, EVERYONE THE" SWARTHMO GIVES COIIMUNITY 0fEST COMMUNITY CHEST Elem.at~ Confereace LARGE CAST IN MYSTERY DRAMA 9n Wednesday, November 12, the Swarthmore Elementary Schools wlll begin their first series o( Individual . conferences Qetween teachers and parents. These conferences w1ll provide the opportunlty-o! discusslng the Child's development and pro~lems in terms of his educational achievement, social, emotional, mental and. physical More than 130 growths. The conferences wlll con." volunteer workers, tlnue each school afternoon from under leadership of 1 to 4 from November 12 to 18 * 22 team captains. Inclusive. are now canvassing On the afternoon of November Swarthmore for the 12, 13 and U activitles of educa1 948 Community tlonal value'have been planned (or It is announced this week the children In grades one to six. by George Plowman, director (01' These programs, which wUl be anthe Swa~hmore District. nounced to the children later, will Swarthmoro Borough has a be held in the high school audlquota of ,16.000 In the fund-rais- torlum. fng for the support of 175' health, As its second production of tho current season, the Players Club of Swarthmore will p:-esent Ten Little Indians, by the famous English murder-mystery author. Agatha Christie. This exciting drama first appeared as a sr.rlal in The Saturday 'Evening l?ost seven years ago, under the title, A ' n dThen There Were None. It is a tour de force of the "Who welfare and youth guidance agencies, of which more than 30 are operating in' De~aware County. dunnit?" I1rt - ' as the ten guests on a mysterious Island die, one by one, at the hands of an Ingenious QUOTA $16,000 Red Feather Supports 175 Agencies in This Area In the J 947 Red Feather cam: palgn, Swarthmore' residents CeMull, on January 8th. I • TUB l C L U B D • Such speedy thrills come under the heading of "fun" with Junior •.. and so, in its own delicious way, does Sealtest Homogenized Vitamin D Milk. This is the milk that children love, with rich cream in every drop to make it smoother and beHe~ tasting. It's more easily digested, too, because its vitamins, minerals, and proteins are distributed throughout the boHle. Fresh from leading farms, it is fine milk that has been scientifically improved by Supplee in our own dairy plants ••• and extra vitamin D has been added, for plus in bone protection. Make sure you have lots of this rich and refreshing Sealtest Milk for all the members of your fal1)i1y. Order it by nameSEALTEST HOMOGENIZED VITAMIN D MILKfrom your Supplee' milkman or Sealtest storekeeper and ask for it in resfaUra!lts. SUPPLEE IN Dr. and 1oIrs. WUllam Rod&er Gilmour of Harvard avenue entertalned the former's brother. Mr. John L. allmour, his wife, and their 80n 8111y of Hartford, Conn., as their week-end guests. Mr& G. H. Paul and daughter Walton of Philadelphia. Born In rhUadelphla, he apont his early. chlldhood In Iowa. and graduated from Iowa State College. Mr. Walton was a .witch gear specialist and was employed by the General Electric Company tor 28 years. He was ~ member of the Episcopal Ch urch. Be lea.ves besides h18 widow Anne Peach Walton, three brothers: Willlam McKee Walton of Rose Valley, Perct .1. Walton ot Moylan and-Samuel F. Walton at Buffalo. N. Y. Services were helil 8.t home, Tuesday evening. ~ctober 21. at 8· o'clock. He was laid to rest in bis. wife's family lot in Upperville, Virginia,, Wednesda.y. v. P. C. Used Clothing for Relief In Sipler's Hardware Store window may be seen tho garments taken trom people when they ·were replaced );)Iy others Bont frolll America. The clothes are worn to rags by the very years of theil' wearing and by the hard labor pcrfor~d . by those who were wearing them. ThCBC rags are typical of the only ·ciothes that thousands' of men, wOmen and children possess. The students of S~arthmore CQllege are planning a. bOW3e to house collection of used clothing far European relief beginning TueBday.. November II, north of the rallroa.d. Thursda~·. November 13, the collections will he calrt of Rutgers avenue; Friday, November 14, Rutgers avenue and west. In the downtown bc.sine:m district. collections wlll take place in the afternoon after 1· p.m. Director to Speak OD Music Mrs. "\VilUam B. Ashenfelter, director of student music at West Chester State Teachers . College, will 'address the :M~others Club at their next meeting on Thursday, November 13, at 8:DO p .. m. Her subject will be. ".Mosie and The ChUd." Mrs. .Ashenfelter will discuss music tor the chlld from birth to about 16 years of age. She is bringing records to play to Illustrate the high points of her lecture. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting by Mrs. Robert Abbe and Mrs. Norman Skillman. The regular meeting of the Board was held last T~ursday evening October 30 at the home of Mrs. D. :Macc Gowing. The Mothers Club wlU sponsor a toy exchange on December 3, at, the Club house. All toys will be accepted on December 2. Adora rirst Novel '.rhe flrst. nOVel of Paul Murray, 80D of Mrs. Fred D. Murra'Y and the late Mr. Murray of '139 Yalo avenUe was PUblished October 29 '~CU There Was A Waltz", ~ story of espionage and intrlgD.) in post-war Vienna Is an outgrowth of the author'. stay there In tho . fall of 1846. It 18 convincingly written and wellllt)Ji,d"' will. ba.ve to ahoulder much of tbe blame. drty determined the prize winners ness since the fire. in too orlglnal section as followa: One Inspection of i&mU,. blc:rBonnie Moxey (Jack' Frost) Itrst: cles and ODO rules BeIIBlon with tl\e Letter To the Editor Beverll' Crowther (Funny Paper chlldren won't do. It ahould be a Girl) sccond: Nelda Garrahan. weekly. habit unW tbe aatet;r leeSAFETY FIRST JaDe Patterson, penny Morrow and son is learned' and practiced. I!ebble Lukens (Snutry Smltb and Editor of the Swarthmorean Sincerely, His Bugs) tblrd. Marian 8. Jlarrlott. Dear Editor: Carroll P. streeter, Charles W. As a motorist I am moved to uk Lukens, Mrs. Frank Koonen and a. Question through your paper•. Are Mrs. Thomas Hooper judged the Swarthmore :Fathers whose chilcomic secUoD in which Nancy Jean dren own bicycles 80 IndU!erent to Taylor and her father .James. won their chlldren'a safety--or so lax !lrst as a. white bunny with a In their supervision over their hunter; Richard, JudIth and Bar· Woman'. Clult '. children-that they faU to make bam. Coles as the three little Sponsored by Health, kittens were second; and Jonathan sure that these bicycles are equipfare, Educatioo. DePartm.EU.bI ped with the lights and redectors ~bold a Uttle Santa Claus was required by law. and that their 'J'Ickel8 (Tax laclnded) 711e third. children know and observe the The I.made·it-myself scction. November 18, 1:00 P.M. 8B.fety" rules of the roads? judged by WIlliam DeCalndry. I feel that. Swarthmore Fathers Ferrts W. Mitchell, Mrs. Donald Jones, and Mrs. Frederick Lang. brought (orth the foll?1Vlng winners: Jay Phllllpe, first, depicted the housing ~bortage; Lyn and Skip Bernard. second, appeared as realistic organ grinder and a monkey who scratched his tummy and offered his cup regUlarly; la the Peggy Contns and Dolores Cooper. third, as a city sUcker and a country hick. The adult scctlon was especially good this year. Judged by Avery Black, Mrs. C. ,Po Streeter and Friday, November 7-2 P.M. to 9 P.M. Frederick Langit produced as win· ners: William Lea (academically Saturday, November 8--10 A.M. 1'0 9 P.M. clad and sign bede~ked on bebalf Sunday; November 9--12 noon to 5 P.M. ot the Home and School Association Drive) first; Mrs. Joseph Kahler and Mrs. G. W. Brodhead and their children (a negro fam- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 1111111111111111111111111111 ily) second: and I.Jyman Darling and Ted Bogardus (time to re- '·,,00 Pat(i~e - Dess'ert Bridge LOWER PRICES and BETTER VALUES Check these items, and many 'more in our markets and you will .agree that no matter when you shop you CCin d~ better In your nearestAcme. LEAN FRESH PORK· LOINS loin .,. . Half Ib Cefth.c.t 110 Chopo 57 65C '• I~ e : Whole or , ,. Rib Half loin End Chop. 110 Beef Tongues ...... '0 4;1~ ,•. 43e Ground Beef '035. Short Ribs Beef CRICKENS 57e ' 53c Ib53e Rib End • Chop• Soup Beef " 29c Potato Solad H •••,... ,. 23. Fish Cakes 2 to, 15. ·it' 41e Fancy flesh-Kille. STEWING G'Adoc VEAL ROAST S:~::.'d~~ Rib Veal Chop. Neok Veal Iop~:.pr." Lean Breast 01 Veal ~TI LUle . .ston Maekerel Sea ~ Oen""" Haddock Fillet. Food Va'ues Faaoy Bedft.h Fillet. 'b 1ge 'b 3ge 'b 35e Sharp Cheddar % 35e CHEESE Borden's v.,. 23c Ib pu..p.dnPI. /lSCIJ Sbl.l1l Dr Oold•• CItnIO 'N' "011 Old DIUI" .·N ,III Kraft 29c All Swaat S.Ift'a OI. . .artUI.. I- 39c Tomato Paste 2·""·..·.19c Tangerine Juice 2 No. ~ .... 19c Best Pure Lard ,. 32c PUMPK.IN 2 °"·13 e 1 No.2Ys cad sooz Jar g.td _ Enrl.hed Flour g;:; 43e:~~ 85e 7.Mlnut Pie Crust •~g ...·16. - Try ft unct.r our u~l. guaront.. 11'' - 1947 CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW tire) tbird. Numerous other entries were outstanding and a credit to their wearers. A few that remain In the mind 'Qf this reporter are the Chinese' familY, the "Backward NOW OPEN! t}inneg ~ NEW BEAUTY SALON I ~ Couple:' the hunters complete SQUARE with well-trained nve sporting § dogs. the "why hide our legs" Road campaigner whoso short skirt rcvealed suspiciously masculine lookSwarthmore 3476 ing lImb7" "The Burning?" whose two participants portrayed the 111111111111111111111111111111111 H11111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 n1ll1111111111ii long and the short of the women's current fashion dilemma. and plays on the high cost oJ living problem, Including the little collegiates who were applylng their Old Bank Builcling Swarthmore 4597-W minds as well as their strength to CORSAGES-CUT FLOWERS-CANDY pulling down the $ which hall u persistent . hahit ot shooting up HOME BAKED GOODS again: and the pair who asked "ha.ve you saved 'Your piece of ~ ! m""a ....."" 6;~:'ter ! ~ SWEET SHOP ASHER'S BONBONS-80c lb. Also PINK AND WHITE AFRICAN VIOLETS $1.00 ea. CORSAGES FOR C.A.R.E. DelUlle celery Bearts caulomla Emperor Grape. ORANGES Iw••t Juicy California Valenda Medlu. to Small Sb. . bun'" 2 n.. 1ge 25e 5 35e: 110, Harvest of Wen.Known Foods Ubby'. SOeed Pineapple N.:.22S0 Libby'. Fruit COektaU . N:;'~\O!O 3ge Libby'. Bartlett Pe... N.:.1 ~6c, Dole Plaeapple .Juice "'!.~ S7DeW Peaebe. SII!::'f,':.'I... N:;'~'h 230 Grapelrult Julce 01.":;;:.' "!,-::- 170 Grapelralt Seedoas ~h'::r. :I '::"..: 2ge Boboford Prunes ,I:';:r. 1" I 2-i~Wk';, 350 Bob Boy Peach Preserve. I':.. 190 Farmdale Pea. t: :::~) :I ':~~ 2ge ... IlsaJ Faae,- Sauer Kraut Lc::~ :I N:;.~;Z 21. Bolt-lord Rloe ~~': ~:. 17e: ~~= 330 ru A Real Conservation Loaf Enriched VICTOR BREAD .oe loaf only", • Flowers are making flour at swarthmore College, Students at Swarthmore a.re staging a. campaign to swell the coUege's contribution to C. A. R. E. by abandoning the traditional , NOW OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS LAUD LOCAL FIRE CO. ),fr. a.nd Mrs. .Joseph Dickerson of 119 Pennington a.venue. M.orton wish to extend to the Swarthmore Fire Company their many thanks and deep appreciation of the gallant worl{ in savlng their· home Friday evening, October 25. The tire, discovered between five and six o'clock by Mrs. Sadie Washington of 112 Pennington ave nue, was confineP. to the b8.rn where two horses were rescued before the roof fell in. The prompt response and good work of tho local Fire Company prevented the destruction of the house and also a chicken house nearby. Mr. and Mrs. DickeraoD wish to thank Mm Washington for her w RIB ROAST OF BEEF 59c lb. BONEI ESS ROAST OF BEEF ................. _....................... 6ge lb. LEG OF LAMB ........................ ~............................................... the PmtsONAIr-Se'=rv;;;I"ce::-o:::n::-:a"lI;-:m=iik"'''~'''OI Stamford, while Mrs. Louise Beury Mrs., Elizabeth Chamber&. Mrs. ClementiDe Horsey and MJ'S. Maurice C. Moore. Edward L. Noyes. captalni HoraCe PB.SS'Plore. James H. Taylor and Joseph Reynolds. . sSe lb. Donald W. Poole. captain: FredSimonds served as dental clerk. Tho erick M. Campbell, MI'8. Henry grades examined were the first. Ford, WUllam Patten Hili, Roy third. fifth, seventh. ninth. and Horsey. Harry Pack.. Mrs. Steven eleventh, and the. examlnaUoDs M. Spencer. Joseph Lehecka. Mrs. warded. were conducted 8.8 a put of the Herman Neuwcller and Jack B. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PERSONAL-Dolls. doU's clothes and new Stato Pt"Otram. of health cxThompson. stutrecl to,.. made to order (or a.mlDatlOn8. ChrlatmBII .uta. Telephooo swarthR. Blair Price, captain; Mar.garcl more O111-W. The report shows that S\\'arth- Brown.. Mrs. Guy G. d-eFurla.,. Guy PERSONAL-Grace LewiJJ Employ. more chlldren's teeth have had McCorkle, Mrs. R. Lloyd Jones, ment Agency, 108 School Street. good care. The number of deMrs. R. Blair Price, Mrs. K. M. Morton. Tel. Swarthmore lOU-R. DoC""m.II"".....,.... pwoonallly ."...",;" •. mestic tLel.PI;- dinners coolred. and eayed; missing. and filled perman.;. Reed. Arthur S. Robinson and Mrs. Send for fr.. lookl.. G-5 • 1.0 7-6291 served: cater'lng' for partIes; work (or en~ teeth total 2011, of which 1411 Nell Thurman. TOMLINSON COUNSELORS' bo::.:.:y:.:.-=a_nd-cg==i_r"--".B~r_t_er-:"::'_hOO-:'_._-::-__ 1 are )1ated as previously fined. perVirginia Rath, captain; Mr&. Fox ardg.~ 1612 Marbt St.. PN1a. 3. Po. PERSON~uare Da.ncing, NoveIn- manent teeth. David Braun, Mn. Frank Bromley. ber 'l. Woman's Club. Couples inN terested. call Mrs. Maxey Morrlsoll. otlce has been sent 00 each Mrs. Edward -Cox, Irene 1\1011. Betswarthmore 20.58. home and parents nre urged to ty Smith Mrs. Andrew SimpPERSONAL-Relined middle-aged wo- have their children's teeth attend- son. man desires position as compalllon ed to promptly before the condlA. B. Reavis. captain; Mrs. Claror tlgbt housekeeping (or one or t .....o tion gets worse. It is the aim of ence C. It.....anck. Mrs. Evel!yn Haviladults. Not servant type. Media 2&58. the dental hygiene program to and, Fred P. Jonea, Genevieve PERSONAl-Window cleaning. 30 have remediable condlUons taken Reavis and L. A. "\Vetlaufcr. years in business. ·WlIl give prompt reasOnable service. Call Swarthmore care of as earl!Y as possible. and l'tIrs. Oliver G. Swan. captain; 469'J, Wm. A. c~ter. it 1s hoped that before long the t~achers will be able to report Mrs. J. A. calhoun. C. Irvin Galbreath. Mrs. Harold Gibson. Mrs. ; ( that ne/eded attentior. has becn Maurice Griest. Theodora Hulme. A. MERCER QUINBY e.ectrlo _ono (BeDClbt lIIcIu4e4). trone,.. "9aeuum cleaners. rangeaJ trona. todters, fans and lamps. Also wlrfuc--oew and old. All work com· plies to FJn, Underwriters BpeclftcatonI. can ErIch H. Hausen. Swarth_ more JIM-W. . , .. Van Alen Bros. Coal and Fuel WE BUY China, BI'k-a-Brae, Vue., Fig.rel, 81Dger 8ewlalr JlaeIliDea, old Jewelr7, SUyer. B&e. CAREER GUIDANCE and PATfERSON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ given to children's teeth. Russell Kneedler. 1\1rs. John MacAlpine and Mrs. Raymond Winch. Stanton S. Von Grabill, captain; Theodore S. Halteman, Rohert P. Hetherington, Graham Wentz and ?drs. Stanton Von GrnbUl. Mr. plowman stressed the vitl.l need for funds to enable the 175 Community Chest pgencles to COll· tlnue their year-round servioes residents of this area. This y~a.r tor the first time. the PhUadelphla Chest and the Chcster Community Fund are earning on a point campaign, eliminating dUJ\>)\cation in the soltcltlng of homoes and Individuals in Swnrth- FOB SALE to more. NEWS NOTES FOR SALE-RCA Radio with automatic record changer. Good condiUon. Tel. Swarthmore 2465. LEGAL NOTICES . trlct office on November 13. 1947, at She was 82. 8 p_m .• or at an adjourned meeting of 1\1rs. McHale. born in Philadcl- the School Board for musicnl Instruments. Speciflcatfons ca.n be secure,l WANTED-Veteran and brlde-to-be desire small apartment. Tel Swarth- pilla. came to Swarthmore when bewteen 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., daily excre Pos. J .1I0pldns L!l (79) Hansen (20) Mochel L r (92) Nleho1a (26) Work L':;' (14) MOseB (21) Gorjanc l' (65) Hirsch (28) Dickinson n). (73) Eichner (36) Greenstein R r (80) Bunting (37) Smith (14) Klrkoff R ~ (68) Mitchell L { (67) l\[ulllnix ( 8) Esrey H I (82) Matthai (31) Higgins Q 3 (50) 1\li11er ( 6) Posel I.' 1; (60) Ktegler (~6) Cryer Sale Waived for Donationa -With the crying need for warm clothing in Europe uppermost In their minds, the members of the Worn·ao's Society of the Methodist Church, decided at their October meeting to forego the usual taU rummage sale. All good clothing assigned to the ~le was sent Immediately to the World Service Distribution Center at New Windsor, Maryland. .' NG'J 11; 'S ',7 Warren B. Pierce,. Operations ),{gr. Louis Cole Emmons. Jr.