Pa. 1 I, , , .' ATJ"END SWARTHMOREAN COMMUNITY PROGRAM SWAR1HMORE,·PA., nruRSDAY, JULy 3,1947 VOL 19-No. 27 . Rev. Warren To Head Tougaloo. ScbooI . , Pa.storate tO'Lead Negro, , College Resign~ Ope~ in Sept. To Marshall Parade In aDBWer to the many queries of parents and anxious pupils, the Swarthmore Public Schools wUI open the new term on Mon. day, Septem"er 8. Summer Club In 3rd Week The Rey. Harold C. Warren. pas· tor of the First ~resbyterlan Church. Warrt'n. Pa., for the past nine years, Is resigning his pastor· ate to accept the presidency of Tougaloo College. Jackson, M~ss. Former Swarthmorean and brother of Dr. George P. Warren of South The WJlUam Morrows of HarChester road. Rev. Warren will asvard Avenue have very generously sume his duties as head of MiBSIsturned over .tbelr swimming pool sippi's o~ly accredited college for to the Recreation Association, for negroes on September 1. three afternoons a week-MoJtday. Rev. Warren told his congrega· Tuesday, and Thursday from 2 to J. PAUli UHOWN tlon Sunday morning that he bad 5 o'clock. Swimming Is for Sum· accepted the position because it mer Club members only. Bobby presented "an opportunity in· the Davis and Don Dickinson w1ll guard field of education, c~urclt related the swimmers. All a. member of and Chrlstlan In character, which the summer club must do Is to With one look at thc domestic is at the epearhead of progress In bring a note from home sa.ylng. science otoom In the Swarthmore . race relations." Graduates from "My child may jein the swimming High School where six large tables, Tougaloo College· have made an program" signed by either ,parent. onl.' desk and tllxteen chairs sit, all A check for fOUr dollars must ac- covered with arUeles collected from outstanding record as· professional company this note and' be given a year at school, it Is hard to see leaders and the college oCcUp,les to Mr. Theodore Purnell who'is the why Miss Cannon's, Miss Chada strategic position In n~gro edu- director of tht' Summer Club or it wlck~s and Miss u'Beeket's hah'~ cation aDd indirectly In the pr~· rg.ay be sent to Mrs. Avery Blake, haven not tUl'ned white. For there, in room 106. Is the Happy Hunting grass of white education in MIBSIs· Amherst Avenue, Swarthmore. SWimming wlll start Mond~y, Ground of all the jackets, rubbers sippI. .July 'l-lf enough boys and girls and caps that ever had the mIsforTougaloo has a camp~ of 500 are inte.rested and wlll sign up be· tune to ~e lost. acres. Its· many buildings include fore that date. The IItatistics of the tlLlng go a newly eomPlt'ted dormitory and A miniature golf course, built. by something 11ke this: two tables of a latge, modern gymnasium to be Sum~er Clubbers has been added sweaters, shirts and blouses. ona dedl~tea in September. A grade to the morning program at College table of scarfs, belts and hanker· sc~o(tI;·"hlBb, school. and college Avenue sChool. Nine holes with chiefs, one table and five chairs of ar,e oj)~rated underth!--:-aame·~.. fIJ.lrways, rough sand, and, .water galoshes ~nd rubbers~,twotables of mlntstratlon. with students major· traps make the course ··intrIguiiig. ~itten~'iri(fcu.psi indo the'~6ks' of lng in education practice teaching Old golf balls are needed. eleven chairs hung with jackets 'in the lower schools. ClasaOB are organized on Mon- and coats. This list so far has not' W'blle operated under I\n inde· days through Thursdays with defin- mentioned the brlet cases, the pendent board of trustees, some Ite periods for crafts, tennis, ar· lunch box. camera and jump rope. from the south, others from Chi- chery, and general play. Fridays the s11de rUles, four pairs of gla.sses, cago, New York, and New Eng· are free days with special attrae· .Innumerable glasses cases, pens, land, Tougaloo is closely related tioos. The Treasure Hunt last Fri· rings and bracelet.'I, a catcher's w.!.tl! the Congregational-Christian day was a big success. Sandy mitt, two umbrellas, and a deflated denomination. ltev. Warren wi1l re- Heath's team hicluding Terry Del- silver football. main a Presbyt'\,rlan minister but muth, David, Cox,· Barry Guinn. As one weary worker put It, how wlll become also a minister In the EmUy Terry, and .John Coleman can the families afford to lose 60 Congregational Church. Most 'of was the winning; group. much? But to others the burning the Institution's income Is derived Anne Bradfo~d is teaching the 9uestlon Is: Where nre the mates from the national United N.egro fundamentals of tennis to three to the 16 rubbers and one galosh? College FUnd and the General groups of players-beginners, In- Are they home In their closets, of Board of Christlan Education. The termediates, and experts, Anne is no use to themselves or anyqne president of the board Is president now a junior at Brown University else?: Have they gone to the trash of the ;Jackson, Miss.; Bar Associa- where she specaUzes in psychology. heal) In despair of reunion? Notion. She has taken lessons In tennis body knows. But It Is easier to The WaTrens, who have recently from Edward Faulkner and is now grieve with the one little galosh visited the college report that a pupil of Milan Robinson. that ts alone all alone,' tban...the 16 Jackson is a modem, progreBSlve Forehand. backhand,' and foot- rubbers alone all together. city which gave them a warm, work are heing streBSed now. a.nd MIBS a'Becket seems depressed cordial welcome. Rev. and Mrs. later games wlll be played for, by the whole situation, Miss CanWarren have been active In the· slngle~ and doubles championships. non wishes people would be more community life of Warren, serving RUBSell Snyder, baseball coach, carefUl. But Miss Chadwick repeatd, It In many capacities and express reports that the Clippers will play "How can they afford to loso them? themselves as yaluelng highly the Grace Park at 1:30 on .July 4th, For MiBS Chn.dwlck still remembers friendly relations enjoyed in ch~rch and the Hornets will play the A- the winter coat that turned up at and community. In the years of American Legion on the same date the ottice one year with n~ owner Rev. Warren's presidency ot the Warren Mlhtsterlo.l Association the at 3 P. M. Both games will be play· and no nome. Miss Chadwick unWarren School of Week-day. ReU· ed at Riverview Field. The Hornets dert09k to take care of it, but sumglous Education was begun, largely standing at; this time Is 6 gameB mer came and with it the gnawing 'appetite of the moth, (genus as a result of his investigation of won, and 4 games lost. From Rutgers Avenue comes the Tinea), So the coat spent the sum· slmllar work in Pittsburgh. news that the seven and eight year mer in Mrs. Samuel Dodd's cedar Rev. Warren's formal education olds have enjoyed Boft ball, kick chest for protection. Finally. in the was pursue4 at the Swarthmore ball. and a picnic to Crum Woods, fall and cold weather. its shivering Preparatory Scbool. Princeton Unlwhere they collected leaves for owner came to claim it. Yerslty, McCormick Theological spatter painting. The five year olds It Is the earnest hope of the of. Seminary, and New College (Unlnow have a workbench for wood-· flce force mentioned above that the verslty of EdInburgh, Scotland), with graduate work at the Univer- work and long blocks for bun ding owners would come to claim the various articles displayed in roo/" sity of ChiCagO and the University modeling clay and painting. Mrs. Edith Kenney"e 4 year old 106. They urge all pupils and school of Pittsburgh. Uia fint year In the ministry he was AssIstant Pastor group Is making wren houses out visitors who think they have lost in the National Presbyterian of fiower pots. Some of these child- something, and those who com. Church. Washington, D. C" then ren have never '})layed with other placently think they have not, to pastor of churches in Walla·Walla. children before. They are having come down to the high school and Waah.. Detroit, ana Chicago, In wonderful experiences with clay have a look around. The hours are t'he first Worla War he was a and paint. KIrk .Jacobs made a from 9 to 12 and 1 to -I MondaYS YMCA 8ecretar,- with the nth DI- beautIfUl crocodlle on a big rock. througb Fridays unt11 the middle The. three year olds are gregar· of .July. After that the remainl1lg. YlI!Ilon. AEF. toue 1»ut not too sociable as Bome- articles wlll be' bundled togethe'r Umes they are seen going their and given to some charitable Ot;FIowen for . . FIo.nitte" lira. Mark BitUe of 125 Rutgers separate waJ8. They -do slide and ganizatlon. ayenue Is In cbarlre or the flowers play In the And tol6ther 'and they tor the patients at. the PhUadelphla are leamlng to share equipment Be... I!I' Group Elects Generat RGeltttal tor the month of and take tams. D1abeth IJ.kes to .Ju17_ Reeld_ts' who have fiowers cllmb on the J'UJ1Cle .Jim. Lealie E. II. Buchner waa·elec:te4 preetIn their sardeu to contribute are BIte 1D the wacGn watc'hlq her. deni of the Swarthmore Bumne. asked to· I_~ them In COIltainer. Allen com. aloDS ....a pulls Leslie AeMelaUoil for the eomin&' year w~ wfll" pl&oec1 " ... lin. Btt.- up ail.· ao... tile wAlk. The)' meet wttla Chari811 R. RU88ell . . vice tle'e POi'C!Jl Wet..... ",. &fteraoou Bten. wtto .. ~ 'la..~or 4IIT p .....deat ana PoIIIm&eter A1trea . . . . . . . . . . . wIl.... ~.)$."'-t}Jr: ~"'aIl.,., eecretaI7-tnuurer, . . Recreationers Add Morrow Pool To Sched,ole Lost Items on Display at H.S. aDdmm..... \ : ....; " 1. ,~Ll9 I.~POOI.S; ON .JULY $3.00 YEAR Borough Set To Participate In .Community Fourth.of July Events Children's Parade, Games For All, Water Fight, Baseball, Square Dance, Pro.vide Full Day Tomorrow ---------------- Legion· Ball Team Tops In League \ Local Nines To Meet on Diamond JUly' 4 Under the guidance of Coach I.e:;,i()n Baseball Team Is off to a start that Is even better than anticipated. At the clOSe of. last week thp team had yet to bebeaten, which 'III Naylng, a. very great deal for the t)-pe ot play and brand of coaching that is being displayed this year. Manoa, Clifton Heights and Drexel Hill all fell before the locals last week, which Is quite a record, especially when Jt Is rea~lzed that m'Osl opponents have a much more elaborate system ot tryouts and a larger number of players than are available here 'In town. American Legion Junior Baseball is being played all over the country this ~ear and shOUld the boys win In their league. and they are lending .It now, they will go Into playoffN [or the State Championshlp. Pooie's' two-hit pitching was a big help to the team when they shut out Manoa 3 to O. and then I\~aln In the Cllfton Helght~ game ,Jhsn 'th~ boys' ',;otl' by"&.: score '~f 6 to 2. Control has been Jolmny's lllainlitay and it is pointed out that he allowed onl~ t~ walks In these two games. Larry Dalton's relief hurllng, Harry Marren's triple and BUl HUey's timely single nil contrlbute~ to the 8 to G defeat of Drexel Hill on Thursday. This last. game was a real thriller with the lead changing with nearly every 'Inning. Much cl'edit for these successes must be given to the catching' of Dana Swan, who Is a. real sparkplug for the team. Along with Lnrr~' Dalton. he has shown a. remnrkable consistency in getting hits. George and Harry Warren have been playing bangup ball In· the outfjeld as' have .Jackie Houtz at second base anli Stan Moore at third. Stan shows 1m amazing ab11tty to get on base and when he does, he is the standout base run'" ner of the team. The 4th of .July game with the Hornets wUl be an opportunity for the Legion Team to even up for their pre-season defeat by the Hor· nets on Memorial· Day, On Satur· day. .July 5. a league game is to be played In Media. on theIr high school field at 2 :30. The next home game l w.m te with these same opponents on TUesday, July 8, at 6:30. The 'Media team is the only one In the league which· has not been beaten b'y Swarthmore. A game played three weeks agO was called because of darkness when the sC'Ore was 4 to 4. Leglonalres are an,lo08 for co· operatlon and support of their team espeCially now when the team has shown everyone what they can. do. It ussell Snyder, the American Ordained Deacon Rev. A, Benjamin Narbeth, temporary Rector of Ashland, Pa. was ordained as Deacon In the Protestant Episcopal Church by the Right Reverend Bishop Frank William Sterrett D. D. LL. D. at the cathedral Church of the Nativlty, Bethlehem, June 10. Members of the Clergy. friends and parishioners who attended the service were later ent.erta.lned at a lunc'heon served by the Iadlee of tIM" cathedral Church. Mr: and Mrs. Octo'!iua Narbeth of Yale a-venue and dauc",er Owen· doUne attended ~e or4&lbment of their lIOn. A stay·at·home policy may prove dull at times but novor for boroughltes on the Fourth of .July. The Swarthmore Business Assocla· tlon with the cooperation of a civic· spirited group of Townsfolk see that those wbo remain within the confines of tlio borough, and their holiday guests, do more than beat the heat and avoid congested highways ·and crowded vacation spots on Independence Day. The fun planned each year finds more and more residents getting deeper and ~eeper in the habit of, postponing their going away until after the Fourth so that they wUl not miss this flne opportunity . to join with their nelg}lbors in local ,,:,1 traditional style, let their hair down completely and come through It all feeling years younger, pleasant· ly tired but not travel·worn, crowdjaded, or with nerves frayed or fingers scorched by too ClOS6 as· ,j~ soclation with fireworks. ", 9. A. M. Chlldrei).'s Parade on I' Park Avenue. The day's celebra':1ji tion wlll open with the customary 'I " parade for young fry on Park ave· nue between Dartmouth 'and Har. vard. Marshalled for the first time by Swarthmore's new burgess :1. ' .: Paul Brown, assisted by Wllliam '!iii DeCalndty and Ferris W. Mitchell, . thc parade wUl be divided· Into the following sections: tricycles, b l - ; I cycles. f8;ncy dreSs, original, and:~ i co~lc costumes, and pe~. Prizes . ' .,~: , , I )n cach sect.lo~ will ~e. awar.decJ • .:~ ," ~ i upon-:declsl(JDI{;inafte:.lJIJ"'·'~~i-:~': ~!::.;;" ,.' ;';,t~ ': Paul B'rown, :Mrs. .John E. Wchael",· . ,J.. i .i and Mrs. Avery Blake. judges. The __ <;,' time hss been moved ahead 15 ,~,ti ;11 minutes from that announced In 'i,'1 last weeK's paper. I 'j! , II 'Ii Ai Ai I 1 lOA. M. Games for All Ages. .Rutgers Avenue School· Grounds After the parade youngsters. parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, will journey to the Rutgers avenue school grounds where all the sufffclently agile will join in the var· 10UB games and any cripples (real or imaginary) will be delighted spectators. Mrs. Ford Robinson and Mrs. Charles Lincoln will lead the preecho"l element (up to six years old) in rlng-around·the rosie. herewe-go·round-the-mulberry hush, farmer·in·the·deU, drop.the-hand. kerchief, and other games which dellght this age group. Mrs. Donald .Jones and Mrs. .J. Ao ca.lhoun will be In charge of the 7 to 10 year 'old girls, Nancy Van Alen and Peggy Keenen of 10 to 12 year old girls, and Mrs. Wll· lIam DeCaindry of girls over 12, Boys under 10 w!ll be directed by A. H. Van Alen, hoys 10 to 12 by.Jim Jennings, and boys over 12 by Paul Rutan. HOlders of records in the adults' nail driving, hottle·throwlng and other unique contests will 'meet the challenge of newcomers and defend their titles with grim determination. Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Continued on Pace t) Present Directory New 11.Years Old Plans are now being made to compile and publish an Directory. The one no,!\" in use was published in 1936, and Is 'of little or no value. People have moved. telephone numbers have been changed. and the Borough Itselt haa enlarg· ed greatly In size. The Swarthmorean will publlsh the booklet containing the names, addreaaes and telephone numbers of the borough.tte8~ It will take seyeral months·1o compile th'edata necessary to make a bookl~t of this type valuable, From the historical angle all points of Intereet will be covered. Articles on the Borough Administration, Poet omce, Fire De!pt., Coll. . ., Playera Club;' etc.. WIll be tou1l4 In the dlrectol7. i~! . ,ti, 11\' <\' :J ~; !( ;.' " ',' .:.!i..' .~ " ;It: . "'~'i ' . ;: 1·, ,I :; " ~;:'I' i , " l! ,I '." ,,' :~ -. , ;.... .-i INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE drmrthr.lOre C011ece Library Swnrth moro, Pa. David wl\l ~nter - . Berman 101. Bloom. children The Legion Auxiliary 18 planning Dartmouth College tn September as Barbara and Freddy. and dog RUMMAGE SALE PLANNED In Nlcaraugua. GETAUFr a Wilh N_ Wallpaper and Paint Call DAVE WOOD Media 0755 For Samples and Price I' Rummage Sale on Wednesday a sophomore. evening, October I, and Thursday. October 2. All m(!mbcrs and friends are a8k~d to clothing and household goods during the summer, remembering that the dlsabled veterans continue In tbelr Maria L. Hanzlik. of Cornell aveDue. through accelerated studies has finished her " year course at 'penn State College tn 3 yeal'8. Dur.. lng her college career she was listed In "Who Is Who" book ot students need tor hospltaUzatlon. Many tncurable cascs aro the great concern ot the Aux1Jlary throughout the year. The proceeds ot the sale will help these veterans, and packages may be left In the garage of Mrs. Alban Eavenson on 626 Strath Haven a.venue. from American Universities and Colleges. End of this month. ').Iarla wlll start her graduate work at the Aetnn. Insurance Co .• in Hartford Conn. ' Miss Martha Viele of Strath Haven avenue has left for Tafton, Pa., where she will be a riding counselor at Camp Nncka for ·the summer months. Miss Julie Forsythe of Thayer road is attending the University of Pennsylvania summer flession. Mrs. W. S. EvanR ot Cedar lane has returned from a Visit to Buck HtIl Falls where she was a guest of Mrs. Lupton Bromen on a PI Beta Phi fraternity house party. Bob Bird left 13st week for Dickinson College where he wtll attend the summer semf)stf>r. He will return Angust 1 to join his family In Beach Haven, N. J. Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe and son Jimmlt of North Chester road. will leave July 4 for NOrth East Harbor. J\ft. Desert, Me. Mr. McCabe will join them latcr In the summer. Miss Barbara Kent of Riverview Toad entertained at a house pal'ty on the Chcspcake Over the wee).;:end. The guests were Miss narbara Brownell, of RockvUlc Centre; N. Y. Miss Barbara Ford of Stamford. Conn., and Miss Caroline Porter of New York City. Doris Black ot South Chester road left Tuesday morning (or Camp Dadd)~ Allen where ~he will be a junior counselor tor the next eight weeks. Come To Johnny's and Mary's Fair NEWS NOTES the Methodist Church lawn to be held by the c:hiIdren of the Sunday SchooL Connie Vosters of Secane, formerly of Swarthmore, has completed her first year at Centenary .Junior College. Hackettstown, N. J. Elizabeth Bryant ot South Chester road entertained a group of her friends at an outdoor supper and bridge party Thursday evening. Mrs. Austin 1\1. Allison of Vassar avenue is entertaintng her sisterin-law. Mrs. Xopber Beck of Huntingdon, Pa., for several weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Harold March of I'~lm avenue and sons arC vaca.tioning at their summer home. Packer Corners Farm, Brattleboro, Vt. nuring their absence their house here is occupied by Mr. .und Mrs. N. Bruce Duffet and famtly. Clifford Bryant ot South Chester road spent last week as the guest of Russell Kneedler of Springfield nt nis cottage at Stone Harbor. Mrs. H. H. Hopkins and her da llghter Laura Lee Hopkins of ("rest lane have returned home o.ft('r vacationing at Rock Lodge in the Poconos following the commencement at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.. at which time La urn. Lee received her A.B. degree. Laura Lee will leave .July 1 for Maine to act as councilor at a Bummer camp. Milton M. Hobbs of Park avenue, has been named on the honor roll for the spring semester at Carnegie Im;Utute of Tecbnology. :Mtlton is enrolled In the Department of 1\'[echanica1 Engineering. He has been cited on the honor roll three Urnes previously. Mr. a.nd Mrs. A. n. I~ong rcturncd lust week from a wcdding, trip to Ontario, Canada. After a few days visit with Mrs. I,ong's parents, Mr. and l\.lrs. F. V. Brewster of Dickinson avenue, the couple left Wedncsday for their home in New Yorl>: CIty. Helen Hoot of Lafayette avenue left Wcdne:;;arhead of p)'ogress in bring a note from home saying. Graduates from "My child may join the swim mtnr;- High Hehool \\"1H'1"t~ six large tahle~. last weck. which is quite a record. race relation!=-. PfograDl" signed by either ontO desk and stxtl'cn cllalrs sit, all t-'t-IJll'cially whcn .it is realized that fingers scorched by too clos('l" asTougaloo Colleg(> have made an A check tor foul' dollars must ac- eovcl'cd wit h a'·liclt's collected f.·Qln mQst oPllOnents ha \"e a. much more soclnUon with fireworks. outstanding r(>l'ord as professional company this note and be -givp.n a yea.· at t-;chnol. it is hard to sec elahorate Systclll of tryouts and a 9. A. l\f. Children's Parade on leaders and fhe college occupies to 1\11'. Theodore Purnell who Is the wh)' Cannon·s. :' Chad- large I' nuwlll'r of players thun are Park Avenue. The day's celebration wlll open with the customar!' a strategic position tn negro edll- director of tht> Summer Club or it wick~s and )'Iiss a'Buda't't; hai.'" available h£"l"e In to·wn. ha.ven not tUI·ned whittl. J'~()r tlwre. Amcl'ican Legion Junior Bascparade for young fry on Park avecation and Indirectly in the pro- JV.ay be sent to Mr~. Ave.'}" Blake. hall l~ being played aU over til(> nue between Dartmouth 'and HarMissls- Amherst Avenue. Swarthmore, in room I (IIi. is tlw I-Ia,"').' Iltllllin~ gress of white edllt~ation in country this IYNU' and should the vnrd. Marshalled for the first time Swimming wUl start Monday. G.'ound of all the jackets. rubbers sippI. .July 7-1f enough boys and girls and caps that eyer had the 1I1tsfor- 1J{IYs win in their league, and they by Swarthmore's new burgess J. Paul Brown, Ils!tisted by ,Villiam Tougaloo has n. CnnlllUS of 500 are Interested and wi11 sign up be- lune to Qe lost, a,·t' lt~adin~ .it now. they will go DcC'uindry and FCI·r·19 ,"V. Mitchell. 'rhe stutlstk'S of the trunK go into playoff!