,Pa.· PRIMARY ELECflON THE SWARTHMO VOL. 19-No. 36 'MOREY REVIEWS ENGLISH VISIT Returns From Oxford With Interesting Data "England is a delightful spot In which to spend a summer," according to I"rank Morey, Supervising Principal of the Swarthmore Schools, who 'has just returned from Oxford where he attended a. six-weeks summer session as a representative of the Swarthmore Schools and one of fifty 1)'nited States guests of the Oxford University Evacuation Trust Fund. ContrIbutors-to this fund are the parents of Oxford children who spent the war years In the UnIted States and include PI·of. H. G. Champion, Prof. Harry Lawson, Dr. E. M. Mead, and Dr. John Rankin whose children lived in Swarthmore. Mr. Mcrey has provided tlte Swarthmorean with the following personal observations: "A number of summer schools wel'e held-at Oxford this year, each under a seperaie delegacy, and included among others. Empire Forestry School, 'Vorkers' Summer School, International P'hyslological Congress, and Summer School on Western Europe-'ut Problems. The la\tel" has an em'olIment of 250 representatives from fourteen dUo. fel'ent nations, including Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Holland, Greece, Italy, France, and others, with the United States represented in greatest numbers. The work was presented in the usual Oxford manner wIth lectures, readings, and semlnar reports and discussions. The 'areas especially developed were: literature, . y)ltUosophy, and politics 'and econ'omics;" SEPrEMBER NINfH $3.00 YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, SEPrEMBER 5, 1947 Keyston.e School" Opened Tue8day The eighth fall term of the Keystone Secretarial and ;Business Administration School ~t Swarthl~lore, opened On Tuesday. September 2, with the largest enrollment In its history. More' than sixty-five percent of the students are taking courses In business administration, accounting, salesmanship, advertising, and economies. Over half the stUdent body are veterans, atlending under the q. I. Bill of· Rlgi)ts. The number of veterans entering the fall term this years shows a m'l.t'kefi in~rease over last year. A large number of high schools outside pelaware Dounty are represented In the student body. Many of the students have had from one to four years college training. 1\Iore rooms haye been opened and Improvements have been made In .th~ present school bullding hi order to accomodate the increased enrollment. A new office training department will soon be completed and fully equiPiled with ~odern desks, fiUng cabinets, and office machines. The work assignments and responslblitles in this department will duplicate real office experiences. Plans have been comp\eted for a number of outdoor activities on the school campus. A new soft-ball field ''lill be re~y for use in a few da,)'s, Two croquet fields, a miniature golf course, and other activities will give the boys. and girls an opportnuity for Ilhysical, mental, and social development. VOTERS SURVEY PRIMARY TICKET Trinity School Offers Scholar.ships for Boys SCHOOL BELLS TO RING MONDAY The Trinity Episcopal Church is again offering a limited number of Swarthmora boys an extraordinary opportunity for voice training and' musical appreciation. Trinity ChoIr School, established over four !Y~rs ago, Is offering free scholarships to Swarthmore Public School classes After a final organization meet- boys betweep 8 and 12 years who ing held Tuesday evening, t'he In- possel!S some aptitude 01" interest will begin as scheduled on Monday dependent Republican Campaign In music., The school, non-denom- morning, September 8. The high Committee, through its co-chair- Inational hi character,' Is recog- school classes will assemble at'S:3!.1 men, Morris H. FU88ell, of Swarth- nized as one of the most outstand- a.m. and the elementary sr.hool more, and Robert A. Detweiler, at Ing lllusical orguaizations of the classes, grades kindergarten to RutllJdge, announced the combined area. sixth, at 9:00 a.m. All classes wlll Training Is given in the proper have morning sessIons only on slate which it is backing in the coming prImary election, to be use ot the voice, breath control, Monday. diction and sight reading. The held on September 9th. Pupils returning to tho high The Independent Republican music'Of the 3rd and 4th centuries, sc'hool classes next week wlli find Campaign Committee is composed early Italian, pre-Bach, music of the home room assignments re:\dy of ltundreds of men and women the Reformation, and particularly for them and posted conspicuously throughout the c01}nty who do not the works of the English School on bulletin boards in the corridor~. feel bound to accept the slate/:! with compositions of Tallis, Pur- For convenience, the following list Byrd and Handel. ,may be used: Twelfth Grade: Mrs, made by either the McClure ma- cell, Tye, and Mathews, Room 203, A-F; Miss chine or the Heyburn-Pew organi- Vaughan Williams, Holst Sowerby are represented in the Armstrong, Room 209, G-Pi; Dr. zation. "As in the 1946 primary cam- modern works. Irwin, Room 206, P1-Z. Eleventh In order to quaUty for scholar- GI11(le: Miss Adams, Room 215, Apaign," the committee stated, "we will not accept a general slate, ships, attendance 'Of classes must G; Mr., Yocum, Room 208, H-Q; Clusses are held on Mr. Oppenlander, Room 202, Rsight unseen. We reserve tltB be assured. right to examip~ all the candidates Mondays and 'Vednesdays at tho Z. 'rentlt Gnule: Mr. ChrIstian, put up by both factions, and to Tl'lnity Church from 4:30 to 6:30 Room 211, A-F; Mr, Duncan, consider the capabillties and back- P. l\f. The Bo)'s are adn~itted u.s Room 213, G-P; Miss Barten, Room ground of each man or woman. probationers, and if .. progress is 200, R-Z. Ninth Gnule: Miss BradWe have tried to consider the abU- made, each one is expected to sing field, Room 104, ,A:-D; Miss Strouse, iUes and tho qualifications of each at the 11 A.M. religions service on Room 103, E-Ph; MI". ,Snyder, candidate for the respective office, Sunday for which services a salary Room 8, Pi-Z. Eighth Grade: first dlsregal'dlng, his 01" lter fac- is paid in addition to the tree l\lIss lUcKie, Room 107, A-H; 1\11". tional backing. If, on the basis training, By-Pl-oducts of the ex- :MiIler, Room 101, I-Z. Se"enth of experience and ability, two can- perlence include poise, training In Grade: 1\11". Udell, Room 102, A-J; didates for tho same office have discipline, social adjustment and MI". Bell, Room 100, K-Z. appeared fairly equal, ,ve have then ,leadership. development, and a The mornlJrg session of the hIgh considered their past and present strong charactel' emphasis. school wlll begin at 8:30 on MonpoUtlcal affiliation, or lack of afThe choll' is augmented on Sun- day. Upon arriving at the school, filiation, with the two factions. days and at recitals by a t1'ained pupils should go directly to their "None of tho committee mem- adult tenor and bass section. It new home rooms for directions a..· . bers arc office-holders; none of us gives Several 'annual concerts and from their respective home room have political ambitions. We ,are sings,at the college. Recordings of teachers as to the plans for the all of us, however,' disappointed the choir 'will SOon be availablo fol' day.. 'All' the 'suP~lies wl11 be dis' . , that neithp.r side bas ~d, t\lCl conr~ public 1;11110' in Swarthmore, tributed'there un~ pupils wlll be age to endorse a candidate for tht1' Parents interested are requested handed their individual, class Cornmon Pleas judgeship, the most to communicate with the Rev. schedules whlclt have been previmportant office at stake In this George Christian' Anderson, Direc- iously prepared during the summer campaign. We considel' tho two tor of the School, immediately or months. The remainder of the • tactions' timidity about an endorse- to bring' their boys to the Parish morning will be devoted to classes, Kathleen Campbell of The ment for the judgeship as Indica- HOuse on '1\Ionday or Wednesday receiving books, and work assign.., ments. Swarthmore Apartments, wife of tive of tlteir Ideas of I!trategy; but at 4 P.M, The choir 'operates a Bummer Fred S. Campbell of the American such timidity Is neither forthright The elementary schools wlll beRolltng Mill Company's· PhUadel- nor honest with the voters. camp for the boys, has social hikes. gin at 9:00 o'clock on Monday "We hn;ve carefull!V considered and attends concerts In Philadel- morning; Beginning September 9, phia omce, . died August 23 In the age, learning, background and phla. Zanesville, Ohio. the elftnentary school hours will Mrs. Campbell who was vaca- judiclai .temperament of the five be fr.om 9:00 to 11:45 a.m. and, tioning with her husband, her candidates. We have finally come to from 1:00 to '3:15 p.m. father and mother Mr. and Mrs. the conclusion. tltat the 'Dest man In the high school, the hours will .iopn G. Burley and famll!V, and for the office is William R. Toal, be from 8:30 to 12:00 in the morI).M'I': Campbell's mother, Mrs. J. of Haverford Township. ing and from 12:50 to 3:20 In the M. Campbell underwent a majol' "Mr. Toai has had niany years of afternoon. operation on August 19. expp.rience,as first a88istant District , Teachers reported to school . Pl'ivate. services on August 26 Attorney, and has enjoyed a wide on W.ednesday, September 3, were" i~liowed by burial in Mem- civil practice. The consensus, is sp~nCoing the day in ~onfere;lces, ~rial Park, Zanesville. that he is, a very able, practical working on plans, and ge1:tiug supMrS. Campbell had moved to laWY,er, in vigorous'· health, and I plies ready for school sessions. Swarthmore fro m Middletown, calm in temperament. He has for Thursday was devoted to various Ohio 13 lh years ago. She was a many years r.epresented various make-up and placement tests, of When children report to school member o~ the First Church ot townships and school districts in which notice had been sent to the Christ, Crooksville, Ohio. this couQty, and so is well versed next 've~k they will find foul" new individual pupils Involv.)d. . in the practical and legal prob- teachers on dutty who will be teaParents are urged to' nlarlc and lems confronting them. He has re- ching hi Swarthmore for the first FLOWER BRIGADE FaK fiowers arc ,buzzing these cently served, with distinction, as time, to replace fout" who 'resigned labei children's clothing HO that days with the mass exodus, from county solicitor: in that office, he at the close of school last 'Year, artlcles which are lost (',r mislaid Boro' gardens. In a grand rush for has, again, clearly demon'strated two to be married and two to talce may be promptly returned to "the owners. At the ea!d of each year a the Phlladelphia General Hospital, that he is no rubber stamp wiiling up employment elsewhere. great man:,- valuable, unClaimed posie brigades 'are stormIng. the to approve whatever Is presented Alice Putnam of 310 Lafayette articles are left at the school, which walls as bunches of cosmos, mari- for his opinion. His ability as a Avenue, Swarthlnore, ,yill teach might, have been promptly returngolds, early chrysanthemums and trial lawyer was amply demon- girls' health and physical educaed if they had been properly laasters seek residence in the hospi- strated when, as first assistant dis- tion In the elemf!ntary schools 'and belled and marked with the chiltrict attorney, he valiantly con- juniOl' high school: In addition she tal wards. dren's mimes. Local flowers wishing to join the ducted'the prosccution of McClure will assist with coachtlg of sports Pinal registration for the new rush should gather on Wednesda!V and his cO,:,defendants in the Ches- under the drection of Vh'ginia Allen. Miss Putnam a graduate of school year must be completed Frievening on Thursday morning be- ter Water Company scandal. tore 9 at Mrs. Frank, G. Keenen's. Entrance for "Our endorsement of 1\[1". Toal lS Swarthmore High School, Class of day, September 6, 718 Harvard avenue, where Circles in no'sense a disparagement of the 1943, and of Temple Unlvers~ty, kindergarten is available for chUthree' and four of the Presbyterian other candidates. We simply con- Class of 1947. She has had exten- dren born prior to January 31, sive experience in camp counselling 1943, and admission to first grade Church will provide transportatio~, sider him the best man. "In considering the candidates' and an enviable record iIi college is available to children born prior for the other omces, we have been sports. She' was a member of t11e to ~anuary 31, 1942. HOLD IT ' The dividing line for the ele. Residents are reminded to hang impartial as between the McClure All-American Hockey, Team, the on to their outgrown clothing and and the Heyburn-Pew slates. Four All-American Lacrosse' Team anll mentary schools goes down Park household articles until the Fall of the persons backed by us hap- captain of the All-College Hockey Ave. to Harvard and then east on Mutuai Exchange to tie sponsored pen to be put forward hy !\[cClurc: Team, She was captain of the 1947 Harvard to Swarthmore avenue. by the Swarthmore Woman's Club these four we back for their per- Girls( Basketball Team at Temple Those living south of thL"l line will on Wednesday, September U. AU sonal qualifications .and in spite of where she was a member of all attend the Rutgers Avenue School and those Hvlng north of this Une articles must be clean and In good their Organization endorsement. varsity girls' sports. . WillIam J. Reese, Jr. of 6751 Three of the persons backed by will attend t.lte College Avenue repa.ir. ,elementary school. North Fairhtll Street, Philadelphia, M in previous exchanges, tlte us happen to be put forward by the Club wUl retain 20 per cent of the other organization; these, too, we comes from the Hanover, PennlfylSepteJDber Flower Sh~ approve not because they have the vania Schools, to take over the' sales, Heyburn endorsement, but because boys' work In the elementarY and, F-or the first time since the war Mr. nnd Mrs. George M. Karns 'they appear' to us to be better Junior high' school grades. He is a the Woman's Club Is sponSOring and their daughters Marian and qualified for ,the particular offices graduate of the West Philadelphia, the "annual" Fall Flower Show to High School, Class of 1938, and of, be held on Tuesday, September 16 Elinor of Wellesley road spent La- they seek ' bor Day week-end salling on their "The committee believes' that West Chester State Teachers Col- : ' Time schedu~es and further de~ boat ..the Karl EOn" on the Tred B~n L. Schaefer, by, reason of lege, Class of 1946• .o\.t, college he j ~Ils \117111 be announced In next (Continued on Page 6) ;"eek'. ~arthmorea.b. • AVOJ).'Rl~r~Oxford, M4. (Contlnuea on Pqe ') G.O.P. Campaigners Classes Reassemble After Summer Reeess List Candidate' Choice , ,:i .- " '" '/ ..', ':1 .1 , . I MRS F' 'CAMPBELL BURIED IN OHIO th~~~::a~:~~~no;t~::~~~t;~~~:~~ 'U~d;;;e~t Operation International Education of New York, were able to travel \0 England on reconditioned troop' ships MarIne Tiger and Marine Jumper at reduced rates. On 'the eastwp.rd trip in June 17 different groups were aboard,' including: GO stu: dents in the Experiment in International Living, to work as counselors in camps for French' chUdren; the Putney Scltool Group to aid with', French reconstruction work; 70 American Youth Hoste,.. t'c~~~J,r,~ t~ ttiivl!i';and\vork In J::rance 'a:nd'the Low CountrIes; 40 from • the UnJy'Jr~ity., of Minnesota, doing research wo:rX;"Fontainblea.u",students; 20 going to Salzburg; Congregational Service Committee; a, Mennonite group tOUring Europe; a group headed for the World youth Festival at Prague; the Britis'll UnIversity Groups and others; An excellent orientation program was provided on all trIps by the American Friends Service Committ~e !n the form' of language.classes, discussion groups, recreation, and movies. Irene Moll of Swarthmore College was the able director on both trips previously mentioned. "Included in the passenger list on the retm'n trip were 145 British exchange teachers coming to America to teach for :one year in the places of American teachers who are going to England'to ,teach. The American group salled· from New York on August 18, the ships paBSing just outside New York harbor. The exchange plan, now tn its second year, worked very succe~fully last year and has been doubled for the coming year, The .English teachers will be in schools in all parts of the United States from Massachusetts to California. "Oxford, although-a~ity of 100,000 people, is one of the most beautiful in England, quiet and 'clean. The Morris Motors Industry is located there. The University Is a federation of about twenty-five colleges, each self-governing and ma,ny heavily endowed. The University grants degrees, 'bas examin• ation statutes, and controls the laboratories. The regnl&.r school year is 24 weeks, comprising three elghtweek terms, tJJ,e course three years in length. There are no clas8e8 as (Continued ,on Page I) While VacationTh Ing ere .,',. NEW TEACHERS TO GREET STUDENTS Local Grads 'Among Replacements on Faculty is , . .- 2 THE SWARTHMO BOWDITCH·NASON The marrl880 of MI... Barbara Nason daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ave- Walton 11. Nason of Cornell nue, to Mr. James Pennington Bowditch 80n of Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch. Jr., of Cedar lane, took place Saturday at 6 o'clock In tbe garden of the Bryn Mawr . home of Miss Ethel Pew. aunt ot the bride. The bridal alsle was llned with white satin rbbons and urns of white flowers. The Rev. Dr. David Braun per. formed the ceremony. Tbe bride; given In marrlage by her father, wore a wedding gown ot ivory. saUn. fashioned with fitted bodice. off-thc-shoulder neckUn~ with Elizabethan ruft'. long tight slec-ves and full skirt. She wore a diamond and pearl brooch, a gift 'Of the bridegroom. Hor veU ot tulle featured a panel of Roso Point lace and she carried an oldfashioned bouquet of &"Urdenias. Mrs. George O. Bennett, sIster of the bridegroom, as matron of honor, and Miss Shirley Nason. sis· ter of the bride, as maid of honor, wore gowns of apple green faUle featurIng sweetheart neckltnes, fitted bodices, full skirts with rUIDed bustie panel forming a train. Mrs. Peter L. MilIer and Mrs. Harold McCorkel of Swarthm()re, Mrs. John McCall ot Kimberton. "and Mrs. Richard Brown of Baltlmore. Md., as bridesmaids, wore gowns ot jonquil yellow fatlle of similar style. All the attendants carried Colonial bouquets of pink 1'oses, lavender heIiqtrope and yellow straw flowers encircled With rutrles of lace and tied with loops of yellow and green tulle to which beUotrope was caught. Mr. Robert Bowditch ~f Worcester. Mass., brother of the bridegroom, served as best man, and the ushers included Mr. John Bowditch of Chmbridge, Mass., Capt. Benson Bowditch, U.S.M.C., Quantico. Va.• and Mr. "WilUts Bowditch, Yor}ttown, Va., brothers of the bridegroom; Ensign Wa~ton H. Nason, Jr., brother at the bride. Mr, Robin Willits of New York, and Mr. Benjamin Stockton Collins of LehIgh University. A reception followed the ceremony. 