fEB 7 SWnrthtlore' CClllece Library', . . Swarth more, ·Pa. " 7:15 TONIGHT BASKETBALL WITH RIDLEY TWP. ; THE SWARTHMOR ~() SWARTHMO.RE, PA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1948 • VOL fl' NO•• = SILVER BEAVER AWARD TO MOORE I Ii Boro Man Receives Highest ·Scout Honor At the annual meeting and dinner of the Valley Forge Council, Boy Scouts of America, held Sat· urday, January 24 at the Broadwood Hotel and attended by more than 700 Scout leaders, five c'Sll· ver Beaver" awards were presented. The names of the recipients of this award, Scouting's most coveted ho'nor for "distinguished service 1:0 boyhood," remain a secret until the 'gh f the b J 1.._ C m t 0 anquet. OUD ., one • Moore, 25 Amherst avenue , was of the five winners. Among Scout-\ ers receiving this award in the past is Ambrose Van Alen of Park avenue. Mr. Moorc, a member -of the Council Executive Board and N'a· I' u cou t Panmllg t •lona1 C ounel'1 CbS Committee, is an outstanding l)IJsi· ness exe.cutivc deeply int,crested in youth. His businesS interests for t!lC last 21 years have taken 11im from 'Vyoming to ..Texas,.to New Jersey, thence to Pennsylvania and the Val. I ley Forge Council. He has been actively connected with Scouting in some leadership capacity during this entire period. The Valley Forg\! Councilof honored not only be': <..ause· his longhim, Scouting expcri. ence, but moreparticularyhccause of 11i5 outstanding leadership in Cubbing. Mr. MooJ1e js an Elder in the Swartimlore Pr-esoytcrian Church. He r~cently accepted the :positivn tOf director .of the scientific ;sect.ion laboratory of the National P.aint, Varnish and Lacqoer AsS"()Ci. _ W A: gt D 'C .:1 :ation 10 ;aSlun on, ..•.• :anu 'so is on the move .again. The .scant :spokesman in -presenting the .awariJ stated, "Before he leaves, howev.er., beeause of his -outstanding ser.vice to the boyhood of the Valley Forge Council, wc honor hi:n byawar.ding the Silver Beaver. We know that. w~ever his business ta~es him,,: he will alVt'3Ys b an ac:t:iv.e· Scouter and a greatsupportet' .of youth." Also representing SwartlunDre were George Alsto~ Jr~ Scoutmas· ter Wesley France and his senior patrol leader for the Methodist Church's Troop Number 3. Har· Ian Jessup, Presbyterian _ Church representative and Scoutmaster William Davidson attended for Troop 2. James Bullitt, commis(Continued on Page 4) Chosen Clarinet Solowt H. Weston Clarke,Jr., of Col1eg~ avenue wilt attend an Inte'rcolligate Statc Band three-day festival to be held at LOck Haven, Pa., in April. .Weston has chosen as clarinet soloist in an SO, piece band to be led by Eric Leidzen. Weston, a graduate of Swarthmore High School, class of '47, wi!l represent Temple University where he is a member of the freshm:;n class. .Pool Membership Growl Steadily Applications for membership in the Swarthmore Swimming Pool ar~ being received by the' treasurer, Donald P. ] ones, in increasing number& The announcement that a budget plan. for payment could be submitted ·has re~ulted in many' applications of that nature, each evidencing a real faith in the project and a de'sire to achieve a satisfactcry plan for financing member· ship. Req~ests for' membership from families outside the borough have been higher than antidpated. Preference to local residents WI·lt continue t'" .. be -0' mven but they are asked to file their applications with Mr. Jones within the week. The most general inquiry which has been made to per'Sonnel of the membership 'Committee is in regard to the word. ."depe.nd . . ........ ,t" used in .defining a family membership. 's wO.rd has a very gellcl'Thl otis interpreta.tion which can be clarified by con'tacting' the committee or the officels, John Seybold, Mrs. RC;lvis~ 1948 TAX RATE SET AT 131 MILLS Council Hears'CitizeI~S Authorizes New Fire Engine Borough. Council at its regular meeting. Monday night set the 1948 tax rate at 13 1-4 milts divided as fonows: 11 1-2 mills for general borough purposes, 1 milt for library mainten~mc~, and 3-4 mill for the Sinking Fund. . ,A group of CItizens consisting of Paul Williams of University place, ·IN· H. S. GYM . Registrars to Sit , Registrars· will sit in Bcrough Hall·.Thursday, February 11, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. for the convenience of· the people in Swarthmore. BAIRD, BROWN HEAD FLEET. DRIVE Local Recruiting Group Formed Monday ....YEAR .... WOMEN TO HEAR· MAUN ON REFUGEE Swarthmore Professor Is Next Week's Club Speaker On Tuesday February 10 at 2 p. m foJtowing the stated meting of the Swarthmore Woman's Club, Mrs. J Burriss West, chairman of the cur rent events department will pres~nt Patrick M. Matin, professor of eeo nomics at Swarthmore College. Prr, fessor Malin recently returned from abroad where he was vice-director of the Inter Governmental Com mittee on refugees with head·quar ters in London. His topic will he "The Refugee.- a Problem for' In ternational Organization and for Us." The hostesses will be Mrs. Thoma~ 'V. Simpers and Mrs. Donald P Joncs. Mrs. A. E. Longwell and Mrs, Ray S. Quick wilt pour at the tea table. On Friday February 13 at 10 a. m the literature department will meet at the home of Mrs. Harold G Griffin, 214 Rutgers avenue. She wit review "Grandfather Objects" b) \Valter Beebe \ViJder. A local' organization meeting in with the Navy's nat:onS.S. von Grabill of Cornell avenue, O~ W. Kerr of Fairview road, Max wide "Fill the Fleet Program" WDS Essl of Rutgers avenue, and George held in the AmricanLegion room in McKeag of Parrish road appeared Borough Halt at 7:30 Monday evel>efore Council to protest the erec- ning February 2, Under the Chair; tion of a prefabricated house" Jor manship of Thomas F. Baird and co; which Robert T. Bair had requested chairmanship of Burgess J. Pa~l ; a permit. Council' postponed ac'tion Brown the Swarthmore Tas\c Group : and will pas~ on the matter Monday was set up with the fonowing comnight February 9 at a meeting oi mittees: !ndustry- Paul Carey president . I the public saftey committee. It was decided to advertise for a of the South Chester Stevcdotes, new fire engine to replace the 25W. Henry Linton assist.1 year-old . tittle pump which was chairman, ant vice-president of the Sun Oil I 1 .1 I 't' 19'?? . -. ,_.:.... Company, -G.. ¥/i11s Brodhead Sun pure las(,f !ieC~n'4-1a.tit;. -In, ~... WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Shiphulding Company cxec\.!tive, Cox, Mr. Jones, Mrs. J. AlFEBRUARY 13th Education- William F. Lee; prc5ibright Jones. IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH dent of the Home .and School Asso," . ) , ciation, chairmani Frank R. Mor· The 34th \Vorld Day of Praycr ey supervising princ.ipal of Swarthwitl be observed on February l~ The Antiqms Fair 'Conunitteeof more Schools, co-chairman; Arthur the first Friday in LCJit, by a <:()u the Woman's Culb .annaunces ·the K. Meyers' admil1~strative head of tinuous chain of prayer meetin&s, dates of the third annual Fair as the ~cnnsylvania Stat,e .College Cen- around the world, .... beginning-April 5, 6, 7. The date is moved up ter. A!t'hletic and Recreation- Mill- with the rise of the sun over the· in order to avoid con'ilict wit'h the Fiji Islands just west of the inter ' Easter observanc-es .and school vnc- ard Robinson athletic director of national Date Line and ending on: S\VATthmore Schools, chairman: ations. Veterans GTOUp- Charles R. Ger- St. Lawrence Island in th~ c<*l Study at Penn " It is hoped tlr.i.t the return licity, 10:00 a. m.-3 p. m., 7 p. m.-l0 p. m. -Registration ...... Borough Hall J eryl Faulkner; paints, Pat Giles; Rotary, is acting as reservations 7 ~ p. m.-Swarthmore J. V. vs Haverford .••••• '••.•..•. Field House· chairman. Interested persons should lights, Barbara Crosset; and tic- 8:30 p. m.-Swarthmore Varsity vs Haverford •••••.•••..• Field House write to Mr.Meyers at 855 Harvard Vivian Herndon's house. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 The next meeting wi11 be held at 8:00 p. m.-Mother's Oub ....•...............•... Woman's Clubhouse avenue, or call Swarthmore 3340, for 8 :15 p. m,-Bush String Quartet Concert •......... Clothier Momorial Vivian Herndon's house.· acceptance as class members, conne~tion I ",- ------- Antiques Fair ROTARY GIVING rmulNG r Ian !l\II'DURSE. Apl'l-l 5, 6, 7 _. To Sponsor Six Weeks SCi tate enter TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR z THE SWARTHMOREAN - NEWS NOTES honor or'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rev-/ Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of also a graduate of. Bucknell, and :"ccciving cOI~gratulatiotls ".Jpon tJ~e Alrs. Daniel S. Morse of Parrish nolds of Glen Ridge, N. J., fonnerly Crest lane will entertain as their. previous to that served in the U. S. birth (If -a SOIl, Edward If orris Basroad will leave today for Hammond, of Swarthmore. The guests included weok-end guests, Dr. and Mrs. Clif- Navy, tJlrce and a·half years. sct1, 3rd, 011 February 2 in Brrn Ind., to visit her son-in-law and Dr. a n d urs. 'I J 011.1.\'. h '[ P carson M r ford Rassweiler of Short Hills, N. J. Mawr HOSI>it.1. , . Mr. Hugh A. McLean of North daughler Mr: and Ai rs.- Donald W. BIRTH The baby is a grandson of Mrs. and Mrs. ·H. Lindley Peel, Mr. and Tonawanda, N. Y., spent several Smith for h\"o weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. Morris Bassett Edward M. Bassett of North Chester Mr. and lIIrs. W. SIan ley Kite of Mrs. George Plowman. Miss Sue days last week with her mother, Jr., of North Chester road, ar~ ;.-oad. Ogden avenue. and Mr. and lirs. Reynolds, of Swarthmore, Mr. amI ~{rs. \ViUiam H. 'Vest of North Donald . H. Kinloch of Walling- Mrs. Theodore V{iding and Mr. Princeton avenue. ford Hills, left Sunday for Palm and Mrs. Lloyd Goman of WallingTO-M-P-K-I-N-S-B-E-LL Beach, Fla. ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Donalo Baty Wilson of Park avenue, horne for a two-week vacation from Colafcmina of Lima. The marriage of ~liss lfargaret Syracuse University entertained Mr. and llrs. H. T. Gibson and Louise Bell, daughter of Dr. and l.large Adams of While Plains, three sons of Park avenue will move Mrs. Ralph Emerson Bell of Media, N. Y., a Kappa Alpha Theta soror- Ihe latter part of the monlh 10 to Mr. Granl Edward Tompk,ins, Jr., ity sister, as her week-end guest. Parma, a suburb ot Cleveland, son of Mr. and- AIrs. Tompkins of Claire Rincliffe of Strath Haven Ohio, where lIfr. Gibson is Pro- Cedar Grove, W. Va., took place avenue, a senior student at Stephens duction :Manager of the Oeveland Saturday, January 31, at 4 o'clock College, Columbia, Mo., was jnitiated Printing Ink Company. in the \Vallingford Presbyterian last week into Tau Sigma Tau, Mr. and Mrs. George PIQwman Church. The Re,·. John B. Rowland •• honorary art sorority, at the col- and their daughter Ellis or" Har- Pastor, performed the ceremony. ' lege. Claire was chosen for this yard av:cnue, spent the week-end Mr. Da\'id Jcffris of :Media, orhOllor on the basis of her superior enjoying the winter sports at Buck ganist, and Mrs. 'VilIiam T. Bell of ability and interest in art. Hill FaJls. Chester, as soloist, presented wcdMr. Russel M. Heath of Cedar Mrs. Willialll T. Johnson of On, ,., den (I'JIlg music preceding the ceremony. lane, who is General ,Manager of avenue is entertaining her Duplicate :Mrs. Bell sang, "I l . ove You Truly", Scott Paper Company's Cut-Rite Bridge CJub at a luncheon at the "'Because", and "0, Pe"dect Love". wax paper plants in Hoboken, N . Ingleneuk today. Bridge will follo,v and Sandusky, Ohio, is being sent at her horne. , The bride, given in marriage' by by his company to the Harvard GrzdMrs. Harry Shidle of Rutgers ave- . her fathe~, wore. a wcd?ing gown uate School of Business Administra- nul' entertained at an informal teft: ~.f candle!lght .satm, fasll10ned with tion to take a three-month course Oll \Vednesday afternoon in, honor ltted b~,ce With bertha of heirloom in Advance :Managcment and Lab-or of her house guest, l\irs. Geter C. la~e, fu.1I s~irt, and long train. Her Relations. The course will begin Shidle of Pittsburgh.' veil of IIlu~lon fell from a headdr~ss February 25 and continue through) l\.frs. Raymond Dentworth of Elm of ros~-pomt la.ce and she earned .May 22. l\{r. Heath will spend as avenue entertained at a Neighbor- gard.cruas, freeSia, and stephanotis. BEAUTY SALON many week-ends as possible with hood Tea, Monday. MISS Margaret Hughes of Wilkes· his family, or Mrs. Heath, Sandy Amanda Spackman of Farnun: barre as maid of honor, Miss Charand Barbara will join him in Boston. road, Media entertained a group lott~ Schultz of Lansdale, Miss Beware, Lest Beauty Slip Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Wilson of Ninth Graders of Swarthmore Kathryn Wilson of Oreland, and of Park avenue enlertained Mr. High School at a coasting party at Mrs. Robert Billings of CollingsCan Swarthmore 0476 and Mrs. Charles Cleaver of Wil. her home Friday evening. wood, N. J., as bridesmaids, wore mington, Del ,as their dinner guesi. Mrs William E. Danforth of Hill- gowns of violet faille, with mitts of 9 Chester Ro'!d Saturday evening. born avenUe Jeft Wednesday to the same shade. They carried violets Dr. and Mrs. John M. Pearson of spend two months with her mother and acacia and' their headdresses C~rnell avenUe. entertained at a Mrs. K. D. Swartzel of Los Angeles: were of blending flowers. All the dmner parly Salqlrday nighJ in Calif. She was accompanied by her attnda~ls were sorority sisters of honor of Sue Reynolds, a member f daughter Carolyn. the brIde at. Bnclrnell University. the February graduating class at Mr and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of Mr. Ray Frjl1te of Emporium, Pa., Invites you to enj;'y Swarthmore College. Am'Ong the Princ~ton avenue will entertain at ~erved as best man, and the ushers out-of-to\m gUests were Mr. and a dinner party tomorrow evening. mcluded Mr. George Miller, Mr. Mrs. Walter Reynolds and David Among the out-of-town guests will Ge~~ge Roab of Braddock, and Mr. and Jane Reynolds of Glen Ridge, be Mr. and ¥rs. A. Camp Streamer Wdham T. Ben of Chester, brother N. J., formerly of Swarthmore, and of Pittsburgh, and Mr. and Mrs. of the bride. A reception followed Mrs. Waller D. Rej'nolds and Miss Melville Stein of Germantown.' at the ~ome of the hrides parents. Ruth Reynolds of Wallingford. Dr. and Mrs. William L. Nute of The young couple will live at est Lafayette, Ind., where the June has returtned to Palas, Turkey are spending a few Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. days with Dr. and Mrs. William T. bridegroom is studying for hi, And to att~nd ~n 8:00 o'clock .Concert Program of Spiritual. by Negro after spending a few days between Ellis of Walnut lane. Their daugh- Masler's Degree in Psychology at church chOIr. Plano Solo by MISS Aiice Baubhn - -Phone Reservations HAS YOUR CAR'S FACE BEEN WASHED LATELY? LET US DO IT NOW .r., I The Bouquet , STRATH HAVEN INN Serve Yourself - All You Want $1.00 Country Club Supper 6:00 to 7:30 Thursday, February 12 w. un"*'" college semesters at her home. Swarthmore ter, Maryly Nute is a sophomore at gra:luate Purdue University. The bride High is a 41Applebrook", Park avenue. College. of· Swarthmore Virginia Morse of Harvard aveMr. and :Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of School and Bucknell University, nue has returned to the University of Maryland following a mid-sernestcr vacation. Bi~1 Horsey of Swarthmore avenue IS home from Triple Cities College, . N. Y., for a 10-day mid-term vacallon.. Followlng college exams, 60 Swarthmore students left Friday for Buck Hill Falls for a week-end of skiing. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson }r., of Lafayette ave. entertained at a supper party Sunday evening m Teacher of Piano Facully, Del, Music School ESTHER WILLIAMS JIMMY DURANTE LAURITZ MELCHOIR •• 234 Park Ave. Sw. 1775-J I, ,,! I f I "Thia Time for Keeps" in technicolor class of '47. The bridegroom is r1;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I /s ,- I .-t\ I: . . 'II.!, !!c, (II.D' FOR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS '1/ ". Call Mrs. Lloyd E_ Kauffman Swarthmore 2080 . . _!e Colleoe Theatre Iii. n. =- = _. Saturday and Monday ABBOTT and COSTEl.l.O In "The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap" 8 It requires knowledge, skill, and All guesswork must be eliminated. Certain powerful medicinal hi. "HUG SAVEHS" i In order to equalize rug wear, be sure you cLange yours around occasionally 80 that d1e Iteavicfit traffic im't alway!! ('nnljn~d to the 5ame area. \ . For excellent rug cZoming. call 100 Park Al·e., SWai t!unlJre, Pa. , Swarthmore 0730 ... 0529 Clearbrook 4646 "Rug Cleaning is Rug Su.,ling" Sunday, Monday and Tuesday BOB HOPE "WHERE THERE'S LIFE" Tuesday BETTE DAVIS in "Jezebeltt .. \Vednesday and Thurs.'!;:"", ROBERT MONTGO)'IERY in i l'11/', '. prescriptions is no child's play. a high degree of accuracy. --'11. J II - - •. This business of compounding Friday "The Barber of Seville" Saturday Matinee, 1 p. . Feature cJ E 1\1 nAB I LI TV agents must be measured to a fraction of a grain. When you bring your preScriptions to us'you have : cPA"'SOH&Co. I MEDIA Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 5, 6 and 7 ANTONICA FAIRBANKS I Princeton avenue spent last week in Pittsburgh attending the Nationat Convention of the Americau Institute of Electrical Engineers. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Robertson of Dallas, Texas, who also attended the meeting, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes. .------- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, INS the assurance that all of these principles will be conscientiously observed. Your own phYSician will verify this statement. Starting W'ednesday, "Ride The Pink Hone" Michael's College Pharmacy "Green Dolphin Stree·t Starting Friday "Gone With the Wind" ON THE CORNER i , I SWARTHMOREAN THE PUBLISHED THE -"l EVERY FRIDAY SWARTHMOREAN, AT SpWuABRLTHISH~ORRE. INC., L PA. , ,i PhODe- Swarthmore 0900 PETER Eo TOLD, Editor Lorenc McCarter _red Office .. at KARJORIE TOLD, Ao!odate E41tor Rosalie Peinol Theodore Hicldng Editb Whitaker ... Scc:ond Class Matter, ]anual"J' 24, 1929, at Swartbmore. Pa., under the Ad of March the 3, Pod 1879. i ,Ii I DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON i SWARTHMORE, P.(. FRIDAY; FEBRUARY 6, 1948 ------ I I -.~-~---.---.----------------------------------.------------\ METHODIST .CHURCH NOTES The Church School meets on Sunday morning at 9 :45, S. W. Johnson, Superintendent. Classes are provided for children of all ages and for adults. The Young Adults Group meets in the sanctqary at 10 o'clock, Airs. L. E. Kauffman, teacher. At 11 o'clock service, Dr~ Leon T. hfoore, District Superintendent will prcach_ The Junior Church meets at the sam'! hour ill the chapel The ushers for the day a:-e George Shubert, Edward Alston, Don D. Dickinson. John Flood and Baul K. Paulson. The Church N urs-cry is open during the service for the younger children. Miss I·Ielen Scott and Batba_ra Scott will be in charge. The Young Adult Group meets on ·Monday evening at 8 in the chapel. There will be· a box· social and the committee have engaged a mag;dan lor the program. All young adults of the comm~mity arc invited to attend. The \Voman's Society of Christ1an Service meets on \V cdncsday.at l o"c1ock for dessert luncheon. TIl'e regular meeting ·wilt'foIlO\v. The S~cial Hall is open 011 Thursday evening from 7 to 9 for 5Up«vised !ecrca.tion under Theodore 1.. Pilrnc11. ~ -, Rehearsal for t~le senior choir is on Thursday eVCIlIl1g at 7 :45. THE SWARTHMOREAN TRINITY NOTES DR. HART L W. V. SPEAKER tea will be served 10 members and their guests. Everyone interested Dr. Oliver Ely Hart, a member of in' the problem of education today the Deparlment of Education at is cordially inviled to attend the the Universily of Pennsylvania and meeting. formerly principal of the PhiladelTo Study Needs phia's Girl's High School, will speak to the Swarthmore League of There will be a panel discussion Women Voters, Friday, February 13 on Tuesday on j'Are Our Present at 2:30 in Whittier' House. Her topic, "Present-Day Problems in Facilities Adequate" sponsored by Education" will discuss what is being the parents of the Rutg~rs Avenue done in educational. circles to at- Kindergarten. Scb'pol administratract new teachers into the profes- tion au"thorities will present to sion, and will also include considera- answer questions. The meeting will tion of pending Federal legislation to aid education, and the proposed be held in the Rutgers Avenue consolidation of the school districts School Auditorium at II p. m., Febthrough tout the state. The program ruary 10. All person's interested in this has been arranged by 11 rs. William problem are cordially invited to Huey, Chairman of the Educational Committee. Following the discussion, attend. On Sunday Holy C{jmmunion will be celebraled at 8. Church School will tIleet at 9 :45. At the 11 o'clock service ot Morning Prayer the Rector will preach. The ushers for the II o'clock service arc: S. B. Bren'ster, head usher; A. H. Knabb, W. Freegard, R. S. Baker, J. W. Jones, E. O. Lange, \V. H. Randall, and S. ,D. Reynolds. Confirmation Class will meet in the Parish House at 5:15. The Young People's Fellowship will meet at 6. Choir School will meet on Monday and Wednesday at 4:30 ·The ~estry will meet in the Parish Holtse on Monday at 8. On Ash Wednesday there will be a celebration of the Holy CommUllion at 7 :30. The Young Com.. municants of the parish will worship corporately and will be the guest or I ~---~-------------------------the Rcctor at breakfast following £his Service. Another celebration of th .. Holy Communion will follow at 10. TIle women of the parish will meet for service. and study on each I \Vednesday. in Lcnt. beginning on Ash Wednesday. The morning sewing will be followed. by a Lenten luncheon at 12 :30, after which a study class will be held in the Parish can be asslir~d of our nIgh standard House. of service. On our staff are Funeral The Christian Stuuy Forum, the program planned for adult religious Directors thoroughly familiar with education, will meet on Wednesday at 8 :15. to hear a discussion by all religious and fraternal orders.; • the Rector on the topic "Heaven and H"II, Final Judgement, and Immortality." . The \Voll1en's' Guild wilt meet on Thursday at 2, in the Parish' DIRICTOIS 0' .UNERALS House for a brief business meeting, to be followed by a book review 1820 CHESTNUT STREET presen.ted by Mrs. R. S. Baker. Taleph_ III 6-1581 MARY A. BAIR, PresIdent tc~ will be served. tilOir rel/earsal will he held in 'tl~~ Parish 'Ifouse - C;'.i'·:Thurs(lay· at 7:30. be School meet each Sunday morning at 9 :45 o'clock. Harry Oppen!ande, is the teacher of the' Men's Bible Class and Dr. Clarence E. Clewell the teacher of the Women's Bible Class which also meets at 9':45 o'clock. VESPERS. at 4 :45 o'clock are being held each Sunday afternoon until Easter. Special musical programs. are planned and the congregation and friends of the Chnrch are urged to attend these services. The Freshman and High School Fellowship will meet at 5:30 o'clock for supper .this' Sunday evening.. Dr. E. Fay Campbell will speak. The Fellowship 'of Trinity C!?ur.,h will be the guests of our young people. The Young Adult's Club will meet at the Church Sunday evening at 7 o'clock and then go to the Gibbons Home on the Baltimore Pike for the evening's program. The Young Married Couples will meet on Sunday evening 7 :30 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Jo,.f rs. Charles Martin, 406 Haverford place.. The subject for discussion. led by. H. Lewis Cutler, will be '"Introducing Religion to Children". The Young' People's Fellowship meets at _7:30 o'clock Sunday, Fcb. rll~ry ·8. Ail· nlembers are urged to attend, as final plans Dlust be made for the Student's Universal Day of Prayer Vesper Service which will L. W. V. STUDIES PRESBYTERIAN -NOTES be held February IS. INTERNATIONAL TRADES Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock The Board of Deacons wilt meet at scrvicf~ ~..rr. Cutler will preach on the Church 011 \Vcdncsday cvcnitlg, The second stndy ·grOt1p on In"The Christian and li-Ie Community". February 11, at 7:30 o'clock. terilational Trade sponsored by the Mr. and J..Irs. hfarvcl \Vilson at The Pulpit Committe which was \ League of ·\Vomen Voters of Swarthe Harvard avenue entrance will appointed at the Congregational thmore, will be addressed by l{arian assist :Mr. Cutler in greeting the, _Meeting, January 21 consists of Taylor, economics Major and Honer congregation after tflC churc1; scr- James lL Hornaday, Chairman, .Studcnt of Swarthmore' College, at vjce Sunday monling. Mrs. Reavis Cox, A-Ir.s. FrankHn· ";r. the home of Mrs. Thomas Hopper, All departments of the Church Flaherty,' David McCahan, H. Lind- 621 Magill Road, on Monday, Feb_ _~_____________ Iley Peel, Genevieve Reavis, ·and a at 10:00 a. lll. lfiss Taylor will disCarroll P. Stre.cter. Any .opinion.., ClISS the developments at the Havana or rec:olluueudatiolls may be turned Conference. SWARTHMORE in to a member of this committee. James Sheedy, also an Economics PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Woman's Association will major and Honor student conducted Rev. H. Lewis Cutler Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 meet Wednesday, February 11. The the first meeting held on Monday, 9 :45 A. M.-at.un:h School 11 :00 A M._uThe Christian and the Com. Executive Board of the Association February 2, Mr. Sheedy gave a munity" will meet at 10:30 o'clock. The brief, clear picture of the historical 4:45 P. M.-Vesper Service "What We· Believe" Worship Service, in the Churcll, at background of the principle of Free 5:30 P. M.-Fresbman Fellowship .Supper . 5:30 P. M.-High School Fellowship Sup· 12 o'clock will be led by Mrs. C. Trade and the devastating effect of per Ronald Groff, Vice-President of two "Vorld Wars with the interven7:00 P. M.-YOUDS Adulto . 7 :30 P M.-CoUe.e Age Fellowship District L The .luncheon wHl be he1d ing depression and the. resorting to 7:30 P. M.-:.young Married Couples at 12:30 o'clock, prepared by Circle high tariffs. He discussed the Gen4, Airs. H. Lewis Cutler, Chairman. eva Conference and summed up the 8 Mrs. Gladys Gilkey Calkins, Presi- points of the Charter, stressing the dent of the Y. W. C. A.'s of the close interdependence of an InterU . S. A. will speak on "Current national Trade Organization with Impressions of the Orient". the Mrshall Plan and European Write for details about •. The World Day of Prayer will be Recovery. One cannot succeed with';:~9 -;~s! 9:45 A. held in the Presbyterian Church on out the other, Mr. Sheedy said, and our bank-by-maiI service. 11:00 A. Friday February 13, 12 o'clock. on this fragile and intricate structure 6:00 P. The Girls Junior Choir rehearses will depend the future peace of the 7:30 A. 10:00 A. Thursday afternoons at 3:30 o'clock, world. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY the Boys J lInior Choir rehearses OF FRIENDS • Group S ervee S upper SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Friday evenings at 7 o'clock and Molhere 9:45 A. M.-F;"t Day Sobool. the Chapel Choir rehearses at 7 :45 The Fourth Grade Mother's Group 11 :00 A. M.-MeetiniL for Worship. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 q'clock on Thursday evenings. of Rutgers avenue is planning a • i 9:30 to 3:00 Sewng and Ouilnng in Whit~ covered dish supper for parents and .Member of Federal Depolit IJla1ll'8Dca Corporatio.. tier House. Box Luncheon. All are cord;ally ;ny;,ed. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH teachers of the fourth grade. It will tll'IJ;Tc~gr~Tl~¥ "SPIRIT" is the subject of the be held Thursday evening, Fehruary OF SWARTHMORE Lesson-Sermon in aU Churches of 26 at 7 o'clock in th~ Presbyterian Now You can buy Va S. Savings Bonds automatieally psrrN1>AY.eF\'io:Jl~rya8d Christ, Scientist, ~n Sunday, Feh-I Church. This will be followed by 11 :00 A. M,-Sunday School. ruary 8. The Golden ~Text i:;: uy c color movies "\~'ings Over Latin through tbe new Bond-a-Month Plan Asak at tbis Bank, 11 :00Sermon: A. M.-Sundar. Lesson . " an d "raq I " prescn t e d I1y "Spir it'. arc not .m the flesh, I Jut 'tn t Il~ Amenca \VedneS!'ay evening meet~ng each week'i S " t if so that the Spirit of God Josephine Hopcwood of the Phila8 p.m. Readmg room open datty ex..cept Sun· plTi t day and holidays 12 to 5 p.m. \Veducsday dwell'in you."- (Romans 8 :9) delphia Elec·tric Company. 1========;:;:===========:..:===:::::======== I .at I ALL DENOMINATIONS ·AND FAITHS THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. I Church Services Another good time to bank by mail ••• ~Re~8 Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. evening 7 to 7:45 p.m. and 9 to 9:30 p.m. Silver Beaver Award to Moore (Continued form Page I) sioner and representative of Trin~ ity Episcopal Church and Graham Wentz, chairman of Pack I, also participated. In addition. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Almgren, Mrs. Wes· ley France, William Brinsfield, Hobert Jessup and Howard Sipler, assistant district commissioner in charge of one of the five sectiom which includes Swarthmore, were present at the banquet. :Representing more than 16,000 Boy Scouts in Delaware and Montgomery Counties, whose program Is a Red Feather Service, tile leaders reviewed the work of their organization during t.'1e past year, anrl laid plans for the inclusion of 4,000 boys residing in the two counties, who are eligible for Scouting. A highlight of Lie event, was a series of tableaus showing differ· ent Scouting activities, and enacted by boys chosen from representative troops. Also on the program w;tS group singing and Scouting pag~ eantry. The inter-faith theme of Scouting was emphasized by the presence of religious leaders representing the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish faiths., ' The principal address was made by J. Harold Williams, prominent in Scouting circles, who pointed out that the Boy Scouts had to exIf'''d their activities to include a lnilUon more boys nationally. P ....Ii. Libnory Ac:c:es.iOD. The 40 new books which have just been added to the Swarthm"re Public Library include reading for both pleasure and profit. The com-I of the Swarthmore Woman's Club plete list is available at the Librar- last April. ian·s desk. Following are some of ------Juni"r Club ActiYe the books which are likely to be much in demand. Fiction! tFrcsh Th« Board of Directors of tl.e 'Vind Blowing," Campbell; "Eagle Junior Woman's Club met Tuesday At My Eyes," Kafkov; "Midnight .evening at the home of Airs. George Lace," Kantor; "The. Valiant Lady," Hardigg of Muhlenberg avenue. / Knight; "Eagle in the Sky," Mason: Mrs. Carl J .glum will review liThe Bishop's.'Vifc," Nathan, "Step "Abigail Adams" by Janet Payne:Down, Elder Brother," Niggli; ~Jld Whitney, Tuesday. February 10. at "Prh'ate Enterprise," Thirkell. 