> rm' till' Htat\J Cham· acres. Its ma.ny huildings Include fore that date. the pa1'ilde wJII be divided into the A miniature golf course, built by something like this: two tables of pionship. a newly complptc<1 dormitory and following sections: tricycles, biPoolc's' two-hit pitching was a large, modern gyntna~lum to be Summer Clubbers has been added sweaters, shirts and blouses, one cyclE's. fn:ncy dress, original, anel dedicated in 8~ptember. A grade to the morning program at College table of scarf~, belts and hanker- a hl~ helll to thIP teum when th£"~' comic costumes, and pets. Prize~ school. high school. and college Avenue School. Nine noles with chiefs. one table and five chairs of shut out ).Ianoa 3 to O. and th{'n ·in each sec.tion will be awarded fairways, rough sand, and water galoshos nnd rubbers, two tahles of m;-ain in the Clifton Heights gallle upon dechd<;uH lI.Y Mre. .T. are ovqrated under the lOme adtraps make the course Intriguing. mittens and ca)Ui, ·and the ti'acks o[ when the bOYH won hy 3. score of Paul Brown. Mrs. John E. Wehaet ministration, with students majoreleven chairs hung with jackets Ii to 20 Control hm~ h('en Johnny's Old golt balls arc needed. ing in education practice teaching and 1\Irs. Avery Blake, judges. The Classes arc organized on Mon- and coats. This list so far hus not mainH1ILY and it is pointed out that tlTIle has been moved ahead Hi In the lower schools. mentioned the brief cases, the he allowed onl':l-' two walks In these "W'hlle operated under an Inde- days through Thursdays with deflnminutes from that announced In lunch box, camera and jump rope. two gtomes. I ....u-ry Dalton's relief pendent board of trustees. some fte periods for crafts. tennis, a1'lnst weeK's paper. hnrling, Harr·y alal'ren's triple and trom t'he south, others from Chl- chery. and general play. Fridays t.he slide rules, four pairs of glasses. lOA. !\t. Games lor All Ages, Bill Hucy's timely Hingle all concago, New York . .and New Eng- are free days with spe~lal n.ttrac- .innumerable glas.ek. State College. MI'. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South ChcatE'r road w1ll entertain a. few friends a.t dInner and bridge Fourth of July evening.· 1\1188, Helen Louise Munroe ot New York City IH making en exb~ndcd visit with her brother-lnlaw and f;;lster. Mr. and Mrs. Max Emil of t-tutgcrs avenue. Mr. and 1\[rs. Gordon Lange am! children. June, Jonnthan and Josle of Cedar lane \\"111 vislt Mn. Lanp's brother and slater-in-law, Mr. and ·1\lr8. Drew Pearson, on thetr farm In Maryland this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Gilbert and daughter Je88le of Park avenue, Mr. and Mrs. E. (:. Lappe of Yale avenue. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Bell and Bon Nell ot Harvard avenue, and Mr. Bnd Mrs. A. H. Van Alen and daughter Nancy of Park avenue will vl8it Nr. and Mrs, Paul K4 Alger at Lake Ponc'hatula. N, .I•• for the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T, Ball' who were married the twentletb ot June returned to Swarthmore today after their honeymoon In Key West, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Brown of Cornell avenue entel"tatned their ~aughter' and tamlly,. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Lloyd and son Stephen of Joliet, 111., the past two weeks. While h er.e Mrs. Lloyd attended her claSH reunion at Swarthmore <;ollege and the family visited New York CIty, Boston, and Cape Cod. .Mr. Henry Jo'"'aust will be spend. Ing the next few days ~t Mllwaukec. Wisconsin at a mufitcal fe.stlval af the' American ·Swlsa Singing SOCieties. He will return to Swarth- daughter ot avenuc returned Wedncsday from Mr. and Mrs, James H. Hornaday Hot Springs,. New Mexico. of Dickinson avenuo were a.warded Mr. Robert C. Disque of Strath more the mJddle of tJtls week. Bache.or of Arts degrees at MidHaven avenue recently r~turned Mr. and 1\Irs. H. Lindley Peel and dlebury College. VL. on June 16. from a trip to Minneapolis. ?tUnn. Ginny nnd· Craig Peel of Columbia • Btll Moore of Amherst avenue Mr. George E. Ellis, Jr., of Rut- avenue and Mr. nnd ~-rrs. A. David spent the last ten- days in Ocean gel'S avenue 'Was rer.entJy elected City, N. J., and will return president of the Choster Junior for the sU'mmer. Chamber ot Commerce. Mrs. Ellis - Dean and Mrs. Everett Hunt and and son George III 'have been In their son. accompanied by Mi~ Port Herman for the past three Ethel SUIz. left on Saturday by weeks and will remain one more car for The Telm Valley Ranch in week. Jackson Hale, Wyoming. They will Mr. and Mrs. Avery Blake of be gone uottl late August. During their absence the Hunt's house at Amherst avenue will entertatn Mrs. G04 Elm avenue will be occupied Blake's brother and sister-In-law, by Dr and Mrs. Robert E. March Mr: and Mrs. Wayne L. Nietd,. of ,. Baltimore, Md.. for tho week-€1nd of the· Scott Pape~ Co. LOis 'Linton left last week for of the Fourth of July. Camp Songa Dee Win. in Barton, .1\Ir. nnd l\lrs. J. H. BrenkeU of Vt., where she will spend two Rutgers avenue entertained Mrs. months. Breakell's cousin. Miss Agatha Mr. and Mrs. Max Essl of Rut- Mount of New York this past weekgers avenue are spending the week- end. Our cvcr~\Vtdening circle of end at Mount Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Thorbahn customers is evidence of servl\llss Margaret Latimer of Cornell of Rutgers avenue will entertain 1ce that satisfies the dlscrimavenue Is visiting Mrs. Allen Wal- Mr. Thorbahn's brother and slsterlnatlDg ftoral trade. tel" 0:1' Greenwich, Conn .• for two In~law. Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Thorweeks. bahn of Lancaster this week-end. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lukens of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Almgren of Strath Haven a.venue entertained Benjamin W,est avenue returned Greeting Cards. at dinner saturday night. Sunday after n short vilcation at Novelty and Jonathan Lange of Cedar lane Cape May. has l'cturDed from a two-week visit Decorative- Candle. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Allison of with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lange of White Plains. :Michigan avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allison of Vassar avenue N. Y. Baltimore Pike, Springfield and sons Georgie and Bobble re~ Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Bonine ccntly returned from a trip through of l..afayette avenue nave AS their Phone.:· Swarthmore 0450 New York, Connecticut, and Long gues~s Dr. and Mrs. Louis E. Im-. Island including a stop at Shelter bert ot New York, , . Island. Mr. and Mrs. George V. KrenniBruce .Gemmill. Lee Gemmill. koff of Yale and Swarthmore aveGeorge Allison, Johnny Phillips, nues will vIalt friends In Canaan, Roger Russell, and John McCahan Conn., over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kamp and FOR children of Riverview road will return Saturday from a two-week vacation at Duck Hill Falls. Can ,,"Uss Ann Lingle of Cornell avc- Mrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman nue is spending the week·end at Swarthmore 2080' Ocean City, N. :I. Dr. and Mrs. Harold C. Roxby or Rutgers avenue had as their gue.~t last week Mrs. Roxby's mother, Mrs. Robert C. Dixon of Sclentlflcal1;J' Atr Condlt1on~ .Needmore. Thursday-Friday-Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Cook of July 3, 4, 5 . New Delight-fuJI), SUSAN HAYWoAItD In AIR CONDITIONED "SMASH-UP" . Elizabetn Horn"aday. Speers and Jonathan Speen: of Hnn'ard avenue left yesterday for Wallingford, Vt. Mr. ·Peel 'and M.r. Speers will return after this we4i'kend and the othors wUI rematn In Vermont for the Bummer. I MEDIA • BELL-TWIN GRINDER 1 .Lawn Mowers Shan-eel by Machine Othel" tools 8Iso sharpened Saw. Set' aDd Filed Thursday-Frlda,._Saturda,· . DEAm.:INE-WEDNESDAY NOON" SWARTHMORE, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1947··' Pi ubyterian CIwrch No;.,. won'~ ap~~te RUSSELL'S TIlE ANGEL AND 'THE' BAD MA" n .,. f8ww' .... 0UII01If --:-=- -:~. I )fo~7 ltonda)' and Tuesday July 1, 8 JACK CARSOl'j" _ "LOVE .Tuesday The Bouquet I BEAUTY SALON . BARBAR&. STA,:NlViYCK. . yO. . . . . . f ' Shoulder-tit-Shoulder Responsibility • The conscientious phaImacist works shoulder to shoulder with • the physician in the interests of public health. His function as an acljunct to th~ doctOr's services cannot be denied. Our prescripr tion department is operated more I for the benefit of physicians who confide in us, mot"«: as a contribution to your health and general LEARN" lfi~at;A .~" ... .' . •, ,.,~. "·f.""" '~'··"tF." . . - welfare, tbanfor financial gain. You can. bring your prescriptions to us with the assurance that they Will be filled exactly as the doctOT oiderecI, with the finest 'materials to be fiMIDd in the _ _ .... ~ .. :'"BROOKL\Y'lN .. N· 13 Sodth Cheater Road . CaIl.Swuthmore 0476 8tarCIDg '11I_Y•. Jnly 10, . .Ior.."'" ~. ._ .. oHMMY.DUR8NTE and il v'· "CAUF.lA ..' ' 'i'iN..... • j .• SursicaJ Dr...lnp group meets each morniDg at 10 o'clock In the Parish House. The Silt Dots (Braille study croup) meets each TUesday morning at 10 t;t'clock at. the Churoh. Anyone Interested in learning how to wlte Braille Is Invited to attend theae meeUD8B. .~ . , .... ..: of the wwld. __. "~ II,,'.. '. • Fl'l{e Junior-Senior athletic program at the High School had a bU.HY year a8 ninety-eight per cent ot the student body partlcipated in some part of the year-round schedule of lntramursl and varsity sporta. Dealped ;[or active partiolpation on the part of the studente, the plan was. nevertheless & purely voluntary aIlaIr. Varsity p,ncl intramUral ran concurrently to allow more students opportunity to enter In, although a varaity team member was not allowed to com»ete in the ame intramural sport. A table of events )8 shown belOW. BOYS' VARSITY PROtGRAM 7th TO 13th GRADES ,- at ·'Wa14en" Wa1Ungtord. have lett to V1elt friends In New England. On their ....turn they wUl vtalt Mr. and Mrs. ru.ymond LIttlefield In Bwarthmo~ before aaUlng for F..dlnburgh, ScoUand In August, Hr. Littlefield wui take up his work at the Unlveralty ot Edinburgh where he has been awarded a year's fellowship. The Birney K. Morses torIilt!rly of Yale avenue moved to their new home at 742 Harvard avenue last w08~ . Miss RaC'4ael Dunaway, niece ot Mrs. Reavls COlt of Odgen avenue, returned last we.ek to her home· In Amarillo, Texas. While she' was here Mrs. Cos. entertained at a luncheon for ·her. Perry Anthony, 80n of Mr. aDd Mrs. Frederick Anthony of Haverford avenue, Jeft last week with his grandparents, MI'. and Mrs. Arthur L. Perry, to spend the month of July with them at Centerville. Cape Cod. Mr. and', Mrs. Anthony and twins wUI joIn :them today for two weeks. Mrs. Anthony wlll stay at Cape Cod for the remainder ot the month. No. GRADES The ChUrch School wID meet on Sunday mornlns at 9: 45, Mr.- S. W. Johnson. Buperlntendent. A rellSlOU8 film will be shown during the aeBSlon. Mr. Fred J. BogarduB will prenlde. At the morning service. at 11 o'clock. the Holy Communion will be ·celebrated•. The Junior Church will meet at the same hour in the cha.pel with Allce Snyder. ~perlnteD.dent, The Church" Nurser)'" Ia open during the mornIng servIce a.nd the smaller chUdren may be left there. Mrs. L. L. Kauffman and MrS. R. N. Kel8er will be h1 ch8;rg,;•.- 6 6 2 LacI"08ll8 '. 122 69 37 27 GIRLS' VJUlSITY PROGRAM 9th to 12!h .GRADES , Hockey Basketball Vollel'ba11 Lacrooae LEGION JUIt:lIOR PIaJ1ng 2 No. l'Ia;rIJIg 6 60 60 1 16 4 60 BOYS' INTRAMURAL PROGRAM 9th ot 12th GRADES No•• Span _ PlaYIns Fall Touch Football , 43 '''BoCcer :4 7 Winter' Basketball 11 112 Wrestling 4 166 Table Tennis 4 72 96 Volleyball 12 Sprlnc Softball 8 97 Tennis 4 48 Track 4 108 Badminton 4 108 BASEBAll "God" is the subject of t'be ·Leaeon-Bermon In all ChUrches of Christ, Sctenti1lt, on Sunday, July 6. The Golden Text Ia: ''To the only BOYS' INTRAMURAL CLASS wtae God OUr BaViour, be glOry, and CHAMPiONS; JUmORS majesty, dom\nlon and power. Flnal'Sland\ngB: both now and ever" (Jude 1:26). 41 pta. 1. Juniors 36 pta. 2. Seniors Georce P. Warren, Jr., returns 29 pta. 8. Sopha Sunday from a week at Grinnell. 26 pta. Freah• low&, wber~ he has been. a. Comm\seloner at the natlohal ...... mbly INDIVIDUAL CH:A.MPION AND ot the Westmll\stOr Fellowfhlp ot WINNER OF THE GOLD MEDAL: Presbyterian Youth held at GrlnRodney Bray nell College. During the past win- RUNNERS-UP AND WINNER OF ter George has been vlce-modera, SILVER MEDAL IN ORDER: tor of the Phlledelphla Piesbytery "' George Thorbahn, Kenneth CIIWestmlllBter FeUowa'hip. dray, Joseph Brown, Dana. Swan. -=::::::::::=-===-=====~:;;;;;:: I George 'Warren, Lewis Tangoy. One hunared fifty-five boy~ were a.ble to compete durln« the year. SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN BOYS' INTRAMURAL PROGRAM CHURCH 1th and 8th GRADES Rev. David Braun. MInister Rev. H. Lewis Cutler. MInister No. l'Ia;rIJIg SUNDAY, JULY 6 To]>lc: Fall 11: 00 A. M. Sermon "Vooal Falth." 59 Touch Football 4 Winter METHODIST CHURCH 38 Basketball 4 60 Volleyball 8 Roy N. Keiser, D.D., Minister 43 Table Tennis SUNDAY. JULY 6 10:00 A. M.-(lhurch School. SprInB 11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. Badminton 2 46 Softball 4 80 'l'RDI1TY CHURCH Btxty-on8 boys were able to comRev. Geo. Co ADd.....,Do Reotor pete during the year. SUNDAY,JULY 8 • .COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING of the procedure required , for services of all faiths and fraternal orders. OLIVE R H. BAI R CO. DII.ero•• O. PUHIUU 1820 CHESTNUT STREIT MARY A.-lAIR, _ 116-1511 i ... STORE HOURS July and August SCHEDULE. Ainaworth-VVernher Post 427 ~,.p.. Tues.• July 8-Medla........•.Home Tues., July 16-CUfton Hts. Awa.y Wed., July 16-Drexel HUI Away 9 - 5:30 Monday to Saturday Inclusive Closed Wednesday at 1 P: M. CLOSED SAT. JULY 5 + HOllYHOCK GIFT SHOP -.' STEAKS ..... CHOPS SEAFOOD Our Specially 4 Park Avenue William A. Hughes Completely Air-Conditioned CHURCH SERVICES -. , 8.00 A. Y.-Holt Communion. 11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion • GtRU' INTRAMtl"RAL PROGRAM 9th to 12th GRADE - THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY, JULY 6 11: 00 A. M.-lIeeUng for Worship• DurIng Meeting, ChIldren will Be Cared For In WhIttier Ho_ 7 WI WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 . 1:1. to 1:10 Bewlns and Qullt!1!.1' In WhlW... Ho_ Box LwI",,_ AU are cordIIIIIy invited. , . . '. : . . . 7 'r ••. 75 • This housewife in Chater. cia el, for . we ; ;nete11ecl this new kitchen in her homel N~ you, too, can have tile distinctive beauty and Iabor-savina luxuries that ate standard equipment with our new kiecheua. Stop in or p i _ today. j NO DOWN PAYMENT - 38 MONTHS TO PAY • Opea "l1l 9.00 FrI. Eve. ,:e,!tM· ............ euIl .... _ _ lI·to , . . . . . 6 LIKE IT? Ample ParIdnc Free Delivery PaI'k AftDae below R- lard SUNDAY, JULY • 11:'. A. IlL 8 "7 8oJlooL 11:" ..6.. JL x-.. Ser• Pla;rIJIg .. VISIT Olla SHOWROOMS I'.lII8'1' CHURCH 01' CHlUft .ua. .... ........p.-. ....,. .,L,. _.1' 1.,. ... '0"·,. . "...............,...... lio. THN WAYl\T<: SolIday, 1044-1Oth Aveaae RUTLEDGE, PA. COLLEGE THEATRE PlJBI';8PI:" HQW1'o ton of Ridley Park announce the engagement 'Of their daughter Eleanor Lois to Lt. Richard Fenwick Barnes of the Army All' Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Barnes ot Hereshome Farm. GradyvUle, formerl!V" of Swarthmor~. The marriage will take place at the ·:MethodlBt Church ~t Ridley Park on July 12. We Telegraph Flowers ---- THE. SWARTllMOREAN UKE.FOLKS ENGAGEMENTS THE NEWS AII'. and Mrs. Robert S. Cronlp- Magazine Subscriptions • br, Jd)' 3, 1147 UNKLE HANK SEZ Flowe • n CIoIIed Sat. at .N_ .....:.-'1 . . 4 SW~RTHMOREA.N THE Helen Warren· daughter of Dr. TENNIS Rackeb- Boro'4llh Sst ToO Participate' on 4th. and Mr•. George P. Warrell. BOUfh CALIJ Chester road, wlll 8pend B mum(Continued froln Free '1). Pilh Fourth of Juty. having come W. J.,ukeu wlU scaln ~eep ord,er down with the mumps on Thurs- In tbJp'section. . MAD 0846 , The time of ,toe gamel has alBa day. June 26. been moved UP. and the place has been cha.J;l.pd frolll, avenue in order tllat a revival of a water fight be~ween two teams of j....lre Company members might be held. II:SP A. M. Water Fight. Rutgers Avenue. After several years "bsence ttJ,e battIe of the hoses will be resumed as a part of the 19" 7 celebration. Since t'he unavfLllablllty at canoee will exclude the usual afternoon water sports on Crum lVe carry a complete Hoe of fine "KSOI1.ed toocls. for tJm.t Creek. this water fight should proJoI,. 4th picnic. 'nds IndelleDdence Day IN one 00)' tlUlt we vide sufficient wet roughneSs to should show our patriotism. \\'e try to do our lJart ••• we give satiefy both those who Uke to get you sbopplng IndelJendence. Into It and those who just like to stand dryly by and see others get soaked. 1::10 P. M. Baseball Game, RiverBut or String Ends view Avenue Field. The two local ball ,teams the Hornets and the American Legion team wlll engage [all In a baseball contest on the Riverview Avenue Field so naptarees ~reah should' give up ideas of a nap tomorrow afternoonS P. M. Square Dance, Ratlroad sQuare. Allowed Just enough time Jack Richardson 69c lb. TENDERIZED HAM brand~] SLICED BACON Killed Frying Chickens 69c lb. 49c lb. .'n.rida,. JUly 3, .It)' place at the Norton cottace to cool over the atter. otf and hash . to Wen J onupon, Ke., tor' two nooo's batting, pitching, and runs and to amply digest ~p' evening w.eeka. . popuht.~e will ~ot be req,uired to h,!t-toot It .to the I ...t ot the ,day's events until 8 o'clock. Some may be even later getting In- and Mrll. L. H. Wlicox, at thetr to the swing. Regardless of any farm in Somenot County. • Call Holly Oak t313 or HoU)' Oak 6TJO, collect., tor appointment. All buslnMS contldenUaI. Colonial Cupboard, No. Ii Philadelphia. l.)ike. Wjlrulngtou, Delaware. WANTED-Large unfurnished room or small apartment, near trall8portaUon. by budlnesJ5 gentlemalL PrIvate bath. garage preferr«l. call Swarthmore "DOoR. WANT.EID-Colored giri desires day'8 work or part time. Mae Harris. 214 '?mttaI Avenue. Cheater. 1tllsa Carolyn Palmer Henry. "Walden," Wallingford, who haa Mr. and Mrs, 'rhomas H. I ..ucders been home for va.caUon, has gODe ot PrJn~eton avenue win visit to the Chateau ~Tontenac. Quebea, friends at Pocono Lake Preserve Canada, to attend the Convention over the week.. end. of -Alpha Chi Omega BO~Orlty. M ...•• and Mrs. H. Merle Mulloy Carolyn Is prealdent ot the sorority and daqghter Marty and Mr. Harry at William and Kar)' College, WilP. Mulloy of Winding lane, Media, liamsburg, Virginia. from ,where visited Warren MuUoy who is on she will be graduated next year. tho start at Lenape Village In the Doris Greene of South Chester Poconos last Sunday. road is recuperating from ,an apMrs. Ricbard L. Burke of West- pendectomy at , the Doctor's . HOBdale avenue will be the guest of pltal. 17th and Summer Street, Mrs. Alton A. Norton or Urilver- Philadelphia .. NEWS NOTES WANTED-Dog house In good condl~ tlon. call Swarthmore 0515. . oolleile graduateg des~~~'::~~Ma:r~~:I~M.Phone' WANTED-Two WANTED-A companion housekeeper to go to Buck HlU Falls August '4 to September 16. Small adult family. Mrs. 'Arthur C. Jackson. 317 North Cheswr Road. Swarthmore. . WANTED - Experienced baby:'sitter wants Jobs, night or day. Call Beth Huey, Swarthmgre 4636-W. WANTED-HoUse. Esecutive and wife, Two gtrls-1.2, 14 prefer large hOme. three bedrooms will do. Pay $76 or more. Highest refer~nce. HUltop 9169·R. • HOME GROWN ASPARAGUS ... _..................."...... '35c bu"ch 9:00 A.M.--Children's Parade....... ;.. ,,: ............ ,,· Parli Avenue 'ICFBERG LE II UC~ ..................._............................. 2 heads 25c 10:00 A.M.-Games for IAlI Ages....... "Rutgers Ave. School 11 :30 A.M.-Water Fight........ "..........:... Rlltgers Ave. School 1 :30 P.M.-Baseball Game ............... Riverview Ave. Field ' 8 :00 P.M.--8quare Dance....................... "..... Railroad Square· In event of rain; parade, games and dance will be held . in the High School Gymnasium. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . WANTED--Job tor girl. light housework or taking care of children. P,hone CIlcBter 3-1285. WILL BE CtOSED FOtt SAIID-lJroJ)-leaf solid mahogany . extension table. Seats eight. $65. Phone Media. 0858-M. July 4th . .' • and HOURS' During July and August Fon SALE-Baby bed. 51"X29"'. Maple finish. Good condition. flO. Call Swarthmore, Penna. Complete ·Line of PAINTING , FOR ,RENT-Furnlshed livIng room and, bedroom, semi-private bath. Gentleman preferred. Swarthmore 0021-W. tn good condition. Call Swarthmore FOR RENT BERNARD. J. BRAZAS 3144 HARTVILLE ST. Phila. 34, Pa. RE 9-7113 FOR RENT-Room aultable for bUBIn~s or retired WOman. .July 0 to September 15. Near tearooms. transportation. Phone Swarthmore 0856. FOR RENT-Third floor. Two rooms and a bath. Mrs. ::3.hay. Swarthmore 2li97-J. + , . Your .choice sho)lld be eaaythe new Goodyear DeLuxe" •• because skill and methods developed in building over 400 million lires build PLUS per· formanC!! into every new Goodyear. And you can get this long wearing S 40 lire here. now. Come in. PHARMACY.. 14 t.r-xl. A. G. CAT HER MAN \ VICTOR D. SHIRER· • , SH.VERWARE . BepaIred. an4. RAlJ1lated Fred. A. Fub, Jeweler ~OOKS Ashes & RubbISh ~oved WILLIAM NEW TIRES DESERVE NIW TUBES .GOODjiEA. .~ •• FOR QUICK SERVICE Cfll THE CAMPUS DRUG STORE On C/auter ROlld IASY RRMS • LIBERAL TRADE.IN AUOWANCI· Swarthmore 1439 ...••............ ~ ~,.,.,.~,.""~ Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete PETER 01 NICOLA , Phone Swa. 2626 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reese-BaXter Co. SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. Chester A. WAYNE ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOSTELLER • A. MERCER QUINBY· Electri~al Contractqr AU TJpes of Electrical InsUD.Hoos and Bepa.Irs . . s6i ;big Swal"Clmlore and ..VI_t,. for past . , & WAffE-. SWARTHMORE l~··. 1180~Ave. Swell...... ....._ 2296 ... ....,.•. 