• BUBln•• Mgr. - sw AirnHIORI£ COI,LEGE LIBBARY _. EVERYONE ~VERYONE GIVES COMMUNITY CHEST THE' SWARTHMOREAN 32 GIRL SCOUTS AWARDED BADGES dog THE Twenty~Two Girls . LOW-COST . Now Members of Troop 16 . wlr '. Following a long established custom, this year's Swarthmore High Seho~1 team and coaching staff will be feted on the evening \If December 5. The Citizen's Atltlctic Committee is now busy preparing the program. Because of the team's successful record and the interesting brand of football it has displayed, an unusually large attendance is expected. WELFARE PARTYNEXT TUESDAY 1947 Dessert-Bridge Sale. at Woman's Oub COMMUNITY CHEST Annual Book Week Books for the world of tomorrow is the keynote of the annual National Book \Veek celebration to be observed in the Swarthmore Public Library the week of November 16-22. More than 250 new children's books wiJl be on special displayfeaturing new titles by favorite authors, books by new authors, and superior editions of the classics. Each visitor may reserve one book to be taken on Saturday, November 22 when, all the titles will be put into circulation.· This exhibit offers an excellent opportulJity for all readers interested in juvenile books to have a birdseye view of the season's offerings. 11 PLAYS PROSPECT PARK Hopes For Eighth Straight Win Tomorrow Tomorrow at 2:30 the high school football team will travel their wings at the· annual "Oy-up" man of the annual philanthropic to Prospect Park seeking its ceremony held at the Woman's dessertabdrlge which will be spone;ghthstraight victory. The Blue Club last Thursday aflemoon. sored by Ihe health. wJ!lfare and ,and Gold has had an i\npressive Members of Brownie Troops 19 education departments of the Woseason so far, gaining victories and 95, these 5th grade girls now man's Club at I o'clock next Tue;over Darby, Sprigfield, Eddycontinue Girl Scout Troop 16 day afternoon. Proceeds of the afstone, and the streak-stoppler under the leadership of Mrs. t('rnoon's fun provide working over Sharon Hill. They have Walter Magee.. . funds for the club's several charity lost to Clifton Heights and RidAs is the custom in scouting projects. ley TO'VIlship, which are conon important occasions. the proBloOJ1)s Mrs. H. S. Toole, acting as cosidered two of tJ:e top teams of gram opened with the flag salute chairman of the event, is in charge the county. They also dropped a and singing of ,,"merica. After Chrysanthemum appreciators VIS- of~ tickets. the introduction' of the new troop ite(l the SwartJ:1more College Field Mrs. George Schobinger chair7-6 decision to Glen-Nor alleaders who have just completed man of education is in c;:harge of Po~ts though outrushing them throughthe Girl s~out Leaders' course, House in large numbers over the rctreshments. Mrs.· D .. Reed Geer out most of the game. WinniJtg Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun and Mrs. weekend when. the fifth annu..al gardcn chairman and Mrs .. Francis this game, will give them a M. W. Garrett presided at the show sponsor~d by the Pcnn~yl- A. C. Vosters of Secane are'- arCourt of Awards. All 28 scouts vania Horticultural Society, the Ar- raqging a talife Wt'-the ,sale ~f 500 average for the season and Dr. John R. Bates, of North an added incentive will be to in Mrs. Calhoun's Troop 83 were thur H~yt Scott Foundation, and- J1lants. Mrs. Rudolph H. Banks IS \ligible . to receive their Second in charge of a table of articles made Chester road, formerly assistant to beat Swa.rthmore's Coach Millard 'nass badges. The girls will now the Philadelphia Branch oi the by 'the .Pennsylvania Association the Sun Oil Company's vicepresi- Robinson. who used to coach at National Association of Gardeners lor tl,c Blind. dent in charge of manufacturing, Prospect Park. They are big and \ork to earn. proficiency bad ges. was in progress. Harry W ood 0 I Mrs. W,'lliam F. Delahanty and has been appointed director of re- rugged and have very fast al"'~wards which were made by the college staff was a otemiber of Mrs. C. R. Loughead will head the se.arch and will head the company':; thought small backs with Dick ." Garrett to the retiring mem- the show committee. . : food sale table. Mrs. E. D. Brauns newl)~ created r'esearch depart'_i of Troop 16 included First Prizes were awarded for pott~d and Mrs .. Edwin W. Fm:st will ment. the first step in .t~(" cstab-:- Martin, brother, of Ben Martin of Annapolis foutb3u fame, call;s b. adges to Lucy Harper and . ~,..',',d.· .... cu..t.. c It.ry"ant.h cmum~, fr~lIt :.handlc .,:,loor prizes.-,1tlrs. DonaItI bhmcnt· "curt'il~~ Im:;-}lo~(:d science ·ing 'the sIgnals and, passing from ··P"'P· uu:.y 'f<>ld aild Second. Class, shrubs, - an·d sr,ecla I 0 ower ar- Crosset and 1!rs. V•.'.Hliam R. M c- center at Newtown Square. the quarter-back spot. To date budge to Amanda Spackman. rangemen~s. Henry 'wjJJ be in c h arge 0 f cand y A former associate professor of he has thrown seven touch-down JUlie Lange received her V guard Two first prizes were ~von . by and nutS· ~{rs. William H. general and physical chemistry at for five years of scouting. Pro- Mrs. Philip Kniskern of RIVerView That~her a~d "!\frs. Wj11iam E. Het- tht." University of. :Mic::higan, and passes. -The Garnet holds this fieiency badge:; won by the troop ..oad who also earned ?on hon?rable :zcl, Jr" table setting: ·and Mrs, later director of research for the fast hard-chargiJtg team in very included some of the hardest mention. Mrs. Robert K ..PrlCC of Judson R. Hoover, Jr., Mrs. J. Catalytic Development Company, high regard. outdoor classifications in scout- Moylan earned a first pnzc. Mrs. Paul Brown and Mrs. Leslie M. Dr. Bales has been wit"i1 the maltThe Yeadon game last Monday ing. The girls have been working Sam\1el Crothers of 'Va~lingford Dark tickcts at thc door. was no indication of the strength ufacturing department of Sun Oil together towards these awards for won a· second prize, a tlurd, and of eiiher team. . Our opponents since 1942. Born in Jamaica be SEveral years. Lucy Harper earn- an honorable mention for arrangewas educated in private schools in appeared to be confused and ed Proficiency badges in Weaving, ments. Lucas Sorzano, Jr. of Rutthe United States, received his A. disorganized in allowing SwarthBird Finder, Gardener, Camp- ledge won second prize wi,th his B. degree at Amherst College in more to gairi at will. It proved craft. Outdoor Cook, Pioneer and basket of twelve blooms. Oth~. c:n 1924, his :1>1. A. and PI,. D. on fel- to be no test whatsoever, and Foot IrTraveler. Millie McCowan lrants in this immc;Piate VICInity lowships to Princeton University was disappointing to our boys. More than 300 solicitors arc co!- during the next three years, was a If it had not been for the conreceived' badges for swimmEf' were ~{rs. JOhl~ Daley, }'frs. HerLife Saver, Campcraft and Foot schel G. Smith, Mrs. James A. Iecting funds in the six commUnI- national research fellow at Johns tinual free. use of substitutes, ties comprising the Central Del- Hopkins University 1927-28, an in- the score might have been' double Traveler. Polly Told was award- Hayes, and Mrs. J. P. Henry. ed badges ~or Lite Saver, CampThe Pomona Estate of Gladwyne. aware County Division. The Quota ternational research fellow at the the ftgure. Although Harry Warcraft, Foot Traveler,while Aman- owned by Thomas McKay was top {or the division is $24,070. University of Berlin the following ren played less than half the On November 6, the opening day year, and then became research as- game, he scored five touchdowns, da Spackman rEceived bers for p,ize winner receiving .10 first Swimmer, Life Saver and Boat- prizes for superior cut and potted ~i the:' Campaign, Swarthmore sociate at Princeton University one of which was an intercepturned in $1805.50. This representcd where he remained until !ransfer- tion, anoiher a 75 yard jaunt and ing, and Barbara Schumacher chrpsanthel1lums. . received hers for Campcraft and Among the exhibits attr.act~ng partial reports from less than ha1f ring to Michigan in 1932: He holds the other three of short yardage. attention and admiration of thc captains. repeated a number of patents on the appli- Harry MacGilberry produced the Fbot Traveler. Other Foot TravF d Since the Campaign closes on cation of catalysis to petroleum, cler awards were made tq. Ruth were those of the· S~ott oun asixth tally in a 38 yard scamper A t' on'sb erried shrubs _In the center Novemher 25. each solicitor should and has written a number of scias he broke away from two Garrett. Dorothy Heinze, nne ~f the fioor and -chrybnthem ul1ls get his or ,her work done as entific papers in the field. WOuld-be tacklers. The whole promptly ~!? possible! report to the grown onthc college grounds. Another Swarthmorean Dr. Johi\ line from Collins to Patton put (Continued on page eight) captain at least tWice. e3:,eh week It. Pearson of Cornell avenue. continued pressure on the Yeaand turn in a11 subSCrlpttons col- newly e1ected to borough council, don offensive to the point where lected to date. . will assist Dr. Bates in the .capacity The captail\ should report to Ius of director of physicaJ research Yeadon ended with a minus 68 FRIDAY NoVEMBER 14 , College J. V. vs William School cHstrkt director at least once each and development of the Sun's.. pro- yards. The fine lliie play has 3:00 Football-Swarthmore College been one of the most outstandweek. Any delay on the part of (Iuction department. ing features of the team's sucoce, holds up the .work on each V. vs Drexel . College A native of Portland" Ore. Dr. cess. Only one team, Glen-Nor,. 3:30 Soccer-Swarthmore College J. Player's Club higher level Pearson received his B.S. degree has been able to carry the ball 15 Several solicitprs have com: 8:20 "Ten Little Indians" at the University of Chicago in. across the 50 yard stripe and in plctcd their work. ~he tea.m ot 1925 and his Ph. D. from the same SATURDAY, NOVEMBTER I Alumni- Field that particular game, they were -Swarthmore College vs emp e Mrs Edwar_d Bassett IS· the hrst to Hockey H:OO in!;titution in 1930, having instruc: aided by· several' penalties. Prob· t P k Prospect Park r('port its assignment completed. Football-High School vs Prospee ar. " 2:30 ted at th(, California Institute ot ably the most outstanding feaThe local amount to date totals B n'" "March of TIme 7&9 Movies: "Cluny row , Technology for three years. Clothier Memorial ture of the game was the perfect $5,170. He began work in electrical geo. Player's Club extra-point kiCking by David physks with the Sun Oil production McCahan who ,converted six. -for 8:20 "Ten Little Indian~" department in DaUas, Tex. ;n 1929. Jr. Music Club to Meet SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Lo·cal Churches six. He has been consistently HE' has written papers on .the fun11:00 Morning Worship good on kick-off., aiways - driv316 Dartmouih Avenue All budding musicians from the damentals of corrosion and corro- ing ihe ball high and deep into 7:30 Junior Music Club VEJllBER 11 ages of 12-18 will have an oppor- sion measurements and holdt 10 enemy territory. MONDAY. NO. S rthmore Meeting t"nily io visit the swarthmore patents in this field. He authored wa House Swarthmore's game will be an8:15 Marshall Plan Panel DiSCUSSIOn Junior Music Club, Sunday even- a chapter on cathodic: protection oiher test of grit and spirit with for- the Efectrochemical ·Society's Borough Hall ing Novemher 16, at 7:30. boih teamS being ag. ssive and Alnswoi-th-Wernher Post No. 427 8:15 fine program will head the forlhcoming "Handbook on CorTUESDAY. NOVEMBER 18 courageous defensivelY and have meeting to be held at the home 1'osion". He is chainnan Qf the 'Woman's Club ing a very strong offensive 1:00 ·WeUare Bridge of Barbara Shipherd, 316 Dart- Eastern Region Division of the Woman's Club attack. I t ' be a good thrill· National Association of· Cor~osion mouth . avenue. Come out and 8:00 .Jr. Club HobbY Night VEMBER 19 studded WEDNESDAY. NO Engineers. join the fun! Trinity Church 10:00 through dinner Holiday Fair Twenty-two BVJwnies .received • To Fete Team BENEFITS $UI YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, IM7 5TH ANNUAL MUM SHOW ATTRACTIVE Mrs. Francis Forsythe is chair- 5047 Crowd Field House to See I I, BAT~S,PEARSON LEAD RESEARCH FUR • Hold Key In Sun Science Center TUXEDO by Brittany 89 98 I Kappa Kappa Gamma. has undertaken through. the Save the TAX FREE Red. Feather Tops $5000 Coat Dept. Speare's second Floor THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR :-::---,..........-- Marvel ~ilson of Strath Haven avenue is entertaining at a tea. today in honor of her house guest. Mrs. R118I!en Chapman of Unusually beRookford, Ill. ,Mrs. Carleton Popper coming with a of New York City 111 alSo a house guest of the Wilsons. generous sweep of While here, Mrs. Chapman ..1\1 sllver-dyed muskvisit her son John Chapman a. rat, -a new wearjunior a.t Swarlhmore College, and able sweep-back win' alSo be guest of honor on and longcr-tban-ever length. An unusual value, £of: not oo1y is numerous occaaIOna. Mr. and ),{rtI, it taX fne but it will give you sea"",' of wear. In a fiDe rich. Donald W. Pool. of !lwarthJqo~. Brittany 'suede and i.o. these wonderful colors • • • gray, wine, a.venue wUl entertatn in her hOllor Iti.:lWUl~·~ta~~g~[~een.~~ iiiii_____iiii_____iiiii__; '___iiiii~ tomorrow ev8Jllq. Mrs. Co llere Library SIVarth more ,Fa. w .. SPONSOR AID PROGRAM new program oC aid to the children ot France, it was announced today by Mrs. 1\111too -R. Fussell of 221 Vassar avenue. president of the local Alumnae ABsoclaUon. The new program has been started in hODor of Dorothy Canfield Fisher whose work in France durIng the f,rst' Wortd ·War helped thousands of war victims. As a. memorial to her \lrevlouS work. the CQmmittee of Postwar Projects recommended that the program of fraternity activities should bear her name. Under the Save the Children Federation plan, sponsored schools are provided with clothtng and shoes and with other articles to meet the most pressing needs of the children. Thls frequently includes supplementary food, and school supplies of various kinds. While the fraternity is confining its work to France, the Federation ie also assisting children In Holland, Bolgium, Finland p,nd Greece through sponsorship ·plans. Up to September I, 1947, Kappa Kappa Gamma had provided funds to sponsor sixteen schools at a cost of over $2,800. Additional funde to support the program are coming in almost dally. ' ~\'mrthr;)ore Chlldren Federation a ELIMINATE: FIRE HAZARDS: HEALTH HAZARDS: EIec fell to Bs c ri. WtlIlam B. Borsey, and R, Stephen Zlnn, both ot ·Swarthmore a-v:enue, have been elected to mem .. bershlp ~n RACCA-CIA. men'. BOclal fraternity. at Triple CIU.. College o~ Syrac~ Unlvel'llity. Mr. Horsey Is a. textile student In the . College of Busln0B8 AdmInlatraUon and .,Mr, ZI.w Is & radio student In the qollege of Liberal :Arts. list of only twenty-three play...... Mra. Bo....1'4 B. Adamll of .Barwith sev.ral of th_ hampered by va~ avenue spent a te" day. of iDjurlea. The main weakne88 will this week In Ocean City. be at the end8 where 8tart~r :'Pud" Mra. W. .J. FraD.k of V........ aveMochel and his rellot Bob Amll8llon nue arrived home· SUDday follow .. are both on the bench wIth banged up knees. leaViDtr only tour avail- ing a three-week trip to the weISt able men, two of them 'without coast. WhUe there :Mrs. Frank seaaonlnk. Among th_ Is bill" visited ~er 80n, Sgt. W.. Bussell Dick Raymond. Swarthmore lad. Frank who Is _tloned at Camp who Is being counted On heavily to PendletoD, Cal.. with the Marine fill the shoes of Mochel and Corpa. ___ , A '. ) . / z THE , SWARTHMOREAN F~da:r, NOYember 14, 1917 , table is under the chairmanship l.menta1ly u';tit. t is to be m~l;n­ their monthly' all-day' sewing ,Thetas to Sew of Mrs. James E. Evans, assisted ed entirely by competent volunThe Swarthmore College Kappa with Mrs. James Lamb of Moy_ by several'_ dozen women. Over. teer workers from the Philadel- Alpha Thetas will meet for lan, Wednesday, November 19. • 200 aprons of line fabric ha~'e phia Hairdressers Association. been hand made by a committee Mr. honeyford is vice-president headed by Mrs. W. Minton of this group which enlists the Harvey. 'services of its members for one , Apple taffies, cakes and candies full day -each month for this purwill be sold by a committee head- pose. ed by Mrs. Bardwell Lincoln. The Swarthmore salon has asMrs. Maurice Griest will have sumed responsibility for the first charge of ,the jelly and pre- Saturday in each ,month. Experts in the Making and Fitting serves;lVIrs. Alden Q, Davis, the white elephant and novelty table; TO WED TOMORROW of Spectacles and Eye Glasses Mrs. Donald Dye, the children's The ,marriage of Miss Shirley table' which' will have Christmas Bambrick, daughter of Mr. and stockings and gifts for children Mrs. Harry Bambrick of Tremont, for sale. lVIrs. Malcolm D. Hodge Pa., to Dr. Robert Welty Delaand Mrs. Robert H: Reed will be plaine, Medical Corps, U. S. N. R., Mark~t the fortune tellers. Miss Anna son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy W.' Blake heads the large .committee Delaplaioe of Cornell avenue, 827 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. in charge of the turky dinner wlll take place in the .Chapel of which will be served at'5:30 P. M, the Navy Yard, Philadelphia at Mrs,. Walker Penfield is chelrman 2:30 0" clock "tomorrow afterff'-F-'E--;;;-~--;;;-iB-~-'E-;;;-iB-iB--~-~--~-iB-~--~-~-iE-~-~--~-~-~--~-~--~-E-~--~-E-~~-~-~-~--~-~~~~~-;~-~-~--~-~-~~-S_~~_~_~~_~I~' of ticket distribution. Posters for noon. the Fair were designed by the A small reception will follow art class of the Swarthmore High at the Ofllcers Club, Navy Yard. School, and prizes were given for Dr. Delaplajne is on active duty the best posters. at the U. E{ Naval Hospital. : Members of the general committee include: Mrs. John H. Hall. BIRTH BEAUTY SALON Mrs. W. M. Bullock, Mrs. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham Hulme, Miss Olive Cleaves, Mrs. Griffin of Lakewood, Ohio, are re~ Henry Dure, Mrs. Lillian B. ceiving ·congratu1ations upon the Beaut,. Cheen Her FavoriteT_ Richardson, Mrs. Wm. B. Harvey, birth of a daughter, Kathryn Mrs. Wm. Sproul Lewis, Mrs. Louise Griffin, on October 23. The new bahy is a granddaughScott B. Lilly, Mrs. Elizabeth Call Swarthmore 0476 Brooks, Mrs. John E. Jeffords, er of Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Grif9 Chest.r Road Miss Rosa Sutcliffe, Mrs. W. fin of Rutgers avenue. M rand Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, Jr.• ------._--------------------_ _-_._ _----------------------._--------•.. Rodney MacHenry, Mrs. Teresa Hayes, Mrs. David Dawson, Mrs. 01 North Chester road aro being Francis W. Plowman, Mrs. A. E. congratulated upon the birth of a Pritchard, Mrs. Joseph Seal. Mrs. danghtcr, Mary Margar.et Carroll, Flowers For Thanksgiving J. H. Craig, ·Mrs. Wm. S. Patton, on October 28 in Lying-In HospiMrs. Albert Knabb, Mrs, Sam- tal, Philadelphia. To thank a gracious hosfes~. The Baby is a granddaughter of uel D. Reynolds, Mrs. Elizabeth To add distinction to your tal S. Rumble, Mrs. Thomas W. Hop~ Mrs. J. Roy Carroll of North ChesT~ lend" sentiment to your gre ter road. per, Mrs. Ray S. Quick, Mrs. mg. nier, Mrs. Percival Armitage, W. H. West, ·Mrs. Theodore SaulUNITED ASSEMBLY BE SURE Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden. \Voman's Club Side Entrance 10 :30 A. M. Every \Vednesday YOU CHOOSE Zeila l\f. Walters, S~akeT NEWS NOTES • , I, Mr. and Mrs. A. Robb Cochran of Kenyon avenue entertained at dinner Wednesday evening in. honor of their house guest Mrs.E. Donald Robb of Newton, Mass. Mrs. Harold Barnes oi The Harvard is entertaining the Duplicate Bridge Club at a luncheOl,<-bridge today. Miss Genevieve Reavis of University place will spend the week-end in Annabpolis, Md., as ,the guest of Lt; Comdr. and Mrs., C. H. Parmalee. Janet 'Blair of Swarthmore Coilege and Betty Cook of Thayer road attended the Lehigh University Fall House party last weekend as guests of Chi Phi fraternity. . Mr. and Mrs. George C. Abbe of Kenyon avenue have received word that their son-in-law and daughter, Capt. and Mrs. M.' W. Shellenbarger and cWildren have mders to report at the port of embarkation, Brcmerhaven, GertJlany where they will sail for home., Ca?t. Sbellenbarger has. been otationed in Germany for three years and his family joinied hm in Bad Kissingen. Germany a year ago. Mrs. Alvah W99ij.)i\llart of Vassar avenue is entertaining at a luncheon at the Ingleneuk today. Bridge will follow at the Stuart home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Jackson of North Chester road spent the week-end in West Hartford, Conn., visitinl!f their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Boone and family. __ __ .The Bouquet i , L The annual Holiday Fair and Turkey Dinner will be held at Trinity Church on Wednesday, November 19, beginning at 10:30 A. M., and con.tin¢ng throug~out AIn IN ML"N A Evt:ryone Welcome the day and' <\\o-ening. The Fair ... .v.p'ROd~AMT L·. /. has been plarlned for almost a till 11111 11111 11111 III II year, and is under the general Mrs. Robert D. Honeyford of chairmanship of Mrs. W, Charles the Bouquet Beauty Salon, South Hogg _o~ Wallingford. . "Chester road, and her assistant Teacb.. of Piano The, fiowp.r ~rrangements and Mildred Woods were the first Faculty, Del, Mu.ic School deoorations have been planned by volunteer workers, Saturday in 234 Park Ave. the Junior Providence Garden· (he beauty centu of thc PhilaSw, 177S-J Club, with Mrs. Robert Wether-I dclphia General Hospital's Psy- I ~~~~~~~~~!:'!:~~~~ ill "iII, as chairman, assisted by, chiatri~ Ward. 1.11' 11111111111111111111· Mrs. T. Lei~, WUlIa Mrs. HerThe well equipped beauty cenbert S. SpnclUnall, and .JArs. John ter is the gift of thc General G. Pew, Jr. Mrs. George S. Federation of Women's . Clubs as, Cavendish of Wallingford is ad- a part of its program for bettcr r"U-S-U-A-LLl-!-I-1\-4=':-G~U~~:-~=~Kl=~::-O visor on decor,atlons. care and rehabiliation for the HAHDlN' yOU OUf FREE.. The fancy tab~e will feature 1t7-=:=E~~~~~~~;==~ ADVICE. ON ,",OW 1" MA\(E. kniUed socks, pillow ,cases, child-\ NEW SUBSCRIPTION A Mll.LIOH I ren's wear, baby 'ceges, silk, TO VOGUE I scarves, hand dressed dolls, hang- I Now Accepted $6.00 PO' ye.. ~N'r GO~I ers, hand bags, painted trays, Mr•• Woyd E. Kauff:r.an f' Ft!'1'EEN' I social calendars, dish . cloths, Sub.tcl'lpttons CENt':. handkerchiefs, linen towels, hand ALL Ma..';... HIS OWN. knitted gloves for all sizes. This Swarhmo,.e 2080 .. .. I ms, Friday & Saturday, JOHN HODIAK LIZABETH SCOTT and BURT LANCASTER "Desert Fury" in techncolor! FIRST RUN NEWS Sunday, Monday RANDOLPH ; "GUN .FIGHi-ERS~ in cokr .. CANDLES, CARDS We Telegraph 'Flow..... BALTIMORE PIKE SPRINGFIELD' UNKLE HANK SEZ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Cary Grant Myrna Loy Shirley Temple "The' Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer" Will be'Shown at the Saturday Matinee also Feature Time: 7:23 & 9:23 MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY "LIFE WITH FATHER" Feature Time: 1:30, 7:13, 9,25 Prices for this Performance'· only: Malinel! 90c Evenings $1.25 Children 50c at aU times , , -------:.:..-...=::.~-.-- ----~- • ~, J!!IP-"~ • Sickness is a great leveler. AD ' . the world ia related when jIIn !II comes. Prince and pauper bay. the same desire-to get we1I. This cannot be accomplished by 0.... to ErperieD~ cheap medicines, designed to cure : ad,~ce"'~ everything from water on the ' .i:we motoriats "free Your heat bet for keepiul' your car brain to rolling••• to have it .ervi.sed and have a remedy to meet your own exact require- repaired by CHARLESR • RUS'SELL. &1... I .bould qualify u. 'an ,Armiotii:e wi'th housemaid's knee. When ill, you must ment. Consult your physicU!n. Then bring his yourself to alway. come here for prescription to us for compowuling. We are 'brjoke oervice and pub. "Rllrbt ecription apCcialists. in the Center of Towu .." • Starting THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Humphrey .. Bogart, and Lauren Bacall in "DARK PASSAGE" • .. There Is No Substitute 'or Quality ", ; ..... Collee;e Theatre SCOTT BARBARA BRlTTON 1 PUBLISHED THE o • PfCoo,l .. Michael s College Pharmacy 1 ON THE CORNER - ': EVEjlY FRIDAY S WARTHMOREIAN. .=.~ AT SWARTHMORE INC. PUBLISHER ,PA. Phone, Swarthmore 0900 o MARJORIE TOLD, Aasocia~tJitor .Rosalie Peinol FAith Whitaker pETER E. TOLD, Editor l.orene.. ltt"Carter I Tbo:MIor-e lIickillg Entered. as Sa:ond Oau Mauer, January' 24. 1929. a.t Office -at Swarthmore. Pa., Under tlle Ad of March the J, Post 1879. DEADLNE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE PA FRI ~---DAY, NOVEMBER 7, UN7 o ~I ' • o _________________________________________________________ • _. ______________ • ___________,___ . . "embers are asked to brtngf committee will make Its annuaI ... cookies an candy, also two cans 0 I'eport iood each to help /iU the Thanks, giving and Christmas baskets for . Circl. To Hold Silyer T_ needy faml'1'tes. Members and friends of the .' _ _ _ _-:-=_: Friendly Circle are cordially inSusan Thatcher of College avevitcd to attend a Silver Tea to be nue spent the week-end with held. in Whittier House at 2 friends in Boston and attended o'clock. Thursday, November 20. the Harvard-Princeton game SatMrs. Earl P. Yerk~s will show urday. ' colored pictures of a recent trip to Mr. and Mrs. Ferris T~o"!son the Pacific' Northwest. Refresh- of North Chester road entertamed ments will be served by Mrs. Char- informally at luncheon in Philales E. Black and her hospitality delphia, Saturday before the Penncommittee. . Virginia game. Circle I-Mrs. F.. R. Lang, Chairman, 11 AM. at the home of C. Monroe Albright. Wallingford. Members p'lease bring sandwiches, Program at I :30. Circle 3-Mro. Kenneth Reid, Chairman. at the home of Elsie Bailey. Sproul ·Road and Baltimore Pike at 1 :30. ·Dessert will be served. Co-hostess, Nettie Alexander. Members please bring jeliy for Thanksgiving baskets. Circle 4-1£rs. H. Lewis Cutler, Chairman, at the home of Mrs. H. M. Whitman, Bancroft Road, M.oy" Ian at 1:30 for dessert and meeting. = = H 0 1-d I ay ' = = F aIr = W ... d N = = = I b 19 TRINITY CHURCH I= 55 = = = = = = = = = = 5 - = ::= = ' I J speTalker. Ie Young Ad u It's 'CI ub will meet at 7 o'c1ock Sun~ay eveni!,g with Henry Faust leadmg the dlSrussian. The Young People's Fellowship will meet at 7.30 o'clock Sunday evenhlg. Work project-mending tovs to distribute at Christmas. The nc\\·ly organized },{ e n 's Oass will hold its opening morning session this Sunday morning at 9.45 o'clock in the Church. Mr. Harry Oppen)ander will be Ihe leader. All departments of the Church School meet at 9,45 o'clock Sunday ~lOnling. The \Vonten's Bible Class will meet in Mr. Braun's office at • TRINITY CHq~CH 10.00 o'clock. The ala pel Choir incets at 7 :45 Rev, Geo. C. Anderson, Rector o 'clock Thursday evening. The SUNDAY, NOVEMBER .16 Girl's Junior' Choir rehearses at 8:00 A. M.-Holy Commumon. 3.30 o'clock Thursday. afternoon. 9 :45 A. M.-Church School. The Boy's Junior Chmr. rehearses 11.00 A. M.-"War Talk". , Felat 7 o'dock Friday c,:"emng. . 6:00 P. M:-Young People s The Media Group of ~lcoholtcs lo\vship . Anonymous invites all Interested THE RELIGiOUS SOCIETY persons to Open House at the OF FRIENDS Media Woman's Club on Monday SUNDAY,' NOVEMBER 161 . November 17 at 8:30 evening, . . p.Ill, I 9 :45 A. M.-First Day S CIao.. The purpose of the ,meet1l1g IS to 11:00 A. M.-Meeting for WorshIp. let the public know and un~erstand Family. Day at Meeting. the problem of the alcohohc. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18 C' Ie 5' Mrs Owen W. ,Gay 6 :15 P. M.-Covered Dish Supper Cha;;~an,' will 'meet Wcd~es~ay, in 'Vhittier House. . for November 19, at the home 0 rs. i:30 P. M.-Monthly Meetmg T E Hessenbruch, 18 Yale av~. . . t 1030 Overseas boxes will Busmess. ER 19 nue a .' b WEDNESDAY, NOVEMB . . be 'packed and there will e ;~w9:30 to 3 :OO-Sewing and QUlltmg. Members are asked to ring . "'h" House Box Lunch- ,"g'd . h s for lunclt at 12.15. The In "'" Ittter . . -t d 1 san \VlC e 'f D ,'d "on. All arc cordially lnVI C (. • charge of 1\ rs. a~ I program, 10 b' t 'Great ---===-:::::;-.;:C h n the su lec FIRST CHURCH OF M c a an, 0 K .a" will be CHRIST SCIENT1'5T Church Leaders- aga\\ OF SWARTHMORE held at ).\5 o'dO~. I C Harris vard Circle 6, l!rs. amueWe'dnesday', H I Park Avenue Be ow. ar 6 h . wIll mee~ , SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1 c alTman, 1230 o'clock at 11::00 A. M ..:....sunday School. S ~ov~mber orMr~~ Fr;nk G. Keenen, 11:00 A. M.-Sunday Lesso~rl;~~:: '~18 J::;~ard avenue. ,Members are mono "M6rtals and Imm t' g ked to bring sandw",be s . Wednesday evening ""! eel n asC . cle 8 Mrs. George Schoeach week, 8 p. m. Readmg roo';i . Ir h;irma n will meet at the:: open daily except SundaY~: b~!:r,o; Mrs. J: V. S. Bishop, 736 holidays 12 to 5 p. nl: Wed~e; t~ 1arvard avenue, on Wednesday, ,vening, 7 to 7 :45 p. m. an ' November 19 at 11 o'clock. 9::30 p. m. ~ $1 50 , ---c:--- ! Chri.tian ScieDce~ Noid "Mortals And Immortals" is the subje(jt of the Lesso?-Sern~on. in all Churches of Chnst, SClenttst, en Sunday, November 16. The Golden Text is: ~'He· that loveth hi~ life shall lose it; ~and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal" (John 12 :25). Friends Meeting Note. On Sunday m.orning the, 16th, ail First Day School children from t~e 31;d grade up, will ac(".,mpany then teachers after Itheir regu!ar classes to the first half hour of the meeting for Worship. It is hoped that their parents w~n also go to 1fp.et~ ing. . . f B' ,. The Monthly Meeting or US!1:le~s on' TueSday evening at 7:30 will be preceded by a covered dtsh supper at 6.15. The Whiuier House ~/~ , "f,"-\? ' £:'1.~. ...... ~ , =• = = ! PENFIELD = * * * * SE'RVICE FOR "SALE . • * * * , ., --- big difference between our baDk and . a ~ercan~e business is that we have nothing to sell but service_ You can't _ such .~ ..: things as safety, financial security, business success or personal convenience. Yet these are what we offer• : The best way to learn about our "stock in trade" is through use. We invite you to use this bank. 0 -;~~-V\ Lt.arra How to I Rec~n\Je IltNESS l_ediatdy-6woI1 lOW line REO CROSS i WALKER ~o 5;1~1;1I;11;1;II;;Il;1I;1~1I~1H;;ii;Il;I;il;il;'II~I~I..;II;Il;'1;;1I;Il;I;;Il~Il~I;;II;II;Il;I;Il;II;t51IEII;Il;I;Il;Il;II;I;Il511~'~";Il~I~II~II;';"~lI~I_r.: Dinner be fromb S;30 7'00 andwill reservations may e ma ~ • t~ ilrs, Walker Penfield, Swarthmore 0617. Choir, rehearsal will be held on d 7 30 P !If Thur. ay a l : .,. ,.... MRS = = se~ved < • !Mn-Kwuu.,,~ , can Swa. '2516 I ='E= = 5: Services" , = = ROAST TURKEY = _ .D1NNER Church , ;;;::::==:':'====:;;'=::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;-;;;;;;;rn;m.miHiiiliUiiiiiimiliiiii M.thodMt Cburch Not... 10:30. Rev. Earle M. Rugg of Assisting hostess, Mrs .. Henry E. !J1I1II1II1Il1ll1l1l1ll1l1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1l1l1ll1ll11ll1l1ll1l1l1l1ll11ll1ll1l1ll1l1ll1l1ll\i The Church School meets on Lahore, India, will be the speaker Jackson. Mrs. H. A. PIper. . 45" S. W. at the 2:30 session and at the e-.en- ' Circle 8-Mrs. George Schobinger _ Sun d ay mornmg at 9 : _ . Chairma~, a.t the home of Mrs. J. :: Johnson, superintend tnt. Classes iug session at 7:30. arc provided for children of all The Cboir Associatt'on WI'II hold' V. S. BIShop. 736 Harvard avenue, 5: ages and for adtdts. a choir party on Thursday evening at 11 o'clock, Wednesday, Novem- _ The Young 'Adult Class meets in at 8 o'clock in the church.' her 19, for .one of her famous crab ! ~ " L. E. . --the sancluary at 10 :00, M rs. Rehearsal for the senior chol'r luncheons. :: Kauffman teacher. will be held on Thursday evening. Evening Circ1e, Mrs. F. T. Rans- :: _ Chairman, at the Church at :: burg, At th~ morning service at 11 0'- at 7:45. 7 '5 W k ' _ _ k th e mIDIS .• ter WJ'11 weacI1 tb e 'rb e S 0 cia! .Iall "l.. . Deacon's or proJect. :ths that have gathered authen':c s'nrv "f :he Bat'lp of the about thIS battle ~nd have already Bulge in the last days of the war. bee.n em~almed JO mahy book~. Its author has already prepared the Thl~ seclton sh?uld. prevent theIr offi~ial history in five great vol- findmg a place m hIstory. urnes. Here is a non - technical THE LAST DAYS OF HITLER version for the layman tha\ could by H. R. TREVOR-ROPER. Here clear up the many misconceptions we have history written from living as to· what really happened. It material. In it the author tells fully states frankly what went wrong on and completely what he learned PHILADELPHIA FALCqN POWER MOWERS Made by Coldwell Immediate Delivery Have Your Prefent Power Mower Serviced During Winter· Months Media Lawn Mower 8z Equipment Co. Providence. & Sta.te ~[EDIA formerly ,with ltd!!. 2456 VAnity Box Zotoa Pernument Hair Cutling Swarthmore 3476 I SWARTHMOREAN directly from those who witnessed the incredible events he describes. The book throws a bright light on many problems besides determining without the shadow of a doubt that Hitler is really dead. The person· alities of all of the leading actors are clearly etched and the chaos and confusion as they scurried for safety at the last are vividly described. For the most part they were a poor lot but the book is \,,'ritten with such detachment and with such a complete analysis of their motives that we understand them better than ever before. Hitler, at the last, is a pitiful figure" sick, disillusioned and entirely irr<:sponsible. This book is exciing as it is important. FridA,.. N.wemLer 14, 1947 UBRARY SUMM"R BUSY NEWS NOTES At a lIleetin« of the Board of the Swarthillore Public Library, reccntly, the Librarian reported that' during the four months from June 10 September, nearly 15,000 books went into circulation, an increase of approximately to per cent over the corresponding period for t94~. About one-third of the total consis ted of books for children. One- Mr; and Mrs. R. E. Wilson alll their daughter Miss Ginhy Wilson of Qgden avenue arc clltertainiug 35 their house guest this week Miss Peggy Coffin, daughter of th~ poct, ·R.obert P. Tristram Coffin of Brunswick. Me. Miss Coffin anti Ginny, were roommates at th:! Yale School of drama. • Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of Har. "'ard avenue entertained 28 mem. were in the field of non-fiction. A bers of the Telephone Commitl AUTUMN SCENERY Lawrence Wargrav is a fine' ~).y Carrol.l Bowen or. Topeka, 111a supper party at he,r home before home foltowing a fractured' hip. ,\ As the colors of an artist channel for Mr. Hodge's versatiI.l ~I:ana,. ~wmk h~s financed the P.t_ wife and ('hild. de·' or apartment in Swarth· winter. Heply tn 'Box B, I 1 -----~ Charles E; Fischer -~ .A. MERCER QUINBY Funeral Director WANTED tir(> l .. ~~~~~~~~~~~::::~::::"'~~~;::;===========~ rOR RENT-Second-ftoor room, next to bath_ Christian Protestant. Reply \\'ANTED-We will buy at best prices, 01.1 china glass Cl1rnitnre. flrearro s · Call lIolly' Oak 43]3> or Hally Oa.k fii:!fI eoll~l':t lor 8JlllOintmrnl. A II bfl.sl· ~~.,,, f'nnfifit'ntinl. Colonia Cllphollrll, Nn. ~. l'hilllieiphia Pik..... Wilmington, Del· c...taJdn.. Swarthmore 229S kitchen, two on heat. balls,Oarage. three ::.. bedrooms, two baths. !l(lacious grounds. Telephone Swarth· lQore 2197-R. WANTED-Stenognpher mornings only. Monday tbrougb' Friday _ DIC~u·pholf tlpericuce Preferred. Tel. Media .988 a· tcr 7 P. AI. Dr aU-day Saturday_ L I, Phone Swarthmore 2962 NORMAN SCHMIDT 175 Bridge Street, Morlan Van Alen Bros. • Will Protect YOU. dinCan 12 :year-old. Can Meddia 1969.M between 5' an:l 3_ 10 nox S, The Swartbtnorean. ! ,, i· MAINTENANCE CONTRAC:I"lNG Vic.inity for [last {or 2567.R Care of furnaces, hauling screens, Jawn work, etc, Six years' eX'perience in Swarthmore Comprehensive P':!.b.lic Liability Policy r()J( desk ~edia Gea..... MOSTELLER FOn. SAI.E-Slameso kittens, 01810 and femsle, age - 0;& mont,ll!. Excc!lent. P"ligreed stoek.