1.'he bride's ,mother wore a gown of dark blile , chltton with hat of blUe velvet. Pler corsage was of llght blue orcblds. The mother of the bridegroom wore &. gown of black crepe with, peplum of black __ silk lace. She wore a large hat of black lace and her, corsage was of bably white orchids. The bride's aunt, Miss Pew, cbose a gown ot dark blue lace. Her corsage was of light blue orcblds. WIDDOWSON-WORST UNKLE HANK SEZ ~~r-J. , •.. ,. THE SHOP cording to the Friends ceremony at and ALL DAY Monday. The Rev. Dr. David Braun performed the cerernony. The bride, given in nlarriage by her father, wore a white crepe wedding gown made with a fltted bodice, high neck. long Delman sleeves fitted at the wrist and a wide skirt ending In a long train. Her tulle veil fell from a tiara of Rose Point lace and she carrIed n round bouquet ot white butterfly orchids and stephanOtis with loops of tulle to which stephanotis was caught. I'.Ilss Barbara Wbiting Smlth. as maid of honor for her slater, and the bridesmaids, Miss Mary Ellen Watson ot Haverford, Miss Patricia Haslam ot Wynnewood, Miss Ada Carre ot' Overbrook' Hills, and Mrs. Kenneth P. StevEtns of Great Neck, L. r.. wore forest green taffeta dresses made with fitted bOdices, off:'the-shoulder necklines' with yokes of flesh c.olored marqUisette, long tight sleeves and full skirts shirred to the, bodice with a bustie at the back. They carried yellow gladIoli bouquets shaded to deep salmon peach tied with yellow streamers and wore cl1lBters ot tbe same flowers In their hair. Mr. Harton C" Rorick ot Toledo, Ohio served as best 'man, and the ushers included Mr. Tboma8 M. Jackson ot' Park avenue, Mr. WUHam R. Bates. brother of the brIde_ groom. Mr. David Gibson of Pltts- Miss Eva Allee Worst. daughter burgh, and Mr. Wll11am Booe of of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Worst Shelton, ConDo of Harvard I 118S& of cardenlas. Mrs. Bates He also Is a student at Earlham ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! choae a flown of blUe crepe~ Her College. corsage wai of gardenias. Mr. Thomas wlll be tbe guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ullman unUl SeptemWEST·BAGSHAW ber 14 when he and Mlu Ullman The marriage of MiA Virginia 'Yo 111 return to Earlham College : FEELING 1M 1H' WORLD Anne Bagshaw, daughter of M;r. where both wJlI serve on tho Fresh': tl' 1b BE LOOKING DOI..vtfl and Mrs. James Robinson Bag- man Week 8mfl'. "1HE WROM.G END OF shaw, Jr.,; ot Chester, formerly ot Swartbmore, to Mr. Newell BurrlBS Mrs. MorrlB Potts ot Yale avenue .; A West. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Is one ot the hostelfScs for the TriBurrlSB \Vest of Benjamin West ennIal POBt War .Conference at 'the avenue, took place saturday, Aug- University of Pennsylvania from ~ ; ust 30 at 4o'clopk in"Salnt Philip's September 6 to 12. ~: Chapel, New Hope. Pp.. Mrs. John C. Taylor, Jr.. and The Rev. stanley V. Wilcox. chlldren have left for Norfolk to tormer rector of St. PaUl's Church, join Lt. Commander Ta.ylor after a. ~ Chester, performed the cerenion:v. three-week visit with Mrs. Taylor's The bride, given In marriage by parents, Mr:. and Mrs. Morris Potts her father, waa a.ttended I1y Miss of Ya.le avenue. Mary Alice Weet, lJister ot the Thc Mi88es Mary and Elinor Bye brldegroom. of College avenue will spend the Mr. William A. Thomson. cousin week-end visiting relatives In DenYOU'll, never be lonesome at Rt:Sof the bridegroom, served as best ton, Md. man. SMITH.BATES The couple will be at home after •••••••••••••••••••••••• SELL'S ... -you'll always find flome '!'he marriage of Miss Betsey September 15 in Berkley, ,Va., of your friends and neighbors here Wakeman Smith, daughter of Mr. when: Mr. West will attend The and Mrs. Homer Morgan Smith of ExtensIon College of Wlllla'm and having their tires repaired. rccapBronxville, N. Y., to Mr. Guy Carle- Mar)". ton Bates, son ot Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sumner Bates of "Rocky IS being redecorated and will ped or vulcanized. 'Ve welcome ROBINSON·WYSE Spring Farm," Media, took place Dr. Louts N. Roblns?~ of College your patronage . . . are experts on Saturday at 7 o'clock In the ove· avenue and Mrs. Marylyn C. Wyse be closed tomorrow afternoon ning in the garden at "Rocky of Wooster. Ohio. were marrIed acany size tire. Give us the oppor· Spring Farm." white gladoll. Tbelr hcadclre811 were of white flowel'8. Sally Oakey of Moylan, cousin of the bride, 88 flower girl, wore a whiie lace dreBB and carried a Colontal bouquet of white gladioli centered with yellow rosebuds. Mr. George Widdowson, brother of the bridegroom, served WI best man, and the ushers Included Mr. Norris Carr of west Chester; ·Mr. Guy White of Pine Grove, Mr. John Moon of Media, and Mrs. Gordon Bierman of South Chestt::lt' road: A reception toll'owcd at the home of tbA bride's parents. The b"rldc's mother wore a gown of powdered blue chttron with small ribboned hat of blue. Her corsage was of gardenias. The bridegroom's mother wore a gown of rose crepe with hat to match. Her corsage was of gardenias. avenue. became the A reception followed at "Rocky 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the .. home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert ~. Enders of Elm avenue, brother-lnlaw and sister at Mra. Wyse. . A wedding supper followed at the ROSe Tree Hunt Club. tuntty to prove our merit. an Otrlcla1 State Inspection Statlon. alice barber, gifts "RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN" OLD BANK BUJLDING ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of Harvard avenue, '''held open house last evening to announce the engagement of their daughter, Agnes Elizabeth "Junc" to Mr. Edward Eugene Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Thomas of Richmond, Indiana. One hundred school and coll_ege friends of lUes Ullman were' guests at the announcement party. Miss Ullman was assisted In serving by Miss Jean Dickson, Miss Jean Gehring, MIJ;18 Ruth Medford, Miss Virginia Pee!, Miss Mary Jane Servais,' aU of Swarthmore, and ,Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman, Jr.• of Villanova. Miss Ullman' was grad\lated from SWarthmore High School in 1945 and will be a Junior this fall at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. . Mr. T,homas. after graduating from Richmond High School In 1943, served three years with the United States Army," two and a half of them In the PaCific theatre. ......................... RUSSELL'S CALL 0440 ~ SOME" DO ••.. SOME DON~T Yes, some florists "taper off" on service-and some we have an enviable ALL.YEAR.ROUND . . Reputation to maintain-A reput:ition for dependability and satisfaction AT ALL TIMES Regardless of the SEASON, the HOUR or the DAY, FOR Magazlnc . SUbscpFlbons .. Call * ! r- The Bouquet ONLY 15 13 South Chester Road Call Sw8rthIl'1le 0478 •• •• MEDIA New AIR DelJgbthlll7 (J()~lTIQNED GItEGORY PECK and ,JAN& \VY~lAN In "THE YEARLING" FUEL OIL IMPORTANT' _ VAN ALEN BRDS. EveDIDg Sbow _ .No... '" .:80 _ I ... ' " 1II:10, .:40, .• :10 aRM" PARK • ce" FrIday and Saturday. ANN SHERIDAN In ''THE UNFAITHFUL" Feature: 7:1&. 11:15 Feature no1; shown sat. Mat. Saturday Matinee 1:00 P.M. Children's fUm library show "MY DOG SHEP" Monday and Tuesday "1HE WEB" In tecllDloolor COAL COLLEGE THEATRE Scientlfl~late Editor SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1 resume meeting with a buffet supLorene McCarter RosaUe Pelreol Barbara. Kent 11:00 A- M.-.Rev. H. Lewis Cutler. The Church ScboOI will open Nancy VanAlen p~r Sunday, September 21 at 6 Thoodore Htcklng Marpret Keenen September 14. at 9:46 o·clock. P. M. Mh'THODIST CHURCH Entered as Second' ClaBs Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Roy N. Kelaer. D.D.• Mlnl.oter Children will be reglatered on th~t Otrlee at Swarthmore, Pa., under' the Act of March 8, 1879. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1 day and a.salgned to classes. 10:00 A. M.-Church Sohool. Cbriatian Srience The Six Dots (Bral11e study ., DE.l\DLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON • "MaD." Is the subject ot the Les- 11: 00 A. M.-Mornlng Bermon. class) wlll m~et tor ita final se88lon Bon-Sermon tn all Churcbes of TRDnTY CHURCH SWARTHMORE, PA-, FRIDAY, SEPrEMBEk 5, 1947 next Tuesday, September 9, at the Christ. Scientist. on Sunday, Sep,,: Rev. Oeo. C. ADdenon, Rector home ot Mrs. J. V. 8. Bishop, 731 tember '1. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1 The Gpldep Text Is: avenue. 8.00_ A. M:..-HOIY Communion. "God 88id. Let us make man In IT'S OY:OUR VOTE The Chapel Choir wtll meet for our Image, after our UkeneB8" 11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. Two years ago The Swarthmorean in a pre-Primary edi- Its first fall rehearsal next Thurs- (Genesis 1:26). THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS torial endorsed E. Wallace Chadwick for Judge. It was one day evening at 7:45 o'clock. SUNDAY. SEPTEII1BElt 1 Mr. Faust will be thc soloIst In of two weekly Delaware County newspapers to take an open 11:00 A. M.-M.etlng tor Worship. stand in that contest which Judge Van Roden won. The hazards the morning worship thIs Sunday at Mr•. and Mrs. Hamilton Cochran WEDNESDAY. $EPTE.MBER "l0 .• 11 o·clock. involved in such a stand were costly. of Wallingford Hills, and their 9:30 to 3:3o--Bewing and Quilting Circles 3 and " ot the ·Women's A statement in that editorial.quoted county wide during In Whittier House. ~ox Lunc'hAssociation wUI be in charge ot -t;he three daughters Cmr,e, Suzan and eon. All are cordially Inthe campaign read: Flowe1'8 for the. FlowerleBS next p4eg. have returned tt;om Carolina vlted.. "For the first time' in :i great many years there is a fairly week. Flowers should be lett at Beach, N. C., where they bad been live contest for the row offices. This is a healthy political state the home of Mrs. Frank G. Keenen.' \Vacationing tor two weeks. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE for ,the county and one which every good Republican will wel- 718 Harvard avenue on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Grn-able Whytlaw Park Avenue below Harvard come in the belief that· such a primary election challenges his evening or before 9 o'clock on of Cornell avenue entertained over , SUNDAY, SEPTEMBI<:R 7 wise discretion. It is to be hoped that Republicans will recognize, Thursday morning. , the Labor Day week-end the 11:00' A. M.-Bunday sehoo~.' also, the responsibility which this wide a choice places upon Jl,IiSEles Mary Dorothy and Elh\, En.- 11:00 A. M.--Bunda,. Lesson Ser- OLIVER H. BAIR CO. don't . . . We're in the "some don't" class, because Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Leslio Wid- .silver-grey crepe gown with a oor- 'SwartIuDore 2080 a....m Note. '. COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING DA~TMCUTHLUfAV£1IE AVE~. bride ot Mr. Gilbert Widdowson, .Sprlng Farm:' Mrs. Smith wore a Mn. Uoyd E. Kauffman Presbyterian Church. Tbe Rev. Dr. David Braun of, dciated. The bride. given In marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown of whtte tace fashioned with fitted bodice, ()ff-the~shoulder neckline with yoke ot UluBion, and long tight sleeves. Her vell ot tulle was h'eld in place by clusters of orange blossoms and she carried gardenias centered with a white orchid. Miss Helen Worst as nU\td of honor for her sister. wore a gown of American Beauty fame, ,featuring fltted bodice and full skirt. Mrs. Peter Jensen of Moylan, Miss Blttsy MYers of Media, Mrs. James Dunn of Swarthmore. and Miss Bett)' WIddowson, sister of the bridegroom, wore gowns ot similar style in aqua faille. Tbey wore 'mItts to match th~lr gowns and carred shower bouquets of . We p.re PIII1,ten.n , Mrs. Walter H. Robinson and three 'Sons Alan, Myles, and J~rry of Wallingford returned last week by plane from Berkeley, Calif. Mrs. Robinson and the boys had spent the summer at ~koya Boys' Camp In the mountains near Napa, CaUf. Mrs Robinson's brother Phlllp l'. Webster of Berkeley Is director o~ the camp_ Mrs. Anna Jenkins Webster who accompanied her daughter and grandsons to CaUfornla has remained there for an Indefinite vtsit. Anne Lingle of Oarnell avenue left Saturday for Evanston. Ill.• where she attended as a bridesmaid at the marriage of Miss Ellzabeth Mosely and Mr. 'Edwin Ricker Bates wblch took, place Wednesday' evening In St. Mark's Episcopal Chureb, Evanston. M.... Mosely Is a reatdent. Mr. R. C. formet' Swarthmore anlat of Rutgers aveDue left TuesdaY by plane for a three-week vlstt with relatives 10 France. T 19~2 25th Year 1947 FREE Front Wheels Balanced &Aligned with every 8~t of New 'Ore8 sold SW8IdIRlQre ~ Me""- of Federal Depotit huaraDce Corporation Hannum and Waite Yale AYe. &: National Bank & Trust Co. an '. ltd. ~lZSO - - . - ---------------- , '. NEWS NOTES home here alter Bpendlng IIlx weeks Mrs. Ruth Jones lot Ogden aveDue who has been teaching at Swarthmore College tor 13 years. left Tuesday of last week for Winthrop College. Rock HIJI. 8. C. where she has accepted a p081tlon In the Biology Department. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Federate of South Chester road have returned on iholr farm 1n Woodchoppertown. ," Mrs. FrankUn Gilleaple of Har· Yard avenue and South Chester "road bas returned home after visit· lng friends and relatives at GeorgIan Bay. Ontario, East Aurora. N. Y .• 'and Towanda for several weeks. College. tor beirlnt.lnc Enrolled atW.r Oerter Robert R. Greene.\ BOn Of Mr. September 8. and Mrs. GrOTer C. Greene of 212 A graduate of Springfteld High Urges Votera South Chester road. Swarthmore. School. Greene has registered tor 18 enrolled in the Freshman Class st,!dles In the Elementary EduDear Editor: ~ext Tuesday Is a very Impor- at West Chester State TeachenJ cation curriculum. tant da,. tor the Republican Voters ot Delaware County; Fo"r many years, those ot us Interested in de. ceqt government 8cem to have been Made by Coldwell helpless. Last year's election, howImmediate DeU",.ert· ever, proved that We do have some Have Your Present PDwer 1\ID\\'er recourse. This year's primary offers 3. still greater opportunlt'Y. with a 8emeed During Winter Months. Letters To the Editor full slato of unbosscd Anti-McClure Media Lawn. Mower &Equipment Co. candidates on the ballot. In 1946 only 55% or registered You Can Select Your Republicans voted In Swarthmore. Newspaper accounts ot election . FOOD NEEDS .for_ ). "M .. . . . . La.... ( Sweet u for -p" OCIIII.'- Arters Brothers, Inc. Contractors & BuDden Home bnprovements, Alter.. Com Flakes:: 2·.... -29c Wax leans ....... c.t:;.a 19c Spinach T .......,Gr. . 2 ....:25c: Nabisco .............. .. ... 24c Iar'.ched fClllllly FLOUR atlons, Kitchen m o d _ · tlon. T".1t ..... ow u I • Evap. MILK 4 ~ 45e All __ Beef, a-b aad V_I aN U. S. Gon. flraded, and always Properly rri--' . 6g Sirloin, P-.tIouse or Round Beef STEAKS (:!~:,) e, Ib orllGASH 43 Lunch Meat ,,_ ...... it 15c loaf Cheese .._ ..- v .... 12c • I e Swiss Cheese ...... """17c Dried Beef ...... .... I. 32c FRESH n.OUNDER FI":' 45e . New Pack, Rob klrd ~zlge TO JUICE -------------- PI'........ :: • 8tr.wbel'l', .....Iord .... 't...'l~ •• 11 Che.k Apple J1IIH a.apehalt Jalee Pi:"~ Robufol'd Kldae,. Be... lI'... lie" Cut W . . Beans 18c: .. a~s can & .... H;;n219' 12-0. WUsoa'. Mol' can Voat'........1. Ib can .. 8 ... Id.aI Spap.ttI Sauee .. can, Ritt.r Catsup R....r.;':~T.1."" Ma-oonal.e Hom..... Vlor. ..... . . . - •• , LIte a..w end 2~~77c fJMI South Anwrlcan Coff.. ex~rtly blended and heat-flo roaatt& . No public serVant has done more Media 2587·R. t.h.An he to promote the general welfare &nd ,dvance the best In. 0-------------------~ terests ot our youth CountY-Wide. He Is now adllltnJaterlng the "An. nenberg'" fund to purchase equip_ ment for BOyS' Clubs tor recrea,.. tlonal. actlvltles. which he believes Is the beet practical 'method of promoting wholosome normal life and keep the boys and girls otr the streets. He beltevea It Is a seltevident truism that Ja.l1s ~re mon.. uments to neglected youth. Recently the Delaware County Bar Association called a meeting on the strange question. liDo we approve ot Judge MacDade running tor another term 7" Only about· half ot the Delaware County Bar as distinguished from the Bar Association. which 1& a group apart from the Bar Itselt. attended the meeting. In the group were all the aspirants tor the Judgeship and some who had fancied grievances because of unfavorable deciSiOns In law suits. The rest obvlousl'Y vaditloD8 on an honored Bench. thought the question ridiculous,. I have to live with my conscience and stayed away. Some ot Utese 14 houl'S a day." he added with a have since repudiated the action amUe. "and that haa never let me ot the AssociatiOn In employing a. compromise with anything that is secret ballot. Atter twice auport. Ing Jud~ Ma.cDade (once as a sit. Dot right. tt .Judee MacDad"e docs not WJ;l.nt tl!1g Judge) and 'suPPOrting E. to see the Delaware Coun~ Courts Wallace Chadwick as a' altting placed· On the auction block. '"This Judge. some ot the Association lost Is the Counb: where 1 was born the power ot their conVictions. On another· occasion the whole and where I have alwa.ys ma4e my Bar Association had this to Say h{)me. I do not belleve that the voters of Delaware County want to about Judge MacDade: uHe has Bee Justice 80ld to the highest bid_ always been the champion of the der. Such a thing fa worse than rigbts ot all Citizens and has never un-American; It 1s uncivilized and considered future pOlitical preter.. ment over the call to duty. His Inhums.nt" . Again. he has constantly' dis- public and private life are above played in h1a Judlctal works his reproach. "His career on the Bench haa Interest In veterans and their families In preventing evictions tn been marked by learning. great . . . .IBO, PA. ' enforcing tHe 80Idle).'8 and SaUora vigor 'and Indefatigable labor. He Congressional Act. Eepeclally has has met all problems placed be... OPEN TO THE PUBLIC he meted out just sentences In fore him and discharged his duties fairness. promptness and criminal cases to protect our cltl... with Luncheons ,1.00 8ens from crimes ot violence re- ability. He has won the esteem and DlDDe1'8 from ,1.75 respect of' the Be.r of Pennsylva.apeet1ng their Jives and property. MIn supporting a sitting Judge," nla.'· COLONIAL he explained... the people are keepAt the end of nearly 20 years as DINING ROOM Ing the Courts free and indepen_ a J'udge In Delaware County. dent and out ot 'PoUtlcs. To give .Tudge Mn.cDade hag risen above allegiance to a pressure group's polltl<>-s. ·'t am not Interested In STAG BAR to deprive the people of justice any political tactton In the County. and decidedly D'Ot IJI the public when dispensing justfce. It Is " FIRESIDE LOUNGE Interest. That wise and Bound pol. square deal and an honest declslOD Icy baa always been pracUced In for all In advancing the -public tn ... Delaware COunt,-"" terest When the voters go to the Be cl.ted the ·example. ot Pre.. polls on elecUon day. they wll1 give BANQUET ROOMS iltdent ludge Isaao .JohnsOn. John Intelligent thought to the etrorts I B. Hamlum, Br.. and ludgea WII. have made In' 'their behalt. And I lIam and .Tohn M. Broomall. Prest. am IJUre they wtn give as • ~ clent Judge W. Roger Froneftel4 Bttting judge. an overwhelmlDC" and: haa OW'D re-elecUon.. who were 'VOte and thue 'Preserve and protect CAll CHDJ!R 8286 all endo_ and e i _ .. IIItt1ng the, talr escutcheon of P.qulty and JuaUce ID Del&w..... CoIlDt,-. . Jade-. Insula·' C L U ::J."~~ 45c Itl unmatmabl. flavor ap,peals to lov.... of vacuum packed coffee. • It tapa ,hem all." p WiD-Crest COFFEE 2 .!.;~. 73c If you prafer a lighter bod,. .,.1 IkOng-tasting coR... C........... Bartlett ...... COOKING APPLES ONen 31" 3 lie --....................~~~~~=:~.....