1. Funeral Director Fo..merly of Media .125 W. lebigh Aft•• Ph1la. Plume Bald_ 1170 No additional _ _ for snbnrban_ PADITING and DECORATl.WG 4D Work Go ~$ !:I w.a.,. ... QJFf'ORDL PARQIl M'5 'B.D. • ~ • • ations, tion. Kitchen Custom-bnllt cabinets, cement work, paneling. Since 1905 DAVE WOOD moderniza- knott)" Painting pine screening, In.mla- aDd lllscellaneous carpen .. Uon. try. CUNNINGHAM 302 Cayley St., Painte,.. &Paper Hange,.. Phone: Media 0755 :\ledJa 2587-& * We Should Know Dow 409 IldIlgaa AVB. Sli. 2286 - • Enjoy a Paperhanging Me& A. G. CATHERMAN, Pharmacist fIir more comfort· able home this spring and for years to come ,with a heat control • OIl VICTOR D. SHIRER, Phannawt your. fur- nace. Prompt installation. COAL Your Prescription is our first consideratioa FUEL OIL 13 SOlJTH CHESTER ROAD VAN ALEN BROS. Swarthmore 0586 RIDLEY PARK ... ---- . Call . MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY CELIA SHOE SHOP WILL BE CLOSED For 12 o'clock Noon Saturday ALL SIZES HARD COAL GOLD BOND POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS DURING PLASTERING SUPPLIES JULY and AUGUST HARLAN JESSUP reminds you •••• ,~ . • '. ONLY 4 WEEKS LEFT FOB STA.TE INSPECTION JULY., 1776 BRING YOUR CAR TO SAFETY HEADQUARTERS NOW! The Declaration of Independence was adopted. TJUE8 -~y- YALE IIDd CIIESTER-ROADS .. .. ...... RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swarthmore 2253 Home ilnpro,..ernents, Alter- 5 East State Street, Media Phone MedIw 1916 LOST-BUver braces tor (lhiIa's teeth. arodnd tennis courts. College Avenue SchooL Swarthmore OUi2-J. . , ' ,. -~ S~ore .1448 •••••••••••••••••••••••• On the Comer .. !! LOST J..A)ST-Black Scottie, licensed female. About 8 years old. Call the Swarth· CLOSED 1 .. 6 P. M. Slfcce.,or to HO~rE Charles E.' Fischer Contractors & Builder. '. 8war&Iuncm. _ PATIERSON ( Arters Brothers, Inc. 331 Dartmouth Avenue . morean:_O~. COLLE~E ~~~~ General Hauling L08T-'I'uesday, June '2-4, at or near laWlIS II10wed Ingleneuk. Pair bi-focal eye glasses llS8 IIanlIng Ave. Morton. Pa. -brown case, mayor may not have Morrison label. Swarthmore 0416. ~~. DRUG MICHAEL'S 104 Comell Avenue FOR SALE-Frlglda,lre In good condi!lon. $GO. Call Swarthmore 0-457·J. 1'l76-J. SW.0152.M Landscaping Phone Swarthmore 2175-R FOR SALFr-Ono Duncan Phyte .sora. + Tree Surgery IIDd •• and Uepahing Since 1808 New and Rebulh PlaD08 ALBAN L. PAIlKER Phone IIledJa 0459-&1' Builder Walters' Media. 1689. July 5th APTITUDE TESTS Doris and Lois Greene entertalned at a lun~heon at their home on, South Chester road last week. ,Their guests included NJncy• .Jane. and Billy Lemmon and Emily. Leo'~nards. all of Ardmore. ' SALE-A three drawer maple dresser. 32"X1S"'x40*.. ,· with mirror. Excellent condJUon. UO. Call Media. 1689. FOR SALE-German Shepherd female . dog. Good chl:dren's pet. Reasonable. 'Call 8nnaet 1161-W. . PIANO TUNING , . . LEGAL NOTICES ·5 .'WM''''~''''''''''''''~ Peg Keenen at Harvard avenue and Jane Mehring of Springfield spent the past week In Ocean City. Mrs. Henry J. Wieland qf South Chester road returned last week from a. visit wlt!'1 her family in KaulCauna. Wis, She accompanied Dr. and Mrs. Paul Baldwin and daugnler Barbara of ,Rose Valley on an automobile trip to Wisconsin. :Mr. James H. Caliahan. of Garrett aven~e gradll:ated from Lehigh Unlverelty June 29. He received a Bachelor of Science degree In Chemical ..,Jngineer.tng wlth Honors. After two weeks vacation at home he wlli begin w&rk with Standard 011 tn Elizabeth, N. J. The Birney K. Morses of Haryard avenue entertained 08 their guests fo .. the past few weeks Mr. Oltver Rickson of Springneld. Mass., and Mr. Walker McCoubrcy of Watertown, Mass. "L Mi88 Elizabeth Bryant of Sout .. Chester road spent the past weekend In Ocean City. recOM player. Robert Brooks. Swarth~ more 164.8. FOR ,, SWARTHMOREAN News Notes FOR SALE CELIA· SHOE SHOP . THE -:;;;:::;;:::;;;-;--;P;:E::B::S::O=N:-AL::;::==""7.=::-1 ESTATE OF GEORGE H. TROXELL,. PERSONAL-Vacuum cleaners irons. ~~~~the Borough ot SYlarthmore, toastel'6 and radl08 repalred. Called LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the for and delivered. Call Robert Brooks, above Estate have teen granted to the Swarthmore 1648. undersIgned. who request all persons havIng claims or demands against the PERSONAL-8ervice on all makes ot Estate or the decedent to make known electric washers (Bendix included), the same, and all persons indebted to ironen,. vacuum cleaners, ranges, irons. the decedent to make payment. withtoasters.. tans and lamps. Also wiring out delay. to -new and old. Ail work complies to Charlotte R. Troxell. Executrix FIrE> Underwriters specifications., Call 3'2(1. Dartmouth Ave., ErlM IJ. Hausen, Swarthmore 285~W. Swarthmol'e, Pa. If no answer: Swarthmore ()740: Or to her Attorney John E.' Gensemer PERSONAL--Modern houee. fireplace. 1004 Girard Trust Bldg. 011 burner,. 3 bedrooms. . desirable Philadelphla,,2, Fa. 6-6-:?7 section Swarthmore. wiU exchange for. , smaIl house outside borough. Telephone' ~..,.~~~~"'" 1472.,.H. Ii"OR SALE-Used radio and portable . . .. WANTED-we will buy at beat prices, old cWna. glaaB, furnlt'"' firearms. tor the summer• Fourth. of July Events SUNDAY WANTED--See re tar y. experienced , Monday to FrIday. g to U noon. After September. 10, to l'l. 1 to 3Swarthmore poeltlon. ReplY to Box ~, The Swarthmorean. avenue SEEDLESS GRAPE FRUIT ...................... ""............ ,," 3 for 29c I . WANTED personal plans which Interfere with Mr. and Mfa. J. D. -Narbeth an. »artlclpatlon In the Fourth of children Patricia and Joan of Yal8 July SQuare da.nce from first to avenue leave Saturday to spend- .. last step. everyone will find it week at Avalon, N. J. 'Yorthwhlle to drop by the parking . Mr. and'Mrs. James Perkins and Jot on the north side of ,the rt.U- children Barbara, Joan, and John;. road and throw a leg or watch lot Strath Haven left )'eater~ the dancers aDd catch ~he conta- day for Buck HUl Falls where they gious gaiety for as many minutes will vacation tor the Bummer. Mr. as p0881ble. Bud Hulings will do and Mrs. Hugh GlbBon and' family the calling again this yea.r. will roside at the Perkins' home HOME GROWN GREEN OR WAX BEANS....... "...... l,c lb. ,. .CLASSIFIED . Harriet Gilbert otPark avenu. ha.o been vtolUDIr relatlv.. In ·Pitt.burgh for a week. From there ahe will vialt her uncle and aunt, '~. meal. the 1947 TIRES * TIRES . JULY 4; 1826 ThOll. JeBerson (who TIRES TIRES wrote the Declaration of Independence) died. Use ODr hodget payment ,I,.u - as low as 11.25 a week- * .AnJ Jon i /o"ie/... JULY., 1947 Thliidealsof Je1Feraon and his co-patriots still AT'fEND JULY IN SWARTHMORE guide our nation's course. •• TMII SPACE AVAILAILI -flUPOR ANY WOITHY 'UIUC NOliCI-CONTACT IILOW- J!Ec!.!!! - HARLANR.p . ·•• Odi •• 'raa C»U*'IIOII..- ROII Olllltl SIS. .. . ..11AIID •• _ _ . . . . WlLLNOI .......OM."l ON ."41M .Swarthmore National. Bank &Trust Co. · , '. ",' ", t o' , • ...~,. ~01 f'ecIenI DlPcsit ,:, '.' "'.' .. ;,' ~ ;, IIb_III•• ,.IC.C"I,~.......~ , .'.'., r·;,-' ~ ,- ".- TH.E 6 Mr. and Mrs, G. G. Savellt were hosts to membe~8 of the Choir and their familles at' u. picnic this paBt Sunday afternoon at their home on Mt. AlverDo ROad In Elwyn,. TUB ~ Last weok Mrs. Roy 'V. Dela plaine ot Cornell'avenue and RichM ard' Delaplaine drove to Sayer to bring 'borne Robert Delaplaine who just finished eighteen months internship at the Robert Packer bOBpital. He has now' entered the Navy. Retirement of Ezra TowllJ5end CreBBon. Jr.• -of Amherst ..avenue, A8Bociate Curator of Insects. Academy of Natural Sciences of Phlla· Thomas Maher of Rutgers ave- delphia. was announced Tuesday by nue left Monday tor San Antonio, President c"harles M. B. cadwalaTexas. where he will be with the der. Mr. Cresson', will pursue private Army Atr Force. researche~ In his specialty, the family Ephydrldae, or brine flies, and wtll hold the title of Research Fellow at the Academy_ Of bis SWIMMING PROGRAM standing, .Tames A. G. Rehn. Cura~ Starts July 7 tor of Insects in the Academy, says Three aftenIoons a week that "in this particular field, Mr. Cresson Is universally recognized MON•• TUES•• THURS. as ihe world's leading authority. 2·5 o'clock Serlcs of specimens In this family Fee $4.00 came to him _from many sources, Including virtually aU ot the coJc:beck to: lectlons ot the British Museum and Mn. Avery Blake the United States National Museum. Amherst Ave. Hid tlrst scientifIc paper on the Diptera (fHcs) was IJubl1sbed In 1907 and hla total contt"ibutlons to the literature of entomology In now • II's considerate to KEEP CALLS BRIEF on Party-Line telephones E all WELSH ST. fBI&, PA. When you keep caDII OPEH TO THE PUBLIC BRIEF 011 party.line • telephones ••• when you apace calls 80 that other. may use the line in between ••• yrMre being a good party-line nejp. bur. It aU adds up to f1.00 ".15 from COLONIAL DINING ROOM STAG BAR 00tter &«Vice for one concemed.. FIRESIDE LOUNGE PRIVATE PARTY and BANQUET ROOMS _l- TONIGHT VOL. ter. M115. J. J. Cassady' at AtlanUc City. N. J., for tbe week-end. Irr" ,Iv ' CAll CHESI'ER, 8286 , __ 4 ______ .,_4 Enjoy Your :Rugs More , , Your ...... will . - ....w. feel IIeUer, w... IIeUer·1f 7011 baft th_ _ ned each , .... It ... ,ooIlIn_tment In po4 UriDe. 9xl2 DOMESTIC .. Rap • ()Iea_ &1111 8.1 . - wltllla , Ba,. d'A"'SOtl It Comr.~n.'IOQ P~k Av~ ~... P~S-""".1 .... 8730 _ C. . . ~. h. ,. 8S. . . a-rll •• 1. ~ RJII18 ffT( ~ CLOSED 3P. M.-Saturdays during July and August "- Joseph's Barber Shop Frank's Barber Shop Adolph's Bar~r Shop. '. , ... Since 1809, wnen Mr. Cresson's father, with two othet" young men, tounded the American Entomologi~1 Society at the Cre880n home. then .at 728 South Warnock Street. the name of Cresson has been prominent In Insect research. Thus for 88 yeara the two Ct"essons contributed to PhlladelpAla's lustre as a center 'Of entomology. From th'c time the Entomological Society started publishing sclentlflc papers, 1861. the elder Cresson was a.sso~ elated with the editing. In the early Uays of the "Proceeding" and the "Tranaactlons" of the Society he not only wrote for them but also set type and operated the press. Mr. Cresson has been associate editor of the "Entomological News" and from 1926 to 1946 scrved as editor of th'e ....Trimsactions", and the "MemOirs" ot the Society. In 1947. he was elected vice president. The SOciety's collections of Inse~ts and its Ilbrarty are RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swarthmore • CLOSED FRIDAY. and SATURDAY JULY 4th and 5th -&WAITE SWARTHMORE 1250 - Academy began In 1908. Mr. and Mrs. George Glaesser, J'r .• and son George m of Prlnceton avenue are spending the weekend at Avalon. N. :J._ Mrs. Francia P. Byerly of Bowling Green Is moving Monday to "' new residence at 1106 Ormond Avenue, Drexel BilL Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davill of Amherst avenue ....ent to Boaton 1_ weekend and brought their daughter-in-law M:I'S. J'am811 Davia and Infant son back with them. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. D\8Iiue and. Helen and Bob J)laque drow to Tenneaee 1Mt week where Bob wUl spend the summar worklDC on the T. V. A. . ........d Ji... 1&7' D. Oook Of ~ ..... 01lU'lll107 roa4 will oJd1'e'" DoUy tldoo -I'&'Y, JULY 13 State road entertained over the tor 20 guests on July'. 11:00 .... M.-MeeUng tor Worob\p. Fourth of July week-end the forMrs. Thomas B. Saft9rd ot Strath ~'Meet\ng, Children will Be eafed For In Whltuer mer's brother Mr, John 14. Dft.niel.. Ha.ven Inn Is vacationing at Sky Jr.• his sister Miss Anne Daniel of House. Top until after Labor Day. Alexandria, Va., and his cousin Mr• WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hopkins ot Jo War~ of Sheppardstown. W. Va. Balto. _ 9:80 to 8:8~ew\ng and Qulltlna' South Chester road returned home Mrs. Arthur H. TomUnson ~ of in Whittier House. Box LunchMonday foUowlng .n. vacation at Sprlnglleld Pbone eOD. All are· eor41ally in- South Chester road and 'her daugh·vlte"- . ter Miss Helen Tomlinson re- Brunswick. Ga. Pa. Swa.04ll0 Mrs. Stanley Milne and Mrs. Clarturned homf\ after a 10-day sojourn FIRST CBUBCH OF CHRIST 11'0 'l'eleRtM>h Flowe.. ence Franck of Cornell avenue were BCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE In Atlantic CIty. Park Avenue below Harvard Mr ~ and Mrs. StaA.ley Milne or lu.ncheon guests of Mrs. Celeste •• • SUNDAY.' JULY 13 Cornell avenue and their house ( 11:0& A. M.-Sund&;r S.bool. guest. Mrs. Jane Osborne Frye of 11: 00 A. M.-Sunday Leason SerPhtladelphia. and Mrs. Dorothy mOD. WedDeadB¥ eve,(lnc meetlna' eaob HopkfnB of HavertOl'd place will we.. 8 Read!ng room· open spend Sunday, vlsltlJlg day for pare e ' dan,. except lun~ and bolldap 12: to 5 p.m.. Wednuda,. evening• ., ents, at Camp Ellzabeth W. Borton, to 7:50 p.m. and 9 to 9:10 p.rn. Hopewell, Pa. i, ' THESWARTBMOREAN A DOG t3.IUs1' .' ..-.-- ABOU1' BESf F'RI£HO!' ,A MAN HAS-- AND SALE Odd. and End. a..... BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs, John A. Schu~ macher of Ogden avenue are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter. Mary Stewart Schumacher. on July 4: In Taylor. Hos.. pltal. Tlie baby Is a granddaughter of Mrs. Hervey Schumacher of Havertord avenue. ~_ _ _ , Ourinc , ., No ODe can afford 10 abuse a car or the tJres On It. careruI of yOW" pari • • • lIB Be espcclIlU,· ca.r'~ fUi>s. mck4 vital "'ben thc"'ce Mr. and Mrs. George A. Stauffer worn too t:Idn tot' furtllel' use, buy ot Cornell avenue are recelvln,g congratulations upon the birth of new Firestone tIre... a" son, George\ Anderson from BUS- S~uffer, Jr .• on July 3. at the Lankenau Hospital, Philadelphia .•' The bab'y .is a grandson ot Mr. and· Mrs. John Hlhn. Jr., of Ambler. and Dr. and Mrs. .John Keeler Stauffer of Dartlll'Outh aveDue. Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Chase of Wallingford are receiving congratulations upon, the birt!t of a six pound, 12 ounce son. Richard Armstrong Chase, on .July 1 In Bryn Mawr Hospital. SELL'S. ,Ve have a l..'OD1.plete stock o f paris.....d ~ries .•• ·and are your omcial State Inspection St.8tJon. "RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN" RUSSELl'S CAll0440 O,UTMOUHl f..lHA'f'"{H[ AVH. A...-t FAR MORE I,PORTANT em- , CIQJRCH SERVICES OLIVER H. BAIR CO. 1120 eN •• The Bouquet ITRIIT • I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~:::::::;~:;::::::::~~ BEAUTY SALON :J.lowel':J. . • Beauty fans the bathers 13 Soath aetter Road c.n Swarthmore 0476 NEWS NOTES Last Longer Clean SUMMER 'RUGS CLEANED ~:Z:.. $3.75 ~S_e • $ Moderate ~ ao-Joaprolo. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . t ' "'cIrt ...d _ _ _ doIIr v-•• cI.cm1na CClDnot I •• - ... loodded arit _ .... 1- ...... with...., - " - 8112 . . . . . . _7 DDMESTIO lu... er ..... aM Dtop (PA"'S""tt 'Comg~~,,p,,_ * * ?I EASY. 1( i~~ MODERN GAS RANGEl " p... ~OO Pa~k Ave.. Swarthmor", Pa. S_rUt_e 0730 or .S2f1.-Cfe............ 4C4. IROILING, IS Choice Persian Rug8 for Sale ", ......._", 7~, , ,! ~" '.',""". ' . . N_ Delfghtfully Friclay, . Saturday, Monday, TUesday and WcdJJ. • ': . , G.....v.hv&y PEOK aitd '. ,,"~~'~" '. •.•• .w • ~ • e, 6 • 6 ( ? A rwo/utlonary new devel- e Cd opment in broiling brlngl you a 'gal range where the broiler burner produces Infrared heat .. rays that penetrate rapIdly to r-~=:i~-J the v.ery center of your food. Q 6? And when your lteak (or other food) Is done uniformly throughout, you can add a nice "chor" to the outer surfoce. If desired. ; • Special dial letting takel gu..... work ~t of sIow-broillng, tool So, before you get your new range, 1ft the new gaa rang.. at your dea\er'1 or at the nearest . Philadelphia Electric .howroom. Easy broilIng II only one of the many advantages yau'lUlke abautlmocleiii gas cooklngt , ... ., •• :; ..... ' 'i' . .. '~.:f.: ~ , '''...ftJi. • ••• "11IE MAcOMiIER , { bia prescriptiooa ezactly .. ocdcrecL AFF~".· , GREGORY PECK . erve the health which is your DIltund berlta&C- We are .-dy to asaist by fillina Starting Tbu1'8day, .lui)' 17' .JOAN BENNErI' HOME GROWN GREEN OR WAX BEANS............... 1ge lb. YEP' FSP CRAPE FRurr .._. __......................... 3 for, Dc HOME GROWN ASPARAGUS ____._._..... 3Sc bunch ICfJlFRC LETI'UCE .._. ___,_____._ 2 beadS 25c bas been endowed. Your physician is in position "THE UNl>ER ruP" FUEl OIL VAN ALEN BROS. ' Mrs. Fentress served as dlcUtian for the Swarthmore Public Scnools tor two years. Mr. li'entreM is a Development Engineer with West~ Inghouse Electric Corporation. After August 1,, . the. cou·ple will teside in Swarthmor~. THEATRE 1 MEDIA for years to come ,with a DIlce. Prompt iDatallation. I~IR.1\t' . FOR able home this spring and heat control on your fur- UNJ(T.E HANK SEZ s THE SWAItTHMOREAN 10. picnic 9upper on .July 4 for 17 FETE BRIDAL COUPLE members of the Dolman-Seymour clan. Miss Nancy Louise Loughead. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott of' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Strath Haven avenue. spent last I,Loughead ot Thayer road. and Mr. week· end in the Poconos. Donald Henry Pugh. son of Dr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of and Mrs. William Barrow Pugh of Walnut lane win enter.taln Mr. and Wallingford, whose marriage w111 Mrs. George Parker, and Mr£'. Har- take place Saturday. July 19 in Ian Johnson of Baltimore, Md.. as tbe Swarthmore Presbyterian their week-el,ld guests. Church, have been· guests of honor Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Mercer. ]Mr. on the following occasions: "MIBS Gale McCoy of North Ches· and Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher. Mr. ter road and MIRS Darby Moss of &ond Mrs. Claude C. Smith. Mr. a.nd Wautngtord. who wl11 act as1>rldes· Mrs. A. R. Dana of Swarthmore. maids. entertained, ,the former at and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Widing a dinner party. and Miss Moss at of Moylan are attending the ann ual a luncheon Saturday. three·day outing 9f the Ozone Golt Dr. and ·Mrs. Pugh of Walling· Club at Buck BIU Falls this wee"k. ford,. parents of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Mlcbewt1l entertain the brIdal party at ner, Jr., of Park avc.nue entertained )fr. and Mrs. Paul Gaillard of dinner. Friday evening. July 18. Mrs. Emil Francis Kl'ynlck of Pacanack Lake. N. .I.. a,"J their Crum Lynne. who will aUend ru; guests over the holiday week·end. matron of honor, will entertain the Mr. nnd Mrs. Melvin C .. Molstad bridal party at a luncheon followof Riverview road will leave today Ing the wedding rehearsal Saturon a three-week automobl1e "trip day, July 19. thro~lgh the White Mountatns". Their son-tn-Iaw and daughter, Mr. ROGER5--SHAW and Mrs. Samuel M. Harbison. Jr .• of Radnor will occupy their home On .June 28. a week after her graduation from Oberlin College during their absence. Dr. and ·Mrs. E. L. Mercer of Miss Dorothy Shaw. daughter of North Chester road will apend next Mr. and Mrs. Chnrle8 B. ·Shaw of \veek ,with 1\lr. and Mrs. Harry 1.... Park avenue. waR wed to Professor MUlcr ot Thayer road who aro Rum- Paul P. Rogers of the Oberlin Spanmering on their, farm at N ortb ish Department. The newlyweds motored to Mexi· Clarendon, Vt. Mrs. A.. H. Marsh. Sr.• of Park co Clty fOr the summer monthR avenue 18 Planning to leave Swartb- and wUJ return to Oberlin next fall. more August 1 to malte her home In San Marco• .Jacksonville. FIRBob Toole of the Swarthrnore Magazine Subscriptions Apartments Is taking the accelerat· ed course at the University of Euf'- Call falo summel'. school. Mn. Uoyd E. Kauffman David Seymour of Vassar avenue Swarthmore 2080 , left July 4 on a three-week cruise -1 Enjoy a far more comfort- Mr. and Mrs. Geol-ge H8.rrl8on Eckhardt of Hammonton, N. J .• announce 'the, m~rrlage of their daughter, Erna Marie. ·to Mr. William Kilby Fentress, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mr.!J. W. K. Fentreas of Norfolk, Va.. at the home of the bride's parents on Thumday, July JalJ' 11, 1.947 ·~ ___ .._ ." ~ .J, .. ~. (........ ... ~._.4.-_-- ". _'. ~.~.: '1","'_., .., . • ~ • , ...'. -.:........::-. o..~ ..;: .. ,,;.) j •... :! ,~" -, .. , '. , . j; .•.. ' .. , c I .IILIIIWIII. ILEC'lle COM"I' -•I ,\ ' ....~ . ; . . '. . I~ ., .~ r.\ 4 THE SWARTHMOREAH BANK 8TATEMElIT Friday, JaIy 11, 1947 . NEWS NOTES , Charter No. 1193 lieserve District No. Mrs. Theodore S. Saunders and ~ REPOftT pJt~ CONDITION' OF THE children Richard and Lorraine' ot SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK Strath Haven avenue ~ave returned from 0. two~week visit with Mr. and )frs. Amos sa.underH In Clinton. the close ot BusiuelI-8 011 JUlie 30. 1941 Publlshed In responHe to call made by MaRS. Nancy and Donald Saunders Comptroller or 1M Currency I under ore remaining with their grand ... Hctlon &211. U.S. Itevlsed Stalult>!J. parents In MaSHacnuscttH for a or AND TRUST COMPANY Swarth& more, In the Stale or PennsYlvania. at • and ~tl''8. H('len Goodwin. \ H. Thatcher, and Mrs. Mliton H.Mtt's :'Ilal'garet Date Leiper of FuRSe-II of swarthmore as ,her _____--::-:::::-::::::==-..:,..____ 1 floor. Repair. consl8t ot demolition or Avondal(' I'oad entertatned lItI~. peAts at a luncheon at her borne FOB. BENT maple ~oor. Id1l9 8ubOoor aud stringers, 'PERKON AL which. are set i.n concrete Blab. and tho Ma.rtha R. BleMing. Mrs. Wttltam Saturday. FOR REN-T-Garaae on College Ave· replacement ot all parts. SpeclHcations -~----FBRSONAL-Vacuum cleaners' Irons, nue. ~l!0ne Swarlhmom 0644. can be secured between 9 a.m. and 4 _-, C led ",-:~=_:===:--:=:-:.:::..:.::=:::..:.:...:....:..:..._:_:;_-I p.m., tlally except Saturdays, Sundays, touters an d radl os rep 01.-.... al Ii'OR ~ENT-Very large second-floor and ,honday&, at the School. DIs1r1l'I for and delivered. Call Hobert BrOOM, corner room. lultable for couple or office. The Board reserves the right to Swarthmore 1 6 4 B . h .::.'.0.:....:.t;:u;:d;:• .::n.::ts::..-=s.::w:-ar::-t:=:h::m:;:0.::r;:.:::..:4::.5.:.36-:....:.J-.