8 otdock. following a stated meeting Among the. new mystery novels are to be held at Anne Cochran's, 221 "The Bells of Old Bailey." Bowers: Kenyon ayenue. uThe Affair of the Sixth Button," The Club will hold a bridge party Knight; and "My Sister, Goodnight:' on F ebruaO' 24 for the benefit of McDonell. the Cancer Res('arch Fund. The non-fiction additions include "The Steep Places," Angell; "Lewis Discusse. Government and Clark," Bakclcss; "The TennesThe follo~\'ing excerpts are from see" (Vol. II), Davidson; Our Own a speech delivered by Judge E. LcBaedeker," Kinkead; "The Alamo." roy van Roden at a recent meeting Myers; "The Great Rehearsal," Van of the Women's Republican Club Doren; "David Lilienthal: Guardian of Delaware County. ' of TOJliorro~V",'~ \Vhit1llan; "The uWe have a wondcrful form ot Saint and the Devil," \Villwar; f:lI!d government in the United States. half-dozen others. which is fundamentally differcnt from that of the other nations of ARTISTS TO EXHIBIT the world. They cannot seem to understand us, and it seems quite lIIr and lIIrs. Cyril Gardner of probable that we have 'not tried to Wamng!ord will be alllong the exhibitors at the opening reception understand them. "For example, in Great Britian, of a Duct Exhibition of Invited the people ELECT a "government" Work at, The Woodmere Art Ga!rather than certain individuals .to icry" 9201Germantown ave: Chestrepresentative offices. The sense of nut Hill Sunday February 8 from 4 party loyalty is wonderful indeed, to 6 o'clock. but the Party is of chief importance. Mr. Gardner, a well·kllown porUln France this is even more evitrait painter, win exhibit portraits dent, ""cept that there are about a while Mrs. Gardner will show landdozen or more major political partscapes, oil and water colors. Also exhibiting will be Mr. and ies, each with an entirely dIfferent Mrs. Art1!ur Meltzer of Lansdale, set of principles and poJities. "In Germany, the people still feel both instructorsalMoore Institute, Philadelphia. Mrs. Meltzer, (Paulette Van Roekens) was guest exhibitors and speaker at. the meeting Devine Taxi " COLD AND"ICY· WEATHER Servi~e Swarthmore, Pa.: ..... Serving' ~rthn1oie, Mbrton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 Phone: Swarthmore 0444 . 'Food SUED Blld General Insurance 333 Darimouth Avenue Swarthmore 1833 Oosed -OUTSIDE A.. 1(.-8. eTery P. M. Sunday CATERING SERVICE CIoiIdreo·. ~ . J. E. LIMEBURNER co. Dispensing Opticians DriDk. Expcrts in the Making and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses MUlic 1923 Chestnut Street •• Philadelphia 6913 Market Street· Upper Darby, Pa. aDd DanciDs Nightly Comprehensive Public Liability Policy PETER E. TOLD 7 827 Lancaster Aye. Bryn Mawr, Pa. If yours is a party line telephone, try to keep calls brief • •• and space FREE PARKING them well apart ••• so that others may' Use OpeD to the Public the line as well. Result: PRIVATE ,PARTY and BANQUET ROOMS ..""'''.. Better service for all. The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania 311 WELSH ST. ""'~., '''~.,~,.,~, I I I •• Electrical Contractor Media 0755 PATTERSON , Arters Brothers Inc.: S. M. HARBISON DAVE WOOD Painting and Paperhanging --------------------------------------------------------- OPEN Dr. and Mrs .. Irven Travis'of Kenyon avel1ue entertained Mrs. A. L. Hutton and daughter Margery of Washington, D. C., as their week1. Furnishing, applyinf and rolling apend guests. proximately 15 tons 0 Bituminous con· crete. cleaning area!l to be treated. fur· Reliable IUld FrieDdly Doris Black of South Chester nishing and applying. asplialt binder and toad, home form 1'~ary Washingtc.rn furnishing. spreading aDd rolling crushed rock. College' for mid·scmcster vacatjon, 2. Furnishing the materials and pcrfom,· entertained a college classnm·te, in, the above work with the exception Jean Krotzer of Chappaqua, N. Y., of the asphalt binder. )JOIlf'O or as her, week~nd !,'lIes!. Outl_ iD.laDed $4.80 and up 3. ·Furnisbing Brut app1yinlJ approximate1,. (luring June. James Q. osc of Princeton ave5000 gallons of asphalt bi¥er. wrUe to Mrs. Icr Cot lagC. nue will he initiated into Cum Laude, All materials and work shalr be in aecorCall WaYlle 0104-M pr-ab. Virginia national secondary school hOllor danee with specifications. a copy.of which PERSONAL-Doardaqd nursinl( care • t t tl 83 d If \ may be secured- {TOm the undersllned to elderlr man or woman. Wann. aunny SOCIC y, a Evenine. Swarthmore Z688-M. Ie r alll1Ua oun< en . home. ReglStercd nurse. Madison 4906-J. Day exercises of the Peddie School The Borough reservies the right to re• ' Jed any Dr an blds and to award the porrEUSONAL-Vocuum Ctcanel'll. irons. 24 hour emerSenc-y service toABtera aotl. radios l'(>pllired. eaHad Hlghtstown, N. J., this Sunday after·· lions dc:cribed in items 2 and 3 to different contractors. for and delh-end. Oan Robert Brooks. gW;1rthmore 1548. noon. A certified check in the sum of $l00liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pt:RSONAL-Servlce on all makes of Robert Longwell is spending the must acconipany the bid of each contractor ('Ieetrie wuhers (Dendi.!: IDeluded), ,week of his mid.se111ester vacation and the per50n or firm to whom any conironers, vacuum de.nel'S, ranges tract is. awarded must execute an agree· ironl. loft8ters, fans ond lamps. Also from the. Dramatic Workship of ment and furnish bonds 88 required by 'o\"iring-ne,'I.· and old. .,\11 work com· the form of which may be examined in plies tn Fire Underwriters BPedftca. of, the New School for Social Rc· law, the office of tbe undersigned. tiol18. Call Eri.:h H. Haulen. Swarih- seal."ch, New Y~rk City, at his home more 2850·W ELLIOTT RICHARDSON pERSONAL-Window cleaning. 30 years on Lafayette avenue. Borough Secretary. il1 business. Will give prompt reasonable Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Pcirso l: 2T·'·6 ~ervice. Call Swarthmore 4592, Wm. A. Canter. • Jr., of Lafayctte avenUe· will be thC' REQUEST FOR BIDS PERSONA~.rpeotry jobbing Estim. guest of the Great Dane club .of ates cheeriuU), given. Reasonable prices. America at its annual president's Sealed bids will be received in Counc:il Good service. Reevea, Phone Swartbmore Chamber. Borough Hall, Swarthmore, Pa, 2::3"-70"'."W:.;.'-_ _~--·-------- I reception and· dinner·dance at t1-;.c on March 1. 1948 at 7:45 P. M. for' Hotel Astor in New York City next furnishing materials and doing the worlt "f laying an 8 in. sanitary sewer apprmd· WANTED Monday evening. mateJy 265 feet long' on Swarthmore Avenue WANTED-Laundry to do at borne. between Walnut Lane and Daltimore Pike. Jean Brown of North 'Chester Pllk np and deliver Phone Madison Bids are to be in accordance with plans US!. ., "A Wen Kept House road, home from Mary Washington and specifications which may be seen at WANTED-To rent h=OU"'s::."-"or::--::.=J>-:ar:::'~thl!: office of the undersigned. A certified ment two bedrooms. Needed March College for the mid-semester va- cheek for $100.00 must accompany ·each Never Grows Old" I. Will pay up \0 ,9D. Can swarth- cation, entertained Rosemary Argyle bid and the firm or person to wbom tI'e contract is awarded shall execute a eontratt more OJJ1·J. . of Scarsdale, N. y" formerly of and furnish bonds as required by Jaw. the \VANTEn=Room cia;-to PenD State- ce1i= of whieh may be seen at the office of Swarthmore, as her week":end guest form ter desirm. by refined student. Repl, to Phone the . undersigned. The Borough reserves Box I: The Swarthmore.an. and gave a luncheon in her honor tbe right to reject an)' or aU bid! \,rANTED-DaY'a-:-wOrk-desired h;-ex: ELLIOTT RICHARDSON ~rien~d colored woman, Wednesdays and at the Ingleneuk, Saturday. Thursda.ys. $5. and carfare. Ch~er ~Borough Secretary. Mrs. C. M. C. Lewis of the Swar1190. _.. . ' _ _ _ ._ 2T·2·6 thmore Apartmens entertained at ·WANTED-Immediately. Small furnished bouse or apartment, vicinity Swarthmore, a luncheon at the Ingleneuk Thurswanted by mother. two icbool·age lIOn" fOl' two to I.bTee months. Phone Westtown 2188-J day followed by bridge at her apart- --~----~~----~'~'----~ I' 'VAN~ED-Garage. . vicinity 'of-College ment. A' PrIce to Meet Every Tbeatre. Telepbone Swarthmore 2938·J. Family's Need Charlotte Hobbs of Park avenue "WANTED-Two "Or threc·iOOm- a~rtmeliriii Swarthmor.e or vicinity desiTCd by young is entertaining for several days, her architect and wife. $7()'$80. Telepbone classmate Lois Thompson of WoodArdmore 5683·M. FUNERAL HOME -WANTED-Part-time clerlcal-.k Qr bury, N. J., during their m.id-semesWm. T. Patterson, Diredol' . ' selling desired by woman with 10 'yeaN office experience. Day·time only •Gall Sw:lr· ter, vacation at' tlfe Philadelphia "ElI'ldeen y ........ Experlt!lee thmote 1193. . " Museum School of Industrial Art. PHONE MEDIA. 2588 WANTEn.:..Old and used. blob. Give list Jack Linton, son of Mr. and Mrs. or descrip!ig!!:.-Box_S1,_ Sw~mo!~,'y~: W. Henry Linton'of Benjamin West FOR SALE avenue, is a member of the FebFOR-:-SACE-~Selectt;!- fire-place wood. ruary graduating class at the Whar" . It:lrd and seasoned. Cut 20 inches. lon~:" ton School,' University of PennsylPortraits Commericai ~18. cord. SwartbJTIore 2078. . FOR SALF...-Man's" hrown - overeoat-;-5"w vania. The commencement exercises WENDELL PHILLIPS 38; ~ir"s ray wool coat and dress, botb size 14. AI good ~dition. Reasonable. will be held ,tomcrrow morning at 15 S. Lansdowne Ave. Telepbone Sw-olrtbmore 0231·J. 10 o'c1ocle. Lansdowne Pa. 'FOR-SAIj~Medium Jargelize "'Littie David McCaiam of Strath Haven Madison 1599 Elec:trie Man" stoker, feeds rice coal lrom bin to fire and ashes to cans. Perfect 8bapr~ avenUe entertained 18 Swarthnlore ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;~~~~ Swarthmore 0627-1. FOR' SAr...~PI;!.id coat; black velvet skati-ru{ High School friends at a dance at suit: both si:r:e 12-14. Call Swarthmore his home Saturday evening. ROGER RUSSELL 148B·R. John Reynolds of Glen Ridge, "FOR-SALE-Electric washer wringer:-type, Maker of FIne Photographs good condition. $25. Call Swarthmore 1900 N. J., spent the week-end as the All Typco of ~ after 7 p. m. Penn state Bldg. gueSt of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ImtaIIatI""" aDd RepoIn LOST South Ave. & State st. Marsh of Columbia avenue. LOST-One auto chain. Guernsey rd., SerriDa: s....- .... Media 2176 Media. Pa. Mrs. Norman Hulme of Westdale S\\-arthmore or Dartmouth ave., Wed· VlciDiI:r for JlIlSt nesday. Call Swartbmoreo~O~6!!:05".,=_,""_"" avenue will leave Monday to visit "COS1.=nrown wallet between Chester and her daughter Mrs. H. H. Baskin, Jr.• Twen*1' Yeart Swarthmore, Friday night Call Swarth· of Gainesville. Fla., until March 1. PIANO TUNING more 1644"==,.,.,=:-.:::-::==::-:07== I. rear Monday, Thru Saturday • • given FLOWERS DEW DROP INN BREAKFAST-:-LUNCH-DINNER Sealed bid. wiu be recclved by th. Borougb of Swarthmore in Council Chamber, Borough Hall, SWlfthmorc, Pa. on March 1, J948 at 7:4S P. ),,1". (or IUrface treating' approximately 15,000 5f).uare )'i\rd of &r· ough atreds to be designated by tbe borough High"ay Committee in form a'S fot· lows: I SERVICE I.:=======:::::=::;;:==:::::: ' Ss-ial ExcelleDt NEWS NOTES. tion of government is the terrible historic mistake we arc making. Th..~ evidences of this fundamental nustake arc many. "(1). \Ve made a loan at a tjm~ when the "government in power" was patent1y immature and inexperienced. The machinery of that government has stuttered. and stopI)ed and jerked on again after patchwork repairs and tardy adjustments. Our dollars have been used by that government for government and not 'The Round Token Of for the recovery of the nation. E.teeJlj ADd ThoughtfulDea. "(2). We took sides with a govrnfllcnt in· Greece and have tried to Decorative finance a war hy giving the Governand ment our money and supplies to Novelty use-and dissipate, until now the Candles Russian government is in. a likely position to defeat the government BALT. PIKE SPRINGFIELD we backed with her forces·' masquerading unde.· the misleading title of "gu$=rillas". U(3). We hayc reconized a government to exist in Italy and have left the people of the country to the mercy of those in power and to the threat of Russia. 11(4). ,In Germany, we have made Swarthmore 0450 a miserable failure of getting that WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS DAJLY DINNERS ........ ; SSe to $1$0 MIGHT CAUSE' YOU TO BE Will Protect YOU. i the need to lean uppn their nobility people started on tJoe road to reor local barons who have for gen-i construction. At Yalta, agreements crations gove-rned the p;oplc and j \,!e~c made by our president m~st oi ..whlch were ·secret, which arc inassulllcd the responsibilities 01 govd'!>1 H crUlIlent. crc 1 e. c agreed that when the war 'with Germany should end "In most Eurpcan countries there ' is no conception of permanent COIl- 'Russia would fight against Japan on . the side of the All,'cs, tl,at Germany tmuous government, such as we. in America know it. would be divided into zones, ;Russia "Jt seems to me that the' failure should hav.c her reparations and an unrestricted opportunity to take of our government in Wasington to understand the temperamcnt of the not only the Balkan countries· under peolJle 'in Europe and their concep- ~:~~::~~~s b~!II~Olal1d and eastern ' 30Z Gayley 51., Media IlodIa 2567·1l -- --= -E :: , Ii tOST" Galoshes taken by_!f1istake at Garden set:tion meeting of the .Woman's club. Sbe 9 left at Mrs. Redgrave's. Please ¢1 Swar. thmore 0344. COUNTY COMMISIONERS' SALE ~F SEATED LAI'!DS 'FOR RENT FOR RENT-Large room, private batlt. cne block from 5ta~iC?n: Very desinbl!= for 11t1!!iness man reqUlnng qUiet and.pnvacy. I'hone Swarart~2806.~. ._ FOR RENT-Large double room. and batb. with meals. Phone Swarthmore 0149. FOR RF..NT Near Media. room and bath, sleeping-porch. unusual feature!. For married. couple. Reply tD Box. J. The Swarlhmor~nn'~~:::=~==~T-::==~~~ "FOR-RENT=-In Lansdowne. Large. attrac· tive, sunny room, private bath. in .small adult family. Ncar train and bus. Business man. Telephone Mndi$On'c8,,:5!i5~0:!.R~.'--,=_.,-,:::: }o'OR-RENT-=One large, one small room ncar business center. Suitable for busi.· ness couple or students. Phone Swarthmore 2153. FOR RENT-\Varm, sunny room,. near transportation and tea rooms. Reasonable. Telephone Swarthmore 1156 . ___~ ·FOR-RENT":'Garage,-Yale avenUe'" below Chester road. Call Swarthmore O:!':!:14:!:.'--,~ FOR-RENT -r..arge. comfortable ~ond floor room for business man or student. Te!. Swarthmore 4536-]. FOUND FOUND PiirsrmI1YenOW--w-oo-Cm.ii~ hetween Dartmouth· and Lafayette. c.. . 11 at the Swarthmorean Office. FQUN-Blue frame sp(..ct&clesncar "'It-ut· gers avenue scbool.. Call at th~ Swart!'J· mnrean Office. -FOUNo.=..nrown andgol~"-\Vaterman f«i"Urltain pen. Call at the Swarthmoreari Office. and Repairing Since 1908 New and RebUIlt Pianos ALBAN L. PARKER Phone Media 0459-M PUBLIC NOTICES - In accordance with tbe Acts of Assembly such cases made and provided. the Clm· missioners of Delaware County will cher at public sa.le in the County Commissioners' Meeting _ Room. on the first floor of the Court House, in the Borough of Media, Pennsylvania, en TUESDAY, March 9. 1948 at JO o'clock A. M. tbe following described pices of land in said County. owned. or reputed to be owned by tbe respective persons noted. in Health and Beauty While Sle!,deriziDII. THE TERMS OF THE SALE WILL BE CASH Swedish Massage The purpose of the sale is to realize an uret price as set forth below against each o the following described premises. situate in the Township of Ridley. Normalizes Body Function Stimulates Circulation Relaxes Tcnse Nerves and gives you that C. L. CONNER JNO. H. DOHERTY ALBERT l- CRAWFORD. JR. Cnmnnssioners. of Dela.nrc County. ~[edia. Pa. Ma'l':_A. Hammill~ Ground 9 acres \Vynrlom Upset price $2177.31 Chas Hammill· l..ot 4 S. \Vyndom Upset Price 433.31 Chas. A. Hammill. Lol. 220 Upset Price 238.36 Mary A. Hammill- Lots 37-38-41·299·3011 \Vyndom Upset Price 1501.35 3T·2·6 \Vonderful-To-Be-Alive Fe~ling. , Lucy Sather 466 Hillside Rd. Ridley ParK, Pa. Riftley Park 084/!- R I 1180 MubleDheI'll Aye. S~dlore ,2295 .-:: a& ~ RUMSEY CHEVROLET· Swarthmore 1439 ~ :illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ A. Mercer Quinby Funeral Director FormerlT of K.d/a 1125 W.-x..hlRh A_, PbIJa. I Phoae Jl&[dwin 1170 i No~?" - -. -~ Charle. E. Fischer -.e: :!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ ~ Builder :: PAINTING :: Interior & Exterior ----. --- -.'-- 'i .-5; :: -' .'::' -' :: Swarthmore 2253 :-: . , -.1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f.' :: ;'i Swarthmore 1448 .:.,., ,. COil ~nJ'ruel dil A. WAYNE MOSTELLER.. FOR QUICK SERVICE :: Van Alen Bros. PHOTOGRAPHY .-:- . - :allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ WILLIAM )JROOKS .... ~ A RaI!IIbb R .... Lawns Mowed. Geaenl u,n1jq J36 lIarding .Ave. Hortoa. Pa. • Swarthmore Sign Service i' : j r Signs and Show Cards Paper. Metal. and 'Glass ( Lettering :. Window and Truck All Types ot Spray Painting L. MOHAMMED ' 308 Union Ave. ' Swa. 2890 t t i Walter V. Linton Contra.tor IUld Builder Alter:atiou Phone Ridley P ...k 1227 ~l~~m~.~~M~~~~~illl~IIII~IIII~IIII~IIII~III1~IIII~IIII~IIII~IIII~IIII~III; Call "Third Generation Builders" Mason Bullders Supply Company Horace A. Reeves BUILDING, CONSTRUCTION 331 Dartmootb AYeDue SOl Yale avenue Swarthmore 0345 Swarthmore-PhoDe 2370-W For All Size. Hard Coal' GOLD BOND POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS PLASTERING SUPPLIES RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS COMMERCIAL REPAIRS !IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1I Reese-Baxter Co. I SPORTING ,GOODS I I 816 EDGMONT AVE. Chester I I I ~--------------------~.' • THE Social Notes Owned and Operated by American Stores Company :~::~~~::~~l=~A~nOtha. big .v.nt I'; au. MaI'Ch of .m- ACME ""RCHES ONI ...... Prog••••• A c.lab.atIon that phas"'a. au. consistent policy of ..duclng you. food costs by au. IIproducer to consumer" prDgram of food distribution. Ihlablg .vent maans much 10 you a. are S1 w. NEW MODERN ACMES feafuring Hundreds of OUTSTANDING OPENED FOOD Y ALUES LAST YEAR RIB ROAST First 6 Ribs Standing Rib Roast AlI7·lnch Cull Freshly Ground Beef Webb'. Famous Scrapple !!!!. !~L~~~!erel 49C 47C Ib Ib { Fancy Haddock or Gloucester Redflsh '::':~s 470 !'n ZZO tEAN CHUCK ROAST SMOKED· PICNICS Sho~e;honk S Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart of Vassar avenue entertained the staff 01 the Media Friends School at a tea at her home ?\'[onday aftcnioon. Mr. and Mrs. (lordon Lange of Cedar lane entertained in honor of Mr. Francis Robinson of New York City, "Saturday evening, January 24 who was their week-end guest. Mr. Robinson is Press Representative for Katharine Cornell, of the Stage.· Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hetzel, Jr., of Thayer road entertained their club at a dil1ner-bridge at their home Saturday evening. Mrs. Howard M. Jenkins of North Chester road· returned LOr. . ~:t~~~~ fi:_ PEAciiES°:!.:-27 f.Jam .............................................65c lb. (String Ends) Leg.. _f Lamb ................ ~ ................ 65c H·.. Sliced Bacon ................................... 79c lb' Luscious Halves or Slices In a Rich Syrup. Freestone Peaches caR:!'::.'a Z N~:;n 45c Ideal Fruit CocktaU Ca~~I. •. N:;.~'h 37c Choice Fresh Prunes·' .... N:;.~v.. 19c Ideal Apple Sauce Ho~'~I. Z ~~~~ 25c Tasty Apple Sauce 2 ~~~~ 23c Cranberry Sauce ~~:: Z ~~;:': 39c Welch's Orange Marmalade i~. 21c Ideal Plum Preserves ·I~. 24c Glenwood Jelly ~~~~.ry ~f~~: 17c ~ Jean Brown, Bobbie Davis Doris Black were home from Mary Washington College for a mid-se. mester weekend vacation. Miss Margaret Brown of North Chester road returned home by train last Saturday following a two. week trip to the west coast. She had motored' there with het brother, Lt. (jg) Harry F. Brown Jr., who was returning to th~ U. S. Naval Hospital follOWing a 30-day leave with his family in Swarthmore. En route they visited friends and places of Interest. Mr. and M.rs. Bruce D. Smith of Princeton avenue entertained 12 guests at a dinner-bridge last Saturday evening. Ten membet;s of the Thimble Group met last Monday at the home of Mrs. A. F. Jackson of Park avenue. Mrs: James H. Hornaday and Mrs. I. R. MacElwee of Swarth_ more attended a luncheoq last Wednesday given by Mrs. Arthur Yeauw of Middletown road. Mrs. Yeauw took the part of "Mama" in "I Remember Mama", the recent performance at the Players Club. • Mrs. D. D. Rowlands· of Cedar lane enterlained her club at a luncheon-bridge at her home Tuesday, January 27. Dr. and· Mrs. George L. Arm_ itage of South Chester road entertain their club at a dessert-bridge at their home Saturday evening. George Christian Anderson . Rector of Trinity Church was a guest at the College of Preachers at the Cathedral In Washington, D. C., from Monday until Friday. Mrs. Thomas Plummer and her daughter Sibyl Joan of Wallingford have returned from Washington where they have been ·visiting Mrs. Plummer's mother, Mrs. 'A. Bruce Fahnestock. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Furst of Guernsey road entertained at a dinner and brid'ge for 12 at their home Saturday evening. . Fruits and Vegetables C ~' ~~ .... home last Thursday following a major operation performed a month a·go in the \\Toman's Hospi"tal, Philadelphia. Mrs. Jenkins spent the past few weeks recuperating at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Aydelotte of Princeton. Sara Beth Grier of Dartmouth avenue was four years old Jast Thursday and celebrated her birthday by entertaining eight of her little friends. Page M. Bullock of Cedar lane returned to HamPden-Sydney College, Va., Monday following a week-end at home. Lora Blackman of Cedar lane was home from Centenary Junior College for a mid-ten}! vacation of a week. 650 Ib Ib FRIDAY. F1i:BRUARY .. SWAR:rHMOREAN • New Cabbage .................................. 6c lb. Fresh Beets ................................ 2 Bu. 19c Celery Heart~ ................................ 25c Bu. Fresh Tomatoes ....................... '" . .29c Box IISCIJ Fancy, Blue Label SWEET PEAS 2~~~:33C . 'La-:ge Yariety quality peas with all thair garclen fresh flavor saaled in. Libby'. Early June Peas Acme Whole Corn G.lden Farmdale Tomatoes St~:;:nI IZSCO Pork (I Beans' Van C....ps Pork (I Beans CaUlornla Tomato Pa.te Alaska Red Sal,.,on gllitl 'Sstl Flour E;::~~I~d 5 b!.~ 43c I Best Pure Lard 'n Our Dairy Depts. CHEES~ FOOD ~"' I •• YALE AVE'NUE &: CHESTER ROAD SWARTHMORE 1250 lISCO · -&- 7 d7d7b- Rich •• II"". Pabst-eH StuJvd 6V··.. 24c PJmMltl. ,k. Cheese MedlulII Sharp ..... ,·3Se Gruyere I.ported swlu a--oz .,kl 69c Delrich Oleolll"lltlll. ·45e 1· .. fiISCtJ Quality Oleolla~gariDe~~.4Ic COFFEE .!'943 .... BEWARE OF ,LACK CAT5- ~~e. PETER E. TOLD· FlaYorful-Vacuum Packed Save coupons "om our three blends for valuabl. gifts * Some items are stili In limited lupply. "arelo..., If any of the above items 0 ... out of stock In your local market, ,leasC!t contInue to ask for them upon your next villt. \ 333 DARTMOUTH AVEUNE Seleeted, Eastem APPLES Grapefruit Swarthmore 1833 R.........uty, Staym.an or Gr•• nlna PI.. .... I. Be I To_taes F,no.'" l~CE~ERG LETTUCE ca~:~.r;la Jtq>reseatiag the A!ma1.iIe ............ l ~ - ..".... 29c Ib 13C e1a'" '" General Insurance Win-crest CoRee t!'. 400: 3~:'SS.IS Ideal CoBee ~ 490 Election of D.E.L.C.A.A. Officers Teach us every da') C fine South AmerIcan Ccfhas, Itcled', .xpttrtl, branded. Kadel of Prospect Park. Harold Grimm ·of Upper Darby, Ernest Poirier of Chester, Floyd Walker of Moylan and the past president Rich· ard Wolff of Lima. Committees for entertainment and for finding speakers will be formed. ~he Association plans to interest as many as possible in avi~tion. One of the ainlS of the group is to have as many towns as possible plainly marked for passing pilots. In order to cut down accidents, it was suggested that numbers of low-flying or stunting planes be taken and reported to eitlJer DELCAA or CAA. It was also suggested that DELCAA fly polio sufferers to the hospital and aid in the "March of Dimes" cam·· paign. wherp you can , 3"'" $1.24 MARK ASH WEQNESDA Y lorty aide or Walnut Lan. aDd blending FARLEY-Jan. 27 First and Par• thence in the bed of Swarthmore A"'enue tial Account of John E. Burt Ash Wednesday, which marks Nortbwardly a distance of 265 ft. more ot" Trustee, Estate of Philip A. the beginning ·of· Lent, will be J~s to. a manhole to be constructed at . eaid pOint. Farley. observed in Trinity Church with SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be for FULMER-Jan. 23 First anc ' 1 H 0 Iy Commumoll . the benefit of properties on both aides of Under the auspices of the Jynior t h c· .,cele b ration 0 Swarthmore Avenue abutting thereon in. Final Account of John ~lmer. Cross Nathan Bell's seventh at 7:30 a. m. The· Young People of c"u~ing any.property beyond .tbe.Bo;'?lIgh Executor, Estate of KatherinE . • • • • • limits to which 5uch sewer 19 actts!llble. eighth grade Social Study the parish Will attend thIS service 10 Said sewer shall become part of tllc public M. Fulmer. Deceased. made a drive for the eola group, to receive Holy Conununion sewer system or the Dorough or Swartlirunrc. HOOD-Jan. 2 First and Fina: of clothing and money for after which they will be the guests SECTION 3. Said sewer shall be ("on· Account of Land Title Bank for the needy in Europe. The and Trust Company, Adminisof the Rector at breakfast. Another '~i:ct:1t~n t~~CO~r~~ghWi~c:!:.~ca~~d ~: trator, Estate of John J. Hood. was organized and· completed celeli~~tion of Holy Communion witl accordance with a plan thereof, .bowing elevations and grades, prepared by the Jr., Deceased. Vleek before the Christmas holibe held at 10 a. 111. Borough Engineer, dated January 14th, LARKINS--.ran. 26 First anc . I 'Il 1948 also on file with the Borough SecreTh e women 0 f t ItC pans 1 • \VI tary: and shall include all necessary man. Final Account of Fred Pleibel movie planned by the seventh have missionary sewing following holes. Y·branches, and accessories for house Executor. Estate of Anna C. connections. plus collections from the the 10 a. m. seevice, and will' hold Larkins, Deceased. SECrION 4. The proper Dorough A home rooms brought. in $25. their first in a series of Lenten Ofriccrs are hereby authorized to enter inu. LOMB RDO-Jan. 20 First ane money ihe children voted to luncheons at 12 :30. A study period such contracts as. may be required for the Final Acount of Frank Lorn· construetion of said sewer and accessories bardo, Executor, Estate of Joto the American; Friends Serwill follow the luncheon. in accordance with law. Upon the CQmpletion of the work. and the asCertainment of the sephine Lombardo, Deceased. \·ice COIl\l11ittec for a newly deveAt 8 :15 p. 111. another discussion in entire cost thereor including advertising and MARZOLLA-Jan. 14 The First loped food progratll in France. the series of programs planned by engineering service, asseS5mcnt shan be by the llorough Engineer, as I!..rovided and Final Account of DelaOver, 350 articles of clothing were the Christ Study Foru111 will be led made by law. upon the properties on the Easterly ware County Trust Company. brought to school and packed by AYSTRALIAN FOOTBALL CLUB by the Rector on the topic "What ~nd 'Vesterly sides of Swartbmo:Jfe Avenue. G d' f th E t te ' respeclively. abutting tileron. for Ihe entire llar Ian 0 e sao, the cOlllmittees. The 18 cartons NAMED FOR CARL DELLMUTH . does . ~he Episcopal Church teach cost thereof. equally ac~ording to the foot Stella Marie Marzolla. late c. \a minor . were given to the American Friends concerning Heaven and Hell, Final rronlage, with proper allowances for tor· ner lots and properties hitherto assesse:l; • t' • • for distribution in the American A football club in Sydney, Aus- J udgcmellt, and Immortality?" and due notice tht!:reof shall be given the l MOORE-Jan. 27 l! lrst and Fma owners or such assessed propertie5. ] f Account of Chester-CambridgE Zone in Germany. tralia has just been named for Carl any such assessment shalt not be paid with. B k d T t C E in thirty days arter completion of Ihe work an an rus ompany, xThis work of the Junior Red K.. Dellmuth. Director of Athletics Mother'. Club Meet. interest shall be added at the rate or 6 per; ecutor, Estate of William H. In the school endorses the at Swarthmmorc College. Dellmuth Mrs. Roliert Enders will speak cent p,.er annum. fro~ t~e d~te of completion, 'Moore Deceased. and, If not paid wdhm five months after ' efforts of the child ha:-: just received w<::>nl that a Sydney on Sex at the next meeting of the such comple~ion. the SoUicitor shall cause McGUIRE-Jan. 26 First ane encourages him to be aware or group, convening on J al1~ary 5 to Mothers Club, Thursday, February liens to be filed ap-inst tbe various l,rop· Final Account of Bernard H. in front of which said. sewer has been Krow and Harold Lockal"d. to contribute to all local chari form a new Australian rules foot- 12 at 8 p. m., at the Woman's Club. erties constructed. for the respective amounts tlf Executors, Estate of John J. ball club, chose the name Dellmuth Her discussion will deal with child- such assessments, together with lawful in. terest from date of completioo, together witb McGuire Deceased t..:J lommemorat~ th~ 1I1~n who in ren from preschool age up to the attorney's commission and 5 per-cent pen. NEUDECK'ER T 2' F' t • alty as allowed by law. The Borough reserves. - o J an. Irs ~nc troduced Australian football to this beginning of adolescence. the right to' enforce collection from the Fmal Account of The Flrs1 The regular meeting of the owners benefitted,. w!Jether -within : of February. A. D. 1948. ceased. . and Final Accoullt of Gi<;>vanno such sewer is accessible. Di Ferdinando, Executor, Es- ZELL--Jan. 27 First and Fina' ANDREW SIMPSON (signed) By President of Council tate of Ar;stodemo Di FerdAccount of Clara S. Zell, Ex· TilE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH inanda, Dec~ased. ecutrix, Estate of John J. Zell OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDMN: Att..t: ELLIOTT RICHARDSON (signed) DEWEY-Jan.. 26 First Account Deceased. Dorough Secretary SF.CfION 1. An 8 in. vitrified tcrr3 of Robert Gallalther. Executor; Arthur P. Bretherick, cotta pipe sewer shall be constructed :n the Estate of Mary E. Dewey,DeRegister of Wills and CierI< bed of Swarthmore A...·enue. commencin~ . . . ~ at a manbo1e located ::It or near thc South· ceased . of Orphans' Court junior Red Cross Sends Aid to Europe We are riQht here broken mirrors, walking under ladders, etc. on' Hoodoo Day, Friday the 13th! But better still, be protected EVER.Y day against loss from accidents with )£tna Accident In- HANNUM & WAITE Ibp.ln'31C Heat·llo Roatfec. C box ~ Graund a. 'urrha...d Z 95 .Ib Sandwiches Z '::~: 39c N,::;.2 18e Z ~~~ 31c Z '!::.' 