------,. lb. ! THEATRE PHARMACY PoUtical Ad,,·ertlsement S~oro ts(9).f a >$ 0" • ot ",VWs dfdato for district attomoy, and Mrs. FlDrence G. BroomaU, candidate tor prothonotary. A vDte tor any other candidate for county oftice will :mean con... 16A RICHARD A. HAWLEY Reglster two of whom are our tellow·Swarthmorea.ns, Guy G. deForm.,. mn ... tlnued '&lcOI...... control. Delaware County government is rated as tlre costUest county government In Pennsylvania. T,ax rates under the present CODner..McClure regime have been inCI FOO to%,. ~ • property ~ents have been boosted '51,000,000 ••• our count,. has the highest gross debt ••• tile \arge$ operating budget • • • It coll_ mo.... In taxes. BDd bas the highest tax-collecting costs Dt any county In Its Protboootaq 24A. FLORENCE Go BROOMAll. County Surveyor Swartlnnore 1548 2GA EDMUND C. WRAY "Finest slate of candidates ever presente~ fa .county voters." . Rep. E. Wallace Chadwick. Party·line service is better than fair When users use no more than their share. . Mrs. George M. Allen Geo'le M.' Allen Mis. Jizaheth Ba"ett Miss Kathryn Bassett Eclward M. BasseU, Jr. Mrs. Robert Bradford Robert Bradford . Mrs. Mary Brower Bloom Hennan Bloom John M. Broomall, 4th Mrs. Leslie G. Campbell Miss Patty CampbeH Mrs. William Craemer Wdliam Creemel'. Miss Virginia Craemer Mrs. Carolina C. deFuria Mrs. Hugh F. Denworth Raymond K. Denworth Pembei ton i>ickaon Mrs. Richmond Fetherolf Richmond Fetherolf Mrs. John L. Good Mrs. Charles Gerner , tesy pays dividends' Be brief .••• Space calls ••• Hang up gently • • • Take the lead in class. Montgomery and Lance.ster counties ba"·e no gross debt at alL Join the citizens llsted below In voting • • • B.nd In urging evei')· registered voter In Swartlunore to go to the polls 'On Tuesday. Last year, only 1087 or the 1959 registered Republicans In SwarthmOl"e ,.ot.cd In the Prbnai')". That was only 65 percent. Let's an ","Om to get out a 100~ vote. That's good citizenship! , Leonard C. Ashton Onparty·lineteiephones,conr. Mrs. GeorJre Plowman George Plowman Mrs. J. Richard Sadler J. Richard Sadler Mrs. Hervey SCh..m·....er Mrs. Paul Sherpless ·Mrs. Walter L. Shoemaker Miss Mildred S· Mrs. WtlliaJn H.....~tcher William H. Thatchep· Mrs. Lois. T. Thompson Jack B. Thompson Mrs. WdliaJn W. Tumer William .W. Turner Mrs. Eliza K. Ullman Roland G. E. Ullman Mrs. George P. Warren Dr. George P. Warren Mrs. Louis W. Wheelock Louis W. Wheelock Mrs. Paul D. Williams Paul D. Williams Mrs. CI.......c:e W. Worst Clarence W. WOI'I\ Mr•• Ralph Hayes Ralph Hayes Mrs. Reba Camp Hodge Sewell W. Hodge .Mrs. Thomas M. Jack-. Tholl1lU M. Jackson :Mrs. W. Henry Linton .W. Henry Linton Mrs. Charles W. Lukens Charles W. Lukens Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch Frank R. Markley . Mrs. Arthur McConnack Arthur McConnack ' Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McKeag George W. McKeag Mrs. Frank H. McCowan Frank H. McCowan Mrs. Harry L Miller Harry L Miller Mr•• Carlos F. Noyes Carlos F. Noyes Mrs. Eva Smith Paul VOTE .TUESDAY FOR ·UNBOSSED. CANDIDATES,. VOTE ANTI-McCLURE good party"llite. manner:" It 'IriIl mean betterservioe for all. :'n. ,.11 ,.I.,~••• C ••pal, .... McClure, will have DO Influence. Your vote is. needed to assure the election ot these candidates, County Treasurer ROBERT BROOKS " Recorder of Deeds BRYAN L SCHAEFER Satisfaction Guaranteed Your Vote is Vital ..• Urge Your Friends and Neighbors to Vote, too! .. , ThIs year, rOI" 1be first time, there Is a. good chance to break the McClure stranglehold on Delaware County. Every one of the candidates listed to the lert is dedicated to clean. efficient, honest co~ty govemmcnt In which the dl.scredltcd politician, District Attorne), All Sizes • County'" CommfsRioners JOSEPH W. BlITLER RAYMOND S. MUNSON 19A GUY G. deFURIA Simple Instructions, no Special Tools NeOOssal")" .~J P~I.~I,••la • 17A CHARLES C. BLACK Build Your Own Television Receiver I Polls Open from 8 a. m. to 9· p. m. Daylight Saving Time 13A * aJJC9il&eeeeeeee A(h-e~ment PRIMARY ELECTION DAY TUESDAY, SEPTe 9 12A ·0586 PoUtlcal Republican Voters of Swarthmore ; to Victor D. Shirer PoUtical Advertisement Political Advertisement (Vote for them by p ..lling down lever numbers shown.) 17 S. Ches\er Road B. D me. • 190 Comfortably Air Cooled Now Open Successo~ * Luncheon -- Fountain--We Deliver Anything -- Anywhere These Capable Anti -McClure Candidates will Represent You . . . A. G. Catherman * * Soda Fountain PRIVATE PARTY and Crisp ...... CeJeQ Registered Pharmacist on duty at all times Willlam Ward. IV 'Of South Chester road wtll enter Lafatyette Co] ... lege as n. freshman on. September 19. After being graduated trom Swarthmore High School, William ~erved a year.:and-a-half In the Navy and took a year's study ,at Penn Charter from which he was graduated In June. Mr. and Mrs. L. Reed Tripp and children Carolyn, Barbara. and>. Thomas ot VasSar avenue. ha.ve returned from a two-week va<".atl{)n I on Lake Champlain. \ 311 WELSH ST. Iced or Hot, They Hit the Spot COiFEi MacDade Eager 'T0 Keep wlll U irS E "':."'.:"17' Ho.29 __ - pine PoUUcal Ad"'ertlsement (Continued frOJ:Q Page 1) 'was active In all I!Iports and gym_ nastlCIJ. During the war he served t~r three and a. halt years In the United States Navy as Pbarmlclst's Mate, traveJllng. in Auatral.ta, I~dln., Al'a~la. Africa. and many otber lands In connection with his official duttes. Frances M. Hoot of 301 Latayette Avenue teach the second grade In the COllege Avenue School. She has been teaching second grade In the Garden City SchOOl and has tor years assisted with the Methodist Sundt..y School and the Sj,Illmer, Recreation programs_ She js a graduate of Swarthmore High School. Class of 1942, attended the Wheel{)ck ,School at Boston, aDd was grai1uated from \VeSt Chester State Teachers College in 1946. Violet Maly Carnell wlU be th~ ilew mannger of the school cafeteria. She has laught home eeo ... nomles and managed cafeterias at the Avon - Grove ConSOlidated Schoo!. Pleasantville High School in New Jersey, and Merchantville High School. Sho hds for a numbel· of years been active In the Y.W.C.A. work. She Is a graduate of the Olney High School. Class ot 1936, and Temple Untversi.ty. Class of 1939. Eer home is on Henley Road In Overbrook HUls. o r!!', 4" .!t'. knotty Polltl...1 AdverUsenient veterans In the government hOltpl, Mrs. L. P. Wra)·. Mrs. Roy Lat- the Fall If there are enough per.. The laat session of the Swarth~ tals of this area. AI)proxlmately timer. Mr8. Turner, Mra. Edw. 80118 Interested In learning to write BraUle. Interested persons may more Braille class waa beld TUes- sIxty decks of playing cardlJ have Boyd. leave their names' with Mrs. J. V. day morning at thA Presbyterian been BraUled to date by this group A new cla88 will be started In S. Bishop. 136 Harvard Avenue. Church. For the past ten weeks which" Includes Mrs. W. A. \Vlllard. this group has been learning co transcribe Brallla under the sponsorship ot the Volunteers Service for the Blind. 1415 Locust Street. Philadelphia. p~ Don aid G. Hughes Is the class Instructor. Atter completing ten 'le88ons and a test which Is corrected by a bltnd proofreader, the various members of thb group will write a trial manuscript of forty pages, and wlll then transcribe into Bralne short stories. articles and textbooks tor blinded veterans arid other visually handicapped persons The members of the B~~ll11e group nrc 1\Ir8. F. S. Reitzel, l\.Irs. J. S. ,Bates. 1\.I1"'s. 1\.1. 'H. 1. . uascll. Prescriptions Miss Mimi Fussell. Mrs. Lois Swarthmore Thompson, Mrs_ Davld McCahan, called for 3t5<1 Mrs. Howard Satterthwaite. Mrs. Theatre Square adjoining College Theatre and Open Sunday \Vllliam Morrow and Mrs. J. V. r..: • Bishop. Delivered Chester and Fairview Road. Near' 1 p.m. to 11 p.m., Another group of Swarthmore SWARTHMORE women has been engaged in BraiIHng pla~ing cards as gifts to blInd BRAD I E STUDY GROUP School Teachertl THB Teader~mB~.;dliliJ.;.;r;-------~~ 57. I.e. . I'Iat IUb "up Beef Ib as. Ciiiiiis;:S)w~~bs wDrk, paneUng, zroreenlng, CI::W~'~Cho;:::::w=d=ar=-__''!:' 29c ........... 10.!:.·7sC Custom..bullt cabinets, , cement Nab/ICO - - • .....·17c Guava Jelly·... •....... 29c s·':3tJ&: to I 2~ 3ge PRUNES g.fII.., right .~-----------------0. • oIHDrd_.... ..,redJ..,. precious No.2 . . . . ~ CI lIIEDIA 2456 thei'r vote. May I UB6 your columns to urge every Swarthmore voter t'O grasp the opportunity afforded pim next Tuesday to do his share in putting into offlce candidates who wlll represent lovers ot clean government for Delaware County and not th{)se representing interests who have brought disgrace to the coun!)'. Yours truly. Sewell W. Hodge T ....to Soup Jrand Ideal SIW.-as.: .for"~ COM . Pork • Bu • ~01 (UforSLM) z'!:;.:a:JG .... RIpe T ....toa a ~ asGood 1IaIstcr road hu\'c returned Y .• and 'rownnda. for several weeks. You Can Select Your FOOD NEEDS to beHer advantage from tb3 larger assortments you will find in your nearby Acme. Replenish your pantry slteWes eCOllOalicaUy. swiET'6'E1S:::;n12 1g$217 e 2 """""'-f ..... fvI P6CIS that willna.eo please for $JIO the mod porth:ular • for - Farmdale Peas !:-::: (.:::: :r...) at;:;: age Tomato Soup ~ S 1~-:" aSe : 6 fa< SSG Pork ., Beans P~af (":lfa< .".H) a'::.:as. Reel Ripe Tomatoe. a ~: aSG • ........ - Com Flakes gJII!d~ Wax Beans 219c T_. "'- No: Enriched Family OM Spinach 2 25c Nabisco QraIaa. CtMlI.e,... .It ,*, 24c Nabisco a.ttar COGkI.. 7~N'" 17c Guava Jelly'''' 'O_n'" 29c Clam Chowder ..,.... '·""29c FLOUR S .:.~ :5ge 10 F . . . . . . CD1H •• ... Evap. MILK 4 ----~==-~ o!. 7S': '" cc.,. :~~ 45c AIIOfH' Beef, IcmIb and Y_I are U. S. Govt. graded, and . always Properly rrimmed Sirloin, Porterhouse or Round Beef STEAKS (:!~!) Ib 6g e, orROAS~TS~~Lh;r______~ Tender Beel Liver Ib 57. Leaa Flat Rib Soup Beef Ib ase CiiiCiiisra(E~)w~i· Lunch Meat Silted a,ked ~b l5c Loaf Cheese SIKldA ...... 1U 12c . v.. lit I Swiss Cheese 43 slfnd 1/.1110 Dried Beef 511nd FRESH FLOUNDER ...,.. 1110 Fille':s ••b Next 'ruCHduy is a VC1'y impor~ tant day tor the Hepublican Votcr~ Dclaw:u'c County. l'~OI' many Yl'U"S. those of us interested in dc("el!t gO\'CJ'UIlWllt S('(~1Il to have ueen "ell)ics.~. 1.dIHt yeal"s C'lectlon, how. 0\'('1', flro\'ed that we do huve HOllie "('COUI'se, This year's primary offel's a still gTcater Ol)"ortunit')', with :l filII slnle of tlnLJoss~d Anti-~tcClure candidates on th£' ballot. In 1946 only 55%- of I'CgiHtCI'cd }{epubllcans voted in Swarthmore, Ncwspaper accountH of election eonditions in EUl'ope shOUld make citizenH here ashamed of not cxcn:i:;ing theil' 1)l'ecious I'jght to yote. May I usc youI' columns lO ul'ge e\"(~Q' Hwul'thlllorc Yotel" t'O gl"USP th(~ O)))lol'tunity atTol'dod ,him next Tuesday to do his shure tn putting into otnco candJdates who will rcpl'e~ent lovers of clean government for Delaware County and not thQSC repl'esf~ntinh intcrests who Im\'e bl'ought disgrace to the county, Yours truly, Sewell \V, Hodge Contractors & Builders Home intprovcmcnts, Alter.. ations, Kitchen modernlza .. Custom-built cabinets, . tlon. cement work, paneling. knotty screening, pine Insula· ::Uiscclluncous carpen- Uon. 302 Gayley St., Media. ~Icdln 2567 .. R. ••,---------------------------$ e 17c 32c 45e 2~~~.77e D o U S E Luncltooul'l S 1,00 Dinners trom $1.75 fine South American Coffee expertly blended and heat.flo roasted. COLONIAL DINING ROOM Win·Cresllighter COFFEE 2 ~~~. 73c body yet $trong-tQsting coffee. STAG BAR 0 FIRESIDE LOUNGE PRIVATE PARTY and BANQUET ROOMS COOKING APPLES 19Ct it 3 19c CAlL CHfSlR 8286 .folk Ib Green --~ .9. lb. Media Lawn Mower & Equipment Co. Providence & State Rds. ~IEDIA 2-156 I·olitical Adl'crt.iscmcnt MacDade Eager To Keep, Bench Free From Politics President .Judge A. D. MacDade ha"l been forced to campaign tor another term on the Delaware Oounty Dench. "In sPite ot the good American tradition that the election of a .J uLige should be above politics:' Judgo l\facDade sa.1d yesterday. "Selt-seeklng polltlcana. are tryIng to force inexperienced men into a position whore they can dispense 'justice.' .. The good jurist. known through.. out the Countty and the State tor hj~ courageous conduct ot offlce and that the tountain ot justice should not be tainted by corruption and vice. has avoided any and aU deals with political leaders who would promise hts election. But he rerused to consider that way of doing thlngs_ ".JUdges should be above pollUcs, ,. be declared. "'Anyone who doubts that statement may look at the judicial records of Germany and RUSSia. "As a sitting Judge," he continued. "r wtll not practice the political trickery ~hat Is being used against me, nor go on the stump to appeal tor votes as a political candidate. And as a man of Integ_ rity I must refuse to. I shall preservo and practice the Ideals and B OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 10", SC.',·I(.'C(1 During ,,'Intel' )fonths. U CBESIEB, PA. Crisp Puc:.. eeler:v C.llloraia "I'de" P ..... Immcdilltc Dclhc.·)' Iftn'c 'Your 1:'.'Cscnt I:'OWC1' )Iowcr L leed or Hot, They Hit the Spot If you prefer Made by Coldwell THE 1511 WELSH ST. CoFFEi College. for the term beginning EnraUed at Wear Chester Itobert R. Grcene" 80n of Mr. Septc"lll ber 8. and Mrs. Grover C. Greene of 212 A gradUate of SI)J'lngReld High South Chester road, Swarthmore. School. Greene has registered for Is clll'oIlcd in the li'reshman ClUB8 stl]:die8 in the ].o;lemental'Y Eduut 'Vest Chester State Teachers cation curl'icululIl. or RoJt.ford Rice ~~~ ~~. 18c Red Cheek Apple duice a ~: SSe Grapefruit duice p.":.~: ~:" .7e Ilob-lord Kldae,. Beaa. ~:'n2 .OC N::'-n21 9. J!'arlDdale CUt Wax Beans 12-az WUaoa'. Nor (l elmnre to bl'('ak the strnnglebold 011 Delaware Count)·. E\'cry ono or the CfUulldatcR listed to tho len is (lCi.1i~\tC(1 to clenn, cnJcient, honest (.''OWlt)· g()\'cl'llment in which thc discredited politiciun, l)[cC1ure, "ill hfn:e no influence. Your ,'ole i.. neetle01itlCllI Ad"crtiscmcnt Your Vote is Vital ... Urge Your Friends and Neighbors to Vote, too! 16A RICHARD A. HAWLEY 22A Party·line service is belter Ihan fair When users use no more than their share_ Dcll"\"ercd Polls Open from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Daylight Saving Time nish"ict. Attorney swu.·thmOl·C 1548 Chester and Fairview Road, Near I'oUUenl Adl'crtiscmcnt 19A GUY G. deFURIA ROBERT BROOKS and TUESDAY, SEPT. 9 17A Simple Insh'uction!il, DO Special Tools Ncccssury All Sizes SlltlsfncUon GlUlrnntecd Theatre Square adjoining College Theatre Mrs. Ralph Hayes Ralph Hayes Mrs. Reba Camp Hodge Sewell W. Hodge .Mrs. Thomas M. Jackson Thomas M. Jackson Mrs. W. Henry Linton W. Henry Linton Mrs. Charles W. Lukens Charles W. Lukens Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch Frank R. Markley Mrs. Arthur McCormack Arthur McConnack Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McKeag George W. McKeag Mrs. Frank H. McCowan Frank H. McCowan Mrs. Harry L. Miller Harry L. Miller Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes Carlos F. Noyes Mrs. Eva Smith Paul Mrs. George Plowman George Plowman Mrs. J. Richard Sadler J. Richard Sadler Mrs. Hervey Schumacher Mrs. Paul Sharpless -Mrs. Walter L. Shoemaker Miss Mildred Simpers Mrs. WIllilUIl H. Thalcher William H. Thatcher Mrs. Lois T. Thompson Jack B. Thompson Mrs. WilIilUIl W. Turner William W. Turne!" Mrs. Eliza K. Ullman Roland G. E. Ullman Mrs. George P. Warren Dr. George P. Warren Mrs. Louis W. Wbeelock Louis W. Wheelock Mrs. Paul D. Williams Paul D. Williams Mrs. Clareace W. Worst Clarence w. Wo~ VOTE TUESDAY FOR UNBOSSED CANDIDATES VOTE ANTI-McCLURE SWARTHMORE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE . n. 'en Telephone Company • Callcd for SWARTHMORE Rccoruc." or J)CCt:ls Build Your Own Television Receiver l'rcs('riptions 1 ll.m. to t 1 p.m. C-ount)· Commls...;ioncrs ~"" ,,~ THEATRE PHARMACY Sundn;r 12A JOSEPH W. BUTLER 13A RAYMOND S. MUNSON Swarthmore 0586 * * Republican Voters of Swarthmore PRIMARY ELECTION DAY A. G. Catherman 17 S. Cbester Road I Wrar, 1\11'8. Roy Lat. * (Vote for them by pulling down lever numbers shown.) Successor to Victor D. Shirer thc I'~all If there arc enough p~l'­ HOIlS inten'sted in learning to writo titllel', .:\II·N. TUt'ner, MrH. Ed\\,. Hrnilic. Interested pel'sons may leave theil' nu)nes with llrs, J. V. Boyd, A new claSH will he startell ~~_ S. Bishop. 736 Harvard Ayenue, :\II'H, I ... P. Registered Pharmacist on duty at all times These Capable Anti·McClure Candidates will Represent You • . Soda Fountain Now Open 5 SWARTHMOREAN If Penns,lvania • Morey· Report. On Engli.h Vi.it (ConUnued tram Pace 1) In American colleges. The student "reads" in a special field. as phllosopay or economics, until ready to p8.88 bis' examlna.tions. The tutorial 8)'Btem Is used-one student to one tutor meeting weekly, attending lectures, and reading and writing papers in the meantimo. Th~re are many schola.rship8. A college consists of Benlor members-the faculty, and junior member&-the students. "Mr. Morey found that the EngUsb elementary and secondary scnools were in 808810n until July 26 this year; consequently he was able to visit a number of them. The school yea:- is 40 weeks in length with four weeks vacation at Christmas and two or three weeks vacation at Easter. In the college preparatory Bchools PUpllR Were studying subjects ltkc LaUn, chemistry. trigonometry, calculus, aftd others several years earlier than Is the practice in American schools. PupUs find the study 55, == E Clothing and conditions soon PERSONAL housing enough. to prese·rve PERSONAi.,.-vacuum cleane.... IroM. tout.ers and radios repaired. called for and deHvered. Can Robert Brooks. Swarthmore 1648. , PEF.80NAL-Laundry done at home. Pick up and deUvery. Call Madison 4~51. world arc much worse than here. showing peace. the brave bu~ tremendous effort expanded by England to survive tn World War II. The Socialist Gov- ernment is planning more extreme measures to rpeet the crises and appears to have the contldence of the people. "England Is close to the unrest ot Europe and feels the danger ot the East~West rtft more keenly than America which Is so far away. There is a feeling that the Western European block is weak and cnnnot defend Itself. War with Russia is not discounted. Sweden is disturbcd. feeling it may be the next. for success of the UnIted Nations Is the realization of the increasing Intense nationalism of the prese.nt time. Great International problems ~ The School in Rose Valley, Moylan, Pa. ~ I'''all term. starting September 22. Nursery and Kindergarten groups and. Elementary School through 7th· grade. All day program "l'aUable ror aU HgCS. . For further inronnation call == 5 ~ ;;; Media 1088-J or Media 0336-W ~ 1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111ffi : CLASSIFIED • , lU IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ THE M..... Henl')' H. Alderter a.od eohedute COnee«lU6nUy very heavy. In whloh Eqlaud 18 lmmeraed lD~ Cincinnati,' Ohio, who were vteJ.Ung EngUah schoola have no commence ... elude: world-wide bunger, 10M of Judge Henry O. Sweney and :Mrs, small daug~ter Kathy, former real .. purchasing power and world mal',. Sweney' of Cheater. dents of Cornell aven'ue, have joinment and diplomas 80 typical of ketB. vast hordes of dleplaeed perMr. and Mrs. Albert Hillea ot ed Dr. Alderfor in ldadlBon, ':Vlsc.