__ reject any or all bids in whole or In PERSONAL-Service on· .aU makes or.. part and to award contracts on any electriC washers (Bendix Included). LOKT item or Items making up any bid. irol1'el'l, vacuum. cleaners, ra.ngea. Irons. LOST-Marq,ulslte high c1PBP pen. ~~ia~ungan 3T-1-11 toasters, fana and la.mps, Also. wirIng InlUals Wl N. M. Vicinity of Har- . ' CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED ___ _~_M-~_~ month. ASSETS L'&&h. balances wUh other banks, including reserve balance. and cash items Mr. and Mra. R. E. Wilson and George daughter Virginia. Mr. Bowie of Bl.lltlmOl·e. Md .. and Mr. 934.015.34 and Mrs. Bart Mlllington or Park in prOC"@88 of colle<"lloll .... United States' Uo\,erumellt obllga.tlons. dlreIIideration ta SOUTH OHESTER ROAD . ',.. .... , . ~ Swarthmore (ISH HARRIS & CO. • Tailors Furriers WILL CLOSE , 'Sotrtnla~ 1 P. M. During July &- A"p., • 11 Park, Ave. . You see m_ In this paltwar Stud.baker ; ; ; you drive mo .. conflcl.lll1y1 You hear m_ paa.... wishing ....y own.d this Studebaker than any 0lil... ciarl You .... more comfo....b.... _ this Stud.baker riel.. with amozt... smODthness ••• It handles with dlHgldful new ....I Y_ ... _ postwar featu.... such as "black HgId" clash cItaIs tIIat .... .......... llrakeslhat automatically adtusl .......eIves! South Chester and· Fairview Roads • . ~:.;..;:;" .. ' a.n.x10U8 pupils. the SwarthmOre Public Schools will open the new term on Monday. Beptem1.Jer 8. LEGION WINS 9TH GAME WED. Drexel Hill Bows To Locals 1-0 CIWmian· of Convention Mr. Samuel T. Carpenter of the Engineering Department of Swarthmore College was elected chairman of the Civil' Engineers Division of the American Society for EngineerIng Education held at the June Convention in Minnesota. SUMMER SCHOOL CLOSES AUGUST 1 .t!Mb' - DRG.R.MANSFIELD DIES IN BORO Noted Geologist Was Visiting Daughter Here Dr. George Hogen; Mansfield. ce American Legion Juntor tired government geologist and Baseball Team turned back Clifton leading authority on potash. pho8 Heignts on rruesaay by a score of phatcs and nitrate, died in Swarth G to 3 In brtnging their total to more' last Friday at the home ot eight wins against one defeat. This his daughter, Mr6. J. \V. Carroll put the boys on top in their league. , on College n,,·enuc. Mansfield .Mnlnly responsible for this win was who was 71 was en route to his Larry Dalton who pitched a grand home in \Vashhlgton, D.C. after game. Larry ·gave up Quite a. few a visit to his cousin Alfred M. hits. but in the pinches came Brooks. former Swarihmore Col One hundred nlnet)~·three Junior through with strikeouts and was In lege profess!>i' of fine art."1. In Glou 'rhe leasing af a 2U~room build- complete control of the altuation nnd senior hlg" school students. cester, Mass. his birthplace. Death lng at Swarthmore College to The at all Urnes. He has played a good padding moroseh' to the Collesfe follow.ed sev~ral days Illness. Pennsylvania State· College was an- game all season either In center Avenue School these days give eloHe retired In 1943 after 30 years Qut'nt. if not vocal, evidence· that nounced jointly today by Presi- field or on the mound. with the United States Geological Harry and George Warron each Summer School' ts In session. Whlte dent John W. Nason of Swarthmost boys and girls nre tearing Survey, during which time he more and President Ralph D. Het- bad triples to help. the cause. 'rho squeeze play early in the game was over the country-side with bicycles. made ext ens t v e tnvestlgutions zel of Penn titate. .. blghllght In addition to bringing skates and bathing suits, tn the throughout thts country and .In Pr.tnclpal need of the building, edited geological In that first run. which is always pursuit of happiness. these sturdy Puerto Rico. according to Pre~ident Hetzel. is maps, and' wrote many bulletins the hardest. Jackie Houtz showed 80ula are 'hard at work quenching to provide orr-campus instruction and professional papers on minera plenty of talent in his play at a thirst fot" knowledge. for approximately 200 Penn State deposits .t~ the various Statcs. He short stop. Each morning, Monday through freshmen troln the Philadelphia was associate editor of the Amerl There ts no standout player on Friday from 8.30 to 12.3'0 sees these area. Because of tho contiIiued the Legion nine this year. The boys, students eongr~gated tn their re- can JOUl'nal ot Science from 1938 shortage of dormltOl-ty and roomto 1945, are In tho ball game playing as a spectlv,,", classes; relearning or tng accomodations at State College, Besides his widow and two it wJIl be necessary for the second team, relying on timely hils, plenty meeting for the first time subjects daughters, Mrs. Carroll and Mrs. consecutive ycarlfor Penn State to. of hit and run, quite often 8 ranging from Engltsh and math to G. W. Patterson of 62~ Yale ave·. arrange otf':'campus Instruction for squeeze play, nnd thcy all show lots shorthand and typ"ing. Sometimes. nue, Moi"(on: three BOns,. Harvey· ita entire freshmen class of ap- of finesse tn the fteld. All of .thls 8."1 studen!."1 stare out of tho window of COhtrnbU~, Ohio. Dr. James S. points to the brand of proximately 3 5 0 0 . ' with true vacation restlessness• of Cambridge;....Mass .• Robert H. ot wnlch the players are getting from ' 'rhe swarthmore building to be tCiLcoers. also earnestly persevering Caracas, Venezuela. '"and twelve used by The l'ennsylvania State Russell Snyder and is partl~ularly through six· weeks of hot weather grandchildren survive. gratifying to Legionnaires and d College is tho former admin"istra. and extra work. may won er how Funeral services in Wnsh.tngton tion· butldihg- of the Mary Lyons :::I:.~~~!a;:8:~:~:I~'~~n~:: t~~: enthusiastic their pupt1s may be. on Monday were followed 1Y.Y prlv 'School. When. the Mary Lyons And actually. the enrollment Is the ate interment. Swa.rthmore has had In manY.R School closed in 1943 It was used lowest in yenrs, with only 193 stu.' Y ear. It Is pointed out that all s&aby ·.the· U.S.' ~aval Hospital of dents taking a total of ~80 courses. ' . son the team has been up against ., . Z<1 I Philadelphia. as a. convalescent . . In 1943 the enrollment was· ... : n .. ' . a. more experJe.nced oPD.osftlon· by . 'I'· • 6 I{~ t·h -.hom~ -.rrbe ·:nwi'Lft.Optt)1 .Vo·as. .;purc.b.a8odl· '_ .. 'C:~ .... ,.... - ......:.:~." •. ·~i.· ·.~.'i-:r:-,.. •...'.... ...... • .. 19.4. -t.. .~3~5.: n _19'1 .6, , ... 9 ... 1'1.,1."'. e , . . ." . • . :ao: ..,.,. ' - , , .. ~ ~rUle of tne fact that· their oppon.. ..... "(. In 1946" by SwarUlmore College to 'ents are participants In high school peak year In·1945·wltn 432 students house 100 veterans and 20 taculty league competition. " taktng 715 courSes. fam11ies. , ( C o n t i n U e d on ~ 8) Several reasons have been sug~ In addition to an auditorium gested for this ycar's low. The fact PENN STATE UNIT IN SWARTHMORE The Low Register Marks 1947 Summer Term Extension Center Will Draw 200 Freshmen Dr. SCHOOlBOARO· . an'd gymnasium facilities. the structure wlll provide 14 clam!rooms, several laboratories, and cons"itlerable office space. Ooly those freshmen who are able to commute tron"!. their homes wiU be assigned to the new center. They will be able to secure lunches at a SUMMER CRAFTS TO BE EXHIBITED Tomorrow Deadline· on Question of Swimming FILLS VACANCIES that fa.milles havE'; big plans for vacations this year is one Imp or· tnnt factor. And. significantly, cafeterin. on the swarthmore ca.m~ Coach Snyder's Hornets pus. proved their league ·standlng :"thiB The freshmen center at Swarth~ week .with a·· series ··of· ..,.stunnlng The work of 58 Summer Clubbers 'more WIll be administered by· .the victories. Taking each opponent will be exhibited in an art."I and in stride they decisivelY defeated ExtenBion 'ServJ.ces of the College. crafts display In Sipler's window on the other three first d"ivlslon teams . According to J. O. Kener, assistant South Chester road next Monday, Wednesday Norwood feU· on Its to th·e president In charge of ex.- Tuesday and Wednesday. The local home grounds before Dalton's hop~ tension. the building wlll be used recreJltlonists have spent many cool. ping fast win to the tune of 13 to also for other phases of Penn profitable hours In the craft room 2. Leading the 15~hlt attack were State extension work. fashioning the plece~ under the The Veterans' Guidance Center and Bullock wlth three each. direction of Mrs. Wayland ·H, ElsHoutz' defensive work at short of the College. formerly operated tn "Chester, will move "its omces bree. sparkled. Don Dickinson who is in charge On Thursday LelpervUle was de- to the swarthmore Building in of outdoor activities ·in the Bummer feated . on th'e Riverview Field by August. The Evening Technical In- recreation program led 21 boys on 13 to 0·. Thorbahn gave his usual stttute, also formerly operated in a hike to 'smedley Park on Friday. steady pitching performanc~ limlt- Chester, will transfer Its location Soft ball. capture the flag. and soft .jng this second place team to four from Smedley Junior High School drinks were enjoyed. Don. a junior scattered hits. Houtz hit a triple 'in September. In .addition, full. nt Swarthmore High Senool Is t.n~ and single to lean the hitters, Me· time day technical .Institute classes tcrested in all athlettcs. having Kenzie a.nd Bradford also came wtu be established In September to played j. v. basketball and footthrough with two hits each at provide concentrated training in ban. Interested in Scouting since several branches of engineering for timely moments. the age of 12 he managed a Cub residents of the PhUadelphia area. Th'e we'ek was completed on Den this year. He makes FrldaYJI Keiter poJ.nted out that the new inter~stlng with special activities, Frida.y at Riverview Field with a conv.tnclng 6 to S victorY over building will be used not onlY for A bicycle trip fOr boys is next on the league's leading Eddystone the regular programs of Instruction the agenda and a hayride for smallteam. After givIng them the 'gift already named, but for 'many other er fry Is coming up. Tournaments of III run the locals b'lasted ~1ttig extension activities, such as work· will be starting soon. right out of : the box, climaxed by shops for industrial executives, The frog of the Rutgers Avenue Bradford·s two·run single. Dalton conferences, institutes. and special Section of the program ha.."1 been and poole coasted home "casU,. as courses on a variety of subjects, named Buny and is getting n:t uch A full-time staff of faculty mem- attention. Gappy Peirsol named their 'mu.tee backed them up with excellent play afield. The Hornets bers for the freshmen class will him and his only rival for popuseason record now stands a.t 19 be assIgned to the new center. and larity is the rabbit that Mr~. Kenthe class· schedules will follow the ney's group has acquired. Mrs. wins. 4 defeats. regular calendar of The Pennsyl- Putt's group is tnterested In' natu ..e Mrs. I. R.: and her vania State' ·College. the fall 8C- walks. Members are looking tor a mother. Joseph V, (:!ollins of metrter opening Septe~~er 29. The frog or turtle :but sO tar bav£'! only Mt. Holyoke place sPOnt four da)'S majority of ~enn ~tate·s freshman b ..ought back food for Bull}.. of lut week ·m Holderness. N. H., ct.a8A wili. be. accommodated at Kitty Green's primary group Is and vlslted Douald IlacElwee who thirteen cooperating teach en' col- using potatoes and textile paint to la spending the summer at Deer.;. leges, flve· Juulor coneges, and at stamp dpslgns on material. Virginia Rath of the College. led an Inter· wood CamP. '" I, :~,ther J:n~tuUoIiB In p~n.sylvania. eatlng expedJUon to the totem pole Fred N, Ben and last week. The Croup' flnlsned the MI:. a.nd )l1jIL Warder C~D; 'Mr: Q:lid IlIOn Nell of Harvard avenue are day by' pla.ylng . cowboys and In~ Jr., and ~ucht8... Barbara ouid Beth who haft _ _ wtth I-me tomorrO..... to ap~Dd· a week d~ns. There was another trip to the 'orlller'll...rea", ..... """ ~' -u.ODl,Dlr at BI'Icl!Ieton, Me. From the Morrow flirnt this .......k w\tll G. Ward.r Cl!l. I'D Of lUvervi.... th.... tiilO7 WUI SO to C&peCod UWe Dan,l· 1I......,~,..,tlnc ae hoat, ""'"' ·1I..... ·IIq, ..... _ occuPYiDlr V1\IM8 _ Lake Oeo_ N. T .. tor with re~eJ,lU. tlII!I. tlllie. .. . . ~ .... (CoatIa_ _ 110_ . . .1IiotnIe,~ tf. 'J: ,,~... _If .. FUSCO & Swarthmore 9793, Norwood, LeiperviIle, Eddystone Fall To Locals 1m. 0-' If you don't like the hot weather, maybe it's because you've never worn a Speare's sport shirtl When you discover what a cool treat this short-sleeved favorite can be, you too will call Sununer the queen of the seasons, In answer to the many querleS of pal'ents and HORNETS CHALK 3 STRAIGHT WINS . . . . .A. Therapy Room ,311 > :III WB'aB ST. the face ot, ever~J)resent stories of grasping politiCians here and there ,it i.e refreshinG' to note Swarthmore's ~overnorS continue uniquely motivated .by pure civic spirit. Council, in sessIon Monda)" evening, passed a· resolution to renounce the benl't1tH of a new' law passed by the 1947 stale leg.tslature which authorizes up .to $20 a nlonth remuneration for their serv!ces. This carries ·on the long. uribroken tradltlon of local Olen ·who have contributed their services tree as councilmen and burge88es. Counc}) acknowledged th'e retlrement of Fawn Maddox of Kenyon avenue atter more than 30 'Years. In' the Borough employ. WUUarn E. Wltham· of Cedar lane presented plans of the swarthmore HtlIs devplopment for Councll's approva1. The public pl'Opel"ty committee authorized placing a concrete floor j~. the flremen'R pool room. Numerous other. mattem of routine busl.ne5~ occup.ted the Bor. ough Fathers for a full four-hour session. Th·ey could haVe playe d . " bridge or ~tayetl home and relaxed after their own- husiness day. Ol' they could have mlLde theI r evenlng's sen·lces pay $5.00 an hour. Instead they prefcrI'ed the' u.ltruIB~ tic satisfaction of knowing they had done thNI' ut'most fol' the . t general benefit of thelr home own . " :tnd tlv'Jr. fe))uw .1aAt(hm~. ,. .... .. • _ _ _ _ _-""____ In o u . COLONIAL DINING ROOM Ultra-Violet \ ~ \Juncheona ,1.00 DlJmers from ,1.7Ii Control Renounce ,Benefits Enacted by Law D S E Sdaool Open& In Sept, . ...., B OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Cont~)Ur COUNCIL REFUSES SALARY GRANT U Swarthmore 1250 Specializing IR DR. S. WEIR MITCHELL MASSAGE re L Yall! Ave. & ChelleI' Rei. Women Exclusively by AppOintment Only 6 Park Ave., Swardomo e Hannum and Waite H.J.lh tmtl Slenderizing Sahm Gown Shop $3.00 YEAR SWARnIMORE, PA., FRIDAY, JULy 18, 1947 VOL 19-No_ 29 THB ~ BBATRICE SCHMIDT with ELIZABETH A. CAREY August '1St Mr. and Mrs. Dwight R, Cooley of Canandillgua, N. Y.. and baby son David spent the holiday weekend with the former's parente Mr. and M-:s. Dwight Cooley of Cotum· bla avenue. JULY,3l ANNOUNCING THE ASSOC[ATION OF , ! Berore Summer,Closing Mt88 Helen' Price of Raleigh. N. C .• formerly of Swarthmore. spent \two weeks as the house of Mr. and Mrs. :Dwight Cooley of Columbia avenue. to Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan of Mt. Holyoke place visited Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Stevenson of l\1t. Ktseo. N. Y., over the Fourth ot July holtdaY8. Their daughter, Jean Louise Stevenson Is the house guest of the Swans this week. THE· SWARTHMOREAN Of all our .tock tal, Philadelphia, June 6. STATE INSPECTION MAYl NEWS NOTES . CLOSING ·OVT SALE!! , vn.. rr,.,··" other school~ have started up around Swarthmore. For even now, the majority of the summer students are from But whatever toe rea.~ons, low enrollment Is a pleaoure, not only for G. Baker Thompson, .prinCipal of the Summer School, high school secretary Ethel Campbell who keeps the records. and the teachers and supervisors. but also, theoretically. for ·toe students themselves, whose problems now _can be given more indivi~ual attention. Classes c.\t six. eight and ten vastly reduce the stacks of papers. "tests and assignments that pile up ("Rch day on the teacher's desks. There Is more time for the supervisors to hold conferences with their practice teachers, go over papers witn :t.hem. help th~rn plan the claSHes; and gh"e them demonstrations if theY want it. Five teachcrs from· the regular high school faculty are supervisors for the summer teachers this year wtth Mary Armstrong supervising In English, Adeline Strouse in languages, Henry Hoffman. social studies, Eugene Duncan. mathema· tics, and Harry Openlander, hi science. Two ·of the teachers conducting classes are regular ltcensed teacher::; in Pennsylvania high (Continued on Page 6) Tuition Rates Raised For Coming Year The Swarthmore School Board at Its regular meeU~g on Thursda.y.,. July 10, elected Wtlllam Jay Reese. J ..... of 5167 North Fairnlll Street in Philadelphia to teach health and physical education and boys' sports In the Swarthmore Schools. Mr. Reese will flll the post tion lett vacant by James A. Lau der's resignation, Mr. Lauder hay Ing accepted a position wlto the Curtis Publ1shing Company, In his new work Mr. Lauder will continue to work closely wtth schools as he will have charge of the magazine sales work tn a section of New York State. Mr. Reese is a graduR.te of West Phtladelphla. High School and the State Teachers College .at West Chester. At the present time he Is doing graduate work at Temple Untversity. Mr. Reese served three and one-half years in 'the United States Navy during the war. He was tn tho Medical Department and traveled allover the world. Following his discharge In Octobe.. 1946, Mr. Reese completed his work at the State Teachers College and has taught for one yea.r in the junior hIgh school at Hanover. Pennsyl.. vania. At Hanover he taught classe~ In health and physical education and coached football and .~asketbaU teams. Coast Guard c.det . Rosemarie Antonelli was elected John R. Hihn. former Swarthmore High School ~tudent, accepted to Ute position of secretarY In the n cadet.'Jhip at the {Tnited States high school office. MiM Antonelli Coast Guard Academ~·. New Lon- will succeed Ethel Campbell, who Is . leaving on August flnt to be don, Conn, Cadet Hihn gradWlted from Low- married. Miss Antone~ll will start er Merion Senior High Sc'hool, claaJ work on July 28. The BOl}-rd accepted bids for a of '4:6. and the Admiral Billard paint eprayer and other necessary Academy. claM of '47. He was one ot three chosen to represent Ad- materials to eomplete the sumtner miral Billard Academy In compeU. maintenance "tn)rk. one of the m~t live examination for Anapolls. He Important projects ~Ing the paint~ successfully P&88ed the scholastic Ing of the school cafeteria. The lloard. set the: tuition rates . test for Anapolla but 1)&8 chosen the Coast Guard Academy.. as his tor the coming year. The ne~ rates Alma Mater. He teft i.C)!" the aca- ~1I be $166 In the· elementary demy.July·10. ..... itchool an4 $%16 in the junior and .... llIor high BOhool, T1i...... f)II\l...... ca4et Blhn Is the. son of Mr. and aWl aubject to approval by the Stata II..... John HlbJl J;'.~'. of Ambler, f_~··of. _ _'·'· ... Department of l'lIIIIkI. 1 _ wll\iil. 'THE S WART HMO REA N Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lappe of z THE . Per.onal., 'Mrs. S. 8. Rutherford of Btrath Haven avenue Ie spending the sum .. mer at the Rutherford cottage at Waddington. N. Y. Mr. Rutherford h8.8 returned home after a 10-day vacation there. Henry D. and Robert p~per of Yale avenue are traveling and camping In toe Rocky Monntaln& Mr. and Mrs. JameS A. Davies of Cedar lane are entertaInIng )lr. Davies· brother, Dr. Frank J. :1. Davies of Stamford, Conn., as their house guest. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davies of Cedar Jane and their and. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Wolff and son Stephen of Rutledge. have returned· home followlng a two-week vacation in Ogunquit. Maine. Betty Ellen Littlefield of Swarth.. more place will return tomorrow from Grosse Point. Mich.. after visiting Barbara Hughes, a sorority sister at wnua.m and Mary College, since Monday. Betsy Hornaday of Dickinson avenue lett Monda.y evening for Los Angeles, CaUf.• to visit indefinitely with her aunt, 1\1188 Mary Hornada.y who is located there as Chief of the Western Bureau of the Christ... Ian Science Monitor. Barbam Knabb of Princeton aveDue who completed her second year In Elementary Education at Penn state, wlU leave next week fot CamP Bedford to act as COUncilor in connecUon with her training. Mr. and Mrs. H. t. Ltebeck of , Park avenue are spending the 8ummer in Atlantic City. "Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dungan, Jr.• or SWarthmore Hi11s leave today .on a two-week vacation to Sea Isle. Ga. EllnOr' Karns of Wellesley road lett Wednesday to vJs1t Barbara lIeeman at Chaumont. N. Y., for a. week. Mr. and .Mrs. George C. Abbe of Kenyon avenue will leave tomorrow tor a two-week vacation at East Hopewell, Ve. Mrs. Jack Thompson and daughtera DebDrah and Lois of H.>.rvard avenue lett Wednesday for a month's vacation at Concord. N. H. Btcky Thompson is vacationing with Mr. and Mra. Charles To1)y. Jr.. of Concord who are summerIng at Newport. VL, near the Canadian border. Mr. Thompson will leave tomorrow for .R. two-woek vacation witn bls tamIly apd on a fishing trip with Mr. Toby. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Porkins of Cedar lane entertained Mr. lJruce Laird of Bellevue Manor, Del. Mrs. William H. Thatcher ot College avenue entertained her bridge club at a luncheon at the Ingleneuk, Wednesday.. Brfdge foUowed at the Thatcher home. Edith Thatcher of Odgen avenue and Caroline Henry of Wal1lngford were the week-end guests of Mr. and ]\{rs, PhlUp W. Kniskern of Riverview road at their cottage at Seaside Park. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Alderfer of Cornell avenue will leave August 1 tor 0. two-week trip to Madison, Wise., their future home. Dr. Alderfer has accepted a position 3..6 ,an Instructor tn Preventive Medicine at the University of Wisconsin, and begins his new duties August 16. Mrs. Alderfer and their small da.ughter wlll join him later. Mary Bunker, daught"er of Mr. and 1\{r.s. H. L. Bunker. Jr,. of Mt. Holyoke- Place, has returned fr·om 0. two week stay at camp EU?.abeth Borton at Elverson. Pa. PatrJcia Paul ot Yale avenue ~ received word of her acceptance by the Eastman School of Yuslc in Rochester. N. Y., for entrance In ~eJ)tem ber. • ONLY 50 DAYS TIlL • YOU Wll.L NEED A FIRE. COAL WILL BE HIGHER ntIS FALL Richard W. Bank8 of Col"mbta avenue left Monday on an automobile trip of a few ...veeb tbrough the New EnJrland State.. Mr. and Mrs. B1tUe of RuigerB avenue entertained their 8on-tn- FUR OIL VAIl AI.EN BRDS. RIDlEY PARK Roberta HaIg of Rlvervlow r?-d entertained Marlha Remington of Rochester. N. Y., last week. Martha 10ft Sunday to vIoIt her brotber· In-taw and steter. Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Halg of Elizabeth. N. J. _ E1Iz&botb Bond FoIIter, iliater of t.b.e bride. will act as maid of honor. ne brldeamald8 will· be U .... William J. Elvin, Jr., of FaIts Chureb. Va.. utes Betsy ROBO of Moytsn. :Mteses Anita Hardcastle ~oldsvUle. Pa.