars will be given. The tests will India esp~CialI; 'fol' this' perform: the tablet in memory of the dead had been a very active mell~ber of \VhiIe this i5· Mr.' Faust's first be scored in actordance with the ance, Carmen and Common the by local Boy Scouts as Commander· the local Woman's Club. recital in Sw,\rthmore, he os well· standard form developed by State Samba Queens, Ruth \Voodard tap dancer extraordinary, and The Gerner reads the lists. For the past ten years she had known to m~sic lovers through College, Those with permits will Small Shadows (five little dancers . . 't'les m th. ~ S w arthmore World War I made her hOllIe with her nephew, h'IS -. actlY. .. not necessarily be rated, this will fresh from the. provinces of the Harold Ainsworth Aubrey' Y. Smith. In poor health Music Club•. I? addItIon. to slDgm.g depend up their ability, but the fifth grade-Ginny DeCaindry, Bar. Collins Chambers for the past five years, her death he is a profICient or~amst and pl~ period will be spent in receiving bara Harlow, Debbie Thompson, Frederick Ha\Vth~n came Jrom heart failure • ani st. He ·has ~u~g With the Swar~ instruction. Jane lIIacAlpine and Nancy CarM. C. Johnson . Surviving besides her nephew is thmore College Chorus and orThe .road test will occupy nearly roll. :Mauricc F. Witmer niece Charlotte S. V,..'ilson of 11 chestra' on various occasions, and a half-hour. Discussion of sound Into the spotlight will also come World War II Park avenue. is a member of the :Matinee Musi- drivin~ practices and devdopment "Bessie's Bee-yootiful Belles" a Webster S. Allyn, • . cal Club of Philadelphia. of prpper attitudes will follow. ; dozen dancing girls new to the loM C B Following his graduation in 1943 On Thursday, skill tests will be cal stage'; Judy Pennock. ,Mary arcus . urgetl fronl the "Vestminst~t Choir ColWilson Burke given. Stopping distance .demon. Lou Hodge, Ginny Bevan, Ginny Paul D..Caldwell A. lege in Princeton, N: J., Mr. Fa:ust strations also will be held to show Gehring, Ella Hopper, Pat Teal, ~ received his .Alaster's degree in . . Bruce C. Cook reachon time as a' factor in stop- Claire Hendrixson, Sally Gaskill, George E. Davisson I composition.. \Vhilc at college he ping. The sponsors recommend Two, hundred high sellool musi. ap' peared as soloist with the famed Chris Ford, Catherine Wisdom. Milton H. Fussell, III that the entire student body witness Barbara Shipherd and Greta Riccians' and parents will attend the Westminster Ch.oir. Since that r. John Haviland these demonstrations 'that a car may hardson. time hc' has been studying with Vernon HendeI:Son annual Band dinner tqnight in t~e ~ot be stopped so readily as most ,The "Rockettes"(Joan Medford, Hugh A. HiI£erty school cafeteria at 6 P.· m. AI· Justin Williams. of the Peabody people believe. Pat Gallagher, Betty McCahan Daniel P. Johnson ways a gala affair, there is added Conservatorj.' in Baltimore. In the Elaine Wherry, Gary Long, GaYI~ Louis J. Koch, Jr. interest this year because of the fall of 1944 Mr., Faust came to Hodge, J~yce Cabots, Helen Reed, Swarthmore as director of choirs Alfred W. Larson . tenth annive;rsary of the band's Sue SUTrlck, and Judy Dickinson t Harry S. MacMillan founding. R. C. Disque, chairman and minister of music in the Presalready, well 'known . to SwarthMalcolm Main of the band parents committee, has byterian Church. Mr. Faust's program ,viII in~ The YMCA Glee -Club of Ches- moreans will present a fast new Winthrop W. 1Ie!len, Jr. announced his intention to retire Clarence E. ~fyers from that office, aild in the minds elude two groups of German "lie- ter will give a concert of religious high~stepping dance routine. The thirty-ish and Over group will find Harry L. ,Miller, Jr. of many parents this dinner h~I,1ors der n by Schubert' and Brahms, all,d selections, folk songs, negro spiritJohn M. Ogden, Jr. Mr. Di.sque's long, valued, and de- numbers by Beethoven: and Verdi. uals and other varieties of vocal itself ,remjniscing when Caroline Boyd \"1. Stauffer' voted service to the organization. Modern songs by ~uch well-known music next \Vednesday evening, \Vilcox and Jim Horsey, Rosemary John H. Stokes, Jr. Mrs. Jack Thompson and Mrs. composers as E,d,yard 1.IacDowell, June 2, in the Swarthmore lletho~ Beneke and Joe Brown Helen Chaikin and Geo,rge Storck, Teal Louis J. Storck Charles \V. Lukens are co-chairmen Charles Griffes, Jacques \Volfe dist Church. Dunn, Bill Scholl, Elaine 'Vherry and Albert Hay' Malotte will con-' William L. Thorpe of the dinner committee. Mrs. RoThe Glee Club is directed by elude the pr'ogram. and Howard Pressman, and Joan Walter A. Wernh.r ger Russell is handling the table Ralph Hall, bass soloist at Trinity ; Helen, Ventner will accompany lIIedford and Barry Patton revive Joseph ?vI, Youmans decoration, lfrs. John Pearson is Church, Swarthmore and has been "The CharJeston"~ A wreath, contributed by the in charge of thl! table setting, Mrs. Mr.. Faust at the piano. very well received in its many con. The. public is cordially invited to The first half of the £Ioor show Auxiliary, will be placed by C. Russell Phillips is iri charge of certs. J. Harrison Eastwood, widely attend. will be presented after the third a Inember of that organi~atjon, tickets and :Mrs. Robert A. Boyle, known singer and tenor 'soloist at dance in order that even the small ·an announc'ement by COlll- in charge of serving. Robert ~I. Trinity Church, will. give several try can share the fun. REMINDER llJaJlld,'r Gerner. After the firing Holm director of the band and the solos. Others from this section has fired three volleys· over school orchestra, will be in charge The .A~xiliary wishes to remind sing with the club. , monument. and the last echo I of the dinner program and Heston its mcmbers to be at