· Very· moderate· prutea.' '1"eleJlIIO~e Media 1547-R4. WANTED-Girl's St~ M~ia 302 Cayley 7""". Phone ". SUED FOn. SALE-Maple be(l, single. sl.ring, $13; )<;lectTic washing muchine, $25. can Media 2463. I~rge I ''1. :111111111111111111111"11111111111111111111111; SALl-)--Frigidaire, 6 cubic teet._ condition. Call Sunset 1937-J. la~ndl'J. II pan~IiDg,: atreeDtn,. imula. tion~ ·Mi~r.j~~, carpen. Coal and Fuel· Oil 86, r!!.hf'd. 8286 for more than twenty MIGHT CAUSE YOU 1"0 BE Fort SALE-Diamond 1.23 carlll, guar· teed Hno bluo white; Emerald -3.52 . - i·.ii'iilb.mil'~"...~n~O_fft_.~.._iiiijii..ii___________~~__~ P bAd - R FOR SALE-Two.ab.elf china C~03t:t. mao bogany finish.. $5. Media 1969·M. carat. Tel. 7-fJ P. M. ., . c~ '''~ fau?tty pine Paperhanging .s•. • FOR SALE ~S • tion. Custom-built: cabinets, COLD AND ICY WEATHER PERSONAL--Serviee on all electric washen (Bendix iruneTl'l, vacuum c~eancrs, irons, toasterll, faDS and lamps. wiring-neW and old. All work com· plies to Fire Underw:-iters 8t,eciftca' lions. Call Erich H. Hausen, Swarth· u\tlre 2850·\V FOR RENT-In Swarthmore lor SIE months from January, ~ house fullT furnished with antiques, dra.peries, ete.: I.iving·room dining.room breakla8t nook. • ~, ations, KitC\a~: ,nig(f~rniza~ o.nd SWARTHMORE I (f~· . Home" Im~rOv~m~~, Alter. ,'.' J •• • • We bave worked in VOlt "Fruits and' Vegetables Painting l'EItSONAL Regi!Jtercll cor~etierc, llrs. Eliie McWllliaml5. Telephone s ..... arthm~re 4S8S-W lor, appointment. U from .f.hi' 'ViII ".!I.)i. '; Arters Btothers Inc. DAVE WOOD I,O~T-Platinurn wriKt watch. lour I't;nS O NAL---Grace Lewis t:mplo)"· dr8I1ulhd.'I, 6 ~a(lllhire'h betw('en l.anArucnt ·Agency. lOR School Street, dQwof> aorl Swarthmore, }O~irda,-. Rc'If)rton. Tel. Swarthmore l04o;&·R. Do· "~rd. lIadhoo 7517. • ;tl('sti(" helt.; dinnerfl; cooked Hnd served; ...::....::.~:=:.::.= rlilcring lor parties; . work for bOTs FOUND lind girls aller school. 1-::==_:-:-_-,-________ t'OUND--Sizo 7 JJJ black kid glove. I·)-;HSONAL--Window cleaning. 30. lront of l(adisoo's store. Call i'OIt SALE-1946 black four·door Nuh. You QC the dealer and 8o\"e caab. llatibon 2155.W. RIB ROAST OF BEEF ................. 5ge lb. BONELESS ROAST OR BEEF ....69c lb. Whole or hank Ends of Ham .......... 5ge lb. ..._\\. J,t;n.SONAL-DoJ1I1, dol1's dothes and I,OST--Child'8 r~d bluer. !>ttlffed 10)"8 made to ofder for NO~'('mh@r 1. Name inside. Elizabeth ("hristmus gilttJ. Telephone Swurth. A. Gllftlhm. Ro,,·ard. 'fel~l'hone SWnrth. more 2C43.J. . morl' 011J·W. RENT-Large room, twin beds; 009 smaller room. Both with private bnths. For gentlemen_ Call Swarth· more 1443. UiBiiiBB, PA. . Dtnners =7=====:i=========~~~========~~T~H~E~~S~W~A~RiiT~H~M~O~R~E~A~N~~~~~~~~~~~~;:~~~~~~~~~~:::7 :F:n=.da==y=.=N=o=n=m==bm==.=14=.=I= .. 'FOR RENT lUI WBlSD ST. • .. FOR SAL&-Ten.pieee mnhogany ing'room Buite. Reusonable. aher 6 P. M. Media 2430. E "'I " I o DoIId....1e . Friday, N_Ipr'14. lin' All Hard Sizes ~oal GOLD BOND POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS PLASTERING SUPPLIES Phone .Swa. 2526 • I --",_. LEGAL NOTICES Rf;QUE~T-FOR-nms--­ , ,....~:.aJ.~ bras will be receivtd in Councii ....lJiUUOtCr. Borough Hall, Swarthmore Pa ?n .pr~r lst. 1941 at ':45 P A! f~;­ umlS lUng one tractor with sn~w nrow.er a!,d accessories all as described °i\i~ s~16eatlOn. a OO(ly of which tD R EA N E crepe. ~er corsage ,was of la,ven;.l, of College avenue. friends of the der ,orchuis. bride" Miss Bambrick'" ill a recent· Following a week's wedding !!raduate of th,:Schoo~ of Nurs- I trip by plane to Bermuda ,the mg at frankfl'rd HOSPItal, Phlla, . , '. w' aMd" h 'wl'b wIll lIve m Mmned e IphJ a ,.. ao een engage d young I' couple . . in Public Health' Nursing in the apo IS, ~mn., where the b~l~e­ Visiting Nurse Association of groom will serve as a practIcmg Philadelphia and graduate nurs- physician. ing at the General Hospital, ,Out-of_town guests attending Wilkesbarrl;, the wedding included the brideDr. Delaplaine is a graduat" of grooms parents, and Miss Frances Wofforg College, Spartanburg, S. DII-vis of New York City. C., and, ,Temple Medical School, Philadelphia. He served as a McCLOSKEY·LACKEY junior intern at Frankford HosThe marriage of Miss· Doris pital, a se,nior iritern at the Guthrie qIj!1,\c,: "Robert Packer Hos- Collins Lackey, daug!)ter.' oflir. pital, .Sayre, and is now on .duty and Mrs. Alexander McKinley at the Navy Hospital in gynocol- Lackey of Ogden av,""ue, and ogy and obstetrics in the Out- Mr; Harry Earl McCloskey son Patient ~epartment. of" Mr. and Mrs. Reid 'I~ McDr. ,and Mrs. Delaplaine will Closkey of Williamsport,' took reside 106' Cornell avenu~, piaceSaiurday afternoon at' 5 Swarthmore. o'clock \n the Swarthmore Pres'. • I , byterian Church. ' ASHTON-PRANG The Rev. Fi. Lewis Cutler Mr. 'al1d Mrs. Matthew Prang performed the ceremony before of Easton, ' Pa. announce the a background of yellow and marriage' of their daughter, chrysanthemums' interKathrYn D. Lucey, to Leonard C. rust minggled with branches of rhoAshton, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. dodendron, autumn leaves of oak Leonard q. Ashton of Elm and maple, and flanked by tall avenue. lighted candelapra. ---~ Rhododendron and rose chrysMOLANDER-PRICE Miss ,Nancy Price of Hartford, anthemums were 'used in the Conn., formerly of Swarthmore, church foyer. Mrs. A. Ludlow became the bride of Dr. David Clayden and Mrs. George Dunn, W. Molander, son of Mr. and friends of the bride's family Mrs. John William Molander of weie responsible for the attracIron, Minn., Saturday afternoon tive church decorations. at 4 o'clock in the Swarthmore The bride, given in marriage Presbyterian Church. by her father, wore a beige The Rev. H. Lewis Cutler per- afternoon dress with a beige feathformed the ceremony before a ered hat. Her corsage' was of chancel banked with chrysanthe- orchids. mums and lighted candelabra. Mrs. Reid l. McCloskey. Jr., The bride, given in marriage of Tyrone, as matron of honor, by her brother, Mr. James Price wore a S\1it of. dark green. Her of College avenue, wore a suit corsage was of yeUoYl,. ,Bnc:l rust of light gray with dark green button chrysanthemums. accessories. Her corsage was of Mr. Reid 1. McCloskey, Jr., yellow orchids. served as best man for his Miss Joan Rice of Fitchburg, brother. Mass .• as maid of honor, wore a suit of dark, !\,r'IY with gray acUNITF.D ASSEMBLY Woman's Club Side EntranCe cessories. Her corsage was of 10:30 A. M.' Every' Wtdncsday yellow and rust button chrysanZcila M. Walters, Speaker themums. - I Everyone Welcome Mr. Philip Price of New York City, brother of the bride, served as best man. A sinall reception for the weddiog party followed at the home ~6 UEGI~ 1'" c.r.1' UP '=F=-O-=-=R=------------ IN YL.Atirthd'IY anniversai-y, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Handy of Crisfield, Md .. are visisiting Mrs. Henry L., Smith of Swarthmore avenue for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of Wallingford will entertain at a in • Ch Presbytel'lllJ) urch Notes evening at 8 o'clook in the Sunday 'morning at ,the 11 Church office. dcloc), service Mr. Cutler will The Young People's Fell hi on "Thankful Neverthe- ( .' ows p age~ 18 to 23) wIll qleet Sunday breakfast Thanksgiving Day beevenmg at 7:30 o'clock. Work fore the Penn-Cornell game. and Mrs. John C. Macproject-mending toys to dis: Mr. and Mrs.' CharIe. W. Jr~ at the Harvard aveHodges of Dickinson avenue enand Elizabeth tribute at Christams. These tertained as their house guests HplTlada:y 8l)d Shirley MacMillan young people are anxious to collast week Mr. Hodges' uncle and the driveway-transept en- leet and recondition toys and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Walton will assist Mr., Cutler in would appreciate haviog left at and daughter Emogene of Sweetgr..,tir.g the congregation after the church any toys which ,can S~!'rth$ore. Co~~nbty ~~:,k~c water, Texas. service this Sund'IY morning. be fixed up for distribution. *~~gty ~r'c';, w 10 e e, T~n Mrs. T. Leigh Williams of Hart All departments of the Church There will be an e1 t.ioD. f rlW urc a a.m. e vard avenue entertained at the PRESCRIPTIONS FIRST ""nom meet each Sunday mom- "lficers Sunday evenin:' '0 Rector of Trinity Church will be home of her parents; ,Mr. and Succelaor to Victor D. Shirer at 9:45 o'clock. The Men's At 6 o'clOCk Sunday' evening the preacher. Mrs. SamueJ.D. Clyde of SWllrth17 S. Chester' Class meets at 9:45 o'clock there will be 'a Freshman-Senior T~e annual Corporate Com- more and Ogden avenues on SatSwarthmore 0586 the Church transept and 'the Fellowship supper. Mrs. Motta, mU~l1on ~f men and boys of the urday evening in honor of Dr. Bible Class meets at president SchOOl, emeritus of Pine parIsh will30,beatheld on and sunda'Y'I,W~ill~iams~~' ~~b~i~rth~d;a~y~an~n~i~v~ers~a~ry~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o'clock in Mr•. Braun's . office. Mountain NorthCar"lina November 8 a.m., will The Church Hour Nursery will speak be followed by breakfast. at 10:45 o'clock each &,10At 10 ~'clock Thursday ,the Plans have been announced f~r day morning in the parish house Community Thanksgiving Service tchhe. tmannUalD!ather adnd BSon,s children ages 1 to 7. will be held at TrinIty 'Church. rIS as mner an oar s t 8 'I k Head Ceremony to be held on ' Presents The chapel choir will meet at F 'd 0 c DC Decem b er 19. 7:45 o'clock Wednesday evenIng. th rl ay-II everung, b ' F ra h F 1 F'd rI ay. " A MUSICAL COMEDY ere. Wl e a es man e The Annual Choir Concer't of boys' Junior Choir rehearses Chirstmas music is scheduled for at 7 o'clock' on Friday evenings, lowshlp party at the church. Sunday. December 28, at 8 p,m. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd The Session will meet illis Methodist :Church Notes ~-.--7 :30 at tlie CLOTHIER MEMORIAL The Churcb 'School nieets at THANKSGIVING SERVICE TicKets On Sale At -----c---- .---' '9:45 on Sunday morning, S. W. The Annual Comunity ThanksMicheaI's College Pharmacy R eserved S eat s 90c Johnson, supe";ntendent. Classes Tickets 60c , SWARTHMORE giving Service of Swarthmore ' t ax me . I u ded are provided for cliildren of all ill b held thi ' T r ' -t tax included PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ages and for 'adlliis. w e s year m ml y Rev. Ilavid Braun, Minister The Young Adult 'Class meets Episcopal Church on ThanksgivH ... Lewis Cutler. Minister ing' D'IY at 10 a.m. ,SUNDAY NOVEMBER 23 in the sanctuary at 10 o'clock The clergy of the various 9:45 1\. M.-Church Scbool. Mrs. L, E. Kauffman, teacher. churches in the community who "-~l N The 'topIc' of 'tho:, se!'ffion at the ill rti· te' th -, A . M.-",Th ~""'~ The 1"" With PersoJtlJlily ever-: l l 'o'clock seniice will 'be "Be Ye w pa Clpa m e servIce m1heless": ' , Thankiul.'; -, clude~ 'Rev. ' Lewis '-AlL ,Cutler, ·"'· .. ·Sarartln'so'e~ PD. ,'6:00 'P. M.-Freshman-'Senior The .Junior 'Church meets at minister of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church-, Rev_ Roy N. Fellowshl'p Supper the same hour Inthe chapel, . 7'30 P M Young Pe,n'e's Fel Keiser" pastor of the Swarthmore RESERVATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN " ..~ ..." - Alice Snyder, 'superintendent. ]ol·shl·P , Methodist Church', Everetv L. '. . The Church Nllrsery is open Hunt, Dean of Swarthmore ColFOR_ 1luring the service for the lege, and representing the METHODIST CHURCH Th""bgiii';g-Chriatmao-New Year'. Roy N. Keiser, D.D., .Minister younger children, Mrs. Geraldine Friends' Meeting; Rev_ David New and June 'Shearer will be in Braun, minister of the Swarth'SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 23 .-charge. more Presbyterian Cnurch; and 9:45 A. M.-Church School. The ushers for the d'IY are the pastor of the A- M. E. Church. Telephone S,\"arthmore 0680 11:00 A. M.-"Be Ye TbSnkulD 4:00 P. ·M.-Vesper Service. Harry .E New, George Alston, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::=:.:::::::=:::::::::=:::::::::::~~ ' 7:00P. M.-,youth Fellowship. Clark Allison, Jo1m 'Flood 'and Jr. Club Has Hobby Night, Richard MacHenry. " .... The Junior Club monthly A Thanksgiving Vesper Service TRINITY CHURCH Geo. C. Anderson, Rector will be held in the afternoon at bridge is ~cheduled to meet next 4 o'clock at which time Maun- Tuesday at, 8 p.m. at the home SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 8:00 A. N.-Holy Communion. der's ''Song of ThanksgiVing" of Rosamund Jones, 620 Strath wiJI be rendered by the cboir. Haven avenue._ 9:45 A. N.-Church School. Miss Margery Pearce of PhilOn hobby night this, week, the 11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer adelphia will be the 'guest soloist. members made stuffed animals and Sermon. The public are cordially' invited. which will biiput in Christmas 6:00 P. M.-Young Peoples FelThe Wesley~n Service Guild stockings on December 16 followship. will meet on Monday evening at lowiri~ \he:'cQvered dish supper, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27 S o'clock at the home of Mrs. ,';Tlie: '~¥,m.ittee members for 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. E. Neil Shawhan, 2227 Locust' th',FChri~tmas Dance, as an10:00 A.M.-Community ThanksStreet, Morton. noU"ileed by the chairman, are: giving Serv~ce. Community Thanksgiving Ser- decora~_~~, Mrs. Peter L. Miller, THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY vice will be held in Trinity' Mrs Donald Pugh, Mrs. Wayne, OF FRIENDS Church on Thursday morning at Ger;on and Mrs. Samuel W. W. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 23 10 o'clock. Mitchell; refreshments, Mrs. 9:45 A. M.-First Day School. 'The Social Hall is open for Helen Hardigg, Alice Marriott 11:00 A. M.-Meeting for Wor- supervised recreation on Friday and Peggy Rincliffe; publicity, ship. evening from 7 to 9. Theodore Lin Freegard and Shirley MacWEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 26 L. Purnell will be in charge. Millian; tickets, Rosamund Jones 9:30 to 3:0~ewing and QuiltThe Senior choir will meet for and Mrs. Elizabeth Lippincott. ing in Whittier House. BoX rehearsal on Friday evening at . Luncheon. All are cordially 7:45. w//////////////////////////////////////////////////.i invited. Swarthmore W. I. L. Christian Science Notes FIRST CIiuRCH OF Presents CHRIST SCIENTIST "SOUL AND BODY" is the OF SWARTHMORE bJ' ect of the Lesson-Serlno n in Park Avenue Below Harvard su . t S· all Churches of ChrIs. Clen tist , SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 in a recital of on Sunday, November 23. T.he 11:00 A. M.--Sund'IY School. Golden Text is: "We all, WIth EASTERN IM.NCES U:OO A. M.--Sund'IY Lesson Seropen face beholding as in a glass mon. "Soul and Body". Dec. 4-Woman's Club n each week, 8 p. m. Reading ro?m the, glory of the Lord", are Wednesday Evening meetmg changed into the same lJDage Tickets $1.00, plus tax 0l,>en daily except Sundays and from glory to glory, even as .bY Phone Sw. 2806-W holidays 12 to 5 p. m. Wednesday the Spirit of the Lord" (II CormeVening 7 to 7:45 p, m. and 9 to thians 3: 18). :t////////////////////////////h /////////////////////. 