• coualn 'of the·'bride. will be ring bearer. ~ recopUon. Immedtately follow1118 the ceremony. wUI be. befd at the home of the bride. UNKLE HANK 8EZ law and daughter, Mr. and Mra. M.r. and Mrs~ John Bowditch of a.nd Nancy Brown, of Media. Thomas Murray and small daug-h-' Cedar lane entertained Captain and Lt. Commander Nelson E. Harris ter Katherine of CornwaU.on-the- Mrs. Benson Bowditch and famlly~ serve as best man for biB Hudson. N. Y .• Over tbe week-end. who were on their way to ~aIDe. br"Othor. The ushers will be Mf. Mr. and Mrs. E.· C. Lappe of After their vacation to Maine CapFischer, of Irvington. N. J •• Yalc avenue entertained Mrs. Lap... taln Bowditch will take his family Mr. Lee Worr1lou of Broomall. Mr. pe"s cousin, Miss Ginny Hutchinson to Quantico. Va., where be wlU be HUrst f(Jf Chester Heights, of Pittsburgh, as their house soeet 'statloned tor the next six months. Messrs. Joseph· Mahon and for tho week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bates ot Jess Moffett of Ardmore. The :Miss. Gayle Hodge of Stratn Haven Yale avenue entertained Mr. and .es Marsot and Rol!JBlle MorriBon of avenue visited Ann Broomall, at Mrs. E. P. Dunham· of· Fairfield,· Green. nieces of the groom the Broomall's' cottage 'iThe Barn Conn.,· an.d Mr. Herbert Johnson Will be flower girls. whua Master on the Manasquan" In Herbert8- of Pitman, N. J., over the week- FranCis Delamere Smith of Rey-... ville. N. J., for a few days last end. Mr. and Mrs. Bates gave a • . !' • , •• week. dinner on Friday night In honor ot Mr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Bauer of tbelr week-end guests. Riverview road returned home Sun~ Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy CarrOll. da.y following a two· week vacation, Jr., or North chester road enterD..ueJ Kirk with relatives In Weston, W. Va. talned at a buffet supper last Susan Dungan. three year-old Thursday In honor Of Mr. D. S. Swa.0898 ,daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. W. E. Walker of WaUinltford and. M1ss Dungan, .Tr:. of Swarthmore Hills, Althea Wllbur of Boston. " Now's the time to start geUfDg celebrated her birthday annlversary who are to be married August 9 Wednesday by entertaining 12 at Marblehead, Mass. your car ready tor (Jutt summer llttle friends· at a party. Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. GUes of RUSSELI,'S Is tbe place Mr. and MrB. A. H. Knabb of RutgerB avenue have been enterPrinceton avenue are entertaining tainiug / Mrs. Gtlcs· niece, Gale to CODle to be l188ured or complete Mrs. Knabb·s sister, Mrs. R. G. Rogers of Miltord, Conn., as their' aaUstact.lon In all phases or aumChapel oT Warren, Pa., tor a tew house guest for ten days. Prtscllla Contractors &: Builclen weeks. Giles will return to Milford with mobUe service. To have a good va.Miss Barbara Nason of Cornell Gale on Sunday for a few days. Home tmpl'O\'ements, Alter:Mr. and Mrs•.~,Jton A. Norton C:lf avenue whose marriage to Mr. cation :sour car must run right and ations, Kitchen modenllzaUniversity place left yesterday to James Bowditch of Cedar lane will tfon. Onstom·bu11t cabln-. die _ d o g oo..t nm. low , •• take place In August, was guest of spend three weeks at their cottage honor at a. miscellaneous shower in West Jonesport, Me. oomen\ work, imottJ" pine that's the klnd 01 va.cation we can Btlly Boyer ot Prospect Park has Saturda.y when Mrs. Harold McpallelJ.q, 8C1'f'...1J!dng, tnllll1a.... give yonl Corkel and Mrs. Peter Miller of been spending a 'Week With Ge'lrge Ellis TIl of Rutgers avenue. ; tlon. Swarthmore entertained 26 guests at the former's home on Vassar Mrs. Alban E. Rogers and dQughtl'J'. avenue. .ter Priscilla. of Park avenue reNancy Hoot ot .Lafayette avenue turned Monday after spending sev302 Ca,-le,- St., Media, and Ruth Serva18 of Dickinson eral days attending the seaqulcentennlal celebration of the founding avenue were guests Saturday at the Medla lI54I~.1L home wedding of Miss Betsy Char- f Wallo.cetown now called Waynestener of Glen Riddle. a West ChesMr. and Mrs. J. Roy unroll, Jr.. It ter State Teachers College class- boro. ot North Chester road bad as their ' • mate. guest this week-end. Mr. Mark Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Lange Wright of Richmond. Va. and children Donald. Jr., and'baby MISS KATHLEEN E. GILFIllAN . Mrs. George E. SlUoway, of NOIoth daugoter Jean of CbarlotteavlUe, Va.. are living temporarily with Cheater road has returned home the former·s pa.rents, Prof. aDd after a. two-week visit at the Deer.I. rJOW .cuPling post.hospittd .".tnwity Mrs. E. O. Lange of Baltimore wood farmhouse, Holderness, N. H. pike. BRITANNICA JR. Arters Brothers, Inc. _on. II~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~ . Mrs. 'ames Lukens and her daughter Deborah of Maple avenue are 8pendlng the summer at Rehoboth. Del. Mr. Lukens and :Phoebe Lukens join them over week-ends. Mary ,Knabb of PrinCeton avenue will leave next week for Happy Valley Cam'p In Maryland. Mrs. George Zimmer of Odgen avenue Is serving as hostess to the Art Circle at her 'home this afternoon. Mrs. F. V. Brewster of DIckinson avenue spent last week-end In New York visiting her liIon-in-law and daughter, and Mrs. A. R. Long, and frfends. Mr. TO WED IN AUGUST <"..~. Tb.e marriage of Mlsa Martha Foster, daughter of ?tIr. and M~s. Vaugh~ K. Foster, of Yale avenue, to Boyd C. Harris, son of .Mr. and Mrs. PhUUp T. Harris or Rose Tree road, Media, will take place Saturday,' August 28 at seven o'clock In the SWarthmore Presby- terian Church. Tho Reverend David Braun wiU offlcla.te. FOR Magazine Subscriptions Call for ftdl·...J wmtn. Address, 410 y.1e Avenue Phone, Swarthmore 318S-W I~~i;~~~~i;~ii~~~~~~~~i;~~~~i;~i;~~~~~ The t Mn. Uo,.d E. Kauffman BEAUTY SALON Swarthmore 2080 Beaut,. f .... the batten porf";'U anJ 13 Soatb Cheater Road Call Swartbmore 0476 Commercial P~olograp~, FIFTEEN YELLOW PILLS 102 East Slate St. Media 1263 , Los of .....-.THIS INSTITUTION ....... In • founded by Oliver H. Bair is sincerely and sympathetically at serving many families whose names where among the a.t first, in our records in 1878. at OLIVER H. BAIR CO.; Cbriatian Sc~ Church.... Barbara Schumacher of Odgen avenue returned Monday after "I..Ue" Is the subject of the Lesspending a· week with her grandson-Sermon In all Churches of mother, . Mrs. Harvey Schumachcr Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. July of Haverford avenue who is sum20. The Golden Text is: "'The Lord mering at her cottage In Avalon, is the. portion of mine Inherltance and ot my ··cup: thou matritatnest N. J. Robert P. Hethcarlnglon, Jr., ~y lot .••• Tb·ou wilt shew me the_ Charles Hummer, Jr., Roger RUBpath of lifo" (Psalms 16:~.11). pell, Jr.. and Richard Wright ot Swarthmore have returned ·~fter Metbodiat Chun;h Notes The Church School meets on vacationing at Camp Stnklng Creek Uunday morning at 10, Mr. S. John- tor two weeks. lion. superintel).dent. Dt:. John H. Mrs. Rex i. Self and' her daughPitman will p~eslde. ter Nay of Rutgers avenue have . The topic of the sermon at the returned home after vacationing In 11 o'clock service will be, "Why Ocean Clty. He FaUed." Mrs. George Plowman and her The Churc" Nursery Is' open dur- daughter Ems. ot Harvard· av~~uc, Ing the mo~n"rig servlc~ to' care will leave today fOr a. two-week vaof the yo.unger children. Mrs. DOll cation at Avalj)n. Mr. Plowman wlll Dickinson and Mary Ann Dickin- join them ·week-ends. son wlU be In charge. Mlsa Leanore Perldns of Cedar The ushers lor the morning lane has retUrned after a 10-day service are: Fred~rick J~' Bo~ visit with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur l;ardu8, H.arry E. New. John Flood, Beaben of Baltimore,. Md. George Shubert and James O. -step he!}",. ----- Mrs. WilHam Delehanty of Yale aven'ue fmtertalned' eignt guests at a luncheon-bridge at ht'r home Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. 'Weiland of South Chester road entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Colema.n and . Allee, Barbara and Donald Coleman of MlnneapoJis, Minn., as t~elr house guests for a few days, , . . HARLAN JESSUP reminds you • • • • 1820 CHESTNUT 'STREET NEW TmES plus GOOD BRAKES plus TIGHT KNEE ACTION plus CORRECT STEERING MARY A. BA,I R, Pre.ldent HOME FOR THE AGED SAFE MOTORING Bill'. retlrecl imLAY HAVING us INSPECT YOUR CAR DON'T " To.~: Jt Saf~'--~ .AnJ Jon j /orgel . . . Medl8. IL D. 21 • •• I! ••.• ~~" ...... !I~ •••••••• FOR' QUICK SERVICE call RUMSEY CHEVROLET 411 Crozet' Bldg., Chester, Pa. This space available "free" for any worthy pubUc noUce-Contact below JiisuP .. COMPANY "OlroslTB TSB COl/aTUOl/sr' fRONT AND ORANGE SIS •. PHONI. _ 2966 Swarthmore 1439 .. And he's only six months old ! Yes, the Treasury Department says the average dollar bill hold. up only , about half a year before it goes to piece~!' VOLUNTEERS are needed fn Swarthmore vicinity to help ,...tth Hydra-Therapy Treatment or Pamlysts Vfctlms. Oontact Del. 00. CllBpter National Foundation of Info.ntile Paralysis CLIFFORD L PARKER . CHURCH SERVICES III 6-1S.1 Equal PAnITING and DEOORATll'lG All Work Guaranteed Write NEWS NOTES , But any house'1fe can lell you th~ life expectancy of a greenback i. even shorler .tJtan that. When a ~ol. lar goes to market nowadays, It lasts hardly'any lIme, at all-and seems to buy less and less of everything! Everylhinll'but electricity: that is! ~",:ause the servget for .your electriC dollar .18 1';'8t about ~e biggest bargain In your budget•.If yours 18 an ave~a!le family, that dollar buys you tWICe as much electroclty as it did 15 years a g o ! ' - ice you Break it down into terms of service, and that little greenback lasts a long while. On a national average it can run a radio fpr about 100 evenings-or ~o your family wash 50 times-or tell you the correct Ume for more than a year. and a half! Ifll even vacuum clean 600 rugs-or brew you 2000 c~ps of coffee! No matter what service you want it to perform for you, that electrio dollar has a very long life. indeed! .~~~.-.g "{;~ •••••••••• ~e. , ...... IIWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN . CHURCH SUNDAY. JULY 20 and Supplied ! THE SWARTHMOREAN Rev. David Braun. ~Inister Rev. H. Lewis Cutler. Mlnls~er . P~ofograpl.ic G'juipmenf Next to MedJa Theatre 10:00 A. M. Summer . School for Clllid reno 11:00 A. M. Sermon "Where· Are You?" ChUrch 'roplc: METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D.D., Mtnlster SUNDAY, JULY 20 10: 00 A. M.-Chllrch School. ll.09 A. M.-"Why Ho Failed:' MEDIA New Dellghttn11y AIR CONDITIONED Thursday, Friday & Satm-da)' LORIo."'TI'A YOUXG JOSI<;PH CO'lTOX ETHEL BARRYMORE "THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER" .DONALD DUo&: and FlrBt. Ran News COAL Frida7, JaI,. 18, 1947 SWARTHMOREAN Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Plccard Troop No. 16. lott Tue8day to en- Yale avenue entertained two tables of Odgen a~enue entertained Mr • joy camp Ute for two week. a~ of bridge at their homo Saturday Plccard'l:! parents, Prof. and Mrs. Camp Elizabeth Borton. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Gilmour of evening. Jean Plccard of Minneallolls, Minn.• PUBJJ8BED EVERY FRIDAY. AT SWARTHMORE, PA. Mrs. Lovett Frescoln, Mr. and Harvard avenue Bfe ,entertaining for & few days of last week. , . 'TQ:E SWABTIIlIloBEAN, INO;, PUB1d8HER 14m Joseph W. Frescoln of. Har. Dr. and Mrs. WlIUam C. Elmore Mr.. William A. Kitto of Ponn vard avenue and Mrs. John a PboIle, ~.,.,. 0!!lG., and children,·- Mary-Leigh and ArB-Ie as their guost thts week. PETER·& TOLD Editor· MARJORIE TOLD, Assoclate Editor Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Plcoard Pitman of vassar avenue apent David of Princeton avenue leave Lorene J4cCarter • Ro.sane Petrsol . ' . Barbara Ken.t tour days of this week vacatlonNancy va~en Theodore ~c,k,ln.Jt Mp.rpret. J(!_~ncn Monday on an automobile trip to of Odgan a.VODue lett Monday on In.g in the Pocono•. a. motor trip to Minneapolis. MinD .• visit relatives In New. Hampshire• Mr. Peyton H. Bra.y of Vassar . Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24. 1929. at the l'ost to remain until after Labor Day. where Mr. Plecard will serve as avenue returned Wednesday by . O"tnce at BwarthDlo~e, PL, under the Act of March 3, 1879. b~st man at the wedding of bls Dr. and Mrs. Josepl\ S. Bates of plane after a" two-week buslneas brother Mr. Pa.ul Plccard. DEADLINE-:WEDNESDAY NQON , "Rocky Spring Fa.rm:' Media will Angeles. Calif. Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Welland trip to M.lss Alma. Daniels of South cntertaip General and Mrs. R. L. of South Chester road entertained SWARTHi.lORE. PA., FRIDAY, Jt\I.Y 18, 1947 Maxw~ll, and Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Mrs. Welland's brother, Mr. Arthur Chester road"D.rrlved home Sunday Bruun of New York City as their Black of Tulsa, Okla., on Wednes- after a. mO~Dth'8 visit with her Ml'!t. Dwi3"ht Cooley 9f Columbia PI.byterian Church Notes brother In Salmon, Idaho. week-end guests •. day of ltu!lt week. - Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock .1.vcnue wus entertained at n hinenMr. and Mrs. HUBsell Heath. and service Mr. Cutler will preach on con party Wednesduy in honor of Sandy and Barbaro. Heath Cedar her birthday anniversary, with Mrs. "Wb~re Are, You?" lane spent the 'Week-end as the A. R. O. ltcdgrave ~f Vo.ssar aveHenry Faust win be the ~ololst guests of Mr. and ;ltl-:s. Malcolm nue and Mrl:!. Joseph H. Perkin~ of at'the morning worship (his Sun· Riddle at their cabin the PocoCedar lane acting as hostesses. wlY: .. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley L. MacMil- noS. puring the monlh ot July the Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of lan ot. Vassar, avenue spent Sunday Summer Ch)lrch School will be In Ocean ·Clty helping to 'celebrate PInk avenue are entertaining as . held for the chlldren's Departthe 90th birthday anntver~ry of th'eir house guest Mi". TOld's uncle, ments from 11 to 12 o'clock, This the t.ormer's tather, Mr. J. C. Mac- Mr. Paul M. Blessing of Hindman, IDcludes Nursery age children and Millan ot Oakmont who. is spending Ky. a cordial I~vltatlon_ Is extended to Doug Heath of Cedar lane entertbe summer the seashore. everyone. \ tained nn Amherst classmate. Mr. and Mrs. George Plowmart of Tho Six Dots (Brallle study Harvard u.venue entertained at a Harry BarnQs~ Jr., of St. Paul, group') meets eacb Tuesday morn- dinner-bridge Friday eveninJ In Minn., several days of last week. • ing 1 0 o~lock at the Church honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. Chandlee Mrs. E. C. Lappe of Yale avenue during the summer. Anyone Inter- Turner. Jr., of Haverford who entertained two tables _at bridge ested. in learning how to write leave soon t.o reside in· Greenwich, lnat Thursday in honor of ihe Braille Is Invited· ·to attend the~e Conn. Guesta included Mr. and MrB~ house guests of Mrs. A. E. Long" ,. meetingS. George M. Allen, Mr. !Lnd Mrs. Jack well of Lafayctte avenue. The Surgical Dressings groUp Thompson, Mrs. Paul Sharpless of polly Told, Barbara Schumacher. meets each Wednesday mQrJ;1ing a:n. d :Milly McGowan, Girl Scouts of Swarthmore, Mr. and ?tin". Jam~s A.. the Chu~Ch at 10 o'clock during Cochra'ne of Westtown, and Col. tbe summer. J. ~dward Clyde of Wal1ingford. D11l1cr01\1 O' 'UNUALS COLLEGE ·THEATRE _ScI.~_~tI;:II;:CB:;:;;U;.:~~Alr;:;:~Coo;:;::;d1:::tI:.:on:::ed::· "TIlE , MA~OMBER AFFAIR" :Mooday, _ _y, WeoJn_F VIUl'OR MOORE a In ~ OORNEL WILDE H&lJREEN ()'lIAR" "UE IO.DTREIer' ... '11&- h . - "IT HAPPEIIED 01 5TH AVEllUE" 'SUNDAY, JULY 20 8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. ' certain sections of the COWlb-,.. Three smaD pilla a day for five THE RELIGIOUS· SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY, JULY 20 days and symptoms disappear. It is aI80 claimed that four pDIa 11;00 A. M.-Meet\ng for Worshlp . During Meeting. Children will Be Cared For In Whittier House. • w.k duriq the malarial a=EJlIIl wIII_ to WEDNESDAY, JULY 23 ~'SO 'to 8:3O-Sewlng and Qulltlng Saturday Matinee ChHdren·s FUm Ubrary Show MlOKEY ROONEY In "THE HOOSIER SCHOOLBOY" Rev, Gco. C. Anderson, Rector =s reb is said definitely to cure malaria. long a ~ in ic:al r FrIday and Saturday BENNETI' and GREGORY PECK ,JO~ OIIARLES RUGGLEs sandal', Mooday TRlNITY CHURCH • A recent development in mcd~ _ pae.a4 the "'My. AD oftbe fruit8 ofmedic:eJ i I reb are _"1eNe to JVII throu&h:your,.,."",. pIQlwL of Db Ie: Be ebou1d be JOIIr 8IIIlCtIuIa7 In ~ ctb,,..· ... tire ........ '7 7 ,.,..".. qf DOiiItJ 1 » :your p(ll *". DIll 01 tbe ' 'S CDU.EGE - iii. Whittier House. BoX Lunch- eon. All are .corct1ally" ~ 8E, CAREFUL ~ •Ii" when you drive.;. ~ '\ . '0 ~~D~'UL when yo~ choose a· ""~Ii": car.fioancmg plan,toO. Ustefl .he Summer E,ectrit: Ifour with Woody H.,nian and '-ell' Lee and DeM! 8a~ur'. ORhat,CI, Sunclap, -4:30 ,.Ht~ WCAU. In- vited. . I'1RBT CHURCH OF CBRIBT IIClENTlST OF SWARTHl\lQRE Far al-around satisfGction fill: a Bank Auto Loan ~.. PHILADELPHIA EI.ECfRIC, COMPANY , . Park. Avenue below Harvard . SUNDA-Y, JULY 20U,OO A. U.-SundQ SChool 11:00 A. M.-SundQ Leason Ber· ., ~mon. . Wo4'neada:r ..venlng meettng each week, 8 p.m. _IDe room open . IIaII7 except _ _ _ endhOlI~ fl:tOG P.!'L Wedn~ .ven1na", ~ ~,'''''' PT ..... ~ to, t=.Op,m. Swarthmore National Bank ~ Tmst Co. t": •• • __ 4 .~._~_ ,-'.- _ •• -' .. - • , THE SWARTHMORE'AN Summer Crafts To Be Exhibited ·NEWS NOTES • William J. Blackman of Cedar lane and Mrs. Harry F. Brown ot North Chester road visit(Continued trom Page 1) ed their daughters, Lora Blackman Mrs. Jardin nn.d her nssLstallt and Jean Brown, who are spending are beginn.lng to feel they now have the summer at Stone Harbor, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Chapman uf a. gl'oup instead of 20 littlc indlviMrs. Anne Cochran ot 'Kenyon avenue 'entertained Anne Bonham' ot TomB Sarah Chapman of Park avenue River, N. J., (or th.e week-end, 18 visiting her grandmother, Mrs. \ and II.... Cha.ndle, caton of Park loire. Mabel W. Hutchlllon, for- avenue. and Hr. 13ruc& Godfrey of V8J!I8&I' avenue at their cottage The merly of Swanhmore, Ia taJdng Barn OD the Manasquan, Herberts .. SabbatIcal leave from the Cheater vUle. N. J., over the week·end. CJt;y Sehoo.. next. year and will "Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Behenna. ot vialt relatives In MaryvUle. Tenn. Princeton avenue win entertain Jobn and JIm Chapman of Park their son-In-law and daughter Mr. aveDue spen'diDB" six weeks at and M ..... W. T. lUdell, and family 'Camp Singing Creek, Centre HaIL ot New .York Cit)" who arrive today for & two week ~tt. IIr. and M .... .rohn M. Broomall M'r. and Mrs.. Arnold H. Redding cOnen avenue enlertalned Mr. New. Notes Altred Olds, In Windsor. Co~n., tor the sUmmer. Mrs. Carl H. Chaffee ot Swarthmore avenue and her young grand .. son, Carl spent last week at AvaPark avenue hdve as their guest dualists age 3. T'he gl'oup 1s learn· lon. N. J. ..... eOUDSellDll'. to !lei'» .dedde Mrs. Ethel Whitehurst of London, Jng thc rouUne and are ready aMrs. Peyton H. Bray and chl1d... BDd enune of study or oeeupetlon. England. -Arbo flew here the end head of time these days for rest, ....en Lucinda and Peyton of Vaasa:c Free Booklet, 8.1 . Lo 7-8251 ot June for a six weck'~ vlslt. TO'ILINSON COUNSELOR8 music and solid work like putting avenue spent IOBt week vaca!lon- Ifll Markel SI. l'tllladelphJa, .. Mr. and Mrs. WUUaD) B. Bullock blunkets in lockers. Some are chock Ing In Re~oboth Beach. of Cedar lane entertained MI'. and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Rasmu88en Mrs. Martin J. l\Uchaux of Michaux full of drama and spend .much and son John of Toledo are the Orant, Va.. and Mr. an,d Ml's. time on theIr stomachs beIng tug guests ot Mrs. R&smussen's parGraham Buchanan of Richmond, boats or fire englncs~ the noises ents, Dr, and Mrs. John A. DeUefVa., as their house guests Cor n made being the distinguishing note Bcn ot Lafa.Yette avenue. week. Dick Bullock returned fo bctween thc two. Dr. and Mrs. Ray N. Keiser of Virginia with them for (l visit. Culling All Swimmers Park avenue leave Monday tor a John Bates of Yale avdnue is 'ro date only 15 l)co))le have sign- month's vacation to Worcester, .wending the months of July and August at Camp Passumpsic, Bly, ed up lor the proposed swimming MUM., and Lake Sebago, :Maine. At 'Worcester they wJlI spend a. week Vt. fJrogr~m. Unles~ more snow Inter- with Vr. KeIser's sister, Mrs. 8. Mr. and lira. Norman Borden est thhol project wlll be dl'otJped and Torrey Massey. and daugntcr Dorothy of Prlncethe Recrpation Association wlll ton avenue, and Mrs. Borden's mother, Mrs. }i'runk E .. Cunan of apologize to the Morro;,v8 for not St. Petersburg, Fla., returned Inst being abJe to taJ.\:c advllntage of week from a two week's motor trip their generosity In offering their Clear 36" wide through Vermont, New Hampshire, pool. If sufficient folk to .jusUfy 39c yd. Rhode Island, and Connepticut. the IH"ogram do not register by 104 W. State St., Media. While In New England, Dorothy Saturday. July 19, those who have applied wlll be l'cCundcd their fees. 8pent a week at the School of Equi- \ APTITUDE TESTS are of" , A. MERCER QUINBY Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Halg of Riverview road cntertuined' Dr. John King ot Rochester, N. Y., for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. McCorkle. I -- No addItioDal eb' .... f . .... Closing for Summer Vacation, TO AUG. 4 AUG. 18 BREAKFAST -- LUSCH . . . 43 d iiiiOUliOAST •3g LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS Yo;~nd .. 31. FRESI PORI LOINS R%~I~."· .. ,55. A. G. CATHERMAN (lohlt"t"P/iHnr to ytetor D. 8Id"r) Sea Food + PEACHES SUPPUES AID NEEDS . call . Swarthmore 17 S. Chester, Rd. Swarthmore, Pa. "''''.'1 , '.II4i.r 6-.. Z9c O~ld•• ,1.'5 COLONIAL DINING ROOM STAG' BAR FIRESIDE LOUNGE PRIVATE PARTY and BANQUET ROOMS ... 431 ...! . ed Its unmalchabl. flavor ~l. to loy.... of vacuum pacbd .co''''. "It tapa tfMm all." IIsaJftMtoFFEE 2 ~~ 77, Junerkon CoH. . .xP!tfflr ~th bl.ncltd and • ~.flo Wia-Cre.1 OOI'tEE 2 ~ 731 If,rou a Ugh.... body", Ifrona.taatlng coffH .,Bee. Ripe Toaa.t... N •• 2 .. :a.. c:....bel"Q' ' Sauce s.!'J.i.~!.. 1!.