23c ~-:' 16c Z-:"-:-17c· .:::~ 59c _. b!.~ 85e NEW GAS STATION HOURS MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. SUNDAY 8 A. M. TO 5 P. M. .~_~~Y~.~F~E~B~R~.U~A~R~Y~6~.I~~~______~____________~____~T~H~E~~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N~______________ ~ ___________________________7 Hart£o4. . Inil ., Con"""';OJ' 1111 EDWARD L. NOYES & CO. BAS5ETBALL • .• '. • • ! ~ " , .. Members and friends are asked to attend the sewing day of the Legion Auxiliary on Monday, Feh. uary 9 at the hom~ of hirs. Harvev Pierce, 109· Princeton avenue, froUl 10 a. Ill. to· 4 p. n1. Members :Jfe asked to bring sand\\'ichcs. _.._.. - RotarY The 'ijglis.shoo! iY!tia!,a~il1m will AVC MAN 'FORE- , be open to adults ea'~h Wednesday night Jor. badl)linton or volley-ball SEES Tilis inf~rliial re.from 7':30 to creation program will be under the Claims Only Choice is supervis'Qn of Millard Robinson. 1 , . Method; Peaceful or WORLD GO'VT 10: Heels I (Continued form Page I) . trade schools Films and sp~aker. will be available for represelfiative groups. The physical requirements have been yowered, sepecially in regard to eyes and teeth. The local group in organizing feels Swarthnwre has qualified well as a Navy town in consideration of the wartime V-12 unit at Swarthmore Colltege, fhe Naval HospiAal Annex which was housed in the formt"r MlIfY Lyon School buildings, and its contribution af"oyer 200 officers and men for Naval service during the last war. At Monday night's meeting Chief Hodgens, U.S.N. explained enlistments requirements and answered all questjon~ of the new group members. His office on the second flocr of the Chester Post Office is open froin 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Monday through Friday. The meeting closed with a repor~ of 100 per-cent support from all local residents who had been contacted on the ventuie. the distribution of literature, posters and stickers for dh.p'.ay in windows of borough business houses, and tile setting of the ncxt mceting for 7 :15 :Monday cl'cning cbruary 16 in -the Lcgion room preceding the Aillfworth-\Verllher Post's "Navy Nigl:t" mceting. The "CAKE BOX" RCAVICTOR TELEVISION • l TREASURE TREAT ORDER NOW the GILBERT CHOCOLATES sa Pastry _PoI/cy'" $325 ,.,... $J.60,.." ,_ .... 01 $11 wt.W COWf* , •• ~...., _ _ ,,.,..,. ad", we• .,.,.,..... . . , . .. ' ... THOMAS F. CONWAY RADIO &: ELECTRICAL SALES &: SERVICE PARK AVENUE Medical Society to Meet The, regular monthly meeting o!: the Woman's Auxiliary to the nelaware County' Medical S'lciety will be held .Th.ursday· evening, February 12 at 9 o'clock, in the Mdia Inn. Media. . The President, ~f rs. 'George B Sickel, Shath Haven avenue will preside at the nlceting. Petits {ours, Hor's d'Oeuvres and Sandwiches made on order HOURS- • A. M. GLEN~NOR FUTURE OUTLOOK . We'" silling box .a. the finest a. H. S. GYM SPeaker Tyrannical "VIe will have a world govcrnment within five or tcn years," predicted Cord Meyer, Jr., president of the United World Federalists speaking at the Swarthmore Fricnds Meeting House at Swarthmore College Tuesday. The choice, he declarSoles ed, is between a union based upon the peaceful and voluntary consent of the nations and onc based upon Rebuilding tyranny and opprcssion. HWe have a very short time," he warned members of the local AVC chapter. I "Events have been going {rom bad Thomas B. 'McCabe of NrJrth to worse. The moment to be:gin Chester road, president of the Scott working toward a federal world NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE Paper Company who will addr,·., government has arrivcd. the Swarthmore Rotary Club at YOUR FAMILY'S The author of "Peace or Anarchy" its luncheon meeting at the Inglenpointcd to the changes which the euk to'day. past fivc years have brought. He Spring and Summer noted the perils inherent in atomic cnergy, biological warfare, and the Shoes Club, the American :Manageul('ut lastes type bombcrs and rocket$. Association and the Chi fraternity REPAIRED EFFICIENTLY AND "In nOllc of these weapons," he and served as a member of the !nstated, "can the United States have ECONOMICALLY TO MAKE te~-Fraternity Council. a lasting m.onopoly." u'Vc must 'THEM WEAR TWICE AS LONG concludc", he maintained, "that while this country is today capable of MRS. HOPKINS, CHAIRMAN dcstroying at will any industry or city in the world, ill the ncar future Celia Shoe Shop Thc following oiiicers wcre electit will be in the position that thc Graduate: at F and M E.tabli,bed 1904 ·cd at the annual tnembership nICetother nations presently occupy:' 102 PARK AVENUE llr. Meyer spoke of three :oug~ En~est O. Lange" Jr., son of ing of the Swarthmore Branch of gestcd ways of facing the threat of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lange, oJ the American Red CrQ~s on Jan. future d·cstruction; Peace by ;11- Baltimore pike and Church road uary 30: chairman, Mrs. Horace 11. timid,atioll, he pointed out, would was graduated frum Franklin al~d Hopkins; vice-chairman, Mrs. 1.3 , ".be too costly, both in tcrms of Marshall College at the February I Rue Hendrixson; trc,asurcr, ~r rs. Hugh O. Thayer; secrctary, ~.[ n. money and freedom, Jeadill8". firstly. Comnlcllcclllen t. Charles E. Fischer; re-elected a; to a lower standard of living and, :Mr. Langc reccived his bacca!- director for 'a'-three year tcrm Elrie scc-ondly, to a police state. The pr:tc- aureate degrce in accounting. Jie ticability of using the atom bomb was a member of the Canterbury S. Sproat. immediately against what we may fo deem our encmies is likcwise rJilngerous, [or while it may lead' to victory ~ it will incur crippling losses in rime and pro'pcrty and llcccssiatc the creation of an American empire based upon tyranny. The only altern-' CHESTER and FAIRVIEW' ROADS .. ...,~.I alive left is an international organiTHEATRE SQUARE "":..i... . EYE WITNESS zation, a union with pOWer to niakc laws binding on thc individual!> of the various, countries. '\Ve want a _t-~ ,/::;~.~~:'~;?l system that is prever(til'c, that I, p '~' deals with war bef~re it has a chance to start," he stated. The . ,,: IOgrallll " , ", you'H enloyl . . United States should take the first step by offering to cut her armed • BOlllloa........l1li0... forces if and when other nations hoeby are witting to do the same. If Russian does"not ioin, Mr. Meyer • D",ma, comedw contnued, we must unite with those • Pashlon" that wilt, keeping' well-prepared in hOIll.lllaklng .' the meantime to resist possible • New.ca..., Soviet aggr'esson, yet extending to ......I.al.v.n.. :Our liaht-tez_ed sponge her a welcoming hand. The pre• Children', teatu .... sent conflict between the U.S.S.R.' cake in flAvor you mod'· and the United States is not due to and an exciting cconomir. or ideological differenrcs. prefer. variety of olh. he declared, but rather to the faei entertainment. that they aTe the only t~vo large (Hwt Shaped) .countries that survived the lasl war ,in a condition as to enable ; t;'-,. . . ",.." I. ' them to engage in such a power struggle. Sm~ n~w table Nt whb IMJ. in. of bript, clear, oteady Mr. Meyer is' a member of the The Choclates of Connoisseur-. actIOn pietlJrel, """"".inolUne by RCA Victor'. am~ Eye national planning boalrd' of the Witn... Picture synobroni&ernUeh "Golden Throat" ton American Veterans Conunittee. and carried by ltatio-free FM ••• oH-18-ebinne1 A.tomatlc Statio~ his talk was sponsored by its SwarFrench AndDaniah Selector. Compact, band.rubbed walnut 0Ir mahogany finish . thmore College cohapter. cabinet. AC. . . In home enterialn.. IN . WITH Adult. R~re&ti_ ~ro,...,.. Auziliary To .seW . , • .' . ' 7.15 TONIGHT TO II P. M. Phone Swa. 3Z4S Delivery service Daily 11:00 A. M. & 3:00 P. M. Th~=::: L~:io~:~'ary.HEADS ANANCIAL .It o';;:~ ~tonth:' :"tua~ ~r:~ ;' AlexanrJer Ewing, 100 Dartmouth avenue. Members are asked to bring alt coupons they have collect. ed this I)1onth. ' . GIVEN Dr. Williams Tells Rotary d T urn M a Y COAL DIY., . The next m~eting of the D. R. A. F R. L' DEFINES EM R. to Meet H.S. STAGING BIG MINES will be held Monday, February 16, at' ~ p. m. at the home of Mrs. Roy C J . R . E . JI. Rincliffe of 633 Strath Haven Brown' Promoted avenue. Co-1!ost~ses will be Mrs. Urges Town to Aid in By Department Russelt Phillips of Strath Haven avenue and Mr5_ George Stull of Applying Golden O' _____ Be Near A preview of busines!\ conditions In .1948 was presented to the Swart~ore Rotan' Club at its regular meetit)g laSt week by Dr. Alfred H. willinms of the FederallJe- D. A. c. Chester. Rule Florence Harden, representative \ .The appointment of Dr. Ralph of the Cancer Detection Center. On November 13, 1947, the perL. Brown, widely known coal tech e Philadelphia, will be the principal sons at the cabinet meeting who PROBl' nologist and a pioneer in the deve- speaker. proposed that Swarthmore students lopme.nt of new products from coal give aid to Europe probably never tar chemicals, as chief ot the Bureall dr aerY,! Bank . In. Pbi1adelphia, forOM SERVICE" . earned that the whole school of Mines. Coal Branch, Fuels and . ' medy dean of the Wharton School on IVes appmess . would help to conceive such a sen, E.xplosives Diyison, is announced by <>f the University' of p_." '"" . Rec'(-pe Next J ames Boyd, Bureau Director. For sational plan.<. Under __ ,.Ivanla. - - . the able care Dr. Williams pointed out that at and loving airection of Bill Huey the past year, Dr. Brown has been the present moment the country IJl ay serving as assistant chief of the and Judy Dickson, Swarthmore in a cOnflicting position. For Uie On Tuesdav. February 10, alter Coal Branch at the Central ExperiHigh will be able to Pllt over one last several ' _ 'Commodity and brief announc',lIIenl> anti re~rts · ·III. P'IttS b urgI1. of the most unusual and unique aid ........ e" ment S tatlon D • d S stock prices have been going down Mrs. John F.·Michael. president of ..... riC ar an tevens programs ever before attempted In while the President bas been urg_ the Swarth.,-"),',, \Voman', Ou1>, In his new position, Dr. Brown Sh C a school system. "We are Indeed ing men to reverse th!> upwards introduoo.d Mrs. J:unc, E. Richards wifI,supervise the Bureau's research are om Y lucky to have complete student and spiral of priees which ~ noted. seccmd vice-prcai,:.",t of th~ Dela- in the mining, preparation, carboniDirection facul~ co-operation in effecting "The p"""""t Situation comllll as a ware County Federation who zation, and gasification of coal and our plan," state the student cbairsurprise ID nmny because el;,,((, 'from tho: county related subjects at Bureau experi-During the week beginning M'ln- men who' go on to explain the' plan was e)l.peotea 'In 194'1 but .at ment stations and pilot plants in day February 16 the Swarthmore which offers each 'and every clti'come. The prOllTam Ilrescntd 'by Mrs_ varmus parts of the country. He PI ' CI b ~ t ROOM zen a chance to playa part. will be stationed in WashingtOn. ayers u presen. uMarch During the war the natiull was J. Burris Welvn acquired early ex- ray and Allan Boretz.· This eom- this week you will be asked to following ;fiiis vasi expenditure of cn.cussion cl the nil- peri~n~e in coal research in the edy ran for 500 perfonnances on contribute C. A. R. E. Every money a pronounced dc!preSim. ugee problem by Professor Patrick colle plant laboratory of Inland Broadway, and was later JI!Ilde Into organization in Swarthmore will be would!l!elDilt In the" post-war period.. M. Malin of the college. For se"e: Stee! Company and th~ Koppers a movie by the Marx brothers. privileged to share in this week. However, wllat luippened ...;.. lfba't yea!'s 1fr. M ••H" \Vas r V:C{Hti- CO l11 l'any laboratories at the Mellon D .. ";n" 'C. A, R. E. Week', social h Co-direct.ors Jonathan Prichard an.d - -... rt · t P·ttsb h Wb I t there OWBB .-an eXtreme demand for rector of 'fhe interg!>vernru.~ntal ns u e, I urg en t e studies classes will devote. time to .ili.";\V1IT ..... .. .. W. J. ofSte1v4eospla' Jr., haveuall ._ the. of' 'our tOWl?-.' . 1n'Cated:iimnY'shortages -and alsO I' . ...,......ra,. . ~ r.t·<\! ..en". ...,. Y~'. L~ a,.CIIS~._,. _,._~ ~'!". y' vi..... ,tfil~_ as _ Hofman. -Mr- Bell, _, ul ted ch hhi> ·to .nal;n:e this m;nm·jty. Was ''':SSigii"d -~ sp.,cliii:aiity ,vitih, adapted for parts wch Include a Mr' ..• "y~' - - ._, d··M·····O ;.,.;.., ·d· _.' - . vast aceum a pnr asing power. . 't f th F . cl ~ _ . d _. . • .ocum, an r. p....~an er This JDll"iliasing 'power was underWifb ,lynalliic forcelnlness. um 0 e ren I '~-.:r 'concerue 10\ of pandemonium. Will lead activities in the social Mr. estimated. At the end rJf the ,war . Malin .!:lted 'fhat because of with tear lias.,.. W--'-'-gton West, Irvin R. Mac- studies, world' cUlture, and contemractal differenr.(!s, -political tension~ ~ Alter the Armistlae 19,18, Brown WUWl . th d I. _ b Elwe Ch--'- Stockdal'e, J.' David porary. problems classes. In e fit e people stopped saving and bean re IglOUS 3l'kgcollnds,' thl! re- rejoined the Koppe1S Company and ~ ~= gan speniIIng. Also, an increase lafivcly 'smallulImDer of ...e"iugccs snpervised cesearch ,n lheir lal>- Narbeth and _Willard G_ Reese English department, Mrs. MathEnw. lending by banks added muchbusi- makesfbis di.:>rol'ortionatch' en. oratories .m.. =-.al year., and contribute a large part of the ex- Miss Armstrong, Miss Adams.' and. ness iDlPStus. tangled problem ""'expen.ire to then joined the Bureau' of M.ines citement involved in the basie sit- Miss McKie w;rr-give 'up their valThe forecasters are now looking solve.' The J"'.err.ationai Refugee as head oi. the Organic Chemica:! uation: A group' of Broadway uable class- time for the writing of' Mead to 11948. The buSiness men Organization, a 'fifteen-nation r e - Section at the F!ifinjburgh Station, sh8rpers who are tryin~ lo keep letters to overseas friends in 'our say thon-e -will be an upward trend presentation, 'I,Ob -attcmptc3 to take Where be (lIJaJdudt8il 'research in :(t.e from being thrown out of a hotel, town'. These letters will not only for the firVt hall of 1941\, but the over the respomibil:tlc; of three composition of gases, oils and dars despite tbe efforts of ahot-tem- better acquaint two nations with econoniists expect a down trend to former agencie> 'namely ·the Army, from the carbOl\ization of coal at pered hotel director to get rid of each other, but will build up' gOOd o.gm in February or March. .Cur- UNRA, and th·, 'llllcrgo.vernmcntal high and low temperatures. . them. "The supporting, or contra- will which may, someday" aid In rently there 'is a growing convic- Committ.ee. puntal, roles are handled by Ed- preventing another war. tion that we are near the end of Next Tuesr:~iy.. February. 17, at During this p,eriott, Dr. Brown ward King, Ellen Gibb. Sheri Hor-_ "After OUl'" plan ·had been prothe up-turn.. The" President's eco- 2 p.m., the edt1cation department, directed a cooper3ltive investigation, ton,Edmond Cramp,Stafford Park- posed, we, had to decide which . council reeentl y a d' . h M. 1'5. G C(.rg~ .::.c - h o·c· nomIc V1S ed t 0 WIt ..mgor, as by the Bureau· aniI the American er, Walter Emmott and Fred country should get our aid. A speget ready fora.down-tum in prices. chainnan will p.c;ent Dr. .Earl D. Gas Association. on the ,resinolls Hardesty. cia! assembly was held In which HAnti-deftationa;ry forces." said Bonn. His, suhjcl.1: wil' he "Making depositc troubling manufaotured '.' . ' I the case for each country·was preDr. Williams, "are at work .to keep <>ur Later Year.; Happy and Effec- gas plants in many major ·cilles. DaVl.d Bmgham and Walker pen-I sented, and questions were asked prices from going too low and will tive" a disc.ussto·) -period ,\~m follo\v and 'discovcred wa,ys to prC\'cnt field ar.e stage managers for the from the floor. Later that day, dur· PSYL '-1" ten d to maintain prices f or a perio d tl1e a dd ress. D r. B on d IS !latns t their fonnati011. For this outs~-nd~ .~ prod nctlOn, ';'"d Mrs. John L. G ood ing history classes, the student bod of time. Some of these factors medical directo.· oi resoarch' 01 the iug achievement. he received the is heading the property committee. voted, and almost unanimoUslYy e ~_ I on elected Germany. Germany above ' 'ch Intsi_e of Mental Hymene .·at the Beal A,,-.ml of the Amrican Gas. Th. e p la y w ill be present ea (1) the Marshall Plan, whl ·tur ~ e ,'5 A!'1sociation in 1924. ". .. e will k eep Unl'versl'ty of P,!I"1'yl,·'nl·' .. ,. ... n SIX successIve nlgh ts b egi~ning all nations is starving. The roots th rough vast expend l prices up; (2) the.tax reliucU'O",li one of the pioneers in the field of From 1928-37. Dr. Brown super- Monday. , (Continued on Page 8) that are coming in the politiicall/ mental hygiene in Philadelphia alld vised resear.:h for the· Allied ( received a Bok award in this .COll- Chcmical and Dye Corporation-year; '(3) the difficUlty of achieving nectl'on Solvay Division, and dCY'eloped proFIUDAY, FEBRUARY 13 government economy with the re.. The second in the series of curreJit cesses for synthetic methanol, accsultan Inability to lower or reduce Avent diSCllssl'on" I)y Dr Franc ~ tic acid, al\d lllallY other chemicals. 10:00 A. M.-"Grandfather Objects" - Womans Cluh Review ........ . 214 Rutgers avenue the budget. The scope of govern- ,.l'l ("sell will be , c·_ In 1937, he hec:ame dircctor of rcarch ·heM . 011 Thursciay, 2:00 P. M . -W orId Day of Prayer •. _•.••.•••••• Presbjrterian Church ment is so vast that prices can February 19, at 10 a. m. at the. home for the Pennsylvania Salt Manniact· 7:00 P. M .-S',".arthmore College Alumni Ban<;iak ~ the creation of an :\merican clIIpiH." I ha'>t.'d lIpon tyranny. The only alternati,'c left is an international org~lI:i. zatioll, a union with power 10 1IIake lam:; hinding on the individuaL; of the variolls countries, '\Ve want ::. system that is prc\'el~'tive, that deals with war hefore it has a chance to start," he stated. The United States should take the first step by offering to cut her armed forces if and when other natiull5 arc willing to do the ~ame. If Russian does not join, Mr. "Meyer contnued, wc must unite with those that will, keeping well-prepared in the meantime to resist possible Soviet aggrcsson, yet extending to her a welcoming hand. The present conflict between the U.S.S.R. and the United States is not due to economic or ideological differcnC'cs. he declared, hut. rather to the fact that they arc the only two large countries that survived the lasl war in a condition as to enable them to engage in such a power struggle. Mr. Meye:T is a member of the national planning boalrd of the American Vetcrans Committee, and his talk was sponsored by its S",,'artltlllore College chapter. MRS. HOPKINS, CHAIRMAN The following oiiiccrs ",Cl'e e1l'Ct· 'cd at tht,. annual memhership meeting- of the Swarthmorc Brandl of the ,\llIcrican H.ed CrQ:;s on .Tanuary 30: chairman, )'lr:;. Horace ll. Hopkins; "icc-chairman. 1frs. l,a RtH,' llc1HlrixsolI; treasun'r, 7\rl'.'" Hugh n. Thayer; secretary. )'Ir~, Charks E, Fischer; re-I.'i('cted a'i director for it three year ll'Tlll Elric S. Sproat. ~;;~~;;~~;;~~;~;~;-~~~~~~~-~f~~-~~~~~~~~~~~; • w The "CAKE BOX" CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS THEATRE SQUARE "' ORDER NOW Our light~textured $3.00 YEAR Auxilary to Meet The AUlerican Legion Auxilary' will meet Monday~ February 16 at ' of Mr>. 2 0 clock at the home Alexander Ewing, 100 Dartmouth avenue.. McmlJcrs arc asked to bring all coupons they have collected this month. D. A. R. to Meet HEADS COAL DIV., BUREAU OF MINES H.S. STAGING BIG CJ.R.E. CAMPAIGN . R. Of , "ROOM SERVICE" NEXT CLUB BILL Sh C d pen-I TREASURE TREAT sponge cake in tho flavor you mOAt prefer. (Heart Shaped) GILBERT CHOCOLATES The Choc1ates of Connoisseur'S French And Danish Pastry r Medical Society to Meet The regular monthly meeting o~ the \\'oman's AuxiHary to the ])cla~ ware County h.fedical Socicty will hc held Thursday evening, Feb· ruary 12 at 9 o'clock, in the M c.:,iia Inll, l\[ cdia. The Pre sid en t. ~f rs. 'George n Sickd, Strath Haven avenue will presidc at thc meeting. the AlIIerican i\-Ianagell1{,l1~ Association and the Chi fratcrnit)· and served as a member of the! 11ter-Fraternity Council. Cluh. H. S. GYM SWARTHMORE. PA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1948 MAUN DEFINES REFUGEE PROBLEM Thomas B. 1\fcCaht., of X'.·I·th Chester road, president of the Scott Paper Company w110 will addn:~$ the Swarthmore Rotary CluiJ at its lunch con meeting at the Ingleneuk toelay. IN The next meeting of the D. R. A. will bc held Monday. February 16, at ;/ p. m. at the home of Mrs. Roy H. Rincliffe of 633 Strath Haven • avenue. Co·hostesses will be Mrs. L' Brown Promoted C. Russell Phillips of Strath Haven Urges Town to Aid In Dr. Tells By Department Applying Golden avenUe and Mrs. George Stull of Rotary Turn May ...--------Chester. Interior Rule Be Near Florcrfce Harden, represe.ntative A preview of business conditions On November 13. 1947, the perThc appointment of Dr. Ralph of the Cancer Detection Cent cr. in 1948 was presented to the sons at the cabinet meeting who L. Brown, widely known coal tech- Philadelphia, will be thc principal proposed that Swarthmore students Swarthmore Rotary Club at its regnologist and a pioneer in the devc- speaker. give aid to Europe probably never ular meetiqg laSt week by Dr. Al· lopmcnt of new products frolll coal .dreamed that the whole school fred H. Williams of the Federal Retar chemicals, as chief of the Bureau would help to conceive such a senserve Bank in Philadelphia, forof :Mincs Coal Branch, Fuels and Bond Gives Happiness Explosives lJivison. is announced lJy sational plan. Under the able care merly dean of the Wharton School Jamcs Boyd. Bureau Director. For and loving direction of Bill H uey of the University of Pennsylvania. Recipe Next the past year. Dr. Brown has bcen Dr. Williams pointed out that at and Judy Dickson. Swarthmore Tuesday serving as assistant chief of the High will be able to put over one the pre"lmt moment the COWltry IS On Tuesdav. Fchrlldry 10, aitc..'r Coal Branch at the Central Experiof the most Wlusual and unique aid in a conflicting position. For the last several days commodity and brief announc';l11cnb and re(1'Of ts ment Station in Pittsburgh. .Prichard and Stevens programs ever before attempted in Mrs. John r. ~rkh"el. president of a school system. "We are indeed stock prices have been going down In his new position, Dr. Bro,vtl t lueky to have complete student and while the President has been urg· the SwarthITj"'"'; \VOIllJ.I1·S Club, will ,supervise the Bureau's research are orne y ing men to reverse the upwards introduceu Mr~. Jame~, E. RiChard::; in the mining, preparation, carbonifaculty co-operation in effecting Direction seco'ld 'Vicc-pn:.;j,.~~nt of the Delaour plan," state the student chairspiral ot priees which he noted. County Fctlt~ratiun who ation, and gasifica tion of coal and men who' go on to explain the plan The present Situation comes as a ware During the week beginning Mon· 'brougl1t grcetirog:., "from th\: C.·Ullllty related subjects at Bureau experisurprise to many because the slump ment stations' and pilot plants in day. February 16. the Swarthmore which offers each and every citi· organiization. was expected ·in 1947 but did :mil: zen a chance to play a part. various parts of the country. He The pro!!,ram pn.'sel1tc'\ 'by }'frs~ will be station cd in Washington, Players Club will present ROOM "March 1 to 5 has been set aside come. SERVICE. a faree by John Mur- as ·'C. A. !R. E. Week." During During the war the nation was J. Thtrris \'.",·..;;t, chairman of the D.C. spending '" billion dollars rved as an officp.r in ~ Ar,my, ar.d a east of 14 playF.l'S unusUaIly, well teachers as Mr. Hofman, ·Mr. Bell, "experience 'a'11d travel ;tbr('ati en·created many shortages and also er -abled him 'to analYZe this mino"jty was assjgii"ed to' spccial duty wiU: a adapted for partS· which include a Mr. Yocum. ·and Mr. Opp2n1and vast accumulated purchasing power. 'problem with flynauiic forceI1tlncss. unit of the French .t\.r.m.!. concerncd lot of pandemonium. will lead activities in the social This l'nrcnasing power was underwith tear iascs. Mr. Malin 3t,tod that because 0f Washington West, Irvin R. Mac. studies, world culture, and contemestimated. At the end oT the war racial differen("(:s, political tensioll!'>o After the Armistice:in 1918, Brown Elwee. Charles Stockdale. J. David porary problems classes. In the , the people stopped saving and be-. and reHgious backg-iOunds. the re- rejoincd th~ KopPC'J$ '.Gompany and Narbe!h and. Willard G. Reese English department. Mrs. MathEOWs. gan spending. Also, an increase "in' latively small uunihcr of Tcfugccs supervised .research :jn ·their lahcontribute a large part of the ex- Miss Armstrong, Miss .A.dams, and lending by banks added much husi- makes {his di"rol.c-rtiotlalely en- oratories .for s.et."W"..o.1 years, and citement involved in the basic sit- Miss McKie wilf'gi\'e up their valness impetus. tangled problem nn expemiN.~c one to then joined the Bureau' of M,inl~ uation: A group of Broadway uable class tim. for the writing of The forecasters are noW looking solve, The II~'cn~ationai Rcfugel~ as head of the Organic Chemical sharpers who are trying to keep letters to overseas friends in jour' ahead to 1948. The buSiness men Organization, a 1i£lecn-liatinll re- Section at the WfiNhurgh Stati~m, from being thrown out of a hotel. town'. These letters will not only· say there will be an upward trend prcscntotion, 11~~ -at"cmptc~l to take I where he :cwtdl1otcu research in {lie despite tne efforts of a hot-tem- better acquaint two nation.> with: for the fir~t half of 1948. but the over the respon,;ihil:tlc:i of three composition of gases, oils and !:tars pered hotel director to get rid of each other. but will build up goOd economists expect a down trend to former agetlcil!~ 'numt."1y 'fhe Army, frolll tllC carbOliization of coal at. them. 'The supporting, -or eontra- will which may, someday, aid in begin in February or March. Cur- UN.R!~. and th ~ Intcrgovernmental, high and luw te.mperatures. pun tal, roles are handled by Ed- preventing another war. rently there is a growing convic- Committee. During fhis perioiJ, Dr. 3r"owll ward King, Ellen Gib~ Sheri Hor"After our plan ·had been pro· Next Tucs':,l,:-'. February 17, . 111. Momlay gm'ullIllent has arrived. through Friday. The author o£ "Peace or Anarchy" Thc meeting closed with a repor":: pointed to the chang-cs which 1hc of 100 per-cent support from all past fh'e years have hrought. He local residents who had heen COIlnoted the perils inherent in atomic t"cted 011 the venturc. the distrielll'rg-y. hiological warfare, ami the hution of literature, posters and ICisil's type bomhers and r()ck~ts stickers for di:-p'iay ill windows ot "In none of these wcapons," he borongh husillcss houses. and tllc stated, "can the Cnited States ha\'e setting of the next meeting for 7:15 a la:-;tillg mOllopoly." "\Vc mll~' ~I ond~!y en~lling- ebruary 16 in the [ cOllclmil·", lH,' tIIaintained, "thal \\,~Ii1l' Legion roolll preceding' the Aill:·~ t Ids ('oulltry is today capahle of \\'orth-\\'e:-nhcr Post's "KllSY NigLt" destroyillg at will any industry or lIleeting. city in the world. in the ncar future it wi1t he in th" position thai the Craduat~; at F and M other nations presl'lItly OCC11PY." ).( r. )'In;el" spoke of 1hree :;Ug"- I'...rncst .. O. LangC', Jr., son of I g"I.'stl'( ,yays of facillg the threat of ~Ir, atld 111·s. E. O. Lange, of future dt'Strl1ctiotl; Peace hy ;n- Baltimore pike and Church I'cad ti1l1il1.aliol1. he. pointed ont, W011!d w g-ra<\llakd frolll Frailklin at:, Judy Lincoln; Drums, Pa., formerly of Swarth- layettes for the Friendsllip Bllndle for the children of Europe, a Gir! }.{alcolm and Roger Anthony, nar- morc, spent three weeks in Miami,_ Scout project. "RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN". hara and Joe :Moran, Jeanannc Fla., and en route home visited Afr. Charles B. Moore of Aml\erst :Magee, Jinny ~:foir of Swarthmore, and Mrs. H. G. Weaver of Dart" . • .::t." ..... , ". . . -. avenue has returned to Haverforc! Johnny L.,unsden of 1\.fedia, and mouth avcnue for a ·fe.w days. College for the second semester. CALL 0440 . DARTMOUTH &: LAFAyeTTe AVES. Mcggy Cochran of Wallihgfol"d Mrs. John C. MacAlpine of . d I Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of Hills. . Princeton aveinuc elltcrtamc lcr E1 . _.111 avenue was hostess to the Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Malin of sister Mrs. C. D. Harvey of N Princeton avenue entertained :Mr" York City. cw 1 Poet's Circle. Monday afternoon, liiE~Ei~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Urs. Lovett Frescoln of Harvard and, presented an jnteresting pro- Ii and Mrs,. Ben Moore of Washington D. C. as their week-end gue'sts. avenUe is entertaining as her house gram on the poet, Byron. Mr. Moore of the State Department guest, Mrs. Gordon Lee. Parsons VERGIS-PRESCOTT in Washington, and n Swarthm .... re of West Collingswood, N. J. College graduate, class of '34, spoke The marriage of Miss Eleanor Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Whitaker to the students in the Friends :Meet· of Elwyn, formerly of Swarthmore, Prescott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BEAUTY SALO.N ing House on tile Marshall Plan, are spending the week skiing jn the . Edward C. Prescott of Rose Valley, Sunday evening. formerly of Swarthmore, to Mr. Poconos. Mrs. Joseph J. Geer of the SwarMrs. H. P. Fry, Jr., of ~orth John P. Vergis, son of the late Mr. Beware, Le.t Beauty Slip thmore Apartments :will entertain Chester road entertained at a stork and Mrs, Perry Vergis of New 12 guests at a luncheon at the 1ngle- shower Saturday.afternoon in honor York City, .took place at 3 o'clock, I neuk, tomorrow, followed by bridge of Mrs. David Warner of Philadel- Thursday, at the home of Mr. and Call SwarthqIore 0476 at her home. Mrs. Robert S. Diggs of Wallingphia . 9 Chester Road . Mr. Arthur C. Jackson of North Miss Jane Hiltes of the Swarth- ford. Chester road rejoin Mrs. Jack. more Apartments will entertain at The Rev. son at Lake Wales, Fla., next week a buffet supper tomorrow evehing in Anderson, rectorGeorge 6f the Christian Trinity .after spending several weeks north honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Church, Swarthmore, performed the -on a business trip. . ceremony in the presence of the h"... Weller of Wilmington, Del. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hitchm~n of' Mrs. Raymond Gemmill of Vas~ar mdiate families and a few close Thayer road will entertain as their avenue entertained a few friends at frinds. BR~AST-LUNCH~DINNER week-end guests, Major and Mrs";· bridge Thursday e.vening. The bride," given ~ n marrai\'e by It ." ' Owen Hines of Washington, D. C. Mrs. DeWitt A. Hills has re- her father, wore a gown of ,,~hitt" 14o~day Tbru Saturday Philip M. Alden, Jr., of North turned to her home on. Elm avenue satin, fashioned with fitted bodice OPEN· 7 A- JI.