Boro Hall at During intcrmission icc cream DANCING CLASSES END faps has tiled away, the high ),[cCray has planned the celebra~ 8:30 a. m. on Monday, lIIay 31, and cake will be made' available by band will swing into "Amer. tion following the dinner. which is Decoration Day. Those the ).Iethodist \Vomen's Society for The closing session of the Alice , and lead the parade as it forms The band's final appearance of who wish to drive. an automobile Christian Service which is sponKraft rhythmic dancing class for Park avenue. the school year will be in the Me- may make: this, contribution to the soring this appearance of. the Glee children was held .Iast Friday afteron Page 8 morial Day Parade. parade. Club. noon in the Wonian's Clubhouse. SPONSOR SAFE DRIVING PROGRAM BURIED MONDAY' Park Avenue Woman , One of Earliest Residents Road and Skill Tests At H. S. Next Week FIRST RECITAL PROGRAM VARIED Henry Faust, Baritone W 11 S· I a Bandel e ebrates 10th nniversary Glee Club Concert I Nex W e d nesday . Super Cushion Tires Norman A. Christiansen MEMORIAL 2 I , Pa. A1TEND ACTIVITIES Saxon, who has given two Sue. cessful concerts in New York and who for two years had tbe leading role in the Broadway: production oj "Carmen Jones", wiII sing two groups of songs. This concert, which will be held Cho.... to be Heard Th..... da,. at the Media Woman's Club on Dr. H, Lewis Cutler, president South Jackson street on Thursday, of the Media Interracial Fellow- May '0 at 8:30 p. m., Is 0l'en to ship, has announced that the guest the public with no' admission. fee. artist for the first public concert of the Fellowship Chorus will be L. W. V. Broadeut p"atponed Luther Saxon, nationally known tenor. The chorus, which was organizThe radio program scheduled by ed about a year ago under the dithe League of Women Voters for rection of Alice E. Blodgett, vocal supervisor of the Swarthmore Tuesday, May 18, was - postponed Public Schools, has approximately for ono week and will be given on 30 members. They will siag 'sever- May 25 at 10 a. m. over station al groups of numbers including 5a,=- WPWA in Chester. The speakers D~g red songs, popular folk songs and on the program will be Mrs. Henry Ecroyd of Radnor, Mrs. W. E. religious spirituals. Alice Baughn Cadbury, Jr., Haverford, Mrs. of Union avenue, pianist, and a were many questions from the Continued from Page 1.&' Leon J. Saul, Media, and Mrs. student at the Philadelphia Musical floor. usual habit of conducting excurAt the close of the meeting re ~ sians over anyone's and everyone's Academy will also be on the pro- Clair 'Vii cox of the Swarthmore League. gram. " freshments were served In the lawn and garden. lounge of the clubhouse. It is unfcrtunate that innocent The -Mothers' Club has had a pets must su ff er f or t h ' e I aXlty 0! very successful season with a large irresponsible owners. Yet neighattendance at almost every meet· bors should not haye to suffer alsu. ing, while a good percentage of Thus such. unpleasant occupations the group has participated in the as dogcatching become a public for the activities during the year. necessity. • Licenses have always been" required by Jaw and have n~ver qualified a dog to run loose. Dogs picked up on s~reet$ or propertit"s "Out.tanding for Quality" of other than their ·owners will be 6 E. FRONT ST. MEDIA PHONE 0436 The American Legion Junior I '''ith money made at the. benefit bridge and -fashion show donatiotls of ~50 were give;) to the D ay Car,;,> Center and $50 to the Save the Children of Europe Federation. The Motllers ' Cillb ga"e a gl'ft of rard tables to the Woman's Club. A gift was presen.ted to the retir· ing president Mrs. D. Mace Gowing in appreciation of her fine \York this past' year. Mrs. Avery Blake also received a gift and many thanks for her valuable assistance as representative from the Woman's Club. I t was announced that :M rs. Ro~ ben Gilfillan will be the repre· sentative from the Club to Camp and Hospital. Mrs. Stuart Graves g~ve a interesting short talk on the new Art Center to be opened in Delaware County. At the close of the busines5; mce6:g the club had the delightful experience of hearing Dr. Gary Cleveland :Myers lecture on the subject "What About Thi$ Matte, of Discipline and Control?" Dr. Myers was quite concerned about three phases of life today which he fcels are the result of lack of ·disdpline and control namely, the breaking up of homes, mental sick- Fri_,., Ma,. 21, II4a. ness and juvenile delinquicy, which: of standing up against any similiar released upon payment. of $1.00 are all on the increase. He stressed very strongly the ,disintegration of discipline in' the homes of tod.y. He brought out the statement recently made in the Police Investigation Report of Detroit that many of the delinquents in that cit~ are from homes which I enjoy better economic circum· i st3nces. . At the final meeting of the Sw· i Dr. Myers stated that the child lrthmorc :Mothers' Cluh Mrs. John ~ in sO many cases has not learned B. Weller was elected president for to share responsibility about the next year. The other. officers elect-II hone. There is a damagi~g phiJo~d arc vice president, Mrs. Walter, sophy a£loat that a child must N. ~Ioir; recording secretary, Mrs. I never be made to do anything he David Ullman; corresponding sec- I docs not feel like doing. retary, Mrs. Edmund Jones; trea· Dr. Myers said again and again iurer Mrs. Bruce D. Smith; mem- that '''punishment when needed bership chairman. llrs. Carl W. should b,e skin to skin." His lecture Moeller; h~spitality chairman, Mrs. was punctuated with many amusing James Stephens and board mem- statements and' his views on his ber, Mrs. John B. Matrker. subiect were very refreshing. There Myers Calls "Skin to Skin" Punishment Best , S W-A R T HMO REA N I INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE , ------------------. 