~ :a.. 65c lb. 65c lh. 65c lh. n Pun Appl. Sauee . G ...pelruit G~~00<1 PLAVOR· A.CN • ~RU\1S AND VEGfTI1Bll,S, New Cabbage Ma.,. Pascal Celery California Juice Orenges New Transparent Apples 5e 19c blDlch 25e doz.. 2 lb. for 25c We close 1 P. M. Wedn~day during July and August a.. a I.q,boia SI_ a No. 2..,. a.. l.r':a... &! a7_ SaI.d Dn.dna J:i.\'i.. IOe N •• 2 ..... G...~l'Uit .Juice G/.T:.'l'3:" 5'::.;.2ase a~:a.. T.....Sweet ...... Juln ",=,. Mott'. Apple ....... Young Tender Squash a , ao.·de-Ute re' •• 'i:'aaea {! 57_ JoaI'ite To. .to Julee 5 ~ ase MASON JARS a.:, rz 6S CI : : JELLY GLASSES lOB SPAll do .... lOY 7Se ~7e I:: 3SC PIck... - -.......... l . . flab 11110 - - ..... 24c KooiAld--2- .. Tun.D::--....... a~Uc - C GIII."P. ..... ~ .a..... - CALl \Cri&'ER 8286 Pft~ Luncheons $1.00· '. Iw... H_.." COFFEr IIdllO' Bros. Fo·~ ..... . REAl'\{ ANt". IN THE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC from ·SUGAR CORN IDIAL BRAND llIii, P A.; , BePIa~ OInl • ..:;"":.... 2k ... I. . " .. 17. Call AlL SIZES HARD COAL 5 ~ State ~ Media Phone 1I4edla 1818' 489 1I~lpI An. . . ,'". . Walters' T ... Sua. . , and , "' .............. " " " " " " '..Ii....liUU Ho~e, A. WAYNE 104 ComeO AYeIlae Swarthmore, P __ MOSTELLER Electrical' Contractor AD T,P ell of Electrical . tn",udUOna ancJ. RepaInJ ServiDC aDd S_.,... VI_Q>for_ Twea"t7 Yean . Paperhanging 1180 MubI.enberg Ave. Swu'hmore 2295 l"b.MI: Media 0755 ........ or cIa~. may office 01 the County Controller. and no bid will be entertained unless mOOe out on saJd bidding aheeL Each bid must be accomp6Jl1ed by a. cet-tUled check for two hundred ($200.00) dollars drawn to the order of the County of Delaware. " Tlie County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. . Clarence T. Pepper County Controller 8T·'i-ll 0. ADVBRTl"EIlENT The School District of Swarthmore wIJI receive blds at the School District offi.<'eo Collese- ·Avenue Building. up to of p.rn.. E.n.s.T., ThursdaY. August '7, 1.N'l. and open the bids at an adjourned meeting of the Board at th~ School DlsUict office on August 7. 19U, at 6 p.m.~ or at a meetinlr adjourned from that meeting. for .repalr of a.pproxlmatelY 1-150 square feet of gymnasium floOr. Repairs cons18t ot demoUUon of maple :floor. pine subfioor and stringers, which. are eet In concrete slab, and tho repla.cem.ent of all part& Specifications aut be secured between 9 a.m.. and 4 p.m... dally except Saturda.ys, Sundays, and ,holidays. at the School District "nIce. The Boi!Lrd reserves the right to reject any or all bids :In whole or In part· and to a.ward conb-acts on any item -or Items making up any bid. W. E. Dungan 3T-'l-U Secretary NO NIED 10 PAY CASH . A Few Dollars Down Buy. Th. B.1t TIre. Built ESTATEl OF GElORGE H, TROXELL, late of the Borough of Swarthmore. deeep""" LETTERS TESTAMENTARY nn thf'l sove Estate have been granted to the undersigned, who request all pel'8ons having claims or demands against the Estate "ot the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to ntake payment. without delay. to GOOojiE4R 91r1P1" TIRES Charlotte R. TroxeU. 3'-20 Dartmouth Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. EnJoy Ih. oaIetr cmd riding e.>mIolI 01 new Iu.. IIOW -- gain the ad· Ex~cutrlx Or to her Attorney John E. Gensemer 1004 Girard Trust Bldg. Phltadelphla 2, Pa. Y<'Y' aut ciDd tenua you arr-Furntahed house or apart. two weeks notice., s\lbjqct to the right numt lor Utree by September 15. ot appeAl to the Civil Servl~e Commls- Swurt~mIOre vicin.1tY.· SWarthmore 17 slon ot the Borough. 25- W. ~[:;~~r~~~:,~~r. to i:?,:~~:!~~~ I ~'~~1~:~oj~t~~~~~ bidding PhciDe ~ 217S·R An Ordinance pertainIng to the organlzli.tlon. powers. duties and com-pensation of the Department of Police of the Borough o! Swarthmore. Repealing Ordinance Nos. 362 and 429 and any otJrer Ordinances or Resolutions Incon8istent here· With. • DELli.WARE COUNTY be Bubb10h Remo'ft!ll Ia...... Mowed Genenol llaulli'lr lIB. ILudIDg ATe. M - . Pa. & 'VAN'1'ED-Two college gradual.eii de- ORDINANCE NO. fta' LEGAL NOTICES 1448 WIlJ.IAM BROOKS ~ I PLASTERING SUPPLIES iii~~~~~~~~~~~~il ~ s _...,,~~ , 1-...:.::.::::::..-.----------:::----,:-:-:-:-- - Fred A. rub, Jeweler· SweetttlMihe;.:tq;-BiI..;;a.;;.,;;di.;w;;;.;-:R1~:~':.i:-:-- 0586 Tender Pot Roast Beef Spring Leg of Lamb Loin Roas~ of Pork e d and 1bl .RIUTONI o DInn.... 3 .... 20e WHITE • :511 WELSH ST. Rep.' P~illti1W. ",Ie U. S. No. 1 Hiley FIRST E Sn.VERWARE Farm BIOLOGICALS S • DAVE· WOOD and V • .,.ta.... Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Follett and 80ns Gordon and Dick, form': erl), o( Hal'vard a.venue, have movl'ER80!rAL ed to 20 Oberlin avenue. Mrs. Herbert T. _ t t of North Mr. and MI'8. E. A. Jenkins of PERSONAL-JU8t a reminder. M64l- c&. Masllla8e. Dewar BYstem. of epot Cheater road lett toda.y for Ventnor, North Chester road have returned reducing, Infra·red vapor bath. SeatN. J., to spend a week with Mr. and from a 10-day vlslt with Mr. and rice Schmidt and Elizabeth Carey. 1&2. Street. Weightman BulldlnJJ. )(1'& Norman H. Bassett. Mrs. Cho.rleB F. Jenkins at Buck Chestnut Room all. Mr. and Mra." Paul H. Belk of Hilt Fall.. PERSONAl-Vacuum cleaners. trons. Elm avenue are spending the Bum. LEO.u. !rOTroE8 toasters and radios repaired. Called. mer In New York where Mr. B"elk for and delivered. Call Robert Brooks, tlot be provided lor BBfVlllK" In Swarthmore 1648. Is teaching at the Columbia sum- should the oftloo of COuncilman of this Bormer Beulon. ough. Since the incorporatlon of this PERSONAL~ServJce on all make., of Borough In 1893, neither the BurgeB8 electric washers :Bendh Iliciuded), nor the members of Council have asked Ironers, vacuum cleaners, r&nll'8s, Irona. tor or received any compen8atlon for touter8, fan8 and lamps. Also wiring the performance of their publ1c duties. _ new and old. AU work compUes to It Is tbe opinion of Ute pl'e8ent Coun- Fire U.nderwriters -specifications. Can cn, concurred In by the Burgess. that Erkh JL Hausen. Swarthmore 28B{J..\V.: the best interests of this community If no answer: Swarthmore 0740. will be served by continUing 8.8 here-to:cre, and. therefore, this body goes PER SO' N A L _ SEPTEMBER 15 18 on record as renOUncing all rights to A-DAY compensation provided In any Acta of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania. PERSONAL _ Kiddie K&n!. Mothers. Passed this 14th day ~ JUly, A. D. while shopping or keepln&" your 1947. 8O<"Iai engagementlJ, leave your children ~ 3 t Dartmouth Avenue '1n our care. Organized play acLlvlty. Borough of SwarthnlOre Ages 2 to of. From 9-12 Ilrtd ·j-5. 15 By s. S. Rutherford Benjamin West Avenu~, Can SwarthP~ldent of COuncil . more 16'26-.1. Attest: Elllot.t Rlcha.I'dson For Secretary WANTED Approved this 14 day ot .July. A.D. 1947. WANTED - We will buy at beg! prlcee, old d11na. gl8.88, furniture. S. Paul Brown firearms. Call Holly Oak 4313 ',"}r Holly Burgess 1'r-?-18 Oak 6'120, coUoot tor appointment. All POURlNt» WOOL busineq confidential. Colonial Cup• board, No. 6 Philadelphia Pike, WUBATS AND BLANKETS mlngton, Delawarg. BOROUOH OF !8WIABTHMORE GOLD BOND c J.rseyWhlting FHleIs 2'" 25c ,027e , Icelandic Cod FIHets ,o17e .re..., Larg., Croak.... .re..., Large Sea Scallops· .. 55e Fre... 'Crab................ "6ge -', , ' · 31 FLOUNDER ~= Values Ca;"..full" 22&1 e . ..~ •• SICK. ROOM , ~~-------------- ~u,~~ L U e Ib + U Phone IIwa. JUS Painter. &Paper Hangen 3%'" Catering, Servloo-Speclal Children's Platters 40'1 J)lI.rtntouth A,·e. SwarUunore 0828-8 TOE , .PETER 01 NICOLA CUNNINGHAM N_.rI... H..... Dally D!oners 8Gc to '1.25 pr"~cr;pfion~ CompounJ"J B D Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete Since 1905 r---------------------------------------------------_ Mr: Laurence' Kent of Quillcy. III., vlsltcd his parents. Mr. and Mrs. RU88ell H. Kent ot Rlvel'vlew road for a lew days this week. I: 816 EDCMONTAVE. Cheller ~BaId_ll'O sa. CLASSIFIED ot Park avenue will .pend the week-end with Mr. Redding's uncle and aunt. Mr. "",d lira. William F. Redding of Hacket.tatown, M.. J. MASON BUILDERS ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUPPLY COMPANY· SPORTING GOODS Men'· FoJ'lllel"17 of UI5 W. leN", Aft•• l'IIJIa. DEW DROP INN Corkle's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Pemberton Dickson of Princeton avenue, left this week fot' Stone ~ Reese-Baxter Co. We Should Know _How wno have been visiting Mrs. Mc- Ridge, N. Y., where they will visit Mrs. Guy A. McCorkle. Mr. and Mrs. Wnrl'en R. U~l"nard and children Carolyn and Warren, Jr., ot Rutgers avenuc wHl return Sunday atter a two·wcek vacation at Avalon. N. J.< Mrs. Bernard's Jnother, Mrs. W. Hutchison spent last week with them. ••••••••••••••••••••••• F_a1 Director PLA.STIC tatton at Teela Wooket, Roxbury, s THE SWARTHMOREAN NEWS NOTES oJlice College Avenue Bulldlng, up t(t. 4 P.rn.. E.n.S.T., Thursday, August 'i, Ut'l. and open the bids at an adjourned meeting 01 the Board at the School District office on August 7, 1947, at 6 p.m.• or at a. ':Il~ting adjourned from that meeting. to Ia.y approxtmat~ly 182 feet of 16· diameter and 2« teet of IS"" diameter cement-asbestos flbre sewer pipe (Transite) extending from the eallool property, crossing under Princeton Avenue, and thence to the creek: east of Princeton Avenue. Specifications can be .secured between 9 a..m. and 4 p.m.. dally except Saturda}'13. Sund8.Y8, and holldays, at the School District office. The Board reserves Ute right to reject any or all bids in whole or in part and to award contracts on any item or items making up any bid. Section 2. CHIEF OF POLICE. The Chief of Pollep shall be t.he c.hfel rankIng officer ot the Depa.rtment. and. Bubject to the' directions ot the Burgess, shall have full charge and control o( the members or the Police Force. and the time, place and manner tn which the Borough POlice shall pertorm their respect.lve duties. " ·-W-A--N-"r-El-D:----:P:-o-•.,.lt1o:-:-n--7fO-r~IDY=c:·m=a;:'d:"', n\oruing:l. Best reference& Call Swarthmore 1168-.J afrer 6 P.ld. WtANTED _ To rent furn1sbed or un1urnlshed. apartment or email house. Two adults and teen.age daughter. Tel. Swarthmore 35S'l j!·O..tC. bA,..L.tO Section 3, DUTIES OF THE BOR- .tOUr .. h~ _ Hoy's ·bicY·~c;:le"""J"'",,","'r::," OUGH SECRETARY. The Borough. Secretary shall regularly. and as from to time requested by Borough Council, supervise the keeping of records by the Department of Pollee, Ita accounting metJlOds and handling o! Borough property assigned for . ita use, or any other property coming 1nto the custody of the Department ot Pollee. In addition to his secretarial duties, th.e Borough Secretary may be appoInted by BorOUgh CouncU to any onIee In the Department of Pollee, and when 80 appointed and sworn In. shall be invested v.1th all the authority' of sald offlcepollee and cfficer, shall besubject a. fully powered to emthe control o! the Burgess while discharg. Ing police functions. He ehall receiv~ no addItional compensation for pollee serv1ces unless Borough Council. by motion. resolution or. ordinance, shall so det.E:rmlne. Section 4. POWERS OF BURGESS. The Department ot Polloe shall be WIder tob\) direction or the Burgess 9.JI to the time during which. the place where, and the manner in which the me:nbers thereo! shall perform their duties. The Burgess may, for cause, and withQ"dt pay. sU8pen~ any pollceman u)\Ul the succeeding regular meetIng of Council, at which time Council -may discharge, reinstate or take oth-er appropriate action witl1 reference to such policeman, subject. .however. to the right of appeal to the Civil Service Commission. Section 5. POWERS OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. The Public SatetY .of Borough Council ::;hall general supervision of the Department ot Police, Its efficiency, and the qualification or the members thereof and the manner In which they d1ttcharge th-e1r duties. These powers shall be subject" however, to the powers of control given to the Burgess by statute. Section G. COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS. The members of the De· partment of Police shall receive suoh compensation as Borough CounCil has heretofore. by :notion, resolution or ordlnance, fixed for their respective o!fices. untu the' same shaD hereafter be changed in whole or 11) part by Bor-: ough Counci1_ Borough Council shan have the rIght at any time, by motion or otherwise, to change of such compensation and the the amount time and Jl¥l,nner of paying the same. Ume Section 7. EFFECTIVE DATE AND 3T-7-18 REPEALER. This ordinance aball be-come etrecUve the 1st !d]onda.y of January. IHS, and Ordinance No. 429, approved January 19, 1940. and Ordinance No. 362. approved November 8. BOROUGH OF 8WARTHMORE 1914, and all other oTdlnances. motions and resolutions 01' parts thereot, InRESOLUTION COIlslstent .herewith. are repealed aa of said date. RENOUNCING SALARIES FOR Passed this 14th day Of July. A.D. COUNCILMTo~!,-· IlK7. ,V. E. Dungan. rOI boy 12 lO lb . .l!lxcel1ell~ condJuoll. "4.I..oo.1IY Ill.UUenl l~a\urelS ::>ucu .tJ.2I UOUD".~ Kuee ciCClOll, 1t'dH.Wlgnt auU. not·lI. .swat UlmOl~ lP~.1I ALler .1"'0. £00118 6:~ l~.M. ;QUo bALB--Uaed nWioa. reconl playC~o, ......cUUlll Cleaners, reaao.nabty pnced. l""dl It.obert .d1'Ooks, :swarl,£) 154:s. .b UJ"(. ~ _ Boy's btcycle ill good condition. $10. CoJ.l Swa.rt1unure u:bJ~. FOR SA.I...E _ Rose American o::ii!rii'iJ rug. ~x.12-$5U;. s:n.aU rug to tnatch~5. !iulluoir chair Wilh cover. Swarthmure :!3,.96~.~R.;=-==:-=o:_==-;:::= :-: FOR SALE Twin Iron bods. brass trim: springe and mattresses. .l.a.rge comfortable rock~r. Phone Swarthmore 25'2:!. FO::;';R"""SA""'LC"El""'--;U"S::.::d"'Fr:;;:;C,g::,Cid;;ajhr:;;.C".<6-:c:;;u;;b:;;:'c capacity. sl&e 23 Inches deel', 2$ wide• 58 high, two ice trays, vegetable crisper; i50. Also used .hat water boll. ",,,,"~I Ch Tel er, 100 gallon l.:a.-.tY. eap. . Swarthmore 0608-M. FOR .RENT FOR RENT-C'ape May; 'Veil located furnished first fioor corner, apart-" ment. (i. l·oom. screened l)Qrch faclug ocean. $5000 August 1Ist-Sel.tember 30th. ReCerellces. Reply to Box. J, Tht! t;wart,hmorean• :;,:;;;,:~~====-==:::-;;::-===::: FOR HEN'!' - Two~ rooms in attractive house Oll the hill. S~th­ more 1676. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, Park Avenue. from July ~O to Sep6 S h ~te;;;m~be~r~;;,,':;;,;w~a;rt~m""o"'~~l7:77;:6:;-,;W:;.,::;;:-::= FOR RENT - July 28.AUgUst. 28, cool hOlUie. Mrs. Herman 'Vittmeyer. Moylan, Pa. Media 2469.. LOHT LOST-80metime during yea,.. gold wrist watch. initials M. A.. brown linen strap. Substantial reward. Tel. o s,;w:,;a"'"th",m 'iii:,,,re;:-:G,;6;::8;::4':-'=-=:A-:'::;;:;;--';; LOST Two keys on red string. Reward. Return to Swarth.-norean 0(· -fte;""'"",,,==,,=:;:-=:;-;=.-.:=:;:-= LoST-Small boy's red and black bike on Swarthmore Av~nue. Call Swartnmore 0139. ;:'~~~~~:;:;:~~~U~"~D~;::;:;;=:::;::;;;:;:;;: FOUND-Man's wrist watch on brIdle path In back of Field House lut' week. C~lI Swarthmore H03.W. Secretary & WAI'I'E yALE _d CRwtEk ROADS BoroughofSwartbmon> By S. S. Rutllerfonl Presidflnt of. Counc" .., At_, liIuott RIdIardoon -~ AIJIJ- tilt. 14th da:r 01 JulY, A.D. Ski• SWARTIIIIOIlE lise • ' • Charles E. Fischer Builder SAwli e 1213 I • • lIlore.Pa. 8 Summer School Clo.e. (Continued from Page 1) schools, Agnes Brady, conunerclal teacher at tbe Haddon Heights high 8chool 1n New Jersey being one. and tbe other, MlBs Strouse, who 18, teacning LaUn aa well a.s supervising French. The other twelve are cadct tcn.chers trom var10us Colleges Including West Chester State Teachers' College. and esperlenced out-ot.-state teachers chalking up hours' fOl' their Pennsylvania State certificates. The majorIty of the out-side stu- TAKE THE' LEAD dents attending the school are mak.. Ing up (allures. The majority of the Swarthmore p,",plls are jacking up grades and conditions or getting a. firmer foundation In their low subjects before taking the advanced courses. A third and smaller group are previewing' courses they plan to take in the tall. The school does Gr~e not discourage this last group, but It haa lound that previewing works The CUppers followed up ~helr better In science and blstory than In languages or math where the baseball victory over Graco Park ground Is covered too quickly for on Independence Day with another wIn over the same team on the a beginner to tollow. opponents' fleld Thursday afterHowever, the next two weeks noon of last week. The score WM cannot go' by too quickly tor any JR. NINE PROVE GOOD BALLMEN Clippers Twice Beat Park Team one of the g;roups, for. while even 9-8. Th.ts team ls coached by RU88ell the students can be torced Into admitting that summer school is a. Snyder who . also coaches the good thing, no one will be happier Hornets ~nd the American Legion than they when August 1 hits, the Team ,under the sponsorship of the Swarthmore Recreation ABso· town-unless It's the teachers. elation. Twenty-se,\'en Clippers pa.rtlclpated tn this second game of tho SeaHon. Ho.ot, Allison and Ziegen1'us shared plt~hlng duties. On FrldaJy they played another fine game executing two double plays 'In the field and hitting at opportune momentS to defeat Prospect Park on the Ri'veryiew Field bY a. Bcore ot STEAKS - CHOPS 7 to 3. Hilkert, Hoot and Zlegenfus SEAFOOD Our Speci·lty did the hurling. . Frida)', " . 18, IM1· TN E S WAR T HMO REA N Mrs. Lyman A.. Darling and 80D John of Lafayette: avenue spent lut week-end :In New York visit.. .Ing Mrs. Darling's sister. Mrs. Frank Suchanek. Mr. E. C. Freegard of I4nsIng. Mich.. ha. been vlBlti1'g hlB BOn and daughter-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wlillam Freegard of Swarthmore avenue, tor a. couple of weeks. Miss Anne Kraus ot' Benjamin West avenue and Miss Heleo·Vedder of PhJladelphla are spend'1ng their vacation at Ocean City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lang of Ma.ple avenue entertained Mrs. Lang's brother-In-law: and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Dinsmore Wood and family of Kewanee. Jll., who were herE' on a lO-day vIsit. MIStJ Mal.,.' Jo Hitchcook of the Swarthmore Apartments and severa] fl1ends are motoring through the west stopp.tng at numerous Na,tlonal Parks, including the Grand Canyon. Yosemite. yellowstone and ., PlAY TONIGHT ......................... If your line is a party- VOL A COOL SHOP Une, keep calls ,Ilrief • - • and space calls so that • (Continued "'trom Page 1) Wednesday night was the.blg one for the team and they came through with ftyhig colors to shut out Drexel HUI by a. score of 1 to O. Johnny poole llltcncd hll' usual brilllant game with no walks given up and ple:nty of strikeouts at the right time. He WaR backed up by errorleB2!t fielding from every boy on the tea.m. Spet}tacular catches were made by Larry Dalton and Harry Warren in the field. and Harry also a.dded another triple to his record. This WMI the ninth win in ten games and brought the first baseball championship Qf any kind to Swarthmore that anyono seems able I to remember. Coach Snyder and his aggregation deserve.a great deal ot credit tor their showing this BELL-TWIN GRINDER others may use the line in between, Courtesy is eatclJing. It means better service for all concerned. Lawn Mowers Sharpened by Machine Other tools abo sharpened Saws Set and Filed Quick Service· 1044-10th Avenue RUTLEDGE, PA. 0alI . and DeUver Phone: _ 0118-1\1 ~•~::~~:::=~=~=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:.. •• • ever-widening circle of customers is evidence of service that satisfies the discriminating floral trade, OUf and \ Decoraled Candles * * her" Ballo. PIke Spriligfteld Pa. Phone SWa.0450 We Telegrapb Flowers, " Oriental Rugs Cleaned Many of .......... lao... fa o.Ia- 'BOI- '18"'. RUaS fOR SILl ... eo.atr ....., - ..din. . . . Oriental .... to Pa~ho..'. . " . they nc.w. indMcIuoI . . tention. 91[12 ORIENTAlRugs $6.50up Mr. H. Lindley Peel of Columb.ia avenue and Mr. A. ~avid of Harvard avenue lett tni'''''' jOin tbelr tnmiUe@ In Vt., tor-two·weks. Mrs. , Herman- Wittmeyer 1>,"M"v_ Ian with her daughter Josephine Is visiting 'mother. Mra;-i-"!:ji";H. Spafford ot Bedford HUls, N. Y., for the remainder of the summer. Louise Wittmeyer 18 sum!Uering with relatives in North Carolina, Eleanor Jean Carter and Janet Cart~r of Elm avenue wlll spend next week In New York v.islUng their cousin. Mrs. IJnc;.oln Brow.;. nell. Wednesday-9:30 to 1:00 Ho_9:30 to .5:30 . Councilmen, Auditor, School Directors Uneontested - alice barber, ·gifts OLD BANK BUILDING •••••••••••••••••••••••• Swarthmore 0504 , OUTSTANDING .VALUE and ......... wIIWa 7 ...,. .. .; ~",.", Full-Length Talon Zipper "" ,ith • 'w. Colors: red, navy, wpen, royal. (JJIester 7183 Sizes 12 to 20 possession. Dispensing Opticians • Experts in the Making and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses 1923 .Chestnut Sh-eet - - Philadelphia. :6913 Market Street - Upper Darby, 827 l;aaeuter Ave. .' BI'JIl Mawr,P" - , ------- MoyI-.Penna stone home situated on beautifully landscaped acre tract. 16 rooms, 3 baths, and many other OUl:-1 standing features. yalue bas. not changed period of years. Call , ~: I I The artistry of Schildu hits an all-time high with the dancing· doll polka dot in t~ese new full-length housecoats. High· pointed collar, .two .generoUs poCkets, wide, flowing.. sweep, mate this crea,tion an e1tc~ptional value. " s-r..~~ ~ " ,-,.'. . Local Team Routs Prospect Park PATIENT'S· SWIM AT MORR'OW POOL. 22-2 GUEST PREACHER Tournament Winners To Receive Medals McCABE HEAD .OF CHESTER DRIVE "- Swarthmore. Penna. J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. until after August 1. 0' Clever Pony Fails In Getaway l 523 Welsh SL, Chester, Penna.. 3 story stone and home, 11 rooms, 3 full baths, baths. 3-car garage; LEGION CHAMPS ,REST THIS WEEK NINE INJ. Poole. and D. Swan 8TH STRAIGHT WIN In ~~tar SUMMER CLUB, " SWEENEY & LUKENS tax~:c~:s:!ry ThE< Parke Dodd will be away from her office GAY TIME FOR ScLifJu Housecoats of Fine French Crepe 8·95 DR. WIUIAM B. PUGH Dr. To Talk · At P resby t erUtn Church Saturday. 1 P. M. During July &: August 11 Park Ave. Flowers Cb_ Flowerle.. , Containers will be out again this Wednesday, July 23 for fiower contrlbuUooa trom anyone in the COmmunity lVho would llke to his garden .wlth the patients of the Ph,tladelphla General HOSPital. This ls tlte la8t time this year that Mrs. W. Mark Bittle. representative of th~ Rel1gious Society of Friends will have charge of Flowers ·tor the Flowerless. Next week, Mrs. Paul M.