~. P. M. Chester road has returned to M. I. after spending six weeks with her trimmed wth her loom Roniton lace Oosed every Sunday T., following a week's vacation UUf- daughter and famity at Front Royal, full skirt and long train. Her finge; ing mid-semesters. tip veil feel from a halo or orange Va. -OUTSIDE CATE~G SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hiley blossoms and tulle and she carried Paul Rutan, Jr., of Ogden aveof Dickinson av'enue entertained nue who graduated from Purdue a shower bouquet of carnations and , DAILY DINNERS ........ ; 85c to $150 , s,ea.l CIIIIdreD'. Platten • Mr. Huey's parents, Mr. and Mrs University, Sunday February 1 in Virginia roses. F. F. Huey of Kenneth Square for Mech~nical Engineering, leaves a few days of fhis week. Y. couple where Mr. an inMonday for Pittsburgh where he N.The will Vergis live in isLiberty, Mlr.. Charles E. Flocher of will take a graduate stud~nts train- structor in the high school. The Dickinson avenue will entertain a ing course at Westinghouse. bride is a graduate of .Wc3te.rn • few guests for luncheon following Mrs. Franklin R. Gillespie of the book review for the Literature Harvard a\'cnUe entertained at a FOR Section of the Woman's Club, today. family supper party Tuesday evenMAGAZINE Mrs. William R. Huey of Dick- ing in honor of the hirthday anni; . SUBSCRIPTIONS inson avenue was hostess to the versary of Mrs. H. Lindley Pecl of Call . Pi Beta Phi Sewing Group on Colu;nbia avenue. Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman Thursday. Swarthmore 2080 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R_ O. Redgrave of Vassar avenue will entertain at a dinner party at the • Your doctor adds at least seven Colle~e Ingleneuk tomorrow evening, tollowed by bridge at their home. ·years of study to his high school Thursday, Friday and ·Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge. of 9gden Saturday education. Then he spends one or avenue entertained uThe Eightsome" Friday and Saturday "GREEN DOLPHIN Feb. 13 and 14 pREET" . more :fears in a hospital with lit"GONE WITH THE WIND" Matinee at 2:00 First Evening Note-One perfo~nce only :' 'e or'no compensation. Is it not ~;Sliowing at 6 :30: This feature each night"atarting .at 8 p m will not' be shown Saturday Player~ oasonable to believe that he is Afternoon. Satw-day lYJatin_ 1 p m of Swarthmore SpeclaJ ChiIdreD'. Show Bib O. K. Kiddie Show better qualified to advise you in Saturday afternoon starting Monday and Tuesday matlC\, ot health than your well-meaning friends at 1:15 ' Feb.' 16 and 17 "THE PRINCE AND RED SKELETON who have not had this education and experience? THE PAUPER" By John Murray !lLDd Allen Bortez m Plua a Weetern Feature, CarWhen you do not feel well there ~ two safe "MERTON OF THE ~toon. and a hrand new Chap .. . MOVIES" tel" of "G_Men" t!l.ings to do. F:irst, consult your physician. Then Wednesday and Thursdaq Admission 2Sc to all Feb. 18 and 19 bring his prescriptions to ·us for expert ::omSunday and Monday ROBERT CUMMINGS 8:20 P. M. "THUNDER IN THE pounding. m VALLEY" "HEAVEN ONLY KNOWS" Tuesday" Wcd~e·silit-y-,-a-I-ld 'Guest Cards sold only through Thursday members of The Players jClub Starting .Friday, Feb. 20 "PIRATES OR "THIS TIME FOR KEEPS" MONTEREY" • ~Fri~wa~~~,~~~~k~·WU7~~J~~J~~~55~__~_~_2_~__~~5i~~~~iiia~F,;~T~H=E~=S~1V~A~R~T==H~M~O~R~E~;A~N~==:::::~==-::====~__________________._______! 3 - I • The Bouquet I j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n DEW DROP r~~~::::::::::~::~:::~:::::~~~~~ Ir==-II . ,i SEVEN LONG VEARS .' L. -.- . . .- . '_ ~~==7~" MEDIA The Club Theatre .• .. • ROOM SERVICE , _ u at Second INC~ SWARTIOlOU PUBLISHER • _ , 1 _ 24, .1929, at PL, omelet the Ad of Mardl ClaN S....bmore. The 0 urch School m~,!.i on Sunday mon.ing at 9 :45 ~:! . . sses are provided for children ol'a!1 '.gcs and PA- the 3, Pool 117'. i r. home of Mrs. F. Ransburg, 318 Harvard avenue, for sewing and pro- t t Sunday morning at the 11 o'clork gram. • servIce Mr •Cutler will preach on . "The Discovery of Christ". Circle 6, Mrs. S. C. Harri" Mr. and Mrs. Owen vi. Gay chairman, will meet Wednesday, at the Harvard avenue. entrance will February 18, at 12:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. F. Delahanty, assist Mr • Cutler in greeting the 200 y ~le ayenue.. P~ase bring con![[cgation after the servke Sun- sandlYiches. There will be sewing .-Jay morning. and a book review. All departments of the Churcll Circle 8 Mrs. George Schobinge... School meet at 9 :45 o'clock.· The chairman, mil me'et Wednesday, Women's Bible! Class meets in tbe February 18 at 11 o'clock at the Church study at 9 :45 o'clock and h ome 0 f M rs. D . W • R . M organ, the Men's Bible Class mee1s in the 913 Strath Haven avenue. Mrs. H Church transept at 9 :45 o'clock. C. Chacko from India will be the The Church Hour Nursery f"r speaker. an children aglTreD, 3?:l South Chester Sunday aiternoon at '4:45 o'clock. road. Co-hostess, Mrs. C. Russell The service be in <:hlITge <>t the Phi/rIPS. Sewing at 10:30. Please members of the Young People's bring sandwiches . Program at 1 :15. Fellowship and the Student's UniThe Communicant,;' class for 'S'erved. young pe~pte; 12 years -of -age and The High School Fellowship and over, wilt begin this SWday "tll :15 the Fresh,!,an Fellowship will both in the 'Chureh Study. . meet Sunday evening at ·6 .o'c1I)c1:: :at 1l:te O!~ch. R~v_ JosephGib" TRINITYNoTEtson speak to both .groups at On :oi fl t,c1ay Huly Co;!tmuriion worn· 6:30 o'clock. be cele'" oiled at8 a'", Cimrdl The YOlmg Adult's On'll will "",et "dud "ill me,1 at 9.45 -.t tIle 11' at 7 d'clock at the Church on Sun- o"c1ock -service of Morning Prayer day evening. the re';';-, r will preach. The ushers The Wo.man's Auxiliary .of the. !or the 11 o'C'~ock s,ervkc arc: Vv~. S. Wallingford Presbyterian Church Pattcm head usher; W. 14. Harv~y; invites an women· of this ,congrega- T· HOffler; L. E. G · .... ~enol1gh; tion to be its guests on Monday. I! !(dm: F ',\'. Lueb"mg' W. R. ,February 16, at 2 o'clock at the Sanbo.:;; and H. B Sllaekn"n. Wallingford Church to see the iilm Confinm'~':on Oass \,,::l meet ill "Beyond Our Own". Tea will be the paf1 ::>'h h011S(, at S :15 p. Ul. The served. , Young PeOple's Fellowship will meet The Evening Circle will meot .., (j 1'. 'Vedncsday evening, February 18, Choir School will meet on :Monday at 7 :45 o'clock promptly, at t1,e and 'Vedneoday at 4:30 p. m. . Holy lommunion wi".. b(;· cdehrah·d (.Ill \Vc~'ie'idav a~ 7:30 -a. 111. and ag!l n at 10 o'c1o~k. TIle "\~omen SWARTHMORE will ~'cw after the morning service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A Lenten luncheon w'll be served Rev. B. Lewis Cutler :Minister , SUNDAY, FEBRUARY IS at 12 :30, and a study class will be 9,45 A. M.-Chuteb School 11 :00 A. M.-uThe n:scovery of Chrisl" hdd hl ·he afternoon. T.I· Chr':'stian 4:45 P. M.-Vesper Service Study FC',i'unt will meet at 8 :15 p. 111., "What We :Believe" 6:0(1 'P. l\l.-Freshmn:1 Vellowsbirat which time the rector will discuss 6:00 Po'. l\1.-High School Fellowship th(' QI'P"c. nizatiotl and government 7:00 P. M.-Young Adults !lETHODIST CHURCH PI the......"\.ational, Dioces·.I!. ahd local Roy N. Keiser. D.D .• Minister Episcopal Church. , SUNDAY, .I.O"E1UtUARY 1'$ 9:45 A. M.-Cburcb School. , ChOir 1 chearsal will b(' held in the 10:00 A. M.-Young Adult Group 11:00 A. M.-UStop Look Li:ite~u~:.;"_ __ parish hcuse on Th1ir-sd:;,y ell 7 :30 TRINITY ClnnfcB: p. m. Rev. Geo. C. Anderson. Rector TIt(' 1 ext meeting o.f the i\-[cn's 'VEDNESD..\V. F~np..ljAI!V l~ 8:00 A. M.-Holy CommuniOD. Club will be Alonnay, F.- McCarter _rod I BEEN WASHED R U5 'S Ell" S :. '. . . ,. . PUBLISBED THE Tbeodore HIcIdq HAS YOUR CAR'S FACE LET US DO IT NOW METHODIST CHURCH NqTES THE SWARTHMOREAN Dr. Alfred H. Willia ,,.. will address Ihe combined a~ .:: classes at Jr. o·clod:. ' The topic of the serm ,,, at the 11 o~clock service is "S~.'Jli Look: . LiE'ten!" I The ( hureh Nursery is open during the s(>rvice. Helen K.-aus and Muy Ann Dickinson' will be in charge. The rIInior Church JII :.t. at the same Leur in the ehapd. Dr. Y. iser will attend the Annual Bishop's Retreat on T!lcJday in tlie Centenary-Tabernacle ,h ' .•c!. Calllden. The Fourth Quarterly Conference will be held on Friday p>el"ing February ~7 at 7:45. OF SERVICE' For 70 years we have given . uninterrupted service to this . second and tflird community. The . generations of families continue to call upon us in time of need. .THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. DlliCToas 0. PUNUALI. 1820 CHESTNUT STREIT Telephone Rl 6·1581 . MARY A. BAlR, r-Idenl CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH "SOUL" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon ilb all Churches of I _ _ _ _ _- ' ' -_ _ _ _=:-__________________ Christ,; Scientist. on Sunday, Feb- I' ruary 15. The Golden Text is: "I will set my tabernacle a~nol1g you: and my soul shall not .. bhor you. And I will walk among 'you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people" (Leviticus 26 :11,12). .. , .' TO! Hear Dr Halpern The Parents and Teachers Group of the School in Rose Valley, cordially invite all in'terested persons to at'telld a lecture at the School at 8 p. m. this ..vening. The speake~ will be' Dr. ] ules Halpern, who will talk on "Atomic Energy and World eeur- ity." .'..., .', \'~ . '. . ' -.' Dr. Halpern, who was engaged on the Manhattan Project during the war, is now Consultant to the Atomic Energy Cc.mmission and i. teacher and research in Physcs at the University of Pennsylvania. Hant Elected to Student Council Alan R. Huht, son of pean Everett Hunt and Mrs. Hnnt of Elm avenue. has been elected to the Student Council at the ';ollege. Hunt attended the Philip Exeter Academy at Exeter, N. Boo where he was a member of the so(""cer and basketball teams, the' glee club, tbe Dramatic Association, and was a graduate cum laude. At Swarthmore College, Mr. Hunt lIas been a mcmber of the soccer team, the junior varsity basketball team, the Little Theatre Club, and the Chorus. . ~.:::.::_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.= FLOWERS The Year Round Token Of . Esteem And Thoughtfulneu Decorative and Novelty Candles BALT. PIKE SPRINGFIELD SPE.~'l'l.. DEL'VI~llY! "', That's the way Valentines-' and all other special things-should arrive. By Special Delivery! Pardon us for pointing, but' that's how electricity reaches you, too. By very special delivery-at finger-tip notice-l/lO,OOO,OOOth of a second from the time you flip n switch. That's not only snper-speedy service -, .J ' It S ,uepelldable service. So dependable, you ve. come to take it for granted around the clock and around the calendar. Again pardon ns for pointing, but keeping the price of electricity low in spite of ~teeply rising production costs takes plenty of practical planningplenty of skilled and experienced people. The average family in this terri. tory is still getting twice as much electric service for its money as it got 15 years ago. And never has ~lectricity done so much> to make life easier, healthier, more comfortahleJor you! • ONE HOUR LATER. New time for the Electric HourTHE HOUR 01"' C!L\RM". Sundays, 5:31) P.M., WCAU. PHll..ADlELPHT;\ ELECTRIC COI\lIPANY Swarthmore 0450 WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS c· .' , • t H Ii: S WA R T Junior Club Activities GIRL SCOUTS Rti:OPEN ANNUAL COOKIE PROJECT. An old pre-war custom, the annual sale of cookies by local Scouts, will be revived: here next week.. Beginning Monday, February 16, Girl Scouts throughout Delaware .CountY will take orders for the ever-popular Keebler Weyl chocolate and vanilla butter cookies with the Scout trefoil design t;, raise funds for equipment for their summer camp Elizabeth Borton and towards the purchase of a Delaware County Camp site. ·Frida),. F.........,. 13. IMI fI M 0 R E NN '. tea where cookies are in order,l Scout cookies are the ansWer. There a~e 48 in each box. Mrs. C. H. Jeglum presented' a . vivid account of the highlights and 3_ If you <.re a professor's wife, have Scout cookies for honors sem- amusing incidents of Janet Paype Whitney's book "Abigail Adams" inar refreshments. when the Junior· Woman's Club 4_ If you're a teen-ager helping met at the home of Anne Cochran with a Fellowship snack, remember on Kenyon avenue Thursday eveScout cookies. ning. 5. Keep your cookie jar filled Preceding Mrs. J eglum's review with Scout cookies for the after- members planned the bridge party noon pick~up. which they will sponsor for the The cookies may be bought from benefit of cancer research at 8 any Girl Scout or in the bank on o'clock Tuesday evening, February Fridays, or by contacting the fol- 24, in the Woman's clubhouse. Re·Iowing_ Mrs. J. Paul Brown (Bal- freshments and a cake table were Swarthmore's quota is 209 dozen timore pike ohairmanl, Mrs. J. W. among the arrangements made. boxes. If by March 12 local Scouts 'Mrs. Arnold Redding, president have disposed of this number the Carroll, Mrs. Willia." deCaindry, cookie company will send a rebate Mrs. Newton H. Harris, Alice Mar- of the' Junior Club asked for volof two cents on each box and 50 riolt (troop chairmen), or Mrs. Jack unteers to assist. Mrs. F. G. Fordollars will be realized for purely Tho;'p~n (Swarthmore chairman). sythe during the Cancer Fund Drive. Mrs. George Stewart, Lin local Scout projec'.s. The Swarth• Freegard, Kitty Weltz and Anne more Girl Scout House needs reU S Representative in Parjs furbishing and a wood slove for Cochran responded. Francis Plowman of Princeton Hobby Night originally schedcooking. aVeIlUl', vicc-president of the Scott uled for next Tuesday evening at In order to help everyone in Paper Company, has been sen ~ . to the clubhouse has been canceledSwarthmore to be Scout-cookie- Paris and London as a U. S. ReM.s. Uavid Gilcreest and Alice conscious from February 16 to presentative. to the IlltcrnationaJ Marriott assisted the hostess in March 12 the cominittee lists the Chamber of Commerce which openserving refreslunents following this following suggestions: ed in Paris, V\' ednesday. , • I 1. IT you or your friends have Mr. Plowman sailed on the Queen week s meeting_ children in college or boarding A.lary last week and plans to go to Swartlunore to Honor Pearson school send -boxes in the next lawl- Belgium, Holland, and probahlv Germany during his month's trip -. dry case. A committee of citizens, mnsid2. If you are pJanning a group abroad_ ering a distinguished honor has come to Swarthmore in the phe• n'omenal success of the Friendship Train, an idea conceived and car· Come and enjoy OlD" rie.! out- by Drew Pearson "a local boy who made good',' wants to honor this distinguished graduate of one of Swarthmore's homes and of the college, now called the most influential commentator in the country. The committee Ijas been work aDd atay to __ beautiful c:cIIored a\idea of HawjW, ahoWD hy Mr. Willard ing on the .Rf!,ject .and has W finn or person ~tD whom tlte gmtract is awanled shall execute a. contract and furnish bonds as required by law. the form of which may be seen at the office of the undersigned. The Borough reserves the rig~t to rejec~ any or aU bids • Vicinity for past Twenty ~arough Swarthmore 2Z9S nlght against the Estate of the decedent to make known tofte same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay. to Carl Clifford Ihrm'."i, anrl Swar· thmore National Dank anel Trust Company Extrs. Swa!"thmore, P('nnsylvania Or ta Attorney John E. Gensemcr, 1004 Girard Trust Bldg., Philadelphia 2, Penn .• sylvania. or day Call Secretary. I_EGAL NOTICE F..state ofE. \Vember. also known as Ernest \Vernher. lafe of the Dorough of Swarth. more, Delaware County, de~a5ed. Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been.... granted to the undersigned who request all persons having claims or demands against the est:ate of the decedent to make known the same, and a1l persons indebted ,to the decedent to make payment without de1:ty to Katharine Wernher Butler, 317 DeForrest Roard, Syracuse 3, New York or to her attorney Albert N. Garrett. 22S Garrett Avenue. Swarthmore. Pennsylvania. JT-I-JO Estate of Araminta F:--narncs, flecea~e!1 LETTERS Testamentary On the abo\"c ES: tate have heen granted to the undc:'rsigll, wh., request ,.1n persons having ci:lim~ or dcm2.ud .. Years 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON 2T-2-6 their lnstaUa.tions aDd Repain / ServbIg S~ __ Mason Builders Supply Company 331 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore 0345 For All Sizea ··Hard Coal GOLD BOND POURING WOOL . BATS AND BLANKETS PLASTERING SUPPLIES '--~------------l 302 Gayle)' St., M~ Jfedla 2567-11 .' illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!1 "Third Generation Builders" Horace A. Reeves I BUILDING CONSTRUCTION . 501 Yale avenue Swarthmore-Pho.... 2370-W RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS REPAIRS 111111111UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlUlUlIIIl :1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: Ei -- --~ FOR QUICK SERVICE -= -- 5. call :: RUMSEY CHEVROLET == ' SwartlunOt'8 1439 -- : :: :'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ A. Mercer Quinby Funeral Director Penua17 of IIedIo .. 1J25l'11W.~~:"h,raa No ed,!:' 1 ~ .. 'iiibadIoia _ --!!:! -~ Charles E. Fischer,~ ----~- Builder' ------~ ----= ----111I1I1I11II1I1I1,I1II111I1I1I1II1I1II1U1llle: . :: PAINTING : :: Interior & Exterior 5 :: Swartflmore 2253 ;;111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111 ... SWilrthmorc 1448 WILUAM BROOKS Alb.. /I, Rubbish R.......od Lawns Mowed General Haal' 236 Harding Ave. M,.-~ a. . ...~I.UU. • ••••••••••• ••••••• Swarthmore ,Sign Service p'" .., ! i Signs and Show Cards Paper, Metal, and Glass ( Lettering f Window and Truck All Types of Spray Painting t. L. MOHAMMED 308 Union Ave. Swa. 2890 f . t .en.: Walter V. Linton Contractor and Builder Alteration. Phone Ridley Park 1227 • Reese-Baxter Co. SPORTING GOODS _ 816 EDGMONT AVE. Cheater 1 "THE • I . " , - Owned and Operated by Amerlcern Stores Company - NEW LOWER PRICES FlATURI a~R BIG 57th ANNIVERSARY III line with our established policy we're glad to po.. on to our customen aH savings rewifing fr_ market changes. ,.",.", Enriched rLOURr No beIt.t t: 390 :':: 750 T~ .!~ =-,~ao:a:::.~Mre. .;i:,. ZSc DSTPUBELAtm SUCED PO APPLES C SAUER1UlAUT ~~6., Z'::;;Z9C Ie,' zNo~Z5e MACKERELI ~: "I." -29c God ....sf. Rllats '"39c '"391; Hockl a de Rllels Ib .. Dressed Whiting _"u "19c '·3Sc "37c .....,FrHh PORK LOINS ~~43C:~47C ... 47. ... 47. 110 49c ~Z9c Social· Notes I.... PIt....... :. no loaf 5 .,..-' • ~ -- " CBEESE':~~ Ib MADISON TORE STORE - All materials and work shall be in accor· dance with specifications. a copy of \Wbich may ~ seeured from the undersigned The Borough reservies the right to' re-ject any or all bids and to award the portions decribcd in items 2 and 3 to differcl1t contractors. A 'f' d . • ' ccrtt u: check in the sum of $101) must accompany the bid of each ,contractor and th.e person or firm to whom any con· tract IS awarded must cxCC'.Jte an agn-c· ment and fJ-lrnish bonds as required by law. tbe form of which may be examined in the office of the undersigned. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Borough Sceretary. 2T·2·6 . fluh app'.' accordl. . . . an o.d fa.hloned ••nnoylvaDla Dvtch ......... From making long telephone calls refrain, Or your party·Hne neighbors will soon complain. NEW GAS STATION HOURS MONDAY THROUGH SA"TURDAY 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. \ SUNDAY 8 A. M. TO S P. M. $elected Large ~ FRESREGGS SILVEB SEAL EGGS CClrton of 12 HANNUM & WAITE Every Egg Guaranteed (jJItIl Sui Pancake Mix Z ;0..-:: ZSc gJlld Sui Macaroni Spa:i..ttI ~~. 1Sc Ideal Apple Sauce H;':~~t. Z ~~~ Zsc Cboice FresbPrunes N':;.~'h 19c Biglow Red Beets ~Il'~ N!~2 SC Fancy I.Igbt Tuna Fisb .' , ~n ~9c A1a.ka Pink Salmon, ::: 49c Rob-lord Peach_ H,;;~:." N':;.~'h ZSC Acme Wbole Corn Golcloft N.":;; 18c Farmdale Tomatoess~ 2 ~..: 31C Ideal Sweet Pe.. Z ~ 37c Glen Cove Clam Cbowder a '~-:. Z9c. Rob-lord Tomato Juice ~. Z1C Plorlda Grapelrult Juice ~. 17c Best i! 19c ,. Buy OlD Pickles . = * YALE AVENUE & CHESTER ROAD SWARTHMORE lZ50 ?' , " ~. . r , • >.; ; .:: - , _..:. - • On party-!ine telephones. eour- ----- --- tesy pays dividends I Be brief , -- - .•• Space calls ••• Hang up 49 GRAPEFRUIT IOor~:al Selected Fresli Fruits & Vegetables gently ..• Take the lead in good party-line manners. It Seedless, Florida will mean better service for al1. I: Sweet .Jaio," Temple Oraag.s Tendel' Greea Beaas New Red Blls. Potatoes 5 LETTUCE -- - -- .- Crisp California ICEBERG ~. .~ ----- Ib 100 Ib 19c Ibs Ib It: The Bell Telephan3 Company 1 l. of Pennsylvania a mmor. ' McGuire, Deceased. . NEUDECKER-Jan. 2 First and Final Account of The First National Bank of Media Guardian. Estate of Willi~m L . Neudecker. late a minor. NUGENT-Jan. 27 'The First and Final Account of Delaware County Trust Company. formerly The Delaware County Trust. Safe Deposit and Title Insurance Company. Surviving I Trustee for Ellen B. Daniel . i Furrell ulw of Catherine E. Nugent. Deceased. NULL-Jan. 26' FIrst and Final Account of The First National Bank of Media. Guardian. Es-' ta~e of Barbara Null, late a mmor. PEmSON-Jan. 27 First' and FmalAccount 'Of "ChriStopher L. Peirson and The Wayne Title a';td Trust Company. Executors. Estate of Ella L. Peir- • •• son, Deceased. You probably never looked for a price tag on a IT TAKES EQUIPMENT TO' FIGHT SNOW s,?-ow Bake. But snow has a very real cost to city To keep cars and buses.rolling requires 223 dwellers, in money, work and inconvenience. specially equipped snowfighting v~hicles. Rail lIt's a ~ig job to keep things going for you sweepers brush snow from tracks • • • Motor during a s.evere wiilter. It takes Men-the men plows clear b~ routes, plow lanes alongside of PTC, of the railroads, of the power~ telecar tracks for motor traffic ••• Utility trucks carry phone and gas companies, of the City and State crews to clear ice and snow from switches, crosshighway 'departments, and the hundreds of temings and other vital track areas ••• Emergency porary snowfighters who offer their services - trucks, equipped with two-way radio, remove duriug the emergency. stalled a)ltomobiles and trucks from car tracks. PTC's snow removal work not only keep& tranDespite all effortS, snow and ice do cause delays' sit lines open, but it permits the freer movement to car and bus riders, just as they do to all users of trucks delivering food, fuel and other supplies. o,f the streets. Storm conditions frequently cause . Private automobiles, too, depend on the hundreds cars and buses to get qff schedule, with resultof streets cleared by PTC sweepers and plows•. ing bunching of vehicles ~nd gaps in service. Winter travel hrings many.occasions which IT TAKES MONEY TO FIGHT SNOW call for tolerance, understanding of the other fellow's difliculties, a~d cooperation ,among all More than a half.million dollars was spent by who use the highways, whether as riders or oper. PTC for s~ow clearance in 1947. Already this atorsof transit vehicles, trucks or automobile~ year, sno'f has cost the Company $300,000. .. , , -'...! . IT TAKES MEN TO FIGHT' SNOW PTefights snow with 1,000 of its regular em. p~oyes and recruits as many as 1,000 temporary . Inowfighters. PENNELL-Jan.' 27 First and Final Acconnt of Curtis G Ti'ipner. Executor. Estate qf Elmer N. Pennell. Deceased. , PETERS-Jan. 13 First and Final Acount of William Taylor. Jr.• Executor. Estate of Mary Spartley Peters. Deceased. PETTIT-Dec. 24 First and Final Acoount of Lewette J. Pettit, Administratrix. Estate of Frederick L. Pettit. Deceased. FUSEY-Jan. 27 First and Final Account of The Wayne Tille and Trust Company. Substituted Trustee. Estate of Grace E. Pusey. Deceased. PRENDERGAST-Jan. 27 First and Final Account of ChesterCambridge Bank· and Trust Company. Guardian. Estate of Anne Prendergast. late a minor ROBINSON-Jan. 27 Fir;t and Final Account of Mary Taylor and .Tames E. Robinson Administrators. Estate of' Mary Louth Robinson. ajk as Mary L. Robinson and Mary Robin- son, Deceased. SMITH-Jan. 27 First and Final Account of Chester-Cambridge B~n!< and Trust Company. Adm~nIstrator . C. T. A .• Estate of ElIzabeth H. Smith.· Deceased. WEm-Jan. 9 First and ~ Final Account of Ethel O. Weir. Execu~rix. Estate of Howard T. WeIr, Deceased. WITHERS-Jan. 26 First Account of Mervyn R. Turk. Trus- tee, Estate of Hanson Laurence Withers. a/k as Hanson L Withers. Deceased. . WILLCOX-Jan. 24 First Account of Eulalie W. Pepper and O. H. Perry Pepper. Executors. Estate of Mary C. Willcox. De- ceased. .. ODI."" ,cou.rEOUS SlaVlCE zse ., MOORE-Jan. 27 ...·irst and Fina' Account of Chester-CambridgE Bank and Trust Company. Executor. Estate of William H. Moore, Deceased. 'hat's What PTe Spent La,t rear to Battle Snow lor Car and Bus Riders '" ., Estate of MarY E. Dewey. Deceased. FARLEY-Jan. 27 First and Par.. tial Account of John E. Burt. Trustee, Estate of Philip A. Farley. FULMER-Jan. 23 First anc Final Account of John Fulmer. Executor. Estate of KatherinE M. Fulmer. Deceased. HOOD-Jan. 2 First and Fina: Account of Land Title Bank and Trust Company. Administrator. Estate of John J. Hood. Jr.. Dl!'Ceased. LARKINS-.Jan. 26 First and Final Account of Fred Pleibel. Executor. Estate of Anna C Larkins'. Deceased. . LOMBARDO-Jan. 20 First and Final Acount of Frank Lorn· bardo. Executor. Estate of Jo. sephine Lombardo. Deceased. MARZOLLA-Jan. 14 The Firsl and Fillal Account of Delaware County Trust Company Guardian of the Estate' 0; Stell:> Marie Marzolla. late ; McGUIRE-Jan. 26 First and Final Account of Bernard H. Krow and Harold Lockard, Executors. Estate of John J .,. R b APPLE BUTTER2~'19c * 3. Furnishing and applying approximat~IY 5000, gal10ns of asphalt biDder. Large Iceberg Lettuce ............ 2 heads· 2ge Potatoes ....................... _10 lb•• SSe Seedless Grapefruit ....... _............ ,.6'for.3ge '" ~~, 3~c Some items are still In limited lupply. Therefore, If an, of the above items are out of stock In your local market, please continue to alk for theM upon your_ next visit. 2. Furnishing the materials and perf~. ing tbe above work with the exception of the asphalt binder. Fruits and Vegetables Ideal Old Fashlaned 19.t4 hill a Prime Ribs of Beef ................... _.......... . 6Se New Lower Price Ma'" froa ~~I~;~~&Fi~ proxuoate)y 15 tona of Bituminous con· ·c1eaning area! to be treated fur nishi!l8. and applJ'.iog asphalt binde~ and furnishing. spreading and. rolling crushed rock. ' cret~. Smoked Tongue ......................... _... " ..... 4Se 691:. ----~-.---~~--------Swl.. GnlYer. .... ... 69c . lieu Cheese ..... '·33c Ramano Ch.... ....'.33c Kay Natural ..... '·29c .... ,. Kraft Spreads •·•..'... 20c Muenster Ch.... 29c Dllw Pl •••te.· . .ndl. PI......... PllltllIb IlSt:JJ Oleomarcarlae !::. ,1. ~urnLshing. applyIng and· rolling apo Delaware Count,.. Penna. Cheyney Smith. Executors EsNOTICE OFFlLlNGANDAUDI'r tate of Edward P. Cheyney 0 ..' ACCOUNTS .•. Deceased. • . CUDDY-Jan. 21 Account of .Notice is hereby given to heirs.. Girard Trust Company and legatees. creditors and all perJames J. Cuddy. ~ecutors sons interested that accounts in Estate pf James W. Cuddy. De~ the following estates have been ceased. filed in the Office of the Regls- CO~NOG-Jan. 26 First and er of Wills and Clerk of Orphans Fmal Account of William L. Court as the case may be. and Carnog. Administrator. Estate that tl\e same will be presented of Phebe M. Cornog. Deceased. to the Orphans' Court of said DE~ VECCHIO-Jan. 23Firstand county on Monday Matth 1 Fmal Account of Daniel Del 1948. 10 o'clock A. M.; E. S. T.: Vecchio. Mary .E. Celli and for confirmation.' at which time Mathues Dougherty. Executors the said court wiJI' audit said Estate of Michael Del Vecchi~ accounts•. hear exceptions to the ajk as Michele Del Vecchio. same and make distribution of Deceased. the balances ascertained to be DIC.KSpN-Jan. 16 First and in the hands of the accountants FlOaI Account of Clara Green. way and The National Bank CAREY-Jan. 20 First and Final of Lansdpwne. ExecutGrs. EsAccount of Robert H. Edgerton tate of Martin S. DIckson. De~ . and Robert C. Goodman. Execceased. utors. Estate of Robert G. DI FERpINANDO-Jan. 20 First Carey. Deceased. nnd Fmal Account of Giovanno CHEYNEY-Jan. 27. First and Di Ferdinando. Executor. Es!ate of Aristodemo Di FerdFinal Account of Provident mando. Deceased. Trust Company of Philadelphia. DEWEY-Jan. 26 First Account Alice Squires Cheyney and L. of Robert .Gallagher. Executor ' of Sealed bidJ wiD be received. by !h'e Borough, of SwartbmOra in Council Chamber Borough Hall. Swart~ore, Pa. on March 1, 194~ at 7 :45 P. M. for surface treating approxunately 15.00B square yard of &rough streeta to be designated by the bot· oulh Higbwa,. Committee in fonD as {ol. lowl: . \ Shoulder of Lamb .................. __ ........ ..45e Bob ~ P.ach Zoc ., Oleaw_dAppi.-orapeJeUy ~~ I Suawbert» Pr ••erY.. I:~ I~r 3SC . ., .... = - ..•.- -- •.... -.........-....- _----..... _,-----_ .._._--,. - _'1! Madison's 12.';. Zll· nISI DONUts .... 14e SUPltMB IRED ........ VICTOR BREAD _ .... s-II ".1" 0"", 100 VI..' ' ' ' ' " REQUEST FOR DIPS of North Chester road are moving to Jackson Heights. L.t.. where Mr, PUBLIC NOTICES COVNTY COMIUSIONERS' Cpllins will be associated with th, SALE" OF SEATED LANDS Mr. and Mrs. John W. Seybold of Atlas PoW-dec Company of Wilming. \ Yale avenue will spend the week,~,~~ee with the Acts of Assembly ton. Del. 1 ma(Ie and provided, the c"m.end in Baltimore, Md., and attend Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of ;';j~~~ Delaware County' will .ofinin the County Cc:immissionera' the wedding of Mrs. Seybold's den avenue entertaiJ1ed her club at ,,,,~,",,,,~,:~. on the firat floor of the brother. Mr. Webster Blood. Mr. luncheon-bridge at her home. W"d. .::~;,h:,;;;j;~ the Borough of Media, Seybold will serve as an usher. nesday. Mr. H. L. Bunker.Jr.• and daugMr. and Mrs. Walter L. /Tlho,n. • at pi"'" land 10 of o'clock or reputed to be owned hters Mary and Nancy of Mt. Holyof Dickinson' avenue persons noted. yoke place spent the week-end as their week-end guests their TERMS OF THE SALE sight-seeing in Washngton. D. C .• and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. WILL DE CASH and attended the' wedding of th':r Robert J. Thorpe of East Hartford, purpose of the sale is to realize an cousin. Miss Cami1la Gi1Icttc. Satpncc as set forth below a~ainst eac::h Conn. following described pr:emtses $it.uate urday. . Mr. Walton Battershall rec:eiVl'd Township of RidIer. C. L. CONNER Mrs. Richmond Fetherolf of Cohis M. F A. Degree at the UniJNO. H., DOHERTY lumbia avenue entertained ~onday versity of Pennsylvania, ALBERT 1..CRAWFORD, JR. Covtmwloncts of DelaW:lre I Mr. Battershall.who has a paint Counly. Media. Pa. Ground 9 Bcres Wyndom hanging in th"e current exhibition $2177.31 ' of the annual showng af the Ac"d· ...." .