10 THE SWARTHMOREAN Frida)', Ma)' 21, 1948. MOTHERS ELECT M&S. J. B. WELLER II "5"Kin to M yers Skin" Punishment Best W.I Dog Catchers to Arrive Monday ! 0'- released upon payment of $l.iJO per day of confincmen~. Unlicensed dogs will be held 24 hours, and those wcarillg ]9-18 license tags 10 days, Saxon. who has given t,vo SUe. cessful concerts in New York and who for two years had t11e leadingrole in the Broadway production oj "Carmcn Joncs·'. will sing tWf) groups of songs. This conccrt, which will be held Chorus to be Heard Thursday at the }.Iedia \\'oman's Club on Dr. H~ Lcwis Cutler, presidcnt South Jackson street on Thurstla\" ., of the ~I cdiCt Interracial Fel1o\\,- :Alay 27 at 8:30 p. m., is open to ship, has announced that thc guest thc public with no admission fcc. artist for the first public concert of thc Fellowship Chorus will be L. W. V. Broadcast Postponed Luthcr Saxon, nationally known tenor. The chorus, which was organiz w The radio program scheduled by cd ahout a year ago under the di- the Lcague of \VolUen Voters f _ rection of Alice E. Blodgett. vocai . o. supervisor of the S'\larthmorc Tuesday, ~lay 18, was postponed Public Schools, has approximately for onc week and will be givcn vn 30 members. They wHi sing sever- ~Iay 25 at 10 a. m. over statiull al groups of numbers including sa':- \VPWA in Chester, The speakers red songs, popular folk songs and ~:r~~~d pr:fr~:d~:~!. b~{~~~s. \~.en~: religious spirituals. Alice Baughn .1.1", of Cnion a\,cnue, pianist, and ;:) Cadbury, Jr., Haverford, Leon J. Saul, Media and Mrs. student at the Philadelphia Musical Academy will also he on the pro- Clair \Vilcox of the Swarthmore League. gram. Photographs l for Junior Baseball Team Confident I the F. F. ZIMMERMAN "Outstanding for QuaHty" 6 E, FRONT ST. MEDIA PHONE 0436 SALE I IF YOUR'CLOTHING BUDGET HAS BEEN TAKING A BEATING DUE TO THE "NEW LOOK"COME IN AND SEE THE DRESSES AND SUITS WE HAVE MARKED D o = W N! Harvard Inn Harvard and Rutgers Aves. , Wheel Aiignment AlE YOUR Due to the severe winter, checking Eront wheel alignment is very important. • CI :-1:,.\ ~IO)/ BUl\:'-ROLLS-PIES-C:\KES Otdcr5 or Dinncr RCS:.T\-ittions call Sl\". -- FRO SAFE? INSPECTION 9728 EELS Have your ear inspected now! ...... illlllllllll!!!:!! !!lIlIlIIlIlIIllIIlllllIIllIIlllIlIIlIlIIlIlIIllIIllIIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIIlIlIlIImlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111 -,.,.._-,::;--;-:-------=,.....-- - Super Cushion Tires Norman A. Christiansen (formerly of Nixon, N. J.) LANDSCAPE GARDENER. We Beautify Out.:iocn I I :\Iowing- ami Hcdge Trimuling ~('a~ol1al ).f aintcl1ance C0ntr:!cts A,·ailahle. La\\-a Ornamental Trees Shrubbery Lawns Soil Front wheels need special lubrication because high friction in'" bearings can cause ,a wheel to shear off. Prevent a serious accident. Let us clean, inspect and re-pack the bearings with Sinclair front wheel lubricant-specially made for this job. Come in today. Hannum & Waite CHRYSLER Chester Road & ".i',",,: Swarthmore 0572-) PLYMOUTH FUSCO and ALSTON Yale Avenue STUDERBAKER SALES & SERVICE Swarthmore 1250 So. Chester and Fairview Roads. Phone Swarthmore 9793 1I1IH' IP li U:II!iHlQI:I!:WH:!III!IIIIIIII!WI!III!II!III!!!illl!1I1I1II1I1I1I1I1I1I11I1lIIIIIIIIIillilllllll!I!!II!il!llllllllllllllmllili -- ---------------- Swarthmore CUSTOM T.\ILORING LADIES and MEN'S SIJITS and COATS 0504 Rellsonnble Pri.ce; Telephnne Librnry Swarth more, PaD ATTEND ACTlVITlES ness and juvenile dclinquicy, which' of standing up against any similiar arc all 011 the increase. : age group of boys any\\-11cre. , He stressed Ycry strongly the The team this year will be made ! disintegration of discipline in the up solely of Swarthnlorc boys amI homes uf today. He brought out the it is hoped that there will TJ~ a statement recently made in the I pre-seasull warmup game with the Polin.' Investigation Hepart of De-j College J. V. tcam on tTIl' :;atur .. r 1 ~a S troit that many of the delinquents day before ~[el1lorial Day. This in that city are from homes which Legion Team has developed so ,enjoy uetter economic circuJn- well during the last few years th~a , stances. it should put up a good battle: At tl1(' i:::al lIleeting of the Sw* I Ur. ~iycrs staled that the child against the ·older boys. uthmorc 1h,the!"!-' Cluh ~lrs. John' ill ~U many cases has nut learned This year the league 113S becn B. \\"elh.'r wa:'o .... h:l'ied president for I to share responsibility about the enlarged by addition of represcntnext yc:al". The (Ither officers clec1- ill mc. There is a damagillg philo- ath'es from Darby and Aldan, ~d ar~' \-in.' prl'..;ilic1l1, )'1:rs. "'alter I sophy afloat that a child fUust making a total of eight teams. ~. :\!(,ir: recnrding secrctary. Mrs. I Ilc,'cr be made to do anything he Gam-es will be played on the RiverDayH L.Hmall: t.'