9:30 P. , I I II Swarthmore _Coliege, Kwink Sodety' I Church Services F I V E ..B ILL ION .. ing repairs that will keep it out of the junk parade. You've only when blame • I such possibilities. , Regular check-ups will eliminate BUCHNER'S • "RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN" t~Jt...!"·: ~ - ~ :;,' RUS§El~>S ·'l~ll 0<;40 'H1M~\lTH dwv£nEekdaym19U, 2027 vehicles. production given on the eve of the Haverfor.:l football game has I ...., with a de- at the height of Phi1ad:lllhla'. preventable war effort: and 234,OOOfthicl; miles dsily in October UNO, the bides in service on an average weekday. The totala, all for October: 1947-28QG veblcl.,: Swarthmore College's "Hamburg Show" has gone Broadway . Traditionally a, variety show for stUdent consumption. this I on an avenp weekday.~lfl',U\J1Ucomparee with 9 !;:~'tl299,OOOvehicl""miles OD aD avB HAMBURG SHOW 5 i ~;:;~:~;~~;:-~ '71 full year before the war• Another service "yardstick" ~~~=~~Di~'vi;-;Ilast is the maximum number ofve- agam when dean • • • H your have not been cleaned this vea:r~ tty the magic 01 cleaning on them. nJgt cPA-lA/scm & C"mr.~~,~' I 00 Park Ave .• Swarthmore, Pa. Swarthmore 0730 or 0529-Clearbrook 4646 - - ......._·Cllolce Persian Rugs for Sale • Ice Peak-Hour Traffic Hecwt.r Although more passenger vehicles now are providing 17~~thern more transportation mileage, SO' 81) there are serious service. probA.:variJ' lems ahead during the late in ' fine records autumn and winter months. Most serious is thst of peak_ hour traffic. This problem was le88en ed somewhat during the war by the staggered hours programwhichspresd the peak traffic load. Now, without the benefits of staggered hours, peak-hour :250.000 traffic is more concentrated, with halfthe system's 3,200,000 Z dailypassengersriding between ::: ,'00.000' 7 and 9 AM and between 4:30 and 6:30 PM. This tremendous uojooo volume of riding, funneled into a few hours, ic graphically illustrated by the chart at left. .tlC SYSTlM .ASSEIIGDS PTC is working constantly " ROUI .IRlODS on this problem, and we hope AYDAGI WHiDAY' that our efforts will keep overFAll-I..' crowding at a minimum during there hours of heaviest travel. You help by avoiding the a.M., ..... and afternoon trave ..........r traIIIc'I.~ "'_ concenlnlftd now"- ..... the you can ~ the _ ........a ...... hoan ............. _ 10"1" .....od.. yo~ride. and :; i_. New PTe Bus Route ~hip'~Ch~~co~~v.ie~rs:~~1~54~~acres~~Bo~r[~aio~ In Veterans' Village 130).(00, n!! Pro has esI;IJblished a new bus line for the convenience of war servwegoea SWARTHMOREAN furth~r socilization of their in-I Mrs. Emily Ehle. Executive new show will be presented Sat- Fitzsimmons General Hospital, was last year's Hockey captain at dustrJes? How can 'ire be as- I • Denver. Colo. Swarthmore High School. Will sured that aid will. reuch the ~ll : 39c Ocean To 'nsure Success of Your Thanksgiving Dinner ORDER YOUR TURKEY NOW Lean, Fresh PORI LOINS Pork Chop.:~ Ib ':~;tai: 'b27c Breast Veal Veal ROCist II......,'" ,. 39c ,. 35c Nack Veal Ib 67.: ~~'d' Ib 57. "27c Breast Lamb Lamb Chops··'d.. 8 ... ,. '"49c Lamb Roast '0. cvt ."d. '"45c GROUND BEEF Real Seafood Values Sic: i~~ SSc 55C: c~,::r Freshly Ground Ib FaDcyCOD FILLETS I~ iI.. Geau.... &afdock .iono,. Tl'out l'1li." Ib Ib McDaniels, Claire Hendrixson and Betsy Schoenberg, the second team, which was also the winning group. , Arthur Grover then appeared, and before performing, acquainted the group with some of the characteristics of his instrument the marimba. On this mores unusual instrument he played "'Evening Star" from Wagner's "'li'annhauser" and "After" by Vandall. Fred Almgren closed the musical portion of the program with two trumpet solos"Celeste Aida" by Verdi and "Liebeslraum" by Liszl. Mrs. John Fawcett accompanied both the trumpet and the violin soloits. The second fall meeting of the Swarthmore Junior Music Club was held at the home of Barbara Shipherd:" 316 Dartmouth avenue on Sunday, November 16 at 7:30 P. M. During the brief business meeting the president Bill Potts invited all club' members to a caroling party to be held on the Monday before Christmas. Bob Keighton, the program chairman for the meeting, first introduced David Spencer who thrilled the audience with his rendition of the 'Allegretto from Sietz' "'Concerto in D." Next ---~ came Bill Potts and Donald Ograrn who offered Mazas' Marionette Show "Scherzo," a clarinet duet. FolFor Two qroups lowing this, David Eisenberg was master of ceremonies for a muThe Rose Tree Marionettes will sical quiz. Paul Williams, Gret~ give a double performance on chen Bauer and Russell Snyder November 29 in comprised the IIrst team; Carey Saturday, Swarthmore. The IIrst, which will be at. 2, is for children over seven and will cOllsist of a fouract play "'The Sleeping Beauty"' in a French setting, and a short skit of a Pirate. The second show is for the understanding and the enjoyment of the younger age group and is presented at 4, allowing time STEAKS-CHOPS for an 'afternoon rest. The program is comprised of Mother SEAFOOD Our Specialty Goose verses, ··Peter Rabbit" and the "Night Before Chr1.tCompletely Alr-Condl.tloned mas." PREPARE NOW FOR Frida,., No. • SWARTHMOREAN 39C S9c RIB ROAST OF BEEF .. ...... ........ 59c lb BONELESS ROAST OR BEEF 69c lb BONELESS ROAST OF· BEEF 69c lb • - Fruits and Vegetables I ".""",,,.,: , .... -r VICTOR BREAD I.. loaf The loaf for theSmall family RIcH....". COFFEE C~~~~~~D 3 WID. . . .t Celie. a 1·lb 77. ~ I.~.s.sa Save~=~M bags on few yaluabl. gIfts. ~'SON """"0. gJIiIl~MIl Enriched FLOUR S~~43c Old English .. v_ ..... "=22c Sharp Cheddar .... '·35c Dill plckl•• - otJorI9c Rob..fordPrune........ •.. I9c Plain Ollv. . 01_ 7 ... JOr 37c Ideal Tea Bag. 39c IISt1J try It under our usual guarqntn. ono_ p_ II.".... m ';: ZZo : ~~ 410 --_. ----._---- i.. _. .. -. • CRANBERRIES r' .,' . -.' .. " Peter Dl' Nl'cola .. : Don t Painting ,.. Home ~~o;..e'merits. Aller· ations. Kitchen moderniza- Paperhanging cement : We have worked in SWARTHMORE for more tho 302 Gayley twenty yean. . __ . . . . ~.~. .!j_.. Phone .....c ~nd .~ floor, ;~~I;4:' lbe Bell Tell,IIonl Company FOR • RENT -room-.on for two men. Con\'enlcnt and vill.g•..~w~h: lines Two-story lown. Furnished. J all house In West- bedrooms, 2 M.ths. Beautiful loaltlOn. mC:nlh_ Addres Box 25. conveniences $125. per _0348 after 6 P. At. S 811k ""Dcod 'Wartbmore 0217-J. • I ! I belt. Call l.IliZ·R _ '. Phone Swarthmore 2962 NORMAN SCHMIDT 175 Bridge Strect, l\{orton Coal and Fuel Oil ... -§-- Charles E. Fischer ~--:: Builder g -----= ,. -= = --=--_. . ~ ""~ ~ III i JIll 111111111111111111111111111111111111'-' . . . A. WAYNE' MOSTELLER -~'. - ,.. ~tric.' ContracWu Installations Serviog and I .~. I night. Years or day LEGAL ESTATE OF ALLAN M SMITH deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate have been 8'I"8atcd to tlIe . underslJl1led. who request all ~ haY1ng clauns or demands 3gaiillllt the Estate of the decedent CO make knOlfD .the same. and. ~dl periOns jn'deb1:ed to _tile decedent to iliake po,."..,!, 1ritboat ae!ax, to V,OLA M. SIUTB 206 Harvard :Avenue Swarthmorr. Penua. Or to her Attornep A. SIDNEY JOHNSON, JR. Butlcr~ .Bea.t~. Greer " Johnson M~Ia. Pa. '6T~1l-1': IN THE CO'O&'1' OF COMMON PLEAS OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYL. A. MERCER QUINBY Funeral Director GEORGE Call Mason Builders Supply Company cation, we lead you to the pure Springfield Water. Interesting to you and your Swa.rthmore OJ4S For Ail Size. Hard' Coal' ~PBURBAN .GOLD BOND POURING WooL_ BATS AND Bl:ANKETS .. W'A'TER -,COM.PANY •• ; . . •. , 11 PLASTERING SUPPLIES I;, I I B. HARVEY AND HARRY tNn 331 Dartmouth .Avenue health-Don't You Agree? r I." W. :MONTGOMERY. RECEIVERS. The abo\'c account haa been filed in the Office of the Prothonotary nnn will he confirmed by aaid Court. 011 Decembcr 12th, 1947. unless exeep. tions arc filed thcrto ROBER J. MAC BRIDE, Prothnotary 3T·1J-21 PUBLIC NOTICE' OF A DISSOI,UTION OF PARTNERSHIP ny RETIREMENT OF TWO PARTNEOS. AND CONTIN. UANCE OF BUSINESS BY REMAIN. From the crude ways of early times, through the years and up to our pres- ,, VANIA KINGSLEY lfONTGOMERY. Complainsnt. VB. ALLISON STEEL PRODUCTS COM'PANY. Dcfendant No. 640, September Term 1932 In Equity F'I~ST AND FINA I. ACCOUNT OF Formerly of Media 1125 w. ~high Ave., Phila. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional chaiR for SUburban caI1S erit scientific methods of water purifi- NOTICES :=-~=:........:.::~~-­ These are just a few notes on the stories to mankind throughout history. 1448 Ashes &- Rubbish Removed SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGNlONT AVE. Cheoter Importance of water and its necessity :: Lawns Mowed General HaulinS' 236 Harding Ave. Morton. Pa. Reese-Baxter Co. we intend to present in showing the :: VVILLIAM BROOKS • Twenty reading. __ ~ Swarthmore Vicinity. for past the era, and will present enjoyable IPHILADELPH",A Interior & Exterior ___ ._ -:-_ .__ .·.A __ ....,...__ . and Swarthmore 2295 "Fountain of Youth," Ponce de Lean. Each story will be illustrated to depld :: 111111 "" II 11111111 """"" """"" Repairs Swarthmore the London fire and even a narrative l' 'PAINTING : . __ '" All Type:s of Eledrical 1180 MublenberK Ave. concerning the famous seeker of the :: Swarthmore 2253 •••••••••••••••••• LOST M!,'CIiA MAINTENANCE CONTRACTING Van Alen Bros. ering the time of the Roman Empire, , SI~ Genernl Can.talDnll here we go on through the years, cov- " carpen- j" Media 0755 yoirs known as Solomon's Pools. Froin SALE-~F"o=':;-d~"";:-;'lion=--:wa=.;;;on;;-.')'-Garage in vicinity~r ClJester . : road and Vale avenue. Phone Swarthmore 451J , g'-'ee' - '~A """-.- &: Builder. • ~ Care of furnaces,. hauling screens, Jawn work, etc. Six years'· experience in Swarthmore -. , • , Arters Brothers Inc.: !'. her son and dauyhter-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corse of Chillicothe, Ohio. Phone Swa. 2526 tYIIC heRting' 6tO\,09;' des"t. electrle wllsher. Reply to Box D. The Swarthmorean. WANTED--To rent gRrage in vicinity of Harvard Inn. Call Swarthmore 972R ond ask for Miss Shrh'er, aUer· 4:30 p.m. WANTED-Girl . Scout uniform, aize 12 Telephone Swarthmore 0168·J. \\'ANTED Three-:room houseic:eE:ping a· Jlsrtment, private bah, deBired .by young business couple. to be marned after tbe fint of the year, for JunUftry or Februsry 1948. Up to $65·,10, Both veterans. Call Media 2117_ I . WANTED-Maid fnr leneral houl!lework for family of five.CaU Chester 26004__ LOST'--Gold ,.'.-. Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete 1808. \\'ANTEn-:--Any On party-line telephones, cour- • I : ' , Contr~or. I nay work c\-cry other tlay, 8\'ery Wednesdll)', 1111 dilY. Bel't relt!renecs. Cheater 2-4653. W,\N'l'ED Second haml bic)'clc (or sc\-cn year old girl. Phone SwarthIIIlJrc 2115·\V. WANTED Spinet viRno in· gOOiI condition. Reply Box C. Swnrililllort'an. W~\NTED-Launtlry to be dOlw ot 110nte Fnr furthr.r inannation call at 13 linker Street. Moton, Pa. W;\NTED--O-gauge electric engine. in running condition. Call SWllrthmero. -"n·w Fresh Michigan A\'c. Swa. 2266 310n-1 WAN1'HD 850 pounds each. 28c pet' pound on the hoof.lust right (or your deep freeze and winter meat reqnirements. Phono _ Glen Mills 261 R-12 of Penns,lvania nos Painters & Paper Hangers \Ve should Know How FOR-SALE--- Men'8-trat~i4-inch hunting boots. siu 8, practically new. Price $1l~ Call 'Swarthmore 25n._ FOR SALE--Fi~oe-I,,",,;-hard- wood. Cut to order,' any length. A1so cow manure for garden and flower bcdsd.' Bruce Dumal. 223 S. Chester roa 'Swarthmore 4513. FOR SALE-Large white dining- room cabinet,$10j old ~ric mangte~ $5. Reply to Box E. The Swarthmorean. FOR SALE-Prime Aberdeen Angus beer cattle, weight approximately ZSC ':':\.<'~:~' ''!'~'"" f ...·"",., Mrs_ Broley Tampa, Fla. left. on Saturday for Mrs. Clifford Banta, Mrs. Paul Rutan, and Mrs. George Corse of Swarthmore have returned home from a week's motor trip. Mrs. Banta visited her sister, Mrs. Foster Fudge of Crawfordsville, where she was joined by Dr. Banta who had been attending the' American Petroleum Insti: tute in Chicago; Mrs. Rutan . vislted her son-in-jaw a-n d daughter, Dr. and Mrs.' William O. Linhart of Pittsburgh, and Mrs: Corse spent the week with CUNNINGHAM mt~:~e r'!~US~'i:[cr."PR~~:I~nl t~n ]r;~art:: Till' Swnrthmorclln. win mean be.tterservice for all. ox,''', Since WANTBD-Author, wife ami chilli, de· good party-line manners. It Pascal Cole.,. ~~t 190 & 10r8" stalk J Ibs White C...a ....... Gal• • >o;.'\::~ WANTED ••• Space calls ••. Hang up gently •.• Take the lead in PEARS ~===::====~~===';:'~ itob,,' - - --- WANTED We will bu,- at best prices, old china. glass, Turniture. firearms, Coli Holly Ou.k 4313 or Holly Oak 6720 collect for appointment. All busi1Ie.'1g confhlential. Colonia Cupboar'l, Nn. 5, PhindcJphia Pike. Wilmington. Delil\\'ore. FOJ( Lusciou. Anjou or·Bose '. eralion. Phone Ridley P....k 1227 FOR SALE ------- .'. __ :. DA'7I:' wnhD beed guests of Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis of Walnut lane. l'.1r. Broley. who is the world's leading authority upon eagles and who has banded more than 900 in their nests, gave an illustrated lecture at the College on Wednesday evening. Mr. and days Ail nn all onUK", of wa.hers ,,,'--.. ,~-:- ,_C.-' 1): iruners, vacuum rangeR i'?'~', to",'ero, fa'!~A nn:_" AI,o wlrlllg-new anll. v:..... j,:: com· lilies to Fire 51Ieeiliea.. tillllS. Coli Erich H. Hnullell, Swurth. more 2850-W l'BHSONAL Subscrilltions to all JIIpgazines. Mrs.' Bertha 1'. Faries. Swarthmore 4589~W. . '_ '., PI';I,SONAL--Child's Nurse desires 110' sitin. Experience. Sea, rcJcricnces. Telephone Chester 4690. p,,;n.SONAL--We buy fur:~ilure, houllehold goods, any article in general. Chester 2-6239'. 1'1';RSONAL--Laundrc8s desirell work for 'Vedue8days. Excellent Swarth. more relerenee8. Phone Chester 9460 altcr b p . m . ' l'ER-SONAL-High School girl wishes tn take care' of children Saturday a(tenoona. Phone Swarthmore 1316·W tesy' pays dividends! Be brief CHEESE HOD ~k~ 17e Bleu Cheese .... '·3Oc Velveeta ... e...... •... ok. 26c . l . No pauses 'tween calls when making many, Prevents the others' from making any. Ol.....al. Club ,cboot Call Swarlbmorc Contractor and Bu·Uer . _ :~y;:,~ ~P'~~l':!..:{.di~:11 • . NEWS NOTES Walter B. Linton ".... a. ", Mrs. W. Sproul Lewis of Gradyville is entertaining at a luncheon before the SwarthmoreHaverford game tomorrow. Donnie Lange, Jr. of "'Lange wood", Baltimore pike, celebrated his fourth birthday last week with a birthday party at Drexel Lodge, Newtown Square. His little friends and their mothers enjoyed the afternoon wit h games and movies. Those. present were Peter and Susan Breitling, Lynn and Skip Bernard, Robin Erskine, Sandra Rhoades, Corey and Doug Smith, John and Joan Haviland, Gay and Chipper Shay, Judith Tyson, Dickie Taylor, and Bobbie and Sue Wood. - Mr. Roy Delaplaine of Cornell avenue is recovering from a major operation performed at the Navy Hospital, Philadel. phia, November 10.. He was . abLe to attend his son's wedding at the Navy Yard . Chapel. Saturday, and returned to his 'home on Tuesday. • ,.' -~~~~~:XX,., );}r3r,-~~-~~_ and WlnoCfHt !Hfue:~w~ ...etlue ('hristmas girtlSo. TelelthoDs Swarth· more Olll·W. I'Jo~H-SONAL--Nur.l$ery by the 2duy. wl'ek, or month. 9 school A. AI.-12. 10 5 years. Call Swarthmore 0608·&. J-lmSONAlr-lVindow cleaning. ao Y(,lIr:'•. I~n busi~css. Will gh·c promllt ur_.. ;-.• :. Call SWarthmore • • iI ....1." "I'" PI~. 'South ~rI.... ~, lilted, expet1ly bl.ndid. i'iFO ;UJiNitDi: r;[n;-p ~ .! i~; ;~:;r i~ Chn; ; urc: ih;- .'00:;::;;:",1 . ;;;;;;;;m;iAi::::~;ii.;'~~;;;:-;:;;;;;;;:;--:::-.; I black rain,oat. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. B r o l e y . . 1'~~uS.&~A~~80118·m,,~~I·B 10cto~~d:r a::,~ F.·io~U~NiiD;::~A~nn;;;;Y~D~iV;;i;;;'i;;on~p;;oi;;-n-::ne::.::r"'l<:;;u"-t. of Delta; Ontario have for several 8 2~183e , .'. ----~:i~\1iS~~Ei~--~~=========i~~~========~~T~H~E~:S::VV~A~R~T::H::NI~O~R~E~A~N~~~'~~;;~~~'~~;;=i~~~;,~,1~~~\~'~'i:1~~';'~;~i~~~'.::::~~~7 BRUSSEL SPROUTS ..................... . 29c BROCCOLI ...,... ..... .... ..... ....... ....... .... ...... 29c Fresh TOMA10ES ~..................... 29c pkg Conservation Loaf 1 Friday, Nov_ber 21, 1947 Juicy ORANGES. ....................... . 23c doz Emperor GRAPES ................. . 2 lbs 29c It_' .! ~". _. .., On Monday, October 20, 1947, the Ainsworth-Wernher Post No. 427 of the American Legion held the first meeting of the business year 1947-48. '\ The n~ officers .were installed and pledged themselves to full support of the orgauization and its ideals. The Legion officers would like the cooperation of all former comrades for the next six meetings of this term of office, and invite constructive criticism of the . proposed program for the year 1947-48 listed below: December 15, 1947-Turkey Raffle-Frank Masselli. Christmas Program. Door Prize. January-Army Night. February-Navy Night. March-VA Night-Bob Erskine. '. April-World War 1 Night. John May-Memorial Day Lumsden-Baseball Plans. - .