• American scboolB. sona In Europe, the atomic bomb Elm avenue entertained Mrs. Hil"Living condlUons In England and Its threat to world peace. and les' brother-In-law and aister. Mr. where they wlll ltvc. Dr. Aldel·fer scem t~ be getting worse. w.l'he the problem of the defeated nu... and Mrs. Paul M •. Cope· of Atlantic 18 an Instructor In the Medical School of Wisconsin U·niversity. shortages are increasing, rationing tlons. The great question in Inter- City as their .week..end guests. Is being tightened. and toad. while national affairs Is whether the U'ljiiiii~iii~ii~ii~iiiii~~iiiiii~~~iiiii'i~~iii~iii~iiiiii~~ ~. adequate. monotonously restricted. N. O. can become effective enough, m 65c lb. Smoked Tongue 49c Fresh Killed Frying Chickens 49c lb. Rib· Roast Of Beef "Since American security through two great wars h&.s. boen tied with Brtttan's, how can Americans help? America must sympathetically un ... derstand England's great dlff1cul~ ties, musi buy ber products, must skillfully assume and carry out the difficult role of international leadership, and must help ma.lte U. N. O. an effective organization of THANK YOUI RelDlion In Vqinia Dr. and Mrs. J. Russell Smith. of Elm A venue. returned last week after a sojourn of· two months at their farm on the Blue' Ridge In Va., whore their nearest neighbor was their son, Newlin. bls wife. and their son, Linford. In late August the Smiths welcomed their newest granddaughter. Roberta.. The baby is the younger child of Thomas R. and Eleanor P. Smith. The Ruasell Smiths other son, J. Stewart. all year resident with his wife and tnree daughter.IJ. livea at "Hedgewood Farm." the birthplace of his father. Stewart operates several farms In adjacant parts ot the county. In late August Newlin left for Medford, Mass.. where be is a member of the faculty of Tufts College and 'Thomas motored to Lnwrence, Kansas, where he Is associate professor at the University of·Kansas. . This week Dr. Smith is attendIng the annual meeting ot the Northern Nut Growers' Association at Guelph, OntariQ. an WANTED WtANTED-To rent ·hOU8e or apartment, with at least· two bedroornl'J, by professional man and family. Phone Swarthmore 0260-M. WANTEn-:-Woman or man for parttlQ1e work in Swarthmore wl\o can type,. do gemral ofllce work. References required. Call Swarthmore 04:'18. "rlocally .A.NTED-BW:llness woman employed desires small apartment or room and bath. Tel. swarthmore '2194 or write Box 11, The Swarthmorean. "\\tANTED-Secretary. 10 to 1.2 A. M., and 1-3 P. M. Monday through Friday for Swarthmore post. Office eXperience. rapid dictation. and Ught bookkeeping. Box 0, The Swarth... morean•. WANTED - College student ~eslres room and board including two meals. a. day. Ralph W. Todd, Nottingbam. Pa. Phone Oxford 363J _1. . WA~-orElD-Young couple. coIl e g ~ graduates, and young son desire a two bedroom apartment or timaU house in vicinity of Swarthmore. Call FOR PINK CHEEKS that won't; rub off! TEnnessee 9-4699. WANTED-Urgently by young doctor and family to reot or sub-let furnished house or apartment for one year. Call Swarthmore U03-R. WANTED-Young woman asBistant in attractive local shop. Apply Box II. The Swarthmorean. Rlch,cr.amy Golden Guem- NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, 3rd, of South Chester road entertained a dlnrier party In honor of Mr. Mrs. Rob~on B. Sweney of •• y Milk - Funeral DireclO!' . Formerl, 01. M _ JiSIl W. • .... ISh A.... PhIIa. l'IIone BaJdwm U1G No additional charee for 8Dburban calI& WANTED-By Girl Seout professional. room near transportation with prl· vllege of cooking breaktasL Tel. Boulevard 6'187. deUclou. on c....ol. or as a meal.tlme A. WAYNE MOSTELLER Electrical Contractor ~~~~;;~;~~~~~~~~ .. __ PERSON.AIr-Service on all makes of electric washers (Bendix included). ironers. vacuum. cleaners, ranges, lrona, toasters, fans and larnpA.. Also wiring-new and old. .All work complies to Fire Underwriters speclftcatlons. Call Erich H. Hausen. Swarth·more 2S50-W. AU ~ 01 El«trlcal lnet,n_Uona ~ Repairs 8ervIDg Swarthmore and Vlclnlt"· lor JlI1IIt TweDt, Yeol'B 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. Swarthmore 2295 PRESCRIPTIONS FIRST Dlgbt da,. or A. G. Catherman Successor to.Victor D. Sbtrer n s. Chester Road S~ore Walters' 0586 •• Tree Suraery and Landlcap.... Call MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY 33 t Dartmouth Avenue _ Phone Swarthmore 2175-R 104 ComeD Avenue Swarthmore, Penna. .... 0S4Ii For ALL SIZES HARD COAL DAVE WOOD GOLD. BOND Painting POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS PLASTERING SUPPLIES ~~ii~ii~iiii~iiii~ii~iii FOR QUICK SERVICE and Paperhanging Phone: Media 0755 call RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swarthmore 1439 LEGAL NOTICES •••••••••••••••••••••••• b.v.rag •• At your door Reese-Baxter Co. , FRESH PUI lED CORN ........... "........... "......................... 49c doz. . HOME GROWN TOMATOES ....................................3 lb•• 2Sc TENDER CELERY HEARTS .................................... 19c bunch FRESH PICKED BEETS ........................................."........... 5c buncb or at your dora - In·the SPORTING· GOODS 816EDGMONT AVE. Chester Cream-Top bottI•• --- Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete PETER DI NICOLA fa< _ ........ I" ~ - - _ ... Ii DAIaY 51~:'" wQod1all4~.... ~. _CA. ()PIll..... TAH&_ Phone Swa. 2626 ~ILK QUALITY LUGGAGE Sizes 15" to 26" $13.25 to $26.50 Tax Included 12th· and KERLIN STS •• CHESTER, PA. re'epllon_61 Fred A. FUh, Jeweler /; East State Street, 1IIedla Phone lIIedIa 18t6 CONTINUE GOOD GOVERNMENT IN DELAWARE COUNTY FOR SALE-Small table radio. $05.00; electric' tron and cord. $3. Both in perfect condition. Tel. Swarthmore 2111. ELECT SEPTEMBER 9 C. William CONNER John H. DOHERTY Wm. K. H. -Arthur p. LINVILL County Commissioner • • Recorder • • • of Deeds Mrs. Rae Wm. KRAFT, Jr. v. RIESTER c. KNODEL • • • • • • • FOR SALE-Model makers lathe with small motor,· caned "Arcade", equipped with circular sa.w. jlg.saw. buffing wheel, grinding wheel, mitering, etc. and small metal vite. Reply Box F, The Swartl\morean. District • • Attorney • • • FOR SALE-Large' crib,. small crib. batltlnet~, two bridge lamps. all In good condition. Call Swarthmore 2206·W. Treasurer nate Date of issue 1926 1930 1984 FOR SALE-Easy washer with copper tub and spinner dryer. Call Swarthmore 139t-R. Prothonotary FOR SALE---GQod used vacuum cleaners. radios, percolators. for lSale m RRETHERICK H. Gilroy DAMON· • • • • Outstanding Maturity 1966 $50.000.00 '1'1,000.00 1960 1939 '2.000.00 $169.000.00 Total ASSETS OF TlIE SCHOOL DISTRICT WITH THE CHARACTER AND V'ALUE THEREOF - JULY 7. 1947 SE'l\!I \ Y ~~::PIY. Robert Broolm, Swarthmo~ Cash _ o!~ ~4,... Register •• of Wills !III ER1FF SALES 01 Heal E.tate pose of the COllMtruction or improvement' of public works or utlIltlee at any character. from whlcb Income or revenue Is to be derived by said eltJ'. COURT HOUSE, MEDI!A. PA. or lor the reclamation of 1and to be ~d In the ,(,onstructlon of what'YU Friday. Sept. 19. 1941 or doeu o:wned or to be owned by 9 :30 A. M. Eastern DaYlight Time said city. such obllgatlolUl may be in Conditlona: $250.00 cash or certlan amount Bufflclent to provide for, Oed c~ck at time of sale (unle8S and may Include the amount or, th& otberwlse atated In advertisement) InteJ'etit and sinking fund aharsea: balance In ten daYB. Other condl· acerulng and which may accrue theroD tiona on day of sale. No, 9« throughout the period of constructlou. FlI!JRI FACIAS • a.nd until the eXIdration of 000 year • after the completion of the work for JUNE TERM. 194'1 whiull said indebtedness shall nave Prop. 8it. In FolBOm, Ridley Twp., bccn Incurred; and sald city shall not Del. Co.• Pa .• on the NE ed. of Syca- be. required to levy a tax to pay sald more Ave .. 160 ft. S~ or Fourth St., In Interest anc! sinkinG' fund charges as front "0 ft. and In dptb. 100 ft. .!Known required by section ten ot this article until the expiration of said period of as 336 Sycamo~ Ave. Impro\,ements eonslst of 1 story one year after the completion of &aId work. . framo bungalow 18 x 24 feet. Sold 88 the property of Daniel S. A true cop)" of .Joint Resolution No.2. C. M.. Morrison Rlc.h and Doris W. Rtch. Secretary of the Commonwealth Edward F. Hitchcock. Atty. SESSION OF 1947 3T ... 8-29 G. It. 'Vatklns, Sherltt No.3 A JOINT RESOLUTION Pr<;poslng an amendment to section PROPOSED AMENDMENTS.,. TO one, artlcle nine of the ConstltuUon THE CONSTITUTION APPROVED of the Commonwealtb of PennsylvaFOR THE FIRS'l' TIME BY THJoj nia. authorizing agreements between SESSION OF 1947 O"~ THE GENRedevelopment Authorities and local ERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COl1taxing a.uthorlties limiting for a MONWEAIJrH OF l'ENNSYLV AN1A term, not exceeding twenty-five AND PUBLISHED BY THE ORDER yeats. the amount of annual taxes of THE SECRE!TARY OF THE to be levied upon land acquired Cor COMMONW1!JALTH IN PURSUANCE urban redeVelopment. OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONThe General Assembly of the Olm.. STITUTION. monwealth or· pennsylvania hereby resolves as follows: SESSION OF 1947 Section 1. The following amendment A JOINT NREJOLUTION to tlle Constitution of the Cornmoll~ wealth of Pennsylvania be and the proposing an amendment to article same is hereby proposed In accordance nine of the Constitution of the Com~ with the eighteenth article thereof:monwealth oC Pennsylvania, by addThat section one of article nine Is Ing t.hereto a new ..section authorlz~ hereby amended to read 8IJ ff)l1oWB: lug thf) creation of an additional debt Section 1. All taxes shall be uniform. by the-Commonwealth for the pay- upon .the same.elass of subjects. wlthment of compensation to certain In the terrltoriil Umlts ot the authorveterans. lty levying the tal':' and shaJl be The General Assembly of the Com- levied and collected under general monwealth of PennsYlVania- hereby re- Jaws; but the General Assembly may, solves as followa: . be general laws. exempt trom taxation . SecUon 1. Tire fonowing a.."'l1endment public property used· for public purtu the Constitution of tha Common- poses, actual pla.;!eS of religious worw-ealth· of Pennsylvania be and the ship, places of burial nf)t WJed or same Is hereby proposed In aceordance held for privato or. corporate profit. with the eighteenth article thereof:- institutions of purJly pubUc aharlty. Thst article ntrre of the Constitution and real and pef1!onal, property owned. or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania occupied, and used by any! branch. be amended, by adding tl\ereto a new post, or camp of honorably discharged section to read as follows: ldl II did SecUon 22. In addition to the pur- 80 era, sa ora an mar neB; an the Get.eral Assembly may, by general poses stated in article nine, section laws. authorize agreements between foul' of this Constitution, the Common- Redevelopment Authorities and local wealth may be authorized by law to taxing authorIties IhnltJng for a. term create debt and to Issue bonds to tllP not 'exceeding twenty-five years th~ amount of $600,000.000 for tile pay-, amount of annual taxes to be ievlod ment Qf compensation to certain per~ upon land acquired for urban redesons from this Commonwealth who velopment. shall have served in the armed forces A uue copy of Joint ReSoiutlo N 3 of the United States ·01' of any of ireI' C M. MorriSOn . n o. . allies during World' War II. between secretary of tl\e Commonwealth the seventh day of December. one PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO thousand nine hundred forty-one and THE CONSTITUTION APPROVED the second day of September, one FOR THE FIRST TIME BY THE thousand nine hundred forty-five. for SESSION OF 1945 AND IrOR THE the service of such persons to their SECOND TIME BY THE SESSION country. whether or not they be Ilv- OF 194., OF THE GENERAL ASIng whe~ distribution shall be made, SEMiBLY OF THE COMMO}\;and If BUclr persons shall be decease" "'WEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AND when dtstri~utlo-;t shall be :nade, such PUBLISHED BY THE ORDER Olt' dec8ased person B compensation shall THE SECRm"ARY OF THE COM be paid to his spouse. chUd. children MONW1ElALTH IN PURSUANCE OF: or parents. ARTICEL XVIII OF THE CONSTJ A true copy ot Joint Resolution No. ·1. TUTION C. M. Morrison . SESSION OF 19'Secretary of tJle Commonwealth • No.4. A JOINT RESOLUTION SESSION OF 19<7 PropoSing an amendment to article Nu ~ nlne, section four of the ConstitutlQn A JOlNT RESOLUTION of the Cammonwea.lth of Pennsylvania Increasing the maximum amount Proposing an amendment to article of State debt to supplY the deflclen.. nine, section eight of the Constitucles in revenue. tion of the Commonwealth of PennThe .General Assembly of tIW!: Comsylvania. The General .Assembly of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania hereby remonwealth of PennsYlvania hereby re- OJolves as followa: Section 1. The following amendment solves as follows: Section 1. The followIng amendment to the Constitution of the Commonto the Constitution of the. Common· wealth of PennsYlvania be and the wealth of pennsylvania be and the same is hereby propoaed In accordance 8&tIle Is hereby propoeed In accordance With the ehrhteenth article thereof:That ~tlon tour of arUcIe nine is with the eighteenth article thereof:"l'hat article nine, .secUon eight of hereby amended to're&d aa follows' SeeUon 4. No debt ahatl be creaied the ConsUtuUon of Pennsylvania Is by or on behalf of the State. ucept hereby amended to read as follows: Section 8. The debt of any county. to SUPply casual deficiencies of revcity. borough, towrishlp. school dis- enue, repel Invasion. eupJ)J'er88 lne.rtrict, or other municipality or incor- rection. defend the state tn war, or porated district. except as provided to pay existing debt: a.nd the debt herein, and in section fifteen of this created to supply deftclencles In ·artlcle. shall never exceed seven ('1) enue shan never QCeed, In the aggre.per, centu:n upon the assessed value gate at anyone time.· fifty mtlllon of the taxabie property therein, ·nor dollars ($50,000.000): Provided. howshall any such county, municipality ever, That hi determining the llmit ·or distrIct incur any debt, or Increase upon State debt under the proVisions Ita indebtedness to an amount exceed- of this eecUon. no account shall be ing two (2) per centum upon such taken ot the debt created under the assessed valuation of property, with ... provisions of the section prior to out the consent of the electors thereof amendment, nor shall any account be at a. public 'election In such manner taken of the amount of any debt as shall be provided by law. TJte debt created under lhe provisions of any of the city of Philadelphia may be other section ot this article. increased tn Buch amount that thQ A true copy of Joint Resolution No.4. total debt of said .cIty shall not exC. M. Morrison ceed twelVe and one-halt (12%) peT Secretary of the Commcnwealth centum of the average ot the annual PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO assessed valuatloQs of the taxable THE CONSTITUTION APPROVED realty therein, duri.ng thoe ten years FOR THE FIRST TIME BY THE Immediately preceding the year In GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF· THE which such Increase Is made, but said SESSION OF 1947 OF THE COM... city shaJl not increase Its indebted- M".ONWEAIJrH OF PENNSYLVANIA ness to an amount exceeding two and AND PUBLISHED BY THE ORDER one-hqlf (2¥.!:) per centum upon SUM OF THE SEX!RJilTARY OF THE average assessed valuation ot realty COMM:ONWEAIIrH IN PURSUANCE without the consent of the electors OF ARICLE XVIII OF THE CONthereof at a public election in such STITUTION. manner as shall be provided by law. SESSION OF 1941 NO.6 NO. debt shall be Incurred bY, or on behalf of. the county of Phtla.delphI9.; A .JOINT RESSOLUTION and within such county, only the city Proposing an amendment to artlcle of Philadelphia and the school diseight of the Constitution of the trict of Philadelphia shall have power Commonwealth of PennsYlvania. by to Incur debt. ' adding thereto a section prov141ng In ascertaining the debt-Incurring for absentee voting by bedridden or capacity of the city of PhiladelphiA. hospttallzed war veterans. at any time. there shall be deducted The General ~embly ot the Comfrom the debt of said city 80 much mon;wealth of Pennsylvania. hereby reof such debt as shall have been In- solves as tollows: cuiTed. or IA about to be incurred. Section 1. T.hat tll'8 following amendand the proceeds tbereof ~xpend~, or ment to the Constitution of Pennsylabout to be expended. upon any pub- vania be and the same Is hereby prolIc improvement, or In the construc- posed In accordance with the eighttion, purchase. or condemnation or eenth artic1e tbereof:any publl.c utflity, or part thereof, or That arUcle eight of t:.lm: ConsttutaciHty therefor. if such public im- tion of the Commonwealth. of Pennpl'O\'"ement or public uUllty, or part 5ylvanla be amended by adding therethereof, 01' facility therefor, w.h.ether to a new section to read as follows: separately. Dr In connectlon with any Section 18. The General Asaeinbly otber pubUc Improvement. or public may. by general law. provide a manutUlty. or part thereot, or facility ner in. Which, and the time and place therefor. may reasonably be expected at which, qualified war veteran voters to Yield rewnue In excess of operat.. who may, on the occurrence of any Ing expenses 8uffieJent to pay the IB- election. be un&votdably abBent frotn terest and sinking fund charges there- the State or county ot their n;s1d9nce on, The method of determinIng BUch because of tbe1r being bedrIdden or amount, 80. to be deducted, shall be hospitalized due to IDneea or physical . . now p~ or which may dlsa.btllty contracted or aul'tered 1n hereafter be prescribed by the General connection with,. or as a direct result ABoombly. . of, their mllitary .. RrVice, may vote Ia lneWi~ 'Ind.ebtedn_ for 8111" BIId· tor the ..tum and aanvaas of. the ~ of Phlladelphla mi., tJtell' 'IOtet!i In the election district b nlBlcIe. . _ Ito 01)llptloM mataring not later whleh they _ SHERIFF'S OFFICPl • re,·- OPEN YOUR EYES-REPUBLICANS!! Clarence L. tiona at :naturlty the payment of lIuf"h tJinklng fund to be In equal or graded IUll!ual tlr Qther periodical installmentp, 'Vhere any indebt-edneas shaD be or shall have been Incurred by Bald city or· P,hU&deIphla lor the pur- LP,(JAI. NOTICES WILLIAM BR To the 24,786 Republican men and women of Delaware County who signed petitions for my renomination as Republican candidate for District Attorney for a second term, I express my deep, sincere appreciation of your manifestation of confidence and support. .1 wanted to write each of you a personal note of thanks but my duties as District At· torney and the time consuming activities of the campaign have made that impossible. To yoll and to all the people of our county I renew my pl~dge to conduct the office of District Attorney fearlessly, honestly and fairly. I ' On Tuesday, September 9th we will join at the polls with our friends and neighbors .to insure continued good government ~nd home rule in our county. Sincerely, C. William Kraft, Jr. District Attorney of Delaware County. pence and amity." A. MERCER QUINBY PERSONAL-WOMEN - SPOT REDUCING-Inches olf where reslred .....u~,.,."",.,.:b ~ while prlv&t4!ly relaxln'g. MEDICA,r. 8 - -.. -..0.... 1"8 MASSAGE-lnera-red, Ultra.· Violet. ..__......u ..... Reclining Vapor Balh. Be a t I' 1 e e Be"mld!, 1..... Chestnut Street. Locust OOKS 7_3881. Houra 12 to 1. Ash~ .. Rubbish RemoYed PERSONAlr-IF YOU KNOW OF AN I.e 1II APARTMENT (In or near SwarthWD8 owed General HaolJDg more) that will be vacant by the end sse HardIng 4:ve. .HortoD. ..Pa.. . of September. we'd greatly appreciate your call1ng us. No children or pets. """"""~!I~~~ Long-time residents of Swarthmore. .....,.