(lrresp(~ndiJig sec- ~ (!OC5 not fcel like doing. view Avenue Field at 6:30 p. JI1. rctary. )'1r5. Edmund Jones; trea- I Dr. 11yers :;aid again and again on dates which will be announced .,urer )'Irs. Brucc D. Smith; mem-I that upunishlllent whcn needed as the season progresses. !lersl:ip cl~airman. :Urs. Carl should be skin to .skin." His Icct~rc ~lo:,:lIl'r; hospitality chairman • .Airs. j was punctuated wI~h tn.an y amusm.g JaIlH"~ StcIJlu:1I3 31111 board mctn-, statements and Ius VICWS on IllS her. )'Ir:;. John B. l\iaerker. subjcct wcre "cry r~freshil1g. There .. I ' d at the uene· , \ . ~t 1 llWllCY 11M e . I were many questIoJls from the Continued from Page 1 fit hri(lge and fashion show dona-I floor. usual habit of conductillg excurtim . . ; $50 were giYCIl to the Day At thc dose of the meeting resions ovcr anyone's and everyone's I ~50 to tl lC Save frcshmcnts were servcd JI1 the lawl1 and ganlen. Car~' Center am.:'I 'Id f E'tlrOlle Federation. lounge of the clubhouse. ~ IlC L Il rell 0 " ' . d It is unfortunate that innoccnt ~rhc 11uthen,,' Club gave a gift of fhe ~lothcrs Club I~as ha I ...11l1l1.lHllll'lIt and tl\(~ la:t cchq I oi the dilltll..'l" pro.!.!.railt :lIIfl III'~tlm , J ;ql~ has ~licd :lwa~·. the high ~I cC~ay h;.,s planlll'.d tbe cclchra'i,(,l hand WIll sWlI1g mto "~-\me-r. tlOll IOlIowlllg- the <1l11l1el'. and lea(} the parade as it forllls 1 The band's iinal appearance of I'ark ayl'ntll'. : the school year will he in the ~reon Page 8 I moria I Day Parade. Band Celebrates 10th Anniversary I , Game at 3 Tomorrow, Dance and Show At 8 I If thc weather man cooperates Swarthmorc's :Memorial Day festivities will start with baseball on 'the college field at 3 o'clock Sat· urday ahcrnooll. Rain will postpone the double hcader until ::\1011day. The local American Legion nine go to bat against the College j\' team j the Horncts' :\ and B squad:; will compete for high scor- SPONSOR SAFE I DRIVING PROGRAM Park Avenue Woman One of Earliest Residents ~Icdia SRA MEMORIAL DAY SCHEDULE Durillg the "'eck of )'fay 30 the gard('n hy the railroad station should hal"c a full bloom of iris and peonies. There are over ·300 varieties of cach oi these f10wcrs in the collectioll. The later rhododendrons should also still be in bloom around the outdour auditorium along Collegc a\'enue, chestra will gh'e a, c,on~ert at the 'PlayerS Club on I'alrvlcw avenue, tonight at 8 :15. . • $3,00 YEAR Road and Skill Tests At H. S. Next Week es . .After thc game the Swarthmore The trafiic safety education pro- Recreation .;\ssociatiol1 has allo\\'gram to he prescntcd at the high cd enough timc for boroughitcs and !oichool next week by the Atlantic holiday. gut:sts to dinc freshcn Rcfillitl~ Company, Thc Swarth- up hClOre thc COIlUnt1lllty dance lIlorcan and .1 group of local hU5i-1 which starts at 8 o'clock in the high Hess lIlen is one of several \\'ort11- school gymnasium. Vance music while projects it is hoped to pre- will be provided by the Garnet Serw ~ Sellt locally this summer. cnaders. 0" Tuesday, June I, high school Listings for "Be»ics All-Star sttlflents ,,,ho hold dri'yers' licenses Floor Show" scheduled for dance lIng lor learners' permits will take part intcrmission time, read like a prcss 'I' I d 1ft I f I une III a lIg lway an gCIl.era sa c Y agent's dream: \\'or d amous a( ag. . . : education program. \Vith thrce ob- io teaIll, "Bing Crosby". and "The Henry Fapst, Bantonc, Will prc- Iservcrs prcfcrably nOIl-licenscd Andrcws Sistcrs", the "Great Gorsent a song recital in the Swarth~ ~ccom~anYing each driver fivc::~ don Langc" imported from East more Presbyterian CI'u~cb, on mile road tests in two du,a.I-cquipp- India especially f~r this perform\Vednesday, June 2, at 8:b p. n~. cd cars will be given. The tests will alice, Carmcn and Common the \Vhilc this is ~Ir. Faus~'s first he scorell in accordance with the Samba Queens, Ruth \Voodard tap recital in Swarthmore, he IS well• stalldard form developed by State dancc. extraordinary, and The known to musIc lo\"c~s through Collcge~ Those with pcrmits wiU Small Shadows (five little dancers his activitics in tl.l~ Swart!llll?re not necessarily he rated, this will fresh from the provinces of the llusic Club .. I~l addlltOIl. to S1llg1l1~ depcnd up their ability, hut the iifth grade-Ginny DeCaindry. Barhc is a profiCient Or~al115t all,d period will he spent in recClV1I1g bara Harlow, Debbie Thompson, anist He l'as sung With the Swar- . t t' ., lllS rue 1011. I Jane :\Iac.:\Jpine anu Xancy Carthmore ColIcge Chorns and or· The road test wil1 occupy nearly 1'011. chcstra 011 various occasions, amI . ] , a halt-hour. JIscu5sion of sound Into the spotlight will also comc is a memher of the l'.latince :\[usi~ cal Club of Philadelphia. cI~-jving practi.ces and. de:'elopment "Be:;:;ic';o; ~cc-yootiiul Belles" a ot proper attItudes wtll tollow. i dozen danclJlg girls new to the 10Following his graduatioll in 19-13 On Thursday, skill tests will he 'I cal stage'; Judy Pellllock, ).lary from the \Vestlllinster Choir Colgi'·Cll,' Stopping. I distance dcmon'l· L.ou ,Hodg,e, Ginny Bcvan, Ginny lege in Princeton, N. J., l.lr. Faust stratlons also \\·1 I he held to show ,I Gehnng, Ella Hopper, Pat TeaJ, rccch'ed his l.laster's degree in reaction timc as a iactor in stop- Claire Hendrixson, Sally Gaskill, COIllIJOsitioll. \Vhile at college hc . appeared as soloist with thc iamcd pmg. 'I he spollsors recommend Chris Ford, Catherinc \Visdolll • \Vestminster Choir. Since that that thc cntire studcnt body witncss Baruara Shiphenl aud Greta Ricthese dcmonstrations that a car may hards.on. timc hc has ueen stutlyillg" with b d d'i 'f] 'n k Ie '",\.oc cttes" (Joan lIedford, Justin \Villiams of thc Pcahody not c stop pc so rca I y as most Pat Gal1;tgher, Bclt.... )'lcCahan, Conservatory in Baltill1ore. In the people bclicvc. ~ fall of 19-14 ~Ir, Fau:;t came to EJaill(" \Vherry, Gary Long. Gayle Swarthmore as director of choirs I :Iodg~, J~yce Cabots, Helen Reed, , . " JI1 tile Prest I Suc SurrJck, and Judy Di.ckinsoll and Illltllstcr 0 f llluSIC I already well known to Swarthuytcrian Church. ImorC Taylor, and grandchildren in VirBROWN-ZWOLINSKI end at Cornell attending the fest- bridesmaid Miss Nancy Hoot of best man. ginia Beach, Va. Laf~yettc avenue. ivities of Spring Day Week. A reception at the Officers Club On Thursday night, June 3, the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. MacMr. and Mrs. Da';' Rectanus of The chapel 'Ilt the U. S. Naval on Treasure Island followed the . Millan and daughter Shirley of "Calumet Cottage" on Michigan bridal party and their guests will be Station on Treasure Island, Calif., ceremony. Vassar avenue leave today for avenue will leave June 7 for "the tendered a dinner party at Roil- was the setting for the wed1ts from lllany centers. Art CenNational tournament has just beeni ters of Bryn Mawr, \\layne, \Vest . Chester, Chestnut HilI, Cheltcn- . I SWARTHMOREAN ham, Conshohocken, Old York Road, Norristown will send repre-, sentative artists and exhibits of crafts, painting, and sculpture. Of interest to all marionette enthusiasts is the show for children to be presented by Mrs. Orlando Shoemaker. Blue arrows will, direct people on Sunday, June 6." Refresh':nents will be provided. The event is entirely free from charge and held to demonstrate what other art cen ters are accomplishing and to further the establishment of tHe center in this vicinity. 