• .u,.~!iI.I.Lot 4 S. Wyndom 33 3 emy of Fine Arts, and Mrs. Battcr~ P-" 4 • 7 Hammill. Lot 220 shall. the former Gertrude Schoo Price 2~8.36 binger of Swarthmore avenue, Gre Hammill. Lots 37·':;8-41.299·300 teaching painting and sculpture :tt the Harcum Junior College in Mawr. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Fetherolf ;..;;;;.;, ;:.;..:;,;;;,...L:..J ~I of Colunmbia. avenue will entertain 16 guests at a neighborhood party. tomorrow evening. Mr. and' Mrs. Edward H. P)Ie, 2nd, and family, former residents I Vassar avenue,. moved last from Knowlton road to their home at 122 Pine Ridge. Media. Capt. Benso,! A. Bowditch. V. S. , , M. C. visted his parefts Mr. and John Bowditch. Jr.• of Cedar lane Bacon ................................................................ . .. .. . .. .. 75c last week. Capt. Bowditch who has been taking advanced training , • • Quantico, Va., was· en route to New England States where he ··,iU contact' students of the diffcre"t coUeges to recruit them for 'i:e • Marine Corps Reserve. -, Mrs. H. B. Mat:Farta,nd 01 North Chester road is visiii~g son-in-law a;d daughter. Dr. Maine , Mrs. John F1umerfelt and so", Scotty of aeveland.· formerly of Swarthmore. Mrs:' William Soden of Co\1eg, :. avenue is recuperating at her .: + following an 'operation performed .;. <, .:. in the Woman's CoJlcge FAIRLAWN ... Philadelphh. January 'Zl. <. FRES H ME ATS E.. GROCERIES I FRUITS f,... VEHTABLES ~ FRE E DELIVERV , " <. .:. <. ...-.. "'<>... 413 DARTMOUTH AVE. PHONE "H3 ,. with the first of a sen.s of lunch· eons. Mrs. Norman B orden of Princeton avenue returned last week from St. Petersburg. Fla., where she had spent a month due to the iIIueH of her mother t Mrs. Frank Curran, who 'had gone south £or the winter season. Milton Hobbs of Park avenue. arrived home Wednesday from Carnegie Institue of. Technology for a two-week mid semester vacation. Barbara Schobinger of Swarthnwrc avenue, a junior at Middleb}lr:v College. Middlebury. VI.. will spend the week-end skiing at Stowe. Vt. Mr. and Mrs., George W. Collins 19"· s-Its .... N~ • Oysten-- rR'fIIG CBlClENS r:..~:­ LEAN SIIOID PICNICS SHOULDER LAMB ROAST ~ BOT CROSS BUNS ~.. - SWA R TH , . MOREA'" ---:-----------~ ORPHANS" COURT ZELL--Jan. 27. First and Final Account of Clara S. ZeU. Executrix. Estate of John J. Zen. Deceased. Arthur P. Bretherick Register of Wills a~d' Clerk of Orphans' Court , ! II i ! !• i I' I,i • ·THE ., folder. published by the Center. the Courses pf study "ffered by the Institute should be of partieular value to those who have daily contact with foreign-speaking people: those engaged in! export or inlport businesses; anyone contemplating for: cign travel; graduate students preparing for an advance degree; high school graduates awaiting admission college and seeking advanced credit; and anyone who wishes to increase his capacity to appreciate and enjoy the music, art, drama, and literature of other lands. Offer Language Courses at State H. S. Staging Big C.A.R.E. Campaign iam Ward,' 3rd, of Swartlimore; chairman, three clinics held in Januar)!~ 'afour work~rs 12 .hours Staff Library. M~. George B. Sickel. of Swarthmore chairman. reported 32 new volumes bound for library. Mrs. Willis Glauser. chairman, reported five resignations and two new members, M.rs. WiUiam R. Huey of Swarthmore and Veronica O'Rourke. they were guests of Dr. and Wilson Ge. " E. H. Taylor, of Harvard aV"n .. was a member of a panel in,:lu,di.. Congressmen CliffordR. Hope. R. Poage and Ben F. Jensen Kent I:.eavitt. of Millbrook", York. who discussed "The Need A_National Land Policy'': at the Dual Dlceting of the Association Southern Agricultural Workers Washington on Thursday. (Continued form Page 1) of the laSt war grew In just such an atmosphere In that very counThe lastest educational undertry. Germany has coaI,lJlight, and taing in the Delaware County area engineering braIn power, but she is the new Institute of Modern needs food to get back Into workLanguages at the Pennsylvania ing order. We can help to give her State College Center in Swartlullore. that, and so we have selected the Scheduled to open this month. the, German Ruhr as our territory, and Institute will usc the lastest methThe figure of $1413.81 was the later on ,one town will be decided ods of instruction in tC3C'hing iinal report of the. Chariiy Ball upo~ ;.. 'our town'. This will be ~ French, German, Italian; PortuKappa H ...te.. chairman. the town which will get our con· guese, Russian and Spanish, accorc!The Kappa Kappa Gamma S"wino • tributions. We will use two sources ing to Arthur K. Meyers, AdminisGroup will meet at the home of trative Head of the Penn State Mr. Meyers stated that he is 'al- to obtain our funds. The first is H. Merle Mulloy of Winding NEWS NOTES Center. 1 ready accepting applicati'lDS for the school; the second is the whole Media, next Tuesday. Clifford M. Bryant of South The modern tecnnltlUCs of instruc - admission to the Institute, and nlay town. "On Thursday night.· March 4. Chester road, who graduated as a tion. Mr. Meyers said today. will he contacted at the Penn Slate citizens will have the opportunity mechanical engineer from Swarthinclude recordings by instructors; Center. Tomorrow night the budding to attend 'Activities Night' 'in the more. College. February 1. will leave ors of the Senior class pf voice-recorders for student speech Clothier Memorial at Swarthmore Sunday to take a position with thmqre High School will practice ~ motion pictures; texts, College. The con~ge has kindly General Electric at West LYlln. their annual dramatic pr,odloctioD, and written matcrials. iliin,e!;! consented to. let us use the h'lll for Mas·s. Faculty mcmbers for the Intsitutc 'At 8 o'clock the curtains in the night in order to raise money. Richard Taylor spent a day with School Auditorium wiU rise of Modern Languages will include Various talent acts will be staged his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. "Heaven Can Waitfl a ,comedy members of the Penn State staff and (Continued form Page I) (1907-11). University ""d SPROUL ST. was held Tuesday. Febr'uar,y 3at \1 O'clock i" thr hospital solarium. . Mrs. Samuel D. Oyde. president. 328 PARK AVE • ·.f Swarthmore, presided. Chairman of the various commit40 AMHERST AVE. tees gave the following reports; liThe Little Shop": Mr·•. \Valter CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS 221 PARK AVE. Palmtr. chairman 21 workers, 64 THEATRE SQUARE hours;' Prosperity Shop, ~rs. ::19 DICKINSON AVE. F. J ong. chairman. twe worker;, 17 hot1t":; Surgical Dressing~. Mrs. Z3Z BENJAMIN WEST AVE. Geo,~'~ L. Arm.t~ge anti Mr,. Crosby Black, of Swarthmore cochairman, 4 workers, 11 hours, 3500 Listing ot Homt:s.in Swarthmore and Vicinity Solicited . . articles wrapped; Floor Service. Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Swarthmore, Phone Swarthmore 0114 chairman, nine workers, 133 hours; Cancer Detection Clinic, Mrs. Will- ta: Heads Coal Div. Bureau of r , Presenting The New 1948 PONTIAC A FINE CAR MADE EVEN FINERI Recently .By C. R. LOUGHEAD INC. EDW. L. NOYES & CO. ~ The "CAKE BOX" F: TREA.SURE TREAT u :e = Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Cochran of Wallingford will entertain at a buffet supper at the;'- home tomorrow evening. Guests from Swarthmore will include Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Anthony. and Mr. and Mrs, 'Richard Willis. Mr. and Mrs. F. van. der Gfocht o[ 'Harvard avenue will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman G. Ebert ("j! Philadelphia at a cocktail party and dinner dance at the Engineers Club. Philadelphia, Saturday evening. Announcing The Institute of Modern ,La.,guages • of The Pennsylvania State College Center wo_ • , • - FRENCH RUSSIAN ,GERMAN ITALIAN STEAKS-CHOPS SEAFOOD Our, Speclaity Phone Swarthmore 3340 , , I • E ._ ___ "'~ _... ..... _ _ ..... _ ~ . _ s . . - . ~ -"• _ prefer. (Heart Shaped) ,, GILBERT CHOCOLATES The Choclates of Connoisseur's Petits {ours, Hor's d:Ocuvres and\ Sandwiches made on order El\eSICI: l'ama. I 855 Harv~ Ave.., Swal'tbmore . • • E= cake in the flavor you moat I""~ . The Pnnsylvania St2'_te C~lIege C::mt-er = ........... C _0 _'_ ... "'._....._ sponge French And Danish Pastry Classes Begin February Sixteenth J light-textured , PORTUGUESE SPANISH Ou" _... _ Completely Air-Condi!ioned I» \; II 11\ HOURS- 9 A. M. TO 10 P. M. Phote Swa. 3243 Ii",~~~==..c~~~~ : Delivery seTYice Daily 1\ :00 A. M, & 3;00 P. M. ownrtnmore Colle~e Library . , . Swarth more, 'Ps. . . L III . . . , I: ,\ II Y , ; ~, HOME • 80'COLOCK AND SCH~L I -;2.,0 " THE SWARTHMOREAN TUESDAY NIGHT , ." ' ! _YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ZO, 1941 • VOL _No.8 RED CROSS DRIVE LISTED H. and S. To Hear Dunni". Captain, T earns Ready To Canvass Town March') Harrison F. Dunning, of Wallingford vice-president ana general manager 01 Scott Paper plants. wiU address the Swarthmore Home and School Association in the high school auditorium next Tuesday evening, F e1eJil$~ on the :Cdllege ,Caillpus:'Mr: DCI-' ')a~'es Ste~~~" j~: di~~ct the 10c~1 "How.ever, I think it is fair to Business M-t!n :anii 'Organizations; taryconferences lietween the teach- aI4.aiUl~·s d"ath Thursday night· production which ti,e club describes state at this point that the response Joseph Reynolds!. Mrs. _ Gerner, ers and th~ parents .. ~hese ron- Febnm.t:w 12 at ·his Cornell 3.llcnUe as Uthis season"s Ibelly-Iaff' play". has been such as 0 indicate that a Edward ,Noyes. Charles Russell, ferenec. revIew rhe child s progress home ,,,,,ded a widely valued ",areer .' .. and Mrs. Robert R. Hopkins. to da:t.e. ~and indicate suggestions oi as an educator, scientist, pubilic serOnce agall~ th:- stagmg· 15 excet- substantial group of people in our Mrs. HowardW. Ne.wnam, Jr .• how the home alld the school <:an V3ld_ lent. The actIon IS fast and the cast community desperately want to fice throws· it'Jelf into it with such veh- this project succeed; and there is chairman North 'Sitle residential; war&: J110re cooperatively for the Born:in \Vaynesboro, Pa."ien Jan. as to Hireaten exhaustion c;::ertainly no basis for discourage: 'Mrs. Palm", '1.,. Skogland, captain; child's leducation 4. l886, rMr. Delaplaine was "the S::'fi emence after ~~ night's curtain calls. nlent. workers., Mrs_ '1.,. 'H. ,:Allen. Mrs. Oa February 25. at I o'clock 11.:. ,oi lda A . an d I . F . D e"pallle. 1 I' Favoritt actors appear in decidedly George W. McKeag, 'Mrs. LaRue 'Women's International League He utended the Waynesboro Public 'Hendrixson. "",iI 'Mrs. DOl!ald will :5Ponsor an international' dance Schools, Swarthmore PrC!paratory different Toles to the apparent delight of ,,11. TO MARK HALF CENTURY Storrs. program I when Irene Moll will School. :and graduated fr~ll SwarMrs. Robert BralHord. captain; bring a ,group of college dan.:ers to lJlOI'e. ,College in 1913. He ~ook post J., David Narbeth as Harry RinThe Woman's Club of Swarlhworkers. Mrs. "Philip Alden. Mrs. the !Ugh School gym. The elemen- graduate ·work at thc' Uniwersity of ion is extremely 'and effortlessly more wiU observc its Fiftieth AnniDonald W. Poole. U,s. George taTY dtildren will square dance,. a PeIIIlO'lvania. Temple UniV"ersity, funny. Stafford W. Parker plays \"crsary this spring with a special Wagner. Mrs. Thea. Saulnier. Mrs. group of junior high pupils will do and :the ,College Communal. France., elusive angel Jenkins with his usual luncheon program for its memNewto'l H. Harris. MI'S. H. H. and Irish jig. aplomb. Willard G. Reese as bers on Tuesday afternoon. March' Gibson, Jr., Mrs. Carl Cbaffc.e, On F"j,ruray 26 at 1 o'clock lk :l:m!ght science three ,years at Faker Eng!und is a consitent funn}·· 33, and a program to which the ",nd 'Mrs. Robert Reell. there w.i.ll be a movie. program in We 1the W.ilmington Frienw. School man_ \Vashington West, III, as the entire community is invited on MarM'rs. Wayne RBntlall. ,captain; auditoritlm. prior '.to ,entering the Pbiladelphia tightly encompassed Gordon Miller ch 31. at 8 p. m. workers, 1.frs. Olarles C. Brogan, Mrs. John E. Michael, club presi. S~ring v.aeation will be observed School _tem. n 1916. He has bcell oozes Insouciance and a masterMTS_ Wilrl31l1 E. Hetzel. Jr.. , Mrs. from Goad Friday. toMarch 26, to connected WIth . the. F..ank[orcl, of-his-fate chesHness. The funnicsi dent. has appointed the ,followiug Walter R. Sht>ema1oer. Mrs. H. B. and includiqg Friday. April 2, This Northe.ast, Phda., Ceatral. and scenes are those in 'which Narbelh, past presidents to serve as chairLincoln. Jr•• and "bs. Edwar.i L. six-day holiday wll conclude wth the Franklm HIgh Schoo~. ~e was Reese. and West work together in men for the occasion; Mrs. R. E. Noyes. ' Ullman, . and Mrs. Eunice Story re-openng of school on Monday, elected .J)epartment Head ID Phy- contagious rapport. Mrs. Fred R. Wilson. 11:00 A. M.-Morning Worship ........................ Local Churches All who an interested ar wlcome. W. J. Barnes. tory at lhe College. in 1930. He TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 :.'-' \; y , Mrs. Herman ~L Bloom, captain; is credited with having taken one 1:00 A. M.-New Member Luncheon and Program .... Woman·s Club Thet.l! .' .......- . ... ., workers, Mrs. Richmond Fethe'. '!':~~~T:-_';:I : I third of all pictures taken since 191;? 8:00 P. M .-Jr. Club Bridge Party .................. Woman's ClUb The Swarthmore College ppa 8;30 P. M.-Music Oub .......................... Bartol Laboratory rolf. Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter. Mrs. meet for an all- He collobMlfd.I'S T, ",!~'." ,t11IH ""nlQ!f'i:\ll:: f.o.t,tronol1lical 8:00 P. 1.L-Swimming Pool Meeting ............ H . . . S. Auditorium Gurin, and :Mrs. lfaxey Morrison. day se.wing at 'tli~ lI""'e'-i,,~)lrsf" THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26 Mrs. Willianl F. Lee. captain, George E. Silloway of North Ches- Journal. the J\strdphysical Jumal. (Continued on Page S) 2:30 P. M.-W.I.L. Meeting ... ~ ............ 506 North Chester Road ter road, Wednesday. February 25. (Continued on Page S) The 'Southern Chapter of the Amern:an Red C~oss seeks to Taise $2.409;000.00 this year as its 'share of the $75.000.000. national drive I SCHOOL HOLIDAY NEXT ,MONDAY PLAYERS RELIEVE ,WINTER 80 I a PI I 'V!' TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR K!i) 4Tr lNTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE 8 H. S. Staging Big they were guests of Dr. and Wilson Ge. E. H. Taylor, of Harvard aV'CllIl. was a member of a panel in<:IU<1i',g! CongrcSSt11Cll Clifford R. Hope, R. Poage 3ml Ben It'. Jensen Kent l.cavitt, of Millbrook" York, who discussed "The Need iam Ward, 3rd, of Swarthmore, chairman, three clinics held i~ Jan(Continued form Page 1) uar)~, aour workers 12 our&of the last war grew in just such Staff Library, Mr\;. George B. Sickel, of SwartluilOrc chaimlan, an atmosphere in that very COWl- reported 32 new volumes bound for The lastest cducat;onal Ulldcrtry. Gennany has .. W'II' GI auser, c h atr. taillg ill the Delaware Connty area 1 rary ,1\'1fS. 1 IS . coal, might, and h I'b engineering braIn power, but s e ' . . , is the lIew Institute of Modern ' b k' k mall, reported fIVe resignatIons an d d Langtla~c~ at the Pennsyh·ani.l "?eeds faD to get ac mto. wor ~ \ two new members, Mrs. William A .National Land Policy~ at the State Collcge Center in Swarthmore. mg order. We can help to glve her R. Huey of SwartJnrtore and Ver- nual meeting of the Associatioll Southern Agricultural Workers 'I that, and so we have sel.eeted the onica O'Rourke. Scheduled to open this 1II0nth, thc, Washington 011 Thursday. German Ruin as our terrItory, and [l1stitutc will usc the lastcst methThe figure of $1413.81 was the later on ,one town will be decided ods of instruction in teaching upon as 'our town'. This will be final report of the Charity BaJJ French, German, Italian. PortuKappa Holte•• the town which will get our eOi!-' chairman. guese, Russian and Spanish. accon!The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewil'1o tributions. We will use two sources ing to Arthur K. :\1 eyers, AthuillisGroup will meet at the home of Hrs. to obtain our funds. The first is trative Head of the Penn State. 1\1 r. Meyers stated that he is alH. Merle Mulloy of Winding NEWS NOTES the school; the second is the whole Center. : rcady accepting applications for Media, next Tuesday. . Clifford AI. Bryant of SOllth The modern tccnnhlues of ItIsh'uc· admission to the, Institutc~ and may town. "On Thursday night, March 4, Chester road, who graduated as a lion, Mr. Meyers said today, will he contacted at the Penn State citizens will have the opportunity mcchanical engincer from Swarthinclude recordings by instructors; Center. Tomorrow night the budding to attend 'Activities Night' 'in the more College, February 1, will leave ars of the Senior class of voice-n.'corders for student speech Clothier Memorial at Swarthmore Sunday to take a position with thmqre High School will or'es!'" practice; IIlotion pictures; te..xts, College. The con~ge has kindly General Electric at \Vest LYIII1. thei.r annual dramatic and written materials. consented to let us use the hall for Mass. At 8 o'clock the curtains in the Faculty members for the Intsitule that night in order to raise money. Richard Taylor spent a day with School Auditorium will rise of :Modern Languages will include (Continued form Page 1) his parcnts, :Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Various talent acts will be staged "Heaven Can Wait" a comedy 11lemhl'rs of the Pellil State staff and faculty members frolll other colleges (1907-11), Univcrsity of tiissonri for the benefit of C. A. R. E. Best Taylor, of Harvard- avcllue~ -whih: tasy by Harry Segall. in the Phila. region. Mr. Meyers (1912-14), and the University of of all, on Friday night, there will 011 his way from Cornell University .1.111111111111111111111111111 JIll JllIIIIII 11111 stated that ill addition to thc teach Chicago (1914-17-, where he receivcd be a big 'CARE' dance. The big to the University of Vi~ginia Hc ANNUAL iug of the languages, the iaculty his PhD in chemistry_He is the leap year dance will take place in has rclinquic;hed his Regional Scholarship at Cornell to enter the author of m3ny scientific and t~chn­ the high school gym, and all are would also give COllsiderable at~irl tention to the customs and tradition.: cal papcrs.' and has been granted welcome. We hope that you peo- courses in pre-law and government Opens February 16 of the lands in which thc langnagc~ many United States and foreign ple in the town will want to back at the University of Virginia, where he was one of 19 permitted to enter Order from your favorite SCOl1t patents. Born at Blair, 111., Dr. us in this drive. are spoken. at mid-year. Mr. Taylor accomp:lI1or Call Sw·.. rthmore 0107-J Brown is marricu ami has two sons. According to a new four-page to Charlottesville, when' ied him IIIlllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllll1 Washington's Birthday Dance Offer Language Courses at State I folder, published by the Center, the Courses of study offered by the 111slitute should he of particular value to those who have daily contact with foreign-speaking people: those engaged in export or import businesses: anyone contelllplating foreign travel; graduate students preparing for an advance degree; high school graduates awaiting admission to college and seeking advanced credit; and anyone who wishes to increase his ctlpacity to appreciate and enjoy the music, art, drama, and literature of other lands. C.A.R.E. Campaign . Heads Coal Div. Bureau of Mines Scout Cookie The Duck Club will hold a George Washington dance in the Pennsylvania State College Center gym on Harvard avenue from 9 until 1 o'clock Saturday night, February 21. ,R.uss Hannan's Orchestra wiII again supply the music. This is the second dance sponsored by this new borough organizati~m, the first having been held last month. Recently Sold .By 328 40 PARK AVE. 221 PARK AVE. ~19 DICKINSON AVE. 232 BENJAMIN WEST AVE. Liatirig ot Homes.in Swarthmore and Vicinity Solicited Phone Swarthmore 0114 Ii.'." The Institute of Modern Languages of The Pennsylvania State College Center --- - - FRENCH - Report of Ho.pital Board The February meeting of the Junior Board of the Chester Hospital 9th and SPROUL ST. was held Tuesday, February 3 at 11 o'clock ill tlH' hospital solarium. Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde, presid~llt. -.f Swarthmore, presided. Chairman of the various committees gave the following reports: "The l.ittle Shop" Mr·:. Walter CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Palmtr, chairm:m 21 wnil.er5. 64 THEATRE SQUARE hours; Prosperity Shop, lvlrs. F. F. long', chairm:llI. two workcn, 17 hm1r':; Surgical Dressingt, Mrs. Geoq;it.. L. Arm.hge allli :Mrs. Crosby Black, of Swarthmore cochairman, 4 workers, 11 hOllrs, 3500 articles wrapped; Floor Service, ~Irs. 1. Paul Brown of Swarthmore, chairman, nine workers, 133 hours: Cancer Dctection Clinic, :Mrs. \Vill· TREASURE TREAT Announcing ~u GM HYDRA-MAT1C DRIVE' - OPTIONAL" We Feel That For Those Who Know Poatiac, We Need Only -Here ie, The Moat Beautiful Pontiac Ever Built, -Here is, The moat Dependable Pontiac Ever Built -An i. Now Available With Gene".J Moton Hydra.Matic D,·iv.,'Optional at Additional COlt The "CAKE BOX" AMHERST AVE. _ --- Presenting The New 1948 PONTIAC A FINE CAR MADE EVEN FINER I C. R. LOUGHEAD INC. EDW. L. NOYES & CO. -. • RUSSIAN GERMAN ITALIAN SPANISH PORTUGUESE Classes Beg-in Fchruary Sixteenth The Pnr.:;ylvania St?.te C'lllege C:!!lt~:' 855 Harvard Ave., Swa::·thmore Phone Swarthmore 3340 Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Cochran of Wallingford will entertain at a buffet supper at their home tomor· row evening. Guests from Swarthmore will include Mr. and ~lrs. Charles Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. \ Frederick Anthony, and Mr. and I\.'il'S, Richard Willis. Mr, and 'Mrs. F. va~ del' G~'aeht of Harvard avenue will be guests of IvIr. and 111'5. Herman G. Ebert ,~: Philadelphia at a cocktail party and dinner dance at the Engineers Club, Philadelphia, Saturday eve· ning, Our' light-textured sponge cake in the flavor you most prefer_ (Heart Shaped) GILBERT CHOCOLATES The. Choclates of Connoisseur-s f)~~ £ES'I', ~:~U81~!S:n.-•. : I French And Danish Pastry Petits fours, Hor's d:Oeuvres and Sandwiches made on order I I ' STEAKS-CHOPS SEAFOOD 011r SpecJalty :.~II I :;1 • . Frida". F.bJ'ONOr]' 13. S W·A R T HMO RE A N HOURS- 9 A. M. TO 10 P. M. Phore Swa. 3243 n~ti\'cry senit'(: nailI 11 :00 A. M. & 3 :00 P. 11. FEB 21 1948 ;:)wl1rthmere College Library Swarth me re , P a. . \" \\ . Llj:1~,\ f'Y -....... "-""- 8 O'COLOCK HOME THE SWARTHMOREAN AND SCHOOL TUESDAY NIGHT .' I RED CROSS DRIVE WORKERS LISTED H. and S. To Hear Dunning Captain, Teams Ready To Canvass Town March 1 The Southern Chapter of the American Red Cross seeks 10 "raise $2,409;000.00 this year as its 'share 01 tile $75,000,000. national drive f~r funds.' The Swarthmore 'Branch share of this total is ~.500. J. Paul Brown who 'heads the Fund Drive Campaign feels that Swarthmoreans will again 'give gell'crously to this single annual appe.ll ·in order to show tbcir approval of the program and ·serVices off('rcd 'b y the Red Cross. The following \vorkers 'have heen 'lined up in reaaincss lor the Fund Drive which begins March 1. J. Paul BroWn, ·chairman; R. T. Bates, vice~c1tait'man; Harold Ogram, treasnr"!f'; Mrs. Margaret Good, assirta:nt 'treasurer; Mrs. J olm ~{. Pearson, pti1;licity; M r's. R. Blair Price, 'supplies; Mrs. A M. Lackey HtlII'Mrs.'C. F. Wolters, decorations. Dr. John "E. };fichaeJ, chairman, Business Moen :alli:l 'Organizations; Joseph Rcynoldsr. Airs. _ Gerner. Edward ~oycs, Charles Russell. and ]..f rs. Reihert R. Hopkins. l\Jrs. Howard \V. Newnam, Jr.. chairman North Side residential; "l\frs. Palmer L. Skog1alul, captain: workers, Mrs. L. H. Allen, Mrs. George W. 1\lcKeng. Mrs. LaUue ·Hcndrixson, :nnd 1\:{ rs. DOHald Storrs. Mrs. Rohcrt Bradford. captain; workers. ?I.,f rs. Philip Alden, Mrs_ TIonald \V. PocHe, ""'NIrs. George \Vagner, 11r5. Theo. Saulnicr. 1\.[r5. Ncwtor\ II. H'trt'tis, Mrs. H. H. Gihson, Jr., AIrs. Carl Cha(fec, ,and ~frs. Robert Reed. l.frs. 'Vaync "Rantlal1, ·captain; \\'orkers, ~rrs. Cl1arles C. Brogan, Mrs. William E. Hetzel, Jr.. , Mrs. Wa1ter R. Shoemaker, Mrs. H. B. Line01n, Jr., aI!d MTS. Ed\V"roi L. N'oyes. ~I rs. Fred R. \Vilson, captain; worker-s, Mrs. Aifred Swan, 'Mrs' Robert Sessions. Mrs. ,Orville Bullitt-, Jr .• Mrs. John F. Daley. M1"S. Robert M. Wa"«:r, Mrs. Willian, B. Bullock, and Mrs. Louis N_ Robinson. Sadie Q,adwick, captain, College avenue School; workers EIi7.abeth Barton, Eugene Udell, Jo.H:brd P. Robinson, Elizabeth Etrie:.. Kathryn Moran, and Russell Snyder Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson. Jr., chairman, South Side Residential No.1; Airs. Robert Richard!loll, captain; workeI's. Mrs. Randolph Lee. llrs. JamelJ H. Hornaday, Mrs. Warren R. Godfrey, Mrs Stanley L. MacMillan, Mr.. H. E. Wells, Mrs. Peter E. Told, Mrs. W. H. Lovekin, and Mrs. \V. J. Barnes. l.frs. Herman 11. Bloom, captain; workers, Mrs. Richmond Fetherolf, Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter, Mrs. David U. Ullman, Mrs. Samuel Gurin, ami ~[rs. ~1axey ~[orrison. }..{rs. \Villiam F. Lee, captaill (Continued on Page 5) $3.00 YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY ZO, 1948 ~ VOL 1i No.8 I Harrison F. Dunning, of Wallingford vice-president ana general manager of Scott Paper plants, will address the Swarthmore Home and School Association in the high school auditorium ncxt Tu('s~ ~ay evening, February 24, on "What Industry Expects of Our High School Graduatc!:." Stbdents of the high schac! and junior high school wil! attend the meeting. SERVICES HONOR ROY DELAPLAINE The Art Section of the \Voman's Club extends an invitation to artist residents of the hOI'ough to display two paintings at the Annual Exhihit by Local Artisits in the club auditorium ~larch 9 through 14. For futher information any person interested is asked to call Mrs. B. F. Schwo!1II chairman of the sponSOri!lg department, Sv,,'artlullorc 0109. Teacher, Astronomer, Soldier Died Feb. 12 SWIM POOL SPONSORS MEET Status of Project to Be Revealed By Committee The Swarthmore Swimming Pool Committee has announced that it would give a full report on the progress and status of the swimming pool project at a mceting' to be held 011 \Vcdnesday evening, February 25, at 8 p. III. in the High Schuol Auditorium. All sponsors and families who have submitted applications for membership are invited to attend this meeting, according to John Vl. i Seybold, president of the committee. :r-.'Irs. Justus Garrahan. membership chairman, will give a complete report as to the response ot the community to this project, and the committee will submit its r~"Room Service", the current commendations for discussion :l1_d \ Players Club produ.c!ion, opened for decison of the entiregroup. PLAYERS RELIEVE WINTER BOREDOM SCHOOl HOLIDAY NEXT MONDAY -,.-;-..:;.;- Room Service Stirs Audiences To Laughter, Teacher's Conference Programs Begins Wednesday The Swarthmore Public Scho(lls will be ,closed for the day on Mcnday. February 23, in ohscrvance uf \Va.'ihiDgton's Birthday. They will be open as usua1 on Februray 24. TIlC C Icmcntary schooIs will 11avc, Invite Arliaib Ito a a standing room only house Iwith ~fotH!ay night which it convulsed laughter. The farce, a £orm~r A :MeIllorial Se.rvicc was held io\Roy • ''''city Delaplaine Sunday . F' . 'I a f temoOll 111 n~n(I':) '\ 1\0 ~cttng c HI1M: .L.. C ·11 C M l~'e Ion ~,' 0 ege alllpus. r.. • .at .. d tl TI sd • al"l\aJn~ s .ea 1 1Ur. ay Dlg IIt Febntary 12 at his Cornell ;u,'enuc home ,ended a widely valued -career as an educator, scientist, public scr- Marx Brothers vehicle, is written by 10hn :Murray and Allen Boret;. Jonath"n Prichard. Jr., and \Villiam' James Stcvens. Jr., direct the local production Which the club describes as "this season's 'belly-Iaff' pia v" . . Once again' the. stauing is excelr. lent. The action is fast and the cast throw~" itself iuto it with such vchemcnce as to threaten exhaustion aftcr t'ach night's curtain calls. Favorite actors appear in decidedly different Toles to the apparent delight of all. J .• David Narheth as Harry Binion is extremely and cffortles~ly fu""y. Stafford \V. Parker plays elusive angel Jenkins with his usual aplomb. \Villard G. Reesc a::; Faker Englund is a consitent funny· man. \Vashingtoll \Vest, III, as the tightly encompassed Gordon Miner oozes insouciance and a ma~ter­ of-hjs-fatc chestincss. The funnicst sccnes arc those in which Narhe'th, Reese. and \Vest work together in contagious rapport. Mr. Stevens lifts his role. cf Sillirnoff out of the farce classification into a sort of pathos with considerable skill. Charles Stockdale as the gullible playwright is re· sponsible for many hearty laughs. Irvin R. ?\..facElwee as ambitious hotel-man Wagner is gullible in (Continued on Page 5) Seybold declined to comment in advanc of the meeting as to what the recommendations of the COUlmittee would be. "I'd rather urge people to be present and to gct the complete story first hanu," he ~aid_ "However, I think it is fair to state at this point that the response has been such as 0 indicate that a substantial group of people in ourcommunity desperately want to !'ee this project succeed, and ther~ is certainly no basis for discoural~e: Inent. " morning sessions only from FeD_ to March 1, inclusive. Thc a{tcT~ noous will be devoted. to elementary conferences between the tcachers ,and the parents. These ronfercnces review the child's progress ,,_. I . 1., to wuC all( 111< Icate suggestJOll!5. Q1 how dIe hOUle and the school -can . I f b vant_ work .more cooperatIve y Of' t e Born 'in \VaYl1esboro, Pa., ,on Jan. child's .education 4, 1.886, _},[r. Delaplaine was the S:'I1l On Rebruary 25, at I o'clock ilic .,. fda A. and I. F. Delaplaiue. \Vomen's International League H.e .attended the_ \Vaynesboro Public will ~onsor an jnternational' -dance Schools. S\"'arthmore pf(~parat()ry TO MARK HALf:' CENTURY program when Irene Moll wj!J School, and graduated fram SwarThe \Vomau's Club of Swarthbring ,a ,group of college dancers. to 111or-Co College in 1913. He took pust more will observe its Fiftieth Anll;the High School gYIll. The clclllcn- 1{raduatc work at tIH,~· Uni~'ersitv of ':ersary this spring with a special tary .chi1d~ell. will_ SqU3I'C. daJl~c.. a I PelUl~yLvania, Templc Univ'Cr~itYl luncheon program for its memgroup of JUlllor 11Igh pupils 'will do and the College Communal, France. hers on Tuesday afternoon, :Millch auu Irish jig. 23, and a prograJu to which the On Februray 26 at 1 o'clock lie :taught sciencc three yean at entirc community is invited on },[arthere wID he a movie, program jn tJIC 11h~ \Vilmingt?n Friend~ Scho~! ch 31, at 8 p. 111. aullitorhull. pnor ,to ,entering the Philadelpll1a Mrs. John E. 