-.. Jim and Kay powell. Swarthmore 1217-R- . • 7 SWARTHMOREAN _._..... _... _......................... -f 31,Ol2.43 6,367.92 'I'...... _" ............ _._ ...................... 1,498.68 School BuDding, SItes, TeXtbooks, Equipment _ .................................. 1,0&8.338.86 ..:.:..::.--------------1 Tultlop Delinquent Tazes ._""'"-....... __ ..................... _ ............... ,,................................... Receivable _ •.. ~................................. • Surveyor FOB RENT Total .A88eta FOR RENT-To young woman or Instructor. large single . share batb with one. Garage breakfast optionaJ. School year. Swarthmore 1644. , SPONSORED BY LOCAL REPUBLICANS FOR RENT-Jrhlrd floor and (man preferred). Reply Box K, Swarthmorea.n. LIABJLlTIES ..._ ...____ ....+ ..... _.................._...._.......... _01- ••••............. Outstanding Bonds AB 01' 1j7/D -NONE PablWaed _ • $1;ot6,221.59 Ro, W. D ' I" otu.. ~ 01 ~. Dk '12,.. J\., • Order W. II. DaDpa, B, ,' oc::. from tile _ A. ~ [II ~~t ~UUOD No. G.: te.,. fDol'-'ttoNtlre _ _ ~ of the 00_,"""", (10) _ .tIIitJ:I: t t: wItIt .PIC,"""" ,.. • '&1 hi • I •.. s -------------------------HomeApm Voter. Survey JackIe Calhoun arrived "home Wednesday. August ·27, after a fifteen day stay in the FitzgeraldMercy Hospital .~Jth polio. 'Jackie. who is coming along splendldly, would Ilke to thank all who sent cards to blm whlle he was In the hoapital. past few ye~ as Deputy ProthODOtal7, he has acquired Beth .Huey of Dickinson avenue of North Chester road have been thorough knowledge ot the Pro~ spent several oo)"S of last week as, entertaining :Mrs. Carroll's uncle thonotary's office, and of the im .. mensely varied work It pertonns. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Primary 7icket (Continued from Page 1) experience. 18 better fitted than 18 He haa given excellent lIerYice to G. HopJJOn of Rutgers avenUe who Mrs. Rae B!ester for the office of the public and to the Bar. Mra arc vacationing at -Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. H\lgh . O. Thayer County Treasurer. The la.tter·s }<"lorence Broomall has had no exand thel~ daughters Peggy and publlc service, for which we join perience ,nor tralnlng for the otMary Lou of North. Chester road . In commending her. haS no visible flce. relatlon to the dutles- of County Mrs. Francis Harper and chU- Treasurer. dren Lucy and David returned to The Committee endorses Guy O. Roae Valley on August 30 after a De }<"'urla for. District Attorney. vacation in Cornwall, N. Y. for this ottice the choice was dlt- For Recorder of Deeds we en- have returned home from a twodor8e Wllllam K. Llnvlli. He Is now Deputy Recorder of Deeds. Hls record in that oruce seems to U8 to provide better qual1ftca.tiODs ficult. C. William Kraft. the In- than that ot hls opponent. Mr. cumbent. has made a good record. Ha.wley, As a veteran and a. citizen Bot,h men, we belleve. arc able' lawyers, equally capable of running an efficient and v~orous omce. In view of Mr. Kraft's personal representation of McClure. in hlB private capacity. however. we have concluded that the" county's best interests will now be better served by Mr. De Furina' nomination. For Prothonotary we endorse During the William C. Knodel. eES.,~ I"'" • '-U a ~".~ .... STEAKS CHOPS SEAFOOD Our Specialty Completely Air-Conditio,ed SHOE REPAIR CO-OP Try our new service Leave thoae school shoes for repair before , the fall rush. Our Prices Are \ Standard Orthopedic Prescriptions Filled 'he Is qualified for this ottlce on the busts of bIB PMt experience. l"-or Register of WlllH we endo~e Arthul' Brethcrick. The office Is one tor which legal training and education are Indispensable. Mr. Chal'lcs Black. his opponent. lacks such educa~ion and training. We therefore have been unable to give Mr. Black our backing. Two County Commissioners are to be nominated from the seven candidates. A majority ot the Committee feels that Clarence Conner (McClure endorsed) and Raymond .S. Munson (Heyburn-Pew endorsed) are the two men In the field with the widest background of experience In the ottlc, or in comparable fields. 'Swarthmore, Pa. VETERANS ' - _',' - .": _ ~I rn white, maize and , ,aqua. Sizes 3.0.. 1038. , Old Bank Bldg. at 21n% a year. A $100 bond is worth $112.SO to you if you hold it to maturity. Telephone Sw. So hold those bonds until you can get full interP.t and f,,11 '.'3 hie. 4597~W Fall Opening Tuesday Sept.9 Lewis Fusco Co-owner Co-owner FUSCO AND ALSTON-SALES AND SERVICE South Chester and Fairview Rds. Beautiful Asters, Dahlias Candy in Season Home Made Cakes STUDEBAKER Come in and see us Don't bury your head in the sand Express your opinion by casting your ballot VOTE· ON ELECTION DAY .. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Tuesday, Sept.. 9th Advertisement placed as a public service by . . The League of Womell8 VoterB of Swarthmore J . .' ''" _ . I LOCAL MEN TO MEET BALTIMORE COUNCIL ORDERS CITIZEN NEEDS .=" .", TO CONflNUE CHEER CLASSIC BLOUSE 4 49 This lovely rayon crepe classic with a converta~le neckline is a must for your fall wardrobe. ,-- .. ' . ---=$3C:::-:.OO :-::-"'YEAR=""" SCHOOL OPENS WITH 798. PUPILS There will be a. receptacle on the porch ot the Keenen, honle at 'U8 Harvard avenue next Wednesday The Primary Election returns attEJrnQon _ and cai-ly Thursday or 1332 votes set tlie non-IITesl.. • morning to receive the week's con~ dentlal record In the borough's trlbutlon of Rowers for PhUadcl- . hiStory. The State Organizaphla General Hospital patients. Tile tion's Delaware County Repubposies will leave ~tor the hospital lican Campaign Committee carat 9 A. M. Thursday. The Flowers rIed the borough. The County for the Flowerlcl:SS program will Organization ticket carried the In the 1lnal tUB81e of the season conUnue. each week this month. county. In the midst of breathless heat Last Monday the Swarthmorp I at the Sun Oll ~A. Field on WedGuy de Furia local candidate an~ humidity Dorough Council Schools oponed with 369 children nesday, September 17, the Sun 011 for District Attorney polled 999 in the elementary school, the same skipped forward in mind to preparc All . Stars will play a. return en'"borough votes to lead his slate number us in June, whUe in the fOr Old Man Winter's hoarY blasts. gagement with the Baltimore Lato triumph here as he did in tho high school there are four les8~ Crosse Club. The game. which will At Monday evening's meeting, county where he piled uP' 42,with 429 enrolled. ThlB total of 798 be played under the l1ghts. starting 000 odd votes aa agaJnst 49.000. is just abo'ut the sume as last year. mo.ttvllted by Swarthmore College's at 8 p.m., will ring down the curSecond high in tho borough The all-time hiS-h 1n Swarthmore offer of the uso of n large truck, tain on a season that has been School onrollment was in 1936 when vole was B. L. Schaeffer (986), the highway department decided succeSBful. The thouBands ot specthere were 899 pupils. In 1940 the third, Ray S. l\!unson (964), to advortisc for bids on a snow tators who have been thriled" by high school enrollment renched its fourth Florence G. Broomall plow that will. for the first 'time the tast and rugged action of box (908). peak with 535, while the elemenprovide truly adequate snow reLaCrosse will see as good a gama tary school peak was In 1934 with "llloval from borough streets. Complete borough returns are as it Is possible, to stage It the 441. The public safety committee ·elsewhere in the issue. calibre of,. the players Involved is "BIll" McCaha.n, Duke University The youngor children are com• moved to enforce the two-hour anY.' criterion. Both lineups will be parking law on streets In the busi- graduate and himself a fonner ing along in great numbers, for studded' with stars at the flt"!IJt ness section and to entorce the American Legion pla.yer delighted there are 67 in the kindergarten magnitude, All-Americans, AU~ speod limit, keeping lIl'otorists down 35 members of the Swarthmore as agalnst but 39 in the sixth South and All-North team memAmerican Legion Team, their grade. In the high school, with 7·2 to a moderate rate of speed. bers. and other lumtnarios will be Under the chairmanship of parents and friends by relating In the nInth grade, the school has the rule that proves no exception. George EWing the public safety highlights of major league base- one of the smallest ninth grades In The Baltimore contingent is coachcommittee Is drawing up a new ball and answering questions from years. The senior class numbers 72 ed by Bobby Pool, three years building code for the borough. the tioor. at saturday evening's at the present time. All-American and originator of thc climaxing "years of arguing baci( banquet for the local team at L..ut week the teachers reported famous "Pool Dodge." who gaine".. M. WEINSTEIN Reminder to MemLers thrift. Don't caah your terminal-leave bonds now, unless you must. THE SWARTHMOR FLOWER TUESDAY SEPT. 15m Local Growers Urged To Enter Their Posies Swarthmore 1727' Myrtle McCall1n 9f Rutgers avenue received her d(:;gree of l\laster 'Of Sciencc in EdUcation at the rccent summer commencement oC the University of Pennsylvania. l\U:JS McCaUin who has taught in the Swarthmore Schools for a number of years is a teacher of the sixth grade at the Rutgers Avc·nu3 School. Veterans I Set an example of level-headed '4· We Call 'and Deliver ,Receives M. S. at Penn A:IIEND CLUB TO EXHIBIT FALL FLOWERS Rear of Bouquet Beauty'Shop !: ,Hold on to your bonds!' ---'"_ Stanchfield of Minneapolis. Minn. Mr. Stanchfleld has returned home while Mrs. 8tan~hfteld wll1 continue her visit for n. fow more weeks. Mrs. M. A. Whiteley ot Niagara J"alls Is Visiting her Hon-in-Iaw and .daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Lingle ot Cornell avenue. Capt~ H. Walter Jones, Jr., M. C;, o.t Edgewood Arsenal, and Mrs. .Joncs spont Labor Day week.end with Capt. Jones' parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Henry W. Jones of Haverford avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks and their daughter Molly of Harval'd avenue returnod Tuesday after spending the summer at their cottage "The Inwoods," on Lake \\TC_ sauking. Towanda, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hall or Strath Ha.ven avonue spent [1 few days of this v.oak 8.;s the guests of Mrs. Hall's siater, Mrs. Earnshaw Smythe of Amhorst, Mass. Mr. W. StanleY Kite of 'ogden avenue Js recuperating In the St. Joseph's Hospital, Philadelphia, foll'Owing an emergency appendectomy Thursday. August 28. .,.------------------Temporary Location WlIlIam R. Too.! Lever 6A County CommiSSioner Clarence Conner Lever 7 A Raymond S. Munson ·Lever 13A Recorder ot Deeds Wm: lL 1(. Linvlll Lever 16A Register of Wills Arthur Bretherick Lever 18A District Attorney Guy G. De Furia. Lever 19A County Treasurer Bryan L. Schaefer Lever 22A Prothonotary William C. Knqdel Lever 23A SWARTHMORE CO-OP 401 Darbnouth Ave. willing to make a campaign tor olflee. Mr. Hawley has our respect; we 'do not, however, consider that week vacation at ldu8koka Beach, Ontario. '1I.Irs. Ray S. Quick and her daughter Gloria of Dickinson aveDue are leaving next Tuesday to drive b) BOUlder, Colo.. whero Gloria will cnter her freshman )'ear In the University of Colorado. Mr. and :Mrs. E. M. Pritchard and their daughter EmilY of Dickinson avenue have returned from a two-week motor trip through the New England Statcs and a visit with relatives and friends in Parkersburg aQd Clarksburg, W. Va. !tIr. and .1\1rs. C. D. Prater of Swarthmore avenue entertained Mr. Prater's mother. Mrs. H. B. Peter. son of Chattanooga, Tenn., ·who has returned to, her home after a week's vIsit. Mr. and Mrs. Prater entertained MrS. Prater's brotherIn la'...• and sister, Mr. and ?tIt·s. Gary C. Hovater of Cleveland, In conclusion therefore the committee end4?rses the following: It'or Judge Workmanship and Material Guaranteed .:_ Ohio. for several da"8 of thla week.' Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy carroll, Jr •• NEWS NOTES a Silt j Tlan Down- • ~ ....." Sep' • THE 2 News Notes BIRTIIS HALL-BALFOUR The Dlarrlu.ge of Mlss Nina. JeanMarllyn MacElweo of .Mt. Ho~­ dotted swiss and carried a colonial ette Balfour, daughter of Dr. and oke pla~e who spent the summ"r bouquet of summer flowers match- Mrs. Marshall Baltour of Rockeas a hostess in Dupont's Exhibit Ing her headdress. teller li'oundation and Mr. Alan on the boardwalk at Atlantic City. Mr. Paul H. H. Snyder served Norman Hall 80n of Mrs. Helen M. has been attending a house party as his brother's best man. and the Hall of Park avenue was performed in Great Barrington, Mass., t~ JlBhers were Messrs. Jobn Seaman In a candle light ceremony In tho past week. Albert, 3rd, of Wa11lngford: WII- Riverside Church Chapel New York llam Henry Faust, brother at' th.e iCity on Friday, September 6 at ll.lrs. Frank G. Keenen of Harbride: Joseph W. Tucker of Ger- 5 P.·M. vard avenue entertained at a lunmantown; Lewis M. Robbins, of cheon at her home Monday when The bride wore a gown of ·Unen Riverton, N. J., and John N. Stull tissue which she brought from the guests included Circle leaden and the Program Committee of the ot New. York. t!hlna when she returned with ber Woman's Association of the The couple will reside In Wells- parents in August. Her finger tip vUle. New York State. Mr. Snyder Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. '\'eU was held in place by gardenias was released from the U. S. Navy ant) stephanotis which were also Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Flaherty of as a lieutenant commander after Guernsey road entertained over the flervlng five years In the North At- used in a cascade bouquet which week-end. the former's Bon-In-law lanUc, the Pacific, and Far Eastern she carried. Her slster, M1.ss Marcia Balfour. was gowned In gold and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John areas. s1lk tissue and carried a cascade of Krase of 1\1llwaukce, Wisc., who shaded yellow flowers, . are living temporarlly In Annopolis, COX-SCHOFF Mr. Robert D. Hall served hie Md., where Mr. Krase is on a short marriage ot Miss Jane The brother as best man. Mrs. Balfour assignment. Bill Moore of Amherst avenue Schoff, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. was gowned In aqua crepe with returned from the shore last week Albert Lawrence Schoir of River- black acceS8orles. A dark red corafter operating a parking lot. buel- view road. to Mr. Burton Nowlin sage formed ·an Interesting color ·ness during the summer. Bill bas Cox. Jr•• son of Mr. and Mrs. Cox, contrast. The gro~m's mother Baltimore, Md.. took place Satur- wore an Ice blue satin gown with a left for TUBculum. Tenn., to bnter day, September 6 at .. o'clock in the pink ostrich feather hat and rose college as a freshman. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. corsage. Roberta Halg of River.view r,oad The Rev. Dr. David BraUn perThe bride and groom, both gradhas arrived home following a tormed the ceremOllY. uates of Swarthmore Col.1ege, plan month's vacation at Mont TremThe br1de. glven in marriage by to live In New York City. Mr. Hall blant. and Lake MUskoka, Canada. Mrs. Harr.y lnge Johnstone of her father. wore an Ivory satin will continue his graduate studies wedding gown made with a fitted at Columbia University. Mrs. Bali Mobtle, Ala., Is spending a few bodlce finished with a narrow will be wOi'klng as an analylst In weeks visiting her brother-In-law round coUar with seed pearl trim, the Security Counc1l of the United and sister, Mr. and MrsJ Harry S. cap sleeves edged with seed pearls Nations. Pack, Jr., of Swarthmore avenue. and a full skirt ending 'In a long Mr. a.nd "Mrs. NathanJel Myers train. She wore long gauntlets emand daughter ot Rahway. N. J., SEPTEMBER BRIDE broidered with seed pearls and her trhe marriage at' Miss Louise have returned home after a week's Chapel length tulle vei" fell from a Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs visit at th~ Myers home on Cornell lace headdress. She carrIed a round Ralph V. H. Wood, of West Chesavenue. bouquet ot white gladioli florets and ter, to ~r. Robert A. Sheppard, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. George B. Sickel stepl)anotis with green and white Bon of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Shepand Williain and Barbara Sickel of ivy leaves and tied with' tulle pard of Va.ssar avenue, will take Strath Haven avenue have restreamers to Which stephanotis was place Saturday, September 20 at turned home atter spending the caught. 2: 30 o'clock at Christ Church, :Mesummer with Mrs. SiCkel's mother, Miss Margaret Brown of North dia. Mrs. WtlUn:m Bittinger on her Chester road as maid of honor, and farm in Plymouth, Ohio. DJ'. arid the bridesmaids, Miss Bdverly MulMrs. Sickel and Barbara wllI drive HONOR COUPLE holland of Baltimore, Md.. )IUss Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Brown ot to Mt. Holyoke College Sunday where Barbara. will enter as a Mary Augusta Lentz of Bywood, North Chester road entertained at a Mrs. Louis deMoll of PhlIadelphla, dinner Friday evening when the freshman. and Miss Barbara Kent of RlverLangdon EIsbree of Walllngford .vlew road, wore leaf green taffeta guests included the bridal party of Bins Is returning to (;eorge Schopl dreB8es fashioned similar to the Miss Jane ~chotr of ~lvervJ.ew where he Is student representative bridal gown. They carried round road and Mr. Burton Nowlin Cox, at faculty meetings. bouquets of glad loll florets edged Jr., of Baltimore, Md .• whose marriage took,..lilace Saturday. Mrs. RaymoD..d Fellows· an,d sons magnolia·leaves and tied with 'Mrs. H~gh O. Thaver. of North Dickie and ·Chuckle o{ Garrett ave- with matching streamers and wore clus., nue returned home Sunday from· .. Chester road entertamed at a kitters of the same flowers In their Ocean Cltty where they had been hair. chen shower for the hewly-weds at vacationing since August 1. M r. J ames William C ox serve d as Strath Haven Inn on Tuesday of Peggy Keenen of Harvard ave-~ best man for his brother and the last week. nue will leave tomoTl'ow for Deni· _________ ushers included Mr. M. Raymore son Un.iversity, Granville, Ohio. to Greene and Mr. E. Bryant Freck, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and· Mrs. J. ·l:t""'rank Beatty of begin her sophomore year. both of Baltimore, 1\1d., Mr. FrcdDick Hoot of Lafayette avenue eric Senoff, brother of the bride, Highland- avenue,' Morton, anreturned to Tulane University by and Mr. Louis delololl of Phlladel- nounce the engagement of their daughter. Pauline Eleanor. to Mr. plane last week to begin his senior phta. David S. Binns, son of Mr. and year. A reception followed at the home l\Irs. ArthUr 'V. BInns eff MuhlenMr. and Mrs. H. I. Hoot and of the bride's parents. The bride's Helen Hoot of Lafayette avenue will drive to Oberlin College, Ober- mother wore an electric blue crepe FOR dress and blue velvet hat. Her Un, Ohio on Tuesday ot next week where Helen begins her freshman corsage was of white orchids, The Magazine Subscpritions mother of the hridegroom chose an yoar. CaD aqua crepe gown with matching :h8t. Her corsage was of yellow or- Mrs, Uoyd Eo Ka14rldesmaids in pink. Flowers,in tl).