114& cation showing how it might affect Swarthmore Delegate to the Lea. Swart~more, gue of Wonten Voter's National Mrs. Phelps Soule outlined the Convention at Grand Rapids, r._ local program of work for the com- ported on the Convention which ing year. met last month to .,Hopt its plat. Mrs. RObert E.' Sessions, the form and program for two year•. -==========___________________ • w Mrs. Sessions is Elected by L. W. V. • CLOSED 'MONDAY MAY 31st , HANNUM & WAITE RUSSELL'S SERVICE RUMSEY CHEVROLET STO,RAGE THE ORANGE CLEANERS 1111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 • / -. ... You are invited to inspect a property on Vernon RoadJ south of . Woodward Roaol. Moylan-Rose Valley If you are interested jn acquiring an attractive home on a beautifully wooded 3* acre lot, in a sec!uded but convenient location, in' the vicinity o{ the Rose Valley Swimming and Tennis Club , I, /, / , /' JOSEPH W. WIDING Rittenhouse 6-6258 , , I Cynwyd 1486 9d' Dome§tle, Let PAULSON clean your rugs and housecleaning will seem a little less endle ... No duat to fly around and settle hack on everything. Don't overload your wiring system. cPA"'SOl1 &- .Com~~~), ~Cholce Persian Rugs for Sale When you • t~h:::e~:o t~:~; ::~~:;; 1-: 1I:-: 1I ;:;1I~1I :-: 1I : :1I;:;1I ~1I " 1I :-: 1I =1I:-: 1I " 1I : :1I:-: 1I :-: 1I =I =:nf, an .. , I I it:y 2S61·M., FURl'ark SALE-Thorou-ghbrCd - ";:dig'rCrtl ~l~ish ''v ~t;tt(:r l)UIIllies, ~\I r. and llrs. Ro!Jert W. Ueacoll, Uivervirw and \Vellesley !)('drO()111 in~ubtr',1 LOST • PETER E. TOLD or by _ home, June 21 to Oct"hcr ;". Porch, (,arage, l ..,rge yarn. Convenicilt to Ir:ms· I Mrtation Swa. 2016. FOR REN"'~ -Office or stnrlio - F-p:ic(" ::wail· able Can Ed Noyes. SW3.. 0114. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Academy and NROTC examinaPAYMENT APPROVED tions, Dick has decided to attend \h~. latter's program at Cornell The payment of $1449.73 to the University next fall. Boroug4 of Swarthmore has been approved by the Auditor General To Eatettain Art Sectioa G. H. Wagner as the quarterly distribution from the Motor LicenThe art section of the Woman's se Fuud, as provided for by the Club will meet with Mrs. Roy Gil- 1947 legislature. bert on Meadow lane next Thursday afternoon, June 3, at 1 o'clock. Members should bring a box lunch. "'/////////////////////.dY///////////////////////////. The hostess will serve wffee and ROOFS GUTTERS dessert. REPAIRED and INSTALLED Furnace cleaning orders taken now. Call GEORGE MYERS 409 Michigan Ave •• Sw. 2266 honor roll standiilg throughout ••~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~ the two y~ars of attendance there. For graduating first ill the class ROGER RUSSELL h . d U S S' B e recclv.c a _. . avmg ond Maker of Fine Pltotograpbs offered by the board of managers 'penn State Bldg. as a 'scholarshil) prize. South Ave. & State SI.. D' k' h" 'f B IC S t110t er J.\'J_rs. A. J.\. 055. Media 2176 Media, Pa. hardt of Jenkintown, formerly of Ihmorea.n. S h I WANTED-By coloredcollcge gi;l;-job ~yart more, W 10 attended the p --PI as mother's helper during summer mono graduaJion exercises, was invited to PIANO TUNING Ih". Call Cbester 3·9601. a tea and dinner gh'cn by the prinALBAN L. PARKER ,FOR SALE cipill and' his wife ih honor of the Phone MedIa 0459-M ,£-'Ol(-SALE--U1onde I:ocker pups, $15 -:and three gra~uates with the 'highest NJ. ~Wanhtnore' 'UHJ. ' " class 'standing.' and Repairing Since 1908 HU( SALE-llatbsbund - pups.- Healthy. Having passed both the Naval Home raised. ~'ine 5tlectJon. AJ...C. Hu.1· , _ _ _ _ _ __ New and RebuU! Pianos Will make 2896·]. nice, pet5 for your children. Swarthmore WANTEO-=eooo h-o-m-"-f~four lOVely - h.If·Pmi.n _ kin,,!,. Call_ Sw.:....09Q,._ WANTED-A bahN·itter. one or two eve· nings a week. Pbone 5",a. 2008. WANTF.n-\Vo~fo-;-day·s- work _. week. C~l Swa. 1745. ' WANTED-By couple, no ebilrlren or pets to rent al ••trtment or small hOllse in Swarthmore vicinity. Box \V, The S,"ar. 1:()1~ - REXT-Three build or modernize provide ADEQUATE WIRING. I"'"'' . "'////////////////////////////////////////////////////, I ' ; .. , (.1 L'" r ~\ I'-I ...... J:::r:~:;. \,RTERS BROS. INC. • MODEIN IITCHENS • WUl .Id fLOOI COVERINGS • NEW COIiSTlUCTION • ALTERATIONS .d IEPAIRS ARTERS BROTHERS, loe. Conlrac/on and Suildo" 302 Gayley Slreel • Media, Pa, P"." •• Media 2567 Swarthmore Disposal Service Rubbi.h Collected Weeldy or Moathly Phone Swarthmore 3343 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. DAVE WOOD Painting and Paperhanging PHOTOGRAPHY Telephone Swa. 2361·1\1. "'OR-RENT - Com(ortabl;;-three bCdrOOm hnme for summer montbs. References ex.· ehanged, Can he seen Saturday or Sunday. Call Swa. 1049.. _ _ _ _ _- ;_ _ __ i-'On-RENT-Large room for two 011 second floor: Convenient to both bus lines :In,l village. ,e'll! Swa. 2..