· Paulson will be in charge of the collecUon for the Methodist Church. SPEAKS SUNDAY WILL CLOSE ------- ~~ned FJElD $3.00 YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY; JULY 25,1947 -Local ReSIdents Offer Use Of PIT Crippled Furriers Tailors with NORWOOD The championship American Le-. gion Junior Baseball Team has been Idle this week except for AccordIng to practice Beulons. Coach Russell Snyder, wno is in The Hornets baseball team tuck- a large degree conformlot tradition and olter. no responsible for· contest to the part:r men who have ed two more victorIes under their their successes this year, the bo:rs rued for the three Council vaca.nbelt during the past week. defeating appear to be in good shape. Grace Park Friday evening 6 t.o 1 cle., thr.....8chool Board directors. and the pOSition ot Borough AudiOn Tuesday a small group of and smothering Prospect Park to~ Wednesday 22 to 2. Monday night's Swarthmoreans Journe:red to LanArthur R. Dana of Elm avenue. • game with Letpervtlle was rained caster, Pa., 1'or the, Cheswuuam B. GehrIDg ot UnlveJ;S!ty ter and Lancaster County Legion out. place. and Dr. John 1\1. Pear.on which Dana Wednesday's game gave the local AIl-Star Game In ot Cornell' avenue, all long-time 00 ~ boys little opportunity to show Swan nod Johnny' Poole had been residents ot Bwartlunore who have The two teams their usual form. The starting chosen to lliay. ralsed their famUles bere, are the It it were Dot for the wheel "hair line-up of Patton, D. Swan. Laws, of star players 'were bandied by aspirants to COUDCU. President S. and crutches lying around the Streater, 'Thorbahn, Houtz. Buri'ock, managers of the Lancaster and S. Rutherford and George Allen edge, It would hardly be noticeable Bradford. Tarr. blasted any hope Harrisburg teams In the Inters~te are retiring from Council.' Mr. to the casual observer" of a WedMr. al}d Mrs. Robert that Prospect may have had by League, Geh,rlng Is pu~hasing agent for ~u­ nesday or Friday atternoon, that Balr. Mrs. Oliver Swan. Art Mac~ugh rolling up nino runs 'In the first Pont, who 'WaR appointed several the major1ty' ot the swimmers at Kenzie and John Bair saw Johnny three Innings. From there on months ago tQ til. the unexpired the Morrow pool are anything but Poo!e pitcll three Innings during Swarthmore had things all tMlr term of Ho:ward Turner, is flUng pert'e~t1Y' healthy young people. The which he gave_ up only one scratch own wa.y. and evcn with tho'right for re-election. All will be 1'Ollr- large wooden cnair sitting In the hit and struck out three men. in Dr. WtlUam Barrow Pugh, -guest handers batting left handed and , year terms. Dr. Dana Is an execu- shallow end or the pool might addition to handllng one' ot the the of a Hn8Jlcial InstitUtion and a arouse Borne curiosity. and' the preacher at the Swarthmore Prc8- vice vei."Sa, 13 more runs crossed fteldlng gems of tne day. Johnny byterlan Church this Sunda}· hOB the plate before the finn,l out. member of t~e boaI'd of directors y~lIow rubber boat and almost exIn the meantime. Laws and Barr did not give up a run. 'Dana Swap. ot the Swarthmore Niltlonal Bank. cesslv9 display of tire tu'bes might been stated Clerk in the U. ·S. A.. was behind the plate for four InDr. Pearson heads ihe expel"imental excite a comment or two. But the since 1938. He has bad an out- took tUrns a.t pitching but the op- nings and played a. bnngup game. department of the Sun' on Com- shrieks, giggles and squeeks com- standing record as a church states- position was stili held scoreless In three times at, bat Dana drew pan~. blned' with smiling fS:ces and ener- man and leader. and under his ad- when run actor run was cut off at a base QD balls, sacriftced once, :lild Prospect Park's two Richard Snyder of Da.rtmouth getic splBBhlng8 ccrtn.lnly belle minIstration the church has mad'J the plate. impressive gains In finances, memtallies call\e In the last inning when reached 11rst on an error. avenue who ha.'4 been with the the fact that these water enthuThe Swarthmore team which Is bershlp and influonce. the entire Hornet tenm was playing Swarthmor(> Nattonal Bank for slasts are polio, patients coming under th& sole sponsorship ot the Dr. Pugh returned to Phlladel- In the Infield and three lusty swats ~any years Is running for audi- from all over Delaware County tor Amer1can Legion Post has a big tor, Donald P. Jones of Vassar hydra-therepeutlc treatments pro- ph1D. In February after a. seven salted' over their heads. playotr coming up tor the DelaTonight' the Hornets are sehedavenue CODtroll'Jr and board mem- Vlded by' the Delawar.e, Co'unty weeks' trip to Great Brittan and ware County Championship., Probthe continent ot Europe, In which uled to play Norwood on the Rive1'bar ot tho_ ~n 011 Company, re- Chaptor 01' the National Fotindaable opponents will be Upland who he conferred w1th ehurch leaders. view Field. Monda.y they meet EdIInqutshtng the poet of auditor to ~p~ ot Infantile F'aralysts. ,a:re:', ~~~ee~!1:)o"'1n in ,he BOuth· d~llvered addrosaes betore .u,d.m\,.,1 dya~ona, ..t:.~~dy~t.~ne ~d Wednef!~ file 'for n ~x:,ycar ,Rchool. Boatd' 'sinCe itS' foundation In 1939:.the laymen and clergy. day tak~, on Tinicum' in anot,her em 'division of, the Cuunty League; post· :replaoiDg' Jantes H. ~()rnaday. Chapter. has been searching for a and according to Tom Moore, who In the course of his vistt. Dr. away game. Dr. David McCnnan of Strath ponl in which to administer the scouted Upland this week, tho boy!! Pugh spoke berore church leaders -------iHaven avenue., professor of Insur- hydra-therapy that 'bas 'done so have a better than e~en chance to ance at tbe University ot Pennsyl- much for paralysis victims. And in London, Edinburgh and Belfast, win and go on to, Intercounty playvanta.. Is running 1'01' a second slx- now, through tbe gener08ity of the In Brussels. AmlJterda~. Prague. of!s. It should be remembered that year te1'm ~ aohool director. Wlillam Morrows ot 14rvard ave· Geneva and Paris. The trip was there are 1273 Legion teams tn made In ·be'balt of the Alliance of ;•. Dungan, appointed in Aprll nue, each, Wednesday and Frhlay Pennsylvania. when F. Norton Landen' resigned, afternoo~ haa been set aBide for the Presbyterian and I\eformed Since t;tte southern divIsion of the files for elcatlon to -the two-year express use ot the chapter and its Churches. Probablyno chUrch leader In league has not completed their balance of :Mr. 14ndon's unexpired charges. • America has traveled more widely regular season, the date of a playterm. Mr. D1mga.n Is an engineer SUPERVISED SlVDmIlNG than Dr. Pugh. In 1943, and again oft game cannot be announced as w,lth tbe Y1sco8e Compa~. Twenty patients last Friday. in in 19"6 he made a t1'lp around the yet, but 1t Is expected that it will various stages of recovery were world as chairman ot the General be played on Saturday. July 26. paddling in and about the pool in with District playo1!a beginning on Commission on Army and Navy cbrrespondlng stages of activity. The construction ot a bird bath Monday the 28th. Chaplains,' On October 18. 1946, Dr. ~he mildest cas~s cJ.tved and swam has been comp1eted by the fou1'Pugh received a Certificate of ADO' in the deep end the pool with yeur olds at Rutgers Avenu ..! only a. lite guard or two keeping pr'ectatlon from the United States Sch·ool. It was Ii cooperaUve proa wary eye out for trouble. The Navy. in appreciation of his large ject with some little peoplc mi:o.~­ youngest chlIdren and the severest service to Naval personnel. nnd his Ing cemcnt. some covering forms. Thomas B. of North cases were concentrq,te'd In the wiAe COlinsel. thought, and service. and some gathering decorative Chester road, president ot tbe Scott shallow end. each with a person duriug his. special visits to naval stone6 from the play-ground A pony who ca.ret'ully 10ckR the Paper Company. Chester, Is general to help or encourage him with the stations. during the war. Thc group. which _hus als~ been stable door behInd him when he Early in 194-6 Dr. Pugh toured hunting a turtle to add to the wild decides to take a nocturnal stroll ohalrlnan of thls faU·s Community exercises. the Wester'n'States In hehalf of the Fund Drive In Chester. Louise" a·l~ttl6.. girl of eight or so, Ufe collected at Rutgers. found. Iwasb,ppprehe,nded ;mturday mornRestoration Fund of the Presbyng y atro man .. oseph Guida ot Mr. Mccabe announced yester- hung from the edge of the pool Its quarry on a recent Field Trip. th e b oroug h poIIceo day that Chester and Philadelphia and kicked her feet. the best exer· terian Church in the U. S. A. Dr. Pugh hus 'been American Dianna Dlslndus' waded Into the will join in the next cooperative clce possIble for abdominal muscles At 12:30 A. M. July 19 the secretary 01' 'the .World A1l1ance of str~nm to catch him. campaign and cooperatively raise stUl paralyzed front the disease. In pony's owner.-' Mr. McKee, ot 117 and Retormed Three-Ycar-otds money 1'or Delaware County welfare the green chair, Bo~by, a wife and Presbyterian Rutledge avenue, Rutledge. exChUrches since 1936. He has been a The thr~e-year-olds spent a. Citedly telephoned the Swarthagencies. mother of two children, exercised While maintaining 'theIr seperate her legs. Stricken two years ago, member ot the Exccutive Commlt- morning palntlng out under tho more Borough radio operator Ar.. Identities" fbe strength of the Com- and paralyzed from her neck down, tee ot the Federal Councll of trees. There was much con centra- thur Graefensteln reporting his munity Fund of Chester and the Bobby spent the early part of her Churches-slnce 1932. He is secretary tton and papers wcre filled with brown -and white pony missing unCommuntty Chest of Philadelpbla recovery in a respirator. She now of tho Deparbnent of Church Co- green, y.cI1ow a.nd red paint. Clay der mysterious clrcumstance.a, the will be pooled. has controL ~f her arms and t1'unk. operation and Union. of thc Pres- modelling, interesting work to all, stable door stil1 being locked. There are 21 health. welfare and and is working on her legs and feet. bytcrlan Church in the U. S. A .• and from the thrcQ-}'car-old' pancake. Within the next half hou l' Payouth guidance agencies in Dela- Relaxing comfortably In the water Is a member of the Joint drafting makers to those who model leaf trolman Guida had located the paper tiny equine at Eighth and Swarthtrays and ware County participating In the BobbNooked the pictu1'e of health. committee of the Presbyterian ush Community Fund ot Chester. Ano- Her only comm.ent in reference to ChUrch in the U. S. A. and mOre avenues, undoubtedly making ther 11 agencies' operating In the her recove- was the cheerful re- Presbyterian Church In t'be U. S. Primnr:r Group ,his way to Swarthmore, The county :receive tnelr 1'unds trom mark that "It was a lot of work," Dr. Pugh was graduated from the , Friday was the big day borough must have become enthe Philadelphia Chest. Six agenCies One' of the advantages of the celebrated Central High School of for the and primary deared to the animal when he ~ __ fu C receI Y&UI!j u4s from the hester hydra-therapy Is, that It glve& Phlladelphla and Is o on theu roll p s who h'ad a swimming party brought his cart over last month ,g r Fund also are aided by_ the PhUa- much confidence to the patient honored alumni. of the school. He Morrow's poll. EVen some of to give ehlldren rides on Lafayette d epa. I hi CheaL himself. In the all' he is working worked his way through the Unl'b c,o."pletln'~1 the ftve-year-olds can ·swlm.' but aven~e In connection with t:'he Because b oth the C ester and agaInst gra.vity, while In water vel'8lty 01' Pennsylvania. ~ lad are adjusted to the water. Methodist ChUrch Fair. P'fii elphla tunda tn past years there Is a. buoyancy to help htm. a lour year course In three years. allThe primary group is working have solicited separately in county and he feels he has a bettE"r con- In 1912. Dr. Pugh was graduated hat"d to prepare a program for SEASONED ACl'OR commualUes, and. among the in- trol. Mary Louise Wilson Is phy~ with the M. A.. degree from Prlnce- parents on the last da.y of school. Keith Andes nephew of Mr. and dustrlee., with oaeasIonal frlCUOD 'a1otherapiBt tn cluirge of the pool ton University. a}"d In 1913 he was Mrs. J ~ Francis Taylor who Is Mrs. Charles Andes 'ot RutgerR aveand duplication. the decision to with phyJdotheraplBt Henry S. K. graduated with the B. D. degree the director of .the Rutgers Aveoperate jamUl" Ja halted by leaden !Kearn and exeouUve secretary 1<'OtI'I from Princeton Theological Semln- nue grouP. reports -that all groups nue. a graduate of Upper Darby and, workers IUS a torwar4 step.. Palmer &BBistInR' her. Beginning ary. He was ordained to the mlnis- are having a Buccessful summei. High Scbool and Temple Unlverslty and a former singer at Trinity Chalrm&D IIcCabe points out that thla week they will be aided by try by Pl"eobytery of Pt.II.~elpl.1a I Aleo expre8Blng their approval of Church. Swarthmore. playa one of both Cheater and Philadelphia ha"" another phyBlotheraplst. lira. 'R. In 1916. the work being done this s':1mmer the three brothers in the' movie Btreqth to offer each other ID a Van del' Grachtln of Harvard ave"The Farmer's Mrs. Alexander Ewing of Dart- are two mother wrena who production of ea-ordlnated oaDlPa\sll. nue. 10'" 0JIAFTER8 mouth avenue returned home just moved ioto the brand new Daughter" currently appearing on ·"Cheater Ma &CICOIIlp1lahed muah There are 10'10 chapters of the Tu~Y after a ~:i:_week \tip by flower pot, hOUBe8 buttt tor -their nelgbborh_ ""reen", Keith playlit Ita h01Ule-to-hoUBe eollcllaUo..... to Honolulu. where sbe convenience. Everyone was moat ed the lead In '"The Chocolate SolwhUe PhiladelPhia IIu _n sua- Ol'B&D.fSatlon thrOnahout the u.>It.>d1 81 . . .11 of them Lt. Col. Edwin C. Interested. In the bird tamlU.... dier" which juattlnliohed on Broad- . . J lit oIIto thfl m Tlmum :yvay and &\80 pla:red .. 1~IDg role _port of _ _ .J'. labor &84 tile hc;p. oiomecJq of an Indoor and alt p l by thlB ..,IuPODl au Ita 0""- Home _ _ to-the w ..... hoUSIng ahortage. In the Anioy 0lIl0... ,>W\ftged Vicpeople of n1lMaatial a .. n .. " lae mlue,(0 tory:' Ila. . _ ~ .) . (COiltinUed on Pap 4) Although the county at large is anticipating a very, heated and b1tter contest oil the ticket in the Septem~er prlm:.try election, Swa.rthblore contlnu(>s Its llon~ \, HARRIS &. CO. FOR RESULTS UST YOUR PROPERTY 30 HOT WEATHER SHOPPING . NEWS NOTES During July and August we will be closed Saturday at noon and all day Sunday. NO"eUJ of the They northern nalt champions of DeJaware year. are n9W of County. There will be a playotr game with winners In the southern division soon, but,the time and date ot the game will have to bo a.n .. noynced later. .It Is hoped tbat everyone will be on hand to cheer the boys to even greater laurels. l~NO. G.O.P.:ALES SEVEN FOR BORD OfFICE lor I Legion Win. 9th Game AT ' Completely Air.ConditioDed ... in party-line courtesy I E. SWARTHMOREAN HORNEI'S returning' by way ot Banft', C&n&da. Mr. and ltlrs. A.. B. Gorman of the S~arlhmore ,Apartments bave returned after spending a. few days In Hershey. . In:,. r<:~>"~,,, " ' - - ',,,,, .. .~'~./ ~;. ",.. MI4. & _ _,.,....,e awlm~·;W~r~~it:;~~Wl~n~u~e~tr;hje;"e:~8~h~e~·I" i we:... ,. • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE • • .::;\"Iarthr,lQre Cvllece Library Swarth morc, Pa. THE 8 Summer School Closes (Continued from. Page 1) schools. Agnl's llrady, cOllllllel'cial teacher at the Haddon Heights high 8(')100) in New Jel'Hey being one, aud the othel', Miss Htrouse, who is teaddng I..aUn as well as supervising li'rench. rl'hc otheJ' twelve an~ cadet tcaChel'H fl'om various t.:ollt:"ses including We!;t Chester State T(..~hers' College, and expcl'icnc<:>d out-of-state teachel'S chalking up hOUl'S for their Pennsylvania Stato c(·I,tificut('s. 'I'ill' m~.jorit}' of the oul-:Midc st1l- TAKE dents attending the school arc mak- JR. NINE PROVE GOOD BALLMEN ing UI) fa,lun's. "'he majority of the Swarthmore IHlI)ils 0.1'0 Jacking up grades and conditions or getting a firmer ioundation In their low subjects before taking the advanced courses. A third and smaller groUp are previewing' COUl-SOS they plan to take in the fall. The school does nol discourage t1llR last group. but It has found that previC!wtng worl,s better in sclence and history than in languages Or math w'here the ground Is covered too quickly for a beginner to foHow. John of Lafayette avenue spent last week-cnd Jo N{'w York visit- Mr. and MI"a. A. D. Gormlln ot the Swa.othmore AI>Urlment.1 bave returned after sponding a. few da')rs TIl(> ClippenJ followed up their hasehall victory over Graco Park on lndclJendence Day with another win 0\'01' the same team on tho OPI)Onent~' field 'rh ursday afternoon of lust \\:cek, 'rhe score was 9-8. '),hls it-am 19 ('OIH'lwd hy Ru~ell S1U'de,' who ,,11'10 coaches the Hornets and the Amcric:1.n Legion T('arn undel' tllt· sponsol'ship of the :-;'w,1I'Ol1nor(' Heett'ation AHSO· c!atlon. Twcnty.scvcn CIi}Jpert; participal('(1 in thi:;; ~econd gamo of tho sca!ion. Hoot. Allison and Ziegenfu8 shart~d pitching duties. On It'rida'Y 1ht'Y JllaYl'd another fine game ex('euting two dOl1hle plays ~n the fieltl and hitting at opportune 'Jno!n('llts to defeat Prospect Park on the Riverview Field by a score of 7 to 3, Hilkcrt. HOut and Ziegenfus did the hurling. THE LEAD Mrs. Lyman A. Darling and flon returning by way of BanfT, CAnada. Clippers Twice Beat Gra(!e Park Team However. the n("xt two ·weeks cannot go by too quickly for any one of the groUI)S. for. while even the studf)nts can be forced into admUting that summer school Is a good thing, no one will be happier than they when August 1 hth; t)lC town-unless it's the teachers. CHOPS SEAFOOD Our Specialty STEAKS Friday, July 18, 1947 SWARTHMOREAN ing l\lrN. DOlI'lIng's J....ank Huchuncl(. td8ter. .Ml's. If your line is a partyline, keep calls .l>rief ••• and space calls so that others may use the line in between. Courtesy is catching. It means better service fur all concerned. Legion Wins 9th Game (Continued ;from Page 1) 'Vednesday mght was the,big one for the team and they came through with flying colOl's to shut out Drcxel Hill by a score ot 1 to O. Johnny Poole )litc'heel hb( usual hrlliiant game with no walks given up and plenty of strikeouts at the right time. He was ba.cked up by errorless fielding f,'om every boy on the team, Rpedacular catches I BELL-TWIN GRINDER Lawn Mowers Sharpened by Machine Other tools also sharpened Saws Set and Filed l. ... erc made by Harry Warren The BBiI Telephone Company of Pl!flllsylYania Larry in tbe"I)alton field. and Harry also adde(l another trivle to hiR record, This Wa}; the ninth win in ton games and brought the first babeball cltampions'hip of any kind to Swarthmore that anyone seems able to remember, Coach Snyder and his aggregn tinn (lC'.!-Ierve. a great dE"al of credit for their showing this Quick Service· 1044-I0th Avenue RUTLEDGE, PA. Call and Delt ver Phone: Swarthmore 0128-1If ~=~=~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 1 C7 /) I Jlower:J. :; 1 • • Our ever-widening circle of customers is evidence of service that satisfies the discriminating floral trade. During Jllb' ;.and August we will be closed Satul'du.y at, noon nod all day SWlda)'. No,'clty Greeting and I llecornted Curds C-andles, I Mr. E. C, J"I'cegurd o( E.ut Lans- • • • • • • • • • •'•••••••••••••• ing, Mich., hUH heen vi&lpng hil:l son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and 1\Irs. William 1~I'ccgard or Swarthmore uvenuc. for a. couvle of weeks. for A COOL SHOP ~[jss Anne Kraus of Benjamin We.t avenue and Miss Helen Veddel" of Ph.iladclphia al'c sJJcnding thcir vacation at Occan Cit)', N, J. Mr. and ::\oIl'S. 1~. R, Lang ot Maple avcnuc entertained Mrs. Lung's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and 1\'Irs, DinsmOI'C \Vood and family of Kewancc, 111.. who wel'e hcr(' on a 10-day visit. .l\llss Mal"Y .To Hitchcock of the Swarthmore Apartments and several frlends are motoring through the wcst stopp.ln" at numerous National Parks. including the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, YellowstoPl.l and HOT WEATHER SHOPPING Hours-9:30 to 5:30 alice barber, "gifts OLD BANK BUILDING •••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 HARRIS &. CO. Furriers Tailors I 1 Balto. l)lkc Phone Springtlel Rlln Oil Compan)'. Richard Snyder of Dartmouth l\VenlU, whu ha.!-l been with the Bank for Swarthmor(' National many year~ is rUnning for auditor, Donald p, Jone:; of Vassar avenue contl'ol1~'r aHd board member of the Sun 011 COml)any, rellnQuishing the po:;t of auditor to fil~ C·.)r a si."{-yt"lX !