'Michael, club presiSpring vacation will be observed School :~'stCIll n 1916. He llas been dent, has appointed the ,{ollowiu,s fron; Good Friday, toMarch 26, to COllllccted with . the, Frankford. past presidents to scrve as chairand illcludirm Friday, April 2. This Northc~st, Phtla., CClItral, and me.n for thc occasion; },{rs. R. E. six-day holiday wli conclude wth the Frankhn High Schoo'i. He \"as Ullman, and Mrs. Eunice Story rc-openng .at' school on l.fonday elected Department Head in Phy· April 5. ' sical Education in 1923, served on Eaton co-chairman of the afternoon the Supervisory Committee 011 obscf\'am'c, :Urs. Earl Kistler chairathletics for 25 years and .. s man of the community night, :h[rs. W . I. L· Meeting and Tea one of the early mcmbcl-!. of the InPeter E. Told chairman of history. Frederick Libby, of the Nater-league AthletiC Commission. The club's program chairman :Mrs. tional Council for the Prevention of Lloyd E. Kauffman is the general During World War I he com· War in Washington, D. C., will be chairman of the anniversary with th~ speaker for the February meet- manded the 311th :Machine Gun :Mrs. George P. Warrcll, chairing of thc Women's International Batanion, designing the e1evath.g man of drama, as her assistant • League. This meeting will be held device used on the Heavy Browillg Thursday afternoon, February 26, Ma.::hinc Gun, as well as assisting at 2:30 o'clock at the home, of Mrs. in conlpiling the first range tables Ed\\~ard Jenkins, 506 North Chester for this gun. During World War II FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 road. After reports on the National he served on a nUl\1ber of DefenSE 10:00 A. M.-Antiques Dept. vVornan's Club ...... Phila. Art Museum 7:15 P. M.-!.I. S. BoY's.B~sketba11 vs Ridley Park ............ Gym Board Meeting of the W.I.L. by Committees. 8.20 P. M.- Room ServIce ............... '" ........ Players Club He. served on the Town Council Mrs. Caleb Smith and Mrs FrcdSATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 erick Tolles, who attended the 5(1- at North \Vales, Pa., and as a mem7:00 P. M.-J. V. Basketba11 vs Delaware ................ Field House ssiolls in Bait. last week-end,M r. ber of the Swarthmore School 8:20 P. M .-"Room Service" .......................... Players Club Libby will speak on the. topic Board for 10 years, serving as Pres- 8:30 P. l'.f.-Basketba11 vs Delaware .................... Field HOllse 9:00 to 1 P. M,-Duck Club Dance .......... Penn State Center Gym "Turning the Tide Toward Peace". ident 'for the last six. Mr. Deyaplainc joined the r~­ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY ~ The t~lk will be followed by a te~. 11:00 A. M.-Morning Worship ........................ Local Churches search staff of the Sproul OvservO! All who an interested ar W1cOIllC. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 tory at the College, in 1930. He 1:00 A. ),{ .-New ),Iember Luncheon and Program .... \-Voman's Club Theta Ho ..tet-a, is credited with having taken one 8:00 P. M.-Jr. Club Bridge Party .................. \Voman's Club The Swartlul1or'c College Kappa third of all pictures taken since 1912. 8:30 P. ~L-Music Club ........ " ........... "' ... Bartol Laboratory Alpha Thetas will meet for an all- He colloborated on tnany .at:: icles WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 day sewing at' 'tiie·' of- Mrs~'~ .(or: tllc,- -Amqric311 Aiitr~llomical 8:00 P. ~[.-Swimming Pool :Mccting ............ H . . . S. Auditorium George E. Silloway of North Ches- Jou'rnal, the ...\stroph):sical jurnal, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 2:30 P. M.-vV.I.L. Meeting ................ 506 North Chester Road ter road, Wednesday, February 25. (Continued on Page 5) 25 vy. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR hdme" ~, z--S::o-c--:i:-a--:l-::-M:-:o-t-e-s--"·s-o-:.:.!:.::,.. .:·": sp:~!.n-d~iI~,~-I-O·-d-ay-S-a-t-S-a-n-i-b~el-:-:~v~~~n...:uE~C-h.::~d~W~b!.:~e~·:!....::~~~U~:~O~fo~r~R:...;~()~A~~:~r-.-H-.-L--e'~~-"s-C~u-t-Ie-r-Wl"':'ll-O-ffi---'o~· ~reXClF::Y'a:e=i:' : : .. Island, near Ft. Myers ¥la. guests in honor of the couple, Sur.- ciate. gratulations upon the birth of their Mrs. E. D. BraUD. of Vassar day afternoon. . A reception will follow the cere- I' d I 'Id C I Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates avenue returned Saturday after aI _ lIr c 11. June Smith, on· , mony at the home of Mr. and Mrs . tFebruary 8 inaro University Hospitai. of Harvard avenue spent the weekMrs. Georgo A. Man announces Robert·Walter Beatty. of Glen Mills. Philadelphia. end in Wilkes barre with their son- two-week visit with her sister and ·The new baby is a granddaughter in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. the cngagment of her daugh"'r BIRTH of Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Smith Eugene S. Farley, and attended the D. McDargh of San AntonIo, Texas, Helen C. Marr, to D~. E. Fullerton r. an rs. IC Ilar dO·. S mit of Baltimore pike. and with her brother Mr. E. W. Cook of Philadelphia and' Atlantic M d M R' • h wedding of their grandson. Robert Coates Farley and Barbara A. McCullough and wife of Terra City. After their marriage jn May, the lledland of Waymart, ncar Scran- Haute, Ind. Mr. and Mrs,. Paul B. Banks of cou"le plan to live at the home of ton, which took place in the Waymart Methodist Church, Saturday. Harvard avenue witl entertain as Mrs. MarT on Park avenue in Mr. and Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup their week·cnd guests, !tIr. and ,Swarthmore. ----..,.. of Haverford avenue entertained Mrs. Carl V. S. Patterson of Towanda, and will entertain at WEDDING ATTENDANTS at a dinner-bridge at their home a dinner party in their 11000r at Saturday evening. the Rolling Green Country Club, Miss Jean Brown, sister of the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel \V. W. this evening. bride, will be maid of honor and Mitchell of Prospect Park enterMr. and Mrs. A. S. Johnson of Mrs. E. L. Solomal1 of New Lo,,tained at a stork shower Saturday South Chester road retuTned Mon- don, Conn., wifl act as matron of evening for :hlr .. and Mrs. Peter day for a two-week sojourn at Hot honor at the marriage of Miss L. Miller of South Chester road. Springs, Va. They were joined :Uargaret Drown, daughter of Mr. •• The party was held at the home of there by l{rs. Johnson's sister, Mrs. and :Mrs. Harry Franklin Brown, Mr. Mitchell's parents, Mr. and Harold R. Sans.on of Birmingham, of North Chester road to 1fr. "RI GHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN Mrs. Ferris \V. Mitchell of Strath AJa., who rctuTl1cd with the Johl1- 'Yaltc r Landon Douglass, Jr' J son Haven avenue. sons for a short visit in Swarthmore. of Mrs. Vvalter Lanuon Dougla~s Mr. and Mrs. Donald ,V. Poole Dr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher of New London, Conn., and the CALL 04 ~ o. DARTMOUTH &- LAFAVETTE AVES. and children Jackie and Donny· of of Guernsey' road have been entcr- la~c Dr. Douglass, which will take Swarthmore avenue, will spend the talniug as their house guest 1\Irs. p!ace ~aturday" March "l:l at· 8 holiday week-end in Atlantic City. Fisher's sister, lfrs. Gilbert L., ~ clock 111 the Swarthmore PresbyThe Alumnae Discussion Group Countryman who has gone to Bos- terian Church. of Swarthmore College held a din- ton to join Comdr. Countryman DI"o H. Le\"is CUller will perform ner lueeting at Bond, 'Monday cvewho is taking over his new assign- the- ~eremony. . ·Iling. Prof. Leslie Lipson, of the llIent in the First Naval District. M,ss Susan Braun will be the Political Science Department at Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Shcnkle of junior bridesmaid and the bridesthe college., spoke on "Soci~l Pro- Dickinson avenue will entertain maids will be MJss Madelyn Rich .. blems in New ,Zealand." over the holiday week-end, their ardson, :Memphis, Tenn., Miss BEAUTY SAL 0 N Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of son and daughter-in-law, Mr., and Mary Kathryn Armour, BirmingElm avenue entertained informally Mrs. S. A. Shenkle and daughter h~m, Ala., Mrs. O. Linha. t, at a small luncheon before the Vivian of West Orange, N. J. Pittsburgh, and M,ss Betty Anne I Beauty Thaws the Coldest Heart mf'eting of the 'Y0man's Club, Mr. and !lfrs. Thomas J. Prather Kite, of Ogden avenue. Tuesday. and children, Joseph, and Michael ~r. ~enner Douglass of Oberlin Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rodgers 01 Call Swarthmore 0476 are residing in their newly pur- 0.hl0 will serve as best man for Riverview road will entertain 3S chased home at 315 Vassar avenue. hiS brother amd the ushers will i~l­ 9 Chester Road their \,reek-end guest. 1,,[r. Rodgers' Mrs. Prather and children spent clude Mr. Robert MacMichael of father, Mr. S. S. Rodllers oi last year in Greece whCTe they Itad West Chester,. Mr. Reuben Uhler, Anaconda, Mont., who is east 011 joined 1\Ir. Prather who was with Thorndale, Mr_ William' Strubel, .a business trip. ' the .UNNRA in Greece ·three vears. Coatesville, Mr_ John W. Douglass, Mrs. Claude C. Smith of BaltiThey returned td, this count;y f_ New, London,Conn., brother more pik~ returned home Sunday summer and have been visiting re~ the groom, andl Lt. (jg) Harry . .from the University Hospital, Philaat£ves in Pittsburgh before com:nll! Brown, Jr., brother of the bride. delphia. • to Swartht11ore~ A reception will follow the cereDr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones I mony at the. hmue: of the brhl~'s Mondall'" Tbru Saturday 01 .'Cedar) lane will "!lend tho OPEN 7 A. 1I.-4l. P • .M. I parents. ENGAGEMENTS George Washington week-end at Mr. and Mrs. John Amen of; Closed ...-ery Sunday Virginia Hot Springs. West Philadelphia announce the APRIL. BRIDE !.Jr. and Mrs. John R. Hanna of engagement of their daughter,;' The marriage ot: Miss Elizabeth -OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE Un'iversity place and Cornell aveLura, and Paul K. Paulson 5001' Beatty. daughter of :Mr. and Mrs. nue wilt return home' today folDAILY DINNEIlS ..... _•• ; 8Se to $I SO of Mr. and Mrs_ Paul M. P;ulsolt :Leo.vis Bonsall Bea.Hy of Bowling SpecIal: an'r.-. J'IIt:ten. • lowing a three-week holiday in of Park avenue. 'Green, Media to Mro- Louis Ining Miami, Fla. Miss Amen is a graduate of West : Dethloff , son' of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Hayes of Philadelphia High Sch::ool and of· William L. Dellil..if of Swart.h· Oberlin a,venue entertained their Elliott Fisher Business College. ,more aven~e will take. llbo:: S?lson-in-law and daughter, Lt. Comdr. ·r~··· Mr. Paulson is a graduate of i tn'day, April 10 at. g 0 cock m the It" -:==; .:::=:-:-. and Mrs. Charles E. Nelson of Swarthmore High School and the: Swarthmore Presoyterian Church. • Annapolis, Md., over the week-end H Univers~ty of Pennsylvania. He: FOR and entertained a group of their FI~ I MAGAZINE friends in honor of their fourth served m the United States Navy SUBSCRIPTIONS wedding anniversary, Saturday eve- as a Navigator on aircraft carriers for four years. •Call ning. Mr. and Mrs. Paulson of Park: 'Mrs. Lloyd E_ Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. C. ·H. Jeglum and their SOil Carl of Hillborn avenue . Swarthmore 2080 will speoo the week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Johnson 6f Bethesda, Md., formerly of Swarthmore . • More than 1S0 years ago sciMrs. Alice M. Baird of DartFriday and Saturday. Friday and Saturday mouth avenue will return tomorrow entists proved that smallpox Feb. 20 and 21 Feb. 20 and 21 following a three-week motor trip "BLACK GOLD" ESTHER WILLIAMS could be prevented. The procein color in Sunday, February 22 "THIS TIME FOR KEEPS" dure is simple, complications rel2 Features! Special Children's Show R,OY ROGERS atively few. Every child should Saturday Matinee-I p. III. "GAY RANCHERO" b" vaccinated against this horin color of Swarthmore :Monday, Tuesday and \V('wShip will meet together this Sunday evening at 6 o'clock for tight refreshments followed by a t,·lk by BUIld Ed- Chairman".at 2 o'clock) at the home The Church Nursery is open durof Mrs. H.,ory L. Smilh. 217· Swar- ing the morning service with Mr~. thmore .a... enue. Geraldine H. New and Beverly The R=. Dr. Charles A. Ander- Harlow in charge. The ushers for the day art; Harry Competent staff is on duty 24 hours a day. son will -speak on "The History <:of E. New, Oark Allison, Walter the Presbyterian Church a~d Some Dickinson; Wesley France and Rich .. of Its ~obl(~ms." :ard lfacHenry. ' For","" ;project members will plea..,: The Wesleyan Service Guild will bring Old silk stockings. : meet on Monday evening "t ,t.e DIUCIOI. 0. fUNDAL. The .Girl's Junior Choir will meet' hoine of Mrs. Alton P. Smith, 813 Thur.silay afternoon at 3:30 !or: Westdale avenue. . 1820 .CHESTNUT STREET rehearsal. The Chapel Choir wilt. .The Fourth Quart~rly Con~erence MARY A. lAIR,. Pr.stdent mod ,ifor rehearsal on Thursday' will be held on Friday eVl11n~, at lot.p...... RI 6-1581 eveoiJ{g at 7:45 o'clock. 7:45. Dr. Leon T. Moore. Di.tricl A special musical program will be Sup~rintendent, ~vill be in. charge. presented at the Vespers' at 4:45. Annual reports will be. Te~elved from and will include a clarinet solo hy ll. the heads of all orgamzatlons. .Weston· Clarke. ------..,.-.-:...-------------:------------------------ ·wards,. a student. at Lincoln~·.Uni". versity. The Young Adult's Club meets "t ; o'clock on Sunday eV~llinA in the P:lfi&h House ": 1 f! Yo:mg PCf')I'~r: -. !"clll1wship wi:' IIlcO;.>t :;;·,.mday Cv! 'i'I:~ at 'j .:to'clock. Mrs. Harry Seymour will lead a discussion of Lecomte de Nouy's book "or HUlnan Destiny: The following Circles will m~ct next Wednesday, February .25. C i r cl e 2, Mrs. Percy Gilbert Chainuau, at 1 o·c1r:,;..k at the home Church Services SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHUBCH Rev. H. Lewis Cutler Minister SUND,\Y, FEBRUARY 2~ 9:45 A. M.-O>urch School . .. 11 :00 A. M.~uFor Suell a. Time 4:45 P. M.-Vesper s.",tee uWhat We Believc"" 6:0(1 P. 'M.-F('esbtn...:1 1;'cllow5hi(1. 6:00 P. Y.-High School Followsh.p 7:00 P. M.-YOUDg Adults • 1:00 P. Y.-Young people"s Fellowship METHODIST CHURCR Roy N. Keiser. D.~. 'Minister SUND,\Y, "EBRU,\RY 22 9:45 A. M.-O>urch School. . 10:00 '\. M.-Young Adult GrouP 11 :00 A. M.",-"Layman·s Day=_ _ __ TRiNITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson. Rector SUND,\Y, l'EBRU,\RY 22 8,00 '\. M.-'-HoI,. CommunIOn. 9:45 '\. M.-Church School 11 :00 A. M.-MornioL PPl.l'cr & SermoD 6:00 P. M.-Young 1'~!e·8 Ife110wmip WEDNESD,\Y. FEBRy,\RY 25, 1948 7:30 A. )I.-Holy Communion 10:00 A. JrI.-HolY Communion TilE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUND,\Y, FEBRU,\RY 22 9:45 A. Y.-Fint Day School. 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum: "Labor Re· lations in the Home" Neva Ryan 11 :00 A. M.-Meetlng for Worship. WEDNESD,\Y, FEBRU,\RY 25 : 9:30 to 3 :00 Sewng and Oui1Ung in Whit· tier House. Box Luncheon. All are comiaDy invited. FIRST "CRUllCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST . OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue BeloW Barvaro SUND,\Y, FEBRU,\RY 22 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday_ School. . 11 :00 A. Y.-Sunday Lesson _ Sermon. U){ind" Wednesday eventng meeting each week, 8 p.m. Reading room open daily except Sun· day and ho1iday~ 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesday ev~ning '/ to '/:45 p.Dl. and 9 to 9:30 p.m. RITTENHOUSE 6-1581 THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. TRINITY NOTES On Sunllay Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8:00 a. I!." Churcl. School will I1I~Ct at 9 :45. At the 11 o'clock service of !Iorning Prayer the Rector will preach. Tile Ushers for the llo'clock servjce arc W ,. C. Hogg, Jr., head ushers J. B_ Bullitt, Jr. F. Plowman, ,Yo L. Cleaves B. Harrar, W. H. Jones, G. A. McCorkle, and R P. Newlin. Confirmation Class wi:} meet in the Parish House at 5 :15 p. 111. The Young Pcople's Fellowship \ViII meet at 6:00 p. m. and will have a Washington's Birthday Party. The Rector will make some brie.f remarks on Gcorge~Washing­ ton as a member of the Episcopal Church. Choir School will meet on Monday and Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Following ,the many requests to have another program in the field of industry arrangements mavc been made with the DuPont Company to pre~ent a special field of research ,at the Men's Club Dinner meeting Monday evening at· 6 :30. Combining psychology and physics to incr~asr. industrial productivity, DuPont's have made remarkable progress in the. practical use of coloT both a!; background and also on machines, safety devices, etC. A speaker witt briefly present the field, and a sound technicolor film will be shown to demonstrate the research. p-~­ servations, should be made immediately to William Freedgard, tele· phone Swarthmore 1348. Baked ham will be served. It is hoped·that tnany of our men will bring guest!;. Holy Communion will be cclebrat~ cd on We.dnesday at ·7:30 a. m. ~ncl again at 10:00. The ,vomen of the ,parish will meet for sewing after the morning service, and their Lent- - • \'OH. ALL RIGHT.' I'LL SEE ABOUT GETT\ NG BETTER ELECTRICAL WIRING TOMORROW!" Don't overload 'your wiring system. When you build or modernize provide ADEQUATE WIRING. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Listen to the Electric Hour-the. HOUR OF CHAR.M-Sundays, 5:30 P. M., WCAU Consider Joint School Management dation for their consideration in salary action for the next year. At the suggestion of Dr. !If cCahan, several members will attend a meeting at the University of Pennsylvania early in March for the study of the usc of new tax income sources as pro\'idcd by the last Legislature. Also, the Board will arrange a special meeting with Dr. Leech, the County Superintend('nt of Schools, to s~udy with him further the aspects of the joint district problems. worth of the. School Board, that our 11:00 p . . m_, the luncheon honoring present budget will not permit tho the new members will be held in the necessary expansion to make this clull house. Th program will be possible. With rising costs of op- "Thumb-Nail Sketches," a group of eration, the school district will do original humQrous character reatlwell to mantain its present high iogs, by Mrs Griffith Levering, • tandards. Monetary problems are president of the Lansdowne Twenmade more pressing by recent State tiedl Century Club, and several twolegislation which, happens to be piano numbers by Patri~ia Hopkins, ,unfav.:>rable to suburban d~tricts of Swarthmore, and Jeanne Villt, of such as Swarthmore. Philadelphia, students of the New School of Music. The importance of active parent Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert is cha;rinterest was emphasized by }.o{ r. man of the luncheon committee, 'Frank Morey. Supervising Principal of the Swarthmore Schools. He pointed out that the school system is constantly being improved along Come 'aad the Jines suggested by community interest and cooperation. It was clear - frOin this meeting that if parents want to have small dasses in the elementary school. their desires will be taken seriously by the school administration. A plan for the possible joint operation of the schools of a number of the surrounding. districts. including Swarthmore, was stuuied at the meeting of the School Ilpard last Tuesday night. This is embodied in preliminary form in a report from the County Board of School Directors, which study is required by a recent Act of the Legislature, to prepare a plan for the joint operation of the schools of ihc county and a merger of school di!'tricts ·for the organization of more efficient administrative units. One of the advantages of the' "Are our prescnt school faeili· plan would be the increased State ties adequate? This topic was disreimbursement authorized by present cussed at a' meeting of pre-school laws. This is an important factor and kindergarten parents held on inasmuch as some of the districts, February 10, at the Rl'tgers avelike Swarthmore, arc reaching the nue School. maximum taxing powers and yet arc A panel of school authorities and faced with rising school costs. In parents presented this prob1em beits preliminary form the plan t:ll!~ for a joint board which wouJd man- fore a large and intersted audience. age both the elementary and high It was brought· out that at present A large and interested number schools, thus enabling the max- one teacher was handling as many of members and guests of the imum usc uf school facilities in the as 37 children in kindergarten, with Swarthmore Woman's Club listencd only voluntary help form parents, area. The problem faced by the to Dr. Earl D. Bond Tuesday when Swarthmore Board is the Joss of and that census figures indicate he spoke on the topic uMakh:g possible tuition income if districts that classes entering Swarthmore Ollr Later Years Happy and EfSchools in the neXt few years will 1I0W sending pupils to the high fective". His e.xpcriel1cc as Medical school should join with other dis- be equally large. Among the quesDirector of Research at the Institions raised by members of the tricts and establish their own schooi. tute of Melltal Hygiene of the UniMr. Dcnworth, Chairman of the panel were: Is 35-:40 too many for a versity of Pennsylvania plus his de-. Instruction Committee, and Mr. kindergarten class? Is it good practlightful sense of humor made his :Morey, Supervising Principal, pre- ice to have small children go to discussion more than methods and school in the afternoon rather the sented a report 'on the philosoVhy and objectives of the elementary usual morning time? (At present technJqucs. Dr. Bond stressed the values of schools and of the high school. some children do this, because of preparation for the last forty ~ars These statements have been prepar- crowded fadllties.) Can the first during the preceding forty by cultied by the teachers in their study of grade teachers give proper indivivating outside interests. "Habits dual attention to children in the curriculum reconstruction and are shaald bc kept as servants, not mas· large classes which will be enroUed continually under appraisal by the ters, and by emotional moderation, in the next fe.w years? Is there ~teaching staff as it evaluates a proITexitnlity and tolerance," he stated, gram in 'the light of new and chang- any way additional teacher's and space for classes could be provided? "ad,·andng adulthood could be preing conditions. vented from becomiiig rigid and Important property repairs were Miss Young, Principal of the selfisti."· . called to the attention of the Board. Elementary Schools, stated that al• Tea fonowed the rileting, ,vith Th cold weather has delayed the in- though 25 is an ideal rtumber for a stallation of the drainage line from kindergarten or first grade class, she Mrs. George A. Hoadley and Mr!. th school property to Little Crum agreed with Mrs. Raymond K. Den- W. H. Gehring at the tea table. On Tuesday, February 24 at, .Creek. Sketches and specifications were presented for extensIve repairs to the auditorium walls iilld authorization made to advertise ior bids for having this work don·c. It was also reported that an extensive study had been made of 'the available types of mowing equipment and specifications would be propu;.cd for a tractor and gang mowcr as a basis for the purchase of such equipment for maintaining the turf on the. school's three athletic fields. OIL BASE-WASHABLE On behalf of the salary commitPASTEL WALL PAINT tee, Dr. Fsher presented a prclimin· pa GAUOH ary report of studics undertaken by the joint committee of Board members and teachers. Dr. Fisher's 1863 • 1948 Eighty-five colorful years of quality studies show that although salades have increased in the last ten years. in actual terms of the change in the cost of living the average salary of teachers at the present time js 7 per cent less than in 1939. The Swarthmore 0105 annual real earnings of teachers is 11 Chester Rd. nelow the 1939 level in terms ,,,i 1939 dollars, and far below the current earnings in industrial and business fields. The committee later will bring to the Board a recommCll- Parents Discuss School Facilities Mrs. Robert Allisdn is chairman of serving with Mrs. Robert A. Bey!e as co-chairman. Reservations arc being taken by Mrs. Howard J. Dingle. Tele. Sw 0188. Sneath Grade P _ b to Meet A dessert lIleeting for Seventh Grade parents wil Ibe hId at Wf,littir House, Monday, February 23rd, at 7:45 p. m. ' Willard Tomlinson will spe"k on "How Parents Can Help". enjoy 0 .... STRA,TH HAVEN INN u1IfIEIlTON -SIIIBILEY Product H. O· Sipler s. $1.00 serve youraelf- All you want Supper, Thursday, February 26 "1. Your rugs are safe froin fire, theft and moth at Paulson's. No crowding in our enlarged .fireproof storage bins. Insured storage, SI.50 up Cleaning: 9xl2 Domestic, $UO lPAKlsOH li CO. 100 Park Ave., SwartlmlOre, p" Swarthmore 0730 ... 0529 r:lcarhrook 4U6 V-..."Rug Clean;ng is Rug Say;ng" ...All 'Whe are rj~ht-here w. erp you can . 're~.h us every da<) EDWARD L, NOYES' & CO. SWARTHMORE 0114 I••__.iiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiii;;;;;;;;;================ ICor.tinued form Page 1) Mrs. A. H. Knabb, Mrs. r..,.,,,e w. Glaesser, Jr. Mrs. LyDarling, Mrs. Ralph S. Hayes, David Mercer, Mrs. Halleck f.anlpb'ell, and Mrs. John A. Plu- plaine,· and, Richard Platt DeJa- FOR SALE :Blond pedigreed cocker PUi>So plaine of Swarthmore. Phone Swarthmore 0413.' . 1 L .W •V . art T e.. Dr. HEd ucation Trends 1- FOR SALE-Eas,. washer, spinner typr.· .vacuum cleaner for sbop use; 20 in. tnc eJCbaust fan: Waukesha ena:iDe. 4· (rHn. der,. 25 J!.. P.; one 8 ilL X 24 in high pressure air storage lank: one Austin rad· ('lee: S~ ,a: Arters Brothers Inc. M. HARBISON Coalractora lator shell: one cast iron Ir,tter p~ss Call Present and fut~ trends in Media 2103. . • education was the subject chosen by ·FOR SALE-COW manure for gardens nnd flowers beds; also rotted horse manure' for D r. Olive Ely Hart, in her address lawns. Call Druce Dumall. Swarthmore Reliable aad Frie:'d1y ~lL bf e ore the Swarthmore League of'FORh SAI:E--Ford. .. "-..--,=-..,.,,,--.,..'46. 2-<1oor auper de· W omen voters at Whittier House on luxe,. With heater and defroster. Only ·da F b 13 D H . 9000 !lulps. Perf«t conditiQn. $1600. or Fr. CI.arIes W. Lukens, capy, e ruary . r. art IS be" bid. C.II Swarthmore 0844, ; workers, Mrs. S. Herbert a member of the Department of ""~=~:!!!!---'"~c!!!!~~~!!:..._ __ Mrs. Clarence Franck, Mrs. Education at the University of WANTED Outleb ia.talled $4.80 aad up B. Hollis, Mrs. Ferris W. Pennsylvania andf for.Inany year~ . Two ladies wish apartment on . . I ' . 'VANTh~ID-1 th~ I In Swarthmore Wnte Box K M:~~II~~\W,M~;rr:s•. Carl Ryan, Mrs. was I)rmc'pa 0 the Plllladelp./lla :'rhe_Swarthmorca;:,n::.::-:===-:::;=;-:;.,.,-GI }{rs. Max EssI, and Girls' High School. WANTED-To buy collapsible wheel chair. Call WaJJle 0104-M I I· I ·Telephone Swarthmorce-,0~S~0;2-~'R.,=--;_-..,,S a,ary L. A_ Wetlaufer. sca e IS on y one of the WANTED-Tobubaby ",.1.. good con d' Mrs. AIi!=e Jones, captain. facto~s i.nfluencing 'the choice ot f _IJon._Tel~PEo~p S,:"arth~re 094S.'V. ... Evening. Swarthmore Z688-M. Mrs. C. Russell Phillips, chair-·' teachmg as a profcssion, according 'V~:a~~~~~.fsslble baby stroller. Call 24 hour emergency service South Side Residential No. to Dr. Hart. In her estimation ·WANTED-Second·.hn.nd folding chairs or Mrs Robert T Bair captain' social discriminations and the extent ~!idge_ chairs. Telepnune Sw. 1140·11. '·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . ., 'f I WANTED-Baby co ; g d I . .o•.k,:rs; l.!r:,_ Elrie S. Sproat, Mrs 0 we COllle extcn~ed t? teac1u:rs by good ~ndition. Call rS:'a~~!:tor~ 8 In ""rip,. Gerner, Mrs. Roy Latimer, by the 'commun:fty IS 'Of even WA~TED-D~y's work de$ired' by e,'(' A. R. Cochran, Mrs. Fdward greater importance. Dr. Hart rclat- T~::!da~~ w;:rda;.oR;~I:l~:da~~Tr5'¥6~ Allen, }d:rs. Howard W. Green ed the story of one veteran, typical _S'!..~rthmorea~,~.;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;:;:,-;::-:::=:u-,,;:: . Joseph :Moran, Jr., and :Mrs: ~f many, ,-"ho ret~r~led to civil~an 'Vt~~i~~~~,t~d!~ls. pri:~::' f~~!~ w~~~ SanviUe. hfe detcrmmed to Jom the teacll1ng to. do at home. Will call for and deliver. Call · d I I· . ' n,dle, Park 3279-M. Fred' N, Bell , captain', pro f_esslon I. an . fl t lroug 1 tillS medIUm .,,, .y J\NT-ED-D-·?=:;k"d=·=.----,--, ay s wor ('sited by colnrt'd an co1Ii \ \ ---_. .' i- Charles E. Fischer E i . Builder § --...'--=. -== --. § illlllllllllllllllllllJlIlJUlllnlJlllJlJlII~ " :: PAINTING :: Interior & Exterior :: Swarthmore 2253 ~ :;11111 1111111 III mil IIIJIJIIJ 111111111111 III ~' ' Swarthmore 1448 WILLIAM BROOKS Ash.. , a: Rubbish Remand Lawn. Mowed Genera1 H a1 236 Harding Ave. Mcmor:. ~ • • ••••••••••• e ••••••••• Swarthmore Sign Service Signs and Show· Cards Paper, Metal, and Glass Lettering VVindow and Truck : All Types of Spray Painting : L, MOHAMMED 308 Union Ave. Swa. 2890 Walter V. Linton Contractor and Builder Alteration. "hoae Ridley Park ]227 BOND POURING WOOL ..~ . FOR QUICK SERVICE :: CLASSIFIED Honor Roy Delaplaine REPAIRS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIII Relieve Winter Doldrums l'!"rmiltinll !"'im 1o liv<" nlu) 1'891111'" 11is- '!~.2~ MJ:!t're COMMERCIAL Painting Van Alen Bros. w - 30% Gayley St., Media Media 2567-11 Media 0755 T II Builden Electrical Contractor Paperhanging gra"hically tell tbe story of wuter. In the near future will be shown man's early efforts in the distrihution of wuter. SAFE RUG STORAGL D· nve Workers Listed ~ 64 m. You are invited to remain for uTbe Climu.." in color at 8 P. Recipe for Happiness .Given at Club 1-:::::================'=:'::::- $3.40 cro.. Reese-Baxter Co. SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. Cbeater : ( ir ., I . THE SWARTHMOREAN ~'----~~----~------------------~----~----~----~~~~~:SE~NUBS:::::IN::G~F:E:E~~~co~n~O:f-:~:nn~'~c~ The ConunwUtY Health Society as a member a""'.'cy Owned and Operated by American Storas Company FOOD VALUES , Midshipman Donald B. RutherAt the regular meeting of 1he of the COlJllllwUty ~est of PJilla· board of directors of the Conunun· delphia and 'Vicinity gives free c:m' fo~d, son of Mr. and Mrs: S. S. ity Health Society of Central Del- to those unable to pay for nurlJlg Rutherford of Strath Haven avenue, has arrived at the, Naval Air Station. aware County. held at the ~orough servi~. ~ " Hall, Mrs. William Thatcher as Jacksonvi.lle Fla., for advanced avicha\nnan of the finance committee ation training, following which he recommended that the fee for nurs· will be awarded his Navy wings and Neal Weber of West House, who ing service be raised from $1.50 to conmtissioncd an Ensign in the $1.75 a visit. This reconunendation is in the Zoology Department at U. S. Navy. was made after the finance conwrlt· the colleg~, is on a three and a-half While at the Naval Air 'Station, tee studied the cost of a nurse's month trip with the Central Afric2n Midshipman Rutherford will undervisit. The board of directors ac' go final phases of. avlallon training .cepted the recommendation of t~ Expedition. The expedition is sponsored by including instrument flying tecbr· finance colDlllittee and as of Februthe AjIlerican Museum of Natural ique and aircraft carrier qualification ary I, 1948, the fee for a visit prior to his dcsignaton as a naval will be $1.75 up to one hour History of New York, and headed aviator. Upon being commissioned and 40¢ for each additional one· by Dr.. Clarke of I.he. museum. he will receive orders for assignMr. Weber is the sClent,st of th .. quarter hour. Fees will be adiusted ment to the fleet. for those unable to pay the fuU group of six. M idshi[>u1an Rutherford repnrt,...rl to Jacksonville £rol11 the Naval Air Station at Pensacola, Fla. . , You can always count on gefflng IIIOre real food value for your Mnay In the Ac_ Quality foods for 1_ IIIOney_ ...... .... 