~1::94!:._ _ __ FOR RENT....:.CO;'l,. airy room. N'e:a; tran!';(Iortation. Genlleman preferrl'd. Call ~warthmorc 2806·J. FOR - RENT-=-Garage:- So{ltb- Chester road near Yale. Phone Swa. 1126.J. FOR- RENT-June thrOll~h SepetemllCr indu~h·e. Furni!';hed third floor fi~e mom :'II,1.rtment. Phone Swa. 0815·R. If no :,n<.wer write tJw ~\Varlhmor('an nn" ' •. "YOU WANT A ~UARTER TO GO TO THE AQUARIUM AND SEe AN OCTOPU.5-- WHEN YOU CAN STAY . HOME AND LOOK AT THIS ONE FOR FREE?!" '5.50 .~ General' Insurance 't·;rO"R;---Rn;;E""N;;;T~Fumished bedroom and living room, semi·private bath Gentleman roreferrcd. Pbone Swarthmore 0221.\V. rOR-RENT - FrrSt floor furnisbed -apart:. n:ent. poreb, laundry, large yard, garage. clean rug. 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, PI!. Swarthmore 0730 or 0529 - Clearbrook 4646 II~ S WAR T H.M 0 REA N those who have accumulated their 15 points or more in non-athletic WANTED organi~ations will receive \\' ANTED-Members for Miss Mac· letie jetter~.. . Nair's Mexican tour August 17, to cool :Mcxico City and Taxco. Call Harvard Inn. The main attraction of the eveWANTED-We will b1,l7 at best prices, old rting, besides the meal will be a 3» DARTMOUTH AVEUNE china. glass, furniture,,' firearms. Call Holly Oak 4313 Of Holly Dale: 6720, collect, fancy r.lagic program by the "Man Swarthmore 1833 (or appointment. An business confidential. Colonial ,Cupboard. No.5, PhildeJphia Pike. of Aiystery," Henry Brown, who • Wilmington. Delaware. has been billed in New York, Chi\\" AN.TED-Unfurnished apartment ur111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 gently n~ed by rcs~table engineer and cago, and the Steel.Pier ;n Atlantic wife, Two or thrre rooms, kitchen and City. A great many laughs are in bath. £.ocat references provided. R. N., store for the entire audience. ]lim. Sun Oil Co., Marcus Hook. "rANTED Family-desires -to purchase a Portraits Commerical three or four. bedroom home. Limit $12;· Valedictorian at Severn School 000. Box. U, The Swarthmorean. WENDELL PHILLIPS WANTED-U~furiiishcd h()use - or a ..... ~t.' Dick Uosshardt of Park avenue ,- Igraduated with' highest honors 15 S. Lansdowne Ave. ment in Swarthmore vicinity by doctor anrl wife with no children. Telephone Frc-S S'I I I . Madison 1599 mont 7·5695 or Bryn Mawr 0668. from c\"crn c 100, Md., ast FnLansdowne Pa. WANTED"':Good homes' fo;- cute pups. day after successfully maintaining !FOR, RENT Make Your Bousedeaoint Complete witli To Honor Lettermen rO<1d. Call Swartbmore 0572'.M .•~_.,.,..,= FOR - SALE--Lawnmo":er;-- box couch. fireplace, coal grate. AIl·.good condition. 'l\\o Adirondack henches. Call Swa 3584. FUR SALE-Sun-eying instruments. Good condition. Call Swa 0644. f.'(')1.t SALE...... \Vashing macbin~'~Tinger t,)1)c. RtasonaLle. In working order. ,Telel,hone . Swarthmore 1066.J. FOR -- SALE-n - fnch carved-sid~d suitable for large home or inn. Sipco declric h(:dgc cutter and 100 feet of cord. praclically new, cost $70, will sell for $50. Hound oak dining table and extensions $10., two library tables $10 eacb, large OfIk bookcase $20, wooden frame davenport $15 Il1mic cabinet $2.50 and cabinet $5. Call ).rcdia 4595 after .. p. m. FOR -SAL~Deiutiful- and playfulred Persian kiuens. Home raised from registered stock. Swa. 3174·1. FOR SALE-1947 Dendix'~D"'e1'u-x-e-"-.,..,·h-er Like new. Call Swarthmore 3339·R mornings next week._ _ _ _ _ _• -FOR-S~U.&:-ElCC:tric range, set of wash tuh3 will all fiUings 30 gallon Rudd heater toilet. All in good condition. • Reply to Box X, The Swarthmorean. FOR SALF......-Ha.viland china. glassware, cooking utensils, rug. Call Swa 2241·\V. • -. ' PERSONAl. I'ERSONAL-Contider Ethel MacNair'. 10 day tour. August 17. to cool ·Mex. ico City and Taxc:o. Call Harvani Inn. PBRSONAL--Vaeu.wn Oieanera, irona. touters aDd radio. repaiNd. called This year's annual letter banquet lor and lIelivered. Call Bobert Brooks. will be given in the high school caSwarthmore' 1548. PERSONAL--Se"ice on all makea of feteria on June 4 at 6 p. m. Besides electrie waahera (BendlJ:: Included). ironers. vaeu.um deanen, raDlea several mentbers of the school fairOll1l, to.ltera, fana and lamps. Allo culty, those present at the ban....iring-new and old, \Vidn, of water healers•. AIJ work complies to Fire Ud'd.eG- quet will be: Mr. Davidson, taxiwriters specifications. Call Erich H. HauseD driver for football and track men, Swarthmore 28S()"W. Saulinier, Mr. Walton, both PERSONAL-Carpentrr jobbing. &ti~ Mr. mat.O! cheerfully given. Reasonable prices ever present spectators and avid First class work~nship. Reeves. Pbone Swarlhmore 3450. ;:d PERS6NAL-AI:;'1~tY-_--Of photograph,._ F. F. Zi~rmaD ··Outstanding for QuaHty"' 6 East Front street, Media. Phone Media letter. Besides' athletic letters, those 0.. 36. FUSCO and ALSTON • CLASSIFIED :~o~;s On Friday, May 21, the annual meeting of the Swarthl)1ore League of Women Voters was held· in the home of Mrs. Raymond Denworth on Elm avenue. Mrs. Robert Sessions was elected president for a term of two years; 1irs. William Huey, vice president; ~fr5. Louis N. Robinson, recording secretary; and :Mrs. \Vi1liam Reeser, corresponding secretary. Mrs. Glenn \"1. Morrow·and Mrs. Morris Fuesell,' are new directors. Members of the nominating committee for next year are 1hs. Helen 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ Goodwin and Mrs. George E. Byers. Fur ..:. Fur trimmed Coats - Stored $%.00 \l4in. A balance of $331 in the treasury Cloth Ganpents - Blankets - Stored $1.50 MiD. was reported by Mr~. Oliver RodDON'T DE~Y ..:- STORE YOUR GAR~ENTSNOW gers, and llrs. 