~ir.Jlair matched their bouquets of camellias, ivy pom-poms. Nivin Snyder. sma II daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. H. Snyder - We Telegraph Flowers and MEDIA CHESTER COUNTY HORSE SHOW September 18, 19, 20 DEVON HORSE SHOW GROUNDS DEVON,PA. Pre.mlins .. FLICKA. SMOKY • THUNDERHEAD Thursday, Frida)'", Saturday 8e!.Jt. 11, 12 and 13 BE'ITY HlJTrON JOHN I,UND "THE PERILS OF fa fitot appoar_ 01. thee fa. ........ hcJn. in dUo - . 1:00 P.M. &: 7:45 P_M. D.I& (7c;; fH _".0 1I.s.,.. ...... P.Jl. In teclmlcolor A TarIet.,.. cartoon In color and first run news • STORE HOURS Saturday ~latlnec 7:00 P,M. Children's Show Daily 7:30 A.M. to 11 P.M., .. , Sunday 8:30 A~M. to--' ,." llaJ' RlOIARD P. VERRALL, C. S. or New York City "TIm TROUBLE wrrH WOMEN" 10:30 P.M. AT LAST! the Painter. have left and We are OPEN for BUSINESS . H_9:80 to &:80 Wedn_)'~ 9:80 to t alice barber, guts OLD BANK BUILDING •••••••••••••••••••••••• FAR MORE IMPORTANT than the dignifled· surroundings of our establishment is the mental and physical comfort provided. An adequate aircanditioning system assures perfect temperature at all times and our amplification allows the service to be heard distinctly throughout our many parlors at large gathering.. OLIVER H. lAIR CO. 1820 'CHESTNUT STREET ."1.11 • Rumsey Chevrolet _bel' MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY SCIENCE of the Board of LecturesblP of the Mother Ohnrdl. .. """""""""""""""""""""""" • Yale. and Rutgers Avenues SWARTHMORE 1439 Homicebrin . Vitamin B CoMplex Oleum Percomorpbum Vi.Penta Drops_ Picalcium Phosphate Cod Liver on Cecon Unieap Vitamins Vi·SyneraI Registered Phannacist on duty at alI times Luncheon - Fountain' - Gifts PHARMACY THEATRE Square l . Sunday ~ SepteonNr 14, 1947 , _"8:80 O'Clock ,... , FRESH STOCK DIe FInA VhUl'C!h of ~ Scientist, In Bo8tOD. V'e,;,.,mmreus On the Comer •••••••••••••••••••••••• .' "Christian Sci,nce: The Impersonal Saviour" Monday and Tuesday VICTOR /MATURE and PEGGY OUMMINS In Mr, ....01 Kn. I. R. JlaoElwee of Mt. Holyolll1un and ,.eon Joel turned to their borne In Rose Valof Park avenue flew home from ley la.,Jt week following a Bummer Windsor. Conn.. where they bad apent in Bedford BUlB, N. Y. Louise visited Mrs. Chapman's mother. wltJ enter the eighth grade of the Mrs. Alfred \0Id8. They were aq- Swarthmore Schools tbls tall. M["s. Antonlca Fairbanks of Park companied borne by Sarah ChapmaD who had bci.m spending the avenue Is entertaining Mrs. Pusey Jone8 of South Dartmouth, Mass., summer with hel' grandmother. as her house guest. Mrs. Ralph V. Little. Jr.• and Bon Donald of HaverCol'd place und Joan l"'aulkncr of Dickinson aVeMrs. Arthur E. Bassett of North nue Is a member of the fresbman Chester road have retUl'ned from class at Tusculum College, Green'vUle, Tenn. a motor trip to Canada. , " Friday, Sap.......... 12, 1947 Mrs. Herman Wittmeyer and her Mr. and Mrs. Reavis CI)X and daughters Louise and Josepblne re- fhelr children David and Rosemary NEWS NOTES It's Easy to Select from Our • LARGER FOOD ASSORTMENTS WIth aN brands prop.rly priced, marked as atlvertl., you a ..1 of Ogden avenue returned home last week after a 9000 mile trip through Yellowstone National Park, CaHforiila and Oregon. Mrs. Joseph Carter and baby SOD Dilly of Vassar avenue will ftty to. Denver, Colo., next Tuesday to KEYSTONE SCHOOL. Cox CLASSIFIED OF BUSINESS PERSONAlt-Vacuum cleaners, Iro!!_.. toaIters and radios. repaired, calrea for and dellvered. Call Robert Brooks, Swarthmore 1648. Pbone Swar&bmore 1141-1818.1\[ J01n Mr. Carter who bas accePted a teaching pOSition In Brecken- ------ PERSONAL-Servlce on all makes of electric washers (Bend.bl: Included), lronel"B, vacuum cleaners, ranges, Irons. toasters, fana and lamps. Also wlrlnS'-new and old.. All work complies to Fire Underwrtters apeclflca... tiona. Call Erich lL Hausen. Swarthmore ' 2 8 6 0 - W . ' , IIOIUS ridge, Colo. 1\Ir. and Mrs. Owen W. Gay of Wallingford HUls entertained their son-In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. FrederiCk, Jr.• Of Columbus. Ga., tor' a few days last week. Mr. q.nd Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde have returned to tqeir home on Swarthmore and Ogden avenues from Wellsboro, . Pa.. where Mrs. Clyde ha.\1 been spending the Bummer at the old family home and where Mr. Clyde joined her Au- Made by CoIdweU immediate DeIlver, . Media Lawn Mower & Equipment Co. ' ServIced DU1'In& Winter Montho. JllEDIJ\ 1141>8 gust 1. _ •• t"- ,..S s._. _. Jbe PEAS W ANTElJ..-UrgenUy. by young doctor and family to rent or sub.let furnl.shed house or apartment for one year. call SWarthmore 1403-R. ,!:~21ge wUl buy at best prices, old china, glass, furniture, firearms, Can Holly Oak 4313 or Holly Oak 6120, collect for appointment. All bUHlness - confidential. Colonial Cupboard. No.5" Philadelphia Pike, Wilmil];tft.on, Delaware. WANll'ED-Wie $1.S. la fo, $a.17 fa< WANTED-Yetuan and bride-to-be desire small apartment. Swarthmore Buy by th. Dozen and Say. l!1)28-J, . Helper after school until after dinner and all day Saturday. Tel. SwarthtnOre 2822-M. W,ANTED-Mother'8 W ANTED-Houdry Process Engineer, wife and. baby, desperately need to rent house, by September 18. Call ~edta 1l903-M. I Sirloin, Porterhouse or Round Beef STEAKS' or ROASTS Th. followlllg cui ..... fro. la... h ••• w.llhlnl 25 to :so .Id ..cit. tar._ "'1'•• Ib Ib '"lh.KlII.d, Long bland DUCKI·INCS Week Ib F~r-_-s.. ::--:nu=~ets--::B=-.-d~d~oe---':-k-- fnd Sea 1'1'.... nuets Plouad_r \ 1'1'.... .J.rs.y Sea Trout Food Values _rt Ma". Wit. ROBrFORD Whole Grain BlCE :a18 . . .' Ib Ib !~:35C An. C.IKomla Seedl... RAISINS ~t: 10. 4se .se or Dill • WILL BE HIGHER THIS FALL Call MASON' BUILDERS. SUPPLY COMPANY _0841> VAN ALEN BROS. For RIDLEY PARK ALL SIZES HARD COAL •• GOLD BOND Miscellaneous carpen- Builder PAINTING Interior & Exterior •••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR QUICK SERVICE • call Swarthmore 2263 RUMSEY CHE"nOLE'" ,Y n . ,. Swarthmore 1439 . ....... ~--~'-~""":"" "-'- ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3T~:.V;:rd F. Hg~~c~~'l9. Sherlf'lI:;~~~~~3il;;;~~~~;;;~~~;;;~~~~;;~",~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. Reese-Baxter Co. . SPORTING GOODS Since 1901> Temporary Location UNNINGHAM Painters & Paper Hangers 816 £DGMONT AVE. cheater Rear of Bouquet Beauty Shop We should Know How ,~;w". 2200 40911llchJgan Ave. Driveway Construction Aspb3;lt..t;lr C(m~r,ete PETER DI NICOLA Phone swa. 2626 ·,We-eall and Deliver She heard a nlliihbor lift the ·phone. The click was very clear. lind so she Signed off presently. Now wasn't she a dear? . Swarthmore 1727 , M. WEINSTEIN Talloring-Dry Cleaning SwartJuUore, Pa. QUALITY LUGGAGE Sizes 15" to 26" $lS.1I5 to $28.50 Tax Included Fred 'A. Fish, Jeweler Ii East State Stroot, Media Phone Media 1916 ,? • Evap. MILK 4:! 45c: FOR SALE--Standard bucket-a.day water lleater. practicallY new, $19. Can Media 1589. -----:-- !J. '~'". , , • .,, -'" : ~ SALE--ChUd's chifforobe. 5 drawers, maple finish. Excellent condition. $20. Call Media 1589. FOR FOR SAUE-Double Maple bed, excellent condition. $15. Call Media 1589. , FOR SALE-Two oval flber rugs, natural color. 5 ft. x 7 ft: 7ft. x 9 ft. Swarthmore 0231-J. <'.:',:- .,. ,. - " A bit of both she is, laughing, learning, teasing, trying. LETTUCE To help todays children rate .~igh for health. nature's most nearly " perfect' food has been improved. More fun to drink, Sealtest Homogenized Vitamin D Milk is smoother, richer tasting than regulor Dlilk, has cream in every delicious drop. This milk, from specially supervised farms, has been scientifically processed by Supplee in our dairy plants. It's easier to digest, has Vitamin D added for extra bone prot,ection. NEW lOWER PRICES . .. Order this fine milk for your children and your wliole fCJll!i1y to enjoy. 'l • am SUP P LEE Onparty·linetelephones.conrtesy pays dividends I Be brief . • •• Space r I '. ',·:.d1!1'"((- , ( FOB BENT FOR RENT-Garage on South Cheater road below Ya1e avenue. Telephone SWarthmo~ 1126-3'. FOR RENT-Pleasant. second floor room. Suitable tor young coUJ,lle. Con v e n i e n t to all transportaUon. -, _, • A. WAYNE MOSTELLER Electrical Contractor All Trpes of FlectrlcaJ 'n....u • ....,.,. ~ Repairs , ITS NO MYSTER.Y of Pennsylvania • •• how modern homemakers can read while they Cook. YOU can. too. with a modern automatic gas range I Ovens of the mode~n gas range hold, steady. even temperatures-they save yo!' the trouble of guessing or peeking. and leave you free time for reading or other relaxation. See the new gas ranges at your local dealer's or at the showrooms of Philadelphia Electric Company-and It'll be no mystery to you why .0 Ii'lGny women ChoOse gci~ Cciokil'l~1 SenlDgSWUChmo... 8Dd VlclnJq for 11118& Tweaq Yean 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. PHILADELPHIA ELICIRle COMPANY .. '.' , LOST LOST-Yellow tom eat, vicinIty Cheater roa4 and. BIJn ..nnue. Tel. . The Bell Telephone Company --1--, " SWwtI!!p<>l!,UI4. ". ' c8na ••• Hang up gently • • • Take the lead in . good party.Jlne manners. It wII1 mean betterscrvieefor alL FOR SALE-Girl's bicycle., 28 Inch. balloon tires. '209 Park avenue. Swarthmore 0175-M,. ;'" -- --'-_.-'--- china closet; folding s ere ens; kitc.henware; household articles. Tel. Swarthmore 1068-W. in I Ask for it by name ••• Sealtest Homogenized Vitamin D Milk • • • from your Supplee milkman or Seoltest storekeeper. and ask for It in restaurants. bed s tea d, FOR SALE-Heavy mahogany dlntng room set, 9 straight chairs. 1 arm chair. Tel. Swarthmore 2241-J. FOR SALE-Duncan Phyfe sofa. exeellent condition. Tel. Swartnmore 3367_W. FOR SALE-Baby Grand plano. Call , evenings:, 211 College avenue.. FOR SALE-Pedlgree Siamese Seal Point female; 8 months; innoculat- • ed granddaughter < of Newton's.J Yan Tana.. Phone Swarthmore 0618. FOR SALE-Tomatoes for cannlng. Phone Swarthmore 0790·W. FOR SALE-Electric furnace mall.t good condition. UsW Rice coal, cheapest and most efficient way of heating. Call Swarthmore 1676, FOR SAI..E-New wire fence in original roll 330 ft. x 32 inches, complete with '26 new sreal posts. Intended for child's play yard but never installed. .$20. Swarthmo:ie 0335-R. FOR SA.I..E--Two girlS tunt~ In good condlUon. Tel. Swarthmore 0695.J. And one of the most pleasing of her childhood charms is the eagerness that good health bring~ Crbp Pa••aI Celery OX':,\f"" ... New Goldea .weet POtatoe8 ~ I... S" FAR SALE-M,ahogany .. • Charles E. Fischer POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS PLASTERING SUPPLIES 302 Gayley SL, Media. FUEL DlL COAL 331 Dartmouth Avenue 1Dsu1a-- COAL FOR SALE--oUpright piano: electric range; vanity dresser: trola. Tel. SwaTthmore 0590-M. .. tlal. ,; NEEJ;) AFIRE. FOR SALE Crisp, Califomia, Iceberg .----- WORKING WANTED-Double studio couch; 6 or 6 cubic 100t refrigerator, In goo,! condition. Reasonable. SwaTthmore 0162-M. Enr1ched with VItaraIn D \ 8 DAYS TILL "lOU WD.L WANTED-Instructor. U. of P., ex. naval offlcer, and wife, both SwaTthmore College graduates, desire 3 or ... room unfurnished apartment. Telephon~ Swarthmore 0614. JUI9c Oily.. _". Hu• •, _ ...... 27c Princess Mustard I>. lie Vinegar ASCO C"" .., ' ' ' : : 17e Mild Ch.... a4ge Sharp Cheese "">35c Chee.. Food. "'r.::' 2-::' 83c .a. . . tion. rICl"eeD1Dg, Prop. sit. in Folsom, Ridley TWp., Del. Co., Pa., on the NE ad. ot Syca.~ Swazthmore 1448 more Ave,. 150 ft. SE of Fourth SL. In WIWAM BROOKS front 40 ft. and In dpth. 100 it. !Known as 336 SYcamore Ave. Improvements consIst of 1 story Ashes & Rubblah Bemoved frame bungalow 18 x 24 feet. 1AWD8 Mowed General BaullDg Sold as the property of Daniel S, 13811an1!ng Aft, lII0rt0D, Pa. RIM and DorIs W, RIch. WANTED-Apartment, 3 or 4 rooms, bath, kitchenette, unfurnished. first or second floor. Reliable buslnpss couple. No children, no pets. Can Medl,. 1286_'" PICILES Pickles .... ..,. - panellng, ., i · .- ONLY Phone: Media 0766 JUNE TERM. 1947 'WlANTEn-Trunk-{lny kind, In good condition. Call Swarthmore 0124-J. 5Se , 1 Frtday, 'SepL 19, 1947 9 :30 A. M. Eastern Daylight Time Conditions: .$250.00 caeh or oerUfled check a~ Urne. of sale (unlea otherwise stated In adverUsement) balance In ten days. Other oondl· tions on day of sale. FIERI FACIAS No. 9«. secretarial Thursdays. '2196, even- _Sweet Mixed A Popular e: .5. 7'. a.. 31e Ib . Paperhanging a , SMOKED Ib and Phone Swarthmore 217S·R 104 ComeD AVeDae Swarthmore, Penn., SHERIFF'S OFFICE Speclol, Larg. Ib pu. COURT HOUSE. MEDIA, PA. W.A.NTED-U n I v e r sit y professor's f4m11y ot fOUl" desire furnished or unfurnlBhed 3 or 4 bedroom house or apartment. Excellent care guarantead. References. Reply to Box S. The Swarthmoroean. _., .....1... 811tt Ba'" Baaa • Boa.I... B ... KoD.tt.. , c.at.r SIi",. Ba... ...aak Bad. Ba... Lau...... A. MERCER QUINBY Funeral Director Formerl, of M _ Ull> W. Leblgb A ..... PblJa, Phone Baldwin lno No1lddlUouaJ cIJup fow suburbaD ,,_------------~ 7-3881. Hours 1'2 to 1. the Borough at Morton, deceased. "'!" LE'rrERS Testamentary on the above PERSONAL-WE buy turnlture and Estate have been granted to the Unhousehold goods. Any art!cle' In derelped, who request all persons genCT8l. Phone Chester 26233. having clalme or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known PERSONAL- Chair caning. Also, the same. and nil persons Indebbad to woman wants part - time work the decedent to make pa.yment, withWrite T. Harper, Yale Avenue and out delay. to Conlrarod Jiv; . IS a gOod .gs c ealled IIg. ",vestmellf STAG BAR -cr IT'S A WONDER. This Playtex Panty Girdle. like the Playtex Garter Girdle. is a new seamles,. no-bones alI-of-a-piece girdle of natural. trcc-grown liquid latel< .•• molded to shape ••• as porouS as your skin. IT'S A SECOND SKIN. The way it fits is nothing short of a miracle, Every-way stretch that- gives with every move you make •.• kccps you in 9te best form all the time. Luncheons ,~.OO DInners from ,1.111 PRIVATE PARTY and BANQUET ROOMS AFTER FIVE LONG YEARS • 'x12 DOl'lestic, $4.50 cP~"d5"l1 tf COmJ!e~l~ ALL OCCASION, USES. Wear the PJaytex Panty Girdle in the garden or office, for beach or business and for all ac ~ive sports and work. Removes the necessity for a sanitary belt. For daytime dress and evening usc. choose -the famous Playtex Living Girdle 46 ~ C"oice Persian Rugs for Sale '_'" "'_ _-.1 8395 SPEARE'S SEOOND FLOOK INCREASED BANKING HOURS _Tender Chuck Roast Of Beef 49c lh Leg Of Lamb 69c lh Fresh Killed Roasting Chicken 55c--lh """YOR - .. ICH • FRESH PUll ED CORN .......................................___......... 49c doz. For the convenience of those who find it difficult to transact their banking business dur. ing our , regular daily banking hours which are from 8:00 A. M. until 3:00 P. M. Mondaysthrough Fridays, this Bank will be open every , Friday evening from 7:00 P.~M. until 8:00 P. M., except legal holidays, starting Friday, September 12, until further notice: -- HOME GROWN TOMATOES ......_......_ . _.....3 Ibs. 25c NUCO MARGUINE .._ .._ ..._ _ _. ___.._ 35c; Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. Mndwof Federal DepDait m - Corporatioa ------ -, FAIJ. • EXCHANGE SALE Par THE SWARTHMOREAN \ ' - ATCWB NEXT WEEK • VOL 19--No. 38 FLOWERS BOW IN CLUB'S FALL SHOW Many Prize Stickers Awarded Local Fanciers The Fall Flower Show of the Swarthmore Woman's Club drew a large number of Interested trlends and members Tuesday. Septembet 16. The judges were Mrs. Samuel Crothers, Jr" ot Wallingford, John H. Dodds of Jenkintown, and Ar'hur R. Redgra.ve ot Swarthmore. Mrs. D. Reed Greer as chairman or the garden department and Mrs. A. R. Redgra.ve as eo-chairman acted as hostesses. The entries were classified as follows: garden flowers and arrangements. Prize-winners In' each class are: ~brid Tea-Rose: first-Mrs. J. H. Perkins. Vase of roses: first-Mrs. J. H. Perkins; second - MrlJ. Frederick Lang: third -!\Irs. H. A. Petrsol, Jr. Gladiolus: first - Mrs. L. Perkins. Vase of cosmos: first - Miss LHlian BO)'t; Second-Mrs .. R. T. Bates. Vas. of cosmos; first - Miss Boyt. , Marigolds, large dark shades: first-Mrs. A. P. Smalley; secondMrs. Wlillam A. Ralman. Marigolds, huge Ught shades: llrst-_-Mrs. R. T. Bates; secondMrs. Charles L. Maas. Josephine Marigolds: first-Mrs. John H. Pitman. (Continued on Page 6) SWARTHMORE, Pl\., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1947 POSIES ELUDE CIULL Fall officially begins nert Tuesday, although Its first chill breath was felt here this week. Posies lingering In fading gardens will welcome the cuttJng shears and ~helr owners' graCIOUSne88 in 8ond:': Ing them Indoors, where they will not be conffonted by their wilted frIends but w111 bring cheer to Bufterlng humans. Througb Flowers tor the Flowerlesa which closes Its annual program this month, local bloBBoms are contributed and taken each week to the Phlladelpbla. Gen_ eral Hospital. The. September work is being handled by Mrs. Frank Keenen who keeps a receptacle on her porch at 718 Harvard aVenue to receive flowers Wednesday evenings and before 9 A. M. Thursdays. FALL EXCHANGE AT CLUB ON 24th H.S.ELEVENMEETS DARBY ON 26TH To Fight First Fall Fray On Home ,Field , A Swarthmore Higb School footpall team, with a lot of promise b ut also with some uncertainties. wlll open the 1947 season against Darby HIgh at Rutgers Field, :F'rlday afternoon, September 26. Tho team has displayed plenty of scoring power and a flne competitive spir1t in practice scrimmages against other strong high school and prep teams. Its starting llneup will be a strong one, The doubts about it lte In the lack of adequate and experienced reserves at several spots. Too, the loa,s of, Captain George . ' . Storck. out of athletics for another H~tchm.an 'year beca"•• of the)ojury he sUlltalned In the game with Ridley 1,0 1,g S ~ Township last 10all, will be felt. Storck, who would without doubt have been one of the all-time The Colin R. Hltchmans of greats of SWarthmore football, Is Thayer road were hosts Saturday continuing as captain and his night to over 400 guests at n Hoe- presence on the bench will have Down and Farm Frolic on their an inspiring effect on the squad. Lande-nberg farm. The evening A field captain will be chosen for featured muaic by the National each game. Broadcasting' Company's Sleepy , The two ends, Barry Patton and .Hon9W Ga.qg, square, and round Dave Collins, are big, k'angy al\d ba.rn danCing oontests of chuckling both have had a year's first team variety. hearty fare pre~ared over experience. Both are good pass open fires, all combined to set the catchers and their very plze s1;lould highly entertained guests aqulver have an InthnldaUng effect on opwith the back-to-the-farm yen. posing players. But this Is one of The surprise, a live goose "bird the positions where a lack of good At In the gilded cage" was woh b~: replacements may show up. present BUt Froebel Is about the Mrs. William Flannigan the wif!',.:,. = r.nna. T~ Bo.....d .... t..~ 12 ~ 5se CeI"onda .......... e'" • ~ ~OG hwrage PrSc-. IncktcM ......... lB.......te IISIlJ P..... •••••• nRSERVIS .... ... Roy Smalley; second-Mrs. Pitman: thlrd-M.... A. honorable mention - Boyt. John Made by CoIdweD u:a'Ye Your PI Media Lawn Mower' & Equipment, Co. 1.'. Shenkle: Mtss Lillian l\'Ovidence & State Rds. \llEDJA 2468 zinn~: ~ ~~~~::::~::::~~::~~::~~::~~::::~::::~::~~ .. Kauffman. Vase of miniature zinnias: first -Mrs. R. T.