37' : I:;: 71C FLOUR t:!:' C p!:' n t 2S BEST PURE LARD No.;.!V.19C FRESB PRUNES PEACBES I=.~I~~:U': No.;.!V.Z7C FRUIT COCKTAIL::; ":n' Z3C GRAPEFRUIT W~~I~"!.. Z N':'n2 29C PRESERVES R;:":Y :, ZOC Chol.. BACON Boneless Roast· Beef · 57c Swlf,', Pr.mlum or Oth.r Nationally ","""IIOCI Brands Ib Whol. or (14-11) Shaak HaH 45c 45c Ib 11M 57 c Ib - , Leu Sliced BacoB ,~~'rl'~ ~ Ib 330 l JERSEYSE! TROUT ( Haddock Fillets J Cod Fillets - Ib '0 39c \ Large Smelts. ,029c Pollock Fillets 19c ·fRESH EGGS so.VEB SEAL EGGS carton 0112 1-'2Ib.35e Ib.6ge :i.e BANANAS Z ZSe Luscious Golden , ,, I ; Ripe , ,. I' No,,=_ 2 n.. 250 W ......pl..'JIpI•• 4ge a••dI... Gr.peta ult florida SO ~b t:::lnol Ib .00 .Jalc~ T ••pl. Or. . . . . , Faac~ ,, Ibs Mu.1u'oo" p~2SC Ponna. ICEBERG LETTUCE Crisp Collfarnla • Ib loe 221.605.61 8,648.40 26.91 I.... 0 •••••••••••• , , 834.630.1' 91.839.18 268.395.Oi p;;:;pert~~iF~I~led:~~·t·; :'~'t'l~;ij~#~'~~'~.~',;':vijtij,g ·liBdiin.. 9.321.63 Etc. . ......... 6.00l.783.87 6.407.289.31 $6.741.91D,45 '1i~:;~;~~!:::a~~~! : ................................ $3.392.000.011 Reserve .•••••••••••••.••••••••• ' 368.827.73 $6.741.919.45 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS BaIa!'."" •• .J~~n!'.~'7 6. 1947 .........................~ ......... .. $ 463,665,45 • !~~~.~~,,~ ~'I;"~~'t'............................ •••••••••••••• _........... ; 685.164.67 ',"-C_d ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••• 916.50 .... ,... ,.. I. II............... I..... ........,...............................t...... I..... •••••••••:...... •••••••• •••• •••• ••••••• of Deeds ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ot Wills ...... •.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• . . .................................. ........ ..... .... ....... 0.... ••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Receipts •••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••• 122.055.ff1 6.670.00 15.541.18 163.231.50 42.221.00 21.120.09 40.386.60 1.119.00 1.419.46 22.483.83 _. 2.803.p63.41 $3.766,628.ij6 FLOWERS Fruits and Vegetables ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 hds.25e Relax on Ipaetou, sun decbelmod et the ocean', edge-ond enjoy the e1htlaratlng se. air and glorioullun,hine at Atlantic' Decorative and Novelty Candles DALT. PIKE City'. finest ...ort hotel. •............•••••....••••....••...•.• The courtdouS servlce, refined atmosphere, plu••xtensiv. facilitie, providing every conven1ence; will mei. your stay memorable. Plan now for olII fong.-ferm n~ tio" fr •• of household c...... SPRINGFIELD CELERY HEARTS bunch 25e Seedless Grapefruit 6.for 3,ge JUICY ORANGES 24 for'Sge H... lcold _ _ .....I 1 _ For Rtservallons PItone: AIIantic CItY .. Swarthmore TELEGRAPH Fl.n~'EltS 5-1211 .............••....••.•••••••••...•. ..............••.••••..••.•.•.......• ~ ~anB ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• ........................................... ~:,~ii"1:;~~~·~led ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Fund -; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• No pauses 'tween calls when making many, Prevents the others from making any. ".662.128.154 Balance, JanUBI'Y I), 1J&8 .......................................... , . LIQUID FUELS TAX FUND Bank, Januarr 8. 1947 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 duriDg Year, 1947-Liquld Fuels Taz ..................._• c:t12"S9c I , •• , - ..---- Receivable .............. "•••••••• Lauds ••• " ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Every Egg Guaranteed ,, - 64.499.83 The Year ROUlld Token Of Esteem And Thoughtf'uJne.. • • Estate of Mary 'E. Dewey, DeRep..e...ntati..... at Concert lNorth Chester road spent the week· ceased, Two Swarthmore High School nd 'with Mr. Thomsen's brother. boys, Harold Ogram, Jr., and Jerry the Rev. Edward Thomsen, rech:r FARLEY-Jan. 27 First and Partial Account of John E. Burt. Goodman were chosen to represent of Ihe Episcopal Church, Cambridge Trustee, Estate of Philip A: the school at a I Festival Concert ot Md., and his wif.e. FilrIey. Mrs. George Zimmer is success· FULMER-Jan. 23 Ftrst imd the South Eastern District of the PC/lnsylvania Music Educators As- fully recovering from an operation Final Account of John Fulmer, Executor, Estate of Katherine sociation' held Sunday aft~rnoon at performed in the \Voman's Hospital. M. Fulmer, Deceased. Radnor High School, Wayne Philadelphia. and is looking f"rHOOD-Jarr. 2 First and Final Harold played the oboe and Jerry, ward to an early return to her Account of Land Title Bank the cello. One of the numbers prc- home on Ogden avenue. and Trust Company, AdminisMiss Margaret Brown of North sented at,the concert was conducted trator, Estate of John J. Hood, by ;Robert Holn~, orchestra and band Chester road is spending thc weekJr., Deceased. I Icader of' the high school. end as the guest of Mrs. Walter LARKINS--Jan. 26 First and Final Account of Fred Pleibel, Landon DougJass. of New London, Executor, Estate of Anna C, NEWS NOTES Conn. Th,e marriage of Miss Larkins, Deceased. Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones Brown and Mr. Walter L. Doug- LOMBARDO--Jan. 20 First and of Cedar lane entertained at a lass. Jr., wtll take place March ?:7. Final' Acount of Frank Lomdinner-bridge at their home Sat- place March?:7. bardo, Executor,· Estate of Josephine Lombardo, Deceased. ' Mrs. David Gilcreest of Yale urday evening. Mrs. James A. Drain of (}gdell avenue entertailld at a dcsc;crt- MARZOLLA-Jan. 14 The First and Final Account of Delaavenue enjoyed a brief trip ~o bridge and stork shower in honor ware County Trust Company. of Mrs. David \OVarner of Phila.!el\Vashington, D. C., last week. Guardian of the Estate oj Mrs. Clarencc C. Franck of Cor· phia. Saturday. Stella Marie MarzoJla, late " nell ~vcnue entertained- her club --,_. _ _ _·-·------1 a minor. LE'GAL NOTICES MOORE--Jan. 27 ",'irst and Finai at a luncheon-bridge, Thursday. PUBLIC NOTICES Account .of Chester-Cambridge ~{r. and Mr,sp Ferris Thomsen of COUNTY COMMISIONERS' Bank and'Trust Company, ExSALE OF SEATED LANDS ecutor, Estate of William H. In accordance with' the Ac:ts of Assembly Moore, Deceased. 10 such cases made and provid~ the Com~ G missioners of Delaware County will Dffer Me UIRE--J an. 26 First and at public sale in the County Commissioners' Final Account of Bernard H. Meeting Room on the first floor of the Krow and Harold Lockard, ~:~YI~:~' ~~ the Borough of Media, Executors, Estate of John' J. . TUESDAY Man:h '. 1.48 at 10 o'clock McGuire, Deceased. A. M. th. following described pices of land NEUDECKER-Jan. 2 First and in said County, owned. or reputed. to be owned Final Account of The F'-t by :the respective persons noted.. .u.o THE TERMS OF THE SALE National Bank of Media, Guar- 60.000.00 60.00 ---- ~O~~];j.~~~............. ·'65 pkg •••••••••• .................... ••••••• •••• Farms ........................... . ~Ib 35c MediUID Sbarp 'Cbeese Glendale Club Cbeese Food 2·lb 99c ~Ib 33c Cold.n Bleb Cbeese lopk.39c lISCO Oleomargarine -.---- - .-........ - ,:,,":."':'- ... '-'~'iabel ~.-.~ ChIcken 01 Sea fish :~49C Alaska Pink Salmon Z '::.:Z5C Ideal AppleSauce HO=" '2~;; Z9c '. Sliced Pie Apples co.......t Z '::;,! Z9c - Parmdale Peas Z N::;~~ zse Ideal Sauerkraut ..!:~ In 011 Z w. ,I.. ZSC SIII"dIDes or "u,'ord 1::. 16c Jersey Cranberry Sauee· Jtralt Macaroal Dlnaers Z pkg, Z5c N::;~O $1.19 Del'Moate Catsup ~ .......•......•..••.•.......•••• ,.0 .. 0............... ........ ... c = ••••••••••••• I ••••••• ,0 35c ,027c , /jIIIIl ~ Saleded Large ......•....••..........••.••••••••••. ..:'.--" .................................................... . ::~ Ib.45c _ _=",I"'==,ra:.'=:Dncy-B'Dod Bnoncl. _ __ VEAL .ROAST s:::~:~ ROAST S::::id:e , ABSE'l'S ~~~~~,~; Smoked Tongue ...,.,d _URS d Total llecelptl and Cub. Balance ............................ .. NEW GAS STATION HOURS MONDAY· THROUGH SATURDAY 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. SUNDAY 8 A. M. TO 5 P. M. .- ~ YALE AVENUE a: CHESTER ROAD SWARTHMORE 1250 -- ......,.,. ..... "'. --'. ..... .'Oi:::."~ Bo.rougbs ........................~ •.•••••••••••• 'l'oWDlhlps ............................_•••••••- ~ . ';.:' . .'" PETER E. TOLD .. 91n pkg '10. ;, i~' ~ SC ,' •• ,,, ... boll:" ""''\!'.: b~ttle c!:.,~.'. ,. 69.000.00 24.148.93 20,000.80 ~7.640.91 ~.IiOO.1i1 ......................., ............. ~•••••••••••••• ReceIpts and Caah Balance __1£' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~stn,t1o'" ................... ,•••••••••••• ,80.000.23 ti6.m.8I oO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • , os.'123.l1li , • ~ta1ltecetptB ........ ................. . ~ ~~~iiilloi,jj ·:Noi·QPm.iOd' 'by"the ....••••.•••...•••......••... ..........•.•................ I • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o.-~ $1070.006.86 204.422.!3 17.618.26 89.835.6340,851.39 8.184.67 15,640." 461,.648." Total JbEl:pendlturea ................... __ .. ____ ••~.......""•.•_•• ~ Cash Balance, JanU8l7' 5. 1948 ....................u •• ••••• ••• ~~~~~~ BROADHIIIADOW J'AlIMS lanuar,y 6. 1947 •••••.•_•• _•••••••.••••••••••••••••••• 8.648.40: , 18/.110 i , J! $20=.~.~ Sources .............. __ .......... __ .' Reoe1pta •••••••••••• ~ •••••• Jr..II!_a:~ .........-.a:.»"............ . J( • • ~"'.............. 1101 ,919.:.1 ~.·fM:80 • i , I ,I CoDlJD18ll0D8J'8 ...-......... •••.••••••••• ............ ItU11 ,. 86.:117.38 :o •••••••:......................... !o_•••••••••• -.~ _D.-.-.x_ ••••:a·••• ......••••••••••••••••••.•• _............ ~~:~~~~w~agea •••••••• :a ......... ~ ~.14U' 63.~6.98' IR.>eellpts and cash Balance _ ............................. . 'lgo ~.363.'18 285~783.68 ,4.lI26.86 0 ....................... ~ta1 _. 104.499.91 In Bank. January 6. l.9I8 ................. INSTITUTION DI8TlUCT i~~;:i JanU&r1' 6. 194:7 "' ........... -j So~ .............................. '.00: ,61.427.36 • ........... ~~,...................... -...... ....... 364.946.49 Swarthmore 1833 -~~~~==~,~~~=----. ------- StI"awbwr,. Preserves - :~~ B everages Bal. Club Above beverage prke does not Inclad·, Per.no. T!:'x or Dlsb1lJ'8eDlenta ••••.•. 0: ••• -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 DARTMOUTH AVEUN£ ., BOT CROSS BONS VI~~ !load Bonds ................................. on P..oad Bonds· •••••••••••••_•.•••••••••••••••• Gen'era:l Insurance ------ 0 ............... . Halntenance and Repalra- ...................... . necessary than ever to careful. More than ev~e~r~~to~~iN~~i FIRE I force., HANNUM & WAITE and IDgbways DISBURSElMlIlNTS Bridg ofc.Ridley. CONNER· mo. H. L. DOHERTY ALBE~.J~ CRAWFORD, JR. C ROD.... of D.law.re County, Media. Pa. Mary A. Hammill. Ground 9 Beres Wyndom U"",t Price $2177.31 Chas Hammill. Lot 4 S. W)'Ddom Upset Pri"" 433.37 cw. A. Hammill. Lot 220 MaryUP;;:- rta:mff,~·3t,.. 37.38-41.299.300 Wyodom upset Price 1507.35 3T-Z·6 - . . . - , ORPHANS' COURT of Delaware County, Penna. NOTICE OF FILING AND AUDIT OF . ACCOUNTS ... Notice is hereby given to heirs, legatees, creditors and all persons interested that accounts in the following estates have been filed in the Office of the Regiser of Wills and Clerk of Orphans Court as the case may be, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said county on Monday, March I, 1948, 10 o'clock A. M., E. S. T., for confirmation, at which time the said court will audit said accounts, hear exceptions to the same and make distribution of the balances ascertained to be in the hands ,of the accountants. CAREY--Jan. 20 First and Final Account Of Robert H. Edgerton and Robert C. Goodman, Executors, Estate of Robert G. Carey, Deceased. ' CHEYNEY-Jan. 27 First and . Final Account of Provident Trust Company of Philadelphia, Alice Squires Cheyney and L. Cheyney Smith, Executors, Estate of Edward P. Cheyney, Deceased. CUDDY-Jan. 21 Account of Girard Trust Company and James J. Cuddy, Executors, ·Estate of James W. Cuddy, Deceased. CORNOG-Jan. 26 First and Final Account of William L. Cornog, Administrator, E~tate of Phebe M. Cornog, Deceased. DEL VECCHIO-Jan. 23Firstand Final Account of Daniel Del Vecchio, Mary E. Celli and Mathues Dougherty, Executors, Estate of Michael Del Vecchio ajk as Michele Del Vecchio, Deceased: DICKSON-Jan. 16 First and . Final Account of Clara Greenway and The National Bank of Lansdowne, Executors, Estate of Martin S. Dickson, Deceased.· . DI FERDINANDO-Jan. 20 First and Final Account of Giovanno Di Ferdinando. Executor. Estate of Aristodemo Di Fcrdinando, Deceased. DEWEY-Jan. 26 First Account • of Robert Gallagher, Executor, Final Account of Delamare .~ County Trust Company, formerly The Delaware County Trust, Safe Deposit and TitI~ Ins uranee Company, Surviving T rust ee for Ell en B • D arne . 1 Furrell ujw of Catherine 'E, Nugent, Deceased. NULL-Jan. 26' First and Final Account of The First National Bank of Media, ' Guardian,·,Es,. tate of Barbara Nnll, late • minor. PElRSON-Jan. 27' First ano Final Account of Christopher L. Peirson and The Wayne Title and Trust Company, Executors, Estate of Ella L. Peirson, Deceased. PENNELL-Jan. 27 First and Final Account of Curtis G. Tripner, Executor, Estate of Elmer N. Pennell, Deceased. PETERS-Jan. 13 First and Final Acount of- William Taylor, Jr., Executor, Estate of Mary Spartley Peters, Deceased. PETTIT-Dec. 24 First and Fina; Account of LeweUe J. Pettit Administratrix, Estate of Fred~ erick L. Pettit, Deceased. PUSEY-Jan. 27 First and Final Account of The Wayne Title and Trust Company, Substituted Trustee, Estate of Grace E. Pusey, Deceased. PRENDERGAST-Jan. 27 First and Final Account of· ChesterCambridge Bank and Trust Company, Guardian, Estate of Anne Prendergast, late a minor, ROBINSON-Jan. 27 First and Final Account of Mary Taylor and James E. Robinson, Administrators, Estate' of Mary Louth Robinson, a/k as Mary L. Robinson and Mary Robinson, Deceased. SMITH-Jan. 27 First and Final Account of Chester-Cambridge Bank and Trust Company Administrator C. T. A., Est~te of Elizabeth H. Smith, Deceased, WElR-Jan. 9 First and Final Account of Ethel O. Weir Executrix, Estate of Howa;d T Weir. Deceased. . WITHERS-Jan. 26 First Account of Mervyn R. Turk, Trustee, Estate of Hanson Laurence Withers, ajk as Hanson L Withers. Deceased. WILLCOX-Jan,24 Firs,t Account of Eulalie W. Pepper and O. H. Perry Pepper. Executors, Estate of Mary C. Willcox, Deceased. ;?:ELL--.Jan. ,27 FIrst. and Final Acco~mt of Clara S. ZelI. Executrlx, Estate of John J. ZelJ. Dece;1sed. Arthur P. Brelherick Reltister of Wills a~d Clerk of Orphans' Court • THE SWARTHMOREAN assistance of Frederick Yocum the High School World Culture teacher. The Activities Cammittee and the Original Planning· Committee, Since the ortglna~ olganization planed the special week and the of the C.A.R.E. campaign, Swarthprograms to be held during C. more High School has gotten well R.E. week. On Monday morning, under way. !fhe special week of March I, will be a prowam the C.A.R:E. drive has been deof opening exercises arranged a[ld cided upon as March 1 to 5 inclll' headed by Sundy.rard. In this pro; sive. A town in Germany's Ruhr gram the Burg:ess, J. Pa'll Brown, valley, )itadc, will rcceive" all our will open the drive and then the« contribu.tioits. Under the faculty will be a speech by William Soli· sponsorship of Henry Hofmann with man, who played an exceedingly the help of both the History and active part in German politics b~­ English department rapid progress forc the war. "He has sent mal!Y is being made. C.A.R.E. packages to Germany himself, and was very glad tv hear of Swarthmore's program. On Wednesday, March 3, there will bt! an asesmbly in the High School headed by Pat Gallagher, whose program will be disclosed later. On Thurs· day, Mardi 4, there will be an Activities Night headed by Chari .. Andes in the Clothier' Memorial of college: The. Public Re~attons t.:(Jmmittcc is divided into three main parts the Publicity Committee' headed by Paul .HW1Uucr, the Art Committee headed by' Doria Schu.led~ and Group Contacts headed by David McCahan. The Art committee will help in the advertising which is already under W3iY' Under the P~b1icity Committee are the Town . contacts in charge of Donny Dickinso~ who will make individual contacts throughout the town in the near future. The Photography Comntitiee, headed by George Thor· bahn, has taken a good number of publicity pictures already, and phms to take many morc. Last under Publicity is the Newspaper Committee, headed by Allen Willi',. The Group Contacts Committe"!' is divided into four groups-the Service' Groups headed. by Ricky Thompson will contact such organizations as the Women's Club, ~hc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Chureh headed by Dana Swan will contact the" town's churches, the ,.:;,j , College headed by Dolores Jester (' ' • will contact the colleg for any add;'\ tional contributions outside of their ..;" -'.. ,... , own campaign, and the Businessheaded by Raymond Denworth wll contact the businessmen and their organizations. The program Director, Chares Keene", .will take charge of all COIltributions from the Junior High H. S. Adopts School In Ruhr Valley ••.The student head of the C.A. R.E program, Wiliam R .. Huey ha~ already contacted the head of the C.A.R. E. program in Philadelphia. He has aso contacted the Bible Study class and helped with the original planning. The program is divided into fvc main sectionthe Activiei~ t,.,rlll11lU:lltt: neaded by Elinor Karns, the riginal Planning Committee headed by Judy Dickson, the Public Relations Committee headed' by George Hay, Program Dir~ctor Charles KeeneD, and the Business COnlmittee headed by Ralph Brown with the advice and a.- NOW AVAILABLE THE WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT AND . TELEVISION CONVENIENT TERMS \V . . .. .. Big drop I Everyone knows that the dollar's, purchasing power has taken a nose dive. But smart folks are saving their dollars just the same. They know that purchasing power can snap back in a hurry, once RUGGED, LIGHTWEIGHT, EASY·OPERATING 1 and Grammar Sch.ools. The'Business Committee headed 'by Ralph Brown, reports a $40.00 contribution from the faculty, a $50.00 contribution from the 5th Grade Mother's and a $20.00 contribution form the,Cafcteria. Also during the' week 'of February 23 to 28 :t1~. Colj~ge Theatre will place in the bands: pi the school a large number of tickets for the current movies from which the school will receive 10 per cent of all tile proceeds for the C.A.R.E. drive. . A wonderful start has been marie and we sincerely hope' that through your to-operation this campai(to can be made a suCCess. Swarthmore Mule ct..... Feb Tde February meeting of' Swarthmore Music Club will be Tuesday evening, l'ebruary 24 8:30 o'clock in the library of' Bartol Laboratory on the Campus; Sylvia' Swann will play mann's Sonata in G Minor for and Charles Gilbert will play . Second Sonata for !clarindt Brahms. Mrs~ Everett Hunt accompany him. There will be aadition.f to be announced later. Junior Aooemhli... Three grade groups of the Assemblies will hold informal Mothe..' Club Hear. Mrs Ender. ces at the Wom'l.n's Clubhouse The regular m6f1thry meeting of mor~ow evening. the Swarthmor~ Mothers' Club W3.< The severith grade class, held Thursday evening, Fe'bruary 12 Francis Forsythe chainnan, will at the Woman's Club. After a br'ef chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. bus~ness meeting Mrs. Wm. James rge B. Thorn and Mr. and chairman, infroduced the speakct' Charles Grier. of the . -eve~y 'house in the and acknowledgement o[ ability t" dent Qf Beaver College, one of the . attraction of the ~vening ,Girl Scouts and she will discu .. March Mam town' win 'beCiven ',s',pledge help, tIiePre.ident of the UJdte .di Don Dickinson of the Red Cross for ftmds_ J- on February 29. The hospitality committee sen'«l Bishop,736 Harvard avenUe Thursihe '9th Gl"lIde ...;ill ,tleliverand col- Paul Brown, campaiga fund cita;," Dr. Kistler, a gradUate of West- ice cream and pretzels at the day" March 4 at 10 a. m. Her topic 10et these plen :March 3, further the humanitarian worle of from Westminster :and an honorary NCi."'tt Tuesday, the board of direc- ing group of the Antiques Depart... a .... peci.la.sem1>1y 'program will the Hed Cross. . Doctor of Laws ,legree from Beaver tors will meet at the home of Mrs. ment will meet at the home of Mr~i taloe p1aee_ Pat GHllagher :is busy The Red Cross knows no bound- Beaver College. Wayne Gerson, Linden avenue, Gordon C. Meader, Fairview rOld. .organizing .a ·ptPgr.am that will aries; tolerates no prejudices, and Paslor of fh~c churches in New .Rutledge. There is also all ·increasing demand will please .everyone. :Cln }.{arch emergency is its can to 5ervic~. YOTk, New J e.rsey and Pennsyl- \ The:M arch stated meeting 91U1 for a class in the making of paper 4, tihere will be .a 'big .Activities But it must have thesnppM1o:ftt1.e vania for 28 years, Dr. Kistler has program will be- at the home of lampshaaes. Those interested Night for i11e ·wh.cile .'town, with entire community of it it to con- also served as moderator of the Ann Kraus on Benjamin West a~re· should contact Mrs. Birney K. special speakers .and 'taJent ~hows tillite its "alltab~e servic~ to the Er"ie Presl)ytery and of the Ro-' nuc. Morse, chairman. to be given by all ·the ,organiza- serViceman, veteran, ci!vilan and chester Presbytery and has beer. Swarthmore artists are ~emind· tions of the ~chooL 0 .. March 5, thci, [aniilies. pr=idcnt of tbe New York State cd that paintings for the annual exthere will be the big C.A.R.J... ,For.h Pi the unsuspecting Council of QtUrc11es, the Rocheshibit will be. received at the dance which all are invited to .at- thousands who will be stricken ibis ter Ministerial Associatian and the Woman's Cltib, March 7, from 2 to tend. Gayle Hoilge has *.eady 1>e- year; J,-. the sa"e oi tho,e th.,us- Rochester FedeTation of Church.. Dr. Samuel C. Palmer, former 5 p. m. gun to plan the decoration. During ands destincd [or injury and ang'" Due to extensive travels in Eu- Graduate Manager of Athletics for On Friday. March 12, at 8 p. Ill. C.A.R.E. Week other organiza. ish the Red Cross turns to the corn- rope, Africa, and Palestine, Dr. whom Swarthmore College's Pal- in th" club house, there will be a tions throughout the town bale munity for. help. Kistler's lectu,-es on strategic coun- mer Field is named, has been ap- joint meeting with the League of offe.' .llIen headed by Raymond Denworth wll contact the businessmen and their organizations. The program Director, Charc:'i Kc.cncn, will take charge of all C(llitributions from the 1 unior High H. S. Adopts School In Ruhr Valley .. The student head of the C.A.R.E program, \ViliaUl R. Hucy has already contacted the head oi the C.A.R.E. program in Philadelphia. He has aso contacted the Bible Study class and helped with the original planning. The program is divided into rYe main scctionthe Activicie:.s t:'OTllIIIlth~c ncacJcd by Elinor Karns, the riginal Planning Committee headed by Judy Dickson, the Public Relations Committee headed by George Hay, Program Director Charles Keenen, and the Busincss Committce headed by Ralph Brown with the advice and NOW AVAILABLE I THE WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT AND TELEVISION CONVENIENT TERMS ( , Big drop Everyone knows that the dollar's, purchasing power has taken a nose dive. But smart folks are saving their dollars just the same. They know that purchasing power can Friday, February ZO, SWARTHMOREAN RUGGED, LIGHTWEIGHT, EASY-OPERATING and Grammar Schools. The Busincss Committee headed by Ralph Brown, reports a $40.00 contribution from the faculty, a $50.00 contribution Irolll the 5th Grade Mother's ,md a $20.00 contribution {arm thc·Caft..'tt..'ria. Also during the weck 'of February 23 to 28 tlw Collcg~ Theatre will place in the hands of the school a large number of tickets for the current movies from which the schoo] will receive 10 pcr cent 01 all the proceeds for the C.A.R.E. drive. A wonderful start has been mane and we sincerely hopc· that through your ·co-opcration this campaiqn can be made a success. Junior Assemblies Thrce grade groups of the Assemblies will hold informal Mothers' Club Hears Mrs Enders ces at the Woma,n's Clubhouse The t"eguhr IlHJI1tT11y meeting" of morrow evening. the Swarthmore! 1\[ others' Club w:a;; held Thursday evening, Fchruary 12 The seventh grade class, l ' 1 Francis Forsythe chairman, will " III • CI I Af at tile \ ·,0 an s u ). ter a )r~e chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. . IJUSIIICSS Jl1l,.cting l\Jrs. \Vm. Jame,:; rge B. Thom and Mr. and c Iwirman, introduced the sllcal.er Charles Grier. of thc evcning, )..[rs. Rohert K. Enders, whose subjcct was "Sex." Chaperons for the ninth Drawing upon her wealth of cx- will be ~{r. and Mrs. Philip Alden and Mr. and Mrs. Ilcrie'lce with ehildren 1\[rs. ElIl~""'I'S .. Foster. discussed the problems likely to arise The 10th grade will have as at each stage of a child's devc1op- erons Mr. and ~lrs. Robert ment. She strcssd the importance ardson and lI!r. and Mrs. CI,.re, o 1 enlightening the child so ttle he C. Frack. will form whole som e, Jll a t u rea tt tudes. And she recollllllendcd SevJUNIOR CLUB BRIDGE eral books pan'llts might find u~c· henefit Cancer Fund iul for different age levels. \' cry festive rcfrcsiull.ents were 8 P. M. Tuesday, Feb. 24 served in the lounge hy Mrs. John B. M acrker, ~f rs. Bruce Smith, \Voman's Clubhouse Mrs. F. VaJu..lc.rgracht, and Mn. Call Sw. 0839 for tickets. Rohert Bird. i-I :;::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;::::::::::::;::;::;::;::;::;:;;;;: Presenting The New 1948 PONTIAC A FINE CAR MADE EVEN FINER! GM HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE - OPTIONAL" We Feel !hat F<>r Tho... Who Know Pontiac, We Need OnI -Her!! 1_, The Most Beautiful Pontiac Ever BuiI~ y -Her:e IS, The mO.8.t DelH'ndah]e Pontiac Ever BUilt ~-An.d If Now ~!·adable With Geaeral Motors Hydra-Malic Optional at Additional Coat C. R. LOUGHEAD INC. The "CAKE BO CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS THEATRE SQUARE canned cherries make BANTAM POWER MOWER pies a real treat. you're cntertainig on ington's over! Save here regularly. Hurry, before they're GILBERT CHOCOLATES The Choclates of Connoisseur's Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. .Member of Federal Depolit ID_u~nce Corporation. Now You ~an buv~ U• S • S aVln,,1 • BoneL automatic:ally through the new Bond-a-Month Plan ~.ak at this Bank • Engineered to combine lightness with rugged strength, the Bantam Power Mower is built to giv~ years 01 dependable. eco1I0mical service. RUSSELL'S SERVICE STATION Dartmouth and Lafayelt Avc S\\'a. 04~0 or order cherry pie. CHERRY PIES the trend turns. Think it birthday French And Danish Pastry • Petits fours, Hor's d'Oeuvres and Sandwiches· made on-order HOURS- 9 A. M. TO 10 P. M. Phone Swa. 3243 Delivery service Daily 11:00 A. M. & 3:00 P. M. LOCAL THE SWARTHMOREAN DRIVE $3.00 YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA·, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1948 VOL. H-NO. 9 LAST PLANS MADE FOR C.A.R.E WEEK High School Students Sell Theater Tickets The last minute preparations for t11e big High School C.A.R.E. Week Program frolll March I to 3, are well under \vay. This week Irom February 23 to 28 C.A.R.E. 1s getting a percentage {rom tlle ·tickets that t11e high school solIs for the Concge Thcatcr, and it is the last week for any preparation of planning. David McCahan ·m3d~·a speech before the Home and School on Tuesday night, and Bill Hney will make a speech to the Rotary Clut. today. The profits from ·t1.:c J. J. Dance, to he held Saturday. February 28, will be given to C.A.R.E. Dana Swan contacted the towri''S churchcs., anil Raymond Denworth contactcil ·the ·businc~~· men's organizations. -Uy ·means of a form letter al1 the 'social groups were contacted by DiCk Thompson. "Bcsides this, plans ·havc ·heen made ·for 'C.A.R.E. 'many ·activitic£ "turing ·the w{'(;k .of To Receive Entries DR. R. M. KISTLER GUEST PREACHER Mrs Bryant Reviews lIrs. S. Milton Bryant will review "Proud Destiny" hy Lion Feuchtwanger at this morning's meeting of the Literature Section of the 'WcIllan's Club of Swarthmore, beginning at 10 a. m. The uc- • partmcnt which is directed by Co-Chairmen Mrs. Ennice Story Eaton and ~hs . Clair J eglum is gathering temporarily at the home o( Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, Rutgers avenue. I Swarthmore. arti·sts arc rellIinded that paintings for the annual exhibit ,vilt be received at the 'Voman's Club on March 7, from 2 until 5 p. ~Il. All artists in the arc asked to contact Mrs. B. F. Schwalm, chairman of the cJub'~ All artists in the community are asked to contact If.rs. B.F. Sdtwalm~ chaIrman of the club's Art department, for information regarding the show Beaver College Pres. At Presbyterian Church .. ILUNCHEON SERVED FUNDS RAISED BY JR. WOMAN'S CLUB RED CROSS DRIVE BEGINS MARCH 1 TO NEW MEMBERS Varied Club Calendar Forecast For March On Tucsday, February 2~, the members of the \V'oman's Club of Swarthmore honored more than a scorc of new and rcin~tated m~m­ bers at their mid-season lunchcon .. The program consisted of two-piano selections from the works of Bach, Purcell and Arensky, expertly played by J callnc. Viut and Patricil1 Hopkins, students of the New School o[ j\[ usic in Philadelphia. Gave Bridge Party to Aid Cancer Research 1\.lrs. Griffith Levering, prcsident of the Twentieth Centur:r Club of Lansdowne, delightfully portrayed living characters ill her "Thumb· The auditorium of the Woman's Nail Sketchcs." Sunday, February 29, has he~1l Next Tuesday, }".