~ •• , ..... ;.; .... 21, IM7' Officers Installed SHOULDER OF LAMB ................ 49c lb • . ! PARTNRRK . Notie is hereby gh-en thnt the partnerIO-hip he-tween JlOui:'l Cole Emmons. Jr.. CharIs Curtis Emmons, Riehard. rr.'1wfoTtl Simm~rl1 nnd David (;eorgf Sarhnlt was. diflsolved on the 26th day d .July, 19-17, so fRr as rclates h: Ih~ Mid nichnrd CraWford SimDlcs and [)twid George Saybolt. AU dehh Iluc to the Rtlid partnership arc to . he. lJaid. and thoso duo trom 88mr diseharged At 312 Corn en A \'enuc, Swarthmoe. Pen'na .. where the bUlJiness will be c()nUnued bT the H"id LO,!is Cole Emmons, Jr., and Charlcs CurtiS Emmons. under the flnr. nam~ of The Delaware County Re. portmg Ageney. RICHARD CRAWFOllD SIMMERS DAVID GEORGE SAYBOLT I,OUIS COLE EMMONS, JR. CHARLES CU~TIS EMMONS PAUL A. RAFFERTY. Attorney, ] 204 I18nd Title Building "hilad"'lJhla 10, Pa. • 'T-ll..21 \ • a THE THANKSGIVING PROGRAM AT CLUB Holiday Celebration' Follows Charity Bridge Next week's Woman's Club program under the American Home Department of wbich Mrs. George W. Sweet Is chairman will have a real Thanksgiving lIavor. Freas B. Snyder of Drexel Hill will give a talk on' "Historical Homes in Delaware County" illustrated in color. Every one will have a part in the second, half of the program. The scene will go back to grandrna's time, with the Rev. Herbert R. HOWells, Philadelphia baritone ' . te t0 prOVI' dg i n musIc approprla the season, and audience participation in Thanksgiving hymps concluding, the program. Club members are reminded of their gifts of dehydrated or processed food for sbipment abroad. The annual philanthropic dessert-bridge party held by the Woman's Club Tuesday afternoon, November 18, was' well attended by club members and guests. Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe, chairman and Mrs. Harry S. Toole, co-chairman, and the entire health and welfare department were complimented on the successful operation of the party. A delicious dessert with coffee Was planned and served by the education department with Mrs. George Schobinger as chairman. Mrs. Forsythe expressed her appreciation of the cooperation of the local merchants and several club members who donated door prizes. RUMSEY = Ih~Od,. = EI CHEVROLET I CLUB CONSIDERS CHILDREN'S MUSIC :: and others along with contrlbutlOns, to the Delaware County Swarthmore 143' Scholarship Fund, the Bonsall 1111111111111111111111111 III 11111111111 1I1II1Ir.: Fund and scholarship prizes at the parents in theShe musical education of play the child. said that music should start at the dl ·th I 11 b' d' 1 era e WI ' U a les an sImp e folk songs. She felt that songs for children should be rooted in s"mething the child is interested in. She said that 'the extent of " tlWnrthtlOre CCillece Library 8wurth more, Pa. Frida,., N-.aher 21, 194r active interest in music manIfested by parents Is relIected in Thanksgiving Day falling on the child. ' The Swarthmorean's regular Mrs. Ashenfelter said great printing day next wj!ek, the importance lies in what she paper must be printed on termed homemade 'musie; group Wednesday, necessitating the singing, instrumEntal playing, moving-up of the news and etc. The art of listening is a most advertising copy deadline to important factOr in the child's Tuesday noon. musical education. She bought many records to illustrate her lecture. the Swarthmore High School. P.receding the address Mrs. The scholarship expenditures are 'Robert Hopkins, chairman of the made in conjunction with the program of the education committee of the club and county PHILADELPHIA federation. Early Deadline Next Week The Delaware County Branch of the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind sent an interesting exhibit of their work. Music and the child was the The proceeds of the bridge theme of Mrs. William B. Ashenwill go to the Welfare fund, felter's address to the Mother's which supports such worthy or- Club on Thursday, November 13. ganizations as the Uriited Cam- Mrs. Ashenfelter stressed the role • paign, the Community Health l!IIII1I11I1I11I11I1UIIIIIIIIIIUIIIUIIIIIII':i: SOCiety Center in Delaware :: FOR QUICK SE~VICE :: County, the March of DimES, n.e Red Cross, Camp Sunshine, the =__ c:all ::_ Salvation Army, planned Parent- = E = E SWARTHMOREAN Toy Sale, announced that toyS will be received', at the Woman's Clubhouse December 2 from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. The sale will be held on December 3 from 10:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. and collection of toys, etc. will be held on December 4 from 10:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon. All toys not collected will be given to the Community Health Center. The proceeds from the Toy Sale will be given to the Swarthmore Recreation Association. NOV 2 61947 / EVERYONE GIVES COMMUNITY CHEST EVERYONE THE SWARTHMOREAN BENEFITS COMMUNITY CHEST UNDEFEATED HIGH SCHOOL TEAM FALCON POWER MOWERS Made by Coldwell Im,mediate Delivery Have Your Present Power Mower Serviced Durjng Wjnter Months Media Lawn Mower & , Equipment Co. i, I· II I, Providence &: State. Kds. MEDIA 2456 i~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;;~~~~~~~;;~~~~;;;;~~ !: II I , I j 1 ! I ! I ' I, ! Flowers Tum For Thanksgiving To thank a gracious hos~ess, To add distinction to your table. To lend sentiment to your greeting. .)' BE ) I ) ii • II I CHOOSE / l :I! SURE YOU 0450 SPRI~~FIELD : ~ 1o __ 00 _ ON': .THING . WELL rp>, " - '-,' --', .• . ............-,-..... ..-. ,.-\.. ,--, . , ." ,- " U , ~ j one should be to do one thing years of his life in preparing himself to care for you when you need medical attention, H,ow foolish, then, to depend on others. When illness comes to you or any member of your family consult your physician without delay. Be sure that he is a licensed M~D. from an accredited school I '" CHMIEB, PA~ OPEN TO' THE PUBLIC Music and Dancing Nightly COLONIAL DINING; ROOM , ~------=-----~'.-----------,-.,- ASS'N CHRISTMAS, Toy Exchange By . Mother"s 'Club, Friendly Circle Fills Holiday Baskets Swart111horc Iiig:h School's glorious 1947 foothall team will end its curent ~ca50n tomorrow when it tne-cts Hs amlUal· turkey da!i ~QPPOJ-l,:: ent, Lansdowne, on the· SWarthmore con eRe fieliI. nntied record Swar-'nnc;rc has 1l1urh at stake in toIllorro\,;'s fra'-', Lansdowne which J stare(i out its season with four stra:ght Josse.;;. then tied a g:.tmc, and C"umc on to win its Jast three ::ontcsts has e\,erything' to gain in the S\','2.rthlllorc gam:.!', :\ spirited rontl'st hy halh teams is; anticipated. in -tbe ,game whidl -even ordinarily is a hard- f~uc!.ht h?tlc. S\\',:rthlllo~c wants to ~atn ~L" ll~nth str;.lIght Will • Offers Prizes To Residents For Decorations . Squad To Be Feted. By Parents And , Friends I Marionette Shows J , . . of medicine. Then bring your prescriptions to for expert compounding. ... US FIRESIDE LOUNGE .~ - _._, --~ Micbael' s· College Pbar:macy PIl'VAI~ "~Jll an~ BANQUET .. - . . .... . KOOM$' . . .. . I ON THE CORNER • ~ ~ CALL CHESTER 8286 Right from Grandmother's Trunk . . . and isn't it. wonderful, with its little striped Celanese taffeta jacket and black, swirling, ballet length, bow-tied skirt. sizes 9 to 15. FOOTBALL NIGHT DECEMBER" FIFTH·' " , ~ This' "year '1he Toy' Exchange forly'melllbers and present Ir;ends sponsored by the Mother's Club of,About the Friendly Circle were at th(.' aunual Sih·cr Tea held in of Swarthmore will be held on \Vhitticr, House. Thursday afterWednesday. December 3, from noon. The President, Mrs. \V. 10 to 5 at the Woman's Club. ~Iark Bittle, presided. . Mrs.. Robert HoplCIns Is the 11 rs. Earle P. Yerkes of Prince:'-. chairman of the exchange. In ton A venue showed heautit"uI colcharge of the committees are: Christ1H:lS lights are to glow • . ored stills and told interesting perl\Irs. Albert Stamford, recelvlng; Football Night, in honor of the sonal expcriences of a trip which t11roughout the borough, -ac- Mrs. Fredrick Anthony. sales; she and Mr. Yerkes took recently members of the Swarthmore High ,o":ling 'to tl1C annoUtlCCment 01 Mrs. Char1es Hodges, finance; through the Canadian Rockies. School football team and the ~1. 'B-nclmer president of -the Mrs. Lewis H. Shay, Jr., display; ~.. Mrs Howard D Sipler publicity' A large supply of canned food \ coaching staff, wiII be celebrat;d Bosmess : ~sWClat-ian.. . ' I was donated by members and Friday :!\'cning, Decemher 5 at ~. d ' , d Mrs. John B. Marker, clean-up . Iter a long lapse uc to wal an and disposal. frielltls to help fill the Thanks- the High School. Because of the giving and Christmas baskets for team's remarkable record this seawartime shortag-es. the Ass~ 'Toys that are complete and in needy families. has voted to sponsor, Il1 good condition should be brought SOil the cccasion is expected to be Refreshments werc served by packed with more than usual inti.. will iJl,.' di\'idcd into two I)ts who will he fca1' ~ .'. 1, '1'1"\' Money and unsold oys s 01. ! 'nn" I)a~ .. ('~, :\1 \.(Ii;~\ h'!il,~ iO yarr1-: ,a sho\\" each for children of two '!'ITl'l'Y l' 'I r I l' III " (' ,1.) ,I , II (I for on I ,' , l'fT I I I \\. . tm'~'d ill thl' sl.'cond part of the ' . • - , ""';1' be collected or ca e ".1'1 "':,I'-ir"li(,I,!,,,; ':;,;. ,( 1 ("r{'llt age cn'~. at t le 'oman s \ 1l1l011llct'lllCllt (.1 ,t\\, I b 4 from 10"'''' , " ,-J ' 'I I 1'1 I . I pro.c::r:1Il1 '!lId iamilil's of the mCIII' . -' I l' TlI'lk I Thursd,al1( pl.'nty I) . , ----,--(!ll tl-e (It!lt-r 1l;~I,r, <,I, •• 111:--<11)\,.1,. J., lr){~llla ('r, lorlllCr\ jll.l 001.:., f" ' I ~I' 'I ,.',II;lIll1llilY grown tn'l' at ui tLv 1w" i:l:a ,If)pI11ar 11lust;'atn-r of children's'lo It:S : 1.'11 1 )cr,S ('i t!e 1 t lCI_S{T"kII:dl.· This ("OI!l1l1itll-t' WI , b..:. :1 \',:n' '1"','!iL' 'hn,)ks. madt' till' marionettes and \':':1 (10 ':I", I ' , ('1' t WI" En' • ~-'1:'1l'~:. ,': _ ,," , ", , ,_ " • 1I1~ allr ..... ,:th'nn1 . . . lIl ('Ill 'ranj';lIl 1~.1- tl(' T n " l . : :'!'!"Ck,,,I, ;:~."'I:·\,\r',_",,j·_1 P;!illl,-,d th., h;ltkdl('P", lhl'~ .In:.,'\1 orc),. \\'1'II r~'Jll>at "It'I 1 tIL' I ',1 ~:, " \,'hich ;IIlIHI:llly ,,~'b \\';'~'r, 11. :-'\\:, .. , :",. 1;'.,:, '-. ". ".-".. _._ " .. " . ,. ,I, I can'.'"1 II" Ihr'·\ 1\:, ,'"I'I',I,'k rt'c~'i'·t'd t,IC 1 "1'-' ~!'I\'\'I"~ It" ' l ' l , I , \ ' , ' !l\''',,~, ,,<:n- t.I1,:iulh- , .1l11l I .HUlI,lll:\ (0111.:"lTl1ot, 'I" Ie Vi:'ol1l1lg' ,.. . I II stars II 'Hlllit\" tn'l', ".. I, hI ,,' , 1 , I ' t'I' loot)a ,ll' t'Cl\l II , . .. Scholll.. ..-t""""tiWlll'':'.- ,and 11a,'c fl-'CCIYl'( lllllC I ar IS IC . 'I I' "II" '( I (-, (I1n ... t1'111 \1l(1{'l~oTl Iligh " :\I'·!l,.ri;il I:, II! "--' ,-, , I' .. 'fl 1 .In( gUl·S:. \\1 )C !-iea c( alllon~ '('lllge " . Ho . . · II Ilolll1lan I I "r III its t't ... t t ..... n '-<:llll{'~ no tJ:1t' I:l~' reCOg'llItl0lL lese SlOWS wcrc I II' I :-;' 1 I I b 1 Tri lit- ,'1 -Il i· Co"pt'!'atlllg ,,1 hl' tht' )" a-:" ,.. ,. 1"" L"" _ P t 1(' . Ig 1 • cwo payers, llt t lere I,\, ,un.;" 'InIl -\\\arcl prt"l.:tll:(. . -. I ll.'llr'.tL'd h"Y"nd l.:lII~i,n\'l1l·:'; " IgIyell at the 1lI,'ersHl" ot cnl)'11 I ' k' ':1 !he c;;n;1 phlls with the com-I" " t ('(rEch(',,; \~";()C~:,!l.m jl I ' : '1 . I' Schooll;tan's \Veek Wile no spca .Ing. . .I I J 1 n E., \\,Ire L(l\~Il. Y "1" -... }~;rtlll;~II-:hil' ,yanl hue, . " ; €. i:'-j" l"ama t nrmg .' f' I . The main features haye been which 11< (,.'S () I in rl'cogmtloll ot 11:- ,1 e' I SW'trtI1l1101'" l'artlclpat.l1...: ?nd one scene trom a ort lCOlllll1g I f II II' , I I CI tinc aries Russcl1, I' '1" in tip "'l,r;j;~-, " I " , . I -1'1', savc( or Ie pu 1 IC part ot r an( • ' ,.' ':\nl 01l1stall IIllf ;, \.' . ,'!n their h"t h;c:h ~choo game t(.,- productIon IS current \. on ex 11)1 l' I 'II I I Id' tIe I I' ,. , ' . • • ',til'ld .raliH' . I I [morrow inc1l1dc: Harry \\~ arrel1. at the Pll1!adclphla : \-rt A'I'lance. program, . t 8W '15HC 1' IWI k lCThIe "In t 1CI BEREAVED I MI Ptl' OJ; tht:-=. mont 1 1C -"1. H . Pra\' BiBI mug a . oc oc. e pnnclpa On 111.' " 1 l·n"'ll'l· hr<;I1;:e, Hary ):ld ... l ,err). (111(') ; <:' . speaker is a man who has both a -I ·l'c~'\·cd the :\. .' Hor'c\' Barry Patton, l}a\·e loIlm~. I f ' II I k k i,h. 11"11n' J \\~eilancl of Soul I 1 II I Pro~')I'c" Pt."k. ! . :- .• Jl' 'I 1'0.- PhlzO'rai ':\[rs H. H. Hopkins of Crest ane oot)a namc an( a 'nac for ~ I II r trnll lY :1. '-'. • I II ,Eh:r.ah :.aug lll, \. ~~ ,.~. .. "\,' _' I' , ' '. II I' TI " ',-kl' nail rt:tl'rl1cd Sum ay a c 1 1 " ' · also rec1plcnt 0 Ie K H ' I Prc'<:,sn'an rc'urllcd hOl11e ~,fonc ay alter a ~IX en er all1l1,g Ie ata lcncc. Ie .. . --:Ie "as I II Charles (,('ncll.. o"an L'.<.' •• _. del I [ " ' 'II I)C onc \"I',('k 'tt his p"re l1ls ' home 1111 County Pla\'cr 0 IC. . 1 • K tl Chil- wcel" trip to Cahtorma an oora- mas er 0 ccr .... 1l10llles WI 1 I < ,.... I ' I Cll Delaware 1-' I I I (,Jcrald Ber=i:owltz. cnne I I' I I " I I I' , ,,' """',\('r S. Y. where' he laC JC \\k Certificate for l1S on s at.1t - 1 'I Jam,-.' HorseY Da\'i,l «I.:) \':~1crc she laC \'Islte( rc a I\C5 I ' I ' 1 f l ' father cc ,~ 1 n I-l1gh (rey, .. \ anaJ,!er . -'> '. • •• I (Continued on page eighl) dea.t l O who llS play against lCa< 0 ~IcCahan amI tn("llf s. . ' ~tph )yJ Lthe\Veiland. passc( 1'l1ft I, ~ I _ , (;corgc Stcorck. '" "c\'cmher ,. I'IJ at 11 Ie a.~ qc of 87. Schoo. ".: i "i,,,, "'" :ill WELSH ST. years of his life in preparing him- NESS ASS'N CHRISTMAS 1 U S E ' • The chief objective of every- • ~' Second Floor o , to_· -, ,-' ' , ' SPEARE'S H TO DO ONt THING WELL " DRESSES , • w ' '"",",,, 'I"""~' I~;' \; arren p'11:~I'r" .., _ P,',·OI11.~s,-C(. 1~'()llllmttl'I'" a~al11 I ,;1' L. • i, L Right from Grandmother'S Trunk . , and isn't it. wonderful, with its little stl"iped Celanese taffeta jacket and black, swirling, ballet length, bow-tied skirt, sizes 9 to 15, 'L . ' i I ~C'lI1lirs " I , ! I, iI , NOTPPD'r or Z8, IM7 z THE NEWS NOTES Jessie Gilbert of Park a\"cnue, a senior at Pellilsylvania College for \\'omen, Pittsburgh, and Patricia \V ciland of South Chester road, . a freshman at the college, will arrive home t h j s c\"cning for the Thanksgiving holidays to \'acatioll until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Park avenue will cntertain as their out-of-town guests ov.cr the Thanksgh'ing hilidaY5, Mr. Gilbert'li mother, A-Irs. A. P. Gilgert of Richmond, Va., and his brother, Dr. C. L. Gilbert, Mrs. Gilbert and two children of Greenwich, COIlIl. THANKSGIVING SERVICE I II The A: n 11 l,1 a I Community Thanksgiving S e r vic e of Swarthmore will be held this year ill Trinity Episcopal I Church 011 Thanksgiving Day I at 10 a.11I. The clergy of the variolls churches in the cOlllmunity who will participatc in the service include: Re\'. Lcwis H. Cutler, minister of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church; Rev. Roy N. Keiser, pastor of thc Swarthmore ~Iethodist Church; Everett 1.... Hunt. Dean of Swarthmore College. and representing the Friends' ~lcet!llg; and thc pastor of the A. M. E. Church, Rev. M. W. Frazier. They will be 011 display until Dl'cclllbcr 5th. • M fS. Kollwitz was born in KO('l1igsbcfH. East Prussia, in 1~7. She is the daughter of a llIastcfmason and gralldd::mghtcr of J l1titl~ 1 Rupp. founder of the first free rcligiom; congn'g-atioll in German\". Thc,st' llIen ga\"e her religious iu·~ai­ ism and sympathy for the wurkillJ' classes which critics hac oh~cn· ...'d in her work. During her youth, ~he studied art at Berlin and M lInich, In· 1891 she lJI;:~rried Dr. Karl Kollwitz, who had a clinic ill it worker's district ill Berlin. She lived there until her death 111 April, 1945. ~I rs. Kollwitz's work has extcnded into etchings, woodcuts, lithographs, drawings ami sculpture. A group of her crl"3tions appeared rccently in the "New York Times Magazine." Mrs. E. Van S. Cleveland and l-lrs. E. K. Boehmer of Park aveg Ilue are spending the Thanksgiving An informal dance for the eighth holidays in Atlantic City. \ grade group of thc Junior AssemMr. and Mrs. Frederick Anthony blies will be held this Saturday and children Pery, Roger and :Malnight in· the ,",'oman's Club from colm of Haverford avenue will 7:00 to 8 :30 p.lII. spend Thanksgiving tt.. with 1\.-[rs. Chaperones for the cvening will Anthony's parents ,~lr. and }.[rs. be !II r. and Mrs. Robert Allison Arthrur L. Perry of Rahway, N. J. and Mr. and M !l>!'c' I"(HING--1H'MOS1' WORRIW' ;18 DON£. OVER -1HING~ '1\.4A1' N~VU\' . ARE BEST i ' I I 'troubles give • that .some car no warning. Your tires ••. your electrical system • •• and your cooling system need a careful check-up at lead once each year. EVERY FRIDAY SWAR1'HMOREAN, AT SWARTHMORE INC •• PUBLISHER ' PA. PhOne, Swarthmore 0900 PE1'ER K. TOLD, Editor Lort'ne ].lcCarter MARJORIE TOLD Associate t:ditOt Rosalie Pein'li Theodore lUcking ' Edith Whitaker -;------Ibe -- as Second Class Matler., JanU;3ry 24. 1929. at at . Swarthmore. Pa.., under the Act of .March .•. -- .. - ..... _.- DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY . 3, Post 1879. NOUN SWARTHMORE, PA-, ">lI11JlT at (i " r t • r:. 