-;c'hool DOfll"U post 'l'eplacln.J; James H. Hornaday, Dr. David MeCa·han of Strath Haven avenu(~, professol' of Insurance n t th(> University of Pennsylvania, is running for a second sixyear term a.... school director. ::\11". _Dungan, appOinted in April when J-.... Norton Landen resigned, files for ('Iection to 'the two-year balance of Mr. Landon's unexpired tOI'm, Mr. Dongan is an tmglnecr with thn Viscose Company, Flowers Cbeer Flowerless Office Closed Containers will be out again this Wednesday, July 23 tor flower contributions trom anyone In the C9mmunlty wbo would like to shu I'e his garden with the patients or the Philadelphia General Hospital. This Js th·o last timo this year that Mrs. W. ~lark Bittle, representative of the Religious Society of li'riends will have charge of Flowers for toe Flowerless. Next week, Mrs. Paul M. PaulBon wUl be in charge of the colleclion for the Methodist Church. Tho tax collector, Mary Pal'l~e Dodd will be away from hc'" office until after August 1. HORNET NINE IN 8TH STRAIGHT WIN Local Team Routs Prospect Park 22-2 LEGION CHAMPS REST THIS WEEK J. Poole and D. Swan In t!!!tar 'l'ho champlonshlp American Legion been The artistry of Schildu hits an all-time high with the dancing doll polka dot in t~ese new full-length housecoats. High pointed collar, two generous pockets, wide, flowing. sweep make this creation an exceptional value. Speare's First Floor . , Junior Baseball Team has idle practice this week sessiOns. except for According to Coach nu~el1 Snyder. wno is in a large degreo responsJble (01' cd b .... o morc vietorie!!! under theil' their successes this year, the boys hdt during the past week, defeating appear to bo in good shape. GI'aCH Park Friday evcnlng 5 to 1 On Tuesday a small group of and smothering Prospect Pari\: "\Ycdnesday 22 to 2, Monday night's SWarthmOl'eaIlS journeyed to with Leil}('I'\'ilJe was rain('d caster, Pa., for the Delaware, Ches· tel' and Lancaster County Legion out, All-Star Game in which Dana 'VeclJl.esday's game th£:; local Swan and Johnny Poole had been boys liltle opportunity to show chosen to play. The two teams theil' usual form. ']'he starting If it wero not for the wheel chair line-up of Patton. D, Swan, I_'l1.vs, of st..'1.r players were handled by and crutches lying around the Streeter, Thorbahn, Houtz, Bullock, managers of the Lancaster and edge, it would hardly be noticeable Bradford, "ran', blasted an;)' hope Harrisburg teams in the Interstate to the casual observer. of a "Ved~ lII·. and Mrs. Robert that Prospect may have had by League. nesday or Friday afternoon, that Dair, 1\"1rs. Oliver Swnn. Art Macrolling up nine runs in tbe first the majority of the swimmers at Kenzie and John Bail' saw Johnny ~hrec Innings, From there on the Morrow pool arc anything but Poole pitch three innings during Swarthmore had things nil their perfe~tly healthy young peopll). r.rhe which he gave up only one scratch own wa}~, and even with the right large wooden cimir sitting in the handers batting left handeu anu hit and struck out three men, in Dr. William llt\!TOW Pugh, J..;"uest shallow end of the pool might vice vel'sa. ]:! morl' runs CI'ossed addition to handling ono 'of the arouse some curiosity, and the preacher at the Swarthmore Pres- the plate before t)lC final out. fielding gems of ihc day. Johnny ye.llow rubber boat and almost ex- byterian Chlll'ch thh'! Sunday has In the meantime, Laws and Barr did not give up a run, Dana Swan cessive display of Ure tubes might been stated Clcrlt in the U, S. A. took turn:; at pitching hut the op- was bchind the plate tor four inexcite a. comment or two. But the ~dnce 1938. He has bad un out- position was still helel scoreless nings and played a bangup game. shrieks, giggles and squce1cs com- standing record as a church stat£'smun nnd leader, and under his atl- when run aft<~r run ·was cut off at In threo Umes at. bat Dana drew bined with smillng faces and enera base on balls, sacrificed once. and ministration the church hus mad.) the plate. Prospect Park's two getic eplashlngs certainly belie impressive gains in finances, meJll- tallies cam,e in the Inst inning when reached first on an error. the fact that these water enthu'rho Swarthmore- team which Is bcrshlp nnd influence, tho entire Hornet t(>am was playing siasts are polio patients coming under the sole sponsorship of the Dr, Pugh returned to Philadel- in the infield and three lusty awnts from aU over Delaware CounlY for American Legion Post has n big phla in February after a seven sailed over their heads, hydra.-thcrepeuUc treatments pro· Tonight ·the Hornets arc sched- playot't coming up for the Delavlded by the Delaware County weeks' trip to Great Britlan and uled to play Norwood on the River- ware County C'hnmpionship. ProbChapter of the National li~o\lnda­ the contincnt of EUrope, In which view Field, Monday they meet Ed- able opponents will be Upla.nd who ho conferred with churC'h lenders, tion of Infantile raralysis. dellvered addl'CSRes before !"=tuden!? dyst.Qne at· Eddystone and \Vednes- t\re (>xpccted to- w\n in the sou~l-.· Sinco its 10unun.t1on In 1~39 the day take on 'l'inicum in anot.hel' ern division ot the County League, la.ymen and clel·gy. Chapter has been searching for a away .b"UnlC. and according to Tom Moore. who In the course of his vil'lit, Dr. pool in which to administer the scouted Upland this week, tho boys Pugh spoke before church lenders hydra-therapy that has done so have a better than even chance to in I ...ondon, Edinburgh and 13elfast, much for para.lysis victims. And win and go on to intercounty playIn Brussels, Amsterdam. Prague, now, through the generosity of the offs. It should be remembered that Genova and Paris. The trip was Willinm Morrows of Hf.rvard avethere arc 1273 Leb-ion teams in made in be'half of tlw Alliance of nue, each Wednesday and Friday Pennsylvania. Pre shy ter ia n and It e fo rille d afternoon has been set aside for the Since t.)le southern division of the its Churches, express U90 of the chapter and league has not completed their Probably· no church Im-tde!' in charges. • regular season. the date of a playAmerica has traveled morc wide1;)" SUPERVISED S\\Tl1\IMING than Dr. }"lugh. ]n 1943 and again of[ game cannot he announced as Twenty patients last Friday, in yet. but it Is expected that it will in 1945 he made a trip around the various stages of recovery were world us chairman of tho General be played on Saturday. .July 26, paddltng in antI about the pool in with District playoffs beginning on corresponding stages of acUvit;)~, Commission on .Army and Navy 'l'h" constl'uction of ;t hird bath Monday the 28th. Cha]llalns. On October 18, 1946. 1)1'. The mildest cases 4,ived and swam has b~lt'n cOlllplC'ted h~' the fourPugh received a. Certificate of Apin the deep end oP the pool with year olds at Hutgcl's Avenu·~ preciation from (he United States only a life guard or two Reeplng School. It waH a eoop('rative pron. wary eye out fot'· trouble, The Navy. in appreciation of his large jcct with :;OIlW liUh: (leople Inixyoungest children and the se ...erest service to Naval personnel. and his ing cement. :MOllie (·o"f'I'ing fonH~. Thomas B. McCabe of Nort1l cases were concentl"~te·d in the wi~e counsel, thOl.lght. and SCI'vic(>, and };OIlJe gathel"inJ.!" decorati"e Chester road, president ot the Scott shallow end, each with a pcrson during his special vIsit.!-l to naval A pony who carefully locks the ( rOln tl 1~'' P IIt \,_,.;Toun d s t OI1CH " . ' stnblo doot' behind him when he Paper Company. Chester. is general to hclp or encourage him with the :-:;talions, during the wal'. [he group, which ha::! also been d 1 l~arly in 1946 Dr. Pugh tOll!'("d chairman of this faU's Community exercises. hunting a tUl'tlC to add to the wild eo des to take a. nocturnal stroll the \Vester"n Stat('s in hehalf of the , wns apprehended Saturday mornFund Drive in Chester. Louise, a little. girl of eight or so, collcctell at Hulger::!, foun.} I ng b'y P a t ro I man J oseph Guida. of . . Mr. "Mccabe announced yester- hung from the edge of the pool Restoration Li'und of tilt' Presby- life Its quarry on a. I'e~cnt FIeld Trip. th(': b oroug h poII ceo day that Chester and Phtladelphia and kicked her feet. the best exe.r- terIan Church in tile U. S. A. lJJa,nnn Disindus waded into the Dr, Pugh hos bcen American will join in the next cooperative clce possible for abdominal muscles ~tr.'.am to catch him. At 12:30 A. M. Jul}" 19 the campaign and cooperntiv('ly raise still pat'al'yzed from the disease. In ser.retary of the \Vorld .A IIinnce of pony's ownCI', Mr. McKee, of 117 and HeformCll money for Delaware County welfare the green chair, Bobby. a wife and Presbyterian Rutledgo avenue, "Rutledge. exChurches since 1935. He has bNm "'l'he threc-ye;u'.ohlli SI)Cnt a citedly telephoned the Swarthage:ncles. mother of two children. exercised Wbtle maintaining thelr scperate her Jegs. Stricken two yenrs ago, member of the EXccl1tiv~ Commit- 1II00'ning painting out under the more Borough radio operator ArIdentities, tne strength of the Com- and paralyzed from her necl;:: down, tee of the Federal Council of tl'ces, 'l'h~rt' wu:; nnlCh coneentra- thur Graefenstein reporting his munity Fund of Chester and the Bobby spent the early part of hp.r Churches since 1932. He i~ secretury tion nnel papel'~ were filled with brown and white pony missing unCom.munity Chest ot Philadelphia recovery in a respirator. She now ot' the, Department of ehUl'ch Co- green, yellow and I'ed paint. Clay der nlysterious circumstances, the . t el'es t·lUg wor' k t 0 a II , slable door still being locked. will be poolC'd. has centrol ot her arm~ nnd trunl>:. operatIOn and Union, of the PrCH- n,odell,'ng, 10 There arc 21 health. welfare and and Is working on her legs and feet. bytcrian ChUrch in the U, S, A., and from the- three-year-old' pancalic ' h of tl1e JO . I n t dra (t,'n'" \Vlthin the next half hour p,"~ nlakers to those who model leaf ' .. youth guidance agencies in Dela.- Relaxing comfortably in the water Is a m em er committeo of the Pre~hyterlan trolman Guida had located thc forms. i,~' >.';:,' ,"'" "''',' . .......... .~ . •. "" .' .:, .," 'I, ."01 •.•... _Pl ~.JUltl 1I1!11...~' 11 to S" p:ai; W4Mtd,i'tJO e....~, T to P.1Il, an" • to'":10 .Po_" qIIllIIllIIIllJII!IJII!I' ISIJIU;'·"'$!·$!' _ _~~~_aa_____Q .• • •• I,. " ..' .1I111111111111111111' ".. "" " 1II1~13I'I3I~I"" , ... i"~~;&II~II1I11!1"IIJI!3a"fi'" ~ ':'0 ... \ water heaters are in beHer supply than they have been for the p~st few years. Ask your plumber, dealer or Philadelphia Electric representative abQut automatic gas water heating. PIId_f;lpiia Electric·· C.nilpa.y_~, . ., 4 'r."... For Nf1U1. Note. Clipper Squad. Take On Pro.peel Park ·PMtyj.,.- 21, IM7 IGGtV' ~Ks aaret l'IIIDmitt otft1lt. Mr. and U .... Stanton von Grabill ·Urs. Henry J. ,Weiland 'of·.BouUr cera .,venue entertained .Jane· have returned to their bome on Chestor' road enterta1~e4 InfOnD- ~~ -or ~reDtum, Pa. tor ....... Cornell avenue' a.fter a ·week's "Y&--I (Continued from PQ.8'e 1) aUy Ft"lday aftJernooD for MIa' ra1 daJya lut week•. cation In Skowhegan,Malne.· ~'.b A v _ Gro"'''' !Robbie Bau of New York CIty' .Tolin _ r Of creat lane and . Stanton von Grabill Jr.. of A bl<;l'ele trip to R_ Tree with. haa been .Ule .110.....' p u t .of Dr. J(Jer"a:p4 ...... ~_aPU ..- . 01 Swarthmore• Cornell avenue has returnee} home 21 Summer Clobbers. taking . part alld Mrs.. Paul.te. Baldwin otlRose left Tuee4ay to h1tob hike- to the after vacatlonlng a m.ontb 'with ~waa; tb,e big event thlB week J.n ,tho Valle:t' WeR coast. Tbe boy-, students at hla ao.ondparen·" Mr.·.and·M .... ·F. IReereation ~. 'n~ram.'urnod M" Fr-A.J ~ . f Y_I.! the-college, plan to return In limo ~&-_.. 1& ~ • _u.rl'&)"- 0 . . . tor the opeDlq of the tall term •. NEWS NOTES Clippers visited Prospect PaPk on Friday afternoon where ...... :The two squads. coached by RU88ell Ba,der, competed with two ot the h ome team' s d squa S. One team Buffered a· 6-2 1088 L. Hearne or Rehoboth Beach, when the Prospect Parkers com- Del. '.. Tl1e ot"er J\.{r. and Mrs. J. David Jackson blned some timely hi '-0 .U ot VlUlsar avenue will entertain aquad covered Itself with glory Mrs. Antonio Herscnmann and her~ when Nell Gallagher hurled a. no· daughters Ann and Vlrsinia. of bit no-run game called at the end Havana, Cuba as their house ot 4: Innings. Nell struck out 10 guests next week. Mr. and, Mrs. George Ewing ot ot tile 16 men who taced him. Mc- Columbia avenue apent the w4!!ek.. Alpine's double with the bags d I itl ·t 1 d l,Al d I cpna. v s ng r en 8 n exan _.(1 ~ 10a_d fea.tured'the 7·0 _ ___ ______ _ victory. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_-__,---" r--..... . .J e·_...... J and ,,11111111,111;111 large White 'IU-BLUE' lIe 2 u..29c oint u" .... SEDUSSGUPIS cl:.:a JUICY MIlD! 'SUPPOSE 'IT 'BlOWS UP? be hail, 'have 'Extended PETER " .... Killed FRYING CHICKENS _ ........ HIs".r. u, Ie A ')c.' lb . . . . . . a% 1110 .... {s.'"·n............ ... Mack...... ... ......... . . t···· . ...,. ·.a. ... _.,,'.11 ."'•• 4•• ....ebl~ GntuId .... toa Ca'....., . alii It Me Sea food 1'I.'.l.uIe Values : Wldte LUlftp er......, - '110. . . . 111111 kilJ I r.= ,1Hedlal17l. .:. ca. BEANS Willa PORK ('n J.::1o) 2'·NO.2 2~ iI StocIc. up your pantry witt. I. Pi; 6d for can.. an, ..... 0 supply of ........... gMtc). PAINTING and DECORATING I'll 6Sc']b. 65c lb. T-eDder ·Pot ·Boast Beef Spring Leg of I.amb Loin. ,B.oastof Pork .~Ib. ............. Hom.... ·U.. Cr&",. SlCtIoee I1StD .eaaut Butter ..... att.. Vlee. . . ..... G~7s:' , . . . . . . . . MI... Write H ...... ' B.D. 2 a reminder. Med· leal maasage, Dewar system of spot reducing, intra-red vapor baUt. Bea· trice Schmidt and Elizabeth' Carey. 16U Chestnut Street. Weightman PERSON~ust ·BondIng. Room 311. Locust WAlIfTBD Pascal Celery California Juice Oranges New Tren.parent Applet w. c:IoIe 1 P. M. Wedne....' 5c 19c bunch 25c do&. 2 lb. for 25c cbiDa ....... Aupst Since 1905 WANTED - Two college graduates desire furn1ahed apartment. Phone . S~:r:~moTe 0562·1&: after 1 P.M. CUNNINGHAM ~TED - To rent h~uee or apart- ment in Swarthmore by rellab~ famlly of three for winter months or longer. Reply to Box R. The Swarth· morean. m,!ngton, Dela.ware. PERSONA~-NO SMELLoS-NO SMEAR-NO SPRAY. 35 yrs. roaches and retnedJes ended wIth ONE pkg. ROAClBGASTER. No roaches since 4 YI'IJ. ago. Odorless non-poisonous. SAFE for kftchen. 'send ·$1.00 or !.L O. to Reb. Master,' P; O. Box. 304. Camden, New Jersey. FOR QUICK SERVICE: WI RUMSEY CHEVROLET PainteR &Paper HangeR We Should Know How Sli. 2266 489 Ilc/ligan Avo. ~~=========;====~ ~ \VANTED -;Two dependable ,high school girls want to babY-BIt. Call SWarthmore 4512·1L WANTED-Furnished or unfumished house ot" aP'(l1'tment or housekeeping rooms by ml(tdle aged couple. Can give eXcellent :reference&. Tel Swarthmore 0661. WANTED-Young woman aBQlstant in attractive local shop. Full tl:ne, year-round position." Box Y. The Arters Brothers, Inc. & Builders Contract01'& college graduate and V.eteran. apart!neIlt. P/lOne Media 0129-W. BELL-MN atlons, tion. Kitchen CustOtn-buUt cabinets, wor~, cement paneUng, Uon. modernlm- .S; ·week, laundry and Cleaning. One able to cook and serve Lawn Mowers SIIarpem-aby MIIdrine 0Iber toob Uo IiwplDea Saws Set ami 'Filecl. Qaiele Seroice 1044-1Oth·Av.- RUTLEDGE, PA, 1_ ...._: .=. ' _ 01. II when' nee(te.' TWo' adulU. 56 day and fare, Swarthnwre 11'16. , screening, 1D8uIa.. :&llsce]Janeons carpen- Swarthmote-';n~; three 1,:'j;l,OSr umbrelia. amJ ro~ , cardlpn s'\fI"eaw." CBlI the Barn'" Inn. Swarthmore Ins. , , i. .{i 1115 W. lehIgh A"'ftt•• PbIla. Piwne BaldwID 1110 NO' additional char!le for suburban ca.Il.s. DAVE . ',WOOD ::. . iim.,,"'t.~~~~~ <'all.. " .. . ' LETTERB TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate have been granted to the '6ealed bids will be received In undersigned, who request all persOnB Council Chamber, Borough Hall, havJng claims or demands against the swarthmore. Pal on August 4th. 19'7 Estate of the decedent to make known at 1:45 P.M. Daylight Saving Time for the same. and all persons Indebted to purchase trom the Borough ot' either the decedent to make payment, without dela¥. to . or .both of th@.. (oil owing articles: . Charlotte R. Troxell, ExecutriX 1 Ford dump truck., 11k ton capa· 3'20 Dartmouth Aw., city. 1930 :Model. ' Swarthmore. Pa. 1 Barrett hand operated Adding Or to her Attorney Machine. John E. Gensemer These articles may be examined 1004 Girard Trust Bldg. 6-6·27 upon nppllca,li0n to ttre Borough Sec- Philadelphia 2. Pa. retary. They are ofIere'd for itnmedtate FOR SALE delivery at Borough Hall, Swarthmore. Pa. Terms net cash upon delivery.. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reese-Baxter Co. SPORTING :GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. Cheater Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete PETERDI NICOLA ADVBRTI8BMBNT The Borough reHe~ the right to The School District oC SwarUunDre .teject any or all bids. will receive bids at the School District ofDce. College Avenue BuUding. up to :d:lIIott Rlchardson Borough Secretary. 1'1'-7-25 4- p.m., E,D.S.T., Thursday, August 7. 1941. and open the. bids at an adjourned meeting of the Board at the School District office on August 1. 1941. at ADVERTISBMBNT 6 p.m.. or at a ;neetJng adjoumed from that meeting•. to lay apPl'oximat-ely The School District of Swarthmore 132 feet of 16.... diameter and 244 feet will receive bids at the School Dlstrict of lS'" diameter cement-asbestos fibre omce. College Avenue Bulldlng, up to Jlewer pipe (Transite) extending from 4 p.m., E,D.8.T•• ThUrsday, AUiflISt '1. the SQhool property, crossing under IH7, and open .the bids at an adjourn· princeton Avenue, and thence to the ed. meetlng of the Board at the SchoOl creek east of Princeton Avenue. SpeciDIstrict omce on August 1. 1941, at 6 fications can be secured between 9 a.m. p.m., or at. a meeting adjourned from and 4 p.m.• dally except Saturdays. that meeting, for repair of appro:.:i- Sund&yB. and holidaYS, at the Sl}liool matt!lly'1860 square feet of: gymnasium District office. The Board reserves the floor• .Repairs consist ot demoUtlon, of right to reject any or all bids in whole maple floor. plmt subHoor and'iltrblgers. or In part and'to award contracte on which are set In slab, ,and tho any item or Items maldng up any bid. replacement of all parts. Speclftcatlons ,v. E. Dungan enn be aecured between 9 a.m. and -4 3T·7-18 Secretary p.m., tlaUy except Saturdays, Sundays, and JtoUday80 at the SChool District office. The Board re8el'1'es the right to reject any or all bids In' whole or In part and to award contracts on any Item or llems making up any bid. W. E. Dungan Secretary Fred A. Fub, Jeweler 5 i;;ast s_ SCi eet, . Hedla Phone Hedla tete Phone Swa. Z6ZS Walters' Tree Sw ..... , I11III Lana-pmc Phone Swarthmore 2175-R 104 ComellA_ _ a SwartIunore, P - 3T-7·11 WIWAM BROOKS & Rubbish RemoTed .......... Mowed GeaeraI Hanllng 288 HardIDg A ..e. H - . Pa. Ash... ~~~ A. WAYNE MOSTELLER Electrical All CODtra~tor Tn>es of. Electrical .:; '<.,'."""b.·_........ {l, "' " '. 'nsteDatioll8 and Bepa.lrs ServIng swarthmo... and V1c!nlty tor past Twenty Years 1180 MuhIeDberg Ave. Swarthmore 2295 DIgh~ OP UWO GEZONDHEID or Clay. In .-""' .'.: ":" Keeping healthy means keep- .. ing clean. Take plenty of Bailder baths during these warm, sticky days. They not only Swarthmore 2253 tone you up, but cleanse the • pores, permitting !the' skin to Call' breathe. ,MASON· BUILDERS .SOPPLY COMPANY How invigorating, a bath or shower, with clean, pure Water. Springfield , 8==7_ osa ·'·ALL'SIZES'RARDCon i. .,···.~:t ~,,~ ··Pa~l~irgl. \.,: pt. ": M an 07. <.~. Eng';sh filii • .oM-TO YOUR HEALTH ~ For Painting 'LOft\-SomeUme during year.' gold .: Wrist watcb. IpItiala AI. A.. brown linen strap. SublllaDUal reward,.. TeL SWVthmore ~ ,,',' .• _ _ '" SD.VERWARE I\epIIirecl aDd J l e p _ the County of Delaware. The County CommisslomrB reserve the rlght to reject any or all bids. Clarence T. Pepper County Controller 3T-7·1l deceaaed. 331 Dartmouth Avenue J' Jml\>re\I"; ••. . - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - " ESTATE OF GEORGE H. TROXELL, Director . FUneral . . monq.·a. LOST-BllveO'~ ~ue ,LOST.,..J!~ n7lDII t.a1feta, ding .heet. Each bid must be accompanied by 8. certifIed check for two hundred ($200.00) dollallJ drawn. to the. order ('If Ia.te of the Borough of Swarthmore. Charles E. Fischer try. FOR SALB FOR SALE--Jledal Sewing Machine., Bathinette ...u.~ LEGAL NOTICES pine )motty 'FOniled7of HeoJIa WANTED-Need experIenced woman, three· dilye - - . , . - - - - - - - - -......- - - - Home Improvements, Alter.. .WANTED-Apartment for two adults. 302 G;ayley,st., Media. 2 or -3 rooms and baUt. Preferably unfurnished. Margaret Zerby, Swarth· I\ledlB 2581·B. more College ~:u.brary. wtAN'IED--lIan or - boy to do part.® time work one a week (or t"""Ogarde.n afternoons). Goodday hourly pay ~;:;:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:;;; and c;hance. to, learn .,ower·growing. I TelePhone Swarthmore ~80. A,. MERCER QUINBY need . iii·· DELAW ABE (:OtJIiTY Sealed propOtial~ wlll be ~ived at PIANO nINING, tho County Controller'. OfUce. Court Huwse. l\ledia, Pa.. until 9 :00 A.M •• and llepalring s~"" t _ ES1' and ,publicly opened, at 1&:00 New and JlebaU~· _ .A:.M., EST on Konday. July '28, 1947 for turnlshlng all labor. too18 and ALBAN L. PARKER materlala n8Ce888.ry to install .lIghtlllg Phone Media 045e~H system In the Court House. Media. Pa. SpeclflcaUon. ~d bidding sheet may be obtained at the office of the Cop.nty Controller, and no bid wUl be entertained unless made out on laid' bid; I----------~----­ S _... 1448 PERSONAL~SEPTEMBEf( 16 Isl.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A-DAY .' WANTED - we will buy at beEt prices,. old c.h1na, glass, furniture, firearms. Call Holly Oak ,4313 .or Holly Oak. 6720, collect for appointment. .All business confidential. Colonial CUP~oard. No. Ii PhJladelphta Plke, WU- are at loW' tide' level. tintol'tunatpl~' tbe mOSQulto('s which breed In this large area. are ot many varieties which can fly a. long dtstance into dlstant parts of Delawar~ County. The sewage pollution In the mar.l5'hes and strealVs which drain Into tbese ·marshes tends to Intensify' mosquito breeding 80 t~at all tbe efforts of communities toward the abatement of sewage pollution now being carried torwar~ will. In the long run, 'help to reduce alBo, the numbers of moaqutto~s originating In these areas. U»>:$i"3i5~"""""~""'''' trlca.l Contractor. will be out. of town from '.' July !6 until August 2. bride JOe PATI'ERSON 1·3~. PERSONAL-Eric H. Hausen. Elec- w ANTEri--Ju'ne YOIDI8' T_cIer Squash. New Cabbage ,Need .Swarthmorean. Swarthmore 1439 .,I;AYOA - " ••••• = \\'0"" jl .........- a.JFFORD L PARKER \ aaow ...... DIneen. .-;:;;;;;:;::::;:l:-;---::::.:====---...,---I ·pa-rt...Ume. Minding children. Wrlte· Mrs. Harper. Yale Ave-nue and Crum Creek: at brIdge. Media, Pa. • .._.,2'...., ... Pride of Farm FanCy CLASSIFIED WANTED - I Bla01ilts Buy by th.Doz.n and Save La... No. 2 ,MIlker _ of _ FIDe _'l!botogNplas BkIc. ..... A_ I11III S_ _ , WaDI • •' ....... R ...... . . .t .......... ' IItdIp~ .....hl. . 'c:nGken \ l:n spite of this 'handicap. however, the effectlve spring drainage work. together with the spraying and more recent togging work, has kept down the number of mosquitoes 1n most sections of the County be. low the serious annoyance ..polnt. It 18 esUmated that when a trap' catch amounts to 25 mosquitoes in a 1i'1ght or more, that the point ot ve~ serious annoyance has been reached... Five ot the traps .have been locat. cd In the same or slmlla.r locations during the last four years. These traps are located in Media, Nor. WOOd, Sharon HIlI. Swarthmore and Tinlcum. The trap catcn from Media Is not avaUablo tor 1944 for June as the trap,' dtd not operate uotll later io the eeason, but an average .ot 13. mo,quilqell