[arch 2 at 2 p.tIl. Clubhouse was open Tuesday cvcproclaimed as Rer Cross Sunday, a in the club house. Mrs. Robert N. ning to approximately 50 couples Hilkert, chairman of Girl Scouts, day of worship, a day a taking stock, who gathered to play cards at the wll present Mrs. John C. Frick of a day of thankfulness fOT good forannual Junior \\roman's Club of Allentown. Mrs. Frick is JIlem· tunc, and especially a day set aside philanthropic bridge party. ber of the National Board of the for awarencss of those in distr'Cs' Dr. Raymon 11. Kistler, Prcsi,Girl Scouts and she witl discuss 'On March 1. .every 110use in the and acknowledgement of ability tu dent of Beavcr Collegc, one of the 1\.lain attraction of the evening uThe Importance of Youth G:on, " . .town will be given;a 'pledge card help, by the President of the Uniteil largest and oldest of women's col- was the ca~ tab1t: ,filled with. honlc servatlOn. :anil a form letter.. On Thursday, States. leges in the United States, will he made cookies and cakes. The h.:lcy The next current event lecture March .4, cadI ·house wit be C~Iltable caught ~lany an eye with its by Dr. Frances Fussell will he March brings to everyone in the gucst preacher at the 11 o'clock tact cd .for a .sccond time and the argyle, socks, aprons bib!" caps held at the hOllle of Mrs. J.V.S. 'pledges will ·he collected. Under United States the annual appeal service at the Presbyterian Clmn.. h and hooties for children. Bishop, 736 Harvard avenue Thursthe leadcrshop .of Don Dickinson of the Red Cross for funds. J. on Fehruary 29. The hospitality committee served ua" March 4 at 10 a. m. Her topic », .the ·9th .Gr:ade ~ill.delivcr and \:01. Paul Brown, campaign fund ·ellaL· Dr. Kistler, a q-rammte of \Vest- icc crcam amI pretzels at the will be "The Marshal Plan". 'lect these pledge cards .. on March man for Swarthtnore, has aSSel!:- minster College and the Pittshurgh close of the evening. Following the current evct1t~ .2, :letters will be wdtlcn in the bled 122 workers to help Swarth- Theological Seminary, has an 11onProceeds from the party will go lecture on :March 4, the TlIg-mak English classes to ·the people in more give its share of ..$8,500 to ora ray Doctor of llh'inity degree to the Cancer Fund . ing group of the Antiques Depart.the ·town 01 Stadc. Gn March 3, further the humanitarian work of from \Vcstminstcr ·and all honorary Next Tuesday, the hoard of llirec- lllellt will mect at the home of 1-Ir~;· ;a .-spcdal assembly ·program will the ){ed Cross. Doctor of Laws degree from BC;""c'r tors will meet at the home of 1\.frs. Gonion C. Meader, Fairview r03.d. ta~e place. Pat Gallagher is husy The Red Cross knows no ·bound- Beaver Col1('g"e. \Va:yile Gerson, Linden avenue, There is also an increasing demal"..1 organizing .a prpgram that \\lill aries; tolcrates no prejudiccs, and Pastor of fi\'e ehnrches in NC\\'I R~ltledge. . " for a class in the making of paper will please everyone. o.n March emergency is its calt to scrvic:!. York, New Jersey and Pennsyl· rhe March stated meetmg and lampshades. Those interestell 4, tllCre will he .a big Activitic:; But it must have thesupportoftl1c vania for 28 years, Dr. Kistler has program will hc at thc home of should contact )'lrs. Birney K. Kight for the whole ·town, with cntin.· community of it it to con- also served as moderator of the Ann Krans on Benjamin \Vest a~'c­ 1Iorse, chairman. special speakers aod tatent ;,how$ t~llue its \'aluah!c service!) to the Er"ic Preshytery and of the ~o- nue. Swarthmore artists are remind to be giv~n by all the .organi1a· serViccman. veteran, cj~'ilan and chester Presbytery and has beer;. ed that paintings for the annual eXtions of the school. 011 :Ma.rch 5, their falJtilies. prl"5i<1ent of the New York State hibit will be received at the there will be the big C.A.R.h... For 1b:; sake ~f the ullsuspecting C01.lncil of O,urches, thc Roches\Voman's Club, :March 7, from 2 to dance which all arc invited to .at- thousands who will be stricken this ter l\[inisterial Association and thc Dr. Samuel C. Palmer, former 5 p. m. tend. Gayle Hodge has alr·eady ·be.. year; ~." the sa\:e Ot tho'\c thul1s- Rochester Federation of Churches On Friday, :Uarch 12, at 8 p. m. Graduate :Manager of Athletics for gUll to pian the decoration. During ands destined for injury and angc· Due to extensive travels in Euin the club house, there will be a whom Swarthmore Collcgc's l'alC.A.R.E4 'Veek other organi"l.a· ish the Red Cross turns to the CfWt- rope, Africa and Palestine, Dr. joint meeting with the League of Iller Field is named, has becn aptions throughout the town lla\e Illullity for help. Kistkr~s lectures on strategic coull\Vometl Votcrs of SwarthtllOre. {loin~cd to the. Panel of the National offered to hold spec~al C~A.R.E~ Each resident is asked to rc- tries hi current history present tile Dr. Clair Wilcox of the College will Collegiate Athletic Association by c.lances 01" ?arties. member when the Red Cross worker hackground, history, conditions and. its President Dr. Karl E. Leib, of be the speaker. \Vith the assistance of the towns calls for funds that The Red Cross Christian influences of the nations On April 22 thcre will he a Spring the State Univcrsity of Iowa. people, the school hopes to make belongs to everyonc and everyone which arc now focal points in cur~-Iutual Household exchange in the Dr. Palmer who is Professor this drive a success. must share the cost. rent events. club house. }'lembers and townsEmeritus of Botany, Swarthmore. was urged by President John \V. people are urged to Jay aside outM,.,. Elva B Hayward grown spring and SUilltller clothing' 11 rs. Elv;t B. Hayward, died Nason to accept the appointment clean and in good repair, in antiFebruary 18 at the home of her for the following rca sons : ''It is my cipation of this e"ent. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 sister, ~Irs. John W. Pittock of my impression that the new "Sanity 10:30 A. M. -Literature Meeting .................... 'Voman's Cluh the Swarthmore Apartments whcre Codc" is a real step forward and she had hcen visiting since Christ- anything we at Swarthmore can do SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 to encourage or assist its effecti~:e 9:00 A. ~1.-4 P. 1\-1. Cake Sale by Lacrosse Team .. Boro Fire HOllse mas. Clothier Born in New Brighton, Pa., Sep- operation is so much to the good. 7:00 P. M. and 9 P. M. -"The Ghost aud Mrs. Muir" ...... The mass meetng to consider •• Mcmorial temher 11, 1862, she had been a Your long eperience and interest thi! {ate of the Swarthmore Swim· SUNDAY, FEBRUARY ~ resiuent of St. Augustine, i~la. for in the field of inter-collegiate athming Pool held \Vednesday night letics as well as your rctirenu;nt 11:00 A. :!.I.-Morning \Vorship ...................... Local Churches 25 years. She was a member of the 7 :15 P. M .-Junior Music Club ................ 533 Riverview Road St. Augustine ~{cmorial Presby- from active participation makes you in the high school auditorh.m 8:15 P. M.-Recital by Mrs. Wolpe .............. Whittier Hous" terian Church and Eastern Star. a logical pcrson to serve on the voted overwhcmingly in favor of continuing the project. !{oney alTUESDAY, MARCH 2 :Mrs. Hayward was a frequent vis- panel and, if necessary, to rcview ready collected is to be held for disputed cases." 2:00 P. M .-Girl Scout Program ................... Woman's Club itor in Swarthmore. construction in 1948 for use in ~9 8:00 P. M. -Junior Club .................. Linden avenue, Rutledge Funeral services werc held from Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pearson except where is requested. John WEDNESDAY. MARCH 3 the Patterson Home. 11edia. Sat7:00 P. M.-J. V. vs Ursinus .......................... Field House urday. Intcrment was made i.e. and their' chHdrell Fra.nces and Seybold president of the group S:30 P. M .-Swarthmore vs Ursinus •.......••.•....•... Field House promises complete details in the \Vest Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila- 10hn of Cornell avenue spent the week-end skiing in the PoconC"'s. ncar future. THURSDAY, MARCH 4 10:00 A. "l\1.-Currellt Events, Dr. Frances Fussell ...... Club Lounge delphia. Feb. 29 Proclaimed Red Cross Sunday .. . On Athletic Board Light, flaly crust and a-a,a,Mm THE CROSS I 9th and SPROUL ST. 1 snap back in a hurry, once Swarthmore Mule Club, Feb. Tlfe February meeting of Swarthmore Music Club will be Tuesday evening, February 24 8:30 o'clock in the library of' Bartol Laboratory on the Campus. Sylvia Swann will play mann's Sonata in G Minor for and Charles Gilbert will play Second Sonata for ic1arinCt Brahms. Mrs. Everett Hunt accompany him. There wilJ be aaditionnt to be announced later. RED SUPPORT TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR Pool to Proceed " z I THE Social Notes the Duck Club Dance, Saturday Mrs. Owen Shoemaker of Lans. dale is visiting her. son ;'nd daughBob Hanzlik of Cornell avenue night. Mr. and Mrs. Herman M. Bloom I ter-in·law Mr. and Mrs. Waller R. who received the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineer- of Columbia avenue entertained in- Shocmttkcr of Rh'ervicw road. Mr. Walker Penfield of Rivering at the University of Michiga~. formally at their home before the after completing the fall semester, Duck Club Dance at Penn State view road spent the week-end at Williams College, ,Mass., attending speut 10 days skiing at St. Jovite, Center, Saturday evening, President and Mrs. Grover C. a get-together of the college alumni. Canada, and has n~w taken a posiM Greene of the Kje.Ystone SecreMary Ann Hook of ''I estdale tion with the Scott Paper Company tarial School c It a ]) e ron c d an avenue was .among 308 stUdents at Chester. informal dance at Strath Haven the College of William and Mary, Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar Inn, Friday evening. 150 s1ud{'nts Williamsburg, Va., to acquir~ lane entertained the Kappa Alpha and guests enjoyed the dance wIth Dean's List privileges this past seTheta Surburban Group' at a des- Bob Greene and his orchestra ft:r- mester. sert-meeting at her home Wednes- nishing the music. Dr. Frank G. Keenen of Harvard day. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Huey avenue returned home Sunday fol. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brad- of Dickinson avenue motored to lowing a week's business trip to shaw and son Bobby, formerly of Middlebury, VI., 'Vcdnesday to Kansas City. Stone House~ Yale and Swarthmon' attend the 17th Annual MiddleMr. and Mrs. Clartllce E. Hanaycnucs, . moved Tuesday to the bury College Winter Carniva] and num of Oberlin avenue have rcformer Almgren house at 232 Ben- Intercollegiate Ski Union Cham- turned home from a six-week auto. jamin \Vest avenue.' The Almgrens pionship Aieet, which is being held mobile trip south. They spl'm;: are now residents of Princcton, February 26-28. Th.eir daughters, 1I10st of their vacation at ClearN. J. Jean and Beth, students at Middle- water Beach. Fla. :Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe oI bury College, are both active as Miss Edith Thatcher of O'Idell Thayer road, Chairman of the Can- Carnh S .' ." . . CA.LL 04 If 0 . QARTMOVTH 6- LAFAYETTE AVES. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------iJ The Bouquet I BEAUTY SALON Beauty Faces Spring DEW· DROP INN BREAKFAST-LUNCH-DINNER Monday Thru Saturday OPEN 1 A. 11.-8. P.!&. Closed , every Sunday -OUTSIDE CATERIHG SERVICE DAILY ~~.;;.;.;.~ 10 $1.50 DOl\l9T LET YOUR CHILD HAVE DIPHTHERIA Theatre o Despite the fact that a, way' to • prevent diphtheria was discovered many years ago, thousands of children have diphtheria every year. Much of this is due to the indifference of parents. They know that their children should be immunized. but they just don't get around to it. Make a resolution now to have your children treated. The treatment is simple and safe. Ask your doctor about it at the first oPportunit;,. TIMELY ADVICE F'US·I IISIIe sends ON THE CORNER l1Ie!/~ U Church Services • • FLOWERS 11:00 A. lIL-Morning Prayer. Radio ad· sociation. dress Rt. Rev Henry 1<. Sher:nll 6:00 P. 'M..-Youn.r People'. "FcUowddp The Fourth Quarterly Conference WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3 7:30 A. M.-Holy Communion will be held this evening at 7 :4;. 10:00 A. }.( -Holy .communion Dr. Leon T. MooreJ District St·· perintendent J will be prescnt an.] preside. THE 'RELIGIOOS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 29 9:45 A. M.-First Day School. 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum: uThe Ethic of Judaism" Emily Solis·Cohen CHRISTIAN. SCIENCE CHURCH 11 ;00 A. M.-1deetinS. for Wonhip. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3 9 :30 tn E.teem And nonghtfulne.. Decorative and Novelty Candles BALT. PIKE SPRINGFIELD 3 :00 Se\lf!ng and Quilting in Whit. tier House. Box Luncheon. All are . "CHRIST JESUS" is tbe suheoTdiaUy invited~ ject of the Lesson-Sermon in al1 FIRST CHURCH OF Churches of Christ, Scientist, on CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Sunday, February 29. The . Golden Park Avenue Below Harvard Text is: "Thou art fairer than the SUNDAY, FEBRUAR 29 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday School. children of lnCIl: grace is pourl'd 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday Lesson Sennon' "Christ _. Jesus" into thy lips: therefore God hat!: Wednesday evenlng meeting each ~k, 8 -p.m. Reading room open daily except Sun· blessed thee for .ver" (Psalms day and holidays 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesday 45:2). evening i to 7:45 p.m. and 9 to 9:30 p.m. here and.. pay bills with checks by mail. It's a grca~' C0:-'.'.-eT"::"'1~'" Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. .Member of Fecleral Depooit Insurance Corporati_ Now You can buy U. S. Savings Bonda' automatically .T . Michael's College Pharmacy THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO.· throngh the new Bond·a-Month Plan Asak at thi. Bank 0450 WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS . , THE Palmer Series Begins The Swarthmore is privileged to present in tJlis, and subsequent issues articles by Dr. Samuel C. Palmer, professor emeritus of Swarthmore College and widely recognized authority and illustrator in the botanical field. The series will deal with flora indigenous to this locality and will add much purpose and pleasure to the appreciation of spring which, winter having come, c.annot be ufar behind", accordng to the Poet Keats. Believing the articles to have true value. The Swarthmorcan suggests that they be clipped and kept as a whole. "Nature is What We See" , , Most I'cople like ferns. The delicate f1e,ecy plants appeal to the sense of beauty and add greatl;: to any bunch of Mvely flowers. but fe.w people really know what and how many of our ferns are easily found within a short distance from their homes. Our local ferns are rather easy to ndentify and may' be readilv pressed and preserved for th~ time, in any large magazine. Not being flowering plants their indentification must be made on other characteristics than £lowers and fruits. The leaf of a fern is called a frond. It may be simple with 11\1cut edges such as you find in a ,,rhododendron leaf, or. they 'nay be variously subdivided and COIl!." pounded, often with serrate edges and soxpctimes spiny. The fruiting bodies are groups of sporangia, or spore bearing organs, yellow or brown· in color, on tl-.e underside of the fronds arranged iT! TOWS as dot-like bodies, sori, usually covered by a thin light colored nlembranes caUed indusia. In other cas~s the sporangia are protected by the roflexed margin of the frond, and lastly the fruiting frond may be devoted entirely t" th~ production of spores, and very much unlike the sterile'frond. The position of the sari in relation to the veining, an their position (\0 the frond must also be given con~ sidcration. With these things in mind it should not be too difficult to establish the indentity of our local ferns. With a little diligence any· \ fern is known to nearly everyon~ one shoud be able to recongize 20 and so scarcely needs descriptIon. species-and an expert could poss... Its sCJ1li·circular much dissected ibly find a few morc. frond is placed at right angles to Below is a brief des~ription of the top of the leaf stalk giying it those ferns found within a few a· flat appearance as seen from miles of Swarthmore and easilv above. The sporangia are devewithin the reach of alL Any invesi- loped under the rcflexed edges of lIlent in this direction is guaranteed the slnall divisions of the fr<1nc. to return to the investor many times As the maiden hair has be.cn plantth value of effort spent in their cd in Crum wood it is well to look se~rch, by taking him to the open elsewhere for.a real native plant. spaces where he can breathe the There arc several ptac.es ncar Swpure air" without having to pay arthmorc where such may be fouud. somebody for the privilege. 5. Pteris jlQ.uilina - Connnon I. Polypodium vulgare-the com- bra ke . The bra k e or brae ke n f el"l1 is one of the least desirable of our mon polypody. The polYl)ody is ferns. It is a tall coarse woody plallt not too common, but may be foulld foulld usually on the edges of woods perched in masses on the tops .Jf or even among plantings about large rocks usually near streams. I houses where it has been introduchave found it on the rocks of ed with the shrubbery. The large Crulll Creek, and also in the college triangular. frond at right angles to woods. It can be identified by the the stem grows orten to a height large orange-yellow sori on the of three feet. Its tendency to be under side of th fronds concentratweedy makes it undesirable. The ed toward the til' of the frond. sporangia may be found under the They have no indusia. The frond curled edges of the frond. is usually about six inches long 6. Asplenium playtyneuron- Eblobed but with the margins re- ony spleenwort. In the crevices of latively free from serration. It is old stone walls,. or in the damp soil not to be confused with the Chrismas fern which is much more com· m011, and which has spiny edges to the fronds. ' 2. Phegopteris hexagonoptera Beech fern. This ff!rn is very common in the woods north of the Media Trolley line. It likes good woodland soil which is somewhat moist. Here it grows to about 8 or lO inches in height. The frond is a much divided one with the last two long lobes pinnae pointed backward toward the base of the plant. Further north this p~ant grows much larger than I ha\'e found it here. 3. Phegopteris Dryopte.ris-Cak fern. A relative- of the one just noted but rare here and not likely to be seen by the casual observer. 4. Adiantum pedatum-Maiden hair. This beautiful and popular at their bases, or on shady road banks, you may find this plant flourishing. It is a very narrow plant with small pinnae, sessite on the almost black stem. The snpws of winter f1attcn it down to the ground but in the spring it reaches upward to about 8 or 12 inches. This should be sufficient to give you a clue to its identity. 7. Asplenium acrostichoides Silvery Sapleenwor!. If you find a tall course fern in a swampy ar('a with elongated sari covered with silvery indusia you probably have S'-' J!I05 CUNNINGHAM F...a. 2266 A.... MWplpn :;:;;::;;;;::;;;::;::;::;:::;;;:;;::;;;;::;;;::;::;::;::;;:;:;;:;;;::;;;;::;;;::;::~;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;. ~ IT's FUN STRATH HAVEN INN $1.00 serve yourself- All you want Supper, Thursday, March 4 Yuu are invited to remaiD for a SODg recital by William MUOD, "".. piaaiat Cecillia Bradbeer at 80·dock. I • The dollar has shrunk. But I !. , lor Sale Cr~ss this year, J •' 4• -, to do an equal job ; 1638 R for reservations IT'S YOUR RED CROSS ••• KEEP IT GOING BUCHNER'S JOSEPH'S SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO ,their Ii""" iD the service duriDg the war, PRINT the full name an" DEW DROP INN B. J. HOY 5 AND 10 residence of each man, on a postal card. and mail it tp the American RUS~ELL'S THE INGLENEUK Legion in care of THE SWARTHMOREAN. • tIaG. b7. SERVICE ,.....u. I aa ~ 30Z Gatley St., M~ XecIIa ,Outlets inota1led $4.80 ..... up 2567·. ;~~]~~~~~~~~4~~~~ Call Wayne OI04-M illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill . N. Bell and was guest01of Harvard hOllor atavenue, a lunrheon Evenials Swarthmore Z688-M. flThird Generation Builders" given by Mrs. Bell. . 1 Wayne 1.lrs. Paul D. Williams- of Uni- 26S.B-",M,*,'• ==::: Z4 hour em.ergenc.:r aenice . I . d I h PERSONA~rpenlry jobbing. Estimate. vcrslty pace cntertamc at a unc cheerfully given. Reasonable pri~ Firat con at her home In honor of Mrs. clan work:inaiuhip. Reeves Phone S'warth'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ' more 2370-W. I H endc rsoll, S a~ u rda y . 'P Jo:RSO NAL-''-'-'La:Cd:;:y:-::c ..' -isIh'''••=-=r.::a::id"1:in::g:-.''"p=.. =in"'"l· 591 Yale avenue Mr. and.Mrs. Percy C. (~ilbert ments. Can Sw.arthmore 2385. of Park avenue entertained iufoflll" 'FOR RENT S~more-PhoDe 3450 ally at, a dessert-bridge in Mrs. FOR RENT-One Of two furnished roans with or without kitchen llrivileges• .Thrc.: RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Henderson's honor Wednesday, hlocks from translKJrtation. Garage avail. evening ~nd Mr. and .1Irs. H. aU1e. Tele~bone Ridley Park 0207. ALTERATIONS REPAIRS RENT-Pleasant second-floor cor The Junior High Bas!.:ctball Weston Clarke of College avent'e FOR ner room. Convenient to Essington bus. .1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 will play an exhibition game' entet.:'tained informally at bridge in Call Swarthmore 4536·]. East Lansdowne Junior High her honor. Saturday evening. :1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: FOR SALE a preliminary to one of the JUll§ FOR QUICK SERVICE :: FOR SALE- Selected. fire-place w·ood, High tournament games at Ridbard and seasoned. Cut 20 inehes. le,)Oil; $18. cord. Swarthmore 2078.' I call E: Township starti~g at 7:30 M",,Track llracticc gets under ";"'y FOR-SALE-Fireplace logs Sf';aSCIned. March I. mixed wood. 18 in. and 24' in ·length.,. RUMSEY CHEVROLET :: Saturday morning lhe E;,;~th ncxt j week. Hold overs from lau Bruce Durnall. Phone 4S 13. "A Well Kept House § Swarthmore 1439 :: Stags will meet the Eightlt year include Ross Pfalzgraff,' Ken- -FOR SALE--COW manure f~r garderu and flowers beds; also rotted hOrSe manure for Never Grows Old" :1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Stingers for the J unor High neth Childrey. Gordon Follett, lawns. Call Bruce DumaU, Swarthmore Jim Horsey, Fred Collins; Bar:, 4 5 1 3 . ' ]tramulral basketball game. Game , Warren and Barry Patton. Sel"er10:30. Phone to show WANTED Also on Saturday morning, the al newcomers , expected R Id D WANTED-Day's work desired by e."teyno 5, on. perienccd white woman. Monday, TUC$day, Funeral, Director Junior High bask'etbaUers promise arc Sam Fetherolf, Barry Coleman. Nicky Thursday, Friday. ,Reply to Box L The journey to Swarthmore to meet Fonner\y of )leoJIo ·~~~;.m;~Dai:::y;:·.C-:::w=or::;'k:-:;d=e.:rir=e"d-b"Y"""co=ln:::rrd:::i Little Garnets in a retllrn bout. Stuart and Alfred MacGilberry. 1125 W. LeIWdl A_. PIoIIa. The baseball squad expects to sirl. gf';tler.ll hou!lfwork. Ironing PIaoDe JIaI4ing championship The Swarthmorean. place Monday afternoon at 3:30 into practice sessions in the milldle WANTED-Co1ored woman Msires work of March. \ Monday and Thursday. $5.00 and carfare. !!IIIIII 1111111111111111 II III11I1J 111111111111 e: the high school gymnasimn. Last week Eddie Abrams suc- ~~rt~ydia Bradley, 227 Woodland avenue, «essflllly defended his ta!>le tennis WANT~" E~1J-.'::-e1";~~-.;:bu~y~c~la~r~in~et~i!":n~good~~c~on. championship when he· defeated cIi.ion. R able. Call Me~~~j;~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~::::::==::::~::::::~ School News to the Red PHONES : SWARTHMOREA" ders for Japan ch. They will join Mr. Eliot who is assisting n setting up a Civil S~r­ vice Commission for the Japanese Goverment and plan to be located there for at least two years. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Ale .. of Park avenue entertained as their house guest last week, Mr. Van Alen's cousin, Mrs. L. A. Henderson of Montgomery, Pa. Mrs. Van Alen entertained at It luncheonbridge in her honor, Friday. Mrs. Henderson also spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred WINS FROM . SPRINGFIELD TEAM the final game of the basket· season, the boys h~d the game control all the way 'with outstanding shooting of Dave and the great rebounding of Blake. Other scorers were Patton, Bill Huey and D.na The final score was Spring· 27 and Swarthmore 49. Others participated wer.e Larry DalGeorge Storck, Bill Mae-. Jack Houtz ·and John the silvery spte.enwort. It ,is a plant of bogs or wet places and is too coarSe to make it a favorite, but to the rern collector it has its points of interest, and should not be neglected. Continued Next Week When you give .j THE .., rt, SWARTHMOREA" ROOFS· GUTTERS REPAIRED 1'11" INSTALLED Furnace cleaning orders taken no'v. Call GEORGE MYERS Sw. 2266 409 Michigan Ave. m mudu u ?z... \ GOLD BOND POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS Reese-Baxter Co. PLASTERING SUPPLIES 816 EDGMONT AVE. SPORTING GOODS Cbeater • • THE SWA~THMOREAN Lt. Parker tells. Navy Benefits .. Owned and Operated by American S'ore. Compony Get Your Copy of 'he Marc" 'ssue of =: 5e tip., FDILY CilCLE MAGAZINE' New Ideas for Ea,ter. Decorating .tc. ACME QUAUTY MEATS Are All U. S. Qav.m... nt I... .pected. Our Lamb and V_I Are ""1 ,.: ~ U. S. GOVERNMENr GRADED ~ . Sg FRANKFURTERS SSe SOUR KROUT ciiiciENS' (~i~~ iryln~b 43 i:i"t:i=i=·=f=s=-_po_~-Io_I:_~:_e;_ e . Th second nieeting of the Swar· more Unit of ihe Navy's Fill the Fleet Program was held in the American Legion Room, Borough Hall at 7 :15 Mon. evening, Feb. 16. In opening the meeting Chairman Thomas Baird read a letter of appreciation from Jay T. Palmer. Comdr. U.S.N. officer in· charge of the Philadelphia area. Howard Sipler informed the group that the Swarthmore Rotary Club had passed a resolution endorsing the Fill the Fleet Program. Lt. All-in Parker, U.S.N. of Chester, recruiting officer in Wilmington, told of the Navy's need of 10,000 men per month On a natienwide sca.le. He said re-enlistments had been encouraging to date; F.etirement jn ~ years, a pay basis where one dollar in the Navy equa" $3.90 in civilian life, and the offering of the best of training in 80 trade schools, were listed as'some of the advantages the Na,vy offers men within the enlistment age grOtiO (17 to 31). Lt. Parker stated t!lat although some of the. physical stand ards had been lowered' the moral and character requirements rcmmained at their usual high. No one with a police record is c"nsidered. Arrangements were made to hav~ a film shown to the senior class of Swarthmore High School and Lt. Parker to address the class. .._ _ _ _ 'b lib both ~:: 1 Ib MADISON BROS. for LEAN SLICED BACON MO.,::;. V:z Ib J,J,C CODFISH FILLETS I Rea' lenten I!ood Suggestions 29~ Ib Dressed Whiting " 19c Perch Fillets GI;:';". Ib 39c Medium Smelts "19c Pollock Fillets Ib 25c Fresh Jersey Select Oysters d" 37c PEACHES !a5~:' FRUIT COCKTAIL u.... ..e~ RED SALMON ,.1!~ BEANS 8~:' TOMATO,"JUICE 4::"fsc ..e~ FREE DELIVERY y'. libby's Corn Whol' No. ••.. 19c Libby's Peas 2 3 .,,,... 35c Libby's Beets 5"". 2 I!,: 25c .£iIJ,."a. I Boneless Roast Beef No.2Y. 37~ can tall can HAMS whole or string end lb. Sge < 59~ Libby's Pears No. ' ' ' ' ..n 39c Fresh Prunes LI"~' No.'"" 2Sc Peaches Llltby". SlIetd Nil. I c~ 19c •• • ... LETTUCE head lOc 95~ CARROTS 2 bunches 25c ,gIIid:r.ud Enriched Family . No beller all AII-' Purpose purpO$G 5 37e• 10 71e -Ib bas • -Ib bag flour mllled anywhere. Try It under our usual guertlnteo. LAYER CAKE "~~~~ each PASCAL CELERY 1. stalk 19c '" t esley roads. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Aris Lindsey are here temporarily while the former aUends college. Mr. alld Mrs. George Dunn c Branch of the BaSsett of 500 North Chester suspension of the PgOENJX, On Friday evenmg March S Red Cross has quietly totaled an wishes to thank the friends in _.,Iho"o,·" CoHege student news- 8:15 Ot~o To~ M~lIery, author and impressive number of volunteer arthmore who have air,eady which was announced by eco~O?¥st, will gIVe a lectur~ at hours in many of the 16 Services of in coupons for Coatesville_ I\. ~:reat" ~esidellt John W. ·Nason on Feb- Wh,ther House on the Swartl:- of the Red Cross. The Canteen number of coupons is awaited 13, was offiically ended 011 morc C~ml?us •. Mr. Maller;.- WIll under the chairmanship of Mrs. interest as the quota is '""ilav. February 24. The new use the htle of hl~ new b~oks ~orc Roy S:' Latimer prepared and serarily large in order to buy a Richard E,·errett son of than <:onquer~rs for hIS subject. ved foad for seven sponsored parered grandstand for the Co:ate'!ViJI, Samuel Everett of Moylan He WIll be mtr?duc~d by K~rl ties at the Valley Forge Hospital Hospital Field. Tl.!e Legion Paul B. Trescott of Abington. Scholz of the Umverslty of Penn- and one at the Naval Hospital. liary urges the conununity to that their first issue would sylvania. With the help of 14 canteen work. in this campaign to bring on Wednesday, March 3~ Under the sponsorship of. the ers Mrs. Latimer served 2,200 men, entertainment to the victims The temporary suspension was Peace and World Order Commlt~ee in 246 1-2 hours of volunteer time. war which distorted their result of the publication of an' of Swarthmore Monthly Meeting and thereby took away their about the Kinsey report Mr. Mallery wi~1 discuss the building dom. January 16 during the winter of peace on {air traGe agreemCJlts. NEWS N9TES ,"lcs,ler~ In discussing the tCUI- As in his most recent book, his <'J>Dr. John Dolman, Jr., of Vassar Local Pup Wins ban Dr ~ Nason said he jcctivl,! is to give information· in Thomas Baird of Oberlin to :lIakc it dear that "'the non-technical terms on econ01:!:lic avenue-presented an illustrated lechandled his, seven-month-old had ref1~cted no discr'!dit ,problems that affect the countries ture on "Iris" at the Pennsylvania / Horti<;,ttlturat Society mceting at the mation puppy tQ win honors as the present ~ditors. It was ca·us- and peace of the world. second best male. of the breed at specifically by the Kinsey elliOtto Mallery, autl~or of .two books Bellevue Stratford, Philadelphia, Westminster Dog Show in M"dison written by the previous c(J- has been an eCOIlOllllC adViser to the Thursday evening, February 5. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks United St",tes Government delegaSquare Gar'den, New YOJ'k last week. The pup is a product intervening period," he tions at Geneva and Havana. Has of Rutgers' avenue have returned served with the Departmcnts of home from Buffalo, N. Y., after Twynnewood Kennels, Cedar: "has been used for a road, Media operated by Mr. on,aisal . and a reclarification of \Var and Conullercc and all the attending the funeral of Mrs. Fairbanks' father, Mr. Louis. Schuh, Mrs. Albdrt Hall, fo~merly PHOENIX on campus." He