0 ':1 C oc k . [he • \ oung •'\dult's CI U b WI'11 mect SUlIlla... evcniuu . 7 0 'I • J r:. a c oc k. .On 1 ucsday, December 2. there will be an Inermediate Del)artmcnt ~arent - Tca.cher mceting ·at the Church. 1hss Dorothy. Fritz will speak. I Holy Communion will be ccle~ Smul?)" ))ec':lIlber 7 will he urated at 8:00 a.llI. on Sunday, at 1 EducatIOn Day 111 the Church. At I which timc he annual Corporate 9 :45 o'clock the Church School willi . . . have sl>ec,'al .1' COIllIllUIlIOIi of l\.fen and Boys '\'.11 progranls auu projects in each clcpartmcllt to which l)ar- h.c hc1<~, to he followed. by break· ents arc invited. At 11 o'clock the' fast. Church School \\,111 meet at service in the Church will he for 1 9 :45, and the !~cctor will preach at the entire family and the Re" Or 1 the 11 :00 service of 11 ornlllg PrayI{aymond Kistler Presidcnt' of Il'r. L'sht:rs for the 1l:00 service Bea vcr Collt!ge 'Will preach on are:. \ V: H. Collins, he,;ul usher; "Education for Life." t A. d. "nahh; R M. Kilgore; L. ____________ ~ __ . \Vedncsday. December 3, will he: E. G~lod~nough; \V. H. Jo.ues; n. SWARTHMORE \Volllan's Association Sewin r lhy I' lJ. Xcwhn: and \V. R. Sanborn. g . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH for Decembcr. frmu 10 o'c1ock to• •41 '1'1.IC Y oung I' cop I' cs 1-'c II OWS Ilip Rev. David Braun, Minister o·clock. 1\tcmbers arc asked to i Will mct!t at 6:00~ P. "I. . H. Lewis Cutler. Ministel bring i1 sandwich, coriec and tea ~I !..Iuday. the. I' cast of St. .·~n. SUNDAY, NOVE~'IBER 30 will he served. YOli are nrg-cd to' d~cw. there w~1I bc ~ cc1chratl.ol1 9:45 11.. M.-Church School.. comc to help with he sewing or ot the Hol~ ConHnum~11 at 10:00 :00 A. . M.-"What Can You thc making of surgical dressings. A. 1\1. ChOIr School Will mect 011 Expect?" The Chapel Chaii will rehearse ~1onday and \Vedllcsoay at 4:30 500 P. M.-F'rcshman-FeUoww Thursday cvening at 7:45 o'clock P.!\L ship the Hoys' Junior Choir will rcThe Christian Study Forum, a 6:00 P. 1f.-High School Fellow- hearse ·at 7 o'clock on Friday and program of adult education for shill. the Girls' Junior Choir will rc- those in the parish and community. :00 P. J\I.-Young Adults Club. hearse at 3:30 o'c1ock on Thursday will meeet at 8:15 P. M., Oil Wed___ ,_ .. ________ . ____ afternoon. llcsday~ at which time the Rector METHODIST CHURCH \vill continue his instruction in the N. Keiser, D.D., Minister· METHODIST CHURCH NOTES Old Testalllent. Refreshments will SUNDAY.• NOVEJIIBER '30 The Church School .meets on he served as usual at the close of I A. M.-Churcn School. Sunday 1lI0rniug at 9.45, S. W. I the c1:,ss. . Church I I The start of winter means ., " .J OUR COMPLETE STOCKS CAN MEET YOUR NEEDS i tI: i'I Johnson superintendent. Classes are pro~ided for chilrcn of all ages and for a d u l t s . . Thc Young Adult CI~ss meets, in the sanctuary at 10 0 clock, :\1 rs. L. E. Kauffman, te.acher_ The topic of the sermon at the 11 o'clock service is "'Forgiven ami Forgh.ing". Thi... is th~ :S.i.x.th ~.l a series 011 "The Lord.s Prayer .. The Junior Church meets at t.he sallie hour ill the chapel., Allce. j and Sermon. Snyder, superilltC;!1d ell t.. .:1 6:00 P. ~L-Young Peoples Fel~ 1 The church l11~r:;ery IS opcn ior~1 lowshlp. . . the youngcr children durl1lg the:. TIlCHSDAY, NOVEllBER 2? morning- scrvice: .:'tl'rs. ~1.iTial11:: 8:00 A. M.-Holy ?ommunlon. Snyder and Dons Snyder wlll hc A.M.-Community Thab.ks~ in charge. giving· Servic·e. I The ushers for the day .ar~ EdI(\J.\I.).'\.Y, DECE:MBER 1, Feast ward Alston, ])011 D. D")lcJol1son, of St. Andrew. George Dunn, Erncst ~1. I rltchard, A. 11.-Holy Communion and Richard ~I. Snyder. The Board of Education meets THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY 011 Tuesday cvening at the homc OF FRIENDS of :\( rs. Richard "),1. Snsdcr, 209 SUNDAY, NOVEJ\lBER 30 Dartmouth A vc. . .. 9:45 A. M.-First Day School. . Rehearsal for the SCllIor chOIr 15 :00 A. M.-Meeting for Wor- on Thursday c\'ening" at 7.4.~. The Social Hall will hc open on ship. l",ESDAY, NOVE~IBER 20 Friday eening {rom i. to 9 for superi~cd 'recrcatitm undcr ).{ r. '" !lECE~lBER 3. to 3:00-Sewing and Quilt- Purnell. . The Ollicial Boanl Will meet 011 ing in Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All arc cordiallY Friday c\'cning at 8 o'~loc~. At ·this season contnbut1011S are invited. ---- --------~---.--FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park A"t'enue Below Harvard SC~DA Y, NOVEMBER 30 A. M.-Sunday School. :(HI .\. ~!,-Sunday Lesson-Scr ZOTOS PERMANENT mon, "Ancient and 1.fodeJ"n HAIR CUTTING ·::\t.'croI11ancy Denounced." 1110n. "Soul and Body". THEATRE SQUARE week, 8 p. m. Reading room 607 Chester Road Wec1nC:'sd'" 7 to 7:45 p. m. and 9 t01t!============;!1 m. ALL GOODS BAKED ON THE PREMISES ELECTRICALLY BASSETTS ICE CREAM DELICIOUS CHOCOLATES MADE FOR US EXCLUSIVELY VojE PROPOSE TO GIVE YOU A BAKE & SWEET SHOP THAT WILL BE THE BEST EVER HOURS- 9 A_ M_ TO 10 P_ M. Our llaker Has A Wid~ Reputation for His Uncelled Q~ality II m French and Danish Pastrys PAUL J. CAREY. Owner 11 7 :C~h~o~'~r~\~\"~I_1 ~:30 P. M. ~.IU~e~e~t the~O~'~'~~:I~,u_r~S~d~a~)~' parIsh house.,=-a_t~~===~=====~=~=~=============~==~I! 11"' , iI SALON PARK A VE'NUJ~ SVlarthmore THEATRE SQUARE. il Ginny's Beauty BUCHNER~S THURSDAY,DECEMBER4lli I -~ Yl ?1 The "CAKE BOX" I' Services :00giving." A. M.-uForgiven and . For4:00 P. M.-Vesper ServIce. 1:00 P. M.-. youth Fellowship. . TRINITY CHURCH Geo. C. Anderson, Rector St;NDAY~ NOVEMBER 30 ~\. -M~-Cor,porate Co 111· mUllion for M en ~LI1d Boys. A. M.-Church. School. A. M.-Mornmg Prayet· which is open to all, will bring u~ lirst hand information about life in Germany before during and since the war.. Hans Albrecht just came to America in September to attend he Friends World Conunittee for Consultation tl(~td in Richmond, Indiana, and he has sinc~ been visiting Friends in America and [at Pendte Hill, and his daughter whose 1~1Jsband teachcs at Pelln College In Iowa. Hans Albrecht, Clerk of the GerlIlaIl Yearly 'Meeting of Friends, will be with Friends at Swarth,.. morc Meeting on Sunday evening, November the 20th. Members of the Mecting and Friends in College will welcome him at supper CHRISTIAN SCIENCE KOTES in \Vhittier House before he ·'AlldCllt and Modern Necro- speaks about Germany in the Mceting House at 7 :15. His talk, ~l1ancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism. cnounceo" is the subject of thc Lesson-Sermon inall Chur-. chcs of Christ, Scil·ntist, 011 SUItday. Novemhcr 30. The Golden Text is: .ott't not your prophets and .your didner~. ... tint he in the < midst of you. dcceive you, neither WILL OPEN ON hearken 'to }'our dreams which "c • cause to he drt!ame(l. I~or tltty prophcs\' falseh' unto YOU •III my . Hame: -I havc .not scnt .them. sauh tthe Lord" (Jercmiah 29: H,'J) AT -'-Trinity Notes CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Iii GIFTS SELECTED EARLY HAPPEN~.c-~ I t so happens PUBLISHED THE s SWARTHMOREAN I Collee:e Theatre THURSAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Shown also at Saturday matinee, Children's Show I P. J\f. Bing Crosby and Barry Fitzgerald THE SWARTHMOREAN SWARTHMOREAN I THE I I I ! SAVE YOUR WAR BONDS; Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. • . THE SWARTHMOREAN Friday, Noyember 28, 1947 ~~NNEE~1ffSS~N~O~T~E~8~'--~-~~----------------~T~H~E~~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N~________________________________.______~r THE FRIENDSHIP TRAIN Love and charity, sisters twain, Ride together the Friendship .i I Train. A million homes arise and give, That the hungry of Europe may eat and live, The heart of America long to share; :'The gift without the giver is bare." Joined together from wide spread lands, Come freight cars of a hundred b>;ands. Oil bamers, coal burners, deisels and all Sublte electrics rush to the call. The engineers wife as she kisses him, Says-"Ride her right up to the signals Jim." Fecund America pouring forth In copious· measure from south and north. Box cars packed to the roof with food, Over three thousand miles of longitude. Roll on Friendship Train, it is li Borough law enforcers headed by Burges; J. Paul Brown Noember 12, at Strath Haven Inn. The conference considsafety, with emphasis on C}:r driver violations. Left to Manata; Magistrate Peter E. Told; Radio Operator Arthusr Bateman; Magistrate Morris E. Smith; the Burgess an TUB ~ , • r PTC now is providing more service than 10 dilily mileage. • 511 waSH ST. , .~ IS more con- PA. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Music and Dancing Nightly ume of riding, funneled into a few severely taxes transit faciIi!ics. .6:30 p. m. on evenings when . STAG BAR I FIRESIDE LOUNGE I . PRIVATE .PARTY and BANQUET ROOMS I, ~tores arc open, shoppers will have a faster, more, system's 3,200,000 weekday passengers comfortable ride. They will also be helping . ' workers, who must ride during peak l1Qurs. How to Speed Your Ride You can help speed your ride by: "Moving to rear of vehicles as qulclcly as possi"'e. "Having exact fare ready. " Standing clear of entrance and exit doors. I:_-------------------------=..-=-~=--------------------__ -.__.~ :.!n I I i THANKSGIVING DAY GAME SWARTHMORE HIGH vs LANSDOWNE mGH 'l:hursday, November 27, 1947 ENCIIANTING CHERIIB CHRISiM.\S (ARDS BY RUST C:ltAn HOLLYHOCK SHOP .. PARK AVNUE SHOPPING HOURS " Signaling operator when next stop is your stop. " Using the automatic turnstiles on subway-elevated lines whenever possible. or ~OM NOON TO 9 P. M. c December 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22 and 23 • All olher business days slo,"s will l. A.~alkin· on cloud•. -' ~ all 3 open their regular hours. THANKSGIVING > .: the smnrt young things nre thrilled to find such clever, cnsual clothe•••. nt the Joyce Lewis shop DREssES' nLOUS:::S • SWEATERS' ACCESSORIES • iTurkeys ... 59c lbl II I I ,I MODERN, COURTEOUS SERVICE Lovely wearables for suburbia L--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ .. _. _ _ . I :) f,ere in lown! CALL CHESTER 8286 I FC!\ ME'!.A For a Happy , ~ . Madison's li~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~B~U~T~rr Paint ClubFederated Conventendedand theVarnish National tion. Capt. and Mrs. Robert· T. Pfeifer of Shreveport, La. flew home last week due to the for Central City Dep~rtment and Specialty Stores " Presenting transfers face up and unfolded. COLONIAL DINING ROOM i h{ll" • .• .."I, centrated than ever before, with half the riding between 7 and 9 a. m. and between E 4:30' a :ld 6:30 p. m. This tremendous vel- By traveling before 4:30 p. m., or al:(;r However, peak-hour travel itS . . . Be any previous autumn, with more pas- senger vehicles operating record-breaking tJ COOLEY LILLEY a~i=~:~~: ~~e:x who was thei~ host. at a dinner conf,?rencc Wednesday. ercd current mfractlon of the law which threaten public right Patrolmen Ellis Lindsey, Robert Timmons, CharIes Graefenstein; Patrolman Joseph Guida; Chief Thomas Sgt. Elmer Zebley. How to Make Christmas Shopping Easier Mrs. J. David Jackson of Vassar avenue i~ having her mother, Mrs. Edgar M. Yarnall of Philadelphia as her house guest. o . ----------------·---ill! ARIONETTES ey.ryIt.dv wants one' true, r ROSE TREE M i. A soul of a nation rides with you. E. W. C. L tJ B D Mr. Robert Arnold of Walling- the 31st annual meeting of the, Hotel Wardman Park. serious illness of the latter's day to spend a week in WaShing· ford presented a discussion paper !o~r~states section of the A?,~ri-! :'railk c. Hartzell, Jr., SOli of aunt, Mrs. Georgine L. Machold ton, D. C., and they plan te on the subject of "Air-Condition_ h' h Waterworks Assoelatlon ~k alld ~Irs. Frallk C. Hartzell of Yale envenue, whose death visit their son Bill a freshmru· ing and Water Requirements at ;h IC d was held in Washington: of \\'"lIilll:lord, a JUllior at Amat Tusculum College over thE . _ __ urs ay, November 20 at the i hcr~t College, rcccicJ the John S. occured Sunday. Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hop~r."""",-",-""-",-",-------"-----"",,-,,-,,,,---:·,,---,,-,,---,, . '-:' .... -- .. -- - -. ----- .. I" f{(inllcll's Memorial scholarship 011 kins Mrs. George F. Fenno oj of South Chester road are :'o~:~~c~.IOM, Rowand of Elm entertaining the former's mother Swarthmore avenue entertainer Angela S. Ho·pkins of Ga. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Heminway 01 i !il avellue .r~t~rned following .a two- Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore Berkeley, Canf., as her week• WOMAN'S CLUB II i week VISit m Pittsburgh wIth her of Amherst avenue left Thurs- end guests. ",: son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ; and Mrs. Charles Schroth, and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1947 ,her brother and wife, Mr. and Z P. M. "SJeepina Beauty' I Mrs. Loxley Bowker. liThe Pirate Don Dirk" : Ann C. de Furia of Pembrook 4 P. M. "Mother Gooae", "Peter Rabbit" : College. will arrive. by plane on "Night Before Chriatmu" .I I Wednesday of next week to Ii spend the Thanksgiving holidays II with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. If . On Sale Phartnacy Guy d. Furia of North Chester road. Gifts Greeting Cards Toys -.-~-.- - - - - - - - - ---------..-,,=,.!!"'~ Mrs. Edward L. Conwell and son Jimmy of Merion are visit• aa leel1 : .. ing the former's paren~, Mr. and 703 Edgmont Avenue Mrs. James Bacon Douglas of North Chester road for a few Chester days. Nancy Rincliffe of Strath Haven avenue competed in the OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Honorary Sorority Music Contest at Stephens College, Me., and was one of 20 girls to be aecept1 I ed. Nancy a first year student at I Stephens, Is majoring in music at : the college. COME and SEE DELAWARE COUNTY'S GREATEST , Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Weiland South Ch~ster road will enI, of tertain Mr. and Mrs. Albert St. I Clair of Wilmington, Del., and , h~jr ~(:m Albert, Jr., a student at I Princeton. as their guests on I Th,:nksgiving Day. I Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde 'I of Swarthmore and Ogden avenues will spend Thanksgiving Day with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Thackara of lied Bank, N. J. They will be accompanied home r by their grandson, Pat Francis ; who will spend the week-end here before returning to Procter Academy. Andover, N. H. Bob Lange of "Langewood". SWARTHMORE COLLEGE FIELD at 10 :00 A. M. Baltimore Pike, and Miss Alberta and Miiss Louise Littlefield of Admission Aduits 75c Children 30c Rittenhouse Square, were guests of Johnny Bowan of the Barclay in his mother's, Mrs. Birchard Get in for the kickoff by buying your tickets ~rly at Taylor's box at the apera Rigoletto at the Academy of Music, SHIRER'S the COLLEGE PHARMACY Friday evening. Mr. J. C. Keenen of Newark, Ohio is visiting' for two weeks hls SOD, Dr. Frank G. Keenen Send your C:,ristmos greetin~s and family of Harvard avenue. on these darling cards, with cberubs Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore by Marjorie Cooper, member of of Amherst avenue have Teturned home after spending 10 days Rustcrafl's celebrated Artisis' Guild. at Atlantic City. Mr. Moore at2S aS$Orted cards to Ihe box ••• $1.00 OiESINUf H1ll. 8609 Germanlown Ave. • .BRYN MAWR, 859 Lanauler A.... 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD, SWARTHMORE I THE Mrs. John Chequlone's 501 Rutgers avenue or Mrs. Herbert T. The Christmas Party of the Bassett's 500 North Chester road. Auxiliary will be held at the TO PRESENT DANCER home of Mrs. Nonnan Hulme, 909 Westdale avenue on DecemAn artistic event which bids ber 8, at 2 o'clock. All interested for ,rivalry with any seen In friends are asked to join the Swarthmore for a number of group at this time, bringing a years is coming December 4, can of food and a silver offering. when the young rising dancer There will be refreshments and Juana will be seen in a program prizes. The proceeds will aid in of Eastern dances under the aush W . f th S filling Christmas basketS for the plces 0 e wart more omen's International League for needy, old and young. Old clothing in good condition, Peace and Freedom. at the Womincluding shirts, socks, nerkties an's Club. or suits, for uncompensated vetA disciple -of La Mari, of the erans of Coatesville Hospital, Ethnological School of Dance, may be left at Mrs. Howard Juana in her recitals has been Hopson's 218 Rutgers avenue, enthisiastically re~eived. .............rI'.................................... 