'ViUiam Gehri:lg anWe dean Blank'6uJO Drape., Slip Cover!. Quilb nounced 37 new memberships. QUILTS RECOVERED - PILLOWS RECOVERED Mrs. Clair JeglulIl's report showed that three of the League's bulletins were mailed to 1300 voters 40S Dartmouth. Avenue Swarthmore, Penna. in the Borough of Swarthmore. Open 8 to 5:30 every day Mrs. \Villiam Huey reported on the new bill for Federal Aid to e&a callS 1kpa1n Sw&rtluttore for Vicinit7 .... put Y can Twenty 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. Swarthmore 2295 night A. Mercer Quinby of Eleetriea1 IostaUatl... ServiD& Repairing Duildins Contractor Electrical On' the abo,·c Estate ha'-e been granted to the undcrsigned, who request all persons N ever Grows Old" I~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~iiii~ii REAL ESTATE Marian S. Brown "A Well Kept House Pa£nterl &: Paper Hangen I ~_~'~~~~ij~_~~~~~~~~~ rl'. LEGAL S ' - 1905 or da,., ----= E = Charles E. Fischer = --~ ----=. Builder ----~ -=== -5,= -=.- :. -= : :11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: PAINTING Swarthmore 1272 Call Mason Builders Supply Company Interior & Exterior Swarthmore 2253 Swarthmore 1448 Swarthmore 034.5 We are ri~ht here . whe.r:e you can l"e~n us every da', All ,Sizes Hard Coal GOLD BOND POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS EDWARD L. NOYES & CO. PLASTERING SUPPLIES SWARTHMORE 0114 , :. 'Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllit 331 Dartmou.th Avenue For :. WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Rubbish RemoVM Gt'neral Haulini ZJ6 Harding Ave. Morton. Pa. Lawn~ ),(o~d , • Reese-Baxter Co. SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. Cheater NEWS NOTES BOIIB'I'HIH, '1'0 UJlBMB•• , . M ... ,.alNr ....I., . . ""II: r - • .,.,...... : ' ..... 10.1..... Oar "arliefa WIN . . ,--:;.:OPEI FBI. TDl 9 A.M. SAT.• P." , ~ :'j' CLOSED ALL DAY, MODAY Nearly 40 members of the Swar' thmore High School Class of 1928 attended the Twentieth Reunion Dinner at Walbur's on Saturday evening. Guest of honor was h,frs. Edgar Matthews, the former Miss Kirk, the c1ass home room teacher. The (:oJlege avenue second grade children and their parents will have a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jam,es B. Bullitt on Lincoln averoUe next Thursday. 1tfrs. David Braun -was surprised by 17 friends with a dinner party at her home on Wcstdal~ avenue ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:================ parents: Afr. and , 3 P. M. BASEBjU-L ON COLLEGE FIELD ",UNE ISlUE '.MILY CtaCU NOW ON $AU QM.LY k VI '-Co"ege Junior Vanily "B" TftalDe'VI "LegiollDllire." , 8 P. M. to 12 midnight COMMUNITY DANCE IN H. S. Gym -Garnet SerenadersBessies All-Star Floor' Show • -12 acts' of scintillating entertainment- w~w 61' TIl... S.aU .... we/!!. 10 to 14 IJos. TURIEYS CHICIENS _I: _..... . 0;83' fit•.•.,... WI. CDND BAM '" age CANNED CHICIEN=~___ , I:-'~":."IIM con 1.98 . 2911 SLICED CODFISH Croaken Shrllllp = .... .... ' - ' I' 23c I' 79c I CONCERT Y. M. C. A. Glee Clu,," oE Chelter SpODOOrec! by. the W. S. C.,s. Swarthmore. Methodiat Church Wedne.day, J"ne' 2, 1948. 8 P. M. Admi..iOD .75 ADMISSIONS: Adulb One doD.r {$I) Eor gamel and dance Sixty cenb (.60) Eor gll'Del or dance Children' (thru .ixtb grade) twenty·five cenb for game. or wee I'F RA-'N-MONDA Y, MAY 310t TICKETS AVAILABLE AT GATE 0;4711 APPLE JELLY Ii.:; 210 = Pu,Ucan MARSHMALLOWS Sweet R.d Ripe WATERMELONS .t. 0 ••,51 .. u IIaIn If:' nO 51 =. . , 19c . ,celery 'II':: 19c ... 19c Radishes ~= 3 ....... 10c Fresh LeIllOIlS Fresh Llllles .....,....,...........:....-- ORANGES JI~.!I:" .wid4S. BREAD Ir::r 14e Toolh B,H" SICJ}'I fresh longer ~ ......., lOc ... lSe (Eormerly oE Nixon, N. J.) '" • LANDSCAPE GARDENER Ornamental Tre4!& We Lawn Mowing and Hedge' TrimDling Seasonal Mainten. ance .contracts Available. Beautify Outdo~r• Shrubbery Lawns Soil Tel: Swarthmore 0572-J 205 Riycrvciw ReI. m 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 To the . I Tender Leg LAMB , . , • 1 • I • Fruits and Vegetables ••• New Potatoes ed of. . .plalUled for. We know you'll want everything per fee t particularly the flowers. We'lr be delight- I I I • ed 'to Realtor !:07 Ed!!m::tnt Avenue Cheater J-4516 -Baltimore over Phone Pike' Party·line service works. just .fine. When neighbors learn to share the line. talk all your· plans and help you iti every po.sible way. VIrlUace Lippincott Ib.69c I ; •-1111111 JllllJIlIJlllllllilJlJlIlIlIIlIJlIJlIl> Ih 45c ' Smoked Beef Tongue •• Depen«;lable Service If you ha\'c real estate for sale, t Jist with us ann W~ 'wi!! give ~'OU ,the benefit of our Cooperative I SelEn" Bureau. Call at office or phone us. . lb. 69c I Rib Roast of Beef This is your day. You" Wedding day! A day you·ve dream .. . Swarthmore 11450 Springfield artend the Wilson College baccalaureate service on Sunday, June 6, and the graduation of their daughter Flora on Monday. Flora, who has majored in Music will receive a Bachelor of Arts degree. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroth bf Pittsburgh were weekond guests of Mrs. Schroth's mother, Mrs. Elwood M. Rowand of Elm avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett of Garrett avenue have been entertaining Mes. Garrett's sister :Mrs. Lawrence Drew of Washington, D. C, formerly of Swarthmore. The Presbyterian Church Choir visited the iris garden of Afr. and ~[rs. James H. Hornaday on Dickinson avenue Sunday afternoon before joining in the Music Festival at Bryn Mawr. Mr. Russell 111. Heath of Cedar lane, who has completed the three III 0 11 tits Advance Alanagement Co u r 5 e at Harvard Graduate School, Mrs. Heath: Sandy and Barbara lIlotored to \Villiamsburg, Va. last weekend. Mrs. Milan W. Garrett of North Pdncetoll a\'CIIUC has ()Cell called to .Minneapolis by the death of hc'r mother . ill rs. Percy G. Gilbert of Park avenue is lea\·jng today to visit her ,si!Stcr 1\[rs. C. A. Smith in Pittsburgh. Mr. Gilbert and their daughter Harriet will join her there llext weekend for connnenCClll.cnt at the Pennsylvania Coll~ge for Women,of whidr Mrs. Gilbert is an aJulluia. They will at-. tend the baccalaureate service and the graduation of JessIe Gilbert on ~Iouday, June 7. Mrs. J. A. Detlefsen of Lafayette avenue returned Saturday from -a visit with her son·ill-Iaw and daughter Mr. and Mrs. L. E. RasmUSsen and ~hcir baby daughter of Toledo, Ohio. lI,!r. and Mrs. Frank L. Gettz of • "We Telegraph Flowers" -NOVELTY &'PECORATIVE CANDLES- 1. Skilled W;,.;. "_ Caarlmlee Qua1i't¥ rJ a. Top Quality Mechanical Services For Complete CoDision On party-line telephones, cour- .. ifiANS =-2~ 29c Ideal halt CooktaU •• ~~ s';a Iclle:B1 Peaahes H~=--.c~':...'a!.10 2..,e Ideal O._ge .Jalee S::.,a l,.4J:> 2.10 "-EGGS ~~nJ~z 69c ~f::~z67c ' SUve. Seal Egg_ Iv.., Ia. Gu....I." MAYONNA,ISE ·1':~·· STijFFED OLIVES !IS;~I:~" ...... BEVERAGES Bala Club Beverage_ ,dmllll, ....1 12 61. c UNE UP? • If your car acts sluggish .