· Bates. Miniature arra.ngement. thre.e Inches: first-Mrs. R. T. Bates; second-MI'II. A. E. Longwell; third-Mrs. J. ·Warren Paxon: honorable mention-Mrs. I, R. MacElwee. Miniature auangements, ft.ve inch·os: first-Mrs. George Wa.gner; second - Mrs. T. K. Brown. Jr.: third-Mrs. J. F. Daley; honorable mention-Mrs. J., Frank Beatty and Mrs. John A. Dattetsen. Centerpiece' for dining-table: first-Mrs. R. T. Batesj secondMrs. John H. Pitman. Display In metal containers; flrst--MrB. J. F. Daley. second Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell: thlrdMrs. W. Mark Btttl~: honorable mention-Mr. Leonard Ashton, Jr.• and'Mrs. J. F. Beatty. Vase ot berries and tollage: flrst- Mrs. William Campbell; second-Mrs, H. A. Pelrsol; third '-Mrs. A. R. Redgrave; .honorable mention-Mrs. O. G. Browne. Pair ot vases tor mantel; ftrstMm. J. A. McWllltams. No~elty arrangement, made b'y men: first-Mr• .J. Warren Paxon: second-Donald Mac Elwee: third -Mr. John l\fcWlIUams; honorable mention-Mr. R. T. Bates. Ni~hes, 14 Inches high: flrstMrs. Charles L. Mans: secondMr8. :1. Frank Beatty: third-Mrs. T. K.. Brown, Jr.: honorable mention-Mrs. R. T. Bates and Mrs. J. F. Daley. Armngement In a pitcher; first -Mrs J. F. Daley; second-Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell; .honorable mention-Mrs... J. Frank Beatty. One flower In an antique bottle: first-Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell: second-Mrs. A. R. Redgrave; third-Mrs. John A. Detlefsen; honorable mentlon - Miss L. H. Perkins. Arrangement in a natural container: '. first - Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell. second-Mrs. J. A.. McWilliams: third-Miss Elizabeth Paschall: honorable mentlonMrs. WiUla.m A. Raiman. Vegetables in a wooden bowl: first-Mrs. John Geer. Flowers with accesorlcs; flrstMrs. Wllllam E. Kistler: secondJ. F. Daley. Collection of wild flowers; first --Gappy Peireol: second-Mra. A. P. Shenkle. ·Wlnter bouquet: first-Mrs. J. A. Mc"Wllllams. If: 14P - Brant Beach over the week-end. :24e entertained at a house party at their cottage at TheIr guests Included Mr. Q.d Mrs. LeRoy Gilbert. Mrs. Samuel M • Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa H. Luede.... and Mr_ and Mrs. Walter E. Shoemake,. of Swarthmore.. CLASSIFIED tance who were unable to attend, were read. 'Swarthmore (583-W for appointment. Swarthmore 1648. J ::P~t;.:RS.:.:.O~N=AL_"...-:se:-rv-:l:-oe-o-n-'-a;;lI:..m--:ak:-.--or:1 . We Call and Deliver electric washers (Bendix. included). ironers.· vacuum cleaners, ranges lrona, .toasteI'8, tans. and lamps. Also wiring-new and old All work complies to Fire Underwriters Bpeclftcatlorm. Call 'ErIch H. Hausen, Swarth .. Swarthmore 1727 .::m::o=:re;;2~85=-O::,.-7W:.:.~=::;;::;---;;;~;-;:;:-.1 Tailo~Dry MASSAGE-Infra-red. UI~ra Violet, Recllnfng Vapor Bath. Beatrice Schmidt. 162( Chesnut Street, Locust '1-3887 •• · Hours 12 to 7. Cleaning Swarthmore, Pa. FOR RENT-Pleasant rooms for two or three men. Delightful location. Light cooking privileges. Telephone Swarthmore 1093. L08T LOST-Car bys on chain with ova.l American Legion disk. Reward. caJl Swarthmore 3'.278-& .::::::.::::=~~W:.A:-:N==TE:;;;:D:------I ___ =-=~~::.:=::=-:-=-;-:::;--; WANTED-Half time secretary in college; office. to start work at ..Mnce. WritE. giving training and eXJ)e1fenoe :::to:.:B~O:X~C:::..~T.::il::.-s::w=.ar:.:thm::;:.::o:.:rea:::::n:....::::::::; I WANTED-Day wotk for experlenc~ reliable worker. References. Call Chester 31161. '::::~::::;'~==::-:'=::-~:-;--:::::::;::-:::-;:~I w!ANTED-Ve~ra.n and brlde-to-be desire small apartment. Tel. Swarth- Tender Chuck Roast Of Beef 49c lb 65c lh Leg OfLamh Fres4 Killed Roasting Chicke~ ·55c lb ~m::.o~re~2::06=2-::;r::. :----::---===,1 W ANTED-'l'wo or three rooms or small apartment by November first., furnished or unfurnlshed. Swatthmoreans all' our IIvHave •• · andbeen do I EGG PLANT ......................_.............................,._................. 10c each HEARTS OF eEl ERY ...................:.................................. 19c bunch SWEET POTATOES ..............................................; 2 lb. foi 15c JUICE ORANGES .......:......................................._................ 39c doz.. FROZEN UMA BEANS ......................._......................~................. 39c At Your DOOR ••• or At Your STORE Get your milk todaybut be sure it's rich, creamy not wish to leave now though ramlly home 18 being Bold. Reply to Box E. The swarthmorean. ~~~.::::::::::;:=~:-.;:-;;-::-;::-:=: W.ANTED-pOnn Stat. College Cen'er 8tudent desires room and board 01' room only, in private reftned famlly. Call Willow Grove 0546-W or Box .G. The Swarihmorean. ~~~=:::::=~~-"7"-:-:-;-;:;:::::;:: WlANTED-Small two_wheeled bicycle for six year old boy. Tel. swarth- I I _.=r:e".;11~8~7-.:~::.:-"7~=:=_-=;:;::~;:::;;1 WANTED-A ping-pong table. Call Swarthmore 0823-W. WANTED-Room neaT atation for few weeks while visiting in vlUag6. Reply to Box T. The Swarthmorean. WANTED Be t'ret.a.ry, 10 to 12 A.M., and 1-3 P.M. Monday through Friday tor Swarthmore poat. Office experience, rapid dictation, and light bOokkeellipg. Box 0, The Swarthmor- LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE Estate of SUSAN K. ROXBY. late ot ~~~;;;;~;;;;~;;:;;~;;;;~ Estate have been granted to the undel't'lgned. who request all persons ha.vlng claims or demands agalnst the Estate of the decedent to make known the samel and all persons indebted to the deceuent to make payment, without delay. to .Joan B. RoXb:r. Executor PIANO'" 'NING .. U tho Borough of MortoD, doo_. M~_"""V"""~"_ LE"rI'ERB Testamentary on the above 724 Harvard AvenUe f8~r JinJ.l'~:::.~r Philadelphia 2, Pa.Bldg. Council JJIIo .... ItERUN srs.. CRESI.....PA. r ......... 6129 will be Chnmb.r. received Borough In Hall. ....................... Morris. Bethlehem, Pa.. Mr•• & II~:::==:::;====:::===~ Mrs. M. K.. Morris, Boulton. Pa.. Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Dengler. Nancy , E. Dengler, F. G. DengI er. M rSo G . l'tI. Walker. Devon, Pa.• Mr. & Mrs. Sizes 15" to 26" P. R. Poetter. West Leesport. Pa., ,13.25 to .,26.50 Tax .Included Mrs. C. E. Zerby. Sopbla. ;T. Zerby. Fred A FiO.L J'--'er & M C - ..... ........ .Johnstown. Pa.•. Dr. rs. L . . .5 East State Street. MecUa Dengler. Broomall. Pa., Mrs. A. B. ~;;;;;;~1'h~O~n~e~M~... ~la~~ID~1~8=~;;~~ Fleming. Tamaqua, Pa., Wlll1am E. Van Buren •. Brooklyn, N. Y., J b C A. MER""" QUINBY Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Stolzen erg, . ~ R. Boyle. Shelton. Conn .• Sara. ;T. Funeral Director Peet. New York, N. Y •• Mr. & Mrs. E. S. Fleming, PhllUpsburg. N . .T., Formerl,. of Media Mr. & Mrs.. C. A. Fleming. Donald tHSIS W. lehtgh A"ve., FbIIa. C. Fleming. Binghamton. N. Y.. PboDe Baldw:iD 1170 Mr. & MtS. L. G. Tarantino. Mr. No addlttooal cbarIre 101' & Mrs. H. A. Phelps. New Haven. suburball call& Conn. G. B. Stichter PhoDe Media 0459-H DAvE WOOD . Ra-n . tieng &. 302 Gayley SL. Me dia- 3100la 256'2'.. 8. I'~::~:~~~~~~~~~ 14~8 WILLIAM BROOKS Ames 8; Bobblsb. Removed IaWDB Mowed GeDeraJ BauIIDg 236 ILu'dIng A ....e. Mortoa. Pa. Eleetrieal Contractor Walters' An r,.- of Electrical Installations ane Repalrs Tree 5UJ'gery and Serving S_rtJunore and Landsc:aping Phone Swarthmore 2175-R 104 Comell Avenue Swertbmore, Penna. VIcinity for va9 Twenty Years 1180 Mubl~berg Ave. Swarthmore 2295 . ;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \eo little SerVants Ten little servants. waiting in a line, , Call one to do the wash-and still you have nine! Nine little servants. working long and late. Ask one to cook your meals-and still you have elghtl Eight little servants-wo~ing like elevenl" Call on ooe to clean for you. and still you have seven I Seven lillIe servants-you don't need candlesticks When this one lights the house for you~and still you have six! Six lillie servants, electrically-alive. This one SQws a handy seam-and still you have fivel Five lillie servants to help with every chore; One can iron all the shirts-and still you have fourl Swarthmore 2253 Four iillie servanls-such activity! One breathes a little breeze-and still you have three, " horse $2.00. Call swart.hmore 0531-J. call RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swarthmore 1439 little servants. whose work is never donel One keeps the food fresh. and thinks ifs rather funIWO Call FOR SAL~hild's matching wardrobe, bureau with mirror; al~o maple double bed and spring; boy to wool Eton sui\, size 7 almost new. Tel. :Media. 2019, FOR SALE-Boy's wool overc~t ; . light weight topcoat; gabardine snowsuit. all size 10. Two gym. tunies. size If. Girl's white -shoe figUre skates. stze 5. Tel. swartJImore 3583. tesy pays dividends I Be brief MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY calls •.. Hang up 331 Dartmouth Avenue __ Onparty-llnetelephonea.cour•• _ Space gently" _ • Take the lead In eootl party-line manners. It will meaD betf,erservice for all. FOR SALE-Slamese kittens,. eight weeks. ~I. Swarthmore 2404-T. , For ALL SIZES HARD COAL, GOLD BOND II POlJRING WOOL FOR SALE-Twin girls' coatlJ. legging Bults. size one; ~yrd ~loth zmow Bults, size two, Good condition. C' . ,II, ., ".II,I,al'l Tel. Media 0816-111. " • ~IJ r- J = One tells the proper time from sun to setting sun. (Oependable electric service makes these servants runAnd saves you lots of elbow grease. Suppose you had none?) Yes, .leetricily i. alway. ready to ioIc. ,Ire worlr out 01 bousoworlr. And if com so Iittlol Matter 01 fact, fire ........... family in tItis 's"lIwy gofI twice 01 mud! ./o"hkity for its ~ 01 if did '5 . ysan ago. WIoat oIIrer ifsm;' your .... tlgsI cIoes so much lor so little? .• u.,. to .... Eledrk Hour-fhe HOUR OF CHARM. SundaYl'• • • P. M.. EDT., WCAU. BATS AND BLANKETS 'a 1.11 r.I...... by blcyde with .,liUR _SALE __ 'Girl's v.... PIo Au. life lil_ _ CompaaJ of Hartford. Coaaectlear THOMAS F. CONWAY lmll hili Radio and Electrical Sales and Service PJIONE 04aW 3.PARK AVENUE . . , 6 T H ES WAR T HMO REA If OCTOBER BRIDE October 4 at The marriage of MlBa Lots Evelyn Landon. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick NOl'Jon Landon of North Princeton avenue, to Mr. Richard Fremont Bovard. Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrance Fremont Bovard of Grove City; Pa. will take place Saturday afternoO-D, a o'clock In· the Swarthmore Presbyterian Chureh. The Rev. Dr. David Braun will II()fficate. MI .. 'ElIzabeth Blanche Landon will at~end her sister as maid ot honor. and the bridesmaids will be Mrs. Raymond 'Wlnch and Miss Mary Garrett. both ot' Swarthmore. H. S.. Darby Fray, At Home Today (Continued from Pace 1) BarJy Patton will be back at right end again this year. BarJy has improved greatly. particularly In blocking. Being big. all the teams will watch him closely and always give him a busy afternoon trying to catch pasaes. Howard Presaman returns rIght tackle and should' have a good year following laSt year's experience when he gained' the re.. spect of all opponents. Harry McGllberJy starts again at right half and much lB. expected Of him. Hany 'Yorks hard and has learned a great deal since last Beason. Once Harry gets UDder way thero are very fow who wnl stop him. Harry Warren 1s the strong maD ot the team, kicking, passing, -run... nlng. and backing up the line. He Is sure to be playing every minute of every game this year'. He should improve as the Beason rolls on and it he does. he will be one of the most fea.red baclQl around. The squad numbers fifty and the '!oaches. are well pleased with the fine spirit they have shown in dally practices. Their wUlIngneSH to work bard without complaint is a. r-en.1 tribute to the !:Ichool they represont. You can be sure Swarthmore Is going to win some games this year and everyone will be ·respectful of fhe Garnet and White. to GIVE THEM PLENTY OF GOOD WHOLESOME C"."icJ,J SUPREME BREAD with Some of Our Popular Spreads loaf only Watdl tIIem go for ft. It t ..... IMtlar, toa .... _"-r, .... stay........ lo. . .r. If'. nollp ...."7'. ..... ....... yal... e"_ Rob Roy Cheny Pa •• Rom-de-Ute Pure Grape JeUy IISQJ Pea.ut Butte.. N~;;:~~b 2.- Ib far S_ NONE PRICED HIGHER STili's p:E:::~ • 73° St"'d;;:i.-I-=Rl~b:--;;R::-o-a-R--~-- Sbort: RlItI Beel ....':.... Leaa Plate .tew.... BI" .....hly Chopped Beel In 570 SSG 1b2.Ib Ib Ib .fto CHUCK ROAST Io'::i. HEN TURKEYS u'::'·~ 1- .. 29_ 2 .... 2SC • ....,. . . .BIb noeb Ib 290 Wblt:e Lu.... C..a .....eat p~ lit 8SO Ib Byap. MIl'" C·LASSIFIED NEWS NOTES ,EB.80NA.L Robert G. Hopeon of Rutgere ~:-----',...;.;;;..===- avenue has enrolled at Dickinson College, Ca.rltale. Pa., as a: member ot the freshman claat. Represen~ttve8 under the dirt'!c .. tion ot Lt. Commdr. Erie Jackson, USNR, DIrector of Safety Services tor the entire South~astern Pennsylvania Chapter. A Copy lo_rd, leo':!,. PRUNE. LOST U)ST-l!"versharp gold and black fountaln pen. Lafayette and Darlmouth avenue. Call Swarthowre' 2012-W. gold watch ill MIchael's Drug Store or vlclalty. ~nday. Sentimental· value. Reward. Return to Mich,ael'a Drug Store or call Mrs. Zinno ~la '2667. LOST-8m,a11 Mr. and Mrs. Milan W. Garrett of Princeton, avenue entertained their cousIn Mr. Garrett Gruner & white People say Mary's 8 party·line saint; She uses the telephone with restraint Painters 8; Paper Hangers 'Va should Know' How Driveway Construction Asphalt or COilcrete WANTED-Young lady. college graduate, wlshes part-time position. Reply to Box N, The Swarthmorean. PETER DI NICOLA 'V..ANTED-Aparbnent. 3 or 4 rooms. bath. kltdlenett&. unfurnish&d, first or 8e(.'Ond 'floor. Reliable business couplo. No children, no pets. Call Me_ dia US6-YO Phone 8WL 2626 10 to 12 A. M., and 1-3 P. M. Monday through Friday for Swe,rthmore post. Office ex- perIence. rapid dictation, and l1ght bookkeeping. Box O. T,he Swarthmorean. YELLOW TURNIPS ......................................................... 2 Ibs. 15c WANTED-W& w11l buy at. best prices. old china.. glaas, furniture. flnlarms. Call llol1y Oak 4313 or Holly Oak 67.20, collect for appolnbnent. All busIness confidential. Colonial Cupboard. No.6, PhUadelphia Pike. Wilmington. Delaware. NEW CABBAGE .................................................................. 2. Ills. 15c WANTED-Football shoes. sizes and 6D. Call Swarthmore ,'2468. JUICY ORANGES ............................................................... 35c doz. WANTED-Room for young lady. college graduate. In Swarthmo~Jor vi_ cinity. T61ephone Swat"t:htnore 0900. 8E WANTED-Baby carriage. good conditlon. Tel. Swarthmor4jt 0508-R. WANTED-Presbyterian minister. wife. three. children, 10. & and 4. forced to vacate present hpme in 30 days but wish to remain in Borough, uqentlr. tn!ed 3 or 4 bed-room house or apar ment to rent by November L catl the Rev. or Ml'B. Ralph Mou1\J. Swarthmore 2071-W. SoUd mahogany e~den­ table Seata eight. ,ao. Call Media. O.....·M; alon ~ 'LEGAL NOTICE Estate of SUSAN K. ROXBY, late I)! the Borough of Morton, deceased. Ashes & Rubhlsh _mo'7ed LETTERS Testamentary on the above Lawns Mowed GeoeraJ Hauling Estate have been granted to the un .. denlgnec:l. who reQ.uest 111 pel"SOn& 238 &rdIDg A ~e. 1I10rtoo, PR•. ha....lng claims or demands 8.ga.J.nst Ule , Estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebmd to the decedErnt. to make pa.yment. w1th~ out delay. to • John B. Roxb)·, Executor 724 Harvard Avenue Swarthmore. Pa. Or to hIs Attl)rney' John E. Gensemer 1004 Girard Trust Bldg. Philadelphia. 2. Pa. 6T-8-22 A. WAYNE MOSTELLER AU Tn- or Electrlcel Installations ane Repairs ServIng Swarthmore and VIcinity for past Twenty Years' A. MERCER QUINBY FUDeral Director 118~, Dfght or • Builder call, RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swarthmore 1439' PAINTING Interior & Exterior • . AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPORT SCHOOL DI6TRIO'l' OF THE BOROUGH OF SWlARTHMORE DELAWARE ooUNTY. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA for the SOBOOX, ~ F..NDIN~ . . JUL~ ' L1. 1947 TAXATION Assessed valuation of taxa.ble real estate Number of mills levlert ......... ,.................... ,.. ,.............. $5.610.976.00 Number ~d with r ·;;a··'iiA··tai········,······.. ··········· .. ····.. ····,·······............... 27.15 Rate ot per capita p ........ ,...... ,.... ,...... ,." ... ,.......... ,............... none . •........,..............."..........,......,,,,,..1..,............................. none mr.... • . APTITUDE TESTS DAVE WOOD Painting and Phone: Media 0755 Woe Be Unto You! Ib Call1ol'llla Valeneta Oraa.e.S$.~"S lbe 2se u. S. No. ~ Golden Sweet Potatoea 31be ~. ., "'lIlol'llla ....b Pea. 2 lbe SSe The weather man has come FOR SALE-A bass drum. $10. Call Swartbmore '2862-W. FOR SALE-Fireplace logs. mIxed wO,od, 18'" and 24'" lengths. Phone Swarthmore 4613. 12c S~Tbree-plece living room suite. el&ht-pieoo dining room suite. drapes. bedspreads. electric candlesticks. secretary-desk. Call Swarthmore 10"5-'Wi' . FOR FOR SALE-Two coats, size 12. good Raccoon. condition. three-qup.,rter length. lining excellent. Tan, herringbone tWeed. button-in lining. Phone Swartbmore 0948-M. FOR SAt.E--Double bed. box springs and hair mattress. Good condition. Prefer ~chango for stngle bed In Uke Condition. Tel Swarthmore H72-"M. \ through with a gentle re'Minder of worse to come. Our coal bins are full; are rours ? Our 26 years· experience in the coal business and 11 years delivering fuel oil are yours for the asking. Plt alU 8 a3d up cate ......... ,.....................,.,..................... 1982876 es ed ar~r Oct. 1~ 19"& ••••••,•.,." •..•....••••...• ,.,. 300:N W ftaODOledU(hlt9'<88UDl lOf 1. '2.. &: 3) •...,........................ ,.... 154,602.18 en& .. tax with Protllonotary 2% Com- 1'46"l~iOn-Ctounty Tre&.Hurer ............. ,..................... '2.116.59 2,141.60 Net amount of 1946 tax colJected ., .........•.......... ,........$1..9.736.95 'U9.V36.95 tw... • Dispensing Opticians Experts in' the' Making and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses w_ 1923 ChestmdStreet- - Plillade1phia 6913 Market ~~eet. - Upper Darby, Pa. WIth an automatic . . heOter, you'll be lUre of having 1111 the hot _Iar you want-every hour of the dayl Call at our !«GllhowrDDn! or _ choler now! 827 Lmcaste~ Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. your '11: ., '" •• , " • , <.' EXPENSES Balance on hand July 1. 19f6 All funds exclusive ot Sinking Fund ..... ,...... " ......... ,J 33,042.30 Property tax 1946 ....... _........... 149.736.95 Per capita tax 1947 .. ,_ .......... , 149,736.95 Delinquent tax, . (Previous to 19t6) .. ,",........... 4,544.33 :Sta.te ·approprlatlon: Teachers. Transportation. TultIon. Vocational .......................... ,.. . 43.807.36 Tutuon non .. resldent pupils .. 37,850.68 fnterest ,......... "....... "........... ,....... . 114.12 Sale of real estate, supplies and equipment ."" .............. ,.... 197.1)2 All other: sources ...................... 1,'271.04 General Control (A) ................$ 6.866.3'.! In:at['uction (B) ........................ 167,568.51 A.uxiliary Agencies. ee) ........ 9,146.18 Dperatlon (D) ...... "., ............ ,..... '25. T.H.U Maintenance (E) Fixed Charges •.... , ........• "..... (F) 6.691.30 .......... " •.•• 212,067.91 Debt Ser~lce (G) .............. ", .... . ~1.g21.25 Capital Outlay (H) .......... ,.... . 8.162.65 rota] receipts ..... :.,... _............... $270.564.80 f8ift ::::~k~-Fs ..,....:' ........,., ........SUMMARY ,............,._...........······,····..,..............".............$270,56... 30 . PhoDe Swarthmore 2175-R 104 Comell Avenue Swarthmore, Perina.. Total Current Expense (Items A-F inc.) ............. ,.................... ,...21206797 Total Debt Service (Item G) 21:821:26 Total ......... ,.,................ ,........... na9 541 87 Balance on _Hand (To Be Available for School Year 1947· .. 8) ......... " .....$' 31:llcate) .",........ ,.,.$154.103.81'25 on' TOKAY GRAPES IOc da:r. Amount ot SChool Tax Swarthmore 2253 FOR SALE-Walnut, extension dining and eoopselloR'. to nelP deelde a table. Seats 12. Price $20, catl onurSfl or .tud)' or GecupaUoD. Swarthmore 15i2. Free )I.ooklet:l 8.1 Lo , ..au 'I'Olrr.INSON COUNSEI.ORS FOR SALE-Antiqqe mahogany sofa, Jell Market· 8t. PlaDadelphia. a, Pa. Em;pire style. Call SWarth"!ore 1670. "r' Muhlenberg Ave. Swarthmore 2295 No addl&IDJlal charge for suburban caUs. FOR QUICK SERVICE REQUEST ~'OR BIDS Seal{!d bids will be r.acelved In Council Chamber, Borough Hall, Swarthmore. Pa. at 7 :46 P.M. October 6th. 19·17 for the purchase by the Borough of one new snow plow suit_ ablo for use on roads in accordance with specification whtch may be had upon application to the Undersigned. The bidder shall state the allowance whlc.h he will make _for the purchase from the Borough of one snow plow. now available for inspection at the Borough garage. Bids shall Include deUver)· and mounting ready for ~ oC the new plow on the BorQughs truck Bnd re:moval of the present plow equipment Crom the Boroughs' truck. The Borough reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids• Eliott Richardson BorClugh Secretary 2T-9.....7 Electrical Contractor Phone Baldwin 1170 • Charles E. Fischer TO HARRY L. BLANKENSHIP. lato nf Lake Ketchewan Road. Lewlaboro Twp.• ,Vestche8ter County. New York, 'Vhereas Alberta Speck Blankenahip, your wife, has flied a libel In tho Court of Common Pleas cot Delaware County, Pennsylvania as of March Term 1941. No. 861. praying a divorce from you Now you are hereby n().. tifted and· required to appear in said court on or beCore l\Ionday th.e 13lh UlL}· of October next to answer the eomplaint of the said Alb~rta Speck Blankenship and In default of such apItear8.nce you will be liable to have n divorce granted In your absence. G. R. Watkins Sheriff oC D\:!Ilnware County. Butler, Beatty G['een & Jo.hnson. Attys. . 10-10·41 WILLIAM BROOKS Formerl)' of Media 11211 W. LehIgh Aft.. PbIla. of PeDDsylYanla FOR SALE \ Swarthmore 144S Fred A. Fish, Jeweler , .. Be" Telephone Company car~­ .~~~ o East State Street, Media , Phone Media 1916 I ecrecnJng, insula- lledb. 2567.R. . Sizes 15" to 20" to $26.50 Tax Included. more 2062-J. pine 302 Gayley St., Media. $t3.2~ W ANT~D-Veteran and bride-to-bo desl,re small apartment. Tel. Swarth~ED-Secretary, - J QUALITY LUGGAGE 275 gal- Ib s WANTED-To buy boy's raincoat, size 12-14. Also bicycle in good condition. Call Swarthmore Q887-R WANTED-Roll-top or any roomy 8ty~ desk In good condition. Telephone SWarthmore 3237-W.. LEGAL NOTICE tl'T. SPORTING GOODS 816 EDGMONT AVE. Cheater , knotty work, l\liscelJanoou8 Reese-Baxter Co_ Onparty..Jinetelephones.cour_ tesy pays dividends I Be brief ••• Space calIs ••• Himg up gently • • • Take the lead In good party-ilhe manners. It will mean better service for aIL moderniza- CUstom .. bullt cabinets, tJon. Swa. 2266 409l\Dchignn Ave. WANTED-Middle-aged woman desires clerical work and typing. Call Swartnmore 3U3-R until 10 A. .Ml Kitchen paneling, ...................... LuscIous California erI.I' ations, cement WANTED FOR SAT F • CUNNINGHAM ...................c·fj;·~.. LEGAL NOTICES Home Improvements,. Alter- Sinoo 1905 Swarthmore 2194. SWEET POTATOES ...................................................... 2 lb•• 15c Contractors & Builders Uon. FOR REW.r-Garage on Yale avenue henr Harvard, $6. monthly. Call TENDER YOUNG BEETS................................... 2 b1Dlcbes 15c Mr. George Plowman of Harvatd David Morey of Yale avenue has entered We.leyan University at avenue Is progrc88ing sati8factorlJy Middletown, Conn., B8 & freshman. at Tal)"lor H08pltai following aD ' after haviq IIpen't the Bummer at appendectomy, Monday. Ogunquit, Maine. The Hlll and Hollow Garden CluD met at the home of Mra. Edward A. Jenkins of Nortb Chu-. ter road Tuesday. The 8peaker, Mr. Earl J. Carns of Baltimore PU,e. gave a. most interesting and lnBtructiV& talk on the culture of house plants. I) .' Rent-Large, comfortable room. genUeman preferred. Near transportation. Phone. Swarthmore 2806-J. Tender Chuck Roast Of Beef 49c lh Leg Of Lamb 65c lh Fresh Killed Roasting Chicken 55c lh' 1Ildc• Media, Pa. Media :11118 Ror School children neeft plenty of qunUty foods, full of the necessarJ" vitamins tor their health's sako. You'D flnd just the kind of 8_. Paul ~ _ A_ _ 7 Arters Brothers, Inc. ROGER RUSSELL ) Maker of F"me Ph~ FOR HENT-Sunny room,. tile bath. shower. oil ,heaL Reaaonable. Four blocks trom Strath Hp.ven Inn. Phone Jdedla 2626. ' Medium Slza Ub pkg35c: ICEBERG LETTUCE .55~~~~ FOR RENT .. .... :. and RepalrIDjr Shloe I _ N_ and Reba1lt PIouJoe ALBAN L. PARKER Ph...... Media 04S9.M • of Minneapolis. MinD .• who haa re.. turned to the UniversitY of MinoeRegistration ml\Y be made sota following a two-week visit. through Florence Evans at Front Mr. Gruner also spent a few days and Jackson Streets, Media, tele_ with Mr.. and Mrs. Steven Spencer and famlly of Ogden avenue. phone Media 2079. The American Legion AUXiliary wUl hold Its fall rummage sale in the Woman's Cluh on October 1 and 2 with a preview Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 9 o'clock and the main sale Thursday from 9 a.m.' ttll 3 p.m. Friends of the organization are urged to brlng donations, of clothing and bo~­ hold goods to the Woman's Club between 9 and 4 p.m. on Wednesday. Contributions of cartons, A ap(lclal free Red CroBS First AJd course for ,instructors will be glven at Media Red Cross Headquarters, Front and J a c k Bon streets beginning the week of September 22 for persons who have completed ·flle standard course and who wish to receive or renew In: structors certificates or who hold a Pennsylvan).a State Teachers certificate. PIANO 11JNING Paul K. Paulson, Jr.. of Park h8JJ returned home from & _____ . avenue tor and delivered. Call RObert 'Brooks Glacier, Mt. Ratner, Crater LBke, Swarthmore 1648. • Yosemite. Sequol, Klng's Canyon, Grand Canyon. and Carlsbad Caverns. rood they need at the JIo.1ADlSON BROTHERS. FIRST AID COURSE OPENS THIS WEEK NEWS NOTES PERSONAl-Vacuum Cleanera lrop six-week tour of the west includtoutere and radios repalred' called Ing etcht National Parks, namely. ---=. . MAGAZINI §c 4 :! 4Sc Caromels .........."..... '·29. Olive. Ollwu.bHfM.pUldi 7't4-u: 42c Pickles - - __ Dill ott::: 19. Cheese 'oad ....... 01" 2;:830 Loaf Cheese "" ,. 25. Sharp Cheece "" ,. 3S. Cranberry 21. Ral.lns ... ""',._- • ...... 10. Oleomargarine .,,- .:: 30. CIRCLE THE S WAR T H MO REA N Ml'II. Crosby Black. Jr.. at South Chester road aDd Mrs. Howard Davia of The Harvard. acco,mpan .. the community by qualifying led by Doris Black. Barbara. DaVIs, authorized First Aid lnstrnctors and Jean Brown of North Chester and tben to aid these instructors road: drove" to Fredericksburg, Va.. tn sotting up trahilng courses for where Doris. Barbara and Jean their fellow workers Or nelghbora. entered Mary Washington College as freshmen. Classes will be held once weekly Bob Richardson, Jr" of Park for ten 3-hour s088lons. Registraavenue returned Jast week to tions are closed atter the first night. Courses will be conducted PhUl1ps Academy. Andover, Mass.. under, authorized Red CrosB Fleld as a senior. . Rummage Sale Next Week .bags and, twine are also sought as wen as the services of any womon who can devote time to helping with the event. Seafood noR 01. Codlilb Specials Jerley WIaIUal noet:s FAMILY This. was announced this week by Seymour S. PreBton. Jr., vice chairman of the Western Dela.ware County Branch, for persons JIving In Swarthmore, Media ·Rutledge, Morton, Springfield. and surroundIng townsh:lps. Purpose of this 30-hour coune Is to ofter protection in industry or s.ph. ...: 26, 1947 a.m. Fillet nOBDder ..... ..........1. FridQ-, ., Call .MASON BUILDERS SDPPLYCOMPANY -- 331 Dartmouth Avenue For AlL SIZES HARD COAL GOLD BOND pouRING' WOOL BATS ANI)' .. BLANKETS PLASTBRING S1JPPLIBS 1871'60 u tlon lteceivable .............................. ,................ _" .. ~....... l' 498 68 Balance on hand all Funds rexcluding Sinking Ft.i;;d··:::::::::::::::~::=:::::~::: 31:02"2:43 Total Assets ................................................. _ .................................................. .n.M8.227.69 ~:3:: 1:::::== (Wlt~ VO~ ~f. ~;torate) I.IABIliI'I'IES ········ .. ·~ ........................ ".$127.000.00 Accounts Payable: ,?ut ot 0 ectbrate) ..... " ........................ _... 42.000.00 'I'eachers" Salari&s ,............ ,..............................\, ......... ,.. _...... $ 23.062.60 Supplies ... " ..... ,.. ,..................... ,......... ,.......... ,...._ ..................... . 12.46 All Other Accounts .......... ,.. ,,, .. ,.... ,................... ,........... ,...... ,.. 9.60 Total Liabilities ............... ,....... ~ ...... ~ .. _., ............................................... ,............$192.0&1.68 ·.Amount of Tax Col1ec~r;s Bond .......... ,........... ,.........n08011.47 Amount of Treasurer's Bond ........ ,.......;.......................$ 2:500~O Amount of Secretary's Dond ;....... ~.................... ,........$ 1.000:00 Bank Balance' July '1. 1941 - .. ,....... ;:.........~.......................................................__ .$ 12.298.98" Outstanding ChecJca ...................................................................... ,., ....................... _ 1.'27d.66 Balance on s.nd to be Available (or ·School Year 1941-1948 .................. 11,02'.a.~ w:e hereby CerufY that "W'8 - have examined the aboVe' accounts and find Utem correct. and ·that tb.e aecur1Uea (of the omeara of the board are In &eCOl'dauce with 1&w. ' JOHN A. SCHUMACHER (;rOHN IlL BROOVAI.L. Cth ,DONAIP P. ;rONES eoa_.", R., .., . . Plio .. "001 _&dot 0 _ .. BJa . '~'''',,~, _I A_tono ltODool'_ • I" THE I lin any class or group exerelsel' 'or program of school activities. The Board approved current bllls in the amount of $4372 for (Continued fron\ Page 1) the month and also approved the pitulization Illan under the Hlue payment of contractUal obligaCross and using the withholding tions paid since July 10, in the feature was apIJroved, to take ef- amount of $37,466. fect Octobel' 15. l<~orty-three of The enrollment report indicated the sixty school employees a r 0 a total enrollment of '198 pupils in partiCipating In this group hospital the schools, foul' less thaD i D service. June. Tho all-time high enrollAfter having considered fhe mat- ment was In 1936. The elementter for a number of months the al'y classes are beginning to inBoard finally adopted a resolution crease In size in the lower grades. to be added to the rules and regll- there being 67 In tbe klndergarlations. forbidding the OI'ganiza- ten, GO in the first grade, and but tlon or -,establishment of fraterni- 3S in the sixth. grade. The enroll~ ties, sororities.. or other secret ment in the high school is 428 societies In the Swarthmore pupils and in th".... elementary Schools. This action Is based on schools 370. the democratic principle that any pupil who is qualified by the rules Attend Scout Conference 1\1r. and Mrs. Walter M. Magee of the school .should be entitled to be a member of and take part of South Chester Road. have recently returned from the University of Indiana, Bloomln~on, Indiana, where they attended the Eighth National Training Conference for Scout Executives. Mr. Magee is District Scout Executive of the John 1\Iorton District, Valley li'orge Council, which covers Yeadon. Aldan, Collingdale, ~rby, Colwyn, Sharon HUl, Folcroft. Glenolden, Darby Township, Norwood, Prospect Park. Ridley Park, EsRinglon and Lester. This Conference is the 11rst National Conference since 1939 aDd 'had an attendance of· over 2,000 Scout Executives from every state plus Alaska. Philippine Islands, Guam and Porto Rice. McCahan To Head School Board TUB ~ ~ U B 1925 "Chevy" Travels Afar B o • Bob Buzby. son of Mr. and Mrs. Judson H. Hoover, Jr., of Wallingford and Jack Damon, son of l.'Ir. and Mrs. Gilroy Damon, also of Wallingford, returned Saturday after a 1700 mile trip to Canada In U METAL JEWELRY Adult Classes. l\lorning or Eveninli: S il\UmM! ELSBREE MEDIA 1984 E 511 wBISa ST. , WORK and OIDT.., PA. ' .. _... eO.. . .. -- -- .-_ .... Smoked Beef Tongues 49clb. OPEN. TO THE PUBLIC. Luncheons , •• 00 DlDners trom $ ••15 I Rib Roast 65c lb. COLONIAL DINING ROOM STAG- BAR FIRESIDE LOUNGE FREE DELIVERY PRIVATE PARTY and BANQUET ROOMS Geo. Mitro &Sons 17 South Chester Road .~ CAll CHEST!R 8286 Swarthmore, Pa. Tel SwartluOOre 4547 PREPARE FOR WINTER EARLY Your car should be serviced for winter between now and November lat. Do not wait until the last minute, your car may need a new water heafer hose, water pump may need attetition, etc. WE HAVE PRE-WAR ANTI.FREEZE ·NOW it may not last. a 1926 open Chevrolet belonging to Bob Buzby. They left Monday morning via the Delaware Water Gap and Port Jervis reaching Glen Falls, N. Y. that night. Tuesday they drove north along Lake George and Lake Champlain and Into Canada as far North as St. Jean where they crossed Rlchelleu River and started the return journey making Rutland, Vermont that night. Wednesday they drove down thrOugh the Green Mts., Massachusettes, Connecticut and New York, reachiDg East OraDge, N. J., where they visited Bob's graDdparents, Mr. aDd Mrs. William Stovell. The next day they lect Cor B~ch -Hav~n, N. J. where they remaiDed until Saturday as the guests of Jack's grandpa.rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. DamOD. Their only diffiCUlties In the trip were one puncture and a. leaky radiator which had to be soldered. In avoiding a toll bridge in Can_ ada, t"hey got lost on back dirt roa.ds and could not make the li'rench Canadian farmers .uDder~ sland' that they wished directions. Bob returned to BuckDell Unlversity as a sopliomore Monday and Jack Damon enters PenD State at Swarthmore this fall. I Y.le ad a.e.ter Road NEWS NOTES Mr. aDd Mrs. Ferris Thomsen have moved from Baltimore, Md.; to Swarthmore and are now resldibg with Mrs. Thomsen's mother; Mrs. George E. Sllloway of North Chester road. Their younger son, Len Sargent Thomsen Is enrolled ID the eighth grade of the Swarthmore Schools. Their older son, Ferrls. Jr., has entered George School. Mrs. SlIloway eDtertained at a party ID honor of her graDdson Ferris and her granddaughter Betty Ann Furnas of Richmond, Ind., who is a student at· Westtown School. Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Enders and their SOD Allan (If Elm aveDue liave returned home following a summer spent at Jackson Hole, Wyo. Their daughter Trudy Is still vacationing In JacksoD Hole. Mrs. William T. Johnson Ogden avenUe entertained at a luncheon at the Ingleneuk Tuesday. Bridge followed at the Johnson home. MI'. and ·1\Irs. J. G. Breitling of Swarthmore avenue will spcnd the week-:end with former Swarthmorcans. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Acton at their cottage in Wlldwoocl, N. J. .NEW· SCHOOL BOARD PRESIDENT Dr. Da\'Jd McCaban, of Strath Haven a\'cnue. who wus elected head Swarthmore school director UI)On the l'cslgnatlon of Roy \\\ .DeluIJllline. Mary Garrett of Princeton aveFlora Lee of Harvard aveDue nue has finished her training course has returned to Wilson College. in Occupational Therapy at the Chambersburg to begin her senior University of PennsylvaDla and is now ~ngaged in Occupational Thar- year. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Frescoln William C. Morrow, ot Harvard apy work at the University of Pennavenue, was elected vice president .sylvania Hospital. are visiting in Swarthmore :followof the Delaware County A.viation' ing au extended tour of the west Priscilla Giles of Hutgers A ssocia tl on W e d nes d aY n i g ht a t a where they visited numerous Na, meeting of the group's board of nue left Sunday for Boston, :i\faSB., directors held In Swarthmore. He where she will take a -two-year tional Parks. In Chino, california ('ourse at the Nut4!ery Trilinlng they visited Mrs. Frescoln's brotwill fill the vacancy caused by the School of Boston. her-in-Iaw and. Sister, the Rev. resignation of 'Villiam T. Scott. Mr. James E. Davis and his son and ]'Irs. Carlos Albe~to Avila and An ardent aviation enthUSiast and booster of the county, Mr. Frank of Amherst avenue drove their sons, Johnny, Bllly and to Cambridge, Mass., last week Morrow .has receDtly added the and Franl: entered Harvard Uni- David. Mrs. Avila Is the former operation of the historic Liepcr Miss ElSie Pitman of Swarthmore. versity. Quarries to his buslnflss enter· prises. The quarry includes part of 'the first railroad in Pennsylvania. The 'Year-old county flying association Is forging ahead with plans to get State and Federal funds for the developmeDt of better flyIDg facilities in Delaware County. Other omcera aDd directors of Ca• • the association who attended the meeting were Richard P. Woltt, of Lima, Claire Hazell, of Prospect EVERYWHERE A'ND EVERYTIME ••• Park, Robert Bird. Everett J. Wood and Peter Wood, ot Swarthmore, and Ray Currey, of Chester. ITS A CONTEMPORARY CLASSIC Morrow Named V. P. 01 Rl· G Ytng roup _an'!- by WdsonNames Dr. Noon ! Dl'. John A. Noon, anthropologist and sociologist, is the new bead of the Wilson College sociology department. He is a fo'rmer resident of Swarthmore, his father the late Rev. HeDry S. Noon having been pastor of the Swarthmore Metho. dlst Church. .. Dr. Noon has come to Wilson as professor of sociology from the U. S. SU;l.te Department, where he was acting: chief of the Africa BraDch, Division of IDtelllgence Research for Near East-Africa. Before joiniDg the State Department he was a. member of the International Labor Office staff. From 1943 to 1946 Dr. Noon held the post of research associate In the UDiversity of Pennsylvania Museum. He taught in the area division of the North African Language Course conducted by the University of Pennsylvania under the Army Specialized Training Program. He also carried on researcn projects for·the museum and wrote the monograph "Labor Problems of Africa," which sociolOgists consider the authoritative statement on that subject. He received both the B. S. and the ph. D. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and did additional graduate work at ColumbIa University. His p1,1blieations IDelude a. serIes of stUdies of the North AmericaD Indian. Mrs. F. V. Brewster of Dickinson aveDue, Mrs. H. Stephens Plummer and FraDklln P. Plummer, 3rd of Hacks Point, Mel., drove to Worcester, Mass., last week. Franklin eDtered <:nark Unlvel1llty as a freshman. En route home 1d:l'L Brewste.· and )Ira. Plummer vIaited Mns. .Brewster's 8on-in-law !Lnd daughter, Mr. and Mra. W. Henry Linton, ~r., ot Cambridge. Mus. and stopped at BiU-tford, Conn. Thtl!r' were accompanied home by lira. Brewster'. parente. Rev. aDd lira. A. 8. ftD Dyek of Rutaera avenue who wen W. EdaNirJaed 1922 Friday, September 28, IM7 SWARTHMOREAN TAILORMAN 2995 You'll find the soft roll collar· and the alSual ,cut of this coat just what you're looking for. The beautiful woolen fabric, the useful glove pocket, the toss-on straps, the luxurious lining • of SKINNER'S rayon, the extra wide hem-fpld to fit a suit or dress, are just a few of those litde details that make the Contemporary Oassic the perfect coat for you. Select yours from a w~de choice· of •smart colors. SiZes 7 to 15. IIPII:ABB'8 SBOOl'iD PLOOB COAT DEP.ARrJIE1Ift'. nmmerlq III WfJ.t Barttord. '.