1947\ 25tb Year 1922 , , The Garden Department of the Woman"s Club will hold its second . I IUeetlUg . sechona next 'Tues day, '0 December 2, at the Woman's Oub egI n UXI lary ~ at 2: 0p.m. 0 M rs. DR' . eed Geer, 0 ect ot es Chairman, annoullced all, exhibit of For Veterans suggestions lor Christmas decorations. A" alter"ooll of br,'dgc wl'll ocOn Tuesday, December 9, at ,2 cur on Monda Decen,b 8 p.m. the regular stated ,me,cting of L A C II eXJ"'cted that thcmscl,,;s ~ of tillS op{lOrtunlty to years and has suggested that members bring their treasured Hos- llieces for identification and' dispit at this past July the poor wear- play. ing appareJ of somc incapacitated veterans made a (ieep impression Up Oil the Auxiliary hostesses frolll Swarthmore. Men wore torn shirts. possessed no tics and at>~ ~ ~ A new club of young. local scater Chnstl11as cheer. colored boys has been organized, UPOIl visiting Coatesville I under the name, The Swarthmore Monarchs with headquarters at the home of its president, Elizah Baughn, 308 Union avenue. At present there are 13 members. One of the main activities " 1/ at presnt is trying to acquire uni- peared shabbily dressed. Upon informs for the club's newly form- vcstigation. it was discol."ered that ed basketball team. Adult spon- many of these men have no fam- PURCHASE YOUR ANfI·FREEZE NOW I,B3II~acdk~)\~p;p~o~I~.n~te~dfEE~d~it~o;r~~~~~~~~~i~~~T~H~E~~~W~A~R~T~H~M:~O~R:E~'fA~N~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 '::: __ Black attended Swarthmon· High I I w Ilcre I'e II Iayed [ootball S . cwo, -:=:: sor of the group is Larry Mo- ilies nor any seriously interested hammed of Union avenue. friends. The hospital management replied to our questioning that ally JUNIOR CLUB NOTES clothing in good condition which was sent to thelll would be very ~ I~~t\ ---r , - #*to. L..,'...·.. \ L'ear" How t 0, ches of the organization are working 011 conscription, and much effort is being put on displaced persons camps. Also, international :,chOuls ;trc beillg planned. Mrs. Frederick ToUes, co-chairman. of the Swartl1morc Branch, made a plea for American \V. I. L. grour;s to adopt German \V. 1. L. groups in order to reviyc interest among the peacc groups in Cermany. It was brought out that the i Swedish \V. I. L. has' one milJion llllemhcrs, a much greater p.oporI tioll ill rchttirm to the population I thal\ is present. 111 the United _ _ : _:__ :-= s-- There is -== - Nothing . Finer Than = F. M. Televi.ion .: : now = = .. .. .. = -= lil Jjpro, fpr 11. is Dppb; fill' ""Is : n ·m"r'!! "o U -::= ANNIE R. .fpr,urr. ' i W: BASSETT at PAULSON & CO. :::: ::= :: I ::- I"Hel-lS!""ne Farlll" Gradyville. Mrs. ' Il 1'1' = :: Dr. Jass{·tl \'.·as t = i lC Wi( ow ot the late :: ~ : :: E. = 7 :; :: So. Chester Rd. Swarthmore 1274 ... l'EIt~ONAJ~ S. jI ~ _ \\'lJC!i, " i MICHAEL'S ~ W ShOP . ~........~_......_ G~ ,Yo ~?L!:G:R:'~ARMACY ... -',' -~ - ~.- .. 'Iiou. t Wm. T. Patterson, Director Eighteen Years Experience PHONE MEDIA 2588 ,\"('urs.. Installations Serving 55 -5" . call RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swarthmore 1439 :: :nllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 111111111111~ Maker of Fine Photographs Penn State Bldg. South Ave. & State 81. Media 2176 Media, Pa. Bros. -.--E. Fischer g -§§ Charles -SBuilder --lil-= -E=-5' !;. /= -= P~INTlNG t?~I~! to all Fllries. I gently , '•• Take tire lead in accessories. ! I II I Call SwarthnlOre Ilrizc-. Never uncrawl. Retails. for I Will J'iell (or $100. :\Iar he seen' lY calling Sw. '0959. - - - - ,'FOR - - -RENT rF(ii)"""R"E";I;"'·T'-=~.T;;h:;;r':d'-t1ool" room wilh twin \r.h('·ds available. Call Swarthmore ~51J ~ ,;\\('('11 9·6 except Sunday". Call Fflliay' 1448 • day A. G. Caiherman PRESCRIPTIONS FIRST Suc:ce.. or to Victor D. Shirer 17 S. Cbeater ,Swarthmore 0586 • :l~-HFXt~"~c(llld-ll;;:-;~~;-;n;-l-\~~t -:--;; Chd,.lian Protest;mt. Reilly til :;:~~, The Swarthmorcan .___ ! lOR RENT S"Varthmo1"c home ("omilletI ely fnrni! ~ I I I IY 'l'HE COUR')' OF CO~U.tON PLEAS COUNTY • PE"NSYL ~~, - OF DEI.AWARE VANIA KINGSLf~Y l\£ONTGO~n!RY. Complain. nnt. \·s. Af,l.TSON STEEL PRODUCT~ CO:\[P.A~Y, Ddcnctant No. 640, Sep: temher '] P1"1ll 1932 In Equity FTl?<::1' ANn FTN,q, ACC:OUNT OF Mason Builders Supply Company GEORGE B. HARVEY AND HARRY l\£ONTGO:UgRY, R}~CETVJ.~RS. The aho\'c uccount has been filed in tll.1"' Office of the .... rolhollotn1"l· and Will 1)c confirmed hy said Court 011 ,!p('pmllf'r I~fh. HI.li, unIe:>!'; ('xcep. tlnn~ ar(' flied Ihp1"tl~TB 206 Hanard Avenuc Swarthmore. PellllL O r to her Attorney. A. SIDNEY JOHNSON JR Butler. Beatty. Gr~r & JOhnson M~ Pa. 6T.ll.V Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge for Suburban. eaJlS Remember Thanksgiving at Grandma's? Gxandma remembers! t Ashes • Rubbish RemoVal P'otD1erly of Media 1125 W. LeJUgh Ave., PhiIa. Remember Thanksgiving at Grandma's? Getting t1tat dinner was a giant's task. No watchful electric oven to brown the bird to toothsome perfection - no electric mixer to foam the mashed potatoes to airy lightness-no home freezer to capture the green goodness of vegetables at their 8avor-peak. No faithful electric clock to mark the passing hours- no electric switch to 800d the table with gay light _ no washing machine to churn up suds for the damask cloth-no vaCuum cleaner to whisk up crumbs. Yes, and no time-saving dishwasher, either. \ Lawns Mow'ed Geaeral Ha.uling 236 Harding Av(!. Morton. Pa. 'Funeral Director Remember the vegetables from Grandma's own preserve shelf-and the 8aky hot biscuits-and the pumpkin pies freckled \\jth nutmeg? I" WILLIAM BROOKS A. MERCER QUINBY [-'I • • LEGAL lordly turkey, crisp and brown, richly lined with two kinds of stuffing? ,Remember the gravy, too good for a kingand the mountain of mashed potatoes, crowned by a crater of melted butter? ~l)fJr T, or :- c Swarthmore ~MEMBBR Thanksgiving at Grandma's? Remember the i 12~.95.· will mean betterservie. for all. .. Swarthmore 2295 night Swarthmore 2253 CbeJ.ter FORR - SAI.E,=New PhilroMrnleI4S-=--f256 adio and record player. \Von as a good farty-line manners. It and Co. fOR SALE-Royal hlm~ Lionel electric train. some 20- feel. of tra.ck=-.• tunnels and VArious "29. Swarthmore Reese-Baxter S?ORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE, Me-I' SALE Repairs ~=====;:::~I. 2588 ev(!nings. WANTEO-Snm.1I furnished house or apartment in or near Swarthmore from January to lune. Call Swarthmore' 2021. \\'J\NTEO--=Cook.-man - or wom~lI. - Fh-e ( days a week. 5 to 8 p.m. Half a block rom bus lines. SW3.rthmore~0"4""O,,,_ __ and 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. Oak 4313 or HolI)' Oak tor appointment. All busi· IINII'! eonfldontinL Coloni" GUI)iJoluci No 5. Phiadelphia Pike. Wilmington' Del: "I\·are. ' WANTED~Honte for three month old anale tiger kittell. Telephone Swarth· ~re 19 .. 7. W. \N l' ED-i<:-'T"'O:-':b::u'Cy-c::C'''';b,C-'h'';gTh-:ich'al-c,r-.c-u-... .,-·' ery chair and Taylor Tot. T(!iephono Swarlhmore 2666 eV(!nings. Thursday. Sat· FOR :: Twenty' Years Holly . --~.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIif- Vi.cinity for past ~R50. \"" WANTKU- Thorougl~hrc'ldach511Und stud . servic(! free in exchange for Impft)'· I13 2084. • :: :: All TYPe:;! of Electricat 'kcO\N'L'E~-W~\~~~!~l1t iJest prices, • old duna, glQss, fU1"nilUre, drelnms. WALLPAPER and ·P.\I:\T 1r-_.·.P.I.'o.n.e_C_h.es.t.er_2.-.z.41.0.....;. - -=E: - FOR QUICK SERVICE -Interior -&"Exterior' 154~. LHS0l'!AI~ ~O!"e _ The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania -S - fH:huol l,y the day, 1II01lth. 0 A. .It.·12. 2 to CIlIl SWllrthmore 06(J8·U. Is. or. rooms are encouraged to contact Jmrnh o n Ladd, AVe Hou!ling Committee, Swarthmore Colege. Tc1(!phonc Swarth· Chester ~ 11I111I11I1I1J 1IJ 11Il1J1II1lI1II111lJ1I1J IIII!' A. WAYNE MOSTELLER VETERANS NEED ROOMS ·AIl per· S"S within e;uy transportation distance of warthmore who wish to rent their apart· Corner 5th & Edgmont Ave. Media 2567·R Media 0755 {'preciatcd by these patticMrs. Kath3rinc Lee M a'rslmll, Junior \Volllan's Club gathc'red at ular mental cases. Two years ago !~oQnize -_ .)1 \V. I. L. national legislative seen'the home of Rosamund Jones 011 two overcoats \vhicl\ were donated J tary in \Vashington. D. C., was tlll' Stratll Ha\'en aveUUe Tue~day evc-' by SwaTthmore. pcol>Jc \VCTC worn r 4.L. C invited speaker, on the subject oi Iling to 'add to their scores and by various vetcrans on thePr sched- 'I MOW International Trade Organization. discuss timely topics. uled walk. Therefore, shirts,' ~ies. She described the hearings -held in Next week there will be a hoard. undenvcar, vests, coats or other 8 \Vashington prior to the Geneva of directors meeting at the home garmcnts for Illen mav he left with I Confcren("~, and emphasized that of the hospitality chairman, Mrs. Mrs. Hcrbert Bass;tt, 5 North :', 1~ ~~ A - --""I! 1I10st of the !lUl11erous changes and George Harding on Muhlenberg: Chester road or Mrs. John Chic~ amendmt'nt:;; :"Jug-gested by members avenue. ,(Juoine. 501 Rutgers avenuc. of Congrc.:s.; and by interested Kappa Host~ss . 1business :-;'roups had been sccur~d IYal. Ave, & Cbeat.r Rei. Mrs. James Bacon Douglas o[ Sgt. Frank Home I at Geneva by the United States North Chester road will he hostess I delegation. -The spcaker rc"ferred Swarthmmore 1250 to the Kappa Kappa Gamma scwSgt. W. Russel~ Frank of Vas! to Swarthmore as the probable ...................I'--NJY.~.h~ ing group Tuesday, Decemher 2. sar avenue arrived home Sunday . birthplace of the proposed Charter from Camp'Pendl"'on, Calif., LifA I·S 01 the International Trade Organ'!l11II1I1I1II1II1II1I1II1II1II 11111111111111111111111111 111111111111111\11111 I\U I,III,IIII11I11!: following two,and .. ' IV, a~ " half , years !'.Iza t'lon, as \vor k e d on a t t Ile recent :: :: of service with the U. S: Marine «l Dlut tl!anks unhI Geneva Conference, in view 01 the : :: Corps, which included a year contributions made by" Clair WiI!I' I NO TUNING 0 CUNNINGHAM Ilrcsldellt of Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity, a member -=»f the Jesters (lLNE Cs II'States. IR 1 .J I I ~ W a Iter B• Linton Arters B ro thers Inco DAVE WOOD :md Repairing Since 1908 and Basketball. was 011 the YcarC:m'ractor and Bu Her New and Rebuilt Pianos " ' Alteration. ,ALBAN L. PARKER book staff, and was Prc::-idcllt of his class. ' Pbone R'dhy P ....k 1227 Phone Media 0459-1\1 From 1940, to 1942, Black spellt I.. two a11(1 a half years at Trinih> - _........ _ - CO,lIeg~, where he majored i;l A Price to IIIcot Every chemistry. At Trinity. he played r-----~--Famlly·s Neod foothall, basketball. and· c:I:Ha:ll(.'d Since 1905 the hasehall team. He was also vice. I)resident of his class, vice FUNERAL HOME wick to present theit concern over h!s position on conscription, which '-c;"" ~ '-:0:-:\),. ...:: t .. -.J :;;=;:;=;:;========..,.=;;;:'II~-"-"""",, --.----.. _1 PIA position of Sports Editor of the ~;\\"arthmorc College News Bureau. ' \V. I. L. opposes. The food and clothing contributeU at the meeting are being packaged and sent t.) Japan by Mrs. Duone Terry. Mrs. Malin r.eporting on the W. I. 1.. Inter-. will. avail made old glass her hobby lor many national Lettcr, said' that all bran- ,.nany '. ," Relief Clothing G,athercI\ ! 2'h tons of clothing collected from , lVilliam lL Black, SOil o[ Mr. Th I bo:-ough 'residents last wEick. The '[ CI Iar Ies E. Black. 403 E e Swarlhmore Col ege St u d ent group is .grateful to all for' thc an d "rs., uropean Relief G roup reports I[ fine cooperation it received. Par k 1\ venue, IlaS accepted thl' held in the North Princ~ton aVe· n~e hOl11e 01 Mrs. Patrick Malin on l'iovember 14 Mrs. Ralph Little" Jr.. reported on the visit of some 1l1cmIJers to Congressman Chad· I , Frida,., No_her Z8, 11147 • At the meeting 01 the W. I. L. '1' T CI h y, er at the Swarthmore Woman s Club the home of .M.rs. Norll~::n Huln.le will be in charge of the Antiques when .the LegIon A:wuhary w~n Department, Mrs. Birney K. entertam all those IIIterested III Morse Chairman 11 rs. H. Paul in ~his social. affair. Realizing that Gallt,' former cx~cutive secretary a .sllver offermg and.a can of food of the Bryn Mawr Art Center will WIll help fill the. Chrl~tmas ba~ke~s present her display 01 old glaSF for the needy 111 tlus area, It IS and discuss its history. She has Form Youth Club ' WILL REPORT ON CONSCRIPTION Members Display Antique Glass PARTY FOR GATHERINC GIFTS Auxiliary Party -, SWARTHMOREAN . .. -,. I sent . t~e same withOut delay to preWinifred. A(argaret Whittahr Reynold", and EdWlD J. Reynol"" Execuon ' 209 S~\'3.n Avenue. Rutledae" Fa. or to their at~ ~ \Vi1Iiam Taylor~ Jr. 'Eaaaire 202 ~bt;:. BuUdmi-,- I!~, Pa. , " :'i">"',n,'.I;~L • , ... .," ~ .. ...... . . , • • FricIa~, THE'SWARTHMOREAN NoY"'" ZI, lN7 .,-~ ~ STRATH HAVEN The 1"" Wi'" PersOfItJli,y SWtJrlhmore. Plio OPEN Final Panel Concerns Immigration Laws And Quotas • A five-women panel from the I RESERVATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN. FOR Thank.gi.iDg-Christmaa-New Year'. : I • 7 A. M.-8~ -OUTSIDE CATERING WedDeacla~, P. M. SERVICE 7"a.m.-Zp.m.-Sanclay 9:30 to 7 p.m •. LID. DAlLY DINNERS ••.••••• ; SSe to $1.50 Special Children's Platters Media League discussing the displaced persons problem in Europe today was the feature pre- ~---------------------------------------.-----------------------------------sentation of the final meeting of the International Relations PHILADELPHIA FALCON POWER MOWERS Study group of the Swarthmore Made by C9ldwell League of Women Voters held Immediate Delivery Thursday November 13 at the Have Your Present Power Mower home of Mrs. William Huey at Months Serviced During Winter 303 Dickinson avenue. The panel, composed of Mrs. , Joseph Marin, Mrs. Leon Saul Mrs. 'Frank Royc-e, Mrs. Isaac Lawn Mower Domblum, and Mrs. Clyde Shuler & Equipment Co. allalyzed suggested solutions to the J,>roblem, emphasizing that Providence & State Rds. I failure to reach a solution would MEDIA 2456 be one of the most serious dang-• ' . Telephone Swarthmore 0680 Media OIL BASE-WASHABLE PASTEL WALL PAINT ~flElTON-S(lIBII..IEYProduct H. O· Sipler 11 S. Chester Rd. ~ Swarthmore 0105 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flowers , i F or Thanksgiving To thank a gracious hostess,. To add distinction to your tahle. To lend senliment to your greeting. , BE SURE YOU CHOOSE ~~llie~~w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Stratton Bill and the Ferg- t uson Bill, now before Congress, would not alter the basic quota law governing immigration ·nor permanently change the present immigrations laws. The panel closed with an appeal to iddivid~al citizens to write congress Dr.supporting Frances Fussell then dismen these bills. cussed the tariff acts of the Recriprocal Trade Agreements United Sates of the past, al1d ,the group series closed with the anAct, and explained that our prosperity depends upon· expanding world trade and establishing a sound world econmoy. The study noun cement that a further series of group stndies in international relations will be undertaken at a later date. ' Football Night December Fifth CARDS CANDLES We Telegraph 'F1owera BALTIMORE· PIKE SPRINGFIELD ! 1.0== = =::: :======:;,;;; --- 0450 YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS .. '. • When you feel "out of sorts," when you have' an ache or a pain, well-meaning frit:nds will gladly prescribe for your ills. Their judgment is based on what they have heard from others, and they talk glibly of what happened to Pete, Sam, or John under similar circumstances. Such friendly interest may result in serious harm. When you need medical advice there is j~st one person in the world qualified to give it. That is your family physician. See him promptly. Bring his prescriptions to us. They v#ill be compounded. with accuracy and dispatch. Michael's Colle,ge Pharmacy ON THE CORNER (Continued from page one) who has established a reputation fot humor and apt comments. In keeping with custom the identity of both is withheld until the program begins. They, with the members of the football squad, the coaches and the cheer leaders will be seated on the stage 'of the Auditorium. The excdlcnt High School' band witt be on hand to do its part. One variation' from past programs wilt be the increased recognition given to members of the Band Junior . High School foothall teams, better known as the Heavyweights, Middleweights and Lightweights. They witt have their own reserved sections and will be called .to the stage· in groups and I personally introduced by the coaches. ~[ore 'interest is being displayed every year in these "teams of tomorrow" and it was felt that they merited more attention than they have been given. The big feature, of course, witt be the presentation of awards by Coach 1[ittard Robinson to the players who have added to Swarthmore athletic history hy the fine caliher of football they have played during the 1947 SfaSOll. This is being sa \'cd for the climax of the program. - . 'V. Swarthmore Presents I. L. .. Fashioned To Fit, JERSEY G,QWNS perfectly They fit into your dream3 with their smooth, beautifully tailored lines, their elasticized hugwaist. They fit perfectly into travels, for your they wash wonderfully and need no ironing. Black, white, pink, hlue,. maize, bOJ1- hon. Sizes 32 to 40. "JUANA" in a recital of EAS'l'ERN DANCES Dec. 4-Woman's Club Tickets $1.00 plus tax ,Phone Sw. 2806-W y////////////////////////////////////////////~///h LINGERIE SPEARE'S FIRST FLOOR