•. seems to have '. lost pep and power, let us look it over. A tune up now may save time and money la.ter. Our prices are low. C9me in today. FUSCO and' ALSTON STUDEBAKER SA,LES & SERVICE So. Chester and Fairview Roaus Phone Swarthmore 9793 " COMPARE SPEED Does a week's wash in Jess ,than an houri One rub washes while the other rinses. and S/Jills dampdry. Removes up to '25% more waler .•• clothes dry faster. COMPARE CONVENIENCE No slow feeding of pieces through a wringer. No set tubs . needed ••• you rinse t"igbt in the -spinner basket. COMPARE SAVINGS Easy gi"C5 you, more for your money . Saves cleaning bills .•• does ... "washable'~ drapes at home! See it in action today! • $189.95 Kapaa. ~\.:Q~~': • .... ••• Space calls ••• Hang up . ,gently ••• Take the lead in good party-liPe manners. It RefrigeratOl"s, Automatic Laundries Electric Ranges " I WILSON RI 6-6141 24 South 18Th St. COAL & SUPPLY CO. Devine Taxi Service will mean betterseJ'Viee for all, W.tef' Heaten 'Freezing Units, Etc.. Albert A. KneCht " .7 tesy pays dividends! Be brief All FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCTS 3 Flee EatimateB 4. W. Have A Coa·cieiJc:e WIth·Y_ Pocketbook L 8adpt p.,_a. ... Yo. ec. • II _ Low _ $1.26 We '., eN I AS FOR BOWARD • .,.-ns, • 5 .-1:1 M U ~'. 15e A Yal•• Yoo W••', )oVal' to l1li1" NEW ENGLAND STYLE • Also a Complete Display· of Lg. JUICY ORANGES dOl.39c Owned and Operated lIy Am"'lcan Stores Compaay A On Display at our New Sales Room South Ave. at Baker St. Media, Pa. Ib5c Ib.6c 12 I. LAYER CAKE 1:'='I:.t '. Norman A. Christiansen 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'· • CAR··' NEE 0 ~~;::s~~rt;f t:'::;r~":~va:i:ht.atD~ ~:~;ad~u;~~:rueEI~:~:7:,a':~1I the retiring president Mrs. D. Mace Gowing to discuss ·plans for Chambers is an honors. examiner the coming year. ·Mrs. Richard A. at Swarthmore College. Enion was appointed to take Patricia McCahan, daughter of charge of the publicity for the club. Mr. and Mrs; David McCahan of CELERY HEARTS bunch 19<: Tas'I' B,tter .Victor Enriched Bread Fresh Rolls ":,.;:;~::.: 2'''' 27c: Virginia Lee Fresh Donuts Garra. pointed a house presiden' at lit. Lake Wallen Pautauck in the Po- chairmen and board members of the enter- HQlyoke College, where she i. a conos for the Memorial weekend. Woman's Club at a luncheon at Cham- member of the sophomore class. Mrs. John E. Michael of Har- the club next Tuesday, June 1. of the Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lee of ----:::;-~--------.:._:_:--=------:--:--:---• d b l · ' . , ' . JUNE'S I • New CABBAGE , ENRICHED SUPREME Mr. and Mrs. C. Justus The newly elected Board of Jhe han of College avenue are Swarthmore Mothers , CI ub met taining Dr. and Mrs. Carl, hers of the Moore School 'Thursday, May 20 at the home of !l.tembers $2.00 plus tax Non·~lcmbers $2.50 plus tax . I GI-nwood Pial. ! ~~~~~--------~----------~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------- NEW BOARD MEETS 'SOCIAL NOTES Strath Haven avenue, has been ap-I Dickinson avenue are driving to vard avenue will entertai" the Russ Hannum's Orchestra Penr. State Center Gym MADISON BROS. 7 SWARTHMOREA" - ._------ Phone 1913 FREE DELIVERY .. 59c Swisl Gruy.... 69c _ 29c Crealll ChHM Ch_ Food ~ 't: 99c· Oleolllargari.. ::. 40c Plckl.. : : . . . lor 19c Plalll Olives on... 1: 28c: Dill Plckl.. '1:' 19, THE Duck .Club Dance P..... FIN... l1li1.. Flo. . .r lItUd Cheese Norman Dr. and Mrs. Robert Delaplaine of Cornell avenue spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Delaplaine who are vacationing at the Widing Cottage 'in Duck Rill. (Hot dog. and loEt driDka On ..... ) BAMS Mrs. Hulme of Westdale avenue. . Frank C. Hartzell; Jr. of Avonbrook road has been elected secre_ tary . of the Amherst undergraduate chapter of Phi Beta Kappa for the coming school year. r At a special ceremony' at the Academy of Fine Arts on Wednesday, Jean Evans of Strath Haven avenue received an honorable meulio~ citation for her figure drawing. Support Swarthmore. Rec. Assn's Memoriai Day Games and bance Saturday, May 29 -Hornell' "A" her birthday last Sunda~. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Myers and daughter Sydney Of Plainfield N. J. will spend the weekend .; .tlte residence of Andrew M. Myers on Cornell avenue. Mrs. H. H. Baskin of Gainesville, Fla., will arrive today to visit her Ion i .. Swarthmore, Pa. ..... \ WALLINGFORD, PA. Media 0123 Swarthmore 0600. • Se!'ving Swarthmore, Mor- The Bell Telephone Co.mpanJ of Pennsylvania • IlEDIA ISISI • ton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 FOR A WARM NEXT WINTER Phone: Swarthmore 0444 FILL YOUR FUEL OIL TANK OR COAL BIN NOW • Lemon Memorial o· Service Monday Cemetery where the Boy Scouts will be placed. The firing' squad will place flags to honor: will again go into action, followed \Valter G. Snyder by. Taps. The playing of the, Star Isaac Johnston Spangle' Banner . will close this phase of the program. Louis Emmit Congdon On the return trip the parade will Edmun